sommer | ScottK: sylpheed-claws-gtk2 still good to go :-) | 00:35 |
ScottK | somerville32: Great. | 01:12 |
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thomas_newbie__ | can someone help me I can't get My apache2 server to work on localhost | 02:06 |
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thomas_newbie__ | whenever i do It takes me to a page but localhost doesn't work | 02:21 |
kgoetz | anyone here buy sun gear? should i go for a Sun Fire or Sun SPARC Enterprise? both are T1000 units, both seem to be the same exept for the cpu, and i'm not srue of the difference :/ | 03:02 |
thomas_newbie__ | I removed and purged apache2 and yet I can still use sudo apache2ctl restart to start the server. The normal init script doesnt work | 03:18 |
ScottK | sommer and leonel: clamav backport for dapper is uploaded. Now I need to get an archive admin to accept it. | 03:23 |
sommer | ScottK: sweet... working on installing Edgy | 03:24 |
ScottK | Great. I'll make a bug for that then. | 03:24 |
ScottK | sommer: Bug #184994 | 03:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 184994 in edgy-backports "Please backport clamav-0.92.dfsg-2 from Hardy to Edgy" [Undecided,New] | 03:33 |
leonel | ScottK: sweet ! | 03:35 |
leonel | ScottK: do you need more testing ? | 03:36 |
ScottK | leonel: With Dapper we are done. We need testing with Edgy/Feisty/Gutsy | 03:36 |
leonel | ScottK: ok I go with gutsy feisty tomorrow morning | 03:37 |
ScottK | leonel: Great | 03:37 |
leonel | and edgy if time allow me to | 03:37 |
ScottK | sommer is going to start on Edgy, so having you work on the later ones will be good. | 03:37 |
leonel | perfect | 03:38 |
sommer | sounds like a plan to me | 03:39 |
leonel | ScottK: the packages to be tested are the PPA ? | 03:51 |
ScottK | leonel: Yes | 03:52 |
leonel | ok | 03:52 |
leonel | ScottK: see you tomorrow | 04:08 |
leonel | apt-get remove leonel | 04:08 |
thomas_newbie__ | when I do : 'sudo apache2ctl restart' I get the following ERROR: [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts httpd not running, trying to start | 04:51 |
thomas_newbie__ | how do YOu indicate to apache what is the default config file? | 05:26 |
thomas_newbie__ | i installed php5 but I can't get PHP files to execute in browser with my APACHe server | 06:09 |
kraut | moin | 08:23 |
=== nijaba_ is now known as nijaba | ||
pschulz01 | Anyone here going to Linux.Conf.Au? | 10:58 |
soren | mok0: You're running your kvm's on hardy, right? | 11:10 |
mok0 | no, gutsy | 11:10 |
soren | Oh! | 11:10 |
soren | That explains :) | 11:10 |
mok0 | soren: aha | 11:10 |
mok0 | You are referring to my bug report? | 11:11 |
soren | I was just wondering about a few of the things you put in the wiki page that don't apply anymore in hardy. | 11:11 |
soren | mok0: which bug report? | 11:11 |
mok0 | bug 184514 | 11:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 184514 in kvm "kvm hangs when installing dapper guest" [Undecided,New] | 11:12 |
mok0 | soren, please send me fixes to the howto, or edit it yourself. Perhaps it would be good to have a section on Hardy? | 11:14 |
mok0 | soren, I wanted the howto to be very plain and simple with instructions for just the current distribution, but soon people will need to do the same under hardy. | 11:19 |
soren | mok0: Well, some of it, yes :) | 11:21 |
soren | Sorry, had a coke all over the floor sort of incident I needed to take care of :) | 11:21 |
mok0 | soren: Is it very different? | 11:22 |
mok0 | (under hardy) | 11:22 |
soren | mok0: Well, for one thing, the modules get loaded automatically. | 11:22 |
soren | mok0: The other stuff is pretty much the same. | 11:23 |
mok0 | soren: Ah, so I can just put in a comment to that effect | 11:23 |
soren | Right. | 11:24 |
mok0 | soren, we have not been able to create a virtual machine that uses SMP | 11:24 |
soren | About the bug report, it's cool that it's reported, but don't expect a lot to be done about it :( | 11:24 |
