
soumn_pwnedcrimsun, and how?00:00
Master_Z1) My wireless isnt detected.    2) My sound is not working.    Can someone help?00:00
bkartoucansam-> swap space is 2x your ram memory, have a separate partition for your /home too if possible00:00
soumn_pwnedcrimsun, and now?00:00
lgcSeveas, yes, thanks. I'm in the middle of the download.00:00
sminktoucansam 2GB swap file should do00:00
benanzotoucansam: make swap twice the size of your RAM -- if you have 1GB RAM then 2GB swap00:00
sminkroot / in the ext3 partition you created00:00
SnakeArtworXIs there any support for Asus D2X soundcard?00:00
Logan428benanzo: I sorted the fstab, unmounted the disk, and when I try to remount, it brings up the same "logfile unclean" error00:00
ThipThipbenanzo:  Mounting volume... Failed to startup volume : Invalid argument00:00
ThipThipAttempting to correct errors... FAILED00:00
ThipThipFailed to startup volume : Invalid argument00:00
ThipThipVolume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.00:00
FloodBot1ThipThip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
bod_!spam | ThipThip00:00
ubotuThipThip: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !English - and most importantly, use common sense...00:00
crimsunsoumn_pwned: did you install the recompiled version, too?00:00
soumn_pwnedcrimsun, yeah00:01
Kostonneato :D00:01
bod_thats not wot i wanted,.,.lol00:01
crimsunsoumn_pwned: if so, please load the recompiled version (or reboot)00:01
SnakeArtworXMaster_Z: First solution is to boot Ubuntu from LiveCD and see what happen00:01
benanzoThipThip: this isn't really an NTFS problem then.  You have a corrupted filesystem.00:01
toucansamwhat would /home be? and why do i need another swap for that?00:01
crimsunsoumn_pwned: I'll also need to see `dmesg` pastebinned00:01
Kostonhey guys I need huge favor, http://digg.com/design/Creating_a_Crazy_Cool_Logo , if you have digg.. pleaseee digg this00:01
Master_Zneither worked Snake, but I didnt care. People have gotten my things to work00:01
benanzothe only really safe way to rebuild it would be from within windows00:01
lgcSeveas, I gather you can zap you Windoze partitions easily as well.00:01
=== spencer_ is now known as ingvildr
toucansamand what does primary mean00:01
soumn_pwnedcrimsun, how do i load?00:01
ThipThipbenanzo:  How can this be?  I was using this drive all day today?  It wasn't until I tried to change the permissions that this started.00:01
lgcSeveas, the virtualized one.00:01
Logan428benanzo: It still comes up "LogFile unclean" even after all the messing about and unmounting and remounting00:01
fbcDr_willis, ok, I fixed it.. I repaired the boot record and mbr, and loaded easybcd and setup the loader for the ubuntu partition.00:01
Seveaslgc, very, you simply delete the vmdisk files00:02
bkartoucansam-> you dont need a swap for /home  the partitions you need are  / , swap and /home00:02
crimsunsoumn_pwned: (you can simply reboot to load the newer version easily)00:02
lgcSeveas, thanks.00:02
Seveas!es | fantasma00:02
ubotufantasma: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:02
soumn_pwnedcrimsun, ok... brb00:02
toucansambkar: what does primary/logical do?00:02
Master_ZSnake ArtworX: My wireless card is the realtek 8185. My sound card is a Sigmatel STAC9200. I heard for the sound, I needed to update ALSA. How would I do this?00:02
bod_benanzo, its bad when u have to rely on Microsft to fix problems00:02
SnakeArtworXMaster_Z: In my case it worked. I have an Edimax PCI 802.11 card and now it works OK. What is your soundcard?00:02
bkartoucansam-> and hard disk are typically divided up into 4 partitions, 3 primary and 1 logical (which you can extend to many more partitions)00:02
Master_ZSnakeArtworX: Sigmatel STAC9200 is what the ALSA thing says00:03
bkartoucansam-> logical is sometimes called extended partition00:03
benanzobod_: yeah -- it's just that the disk repairing utils in Linux/UNIX are that good with NTFS partitions yet00:03
SnakeArtworXMaster_Z: Amazing. You replied faster than I prepared the question:)00:03
ThipThipbenanzo:  Are you telling me that simply trying to change the permissions on a partition can corrupt the entire partition?!00:03
voxhow do i completely remove the Keyboard Accessability subsystem?00:03
benanzoLogan428: I'm actually a little stuck on this00:03
jo1how do I get gcc working with ubuntu, i tried to compile a program and got these errors http://rafb.net/p/07mfA449.html00:03
lgcbod_, if you tried the 'System>Preferences>Keyboard' thing and it didn't work, you might as well run 'gnome-control-center'.00:03
Logan428benanzo: I've given up by now, I'm just gonna format the disk00:03
bod_benanzo, cause ntfs is windows territory ,.,.lol,.,. i hate relying on windows for things,.,. wot exactly is the prob?00:04
Logan428benanzo: I can probably get most of the important stuff back off the internets00:04
toucansamso / -> 30gig  swap -> 4gig(how many megabytes, 4048?) and /home -> ??? gigs00:04
danbhfivejo1 Im just guessing, but maybe you need to install build-essentials00:04
benanzoThipThip: it really depends on what happened, how clean the filesystem was to begin with and how old the disk is, but yes00:04
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »00:04
nickrudjo1: you installed only gcc?  you should install build-essential, it brings in the generic headers00:04
bod_lgc, wot is this gnome-control-center,. ive never heard of it?00:04
Logan428benanzo: Only things I'm losing are random bits of college work00:04
danbhfivetoucansam: that seems like a swap that is too big00:04
toucansami have 2 gigs ram00:05
Logan428Bye all00:05
jo1nickrud, when you do that it asks for the ubuntu cd which i don't have any more00:05
danbhfivetoucansam: then you only need 2g of swap00:05
keisangihi there00:05
nickrudjo1: system->admin->software sources , enable the first four and disable the cdrom. You can get it from the net00:05
toucansamoh ppl said twice size of my ram00:05
danbhfivetoucansam: i have 2g of ram, and I NEVER use the swap, but maybe someday hibernation will work00:05
bkartoucansam-> / should be around 10 gig , then /home is 15gig plus00:05
benanzowriting to an NTFS disk in Linux is still experimental00:06
danbhfivetoucansam: thats an old maxim that worked for windows, its different on linux00:06
keisangii have a problem with ubuntu 7.10 on my lenovo thinkpad x60, inside eclipse, i have choppy sound and no keyboard responses.   i'm developping a game in java using lwjgl/slick2d  ...   i tryed other distro, like zenwalk-linux (slackware based distro) and everything seems works.00:06
cchung_is it dumb to have a dyndns hostname on the localhost line of a hosts file?00:06
nickrudtoucansam: about 2.3 or .4 meg, swap may need to be a bit more than ram for hibernate00:06
mEck0Hi! Has anyone tried Unreal Tournament III in Ubuntu? (not with Wine)00:06
josspykerdanbhfive: you need a bit more if you want to use hibernate00:06
toucansambkar: so i'm installing the os on /, then all of my data and crap is going to /home?00:06
bkartoucansam-> correct00:06
bjamesI'm trying to enable ssh by forwarding the port, I've changed the following setting on my Belkin router: Firewall | Virtual Servers, but it doesn't work00:07
bkartoucansam-> oh if you have pr0n, i forgot..hehe00:07
kitchekeisangi: do you have java installed and using it for eclipse or gcj? since sometiems gcj can make programs act strange a tad00:07
lgcbod_ it's a more general preferences configuration tool. But I just checked that it'll take you to the keyboard settings application you end up through the menu route I just mentioned. However, that should suffice.00:07
bjamesI'm running ubuntu with ssh server00:07
Master_ZSnakeArtworX: find anything?00:07
keisangikitche, i use sun-jre6 and sun-jdk-600:07
danandtoucansam - you dont need to worry too much about partition sizes - if you get it wrong initially you can adjust later with gparted00:07
toucansamyes i have 490 gigs worth so that should work bkar00:08
danbhfivejosspyker: how much more?00:08
SnakeArtworXMaster_Z: Sorry, but I couldn't help a the moment. Maybe someone will. Hope that You'll find the solution. I need to go now. Bye!00:08
toucansamso do i really need  a swap?00:08
ScoutDoes anyone have a Asus Xonar sound card working on ubuntu00:08
kitchekeisangi: so you are really using sun-jre6 since the jdk doesn't matter for your problem since jdk includes the jre as well00:08
Master_Zcan someone help me with my sound and wireless?00:08
