
tnjsoldats,  sorry still kinda newbie00:00
ArthurArchnixpatbam: See above00:00
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: when you doulbe-click the .deb. A dialouge appears, right?00:00
soldats!paste > tnj00:00
IG72ArthurArchnix: no, does not work00:00
patbamArthurArchnix: ok did that00:00
neverbluenickrud, neva!00:00
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, yes. I clicked install package. It doesn't do anything, says it doesn't have all the required files00:00
patbamArthurArchnix: i plugged my shuffle in again and there's nothing in the trash (i emptied it)00:00
quaalsudo make -C /var/yp00:00
quaalmake: *** /var/yp: No such file or directory.  Stop.00:00
tnj!paste > tnj00:00
quaalany idea what needs to be done to make that work00:01
mhrIG72: sudo dpkg -i <deb file>00:01
tnjsoldats, I get it now00:01
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, only details it gives are it could not resolve gb.archive.ubuntu.com00:01
mohbanahi everyone00:01
IG72ArthurArchnix: /dev/scd0:00:01
IG72 setting using_dma to 1 (on)00:01
IG72 HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device  setting xfermode to 66 (UltraDMA mode2)   HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(setxfermode) failed: Input/output error00:01
soldatstnj, go to www.pastebin.com and open the inputrc file and copy paste the whole file and ill edit it00:01
neverbluequaal, what are you trying to do, keep your replies/question to one line00:01
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Instead of clicking install, see if there is a button near the top saying something like missing dependencies (I forget the exact name)00:01
tnjlet me read the ubotu real quick00:01
x-X-x__does anyone know why i am getting stripped boxes/squares over lighting, teleports , lightning gun. when i am playing unreal tournament 200400:01
ninjabob7crdlb: pastebin doesn't seem to be working but i got it up at http://cl1p.net/ninjabob700:01
x-X-x__ http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00000mb4.png00:01
x-X-x__ http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00002yc7.png00:01
neverblue!pastebin | IG7200:01
ubotuIG72: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:01
neverblue!enter | x-X-x__00:01
ubotux-X-x__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:01
patbamArthurArchnix: and just verified that i'm getting the "error transferring track, no space left on the resource" error00:01
diseaserThe other day I got out my can opener and was opening a can of worms when I thought, "What am I doing?!"00:01
komputeskitche: there is no "default.keyring" as mentioned in your solution, only "username.keyring" and "login.keyring"00:02
x-X-x__neverblue sorry00:02
quaalneverblue, rebuild the YP database.00:02
havfunonlinehow do you force quit an application?00:02
neverbluequaal, no idea, never heard of YP db00:02
ArthurArchnixIG72: Sorry, I'm fresh out of ideas here. I've stumbled across some bug reports, but they're all about hdds. Lost the link, but it doesn't matter because there's no workaround.00:02
kitchekomputes: well then that's probably why your keyring is not working like it should00:02
patbamArthurArchnix: hmm, maybe there really is 1 gig of stuff on there00:02
neverbluehavfunonline, sudo killall <application name> or find the process id, and kill -9 <pid>00:02
solexiousany one know of an msn client for ubuntu i can use with commandline?00:02
komputeskitche: so how do I reset it?00:03
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, the package installer has notw frozen and won't do anything, including die00:03
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Is the shuffle showing up on your desktop? If so right-click on it and choose properties. It will tell you size and free space.00:03
mhrhavfunonline: pgrep gives you the PID, pkill <app-name> kills it00:03
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: try alt+f2 "xkill" then click the window00:03
tnjsoldats, done00:03
patbam"disk usage analyzer" says there's 967 megs on there, tho there's not even 100 songs on there00:03
crdlbninjabob7: well the EE lines show the problem :)  Are you using nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new ?00:04
soldatstnj, do you have the pastebin link00:04
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, that worked, thanks00:04
patbamArthurArchnix: huh, weird: "221 items, totalling 966.5 MB"00:04
IG72ArthurArchnix: yes its a strange one, thanks for trying00:04
tnjyes www.pastebin.com00:04
ArthurArchnixpatbam: You got some big files. You can open the flash, then in nautlius under view choose list. THen you can arrange by size and see what's taking up all the space. Maybe you copied a video or something.00:04
ninjabob7crdlb: actually i can't get the debs to work so I installed it manually though00:04
tnjsoldats,  yes00:04
patbamArthurArchnix: thing is, i have deleted some songs to try to add others, and i still get the error00:04
havfunonlineOdd-rationale: So what am I looking for now?00:04
CrazyWulfAnyone know of any good apps for podcast subscriptions w/automatic downloading?   Something with the ability to be trayed please00:05
patbamArthurArchnix: (sorry for newbishness, and thanks for your help) what do you mean by open the flsah?00:05
crdlbninjabob7: it failed horrendously, so try installing it again I guess00:05
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: let's do it another way, do you still have that link I gave you where you downloaded the package?00:05
havfunonlineI clicked on i386, I don't know it that was the right one00:05
ryan_downloaded file to desk top and tried to open - got msg .bin file not supported N e suggestions00:05
ArthurArchnixpatbam: When you delete something off a flash drive it just moves it to the trash. It doesn't actually free up any space. Gnome developers don't consider this a bug. It's a feature. When using flash drives you should enable the bypass trash command and use the 'delete' option that does not move files to the trash.00:05
mhrCrazyWulf: rhythmbox00:05
patbamArthurArchnix: hmm, i put a bunch of .wav files on there. are those larger?00:05
ninjabob7crdlb: okay, i'l try that00:05
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Do you see all the packages with a red diamond in front of them?00:05
danonura_i quick formatted an ntfs hd to ext3. is there an unformat i can do? i've used testdisk and photorec to recover some files but maybe it can be reverted.00:06
neverblueryan_, whats the file and its purpose ?00:06
mhrCrazyWulf: rhythmbox for gnome, amarok for KDE00:06
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, red circle, yes00:06
ryan_game file Armyops00:06
soldatstnj, after you copied the inputrc file to pastebin you need to press the submit button and it will give a special link to send to me00:06
ArthurArchnixpatbam:  Sorry, I meant shuffle. Open up the shuffle folder. Then go >view  >view as list.00:06
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: My bad, yes circles. Chack to see whether you have all those packages installed on your machine.00:07
tnjsoldats, http://pastebin.com/m72a50844 that must be it00:07
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, all of them 1 by 1? might take a while, how do I do that?00:07
ryan_aka AMERICAS aRMY00:07
CrazyWulfmhr , Is there an addon I need for Amarok?   I don't see anything concerning podcast subscriptions00:07
neo34hi people is there anyone speaking french ?00:07
patbamArthurArchnix: here? http://ruphus.com/stash/ipod.png00:07
ArthurArchnixpatbam, the click on the name size in the column heading to sort the songs by file size. You'll see the biggest ones. Then delete the ones that are too big by using the delete command that bypasses the trash.00:07
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Synaptic might be a good way.00:07
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Now click on ipod control.00:08
neo34hi MTecknology00:08
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: keep a list of all of those which you don't have.00:08
MTecknologyneo34, hi00:08
patbamArthurArchnix:  http://ruphus.com/stash/ipod.png thusly?00:08
neverblue!who | ryan_00:08
uboturyan_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:08
creepindacellar!screen resolution00:09
neo34MTecknology, may I ask your help ? I got a serious problem with my pc :(00:09
neverblue!help | creepindacellar00:09
ubotucreepindacellar: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:09
mhrCrazyWulf: sorry, got mixed up, on KDE try kitty (http://www.kesiev.com/kittyguide/home/)00:09
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Looks the same to me. Double click that folder to open it so we can see all your music.00:09
Paddy_EIREHey my wireless connection suddenly stopped working?... It vanished.  I boot in verbose mode anyway so I could see an error message relating to my wireless but it passes by too quickly for me to read00:09
neverblueryan_, caps are not necessary :)00:09
ArthurArchnixpatbam: You don't have to show me, just let me know when you can see a list with all your music.00:09
ArthurArchnixPaddy_EIRE: dmesg will show you the boot log00:10
ryan_sorry i never type00:10
patbamArthurArchnix: each of those fNN folders has a few mp3s in it00:10
* DOOM_NX Restarting XChat00:10
neverblueryan_, if its not available in your repos, and you do have to install from source, I recommend reading the README or the INSTALL that comes with the package (or the website where you grabbed it from)00:10
Bruno_is there like a DIY ubuntu chat room?00:10
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: I'll fine a easier way to do it... just wait.00:10
ArthurArchnixpatbam: So open up one of them, then when you're looking at the list, click on >view  then at the bottom check 'view as list'00:11
patbamArthurArchnix: right. looking thru the subfolders...00:11
NoGoodNickInstall Question:  ubuntu 7.10 on hp dv9610us.  trying to start text install, and I've gotten to the BOOT> prompt, but unable to guess the command to start text install.  Anyone?  TIA.00:11
ryan_neverblue ty00:11
mumrahHey, I'm having trouble with my SATA DVD drive in 7.1000:11
solexiousany one know of an msn client for ubuntu i can use with commandline?00:11
patbam(is there some way ot "open all subfolders"?)00:11
mhrNoGoodNick: try the alternate installation CD00:12
soldatstnj, give one minute kay00:12
MTecknologyneo34, sup?00:12
Paddy_EIREthanks ArthurArchnix00:12
patbamArthurArchnix: hmm, interesting: some of the mp3s that are visible on the device aren't visible in rhythmbox00:12
tnjsoldats,  np, I need to leave soon anyhow, leaving channel shortly00:12
NoGoodNickmhr:  Yeah, I have that, but the command is...   cryptic.00:13
Paddy_EIREArthurArchnix, I found this error do you have any idea why it would be doing this all of a sudden?00:13
patbamArthurArchnix: i have just 5 artists total visible in rhythmbox, but more when i look thru the folders00:13
Paddy_EIREArthurArchnix, [   41.852392] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)00:13
ArthurArchnixHey back hackers... what's the command to scan a folder recursively and return a list of files greater than say 5MB00:13
neo34MTecknology, i can t restore my xp pro session ! i got a blue screen displayed quickly and my pc always boot and reboot00:13
IG72ArthurArchnix: Just FYI, some further searching has found this http://linux-ata.org/faq.html  2nd sub-title combined mode, I have an intel board, perhaps it is this. I will try it later..00:13
ArthurArchnixPaddy_EIRE: I'm not good at wireless. Direct it to the channel. Sorry.00:13
patbamArthurArchnix: would it be unwise to try to "move to trash" from nautilus?00:13
Paddy_EIREArthurArchnix, sure np00:14
komputeskitche: any ideas what happenes if i delete the contents of ~/.gnome2/keyrings/ ?00:14
ArthurArchnixoops... bash* not back :P00:14
mhrNoGoodNick: command? you just boot from the CD and should see a GUI-like menu allowing you to select the text installation option00:14
soldatstnj, you still here00:14
tnjsoldats, yes00:14
mumrahwhen i try to burn with k3b, i get an error from growisofs00:14
Paddy_EIREHey would anyone know where I would start to find out why my integrated wireless on my laptop suddenly stopped working [   41.852392] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)00:15
MTecknologyneo34, you tried in ##windows? I haven't touched windows in a LONG time, but you may want to try safe mode first.00:15
tnjsoldats,  i see your post00:15
mhrNoGoodNick: I used the alternate CD a few times and did not have to specify any parameters on the boot loader prompt00:15
soldatstnj, ok http://pastebin.com/ma3ce214 id suggest just copy pasting the whole thing. after that close all terminals and open a new one and test by typing something and pressing pageup/down00:15
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Are you still there?00:15
kitchekomputes: I have no idea what will happen00:15
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, Sure am00:16
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: How for along the list are you?00:16
soldatstnj, make sure you do it for /etc/inputrc and make sure you edit it via sudo or gksudo00:16
tnjsoldats,  ok00:16
komputeskitche: see i don't want to risk it, but I really want to get rid of this keyring password which i apparantly don't know00:16
ArthurArchnixpatbam try this... find /media/IPOD -size +6000k00:16
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, not at all, I decided on doing it tomorrow, its after midnight and installing package by package would take a while00:16
NoGoodNickmhr:  I need to, because the gui defaults to 800x600, and the install program cannot handle that gracefully.  I have the alternate cd and the full dvd.00:16
komputeskitche: does the login procedure require this directory?00:17
ArthurArchnixpatbam... that will list every file in your ipod that's bigger than 6MB.00:17
patbamArthurArchnix:  ArthurArchnix ah, got a big list00:17
patbam70 items, according to |nl00:17
RebornAnyone knows how to turn off icons in GNOME?00:17
ArthurArchnixpatbam: So you have a lot of songs over 6MB. It's not wonder your Ipod fills up so fast.00:17
soldatstnj, just let me know if it works00:17
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: paste this into a ternimal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53257/00:17
patbamArthurArchnix: but what i don't understand is why they're not showing up in rhtyhmbox00:17
tnjsoldats, ok00:18
patbamArthurArchnix: do you think it's ok to trash stuff from nautilus?00:18
tnjsoldats,  going to try apply it now00:18
comicinkerhow can i make "is bigger than" in bash?    if [ "$Var"/"$divider" > "$Limit" ];then            ?00:18
patbamArthurArchnix: several of hte songs showing up from that find don't show up in nautilus00:18
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Everything with a "p" you don't have installed. Everything with an "i" you already have installed.00:18
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, will that work if I can't connect to the internet00:18
quaali've tried mounting a share both through nfs and samba. i'm running into the same problem of after its shared and mounted, the mount point has permissions for user id 1000, while my client login is userid 500. how do i make them match?00:18
cobra783how can i regulate bandwidth limit on ssh ?00:19
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: Save the text and bring it over to the other comupter.00:19
comicinkeror do I have to use in a bash script for a "is bigger than" statement        &>00:20
xenthrohey guys, how do i mark a file to be shared on the network through the command line?00:20
tnjsoldats,  not working00:21
MeNosIs it possible to install Java package for ubuntu PS3 ?00:21
NoGoodNickmhr:  any idea?00:21
komputesHow do you check the list of wireless access points your machine has been configured for?00:21
* komputes is getting tired from repetition00:21
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Well, if you don't have a problem with re-adding files to your flash, maybe you should just completely clean all the files off it and start fresh.00:21
soldatstnj, you may have to go to the page you showed me and do the echo command in ther terminal for it to apply00:21
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Sorry, ipod, not flash00:21
soldatsthen open a new tab and see if it works00:22
pitoowOlá creature bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:22
pitoowOlá Slurpee__ bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:22
Pici!br | pitoow00:22
ubotupitoow: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:22
PriceChild!br | pitoow00:22
pitoowOlá ec_lug bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:22
bastid_raZorcobra783; you mean scp, right?00:22
patbamArthurArchnix: that's fine. how can i do that? ( i have backups off all the stuff)00:22
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, that's what I did, it just says no such file or directory00:23
tnjsoldats,  i'm not giving up but I have to leave00:23
creatureHello. How does blkid work WRT removable media? Is it identifying a particular drive, or the data on it? Basically, in my fstab should I use UUIDs generated from blkid or /dev/disk/by-id links?00:23
tnjI'll be back, don't know when but soon i hope00:23
bastid_raZorcobra783; scp -l speed_in_kb/s00:23
soldatstnj, well i may be back later so check in00:23
MeNosdo you guys supports PS3(UBUNTU) in here ???00:23
pitoowOlá justinoperable bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:23
Picicomicinker: you can't do computations in bash like that.  Join #bash for more help.00:23
pitoowOlá bkar bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:23
ChamProso opinion question...... I want to use a daemon based BitTorrent client since it's for a server. Currently I'm running Gutsy and the newest BTG (or libTorrent) build requires packages that are only in Hardy. Is it wise to add the Hardy repository just to install the needed libraries for BTG and then remove it again?00:24
Picipitoow: escribe: /j #ubuntu-br00:24
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: It says that when you do what?00:24
pitoowOlá Penguin_Hunter bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:24
pitoowOlá pyrak bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:24
pyrakola pitoow00:24
PriceChildPici, try again00:24
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
PriceChildpitoow, /join #ubuntu-br00:25
havfunonlineOdd-rationale: when i type http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/53357 into terminal00:25
komputespitoow: que? try /join #ubuntu-es espanol #ubuntu-br brazil00:25
pitoowOlá crouton bem vindo ao canal #ubuntu00:25
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: I'm sorry, you were suppose to click on the link and copy the text in the link. :)00:26
ArthurArchnixpatbam wants to delete everything from his ipod and start fresh. I was going to recommend "sudo rm -R /media/IPOD/*" but I thought the channel should chime in here. I'm certain of the mount point, but when he plugs in his shuffle next time will linux automatically recreate the file system? I mean when attached to Amarok or something. Also want to confirm the safety of the command. Patbam if no one responds, ask someone to look at that comm00:26
patbamArthurArchnix: thank you very much for your help00:26
leila_hi all00:26
havfunonlineOdd-rationale, Lol00:26
bod_ArthurArchnix, looks groovy to me,. but wait for more confirmation00:27
Odd-rationalehavfunonline: There is even a link to download as text.00:27
bod_leila_, hi00:27
leila_need help00:27
ChamProArthurArchnix: I haven't been following the conversation, but is he keeping the default interface on the iPod or is he going to be using Rockbox?00:27
bod_leila_, wot with?00:27
Flare183how can i kill another session if it is frozen?00:27
MeNosPriceChild ?? you own this channel ??00:28
PriceChildMeNos, sort of.00:28
ArthurArchnixChamPro: It's just a shuffle. He's got all kinds of free space issues and deleting files from nautilus isn't fixing it. The command won't affect the hardware though.00:28
MeNosdo you guys help with ps3 ?00:28
Flare183MeNos: nope he is an op00:28
comicinkerhow do I make a division with variables, which are text at the moment? result= "$var1" / "$var2"00:28
bod_Flare183, read : man kill00:28
ChamProArthurArchnix: sounds fine to me then00:28
NoGoodNickInstall Question:  ubuntu 7.10 on hp dv9610us.  trying to start text install, and I've gotten to the BOOT> prompt, but unable to guess the command to start text install.  Anyone?  TIA.00:28
Flare183bod_: gochta00:28
comicinkerin a bash script, I meant, how do I make a division with variables, which are text at the moment? result= "$var1" / "$var2"00:28
bod_Flare183, that will explain some killing powers u have at ur disposal00:29
PriceChildMeNos, ubuntu on the ps3?00:29
MeNosPriceChild ,anyway i can install java on ubuntu for playstation 3 ?00:29
goodhabitHello. Advice me please torrent client.00:29
patbamfwiw, i should add that it's possible that i may have uncorrectly removed the ipod without unmounting or "ejecting" it first00:29
leila_bod_: the problem is that i don't want that my 2 usb hard disk go in standby00:29
ArthurArchnixpatbam: There you go. three eyes are better than one. Go ahead and run the command.00:29
LjLchanserv owns the channel00:29
=== Fyd4_ is now known as Fyda
patbamArthurArchnix: okay. if worse comes to worse i can just stick it in windows after all, right?00:29
Odd-rationalegoodhabit: deluge: best for gnome. ktorrent: best for kde00:29
pulicotiello everyone00:29
ArthurArchnixpatbam: You have windows?00:29
ArthurArchnixpatbam: With itunes?00:29
bod_leila_, could you rephrase that please,. i dont understand,.,.?00:30
Whisperis there any graphical application out that can open truecrypt volymes?00:30
ChamPropatbam: yeah, iTunes will just reformat if need be00:30
patbamArthurArchnix: i haven't installed iwndows and i rarely use it but i suppose i could as a last resort00:30
pulicotidid someone check that problem with java applets on yahoo games?00:30
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Ignore the command then. Just plug it into itunes and tell itunes to restore to factory default. Much safer.00:30
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; that is an opinion.. i disagree but that is also my opinion00:30
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
bod_ArthurArchnix, itunes = worst program ever00:30
ArthurArchnixpatbam: Oh... sorry, thought you had a dual boot. Ok, just paste that command I typed into a terminal.00:30
Odd-rationalebastid_raZor: What do you like? i'm open to others opinions. :)00:30
Jangarihey, i finally got the mount command working and connecting me perfectly to the server, but now i want to do it automatically from startup, is that possible?00:30
patbamArthurArchnix: well i'm thinkin i oughta take one for the team & see if your semi-dangerous command works :)00:30
Dukangood night00:31
MeNosPriceChild , any hopes ?00:31
Jangaridon't tell me to use fstab, it doesn't work00:31
PriceChildMeNos, it is possible, have you read the wiki's page for it?00:31
leila_bod_: my external hard disk go in spindown00:31
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; i find transmission works very well for Gnome, yet i use Ktorrent regardless it being a KDE app00:31
slestakanyone use eclipse on ubuntu?00:31
pulicotii am still having problems with java on ubuntu 7.1000:31
ArthurArchnixJangari: Fstab is loaded before network... I think, so I wouldn't think it would work.00:31
* patbam tries it, crosses fingers00:32
ArthurArchnixJangari: I think pam-mount is the answer you're looking for.00:32
bod_leila_, im not to familliar with usb HD im afraid,. try asking PriceChild00:32
Jangariany othe rconfig file that runs on startup?00:32
Jangaripam-mount eh?00:32
ogreanyone have any clue for a fix for touchpad? when I use my touchpad it spins around my desktop cube like like 75% of the time. is there a way to disable this while keeping the cube?00:32
pulicotican smeone help me ?00:32
PriceChildbod_, if i know the answer i will anwer00:32
th0rJangari put the mount command in .bashrc or .profile00:32
Jangarii'll check it out00:32
PriceChildbod_, please don't just direct people to me00:32
Odd-rationalebastid_raZor: Hmm. Never you used transmission. But yes, I like ktorrent.00:32
bod_PriceChild, sorry00:32
Jangariah, th0r, are they run on login?00:32
MeNosi don't knowabout the wiki's page PriceChild, but i have searched and googled alot all the instructions i found never helped so am thinking this are just lies00:32
pulicotican you read me?00:33
ArthurArchnix"pam_mount is a Pluggable Authentication Module that can mount volumes for a user session. Supports any filesystem your kernel is capable of, including tmpfs, FUSE, smbfs, cryptoloop, LUKS mounts, --bind and more." Jangari... that's from the website. There's lots of howtos on the forums.00:33
th0rJangari yes...check the details...one is run every time you open a shell (.profile I think) and one is just run the first time you log in (.bashrc I think)...but check to make sure00:33
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; transmission uses far less resources .. i can't get away from the interface of Ktorrent.00:33
bod_MeNos, try here ,.,. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-7-10-on-PS3-73272.shtml00:33
PriceChildMeNos, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-81c3789bc76872336f69a7af90d1759ef38eeb6400:33
Jangari~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.00:33
Odd-rationalebastid_raZor: Is transmission based on gtk?00:34
Jangari# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells. - that's more like it00:34
Jangarii think00:34
patbamArthurArchnix, ChamPro: looks good! thank you both.00:34
pulicotijust tell me if someone can read what i type please00:34
th0rJangari warned you I might have them wrong <smile>00:34
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; http://www.transmissionbt.com/00:34
bod_pulicoti, yes00:34
patbampulicoti: i can00:34
pulicotioops sorry then00:35
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; and yes GTK+00:35
Odd-rationalebastid_raZor: Thanks!00:35
pulicotii have a problem but i wont disturb till you have done00:35
ArthurArchnixpatbam: No problem. Glad your computer is still running! ;)00:35
bod_pulicoti, ask away,. if i can help, i will00:36
ChamProbastid_raZor: how about best daemon based torrent client?00:36
inciner9I'm downloading a torrent which contains an accented "e" in one of the filenames, but I keep getting an "Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" error. Any ideas why or how to fix it?00:36
pulicotiwell i have a problem with java applets trying to get on yahoo games00:36
MeNosbod_ i already know how to install ubuntu on my ps3 , thank you00:36
pulicotii use ubuntu 7.10 gibson00:36
bastid_raZorChamPro; that i don't know. rtorrent possibly?00:36
bod_MeNos, sorry,. must have read ur post wrong,.,. my bad00:36
Jangariso th0r, that description of .profile suggests that it runs on login to a session? not just on running the shell?00:37
bod_pulicoti, im using the same,. let me give it a try,.,. hang on00:37
MeNosanyways its all good bod_00:37
ChamProbastid_raZor: considering rTorrent and BTG (which uses libtorrent), but neither has updated packages for Gutsy, so I'm going to have to use ones from Hardy00:37
MeNosyou tried to help :(00:37
pulicotii have installed sun-java6jre00:37
patbamArthurArchnix: it's not smoking yet ;)00:37
pulicotibut still i get the error00:37
MeNospulicoti , are you using a ps3 ?00:37
pulicotiwhat do you mean?00:38
bod_pulicoti, he means Playstation 300:38
pulicotilol no00:38
Jangarialso, more generally, what's the command to search all folder and all subdirectories (recursively, that is) from a given tree for particular filenames/types?00:38
bastid_raZorChamPro; good luck, i'm curious to know how it works for you..please come back and give your review00:38
bod_pulicoti, are you using the ubuntu amd64 bit version or the 32 bit?00:38
sn00zerdoes xdmcp have to be enabled to use vnc over ssh? i'm getting a grey screen with "x" cursor and nothing else00:39
pulicotithe 3200:39
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
pulicotii have done all possible00:39
ChamProbastid_raZor: okie... gonna try later tonight, maybe tomorrow00:39
bod_pulicoti, ok,. im gonna give u a link to a java plugin that works with everything,.,. gimme a sec00:39
=== The_Doctor is now known as Ttech
MeNosi am using a ubuntu PPC64 version :(00:39
pulicotiyahoo games asks for java 6-3 and sends me to download it to the sun site, but thats good for suse not for ubuntu.I have installed sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin, after that i did sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-javaplugin.so and it says : there is only one program which provides firefox - javaplugin.so (/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so) . Nothing to configure.00:39
kitchesn00zer: that is the nv over ssh the grey screen is just X without a window manager or desktop environment running00:39
sn00zerkitche: nv?00:40
kitchesn00zer: vnc00:40
bod_pulicoti, on this site, just download and install the package in the bloock of BLUE text :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63639700:40
x-X-xjohnathon ?00:40
x-X-xjohnathon ?00:41
sn00zerkitche: so do i have to use xdmcp to get the window manager running?00:41
johnathoni here00:41
kitchesn00zer: no00:41
x-X-xask then00:41
johnathonlol ok00:41
tacosaladhello, i was just wandering if anyone wanted to help me with a few things- been using ubuntu for about a week and i love it, kinda confused on a couple things though00:41
johnathonhow do i install isapnptools?00:41
pulicotiok ill try thanx a lot00:41
bod_pulicoti, no probs00:41
x-X-xdoes ubuntu breezy handle .deb files automatically00:41
sn00zerkitche: how do you start it then?00:41
x-X-xwe need help with ubuntu breezy00:42
kitchesn00zer: are you using vnc-server? or something else like vino00:42
kitchex-X-x: it should00:42
x-X-x installing isapnptools00:42
pulicotiit is the launchpad blue?00:42
x-X-xkitche thats what i thought00:42
Jangarican I just insert a full command "mount -t smbfs..." into a line in my .profile? or is there a different syntax?00:42
pulicotiis it?00:42
sybaritenany specific reasons why one gets Segmentation Fault?00:42
johnathonme and x-X-x have been tryin for a while00:42
sybaritenmy firefox always crashes00:42
sybaritenits a live system, on USB00:43
kitchesn00zer: ok hang on a second00:43
tacosaladis there a way i can create a script or something to run a program with all the variables just by double clicking- like i want to do blah blah -v -s -f, then a diff script/program to run it with -c -h?00:43
TheLynxhaving problems getting ctrl+alt+backspace to work now. all open windows disappears leaving me with the background image and the only option to shutdown the machine using the power buttom. having a laptop with the problemchild ATI Radeon00:43
sybaritenand i didnt have this problem originally.... the only thing i can think of thats happened lately, is that apt has filled up the USB memory somehow00:43
x-X-xjohnathon is trying to install isapnptools.deb on ubuntu breezy becouse he is having trouble with his audio card which also is not recognizing.00:44
kitchesn00zer: do you see a terminal in front of you or no?00:44
x-X-xwhen he double clicks the .deb file it is not being handled automatically instead it being handles as a compressed file00:44
protolocoHey somebody could help me with this i have never seen this in my CACTI graphs...  http://img147.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cactiiiieth0kx7.jpg00:44
Nihilist_NerdHello - I'm trying to run multiple X sessions and switch between them with Ctrl-Alt-F?, but I don't know how to specify the session type. Can somebody please help me?00:45
kitchex-X-x: johnathon try dpkg -i <package> in a terminal00:45
x-X-xkitche he is new to ubuntu00:45
sn00zerkitche: yes00:45
x-X-xrunning a pentium 2 so gutsy will not work well so he is using breezy00:45
sn00zerkitche: X, gdm, and kde are already running on the remote host00:45
kitchesn00zer: ok type gnome-session and gnome will start and there you go00:46
patbamhmm, my ipod is now just flashing wackily when i try to play something00:46
sn00zerkitche: will that start a second instance or connect to the original?00:46
pulicotisorry but that package its about flash00:46
bkarsn00zer-> hope you dont come across the problem I had, after that session, my metacity got borked00:46
pulicotithe problem are the java00:47
johnathonkitche it says i require super user priviledge00:47
x-X-xthen type sudo dpkg -i00:47
protolocoHey somebody could help me with this i have never seen this in my CACTI graphs... http://img128.imageshack.us/my.php?image=niceweirdcactiff6.png00:47
kitchesn00zer: hmm it might start a new server here is the link I m using http://www.debianadmin.com/remotely-manage-machines-using-vnc.htmlprint/ sicne I never really use vnc anymore00:47
limpHiuCD, what would be the command to install: apache2, php5 (with gd, mysql, cli), mysql 5.x, phpmyadmin?00:47
ricardobarbosai am trying to authenticate the sasl at active directory buti i am not having someone has gone by that?00:47
pulicotibod that package is about flash isnt it?00:47
* ArthurArchnix tips his hat, waves goodbye.00:47
x-X-xkitche can you help johnathon i have to go00:48
drew_chicagohi anyone know of a compiz manual or help file that explains all the settings?00:48
MILLNERS__Odd-rationale, you still here?00:48
MeNosPriceChild ? what does this means " There is now an easier way to install the IBM JDK, all you have to do is to add the medibuntu-repository to your sources.list "00:49
bod_pulicoti, yer00:49
MILLNERS__Odd-rationale, I have ps, is and vs00:49
MeNosmedibuntu-repository ?00:49
MILLNERS__which is which?00:49
kitche!medibuntu > MeNos00:49
pulicotihis game cannot be played using your current settings. Please, try the following:00:50
pulicoti    * Check to make sure that java is enabled in your browser.00:50
pulicoti    * If you do not have java installed you may download it here.00:50
pulicotibut i have instaòlled them00:50
kitchepulicoti: you have the java-plugin package installed?00:50
Odd-rationaleMILLNERS__: Are you the one I has helping earlier?00:50
MILLNERS__Odd-rationale, its havfunonline by the way00:50
Odd-rationaleMILLNERS__: OK!00:51
bastid_raZorOdd-rationale; and noticing ... ubuntu has packages for transmission00:51
MILLNERS__Odd-rationale, you said I'd get 'p's and 'i's00:51
MILLNERS__which means which?00:51
kitchepulicoti: that's not the plugin package00:52
tacosaladif anyone could help me- i just have a couple what i imagine would be quick questions00:52
pulicotiand also the plug in00:52
Odd-rationaleMILLNERS__: The i you have installed already. Just get the p00:52
siriusnovaGuys, in a new thttpd install should i use /srv or /var/www to serve files?00:52
pulicotiI have installed sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin, after that i did sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-javaplugin.so and it says : there is only one program which provides firefox - javaplugin.so (/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so) . Nothing to configure.00:52
siriusnovawhats more standard?00:52
MILLNERS__Odd-rationale: thanks a great deal. I'll do it all tomorrow, its nearly 1am.  Thanks a lot00:52
bod_pulicoti, if you follow that forum thread i gave u, with a fresh install of mozilla firefox it will work00:53
pulicotiu mean the packages?00:53
Odd-rationaleMILLNERS__: Alright. Sleep well.00:53
jhend60I have a problem00:53
johnathonkitche i typed sudo dpkg -i| <filename> and it says this dpkg: --install needs at least one package archive file argument00:53
jhend60THe Pastebin page is here00:53
kitchepulicoti: it actually --config java I believe00:53
jhend60please fix it00:53
kitchejohnathon: <filename> is the package you have downloaded which is the .deb so it would be sudo dpkg -i isnapa.deb or whatever sorry have a short memory for long package names :)00:54
donluigihello, i need help formating an NTSF partition to EXT300:54
johnathonkitche i did type the file name i just didnt wanna type the long name on here cuz its long-ish00:55
jesseanyone know the best way to make a Playlist or which player will run in the terminal...using a playlist ?00:55
Dr_willis_donluigi,  you mean converting an existing ntfs filesystem to ext3. keeping all the data intact?00:55
kitchejohnathon: why does it show sudo dpkg -i| then?00:55
MeNosGood Job PriceChild , this might be the instruction i been searching for00:55
