
Seveaskeisangi, this channel is for development *of* ubuntu, not *on* ubuntu00:00
keisangii tryed other distro, like zenwalk-linux (slackware based distro) and everything seems works00:00
keisangiSeveas, yes, but i wont get any help on #ubuntu channel about this particular problem ..00:01
Seveaskeisangi, that doesn't make this a support channel00:01
keisangii don't know where to ask00:01
Seveas!support | keisangi00:02
ubotukeisangi: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org00:02
keisangiSeveas, ok, could you point me to a support channel where i could discuss eclipse , java and ubuntu ?00:02
Seveas#eclipse and #ubuntu come to mind :)00:02
keisangithey will tell me to go to #lwjgl00:02
keisangi#Eclipse will tell me to see with #ubuntu00:03
keisangieveryone try to dodge the stinky problem ;)00:03
Seveaswell, #ubuntu it is then :)00:03
keisangii said two line earlier that #ubuntu ppl are likely to tell me to go to #lwjgl or #eclipse00:04
crimsun(there's #ubuntu-java)00:04
keisangicrimsun, ah nice00:04
keisangii try this one00:04
jdongcrimsun: ooh you appeared! Could I bug you to sponsor another new transmission?00:04
jdongbug #185292,00:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185292 in transmission "Please update to 1.02" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18529200:05
crimsunjdong: ACKed.00:11
jdongcrimsun: thanks :)00:13
BlackDiamondsif it's in main, it's supported by offical devs right ?00:14
jdongwhat are "official devs"?00:14
BlackDiamondspeople with an @ubuntu.com address00:15
jdongAll Ubuntu members have an @ubuntu.com address; developers are a small subset of this group00:15
BlackDiamondsoh what ?00:16
BlackDiamondswhat is an ubuntu member then ?00:16
jdongBlackDiamonds: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components should answer your question about main vs universe00:16
jdongAnd http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/ about members, developers, etc00:17
lambyWhy is the ubuntu-devel mailing list moderated?00:30
lambyWell, that does not help to explain why my post was discarded, dispite it seeming to match the criteria.00:36
lambyI will repost to -discuss.00:37
LaserJocklamby: I doubt it was discarded, probably just stuck in the moderation queue00:38
lambyI will repost anyway, I don't have the time to watch the archives to see whether it's accepted or not.00:39
LaserJockthat reminds me ...00:41
* LaserJock wanders off to look at the latest fun on -discuss00:42
nxvl_workdoes the Developer Sprint is taking place?00:59
nxvl_workor this development circle there was no one?00:59
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
yocan someone help me with ver 7.1?03:56
jdongCan someone confirm/explain why sudo seems to forget environment variables?04:00
gQuigscan I confirm my own needs-packaging bug (185804) or does it need something else?05:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185804 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] BadRAM Linux Kernel Patch" [Undecided,New]05:20
ScottK2gQuigs: Packaging questions in #ubuntu-motu05:28
pittiGood morning08:47
gaspa'morning -.-08:50
pitti\sh_away: that looks like a gnome-vfs message, not sure where it comes from; maybe check with seb128?08:50
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shseb128, the problem from yesterday was a result of nautilius -> preferences -> media_automount_open = True (gconf setting) this happens with all devices which are just mounted but not handled as special devices...09:25
seb128you told me that this key was set to wrong yesterday?09:26
pittimathiaz: your patch in bug 52866 looks ok; can you please upload?09:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52866 in php5 "SOAP response for associative array is different on ubuntu 6.06" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5286609:27
\shseb128, nope...I never said this...I was thinking something strange happens...and I tracked it down to this setting...set this key to False everything is fine...and only the symbols are on the desktop (despite the fact that some of them are staying on the desktop after unmount)09:27
seb128I told you to change the key in the preferences and you said you already did that and that didn't change anything09:28
\shseb128, this was the setting in System -> Preferences -> Removable Media which I disabled...but this didn't help...I think the preferences dialog comes from gnome-volume-manager or whatever we use, but not from nautilus09:29
\shseb128, the real solution is to set the nautilus gconf key to false...09:30
loolslomo: Thanks!09:31
\shseb128, as far as I could track down the problem (reading gnome-volume-manager source and nautilus-application.c) those two are involved when mounting devices. gvm handles special devices like usb/ipod/cd/dvds but not e.g. /dev/sdb3 when it's mounted manually...09:32
seb128\sh: the key you describe is the one I told you to change yesterday09:33
seb128\sh: it's the browse media when inserted in the nautilus preferences, media tab dialog09:33
seb128\sh: I just verified it does change the gconf key09:34
\shseb128, well then I didn't understand you correctly...I meant the global preferences for media09:34
seb128but I wrote that it was the nautilus dialog09:35
\shseb128, then I didn't see "nautilus" ... after so many windows popping up09:36
pittidholbach: Alter!10:02
dholbachpitti: ALTER!10:03
pittidholbach: do you know what p-lp-bugs does when a bug has multiple source packages?10:03
pittidholbach: i. e. bug.sourcepackage10:03
dholbachpitti: I find it more accurate to look at all bug tasks and see what their bug status, source packages, etc are10:04
dholbachpitti: bug.infotable10:04
pittidholbach: right; can I iterate over all of them?10:04
dholbachpitti: for task in bug.infotable10:04
dholbachpitti: you can branch http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ for an example10:05
pitticool, looking at it right now10:05
pittidholbach: rock, it works, I just wrote a pitti-o-matic-sync-bug-bitch script10:35
dholbachpitti: party on10:40
davmor2pitti:  would gvfs cause gnome-mount to have issues?10:41
seb128davmor2: why should it?10:42
pittidavmor2: unknown ATM, but it worked fine for me yesterday10:42
pittidavmor2: --verbose?10:42
seb128davmor2: gnome-mount doesn't use gvfs yet10:42
davmor2I've updated my main system to hardy as I no longer need a stable system so I can play10:42
davmor2I was putting my favourite cd's back into rhythmbox and gnome mount kept giving me errors bug 18574810:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185748 in gnome-mount "gvfs/gnome mount issues with stability" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18574810:44
davmor2I took a screenshot it's on there10:44
davmor2also the cd would lock up about 3 cd's in10:45
seb128davmor2: how a cd can lock up 3 cds?10:46
seb128I'm not sure I understand what you describe10:46
davmor2sorry the thirdish cd would lock up10:46
seb128no idea about that10:47
seb128is that data or audio CDs?10:47
davmor2rhythmbox converts the cds to ogg on the thirdish cd it would just stop at some point I would have to restart the system to free up the disc again10:47
seb128davmor2: doesn't seem to be a gnome-mount issue, rather a nautilus one10:48
davmor2seb128:  It also happens with my usb pen.  so much of the data copied across fine then it just stopped.  This didn't happen on my test system when gnome-vfs was inplace.10:50
davmor2locking up that is (sorry not clear again)10:51
seb128looks like a gvfs or nautilus bug10:51
seb128do you get the issue using gvfs-copy ?10:51
davmor2I had no issues using sftp in nautilus to copy the files I wanted off my other machine rather than trying from the usb10:52
davmor2seb128:  How and I'll try it?10:58
TheMusoI'm triaging casper bugs, and I have found one that referrs to xforcevesa. This doesn't appear anywhere in casper, so what package takes note of this kernel command-line flag?10:59
