
wyclifi need some help00:45
PriceChildwyclif, with what?00:45
wyclifLjL banned me from #ubuntu-ops!!!! after i was asked to come back 24 hours + ago...00:46
wyclifi don't understand00:46
PriceChildLjL, come back in a few days00:46
PriceChildwyclif, come back in a few days00:46
wyclifwhat did I do wrong?00:46
LjLPriceChild: want to ban me too to be sure?00:46
naliothwyclif: this is not the channel for this.00:46
LjLwyclif, why don't you highlight another couple of random people and find out?00:46
PriceChildLjL, you'd better watch yourself.00:46
wyclifhow can i resolve this?00:47
naliothwyclif: you can return to #ubuntu-ops and act in a responsible manner00:48
wyclifnalioth thank you00:48
danrojhola qbe00:49
wyclifnalioth i am still banned from ops00:50
danrojqbe, como se muestra la ayuda en supybot? es !help plugin?00:51
naliothwyclif: i thought the ban had been removed from there when i answered you earlier. it has been removed now00:51
wyclifnalioth ah, ok.  i appreciate that.  i am new here and trying to obey the rules00:52
danrobotdanroj: Admin, Babelfish, BadWords, Channel, Config, Infobot, Misc, Owner, and User00:53
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:53
ubotuAdmin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, Filter, FreenodeAuth, Lart, Math, Mess, Misc, Owner, Services, User, and Webcal00:53
danrobotWish I knew, Nafallo.00:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:53
naliothdanroj: please remove your bot from here00:53
danrojnalioth, my bot is danrobot00:53
naliothdanroj: yes, i know.00:54
danrojnalioth, no00:54
danrojmy bot not exist in this channel00:54
LjLdanroj: tu bot está aqui.00:54
LjLy no lo queremos aqui.00:54
danrojups perdon00:54
danrojno sabia00:54
danrojya lo saco LjL00:55
LjLtambién este canal no es un canal de ayuda para bots00:55
danrojLjL, cual canal?00:57
LjLlo donde somos00:57
no0ticLjL, rispondendo alla tua traduzione, sì, decisamente presa per il culo00:57
=== xq is now known as xq_afk
LjLjpatrick, timido is online02:28
no0ticLjL, he's taking a shower02:29
effie_jayxno0tic, how do you know?02:57
Seeker`you dont want to know02:58
effie_jayxSeeker`, indeed02:58
* effie_jayx just read up02:58
effie_jayxyou guys had fun ?02:58
no0ticare you sure you want to know?02:58
effie_jayxno0tic, about the irc events today...02:59
danrojLjL, sabe de supybot?02:59
effie_jayxdanroj,  ya te dijeron que este no es un canal de soporte para supybots02:59
no0ticdanroj, go ask in #supybot02:59
danrojok thanks03:00
effie_jayxI thought jpatrick  had *taken cared* of danroj03:01
LjLdynamic IP03:01
effie_jayxLjL, can he ban all the last 125 numbers _P03:01
effie_jayxno0tic, I didn't mean "you guys had fun..." in the same fashion as in "how do you know?"... I just read that you had to deal with a new channel being opened and the op not wanting to redirect03:07
effie_jayxthere is animosity towards the #ubuntu-es channel03:07
effie_jayxit's almost as if #ubuntu-es was not ... cool for some of the #kubuntu-es users ... :S03:08
no0ticeffie_jayx, I mainly watched cows passing by03:08
* effie_jayx wonders why03:08
effie_jayxlol @ cow cat walking03:09
BreakageHey, could I get a cloak please? :)06:11
naliothBreakage: i suspect you want #freenode06:22
naliothwhat kind of cloak?06:22
Breakagenalioth: yes #freenode please06:25
Breakagenalioth: hostmask cloak06:26
danrojLjL, que pena me recuerda el comando para mensajes de ChanServ  e una ves lo anoto ?06:27
danrojel k me paso hace rato :D06:27
Breakageif possible :))06:28
danrojjpatrick, hi06:29
jpatrickno0tic: I set that last night ;)12:26
jdavieshmm, does connecting from another nick (linked to another) pick up the modes for the other?13:35
jdavies0/win 1513:35
jdaviesI'm missing my +6u :(13:36
jpatrickLjL: well, no reply from TiMiDo..14:35
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
BreakageHey, could I get a Ubuntu cloak on freenode? Please.17:14
jussi01Breakage: are you an ubuntu member?17:16
BreakageBreakage: On Launchpad?17:16
jussi01Breakage: no, an actual ubuntu member17:16
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember17:16
Breakageoh not yet hold on17:17
jussi01Breakage: it takes a bit. you dont just _get_ membership...17:17
Breakagejussi01: i'll take a look. ah ok :) i'd like to help the community too :)17:17
jussi01Breakage: you can though have an unaffiliated cloak. go ask for that in #freenode17:17
Breakagecould do some xubuntu beta testing.17:18
Breakagejussi01: thanks i'll check out the ubuntu new member page 1st.17:18
=== Breakage is now known as Breakage_
=== Breakage_ is now known as Breakage
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, Vero1 havia dicho: @qué es lo que encontrás?????18:52
silvergryphong'evening, everyone19:33
silvergryphoncould someone help a poor helpless waif lost in this scary world of Gnomes and Grubs ?   (in particular, this Grub that's biting me in the butt)19:33
erUSULsilvergryphon: support in #ubuntu channel19:34
danrojjpatrick, esta?20:14
jpatrickdanroj: si20:14
danrojno repeti nada estaba corrigiendo una palabra y se me fue el enter20:14
danrojsolo fue 2 veces nada mas20:14
danrojmira y veras20:14
jpatrickok, unbanado20:15
jussi01jpatrick: out of curiosity, what is botijo for?20:20
jpatrickbotijo: Spanish ubotu basically20:20
jpatrickjussi01: ^^20:21
danroj /exit20:21
jussi01jpatrick: ahh, cool.20:21
jpatrick@bot > jussi0120:29
jussi01jpatrick: :D20:34
jpatrickjussi01: how do you do that?20:41
jussi01jpatrick: what?20:41
jussi01the she said thing?20:41
jpatrickjussi01: make a bot say something to someone20:41
jussi01jpatrick: the same as you just did...20:41
erUSULbotijo: tell jpatrick about bot20:41
jussi01jpatrick: thats my bot...20:41
jpatrickaaah, now I see20:42
no0ticjpatrick, yes, you can remove the file ;)23:15

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