donluigiDr_Willis_, i dont mind for the data, i already made a backup00:56
kitchejohnathon: can you pastebin the exact command you used to pastebin.ca00:56
Dr_willis_donluigi,  use gparted. delete partition, make it again, set its type to ext3. format it.00:56
misc--hello... regarding the eee pc, is anyone having problems with the Atheros ethernet driver? I have installed ubuntu on it without a problem, followed some guides. ifconfig eth0 shows as active, so I set an IP on it but can't ping out or anything. The weird thing is that ifconfig eth0 shows no transmitted packets either00:56
donluigiDr_Willis_, i installed gparted, but its nowhere in my applications menu00:56
johnathonkitche cuz i needed superuser privs and that  what it told me to type when i typed dpkg -- help00:56
Dr_willis_donluigi,  or use some other fdisking tool to delete/remake the partition.  Or you proverly can just change its type.\00:56
Dr_willis_donluigi,  use 'sudo gparted'  the shell is our friend00:57
bkarmisc---> check your route table00:57
donluigithank you00:57
johnathonkitche where do i find pastebin.ca?00:57
bkarmisc---> having an ip address is not good enuff00:57
kitchejohnathon: do sudo dpkg --i packagename.deb and it should install00:57
MeNosDr_Wllis ,Flares and all you other ops out there , you guys should look up to PriceChild and learn from him00:57
kitchejohnathon: pastebin.ca is a website you can paste things to for others to see00:57
tacosaladcan i make a program that would automate several commands in terminal - ie. change directory and run a program with set parameters?00:57
misc--bkar: it should be. I'm only trying to ping the gateway00:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:57
* bastid_raZor laughs00:57
bkarmisc---> it is not, as proven you can not ping eh?00:58
solexiousHi guys, I want to send the output of a command to an email, like "du /home/HardDriveSpace/ -h", what do I need to do this?00:58
Flare183MeNos: we try00:58
Dr_willis_MeNos,  Im not an op.  :)   and i havent noticed  Pricechild doing anything today.. i just got here.00:58
misc--bkar: it's all on the same subnet (besides, adding a route doesn't help)00:58
johnathonkitche it didnt install00:58
* Dr_willis_ has been busy editing wiki pages lately00:58
bkarmisc---> alright, do as you wish, cant argue with you00:58
MeNossure he has00:58
kitchejohnathon: pastebin the error it outputs00:59
johnathoni did00:59
kitchejohnathon: well I need the link to it00:59
emmaIs this the correct way to get Apache -- "sudo apt-get install apache" ?00:59
donluigiDr_Willis_, i have yet another 140 gigs to backup on another hard drive in order to format to ext3, is there a way to do this without having to do the backup?00:59
creatureHow does blkid work WRT removable media? Is it identifying a particular drive, or the data on it? Basically, in my fstab should I use UUIDs generated from blkid or /dev/disk/by-id links?00:59
tacosaladanyone? please? can i make a program that would automate several commands in terminal - ie. change directory and run a program with set parameters?00:59
emmaI want to install apache, mysql and php on ubuntu.00:59
misc--bkar: how is the gateway related when I'm only trying to ping a box on the same subnet?00:59
eichholzgreetings my brothers and sisters of africa01:00
Dr_willis_donluigi,  ive not seen any way to convert ntfs to ext3. Its possible theres some way to do it.. but ive never seen or heard of anyond doing it. as for the backups - ask yourself.. can you risk losing the data?01:00
Flare183!lamp > emma01:00
LogicalDashWhat might have caused OpenOffice's button icons to disappear?01:01
Flare183LogicalDash: you theme01:01
Dr_willis_donluigi,  in theory you could resize the filesystem making a smaller ext3. move data to the new partition,  then resize the ext3 taking up the  rest of the ntfs.. but that is a nasty way to do it.01:01
Flare183LogicalDash: or colors01:01
LogicalDashFlare183, yeah I changed my colors01:01
solexiousHi guys, I want to send the output of a command to an email, like "du /home/HardDriveSpace/ -h", what do I need to do this?01:01
Flare183LogicalDash: that's the problem then01:01
donluigiDr_Willis_, i agree. what i intend on doing is just copy that info into the partition im about to format, and then format the other01:01
johnathonkitche http://pastebin.ca/87035901:02
LogicalDashFlare183, what do I have to do to get the icons back? Any way to do it without changing the colors back?01:02
Dr_willis_solexious,  a lot depends on which email client you want to use. Proberly easiest to just do a    du /home/HardDriveSpace/ -h > spaceinfo.txt01:02
creaturetacosalad: You can do that with an alias and some chaining of commands.01:02
Flare183LogicalDash: nope01:02
Dr_willis_then cut/paste/include the txt file01:02
Flare183LogicalDash: not that i know of anyway01:02
creaturetacosalad: eg. alias lsupdir='cd .. && ls'01:02
arjunawhat's wrong with windows?01:02
kitchejohnathon: sudo dpkg -i you forgot the dpkg part and only need one dash01:02
Flare183arjuna: It stinks01:03
rskarjuna: asking in wrong channel ;)01:03
Flare183arjuna: and sucks01:03
Dr_willis_and offtopic :)01:03
arjuna<Flare183> how does it stinks?01:03
Flare183that too01:03
Flare183haha wow01:03
Flare183arjuna: join #ubuntu-offtopic01:04
Dr_willis_when the cost of the OS costs more then the cost of the PC.... i have issues. :P01:04
Flare183I really do hate windows01:04
johnathonkitche this is what was said01:04
jhend60ok i have made a post in ubuntu forums01:04
agsimeonovFlare183: Windows sucks and Microsoft's Monopolistic practises are extremelly unfair01:05
Flare183agsimeonov: you got that right!!01:05
kitchejohnathon: are you in the director where isapnptools_1.26-1_386.deb is downloaded?01:05
alexvd_death to king louieee01:05
johnathonits on my desktop01:05
johnathonkitche its ion my desktop01:05
orionrHow can i install my ubuntu machine with a network install? I have a ubuntu machine up and running on the network. The computer that i want to install it on does not have a cdrom.01:06
kitchewell it says it's not there01:06
agsimeonovIs there a way to brush your teeth using your computer?01:06
Flare183agsimeonov: that is sooo offtopic01:06
Dr_willis_agsimeonov,  i belive i have seen USB powered Toothbrushes.01:06
agsimeonovFlare183: But it is quite an amusing thing.  Wouldn't you like to know01:07
=== _packetscan is now known as packetscan
agsimeonovDr_willis: for real ?  That is just amazing01:07
Flare183agsimeonov: yeap01:07
Flare183what the mess was that?01:07
johnathonkitche i'll brb01:07
armahi boys01:07
kitchejohnathon: ok01:07
tacosaladcreature: i'm confused, just as an example, say i want these to commands to happen;  "cd stuff"  "sudo windmill -x -y -z"01:08
agsimeonovSo what do USB powered toothbrushes do?  And are there drivers for Linux?01:08
olskolircwhat is windmill?01:09
creaturetacosalad: OK, let's say you wanted to make that a command called 'windmillcd'. You'd type the following into a terminal: alias windmillcd='cd stuff && sudo windmill -x -y -z'01:09
creatureThen, you can type 'windmillcd' and it will cd then sudo.01:09
LaserJockdoes anybody know if tracker indexes pdfs?01:09
creatureIf you put this in your .bashrc, it'll persist across logins/shells.01:09
tacosaladcreature: oohhh haha well thats easy enough01:09
tacosaladthanks a lot01:09
creatureNo problem.01:09
creatureYou may want to have a look at the bash manpage, it's got details of using && and the semicolon. You could also do "cd stuff; sudo windmill -x -y -z", which is subtly different.01:10
olskolircdid we just have a net split?01:11
Flare183olskolirc: yeap01:11
=== neuro|irssi is now known as neuro_
filo1234hi to all i have an eeepc, with kubuntu gutsy hotkey fn f7/8/9  for volume not running have some idea? thank you01:12
emmaI don't want to be a server. I want to work with MySQL and PHP locally on my own computer so that I can learn about it.01:12
emmaSo does that mean I still need to instal LAMP?01:13
emmaOr do I just have to install Apache, MySQL and PHP separately?01:13
armaemmaaaaa you gay01:13
armayou mother fucker01:13
armai will hack you alll01:13
bazhangarma stop01:13
armasorry bazhang01:14
Dan_ultimatehi guys. newbie here01:14
filo1234hi to all i have an eeepc, with kubuntu gutsy hotkey fn f7/8/9  for volume not running have some idea? thank you01:14
armahi dan01:14
bazhangfilo1234: #eeepc and www.eeeuser.com may help you out there01:15
punkshuiunfortunately i'm in a situation where i have to take ubuntu off of a laptop and restore it. i didn't alter the "dell restore" partition. I now wish to restore it to its factory settings.01:15
bazhangfilo1234: they have an excellent wiki as well01:15
filo1234thank you bazhang01:15
filo1234i read now01:15
bazhangno worries filo123401:15
armayou bazhang01:16
Dan_ultimatewell i just downloaded ubuntu.. working on livedvd..01:16
armacant you hear me01:16
armai am talking to you fag01:16
armawhats wrong with you fags01:16
bazhangbye arma01:16
armai am so fuck'n pissed with you01:16
Dan_ultimateso i find this app called koffice on the web..01:16
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!01:16
armago to hell you fag01:16
solexiousDr_willis: Not fussed what i use to send the emails, but has to be comandline only01:16
armayou cant bye me01:16
Dan_ultimatenow how do i get it in gnome?01:16
tacosaladcreature: hey on a semi-related note, is it possible to take the output from one command and use it in another command, like aircrack for instance, if i wanted to automate part of that, i could take the MAC of the point it gives and make it autoconnect to it and so on?01:16
bazhangDan_ultimate: which dvd is this? the ultimate dvd?01:17
creaturetacosalad: Yes, it is. You want a basic tutorial on bash scripting, really.01:17
kitchetacosalad: you can pipe commands to another command no clue what you want to do with aircrack though to really do it01:17
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: you should be running gnome already.  do you see the desktop?01:17
Dan_ultimateubuntu gutsy livecd/dvd..01:17
Dan_ultimateyea.. buti want koffice in it..01:17
pewpewpewShould one use the format logical or primary for the ubuntu-ext3 partition?01:17
bazhangDan_ultimate: the cd or the dvd01:18
Dan_ultimatelike before i install.. i want to get to know how things work.01:18
bazhangDan_ultimate: then install it01:18
Dan_ultimateso i like koffice..01:18
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: yeah, just install it.01:18
Dan_ultimatei will eventually..01:18
johnathonkitche im back01:18
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: no, i mean install koffice01:18
tacosaladits the only thing i've really messed with so far, but i think if i could automate a WEP crack that would be challenging and hopefully familiarize myself with linux some more01:18
Dan_ultimateanyways.. koffice is for kde desktop environment isn't it?01:18
=== Dukan is now known as Dukan_Ismael
Flare183Dan_ultimate: yeap01:18
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: yeah, you can install gnome and kde at the same time.01:18
tacosaladi'll read up on the bash scripting, thanks01:18
bazhangpewpewpew: you mean lvm?01:18
kitchejohnathon: can you ls -l ~/Desktop and pastebin that for me01:18
Dan_ultimateso can it run in gnome?01:19
bazhangDan_ultimate: sure01:19
Flare183Dan_ultimate: yeah you can01:19
Dan_ultimatei found it using the synaptic package manager..01:19
pulicotisorry but it did fix the flash bug but not the javas01:19
Dan_ultimatebut wusn't sure if it would work without kde installed..01:19
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: do you _need_ koffice or could you use openoffice?01:19
punkshuiunfortunately i'm in a situation where i have to take ubuntu off of a laptop and restore it. i didn't alter the "dell restore" partition. I now wish to restore it to its factory settings.01:19
IgorSobreirai've installed sendmail in my ubuntu, but i dont want it to start in boot time...what can i do?01:19
Dan_ultimatehmm.. open office is good.. but koffice has like kivio n sum other stuff..01:19
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: what will happen is when you go to install koffice it'll automatically install everything it needs, even kde.01:19
bazhangDan_ultimate: it will install some kde stuff iirc01:20
Dan_ultimateso kde gets installed if needed..01:20
johnathonkitche http://pastebin.ca/87038001:20
olskolirchow do I record my ubuntu for youtube?01:20
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: the problem with running it off a livecd is that it will download and install a bunch of stuff... but if you reboot, you'll have to do it all again.01:20
bazhangpunkshui: the dell backup dvd or cd should be able to do that01:20
olskolircwhat recorder do we use?01:20
Dan_ultimateyea iknow..01:20
pulicotikitche i have downloaded that package and installed but it didnt fix the problem01:20
Dan_ultimatei'm just askin this for the future..01:21
bazhangrecordmydesktop olskolirc01:21
Dan_ultimatei want to get everything ready now..01:21
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: honestly, i'd just install it on your hdd.  just partition off 4gb or so and install it.01:21
Dan_ultimatehence i wont have to waste more time in future if i run into problems01:21
DoubleDewdoes anyone know how to set apache to be able to access over the internet from outside of a LAN01:21
kitchejohnathon: ok do this command exactly sudo dpkg -i isapnptools_1.26-1_i386.deb01:21
Dan_ultimatewel.. glad to know iget good support here.. thnx guyz..01:21
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:21
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:21
dho_ragusDoubleDew: you'd need to configure your router for that, not apache.01:22
bazhangthanks FloodBot101:22
Flare183LjL: whats going on with the bots?01:22
soldatsDan_ultimate, hopefully you will always get good support here :P01:22
bazhangthey have attained sentience01:22
LjLFlare183: if i knew01:22
Dan_ultimatelol yea..01:22
Dan_ultimatei love the livecd part..01:23
solexiousHi guys, I want to send the output of a command to an email, like "du /home/HardDriveSpace/ -h", what do I need to do this? *using 7.10 server*01:23
Dan_ultimaterun all the apps installed ithout doing any installation..01:23
punkshuiunfortunately i'm in a situation where i have to take ubuntu off of a laptop and restore it. i didn't alter the "dell restore" partition. I now wish to restore it to its factory settings.01:23
johnathonkitche http://pastebin.ca/87038101:23
bazhangDan_ultimate: it is a nice feature; would you care to join #ubuntu-offtopic ? :}01:23
barry_whats the command to set my audigy soundcard as the default sound device in terminal01:23
newusergreendo i need any special hardware for awn to work01:24
soldatssolexious, i think you might want to cat it to a file to send01:24
bazhangpunkshui: did you not read my message?01:24
Dan_ultimatelol.. sorry.. got carried away..01:24
kitchejohnathon: your typing the package name wrong each time01:24
gabosomeone kwows how install beryl?01:24
dho_ragushi gabo01:24
soldatssoldats, try to "man cat" in terminal ans it may help01:24
Dan_ultimateoh yea.. i got two more issues that i have faced01:24
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:24
bazhanggabo: that is now compiz-fusion01:24
johnathonkitche i am?01:24
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:24
gaboi heve01:24
kitchejohnathon: copy and paste the following: sudo dpkg -i isapnptools_1.26-1_i386.deb and press enter you had sudo dpkg -i isapnptools-1_i386.deb the last time01:24
gaboi have these01:24
dho_ragusgabo, join #compiz-fusion for help on it.01:25
gabobut dont works01:25
solexioussoldats: ty, will do01:25
Dan_ultimate1. i cant start the live cd normally on my machine.. the screen goes blank wen i start livecd normall..always hav to start in safe graphics mode01:25
barry_my sound isent working no more can anyone help me01:25
soldatssolexious, i belive www.linux.org has some examples on how to do it in the begginer sectionIIRC01:25
Dan_ultimate2. the livecd freezes many times..01:25
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: it's possible that installing to HDD and updating everything will fix that... not for sure though.01:25
johnathonkitche the file say isapnptools_1.26-1_i386.deb exactly01:25
dho_ragusDan_ultimate: it's possible that installing to HDD will fix #2 also.01:25
arkenHow do I edit the X.org config file? I forgot the path01:25
gabowen i activate the compiz the x windows fail01:26
Dan_ultimateyea i read sumwhere that there were monitor issues..01:26
Flare183arken: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:26
kitchejohnathon: yes but I copy and pasted exactly what you pastebined and it was sudo dpkg -i isapnptools-1_i386.deb01:26
Dan_ultimatewill report back if works01:26
soldatsarken, edit /etc/X11.xorg.conf01:26
barry_i have no sound can anyone help me01:26
Flare183arken: no problem01:26
Dan_ultimateany1 helpin barry plz?01:26
MeNoshey guys what does the command echo do ?01:26
MeNos"echo" ?01:27
pewpewpewthis has to be the friendliest channel in irc history. just noticing. move on.01:27
bazhangbarry_: you need to give more detail then 'isnt working'01:27
dho_ragus!compiz > gabo01:27
Tu13eshow do I burn a .iso to CD in gutsy?01:27
soldats!sound | barry_ sorry i have to go right now il be back later. make sure youve tried these step01:27
ubotubarry_ sorry i have to go right now il be back later. make sure youve tried these step: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:27
rskTu13es: use k3b01:27
bazhangpewpewpew: just wait :}01:27
gabowen i activate de effects01:27
MeNosor use magic Iso01:27
barry_it was working for a couple days i enterd some command sum1 told me 2 to set my sound card as the default sound device now i have no sound01:27
kitcheMeNos: it echo stuff back either a VAR or the line that you put after echo like echo Hello will return Hello01:27
* dho_ragus wishes linux had hdiutil01:27
gabothe x windws01:27
barry_i mean that command fixed it for a wile01:27
barry_now i have no sound after 2 days of useing it01:28
MeNosdoes echo also works in Gutsy ?01:28
bazhangbarry_: we have no idea what that command was unless you tell us01:28
Tu13esMeNos: is there a linux version?01:28
kitchedho_ragus: are you the one from #openbsd?01:28
barry_it set my sound card as the default sound device01:28
barry_it worked for a wile01:28
dho_raguskitche: no01:28
ChillyboarderGuys, what Ubuntu should I install, Ubuntu, or Kubuntu?01:28
CodenutIs Gutsy worth the upgrade from fiesty?01:28
MeNosTu13ess hmmm01:28
MeNosam not sure01:28
bazhangChillyboarder: your call01:28
rskChillyboarder: chek if you want kde or gnome.01:28
johnathonkitche it says it readin database now01:28
John64does anyone know if Gobuntu supports the Intel Centrino iwl4965 wifi card out of the box?01:28
soldatsbarry_, you can look at wehat i just posted make sure sound card alsa is selected then see if it works the login then out but remember to save sessions on logout01:28
sfearsis there a specific directory i need to be in to compile correctally? i'm getting a build error 201:28
littlebear72how do i set up a ftp server for a friend with ubuntu01:28
dho_ragusChillyboarder: if you can't decide, just use ubuntu.01:28
kitchejohnathon: ok then it should be installing hopefully01:29
rskChillyboarder: also you can use both at the same time soo no need for reinstall01:29
Chillyboarderwhat is more professional01:29
gaboalguien habla español ? :P01:29
ChillyboarderI don't know the specs01:29
LjL!es | gabo01:29
ubotugabo: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:29
rskChillyboarder: what does professional mean to you?01:29
bazhangJohn64: check gobuntu info at www.distrowatch.com01:29
Dan_ultimategnome seems nice..01:29
Chillyboarderwe;; KDE could mean harder to cmd01:29
CodenutI am using a 1.2ghz AMD Athalon. is there a specific version on Ubuntu I should be running?01:29
johnathonkitche this is what it said http://pastebin.ca/87038501:29
Dan_ultimategtg.. peace..01:29
dho_ragusCodenut: no, anything should run on that.01:29
Chillyboarderwhichever is harder would probable be more proffesional to me lol01:30
TheMafiahow can in install mozilla composer under gutsy?01:30
kitchejohnathon: yep it means it probably installed01:30
bazhangkde then Chillyboarder01:30
CodenutThanks dho_ragus01:30
John64bazhang: it doesn't mention it in the list, so it doesn't acknowledge or deny it being present01:30
johnathonkitche how do i tell?01:30
mneptokChillyboarder: "professional"01:30
CodenutI am going to try to build a ham radio packet bbs under linux, finally!!01:30
Darkmysterelol whats a radio packet01:30
sfearsis there a specific compile directory, or should it compile correctally in the directory the makefile is in? i'm getting a build error 201:30
kitchejohnathon: did it return you to the prompt ohnathon@ubuntu:~/Desktop$01:31
dho_ragushaha, takin' it back there Codenut01:31
Chillyboarderbut I also am a begginer, so would it be too much, or would gnome not have everything I need in the long run01:31
johnathonkitche yes01:31
mindulehallo all01:31
kitchejohnathon: then it's installed01:31
bazhangJohn64: if you have the live cd in you can ifconfig/iwconfig or lspci; this is really a channel for straight #ubuntu iirc01:31
dho_ragushello mindule01:31
minduleI'm afraid I need help01:31
dho_ragusdon't be afraid.01:31
jonoI need help with a Xircom ethernet/modem. It worked in 6.10 but quit after the updates. Now live cd recognizes card but can't connect. Stuck with loopback address.01:31
minduleI think I got a bad CD burn, but I don't know if it was a bad burn or a bad download01:31
CygnusX1What is the command to see what libraries an exe uses?01:31
creatureHow does blkid work WRT removable media? Is it identifying a particular drive, or the data on it? Basically, in my fstab should I use UUIDs generated from blkid or /dev/disk/by-id links?01:31
John64bazhang: there is no livecd for gobuntu, and gobuntu is nearly identical to mainline ubuntu01:31
djznI wonder why my D-Link C100 (sn9c102) webcam is being rendered DIFFERENTE in Ekiga and aMSN.... what could it be?01:31
bazhangChillyboarder: not really a chat channel but yeah gnome would be better for you01:31
johnathonkitche ok so how do i get it to open to say that i can use isa cards or w/e01:32
AaronMT!ubotu space01:32
CodenutIt is a 1200 baud ax.25 data packet using the 1200 baud 1200 and 2400 tones to transmit data reliably over vhf and shortwave.01:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about space - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:32
ScuniziI need advice on a motherboard cpu combo for an ubuntu install.. something close to $100 +-.  Socket 775, celeron D 440?, Pentium E2180?, MSI? Asus?  I haven't built a machine in 1.5 yrs so I'm a bit out of the loop.01:32
Drainmananyone knows how to install save-for-web plugin in gutsy when i do ./configure it complains over my gimp version01:32
Chillyboarderbazhang: thanks man01:32
dho_ragusmindule: md5 the .iso file and compare it to the checksum found where you downloaded the file from.01:32
John64gobuntu is ubuntu minus certain packages01:32
bazhangjohn64 not sure never used gobuntu01:32
kitchejohnathon: it should work right as soon as it is installed01:32
minduleRight. I don't know what that means :D01:32
CodenutI operate ham radio and my handle on here is showing the fact that I love Morse Code.01:32
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:32
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53252/   <--- some weird error im trying to winecfg but thats what i get01:32
adubi know the above is a wine question but there is not really anyone available for help in the wine channel01:32
John64does anyone know if Intel's iwl4965 is included out of the box in GoBuntu01:32
adubso if anyone could help me solve the above brain teaser i would appreciate it greatly01:33
barry_whats the command to set my sound card as the default sound device01:33
crwlrwhat is the best way to burn a .divx file to a dvd?01:33
Codenutwell, I am off to fly around flight simulator, TA01:33
TheMafiadoes mozilla composer exist in a repo?01:33
olskolircoh damn how do I save my files with save my desktop?01:33
bazhanghardware channel could probably better advice there Scunizi--##hardware iirc01:33
AaronMT!ubotu space01:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about space - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:33
daniel808sup all01:33
punkshuiunfortunately i'm in a situation where i have to take ubuntu off of a laptop and restore it. i didn't alter the "dell restore" partition. I now wish to restore it to its factory settings.01:34
Scuniziadub: first off looks like your ati card isn't running the propriatory drivers.01:34
dho_ragushi daniel80801:34
Flare183TheMafia: yeap01:34
Scunizibzhang  thanks01:34
barry_my sound isent working it was working a few days ago now it ant help plz01:34
scguy318punkshui: should be a matter of booting to the restore partition01:34
johnathonkitche i usin isapnptools to get my soundcard workin and i still dont have sound01:34
Scunizibazhang: thanks01:34
bazhangpunkshui: dell restore dvd should do it--I answered this a while back01:34
jonoPlease help-- anyone have experience troubleshooting pcmcia?01:34
daniel808my update manager is giving this error Software index is broken It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.01:35
daniel808 01:35
bazhangbarry_: what was the command that you used01:35
barry_IDK someone in here told me it the other day01:35
Flare183!anyone | jono01:35
adubwhere can i get the proprietary drivers01:35
ubotujono: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:35
punkshuibazhang my computer didn't come with a dell restore dvd it came with a partition called dell restore01:35
barry_it fixed my problem for a wile01:35
TheMafiaFlannel, when I apt-get install mozilla-composer it finds nothing01:35
AaronMT!ubotu hard drive space01:35
adubScunizi i am assuming this is the better drivers to run01:35
punkshuiscguy318> how might i do that?01:35
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:35
TheMafiaFlare183, , when I apt-get install mozilla-composer it finds nothing01:35
Flare183!botabuse > AaronMT01:35
=== Unknown50216 is now known as BetaTEst
=== BetaTEst is now known as BetaTest
dho_raguspunkshui: you should be able to restart and press F10 or F12 to get a boot menu, then boot to the restore partition that way.01:35
Flare183TheMafia: Seamonkey01:35
mindulegod dammit01:36
olskolirc!ubotu recordmydesktop01:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:36
minduleI hate vista so damn much01:36
Flare183TheMafia: Seamonkey is the mozilla suite01:36
* dho_ragus agrees with mindule01:36
bazhangpunkshui: likely the dell forums can help you out there--I have an #eeepc and that did the trick for me--booting from the restore partition as scguy318 suggested01:36
punkshuidho_ragus the only thing that shows up there is internal hdd01:36
daniel808hey dho01:36
TheMafiaFlare183, thanks!01:36
Flare183!language | mindule01:36
jonoAsked it. Xircom pcmcia ethernet/modem stopped working after updating 6.10. Now live CD recognizes hardware but has loopback address01:36
ubotumindule: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:36
dho_raguspunkshui: worst case scenario, call dell and have them send you a restore cd.01:36
Flare183TheMafia: no problem01:36
olskolircoh damn how do I save my files with save my desktop?01:36
newusergreenhello all. what do i need to do to install compiz fusion on ubuntu 7.04?01:36
AaronMTAnyone know the minimum disk space req for an install?01:36
punkshuibazhang okay thanks.01:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenrecord - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:36
olskolircoh damn how do I save my files with recordmydesktop?01:36
dho_raguspunkshui: i had to do that with my dell desktop once.01:37
LjL!reqs > AaronMT    (AaronMT, see the private message from Ubotu)01:37
crwlraaronmt: i think a 10gb partition would do fine01:37
Scuniziadub: if you have them installed they aren't configured correctly.. sorry I don't run ati01:37
TheMafiaFlare183, can't find anything seamonkey either01:37
newusergreenhello all. what do i need to do to install compiz fusion on ubuntu 7.04?01:37
Flare183!screencast | olskolirc01:37
ubotuolskolirc: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.01:37
rsk!compiz newusergreen01:37
grigoraHi, I get a message that my updates cannot be authenticated. Anyone knows about this?01:37
Flare183TheMafia: goto http://www.mozilla.org01:37
dho_ragus!compiz | newusergreen01:37
ubotunewusergreen: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:37
daniel808what does the error i got mean? what do i do?01:37
ubotuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601101:38
Flare183see TheMafia01:38
scguy318olskolirc: check your home01:38
olskolircthanks man01:38
scguy318olskolirc: think it saves there01:38
TheMafiaFlare183, I thought it was apt-get able, thanks01:38
Flare183TheMafia: no problem01:38
Flare183olskolirc: no problem01:38
crwlraaronmt: i am using a 20gb partition and i am using 6gb for ubuntu01:38
TheMafiaFlare183, would you use seamonkey or kompozer?01:38
littlebear72ok hello guys can you please tel me what is a good ftp server program for ubuntu?01:38
LjL!ftpd > littlebear72    (littlebear72, see the private message from Ubotu)01:38
eugmanAnyone got some suggestions on general use CLI programs? I know about screen, htop, mc, lynx, rtorrent and gnutypist01:38
Flare183TheMafia: kompozer01:38
eugmanAmong some others01:39
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:39
jason___How Can I Get Sound Support On Feisty? i have a strange sound card i guess and it only gets sound in one linux distro..01:39
barry_whos the guy thats helping me01:39
TheMafiaFlare183, ok, that is what I will try01:39
Scunizieugman: irssi?01:39
Flare183TheMafia: kk let me know if you need more help01:39
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:39
adubi am going to install the proprietary ati radeon drivers01:40
johnathonkitche i goin 2 alsa 2 get more help01:40
littlebear72thanks LjL what is your prefferd choice as they all look the same to me from that info is there a easier to use one01:40
adubso i need to do anything with my old drivers or will my xorg.conf simply be automatically backed up01:40
kitchejohnathon: ok I don't really know sound very much unless I m in front of the machine working on it01:40
* Flare183 says good grief helping can be very energy consuming01:41
Flare183*pant pant*01:41
LjLlittlebear72, FTP is an insecure protocol to begin with, i would use none personally. if you're looking for "easy to use", look at the ones that have GUI frontends available (the ones that the bot says "for gnome" and "for kde")01:41
redoxywhen my system runs out of memory, the swap usage starts growing fast but it doesn't seem to ever go back down--the physical ram usage does, but everything remains in swap. is this normal? how could I make it put the memory back in RAM?01:41
crwlrbazhang: what's so funny?!?!01:41
daniel808im having trouble installing programs i get an error saying there is another program running01:41
Flare183redoxy: can ram= READ ONLY MEMORY01:41
scguy318littlebear72: I prefer gFTP01:42
LjLredoxy, unless the system *needs* those data back in memory, there is no reason why it should put them back. but when it does need them, it'll put them back, trust me01:42
Flare183redoxy: you can write to it and read but you can't erase01:42
littlebear72ok LjL all i want is a file server for a friend that is secure from log in section i do not plan on useing the origional port01:42
grigoraanyone knows about unauthenticated bind9 updates?01:42
LjLFlare183: eh? :o)01:42
Flare183LjL: what?01:42
LjLFlare183: what were you saying about RAM?01:43
johnathonkitche by bein in front of the puter u mean the actual puter or like remote desktop?01:43
Flare183LjL: what about it?01:43
Dukan_Ismaellets go01:43
kitchejohnathon: in front of the computer01:43
LjLFlare183: you can't erase stuff from RAM? it's read only memory? i feel lost01:43
johnathonkitche ok01:43
Flare183LjL: hardware stuff don't worry about it01:43
Flare183LjL: it's alittle like swap01:43
johnathonIs anyone in hear good with workin on sound01:43
tdnnash26i need some help with a gdm login error, anyone available?01:44
Flare183well that's enough for me tonight see you guys tomorrow01:44
bazhang!ask | tdnnash2601:44
ubotutdnnash26: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:44
redoxyLjL: ok, if its normal i won't worry about it then. thanks01:44
bazhangbye Flare18301:45
Flare183bazhang: see you later01:45
sajesIf I'm on ubuntu, and I have the kubuntu install disc, is it possible to add that install disc to the repos and sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?01:45
bazhangsajes: you mean kubuntu-desktop?01:45
sajesbazhang: yeah.01:45
gabofor some listener on ther01:45
nikoPSKhello all01:46
daniel808is gOS better than ubuntu or is it basically the same thing?01:46
tdnnash26<error>: Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds.  If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem </erro>01:46
osxdude|macSwitching to X-Chat aqua, brb01:46
sajes!best > daniel80801:46
crwlrdaniel808: what is the link for gOS?01:46
gabowhen i activate the efects of compiz ther borders of windows goon01:46
bazhangdaniel808: not better--quite different01:46
gabosome one knows why?01:46
bazhang!compiz | gabo01:47
ubotugabo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:47
tdnnash26I was messing with adduser.conf last night and think I screwed something up ... and now when logging in I get the error  that I typed above01:47
eugmanHow can I make dhclient work on bootup for my server?01:47
mikeylikesithi all can i use ubuntu as a vpn server01:47
daniel808but is gOS easier to use? more user friendly01:47
bazhangdaniel808: harder to get the codecs going iirc but not really the channel to discuss it :}01:48
kitchedaniel808: umm no it actually has some major bugs with it's user frontend but your topic is offtopic01:48
daniel808sorr just curious what you guys thought because im having problems with ubuntu01:49
tdnnash26what's the fix for this? Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory : Permission denied01:49
tdnnash26Could not create per-user gnome configuration directory /home/"myname"/.gnome2/ : Permission denied01:49
kitchetdnnash26: sounds liek your /home/user permissions got screwed up01:50
tdnnash26kitche: yeah....I'm an idiot and was messing with adduser.conf last night and think I messed something up...can you help?01:51
tdnnash26I can't login except through SSH from my windows box01:51
kitchetdnnash26: hmm don't know to much about adduser.conf but this is why you always make a backup of files before you edit them01:51
tdnnash26you got that right01:51
tdnnash26ls -ld /home/"myname" shows "my name" & root as owners01:52
ChillyboarderWhat was the highest resolution by default on the Ubuntu 7.04 disc.01:52
tdnnash26and I chmod'ed the directory to 644 ... didn't work...tried 700, didn't work01:52
petriborgdoes anyone know of a program to assist in creating icon sets?01:53
bazhanghttp://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10 this may help eugman01:53
biouserhttp://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49714 I have a lexmark z615 that GUTSY properly recognizes as a z600, should I use my old howto to install the printer driver?01:53
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
tdnnash26kitche:  even if I add another user from my SSH terminal, I can't login to the desktop ... get the error that /home/"newdir" is set as the home directory but doesn't exist01:53
tdnnash26so, I add it, but still can't access the system01:53
jim-^sweet got compiz runnin on my laptop01:54
kitchetdnnash26: sounds like you messed up adduser.conf badly01:54
tdnnash26can you chat me a copy of your /etc/adduser.conf file?01:54
kitchetdnnash26: hard to fix you need to grab a default adduser.conf really since I m on freebsd mine won't work01:54
tdnnash26I just want the default conf01:54
petriborgbiouser - i found the old directions to still be true in the latest distro01:54
MeNosKitche ?? do Ubuntu commands changes in every new releases ?01:54
tdnnash26Anyone willing to send me a default adduser.conf file from Ubuntu?01:55
lagoonedwhat ubuntu version are you using?01:55
kitcheMeNos: not really01:55
petriborgbiouser - though converting the rpm to pkg worked easiest01:55
tdnnash26lagooned: dapper drake01:55
MeNosdo breezy and feisty uses sudo apt-get install ??01:55
MeNosas Gutsy does ?01:55
tdnnash26anyone running Ubuntu 6.06?01:56
biouserpetriborg, then use dpkg?01:56
