
ompauldid I mention the irish whiskey in there00:00
LjLi think you've been hit by a train of thoughts00:00
ompaulLjL, na, that would be linear, this is more like a railway station all on different tracks with only their proximity to each other being the bond, there is no other relevance.00:02
ompaulthat was brought to you by the GNU station00:02
ompaulan EU funded project to smash the commissions obsession to sell peoples first born to the "Intellectual Property Monopoly Machine"00:03
ompaulyeah right00:03
naliothso is it safe to upgrade?00:05
Garyjdong, hope you don't mind me deopping you then00:05
LjLGary: he'll just kill you00:06
ompaulLjL, in his dreams00:06
GaryI thought he was away00:06
ompaulLjL, so the question is, why after a lovely meal in a great Chinese tonight with a my wife and her brother and sister and their spouses when someone said "Mickey Mouse" as a joke cos the next Chinese year is the year of the Mouse (or is it this one, I missed that part) did I straight away think, and utter out loud, "ohh, that one is no use, it is still bound by copyright"00:09
ompaulPici, what were you looking for me for?00:10
Piciompaul: some ban.00:11
ompaulor pm better still00:11
PiciI think PriceChild took care of it.00:11
PriceChildI didn't.00:11
ompaulbad enough me rabbiting on here about copyright00:12
Piciwell.. they arent here.00:12
* ompaul goes for scroll back00:12
PiciPriceChild: still have that pastebin? I accidentally rebooted a few times00:12
ompaulquit message00:13
ompaultook me a moment to figure out what I was at that day00:14
ompaulnote what happened00:14
LjLompaul: because the copyright on it has been extended00:17
ompaulLjL, again00:17
ompaulLjL, lets go to do geometry in egypt, just no triangles00:18
LjLompaul: Δ00:20
ompaulLjL, :)00:21
ompaulLjL, you rock00:21
LjLyou scissors00:21
PiciDoes anyone have a problem with me kickbanning pici_juvenile from #ubuntu?  I think thats our troublemaker chuy00:23
ompaulPici, let me do it for you :)00:24
naliothis he trolling (other than by nick choice)00:24
LjLyou're just jealous00:24
Picinalioth: no.00:24
ompaulLjL, water rusts sissors00:24
LjLPici how'd you say it's chuyu00:25
ompaulokay I removed it00:27
Picipici_juvinile's ident has fullmon-t's ident. plus another fullmon-t in my logs with chuy's ident and hostmask00:27
PiciI wouldnt even have noticed had it not been setting off my hilights00:28
LjLwyclif got back in - dynip00:28
LjLenigmata? i don't remember that...00:28
LjLthough, yes, fullmon-t *is* chuy, i have him changing nicknames00:28
Pici#ubuntu.log:16:54 >>>> FullMon-T is now known as pici_juvenile00:28
ompaulhave fun00:29
naliothtroll alert00:29
ompaulI am out of there, here and all irc for the moment00:29
LjLPici: ever had a fanclub before?00:29
PiciLjL: nope.00:29
naliothso what is the status of wyclif?00:29
Picinot enjoying it either.00:29
LjLwell it's gonna be interesting00:29
naliothis he evading?00:29
PriceChildI've never had a real fanclub00:29
LjLnalioth: well, he really should know he's still supposed to be banned, i think00:30
PiciWell.. here goes.00:30
naliothLjL: well, let me take care of 'im00:30
PriceChildI've been here longer than pici, its unfair.00:30
naliothlet's see him get past that one00:31
PiciYou banned verizon00:32
wyclifwhy did i get banned from #ubuntu just now????!!!!00:32
naliothPici: i know what i'm doing.00:32
Picinalioth: I know you do ;)00:32
naliothwyclif: why were you in #ubuntu just now?00:32
wyclifi was trying to find help!00:32
wyclifi didn't even get to ask my question!!!!!00:33
naliothevading bans is not acceptable00:33
wyclifEVADING BANS????00:33
PriceChildcalm down wyclif00:33
PiciWell, I'm going to try watching a movie.  I wonder if my fanclub will come back.00:33
wyclif::ominous feeling:::00:33
LjLwyclif, did you get the impression that you had been unbanned, after the last talk you had with us in here?00:33
