
desertcI tried to create a DVD with the screencasts so I could give it to people and they could just pop it in the home theater systems.03:28
desertcBut, although the DVD played great on my computer, it failed to read on any of the DVD players that I tried.03:29
* johnc4510-laptop new russian translation of UWN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue74/Ru03:30
n2diyachandrashekar: welcome.07:59
achandrashekarhey! SWEET! 07:59
achandrashekaryeah..im exicited.. 07:59
achandrashekar:) 07:59
achandrashekarSo anyhow..I gave up my wonderful (not so wonderful) corporate job to teach kids in a low socioeconomic area of pomona california 08:00
achandrashekarI really like teaching here...and thought that Linux is a great way to help these kids out 08:00
achandrashekarIm busy working on an LTSP method of booting our old p3s but could use some assistance 08:01
achandrashekarany help would be great. 08:01
achandrashekarn2diy: thanks thus far for pointing me in this direction 08:01
achandrashekarour school is - The School of Arts and Enterprise 08:01
n2diyachandrashekar: I'm in the heart of coal country, east-central Pa. The tax base is dying, and the school taxes are skyrocketing. The Tamaqua BOE wants to spend $40k to upgrade their obsolete hardware and software. I wrote a letter to the editor explaining that they can do it nearly for free, if the ditch Windows, but it hasn't been printed yet.08:02
achandrashekarseems like quite a project 08:02
achandrashekarso along the lines of this.. even if they have old pcs..the ltsp way may be way to go about it 08:03
n2diyachandrashekar: Yes, for 1,000 computers!08:03
achandrashekarespecially with low overhead for admins 08:03
achandrashekarassuming for say every 100 you have 1 powerful server 08:03
achandrashekarwith good networking as a basis 08:03
achandrashekarhowever..i dont see why you couldnt load each of those boxes up 08:04
n2diyachandrashekar: They have three IT types, a Technical Director, a Software guy, and someone eles that I forget.08:04
achandrashekarwith a pxe boot to load up an image and then install.. 08:04
achandrashekarsorry..coming with solutions already...lol 08:05
achandrashekar:) 08:05
achandrashekarn2diy: is roger able to help you out?? 08:05
achandrashekarand what type of commitment is there or was there??08:05
n2diyachandrashekar: Who's roger? Edubuntu supports clustering, so you can build the servers from the old hardware.08:06
achandrashekarhaha...okay i re-read the message..i am slow tonight.. 08:06
achandrashekarthat was "roger" as in affirmative 08:07
achandrashekarnot roger will be waiting for you in here...i expected a roger as well...ha ha ha 08:07
achandrashekar;) 08:07
n2diyachandrashekar: I'm a ham radio operator, so I commonly use roger as an acknowledgement.08:07
achandrashekarn2diy: i should have caught the roger thing...that was very monty pythonish...sorry 08:08
n2diyachandrashekar: :)08:08
achandrashekarn2diy: anyhow...I didnt know that edubuntu could be clustered as well 08:08
achandrashekarn2diy: I have a question..in terms of support..is/are there grants available for schools such as ours?? 08:09
achandrashekaras well 08:09
achandrashekarn2diy: sorry..ill ask one question at a time 08:09
achandrashekarmorning 08:09
n2diyachandrashekar: well, they say it can, but I've been hanging here for months, and don't know anybody who has actually done it yet. If I had the hardware, I'd try it myself, but that isn't the case.08:10
achandrashekarn2diy: hmm....so you cluster 2 boxes...and then...use it as an ltsp box?? 08:10
achandrashekarn2diy: I guess the real question considering...it is a marketing channel of sorts..is what help is there for non-profits like ours? 08:12
n2diyachandrashekar: No, not yet, at this point I'm happy to talk to my test/backup box. That is the limit of my current network.08:12
achandrashekarn2diy:  i see 08:12
achandrashekarn2diy: I was able to do some work with some old sun T100 boxes as well. to get it up and running... 08:12
achandrashekarn2diy: I used it to load up a mail server..and such. 08:13
n2diyachandrashekar: Well, supposedly, this channel is one avenue for marketing help. But I suspect nobody is any more active?expierence than we are?08:13
achandrashekaranyone from marketing in here/?08:13