kitcheMeNos: yes since apt-get hasn't really changed in many years really besides a few added features to some of the commands01:56
biouserpetriborg, do you have a more recent howto?01:56
lagoonedi couldnt get 6.06 to work01:56
petriborgbiouser - yeah use dpkg -i01:56
petriborgbiouser - let me see if i can find the one i used on my lexmark... 2 sec01:56
lagoonedreinstall the ubuntu-desktop package?01:57
ChillyboarderWhat was the highest resolution by default on the Ubuntu 7.04 disc.01:57
biouserpetriborg, that would be great... I think there has to be a couple of steps.. like alien or something (used to be)01:57
shuktyhi how can i add an lan-ip address to iptables ?01:57
tdnnash26eh, I guess I could do that ... didn't really want to b/c my Internet connection sucks01:57
tdnnash26unless when I did the apt get it put it in a temp directory01:57
petriborgbiouser - yeah you use alien to convert the rpm to a package and then you use dpkg -i to isntall them both, then start up the CUPS and setup your printer01:57
tdnnash26I have no idea how to just reinstall the desktop .... can anyone tell me how?01:58
petriborgbiouser - i did it a couple of weeks ago and it worked for me so you should be good to go01:58
lagoonedi think01:58
biouserpetriborg, okay, sounds like the same as my old howto, I guess I'll go for it, thanks01:58
ChillyboarderI had 1280x800 and the resolution seemed the right size, but it was blurry, never knew what it was.01:59
petriborgbiouser - that link i think basically says that, and it should work01:59
biouserwhat is up with #sudo apt-get install alien asking me to put a disk in?02:00
tdnnash26is anyone running  Ubuntu Dapper Drake?????02:01
bazhangcd might be listed as a repo02:01
biouserMedia change: please insert the disc labeled02:01
biouser 'Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)'02:01
biouserin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter02:01
biousersorry for the paste02:01
petriborgbiouser - you have your CDROM in your list of repos02:01
Paddy_EIREapt keeps removing nspluginwrapper everytime I use a package manager?  I have to reinstall the whole thing again to get flash working on 64 bit02:01
biouserhmm... never have seen that before02:01
biouser/etc/apt/sources.list ?02:01
petriborgyeah its in that list02:01
Paddy_EIREcan I not blacklist the nsplugginwrapper02:01
Paddy_EIREIn the package manager that is02:02
tdnnash26what is the Ubuntu Desktop package called for apt-get???02:03
sn0wwhen i mount my ntfs drives, gnome automatically puts an icon on my desktop, is there anyway to remove those icons without unmounting the drives02:04
lagooneduse aptitude02:04
petriborgso does anyone know a program to assist in making gnome icon sets?02:04
tdnnash26is it ubuntu-desktop?02:04
tiburonlpen pagina en español?02:04
lagoonedsudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop02:04
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:04
lagoonedat least i think02:04
ConstyXIVdoes gutsy use XGL or AIGLX?02:04
bardyrsn0, gconf-editor under the gnome there is a show volumes on desktop variable set it to false02:04
bazhangexcept for the reinstall--he is on server02:05
legoalguem aqui fala portugues?02:05
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:05
sn0wConstyXIV, if you have ATI you will need xgl, if nvidia you don't02:05
lagoonedoh he trying to install ubuntu-desktop?02:05
=== osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude
lagoonedi thought we were talking about that other guy, the one with the adduser.conf prob02:07
pulicotiGreat ppl i have fixed the problem with java6 and applets just removing the "gcjwebplugin" it works fine now02:07
bazhangone and the same02:07
neowhats up02:07
lagoonedbut i guess reinstalling ubuntu-desktop wouldnt help would it...02:07
jonoXircom pcmcia ethernet/modem. live CD recognizes hardware but has loopback address. I've tested the cable with another computer and it is good.  What now?02:08
bazhanginstalling you mean :}02:08
lagoonedwell was he on ubuntu-server too?02:08
pulicotiremember if anyone would get issues trying to get on applets java games just remove the "gcjwebplugin"!02:08
Zero1I've recently set up a new server running Ubuntu 6.06 but I'm having trouble editing crontabs as a normal user (running as root seems fine).  After a crontab -e    I get:  crontab: installing new crontab    crontabs/tmp.6LtM5C: Permission denied   crontab: edits left in /tmp/crontab.WvNt61/crontab02:09
lagoonedit all comes togeather02:09
Zero1The only reference I've found is an old Debian bug from 2003  (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=210838)02:09
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:09
=== bmoney is now known as shrug
Zero1bmoney, was that directed at me?02:10
tdnnash26Zero1: Can you please send me a copy of your /etc/adduser.conf????02:10
lagoonedi upgraded from drapper02:10
tdnnash26I screwed mine up and haven't been able to find anyone that is using 6.0602:10
tdnnash26I just need a default adduser.conf to past into mine ... with the hopes of fixing what I messed up.02:10
unoptdnnash26, you could download the source for !adduser and extract the default adduser.conf02:12
tdnnash26unop:  except that I'm a newbie and don't know how ... sorry02:13
unoptdnnash26, at a terminal --  apt-get source adduser02:13
lagoonedi found this... is it right? http://people.debian.org/~zed/adduser.conf.default02:14
unoptdnnash26, that would download the source and extract it into the current folder02:14
bazhangZero1: likely me and lagooned02:14
stingray72hey guys, this is stupid but..  I had both the 64 bit and 32 bit ubuntu disks on my desk and they were not labeled.. is there a way to tell which one I installed?02:14
stingray72yes.. I'm stupid02:15
lagoonedwhat about me?02:15
tdnnash26unop:  root@lampsrv:/home# apt-get source adduser02:15
tdnnash26Reading package lists... Done02:15
tdnnash26Building dependency tree... Done02:15
tdnnash26Need to get 190kB of source archives.02:15
tdnnash26Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main adduser 3.80ubuntu2 (dsc) [651B]02:15
tdnnash26Get:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main adduser 3.80ubuntu2 (tar) [189kB]02:15
FloodBot1tdnnash26: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:15
bazhanglsb_release -a02:15
Zero1Stingray72, uname -a ?02:15
unoptdnnash26, never paste in here02:15
stingray72has x86_64 in it02:15
stingray72but that kinda confused me02:15
bazhanglagooned: nothing--just clearing up some confusion upthread :}02:15
unoptdnnash26, you still here?02:16
bazhangstingray72: that would be 64 then02:16
ChillyboarderGuys, ubuntu 7.04 never came ready with the programs to connect to dialup, does 7.10?02:16
stingray72thanks bazhang02:16
biouserbingo, printer working02:16
stingray72I thought so02:16
tdnnash26I just did this:  aptitude install source adduser  ... and it appears to have done something02:16
lagoonedit did for me02:17
scguy318tdnnash26: a tarball should have been downloaded into your cwd02:17
lagooneduse apt-get for that one02:17
lagoonedi guess...02:17
david__hey guys, i have this problem i know how to resolve but i need ur help..... i want to update my ubuntu but it only downloads 6 of the update packages02:18
tdnnash26nice ... "aptitude install source adduser" from the /etc directory fixed my problem!02:18
andoatnpI just finished installing xubuntu, and I have a linksys wireless usb doodad (model: wusb54gc) and I was wondering if someone could point me at a guide or give me advice on how to get it working02:18
Chillyboarderbut apt-get downloads off the internet does it not?02:18
bazhangdavid__: some are being held back?02:18
scguy318Chillyboarder: it may02:18
tdnnash26Thanks guys, I gotta go get my kids to bed02:18
Chillyboarderbut if I can't access it...02:18
MeNosOne last question02:18
lagoonedso does aptitude...doesnt it?02:18
david__the reason for this is because one of the config files in the system files has set all the repos to not be checked (with a # in front of it)02:18
scguy318lagooned: it may too02:18
unoptdnnash26, yes, it seems to have downloaded the source -- add user is at - adduser-3.103ubuntu1/examples/adduser.local.conf.examples/adduser.conf02:19
david__what was the name of the file and where was it02:19
david__thats all i need to know02:19
TuxOtakuhey guys, need some help with a problem I'm having....seems GDM won't start on boot02:19
scguy318david__: /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
MeNosCan anything done on Breezy or Dapper be done on Gutsy or Hardy ??02:19
david__thank you02:19
scguy318david__: you may use !source-o-matic to regenerate02:19
biouserTuxOtaku, tell us more02:19
bazhanglike breaking? :}02:19
unoptdnnash26, what you did there was reinstall adduser -- and you could have done that from anywhere -- not just in /etc02:19
arjunafor windows xp sp2 how can i check how many connection i am allowed to open? i hear only 10? is it still true for xp home sp2 OEM? :D thank you02:19
bazhangscguy318: think that site is down now :{02:20
unoparjuna, ask that in ##windows not here dude02:20
Starnestommyarjuna: you may want to ask ##windows02:20
bazhangarjuna haha02:20
arjuna<bazhang> why haha?02:20
unoparjuna, coz that's _not_ funny02:20
bazhang##windows question :}02:20
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.02:20
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents02:20
scguy318bazhang: ah I see02:20
scguy318bazhang: thanks for the heads up02:21
david__ill just do it manualt02:21
scguy318bazhang: you wouldn't have any idea why they took it down?02:21
bazhangsince two days ago scguy318 :{02:21
TuxOtakuarjuna, !windows02:21
david__thanks once again ubuntu IRC (du du du duuuuuuuum)02:21
scguy318bazhang: so useful :(02:21
hanophix33how can i be assured that i am getting a quality laptop battery02:21
bazhangavoid sony02:21
lagoonedget two02:21
biouserthere is a ##windows, I can't believe it.02:22
bazhangsony = boom02:22
jim-^woohoo for me and compiz woohoo02:22
TuxOtakubiouser, don't know what else to tell you, I took a look in boot-up manager to see if it was enabled at boottime, which it seems to be02:22
lagoonedwindows = boom02:22
TuxOtakui can start it manually if I log in as root02:22
lagoonedi got beryl02:22
=== osxdude|mac is now known as blabitty
jim-^just wait awhile windows as an OS will disapear soon enough02:22
hanophix33anyone know a good place to buy a laptop battery02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zcip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:22
=== blabitty is now known as osxdude|mac
biouserTuxOtaku, what action did you take directly prior to gdm not loading on boot02:22
bazhangnewegg hanophix3302:22
regeyajim-^: some of us have been thinking that ever since WinME came out02:23
DarkmystereHow would i make a Free Website that i can Reroute a FTP server to? So people want need my IP02:23
regeyaheck, 3.0 was horrible, and that didn't manage to kill ms...should have, though02:23
bazhangbut offtopic :}02:23
lagooneddid you reconfigure xorg?02:24
TuxOtakuit's been a while since this started now02:24
lagoonedbecause that happened to me once02:24
TuxOtakuif I did anything, I can't remember what it was now02:24
Darkmysterereyeya: I hate windows me.. I had it on my other labtop i.e i have 4 I like experimenting with diffrent models and OS's But Ubuntu is gunna be perminant02:24
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:24
pewpewpewI gotta admit I'm relatively new to linux and right now I'm just after the visual glamour - How do I get to configure compiz? Like, "the cube" instead of wobbly windows etc02:24
lagoonedthats it02:24
bazhang!ccsm | pewpewpew02:25
ubotupewpewpew: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:25
ArthurArchnixDarkmystere: I don't think even Bill Gates mother had anything nice to say about Windows ME.02:25
lagoonedtheres a gui for configuring compiz02:25
pewpewpew10x, bazhang02:25
lagoonedi dont remember what its called02:25
DarkmystereArthyrArchnix: It has alot of problems >.> anybody have wireshark up i dont know my ip address lol02:25
lagoonedyeah that compizconfig-setting manager02:26
lagoonedor something02:26
DarkmystereYea some 1 tell me my IP addres...?02:26
tacosaladwhat exactly are manpages and how do i access them?02:26
bazhangsettings iirc02:26
jim-^its also under System>Preferences>AdvancedDesktopEfects u need the  compizconfig-settings-manager02:26
ArthurArchnixpewpewpew: Is this you? http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/04/18/pew-pew-pew/02:26
sajesDarkmystere: type ifconfig <interface> in a terminal.02:27
xenthronon-ubuntu question, anyone know if i can swap my laptop's optical drive for another HD? It's not hot swappable by default... its a compaq v303002:27
jim-^tacosalad, type "man man" inside a console02:27
CrazyWulfAnyone know how I can *properly* install kweather? I downloaded (and installed?) from synaptic but I can't find where to configure it.02:27
tacosaladthanks jim02:27
Cs2excaliburwhat's up room!02:27
jim-^tacosalad, its man's man page that you'll be reading02:27
bazhangtry kweather from the terminal CrazyWulf02:27
pewpewpewArthurArchnix: Yes.. Beware!02:28
lagoonednothin i guess02:28
crwlrdaniel808: i am downloading it.  gonna try it out on my laptop02:28
tacosaladif i wanted to look at bash manpages...?02:28
Darkmystereit just shows the usual
Cs2excaliburcool cool cool!!!02:28
jim-^man bash02:28
lagoonedand for some reason talking about kde apps02:28
CrazyWulfbazhang , says command not found02:28
lagooneddoes anyone use mupen?02:28
Zero1Darkmystere: http://whatismyipaddress.com/02:28
tacosaladok man then topic, haha gotta love ubuntu, super easy after you know how it works02:28
DarkmystereIm trying to get my FTP server working but i dunno how to work it?02:28
bazhangalt-f2 then CrazyWulf02:29
Cs2excaliburwhat's crazy wolf's problem?02:29
bazhangcant launch kweather on gnome02:30
jim-^aptittude install kweather if you want it that bad02:30
DarkmystereOk Are there anyguides to using Gproftpd Guide to setting up a FTP server and also is there a way to make a Site to Upload files and update to them ect and rerout the ftp server to them02:31
jim-^also bear with me i ussually "sudo su" and run root commands not sudo blah blah02:31
bazhangxenthro: the hardware channel could probably answer that better ##hardware02:31
lagooneddont use su02:31
lagoonedsome times you cant avoid it02:31
jim-^lol compiz paper airplane window disolve is awesome02:32
Cs2excaliburanyone here using "recordmydesktop"?02:32
lagoonedwhat compiz version are you using... compiz fusion02:32
jim-^the one that came with gutsy02:32
DarkmystereSo others wont need my IP because people can get traceced by those..02:32
ozzloywhat would ms windows do if i booted a livecd and resized it's partition?02:33
lagoonedi dont gutsy02:33
crwlrozzloy: shouldnt have any problems02:33
bazhangCs2excalibur: you have a specific question related to recordmydesktop?02:33
crwlrozzloy: why don't you ditch winblows and just use ubuntu?02:33
shuktyhow can i add ip-lan into my iptables rules ? i mean accept connex from an intranet client ?02:33
canerhow can i fix that??  --- udev[some number] lookup_groups specified group 'usbusers' unknown02:34
Darkmysterecrwlr: Lol Winblows!! lol nice 102:34
* jim-^ agree's with crwlr 02:34
lagoonedjust for a minuite lets all only use 4 letter words02:34
jim-^scumsoft winblowz02:34
bazhangbetter not02:34
ozzloycrwlr: i am running linux.  this is on a school club's computer02:34
Cs2excaliburbaz, yea i can't record the audio from my computer02:34
johnathonany one good at configuring PNP devices with isapnptools?02:34
bazhangthat is odd02:34
jim-^oh i mest with recordmydesktop once i think you might need to use jackd02:34
ubotuSome programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.02:34
crwlrozzloy: ahh, i have read wikis that tell you to resize the winblows partition so i think you will be just fine02:34
jim-^f compizconfig-settings-manageror sound02:35
jim-^*for sound02:35
ozzloycrwlr: link?02:35
ozzloycrwlr: to the resize ntfs partition wikis?02:35
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:35
Cs2excaliburbaz, it worked when I first installed it, but now it's not working02:35
crwlrtry that02:35
Mulderis real media no longer a canonical partner?02:35
bazhangCs2excalibur: not sure never used it02:35
ozzloycrwlr: thanks02:35
johnathonjim-^ was u talkin 2 me?02:35
Cs2excaliburok thanks02:36
ozzloycrwlr: vista can resize its own partition?02:36
caneranybody could you please look this. how can i fix that??  --- udev[some number] lookup_groups specified group 'usbusers' unknown02:36
ozzloycrwlr: about damned time02:36
jim-^hold a few i'll start playing with recordmydesktop02:36
crwlrozzloy: when you do the partitioning, it asks how much of the winblows partition to use02:36
crwlrozzloy: and my ubuntu install on my laptop uses 6gb.  i have a 20gb drive.  on my desktop, i have an 8gb install but have 4tb available02:37
DarkmystereHey Deckness Justin02:38
johnathonany one good at using isapnptools heres what i did so far02:38
DarkmystereOtherway around soz >.>02:38
ozzloycrwlr: 4tb or 4tB?  also, t!?!02:38
Cs2excaliburlag check02:38
nick_does anyone know if there is a way in evolution to hide the actual email address that shows up in <> after the persons name in the from field02:39
crwlrozzloy: 8 500gb drives02:39
Darkmystere_Err guys X-chat keeps disappearing02:39
Darkmystere_if i minimize it and then drag it down a little02:39
Darkmystere_then try and bring it back up it snaps back and then dissappears02:40
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:40
caneranybody could you please look this. how can i fix that??  --- udev[some number] lookup_groups specified group 'usbusers' unknown02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:40
shrughow the hell do you use fluxbox?02:41
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:41
Darkmystere_!msgthebot > caner02:41
jim-^yeah for sound on recordmydesktop to work you'll def need to use jack02:41
lagoonedare you a member of the group usbusers?02:41
caneri like ubotu02:41
unopshrug, right click anywhere on the screen - that brings up the fluxbox menu02:41
Cs2excaliburit was working without a jack02:42
jim-^simple stupid02:42
jim-^jack daemon02:42
canerlagooned : i am not sure how do i set?02:42
shrugit doesnt work them02:42
Cs2excalibursay if I wanted to record a youtube video02:42
shrugi right click all day long an nothing02:42
jim-^theres a website that does it for you02:42
ozzloycrwlr: holy crap, ubuntu livecd can just resize!?!  that's fantastic!02:43
Cs2excaliburoh yea?02:43
Cs2excaliburwhat is it?02:43
bazhangshrug: you need to edit the flux configuration files02:43
ozzloycrwlr: that's a lot of data.  raid?  please tell me you have raid02:43
crwlrozzloy: should do fine.  i gotta put my laptop back on the charger so i will be back in a bit02:43
shrugif i left and right click it brings up a menu, but nothing of use02:43
jim-^i forget its link but you give it a youtuibe url and it makes a vid and lets you download it02:43
crwlrozzloy:  ALL SATA, BABY!02:43
=== apple is now known as bafilius
beastymorning all02:43
unopshrug, looks like your fluxbox setup is borked -- you'll need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure fluxbox02:43
shrugi found the fix02:43
bazhangshrug: you should read up on the internet on how to edit those02:43
casey_can any one tell me if there using openSUSE the new Linux and how good it is?02:44
RB2shrug, sajes replied in offtopic02:44
shrug"sudo update-menus02:44
bazhangcasey_: in #ubuntu?02:44
beastystart with this02:44
beastyow wait nm02:44
bazhangcasey_: best go to #suse for that :}02:44
unopshrug, fluxbox was designed to let you configure just the way you want your desktop to work -- so i guess you'll need to construct a useful menu now02:45
casey_the new Linux was release yesterday02:45
bazhangbut not for this channel casey_02:45
shrugyeah.... i just want to use fluxbox for the low resources02:45
javaJakecasey_, you are in the wrong channel, bud. :)02:45
casey_I know!02:46
ozzloycrwlr: SATA and RAID aren't mutually exclusive, but i'm gonna guess you don't have it raided02:46
bazhangso offtopic casey_02:46
ozzloycrwlr: thanks for your help02:46
wycliffluxbox was designed to...missed that02:46
casey_but I just like to get info about it02:46
javaJakecasey_, see #suse02:46
bazhangcasey_: www.en.opensuse.org can help you02:47
pteagueif i set up a multi-boot linux do i need to make /boot/ a separate partition to be shared between them ?02:47
MeNosany video codecs for ubuntu ?02:47
rodolfoif I want to run a game using wine, should I install the video driver for win as well?02:47
javaJake!codecs | MeNos02:47
ubotuMeNos: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:47
ablysswhats the link for checking bugs posted to ubuntu?02:47
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:47
Starnestommypteague: I think that's just if you're using an old bios or the lilo bootloader02:47
unoprodolfo, no -- wine takes care of that for you02:47
ablyssthanks bazhang02:47
matjan_workhello, i own a thinkpad t61 and have not been able to use the Fn-F7 functionality to switch to projector output (e.g. for doing a presentation)... has anyone here been able to get this to work with gutsy?02:47
bazhangseen thinkwiki matjan_work?02:48
matjan_workbazhang, yup02:48
unoppteague, if you want to share a partition -- don't make that one /boot -- name it something like /data and format it as FAT/NTFS02:48
wyclifmatjan_work i'm using a T60 w/ Gutsy right now.  *maybe* i can help?02:48
matjan_workbazhang, yet a few weeks back02:48
matjan_workwyclif, that would be great02:48
rodolfounop: that's great...btw have you noticed some driver update for i915(tarball, deb or whatever)?02:49
casey_I read a lot on it before I try it I just I wont to see what anyone think about openSUSE02:49
wyclifmatjan_work not sure if these IBMs are exactly the same02:49
matjan_workwyclif, right02:49
wyclifmatjan_work what do you use for presentations?02:49
pteagueunop> k, was just wondering about /boot between linuxes...  messed with dual-boot for windows before... & i don't use fat/ntfs unless i have to ;o)  i found an ext2/3 driver for windows :)02:50
matjan_workwyclif, i am going to do one soon using LaTeX/Beamer, so any document viewer02:50
unoprodolfo, have you tried updating with synaptic?02:50
matjan_workwyclif, otherwise i have stuck to powerpoint... i do not like oo impress02:50
wyclifmatjan_work oops just realised I can't test it on my setup now02:50
A_la_rueHAve the big bug, see this web page explain my problem: http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html. what is the solution02:51
wyclifmatjan_work just please tell me you don't read the slides ;-)02:51
matjan_workwyclif, i do not02:51
Dr_willis_pteague,  when using 2 differt distros on same machine. I let one handle all the grub configuration. if needed i cut/copy/paste/edit the menu.lst used by the grub handling Disrto. and paste in whatever entries i need from the other disrtos menu.lst :P02:51
MeNosJavaJake ? what is IcedTea ?02:51
unoppteague, /boot is where linux places special boot-files, the kernel and initrd -- you really dont want that space tampered with02:51
MeNosdoes it replace Java ?02:51
Dr_willis_pteague,  this is when it pays to know the ins and outs of grub.02:51
rodolfounop: yes I did..also I took a look @ intel's page, but there's nothing about i915...02:51
matjan_workwyclif, have you used your t60 before to do a presentation in gutsy?02:52
wyclifmatjan_work uh oh.  unfortunately the little lady is calling, so i have to drop out, but i'm sure someone here can help you?02:52
unoprodolfo, were you looking for linux drivers on intel's page?02:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:52
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wyclifmatjan_work yes but not with what you have there02:52
matjan_workwyclif, maybe bazhang ?02:52
wyclifmatjan_work gotta bounce02:52
wyclifmatjan_work yes ask him he may know02:53
matjan_workwyclif, alright... thanks for now02:53
pteaguehmm... do i really need a 9.4 gb swap partition?02:53
IndyGunFreakpteague: uh, no02:53
matjan_workbazhang, you using a thinkpad?02:53
bazhangmatjan_work: yeah, but a lowly R60 :{02:54
lugnut64ok, apt-get has stopped working properly, anyone willing to help02:54
MeNosDr_willis_ are there any diff between PPC and PPC64 architecture ?02:54
matjan_workbazhang, is it not good?02:54
pteagueIndyGunFreak> i probably want something a bit closer to 1gb right?  wonder why the ubuntu installer automatically set it at 9.4gb...02:54
bazhangnot as good as yours matjan_work02:54
Dr_willis_MeNos,  no idea - i dont mess with PPC02:55
unopMeNos, the same difference between i386 and ia64 on the PCs02:55
IndyGunFreakpteague: thats a pretty strange number, thats for sure, rule of thumb for swap, 1.5-2x your system memory, i havef 3gigs on both of my 1gig memory machines, and iv'e never accessed my swap, ever.02:55
matjan_workbazhang, but were you able to get Fn-F7 to work?02:55
matjan_workbazhang, or restart X to get it to work?02:55
lugnut64can someone help me02:55
IndyGunFreakpteague: i have another machine with a 900mhz processor, 30gig hard drive, 700 something memory, 1.5gig swap, never used it.02:56
jairomefualguien en español02:56
bazhangmatjan_work: for some of them yes--like backlight, screen brightness and sound--think there is a package in the repos for that02:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:56
sugaryeti24good evening, everyone. I was wondering if there is an application so I can use the extra function keys on a Microsoft keyboard02:56
lugnut64can i get some help02:56
jairomefualguna colombiana02:56
pteagueIndyGunFreak> yeah, kinda depends on what you're doing i guess... i have 4gb ram on this so i'm guessing it just calced 2x ram02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
IndyGunFreakpteague: sounds like it.02:56
matjan_workbazhang, a friend of mine (who uses Gentoo) got it to work on his x61 by plugging the monitor and restarting X... i tried that but did not work at that time02:57
lugnut64!shut up02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shut up - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:57
unoplugnut64, use the !pastebin and post us the output of the command you are using and the errors you see02:57
javaJakelugnut64, you need to give us more information. I don't know if I can help, but no one can tell what your problem is without information.02:57
smickis there a way to detect problems with laptop built in wirelss card, gnome on gutsy? It stopped working after a month suddenly... I'm stumped02:57
javaJakelugnut64, it's like saying "my computer won't start". :)02:57
GranfalloonHello world02:57
lugnut64well i am just trying to get someones attention, here goes02:57
bazhangmatjan_work: yeah well wireless under gutsy just has been a problem so no ubuntu on it at the moment :{02:57
javaJake!ask | lugnut6402:57
ubotulugnut64: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:57
matjan_workbazhang, i have no problem at all with wireless02:58
javaJakeMe neither.02:58
javaJakeIn fact, it's 2x better02:58
javaJake(bcm43xx chipset002:58
lugnut64i recieve a error message when trying to upgrade 7.04 to 7.10 that tells me that apt-get is already running although it is not02:58
johnathonany one if this sound card will work? i couldnt find it on any compatibilty list Compaq Premier Sound Card ISA Internal02:58
smickmine was fine for a while, my wireless. suddenly, no connection.02:58
bazhangand mine is intel 3945 :{02:58
matjan_workbazhang, in fact it has been working since day one on gutsy (alpha 5)02:59
smickcan I look somehwere at hardware and see if it's broken in laptop wireless card02:59
unopbazhang, I removed network manager and installed/reconfigured wpa_supplicant -- and things look good so far02:59
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winkmanlugnut64: have you got synaptic or another installer running? Close that or any other terminal windows then try again02:59
bazhangmatjan_work: I could get it to work--just too lazy :{02:59
lugnut64winkman: no02:59
bazhangunop: thanks! will give it a try!02:59
winkmanlugnut64: same error still?02:59
lugnut64winkman: no other synaptic or installer running03:00
winkmanlugnut64: how about terminals?03:00
unoplugnut64, can you !pastebin the _exact_ error you see03:00
matjan_workbazhang, anyway... gotta work a bit more on that presentation... i am out of here... thanks for now03:00
smickwireless card doesn't locate anything in neighborhood now, but it used to see 3 or 4 modems on my block.  failed 2 days ago. what to do?03:00
lugnut64now there is no error, but an empty window03:00
bazhangmatjan_work: cya03:01
winkmanlugnut64: sorry, that's the extent of my knowledge... check out what unop has to say... :)03:01
lugnut64I am new to this03:01
winkmanlugnut64: how what? pastie the error you saw into pastie... (!pastie)03:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:02
unoplugnut64, you say you recieve an error message -- !pastebin that errror for us to see03:02
bazhangpastie should be a factoid :}03:02
nickrudpastie , a nice pie :)03:02
crwlrozzloy: you still around?03:02
lugnut64no error appeares just a window with a globe in the upper left, no text03:02
javaJakelugnut64, that's not apt-get03:03
chalcedonyhow do i move a file from my cd drive to my computer to dcc ? on ubuntu feisty with command line?03:03
javaJakeapt-get never opens a window (or rarely)03:03
lugnut64i had that error message a while back03:03
lugnut64now i can't get it to appear03:03
chalcedonylugnut64: intermittent errors are such fun03:04
lugnut64is there any way i can email you my problem03:04
unopchalcedony,  what is dcc?03:04
chalcedonyunop i want to send the file to a friend via irc03:04
lugnut64email a picture03:04
chalcedonylugnut64: put it on a pastebin?03:04
IndyGunFreaklugnut64: put the pic up on either imageshak or photobucket, and pastebin anything else03:05
javaJakelugnut64, tinypic.com03:05
chalcedonylugnut64: you could also do a screen capture03:05
winkmanWould there be any reason why i can't just sudo apt-get install grub2? Will it keep my original grub settings?03:05
unoplugnut64, what happens when you run this command ?  sudo sh -c "apt-get update; aptitude update" ?03:05
chalcedonyi need a command to move a file from my cd drive to my computer, so i can send it, it's a recording i need my friend to help edit.03:06
pawanany application to capture videos from youtube03:06
winkmanany ideas?03:06
nickrudpawan: the video will be in /tmp after you watchit03:07
bazhang!info miro03:07
ubotumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:07
javaJake!info grub203:07
ubotugrub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.95+20070604-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 71 kB, installed size 152 kB (Only available for powerpc ppc64 i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64)03:07
un0ppawan, check out the download helper firefox extension03:07
nickrudlugnut64: are you sure nothing happens when you run   sudo apt-get update ?03:07
mattholimeaui just moved a folder to trash... where's the trash to restore it?03:08
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un0ppawan, heard of google?03:08
nickrudlugnut64: what do you see when you run it?03:08
mneptokun0p: if you can't provide a helpful answer, it's OK not to say anything :)03:08
lugnut64well i am typing from another computer, i will try to type it manually03:08
nickrudlugnut64: just the gist, a line or two03:09
IndyGunFreakmattholimeau: open a terminal, type "gconf-editor" no quotes, then Apps, then Nautilus, then Desktop, and put a check next to "Trash".. and your trashcan will beon your dsktop03:09
bazhangpawan sudo apt-get install miro03:09
pteagueshould i even bother with extended partitions?03:09
nickrudpteague: if you plan on only having 4 partitions, no reason to03:09
un0pmneptok, sometimes you have to ask people to help themselves ;) it saves you and them time :)03:10
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.03:10
lugnut64E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (ll resource temporalrily unavailable) Next line: E: unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:10
mneptokun0p: we frown on "GIYF" type answers here, though.03:10
nickrudor the equiv, really03:10
nickrudlugnut64: see, something happened :)03:11
lugnut64now it did03:11
bazhanggive it your friendliest03:11
smickwell I think my OLPC XO laptop, and running that actually interfered with my laptop wireless.  I only have maybe 4 nodes, so it could have interfered.03:11
pteaguenickrud> ah, ok...  i'm guessing that's a limitation of harddrive technology vs OS ?03:11
Natrivecan someone help me with a problem in aMSN?03:12
pawaninstalled miro now03:12
IndyGunFreak!anyone | Natrive03:12
ubotuNatrive: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:12
nickrudlugnut64: ok,  ps -A | grep dpkg , do you see more than 1 line ( something more than the ps  one)03:12
nickrudpteague: yes, it's about the disk drive, not the os03:12
smickanyone able to use VEOH on ubuntu yet?03:12
lugnut64again, i am new to this03:13
nickrudlugnut64:  I'm looking for a line that says dpkg is in use, if there is you will get two or more lines03:13
mneptoknickrud: actually, it's about the partition table. standard DOS tables only support 4 primary partitions.03:13
NatriveI installed aMSN and i try to login, but i have to install a TLS module and i doesn't worl. Any ideas?03:14
nickrudlugnut64: ps   lists all the running processes, and the  | grep  dpkg  searches for  any process named dpkg03:14
nickrudmneptok: details, details :) Still comes down to what's on the drive, not the os03:14
stingray72hey guys, one more question..  I've got ubuntu amd64 installed and working well with ati drivers installed by nvidia.  The update wants to update the x server.  IS there any proactive stuff I can do to make sure X works post update?03:14
LinuxishawtHello all, I need a little help with some command line kung-fu, I want to create a directory with the name being the timestamp, I've looked at the man page for mkdir and tried googling it and still need a bit of help, thanks03:15
nickrudstingray72: ati drivers installed by nvidia ???03:15
mneptoknickrud: aye. the OS is limited, not the limiter03:15
stingray72err.. envy03:15
stingray72sorry about that03:15
nickrudmneptok: aye, I'm just so used to thinking in terms of dos partitions I forget there are other types03:16
nickruds/partitions/partition tables/03:16
lugnut64when i typed ps all that came out is  11225 pts/0 and 11405 pts/003:16
nickrudlugnut64: there will be some stuff after the pts/0 , like 0662 pts/0    00:00:00 grep03:17
bazhangenvy? uhoh03:17
stingray72seemed to work well03:17
stingray72and everything is working great03:17
bazhang!envy | stingray7203:17
ubotustingray72: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:17
lugnut64one has 00:00:00 bash and the other has 00:00:00 ps03:18
mneptoknickrud: GPT, baby03:18
stingray72ok then03:18
stingray72so use envy to uninstall the driver and roll back03:18
lugnut6411225 has the bash and 11409 has the ps03:18
nickrudmneptok: gpt?03:18
osmosisHow do I run winxp inside of ubuntu? Parallels ?03:18
stingray72then update and then use Restricted manager?03:18
nickrudlugnut64: so you do probably have a dpkg process running, close every terminal you have open03:18
thecronoDoes ark handle passworded .rar files?03:18
mneptoknickrud: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table03:19
IndyGunFreakosmosis: parallels, vmware, virtualbox, there's a few options03:19
osmosiswhen is Evolution going to support exchange2007, instead of just exchange2003 ?03:19
osmosisIndyGunFreak: which is the best ?03:19
bazhangvirtualbox vmware osmosis03:19
osmosisIndyGunFreak: openVZ ?03:19
IndyGunFreak!best | osmosis03:19
ubotuosmosis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.03:19
mneptoknickrud: (i was *so* tempted to reply "JFGI")  >:)03:19
IndyGunFreakosmosis: never heard of that one03:19
lugnut64can we get rid of ubotu03:19
IndyGunFreaklugnut64: no.03:19
bazhangheresy lugnut64!03:20
IndyGunFreaklugnut64: if you don't like him put him on your ignore list03:20
osmosis#ubuntu-bots is awesome03:20
nickrudmneptok: rflol03:21
thecronoNo one knows?03:21
nickrudlugnut64: try running the upgrade agail03:21
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ZoohouseHello everyone. I have a friend who installed Ubuntu on his Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop but the network isn't working. What should I tell him to do?03:21
jjlworki upgraded to hardy heron and it broke my wireless, i am using iwl3945, dmesg shows eveything fine, restricted drivers manager shows enabled but unavailable can anyone help?03:22