LjLi didn't think so00:33
wyclifwhat did i do that was wrong??00:33
wyclifi just joined the channel, that's why I thought i was unbanned00:34
wyclifpls tell me what i did that was wrong??? WHY is the #ubuntu channel so unfriendly to new people?00:34
LjLwrong impression. that was just your ISP changing your internet address under the hoods.00:34
LjL!hi | wyclif00:35
ubotuwyclif: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!00:35
wyclifi tried to go to ubuntu-ops earlier but nobody even acknowledged me there00:35
LjLwyclif: you didn't say a word.00:35
wyclifi just don't understand why i'm being punished00:36
wyclifeh...forget it.  Google will work for me.  or maybe I'll just switch to something else on the desktop00:36
LjLwyclif: ok00:36
naliothalrighty then00:37
wyclifcan somebody pls help me00:39
wyclifi was asked to come back here yesterday00:40
PriceChildwyclif, we were just talking to you and you left?00:41
wyclifsorry, i got frustrated.  LjL wanted me to leave anyway00:42
LjLi just said "ok".00:42
LjLwyclif, i assume you've checked your logs?00:43
wyclifcan somebody help me?  i was told to come back here yesterday?  LjL yes00:43
PriceChildwyclif, i'd suggest you continue your discussion with ljl00:43
LjLyes, STML00:43
LjLwyclif: so you now understand why you were banned, if you did. correct?00:44
wyclifcan anyone help me? Seveas?00:44
LjLooh he knows about -irc too00:46
mneptokconnecting to Rizon? ;)00:52
Jack_SparrowCreationist.. (seems to be the same person) with a religious nick that caused countless problems over in #Mepis, I see issues starting..01:15
LjLi heard that nick before01:15
Jack_SparrowJust thought I would tred lightly and bring it to this room attention01:16
LjLwhich is one of the reasons this channel exists.01:17
LjLnot in the bantracker, though. i think i merely remember someone questioning his nickname, possibly in #kubuntu, must have been quite some time ago anyway01:18
naliothactions speak louder than nicks (in most cases)01:18
Jack_SparrowA nick can be used to bait people as well...01:19
LjLwell we certainly can't ban because of the nickname in any case01:20
LjLjust highlight01:20
wyclifwhat happens when a user gets highlighted?01:23
naliothwyclif: we highlight on certain words01:25
naliothwyclif: so when folks arrive in #ubuntu using "fartknocker" as a nick, we can be pretty sure they're not here to find out how to fix their screen resolution01:25
wyclifnalioth heh!01:39
ubotuIn #kubuntu, mia said: ubotu the website is not in english01:42
LjL!no source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.01:52
ubotuI'll remember that LjL01:52
LjL!no gpgerr is <reply> Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add »01:54
ubotuI'll remember that LjL01:54
LjLtry again02:14
ubotuzenwhen called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:17
Jack_Sparrowhj.. is a problem..  do I have a second opinion02:18
LjLi've given mine02:20
LjLSeveas: there's riotkittie in - nevermind, you aren't awake02:20
LjLbanned hj from -ot, resulting in (aside from __mikem asking stupid questions)02:23
LjL[03:22:53] <hjhfi__> listen fucktard02:23
hjhfi__hey freenode said to unban me from all ubuntu channels02:31
LjLoh crap02:31
LjLfreenode said that?02:31
naliothLjL: no, freenode did not say that02:31
Seeker`I know what he did wrong. He didn't say "simon says"02:32
LjLnalioth: ah, thanks. i wasn't being sarcastic02:33
hjhfi__so unban me mother fucker02:33
LjL!etiquette > hjhfi__    (hjhfi__, see the private message from Ubotu)02:33
hjhfi__so are you gonna unban me from freenode and ubuntu?02:34
LjLhjhfi__: have you read that?02:34
hjhfi__LjL i did now unban02:36
* mneptok stares02:37
mneptoklet me guess. Texas?02:37
mneptokthis smells of Texan "diplomacy"02:37
* nalioth shows mneptok a picture of mneptok 02:37
naliothmneptok: i think not02:37
LjLhjhfi__: i'm sorry but i think i will take my time to decide whether or not to comply with your kind request02:37
