
pirkoHi I am installing kubuntu via netboot but the disk controller is not recognized. It is ich8 chipset, ahci is enabled. any advice?00:00
^TheCronodoes the intsall know what is /home what is swap and what is extended?00:00
^TheCronoi used to know how to install ubuntu heh00:00
^TheCronobut that was 5.1000:00
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Taggnostrwhat is the min/suggested ram for kubuntu?00:01
biovoreTaggnostr: I would suggest 384 or more.. else it runs like a slug..00:02
fignewTaggnostr: depends on how heavy of a user you are ;)00:02
wimpiesstdin : I tried the fix on the referred page and the package now installs but still firefox does not load plugin ?00:03
stdinwimpies: have you restarted firefox?00:04
wadI'm playing with my new laptop (Thinkpad T61), and the sound is rather screwy. There is a volume control icon at the bottom right, but it doesn't do anything. Regardless of where I set the slider, the volume stays the same: medium. There is a "mixer" button, and it has a "PCM" slider (whatever PCM stands for) which actually controls the volume. Do you guys use something else? kmix seems lame to me.00:04
wadFor example, in KMix, there are a bunch of cliders for microphones on the "output" tab. Huh?!?00:05
TaggnostrI just have to run 1/2 programs00:05
wimpiesstdin yes I did00:05
stdinwimpies: I can't really help much, I don't use flash often and I run hardy not gutsy00:06
TonrenMy keyboard stopped responding.  I couldn't even Ctrl + Alt + F1, but then I did an Alt + SysRq + R, and I was able to Ctrl + Alt + F1 into a VT and open up irssi to get here.  Why is this happening in KDE?00:07
TonrenAnyone?  This is a horrible showstopping bug.  Please help me.00:08
biovoredmesg show any hints00:09
wadTonren: I think most people here are seeking help, rather than providing it. :) I know I'm certainly in the first category.00:10
wadTonren: Did you have stuff on the display?00:11
Tonrenwad: Yeah, I mean, other than the keyboard not functioning, KDE is functioning exactly as it should.00:11
TonrenI even used my Firefox bookmarks to navigate to a few threads on the issue.00:11
TonrenIt seems unnervingly common, but there are no solutions.00:11
wadTonren: Just use the mouse. Keyboards are overrated anyway.00:11
wimpiesstdin : do you have flashplugin installed ? Can you check if you have an /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin ?00:11
* wad ducks00:11
wadTonren: I guess I can ask a serious question: Did you change anything recently on the system, that could have affected this?00:12
stdinwimpies: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Jan  6 09:09 /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so00:12
wadSpecifically, anything in xorg.conf, maybe?00:12
nosrednaekimTonren:i'm hearding alot of these reports... you need to disable slow keys in systemsettings->accesibility00:12
wadHey, look! Someone who knows stuff!00:13
nosrednaekimTonren: your mouse still works, right?00:13
wimpiesstdin : hmm, thx ... i have that too :(00:13
^TheCronoWow, 1.2GB is the size of my folder 'small games'00:15
^TheCronoi might not even keep those, they may not work00:15
respatixdoes anyone know how to register a nick00:15
sebizhola ayuda en español00:15
Dragnslcr!es | sebiz00:15
^TheCronotype /chanserv help00:15
ubotusebiz: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:15
^TheCronoor /nickserv help00:15
^TheCronoits going to take 6 hours to compress my shit00:16
^TheCronoThat's a long time00:16
Tonrenwad: I don't think so, really.  And, yeah, the mouse still works.00:17
^TheCronoi even have 4 compressors going at once00:17
nosrednaekimTonren: then go to system settings->accesibility and disable slow keys00:17
wimpiesstdin : it works now ... for some reason (Just started and started firefox two or three times)00:17
Tonrennosrednaekim: Slow Keys is disabled; it was never enabled.00:18
stdinwimpies: flash is odd, I guess sometimes it needs a kick :p00:18
wimpiesThx CUALL00:18
nosrednaekimTonren: hmmm.. let me see00:18
Tonrennosrednaekim: Every time I Ctrl + Alt + F7 back to KDE, I have to Alt + SysRq + R to get back to my VT.00:19
TonrenI'm on an HP Compaq Presario v2565us laptop.00:19
jimmy51hello, does the second item on this page (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/k/knetworkmanager/knetworkmanager_0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu7/changelog) mean it's already in place in the package?00:19
pierrethmy php bug was firefox00:20
pierretheverything was working00:20
pierrethfirefox is caching the mime types00:20
nosrednaekimTonren: hum, are you certain slow keys is disabled?00:20
Tonrennosrednaekim: Absolutely, positively certain.00:21
Tonrennosrednaekim: What does slow keys do?  Let you hold keys down to type them?00:21
txwikingerTonren: you have a probem with the keyboard?00:22
respatix<^TheCrono> I typed for the help and got it.  but still don't get get it.  it said identify and set.  what do i type register my nick00:22
^TheCronoits /msg nickserv register password i think00:22
^TheCrononot sure00:22
respatixlet me try00:22
jimmy51here's an excerpt:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53091/00:24
respatixthat didn't seem to do anything00:24
Tonrentxwikinger: Yes.. a terrible, horrible problem.00:24
txwikingerIt might be that slowkeys somehow switched on00:25
Tonrentxwikinger: nosrednaekim was thinking the same thing, but it definitely isn't.  No chance at all.00:25
jimmy51there is or was a bug in kdenetworkmanager that prevents me from connecting to a windows server vpn.  this changelog shows a fix was implemented, but i'm not sure if it's in 7.1000:25
txwikingertry to press one key for several seconds and see00:25
txwikingerTonren: what exactly happens?00:26
Tonrentxwikinger: I tried that, nothing happened00:26
stdinjimmy51: see what version you have00:27
Tonrentxwikinger: Just nothing.  The keyboard completely stops responding.  If I hit Alt + SysRq + R, I can hit Ctrl + Alt + F1 and go to a VT, which is what I'm doing now00:27
CruCioanyone here running ubuntu or kubuntu on their PS3 ?00:27
CruCioWhat makes you guys chooses Kubuntu over Ubuntu ?00:28
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:29
TonrenJesus... there are dozens of people on the boards with this exact same problem, and no one knows how to fix it.00:29
txwikingerTonren: You could try to remove xserver-xorg-input-evdev and relogin .. maybi this helps00:30
NickPrestaPerhaps such an application doesn't exist, but I was wonder if there was any way to easily make brackets that I can print? I am aware of bracketmaker.com but a local application is preferred. Any ideas?00:30
jimmy51stdin: (linux newness shows... )  how do i check my version from the command line?  i see it in the adept gui, but i'm curious about the cmd line method... apt-version or something?00:30
NickPrestajimmy51, to check your system version: lsb-release -a00:31
NickPrestajimmy51, lsb_release, sorry00:31
stdinjimmy51: "apt-cache policy <package>" so in your case "apt-cache policy knetworkmanager"00:31
^TheCronoman, my computer is using 30gigs of my HD..and i can'tfind that 30 gigs anywhere00:31
^TheCronowindows/programfiels is only 4GB00:32
jimmy51stdin: ok, i'm running "1:0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu5"00:32
jimmy51stdin:  his changelog says "1:0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu6"00:33
stdinjimmy51: then you don't have it, if you look at the changelog "knetworkmanager (1:0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu6) hardy; urgency=low" you can see it's in hardy00:33
harii have p4 ht processor but kubuntu does not display two processors is there some way i can enable hyperthreading?00:33
jimmy51stdin:  is there any way i can force mine to upgrade to the version the fix is in?00:34
NickPresta^TheCrono, you could always do: `sudo du -sh /` and see where the bulk of your space is being used. cd into the largest folder and run `du -sh` there until you find the root of your problem. Check out `filelight` too, in the repos.00:34
harii tried ht=on acpismp=force but nothings seems to work00:34
^TheCronoi'm not on kubuntu yet, i'm deleteing stuff off my HD so i can partition easyer00:35
stdinjimmy51: you can either request a backport on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager  or wait for hardy to be released00:35
^TheCronoi got an 80 gig HD, main partiton is 74GB, 50GB is free, everything on the partition is 15GB..wheres the other 10?00:36
^TheCrono10gb is hiding somewhere00:36
jimmy51stdin:  thanks for the help.  i'll look around on the link you sent and try to request it.00:37
stdinjimmy51: you just file a bug report saying "Please backport knetworkmanager to gutsy because ..." and put in the reason00:38
Tonren:-\  My computer froze.00:40
^TheCronowell, here goes, i hope this is bootable00:43
txwikingerTonren: Can you do things with the mouse>00:44
=== scubar is now known as Scubar
Tonrentxwikinger: It's working fine now.00:47
Tonrentxwikinger: It will continue to do so until it randomly decides to break again.00:47
txwikingerdo you have a lot of swapping going on at the same time?00:48
nosrednaekimthanks txwikinger00:48
txwikingernosrednaekim: I didn't do anything :)00:48
nosrednaekimtxwikinger: you tld him to remove that package00:48
txwikingerAh.. was that helping?00:49
nosrednaekim!helpersnack | txwikinger just accept a cookie ok?00:49
ubotutxwikinger just accept a cookie ok?: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:49
txwikingerthanks nosrednaekim00:50
basyHi, I set system settings -> monitor&display -> power saving to 5hour, but monitor turns off after 10min. How can i find what is turninig off my monitor?...00:51
rysiek|plguys, I am trying to run Compiz Fusion on an intel 965 (aka X3100)00:52
nosrednaekimTonren: hey, if you have a forums account, mind posting what worked for you?00:52
nosrednaekimrysiek|pl: and...00:53
rysiek|plI have set "SKIP_CHECKS=yes" and compiz runs... and X hangs00:53
rysiek|plI get "I830 Vblank Pipe Setup Failed 0" in Xorg.0.log00:54
Taggnostruhm, kubuntu starts without gui00:54
rysiek|pl...and google was not of much help00:54
humboltois there something like the CTRL+Shift+u then unicode shortcut in KDE to create unicode chars which are not on the keyboard?00:54
nosrednaekimrysiek|pl: what driver are you using? i810 or intel?00:54
rysiek|plnosrednaekim: intel00:54
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rysiek|plnosrednaekim: I tried i810 while fighting with the widescreen problem (nvm, solved), but... xorg wouldn't even get up with that; should I try once again? It might have been the other options that were changed that killed xorg then00:56
nosrednaekimno.. intel is the correct driver00:56
nosrednaekimrysiek|pl: ask in #compiz-fusion00:56
^TheCronoUgh, anyways, what is the command to install kubuntu?..it left me at a prompt saying ubuntu@ubuntu00:56
rysiek|plnosrednaekim: ok, thx00:57
nosrednaekimTaggnostr: are you in recovery mode?00:57
biovore^TheCrono: it did install..00:57
^TheCronoso..what hapepned?00:57
biovoreX probably isn't starting because its dosn't like its configuration..00:57
^TheCronoHow do i fix this?00:57
biovoredepends.. how much unix you know?00:57
^TheCronolol, i'm in here asking if it installed00:57
biovoreso nothing then..00:58
^TheCronoNot much, i'm trying to learn00:58
Scubari know as much unix as a goat does english00:58
TaggnostrI've a monitor with 1680x1050 but I'm running on a virtual machine so it is in a window00:58
^TheCronoI remember a desktop and the like last time.00:58
Dr_willis^TheCrono,  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop    - installs the full kuybuntu desktop on your system00:58
^TheCronowhy do i need to downlaod kde?00:58
^TheCronoi jsut got it and installed it00:58
^TheCronokubuntu desktop00:58
Taggnostrit tried some resolution but they failes, then it asked me the user and pass without gui00:58
biovore^TheCrono: you installed using kubuntu desktop installer CD/DVD?00:58
nosrednaekimTaggnostr: this is in a vm? which VM manager?00:59
Dr_willis^TheCrono,  you are making very little sence..  If you  installed using the Kubuntu cd. then you have kde.00:59
gtti'm having the hardest time with kde400:59
^TheCronoKDE won't load though00:59
biovore^TheCrono: when you booted of the CD did it find your graphics?00:59
Taggnostrvirtual box, I've just installed the guest addition, reboot and the gui didn't start00:59
Dr_willis^TheCrono,  NOW you are starting to make sence.00:59
^TheCronoNo clue.00:59
Scubarthats why theres a kde4 channel00:59
gttit forwards to #kde.. ?01:00
biovore^TheCrono: when you put the disk in the drive and booted the CD ... did a desktop come up?01:00
Dr_willisSo The newly installed system is not booting to the X login screen then? YOu are just getting a console prompt?01:00
nosrednaekimgtt: #kubuntu-kde401:00
^TheCronoits stayed at a prompt01:00
biovore^TheCrono: what graphics carD?01:00
^TheCronoati radeon x130001:00
biovorehmm should have worked..01:01
^TheCronolet me try to reboot it01:01
Dr_willisive learned to never trust ati. :P01:01
gttnosrednaekim: thanks :)01:01
biovoreyeah.. ati + linux = crud01:01
biovoremost of the time..01:01
Scubarwhere can i get i386 libs so i can install opera ?01:02
biovoreScubar: you on amd64?01:02
biovoreScubar: apt-get install ia32-libs01:03
^TheCronoi rebooted and it loaded windows xp01:03
biovore^TheCrono: if you boot the installer cd it should come up in a gui to install..01:03
Scubarill let adept update all my packages first as ive just installed again01:03
Scubarafter the 15th attempt at making vista and kubuntu install01:03
Scubarwas being a pain in the ass01:03
biovoreyeah.. vista has 2 be the first partition on the drive01:04
^TheCronoi did, and i installed it..it had the kubuntu icon with the blue bar going abck and forther, then ti said kubunto laoded or somethign and gave me a ubuntu@ubuntu prompt01:04
Scubari just found that out01:04
Scubarstupid vista01:04
biovore^TheCrono: yeah.. thats not the gui I am talking about..01:04
^TheCronoi rebooted, kubuntu said take the Cd out and hit enter..i did, computer went off..i turned it on, windows xp laoded iup01:04
Scubardid u get the text based installer by any chance ? Crono ?01:04
^TheCronohad several options01:05
biovorethe X windowing system dosn't look to have started..01:05
sebizcomo estas01:05
Taggnostrnosrednaekim, when I start it there is the kubuntu logo with the progress bar, when it reachs the end appears: usplash: Setting mode 1280x1024 failed, 1152x864 failed using mode 1024x76801:05
Scubarwhy not just get the live cd and install it that way01:05
^TheCronolet me try again01:05
^TheCronoi thought i did01:05
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:05
Scubarwell theres ur problem then01:05
biovorehe got the desktop-cd.. (no command line install on that disk)01:05
^TheCronoso...what do i do?01:05
Taggnostrafter that kinit: name_to_dev_t(...) kinit: trying to resume from .... kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot01:05
Taggnostrand the the login appears without gui01:06
^TheCronothere is no gui ever01:06
sebizcanal en español01:06
biovore^TheCrono: not sure.. I wouldn't probably try farther because of your lack of unix knowledge.. you hardware probably isn't supported then.. :-(01:06
^TheCronoive had this before01:06
^TheCronoon a crappyer system :D01:06
^TheCronoi used ubuntu 5.10 last time01:07
Taggnostrnosrednaekim, should I try that command?01:07
nosrednaekim^TheCrono: log in and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and follow the dialog01:07
^TheCronoif i installed 5.10..can i update it to 7.10 and get KDE?01:07
sebizcanal en01:07
nosrednaekimTaggnostr: no... take a look at that link then01:07
^TheCronoand it would be all the same i believe01:07
ubuntuI have an issue and wondering if anyone can help?01:07
^TheCronoi got like 50 5.10 CDs lol01:07
nosrednaekimubuntu: what is it01:08
NickPrestaubuntu, give us more information and we can try :)01:08
Scubarsounds like you got the alternate cd @ The Crono01:08
intelikeyubuntu don't ask to ask.  just explain what you have and what you want it to do01:08
^TheCronono, i got the very first one in the downlaod section01:08
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ubuntuok, Thx nosrednaekim and nickpresta, i'm recently running kubuntu from cd and the audio drives won't register01:09
^TheCronoverey first link01:09
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Scubarwhat size iso was it ?01:09
^TheCronothat one, to be specific01:09
^TheCronolet me try that sudu command01:10
Scubari doubt very much that it wouldnt support your x1300 card01:10
ubuntuamarok gave me a warning sign stating that 'xine couldn't detect any audio drives'01:10
Taggnostrnosrednaekim I can't understand what should I do with that link01:10
BluesKaj^TheCrono, run the live cd again. This time open the run command : kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst . Then add this to the bottom of your gub/menu.lst: http://www.pastebin.ca/86926601:11
intelikey!sound | Ubuntu01:11
ubotuUbuntu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:11
nosrednaekimubuntu: do other sounds work?01:11
ubuntuthx ubotu01:12
Scubar!kiss ubotu01:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiss ubotu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:12
ubuntuand no, NO sound works, nosrednaekim01:12
BluesKajoh and save it , ^TheCrono01:12
nosrednaekimubuntu: what does kmix show? anysound channels?01:13
Scubarlucky i just looked up what kdesu does01:14
ubuntuwhat do u mean sound channels?01:14
Scubarnever knew that sudo graphical apps = bad idea01:14
nosrednaekimubuntu: any sliders?01:14
ubuntushows master on, headphone on, pcm on, master mono on01:14
ubuntuon input tab the cd is on, and switches external amplifier is on...01:15
nosrednaekimI suggest you follow that link that intelikey(through ubotu)  gave you01:15
BluesKajubuntu , make sure mix is on in the switches tab01:16
intelikeyBluesKaj lines 5 & 6 can cause issues in some cases.   just fyi.01:16
ubuntuok nosrednaekim, i did open a tab to that link :)01:17
BluesKajintelikey, his pc is very similar to mine , so i thought I'd risk it. :)01:17
ubuntuI'll try that blueskaj01:17
^TheCronowhen KDe loads, the second line in the list of [OK] gives an error, but i cannot read it as it happens to fast01:18
^TheCronoon the prompt01:18
CreationistWhen trying to play a DVD, I keep getting errors saying "Could not read NAV packet."  What do I need to do to REfix this?   This is yet another example of something that worked one day and not the next.... grr.01:18
BluesKaj^TheCrono, are on live cd ?01:19
intelikey^TheCrono you might still read it at    ctrl01:19
^TheCronoat what?01:19
intelikeyat ctrl+alt+f801:19
^TheCronolet me try that01:19
intelikey^TheCrono also dmesg may have the error message01:20
basywhitch ssh server is good for kubuntu? openssh-server?01:21
basy <intelikey> "yes" for me?01:21
^TheCronoctrl alt f8 took me to a blank screen01:22
^TheCronowith a blinking line01:22
intelikeyhmm blank?   ok.  anyway   dmesg may still have the error message01:22
intelikeyyes it's a command01:23
^TheCronojsut type dmesg01:23
intelikeyyou can filter the output if you like      dmesg | less01:23
^TheCronotype dmeg | less?01:23
gtti'm planning on reinstalling a server for my home. it's mostly file sharing, media streaming, printer services, but I do like setting up ssh and X11 forwarding... was wondering if there was some wonderful service i was overlooking so that i can add it to my plan. i've been through a couple of books, but i've noticed some things they didnt consider too.01:24
intelikey^TheCrono you do know how to switch tty's   don't you ?    ctrl+alt+f#    the gui is generally in tty701:24
intelikeyconsole == tty01:25
^TheCronotty's?  H <--see that letter h?..it knows more about  unix than i do ::D01:25
^TheCronocan't i jsut install ubuntu 5.10 and update and get kde?01:25
^TheCronoi know ubuntu 5.10 works01:25
ubuntuwhat is a 'shell'? .. the command list?01:25
sn00zercan somebody please help me with vnc? I have realvnc on my xp box and when i try to connect from my ubuntu box it says x connection broken01:26
nosrednaekim^TheCrono: that'd take a LONG time :)01:26
intelikeyubuntu a shell is a command intrupreter   like the ms command.com01:26
intelikeywell sorta like01:26
intelikeywell really not much like  but far better.01:26
ubuntucan't I type a command in konquerer?01:27
^TheCronowhy would it take a long time?01:27
biovorekonqueror isn't a shell01:27
ubuntuok lol01:27
intelikeyubuntu with the terminal eumlator feature of konq   yes.01:27
nosrednaekim^TheCrono: because you would have to go through 4 versions to get to gutsy01:27
^TheCronoi'm nto sure it installed..i click install..it laods the kernal..kubuntu sign comes up with a blue bar..then  a command prompt01:27
biovoreyeah.. not installed01:28
^TheCrononothing else happens01:28
^TheCronomaby that is the problem?01:28
ubuntuah ok intelikey, I knew I heard something like that before01:28
intelikeyubuntu you can look in the konq menus and enable the "terminal emulator" if you like.01:29
* intelikey recons it's still there...01:29
biovorealt-f2 -- konsole :-P01:29
intelikeybiovore doesn't kde have a default hot key to open a terminal too01:30
^TheCronoso is there a command i can use to install kbuntu?01:30
biovoreintelikey: no clue..01:30
biovore^TheCrono: well its more like 1000 commands if you where to atempt to do it.. probably better of with the alternate installer and manualy configure X.01:30
intelikey^TheCrono if you have the alternate install CD   else the dvd   if neither of them. then no.01:30
ubuntuI'll see about that intelikey01:31
^TheCronoso, i need to instal ubuntu 5.10 and update?01:31
intelikey^TheCrono does the live CD  boot and run kde for you ?01:31
^TheCronoi don't have live cd01:31
intelikeyyeah you do.   http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/kubuntu/gutsy/   that's what you said you got.01:32
^TheCronoyeah, it gives me a text based menu01:33
intelikeydoes it boot and run kde for you ?01:33
^TheCronoit  goes to a menu with 5 or 7 options01:33
* intelikey </blinks>01:33
intelikeyone of which is install ubuntu ?01:33
nosrednaekimummm is one of those options "start or install kubuntu"01:33
intelikeyone is safe graphics mode ?01:33
^TheCronostart / install kde   start kde graphics safemode thing    check memory     oem     boot form hard disk01:33
miacan some one help with this--"he APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem."01:34
miaI"M STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!01:34
nosrednaekimmia: did you run those?01:34
intelikey^TheCrono ok  and you select safe graphics mode and it does what ?01:34
^TheCronohaven't tried, heh, one sec01:34
intelikey!adeptcrash | mia01:35
ubotumia: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:35
miagot a error message - "could not run the specified command"01:36
mia a friend and I tried all last evening to correct the problem and it hasn't been corrected.  something tells me I may have to reload everything.01:37
intelikeydid you try the commands that the error message spit out ?01:38
intelikeysudo apt-setup ;sudo apt-get update01:38
ubuntu_it worked01:38
=== ubuntu_ is now known as theCronoWorks
theCronoWorksbut, its running off the cd, so tis slow01:38
theCronoWorksand it gave me an error..cannot find io slave01:38
intelikeyand you see the installer icon01:38
miasays "command not found"01:38
theCronoWorks@me intel?01:39
intelikeyyes theCronoWorks01:39
theCronoWorkswhere would this icon be? desktop?01:39
theCronoWorksgot it01:39
miaalso "E: Line 2 too long in source list/etc/apt/sources.list"01:39
intelikeygood luck with it. theCronoWorks01:39
raj_i installed 96xx driver on my toshiba m10 laptop and now i cant see anything on my screen ... it sis the correct driver but i cant see anything on my screen .. i tried to change the resolution on my desktop using the termina root > video .. no luck ANY HELP would be appreciated01:40
intelikeymia then you obviously have an error there.   lets see about rebuilding the sources.list file shall we ?01:40
theCronoWorksi'll be here to asks another question in 5 minutes don't worry01:40
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:40
raj_i installed 96xx driver on my toshiba m10 laptop and now i cant see anything on my screen ... it sis the correct driver but i cant see anything on my screen .. i tried to change the resolution on my desktop using the termina root > video .. no luck ANY HELP would be appreciated01:41
intelikeymia see ubotu above  ^01:41
intelikeyraj_   ctrl+alt+plus_sign01:42
miaubotu the website is not in english01:42
theCronoWorksin roder to make 4 partitions without reformatting them i need manual don't i?01:43
theCronoWorksok, heres the scary part01:43
intelikeyraj_ see if it's just a wac rez   if so you can edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and fix it.  if not i'd sujest reconfiguring the thing.   maybe even use the vesa driver to trouble shoot.01:43
nosrednaekimtheCronoWorks: yes01:43
LjLmia, intelikey, source-o-matic is gone. use the Software Sources application01:44
intelikeyLjL walk him through it.01:44
geniiLjL: Gone gone forever-like?01:44
theCronoWorksi need 4 partions, 1 20GB for windows and a bit of data, 1 2gb swap file, 1 6gb ext system/linux, and 1 /home at 50gb....without loosing the stuff on the HD i have now [i have a folder i need, too big for Cd ior dvd]....can anyone walk me through this part? heh01:45
LjLgenii: seems so01:45
LjLintelikey, i'd rather walk through editing sources.list manually to be honset01:45
theCronoWorksI seiously cannot loose this file.01:45
regeyapartitioning on yuour own isn't so scary theCronoWorks01:45
theCronoWorksand don't wanna screw up.01:45
miai'm a born and bred Windows person trying to learn something new01:45
miaand I'm not having very good luck with it01:45
LjLmia, can you summarize the problem for me?01:46
intelikeytheCronoWorks how big are we talking ?01:46
miamy adept doesn't work01:46
theCronoWorks80gb hard01:46
miaI can't get into my program files01:46
theCronoWorksi posted the 4 partions01:46
intelikeyno the file you "must keep"01:46
theCronoWorksits a fodler, its like..8gb01:46
theCronoWorksall i gto are cdrws01:46
theCronoWorksso yeah01:46
theCronoWorksi need that 8gb on my /home partition01:47
intelikeyok and it's where now ?01:47
LjLmia, ok, that's not a very useful summary so i'll ask you to do some things you were probably already asked to try. close Adept, and type « sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. pastebin the output.01:47
theCronoWorksits on my HD which is in one partition01:47
raj_intelikey thx 1 sec01:47
miayou lost me at pastebin the output01:47
miathe language is so new to me01:47
intelikeysingle partition will make that difficult.  if you can resize that partition down to the 20g size you are good to go  if not then we have work to do.01:48
theCronoWorksi want to resize it..but will it damage the data on it?01:48
theCronoWorkstheres 50gb free on it01:48
mia"E: Invalid operation dis-update"01:48
intelikeytheCronoWorks if you are asking me to promice that you or the program will neither one make a mistake.  then you have already made one.01:49
theCronoWorksthe only thing i want is the windows installation and my'transfer'folder which has all the stuff i need01:49
theCronoWorksi can survive without the data, but i want to be sure01:49
theCronoWorksif i loose it i loose it, oh wells heh01:50
theCronoWorksbut id like to save if by all means01:50
LjL!pastebin | mia01:50
ubotumia: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:50
intelikeytheCronoWorks the partitioning step of the installer is supposed to let you resize the partition    see what it says   if it says it can.... we'll go from there   if not we'll do something else.01:50
LjLmia: dist-upgrade, not dis-upgrade. why don't you just copy and paste what i give you?01:50
theCronoWorksok, for the windows 20 gb partitiion...it needs to be ntfs obviously..what do i point it to?01:51
BluesKajtheCronoWorks, there's no reason to lose any data on the windows partition01:51
theCronoWorksi clicked edit partion on the main one01:51
miaI did01:51
intelikeytheCronoWorks have you started the installer yet ?01:51
miathanks for the help01:51
theCronoWorksyes, i'm at partition window01:51
theCronoWorks"prepare partitions"01:51
intelikeyyes resize it   grab the end and drag it down toward the start01:52
theCronoWorksit shows two fo them..one is 79990mb and one is 8mb [wtf 8mb partition?]01:52
theCronoWorksare you serious..grab and drag?01:52
BluesKajdoes the partition editor show the the data portion of the partition01:52
theCronoWorksit has two boxes ontop01:52
raj_i installed 96xx driver on my toshiba m10 laptop and now i cant see anything on my screen ... it sis the correct driver but i cant see anything on my screen .. i tried to change the resolution on my desktop using the termina root > video .. no luck ANY HELP would be appreciated01:52
raj_no luck01:52
theCronoWorksif that's what you mean01:52
theCronoWorksoens pink one is yellow01:53
theCronoWorksone says sda1 and oen says free01:53
intelikeytheCronoWorks i mean click that and say resize then in that window grab and drag  yes.01:53
theCronoWorksi can't drag it01:53
jimmy51could someone help me with some bugreport etiquette?  i've never submitted one and don't want to waste people's time or make them mad01:54
theCronoWorksSays i need to specify a partition for the root system01:54
intelikeyonly the end is a handle.   but also you can try the size box below it01:54
theCronoWorksno resize options or anything, jsut edit/delete01:54
LjLmia, so can you pastebin the thing?01:54
andresjHello, does anybody know what should I install to be able to change Gnome theme? (I use a couple of GTK apps)01:54
intelikeydon't delete.01:54
theCronoWorksits step 4 of 6 btw01:55
intelikeytheCronoWorks take your time study all the application in front of you carefully.  familearize your self with it.   explore it.01:55
theCronoWorkswell, i don't think we have to worry now01:56
LjLandresj, GTK apps should normally use the GTK->Qt engine by default, therefore ideally looking just like KDE apps. try Appearence / GTK Styles in the system settings.01:56
intelikeyif you have not "applied changes" dont.01:56
theCronoWorksi hit undo..whew..i accedently hit delete01:56
theCronoWorksthen i hit undo and it came back01:56
intelikeyit's safer than you think01:56
intelikeyyou can bail out01:56
andresjLjL, I use KDE4.01:57
theCronoWorksi can edit the partition..but what filesystem do i use?01:57
intelikeyit hasn't actually writen anything to disk   until you tell it to apply changes01:57
LjLandresj: in that case you should probably ask in #kubuntu-kde4 (see /topic)01:57
theCronoWorksroot would be ext3 correct?01:57
intelikeydon't change the partition type  just resize it down01:57
theCronoWorksi can't01:58
andresjLjL, already asked :) I thought people here would know, though. As it is not a KDE4-specific issue...01:58
theCronoWorksyou mean yb resizeing the boxes above the list right?01:58
intelikeytheCronoWorks ok you need to back out of there and boot windows.   disable pagefile/vertual memory   and then defrag it01:58
LjLandresj, well, it can be, since KDE 3 *does* provide a KDE way to set up GTK styles.01:58
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theCronoWorkshrm, how do i disable pagefile/virtual memory?01:59
intelikeytheCronoWorks then you should be able to resize it01:59
* intelikey does not do windows01:59
LjLtheCronoWorks: why would you do that?01:59
theCronoWorksnever done that before01:59
theCronoWorksintel toldme to :D01:59
intelikeyLjL to resize an ntfs partition.01:59
LjLah, the Windows swap.01:59
intelikeyhe needs it defraged01:59
andresjLjL, that's true :)02:00
theCronoWorksive not defraged sence maby...1998 lol02:00
LjLintelikey: right click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Resources (?), deactivate virtual memory02:00
LjLintelikey: of course that wasn't for you02:00
regeyaheh theCronoWorks02:00
intelikeytheCronoWorks if none of these guys will tell you how to disable vertual memory in windows there is always  ##windows02:00
jimmy51Well, hopefully I did this right:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/18521702:01
intelikeytheCronoWorks ah see ljl02:01
jimmy51Does that look like a reasonable backport request?02:01
regeyaas long as you keep a reasonable amount of free space on your volumes, fragmentation shouldn't be a big issue on any modern filesystems (including ntfs), true02:01
theCronoWorkslet me see about deactivating it, then i'll try...defrag will take years02:01
theCronoWorkswell,i'm using 30 out of 80 gb02:01
theCronoWorksright now02:01
intelikeytheCronoWorks if you really want to save that data,  i don't know another way.02:01
theCronoWorkswell, brb02:02
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miaOh I GIVE UP!02:02
intelikeyand you should dump all the junk you can to make it less than 20g02:02
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regeyaI've got a machine at work that's running as a netatalk server (for a mixed group of Macs running everything from OS 8.6 to 10.5) and I'm running into tail fragmentation issues...I have to leave tail packing on on reiser, though, because resource forks are saved in a separate file; when I went ext3 -> reiser3, I recovered 20GB of space, it's true.02:03
LjLjimmy51, the steps to follow for a backports request are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#head-37a793d5ee480081f1c9f19e07fcdcdae5e6a9ed02:03
^theCronoAFKwhere was it again?02:05
intelikeyLjL <^theCronoAFK> where was it again?02:05
intelikey<LjL> intelikey: right click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Resources (?), deactivate virtual memory  <<<< that i think.02:06
intelikeybut my log file is way too big.  8m of irc log is too much02:07
LjL8MB? mwahah02:07
^theCronoAFKdon't have resources :D..winxp[02:07
^theCronoAFKi have an 18mb log file btw02:07
intelikeyLjL i don't log over a weak at a time02:07
LjL^theCronoAFK: well then it's called something else. that's why i put a question mark there. there are three buttons - it's one of those three.02:07
LjL@ljlhead:~/.muh$ du -h       2.1G    .02:08
^theCronoAFKunder virtual memory.. 'no paging file' should be it right?02:08
intelikeyit should warn you that it's a bad idea.  :)02:08
^theCronoAFKit didn't lol02:09
intelikeythe only time i had to play with that it did...02:09
^theCronoAFKdefrag might take awhile02:09
^theCronoAFKthink defrag is nessicary?02:09
intelikeyit probably will.  but someone will still be here.02:09
intelikeyyes it is absolutely nessicary02:10
intelikeythat's why you couldn't resize it while ago02:10
^theCronoAFKwell,its been a minute..still at 1%..how long will you guys be around? lol02:10
* intelikey awaits the 325 answers to that......02:11
^theCronoAFKi wonder if it would be faster to burn my files onto a cd then reformat02:11
^theCronoAFKtime to pick and choose what i REEEALY want02:11
intelikeythought you didn't have the disks for that ?02:11
^theCronoAFKi do, but it would be like 12 disks lol02:12
* intelikey scrolls up.... if this guy proves to be a liar he's on his own.02:12
ubuntuDoes kubuntu use Hg?02:12
^theCronoAFKi got like...7-8 cds02:12
^theCronoAFKthe fiels are about 8.5gb02:13
^theCronoAFKdisks are 700mb02:13
trophyheadhi all : )  I recently bought a 2.0 usb card, just wondering how do I know if its working?, my webcams cheap so didnt seem to improve resolution,any help greatly appreciated : )   also is there a defrag or cleanup disk program in kubuntu?02:13
^theCronoAFKthouhg, defrag just jumped to 3%02:13
^theCronoAFKi don'tthink defrag stays at a constant speed, after the first 30% it may fly to 10002:14
intelikeytrophyhead why not just use the one in windows ?02:15
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intelikeytrophyhead you were talking about defragging a windows file system weren't you ?02:16
trophyheadis it included in the kubuntu package?02:16
ubotuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.02:18
intelikeytrophyhead ^02:18
intelikey!virus | trophyhead see this one too02:18
ubotutrophyhead see this one too: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:18
trophyheadok so I take it with kubuntu files dont pile up over time, good, just thought my puter would get slower & slower, filled with stuff I browsed at & deleted, thx : )02:21
^theCronoAFKhrm,2.9gb music02:21
^theCronoAFKand most of it is my own02:21
^theCronoAFK2gb of it probably...i need that02:21
intelikeytrophyhead welcome02:21
^theCronoAFKwhat os or environment has it where there is no bar on the bottom but 5 orbs on top of the screen?02:22
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^theCronoAFKi seen that and thought it look kinda cool02:22
^theCronoAFKbut dujnno what os/environment it was, i am sure it was linux though02:23
