[00:00] is it possible to increase the dpi? [00:00] sdc1 [00:00] try /dev/sdc1 [00:00] [ka]killer: no, the entire disk includes a partition table, try /dev/sdc1 [00:00] nosrednaekim; did you get it? [00:00] tom540: looking [00:00] <[ka]killer> got it =P [00:00] <[ka]killer> its sudo chmod 777 to give read/write to everyone right? [00:00] tom540: erase all of those lines [00:00] and save the file [00:01] [ka]killer: yes [00:01] [ka]killer: bad idea. fine for temp work [00:01] <[ka]killer> what would i do for perminant? [00:02] only allow yourself or a group edit it [00:02] tom540: ummmm BBIAB [00:02] okay. [00:02] <[ka]killer> problem is its a network storage drive -_- [00:02] ? [00:02] what is? [00:02] <[ka]killer> the drive im working on right now [00:02] ok [00:03] I am confused [00:03] <[ka]killer> ok... i just need read write to be open for everyone that accesses the drive [00:03] [ka]killer: ok [00:04] [ka]killer: what you did was good. I am just paranoid :-D [00:04] nicotine froze [00:05] :O [00:05] <[ka]killer> bah >_< how do i change ownership of the drive [00:05] <[ka]killer> its saying root is the owner [00:06] chown user.group /drive/mount/point [00:06] with sudo [00:06] <[ka]killer> so... sudo chown john /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk ? [00:07] sure [00:07] no [00:07] nm [00:07] take out /dev/sdc1 [00:08] just the drive mountpoints [00:08] mountpoint* [00:09] <[ka]killer> its still saying root -__ [00:09] <[ka]killer> john@Jimmy:~$ sudo chown john /mnt/disk [00:09] try john.john instead of john [00:09] nicotine froze again [00:09] becomes unresponsive [00:09] :( [00:09] <[ka]killer> nope [00:10] not sure why [00:10] <[ka]killer> -__ [00:10] <[ka]killer> -_- [00:10] <[ka]killer> can i just give ownership to all? [00:11] <[ka]killer> like chmod 777 gives read/write to all? [00:11] yes [00:11] that works [00:11] <[ka]killer> how === crookshanks_ is now known as crookshanks [00:11] chmod 777 [00:11] <[ka]killer> i mean for chown [00:11] there is no way [00:11] <[ka]killer> -_- [00:11] someone must own a file [00:12] if no one does then root should own it and it should be chmod 777'ed [00:12] <[ka]killer> ha [00:12] <[ka]killer> it was /dev/sdc1 [00:12] <[ka]killer> not /mnt/disk [00:13] ? [00:13] that can not be good [00:13] <[ka]killer> john@Jimmy:~$ sudo chown john /dev/sdc1 [00:13] <[ka]killer> worked [00:13] never allow the device to be writable by normal people [00:13] <[ka]killer> tekteen [00:14] anyone reckon they can help with a USB mounted drive locking up every time I try and copy something big? [00:14] <[ka]killer> thats the entire f**king point of this drive -_- [00:14] ? [00:14] <[ka]killer> im the only one in my house that knows how to get to it anyway [00:14] whatever [00:14] <[ka]killer> the way my set up is, is i work on my tablet, which only has a 40gb hdd, i have 2 drives that i network from my brothers computer to use as storage [00:14] <[ka]killer> i need to be able to read/write to these when ever i want [00:15] just it is not good security (yes I am paranoid) to not allow someone to modify the device directly without going through the system [00:15] will installing gnome slow down my computer [00:15] articpenguin3800: only if you use it and not by much [00:16] only cost is extra hdd space [00:16] <[ka]killer> tekteen: i know, but that is how ive had it set up for the past 3 years with no problems, even when i was still on windows [00:16] articpenguin3800: unless it is worse then any computer I will ever see [00:16] nicotine is broken..it froze again [00:16] [ka]killer: ok [00:17] its for my old laptop with xubuntu on it [00:17] I do not care. Once again I am paranoid [00:17] p3 667MHz 256mb ram [00:17] I setup my computer with top security [00:17] even though I do not need it [00:17] security? what is that? [00:17] thecrono: I need to be more like you [00:18] is it possible to recompile the kernel that came with gutsy [00:19] articpenguin3800: it is not easy [00:19] how isnt it easy? i have compiled lots of kernels on kubuntu [00:19] nm then [00:19] kernels that came from kernel.org [00:20] articpenguin3800: what is the reason [00:20] optimize the kernel for my processor [00:20] ok [00:21] can i get the kernel from synaptic [00:21] yes. linux-source [00:21] where does the source get placed [00:22] /usr/src [00:22] in a tar ball [00:22] I think it is decompressed === g2g591 is now known as fishermanjoe [00:30] mmmkay, i got one of the issues i wanted to fix taken care of [00:31] got wine and bejeweled 2 installed on jen's pc... works great, and that's about the only game she missed from windows :) [00:31] had to go find a nice png icon though, the original looked like something a 3 year old would spit up === fishermanjoe is now known as g2g591 [00:33] I seem to have lost all the icons in my OpenOffice. The last thing I remember changing on my system was a bunch of color settings... what might I have broken? [00:35] which program is more appropriate for use in a script: adduser or useradd? [00:36] I use adduser [00:36] xevious: depends how portable you want it to be. Debian's adduser is modified. [00:36] xevious: (i.e., Kubuntu's is, too, as a result) [00:37] ok. but is one of them the sysv or posix or whatever standards base compliant one? [00:37] useradd is. [00:38] ok [00:38] i'll use that [00:38] is there to get around ext3s 32k sub folder limit? [00:39] why do you need over 32000 folders? [00:39] wait is that system wide or subfolders within one folder? [00:40] hi everyone again [00:41] for those of you who dont know i have a prob installing ubuntu [00:41] (kubuntu) [00:41] go here to see [00:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185510 [00:41] its an issue with flightgear [00:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185510 [00:42] tom540: yo... did you fix it? [00:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185510 [00:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185510 [00:42] plz go here to help me [00:43] !repeat [00:43] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience [00:43] jhend60, stop spamming the channel. For one, that doesn't really qualify as a bug. You provided no helpful information and you're asking prople to help you instead of reporting a known bug that cannot be easily fixed. [00:44] ok [00:44] sorry [00:44] i am a noob [00:44] jhend60, I suggest you get a pastebin and write out your problem in full detail, including your computer specs and what happens at each step when you do it. Any output is helpful too [00:44] !patebin | jhend60 [00:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about patebin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:44] !pastebin | jhend60 [00:44] jhend60: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [00:45] ok [00:45] so thats what i should use [00:50] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53260/ [00:50] my pastebin is above [00:52] now it is [00:52] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53261/ [00:54] |||read above||| [00:55] jhend60, okay. Now here is what you can do to get help. You can create a topic on http://ubuntuforums.com/. Find the correct section and copy and paste your problem from the pastebin to the message. You can wait for a response there. You can also periodically (every hour or so) repost your pastebin link and hope someone in the channel can help you. [00:55] jhend60, asking someone to help you or pointing out your pastebin every few minutes is just going to annoy the regulars who are here :) [00:55] oh ok [00:56] many people dont have acccess to web browsers at all times also. :() [00:57] that is true. summarizing your problem into a sentence or two, would help when reposting in this channel [00:58] ok then when I install kubuntu it has a blank screen after loading in normal mode, and in safe mode a bar is at the top of the screen and I cant do anything. [00:58] I have intel 82810 graphics card [01:03] all done [01:03] forum post made [01:04] wine does not support joystick or POV hat? [01:04] I recall using joysticks in wine befor. [01:04] i ahve a playstation controller...the buttons work, but the axis/pov don't [01:04] [pov is the 4 arrows] [01:04] how do i get adept to pass clicks through to the vmware-player debconf? [01:04] I would say check the #wine channel and forums for that. [01:05] oh whoops, this is wrong channel :D [01:05] :P [01:05] We get that all the time [01:05] i had to ask this 6 months ago, i should have written it down i guess :) [01:06] argnel, Im not even sure wht you are asking. :) [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> a question from a newbie [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> when i install something [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> with the program install manager [01:06] if you are in adept and have a 'text' config dialog - ive used the tab key to move around those to acceps the elua/select gdm/kdm whatever.. then hit enter [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but the i want to unistall [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> how con i find what i have previously installed [01:06] <[ITA]mitticoooo> and remove it? === smith_ is now known as Wilson [01:07] Help... My machine won't boot anymore. Something about an Nvidia Kernel API version mismatch [01:07] I didnt install anything, just restarted! [01:07] man wine is dead [01:07] #winehq [01:07] Dr_willis_: it won't pass anything into the 'text' config [01:07] baudthief, how did You install your nvidia drivers in the past? [01:07] i can highligth text and that is about it [01:07] argnel, Not sure then. Normally i use the console apt-get commands. [01:07] or synaptic. [01:07] Dr_willis: Nothing except the driver from the nVidia website works [01:08] <[ITA]mitticoooo> How can i see recent drivers/program installed, so to remove them if i would? [01:08] *worked [01:08] Dr_willis_: me too, but this is not debian so i figured i'd just use the kubuntu tools [01:08] baudthief, if you downloaded/installed the drivers from the web site and Did NOT use the package manager way. THEN every time you have a kernel upgrade - you MUST reinstall the video card drivers manually [01:08] it isn't making me real happy about kubuntu that this keeps happening without getting fixed [01:09] Dr_willis: Damn, I guess update-manager must've installed / upgraded the kernel [01:09] argnel, i find adept to be a bit of a hassle. [01:09] *new [01:09] baudthief, Highly likely. :) [01:09] <[ITA]mitticoooo> Dr_willis: I am new Kubuntu user, how can i unistall program? [01:09] Dr_willis_: yes, it is [01:09] [ITA]mitticoooo, fire up the package manager, uncheck the installed ones.. hit apply [01:10] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok i guess [01:10] [ITA]mitticoooo, or use the apt-get commands from the shell.. or synaptic, or the add/remove program icon [01:10] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but if i don't remember in which category was installed [01:10] <[ITA]mitticoooo> previously how can i find that [01:10] Dr_willis_: Would you be able to do me a MASSIVE favour please? I need the link to nVidias driver, running bitchX in text mode, I cant get kdm/x running, so only thing I'm able to do is wget... Lynx is useless on nVidias site ;\ [01:10] [ITA]mitticoooo, we dont include ESP :) i have no idea of what you intalled..and i dont think thers an adept/apt history/log either. [01:10] <[ITA]mitticoooo> for example i installed a video card driver [01:10] baudthief, heh - why cant you use the ones in the repos? [01:11] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but i havenot used them [01:11] if only I could get my intel 945gm video working... [01:11] Dr_willis_ they just die in the ass for some reason, spent hours trying before, they either crash out with a similar error to this, or 3d acceleration just doesnt work [01:11] baudthief, you could reboot and select an earlier kernel. Actually if you kept the old install file for nvidia that you used befor - You could just rerun its installer. also. [01:11] what video card is this baudthief ? [01:11] <[ITA]mitticoooo> there is not some kind of view "latest program installed"? [01:12] [ITA]mitticoooo, not that iv4e ever seen [01:12] Dr_willis_: Hope I still got that file :P lemme check, card is nV7600GS [01:12] Dr_willis, [ITA]mitticoooo- there is /var/log/dpkg.log that should show what packages have been installed [01:12] or GT, cant remember [01:12] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but did you understand the problem? [01:12] wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.09/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run [01:12] <[ITA]mitticoooo> imagine i istall firefox [01:12] How about those baudthief [01:13] ahh crap I forget, no copy/paste lol - NOBODY SAY ANYTHING [01:13] better write it down :P [01:13] [ITA]mitticoooo, Then you can fire up the package manager, search for firefox, and unclick it. [01:13] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok perfect [01:13] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but imagine now [01:13] baudthief, dont have GPM going for mouse in the consoel eh? [01:13] Dr_willis: And thanks! [01:13] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i install something not so easy to recognize [01:13] <[ITA]mitticoooo> e.g some kind of driver [01:14] <[ITA]mitticoooo> Will I have to search carefully at the list of installed programs [01:14] <[ITA]mitticoooo> and finally find the driver? [01:14] <[ITA]mitticoooo> hoping to dont' uninstall something wrong? [01:15] <[ITA]mitticoooo> another quistion: does someone uses Virtual emulation [01:15] <[ITA]mitticoooo> for running Kubuntu? [01:17] <[ITA]mitticoooo> someone uses VirtualBox? [01:17] Dr_willis_: Thanks, installing now! [01:17] is there any way to bump the res in this terminal/shell up to svga? [01:18] anyone reckon they can help with a USB mounted drive locking up every time I try and copy something big? [01:18] one sentence ales up the whole damn screen lol [01:18] *takes [01:18] <[ITA]mitticoooo> someone uses VirtualBox or other kind of Virtualization? [01:19] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i go to bed i'm tired in Italy are 02:20 a.m. [01:19] <[ITA]mitticoooo> good nigh [01:19] <[ITA]mitticoooo> night [01:22] !westinghouse [01:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about westinghouse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:22] !monitor [01:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:22] reverend_joshua, what are you looking for? [01:23] reverend_joshua: play with ubotu in private chat please [01:23] i've got a westinghouse 19" monitor with a native resolution of 1440x900 [01:24] but i can't get close to that [01:24] is there a log file that i can look at to figure out why my system sometimes does a full system freeze? === andrew_ is now known as awag [01:24] reverend_joshua: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (in konsole) [01:24] reverend_joshua, which graphics card [01:24] nvidia geforce 6200 [01:24] !nvidia | reverend_joshua [01:24] reverend_joshua: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [01:25] is there any way to completely disable kubuntu firewall? [01:25] reverend_joshua, make sure you have the proper nvidia drivers. [01:25] i've tried the nvidia install [01:25] i'm DMZ on my router, but i still cannot connect to soulseek [01:25] reverend_joshua: it will prompt you for some stuff and will set your resoultion according to those choices [01:25] reverend_joshua, and? [01:25] i need to give it a go again [01:25] reverend_joshua: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [01:25] i just installed kubuntu for the first time monday night, so i'm still learning [01:26] reverend_joshua, okay. Give it a shot. You can use nvidia-settings to change your resolution and such. You can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if your desired resolution works. [01:26] * g2g591 puts up a neon sign saying sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [01:27] man, i am never going to get p2p [01:27] nicotine crashes, soulseek in wine doesn'twork [01:27] !frostwire | thecrono [01:27] thecrono: sudo apt-get install ktorrent [01:27] thecrono: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [01:28] frostwire uses limewire servers? [01:28] let me check [01:28] thecrono, they're all part of the GNUtella network [01:28] what is that? [01:29] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnutella [01:29] i did the dpkg-reconfigure, do i just reboot now? === mbailey is now known as MIMB1 [01:30] reverend_joshua, restart X. Logout and find "Restart X server" from the login menu or just press Control + Alt + Backspace to immediately restart X. [01:30] ok, thanks [01:31] sweet, it worked [01:31] thanks, guys [01:31] this looks SO much better [01:32] of course, frostwire crashes aswell [01:32] i've got a dual boot setup with XP and i went back to XP today after two days of 1152x864 and it looked so weird [01:32] :( [01:32] this is great [01:32] everythign is crashign left and right [01:33] not even with an error, jsut laods up..then closes [01:33] thecrono, are you sure you're not having a problem with Java? Which version of Kubuntu do you have? [01:33] frost wire jsut shows a spinning hour glass, then closesa [01:33] latest [01:33] 7.10 [01:33] thecrono, run it from the console. See the output [01:33] ive no idea how to do that heh [01:34] thecrono, open up a Konsole and type: frostwire [01:34] need JRE 1.5.X [01:34] what is the package name? [01:35] !jre | thecrono [01:35] thecrono: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [01:36] i sure hope linux knows to install to /home/ because system is almsot empty [01:36] almost full* [01:36] heh, you're funny thecrono [01:36] linux is on a 6gb system partition..its almost full [01:37] only user files end up in /home [01:37] /home/is 50gb lol [01:37] i guess i need to reinstall kubuntu? [01:37] thecrono, what do you have in your / that equals ~6GB? [01:38] you can use gparted to resize your partitions [01:38] well, linux was about 3gb, and the past day, fixing problems and stuff has added like 2gb onto it [01:38] kde is suposed to have qtparted but it's ugly [01:38] ive not even got things like python and tools for coding yet [01:39] I would probably find a way to free up some space in your / before you start editing partitions [01:39] if i do that, something will break [01:39] i installed kubuntu yesterday [01:39] been fixing problems all day today [01:39] i need every package [01:40] Wilson: I don't think qtparted is installed by default, I had to install it yesterday to reformat a USB drive [01:40] Wilson: but it's in apt, so it's easy to get [01:40] he will need to boot off a livecd or something anyway to be able to resize his / partition [01:40] thecrono, it depends on what you're removing. I only have 3.5G in my / and I have ~1500 packages installed and various kernel images. I'm sure you can find something to remove that isn't needed (or isn't needed in /) [01:41] Wilson: yeah, it is on the LiveCD, I forgot about that... it's been a while [01:43] it works nopw [01:43] :D [01:43] how can i tell when i am fully connected? [01:44] how can I add more resolutions to kubuntu? actually the max resolution available is 1024x768, but I've a 1680x1050 monitor [01:45] Taggnostr, what video card have you got? [01:45] what is the kde theme manager called?/ [01:45] Samba-Freigaben [01:45] or do i already have it? [01:46] i want to change the windows etc etc to somethign diffrent [01:46] icons etc [01:46] ati radeon something, I'm running it on a virtual machine and with an ubuntu6.06 vm I was able to set that resolution [01:46] thecrono: you can do that in system settings [01:47] Taggnostr, im not totally sure, but running in a virtual machine isnt going to let you have any higher a resolution [01:47] I edited the xorg.conf file adding the 1680x1050 resolution to the others, but here in the xorg.conf file I can't see resolutions at all [01:47] but i cannot do custom themes [01:47] can i? [01:47] Beenden Flare183 hat den Server verlassen (Remote closed the connection). [01:47] [Do Jan 24 2008] [02:45:33] Taggnostr, what video card have you got? [01:47] all the ones included are fugly [01:47] taggnostr: to change your resolution, the easiest way is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [01:48] ething, I'm running it on a virtual machine and with an ubuntu6.06 v [01:48] ething, I'm running it on a virtual machine and with an ubuntu6.06 v [01:48] ething, I'm running it on a virtual machine and with an ubuntu6.06 v [01:48] ok, I try it [01:48] ok, I try it [01:48] ok, I try it [01:48] ok, I try it [01:48] * g2g591 slaps a trout with a large paule118 [01:49] guys [01:49] kubuntu straight from the disc installed, whats the best resolution? [01:49] Can i change the icon of a spcific folder i made? [01:49] Beenden Flare183 hat den Server verlassen (Remote closed the connection). [01:49] any you want chilly [01:50] thecrono: you can change it in the properties box [01:50] I installed Ubuntu 7.04 a long time ago, and it wasn't right... [01:50] was pretty much the right size, but blurry [01:50] thecrono: right click on the folder, click properties, click on the icon [01:50] wait, how do i make a shortcut to another folder inside of /home/ ? [01:51] i need a shortcut to a folder [01:51] and i want to give it a custom icon [01:51] you can.. [01:51] thecrono: then do what I said above [01:51] use you use a symbolic link 'ln -s folder shortcut' [01:51] thecrono: i don't exactly know the gui way, but ln -s /home/target /whereyouwanttheshortcut [01:51] oh forget what i said then [01:52] right click on the desktop and select create new, link to URL.. the URL will be /home/ [01:52] then select it properities and change the ICON to what ever.. [01:52] the gui way is to move the folder while holding ctrl shift [01:52] ah,ok [01:52] * Dr_willis_ is back [01:52] that creates a link [01:53] now to find some leet icons :D [01:53] but i am curious..i seen a picture of a desktop that had some HUGE icons [01:53] they were the size of like 9 of the normal ones [01:54] can i set anything as an icon or does it have to be an icon file? [01:54] lol, I've broken something [01:55] what did you break? [01:55] is it possible to program the windows key to do shit in linux? [01:55] probably [01:55] !language [01:55] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:55] ugh [01:55] is it possible to program the windows key to do stuff in linux? [01:55] its used by default alot with compiz [01:55] lol [01:55] hmm [01:55] maby khotkey can help you? [01:55] !khotkey [01:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about khotkey - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:55] Hi everybody, I have changed the server that i can download programes from it so now some items are not available to download...I'm from egypt..can anyone help me? [01:56] I can't see the pointer anymore :D [01:56] mot_: yes [01:56] LOL, Taggnostr = pwnd [01:56] tekteen, ? [01:56] mot_: it is called the supper key [01:56] thecrono, apt-cache search khotkey yields nothing [01:56] thecrono, something like that [01:56] let me fix [01:56] well, are they any apps that allow me to setup shortcuts for it [01:56] mot_- it's a modifier key (like shift, ctrl, and alt), so it can't do anything by itself [01:57] yes, i know [01:57] mot_: I think all do [01:57] hola [01:57] i want to provide some sort of functionality like windows. i.e. Win+E does something, etc. [01:57] ok [01:57] what do you guys use on kubuntu for bittorrent downloads? [01:57] mot_- you can set global hotkeys in System Settings -> Accessibility -> Input Actions [01:57] ubuntu: #ubuntu-es para espanol [01:57] ktorrent [01:57] thanks [01:57] hola [01:57] I'm just using the standard ktorrent === ubuntu is now known as ceci [01:58] hola [01:58] are there any other good choices? [01:58] using kmenueditor you can set up programs to start up when you use super+anykey [01:58] Hi everybody, I have changed the server that i can download programes from it so now some items are not available to download...I'm from egypt..can anyone help me? [01:58] mot_: just use kmenueditor [01:58] wow, I'm getting used to linux, now I can fix the broken things in the same time I need to break them [01:58] Taggnostr: GREAT JOB [01:59] tekteen, package name? [01:59] now lets not break things [01:59] so I'm at the start point [01:59] mot_: it is installed [01:59] where? [01:59] type alt+F2 then type kmenueditor [01:59] it is not installed man [01:59] no it is kmenuedit [02:00] ahh [02:00] the command is kmenuedit [02:00] anyone know of any good bittorrent clients for kubuntu other than ktorrent [02:00] rtorrent [02:00] or utorrent [02:00] respatix:azureus [02:00] rtorrent is cli based [02:01] or deluge torrent [02:01] azureus man it is the best [02:01] cough transmission cough [02:01] how do i install .7z support for ark? [02:01] * tekteen likes rtorrent [02:02] thecrono: sudo apt-get install p7zip [02:02] all the files from kde-look at .7z [02:02] sudo apt-get install p7zip [02:02] oops [02:02] put a * at the end [02:02] thank god i didn't type my root password in here lol [02:02] it installs more [02:03] lol [02:03] because that was next [02:03] thecrono: you need to start figuring out some stuff on your own. [02:03] how can i generate a linux password hash (as found in the password field in /etc/passwd) at the command prompt? [02:03] Hi everybody, I have changed the server that i can download programes from it so now some items are not available to download...I'm from egypt..can anyone help me? [02:04] plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [02:04] thecrono: to search for packages, apt-cache search works half way decently [02:04] tekteen lol re:tehcrono remark [02:04] val0: ty [02:05] ahmos: can you change it back? [02:05] yeah,how do i resize icons?..i seen a desktop on kubuntu that has like, huge icons, and small ones etc etc [02:05] one icon was almsot the entier bottom 1/4 of the screen :O [02:05] yes but it was a server for egypt now i don't see any egypt in the list [02:05] thecrono: look in system settings [02:05] it was in giant teddy bear [02:06] thecrono you've been on here for the last what 6 hours at leas? [02:06] last 2 days i think [02:06] thecrono: this is the last trivial thing I am helping you with [02:06] thecrono that's some major issues you've got [02:06] I did not know this but looked it up in 3 secs [02:06] huh? [02:07] i dont think he knows how to read or google. [02:07] systemsettings > Appearance > Icons [02:07] oops [02:07] thecrono: look at my last post ^ [02:08] then go to the advanced tab [02:08] i got it [02:08] thecrono: I am not trying to be mean. Just please try to look yourself before asking [02:09] netsplit or did i just get bopped off for some reason? [02:09] can i restor my system to an earlier time [02:09] xevious, netsplit [02:10] i am trying to mount a USB HD through Dolphin and get "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused on uid 1000" any clue? [02:10] ahmos: do you have a backup? [02:10] no [02:10] ahmos: no [02:10] you need to backup you computer [02:10] I backup the entire partition [02:10] yes i know now [02:11] so there isn't anyway that help me restoring egypt server [02:11] ? [02:12] you could change it back? [02:12] how [02:12] ? [02:12] How did you change it the first time? [02:13] from add/remove programs then i clicked edit software sources then I choosed the main server [02:13] now i can't get it back [02:13] ok [02:13] why not? [02:14] because i can't see egypt in the list [02:14] why not [02:14] i don't know ..i think it was a server assighned for egypt in another country [02:15] ahmos: ok. you could look for another person's (from your country) sources.list [02:15] other then that I do not know how to help you [02:16] ok thank u for your time [02:16] np [02:16] gn8 [02:16] <[ka]killer> tekteen i need a new mount point [02:17] <[ka]killer> besides /mnt/disk [02:17] [ka]killer: why [02:17] <[ka]killer> to mount another drive -_- why else [02:17] ok [02:17] so... why do you need help? [02:17] <[ka]killer> i fogot how to f**king make a new mount poin [02:17] <[ka]killer> point* [02:18] ok [02:18] sudo mkdir /mnt/disk2 [02:18] then [02:18] mount /dev/I-do-not-know /mnt/disk2 [02:19] [ka]killer: does that work? [02:20] <[ka]killer> the disk is mounted and i can access it by typing /mnt/disk2 in but its not showing up in computer:/// [02:20] [ka]killer: what is the prob.? [02:20] <[ka]killer> meh it works [02:20] <[ka]killer> i'll be back! [02:21] Learn the Smiley language! :):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o:):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:- [02:21] See if you can decrypt this message! Google for the smiley encryption algorithm! [02:21] someone kill that [02:21] ol_dude67: Smiley cipher. ;) [02:22] Seriously, I'm here to learn about Kubuntu. === SupportBush is now known as ImpeachBush [02:22] well thats not the way to do it. [02:22] Okay. [02:23] !etiquette > ImpeachBush (ImpeachBush, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:24] *titter* [02:25] chat.us.freenode.net [02:25] i'm trying to cd into a folder with ( and ) but it gives me a syntax error to close to ( [02:25] :S [02:25] hello i need help........ [02:25] The folder needs the ( also [02:26] !ask | Gemtech [02:26] Gemtech: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [02:28] please i got kubntu installed. all good until i decided to use the driver kubuntu ask me to use i have a 9800 pro dvi or vga with a 22 inch westinghouse 1650 1050 resolution all i get is a blnk screen right after splash screen never get to logon screen [02:29] Gemtech: I guess you should use your old xorg.conf file [02:29] Gemtech➜ if you don't have an old one, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the proper driver [02:29] this is an nvidia or ati video card? [02:29] well before change it was listed as vesa by default of cd ati 9800 pro [02:29] sub[t]rnl: I need to remember that :-D [02:29] :> [02:30] it looked crappy :[ [02:30] it would be best to get the 'fglrx' drivers installed for that card. but ati card support can be a little flakey. [02:30] !ati [02:30] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:31] ok so how do i get back before formatting again [02:31] ? [02:31] what do you mean? [02:32] im on windows right now if i try kubuntu i get a black screen ever since i changed drivers [02:32] ok [02:32] you can just edit your xorg.conf to use the vesa driver instead of the fglx one. If you want [02:32] That will get X going at least. but it wont be optimal [02:32] why did you not use sub[t]rnl's advice [02:33] how? [02:33] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the proper driver [02:33] does apt use port 80 to access headers? [02:33] mike__: yes [02:33] i can do that by choosing the second option on my screen? [02:33] yeah, im having a very interesting problem then [02:34] i cannot load kubuntu it shows splash screen and than black screen [02:34] it seems Im able to use ANY online service that doesnt use port 80 [02:34] but thats from my entire home network, not just my kubuntu box [02:34] so i guess that isnt for this channel [02:34] hi fellows ! i've been hacked. [02:34] boot up into the nonworking kubuntu. then click Ctrl+ALT+F2. then ... [02:35] and they left foot prints every where. [02:35] type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [02:35] make sure to login first :-) [02:36] ok ill try [02:36] wish me luck [02:37] they thought they had me rootkited heh, amatures! [02:37] intelikey: how were you hacked? [02:38] i think they got in through the irc client [02:38] konversation? [02:38] intelikey: but you have LINUX!? [02:38] say it is not so [02:38] stupid + linux = dosn't help.. [02:38] :-P [02:38] true [02:38] oooer [02:38] heh [02:39] well linux tends to filter out the stupid... [02:39] no one can save you from stupid [02:39] biovore hehhe [02:39] I am a paranoid security geek [02:39] biovore well they didn't acomplish anything but access to a user account. [02:39] and how do you know this [02:39] linux is more secure because most people using it know how it works.. [02:40] user escalation isn't hard in default kubuntu either though [02:40] rgr [02:40] few sploits out that can make quick work [02:40] kubuntu is more bleeding edge.. but bleeding edge means bleeding holes :-P [02:41] Why do edges bleed? [02:41] I never understood that expression [02:41] how does an edge bleed [02:41] my favorite is the paranoid security *nix user who still has "single" boot option in his menu.lst. Reboot and own? [02:41] * sub[t]rnl sighs [02:41] i would hope that dapper doesn't mean "bleeding holes" ;/ [02:41] sub[t]rnl: that is different === klien06 is now known as chuszie [02:41] sub[t]rnl: that is physical attack [02:41] but yeah I just had a really weird problem, it's gone now... I could use any port but 80 [02:42] for servers we hope that is not a prob [02:42] my mom was on WoW, I was on IRC [02:42] sub[t]rnl give me hands on, and i own. so single in the menu means nothing [02:42] restarting the router fixed it. sign [02:42] sigh* [02:42] hello everybody......... [02:42] chuszie: hi [02:42] hi tek [02:43] morning [02:43] night [02:43] no knight [02:43] oh sorry [02:43] it's morning here [02:43] now i just have to trace this hole down to it's code. which i probably can't do... [02:43] where r u, tek? [02:43] NY, USA [02:44] chuszie that's spelled are you [02:44] oh, i see [02:44] :-D lol [02:44] yah inttel?? [02:44] What are the advantages of KDE4? [02:44] yeah. [02:45] mike__: as of now. none [02:45] I gave it a spin earlier, tasted like Vista [02:45] mike__ eye candy [02:45] mike__: except with more features [02:45] !kde4 [02:45] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [02:45] mike__: and less mem [02:45] less? [02:46] mike__: it uses less memory than vista, yes. [02:46] oh, than VISTA [02:46] it takes 40% less mem with effects [02:46] I meant the KDE that comes with kubuntu default [02:46] but that's not difficult [02:46] Of course right now kde4 is still a bit of a work in progress [02:46] 40% less then kde 3.5 [02:46] :) [02:46] Oh wow [02:46] that's impressive [02:46] yes [02:46] speeking of, i'm using way to much ram for what is running.... Memory Used/Total Percent: 24/377 MB (6%) [02:47] should be more like half that. [02:47] 640K is enough for anyone [02:47] :P [02:47] i can write an app with memory leaks out the wazoo and still come in under vista in terms of memory usage [02:47] Hey Daisuke_Ido [02:47] A while ago I used Kubuntu, and I had this theme thing installed, I think it was beryl or something and it made things look extra pretty - but I heard beryl died or something [02:47] Dr_willis_ plus the kernel might be for me... [02:47] and I have a feeling Im thinking of Gnome? [02:47] because I couldnt seem to make emerald or anything work under KDE [02:48] mike__: it combined with compiz [02:48] mike__: to become compiz fusion [02:48] I got a someone what serious problem..when i try to restart my PC..it closes down linux..and jsut ahngs there idle...i have to hold the power button for it to turn off....any idea what is causeing this? [02:48] I see - can it be used in conjunction with kde4? [02:48] hangs* [02:48] Dr_willis_ i don't have anything but this irc client running well and two shells. [02:48] mike__: yes but it replaces kwin [02:49] mike__: it can be used with kde 3.5 [02:49] I tried it [02:49] Hey guys, this is semi-OT question, but the nvidia channel is totally silent all the time. Does anyone have experience with NVidia's xvmc acceleration using the proprietary driver? [02:49] I got bored of it [02:49] intelikey, cache and cache and cache. :) [02:49] reduce the # of colwers! lower the res! use a smaller font. :P [02:50] <[ka]killer> humm the drives still are not mounting on boot [02:50] [ka]killer: what is the command and error [02:51] <[ka]killer> there is no command and no error, the drives just dont mount automatically [02:51] you need to put it in fstab [02:51] are they in your fstab? [02:51] ah, i see tek's ahead of me :\ [02:51] <[ka]killer> i asked you how to do that eariler and you didnt tell me [02:52] [ka]killer: because that is not what you needed. [02:52] Dr_willis_ no, i dont think so. should be more like 12 to 16 meg used but i'm still showing 24m really there is nothing running, no daemons except sshd and it's small foot print is hardly noticable [02:52] <[ka]killer> -_- [02:52] * tekteen has to go. He has an evil mom that sends him to bed at 10 [02:52] <[ka]killer> so how do i edit fstab [02:52] how ol are you tekteen? [02:53] !fstab [02:53] old* [02:53] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [02:53] 35 :) [02:53] thecrono: 15 [02:53] this month [02:53] Dr_willis_ heh be nice [02:53] :) [02:53] bye guys [02:53] * Dr_willis_ just turned 40... You kids stay off my lawn! [02:53] :P [02:53] 21 here [02:54] lol... [02:54] man you guys are olf :-D [02:54] old* [02:54] ya and so? [02:54] tekteen you'll get there. [02:54] NOOOO! [02:54] I will never grow up [02:54] what? [02:54] only alternative is death [02:55] I like the growing old idea [02:55] I am not Mature enough to be this old. [02:55] :P [02:55] How do I install kubuntu to a usb HD, without grub that can be booted from the usb drive? [02:55] But when I lose my mind kill me off [02:55] I changed my KDE color scheme and now OpenOffice won't display the icons for buttons. Can I fix it? [02:55] bye [02:55] i like the idea of free sex but hey thats only an my thoughts [02:55] maduser➜ mount the drive and install on it [02:55] maduser lilo ? [02:56] ol_dude67, at my age.. i perfer the idea of free time for a nap. :P [02:56] :) [02:57] * intelikey sets ignore on the doctor before he causes me to rupture something laughing [02:58] Well its time for me to go to work. [02:58] :( [02:58] 3rd shift now. [02:58] bye [03:00] <[ka]killer> does /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk reiserfs users,rw,auto 0 0 look right to you? [03:05] [ka]killer yeah [03:05] <[ka]killer> k [03:05] <[ka]killer> 2nd one is the same but sdb1 and disk2 [03:05] [ka]killer make sure the mountpoints exist [03:05] <[ka]killer> they do [03:06] <[ka]killer> the drives are mounted right now [03:06] i can't find where this ram is being eaten up... [03:06] <[ka]killer> im moving files from one to the other as we speak =P [03:06] this is perplexing [03:06] <[ka]killer> you look in the processtable? [03:07] [ka]killer yeah have two shells and an irc client running [03:07] Oh do i get ark to combine 4 .part files and extra?..it keeps trying to do them one at a time. [03:07] How* [03:07] <[ka]killer> humm [03:07] extract* [03:07] <[ka]killer> what are the shells doing? [03:07] ..and as a result it gets unexpected end of archive and fails. [03:07] nothing. [03:07] <[ka]killer> then why do you have 2 open =/ [03:07] [ka]killer this is normal Memory Used/Total Percent: 9/123 MB (7%) [03:08] <[ka]killer> you only have 123mb? [03:08] this is present. Memory Used/Total Percent: 23/377 MB (6%) [03:08] <[ka]killer> humm 23mb of ram isnt bad... [03:08] [ka]killer yes it is if there is nothing using it. [03:09] the other box "with the 128m" is running almost the same setup right now. [03:09] look at the difference in usage [03:09] <[ka]killer> humm [03:09] <[ka]killer> is the other box using more swap? [03:09] neither have swap. [03:09] <[ka]killer> humm [03:10] * intelikey doesn't do swap. [03:10] <[ka]killer> well im running 435,176kb used 80,148kb free... [03:10] <[ka]killer> wtf [03:10] <[ka]killer> killing amarok used more mem o_O [03:10] no look at the -/+ buffers line [03:11] buffered and cached confuse most [03:11] :p [03:11] <[ka]killer> yah [03:11] <[ka]killer> i was just watching used and free [03:11] <[ka]killer> im also using 118,072kb of swap with 1,391,996kb swap free [03:12] -/+ buffers/cache: 8 114 [03:12] -/+ buffers/cache: 23 353 [03:12] these two boxen. [03:12] <[ka]killer> where are you watching this [03:12] command free [03:12] well free -m actually [03:13] <[ka]killer> -/+ buffers/cache: 136 366 [03:13] <[ka]killer> Swap: 1474 115 1359 [03:13] same number of processes spawned? [03:13] one irc client has a larger history cache? :> [03:13] Wireless suddenly started working. [03:13] for me [03:13] <[ka]killer> lol [03:13] sub[t]rnl no but one bash shell doesn't make 15m of ram disapear [03:14] Just thought I'd share [03:14] intelikey➜ its a rootkit nestled in a binary [03:14] <[ka]killer> lol [03:15] chkrootkit |grep -i infected [03:15] !! [03:15] intelikey: first thing first.. whats the md5 of /bin/ps? [03:15] viruses in Linux? what?? :P [03:15] not a virus [03:15] yeah, that would be the first one thats rooted [03:15] ps [03:15] maybe nothing.. [03:15] yeah.. I hide a copy of PS on my harddisks :-P [03:16] aren't rootkits a kind of virus? [03:16] just because of that.. [03:16] biovore➜ rofl [03:16] smart though [03:16] nope.. [03:16] oh... [03:16] biovore i'll give ps a look i have a backup.... [03:16] a71e54a717be90cecfee8bfa2dbace55 /bin/ps [03:16] on kubuntu 386 [03:17] Ark doesn'tknow how to open passworded .rar files either? [03:17] yeah ps is not touched. [03:17] yeah.. then you can trust its output [03:17] <[ka]killer> lol [03:18] i didn't think they had gained any root access, if they had they would not have left the user account in such a mess.... [03:18] did they leave a working .bash_history? [03:18] intelikey: sign of a rookie [03:18] pro's leave no trace [03:18] biovore and of a nosuid system. [03:19] they couldn't clean up.... [03:19] yeah.. they have it setup that way because old script kiddy things don't work.. [03:19] but that will probably change.. [03:19] probably [03:20] There are also vunrablilities in some multiverse/universe packages.. (These packages security is tracked fairly loosely) [03:21] sub[t]rnl no of course they rm'd ~/.bash* what would you expect from an amiture [03:21] just checkin' === Vermux_ is now known as Vermux [03:21] * [ka]killer waits for ubuntu to boot back up to see if he edited fstab right [03:22] [ka]killer you don't have to reboot for that.... sudo mount -a [03:22] !ark [03:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about ark - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:22] :( [03:22] !info ark [03:22] ark (source: kdeutils): graphical archiving tool for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 294 kB, installed size 1016 kB [03:22] !info ark [03:22] Oh [03:22] interesting KDE4 for windows & mac ,http://www.techspot.com/news/28714-KDE-4-for-Windows-and-Mac.html [03:22] Ark has no URL? [03:23] I can't get it to use .part chains or read apssworded .rar files [03:23] i creates some links forward some repertories with ln -s command on my desktop. But when i use them it opens dolphin. How top open konqueror instead ? [03:23] i guess i better rm ~/.ssh/ and reset the other box that i have keys for... [03:24] * sub[t]rnl tries to decode ibou [03:24] * intelikey thinks "duh that's the first thing to do..." [03:24] So no one knows this? [03:24] sub[t]rnl: ? [03:25] !d3lphin [03:25] Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [03:25] ibou ^ [03:25] I did that too btw..sitll uses dolphin. [03:25] sweet [03:26] i don't like dolphin [03:26] !unrar > thecrono [03:26] Yeah, its too glitchy and crashy. [03:27] And refreshes way much much for too long. {if i go into a fodler, it has to refresh about 10 times for 30 seconds before i can do anything.] [03:27] for you maybe [03:27] are you talking about the dolphin that ships with gutsy, or the dolphin with the unofficial kde4 debs, or...? [03:28] D3lphin has never crashed on me once [03:28] Kubuntu 7.10 Dolphin [03:28] * regeya has noticed nothing terribly annoying about dolphin [03:28] It runs worse than windows 3.1 [03:28] heh, thecrono has called quite a few applications that we all run "glitchy" [03:28] refreshes constantly [03:28] its user error [03:28] my only big gripe is that it can't handle ftp urls [03:28] it works ok to me but i dont like the interface [03:28] how is opening dolphine..then ti messes up..user error? [03:28] back in a minute. [03:29] thechrono, if you're having a number of apps crash on your machine, you might try running memtest on your machine [03:29] how does everyone else run it (and the others you mention) fine, except you? [03:29] meh...the refershing could be due to something else, I suppose [03:29] refreshing even [03:29] Because theres a problem with mine? [03:29] ... [03:29] Why else? Do you believe all problems are magicly the cause of the user? [03:29] that could be, thechrono, you might try reinstalling the deb [03:30] deb? [03:30] <[ka]killer> works =) the share is a bit screwy but i can fix that later [03:30] or there could be a problem with a preference file, I suppose [03:30] Ive no idea what any of that is :D [03:30] !deb [03:30] deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. [03:31] robot to the rescue [03:31] hmmm i don't know where the other ram is going. but the system seems to be eating 22m http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d10ac9b86 [03:31] Memory Used/Total Percent: 21/377 MB (5%) [03:32] Also, i already got unrar from apt-get [got rar too] [03:32] that sure seems like bloat [03:32] if you don't know what a deb is though, thecrono, I might suggest some "boning up" as well as simply using konqueror for now [03:32] boning up? [03:32] 5% of system ram [03:32] learning, thecrono [03:32] sorry [03:33] i'm trying to, but things arn't quite working right [03:34] so all that is left to do is delete the home dir and i'm clean. [03:34] Is there no Ark website? [03:35] intelikey➜ just curious, did you find anything listening for connections at all? [03:36] netstat -lnp to check if anything is out of the ordinary [03:36] sub[t]rnl no they never gained root access [03:36] righto [03:37] not sure if its needed though [03:37] you can hide a netcat without root [03:37] sub[t]rnl all they did was messed with a single user account. that's all they could do without root access, and this box is not so tight against a single exploit but real tight against going from user to root, i can't even do that with hands on. [03:39] sub[t]rnl yeah i did check the ip trafic tho, there was nothing. [03:39] thecrono, the way that works for me to extract rar files is not to use ark , it fails a lot for some reason , but just to extract inside the folder or "here" ,works. [03:39] * sub[t]rnl nods [03:39] i Right click and hit extract here, and ark laods up, tries to extract, and completely cannot read files with apsswords..and on aprts, it gets to the end of the archive and fails. [03:39] yeah, i point wireshark at myself at times just to see if any strange packets are leaving [03:40] decent habit [03:40] indeed [03:40] of course, jogging would be a better one [03:40] but meh [03:40] :> [03:41] nah. too cold in the winter and too hot in the sommer === don_ is now known as don__ [03:41] * sub[t]rnl agrees [03:41] unrar -p password file [03:42] let me try that [03:42] that could be for setting the pword though [03:42] havn't used it for a while, man it [03:43] herm, how do i get to /root/etc from /home/ in konsole? o.O [03:43] cd /root/etc [03:43] I cannot go back anymroe from /home/ [03:43] ok [03:44] thecrono➜ learn to use the tab key while in a terminal, makes life easier [03:44] no such file or directory [03:44] cd /etc/ is probably what you want [03:44] directory for universal configurations [03:46] learn to use the konsole (terminal) and you'll have an easier time controlling a linux system, regardless of distro or xwindows [03:47] But the knsole doesn'ttell me anything useualy..like,it asked for the password,i typed it..then it felt like printing out unrar command line functions o.O [03:47] yeah, read them [03:48] anytime a program spits out something starting with Usage: its telling you that the syntax wasn't correct [03:48] I did..but, theres still the problem of it not extracting anything. [03:49] i didn't know passwords had a syntax [03:49] not the password, the syntax to run the program [03:49] in this case, unrar [03:49] yeah,it asked for the .rar password, then asked again, then gave me the 'usage: thing [03:49] I'm guessing the opassword was wrojng? [03:49] right, meaning that you didn't meet the usage standards [03:50] * sub[t]rnl whistles [03:50] Well, crap,if its not what i think it is i'm doomed. [03:50] its ok, take your time, you need a little more "milage" using linux [03:51] Also, it doesn't list what '-p ' is for. [03:52] heh, try -> unrar e whatever.rar [03:52] AH..there we go [03:53] if you need help running a command, try command --help ex.. unrar --help, or you can, man unrar [03:53] it will always tell you how to use it. [03:53] I didn't think 'e' was required [03:53] !unrar | thecrono [03:53] thecrono: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [03:53] e is for extract, [03:53] wouldn't unrar whatever.rar extract by default? [03:53] try it [03:54] then you'll know! [03:54] i did, it does nothing :D [03:54] you have to install unrar to make it an option :) [03:54] Ugh, now i extracted it, put ti said could not copy anything, permission denied [03:54] It is installed [03:54] BluesKaj➜ he's got it [03:54] * genii hands out more coffees [03:55] genii i'm buying [03:55] and adding a . automaticly makes a file hidden yes? [03:55] woot [03:55] yeah, but he j=has to "use" it under the action option in the dialog [03:55] intelikey: :) [03:55] thecrono➜ yep [03:55] ok [03:56] thx genii, but I need to sleep tonite :) [03:56] I had a folder called something ...i added a . to it and it became a file o.O [03:56] can anyone recommend a good tutorial on setting up ssh and X11 forwarding [03:56] BluesKaj: I understand [03:56] it was .something [03:56] i tried to go into it and it said .somethign is a file, a folder was expected [03:56] gtt➜ http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ssh.html [03:57] gtt sudo apt-get install ssh and that doc ^ [03:58] gtt the kcontrol i think will give you the config for x11 forwarding, i actually did that one time. [03:58] is there a rpogram than can mass rename files in a directory to like 1,2,3,4,5..etc? [03:58] it's in the kdm settings isn't it ? someone that's more familear with it ? [03:59] thanks for ya'lls help [03:59] thecrono➜ use "for" in bash works [03:59] but thats scripting [04:00] kfilerename right? [04:00] unrar completely ignored subdirecotries..and threw everything into one folder [04:00] thecrono N=0 ;for Q in /path/* ;do mv $Q $N$Q ;N=$(($N + 1)) ;done [04:00] lots of files were named the same [04:00] !info kfilereplace [04:00] kfilereplace (source: kdewebdev): batch search-and-replace component for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 626 kB, installed size 1256 kB [04:00] sacktime ...nite folks [04:00] c yas blue [04:00] might need to quote that if there are spaces in the names [04:01] paste that into knsole? [04:01] thecrono N=0 ;for Q in /path/* ;do mv "$Q" "$N$Q" ;N=$(($N + 1)) ;done [04:01] like that ^ [04:01] what langauge is that? [04:01] shell [04:01] bash [04:01] o [04:02] sub[t]rnl umm yes bash but not bash specific. any posix shell should work. [04:02] shell it is! [04:02] * intelikey likes "dash" [04:02] ooer [04:02] cannot state '/path/*' [04:03] i replaced it with the path fo the folder [04:03] same error [04:03] the path of the folder with the files goes there yes? [04:03] thecrono cause you are supposed to interpret /path/ i don't know where they are, you do. [04:03] yes [04:03] don't forget the * tho it's important. [04:05] /root/etc/MSL/* no such file or directory but that is where the files are [04:05] directory , but [04:05] /root/etc? [04:05] ??? /root/etc/ ? [04:06] is there something before /root/? [04:06] sub[t]rnl jinks. [04:06] * sub[t]rnl snaps [04:06] * genii ponders why: mv --force --backup=t * . doesn't work [04:06] Screw it i'll just leave them. [04:06] genii because of the path ? idk. [04:07] hmmm [04:07] * genii krazy glues sub[t]rnl back together [04:07] :D [04:08] * Datalanche eats /root/ [04:09] genii you do see the vast differance in mv --force --backup=t * . <<< and >>> N=0 ;for Q in /path/* ;do mv $Q $N$Q ;N=$(($N + 1)) ;done <<< that don't you ? [04:10] never mind the fact that i pasted the unquoted one... [04:11] intelikey: Yes :) [04:11] ok. [04:13] intelikey: But where this a file named aa I still wonder why it won't make aa into aa1 then dumbly follow exact instructions and move aa to aa in the CWD [04:14] or so [04:17] !wmv [04:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:19] genii i failed to get it to work, but my for loop does work. plus the number progress which the more i think about it, i'm not sure he actually wanted it to progress. === jim__ is now known as RAiSNiX [04:19] anyway i'm finished for the day. [04:20] hey every 1 [04:20] intelikey: Have a good one then, see you another time [04:20] Can someone PLEASE help me ? [04:20] !ask [04:20] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:20] genii Shalom Aleichem === andrew_ is now known as awag [04:21] hello [04:21] Ok i gotta major head ache with windows so i killed it forever and put in Ubuntu then changed to Kubuntu.... I am having problems with instaling programs for some reason even if i follow the examples exactly it STILL dont work [04:22] my kubuntu 7.10 system has been having full system freezes for a while now [04:22] and i'm not sure why [04:22] are you trying to install windows programs? [04:22] no nothing as yet [04:22] then what's not working? [04:23] RAiSNiX: Are you using the package manager or trying to install some other way. If some other way please elaborate [04:23] i have also allowed linux to install my printer but it doesnt print for some reason and when my gf uses the printer with her Laptop windows it works fine [04:23] i have tried both ways and it doenst seem to work, but i am a total noob [04:24] i REALLY REALLY dont wanna go back to windows [04:24] zhen go [04:25] RAiSNiX: Please open the program Konsole, then type in: sudo apt-get update then tell me if it says anything informative. Don't paste a bunch of lines here, just tell some synopsis. [04:25] ok [04:26] RAiSNiX: If it asks for password, put in the one you normally use [04:26] so far seems to be updating === DFlame is now known as DF[Sleeps] === DF[Sleeps] is now known as DFlame[Sleeps] [04:28] is it just updating my whole system ? [04:28] does kubuntu have an app for manaing USB controllers [ps2 joystick] [04:28] managing* [04:28] Can I change the icon of KMENU displayed on taskbar [04:28] RAiSNiX: Good. [04:29] RAiSNiX: No, it is not installing anything. It is just collecting a list of programs