
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools_
gmbI think some peoples' clocks are running a touch on the slow side...14:02
gmbkiko, SteveA, Rinchen: Meeting time?14:03
sinzuiTime is an illusion.14:03
gmbLunchtime doubly so.14:03
barrytime is a corportist plot14:03
kikohello hello14:03
kikowelcome to the launchpad meeting14:03
kikoand hmm how does one drive this bot!14:03
kikohang on first ;)14:03
kikookay, got some docs up14:04
MootBotMeeting started at 14:04. The chair is kiko.14:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:04
kikoso who is here this week, apart from leonardr?14:04
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs
* kiko looks for danilos, cprov 14:05
kikoSteveA, and stub?14:05
jtvdanilos is off today14:05
kikohey mthaddon, glad you could make it14:05
mthaddonhey kiko14:06
kikovery well14:06
kikoRinchen is out because he pulled an all-nighter14:06
kikoand that means you get me as your most charming host today14:06
kikoso let's move on. that was the roll call!14:06
SteveAkiko: I already said "me"14:06
kiko    *14:06
kiko      Roll call14:06
kiko    *14:06
kiko      Agenda14:06
kiko    *14:06
kiko      Next meeting14:06
kiko    *14:06
kiko      Actions from last meeting14:06
kiko    *14:07
kiko      Oops report (Matsubara)14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      Critical Bugs (Rinchen)14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      Bug tags14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      Operations report (mthaddon)14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      DBA report (stub)14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)14:07
kiko    *14:07
kiko      A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:07
kikoSteveA, sure, but stub didn't.14:07
kikoand to wrap that up, Blockers14:07
kikoTOPIC next meeting14:07
SteveAI recommend pasting from the raw text of the wiki page.14:07
kikooh bar14:07
kiko[TOPIC] next meeting14:07
MootBotNew Topic:  next meeting14:07
kikohello there14:07
flacostesorry for being late14:07
kikoSteveA, I'm not very good at this :-)14:07
kikoso for next meeting, same time, same place? who's here, who's not?14:08
kikoI'll be here.14:08
SteveAI'll be at a sprint in cocoa beach, along with the foundations and lpcomm teams14:08
SteveAI expect we'll still make the meeting14:08
flacostefoundations and commercialization will be sprinting14:08
kikoso confirming, sprinters will make the meeting?14:09
kikoanyone on vacation? jtv -- danilos? SteveA -- stub?14:09
jtvkiko: yes, danilos is off today (see above)14:09
mptI'm in another meeting right now and I'm attending this meeting14:09
kikojtv, I meant next week, sorry.14:09
SteveAstub should be here14:09
mptso attending a sprint is no excuse :-)14:09
SteveAI'll give him a buzz14:09
kiko[AGREED] meeting next week, same time, thursday. sprinters should make it. no other absentees forseen.14:10
MootBotAGREED received:  meeting next week, same time, thursday. sprinters should make it. no other absentees forseen.14:10
kiko[TOPIC] Actions from last meeting14:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from last meeting14:10
kikomthaddon, first topic is whether https://staging.launchpad.net/successful-updates.txt has been linked to from somewhere.14:10
SteveAstub is having network problems14:11
SteveAhe's working on fixing it14:11
kikosecond topic is whether launchpad-dependencies was updated by salgado14:11
mthaddonkiko, not currently - I have a script on devpad that checks it and emails me if it's not completed in the last 24 hours, which I will now change to email the launchpad list14:11
kikothird topic is whether salgado investigated putting launchpad-dependencies in /sourcecode -- or if at least a bug was filed.14:11
salgadowhat's it about the update?14:12
kikomthaddon, okay, great. can we link to successful-updates.txt at least from LaunchpadProductionStatus, perhaps prominently?14:12
mthaddonkiko, sure14:12
salgadomy box is half-crashed and I didn't see the beginning of the meeting14:12
salgado(can't launch firefox either. am running xchat remotely)14:12
kikosalgado, whether it was done or not -- I believe the answer is yes, to include lxml and that other one14:12
SteveAsalgado: using hardy?14:12
salgadokiko, yes, even mhonarc has been included14:13
kikoSteveA, no, it's diskless gutsy, long story.14:13
kikosalgado, good job.14:13
kikosalgado, I noticed that today you noticed a branch using a package that isn't required14:13
kikoI think we need a process to have people preemptively request packages for inclusion14:13
salgadothat's actually from zope14:13
kikobecause otherwise it's always a mad scramble14:13
