
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
stgraber@schedule Zurich09:00
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Zurich: 23 Jan 21:00: Edubuntu meeting | 23 Jan 23:30: Forum Council | 24 Jan 00:00: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 21:00: MOTU09:00
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Hobbsee@schedule sydney14:52
ubotuSchedule for Australia/Sydney: 24 Jan 07:00: Edubuntu meeting | 24 Jan 09:30: Forum Council | 24 Jan 10:00: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 23:00: Edubuntu meeting | 02 Feb 07:00: MOTU14:52
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 23 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu meeting | 23 Jan 22:30: Forum Council | 23 Jan 23:00: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 20:00: MOTU15:29
bmk789@schedule EST15:29
ubotuSchedule for EST: 23 Jan 15:00: Edubuntu meeting | 23 Jan 17:30: Forum Council | 23 Jan 18:00: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 07:00: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 15:00: MOTU15:29
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 23 2008, 15:30:03 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 4 hours 29 minutes15:30
=== johnc4511 is now known as johnc4510
Contessaok ..when is 20.00 UTC ?18:39
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 23 2008, 18:39:17 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 1 hour 20 minutes18:39
ContessaI want to make a suggestion ... buts its not easy18:40
Contessaput Rosegarden into Edubuntu18:43
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Edubuntu meeting Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Jan 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 23 Jan 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 20:00 UTC: MOTU
RichEdhi ... who's around for the edubuntu meeting ?20:01
RichEdhi stgraber20:02
stgraberhi RichEd. How are you ?20:02
LaserJockoh, hi20:02
RichEdstgraber: well thanks & yourself ?20:02
RichEdhi pygi20:03
stgraberRichEd: fine, lot of things to do (Looks like it's deadlines time :))20:03
pygiheya RichEd20:03
RichEdjust so you all are aware: "ogra is in London at the distro sprint ... so we'll not have any tech news from him"20:03
RichEdso who wants to give us some tech news from their side20:04
RichEdstgraber: italc ?20:04
stgraberno good news from italc, looks like we have some weird bugs (network related) which are hard to fix20:04
stgraberogra said he'd have a look after the sprint20:04
stgraberbut I really hate that kind of random/arch-specific bugs ...20:04
stgraberso when iTalc works, it works fine and is ready for Edubuntu (I have the ltsp scripts ready here too)20:05
RichEdstgraber: well let's hope ogra can help20:06
stgraberyes ...20:06
LaserJocktoday I dropped rasmol (chemistry app) from the seeds20:06
RichEddo i need to poke him for you, or will you 2 get it sorted ?20:06
stgraberI'll poke him once he's back from London20:06
LaserJockit seems that dynamic menus is still stalled on figuring out a way to edit the menus20:07
RichEdLaserJock: yeah ... ogra said that it could be done manually without a GUI but he said he would not recommend it20:08
stgraberLaserJock: Was it about improving alacarte to support them or create a new GUI for it ?20:08
LaserJockwell, ogra seems to not to want to create a separate GUI20:08
LaserJockbut I can't see how it'd be possible to do it without doing big changes upstream20:09
RichEdso where to from here ? how do we move forward on this20:09
LaserJockthe problem is that just editing the menu is not enough20:09
LaserJockI can call alacarte to edit the menu20:09
LaserJockbut it's kinda hackish20:09
LaserJockand stuff has to be moved around after alacarte is done20:10
LaserJockI honestly wonder if this just needs to be done by Gnome20:11
RichEdstepping back ... there "is work needed on the front end" ... how do we proceed with that ... not the details20:11
RichEdi presume you do not want to tackle it ?20:11
RichEdand if not, is there anyone we can get to manage that ? like if it needs to be done by Gnome, how do we go about speaking to "them"20:12
LaserJockogra didn't seem to want to do a front-end20:13
LaserJockthat it should be handled directly through alacarte20:13
RichEdokay ... so who looks after alacarte ?20:13
LaserJockwell, kinda nobody, but Amaranth is the author20:14
LaserJockI'm not sure how much he wants to hack on it anymore20:14
LaserJockat least this amount20:15
LaserJockit might be better to re-evaluate what are goals are with the dynamic menus and see what users want to get out and what would need to be done20:16
LaserJockI've done sort of a "proof-of-concept" that we can do group-driven menus, but I'm not sure if it's really the kind of thing users are looking for20:17
LaserJocklike, is maybe sabayon a better solution?20:17
LaserJockwhere you're creating whole "profiles" rather than just different menus20:17
RichEddoes ogra have a good reason to use alacarte ?20:18
LaserJockbecause it's the official gnome menu editor20:18
LaserJockit's an existing app20:18
LaserJockbut it was designed to edit user menus20:19
RichEdso do you have any good reason *not* to go with alacarte ?20:19
LaserJockwell, it's not so much of whether to use alacarte or not20:19
RichEdbecause if that is the official supported way to go, then let's go down that road20:19
LaserJockbut rather to do everything we need within alacarte20:19
RichEde.g. would Amaranth be able to suggest a resource ?20:19
LaserJockor to do a "wrapper" around alacarte20:19
LaserJockeither way it's gonna be some work20:21
LaserJocka wrapper would probably take ogra no time20:21
LaserJockbut it's still work20:21
RichEdLaserJock: the point i am trying to get to is to if we can define what work needs to be done on what, we can then start to look for the resource20:23
LaserJockI'll send an email to -devel to start discussion so we can get some feedback20:23
LaserJockRichEd: that's pretty much what I'm saying as well20:23
RichEdi assume there is some kind of "lose community" around alacarte ... more than just amaranth ?20:23
LaserJockI don't think so20:23
LaserJockI could be wrong but I think it's just "there"20:24
LaserJockI think Gnome devs will fix bugs, but as far as adding new features I don't know that we'd get much20:24
LaserJockbut I could be wrong, I haven't asked20:24
RichEdwell "Gnome devs" may have access to or knowledge of people who *may* want to help20:25
RichEdso can we get a request going at least ?20:25
LaserJockwell, like I said, I think we need to maybe evaluate/discuss if that's what we want to do first20:25
LaserJockbut I'm thinking that dynamic menuing is best handled upstream as much as possible20:26
RichEdokay ... so where upsteam ? who ?20:26
LaserJockso a "heah, this is what we'd like to do, anybody interested or got any suggestions?" to Gnome20:26
LaserJockbroadly Gnome20:27
RichEdLaserJock: can't hurt can it ?20:27
LaserJockseb128 might have some good idea20:27
RichEda mail and a chat in their channel20:27
RichEdso give me a little speclet via email, and i'll ping seb128 in canonical tomorrow20:27
LaserJockI've got another little thing but it's art related20:30
LaserJockso if you want to move on20:30
RichEdanyone else with tech ?20:31
RichEdotherwise LaserJock can move onto the art ...20:31
RichEdgo for it LaserJock20:32
LaserJockthere is a new project on Launchpad20:34
LaserJockcalled Ubuntoon20:34
LaserJockit's goal is to make an Ubuntu-ized version of Gartoon/GNUtoon icons20:34
* RichEd loads ...20:35
LaserJockI was able to adapt the Gartoon packaging and got a working package done20:35
LaserJockI think it might be worth considering using these icons for Hardy20:35
stgraberHow complete is the iconset ?20:36
LaserJockmuch more complete than Gartoon20:36
LaserJockwhich is one of the issues I think in the past20:36
LaserJockthe author is also fairly active and *buntu-centric20:37
LaserJockso if we need icons we maybe have somebody to go to20:37
RichEdwell it would be nice to have a new! look & feel for 8.04 since it is LTS it will be around for a whiler20:38
LaserJocklong-term Cory Kontros (_MMA_) is looking at "freshening" up the edubuntu artwork packaging20:39
