
xivulonevand do I need to open a bug report wrt http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/1/9/50 ?10:10
evandxivulon: given the low priority of it, we already have the workaround of formatting the underlying file in place, I imagine the kernel team would rather wait for such a patch to entire the mainline kernel.10:31
evandOf course you're welcome to ask them, and a bug would be a good way of doing it.10:31
xivulonevand not sure whether that affects other I/O operations10:42
xivulonit might even fix suspend-to-ram...10:42
evandthey're definitely not going to want to apply a patch unless the benefits are known to occur, rather than it maybe fixing an issue.10:46
evandbut again, don't let me speak for them :)10:46
xivulonhmm "It's hard to attempt to guarentee data safety"... That affects wubi but also Xen and VMs10:48
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3
CIA-22ubiquity: evand * r2413 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):16:26
CIA-22ubiquity: * Changed the system partition unformatted check to a warning, in support of16:26
CIA-22ubiquity:  ubiquity-preserve-home.16:26
CIA-22ubiquity: evand * r2414 ubiquity/debian/po/ (79 files): debconf-updatepo16:27
matttpGood morning.18:32

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