Kostonhey guys I need huge favor, http://digg.com/design/Creating_a_Crazy_Cool_Logo , if you have digg.. pleaseee digg this00:08
bod_lgc, the annoying thing is the @ and the | end up in the wrong place evertime i boot the machine,.,. i have to configure it everytime00:08
keisangikitche, yes00:08
Odd-rationaletoucansam: It is simple reccomended00:08
toucansambrak: i meant of pr0n00:08
bkartoucansam-> okay, you have plenty to play with, so have another partition for virtualbox or vmware to toy with other os'es set them to 50gigs each then00:08
josspykerdanbhfive: to be on the safe side 1 gig extra00:09
Cusoon959Can I set up a static IP that only comes into effect when I'm on a certain wireless network?00:09
danandtoucansam - I only have 1G of Ram and I never swap - but still think having some swap is good idea00:09
bkarCusoon959-> static for which interface?00:09
ScoutDoes anyone have a Asus Xonar sound card working?00:09
toucansamok so if i'm bout to install vista and have some heavy games on there, i'm probly gonna want around 200 gigs for that00:10
keisangikitche, any idea why sound is choppy (using a ogg sound file) and why i seems to have no keyboard response at all ?00:10
toucansamok thanks guys i gtg00:10
nickrudtoucansam: one last thing, install windows first00:10
Master_Zhow do I update my ALSA?00:10
kitchekeisangi: could be many reason would check the logs on your system myself just to see if there is any weird issues00:10
BlackDiamondsMaster_Z, why do you need too ?00:10
kitcheMaster_Z: compile alsa but really you don't need to update alsa00:10
=== boha__ is now known as b0ha
Cusoon959bkar: I have a wireless network at home. I want eth0 to have the IP whenever I'm on the network 'veera', but nowhere else.00:10
bkartoucansam-> to make your life easier, install windows first00:11
Odd-rationaletoucansam: So you can have GRUB00:11
toucansami don't have windows yet ha..00:11
kitcheCusoon959: set up mac filtering is the only way really00:11
Cusoon959kitche: Hmm?00:11
toucansami still need to buy the system builders one00:11
nickrudtoucansam: if you install windows after ubuntu, you will lose the ubuntu boot. If you do it the other way, both systems boot. Its fixable if you do windows first, but it's easier00:11
bkarCusoon959-> is eth0 your wireless interface?00:11
Master_ZBlackDiamonds: someone on the forums said to. My Sigmatel STAC9200 sound card isnt outputting sound00:11
Odd-rationaletoucansam: But you can always install grub after you install windows00:11
Cusoon959bkar: Yep00:11
BlackDiamondsthen ask on the forums00:11
nickrudtoucansam: I mean, it's doable if you install windows second :)00:11
BlackDiamondsbecause compiling alsa is not an easy task00:11
toucansamwell i dont have windows yet so i'm just bout to install ubuntu now00:11
lgcbod_, try and configure it with that utility. I know there's a command-line reconfigure tool, but I just can't remember its name.00:12
Cusoon959There's probably a router setting I can change, bkar... like what kitche said00:12
toucansamk cya guys00:12
BlackDiamondson the forums some one can give you proper instructions00:12
DarkmystereCan some 1 help me with this im getting this error alot: Im running AWN And other Compiz-Fusion Needing things Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".00:12
to0omhi all! i have the following line in my fstab: /dev/sdb1 /home ext3 auto 0 0 . /dev/sdb1 is an external usb drive. i'd like it to be mounted to /home at boot time. the problem is that it doesn't mount automatically, even if i specify 'auto' as an option. any ideas why it doesn't mount automatically?00:13
bkarCusoon959-> possibly on the router, and on your box, you may have to play around00:13
bod_lgc, how do i run that utility?00:13
Cusoon959bkar: Okay00:13
lgcbod_, I already to00:13
crwlrwow my downloads on add/remove are extremely slow tonight00:14
josspykerCusoon959: are you sure eth0 is the wireless interface00:14
bkarCusoon959-> besides its just a matter of point and click to get a dhcp enabled versus static ip address00:14
Cusoon959josspyker: Yes. I know it's odd, but it is.00:14
LadyNikonCusoon959: :)00:14
josspykerCusoon959: strange00:14
Cusoon959LadyNikon: :) hello00:14
bkarits possible to have wireless nic name as eth000:14
lgcbod_, I already told you: Navigate through the System>Preferences menu, or type gnome-control-center. Probably 'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard' will do.00:14
Cusoon959josspyker: Yeah..I thought so too xD00:14
bkarits not strange at all00:14
josspykerbkar: why not?00:15
lgcbod_, gotta go. You're in good hands.00:15
bkarnothing in the configs that locks your wifi nic name to wlan0 or ath0 or xxx000:15
Cusoon959lol, DD-WRT has the MACtoIP feature, but it can't be done with the normal firmware for my router00:16
josspykerbkar: ok00:16
bod_lgc, i dont no what this 'gnome-control-center' is or where to find iyt00:16
bod_lgc,  its not in system--apps,.,. thats just the same thing ive been using00:17
* ThipThip is now completely panicking over having tried to change permissions on an NTFS partition and now being completely unable to mount or view it. 00:17
imekHey all, quick question: I have laptop volume controls that I'm pretty sure work like a multimedia keyboard.. how do I get it to control the PCM volume instead of Master?00:17
imekoh yeah, I'm using KDE00:17
ThipThipI have a partition on a SATA drive - it's an NTFS partition.  I tried to change the permissions for it by logging on as root and right-clicking it.  Now I cannot retrieve any of the data.  This partition contains all of the most important data of my life.  Can someone help?00:18
Ed_any volunteers who would like to help a bigginer in solving a problem with autostarting a simple program on logon?00:19
bkarThipThip-> get hold of those ultimate boot cd for windows..00:19
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:19
crwlrthipthip: try hitting Atl+F2 and type nautilus.  explore for that partition and see if you can change permissions00:20
ThipThipbkar:  Yeah?  And do what with it?00:20
soldatsEd_, look at the ubotu message00:20
bkarThipThip-> well trouble your problem?00:20
holycowdoes the live cd have java on it by any chance? can it be installed while the person is running it?00:20
bkarThipThip-> well troubleshoot* your problem?00:20
Corndawg_can anyone here help me with a regex problem?00:20
Corndawg_I am trying to look in a file for a lines that don't contain "domain.org"00:21
ThipThipcrwlr:  I don't understand.  First of all, I can't seem to open nautilus from the F2 terminal, and second, I don't know where to explore.00:21
bkarholycow yes it has gcj00:21
Ed_its not a gnome program... I need to execute a command, for example, I'm starting the program with ./progname.exe in terminal window00:21
holycowbkar: thank you00:21
Corndawg_so I put in    cat file | grep -iv domain.org00:21
ThipThipbkar, crwlr:  I tried booting with the Ubuntu Live CD, and the partition is still not recognized.00:21
Corndawg_and that works, but I also need it to dispay lines that dont contain a certain IP before those lines00:22
bkarThipThip-> umm i have not dealt with ntfs-3g ..so its a trial and error for me to assist you00:22
soldatsThipThip, if you do fdisk -l in terminal can you see it00:22
crwlrthipthip: hrmm...my sata drives all work...go to add/remove and find the NTFS configuration tool.  that let me mount mine but if ur install isn't even recognizing it...a bit tricky00:22
Corndawg_so I put in    cat file | grep -iv [^(domain.org)]    but it complains about the parent00:22
bkarThipThip-> you can not mount the partition at all with type ntfs-3g ?00:22
geekchicohioHey all, I've got a thread in the "Absolute Beginner's Forum" on ubuntuforums.org about my complete inability to establish a wired internet connection on my computer. If anyone could give me a hand with this either on the forums, or in here, I'd really, REALLY appreciate it. ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664227 )00:23
Corndawg_er wait... I put in this rather:    cat file | grep -iv [^(].*domain.org00:23
joeaminedi installed gfxboot from gutsy's official repositories but i don't know how to enable it ?00:23
ThipThipbkar:  I don't know what "type ntfs-3g" means, but no, it does not seem to mount.  It was mounted perfectly just a couple of hours ago.00:23
bkarCorndawg_-> no need for parenthesis, you're only seeking a line that has  it ,print the rest otherwise00:23
bkarThipThip-> file system type, ntfs-3g isnt it?00:24