seb128davmor2: dunno what you are copying, but it's basically "gvfs-copy source destination"11:00
davmor2seb128: np will try now11:00
pitti\sh: please use standard requestsync in the future, and be more accurate about the source (dcc isn't in unstable, etc.)11:17
\shpitti, ah well, you commented on it, that it was moved in the past11:18
davmor2seb128: gvfs-copy command not found ?11:19
\shpitti, and that you wanted to move it into multiverse11:19
seb128davmor2: sudo apt-get install gvfs-bin11:19
warp10dialign-t-doc is in Debian non-free because documentation is missing source. It must be synced in multiverse, right?11:20
pitti\sh: done that, and synced11:21
Kmoswarp10: if section on control is non-free, it automatically goes to multiverse :)11:21
\shpitti, thx :)11:21
davmor2seb128: right installed but it can't recursively copy a directory11:21
pittiKmos: ('automatically' is not quite true...)11:21
pittiwarp10: that doesn't sound quite right11:22
pittiwarp10: it would be in non-free because the doc has a non-free license11:22
pittiwarp10: if it was gpl with no source, then it is unredistributable and can't go to non-free/multiverse either11:22
Kmospitti: the sync script doesn't check for non-free and contrib ? i think it did =)11:23
warp10pitti: well, according to debian/copyright it is released under LGPL, but source is not available. I check it with debian maintainer too, his answer was: "dialign-t-doc is in non-free because it is missing sources"11:23
pittiwarp10: that's wrong then, and it should be removed from Debian11:24
davmor2seb128: I'm trying the individual tar.gz file it seems to lock up on instead11:24
seb128what do you mean?11:25
warp10pitti: wow, too bad! Well, I'll avoid to request a sync in Ubuntu, therefore11:25
persiapitti: pdfedit works too :)11:25
pittipersia: not the prefered form of modification11:26
persiapitti: I disagree that that is always the case, having used pdfedit to generate new files in the past, but suspect you are correct in this case (and the vast majority of others).11:26
davmor2seb128: I have a folder full of tar.gz files that I backed up (evolution etc)  I can't copy the folder so I'm coping the file where it seems to lock up.11:27
seb128davmor2: "lock up" = hang?11:29
davmor2yes sorry11:30
seb128use the --progress option maybe to know if it's copying11:30
davmor2seb128: It's hanging again and I can't access the pen drive now11:31
seb128looks like a gvfs bug then11:31
davmor2is there any wat I can help find out what?11:32
seb128ps ax | grep gvfs ?11:32
ion_UUOps ;-)11:32
ion_pgrep -l gvfs11:33
seb128ion_: ?11:33
seb128ion_: what is your point there?11:33
ion_Nothing serious. Just repeating the popular UUO* meme.11:34
davmor210823 ?        D      0:00 gvfs-copy /media/disk/docs-backup.tar.gz /home/davmor211:34
seb128what is UUO?11:34
ion_<foo> cat foo | wc -l  <bar> UUOC! wc -l foo   (Useless Use Of Cat)11:35
davmor2seb128:  If I reboot and try the --progress will that tell me where the hold up is?11:35
seb128ion_: ah, didn't know about that, learning every day ;-)11:36
davmor2seb128:  I noticed too that the trash applet isn't showing trash any more either it is in the folder11:37
seb128davmor2: not really, no need to reboot, you can likely kill gvfsd11:37
seb128davmor2: known issue, will be fixed with the new gnome-applets tarball11:37
davmor2okay thought it would be11:38
seb128the trash location changed, gio is using the freedesktop one11:39
davmor2seb128: Just tried killing 10823 nothing happened.11:42
ion_Would it be possible to move /lib/udev/watershed to some directory typically in PATH? watershed is useful for many other things than just udev. For instance, i have /lib/udev/watershed a-podcast-fetcher in my crontab.11:42
seb128davmor2: try using -9?11:42
davmor2seb128: no11:43
davmor2seb128:  I just checked system-monitor it says it's uninterruptible11:45
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
Mezwho maintains PHP in ubuntu?11:47
pittiMez: server team (soren, dendrobates, keescook, some others)11:47
pittiMez: mathiaz, too11:48
Mezah, well, we've found an issue here :D11:48
Mezbroken functionality :D11:48
Mezdefinately worth a patch for LTS, and hopefully for SRU too :D11:48
aquocan anybody tell me what /var/lib/dpkg/available is used for?11:49
mathiazMez: did you file a bug in LP ?11:50
Mezmathiaz, not yet -11:50
Mezwe're getting it into upstream first (I work with one of the main PHP devs - he's fixing it atm)11:50
mathiazMez: excellent !11:51
Mezmathiaz, :D It's a one line fix - but he's testing it11:51
mathiazMez: please file a bug in LP, and put a link to the upstream php bug and patch.11:51
Mezmathiaz, I will do :D though whether he creates a bug ...11:51
pittiBenC: can you please send me your hal debdiff, so that I can check it into bzr?11:52
Mezmathiaz - it's pretty rare, and has been there for 2 years at least11:53
loolasac_the_2nd: Hmm NM just prompted me for a password it should have known about; perhaps because it couldn't associate and thought this might be because of a password mismtach11:55
davmor2seb128:  right rebooted so I can use my system again.  How do you want me to file the bug and what against?12:03
seb128davmor2: open it against gvfs but I doubt we have enough informations to make anything useful from it at right now12:04
aquois apt-get update; apitude safe-upgrade the same as aptitude update; apt-get upgrade?12:07
davmor2seb128: no problem12:09
persiaaquo: No.12:09
aquopersia: uhhh. that is not good.12:10
aquoif i want to use aptitude for package management this interferes with the apt-get that is used in periodic scripts ...12:10
aquo(unattended-updates, cronjobs)12:10
persiaaquo: The difference isn't with "update", but with "upgrade".  For details, check the source, or search for some of the early documentation on why aptitude.  This isn't really the forum for longer discussion of the differences.12:13
aquopersia: so apt-get update and aptitude update produce the same system state?12:14
aquoi know that there are differences with the recommends on so on with aptitude ...12:15
persiaaquo: SImilar enough to not be worth discussion.  I don't remember if it is the same.12:15
aquoi am just curious if the use of apt-get update in cronjobs needs to be replaced by aptitude update if i want to use aptitude.12:15
unopaquo, in my opinion it is you can use anything you like apt-get, aptitude, dselect, dpkg, synaptic -- they all work on top of APT, and it shouldnt matter what you use12:16
aquoin apt: /etc/cron.daily/apt12:16
davmor2seb128: bug 185904 is there any thing else you want adding to it?12:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185904 in gvfs "GVFS:  Unable to copy tar.gz backed up data from pen drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18590412:16
aquoso apt-get update; aptitude safe-upgrade is the same to aptitude update; aptitude safe-upgrade?12:17
aquodpkg doesn't work on top of apt in my opinion12:18
seb128davmor2: having backtraces of gvfsd and gvfs-copy would be nice12:18
unopaquo, safe-upgrade does not remove packages when situations warrant removing certain packages to upgrade others -- the aptitude manpage has more12:19
davmor2seb128: how or wher do I get them?12:19
aquoun_op: i am not asking about the upgrade process, i am interrested in the update progress?12:20
seb128davmor2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash12:20
aquounop: i know that12:20
unopaquo> so apt-get update; aptitude safe-upgrade is the same to aptitude update; aptitude safe-upgrade?12:20
unopaquo, ^^ no12:20
unopsorry misread12:21
unopaquo, i'm inclined to say yes here12:21
davmor2seb128: ta12:23
seb128you are welcome12:23
mvounop: yes, apt-get update/aptitude update behave the same12:25
aquounop: no problem, i am just curious on how package management works12:25
aquomvo: so they are interchangeable, and i don't have to run aptitude update if i have the cronjobs that are included in apt12:26