_Andrewjjlwork, Is your wireless switched on?03:22
nickrudjjlwork: try on #ubuntu+1 they know the newer version (better than here)03:22
lugnut64i guess i will do a fresh install of ubuntu03:22
mneptokjjlwork: #ubuntu+1, please03:23
jjlworkyes it is on03:23
nickrudlugnut64: still no go?03:23
_AndrewWell i'm all out of ideas :P03:23
crwlrdoes anybody use the enlightenment environment?03:23
mneptokZoohouse: what does lspci tell you about the hardware?03:23
nickrudlugnut64: log out and back in, and if that fails let me know.03:23
IndyGunFreakjjlwork: why did you upgrade to hardy?03:23
lugnut64already tried03:23
nickrudlugnut64: you will *not* have to reinstall03:23
Zoohousei will tell him to do that now. mneptok03:23
Zoohousehld pls03:23
mneptokcrwlr: if you want to try Enlightenment, grab a Geubuntu .iso03:23
adubwhen i right click on a program a program that i have removed still shows up in my options to use to open a program03:23
adubhow can i deleted this??03:23
nickrudlugnut64: ok, time for the big gun:   sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:24
adubits like on the open with feature03:24
lugnut64and it did... what?03:25
crwlrmneptok: well i was interested in the look of gOS, but i found a guide on how to install it with gutsy03:25
mneptokcrwlr: sudo apt-get install enlightenment03:25
nickrudlugnut64: it removed the flag that said another dpkg was in process. Somewhere you did a bad shutdown, probably when the updater was running in the background03:25
crwlrmneptok: that geubuntu looks SHAWEET!03:26
mneptokcrwlr: go nuts :)03:26
lugnut64i understand03:26
regeyaI wonder if gOS would offer any clues on the lappy I got my wife for christmas.  everex stepnot nc1610; fan runs like crazy after boot, won't run at all after coming out of hibernation, dsdt fix for nc1503 does not work for the machine...anyway.03:27
mneptokcrwlr: hrm. they changed names to OpenGEU. but it's still the same sauce.03:27
lugnut64no go on the update03:28
ShpookOkay, I need some help. I installed Gutsy on my wife's laptop, and wireless was working flawlessly. I then proceeded to install Samba so she could share files between the laptop and her desktop, and now the wireless won't pick up a connection at all. Any idea how I can fix this?03:29
nickrudlugnut64: any error?03:29
lugnut64well, the the dimming gray window telling me that it has stopped responding03:30
nickrudlugnut64: open a terminal03:30
nickrudlugnut64:   sudo aptitude update03:31
mneptoknickrud: please no.03:31
nickrudmneptok: no aptitude?03:31
mneptoknickrud: please use apt tools instead of aptitude03:31
lugnut64i am not on the internet on my desktop (no wireless)03:31
regeyasomeone wsa flooding?03:31
lugnut64i am updating from a cd03:31
mneptoknickrud: apt tools get a lot more attention from core devs than does aptitude. new features and fixes will hit apt tools long before aptitude.03:32
nickrudmneptok: ok, it was an automatic finger flick. So it's official now, apt-get. Wondered if a decision would ever be made03:32
dannyi'm new to ubuntu and i have a question03:32
pawanwhere in tmp directory youtube videos are sotres03:32
dannycan someone help me03:32
crwlrdanny: just ask03:32
bazhang!info apt-tools03:32
ubotuPackage apt-tools does not exist in gutsy03:32
mneptoknickrud: dunno "official," but the distro team has been pretty clear with us about it03:32
* mneptok shrugs03:32
nickrudmneptok: official enough for me, then.03:32
ShpookAnyone ever had a problem when installing Samba? As soon as I installed it, wireless networking stopped working03:32
IndyGunFreak!someone | danny03:32
ubotudanny: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:32
nickrudlugnut64: so,  sudo apt-get update  :)03:33
mneptoknickrud: yeah, same here. i save my fighting energy to convince the wife i need more geek toys. not fighting with distro team uber-geeks about update methodologies. ;)03:33
lugnut64i am not online on that computer03:33
dannyis there a statistical program for ubuntu03:33
mneptoklugnut64: that ... would be the problem03:33
crwlrdanny: you gotta be more specific03:34
jribdanny: like R ?03:34
mneptoklugnut64: you cannot update without an Internet connection03:34
crwlrdanny: stats for what?03:34
lugnut64i am installing form a CD, the alternet install cd03:34
regeya!google | danny03:34
ubotudanny: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux03:34
JohnRobertis it me, or is f-spot a massive memory/cpu hog?03:34
JohnRobertIt's doing nothing yet using 60% cpu time03:34
JohnRobertand lots of ram03:34
mneptokJohnRobert: are you new(ish) to Linux?03:35
dannyi used spss and stata on windows been searching the web for hour is there one for ubuntu03:35
bazhangf-spot is not good imo JohnRobert03:35
lugnut64I am trying to update from the cd, nothing will happen03:35
mneptokJohnRobert: then you understand how Linux allocates memory.03:35
_AndrewI have had problems with f-spot.. It keeps messing up my photos03:35
bazhanglugnut64: then get an internet connection03:35
JohnRobertnot really03:35
JohnRobertbut I have been using it a long time03:35
jribdanny: look into R, it's a free S03:35
_Andrew.. and crashing03:35
nickrudthis really sucks, I wanted to give opengeu a shot but the torrent is down03:35
mneptokJohnRobert: Unix-y OSes tend to hand apps as much RAM as they can possibly handle, and only steal it back when other apps need memeory.03:36
JohnRoberttbh, some mono apps are alright03:36
lugnut64i did at one time and that problem still happened03:36
JohnRobertmneptok: makes sense, no point in wasting memory03:36
mneptokJohnRobert: hence, Firefox can be using 663MB of memory, then you launch GIMP, and FX's usage drops substantially03:36
JohnRobertah, it's behaiving a bit better now I've restarted it03:36
regeyadanny:  I'm not meaning to be a smart aleck, but to tell you the truth the first two years I used linux the tool I used most, the resource I went to, was altavista (this was before google, mind)  danny, I question whether you did: http://www.google.com/search?q=statistical+program+ubuntu03:36
ShpookOkay, the problem was my own stupidity. Now, what is the best method to create a wireless network with a windows machine, via router?03:36
bazhanghttp://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=d8fe230d5bdee63fb5985ac4381909d4cf91d63b nickrud03:36
lugnut64the problem will happen internet or not03:36
JohnRobert'paging to the hdd a lot' would have been more clear03:37
thecronoDoes anyone know how to get Ark to use .part .rar archives, and to read passworded .rar files? I have 4 .part files and it won't unload them together, and i have a .rar with a password which Ark says it cannot read.03:37
mneptokJohnRobert: be concerned when you have 2GB of memory, F-Spot open, and all your swap is in use ;)03:37
JohnRobertI only have 768MB03:37
Starnestommythecrono: you may need to install unrar03:37
thecronoi already did03:37
thecronoand rar03:37
JohnRobertnow I've scrolled through some images, it's started again.03:37
jribdanny: http://www.r-project.org/ is the website and 'r-base' is the relevant package to install03:37
thecronosingle unpassworded .rar files open fine03:37
lugnut64i guess... a clean install is the only thing left, thanks for hte help though03:37
JohnRobertIs there anything like fspot (and don't say picassa)?03:37
nickrudbazhang: thanks, another torrent on that site is bad I guess03:37
madman91hey guys03:37
thecronobut parts/passworded ones do not03:38
JohnRobertor gthumb03:38
r00723r0What's the channel for Gutsy?03:38
weslotealguien que me pueda enseñar a crackear wep??03:38
jribr00723r0: this one03:38
madman91does anyone know a good book that has many libraries and functions in it? (C language) I'm looking for a sort of collection of "man" pages03:38
weslotetengo casi todo solo me falta asesoria03:38
r00723r0jrib, then what's the new ubuntu version?03:38
jrib!hardy | r00723r003:38
ubotur00723r0: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:38
bazhangno worries nickrud :}03:39
regeyacripes, is that spanish, or portugues...03:39
ToastGuyanyone know how to use audacity?03:39
nickrud!pt | weslote03:39
ubotuweslote: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:39
jribmadman91: manpages-dev package will give you the manpages you want.  If you actually want a book, you should ask in ##c03:39
nickrud!es | weslote03:39
ubotuweslote: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:39
nickrud(there, got them both)03:39
madman91jrib: ##c banned everyone03:39
ToastGuyanyone know audacity?03:39
MunchkinguyI'm having an interesting problem with Totem. When I type "totem whatever.ogg" in terminal, everything works fine. But When I double-click on that same media file, totem opens and promptly crashes.03:39
ToastGuyit's a little unrelated, but it's a ubuntu app03:40
TallHunkDanhelp my browser wont start - keeps on crashing03:40
jribmadman91: I'm in ##c03:40
mneptokweslote: questions about cracking tools are not welcome on any Ubuntu IRC channel03:40
madman91jrib: how odd? ... hm..03:40
TallHunkDanheres the error msg : (gecko:7789): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma 9'03:40
TallHunkDanSegmentation fault (core dumped)03:40
MunchkinguyToastGuy: A little bit.03:40
madman91jrib: can you ask an admin why I am banned?03:40
regeyaoho, missed seeing that....meh03:40
TallHunkDanhow do i change it to the original default font without starting firefox?03:41
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: I just need to figure out how to increase the volume without clipping the audio03:41
nickrudTallHunkDan: mv ~/.firefox ~/firefox-backup03:41
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: maybe do some better balancing?03:41
TallHunkDanwhat does it do nickrud?03:41
mneptoknickrud: you want ~/.mozilla  ;)03:42
mneptokTallHunkDan: that moves your current Firefox profile aside so you can create a new one from scratch at next launch03:42
nickrudTallHunkDan: it moves your current firefox configuration to a backup , and mneptok is right, firefox exists under ~/.mozilla . So,  mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozilla-backup (me is batting badly tonight)03:42
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: I think Equalization is the trick?03:43
DOOM_NXgoodnight :)03:43
=== Scunizi_ is now known as Scunizi
mneptoknickrud: i kinda have an unfair advantage ;)03:43
nickrudmneptok: I'll just guess what you maintain :003:43
mneptokCygnusX1: no thanks. and stop that.03:43
bazhangstop CygnusX103:43
CygnusX1testing snort filter03:43
mneptoknickrud: /whois :)03:44
CygnusX1Back to work I reckon03:44
jribmadman91: I asked the channel if an op was available.  In the meantime, maybe some C coders in #ubuntu-offtopic can suggest some books for you03:44
Darkmystere_Ok guys when i load a YouTube video and then select full screen i have to make it bigger and then if i click anything else it dissappears..03:44
CygnusX1doh...have it set for port 80 only03:44
Darkmystere_it flaps back and then vanishes03:44
madman91thanks jrib03:44
madgoatHi, can anyone help with my Ubuntu install?03:44
MunchkinguyToastGuy: You mean increase the volume past the limit?03:44
bazhang!ask | madgoat03:44
ubotumadgoat: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:44
TallHunkDanthanks guys. i got it now back03:45
ScuniziIs a GeForce 8400gs PCIe compatible out of the box  w/ Gutsy?03:45
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: No.... I just have a large difference between what is really LOUD and what is lower volume.03:45
madgoatI did a fresh install, when i try to login on the main screen, it tells my that my username or pass is incorrect, I have reinstalled 3 times now, any help?03:45
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: But I think Equalization will work...03:45
ToastGuyI need a more consistant volume03:45
nickrudmneptok: I'd always figured an dist-upgrade needed an internet connection, nice to have 'official' confirmation :)03:46
mneptoknickrud: i know it sounds crazy .... :)03:46
RobotGuymadgoat: If you are trying to login as root, Ubuntu will not allow that.03:46
MunchkinguyToastGuy: Yep. Or you can do it manually.03:46
bkarmadgoat what was the user name you used?03:46
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: Manually would take a long time?03:47
madgoatIt was the one that it had me create in the setup03:47
nickrudTallHunkDan: you can copy over your bookmarks.html from the saved config to the new one, it'll go under ~/.mozilla/firefox/<wierdtoken>.default03:47
MunchkinguyToastGuy: Yeah.03:47
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: How?03:47
madgoatWhich was not root03:47
MunchkinguyNormalize is also helpful03:47
bkarmadgoat-> if you have forgotten the password, reboot to safe mode and see if you can change the password from there03:48
MrObviousMPlayer won't play files, it just loads and stops. Any ideas? This is in Firefox with all system updates.03:48
Veovisk i have a really random question: on my site i have several icons at the bottom linking to various things, valid XHTML (link to validator) Valid CSS (ditto) Firefox (link to dl it) apache (link to their homepage) and a linux icon, but what should i link that to?  what is the "home page" of linux03:48
MunchkinguyManually, you can use the Envelope Tool03:48
dipuhi there .. i am able to get high volume in debian compared to ubuntu .. is there something i need to check on my ubuntu gusty03:49
madgoatHow do I boot into safe mode?03:49
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: ah... that seemed to work.03:49
regeyais it the weekend already?03:49
mneptokVeovis: you might want to use the FSF instead of Linux03:50
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: Normalize First, then increase the overall volume...03:50
iceswordwhat is fsf03:50
Veovisfree software foundation03:51
bazhangfree software foundation03:51
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: nahhh....03:51
mneptokVeovis: i think they actually have web buttons and other branding to use03:51
regeyadipu I'm assuming you're talking about sound volume...?  wouldn't know, you could try doing a google search for your sound hardware accompanied with 'ubuntu'03:51
MunchkinguyToastGuy: Something gone wrong?03:51
ToastGuyMunchkinguy: Well, it's just increasing some of the other parts too much...03:52
ToastGuyIt makes it fairly uniform03:52
madgoatIs it the F8 key?03:52
mneptokVeovis: http://www.fsf.org/associate/widget/03:52
ToastGuySo I'm clipping some of the louder parts03:52
MunchkinguyThen Equalise is what you want,03:52
jnascimentohey guys.. good night03:53
jorje_villafanevery so often when I click on something I get random lines usually staring from the upper left hand corner of the monitor. Sometimes they will just be blocks placed in random spots.03:53
ToastGuyI think I'll just have to individually select some of the quieter areas and increase the volume03:53
dipuyes regeya .. its the sound volume ..how do i know my sound hardware .. sorry i am not very good at this03:53
ToastGuyNormalize just reduces everything but a certain percentage'03:53
mneptokdipu: try running alsamixer and ensure nothing is muted03:54
peanuts132hard limiting is more effective then normalizing03:54
iceswordhave a good night ,i am going to have lunch03:54
crwlrsomebody make my decision, plz...lol....geubuntu or elive?03:54
mneptokcrwlr: i've actually played with Geubuntu, so i'd point you that way03:55
icesword! ubuntu03:55
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:55
orbishok my friend and i are having the same problem, anyone feeling helpful?03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adobe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about arch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:55
profx!pdf > profx03:55
bazhangelive is highly unstable03:55
diputhanks mneptok03:55
madgoatok I am booted into safe mode, how do I reset the password?03:56
mneptokdipu: did that fix things?03:56
crwlrmneptok: but i see stuff about elive so idk if i wanna use that.  i've got geubuntu on the download...grrrr...decisions decisions...how i hate them03:56
profxhow do you install an adobe pdf viewer?03:56
ToastGuythat's a good question03:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:56
mneptokquittt: what about BeOS? other than "necrophilia is not attractive?"03:56
orbishwhenever we reboot ubuntu (gutsy), our resolutions are not where we want them, i prefer 1920x1200, he uses 1280x1024, not that that matters03:56
dipuyes mneptok .. the PCM control was low (not muted)03:56
bkarmadgoat are you on a root prompt now?03:56
mneptokdipu: excellent :)03:56
mattholimeaudoes anyone know what config it is to make sure that the title bar of an ssh session is correctly updated to user@domain?03:56
quitttmneptok, it is the best OS ever03:57
bazhangcrwlr: opengeu (not geubuntu) is more like the real ubuntu than elive, which is debian based03:57
quitttI'm waiting for Haiku now03:57
mneptokquittt: "was"03:57
madgoati went into the GRUB menu and hit c for command line03:57
dipumneptok ..whats the difference between master and PCM03:57
peanuts132anyone know of a 3d desktop for low 256 ram 1.2 ghz cpu, besides compiz??03:57
crwlraight bazhang...03:57
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:57
mneptokdipu: "Master" controls all outputs, "PCM" is only that output03:57
bkar!who  > madgoat03:57
quitttmneptok, did you use it?03:57
mneptokquittt: not since i left Gobe.03:57
profxhow do you install an adobe pdf viewer?03:57
quitttBeOS R5 stills usable, though03:58
quitttmnemo, oh, you worked on Gobe?03:58
crwlrpeanuts...can't recall any of them...u might me s.o.l.03:58
mneptokquittt: i ran the support dept03:58
crwlrprofx: should be one on there already03:58
quitttmneptok, great... but did you like the OS?03:58
crwlrprofx: you can always go thru the add/remove deal and find one.  you'll see the one that should be on there when you do that03:58
profxi just have an attachment, wants me to install it03:59
profxkinda weird03:59
mneptokquittt: in 1997? yes. today? no point. there are free alternatives that are far more feature complete03:59
crwlrprofx: i recommend saving it and then opening it from the saved file03:59
profxcannot do that03:59
profxlike I said, weird03:59
mneptokquittt: but this is offtopic. we should take it to #ubuntu-offtopic03:59
crwlrvery much so...03:59
profxits not a .pdf03:59
profxits a Dell purchase04:00
profxdirecting me to an adobe site, to install a pdf viewer04:00
crwlrprofx: i have no clue then, sorry bro04:00
profxoh duh04:00
madgoat!tab bkar still there?04:00
chalcedonyis there a way for me to ftp a file to someone else's server?04:00
profxdidnt notice the attachment04:00
bkarmadgoat yes am here04:01
madgoatim in the console, what would I type to reset my password?04:01
jorje_villafanWhat is the protocol for re-asking questions if you don't get responses? 5 min. / 10 min?04:01
JangariI've mounted a servershare with rw permissions, and I'm able to write to it using sudo in a terminal, but not through nautilus, can i tell nautilus that I have write access?04:01
nickrudjorje_villafan: about that, yes04:01
MunchkinguyAnyone know how to fix my Totem problem? Is there something I can type in Open With? Like "totem %h" or something?04:02
chalcedonyjorje_villafan: rephrase it and send it when it scrolls off or after a while04:02
Starnestommymadgoat: madgoat sudo passwd username?04:02
bkar!who  > madgoat04:02
scguy318Munchkinguy: might be %f not sure04:02
bitwiseshiftleftso, i'm trying to upgrade a server across the internet somewhere04:03
bitwiseshiftleftand i'm getting an error from apt04:03
madgoatalso my unbuntu was installed with buildix dunno if that matters04:03
bitwiseshiftleftReading package lists... Error!04:03
bitwiseshiftleftE: Malformed 3rd word in the Status line04:03
bitwiseshiftleftE: Error occurred while processing initramfs-tools (UsePackage2)04:03
bitwiseshiftleftE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status04:03
bitwiseshiftleftE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.04:03
FloodBot2bitwiseshiftleft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
bitwiseshiftleftany idea how to recover state?04:03
bitwiseshiftleftok, sorry 'bout that flood.  so, any idea how to recover the server to a usable state?04:04
madgoatwhat is the !who you are sending?04:04
saumaunI LIKE MEN04:04
ToastGuysaumaun: you strike me as someone that would be into men04:05
ToastGuy^ does anyone know where that comes from?04:05
peanuts132last i checked this isnt the gay room04:05
ToastGuy /join #perezhilton04:06
tifinejoin /eclipse04:06
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: the Status line should read install ok installed .   less /var/lib/dpkg/status , type /initramfs-tools should find the line04:06
albert_kamHi people, i found many articles that teach us to remove the encrypted string after the first colon in /etc/shadow using rescue system, but in my experience, at some places, the encrypted string is just one char 'x'. Removing that and reboot later, su still asks for password. Can anyone enlighten me ? :)04:07
bitwiseshiftleftso if i clear that, and then reconfigure it, wil it patch the kernel?04:07
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: run  dpkg --configure -a  on the server, maybe that will process any pending triggers04:07
madgoat!tab bkar ?04:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab bkar ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:07
crwlrnickrud: any idea why i can see all of my networked computers from my laptop but not my desktop?04:07
bkarmadgoat if you dont put a prefix to your responses towards me, I will miss it04:07
nickrudcrwlr: nope. I can't see squat from my laptop04:07
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: ok... running, hasn't bailed yet04:08
ToastGuycrwlr: some kind of setting04:08
jorje_villafanQUESTION.  Every so often when I click on something I get random lines usually staring from the upper left hand corner of the monitor. Sometimes they will just be blocks placed in random spots, or other goofy graphical behavior.04:08
baimohamedhi ganesh04:08
crwlrtoastguy: thx for the obvious :S04:08
ToastGuycrwlr: are you accessing one wireless and the other one by cable?04:08
ToastGuycrwlr: got to start somewhere04:08
crwlrtoastguy: all wireless.  router > wireless router04:09
crwlrdsl router > wireless router04:09
crwlror just cox box...haha04:09
madgoat!tab bkar i am in the console04:10
ToastGuycrwlr: all your networking software up to date?04:10
crwlryes, toastguy04:10
crwlrboth laptop and desktop have ubuntu 7.1004:10
ToastGuyI know it's all obvious... but you want to get that out of the way04:11
madgoatbkar: prefix like this?04:11
crwlrwell, i'm about to just reinstall both with a fresh install, toastguy04:11
bkarmadgoat yes now i can see you04:11
ToastGuyi doubt that it's something to do with it being a laptop as opposed to anything else.04:11
madgoatbkar: ok I am in the console what would I type now?04:11
jnascimentohey guys.. i would like to know how could i use upstart to stop all webservices on my notebook as soon as i unplug it from power switch04:11
ToastGuycrwlr: if you can afford to do that.... Go for it.04:11
bkarmadgoat  passwd04:12
crwlrtoastguy: you bet.  got all my files backed up on my desktop on a seperate drive04:12
madgoatbkar: maybe I am not in the right console, should i be in grub?04:12
crwlrtoastguy: and i am downloading opengeu for the desktop so it's gonna be just a clean install for the laptop04:13
ToastGuycrwlr: I'm not best for advice speaking specifics04:13
talcitehey guys, I'm having a really puzzling problem with my apache server04:13
bkarmadgoat not in grub, are you in a console?04:13
talciteI'm trying to host a directory directly04:13
talcitefiles and all04:13
ToastGuycrwlr: I'm relatively new to ubuntu04:13
crwlrtoastguy: you will get the hang of it.  i've been using it for about a year and i love it over winblows, so enjoy it!04:14
talciteso I've got the default /default-apache directory and the index.html with "it works!" in it04:14
talciteI remove the index.html but nothing changes on the site!04:14
madgoatbkar: i booted holding f8 for safe mode, then hit c for console and brings me to a grub command prompt04:14
ToastGuycrwlr: Well, I simply need to understand more about ubuntu...04:14
crwlrtoastguy: if you enjoy ubuntu, then check out opengeu, it's a nice enlightenment version04:14
ToastGuycrwlr: ok04:15
crwlrtoastguy: only problems i have with ubuntu...nothing except twinview LOL04:15
HeygabeYou have caught my attention.04:15
HeygabeSay more.04:15
crwlrheygabe: google geubuntu04:15
nickrudHeygabe: http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=d8fe230d5bdee63fb5985ac4381909d4cf91d63b , help me download it :)04:15
HeygabeI running gOS. I enjoy.04:16
HeygabeEnlightmentment makes me happy.04:16
HeygabeFast. Pretty.04:16
crwlrheygabe: that's weak!04:16
adrock358I'm not trying to be a computer guru nor am I pretending to be.  I have to run live CD because I can't get my wireless going right now.  And I don't want to either.  I'm tired.  And all I want to do is download some stuff before I go to bed.  I don't want to do anything else besides that, so other advice is completely, %100 uneccessary and redundant.  Can anyone tell me the command to mount my HD so I can write to it?  Thanks.04:16
nickrudenlightenment 16's sliding windows seduced me to linux04:16
crwlrfriggen google os!04:16
Munchkinguyscguy318: For some reason, it won't accept %f04:16
madgoatbkar: is that the proper way to enter safe mode?04:16
HeygabeGreenOs, crwler.04:16
HeygabeNot Google. Green.04:16
nickruderm, backgrounds04:16
crwlrGOOGLEOS!  HAHA!  That's what they call it in the forums.  Burned me a cd, but it wont boot for me, so I am just getting the straight up OpenGEU04:17
victor__ i've downloaded a moive but the 'down them all" extension of iceweasel failed to join the 130+ chunks, how can they be joined manully?04:17
bkarmadgoat yes, from a reboot04:17
madgoatbkar: im in console now for sure, i typed paswd04:17
madgoatbkar: passwd **04:17
crwlrvictor__:  piracy...naughty naughty!  HAHA04:17
HeygabeI likes it. Fancy. Have to make wireless go via cli, however.04:17
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: how's your server doing?04:18
bitwiseshiftleftok, i've gotten past the previous error, now running into04:18
bkarmadgoat you can change the password of the user like so   passwd username104:18
bitwiseshiftleftCouldn't configure pre-depend python-central for python-apt, probably a dependency cycle.04:18
bitwiseshiftleftthanks for asking :-)04:18
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: now run  sudo apt-get -f install04:18
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: tried that04:18
bitwiseshiftleftsame erro04:19
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: hm, is that the exact error message?04:19
adrock358blah blah blah04:19
madgoathmm it doesn't see the user i created, this ubuntu was part of the buildix package04:19
LibertyShadowWhat is the best command to check my temperatures... I left my computer on for 6 hours and it feels kind of hot04:19
bitwiseshiftleftthe exact error message is "E: " followed by that04:19
madgoatbkar: hmm it doesn't see the user i created, this ubuntu was part of the buildix package04:19
adrock358bloo bloo bloo bloo blah blah04:19
adrock358madgoat goat, want to hook a nigger up?04:19
bkarmadgoat i dont know what buildix is,04:20
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: try  sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-central python-apt04:20
crwlradrock358: please...ease up on the terminology04:20
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: but if this doesn't clear easily, you might want to have your provider reinstall your os04:20
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: crap... there seem to be about 6 million unmet dependencies04:20
bkarthank you04:21
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: it's not quite so simple :-/04:21
crwlrprops to amaranth04:21
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: thought it might not be, but figured I'd throw it out there04:21
bitwiseshiftleftthis is a box owned by a defunct project i was on.  it's across the country and nobody has physical access to it right now, although i should be able to get access to it in a few days04:21
bitwiseshiftleftof course, the nice thing is, if it does go down, nobody notices04:22
bitwiseshiftlefti figured it was irresponsible to leave it up and unpatched though04:22
ObNockShusmay I ask a question about Wine here?04:22
thunderbol1Any recommendations for backup software to use with an external hard drive?04:22
rycolehey guys, i'm new to ubuntu. i've used a few linux distros before for very brief periods. i remember downloading, compiling and installing apps got very messy for me. what's the cleanest way to download, and install apache?04:23
rycolei'd rather not have source code lingering around once it's installed.04:23
=== thunderbol1 is now known as thunderbolt
bitwiseshiftleftthunderbol1: sudo tar cvf /path/to/drive/full-date.tar /04:23
son9524Sup guys its Darkmystere =)04:23
son9524in irrsi i loves it already04:23
highvolt@rycole: its very simple04:23
soldatsObNockShus, #winehq has a lot of experts in wine04:23
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: you could try reinstalling  ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard , might pull some of those in04:24
bitwiseshiftleftrycole: you don't need to get the source, compile it and all that04:24
highvoltDo you have ubuntu installed at the moment?04:24
crwlrson9524: used it a few times long ago, didn't like it too well.04:24
DoubleDewanyone using apache behind a router?04:24
rycoleyes, i'm ssh'd into ubuntu04:24
bkarrycole, you can use tomcat, as good as apache me thinks04:24
nickrudrycole: sudo apt-get install apache204:24
ObNockShusty soldats. I'll try there.04:24
rycoleah, and that'll get it and install it, without leaving a bunch of source code? :P04:24
highvoltrycole: yes.04:24
soldatsObNockShus, but you still may ask your question here. someone may be able to help but if it pertains to games winehq is your best bet04:25
victor__  i've downloaded a moive but the 'down them all" extension of iceweasel failed to join the 130+ chunks, how can they be joined manully?04:25
nickrudrycole: yes, it's just the binaries and config and support files, no source or stray object files04:25
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: no dice.  is there a way to uninstall everything but a minimal core, then reinstall?04:25
son9524_Well Ally ou really have to do is use the tab feature in terminal to join multible channels and servers without much worrie04:25
bitwiseshiftleftor install ubuntu in a chroot, and then pivot root?04:25
rycoleok, awesome.04:25
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: not simply, and pivot root could work. I haven't done that since linux from scratch so my rust would be several inches thick04:26
son9524_What where your Problems chryss04:26
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: ok, well, thanks for the help04:26
Wutzhey can anyone help me with a nvidia driver problem?04:27
=== DFlame is now known as DF[Sleeps]
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: you would be wise to look into debootstrap , it's designed for installing onto an existing machine04:27
=== DF[Sleeps] is now known as DFlame[Sleeps]
Wutzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=676596 can somebody read this and suggest what I can do about it?04:28
nethbarI have sound on the 7.10 live CD but not on the installation.  Nothing muted, running same modules, checked 'Sound' GUI.  Any suggestions where to look to see what's different on the Live CD?04:30
DoubleDewanyone know why someone else wouldn't be able to view my server (thats behind my router)?  I checked my WAN ip from my router config, i set up port forwarding for ports 80 and 443, when i point my browser to my WAN ip i get my homepage, but when i had a friend try they get nothing04:31
crwlrwutz: you may have to edit your xorg.conf and tell it which driver to use, then use system>admin>screens and change the display settings04:31
nickrud!sound | nethbar04:31
ubotunethbar: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:31
ZorlinHeya all, I need a bit of help, I managed to kill Vista by deleting the partition before it04:31
Zorlinand I can't boot it now, because BCD can't find it.04:31
Wutzcrwlr: it is set to use nvidia04:31
Zorlinubuntu installed fine though =x04:31
crwlrwutz: so you have that driver installed?04:31
Wutzthrough restricted driver manager04:31
Wutzit worked before04:32
Wutzbut not after that04:32
nethbarubotu: It's running the mixer, I'll check the links.  Thanks!04:32
pajamianHey, I'm trying to install and configure ubuntu for my son's computer and am now getting this error after logging into GNOME:  "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.  Some things such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly.  The Settings Daemon restarted too many times.  GNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in."  If I click on Close (the only option) then most t04:32
pajamianhings appear to work, until I click on the icon to log out / change users, then it freezes up for about a minute or two (but the mouse still works) and eventually the box comes up.  Any ideas of what I need to do to fix the problem or find out what's causing it?04:32
crwlrwutz: you should install the sysinfo and mess with the nvidia settings in there.  what card are you using?04:32
Wutzgeforce 8600 gt04:32
crwlrwutz: am just using the restricted drivers on my 660004:33
son9524_crwlr: What where your problems with this thing... i am using tabs instead of messingf with commands to be in multible channels and servers >.>04:33
crwlrwith what things?04:34
nethbarpajamian: it sounds like you're have trouble with compiz.  Dunno what else beyond that04:34
Wutzcrwlr: restricted driver manager would normally work04:34
crwlri dont have any problems....04:34
crwlrwutz: may need to just do a fresh install...that's what i'd do...cause i have nothing better to do...HAHAHA04:34
pajamiannethbar: ok, I'll try reinstalling Compiz, then and see what happens for starters ...04:35
son9524_City:       Rahway04:35
son9524_StateProv:  NJ04:35
son9524_PostalCode: 0709504:35
son9524_Country:    US04:35
crwlrwutz: my steps were...fresh install...wireless passkey...then installed the restricted drivers and it works perfectly.  that's for my desktop04:35
Wutzcrwlr: i've spent alot of time tunning up my ubuntu, i do not want to do a fresh install04:35
Wutzbut if i have to, i guess i'll do that04:36
crwlrwutz: well...worst comes to worst...then that would be my answer.  i have tuned up my desktop and i'm about to put OpenGEU on it.04:36
Wutzokay thanks for your help04:37
crwlr30 mins till opengeu finishes the download04:37
crwlr:)  sorry i counldn't help u more, wutz04:37
Wutzquick question04:37
Wutzwha tis opengeu04:37
Wutzwhat is*04:37
Wutzohh right now i remember04:38
Wutzits geubuntu04:38
crwlrwutz: yeah04:38
Wutzkk thanks04:38
crwlrthe download site is slow tonight tho04:38
pteagueyou think 500mb is enough for swap with 4gb ram?04:39
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nickrudpteague: not if you plan to suspend04:40
russok here's what I thought would be a simple question - I tried to use the 'at' command and got a message "Cannot give away file: Operation not permitted". Poked around the forum and found a claim that it is a Ubuntu bug. Anybody know anything about it?04:40
DoubleDewanyone know of a free proxy that i can test my server with from an outside ip04:41
talcitehey guys04:41
bitwiseshiftleftDoubleDew: tor?04:41
rycolesudo asks for your root password, or user account password?04:41
talciteI just installed apache2, and the changes I'm making to the default index.html aren't being reflected on localhost04:41
talciteit keeps saying "it works!"04:41
talciteany ideas?04:42
DoubleDewbitwiseshiftleft: see if it can be accessed outside my router04:42
bkarrycole-> user password04:42
Jack_Sparrowevening nickrud04:42
russOr - any known alternative to the 'at' command for scheduling an action?04:42
bitwiseshiftleftDoubleDew: there's a free network of proxies called tor... usefufl for anonymous browsing04:42
pajamianok, reinstalled compiz and a bunch of other compiz related stuff and still getting the same errors. :-(04:42
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: What video card?04:43
keramwhat is a good svn client?04:43
pajamiannot sure, let me run lspci and check, it's an onboard chipset...04:43
rycoleugh, 'sudo apt-get install apache2' produces no output, so i'm thinking it's not installing anything. :p04:43