Corndawg_bkar> well I need to print lines that DONT have it but also DONT have a certain IP thats usually comming up before it00:24
neverbluegeekchicohio, do you have a router ?00:24
to0omdoes anyone know why the usb device which is defined as "/dev/sdb1 /home           ext3    auto,hotplug,defaults        0       0" in my fstab doesn't mount automatically at boot, though the "auto" option is specified?00:24
Corndawg_how would I do that in regex?00:25
ThipThipbkar:.... I know that it is NTFS... I don't know what 3g is.00:25
geekchicohioNo. Just the cable modem provided by my cable company/ISP00:25
justinneedhi, is there any program to watch tv on the computer? something like winamp for windows?00:25
ScoutDoes anyone have a Asus Xonar sound card working???00:25
bkarCorndawg_-> the -v on grep selects the opposite thats why you dont need the []00:25
neverblue!who geekchicohio00:25
neverblue!who | geekchicohio00:25
ubotugeekchicohio: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:25
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
Corndawg_justinneed> hauppauge wintv-pvr + knopmyth worked for me back in the day to record techtv00:26
bkarThipThip-> thats what you type as option to mount  -t ntfs-3g00:26
Corndawg_havent used in a long time tho00:26
geekchicohioneverblue, I don't have a router, just the cable modem provided by my cable company/ISP00:26
neverbluegeekchicohio, this is an entirely wired LAN ?00:26
geekchicohioneverblue, yes it is00:26
neverbluegeekchicohio, are you able to get it online, the Ubuntu system?00:27
blendtuxhow can i install the orinoco_usb module00:27
dgimsejoin #synfig00:27
=== Ed_ is now known as ene_dene
neverbluedgimse, you need to put a slash (/) in front00:28
geekchicohioneverblue, I got internet access with it once, but the modem was since moved to a different room. I moved my computer to that room and suddenly the internet connection that had "just worked" didn't.00:28
=== reZo_ is now known as reZo
blendtuxdgimse: was that for me00:28
bkarCorndawg_-> play around with grep, pipe it a second time if necessary to filter what you need if cant be done in one swoop00:28
neverbluegeekchicohio, so you had it online00:28
geekchicohioneverblue, yes. a couple weeks ago00:28
neverbluegeekchicohio, using ADSL or Cable (or dialup) ?00:28
dgimselol thanks00:28
geekchicohioneverblue, using cable.00:28
ene_denehow do I register?00:29
ene_denemy nick00:29
neverbluegeekchicohio, did u do the install with the nic card in your system ?00:29
Corndawg_bkar> k I will try that00:29
geekchicohioneverblue, you mean the ethernet adapter?00:29
neverbluegeekchicohio, yes00:30
ThipThipbkar:  I don't know what to do.  I am so very worried.00:30
geekchicohioneverblue, yes, it was already installed.00:30
ffmhey, my /dev/dsp does not work, but fixes upon reboot.00:30
ffmwhat serveice do I have to restart?00:30
geekchicohioneverblue, after a couple weeks of fumbling with getting it to work, today I actually tried a new card, but continue with the exact same problem.00:30
bkarThipThip-> okay lets try,  do a  sudo fdisk -l  and pastebin the results00:30
neverbluegeekchicohio, so it went through the install with the card in your system, so it should have detected and install it correctly00:30
yogurthi, is there a straightforward way to get all wmv,quciktime,whatever to work standalone and in firefox?00:30
neverbluegeekchicohio, maybe its your network configuration00:31
TATTERSwhat sort of thing would I be looking for if I want a folder full of documents that can be edited but any changes are saved incrementaly pref simple to setup00:31
agsimeonovyogurt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=661833&highlight=install+bin+files00:31
bkargeekchicohio-> sometimes these cable modems locks your mac address it detects at install or at boot, so turn the cable modem off, wait a 1 minute then turn it back on,00:31
agsimeonovyogurt: This should solve your problem00:31
jetscreamerrsync agsimeonov00:31
ThipThipbkar:  Here it is:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53398/00:31
geekchicohioneverblue, correct, and as far as I knew, it did. It worked like a charm. About a week later my roommates moved the cable modem to a new room, and I've since been unable to get on.00:31
Dr_willisTATTERS,  theres some 'FUSE' Tools that Might do what you want. Dependoing on the details.00:32
boinkeris there a way to mount a usb in virtual box..i have an external hard drive that shows up on ubuntu but not on virtual box windows any help please00:32
neverbluegeekchicohio, is that cable between the modem and the system bad, possibly ?00:32
bkarThipThip-> sdb1 you are after?00:32
ThipThipbkar:  You understand what I did right?  A very stupid thing:  I logged in as root and tried to change the permissions for the whole drive.  What does this do?00:32
geekchicohioneverblue, I'll have to leave and come back to do that. There's only one ethernet port on the modem and I'll have to unplug this computer to plug in the linux one.00:32
ThipThipbkar:  Yes, sdb1.00:32
bkarCorndawg_-> sometimes an extra step is all it takes, :)00:32
neverbluegeekchicohio, how are you expecting to get them both online, at the same time then, if you dont mind me asking ?00:33
ffmhey, my /dev/dsp does not work. it happens intermittantly, but is fixed via reboot.00:33
geekchicohioneverblue, nothing's bad. It's failing to work on the same cable that worked before. I've checked it.00:33
ffmhey, my /dev/dsp does not work. it happens intermittantly, but is fixed via reboot. what service must I restart?00:33
TATTERSDr_willis: thnx I will look into that,00:33
bkarThipThip-> sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt   see if it mounts00:33
cwillu!pastebin > Light00:34
bkarffm-> sounds uses /dev/dsp00:34
geekchicohioneverblue, I'm not expecting to get them both online simultaneously, I'm expecting to be able to plug the ethernet into my linux box when I want to use it, and then plug it into this Windows PC when my roommates need to use this, and both connect and disconnect properly (the way this windows computer does) when this occurs.00:34
ThipThipbkar: The device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.00:34
neverbluegeekchicohio, did you happen to pull the NIC out of the Windows box and put it into your Ubuntu system ?00:34
ffmbkar: I know.00:34
ThipThipbkar:  I think I messed it up with the permissions thing.  I don't really understand what that does.00:34
ffmbkar: and it is bussy00:35
ene_deneREGISTER 373341500:35
geekchicohioneverblue, no. It was used successfully in a previous install of Linux.00:35
bkarThipThip-> you could have yeah..but hang on let me think00:35
ubuntu1024hi...  I have the problem outlined in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649135   but I can't get a fix00:35
neverbluegeekchicohio, so this current card, is the one listed on the forums ?00:36
bkarffm lsof -d /dev/dsp   you may have to man lsof  to see the correct option for device00:36
geekchicohioneverblue, the current card is the one mentioned in my most recent post, yes. a new Netgear gigabit adapter00:36
cube_how do i enable the s-video out on my nvidia 8600gt? i have gutsy00:36
neverbluegeekchicohio,  00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev11) <-- not this one then ?00:37
ffmbkar: command has no output00:37
cube_!ubotu flash00:37
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:37
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:37
puneypunkhi ive just installed mysql and when i try and log in as root with `mysql -u root -p mypassword` it then asks again for a password and when i re-enter it says `Enter password:00:37
puneypunkERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mypassword'00:37
neverbluepuneypunk, let it prompt you for a pass00:38
ffmbkar: command has no output00:38
kitchepuneypunk: you want to do mysql -u root -p00:38
bkarffm i dont know what is the correct options for checking the device..can you man lsof ?00:38
puneypunkwhen i do mysql -u root00:38
neverblueso do '-u root -p'00:38
geekchicohioneverblue, No, that's the old card.00:38
puneypunkoh cheers ki00:38
TATTERSI have a nvidia fx5200 I only use the s-video TV out .it just works out the box if cable plugged in to graphic card when PC powered on00:38
ffmbkar: yes, bu tI ha ve  never used lsof before00:38
neverbluegeekchicohio, sorry, but I have to run00:39
puneypunkthanks, good night00:39
