
Ven]nin xfce, whats the default theme used?00:43
j1mcVen]n: do you mean window manager theme, or 'user interface settings' theme/00:45
Ven]nuser interface settings :p00:46
j1mcthe default one used in recent versios of xubuntu is murrina storm cloud.  the default xfce one is just 'xfce' i think.00:47
j1mcthe default xfce icon theme is 'rodent' but xubuntu has used the tango icon theme as our default00:47
Ven]nare there many other themes to download?00:48
j1mcxfce-look.org has some other ones00:48
j1mcmost themes from gnome-look.org also work.00:48
Ven]nany specific you reccommend?00:49
j1mci like the default window manager theme, but like the xubuntu-studio icons.  if you search google for xubuntu-studio icons, you will find them.00:49
zellfaz1hello all00:51
zellfaz1wel this channel is not very active either it seems00:52
Ven]nwhere do i put xubuntu-studio icons ?00:54
ollie_Yo, anyone active?00:58
vidd!ask ollie_00:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ollie_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:59
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:59
ollie_oh well, sweet, Well i've just loaded on Xubuntu to my Eee and ive installed all the new web-cam program. But when i run the web-cam prog it just shows black01:00
koshaDoes anyone know why my sd card reader would work and show a mounted SD card when I first start up my computer but then once I remove it and put it in again it wouldn't mount?01:01
Ven]nollie_, xubuntu and not eeexubuntu?01:01
viddkosha, did you umount the drive and then mount the new one?01:02
ollie_my bad, eeeXubuntu01:02
Ven]ndid you do that?01:02
ollie_yeah, ive done both. and i have the icon in my tray01:04
ollie_and i can en/disable it no problems01:04
Ven]nyou have enabled it in bios?01:04
Ven]ni enabled mine in bios, then downloaded ucview01:05
Ven]nthat was it01:05
Ven]nno extra software or anything01:05
Ven]neeexubuntu r3 of course01:06
ollie_i guess ill just deal with then01:06
ollie_cheers for the help01:06
Ven]nsorry i couldnt be of more help :)01:07
Ven]ntry in #eeepc01:07
viddis there a chanel for help with xubuntu hardy?01:08
ollie_im not sure, im sorta new to xubuntu and xchat01:10
ollie_so im just winging it at the moment01:10
pleia2vidd: AFAIK all the hardy stuff is in #ubuntu+101:12
viddis fiesty still supported?01:17
pleia2yes, until hardy01:17
Ven]nim trying to copy some icons into /usr/share/icons .. but i get omitting directory.. why?01:18
viddyou need to do -Rf01:18
vidd-R is "recursive" ...01:18
viddso it included directories01:18
viddyou also might need to "sudo"01:19
koshavidd: no i just took out the sd card and stuck it back in without umounting or anything01:19
koshaWhen I first startup the system the SD card shows up as a mounted drive01:19
koshabut when I take it out of the sd reader01:19
koshait goes away01:19
koshabut then when i reinsert the SD card01:19
koshait doesn't mount it again01:19
Ven]nvidd, thanks01:20
viddthat is most likely the issue...i dont use SD cards, so i dont really know what to say01:20
Ven]nits a pita finding a good theme for xfce.. any suggestions?01:40
ryan_what is the command for terminal02:03
ryan_I want to add it to my launcher02:03
ryan_but terminal or Terminal dont' work02:03
maxamillionryan_: xfce4-terminal02:04
ryan_okay, thanks02:04
ryan_okay new issue, now my panels have disapperead on me02:12
ryan_if I run gnome-panel from the terminal it will load but it will obviously close once I do02:13
ryan_do I have to put the command into my autostarted apps?02:13
skarfaceryan_: alt+f2 then run gnome-panel02:35
ryan_excellent, thanks02:37
duncanmany japanese speakers here?02:50
duncanmi'm using scim on eeexubuntu02:50
duncanmand chinese works, korean works (romaja)02:51
viddi think there is a eeexubuntu chanel...dont recall the name offhand02:51
duncanmit's not #eeexubuntu, afaik02:52
viddit was mentioned earlier if someone could offer it02:52
vidd(ive left and came back)02:52