keramapt-get install svn doesnt work04:44
crwlrouch...onboard...hate those04:44
pajamianaccording to lspci it's an S3 VT837504:44
DoubleDewi dont want to download anything04:44
rycoledoesn't work at the moment, or it no longer works?04:44
nickrudJack_Sparrow: evening04:44
DoubleDewanyone willing to browse to my ip and see if they see my server page?04:45
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: Someone will know... but you may end up leaving effects off04:45
crwlrsure, doubledew04:45
pajamianI don't think I turned them on in the first place.04:45
* pajamian checks ...04:45
hanophix33jack_sparrow:  i need to buy a laptop battery, any ideas?04:45
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: OT.. there are a couple specialty battery mfg online.  DOnt have any logged.04:46
tritiumcrwlr: I see you tried to reach me earlier.04:46
ganeshhow to solve the grub problem when i make a partition & copied the filesystem from live cd04:46
pajamianwhere do I check to see if the effects are turned on again?  Having a bit of trouble finding it...04:47
hanophix33jack_sparrow: sorry & thanks04:47
crwlrtritium: what up ol boy?!04:47
Jack_Sparrowganesh: You just copied over the cd, you didnt run it and install it?04:47
crwlrdoubledew: nothing yet...still searching04:47
ZorlinHey, is posting forum links in here against the rules? [The issue is too long to type without spamming]04:47
Zorlin[i mean, spamming IRC]04:47
crwlrnegative, zorlin04:47
tritiumcrwlr: not much.  You?04:47
Zorlincrwlr: Thanks.04:47
crwlrjust dont go crazy with them, zorlin04:47
Jack_Sparrowsystem   pref   apearance   effects tab04:47
tritiumZorlin: no, you're good.  Thanks for asking.04:47
ZorlinI have an issue with partitioning + booting Vista, the thread is at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=419521604:48
pajamiannm, found it, and effects are turned off already.04:48
crwlrtritium: checking out opengeu...still downloading right now.  their site is SHLOOOOWWWW!04:48
ZorlinPretty simple issue, but I imagine a fix might be complex =(04:48
Zorlintritium: Your welcome. And thanks :)04:48
tritiumcrwlr: remind me what we were working on last night.  Was it nvidia twinview?04:48
Jack_SparrowZorlin: Please tell us the nature of the problem and if the link is pertainent.. then post it04:48
DoubleDewok, here is a question, why does my router say my WAN ip is one thing while www.mywanip.com says it is something else?  and which is correct?04:48
tritiumcrwlr: I'm not familiar with opengeu.04:49
ZorlinJack_Sparrow: Does "I have an issue with partitioning + booting Vista, the thread is at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4195216" cover it?04:49
DoubleDewand www.mywanip.com changes04:49
crwlrtritium: yes, but i gave up on it.  spent 5 hours trying to figure it out.  opengeu...google it would ya lol.. hard to explain04:49
ZorlinAnd yes, the link has the information on the problem.04:49
tritiumcrwlr: did you read Chap. 13 of /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx-new/README.txt.gz ?04:49
crwlrtritium: yes and i tried it with no luck.  think it's my lcd...it's a gem and i haven't seen anybody post about it04:50
tritiumcrwlr: ah, sorry.04:50
bkarDoubleDew-> what do you think is your wan ip address?04:50
crwlrtritium:  opengeu is google-able by googleing geubuntu04:51
Jack_SparrowZorlin: gparted livecd04:51
DoubleDewthe one my router displays04:51
ZorlinJack_Sparrow: Unfortunately, no blank CD's lying around. I do have blank DVDs, but cannot burn them without a bit of work [hooking up my external dvd burner is hard, gotta free up a powerpoint =(]04:52
tritiumcrwlr: ah, I see04:52
rycolesudo isn't asking for my password anymore, and it's also not executing apt-get...04:52
crwlrtritium: yes, very nice, eh?04:52
ZorlinJack_Sparrow: Do you think the gparted livecd would manage it? I have the ISO already.04:52
Jack_SparrowZorlin: It should handle it just fine04:52
tritiumcrwlr: well, it's not my cup of tea, but if it suits you, then great.04:52
ZorlinJack_Sparrow: Thanks for the help, I'll try n get back to you04:52
DoubleDewbkar: i assume the WAN ip my router displays is more reliable than that of a website?04:52
=== Zorlin is now known as Zorlin||busy
Jack_SparrowZorlin: I use a version about 4 back from the current release..  but try what you have there04:53
Flannel!away > Zorlin||busy04:53
bkarDoubleDew-> what do you think is your wan ip address? please tell me04:53
ububoojoin #vbox04:53
crwlrtritium: you bet.  not really much else going on this end.  just got a tv tuner and haven't started to install it yet.  gonna try later on04:53
tritiumcrwlr: excellent.04:53
=== Zorlin||busy is now known as Zorlin
ZorlinThanks flannel.04:54
DoubleDewbkar: correct?04:54
ongnonI'm trying to install asterisk on ubuntu 7.10 but couldn't install cvs04:55
crwlralright! 9 minutes left on the download.  tritium, im going for a smoke and then i will be back in.04:55
tritiumokay, crwlr04:55
Jack_Sparrowrycole: That isnt a good thing.  WHat was recently installed04:55
tritiumongnon: you couldn't install the cvs ubuntu package, or asterisk from cvs?04:56
pajamianI think it's waiting for something to timeout when I click the log off icon while running top nothing jumps to the top and starts hogging CPU or RAM.04:56
bkarDoubleDew-> wrong, if you did not know yet, 10.x.x.x range (not all) are not routable..04:56
ongnoni have read how to add repositiory in the docs but it doens't help much04:56
ongnoni'm following a asterisk guru guide and it said i have to install cvs package04:56
DoubleDewbkar: how do i find my ip so that i can access my server from the internet?04:56
tritiumongnon: you should just install the ubuntu asterisk packages04:56
ongnonapt-get install asterisk ?04:57
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: What all did you install or try , and what were you trying to fix or do in the beginning04:57
unopbkar, all of 10.x.x.x are routable, just not outside of a private network04:57
bkarDoubleDew-> exactly these are the range -  ..yes non-routable in the internet for clarity04:57
tritiumongnon: yes, use sudo04:57
tritium!info asterisk | ongnon04:57
ubotuongnon: asterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4.10~dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 2033 kB, installed size 5264 kB04:58
cobb28quick question: i am going to order a e8400 or a q6600.  will ubuntu make use of all 4 cores or be better with a higher clocked dual core?04:58
unopbkar, you forgot 10.0.x.x ?04:58
rycoleugh, sudo isn't executing apt-get, is there a catch? lol.04:58
ongnonyup but there are some dependencies04:58
tritiumongnon: naturally04:58
rycoleit doesn't appear to be doing anything.04:58
ongnonasterisk: Depends: libct3 (>= 0.63-1) but it is not installable04:58
ongnon            Depends: libgsm1 (>= 1.0.10) but it is not installable04:58
ongnon            Depends: libpq5 but it is not installable04:58
ongnon            Depends: libsqlite0 (>= 2.8.17) but it is not installable04:58
ongnon            Depends: unixodbc (>= 2.2.11-1) but it is not installable04:58
ongnonE: Broken packages04:58
Jack_Sparrowrycole: That isnt a good thing.  WHat was recently installed, anything from outside the official repos?04:58
FloodBot2ongnon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
rycolejack: nope04:59
bkarunop umm those i believe are routable04:59
bkari cant remember..heh04:59
madsy_Does ftp or pftp take username as a parameter? I can't find it mentioned in man.04:59
ongnonPackage libct3 is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:59
ongnonThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:59
ongnonis only available from another source04:59
ongnongot to go to lunch :) i'll be back later04:59
unopbkar, nope -- all of is private and routable04:59
Jack_Sparrowrycole: Have you been running gui programs as root, is this a real install or some virtual or wubi version04:59
pajamianbah, got disconnected ...05:00
bkarunop okay05:00
DoubleDewbkar: websites will tell me my external ip is
tritiumongnon: it's in the repos.  Refresh your package listing05:00
pajamianJack_Sparrow: In answer to your question: ok, well I installed gutsy from the alternate install CD (I just like that better, the install seems to run faster) ... and then I ran the updates and then I removed evolution and installed thunderbird and ubuntu restricted extra from synaptic in one shot and decided at that point I'd best reboot and see how it was going and the problem started occuring when it came back up then.05:00
bkarDoubleDew-> i agree with that one05:00
crwlrim back05:00
Gary_inNYCany word on when flash plugin will be available?  i just did a fresh install of gutsy05:01
crwlrgary_innyc: should be one with firefox05:01
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: No reason at all for that system to be acting up at that point05:01
unopGary_inNYC, you can always manually install it05:01
CineScopethere is a thread in the forums with an updated package05:01
crwlrgary_innyc: just go to "get addons" in the tools menu and go to extensions05:01
sagari have a package (libgtk2.0-0) which i installed from the wiki page about "global menu bar" but now i can't remove it! when i try to "force version" in synaptic, it waits a while, adn then changes the version back to the hacked one05:02
DoubleDewok here is a question....will MAC filtering affect my issue?05:02
vincent_Hello! Does anyone know a way to install 32 bit apps on a 64 bit distro?05:02
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: Sorry but did you make any changes to the repos before you updated.05:02
pajamianJack_Sparrow: yeah, but it is, heh ... Next on my list was going to be installing flash (from the tarball since the synaptic installer doesn't work right now), and a few other bits.05:02
crwlrplugins i mean, gary_innyc05:02
pajamianJack_Sparrow: only to uncheck the CD so it would go to the net for everything.05:03
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: I would not continue..  I would reinstall the live cd05:03
pajamianok, I'll try again, and not install so much at once after the update, heh.05:03
bkarDoubleDew-> whats this mac filtering about? if you dont know your ip address, you're getting yourself into advance topic?05:03
Jack_Sparrowpajamian: just those two things didnt cause that problem05:04
kerami asked this question a little while ago05:04
kerambut i didnt see the answer (if one was posted)05:04
keramwhat is a good svn client?05:04
pajamianthen I'm at a loss, I just replaced both the RAM and HDD in this box too, so it's starting to look like a bad mobo which I really don't want to have to face at this time, I've sunk enough money into this already :-(05:04
keramthat will allow me to use a cli interface05:05
Flannelkeram: svn05:05
keramapt-get install svn // no package 'svn' found05:05
bkarmarking time... re-installing ubuntu 7.10 on virtual box05:05
Flannelkeram: the package name is 'subversion'05:05
keramthat makes sense05:05
NasariasHey, how do I give my self perms in a root folder like /var/www ?05:05
bkarNasarias-> hey have you even try to read about linux permissions?05:06
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview05:06
pajamianmy only other possibility that I can think of is maybe one of the updated packages was corrupt or installed corrupt, but I guess if that were the case it wouldn't pass the checksum.05:06
NasariasAh, roger bkar, thanks05:07
DoubleDewbkar:  right now i have my router to MAC filter....so no computers but the ones with specific MAC addresses i designated can access my network05:07
DoubleDewbkar:  but will this affect someone trying to access my server via my router's external IP05:07
bkarDoubleDew-> you better understand that filtering concept, understand from which side are you filtering or both05:08
ganeshhow to solve the grub problem when i make a partition & copied the filesystem from live cd05:08
rycolejack_sparrow: sorry, was looking at things. no, it's purely through ssh.05:08
rycolei don't have any xwindows things installed.05:08
DoubleDewbkar:  that is my question...I assume its only a filter for those trying to access my internal network05:08
Jack_Sparrowganesh: You just copied over the cd, you didnt run it and install it?05:08
bkarDoubleDew-> am kind of hard on you, i just want you to realize what you are doing, ill guide you though if you are really stuck05:09
qubitsyeah. I knew there'd be a ton of peeps here05:09
ZorlinJack_Sparrow: I might be a bit longer to check if it works... I copied the wrong ISO and just realised I don't have it. Downloading it now @ 154KB/s =\05:09
qubitshow's it goin room05:09
bkarDoubleDew-> mac addresses are at data link layer,05:09
qubitsI have a pretty simple grub question05:09
Jack_SparrowZorlin: I need to get to bed.. hope it works out..05:09
qubitsany takers?05:09
crwlrqubits: just ask05:10
ZorlinQubits: Whats the question? I might be able to help. I'm a half-noob.05:10
DoubleDewbkar:  i realize my knowledge of the OSI model and the internet protocol suite is a bit lax, but that is a future topic for me after getting this web server set up05:11
ZorlinQubits: What is your question? I'll try my best =p05:11
qubitswell I need grub to jump to the bootloader on hd1,005:11
albert_kamHello, any good documentation that explains /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow ?05:11
ZorlinWhat OS are you trying to boot o.o05:11
qubitsit used to be a windows mbr but its changed to a raw fbsd loader05:11
madsy_Is it possible to make ftp look for .netrc somewhere else than the home directory?05:11
qubitsbut i dont think its a windows mbr anymore05:12
bkarDoubleDew-> get away from filtering then, dont need that to get a webser working05:12
qubitsits boot0cfg05:12
qubitswhich then can load windows05:12
ZorlinQubits: Windows MBR loads the windows bootloader. :P05:12
qubitsor fbsd05:12
ZorlinGRUB does the same with an entry. Hang on, pm me05:12
qubitsZorlin that drive can still bot windows i've seen it05:12
till_any ideas where to get flex++ parser for ubuntu without compiling the stuff of course :) ?05:12
PKdoRI got problems with grub not booting correct partition05:12
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords05:12
LinuxishawtI have a quick permission question, I have a credintials file for mount a smb share, what I chmod the cred file to?05:12
ZorlinQubits: I know :P05:12
DoubleDewbkar: i am filtering (with router) just to further protect my home wireless network05:12
qubitsboot0cfg jumps to it05:12
bkarDoubleDew-> get away from filtering then, dont need that to get a webserver* working05:12
qubitshold on05:12
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:13
* syc_ pamid05:13
bkarDoubleDew-> important things first, get it working05:13
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* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb05:13
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crwlralbert_kam: sudo is a command to run a program or function as root05:13
DoubleDewbkar:  correct, but it should be of no consequence05:13
bkarDoubleDew-> filtering, firewalling blocks things and prevent you from getting things to work05:14
ZorlinQubits: /msg me so I can paste my entry to you05:14
ZorlinQubits: I'm on a dual-boot setup, probably just like you, so I can give you my entry and you just edit which partition it boots05:14
PKdoRI need help editing grub boot partition from he live CD please for ubuntu 64bit please05:15
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: so i tried debootstrap... rebooting now... i bet it doesn't come back up, but it was a valiant try05:15
albert_kamcrwlr: Thank you. Actually i'm more interested with the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, because i'm trying to troubleshoot one of my friend's problem as she's forgotten her root password. I tried booting from cd, mounting the /etc, try to remove the encrypted thing in /etc/password, so that it results with root::.......... , but still, after reboot, su still asks for password05:15
nickrudbitwiseshiftleft: I'm crossing my fingers05:15
=== madsy_ is now known as Madsy
crwlrhmmm....interesting, albert_kam05:16
DoubleDewbkar:  but isn't the point of port forwarding to override the firewall, and also, i have not mentioned, but i did put my server as a computer in the DMZ on my router settings05:16
albert_kamcrwlr: I know there are other ways, but i'm more intrigued with this approach :) Hence, i'm seeking information about the /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd ..05:16
bkarDoubleDew-> well first thing first, is your webserver working?05:17
nickrudalbert_kam: after you've replaced the encrypted thing in /etc/shadow, boot into recovery mode and set a root password there05:17
DoubleDewyes...i can open a browser and navigate to the internal and it works....i can also use the ip that my router gives as the WAN ip and it works (for me from within my network)05:18
ObNockShus where do I go to learn the basics (commands etc) of linux? I have the apt-get part down sort of. I need to learn the command structure and how to compile.05:18
nickrudObNockShus: tldp.org has some good handbooks on commands and bash.05:19
albert_kamnickrud: Hi, i tried that, but it still asks for password. The strange thing when i'm removing the encrypted string in /etc/shadow is that it only contains one 'x' char, it was like root:x:........ And in the examples that i googled, it isnt just x, it's something like root:asfdasdXasf: :)05:19
ObNockShusty nickrud05:19
hanophix33my wifi radar is saying that the network i want to use is at 45% but i quickly lose connection05:19
bitwiseshiftleftnickrud: not coming back up.  oh well05:20
bitwiseshiftleftanyway, that's enough for me tonight05:20
bitwiseshiftleftgnight all05:20
bkarDoubleDew-> umm. okay, we already establish  10.x.x.x is not routable on the internet right?05:20
nickrudalbert_kam: yes, the odd stuff is the hashed password. I've replaced that with * and been able to get right into the recovery console05:20
crwlrwow...now i gotta copy opengeu from my laptop to my desktop...and that's taking forever...05:20
Flannelalbert_kam: Is this Ubuntu?  and does your friend ever remember setting a password for root?05:20
albert_kamnickrud: So, here's the step that i did. I boot from cd, mount my partition, vi the mounted /etc/shadow, removing the 'x' char, !wq, reboot, boot from harddisk, su still asks for password.05:20
DoubleDewbkar:  yes, im am just saying exactly what has worked for me so far05:20
albert_kamnickrud: thank you !!05:20
bkarDoubleDew-> the big question, can please elaborate on how is your network laidout? firewalls if any? managed switches?05:21
albert_kamFlannel: Yes, she's set her password, but unfortunately she forgot about it. But i think i got the solution at hand. Thank you Flannel :)05:21
hanophix33can anyone help me with my wifi or connecting to a network that shows 45%05:22
DoubleDewcable internet service, going to a wireless router, the server pc is seperate from the one i work on (i.e. i ssh into the server to make changes)05:22
pajamianalbert_kam: can always set it to a known hash if that fails.05:22
ginge2k8just installed xampp 1.6.5a on xubuntu 7.10 and allis well untill i go to phpmyadmin from the page at localhost i get this error05:22
boyhppyhow do you get rid of the GRUB Loader from your bios05:22
ginge2k8#2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)05:22
nickrudalbert_kam: another nice trick is adding init=/bin/sh  to the kernel boot line05:22
PKdoRCan someone help with fixing grub? please05:22
albert_kampajamian: hmm, i wanna ask more about this hash thing, but i'm going to rtfm first .. any doc about this hash thing ? :D05:23
RootyRootRootW00where is chat chan pls?05:23
albert_kamnickrud: Yes, i read about that too, about the mount -n -o remount,rw thing :)05:23
jonathan_Hi there; I just switched amarok to use mysql instead of sqlite (hooray for faster amarok), and now none of my sound apps work. I've made sure it's using the right default sound interface (alsa on my sblive) and volume is up and not muted.. any ideas?05:23
jonathan_gstreamer, mplayer, amarok, all no sound05:23
bkarDoubleDew-> this webserver is connected how through this router? any switches or firewall in between?05:23
DoubleDewbkar:  nope05:23
bkarDoubleDew-> this webserver is connected how through this router?05:24
DoubleDewbkar:  hardwired ethernet into the router05:24
hanophix33wifi card in ubuntu isnt very good05:24
wj32what card do you have?05:24
bkarDoubleDew-> you mentioned DMZ..is the webserver in the DMz?05:24
quinnRelatively specific question here:  I've got an Inspiron 1520 laptop, and I'm looking to use one of the dell DVDs to install ubuntu 7.10.  There is no i1520 dvd, but some people have seen some success in enabling wifi, webcam, etc with one of the others.  Should I use the i1420 dvd, or the i530n dvd?05:24
DoubleDewbkar:  yes05:24
ganeshhow to solve the grub problem when i make a partition & copied the filesystem from live cd05:24
hanophix33wj32: how can i find that out05:24
pajamiannot that I know of, but you can generate a hash on another box easily with a command like this: perl -le 'print crypt(q{$1$xxxxxx$}, "mypass");'05:24
qubitsHey, since I put a freebsd bootloader on my windows mbr  chainloader standard entried for windows dont work05:25
wj32i don't know...05:25
qubitsthe drive that has the freebsd bootloader knows where the windows bootloader is05:25
pajamianthat's untested, but ...05:25
qubitsso its still there, what kind of entry can i give grub to boot the windows partition directly05:25
bkarDoubleDew-> can your webserver reach the internet? ping? browse, etc..05:25
qubitsbut the entry to jump to hd(1,0) where windows is located doesn't load, just stays there no error05:25
pajamianhrmmmm, doesn't work like I thought, heh05:25
jonathan_anyone know why my sound would just stop working in all apps when amarok skipped to the next track?05:25
DoubleDewbkar:  yes it can05:25
qubitsi could probably afford running a windows cd repair on the bootloader since i actually use another drive to boot05:25
jonathan_or can give me a starting point for troubleshooting?05:25
qubitsi need those two drives in there because windows was installed to D:05:26
qubitsC: has grub05:26
bkarDoubleDew-> go ahead and do the port forwarding and NAT'ing on your router so it can pass back and forth the traffice from the webserver05:26
ZorlinQubits: Super GRUB Disk, http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/?section=download05:26
DoubleDewbkar:  NATing?05:26
qubitswhats it do05:26
Zorlinfree, ~5MB...05:26
Zorlinits a GRUB troubleshooting/fixing tool05:26
pajamianahhh, I got it backwards, it's: perl -le 'print crypt("mypass", q{$1$xxxxx$});'05:26
nickrudpajamian: heh. I could never get a hash, forgot about init=/bin/sh (stupid eh?) and in an inspired bit of luck tried the * since it's supposed to lock out the password, and recovery is supposed to work with a locked password.05:26
Zorlinespecially useful in dual-boot scenarios. Not sure, but it might have an option to do what you're trying to do05:27
pajamianthat will return an encrypted form for "mypass"05:27
bkarDoubleDew-> it may be done automatically by your router, but you forgot what I said about non-routable ip address on the internet?05:27
magequinn: based on model numbers I'd guess i530n is a better bet, but I dont know personally, but maybe you can check through sales websites which one matches yours closer?05:27
DoubleDewbkar:  port forward is already set up as per a tutorial i have read.... forward both ports 80/443 to 80/44305:27
riboUS primary mirrors going really slo for anyone else?05:27
pajamiannickrud: well, here ya go, the password hash for "mypass": $1$xxxxx$fUYW2Kr.sorUtPYD6LGMz005:27
pajamianyou can always plug that in and just use mypass05:27
bkarDoubleDew-> okay, lets test your web server, let me hit it05:28
* nickrud squirrels it way for a non-ubuntu install some day05:28
pajamianthen of course change it to something better once you manage to log in.05:28
nickrudpajamian: I'd never have tried perl, I have an aversion to languages that uses punctuation as verbs05:28
qubitsasm ftw05:29
pajamianhehehe, I'm a programmer and specialize in perl, so it's the language I picked, plus it has a command line interface that lets you do cool little things like that.05:29
DoubleDewbkar: is the IP i get from web sites05:29
nickrudthe only thing I found harder to read was forth05:29
jonathan_Hi there, is there a special process that needs to be running and visible with sudo ps aux for alsa sound to work correctly?05:29
ongnonwhen i install a dependency for asterisk: E: Package libct3 has no installation candidate , what should I do?05:29
bkarDoubleDew-> your ap/router is refusing05:30
albert_kampajamian: how do you generate $1$xxxxx$fUYW2Kr.sorUtPYD6LGMz0 ?05:30
nickrudpajamian: if you want a write once read never language, there's your candidate :)05:30
pajamianI gave you the commadn earlier: perl -le 'print crypt("mypass", q{$1$xxxxx$});'05:31
DoubleDeware there apache settings to allow for external connections?  im guessing this is transparent to apache if port forwarding works properly05:31
pajamianyou can plug somethign else into that command for the salt and the password if you want.05:31
albert_kampajamian: sorry, lines scrolls so quickly >.< .. thanks for the script, he he ..05:31
ganeshhow to solve the grub problem when i make a partition & copied the filesystem from live cd05:32
pajamiannickrud: perl is one of those languages taht looks ghastly at first glance but when you get used to it you don't ever want to leave it.05:33
jonathan_Can nobody give me even a starting place to start troubleshooting sound?05:33
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:33
jonathan_yep yep05:33
nickrudpajamian: I keep hearing that. My career path has luckily (or not, sometimes I do miss it) I don't program much anymore05:34
ginge2k8anyone help with a problem with xampp?05:34
jonathan_give me a moment to ensure my problem is not listed there, I'm fairly certain it probably isn't05:34
Flannelginge2k8: Suggest you use a proper LAMP stack instead05:34
donluigiI need help fixing my partition... tried to format it from ntfs to ext3, but i messed it up05:34
pajamianhehehe, perl was the original P in LAMP05:35
ginge2k8flannel im a noob so i thought it would be the easiest option05:35
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: Still having that issue trying to get your Apache running?05:35
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: my apache is running, just cant figure out how to access it outside my LAN05:36
Flannelginge2k8: Well, XAMPP isn't supported here, but LAMP is real easy to setup, just a few simple commands (hooray for package management): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  will get you all up and running05:36
Flannelginge2k8: and we support that here too.05:36
cvdHey , where the hell i change my current nickname?05:36
cvdin xchat05:36
ginge2k8ok back to square one then !05:36
Ttechginge2k8, or just install them using apt05:36
Ttechcva, /nick *nick05:36
pajamiancvd: /nick mynewnick05:36
Linuxishawtis your ISP blocking port 80?05:37
=== cvd is now known as z
desertcHaving trouble with Ubuntu on your computer?  Consider purchasing your next computer with Ubuntu pre-installed and supported by the vendor.05:37
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: have you tried to make apache run on a different port and then try to connect05:37
=== z is now known as CVD
ginge2k8ports been forwarded on my router so no probs ther05:37
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: no i have not tried that05:37
ginge2k8just with phpmyadmin05:37
qubitscan you tell me Helio05:37
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: what config file is that in?05:38
qubitsi managed to fix the duplicated partitions myself last night05:38
qubitsthis is my last step05:38
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: the conf file is located at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf05:38
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LinuxishawtDoubleDew: you running 2 or 1.3?05:38
riboI think the mirrors are slow because everyone is downloading that eyesore KDE : (05:38
PKdoRhow can I chroot o Grb so i can fix a wrong patition boot?05:38
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: 2, and isnt it ports.conf?05:38
=== CVD_ is now known as CVD
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: you can do it in either05:39
donluigiI need help fixing my partition... tried to format it from ntfs to ext3, but i messed it up05:39
FloodBot2JShepard: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
MadsyGah.. I need an ftp client that supports job batching. Any recommendations?05:39
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nickrud!ops | JShepard05:39
ubotuJShepard: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!05:39
rekonDoubleDew, The ports.conf file tells apache what ports to listen on, and apache2.conf is where you can configure which site to listen on which port and address.05:40
bkarMadsy-> i suggest you write a lil script05:40
MadsyI know the standard ftp client supports it, via the .netrc file macros05:40
bkarDoubleDew-> sometimes its listen.conf file where you set them05:40
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: Also when you connec to your WAN IP and you can see it, that just means that your router is working, chances are your ISP is blocking port 8005:40
bkarMadsy-> .netrc are only for storing your password and userid, if i recall05:41
Madsybkar: Hm?05:41
jorje_villafanHi, I just installed Ubuntu. I am getting random lines on the screen starting from the top left corner when I click on or drag windows around. I also get solid boxes sometimes. any help would be great05:41
bkarMadsy-> what is Hm?05:41
Madsybkar: I didn't quite get what you mean with "a lil script". You can't just type the ftp commands as a part of a bash script.05:42
jonathan_Hi. 1) snd modules are loaded in lsmod. soudncard is visible with lspci. user has audio privilages. alsa to be used on legacy pci sblive card. Nobody has any suggestions other than 'hur hur recompile yer kernel'?05:42
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: ok, i changed ports 80/443 to 82/445 respectively in ports.conf05:42
jonathan_or 'hur hur !soud'05:42
bkargessh ubuntu 7.10 install on virtual box is still not done..05:42
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: restart apache and you can PM me your IP05:42
bkarMadsy-> yes, so do it05:42
DoubleDewnow, if my ISP is blocking port 80, aren't i out of luck if i forward port 80 requests?05:43
jonathan_yeah.. didn't think so05:44
jonathan_so long and thanks for all the fish05:44
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: some ISP's will block 80 until you "Upgrage" to a business acount05:44
Madsybkar: It doesn't seem to work. Say, "user" or "nlist" are treated as commands on the local side. They are not sent to stdin05:44
* nickrud is always impressed with people who expect answers in 2 minutes05:45
bkarMadsy-> this is not the channel for wirting scripts..please visit #bash05:45
richeehi folks, how do I set a cron job to run every one hour in crontab ?05:45
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: so even if i forward the public port 80 to private port 82 im still out of luck?05:45
richeeI am kinda confused05:45
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: if in fact my ISP is blocking 8005:45
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: Not sure, my ISP has all ports open for me, so I haven't tested05:45
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: if they are blocking we can test05:46
rekonDoubleDew, yes but I dont think your having issues with your ISP is blocking your port.05:46
bkarDoubleDew-> you have the telnet port open05:46
Linuxishawtbkar: why would you use telnet?05:46
Linuxishawtbkar: unless telnet <ip> 8005:46
bkarLinuxishawt-> for quick test05:47
bkarLinuxishawt-> you have something againts telnet?05:47
Linuxishawtbkar: it's insecure, ssh should be used instead of it05:47
CVDwhich xchat command to view all my posts?05:48
bkarLinuxishawt-> i dont care, am the one doing the testing, am not serving it05:48
pajamianCVD: logs are in .xchat2/xchatlogs05:48
bkarLinuxishawt-> you are getting the two mixed up, serving and using telnet to test are two different matter05:49
CVDbut i remember that  i can see it here05:49
Linuxishawtbkar: if you're using telnet to test, from external you don't need the 'telnet port' open. you can telnet into the http port05:49
pajamianI don't know, I've never done it that way.05:50
crwlrhere we go!  booting up opengeu!05:50
Linuxishawtbkar: telnet <ip> <port>05:50
bkarLinuxishawt-> you can use whatever tools suits you to test, telnet is perfectly fine for me05:50
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randonI need some grub help05:51
bkarLinuxishawt-> again once more, i am not serving on telnet port..05:51
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: i take it that you were not able to access my server05:51
randonfirst two drives are in a fake raid0, 3rd drive has linux on it (on the second partition)05:51
pajamianbkar: you can use the telnet command to access *any* port.05:51
bkarDoubleDew-> we have, on port 23, there something there05:51
bkarpajamian-> i do not disagree05:52
randonthis is because XP is on the first drive (mirror), and then an NTFS data partition, and yet I still wisheth to have my linux05:52
nickrudCVD: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/05:52
randonhi sadap05:52
qubitshey i want grub to jump to the bootloader on hd1,005:52
qubitshow could i do that05:52
qubitsroot (1,0)    rootnoverify05:53
qubitsi just want it to call the bootloader on hd1,005:53
soldatsnickrud, hey man. question youve been here for a while today right?05:53
randonqubits, that doesn't work?05:53
nickrudsoldats: I've been in and out this evening05:53
kirohtolido everyone know, why http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53270/ dont go??????05:53
sadapRandon im trying to enable Compiz Fussion with my Intel I810, it's posible?05:53
randonwhat's that?05:54
pajamianqubits: for Windows?05:54
randonI'm trying to get Grub to boot my 3rd disk (2nd logical disk, as the first 2 are raid0)05:54
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sathow to enable ximagesink in the 0.10.14 base plugin?05:54
soldatsnickrud, hmm me too. do you recall a "ethernal_flame" here maybe an hour ago. he said he was sent to -offtopic because he was talking randomly here. i dont see any message from the last 5 hours of him. just wondering05:55
randonI think Grub sees only the bios drives, so it sees hd0 and hd1, so while it finds linux on hd1, once it's booting up the device is now the 3rd drive (sdc) and it fails.05:55
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: any other thoughts?05:55
sadapWith the Live CD works But when I Install on HDD dosen't work05:55
nickrudsoldats: no I don't remember him, you could look at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ and see if he's been here05:55
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: well a quick nmap doesn't show anything other than 23 and 8000 open05:56
rekonDoubleDew, you are able to load your page from inside your network right? Apache is working and loading pages internally?05:56
kirohtolido everyone know, why http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53270/ dont go??????05:56
ubuntui need help installing 7.10 on my external drive05:56
soldatsnickrud, im just being cautious, he seems to be very slightly trolling but its no worries. just a precaution :)05:56
nickrudsoldats: I love playing with the bait, enjoy05:56
DoubleDewLinuxishawt: yes05:56
DoubleDewrekon:  yes05:56
qubitspajamian yes  for windows05:57
qubitschainloader doesnt work05:57
pajamianqubits: look here then: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html#DOS_002fWindows05:57
qubitspajamian a chainload wont work05:58
pajamiandid you read the 2nd paragraph there?05:58
qubitsbut the boot-manage thats on there works and chan load windows05:58
pajamianabout having to swap the drives?05:59
qubitsi dont want to swap drives tho05:59
rekonDoubleDew, What type of router are you using?05:59
qubitsthe chain load doesnt work cause i put diff boot loaders on hd1,005:59
pajamianwell, windows doesn't like to boot from the 2nd drive05:59
pajamianso you will have to.05:59
qubitswindows was installed on the second drive05:59
qubitsand its primary drive is d05:59
qubitsso it must and i will not need to05:59
kirohtolido everyone know, why http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53270/ dont go??????05:59