naliothhjhfi__: is coming to us from CPE8af052323062-CM00194757ed42.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com02:38
mneptokoh dear. a fellow Canadian.02:38
* nalioth smells mutton02:38
hjhfi__<nalioth> what's your point? why are you banning and destroying my ips?02:39
LjLnalioth: how do you destroy IPs? that seems like an hobby i could engage in02:39
Hobbseenalioth: Pumpernickle is having connection trouble - can you temp-kline or something?02:39
Seeker`LjL: There aren't enough IPs as it is :(02:40
Seeker`Every time you say you like Windows, an IP address dies :(02:41
hjhfi__LjL my ip reputation which costing my isp money. 3 ip = $10002:41
hjhfi__mnetok where in the country are you ratboy?02:42
hjhfi__Ljl only if i saw yu in person02:42
LjLhjhfi__: what would you say to me?02:44
naliothhe said "good bye"02:44
LjLi see02:44
Seeker`nalioth: Would that be the kind of goodbye that involves swearing at staff?02:45
naliothno, that would be the personal threat good bye02:45
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:46
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:46
LjL[03:46:55] <__mikem> LjL, did you just unban the guy that was cursing at us earlier?02:47
LjLwhy does he have to ask about EVERYTHING i do02:47
LjLand if his client doesn't show modes, as he claimed before, how would he know i did it in the first place02:48
Seeker`I'm beginning to get really fed up with stupid people now :(02:49
LjL[03:48:46] <__mikem> You know whats really fun to do, go into a gnu channel, ask them the difference between freeware and free software, and absolutely refuse to get it no matter how many times they tell you02:49
naliothmneptok: i want you to go visit hjhfi__ in person please, and LEER at him.  ( A picture just won't do )02:49
LjLhow's that for a troll02:50
Seeker`I know how you can get people in advanced driving forums really wound up, you ask them whether or not you should go through the gears sequentially or block shift while slowing down02:51
Seeker`never done it, but i've seen it02:52
naliothSeeker`: but is clutchless shifting more economical than using the clutch?02:57
Seeker`nalioth: you mean changing gear without using the clutch at all?02:57
naliothSeeker`: yep02:58
Seeker`I wouldn't want to try in my own car02:58
Seeker`well, if I owned one that is02:59
* Seeker` would quite like to have a gearbox with gears left02:59
naliothonce learned, it's perfectly safe and actually increases clutch life (as you don't use it)02:59
Seeker`yeah, but I wouldn't like to think how many gear boxes you would get through learning03:00
Seeker`I'm not going to try learning that yet, i've driven < 2500 miles in my life03:00
* nalioth has driven hundreds of thousands of miles w/o using the clutch03:01
Seeker`how long have you been driving for?03:02
* nalioth is a retired truck driver03:02
Seeker`I learnt in 11 weeks last spring, did 600 miles or so in a week in august03:03
Seeker`and I hadn't been in a car again until this morning, when I did about 3 hours03:03
naliothpractice makes perfect03:03
Seeker`thats what I am hoping :D03:03
naliothi did not start out driving w/o a clutch03:03
naliothi was just giving you troll fodder03:03
Seeker`heh, I mainly lurk03:04
Seeker`I'm sure I could think up perfectly good trolling comments03:04
Seeker`like "People who dont pass their driving test first time shouldn't be allowed to drive"03:05
Seeker`I'm sure that would annoy more than a few peopel03:05
* LjL didn't yeld at the first crossing and then immediately stalled the engine (in the middle of the corssing) after realizing03:07
LjLthe second test i passed mostly because the tester didn't care and because i was given few or no roundabouts03:09
Seeker`whats wrong with roundaboutsd03:09
Dave2few or no roundabouts?! lucky you.03:09
LjLi hate roundabouts03:10