stgraberyes especially if it's more complete than the previous one20:39
LaserJockhe created https://edge.launchpad.net/edubuntu-look20:39
LaserJockand made the edubuntu-artwork LP team driver20:39
LaserJockso there is a bzr branch that holds the artwork20:39
LaserJockI'm not sure the whole thing would be ready for Hardy unless some people want to pitch in as Cory is the Ubuntu Studio lead20:40
LaserJockbut it's there anyway20:40
_MMA_yo :P20:41
stgraberhi _MMA_20:41
LaserJockah, there he is now :-)20:41
LaserJock_MMA_: I was just telling everybody about edubuntu-look and ubuntoon20:41
RichEdLaserJock: so at the risk of being repetitive ;) how do we proceed20:42
_MMA_I meant to be here. I watching a dtrace Google vid. :P20:42
LaserJockRichEd: well, I'd like to get ogra's opinion, but personally I think we can just finish the package, get it in Universe quickly and then do a MIR to get it into Main if it's Hardy ready20:42
LaserJockI think the icons are basically ready, with the exception of maybe wanting to get .pngs (there are only .svgs right now)20:43
* _MMA_ wants to mention that his effort is casual for now but if help comes can give edubuntu-look and Ubuntoon more love.20:43
RichEdand are there people to help complete it in time ?20:44
_MMA_LaserJock: Correct. The guy doing all the work wanted to do all that. But, are useful as is.20:44
stgraberDid you contact ubuntu-art ?20:44
stgraberWe had some of them work on some icons/logos for the QA Website with impressive speed and quality20:45
LaserJockstgraber: there was a thread about Edubuntu artwork in general20:45
LaserJocknot yet about the icons in particular20:45
LaserJocka couple of Ubuntu-art people joined ~edubuntu-artwork20:45
LaserJockwhich I cleaned out the other day20:45
stgraberAs RichEd said, LTS will be there for years so we should have the icons turned on as soon as possible (even if the iconset is not complete) so people can have a look and give us some feedback20:46
RichEdLaserJock: can we get a work plan set up to help get it done in time ?20:47
LaserJockwell, I think getting the icons uploaded to Universe ASAP would be good20:47
LaserJockRichEd: yeah20:47
LaserJocklet me write some emails to -devel, but I *want* people to respond :-)20:48
_MMA_Besides Jordan, who has built and used 'em?20:48
LaserJocknobody that I know20:48
stgraberLaserJock: yes, then once the package is in universe we can ask for feedback (edubuntu-users ?), then if it gets good feedback do the MIR and turn it on by default20:49
LaserJockI can throw up some quick package on a ~ubuntu-artwork PPA20:49
_MMA_stgraber: The set is pretty complete. Its just that all SVG sets can take a little more to render the icons.20:49
_MMA_So PNGs are used also.20:49
LaserJockI think we can get pngs before Hardy is out though20:49
_MMA_Thats what upstream wants to add.20:49
_MMA_LaserJock: Its not just a simple matter of converting the SVGs to PNG. Some icons dont look correct when scaled down very small.20:50
stgraber_MMA_: can't the .png just be generated from the .svg when building the package ?20:50
_MMA_22x22 and below usually.20:50
stgraberhehe, you answered the second before I posted the question :)20:50
LaserJock_MMA_: yeah, but we should be able to get it mostly done by Hardy is out no?20:51
_MMA_Well I havnt received a email back from upstream yet. I emailed him after we set up the Project.20:51
_MMA_The set as is needs testing.20:52
_MMA_He told me there are some Evolution issues.20:52
_MMA_Also something tied to needed .pngs.20:52
LaserJockin any case, first step is to get it into Universe20:52
LaserJocklet people test it out20:52
LaserJockthen we can decide whether default or not20:52
_MMA_Honestly I dont feel its ready for all that.20:53
stgraberI can give it a try as soon as it's in universe or a clean PPA20:53
stgraberok, then the group's PPA20:53
_MMA_I wouldnt put it in Universe till the pngs are there.20:53
LaserJock_MMA_: ok, well how about putting a package up on ~edubuntu-artwork PPA?20:54
stgraberLaserJock: when is the universe new package freeze ? (same time as FF ?)20:54
sorenstgraber: Yes.20:54
LaserJockstgraber: yep20:54
_MMA_LaserJock: If you can rename your branch to "ubuntu" and set the driver to the edubuntu-art team that would be great. Or another appropriate team.20:55
LaserJock_MMA_: did you push that renaming of that python icon?20:56
LaserJockanyway, that's some artwork stuff20:56
_MMA_I believe so. Lemmie look.20:56
LaserJockI'll get a package up to PPA and send an email20:56
LaserJockRichEd: moving on?20:58
RichEdyep ...20:58
RichEdwebsites ?20:58
RichEdpips1 ?20:58
RichEdno highvoltage tonight20:58
RichEdlooks like no pips1 either :( last seen in edubuntu saying:20:59
RichEd<RichEd> == edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 3 mins ===20:59
RichEd<pygi> oh noes :P20:59
RichEdoops that was pygi not pips1 :/20:59
pygiwhat's up with me? :)21:00
RichEdgot you mixed up with pips1 ;)21:00
sorenEr... There's a server team meeting in -21 seconds.21:00
LaserJockI think I still might try building an HTML version of the Handbook that we can put up on edubuntu.org21:00
soren(read: now)21:00
RichEdokay ... we are more or less done21:00
LaserJocksoren: pffft Server Team  ;-)21:00
sorenAnd there seems to be a Forum Council meeting in half an hour, so I'm afraid we can't just wait for you guys to finish.21:00
* soren kicks LaserJock 21:01
sorenIn a nice way, of course :)21:01
* pygi makes soren and LaserJock behave21:01
RichEdLaserJock / stgraber I'll lurk in @edubuntu for 10 mins if you have more stuff to chat about21:01
RichEdthanks all from edubuntu21:01
* LaserJock tells soren to take a card21:01
* RichEd makes way for the server team21:01
sorenLaserJock: Talking!21:01
* soren hands LaserJock a card21:01
* ajmitch waves at soren 21:01
sommerhey all21:02
zulnow serving number 2221:02
* nijaba wonders if that is a penalty card21:02
pips1RichEd: pong21:02
sorenHey, ajmitch.21:02
ivokslooks like new meeting time is great... all the good people are here21:02
zulhi ajmitch21:02
* mathiaz waves 21:02
zulhey dendrobates21:02
* zul dodges toys thrown at him21:03
mathiazall right - let's get started then21:04
MootBotMeeting started at 21:04. The chair is mathiaz.21:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:04
* jdstrand waves21:04
mathiazToday's agenda is... minimal21:04
mathiazanyone wants to add something to the agenda ?21:05
nealmcbgood thing - I have to leave in 25 minutes21:05
dendrobatescan we get an update on ruby?21:05
dendrobatesif anyone is here, who's working on  it.21:05
mathiazdendrobates: I don't think that the people who are working on it are around21:06
pygiit's always like that :P21:07
leonelPostgreSQL  maybe released before march  and  hardy feature freeze will be on  feb 14   is there any chance to include  PostgreSQL 8.3  once is released ??21:07
sorenWe plan to switch even before then.21:07
mathiazleonel: yes - pitti has done it today21:07
jdstrandit's in debian sid21:07
sorenAnd by "switch" we mean move 8.2 to universe and 8.3 to main.21:07
sorenand make the postgresql metapackage depend on 8.3.21:08
leonelGreat !21:08
sorenIf it turns out that there are major issues (we doubt it, but you never know), we'll switch back.21:08
soren..but this way we get a lot of testing done, so I think it's all good.21:08
jdstrandapparently there has already been a long beta/rc cycle21:08
leonelif there's any thing to test  just let me know21:09
jdstrandso hopefully not too much21:09
jdstranduh-- in terms of bugs, not testing ;)21:09
mathiazleonel: the new package should hit the repository in the next days21:09
leonelmathiaz: the  RC2 ?21:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/release-8-3.html21:10
jdstrandrc2 yes21:10
jdstrandwe'll merge from sid21:10
mathiazso let's move on21:11
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting.21:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting.21:11
mathiazThe previous minutes can logs can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008011621:11
mathiazsommer: nijaba: quick status about JeOS ?21:12
nijabaarticle was publihed on the 18th21:12
mathiazwill the tutorial be in the server guide ?21:12