kikoI see14:13
salgadokiko, it's a problem with sys.path, it seems14:13
* SteveA quotes Ghostbusters: "Everything was fine until the grid was shut down by diskless here."14:14
kikoquick poll: are people aware of the fact that they need to do something special if you want to require a new python (or otherwise) package? say yes if you know that you need to.14:14
statikkiko: I think you have a good point there about packages, I've noticed that I have so many dev packages on my machine I don't feel confident I will notice if something new needs to be installed - this is why the lxml thing didn't affect me14:14
jamesh"yes it is true.  This man has no disk"14:14
kikookay. so gmb and allenap don't know.14:15
stubIn theory, if we miss a required package branches that depend on it won't get through pqm14:15
gmbI know.14:15
gmbI'm lagged.14:15
kikowhile it's true that the branch won't get through PQM14:16
kikoit's also true that that's too late and then we need to rush IS into installing stuff14:16
kikowhich might need to be backported -- see abel's issue with lxml one release ago14:16
carloskiko: are we still running dapper on production?14:16
kikocarlos, yes.14:17
kikoso how about we add this as a weekly topic, next to the "pending IS requests" topic? at least then people can think about it once a week.14:17
kikoanyone opposed?14:17
intellectronicais it common enough?14:17
jameshkiko: does that differ from pending RT requests?14:18
stubThe reason people don't think about it is that it is uncommon I think.14:18
flacosteyeah, it's uncommon14:18
kikojamesh, there might not be an RT request for the package -- I want to make sure people are aware of it14:18
flacosteit's just that three new dependencies were introduced in the last vcycle14:18
kikowell, it's uncommon but still not that rare -- twice this cycle, for instance14:18
kikoor 3 times14:18
* bigjools_ will have one too14:19
salgado4 new deps, but I actually did only two updates to the package14:19
stubSpread over all our devs, that comes to once every 2-4 months an individual dev will do it.14:19
* sinzui suspected bigjools_ will have one14:19
kikoit's harmless to have the topic and just say "no."14:19
stubSo a reminder such as in the meeting would be good.14:19
kikoI'll amend the template. thanks! moving on..14:19
kikothe last topic was about Rinchen and tim figuring out who can attend the meeting from down under14:20
kikoI think it's really a big deal that australians/new-zealanders can't make the meeting14:20
kikoand Joey and I have talked about changing the time to make it less depressing for mthaddon and more humane for australians14:21
schwukcycle the meeting times?14:21
kikohowever, that leaves us with the problem of being inhumane with jtv and stub and possibly danilo and BjornT14:21
barrykiko: it's tough.  we have two reviewers meetings for this reason, with me attending the asiapac one at 10pm localtime14:21
kikobarry, I know -- but we can't really have two meetings for launchpad, so rotation might be the best approach.14:22
stubI'm happy to not turn up to meetings if it makes things easier :-)14:22
kikowe're still talking about it14:22
kikothanks stub14:22
kikookay, that's all on this topic -- we'll talk about it again next week when Rinchen is awake14:22
kiko[ACTION] kiko to add the lp-dependencies question to the MeetingAgenda template14:23
MootBotACTION received:  kiko to add the lp-dependencies question to the MeetingAgenda template14:23
kiko[ACTION] Rinchen and kiko to figure out how to manage lp-bzr's absence from the meeting; consider rotation or time-shift14:23
MootBotACTION received:  Rinchen and kiko to figure out how to manage lp-bzr's absence from the meeting; consider rotation or time-shift14:23
kikosalgado, what about putting the package in sourcecode/ ?14:23
statikisn't aaron on that team?14:23
kikostatik, he is, and the fact that tim hasn't told him to come to the meeting kinda underlines my point. ;)14:24
salgadokiko, as I said, I'm opposed to that, so I may not be the best person to move this forward14:24
kikotim doesn't even think about the meeting -- which means he misses out on OOPSes, policy changes, critical bug discussions, etc14:25
jameshaaron is in Sydney at the moment14:25
kikotopic for next week14:25
salgadokiko, I didn't even notice this had been assigned to me during the last meeting14:25
kikohmph. okay, flacoste, can you figure that out later with salgado then.14:25
flacostekiko: yes14:25
kikomoving along14:26
SteveApoint of information14:26
kiko[TOPIC] Oops report (Matsubara)14:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Oops report (Matsubara)14:26
