[01:42] see ubuntu-es [01:42] spam in ubuntu-es [01:44] que pasa danroj? [01:46] LjL, estan haciendo spam en ubuntu-es [01:46] alguien llamado julio [01:46] mira los logs [01:46] el el julio que entró aqui? [01:46] dice que entren a hackwerss [01:46] no [01:46] solo julio [01:48] LjL, viste? [01:48] danroj, baneado [01:49] ok [02:25] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (eL_PaPi_XuLo) [02:41] In #ubuntu-offtopic, Spaceman3750 said: ubotu colocation is When a user pays to have a server placed on a datacenter network. A place that does this is called a colocation center. [02:50] hola alguien sabe de supybot? [02:52] danroj, what did i tell you... PLEASE... [02:52] LjL, como? [02:53] sabes que no hablo ingles [02:53] danroj, y yo estoy cansado demasiado para hablar español [02:54] [02:55:53] cuando hay problemas, pregunten en #ubuntu-irc [02:54] [02:56:10] porque -ops es el canal de los operadores de *#ubuntu*, que hablan ingles [02:54] [02:56:41] ya me matan si seguimos hablando español de los problemas de -es [02:54] LjL, ok entonces in englisk [03:09] any ops around? [03:10] IdleOne: yes, what's up? [03:10] tritium: can you please ask some_person in #ubuntu to please watch his language [03:11] IdleOne: I'll check, yes. Thanks. [03:11] no need to kick but an explanation of the rules might serve him well [03:12] IdleOne: when did he say whatever he said? [03:12] I scrolled up a bit, but didn't seen anything. [03:12] he is kinda in and out of the convo but insists on using the word hell. I know it isnt that bad a word but in every sentence it is not needed [03:12] Okay, I'll watch. Thanks. [03:12] was a few minutes ago and I used the !language factoid on him [03:13] Thanks. [03:15] tritium: except he's been told to the "operators channel" by an op of -es. *sigh* [03:16] LjL: Oh, really? [04:59] hola jpatrick [04:59] estas? === mc44_ is now known as mc44 [10:42] LjL: please kick danroj from -irc [10:44] I would but I can't [11:26] jpatrick, whats up with danroj [11:29] Gary, troll [11:30] not said anything since I've joined that channel === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [13:00] Mez, when freenode died, so did drupal.org, as soon as freenode came back, so did drupal.org [13:00] scary [13:00] Interesting... [13:00] oh, and my ssh connection to dreamhost died at the same time too, it seems [13:00] elkbuntu, probably a routing issue then ... [13:00] As I commented [13:02] Actually, looks like there were some backbone issues as of ~4 hours ago. [13:04] UK has lost a link to the states too === no0tic__ is now known as no0tic === no0tic is now known as no0tic-local [13:16] !ping [13:16] ping: unknown host [13:16] excellent, at least he survived [13:16] He was with me the whole time. It was harsh, we almost turned on each other. [13:17] * popey lays bets on the bot [13:18] Pici: hahahahaha [13:18] Pici: that is genius [13:18] every now and then something makes me really chuckle [13:19] :) [13:19] Best laugh I've had in a while [13:28] * Seeker` has finished exams until may \o/ [13:28] woops, wrong channel [13:28] Congrats anyway :) [13:29] thanks :) [13:31] congrats ? [13:31] ahhh exmas [13:31] sorry missed that [13:32] just got to wait a month to get my results back [13:33] Gary: he's just getting on our nerves (#ubuntu-es ops) [13:50] who can I find users connected from LPuteaux-151-41-37-62.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr for example? [13:51] Sometimes you can do /who HOSTMASK [13:52] End of /WHO list... [13:53] Try: /who *151-41-37-62.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr [13:53] they're probably all +i [13:54] LjL: I'm +i and "/who *member/ardchoille" works. Or is that because *I* did it? [13:54] ardchoille, yes [13:54] Ah [13:55] ardchoille, it works for you and for me because i'm on a channel that you're in. [13:55] ardchoille, works also with me, but that's because we are on the same channel [13:55] ok, I learned something new, thank you [13:56] we all everyday :) [13:56] don't we* [13:57] True [13:57] !test [13:57] Failed. [13:59] !test [13:59] Failed. [13:59] :( [14:03] * Pici often wonders if hes being ignored in #ubuntu [14:04] oh, fun in #ubuntu-devel [14:13] jpatrick: why ? [14:13] ikonia: Bit