kitchepuneypunk: just remove the mypassword part from that line since it's for the database that you want to connect to after the -p really00:39
neverblueend of the day here00:39
puneypunkyeha working ;) thanks again00:39
bkarffm well sometimes we dont use some tools that are available thats why we use man pages00:39
geekchicohioneverblue, I'll try rebooting the modem. thanks.00:39
ffmbkar: yes, but searching through the man page with / does not seem to have a "this switch for block devices" bit.00:40
cube_how do i get s-video out to work on my graphics card?00:40
bkarffm you have to do some leg work, i cant remember all the verbage on that man page00:40
zcat[1]cube_: probably nvidia-settings (if it's an invidia)00:41
TATTERScube_: I have a nvidia fx5200 I only use the s-video TV out .it just works out the box if cable plugged in to graphic card when PC powered on, that all I can say that might hel you00:41
Ademanis anyone familiar with the "icall" service/program? (it's *basically* free skype) anyways i was wondering if there were any linux clients, because there's no official one as of now00:42
cube_yeah mine doesn't do it automatic00:42
* ThipThip very stupidly tried to modify the permissions on an NTFS partition by logging in as root and right-clicking. Now the data on the partition is unaccessible. Please help avert the stroke that will occur if this data is not recovered.00:42
TATTERScube_: I dont use a reguler monitor, just TV, is only the s-video out connected or both?00:43
ffmbkar: oh well then.00:43
Corndawg_bkar> quick regex question for you:  even though it works, why doesn't the parenthisis work in grep?00:43
cube_both but i am sure if i disconnect the dvi it won't enable the s-video00:43
Corndawg_bkar> for grouping00:43
Alyxanderwhat is the easiest way to dual monitor in ubuntu, with two separate nvidia pci cards?00:43
patrick_I have just edited my x conf file and now I dont have any titlebars at the top of my windows, anyone know whats wrong?00:43
bkarCorndawg_-> i cant recall really, way too many things to remember00:44
ffmbkar: is there any other sound adapter I can use?00:44
TATTERScube_: you could give it a shot I guess, else ure looking at duel monitor setup I presume00:44
ffmbkar: is there any other sound device I can use?00:44
jetscreameross or alsa take your pick00:45
cube_well i have 2 graphics cards in there right now and if i plug the one with only s-video in and nothing else it doesn't work and even without the cards SLI in xorg00:45
ffmjetscreamer: what is it's block device?00:46
cube_and for some reason i can't find nvidia-settings after i installed it through synaptic00:46
ThipThipbkar:  Is there any sense in trying to convert this partition to vfat or FAT32?00:46
ffmjetscreamer: VMware hates /dev/dsp00:46
TATTERSisnt that nvidia-setting-mamnger or sumat in terminal00:47
cube_i thought it had gui00:47
bkarThipThip-> i would not convert anything if I were you..00:47
bkarThipThip-> you can not mount this sdb1 at all?00:48
ThipThipbkar:  Apparently not.00:48
ffmbkar: any other /dev I can use other than dsp for sound?00:48
snookie_can anyone offer some technical advice with python?00:48
ThipThipbkar:  I must get this data back.  I'm loosing my mind right now.00:48
TATTERScube_: I find sometimes the nvida setting manager  doesnt appear in my  menu after 1 of many installs00:48
cube_tatter so what should i do to access it?00:49
bkarThipThip-> hang for a few..lets see what googles turns up00:49
josspykerThipThip: you're data is still  there00:49
patrick_I have just edited my x conf file and now I dont have any titlebars at the top of my windows, anyone know whats wrong?00:49
Nockiani'm trying to install mysql 4.0.27 on ubuntu 7.10 and get an error:   checking "LinuxThreads"... "Not found"   when i run ./configure. any ideas as to what i need to install to continue, or better yet a way to install mysql 4.0.27 through packages?00:49
helix_is there a command to see which kernel version i am using? i am having troubles with my dell vostro 1500 sound card sigmatel00:50
TATTERSwell in terminal I thing u type nvidia-setting-manager  or use autocompleate after nvidia00:50
ThipThipjosspyker:  HOw do you know my data is still there?  Even booting with the ubuntu liveCD won't mount the disk.00:50
Nockianhelix_: 'uname -r'00:50
bkarThipThip-> if I were you, for now, if you have another drive,  dd (disk dump) that sdb1 to save  a copy00:50
snookie_anyone offer python support?00:50
ThipThipbkar:  I do not have another drive even anywhere close enough to dump.00:50
ThipThipbkar:  in terms of size.00:51
josspykerThipThip: oops, filesystem corrupt?00:51
TATTERSI know a few lines from the dead parrot sketch :P00:51
snookie_why do I get this IRC error #python :You need to be identified to join that channel00:51
memzybecause your not identified00:51
memzyits refering to nickserv00:51
bkarThipThip-> just that sdb1 not the entire drive00:51
snookie_memzy: how do I dentify myself00:51
justinneedhi, i can connect to the net using usb but not lan, any idea?00:51
memzyyou first need to register your nick with nickserv and then to identify to it when you connect snookie00:51
* ThipThip is trying to approach his problem with reason and a calm, rational head despite having altered the permissions on an NTFS permission and now being unable to mount it.00:51
ThipThipbkar:  What do you mean "just that sdb1"?00:52
memzytry /msg nickserv help00:52
ThipThipjosspyker:  I don't know.  Would it corrupt a file system for me to have done what I did?  (Log in as root and try to change permissions on an NTFS partition)00:52
snookie_okay thanks00:52
bkarThipThip-> that sdb1 is the only want you are interested in right? so you can dump that specific partition and not the entire hard disk00:52
ThipThipbkar:  The sdb1 partition is enormous - much too big to dump onto anything that I own.00:53
geekchicohi1Hey all, I'm having weeks of headache trying to get my ubuntu box back onto the internet. I've got a thread about it ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664227 ) but it hasn't gotten me very far yet. Can anyone offer any help either here or on the forums? Thanks!00:53
yiselhello every body here00:53
yiselestoy media perdida, sobre que es este chat?00:53
bkarThipThip-> you dont need to dump it all at once, you can slice it into manageable chunks  like  bs=8192 count=1000 at a time00:53
josspykerThipThip: don't think so I assume sbd1 is a usb disk00:53
ThipThipbkar, josspyker:  I am downloading ultimate boot CD.  I don't exactly know what I'm going to do with it, but I figure it can help.00:53
crwlrbkar: you a compiz guru?00:53
yiselhello, where are from people here?00:54
bkarcrwlr-> nope, i envy you people with 3-d, my agp dont 8x dont work backwards with my 4x00:54
ThipThipjosspyker:  No, sdb1 is my largest partition.  It has thousands of photos, video, audio, documents, etc00:54
limpwhy do i get this error when trying to compile: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create exectutables00:54
josspykerThipThip: ubcd is a nice tool,but be carefull00:54
nemilarlimp: install build-essentials00:55
Starnestommylimp: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:55
limpthank you00:55
bkarThipThip-> I do suggest that you get another drive of equal or greater size and transfer/copy via dd over to new00:55
bkarif it was that important00:55
snookie_memzy: thank you, that worked00:56
ThipThipbkar, josspyker:  Do you know exactly what right-clicking and using "permissions" does?  What does it modify?  Why is it so deadly for NTFS?00:56
crwlrbkar: im trying to get compiz working on my twinview now that i finally got that going00:57
osotogarihello all, i recently updated my x config to disable nvidias twinview settings and since then I have lost the titlebars on all my windows. Does anyone know of a fix for this?00:57
bkarThipThip-> it modifies inodes00:57
PKdoRI need help installing the X-Fi on 64 bit ubuntu please00:57
tatersI've been having an issue with 7.10 and the 8800gt NVidia card. 7.10 (64 bit) loads up the CD, and everything is normal. When I select install, I get a never ending loading screen, which is interrupted once by an option to go into safe graphics mode. Both do nothing....00:58
bkarcrwlr-> I dont have graphics that can handle 3-D yet, so cant assist you00:58
ThipThipbkar:  What are inodes?00:58
memzysnookie: your welcome00:58
crwlrbkar: i realize that, but i just thought i would let you in on my new project00:58