Dave2I swear all our test centres are placed right in places with loads of roundabouts. My test centre had a REALLY busy roundabout as the first thing you hit.03:10
Seeker`are there amny where you live?03:10
LjLespecially in italy03:10
LjLsince they haven't yet frigging decided whether the ones should should yield are the ones *entering* the roundabout, or the ones in03:10
LjLand there are roundabouts which *mix* both ways03:11
Seeker`in the UK, people on the roundabout have priority03:11
Dave2which makes sense.03:11
LjLyeah that's obviously the sane thing to do03:11
LjLhowever our roundabouts were mostly the other way... 'round03:11
LjLthen they started changing them, but never really finished03:11
Dave2one word: "Italy"03:12
Seeker`I can cope with roundaobuts now03:12
LjLso now the idea basically is that when you you peek and see if you can spot a yield sign03:12
Seeker`its hill starts that get me03:12
LjLwhen you're in the roundabout you peek03:12
Dave2I'm fine with hill starts, hate roundabouts. Busy ones, that is.03:12
* nalioth drove through Italy03:12
Dave2I'm fine with mostly empty ones03:12
Seeker`well, I was driving a diesel this morning, which seems to be infinately easier not to stall03:12
mneptoknalioth: no one drives in Italy. you aim and pray.03:13
LjLmneptok: aim at the pedestrian?03:13
naliothmneptok: well, then, that's what i did.  every white-knuckle-covering-my-eyes minute of it03:13
mneptokLjL: are they a foreigner?03:13
LjLpff exaggeration03:13
LjLmneptok: they better RUN whoever they are03:14
mneptokdivertente. :)03:14
LjLmeh, you should see me when i'm desperate to catch a tram03:15
mneptokoh, "m"03:15
LjLor a bus for that matter03:16
LjLi run the same03:16
LjLsubway too03:16
LjLif i can feel the train coming from pavement vibrations03:16
LjLsometimes i see the tram driver actually staring at me and making a quick mental count of my chances to reach the tram alive03:18
LjLyou know, to decide whether to close the doors and go or wait03:18
mneptokah, the "Am I A Bastard" moment.03:19
Hobbseemneptok: for you, that question should always be answered with a "yes"03:19
mneptokHobbsee: wait until you get the package i sent.03:20
LjLanyway what's driving in italy compared to the Magic Roundabout03:22
Hobbseeit'll got delivered to the wrong address.  australia post is excelling themselves, at the moment.03:22
mneptokHobbsee: i just made someone in Perth very sticky, then.03:22
Jack_SparrowShould never send ice cream sandwiches through the mail03:24
mneptokLjL: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=51.568561,-1.80135&spn=0.002231,0.005&t=h&z=18&om=003:28
Seeker`mneptok: Thats the proper one03:30
mneptokSeeker`: yeah, Swindon is crazy.03:33
mneptokSeeker`: so much so that native Andy Partridge writes songs about the roundabouts03:33
Thugacationhi i wanna contest bans!!!05:17
elkbuntuhow about you state your situation calmly05:44
Thugacationi dont wanna contest them anymore05:44
elkbuntuthen you have no need to be here05:46
kahrytanHello Ops06:26
Thugacationi changed my minds06:29
Thugacationid like to contest some bans now06:29
jussi01Hobbsee: ping06:31
kahrytanhello jussi0106:36
jussi01hi kahrytan06:36
kahrytanI don't remember you  as op06:41
naliothkahrytan: can we help you?06:41
naliothThugacation: can we help you?06:41
kahrytannalioth➲  just stopping by06:42
* nalioth waves06:42
kahrytanIt's been awhile since i said hi06:42
Thugacationyea man i just been chattin and chattin06:42
Thugacationi wanna contest some ban06:42
naliothThugacation: you've been here for over an hour and a half.  can we get on with it?06:43
Thugacationwell you tell me06:44
Thugacationim not the 'ubuntu op06:44
naliothThugacation: this is getting repetitive.  please tell us what you want to tell us06:45
Thugacationi wanna contest sum bans06:45
naliothThugacation: you're repeating.06:45
Thugacationwhats the next course of action06:45
naliothwe're waiting on you06:45