intelikeysounds like a theme02:23
stevenyhello! can someone take a peek at my USB problem please....I would love to have my mouse and such http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53111/02:23
regeya^theCronoAFK: link?02:23
^theCronoAFKhrm, let me look02:23
intelikeysteveny looks like you have a 1.1 and a 2.0 hub there.   what exactly is not working ?02:26
^theCronoAFKcan'tfind it anymore02:26
=== BluesMurf is now known as tuxick
ubuntu_Hey, can anyone help me?02:27
regeyawow, steveny, that sounds a lot mroe serious than my wife's acpi fan problem...hey, are you gobucks747?02:27
Dr_willisdepends on the problem ubuntu_02:27
Dr_willisYou might wnt to pick a better nick also ubuntu_02:27
intelikeyubuntu_ yes.   it's down the hall on the left,   and please flush when finished02:27
ubuntu_Well, I have two problems. One, my kde panel has vanished permenently. So, I deleted the .kde config folder in my home directory. Now, I cant even log in becauase of an error about a dcon server or something isn't working.02:28
regeyayyeah...steveny, it looks like your usb ports are detected!02:29
stevenywell....I was....a few installs ago:(02:29
^theCronoAFKdoes KDE have any drastic gui changes/themes?02:29
ubuntu_My second problem is that the 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' command, says X cant detect my ati card.02:29
ubuntu_And no, all i did was change the background02:29
regeyaheh steveny02:30
ubuntu_and installed that overhead command line thingy, like yakuaga or something.02:30
^theCronoAFKit would be nice to use somethign that doesn't have a button in the bottom left with a popup menu02:31
^theCronoAFKlike, have the start vbutton in the dead center of the screen...and tis all red and says 'start'02:31
stevenyonce my usb ports see my stuff, I'll be a happy camper:) ...but everyone seems to be stumped:(02:31
^theCronoAFKand a orbit menu comes out02:31
^theCronoAFKlike in nwn02:31
intelikey^theCronoAFK you can change that.   or use something else.   i like blackbox personally   with no bars02:31
Dragnslcr^theCronoAFK- you can move the KMenu to anywhere you like in the taskbar02:31
ubuntu_So, am I just sol then?02:32
^theCronoAFKyeah i know that, but orbit menus would be cool nonetheless02:32
intelikeyDragnslcr or remove it.02:32
intelikeyhave the middle click do something besides paste... like display the menu02:33
ubuntu_Ack, can anyone help me or not? :P02:33
intelikeyubuntu_   alt+f2   type in "kicker"02:34
ubuntu_okay? Thats it?02:34
^theCronoAFKstart emnu as the middle button?..nice02:34
intelikeyubuntu_ i can point you at the bot like   but that's all i can do with ati.   you could use vesa until you get ati streightened out.02:34
^theCronoAFKi like when people get on my pc to..you know..rbowse or something, and they are like 'o,O'02:35
intelikey!ati | ubuntu_02:35
ubotuubuntu_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:35
ubuntu_al right, well thanks anyway.02:35
^theCronoAFKbut it seems at kde-look..its all the same layout..just diffrent colors and pictures02:35
intelikeybut the kicker is the easy one.  ubuntu_02:35
ubuntu_Ooh, before I forget, does anyone have any reccomendations for a FPS?02:36
^theCronoAFKhalf-life 202:36
^theCronoAFKdoom 202:36
ubuntu_I was thinking specifically for linux, but thanks.02:36
^theCronoAFKallof thsoe work on linux02:36
^theCronoAFKhalf-life 2 runs perfectly on wine02:36
^theCronoAFKunreal has a linux install iirc02:36
ubuntu_Without wine, and something not from unreal. I have plently of iwndows games and I own all the UT02:37
trophyhead<--has a simple usb issue, I bought & installed a 2.0 card, I know it's working when cam is ok, but how do I find out if the system didn't read them as just extra usb ports, (1.0)'s02:37
^theCronoAFKi used to map for unreal,also, you can get doom 2 and use a linux port, zdeeom is linux i believe02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:37
intelikeythey keep removing useful information02:37
^theCronoAFKi thinkw ere supposed to be in #kubuntu-offtopic though02:38
^theCronoAFKever played never winter nights intel?02:38
intelikeynot a gamer02:38
^theCronoAFKoh ok02:38
intelikeyshort answer, no.02:38
moparisthebestkmix shows 2 audio devices, how do I set one to default?02:39
^theCronoAFKthey had a nice menu system..you would right click, an a ring would appear around your mouse with diffrent things, and you would click on an item in the ring and it would replace the old one with a new one02:39
Taggnostrdo I have to do something in the shell in order to see the cd? mount or things like that?02:39
^theCronoAFKi wonder if that can be done in kubuntu02:39
intelikeyand the few games i have played are stratagy turn based   i like to think,  not fight.02:39
moparisthebestTaggnostr, an icon should appear on your desktop when you put a cd in02:40
intelikeyyeah   it has potential.  but needs writers02:40
trophyheadi just play the ones that came with kubuntu (tremulos, sauerbraten..etc....02:40
Taggnostrmoparisthebest actually x doesn't work, I've to copy some file from the cd but I don't know how can access it02:40
intelikeytoo one dimentional really02:40
moparisthebestoh, in that case use mount Taggnostr02:40
^theCronoAFKi play snes and 64 emulators alot recently02:40
Taggnostrwhat is the syntax?02:41
^theCronoAFKand i will soon get simcity 402:41
moparisthebestTaggnostr, mount myiso.iso /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop002:41
moparisthebestmake sure /mnt/iso is a directory02:41
moparisthebestyou can mount it to whatever directory you like02:41
intelikeyTaggnostr    sudo mount <device> <mountpoint>02:41
Taggnostrcould I mount in /tmp too?02:41
^theCronoAFKdefrag is at 5% compression at 28...i'll prolly jsut reformat everything02:41
moparisthebestI don't see why, its not going to take up harddrive space or anything02:42
^theCronoAFKalot of the stuff i am saving..i already have02:42
^theCronoAFKon cd02:42
intelikeyTaggnostr you can find the device with either of    sudo fdisk -l    or  cat /proc/partitions      and the mountpoint is an empty dir   normally /mnt02:42
moparisthebestbut /tmp may have things, so you would probably have to mount it in a folder in temp02:42
intelikeyyou can make a dir if needed.02:42
intelikeyTaggnostr you can mount to any dir  and if you mount to /tmp what ever you mount there may aquire some odd temporary files....02:43
intelikeyi sujest using  /mnt  that's what it's for02:43
TaggnostrI just want to avoid to create and then delete a folder02:43
Taggnostrso sudo mount my.iso /mnt ?02:44
geniimount -o loop isoname.iso /mountplace02:44
intelikeyyes   but if it's an iso you'll need to add an argument.   -o loop02:44
Taggnostruhm it can't find the iso02:45
intelikeyfind / -iname *.iso02:46
TaggnostrI'm in a virtual machine, the iso should be the one with the guest additions02:46
Taggnostris there a way to find it?02:50
intelikeyTaggnostr  ^02:52
Taggnostrwith find I can't find it02:52
Taggnostris there a way to stop it while it shows the result?02:53
intelikeyis there a way to make dosemu not mess on the asc2 charset ?02:53
intelikeyTaggnostr ?  pipe it through less02:53
intelikey         | less02:53
Taggnostrit seems the same02:54
moparisthebestis it because you get no results?02:54
TaggnostrI get find: ....: Permission denied for about 2/3 pages02:55
Taggnostrand I can't see any *.iso02:55
intelikeyexample of the dosemu issue    "#"  should have been a dubble vertical02:55
intelikeyTaggnostr sudo it and the errors will go away  but that's not likely to help.  cause if it didn't find it then it probably isn't there.02:56
Taggnostrwith sudo nothing appears02:57
intelikeyand "I"  should have been the single virtical02:57
intelikeyTaggnostr that's what i said.02:57
intelikeymount your other file system where you can access it  then find the iso and copy it or just mount it in place...02:58
Taggnostrthe problem is that I'm inside the virtual machine02:59
intelikeyand the fs is not accessable to you ?02:59
* intelikey confesses ignorance of mvware02:59
intelikeyvmware even02:59
TaggnostrI mount the guest additions from the menu of the vm, I don't know if and where there is a file with the additions and how can I put them inside the vm03:00
intelikeyi would install vmware  but it would taint my kernel and break my gpl...03:01
* BluesKaj suggests dual booting ...vmware is a PITA mostly03:01
^theCronoAFKwhat is vmware?03:02
TaggnostrI'm using vbox actually03:02
intelikeyvirtual machine ware03:02
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:02
^theCronoAFKwhat is virtual machine?03:02
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BluesKajsacktime ..nite folks03:03
intelikeyanyone use   isdnvbox ?03:04
intelikeyor any answering machine in linux for that matter ?03:04
^theCronoAFKyou mean like a phone answering machine?03:05
^theCronoAFKlol no03:05
* intelikey didn't expect that ^theCronoAFK did...03:05
moparisthebesthow would I configure what device the keyboard volume buttons control?03:06
moparisthebestit shows up as muting, or turning up or down, but the volume doesnt change03:06
intelikey!mediakeys | moparisthebest03:07
ubotumoparisthebest: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts03:07
TaggnostrI've found the problem03:07
^theCronoAFKwhy is it Kcontrol and not just Kontrol?03:07
Taggnostrvbox mount the iso as a cdrom so mount /cdrom /mnt is enough03:07
intelikey^theCronoAFK because it's not system configuration tool it's kde configuration tool  thus k control03:08
don_can I run ati 3d drivers on ubuntu?03:10
intelikey!nv | don03:10
ubotudon: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:10
don_I thought so03:10
intelikey^theCronoAFK the gnome counter part is   gnome control center     why gnome    same reason.03:12
moparisthebestintelikey, about the mediakeys thing, I looked in all of those places and nothing is set, however some program is listening for those keys because it says things like 'mute on' and 'mute off'03:14
moparisthebestso how do I know what is causing that?03:14
intelikeymoparisthebest got me.   khotkeys maybe ?03:15
moparisthebestit was already set up from the base install :/03:15
* intelikey has 101key so can't test.03:15
moparisthebestif I remember right, it worked in feisty and broke on the upgrade...03:16
intelikeymoparisthebest ummm yeah look in the /etc/init.d/ dir and see about laptop_mode or laptopkeys  or something03:16
moparisthebestbut ill see what happens :)03:16
intelikeyi do recall a script that setup some keys there03:17
moparisthebestthere is a laptop_mode, ill have a look03:17
^theCronoAFKthe 6gb ext system/linux is for linux03:17
^theCronoAFKand the 50gb partition is for data03:17
^theCronoAFKkeep the OS diffrent from the data03:17
^theCronoAFKwhat file system do i need for the linux parition and the data partuition?03:18
^theCronoAFKest 3 on both?03:18
intelikey^theCronoAFK yeah   and the data is mounted on /home and is ext3 fs03:18
^theCronoAFKboth are ext3?03:18
intelikeyboth ext3 yes03:18
^theCronoAFKwhat do the point to?03:18
^theCronoAFKthere was a point to option03:18
^theCronoAFKwhen editing a partition03:19
intelikeygot me.  i don't recall a "point to" option03:19
^theCronoAFKi'ma leave the 20gb parition free for no, only if i need to install windows will i use it03:19
^theCronoAFKthere is two options in the edit menu03:20
^theCronoAFKone says 'for: and one says 'point to:03:20
^theCronoAFKunder for: it says ext3 ext 2 etc etc03:20
^theCronoAFKunder point to it said i think /mac /windows /home03:21
^theCronoAFKor something03:21
^theCronoAFKmusic is done compressing :D..that's the bulk i think of it03:21
intelikeyheh  ok  the "for" is the file system type  and the "point to"   is the mount point.   so ext3  home03:21
intelikeythat's the 50g03:21
^theCronoAFKboth are ext3 home?03:21
davidwhats the konsole code for installing the latest version of Pidgin?03:22
intelikeyext3 / is the smaller system fs03:22
intelikey^theCronoAFK not both /home  but both ext3  one is / the other /home03:22
^theCronoAFKhrm 716,000kb won't fit on a 700mb disk will it?03:23
* intelikey wonders who wrote ubiquity03:23
^theCronoAFKi think i may jsut dleete the music also, lol03:23
intelikey^theCronoAFK not without over burning and that's not always a good idea03:23
^theCronoAFKwell, i told winrar to put them into 700mb cd parts03:23
^theCronoAFKit gave me 4 files, 3 are 716.800kb03:24
^theCronoAFKthe other is 600 something'03:24
^theCronoAFK337mb actually03:24
* intelikey wonders why you didn't just put the mp3 on disk rather than rar'ing them03:24
intelikeymp3 is already compressed03:25
^theCronoAFKi would need mroe disks?03:25
^theCronoAFKyour right03:25
moparisthebestlaptop_mode just sets up power-saving related options intelikey03:25
moparisthebestill figure it out eventually im sure :)03:26
geniidepending on how your cd manufacturer measures mb it may or may not fit. 1024*1024*700 for instance or 1024*1000*700 or just 1000*1000*70003:26
intelikeymoparisthebest umm k   but one of the scripts was for keys03:26
intelikey.... /etc/init.d/keymap.sh    but there is another03:27
^theCronoAFKwell, two more files to compress, then i can start the reformat process03:27
intelikeyfound it.   /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup03:27
moparisthebestyep, found it about 2 seconds before you did, thanks :)03:28
moparisthebestnow if I can just track down what mine does03:28
intelikeyi also have  /etc/init.d/winkeys.sh   but you probably don't have that one.03:29
^theCronoAFKthe fiels fit exactly onto the cd03:29
^theCronoAFKburnign and compressing at the same time..compressing twice actually03:29
intelikeyecho 'keycode 125 = Decr_Console' | loadkeys # the [l-logo] key to decrease03:33
ubuntuomg I hear sounds!03:33
intelikeyis there a ringing in your ear ?03:33
ubuntugosh I hope its not my ears03:33
ubuntui'm hoping its my laptop :)03:34
intelikeybreak glass and you'll know03:34
user121hay anyone had any trouble installing apps lately?03:34
^theCronoAFKSo in essence, after i get kubuntu installed, via graphical safemode..how do i fix it to work in normal mode?03:34
ubuntuI dont want to get cut thx :P03:35
user121I am new to KDE and everytime I try to install something or update I get an error message about thing being broken03:35
^theCronoAFKwhat are you trying to install?03:35
^theCronoAFKwindows programs?03:35
user121anything at this point.   like the KDE themem manager03:35
user121no, not windows apps03:35
intelikey^theCronoAFK install and setup the propritary driver for your vidio card,   but use the vesa driver until you do that.03:35
^theCronoAFKwhat error?03:36
^theCronoAFKyou eman restricted driver intel?03:36
user121no, I am not using restricted drivers03:36
geniiuser121: The exact error msg would be helpful03:36
intelikeyit's only restricted because it's propritary non-free closed source.03:36
^theCronoAFKthat was @ intel , user12103:36
user121error commiting changes03:36
t00naI notice via Adept that I have AppArmor installed.03:36
t00naBut how do I use it?03:37
moparisthebesthere is the next question intelikey :)03:37
moparisthebestthat file sets keycodes like this03:37
^theCronoAFKnot that i really care..but..isd it legal to use restricted stuff on linux?03:37
moparisthebestbut I need to know what handles $KEY_MUTE03:37
t00na^theCronoAFK: what kind of restricted stuff?03:37
t00naLike, drivers?03:37
intelikeyuser121 konsole command# sudo apt-get install -f03:38
^theCronoAFKyeah, liek ati/mp3 drivers03:38
moparisthebestits legal ^theCronoAFK, unless you are in the USA and try to play a DVD :rolleyes:03:38
t00naATI drivers are perfectly legal.03:38
t00naMP3's are where it gets tricky.03:38
^theCronoAFKi have a dvd player, then again, what do i care about what'slegal or not heh03:38
t00naNobody was ever sentenced to anything for DVD's and MP3 codecs...03:38
user121intelikey: why should I have to use apt  what is wrong with the other packet managers?03:38
^theCronoAFKof course toona03:38
^theCronoAFKuser121 nothing is better and more compatiable than apt03:39
t00naOne of the kids behind libdvdcss was arrested, but never trialed03:39
intelikeyuser121 do you want some one else to help you ?03:39
t00na^theCronoAFK: You should be okay.03:39
^theCronoAFKapt-get is the best way to install anything03:39
user121intelikey: no, just asking what the difference between the two03:39
moparisthebestt00na, but dvdcss was declared illegal in the USA03:39
^theCronoAFKt00na..i use bitorrent on a daily basis..i'm not very worried..jsut curious03:39
intelikeyuser121 none really, that i care about.  use aptitude in place of apt if you liek03:40
moparisthebestbittorrent is perfectly legal as well03:40
t00namoparisthebest: It's just a trade secret that was legally figured out.03:40
^theCronoAFK90% of the uses it goes through are not03:40
intelikeyuser121 but do use the konsole and not the gui app03:40
intelikeywe meed the error messages if any03:40
^theCronoAFKapt-get made things so much easyer03:40
moparisthebestt00na, it was more reverse engineered, and the judge ruled something stupid like 'you bought it with encryption so now you can't remove it'03:40
=== ubuntu_ is now known as some_dude2
user121I typically use GUI, but and not scared of a console03:41
^theCronoAFKif someone buys something, it should be illegal for the sell to place a condition on its use03:41
intelikeyconsole != konsole03:41
moparisthebestthen you get into things like microsoft, where you just 'buy' a license to use the software, not the actual software itself ^theCronoAFK ;)03:42
^theCronoAFKbitorrent sells me all ym software03:42
t00naIt's your DVD. You should be able to do whatever you want with it.03:42
^theCronoAFKits a rgeat software distributor03:42
intelikey^theCronoAFK copyright should be illegal03:42
t00naYou bought it, and you aren't costing them anything by using libdvdcss with it.03:42
^theCronoAFKyeah, that's why all my music is creative commons03:42
t00naIt all comes down to what is right.03:43
moparisthebestt00na, I agree with you fully, but that stupid judge doesnt03:43
^theCronoAFKso are any images i take03:43
=== some_dude2 is now known as some_dude
t00naThat stupid judge ain't gonna catch you.03:43
user121intelikey:  lol I was under the impression Konsole = typicall shell.  I guss I will look the difference up at some point03:43
moparisthebestI live in the USA, and have dvdcss installed, but it is illegal currently03:43
t00naStupid judge doesn't have tabs on the world.03:43
^theCronoAFKno one is really unless your gettign too big on the net for somethign illegal03:43
^theCronoAFKjust use an anon proxy if you want to be safe03:43
t00naI think it's unconstitutional for it to be declared illegal.03:43
moparisthebesthopefully it does get put down in the future03:44
^theCronoAFKand don't downlaod nicenewmovie..2 days after nicenewmovie is released03:44
moparisthebestI think it will eventually03:44
t00naHow about this: I make a company that sells TV dinners.03:44
t00naBut in the EULA of that TV dinner, you can only use my partner company's brand of microwave to cook it.03:44
t00naIf you use any other microwave, i'll send the cops to bonk you on the head.03:44
intelikeyuser121 konsole is a terminal emulator  like  gnome terminal   and xterm   console is the linux vertual terminal   you can access the console with alt+ctrl+f# where # is 1-7 and 7 being the console that xorg is running in.03:45
^theCronoAFKi wuld say ef you and your company, and use the tv dinner in another microwave03:45
moparisthebestsounds like a very microsoft thing to do t00na :)03:45
moparisthebestMicrosoft TV Dinners03:45
t00na^theCronoAFK: then go ahead and use dvdcss to your heart's content.03:45
t00namoparisthebest: they run Windows CE. :D03:45
^theCronoAFKbut,i have a real hardware dvsd player..so lol03:45
^theCronoAFKconnected to my TV03:45
Airforce5555moparisthebest: interesting name....03:46
t00naI'm too lazy to use a real DVD player.03:46
moparisthebesthardware DVD players are legal because they paid royalties to decrypt the DVD03:46
^theCronoAFKand the only reason i use mp3 is because ogg isn't accepted on music sites most of the time03:46
moparisthebestAirforce5555, thanks, are you one of the few who knows what a mopar is? :)03:46
^theCronoAFKliek i can't put ogg on my myspace page03:46
t00najust like that microwave that heats up my TV dinners.03:46
t00nathey paid royalties to me.03:46
Airforce5555act, im not exactly sure what a mopar is. It just reminded me of a mmorpg private server XD03:47
moparisthebesthehe, moparscape.org? it's mine :P03:47
Airforce5555is it?03:47
t00naanyway, back to my question03:47
Airforce5555it is*03:47
^theCronoAFKis it a wow server?03:47
regeyamopar?  as in dodge?03:47
^theCronoAFKjust curious03:47
moparisthebestbut no, mopar stands for dodge, chrysler plymouth and jeep, car companies :)03:47
^theCronoAFKthey need a good open source mmorpg03:48
t00naI found that I have AppArmor preinstalled on my Kubuntu03:48
t00nahow do I use it?03:48
Airforce5555so no affiliation with moparscape?03:48
moparisthebest^theCronoAFK, there is planeshift03:48
regeyavroom vroom03:48
user121user121: i see.  does apt-get have a way to browse all the apps listed in the repos?  Other than using a GUI?03:48
^theCronoAFKdidn'tlikepl;aneshift very much though lol03:48
moparisthebestnope Airforce5555, I made that nick years ago because they are my favorite cars :)03:48
user121user121:  lol i mean simiar to the way adapt or symantic do03:48
* intelikey thought that mopar was as widely known as delco or fomoco03:48
moparisthebest^theCronoAFK, we kinda 'made' runescape open source ;)03:49
moparisthebestno, not nearly as widely known it seems intelikey03:49
moparisthebestonly seems like older guys know what it means03:49
Daisuke_Idowho's never heard of mopar?03:49
user121Daisuke_Ido: not me03:49
intelikeyyou calling me old ?03:49
* Airforce5555 raises his hand03:50
Daisuke_Idoof course, i'm probably about the middle of the age scale around here03:50
* Airforce5555 is not old though =\03:50
regeyaintelikey: mopar is chrysler, delco is gm03:50
moparisthebesti'm 22, and most people my age don't recognize the name :/03:50
Daisuke_Idok, i'm 28, which explains a little bit03:50
moparisthebestso maybe I am calling you old? :)03:50
Airforce5555I am a honda person...03:50
intelikeyregeya and fomoco is ford moter company03:50
moparisthebestew, honda03:50
Airforce5555honda and toyota03:51
Airforce5555nothign beats reliability!!!03:51
* moparisthebest gags03:51
regeyaintelikey: sorry, I misread your statement03:51
Adlaiwhat are my chances of getting ion3 to 'work' with kde (in terms of having kicker display and play nice and whatnot) ?03:51
* Daisuke_Ido hugs his clown car03:51
Daisuke_IdoAdlai: that depends: what's ion303:51
AdlaiDaisuke_Ido: one of those sexy tiling window managers03:51
bascule!info ion303:51
ubotuion3 (source: ion3): keyboard-friendly window manager with tiled windows. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 20070506-2 (gutsy), package size 1592 kB, installed size 4084 kB03:51
t00naCan anyone help me?03:52
moparisthebestso, like a super-bloated wmii?03:52
t00naHow do I use AppArmor on Gutsy?03:52
basculeone of those light ones like ratpoison or such03:52
Adlaimoparisthebest: no, it's very light weight, although I suppose running kde underneath would make it super-bloated03:52
intelikeyt00na does it have a man page ?03:52
moparisthebestthats what I meant03:52
basculepeople use them cause they like key-shortcuts in there text editors left well alone :)03:52
user121ok.... according to apt  kdm theme is already installed, yet I do not see it in my menu.  any thoughts?03:53
intelikeyi don't even know what apparmor is03:53
t00naintelikey: nope03:53
ubotuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor03:53
basculethe bot knows all :)03:53
moparisthebestI dont know what apparmor is either, at least for the next few minutes :)03:53
intelikeyuser121 ummm logout sense you instaled it ?03:53
user121intelikey: ok ill give that a shot03:54
intelikeyjust thinking that kde might not be able to detect the new themes unless you restart it...  there shoud be a buildsycoco for the menu though03:55
user121intelikey: yeah, still nothing.  Do you know which menu item it would appear under?03:56
intelikeyno i don't    LjL might03:57
Daisuke_Idoit's probably not in the kmenu - afaik it's available in kcontrol03:58
intelikeyi'm afraid i'm not much help on gui things.    i haven't started xorg today.    and only one time in the last weak.03:58
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido to the rescue03:58
intelikeykcontrol sounds right.03:59
user121Daisuke_Ido: ahh, that would expalin it then03:59
Daisuke_Idointelikey: the finny thing?  i haven't used kde since about two days after gutsy's release03:59
intelikeyor maybe a system settings submenu ?03:59
intelikeyyes. i have kde and gnome installed  but when i do start xorg i use blackbox  heh.04:00
intelikey^theCronoAFK that's the  pointy clicky thingy   that looks like windows04:01
Daisuke_Idoyeah, x-windows*04:01
^theCronoAFKthen what is kde?04:01
TaggnostrI fixed everything \o/04:02
intelikeyk desktop environment04:02
user121grr all these damn "k" are confusing04:02
Taggnostrnow that it works I've to configure everything \o/04:02
user121lol where is kcontrole?04:02
intelikeyuser121 alt+f2   kcontrol04:02
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:03
user121intelikey:  ahh there we go.  thx04:03
^theCronoAFKwhat is the diffrence between kde and gui?04:04
intelikey^theCronoAFK xorg is the gui that kde runs in04:04
^theCronoAFKthen what does kde do? lol..'desktop environment' is extremely vauge04:05
intelikeythe x-window-system provides the gui   the desktop environment uses the gui and makes/moves/decorates windows in it.04:05
^theCronoAFKmakes it look less...blande and windowsy04:06
^theCronoAFKKDE is just a visual addon right?04:06
geniiwindow managers are more than gust visual addons04:07
intelikey^theCronoAFK if you want to see what bare xorg is   do this sometime    sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop   then login and type   X04:07
intelikeythat will put you in a bare xorg04:07
^theCronoAFKi'll get lost in mono-block land04:07
intelikeyjust so you'll know.04:07
^theCronoAFKis there any way to code the layout..so maby one day i could code in the feature i was talking about..with the start button?04:08
intelikeyand you can ctrl+alt+backspace  to kill it then startx is a script that will put back in xorg + a desktop environment04:08
^theCronoAFKlol, can you attack sounds to events in the theme?04:09
reverend_joshuai'm trying to install nvidia drivers and when i run the kdm stop command it goes back to the black kubuntu screen with a blue bar under it04:09
intelikey^theCronoAFK a way to code something in linux ?  are you kidding ?04:09
reverend_joshuais there something i'm missing in the command sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop?04:10
Daisuke_Idoreverend_joshua: what's the error message?04:10
reverend_joshuano error message04:10
biovore^theCronoAFK: there are over 20 scripting/programming languages for linux04:10
reverend_joshuait just goes back to the splash screen04:10
intelikeywell the short answer is   YES!  emphaticatly yes. there surely is.04:10
^theCronoAFKwhat si the best language to use that can drasticly change KDE gui?04:11
reverend_joshuabut it doesn't do anything from there04:11
^theCronoAFKi am planning on starting to learn a language, as currently i am jobless and bored lol04:11
intelikeyreverend_joshua depends on what you want it to do and if it's running ?04:11
intelikeyreverend_joshua oh sorry i missed your second post04:12
^theCronoAFKi figure gui is a reletivly easy thing to modify04:12
intelikeyreverend_joshua yes at the splash screen use alt+f104:12
biovore^theCronoAFK: kde uses a gui system call QT.  KDE is written to use QT with C++04:12
intelikey^theCronoAFK not as easy as the cli.  but yes04:12
^theCronoAFKso i ened to elarn QT/c++?04:12
^theCronoAFKneed to learn*04:12
biovore^theCronoAFK: but you can do QT stuff with scripting languages like python and perl as well04:12
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:13
biovoreyes.. CLI is hthe hear of the system..04:13
biovorethe gui just an abstraction layer04:13
biovore^theCronoAFK: you can't do everything in a gui..04:13
^theCronoAFKwhere is the best place to go to elarn to script with QT/C++, the KDE gui04:13
biovorewww.trolltech.com <-- makers of QT04:14
^theCronoAFKbiover, i know jack abotu coding..this is jsut a start04:14
^theCronoAFKlearn QT before C++?04:14
=== LeeJunFan_ is now known as LeeJunFan
biovoreI start with python or introduction to c++04:14
biovoreQT is a big step.. you have to know c++ first..04:14
MacAnthony^theCronoAFK: most ubuntu based devel is done with python04:14
biovorelearn C++ and everything on linux falls into place..04:14
* intelikey skiped all that and just learned shell scripting04:14
^theCronoAFKSo mess with python first?04:15
biovorePython is fairly simple to get started in..04:15
MacAnthonypython is easier to learn than c++, IMO04:15
^theCronoAFKive seen books on C++..oh my god04:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:15
MacAnthonyand no compiling04:15
^theCronoAFKpython doesn't need to compile?04:15
MacAnthonyjust write the script and run it04:15
* intelikey is glad no one has pointed him to perl (gag)04:15
^theCronoAFKwhat si somethign simple and unimportant in kubuntu that i can modify with python?04:16
MacAnthonyI don't know much about ruby but the perl to ruby comparison keep shying me away from it04:16
Taggnostrpython \o/04:16
MacAnthony^theCronoAFK: i was just reading the pyqt tutorial Riddell gave last month04:17
MacAnthonyyou could start there04:17
intelikeyi started to try to learn perl   went to #perl and that changed my mind about it for ever.04:17
^theCronoAFKassholes in #perl?04:17
MacAnthony^theCronoAFK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay/PyKDE04:17
intelikeymuch worse04:17
^theCronoAFKthis is why i left linux, because #ubuntu and #knoppix were all elitist aholes04:18
user121is there a way to get compiz-beryl to run on KDE?04:18
^theCronoAFKand i wasn't even going to dare going into #debian04:18
Taggnostrhow do I free the adept manager? it says that someone else are using apt04:18
intelikey!adeptcrash | Taggnostr04:19
ubotuTaggnostr: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:19
TaggnostrI always have this problem04:19
Taggnostrbefore that it says that there is a distro update, how can I do it now?04:23
MacAnthonyanyone know off hand if amarok can remember where is left off in a track?04:24
MacAnthonyif not I'll go to #amarok04:24
^theCronoAFKask in #lad04:24
^theCronoAFKor that\04:24
intelikey:() { S=1 ;echo "\n #?\c" ;until [ "$S" -gt 70 ] ;do echo "-?\b\c" ;sleep .1 ;S=$(($S + 1)) ;done ;echo "!#\b\b\b\c" ;S=1 ;until [ "$S" -gt 70 ] ;do echo "\b!=\b\b\c" ;sleep .1 ;S=$(($S + 1)) ;done ;echo "!=\b\b" ; } ; :04:24
MacAnthonynot a big deal, just curious04:24
^theCronoAFKomg what langauge is that inteli?04:24
^theCronoAFKwhat do python look like?04:25
user121anyone know how to enabe compiz on kde?04:25
Taggnostrpython looks like pseudocode04:25
^theCronoAFKwhat does that look like?04:25
intelikey!compiz | user12104:26
ubotuuser121: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:26
^theCronoAFKwhat is compiz?04:27
^theCronoAFKin short04:27
user121peacy... thx04:27
^theCronoAFKany screenshots?04:27
user121or peachy even04:27
MacAnthonythere are vids on youtube04:27
user121^theCronoAFK:  there are many youtube videos04:27
intelikey^theCronoAFK no thanks.04:27
^theCronoAFKjust search compiz?04:28
intelikey^theCronoAFK oh your were not offering screen shots, you were asking for them....     hehhe04:28
MacAnthonyor beryl04:28
user121night all.  thx for your help04:28
intelikeyuser121 come back any tiem04:28
^theCronoAFKwow, is compiz CPU intensive?04:29
MacAnthonydepends on your graphic card support04:29
intelikeysome yse04:29
^theCronoAFKati radeon x1300 should be ok for basic stuff right?04:29
* intelikey repetes a tired old phrase "i wish my nvidia card was supported."04:30
MacAnthonyyes if the hardware accelleration is working correctly04:30
MacAnthonyI've seen modest computers handle it fairly well when setup correctly04:31
^theCronoAFKwow, that's amazing stuff04:31
intelikeymodest ?04:31
intelikeyMacAnthony what means modest ?04:32
^theCronoAFKlol firepaint04:32
Taggnostrhow could I update the distro?04:32
^theCronoAFKwow thats ff awesome04:32
MacAnthonyI mean older not so powerful computers04:32
intelikeyMacAnthony example of ?04:33
justin_hi all04:33
intelikey!upgrade | Taggnostr04:33
ubotuTaggnostr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:33
^theCronoAFKwow this is amazing, i lvoe eye candy04:33
MacAnthonya friend of mine had it working on an older thinkpad, must have been a 1ghz machine with 512m ram04:33
MacAnthonynot sure the video card04:33
^theCronoAFKmakes me want to do gui editing..RIGHT NOW04:33
justin_anyone got any good newbie hints04:33
^theCronoAFKfor what justine?04:34
intelikeyjustin_ yeah. hang around in here a while04:34
NickPrestajustin_, http://linuxcommand.org/04:34
justin_i am a linux noob,  i know how to do some little things but i need to know how to compile programs.  i dont have the first clue what i need04:34
intelikey!cli | justin_04:35
ubotujustin_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:35
MacAnthonyeveryone in #amarok must be sleeping04:35
intelikey!b-e | justin_ this too.04:35
ubotujustin_ this too.: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:35
justin_how do i change my default internet program from konquer to firefox04:35
^theCronoAFKWOW FF..they got a window fliyng around WITH an imbedded movie playing it without frame loss04:35
MacAnthonykcontrol -> default application04:35
^theCronoAFKthis is so cutthroat :D04:36
NickPresta!alternatives | justin_04:36
ubotujustin_: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.04:36
intelikeyjustin_ umm or k-menu system settings prefered apps     or something like that04:36
MacAnthonyintelikey: default application04:36
^theCronoAFKcompiz works with KDE?04:36
MacAnthony^theCronoAFK: yes04:36
NickPresta^theCronoAFK, yep04:36
intelikeyoh the prefered application is gnome MacAnthony ?04:37
^theCronoAFKthis is the kind fo stuff i want to code04:37
MacAnthonyintelikey: dunno - haven't used gnome in a while04:37
^theCronoAFKwhat is kiba-dock?04:39
justin_i am trying to install an app and i am using adept manager but it says it cant lock something or other b/c it is being used.  but i dont have another adept prog running??04:39
sparr_i have an animated gif.  i want to convert it to an avi.  how?04:41
im-a-n00bhey all. i have a question about disks and bad blocks. if the hdd has been formatted in windows as ntfs using a slow format, if i then format it in linux as ext3, do i need to check for bad blocks again?04:42
MacAnthonyintelikey: what is the adept crash flag?04:42
MacAnthony!adeptcrash | justin_04:43
ubotujustin_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:43
MacAnthonyim-a-n00b: I wouldn't say so - bad blocks aren't terribly common04:43
MacAnthonyon the other hand, it certainly wouldn't hurt either04:44
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
intelikeyim-a-n00b yes you should,  you never want to assume that a disk is good   a check is not that slow.    mke2fs -cf /dev/<device>04:45
^theCronoAFKwill i need to do that inteli?04:46
^theCronoAFKi'm going to reformat my entier drive04:47
^theCronoAFKthen quad splice them04:47
intelikeyMacAnthony bad blocks are quite common   it's just that "SMART" and other things such as badblocks testing when making an fs hide them from the user.04:47
intelikeythey are not often seen   that doesn't mean they don't exist.04:47
MacAnthonyintelikey: I'm speaking in relative terms to as they used to be04:47
MacAnthonyI know how badblocks are marked04:48
intelikeyMacAnthony k04:48
im-a-n00bMacAnthony: yeah.. i know.. but this drive when reading a particular file..... it has an error and unmounts itself (external usb drive)04:48
intelikey^theCronoAFK the installer will do that for you.04:48
im-a-n00bintelikey: ok, ill try that thanks :)04:48
corinthIs there any danger to enabling the backports repository?04:48
^theCronoAFKits amazingly user freindly compared to last time04:48
^theCronoAFK5.10 was horriable..it was like trying to survive in vietnam without a gun04:49
intelikeyim-a-n00b note what i just told ^theCronoAFK about that.  if you are installing   it automatically checks for bad blocks04:49
justin_how do i add the media repository so i can play mp3s04:50
im-a-n00bintelikey: thanks, but this drive is an external usb... making partitions using command line04:50
lavacano201014/-justin_-\ on what media player?04:50
intelikey^theCronoAFK i must be vietnamees then   i though the installer on 5.4 was better than this ubiquity is.04:50
intelikeyim-a-n00b yeah   always a good idea to check.04:50