unopaquo, well, i used to think aptitude was a better apt-get (atleast when i was with debian) but with ubuntu, the line that seperates the two is somewhat different, essentially they serve the same purpose and are quite interchangeable12:27
mvoaquo: yes12:27
mvounop: the only real difference left is that aptitude has a nice ui, a different problem resolver (and in ubuntu that it installs recommends-by-default)12:28
aquothank you for that information.12:30
unopmvo, yes, and autoremoves unneeded depenencies when a package is removed (something like apt-get autoremove ..)12:32
pittiScottK2: stepic> hm, what's the purpose of this when the changes are machine detectable? isn't the purpose of steganography to hide data repudiatably?12:32
pittithekorn: AssertionError: Wrong XPath-Expr in InfoTable.parse() 'type' (https://launchpad.net/bugs/122396)12:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122396 in poppler "[apport] evince-thumbnailer crashed with SIGSEGV in CairoFont::create()" [Medium,Confirmed]12:36
pittiany idea?12:36
thekornpitti, not right now, but will check in a moment12:37
pittithekorn: thanks a lot12:37
mvounop: right, but the auto-remove information is unified12:37
pittithekorn: ah, seb128 just mentioned that this happens with bugs which have an upstream task12:38
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: hi, did you find some time to take a look at my nm 0.7 eni branch yet?12:38
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: https://code.edg.launchpad.net/~asac/network-manager/main.eni12:38
mbieblhi, asac_the_2nd12:38
asac_the_2ndi think you figure12:38
thekornpitti, ok, then it might be fixed in the .main branch12:39
mbieblThe current checkout doesn't compile...12:39
mbieblI had a missinge eni-private.h something...12:39
asac_the_2ndhmm ... let me see12:39
asac_the_2ndwhich revision?12:39
mbiebleniplugin-internal.h that is12:40
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: ok ... let me push the revision I used to build the preview package (i didn't include the system settings daemon yet)12:41
thekornpitti, it is bug 18459412:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184594 in python-launchpad-bugs "AssertionError: Wrong XPath-Expr in InfoTable.parse() 'type'" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18459412:42
mbieblHave you read my email, about getting the Debian and Ubuntu closer in sync again?12:42
asac_the_2ndmbiebl:  damn ... now i remember why i haven't pushed yet. that branch is locked for 68 hours. apparently that doesn't go away automatically12:42
pittithekorn: ah, thanks12:43
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: i am currently in uk and my alicedsl connection went down 30 minutes after i left my house ... can read it earliest this weekend12:43
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: but yes, i am all for it ... i hope we can submit most patches we need for 0.7 upstream so we should be more in sync12:43
mbieblasac_the_2nd: would be great.12:43
pittithekorn: subscribed; I'll roll it out to the retracers once it's fixed in hardy12:43
mbieblespecially the sysv init related stuff is already in the Debian NM 0.6 package.12:44
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: and we could review what we have and why you don't need it ... if you are interested.12:44
mbieblYeah, would be cool if we could discuss this.12:44
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive ... there is the 0.7 package we currently use to evaluate it12:44
mbieblasac_the_2nd: Well, as people requested it, I had built 0.7 packages for Debian also, some time ago.12:45
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/network-manager/ubuntu.0.7 ... thats the packaging branch we have12:46
mbieblI'll start this weekend to push this version to the pkg-utopia svn in the experimental branch.12:46
mbieblasac_the_2nd: while at it, we had a short discussion on #pkg-utopia, about starting dbus earlier and stopping it later.12:47
mbieblSomething around S10/K90.12:47
asac_the_2ndi have no problem with that ... we start nm at 26 or something for now ...12:47
mbieblThis would make it also possible to stop NM later during shutdown.12:47
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: you need to bump soname12:48
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: hmm ... now that i think about it ... do we need to stop it at all?12:48
mbieblWell, think for the scripts in if-*.d/12:49
mbieblThey wouldn't be run otherwise.12:50
mbieblAnother problem, that is currently nagging me, is how to handle network-manager upgrades.12:51
aquombiebl: will the new NM include features for running user-independent?12:51
asac_the_2ndaquo: when its finished ... yes.12:51
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: in which regards? restarting the applet?12:51
mbieblNo, the problem that the internet connection is dropped when you restart NM.12:52
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: yes ... that will change once we have system connection support12:52
mbieblIs a bit unfortunate if you upgrade a system via SSH ;-)12:52
mbieblasac_the_2nd: don't think so.12:52
mbieblNM will still tear down the connection on stop afaik.12:53
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: hmm ... i haven't looked into lately, but we should really take care that this is not done anymore for system configured connections ... same for "tearing down at startup"12:54
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: have you asked dan williams about his vision for this? fedora must have the same issue12:54
mbieblWhat do you mean by that?12:54
mbieblasac_the_2nd: fedora never restarts daemons on package upgrades ;-)12:55
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: network manager does not only not stop interfaces if you stop it ... it also brings them down and up again if you start it.12:55
mbieblYou mean it tears down a connection configured via ifupdown?12:56
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: yes it would ... but we don't manage those through nm in ubuntu (to workaround  this issue)12:57
mbieblSo, you want to have ifupdown establish a connection and then hand it over seamlessly to NM or what?12:58
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: but thats independent from ifupdown ... it will always bring all interfaces down it wants to manage on startup. to fix that it should introspect the route and interface state and if that matches the system connnection setting do not bring it down ... anyway, i somehow have the feeling that the multiple device support will make this go away.12:58
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: no ... i want ifupdown to conflict network manager ... once it supports multiple devices12:59
asac_the_2ndfor now its just a workaround so people can still roam even though they have configured their wired connection through /etc/network/interfaces.12:59
mbieblHm, ok.13:00
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: but the problem you want to fix (not down interfaces when stopping) is tightly coupled with the problem that it tears down interfaces at startup13:00
aquoasac_the_2nd: do you have use cases that describe the update of NM?13:00
mbieblBut if you want to conflict with ifupdown anyway, why use the rather hard to manage /e/n/i format for configuring the system-settings daemon?13:00
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: for legacy reasons13:01
asac_the_2ndpeople should just seamlessly use their old configuration13:01
mbieblOne problem I see is, that the ifupdown format is quite flexible.13:01
asac_the_2ndand because its "the debian way" to configure things ... why to chage that?13:01
mbieblaliased interfaces13:02
mbieblpre/post up/down actions.13:02
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: yes ... we won't be able to have a perfect mapping ... but covering 90% of the use-cases in the begginning should be enough imo.13:02