Thugacationto do what06:46
Thugacationi wanna contest some ban06:46
naliothkahrytan: can we help you further?06:46
kahrytanam i still not allowed in -offtopic?06:46
naliothare you?06:46
kahrytani'm not going to try.06:47
ubotustdin called the ops in #ubuntu (Thugacation abusing the bot)06:47
kahrytanmight consider it ban avoidance since I changed isps06:47
stdinhmm, ubotu is being slow today06:47
naliothkahrytan: you can access the ban list just as easily as we can06:48
kahrytanI don't know how06:48
nalioth  /msg chanserv help06:48
kahrytanumm how do i read it?06:49
naliothif there's nothing else we can do for you, kahrytan, /msg chanserv help provides some very informational reading06:49
naliothyou can play with chanserv all you like, you're not gonna break anything06:50
kahrytanchanserv doesnt do banlist06:51
kahrytanSo, no I can't get -offtopic banlist06:52
naliothkahrytan: that is very very annoying06:53
kahrytannalioth➲  sorry about autojoin and thanks for /mode tip. However, the date in the list. thats the date ban was set?06:58
nalioththat usually is what it means, yes07:00
kahrytanI don't see any verizon ban for december so I guess i'm ubanned07:00
kahrytannalioth➲  Did -ops have anything against me being team leader for loco?07:02
nalioththis is irc07:02
naliothi removed all the bans for him in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:05
naliotheveryone needs a fresh start07:05
Thugacationhi id like to contest some bans07:10
elkbuntuThugacation, when i asked you to give more information, did you?07:11
Thugacationthat was you i was talking to??07:11
Thugacationi thought that was nalioth07:11
Thugacationi dont know what more information u need07:11
elkbuntuwe both asked you then07:11
elkbuntuas in, where are you banned from, what did you do, do you understand why it was wrong?07:11
Thugacationi was banned from #ubuntu, i was banned for "bot abuse", i understand i was wrong and other people were wrong but im the only one that got banned07:17
elkbuntui hope you're aware that other a. other people doing stuff wrong doesnt mean you have to and b. you dont see who we ban after you're banned07:26
Thugacationyeah but i know im the only one that was banned07:28
Thugacationbefore the ubuntu staff have something against me07:28
elkbuntuthrowing accusations will not help07:28
Thugacationso anyway07:28
Thugacationid like to contest these ban07:28
elkbuntudo you understand why bot abuse is wrong?07:29
elkbuntuif so, please explain why07:29
Thugacationbecause ppl take the bot very seriously07:30
Thugacationand i shouldnt mess with their emotions07:30
Thugacationand im sorry07:30
elkbuntuthat's not the reason at all. bot abuse is spammy to the channels, confuses people who need help, and annoys people07:31
Thugacationthe !ops command sure is07:36
Thugacationwhich is what guy did07:36
Thugacationthis is what i did07:36
Thugacation<StrangeCharm>!botabuse > crwlr#07:36
Thugacation<UberDay>gutsy gibbon07:36
Thugacation<StrangeCharm>!botabuse > crwlr07:36
Thugacation<Thugacation>!botabuse | your mom07:36
Thugacation<ubotu>your mom: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.07:36
Thugacationwhy didnt strangecharm get ban07:36
elkbuntuexactly nothing, i was off eating dinner08:19
elkbuntuyou're the only one who abused the bot. strangecharm was piping a factoid to someone else, mispelled and repeated so it would work -- this is acceptable use. .. you on the other hand just used it to _try_ be funny -- this is *not* acceptable use08:21
elkbuntuso no, you do not understand proper use of the bot, why what you did was wrong, and hence i am not willing to unban you.08:21
elkbuntuljsmithx, this is not the first time you've made a stupid 'girls on the internet' joke08:33
ljsmithxit isnt?08:33
ljsmithxTell me the time before the last one.08:34
elkbuntuthe last time, you even used the xckd comic as part of your 'joke08:36