lavacano201014do you mean streams?04:51
toyo|deskhi guys, umm I am having a bit of an issue... I have kubuntu installed and I am trying to use dolphin(the file manager) I want to always see hidden files but I cant figure out how to make it do it04:51
* lavacano201014 needs to check these things04:51
im-a-n00bintelikey: ok thanks :)04:51
justin_no downloaded mp3s04:51
MacAnthonyjustin_: when you run amarok and try and play an mp3, it will ask you to download the needed plugins04:51
justin_i dont think i have the codec04:51
lavacano201014/-justin_-\ you have a collection folder, right?04:51
justin_oh ok04:51
MacAnthonyshould anyway04:51
MacAnthonydid on mine04:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
justin_yea i am getting music off of another computer04:51
lavacano201014oh i thought he meant adding them to his collection list04:51
lavacano201014not trying to get them to work lol04:52
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:52
lavacano201014incidentally, what version of amarok is on the media center...?04:52
justin_i have no clue04:52
im-a-n00bintelikey: that command gives me an invalid fragment size...04:52
justin_how do i tell04:52
lavacano201014/-justin_-\ muttering to myself04:52
MacAnthonyim-a-n00b: how is it formatted?04:53
lavacano201014but for future reference: Help -> About Amarok04:53
lavacano201014oh never mind04:53
lavacano201014you got it lol04:53
im-a-n00bMacAnthony: or the command?04:53
* lavacano201014 slaps himself around a bit with a small trout04:53
justin_i figured that i just wasnt thinking.  i am a medic and i have been up for about 2 days04:53
MacAnthonyim-a-n00b: you answered correctly04:53
MacAnthonythat was what I meant04:53
* lavacano201014 gets off IRC and leaves you to talk to his bouncer :-)04:54
im-a-n00bMacAnthony: intelikey: ok the command im putting in is sudo mke2fs -jcf /dev/sdb104:54
im-a-n00bam i missing something?04:54
^theCronoAFKdo you have any conc grenades justin_?04:54
^theCronoAFKOh shoot.04:54
^theCronoAFKIt a reference to Team fortress04:55
^theCronoAFKMedics use conc grenades to fly04:55
^theCronoAFKto places they shouldn't be04:55
justin_i dont play many games.04:55
^theCronoAFKMedic is undoubtable the best class in TFC04:55
^theCronoAFKit seems msot people here don't :D04:55
justin_just work and school and piddling on the computer04:55
im-a-n00bahh... the f was meant to be capital04:56
^theCronoAFKdo capitalizations matter in console commands?04:56
im-a-n00b^theCronoAFK: yep04:56
MacAnthonyeverything is case sensative, ^theCronoAFK04:56
corinthIs there a way to enable shortcuts like in the ones in Firefox for Konqueror? For example, ctrl-enter to add on .com to an address?04:57
^theCronoAFKdon't brwosers do that anyways?04:59
^theCronoAFKi type in google..it goes to google.com..or ubuntu,it go there04:59
intelikey:() { S=1 ;echo -e "#-\c" ;until [ "$S" -gt 30 ] ;do echo -e "-/\b\c" ;S=$(($S + 1)) ;sleep .01 ;done ;echo -e "#\b\b\c" ;S=1 ;until [ "$S" -gt 30 ] ;do echo -e "\b\\=\b\b\c" ;S=$(($S + 1)) ;sleep .01 ;done ;echo -e "!=\b\b\c" ; } ;until false ;do : ;done # "a do nothing script for the bored."05:02
^theCronoAFKarn'tyou the one telling people to use copypasta?05:03
intelikeythat's only one line05:03
intelikeycan't flood with one line....05:03
^theCronoAFKThat one line has more than many paragraphs05:04
^theCronoAFKcompiz plugins are almsot exclusivly written in C :/05:05
Agent_bobbut i do get my modem reset pretty regularly.05:05
^theCronoAFKso i will have to do somethign for KDE05:05
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK you like pastebin better   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d12ad52e405:06
toyo|desk^theCronoAFK, do you know much about dolphin?05:07
Agent_bobneed a script for pasting things?   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d6fb9146305:07
^theCronoAFKi know nothing about dolphin05:07
* toyo|desk is getting sorta annoyed with its inability to remember that I want to see hidden files05:08
^theCronoAFKwhy not just unhide everything?05:08
^theCronoAFKthat's a shot in the dark though05:08
Jucatotoyo|desk: kde3 or kde4?05:08
toyo|deskumm I think its 3.505:09
toyo|desklet me see05:09
toyo|deskthats what it says05:09
Jucatowhat version of Dolphin? (Help -> About Dolphin)05:09
Jucatoyep D3lphin...05:10
toyo|deskwhats that mean?05:10
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK because you can't remove the dot from .filename  and expect the system to still find them    "why you can't `unhide everything'"05:10
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.05:10
Jucatotoyo|desk: anyway... isn't there an option in View -> Adjust View Properties to show Hidden files by default?05:11
toyo|deskbut I like dolphin....I would just like it better if it could remember what I told it05:11
Jucato(sorry I don't have dolphin right now)05:11
Jucatoer.. d3lphin...05:11
^theCronoAFKarn't hidden files, hidden because of a property, and not a file extension?05:11
toyo|deskumm yeah there is but it dosent keep the setting05:11
toyo|desk^theCronoAFK, no05:11
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK no05:11
Jucato^theCronoAFK: no05:11
toyo|deskthey are hidden because they have a . in front05:11
^theCronoAFKi get the point05:11
Jucatoanyone for fourths? :D05:11
Jucatoblame the net lag :P05:12
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK it's not extention. it's names that start with dot05:12
toyo|deskanyway umm05:12
toyo|deskso I wonder if my dolphin is just broken05:12
Jucatotoyo|desk:  is there an "Apply to" "All folders" option?05:12
basywhen i have some files selected in KRUSADER and i copy them to another window, i want to clear selected group afetr copy, move, etc... Where to set it plz?, I can't find id....05:12
Jucatotoyo|desk: well, D3lphin, the KDE 3 clone/fork of Dolphin, is basically unfinished.. so it might not really be there at all05:12
toyo|deskJucato, yeah I tried that but then when I change to another folder it forgets what I clicked05:12
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK oh yeah.  i should warn you.  forget everything you think you know about computers, and welcome to linux.05:13
^theCronoAFKyeah lol05:13
^theCronoAFKive been on linux befiore for almsot as year05:13
Jucato(again anyone for fourths? :D)05:13
^theCronoAFKubuntu 5.1005:13
Jucatohm.. that should be almost 2 years then :)05:13
^theCronoAFKit was horrible..not because of the system, but the people05:13
^theCronoAFKso i just left05:13
^theCronoAFKand got xp05:14
toyo|deskJucato, so you think that it may just be broken in the 3.5 release?05:14
Jucatoyou started with the wrong *buntu :P05:14
Agent_bobJucato :)05:14
Jucatotoyo|desk: more like "not implemented" :D05:14
^theCronoAFKi rememebr going into #ubuntu..they told me to go to #debian...people in debian said use google05:14
Jucatotoyo|desk: D3lphin (the one used in Kubuntu) isn't really an "official" Dolphin... it's a split05:14
toyo|deskwell I consider things that are menu items that dont work broken05:14
^theCronoAFKgoogle ffs05:15
toyo|deskI see05:15
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK yep that what they say in #debian   just google it.  or rtfm05:15
toyo|deskI like it05:15
^theCronoAFKwell, it was use google or flame him for wanting to run a windows program and not adopting the eltiest anti-micrsuck emntalilty *05:15
toyo|deskI just came to kubuntu from gentoo and gnome05:15
Agent_bobbut sometimes you get a streight answer there.05:15
toyo|deskI got pissed off at stuff not working05:16
^theCronoAFKwell, i consider google a last resort05:16
^theCronoAFKsome condier it the first resort lol05:16
MacAnthonyI go to google first cause it's faster05:16
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK most do.05:16
* Agent_bob considers google a lost cause.05:17
MacAnthonywhen I know what it is I'm looking for at least05:17
* ^theCronoAFK considers google and wikipedia lost causes05:17
* Jucato considers Agent_bob a lost cause05:17
* Jucato runs05:17
^theCronoAFKmost of the time i don't know what i am lookign for05:17
* Agent_bob investigates Jucato 05:17
basyhowto automatic deselec selected files in krusader afer copy, move, etc. They stay selected :(05:17
^theCronoAFKand i end up typing into google "that program that atkes the dots and does the thimng"05:18
^theCronoAFKand i either get 40 trillion or 40 results05:18
^theCronoAFKlike yesterday i asked someone what DLC is...they said google it...first 10 results where all diffrent05:18
^theCronoAFKand turns out none of them was it05:19
Jucato^theCronoAFK: Google ranking05:19
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK oh i never have that good of a search,  the high end is right but the low end is way too high.  it's 40 trillion or none.05:19
Taggnostrhow could I copy a file if I can't write in the folder?05:19
^theCronoAFKgoogle ranking?05:19
Agent_bobTaggnostr you can't.   root can.  sudo cp blah /dest05:19
JucatoTaggnostr: depends on where you are copying it to...05:20
Taggnostrok, thanks05:20
* Agent_bob turns Jucato over to the tax assessor for a three year old tax fraud.05:21
* Agent_bob runs.05:21
Taggnostrit worked05:22
JucatoI can legally say that I have never been eligible to pay taxes ever since.. there's no reason I would have to use fraud :P05:22
Jucatoof course I could be liable for being offtopic.. that'd be a different crime :D05:22
val0question: trying to install Nvidia driver... following the instrutions from the nvidia website... "can't find libc..." shouldn't libc be installed on my machine by default?05:23
* genii has a sudden urge to !ot Jucato but resists05:24
toyo|deskhumm I just clicked a check box to install ati drivers05:24
Agent_bobval0 install glibc maybe ?  not sure.  but yes libc6 is installed05:24
toyo|deskthat was cool as hell05:24
^theCronoAFKbuttons anc checkboxes, the furute of opensource05:25
val0Agent_bob that's what I thought... it's an obsolutely fresh install... arg05:25
Agent_bobval0 oh wait.   install build-essential05:25
Agent_bobi bet the error message is in error.05:26
val0Agent_bob hmm... you think so? ok i'll try... brb05:26
Agent_bobif not at least it gives me a chance to hide....05:26
^theCronoAFKcan't wait untill i'm done backing up..i feel left out not having problems for you guys to assist me on05:26
^theCronoAFKbut i will as soon as i do two more cds, because then i will install kubuntu05:27
^theCronoAFKthe problem is05:27
^theCronoAFKi have to use grphical safemode because kubuntu doesn't regocnize my ati radeon x130005:27
Agent_bob!ati | ^theCronoAFK05:28
ubotu^theCronoAFK: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:28
Agent_bobin advance...05:28
^theCronoAFKi need an os before i can do that05:28
^theCronoAFKand my drivers come with kubuntu..that's the problem05:28
MacAnthony^theCronoAFK: envy?05:28
^theCronoAFKi don't think i need restricted to run KDE05:28
^theCronoAFKzorg i mean05:28
Agent_bobor maybe using the one that ubuntu supplies is the problem05:28
Agent_bobno vesa is fine for xorg/kde05:29
Agent_bob@ ^theCronoAFK05:29
^theCronoAFKwithout safemode?05:29
Agent_bobthat is safemode   sorta05:29
^theCronoAFKi know05:29
^theCronoAFKsafemode is not a good end solution05:30
Agent_bobthe vesa driver is a low end bios call driver05:30
Agent_bobbut it works well enough with low end output05:31
Agent_boband normal xorg/kde is low end05:31
^theCronoAFKi think the first thing is enabling restricted drivers,hopefully that will clear stuff up05:31
^theCronoAFKwell, i'm going all out with compiz and kibadock05:31
^theCronoAFKso i need that Hardware05:31
Agent_bobit is surely low end cause i ran kde on a p1 100mhz box for a while05:31
Agent_bob^theCronoAFK yeah. hopefullE05:32
^theCronoAFKthey should implment a repeat feature in youtube05:32
kyei have this problem when trying to upgrade via adept. While trying to install the the Linux IMG i get an error and it just stops.. then i reboot and linux wont load forcing me to reformat?05:32
^theCronoAFKdid you reformat in the first place?05:33
^theCronoAFKoh, well, i'm out, agent bob..your next05:33
Agent_bobso try next time from konsole and see why it's doing that05:34
kyeanyone have any ideas?05:35
Agent_bobso try next time from konsole and see why it's doing that05:35
kyesudo apt-get install update?05:35
Agent_bobrule one.  if a gui app explodes on you.  use a cli equlivant and see why.05:36
Agent_bobsudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:36
Agent_bobJucato it's all yours.  i am 'fini'05:38
kyekye@GotWork:~$ sudo apt-get install update05:38
kyeReading package lists... Done05:38
kyeBuilding dependency tree05:38
kyeReading state information... Done05:38
kyeE: Couldn't find package update05:38
Agent_bobbroken apt   thats the problem and obviously a bug.    that not the first one in here with that.05:38
Agent_bobthe update must have hozed it.    or.   did kye mess up his own sources.list ?05:39
Agent_bobkye pastebin your sources.list and lets see05:39
kyenot sure i just formatted then ran the updates05:40
kyeshould i try sudo dpkg --configure -a05:40
toyo|desklol my goal with kubuntu is to never have to use the cli05:40
Agent_bobkye wait05:40
Agent_bob you added "install"05:40
MacAnthonywhat fun is that toyo|desk05:40
Agent_bobsee i'm too sleepy to do this.05:41
toyo|deskMacAnthony, I had enough of it through my several years of gentoo05:41
Agent_bobsudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  <<<< kye don't ammend my commands.05:41
Agent_bobunless they are wrong....05:41
kyethe dist upgrade is now going..05:41
kyety Agent_bob05:41
MacAnthonythere are just some things that are better done through the CLI, imo05:41
kyei will let you know if i get the error05:41
Agent_bobwelcome kye05:41
Agent_bobnot me you wont.  i'm went05:42
Agent_bobshalom all.05:42
* MacAnthony is about out too05:42
toyo|deskMacAnthony, yes I understand that and yes I still use CLI every day at work05:42
toyo|deskI dont want to have to use it at home as well05:42
MacAnthonybattery is spent for myself and my lappy05:43
odraumi tady nekdo cesky?05:43
ubotuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.05:52
monzieHI all05:56
monzieI am using Kubuntu 7.10 64 bit05:56
^theCronoAFKhows it?05:57
monzieI need help with my wireless configuration05:57
^theCronoAFKHrm, not my subject05:57
im-a-n00bthanks guys... the bad block scan worked :)05:58
monzieI can see that my wireless card is up ( from o/p of ifconfig -a )05:58
monziebut knetworkmanager is not detecting it05:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:58
=== testing is now known as cpc
^theCronoAFKthat may help05:58
^theCronoAFKthe channel is kinda inactive right now :S05:59
JoshOvkimorning monzie.  make a copy of and clear out /etc/network/interfaces05:59
^theCronoAFKand i don't know much05:59
^theCronoAFKor he can helpyou :D05:59
MacAnthonymonzie: there is a bug with networkmanager that causes that05:59
JoshOvki^theCronoAFK: i can be limited help at 6am05:59
cpci'll kde4 but my kubuntu not load desktop05:59
^theCronoAFK12AM where i am,, where are you?..france?05:59
cpccan help me/06:00
cpccan help me?06:00
* MacAnthony tries to find the bug report06:00
JoshOvkicpc depends on the problem06:00
^theCronoAFKi'm jsut about to start installing kubuntu right when there is little support :D06:00
^theCronoAFKthis oughta be fun06:00
cpchow to correct that problem?06:00
^theCronoAFK'not laodign up' is very vaurge cpc06:01
^theCronoAFKcpc what language do you speak?06:01
JoshOvkiwhat time is it where you are?06:01
^theCronoAFKyou speak indinesian?06:02
^theCronoAFKi think they might have indonesian channel for you06:02
^theCronoAFKbut i don't know the language code for indonesian06:02
ubotujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:03
^theCronoAFKyeah id06:03
JoshOvkithere is no one there tho06:03
^theCronoAFKoh snap!06:03
MacAnthonymonzie: can't find it right now and I have about 5 minutes of battery left06:03
monzieMacAnthony: no worrries. Thans for your time!06:04
^theCronoAFKshoot, where are firefox bookmarks saved?..i forgot to backup mine so i ened to save them and uplaod them to the net06:04
monziewould removeing my .kde help? would it restore my knetworkmanager to a "sane" configuration?06:05
MacAnthonysearch in the bug reports with the error message taht knetworkmanager gives you, and you should be able to find it06:05
MacAnthonyno, it's an issue with networkmanager06:05
monzieMacAnthony: there is no error message06:05
tommsteinhow come ctrl+tab doesn't switch between virtual desktops like it's supposed to?06:05
MacAnthonythe "no active device" message06:05
monzieI just dont see my wireless. Driver and all are installed. I can manually connect with ifup06:05
cpcis kdestop for kde4 available?06:05
JoshOvkimonzie did you try my idea?06:06
monzieJoshOvki: nope. What is your idea?06:06
geniimonzie: knetworkmanager will ignore interfaces which appear in /etc/network/interfaces, they are considered manually configured06:06
tommsteinam i wrong? does ctrl+tab actually work for everyone else?06:06
monziegenii: oh ok. Should I just remove all the entries there and give it a try?06:07
JoshOvkimonzie: make a backup of you /etc/network/inferfaces    empty out the original and restart06:07
geniimonzie: Comment them out with a #06:07
^theCronoAFKWhere are firefox bookmarks located? onw indows..if anyone knows06:07
jsheweyHow can I get two different X sessions running so that can run myth on one videocard/monitor combo and kde on another?06:07
monziegenii/ JoshOvki: then I need to restart KDE or my system?06:07
geniimonzie: No. just ifconfig them down06:08
monziegenii: ok06:08
JoshOvkigenii:isnt it usual best to restart so it pulls everything up a-fresh?06:09
geniiJoshOvki: If he can't reconnect i imagine thats what he'll end up doing anyhow06:09
JoshOvkivery true06:09
JoshOvki^theCronoAFK:   Documents and Settings\[WindowsUserName]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\[profile name]\bookmarks.html06:11
tommsteinso am i officially the only person that has ever used Ctrl+tab?06:11
^theCronoAFKi made a bookmarks .html06:11
^theCronoAFKwell..time for the big moment, about to install kubuntu 7.10!!!!06:12
^theCronoAFKand i don't know what i am doing :D...so brb06:12
JoshOvkitommstein isnt ctrl + tab used just for switching tabs in a program06:12
JoshOvkiwinkey + tab   for going between v desktops06:12
tommsteinJoshOvki, that seems to be what Ctrl+tab does sometimes in kubuntu (although not other times), but in kde it's usually to switch virtual desktops. winkey+tab isn't doing anything06:14
JoshOvkiok, in System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts06:15
=== ubuntu is now known as ^TheCrono
JoshOvkiwhere it says   Current Scheme change it to KDE Default for 4 Modifier Keys06:16
tommsteinaw, god damn it, i must have clicked on every set of settings except that one. thanks, JoshOvki06:16
JoshOvkihi again ^TheCrono06:16
JoshOvkion live disk?06:16
^TheCronowhen i make a home dir06:16
JoshOvkitommstein: No problem :)06:16
^TheCronoi want a /home and a linux/system parition, both are ext3 right?06:17
tommsteinyou saved me some frustration06:17
JoshOvkiThats good to know :) i will have to make up for the lack of frustration with the people in work though06:17
JoshOvkiand a  swap file06:18
^TheCronoand the /home dirt points to mountpojiint /home correct?06:18
JoshOvkiwhich is set to  swap06:18
^TheCronothe /home/ pertition points to the /home mountpoint06:18
JoshOvkiare you manualy doing your partitions?06:18
JoshOvkiyes thats right06:18
^TheCronomanually yes, there will be 4 partitions06:19
^TheCronowhere does system mount point to?06:19
^TheCronothe one kubuntu will be on06:19
^TheCronoswap points to?06:19
JoshOvkiummm :S   yeh06:19
^TheCronoswap points to / also>?06:19
JoshOvkii think that can stay empty06:20
JoshOvkiaslong as it is set to swap06:20
^TheCrono60gb is 60000 MB right?06:21
JoshOvki60, 000, 000, 000 byets :P06:21
^TheCrono /home/will be 60 gb, swap 2gb and system 6 gb..and 10gb left over incase i need windows06:21
^TheCronoon an 80gb hard drive06:21
JoshOvkii would make system a bit bigger, because every program that is installed goes into that area06:22
^TheCronoyou can't run them from /home/?06:22
JoshOvkii wouldnt06:22
JoshOvkiyou dont really get to set where they install06:22
^TheCronowell, everyone earlyer said  even 5gb was mroe than enough for kubuntu06:23
reverend_joshuakopete doesn't seem to be loading my AIM contact list06:23
JoshOvkimine is on a  80GB HD and its set to   30gb  /home  2gb Swap    15gb System  and the rest is a FAT32 so i can use it for swapping data between linux and windblows06:23
reverend_joshuais there a setting i can change so it will load my contact list?06:23
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
JoshOvkireally?:S as soon as you start putting anything big in it dies06:23
^TheCronothey said put it in /home/06:24
^TheCronoidk i'll just do what my plan was and well see, i can always reinstall06:24
vincent_Hello All06:24
vincent_Crono, was it you who had the install problem yesterday?>06:24
JoshOvkigive it a go, but i have never had any success in installing programs to home06:24
^TheCronothe 60gb /home/is primary or logical?06:24
^TheCrononah,i wasn't here yesterday [do you mean abotu 7 hours ago?06:25
vincent_nah, must have been crusis or something06:25
vincent_my mistake :)06:25
JoshOvkiprimary i think. no 100% tho06:25
JoshOvkibeen a while since my last install06:25
^TheCronodunno, intelilike said my plan was ok06:25
vincent_anyone else have problems with pidgin? it just sorta hangs when i try to connect06:25
corinthDoes anyone know how to assign volume + and - keys for kmix-kde4?06:26
JoshOvkivincent_ mine is connected ok06:26
JoshOvkicorinth  try   #kubuntu-kde406:26
vincent_ahh k thanks JoshOvki, one day ill get kubuntu fully working :D06:26
^TheCronoi'll do 10/50  for system/home06:26
JoshOvkivincent, same here06:26
^TheCronoi would do jsut 60 for system..but someone said that wasn't a good idea06:27
JoshOvkiTheCrono that should be ok then06:27
vincent_but hey; at least ubuntu has great community support06:27
^TheCronoprimary is the one the computer boots from right?06:27
^TheCronothank god06:27
^TheCronothat would make system primary06:27
vincent_are you talking about primary and slave crono?06:28
^TheCronoi'm creating a partition..it says "type for new partition primary/logical"06:28
^TheCronofor the 50gb /home/06:28
^TheCronoas i understand it, one is primary and all other partitions are logical no?06:28
vincent_no idea, i thought you were talking about something else.. sorry ^TheCrono :(06:29
^TheCronoi'll make system primary and the rest logical06:29
^TheCrononah, not multiple hardrives06:29
^TheCronoso now i got dev/sda1   ext3    /   10kmb06:31
calcmandanhey guys.06:31
^TheCrononext is /home/06:31
vincent_hey calcmandan06:31
calcmandani hope everyone is having a great day.06:31
calcmandanor evening.06:31
^TheCronoi am sorta06:31
vincent_i am, thanks :D06:31
vincent_well, itd be better if i could get pidgin working, lol06:32
calcmandanfor months, if not the last year, i've been using a little screenshot trick that I got used to using on a mac when i worked for apple.06:32
calcmandani use kopete06:32
vincent_kopete kept crashing for me, as soon as it would open it crashed06:32
calcmandanthat sucks.06:32
calcmandandid you get it via repo or via the website?06:33
calcmandantry getting the app through the website, and install it manually.06:33
^TheCronoshould i ptu the free 17mb in as just another partition..or leave it free..it exist incase i need windows06:33
vincent_should i get it via werb?06:33
vincent_ahh k thanks calcmandan.. should i uninstall the kopete i have now?06:33
calcmandanwhy not?06:33
calcmandanyou can always redownload it later.06:33
calcmandanjust apt-get remove kopete06:33
vincent_nah i mean the version of kopete06:33
vincent_ah thanks06:34
calcmandani need help myself.06:34
^TheCronoif i have an empty ntfs file system partition..i can use it to store files via kubuntu right?06:34
JoshOvkii gotta, go. got work soon06:34
calcmandanusing kubuntu...06:34
^TheCronolike picuters/music06:34
vincent_whats up? im pretty new, but ill try!06:34
vincent_yeh sometimes crono06:34
vincent_i have problems with it every now and then06:34
vincent_but on the whole it works06:34
JoshOvkiCatch ya all later. Goodluck TheCrono06:34
vincent_cya JoshOvki06:34
^TheCronoi can change it from ext3 to ntfs later?06:35
calcmandanon a mac, the key combo is alt-$, and highlight an area and you get a screenie of that area on the desktop named screenshot001.png, 002.png, etc06:35
vincent_i dont think so ^TheCrono06:35
calcmandanwell, i've been using the same key combo06:35
JoshOvkiTheCrono not without losing it all06:35
genii^TheCrono: no06:35
calcmandani tied scrot to the key combo through accessibility settings in kde06:35
^TheCronoof course,i know i'llloose it, but i am jsut syaing06:35
^TheCronoi can change it later right?06:35
^TheCronoi'm not sure if i'll need windows, but i don't want 17gb of unuseable space06:36
calcmandanthe default name of the file is the date and time of the screenshot06:36
^TheCronoi'll make ti ext3 for now06:36
calcmandani've managed to get it to rename the file to screenshot.png.06:36
^TheCronocan i invent a mount point like /extra/ or something?06:36
calcmandanbut on the next screen, it doesn't create a new file with screenshot1.png.06:36
vincent_i hear you calcmandan06:36
calcmandani was wondering if there is a known switch to rename that will append a number.06:37
calcmandanon the filename06:37
vincent_i dont know what it is specifically, but im almost certain there is one06:37
calcmandani looked up the man entry for rename and it doesn't describe it06:37
vincent_have you asked this on the #ubuntu chan?06:38
calcmandanbut if i copy and paste the same item in a directory, it'll automatically append a number on the end of the filename before the extension.06:38
geniicalcmandan: Then likely it does not do it06:38
calcmandani know the functionality is there, i just wish it was a bit more intuitive.06:38
calcmandani'm sure the osx screenshot app is scrot in disguise.06:39
geniicalcmandan: That is not a feature of the command rename but rather a feature of the file browser you are using06:39
calcmandangenii: what would you suggest?06:39
calcmandanor am i stuck with date and time on the scrot?06:39
calcmandanor maybe write my own rename app and add that feature.06:40
calcmandanbut learn c first.06:40
arjunawhat is a alternative to amule?06:40
geniicalcmandan: use mv instead of rename  eg: mv oldname newname06:40
crwlrim having a brainfart.  how do i setup my computer to be on a workgroup?06:42
geniicrwlr: man smblient may be enlightening06:43
yao_ziyuanthe top priority for kubuntu to really take off: east asian (esp. chinese) language display and input06:44
yao_ziyuanor else it won't be used06:44
geniiyao_ziyuan: Well, perhaps find us some developers willing to work on it ;)06:46
yao_ziyuangenii: there is an easy: follow what ubuntu exactly does for installing chinese language support and "complex script inputting"06:46
calcmandangenii: mv has the numbered option with --backup. is that what you're implying?06:46
geniicalcmandan: It has many useful options :) But yes06:47
geniiyao_ziyuan: Since ubuntu uses gnome and kubuntu uses kde it is not quite that simple to implement as what it may seem06:48
yao_ziyuangenii: for input, the problem is with the SKIM package06:49
yao_ziyuangenii: for display, the problem is that kubuntu does not ship with a good enough chinese font like ubuntu does06:49
vincent_hey, before i tarnish my near-perfect working kubuntu, is compiz-fusion any good?06:49
calcmandanvincent_: I know how you feel about that.06:49
calcmandanvincent_: but i don't know.06:50
yao_ziyuangenii: ubuntu's chinese font is with a minor problem. i suggest both variants use the open source "wenquanyi" fonts06:50
geniiyao_ziyuan: The fonts are not so hard to fix, SKIM is another matter06:50
vincent_calcmandan: ive heard really good things about it, i might give it a whirl06:50
yao_ziyuangenii: if i install ubuntu and then chinese language support and then kubuntu-desktop, i can use the chinese input methods well in kde06:50
calcmandani'm running dapper/06:50
calcmandanhaven't grown the balls to upgrade .06:51
geniivincent_: You can go back from compiz --replace of course with kwin --replace06:51
calcmandanprobably won't until the next lts comes out06:51
yao_ziyuangenii: that is directly using scim, without skim.06:51
calcmandani can't get wireless to work with any of the live discs.06:51
vincent_kwin replace?06:51
geniivincent_: kwin --replace              yes06:51
vincent_ohh perfect06:52
vincent_im gonna get it as soon as i get pidgin workin06:52
vincent_thanks genii06:52
geniivincent_: alt-f2 then kwin --replace                      to replace default kde window manager if after doing   alt-f2 compiz --replace        no good/want to switch back06:52
vincent_ill write that one down ^^06:53
geniiyao_ziyuan: Perhaps make mention in #kubuntu-devel , that is where the developers hang out06:53
^TheCronocan i enable the restricted drivers for ati, while using the live cd?06:56
^TheCronoafter i install it06:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:57
genii^TheCrono: You can, but not to the installed system, only to what the livecd runs.06:57
=== joris is now known as Jonyjack
Jonyjackhello everybody06:57
geniiWell, not easily to the installed system, lets say06:57
Jonyjacki have a little problem06:57
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:58
Jonyjackis there any french people ???06:58
^TheCronohrm, i don't have system > Administrator06:58
kalorin`they're all dogs :)06:58
kalorin`(french jokes)06:58
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:58
kalorin`<---- I _SLAY_ me :)06:58
kalorin`good luck jony06:58
^TheCronoSo what's up with this? Do i need to go somehwere for the restricted driver manager?06:59
Jonyjackeverybody is dead on kubuntu-fr :(06:59
^TheCronoi check in System..i didn't see Administrator06:59
jussi01^TheCrono: system settings -> advanced -> restricted driver06:59
^TheCronoor, do i ahve to be on HD install for that option?06:59
Jonyjacki just want to know how create un new user compt to install KDE 4.007:00
Jonyjackjust create un user compt07:00
* genii tape kalorin ` sur la tête avec un grand petit pain07:00
vincent_anyone know how to fix a reading error in pidgin?07:00
geniiJonyjack: cest: sudo adduser <nom>07:01
Jonyjackmerciiiiiii ça marche et comment je lui met un mot de passe ???07:02
geniiVous êtes très bienvenus07:03
calcmandanokay,  back to my original question.  here is my current map of scrot: scrot -s -e 'mv $f /home/rydan/Desktop/'  Now, I'd like to utilize mv in such a way that: scrot -s -e mv $n screenshot.png '$f /home/rydan/Desktop/' will append a number to the end of the filename body.  i tried the switch according to the man page, but nothing shows up.  what am i doing wrong?07:03
jussi01!en | Jonyjack07:03
ubotuJonyjack: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:03
Jonyjackok ok07:04
geniiJonyjack: Je ne suis pas ici pendant longtemps aujourd'hui. J'exige du sommeil.07:04
Jonyjackhow i can set any password on a user compt07:04
geniijussi01: sORRY07:04
geniiBah capslock07:04
Jonyjackgenii> good night ^^07:04
geniiJonyjack: :)07:04
thecronoit installed flawlessly07:05
jussi01Jonyjack: system settings -> user management?07:05
thecronono for restricted drivers07:05
jussi01thecrono: :)07:05
sigmahow do i change konq's default download location from my home folder to the desktop?07:06
thecronodo i need to reboot after ati restricted drivers are installed?07:06
thecronoi guess so, brb07:06
sigmathecrono: i think you need to restart x server so yeah a reboot would be best07:06
Jonyjackjussi01: >thanks07:07
thecronoi got an error07:08
thecronoNo command arguments supplied!07:09
thecronoUsage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>07:09
thecronoKdeSudo will now exit...07:09
thecronois that bad?07:09
=== Greenery_ is now known as Greenery
ol_dude67kde4 is not working, wont even sign on to it, how do i just remove it?07:11
jussi01thecrono: no, what did you do?07:11
ol_dude67keeps taking me back to loggin screen07:12
jussi01ol_dude67: can you login to kde3?07:12
ol_dude67im on it now07:12
thecronoi gotit, i logged out of admin07:12
jussi01thecrono: :)07:13
squid0hi. certain screensavers don't work on my laptop running gutsy kubuntu07:15
ol_dude67got it07:16
ol_dude67thanks anyways07:16
squid0most of the screensavers that say (GL) at the end don't work. why is this?07:16
jussi01squid0: sounds like you dont have 3d enabled07:16
jussi01squid0: which gfx card you have?07:17
ol_dude67squid0, what video card?07:17
squid0intel 82852/855GM07:17
squid0using the intel driver, afaict07:17
squid0do I need to enable something in xorg.conf?07:18
squid0or what?07:18
ol_dude67are you using the 810 driver for that?07:21
squid0yeah, the i810 driver07:21
squid0should it be the intel driver?07:21
squid0* should I be using the intel driver?07:22
ol_dude67no i810 is what you want07:22
squid0ok.... so then how come 3d accel doesn't work?07:22
ol_dude67there is a setting tho, im trying to remember what it is.07:22
ol_dude67well im going back threw my notes, try google, i think thats where i found it.07:22
squid0thanks, ol_dude6707:23
squid0i'm googling meanwhile07:23
squid0ol_dude67: should I load certain modules in xorg.conf? glx? GLcore?07:25
ol_dude67you may have to set something in xorg.conf file, but im sure not thinking what the heck it is?07:25
ol_dude67its been a year since i have messed with it.07:26
squid0ok. do you have the same card?07:26
ol_dude67i have the 945gz which uses the same driver07:26
thecronois there any way to apply a sound to say..a button click?07:27
thecronoor to other actions07:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:28
jussi01thecrono: just try opening an mp3 in amarok07:28
thecronoi doubt it will work right away07:28
thecronoand i don't have an mp3 :D07:28
thecronolet me downlaod one from my site07:28
thomas_you guys have audio probs?07:29
masequisanyone know of a good 3-d gfx benchmark for linux?07:29
thecrononot sure yet thomas_07:29
squid0ol_dude67: I don't know if this is related, but when I run compiz I see this in the output: Checking for Xgl: not present.07:29
thomas_well. i have since the last update07:29
thomas_and im almost new to Linux :X07:30
ol_dude67squid0, that is what you have to change in your xorg.conf file. let me check and see what exactly it is.07:30
thecronodoes anyone have a 'stream'option btw?07:30
jussi01thecrono: what do you mean?07:31
vincent_hey has anyone else had the problem with kopete crashing on startup??07:31
thecronothere should be a download option and a stream ooption07:31
squid0ol_dude67: meaning, I should add xgl under the driver section?07:31
thomas_prompst me to download Flash :o07:31
thecronothats one of my songs btw07:31
jussi01thecrono: on that page? yeah, i do07:32
thecronothe page doesn't need flash07:32
thecronook, thx07:32
thecronoi don't though07:32
thecronoah wait, yes i do..man i don't like konquerer07:32
thecronotime to get firefox07:33
ol_dude67squid0, yes and see if that works, or you have to modify the xorg,conf07:33
squid0ol_dude67: ok07:33
ol_dude67try that first07:33
arjunawhat is the biggest p2p network? e donkey?07:33
thomas_omg. everything is new to me here. even this IRC Client, Konversation07:33
thomas_i guess there are some other channels here07:33
thecronowell i saved the mp3 to my desktop..but..its noton my desktop, infact, nothing is07:34
squid0ol_dude67: do you know what case it's in? Xgl, XGL, or xgl??07:34
ol_dude67i would believe07:34
squid0ok, thanks07:34
ol_dude67i had to do this all in slack the first time, so i had to manually do this,so kubuntu is throwing me off, squid007:35
squid0ol_dude67: ok07:36
thecronoi have SOUND07:36
squid0thanks for your time07:36
thecronokubuntu is so easy to use lol07:36
jussi01thecrono: :)07:36
thecrononow, for compiz07:36
jussi01!compiz | thecrono07:37
ubotuthecrono: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion07:37
jussi01thecrono: which gfx card?07:37
thecronoati readon x1300 256mb07:38
thecronoi should be able to handle it07:38
thecronobut somethign strange is happening07:38
jussi01thecrono: ati support isnt really nice....07:38
thecronoits seems my refresh rate is horrible07:38
thecronoit sin'rt for nvidia either..but what can ya get? ya know07:38
thecronowhere are grphics card options in kubuntu?07:39
thecronomy refresh rate is horrible07:39
thecronothe bottom of chant refrsh before the top of it does, lol07:39
thecronoor, the top refreshes before the bottom *07:39
squid0ol_dude67: no joy07:40
thecronoi can see a line going down my screen when something changes07:40
squid0I assume that logging out and then in restarts X?07:40
squid0for some reason ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work on my system07:40