ryan_I've been trying to ge scim to work for a while no02:53
ryan_no dice, I can't chose the jap IME02:53
ryan_and it doesn't even load properly02:53
viddyeah...thats it!02:54
duncanmryan_: weird, do you have scim-anthy installed?02:54
duncanmso i have a 'normal' gutsy installed on a desktop02:54
duncanmand scim-anthy works just fine02:54
ryan_that's the name anthy, I had that before upgrading to gutsy02:55
ryan_but I forgot the name and scim just wasn't workin for me02:56
duncanmryan_: on my gnome gutsy machine, anthy works just fine02:56
viddduncanm, does gnome work correctly on your eee?02:56
duncanmvidd: i don't have gnome, because i only have eeexubuntu02:57
duncanmbecause of this japanese glitch, i'm considering switching to gutsy + eee-compat scriptpack02:57
duncanmbut some dude on #eeepc just said i should stick with eeexubuntu02:58
viddlet me hunt down some help?02:58
duncanmthere's a japanese page on this, maybe02:58
* duncanm tries to read it02:58
ryan_let me see if I can install it with synaptic02:58
duncanmhe says japanese input just worked for him02:58
ryan_well I have it installed already02:59
ryan_I just can't find it to run it02:59
ryan_yeah it exits abnormally03:00
viddi tried google, and it looks like all the relevent pages are in japaneese03:01
viddso im afraid i will be of no help03:02
duncanmone of the pages says it worked without any hassle03:02
viddhave you rebooted?03:02
viddhave you tried dpkg-reconfigure anthy?03:04
viddand maybe apt-get install anthy-el03:04
duncanmthat's for emacs03:04
ryan_I'll give them a shot03:05
viddif anthy-el dont fix it, you can just apt-get remove --purge to take it back off03:06
viddi dont understand Japanese so i dont know if it works for me or not03:07
viddAnything in Latin sounds profound03:10
duncanmmy problem seem related to this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim-anthy/+bug/10739103:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107391 in scim-anthy "scim-anthy does not work and make any application which uses it hang" [Undecided,New]03:10
an0nymehi o/03:26
an0nymequestion: i have a laptop asus eee uner eeexubuntu, i've mounted a external disk usb, but when i launch a .deb installer, i can't  find the disk in the folder , any idea?03:35
soldatswhere did you mount it to03:36
an0nymehum in /media03:37
an0nymei' a novice in using any linux system maybe i forgot a simple thing03:37
soldatsdid you run the mount command in terminal to mount it to /media      if you do a reboot it wont auto-mount unless its in the fstab folder03:38
an0nymewhen i unplug it it disappear, and when i plug it back it appear, i supposed it automatically mounts no?03:39
an0nymeit takes me a long time but now i have the permissions on it03:39
soldatsthe icon will show up but it may not me mounted. open your terminal and type "fdisk -l" and tell me where the device is it will be like /dev/sd[a|b]03:40
soldatsdo you know how big it is03:41
an0nymeone moment i pick up m just my notebook, just have to wipe the cat out he's sleeping over it03:41
soldatsafter the command look and see what size is the correct one and tell me what the /dev part says03:42
am0nym[eee]ok here i am03:54
am0nym[eee]it give me an error "only root user can mount /dev/sdc1 on /mnt/usb03:55
viddso...sudo it03:55
viddthen chown it if needed03:56
am0nym[eee]soldats, its give me good infos about the disk03:57
soldats"sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media" should work03:59
soldatsan0nyme, that should mount it ^^04:00
viddi think i said that =\04:00
am0nym[eee]yep it mounted it04:00
soldatsvidd, he was looking for the full command :)04:00
livingtmI have a fresh install of xubuntu with compiz fusion running. Also installed Avant Window Navigator... but i dont seem to have any of the applets for it. Are they in another package?04:01
viddlittle dence today04:01
soldatsan0nyme, well try to install whatever you needed and see if it works04:01
