[02:11] where can i find what syntax the config files for 0.3.9 have [02:11] some how i have the feeling all the stuff in the wiki is for newer or older version === kylem_ is now known as kylem [07:58] Keybuk: some interesting stuff for you about Upstart in Fedora - looks like they plan for it in Fedora 9: [07:58] http://screwyouenterpriseedition.blogspot.com/2008/01/upstart-in-fedora.html [07:58] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Upstart [08:02] AlexExtreme: yeah they do [08:02] * Keybuk has been talking to them a lot :-) [08:02] ah :) [08:03] * AlexExtreme looks forward to seeing it in Fedora (I use it on my desktop now) [08:03] bbl [10:20] does anybody have any pointers to docu for version 0.3.9 ? [10:26] i am trying to setup upstart on my embedded system but can't find any docu that actually fits a certain version , just plans and specs and so on that do not work with 0.3.9 [13:11] what kind of documentation are you looking for? [13:11] there's the "getting started" page on the website [13:11] that covers 0.3.9 [14:25] well i was trying to figure out how to start somethings depending on two other things [14:26] but that only seems to be possible in "trunk" [15:08] right, Upstart is still in development [15:08] you can do dependencies though [15:08] if X depends on Y, X can have "start on Y started" [15:09] err start on started Y [15:09] or if you want start X to start Y, Y can have "start on starting X" [15:09] yeah but not "start A if B or C have started" [15:09] sure [15:09] start on started B [15:09] start on started C [15:09] "OR" is easy [15:10] uhhh AND i mean [15:10] and is only possible in trunk [15:10] yeah OR worked [15:10] start on started B and started C [15:10] any idea on the arrival time of a next stable version ? === elmarco is now known as elmarco|zou