SteveAI spoke with lifeless about putting our dependencies packages' source in sourcecode/ and he's very in favour of the idea14:26
SteveAwe discussed it at some length14:26
SteveAend of POV14:26
kikothanks SteveA!14:26
SteveAum, POI14:26
matsubaraI've setup a oops report for today updated every hour. The url is in #lp-code topic. I'm checking that often and following up with people on IRC about oops related to the rollout.14:26
matsubarathat's all from me. back to you kiko14:26
kikomatsubara, that's a great change. I love it.14:27
Hobbseekiko: 1am is a perfect time for a meeting!14:27
statikmatsubara: that rocks14:27
kikomatsubara, I reloaded today and was able to complain already about my favorite OOPSes.14:27
SteveAmatsubara: YES!  \0/14:27
stubHobbsee: That depends on how drunk you are allowed to be14:27
kikowithout even having to complain about there not being an OOPS report!!14:27
Hobbseestub: *grin*.  there is that14:27
kikomatsubara, any OOPSes outstanding you'd like us to nitpick?14:27
matsubarakiko: not really an OOPS, but a critical one that I found while testing +editemails. I can tell you details on #lp-code14:28
stubOn this topic, it would have been nice if we noticed a significant drop in timeout oopses after turning on the BBWC but I couldn't see anything particularly noticeable.14:28
kikomatsubara, yeah. so all OOPSes from today's report are being addressed already? give us at least a list so we don't double-check.14:28
SteveAstub: are we sure it's turned on?14:29
matsubarakiko: I'm still checking the +editemails one.14:29
stubSteveA: I have no way of confirming except to ask the admins.14:29
matsubarakiko: the soyuz queue one is on bigjools plate14:29
mthaddonstub, that's a pity - I feel like the site is a little quicker to render pages, but I may be kidding myself14:29
bigjools_IME, bbwc only improves latency, not throughput14:29
matsubaraand jamesh will prepare a patch for the openid one14:29
mthaddonSteveA, we're sure it's turned on14:29
kikookay, thanks!14:30
stubbigjools_: I hate hardware14:30
SteveAmthaddon: is it something that is turned on for all disks/partitions, or just ones we choose?14:30
kikomrevell, do you have input for critical bugs? or should I skip that topic?14:30
bigjools_stub: aye14:30
mthaddonSteveA, just for the ones we choose (well, that ones that have it available)14:31
mrevellkiko: I think matsubara does14:31
kikomrevell's pinging out, so I'm skipping that.14:31
kikooh, really?14:31
kiko[TOPIC] critical bugs (matsubara?)14:31
MootBotNew Topic:  critical bugs (matsubara?)14:31
matsubarakiko: no critical ones from Rinchen. The only one is the private one I told you earlier14:31
kikothanks matsubara14:31
kiko[TOPIC] bug tags14:31
MootBotNew Topic:  bug tags14:31
matsubaraand the soyuz pubkey which bigjools fixed14:31
bigjools_I need r-c for that14:32
kikono proposed tags this week, so moving on14:32
kikomy favorite topic now!14:32
kiko[TOPIC] Operations report (mthaddon)14:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Operations report (mthaddon)14:32
mthaddon1.2.1 released14:32
mthaddonHave some documentation updates following the release, and expecting a "second" rollout today or tomorrow14:32
mthaddonEr, not much more to say from me (except for known PPA issue)14:33
kikohoping we can do that late today14:33
mthaddonnot too late I hope...14:33
kikobut that depends mostly on getting the OOPSes fixed today14:33
kikomatsubara, are they going to get fixed today?14:33
mthaddonsorry, I meant the slave_scanner issue14:34
kiko[TOPIC] DBA report (stub)14:34
MootBotNew Topic:  DBA report (stub)14:34
stubDo we know that we will need to do a second rollout the following day before  the OOPS reports come in? If so, should we consider letting rollout times slip by a day or three to improve overall reliability?14:34
stub(oops.... old topic. Must type fasteer)14:34
stubPriority of replication has been bumped in favour of making LP more useful for auth by Landscape and other systems with similar use cases. We still need to proceed on replication, but the timeframe isn't as critical now given we are getting hardware upgrades.14:35
stubNothing else to report.14:35
SteveAon the oops issue -- are these oopses ones we could have discovered on edge?14:35
SteveAor by some other means, before the roll-out?14:35
kikoSteveA, in the soyuz case, yes on at least one count.14:35
kikomatsubara, what do you say of the others?14:35
matsubarathe openid one is quite old, it's not specific to the rollout14:36
matsubarawe couldn't find the soyuz config one because it's a specific lpnet config issue14:36
kikoSteveA, the portlet-details one is on bounties, so... moving back on topic, though -- stub, okay. have you and SteveA re-discussed using carbon for the staging DB?14:36