soldatsvidd, :P me too.04:01
viddsoldats, wont am0nym[eee] need to chownthe disk first ?04:02
* vidd missed half the convo!04:02
soldatsim not entirely sure if he cant write to it he only said only root can mount it04:03
soldatsit will need to be mounted via root in order to chmod it anyways04:03
viddright...but that will mount it with it chowned to root04:03
am0nym[eee]hum a new error04:04
viddwrite permissions?04:04
soldatswith the install of the .deb04:05
viddwhat does the error say?04:05
am0nym[eee]cannot obtain lock on the /media.hal/mtab04:06
viddwhat are you trying to do?04:07
viddcannot obtain lock means some other app is using that file/directory04:08
viddare you trying to run a .deb from there?04:09
viddyou have to be doing SOMETHING... otherwise no error would show04:10
am0nym[eee]i try a rebbot k?04:10
viddwhat are you trying to do...in general?04:10
viddinstall a program?04:10
an0nymemy objective04:10
an0nymeis to isntall a game on the usb disk04:11
an0nymebecause i just have 4 gig on the ssd in the notebook04:11
an0nymeyes i have a .deb installer and i'd like to install the game on the usb disk04:12
am0nym[eee]a new error,04:14
viddso then it saounds like you need to set up some kind of LVM to include the run-path and install-path between /usr/bin and that usb04:14
am0nym[eee]maybe my fstab is corrupted04:15
viddthis is outside my experience04:16
am0nym[eee]yes vidd it looks like this04:16
am0nym[eee]i m first going to reinstall the new retail of eeexubuntu04:16
am0nym[eee]and then i'll see04:16
viddinstall it with the usb in place04:17
viddso that the install will knowits there04:17
an0nymeany idea04:17
viddduring the set-up, choose to set up with LVM04:18
viddso that / will span the main drive andthe USB04:18
an0nymewhat is "lvm"04:18
vidd"Logical Volume Management" (or something similar)04:19
an0nymeok the packet i dowloaded via synaptic04:19
viddit lets your file system span one directory over one or more physical partitions04:19
viddand if you set / to span both partions, then your whole filesystem will04:20
an0nymeit s a live cd it does'nt cause any prob?04:20
viddor, you can set the /home directory on the USB...since that uses up more HD space (in most cases) it might be a better choice04:21
* vidd avoids the live cd's like the plague04:21
viddi wont do a live cd install04:22
viddi try it once per release04:23
viddand i have yet to be problem free04:23
viddi need to reboot04:25
viddsoldats, you going to be ableto help him further?04:25
viddif my upgrade is successful, i wont be back on04:26
an0nymei m downlading rc 3 of xxxubuntu for eee and i'll see to isntall it on usb disk wit lvm04:26
soldatsafaik if he does /home on the usb as well as that main hdd he should be fine04:27
soldatssorry i was in the ubuntu-az meeting reading and catching up04:28
an0nymeyes i t s a good solution, if i can install my system on the usb i don't have any permissions pb i think04:28
soldatsbt yea doing /home onthe usb should do what you want04:28
an0nymebut it implicates i have to boot on the usb disk every time04:29
an0nymeill try first a install on the ssd04:29
an0nymejust updating the lvm packets, and modyfiing nothin in fstab04:30
bytor4232So does this mean anything:  http://digg.com/linux_unix/Xubuntu_is_no_longer_supported_by_Canonical05:06
bytor4232Are just the packages moving to universe, or is Xubuntu as a project going away?05:06
bytor4232I do so love the Xubuntu live CD.05:07
somerville32bytor4232: Nothing is changing for the end-user05:16
bytor4232I certainly hope so.05:17
bytor4232somerville32: I was quite impressed with your defense of XFCE, if it could be called that.05:18
bytor4232somerville32: You spoke with eloquence and intelligence, and represented us Xubuntu users quite well.05:18
bytor4232So when 8.04 and 8.10 are released, Xubuntu will still be an option, as will "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"05:19
