
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
* igc lunch02:21
warnkrunning 1.1.0 - is bzr's bugtracker feature supposed to be storing bug metadata or running some sort of post to the bugtracker url?  i see a blueprint for bug metadata, docs sound like everything is implemented though03:06
spivwarnk: have you seen http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.1/en/user-guide/index.html#integrating-bazaar-with-bug-trackers ?03:08
spivwarnk: basically, bzr gives you a standard way to mark a revision as fixing a bug, but it doesn't automatically try to interact with a bug tracker03:09
warnki did see that, on second looking though, just saw mention of installing a hook03:10
spivwarnk: you could setup a cron job or bzr hook to automatically notice those revisions, and update your bug tracker, but there's nothing "out-of-the-box" you can use to do that.03:10
spive.g. you'd need to write the hook yourself.03:11
warnkspiv: i see now, section on bug tracker settings made it seem that http posts, w/e were part of the commit process03:12
warnkyeah, looking into hooks now03:12
warnkmetadata on bugfixes isn't currently logged locally, is it?03:14
spiv"bzr log" doesn't report it, no.03:15
spivIt should03:15
spiv(I think there's a patch to the bzr-gtk plugin to make it show it, though)03:16
warnka hook to use --fixes probably is too much, a little regex magic could make a really lame post-commit bug tracker though. interesting03:25
* igc heading off early today03:39
igctill tomorrow all03:40
poolieigc, have a good holiday03:40
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lostylostCould someone help me with this error?  bzr: ERROR: Unable to delete transform temporary directory D:/invoice/trunk/.bzr/checkout/pending-deletion.  Please examine D:/invoice/trunk/.bzr/checkout/pending-deletion to see if it contains any files you wish to keep, and delete it when you are done.07:56
lostylostI am loathe to mess around as I am new to bzr and even version control07:56
lostylostnow there is a lock on my bzr repo as well07:56
PengWell, you can use "bzr break-lock" for that. That's not dangerous.07:57
Peng(As long as you're sure no other process or user has it open..)07:57
lostylostIt happened after running bzr update after a local commit07:57
PengI've never heard of the pending-deletion thing, so I can't help.07:57
lostylostno worries07:58
lostylostit's been happening every time I uses local commits07:58
lostylostinstead of commiting to the main repo every time07:58
lostylostnot exactly what's on the lid07:59
PengIf you use local commits a lot, perhaps you should use a branch.07:59
lostylostI did07:59
lostylost"bzr branch location" yeah?07:59
lostylostI went a bit trigger happy with the bzr mv at one stage08:00
lostylostmaybe that's the problem08:00
lostylostI had to recover a missing revision after deleting those files with the HEADS plugin08:00
PengI'd be very surprised if that was the problem.08:00
lostylostI would hope so really that it wasn't that08:00
Penglostylost: Err? I don't know about the HEADS plugin.08:00
lostylostI don't really know much either08:01
lostylostbut I used it to recover the dead HEAD revision08:01
lostylostmy last local commit08:01
PengRecovering a revision? What happened to it?08:01
lostylostwell I messed around deleting those temporary files08:02
lostylostthinking that it would just be in my repo and I could08:02
lostylostbzr revert08:02
lostylostbut the revision disappeared from my log08:02
lostylostone of the bzr developers was around on this channel and he referred me to the HEADS plugin08:03
lostylostNow the same problem has occured but I am loathe to mess around with it too much08:03
lostylostnot really knowing what I am doing08:04
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* bzlm e i huset08:15
ubotuNew bug: #185574 in bzr-svn "Checkout from WebDAV server fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18557410:40
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jrydberg__jelmer: there?11:45
ubotuNew bug: #185591 in bzr-eclipse "Files moved by refactoring not moved in bzr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18559111:46
jelmerjrydberg__: hi12:27
jrydberg__jelmer: how do you suggest i work against a upstream svn repo?12:41
jrydberg__jelmer: i keep a bzr-version of the trunk in the repo, and merge everything into that when i want to push upstream?12:42
jelmerjrydberg__: yeah, that would be one way. Another would be to use a checkout12:42