that you can later choose to install if you like. [04:29] ok its done [04:29] ah ok [04:29] ok can i install a flash player easily enough now ? [04:30] RAiSNiX: One thing at a tie please [04:30] *time [04:30] ok sorry [04:31] * sub[t]rnl passes the advil back to genii [04:31] RAiSNiX: Kmenu button ...Add/Remove Programs it asks for password, put the usual one....... then you should see after it finishes thinking the things you can choose to install [04:32] RAiSNiX: Since right now the flash player has a problem, the question you asked of how to install it is a special case [04:32] ok [04:33] its very hard to get used to the changes but im just too new [04:34] firefox freeze for a whiile and became very slow when i open more than 5 tabs... how can i fix this? [04:34] RAiSNiX: We were all newbies once :) [04:34] I can't make fun of newbies, as I recently tried out kde4. [04:35] so many changes [04:35] !controller [04:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about controller - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:35] !usb [04:35] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick [04:35] sub[t]rnl: Thanks by the way, I may need those advil ;) [04:35] :( [04:35] i have been trying to ask any1 that can help me with Linux but every1 seems to be brainwashed with windows and no one could help me until i finally found you guys [04:36] RAiSNiX: Same with me also [04:36] heh, i felt that way too [04:37] they should ban windows [04:37] i hate Bill Gate [04:37] no need to be a fanboy [04:37] Im gunna join the "i hate Bill Gates Fan Club" [04:37] if they banned windows, there would be no software left in the world [04:37] RAiSNiX: So you see now the usual way to install programs in kubuntu. There are some times when tinkering in Konsole is needed, but for the most part the applications are in the Adept program there. [04:37] !flash [04:37] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [04:37] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [04:38] cool... I am downloading some flash player now and im hoping that it will work [04:38] Dangit..unrar still cannot seem to relize that there is a part2.rar [04:38] and i seen no options pertaining to split archives [04:38] RAiSNiX: The second link the bot gives there is the special case of install I spoke of, since right now the usual way is broken [04:39] it seems unrar cannot handle split archives.. [04:39] ok i should stop downloading it then yeh ? [04:39] apparle➜ might want to look in /usr/share/icons/default.kde/respective_size/app/kmenu.png if you want to play with the icon btw [04:40] RAiSNiX: Yes. [04:40] And no one in the world of linux, nor google knows :( [04:41] thecrono: use ark to unrar split archives [04:41] ark doesn't know how [04:41] ive tried quintuple times [04:42] it always gets done with part1..then i get a crc error [04:42] thecrono: As i undrstand rar would be something like name.rar name.001 name.002 for a single archive. so if you had part2.rar that would be the start of a second rar sequence and not a continuation of for instance part1.rar [04:42] thecrono➜ rar x /path/to/file.part01.rar -w~ ~ [04:42] unexpected end of archive [04:42] thecrono➜ that will extract them all to your home directory [04:42] tired that too, said no such file or directory exists [04:42] did you install unrar-non-free or even better kubuntu-restricted-extras thecrono [04:43] i installed unrar and rar [04:43] !kubuntu-restricted-extras [04:43] !info kubuntu-restricted-extras [04:43] kubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB [04:43] apt-get install rar and apt-get install unrar [04:44] getting that now [04:44] can I change the icon of Kmenu [04:44] rar x /path/to/file.part01.rar -w~ ~ [04:44] make sure your putting in the correct path and filename [04:46] !joystick [04:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:46] Hmm ok im kind of lost i dont know how to dload the flashplayer :\ sorry [04:47] firefox freeze for a whiile and became very slow when i open more than 5 tabs... how can i fix this? [04:50] don't use firefox.. [04:50] * sub[t]rnl laughs [04:53] which is the best media player for kubuntu [04:53] apparle: That is a matter of some debate [04:54] what's ur suggestion [04:55] Hello all [04:55] * se7en loves amarok and kaffeine [04:55] !media | apparle [04:55] apparle: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [04:55] * hydrogen wonders why codeine doesn't get love in the video player section [04:55] * sub[t]rnl <3 mplayer and all the front ends that use it [04:56] not i [04:56] If im using AMD64, is there any way i can use i386 programs? [04:56] such as opera? [04:57] yes, you can use 32bit applications [04:57] when i go to use them though, it says i have the wrong archetecture [04:58] I also like amarok and kaffiene but they seem to play some wav files and mov files in parts and not smoothly [04:58] is there any way to correct that problem sub[t]rnl? [04:58] isnt there a 64 bit opera? [04:59] neg, none i could see [04:59] vincent_: maybe you are supposed to install some library like ia32lib [04:59] !bochs [04:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about bochs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:59] but there have been a few 32 bit programs i really want to get, such as the bloody Kopete fix [04:59] thanks apparle, ill give it a try [05:00] ^^ is that what its called? [05:01] !opera [05:01] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [05:03] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413040 looks helpful [05:05] ahh thanks sub[t]rnl, i owe you one [05:05] anytime [05:06] so that looks like it does install those 32 bit libs, so i might even be able to use my other 32 bit programs? [05:07] not too sure [05:07] why does xine engine play some wav and mov files in steps [05:07] everything ive found has a 64 anyway, except the Kopete fix [05:09] !flex++ [05:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about flex++ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === till is now known as till_ [05:10] hm. I can't find flex++ parser in (k)ubuntu. nay ideas where to get .deb? [05:10] what to do to play wav files smoothly. Kaffiene and amarok play them in steps [05:10] *any [05:11] Bah, ghosted [05:12] /msg nickserv ghost genii sip@coffee [05:12] hmm [05:13] bye === genii_ is now known as genii [05:14] sub[t]rnl: Done :) [05:15] Darn, RAiSNiX left, I put up the deb he needed for flash too at one of my workplace webservers [05:15] :( [05:17] !info bison++ [05:17] bison++ (source: bison++): Generate a parser in c or c++ from BNF notation. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21.11-3 (gutsy), package size 365 kB, installed size 604 kB [05:18] --help is an illegal option? [05:19] sh -help also doesn't work [05:19] man sh [05:20] Hrm, don't i use sh inconjuction with .ta.bz2? [05:20] tar.bz2* [05:20] tar -jxvf file.bz2 [05:21] its file.tar.bz2 [05:21] same thign anyways? [05:23] yup yup [05:34] what is the best thing to do if alot of stuff crashes constantly? [05:34] i just got mupen, and it also has crashed twice already [05:34] and become unresponciove several times [05:34] this is the same for many other programs [05:38] I tell you, windows 98 runs better than Kubuntu right now. :/ [05:39] thecrono: I would look at log files (specifically /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/messages) to see if I could figure out WHY this is happening [05:40] i wouldn't know..ive had linux 2 days [05:41] I think i'ma jsut reinstall XP [05:41] Because this is bad. [05:41] what! [05:41] thecrono: When you say that stuff crashes, what do you mean? Does it just become unresponsive? or what? [05:41] blasphemer! [05:41] unresponsive yes [05:42] 90% of everything i run [05:42] eventually goes unresponsive [05:42] thecrono: what are you having problems with specifically? [05:42] what apps? [05:42] thecrono: What are the specs of your computer? [05:42] right now, it was Mupen64...but i was also trying to run stuff in wine, all that went dead, and dolphin breaks/unresponds often aswell [05:42] 2.5ghz processor, 1.5gb ram [05:43] firefox freezes alot also [05:43] well... that may be part of it... WINE is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination [05:43] I thought it was my video driver, but that proved to be untrue [05:43] Neither is mupen [05:44] you should try to find Linux apps to replace your WinAddiction [05:44] mupen was that..and it didn't work lol [05:44] what is mupen? [05:44] n64 emulator [05:44] emulators are also not considered "stable" programs [05:45] i know, but crashing on first use, and becomign unresponsive consecutivly [05:45] man, ive not even tried fruityloops in wine yet :O [05:45] that will probably esplode my pc [05:45] yeah, I get that it's frustrating. to be honest, if you are looking for gaming, Linux may not be for you [05:46] thecrono: are there any other specific programs that you're having this issue with? [05:46] nto really [05:46] probably dave [05:46] i tried ubuntu 5.10 two years ago, and eventually left [05:46] thecrono: do you use Pidgin for instant messaging, by chance? [05:47] um no..i have kopete though [05:47] i use msn [05:47] on there [05:47] I try to be as positive as possible in my Linux evangalism, but Linux can't compete with Windows in the game market until they get their hands out of BillG's pants [05:48] firecrotch: I use Pidgin usually... but it looks like crap on KDE4 [05:48] what gets me is why everyone else in the universe seems to run things fine [05:48] thecrono: I'm thinking the issue may be related to GTK programs (firefox and mupen both rely on gtk) [05:48] i don't have gtk [05:48] firecrotch: yeah, you may be onto something [05:48] DaveDorm: That's because, from what I've noticed, the gtk theming in KDE4 sucks [05:48] i was trying to figure out how to get it earlyer [05:49] thecrono: If you installed mupen and firefox using the package manager, it would have been installed automatically [05:49] firecrotch: yeah, I am having an issue now with Pidgin... and TheGIMP did not look right, either [05:49] i installed mupen manually [05:49] as i did with firefox [05:49] http://davedorm.com/temp/dorm2.jpg [05:50] thecrono: use the package manager (Add/Remove Programs) to install Firefox [05:50] and ding ding ding, we have found the source of the problem :) [05:51] thecrono: yeah man... you probably missed some dependencies [05:51] firecrotch: the gtk themeing in kde4? [05:51] i don't know though, winxp is a pain in the butt to install..so i may stick with kubuntu [05:51] thecrono: unless by "installing" you mean you COMPILED it [05:51] or i may break out and duel boot [05:52] mueslix: Yeah, KDE tries to apply whatever options you set for KDE to GTK apps when you run them in KDE [05:52] nah [05:52] mueslix: Or at least, it's an option in KDE3 [05:52] that's bollocks [05:52] :) [05:52] there a gtk-qt engine for qt3 styles [05:52] +was [05:52] but that got nothing to do with kde really [05:53] Qt, KDE, same thing :) [05:53] rrrright [05:53] mfc, windows, same thing? [05:54] Can't have KDE without Qt, can't have windows without MFC [05:54] MFC? [05:55] Microsoft Foundation Class library [05:59] i don't think much of windows itself depends on mfc [05:59] it's mostly winapi32 [05:59] but that's nitpicking now [05:59] i just wanted to mention that the gtk engine was never part of kde or had anything to do with kde itself [06:00] yeah, i may jsut go to windows,i mean,if my two main activities require windows...why do i need linux? o.O [06:00] maby in two more years stuff will be better [06:00] so what are your main activities? [06:00] games/music [06:00] producing music [06:00] not sure windows is better for music [06:00] but yeah [06:00] mueslix: Well, thanks for pointing that out. I now know that it's these guys (http://gtk-qt.ecs.soton.ac.uk/) who do that :) [06:00] at least not that much worse [06:00] just stick with it [06:01] if i can't run fruityloops well [06:01] there goes music all together :( [06:01] and so for no game has worked [06:02] you want a mac ;-) [06:02] oh god no [06:02] windows 95 > any mac [06:02] you just don't know it yet, that's ok [06:03] well, i didn't get linux because i had a problem with windows..i got it because i wanted to use something new [06:03] lol mueslix [06:03] I don't have problems with any of them I'm an equal opportunity OS enthusiast :) [06:03] well if your attitude is "win 95 > any mac", then sorry... i don't think there's anything new that is exactly like windows. which is what you actually want it seems [06:04] of course I should modify that to GUI OS enthusiast :) [06:04] mueslix I think his knowledge of the mac world is just out of date thats all [06:04] i agree, the entire argument is really silly [06:04] No, its jsut, what doesn't work on linux, won't work on mac either. [06:04] i don't drive a ferrari to go shopping and i don't go racing with my land rover [06:05] no it's just, where the hell did you hear that brainfart? [06:05] thecrono: that's not necessarily true. [06:05] crono, no aqua apps work on linux, (aside from illegal virtualization) [06:05] aqua apps is where its at I guess... [06:05] what is an aqua app? [06:05] you can always get opendarwin [06:05] hahaha [06:05] Aqua is MacOSX's gui interface [06:05] ok [06:05] nuf for now, i stick to my rules [06:06] Darwin is the actual operating system that underlies it (which is a flavour of BSD) [06:06] Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. [06:06] Hrm, my computer doesn't have a flopp drive..and my winxp cd isn't bootable [06:06] so in a way it has similar roots to linux if you go far enough back lol [06:07] your XPCD doesn't boot? [06:07] then its not a legal copy of XP! [06:07] i don't suppose its possiable to install windowxp onto a ntfs partition [06:07] hehe ive never actually SEEN a legal XP [06:07] of course a PXE XP would probably be handty for you [06:07] PXE? [06:07] im pretty sure it is thecrono [06:07] actually XP can ONLY be installed into an NTFS (or FAT32) partition [06:07] isnt ntfs windows' standard format? [06:08] vincent_: yeah of course it is [06:08] not via linux it can't..can it? [06:08] probably not.. [06:08] hmm I wonder if you can use HPFS for XP? lol that would be fun to mess with [06:08] you want to install xp via linux? [06:08] but you should be able to boot into it, ive nevert seen a winxp that isnt bootable [06:08] I know you can get an ifs for it, but bootup? [06:08] i have no other choice [06:08] newsflash: thecrono is actually a chat bot [06:08] xpcd doesn't boot [06:09] this is a real stinker [06:09] any of you gentlemen know how id go about installing a 32 bit app on a 64 distro? [06:09] you can probably dl an image of a startup disk thecrono [06:09] vincent_: as long as you got the 32bit userland stuff (libc e.g.) it should be fine, iirc [06:09] then i gotta deal with drivers too [06:09] ugh [06:10] but when i go to install a deb package it says its the wrong architecture [06:10] or am i still missing 32b packages muesli? [06:10] this is going to be a pain in the arse [06:10] precisely why people hate reinstalling Windows :) [06:10] they didn't send an xpcd with my PC [06:10] it was a dell [06:10] http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/534 [06:10] vincent_: maybe it helps [06:10] infatc, they sent no cd what so ever [06:10] vincent either his bios is messed up, or his XPCD isn't genuine [06:11] its not genuine [06:11] ohh bless you mueslix [06:11] :D [06:11] i made it myself [06:11] thecrono: Then there should be a restore partition on your hard drive [06:11] yeh crono, do a search, what internet do you have? [06:11] coz youd be best of just dling the image [06:11] thecrono you can get a copy of the media for free basically if you have a valid licence for XP [06:11] what itnernet?..comcast? [06:11] just ring Microsoft... [06:11] Or Dell [06:12] dell send my a pc with no cds or anything liol [06:12] the licence is the key, once you got that your in the door... [06:12] just the pc in a box with white foam balls [06:12] thecrono sounds like that should be illegal to do, not certain if it actually is tho [06:13] maybe you should be more careful about what you spend your money on? [06:13] lol [06:13] sometimes theres a reason why things come cheap [06:13] Microsoft couldn't care less how you install XP - whether it's from a genuine XP CD or not, as long as you have a valid key [06:13] aww if we had money we wouldnt be using linux ;) [06:13] exactly firecrotch [06:13] they should invent a way to run two OS at the same time..that would make life easyer [06:13] as long as they got their money they're happy to help you any way you want... [06:13] vincent_: no, we'd be pouring gin & guice with our bitches [06:14] you can crono [06:14] thecrono: If you call or email Dell, they will send you a restore CD for your computer, for free, which will restore it to just as if you opened the box [06:14] without having to reboot to switch>? [06:14] theres several ways of running multiple OS's concurrently [06:14] thecrono: it's called virtualization and it exists [06:14] lol mueslix [06:14] :O how? [06:14] either as software [06:14] theres A) emulation, B) Virtualization C) software layers [06:14] or even built into the process [06:14] processor even [06:14] if i could simply switch between kubuntu and linux on the fly this wouldn't be a problem [06:15] * vincent_ rocks out to the best solo ever written [06:15] guys, anyone knows how to stop konqueror from searching a word on strigi everytime i click with the middle button on a html page? [06:15] A) is for programs like Executor and UAE, etc... [06:15] i told you guys [06:15] he's either a chat bot or really pissed [06:15] B) is for Virtualbox, VMware, qemu, etc... [06:15] guys, anyone knows how to stop KONQUERORkonqueror from searching a word on strigi everytime i click with the middle button on a html page? [06:15] ops [06:15] and C) is for well... Wine I guess ... [06:15] how do i do it? heh [06:15] how does this work? to be specific [06:15] lol brmassa its a pain in the arse ey [06:16] thecrono: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=intel+vanderpool&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a [06:16] wouldn't switching between kubuntu/winxp require a reboot? [06:16] Thecrono get qemu (takes some work that way so you might need a frontend or some reading up) [06:16] thecrono: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=v1F&q=vmware&btnG=Search&meta= [06:16] or Virtualbox (or vmware) [06:16] thecrono: no, they actually run at the same time [06:16] yes... you can use it to run another os inside a window [06:16] that's why it's called virtualization. it's running on a virtual pc which runs on a real pc [06:16] so you can like...uh, 'alt-tab' between them [you know what i mean] [06:16] you can even use network communication between them [06:16] I don't think virtualization would be a good solution either though for him, considering that he uses windows for gaming [06:17] vincent_: there is no solution for this? [06:17] thecrono you can do this in EITHER XP OR Linux [06:17] firecrotch I agree [06:17] brmassa: there is one, i think, but i havent used ti yet [06:17] firecrotch: not necessarily true. if it's abstracted on the hardware layer and no other virtualizations are active, you barely lose any power [06:17] brmassa: im sure that you can just change the mapped keys [06:17] actually I think he'd be better off virtualizing Linux from within XP for his purposes [06:17] does virtualization actually work..or is it somethign i shouldn't expect to be bugfree [06:18] yeah, i only want linux to learn coding on the side [06:18] um not sure what oyu mean by bugfree exactly but it should work for most purposes [06:18] it's virtually bugfree [06:18] was going to start python [06:18] (haha) [06:18] well friends, im off to play warcraft 3 [06:18] gg all, cya [06:18] what better way to do python than on a os for of opensource stuff [06:18] thecrono: you don't need linux to learn python [06:18] full of* [06:18] I did have a major crash using virtualization once but that was mostly my fault the virtualization issue just complicated the matter thats all [06:19] you can get Python for virtually every platform anyway [06:19] i think i'll just reinstall XP :( [06:19] but omg it will be a pain in the BUT [06:19] so who's running kde4 already in here? (no i'm not going to ask questions, i'm just statistically puzzled) [06:19] i better get all my drivers now [06:19] I'm a real fan of this andlinux [06:20] you can even integrate kde apps into your windows environment with it! [06:20] mueslix, I've been flip-flopping back and forth between KDE3 and 4 [06:20] you can get kde for windows? [06:20] yes [06:20] :O [06:20] kde4win [06:20] native [06:20] mueslix: I installed it last night [06:20] no oen tells me this stuff before hand [06:20] DaveDorm: Does it run well? [06:20] but I wouldn't suggest it necessarily [06:20] are you guys "just users" [06:20] ForgeAus: wha? kde4win? [06:20] ? [06:21] yes Dave [06:21] i'm ;just a user' [06:21] i think [06:21] there used to be just a cygwin installer, but now theres a full on kde installer [06:21] mueslix: yeah, I consider myself a "power user" I am also a PC tech and do help desk stuff by trade [06:21] ForgeAus: awesome [06:21] inside windows it makes a /kde directory and you run kde apps from there [06:21] ForgeAus: I'll have to look into that for work [06:21] mostly Konqi, Kpat, etc... [06:21] heh, do they have a linux emulator for windows? [06:22] I don't know if theres a desktop [06:22] thecrono theres several ways of using linux environments under windows [06:22] many are subsystems [06:22] if i used linux under windows, i can leanr linux, and still do my other stuff [06:22] like cygwin or interix (Microsoft Services for Unix) [06:22] thecrono: yes... there is [06:22] is it possiable to use kubuntu specificly , under windows? [06:23] thecrono: I can't remember the name of it though, crap [06:23] sorry guys, i get the cringes again [06:23] cygwin even comes with an X-server built in [06:23] that's not linux [06:23] and it's not running linux [06:23] it's merely a gnu toolchain [06:23] mueslix, true [06:23] + bash [06:23] and a few tools [06:23] i know, that's why i asked if there was a linux emulator [06:23] having said that, yes it sounds like what thecrono wants [06:23] for winxp [06:23] thecrono: vmware [06:23] virtualization is the BEST way it seems to get linux under windows although andLinux is good [06:24] but,will linux need its own partition? [06:24] (I think andLinux falls more under emulation than virtualization [06:24] you see, i got an 80gb hard drive..and i fill it fast [06:24] thecrono: you can tell vmware to use a flat file if you run windows on ntfs [06:25] when i said linux emulator..i mean like..wine, but for windows [06:25] theres a proggy on sourceforge called keow meaning kernel emulation for windows can run some linux binaries in windows but thats mostly still in development and also mostly analogous to wine [06:25] lol thecrono [06:25] interesting timing [06:25] AndLinux has the best cohesion I've seen yet [06:25] that stuff is still in development stages you say? [06:25] ForgeAus: interesting thing, but bound to fail imo [06:25] but its still in beta [06:25] ForgeAus: it'd either have to provide packages like a distribution [06:25] or the user would have to compile all the software by himself [06:26] (AndLinux is based on coLinux) [06:26] otherwise i can't see them overcoming abi issues [06:26] abi? [06:26] application binary interface [06:26] an application usually depends on libraries [06:26] but its still in beta [06:26] and if the libraries don't match "a certain version" (the binary interface changed) then it wouldn't be compatible [06:27] line is another wine-like one on sourceforge [06:27] though all this would be fuixed if i just had two computers :D [06:27] basically the same acronym even just swap windows for linux [06:27] mueslix yes mostly thats true [06:27] ForgeAus: oh god, i'm not sure what's wrong with me today, but again i'll nitpick [06:28] the w in wine doesn't stand for windows, but for "wine" [06:28] I have found it annoying (to be honest) that linux seems so version-dependant... [06:28] true Mueslix since its a recursive acronym [06:28] ForgeAus: you wouldn't be if you were a programmer [06:28] but then it has to recurse to something starting with w [06:28] that's why programming for windows became an ugly mess [06:28] cause they never cleaned up apis for compatibilities sake [06:28] so you end up with 20 methods, all doing the same [06:28] all with different issues [06:29] just with different parameters [06:29] which means the l in line stands for line :) [06:29] ForgeAus: ezzally [06:29] lol [06:29] kubuntu took 30 minutes to install..windows xp takes 3 hours [06:29] ffs [06:29] but what does the w (and or l) stand for once you have done all the iterations? [06:30] !language | thecrono ;) [06:30] thecrono ;): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [06:30] ForgeAus: it's infinitely recursive [06:30] hehe mueslix don't get me started on infinity [06:30] probably indicating that wine will always try to catchup in a god-given spiral of seeking failure [06:31] I had a HUGE argument with ppl in #Philosophy on undernet about that infinity-1 is non-reductable [06:31] they tried to tell me that infinity-1 = infinity [06:31] to say that breaks the very meaning of the = sign [06:31] oh no [06:31] heh yeah [06:31] easiest prove [06:31] i'd just be too afraid to use [06:31] what with the universe collapsing and shit [06:32] you think that is stupid..someone told me one that somethign that does nto exist, can bring tiself into existance [06:32] kids [06:32] !ot [06:32] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [06:32] he's christian i spose? [06:32] no, he was an aethist [06:32] thecrono in a sense he's right [06:32] Tm_T: haha :D [06:32] mueslix: thecrono: please [06:32] Tm_T: it's 6am everywhere kubuntu's used ;-) [06:33] no it isn't [06:33] ForgeAus: ssssssh [06:33] its 5.30 pm here in Australia :) [06:33] well, i'm going to..sadly..install winxp...it was a fun 2 days [06:33] mueslix <3 [06:33] heh, haven't been kicked from a channel in years. refreshing :) [06:33] Tm_T: <3 :) [06:33] i'm sitll gonna hang in this channel though :D [06:34] mueslix: isn't it, anyway, please, keep offtopicness in small numbers, thanks [06:34] later [06:34] Tm_T: sorry, np [06:34] hi, i have a question, i am running a kubuntu 7.04 server (well desktop) with webmin, when my other linux machine tries to download files from the server it can only DL them at 150k/sec, however when i upload to the server i can do 20 megs in about 5 seconds, i have 1gig line throughout the entire wired correction any ideas where i can look on why this is happening? [06:54] what do i need to do to make my entier HD 1 ntfs partition..and format it? [06:55] klikit sounds interesting too, mostly just kubuntu with a web-based frontend to apt [06:55] Kubuntu keeps loading [06:55] basically like cnr I guess [06:55] i found an winxp boot disk [06:55] but it hangs heh [06:55] and then kubuntu boots [06:56] So what so i need to do to reformat my entier HD? [06:56] i forgot the name of the partition program [06:56] thecrono kubuntu has qtparted and xp has diskpart [06:57] the xp disk gets to 'checkign ahrdware