jussi01squid0: log out, then select restart x from the menu there. then log in again07:41
thecronomy monitor supports 80hz refresh rate..but i can only select 60hz07:41
squid0jussi01: thanks07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copypaste - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:45
thecronowhat is the copypasta URL?07:45
jussi01!paste | thecrono07:45
ubotuthecrono: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:45
thecronokopete crashed :/07:45
jussi01thecrono: do an update through adept07:46
vincent_crono, my kopete always crashes :(07:46
vincent_whats the command juss? just apt-get udate?07:47
jussi01vincent_: yeah, then sudo apt-get upgrade07:47
jussi01!tab > vincent_07:47
thecronohow do i update?07:47
vincent_thanks jussi0107:47
jussi01thecrono: go to adept, then fetch updates07:48
thecronowhere/what is that?07:48
jussi01thecrono: go look in your menu...07:48
thecronoi'm new tokubuntu07:48
jussi01thecrono: once you have fetched the updates, then do full upgrade.07:48
thecronofetched the updates?07:49
thecronohow do i do that?07:49
jussi01thecrono: have you started adept?07:49
jussi01then press the fetch updates utton?07:49
jussi01wait till its finished, then press the full upgrade07:50
thecronoi see what looks like millions of packages07:50
jussi01hi toro_espana07:50
toro_espanaI have a problem with my internet connection, since I rebooted my computer, I have no internet connection07:50
thecronoit ifnished in like 2 seconds07:50
toro_espanaI last installed VMWARE demo07:50
jussi01thecrono: yeah, now upgradr07:51
thecronoand went back to the original section07:51
toro_espanais there a command, to reset the connection defaults?07:51
thecronoupgrade what?07:51
thecronofull upgrade button?07:51
squid0ol_dude67: nah, still no joy07:51
toro_espanaI can ping my router, but can't with the internet07:51
jussi01thecrono: yes...07:51
squid0I found a forum thread where they advised someone to comment out dri and GLcore modules in x.org, which I tried as well, but still not working07:52
thecronoi clicked it..that's it?07:52
ol_dude67squid0, then you need to ask someone here who is more use to ubuntu then i, cause i came from slackware, and its a different linux distro all to itself07:52
jussi01thecrono: is it doing stuff now?07:52
squid0ol_dude67: ok. thanks for your help07:52
thecronono, it jsut shows a lsit of packages07:52
ol_dude67sorry i couldnt help07:53
squid0no worries07:53
toro_espanaI can't ping the other computer in my network, only my router07:53
squid0iirc, it worked fine under feisty.....07:53
thecronoi clicked apply changes07:53
toro_espanais there a command to reset the network config?07:53
squid0toro_espana: not sure if this is best, but sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:53
squid0watch it in a terminal to see what's going on07:54
toro_espanaok i will try07:54
toro_espanadoesn't work07:55
toro_espanawhen i type: ifconfig07:55
thecronohow do i open command line?07:56
thecronoso i can use apt-get07:56
toro_espanai get the following devices: vmnet107:56
toro_espanai get the following devices: vmnet807:56
toro_espanai get the following devices: eth007:56
toro_espanahow can i delete vmnet?07:56
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TimSHow can I find when the last fsck was run?07:58
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toro_espanajoin #ubuntu-es08:00
jussi01toro_espana: you forgot the /08:00
toro_espanasorry i had any problems08:00
thecronoThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.08:02
thecronoadept crashed08:02
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:04
thecronoWhere do i type that at?..not sure how to open a console08:04
Jucatothecrono: K Menu -> System submenu -> Konsole08:05
thecronothe command gave me an error08:06
thecronodpkg: --configure --pending does not take any non-option arguments08:06
thecronohrm, i got it..but am unsure what to do next08:07
thecronoinstallpackage maintainers version?08:08
thecronoi got 4 options,i don't know what any of them do or why i need them heh08:08
thecronoum, i hit yes..now what,retry adept?08:09
jussi01thecrono: go to system -> konsole?08:09
thecronoi installed maintainers version08:09
thecronodunno but alot fo stuff happened..now i try adept?08:10
thecronohrm, it appears nothing is upgradeable08:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:22
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:22
thecronohow do i get winrar?..the siteonlyoffers an .exe08:32
se7en!info unrar | thecrono08:33
ubotuthecrono: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1.1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 232 kB08:33
Jucatothecrono: install the "unrar" and "rar" packages and you'll be able to open and create rar files using ark08:33
thecronoman kubuntu is running slow as crap, is there a preformance monitoror something?08:37
thecronothe screen is refreshing like, once a second, reguardless to what happens08:38
thecronoand i meet system requirements about 10 times08:38
thecronois vmsize in proformance monitor > process MB for my memory?08:44
thecronobecause if so...kubuntu is useing about.. :O 100% of my ram, and its doing nothing [1.5gb ram]08:44
thecronoi'm using 1.2GB of system memory..and my computer is IDLE08:45
se7enthecrono: top will show you how much memory you have and what prog uses cpu08:45
thecronoyes,it says 1.2gb used out of 1.5gb08:46
thecronobut..i have NOTHING runnign cept defautl stuff and irc08:46
thecronovanlila kubuntu sues 1.2gb of ram?08:46
se7enwhat program is useing the cpu08:46
thecronothat's crazy08:46
ppibburrthecrono, i got .3 of 1.608:46
thecronoit says xorg i guess08:47
thecrononot sure how to check08:47
thecronoi have 99 process going08:47
thecronois that normal?08:47
se7enuse top in the console08:47
se7enopen a console and type top08:48
thecrononow what?08:48
se7ensee what program uses all that cpu08:49
ppibburrksysguard uses a bit close it08:49
thecronoxorg is useing 7%of my cpu and 3%of my mem08:50
thecronoits the highest08:50
thecrononone the less, my computer is running insanely slow08:50
thecronophsyical memory is now completely maxed out08:50
thecronousing 100% of it08:51
thecronoand its not a spike its constant08:51
se7enmem is used by what08:51
thecronoi don'tno08:52
thecronothe thing using the most memory is xorg, and its using 7%08:52
thecronothe rest is 0%08:52
thecronoit says 1,260,00 used and 34.000 free08:53
thecronoman, they didn't say the requirements were 3 times higher than vista08:53
ppibburrthecrono: there not08:53
thecronothen there must be a problem08:54
thecronobecause i'm not running anything, and its going very slow08:54
thecronoit takes  1 second to refresh the screen08:54
thecronowhat is virt?08:55
thecronoxorg is using 82935 virt08:55
thecronotop says nothing is using the memory...ksysguard says i have no memory lweft08:56
ppibburrtop hasa line mem: of, used08:57
thecronoyes, it says 1.2gig used08:57
se7envirt = The total amount of virtual memory used by the task.  It includes all code, data and shared libraries plus pages that have been swapped out.08:58
ppibburrand the task percentages do not add up?08:58
thecronoso how do i fix this?08:58
thecronoxorg is 7% the rest isd 008:59
thecronoxorg jumps to 26 occasionally08:59
se7enxorg 7% is not ideal but ok09:00
thecronowhat is ideal?09:00
ActionParsniphey a;;09:00
thecronoi can't even browser the web09:00
ppibburrany zombies?09:00
se7enmine is a 8%09:00
ActionParsnipthecrono, can you ping them?09:00
thecrono102, 2 active,  100 sleeping 0 zombie09:01
thecronoits not adding up09:01
thecronoxorg is using 7%, but it still says 1.2gb is used, and i can feel it running slow09:01
ActionParsnipthecrono,  can you ping websites?09:02
thecronomy net is ok, my computer is running slow09:02
thecrono100% of my ram is being used by nothing09:02
thecronofirefox takes 20 minutes to load09:02
thecronoand it takes about 1 second for chat ro refresh09:03
thecrono1-2 seconds09:03
ActionParsnipthecrono, ok so your pc is sloooow but web access is ok09:03
ActionParsnipthecrono, ok can we have a pastebin of the output from top please?09:03
thecronoi can't09:04
thecronoselect all09:04
se7enActionParsnip: thecrono has problems with his mem and cpu it takes  1 second to refresh the screen09:04
ActionParsnipse7en, I gathered but a top output would be mega useful09:04
thecronowell, i can'tcopy it09:04
ActionParsnipthecrono, if you select the text as in a text document09:05
se7enActionParsnip: i agree09:05
thecronoi can't even highlight it09:05
ActionParsnipthecrono, ok gimme a sec09:05
ppibburr-top -d 509:05
ppibburrtop -d 509:05
ppibburr-top is a mush command :)09:05
thecronowtfit went down09:06
thecronoksysguard still says  maximum memory used09:07
thecronoer,i was looking at swap oops09:07
ppibburrreally, cloe ksysguard09:07
thecronoit sitll maxed according to top09:08
thecrononow its starting to use swap09:08
ActionParsnipthecrono, its weird tho. if you add up all the %mem usages yu get a bit less than 20% usage09:09
thecronothat  20% uses 1.2 GB?09:09
ActionParsnipthecrono, can we have a pastebin of df -h09:09
thecronothat's terrible preformance09:09
ActionParsnipif your disks are really full systems run like dogs09:10
thecronoi jsut installed kubuntu to an empty drive about 1 hour ago09:10
ActionParsnipthecrono, ok disk space is fine too09:11
ppibburrdrive typ?09:11
ppibburrthats the filesystem09:12
ActionParsnipppibburr, do you mean sata / pata / scsi?09:12
thecronooh,i don't know the type09:12
thecronoi don't know that, my computer runs xp fine09:12
thecronoi can probably run hl2 3 times :D09:13
ActionParsnipthecrono, can we have your lspci please09:13
thecronoive neevr had such bad preformance09:13
ppibburrpending drive and access...09:13
thecronowhat is that?09:13
ppibburrlspci, a command09:13
ActionParsnipthecrono, its a cli command :D09:13
ActionParsnipthecrono, have you got all the latest updates for your system?09:16
thecronowhat do you mean?09:17
ActionParsnipthecrono, sudo atp-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:17
thecronoi did that in adept09:17
thecronoi cannot update anyways09:17
ActionParsnipwhy not?09:17
thecronosomethign about lock09:17
ActionParsnipthecrono, thats probably cos adept is open09:18
ppibburrclose x, and in a terminal tty09:18
ppibburrsince performance is slow :)09:18
ActionParsnipthecrono, does it boot fast enough?09:19
thecrono0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:19
thecronoboots fine09:19
ActionParsnipthecrono, kde3 or kde4?09:19
Lynourethecrono: does the slowness persist when your computer is detached from the net, by the way?09:19
thecronoive never detached it from the net heh09:19
thecronobut probably09:20
thecronomy latency on this server for instance is 58ms09:20
thecronoi'm not doing anything netwise09:20
Lynourethecrono: well, because if you have mystery slowness, online computer, nothing that looks like the cause in the process list, one option is that your computer has been taken over and the processes doing stuff hidden. and sometimes when you are netless, some of such processes fail to be less busy09:21
Lynoureoops: fail to be so busy09:21
thecronoyou mean someone cracked into my PC..in other words?09:21
thecronodunno, why,i have nothing on it but kubuntu heh09:22
Lynourethecrono: not saying that is the cause, it's just one of the  possible causes09:22
thecronowell, i see no other options09:22
thecronolet m,e try rebooting09:24
Lynourethecrono: but if you have no services and have not installed software from weird sources, or ran weird commands/scripts, it's unlikely cause, I think.09:24
ActionParsnipthecrono, i'd try a reboot09:25
thecronowell,its using 418MB now09:29
ActionParsnipthecrono, keep top running to see if it climbs09:29
thecronowhich is still too much09:29
ActionParsnipthecrono, its not bad. theres a lot of stuff sat "ready" from what i read09:31
thecronois 440ish mb normal?09:31
ppibburryea, i run around 300-40009:31
ActionParsnipthecrono, least its going down :)09:32
ActionParsnipthecrono, let mefire up my virtualbox09:32
thecronohow do i make firefox my default browser?09:32
thecrononow its taking time for windows to load09:33
thecronokonquerer is taking FOREVER09:33
ppibburredit prefferences system defualts, i n firefox09:34
ActionParsnipmem: 255944K total, 251912K used, 4032K free here09:34
thecrono43mb now heh09:34
SlimeyPetethecrono: Linux always tries to use allyour memory09:34
thecronowhy? that's stupid09:34
SlimeyPetethecrono: memory which is not in usebyapplications is used to cache data09:34
thecrononow chat is going slowe09:34
SlimeyPeteno, it'sa very good idea09:34
SlimeyPeteit speeds things up considerably.09:34
ActionParsnipthecrono, windows does it too. why do you think you need a swap file09:35
llutzthecrono: not using memory is stupid, its used for buffers/cache09:35
thecrononot when it turns your computer into a slideshow09:35
SlimeyPetethecrono: lack of memory is not your problem, I'd guess.09:35
SlimeyPetethecrono: linux automatically fills memory with cached data. When an app needs to use some of that memory the cached data is automatically deleted.09:35
thecrononow its starting to freeze every coupleof seconds09:36
SlimeyPeteso apps still get to use as much RAM as they need09:36
thecrono445mb used out of 12##09:36
SlimeyPetethat's normal, stop worrying, it isn't the cause of your problems.09:36
thecronothen what is?09:36
SlimeyPeteMight be a DMA issue. try running "sudo hdparm /dev/sda" where sda is the device for your harddisk (might be sdb, sdc etc depending on which cable it's on)09:37
SlimeyPetesee if DMA is turned on.09:37
SlimeyPeteis it a SATA drive?09:40
thecronono idea09:40
thecronomy HD?09:40
thecronomy HD is i think09:40
SlimeyPetein that case DMA's not the issue, hmm.09:40
SlimeyPetetry running "top" to see processor usage09:41
SlimeyPetesee if anything's caning your processor09:41
thecronoi'mrunning it now..nothing is09:41
thecrono  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S PU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND09:41
thecrono 4550 root      15   0 62648  28m 8012 S  7.0  2.3   2:19.45 Xorg09:41
thecrono 5665 thecrono  16   0 31744  15m  12m S  4.3  1.3   0:16.17 ksysgu09:41
=== eva is now known as eva__
thecronothe only two processes using memory09:42
SlimeyPetehmm, yeah, looks fine09:42
* SlimeyPete scratches head09:42
thecronoMem:   1294188k total,   463224k used,   830964k free,    45888k buffers09:43
SlimeyPeteMem:    449288k total,   440444k used,     8844k free,     9920k buffers09:43
thecronomy cpu is a 2.5ghz celeron too09:43
SlimeyPete^^ mine, and I have no problems09:43
thecronoi doubt xorg is using 2.5ghz of processing power09:43
thecronoand i don't have this problem with windows, so it can't be the cpu09:44
llutzthecrono: more interesting is the 2nd line (used +/- buffers)09:44
SlimeyPeteshouldn't be.09:44
thecronowhy is that llutz?09:44
llutzthecrono: because that is the amount of really used RAM without buffers/cache09:44
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete, you are running at 98% mem. thecrono you are running at 35% mem09:45
thecrono45mb used, and the rest is buffer?09:45
llutzMem:       2058600    1263020     795580          0     123464     84059609:45
llutz-/+ buffers/cache:     298960    175964009:45
SlimeyPeteI don't see "buffers/cache" on my system, when I run top.09:46
llutzthecrono: ^^ 1.2GB used with buffers , but ony 298MB used by apps09:46
SlimeyPete2nd line is swap.09:46
llutzfree -m09:46
thecronowtf why are buffers using so much?09:46
SlimeyPeteah right, yes09:46
llutzthecrono: because its intelligent RAM-Usage09:47
SlimeyPetethecrono: it's buffering data which you have used or might use. This is sensible, and every half-decent OS does it.09:47
SlimeyPetedon't worry, the buffer automatically clears when apps need to use more RAM.09:47
SlimeyPetethis doesn't get us much closer to solving your problem though,hrm.09:48
SlimeyPeteI wonder what graphics driver xorg is trying to use... might be VESA.09:48
llutzthecrono: use "free -m" to see how much RAM really is in use, but like SlimeyPete says, thats not your problem09:48
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete, update chipset driver maybe09:48
SlimeyPeteyeah, could be a chipset issue I guess09:48
ActionParsnipchipset drives the ram :D09:49
thecronoi now have 3 browsers open with about 20 tabs in each09:50
thecronoeverything runs fine09:50
thecronocept chat is refreshign slow09:50
thecrono[i see a line go down when ever a new one appears]09:50
ActionParsnipthecrono, weird09:50
SlimeyPeteright, graphics drivers then, I'll bet09:50
ActionParsnipthecrono, what client you using forchat?09:50
SlimeyPetein fact I'd put money on it09:50
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete, me too09:50
thecronoi installed restricted ati drivers09:51
llutzthecrono: glxinfo |grep rendering09:51
ActionParsnipthecrono, try another like xchat and do what llutz says09:51
SlimeyPetethecrono: do a "less /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look for section(s) named "Device", and let us know what they say09:51
SlimeyPeteyou did? hmm09:51
SlimeyPetewere things running slow before that?09:51
thecronodirect rendering: yes09:52
SlimeyPeteI wonder if you've found a bug/incompatibility in ATI's rubbish drivers....09:52
thecronoi didn't ntoice..the first thing after installing kubuntu was i got restricted drivers09:52
thecronoi planned on getting compiz09:52
SlimeyPetething is, ATI (until very recently) paid little attention to Linux and their drivers were/are... erm, "interesting" to use09:53
* ActionParsnip hates ATi LOTS09:53
SlimeyPeteI'm using them without a problem, mind09:53
ppibburri like the were/are :)09:53
llutzthecrono: try "glxinfo |grep rendering"09:54
SlimeyPetethecrono: ah, I more meant the "device" section, not "inputdevice" :)09:54
thecronothat's the entier result pete09:54
ActionParsnipthecrono, can we have a pastebin of the whole xorg.conf please09:55
thecronothat was the whole thing09:55
SlimeyPetethecrono: your xorg only contains that one input device section and nothing else? O.o09:55
thecronothecrono@Neckron-Ninty-Nine:~$ glxinfo |grep rendering09:55
thecronodirect rendering: Yes09:55
SlimeyPetedid you scroll down?09:55
SlimeyPete(using the cursor keys or pageup/down)09:55
thecronothere was nothing to scroll down tolol09:55
ppibburrcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:55
ActionParsnipthecrono, its a bit more, thats the output going through less. press enter to scroll down09:55
ppibburrth crono, enter09:55
ppibburruse the cat and pastbin the whole thing09:56
thecronohow do i copy the whole thing?..its bigger than my screen09:56
ppibburrstart selecting and drag09:57
ActionParsnipthecrono, kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:57
ActionParsnipthecrono, you can read the file but wont be able to edit it :)09:57
ppibburrdraging should scroll09:57
SlimeyPeteah, the many ways of doing the same thing in Linux ;)09:57
thecronopattern not found, press return09:57
thecronodragging doesn't scroll09:58
ppibburrsmiley :)09:58
ppibburrin konsole?09:58
SlimeyPetethecrono: hrm, you know what, there's an easier way to see if it's the ATI drivers, hang on09:58
ActionParsnipthecrono, just open the xorg.conf file and pastebin it. you only need kdesu / sudo to edit it09:59
SlimeyPetethecrono: "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.ati ; sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf" then log in and out again (these commands will cause X to use your old drivers rather than the ATI ones)09:59
thecronocp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.1': No such file or directory10:00
ppibburrthecrono: read off timestamps, ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.STAMP10:00
ppibburrwhere stamp is a timestring10:00
ppibburrls /etc/X11/xorg.conf*10:01
ppibburrthat will list all backups10:01
thecrono /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.ati10:02
SlimeyPeteis that it? O.o10:02
ppibburryou just made the ati tho10:02
SlimeyPetethe install script should make a backup10:03
thecronoman wtf, why the heck when i paste somethign into cjhat and hit enter....it enters on the konsole10:03
thecronothat is so annoying10:03
SlimeyPetethecrono: hrm, ok, two steps forward and one back, heh...10:03
xen_Hey there im having trouble with Ktorrent on kubuntu, yesterday it worked fine, today it wont connect to any trackers, and no the trackers are not down and there are plenty of seeds for this torrent10:03
SlimeyPetethecrono: that doesn't sound normal either O.o but I don't know xchat very well (I assume that's what you're using)10:04
SlimeyPeteoh right, well, I don't use that, does sound like odd behaviour though.10:04
thecronoi paste into the bar..it pastes fine..i hit ENTER..and knsole goes down a line10:04
SlimeyPetedo you have your mouse over the konsole window at the time?10:04
ppibburrwhats running in konsole?10:05
thecronoanywyas, about this preformance problem?10:05
SlimeyPetethecrono: ok, do "kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf", that will openagraphical editor for you with the file in10:05
SlimeyPeteyou may find it more intuitive than using the terminal10:05
ppibburrx and kde not handling events correctly10:06
SlimeyPeteppibburr: does sound odd, doesn't it10:06
ppibburrvery, and sounds like a good place to have a brea10:06
thecronosee, i paste into konvorsatyion..when i hit enter, konquerer loads the next link10:07
ppibburrif every widget in Qt is getting the event10:07
ppibburrwhich they are10:07
thecronopete,will you be on tomorrow?10:08
thecronoits 5am here10:08
thecronoi need to sleep10:09
ppibburrgraphical apps contain widgets, from the root Object to windw, screen button etc, each can handle events, X passes input events to kde/Qt/Gtk, then handles them, but the handler is broke10:09
thecronoand i don't wanna really go through all the same stuff with someone new :D10:09
SlimeyPetethecrono: ok, try this: do "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf", this will give you admin rights so that you can edit the file. Change "fglrx" to "ati" and log out and back in again. If you can't get graphics back, log in in text mode and run "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.ati /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to get backto where you are now.10:09
SlimeyPetethecrono: I am always here, but not always watching (I'm at work during your night-time cos I'm in the UK ;) )10:10
SlimeyPetethecrono: but if I'm watching then I'll be happy to help10:10
thecronowhere is fglrx?10:11
thecronoletme relog10:11
SlimeyPetethecrono: in the section that's just called "Device", it's a little way down.10:11
ppibburrthe Input to manager mis-com could lead to application lag10:12
ppibburrlike my first gui's >.<10:12
=== Sbucatone is now known as Sbucatino
=== ubuntu is now known as TheCrono
TheCronoi lost video10:18
TheCronousing live cd now10:19
TheCronowhat was the command to switch bag?10:20
llutzTheCrono: mount your /-fs from HDD and switch to /<mountpoint>/etc/X11, there do "sudo cp xorg.conf.ati xorg.conf"10:21
TheCronohow do i do that?10:21
llutzTheCrono: which partition on HD contains / ?10:22
ppibburrmkdir foo then sudo mount /dev/sda# foo10:22
ppibburr# is the partition #10:22
TheCronoi don'tknow10:22
ppibburrsudo fdisk -l10:22
ppibburrwhat says linux as System10:23
TheCronosda 1-5-6-710:23
TheCronowhat was the command to switch back the xorg files..i need to go to sleep, and i defiantly don't want to leave with this new problem10:24
TheCronocan barely keep my eyes open lol10:24
SlimeyPeteTheCrono: couldn't you log in in text mode?10:25
Sunny_Deutsches Forum10:25
SlimeyPetebest to just do that then "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.ati /etc/X11/xorg.conf"10:25
SlimeyPeteTheCrono: ^^10:25
se7en!de | Sunny_10:25
ubotuSunny_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:25
ppibburrfolks at #kde are a bit mute >.<10:26
de4dsnakehey, i get the following error when i run anything that is not particularily meant for KDE. This started happening after I upgraded Kdesktop some other things: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl10:29
=== ubuntu is now known as thecrono
thecrono /etc/x11/xorg.conf.ati   no such fileor directory10:32
ppibburrnot x10:33
thecronough, why do capitals even matter?10:34
ppibburrthe char for X and the char for x arequite different10:34
brian_how different is the Linux cmd line then the MSDos cmd line?10:37
Scubarsame basic principles10:38
Scubarjust diff cmds to learn10:38
thecronoi'm going to sleep now10:38
thecronoyou be on in about 18 hours pete?10:39
Scubarkonsole is more powerful than cmd though10:39
SlimeyPetethecrono: maybe10:39
SlimeyPetepoke me, if I'm watching I'll help you out some more if I can10:39
thecrono7 hours ago..tomorrow heh10:39
thecronowell, i sitll ahve that problem10:39
Scubaryou got it installed then crono ?10:39
thecronobad preformance one10:39
thecronoyes, but it runs horrible10:40
thecronoi'llleave it as check it in the monring, later10:40
=== thecrono is now known as thecronoAFK
ppibburrscubar: the shell evniroments are powerful, and since linux usually ships with, and enables getting other scripting languages easily and command line is powerful10:41
ugur_hi i have a simple question: Does "sudo reboot" command make any harm to the system when run repeatedly to restart system?10:42
de4dsnakehey, nobody know how to solve "undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl" error?10:49
_StefanS_de4dsnake: where do you see it?10:50
de4dsnakewell after upgrading kdesktop and some other things, i cannot run any program that is not made  particularily for kde10:50
de4dsnakeso when for example i try to run firefox in konsole10:51
de4dsnakei get the following:10:51
de4dsnake"/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl"10:51
_StefanS_did your upgrade finish correctly?10:51
de4dsnakewell adept didnt complain about anything10:52
_StefanS_de4dsnake: open a konsole and do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:52
de4dsnakeits been more than a week ago when i did this upgrade10:52
de4dsnakedoing now10:53
_StefanS_de4dsnake: this thread might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58353710:53
de4dsnakeif only firefox worked :P10:53
de4dsnakeill try konqueror10:53
de4dsnakeyea i saw that thread10:55
de4dsnakedidnt help much10:55
de4dsnakedidnt understand what to do10:55
de4dsnakeafter the ldd thing10:55
_StefanS_paste the output from ldd to paste.ubuntu-nl.org, and let me check it out10:56
_StefanS_de4dsnake: looks fine, can you send me the output from dist-upgrade in konsole?10:59
de4dsnakethe one i just did now?10:59
_StefanS_want to see if there are any errors11:00
jhend60Hi all11:00
jhend60I really need help installing kubuntu11:00
jussi01jhend60: whats the prob?11:01
jhend60when i boot it normally (the first item on menu) the screen is completely black11:01
_StefanS_de4dsnake: thats seems quite ok too11:01
jhend60but only after it all loads11:01
_StefanS_de4dsnake: try to logout and login again11:02
jhend60and when i boot with safe graphics, after it loads, a bar at the top of the screen appears with different colouts11:02
jhend60and i cant do anything11:02
de4dsnakeok, brb, thx so far11:02
jhend60ps i havent installed yet11:02
jhend60just downloaded11:02
Scubarhow can i install macromedia flash on amd6411:02
Scubarits saying wrong architecture11:02
Scubari do have the i386 libs installed11:02
jussi01jhend60: what is your graphics card?11:02
jhend60and I have a Intel 82810 intergrated graphics driver11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lash64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:03
_StefanS_Scubar: medibuntu.org, install flashplugin-nonfree11:03
jhend60and i have 512 mb memory11:03
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:03
Scubarawww i dont use firefox11:03
Scubari use opera11:03
jhend60is there a way i can get intel drivers on there as it is old11:03
jhend60and when i use safe graphics mode, and it all loads and a bar with three colours repetedly apperas, i cant do ANYTHING11:04
jhend60if i turn it off the bars dissaper but i can still see the place where they where11:04
jhend60i am trying to run it LIVE11:04
jhend60now im on windows11:05
_StefanS_jhend60: what intel gfx chipset do you have?11:05
_StefanS_wow thats old11:05
jhend60i no11:05
jhend60it should still work11:05
de4dsnakeok, im back, logged out and back in but still cant run anything thats not for kde11:05
jhend60this is an old pc im saving up for new11:05
_StefanS_well, vesa (safe mode) should work11:05
jhend60it just has a bar at top11:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: http://www.debianhelp.org/node/1124111:06
jhend60with colours11:06
jhend60and stops loading off disk11:06
jhend60no more disk action11:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: do updatedb and locate libglib11:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: you might have some extra copy lying around that disrupts the gtk stuff (firefox, thunderbird etc..)11:06
jhend60i have never used ubuntu or linux before11:06
jhend60only windows so im a total noob11:06
_StefanS_jhend60: download the alternate install, it will do it in text mode11:06
jhend60my nets not to fast11:07
jhend60and i will get in trouble if i download anymore11:07
jhend60i will go over cap11:07
jhend60is there any difference in alternate cd?11:08
_StefanS_jhend60: hmm ok, in safe graphics mode you get some color bars ??11:08
de4dsnake_StefanS_: some extra copy of what? Ive firefox installed.  but only once as far as i know.11:08
jhend60at top11:08
jhend60about 3 cm wide going along entire screen11:08
jhend60no movement11:08
_StefanS_de4dsnake: libglib, just do that updatedb, and locate libglib, and post that to paste bin11:08
_StefanS_jhend60: did you download gutsy ?11:08
jhend60tiny colout bars green blue yellow going vertically for 3cm11:08
de4dsnakedoing so know, taking a while11:08
jhend60across screen11:09
_StefanS_jhend60: yes its trouble with the videodriver alright11:09
jhend60can i fix without downloading too much11:09
jhend60i want to use it11:09
jhend60maybe i could install with graphics cd option11:09
_StefanS_jhend60: yes just give me a moment11:09
de4dsnake_StefanS_: updatedb gave no ouput, where shall i locate libglib? in adept?11:10
jhend60i dont even understand that (noob = me)11:10
_StefanS_de4dsnake: do locate libglib and paste that to paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:11
_StefanS_jhend60: we're just searching for files on his system using the commandline11:11
_StefanS_jhend60: you can do that graphically aswell11:11
jhend60complete different than windows11:11
jhend60ill have to learn11:11
jhend60ok then11:11
jhend60ill search the forums for similar probs11:12
_StefanS_de4dsnake: I bet its your vmware libs that are causing the problems11:13
_StefanS_de4dsnake: oh wait..11:13
jhend60apparently there are a few 82810 graphics probs11:13
_StefanS_de4dsnake: try this first11:13
de4dsnakehmm, everythign including vmware ran fine before i upgraded kdesktop11:13
_StefanS_jhend60: yes unfortunately11:13
_StefanS_jhend60: try with a recent bios is possible11:13
_StefanS_de4dsnake: sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib.old && sudo mv /usr/local/lib/libglib-* /usr/local/lib.old/11:14
jhend60what u mean11:14
_StefanS_de4dsnake: see if that works11:14
jhend60i just got it11:14
jhend60btw i have no error messages11:15
jhend60like acpi11:15
de4dsnakeok i did that, firefox still doesnt run11:15
jhend60is there any commands i can use11:15
de4dsnakeneither does vlc etc11:16
de4dsnakedifferent error tho it seems11:16
de4dsnakethe error now is: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple11:16
_StefanS_de4dsnake: do a ls -l /usr/local/lib/libgdk* , does it give any results?11:18
dino_salve a tutti ^^11:19
_StefanS_de4dsnake: what about ls -l /usr/lib/libgdk* , does it give any results?11:19
jhend60do i press the vga button on install?11:19
_StefanS_jhend60: yes try that11:19
jhend60i have once11:20
de4dsnake_StefanS_: yes it does11:20
jhend60so i press F4 then enter11:20
jhend60and it should work11:20
_StefanS_de4dsnake: please do a locate libgdk-x11 and post the results11:20
_StefanS_jhend60: yep, vga should definitely work11:21
jhend60ok i will try it i will be back on with results11:21
jhend60also before i go should i check my cd for faults?11:21
_StefanS_jhend60: skip that11:22
jhend60ok then11:22
jhend60c u soon11:22
sigma_1234how do you mount a cdrom manually?11:24
_StefanS_sigma_1234: sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom && sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom11:25
_StefanS_de4dsnake: did you do a sudo apt-get update recently?11:26
de4dsnakemayb a week ago11:26
de4dsnakethats the most recent i can remember11:26
de4dsnakeokdid one now11:27
_StefanS_and dist-upgrade again11:27
de4dsnakeok, still no success with firefox, vlc etc11:28
de4dsnakeshall i log out again ?11:29
de4dsnake_StefanS_: still there?11:33
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thomas_whaddup kvl3vr11:34
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jhend60stilll no luck :(11:37
jhend60on safe graphics i somehow got into a console11:37
jhend60but it was wierd11:38
_StefanS_de4dsnake: sorry was out for moment11:38
ActionParsniphey all11:38
jhend60Can anyone help me!11:38
ActionParsnip!ask | jhend6011:39
ubotujhend60: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:39
jhend60oh ok11:39
jhend60i have to say it all again11:39
ActionParsnipi just joined the room so i didntsee it11:39
ActionParsnipjust copy / paste11:39
de4dsnakedid u get an error message at boot jhend60?11:39
jhend60no error at all11:40
jhend60just when it boots to safe mode after all the loading things it has a long bar at the top11:40
jhend60with 3 colours in it11:40
jhend60like a optical illusion11:40
jhend60i have intel 82810 graphics card11:40
jhend60and have tried using VGA11:41
jhend60and i am using the 700mb cd image on a burned dvd11:41
de4dsnakemaybe ur graphics card is  broken? or does it run fine in other OS?11:41
jhend60well.. i am on windows now!11:41
jhend60i needed the driver to make windows work at all11:41
jhend60for some odd reason11:41
jhend60i had to install it in safe mode11:41
jhend60or normally it would be blank11:42
_StefanS_de4dsnake: gotta run for a moment again11:42
jhend60i have made custom xp install now so i dont have to11:42
jhend60do i need 32 bits video coz i only have 16 and 2411:42
ActionParsnipjhend60, 24 is fine11:43
jhend60also on normal mode after all kubuntu loading screens have done its just a blank screen11:43
jhend60and i have managed to get into a console from safe mode11:43
ActionParsnipjhend60, kde3 or kde4?11:43
jhend60but i didnt know what to do so i have rebooted into xp11:43
jhend60fresh kubuntu 7.10 gutsy11:44
ActionParsnipjhend60, have you tried renaming ~/.kde and rebooting?11:44
jhend60just downloaded11:44
jhend60i havent installed11:44
ActionParsnipjhend60, ok cool, nm11:44
jhend60im trying to run live11:44
ActionParsnipjhend60, laptop / desktop11:44
jhend60really old11:44
jhend606 yrs11:44
jhend60old tiny dell11:45
ActionParsnipjhend60, bet its a fine system11:45
jhend60with huge crt screen11:45
jhend60intel celleron processer11:45
ActionParsnipjhend60, have you tried other live distro's?11:45
jhend60i dont have any more download space11:46
jhend60reached cap11:46
jhend60my videos memory is only 32 mb though11:46
ActionParsnipdownload damn small linux (40Mb) and see if that works11:46
ActionParsnip32mb video is fine11:46
jhend60do i have to burn coz i have no more discs either11:47
jhend60do u want me to check the disk?11:47
jhend60for faults?11:48
jhend60maybe i should just get new pc and put it on that :(11:48
jhend60take 8 months to save enough11:48
jhend60probably more11:49
jhend60i do have 512 mb memory11:49
Scubarwoot finally got sound11:50
ActionParsnipjhend60, yeab burning is needed11:51
ActionParsnipjhend60, I'd check the disk too11:51
ActionParsnip512mb is loads for kubuntu :)11:51
jhend60i wish this works...11:52
jhend60i might email the staff11:53
de4dsnakeafter logging out and logging back in i still get the error: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple11:54
_StefanS_de4dsnake: I'm back again11:55
_StefanS_de4dsnake: type env and paste to me11:55
_StefanS_de4dsnake: had to get something to eat11:55
_StefanS_de4dsnake: the general problem is that you _somewhere_ have a library (or more) that gets chosen before the correct ones supplied with (k)ubuntu, and thus you get these symbol lookup failures because the libraries dont match version-wise11:56
Scubarif i close x server to install nvidia drivers whats the cmd to start it again ?11:57
de4dsnakehmm i was trying to get avant window navigator installed  once11:57
_StefanS_Scubar: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart11:57