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.linux-mag.com/id/482921:12
sommercongrats on the article21:12
sommerthat was cool to see it published21:12
nijabasoren, 3mo from now, we can do whatever we want with it21:12
mathiaznijaba: hum-- so that's after hardy is released21:13
mathiaznijaba: well - it's one day before the release21:14
nijabasoren, that should be fine then21:14
sommerI love it when a plan comes together :)21:14
mathiaznijaba: I don't know as it will be publicly available before21:14
* nijaba hates autocomplete21:15
nijabamathiaz: on the we or on file in the cd ?21:15
mathiaznijaba: OTOH the server guide won't be on the help.ubuntu.com before that.21:15
mathiaznijaba: both21:15
nijabawhat counts is web publication, I think21:15
mathiaznijaba: it may be on doc.ubuntu.com, which may present the developpement version of the documentation21:15
mathiaznijaba: well - it'd be in a bzr tree21:16
sommerwe can always pull it out of the guide and replace it later21:16
nijababzr is fine21:16
mathiazsommer: that has to be done before documentation freeze21:16
mathiazsommer: and then it cannot be added just one day before release21:16
nijabalet's put it there...  we'll see ig the editor complains21:16
sommermathiaz: gotcha, may be easier to simply remove the html files after the site is built then21:17
mathiazwe could always say that it's a developpement version and it hasn't a widespread usage21:17
* nealmcb nods21:17
mathiazsoren: can you post the link to your blog post about virtualization ?21:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://warma.dk/blog/article/86/21:18
dendrobatesI have also asked soren to do a uwn interview about kvm.21:18
mathiazsoren: so you've opted for a wiki page on w.u.c ?21:19
dendrobatesboredandblogging: can you contact soren about it?21:19
boredandbloggingdendrobates: sure21:19
sorenmathiaz: Ask apposed to?21:19
sorenmathiaz: Er... "As opposed to?"21:19
nealmcbsoren: great cake - such a wife!  http://www.warma.dk/blog/article/85/21:19
sorennealmcb: It tasted even more awesome than it looked :)21:20
mathiaz[ACTION] soren will do an uwn interview about virtualization. boredandblogging will get in touch with soren about it.21:20
MootBotACTION received:  soren will do an uwn interview about virtualization. boredandblogging will get in touch with soren about it.21:20
nealmcbMr Hansen, I'm sorry to inform you that Canonical is forced to let you go due to trademark infringement....21:20
mathiazsoren: I thought you would actually document everything in your blog post.21:21
nijabanealmcb: that was a piece of cake21:21
sorenmathiaz: Oh. No, no.21:21
mathiazsoren: anyway - it's great to have something.21:21
sorenmathiaz: That way *I*'d have to do all the work.21:21
sorenNow I can blame everyone else for not improving it.21:21
* sommer has started a virtualization section21:21
mathiazsommer: how do you plan to integrate that in the server guide ?21:21
sommermathiaz: good question, still working on that part21:22
nijabaI think we need ubuntu-vm-builder document in there21:22
sommerI don't have hardware to support kvm so I was going to start with qemu21:22
nealmcbsommer: it will be good to have it tested both ways21:22
sommerand document that using the virt-manager etc21:22
sommernealmcb: sure, if others can submit docs on specifics to kvm, that'd be awesome21:23
mathiaznijaba: that would be based on your JeOS tutorial ?21:23
nealmcbnijaba: indeed!21:23
nijabathe tuto would have to be modified a bit, I think21:23
nijababut first we need to finish this script21:24
nealmcbhas a name been decided for the script?21:24
mathiazSo IIUC the virtualization section in the server guide would be based on the KvmVirtManagerEtc wiki page and the JeOS tutorial ?21:24
nijabaand soren just gave me the missing part so that I can finish the partioning I want to put there21:24
* nealmcb wonders if it should really be in python, but is feeling lazy....21:25
nijabawhy?  bash is good enough...21:25
sorenbash is ok. It just needs to cleaned up. A lot.21:26
zulwith python you can probably hook in the libvirt stuff to make it easier21:26
nealmcbit would be easier to hook into other stuff (and vice versa) in python21:26
sorenzul: that's *real* easy from bash as well.21:26
zulsoren: :)21:26
sorenzul: virsh provides almost all the same hooks as the python bindings.21:26
mathiaznealmcb: any news about the factoid about ebox ?21:27
nealmcbmathiaz: that was done last week21:27
nealmcban hour after the meeting21:27
ubotuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec21:27
mathiaznealmcb: great ! :)21:27
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:27
nealmcband I updated the roadmap then also21:28
* nijaba hugs nealmcb21:28
nealmcbif folks run across other FAQs that we want factoids for, let me know21:28
nealmcbfaqtoids?  sounds ugly...21:28
nealmcbnijaba: :-)21:29
sommerheh, kind of like those old dominos commercials21:29
sommerI think that was "the noid"21:29
nealmcbAs long as I do the hard work on the factoids, I expect you all to do that simple virtualization and documentation stuff :-)21:29
mathiazIs there anything else related to last week's meeting ?21:29
* nealmcb has to run now to the dentist :-)21:30
sommerheard back about the Apache SSL thing21:30
zuljust the xen roadmap addition but i havent got a cahance yet21:30
sommerthey're going to wait for SNI support21:30
mathiaz[ACTION] zul will add a section in the Roadmap to Xen in hardy.21:30
MootBotACTION received:  zul will add a section in the Roadmap to Xen in hardy.21:30
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap.21:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap.21:31
mathiazsommer: so what's the state of Apache SSL ?21:31
mathiazsommer: there are two things - SNI support and default SSL Configuration21:31
nijabaI just put a spec for SNI support21:32
MootBotLINK received:  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=26747721:32
ubotuDebian bug 267477 in apache2 "ssl: some easy way to set up an ssl server (as apache-ssl package in apache 1)" [Important,Open]21:32
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
sommerthe reply was they wanted to wait for SSL Server Name Indication support21:32
* nijaba just realized that he opened a duplicate bug in debian...21:32
sommerI think there was a recent bug about backporting the features as well, but I don't have a link21:32
mathiazsommer: yes - there's a bug in LP about SNI support21:33
mathiazsommer: It's linked to an upstream bug in apache where there is a patch to enable SNI for apache2.2.21:33
sommermathiaz: gotcha, so are we going to wait for SNI as well, or patch our own?21:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184131 in apache2 "Apache 2.2 SNI support" [Unknown,Confirmed]21:34
mathiazsommer: I'd have a look at the patch attached to the upstream bug and check if we can integrate it in our package.21:34
MootBotLINK received:  http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3460721:35
mathiazit seems that it has already been applied to the 2.4 branch.21:35
sommermathiaz: cool21:36
mathiazsommer: if it isn't a too invasive patch, it'd be great.21:36
mathiazsommer: the earlier we get it into hardy, the more testing can be done21:36
sommeranything I can help with?21:36
* sommer is a daily user of apache21:37
mathiazone option would be to provide an apache2.2 package in a PPA with the SNI patch applied21:37
mathiazand ask users to test it with different browsers21:37
sommercool, that would have to be done by the 14th, correct?21:38
mathiazsommer: yes.21:38
dendrobatesmathiaz: it is worth trying.21:39
dendrobatesbut we need a way defined for users to report results.21:39
mathiazdendrobates: I'd send an email on ubuntu-server and ask people to install it and test it.21:40
sommermight not want to wait on me for that, I'm not sure how much time I can commit... plus still learning packaging21:40
mathiazdendrobates: do you think about having a more extensive test coverage (such as which browser, platform) have been tested ?21:40
dendrobatesmathiaz: that seems like a good idea21:41
mathiazdendrobates: I can upload an apache2 package to my PPA, and setup a wiki page to track the testing.21:42
