
LaibschDoes a ppa publish the information necessary for users to trust the published packages?01:19
LaibschI tried with my own ppa (apt-key add), but the files are still shown as being from an untrusted source01:19
RAOFNo, it doesn't.  This is planned.01:20
jameshI'd be a bit worried if running apt-key add on my public key was enough to make the PPA trusted ...01:38
Hobbseejamesh: that requires a clue about gpg keys, instead of a mere wish to get rid of scary warnings.01:39
grycwhy is that jamesh?01:39
jameshgryc: since I haven't signed the binaries in my PPA, it would mean that someone else has access to my private key01:40
* gryc forgot the binaries were built on other servers01:40
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pooliewow, after the thread before i just noticed the pencil next to 'bug description' 04:38
poolieit have never registered before04:38
poolieyou should update the copyright :)04:43
AaronSwI'm getting consistent crashes when I try to edit a milestone. This is blocking my work.05:04
Odd_BlokeAaronSw: Do you mean you're getting an OOPS?  If so, having its ID is helpful for the LP admins.05:05
AaronSwhttps://launchpad.net/openlibrary/+milestone/opencoverthing/+edit leads to OOPS-755E53105:05
pooliehm should ubotu be posting that here, it's not very helpful05:06
poolieoh well05:06
poolieAaronSw, i think i was getting something similar05:06
AaronSwIt's so consistent it seems like it must be something simple.05:07
AaronSwOr at least obvious.05:07
poolieAaronSw, is it an AttributeError?05:07
AaronSwI don't know; I don't have access to the tracebacks05:07
pooliei get that on milestone-05:07
poolieyes it's bug 185732, marked critical, hopefully will be fixed soon05:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185732 in launchpad "+edit milestone page is broken when the date is set" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18573205:09
pooliehello Odd_Bloke 05:10
Odd_Blokepoolie: Hey. :)05:10
SyntuxI'm trying to login to Ubuntu wiki using same credentials of my launchpad account but aint working, I have also tried to reset my password (as suggested in the wiki) but it didnt work even with the new password.06:49
Syntuxargh, ok06:51
ubotuNew bug: #185841 in rosetta "PO parser: string index out of range" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18584107:56
Alohawhats the point of having a PPA if you can just distribute the .deb file?08:02
Alohaor is it if you have dependencies that only your PPA has?08:03
jameshAloha: do you have the infrastructure set up to build dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy and hardy packages on i386, amd64 and lpia?08:20
Alohaoh good point. will hardy packages work on gutsy?08:22
Alohaon what category of things?08:22
jameshon whether something the package depends on differs between gutsy and hardy08:23
jamesh(I can't really be any more specific than that)08:23
Alohaso if i need lib-foobar-1.17 which is hardy but i have a gutsy install which has lib-foobar-1.16 then its probably best to use gutsy package08:25
Alohacarlos, morning08:26
jameshor you could build a lib-foobar-1.17 package for gutsy in your PPA (be careful about what version numbers you pick though, so you don't screw up upgrades to hardy)08:26
jameshAloha: of course, it isn't too difficult to submit both gutsy and hardy builds of a package08:29
Alohajamesh, can i have ppa build them with a single source package or do i need one for each?08:30
jameshAloha: for some packages, if you build against libfoobar-1.17 the binary would depend on that version, while it is still possible to compile with older versions08:30
jameshsince PPA builds the package in the associated environment, the resulting binary should be appropriate for the target distribution release08:31
jameshAloha: you need to request separate builds for separate distro releases08:31
Alohajamesh, thnx08:32
jameshAloha: it will build on all supported architectures though.08:32
Alohawhat do karma points do?08:44
Alohaooh sweet can delete packages now09:00
Alohai remember when you couldn't do that. makes me feel oldschool heh09:00
Alohalike 2 days oldschool ;)09:00
Kmoscprov: the delete packages on PPA, won't remove logs too ?09:08
ubotuNew bug: #185851 in malone "Link "find out why" doesn't really help you to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18585109:11
ubotuNew bug: #185853 in malone "Please link bug field labels to extended explanations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18585309:16
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Alohawhats MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive09:33
AlohaFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification09:33
ubotuNew bug: #185856 in malone "Upper right search box unuseful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18585609:40
ubotuNew bug: #185861 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr register-branch command broken?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18586110:20
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lifelesshowoften do branch feeds update ?11:50
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ubotuNew bug: #185897 in launchpad "Bug reporting instuctions need humanising" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18589712:11
ubotuNew bug: #185901 in malone "using bugtracker for communication instead of mailing lists" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18590112:20
ubotuNew bug: #185905 in malone "Getting Bug Lists By Email spec needs drafting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18590512:25
eyalevHello, I saw Ubuntu Hardy Translations is now open. Someone in my translations team said that we should wait for the 4th ALPHA release before we start translate. I This correct?12:30
Ubulettelucas, just read your last blog entry about dpkg-dev’s core tools. Interesting. Is the table for sid, hardy or what ?13:18
lucasbut it shouldn't differ much in hardy13:19
Ubulettei'm curious to see the trend (dapper->f->g->hardy). is that possible to do ?13:22
ubotuNew bug: #185922 in soyuz "Re-POSTing a form to +delete-packages results in a oops " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18592213:31
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ubotuNew bug: #185925 in rosetta "Extract file format-specific code from translation import queue" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18592513:55
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slytherinHi, firebug shows me some kind of security error on launchpad home. Should I report a bug for this?14:18
Kmosslytherin: what it says?14:22
kikoslytherin, can you /privmsg me?14:23
Kmosthat's better :)14:23
slytherinkiko: sure14:23