de4dsnakeso install some dogde libraries in order to be able to insall it11:58
de4dsnakebut i never suceeded to get avan window navigator to run11:58
_StefanS_de4dsnake: dogde?11:58
de4dsnakedodgy, wierd11:58
_StefanS_de4dsnake: ah ok :)11:58
jhend60any mroe help from any1?11:58
_StefanS_de4dsnake: well, do the following .. (I'm typing)11:58
_StefanS_de4dsnake: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtk2.0-011:59
ActionParsnipjhend60, have you tried install in text mode?12:00
de4dsnakeok done12:01
_StefanS_ActionParsnip: most likely thats the way to go for him12:01
_StefanS_de4dsnake: try again12:01
_StefanS_de4dsnake: starting firefox12:01
de4dsnakestill the same error12:01
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, what error do you get with firefox?12:02
de4dsnakethis is not just with firefox, but also vlc, vmware and nething non kde: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple12:03
_StefanS_de4dsnake: yes I know, try this: for i in `dpkg -l|grep gtk|awk '{print $2}'`; do sudo apt-get install --reinstall $i ; done12:03
jhend60i want to run live first, and do i need to get alternate cd for text based?12:04
_StefanS_de4dsnake: should take while to complete, but hopefully it will work12:04
SlimeyPetejhend60: for text-based install, yes12:05
_StefanS_de4dsnake: it should reinstall all gtk stuff..12:06
de4dsnakei see12:06
jhend60so its either do that or get new pc? are those my only options?12:06
de4dsnakeit keeps asking me for confirmations12:06
de4dsnakeis there a yes for all|?12:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: nope12:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: oh sorry, yes there is12:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: my bad..12:06
_StefanS_de4dsnake: for i in `dpkg -l|grep gtk|awk '{print $2}'`; do sudo apt-get install --reinstall -y $i ; done12:07
de4dsnakewell should i abort then?12:07
_StefanS_de4dsnake: yep just do that12:07
de4dsnakenvm its done now neways12:07
de4dsnakelogout and restart?12:08
_StefanS_de4dsnake: logout should be enough.. did it reinstall all the packages?12:08
_StefanS_ok go ahead12:08
de4dsnakeok man, thx a lot. brb12:08
de4dsnakeok, back still no success12:10
de4dsnakeim going for lunch now, ill b back in 40 mins12:10
de4dsnakethx a lot for trying to help me out.12:11
jhend60thanks for every1 trying to help me to GET linux started...12:12
jhend60i guess ill have to wait...12:12
_StefanS_no problem, it was just bad luck on the i81012:12
noaXesshow can i change the default file manager dolphin to konqueror?12:20
noaXessnormaly if i open my home folder over the system menu, dolphin starts...12:21
noaXessor if i plugin any usb storage and say "open in a new window" dolphin will be started.12:21
NickPresta!d3lphin | noaXess12:22
ubotunoaXess: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.12:22
noaXessok.. thanks NickPresta12:23
noaXesswill d3lphin will be supported or developed for the future? cause on the web from d3lphin.. : but at the moment I have really no time to code on D3lphin12:25
NickPrestanoaXess, d3lphin is Dolphin ported to KDE 3.5.X. In KDE 4.0+, you use Dolphin, which is updated and works better (apparently).12:26
noaXessNickPresta: aha... okay..12:27
noaXesswhere to get more features? plugins?12:27
ActionParsnipnoaXess, for what?12:27
NickPrestanoaXess, I don't know of a place. You could check http://kde-look.org12:27
noaXessActionParsnip: g. for the compressing feature with right klick..12:27
jussi01noaXess: likely, as its under active development12:28
ActionParsnipnoaXess, you need to look into service menus12:28
noaXesscan only use tar or gziped tar. or bzipped tar.. and sometime i need zip :)12:28
ActionParsnipnoaXess, http://legroom.net/2007/04/20/adding-custom-actions-kde-context-menus12:28
ActionParsnipnoaXess, theres a zip one there you can modify12:29
ActionParsnipnoaXess, you should google more. That took me 3 seconds12:30
noaXessActionParsnip: okay. :=)12:30
sakeydoes any one know how to change chanell12:35
Dr_willisYou mean  in your irc client?12:35
jussi01sakey: as in join a new one or just change?12:35
Dr_willis /join #pick_a_channel12:35
jussi01  /join #channelname12:35
Dr_willisit will be wiorth while to read a few irc beginner guides. :)12:36
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:36
noaXessActionParsnip: ha :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58832112:38
ActionParsnipnoaXess, see, if you'd done that first you wouldnt have to ask12:39
ActionParsnipnoaXess, good find though :)12:39
noaXessActionParsnip: yeah.. i know.. but sometime it's easier to ask.. get some hints and tipps and then mostly it work :)12:40
sakeythax but will i find the chanel name's??12:40
ActionParsnipnoaXess, I'd google first then ask for help :D12:40
sakeywhere will i find the channel names12:40
ActionParsnipsakey, what client do you use?12:40
noaXessActionParsnip: yeah..12:40
sakeyit's kubuntu12:41
sakeythe defalt one12:41
ActionParsnipsakey, konversation?12:41
ActionParsnipsakey, window -> channel list12:43
sakeythanx man12:44
sakeyi got it12:44
sakeybut where you from?12:44
ActionParsnipsakey, you mean geographically?12:45
de4dsnakedoes ne1 else have ne ideas how to fix symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple    ?12:47
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, what do you get from the command .... file /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.012:48
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/symbol-lookup-error-usrliblibgtk-x11.2.0.so.0-undefined-symbol...-434399/12:48
de4dsnakei get /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: symbolic link to `libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0.1200.0'12:49
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, check the link ^12:49
nightbIs there a french channel for Kubuntu Support please ?12:51
nightb"cause I've a problem12:51
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:52
jussi01nightb: ^^12:53
nightbthanks jussi01!12:56
nightbI've forget the - ^^12:56
de4dsnakeActionParsnip: i have kind of gone through the steps in that forum u sent me already with _StefanS_12:58
de4dsnakei thinki atleast12:58
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, just google for your error message. Thats all I did12:59
de4dsnaketried that12:59
de4dsnakedidnt find nething ussefull12:59
nightbI've installed Kubuntu, and when I started it up today, this message appear : No command Arguments supplied ! Usage : Kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> KdeSudo will now exit". What can I do ?12:59
g2g591nightb: see if add/remove programs works, if it does, then you have nothing to worry about13:01
ActionParsnipkdesudo needs a command to run with admin power13:02
ActionParsnipde4dsnake, thats all I'd do. Ive not had that error13:02
ActionParsnipnightb, e.g kdesu kate ~/textfile.txt13:02
nightbActionParsnip: I write this in konsoel ?13:04
ActionParsnipnightb, thats what kdesu expects13:04
ActionParsnipnightb, something like that13:04
ActionParsnipnightb, kdesu <program name>13:04
ActionParsnipnightb, kdesu on its own does nothing13:04
nightbOk thanks ActionParsnip13:05
Dragnslcrkdesudo, not kdesu13:13
nightbSo I write kdesudo Adept Manager ?13:14
ActionParsnipnightb, kdesu adept13:17
nightbAnd not Kdesudo Adept ?13:17
jpatricknightb: kdesu is syslinked to kdesudo13:21
g2g591nightb: afaik kdesu is symlinked to kdesudo , so they are the same thing13:21
nightbOk thankss13:21
g2g591nightb: if you feel like typing the 2 extra letters, go ahead13:22
Beanoeshas anyone actually installed KDE4 yet?13:27
rodolfohey folks13:27
jpatrick!kde2 > Beanoes13:28
nightbI write Kdesu Adept and this message appear : "adept : command not found"13:28
jpatricknightb: adept_manager13:28
jpatrick!kde4 > Beanoes13:28
rodolfoi am a newbie on Kubuntu I need to know how to set up these fonts on a LCD monitor, they look too bad. can anyone help?13:28
jpatrickBeanoes: sorry13:28
Beanoesjpatrick you have installed it? Good? I suspect the > means good eh?13:29
krekonI'm using gutsy gibbon on toshiba tecra a8. I want to make kbluetooth to start automaticly  but I don't know how to add an application on System Services. there is something weird with kbluetooth, even if I make a restart it doesn't start like other opened application. Note that in orded to work kbluetooth I run it and then through Konsole I run these commands: "toshset -bluetooth off" and "toshset -bluetooth on". What should I do?13:30
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intelikeyi'm having a strange problem with mc   can't execute any command from within it.  no error message it just returns but didn't do anything.   any clue what might cause that ?13:32
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:33
BluesKajkrekon, I'm not certain but try adding kbluetooth to autostart: alt+F2 , kdesu konqueror /usr/share/autostart. Then drag kbluetooth into the file "copy here" . Not sure if it will work , but it's worth a try .13:40
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krekonBluesKaj it works when I login but I want to add the appropriate file in /etc/init.d in order to start and work even if I haven't login (it is about my bluetooth mouse)13:49
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ActionParsniplo all13:54
ActionParsnipIs there a plugin or method I canuse tomake firefox cycle through a list of URLs?13:57
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nunocan some1 help me?14:07
nunoi want to install beryl on gutsy14:07
de4dsnakedont install beryl. install compiz fusion14:07
de4dsnakeberyl is no longer active14:08
nunohow can i install compiz then?14:08
de4dsnakecompiz fusion is basically the new version  of beryl14:08
nunohow can i install compiz then?14:08
de4dsnakehold on, looking it up14:08
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:09
nunoDEB - command not found14:10
MuNzEu can compile compiz from git14:10
de4dsnakeuse adept14:10
BluesKaj!bluetooth | krekon14:10
ubotukrekon: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:10
nunoto get compiz?14:10
de4dsnakeadd/remove programs14:10
de4dsnakesearch for compiz14:10
de4dsnakeinstall the setting manager there14:10
nunoill check14:11
de4dsnakeand then open adept manager14:11
de4dsnakesearch for compiz14:11
de4dsnakeand install everything that is not dev14:11
de4dsnakewell thats how i did it atleast14:11
nunoi searched in add / remove14:11
MuNzEif u patch compiz-core against xcb in gutsy u can install all plugins14:11
nunoCompiz Setting14:11
nunoWell how do i install it?14:12
MuNzEgo to compiz-fusion chanell14:12
de4dsnaketick it and  click apply changes14:13
nunoNow i have the Compiz Configuration System14:13
de4dsnakeu also need compiz fusion itself14:13
nunoIts not in add/remove programs14:14
de4dsnakeopen adept manager under "system"14:14
nunoill try14:14
de4dsnakesearch for compiz there14:14
nunoi did14:15
nunomany packets14:15
nunowhich should i download?14:15
de4dsnakeinstall everything compiz, but those that are dev and gnome14:15
de4dsnakealso install emerald14:16
nunocompiz BCOP14:16
nunoshould i download it14:16
de4dsnakeoh anot bcop14:16
nunocopmcomm plugins14:16
nunoshould i?14:16
de4dsnakego for compiz-fusion instead14:17
nunocompiz-fusion plugins14:17
nunocompiz-fusion plugins extra14:17
nunoand main14:17
fgulerWhen i was installing compiz-kde and related packages, adept gave me an error and now is saying to me another proccess is using etc, and when i say yes, it crashes. What should i do at this point ?14:17
de4dsnakefguler: u probably have another installer running14:18
de4dsnakeclose it14:18
nunoi searched just for compiz fusion , emerald , plugins and libemeraldengine appeard14:18
fgulerde4dsnake: i restarted computer14:18
nunowhich one do i download14:19
de4dsnakenuno: all of it14:19
BluesKaj!adeptfix | fguler14:19
ubotufguler: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:19
de4dsnakenuno: when ur done: alt + F2 and type compiz14:20
ActionParsniphey all14:20
geniicompiz --replace14:20
MuNzEonly if u have ati14:20
fgulerthis bot rocks14:21
ActionParsnipfguler: do you mean the room bot?14:22
MuNzEcompiz --replace --loose-binding if u have nvidia14:22
de4dsnakenuno: u will also need the restricted drivers for nvidia14:23
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ActionParsnip!hi | blizzzek14:26
ubotublizzzek: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:26
MuNzEnuno: compiz is on ?14:28
de4dsnakeMuNzE: what does t he --loose-binding do? why is it needed for nvidia?14:30
MuNzEde4dsnake: install fusion-icon from git14:31
MuNzEu need run cf in nvidia with loose-binding14:31
MuNzEif u have ati just compiz --replace14:31
de4dsnakeive got nvidia and what i do to run is compiz --replace --indirect-rendering --sm-disable ccp & - inderect rendering avoid black windows14:32
MuNzEde4dsnake: install git core14:33
MuNzEgit clone git://anongit.compiz-fusion.org/users/crdlb/fusion-icon && cd fusion-icon && sudo make install14:33
MuNzEde4dsnake: try this then u see what --loose-binding do when u have nvidia14:34
de4dsnakewell id love to try but atm my system is completely messed up14:34
lamermanhi everyone! how could i download files from web, working under kubuntu server (from shell)?14:34
de4dsnakeit wont run nething thats not for kde14:34
WhitmanI've been using KioskTool to lock down an open access computer but while working with it KioskTool crashed and now I can't run it again because the computer is locked down.  How can I access it?14:35
geniilamerman: wget14:35
lamermangenii thanks! i'll try it14:35
faTeHI GUYS14:35
de4dsnakeMuNzE: whats i keep gettting is: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple14:35
de4dsnakethis is with compiz, firefox, vlc etc14:36
ActionParsniplo all14:36
faTe"checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix!" what am i needing, i use kubuntu7.10 and i was compiling, when i got this message...14:38
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MuNzEde4dsnake: sorry i run cf here in gnome kde kde4 and everything fine14:38
MuNzEfrom git :)14:38
de4dsnakeyea, it used to run fine here too until i messed things up14:38
de4dsnakebut once ill fix my system , ill try git14:38
de4dsnakewhat exactly is it neways?14:39
MuNzEde4dsnake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2-uKv6zd5414:40
MuNzEu can see in my videos what is new in cf14:41
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava14:41
de4dsnakewell only if firefox would run14:42
faTe"checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix!" what am i needing, i use kubuntu7.10 and i was compiling, when i got this message...sorry for repeating14:42
de4dsnakei think ill ned to clean install from scratch14:42
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MacAnthonyfaTe: try installing kdelibs-dev14:44
faTeoke i'll try14:44
frojndHello there. I'm having some problems with searching ext3 partitions in windoze. I've installed fs-driver on XP and since I wasn't able to see any linux partitions I started in command line: mountdiag E: in hope I'll be able to browse partition, But than I got an massage: http://pastebin.ca/869761  Can someone help what can I do so I can w/r/x linux's files in XP ??14:46
faTeE: Paket kdelibs-dev hat keinen Installationskandidaten ---> means pacet kdelibs-dev has no installation-candidates14:46
jpatrickfaTe: kdelibs4-dev14:46
frodewhich kubuntu distro to install today? i recently installed 7.10 to a friend, but it was not as good as i have thought. the flash problem, and also the screen is black during the whole startpu, until the logon screen appears. the startup is also very slow. do you still recomend people to install the 6.06 LTS? i have that version and is very happy with the stability and it is fast on my old computer14:47
bazhangfrode: if that is what works for you then go for it--though it will only be supported until next year14:48
bazhangfrode: hardy (the next release due in april) is also a LTS and will be supported for three years starting this April14:49
frodei wonder about reinstalling to my friend... so she get the same distro as me :). the real reason is i havent got flash working... although i am avare of the problem and have followed the tutorials for fixing it :(14:50
BluesKajbazhang, the LTS on Hardy has been suspended due to KDE4 changes and upgrades14:51
bazhangBluesKaj: right; too much time in #ubuntu for me :{14:52
ScorpKingfrode: install firefox and flash for it. konqueror will then use the flash plugin from firefox14:53
BluesKajbazhang, actually I'm a bit disappointed but it will be nice to have a distro with a properly working kde4 in a yr or so :)14:53
bazhangBluesKaj: hehe; I hear that :}14:53
frodescorpking: should i: 1 install firefox, then visit a flash site and answer yes to install flash, or should i: 2 download flash from adobe and install it in the firefox directory? or...? sorry i did not get the tutorials to work14:59
faTe"checking for "libberyldecoration"... configure: error: libberyldecoration not found" wich packet i need?15:00
MacAnthonyfaTe: I'm not on ubuntu right now so can't check, but packages.ubuntu.com says there was a libberyldecoration-dev in fiesty - not sure if it was on later versions15:10
genii!info libdecoration015:11
ubotulibdecoration0 (source: compiz): Compiz window decoration library. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 47 kB, installed size 124 kB15:11
faTeshould i do: "sudo apt-get install libberyldecoratin-dev" ???15:11
genii!info compiz-kde15:11
ubotucompiz-kde (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager - KDE window decorator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 88 kB, installed size 228 kB15:11
faTewith apt-getinstall libberyldecoratin-dev, it won't work...has someone antoher idea?15:13
geniifaTe: sudo apt-get install libdecoration0 compiz-kde15:14
faTeoke ill try15:15
BluesKajall this work for some eye candy to impress windows users :)15:16
faTeimpress my parents :P15:16
BluesKajparents are windows users , right ?15:17
faTeBluesKaj: surew15:17
faTemy whole family is using windoof15:17
BluesKajfaTe, heh my son uses windows , I use linux :)15:18
faTeBluesKaj: i use linux, and if i need, i take my second hdd with windows(brought with my old pc), but not often15:19
BluesKajnothing wrong with using windows , if you need to use apps that aren't available on Linux ...I also dual boot15:20
faTei need it for xfire15:20
faTeor if i want to play a lil bit :P15:20
BluesKajwine can't cover them all and vmware is buggy on my setup15:20
faTei don't think that my pc would run wine or vmwarewithout lagging15:21
faTe*vmware without15:21
faTe"checking for "libberyldecoration"... configure: error: libberyldecoration not found" same error :/15:23
geniiomit the "beryl" part15:24
albertohi, how to remove completly kde 3.5' (commands for konsole plz)?15:24
faTegenii: if i done right, there is no package with this name...15:25
faTei used this: sudo apt-get install libberyldecoration0 compiz-kde15:25
geniifaTe: libdecoration0 NOT libBERYLdecoration015:26
geniiAm I being unclear or something?15:26
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faTegenii: NO15:26
faTebut i installed this packet15:26
faTesome time ago15:26
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:27
faTebut it prints the same line like infront of the installation15:27
geniifaTe: Since the time you used beryl, compiz and beryl have now joined to make compiz-fusion and there are now no more beryl-specific packages for anything.15:28
faTegenii: ah oke, what shuld i do then?15:28
faTeand btw: i used beryl never, downloaded it yesterday+15:29
geniifaTe: Go to the link that rodolfo just pointed out and follow instructions15:29
faTeoh oke15:29
geniirodolfo: That should buy a few minutes ;)15:31
andreas_where are all my programs stored in /root/>15:32
andreas_i mean in what directory/15:32
wimpieshi all, what is the state of software for 64 bit kubuntu ? is it all, almost all, most, some, few, very few or no packages are available?15:32
rodolfogenii: no, not at al. actually I am looking for compiz-fusion icon for KDE...hard to find15:33
geniiandreas_: There is not in ubuntu something like the windows equivelent of "c:\Program Files"      the programs install their components into different areas of the system.15:33
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andreas_ok i want to find kpdf15:34
andreas_i want to find the program kpdf and run it, but i want to find it's location15:34
andreas_where should i look for?15:34
rodolfo!compiz-config settings manager15:34
aleksanteriin terminal type "type kpdf"15:34
aleksanteriandreas_, ^15:34
andreas_ok let me see15:35
geniiandreas_: Since that particular one gets installed where the system looks normally for files to run, what aleksanteri told you should work15:35
andreas_ /usr/bin/kpdf15:35
aleksanteriso kpdf is there15:35
andreas_so are all program innstalled at usr/bin?15:35
geniiandreas_: No15:36
aleksanterinot all, but most15:36
andreas_so where are the others installed then?15:36
genii!fhs | andreas15:36
aleksanterisome are in /bin, some in /usr/sbin, /sbin, ...15:36
ubotuandreas: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:36
andreas_and do linux have registry like windows/15:36
aleksanterino, linux doesn't have registry15:36
geniiandreas_: Not KDE. Gnome has something like the registry, gconf15:36
andreas_ok thanks for your help15:36
BluesKajwimpies, if you have lo-end graphics then 64bit will be troublesome. I switched back to 32 cuz mt ati card doesn't do google earth  well, for example.15:36
rodolfodoes anyone here know something similar or equivalent to CCSM/compiz-fusion icon for kde?15:37
wimpiesblueskaj : I have a recent NVIDIA 8600 or something.  So besides HW, all should be available ?15:37
BluesKajyes wimpies , mostly everything and if not one can install ia32libs to run 32bit apps15:38
geniirodolfo: http://www.kde-files.org/content/show.php/Beryl-Compiz+icon?content=5741915:40
DaveDormanyone playing with KDE4 & Kubuntu?15:43
rodolfogenii: I think you misunderstood me; I am not looking for the icon I am looking for the compiz-fusion icon or compizconfig settings manager to adjust CF settings on my KDE...15:43
DaveDormgot a beef15:43
geniirodolfo: alt-f2 then  ccsm15:44
DaveDormtrying to do simple crap, like adjusting stsyem time properties, time zone, etc15:44
DaveDormand there is no "Administrator Mode" button in system settings anymore like in KDE315:44
DaveDormbut the help tells me to use it... :(15:45
DaveDormany clue?15:45
rodolfogenii: but CCSM isnt installed15:45
BluesKajDaveDorm, check the settings tab15:46
geniirodolfo: then sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:46
faTegenii: i've done it all like on the page...but if i want to start it15:47
faTenothing happens15:47
DaveDormBluesKaj: don't see a settings tab15:47
DaveDormBluesKaj: and I am not a n00b, I swear!! lol15:47
geniifaTe: You did the    alt-f2   then typed in:   compiz --replace                ?15:48
faTegenii: yes, exactly after this nothing happens15:48
stevenyhello:) Im on day three of ubuntu 6.06lts...yaaaayy!!!! but another question...how do I get my video card to work properly? DVD's are very choppy on a new laptop:(15:49
SlimeyPetewhat card?15:50
stevenynotebook has an ati radeon xpress sticker....I assume that???15:51
BluesKaj!kde4 | DaveDorm15:51
ubotuDaveDorm: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:51
home2007aanyone know about the sound card of a Dell D63015:51
SlimeyPete!ati | steveny15:51
ubotusteveny: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:51
SlimeyPetetry that15:51
stevenyty very much:)15:51
SlimeyPeteI think it includes a section for 6.0615:51
rodolfogenii: it worked. thank you15:51
BluesKajhome2007a, in the terminal : cat /proc/asound/cards15:52
SlimeyPetehome2007a: try running lspci in a terminal, it should show your sound chipset15:52
SlimeyPetethat will help you track down some advice from here, the forums or google15:52
geniirodolfo: np15:52
geniifaTe: What were you expecting to happen?15:53
geniifaTe: Your desktop will look basically the same. You may see an alteration of the number of Desktops in the lower right.15:54
faTegenii: there was three before the command and three after the command, i exspected something in the tray or something like this15:55
faTeso, what SHOULD happen?15:55
geniifaTe: To enable desktop cube or other things, install compizconfig-settings-manager                    then alt-f2 and run ccsm15:56
faTeoke i look what i can do15:57
geniifaTe: You will find more compz specific assistance in the channel #compiz-fusion15:57
intelikeyi found the cause of the mc issue16:06
intelikeySHELL not properly set16:07
geniiintelikey: Midnight Commander was doing what?16:08
genii(or not doing)16:08
intelikeycouldn't execute any command16:08
intelikeyjust returned to the main screen16:09
intelikeyi posted a pastebin on it earlier16:09
geniiAh, must have been before I arrived then16:10
intelikeyyeah about two hours ago16:11
intelikeyi think is it16:11
intelikeykinda hard to trouble shoot16:12
geniiintelikey: Yeah that kind of output would drive me nuts, nothing informative etc16:14
CJariI'm trying to use two monitors but for some reason I have to scroll across the desktop with the mouse in order to see every corner16:16
CJariis there some desktop size setting?16:16
henrik_hey there! i've got a problem... whenever I try to login via kdm, my computer just pops back to the login prompt.. I havn't got a full hd, i've removed my .kde folder in the home directory, tried installing gnome and gdm won't let me do nothing either... says it's something to do with "cannot start GTK+---- can't find /d-bus/whatever"..... can anyone help? tried google, forums...  (sry for long post)16:16
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intelikeythe vertual size in the xorg.conf   i don't know about the gui frontend16:16
geniiCJari: Please paste result of command in Konsole: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Virtual16:17
samuelNa ihr16:17
CJariintelikey: right, I think that was changed by the screen admin program16:17
samuelIs this an english server?16:17
CJarigenii: ok its: Virtual 1280    102416:18
geniisamuel: Well, the channle, yes16:18
samueloh, thanks, i am german16:18
geniiCJari: And what size is your desktop set to?16:18
hungrymouseis there any way that kubuntu can inadvertantly break a windows install? my windows partition works fine, but it refuses to boot.16:18
intelikey!de | samuel16:18
ubotusamuel: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:18
faTewhat am i doing in the english chan if theres a german one :/(16:19
henrik_anyone got a clue about my problem?16:19
BluesKajhenrik_, are you at the TTY prompt ?16:19
henrik_nope, had a startupscript for fluxbox16:19
henrik_so i used it16:20
henrik_started konversation16:20
de4dsnakehenrik_: what id usually do in ur situation is to restore xorg.conf16:20
intelikeyhenrik_ maybe look at ~/.xserver-errors  ?16:20
samuelthanks, i just looked the programms in the list, its not so important, but thanks always16:20
de4dsnakebut im a noob16:20
CJarigenii: I dont know16:21
henrik_okay, but i think my xorg.conf is okay, havn't updated it for a while..16:21
henrik_intelikey: and from there..? you got a clue?16:21
geniiCJari: Please paste result of command in Konsole: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Modes                  If there is more than a few lines of this, please use the pastebin website and not here into the channel16:22
intelikeyhenrik_ if ?dm is putting you at a gui login,  then it's not the xorg.conf.16:22
intelikeyhenrik_ yes look for errors ?16:22
henrik_i found something16:22
henrik_should i paste it?16:22
intelikey!paste | henrik_16:23
ubotuhenrik_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:23
basy_Which Subversion package do i need to install for Emerald Themer? I want the Emerald to fetch for new themes...16:24
hellmasterhi everyone, im having trouble right now16:25
hellmasterapparently my cube desktop stop working16:25
henrik_so am I. :)16:25
hellmasternot sure what happend16:25
anonymous5929what is it doing? can you switch to desktops normally?16:25
hellmasteryeah but with no effects16:26
jussi01basy_: sudo aptitude install subversion16:26
anonymous5929oh ok... Try opening a terminal and typing "compiz --replace"16:26
anonymous5929see if that works...16:26
intelikeyhenrik_ you did visit   http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html  ?16:26
hellmasterim using kde16:26
CJarigenii thanks Il try changing the virtual size16:26
de4dsnakeuse konsole then16:26
hellmasterand ubuntu 7.1016:26
hellmastercan use xterm no problem16:27
hellmasterits the same16:27
anonymous5929ok that'll work16:27
basy_jussi01, thanx16:27
de4dsnakehellmaster: but id suggest using alt + f216:27
henrik_intelikey: i'm sorry, but I don't understand what that means.. :S16:28
hellmasterthe command its going to uninstall some files16:28
hellmasterfrom gnomw16:28
henrik_intelikey: i visited the site, but I don't know what to do. :/16:28
anonymous5929compiz --replace ? It shouldnt...16:29
hellmasterno i mean the sudo16:29
hellmastersudo aptitude install subversion16:29
de4dsnakey do u need subversion?16:30
henrik_is there a way to make a freshinstall of kubuntu without having top remove everything i.e. keeping my programs and homefolder? :)16:30
anonymous5929I think somebody was telling someone else earlier to run that16:30
hellmasteri think that wasnt for me16:30
hellmasteranyways already did the compiz but nothings16:30
hellmasteralso im using kde and emerald16:30
de4dsnakewell go to ure compiz setting manager16:30
anonymous5929well are there any other effects working?16:30
hellmasteremerald theme manager16:30
de4dsnakeand see whether u have the cube enabled16:30
de4dsnakealso use alt + tab + left/right to switch16:31
hellmastercube is enable on compiz16:31
CJarigenii: thanks for the help, it works now, I only have to scroll on the other monitor because the virtual size is less16:31
anonymous5929there is also a check box for "cube rotate", might wanna check that too16:31
anonymous5929i mean "rotate cube"16:31
intelikeyhenrik_ home is easy to save  installed package list is easy to generate        but it might be easier to remove gtk*  and reinstall kubuntu-desktop16:32
de4dsnakesorry i mean ctrl + alt + left/right16:32
hellmasterall the options of cube are selected16:32
de4dsnakenot tab16:32
hellmasteryeah i can change desktops but no effects16:32
geniiCJari: Glad to assist16:32
de4dsnakewhat about ctrl + alt + left mouse hold and move16:32
anonymous5929was this working before?16:32
hellmasteri think ill reboot just in case16:33
intelikeyhenrik_ if you want to try it.    sudo apt-get --purge remove gtk* && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop           but that doesn't explain the kde issue.16:33
hellmastersomething crashed16:33
hellmasternot sure16:33
anonymous5929that might be a good idea...best of luck16:33
hellmasterthanks ill comeback16:33
henrik_intelikey: I tried setting kde to login to fluxbox by chossing that type of session, but it didn't work either16:34
intelikey"ubuntu now memics M$ windows in every way.  even frequesnt unwanted/unneeded reboots"16:34
henrik_intelikey: i'll try, i't can only go wrong xD16:35
intelikeyhenrik_ we must be over looking something.16:35
thecronoAFKso, my system preformance drops drasticly when ever i start doing thing, my mem/spu load is ok, but someone mentioned yesterday that it might be my video drive, and maby i have found a new bug....but anyways, i got ati restricted driver install....after whole when i have a few things running [not much]....my computer starts to go very flow and choppy16:35
hungrymouseintelikey, you NEVER need to reboot.16:35
intelikeyhenrik_ use alt+ctrl+f1  login and issue    sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop ;startx      and see what it does16:36
hungrymouseoccasionally you might need to restart X, but that takes about 5 seconds and you do it by CTRL-ALT-BKSPACE16:36
thecronoAFKlike right now16:36
henrik_brb then :)16:36
thecronoAFKchat is moving very slow16:36
thecronoAFKwindows stay blank white for almsot a minute ebfore loading16:37
de4dsnakeneways ive been stuck with problem all day long, is neone around who can help me out of it? iget following message when opening any non-kde app: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple16:37
henrik_i've got fluxbox running in this session16:37
henrik_should I close it?16:37
henrik_stupid question16:38
intelikeyhungrymouse "<hungrymouse> intelikey, you NEVER need to reboot."  i do.   more than one os and i don't do vmware.16:38
intelikeyabout every 5 days in fact16:38
wadI plugged in a USB memory stick, but I didn't see it come up in /media. Where should I look for the filesystem?16:39
intelikeywad cat /proc/partitions   maybe?16:40
wadAh, thanks.16:40
* wad looks16:40
intelikeymay not show up there either...16:40
de4dsnakewhen opening any non-kde app i get: "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple" any ideas ne1?16:41
intelikeyif not do   dmesg and see if the kernel even noticed the plugging16:41
ksivajiis there any risk in installing kde4 on kubuntu 7.1016:42
intelikeyde4dsnake  ls /usr/lib/libgdk*    any file by that name ?16:42
SlimeyPeteksivaji: no, should be fine16:42
anonymous5929I did it just the other day and it was all good...only thing is that it seems to be lacking alot of functionality yet...16:43
hungrymouseintelikey: thats different. on the subject of that, can kubuntu inadvertently break windows? cos my windows dont wana start currently.16:43
de4dsnakeintelikey: yes16:43
faTecan somebody write "nick" ???16:43
intelikeyde4dsnake hmmm16:43
thecronoAFKhow do i install something from source?16:44
ksivajiread readme file16:44
ksivajior install file16:44
de4dsnakethecronoAFK: usually its make something16:44
thecronoAFKmake something>?16:44
thecronoAFKive never installed anything from source btw16:45
thecronoAFKtrying to get xchat16:45
de4dsnakemake, make install, you gotta read the documentation. it really depends on what u want to compile16:45
intelikeyapt-get source install blah   ?   if there is a package16:45
olddude67./configure && make && make install16:45
intelikey!b-e | thecronoAFK16:45
ubotuthecronoAFK: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:45
intelikeyhungrymouse you can break windows from linux.   the system should NOT do that without you doing something to cause it.16:46
thecronoAFKheh, aptget had it16:46
anonymous5929:) great16:46
de4dsnakeintelikey: shall i paste u the libgdk filenames i have/16:47
hungrymouseintelikey, what kind of stuff would i need to have done to do that?16:47
BluesKaj!konversatio | thecronoAFK16:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversatio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:47
hungrymousei need to work out how to unbreak it.16:47
thecronoAFKman i hate dalophin16:47
BluesKaj!konversation | thecronoAFK16:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:47
intelikeyhungrymouse there are several ways.16:47
hungrymousethecronoAFK, use konqueror instead16:47
BluesKajstupid bot !16:47
intelikeyde4dsnake no.    i'm out of ideas on that.  sorry.16:48
thecronoAFKis dolphin supposed to refresh ever 5 seconds my remove ALL icons...waiting 3 seconds, then placing them back..then repeating in 5 more seconds?16:48
hungrymouseintelikey, whatever i've done makes it hang on a blank screen if i choose last known good config, and hang without clearing the screen if i choose start windows normally.16:48
intelikey!info konversation | BluesKaj16:48
ubotublueskaj: konversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 5034 kB, installed size 12988 kB16:48
thecronoAFKi'm using knvorsation..its very slow and buggy16:48
hungrymouseso its not like there's something immediately obvious that i have corrupted16:49
frinuxfrI have a bug under KDE 3.5.8 I'd like to know whether it is a configuration problem or a real bug. When I want to automaticaly open a web link under KDE (from Kopete, Kontact or whatever), I want to open it in Firefox. I configured like that, but Firefox is opening a page like file:///var/tmp/kdecache-frinux/krun/, instead of the online website.16:49
BluesKajintelikey, guess I'll have to use the info prompt from now on16:49
intelikeyhungrymouse renumbering of the partitions   possably?16:49
thecronoAFKever time a new line appears, it causes the claint to, freeze, refresh.....that lasts about 2 seconds16:49
intelikeyBluesKaj they keep removing things from the factoids   i can't keep up with it.16:50
hungrymouseintelikey nope. and it loads the partition enough to give me that Safe Mode/Last known good config/Normal Start menu16:50
hungrymouseit just cant get beyond that.16:50
BluesKajintelikey, but why remove something as useful and popular as konversation ?...I don't get it16:50
intelikeyhungrymouse but that's the boot partition isn't it ?  not the data partition where windows is actually installed  ????16:51