bytor4232Is this true?05:20
somerville32bytor4232: Correct. We will also continue to make ISOs available05:20
bytor4232I'm extremely happy about that.  My fear, and the fear of the digger at the link above, is that Ubuntu was trying to re-absorb all the specialized distro spinoffs, like xubuntu, edubuntu, and kubuntu.05:30
bytor4232I like the fact that Ubuntu has specialized projects like Xubuntu.05:30
an0nymehow i can format a extern usb disk in fat 32, it s actually in ntfs and i have son rights problems05:56
chrsghoytI need some help with Xubuntu06:03
chrsghoytI need to know the text commands to install the nvidia binary drivers and the commands to configure it06:04
soldats!nvidia | chrsghoyt will these pages help?06:05
ubotuchrsghoyt will these pages help?: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:05
chrsghoytI'll check06:06
soldatsother wise sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new i think is the correct one06:06
chrsghoytyeah that documentation didn't seem to help me much06:09
chrsghoytit seems to describe how to do it when you have at least some graphics working06:09
chrsghoytI have none06:09
chrsghoytmy card is an evga 7800GT06:10
chrsghoytI'm in Windows right now so I'll have to reboot to try that command out06:10
chrsghoytthere was some command to reconfigure xorg or something that I might need too06:11
soldatssudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:12
chrsghoytok I think it is time to go try it and then I'll come back and report on how it went06:14
chrsghoytthanks for the help06:14
soldats!dualboot > soldats06:24
chrsghoytI'm back and it worked06:25
chrsghoytI have graphics now06:25
soldatsim glad06:25
chrsghoytnow I just need to do something similar for my wireless network card and I'll be able to get online in Linux06:26
soldatssrry lost the page06:42
chrsghoytlooks like I might need to use NDISwrapper06:43
chrsghoytI wonder if that will work with 64 bit Xubuntu06:44
soldatsworth a shot. i dont really know about wireless im always connected to my router06:46
chrsghoytyeah I have an ethernet jack in the wall but it isn't working right now06:47
chrsghoytthe wireless has been a good backup in Windows for me though06:47
chrsghoytbetter than nothing06:48
soldatsyea :)06:49
Breakagehi could someone help, i've just done a fresh install from ubuntu to xubuntu and tried to disable mouse accel though xset m on startup but it wont work for some reason. I've added "xset m 0 0" to autostarted applications but i can still feel mouse accel, mouse accel goes if i disable type the command in terminal. Also im using xchat gnome and as i type i keep getting system error beeps lol.07:26
ollie_Hey, ive just installed eeexubuntu and im just wondering what is the equivilant to Win MSconfig?07:59
ollie_ive got two of the same prog in the taskbar running08:00
TheSheepollie_: network monitor?08:03
ollie_cheers, thanks08:03
TheSheepollie_: it's not the name of msconfig, I was asking if it's the application that you have two times08:11
TheSheepollie_: I don't even know what msconfig is08:11
ollie_ohhh ok, it shows you what starts up and lets you disable the program08:11
ollie_ive got my Eeecamtray running twice08:12
TheSheepollie_: settings->autostarted applications08:13
ollie_yeah thats un-ticket08:14
ollie_i'll remove it completly08:15
TheSheepollie_: close them and save your session when logging out08:15
ollie_er..to save the session..how do you do that?08:16
ollie_im sorta new08:16
ubotuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.11:31
LunarOrcahere, this video is helpful http://www.fat-pie.com/healthreminder.htm11:52
neetodoes anyone know the cli command for the gdm login manager?12:17
ere4sisudo /etc/init.d/gdm start - is that what you need neeto?12:18
neetoI need to edit the gdm settings12:19
TheSheepsettings->login window12:19
neetoyeah... I lost that12:20
TheSheepwith sudo12:23
neetothanks mate12:23
=== Igorots is now known as Knightlust