mbieblHow do you want to map that information to NM?13:02
asac_the_2ndhe rest is unlikely to use nm anyway13:02
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: which information?13:03
asac_the_2ndthe actions you refered to above?13:03
mbieblWell, just see the proposed configuration for wpa_supplicant roaming?13:03
mbieblwhich uses virtual devices names.13:03
mbiebland id_str in wpa_supplicant.conf13:04
mbieblor mappings in /e/n/i13:05
mbieblstuff like.13:05
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: did you take a look at the eniplugin.c file? ... thats a pretty basic approach still, but we can improve that. you have example config for that use-case?13:05
mbieblasac_the_2nd: here is an example http://pastebin.ca/87198813:06
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: ok i am pushing the latest now to a different branch ... given that the other is still locked13:06
* asac_the_2nd looking13:06
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: do you have the wpasupplicant file as well?13:07
mbieblwpa_supplicant.conf contains different configurations which have an id_str, which matches the virtual device name.13:07
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: is that a debian specific thing?13:08
asac_the_2ndor upstream wpasupp?13:08
mbieblRead roaming mode13:09
asac_the_2ndhmmm ... afaict it should map pretty well to the new configuration framework in nm13:09
mbieblNot Debian specific.13:09
asac_the_2ndthe parse for that probably should be distribution independent though13:10
mbieblasac_the_2nd: lemme check the sources, if id_str is really upstream or a Debian/Ubuntu specific patch13:11
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: maybe we should write down the open points somewhere?13:11
mbieblid_str seems to be upstream supported. I'm not sure if other distros use a similar mechanism though to implement a roaming mode.13:13
asac_the_2ndso the name in the iface line in interfaces has to mach that id_str right?13:14
mbieblThat's how it's implemented in Debian, yes.13:14
asac_the_2ndsorry ... need to eat ... bbl13:16
mbieblOk, I'll write an email to you this weekend, with all the different points I have in mind.13:16
mbieblTogether with your input, we then should add this info to a wiki or something.13:17
ScottK2pitti: It's an extreme form of security by obscurity.13:23
ScottK2pitti: (stepic)13:24
ScottK2I think it's an interesting concept.13:24
ScottK2pitti: While you're doing archive stuff (hope you still are), I'd appreciate it if you would binary new libetpan in dapper-backports.13:25
ScottK2That's the last manual step in the clamav-0.92 transition in backports for dapper.13:26
pittiScottK2: ah, looking13:26
ScottK2pitti: Thanks.  The rdepens for it are already sitting in depwait for it, so there's no further rebuilding.13:27
articpenguin3800what version kernel does hardy use13:32
articpenguin3800the rc based of 2.6.24 or the stable one that got released yeterday13:33
zulright now its rc8 but its being rebased to 2.6.2413:33
articpenguin3800does that mean hardy fiesty edgy and dapper will get 2.6.24 or are there kernels frozen13:35
articpenguin3800i meant gutsy not hardy13:35
amitk_articpenguin3800: Only Hardy gets a 2.6.24 kernel13:35
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: great .... then lets get things going :)13:36
Kmoszul: rc8 is over.. it's now 2.6.24 final :)13:37
mbieblasac_the_2nd: nice talking to you!13:37
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: i pushed the latest: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/network-manager/main.eni113:37
mbieblasac_the_2nd: about the soname bump: this should be done upstream imho.13:37
asac_the_2ndyes ... thats why i committed it to that branch13:38
mbieblasac_the_2nd: will you contact dcbw about that?13:38
HobbseeKmos: dude, learn to read please.13:38
asac_the_2ndyes ... i will send it upstream. we just needed it now to package it decently13:39
asac_the_2ndi think this weekend or latest on monday13:39
HobbseeKmos: if you'd actually read the changelog, and read what zul said, you'd know that ubuntu's kernel is currently at rc8.13:39
mbieblasac_the_2nd: great13:39
ScottK2pitti: Thank you.13:40
KmosHobbsee: i found it :)13:40
KmosHobbsee: lagged.. 30 secs13:40
* Kmos jesus!13:40
HobbseeKmos: how is your lag relevant?  you clearly responded to zul said, and the new linux metapackage was published hours ago.13:43
* Hobbsee checks the email about Kmos13:48
* Hobbsee notes that adding stuff in here is classed as contributing to ubuntu development, which is one of the things that kmos has been asked not to do.13:50
* Hobbsee therefore will prohibit him from doing so.13:50
mbieblasac_the_2nd: The debian/ directory in 0.7 still contains a lot of 0.6 cruft (nm-vpn-properties, which is no longer in NM, outdated copyright files) etc.13:52
mbieblasac_the_2nd: I'll work on the debian/ directory during this weekend and will do a thorough cleanup.13:52
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: are you talking about the ubuntu package?13:53
ograHobbsee, is that really necessary ?13:54
mbieblWhat I wanted to propose is, that I'll look after debian/ and you can concentrate on the eni plugin.13:54
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: yes, there might be cruft left. it was an initial release for evaluation here13:54
mbieblI'd like to get the contents in debian/ in sync again as best as possible.13:55
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: great .... i have two more commits here13:55
Hobbseeogra: as far as i know, not contributing to ubuntu development actually meant just that13:55
Hobbseewhich includes talking crap in channel13:55
* ogra heavily disagrees13:56
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: i am fine with sharing workload that way.13:56
Hobbseeogra: i can quiet him if you wish13:56
ograHobbsee, obviously you manage to ignore other people that talk crap ...13:56
mbieblasac_the_2nd: are you fine to name the init script /etc/init.d/network-manager and /etc/init.d/network-manager-dispatcher?13:57
pittiHobbsee: just relax a little...13:57
ScottK2ogra: Other people haven't been told by MOTU Council to desist.13:57
mbieblThat's how I had already called them in the Debian 0.6.5-1 package?13:57
Hobbseeogra: true, but they don't talk crap for months, and they don't get a mandate from the MOTU council to stop contributing to ubuntu development.13:58
ograScottK, thats not relevant here13:58
Hobbseeogra: how is it not relevant?13:58
Hobbseeogra: it's entirely based off that decision13:58
ograbeing rude and kicking people *is* relevant though13:58
asac_the_2ndmbiebl: i would be fine with that ... however the upstream tree ships NetworkManager (no Dispatcher though) ... anyway, whatever we do, we should submit it upstream13:59
Hobbseeogra: sorry, i'm not seeing where i'm being rude - i'm seeing where i'm saying a statement of fact.13:59
mbieblWell, init scripts is a thing I usually don't submit upstream.13:59
mbieblAs every distros uses their own anyways.13:59
asac_the_2ndyeah .... then we should ask for removal :)14:00
mbieblasac_the_2nd: ;-)14:00
dholbachthat kernel comment was probably not right, but it was definitely ignorable14:01
Hobbseedholbach: am i wrong in thinking that "being asked not to contribute" and contributing, correctly or not, still should be forbidden?14:02
lifelesswe've kicked diots from the channel before14:02
ScottK2dholbach: Sure.  It's all ignorable, but if the MC decision isn't going to be enforced, what value does it have.14:02
Hobbseedholbach: last i checked, doing what you say is actually a good thing14:03
dholbachit's not all black and white, is it?14:03
dholbachhe did not file a sync request or anything, just offered a comment to a discussion14:03
ScottK2dholbach: The MC's decision seemed to draw a pretty clear line.  On this channel you are either contributing to Ubuntu development or off topic.14:04