configureation...' and then hangs [06:57] thecrono you might need scsi/raid drivers [06:57] is anyone else having problems updating from the canonical repositories? [06:57] nah, ive installed on my pc before [06:58] with this cd [06:58] then why is it hanging? [06:58] dunno [06:58] it shouldn't [06:58] but the CPU light stays on [06:58] maby it jsut takes an awefly long time? o.O [06:58] its been ahwile sence i installed winxp [06:58] * ForgeAus shrugs [06:58] how do i get to the linux partition program? [06:59] hrm, well, let me try it again, [06:59] boot from the LiveCD and either type qtparted in a console [06:59] or run the installer [06:59] ok [06:59] note: qtparted is case sensitive so it may be something like QTpartEd I'm not entirely sure [07:00] !qtparted [07:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:00] hmmm [07:00] !info qtparted [07:00] qtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu12 (gutsy), package size 206 kB, installed size 720 kB === ubuntu is now known as thecrono [07:16] bootcd won'twork [07:16] is there any way to install windows from linux? [07:16] winxp [07:18] thecrono you are still here??? [07:19] hello [07:19] yes [07:19] i'm trying to delete linux and reinstall xp [07:19] but my bootcd won't bootproperly [07:19] thecrono dude, you never sleep?? LOL, that's a long day for you! [07:20] thecrono was you XP cd bootable before? [07:20] is there any way to reformat the entier drive, and place something like dos on the drive, so it boots to prompt? [07:20] yes, it hangs now [07:20] it gets to checkign hardware configureation..and hangs [07:20] thecrono what stage does it go to? [07:20] thecrono ok [07:21] i was thinking it may be my HD [07:21] the boot cd works ive used it [07:21] i' [07:21] thecrono so you've tried a bunch of times and it hangs every time or you've tried it once and still waiting for it to finish what it's doing? [07:22] it does nothing, the Cd spins for a while..it stops...then the CPU light goes on..but theres no sound..i left it for about 30 minutes [07:22] the processor isn't doing anything [07:23] thecrono well there are a few things we can do to achive what you want. just depends if you have time :D [07:23] i got time [07:23] i was thinking i could reformat the entier thing, make a 1 gb partition, and load DOs or something onto it :D [07:23] thecrono ok well you can first d/l a bootable cd/diskette and re-write your mbr, format your h/d and all those good things before we even start installing anything new [07:24] and then manually install windows [07:24] no floppy drives [07:24] thecrono that's fine, you can boot of a CD [07:24] know any bootable cds? [07:25] i think i formated the drive already anyways [07:25] or dalated the aprtitions atleast [07:25] dleeted* [07:25] thecrono to make sure that there are NO misunderstanding and I am not helping destroy your data for nothing, you are SURE that you want to get rid of linux and install win XP??? [07:25] yes [07:25] complete wipe, and reinstall xp [07:25] thecrono ok [07:26] and...i probably have to do it from a live cd [07:26] thecrono http://www.bootdisk.com/ [07:26] <_6StringKng_> !Konversation [07:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:26] thecrono is where you get a bootable cd and the utils we need to clean everything up [07:26] <_6StringKng_> can someone help me with conversation? [07:26] <_6StringKng_> konversation* [07:26] i cannot burn anything though..i'm using a live cd [07:26] _6StringKng_ i'll try but can't promise anything [07:27] thecrono ok, you are using the Live CD, nothing is installed on the HD and you trying to install XP on it right? [07:27] theres a broken partition linux instakll on the HD [07:27] <_6StringKng_> k, well anyways, I use Ubuntu 7.10 but I use Konversation for my IRC Client, I was wondering how I would go about to get the OSD working in the Gnome desktop enviroment, seems I can't get it working [07:28] i want to wipe it, make it ntfs, install xp [07:28] thecrono ok [07:28] _6StringKng_ sorry kde only here :( [07:28] <_6StringKng_> ah, okay then, well I can use the systray notifications, was hoping the OSD would work [07:29] _6StringKng_ i have Konversation but installed on KDE, have you tried #ubuntu? :D [07:29] thecrono got a USB stick? [07:29] <_6StringKng_> well figured, KDE app, ask here, but I'll try [07:30] no..i got n mp3 stick..which is uh..kinda can hold data lol [07:30] it can hold any format of data [07:30] <_6StringKng_> yeah same thing basically [07:30] thecrono so the only thing that we have to boot from are your LIVE cd and XP cd? [07:30] <_6StringKng_> both arew flash data correct then should be able to do it [07:30] pretty much [07:32] maby my kubuntu install works still [07:32] would that help? [07:32] thecrono try it [07:32] k brb === galathal1on is now known as galathalion === Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag === ubuntu is now known as thecrono [07:40] nope, grub couldn't even laod [07:40] error 22 [07:40] thecrono error 22 on windows load or XP load? [07:41] what? [07:41] GRUB [07:41] kubuntu [07:41] couldn'tload [07:41] i have to use live cd [07:41] thecrono yep just wondering [07:43] thecrono, what did you do you was able to use kubuntu earlier? [07:43] deleetd root [07:43] lol [07:43] thecrono try again to boot using your XP cd, if you manage select the RECOVERY CONSOLE [07:43] oh shit [07:43] i can'tselect anything [07:44] it says press any button to boot from disk [07:44] ol_dude67 he deleted the partition but kept the GRUB, needs to fix the mbr first [07:44] then it says checkign hardware configuration [07:44] and hangs [07:44] thecrono ok [07:44] its a dell operating system CD [07:45] thecrono sh!t [07:45] thecrono no access to another REAL xp cd? [07:45] how big is the cd bootdisk? [07:45] i got a burnt one lol === busi is now known as xavibu [07:45] that's not bootable [07:46] thecrono if you burnt it off an iso or another original one there might be chance that it's a bootable one, unless you have already tried and you know that it doesn't boot [07:46] ive tried,it doesn'tboot [07:46] thecrono, do you have a command prompt? [07:47] no, because it goes straight to grub [07:47] that's why i wanted to reformat to ntfs [07:47] can i disable the logout animation in kubuntu? ie- when the screen fades out [07:47] if there is nothing, it sjhould go to a prompt [07:47] right? [07:47] ol_dude67 he really has nothing besides what a livecd gives him [07:48] thecrono not sure what you mean by nothing? [07:48] ok you can try this in terminal, [07:48] thecrono, you ready? [07:48] if the HD is jsut a big empty ntfs drive..and i boot the computer up...it would go to a prompt correct? [07:48] thecrono nope, check out what ol_dude67 has to say [07:49] yeah one sec [07:49] dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda [07:49] er, open office laoded for no reason, one sec [07:50] and that may work, may not from terminal [07:50] permission denied [07:50] sudo [07:50] nothing happens.. [07:50] white box appears [07:50] on next line [07:52] hello? [07:52] ol_dude67 woah! i just looked up the command you gave him... deadly :D [07:52] ya it erases the hard drive [07:53] how do i know if it worked? [07:53] ol_dude67 never knew that [07:53] try and redo your xp cdrom now [07:53] i don'tthink it worked..heh [07:54] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda [07:54] nothing happens [07:54] if i type..it just appears in a white box under that [07:54] thecrono, if that didnt work the only thing you can do is download the hard drives disk for it and lowlevel format which is about the same thing [07:54] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda [07:54] fvdgfhjkgjkghjkgh [07:54] fhch [07:55] do what? [07:55] that's konsole [07:55] thecrono ok here is what you can try [07:55] dell probably has a seagate hard drive in it,and you will have to go to there web site and get the restore disk. [07:56] uhmm when i use commandline apt-get for a program like tor... where does it install the packages to ? [07:56] thecrono can you boot into console mode only? [07:56] from the live cd? [07:56] which option is it? [07:56] thecrono yes [07:56] i can do OEM [07:56] thecrono i think it's called console login or something like that [07:57] and..? [07:58] thecrono check this out: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314458 [07:58] thecrono tell you step by step how to remove Linux and install XP [07:58] IN KDE3, how do i reset desktop? KDE4 has destroyed KDE3 :D [07:59] never thought that i'd be sending anyone to that page, ever... :S [07:59] val0: haha [08:00] anyone know how to reset? [08:01] OOH [08:01] fhch5748185+0 records in [08:01] 5748185+0 records out [08:01] 2943070720 bytes (2.9 GB) copied, 432.057 seconds, 6.8 MB/s [08:01] is that is ol_dude? [08:01] the command you gave me' [08:01] should be [08:02] when i hit ctrl+c it gave me that [08:02] you should of got a blank hard drive [08:02] well,i cancelled it [08:02] i'll run it again [08:02] thecrono how big is your HD? [08:02] 80gb [08:02] 80 gig [08:03] that is truely a wicked command [08:03] thecrono well according to that speed that should take something like 8 hours to complete? [08:03] :O wtf [08:04] gparted took 30 minutes [08:04] ol_dude67 yeh, never knew it could be that simple [08:04] gparted took 30 minutes to do the entier drive [08:04] thecrono well devide 80Gigs by 6.8MB/s [08:04] he should be able to just kill the first part of the hard drive and start xp [08:04] ol_dude67 yeh he needs to fix the mbr [08:04] 90% of the hard drive was empty [08:04] lo all [08:05] how do i start gparted? [08:05] ol_dude67 and he can do that from the xp recovery mode to which he can't get in because the cd freezes [08:05] it shouldnt now [08:05] hi ! [08:05] ello [08:05] "D [08:05] i didn'tfinish that command oldude [08:05] thecrono ok try it again, boot into XP [08:05] ok, brb [08:05] does not anyone know how to reset desktop settings? [08:06] spiroo, im not sure there is a reset? [08:06] spiroo you want to revert to KDE3 or just reset the setting of your current desktop? [08:06] spiroo, you could rename ~/.kde [08:06] spiroo, .kde stores your kde settings. What are you exactly trying to achieve? [08:07] ActionParsnip: My desktop has crashed, there is no wallpaper and no icons, because KDE4 crashed. [08:08] spiroo, so you want to reset your kde4 settings or revert to kde3? [08:08] spiroo log out and restart the X server? [08:08] both [08:08] hello all [08:09] can any1 help with an installation question??? [08:09] I want to remove KDE4, reset KDE3 without loosing KDM. I cannot remove KDE4. If I do I cannot login at all. [08:09] spiroo, ifyou log out and choose your log in session as kde3 (might say kde) [08:09] !ask | ubuntu [08:09] ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:09] ActionParsnip: I amo logged in as KDE3 [08:09] spiroo, then rename all ~/.kde folders and reboot [08:10] spiroo, like .kde4 .kde or whatever you got [08:10] allright, but what you mean with rename all of them, what happens? [08:11] spiroo, mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old [08:11] ok, sorry, while performing install on kubuntu it didn't proceed after step 5 (resizing) and also doesn't allow me to partition manually due to 3 existing primary partitions already there, what's wrong? [08:11] spiroo, when you reboot. the system will see no .kde folder and create a new one from stock === _CoLoS_ is now known as Xavibu === Xavibu is now known as _CoLoS_ [08:14] linux-swap and root have to be primary so how can I make it fit? should I just let it partition automatically? and if so why doesn't it get past step 5? [08:16] ubuntu, is there free space on your drive for kubuntu? [08:16] hi spiroo [08:16] hi, it did not work [08:16] spiroo, did you rename all the .kde folders? [08:16] It says for KDE-Panel: Malfunctioned /:system and :URL [08:16] I think so [08:17] yes there is, actionparsnip, I ran system recovery of windows today [08:17] No it says Malformed URL: /:system [08:17] ubuntu, if you have unpartitioned space you can let the installer use it automatically [08:18] spiroo, can you do use a pastebin of ls -a in your home directory please [08:19] when I did that it remained stuck in resizing [08:19] ubuntu, ahhh so you are making space using pated? [08:20] !paste | spiroo [08:20] spiroo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [08:20] http://pastebin.org/16786 [08:21] I got new folders for both kde4 and kde :D [08:21] what is pated? I tried resizing w/kubuntu installer itself. [08:21] kubuntu live cd [08:22] spiroo, rename all the lines from 33 to 38 [08:22] guys, why the autocomplete feature from search field keeps giving me numbers amoung the possible phrases? if i right "brazil" then it shows: "2", "brazil nuts", "237", "brazilian consulate", "000 results" [08:22] s\right\write [08:23] ActionParsnip: huh? [08:23] spiroo, .kde .kde_old .kde_uhm .kde4 kde_uhm .kderc [08:24] why and how? [08:24] ops... on KONQUEROR [08:24] spiroo, rename all those ones to something different (or move them to a folder) [08:24] is it true I can remain online while installing kubuntu? [08:24] spiroo, they store all the settings for kde. Just like .ktorrent holds the settings for ktorrent [08:25] spiroo, if you rename them then when you load kde the folder is there but not the expected name so the system will make a brand new one from stock [08:25] ubuntu, i meant parted [08:25] ubuntu, don't see why not :D [08:25] ah okay, but I just did and it does not owrk? [08:26] spiroo, you didnt do them ALL. there are 5 kde folders you needed to do and you only did one [08:26] cool, I'm going to try again [08:26] what is port 8001 used for? [08:27] allright [08:27] bentob0x, http://www.auditmypc.com/port/udp-port-8001.asp [08:27] bentob0x, google is useful for that sort of thing :D [08:28] bentob0x, thats all I just did [08:29] ActionParsnip: I use Google always before I ask a question yes, did you actually read that page instead of copy/pasting it stupidly here? [08:29] that page is a scam [08:29] ok now I got 'failed to create enough space for installation' [08:29] bentob0x, yep. its for vcom-tunnel [08:30] I find it funny that I can't see vcom-tunnel mentionned in the next 20 results in Google [08:30] I know I have plenty of space when only about 10gigs out of 60 is being used [08:30] bentob0x, Its all im finding [08:30] ActionParsnip: When i renmaed, a folder appeared directly for .kde again. [08:30] bentob0x, http://www.babylon.com/definition/8001/English [08:30] before reboot [08:31] bentob0x, http://www.corruptedfilerepair.com/Ports/Port-Type-tcpudp-vcom-tunnel-8001.asp [08:31] bentob0x this is not a scam! [08:31] spiroo, hmm not seen that [08:31] bentob0x http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers [08:31] bentob0x, I can keep pasting stuff but i will get banned for spamming [08:32] spiroo, not seen that one man, sorry. No I dea [08:32] ActionParsnip you check that one out too if you want, it's pretty detailed [08:32] ActionParsnip: hehe okay, thanks for help anyway :) [08:32] k thx, btw, sorry for saying 'stupidly', ActionParsnip didn't mean anything bad [08:33] ok now, what does a vcom-tunnel connection do on my machine? [08:34] bentob0x, its cool man. ive had worse. you could insult anything and i dont mind [08:34] bentob0x, just watch other folk as it might get you alienated [08:35] of course, but I'm not that kind of guy anyway [08:36] bentob0x, http://lists.shed.com/pipermail/xtensionlist/2006/007513.html [08:37] Damn, I cannot do anything on desktop :( [08:37] I succesfully removed KDE4. [08:37] uhnmm after installing tor i cant save the file after editing the cofig.. why ? [08:38] And trashcan does not work :( [08:38] stoiss, did you run your editor with kdesu? [08:38] what is that ? i just edited it in kate [08:39] stoiss, you edited it as a user. You needed to run it with kdesu kate [08:39] ahh ok thanks.. yeah i forgot that.. [08:39] stoiss, then you are editing as admin [08:40] stoiss, do NOT use sudo [08:40] VCOM - is a Visibility and Cabon Monoxide Monitor... and it motors it through port 8001. LOL [08:40] *monitors [08:40] lol [08:40] so don't fart near your computer :D [08:40] val0, haha, does it flow in through my open 10/100 interface? [08:40] what is the diffrence of kdesu and sudo ? i know sudo is as root but what does the kdesu do then [08:40] the host was kubrick.freenode.net [08:40] (if you foolishly have that port open!!) [08:41] stoiss, sudo is for command line stuff like apt, cp, rm etc. kdesu is for gui apps like kate, kwrite, irefox etc [08:41] ahhh i see. thanks [08:41] ActionParsnip yeh it can come from there too. or like i said a good taco dinner can cause an alarm as well [08:42] stoiss, sudo will work but it can harm your permissions and make your system not work [08:42] ok [08:42] stoiss, technically you can use kdesu for them all [08:42] Is it possible to reinstall Kubuntu 7.10 without CD? [08:42] I want to reinstall it inside Kubuntu. I am in school so I have not any CD for the moment [08:45] anyone? [08:45] spiroo, reinstall the whole thing? [08:46] yes [08:46] format all and install again inside this dist [08:46] like install thingy in liveCD [08:47] Seems like I crashed everything [08:47] wow === blahblah1423 is now known as therealcrono [08:48] i'm ghosted like 5 times on freenode [08:48] spiroo, you could use apt to reinstall everything from the web [08:48] it worked val0 and ol-dude [08:48] your welcom [08:48] ActionParsnip: how? [08:49] spiroo, get googling for man apt [08:49] ActionParsnip: do you know if its possible to directly port ( copy ) programs from a debian based livecd ? i need like pentests and such from a backtrack cd installed here.. [08:49] later i might look at one of those linux emulators/virtualizations [08:49] ok hi everyone again [08:49] stoiss, do you mean install them to the live environment? [08:49] i have installed kubuntu again [08:50] on a laptop [08:50] and it works [08:50] but now i am in tty6 [08:50] how do i change to normal again [08:50] (im in a consold_ [08:50] console [08:50] what button do i press? [08:51] ActionParsnip: no basicly i want to know if i can copy the installed directories from the livecd and paste them into the /ect folder in the installed ubuntu [08:51] stoiss it won't work [08:51] I lost my /etc recently [08:51] and copied a live version to replace it [08:51] and I didn't have much luck sofar [08:52] it did make my system bootable but still no X yet... [08:52] and no network... [08:52] how do you lose /etc? [08:52] um a big crash turned it into a file instead of a directory [08:53] ForgeAus, yikes! [08:53] so I fsck'd it and it put all my files into numbered ones in the lost+found directory [08:54] some1 help please? [08:54] I was hoping to update it to feisty or later too [08:54] ol_dude do you know of a general windows channel anywhere? [08:54] (ironically just after the crash I was able to finally fix my dpkg lol :)... ) [08:55] ok i have accidentally switched to tty mode (console) how do i swap to gui again? [08:55] (I had a package that didn't like installing) [08:56] jhend60, try hitting ctl,alt n f7 [08:56] this is as close to something usable as i could find re: port 8001 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v5r6/topic/com.ibm.commerce.admin.doc/tasks/tsrwcic.htm [08:56] therealcrono so nothing helped? [08:57] #windows [08:57] Does anybody know how to reinstall Kubuntu inside itself. Yes I have googled, do not found anything. [08:57] spiroo what do you mean to reinstall kubuntu inside itself? [08:58] spiroo you want to reinstall the KDE or the Linux OS? [08:58] spiroo how did you install it to begin with? [08:58] spiroo, http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get [08:58] from the live CD you simply run the installer ubiquity it will overwrite your Kubuntu with a fresh install [08:58] spiroo, check near the botttom. There is a --reinstall option [08:58] ForgeAus, he doesnt have the cd [08:58] ForgeAus: From beginning I used liveCD, but I do not have nayone for now :( [08:58] ok [08:59] spiroo well you could download one... but that will take time/download [08:59] I know, but I cannot burn CD in school :D [09:00] spiroo, sudo apt-get kdelibs --reinstall (i think its kdelibs, not sure. can someone verify) [09:00] ah you mean like that ;P [09:00] someone know why i get Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such device or address [09:00] spiroo, did you google? [09:00] yes [09:00] spiroo, good. then you'd have seen the reinstall switch for apt [09:01] se7en, ya i had that problem too, so i switched to vmware. [09:01] spiroo, this will redownload the thing you specify and install it over the top [09:01] I know about the reinstall for applications, but does it work to reinstall everything? I mean adept will crash when I reinstall everything? [09:01] * se7en likes qemu ... [09:02] ol_dude67 where did you get vmware for linux? Desktop or server option? [09:02] anyway it is not kdelibs [09:02] se7en , try in the #qemu [09:02] spiroo, why will it crash? [09:02] and i got vmware from repos [09:03] se7en, virtualbox for me :) [09:03] ol_dude67 ??? really? i looked for it :S [09:03] ActionParsnip: Because reinstall the whole system while you are inside it, it is built to crash if so [09:03] ah no try sudo apt-get install vmware-server [09:03] spiroo, no because the program is in ram [09:04] ActionParsnip: i like virtualbox as well qemu is just so nice and fast ... [09:04] ActionParsnip: okay then :) Just have to find the core package to reinstasll everything [09:04] spiroo, how are you supposed to ever update adept through adept. It doesnt show the updated version until you rerun it fresh [09:04] spiroo, thats why you have to close all fiefoxes when you update it so the new one can be run [09:05] ol_dude67 do they only offer server or there is a desktop option as well? [09:05] se7en, qemu has native cpu access. the cpu on qemu systems is not emulated :D [09:05] okay :) I see ;P [09:06] val0, dont know didnt look for anything but the server. [09:06] ol_dude67 cool cool [09:06] Anyway I do not find the core package, does naybody know which I have to reinstall? [09:06] if i get it to work ... :) ActionParsnip [09:07] ok [09:07] i have a nother buh [09:07] bug [09:07] i fixed the other one [09:07] why is ther Huge text on the login screen? [09:07] and How do i fix it? [09:07] how huge? [09:08] really really huge unreadable [09:08] others have had this problem chk the web [09:08] GOOGLE: Kubuntu Huge text on Login Screen [09:10] * jhend60 NUDGES everyone [09:11] jhend60, i have never had that happen to me.thats a new one. [09:11] jhend60, do you use grub or lilo? [09:12] i dont no [09:12] im a noob, but i suppose grub [09:12] when you boot does it say grub? [09:12] just got kubuntu from site [09:13] no [09:13] but i did see the word 'grub'in the setup [09:13] just instaleld it [09:13] then you use grub [09:13] does ctrl-alt-(keypad +/-) change size? [09:13] ill try [09:14] ive logged in now! im not on kubuntu im on different pc [09:15] Please, I want Linux in school [09:15] get eduLinux [09:16] edubuntu [09:16] hit teachers over head, if that fails, hit school board over head [09:16] Kubuntu worked perfect until I tested to install KDE4, which I never gonna do again until they release a stable one. [09:18] spiroo, what are you using now? [09:19] Kubuntu 7.10 [09:19] I successfully removed Kd4 after awhile. But now KDE3 does not work correct, some files or settings are corrupt. [09:19] And renaming ~/.kde does not work [09:20] you could just make a new user? [09:21] Not sure if that gonna do it. But I can test. Not for the moment though. I downloading latest Prison Break which I wanna watch :D [09:21] k,whatever..lol [09:22] you watch on kubuntu? [09:22] If that does not work then, I must use LiveCD? [09:22] yes ;P [09:22] good [09:22] where else? [09:22] sometimes coec only run on evil os [09:23] codec [09:23] haha :D Kaffeine works very well if you compare with WMP. [09:23] .mkv works and HD and .srt, so why use Windows? [09:24] anyway, that OT. [09:25] is there a command to see if a package is available through apt-get? [09:26] KDE4 is the future ;P [09:28] val0: apt-cache search [09:28] SlimeyPete thanks [09:28] it's a fuzzy search so you don't have to give the full name, just a keyword or part-name will do [09:29] SlimeyPete awesome [09:30] ok [09:30] im stuffed now [09:30] ive changed monitor settings [09:30] in admin mode [09:30] to make then 1024x1028 [09:31] whatever itis [09:31] and now its not working in gui === gladier_ is now known as gladier [09:44] olla peeps [09:45] ello [09:47] when i press the power button on my pc i want it to shutdown and not display logout options, how do i do this? [09:48] sigma_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248478 [09:48] cant you set that in systems settings? [09:48] ol_dude67 - where about in system settings? [09:49] ActionParsnip: thanks [09:49] sigma_, np dude [09:49] ActionParsnip: um thats only for gnome, how do i do it in kde? [09:50] sigma_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649582 [09:52] sigma_, any use [09:52] ? [09:55] ActionParsnip: cool it worked, thanks. got a pc that wont have a keyboard, just for a file and print server so putting it off without that fix would have been a mission! [09:57] ok i am updating my kubuntu so now my GIANT text problem should be fixed [09:57] i have moved my task bar so i can see it to the top [09:58] coz i have acer aspire 1640z and it is a bit buggered [10:00] guys, I am missing menu icons in openOffice on gutsy (clean install+full update) [10:00] can't seem to find a solution [10:01] erm... scratch that. sudo aptitude install openoffice-style-default [10:01] I am having a rather tricky problem with printing pdfs on kubuntu 7.10. The driver works perfectly, but printing from kpdf or using a kdeprinter filter produces only a blank page. [10:02] im unable to send files from my mobile to my desktop via bluetooth at the moment. it used to work, now they dont see each other. any idea what could be wrong ? [10:09] Can anyone help me print pdf files to an otherwise working cups? === fideas_ is now known as fideas === Sbucatone is now known as Scarpadi === Scarpadi is now known as Scarpadie [10:33] hi. i need any (preferable open-source) solution for web-services monitoring. it includes both http and other services monitoring. is there any "clever application" ;) that could recognize if for example only mysql is down (smth. like "mysql_connect failed" is displayed with other content) but http is on. :) [10:36] till_: you could write a script easily that checks wether your servers are still running [10:36] till_: and there is a php class for that in phpclasses.org [10:36] thomas__: of course i could but it will take some time. i need a quick solution. [10:37] till_: it's a rather quick solution [10:37] thomas__: emilsedgh: the application i need is some kind of "artifical intelligence" :) [10:38] till_: check #apache [10:38] till_: im sure there are many things for that, but you should just find them... [10:38] something like Nagios or Whatsup but with more clever "brain" inside [10:38] till_: google will bring you salvation [10:38] thank you :) [10:41] hey all [10:45] woah! [10:45] crazy [10:46] heeh yeah, [10:46] whoooo [10:46] I never know whetehr to say "your back", or "we're back" after a