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Kaleohello everyone15:13
Kaleodoes anybody know how to change the source of a bazaar branch for a specific project?15:14
Kaleoit's a branch for which the source is a Subversion repository15:14
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jpatrickhello, could an admin please look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/22795 ?15:17
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kai^sdsHi, I have just tried to create a ubuntu bug report by double clicking on a file in /var/crash. the launchpad report bug page opens, but when I click on continue (below the bug subject line) I get a page telling me:15:38
kai^sdsNot allowed here15:38
kai^sds     Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page.           You are logged in as Kai Schroeder.   15:38
kai^sdsURL for that page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+filebug/A8rYNBsA5LGR2OfvrSaQcIf7C5X15:38
kai^sdsAny idea, why?15:38
ubotuNew bug: #185953 in soyuz "Feature request: add pagination to list of packages to delete" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18595315:55
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rkerrRinchen: ping18:21
Rinchenrkerr, Hi there!18:22
Rinchenrkerr, I'm on the phone but would love to chat with you in a few minutes18:22
rkerrRinchen, ok let me know when you've got time18:22
PibbRelay<Rinchen> Hello Elliot18:40
statikhi Rinchen and PibbRelay18:41
Rinchenrkerr, ok you're up :-)18:44
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ubotuNew bug: #186002 in rosetta ""Download translations" pages for language/package are inconsistent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18600219:10
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glatzordanilos: hello. will newly added gutsy translation automatically added to hardy too?19:21
psusiif a bug is assigned to the wrong package, how can I reassign it so it's new and not targeted at a specific package?  so it's still waiting triaging to the right package?19:34
geserpsusi: have you tried to leave the package name empty?19:35
psusino, the bug already exists, it was assigned to a package I maintain19:35
psusibut has nothing to do with it19:35
psusiso I marked it as invalid and now want to add a target to the bug so it's just assigned to Ubuntu in general, with unknown package hint19:36
psusilike the person had left the field blank to begin with19:36
geserpsusi: have you tried to edit the package name?19:37
geserwhich bug btw?19:37
psusiahh, t here we go :)19:37
psusifigured it out.. hehe19:37
Rinchencarlos, danilos - either of you around?19:41
carlosRinchen: I am19:41
RinchenI need some education :-)19:41
carloswhat could I do for you?19:41
Rinchencarlos, great!  Can you explain to me, if you know, why the quotes are mismatched on  https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/dpkg/+pots/dpkg/eo/+translate?start=4019:42
RinchenThe english version starts with a ` and ends with a '19:42
RinchenI got pinged about it today from a translator19:43
Rinchenlooks like some escaping mechanism19:44
carlosRinchen: you mean, why don't they use ` its oposite instead of ' ?19:46
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carloss/its/and its/19:46
Rinchenone would think they should be paired.  ' and '   ,   " and " ,   ` and `19:47
carloswell, I think it's more a font issue than they use different styles19:47
carlosoh, do you expect `` instead of it inclined to the right?19:48
carlosRinchen: in my keyboard, when I try to type the one to the right I get '19:48
carlosso I guess is a font issue19:48
Rinchenmaybe. I have all 3 on my US Keyboard19:49
carlosI get them as a composite key19:49
carloswe use it for accents19:49
carlosá and à19:49
carlosbut I can get them with a white space19:49
carlosalthough the rendering is not the expected...19:49
carlosmaybe danilo could provide you an answer19:50
RinchenYeah. The funny thing is that it renders the characters correctly, e.g.  ĝisdatigitan19:50
carloshe has more experience than I do in this kind of things19:50
Rinchenyeah, Serbian has a few more ...nuances 19:50
RinchenI've asked for an export of that file. Maybe the po will give me a clue19:51
danilosRinchen: that sounds a lot like the old ASCII typesetting of "proper" quotes (i.e. the same thing like inserting double spaces after a period)19:51
Rinchenyeah which is strange to find it in dpkg19:51
Rinchen This is how we `used` to do it19:52
Rinchenthis is how we do it 'now'19:52
Rinchenand the reason was that we only the `19:52
danilosRinchen: typographically (i.e. while setting type), you'd have proper quotes which are neither of the ASCII quotes; but with command line programs (like dpkg :)), it's pretty common sight, I'd say19:52
Rinchenreally? well, I guess I never noticed.19:52
Rinchenof course I've spent most of my time in the bowels of openoffice19:53
danilosRinchen: I think proper Unicode quotes are ‘ and ’19:53
RinchenIn the end, the concern here was the affect on the program if the translator changed  the leading ` into a '    to match them as a pair19:54
Rinchene.g. from the export:19:54
Rinchenmsgid "cannot scan updates directory `%.255s'"19:55
Rinchenmsgstr "ne skaneblas la ĝisdatigan dosierujon '%.255s'"19:55
danilosRinchen: there should be no ill effects19:55
danilosRinchen: in Serbian, I'd replace those with „ and “19:55
Rincheninteresting. So it must be the original author's style19:57
RinchenOk, I'll email back my team member on that  19:57
* Rinchen removes his translator team lead hat.19:58
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ManfreIs there a way to see why a VCS Import failed?20:37
RinchenManfre, I don't think that's exposed at the moment20:45
RinchenManfre, you might send your items to the launchpad users list or ask a question against launchpad-bzr20:47
Rinchenone of the admins can look at that for you20:47
Manfrethanks Rinchen20:50
RinchenManfre, welcome. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. 20:51
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Alohait looks like the packages on my ppa get deleted but not purged when i delete them, how long does it actually take to delete them from the system?21:18
Alohabecause i need to upload a new package with the same revision number but it won't let me21:18
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geserAloha: for your users of your ppa it would be better if the version number got increased21:47
Alohageser, no one uses my ppa though. its still in testing phase21:47
Alohai'll increase version anyway21:52
Alohai guess its good to practice good techniques now21:53
Alohawoohoo it got accepted21:57
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