jrydberg__i want to use bzr's merge tracking12:43
jrydberg__jelmer: bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///exports/lithium/jrydberg/repository/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository SvnRepository('svn://picnic1/sw')13:03
jrydberg__    a common error?13:03
jelmerjrydberg__: See the FAQ13:03
jelmerjrydberg__: Basically, you need a rich-root(-pack) repo13:03
jrydberg__jelmer: you said i could use a checkout.  what would that gain me compared to using subversion?13:08
jelmerjrydberg__: the ability to "bzr merge" from bzr branches13:22
ubotuNew bug: #128496 in subversion "Unable to open native working tree with non-ascii filenames" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12849613:56
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brink__Anyone know the tradeoffs between rich-root and pack-0.92?17:35
datobrink__: the proper question would be "between knits and pack-0.92" or "between rich-root-pack and pack-0.92"17:42
datobrink__: because rich-root is knits+rich-root17:42
brink__Hmm.   Bzr help upgrade lists them as pack-0.92 and rich-root.   If the tool uses that vocabulary then it's a valid question.  No?17:44
jw2328brink__, rich-root uses knits, which are a data format that makes bzr slower than with packs.18:10
jw2328however packs require clients to have at least 0.9218:11
jw2328also, rich root stores information that packs-0.92 does not. It is planned to transition to store this information by default at some point.18:12
jw2328--rich-root-pack is the equivalent for packs.18:12
jw2328I would recommend the latter if clients that access the repo are going to be recent versions (1.0 or even 1.1 I think)18:13
jw2328if you need to support clients less than 0.92 then use a knit based format.18:13
brink__Thanks.   I noticed that rich-root-pack is labeled as experimental on my current version of bazaar  (1.0rc1 on Ubuntu).18:14
jw2328I would definitely recommend using packs if you can.18:14
mtaylor_rich-root-pack good18:14
brink__Is rich-root-pack safe?18:15
jw2328well, don't let it get hold of any sharp objects.18:16
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brink__Most code is pretty dull.18:16
james_wbrink__, if you hang on a minute I'll give you a sensible answer18:18
brink__Take your time.  I'm here.18:18
james_wbrink__, someone far more knowledgeable than me says that rich-root-pack in itself is safe, however upgrading from non-rich root is a little flaky.18:25
james_wSo, if you are starting a new project then start with rich-root-pack. If not then hang on until the converter is up to scratch.18:25
brink__sounds like good advice.18:26
Bloguero__Connorhello, the program is called bzr or baz?18:35
Bloguero__Connordownloaded from apt-get install bazaar (using Ubuntu), I get it as baz. Is it OK?18:35
beunoBloguero__Connor, bzr18:35
beunobaz is old/abandoned18:36
james_wBloguero__Connor, apt-get install bzr18:37
Bloguero__Connorbeuno: Why do I get baz -V: Bazaar version 1.4.2 (thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.4[bazaar--devo.cfg])18:37
lifelessBloguero__Connor: you've installed an old version of the software18:37
beunoBloguero__Connor, because it's called bazaar too18:37
lifelessBloguero__Connor: the new version is called 'bzr' - 'apt-get install bzr'18:38
Bloguero__ConnorOK, let me try again18:38
Bloguero__ConnorYes, now I installed sbassi@JeOS1:~$ bzr version18:40
Bloguero__ConnorBazaar (bzr) 0.90.018:40
beunoBloguero__Connor, I'd recommend you install the latest version from PPA:   https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive18:41
beuno1.1 has a _lot_ of improvements and storage format change18:41
beunoso it's the safest bet18:41
Bloguero__ConnorIMHO, when you do "apt-get install bazar", you should get a warning that this is an old version and that the current is bzr. Just an opinion.18:42
beunoBloguero__Connor, well, I think baz is getting removed from Debian18:42
Bloguero__Connorbeuno: OK, thank you!!!!18:43
beunolifeless, how about in Ubuntu, wouldn't it make sense to remove it too?18:43
lifelessbeuno: yes; bazaar should be a migration package depending on bzr, baz18:45
datoI built bzr 1.1 for sarge, because one user requested it18:45
datowhat a PITA, though18:45
Bloguero__Connordato: where is it located?18:46
datoBloguero__Connor: backports.org in a couple minutes18:46
datoBloguero__Connor: (the source, a couple minutes; binaries for i386 and amd64 should follow in a while)18:47
