
pierrethsoren: Opera?00:00
sorenfirefox has an annyoing habit of caching the mimetype of a the response of a given url and doesn't really want to forget it.00:00
soren...so it's quite likely that it's working, but firefox is tricking you into thinking that that's not the case.00:00
* soren kicks firefox00:00
sorenUse wget.00:00
pierrethOK firefox was the problem!!00:01
pierrethEverything was OK!00:01
pierreththank you00:01
leonelsoren: thats wierd00:02
sorenleonel: Quite.00:02
sorenpierreth: np00:02
lamontScottK: around?00:04
pierrethsoren: Opera refresh with the same page when the server is down00:10
pierrethit does not want to load the page, so the old page stay at the screen intead of giving an error00:11
sorenpierreth: I remember IE at one point cached 404 responses. That cost me most of a day of pointless debugging.00:12
pierrethsoren: very smart!!!00:13
sorenYes, I'm sure the idiot who implemented it thought so.00:13
* antdedyet has been going through a redhat horror story today00:14
pierrethI had to delete the cache to make my php script work00:15
pierretha restart is not enough00:15
pierrethit seems that php work without my config00:18
* lamont goes digging in irc logs to find where ScottK's stuff is00:35
leonellamont:  clamav ?00:36
leonellamont:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive00:37
leoneland the results  are in  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav00:38
lamontleonel: ah, I was just gonna grab them from ScottK's url00:38
lamontScottK: feh.  W: sylpheed-claws-gtk2 source: configure-generated-file-in-source config.log00:42
lamontI know, not your fault00:42
lamontW: sylpheed-claws source: package-has-a-duplicate-build-relation libaspell-dev, libaspell-dev (>= 0.50.3)00:47
lamontW: sylpheed-claws source: configure-generated-file-in-source config.log00:47
lamontlooks reasonable. :-)00:47
ScottKlamont: It's a straight backport from what's in the Feisty repository.00:48
ScottKlamont: Grab my .dsc's - Ther PPA version numbering will screw you if you grab them from here.00:49
lamontyeah - I grabbed yours.00:49
ScottKlamont: I gather you got the urls?00:49
lamontAnd we're gonna see if my sig on a .changes and your sig on a .dsc is good enough for  poppy00:50
lamontit was in the log file, just not in xchat scrollback...00:50
* ScottK runs off to play Daddy again for a while.00:50
* lamont does a testbuild00:52
lamont /build/lamont/php-clamavlib-0.12a/clamav.c:147: error: 'CL_DB_STDOPT' undeclared (first use in this function)00:56
lamontso what does it need beyond what's in dapper{,-security,-updates}00:56
lamontScottK: these better build in LP-land.00:58
lamont OK: php-clamavlib_0.12a-4~dapper1.dsc01:02
lamont     -> Component: universe Section: web01:02
lamontThis upload awaits approval by a distro manager01:02
lamontMaintainer: Jonas Genannt <jonas.genannt@capi2name.de>01:02
lamontChanged-By: Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>01:02
lamonthrm.. I hope no one gets annoyed by ScottK not changing the Maintainer addr...01:02
ScottKlamont: Not for Dapper.01:16
ScottKlamont: Thanks.01:16
lamontit's uploaded.  fwiw, it's your sig on the .dsc, so it'll be interesting to see what LP says.01:17
lamontonce $DISTROMANAGER says "OK"01:17
stiv2kthis mysqld_safe script is running is consuming 100% CPU its been like this for a few days now01:59
stiv2keven with mysql service stopped, the script continues to use up CPU time01:59
owhI'm doing a backup with rsync and I want to exclude /proc /dev /sys /tmp, but if I use --exclude /tmp, then any path that has those four characters in it, say /home/bob/tmp/ will also be excluded, will it not?02:06
owhOOh, I just RTFM'd for a fifth time. I was wrong. The / in the exclude pattern matches against the beginning of the path.02:12
krielOkay. Here's a new one on me. Two seperate ubuntu 7.10 CD's, And this same error comes up if I try to install to hard disk or if I try to check CD for errors.02:22
kriel[##.######] ata1.00: cmd c8/00:08:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in [##.######] ata 1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen02:23