lifelessdholbach: because its not on malone its not disruptive?  That seems to be what you are saying14:04
dholbachsorry, clicked on the wrong button14:04
Hobbsee[01:03] <dholbach> it's not all black and white, is it?14:04
Hobbsee[01:03] <dholbach> he did not file a sync request or anything, just offered a comment to a discussion14:04
Hobbsee[01:04] <ScottK2> dholbach: The MC's decision seemed to draw a pretty clear line.  On this channel you are either contributing to Ubuntu development or off topic.14:04
Hobbsee[01:04] <lifeless> dholbach: because its not on malone its not disruptive?  That seems to be what you are saying14:04
Hobbseedholbach: being asked not to contribute to ubuntu development, then talking on an ubuntu development, giving incorrect info, even worse...i'm not sure how that *isn't* black and white14:05
ChipzzScottK2: I would disagree with that assertment... I'm not an ubuntu developer, I just lurk here, sometimes commenting when something interesting passes or if I have an opinion I want to add14:06
ScottK2Chipzz: And those comments are part of ubuntu development and welcome.14:06
Hobbseedholbach: btw, i would have thought that filing bugs was also ubuntu development - is this not the case?  kmos doesn't appear to think so.14:07
dholbachlifeless: no that's not what I said - IRC behaviour can be very disruptive14:07
dholbachlifeless: I just thought that his comment did not warrant to ban him from the channel - and so thought 5 people who directly informed me of what happened (I wasn't around when it happened14:07
ChipzzHobbsee: I would say that depends; for example, sync requests, which kmos has fucked up repeatedly in the past, may be considered development, whereas reporting a bug may not?14:08
HobbseeChipzz: i would have thought any triaging other people's bugs definetly classed as development.14:08
Chipzzdholbach: except it wasn't just that comment; the ban was an accumulation of frustration over Kmos during the last couple of months14:08
lifelessit seems to me that either:14:08
* calc stopped going to #ubuntu after seeing what qualifies for a ban there14:09
lifelesskmos should be banned from this channel permanently (because we have banned him by MOTU council fiat)14:09
Hobbseecalc: yeah.  strict rules, for a 1200 person channel, i'm afraid :(14:10
Hobbseecalc: there's no real other way to do it, apart from a channel split14:10
lifelesskmos should be kicked anytime he diverts discussion (with a note that "you are being distruptive").14:10
lifelessI think that Hobbsee's kick was a little odd because the specific behaviour wasn't noted (but thats why a permanent ban makes sense to me)14:11
TheMusolifeless: IMO the latter is probably more appropriate.14:11
ScottK2Either way the question is about if he should be let back on, not if the kick was correct.14:11
lifelessI'll note that there is an ongoing cost with kicking every time kmos is out of line: its his persistent behaviour of being out of line that lead to the ban14:11
Hobbseelifeless: true - it was only in the statements directly above, not in the kick message.14:11
Hobbseewhich was partially due to lazyness14:12
ScottK2And the MC decision was made after he was given chances to reform.14:12
lifelessHobbsee: well, it can be percieved as hostility/rudeness14:12
lifelessHobbsee: not saying I percieved it that way though14:12
Hobbseelifeless: so, for the next time, i'll remember to set a ban, then to use /remove.14:12
Hobbseelifeless: kmos has, unfortunately, proved that he will not reform.  repeatedly.  i don't see the second option as being viable, based on how many ops there are in channel14:14
lifelessHobbsee: I suggest mailing the list and suggesting that the appropriate follow through on the motu council decision is to set bans across ubuntu-dev*14:14
ChipzzHobbsee: while I agree with banning kmos, I think lazyness can be excused at times; for example when something is being discussed, and just asking would not break the flow of the conversation (ie the person having to look it up not being to participate in the discussion)14:14
lifelessand kick and ban from the lists14:14
* persia advocates muting over banning, as channel and list archives are public anyway: no reason to limit realtime vs. delayed access14:15
Hobbseelifeless: i asked if that should happen if he violated his conditions, and got no reply.  at some point, you need to take action if no one else will.14:16
HobbseeFWIW, it's now a mute, not a ban14:16
lifelessHobbsee: well, in which case send a mail to the relevant list saying its been done :)14:16
lifelesssilence is permission as they say14:16
Hobbseelifeless: oh, sure, i'll be doing that.  but i figured that it might be worth dealing with the fires from here first.14:17
* Hobbsee helps put out a spot fire in #ubuntu14:19
lifelessHobbsee: oh, also - for your piece of mind, do what I did to sven many months go: '/ignore' :)14:19
Hobbseelifeless: forbidden for irc operators, i'm afraid :(14:19
Hobbseelifeless: by policy14:19
lifelessHobbsee: thats a good reason not to be op:)14:20
Hobbseelifeless: well, i avoided getting on the council :)14:20
HobbseeChipzz: true14:21
aquowhat are you guys doing here? is this discussion development related?14:21
Hobbseeaquo: ish.  discussing the handling of the issue of one of the people being forbidden from doing ubuntu development anymore.14:21
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aquo30 minutes time spent for kmoz, i think you could do things that are more fun to you in this time ...14:22
socwill landscape ever be released or will it only be available for canonical's subscribers?14:39
slangasekgeser: is there a xulrunner MIR pending that I don't know about, or does mono-tools need fixed up to use mozilla instead?15:03
calcslangasek: doesn't firefox 3 use xulrunner?15:06
calcslangasek: so probably no MIR yet but maybe will be soon?15:06
ion_firefox-3.0 Depends: xulrunner-1.915:06
* persia thought xulrunner != xulrunner1.915:06
calcoh nm then, i don't know the difference15:06
slangasekah, then I guess mono-tools needs to use xulrunner-1.9-dev instead of libxul-dev?15:06
ograslangasek, asac_the_2nd would know15:07
persiaslangasek: If it works, but there were a few packages in universe that couldn't port easily.15:07
calcasac_the_2nd: ping ^15:07
ogracalc, he's in a discussion atm15:07
calcogra: ah ok15:07
StevenKxulrunner-1.9 was already in main, wasn't it?15:07
calcStevenK: yea its in main15:08
calcff3 isn't yet15:08
ograff3 isnt yet afaik15:08
ograheh, snap15:08
slangasekStevenK: right, I just haven't followed at all so had no idea what the right fix was for the mono-tools dep-wait15:08
jkt|afternoon, folks15:12
jkt|could you please tell me what sources are used for the http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/utils/kphotoalbum-kde4 package?15:12
jkt|I'm wondering because we haven't released the kde4 version yet15:13
calcjkt|: i don't know myself but kde packagers typically get packages before other people, at least they did when i was the maintainer for Debian15:13
james_wjkt|,  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kphotoalbum-kde4/4.0.0-0ubuntu115:14
calcjkt|: if you aren't already on it you may want to get someone to add you to the kde packagers list (assuming you package for gentoo)15:14
jkt|let me rephrase it -- we do have code in svn, but it isn't of production quality and we haven't asked packagers to package it15:15
jkt|I'm one of upstream devs in kphotoalbum15:15
calcjkt|: oh that is interesting then :) /me points at Riddell15:15
calcjkt|: he might know15:15
jkt|calc: thanks, I'll ask him15:15
calchmm actually nixternal uploaded it from the changelog so he would know more than Riddell15:16
james_wjkt|, it is nixternal's name in the package15:16
jkt|nixternal: could you please clarify how you managed to release kphotoalbum-4.0.0 while we (its upstream) haven't tagged it yet? :)15:16