Bloguero__Connordato: binaries for 386 is enought for me :)18:47
beunolifeless, so I should send a mail to the list and see who/how/when?  might be good to have it done before Hardy releases18:48
datoshould ideally be done in debian as well18:48
beunodato, I think ASCIIGirl filed for removal already, we talked about it the other day as the package was orphaned18:49
james_wbeuno: it has been discussed with the Debian maintainer, so a bug with patch in Debian would be the best way of doing it.18:50
datobeuno: I don't see it orphaned18:50
james_wbeuno, baz was orphaned?18:50
datobazaar-doc is orphaned18:50
datonot bazaar18:50
TeTeTis there a nice way to only merge certain files of a branch with another? e.g. all .xml and .png files, but not Makefile, .xsl and such?18:50
james_wTeTeT, bzr merge ../branch/file18:51
beunodato, aaah, she might of missed that -doc bit18:51
TeTeTjames_w: for all files?18:51
james_wTeTeT, oh, no, hang on.18:51
beunojames_w, what dato said  :D18:51
james_wTeTeT, yeah, I think so. shell expansion should help.18:53
james_wTeTeT, try it. What's the worst that can happen?18:53
TeTeTrm -rf, bzr branch18:53
TeTeTor even bzr revert18:54
beunodato, seems she didn't finish bazaar-doc either, so I'll mail the list for Ubuntu and Debian18:54
brink__How come apt-get upgrade only gets me up to 1.0.0.candidate.1?   Aren't we up to version 1.1?18:54
Bloguero__Connorgood bye!18:56
james_wbrink__, what repos are you using for that/18:56
brink__Not the repos.   bzr --version tells me it's 1.0.0.candidate.1.18:57
TeTeTjames_w: thanks, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53357/ did the job18:58
james_wbrink__, yeah, I mean where are you expecting to get the new version from?18:58
james_w(Ubuntu, Debian, bazaar-vcs.org, PPA)18:58
james_wTeTeT, great. Glad to know it works.18:59
luksTeTeT: ouch, wouldn't it be better to merge it all and then revert files you don't want to get merged?18:59
datosome ubuntu guy /queried me the other day, and it seemed he'd work into getting 1.1 into hardy18:59
james_wluks, no, not if you want the rest of the changes later.18:59
TeTeTluks: might be another good idea18:59
luksbzr revert --forget-merges18:59
james_wdato, I think the request has been filed, so next time an archive admin processes the queue it should sync and build.19:00
james_wluks, true.19:00
TeTeTthe loops takes a while for 400+ pngs ...19:00
luksthis just doesn't seem right, because it must have produced a lot of unnecessary commits19:00
datook. he was worring about sid only having the rc1, and I told him there hadn't been any code changes19:00
TeTeTluks: yes, it produced around 2019:01
james_wluks, TeTeT, can you just commit once at the end? Perhaps you will have to add --force to the merge.19:01
luksyes, with --force19:01
TeTeTjames_w: haven't tried that19:01
brink__I'm also trying to install it on tiger PPC without much luck.    Macports says the following dependencies failed to build:-bz2 python25 py25-crypto py25-hashlib py25-paramiko py25-zlib19:01
james_wbzr ls --modified | grep -v png\$ | xargs bzr revert; bzr revert --forget-merges; bzr commit19:02
TeTeTbut honestly I don't mind having a commit for each individual file19:02
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james_wI'm done for the day. Bye all.19:05
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acusterhey all, how do I get a diff between an upstream svn server and my current bzr?19:57
acusterI should have a two line change locally compared to the server19:58
acusterI'd like to know what's going to happen if I to a bzr push against the remote server19:58
jelmeracuster: bzr diff -rbranch:svn-url19:58
acusterone other point of confusion, I did one bzr branch from the svn server to a branch locally, and then branched that into a working directory19:59
acusterwhy does bzr push from the working directory not push to the other local branch from which it came?20:00
acusterit goes directly against the remote svn server20:00
acusteri'm clearly missing a piece of the puzzle20:00
datopush from the working directory should have no default push location20:00
datoso most likely you specified the svn server once?20:01
acusterso can i have a push in the working directory go to the 'master' branch ? (or, what command do I read about to reset the push location?)20:02
datoto reset, bzr push --remember someotherlocation20:03