krielrinse, repeat. several times.02:23
krielany suggestions?02:25
owhkriel: Can you run the memcheck tool from the CD?02:29
krielowh: didn't try yet. both the install and the check cd options came up with the error, though.02:30
krieli kind of just let it sit and think it through, and it's going through the install... painfully slow, but at least it's going. currently it's stalled at the detecting hardware for CDroms.02:30
owhHere is a description of some thoughts that others are having: http://www.perry-nelson.com/blog/2007/10/21/gutsy-gibbon-live-cd-boot-problem/02:34
krielill check it out... it just failed to find my CD rom drive, so that could very well be it.02:35
owhkriel: Based on the suggested blacklist options on that page, you could probably boot your CD with some kernel blacklist options as suggested at point on this page: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.sparc/ch05s02.html02:37
ScottKI'd try the alternate CD.  I seem to have more luck with that as a rule.02:38
owhkriel: Also, you can try booting in rescue mode, it may not load the same modules.02:38
owhScottK: The first URL I showed and other google hits seem to indicate that this doesn't work for that error, but I do agree, it's not a bad suggestion.02:39
ScottKThat's the first thing I always do when I hit a problem.02:39
owhIf you have bandwidth to spare, or if you already have the CD, then fair enough.02:40
krielowh: but I'm trying to install server. since when does server have an alternate CD?02:40
krieland you read my mind about those blacklist options..02:41
lamontalternate is the other CD...02:43
lamontserver cd differs from alternate in what packages are on the CD or not...02:43
krielalternate, being, the ubuntu-desktop alternate CD?02:43
lamont(alternate will let you install ubuntu-desktop, et al; server has server-ish bits, and less -desktop bits)02:43
krieland not the ubuntu-server CD?02:43
ScottKBut if you can get the alternate to install, you can turn your install into a server after it's installed.02:44
lamontthere are 3 CDs: desktop, alternate, server.02:44
krielScottK: well, originally it had ubuntu-desktop on it. (6.06, I think, but it was fully upgraded afaik. but I think I nuked that a little while ago, so I don't know... I'll attempt it with the alternate CD.02:45
owhkriel: You could also attach a USB cd drive if that helps.02:50
krielowh: if only i had one.02:51
owhYou could network boot it.02:51
krielowh: that link you gave me suggested adding all_generic_ide at the end of the boot options..02:51
owhSounds like a sensible option.02:52
owhI gotta go, leave a message here if you need more.02:52
krielowh: haven't worked with netboots yet. still a nooblet in the ways of the linux. not to mention the ways of the networking..02:52
krielmkay. Seeya later.02:52
milestone_hi all02:56
milestone_i am writing a network documentation about our server farm. And i am wondering what is the best way to document hdd partitions, so that both human and machine can easily understand how big the partitions are. I have been using fdisk -l hoping that the blocks printed there can be inserted in case of a desaster recovery and we have to recover from bare metal02:58
milestone_but it turns out that the blocks stand in relation to the cylinders02:59
milestone_and the test person was not able to do a bare metal recovery02:59
milestone_is it better to document such things with sfdisk?02:59
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Gargoylemorning all10:46
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GargoyleAnyone know if it is safe to rsync the entire /etc/apache directory to another host?14:28
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sorenGargoyle: I don't see a problem with that.14:34
sorenWell, unless you've done "interesting" things to it.14:34
Gargoylejsut 2 bog standard installs, 1 live and 1 on a 15 min rsync backup14:43