sommermathiaz: I have time to help test21:42
dendrobatesmathiaz: ok21:43
mathiazsommer: great !21:43
nijabaivoks: are you still planning on doing the MIR for drdb?21:43
ivoksnijaba: i wanted to disccus that...21:43
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz will upload an apache2 package with SNI enabled to his PPA and organise the test plan.21:43
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz will upload an apache2 package with SNI enabled to his PPA and organise the test plan.21:43
ivoksnijaba: it requires patching the kernel, and the upstream isn't very happy with drbd's patches for kernel21:44
mathiazSo let's move on to the MIR process21:44
ivoksnijaba: bottom line; there's an effort to move drbd into vanilla kernel, and i doubt we will see drbd in vanilla kernel before 2.6.2821:45
nijabaivoks: so that makes a good case for rejecting it21:45
ivoksnijaba: i'm afraid so, yes...21:45
zulivoks: is there a kernel patch for 2.6.24?21:45
mathiazivoks: can you update the wiki page, specify the reason for the rejection ?21:45
ivokszul: there is21:46
ivokszul: but according to lkml, there's some work to be done before patch is accepted21:46
nijabaOTOH, I feel quite surprised by bacula and rsnapshot rejection by fabio21:47
zulif its really important we can try to get it included into linux-ubuntu-modules and wait for upsream21:47
nijabacould someone have another look at these 2 packages?21:47
mathiazivoks: does the patch require modification to core parts of the kernel ?21:47
ivoksmathiaz: iirc, not, it's just an addition21:48
ivoksmathiaz: it would be great to have it... suse includes drbd21:48
mathiazivoks: so it would just go in u-module21:48
mathiazzul, soren: how easy it is to get something in ubuntu-modules ?21:48
zulthe i can get the url and submit a patch to the kernel team then21:48
zulmathiaz: pretty easy ive done it a couple of times before21:49
ivokszul: then, i'll come up with a patch, and you could work from there?21:49
zulivoks: sure just send me a url or something21:49
ivokszul: ok, tomorrow ;)21:50
mathiazzul: so even if lkml is not so happy with the state of the patch, the kernel team doesn't care so much ?21:50
mathiaz[ACTION] ivoks will send a link to the zul for the drbd patch.21:50
MootBotACTION received:  ivoks will send a link to the zul for the drbd patch.21:50
zulwell they do care but if its an external module then its easier to get intclude (ie: driver)21:51
zulill talk to BenC21:51
zulif its a large patch then its less likely21:51
mathiaz[ACTION] zul will contact BenC to see if the drbd module could be included in ubuntu-modules.21:52
MootBotACTION received:  zul will contact BenC to see if the drbd module could be included in ubuntu-modules.21:52
mathiazThere were a couple of package that were rejected (bacula, rsnapshot, arpwatch) by fabio.21:52
mathiazWhat should we do about them21:53
ivoksi'm surprised for bacula rejection :)21:53
dendrobateszul: will you review those packages to see if you agree with fabio?21:53
nijabacould someon have a second look at that?21:53
mathiazivoks: it's not a rejection by the MIR team, but fabio that said it wasn't worth21:54
ivoksi know...21:54
zuldendrobates: sure21:54
mathiazivoks: but fabio has a good understanding of the procedure, so the issues he raised will probably be raised by the MIR review team21:54
sommerby unmaintained upstream that's debian correct? not the individual project?21:54
mathiaz[ACTION] zul will look into the rejected MIR (bacula, rsnapshot, arpwatch)21:55
MootBotACTION received:  zul will look into the rejected MIR (bacula, rsnapshot, arpwatch)21:55
zulsommer: for example mtx the package was 4 years old in universe21:55
zuluntil recently21:56
mathiazthere are 6 packages left that haven't a MIR written21:56
zulill go through them as well21:56
mathiaz[ACTION] zul will go through the rest of the packages on the ServerPackageReview list.21:57
MootBotACTION received:  zul will go through the rest of the packages on the ServerPackageReview list.21:57
mathiazdendrobates: could you give a quick update about the Windows auth integration ?21:57
dendrobatesmathiaz: yes21:58
dendrobatesthe gui has recently been changed to gtk, it is being repackaged now and will be in universe next week.21:58
dendrobatesThere has been a bit more work involved than I origianlly hoped.21:59
mathiazIs there any plan for testing ?22:00
dendrobatesstill no manpages though.22:00
dendrobatescenteris is running a test suite  currently, and when it is uploaded I will send a message to the mailing list asking for testing.22:00
mathiazdendrobates: great !22:01
mathiazdendrobates: what's the state of the ldap client integration ?22:01
dendrobatesit has not been worked on because Jerry has been busy with likewise problems.22:02
dendrobatesbut, we are planning a face to face to try to get it done.22:02
dendrobatesas well as other things.22:02
mathiazon the server front, openldap 2.4 should be uploaded to debian real soon now.22:02
dendrobatesmathiaz: already done22:03
mathiazonce it has been uploaded, all the packages that depend on it need to be rebuilt22:03
dendrobatesmigration has been started22:03
mathiazdendrobates: great. steve is working on getting the package rebuilt ?22:03
sorenhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/net/slapd http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/openldap2.322:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/net/slapd http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/openldap2.322:04
dendrobatesmost is already done.22:04
sorenIt says 2.3, but it *is* 2.4.22:04
sorenIt makes transitioning loads easier.22:04
zulcan we get the limks updated on the roadmap dor bug triaging  ldap then?22:05
zulwhen it is available of course22:06
mathiazzul: well - it still points to openldap2.2.22:06
sorenmathiaz: Eh? What does?22:06
mathiazzul: may be we should have list of links for all the openldap packages22:06
mathiazsoren: on the roadmap22:06
mathiazsoren: under the triager corner.22:07
sorenI need links so I can click on them.22:07
mathiazsoren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap#head-f98ade0ed42e24e574acc3b0f89d377b25d2be4b22:07
* nijaba think that playing with is phone is what he really wants22:08
sorenI'll update the link.22:08
mathiaz[ACTION] soren to update the links to the openldap bugs queries.22:08
MootBotACTION received:  soren to update the links to the openldap bugs queries.22:08
mathiazsoren: did you think about LTS upgrade tracking ?22:09
sorenThat's it.22:10
mathiazsoren: did your thought get translated into a wiki page ?22:10
dendrobatessoren: talk to mvo to sync with his lts upgrade work.22:10
sorenmathiaz: I didn't check :)22:10
mathiazsoren: hum.. you may check w.u.c - strange things happen there sometime ;)22:11
sorenmathiaz: So they say :)22:11
sorenmathiaz: I'll talk to mvo tomorrow and we'll hash something out.22:11
mathiaz[ACTION] soren will share his ideas about LTS upgrade tracking with mvo22:11
MootBotACTION received:  soren will share his ideas about LTS upgrade tracking with mvo22:11
dendrobatessoren: tell us the state of KVM22:12
sorenIt works, bitches.22:12
dendrobatesI concur22:13
sorenI've just updated it to kvm 60 (which got released today).22:13
sorenAnd got the virtio stuff into the kernel which will be uploaded tomorrow.22:13
sorenThis means that all I/O inside kvm will be massively faster.22:14
mathiazsoren: did you send an email on ubuntu-server about getting kvm tested ?22:14
dendrobatescan we get the interview in uwn first?22:14
sorenlibvirt, virtmanager and virtinst will need to support this cleverly as well. I've done most of libvirt for it already, and will continue upwards in the stack afterwards.22:14
dendrobatesand then send to the list later that day?22:14
sorenmathiaz: Er... Crap. No. I blogged, but no e-mail to the list.22:15
mathiazdendrobates: that's a better idea actually - the coverage should be bigger.22:15
mathiazsoren: any news on the JeOS front ?22:16
sorenSince last meeting?22:17
sorenYeah, I think I fixed lvm2 support in the installer.22:17
soren\o/ Go me.22:17
* nijaba hugs soren for this :)22:17
sorenWell... All the virtio stuff counts as Jeos advancements as well, i guess.22:17