beunoacuster, you can also switch between where you push all you want, push once to the the local bzr branch, once to the svn, you can work as you like.  --remember will overwrite the default location, as dato mentioned20:04
acusterthank you all. /me runs off to learn some more and see what happens20:05
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
brink__Is it ok to store unrelated branches in a shared repository?20:33
brink__Also,  can you delete branches within a shared repository?20:34
radixbrink__: yes and yes20:37
brink__And you delete them simply with rm -rf  ?20:38
radixbrink__: yep.20:38
radixbrink__: the revision data will stay around in the repository, so you won't reclaim much space20:38
brink__That's ok.  It isn't the space that bothers me.  Just the clutter.20:39
radixmaybe some day there will be some garbage collection that cleans it up20:39
brink__I'm debating whether I should just have a directory with branches or a shared repo with branches.  All the branches are currently unrelated.20:40
luksit won't bring you any benefit, and might slow some things down20:41
luksbut not much20:41
brink__Any advantages for multiple users?20:41
luksif two users want to commit to the same repository at the same time, they have to wait20:42
luksit really makes sense to use shared repositories only for branches that share some revisions20:43
brink__Sounds like a shared repo is a good thing for efficient storage of tags and dead branches, but not much else.20:43
lukswell, it's very useful if you have 20k revisions and a lot of feature branches20:44
luksbut if you have separate projects, it's better to have separate repositories for them20:44
brink__What's the best way to set permissions?  Is it 2770 or just 770?20:46
DebolazAre anyone here convertees from git or hg? I'm writing up a comparison of the various scms, and I was curious what made people switch.20:53
mwnot really, but the fact that i have to use them for some projects i'm involved with makes me appreciate bzr quite a bit20:59
brink__I used hg for a bit.  I switched because I rename things on occasion and I thing bazaar handles it better.   Also, I found it easy to plugin diff tools.21:03
brink__I think the diff plugin should be standard actually, rather than a plugin.  It's too useful to be a plugin.21:04
=== Debolaz2 is now known as Debolaz
pickscrapeQuick question. I'm currently evaluating bzr as a svn replacement, and am importing a large (41k) revision repository.21:41
pickscrapeI'm already seeing the effects of the memory leak in the python bindings that is fixed in svn 1.521:42
pickscrapeMy question is, if the memory consumption gets too high, can I kill the process and get it to continue somehow?21:42
jelmerpickscrape: yes, as long as you use a shared repository21:46
pickscrapeAt my end? Or at the server end.21:47
pickscrape(sorry, I've started looking at bzr *today* so I'm new to the terminology too).21:48
bob2on your end (bzr init-repo --rich-root repo ; bzr branch svn:/// repo/branchname)21:50
pickscrapeAh, so I need to init the repo first. I was just issuing the branhc command and having it create the repo for me.21:51
pickscrapeThanks, I'll rectify that right away... :)21:51
fullermdjelmer: Would it work too if you did an 'init ; pull' dance instead of 'branch'?21:51
jelmeryeah, that would work as well21:51
jelmerit would be nice if we could get bzr branch do create something that is resumable21:52
bob2I'd've thought branch would be resumable with pull21:52
pickscrapeAm I able to do an entire repository, or do I need to just branch one subversion 'branch'?21:53
bob2bzr svn-import21:55
pickscrapeAh, thanks again21:57
asabilpickscrape: the bzr-svn memory leak got fixed in ubuntu I think21:57
pickscrapeI'm using gentoo21:57
pickscrapeThough I am using the bzr overlay21:57
asabilpickscrape: I am not sure your process will survive with a 41K revision and an unpatched memory leak21:57
jelmerasabil: Not yet, there is a patch but no new package has been uploaded yet21:57
asabiloh ok jelmer21:58
asabilpickscrape: maybe you want to try to apply the patch first ?21:58
pickscrapeasabil: that's why I'm hoping I can stop and restart it periodically21:58
asabilok I see :) good luck21:58
pickscrapeThe gentoo overlay laready applies a couple of patches to subversion. I won't why it doesn't apply this one too.21:58
pickscrapeBTW I'm very impressed with the site. The workflows page in particular is something that I think other systems' sites are lacking22:00