thecronoAFKso, my system preformance drops drasticly when ever i start doing thing, my mem/spu load is ok, but someone mentioned yesterday that it might be my video drive, and maby i have found a new bug....but anyways, i got ati restricted driver install....after whole when i have a few things running [not much]....my computer starts to go very flow and choppy16:51
intelikeyBluesKaj i know.  me neither.16:51
thecronoAFKits as if i am low on resources, but top says i'm fine16:51
thecronoAFKyet everything is still super slow16:52
thecronoAFKlike knvorsation chat client16:52
thecronoAFKruns at slug speed16:52
thecronoAFKif i move the window..that basicly means the program will freeze for 5 minutes16:52
thomas_anyone have a good software recomendation for ripping en encoding dvd's to xvid?16:52
BluesKajthecronoAFK, htop should tell what's eating the resources16:52
thecronoAFKnothing is eating them16:53
thecronoAFKwent through all this yesterday16:53
Odd-rationaleHow do I make kword be the default document editor instead of OOWriter?16:53
de4dsnakemaybe the gpu is busy16:53
thecronoAFKits not my resources16:53
hungrymouseintelikey, you could be right. but i can access the partition fine from linux. anyway, doesnt matter. i'm waiting for download of vmplayer to finish and i'll see if IT can boot windows.16:53
intelikeythecronoAFK    free | grep -- '-/+     what does that say ?16:53
thecronoAFKwe thought it was the graphic drivers yes16:53
intelikeyhungrymouse it was only a sujestion,  not chiseled in stone you know.16:54
thecronoAFKit says nothing16:54
de4dsnakedo u have ati or nvidia?16:54
de4dsnakedid u install restricted drivers?16:54
intelikeythecronoAFK in a konsole ?16:54
coreymon77is it just me, or does flash seem to be broken alot16:54
possum_Hello =)16:54
intelikeyok try     free | grep -- '-/+'16:55
thecronoAFKkonsole jsut gave me16:55
intelikeycause i missed the closing '   sorry.16:55
thecronoAFK-/+ buffers/cache:     169480    112470816:55
thecronoAFKmy resoruces are fine16:55
intelikeyok. you are only using 170m of ram.16:55
thecronoAFKi had 5 browsers with 20 tabs each oepned yesterday..no problems..untill i actualy started moving stuff on my screen16:55
thecronoAFKthen it got really slow16:56
possum_Can anyone please explain the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu for me? I know kubuntu has kde and thats what i want but i only have ubuntu 7.10 cd and cant download kubuntu.16:56
intelikeythecronoAFK try     ps -A x | wc -l16:56
intelikeyok it's not a fork issue16:56
phoenixzHi there, I want to scan with kooka, I have a printer / scanner combo in the network (HP laserjet 3052) which I can access with IP address  How can I configure this scanner to use in kooka?? (Its not showing right now)16:56
possum_If i use synaptic to download and install kde will that cause any problems with gnome?16:56
anonymous5929well, they use different window managers, Ubuntu uses "gnome" and kubuntu uses "kde" hold on, i'll paste some info for you16:56
intelikeypossum   gnome -vs- kde16:56
thecronoAFKi know,its a grphics issue16:56
intelikeypossum_ no.16:57
thecronoAFKbut i don't know anythign beyond that :D16:57
intelikeythecronoAFK it could still be an i/o issue    unfortunately i don't have a handy test for that.16:57
thecronoAFKand i would like to not use the vesa drivers16:57
BluesKajthomas_ http://f0rked.com/projects/simplerip16:58
thecronoAFKan i/o issue?16:58
root__intelikey: it did'nt go very well... same result as before16:58
thecronoAFKmy computer runs windows xp about 500% better16:58
thecronoAFKit has something to do with the grphics drivers16:58
thecronoAFKdon't know what else it could be16:58
Syn-when installing kubuntu and using the resize option for partitioning, does the "new partition" value I am setting mean the amount of space I am going to create for Kubuntu usage?  (just want to be sure before I continue this)16:59
de4dsnakedoeos it run better without restricted drivers?16:59
thecronoAFKwe spent about 4 hours yesterday trying to determine if it was resources16:59
possum_oh ok thanks for the help16:59
thecronoAFKi don't know de4, i installed restricted drivers yesterday right after i installed kubuntu16:59
intelikeythecronoAFK yes   input output    hardware access problem.     for instance.  if you have a floppy drive and you are writing to it and eject the disk the system will all but lockup  while blasting out i/o error messages16:59
BluesKajthecronoAFK, have you enabled the restricted default drivers in system settings/advanced ?16:59
thecronoAFKintel, then it woudl effect windows aswell17:00
thecronoAFKbut it doesn't17:00
root__iv'e got it says dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: EOF in dbus-launch reading adress from the bus daemon.... what to do?17:00
intelikeythecronoAFK no.  it wouldn't.17:00
thecronoAFKand why not?17:00
intelikeybecause M$ doesn't handle i/o in the same way that linux does17:00
de4dsnakethecronoAFK, try disabling restricted driver, maybe that will rule out whether is graphics issue17:00
root__intelikey: my username changed from henrik_ to root__ ....17:00
intelikeyroot__ ok what did you learn ?   from the   startx command ?17:01
thecronoAFKrestarting, brb17:01
intelikeydoes it give an EE: message for why it doesn't start ?17:02
thecronoAFKwill you guys be around in 3 hours or so?..i'ma go for a bit in an hour17:02
intelikeythecronoAFK someone will.17:02
root__say it starts up gdm, but i can'ät go anywhere from there17:02
root__if i try to login17:02
geniiintelikey: I suspect XGL issues with his setup17:02
root__it just sets back to login again17:03
root__and says17:03
intelikeygenii thecrono ?17:03
root__your session lasted shorter than 10 seconds17:03
geniiintelikey: Yeah17:03
root__and then it refers to the paste I did earlier17:03
intelikeygenii yes.  just trying to rule out all others.17:03
intelikeyroot__ but you did try    "startx"   didn't you ?    see gdm is not going to be as forthcomming with information as the startx script17:04
=== |aleksanteri| is now known as aleksanteri
root__oh... i'll try..17:04
root__brb again17:04
thecronowithout the ati drivers, it runs slower17:05
thecronothe windows tear apart when i move them17:05
thecronobut chat works faster lol17:06
intelikeygenii what do you think on "root henrik"s problem ?   it's bound to be in userland but what ?17:06
de4dsnakeso it is graphics issue then17:06
thecronois there another ati driver?17:06
geniiintelikey: Let me catch up on scroll, I have been in #ubuntu giving help ad missed the nature of the issue17:06
de4dsnakei dont know, ive got nvidia myself. but i read ati is releasing the drivers opensource17:07
de4dsnakei would expect new, decent ait drivers coming in soon17:07
geniiintelikey: r give me a synopsis ;)17:07
thecronoi hope, can't run compiz on vesa17:07
de4dsnakeu should also check ur xorg.conf17:07
thecronoi wonder if i can run 3d applications though17:08
intelikeygenii ok.  gdm works but user login blanks back to gdm   he deleted .kde and says it's not a free space issue.17:08
geniiintelikey: OK, got it17:08
thecronoi don't know how17:08
coreymon77deleted .kde17:08
coreymon77wow, thats dumb17:08
intelikeyhowever;  i have not had him do a df or anything.  only sujested trying startx for an error message17:09
intelikey@ genii ^17:09
coreymon77why would someone delete .kde?17:09
geniiintelikey: Thanks for the concise explanation :)17:09
senorpedrocoreymon77: to set kde back to default, i do that quite often17:10
intelikeycoreymon77 trying to get the system where they could login to kde ???17:10
coreymon77dont you ned .kde though?17:10
intelikeycoreymon77 kde will make it if it's not there17:11
geniicoreymon77: It is supposed to get re-created if not there17:11
intelikeythat's the point17:11
coreymon77genii: since when has linux ever done what its supposed to do? :P17:11
thecrono_what do i need to check in xorg.conf17:11
de4dsnakei dont know, u need to find sum1 who knows a lot about x1117:12
de4dsnakeand make him check for u17:12
intelikeygenii you're up.17:12
thecrono_SlimyPete you there?17:13
geniicoreymon77: I'm not gonna take the bait LOL17:13
qberthi, is their a program that will allow me to launch applications from shortcut keys, like Ctrl-Alt-f starts firefox ?17:13
intelikeykhotkeys  ?17:14
geniithecrono: Please copy whats in xorg.conf to pastebin so I can examine it17:14
coreymon77genii: what bait, i was just making a joke, lightening up the mood17:14
thecrono_how do i open it again?..from konsole17:14
geniithecrono_: Simpler: alt-f2   then: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:15
intelikeythecrono_ less /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:15
intelikeyoppps   :)     i'll stay out of the way. heh17:15
coreymon77anyways, later guys17:16
thecrono_whatis the pastebin url?17:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:16
intelikeycoreymon77 shalom17:16
geniithecrono: Expect some lag from me here, I am also just starting to eat my lunch17:17
geniithecrono_: OK, reading17:17
thecrono_do you understand my problem genii?17:17
MichaelSammelsWill uninstalling the kubuntu-desktop metapackage remove Gnome and Xserver?17:18
MichaelSammelsAnd KDE?17:18
MichaelSammelsjussi01: was that to me?17:18
jussi01MichaelSammels: yes.17:18
intelikeyMichaelSammels it will remove the metapackage .17:18
MichaelSammelsYay! :D It's just I tried to remove Gaim and it wanted to uninstall kubuntu-desktop17:19
geniithecrono:Your video is choppy17:19
jussi01!metapackage | MichaelSammels17:19
ubotuMichaelSammels: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.17:19
intelikeygaim conflicts with gaim ???17:19
thecrono_yeah, moving windows tears them, and the screen refresh rate appears to be garbage17:19
MichaelSammelsThanks. :D17:19
intelikeyerrr kubuntu-desktop conflicts with gaim ???17:20
jussi01thecrono_: what processor do you have?17:20
geniithecrono: Also you are using some ATI card, I think I recall perhaps x1650 or such model.17:20
phoenixzAnybody on how I can configure a network scanner??17:20
thecrono_and old unrefreshed artifacts stay on my desktop afetr moving a window17:20
thecrono_2.5ghz celeron17:20
thecrono_ati radeon x130017:20
intelikeyphoenixz possably xsane ?17:20
thecrono_using vesa drivers17:20
phoenixzintelikey, trying..17:20
thecrono_ati drivers increase the tearing and choppy ness17:20
thecrono_windows take awhile to laod, etc etc17:21
geniithecrono_: OK. And how did you last install or put the driver onto kubuntu for the ATI ? From restricted drivers, or compiled it, etc?17:21
phoenixzintelikey, says "scanning for devices" and then "no devices found"17:21
phoenixzintelikey, says "scanning for devices" and then "no devices available", sorry17:21
thecrono_restricted drivers17:21
thecrono_and restarted17:21
intelikeyphoenixz  err crap.  sorry.    i don't know then.17:22
thecrono_and everything became slow/choppy/problematic17:22
phoenixzintelikey, well, you got me an idea, I'll try the #sane channel17:22
phoenixzintelikey, tov?17:23
de4dsnakethecrono_: you should paste us the xorg.conf with ur ati drivers enabled17:23
LeeJunFandoes the most recent hardy alpha have KDE4 as default?17:23
geniithecrono_: Feel like doind some manual work?17:24
intelikeyLeeJunFan last i heard kde4 was not going to be default on hardy17:24
=== Vermux_ is now known as Vermux
thecrono_yes, but,let mr restart and post xorg.conf with ati drivers installed17:25
geniithecrono: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.1_Driver_Manually17:25
thecrono_will that change anything?17:25
geniithecrono_: There is improved composite in the later driver, etc. But restart and post your other xorg.conf, I will eat some food while you do this17:26
de4dsnakegenii:  would u know how to fix "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple" ?17:28
geniide4dsnake: Not offhand17:31
geniide4dsnake: May want to find the package the file is attached to and reinstall it perhaps17:32
geniithecrono: OK, reading17:32
de4dsnakei tried reinstalling, didnt work17:32
geniithecrono: I am pretty sure the glx is bogging it down, but do understand you need it for compiz17:33
thecronoi know17:33
de4dsnakeas far as i remember there were other options for glx17:34
de4dsnakethat work better with ati17:34
geniithecrono: Try the link I gave to install the latest driver, I will assist if you get confused or so: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.1_Driver_Manually17:34
de4dsnakedo u have compiz running now?17:34
thecronoi don't even have it yet17:35
thecronohow do i enable restricted repository?17:36
de4dsnaketry using aiglx17:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:36
geniioh wrong link17:36
geniithecrono: Briefly...Add/Remove programs and check off box that has Proprietary Software17:37
thecronocheck it or uncheck it?17:38
thecronoits already checked17:38
geniithecrono: It should have X in the box17:38
thecronoyeah it does17:38
geniithecrono: Also go to Edit Software Sources button bottom left17:39
thecronoUninstall previous fglrx: Using Synaptic, completely remove any packages containing "fglrx" in their name.  <--how do i do that?17:40
jazzleshi there17:40
jazzlesis anyone here still using dapper drake, or have you all upgraded already?17:40
BluesKajthecrono, another way is to : Open adept package manager, On the menu of that screen you will want to click on Adept -> Manage  Repositories. Click the Kubuntu software tab,check all the boxes "X". The same goes for the third party software tab. Close,and then in the terminal "sudo apt-get update".Now you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu17:40
The_Machinehow to fix firefox downloads dialog - stuff like "Open" and "Open destination folder" don't work?17:40
The_Machinesorry jazzles upgraded here17:41
intelikeythecrono maybe   sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*    ???17:41
hellmasterhi im still having problems17:41
hellmasterwhere was that i can turn extras on in my desktop17:41
hellmasteri forgot17:41
thecronoum..apt-get wants my kubuntu cd?17:41
thecronowhat if i don't have one?17:42
aleksanterithecrono, remove the cdrom entry lines from /etc/apt/sources.list17:42
thecronohow do i do that?17:42
intelikeypress enter and forget it17:42
jazzlesthecrono, remove it as a source17:42
jazzlesthecrono, you can do it through adept17:42
geniithecrono: Also in the Software Sources bottom panel you can uncheck where it lists the cdrom17:42
geniithecrono: Anyhow, after that your restricted repos should be fine17:43
* BluesKaj backs off ...too many repository cooks :)17:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-image-rt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:43
The_Machinealso, w/ Dolphin - how come i can't slide the Name/Size/Date boxes to make them shorter/longer?17:43
thecronoadd remove programs crasxhed17:44
geniithecrono: So in the Adept search panel put fglrx and remove/uncheck whatever it lists with that in the results17:44
hellmasterexcuse me , im using ubuntu 7.10 where was the option to select extras for my desktop17:44
thecronoi'm still trying to add soruces17:44
thecronoit keeps crashing17:44
geniithecrono: Hmm. That sounds like some other issue entirely then17:45
intelikeyblueskaj     yeah i offered an alternative to the synaptic command and his error got fourty-leven responces.17:45
thecronoi closed knsole, but my cd rom is still being used17:45
tlaytonanybody know which is the preferred kernel for 2.6.24:  generic or rt?17:45
intelikeythecrono yeah that's long hand for too many17:46
geniithecrono: OK, go to Konsole,:   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list     and put a # in front of the cdrom entry              then ctrl-x,   Y,     Enter17:46
intelikeyBluesKaj no you don't add them it's a whole number 401117:47
thecrononow what?17:47
geniithecrono: I'm away a minute or so but returning17:47
* BluesKaj is behind in the the digital age curve17:48
geniithecrono: sudo apt-get update                   then go back to Adept and search for fglrx17:48
hellmastercan anyone help me?17:49
geniithecrono: uninstall whatever fglrx results it gives that are currently installed. then continue with the instructions at cchtml page17:49
hellmasterits a simple problem17:49
thecronocould not get lock17:50
thecronofor sudo apt-get update17:50
JoshOvkihey thecrono17:50
intelikeythecrono you have adept or synaptic or something open...17:50
thecronoi dion't17:51
JoshOvkithecrono: you been working on this all day?17:51
falcon747may someone help me?17:51
thecronotwo days17:51
falcon747may someone help me?17:51
falcon747may someone help me?17:51
JoshOvkididnt we talk earlier?17:51
intelikeyfalcon747 not if you repete to much17:51
intelikeyfalcon747 not if you repete to much17:51
falcon747mozilla, real player plugin17:51
falcon747may someone help me? with real player plugin17:51
hellmasterim having problems where my cube desktop is not working, i think i turned off the extras17:52
hellmastercan someone tell me how do i get to that screen to check the box17:52
hellmasteror the command line17:52
JoshOvkifalcon747:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods17:52
unxuhellmaster, launch beryl-manager17:52
JoshOvkigoogle is your friend17:53
MonctonJoeused to be mine17:53
MonctonJoetill he tried to sleep with my girl17:53
hellmasterits says command not found17:53
* MonctonJoe slaps google around a bit17:53
geniithecrono: Ah, when Adept crashed it must have left it's lockfile. so17:53
unxuyes, launch it, you take your PC and take it out off the window17:53
genii!adeptfix| thecrono17:53
ubotuthecrono: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:53
JoshOvkiok google is a whore17:54
hellmasterberyl-manager command  not found17:54
intelikeyJoshOvki yes.17:54
thecronodpkg: status database area is locked by another process17:54
geniithecrono: Then proceed again with: sudo apt-get update                       then open up Adept once more and do the fglrx search/remove process, etc17:54
hellmasterive been working with linux for a few weeks only17:55
geniithecrono: Did you open another Adept window already? If so close it17:55
unxuwell hellmaster, are you using Beryl or Compiz?17:56
geniithecrono: And you did the: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a                           ?17:56
thecronoyes, it couldn't doa nything17:56
thecronodpkg: status database area is locked by another process17:57
geniithecrono: OK 1 sec then17:57
JoshOvkiis there a task manager build into kubuntu or is it only ubuntu?17:58
hellmasterIm using Emerald17:58
geniithecrono: ps ax|grep adept           <-- does this show a result?17:58
hellmasteri tried this command used to work compiz --replace && emerald --replace17:59
hellmasterbut didnt work17:59
thecrono 5465 ?        S      0:07 adept_notifier17:59
thecrono 6273 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep adept17:59
hellmasteri need to go to the window where i selected extras for my desktop17:59
thecronoi need to go for about an hour17:59
hellmasterextra graphics and effects17:59
hellmasterdont remember how to get there17:59
thecronoyou'll be around?17:59
geniithecrono: OK. so:     sudo kill 546517:59
unxuhave you tried in kcontrol?18:00
geniithecrono: I'll be here another 3.4 -4 hours18:00
BluesKajJoshOvki, KCron18:00
geniiintelikey: I think you're paying for my next next coffee ;)18:01
JoshOvkiBluesKaj isnt tat a Cron manager?18:02
* intelikey refuses to respond. <<maybe they wont notice i'm still here>>18:02
JoshOvkifor scedualed tasks18:02
BluesKajtask scheduler18:02
JoshOvkinot a task manager, for managing running tasts :P18:02
hellmasteri launch compiz18:02
hellmasterbut where was it?18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about task - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:03
unxupress Alt+F2 and write kcontrol, I think it was under System administration18:03
intelikeydon't forget "at" for one time runs.18:03
JoshOvkibrb, needa iron a shirt18:04
BluesKajJoshOvki, do you mean package manager ?18:04
intelikeycron for repeted timed runs   and at for a one off timed run18:04
BluesKajtoo many managers !18:05
intelikeymaybe.   but those two facilites have be the backbone of linux task-schedualing from the onset18:05
* genii sips a coffee and examines the funky blue wallpaper in #kubuntu18:06
* intelikey notices genii is still around and hides again.18:06
phoenixzIf I make changes to the crontab, do I have to restart the cron deamon??18:06
hellmasternot there18:07
hellmasteri remember there where 4 option18:07
hellmasterthe last 2 where extras and custom18:07
hellmasteri dont remember where was it18:07
josh__whoooooop just installed kubuntu18:07
unxuhow about KMenu? (sorry,..I'm not sure because I don't use Emerald)18:07
josh__its the sickness18:07
hellmasterthats where i turn on all the effects18:07
=== josh__ is now known as Mediapirate
phoenixzMediapirate, okay, whats your problem... How may we be of assistance today?18:08
Mediapirateoh no sorry phoenixz thanks for you help mate but i'm good18:09
ubotuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu18:09
intelikeyhellmaster ^18:09
hellmasteri was using the effects and apparently i pressed some combination of keys by accident and turned them off18:10
hellmasterim at the compiz manager18:11
hellmasterbut dont rememeber in wich part was that option18:11
intelikeymaybe someone in there can show you18:12
Mediapiratedoes k3b often cause ppls computers to crash?18:13
The_Machineit shouldn't18:13
The_Machineyou mean X18:13
The_Machineor the whole OS?18:13
intelikeyi used it one time.  it didn't crash me.18:13
* The_Machine uses it every day18:13
Mediapirateerr the whole OS18:14
Mediapirateafter like 5mins it was ok again18:14
Mediapirateso i use gnomebaker now18:15
BluesKajMediapirate, sometimes K3B is confused by unusually poorly constructed codecs or sonydvd-r disks18:16
Mediapirateok well i was using verbatim discs18:16
* genii hisses at Sony18:16
Mediapirateoh well its ok18:16
BluesKajyeah, i made the mistake of letting wife buy sony dvdrw disks ...they don't work on pcs18:17
BluesKajMediapirate, if you have an xvid avi file , then K3B can be confused by that as well18:18
Mediapiratewhat do they work on blueskaj?18:18
Mediapirateerr well i was burning an iso of kubuntu 64bit for my mate18:18
BluesKajMediapirate, the consumer stand alone dvd recorders18:19
BluesKajuhoh Mediapirate , that should work :P18:20
kaminixHi guys. I just fscked my problem disk (500GB, needed to get more memory to be able to run fsck). Anyway, it's now cloning inodes or something. First it did two inodes with one block each, now it's working on an inode with over a million blocks. If each block takes the same time to fix it ought to take abot 2/3 year to finnish this. :s What should I do? :s18:20
BluesKajMediapirate, di you do checksum of the ISO first , just be sure ?18:21
geniikaminix: The drive was ext2 or ext3?18:21
kaminixgenii: ext318:22
geniikaminix: Was it part of a raid1 setup?18:22
Mediapirateerrr no18:22
kaminixgenii: Nope, just a simple USB drive. MyBook Essential 500GB18:23
geniikaminix: Ah, OK. Could be going kaput then. I've seen 3 like that now18:24
genii(the WD MyBooks)18:24
kaminixI've had problems using fsck on it before. It still works fine, except some non-daily functions like df -h, fsck etc.18:25
geniikaminix: Do you have sync  as a mount option?18:25
kaminixNot sure genii, why?18:26
geniikaminix: For removable drives "sync" is better than "defaults" which has "nosync" for an option. Sync means not to leave any unwritten blocks of data around in computer buffer. So all is written to disk then tidied up right when you do it. So yanking the drive does not result in corrupt/unfinished disk writes18:28
BluesKajMediapirate, stating the obvious, but I have to ask this: did you choose "Burn DVD ISO Image" on K3B ?18:28
kaminixgenii: Thanks, that I have needed to know for quite awhile ^^18:28
Mediapirateyes blueskaj i did.  Oh well not to worry18:29
Mediapiratemy mate whats to know how you "change resolution in the console"?18:29
Mediapiratehe thinks he knows but want to know if there is an easier way18:30
BluesKajMediapirate, sometimes it won't work cuz the ISO is a CD ISO image, not a DVD ISO ... silly but true18:30
Mediapirateok thanks mate18:30
intelikeyMediapirate svgatextmode    set that up and you can change console rez on the fly18:31
intelikeyi wouldn't use fbcon with it though   no need adding confusion to the display hardware18:33
sebastian^good morning folks18:34
Mediapiratethanks intel_ikey18:35
intelikeyheh.  welcome18:35
BluesKajmorning in germany ?...hmm it's afternoon here in eastern canada :)18:36
intelikeylate morning you know...18:36
* BluesKaj in a timewarp18:36
BluesKajBBL , gotta run some errands18:37
kaminixlol, it's eight in the evening in Germany :p18:37
intelikeywell maybe "really really really early morning" then18:38
Mediapirateno its only 7:38 in germany18:38
kaminixHaha, works18:38
kaminixI know.18:38
hellmastermy system crashed18:38
hellmasterdamn it18:38
hellmasterstill no effects on18:38
* kaminix is Swedish, same time zone18:39
MediapirateErr i think it is yea18:39
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:40
Mediapiratemy mate says "svgatextmode command not found"?18:40
intelikey!info svgatextmode18:41
ubotusvgatextmode (source: svgatextmode): enable higher resolution text modes. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-18 (gutsy), package size 341 kB, installed size 884 kB18:41
intelikey                     ^18:41
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:41
hellmasterwhat was the channel for compiz?18:41
intelikeyMediapirate the command is stm    and the config is /etc/Textmode   i think18:42
Mediapiratehe says "i set my res too high"18:42
hellmasterdoes anyone remember where to turn all effects on on kubuntu? is where you can choose to have all extras turn on or off for better performance18:42
intelikeyset it lower18:42
hellmasterit in the ccsm18:43
whitbyOh, thank you tekstacy, you are soooo smart. And cute too.....18:43
hellmasterbut can find the window18:43
tekstacyAwww, thank you18:43
tekstacy:)  sorry, couldn't resist18:43
=== nick_ is now known as ithee
intelikeyhellmaster kdostartupconfig ?18:45
Mediapiratehe needs to know how you lower the resolution in txt mode?18:45
iboui can't open some videos on internet. When i right click on the window integrated to the web page i see some tools for kaffeine18:45
[ifr0g][80936.354050] zd1211rw 5-1:1.0: firmware version 472518:46
[ifr0g][80936.395940] zd1211rw 5-1:1.0: zd1211b chip 0ace:1215 v4810 high 00-18-6e AL2230_RF pa0 ---NS18:46
[ifr0g][80936.398749] zd1211rw 5-1:1.0: eth118:46
[ifr0g]But i have no eth1 ..18:46
[ifr0g]iwconfig shows eth218:46
intelikeyhellmaster or is it    kstartupconfig18:47
intelikeyi don't remember18:47
intelikeyother way  ?18:48
intelikey /18:48
genii[ifr0g]: Try sudo ifup eth1  and see if it works18:48
geniior sudo ifconfig eth1 up18:49
[ifr0g]Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth118:49
[ifr0g]eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device18:49
intelikeyifconfig -a   is there an eth1 listed ?18:50
intelikeyremember that the first eth is eth018:50
[ifr0g]there is a eth0 and the218:51
[ifr0g]no eth118:51
intelikeythen it's eth2 you want18:51
intelikeyi'll back out and let y'all finish18:51
Mediapiratewhat do ppl use for p2p on here?18:52
intelikeyi kinda wish someone would squelch  pool-71-100-100-243.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net    i've see that part message enough for one day18:53
intelikeyhellmaster was one of those what you were looking for ?18:54
[ifr0g]i cant seem to scan for the ad-hoc i created..18:56
snarksterdoes anyone here know anything about smb4k?18:56
[ifr0g]dmesg says : [80936.508183] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready18:56
snarksterIm trying to get some stuff off a windows box, but can only get so far in before I cant see anything in the folder. I have shared the entire system drive (c:).18:57
snarksterand when i run smb4k as root i get ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Cant't determine DISPLAY. Aborting18:58
tekteensnarkster: use the option -display :019:00
ScorpKinghiya guys19:00
tekteenScorpKing: hi19:00
intelikeyor export DISPLAY=':0'  and then try it.19:01
tekteenintelikey: ty19:01
ScorpKinganyone know if a supported scanner is supposed to work with the default install or are there more things to be installed? kooka sees the scanner but it doesn't scan19:02
intelikeytekteen i just found out that startkde doesn't support --display    or single - for that matter  has to be exported first19:02
geniiScorpKing: Sometimes you need something like sane-backends19:02
tekteenintelikey: interesting19:02
ScorpKinggenii: ah ok. thanks :)19:03
geniior libsane-extras19:03
snarksterok i tried -display :0 and got this19:03
snarkstersmb4k -display :0Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverXlib: No protocol specifiedkdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverXlib: No protocol specifiedkded: cannot connect to X server :0kded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverX19:03
snarkstero X server :0ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!ERROR: Communication problem with smb4k, it probably crashed19:03
snarkstersorry didnt realize it was that long19:03
ScorpKinggenii: neither sane-utils or libsane-extras is installed. only libsane seems to be installed by default.19:04
geniiScorpKing: sane-utils is useful because it provides cli tools which are good for debugging19:05
geniiScorpKing: Or that may be the libsane-extras        ... i get the names confused from the ubuntu packages and the apps which are provided19:06
geniiwhichever provides scanimage et at19:07
ScorpKing genii: i see. thanks for the info ;) aptitude search sane shows them all19:07
intelikeyyuch.  i just started kde     all fonts were default  size 9     at least i knew how to kcontrol adjust all fonts size to 16   now it's readable19:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3com - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:09
intelikeythat may be the first time i have ever seen the completely default kubuntu-desktop    </shivers>19:09
geniiScorpKing: So if you have scanimage, you can do: scanimage -L    for instance19:10
snarksterthanx for your help. later19:10
ScorpKinggenii: i can't do much now. will have a look this weekend. internet connection is too slow to ssh into that box and it's about 18km away.19:12
geniiScorpKing: Ah, OK. I'll likely be around19:12
ScorpKinggenii: i should manage but if not, i'll be here :)19:13
intelikeywhat's that command to make the xserver permiscuous ?19:13
intelikeyxset something ???19:13
=== bennett is now known as snowdonkey
thecrono hello19:18
geniithecrono: Yes ?19:18
thecronoyou rememebr where we were?19:19
geniiintelikey: Do you mean shared screen or so?19:19
thecronoalso, does ark support .part files?19:19
=== Mediapirate is now known as Mediapirate|AWAY
geniithecrono: Yes, we were trying to unstick Adept so you could remove all the fglrx stuff before continuing to next step of installing new ati drivers19:19
thecronoi got 4 700mb .part files19:19
thecronoah yes, how do i do that again?19:20
tekteenthecrono: then just cat them together19:20
thecronoi did the sudo kill ####19:20
thecronowhat's after that?19:20
tekteenthecrono: in a konsole type cat FILE1.part FILE2.part > FULL-FILE19:21
geniithecrono: Open Adept now and search for fglrx. Make sure you un-install things there which are installed19:21
psycose hello, i tried to install the KDE env. from a Kubuntu live CD on a Ubuntu OS. (all gutsy) i did not succeed using apt-cdrom ...!! Some says it would work if i use an alternate ubuntu CD . Is this info real ? thanks19:21
tekteenput all of the .part files there19:21
geniithecrono: Then back to http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.1_Driver_Manually19:21
intelikeyshalom to all.    i left.19:22
thecronois there any way to put kubuntu into permanate admin mode, so i don't have to type a password for ever single command?19:22
thecronowell, i got a problem..adept foudn two fglrx and both were not installed19:23
renegade_thecrono. I dont know about kunbuntu but in some distro you can login simply as root19:23
renegade_with a root passwd19:23
thecronoi select things lsited as 'installed' and required remove genii?19:24
thecronoxorg-video-driver was listed as installed for fglrx19:24
snowdonkeyHi.  My Gateway ML6720 laptop has a Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 graphics card that's supposed to use the "i810" drivers, however X fails to start.  I get the warning "I810: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1)".  Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/m4b0975119:24
geniithecrono: Just the ones which have actually fglrx in the name for now19:24
thecronowell fglrx has 4 results, none installed.hows that?19:25
geniithecrono: Thats fine then. So exit the package manager19:25
thecronoi did: sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms19:26
thecronoand its going19:26
thecronoit still wants my gibbon cdrom19:26
thecronoi don't have a gibbon cdrom19:26
geniithecrono: So then hit ctrl-c to interrupt it19:26
psycose hello, i tried to install the KDE env. from a Kubuntu live CD on a Ubuntu OS. (all gutsy) i did not succeed using apt-cdrom ...!! Some says it would work if i use an alternate Kubuntu CD . Is this info accurate ? thanks19:27
thecronotrial and error psycose19:27
thecronotry the alternate then ask19:27
geniithecrono: cat  /etc/apt/sources.list            and put the reults of that into pastebin please19:27
riyaadhhey all, im very new to kubuntu...i would like to ask where i can find desktop themes and how do i install it?19:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:27
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:28
riyaadhawesme! thanks19:28
geniithecrono: Reading19:29
thecronoMa Salaam riyaadh19:29
psycosethecrono: please excuse me, i want to ask before try, that is the power of the knowledge... if you don't know don't answer ;-)19:29
thecrononp, thouhg, i don't know the answer19:29
thecronomaby genii does19:29
geniithecrono: Put a # at the beginning of line 6   open it with:    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:30
geniithecrono: Then after putting the # ctrl-x then Y then Enter19:30
thecronothey need to get a universe copy/paste hotkey...each program i have uses a diffrent method of copy/paste..and none work together19:30
geniipsycose: Yes, the alternate or dvd can be used as a mini-repository with apt-cdrom   but not the usual one since the livecd part takes too much room on the cd19:31
thecronoits downlaoding now..appears to have worked19:32
geniithecrono: Good, finally we are progressing19:32
psycosegenii: thanks for your response !!!19:33
thecronoi am doing this and wanting compiz, bnecause i want to start leanring code so i can change the KDe layout drasticly..starting with python19:33
geniipsycose: Anytime19:33
thecronoalready have an idea i want to try...even though i know jack about python lol19:33
geniithecrono: Work needs me a minute or three but I'll be around. If you get hung up on the tutorial wait til i get back and we'll go rom there19:33
Vermuxis there a bug in the graphics when uploading the gusty live dvd?19:37
GuitsHi all Iam new to linux and tryig stuff....19:39
geniithecrono: OK, back. Any progress?19:39
Guitssometimes everything hangs19:39
Guitsis there some keys to press to get out of it?19:40
geniiVermux: Depends on the video card. i810 don't like vesa driver for instance19:40
Limbeauxis there a kde mail client similar to evolution that will connect to an ms exchange server?19:40
geniiGuits: If it's a graphical app freezing try ctrl-alt-esc then put it on frozen window and click19:41
geniiGuits: If in commandline try ctrl-c19:41
Guitsthe whole desktop  freezez19:41
Guitsbut the mouse19:41
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
geniiGuits: when you do ctrl-alt-esc   you should get a big X or a skull and crossbones for the cursor which will kill any window you put it on. so if a certain window is freezing things this will close it forcibly19:42
geniithecrono: Alive over there?19:43
thecronoum yeah19:43
Guitsi have tried that but no big x19:44
thecronowas talking about how the grizzly man was eaten :O19:44
thecronohow do i create deb packages?19:44
geniithecrono: Ah, that nut who went to go live with them, yeah19:45
thecronois that the: sh ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy    command?19:45
geniithecrono: Yes19:45
thecronohe shoulda had a gun19:45
thecronohim and his girl friend were eaten19:45
geniithecrono: use bash instead of sh there hwever19:45
thecronoby the very bear they were talking about a few days before19:45
thecronobash atiblah blah>?19:45
geniithecrono: Exactly, yes19:46
nosrednaekimthecrono: probably want to put a sudo on that19:46