n2diy*?/ /08:13
achandrashekarhmm...nice and silent.. 08:14
achandrashekarfor now 08:14
n2diyachandrashekar: No pros, just volunteers like in #ubuntu08:14
achandrashekari see 08:14
achandrashekarso I guess what would the marketing angle be in here?? 08:14
n2diyachandrashekar: which is sad.08:15
achandrashekarit is interesting....just trying to see what the original intent was08:15
achandrashekarwhat would have been sweet is to help guys like us 08:15
achandrashekarand then form partnerships 08:15
n2diyachandrashekar: to encourage folks like us!08:15
achandrashekaryeah 08:15
achandrashekarexactly 08:15
achandrashekarsuch causes in many cases are a matter of resources but a lot of heart 08:16
achandrashekarand that i have..but in terms of resources to get things done..that is ususally tough 08:16
achandrashekari guess in your case..a nice work force of people taking a look at architecting a smooth solution 08:17
achandrashekarand then finding viable methods for support 08:17
Madpilotthe -marketing mailing list is more active than this channel - join & post there08:17
n2diyachandrashekar: yes, the more traffic we create here, the more noise we make, the more attention we  will draw here, and more ideas, doubters, etc...08:17
achandrashekari see how it works 08:17
achandrashekaryep agreed 08:17
achandrashekarI guess what Im saying is...id be happy to join the mailing list..but im confused on the intent of the "marketing" portion 08:18
achandrashekarId be able to sell the use of ubuntu amongst the staff and kids 08:18
achandrashekarbut past that im not sure how that transalates to sales. 08:18
n2diyachandrashekar:  I have this channel auto load, so when I sign on to IRC, it is always monitored, so if I'm near the computer, I know what/if something is happening here.08:19
achandrashekarMadpilot: hopefully you understand Im not trying to be difficult but I just need a some sort of expectation of reciprocity08:19
achandrashekari see...cool 08:19
Madpilotachandrashekar, not sure what you mean by 'reciprocity' here08:20
achandrashekarMadpilot: "for our assistance with helping your orginization we expect you to market ubuntu by doing....." 08:20
n2diyachandrashekar: Sales would come from tutoring the student body at home?08:20
Madpilotthis end of ubuntu marketing is run by ordinary users; the 'corporate' side is run entirely by Canonical08:20
achandrashekarn2diy: there is SO much that can be done...moodle installs, joomla training, contributions via python programs...etc." 08:21
Madpilotachandrashekar, there's no setup like that. Canonical does paid support, the rest is community-driver08:21
Madpilotdriven, rather08:21
achandrashekarMadpilot: i see  the division...it took a while to understand it.. 08:21
n2diyMadpilot: yes, but here is where we can brainstorm independent ventures, right?08:22
Madpilotn2diy, of course08:22
achandrashekarMadpilot: what im shocked and pleased with is that Mandrake tried to do this..at one time and hell of time..the Ubuntu model works..and the product is SO stable..it really is amazing to be the success that this distro is having08:22
Madpilothere, the mailing list, the wiki pages, etc08:22
n2diyMadpilot: are you an op?08:23
Madpilotn2diy, on this particular channel? don't think so08:23
achandrashekar:) 08:24
Madpilotah, I am. wasn't sure :)08:24
n2diyMadpilot: Ok, I'll behave then. :)08:24
achandrashekarSo in any case...the possibility of ventures are heard.. what I guess I am wondering is how to create a grant type situation 08:25
achandrashekarwe are in desperate need of proper assistance in our school 08:25
achandrashekarand having some avenues would help us out greatly 08:25
=== Madpilot changed the topic of #ubuntu-marketing to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | UWN #74 is out! UWN #75 in progress, release TBA
n2diyachandrashekar: what is "proper" assistance?08:26
Madpilotachandrashekar, I'm not sure Ubuntu or Canonical has a grant program - never heard of one.08:26
achandrashekarwell..it comes down to money as most things do with schools... 08:26
n2diyachandrashekar: yes, but homeschoolers financial needs differ from the "state" needs.08:27
achandrashekarbut I was thinking of helping to show/create how ubuntu could be used as part of the curicullum at a school and the impact it could have amongs a low socio-economic strata of students in pomona 08:27