pickscrapeThe next step would be examples of how to set each of those workflows up. That would be extremely useful to newcomers such as myself :)22:01
asabiljelmer: concerning the bug display you added to bzr-gtk22:02
asabilwouldn't it be nice to have something like the current tags display in the branch graph ?22:03
jelmerfor fixed bugs you mean?22:04
AfCjelmer: there was a fellow in here the other day reporting about using bzr-svn to clone KDE. Most of his problem (once he got over the lack of UI feedback at certain stages due to the monster size of what he was importing) was about disk space;22:10
jelmerAfC: Yeah, I plan on getting rid of that eventually22:10
AfCjelmer: specifically "why is it taking so much space on my home partition"; most everyone here was like "hey don't worry about it" but he was like "no, it's a GB, and it matters"22:10
pickscrapeThe svk depot for the repo I'm trying to clone is 7.4G. It will be interesting to see how big it is when cloned by bzr.22:11
AfCwhich was an interesting angle; he had the repo going somewhere else, but bzr-svn's (sqlite?) database of bzr id to svn id (sic?) mappings is (apparently?) in ~/.bazaar/whatevger22:11
AfCand that was causing him concern.22:12
AfCjelmer: I thought I'd raise it with you to ask if possible & suggest if it is22:12
AfCjelmer: that perhaps this database (sic) could be stored in the repository rather than in ~/.bazaar22:12
AfC(ie something custom in .bzr/repository/)22:13
AfCjelmer: Just a thought. That's it.22:13
jelmerAfC: The problem then is what to do when somebody runs "bzr log svn://foobar/"22:13
AfCjelmer: interesting.22:13
AfCjelmer: (offer them a free lobotomy?)22:13
pickscrapePerhaps a simple pointer in ~/.bazaar ?22:14
jelmerAfC: Also, that means somebody could be using a lot of diskspace if they don't use repositories but multiple branches22:14
jelmerand wasting a lot of time creating that cache every time22:14
AfCjelmer: yeah, well. That's what hard links are for :)22:14
AfCjelmer: (sometimes I think we offer too much flexibility in making share repository optional. So cool, but alas)22:15
pickscrapesvn-import is actually doing a lot better with memory than branch was.22:18
jelmerpickscrape: probably because the cache is already partially filled22:19
jelmerpickscrape: it uses the same python subversion bindings so it'll have the same memory leak22:19
pickscrapeah right22:21
pickscrapeIs there an interactive commit tool for bazaar that lets you choose individual hunks (a la git-gui)?22:22
jelmer"bzr gcommit" (from bzr-gtk) allows selecting individual files22:24
pickscrapeYes, I've found that. It would be nice if it could do it on a per-hunk basis too.22:25
acusterwohoo! My first commit from bzr into our svn!22:29
acusterthanks jelmer for all the hard work!22:29
acusterand to all the bzr folk22:29
jelmerpickscrape: Feel free to file a bug report :-)22:31
jelmeracuster: glad you like it22:31
pickscrapejelmer: will do :)22:32
spivjelmer: perhaps a compromise might be to emit a message the when a cache for a new SVN repo is created?  e.g. "Initialising SVN revision mapping cache in ~/.bazaar/subversion/foo..."22:34
jelmerspiv: Yeah, that makes sense22:34
spivJust doing it when a cache is created probably isn't too chatty.22:34
spivAnd then for the rest of the time you'll get that nice, silent "Just Works" behaviour ;)22:35
acusterwell that turned into a minor disaster22:47
fullermdI call that 'normal'   ;)22:48
acustera two line change turned into a three part push that hit about a hundred files22:49
* acuster is back to svn merging the reverse diff22:49
acusterI'm stressing bzr a bit beyond what it has seen before I think.22:50
ubotuNew bug: #185764 in bzr "Add support for defining the code to commit at the hunk level in gcommit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18576422:51
jelmerpickscrape: btw, it is possible to use bzr shelve to temporarily remove bits from the working tree that you don;t want to commit23:00
pickscrapeIndividual parts of files?23:02
fullermddiff hunks23:02
pooliejam, standup tim23:02
* pickscrape marks down bzr shelve as something else to look at23:03
fullermdHmm.  Is bzr.dev supposed to work against 1.1 SS's again?23:04
acusteris dir_conflicts.prej a bzr generated file?23:09
bob2"prej" doesn't occur in the bzr source23:10
acusterthanks, maybe it's svn then23:14
ubotuNew bug: #185772 in bzr "Ability to set two authors for a commit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18577223:16
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