ThipThipbkar, josspyker:  The UBCD is done burning.  I'm going to boot down and see what it does.  I'll be back.00:58
bod_taters, desktop machine i assume?00:58
bkarThipThip-> thats how linux or unix stores info about files and directories00:58
PKdoRI fond a howto but it say somthing about patching a custome kernel and I dont feel like breaking my ubuntu just yet00:58
tatersHere is all the specs:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66985600:59
bod_taters, remove the graphics card,00:59
bkarcrwlr-> thanks for the invite, i haft to get me a working video card 1st though00:59
memzyPKdoR: shouldnt you be able to keep a backup kernel listed in grub?00:59
=== bkar is now known as bkar_afk
tatersCan't, its the only way my monitor hooks up to the darned thing.00:59
geekchicohi1Hey all, I'm having weeks of headache trying to get my ubuntu box back onto the internet. I've got a thread about it ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664227 ) but it hasn't gotten me very far yet. Can anyone offer any help either here or on the forums? Thanks!01:00
phoenixzHi there, Im trying to automount a win2k3 share in ubuntu in the fstab using a credentials file for security.. I followed  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently but when I try to mount the dir, the mount command hangs.. Any idea what might be the cause? dmesg is not saying anything, the command is simply stalled01:00
osotogarihello all, i recently updated my x config to disable nvidias twinview settings and since then I have lost the titlebars on all my windows. Does anyone know of a fix for this?01:00
bod_taters,  have u asked this question b4,. and i said the same thing bout the card?01:00
crwlrdoes anybody have compiz running on dual monitors?01:00
tatersI don't think so...01:00
bod_crwlr, if ur trying to do stuff with compiz,. go here,. #compiz-fusion01:00
PKdoRmemzy: I never done that01:01
crwlrbod_: i am there and there is nobody talking01:01
bod_crwlr, they helped me with loadsa stuff01:01
bod_crwlr, lol,.,. damn01:01
bod_crwlr,  i dont have 2 monitors so i dont think i can help01:01
crwlrbod_: yeah...my new project...slowly going down the drain....01:01
bod_crwlr, wot project?01:01
taterser... So no advice for me then?01:01
bod_taters,  im not sure,. ubuntu forums should help01:02
limpWhy don't i have any choice in the device list for sound preferences? I installed ALSA modules successfully.01:02
bod_taters, make a thread,. people reply amazingly quickly01:02
tatersI tried... No one said anything...01:02
crwlrbod_: compiz running on dual monitors01:02
histo109 in #politics01:02
histosry wrong ROOM01:02
bod_taters, not sure then ,. sorry01:02
taters:( ah well... off to muddling with Fedora01:03
PKdoRmemzy: You mean to just copy/Paste a grub entry and name it BKP or something like that before i change anything?01:03
bod_crwlr, ok this will be fun,.,. im gonna try and help with only 1 monitor,.,. ok so how far have u got?01:03
PKdoRcan any body here help on intalling sounblaster x-Fi on 64bit ubuntu please01:03
geekchicohi1I'm pretty worried I'm treading the line between persistant and obnoxious by asking again, but I'm having weeks of headache trying to get my ubuntu box back onto the internet. I've got a thread about it ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664227 ) but it hasn't gotten me very far yet. Can anyone offer any help either here or on the forums? Thanks!01:04
ffmHow can I remove my key from a keyserver if I have lost the key?01:04
antonio_hi all of us :D01:04
[myg0t]BanfeltIm looking for an admin01:04
[myg0t]Banfeltin da uk01:04
[myg0t]Banfeltowns a company01:04
[myg0t]Banfeltthat pulls 120k a year01:04
[myg0t]Banfeltidles freenode01:04
[myg0t]Banfeltwhere are u01:05
chafehow can i make fsck run verbosely during the bootup sequence? i have the splash screen disbled and its output is very minimal.. its irritiating01:05
chafei assume its an init script?01:05
bod_[myg0t]Banfelt, please put it all in one post01:05
chafecan i change this?01:05
[myg0t]Banfeltbod how?01:05
ffm[myg0t]Banfelt: sorry, this isn't the right forum.01:05
bod_crwlr,  how far have u got with compiz on 2 monitors?01:05
ffmHow do I have a key removed from the ubuntu keyservers if I no longer posses the originial key?01:06
phoenixzIm trying to automount a win2k3 share in ubuntu in the fstab using a credentials file for security. but when I try to mount the dir, the mount command hangs.. Any idea what might be the cause? dmesg is not saying anyt01:06
antonio_when you put in a new entry in the sessions manager of gnome, that writes to what file? Does anybody knopw this? If this is not the right place to ask, I apologize, I would like to know where that is01:06
[myg0t]Banfelthi im trying to figure out why i cant get linux installed01:06
PovAddictantonio_: maybe in a gnome channel?01:06
limphow do i select default GStreamers...? Ugh why must my new dell vostro 1500 have sound issues -_-01:06
[myg0t]Banfelti put in the disk01:06
[myg0t]Banfeltbut m comp01:06
[myg0t]Banfeltwont run it01:06
FloodBot3[myg0t]Banfelt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
crwlrbod_: not very far, somebody is trying to help me now01:06
bod_crwlr, have a gander at this :   0)01:07
bod_    echo "Yes chosen.";;01:07
bod_  1)01:07
bod_    echo "No chosen.";;01:07
bod_  255)01:07
bod_    echo "ESC pressed.";;01:07
FloodBot3bod_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
xompHi guys/gals, Could someone tell me if there is a way to create an image of my current ubuntu install? I want to be able to recover it exactly as it is if things should go awry :)01:07
dael_dfala ae meu brother01:07
[myg0t]Banfeltpunc·tu·a·tion      /?p??kt?u'e???n/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[puhngk-choo-ey-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation01:07
[myg0t]Banfelt1.the practice or system of using certain conventional marks or characters in writing or printing in order to separate elements and make the meaning clear, as in ending a sentence or separating clauses.01:07
[myg0t]Banfelt2.the act of punctuating.01:07
[myg0t]Banfelt3.punctuation marks.01:07
[myg0t]Banfeltenter would not fall under01:07
FloodBot3[myg0t]Banfelt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
bod_crwlr, lol,.,. i meant this :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl01:07
crwlrbod_: he said not to install xgl01:07
=== [myg0t]Banfelt is now known as Sassysweets
jvaihey room01:08
limphow do i select default GStreamers...? Ugh why must my new dell vostro 1500 have sound issues -_-01:08
bod_crwlr,  im not gonna argue but that is ubuntu documentation,.,. although a compiz guy would know more01:08
Duke_Flukexomp, acronis true image works well or you could use the 'dd' command01:08
=== xjdriver79 is now known as xjdriver69
yogurtwhere do I set default browser/email client? thanks01:09
xompDuke_Fluke, I recall acronis, isn't that a application you'd have to pay for? I'd prefer free if possible heh01:09
bod_xomp, everything is free if u no where to look01:09
nemilaryogurt: system - preferences - preferred applications01:10
=== [gquit]bombadil is now known as bombadil
Duke_Flukexomp, yes it is....you could boot from a live cd and use dd then01:10
xompDuke_Fluke, thanks, is dd hard to use?01:10
Duke_Flukealso their is g4u which stands for 'ghost for unix'01:10
Duke_Flukexomp, nope easy as pie01:11
xompDuke_Fluke, cool, is it installed on a typical ubunut installation? I'd like to give it a try :)01:11
limpWould someone please help me with sound card issues? I installed ALSA modules successfully but I still don't get any sound. When I try opening sound control it says "no GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."01:12
Duke_Flukexomp, lets say you have two drives and you want to image one to the other then i THINK the command is 'dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc' something like that...i think its pretty standard01:12
linchapulinHi...I have just installed Gutsy..setup repos in synaptic...did a search for kernel, headers ,etc. Did see any packages are they installed default? I want to make sure I have my bases covered before installing the ATI fglrx driver specific to my card01:12
Duke_Flukexomp, but they have to be the exact same size...01:12
xompDuke_Fluke, awesome :D sounds simple enough. I use a laptop for ubuntu, wonder how difficult it would be to maybe dump the image over a network.01:12
bod_linchapulin, i think there default,. my sound orked out of the box after the driver install01:13