zulyou are my hero ;)22:18
ubuntugeeksoren: any plans on putting the lsi scsi driver into jeos so its usable on vmware esx?22:18
sorenI'm 62.3% sure it's already there.22:18
* soren checks22:18
ubuntugeekIn the 7.10 version?22:19
sorenEr.. No.22:19
sorenEr... and no :)22:20
ubuntugeekhrm.. :)22:20
sorenHrm... I told someone to do that ages ago.22:20
sorenAdded to my todo list.22:21
ubuntugeekHere is the thing, making jeos work in vmware server is great. But the lsi scsi support is vital to vmware esx22:21
ubuntugeekgood to hear it!22:21
dendrobatesmathiaz: make that an action22:21
mathiaz[ACTION] soren will follow up on getting lsi scsi support in JeOS22:21
MootBotACTION received:  soren will follow up on getting lsi scsi support in JeOS22:21
mathiazivoks: what the state of dovecot/postfix/sasl integration ?22:22
ivokswell, it's stalled22:22
ivoksi prepared everything for tasksel, but now it turns out that it could be better to do it inside of packages22:22
mathiazivoks: did you talk with lamont after the replies you've received on ubuntu-devel ?22:23
ivoksno, not yet22:23
* lamont is sorta-here22:23
ivokslamont: then fire up :)22:23
lamontkinda heads down for another 15 min or so.... maybe after meeting?22:23
mathiazyop - better that way22:24
ivokslamont: could you just reply to messages about postfix/dovecot on ubuntu-server mailing list?22:24
mathiazwe've got 5 mns left22:24
mathiazAnything else to add ?22:24
dendrobatessoren:  have you about how to present kvm in the installer22:24
sorendendrobates: I'm hoping to not have to deal with it at all.22:25
sorendendrobates: In the sense that everything should automagically Just Work[tm].22:25
mathiazdendrobates: do you suggest to add a task to tasksel ?22:25
sorendendrobates: So far, that plans is looking to come together.22:25
zulgood luck with that [tm]22:25
dendrobateshow about a tasksel for kvm22:25
sorenI might add a "Virtualisation node" task or something like that.22:26
mathiazok - time is running out.22:26
sorenwhich includes libvirt-bin and all that jazz.22:26
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time.22:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time.22:27
mathiazEveryone is fine with the new schedule ?22:27
mathiazsame time, same place, next week ?22:27
sommerI like it22:27
mathiazwell - sold then !22:28
mathiazsee ya next week. Thank you all for joining22:28
nijabathanks for charing mathiaz22:29
sommerlater all22:29
jdstrandthanks mathiaz :)22:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 22:29.22:29
vorianhey there k-mandla22:29
PriceChildWhat impeccable timing 8-)22:30
ubuntugeekhowdu fella's22:30
k-mandlahello everybody! my first meeting :D22:30
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Forum Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Jan 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 30 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 20:00 UTC: MOTU
PriceChildk-mandla, still no joy on the "real" irc connection?22:30
k-mandlano, it's got to be my isp or proprietary router. rsync, etc. don't work either. no biggie22:30
forumsmatthewubuntugeek, it looks like Mike won't be able to make it22:31
forumsmatthewheard anything about Kiwi?22:31
ubuntugeekforumsmatthew: yeah I seen that22:31
PriceChildk-mandla, ssh?22:31
ubuntugeekforumsmatthew: Nope it might just be us :)22:31
vorianand jdong is practicing for the Olympics22:31
forumsmatthewcould be worse22:31
forumsmatthewdecisions go faster without all that talking22:31
xavieranwelcome back dn22:31
k-mandlaPriceChild, I haven't tried that yet, but it never gets in the way too much, so i don't fiddle with it much22:32
vorianok, here is the glorious agenda22:32
ubuntugeekLight agenda :)22:32
forumsmatthewwow, it's blank22:32
forumsmatthewany thing you want to bring up ubuntugeek22:33
vorianthere needs to be some finalization on tutorials22:33
vorianwhich is why k-mandla is here i believe22:33
ubuntugeekNot much really we need to look at the stuff kmandla posted in the staff area about tutorials22:33
k-mandlayeah, i couldn't edit it for my stuff22:33
ubuntugeeki'll post it here22:33
forumsmatthewthat is why we need you, vorian22:33
ubuntugeek   1. Tutorials must follow the Code of Conduct.22:33
ubuntugeek   2. Downloadable scripts or debs are not tutorials.22:33
ubuntugeek   3. Tutorials should be written to the level of a complete Linux newcomer.22:33
ubuntugeek   4. Tutorials should be formatted for ease of reading, including code boxes, step-by-step instructions and screenshots where appropriate.22:34
ubuntugeek   5. A link to an offsite tutorial or blog post is not a tutorial.22:34
ubuntugeek   6. Tutorials must be written in clear, proper English.22:34
ubuntugeek   7. Tutorials must be complete.22:34
ubuntugeek   8. Tutorials may not be copy-and-pasted from outside sources.22:34
ubuntugeek   9. Tutorials must offer a way of reverting the changes.22:34
ubuntugeek  10. Authors must support their tutorials.22:34
ubuntugeek  11. Tutorials must explain how they were tested, and under what conditions.22:34
ubuntugeek  12. Tutorials must include outside references or credit outside sources, when appropriate.22:34
k-mandlai can expand upon those when theyre posted to the forum22:34
ubuntugeekI think its a pretty good start22:34
forumsmatthewI think that is great! I prefer having short, easy to read and understand rules22:35
forumsmatthewyou can expand in a follow up post22:35
k-mandlaithought examples might be a good idea, just to fully illustrate and maybe help if there's any problems later22:35
k-mandlaforumsmatthew, that's true22:35
forumsmatthewthat's a good idea, k-mandla22:35
ubuntugeekYeah I agree22:36
forumsmatthewhow would you like to do this? sticky post at the top of the tutorial forum?22:36
ubuntugeekYeah +122:37
vorianperfecto :)22:37
HymnToLifeNote to self: check the meetings calendar more often22:37
forumsmatthewgreetings, HymnToLife22:37
HymnToLifehi :)22:37
k-mandlahi! :)22:37
xavieranwelcome back HymnToLife22:38
forumsmatthewokay, k-mandla, will you take the lead on this? just let us know in the staff forum as things get going and when/if/how you wnat/need help22:38
k-mandlasure. i'm on it.22:38
k-mandlashould be easy. i'll do it today.22:39
ubuntugeekgood deal thanks kmandla22:39
forumsmatthewgreat. thank you!22:39
vorianawesome k-mandla :)22:39
k-mandlano problem22:39
ubuntugeekvorian: lets make sure to add to the next meeting what Mike found out about the FC approving members22:39
vorianokay ubuntugeek22:40
forumsmatthewand maybe a note to yourself to remind him about a week before that meeting22:40
ubuntugeek:) heh22:40
forumsmatthewhe's had a lot on his mind lately22:40
voriani think its a CC matter at the time being22:40
vorianthey are going to break up the membership process into teams22:40
forumsmatthewubuntugeek, did you want to talk about potential staff additions here?22:41
forumsmatthewor was our conversation earlier adequate22:41
forumsmatthewin the forums22:41
ubuntugeekWe can sure22:41
forumsmatthewthese are the people that were mentioned http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66765422:42
vorianhere is the compiled list22:42
ubuntugeekI think they are all good IMO.. I was going to start contacting people this week.22:43
forumsmatthewThis one hasn't been active for 3 weeks, so we can probably take his name out of contention http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=4882322:43
forumsmatthewotherwise, I think they all look very promising22:43
ubuntugeekGood deal!22:43
forumsmatthewdo you want help with contacting people?22:44
xavieranwelcome back k-mandla22:44
forumsmatthewk-mandla, lol22:44
voriani numbered each candidate on this post22:45
vorianjust now22:45
ubuntugeekSure,   i'll take 1-5 you take 6-1122:45
ubuntugeeksince vorian was nice enough to number it :)22:45
forumsmatthewubuntugeek, great. Will do.22:45
ubuntugeekgood deal!22:45
PriceChildWhat are you taking them for? You're contacting them all?!22:46
forumsmatthewOh, except for number 9, who I just mentioned hasn't been active for a while...I'll reconsider if that changes shortly22:46
vorianPriceChild: we are facing an LTS :P22:46
forumsmatthewPC: yep22:46
vorianand KDE422:46