thecronothecrono@Neckron-Ninty-Nine:~$ bash ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy19:46
thecronobash: ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86_64.run: No such file or directory19:46
thecronoi did the previous step and it went back to the prompted19:47
thecronoi asume it was done?19:47
geniithecrono: Are you in the same dir you downloaded ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86.run   into?19:47
thecronoah, i need to downlaod it19:47
thecronohaven'rt dl it yet19:48
thecronoits in /home/technical/19:48
thecronohow do i point it there?19:48
* genii slaps thecrono lightly on the wrist19:48
thecrono//home/technical/  *19:48
thecronothree slashes19:48
thecrononot two19:48
thecronow/e anyways lol19:48
thecronoitas downlaoded19:49
geniithecrono: You downloaded the file to a network drive ?19:49
nosrednaekimthecrono: cd /home/technical"19:49
thecronono,to /home/19:49
geniithecrono: Ah, then:  cd ~19:49
thecronooh yeah, i got a question, i was looking at my partitions, and ti said two were disabled....19:49
thecronoand it said they were locked19:49
thecronocouldn't enable them19:49
geniithecrono: One thing at a time :)19:49
thecrononow what?19:50
geniithecrono: does:  ls                    show the right file there?19:50
thecronothecrono@Neckron-Ninty-Nine:~$ ls19:50
thecronoDesktop  Emulators  Technical19:50
thecronoalready got my emulators on there :D19:51
nosrednaekimthecrono: you need to "cd Technical" and yes, linux is case sensitve19:51
thecronoone quick question..is there anyway to make xchat black background with white letters...its hurting my eyes with whtie bakcground rgey l;etters19:52
geniinosrednaekim: Odd that cd ~ would dump in /home and not /home/name19:54
nosrednaekimwoah... thats odd19:54
thecronoerr..oen sec..blakc text black background19:54
Mediapirate|AWAYIs ther an inbuilt firewell in linux?19:54
=== Mediapirate|AWAY is now known as Mediapirate
thecronook, its good19:55
tekteenMediapirate: yes19:55
tekteenMediapirate: it is called iptables19:55
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:55
thecronoi installed that appl btw19:55
tekteenI sugg. guard dog19:55
oemHI everybody!19:56
geniithecrono: So the directory Technical is actually located globally someplace like /home/yourusername/Technical          ?19:56
thecronoits /home/technical/19:56
thecrononothign is above home19:56
thecronoer, well, system stuff is19:56
thecronolike etc, src etc etc19:57
oemI have just installed Kubuntu on my laptop and I ve forgot the adm passwd i ve set. is there any way to reset it or will i have to reinstall everythiing?19:57
geniithecrono: You have a user whose login name is "technical"19:57
thecronothecrono is the only user19:57
thecronoi created the folder technical19:57
thecronofor..technical stuff19:57
thecronoinstead of throwing it onto /home/19:57
MediapirateHow do i forward a port in linux firewall? or isn't it that sorta firewall19:58
thecronokdesu kate /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common19:58
thecronothat next right?19:59
thecronoto blacklist old drivers19:59
oemPliz Help me guyss!!19:59
geniithecrono: Hmm. OK. at any rate, go into the directory the ati file is at. like:    cd Technical              if it showed there when you did the  ls     commmand19:59
thecrono1 .run 1.changes. and 4.debs19:59
thecronoif it showed there?20:00
thecronodo you want me to copypasta?20:00
oemI cant remember the adm passwd i ve set how can I reset a new one.20:00
thecronoouch oem20:00
nosrednaekim!root | oem20:00
ubotuoem: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:00
thecronothere is no spoon20:00
nosrednaekimoem: well, you can do "sudo passwd root"20:00
bbm4nhello does anyone knows a walkaround ktorrent error "error reading past the end of file?"20:02
oemactually I am not looking for the root pauz ifd sswd but the passwd for my account "oem". Cauz I cant do anything without it, no update, or activation of restricted drivers etC...20:03
earthcreedbbm4n: I had to many errors with ktorrent,  I went to bittornado, no gui.20:03
nosrednaekimthecrono: looks good20:03
bbm4n<earthcreed> thanks :) i will do the same i suppose20:04
thecronofglrx has been blacklisted20:04
oemeven and even if I do "passwd oem" it ask me the current passwd20:05
thecronogetit command not found???20:05
jpatrickthecrono: "kate"20:06
jpatrick!editors > thecrono20:06
=== respati is now known as respatix_
thecronosudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-restricted   <-----that isntead?20:06
nosrednaekimoem: ah... then do a chroot from a liveCD20:06
earthcreedoem: or boot into single user mode.20:07
thecronohrm, it said put a # infront of blacklist-restricted..but..the file is empty20:07
earthcreedoem: sulogin is patched to let you in as root.20:07
jpatrick!kdesudo | thecrono20:07
ubotuthecrono: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:07
thecronoi know20:08
thecronoYou may also need to edit the file (if it exists):20:08
thecronosudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-restricted20:08
thecronoPut a # in front of the line "blacklist fglrx", if it is present. Otherwise, the kernel module will not load automatically, and you will not get 3D acceleration.20:08
=== Mediapirate is now known as Mediapirate|AWAY
thecronothat file is empty20:08
earthcreedoem: when you reboot your computer follow these instructions20:09
earthcreedoem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53212/20:09
nosrednaekimthecrono: from what I remember, the file is actually /etc/default/linux-restricted-common20:09
nosrednaekimthecrono: this is the ati installer right?20:10
earthcreedoem: Then reset the password for your user.20:10
thecronoi'm doing the manual install of the new drivers20:10
val0hey, do you guys/gals know what the big difference between the restricted Nvidia driver that comes with ubuntu and the one you d/l from the nvidia site? I've noticed that with the restricted driver that I get from ubuntu I can't detect my monitor properly and that it doesn't come with the Nvidia config manager20:10
nosrednaekimthecrono: right.... well then the file I just mentionedis the correct one20:10
earthcreedval0: Nvidia's drivers are usually newer.20:10
oemThanks earthcreed. I am goingg to try that!!20:11
ibouwhen i try to configure the opengl driver on the xine motor of kaffeine, i have an error message: impossible to initialize the new video driver opengl20:11
thecronothat file is empty also20:11
thecronomaby its jsut doesn't exit20:11
geniithecrono: Sorry for lag, boss needed me right away to help unload some stuff outside, no time to type out why here, etc20:12
earthcreedoem: remember to reset your user password it is passwd <username> e.g. passwd oem20:12
BluesKajdunno about nvidia's new drivers but ati's recommended new drivers don't work very well...the default restricted driver is much better on my setup20:12
thecronogenii, i'm at : sudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_8.452.1-1*.deb fglrx-kernel-source_8.452.1-1*.deb fglrx-amdcccle_8.452.1-1*.deb20:12
thecronodoing that now20:12
val0earthcreed thanks... also, would you think that the difference in drivers could affect the way plain text is displayed? I have this giant 28" monitor and using anything in text mode is painfull... can't tell the difference between m and m, letters all "bleed" together20:12
geniithecrono: If blacklist-restricted isn't there in modprobe.d just continue to next step20:12
geniithecrono: Good :)20:13
iboudo someone can help about my opengl issue ?20:13
nosrednaekimibou: whats the problem?20:13
ibouwhen i try to configure the opengl driver on the xine motor of kaffeine, i have an error message: impossible to initialize the new video driver opengl20:13
Limbeauxi asked earlier but had to walk away.  Is there a KDE equivelent to Evolution?  i need to connect to an exchange server20:13
jussi01!repeat | ibou20:13
ubotuibou: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience20:13
snikkersomeone has vmware working on gutsy?20:13
jussi01ibou: my apologies, didnt see you were asked20:14
thecronoit says loading... then it goes to prompt..does that mean its done?20:14
nosrednaekimibou: is kaffiene working fine anyway?20:14
iboujussi01: no problem20:14
thecronois it safe to asume that if i see prompt what ever my previous command inputted..is complete?20:14
geniithecrono: Yes.20:14
nosrednaekimLimbeaux: yes, kmail enterprise edition does support exchange (I think)20:15
ibounosrednaekim: yes but i can't read somme mms flux on the web20:15
thecronobtw, konqurer is horrible at displaying webpages properly20:15
geniithecrono: So onto the part Configuring The Driver" but you must reboot first20:15
thecronotext is overlaping text and buttons are all messed up20:15
nosrednaekimibou: thats probably not a problem with opengl20:16
ibounosrednaekim: yes i think so too20:16
nosrednaekimibou: go into the kaffiene and set the video driver or more or whatever to "auto" instead of opengl then20:17
ibounosrednaekim: but i should be able to set the opengl driver since i set it up on my last ubuntu installation20:17
ibounosrednaekim: ok20:17
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v0ltag3привет линуксоидам)20:22
BluesKaj!ru | v0ltag320:22
ubotuv0ltag3: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:22
v0ltag3ok o_O20:22
thecronoi got the catalyst control panel...what else?..configure like normal?20:25
earthcreedval0: Sorry had to step away for a bit, hrm. . . pick a different text mode?  I can't help much there.20:25
thecronoeverythign seems to run fine genii20:26
val0earthcreed no worries... it's just when i install the nvidia one everything crashes and burns... the very first time I installed the nvidia driver from nvidia everything worked great... but the last two times it does something to X that destroys it I think... After reboot it hangs everytime20:27
giuseppewhere for question on quanta?20:27
thecronoyes, i believe we have liftoff20:27
geniithecrono: Good :)20:27
thecrononow um...about my disabled paritions20:27
thecronohow can i borwse diffrent partitions? lol20:28
thecronoi'm not understanding this..it says my 50mb /home/ partition is disabled20:28
geniithecrono: Someone else will need to assist there for now, I am being called back and forth to work right now20:28
thecronoone question, is there a rpogram i can use that shows me all system information, and specificly my HD and its partitions20:29
thecronoand how much is used/etc20:29
thecronoon each20:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ua - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:29
nosrednaekimthecrono: df20:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ukraine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:30
thecronosomethign not a console command?20:30
BluesKaj!info ukraine20:30
ubotuPackage ukraine does not exist in gutsy20:30
nosrednaekimthecrono: lol.... enter "sysinfo:/" in konqueror... that should give you some info20:31
home_hello can any one tell me how to change the keyboard layoout for the login screen fro, qwertz to azerty?20:31
Mediapirate|AWAYWhat do i use to extract a passworded rar file?20:31
thecronohow can i amke konqurer my default system vbrowsers instead of doplphin, and fire fox mydefault net rbwoser?20:32
BluesKajI suspect that ukrainians don't like to speak russian very much , but i gather the old ways are still in place there...and here20:32
BluesKajthecrono,in the terminal : sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser20:33
nosrednaekimthecrono: system settings->default applications I think20:33
thecronohrm, both firefox and konquerer are displaying all webpages incorrectly..specificly links bars and side bars20:34
thecronoside bar text is being overlayed onto the main text etc20:34
BluesKajread above , thecrono for firefox20:35
thecronoi'm at 1200x1600 resolution with the pages maximized20:35
thecronofirefox is broken also though20:35
thecronoi knows its updated, i jsut got it via apt-0get20:35
BluesKajthecrono , did you see the command line message above ?20:36
thecronoyes, i amde firefox default20:36
thecronobut, the issue is, pages are being incorrectly displayed20:36
BluesKajthecrono, ok now; Open Konqueror/Settings/Configure Konqueror/File Associations/ under "Known Types" choose Inode/System Directory/Application Preference Order ,move Konqueror to the top , click apply, close konq configure.Then open Konqueror Settings on the toolbar and choose "Configure View Profiles",choose "File Managaement",then save.20:36
thecronohrm, still opens in dolphin20:38
thecronowhen i click the computer, then home on the menu bar on the bottom20:38
BluesKajdid you close konq20:38
BluesKajclose it20:39
thecronostill dolphin20:39
thecronoi closed it, opened it, hit file management then saved it20:40
thecronothen clsoed it20:40
thecronothen clicked system menu > home folder20:40
thecronoit gave me dolphin still20:40
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:40
thecronoi just did that20:41
thecronoit changed nothing,i saved/applied it aswell20:41
home_can any one tell me how to change the keyboard layoout for the login screen from qwertz to azerty?20:41
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:45
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.20:45
thecronoer..so flash is broken basicly right now?20:46
geniihome_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data                    if console-data not installed, install it and console-tools first before the dpkg-reconfigure20:46
BluesKajthecrono, after all the changes you've been making .have rebooted at all ?20:47
thecronoi reported when i installed the ati catalyst20:48
ahmedi need some help to mount my ntfs partitions20:48
thecronowhat IS the latest working flash?20:49
ahmedi need some help to mount my ntfs partitions20:49
thecronoer, is flash 9 and flash plugin system diffrent things?20:50
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE20:50
ahmedThank You20:51
* genii pops in for a minute to sip some coffee20:57
Daisuke_Idogreets genii20:57
thecronoi got gnash..can i use iot to view youtube?20:57
* nosrednaekim gives genii and sxpresso20:57
thecronoor do i need flash?20:57
nosrednaekimthecrono: the reports differ20:57
thecronowell, i have gnash, i can't view youtube videos..so..heh20:58
geniiDaisuke_Ido: Hellos :)20:58
thecronoand flash-plugin-nonfree has a md5sum mismatch and refuses to install20:58
geniinosrednaekim: I'm needing that caffeine today :) Busy here at work20:58
jussi01!flash | thecrono20:58
ubotuthecrono: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:58
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.20:58
thecronoso absicly no flash?20:58
jussi01thecrono: at the moment, no. you can however manually install it20:59
thecrononone of the advice on thsoe links works20:59
thecronohow do i manually install it?20:59
Daisuke_Idothecrono: just go to adobe's site, download the tar.gz, and do it manually20:59
Daisuke_Idofor the time being, it works well20:59
geniithecrono: The link is provided there :) Also jussi01 repeated it just now20:59
geniithecrono: You will be an old hand after today at manual installs ;)21:00
thecronogenii...i still got about 7 LARGE problems to tackle21:02
geniithecrono: Well I'm here another 30  minutes to 45 minutes21:02
thecronowhat i am not udnerstanding is..do i jsut install the package fix he gives?..and THEN retry to install nonfree?21:02
geniithecrono: Then gone home to return online after about 2 hours from now21:02
thecronohe doesn't really give a step by step21:03
thecronoohman..i need an account at ubuntu forums21:03
nosrednaekimthecrono: no.... do not install nonfree21:05
thecronois there a free flash?21:05
thecrononot an alternative21:05
thecronoi treid gnash and it didn't work21:05
nosrednaekimno... there is not21:06
nosrednaekimbesides gnash21:06
thecronoso i need flash-plugin-nonfree21:07
thecronobut i cannot get the fix21:07
nosrednaekimyou can't get the fix?21:07
thecronoi have to register an account21:07
home_genii: found the console=data  for ubutnu but not for kubuntu (running kubuntu)  can i still install it to change the keyboard?21:08
geniihome_: the console-data stuff is before any window manager so the window manager takes it as a cue which keyboard to use normally unless it's been told specifically otherwise21:11
home_genii: ok found it21:11
nosrednaekimthecrono: you need an account to download that file?21:13
nosrednaekimhey N0xTrUm21:14
josehola!! alguien de Argentina???21:14
home_yay gonna try if i did it right thx genii21:15
nosrednaekimthecrono: better get one then <_<21:15
geniihome_: I'll be here for a bit longer21:15
geniibah left21:15
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wolfysry genii  it didn't work still hqve only azerty when i logged in and not before :(21:19
thecronowhat is Gtk+ 1.2 package called in aopt-get?21:19
motquestion: does kubuntu/ubuntu have open sources ati drivers?21:19
thecronoi tried sveral vairants of gtk+21:19
geniiwolfy: If you are online in about 1.5-2 hours i can try to assist further21:20
thecronono mot21:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:20
wolfyoh no gtg  its not that important i will try again tomorrow :)   anyway thx21:21
foibeshi there21:23
foibeswhats the command to delete something from shell?21:23
foibesfor a directory?21:24
Chousukerm -r21:24
foibesto delete a whole directory tree21:24
foibesah, spanks21:24
Mediapirate|AWAYHow do you port forward in kubuntu?21:24
foibesthanks a bunch21:25
motthecrono, if my ati driver isn't listed in the restricted drivers section in 7.1021:26
motcan i use the one provided on ati's website?21:26
thecronoyou the one that is lsited21:27
foiblesi just had a real emergency21:27
foiblesi couldn't log into a window manager21:27
foiblesmy drive was full21:27
circman07Are any of you familiar with the whole openchrome vs, VIA debacle?21:28
foiblescircman07, no, tell us21:28
dusty-stsHey guys, i'm using ubuntu gutsy gibbon on a 4gb hdd (mad i know) It has like 5mb left, it has X etc installed.. i just want it basically for apache/bind how can i find out what packages are installed so i can go through them and apt-get uninstall them to make some room?21:29
thecrononosrednaekim : the problem is...gmail requires flash in order to load..lol21:29
thecronoi think21:29
thecronobecause i cannot chack my mail21:29
VermuxIm about to install kubuntu21:29
foiblesdusty-sts, you could probably install a much more light weight distro and be alot more happy21:29
foiblesdusty-sts, like zenwalk21:29
circman07I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 on my Averatec 2260-eh1 laptop. Unfortunately I have a graphics card that is based on the via platform21:30
foiblesdusty-sts, i use zenwalk for all my servers21:30
circman07It is a Via Chrome9 hc igp21:30
VermuxI have winxp already on the first partition with 41gb. I have 118 GB left. What settings do u recommend?21:30
circman07And it won't let me switch to a resolution higher than 800*60021:30
Vermuxneed help with kubuntu installation21:31
thecronowhat are you doing on linux vermin?21:31
foiblesVermux, set up a 1 gig swap21:31
thecronoid do 2gb..or maby 5..he ahs tons fo space21:31
foiblesVermux, then perhaps a 15 to 20 gig / partition21:31
circman07Vermux, unless you think you will need more space, I suggest you allot about 20gbs for the linux partition21:31
thecronovermux, you wanna use all 118 gb?21:31
circman07If you are going to be using it for most things, then go ahead and allot a lot of space.21:32
thomas__thecrono: why wouldn't he21:32
thecronowho knows21:32
Vermuxthecrono: yes, what else I can do with them? maybe Samba experiments?/21:32
thomas__thecrono: I got 2TB of linux filesystem :)21:32
thecronomake a 2Gb swap file, a 15GB linux system part, and the rest as a /home/ partition21:32
JoshOvkithomas_: How in the world have you got 2TBof linux filesystem!21:33
thecronoswap part*21:33
drcodehi all21:33
circman07Hey, Doc21:33
drcodehow can I install xgl in kubuntu ?21:33
thecrono/home/ would be for general data, that way if somethign goes wrong with the system its on its own paritiion21:33
Vermuxthecrono: I have 1gb ram, I will install 2 GB ram more if the machine works fine21:33
thomas__JoshOvki: 4*320GB + 500GB + 160BG + 80GB21:33
thecronothat's good, i got 1.5gb ram, and 2gb swap21:33
thecronobut in your case, 2gb swap is not even noticeable21:34
JoshOvkithomas_: lol, how much is used?21:34
drcodeany help?21:34
thomas__JoshOvki: about 1.7 TB21:34
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion21:34
Vermuxthecrono: but, is it enough for 3GB RAM that I will have?21:34
thecronoany linux distro can run on 3gb ram21:34
JoshOvkithomas_:  how?!21:34
thomas__JoshOvki: hmm, music, movie, tv21:35
thecronothomas_ = modern day black beard har ahr arr arr!21:35
Vermuxthecrono: 2GB swap partition is enough if I will have 3 GB RAM?21:35
thecronodo 5gb, it depedns on you i guess, i did 2gb21:35
thomas__thecrono: it's bluebeard21:35
thecronoi did 2gb because ti was recommended21:35
JoshOvkii used to have debian installed on a machine with a 2gb harddrive, 128mb ram, and a 500mhz processor21:35
Vermuxthecrono: ok, Im doing 5Gb21:35
thomas__2GB is enough swap21:35
thomas__more than you'll use21:35
Vermuxthecrono: system partition, u mean for the root?21:36
circman07Can anyone help me with my display driver problems?  is there someway to force the screen to display at a higher resolution?21:36
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thecronovermux...is your computer part of the flux copacitor?..if not..2gb swap is plenty21:36
hagabakaafter I installed kde4 packages, KDE3 is also using konqueror-kde4 to open links. is there a way to let it use kde3 konqueror?21:36
thomas__Vermux: 5GB swap is wasted space21:36
thomas__make it 221:36
Vermuxthomas_2 or 5gb? Im confused21:36
thecrono2 is good21:36
thomas__5 - 321:36
thecronoyes vermux, the 15gb system partition is the one linux will install to21:37
Vermuxdoes it matter which one is the first one? swap root and home ?21:37
thecronoyour data, like music,movies, saved stuff will be on /home/21:37
thomas__no but seriously, I run a dozen of apps, servers, and vmware on a 2 GB ram + 2 GB swap laptop21:37
thecronoi don't think so21:37
thomas__and it doesn't even use all the memory21:37
VermuxIm making the first partition the root, then, home, and then swap21:38
thecronohrm...your leaving windows on the pc?21:38
thomas__Vermux: if you want efficient HD use, make / first then swap and then /home21:38
val0circman07 what video card do you have? what monitor do you have? do you have the right driver installed for your video card?21:38
Vermuxthecrono: yes21:38
thecronodoes windows already have its own partition?21:39
faTesorry gegen aussschalter gekommen :/21:39
Vermuxthomas_why swap in the middle? it doesnt sound logical to me21:39
Vermuxthecrono: yes, it has 41 GB21:39
thecronothis is where it is placed on the disk21:39
circman07I have a laptop so I am using the built in monitor, I currently and using the Vesa drivers because  I can't seem to get the via drivers to compile for my VIA Chrome9 hc IGP21:39
thomas__because your hd otherwise always have to go to the end of the hd for swap files21:39
thecronothe farth to the end, the longer it takes to load [that's prolly wrong, but meh it sounds good]21:39
thomas__Vermux: now it wil be between the two most used partitions21:39
circman07Is it possible to edit the xorg.conf file and add monitor settings I know are supported?21:40
val0circman07 what laptop do you have? what do think the resolution should be? what resolution do you currently have?21:40
Vermuxthomas_sounds good to me21:40
thomas__Vermux: hence it will be accesed faster21:40
Vermuxanybody think different?21:40
Vermuxhaha, ok21:40
thecronoever used linux before?21:40
circman07I have an averatec 2260-eh1, the native resolution in windows is 1280-1024, and currently the best it will let me have is 800-60021:40
Vermuxwhich one is the first, the root?21:40
thecronoyes /21:41
Vermuxok, sec. yes I used it a litlle21:41
val0circman07 also please prefix your messages with val0 that will let me know that you are talking to me and i will respond sooner21:41
thecronoanything you know about computers, throw it away21:41
thomas__Vermux: are you going to resize the windows ntfs partition or did you already made it smaller on purpose21:41
val0circman07 ok give me a min or two to take a look21:41
circman07val0: I will, sorry21:41
Vermuxthomas_I made it only 40GB21:42
thomas__nm then ;)21:42
Vermuxthomas_I have total of 160 GB21:42
thecronoi got 80GB :D21:42
Vermuxthomas_: why, u think I should change it?21:42
thomas__Vermux: no I did the exact same :)21:42
Vermuxthomas_the win installation?21:42
justin_are there any toshiba laptop specific modules for kubuntu21:43
thecronoi deleted my win installation21:43
thomas__thecrono: I sadly need it for school21:43
thomas__Vermux: no 40 GB is more than enough to run a few apps and games in windows :-)21:44
thecronoi need to reset router, brb21:44
motif there are no drivers for ati in the restricted drivers section of kubuntu21:44
motwhat's my next move? are there any other sources i can look for for ati drivers?21:44
Vermuxthomas_: so the rest is the home aprtition, hencce 101 GB21:45
thomas__Vermux: jeps, sounds nice :)21:45
val0circman07 I just looked up the specs for your machine and the max resolution (the specs claim) is 1280 x 800, are you sure you got 1280x1024?21:45
thomas__Vermux: thats where all the data has to come ;-), movies, music, documents21:45
circman07val0: nope, forgot it was widescreen.21:45
dusty-stsAnyone know a good tutorial or howto on configuring bind on gusty gibbon?21:46
circman07Val0:1280X800 sounds right21:46
thomas__Vermux: and in the / partions all the aplications will be hosted21:46
Vermuxthomas_: hey, why did the installation took off 2 MB from the swap partition? I specified 2 GB but it wrote to only 1998 MB?21:46
thomas__Vermux: it unexplainable21:46
brian_I can't write to my VFAT partition on my second internal hard drive.. help!21:46
thomas__Vermux: no, it always happens, has something to do with the size of the clusters on your HD21:47
Vermuxthomas_it added the 2mb to the root partition21:47
thomas__brian_: make sure permissions are set right21:47
brian_how do I check that?21:48
thomas__Vermux: it realy doesn't mather21:48
thomas__2mb ain't makin' the difference21:48
Vermuxthomas_ ok21:48
thomas__brian_: kcontrol21:48
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geniiVermux: Back, but only briefly before logging off..anything to assist with that may not take a long time?21:49
val0circman07 ok still looking brb21:49
circman07val0: I appreciate your help.21:49
oretheverytime i play a youtube video, firefox crashes21:49
orethwhat do I do?21:49
thomas__genii: takin care off him ;-)21:49
Vermuxgenii: no thanks21:49
Vermuxthomas_: so Im making the partitions ext321:50
anonymous5929oreth: did you try reinstalling firefox/flash?21:50
geniithomas_: Yes, nice, checked backscroll after checking in :)21:50
thomas__bright idea :)21:50
geniiVermux: Looks like you are in good hands21:50
geniiSee everyhone later21:50
orethwhat's the recommended way to install flash?21:50
Vermuxthomas_install boot loader?21:50
orethi just let firefox install it for me21:50
thomas__Vermux: jes21:50
Vermuxthomas_: I clicked advanced21:50
brian_Where do I find Kcontrol?21:51
thomas__Vermux: MBR21:51
anonymous5929I usually do it through the dialoge box that pops up when you visit a flash page (I usually just visit www.homestarrunner.com to get it to pop up)21:51
val0circman07 can i query you? i want to send you a few links21:51
oreththat's how I installed it21:51
Vermuxthomas_what about it?21:51
anonymous5929does any other flash work?21:51
thomas__Vermux: install bootloader in MBR21:51
oreththis is a fresh install at that21:51
anonymous5929oh I see21:51
thomas__Vermux: it should have that option21:51
circman07val0: Sure21:51
Vermuxthomas_I dont know, it sways (hd0)21:51
thomas__thats ok21:52
orethanonymous5929: all other flash seems to work21:52
=== yohan is now known as gravedal
anonymous5929oreth: well I'll keep looking/thinking but I think i'm at a loss on this one...21:52
Vermuxthomas_: Installation is in process21:52
thomas__Vermux: It will most likely go flawlessly ;-)21:53
anonymous5929I'd stoill reccomend uninstalling/reinstalling firefox21:53
Vermuxthomas_I hope so, my machine made me a lot of problems21:53
brian_Where can I find Kcontrol?21:53
dmw3euse run21:53
thomas__Vermux: under linux it will no longer ^^21:53
Vermuxthomas_: oy, it is on 5% for 2 minutes already21:54
thomas__just let it be21:54
Vermuxthomas_it was under linux and win earlier21:54
thomas__ah okay21:54
dmw3ewhat are your thoughts on ubuntu vs sabayon?21:54
thomas__then what was the problem Vermux?21:54
Vermuxthomas_I think the power supply made all the problems, I replaced it with a different one21:54
Vermuxthomas_: The computer used to freeze21:55
thomas__good luck then with the new powersuply21:55
Vermuxthomas_ up untill asn hour ago21:55
Vermuxthomas_it is a used one I found21:55
glennandresomone here know why steam is drivin so slow in kubuntu?21:55
thomas__well, if it was ok before it will most likely be so now21:55
Vermuxthomas_ : the computer used to freeze all the time with win, then I installed kubuntu and it didnt freeze even once, untill today21:56
circman07val0: I am blocked from PM's cause I am unregistered21:56
thomas__Vermux: yeah, very strange21:56
Vermuxthomas_or yesterday21:56
Vermuxthomas_then, I got cmos checksum error when booting yesterday21:56
thomas__Vermux: sounds like PSU indeed21:56
val0circman07 register your nick with nickserv :D21:57
circman07val0: but thanks for all the help, sadly I have to leave work and head home to try to sort this mess out21:57
sorush21I have 256 mb ram can I install kubuntu21:57
Vermuxthomas_when the computer froze it made a click noise21:57
circman07val0:I will but this is just chatzilla hastily installed on the work computer.  See you guys later, and thanks21:57
val0circman07 got an email?21:57
circman07val0: shady.revolution@gmail.com21:57
thomas__Vermux: a click noise, I would have a look ath your HD then21:57
val0circman07 i'll email it to you right now21:58
circman07val0: thanks a ton!21:58
circman07See ya guys later21:58
val0circman07 no worries, lates21:58
Vermuxthomas_: do u recommend using bad blocks? do u know how to use that?21:58
thomas__Vermux: using bad blacks?21:58
glennandresomone here know why steam is drivin so slow in kubuntu?21:59
Vermuxthomas_there is a program called badblocks21:59
glennandre somone here know why steam is drivin so slow in kubuntu?21:59
Vermuxthomas_ it suppose to check the hdd21:59
thomas__Vermux: ah no, don't knwo that, i guess it scans the hd for bad blocks?21:59
Vermuxdoes anybody know how to use badblocks?22:00
thomas__Vermux: you could give it a try22:00
thomas__but just a chkdsk will do22:00
Vermuxthomas_with win or linux?22:00
thomas__or in linux22:00
thomas__what you prefer22:00
thomas__I would prefer linux22:00
TimSIs there anyway to tell when the last fsck was run?22:01
Vermuxthomas_just typpe chckdsk22:01
thomas__man fsck ;-)22:02
nosrednaekimTimS: yeah.. I think there is a way with tune2fs22:02
brian_how do I check permissions in Kcontrol?22:02
nosrednaekimpermissions for what?22:03
thomas__brian_: system administration > disks and filesystems22:03
thomas__nosrednaekim: for his external HD22:03
soportealguien me ayuda con el horde22:04
soportectype_lower() in22:04
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:04
soportecuando instalo el modulo de password22:04
brian_Disks and Filesystems doesn't really help me. It allows me to enable it and disable it but thats about it22:04
soporteme sale este error22:04
thecronohow ya doin vermux?22:04
soporteFatal error: Call to undefined function: ctype_lower() in /srv/www/htdocs/horde/passwd/main.php on line 9722:04
soportees bug ?22:04
thomas__brian_: look better22:05
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:05
soportela kosa es ke no es ubuntu22:05
soportees debian22:05
soporteta keeeee22:05
thomas__!es | soporte22:05
ubotusoporte: please see above22:05
Vermuxthecrono: almost done installination22:06
brian_Even in admin mode it's not letting me do anything other than letting me choose if the admit can mount it or not.22:06
wastedfluidMight be kind of stupid; but can anyone point me to a link to help me completely remove kde 3.5.8  w/ out messing up my kde4 installation22:06
thecronoOk guys, i got another problem, when i restart kubuntu...everything closes down, the screen goes black...and...nothing....it is stillon, but it goes completely unresponsive..i ahve to unplug my computer and plug it back in to start it...22:07
Lynouretoo slow to type :/ He would have needed php to have ctype support22:07
SlimeyPetethanasi: why not just hold the power button down for a few secs instead of unplugging?22:07
thecronothat doesn'twork22:08
LynoureWeird, because I thought PHP 4.2.0 onwards it was the default.22:08
thomas__brian_: click on the HD, then click modify22:08
Daisuke_Idoyou...  unplug?  yeah, SlimeyPete has the right idea.  the power button's there for a reason22:08
thanasihi guys. i want to clone a disk but not with dd. what can i use?22:08
SlimeyPetethanasi: but I have heard of this issue, quite a few people experience it and I'm not sure that there's a fix for it yet.22:08
Daisuke_Idothanasi: dd22:08
thecronopower button does nothing at all22:08
SlimeyPetethanasi: you held it down for five secs?22:08
thomas__thanasi: k3b22:08
SlimeyPeteerm, thecrono ^^22:08
Daisuke_Idothomas__: clone a hard drive with k3b?22:08
nosrednaekimthecrono: man.. you are having all the luck... ^_^22:08
thanasihehe.. hard drive and the new one is bigger than the old one22:08
SlimeyPetehow odd. Is your computer purpose-built to break Linux or something? ;D22:08
thomas__Daisuke_Ido: sory misread22:09
brian_Is there a way I can check the permissons on the hard drive?22:09
thecronowell, my video is fixed, now i need to get flash working22:09
thomas__Daisuke_Ido: a disk can also be a cd22:09
thanasiDaisuke_Ido: dd takes too long22:09
Daisuke_Idothanasi: you're cloning.  nothing else is going to be any faster.22:09
thecronoman, flash worked on the lvie cd..youd think ti would work on installation22:09
=== thanasi is now known as ScorpKing
thomas__thanasi: there wont be much that would do it faster then dd22:10
Lynourethanasi: cloning disks takes really long, especially if they are on the same bus.22:10
Vermuxthomas_: ok, I want to increase the size of the icons a litlle, but last time it causes a lot of problems when I tried to change the resolution. Do u know what to do?22:10
ScorpKingScorpKing = thanasi22:10
brian_Is there a way I can check the permissons on the hard drive?22:10
thomas__Vermux: so you want bigger icons22:10
Daisuke_Idothomas__: but normally that would be "copy a disk" or "duplicate a disk".  clone tends to infer a hard disk (or partition thereof)22:10
thomas__Vermux: check kcontrol22:10
ScorpKinghi guys. i can't remember what that boot cd is called with the partition manager on.22:10
LynoureScorpKing: do it overnight, less hassle about the time it takes :)22:10
LynoureScorpKing: there is many, one is from http://gpartedclonz.tuxfamily.org/22:11
Vermuxthomas_: first updated?22:11
thomas__ScorpKing: kubtuntu live cd22:11
brian_Ther only permissions I see are mount permissions and that doesn't help at all. I can't write to the drive in while Root22:11
wastedfluidAnyone know of an easy way to uninstall the KDE3 desktop without messing up KDE4?22:11
thecronowhat do i ened to do to get flash-plugin-nonfree? don't use !flash i tried it22:11
thomas__wastedfluid: the go perfectly next to each other22:11
LynoureScorpKing: also has Clonezilla for your cloning needs :)22:11
thomas__brian_: sudo chown -R username:username /mount/point22:12
ScorpKingLynoure: nvm. i'll go look for the one i want. one sec22:12
Daisuke_Idothecrono: go to adobe.com.  get flash player.  download the tar.gz, untar the tar.gz, cd to the directory it creates, and run the installer script22:12
Vermuxguys, I just installed kubuntu. Do I need to apply all updates or there are updates I need to be careful about?22:12
LynoureScorpKing: nvm me then...22:12
Daisuke_Idodidn't we already go over this?22:12
thecronothat's it?22:12
thomas__Vermux: just aply then22:12
nosrednaekimVermux: get all updates22:12
thomas__Vermux: nothing to wory about22:13
wastedfluidthomas_; I know they go completely well with each other, but I want to remove KDE3.  I'm satisfied with KDE4.22:13
* ScorpKing pass Lynoure some coffee..22:13
Daisuke_Idothat would be a question for the kde4 channel.22:13
thomas__then remove KDE3, although I wouldn't advise it22:13
wastedfluidWhy not?22:13
wastedfluid"kubuntu-desktop" - right?22:13
thomas__because you'll loose alot of aplications22:14
thomas__I think22:14
Daisuke_Idoexcept kubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage22:14