pajamiandunno, it must have installed somethign on drive C06:00
DoubleDewrekon: dlink DI-52406:00
ubuntuin know the grub-install but if i use (hd1) will it go to my extrenal drive or should i use (sda0)???06:00
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pajamian...and is booting to drive C and then switching to D06:00
qubitsntldr is on c yeah i think06:00
rekonDoubleDew, can you goto www.whatismyip.com and private msg me the result?06:00
pajamianok, so you really need to chainload to that, then.06:00
qubitsbut grub is on c too06:00
qubitsmaybe grub 0,006:00
qubitsthat hung too i thought06:01
qubitschain load worked until i ran fdisk -B disklabel -B and boot0cfg -B on hd1,006:01
pajamianit might be 0,1 or ... who knows, what partition is ntldr on?06:01
DoubleDewrekon:  that website gives me a couple different ones that change between each other randomly06:01
qubitsboth rly06:01
kirohtolido everyone know, why http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53270/ dont go??????06:02
pajamianmaybe you need to boot your windows recovery disk and run fdisk /mbr on drive D, then.06:02
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: on your router what wan IP do you have?06:02
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rekonDoubleDew, Hmmm The reason I ask is because that IP you spoke of earlier....If I telnet into it, its a remote admin for a OptiQRoute 2180 router.06:02
qubitsbefore it used to chainload 1,006:02
jonesi have a really weird issue. every time i open a terminal it crashed the entire xfce session and returns me to the login screen.. any  ideas?06:02
qubitspajamian i think i will do that06:03
qubitsallthoug the bootloader on that drive can load windows06:03
qubitsbut it boots with C: as its system drive06:03
qubitsthe only reason that works is because D: is a third drive on there that has a clone of C:06:03
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: that's the issue right there06:03
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: your ISP is using private address' so you're going through two NAT boxes06:04
DoubleDewbut neither one of those ever work06:04
jforman_I just installed Gutsy off of the DVD.  I installed as a server, and pre loaded DNS, LAMP, and the desktop.  When I start up after installing I'm having serious trouble with my monitor (a Dell 2005FPW).  During a normal boot the monitor goes blank and I get "cannot display this mode"  I've tried setting various VGA modes in grub (vga=whatever), and sometimes I get the same sometimes I get a bright orange screen that's clearly messed06:04
pajamianwell, it could even be booting two partitions on the 2nd drive as C: and D:, you should look at your partition scheme for all the drives and figure it out.06:04
qubitssomeone said i should rebuild grubs map06:05
qubitsor updated the mapping06:05
qubitswont say how06:05
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: it won't work because you have your 10.X gateway which is your D-Link and then you have the public gateway which is the one the websites see06:05
DoubleDewso i am out of luck then?06:06
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: yup =( because of your ISP06:06
pajamianqubits: not sure what that does, I'm not a grub expert by any means, but getting it to boot to windows is usually not a problem.06:06
DoubleDewi knew this shouldn't be that hard06:06
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: sorry man, try contacting them, maybe they're able to put you on a routable IP?06:07
LinuxishawtI g2g work in the morning, I have to support my winders users06:07
DoubleDewThanks a lot for your help guys06:08
LinuxishawtDoubleDew: NP06:08
jonesi have a really weird issue. every time i open a terminal it crashed the entire xfce session and returns me to the login screen.. any  ideas?06:08
bkarwhew...took xactly 1 hour to install ubuntu 7.10 on virtual box06:09
rycoleugh, sudo apt-get still does nothing. :\06:09
qubitspajamian what function in windows recovery will not wipeout the bootloader on hd1,0 but fix its loader06:10
rycoleexecuting apt-get normally gives me the permissions errors, but sudo does nothing.06:10
ribohey, cure for slow mirrors: use canadian ones06:10
qubitswell it doesnt matter06:10
qubitssince the grub on the first disk has all the capabilty i need06:10
qubitscan load freebsd and if it will load the windows drive then im fine06:11
pajamianqubits: I honestly don't know, you can replace the boot sector with fdisk /mbr just make sure you run it on the correct drive.  I would make sure the 2nd drive has a windows boot sector on it instead of grub.06:11
pajamianbut I really don't know, I haven't done it on two drives like that before, and it's been a few years since I ditched windows all together.06:12
KarrotCakejones: have you tried xterm? is it just xfce4-terminal killing xfce?06:12
KarrotCakejones: if it is you could always reinstalling the package06:13
pajamianwhat you may want to do is fdisk /mbr the first disk just as a test, it will wipe out grub from the boot sector but you can put it back later.  Then you will be able to see if windows can at least boot itself.06:13
joneskarrotcake: more details, i have ubuntu installed and it is fine just a litle slow on the old machine. i instaled xubuntu and when i choose terminal it goes to a black screen then back to the login screen. i am sorry i dont really understand ur question06:14
zackdoes anyone know how i can change the preferences so my screen saver doesn't come on when i am playing a video06:14
crwlrzack: should be in the screensaver preferences06:15
nickrudzack: for some reason it doesn't always work; you can add the inhibit applet to the panel to turn off the screensaver temporarily06:15
KarrotCakejones: ah sorry i though you were talking about opening in a terminal while in xfce06:15
n3kr0nhi!  someone can explain me what <string*>* means? are this an pointer to pointer string? in C++, I do not undestood06:16
zackcrwlr, all i can do there is change the idle time06:16
KarrotCakejones: in that case its do to with gdm, the program that manages logging in and loading xfce or gnome06:16
randonanyone ever install linux on a 3-drive system with linux on the 3rd drive, and the first two drives in a [fake] raid0 configuration?06:16
crwlrzack: i checked...its not...but i use vlc media player and it plays the movie all the way thru without the screensaver poppin on06:16
zackcrwlr, I will try using vlc player i cant really remember which player i was using when it happened but maybe that will work, thanks06:17
joneskarrotcake: i am able to use everything else in xubuntu. i can browse and everything. the gnome side works no prob at all. any ideas on a fix for this. i would like to use xubuntu because it is a lot faster but it is worthless without a terminal06:17
crwlrshould with ease06:18
pajamianit is in the screensaver prefs, there's a box for "activate screensaver when computer is idle", just uncheck it.06:18
zackpeace ooout06:18
KarrotCakejones: oh ok, well something you could try, is to go into synaptic, and search and install xterm06:19
KarrotCakejones: then run that; you might need to create a shortcut to load it06:19
pajamianhuh?  surely xubuntu comes with a terminal app?06:20
joneskarrotcake: so is it an issue w/ the terminal that is installed in xfce or some other type of conflict?06:20
compyso if i have closed vlc with a movie playing but i still hear sound... howh do i force quit it... i do not see it playing on my desktop though06:21
KarrotCakejones: well im not sure, id try a different terminal first. xfce comes with a terminal xfce4-terminal which im assuming is what your running when you click on your terminal icon06:21
jankeanyone run etqw 1.4 on ubuntu here?06:21
jankesound doesn't work for me with 1.4, but did with the last version of etqw (1.2 i think)06:22
jankei don't know what could have caused it and would like some assistance :)06:22
possum_Hello =)06:22
jankehi :)06:22
crwlrzack: i watch .divx movies at night when i'm off to bed and it stays on so i think that is ur fix. i didnt have to configure anything.  my screensaver idle time is 10 mins so u should be golden with that.06:22
possum_I have installed fresh ubuntu 7.10... then all updates through synaptic.... then because i wanted kde i installed kubuntu-desktop and everything seemed fin in both kde and gnome. I decided that io wanted to try out xfce so i used synaptic to install xubuntu-desktop and now gnome is all screwy and wont let me brouse storeage drives in file manager and some other bugs like so selection rectangle with mouse etc.06:24
debatem1quick question about the ubuntu desktop course, I am cto of a small business that must do some training for our clients, is there a way to get the desktop course under a license that would permit that sort of use?06:25
joneskarrotcake: it shows in synaptic that xterm is already installed. is this because i have gnome loaded as well?06:25
possum_when i installed xubuntu-desktop it wanted to remove "totem-gstreamer" so i let it but thats all06:25
mikebotIs anyone else having problems with Miro constantly crashing when searching for videos and/or know how to solve it?06:26
bkardebatem1-> you want to license what?06:26
KarrotCakejones: ah yeah, its already installed then. try creating a shortcut that runs that and see what happens.06:26
joneskarrotcake: ok i created a launcher and am able launch the xterm.06:26
debatem1bkar: we need to train our clients to do basic tasks in ubuntu. the desktop training guide is great, and we want to use it, but its licensed CC-NC. is there a way to purchase a copy under a different license, or...06:27
KarrotCakejones: cool, so id try removing and reinstalling xfce4-terminal, and if that doesnt work id try running xfce4-terminal outside of xubuntu and see if you get any error messages other than it not finding a display06:28
KarrotCakejones: thats if you dont like xterm06:28
crwlrwho was telling me that geubuntu is called opengeu???06:28
bkardebatem1-> oh, you have to call them and find out06:28
dn4what is a good visual traceroute program?06:28
dn4I wanna see the traceroute on maps like googlemaps06:29
debatem1bkar: yeah, i figured, just thought id ask here first06:29
joneskarrotcake: i went into synaptics and marked xfce4-terminal for reinstallation. it went through the process but still crashes when i select it in the menu06:29
timandtomIs there a way to make certain wireless networks have priority over others in roaming mode?06:29
timandtomI keep automatically connecting to my neighbors network, but I don't want to do that unless mine is down.06:30
debatem1bkar: thanks for your help06:30
bkartimandtom-> dont use roaming, put a preference on your essid06:31
possum_does anyone have any idea as to why xubuntu-desktop would render gnome nearly unusable?06:31
bkartimandtom-> you can set it permanently to acquire your essid and not the neighbors, in  /etc/network/interfaces file06:31
joneskarrotcake: i even tried to launch the xfce terminal from within xterm and it crahses. i was hoping i would get a output saying what was happening but no. i do not really have a preference of terminal i am just more curious as to why it crashes the entire DE06:32
KarrotCakejones: you could be running into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/114124 (seems to be happening on older hardware)...some people are saying you should change your colour depth.06:32
joneskarrotcake: will that effect my gnome setup? it is older hardware. a 833mhz w/ 256 ram06:33
soldatsjones, no06:33
soldatsjones, i have what you have my color depth is very low and i experience no problems06:34
joneskarrotcake/soldats: i am looking now for xorg.conf and am going to change the depth.06:35
KarrotCakejones: hmm i would have thought it WOULD affect gnome as well as its modified in your xorg.conf and i thought they were shared between gnome and xfce, but soldats prolly knows what hes talking about06:35
Icehawk78Is there a way to kill a process (a Ruby script, specifically) and then start it again every x hours through SSH?06:35
bkarcron it06:37
KarrotCakejones: btw xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/06:37
soldatsKarrotCake, a slightly bad refresh rate will caue his problem as well as color depth not set right. but usually having one of those 2 issues you normally cant even boot to gui. but in the case that you do boot to gui the most likely thing is color depth slightly off or refresh rate slightly off. or maybe a faulty install. anyways gotta sleep06:38
webPragmatistwhats the chan on efnet that is just for chatting randomness06:39
webPragmatister freenode*06:39
soldats!ot | webPragmatist maybe this but it is ubuntu-offtopic06:40
ubotuwebPragmatist maybe this but it is ubuntu-offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:40
webPragmatistyea not that06:40
=== SchwarzerHexenme is now known as witchmaster
soldatsno clue then sorry im only here06:41
webPragmatistif you were wondering*06:41
ownlinuxglade  和  anjuta有人用过吗??06:41
joneskarrotcake/soldats: changing the depth worked. it does not crash any longer. :) my only issue is that that the terminal that it opens is huge. it covers approx 75% of the screen. i can resize it after opening but how can i make it not open so big? the font is large as well in the terminal but not in other apps.  thanks for the help06:42
astro76!cn | ownlinux06:43
ubotuownlinux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:43
soldatsjones, there should be a menu in the terminal so try to change the default fonts and there might be a size setting too im not so sure on that though. gotts sleep for reals now byr glad to help :P06:43
jonesi got the font fixed but06:44
jonesthanks again06:44
crwlrnot too happy with geubuntu.  betas are not my kind of thing.06:45
Icehawk78If I want to kill the first process I find when I run the command "ps aux | grep ruby", how would I do that?06:46
scguy318Icehawk78: kill PIDofthatprocess06:46
Icehawk78Is there a way to extract the PID dynamically? I'm trying to put it into a shell script.06:47
scguy318Icehawk78: read up on pkill/pgrep also06:47
scguy318Icehawk78: that may be what you want06:47
arjunaHey what's the best of the best of the best linux distribution?06:47
scguy318arjuna: depends on what you want06:47
yao_ziyuanwho is the robot...06:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:48
crwlryao_ziyuan: sudo apt-get install emerald06:48
yao_ziyuan!bot themes06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot themes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:48
scguy318!themes | yao_ziyuan06:48
ubotuyao_ziyuan: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:49
crwlryao_ziyuan: search google for "emerald themes" and you can install them that way06:49
scguy318crwlr: he may or may not be looking for Emerald themes without clarification :P06:49
scguy318might be GNOME/KDE/etc.06:49
crwlrscguy318: emerald themes are the best :D06:49
scguy318crwlr: they are :)06:49
crwlrso why not just give him help on the best ones out there?06:50
shady_incHi.!!How can I disable the music that plays at Ubuntu start-up.??06:50
crwlrshady_inc: why would you want to do that?06:50
scguy318crwlr: because his machine may not be able to handle Emerald06:50
scguy318crwlr: not everyone can run it, I can't on this machine06:50
scguy318shady_inc: System -> Prefs -> Sounds I imagine06:50
crwlrwhat are you running, scguy318?06:50
scguy318crwlr: Ubuntu Gutsy06:50
possum_i HAVE searched myself for a solution......... and my connection is VERY slow so its kinda a pain to reinstall ubuntu and kubuntu-desktop......06:51
crwlrno, specs scguy31806:51
shady_inc<scguy318> : kk...let me check..06:51
scguy318crwlr: 512 MB, ATI Mobility, 10 GB HDD :P06:51
crwlrand you can't run it?!  I am on basically the same thing!06:51
scguy318crwlr: wouldn't be very nice to my system performance06:51
crwlrscguy318: AHHH06:52
Icehawk78Hopefully one last question. If I'm running SSH through screen, is there a way to have a specific cron job display its output on a specific screen session?06:52
crwlrwell mine performs...okay...i guess...scguy31806:52
crwlrhello abuyazan06:52
scguy318Icehawk78: dunno06:52
abuyazani deleted the footer panel by mistake, how can i add it again06:52
shady_inccrwlr> : ok...done,Thanks.!06:52
scguy318abuyazan: right click, Add Panel06:53
crwlrshady_inc: think your thanks goes it scguy31806:53
crwlrgoes to*06:53
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
abuyazanscguy318, i did but when i open program it did not appear on it,06:53
shady_incOops..my mistake....Thanks <scguy318>06:54
crwlrits all good, shady_inc06:54
ozzloytmiw_: doing math with the video06:54
ozzloy... wrong channel06:54
crwlrozzloy: why you gotta be doin that?  HAHA JK06:54
scguy318shady_inc: np06:54
ozzloyhola crwlr!  nice to see you again06:55
crwlrgeubuntu sucks...just so ya'll know.  stick with ubuntu!  i am reinstalling ubuntu on my desktop now06:55
crwlrme no speaky spanish, ozzloy, but hello and good to see you too06:55
possum_Does anyone know why installing xubuntu-desktop through synaptic would break gnome?06:56
ozzloycrwlr: well as long as you understand a word here and there, it works06:56
pajamianIcehawk78: you can always output the command for the cron job to a file and then use tail -f in the ssh you have open.06:56
crwlrozzloy: but I am in the US and EVERYBODY should speak the native language, which is English FYI.  I'm diehard on that.06:57
Icehawk78crwlr: I'm aware that this isn't the place to discuss, but the US doesn't have an official language.06:57
ozzloycrwlr: o.0  ... k  >_>06:57
scguy318crwlr: yes, we should all speak some Native American language :P but we're getting off-topic06:58
crwlrHAHAHA, i know, but i had to state it and didn't feel like joining some other room just to say it :)06:58
possum_Maybe i'm asking stupid questions but i am new to linux and trying to get a feel for things....... but this is like talking to a brick wall. Thanks for all the help.06:59
hatchQuestion on pure-ftpd06:59
crwlrpossum_: why would you want to install it?07:00
ozzloypossum_: probably no one knows the answer to your question07:00
ozzloypossum_: at least, no one active right now07:00
hatchI want to know where the default init stuff for pure-ftpd is stored (command line arguments)07:00
possum_sorry that was rude i'm just a little distressed been at my cmoputer for way too long trying to get to know how to do things07:01
scguy318possum_: how is GNOME broken?07:01
possum_trying to leave winblows dead and buried07:01
un0ppossum_, you should try installing xubuntu-desktop from the command line (apt-get install xubuntu-desktop) -- atleast that way, you can find out which exact package conflicts and try and workaround it (and report a bug to launchpad if it's a genuine bug)07:01
pajamianpossum_: answer is I think (don't know, but am mainly guessing here) that you can either have xfce or gnome, but not both?07:01
crwlrpossum_: you still didnt answer, dude.  why do you want to install xubuntu?07:02
arjunawhat are some good click distro?07:02
un0ppajamian, sure you can have both, why not?07:02
scguy318pajamian: you can have both07:02
hatchscrew it. I'll just try a different ftp server07:02
scguy318arjuna: Ubuntu :P07:02
pajamianok, I take it back, then, that's why I said I think, heh07:02
scguy318arjuna: more seriously, I hear PCLinuxOS and Mint are good too07:02
brandon__possum: how broken is your gnome?07:02
siriusnovahow do i suspend a laptop via command line?07:02
arjuna<scguy318> i want to try something different07:02
possum_when i try and browse mounted drives in file manager it just gives me a grey box and freezes... and buttons dont respond to mouse clicks,07:02
pteaguedang it, i thought i had downloaded the desktop version... i downloaded the bloody server :(07:02
scguy318pteague: you could technically install desktop with server07:03
possum_<crwlr> i just want tio try out a light weight desktop need to find something suitable for me07:03
quaalanyone know what to do when there are mouse buttons that dont show up in xev ?07:03
scguy318pteague: you'll have to change kernels though07:03
scguy318possum_: Xubuntu/Fluxbuntu/DSL (may not be in your taste)/etc.07:03
un0psiriusnova, have a read through this - http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Software_Suspend_v207:03
scguy318possum_: strange the freezing, disk issues?07:04
crwlrpossum_: I would recommend just sticking with the default desktop.  although it's lightweight, i tried it and it takes quite a bit of configuration.  wait till ya get to know ubuntu a bit more till you start adding something like that.07:04
possum_only in gnome.... everything works fine in kde07:04
pteaguescguy318> yeah, thought about that, but i seemed to have issues with the nvidia driver last time i tried that... then again last time i was using the i386 & this time it's the amd07:04
arjunascguy318> is fedora a click distro?07:04
scguy318pteague: find a good torrent and get that desktop ISO I suppose :)07:04
crwlrpossum_: but if you just wanna go for it and install it, i would say open the terminal and i believe that "sudo apt-get install xubuntu" puts it on there, then you just log out and change the session on the login screen.07:05
scguy318arjuna: not sure, it may or may not be in your taste07:05
pteaguedownloading it from osuosl.org ... 1.5 hours left07:05
scguy318crwlr: xubuntu-desktop :)07:05
magexubuntu-desktop from memory07:05
un0pcrwlr, ithe virtual package is named xubuntu-desktop07:05
pteaguearjuna> what do you mean by a click distro?07:05
crwlrpossum_:  yeah caught that...    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop     do that from the terminal, not synaptic07:06
scguy318un0p: do you mean metapackage? virtual packages aren't installable if I read the Debian stuff right07:06
arjunapteague> like i don't have to use code much07:06
possum_oh ok.... do i need to remove what i installed via synaptic first though?07:06
scguy318possum_: what did you install?07:06
un0pscguy318, i can't be sure with the terminology -- but what i mean is xubuntu-desktop is not a real package, it just pulls in other packages when it is installed07:07
magescguy318: xubuntu-desktop depends on a lot of things, factor that into your debian knowledge ;)07:07
scguy318possum_: then there should be no need to run sudo apt-get ...07:07
arjunawhy choose ubuntu?07:07
scguy318mage, un0p: I'm aware07:07
visofi can't find realplayer 11 for linux07:08
visofcan anyone help me07:08
possum_oh ok..... well thats whats broken gnome. I guess i'll just reinsta,ll everything and stick with gnome and kde07:08
pteaguearjuna> not sure what you mean...  my biggest issue with redhat/fedora/mandriva is the package manager...  then again i've not messed with redhat or mandriva for quite a while... but going from redhat 7.3 to 8 was unpleasant in rpm package dependency... i've not had any issues with debian based distros like ubuntu07:08
scguy318possum_: Xfce is I think nice, but by all means go ahead07:08
scguy318possum_: whatever you like :)07:08
crwlrarjuana: free and easy to use07:08
un0ppossum_, you should try installing xubuntu-desktop from the command line (apt-get install xubuntu-desktop) -- atleast that way, you can find out which exact package conflicts and try and workaround it (and report a bug to launchpad if it's a genuine bug)07:08
n2diy_can I find the copyleft symbol in Ubuntu?07:08
scguy318visof: why RealPlayer?07:09
scguy318un0p: he already has07:09
possum_<un0p> oh ok but i dont need to remove it again first?07:09
scguy318un0p: there's no package conflict or anything I believe, but GNOME is having issues07:09
visofscguy318  why why?07:10
un0pscguy318, possum_ , does gnome break after installing xubuntu-desktop or does xubuntu-desktop fail to install?07:10
scguy318visof: surely one of the many free Linux players will cut it (perhaps with w32codecs from Medibuntu)?07:10
scguy318un0p: the former07:10
possum_no xubuntu-desktop installed fine now when i log into gnome the UI is all screwy07:11
visofscguy318  ok07:11
un0ppossum_, any chance you can take a screenshot of what you see?07:11
possum_yes i can just need to switch to gnome07:12
possum_will do07:12
un0ppossum_, if you have xnest installed, you can logon a gnome-session without logging out07:12
bullgard4file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch : How can I determine the filenames of my 'Device Information Files'?07:13
brandon__arjuna: ubuntu works well, nice feel too07:13
brandon__arjuna: great community, help, lots of momentum07:13
crwlrMy Desktop:   http://img151.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotqa4.png07:14
crwlrwell...that's my laptop, but it's the layout of it07:15
n2diy_Where can I find the copyleft symbol in Ubuntu? Does it exsist?07:15
arjuna<brandon__> i got banned here alot07:15
MrMozarthi! how can i access another computer on the network in the same way as i write \\\music in Windows?07:16
un0pn2diy_, is this to type the symbol out as a character or use as a graphic in something?07:16
un0pMrMozart, in nautilus -- smb://ip.add.re.ss07:16
MrMozartun0p: thanks!07:17
n2diy_un0p:  both! :)07:17
un0pn2diy_, well, as a character i don't think one exists -- but graphics are available on the net (as you may know)07:17
possum_<un0p> i cant take a screenshot as that "save screenshot" window freezes too... cant open applications ie. irc client does the same thing gives me a grey window with a top bar.07:17
mopituphmm i want to talk about running ubuntu under vmware - am i better off in here or the vmware chan?07:18
crwlrpossum_: try giving it a 2 second delay07:18
jimmythegeek_I'm trying to compile an app and .configure ends with an error: 'needs GTK+-1.2 or GTK+-2'07:19
un0pmopitup, I would try both07:19
jimmythegeek_not finding it in synaptic list07:19
n2diy_un0p:  ok, haven't searched the net, I was hoping it would be in one of the character maps. It might be there too, I guess I should search the character maps too, but I was hoping to avoid that.07:19
mopitupk ty - i will idle for a bit first anyway thanks07:19
un0ppossum_, hmm well - it's hard to say what has gone wrong with your install -- if you like, you can try this at the command line -- sudo aptitude install -f07:19
possum_<crwlr> what do you mean? i have left windows open for several minutes and there is no change.07:20
possum_<un0p> what does that do?07:20
bluefoxxso i finally got my SATA HDD to mount, i hot pluged it, but now i cant rember how to change the owner of a disk, any help please?07:20
un0ppossum_, well, if there are any broken packages, it should try and sort that out07:21
crwlrpossum_: what session you in?  gnome or xubuntu?07:21
randonhas anyone here ever installed linux on a 3-drive system with a raid0 array (drives 1 and 2) and linux on drive 3?07:21
n00biewhere can i find a guide on installing ubuntu with fluxbox without first installing gnome?07:21
possum_<un0p> ahh ok i'll give it a try07:21
arjunawhat's the most expensive Linux?07:21
crwlrn00bie: google...07:21
possum_<crwlr> i'm in kde atm07:21
darkblue_BHi All - I just built a Qt app from srcs, and the app isnt launching.. What LOG do I look in for errors??  thx07:21
n2diy_bluefox, play with your permissions in /etc/dev/????07:21
=== randon is now known as Jaggz-
ozzloypossum_: try this: type "ozz" followed by the <Tab> key07:22
ozzloyin here07:22
un0ppossum_, if you feel brave, you can completely remove/purge gnome and reinstall it -- but i wouldn't recommend it generally07:22
darkblue_Bozzloy: no way - thats neat07:22
possum_ozzloy: lol thanks mate ^_~07:22
n00biecrwlr, yes, i tried googling, but couldn't find anything on the specific subject07:22
ozzloypossum_: no problem!07:22
crwlrn00bie: http://fluxbuntu.org/js.html#07:22
ozzloydarkblue_B: no problem!07:23
bluefoxxsorry, not mount, thats what im trying to do, i meant detect07:23
bluefoxxso how is it that i change the owner of a drive/disk?07:23
bluefoxxso that i don't have to be root to write to it?07:23
n2diy_bluefox, play with your permissions in /etc/dev/????07:24
limepihey, I just installed and it seems that I have "bouncy" text entry07:24
arjunahow experienced is ubuntu?07:24
un0pbluefox83, what is the volume formatted as?07:24
KiraI have a problem that is not related to Ubuntu or even Linux, but I don't know where to turn to ask.07:24
limepias I type, the letters all jiggle07:25
Jaggz-how do I get back into the menu from the command-line grub?07:25
bluefoxxn2diy_: i know that much, but im not sure how, also its /dev/sda1 that the drive is[74.4 GB]07:25
un0parjuna, ubuntu isnt a person, so it doesn't have any experience :)07:25
n2diy_arjuna: ??07:25
un0pKira, ok, try us, we'll see where we can redirect you to07:25
bluefoxxun0p: ok, one sec07:25
n2diy_bluefox, chmod /dev/sda107:25
possum_un0p: it wants to remove libgsf-gnome-1-11407:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:26
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:26
un0ppossum_, ok, what happens when you try and do that?07:26
=== Ranting_ is now known as RantingHuman
arjuna MEPIS Linux and Xandros linux any good?07:26
bluefoxxchmod: missing operand after `/dev/sda1'  Try `chmod --help' for more information.07:26
un0pn2diy_, chmodding /dev/sda is unlikely to do anything, thats only the block device, it's the actual volume that needs changing07:26
darkblue_Bany idea on a LOG to look in, for an apps errors that is failing to launch?  Qt07:26
possum_un0p: it removed it.... do you want me to paste terminal text? or see if gnome is working again?07:27
un0parjuna, you'll have to ask the folks in the respective support channels ...07:27
n00biecrwlr, does fluxbuntu have the same hardware support as a regular ubuntu installation? (i see it's not an official ubuntu release)07:27
n2diy_un0p: ok, interesting. Didn't know that.07:27
scguy318n00bie: I'm thinking yes, but I am not 100% sure07:27
un0ppossum_, well, if you removed it without any significant difficulty, then you'd probably be better of testing gnome out now07:27
crwlrit should, n00bie07:27
possum_ok brb07:27
bluefoxxok, the disk seems to have been formatted as fat32 by the store i bought it from[bloody windows users i guess]07:28
crwlrn00bie: i think any debian install would do fine and work as to what you have right now.  i stick to debian07:28
un0pnoobiexx, it's probably better "building" fluxbuntu from a ubuntu server disk07:28
bluefoxxso what should i reformat it to to get it to show up as a drive on my desktop like my mp3 player07:28
sn00zerdoes anyone know what causes this error: ssh: connect to host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port xx: connection timed out07:29
un0pbluefox83, well, you can't blame them -- FAT is the only filesystem that is universally supported on windows, mac, linux, etc07:29
MrMozartunOp: hm, if I try to access \\\baerlon in Windows then I get prompted for username/password. Will the same happen in ubuntu?07:29
crwlri will brb, gonna go smoke07:29
un0pbluefox83, all you probably need to do is mount the drive -- see if it's detected -- sudo fdisk -l07:29
n2diy_sn00zer: you aren't logging in/authenticating to it.07:29
bluefoxxun0p: so what do i want  to turn it into to have it show up on my dekstop as a regular drive?07:29
scguy318MrMozart: you should I believe07:29
bluefoxxun0p: its detected, i had it mount into /media/disk07:30
_6StringKng_I use Konvarsation as my IRC client, I was wanting to know if the OSD works with Gnome?07:30
bluefoxxbut its locked for me07:30
un0pMrMozart, that depends on how the share at \\\baerlon is configured -- you'll probably be prompted for credentials, but you can save them07:30
sn00zern2diy_: it doesn't give me the chance, it used to prompt for a password, now it sits there until i get the time out message07:30
un0pbluefox83, locked? in what way?07:30
crwlri am running fluxbox right now07:31
crwlrxfce i mean07:31
bluefoxxowned by root, i dont want to have to run as root to write to it and i want to see it as a drive on my desktop like i can with my DAP and usb dongles07:31
=== Veterini is now known as Lylat
n2diy_sn00zer: and you're using the same procedure now has you did in the past? Maybe it has been locked down?07:31
un0pbluefox83, ok, how did you mount it? what exact command did you use?07:32
possum_un0p: ok it still doing the same thing but this time i managed to take a screenshot. Still wont let me browse files or open applications all the windows stay like these ones07:32
gvsa123is there a way to get back the default panel that comes with the installation of ubuntu? i mean to have the same buttons, including positions, etc...? i booted yesterday and all my buttons were disarranged.07:32
un0ppossum_, ok, any chance you can upload that pic somewhere?07:32
bluefoxxun0p: mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk resulted in " mount: must be root"07:32
sn00zern2diy_: i've been trying to setup vnc over ssh but i don't think i've changed anything in the ssh settings07:32
xTheGoat121xhi all07:32
bluefoxxun0p: so i sudo ed it07:32
n2diy_sn00zer: do you currently have physical access to the server?07:33
desertcgvsa123: Do you know how to add and remove from the panel?07:33
sn00zern2diy_: yes07:33
un0pbluefox83, right, try this -- umount it (as root) and mount it as a regular user -- sudo umount /dev/sda1; pmount-hal /dev/sda1  ... and then look in /media to see if it was mounted07:33
gvsa123desertc: yep... i was thinking of a way to just reset to default... just wondering...07:33
bluefoxxun0p: ok will do07:33
desertcgvsa123: you could create a new account...07:34
n2diy_sn00zer: can you ping the server, and vice versus?07:34
possum_un0p: I'm uploading it to rapidshare but it will take a while on my connection07:34
desertcgvsa123: you could log out and delete your .gnome directory...07:34
xTheGoat121xOk, so I need a way to display the current state of a file on my computer, or, more specifically, what's inside it....07:34
sn00zern2diy_: yes, successful ping in both directions07:34
un0pxTheGoat121x, gedit /path/to/file ?07:34
possum_un0p: ok here http://rapidshare.de/files/38392549/Screenshot.png.html07:35
gvsa123desertc: delete .gnome and then a new one will be created? you mean on my current account? or on the new account i would make?07:35
n2diy_sn00zer: hmmm, weird, no other error messages?07:35
ouellettesrhello, I need to figure out how to browse through my windows partition.07:35
MrMozarthow can i access a windows remote desktop from ubuntu?07:35
gradinso yeah i'm trying to figure out a way to boot ubuntu from my usbflash07:35
ouellettesrI can see it in /media/sda107:35
ouellettesrbut the folder is empty07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tsclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:35
desertcgvsa123: I suppose you would have to login with a new account.  Sounds messy though, you sure you can't just add the buttons back?07:35
un0p!info tsclient | MrMozart07:35
ubotumrmozart: tsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.148-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 294 kB, installed size 1052 kB07:35
gvsa123desertc: i'm thinking i could copy from another user... it should be the .gnome directory?07:35
carlouellettesr, then why you cannot brownse ¡07:35
MrMozartthankts unOp!07:35
Flannelgvsa123: Dont need to copy, juts remove the whole thing07:36
xTheGoat121xun0p, well yeah, but I'm talking display it somewhere, like on a panel or something....07:36
Flannelgvsa123: It'll get regenerated07:36
gvsa123desertc: i could of course... :)07:36
gvsa123Flannel: i see... i'll try that...07:36
un0pxTheGoat121x, on the desktop ok?07:36
carlouellettesr, did you hibernate your computer from xp ¡?07:36
gvsa123thanks you two... :)07:36
ouellettesr I don't know07:36
desertcgvsa123: yes, I agree with flannel07:36
xTheGoat121xun0p, you see, the wireless light on my laptop doesn't light but I can monitor it through the ACPI07:36
ouellettesrcarl no07:36
sn00zern2diy_: not that i can tell, both pc's are right in front of me, on the client i enter ssh -X user@host and the cursor moves down 1 line and blinks until the time out error is shown07:36
Flannelgvsa123: since, thats what happened the first time you logged in (it got created)07:36
carlouellettesr, you will not see your xp partition if you have a issues with xp07:37
sn00zern2diy_: and i've shut down and restarted the sshd several times but that didn't help07:37
n2diy_sn00zer: I thought the command was ssh -l usernam blah blah blah?07:37
carlouellettesr, I mean, you must have xp without hibernate07:37
KiraIt's about packing software on CD. You guys know that many software companies put unique product keys with their CD packages. I'm just wondering how they make the arrangement with the CD packager.07:37