vorianwe'll need all the help we can get :P22:46
forumsmatthewand we have a lot of mods that aren't as active as they used to be22:46
PriceChildHehe I'm getting scared about #ubuntu :D22:46
ubuntugeek2008 will only bring more growth to the forums we need to staff up22:47
forumsmatthewand some will likely say, "no, but thank you"22:47
forumsmatthewGet ready to start seeing "welcome to <staff member>" threads in the staff forum22:48
ubuntugeekAnyone have anything else to add?22:48
forumsmatthewI don't have anything22:48
ubuntugeekI hope to start testing vb 3.7 very soon.22:48
voriangreat jorb on the thank you system u-g22:48
forumsmatthewunless you want to reconsider forum software again22:48
PriceChildubuntugeek, any news on its release?22:48
ubuntugeekvorian: :) I need to finish that up.22:49
forumsmatthewDoh! I type too slow sometimes22:49
forumsmatthewseriously, the thank you think rocks!22:49
k-mandlai had my doubts but it's actually quite nice22:50
ubuntugeekI am pretty excited about some of the new stuff in vb3.722:50
forumsmatthewif there's nothing else, we can give the Kubuntu guys the channel a few minutes early22:50
ubuntugeekI think the social groups will be a really cool thing22:50
ubuntugeekI am all set for t his month..22:50
forumsmatthewthat will be interesting22:51
forumsmatthewI"m looking forward to all the new toys in 3.722:51
PriceChildI'm looking forward to the inline spam bits.22:51
ubuntugeekyep for sure !22:52
ubuntugeekI'll setup a test forum this week for us to start testing22:52
vorianshall we set a date for the next meeting?22:52
forumsmatthewthis time works well for me22:53
ubuntugeekNext month same time?22:53
vorianFeb 20th?22:53
forumsmatthewI have some local stuff going on Feb 19-21 and won't be available22:53
forumsmatthewthe rest of the month looks good22:53
vorianfeb 13th22:53
ubuntugeek13th works22:53
forumsmatthewgood for me22:53
voriani'll send the warning :)22:54
forumsmatthewthank you22:54
vorianno problemo22:54
vorianany other topics?22:55
forumsmatthewnone here22:55
ubuntugeekthanks all!22:55
vorianthanks everyone22:55
forumsmatthewthank you!22:55
voriank-mandla rocks!22:55
mhbthe time has come22:57
* apachelogger quits kwrite22:58
apacheloggerhey kwwii22:58
jussi01hey all22:58
apacheloggerahoy jussi0122:59
cheguevarahi everyone22:59
mhbgreetings everyone22:59
RiddellGood evening friends23:00
* apachelogger waves23:00
Riddellcoming to you live tonight over the water from Canonical Tower23:00
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 20:00 UTC: MOTU
Riddellto my left is MI5 and to might right is MI6 so don't say anything naughty23:01
kwwiilet's make this quick, the bar is calling :-)23:01
Riddellthere's a couple of items on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings23:01
apacheloggeryet again he is making me jealous :S23:01
jussi01and my bed!23:01
Riddellnixternal about?23:01
Riddellotherwise i don't think we have quorum23:01
Riddelldo we have any memberships?23:02
seeleoh, meeting started23:02
* seele waves23:02
RiddellGuillaumeMartres about?23:02
Riddellit's smarter23:03
Riddelland he's not about23:03
nosredna_ekimok.... I'll go for membership :)23:03
RiddellI did try this with the k-d-s upload today but it didn't work23:03
Riddellif someone wants to work out how to set the wallpaper in plasma from k-d-s that would be very welcome23:03
Riddellnosredna_ekim: do you have a wiki page?23:03
apacheloggerRiddell: I think the wallpaper might as well not be possible23:04
apacheloggerit is pretty new code IIRC23:04
nosredna_ekimumm... never mind.. I just read what I needed prepared, i'll wait till next time and get that stuff in order23:04
Riddellapachelogger: why not?  plasma can set it23:04
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, just to set it properly ;-)23:04
apacheloggerwell, I'll have a look at it23:04
Riddellnosredna_ekim: write yourself a wiki page and I can look it over when you like23:04
Riddellapachelogger: thanks23:05
RiddellHaraldSitter had a topic23:05
* apachelogger raises his hand23:05
apacheloggeractually a lot of them :D23:05
mornfall(I may have a topic as well. But in order.)23:05
apacheloggeron https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour you find some of them23:05
apacheloggeractually a selection of the most important ones23:05
apacheloggerI'd like to start off with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/Apps4For323:06
apacheloggerit explains how we get KDE 4 wrapper desktop files for KDE 3, and can still use the native KDE 4 ones in KDE 423:06
apacheloggerit bascially just means that we change our KDE 4 packages ot install kde4-foobar.desktop to /usr/share/applnk which is the a old directory for KDElnk files23:07
Riddellideally we wouldn't have wrapper scripts at all, they're pretty ugly23:07
kwwiiI agree with not having wrapper scripts - it'll never work right23:07
apacheloggeryoo hav eto differ here23:07
apachelogger*have to23:07
apacheloggerI'm talking about the desktop files :P23:08
Riddellapachelogger: won't /usr/share/applnk show up in kde 4 too?23:08
apacheloggerI'd like to hear some opinions on this proposed changed23:08
Riddellwhy not?23:08
apacheloggerthat's the nifty thing about it23:08
apacheloggerRiddell: kde4 will only scan $KDEDIR/share/applnk23:08
Riddelland it wouldn't work in gnome23:08
apacheloggerwhich is /usr/lib/kde4/23:08
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but we have to choose between not working in gnome and causing 300 issues in KDE 423:09
apacheloggeractually we could probably patch/configure gnome so it scans /usr/share/applnk23:09
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 01 Feb 20:00 UTC: MOTU | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council
cheguevarawill the ubuntu people let us23:10
apacheloggerI hope so23:10
mhbthey won't be happy about it23:10
Riddellthe correct way would be to use NotShowIn=KDE;23:10
Riddelland set KDE 4 to check for NotShowIn=KDE4;23:10
apacheloggerRiddell: up for changing it?23:11
Riddellapachelogger: can do23:11
apacheloggeralternately we could also create 2 desktop files... thinking about it23:11
Riddell(probably next week)23:11
mornfallapachelogger: Can't the XDG paths be set in env/*.sh?23:11
mornfallapachelogger: Without patching KDE.23:11
apacheloggermornfall: these would be catched by KDE 4 as well23:12
mornfallapachelogger: They have different <prefixes>.23:12
apacheloggerso we have the KDE 4 wrapper structure again in KDE 423:12
Riddell~/.kde/env and ~/.kde4/env are different23:12
mornfallThe env bits can be set in /usr/... as well, not only ~/.kde.23:12
mornfallAt least in KDE4, I don't have KDE3 startkde handy. Can anyone check?23:13
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
Riddell# Source scripts found in <localprefix>/env/*.sh and <prefixes>/env/*.sh23:13
Riddell# (where <localprefix> is $KDEHOME or ~/.kde, and <prefixes> is where KDE is installed)23:13
apacheloggerso it is possible23:14
apacheloggerlets try to use this solution then23:14
mornfallWell, we can't realistically have /usr/env.23:14
apacheloggerif it doesn't work out23:14
mornfallIf I read that right.23:14
apacheloggermornfall: why?23:14
mornfallAlthough, who knows.23:15
mornfallBut it is weird at best.23:15
mornfallAnd I am not sure about dropping files into user homedirs.23:15
mornfallThat's probably asking for trouble.23:16
stdinwe already drop ~/.kde/env/gtk-qt-engine.rc.sh in23:16
apacheloggerthat is just one file23:16
apacheloggerkde4*.desktop can be a lot more23:17
apacheloggerwhich could even slow login down23:17
apacheloggerwhich is also a problem23:17
apacheloggerupdates don't get available until next login23:17
apacheloggerI think we should do some investigation on the env stuff23:18
apacheloggerit it doesn't work out we still can patch KDE 4 to notshowin=kde4;23:18
apacheloggerit's basically just a statement23:18
apacheloggersince there is no real solution23:18
apacheloggerright now23:19
apacheloggerwe have 2 entries in the KDE 4 menu23:19
apachelogger"Foobar" and "Foobar KDE 4"23:19
apacheloggerboth start the KDE 4 version of Foobar (described in the wiki)23:19
apacheloggerwhich is confusing23:19