matsubaranot sure yet about the +editemails one, but I think it's an old one as well14:37
SteveAthere are various discussions going on about shifting around hardware14:37
stubCarbon for staging has been discussed via email. Carbon for staging won't be an option for long term as I have it earmarked for the first replica lp database.14:37
SteveAhowever, we could use it in the mid term14:37
SteveAparticularly as you're shifting down the immediate priority of replication14:38
kikoright, that's what I'm asking if we talked about.14:38
SteveAkiko: this depends on various other discussions about hardware14:38
SteveAkiko: so, it's still going on.14:38
kikoSteveA, okay, thanks. please update us on this next week.14:38
SteveAI expect a resolution in a week or so14:38
stubIt also depends on how soon landscape need two databases.14:38
kiko[ACTION] SteveA and stub to discuss options for staging DB and report back14:39
MootBotACTION received:  SteveA and stub to discuss options for staging DB and report back14:39
kiko[TOPIC] Sysadmin requests (kiko standing in for joey)14:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Sysadmin requests (kiko standing in for joey)14:39
kikoanyone have any ones that they want done asap?14:39
bigjools_I have RT #29797 which is blocked itself on packaging work14:40
kikoany others?14:40
kikobigjools_, please ping me today so we talk that over14:40
kiko[AGREED] RT 29797 priority for bigjools14:40
MootBotAGREED received:  RT 29797 priority for bigjools14:40
kiko[TOPIC] A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:41
MootBotNew Topic:  A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:41
mrevellThis week's issue deals with merging accounts. At present, it's not easy to find how to merge two accounts.14:41
mrevellThe fix for bug 30439 gave us the "Claim this account" link on profile pages.14:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 30439 in launchpad "Link to page for merging accounts is well-hidden" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3043914:41
mrevellHowever, for someone who is logged-in there's still no link to merge with another account.14:41
mrevellAt least, no link on the profile page.14:41
mrevellSupport requests suggest that we could make this easier to find.14:41
mrevellI've reported bug 185486 in response to the most recent help request on this subject.14:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185486 in launchpad "Merge account option should be on profile page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18548614:41
mrevellThe Actions menu is somewhat busy already. Where else in someone's profile pages do you think we could place a link to merge accounts?14:42
mrevellThanks kiko14:42
salgadomrevell, the 'Claim this account' is a link to +requestmerge when the person is logged in14:42
kikomrevell, so if I'm at ~kiko/ you'd like the option of initiating a merge from there?14:42
kikosalgado, sure, but it only appears on the pages of people who are inactive14:42
kikompt have an opinion?14:42
mrevellkiko: I think so. it seems like the place I'd look for it and, it seems from talking to users, that its current location isn't obvious to them14:42
kikomrevell, the only place I know to look for is on /people/14:43
kikoyeah, I agree that's a problem. but what to do with the link is a bother14:43
kikomrevell, you chase mpt down to talk it over?14:43
mrevellWell, I'll discuss the with mpt after the meeting and anyone else who is interested14:43
mrevellkiko: will do14:43
mptkiko, mrevell discussed it with me yesterday or so14:43
kiko[ACTION] mrevell and mpt to discuss https://launchpad.net/bugs/18548614:43
MootBotACTION received:  mrevell and mpt to discuss https://launchpad.net/bugs/18548614:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185486 in launchpad "Merge account option should be on profile page" [Undecided,New]14:43
* stub notices his battery is low and has lost his power adapter14:44
mptThe person page is one of the pages for which the Actions menu problem will be solved14:44
mptso, I'll have to find *some* way of fixing it :-)14:44
kiko[TOPIC] Beginning the UI review mentoring (mpt)14:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Beginning the UI review mentoring (mpt)14:44
mptthanks kiko14:44
mptA couple of weeks ago I proposed mentoring reviewers on reviewing UI stuff14:44
mptand the response was positive, which is great to see14:44
mptSo, I'm looking for one or two volunteers to start this next week :-)14:45
mptvolunteer reviewers, that is14:45
kikocome on!14:45
barrympt: i'm interested, but probably not starting next week14:45