xompDuke_Fluke, ahhh, ok :(01:13
Duke_Flukexomp, I know that can be done...i've done it for that u definitely want to use g4u it it sweet but it will take some studying to learn it...01:13
Duke_Flukeit is01:13
xompDuke_Fluke, sounds good, thanks for all your help :)01:14
Duke_Flukexomp, np check this out....http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/01:14
linchapulinbod_: thanks01:14
bod_I'm bored and looking for a cool program to play with,. any one got any suggestions?01:14
bod_linchapulin, np01:14
=== bkar_afk is now known as bkar
Dr_willis!find rocksndiamonds01:15
ubotuFound: rocksndiamonds01:15
Dr_willis!info rocksndiamonds | bod_01:15
ubotubod_: rocksndiamonds (source: rocksndiamonds): Arcade style game. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 3.2.3-3 (gutsy), package size 384 kB, installed size 1256 kB01:15
Dr_willisbod_,  that game will keep you busy for ... years. :)01:15
bod_Dr_willis, cheers dude,. sounds like fun01:16
jimmygoonWhy is xchat crashing when I try to cut text01:17
limpWould someone please help me with sound card issues? I installed ALSA modules successfully but I still don't get any sound. When I try opening sound control it says "no GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."01:18
jimmygoonyep, it crashed again :/01:18
bod_Dr_willis, doc i have a question,.,. ubuntu is asking me about other games,. it finished the download and its asking me about zelda and stuff01:18
matkixHow do i install c compiler?01:18
matkixI'm attempting to install vmware and It needs it.01:19
LjL!build-essential > matkix    (matkix, see the private message from Ubotu)01:19
crwlrbod_: works great now!01:19
Dr_willisbod_,  thoes are extra maps and levels from the games homepage.  get them all and you will have about 100000000000+ levels :)01:19
bod_matkix, install vmware through sunaptic and it will get c compiler for you01:19
xompGot another question for anyone willing to entertain :) Since I'm fairly new to linux, would it benefit me to compile my own kernel? This laptop runs a bit slow and shouldn't considering it has a 3Ghz Dual-Core CPU, 1Gig RAM. Just curious if it still takes a degree from MIT to compile your own kernel still hehe01:19
bod_crwlr, i no,. ive been watching ur convo,. lol,. have fun01:19
Dr_willisbod_,  the game is very modable. Theres al sorts of neat variants in it.01:19
crwlryou bet!01:20
bod_Dr_willis, im gonna be hear for a long time!,. cheers dude01:20
jimmygoonmatkix, sudo apt-get install build-essential01:20
bod_Dr_willis,  i love the power of getting a game in 1 line of text,.,. its so cool,. easier then getting in the car and going to the shops,.lol01:22
kestirI notice that ubuntu doesn't use a .bash_profile but uses .bashrc instead.  Can I define $PATH in .bashrc?01:22
Nextracthi all01:23
kestirI notice that $PATH is defined in /etc/profile01:23
LetsGo67Je ne peux pas utiliser le rendu direct avec Ubuntu.  Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider SVP?01:23
kestirwhat is the difference between the two?01:23
bod_!english | LetsGo6701:23
ubotuLetsGo67: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:23
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:23
=== unagi_ is now known as unagi
Nextractdoes anybody know how to set my connection up to use a proxy?01:23
ffm!fr | LetsGo6701:23
ubotuLetsGo67: please see above01:24
Dr_williskestir,  you can make a .bash_profile and BASH will read it from the login shell.01:24
LetsGo67bod_ my bad, I though I was in #ubuntu-fr01:24
kestirDr_willis: overlooking /etc/profile?01:24
Dr_williskestir,  you can set the path in .bashrc if you want01:24
bod_LetsGo67,  no probs m801:24
johnathonkitche its me again i figured out my sound01:24
Duke_Flukeyeah rocks n' diamonds wheeeeee01:24
LetsGo67I am unable to use Intel Direct Rendering with Ubuntu, can someone help please?01:24
Dr_williskestir,  it does one, then the other,, then the next.. :)  i forget the exact order. /etc/profile, then .bash_profile  whih normally then does .bashrc I think01:24
kestirDr_willis: lol...that seems silly to me01:24
Dr_williskestir,  untill you read the configs and see what eachone is doing.. dont make judgements. :P01:25
matkixHow do you install vmware on the latest 64 ubuntu?01:25
kestirDr_willis: oh fine...fuddy dud01:25
=== SkullZ is now known as scauley
bod_Dr_willis,  ur filling my computer with loadsa stuf!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers01:25
kestirDr_willis:  ;)01:25
scguy318matkix: just use VMware's install script01:25
LetsGo67I cannot play StepMania, requires Direct rendering.01:25
Dr_williskestir,  system wide settings in one, Login only settings in another.. then normal settings in the last. (i belive is the logic)01:25
scauleyIs anyone familiar with Postfix01:25
scguy318LetsGo67: install relevant restricted driver01:25
kestirDr_willis: but anyway, $PATH can be defined in .bashrc and it will be obeyed?01:25
Dr_williskestir,  yes.01:26
matkixscguy318: I tried that however, It wanted kernal things and had an error and didn't finish.... got help?01:26
kestirDr_willis: ok...thanks a lot, appreciate it01:26
LetsGo67scguy318, how do I do that?  ubuntu-restricted-drivers only shows something for HAL.01:26
scguy318matkix: you need to do sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`01:26
asdfasdfdoes anyone know what how to fix this, i cannot install any packages because i get this error: E: The package linux-headers-2.6.22-14 is not ok and I don't know how to fix it!01:26
scauleyIs anyone familiar with Postfix - I am recieving reverse DNS errors01:26
* ThipThip bursts through the doors of the channel, heavily panting over having just returned from the terrifying realm of UBCD01:26
Dr_williskestir,  i got mine getting set in .bash_profile :)01:26
scguy318asdfasdf: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-headers-`uname -r` perhaps01:26
kestirDr_willis: actually...$PATH isn't defined in /etc/profile01:27
scguy318LetsGo67: what card?01:27
johnathonThipThip you dislike the boot cd?01:27
Duke_Flukescauley,  lol terrifying?01:27
matkixscguy318: "linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic is already the newest version." I'm guessing I already had them.01:27
LetsGo67scguy318: already latest version.  Intel GMA x310001:27
scauleyDuke _fluke nah01:27
Dr_williskestir,  it may be getting defined in another script its calling.01:27
ThipThipjohnathon:  No, but I just spent the last almost 2 hours thinking that every piece of data I treasure in the world could be gone.01:27
scguy318matkix: build-essentials too I think01:27
scauleyI just need to modify the e-mail header01:27
scguy318matkix: since VMware will attempt to compile kernel modules01:27
kestirDr_willis: hmm, how can I find this out?01:27
scguy318matkix: *installer01:27
bod_ThipThip, why? wots the prob?01:28
johnathonThipThip why is that01:28
matkixscguy318: I already did that too. Do you want to see the error I get?01:28
scguy318matkix: sure01:28
scauleymy e-mail headers are displaying the wrong DNS info.01:28
scguy318matkix: if its long pastebin it01:28
asdfasdfscguy318: that worked, thank you so much!01:28
matkixscguy318: "WARNING: could not find /tmp/vmware-config0/vmnet-only/.smac_linux.x86_64.o.cmd for /tmp/vmware-config0/vmnet-only/smac_linux.x86_64.o"01:28
ThipThipbod, Johnanthon:  Well, I did something very, very - and I mean somewhat but very - dumb.  I logged in as root and tried to change permissions on an NTFS partition, corrupting the boot sector.01:28
Cromagany of you know, on the top of the head, if Visual Studio works under Wine in Ubuntu ?01:29
josspykerThipThip: download sytemrescuecd,it has nfts support, the data should still be there01:29
scauleyWhat is the best way to recieve insight and support from other Ubuntu users in the channel?01:29
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:29
bod_ThipThip, ur using an ntfs,. i assume u have a windows machine?01:29
ThipThipbod_, johnathon, josspyker:  However, I just booted with the UBCD and restored the backup boot sector, and praise the heavens my drive is mounted once again01:29
bkarThipThip-> that ultimate boot cd didnt help?01:29
johnathonThipThip download Diamond CD it has a live cd on it that can un do what u did01:29
Dr_williskestir,  start looking in etc I guess. :) i just did a  grep path *   in /etc/ and  got a lot of hits.. but  none i think are the initial path settings01:29
ThipThipbkar:  It did - I am mounted!01:29