netsplit :) [10:46] welcome back ;) [10:46] what causes that? [10:46] stupid internet [10:47] i was wondering if i had left? [10:47] it's caused by one major IRC server disconnecting from another and reconnecting..along with all the users sitting on it [10:48] yes basically when servers lack cohesion ... one may go down or may simply just lose its link to another [10:48] marx2k, like a redundant server stepping in as backup? [10:49] hmm [10:49] way of getting around it generates LOTS of traffic [10:49] insteal of bieng a star style network it needs to become a mesh [10:50] link between kubric and brown goes down? who cares ... they can talk through another node [10:50] on certain networks like EFnet, this used to allow people to join and take over operator status of a channel [10:50] "taking over on a netsplit" [10:51] simlar to googles links between data centres [10:52] actually [10:52] ]that would be a rather rad idea [10:53] google having an IRC network [10:59] hallo [11:00] 1 question please [11:00] why is the grass green? [11:00] it is impossible to install K/ubuntu on an FSC Notebook - modell Amilo Pro V2030 - any idea what 's to do ? [11:01] ( in winter time green grass ??? ) [11:01] you wanted 1 question so i asked...just a pun sorry [11:02] bikerpeter, what kind of specs does this notebook have? like ram hard drive [11:03] Sata 40 GB HDD, 512 MB RAM [11:03] what video card? [11:04] at the moment I try to figure out of the manual - it 's without any OS [11:04] oh ok, well you can always try it then, if anything just use the safe graphics mode [11:05] IRC is just multiplayer notepad [11:05] ! [11:05] it seems I have to check it in another way no info in the manual ( Knoppix DVD is part of shipment ) [11:05] Absurdo: IRC is a culture [11:06] How can I figure out the graphic card ? [11:06] well if it was shipped with that then it should run kubuntu then [11:06] bikerpeter, from what Ive googled it looks pretty compatible :) [11:06] bikerpeter, run it from Live and see what works / doesnt work [11:06] yes I started the live - so I don 't understand the probs [11:06] bikerpeter: lspci | grep -i vga === lombra_ is now known as lombra [11:07] bikerpeter, do all your devices work ok (sound, wifi (if you have it), ok display)? === SSJ is now known as SSJ_GZ [11:07] but it needed 10x longer to start - not really stable [11:07] bikerpeter, you are running of cd, cd = slow [11:07] the image was ok and sound startet - I tried also the graphics secure mode [11:07] bikerpeter, do you use / have wireless and does it work ok? [11:08] it is not the 1. notebook where I installed it - but the 1. time of probs [11:08] the FSC has WLAN but I connected the LAN Cabel [11:09] bikerpeter, looks ok to me then. If you are happy with it i'd go ahead and install but its your call [11:10] bikerpeter, can you do a lspci | grep -i vga emilsedgh [11:10] !paste | bikerpeter [11:10] bikerpeter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [11:10] excuse - missunderstanding - I clicked INSTALL at the live CD Boot - but after 1 hour !!! it don't goes further as the 1. of 6 steps aof installation - HW RESET !! [11:11] bikerpeter, stop the command at vga :) [11:11] please explain ( pastebin - that unknown for me ) [11:12] bikerpeter: you paste text there and hit the submit button [11:12] bikerpeter, go to the site and paste the output of the command lspci | grep -i vga [11:12] bikerpeter: then it directs you to page that has your paste, then copy that url to us etc ;) [11:12] bikerpeter, you will then be given a url, paste it in here and we will see what you put [11:13] biker if you paste it in here it can scroll the text and confuse people [11:13] like me [11:13] :) [11:13] I see the URL page - I try [11:14] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53286/ [11:15] bikerpeter, good one :) [11:15] bikerpeter, ok not so good [11:15] bikerpeter, you need to run the command then pastebin the output === Scarpadie is now known as Sbucat [11:17] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53288/ [11:17] bikerpeter, kde menu ->system -> konsole [11:18] bikerpeter, got a black box now. like a DOS window? [11:18] you dont have to paste everything in there just the major things that take a lot of lines [11:21] I know Terminal / Konsole [11:22] but the Amilo is off [11:22] bikerpeter, do the lspc | grep -i vga in there [11:22] bikerpeter,ok [11:22] it need to start LIVE 30 Min !!! [11:22] bikerpeter, ok man [11:22] I will use that command - as sudo ? [11:23] bikerpeter, user is fine [11:23] ok - I have to come back when it 'a "active" [11:23] bikerpeter, see you on the other side [11:23] thank 's for the moment [11:25] Hi, I would like to configure kubuntu to select a glyph from a different font if the glyph is missing in the current font. How would I do that? [11:25] I am using BPG Courier and would like to use Dejavu Sans Mono if a glyph is missing in BPG Courir. [11:48] Im having some really weird problems.. Is there a virus scanner in ubuntu? [11:49] My sys is freezing [11:49] bugs: not by default, nor any real viruses for it [11:49] bugs: anyway, see what "top" tells you about your system [11:50] I dont understand... ''What is top [11:50] it's an app [11:50] ok [11:50] !console | bugs [11:50] bugs: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [11:51] bugs: run top in Konsole, it will show what is eating cpu and memory if it is that [11:51] freezing system....install hot-babe ;) [11:52] bugs, how much memory do you have? [11:52] and swap? [11:52] 2meg === CarNagE` is now known as Carnage\ [11:52] bugs: oh, yes, also run "free -m" in Konsole :) [11:52] you mean 2 gig? [11:52] forget... Default when installing [11:53] free 1503 [11:53] swap 4259 [11:54] jees, and its freezing on you, you need to see which program is causing it in top [11:54] what causes these freezes? [11:54] there are 123 121 sleeping and I'm running firewall and xchat [11:55] bugs: kde3 or kde4? [11:55] 3 [11:55] bugs, video card? [11:55] nvidea [11:55] bugs: i recommend "htop": "top"'s compilcated analogue... [11:56] bugs: you can see what process eats your CPU or memory [11:56] cool installing htop now [11:57] so how do I interpret this htop [11:58] bugs: what is your cpu usage by it? that is Konsole app once again :) [11:59] bugs: run "htop" in Konsole. then just press F6 and you will see menu on the left. select "sort by" CPU% and press enter [12:00] bugs: then in table the first process is that "ugly eater" (probably) ;) [12:04] the process keeps switching from my user name to root but mostly on root\ [12:06] bugs: yes, but what process that is at the top of it? [12:07] htop and xchat are the two top [12:07] so no, it's not that then [12:07] bugs: though, is you as user with those? [12:08] bugs, what were you running when it froze? [12:08] firefox... then xchat tring to connect here [12:09] bugs: might like to add "runaway process catcher applet" to kicker ;) [12:10] is 153 processes a high number to be on a sys [12:10] i have 216 running now [12:11] bugs: depends ;) [12:11] ok... [12:11] bugs: not usually [12:11] thx for the help guys.. going back to work [12:12] bugs: I'm just doing IRC , browser and a terminal or two and I have 172 currently [12:12] although some of that is actually threads... [12:12] thoreauputic: heh, in my high use I have ~130 processes, and you can bet I do a whole lot more than you can without insane efforts [12:13] Tm_T: I am just quoting what gkrellm is showing -a I said, some of that is threads rather than actual processes === ubuntu is now known as Jan500 [12:14] thoreauputic: same here [12:14] Tm_T: when I run without X I have a rather small number most of the time :) [12:14] is 'Samba' in KControl > Internet & Network > Samba for samba _server_ or do i need it also for using an Active Directory server (a windows one)? [12:15] thoreauputic: KDE 3 & 4 running (and often some compilation) with apps etc [12:15] Tm_T: are you running apache, knockd, sshd, etc. etc. ? === ubuntu_ is now known as Jan500 [12:15] thoreauputic: ssh sshfs etc, no apache [12:16] Tm_T: :) [12:17] I've created some icons on a desktop with kiosktool but when I try to save the changes I get an "Error in KioskTool ubuntu modifications" error. Any idea why? === tackat__ is now known as tackat [12:24] hello all [12:24] I have to connect to exchange 2003 :( [12:25] I tired evolution, but tghis is not working. my favorite one is kontact. [12:25] which client can I use to connect to exchange [12:25] can someone help? [12:27] stefan__: is there an extension that makes Thunderbird speak to an Exchange server? [12:29] stefan__: if the exchange server does POP3 or IMAP, then you're set.. even then, you won't get full Outlook-like functionality unless you use a 3rd party product to do it. [12:30] stefan__: so you'll get email send/receive but you won't get calendar/todo/etc integration. [12:31] hello again [12:32] does anyone know why my kde sets the resolution to 640*480 without prompting it? this is the second time it does it on startup === LeeJunFan_ is now known as LeeJunFan [12:38] o-dog good question I'm not sure how linux determines resolution generally theres a list of them in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [12:38] but how it chooses which particular one... [12:38] but it doesn't let me set it higher than it [12:38] restarted with re-configured screen and graphic card re-selected [12:41] I was wondering if anyone knew how to connect to their myspqce im account through pidgin? [12:42] yep [12:43] babeck: in newer versions of Pidgin, MySpaceIM is included [12:43] babeck: at least it works for me.... :) [12:47] DaveDorm: I keep getting an invalid password error. [12:47] ahh thanks ForgeAus [12:48] it's somehow locked my screen not to show resolutions over 640*480 :D [12:50] babeck, mine worked as well [12:51] babeck: you need to use the same email/pw combo you use for MySpace... question, have you ever used the Windows MySpace IM service? I had to connect once with the Windows client before Pidgin would work... but that was just me [12:51] babeck: I don't think Pidgin is "smart enough" to initialize the MySpace IM service [12:52] hi everyone [12:53] i have a question if i want fusion-icon to load at startup what was the file that i have to edit? [12:54] oh, you use the email address for the login? I thought you used the username after the www.myspace.com [12:54] babeck: ayup... :) just like you log in to MySpace [12:55] hellmaster: you can edit the various rc.d files... I do not know of a GUIway to do it [12:56] hellmaster: wish i did... :) I need my IRC bot to load as a service so I can play poker with my friends [12:56] i know for sure that there is an autload file or something like that [12:56] thats how i put many things to work at boot [12:56] hmm [12:56] hellmaster: hmm... yeah maybe searchinf in Adept or Synaptic [12:56] no, its not a program [12:56] it like a config file or something [12:56] actually .d [12:57] !boot | hellmaster [12:57] hellmaster: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [12:57] i already use it when i was using ndiswrapper [12:58] hellmaster, is it module.d? [12:58] hmm maybe [12:58] !startup | hellmaster oops, reread your question [12:58] hellmaster oops, reread your question: To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [12:58] is just that i dont remember the name of the file [13:01] DaveDorm: Thanks, works perfectly. [13:04] when you announciate kubuntu is it meant to sound like cub-un-too or koo-bunt-oo ? [13:05] (or even Q-buntu) [13:05] hmmm i cant find the option for saving session on the K menu [13:05] !starup [13:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about starup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:06] !startup [13:06] To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot === loki is now known as azxza [13:13] * DaveDorm sighs [13:13] this is tedious... removing crap from my install that I don't use [13:14] Adept is slow [13:14] better to go slow, and not remove something that you shouldnt. [13:17] ol_dude67: I agree, but it just takes so long to do, for some reason... I click a checkbox, go get coffee... I mean dog slow [13:18] ol_dude67: I am taking out stuff like KMail, etc, that I simply never use [13:18] Bluetooth... I mean I don't even have it on this machine [13:18] DaveDorm, wow that is a little on the slow side. [13:21] ol_dude67: yeah, it's an older machine... I have an Edsel... a new PC is in my future, tho... :) [13:21] gonna put this one to work for the kids [13:21] !symlink [13:21] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [13:21] !boot [13:21] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [13:22] DaveDorm, ya i have one of those myself its now being used as my router. === _czessi is now known as Czessi [13:22] !botabuse > hellmaster === sylvain-fr is now known as sylvain-fr_joue_ === sylvain-fr_joue_ is now known as sylvain-fr_ET [13:23] now i didnt see him hit that bot once.:D [13:23] why am i abusing the bot?? [13:23] !nickspam > sylvain-fr_ET [13:23] for asking something i have doubt? [13:23] ol_dude67: in fact, this one does not really have a good video card... can't run any of the eye candy in KDE4... [13:24] hellmaster: because you can explore it with /msg ubotu !thing [13:24] thats better thanks [13:24] hellmaster: no problem :) [13:24] DaveDorm, mine is a year old and has onboard video from intel and it handled kde4 pretty good till it crashed and then i deleted it. [13:25] ah... [13:25] maybe when they get it so its not so buggy i might go back to it,but for right now i will stick to kde3 [13:26] know what I want? Remember "Jurassic Park?" I want a file manager like that... the geekgirl sits down... "This is UNIX. I KNOW this!" -- I NEVER saw UNIX like that before! lol [13:26] all that 3D browsing... sweet [13:27] well i have a feeling that before long its going to go really fast and then everyone will be saying how did you do that before. [13:28] oh, goodie, Kopete crashed again! right on schedule... [13:29] Ghod, I hate Kopete. Like a white hot, burning poker in the eye kind of hate... the developers of Kopete should die in a fire [13:29] i dont know i use pidgin [13:30] is it real that kde 4 can be installed parallel to kde 3? [13:30] I usually do, but pidgin is acting wonky in KDE4 [13:30] yes [13:30] yesh [13:30] oh i didnt try it on kde4 but i didnt use it but maybe 10 minutes when i did have it installed. [13:30] noaXess: yeppers.... doing it right now... I am on Day 2 of the standoffwith KDE4... we're kind of at love/hate [13:31] yeah... http://davedorm.com/temp/dorm2.jpg [13:31] DaveDorm: and u use the instruction on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php? [13:31] beholf the wonkiness [13:31] noaXess: yep... exactamundo... worked great [13:31] DaveDorm: wow :) [13:31] about the only thing it works great at. [13:31] okay.. [13:32] noaXess: yeah man... all you do is select "KDE4" when logging in [13:32] DaveDorm: okay. :) [13:32] noaXess: just like if you install OpenBox, Enlightenment, etc [13:32] Linux is all about choice! [13:32] DaveDorm: you mean any other window manager.. fluxbox or wath ever.. [13:33] noaXess: yes, that is right [13:34] hehe I got all of them [13:34] except kde4 [13:34] and WindowMaker/Gnustep and Amiwm and a few other odd ones [13:34] oh yeah Oborox [13:35] I wanna try e17 [13:35] I had e14 ages ago but became a KDE Whore [13:35] hmmm [13:35] I tried e14 [13:35] I never liked Gnome. [13:36] same KDE can be very windows-like in some ways [13:36] In fact, Gnome kept me away from some of the other distros. [13:36] good morning folks [13:36] yo sebastian^, what's shaking? [13:36] !ot [13:36] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [13:37] DaveDorm: what about alle the kde3 apps? will they run under kde4 or will they be updated? [13:37] DaveDorm: nothing special, just wake up at 2:37 pm :-/ [13:37] oh WHAT? jussi01, I mean we were talking KDE which is an integral part of Kubuntu [13:37] jeez [13:38] or was it my hello to sebastian^ that tripped the !ot ? [13:38] DaveDorm: The topic is Kubuntu support, not Kubuntu chat/opinions. Thanks. [13:38] hehe I think it was the other window manager talk [13:38] jussi seems a little strict on the ot thing... [13:39] I swear to ghod, if this wasn't the only game in town... [13:39] whatever, guys, you win [13:39] I mean afterall the C in IRC does stand for Chat doesn't it? [13:39] it's not just him [13:39] best not to argue [13:40] can I argie in *offtopic? Or will I get kicked there, too? [13:40] DaveDorm: if there were no rules, it would be chaos [13:40] squid I think your making an assumption there [13:41] of course you can chat away in offtopic; when an op says no though, best to just let it lie [13:41] but I can't explain, it would be offtopic to do so :) [13:41] ok, whatever [13:41] DaveDorm: if i add the deb into my repos.. than need i make a full upgrade? [13:42] noaXess: I guess you could, but all I did was apt-get the core for KDE4 as in the instructions [13:43] no problems with kde4 DaveDorm? [13:43] noaXess: I have not done a dist-upgrade since adding [13:43] DaveDorm: that i mean.. [13:43] sebastian^: I didn't say no problems... :) you missed my big complaint [13:43] i think its only kde3 updates.. [13:43] Dave what dist have you got? [13:43] gusty? feisty? edgy? [13:44] grr gutsy [13:44] sebastian^: yeah... http://davedorm.com/temp/dorm2.jpg [13:44] no i don't missed anything, i only saw this sentence but i hadn't time right now to install kde4 ;) [13:44] sebastian^: problems with KDE4 & Pidgin [13:44] ForgeAus: gutsy [13:44] DaveDorm: ah ok [13:44] well pigdin is based on Gnome's GTK that could be part of your problem === nunom is now known as nfma === nfma is now known as nfmaa [13:45] oky.. for all.. if i add the repos from http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php.. need i firt make dist-upgrade.. and then install kde4-core? === nfmaa is now known as nfma [13:45] !nickspam > nfma [13:45] well slackware has no gnome as default, but yet i can run pidgin on it just fine and do [13:46] ol_dude, ok... maybe its some other problem then??? I don't know... [13:46] !ppa [13:46] With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [13:46] ForgeAus: just for grins, I went to #pidgin and asked them, they said it was the way KDE4 is choosing and rendering the pixmaps [13:47] and Kubuntu by default does have a GTK anyway (possibly GTK+ or something) [13:47] ForgeAus, i dont know either i was just stating that. [13:47] sorry my mistake, didn;t want to spam anyone [13:47] yup Davedorm seems to make sense [13:48] can't say as I like the black taskbar :( KDE4 seems to have tried a little too hard to look like Vista :( [13:48] in some ways [13:48] Could we take the kde4 discussion to #kubuntu-kde4 Thanks. [13:49] jussi01: yeah shure :) [13:49] :) [13:49] or #ubuntu+1 ?? [13:49] (whichever is more populated I guess) [13:49] ForgeAus: only if its hardy discussion [13:50] isn't KDE4 the default for kubuntu in hardy? === noaXess is now known as p === p is now known as noaXess [13:51] (or at least slated to be) [13:51] wb squid === johanzon is now known as johanzzon [13:52] does creating a symlink work for emeral and fusion-icon? [13:52] i want to load compiz, emerald and fusion-icon when i load my KDE session [13:52] cant seem to find how to do it exactly [13:53] um if theres an entry you can put in /etc/init.d you could do it on startup as a service... but otherwise you'd have to find the start script... I don't personally know which one... [13:54] hellmaster_: #compiz-fusion may have more answers for you [13:54] jussi, its not really a compiz issue as much as it is a linux OS issue [13:54] perhaps #linux? [13:55] actually come to think of it the #KDE people should know === Demiurgo is now known as Giardo [13:55] im worinking on ubuntu 7.10 using kde, in other words kubuntu [13:55] compiz just happens to be the app involved tahts all [13:55] but ok... [13:56] hell this is the right place, but we don't seem to have anyone here who knows the answer... [13:56] so those are other suggestions where you might find someone who does know [13:56] hellmaster_: you want run any app on loging into kde/kubuntu? [13:57] noaXess that seems like the gist of it yeah [13:58] i want to load compiz, emerald and fusion-icon when i load my KDE session [13:58] hellmaster_: use the autostart dir in ~/.kde [13:58] ForgeAus: i see. [13:58] ok.. back soon.. [13:59] error15: file not found. this is what i got when trying to log in Kubuntu [13:59] 'Morning Folks :-) [13:59] error15: file not found. this is what i got when trying to log in Kubuntu [13:59] can someone help me [13:59] :: [13:59] onishidato: at much earlier point than in login screen? sounds like grub error [13:59] Lynoure [13:59] Lynoure: yes [14:00] earlier point [14:00] onishidato: I had that problem yesterday [14:00] Lynoure: how can i fix it? [14:00] DaveDorm: how can i fix it? [14:00] onishidato: if DaveDorm had it yesterday, he probably can help better [14:00] onishidato: it's grub, something ate one of my boot files, I had to rebuild it [14:00] onishidato: lemme look for the command I ran, stand by [14:01] DaveDorm: thanks [14:01] Might be even the same cause. [14:01] Lynoure: the system say: error 15..... Press anykey to continue [14:01] onishidato, comment out the hiddenmenu line with #, in your /boot/grub/menu.lst for starters [14:02] BluesKaj: can you tell me more? [14:02] onishidato, can you access your /boot/grub/menu.lst ? [14:03] BluesKaj: how can i do so? [14:03] onishidato, kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst [14:03] holy shit [14:03] in the run command box , not the cli [14:03] http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=200801241349501280x1024hd4.png i never happend to see something this ugly [14:03] !language | mindif_ [14:03] mindif_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [14:04] OK [14:04] onishidato: I had to run " update-initramfs -u " as root to rebuild the init file for the kernel [14:04] onishidato: something ate it, I guess [14:04] onishidato: once I ran that and rebooted it was fine [14:05] DaveDorm: ?? [14:05] DaveDorm: how can i run that command? === mbailey is now known as MIMB1 [14:06] BluesKaj: i can get into it [14:06] onishidato: do you only have 1 kernel? [14:06] is there a free CDE? [14:07] DaveDorm, ' sudo update-initramfs -u ' ? [14:07] onishidato: if so, use a livecd [14:07] i have 2 kernel [14:07] BluesKaj: yes, sudo [14:07] onishidato: try booting into the older kernel, that's what I had to do [14:08] what if he's dual booting, which i suspect ? [14:08] BluesKaj: but I logged in as root, I am old-fashioned [14:08] BluesKaj: still oughta work if he has an older kernel to fall back on [14:08] i'm using the older to get support [14:08] onishidato: aye, that's what I did... Googled the error [14:09] update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic this is what i got [14:10] DaveDorm: so now, let me reboot and see if it's work [14:10] DaveDorm, so editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst isn't necessary ? ...I had the same error and it was the timer and hiddenmenu lines that needed to be coomented out for grubmenu to show [14:10] err commented rather [14:11] DaveDorm, BluesKaj thanks 1st [14:11] BluesKaj: dunno, I only know what worked for me. I looked in the /boot menu and that kernel was missing its corresponding init* file..... so I rebuilt it... his problem may not be the same [14:11] thank us when it works, onishidato :) [14:12] right [14:12] BluesKaj: rather the /boot directory, not menu [14:12] BluesKaj: he could be missing the whole vmliniz* or other thing entirely [14:12] interesting DaveDorm , gonna add that command to my fix list if it works for him [14:13] BluesKaj: yeah, my guru found it... I call him up when I break stuff, he's like a Linux Jedi Master... [14:13] hehe :) [14:13] BluesKaj: I'm good. HE'S BETTER... lol [14:14] he's back! [14:14] onishidato: good news? [14:14] DaveDorm: i think i doesn't work [14:14] it doesn't work [14:14] :( [14:14] onishidato: ok, go to a shell and cd to the /boot directory [14:15] DaveDorm: still error 15: file not found [14:15] look at each of the kernel entries... like 2.6.22-14 should be the latest [14:15] press anykey to continue [14:15] DaveDorm: can you tell me more? [14:16] onishidato: trying to... :) go look in /boot for your kernel [14:16] onishidato: should have a few files for each kernel [14:17] anyone running hardy? [14:17] DaveDorm: i'm sorry, can you tell me exactly how to do?? cause i don't know:( [14:18] DaveDorm: cd /boot [14:18] DaveDorm: and what can i do next? [14:18] then ls [14:18] onishidato: abi-2.6.xx, config-2.6.xx , System.map-2.6.xx, initrd.img-2.6.xx and vmlinuz-2.6.xx ALL have to be there [14:19] DaveDorm, don't forget the ls command [14:19] onishidato: all five for your kernel... if one is missing or corrupt you're fubar [14:19] onishidato: if you have more than one kernel, the'll be 5 for each one [14:19] just cd /boot just puts you in the directory , but doesn't list any kernels [14:20] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53313/ this is what i got, i have 2 kubuntu === word|sleep is now known as word [14:20] and the grub is blue [14:21] onishidato: blue means it's a directory [14:21] !hardy | ol_dude67 [14:21] ol_dude67: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [14:21] DaveDorm: so... am i miss something? [14:22] well... [14:22] onishidato: the files are all there, but one may be corrupt [14:22] DaveDorm: so..... how can i fix now? [14:22] onishidato: you could always remove the kernel package for 2.6.22-14 and reinstall [14:23] onishidato: but not sure how to do that off hand [14:23] so wil the next alpha cd of kubuntu have two cds? one for kde3 an one for kde4? [14:23] onishidato: and you caught me feeding my baby.... lol [14:23] "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly." What might cause this message? [14:23] DaveDorm: oh sorry [14:23] BluesKaj, i know its the new one i was just asking if anyone was running it to see if it had and major bugs [14:24] BluesKaj: can you help me? [14:24] onishidato: not your fault, I should pay attention to him andnot geekfest... you can use apt to remove the kernel packages and then get them again to reinstall [14:25] hola buenas alguien save el servidor terra de españa ?¿?¿¿? [14:25] ol_dude67, I tried the 64 bit for a few days but it din't do much for me :( ...of course i use low end graphics etc so maybe it was abit too much for my setup [14:25] hola buenas alguien save el servidor terra de españa ?¿?