bacmpt: same as barry, as we'll be sprinting14:46
SteveAwe'll be focusing on non GUI stuff at the sprint14:46
mpt"I don't bite ... hard ..." -- Austin Powers14:46
intellectronicampt: ok, i volunteer14:46
* kiko looks at BjornT's team!14:46
mptthanks intellectronica14:46
gmbmpt: I'll be interested once I'm graduated as a reviewer.14:46
mptProbably best to do only graduates14:47
gmbBut I think >1 mentor would slow things down somewhat.14:47
flacostegmb: you don't need to be graduated for this14:47
flacostempt: why?14:47
mptbecause 2 levels of mentoring would slow down reviews too much14:47
gmbEspecially when you consider on-call work.14:47
flacostemakes sense14:47
mptOne other?14:47
flacostei thought it was an hands on training14:47
flacostenot a new level of mentoring14:47
mptConsidering that not all reviews will touch the UI14:47
flacostesalgado: will be sprinting14:48
salgadokiko, sprint14:48
kikoah, right.14:48
kikompt, let's do with one for now since we seem short of reviewers who are free.14:48
kikonext week we'll get another14:48
kikovery well14:48
mptflacoste, you mentioned training14:48
mptUI design training is a separate thing, which I'm scheduled to organize next month.14:48
kikoI had a topic to discuss, but I'll leave it for next-week -- but will talk to mpt about it meanwhile. topic was <gmb> Especially when you consider on-call work.14:48
kikoWhat should we do about pillar +portlet-details (kiko)14:49
mptthanks kiko14:49
kikothat was the topic.14:49
kikovery good14:49
SteveAdo we need VNC or something14:49
SteveAlike, how do we effectively practice UI review mentoring?14:49
kikohow would VNC help, though?14:49
flacostescreen sharing14:49
kikoI get the feeling it's more about having conversations over mockups14:49
SteveArather than say "the thing at the top, yeah, there, that thing"14:50
SteveAyou just say "see there"14:50
mptSteveA, I think discussing diffs over the phone (+ IRC for URLs) will be sufficient in most cases14:50
SteveAnot screens?14:50
kikoor screenshots14:50
SteveAmaybe there are tools to make getting screenshots more efficiently14:50
SteveAwe've learned that a fast turn-around is important14:50
mptSteveA, this is mentoring of branches. Branches generate reproducible behavior at URLs that the reviewer and the mentor can look at.14:50
SteveAand UI discussions are dynamic14:51
mptmentoring of branch reviews, I mean.14:51
SteveAso, please consider using technology to help have richer communication about the UI14:51
SteveApart of the learning is about what's there14:51
SteveApart of the learning is getting others to see what you see14:51
SteveAand understand the significance of it all14:51
intellectronicafor sessions with me it's quite easy because i can be in millbank and work together with mpt, so we've got some time to think about that until someone else volunteers14:52
kikoyeah, cool. okay. thanks for volunteering again, intellectronica -- great to see us move forwards in an area that we all lack14:52
kiko[TOPIC] Blockers14:52
MootBotNew Topic:  Blockers14:52
flacosteFoundations: not blocked14:52
* SteveA offers beverages of his choice to intellectronica at the next launchpad event14:52
jtvTranslations: not blocked14:53
BjornTBugs: not blocked14:53
mpt[ACTION] mpt to investigate technology for sharing display of Web pages in branches being reviewed14:53
matsubaraReleases: not blocked14:53
bigjools_Soyuz: blocked on RT #29797, which is in turn blocked on packaging14:53
statiklpcomm: not blocked14:53
SteveASC: not blocked14:54
adeuringhwdb: not blocked14:54
kikovery good!14:54
kikothanks everyone14:54
SteveAthanks kiko!14:54
mrevellthanks all14:54
kikoapologies for overrunning, and for being so verbose14:54
kikobut somebody's got to do it14:54
SteveAthanks launchpad team, and interested launchpad users, for keeping it productive14:54
kikoand when that somebody is me14:54
statikthanks for the meeting kiko14:54
kikoyou get lots of talking14:54
carloskiko: don't worry, we still love you ;-)14:54
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:54.14:54
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-coffee
bigjools_kiko: do you have time to talk about that RT right now?14:55
kikobeing loved is more important than being right!14:55
stubAnyone need me speak *now* or phone me since my battery is about to die.14:55
HobbseeSteveA: glad to be able to sidetrack the meeting a bit again14:55
kikostub, not me -- but thanks for asking.14:55
SteveAHobbsee: you're welcome.14:56
=== mrevell-coffee is now known as mrevell
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
=== jamesh__ is now known as jamesh

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