apacheloggerif we use the stock kde 4 desktop files and don't scan the wrapper ones23:20
apacheloggerit will just be an override status23:20
mornfallapachelogger: I'd say YAGNI and say that overlaid KDE3 apps should be inaccessible, period.23:20
apacheloggerso I have Foobar 1 install and Foobar 2 installed, Foobar 2 will start unless it get uninstalled23:20
apacheloggermornfall: ok23:20
apacheloggerletz move along, next two https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/DotKde and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/MigrationWizard23:21
Riddellthat's fine but it's still ugly having two menu entries23:21
mornfall(As you argue in that page, it's not really an issue.)23:21
apacheloggerRiddell: this is fixed with Apps4for323:21
mornfallRiddell: I suppose that is solved by the previous thing.23:21
apacheloggersince app names are equal23:21
Riddellright, sorted23:21
apacheloggerthe KDE 4 overrides KDE 3 -> one entry23:21
mhbI'm not sure about the idea of not being able to launch some KDE3 apps in KDE4.23:22
apachelogger_we have to_23:22
apacheloggerthere is no kdepim for KDE 423:22
apacheloggerno amarok23:22
apacheloggerno ktorrent23:22
stdinmhb: that's the way it is already, try starting kde3's konqueror in kde423:22
apacheloggerso we have to launch the KDE 3 version if there is no KDE 4 version23:22
mhbapachelogger: I get that.23:22
apacheloggerbut? ;-)23:23
mhbI just believe there may be use cases for people that want to use both versions at once.23:23
apacheloggeras for example?23:23
mhbif it's just me, I can live with it.23:23
apacheloggereveryone should23:24
kwwiiI agree23:24
mhbkopete4 doesn't work for me but I don't want to remove it.23:24
stdinif you rally want to start the kde3 app, you can still run it from the full path23:24
apacheloggerI can't think of a use case where our target audience would have both installed but use the KDE 3 version23:24
mornfallmhb: "there may be use cases" is a very dangerous idea.23:24
mornfallmhb: There are usecases for virtually everything. You have to ask yourself, is this reasonable? Is this common? Is it worth the effort?23:24
mornfallI'd say yes, no and no.23:25
apacheloggermhb: kopete4 is not useable and I doubt it will become part of -desktop-kde423:25
mhbmornfall: yes, and I say early KDE4 adopters might want to keep KDE4 apps but launch KDE3 ones when they need something working23:25
apacheloggerso our target user group will not install it23:25
apacheloggermhb: then they will know how to do that23:25
mornfallRight. There's always terminal.23:25
apacheloggerpeople who don't want to uninstall crapware are the same people who know how to use a terminal :P23:26
mhbif you launch say "kopete" in the terminal it'll launch the KDE4 version (provided you're on a KDE4 session).23:26
mhbyou have to specify the full path to launch the KDE3 one.23:26
mornfallmhb: /usr/bin/kopete?23:26
stdinthe only other solution would be kde3 wrapper scripts for kde4 and that would just reverse the problem we have already23:27
apacheloggerthis use case is just very rare23:27
mhblike I said, I can live with it if the rest of the team thinks such users are unlikely and experienced with the command line.23:27
apacheloggereither a software is useable23:27
apacheloggeror it is not23:27
mornfallmhb: You could write a short document on "where are my KDE3 apps" for those people. Even newbies can follow instructions for that.23:27
apacheloggerif it is you will use it23:27
apacheloggerif it is not, you won't23:27
mornfallAs for dotfiles.23:28
apacheloggerthe question we have to ask ourselfs is23:28
mornfallapachelogger: Is your proposal to cp -a .kde .kde3 in Hardy, if ! test -e ~/.kde3?23:28
apacheloggerdo we want to use .kde for KDE 4 _ever again_23:28
apacheloggerbecause if we want23:28
apacheloggerwe have to do it before hardy23:28
mhbnot really agreed, but go on23:29
apacheloggeras a note is to say, that suse for examle sticks to .kde423:29
mornfallAnd I find the .kde4 idea a little creepy. Something that will come back and stab you in the back.23:29
apachelogger+1 on mornfall's comment there :D23:29
apacheloggerKDE should put more thinking in upgrade secenarios... but well...23:30
apacheloggerisn't the case right now23:30
mornfallConsider NFS homes.23:30
mhbI think moving .kde to .kde3 for KDE3 users is dangerous practice. The KDE3 CD is intended to be for the people that don't like breakage.23:30
RiddellKDE's upgrade is fine, co-installability less so23:30
mhb(for Hardy, that is)23:30
apacheloggermhb: there is minimal risk of breakage23:31
apacheloggeronly very rare cases would lead to a breakage23:31
mornfallWell, the failure mode is:23:31
mornfallUpgrade to hardy, edit settings (affects ~/.kde3). Downgrade (hardy is broken, blaa blaa). Where is my settings?!23:31
stdindowngrading releases is expressly unsupported anyway23:32
mornfallThere's always been the problem of running older KDE than your .kde is.23:32
apacheloggermornfall: well, we don't support downgrades anyway, do we?23:32
mornfallapachelogger: Well, you can do that by booting a different installation with same /home.)23:33
nixternalsorry about that, was doing a job interview23:33
mhbI'm really worried about the KDE3 upgraders... are you sure the .kde stuff will get copied correctly for all users on the system?23:33
apacheloggermornfall: again you have to consider what our target user group does and wants23:33
mornfallmhb: Not hard to ensure.23:33
LaserJocknixternal? ... have a job?? ... hahaha ;-)23:33
mornfallapachelogger: Yes, possibly so.23:33
mhbmornfall: even for those that don't really run KDE, just some apps from it?23:33
mhbmornfall: I'm afraid we can't even imagine in how many way people use KDE apps.23:34
mornfallmhb: It's been the same issue in 3.4->3.5. Everyone survived.23:34
nixternalFYI: I copied my ~/.kde to ~/.kde4 to see what would happen, and the first couple of logins meant that KDE 4 didn't want to start up, and some of the settings didn't stay the same23:34
mornfallJust noone cared for the way back.23:34
apacheloggermhb: they will not effect the location of configs ;-)23:34
nixternalanything in ~/.kde4/Autostart will not all the desktop to load up23:35
mhbthere will be breakage without a doubt. I would suggest waiting with config dir juggling for Hardy+1, when we need to migrate everyone to KDE4 anyway.23:35
apacheloggernixternal: it worked for me23:35
apacheloggerto be more precise23:35
apacheloggerthis change does basically mean that .kde only includes apps and configs from gutsy .kde23:36
nixternalwell, I have been dist-upgrading both of my machines I tried it on (1 x86 and 1 x86_64) since Dapper, and neither liked it23:36
apacheloggerlike, icon sets are useless due to name change23:36
nixternalhaven't tried seeing what a fresh install would do23:36
mornfallmhb: At that point, you will have .kde4 dirs all around the place that will need to be migrated as well and make a total mess of everything.23:36
apacheloggernixternal is reminding me on somthing23:37
apacheloggerif we migrate to .kde323:37
apacheloggerwe should do it as soon as possible23:37
mornfallIf you do .kde -> .kde3 and .kde4 -> .kde, that should be equivalent.23:37
mhbmornfall: I know that, but I prefer one big mess over two medium-sized, we'll get criticized for each one anyway.23:37
apacheloggerbecause we need to test it properly23:37
mhbwhat about all the other around? what do you think?23:38
nixternaldo we have any idea what other distributions are thinking about doing, or how they are planning on going about the migration?23:38
apacheloggerI only know about suse23:38
apacheloggerthey stick to .kde423:38
mornfallAs in, you say that: when you first run KDE4, the settings will be copied to KDE4 but will never be merged again. Changes done in KDE4 will affect KDE4 only, changes in KDE3 will affect KDE3 only. Maybe in the migration wizard, you can give the option to override old KDE4 settings with current KDE3 ones.23:38
nixternalI think it would be wise to communicate with the other distros23:38
apacheloggerand probably want KDE to provide a migration architecture23:38
mornfallThen, the .kde4 -> .kde && .kde -> .kde4 shouldn't be such a mess. Dunno.23:39
apacheloggerbut since we release before such a thing would be finished we have to get our own solution23:39