elkbuntuyou have several removes and bans in the ban logger, i'm having trouble finding the right one08:36
ljsmithxAs is the language one?08:36
ljsmithxI don't understand it, Ive been awake for more than 24 hours and I have trouble understanding things like that.08:37
ljsmithxAlso, how long ago was it?08:38
elkbuntulate last year afaik08:39
ljsmithxumm, I have only been running Ubuntu since 2nd of January08:40
ljsmithxand I only registered this nick on the server a few days ago08:41
elkbuntuhmm... it looks like im confusing you with another person... however, you made the exact same 'joke' as some loser late last year.. it wasnt funny then, and it wasnt funny tonight08:42
elkbuntucalling it a joke doesnt make it funny or any less offensive, just so you know08:42
elkbuntuyou may go now, but since you've accumulated alot of disciplinary actions in less than a month, you may want to think about how you act in general08:42
ljsmithxI do understand what you mean08:42
ljsmithxThe last time I was here was because of a bot thing. I don't hate woman or think they don't exist on the internet btw08:44
elkbuntuin between now and the last time you were here, there has been several other unrelated disciplinary actions, so just try and behave responsibly. you may leave this channel now08:47
ljsmithxOK, just one more thing, you said "and it wasnt funny tonight" implying your in aus or newzeland?08:48
ljsmithxbecause of the tonight thing08:49
elkbuntuim in australia08:49
ljsmithxanyway bye08:49
ljsmithxok im in adelaide08:49
=== Am|NickTaken is now known as Amaranth
ikoniaheads up on tinman claiming he's been dcc attacked and kicked off the network12:48
Piciikonia: dc'd = disconnected12:48
* Pici hands ikonia a coffee12:48
ikoniaI thought he said dcc'd12:50
ikoniasorry I'll take that coffee now12:50
* jussi01 hands ikonia a cup of good coffee :)12:51
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (fudus)12:59
ikonia Vladt [n=vlad@brln-4d05561f.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit ["fuck the13:03
ikonia          coca fuck the pizza, all we need is shlivoviza"]13:03
ikonianot the best part message13:03
Seveasnot really13:07
Seveaswhere's that?13:07
ikoniaSeveas: just parted #ubuntu13:07
Seveasforwarded here now13:15
ubotubidossessi called the ops in #ubuntu (bliss)13:18
adubwell i am having no luck on getting my exploit thing fixed13:31
adubi did what the site said and changed irc.ubuntu.com/800113:32
adubbut no luck13:32
Piciadub: try now, the bots were a little lagged.13:32
adubtest me13:33
Piciadub: try to join #ubuntu13:33
adubcool im back in13:33
Piciadub: the bots in #ubuntu-read-topic already did the testing.13:34
adubthanks pici13:34
ubotuIn #xubuntu, totalwormface said: !xfcemem is <reply> A Xubuntu system will boot on less than 64Mb of memory, and will run comfortably on a machine with 128Mb or less installed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu14:42
ubotuIn #xubuntu, totalwormface said: !xfcespace is <reply> A Xubuntu system needs less than 1.5Gb of hard drive space to function normally. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu14:46
LjL!requirements-#xubuntu is <reply> Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu14:50
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL14:50
LjL!requirements > totalwormface    (totalwormface, see the private message from Ubotu)14:50
jpatrickif he's here14:50
LjL!requirements is <reply> Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:50
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL14:50
LjL!requirements-#xubuntu > totalwormface    (totalwormface, see the private message from Ubotu)14:51
LjLjpatrick: ?14:51
jpatrickLjL: the () bits14:51
LjLjpatrick: eh those are output automatically by my client, i'm not typing them14:52
jpatrickLjL: ah, right14:52
ubotuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu14:52