ouellettesrcarl, its windows vista07:37
carlouellettesr, mmm07:38
FlannelKira: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a good place.  Well, better than here anyway.  I really have no idea though.07:38
ouellettesrcarl it has worked before, I just haven't used it in a long time07:38
gradinso i'm trying to install ubuntu to a usb flash only the bios doesn't support booting from flash is there any easy workaround, like a boot cd that will enable me to boot to the flash?07:38
visofcan i download some themes for mplayer?07:38
carlouellettesr, maybe ocurre an error in vista, or the energy went off07:39
KiraFlannel: thanks. :)07:39
sn00zern2diy_: i don't think you need the -l if you use username@host, -l is for ssh username "space" host07:39
KiraI never realised there is an offtopic channel.07:39
arjunagnome or kde is better?07:39
carlouellettesr, do you understand me ?07:39
bluefoxxcould i hot plug a IDE drive and see it without rebooting?>07:39
un0parjuna, thats like asking if a mercedes is better than a BMW ...07:40
Tm_Tarjuna: both are good for their own uses, try and find out what is yours07:40
Flannelbluefoxx: When you "hot plug" you'll most likely cause your computer to reboot07:40
n2diy_sn00zer: Could be? How about machine name. -l username. Maybe the DNS has changed?07:40
peter5579anyone experience with mandriva linux07:40
bullgard4file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch : How can I determine the filenames of my 'Device Information Files'? I believe that /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/ does not contain all necessary 'Device Information Files'.07:40
Flannelpeter5579: #mandriva probably might07:40
ouellettesrcarl, yeah that's not it. I used to have sda1 icon on my desktop, but I came in here and asked how to remove it from desktop. and since then I have not tried to acess it.07:41
carlouellettesr, I would prove reentering on vista, and then, reboot, and get into linux, and see if the partition is mounted07:41
bluefoxxFlannel: well thats how i got my SATA drive to detect[after over a month of thinking my mobo was burning out]07:41
un0pbullgard4, what are you trying to accomplish?07:41
carlouellettesr, did you delate it ???07:41
sn00zern2diy_: didn't help07:41
ouellettesrcarl no07:41
ouellettesrcarl, changed fstab07:42
carlouellettesr, because that folder, it really contain the partition, it is not a link07:42
bullgard4un0p: A good question. Next question please. Or better yet, please an answer to my question.07:42
ouellettesrcarl I know07:42
un0pbullgard4, wanna pay me? :)07:42
carlouellettesr, so, you did change your fstab for what ?07:43
ouellettesrso I didn't have a sda1 icon on my desktop07:43
ZorlinAnyone need help? :)07:43
un0pbullgard4, i dont know the exact answer to this question - which is why i asked what you were trying to accomplish in the bigger picture so i could try and suggest an alternaitve route to a solution07:43
sn00zern2diy_: thanks for your help, i'll try a full reboot tomorrow and see if it fixes it07:44
carlouellettesr, what is your originall language ?07:44
bluefoxxok, so i have a second terminal box set up after my school gave me tha shell of a box they were going to toss, but i dont have enough pc100 RAM to boot a ubuntu CD, but i have gotten a puppy and slax dick to work in it, unfortunatly the mouse isnt working, its a serial mouse thats pluged into a serial>ps/2 adaptor, im wondering, does linux not support serial mice?07:44
Zorlinbluefoxx: IDE/PATA specification is not *technically* hot-swappable :P07:44
gvsa123Flannel: desertc: hmmm... my panels didn't get reset... i looked at the contents of .gnome there was only a .trash_entry_cache inside a gnome-vfs directory07:44
_6StringKng_I use Konvarsation as my IRC client, I was wanting to know if the OSD works with Gnome?  anyone?07:44
Zorlinso thats why07:44
n2diy_sn00zer: ok, good luck, 7307:44
Zorlinand as for serial mice, I'd assume so07:44
ouellettesrcarl english07:45
=== _max is now known as max`
bullgard4un0p: I am trying to fix a bug. Nautilus sees a remote share but cannot copy a file from it. I get a 'DBus fails' message.07:45
sn00zern2diy_: 73?07:45
carlouellettesr, never mind07:45
carlouellettesr, so, you did change your fstab07:45
bluefoxxZorlin: lol, i figured that, ive unpluged IDE drives from computers while they were running so i wanted to know if i could plug them back in07:45
carland after that, what happened ?07:45
ouellettesrcarl yes, a long time ago07:45
n2diy_sn00zer: google 73 and ham radio. :)07:45
ouellettesrcarl I didn't have the icon on my desktop anymore07:45
vagamenteis there a chance to put html code in a screenlet?07:46
sn00zern2diy_: ahh, anyway, thanks again07:46
ZorlinBluefoxx: However... the softmod exploit/hot-swapping trick on Xbox'es uses hot-swapping to work07:46
arjunai have x2 processor is it 32 bit or 64 bit?07:46
Zorlinand the xbox uses an IDE hard-drive :P07:46
carlouellettesr, did you comment the line changed ?07:46
Zorlinso while it doesn't technically *support it*07:46
n2diy_sn00zer: 7307:46
bluefoxxlol, would you belive i have one of these that still works?>http://www.bookcase.com/share/hardware/drives/seagate/ide/st3144a.txt07:46
carlouellettesr, or did you erase it ?07:46
ouellettesrcarl http://pastebin.org/1678407:46
Zorlinits possible you might be able to, depending your system's contents07:46
Zorlinas in, what sort of motherboard, cpu etc you are using07:46
Zorlinand hard-drive :P07:46
bullgard4un0p: See http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/147514/07:47
Zorlinand probably likely that you can.07:47
vagamenteany screenlet user here?07:47
bluefoxxZorlin: ok, thanks for the info[hey, i saw a xbox set for 70$ at the value village today =P]07:47
ZorlinBluefoxx: If you're bored, why not get it?07:48
carlouellettesr, what line did you change ?07:48
crwlri got a question...how do i access my network from xfce?07:48
ZorlinYou can easily install something like Linux or EvoX on an Xbox without spending any money on modchips etc07:48
iskinWhere can I download the ndiswrapper package for Gutsy?07:48
Zorlinall you need is a working PC with an IDE cable xD07:48
bluefoxxZorlin: cause i dont have 70$, if i did ide buy a hdd for my second computer, along with RAM and networking cable07:49
ouellettesrcarl the sda line07:49
Zorlinlol. Touche.07:49
ouellettesrsorry  sda1 carl07:49
un0pbullgard4, it's beyond me why you would delve into 'device information files' -- have you ruled out problems with network connectivity and permissions on the network share?07:49
ZorlinBluefoxx: If you use an IDE -> SATA converter, you might be able to pull it off07:49
Zorlinas in, use an IDE -> SATA converter on each of the drives you need to hot-swap07:49
carlouellettesr, let me see my fstab and we could rebuild it07:50
Zorlinbut then you need to buy a SATA PCI card =\07:50
bluefoxxi need to get that second box up for my grandfather to learn on, but the mouse wont work and i dunno how to nav in slax/puppy with no mouse[i can pull it off in ubuntu but it doesnt have enough RAM]07:50
sal_paradicehi, I'm having some internet connection issues in ubuntu 7.1007:50
bluefoxxZorlin: i got lucky, when i replaced my mobo i got one with pcie and SATA, but lost windows[but gained linux, which is MUCH better]07:51
Zorlinbluefoxx: Neato.07:51
n2diy_Where can I find the copyleft symbol in Ubuntu? Does it exsist?07:51
ZorlinCan you afford a PATA/IDE -> SATA tray then?07:51
sal_paradicethe connection works normally (fullspeed for ten minutes) the crawls at less than 1k/sec for ten minutes. then repeats ad nauseum. Any ideas?07:52
Zorlinusually they are like $5-3007:52
Zorlinit really varies.07:52
pajamianok, I'm still having problems ... here's what's happening ... I've installed ubuntu gutsy and it boots up fine, then I run the upgrades and it freezes with a blank screen after logging in (blank is background color with mouse pointer that can be moved) so I think one of the packages that was upgraded is causing problems.  Is there a way I can "downgrade" all those packages back to the base version without having to re-install ubuntu aga07:52
pajamianin?  Then I can experiment with a divide and conquor approach to find out which package is causing the problem?07:52
carlouellettesr, I can't see the problem07:52
n2diy_sal_paradice: network loading?07:52
carlouellettesr, it seems perfect the instruction07:52
sal_paradicen2diy_: what do you mean network loading?07:53
pajamian...keeping in mind that I can't use synaptic, I can get to a console and use apt, though07:53
doobeydoowhat does Kaleidoscope mean in the context Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) (Kaleidoscope) (Paperback)07:53
carlouellettesr, did you do a changes on table partitions lately ?07:53
arjunawhat was the best linux in early 2000s?07:53
n2diy_sal_paradice: traffic on the network.07:53
Zorlinbluefoxx: Found this http://www.cooldrives.com/idehadrtosap.html07:53
ouellettesrcarl no07:53
carlouellettesr, why did you change fstab ?07:54
carlouellettesr, what it was your purpose ?07:54
sal_paradicen2diy: no, the problem only affects this laptop, even when there are no others on the network, or even when i'm on a different network07:54
jay-oh-enhow come everytime i turn my computer on it says fail to initialize HAL!07:54
ouellettesrcarl, so I wouldn't have sda1 automount on my desktop.07:54
ouellettesrcarl, but no I need to access sda107:55
ouellettesrbut now*07:55
shady_inc<jay-oh-en>You are dual-booting windows and ubuntu.?07:55
n2diy_sudo ftab no longer works here! Stand alone box, running Dapper.07:56
carlouellettesr, this is my configuration: UUID=3E94FF4B94FF0465 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       107:56
qwerty121Hi! I installed PHP/MySQL/Apache but can't connect to mysql...Is there some mods i have to make to connect to mysql?07:56
unopn2diy_, sudo fstab ??07:56
jay-oh-enshady_inc, no i know it has something to do with hdparm07:56
unopn2diy_, fstab is not a command07:57
possum_unop: did you see the screenshot mate?07:57
carlouellettesr, copy the instruccion after ntfs, and let's see if this is mounted07:57
desertcpajamian: I think the only way to downgrade is to re-install07:57
sonicjmcI need compiz help07:57
desertcpajamian: what is exactly going on?  you were not clear07:58
unoppossum_, I tried but i can't seem to get rapidshare to let me download the pic and I had to restart firefox can you send the link again07:58
mattinromI need help getting qemu working someone help07:58
jay-oh-enhow come everytime i turn my computer on it says failed to initialize HAL! i looked on google but havent found an answer yet07:58
pajamiansorry, I thought I was, not sure how else to explain it, what part was confusing?07:58
possum_unop:  http://rapidshare.de/files/38392549/Screenshot.png.html =)07:58
desertcpajamian: what is happening that is causing you not to login07:59
unoppossum_, fta07:59
n2diy_unop: then what is /etc/fstab?07:59
desertcjay-oh-en: HAL is a microsoft term07:59
mopitupI have ubuntu desktop running in a vmware workstation on a windows xp pro machine - I want to run Kaffeine in ubuntu as a capture app for my tvcard - currently it cant see the card - is what I want to do even possible?07:59
jay-oh-endesertc, no it isnt08:00
qwerty121Hi! I installed PHP/MySQL/Apache but can't connect to mysql...Is there some mods i have to make to connect to mysql?08:00
desertcjay-oh-en: I am quite certain it is08:00
unopn2diy_, it's a non-executable text file containing information for mount to help in mounting volumes08:00
pajamianI can login, and then it freezes with just the mouse pointer and a blank screen (background color), and the HDD light is flickering the whole time.  I can move the mouse pointer and I can get a console with ctrl-alt-F1 but that's about it.08:00
shady_inc<jay-oh-en> hal is hardware abstraction layer.hal.dll is a file in windows08:00
Starnestommymopitup: I don't think so, since most of the hardware is emulated08:00
jay-oh-endesertc, search my problem on google and youll only see linux pop up08:00
possum_unop:  fta?08:00
ouellettesr\quit rebooting08:00
sonicjmc /msg nickserv set unfiltered on08:01
sonicjmcCan somebody help with Compiz?08:01
eliusqwerty121> what does 'mysql -u root -p' says?08:01
bashcahi all08:01
n2diy_unop: and it used to list my network devices, no it doesn't I guess I've been "upgraded?"08:01
ntnhanhi, when connect to ubuntu server (via ssh, http...) , it works fine but ubuntu server stops connection, ssh client  kinda freezes08:01
Breakagesonicjmc: try #compiz-fusion08:01
desertcpajamian: what happens when you let it sit for a while?08:01
qwerty121elius: it's allright. but i can't connect to mysql with php...08:01
mopitupStarnestommy ty - i was beginning to think it wasnt possible08:01
pajamiannothing, I just let it sit while I went and ate dinner.08:01
sonicjmcI haven't used this program ever, how to I change room?08:02
ntnhanafter some times08:02
desertcpajamian: and you can't get to a service console?  Can you get to a console before you login?08:02
ntnhananybody has such a problem with ubuntu server?08:02
pajamianyes, I can get to a console08:02
sonicjmcOh, hey, figured out room changing08:02
unoppossum_, nevermind.  i got your screenshot - what happens when you run this command (preferably at a terminal) .. killall gnome-settings-daemon && gnome-settings-daemon08:02
pajamianboth before and after logging in.08:02
pajamianwith ctrl-alt-F108:02
possum_unop:  should i try it from within gnome?08:02
n2diy_ifstab used to list my network devices, now it doesn't? How do I see the network devices now, with Dapper?08:02
unopn2diy_, fstab ?? perhaps you meant fdisk ?08:02
desertcpajamian: what does the log file say?  (use my name when chatting so people don't get confused)08:02
JackMesee ya08:03
pajamiandesertc: which log file should I look at?08:03
ntnhanmy problem is exact same as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15118008:03
eliusqwerty121> "cat /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini | grep mysql.so" paste results08:03
n2diy_unop: nope08:03
unoppossum_, try it from a virtual terminal -- press CTRL+ALT+F1 to get to VT1 -- and CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back08:03
desertcpajamian: let's start with the /var/log/messages08:03
bullgard4file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch : How can I determine the filenames of my 'Device Information Files'? I believe that /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/ does not contain all necessary 'Device Information Files'.08:03
unopn2diy_, afaik, fstab is not a _standard_ unix utility/command08:03
qwerty121elius: i am in windows now. brb08:03
unopn2diy_, you probably have it confused for something named similar08:04
jay-oh-endesertc, search my problem on google and youll only see linux pop up08:04
jay-oh-enhow come everytime i turn my computer on it says failed to initialize HAL! i looked on google but havent found an answer yet08:04
n2diy_unop: yes, I could be having a brain cramp. Going to search my CLI history now.08:04
desertcjay-oh-en: why don't you tell us what google says, so we can understand your problem as well as you08:05
possum_unop:  it returns "gnome-settings-daemon: no process killed"08:05
jay-oh-endesertc, simply because i cant paste a bunch of stuff08:05
pajamiandesertc: I'm looking for something that jumps out at me ...08:06
desertcpajamian: it should be at the end08:06
desertcjay-oh-en: use pastebin08:06
unoppossum_, ok, try this again (mind the &s) --  killall -9 gnome-settings-daemon && gnome-settings-daemon &08:06
pajamianok, I will retype the last few lines, then ...08:06
desertc!pastebin |pajamian08:06
ubotupajamian: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:06
jay-oh-endesertc, or you can look an google and see what im seeing but MORE08:06
pajamianheh, right, I'll use the pastebin, let me install a mail app and see if I can mail the log to myself08:07
unoppossum_, i gotta do something -- i'll probably be back in about 5/10 mins08:07
desertcjay-oh-en:  but then how would everyone else here be able to help you?08:07
khatsalanoHi all.  Some commands (ex: useradd, mkdir) I do as sudo get ignored.  Nothing happens no error, nothing.  I can't even shutdown!  Any ideas? (7.10 server)08:07
arjunawhy do you hate windows? please go back to windows. how dare you install linux?08:07
possum_unop: ok thanks man  =D08:08
jay-oh-endesertc, but ill bet somebody in here is watching me type and just watching and not helping08:08
genewitchis there a stable ubuntu release using a 2.4 kernel?08:08
desertcjay-oh-en: that would be me08:08
genewitchI suppose what i am asking is "what ubuntu distro uses 2.4.x"08:09
jay-oh-endesertc, eff you08:09
n2diy_unop: yes, I could be having a brain cramp. I was looking for ifconfig!08:09
buffdaemonhello guys which package should i install to get inittab file?08:10
void^genewitch: none08:10
GpalcoHi, Guys. Does anyone know what is the situation with Pidgin Voice Support for talking to Google talk ??? Is it being developed? Becoming available ???08:11
StarnestommyGpalco: try asking #pidgin.08:11
dn4wget http://download85.mediafire.com/y3lzn29vrr2g/fzdznvbnlwu/SECRETOX.rar    <-- will this work so that I can download ANON documents that the Church of Scientology does not want me to see?08:11
ZorlinGpalco: I assume that the "Pidgin does NOT support voice or video"08:12
Zorlinin the name of the topic, would indicate "No"08:12
genewitchis there a stable ubuntu release using a 2.4 kernel?08:12
Zorlinto both your questions.08:12
jankehaha, dn4, that'll work fine08:12
GpalcoStarnestommy, no such chanel08:12
StarnestommyGpalco: without the . at the end08:12
ZorlinGpalco: #pidgin without the dot08:12
ZorlinGpalco: The topic of #pidgin has "Pidgin does NOT support voice or video" in it, so I assume thats a NO :P08:13
n2diy_genewitch: try asking in #ubuntu-kernel?08:13
buffdaemonhello guys i am using ubuntu linux and i dont see /etc/inittab file in there so is there any package that i need to install inorder to get that file?08:13
genewitchgood point08:13
GpalcoStarnestommy, Zorlin, thank you08:14
_rubenbuffdaemon: inittab is no longer used in ubuntu, it uses upstart instead of init08:14
ZorlinGpalco: You're most welcome. Stick around a while and help out others if you like. Need help with anything else?08:15
buffdaemonthanks a lot08:15
desertcpajamian: still there?  I forgot you can't do a cut and paste08:15
arjunaanybody here still uses windows 98?08:15
Zorlin_ruben: Wow, really? Since when?08:15
pajamiandesertc: yeah, I installed mailutils and am trying to email to myself08:15
jeffrocki have a windows 98 vm08:15
pajamianbut it doesn't appear to be going through08:15
CentHOGGarjuna: installed it today on a i58608:15
crdlbZorlin: edgy08:15
CentHOGGor yesterday08:16
pajamianI'm trying to think of another way to get it to me ... maybe I can scp it somewhere...08:16
Zorlincrdlb: Oh darn, now I feel like a total noob. I tried for hours to get a script running using init on 6.1008:16
Zorlinif init.d is gone, i mean08:16
desertcpajamian: interesting!08:16
Zorlin:P Thanks crdlb, thanks _ruben08:17
arjunaCentHOGG> what's i58608:17
sonicjmcNote, if anybody has the same error I did. Tell them to try installing xserver-xgl08:17
pajamian...or install openssh and just log in from a terminal on this box will work ...08:17
CentHOGGarjuna: pentium08:17
ZorlinCentHOGG: A CPU architecture?08:17
Zorlinoops, arjuna* i mean08:17
CentHOGGZorlin: correct08:17
GpalcoZorlin, aha. I do. I am looking for software in Ubuntu like the KillCopy in Windows - it integrates into Win Explorer and gives you options to resume copy/move, recover broken files etc... Is there an addition like that for NAUTILUS ??? Need it badly.08:17
pajamianor is the package sshd?08:18
ZorlinGpalco: Sorry mate, I'm not too sure about that =(08:18
arjunawhat's the best image burning software for linuxwhat's the best image burning software for linux08:18
ZorlinBut ask around, there is 1157 people logged in here. :P Someone's gotta know something.08:18
pajamianahhh, openssh-server08:18
ZorlinArjuna: K3b is supposed to be very good, if you are running Kubuntu.08:18
ZorlinArjuna: I like the one with a mexican name, but I can't remember it...08:18
GpalcoZorlin, there is a stage in Ubuntu starup: after login screen and the desktop itself - it is where Gnome Splash used to be. Is it possible to change the color of that screen ??? I changed the color of GDM Login screen, but it has no effect on the "no-splash-screen"! Any idea?08:18
stefano_are there any usability people around here whom i can talk to?08:19
pajamianheh, I do web programming remotely, I'm very comfortable in a console.08:19
Ademani know this is off topic, but the linux mint channel has 7 people in it who apparently aren't talking.  Does linux mint share the ubuntu repositories? do they have their own repos on top of that? or what?08:19
CentHOGGpajamian: is that easy to learn to do?08:19
webPragmatistyea i wish i could get the hang of vim08:19
ZorlinGpalco: Perhaps you'll find it in the gnome-splash settings, if gnome-splash is still integrated but just set to invisible :P08:19
webPragmatisti would do the console edity thing08:19
aroedlPLEASE! Do not feed this troll arjuna! He's asking the same questions for a while in several channels.08:19
Ademanvim = sex, except i'm still having it after my girlfriend left me08:19
webPragmatistthe only editor i understand is nano08:20
* genewitch can't use vim, no Q key on the laptop!!!08:20
pajamianCentHOGG: define easy08:20
* genewitch is a dyed in the wool emacs fan08:20
stefano_Ademan, ubuntu and mint are not connected officially as far as i know, so i suppose they dont share anything except a lot of source code :-)08:20
ZorlinPajamian: A task done without too much of a struggle.08:20
CentHOGGpajamian: something that doesn't cause table pounding frustration :P08:20
Ademanstefano_: huh, for some reason i thought mint relied on ubuntu's repositories, but if not, meh, thanks08:20
webPragmatistarjuna: Nero Burning Rom08:21
ZorlinOr rather, "done without too much of a struggle."08:21
pajamianLoL, I've had lots of table pounding frustration in my time, so I guess that's no.08:21
ZorlinPajamian: A task with minimum risk of PEBCAK08:21
jervinearjuna is a bot/troll guys... he's asking the same question in multiple channels08:21
stefano_so, noone here is into usability?08:21
Zorlinstefano_: What do you mean?08:21
pajamianok, I've got a ssh console open from this computer now, so this should be much easier ...08:21
stefano_Zorlin, well i'm a developer and i work on something, and now i have a hard time deciding how to implement one specific thing, and my solution really sounds bonkers so i thought i'd try to find someone maybe from the openusability project or someone who's into this topic08:22
pajamiandesertc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53276/08:23
stefano_specifically about how to implement a more advanced Undo / Redo, because the one we're all used to really is terrible08:23
ZorlinStefano_: I'm pretty new at Linux, so I might not be the best candidate08:23
genewitchstefano_ what about it do you want to fix?08:23
pajamianthat's just the end, I can copy/paste the entire thing if need be08:23
jusoif I have a remote server running smtpd and I want to access it via a ssh tunnel I would create the tunnel from my local desktop to the remote server, or on the remote server itself from port X to port 25?08:23
genewitchjuso if it's a routed port, either should work08:24
stefano_Zorlin, if you undo something, then type text, you can't redo. so your version you had a couple of seconds before undoing is lost08:24
stefano_thats what annoys me08:24
genewitchstefano_ do you have a working model?08:24
stefano_especially when programming/debugging08:24
Zorlinit'd probably be a bit annoying.08:24
stefano_yes i think so, but as i said it might not be as good as i think08:24
Zorlinwhat was your solution? maybe just copy whatever you undid to the clipboard or something08:24
genewitchstefano_ seems like the best idea woul... yah, sorta what zorlin says08:25
ZorlinOr you could make a variable or at least the equivalent of a variable in whatever language you are using08:25
genewitchyou could add to it multiple layers of undo clippings... sorta like a macroed control X08:25
Zorlinand then temporarily store the change you are undoing, and then have redo call it08:25
stefano_here's my idea: if you undo, then type, then redo, your chanes get undone step by step until youre at the point before you typed in other text, from then on you have a normal redo, if you can understand that (as i said it sounds bonkers). do you think it would feel right?08:25
genewitchsounds like photoshop's history tab08:26
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genewitcham i correct in saying that?08:26
ZorlinStefano_: It might.08:26
arjunaNightKhaos> where can i find a .deb file for k3b?08:26
ZorlinStefano_: But how about: Make undo store the changes in a variable, then have redo call it from the variable and then clear the variable.08:26
icemanwho took my nick? i like that nick very much08:27
ZorlinThe variable is only used by undo/redo so chances are you won't have problems :P08:27
stefano_Zorlin, i take a different approach on undo/redo, i want to save difference-information with every letter you type so that you can go back in time in your document up until the point it was created, even after saving08:27
pajamianstefano_: sounds like you want a sort of branching undo history, where you don't loose your changes but they could be saved into a "branch" and you could switch branches later on, etc.08:28
stefano_that sounds good08:28
genewitchpajamian i called it a branching tree heirarchy, in a msg to him08:28
genewitchit's like photoshop history with "snapshots" of time08:28
stefano_a tree hirarchy08:28
stefano_thats exactly what i need08:28
ZorlinStefano_: Somehow I think Pajamian/Genewitch's suggestion would work better :)08:28
ZorlinGood luck, and hope it all works out for you :P08:29
ZorlinAnyone else need help/ideas?08:29
genewitchStefano, grab you an opensource editor's source code and get to hacking08:29
stefano_thanks genewitch08:29
genewitchI'll betatest for you!08:29
pajamianI tend to think of it ... if you've ever worked with a revision control system such as CVS, as branches in that, you can go back to prior revisions and branch off and the other branch you were on is not lost.08:29
stefano_well all that is for the windows platform08:29
genewitchthat's a good analogy, pajamian08:29
stefano_just nobody uses pascal in linux anymore and my project is pascal related :-)08:30
genewitchyou know what no one uses anymore? FORTRAN.08:30
genewitchbut godspeed to your pascal project08:30
pajamiananymore, I thought it wasn't until fairly recently that there even was a decent pascal compiler for Linux.08:30
stefano_good point08:30
mavi-wow, havent heard of that since school08:31
stefano_i think about a year ago, i had the only usable pascal ide08:31
pajamianof course, I'm not sure why anyone would use pascal on any platform, heh08:31
possum_unop: That command returned [1] 16210 gnome settings daemon: no process killed08:31
stefano_but then i discovered geany, but on the windows platform, mine is still #1 _>08:31
pajamiandesertc: did you see my paste?08:31
Jaggz-how do I get back into the menu from the command-line grub?08:31
Jaggz-I'd like to investigate some things, then go back to the nice edited menu08:32
genewitchif you edited anything, b to boot after hitting escape08:32
stefano_k guys i'm going to be working, thanks for your help, appreciate it very much, bye08:33
Jaggz-will maps and such remain as the foundation for the menu-ized entries?08:33
=== stefano_ is now known as stefano|work
genewitchJaggz- just for that boot08:33
Jaggz-right, great.08:33
genewitchJaggz- you have to edit menu.lst to make it perminate08:33
Jaggz-I'm having a hell of a time getting my 3rd drive to boot (linux on it).. first 2 drives are raid008:33
icemanis there a channel for non-english speakers learning english08:33
Jaggz-iceman, www.voycabulary.com08:34
Jaggz-what language do you speak?08:34
Jaggz-nowadays there are plugins.. but without those, starting from back in the day, voycabulary was awesome08:34
genewitchoh here's a question. anyone heard of an open/closed source locationfree server (for sony's silly clients)08:34
Jaggz-I think I provide an English -> Chinese dictionary08:35
shady_incDoes anyone know how can I port-forward my router in Ubuntu gutsy for deluge.?08:35
Jaggz-gene, server for what?08:35
Jaggz-oh.. thought that was a term for a decentralized network :)08:35
genewitchlets you stream video to PSPs and windows and macs and stuff08:35
icemanJaggz-, you mean you can speak eng and chinese either08:35
Jaggz-iceman, voycabulary would only be for reading webpages08:36
jeffrocki use media tomb08:36
jeffrockhaven't got it working right for ps3 though08:36
Jaggz-iceman, you want a #ubuntu-with-english-and-chinese-is-okay-too channel?  I'm far from an expert on the ubuntu channels :)08:36
genewitchit's for the psp my girlfriend has08:36
Jaggz-dunno.. maybe vlc?08:37
icemanJaggz-, no i just want to learn english08:37
genewitchYeah that's all hacky though (psp side). i don't want to accidently brick her psp trying to get video to work :-)08:37
GpalcoZorlin, What is the command to restart Ubuntu networking deamon ???08:37
Jaggz-iceman, ohh.08:37
genewitchiceman, the only thing i can think of that will help you learn english is to watch english television and maybe pick up a copy of rosetta (language software)08:38
ZorlinGpalco: Erm, not too sure...08:38
pajamianGpalco: I always use: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:38
Zorlinnm-manager-applet or something is its name, right?08:38
smackywolfare there any currently reported issues with the partitioning system in the current stable ubuntu releases? i;m seeing a lot of stupidity08:38
icemangenewitch, thank you for advice,but i haven;t had enough time,i need to work08:38
icemanGenetics, by the way,what is rosetta,what is it for08:39
Gpalcopajamian, thank you08:40
scguy318iceman: Rosetta Stone is a series of foreign-language educational software programs08:40
pajamianGpalco: yw08:40
unopsmackywolf, is this on the live CD?08:40
smackywolfunop: yup. it's not seeing unpartitioned space on one ntfs partitioned disk or on the EXT3 partitioned one08:40
icemanscguy318, you know this software,does that mean, that you are not native speaker08:40
smackywolfunop: also, gparted doesn't see it either.08:41
scguy318iceman: I am a native speaker, but I know what it is because I have seen advertisements for it08:41
dn4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZWoGX1cb8  <--- How do I watch this?08:41
GpalcoI get this message when trying to enable Compiz Desktop Effects : "Composit extention is not available" What does it mean? Isn't Compiz installed by default ??? I use an ATI video - is it the problem?08:41
unopsmackywolf, errn, unpartitioned space on a ntfs partition? doesn't seem to make sense :)08:41
scguy318Gpalco: ATI is a problem :P you probably want to fiddle with XGL08:41
scguy318iceman: I wish I wasn't a native speaker, my command in my other language isn't as great as in English08:42
smackywolfunop: one disk has an NTFS part and free space, the other has the same but with EXT308:42
smackywolfit's not seeing any of the free space08:42
icemanscguy318, is it good,or did you hear someone used it,got progress?and most important,is it free?08:43
Gpalcoscguy318, thank you. so just wait for a new driver release ?08:43
unopsmackywolf, so does the paritioner report the first parition as taking up all the space on the disk ?08:43
Jaggz-I'm a bit confused.  My grub install worked.. but when I boot it seems like grub uses the bios' recognition of drives instead of Linux' recognition08:43
smackywolfthere's two disks. it's doing the same to both08:43
scguy318Gpalco: well, not that, you'll have to install XGL and do other things08:43
scguy318!xgl | Gpalco08:43
ubotuGpalco: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:43
Jaggz-first off.. is this true?  (I think it is)08:43
scguy318Gpalco: something like that08:43
unopsmackywolf, I'd report a bug if i were you -- and use something else in the meantime to partition the disks08:43
genewitchiceman rosetta is language learning software. they teach you a language like you're a kid learning it for the first time. meaning very little translation to your native language. it's quite awesome.08:43
LL00how I can make maildir/ for ldap with virtual user accounts? right now it's mbox08:44
smackywolfunop: cool. thanks. I was wondering if anyone had seen it08:44
scguy318iceman: I hear it's a good program, though you shouldn't take me as the final word, it is unfortunately not free, though there are demo distributions08:44
Gpalcoscguy318, thank you. got it now08:44
g011umHi !08:44
unopsmackywolf, to be honest .. i dont like the partitioner and setup on the live CD -- could be much better08:44
LL00with local database and virtual users it's maildir08:44
scguy318Gpalco: ATI needs to shape up else everyone will defect to NVIDIA :P08:44
pajamiansmackywolf: are you seeing a different amount of formatted space in windows than you see in the partition editor?08:44
LL00wrong chan08:45
smackywolfunop: eh, it's ok. i miss the old curses debian installer08:45
scguy318genewitch: I'm presuming iceman's native language is Chinese via his whois08:45
unopsmackywolf, you got the alternate CD for that08:45
pajamiansmackywolf: try the alternate install CD, then08:45
g011umDo you know how to clean printing head for a canon i560 printer ? is ther a generic tools ?08:45
smackywolfpajamian: nope. partition magic can see the unformatted stuff. but the parted part can't/08:45
genewitchcanon... call them they'll tell you08:45
smackywolfpajamian: it's like the unpartitioned areas don't exist08:46
GpalcoCan OpenOffice.org database of words autocompletion be backed up and imported into new Ubuntu install so long words completion options would be automatically offered when typing. I love this feature, but it starts all over with each reinstall/ Please....08:46
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:46
genewitchg011um it's different for every printer, but there's a key combination you hold down to get a hardware clean and reset08:46
pajamianok, so that partitioned areas are showing the correct amount of space?08:46
scguy318g011um: on Windows I know you'd fire up their little printer maintenance tool then initiate cleaning, but on Linux i dunno08:46
smackywolfpajamian: yup. the partitioned space, at least.08:46
unopsmackywolf, partition magic does funny things that some other partitoners can't deal with -- did you setup intitial partitions with PM?08:46
pajamiansmackywolf: how many partitions do you have on the drive currently?08:46
monkeeofdoomchannel #zero08:46
scguy318unop: oh god Partition Magic :)08:46
smackywolfunop: nope, i tried PM after this wouldn't work08:46
monkeeofdoompartition magic08:47
unopscguy318, you can "oh god" again :)08:47
g011umyep in fact the only way i found is to use turbo print only for these maintenance tasks08:47
monkeeofdoomping g0llum08:47
g011umso no command line tool ?08:47
smackywolfpajamian: there's two drives. one partition on each with free space remaining, unpartitioned. there's no hardware problem, at least that SMART can see08:47
genewitchg011um i am thinking of epson, not canon. did you check the user guide on canon.com?08:47
genewitchsmackywolf there's generally a small amount of unpartitioned space left over (on the magnitude of megabytes)08:48
g011umyes.  for epson there is a tools include in kde... but not for canon :(08:48
smackywolfplus, i've tried with kubuntu, ubuntu, and mythbuntu of the current 7.10. all the same08:48
napster^hello, how to share files by networking? I can ping them, but can't trade(exchange) files08:48
pajamianok, then not what I was thinking.08:48
smackywolfgenewitch: yeah. in this case, it's not small. it's 30 gig and 20 gig respectively08:48
unopsmackywolf, tried anything else other than 7.10? maybe even a different distro?08:48
genewitchsmackywolf are you trying to not lose data on the partitions?08:48
coolbhavioften a song tends to get "stuck" on  totem movie player and i'm not able to turn it off, unless i shut off the entire computer. Is there another appropriate way to handle this problem?08:49
smackywolfunop: anything not debbased doesn't like this machine, other than suse.08:49
unopsmackywolf, actually -- what does fdisk -l from the live CD report?08:49
scguy318napster^: you could do it client-server way and have one server run an sshd, or you could use Samba or NFS08:49
smackywolfgenewitch: yup. i'm considering wiping the windows partion08:49