soren | mok0: kvm in gutsy is soooo old. | 11:24 |
mok0 | soren: I know. It develops really fast | 11:25 |
mok0 | soren: we tried backporting from hardy | 11:25 |
mok0 | soren: it doesn't solve the -smp problem | 11:25 |
soren | mok0: Even with the matching kernel modules? | 11:26 |
mok0 | soren: It is my collaborator Jesper who has been playing with it. I will try it myself later this week and report it. I don't have a lot of detail | 11:26 |
soren | mok0: Ok, cool. | 11:27 |
mok0 | soren: I only know that the virtual machine does not use more than 1 cpu no matter what you tell it | 11:27 |
mok0 | soren: ... and as far as I know it crashes unless you use -no-kvm | 11:28 |
soren | "it"? | 11:28 |
mok0 | soren: the virtual machine :-) | 11:28 |
soren | kvm altogether or just when you try to use more than one cpu? | 11:28 |
mok0 | soren: If you attempt to start kvm with the smp switch, the virtual machine crashes | 11:29 |
mok0 | soren: you can start it with both smp switch and no-kvm, then it starts, but only uses 1 cpu | 11:30 |
mok0 | soren: ... but as I said, I will triage this myself in a couple of days time, when I am getting a new quadcore desktop :-> | 11:32 |
mok0 | atm I am working from my Powerbook with ssh connections to the server and it makes life a bit more difficult... | 11:33 |
mok0 | soren: I should repeat my dapper experiment with 6.06.2 :-) | 11:38 |
soren | You could, but I doubt it would help very much. | 11:40 |
mok0 | soren: can you make a SRU of kvm 59 for gutsy, or put it in backports? If there are lots of bugs in version 29, it does make sense | 11:43 |
zul | morning | 11:53 |
mok0 | morning, zul | 11:57 |
mok0 | soren, last bit of news is that we got the -smp option to work under gutsy, with version 59 from hardy. | 12:02 |
mok0 | soren: I think this is a good enough reason to make a SRU | 12:02 |
soren | mok0: That's not quite how SRU's work. At best, a backport could be done. | 12:08 |
mok0 | soren: OK, I've misunderstood something. | 12:08 |
mok0 | soren: I thought you could update a package if it has serious regressions | 12:09 |
soren | mok0: I can fix serious regressions and bugs and such. | 12:09 |
soren | mok0: I cannot, however, just upload a new version. | 12:09 |
mok0 | soren: even if that is the fix? | 12:09 |
soren | mok0: So I need to find the smallest patch that fixes the particular issue and apply that. | 12:10 |
soren | mok0: Even if it that fixes it, yes. | 12:10 |
soren | mok0: It's not impossible that there are regressions from the gutsy version to the hardy one. | 12:10 |
mok0 | soren: so I guess backport is the only option. It compiles out of the box | 12:10 |
soren | mok0: And we consider people's working setups more precious than pretty much anything else. | 12:11 |
mok0 | soren: true | 12:11 |
mok0 | I always forget that :-) | 12:11 |
soren | mok0: Personally, I doubt it's actually a problem in this particular case, but I think the policy is sound. | 12:11 |
mok0 | soren: yes, it is. Otherwise, you may as well use Fedora | 12:12 |
soren | *G* | 12:13 |
mok0 | hehe | 12:13 |
mok0 | soren, do you have info on whether qcow2 or raw are the most efficient virtual media ? | 12:15 |
soren | I don't have any benchmarks, I'm afraid. | 12:17 |
soren | I think it depends on the host's filesystem, too. | 12:18 |
mok0 | soren: sure | 12:18 |
mok0 | soren: but we use ext3 only | 12:19 |
soren | mok0: Ok. | 12:21 |
soren | mok0: Well, there are a number of different things that affect it: Whether you're using sparse files or not, how the host's filesystem fills in sparse files if you're using that, how the I/O scheduler inside the guest deals with various things.. | 12:22 |
mok0 | soren: ok, of course it's complicated. | 12:23 |
soren | off the top of my head, I'd guess raw images to be more efficient. | 12:23 |
mok0 | soren: I've read that somewhere. I just don't know if it's still true | 12:24 |
mok0 | qcow2 files are much smaller | 12:24 |
mok0 | ... and you can store them easily on a DVD :-P | 12:25 |