of a heated argument earlier over libtool. [14:13] ikonia: I just get excited with +o [14:13] ooh really [14:13] libtool is always a good baiter [14:14] they'll control it [14:14] htey know ops are around, anyway [14:53] * Pici headdesks [14:54] I hate the "I know Automatix isnt reccomended, but I'm going to reccomend it anyway" people. [14:56] that frustrates me also [15:08] but automatix is a fantastic product [15:08] * Gary fails at trolling [15:09] I cannot stop giggling [15:09] That's why you failed [15:09] I couldn't say that with a straight face either [15:12] Pici: where? [15:27] * jussi01 cries at the stupid offtopicers on the kubuntu mailing list.... [15:40] yeah, um, can i be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic please? :/ [15:43] Sharpie: why were you banned? [15:44] LjL: xkcd quote if i recall correctly, but that was (i think) about 2 monthes ago [15:47] Sharpie, you seem to have quite a history of being banned [15:47] LjL: um, well, whatever happened, it was a long time ago :/ [15:48] LjL: i guess i've mistaken ubuntu-offtopic to be really offtopic, i was wrong, i get it now [15:49] Sharpie: but it's not the first time you discuss the matter here either, and the past times it seemed that you didn't quite get it [15:49] LjL: and that was a few monthes ago.. [15:56] Sharpie, i assume by now you've read the guidelines and Coc and know them by heart, as well as [15:56] !etiquette [15:56] Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !English - and most importantly, use common sense... [15:56] LjL: of course =o! [15:56] LjL: i've printed it out and put it as a wallpaper [15:57] LjL: and i also wear it on my shirt every day [15:58] Sharpie, you're unbanned. keep in mind that further misbehavior will result in an arbitrarily long ban, this time. [15:58] LjL: 2 monthes isn't long? :| [15:58] LjL: it's like...a 1/3 of an ubuntu release [15:59] Sharpie: two years is long. [15:59] anyway, why are you worrying? [15:59] it seems pretty clear that you will abide by the rules from now on, no? [16:00] i hardly ever go on anymore, too much stuff to do [16:00] i just wanted this off my mind [16:01] fine [16:01] PM: [17:01:49] <_aeGIs> please be more respectful in the future [16:02] LjL: ? [16:02] i kicked that user from #ubuntu, posted some pretty irriverent link [16:02] er [16:02] so you should respect him more? [16:03] [17:02:15] funny that you would tell me that, rather than vice versa [16:03] [17:02:19] <_aeGIs> your intolerance and close mindedness do not reflect the Ubuntu principles on which this community is based. [16:03] [17:02:51] <_aeGIs> I did not kick you or try to mute your ideas/thoughts/opinions [16:03] LjL: ask him here [16:03] sounds something I want to be in [16:04] Sharpie, if you have no further inquiries for us, i should ask you to leave this channel [16:04] LjL: i just came back, was afk for a short bit. anyway thx, cya =o [16:06] won't join [16:07] why? [16:08] [17:04:20] <_aeGIs> I care little for revenge or getting you in trouble... I'd just like you to think about your actions and become a better person. [16:08] [17:05:20] look, you go to a support channel and randomly post a link titled "Area husband pretends to give a shit". and you don't even answer to people who ask you what you were trying to do. you should expect to be kicked. but you know this already, really. [16:08] [17:05:40] so, please, either join -ops if you have a problem, or don't waste further time discussing this privately, because i will stop replying [16:08] [17:08:11] <_aeGIs> That's fine... I'll terminate this conversation. Just realize your actions are not unlike those of a fascist regime where you censor the thoughts and words of people with whom you disagree. That type of behavior is diametrically opposed to the principles to which you supposedly espouse in your group. Think about it, learn, and become better. There is yet time for you. [16:08] well I wanted just to discuss about it, no revenge no nothing [16:08] Tm_T: well, *he* made the inference that it would be a revenge thing. [16:09] :( [16:09] sounds like "I have freedom, stop pushing me" [16:10] Oohhh, anyone looking for a sw trainee job? (in oulu...) [16:10] sw? [16:11] hehe, wrong