¿¿? [14:25] !es | flocs [14:25] flocs: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [14:26] BluesKaj, i havent got a 64bit system so i was just going to try and run it in vmware to see how it was before upgrading to it. [14:26] DaveDorm: that's it.... i have this problems after i try to install the KDE [14:26] onishidato: KDE4? [14:26] onishidato: because that is what happened to ME... lol [14:27] eii [14:27] how can I get info about, what version is package, before I install it ? [14:27] ol_dude67, well that's somewhat adventurous IMO , but if you can put up with vmware then go for it :) [14:27] DaveDorm: no. when i play with the apt, i see the kde package. so i try to download and install it [14:27] onishidato: ok [14:28] onishidato: you can run "sudo aptitude" from a commandline and look for the kernel package and uninstall, then reboot and reinstall [14:28] DaveDorm: but i have quit download in the middle [14:28] BluesKaj, been running vmware-server now for a month or so, and i have gotten it set pretty good as it seems to work fine for me, i run xp and slackware with it. and havent had a problem yet. [14:29] ol_dude67, that's cool then , are you gonna overwrite slack with kubuntu ? [14:30] or sisde by each as the saying goes :) [14:30] BluesKaj, oh no i would overwrite xp before i would slack. [14:30] :) [14:30] DaveDorm: :(( [14:30] DaveDorm: can i do with the old kernel? [14:31] ol_dude67, is 67your age, or your birth yr ? ..cuz I'm a pretty old 'dude' myself :) [14:31] onishidato: yeah, sure [14:32] not many guys in their 60s hang out here , except me [14:32] BluesKaj, it is my birth year i will be 41 this year. [14:32] BluesKaj: prolly year, I am also davedorm67 elsewhere, will be 41 this year [14:32] aha, my sons age [14:32] BluesKaj: wow, cool... ;) a real old timer [14:33] yup 64 [14:33] DaveDorm: they show me many options [14:33] BluesKaj, well that is cool, i have a mom inlaw that age and i just set her up a computer a few months back and now that she has been on it for a while i think she is addicted to it.lol [14:34] DaveDorm: which one should i choose? [14:34] DaveDorm: :( [14:34] onishidato: I am not sure what you are seeing... [14:34] i just installed linphone from the repositories and it makes my system slow.it has a window for video and i want to desable it..anyone who has linphone and works perfectly? [14:34] ol_dude67, very cool , older folks are discovering the benefits of the internet, and i think it's just great [14:35] onishidato: the kernel you have should be 2.6.22-14 [14:35] alguin español por aqui?? [14:35] !es | juanito [14:35] juanito: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [14:36] BluesKaj, well we have no long distance on our phone so that is how we keep in contact with her as she lives about a 100 miles away from us. [14:36] <--- been a techie all my life, so computers are just a natural extension of my curiosity and interests [14:36] but enough of the offtopic.lol [14:36] yup agreed [14:36] well, BBl, gotta run some errands [14:37] i get this message: configure: error: Could not find ffmpeg headers and library. This is mandatory for video support [14:37] configure: error: ./configure failed for mediastreamer2 [14:37] what can i do? [14:37] BluesKaj, later [14:37] DaveDorm: these option is: security updates, upgradeable packages, installed packages, not install packages, virtual packages, task, obsolette and locally Create packages [14:38] BrightEyes`, sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg [14:38] later [14:38] DaveDorm: can you guess which one? [14:38] BrightEyes`, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [14:39] onishidato: installed [14:39] BluesKaj: libxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version. [14:39] that what it says [14:39] onishidato: we're gonna uninstall the kernel packages, and re-install them === DaveDorm is now known as DaveDrm === DaveDrm is now known as DaveDorm [14:43] oops [14:43] TYPO TYPO PLEASE DO NOT KICK [14:44] DaveDorm: i think i haven't install it, i have just download it but not yet isntall [14:45] onishidato: ok, well, your /boot that you pasted says you did [14:45] onishidato: baby fed... can dedicate ablock of time to you now [14:45] :) [14:46] onishidato: so in aptitude... do a "Search" for linux-image [14:46] onishidato: in installed packages you should see 2.6.22-14 [14:47] DaveDorm: ok ok [14:47] DaveDorm: let me see [14:47] kubuntu spanish please? [14:49] !es | estanis [14:49] estanis: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [14:49] onishidato: actually, just "linux-image" should work, thats the meta-package [14:50] DaveDorm: can i use the live cd to do this? [14:51] onishidato: you can do it from the older kernel [14:51] onishidato: and you can probably do it in Adept if you are more comfortable in KDE [14:52] DaveDorm: i see the meta packages [14:52] onishidato: look for "linux-image" [14:52] hola [14:52] !es | turino [14:52] turino: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [14:53] onishidato: hmm... no, Adept won't show the kernel packages [14:54] DaveDorm: i don't see it [14:55] onishidato: you using Adept? [14:56] DaveDorm: aptitude as you advise [14:56] ok [14:56] good [14:56] go to SEARCH up top and put in "linux-image" [14:58] DaveDorm: i found this: Linux kernel imagefor version 2.6.22 on i386 [14:59] yeah [14:59] uninstall it [14:59] and then we'll re-install it [15:01] DaveDorm: wow, i think i haven't install it, that's correct [15:02] DaveDorm: wow, i haven't installed it [15:03] DaveDorm: where are you??? [15:04] can someone tell me: i have 2 Kubuntu diferent from i have 2 kernel??? [15:05] like in boot menu? [15:05] onishidato: I have kids here, man, sometimes I lose focus... [15:05] onishidato: I have 4 kernels, I never got around to deleting [15:05] onishidato: go ahead and install the latest linux-image [15:06] shouldnt hurt anything unless you are low on disk space or something [15:06] onishidato: it'll update and should fix all 5 of your files in /boot and update GRUB and let you boot [15:07] DaveDorm: hope it works [15:07] DaveDorm: i'm downloading...... [15:07] :( [15:08] so, there is the different between 2 kernel and 2 kubuntu? [15:09] onishidato: the kernel is just newer is all... [15:09] DaveDorm: ok [15:09] Well, also there are Debian specific kernel patches etc but nothing major === CarNagE` is now known as Carnage\ [15:23] DaveDorm: hey, by the way. i use 2 HDD for 2 kernel, is it possible to fix like that? [15:23] onishidato: I dunno [15:24] Can I move the konversation settings from my old system to this one? [15:26] Is here any KDevelop guru?, I have "formatting" code troubles, opening brackets will always jump on new line, i don't like that... [15:27] mbailey: Maybe try copying over ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc [15:27] basy_: Perhaps enquire also in #kubuntu-devel or a channel for Kdevelop specifically [15:28] genii thanks [15:28] basy_: You're welcome [15:28] genii: is there any other place the channel/identity informaiton would be stored? it's either that, or I moved the wrong way. (from new system to old) [15:29] mbailey: ~/.kde/share/app/konversation might also hold some info [15:30] mbailey: But as for where specifically it's channel settings, etc are stored, I don't offhand know [15:30] genii: thanks, it's as I feared. datestamp on konversationrc doesn't match the others in that folder. I dragged, and dropped in the wrong direction. === mbailey is now known as beetle11011 === beetle11011 is now known as MIMB1 [15:45] hi, onboard-soundcard intel-hda with ALC883 codec, module snd-hda-intel loaded with model=auto or model=3stack. Sound works so far, but controlling it by hotkeys (XF86AudioRaise/LowerVolume) won't.OSD jumps between 0 and 11%, but no effect. any ideas? [15:46] same hotkeys work fine ootb with pci-soundcard [15:46] llutz_, my compaq does the same .. the degree of ctrl is very coarse [15:47] there's no ctrl at all [15:48] XF86AudioMute works, all mixer-actions in kmix too [15:54] llutz_, in alsa the ctrl jumps about 5% per click on the up/down arrow keys === mantis is now known as mantis_ === Sbucatone is now known as Sbucatkde4 [16:01] When I change the resolution, it asks me if I want to keep the settings but the resolution just doesnt change === mantis_ is now known as mantis__ [16:01] its stuck on 1280x1024 [16:01] I want 800x600 [16:01] Why is this happening? [16:01] !fixres [16:01] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [16:01] !kde4 [16:01] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [16:02] no, Im not installing KDE4 [16:06] BluesKaj: not here. i have 2 hotkeys for lower/raise volume, when hitting, the kde-OSD jumps between 0% adn 11% but no mixersetting is affected by it. [16:07] llutz, doesn't affect the master ? [16:07] nope [16:07] no affect at all [16:07] llutz , no vol ctrls on the KB ? [16:08] nope, only direct in alsamixer or kmix [16:08] and that's not what i'm used to and not what i want === andrew_ is now known as awag [16:09] so now my good old cb16-pci works again, onboard disabled and all works fine. [16:09] anyone else have problems with kde freezing? [16:09] not me [16:10] my kubuntu 7.10 randomly freezes, so that nothing responds, i thought it was compiz's fault [16:10] awag, kde or apps in kde ? [16:10] !hotkeys | llutz did this page help ? [16:10] llutz did this page help ?: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [16:10] but it happens even with just plain kwin [16:10] Agent_bob, llutz is gone [16:11] Agent_bob: nope, my mediakeys are working, they give the right symbols back. just with snd-hda-intel they aren't used by alsa [16:11] BluesKaj: just my alter-ego [16:11] aahh [16:12] BluesKaj: what do you mean exactly? i'm running kde 3.5.8 [16:12] whats the best usb wireless dongle to use with kubuntu? [16:13] "wireless dongle" ??? [16:13] awag, I'm trying to figure out what you mean by kde freezing , apps don't respond ? [16:14] !hardware | sigma_1234 [16:14] sigma_1234: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [16:14] llutz: thats a common bug [16:14] BluesKaj: i'll just be using a normal application, firefox, opera, amarok, dolphin, and all of a sudden, my mouse stops responding, i can't ctrl+alt+f1 or ctrl+alt+backspace, and i can't even reboot with sysreq+RSEIUB [16:14] llutz: sometimes it can be fixed if you manually set the hot key in kmix [16:14] nosrednaekim: nice to know :( [16:15] nosrednaekim: yeah i did that, but it's .... not what i want :) [16:15] BluesKaj: i thought maybe it was a heat problem, but it's not happening in gnome :( [16:15] llutz: oh... ok but that does ork? [16:16] in parts. it controls sound but without OSD and without keys-autorepeat [16:16] awag, perhaps kde requires more cpu power than gnome [16:16] nosrednaekim: whats the problem with kmix? [16:16] awag oh hard freeze yuch! [16:17] Agent_bob: yes, yuch [16:17] sigma_1234: nothing... [16:17] llutz: oh... right... well, I could live with that so I didn't really go any further [16:18] nosrednaekim: sure it would work. but i prefer a 100% solution and so i use my pci-soundcard again with all wanted features :) [16:18] awag i don't have a lot of hardware to play with, but i have only seen that on 64bit install are you running the 64bit ? [16:19] is there a way in dolphin to see the file type among the column in the details view? I only have name/size/date and I can't find a way to add more columns [16:19] Agent_bob: nope :( this is a pentium 4 [16:19] Agent_bob: also, funny thing, I had an athlon xp 2400+ in this machine, using the same kubuntu 7.10 install [16:20] Agent_bob: and then the motherboard died [16:20] awag oh my. it sounds like you need another computer. [16:21] Agent_bob: and i stuck a pentium 4 and a new motherboard in that i had laying around, however the problem i'm having, had been happening since before i replaced the mobo and cpu [16:21] Agent_bob: yes, i do need a new computer === helpdesk2 is now known as helpdesk2_ === helpdesk2_ is now known as helpdesk2 [16:22] was that an offer to send me a new computer? [16:22] * Agent_bob didn't say "new" [16:22] * awag goes to get a new set of eyes [16:23] :) [16:23] Buenos dias [16:23] awag oh my. it sounds like you need another computer. <<< another != new [16:23] !es [16:23] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [16:23] yeah i see that now [16:24] Alguien que hable español [16:24] #kubuntu-es [16:24] !es [16:24] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [16:26] hey guys [16:26] this is so frustrating, it's like everything is working perfectly, and then out of the blue it freezes [16:26] no warning at all [16:26] hi [16:27] awag: that sounds like a hardware failure [16:27] awag that sounds kinda like a loose connection on a cable [16:27] Hi all [16:27] hey, when i start kde4, it displays the flash screen, then, BAM! x restarts [16:27] I have a problem with kdesu : I cant run it [16:27] sigma_1234 and yes definitly hardware [16:27] When I try, I have this message : xauth list | grep localhost === helpdesk2 is now known as WNx-Cryptic [16:28] or maybe a power supply problem? [16:28] sorry, this message : [16:28] Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server [16:28] Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key [16:28] !kde4 [16:28] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [16:28] thanks sigma_1234 [16:28] jessie disk full ? (no room in your home dir) muddy permissions in your home dir (ran konq with sudo ?) [16:29] sigma_1234: except... nobody's in there [16:29] Agent_bob: what should the permissions be? and i have like.... 5 gigs left, so... [16:29] jessie df -h to be sure [16:29] kubuntu-kde4 [16:30] yeah, 4.0 gigs and Agent_bob, would you go into the kde4 channel? [16:30] jessie: theres 29 people there [16:30] Agent_bob, sigma_1234, another funny thing, it only freezes when i'm actively using the computer, web surfing ect. I can leave it on for days if i don't use it, and nothing happens, but when I come back to it, it will usually die within a few hours of use [16:31] jessie and the perms should be you won everything. sudo chown $UID -R $HOME [16:31] jessie and that's about as far as i go. [16:31] Nobody knows ? [16:32] sylvain-fr_ET try kdesudo [16:32] awag, PSU is prolly being overtaxed and it's not responding to heavier load demand from the CPU [16:32] awag: that definetely sounds like defective memory or swap partition [16:32] hmm [16:32] sylvain-fr_ET a simple test to make sure your sudo is not broken sudo echo works [16:34] awag that could be as sigma_1234 said memory related or it could still be a cable you don't have much disk access while idle does it hang on screen saver ? [16:34] Agent_bob: yeah, no go. hey, whats the program that lets you start a kde4 session in kde3? xepher, or something like that... [16:34] Agent_bob: i don't have a screensave enabled right now, just turns the screen off [16:35] Agent_bob: It works [16:35] kdesudo doesn't work better [16:36] jessie i think it's on the page ^^ http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ [16:36] maybe not. [16:37] Agent_bob: is there a log file that i can look at that might be helpful? like something that logs what happens right before a crash [16:38] Agent_bob: yeah, no go [16:38] awag well that's the thing about crashes, it's impossable to log the info that is needed, but /var/log/* is the place to look [16:38] sylvain-fr_ET where are you calling kdesudo from ? [16:38] Agent_bob: hmm, lots of files there [16:38] within kde i hope ? [16:39] awag yeah i know. [16:40] awag syslog dmesg and Xorg.0.log.old are the most likely to help... [16:40] but that's not chiZZeled in rock [16:41] Agent_bob: i just reconfigured xserver, so... [16:43] awag and i'm not sure that dmesg isn't over writen each boot so scratch that one [16:49] just froze again [16:51] I'm randomly getting these dialogs saying "The process for the [file|media] protocol died unexpectedly." when I log in. What does that imply? [16:56] i get an md5sum mismatch when trying to install flashplugin-nonfree :) [16:56] :( [16:57] Yaccin: Flash install is broken right now [16:57] oh [16:57] ok [16:57] ill try it in a few days then [16:57] You'll have to do it manually for the time being [16:57] !flash [16:57] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [16:57] Yaccin: you can also get an installer thingy from Adobe's website [16:57] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [16:57] hmm ok, ill try that then :D [16:57] thx === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [17:03] Hey guys how do i install untar tar files ? [17:03] arrg: I told you in #ubuntu [17:03] arrg: I also told you your distro was not an official ubuntu release. [17:03] arrg: please don't take it to other official ubuntu channels to try and dodge the fact of what your doing [17:03] ok.. installer asks me for a installation path [17:04] but noone ive tried works [17:04] No , ikonia i know you told me but how do i untar tar files ?? [17:04] i also createt /opt/mozilla/plugins [17:04] wouldn't you tell me even if i was using x86 architecture hardware ? [17:04] arrg: I told you - tar is the command "man tar" to see more info [17:04] but /opt/mozilla doesnt work :/ [17:04] arrg: but your not, your using a PS3 - please use the PS3 support system [17:05] hmm ,,tar is the command "man tar" [17:05] arrg tar -xf filename [17:05] ikonia one last question ? [17:05] arrg: no [17:05] ohh ok [17:06] stop being mean ikonia , we all need hehere [17:06] here* [17:06] I'm not being mean - respect the topics of the channels your in [17:06] so the installer from adobe also doesnt work? [17:06] ikonia , i have searched googled and searched again for ages [17:06] flash plugin on 64 bit os ? [17:06] arrg: thats not ubuntu's issue [17:07] no 32 [17:07] fine ikonia , be that way [17:07] installer says the installation path is invalid [17:07] thanks agent_bob [17:09] arrg, Extracting tar.gz files to a folder, type or copy and paste in the terminal : tar -xvzf filname.tar.gz [17:09] BluesKaj does exactly the same thing other than the verbosness [17:09] now ikonia , if agent_bob didn't answered me specificaly like you don't how would i have noticed that u need to add -xvzf ? [17:10] arrg: give it a rest please [17:10] anybody? :/ [17:10] arrg: I don't care. You're not using an ubuntu supported distro, your not using #kubuntu so shouldn't be discussing it in here, your not using a supported platform. Drop it and ask in the correct support place [17:10] fine [17:10] yeah Agent_bob , but I wasn't sure he saw it [17:11] ikonia, what distro is he using ? [17:11] ps3 [17:11] :/ [17:11] BluesKaj: ubuntu - PS3 [17:11] windows by chance ? [17:11] hence why #kubuntu is not appropriate [17:11] hehe [17:11] ikonia: i thought ubuntu-ps3 is just ubuntu with a ps3-kernel? [17:11] and of course ps3 drivers [17:12] Yaccin: no [17:12] oh ok :) [17:12] playstation hack [17:15] what is the comand for installing unrar-free? [17:15] i have tryed sudo apt-get unrar-free install [17:15] smeril: sudo apt-get install unrar-fre [17:16] ikonia i can only speek for my self, but i'm not a ubuntu zealot. i support linux in general and don't care if they are using dsl as long as they don't start whining "i don't have that command". and i'm not trying to ster up trouble with this, just saying that when the channel is slow. what differance does it make.... [17:16] thanks but it couldent fint the packet === NDPMB is now known as NDPMacBook [17:16] smeril: try "apt-cache search unrar" [17:17] Agent_bob the difference is the ubuntu support policies and topics if you want to do general help join ##linux, if you don't like the policies bring it up at the support council meetings [17:17] i see. [17:17] what ablock programs can you use for firefox in linux? [17:17] thanks [17:18] anybody can help installing flash plugin? :) [17:18] adblock plus josh__ [17:18] Yaccin: you are aware of the flash package issues and the compatabilities issues with konqueror ? [17:18] yes [17:18] the adobe installer doesnt work [17:18] :( [17:18] bazhang it didn't seem to work [17:19] Yaccin: do you expect the adobe installer to work [17:19] eg: it's still incompatible with konqueror as I understand it [17:19] yes i do :P [17:19] it worked for me [17:19] when ? [17:19] it just says invalid installation path [17:19] last year [17:19] ok [17:19] same kubuntu version [17:19] that was a different package [17:19] no youtube in konq AFAIK , works ok on FF , if you install the non freeplugin [17:19] the adobe package has changed [17:19] Ikonia ? [17:19] arrg: what ? [17:20] BluesKaj: thanks [17:20] oh wait [17:20] im on a mac now... but my sister wants to have the flash plugin [17:20] when you execute the command tar to a file , does it output anything ? [17:20] sorry was being a bit of a n00b [17:20] and flash version 9 worked fine for me [17:20] thanks [17:20] Yaccin: what brower does she use [17:20] konqueror atm [17:20] Yaccin: the flash plugin has changed [17:20] i could install firefox, but its so slow :D [17:20] Yaccin: the old "working" version is not available from adove any more [17:20] ikonia: but its still version 9? [17:20] Yaccin: hence why I'm advising your it probably won't work with konqueror any more [17:21] Heh... The *buntu's seem to be getting really "the ubuntu way or no way" with each new version. I prefer to install my own flash, video drivers, etc. It's getting harder and harder to do that without blowing up the system. =/ [17:21] Yaccin: it's still be updated [17:21] Datalanche: you can still do that [17:21] does it work with firefox? [17:21] Datalanche: no -its not [17:21] Yaccin: sure [17:21] Yaccin: still not solid - but better than not working at all [17:21] Maybe so [17:21] Datalanche: it's no harder than it has been with any distro or any other ubuntu release. [17:22] with the firefox-integrated installer? or the adobe setup? [17:22] Ikonia , does executing a tar on a tgz file outputs anything ? [17:22] Yaccin: either as far as I'm aware [17:22] I need to reinstall my system from scratch before I say that for certain... I've done a lot of playing with this one, and my computer is in a bit of chaos right now, as I move to Linux 24/7 [17:22] arrg: your not using kubuntu or a supported ubuntu distro - please use the correct support channels [17:22] ikonia: well the adobe setup tells my "invalid installation path"... [17:23] but the folders are there [17:23] do they have any support channel for the PS3 ?? [17:23] tell me [17:23] Yaccin: your not using firefox [17:23] arrg: look for your self [17:23] you are walking a thin line arrg [17:23] ikonia: but the folders for the plugin are there... [17:23] Yaccin: what folders ? [17:23] so i dont understand why he tels me that the installation path is invalid :/ [17:24] /usr/lib/mozilla [17:24] /usr/lib/firefox [17:24] and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [17:24] doesn't it need the package to link against [17:24] etc [17:24] (I don't remember all the plugin details off the top of my head) [17:24] i mean its just a .so file, isnt it? [17:24] Yaccin: I /think/ so yes, [17:24] has anyone tried the new KDE? [17:25] Yeah, just gotta put a .so in the right place [17:25] channel lists ? [17:25] Datalanche: doesn't it do anything else ? [17:25] romunov: i have it installed on mac os and used as a livecd [17:25] arrg: please stop now [17:25] !irc [17:25] A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [17:25] ok, works now :) [17:26] thx :D [17:26] ikonia: I don't believe so... I installed before the Ubuntu flash installer stopped working, but I doubt anything THAT major has changed [17:26] Datalanche: I don't know the details of the top of my head, not doubting you [17:26] yust no sound :/ [17:27] Yaccin: the new plugin has had lots of complaints against it [17:27] At my Dapper box at work, all I did was put it in the right spot, and make a symlink to my custom firefox install [17:27] it seems to work fine... just no sound :/ [17:27] so not working fine then [17:27] why didn they stayed with the old plugin? :( [17:27] mail adobe and ask [17:28] :D [17:28] the kubuntu/ubuntu packagers should have stayed with the old plugin... [17:28] Yaccin: Is ALSA working otherwise? [17:28] yes i can listen to music in amarok [17:29] how do I enable rsync/ssh? [17:29] rsync and ssh are two different things, which do you want [17:30] oh... [17:30] sound not working anymore [17:31] worked fine yesterday [17:32] hmmm, okay Yaccin, at least now we know the problem is not flash :) [17:32] :D [17:32] ikonia: i want both, I think rsync rides on ssh,, correct? [17:32] gangalee: it can do [17:32] maybe because i have a application running in wine that played a sound when starting? [17:33] you all should go to #ubuntu; stop making him jump channels so much :} [17:34] Yaccin: Perhaps... something's clearly clogging up alsa [17:34] who ? [17:34] seems so [17:34] you [17:34] ah [17:34] I am swapping [17:34] i hate software mixing -_- [17:34] ill put her my old soundblaster in the pc [17:34] :P [17:34] okay, just worried you would wear yourself out [17:35] Yaccin: Try this command: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa reload === Vermux_ is now known as Vermux [17:37] ALSA fix script : http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh [17:41] umm. ok, I just went brain-dead or something... [17:41] how do you change the desktop wallpaper in kde4? [17:41] ah never mind [17:42] you have to 'unlock widgets' on the desktop context menu [17:42] then the option shows up [17:43] :) [17:45] I know rsync can work, how do i configure it to work is the question [17:45] hmm i read the directions and played with for a few hours and got it to work [17:46] how can i change my ip? [17:46] connect to host port 22: Connection refused [17:46] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] [17:46] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(454) [receiver=2.6.9] [17:46] you want static ip? [17:46] smeril: You can edit /etc/network/interfaces [17:47] it says acces denied when i try that command [17:47] wow man command not found [17:47] wth [17:48] smeril@sm-laptop:~$ /etc/network/interfaces [17:48] bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Åtkomst nekas [17:48] smeril@sm-laptop:~$ [17:49] they dont install man automatically [17:50] anybody who might know? [17:50] smeril: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces to edit the file, syntax "man interfaces" [17:52] thanks [17:54] gangalee: did that manual page on rsync help at all? [17:56] no [17:56] I know how to use rsync [17:57] Can someone tell me the CLI command to set eth1 to use dhcp? [17:58] oh.. then man rsync.conf for answers on that [17:58] JuJuBee: ifup eth1 dhcp [17:58] Thanks [17:58] that should do it for you [17:59] sorry rsyncd.conf [17:59] and be sure to read manpages in konqueror using man:/ [18:00] alot eaiser than cli === wilson is now known as skibum [18:05] do i have to restart X after i edit fstab for changes to take effect? [18:06] Hi all, I've got a problem with a notebook acer aspire 2012 WLMi. The trouble is at startup, black screen and a serie of long "beeeep" from soundcard. Does someone know wich one may be my problem? Thanks to anyone who can help. [18:06] Anyone... I'm new to linux and need to print envelopes from my Kontact addresses. Suggestions welcomed. [18:09] reverend_joshua: no, you shouldnt. sudo mount -a should do it for you. [18:11] I just split up my main partition into three partitions, one holding KDE, one going to hold Windows, and one I hope to hold my media. Now, for some reason, my computer will not show my External HD when I plug it in, what is the problem? [18:11] in firestarter, I have connections on port 80 from a soft called klauncherjbgu, what is that? [18:11] Hello, I have a problem with my printer after a upgrade of cupsys. I'm running kubuntu 8 [18:11] sorry [18:11] would anyone know how can I set so gnome-gmail-notifier would automatically run when computer starts ? [18:12] !autostart | frojnd [18:12] frojnd: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. [18:16] Hello, I have a problem with my printer after a upgrade of cupsys. I'm running