
=== sabotage is now known as sabotage_afk
Ward1983is there a (fairly) straight forward way to crosscompile ubuntu-mobile on a ARM device?02:20
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asac_the_2ndMithrandir: can i use the current hardy image creator and get something useful?10:18
amitkasac_the_2nd: you should be able to get a working image...10:21
asac_the_2ndamitk: so its discouraged to do that right now?10:22
amitkasac_the_2nd: no it isnt. Why?10:23
asac_the_2ndamitk: nevermind ... for me it read a bit like "works somehow" :)10:34
Ward1983i guess thats a question nobody can answer here, i know enough by seeing the mentality11:18
* Ward1983 looks for something else to run on his pda11:18
agoliveiraian_brasil: Ian, my dear! Long time no see :)11:29
ian_brasilha ha 11:29
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tsaarnii'm trying to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse on lpia but apt-get doesn't find it12:48
tsaarnii've got deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports gutsy main restricted universe multiverse on my sources.list. any ideas what could be wrong?12:49
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=== sabotage_afk is now known as sabotage
smagounlool: I saw that you're helping someone with cheese 2.21.5. What's the state of that right now? Is a hildonized version of 2.21.5 available?16:36
loolsmagoun: I had good news on the subject 30s ago16:38
loolsmagoun: I was in the middle of porting the hildon patch to the new upstream version16:38
loolSince the sponsoree gave up on that part16:39
loolAnd I was stumbling on the glade changes + C code changes; these were not 100% clear to me, but Matthew Garrett was only some meters away!16:39
loolAnd it turned out he had most of an updated hildonization patch ready16:39
smagounlool: That's excellent news16:40
loolSo I'm going to look at his patch now and merge it with mine (incredibly our two changes are perfectly complementary)16:40
smagounlool: I'd like to take a look when you're done16:42
loolsmagoun: Okay16:44
loolsmagoun: Are you taking crack for testing?17:00
loolsmagoun: I mean do you accept to test crack17:00
loolNot that you take crack while you test17:00
loolsmagoun: Cause I'm not near my Q1, but just got a built out17:01
* lool ups his chroots in the mean time17:01
smagounlool: I will test a build, yes :)17:19
loolsmagoun: Do you have patches for cheese I should be looking to merge?17:39
smagounlool: I've pushed everything upstream so far, with the exception of a couple I'm not done with17:39
loolsmagoun: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/packages/cheese_2.21.5-0ubuntu1_lpia.deb17:41
loolsmagoun: It's crashing for various reasons in my chroot as it needs hal for example17:41
loolIt should start up at least17:41
loolIf it doesn't, try withing gdb17:41
smagounlool: thanks, I'll give it a shot now17:42
loolsmagoun: TY17:43
loolsmagoun: Here, it will crash in libgstbluetooth.so, from bluez-utils17:49
smagounlool: I'm testing on gutsy. A couple things I noticed:17:51
smagoun1) the menu appears in the wrong place + isn't themed17:51
smagoun2) The countdown widget is missing (I think the notebook_bar widget is missing from the hildon glade file)17:51
loolsmagoun: I don't know what's going on with theming; concerning the countdown widget, I think Matthew ported his patch just before it landed, so it would needed rebasing on this17:52
loolI've send an email to Matthew explaining this17:53
loolsmagoun: Does it crash for you?  Could you take a picture?17:53
smagounthe countdown widget is an easy port; I can do it if necessary17:53
smagounIt doesn't crash (yet), and it does take a picture17:53
loolsmagoun: If you like, that would be nice; I'll upload my sources if these are fit for hardy, and I suggest you edit the hildon patch to port them17:53
loolCool, good news17:54
loolThis means I can upload :)17:54
smagounlool: I've only tested on gutsy not hardy, so it might still crash on hardy :)17:54
loolsmagoun: It could, but then the regression should be fixable17:54
loolsmagoun: I don't think cheese itself changed things which cause regressions; we might see regressions caused by other sources, but these are the other sources' fault!   :-P17:55
* lool builds cheese17:55
* agoliveira prefers just buy some...17:57
* lool uploads17:59
loolsmagoun: If you're interested in the cheese source, I've put it at http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/packages/cheese/2.21.5-0ubuntu1/hardy/cheese_2.21.5-0ubuntu1.dsc18:09
loolCan't upload it thought as cheese was promoted to main18:09
smagounlool: thanks! I'll take a look now18:09
loolsmagoun: Accepted18:16
* lool &18:16
HappyCampdavidm, fyi, I received the package from sciri18:32
davidmHappyCamp, outstanding, I am VERY glad to hear that.18:38
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smagounlool: I put a debdiff for the hildon changes at http://people.ubuntu.com/~smagoun/cheese-2.21.5-update-hildon-glade.debdiff20:47
smagounThe UI still isn't quite right, but now the countdown widget works. I had trouble merging the Glade files, I finally figured out the old cheese.hildon.glade was made with a different version of Glade than the one I have installed - so the delta was huge, and 95% noise.20:49
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