wastedfluidI tink so too22:14
Vermuxcan I work freely while updating the system?22:14
SlimeyPeteVermux: yep22:14
thecronoshould eb able to22:14
brian_It says changing of ownership not permited!! WTF?22:14
thecronoi did22:14
nosrednaekimVermux: just don't log out or reboot ;)22:14
thomas__brian_: do it as root22:14
thecronowill flash player integrate into firefox?22:14
SlimeyPeteyes, thecrono22:15
nosrednaekimthecrono: yes, the script will put it the right place22:15
brian_how do I switch to root in Konsole?22:15
thomas__sudo <command>22:15
brian_Thats what I did!22:15
brian_sudo chown -R ect22:16
val0brian_ try sudo su22:16
thomas__val0: no22:16
thomas__wont change a thing22:16
thomas__brian_: unmount hd22:16
brian_What on earth could be causing this?22:16
thomas__brian_: then chown22:16
Vermuxwaht about resolution? can I play with the screen resolution while updating?22:16
thomas__brian_: then mount again22:16
thomas__Vermux: jes22:16
val0thomas__ why not? will allow him to switch to root without a command to see if that actually works... the sudo that is22:17
SlimeyPeteVermux: you can do anything except log out, kill X11 or shut down22:17
thomas__val0: the sudo will work fine22:17
brian_Still tells me "changing of ownership is not permited22:17
thecronoum, the scripted opened in kate22:17
thomas__val0: what on earth could be wrong with it22:17
SlimeyPetewell, killing all processes is a big no-no too ;)22:17
thecronohow do i run this script?22:18
thomas__brian_: when hd is unmounted?22:18
val0thomas__ i have no idea... more of a troubleshooting idea rather than a direct solution22:18
brian_Not when I try that action. Should I unmount it for this?22:18
thecronovermux you can do almsot anything while it updated22:18
thomas__brian_: jes22:18
thomas__read what I said before22:18
SlimeyPetethecrono: to run a script from the terminal, "cd" to its location then type "sh <file name". You'll want to prefix with "sudo" if you need admin priveliges.22:19
SlimeyPeteerm, "sh <file name>", without the <>s of course ;)22:19
thomas__thecrono: you'll probably have to chmod 777 it first22:19
wastedfluidthomas_; "kubuntu-desktop" didn't remove kde3. ;/22:20
brian_Nope, that didn't help either22:20
thomas__then do kdelibs22:20
thomas__and kdecore22:20
thecronothecrono@Neckron-Ninty-Nine:~/Technical$ sudo sh install_flash_player+9+linux.tar.gz22:20
thecrono     ??22:20
thomas__brian_: dont know then22:20
Vermuxok, when I change the resolution to 1024x768 and click apply it doesnt change it?22:20
faTegood night u all22:20
Vermuxignore the ?22:20
thecronochmod 777?22:20
thomas__thecrono: lol its an archive22:20
thomas__thecrono: extract it first22:20
nosrednaekimthecrono: "tar xvzf the_tar_package"22:20
thecronobut there is a script isnide it22:20
wastedfluidthomas_; it says neither are installed.. lol, but i just logged into kde3.5.822:21
brian_Wow this sucks. It shouldn't be having this problem.22:21
thomas__wastedfluid: reboot22:21
Vermuxsomebody know why?22:21
wastedfluidsigh.. don't want to do that :/22:21
thomas__Vermux: hmm22:21
Vermuxfrom 1280x102422:21
thomas__Vermux: are graphix drivers installed?22:21
thecronovermux, what video card do you have?22:21
thecronovermux,kubuntu requires some good setting up to be done22:22
thecronobut we will help you22:22
brian_I think I got it to work..22:22
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:22
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.22:22
nosrednaekimwhats the problem kikiwarrior22:22
nosrednaekimthecrono: heh... you are the expert now :)22:23
thecronodon't ask to ask a question, jsut ask the question22:23
nosrednaekimthecrono: did you run that tar command?22:23
Vermuxok, I got the following message: there was an error commiting changes. possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages22:23
kikiwarriori m new in linux system i dont speak english (i m french)22:23
thecronoyes, invalid filename or folder22:23
thecronoor soemthing, gonna do it mnually22:23
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:23
kikiwarrioryes fr22:23
nosrednaekimthecrono: haha... you have to change "the_tar_archive" to the actual name of the archive22:23
thecronoi did22:24
thecronoit still said invalid22:24
thecronolol i;'m nto that  daft :D22:24
kikiwarriorit s for me22:24
nosrednaekimthecrono: ;-)22:24
thecronohrm, what do you need?22:24
kikiwarriori want joint french irc22:24
thecronowhat do you mean? kikiwarrior22:25
Lynourekikiwarrior: /join #kubuntu-fr22:25
kikiwarriorsorry i don't understand my english is very bab22:26
kikiwarriortank for kubuntu .fr22:26
thecronowhat is default mozilla location?22:26
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:26
kikiwarriori don t know22:26
thecrononot you kikiwarrior22:26
tekteenthecrono: ~/.mozilla22:26
Vermuxafter updating  I got the following message: there was an error commiting changes. possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages22:27
Vermuxanybody knows the specific problem?22:27
kikiwarriorthank you every body your are very cool22:27
thecronore fetch updates22:27
tekteenthecrono: is that what you wanted?22:27
thecronoyour useing adept?22:27
thecrononot sure22:27
thecronoflash 9 wants to know my mozilla directory22:27
kikiwarriorgood bye22:27
=== lex79 is now known as Puppadores
thecronogood bye kikiwarrior22:27
thomas__thecrono: /home/username/.mozilla22:28
kikiwarriori go speak french it s to easy for me22:28
kikiwarriortank good bye22:28
thomas__au revoir22:28
thecrono/usr/lib/mozilla is that it?..that's the default setting btw22:28
thomas__thecrono: yeah, thats for system wide installation22:28
thomas__thecrono: you need to be root fopr that22:29
DFlameanyone reckon they can help with a USB mounted drive locking up every time I try and copy something big?22:29
thomas__thecrono: did you execute command as root?22:29
thomas__thecrono: script*22:29
thecronoit said /usr/lib/mozzila was invalid22:29
tekteenone z22:29
thomas__1 sec22:29
thecronoPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,22:29
thecronoor Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/mozilla22:29
thecronoWARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.22:29
tekteentwo l22:29
thecronoyes, one z22:29
thecronothat's what i put22:30
tekteentwo L's22:30
thecronothere is two22:30
thomas__thecrono: sudo mkdir /usr/lib/mozilla22:30
thecronocan i do that in another konsole?22:30
thecronomkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/lib/mozilla': File exists22:31
thecrononow that si strange22:31
thomas__then why isnt it valid?22:31
gravedalsomeone knows how toupgrade KDE to 4.O on kubuntu?22:31
thomas__gravedal: google22:31
tekteengravedal: #kubuntu-kde422:32
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.22:32
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:32
thecronowhat is before /usr/?\22:32
thecrono/usr/ ?*22:32
thomas__ /22:32
tekteenthecrono: /usr/lib22:32
nosredna_ekimthecrono: AFAIK, you are supposed to put it in a local folder.. like /home/user/.mozilla22:32
thecrono/usr/ ?22:32
thecronoi want it global22:33
thecronothat won'twork22:33
thecrono :(22:33
thecronoor Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/mozilla22:33
thecronoWARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.22:33
nosredna_ekim /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so is where mine is22:34
thecrono/home/thecrono/.mozilla didn't work either22:34
thomas__thecrono: very strange22:35
nosredna_ekimtry /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins22:35
thecronotried it22:35
thecronoum, doesn't it jsut copy/paste the /so file?22:35
thecronoi can do that myself if so22:36
nosredna_ekimthats what it does22:36
thecronoi don't have usr22:37
thecronoin root,all i got is /lib/ and it doesn't have /mozilla/22:37
thomas__no /usr?22:37
thecronoor is there something lower that root?22:37
thomas__wait waht ?22:37
thomas__no nothing lower22:38
thecronosystem menu > home folder > root22:38
thecronono usr folder22:38
thomas__huh ?22:38
thecronoer, wait, nvm human error22:38
Chousukehome folder?22:38
thomas__now wait a second22:38
thecronooh m,an22:39
thecronoi tried to copy opaste the file..it said :Access Denied, could not write to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so22:40
nosredna_ekimthecrono: do it as root...22:40
thecronoi treid to drag and drop22:40
thecronohow do i do it as root?22:40
nosredna_ekimthecrono: using dolphin?22:40
nosredna_ekim"kdesudo dolphin"22:40
thecronoi want to use konqurer though22:40
thecronobut it won't work and that's another problem22:41
nosredna_ekimkdesudo konqueror then22:41
Lynourethecrono: are you installing some plugin? for yourself or systemwide?  If for yourself, just  ~/.mozilla/plugin22:42
thecronotrying to install flash player 922:42
thecronoi copied the .so to usr/lib/mozilla/plugins22:43
thecronohow do i make firefox use a plugin?22:43
professional_minI have questions...22:43
professional_mincan i ask?22:43
jussi01!ask | professional_min22:43
ubotuprofessional_min: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:43
professional_minthis is my first visit here actually22:44
thecronodon't ask to ask a question, jsut ask the question22:44
thecronothere ya go22:44
professional_minwhat's the best version of LINUX for webserver?22:44
nosredna_ekimthecrono: start up firefox and enter "about:plugins"22:44
nosredna_ekimprofessional_min: that is aof course, a matter of much discussion, I would say debian22:45
thecronoyeah, it say it installed22:45
jussi01professional_min: ubuntu server is alos very good22:45
thecronolets check youtube see if it works22:45
professional_minI tried ubuntu server but its interface is in DOS like mode..22:45
Limbeauxi used to have an icon on the taskbar that looked like a speaker.  now it had disappeared  Any ideas how to get it back?22:45
jussi01professional_min: yes, so are most servers22:46
professional_minI found it difficult..need to study about sudo22:46
nosredna_ekimthats the way linux servers are22:46
Vermuxok, this is the problem: and it happaned also last time after I install: I cant get into administrative mode in order to change these things now.22:46
nosredna_ekimLimbeaux: "kmix"22:46
VermuxI just installed and updated kubuntu22:46
ahmoshi, i wana know if my swap partition is working because I have a 1.0G.B ram and aout 98% of it is used...I'm very new to linux ,thanks22:46
tekteenprofessional_min: you can get a graphical user interface (gui)22:46
now3dHi, i installed kubuntu 7.10 on my USB stick, but I get GRUB Error 17 when it boots, unable to find the file on the partition.. but it does exist on the (hd1,1)22:46
nosredna_ekimahmos: most of that is probably in cache...22:46
professional_mincan Ubuntu desktop could be a server?22:47
tekteenprofessional_min: why not?22:47
nosredna_ekimprofessional_min: yes, it can22:47
Limbeauxkmix doesn't give me volume adjustment.  it brings up the mixer22:47
nosredna_ekimnow3d: I think you have to make it hd(0,1)22:47
professional_minubuntu desktop edition can also be set-up to webserver?22:47
tekteenprofessional_min: yes22:47
jussi01!lamp > professional_min22:47
now3dahmos: what does "top" show as free?22:47
now3dnosredna_ekim: hd(0,1) would be my C drive wouldnt it tho..?22:48
nosredna_ekimnow3d: not if you are booting from the USB22:48
now3dnosredna_ekim: ah.. does it swap them!?22:48
professional_minhow to install GUI in ubuntu server?22:48
ahmosmy free memory is about 5% if you meant that22:49
tekteenprofessional_min: sudo apt-get install kde22:49
now3dnosredna_ekim: i wish it just used the /dev/sd** names like normal.. why do they have to be different and use hd(0,1) etc..22:49
jussi01professional_min: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:49
nosredna_ekimnow3d: I think it does...22:49
tekteenprofessional_min: or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:49
thecronoas soon as the video started loading flash..my computer locked up and froze..had to pull the plug again22:49
now3dnosredna_ekim: ok, i will give it a try now, thanks for the tip22:49
Limbeauxgot it.  I had to set sound device as autodetect22:50
professional_minafter which would it look like the desktop edition? like in windows..22:50
tekteenthe latter installs all of the kubuntu desktop programs22:50
tekteenprofessional_min: yes22:50
jussi01professional_min: yes, you need to choose if you want ubuntu or kubuntu though22:50
thecronoanyone know hwat would cause that?22:50
Vermuxit happaned also last time after I install: I cant get into administrative mode in order to change these things now.22:51
Vermuxin system settings22:51
thecronowhat happened vermux?22:51
professional_minwhich of the two could you recommend--ubuntu or kubuntu desktop in ubuntu server22:51
tekteenprofessional_min: neither and then kubuntu22:52
nosredna_ekimthecrono: graphics driversmaybe...22:52
tekteenprofessional_min: I like neither22:52
thecronowhat does that have to do with grphics drivers>?22:52
tekteenprofessional_min: but I guess kubuntu is better22:52
thecronoits flash22:52
professional_mintekteen: which one could you recommend then?22:52
Vermuxthecrono: In system settings, Im trying to go into Administrative mode under Monitor and Display, Hardware22:52
tekteenprofessional_min: kubuntu or none at all. My server runs none22:53
Vermuxthecrono: it doesnt ask me for the passwd22:53
thecronomaby you don't need one?22:53
Vermuxno, I cant access dialog boxes22:53
nosredna_ekimthecrono: nasty! did you try it again?22:53
ahmosI'm sorry but how I can know if the swap partition is working?22:53
thecronoscared to lol22:53
thecronolet me trty22:53
Vermuxthecrono: it happaned also last time after I installed22:54
professional_mintekteen: but after successfull configuration of the server...can GUI be then disabled so that others cannot do anything to the server? since most of my collegues have no idea about linux command?22:54
Vermuxthe first time I tried to change the resolution it did ask me for the password. but since then, it never22:55
tekteenprofessional_min: yes22:55
Vermuxthecrono: is there a known bug for that?22:55
tekteenprofessional_min: you just need to turn off kdm and x from starting on boot22:55
jussi01or just have a password....22:56
professional_mintekteen what's the command?22:56
tekteenprofessional_min: just make a password22:56
* tekteen thanks jussi0122:56
* tekteen has also lost his mind22:56
professional_mintekteen: what's the command to disable GUI on boot?22:56
jussi01!helpersnack > tekteen22:56
thecronoit crashed as soon as the box turned black22:57
thecronoit turns grey, then black, as soon as it turns black..freeze22:57
tekteenprg2g brb22:57
jussi01professional_min: there is no need to do that. just like on windows you can have a password when it boots22:57
tekteeng3g brb22:57
nosredna_ekimthecrono: google and see if anyone else has had tha problem,I haven't heard of it yet22:58
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting22:58
jussi01thanks Riddell22:58
tekteenprofessional_min: I am back22:58
professional_mintekteen: you mean during start up what will appear in the screen will look like that of UBUNTU desktop? I've tried ubuntu desktop before actually.. and I like its welcome screen and login22:58
tekteenprofessional_min: It will look like the KUBUNTU login22:59
tekteenwhich I like22:59
tekteenyou can find a screenshot online22:59
professional_mintekteen: can I have the link? thanks22:59
ahmoscan anyone help me?23:00
jussi01!ask | ahmos23:00
ubotuahmos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:00
Vermuxwhat is the command to launch Monitor & Display?23:00
ahmoshow can i know if swap partition is working ?23:01
tekteenprofessional_min: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smkdm.png23:01
nosredna_ekimahmos: run "free -m" and see how swap you have23:01
Vermuxwhy kubuntu doesnt let me go into Administrative mode in system Settings, in Monitor & Display?23:02
professional_mintekteen: it looks beautiful...23:02
VermuxI've just installed it23:02
tekteenprofessional_min: that will appear on boot23:02
professional_mintekteen: and after which it will go then to desktop. Right? Just like that in xp23:03
now3dnosredna_ekim: ace! it worked, i USB booted Kubuntu!!23:03
nosredna_ekimnow3d: sweet23:03
professional_mintekteen: but again that's for ubuntu server installed with GUI to have a look like a desktop. Right?23:03
ahmosyes it is working ,the used space is14 M.B..thank u23:03
tekteenprofessional_min: yep23:04
now3dnosredna_ekim: i dunno why the installer didnt figure out that it needed to be hd(0,1) tho... also my "Japanese" install looks rather english to me..23:04
Vermuxwhy kubuntu doesnt let me go into Administrative mode in system Settings, in Monitor & Display?23:04
ahmosbut why my 1.0G.B ram is full?23:04
tekteenprofessional_min: linux does not know the diff between desktop and server. It is just what programs are installed23:04
nosredna_ekimahmos: look at the line that says "=/- buffers and chace23:04
BluesKajVermux, in the terminal: sudo dpkg --configure -a , then relogfin23:05
tekteenprofessional_min: install the server part (it is hard to config. without there install tool) and then install the desktop ontop23:05
ahmos393 used   610 free23:05
VermuxBluesKaj: log out and log in from the kde?23:06
professional_mintekteen: after  successful installation of ubuntu server...with LAMP of course...and tried to enter our static IP address what appears is the configuration page of the ADSL modem. what do you think?23:06
VermuxBluesKaj: it happaned also last time after I installed kubuntu23:07
now3dany idea how to enable Japanese input..? Normally it is Shift+Space, but that does not work..23:07
tekteenprofessional_min: I do not understand, Is this after the install?23:07
VermuxBluesKaj:  it doesnt work23:08
thecronoman, flahs is busted23:08
VermuxBluesKaj: maybe reboot?23:08
professional_mintekteen: yeah after the install. I'm using another PC connected in the LAN and internet23:08
thecronoho here someone :D23:08
VermuxBluesKaj:  I think it is a bug in Kubuntu23:08
nosrednaekimthecrono: wonder why... did you see any similar problems on google?23:08
BluesKajVermux, maybe23:08
tekteenprofessional_min: so you want to create a staticip?23:08
thecronoall those problems crashed firefox..not froze my computer23:09
Vermuxwhy kubuntu doesnt let me go into Administrative mode in system Settings, in Monitor & Display?  It is not the first time it happans after a fresh install23:09
BluesKajVermux, do you see the update manger in the panel ?...you may need to update some apps first23:09
Daisuke_Idothecrono: why were you running it as superuser?23:09
professional_mintekteen: I have static IP actually assigned by our ISP. but when I typed it in the browser..what will appear is the configuration page ADSL modem23:09
thecronovermuxes updated failed23:09
BluesKajadept update manager23:09
Daisuke_Idoof course it wouldn'23:10
thecronowhat Diasuke_Ido?23:10
Daisuke_Idot install to there23:10
tekteenprofessional_min: oh23:10
ahmosnosredna_ekim:it is , 393 used ,610 free(but the mem line: 914 used ,89 free , 0 shared , 24 buffers ,496 cached)23:10
VermuxBluesKaj: the first thing after I installed Kubuntu I updated it23:10
g2g591vermux: idk, if you need to do administraive mode anyway, run kdesu systemsettings23:10
tekteenprofessional_min: if possible tell it to use dhcp23:10
BluesKajVermux, ok23:10
VermuxBluesKaj: it gave me an error at the end23:10
tekteenprofessional_min: this is NOT a linux thing23:10
thecronoDiasuke_Ido huh?23:10
Vermuxsomething about the commit23:10
Daisuke_Idoi didn't stutter: why did you install it as superuser.  it doesn't go in /usr/anything23:10
tekteenprofessional_min: although I can still help23:11
thecronoif tis global it does23:11
tekteenprofessional_min: what are the choices?23:11
professional_mintekteen: how to help this ?23:11
g2g591Professional_min: if you're connected to a router, use dhcp, the router will give you the right external ip23:11
VermuxBluesKaj: so I did sudo apt-get-f install23:11
BluesKajaha  Vermux ,, that explains the lack of admin options... you still have broken pkgs23:11
thecrono/home/thecrono/.mozilla didn't work either btw23:11
tekteeng2g591: his is setting up a cable modem23:11
professional_minyou mean...webserver won't work with ADSL modem and switch alone?23:12
BluesKajVermux, can you install synaptic?23:12
Daisuke_Idoperhaps /home/sierra-x/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so23:12
Daisuke_Idoinstead of just .mozilla23:12
VermuxBluesKaj: ok, now it asked me for the password, but still didnt give me the Administrative mode23:12
tekteenprofessional_min: the cable modem does not know how to reach the internet23:12
thecronoi don't have sierra-x/23:12
VermuxBluesKaj: what is it?23:12
Daisuke_Idothat's my username :)23:12
thecronoi have /usr/lib/mozilla23:12
tekteenprofessional_min: that is the box the server plugs into23:12
professional_mintekteen: any solution that you could offer?23:13
thecronoi tried that awell, the plugin is installed fine..but its broken..is the ENTIER flash player jsut a .so file?23:13
brian_Thanks alot guys, You've been alot of help!23:13
Daisuke_Idoand it isn't broken23:13
tekteenprofessional_min: also you know you are not allowed to run a webserver on dsl without a business plan23:13
thecronoabout:plugin says shockwave flash player is installed23:13
tekteenprofessional_min: I think23:14
tekteenprofessional_min: you need to talk to Verison23:14
VermuxBluesKaj: I tried to run Adept_manager and it gave me the error: DCOP Communications error- there was an error setting up inter-process communications for kde23:14
thecronooh man23:14
Daisuke_Idoeither that or your computer just hates flash, which is a possibility, i suppose :\23:14
thecronofirefox is using libgnash23:14
professional_mintekteen: I contacted our ISP already.. I do have static IP. it's business plan23:14
thecronohow do i make ti use the other .so?23:14
tekteenprofessional_min: ok23:14
Daisuke_Idolemme look real quick23:14
tekteenprofessional_min: so what is the static IP?23:15
BluesKajVermux, synaptic is a pkg manager like adept or apt , but it has the option to fix broken pkgs that are installed by either adept or apt.23:15
thecronoShockwave Flash 8.0 r99. Gnash 0.8.1, the GNU Flash Player. Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.23:15
VermuxBluesKaj: "the message returned from the system was Authentication rejected, reason: none of the authontication protocols are supported and host-bast authentication failed23:15
professional_minI could actually ping our static ip23:15
VermuxBluesKaj: "please check that the dcopserver program is running"23:15
tekteenprofessional_min: this modem thing is something you may need to talk to Verizon about23:15
professional_minhow to talk with verizon?23:15
VermuxBluesKaj: how do I manually install it?23:15
tekteenprofessional_min: call up support?23:16
BluesKajVermux, try: sudo apt-get install synaptic23:16
Daisuke_Idocould try removing gnash23:16
professional_minI'm from philippines..23:16
Daisuke_Idothat would be the first step :)23:16
tekteenprofessional_min: ok23:16
g2g591professional_min: if your connected to a router, dhcp is fine as long as the router is set up23:17
tekteenprofessional_min: Is there a place to call?23:17
tekteenprofessional_min: I am sorry but I need to go.23:17
professional_mintekteen: thanks for the time..23:18
VermuxBluesKaj: ok, I installed it23:18
professional_ming2g591: thanks for the idea...23:18
thecronois it possiable to make 'kdesu dolphin' a desktop icon?23:19
professional_ming2g59i: are you suggesting that I need to buy a router for this?23:19
VermuxBluesKaj: what now?23:19
nosrednaekimthecrono: yes23:19
BluesKajVermux, ok open synaptic , clikck on edit/fixbroken packages /apply23:19
Odd-rationalethecrono: just put "kdesudo dolphin" as the command23:20
tekteenprofessional_min: I am back23:21
VermuxBluesKaj: do I have to choose everything that in the list?23:21
professional_mintekteen: thanks23:21
tekteenprofessional_min: so you have a way to call verizon?23:21
professional_minmay I have the number/23:21
professional_minis it a person or organizationm?23:22
VermuxBluesKaj: I clicked on Fix Broken Packages but nothing happaned23:22
thecronohow do i do that?23:22
Odd-rationalethecrono: Try this: Right click the desktop and goto Create New --> Link to application23:22
Odd-rationaleTell me when you're there...23:22
tekteenprofessional_min: the place you got DSL from23:22
tekteenprofessional_min: who is your ISP?23:22
=== g2g591 is now known as g2g591__
tekteenprofessional_min: oh. call them23:23
now3dhi again. sorry Konversaion crashed when i tried to enabkle japanese23:23
professional_minhow will I tell them?23:23
now3dhas anyone got japanese input working?23:23
tekteenprofessional_min: call the ISP and ask them23:24
=== g2g591__ is now known as g2g591
professional_minwhat to configure... I tried to call them actually yesterday.. and they told me that it's an issue in our end..not theirs23:24
professional_minit's more on configuration in our side..23:24
Odd-rationalethecrono: Are you there?23:24
thecronoyeah, one sec23:25
tekteenprofessional_min: We need more info to configure your side23:25
BluesKajVermux, I think you have to reboot again23:25
tekteenprofessional_min: ask them how to setup the ADSL modem23:25
VermuxBluesKaj: now it seems to work23:26
BluesKajVermux, before you reboot , sudo apt-get update23:26
Odd-rationalethecrono: after that, go to the Application tab. Under Command put "kdesudo dolphin". Let me know if that works23:26
VermuxBluesKaj: Im too tired, I will continue tomorrow23:26
ahmoshello again ,what is the disk cache memory?23:26
professional_mintekteen: do you have ym? so that I could contact you anytime?23:27
BluesKajVermux, just do apt-get update first ...see what the output is23:27
tekteenprofessional_min: sure23:27
VermuxBluesKaj: I did, I got all this http addresses23:27
VermuxBluesKaj: REading packages list...done23:27
BluesKajyes that's the repositories23:27
tekteenprofessional_min: I sent it to you23:27
* ScorpKing waves..23:28
professional_mincan you be contacted using yahoo messenger?23:28
BluesKajthat contain the applications , Vermux23:28
tekteenprofessional_min: yes23:28
ScorpKingBluesKaj: found what i was looking for. partition logic. heh23:28
VermuxBluesKaj: so is it fine?23:28
jimmy51stdin: I followed your advice and posted a request - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/18521723:28
thecronoit worked Odd-rationale23:28
BluesKajVermux, check system settings /monitor &display23:29
Odd-rationalethecrono: Cheers!23:29
stdinjimmy51: yes I saw, I get bug emails for just about every kde package ;)23:29
ahmoswhat is the disk cache memory plz?!!!23:29
professional_mintekteen: are you online right now?23:29
BluesKajthe repositories are fine yes, Vermux23:29
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html23:29
VermuxBluesKaj: it is good now23:29
jimmy51stdin:  oh, hehe.  did i do it right?23:29
VermuxBluesKaj: thanks23:29
stdinjimmy51: yeah, someone with power to decide on that will see it and examine if it's "worth it", so now you just have to wait23:30
jimmy51stdin:  ok, thanks.  i will wait anxiously.23:31
thecronomozilla will not use libflashplayer.so23:32
thecronoor flashplugin what ever it was23:32
Odd-rationale!flash | thecrono23:33
ubotuthecrono: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:33
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:33
thecrononone of that works23:33
thecronoi had to install from adobe.com23:33
thecronoand even that didn't work23:33
thecronoso i had to manuallyplace the .so file23:33
thecronobut firefox won't use it'23:33
thecronooh this isn'tgood, i did kdesu dolphin..and it says /home/is completely empty :O23:35
nosrednaekimthecrono: /home/thechrono?23:36
thecronoi don't know, it jsut says home23:36
tom540hey; i just installed kubuntu 7.10 kde4 fresh from a cd.. and I can't find any kind of network manager .. am I missing something here... ?23:37
Odd-rationalethecrono: That is probably the home or root. not you23:37
thecronowhere is /home/thecrono/.mozilla ?23:37
thecronoi went to, in kdesu... /home/thecrono/...and nothing23:38
nosrednaekimtom540: "sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager" and kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde423:38
thecronono .mozilla23:38
SlimeyPeteanythig with a . before it is hidden23:38
nosrednaekimthecrono: any . folder will be hidden, type in maually into the location bar23:38
SlimeyPetewon't turn up in file browsers23:38
tom540nosrednaekim; that'll be kind of hard when I can't connect to the internet at all.23:38
tom540nosrednaekim that'll be kind of hard when I can't connect to the internet at all. (sorry, don't think that went through.. this stupid client puts bold in text sometimes)23:38
thecronothere is no location bar in dolphin23:38
thecronoyour connected to the net now tom54023:39
tom540I'm on a different computer?23:39
nosrednaekimtom540: oh...very true :) the kde4 liveCD is not really meant to be installed.do you have wireless?23:39
nosrednaekimtom540: it did23:39
tom540yes, I have wireless.. I didn't want to install kde4 overtop of 3.5.8, so I just did a fresh install23:39
thecronoso how do i do this?23:39
ScorpKingthecrono: you have to click on Root (red) then home23:39
tom540I also have wired, but without a networking manager.. it's kind of hard =/23:40
nosrednaekimtom540: wired is simple without a networkmanager, just plug it in and run "sudo dhclient eth0"23:40
Daisuke_Idosoo...  has ati gotten to the point where it's recommendable?23:40
tom540k; hold on23:40
thecronotheres no plugins folder in.mozilla23:40
thecrono :(23:41
sub[t]rnlthecrono➜ click on view, then show hidden files.23:41
sub[t]rnlexplore an application a little bit, it'll be good for you23:41
ScorpKingthecrono: ~.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so23:41
Daisuke_Idothecrono: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ?23:41
Daisuke_IdoScorpKing: global23:41
thecronoglobal won't work23:41
thecronomozilla won't use any plugins in global23:41
tom540wow, thanks nos. you are the man. i should be able to fair well from here.23:43
thecronoi have the best news in the universe23:43
thecronoapplication/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes23:43
thecronoapplication/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes23:43
ScorpKing:) haha23:43
thecrononow lets see how long ti takes to crash23:43
Daisuke_Idojust gnash interfering?23:43
ScorpKingthecrono: konqueror should be able to use those and have flash23:44
thecronoi deleted gnash mozilla plugin froma dept23:44
thecronotchecking youtube now23:44
thecronoit works :D23:44
* thecrono celebrates23:44
thecrononow i got a new problem23:44
* ScorpKing stops celebrating..23:45
nosrednaekimthecrono: haha23:45
Daisuke_Idowhat's the new problem?23:45
thecronolet me pick oen, one sec23:45
SlimeyPetethecrono: I swear you were sent here to test us ;)23:45
Daisuke_IdoSlimeyPete: not a bad thing though.23:46
thecronothis may jsut be grphical, but it says two partitions are disabled...23:46
thecronoeven though i can rbwose them23:46
thecronobut, i cannot fine my /extra/ partition23:47
thecrono er, /spare/23:47
ScorpKingbedtime for me. nite guys23:48
SlimeyPetethecrono: run "mount" in a terminal, it'll tell you everything that's mounted, and where23:48
thecrono/dev/sda7 on /spare type ext3 (rw)23:48
thecronothat'sit..but, i cannot find it23:48
thecronoin dolphin23:48
val0i am trying to mount a USB HD through Dolphin and get "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused on uid 1000" any clue?23:49
* [ka]killer sweats23:49
SlimeyPetethecrono: so you're clicking on Root on the left and it's not showing up in the list?23:49
[ka]killerok i just got a new 500gb drive23:49
thecronono, /spare/isnt there23:49
[ka]killerformatted to reiserfs23:49
thecronowhy is dolphin the default bwosers anyways?..isn't it exprimental software?23:50
SlimeyPetethecrono: hmm, what about if you run "ls /" in a terminal?23:50
[ka]killerhow do i change the mount point 0_023:50
thecronooh, i found it23:50
SlimeyPetethecrono: it's newish but pretty stable23:50
nosrednaekimthecrono: so into systemsettings->advanced->disks and filesystems23:50
tekteen is it automounting? [ka]killer23:50
[ka]killerthats the problem23:50
tekteenis it in fstab?23:51
thecronohrm, i know i got soem more problems.. how do i install GTK+ 1.2?23:51
[ka]killeri dont think so23:51
[ka]killeri just put it in -_-23:51
[ka]killerhow do i edit fstab23:51
tekteen[ka]killer: was it in when you logged in?23:51
thecronoi neeed, #  Gtk+ 1.223:51
thecrono# Python 2.2 or newer23:51
thecrono# wxPythonGTK 2.6.0 or newer23:51
[ka]killerno tekteen, i just installed the drive23:51
[ka]killerand it will not let me mount it23:52
thecronoive no idea how to get those, i did adept search and got fourty-leven results23:52
tekteen[ka]killer: did you take it out and put it back in23:52
[ka]killerare you understanding that its a brand new drive?23:52
[ka]killeri pulled one of the old drives and put this one in23:52
[ka]killeri think thats causing a conflict23:52
fernandowow, a lott of people in here23:53
tekteenit is not external @.@23:53
[ka]killerno.. no it is not23:53
articpenguin3800is kubuntu 8.04 going to be based on kde423:53
tekteen[ka]killer: and you are replacing another?23:53
fernandothey told so23:53
tekteenarticpenguin3800: yes23:54
Daisuke_Idoarticpenguin3800: two releases to my knowledge, neither one a LTS release23:54
tekteenarticpenguin3800: it will have both23:54
[ka]killerhow this is going to work, is im pulling the data off of the one thats in there now, pulling it, putting the other one in, copying the files to the new drive then reinstallign the first drive23:54
tekteenhave you ever used the command line?23:55
tom540nosrednaekim; you still here? i can't even get knetworkmanager to scan wirelessly..23:55
[ka]killerwhy yes23:55
Daisuke_Idothecrono: what are you trying to install that requires a version of GTK+ that old?23:55
[ka]killerive done this before its just been a while -_-23:55
nosrednaekimtom540: yep...23:55
tekteenthe command to mount is mount23:55
[ka]killeri tried that23:55
thecronomaby i can use somethign newer23:55
Daisuke_Idoit's been deprecated for a looong time23:55
val0i am trying to mount a USB HD through Dolphin and get "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused on uid 1000" any clue?23:55
tekteenmount /dev/hdb /mountpoint23:55
Daisuke_Idoinstall nicotine+23:55
tom540nosrednaekim; well, I installed knetworkmanager.. but when I plugged in the ethernet cable, it didn't even auto connect.. i had to type the comamnd you gave me last time. and it doesn't even scan for wireless networks.. any idea?23:55
Daisuke_Ido(newer fork of pysoulseek, in the repos, too :)23:56
thecrononicotine+ have alot of..erm..cough mp3?23:56
tekteen[ka]killer: what is the error message?23:56
Daisuke_Idoit's soulseek23:56
thecronoah, same servers as soulseek?23:56
tekteenwhen you try to mount23:56
nosrednaekimtom540: try doing "kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces"23:56
nosrednaekimthecrono: someone has been smoking a little too much.... nicotine..23:56
[ka]killerjohn@Jimmy:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt/disk23:56
[ka]killermount: you must specify the filesystem type23:56
Daisuke_Idoit's just the newer pysoulseek, that's all it is.  got a name change because he wanted to release a program called nicotine, and then release patches for it :D23:57
thecronoapt-get nicotine+ ?23:57
tekteenhold on23:57
Daisuke_Ido!find nicotine23:57
ubotuFound: nicotine23:57
Daisuke_Ido!info nicotine23:57
ubotunicotine (source: nicotine): graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.8+dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 609 kB, installed size 2924 kB23:57
[ka]killerits formatted as reiserfs23:57
Daisuke_Idothere you go23:57
tekteenmount -t reiserfs ...23:57
Daisuke_Idojust nicotine23:57
[ka]killerjohn@Jimmy:~$ sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/sdc /mnt/disk23:58
[ka]killermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc,23:58
[ka]killer       missing codepage or other error23:58
[ka]killer       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try23:58
[ka]killer       dmesg | tail  or so23:58
thecronoif its more than 5 lines use pastebin23:58
tom540nosrednaekim; http://www.pastebin.ca/87031523:58
thecrono[5 line sis my own limit btw]23:59
stdin[ka]killer: /dev/sdc is the entire disk, try mounting only one partition23:59
thecronooaste.ubuntu.org [right?]23:59
tekteentry reiser instead of reiserfs23:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:59
[ka]killerthe entire disk is only one partition -__23:59
thecronothere ya go killer23:59
articpenguin3800reiser is reiserfs23:59
tekteenI know23:59
Daisuke_Ido[ka]killer: you still have to specify a partition23:59

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