calcjkt|: Riddell does most of the kde stuff but in this particular case nixternal uploaded the package15:16
james_wjkt|, it is not unusual to package svn snapshots, however it is unusual to package it as a version that hasn't been released.15:17
jkt|james_w: yep, if it was marked as a snapshot, I wouldn't be here :)15:17
jkt|thanks for you help, let's wait for him15:17
calcyea it was packaged as 4.0.0-0ubuntu1 which would imply it was final instead of something like 4.0.0~betaFoo-0ubuntu115:18
jpatrickjkt|: you can atch the rest of us at #kubuntu-devel :)15:20
exarkunAccording to gdb, the Python 2.5 source package in Hardy does not quite match up with the python executable from the Python 2.5 package.15:23
exarkunA backtrace includes source lines which are blank and in between function definitions.15:23
exarkunShould I not expect to be able to use the source package to get source lines from gdb like this?  Or is there a bug in one of these packages?15:24
=== amitk_ is now known as amitk
StevenKexarkun: Perhaps the Python 2.5 source package has patches applied before building, listed in debian/patches?15:31
exarkunHmm.  There's a bunch of files in that directory, yea.  I'm not extremely familiar with how patches work inside Ubuntu packages.  I applied the .diff that came with "apt-get source ...".  Some hunks of it applied, others didn't.  I didn't think to look for patches elsewhere, too.15:33
asac_the_2ndslangasek: yes ... mono gecko binding is the only thing left in main that i have to create a patch for to use xulrunner-1.9-dev15:38
StevenKasac_the_2nd: What about liferea? :-)15:38
asac_the_2ndi have a patch for that iirc15:38
StevenKasac_the_2nd: If you have a patch for Liferea, throw it at me ...15:38
asac_the_2ndStevenK: so that i don't confuse ... liferea is C(++)?15:39
StevenKasac_the_2nd: Liferea is C, the Mozilla bindings are (the only file) in C++15:39
asac_the_2ndthen i have a patch ... yes.15:39
StevenKasac_the_2nd: Mail it my canonical address, and I'll look it over during my flight15:40
asac_the_2ndbut i couldn't access my machine at home for the whole week. will send as soon as i am home again (given my machine didn't burn down)15:40
StevenKOh, fair enough, then I'll look during the week15:40
asac_the_2ndStevenK: yeah ... will arrive home tomorrow in the evening ... so probably you get it on sunday15:41
StevenKasac_the_2nd: Sounds great. :-)15:41
asac_the_2ndStevenK: did you try those in my xulrunner-porting branch?15:42
Riddelljkt|: ping15:42
StevenKasac_the_2nd: I didn't, since I didn't know it existed. :-)15:42
jkt|Riddell: pong15:43
Riddelljkt|: you need to talk to toma, kphotoalbum is released with extragear (ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/4.0.0/src/extragear)15:43
asac_the_2ndStevenK: please try ... as i am not sure if they work against xulrunner package we have in the archive atm15:43
asac_the_2ndif they don't let me know ... i will fix them up15:43
Riddelljkt|: he has a list of extragear packages who have agreed to be relased at the same time as KDE and kphotoalbum is inluced15:43
jkt|Riddell: wow, ok, probably we screwed communication to kde release folks, then15:44
StevenKasac_the_2nd: Sure, I've made a note, I'll have a poke.15:44
jkt|Riddell: I recall the question, but I thought it was opt-in, not opt-out15:44
jkt|Riddell: thanks15:44
Riddelljkt|: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/extragearReleases15:47
slangasekasac_the_2nd: ok, thanks. :)15:48
jkt|nixternal: unping15:57
goodhabitHello. I have some trouble. I am linux newbie, also ubuntu newbie. I have found some software, and with helps of manuals, google, brain I have compiled some software. But, as I understood,"make install" is wrong-way. And I need making deb file. I am started googling forward and found some manuals for it (#ubuntu also). But there are some issues I cannot solve. But as I told allready I need that package. Maybe someone could help me with packaging?15:58
slangasektjaalton: no news on bug #133192?15:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133192 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Blank screen or distorted image because of wrong default AGPMode value" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13319215:59
slangasekgoodhabit: for beginner packaging help (if you plan for the package to eventually go into Ubuntu), #ubuntu-motu is better16:00
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* Hobbsee snorts at the MOTU ML16:08
HobbseeScottK2: neat.  thanks.16:08
HobbseeScottK2: i prefer not to have to react to that thread myself.16:08
\shcan someone deal with the ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com ML to have sh@sourcecode.de whitelisted as being a ubuntu-dev again? :)16:09
pochuSame for pochu@ubuntu.com pretty please16:10
Hobbsee\sh: pochu done16:11
\shHobbsee, thx16:11
* Hobbsee assumes it's supposed to be added manually16:11
pochuThanks Hobbsee :)16:11
slangasekHobbsee: I think I'm not whitelisted on there either?  steve.langasek@ubuntu.com or such16:12
pochuHobbsee: possibly, since I'm a motu for 2+ weeks...16:12
Hobbseeslangasek: *sigh*16:12
slangaseksorry, I had no idea what the process was so I was not dealing with it until the opportunity suddenly presented itself ;)16:13
Hobbseeslangasek: done16:13
slangasekHobbsee: cheers16:14
pittiArneGoetje: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+language-packs16:18
pochupitti: do you have a clue why apport didn't retrace bug 178101? Will it do it if I add a needs-i386-retrace tag?16:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178101 in vinagre "vinagre crashed with SIGSEGV in setcontext()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17810116:22
pittipochu: it was broken for quite a while16:23
slangasekand at this point it won't because the ddebs are probably no longer available16:24
pochuHmm, right.16:25
Ngslangasek: so if I have a segfault from the new package from today I should let apport do its magic to a new bug?16:27
slangasekpitti or bdmurray probably have more useful opinions in that regard16:28
pochuNg: there has been one, and the retrace failed.16:28
pittiyeah, seb128 and I just found a pretty weird bug16:29
pittiddebs are disappearing from the Package indexes16:29
pochuweird, indeed16:29
pittiArneGoetje: script pushed to the main branch16:42
pittiArneGoetje: please do bzr merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Epitti/langpack-o-matic/main/16:42
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pittiArneGoetje: ah, s/bzr+ssh/http/16:43
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pittiArneGoetje: bzr merge lp:langpack-o-matic16:59
bddebianpitti: Oh, have a sec about plr?16:59
\shpitti, ping bug #185959, when I finished the list, can we work together on this transition, regarding syncs from debian ?16:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185959 in xmds "octave3.0 transition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18595917:00
pitti\sh: yeah, that's ok17:02
pitti\sh: for this kind you can just give me a list in IRC17:02
pittibddebian: one sec, yes (pretty busy here); just ask, I'll answer eventually17:02
\shpitti, that's what I though we do :) if this is finished, we can get rid of octave2.1 and octave2.9 :)17:02
bddebianpitti: Well apparently upstream has a new one for 8.3 but it's beta so I'm still unsure what to do with it.  Package the beta for 8.3 or leave 8.2 and try to fix it somehow.17:03
pittibddebian: you can upload the one with 8.3beta to experimental17:04
bddebianHmm, OK, I'll check on that, thanks17:05
tjaaltonslangasek: I need to check if upstream has reverted to the previous default values17:16
geserasac_the_2nd: re mono-tools: when I filed the bug I tested that it builds in a pbuilder with xulrunner1.9-dev.17:17
slangasektjaalton: ok.  might be nice to have that fix included in alpha4, since it was release-noted for 317:19