soren | mok0: They are indeed. | 12:25 |
soren | mok0: raw images compress really well, though :) | 12:25 |
mok0 | soren: I guess they are mostly filled with zero bytes | 12:26 |
soren | Well, if you're using qcow images, it's kvm's job to know where the block that the client thinks is at sector foo is stored in the image and send that to the client. In case of raw images, this is a no brainer, and it's up the the host's kernel to find the right place on the disk to find the block. | 12:27 |
mok0 | soren: I see. So there's some overhead associated with the qcow2 format | 12:27 |
soren | if you're not using sparse files, it's likely that your raw image will not be fragmented, which helps the client's I/O scheduler make the right guesses. | 12:28 |
mok0 | soren: Good point | 12:28 |
soren | The I/O scheduler in the client might very well try to batch up read requests so that it will read them in the order it thinks they're stored on the disk, but it might be the completely backwards on the actual physical disk, so you get the worst performance imaginable. | 12:29 |
soren | Yeah, thinking about this some more, I'd say that until we get virtio block devices (should happen real soon), non-sparse raw images should be the best way to go if you're worried about disk I/O. | 12:30 |
mok0 | soren: It sound very reasonable | 12:31 |
mok0 | s/sound/sounds | 12:31 |
juliux | hi TeTeT | 12:44 |
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
TeTeT | juliux: Hi Julius,wie geht's? | 12:47 |
mok0 | soren, writing in qcow2 is 60% of the writing speed in raw. Reading is app. the same | 14:09 |
thomas_newbie__ | I installed PHP and enabled it to work with Apache but whenever I go to open an php page it asks me to download it. I resarted Apache and reloaded browser cache by exiting, still no luck. | 16:14 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: you must restart apache | 16:27 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: i mentioned i did restart it | 16:28 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: and you enabled it in /etc/apache2/... | 16:28 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: uea a2enmod php5 | 16:30 |
thomas_newbie__ | *yea | 16:30 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: is the link there in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled? | 16:30 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: yes, php5.conf and php5.load | 16:31 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: hmmm weird | 16:31 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: paste this into a file in public_html: | 16:32 |
mok0 | <?php phpinfo(); ?> | 16:32 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: file must have .php extention | 16:32 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: yikes I have to run, hope it was _some_ help... | 16:33 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: yea so | 16:34 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: it worked | 16:34 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: cool | 16:35 |
thomas_newbie__ | but that doesn't fix it right | 16:35 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: so if I put a php file int hat folder it will work? i need to put files into /var/www | 16:35 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__ | 16:35 |
mok0 | thomas_newbie__: you have to put it somewhere that apache is allowed to read. Normally it can be in ~/public_html but perhaps also in /var/www | 16:36 |
thomas_newbie__ | i have a php file in /var/www | 16:37 |
mok0 | It MUST have extension .php | 16:38 |
mok0 | copy phpinfo.php to /var/www | 16:38 |
mok0 | it will not work if you open the file through the browser | 16:39 |
mok0 | you have to open the proper http://blah url | 16:39 |
mok0 | Gotta go, I have someone waiting for me... | 16:41 |
thomas_newbie__ | mok0: ty | 16:42 |
leonel | ScottK: tested on GUTSY clamtk clamav-getfiles python-clamav php5-clamavlib all worked | 16:55 |