kubuntu 7.10. The printer is a Canon MP160. I've searched for solutions, changed permissions of /dev/lp0, /dev/usb/lp0 (yes, a USB-printer) and tried all suggested solutions in the ubuntu-forums, launchpad and elsewhere. The errormessages are "/usr/lib/cups/backend/canon failed", and "Unable to open parallel port device file: Permission denied" (although the printer [18:16] is connected via a USB-port). [18:17] Is there anyone with a suggestion? Thanks in advance! [18:21] omg......i just dled kubuntu and ran livecd...........IM IN LOVE! [18:22] for foreer i thought that kde was ugly, but its gorgeous! and it runs everything so differently than gnome! [18:22] !offtopic | ubuntu [18:22] ubuntu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [18:25] i cant seem to get konquerer to connect to google, does anyone know where the pppd conf is to comment out echo and all of that? [18:26] !konquerer [18:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about konquerer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:26] !konqueror [18:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about konqueror - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:27] fglrx driver how do you unload it? i used this restricied driver on kubuntu now i can not se the OS just a blank screen [18:27] is anyone here running on KDE4? [18:28] did you backup your xorg.conf? [18:28] Arwen, try #kubuntu-kde4 [18:28] !kde4 [18:28] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [18:28] Arwen: yup [18:28] your thoughts on it? [18:29] did you backup your xorg.conf? me? I dont know [18:30] i can get to recovery mode just shows terminal but I dont know what to do from there [18:30] brb === shoot_me is now known as shoot_sleeptyper [18:32] i can get to recovery mode just shows terminal === shoot_sleeptyper is now known as shoot_me [18:34] i need help with nfs server, i set it up but when i try to mount a folder i get this error: mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: Connection refused, the mount command was: sudo mount ~/BIG [18:34] Hello, I have a problem with my printer after a upgrade of cupsys. I'm running kubuntu 7.10. The printer is a Canon MP160. I've searched for solutions, changed permissions of /dev/lp0, /dev/usb/lp0 (yes, a USB-printer) and tried all suggested solutions in the ubuntu-forums, launchpad and elsewhere. The errormessages are "/usr/lib/cups/backend/canon failed", and "Unable to open parallel port device file: Permission denied" (although the printer === shoot_me is now known as selene [18:36] I have recently divided up my single partition into three partitions, one with KDE, one which I plan to install Windows XP on, and one with my shared media. But now, my external HD is no longer sensed on my computer. What is the problem? Is there a remedy? [18:42] I have recently divided up my single partition into three partitions, one with KDE, one which I plan to install Windows XP on, and one with my shared media. But now, my external HD is no longer sensed on my computer. What is the problem? Is there a remedy? [18:42] Hello, I have a question. Is there a way to lock the Xorg server's refreshrate to one specific rate EVEN if I go inside games? I have a screen problem, gonna RMA it soon, has to do with refresh rates, but for now I need the rates NOT to change. [18:47] is it possible to refresh the network lists on knetworkmanager? [18:47] Strangework, in the terminal : dmesg | grep hd [18:48] BluesKaj: I do not have my external HD with me at the moment, waht does that command do? [18:48] it finds any drives attached internally or externally [18:49] BluesKag; ah! [18:49] no guarantees , but it usually works [18:49] hm, what if it doesn't? what should I do? [18:51] dunno for sure... i've just used the USB drives , but the command lists them on my setup [18:51] ahh, okay [18:51] does anybody have a link to nosrednaekim's source for easy compiz setup mentioned in jriddell's blog? [18:57] Ïðèâåò âñåì [18:57] Íàðîä, êòî â ëèíóêñå ïðîøàðåí íåïëîõî? [18:58] is it easy to install kubuntu on a usb memory [18:58] ? [18:58] Hello, I have a question. Is there a way to lock the Xorg server's refreshrate to one specific rate EVEN if I go inside games? I have a screen problem, gonna RMA it soon, has to do with refresh rates, but for now I need the rates NOT to change. [18:58] !sound > me [18:59] !flash [18:59] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [18:59] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [19:03] how do i get this card to work? - card 0: SI7012 [SiS SI7012], device 0: Intel ICH [SiS SI7012] [19:04] im having trouble installing nmap from source code any tips ;-) [19:04] any 1? [19:06] fuck it im out. peace [19:06] is there a torrent program that i can use in dapper that writes to fat32 partitions? [19:07] I'm having trouble with kvm. I converted my disk image from qcow to raw and now it crashes with exception 13 on both the old and new image. Is my image corrupt and I have to start over, or is it something I can fix? [19:07] !info ktorrent > reverend_joshua [19:10] hm.. nou it's working but the sound is very distorted. [19:11] !flash [19:11] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [19:11] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [19:17] woah thecrono is not here... the poor guy is probably sleeping on his keyboard [19:18] is the flash still broken? [19:19] is there any way to install shockwave in ubuntu?i go to some web pages and it keeps telling me that i have to install x-shockwave-flash but i have the latest flash installed. [19:19] this is for firefox btw. [19:19] makers_mark do you have scriptblock installed? [19:20] va10 since i don't have a clue what that is,i'm guessing no. [19:21] makers_mark so if you go to youtube you can't view the video? [19:21] i can [19:22] Is is possible to install fluxbox in such a way that I can easily log into it? [19:22] i can view youtube just fine and all. [19:22] makers_mark so what site can't you view? [19:22] i can view the site,but the pop-up comes up telling me i need application/x-shockwave-flash to view some content. [19:22] although the page itself looks fine. [19:23] makers_mark check this out http://www.openfree.org/pet/index.php/Installing_Shockwave_Flash_plug-in_for_Mozilla [19:24] makers_mark or this one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-364460.html [19:24] <[ITA]mitticoooo> a newbie question: i have a shared folder named "share", that i mount succesfully with command "mount -t sharename mountpoint" but i want to edit fstab to mount at startup [19:25] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but i don't know wht write and in which position [19:25] [ITA]mitticoooo: use the graphical editor in system settings->advanced->disks and filesystems [19:26] that's just telling me how to install flash va10 [19:26] What's the name of the gnome window manager? [19:26] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok i try [19:26] nzk: Metacity [19:27] Right. [19:27] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but maybe i don't solve the problem the same :( [19:27] I just aptitude installed fluxbox, can I just do sudo killall metacity && sudo fluxbox? [19:27] makers_mark the second page says that there isn't a shockwave for linux as of Dec 1 2007 [19:28] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i wat symply to mount a folder in /mnt/share where share is the folder name [19:28] makers_mark there is a shockwave flash but not shockwave [19:28] <[ITA]mitticoooo> at the startup [19:28] va10 so i'm stuck.check this link www.ziare.ro it's a newspaper site and tell me what it shows you. [19:29] What is a basic text editor built into the shell, kind of messed up a config file. ^^; [19:30] makers_mark i checked it out, everything loads fine on mine, no warning or anything. i am using firefox w/flash and that's it :D [19:30] hola? [19:31] va10 damn you! [19:31] speak spanish? [19:31] !es [19:31] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [19:31] va10 u haven't been able to get stuff to work very well on my pc with linux. [19:31] makers_mark don't know what to tell you dude, everything is ok and i don't see why you would need shockwave rather than flash :S [19:32] va10 this is such crap,it doesn't come up with the warning anymore. [19:33] makers_mark lol there you go!!! [19:33] va10 thanks. [19:33] makers_mark np [19:34] va10 [19:35] va10 actually it's only doing it on another account i set up.the account is permissioned as Desktop User [19:35] va10 does the account make any difference in what plugins firefox will load? [19:35] Does anyone know whether the KDE 4.0 release event speeches are available for download in higher resolutions? [19:36] makers_mark i am not sure if it will make a difference, but i can imagine that the permissions are different and that the desktop user might not have the permissions to run flash scripts as they can be viewed by sysadmins as dangerous [19:36] Odd-rationale: not yet I don't think [19:36] nosrednaekim: OK Thanks. They are awesome! [19:36] va10 so i should just make it an adming account? [19:38] makers_mark no, you don't need to i don't think... there has to be a way to check what the account is allowed to do and what not... also check in its firefox settings (Edit>Preferences>Content Tab) that java is enabled [19:39] va10 java is enabled. [19:39] va10 i know i had the same issue with the webcam drivers working on my account (which is the main one) but it simply would not work on another account. [19:40] makers_mark then i am sorry, i wouldn't know where to go from here. now that you've isolated the issue to account type you can dig from there [19:40] makers_mark if it was a windows machine i'd be able to help a lot more... sorry [19:40] va10 k.one more thing,is there any way to update my graphics driver? [19:41] makers_mark: isthis user a member of the group "video"? [19:41] nosrednaekim ? [19:41] makers_mark what video card do you have? [19:41] don't know what that is [19:41] nvidia geforce4, last time i messed arround with the driver settings,i ended up screwing everything up. [19:42] makers_mark: take a look at the users and groups config GUI in system settings and see if this user is a memmber of the group "video" [19:42] in windows my video card works great with dvd's and whatnot,but it's lagging with video playback in ubuntu. [19:42] makers_mark i know how it can be... well you have two options i believe, you can either download the linux driver from the nvidia website, close down your X server, make sure that you have build_esentials installed and then run the script and it should install the latest nvidia driver [19:43] one second. [19:43] super flash9 wonking on 64bit kubuntu [19:43] working [19:44] makers_mark the issue can also be with your codecs [19:44] va10 i use vlc [19:45] i don't think codecs should be a problem with vlc. [19:45] <[ITA]mitticoooo> an easy question (maybe): at startup i have to write "mount -t vboxsf Share_Linux /mnt/share" for mounting a shared folder named "Share_Linux" to the position /mnt/share [19:45] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but i want to make it automatic [19:45] makers_mark probably not, so you can update your driver that way... are you using restricted drivers right now? [19:46] va10 yes. [19:46] <[ITA]mitticoooo> that string is correct my doubt are what write in fstab [19:46] nosrednaekim i'm in the group settings but i don't see a "video" [19:46] makers_mark ok, well, then you can try updating the driver like i suggested [19:47] va10 how do i shut down X? [19:48] makers_mark the easiest way is to logout, and the select Console Login in the bottom right corner [19:48] makers_mark that would allow you to login but the x server will be off [19:48] what about just ctrl+alt+F2? [19:48] makers_mark also make sure that you have build_esentials installed [19:48] [ITA]mitticoooo: you might be able to just put that into /etc/rc.local? [19:49] makers_mark: video is not listed under the secondary groups that that user belongs to? [19:49] va10 how do i install build_esentials [19:49] and no,it's not listed. [19:50] brb [19:50] makers_mark System>Adept Manager and search for build [19:50] !build-essential [19:50] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [19:51] <[ITA]mitticoooo> an easy question (maybe): at startup i have to write "mount -t vboxsf Share_Linux /mnt/share" for mounting a shared folder named "Share_Linux" to the position /mnt/share [19:51] What is a basic text editor built into the shell? I kind of messed up a config file. ^^; [19:51] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but i want to make it automatic [19:52] <[ITA]mitticoooo> at startup [19:52] Pinguliten: vim? nano? [19:52] <[ITA]mitticoooo> can someone tellme how to mount something at startup? [19:52] Thanks mate [19:52] [ITA]mitticoooo: like i said putting that line into /etc/rc.local might work [19:53] is iptables is compiled as a module in Ubuntu? [19:53] messed a bit with the X config file trying to get my blasted touch screen to work properly, not a good idea it seems [19:53] [ITA]mitticoooo: did you try the disks and filesystems manager [19:54] Pinguliten: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might work better for that... [19:55] nosrednaekim just removed the lines I added now [19:56] And crossing my fingers [19:58] Back to square one then in getting the touchscreen to work. :/ [19:58] !touchscreen [19:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about touchscreen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:58] At least I'm learning by correcting musstakes. ^^ [20:01] Do you have SN9CXXX webcam driver ? [20:03] hi all [20:04] anybody wishes to help with the dreaded KNetworkManager? ;) [20:04] rysiek|pl: whats wrong [20:04] I have enabled the "manual configuration" and am unable to get back to automagic config [20:05] rysiek|pl: erase all line pertaining to your network device in the file "/etc/network/interfaces" === Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100 [20:06] rysiek|pl or under configure interface set it to DHCP [20:06] nosrednaekim: umm... that will help with KNetworkManager?.. you know, I long for the days when network config was easy and was done through /etc/network/interfaces alone... [20:06] val0: it is on "manual" and in the config on "dhcp" :) [20:06] val0: and I have to manually(sic!) "enable" the iface every time through the graphical dialogues [20:06] man, that networkmanager has a loong way to go... [20:07] actually just open manual config then highlight the eth0 address under the interfaces tab and click on configure [20:07] rysiek|pl isn't there an option to activate the interface when the computer starts? [20:07] rysiek|pl: yes, it will, because networkmanager ignores any devices wich are included in that file [20:07] the auto-configure dialog should pop up [20:08] rysiek|pl, did you get that? [20:08] nosrednaekim: well, in that case it should have an option to remove such an iface, as there is an option to configure one ;) [20:08] BluesKaj: momentos [20:09] Oi guys, i just downloaded a game, but all it has is a bunch of files and an .sh file, how do i run this game? [20:09] val0: thing is, when an iface is managed by NM, it is "hotplugged" and re-configured for new (wired) networks as soon as the cable is plugged-in [20:09] * selene is away: Gone away for now. [20:10] miladen: run "./thefilename.sh" [20:10] oh ok [20:10] miladen, the .sh is a shell script, run it in a terminal [20:10] or figure out how it works and make your own [20:10] val0: with the "manual" config I can check "bring up with system", but that would need the cable to be plugged-in while /etc/init.d/networking start is run [20:10] val0: hence the urge to get back to NM [20:10] How do you format a drive in kubuntu? [20:10] ;) [20:11] BluesKaj: ok, IN the manual config, double clicking the iface... [20:11] josh__, mkfs.fstype device parameters [20:11] i got a long error [20:11] well, pastebin it [20:11] ok thanks [20:11] BluesKaj: two radio-boxes "Automatic"; "Manual" [20:11] hmm [20:12] Arwen: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [20:12] BluesKaj: should I check "Automatic", but NOT DHCP? [20:12] how can i change desktop theme? [20:12] automatic , rysiek|pl [20:12] BluesKaj: and DHCP or Bootp? [20:12] miladen, you need to install some sdl libraries [20:12] how do i know which ones? [20:12] one second [20:12] dhcp [20:12] try libsdl-image1.2 [20:13] :-) [20:13] Hmm, I'm having trouble upgrading from Fiesty to Gutsy, attempted Run Application gksu "update-manager" which brought up a request for administrative password. Which I provided, only to find no results? [20:13] bbl. errands [20:13] Do you have SN9CXXX webcam driver ? [20:13] packages.ubuntu.com and the apt-cache tool [20:13] couldnt fint pacakge [20:13] BluesKaj: thought so. well, no. that would get me back to where I was [20:13] anybody other ideas? ;) [20:13] miladen, do you have universe enabled? [20:13] ? [20:13] say what [20:13] oh wait, it's main. Um, try running apt-get update first. [20:14] i just did [20:14] nosrednaekim: after removing the eth0 stanza from .../interfaces file I get a menu item in KNetMan popup-menu "wired connection", but it's inactive [20:14] huh, because it shows here [20:14] http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libs/libsdl-image1.2 <-- direct link, but you [20:14] you'll have to resolve dependencies yourself [20:14] how can i change theame [20:15] rysiek|pl: now run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" [20:15] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i want to write in atext file a script but i am not able to start [20:15] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i know the content but I don't know how to start and the file format [20:16] <[ITA]mitticoooo> :D [20:16] Does anyone have any ideas about how to upgrade from Fiesty to Gutsy? [20:16] !upgrade [20:16] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [20:16] [ITA]mitticoooo: "kate filename" and if it requires root access "kdesudo kate filename" [20:17] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok i try [20:17] or your could make a list of what software you have installed and just start fresh [20:17] nosrednaekim: ummm... o..k. now KNM is working, but I got "Battery has been removed". well, meh. next time I'll just restart the NM dbus daemon, not the whole dbus ;) [20:17] nosrednaekim: thanks a lot, got a wee bit smarter [20:17] rysiek|pl: heh... :) [20:18] * rysiek|pl still prefers teh good ole vim /etc/network/interfaces && /etc/init.d/networking restart routine, but meh... [20:18] rysiek|pl: there is probably a way to go back to that.... but you may as well run debian ;) [20:19] !find libpython2.5.so [20:19] File libpython2.5.so found in python2.5-dev [20:19] nosrednaekim: well, guess what. I do. on Teh Server ;) [20:19] nosrednaekim: and there is a way to remove NM completely, but that removes the kubuntu-desktop meta-package, and we don't want that, now, do we? [20:20] rysiek|pl: no harm really, as long as you don't try to upgrade. [20:20] nosrednaekim: so I figured, as I can't beat it, I'll join the dreaded thing. just needed some info. and have to admint, it *is* getting better [20:20] (updating is fine) [20:20] <[ITA]mitticoooo> nosrednaekim: i write my script but then when i click on it it opens in edit mode with kate [20:20] nosrednaekim: yeah, I know [20:20] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i wish to make it runs === Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC [20:21] nosrednaekim: but I just might forget that I removed NM and Avahi - and hence kubuntu-desktop - in, like, 3 months ;) [20:21] rysiek|pl: hehe.... that probably wouldn't be good. [20:21] Thanks Arwen [20:22] rysiek|pl: I bear with it since it makes wireless (especially WPA) a whole lot easier [20:23] nosrednaekim: yeah, that's the thing that also keeps me from throwing it out of the window [20:23] <[ITA]mitticoooo> nosrednaekim: my script (a normal text file) is something like this "sudo mount -t..........." [20:23] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i wish to click on it and make it runs, not open in edit mode :) [20:24] [ITA]mitticoooo: place #!/bin/bash as the first line [20:25] [ITA]mitticoooo: adn then change the permissions (either through the graphical thingy - right-click on file -> Permissions..., or from console: chmod u+x the_file) [20:25] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok i try [20:25] <[ITA]mitticoooo> thx [20:27] [ITA]mitticoooo: no prob [20:29] <[ITA]mitticoooo> rysiek|pl: sry i am newbie i am not able the same [20:29] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i write in first line [20:29] <[ITA]mitticoooo> #!/bin/bash [20:29] <[ITA]mitticoooo> in the second line [20:29] <[ITA]mitticoooo> mount -t............ [20:30] aye [20:30] <[ITA]mitticoooo> have i to change extension? [20:30] in a text file, right? [20:30] noo [20:30] <[ITA]mitticoooo> yes [20:30] <[ITA]mitticoooo> if i click on it, starts kate in edit mode [20:30] [ITA]mitticoooo: it's not windoze. Linux checks the type of file based on its contents, not name [20:30] [ITA]mitticoooo: if this is going to be run from clicked icon, you will need to prefix that command with kdesudo, for instance "kdesudo mount -t...." [20:30] [ITA]mitticoooo: as I told you, you need to change the permissions [20:31] [ITA]mitticoooo: chmod a+x the_file [20:33] <[ITA]mitticoooo> rysiek|pl: done now if i click on it nothing happens :D [20:33] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but kate does not start so it's good [20:33] <[ITA]mitticoooo> :D [20:33] <[ITA]mitticoooo> it's a step [20:34] [ITA]mitticoooo: it gets run in the background [20:34] [ITA]mitticoooo: it probablu complains about permissions, if you are trying to mount something [20:34] [ITA]mitticoooo: try to run it from a console [20:34] [ITA]mitticoooo: ./the_file [20:34] what's the output? [20:34] <[ITA]mitticoooo> k [20:35] <[ITA]mitticoooo> yes maybe is gone but i cant see nothing [20:35] <[ITA]mitticoooo> the output is symply the prompt [20:35] did you run it in console? it didn't print anything? [20:35] <[ITA]mitticoooo> yes anything [20:35] well, in that case it simply probably worked [20:35] :) [20:36] <[ITA]mitticoooo> ok now to see i restart [20:36] ?? [20:36] [ITA]mitticoooo: restart what [20:36] <[ITA]mitticoooo> yes because the script mount a "shared folder" [20:36] <[ITA]mitticoooo> now it's already mounted [20:36] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i can't see if the script is playng or not === farhan is now known as farhan_ === farhan_ is now known as farhan [20:37] [ITA]mitticoooo: sudo umount ... [20:37] [ITA]mitticoooo: :) [20:37] and then check [20:37] <[ITA]mitticoooo> right! [20:37] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i try [20:37] !it [20:37] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [20:37] [ITA]mitticoooo: btw ^^^^ [20:38] [ITA]mitticoooo: if you prefer your language, there is an Italian channel, too ;) [20:38] <[ITA]mitticoooo> no problem [20:39] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i tryed "sudo umount/ mnt/share" [20:39] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i tryed "sudo umount /mnt/share" [20:39] <[ITA]mitticoooo> where share is the name of the folder [20:39] BluesKaj: oh no http://f0rked.com/projects/simplerip it's dead :( [20:39] [ITA]mitticoooo: did it say anything? [20:39] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but dosn't unmount [20:39] ? [20:39] grp share /etc/mtab [20:39] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i fell i am forgotting something [20:39] [ITA]mitticoooo: grep share /etc/mtab [20:40] [ITA]mitticoooo: does it print anything? [20:40] [ITA]mitticoooo: you said you were trying to get it so the folder mounted on startup... pretty sure the simplest way to do that is to just put the mount line into /etc/rc.local [20:40] evening all [20:40] <[ITA]mitticoooo> yes [20:40] <[ITA]mitticoooo> Share_Linux that is the name of the hared folder i have in windows [20:41] ok, I gotta go [20:41] cpk1: will you help [ITA]mitticoooo? [20:41] <[ITA]mitticoooo> cpk1: maybe is the simplest way but i had to install kubuntu only yesterday [20:41] I can try but I am in and out [20:42] <[ITA]mitticoooo> thaks rysiek [20:42] <[ITA]mitticoooo> no problem if i cant umount [20:42] [ITA]mitticoooo: "sudo nano /etc/rc.local" and then at the bottom of the file put in the command that you want to run [20:42] <[ITA]mitticoooo> the script i fell it plays [20:43] va10 still there? [20:43] [ITA]mitticoooo: good luck ;) [20:44] [ITA]mitticoooo: you still need to run the script... you could also tell rc.local to run the script instead of the mount command if you wanted to [20:44] i installed the latest nvidia driver for my geforce 4 but it's giving me trouble.how can i revert to the previous restricted driver? [20:44] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i am understanding [20:44] hello. [20:45] I have a question.. [20:45] Is there a playstation emulator that was made for KDE? [20:45] As in, doesn't use GTK? [20:45] chris__: don't think so [20:46] dang. [20:46] Like I was using epsx [20:46] or.. something like that :/ [20:46] [ITA]mitticoooo: or you could edit your fstab [20:46] <[ITA]mitticoooo> cpk1: my script is simply "sudo mount -t vboxsf Share_Linux /mnt/share" [20:46] But I have a little usb plugin that allows me to use my PS2 controller. [20:46] chris__: whats the problem whit them? [20:46] It refuses to map the keys to the controller. [20:46] hmm [20:46] well it's like it maps them [20:46] But when I try to use the keys, it doesn't work. [20:46] <[ITA]mitticoooo> have i to copy exactly that string? [20:46] can't help with taht [20:46] yeah I kind of figured :/ [20:47] [ITA]mitticoooo: if you put it into rc.local you shouldnt need the sudo [20:47] [ITA]mitticoooo: what is the dev point though? [20:48] <[ITA]mitticoooo> a folder in windowsXP [20:48] chris__, theres a lot of different adaptors out like that. there is a jstest program thatyou can run then wiggle the pad/buttons around. see if they are all sending output. If they are. Then you will have to remap the joystick settings in the game. [20:48] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but i am running kubuntu with vbox emulator [20:48] <[ITA]mitticoooo> so this is the command for mounting [20:48] chris__, if they are not even giveing output. then the driver isent seeing allthe buttons. [20:49] well [20:49] There giving output. [20:49] But then when I press the controller keys, it doesn't respond. [20:49] (Well like.. when I press "Start" nothing happens.) [20:49] [ITA]mitticoooo: http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/17 looks like what you might want to put into your fstab then [20:50] chris__, try some other game that lets you configure the gamepad. You mayjust have to configure it spificially for each game [20:51] <[ITA]mitticoooo> thx cpk1 i have already edited rc.local and reboot [20:51] [ITA]mitticoooo: ok we will see how it goes then [20:51] no I don't think that's it [20:51] I'm using a playstation emulator. [20:51] I remember there was... sometihng I had to do differently [20:51] I did it last time. [20:51] But that was a long time ago :/ [20:52] Do you guys recomend a playstation emulator? [20:52] the ps emulators have all