apacheloggerRiddell: do you know about other distro's opinions beside suse?23:39
Riddellapachelogger: no, I'm wishing I had asked last week23:39
mornfallWell, the one solution is to back up religiously before you do anything to any user settings.23:40
nixternalwe should communicate with Fedora, SUSE, PC Linux OS, Mandriva, and others looking to implement something similar23:40
apacheloggermornfall: that is the case23:40
kwwiinixternal: +123:40
apachelogger!we backup everything before we do anything!23:40
mornfallThen, you are basically safe.23:40
mornfallIf there is a restore path, even if manual, most users should end up happy.23:40
kwwiiI think that we need more info before making a decision23:40
apacheloggerbut nixternal is having a point23:40
nixternaljust don't backup the tmp-* stuff in ~/.kde while the system is up and running...it hasn't worked to well for me during the past 10 years :)23:41
apacheloggeranyone willing to contact up other distros?23:41
mornfallWhat is upstream default?23:41
mhbokay, so let's decide at the next meeting?23:41
nixternalit will always say "you can't do that knucklehead, I am using that" :)23:41
apacheloggermhb: in this case we should do a special meting23:41
apacheloggernext week23:41
apacheloggerbecause really23:41
apacheloggerthis is quite urgent23:41
mornfallThere will always be users that install from source.23:42
kwwiiapachelogger: +123:42
apacheloggerwe need to give it a good amount of testing23:42
apacheloggerelse every case of migration can cause serious problems23:42
mornfallSo if distros pick a different route, they are probably breaking things.23:42
apacheloggermornfall: nope, one can set the default path in kdelibs... or kdebase.. .can't remember23:42
kwwiiif you install from source you know what you are doing and are getting yourself into trouble, if any23:42
nixternalwe should plan on at least feeling out the water before jumping in...I would hate to not test the water and jump in, only to be devoured by irn bru drinking gators23:42
apacheloggerso every app compiled against it will use whatever path is defined there23:42
mornfallapachelogger: Sure, but I mean. If you don't specify anything explicitly, what will KDE4 pick?23:43
kwwiiI suggest that apachelogger and nixternal contact other distros to attain this info and that we have a meeting next week to decide23:43
* apachelogger is ok with that23:43
* nixternal too23:43
Riddellthanks both23:44
nixternalapachelogger: we can discuss this post-meeting and come up with a strong delivery23:44
apacheloggerkwwii: suggestions for a meeting day23:44
kwwiiapachelogger: one week from today would be an ok date, or?23:45
nixternalbtw, default KDE 3 wallpaper is gorgeous, and the KDM login is beautiful...for some reason I had the KDM login screen disabled, giving me a 1980's looking login box :)23:45
kwwiiassuming that we get responses by then23:45
nixternalcan we at least get feedback prior to firing up a meeting..It might be good to see about bringing the other distributions together for a centralized meeting on this as well23:45
apacheloggerkwwii: well, I have an importan project meeting on Thu23:45
mornfallGo for upstream solution, IMHO. Sounds like the right thing to do.23:46
apacheloggerlets go with meeting+7*24h23:46
apacheloggermornfall: there is just not enough time23:46
mornfallapachelogger: Which means?23:46
apacheloggerwe need a solution in time for hardy23:46
mornfallIs it less effort to port kdesudo to kde4 than fix whatever is wrong with kdesu?23:46
kwwiias long as we plana meeting a few daays in advance it should not be a problem to pick a decent day and time23:47
nixternalapachelogger: we are looking to have a solid migration tool by October of 2008, I think we have time to plan, design, test, and implemant23:47
apacheloggerI was talking about .kde still :D23:47
mornfallapachelogger: Riddell changed topics : - ).23:47
Riddellapachelogger: kdesu in kde 4 won't be any better than in kde 323:47
Riddellit still own't remember password23:47
Riddellwhich is the main reason for kdesudo23:47
apacheloggerhow about implementing kdesudo stuff in upstream then?23:47
apacheloggerso others can take advantage of it as well23:48
* nixternal thought that was the plan originally23:48
mornfallRiddell: How is password caching done? Sounds like it should be using the sudo feature of not asking password for a while after entering it once.23:48
* kwwii has no battery left...gotta go23:48
nixternalhehe, later kwwii23:48
apacheloggerha, cu kwwii :D23:49
kwwiisee you!23:49
Riddellmornfall: that's how it's done, but kdesu can't remember the pty so it doesn't work23:49
blizzzekbye kwwii23:49
apacheloggerRiddell: who is developing kdesudo?23:49
Riddellapachelogger: tonio23:49
apacheloggerwill talk to him about this23:49
apacheloggerbut we can generally agree that it would make sense to make upstream's solution work properly instead of develop our own?23:49
mornfallapachelogger: Yes. Given it is possible to do that.23:50
Riddellapachelogger: that's what we tried until gutsy, but it didn't work23:50
apacheloggerRiddell: is the structure of kdesu and kdesudo that different?23:50
Riddellyes, very23:50
mornfallCan kdesudo use su?23:50
Riddellkdesu has a daemon and protocl23:50
Riddellmornfall: no but it could probably be added23:51
apacheloggerRiddell: talked with kdesu developer(s) about this?23:51
Riddellapachelogger: you're making an assumption there :)23:51
apacheloggerI would never do that :P23:51
mornfallkdesu has a remember password checkbox, does it not?23:51
mornfallThat's why it needs a daemon.23:51
apacheloggeronly for su23:51
mornfallRight. But kdesudo can't do that.23:52
mornfallWhich may be a problem.23:52
apacheloggerkdesudo does remember the password23:52
apacheloggerwell, not kdesudo23:52
apacheloggerbut sudo does23:52
mornfallThe daemon also may need to run as root, since it needs mlock.23:52
mornfallapachelogger: Not everyone with KDE has sudo, so that's a no-go for upstream.23:52
apacheloggermornfall: kdesu supports su and sudo23:53
stdinmornfall: kdesu is configured at build to use sudo _or_ su23:53
mornfallapachelogger: Yes, but its password caching is separate from sudo, I suppose?23:53
apacheloggerjust that the sudo support is quite crappy from what Riddell saied23:53
mhbit is.23:53
apacheloggerI'll talk with tonio about this23:53
apacheloggerand upstream23:53
Riddellif kdesu can be fixed for sudo then great, but I couldn't work out how when I looked at it23:54
apacheloggerwe will see :)23:54
apacheloggerlast item: Maybe we should mark upstream KDE 4 bugs, so we can differ them from our bugs (add [KDE 4] to the name, and tag as kde4)?23:54
Riddellsounds like hassle23:54
nixternalI recommended tagging a few weeks back actually23:55
nixternalit could be a great "get into helping Kubuntu" task23:55
Riddellthey almost all hvae -kde4 in the package name23:55
apacheloggerI mean23:55
apacheloggerdiffer packaging bugs from software bugs23:55
apacheloggerI dunno if it makes sense 4 weeks from now23:56
cheguevaraif there's nothing more important i can volunteer to do that23:56
apacheloggerbut right now it does, because I mostly fix some software bugs along with package bugs by backporting fixes from KDE svn23:56
apacheloggeranyone sees a reason for not tagging?23:57
Riddellif cheguevara wants to, that's all good23:57
mornfallOther than extra work, probably no. If volunteers are found, why not.23:57
* txwikinger will try to look after tagging too23:58
* apachelogger as well23:58
apacheloggerso we are 3 with cheguevara23:58
apacheloggershould be enough for now :)23:58
cheguevarathe hardest thing is locating if a bug already exists in the kde bug tracker or not23:58
mornfallapachelogger: Or forever.23:58
apacheloggerRiddell: so, I'm done for this meeting23:58
Riddellany other business? mornfall?23:58
mornfallWell, there's Adept and what to do about it.23:59
mornfallI am pretty outdated on package management in kubuntu.23:59
apacheloggercheguevara: well, this can be done when someone has time, when the bug is tagged it's quite easy to have some of them compared to kde bts23:59

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