coffeedude | dendrobates: ping | 16:58 |
rotini | hello all. A dot file (like .dotfile) in cron.hourly or whatever won't be run, correct? | 16:58 |
* coffeedude heads for more coffee.... | 16:58 | |
qhartman | rotini: I don't believe it will be, not sure though. I've never had any reason to put a dotfile in there | 16:59 |
qhartman | the samba package in Gutsy does not seem to contain mount.cifs . Which package provides it? I haven't been able to find it | 17:00 |
rotini | qhartman: yeah, me either. I'm preparing a machine to take over if (when) a server fails, so... | 17:00 |
rotini | I commented out the file's contents anyway, should be ok | 17:01 |
qhartman | I'd just create a one-liner script in a dotfile that does something dumb, like toucha file somewhere, and see if it gets fired. | 17:01 |
rotini | good idea | 17:05 |
thomas_newbie__ | Should I delete the Apache2-default directory from /var/www ? | 17:06 |
ScottK | leonel: Great. Dapper backport is in progress. | 17:14 |
jetole | hey guys, can someone suggest a addon card that is linux compatible that will not only allow kvm but will also allow virtual media and bios access etc | 17:32 |
jetole | ? | 17:32 |
jetole | I have one that just came with Dell servers and it is frankly broken, won't work with Linux or Windows appearently | 17:32 |
jetole | I forgot to mention, ip based for remote admin | 17:33 |
nxvl_work | zul: ping | 18:03 |
zul | nxvl_work: yep? | 18:03 |
nxvl_work | zul: is there any reason why you change the name of the changelog entry on Bug #182567 | 18:04 |
nxvl_work | ? | 18:04 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 182567 in samba "smb.conf example: Configuration Directive Inconsistencies" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 18:04 |
zul | nxvl_work: because Ive added more things to it. | 18:04 |
nxvl_work | zul: in that case you should make something like Bug #130836 | 18:05 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130836 in apache2 "Specify OpenDocument icon(s) in Apache2 configuration" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 18:05 |
nxvl_work | so it's clearer | 18:05 |
nxvl_work | it's the best way to do that kind of thing | 18:05 |
nxvl_work | things | 18:05 |
nxvl_work | so it's clear who to point when we need to ask for some changes | 18:06 |
leonel | ScottK: tested php5-clamavlib python-clamav clamtk clamav-getfiles on FEISTY | 18:29 |
leonel | ScottK: gurlchecker pulls libclamav2 in gutsy and feisty | 18:29 |
ScottK | leonel: Great. | 18:29 |
ScottK | leonel: On dapper, clamav is published and we're doing all the depends now. | 18:29 |
leonel | Good ! | 18:29 |
=== nijaba_ is now known as nijaba | ||
leonel | ScottK: klamav on feisty is ok too | 18:42 |
ScottK | Great. | 18:42 |
leonel | ScottK: avscan on feisty OK | 18:49 |
ScottK | So far everything that's compiled has worked. | 18:52 |
leonel | the remaining packages requires more time to setup and test .. | 18:55 |
leonel | and I need to do other things today as soon I clear my todo list I'll resume testing | 18:55 |
ScottK | leonel: Great work. I appreciate all your testing | 18:56 |
leonel | no .. thank you for those packages .. | 18:56 |
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thomas_newbie__ | I'm just starting off learning how to run my Apache server. I want to do something with it and I was thinking of using phpBB as a forum where people can make accounts and stuff. Do I have a big chance of screwing up and having a lot of security problems? | 19:57 |
pteague | i'd suggest using apache2 & something other than phpbb ... phpbb seems to have a bunch of security issues that keep cropping up | 19:58 |
thomas_newbie__ | pteague: anything else in mind other than phpbb? I just installed phpBB2. Should I store my php files in /var/www where i store my html forms and such | 20:04 |