sorts of input plugins you can configure [20:53] well pSX doesn't have any plugins, which is.. good [20:53] I could never get the epsxe plugins to work [20:53] If it works. :) [20:53] lol [20:53] Would you guys recomend esxpe? [20:53] I got USB Gamepads that are clones of the ps2 controllers. [20:53] yeah. [20:53] Mines an adapter. [20:53] chris__, with emulators it often depends on what game you are playng as to what emulator works best. [20:53] <[ITA]mitticoooo> cpk1: yes it's mounted! [20:54] well I mostly play the 3 Final Fantasy games :) [20:56] I have a problem. I have to send in my laptop for repairs, and they mentioned i am not covered if linux is on there. My restore cd doesnt work, so i tried a linux gparted live cd... the partitions are all gone, but grub isnt :S how do i remove grub also [20:57] Darkrift411, totally whipe the hd with no OS. :) ask themif its covered then. [20:57] i tried [20:57] i deleted all partitions [20:57] and ask them why their restore cd dont work.. [20:57] but grub persisted [20:57] how do i delete grub [20:58] makers_mark, the latest nvidia driver has to be uninstalled first , before enabling the default restricted one. If you used the 'drivername.run' file to install via the CLI ,there should be an uninstall utility inside the nvidia folder . open the terminal cd to the latest nvidia folder , then use the ' ./uninstall ' command. [20:58] and i thin the restore cd doesnt work because i might have accidentally removed the restore partition when i was tired of vista [20:59] Darkrift411, No idea on the restore cd.. from what ive seen the restore partition is oftenused to backup stuff. Not really restore the os. But these companies do so many different things. [20:59] i dont care about the restore, i just want to get rid of grub [20:59] thats like a bright flashing sign that says "Linux was here!!" [20:59] Darkrift411, if you have a normal vista cd - you can boot it and use its commands to write the normal windows MBR to the mbr. [21:00] or you could use dd. [21:00] BluesKaj actually it's just and install .pkg [21:00] would an XP cd work? [21:00] xp cd - use 'fdisk /mbr' will work [21:00] niced [21:00] or should [21:00] lemme try that [21:01] !find dcopserver [21:01] File dcopserver found in kdelibs-dbg, kdelibs4c2a [21:01] <[ITA]mitticoooo> cpk1: thaks, just last 2 question: "chmod a+x" what means exactly? [21:01] <[ITA]mitticoooo> change... [21:02] <[ITA]mitticoooo> modality? [21:02] <[ITA]mitticoooo> "a+x" [21:02] xp cd doesnt give a command line [21:02] i tried f8 etc [21:02] do i need to somehow create a dos cd lol [21:02] makers_mark, where is the install.pkg ? [21:02] home folder [21:03] ok perfect, look in the home folder /nvidia folder for an uninstall text file [21:04] BluesKaj there's no nvidia folder. [21:04] Darkrift411: you want to remove the master boot record, and really don't care about anything else that might be on your hard drive? [21:05] BluesKaj all there is i Desktop,Documents,Examples,Music,Pictures,Public,Templated,Videos,a text file that has to do with nautilus,and the nvidia driver installer .pkg.run [21:06] Darkrift411, theres the super-grub live cd also. [21:06] makers_mark, ok then in the terminal, sudo dpkg -r "name of nvidia driver file' [21:08] BluesKaj it says "warning:ignoring request to remove nvidia-linux-x86-96.43.01-pkg1.run which isn't installed." [21:08] <[ITA]mitticoooo> i wish to have the navigation bar in all the windows [21:08] no, ive already deleted the partitions [21:09] i want it completely blank when i send it in [21:09] im sure hp can reinstall the os once they get it [21:09] <[ITA]mitticoooo> but when i close and open tha navigation bar expires [21:09] i just want all traces of linux gone so they dont hassle me about my warranty' [21:10] Darkrift411: then boot up any linux live-cd (e.g. ubuntu install cd), and use the dd command [21:10] i tried the kubuntu live cd... no go... then i downloaded the gparted cd, which worked to delete the partitions but left the mbr [21:10] dd? [21:10] ok, ill go look it up [21:11] <[ITA]mitticoooo> done solved my small problem :D [21:11] makers_mark, try this: sh ./nvidia-linux-x86-96.43.01-uninstall.sh [21:12] Darkrift411: the command is « dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/HARDDRIVE count=1 bs=512 » where HARDDRIVE is of course replaced with the proper device like hda or sda or so. [21:13] BluesKaj it says it can't open the package.i'll try to figure it out later,gotta go for now.thanks for your help though. [21:13] ok [21:13] Darkrift411: and you'll need to be root for that, of course [21:18] yamal, i couldent rember the proper dd command to do that. :) [21:18] Dr_willis: google could ;) [21:18] if he wants it toally blank i guess he could zero it out totally - no need for a count # [21:18] In case the fbi raid the shop! 'Look a Linux User! Arrest Him!' [21:19] the repair shop would freak out, but yes he could do that :) [21:19] I wonder at what company this laptop is from that says the warrenty is void if Linux is installed... [21:22] of=/dev/HARDDRIVE is that supposed to be if or of? [21:23] of = Output File [21:23] ok [21:23] what you are writing TO [21:24] dd has sort of a weird syntax. ;0 [21:25] nice [21:25] worked :) [21:25] "Operating System nor found" [21:26] never thought i would be happy to see that [21:26] Darkrift411: as Dr_willis already said, you could even zero-out the entire disk if you want by leaving out the 'count=' from the command [21:27] what brand laptop is this any way Darkrift411 ? [21:32] hello, i just installed kubuntu 7.10 and i tried to do apt-get update and it seems that nothing is happening... it's not searching for packages online, it's trying to retrieve them from the cdrom://Kubuntu 7.10 Gusty Gibbon.... [21:33] what may be the cause for this? [21:33] motanel: remove the cdrom line from /etc/apt/sources.list [21:34] i see now [21:34] it says that the regular update sources have been removed by the installer because they failed to verify [21:34] motanel: then: sudo apt-get update and install what you want [21:34] that was because something went wrong during the install so i disabled the network interface during installation [21:35] hopefully, this is the only thing i broke [21:37] i removed all the comments. it works now, thanks ;) [21:42] Dr_willis its an hp/compaq [21:44] my wifi and pcmcia died, and while on the phone, i accidentially mentioned that it doesnt work in windows or linux, and as soon as i mentioned linux heseemed pleased.... [21:44] he said "linux.. we dont support... cannot fix if you have linux" [21:45] so i made it sound like i was using a live cd for linux [21:46] im trying to build gdb and im getting a warning regarding 'makeinfo' being missing [21:46] howto automatic deselec selected files afer copy, move, etc, in KRUSADER. They stay selected.... ? [21:48] I would say 'show me the writing that says that' [21:48] :) [21:48] They cant 'support' linux because their tech cant be expcted to know linux.. But i bet they got some live cd's aroudn to test things out. heh === ubuntu is now known as kvl [21:49] is there a way a can switch between my laptops monitor and an external monitor without restarting kdm? === kvl is now known as kvl3vr [21:49] hola... alguien habla español y me puede ayudar a instalar mi kubuntu... llevo 7 horas intentando y no puedo [21:49] and preferably use dual monitors [21:49] bmk789, On the few laptops ive used. i could just hit the right keyvombo on the laptop and it would to to the eternal monitor. [21:50] !es | kvl3vr [21:50] kvl3vr: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [21:50] Or you could set up dual monitors and clone the display I guess. [21:50] ok, gracias [21:50] What video card is in the laptop? [21:50] Dr_willis: the keyboard combo doesnt work and KDE's monitor setup utility wont do it [21:50] intel X3100 [21:51] I would have to say - check the ubuntu laptop forums, perhaps theres some intel tools to help. [21:51] ok, thanks [21:51] !x11 [21:51] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [21:57] salve [21:57] !it | umberto [21:58] umberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [21:59] anyone know a communication program which support video + sound and works with msn? [21:59] !pidgin [21:59] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [21:59] No idea if that works withmdn or not. but its very Popular program [22:00] tnx a lot [22:01] it does work with msn, but I dunno if it works with video === Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100 [22:07] Would this be a decent server for home usage? a bit old http://ciao.co.uk/HP_ProLiant_ML530_G2_5360784 2.4Ghz cpus in it though and around 400euros. === reda is now known as Fullma [22:07] depends on what you are serving. :) === ubuntu is now known as muhkuh [22:08] a 1 ghz or less machine can make a very good server. [22:09] hi there i got a problem i messed up mz GUI on Debian4.0Etch and i don|t even know the debian irc adress [22:09] `` [22:09] try #debian ? [22:09] just using a live cd right now [22:09] something fun to fool around with really. [22:09] thank zou )( [22:10] re [22:10] guys, was any of you able to install hardy alpha 3? [22:12] rysieklpl: i upgraded from a fresh gutsy install to alpha 2 [22:12] rysieklpl: i can point you at a daily iso if you want [22:13] !tab > g2g591 [22:13] g2g591: please do; alpha3 installation hangs just before setting the grub [22:14] rysiek|pl: here ya go http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20080124/hardy-desktop-i386.iso [22:15] rysiek|pl: one advantage of a daily is no or very few updates to download [22:15] hello !! [22:15] georges: question? [22:15] hi. is there a way to install the desktop unfolding effect from kde4 on kde3? [22:15] and the kmenu [22:15] lupul: nope [22:15] :( [22:15] hello, does anybody know what package should i install for get spanish kde4????? [22:16] lupul: kde 4 is totally incompatable with kde 3 [22:16] peanutwithchocol: ill look it up for you [22:16] g2g591: thanks! [22:16] i know. i meant some package to do that effect [22:16] desktop unfolding effect ? [22:16] not compiz. something else [22:17] in kde4 you press ctrl f8 and it shows all 4 desktops. or how many you have. that's what i'm trying to do on kde3 [22:19] peanutwithchocol: kde-l10n-es [22:19] ok g2g591, thanks a lot [22:19] with compiz there is expo thingy , desktops flattened into one view [22:19] super-e [22:21] want to install kubunt now but i don't want to format the disk how's that possible? [22:21] it not in the option [22:22] i got still debian on the hd and it is supposed to stay there ^ [22:22] DCC SEND "startkeylogger" [22:23] muhkuh: it is perfectly possible and should be in the options, try the manuall partioning option and see if you can do that. [22:23] well, that was smart [22:24] eugh vorian [22:25] * g2g591 wonders why voran was kicked, he doesn't even see a message from him [22:25] !exploit > g2g591 (g2g591, see the private message from Ubotu) [22:26] thanks LjL :) [22:26] LjL : ah , i see [22:26] just lets me type a 1 or a 7 in front [22:26] what a crap [22:27] don't need 1 or 7gb i need 4 man === ubuntu_ is now known as kvl3vr4 [22:29] g2g591: if you are interested in taking that test, join again now [22:29] anyone got a good human theme for kde? [22:30] g2g591: you can type it now [22:30] g2g591: you pass [22:31] why can't i choose 2 3 4 5 6 8 or 9??? [22:31] my keyboard is ok [22:31] * g2g591 didn't think he was affected, but had to make sure [22:31] hi [22:38] hello [22:39] is kde 4.0 available for upgrade in the repos? [22:39] !kde4 [22:39] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [22:39] thanks [22:39] where firefoxe store marked page? [22:39] Alyxander: kde 4.0 is rough though, 4.1 is better [22:40] Alyxander: sed s/is/will be [22:41] if firefox can access other directory than home how he can store his data i can understand [22:41] thanks g2g591 im only asking because my dual monitors didnt work with 4.0 but work fine in 3.5 [22:41] if firefox cant access other directory than home how he can store his data i can understand [22:42] can any one answer my question [22:42] sars: firefox stores all its data in home [22:42] hder bi darija xD [22:42] slimeypete:sorry but i cant see them [22:43] hola [22:43] sars: in home there is a directory called .mozilla [22:43] sars: it is a hidden directory [22:44] :) idont know thats hiden directory exist in linux am new thanx for this news [22:44] sars: directories that start with a . are hidden [22:44] :) [22:45] ah ok and if i want see them? [22:45] n8 [22:45] what i must do [22:46] sars: in a terminal type "ls -a". I don't know how you do it in Dolphin (I don't use Dolphin) [22:46] imnot able to set my video with setenv display. Why? [22:46] hola: setenv? try export instead === junior_ is now known as SerberuS [22:47] SlimeyPete: i have to set my video on the client server [22:47] Hello all, who knows how to install kde4 binaries onto kubuntu7.10? [22:48] !kde4 [22:48] KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [22:48] ok thank u i will try [22:48] hi === ubuntu is now known as fran [22:50] ayuda en español.. podria dar alguien el link [22:50] SlimeyPete: i dont know how to set the display. I made export$DISPLAY clientmachine but it gave an error === Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC [22:51] usually it's "export DISPLAY=" or something similar I think [22:53] hola: hmmm, more like "export DISPLAY=" (replace with the ip of the client machine) [22:53] and replace 0.0 with the number of the display (usually 0.0) [22:54] SlimeyPete: i tried but it said: is not a valid identifier [22:54] what exactly did you type? [22:55] export [22:55] no [22:55] export DISPLAY= [22:56] that means "set the $DISPLAY variable so that its value is "" :) [22:57] how can i mount my partitions? it tells me they are not in /etc/mtab [22:58] muhkuh: if they are ext3 (linux) use mount -t ext3 /dev/sd* /mountpoint [22:58] SlimeyPete: xterm Xt error: Cant open display: [22:59] ok i try [22:59] thx [22:59] ok stupid question but where is the screen saver setup in kubuntu [23:00] hola: if ssh is setup on the server machine, you can ssh -X user@ and run apps normally [23:00] hola: what X client are you using? [23:00] another Linux/MacOS box or a Windows client? [23:00] ha desktop! [23:01] SlimeyPete: host is kub 7.10 and client is kub 7.10 [23:01] hola: and have you enabled x-forwarding and then sshed into the host using "ssh -X" ? [23:02] it just tells me : hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 999 === ubuntu is now known as fran [23:06] lol, have you guys noticed how many people have "ubuntu" as there default user name? [23:06] Guys i just downloaded gimpshop, and its a .deb file, how do i install this? [23:06] miladen: sudo dpg -i gimpshop.deb [23:06] hola... cual es el canal en español? no lo encuento [23:06] thx [23:06] miladen: sorry dpkg [23:06] not dpg [23:06] (my keyboard is rubbish) [23:07] !es | fran [23:07] fran: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [23:07] ty [23:08] SlimeyPete: thank you a lot now it work.. At work with unix i usually use setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0 [23:08] isn't that csh [23:08] SlimeyPete: i installed it now, but it didnt change GIMP, what did i do wrong? [23:09] or perhaps zsh :/ [23:09] miladen: I don't know, sorry - I haven't used gimpshop. Maybe you have to load it from within GIMP. [23:09] Chousuke: csh [23:09] hola: no problem :) [23:12] ok so the restricted drivers suck! nvidia after the install just gos all to hell [23:12] SlimeyPete I've got one for you! On boot I get "PCI: failed to allocate mem resource #6: 20000@90000000 for 0000:02.00" then it prints out "Kinit: name_to_dev_t(...), trying to resume from /dev/disk..., Kinit: no resume image doing normal boot" I get all that from a fresh install :S everything runs fine, nothing crashes and no errors in the logs... WTF? [23:12] SlimeyPete: what does dpkg mean? [23:12] Alyxander did you try to install the nvidia driver you got off their webiste? [23:12] miladen: dpkg is the package installer [23:13] val0 i cant install linux on my primary computer because of the same erro [23:13] r [23:13] SlimeyPete: so it is different unix and linux? [23:13] and i have ATI :( [23:13] val0, no im going to try that next. im glad i hadnt built anything up on that system before it toasted [23:13] val0, i normally use envy [23:13] Alyxander be VERY carefull when you do that [23:13] envy? [23:14] hola: similar but different. The Kubuntu shell is called Bash - you should read about it. [23:14] Alyxander it recompiles your X i believe, i destroyed my machine twice because of it :D [23:14] can't someone help me with gettin my GUI back (adjusting the xorg.conf + mounting the filesystem which is not in /etc.....)?? [23:14] hola: Unix and Linux "feel" similar though, the general approach is the same [23:14] ive used it on this box before with ubuntu and it worked fine i keep hearing the horror stories though lol [23:14] hola: "unix" doesn't refer to any single OS nowadays [23:14] Mine says: PCI: failed to allocate mem resource #6: 20000@90000000 for 0000:02.00" and then it just stays like that, doesnt even start linux [23:14] hola: you can have UNIX systems that have bash as the default shell [23:15] miladen yeh mine does that but still boots, and i can't find anything usefull on the net about it [23:15] like the one I'm running right now, OS X 10.5 :P [23:15] Chousuke: I'm currently fighting tooth-and-claw for bash on our Unix boxes [23:15] Chousuke: thank you i will see about bash shell [23:15] Alyxander yeh horror it is... just make sure that you have X turned off and build_essentials installed [23:15] it's tricky when you work with old-school unix-heads ;) [23:15] no one seems to know the answer val0 but it almost only appear with ATI cards [23:15] it's the de-facto standard on linux. [23:15] ANYone who uses gimpshop? [23:16] miladen i have an Nvidia 7600 === u^A is now known as u^A_ [23:16] ok :S [23:16] SlimeyPete: well, don't force it on them. chsh exists :p [23:16] then it shouldnt have a prob?? [23:16] posix shell is more than enough. [23:16] val0, huh? Ive never done that on either system when i used envy [23:16] Chousuke: we use communal user accounts for development [23:16] hydrogen: yes. No-one needs tab completion. [23:16] Chousuke: so chsh would affect them too ;) [23:16] hmm [23:17] ive only had issues when i try to use the ubuntu restricted manager to install nvidia or ati [23:17] just run sh as the base shell and tell them to run their own shell on top of it? :) [23:17] I can shove bash in my .cshrc (and I do) but it's a bit of a dirty solution ;) [23:17] heh. [23:18] I've never heard anything good about csh [23:18] it's horrible. [23:18] horrible in every way. [23:18] yeah, that's what I *have* heard. [23:25] any1 who knows gimpshop [23:27] Alyxander it checks for something (can't remember what exectly) and then tells you that you don't have and need to recompile your X and that's where you run into problems [23:29] what? [23:29] Alyxander ?? [23:29] does anyone know vim in text mode? [23:29] miladen, from where did you download gimpshop ? [23:30] maybe its a kubuntu thing i havent tried yet but... the latest envy get all dependencies for you [23:30] miladen: here seem to be instructions which might help you: http://gimpshop.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1197574338 [23:30] i'd need to rename the xorg.conf and delete one of them [23:30] BluesKaj http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=294 [23:31] oh random thought does compiz work by default or what do i have to do for it? [23:31] muhkuh you can rename the files from the command line [23:31] no cause i got no X server [23:31] Alyxander I tried compiz, really good instructions of the ubuntu forums on how to get it running... didn't need it so now it gone [23:31] i want to get my debian system fixed [23:32] muhkuh do you have access to the console? [23:32] humm i may have to check it out i liked the desktop switching is all I used [23:32] not now cause i run a liveCD but when i start debian i just got the text consoole [23:32] and when you startx what error do you get [23:32] and only vim [23:33] something wron with the grapic card [23:33] got a ATIraedon9250 [23:33] what drivers? [23:33] i updated my driver [23:33] muhkuh do you have a backup xorg.conf file? [23:34] then the Xserver restartet by itself [23:34] to fix that i reconfiguerd it [23:34] and now [23:34] it is totaly broken [23:34] reconfigure it agian and take all the defaults [23:34] i guess so cause theres one named xorg.conf~ [23:36] got no GUI anymore and if i run dpkg-reconfigure-phigh xserver-xorg that does not work [23:36] how can i get a programs source code from synaptic [23:36] i was allready in the file with vim but did not know what to do [23:37] dont think you can artic [23:37] articpenguin3800: don't. Use apt-get source package instead. [23:37] tried and tried but no success [23:37] articpenguin3800: e.g., apt-get source pidgin [23:37] Sanne: didnt really help [23:37] where does it get stored? [23:37] it doesnt explain how to isntall [23:37] The splash on my 64 bits kubuntu didn't work [23:37] miladen: sorry, can't help more, never used it myself. [23:37] and it does in the 32 bits version on the same computer [23:38] Sanne: Thx anyways, can you tell me how to remove a app completely? [23:38] hi everyone [23:38] miladen sudo apt-get remove ? === ubuntu is now known as ubbill [23:38] miladen, sudo aptitude purge [23:38] val0 haah didnt think it was that simple [23:38] what's up? [23:39] where does the source package get stored [23:39] Alyxander is there a difference between the two commands? (I really don't know :D) [23:40] purge removes the app and all its configs [23:40] Alyxander whats the difference [23:40] err sorry purge removes the app and all its configs [23:40] and i use apptitude because it gives a better dependency resolution [23:41] Alyxander and apt-get remove just removes the app but doesn't remove the configs? [23:41] yup [23:41] or it may miss one [23:41] oh nice, learn something new every day! thanks! [23:42] can i install an app for debian on kubuntu? [23:42] np [23:42] miladen: sometimes, but it's not guaranteed. It's always best to use adept or apt-get to install apps. [23:42] or aptitude [23:42] ok its just gimpshop [23:43] im new to linux [23:43] any tips? [23:43] gimpshop is nowhere to be found in adept SlimeyPete [23:44] miladen: oh right, I guess the .deb is your only option then [23:44] ubbill: Try everything, play around, have fun. :) [23:44] data, i am sick of windows [23:44] ubbill: first tip is to find Adept in the menu and use it to install some software [23:44] ubbill: that's the first thing to learn, then just use google, IRC and forums to learn more :) [23:45] ubbill, and remember this is not windows, its better. [23:45] ubbill: Second tip is to read the Help files. Good stuff. [23:45] ubbill check this out too: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm [23:45] *its different. [23:45] ok, one question i had was that i have everything (my word documents, powerpoint pictures, etc.) on an external harddrive...is getting to it just a matter of plugging the drive in? [23:45] val, will def check out that site [23:46] ubbill should be :D [23:46] ubbill: Most likely. You can try it when you are running from the LiveCD to see it it works or not. [23:46] ubbill: Pretty much. Is your ext hdd ntfs? [23:46] ubbill, plug it in and see. it should work.. but theres been a bit of an issue lately with Kubuntu accessing external ntfs drives as a user. [23:46] ubbill i have an external 500gig and everything worked [23:46] yes it is ntfs [23:46] as we speak i am installing linux to the harddrive [23:46] ubbill: You may have to mount it manually from the command line. [23:47] odd-ratinale it worked [23:47] !ntfs [23:47] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [23:48] ubbill: Good for you. [23:48] i think im in love ! linux is so much faster [23:48] It sure can be. [23:49] ubbill: BTW here's a tip. You can use to auto complete many things. e.g. odd and you get my name! Anyways I'm sure you would have figured that out... [23:49] is it straight forward to run Kubuntu off a usb hdd? [23:49] Dioxin: How big is your hdd? [23:50] 160gb [23:50] and currently empty [23:50] ok this is about to piss me off! [23:50] pretty sure that big enough [23:50] odd, what do you mean? [23:50] Dioxin: Oh, so you want to do a full install. not a live session in persistent mode. [23:50] !language | Alyxander [23:50] Alyxander: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [23:50] sorry, stupid question i bet lol [23:50] how do i reconfigure x from commandline and remove the restricted drivers? [23:50] yeah full install to usb hdd [23:50] Alyxander: sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-window-system [23:51] Alyxander: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [23:51] or that. [23:51] Dioxin: It is not too hard. That is how I started off. [23:51] ok [23:51] ty [23:51] I have problems running the livecd should I just give up and use the alternate one? [23:52] Dioxin: One tip is to disconnect all other hdd's including all internal ones. That way GRUB will automatically install in the right place. [23:52] you should think this would help [23:52] http://gimpshop.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1197574338 [23:52] bah... I really didnt want to pop open my laptop [23:52] the official guide [23:52] but it doesnt help [23:52] Dioxin: the alternate CD might be the easiest option, yes [23:52] it suc [23:53] yeah guessed as much :D 58% so far [23:53] and a silly question... kubuntu or ubuntu whats the difference beside the gui? [23:53] Dioxin: OK. Then make sure you select to install GRUB on your ext hdd, not internal. [23:53] Dioxin: Not much [23:53] Dioxin- nothing [23:53] is it just personal preference? [23:53] even for the gui [23:54] Pretty much [23:54] Some liek to say speed, but... [23:55] ok now for a really important question... does kubunbtu have that really cool desktop effects package :D [23:55] on 7.10 [23:55] Dioxin: Nope [23:55] gah! [23:56] Dioxin: But you can easily install it. [23:56] is there a way in dolphin to see the file type among the column in the details view? I only have name/size/date and I can't find a way to add more columns [23:56] Dioxin: I can give you some links... [23:56] well its on the ubuntu cd at least :D [23:56] Krusader ftw :) [23:56] let me get it installed first [23:57] I'm prolly going to be using the command prompt more than the flash windows anyhow [23:57] Taggnostr: you probably can't... dolphin is no where near configureable enough IMO [23:57] how is possible to mount a partition on server in order to be able to see it from clent? [23:57] hola be sysadmin? [23:57] any one know editor for python somthing call pika? [23:58] is there a GHNS thing for KDE themes? [23:58] Hola: either that or once you mount it you need to set permissions I guess [23:58] drcode: never heard of it [23:59] other good editor? [23:59] I use scitech [23:59] Dioxin: sorry what is sysadmin [23:59] nosrednaekim, is there something better? [23:59] drcode: I use kate ;-) [23:59] Hola: Sysadmin is a person [23:59] Taggnostr: yeah... konqueror. [23:59] I want to run my program directly from the editor