IdleOnewhat are system requirements for xubuntu?14:11
TheSheepIdleOne: see on xubuntu.org14:45
TheSheepIdleOne: in the 'get' section14:45
IdleOneTheSheep: ty15:04
Ven]nanyone gotten logitech vx nano to work in xubuntu/eeexubuntu?15:39
Ven]ni dont understand why evdev driver under mouse configuration is interfering with the keyboard16:10
Ven]nany ideas?16:10
TheSheepit's a generic usb device driver16:14
TheSheepnot just for mouse, also for usb keyboards and all sorts of other controllers16:15
Ven]nits causing my down arrow key to work as enter16:15
Ven]nand my layout is no longer "no"16:15
TheSheepVen]n: can you pastebin the relevant section of your xorg.conf?16:15
Ven]nbut "eng"16:15
Ven]nyes, one sec16:15
TheSheepVen]n: ah, it's a single receiver for both wireless keyboard and mouse?16:18
Ven]nonly for the mouse16:19
TheSheepyou keyboard is connected via usb? what model is it?16:19
Ven]nbut i have little knowledge about this so im only trying to follow guides16:19
Ven]neee pc16:19
iamsthithahow do I change which daemons start on startup?16:20
iamsthithaservices-admin.. thanks16:21
Ven]nevdev messes up keyboard :p16:21
iamsthithahmm.. thttpd isnt in there..16:22
TheSheepiamsthitha: you can have much finer control (and opportunity to break things really bad) using sysv-rc-conf program that you can install from the repos16:23
TheSheepVen]n: have you tried this solution?16:24
iamsthithaTheSheep: where's that?16:25
iamsthithaoh.. repos.. nvm16:25
TheSheepiamsthitha: it's a terminall application16:25
Ven]nTheSheep, not yet :p16:27
Breakagehi just formated to xubuntu from ubuntu to and im trying to set fonts like gnome.. on gnome I had a res of 1280x1024 with 10px font and 80dpi, but on xubuntu I use the same res but cant set font to 80dpi. I've tried in "~/.config/Xft.xrdb" by adding "Xft.dpi: 80" but it doesn't change the font size at all. My fonts and theme is default on 1280x1024 atm with nvidia card. Help please :))17:22
Ven]nwhats the difference between ; and # in config files really?17:31
TheSheepVen]n: which config files?17:35
Ven]ndoes it matter?17:38
Ven]nwhy use # in xorg.conf and not ; for instance?17:38
TheSheepVen]n: # is the standard for comments in the unix world, pretty much17:48
TheSheepVen]n: Microsoft had to be different in irrlevant details, so they used ; instead17:48
Ven]ni just edited a file for some opera settings (the browser)17:54
Ven]nthey used ;17:54
TheSheepyes, they use the same syntax as the windows .ini files17:55
TheSheepVen]n: Opera started as a windows application17:56
ADrophello. Since I upgraded to xubuntu 7.10 I can't find the power managment button in application > prefrence > screensaver settings.  I wonder if there is another way to reach that. And there is not even this advanced tab in the screen saver settings. I have looked via the terminal and it says that I run gnome-screensaver (if that can be of any help)17:58
Ven]nTheSheep, yeah, i know :)17:59
TheSheepADrop: yes, xubuntu switched to gnome-screensaver at some point18:01
TheSheepADrop: I guess it doesn't hae advanced settings18:01
ADropTheSheep: hmm yes I have read about this switch in teh forums and other help documents. You wouldn't know a way via the terminal where I could change the settings?18:04
TheSheepADrop: no, sorry, I neverd owned a laptop so I wasn't interested18:06
ADropTheSheep: oki, thanks anyway :)18:06
Ven]nis there a ppt viewer as light and quick as Abiword does doc?18:20
viddis there a way to format a partion so the live cd can install?18:32
Ven]ni have a lot of dead suggestions in my "open with" list.. how do i remove them?19:10
Breakagewhat plugins go i need to install to make totem-xine play mp3s? i dont want to use gstreamer.20:15
Breakagethanks :) will try it now20:15
Breakagehmm tried that before but i get this error Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:17
BreakageThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:17