geserslangasek: re mono-tools: I was waiting on asac's feedback or sponsoring on bug #18389517:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183895 in mono-tools "[hardy] Replace build-dependency on libxul-dev with xulrunner-1.9-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18389517:19
slangasekgeser: yep, asac_the_2nd clarified later, thanks17:21
geserpitti: what's the status on bug #184545?17:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184545 in debhelper "[Merge] debhelper (6.0.2ubuntu1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18454517:22
tjaaltonslangasek: indeed17:22
pittigeser: no time during the sprint, sorry; next week, I think17:23
mbieblasac_the_2nd: tested the main.eni1 branch17:23
mbieblthe plugin crashes: http://pastebin.ca/87225117:25
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nixternaljkt|: kphotoalbum was a sync, I didn't upload it17:45
Hobbseenixternal: you'll get blamed anyway17:47
nixternalso that means that Debian had it first and all I did was request for it to be sync'd17:47
nixternalI know :p17:47
nixternalI have it tattooed on my forhead17:47
\shnixternal, lol17:48
\shnixternal, didn't you know, even when you are the one who requested a sync, you are the one to blame...;)17:49
nixternalnah, it is a valid question...but I do remember seeing kphotoalbum-kde4 in ktown after tagging17:50
nixternaljkt|: kphotoalbum is still in ktown stable/4.0.0/src/extragear with a modification date of 2008-01-0417:52
snikkerwhen i run "ps2pdf file.ps file.pdf", i've got this error: "Bus error". this appen only from today. can you help me?18:06
\shsnikker, the last update was from the 23rd of Jan...18:10
\shsnikker, try this: apt-get --reinstall ghostscript18:11
\shsnikker, it works for me here...as mhb told you in #kubuntu-devel, thx :)18:12
Riddellnixternal: I've discussed this with him18:13
Riddellnixternal: it was a mis-communication with extragear admins18:13
nixternalroger dodger, that is what I figured18:13
nixternalactually I was wrong about the sync, I was thinking that because I just did the kphotoalbum sync of 3.1.0...got nervous for a second thinking I blasted the KDE 3 version with the KDE 4 version18:15
snikker\sh: i've reinstalled ghostscript but i've got the same error... what could be the problem?18:26
\shdunno...please file a bug with strace ps2pdf <.ps> <.pdf> on launchpad :)18:26
snikker\sh: ok thanks :)18:27
snikker\sh: solved with strace. i've reinstalled "libgs8" and now it work again! thank you! :-)18:37
\shsnikker, so that's what I thought...you hit by something during the install (mostly your hd cache had a hickup or so...)I had it once in a while, when I was compiling heavy stuff with a lot of swapping and trying to install new packages at the same time :)18:39
marcin_anthi all so called "developers"18:44
marcin_antI know that this what I am going to tell will be rude and you can ban me18:45
\shhmm? what'll come now?18:46
marcin_antbut I just need to tell you guys that because of your *&^*&^*&^*&^ (put some ugly words here)18:46
thomi'm hoping this is good. it's taking long enough18:46
marcin_antugly upgrade procedure - from feisty to gutsy I have to go to my car and drive 120km18:46
marcin_antonly because after upgrade eth0 in my server is now eth2 and I need to go there because I have no remote access18:47
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marcin_antthank you guys, thank you very much :(18:47
Chipzznot as good as I expected :P18:47
robertjmeh, does suck though18:48
thomwell, that sounds like you killed your iftab which is written by the installer to avoid exactly this issue18:48
Chipzzmarcin_ant: try not using networkmanager on a server?18:48
\shmarcin_ant, well...the problem is not the upgrade...the problem is not having an Remote Insight Board like ilO or eRIC18:48
marcin_antnot to mention that aliases in /network/interfaces are broken too18:48
BenderUnit22Running a server without remote access, how did you manage to upgrade it from Feisty to Gutsy?18:48
BenderUnit22I must be overlooking something obvious. :/18:48
marcin_antChipzz: I don't use network manager18:48
ChipzzBenderUnit22: he means "remote hands"18:48
ChipzzBenderUnit22: which is another word for "someone to go push the reset-button" :P18:49
BenderUnit22If he has that, surely he wouldn't have to drive there to have it fixed?18:49
marcin_antChipzz: I had pretty nice /etc/network/interfaces but now after reboot eth0 is eth2 and I my ssh session is lost18:50
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Chipzzmarcin_ant: you should never have done a kernel upgrade from remote location anyway18:50
\shmarcin_ant, you should think about a cheap remote insight board, or a little cyclades terminal switch where you can attach your serial port for accessing grub during bootup to rename your eth2 to eth0 ,-)18:51
marcin_antsure but maybe you guys could think about fixing udev (am I right that it's udev fault?) ???18:52
Chipzzmarcin_ant: upgrading a kernel (certainly between versions, ie not minor ubuntu versions) should always be done at the console18:52
Chipzzmarcin_ant: if you don't know that... no offence, but then you're a crappy sysadmin18:52
thommarcin_ant: see earlier. the installer creates a file to ensure this doesn't happen18:52
thom /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:53
marcin_antand what guys about this: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address18:54
marcin_antSIOCADDRT: No such process18:54
marcin_antFailed to bring up eth2:1. ?18:54
elmoChipzz: err, I'm not sure that's a helpful attitude18:55
thomthis is way offtopic for here anyway18:55
elmoChipzz: I've done hundreds of remote kernel upgrades; sometimes there's no choice.  and I don't think it makes me a crappy sysadmin18:55
elmobut thom's right too, this is offtopic18:56
marcin_antChipzz: do you think that I always have time to ride from place to place just to push some buttons?18:56
marcin_antChipzz: I thought this is why someone invented ssh and other network tools18:57
marcin_antthom: toght18:57
marcin_antthom: right18:57
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marcin_antthom: I'm sorry - I use ubuntu from it's beginning and I really appreciate your work18:58
marcin_antbut things like this really _shouldn't_ happen in ubuntu _server_18:59
marcin_antcall me crappy admin - but all I have to say at the moment is that I'm maybe crappy sysadmin - but propably because sys that I admin is crappy19:00
Chipzzelmo: I think that as a sysadmin, you should be aware that things can go wrong when doing certain things - like upgrading the kernel19:00
marcin_antand now plonk/ban/kill me - I need to go and ride... :[19:00
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marcin_antChipzz: I'm aware but I'm still annoyed19:01
* thom notes he's done about 20 edgy->gutsy upgrades in the last month remotely without issue *shrug*19:02
marcin_antthom: I upgraded from dapper to feisty without issues too but now.. no luck unfortunately19:03
ScottKmarcin_ant: You did a dapper direct to feisty upgrade on this box before?19:04
marcin_antScottK: yes!19:06
ScottKmarcin_ant: Gut feel tells me that's why.19:06
marcin_antScottK: ?19:06
ScottKThe sysv init to upstart transition happened in Edgy and so the odds of something weird happening if you skip that step on non-zero.19:07
ScottKAlso the switch to UUID based device numbering was in Edgy too.19:07
ScottKDapper -> Feisty is unsupported and untested.19:07
ScottKI know from my own experimentation that there can be TTY troubles (there's a bug on that somewhere).19:08
marcin_antScottK: so are you going to tell me that I should install gutsy from cd and it should resolve some problems?19:08
ScottKThat's what I would do since you've upgraded through an untested and unsupported path.  We know from the Dapper -> Hardy upgrade testing that's going on now that there are issues.19:09
ScottKWe certainly don't know what they all are.19:09