bod_ThipThip, oh,.,.kk,.,.cool01:29
kestirDr_willis: can I just 'echo $PATH'01:30
bkarThipThip-> okay its mounted, can you cat the data? edit?01:30
ThipThipbod_, johnathon, josspyker, bkar: I would like to know if any other data was corrupted, however.  What's the Ubuntu equivalent of chkdsk?01:30
scguy318LetsGo67: yes?01:30
matkixscguy318: Is there a way to just have apt do the install, so I know it won't get fucked up by me?01:30
josspykerThipThip: good news,next time make backups next time01:30
kestirDr_willis: can I just 'echo $PATH'...copy that info into my .bashrc and then add what I'm trying to add?01:30
kestirand not bother finding where else it's being defined?01:30
phoenixzAnybody else available who might know why mount cifs is hanging when I use a credentials file?01:31
bkarThipThip-> pull out your reliable tape backup and make backup now, I command you..heh01:31
ThipThipbod_, johnathon, josspyker, bkar: Also, I really want to thank josspyker and bkar for your help.  I would probably be keeled over seriously having a heart attack right now.  Also also - now that I have learned the hard way, what is the proper way to make an NTFS partition become owned by a user instead of root?01:31
scguy318matkix: not really, VMware isn't packaged I believe01:31
Dr_williskestir,  of course you could.01:31
kestirDr_willis: ok great01:31
Dr_williskestir,  depends on what you want to do with the path.01:31
bod_ThipThip, i think something like fsck01:31
scauleyDoes anyone have any experience with Postfix and reverse DNS problems?01:31
Dr_willisIjust append the /home/USER/bin dir to mine01:31
ThipThipbkar:  My next mission is going to be isolating exactly which data is absolutely essential and backing up onto DVD01:32
kestirDr_willis: I just want to add a directory in my home directory01:32
kestirDr_willis: that I have scripts in01:32
jimmygoonCan someone else using the latest version of xchat try "cutting" text in the input box (note, for me, its causing xchat to crash....)01:32
LetsGo67scguy318, those headers are already there, no DRI.01:32
scauleyDoes anyone have any experience with Postfix and reverse DNS problems?01:32
scguy318LetsGo67: the Linux headers thing wasn't addressed to you I don't think, pastebin your xorg.conf01:32
Dr_williskestir,  thats trivial :) export $PATH=PATH:/New/dir/to/add01:32
l00kpHello. I need to load firmware for my linksys WPC54G card into ndiswrapper; anyone know how to do this?01:32
LetsGo67direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)01:33
johnathonThipThip again try Diamond boot cd and boot up the Windows XT Mini PE it has software for configuring NTFS formats and ownership01:33
Dr_williskestir,  http://www.hackosis.com/index.php/2008/01/14/linux-save-time-by-adding-directories-to-path/01:33
josspykerThipThip: use the correct ntfs-g3 drivers,and backup the drive before you start messing around01:33
poomonkeyhey does anyone know a good easy way to run a virtual cd drive01:33
scguy318LetsGo67: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf, maybe you're not using the intel Xorg driver for some reason01:33
poomonkeyi tried cd emu but i done know how it works01:33
johnathonpoomonkey yes use deamon tools01:33
ThipThipjosspyker:  What do you mean teh correct ntfs-g3 drivers?  What are these and where do I get them?01:33
tyronepHi i had linux installed and I am trying to dual boot so I backed up my information and deleted my partitions. When I tried to install Vista again from my hard disk I get a Grub Error. What can I do?01:34
scguy318johnathon: doesn't work on Linux though :)01:34
Starnestommytyronep: which error number is it?01:34
scguy318!ntfs-3g | ThipThip01:34
ubotuThipThip: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:34
poomonkeyhow would i do that man sorry im really new to linux but i really want to learn01:34
johnathonscguy318 good point01:34
fists_0f_furrieshello, I need help dual booting Win XP + Ubuntu 7.1001:34
tyronepStarnestommy, I am not sure it just says Grub error01:34
scguy318poomonkey: fuseiso might be good, see the man page for it01:34
PKdoRhow can I undo/unintall "sudo apt-get install build-essential" im just goin to go with onboard sun01:34
johnathonscguy318 im still gettin used linux i switched to ubuntu yesterday01:35
scguy318PKdoR: don't need to, why?01:35
Starnestommytyronep: but it doesn't have a number with it?01:35
tyronepStarnestommy, Maybe I am not sure01:35
kestirDr_willis: is it PATH=$PATH: or $PATH=PATH01:35
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871604 Scguy31801:35
ThipThipscguy318, josspyker:  Indeed I have already installed ntfs-config, but I am still unable to read / write except as root.  I suspect I need to edit fstab?01:36
josspykerThipThip: give me a minute, i will put in on pastebin01:36
PKdoRI was about to try o reinstall X-Fi on 64bit Ubuntu but I just decided scince im bough i for gaming and I do All my Gaming on Winblows I'll just use on board for Linux01:36
fists_0f_furriesI am having an issue. After installing XP, I cannot access the grub bootloader.. I need the OS path for Ubuntu. I have enabled EXT2 support in windows, so I just need the line to punch in to the windows bootloader.01:36
Dr_willis PATH=$PATH    You are setting a variable to  the 'contents of the variable' + extras :)01:36
scguy318ThipThip: probably, though all files should have permission 777 unless you're missing something, maybe umask=000?01:36
Dr_williskestir,  some neat alias's here http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/postlfs/profile.html01:36
PKdoRscguy318:  couse I installed it and I want io uninstall it01:36
ThipThipscguy318:  What is umask?  How does it compare or contrast from chmod?01:37
scguy318PKdoR: find its dependencies and remove it, but no need01:37
scguy318ThipThip: umask is a fstab mount option, while chmod is a Unix command01:37
fists_0f_furriesI am having an issue. After installing XP, I cannot access the grub bootloader.. I need the OS path for Ubuntu. I have enabled EXT2 support in windows, so I just need the line to punch in to the windows bootloader.01:37
jimmygoonCan someone tell me what message is coming up when my client is exitting/crashing?01:37
scguy318ThipThip: usually you would need it when mounting a FAT partition01:37
kestirDr_willis: ah...nice01:37
protcrontcan anybody tell me how to check that laptop ram memory is extendible or not ?01:37
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871604 Scguy318 it's a pastebin.01:38
ThipThipscguy318:  I see.  While we're on the subject, is FAT more sustainable than NTFS?  Is there a compelling reason not to use NTFS?  I feel like it's shaky to the rafters after this experience.01:38
fists_0f_furriesI am having an issue. After installing XP, I cannot access the grub bootloader.. I need the OS path for Ubuntu. I have enabled EXT2 support in windows, so I just need the line to punch in to the windows bootloader.01:38
Starnestommyfists_0f_furries: I don't think windows xp's bootloader can load ubuntu.  If it did, you'd need to load the kernel and the initrd into memory from /boot01:38
fists_0f_furriesWell then how do I get to grub? :01:39
l00kpHello. I need to load firmware for my linksys WPC54G card into ndiswrapper; anyone know how to do this?01:39
johnathonThipThip from my experience NTFS is more secure01:39
scguy318l00kp: find a WIndows driver and load it01:39
chableanyone uses ubuntu together with a GPU G92 from nvidia ?01:39
scguy318ThipThip: NTFS is journaled, FAT is prone to cross-linking etc.01:39
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871604 Scguy318 it's a pastebin.01:39
scguy318ThipThip: but the up side of FAT is that everyone can read it01:39
scguy318LetsGo67: I see01:40
l00kpscguy318: I did load a windows driver with #ndiswrapper <driver.inf> -i   but it didn't load the firmware01:40
ThipThipscguy318:  I see.  And how does ext3 compare?01:40
chableis there any option to set up GPU fan speed in Ubuntu ?01:40
scguy318ThipThip: a lot better01:40
voxwhen is vmware-server going to be available for the 2.6.22-14 kernel?01:40
scguy318l00kp: you've written it backwards01:41
ThipThipscguy318:  Well then is there a compelling reason not to switch to ext3?01:41
scguy318ThipThip: not everyone can read it01:41
voxscguy318: rubbish01:41
scguy318ThipThip: Windows can't unless you install a third-party ext2 driver01:41
ThipThipjosspyker:  Are you still working on that fstab to paste to pastebin?  If so, bless you.  :-)01:41