scguy318!samba | napster^08:49
bullgard4file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch : How can I determine the filenames of my 'Device Information Files'? I believe that /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/ does not contain all necessary 'Device Information Files'.08:49
ubotunapster^: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:49
smackywolfunop: nothing.08:49
scguy318smackywolf: prefix with sudo08:49
unopsmackywolf, aye, sudo that08:50
genewitchsudo make me_a_sandwich08:50
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unopbullgard4, have you tried that gnomevfs command without prefixing sudo?08:50
smackywolfreports the correct amount of on primary disk, thought the end block seems a little off08:50
scguy318genewitch: I guess we both read xkcd :P08:51
napster^got dc ;(08:51
smackywolfof the partition, i mean08:51
scguy318!samba | napster^08:51
ubotunapster^: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:51
bullgard4unop: (Did you change your nick?) Let me see. It will take me some minutes.08:51
scguy318napster^: or NFS08:51
jhend60i installed kubuntu08:51
jhend60but now im in tty 5 mode08:51
jhend60how do i change back to normal08:51
unopbullgard4, yea, i'm having big problems with freenode today -- repeated disconnect()s08:52
pajamiansmackywolf: you can always wipe and re-create your partition table.  If you do it right you shouldn't loose any data, though that is a very dangerous operation data-wise.08:52
Jaggz-why do I want to spend time getting my system to boot into linux when I have my server, already in linux, right next to me and I can just ssh into it and get work done?08:52
scguy318jhend60: X runs on tty5, what do you mean?08:52
mavi-jhend60: ctrl-alt-F708:52
icemanscguy318, you do not need to ,i have said that before,did not i08:52
genewitchI learned today that my laptop cannot boot off a flash drive :-)08:52
jhend60ok i will try it08:52
smackywolfpajamian: that sounds a little daunting. i've never wiped and restored data before o.o08:52
scguy318jhend60: i stand corrected08:52
jhend60i mean its a console now i want GUI again08:52
napster^thanks guys, I'll try that08:52
scguy318iceman: ?08:52
arjunamy dvd drive is not recognizing my dvd rw cds. it just let the light on for a long time!! what's wrong?08:52
regiushi is it possible to change the order nautilus download files? If I have a folder with 10 files named 1-10, nautilus start with 1008:52
genewitchjhend60 alt ctrl f708:52
smackywolfjhend60: try ctl+alt+F708:52
mavi-jhend60: ctrl-alt-F<what console you want to, 7 is graphics>08:52
unopsmackywolf, any possibility of !pastebin-ing the output of fdisk -l?08:53
scguy318iceman: oh, I must have missed that, this is a busy channel08:53
jhend60ok thanks08:53
smackywolfunop: sure, this room got one?08:53
jhend60but TEXT IS HUGE NOW08:53
Jaggz-7 is usually where X is08:53
icemanscguy318, you presume i said english08:53
unop!paste | smackywolf08:53
ubotusmackywolf: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:53
Jaggz-is there still an svgatextmode?08:53
mavi-Jaggz-: yeah08:53
Jaggz-not much like good ol' console.08:53
BetaTestWhere is the installation path of Mozilla?08:53
scguy318iceman: for what?08:54
jhend60now it is all black with a flashing line08:54
genewitchiceman: rosetta software will allow you to learn many languages as if you were born in that country as a kid08:54
Jaggz-BetaTest: dpkg -L name_of_package_to_list_install_files08:54
Jaggz-okay.. I'm off to focus on me work!08:54
scguy318iceman: ooh, my mistake08:54
Jaggz-peace love and humptiness08:54
genewitchJaggz- have fun08:54
Jaggz-don't log that forever please08:54
pajamianhrmmmm, it looks like desertc went AFK, anyone else care to take a crack at helping me with my problem?08:54
jhend60ctrl alt F7 doesnt work ps i have kubuntu08:54
Jaggz-as I'm really not sure what it means08:54
genewitchpajamian what is it?08:54
jibwnDoes anyone have a link to a guide on how to encrypt an entire drive with truecrypt and use ext3?08:54
genewitchJaggz- logging isn;t allowed on this network anyhow08:55
Jaggz-jhend, alt-f7?08:55
BetaTestJaggz-: BetaTest: dpkg -L name_of_package_to_list_install_files | Can you explain that? o.O08:55
pajamiangenewitch: I'll pull it up, one min ...08:55
smackywolfpastebin- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53279/08:55
unopBetaTest, at a terminal -- dpkg -L mozilla-firefox08:55
genewitchpajamian just the general problem, so i can say if i can help :-)08:55
Jaggz-Beta, like.. dpkg -l '*firefox*'  see name of package you want, then dpkg -L mozilla-firefox08:55
BetaTestAh, thank you08:55
Jaggz-I've been using linux for 14 yearses!08:55
genewitchyou got 4 years on me, jaggz08:56
genewitchactually, 6, i started in BSD08:56
icemangenewitch, i see that you strongly recommend that thing, so i will google it,thank you08:56
pajamianyep, I'm just pulling it from my keyboard history rather than re-typing it...08:56
genewitchiceman i learned japanese using it (nihongo text, though)08:56
bullgard1unop: "gnomevfs-copy smb://md97600/freigegebenMD /home/detlef; Failed to copy smb://md97600/freigegebenMD to /home/detlef; Reason: Access denied"08:56
smackywolfwell, gparted made something slightly better. i resized one drives parition (the windows one) and now i'm just missing about 6 gig08:56
Jaggz-jhend, usually alt-f# changes console.. alt-f7 is usually where X is.  within X you usually need ctrl-alt-F# to view one of the text consoles.08:56
pajamianok, I'm still having problems ... here's what's happening ... I've installed ubuntu gutsy and it boots up fine, then I run the upgrades and it freezes with a blank screen after logging in (blank is background color with mouse pointer that can be moved) so I think one of the packages that was upgraded is causing problems.  Is there a way I can "downgrade" all those packages back to the base version without having to re-install ubuntu aga08:56
pajamianin?  Then I can experiment with a divide and conquor approach to find out which package is causing the problem?08:56
Jaggz-well, you have bsd experience over me :)08:56
Jaggz-I started in QNX several years before linux, actually.. but I didn't do any admin work so I really didn't learn anything (it was at my work)08:57
mavi-Jaggz-: did you start with rh4.2 to? =)08:57
Jaggz-no, slackware08:57
genewitchpajamian one second08:57
Jaggz-I don't think rh was around when I started linux08:57
pajamianI started with RH5.2, I think08:57
mavi-sure was08:57
mavi-RH was earlier then slack iirc08:58
unopbullgard1, you sure you got the right permissions on the share \\md97600\freigegebenMD08:58
smackywolfoh hey, and i think PM might be the culprit here. only problem is how to fix it. i get unrecognised disk label errors from gparted when I run it from cl08:58
Jaggz-what's up with logging into grub and cat /etc/shadow?08:58
scguy318Jaggz-: worked with embedded real-time stuff?08:58
smackywolfwhich is odd, seeing as the problem was around before PM08:58
Jaggz-scguy, no.. multi-line bbs in L.A.08:59
unopbullgard1, i don't see "access denied" being applicable to your $HOME dir .. have you tried smbmount/smbget to trouble shoot this?08:59
genewitchpajamian upon cursory inspection, it appears that flyback et al are your best choice08:59
scguy318Jaggz-: interesting08:59
genewitchbut nothing doing about reverting installed packages08:59
unopsmackywolf, how big is the parition at /dev/sda1 ?08:59
genewitchpajamian if it's an x issue, try getting the xorg package that everyone spams in here... anyone know it? the one that resets your xorg.conf?09:00
Jaggz-mavi, I have some RH systems still, to this day.. but they're being replaced .. well.. not really -- I'm chatting :)09:00
lxuserceck connection09:00
genewitchpajamian http://code.google.com/p/flyback/09:00
bullgard1unop: No, I am not sure. Because I do not know how do you define "the right permissions". The file 'config' which I am trying to access, has the mode 0644.09:00
smackywolfunop: i guess you mean hda1/09:00
unopsmackywolf, aye,. sorry09:00
Jaggz-I installed this ext-fs program in windows, and thus far it's wonderful09:00
genewitchunop just disclosed he has too much money.09:01
Jaggz-went in, in XP, and edited my grub.lst :)09:01
Jaggz-okay.. well I'm going to go.. gotta work on this stuff09:01
smackywolfunop: atm, something like 63.50, there's a second partition now that's 11.0309:01
smackywolfJaggz-: that dirty hack can break things09:01
smackywolfit's useful though09:01
genewitchknoppix can do the same thing, can't it?09:01
Jaggz-ta ta gene09:01
Jaggz-scguy, before I go.. do you work with embedded systems?09:02
smackywolfJaggz-: it can break things, but i've been using it about a year with one minor issue in that time which was simple to resolve. so don't stress too much09:02
Jaggz-thanks :)09:02
unopbullgard1, shared folders can have share-level (smb) permissions + whatever permissions are set on the filesystem (by ntfs, extx, etc) .. you should see if that shared folder is freely accessible first09:02
pajamiangenewitch: any chance of possibly being able to troubleshoot the problem from the other end?  desertc was gonna have a look at my messages log to see if anything jumped out.09:02
unopgenewitch, how did i disclose my financial status here eh? :>09:02
Jaggz-I'd like this ventilator company to provide options to vary the rate of breathing09:02
genewitchsmackywolf Jaggz-: i'd imagine screwing with NTFS in linux is a lot more dangerous than screwing with ext3 in windows09:02
GeorgeAThemes doesn't exist in my System menu, how can i get it?09:03
smackywolfgenewitch: *shrugs* tool was made by OSS devs. so it's not much different09:03
genewitchguys, what's the apt-get command to reset xorg?09:03
bullgard1unop: I need to inform myself about smbmount/smbget before I can answer your question. But please note: File transfer works all right in the opposite direction without my deeper knowledge of smbmount/smbget.09:03
unopsmackywolf, from what i can see, you have some free-space at the end of the disk -- it just doesn't show up in the paritioner because a parition hasn't yet been defined09:03
Jaggz-gene, there's some positive thing to learn about privacy of your own internal workings.. but I'm not sure what it is.09:03
smackywolfunop: technically it should show as free space, hrm?09:03
ubotuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage09:03
genewitchsmackywolf no, if it hasn't been actively partitioned it won;t09:04
smackywolfunop: oh, wai. nevermind09:04
* smackywolf nods to genewitch 09:04
Jaggz-I guess people don't rely on my private things right?09:04
GeorgeAnvm it's "appearance" :|09:04
smackywolfwell, what's a good tool to fix that with? fsck doesn't want to know about it09:04
Jaggz-is there an irc network that automatically msg's you spelling corrections?09:04
Jaggz-I mean.. I don't need it myself.  ;}09:04
genewitchpajamian i'd be willing to lay money on it being an xorg.conf issue. i'd love to help you, but i am trying to get drunk. logs are not conducive to that activity09:04
smackywolfJaggz-: not that i know of. but some clients (like xchat) can have spelling checkers09:05
genewitchso so sorry. :-(09:05
genewitchJaggz- write one :-)09:05
pajamianLoL, ok genewitch, thanks anyways09:05
Jaggz-I'd love to get into AI but I never have09:05
smackywolfJaggz-: you can test it on my irc network XD09:05
bullgard1unop: My remote smb.conf file includes a line "read only = no".09:05
Jaggz-were I to do something I'd want it to be more than simple spell checking09:05
Jaggz-I'm not sure why we don't have AI bots all over irc09:05
smackywolfJaggz-: like destroy the world?09:06
napster^I have xitrix mini-frame(originally installed with ubuntu) computers and, Some in bios hard disk can be detected, while others can't. Now, when hard disk can be detected WinXP can be installed, if not Windows cannot continue.09:06
genewitchJaggz- it wouldn't be AI, it'd be simple search and run a macro. but it'd invade privacy a bit09:06
pajamianmaybe what I need to do is install again and make a copy of my xorg.conf before upgrading09:06
smackywolfJaggz-: because they are annoying and people abuse them09:06
Jaggz-well.. the spelling one would be standard (however standard spell checking works)..09:06
RobotGuyWhat package do I need to install so I can "make xconfig" for kernels?09:06
smackywolfpajamian: just look around in your xorg directory. you may find there's automatically backup copies09:06
Jaggz-levenshtein distance?09:06
pajamianactually, I bet the package that changed it may have made a copy09:06
jhend60ok i fixed the prob i set the bits to 32 manually09:06
un0psmackywolf, did you get my last posts?09:06
jhend60that was my problem09:07
Jaggz-they should be better than levenshtein (that's the only one I've had any experience with :)09:07
genewitchJaggz- a program loads a hastable with all the properly spelled words and compares each block of text to the hashtable, if there's any mismatches, you'd trigger a /msg to the user09:07
smackywolfun0p: nope. if they were pm'd i'm not reg'd09:07
=== smackywolf is now known as Smacky_Wolf
genewitchJaggz- i could write a bot in java in about 40 minutes09:07
un0psmackywolf, well, that would depend on the partitioner (i guess) and/or it's implementation09:07
un0psmackywolf, i'd try creating a new partition with fdisk if i were you09:07
Jaggz-gene, cool.. make them correct it themselves :)09:07
un0pbullgard1, share access (smb/cifs atleast) works only unidirectionally -- if you can access a remote share freely, it doesn't mean the same is true vice-versa09:07
Jaggz-TransWorldIRC: Chat in any language09:07
Smacky_Wolfun0p: sounds like a plan. but fdisk won't touch my other disk at all09:07
genewitchpajamian you chasing a rabbit now (bug)?09:07
Smacky_Wolfpajamian: take a dive around /etc/X11/09:08
un0pSmacky_Wolf, not unless you intentionally delete the partition09:08
Jaggz-tell me, what should you do before you give someone an idea?09:08
pajamianwho knows, I'm just praying it's not hardware, I've already replaced the HDD and RAM on this bos.09:08
genewitchsmacky try doing a knoppix-std boot or something and see if you can't at least back it up before repartitioning09:08
napster^I have xitrix mini-frame(originally installed with ubuntu) computers and, Some in bios hard disk can be detected, while others can't. Now, when hard disk can be detected WinXP can be installed, if not Windows cannot continue.09:08
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: I'm looking, only 1 file resembling xorg.conf in there09:08
pajamianand that's xorg.conf09:08
Smacky_Wolfgenewitch: there's windows on there already.09:08
Jaggz-like, they stole my car-brake energy reclamation idea -- putting the energy of braking into battery storage09:08
Smacky_Wolfpajamian: awh. fail x.x. nothing like 12.3.07xorg?09:09
un0pnapster^, that's a question to ask in ##windows09:09
jhend60an1 no how to fix huge text on login screen on kubuntu?09:09
genewitchjhend60 after you log in does it look normal?09:09
jhend60just logon screen(KDM)09:09
Jaggz-(which would, I imagine, lessen the load of the alternator and thereby indirectly saving fuel)  Or in the case of electric vehicles the return is obvious.09:09
rne1224I have a problem09:09
Smacky_Wolfpajamian: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg - may fix your issues. it'll take you to the curse based conf thingy09:10
rne1224I was wandering where can I install the latest drivers for Intel 94509:10
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53280/09:10
rne1224I want to run crystal space09:10
rne1224but it seems to be a driver issue09:10
rne1224that I can solve09:10
jhend60get xorg video server thing09:11
jhend60it has the drivers for that series09:11
jhend60i just got it09:11
Jaggz-gene, thanks for sharing the spelling-error finder method.. so simple.09:11
jhend60ill get link09:11
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:11
genewitchjhend60 :-p09:11
Jaggz-how many buckets would you use??09:11
rne1224jhend60: thanks ....let me try that09:11
genewitchJaggz- buckets? you mean hashtables?09:11
Jaggz-is, perhaps, some type of tree even more efficient?09:11
Jaggz-how many buckets in the hash table09:11
bullgard1un0p: I know that the file transfer is unilateral. But I have set up my Samba in the LAN without any reference to smbmount and smbget, and it works in one direction. I have told you the relevant smb.conf's attribute.  --  man smbmout: "smbmount is deprecated and not maintained any longer." Why do you recommend it to me?09:12
Jaggz-perhaps a percentage of the total vocabulary count09:12
genewitchJaggz- for the dictionaries i've used, java can do a full hashtable search in about .03 seconds09:12
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:12
genewitchIf you code it in C, you'd get it in about a tenth of that09:12
rne1224jhend60: thanks so much...you save me from dual booting into windows09:12
Jaggz-yeah, I'd be doing it in C09:12
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: ok, I ran that and am now rebooting...09:13
rne1224jhend60: do you run crystal space?09:13
jhend60i am a noob...09:13
un0pbullgard1, just as a means of troubleshooting, thats all -- if you can access the remote share and copy files locally with smbmount/smbget, then you can rule out errors with the network and permissions09:13
knight__i need ur help09:13
rne1224jhend60: what kind of card are you using?09:14
jhend60Whats crystal space? i just downloaded kubuntu off their site09:14
jhend60Intel 915M09:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:14
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: no dice, still same problem :-(09:14
jhend60just got xorg video drivers for intel09:14
erUSULjhend60: crystal space is a 3d game engine09:15
rne1224is cool...09:15
jhend60well i probably dont have it09:15
jhend60ill try ctrl alt numpad key09:15
Ademanhey is there a way to get a "cleaner" list of the packages you have installed than dpkg -l ?09:15
genewitchGREP IS YOUR FRIEND09:16
jhend60iam new to all this and i use kubuntu09:16
Ademanmmm grep09:16
napster^I have xitrix mini-frame(originally installed with ubuntu) computers and, Some in bios hard disk can be detected, while others can't. Now, when hard disk can be detected WinXP can be installed, if not Windows cannot continue.09:16
Ademanjhend60: it's a command line tool to search for text *basically*09:16
genewitchoh. i forget sometimes that you new people like graphics. i have no clue how to show you what programs you have installed09:16
rne1224so...is anyone out there that is running crystal space in Gutsy with Intel 94509:16
genewitchjhend60 add/remove programs, click the radio button that says "installed"09:16
genewitchrather than available or all09:17
SlartAdeman: I think  you can get a list of installed packages from synaptic09:17
BetaTestHow do I see the Kernel I'm using?09:17
pajamianheh, windoze "converts"09:17
un0pAdeman, dpkg -l | cut -c 3-20 | grep -i keyword09:17
Smacky_Wolfpajamian: suck x.x try apt-get remove xorg --purge or some such?09:17
SlartBetaTest: lsb_release -a, or uname -a09:17
Ademanuname -a will get you it, and more09:17
BetaTestMany thanks09:17
* Smacky_Wolf isn't really sure, had to mess around with xorg for ages in the early days, and then confing it got reallly easy09:18
pajamianummmm, ok, then install it again, I guess?09:18
* Smacky_Wolf nods09:18
Smacky_Wolfbut purge09:18
rne1224so...is anyone out there that is running crystal space in Gutsy with Intel 9409:18
genewitchun0p i knew you'd know, somehow09:18
SlartBetaTest: sorry.. lsb_release doesn't say what kernel you're using.. uname -a will though09:18
pajamianI suppose I can comment out the updates repos in the sources.list to get the older version from the CD too.09:18
Smacky_Wolfpajamian: purge, just in case you don't know, will kill conf files. and recreate them09:18
un0pgenewitch, know what eh? :)09:18
Ademanun0p: lol, thanks, i was looking to avoid all that crap, i cobbled together a solution using awk, but i was wondering if there was an *easy* way, mostly because dpkg -l piles a bunch of crapola at the beggining (a bunch of pipes and slashes and stuff to "dress it up" i guess)09:18
Smacky_Wolfwhen you reinstall09:18
genewitchyou'd know how to use grep. you seem like an oldschooler09:19
rne1224so...is anyone out there that is running crystal space in Gutsy with Intel 945?...please help09:19
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: ok09:19
Slartrne1224: wait a couple of minutes before repeating.. people get annoyed if you spam to much09:19
Smacky_Wolfgenewitch: i can grep and am not an oldschooler o.o09:19
genewitchpajamian if there's something more i can do for you query me, i have a hard time backtracing the channel text09:19
pajamiangenewitch: ok, thanks09:20
Smacky_Wolfunop: did I miss anything from yo? i'm in my regged nick now, if you want to PM09:20
Ademanun0p: just for the record, i discovered dpkg-query (which i think dpkg just backends to anyways) but there's a --showformat option that i can use to define the output format :-)09:20
rne1224by the way I wasn't spaming, but it won't happen again09:20
genewitchthat goes for everyone, if i said i could help and i'm not responding query me09:20
un0pSmacky_Wolf, errm, i dont think i posted anything to you since last :)09:20
Smacky_Wolfun0p: cool. thanks for the assist =)09:21
un0pAdeman, there's also apt-show-versions09:21
Slartrne1224: hehe.. I was using spamming in a broad meaning09:21
Smacky_Wolfand to you other guys, too09:21
rne1224no problems :)09:21
un0pSmacky_Wolf, yw09:21
* Smacky_Wolf goes digging to see if he can find a knoppix iso09:22
bullgard1un0p: The syntax of smbmount is "smbmount {service} {mount-point} [-o options]" What do I have to insert for '{service}'?09:22
pajamianok, rebooting again ...09:22
Slartbullgard1: I think that's the share name09:23
Slartbullgard1: or.. wait.. perhaps not.. nevermind09:23
genewitchSmacky_Wolf i recommend knoppix-std09:25
Smacky_Wolfgenewitch: i have V5 apparantly09:25
Slartbullgard1: here's an example smbmount //server/share /localdir -o username=user,password=pass,uid=500,gid=50009:25
pajamianSmacky_Wolf: nope, same thing still09:25
un0pbullgard1, you can accomplish something similar like this -- sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //host/share /media/mountpoint09:26
genewitchun0p i've never had luck with that particular command, but i know that's correct... haven't had to use it in years09:26
GeorgeAhow can I see which program is using which port?09:26
un0pgenewitch, yep, doesn't fuse help your poor brain from trying to remember which switch to which command and avoid going through manpages and such :)09:27
genewitchun0p i just clicked "network" in the places menu and it came up09:27
genewitchGeorgeA type "netstat" in a terminal window09:28
un0pgenewitch, wait till you come across a desktop that does have a GUI or better, doesn't have "network places" :)09:28
GeorgeAgenewitch, thanks09:28
genewitchGeorgeA that might not be what you're looking for... i'm trying to remember the local packet sniffer i used to use09:29
genewitchGeorgeA let me know if that's what you want, if not i can recommend a few other programs09:30
bullgard1un0p: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/31423/ This result is not different from the other two methods.09:30
napster^if my unit doesn't have samba in it, where can i download samba?09:30
GeorgeAgenewitch, what I want is a program that lets me know which program is using port X, because am trying to run shoutcast and it's telling me the port is being used, i want to know what's using it so i can close it09:30
genewitchport 5800 is in use?09:31
un0pbullgard1, you'll need to supply a username and password there -- refer to my last post to you for a howto09:31
GeorgeAis the one shoutcast runs off of09:31
genewitchGeorgeA there's no way to tell without having data being run through it09:32
crwlri think bullgard1's servers are crashing!!!09:32
genewitch8000 is an alternate web server port though09:32
GeorgeAgenewitch, lsof -i did the trick09:32
genewitchGeorgeA cool, i'll write that down. what was the offending program?09:33
GeorgeAgenewitch, apparently it was already running lol, but it was showing in my ps aux, which is weird.09:33
crwlrWHOA!  SPAMMERS!!!09:33
GeorgeAcrwlr, netsplit09:33
crwlrgeorgea: netsplit?  like a banana split?09:34
GeorgeAgenewitch, it's fine now, i restarted it :)09:34
GeorgeAcrwlr, true story09:34
dgjones!netsplit | crwlr09:34
ubotucrwlr: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:34
genewitchcrwlr slightly less delicious than a banana split09:34
genewitchthat was lsof -l?09:34
genewitchi don't have lsof :-(09:35
crwlrwell i'm ready for a banana split!  makin myself hungry...   sudo mkme bananasplitwithicecream09:35
genewitchsu maybe09:35
napster^If my unit doesn't have samba in it, where can i download samba?09:35
GeorgeAnope I didn't need to.09:35
genewitchnapster rpmfind.net09:35
genewitchmy laptop is running fedora09:35
dgjones!samba | napster^09:35
ubotunapster^: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:35
genewitchnapster^ http://rpmfind.net09:36
dgjonesnapster^, samba is available in synaptic09:36
dgjones!rpm | genewitch09:36
ubotugenewitch: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:36
napster^dgjones: I'm already there.09:36
GeorgeAgenewitch, ah :) heh09:36
napster^genewitch: will try that.09:36
genewitchnapster^ evidently it's in synaptic... add/remove programs and toss it in09:36
bullgard1un0p: Adding -o and username and password still results in the same Access denied response.09:37
GeorgeAgenewitch, could the sniffer u used be: nmap?09:37
genewitchbullgard1 can you connect to the share from another windows machine09:37
genewitchGeorgeA nosir, it's one that's been ported to windows, though. it's on ym laptop's windows drive. ettercap will also work though09:37
genewitchalthough ettercap is a lot more greyhat than the one i am thinking of09:37
GeorgeAgenewitch, wireshark?09:38
genewitchGeorgeA could be :-)09:38
bullgard1genewitch: Not at the moment. My LAN consists at the moment of two laptops only and a router to ADSL.09:38
crwlrfor what, georgea?09:38
un0pbullgard1, if you are positive that you have the correct syntax for the commands you are using there -- then there's a definite problem with how your shared folder //md97600/freigegebenMD is setup -- very tight permissions or no user probably09:38
genewitchbullgard1 or it could be a program blocking port 135/13909:38
GeorgeAcrwlr, I just wanted to see which program is running on which port (lsof -i did the trick).. but now we're talking about sniffers09:39
genewitchlots of stupid consumer firewalls block those ports for no good reason09:39
Ssami dont noe hwo to use my scanner09:39
Ssamhow* can anyone help me09:39
pajamianok, gonna have to just re-install and go from there, heh, I can't see any other way about it.09:39
bullgard1genewitch: How can I determine what prgram blocks port 135/139?09:39
kahrytanAnyone know the VGA code for Grub for 1440x900 resolution?09:39
crwlrahh...i use a different OS for that.  trying to remember the name of it...09:39
genewitchbullgard1 what OS is on the machine you're trying to get files from? windows xp?09:39
genewitchKnoppix-std, crwlr09:40
bullgard1genewitch: Both machines run with Ubuntu 7.1009:40
Slartkahrytan: google for vga display mode or something like that.. there are lists out there09:40
crwlrno....genewitch...i cant think of it.  hang on, let me look at my cd09:40
genewitchun0p isn't there a better way than samba for two linux machins to share?09:40
pewpewpewkahrytan: Mode 0x0365: 1440x900 (+5760), 24 bits09:40
dgjonesgenewitch, i use nfs for between linux machines09:40
genewitchbull do you have BOTH samba servers running?09:41
Slartgenewitch: nfs or ssh both work... nfs has some security concerns though09:41
genewitchNMBD and SMBD?09:41
kahrytanpewpewpew➲ so vga=0x0365?09:41
un0pgenewitch, I don't consider anything better or worse off -- nfs is an alternative09:41
crwlrbacktrack 2    genewitch georgea09:41
pewpewpewkahrytan: i think so09:41
genewitchcrwlr i'm reading09:41
crwlrthere's another one but i'd have to get the name of it and i cant find the cd09:42
pewpewpewi'm not a 100%, so if its a life or death situation don't rely on me :}09:42
TheLynxanyone here had problems restarting X with ctrl+alt+backspace? the windows are closing but the computer hangs shortly afterwards09:43
crwlrthelynx: none so far...got gutsy on there?09:43
xalanthyrhi there, anbody knows how to run EUO on ubuntu?09:44
GeorgeAcrwlr, i had it.. but I'm not gonna install an OS for just one thing :P09:44
TheLynxcrwlr: yep. gutsy. sadly on a hp laptop with amd64 with ATI radeon graphics09:44
crwlrgeorgea: i just use the livecd09:44
GeorgeAcrwlr, yeah i guess livecd through a vbox would be fine :)09:44
bullgard4http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/31424/ doesn't set the permissions very tight, right?09:44
crwlrthelynx: i have gutsy on a laptop with a p4 and an ati chipset, and i havent had any problems09:44
genewitchthat's how i run k-std, crwlr09:45
Jaggz-7 milliseconds to look up one word09:45
Jaggz-with 100000 buckets09:45
crwlrgeorgea: i didnt use vbox for that...hmmm...course i only set it up as a nat network so it wouldn't detect my network adapter09:45
genewitchin what language, Jaggz-09:45
Jaggz-gene, hash tables store things in buckets09:45
bullgard4un0p: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/31424/ doesn't set the permissions very tight, right?09:46
GeorgeAcrwlr, oh right.. forgot about that.. man bridging is a pain in vbox...09:46
TheLynxcrwlr: everything else works. or well.. the graphics flickers etc etc and fullscreen video is only possible using xine. this due to poor amd drivers. still a known issue I suppose09:46
externI can't get direct rendering working on ubuntu 64. I have ATI x700 pro. When I do glxinfo | grep direct, I get a several similar errors, which look like this: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/dri/r300_dri.so failed (/usr/lib32/dri/r300_dri.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32)09:46
Jaggz-it's possible to have some other method of handling collisions, but in general they use buckets.09:46
crwlrwhat kind of laptop is it, thelynx?09:46
genewitchJaggz- yeah i get it, what language09:46
TheLynxcrwlr: hp 6715s09:46
Jaggz-ie. "hello" and "mumbojumbo" might hash to the same value09:46
crwlrgeorgea: very true.  only thing i vbox is winblows...whenever i need to09:47
Jaggz-coded this in C09:47
TheLynxcrwlr: amd64, ati radeon x125009:47
crwlrthelynx: hmm...which drivers did you install?09:47
GeorgeAcrwlr, same here :)09:47
genewitch7 ms seems slow09:47
Jaggz-used my existing library of hash tables.. I loaded /usr/share/dict/words into the hash table then timed looking up the word "hello"09:47
genewitchjava's default can do it faster09:47
Jaggz-I also am using gettimeofday() to get the timing but I'm not sure how accurate it is.. this would be better off looking up multiple words09:47
Ssamanyone know how i can get my scanner to work?09:47
genewitchlemme pastebucket my source for some weird hash lookup, one second09:47
SlartSsam: check if the scanner is supported by sane.. I think the url is www.sane.org... not sure though09:48
pajamianSsam: what brand and model scanner?09:48
crwlrthelynx: ATI and linux go together like...nothing.  ubuntu barely supports ati, so if you installed the restricted drivers and then the effects started happenin...then u gotta remove those09:48
SlartSsam: sorry.. http://www.sane-project.org/09:48
TheLynxcrwlr: the ones from ATI. compiz works but the problem with ctrl+alt+backspace is new to me. been trying to find anything related to the problems on forums, but still confused. does this has something to do with the hibernate issue with ATI and linux?09:48
genewitchJaggz- http://pastebin.com/m5f873d5709:49
Jaggz-microseconds, excuse me09:49
TheLynxcrwlr: guess so. do you recommend using the open source driver?09:49
GeorgeAthat's some difference Jaggz- lol :)09:49
Jaggz-did I say ms?  :)09:49
Jaggz-did you just code that up?09:50
TheLynxcrwlr: can't do much with the hardware. using a laptop from work. otherwise I would returned it09:50
crwlrthelynx: i dont recommend when it comes to ati.  i had an ati in my desktop, and i got ticked off at it cause the effects wouldn't work.  so...i ditched ati and went with nvidia.  you will just have to check wikis and google variations of your problems because i'm not an expert with that09:50
externhas anyone had any problems with ATI drivers on Ubuntu 64?09:50
Ssamwell i was there.....but it didnt help i dont noe how to install it its very complicated for me09:50
genewitchJaggz- nah that's old. million monkeys pounding for a million years simulator09:50
crwlrextern: ATI and UBUNTU don't mix well09:50
* genewitch is afk09:51
Slartextern: not just 64-bit.. ati takes some work, I understand09:51
icemanhi,i like this channel ,and thank jaggz,genewitch,and all other people,09:51
TheLynxcrwlr: ok. thanks anyway. it's just too bad with the ATI and linux issue. never had any major hardware/driver related problems before09:51
osfameroncrwlr, Slart: got any reference for that?  (I'm thinking of getting an HP S3240, which I think has an ATI graphics card... :-( )09:51
Jaggz-./dict 100000 hello there test how are you  .....  Looked up 6 words in ms:116009:51
externhas anyone got any useful links about ATI and ubuntu?09:51
Narlzac85has the situation with ATI not improved in the newer driver releases?09:51
Jaggz-of course, this is just some hash table implementation I got offline years ago and then modified like mad09:51
externI had it working some time ago, but I reinstalled ubuntu recently09:52
un0pbullgard1, what happens when you try this out? smbclient //server/share09:52
TheLynxextern: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page09:52
Jaggz-it's faster with less buckets.. !09:52
un0pbullgard1, also - http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/FastStart.html#id32795909:52
Slartosfameron: I'm just going by the number of "ARRGGGHHSS".... and "STUPID PIECE OF S**T GRAPHICS CARD" questions we get here in this channel =)09:52
crwlrosfameron: nvidia is a breeze to setup but if you get ati, then ur going to have to fight to install it.  i would suggest getting one with nvidia.  i threw my ati card in the garbage09:52
externthank you, I'll check it out09:52
osfameronSlart:  heh :-(09:52
Slart!ati | extern09:53
ubotuextern: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:53
Slartextern: that's the only one I know of09:53
icemanSlart, where are you from09:53
Jaggz-the dictionary load-time is slower with less buckets.. with 100 buckets it takes several seconds (due to the inefficiency of adding entries to linked lists most likely)09:53
Slarticeman: Sweden, why?09:53
TheLynxyeah. that link is useful09:53
TheLynxI'm from sweden too... (btw)09:54
larsrohdinHi! We are having some troubles with our dhcp-server running on ubuntu server. We have two servers that share a scope of ip-addresses, but the clients get leases from both servers, at the same time (!). They also appaer several time in each servers lease-lists. They get the same IP from both. This creates problems for our thin clients session. Have anyone heard of this?09:54
crwlrof course, i found out they blacklisted my ati card, so maybe i am just mad about that scenario.  you all other ati users might have better luck09:54
bullgard1un0p: "detlef@Amilo7600:~$ smbclient //md97600/freigegebenMD; Password:  ; session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"09:54
pajamianwell, the latest news as of a few months ago is that AMD is opening up the specs for ATI cards so here's hoping that we get some better drivers.09:54
Slartextern: it's not hopeless getting an ati card to work.. most people actually make it.. but it's just a little more work than nvidia or intel at the moment09:55
TheLynxpajamian: sounds like a good idea09:55
externyeah, I had it working some time ago09:55
externbut I can't remember which guide I followed09:55
Jaggz-iceman, glad to help09:55
Jaggz-if I did09:55
Slartlarsrohdin: you have 2 dhcp servers on the same net? didn't know you could do that..09:56
pajamianI would recommend intel if you're buying new, there are great OS drivers for that, but I wouldn't toss out an nvidia or ATI card that I already ahve.09:56
kahrytanIve got question .. Does Ubuntu uSplash theme even support widescreen resolutions?09:56
larsrohdinSlart: sure, they have half the net each09:56
larsrohdinotherwise the fastest one gets the lease09:57
larsrohdinbut these should get half09:57
Slartlarsrohdin: just out of curiosity.. how do the dhcp servers know which clients to serve?09:57