pteague | i've not needed to set up forum software in a while so not sure... maybe google for it... i just know that phpbb, being 1 of the most popular is unfortunately not coded very well... i think phpnuke has some issues as well | 20:05 |
pteague | as to where to store it, i tend to store stuff in /home/username/workspace/sites/com.example.www & use apache vhosts to point to where it's at | 20:06 |
WaVeR | Sorry for the ping | 20:13 |
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away | ||
thomas_newbie__ | For my phpBB2 Server do I want to link /var/www/phpb to /usr/share/phpbb2/site ?? | 22:00 |
ScottK | lamont: Would you be up for uploading some source backports for me (just need to re-sign and upload)? | 22:21 |
ScottK | On the off chance you show up while I'm afk... | 22:24 |
ScottK | | 22:24 |
ScottK | | 22:25 |
ScottK | | 22:25 |
CygnusX1 | Hello. I have compiled snort with inline on US7.10; I am trying to modify the /etc/init.d/snort startup script from the offical deb to start this service, without luck. | 22:39 |
lamont | ScottK: later tonight, sure. | 22:40 |
lamont | they work, yes? | 22:41 |
ScottK | lamont: Yes | 22:51 |
ScottK | lamont: All test run here first: with test results here: | 22:51 |
ScottK | The clamav piece has already been started, so I want to get all the rdepends uploads ASAP. | 22:52 |
ScottK | lamont: Thanks. | 22:52 |
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pierreth | hello | 23:40 |
pierreth | I am unable to make my php work | 23:40 |
foo | What do the logs say? | 23:40 |
pierreth | my php files are like txt files for apache2 | 23:40 |
pierreth | I don't think I have errors | 23:40 |
pierreth | look at my config: | 23:41 |
pierreth | do I need something more? | 23:41 |
pierreth | no recent errors in the log | 23:42 |
foo | pierreth: recent apache + no errors. So your PHP isn't being parced? | 23:43 |
pierreth | foo: I think so | 23:44 |
pierreth | the php module is loaded | 23:44 |
pierreth | but it does not parce | 23:45 |
pierreth | foo: it seems to be a config problem | 23:45 |
pierreth | foo: | 23:45 |
foo | hmmm | 23:46 |
pierreth | foo: do I need something more? | 23:46 |
foo | pierreth: hm, grep /etc/apache2/ for PHP and see if something is commented | 23:47 |
pierreth | foo: no lines countains PHP | 23:48 |
pierreth | in apache2.conf | 23:48 |
foo | grep -iR php /etc/apache2/ | 23:49 |
pierreth | | 23:50 |
leonel | a2enmod php5 | 23:53 |
leonel | pierreth: you need to enable php5 | 23:54 |
pierreth | leonel: how can I do that? | 23:54 |
leonel | a2enmod php5 | 23:54 |
leonel | as I see on the las pastebin there's no enabled php5 is just available | 23:55 |
soren | Not true. | 23:55 |
soren | # | 23:55 |
soren | /etc/apache2/conf.d/php5.conf:LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ | 23:55 |
soren | Did you restart apache2 since installing libapache2-mod-php5 ? | 23:55 |
soren | foo: ^ | 23:56 |
leonel | soren: you are right I was looking for the mods-enabled/php5.load and .conf | 23:56 |
pierreth | where I should add a2enmod php5 | 23:57 |
foo | soren: err, sorry, kind of tied up right now | 23:57 |
soren | No worries. It's not my webserver that's not working :) | 23:57 |
leonel | pierreth: sudo a2enmod php5 | 23:57 |
soren | foo: Ah, sorry, I thought you were the one with the problem :) | 23:58 |
pierreth | leonel: OK | 23:58 |
soren | pierreth: Did you restart apache2 since installing libapache2-mod-php5 ? | 23:58 |
pierreth | soren: yes I did, it does nothing | 23:58 |
soren | pierreth: What are you using for testing? | 23:59 |
pierreth | it says that the php5 module was already loaded | 23:59 |
soren | pierreth: And what exactly is happening? | 23:59 |
foo | soren: oh, no problem, /me points to pierreth | 23:59 |
pierreth | soren: firefox | 23:59 |
soren | "my php files are like txt files for apache2" isn't a very exact error description. | 23:59 |
pierreth | soren: firefox asks if I want to download the file | 23:59 |
soren | pierreth: Stop using firefox and use something else. | 23:59 |
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