totalwormfaceoverlooked that one14:52
LjLit wasn't there14:52
totalwormfacewell, Hobbsee also added '!xfcemem' and '!xfcedisk'14:53
totalwormfacei guess they could be merged then :]14:53
LjLthink they're a bit redundant14:53
totalwormfaceprobably :P14:54
LjL!no xfcemem is <alias> requirements-#xubuntu14:54
ubotuI'll remember that LjL14:54
LjL!no xfcespace is <alias> requirements-#xubuntu14:54
totalwormfacethose specific questions are asked many times in #xubuntu, but i guess the requirements factoid covers it all ;]14:54
LjLtotalwormface: if someone asks the memory question, it's likely they'll ask the HD question later, and vice versa14:55
totalwormfaceoh, btw, my nick 'totalwormage' is on the ignorelist of ubotu, i don't know why, could that be removed?14:55
totalwormfaceLjL: lol, yeah :P14:55
LjLtotalwormface, it's not in the ignore list if we saw your factoid submissions, i think14:56
totalwormfaceno i mean my linked nick 'totalwormage'14:56
totalwormfacenotice the slight difference hehe14:57
LjL!no xubuntu is <reply> Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:57
ubotuI'll remember that LjL14:57
LjLwell, i'll ask the bot owner14:58
totalwormfacecool :]14:58
totalwormfacewell, thanks, and keep up the good job :D14:59
LjL!requirements =~ s/$/ - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu14:59
ubotuMissing end delimiter14:59
LjL!requirements =~ s/$/ - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu/14:59
ubotuI'll remember that LjL14:59
LjL!flavor is <alias> flavors14:59
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL14:59
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
white_eaglehey, why have you banned me on #ubuntu-offtopic?15:19
Piciwhite_eagle: Because you sent a ctcp ping to the entire channel.15:19
white_eagleI had connection problems15:19
white_eagleI didn't did that intentionaly15:20
white_eagleI didn't even know how to do that15:20
PiciPerhaps you did /ping #ubuntu-offtopic15:20
jdongwhy is that even a feature of IRC clients?15:20
white_eaglewould you take that ban? It wasn't my intention15:21
* jdong smacks LjL 15:21
white_eagleto do that15:21
Piciwhite_eagle: It was an automatic ban.15:21
Piciwhite_eagle: Can you make sure that in the future you don't do that? :)15:22
white_eagleyes I do15:22
Piciwhite_eagle: Okay, you can rejoin #ubuntu-offtopic, be careful in the future :)15:23
Seeker`nalioth: ping16:01
naliothpong, Seeker`16:31
jpatricknalioth: is there a way one can transfer things like modes from one linked nick to another?16:47
naliothjpatrick: all linked nicks share everything16:57
jpatricknalioth: well, if I change to "jdavies" I lose +6u17:08
naliothjpatrick: i can't tell (because you're not jdavies)17:09
naliothjpatrick: are you sure it's not removing it and putting it right back?17:09
jpatricknalioth: well, it happens only when I set jdavies as master17:11
naliothjpatrick: the +6 is set in your client onjoin17:11
naliothand the +u is lost because you are playing with master nicks17:12
jpatrickah, I see17:12
=== Am|NickTaken is now known as Amaranth
Jack_SparrowDoes cobolt in ubuntu deserve a remove ?17:37
naliothhe deserves !offtopic first, if ya ask me17:38
Jack_SparrowTried that discretely, perhaps a more public !ot will work17:39
naliothwe start at the "assume good faith" end of the field, and work our way down it17:39
Jack_SparrowDidnt take long for him to be back at it17:40
Jack_SparrowSkype 2.0 with Video Chat installed without a hitch here this morning.17:43
PriceChildardchoille deactivated himself from ubuntu cloaked people on freenode as well? What's going on?18:27
jussi01Ok, so whats the usual/best way of dealing with:19:00
jussi01[20:56] *** DaveDorm is now known as Dave_AFK19:00
jussi01[20:56] < jussi01> !away > Dave_AFK19:00
jussi01[20:56] *** Dave_AFK is now known as Dave_zZzZzZzZzZz19:00
PiciI'd kick with /msg ubotu away in the reason.19:02
jussi01Pici: thanks, did just that.19:03