n2diyachandrashekar: do you have a local LUG?08:28
achandrashekarthat requires some sort of donation/and or grant available for hardware, and effort to set up such an environment 08:28
achandrashekarn2diy: yep..OC lug...orange county 08:28
achandrashekarn2diy: and a lot of guys also involved in education sector have the same issue. 08:28
achandrashekarlets say for example setting up two parts 08:29
n2diyachandrashekar: Linux is perfect for old hardware, promote that. This box was built in 1997.08:29
achandrashekar1 infrastructure related-- fw (iptables), web, mail, vpn, samba file server 08:29
achandrashekarand the second making sure there is an env for supporting student boxes08:30
achandrashekarand then making sure that you have it all monitored etc 08:30
achandrashekarit takes a bit more work...and having some hardware to do the job 08:30
n2diyachandrashekar: student boxes?08:30
achandrashekaras well as creation of content for kids to learn this stuff 08:30
achandrashekaryep the p3's and such 08:30
achandrashekarfor now 08:30
achandrashekarbut we are arts school per se.. 08:31
achandrashekarand such things as learning gimp, blender, etc have to have slightly better systems 08:31
n2diyachandrashekar: so the kids bring there on CPUs to school?08:31
achandrashekarno..the p3s were there when we first started 08:32
achandrashekardonated by a bank 08:32
achandrashekarwith 300MB of ram on each 08:32
n2diyachandrashekar: ok, so boxes the students have access to?08:32
achandrashekarright 08:32
achandrashekarand there is alot of curicullar need for them 08:33
achandrashekarie..a newspaper station....video editing.....photo editing...etc 08:33
n2diyachandrashekar: Is computer repair done in house, or contracted out?08:33
achandrashekarn2diy: That is a huge weakness in the school..its all handled by one person that has limited computer skills...ie "reboot" is their friend 08:34
achandrashekarwhat needs to happen is kids getting involved to do such things 08:34
n2diyachandrashekar: Maybe, or maybe not? One person can be easily trained, an external company will scream and resist a new operating system.08:35
achandrashekaryep.....the principal is a bit open to ideas...considering that windows virus management in and of itself is a bloody nightmare 08:36
achandrashekarbut since the kids are NOT using the PC's for super computing...its a good idea to switch over 08:36
achandrashekarat least first in the lab.. 08:37
achandrashekarand see how kids "warm" up to the idea. 08:37
achandrashekarthe first switch is to have them learn GIMP 08:37
achandrashekarand see how well they can manipulate their pictures and such 08:37
achandrashekarthen move on to blender08:37
achandrashekarn2diy: do you think we can carry on this conversation tomorrow?? Its 12:37AM and I have to get some Zzzzzzs08:38
n2diyachandrashekar: Gimp, is a pain, but I don't play with pictures, so what do I know? As far as the other programs go, same thing.08:39
achandrashekarn2diy: well its time for me to go..and get some sleep. 08:40
achandrashekarbrb 08:40
n2diyachandrashekar: I think the trick is to hook the IT folks on linux security. Yes, let's call it quites, it is 03:29 here, 73.08:40
achandrashekarsee you l8r 08:40
n2diyachandrashekar: 7308:40
=== bordy_laptop is now known as bordy
desertcAnyone have suggestions on software to make a poster?16:13
desertcThere is a funny link on the DIYMarketing wiki : http://diy.devubuntu.com/16:14
desertcMost people use Scribus ?16:18
Flanneldesertc: Unfortunately, yes, I believe so.  It makes for horrible PDFs16:53
desertcIs there a graphic format that does layers?  I would like to make a #marketing poster that others can modify later easily.16:54
Flanneldesertc: use SVG16:54
desertcIs this something I can do with GIMP ?16:55
FlannelGIMP is all raster based16:56
FlannelOr, well, not all.  but primarily16:56
desertcInkscape.  Good.  I will install that one, thank you for your advice!  :-)16:56
desertcI am going to work on producing some posters today.  Is it okay to use the word "Microsoft" and or "Windows" in our posters?16:56
desertcHow about Ubuntu?  Can I say Ubuntu?  ;)16:59

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