Breakageis only available from another source However the following packages replace it: ibxine1-ffmpegE: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate20:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource20:22
BreakageTheSheep: Thanks check that I had the repos but tried libxine1-ffmpeg and that worked.20:24
TheSheepah, it must have been renamed20:25
Breakage:) thanks for the help though20:25
bytor4232Would Cannonical even have the authority to impliment something like that?20:50
bytor4232I thought Xubuntu was a community developed distro.20:50
Gandalf_The_Gayhello, does anyone know where I can get mass de-op scripts anywhere?21:44
Gandalf_The_Gayfor the xubuntu IRC21:45
Gandalf_The_Gaylittle mindframe- don't be scared, I have candy, get into my car with me21:55
paranoid1hi, should live cd have taskbar & menu? I've got only desktop ..22:07
TheSheepparanoid1: this happens sometimes on low memory, press alt+f2 and type 'xfce-panel'22:08
paranoid1umm.. no such file or directory22:10
paranoid1no problem :)22:11
cookiemonster078i need help joining xubuntu to an existing xp network share. Anybody interested?22:50
=== random__ is now known as RandomDestructn
marchgoodnight :)22:55
Deadweight42could anyone please run me through the steps of setting up a xubuntu/windows dual-boot?22:56
TheSheepDeadweight42: sure, install xubuntu on a machine with windows already instaleld. end.22:58
TheSheepDeadweight42: it will autodetect windows and set everything automatically22:58
bytor4232As long as windows was there first, you will have a menu to select Windows or Linux when the installer is done.22:59
Deadweight42where would I download the installer then?22:59
Deadweight42cool, thanks a bunch :)22:59
cookiemonster078 i need help joining xubuntu to an existing xp network share. Anybody interested?23:05
TheSheepcookiemonster078: you need to install an application for that, it doesn't have any by default23:06
TheSheepcookiemonster078: pneighbourhood is one such an application23:07
cookiemonster078in the repository?23:07
TheSheep!info pyneighbourhood23:08
ubotuPackage pyneighbourhood does not exist in gutsy23:08
TheSheeplooks like it's not there anymore23:08
TheSheepsmbnetfs seems to be better23:08
cookiemonster078does that have a gui interface I am still learning command line23:09
jaredis xubuntu similar to kubuntu?23:10
somerville32It uses the Xfce4 desktop environment23:10
TheSheepcookiemonster078: I think that it's just a kind of virtual filesystem -- you "mount" it in some drectory, andt hen that directory seems to conatin your network neighbourhood23:10
cookiemonster078ok sheep i will give it a shot23:11
jaredXFCE4 isn't very good...23:14
Ven]nwhere is the default location for wallpapers?23:14
cookiemonster078it can't seem to find the package for smbnetfs23:16
TheSheepcookiemonster078: I checked on hardy, sorry23:16
TheSheepcookiemonster078: there is smbfs though23:16
TheSheepand some gui utility for using it23:17
TheSheepcookiemonster078: here, found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb23:19
cookiemonster078ok thanx.23:19
jaredis xubuntu faster than other Ubuntu distros?23:20
soldatsxfce is a smaller window manager and is supposed to run faster23:20
TheSheepjared: depends on what machine and what you do23:20
TheSheepjared: I see no difference on a 2Ghz cpu and 1GB ram, for example :)23:21
jaredI'm using kubuntu, and it is a lot faster than ubuntu, but I can't get java working23:22
TheSheepjared: just install the sun-java6-* and select it as default in update-alternatives23:24
jaredhow do I install it?23:24
TheSheepjared: with the package manager23:25
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)23:25
jaredhow do I install the sun-java6-*23:28
fiyawerxxubuntu-restricted-extras i believe23:45
soldatsor sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre23:47
cookiemonster078Is the sheep still around23:59

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