MartianIs talking about past wars OK in #ubuntu-offtopic? Or is a blanket ban on all wars ever? Or only all wars people still have strong feelings about?19:16
Garywhat past wars?19:16
MartianThe two world ones?19:17
PiciI would think it depends if you are talking history or politics.19:18
GaryI think those are classed as touchy, depends how they are approched19:18
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.19:18
PriceChildwar is on the list19:18
PriceChildMartian, ^19:18
Picioh, is it now. I guess I kind of glossed over that one.19:18
MartianSo even the wars during the bronze era are not allowed?19:19
naliothMartian: what is wrong with ##history ?19:19
MartianWhich I know of.19:20
* Martian parts having cleared the matter up.19:21
PiciQuiet today... almost too quiet.19:23
naliothcareful what you wish for  :)19:25
jpatrickPriceChild: looks like ardchoille is off LP entirely19:26
ompauldid some low down good for nothing other than destruction troll get the better of him, he seemed reasonable19:29
* ompaul invokes the protection of kraftwerk - I need more kraftwerk albums19:30
* jussi01 walks in20:00
jdongjussi01: OH GOD IT ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE20:00
ompauljdong, so ehh, how did you think of that20:02
* ompaul coughs20:02
jussi01jpatrick: what happened to ardchoille?20:02
jpatrickjussi01: I have... no idea20:02
jussi01ok then..20:03
ompauljussi01, it is said I was right looking back to 7:30pm20:03
ompaulmy time20:03
ubotursk called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:36
ompauland dealt with it21:38
ompaulLjL, idea21:38
ompaulso if someone ops in the few seconds after a call for ops or is removed the bot might say - appears to be dealt with21:39
* ompaul thinks LjL has nothing better to do :)21:39
* nalioth suggests the New York Times crossword to ompaul 21:41
mneptokompaul: oooo ... your tolerance is low today :)22:04
* mneptok hurls candy and liquor and hides22:04
ompaulmneptok, no he has been blabbering for a while and asked three times22:05
mneptokah, i came late22:05
ompaulI don't have to be the one saying please desist22:05
ompaulyour comment was funny though22:05
ompaulI checked before I ban forwarded him to -offtopic he was already there22:06
ompaulmy humour is querky this evening22:06
nalioththis evening?22:10
ompaulnalioth, fair point, and well made22:12
ompauldid I say that out loud, drats, meant to say it under my breath22:13
ompaulohh well22:13
ompaulPici, u there or here even?22:15
ompaulPici, can you go to the factoid factory and try to get something that says, "please don't, your first comment sufficed, continuing now seems more than futile please stop" but really nicely - for people who answer a question and then go to kill the goodness when they actually continue on with their after thoughts?22:17
ubotuMrObvious called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:17
naliothdo we not even talk to people any more?22:18
naliothjust aim and shoot?22:18
ubotuIn ubotu, Mez said: !rm-rf is <reply> WARNING: someone just posted a command to do with "rm -rf" - THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING ON YOUR HARD DISK - DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND!22:19
Meznalioth, for stuff like that - aim and shoot is the best way IMO22:20
Mezthough - maybe a forward here might have been appropriate22:20
ompaulnalioth, he was asked a few times if you are talking about x-X-x22:23
MezI think he was on about osiris22:23
PriceChildI don't like all the caps in the !hardy factoid.23:16
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:18
mneptokmy eyes!23:18
Seeker`PriceChild: Would alternating caps be better?23:32
MezSeeker`, pRiCeChIlD?23:44
Seeker`nah, PrIcEcHiLd is better23:45
Mezyeah, the first 3 caps letters spell PIE23:59
Mezthats always better23:59

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