rotiniany of you guys using postfix?  My instance of it is trying, every 5 minutes, to email something to root@localhost.  I suspect i should make it stop that.  Any suggestions?  I can't figure out what it's doing, nor what triggers it every 515:06
lamontrotini: generally the content of such mail is a big clue15:07
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ubuntunutHey guys. Just curious as to how a cli handles network connections if /etc/network/interfaces is bare16:22
ivoksit doesn't16:23
ubuntunutIt... doesn't.16:26
ubuntunutFair enough.16:26
ubuntunutI'm guessing my install of wpa_supplicant is what gets me connected currently, yes?16:26
ivoksif you don't have /etc/network/interfaces, you don't get network connection16:27
ivoksunless you set it up manualy with ifconfig/iwconfig/wpa_supplicant/something_else16:27
ubuntunutivoks: Alrighty. wpa_supplicant explains it then16:28
ivoksiirc, wpa_supplicant alone can't get you connected16:29
ubuntunutI was able to get on after running this install script written by some very clever UP students: http://www.pittgeeks.org/projects/files/new_install.py16:32
ubuntunutI did no more, no less.16:32
ivoksthat script does a lot16:34
ivoksit starts dhcp client16:35
ivoksand lots of other things...16:35
ivoksafter running this script, it's kind of funny to say 'i did just this' :)16:35
ubuntunutivoks: I see. I apologize for bothering you then. was just curious how I'd initialize network connectivity when I got out of the dorm and back home.16:35
ubuntunutI'm not fluent in python if you couldn't tell :)16:36
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coffeedudedendrobates: Just sent you updated files for likewise-open packages.18:38
dendrobatescoffeedude: thanks, I'll check them out.18:38
ivokshi guys18:38
coffeedudedendrobates: Built on gutsy,  testing latest version of hardy now.18:39
dendrobatesivoks: hi18:39
soren&win 15818:39
sorenfrickin us keyboard18:39
mathiazhi ivoks18:40
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zulmeeting in 45 minutes?20:16
foozul: for?20:17
* ajmitch will just lurk again20:17
foozul: what is the meeting about?20:18
ajmitchserver stuff :)20:18
zulfoo: check the wiki20:18
foo:) cool. link?20:18
* foo debates lurking 20:18
zulcheck the topic20:18
fooin #server-team or here20:18
fooahhh, doh, ok.20:18
rotinihello all.  I'm looking at sysv-rc-conf here, and I see that udev and udev-finish aren't run at any runlevels.  That must be right, because I didn't screw around with this, but it seems strange.20:19
foohm, speaking of which, I think I broke my laptop.20:20
ajmitchrotini: /etc/rcS.d, but it's initially started in initramfs, iirc20:21
foo37 seconds for ubuntu with xdm, not bad, I don't think.20:26
rotiniajmitch: so I shouldn't be seeing it in that list?  The system is working, so...20:31
ajmitchno, you should see it there20:34
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ivokszul: that drbd patch is 17830 lines long22:26
zulivoks: sen me a url so i can look22:27
ivokszul: http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/patch-linux-2.6.24-drbd-8.0.722:28
zulivoks: thanks22:28
thomas_newbie__Hi. Can someone help me. Whenever I log in to my phpBB form it redirects me to a "server not found". But when I press the Back button, I am in fact now logged in22:47
luckyonehello all23:19
luckyonecan anyone help me with network bridging?23:19
luckyoneI need to connect a device to my eth0, then I need that device to use eth0 to connect to my network via ath023:20
luckyoneis this possible?23:20
* lamont wanders offline for a while23:24
dho_ragusluckyone: brctl is the bridge control tool23:31
luckyonedho_ragus: right - I have created a bridge, added the two interfaces, but nothing works...23:32
dho_ragustry `sudo brctl addbr br1` then `sudo brctl addif br1 eth0` and `sudo brctl addif br1 ath0`23:32
dho_raguscan you sniff traffic from across the bridge?23:33
dho_ragusdoes the bridged system still have internet access?23:34
soren...turns out I was wrong. the LSI driver *is* in the hardy virtual kernel image.23:41

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