channel, but goes for all of you as well... [16:11] Tm_T: software... [16:11] I see [16:11] as in linux... [16:19] LjL: I'm curious about the kicking of Ubotwo. Does that add a comment to bt or something? [16:19] ardchoille: that's the intention... [16:19] to mark stuff that happens here [16:19] Ah, ok [16:19] best way i could find it to do it without hacking the bt :) [16:20] hehe [16:20] just, remember to *kick* if you do that, not *remove*, or it won't rejoin [16:20] Well, I don't have bt access so I have no need, was just curious :) [16:21] I don't think I can kick in this channel anyway [16:21] actually [16:34] what's _aegis? [16:37] jdong: see above [16:39] oh [16:39] well in my defense my terminal size is small :) [16:42] mine too, only 150x50 [17:00] MrObvious called the ops in #ubuntu () [17:00] soldats called the ops in #ubuntu (Therock_) [17:25] 10:56:24 LjL: of course =o! [17:25] er [17:37] LjL: / jpatrick what were the "bah" s about? [17:38] (-kde4) [17:40] jussi01: fun [17:40] hehe [17:41] ok, just was making sure there was nothing I could help with. [17:56] jussi01: was going to kick for spam [17:57] LjL: heh, ok [18:07] theunixgeek called the ops in #ubuntu () [18:31] hk2999: How can we help you today? [18:31] cool. ive got a 'friend' who is using CGI:IRC because his windows is messed up and need support in downloading ubuntu, but he can only use CGI:IRC, and he can't connect here [18:31] by here i mean #ubuntu [18:31] because i c/p'd that text from there. [18:32] What exactly is the question? [18:32] how can he connect to #ubuntu using CGI:IRC [18:32] i'm having a hard time helping him just by myself. : / [18:32] he can only connect to #ubuntu-ph [18:32] which is my local lug [18:33] I think that a freenode cloak could help there. [18:33] !cloak | hk2999 [18:33] hk2999: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [18:33] it won't [18:33] hk2999: Have your friend follow those instructions, then ask in #freenode [18:33] or it wont, nevermind. [18:33] hk2999: ^ [18:34] the gateway cloak will override an unaffiliated cloak [18:34] oh :( [18:34] a project cloak will though [18:34] Your friend cannot use any other irc client? [18:34] never mind, i think he's up to installing ubuntu now, with just my help... [18:35] he cant access the net from any program besides iexplore.exe [18:35] lovely [18:35] yes [18:35] hk2999: how about using ssh? [18:35] rename putty.exe to iexplore.exe etc ;)) [18:36] doesn't http://java.freenode.net connect locally? [18:44] sigh [18:45] * hk2999 sighs [18:45] hk2999: Is there anything else you need help with here? [18:46] none [18:46] hk2999: see topic./ [18:46] oh [18:46] :) [18:46] bbye [18:46] bye [19:31] guys [19:31] jpatrick [19:31] kick danrobot ubuntu-irc [19:32] and maybe even danroj [19:32] I cannot, I dont have the power. [19:32] jpatrick, no bots rule? [19:33] Gary: yeah, and LjL /removed him earlier [19:33] thank you! [19:33] ping me if it comes back in [19:35] oh, ok, that guy is getting on my nerves.. [19:36] I noticed [19:36] Which? [19:36] if the bot joins, I might have to do a ip only mute :p [19:36] he keeps /msg-ing me [19:36] who? [19:37] danroj [19:37] I see [19:37] bring him here? [19:37] meh, /me soft ignores [19:37] ask him not to, then soft ignore [19:37] Tm_T: he's spanish [19:37] ahh [19:37] jpatrick: don't speak english? [19:37] Tm_T: no [19:37] I see [19:40] if I read correctly, all cloacked ubuntu members have op in there.... or am I really reading wrong? [19:41] in -irc ? [19:41] yeah - *!*@ubuntu/member/* has level 10 [19:42] really? [19:42] jpatrick, /msg chanserv access #channel list [19:42] Gary: just ried it out, thanks [19:42] tried* [19:42] :) [19:51] botijo? [20:06] Gary: are you around for one more request? :) [20:06] whats up jpatrick [20:07] Gary: could you change botijo's cloak to ubuntu/member/jpatrick/bot/botijo please ? [20:08] do they get ubuntu/member do they [20:08] I thought bots were unaffiliated/ownernick/bot/nick [20:09] as per ubot3 [20:09] ah, yes [20:09] jpatrick, your bot needs to be renamed by FreeNode rules [20:10] i'll do unaffiliated/jpatrick/bot/botijo if that is okay [20:11] jpatrick, is that okay [20:13] Gary: yes, that's fine :) [20:13] done [20:13] it'll apply if the