ScottKI'd suggest you've got your system into an unknown state and there's no good way back.  It might be fine, but if it's a long drive, you probably don't want to take that risk.19:10
marcin_antScottK: well I have to go there anyway... So I could do some clean installation19:10
ScottKBetter one longer complete trip than having to go back in a week when something else weird happens.19:11
marcin_antScottK: well that's right - because problem with eth0->eth2 is one thing19:11
marcin_antScottK: but I also had this: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address19:11
marcin_antSIOCADDRT: No such process19:11
marcin_antFailed to bring up eth2:1.19:11
ScottKWho knows what else is hiding so far.19:11
ScottKJust nuke it and start over.19:11
marcin_antScottK: ehhhh clean installation + shorewall + dansguardian + squid + etc etc... guys - call me crappy sysadmin but how could you name distro "ubuntu-server" while it has such ugly network issues after upgrade?19:14
ScottKmarcin_ant: I've upgraded a lot of machines and never had such problems.  I think the problem is that you took a non-standard/untested path.19:15
marcin_antit should be "ubuntu-beta-notready-hazardous-server" :[19:15
marcin_antScottK: ??? I just upgrade from release to release... you call this non-standard?19:15
ScottKmarcin_ant: Maybe I misunderstood you then.19:16
ScottKmarcin_ant: I thought you said you upgraded direct from Dapper to Feisty, skipping Edgy.19:16
marcin_antScottK: I installed Edgy on this machine - then upgraded to Feisty without issue - and now from Feisty to Gutsy19:17
ScottKmarcin_ant: OK.  Then I take it back.  I completely misunderstood.19:18
ScottKI've done a bunch of Feisty/Gutsy upgrades, so I've no idea exactly what would be your problem.  Sorry for leaning on you about the wrong thing.19:18
marcin_antScottK: problem is that I don't know how to solve this too... :(19:19
marcin_antScottK: because I know that I don't have ssh connection now because of mess with eth[x]19:20
marcin_antScottK: but another thing is that I had virtual network interfaces that are broken now too19:20
marcin_antScottK: and I know how to fix problem with messed eth interfaces - but don't know why I cannot bring up eth2:1 and eth2:219:21
ScottKOnce you have local access you ought to be able to put it back to eth0.19:21
ScottKDunno what to tell you on that.19:21
marcin_antok guys I have to go19:24
marcin_antI know that you hate people like me... and I... almost understand ;)19:24
marcin_antbut sometimes it's good to have some "feedback" from real life users/sysadmins ;)19:25
marcin_antneed to go... to this crappy server.. maybe I will switch to gentoo/fedora/whatever...19:25
jablkothere is a package in the debian repositories which i'd like available in ubuntu19:26
jablkois there something like filing an RFP on WNPP in ubuntu?19:26
elmohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement <-- could use some serious  love by someone who actually knows current practice (i.e. not me)19:27
marcin_antoh... before I go: Bug #148929 in udev (Ubuntu)19:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148929 in udev "Gutsy beta renumbers ethernet interfaces after boot (dup-of: 145382)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14892919:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145382 in busybox "[Gutsy] broken 70-persistent-net.rules" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14538219:30
\shjablko, which package?19:34
marcin_antmhmm and I'm not alone with my second problem: Bug #12377319:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123773 in ifupdown "'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address' when setting up ip alias" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12377319:35
\shmarcin_ant, btw..I just did a remove dist-upgrade session on a customers server..from dapper-server to gutsy... no problem at all19:37
jablko\sh: solr-tomcat5.519:38
\shjablko, source package please?19:38
geser\sh: solr19:39
\shhmm..java crap ;)19:41
geser\sh, jablko: blocked on the FTBFS of lucene219:43
\shgeser, the source package looks strange: binary-dep on sun-java5-jre | sun-java6-jre but b-d on sun-java5-sdk only19:43
geser\sh: the sun-java6-jre can execute the code compiled with sun-java5, so it looks ok19:45
geserat least I was told so19:45
\shgeser, sure...that's not the problem...I'm asking me why they are not building the code with java6..but well it's java nothing for me19:48
robertjooh hardy upgrade went very smooth, the system crashed fairly hard at the end but a reboot and retry and things are good19:50
geser\sh: I'm not yet deep enough in java packaging to understand it. I just looked at some java packages FTBFS in the past.19:50
robertjlots of bugs fixed19:50
ScottKmarcin_ant: I just noticed which channel this is.  Support is OT on this channel.  You might have more luck on #ubuntu-server19:52
jablkogeser: sorry, i searched launchpad for a solr bug, how did you determine it was blocked?19:57
jablkooh, launchpad bug 185917?19:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185917 in lucene2 "lucene2 jdk dependence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18591719:58
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geserjablko: I looked at the build-dependencies of solr and saw that liblucene2-java isn't available yet19:59
jablkogeser: how did you then find lucene2 FTBFS?20:00
geserjablko: I remember seeing it on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/20:02
geserjablko: else I would check which source package builds liblucene2-java, check it is in hardy and check then the build status20:02
robertjbwahhaaha, ssh:// read-write in gedit at last!20:03
jablkogeser: ok, thanks much!20:03
robertjthis really brings an insane gleam to my eye20:03
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juacom99hi just one simple question21:24
juacom99i'm trying to program a chat server for ares P2p that works on linx21:25
juacom99is there something i shuld know before i satrt developing?21:25
juacom99sorry i just tead the topic21:27
Peloevening folks22:55
PeloI was wondering , is there a link to view the "official" hardy desktop theme ?22:56
Peloor the latest version of it22:56
LaserJockPelo: it probably changes enough that people aren't putting up many "snapshots"23:01
PeloLaserJock,  I was just wondering about the general direction of it , some of the alternatives are quite nice ( most are hideous) , I just tried to look up the "real" one but I couldn'T find it , so I wondered23:02
tlacuachequestion about a package I got off of packages.ubuntu.com... i wanted to look at the ubuntu patches to the original source for a package. so i went to http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/dsniff and downloaded [dsniff_2.4b1+debian.orig.tar.gz] and [dsniff_2.4b1+debian-15ubuntu1.diff.gz]. the first .gz contains the original source. the second .gz contains a .diff file, but it's not like a regular .diff file i'm used to using with patch23:18
tlacuachewhen i try to apply it with patch, i see files created like debian/patches/06_urlsnarf_zeropad.dpatch23:18
tlacuachei really just want to apply the patch to the source code correctly23:18
tlacuacheany pointers?23:18
crimsundpatches can be applied using patch just as "ordinary" unified diffs.23:19
crimsunthe specific patch maintenance system is called dpatch.23:20
tlacuacheah, sweet23:24
tlacuacheok i get it23:24
tlacuachei apply the patch23:24
tlacuachethen i do dpatch apply-all23:25
tlacuacheand it actually modifies the source code23:25
emgentkeescook, ping23:26
emgentsomeone remove " xorg-server security update blocked, fix in progress" in the topic :P23:27
crimsunemgent: you can; it's not locked.23:27
=== emgent changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Hardy Alpha 3 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
emgentoh true23:28
Kopfgeldjaegergood night23:48
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