bot /cycles [20:15] thanks [21:02] In #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, superm1 said: ubotu, cdbs is https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml [21:15] true [21:22] you know this is very simple [21:22] gord and riotkittie just dont need to say anything to me [21:22] unagi, where 2 fight, 2 are wrong [21:22] thats fine [21:22] i dont respond to attacks [21:22] so knock it off, cool down and come back tomorrow [21:22] but the simple fact is dont chime in with facetious comments and i wont have a problem [21:23] you dont have a problem with me any other time [21:23] NO, but I do have a problem with your behaviour now [21:23] unagi, /ignore works well. [21:23] (against non-ops at least.) [21:23] it does except when i ignore it seeps into other conversations [21:24] PriceChild, they were told so yesterday yet still they start again today [21:24] i get to see others replies about me and the situation.....this is why i said its really simple [21:24] all that needs to happen is my name stay off gord and riotkitties keyboard [21:24] and the other way around [21:24] all i did was ask if anyone knew where i might find time lapse hi res photos of a landscape........and it begins [21:25] The sad fact is that you will just not get on with certain people. [21:25] no matter how hard you try [21:25] like i said i can use /ignore all day long the problem is they keep going [21:25] and no matter how hard i try to leave it alone i still see it [21:25] you keep going just as well [21:25] So be big, and "soft ignore" it [21:26] so im banned for the day because riotkittie and gord cant ignore me [21:26] I haven't checked backlog... but I doubt it [21:26] and you can't ignore them [21:26] riotkittie and gord do not control what you say [21:26] like i said [21:26] i can and have [21:26] I'm pretty confident it will be because of your reactions. [21:26] PriceChild, they're both being annoying and both gone now [21:26] check the log, i didnt initiate anything with either of them [21:26] other than calling them out on their childish and instigating comments [21:27] i just wanted it to stop [21:27] then stop [21:27] very simple [21:27] stop and take the abuse? [21:27] or call some ops in here [21:27] ok [21:27] just like in the real world, revenge is best served in /dev/null [21:28] i dont know what that means [21:28] I'm not surprised [21:28] .... [21:28] what is that suppose to mean [21:29] that I'm not surprised [21:29] why [21:29] because I'm not surprised [21:29] but why did you feel the need to say that [21:29] im getting more lost [21:29] because what you said didn't surprise me [21:30] well what does it mean [21:30] you're going in circles her just like in -offtopic [21:30] back to the important thing... [21:30] how? [21:30] you're now on the virge of trolling, I suggest you stop [21:30] i dont understand [21:30] If people are annoying you, remember. *This is the internet* [21:31] It is pointless getting angry with people. [21:31] i just wanted it to stop [21:31] Its just going to cause a vicious circle, feeling worse and worse. [21:31] i didnt mean to cause trouble [21:31] unagi, and then that is when you step away from the computer. [21:31] sigh [21:31] thats hard to do when money is involved [21:32] unagi, close -offtopic then? [21:32] there's no money involved in IRC... [21:32] i dont know where else to ask [21:32] ask what? [21:32] there is when my question involves work [21:32] aah unagi once again [21:32] where i might find timelapse hi res photos of a nice landscape [21:32] Tm_T, don't stir. [21:33] unagi, there are plenty of offtopic channels to ask random questions like that... not that offtopic channels are the best places to ask. [21:33] where would be [21:33] unagi, regardless, if -offtopic is getting you riled up, just leave. [21:33] I have no idea whatsoever. [21:34] unagi, i the meantime, will sockmonkey do? http://pricechild.co.uk/Picture01.jpg [21:34] *in the [21:34] no [21:34] Seveas: not intented to, sorry sir [21:35] He'll be disappointed when i tell him :( [21:35] PriceChild, THAT IF F*ING SCARY! [21:35] Not the puppet, the face behind it :) [21:35] :) [21:35] PriceChild: ooo cute [21:35] and not the face on the poster :p [21:36] poster? [21:36] or whatever it is [21:36] oh wow you can see my boosh canvas! [21:36] says BOOSH [21:36] sister made it me for christmas [21:36] heh [21:36] is boosh her nickname for you? [21:36] lol no [21:38] Seveas, http://youtube.com/watch?v=cHr1n30tHDs [21:38] (from the mighty boosh live show) [21:38] nsfw [21:38] * Tm_T needs someone to talk to, she notices [21:39] ok, and that was pointless [21:39] more Koffee! [21:39] and if you're going to start watching that clip... don't let it stop until *at least* the beginning of "love games" [21:40] PriceChild: next time that nsfw information BEFORE link, ok? [21:40] Tm_T, that's less fun [21:40] unagi left [21:40] PriceChild: aye [21:41] * PriceChild gets ready to dance [21:41] PriceChild, oh-my-god [21:42] that stupid hammond music :) [21:42] :P [21:42] ah, and gaydance [21:42] gaydance?! [21:42] Seveas, you're just jealous [21:42] you just want to be vince [21:42] you want his hair [21:42] you should se me [21:42] his mirrorball suit [21:42] his boots [21:43] sorry [21:43] his chelsea boots [21:43] I du like the mirrorball suir [21:43] s/r/t/ [21:43] I like my suit [21:44] Seveas, http://youtube.com/watch?v=QzTGNIiidbI [21:44] that's the mirrorball suit [21:44] saw the thumbnail [21:44] you can't see much in the other one [21:45] but anyway [21:53] !paste [21:53] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [21:53] should we change that to pastebin.ubuntu.com? [21:53] abuse the Canoncial server instead [21:54] jpatrick: agreed there [21:55] rather not [21:55] pastebin.ubuntu.com is a crippled version [21:56] oh [21:56] then not :) [21:56] ok [21:56] I would have forwarded the pastin to paste.ubuntu.com if it weren't :) [22:14] In ubotu, pike_ said: nerd nerd is probably a geek who lacks the social skills to find a mate. a type of candy [22:23] syntaxerror55 called the ops in #ubuntu (stupac) [22:23] mwe called the ops in #ubuntu () [22:25] * PriceChild wonders whether its good that ubotu can be muted by the bots [22:29] syntaxerror55 called the ops in #ubuntu (Jinn) [22:30] PriceChild: would be easy enough to make them ignore it, or just give it voice in the channel... still i've sometimes muted the bot myself when it lagged to much that it eventually spewed out everything in a row [22:32] * mneptok laughs [22:32] I think its a good thing. [22:33] Seveas: thank you, didn't see you lurking [22:33] I always lurk in the dark :) [22:33] Seveas: i thought you were the dark [22:39] grrr annoying shortcuts [22:58] LjL, that has to be the best comment I have seen on IRC for a __long__ time [22:58] Seveas, if it was not for the guys involved ... it would be quotetastic [22:59] what's up with #ubuntu-hell [22:59] do we need that? [23:00] So [23:00] No [23:00] eh? [23:00] mmmm, no? what where is is it anyway [23:00] redirect it to -ops [23:00] well, it's in #ubuntu-hell :) [23:00] at least one person in there [23:00] }:-> [23:00] Seveas: you? [23:00] shall we op join it? [23:00] not me [23:01] A soldierboy and his bot.l [23:01] got soldierboy in my pm, did a /whois and found ot he is Willam Gates from #ubuntu-hell [23:01] :) [23:02] Seveas: so now we have a channel to redirect to ##windows and put in the !windows factoid [23:02] hehehe [23:02] Thats so evil. [23:02] I like it. [23:03] Pici: so long as you don't mention words such as, for instance, "freenοde stаff", after me proposing that. [23:09] Seveas, now what was that you were talking about? [23:09] tis gone [23:09] regged and locked [23:09] ;-) [23:37] Seveas, was soldierboy being a pain? [23:38] not really [23:38] nah he left without a complaint [23:39] okie, good good [23:40] Gary, he was "reeducated" [23:41] cool, he just asked for a cloak thats all [23:41] Gary, yeap, I explained to him how to [23:41] I also said to him how to get a cloak for the bot [23:41] it was my main motivation [23:42] he linked his nick and his bot's nick together arghh [23:42] so I had to send him off to unlink and set alts and then come back [23:43] Gary, well I didn't give him the full lay out of it [23:44] but at least he is trying to be "compliant" [23:44] no probs [23:44] as long as he ain't a troll [23:44] Gary, he was kinda surprised we turned up :) [23:51] Gary, not that we know