lcfists_0f_furries yes,you can get grub by using livecd or repair boot.01:42
scguy318vox: explain01:42
nickrudthe windows ext2 driver wouldn't install on my vista ...01:42
Malik_hey can some1 help be with ubuntu installation...iam stuk on partition disks01:42
scguy318LetsGo67: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:42
ThipThipjosspyker:  If not, I might be able to figure it out with a little research and some assistance from the others in the channel.01:42
josspykerThipThip: I was trying to make it easy fr you01:42
ThipThipjosspyer:  Right on - thank you.01:42
Rominais any advanced user here who knows how to work with SMTP Servers?01:43
Malik_hey can some1 help be with ubuntu installation...iam stuk on partition disk??????01:43
kestirDr_willis: Ok, I made a small script, put it in a directory, added that directory to my $PATH and then typed the name of that script.  Said not found.01:43
xemacskestir, start a new shell01:43
josspykerThipThip: install drivers edit sources.lst and fstab and of you go01:43
Duke_FlukeRomina,  whats your question?01:43
Malik_hellp can some1 help me out here???01:43
kestirDr_willis: Do I need to give that script an alias and execute the alias?01:43
danbhfiveMalik_: whats the problem?01:44
Malik_iam stuk on the installtion01:44
Malik_i can't get past partition disks01:44
kestirxemacs: I named it fortune.sh01:44
kestirxemacs: does it need to be named fortune01:44
ThipThipjosspyker:  I installed ntfs-config.  Would adding umask=000 to the fstab line help?  What does "user" do in this context?  Is fstab used to define ownership?01:44
danbhfiveMalik_: do you know how partitioning works? or is the partitioner broken?01:44
Malik_how do i install ubuntu on my partion d?01:44
RominaDuke_Fluke, a special script requires an SMTP Server with no SSL Auth ... just plain as I understand it.   A local MTA is recommended.01:44
xemacsthen to run it type "fortune.sh"01:44
josspykerThipThip: yep01:45
Malik_i hav windows on this computer rite now01:45
Malik_and windows is on partion c01:45
johnathondanbhfive what is he partitioning for?01:45
Malik_and i made a partion d for this01:45
Malik_its 15gb01:45
Duke_FlukeRomina, ok sounds like maybe you want postfix or sendmail01:45
RominaDuke_Fluke, since I need to send emails to many people using email addresses of public providers (like hotmail,  gmail and so on)  my  private IP would cause my emails go directly to the SMAP folder01:45
danbhfiveMalik_: ok, how much ram do you have?01:45
arjunado people ever wait for me?01:45
RominaDuke_Fluke, so my question is:01:46
poomonkeyis any one available to help me with fuse iso01:46
Dr_williskestir,  check  Your $PATH and be sure its set right. and the scripts do need tobe executable01:46
danbhfiveMalik_: ok, then you need to make another partition01:46
=== ubuntu is now known as blayde
Malik_i idid01:46
Malik_partiton d01:46
Malik_for this linux01:46
poomonkeyi cant figure out how to open it i installed it from synaptic but cant find it01:46
Dr_williskestir,  if you make a bin dir and put your scripts in there. I think the system auto adds bin if its found01:46
Rominahow can I get a local MTA to NOT ask for SSL Auth,   BUT(!) the local MTA *must* connect to GMAIL's  SMTP Server and Auth itself with SSL and send it through GMAIL01:46
josspykerThipThip: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g,check sources.lst,but backup the drive before01:46
poomonkeyjohnathon i sent you a pvm can you get on and help me please01:46
johnathonpoomonkey do u have a cd burner?01:46
RominaDuke_Fluke, and if my english would be better,  maybe you would understand me better *g*01:46
danbhfiveMalik_: ok, now you should make another partition for swap, I'd say 1gig in size01:47
RominaDuke_Fluke, once more the last message?01:47
johnathonpoomonkey i neverused a pvm01:47
Malik_wats swap?01:47
poomonkeyok brb gotta piss i appreciate your help01:47
josspykerThipThip: google for it01:47
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:47
RominaDuke_Fluke, PHP Script sends to local MTA -> [work finished for the PHP Script]  ->  Local MTA connects to GMAIL SMTP  using SSL and username/password  ->  GMAIL's SMTP  *really*  sends the email01:47
Duke_FlukeRomina, no thats ok....what are you using for a MTA?01:47
Malik_when i try to inatll ubuntu on my pation d it says no rrot files sytem is defined???????????????????????01:47
RominaDuke_Fluke, postfix I think01:48
Malik_can some1 plz help me out here01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:48
Rominayep postfix01:48
kestirDr_willis: ahh, the directory I added to $PATH didn't stay once I opened a new shell01:48
StarnestommyMalik_: make a partition that has / as a mount point01:48
danbhfiveMalik_: we'll get to that, first, lets setup the swap partition01:48
Duke_FlukeRomina, this is a very advanced question...way over my head I recommend checking out #postfix they should be able to help you out sorry01:48
RominaDuke_Fluke, please excuse my english,  I really do my best but describing such stuff in a foreign language can cause some problems01:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:48
Dr_williskestir,  each new shell rereads the .bashrc or .bash_profile if its a login shell01:48
nickrudRomina: it's been a while since I set up a postfix server, but what you need to look up is smarthost01:48
bazhang!who | Malik_01:48
bkarwho was asking about using windows to boot linux?01:48
ubotuMalik_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:48
Rominathank you Duke_Fluke,  good channel to start01:48
kestirDr_willis: gotcha01:48
Rominanickrud, is smarthost a ...part, service ... of postfix or a different program=01:49
windego40can someone help me?01:50
danbhfivewindego40: whats the problem?01:50
nickrudRomina: that's the term for what you 're trying to do, a sec01:50
Duke_Flukewindego40,  ask your question01:50
xe4wv2when I install mysql-server-5.0 using apt-get install I get the following error01:50
xe4wv2Setting up mysql-client-5.0 (5.0.38-0ubuntu1.2) ...01:50
xe4wv2Setting up mysql-server-5.0 (5.0.38-0ubuntu1.2) ...01:50
xe4wv2 * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld                                 [ OK ]01:50
xe4wv2 * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail]01:50
xe4wv2invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.01:50
FloodBot3xe4wv2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:50
Rominanickrud, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/setting-a-smarthost-in-postfix/01:51
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
Rominanickrud, is this what you are talking about?01:51
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.01:51
crwlrnow that my computer is running how i want it to, i am never gonna use winblows again!01:51
kestirDr_willis: great, got it all figured out.  Thanks for the help, it was appreciated.01:51
danbhfive!askthebot > unagi01:51
windego40sorry got DC for some reason01:51
Malik_i donot get it ......no root file system is defined...wat do i do???????????????????????????????????????//01:52
windego40can i put WoW link on wine if i had Wow installed on anotehr drive partition in my comp?01:52
linchapulinwhere can I find libsnmp9-dev? synaptic doesn't find it01:52
poomonkeyok johnathon how do i do this thing01:52
danbhfiveMalik_: I can help, if you'll listen01:53
Dr_willisMalik_,  using so many ?????????????????? tends to get you ignroed01:53
Malik_i will listen01:53
poomonkeyi installed fuse iso but i dont get a shortcut in my application menu01:53
Malik_but can u type a bit faster01:53
R0NHello  people01:53
Dr_williswindego40,  you couldmake a script that runs 'wine /path/to/whatever/wow.exe' or similer.01:53
bkar!patience > Malik01:54
johnathonpoomonkey im used to windows so bare wit me, try double clicking the iso if u have a cd burning software01:54
bazhangMalik_: people are trying to help you; use their nicknames in your response and take the time to spell out your words--this is not IM01:54
poomonkeyi dont yet have the iso i was going to use the software to make it do i need to do that first01:54
windego40Dr_willis: um how ca i do that? >.>01:54
danbhfiveMalik_: the problem is that you need to edit the new partition that you want to install onto, and set it to /    BUT you also need to setup a swap partition, 512mbs may be a little low.      But if you would like to just go ahead without swap, there is no harm in trying that.01:54
arjunadoes people wait for me?01:55
Malik_danbdfive: wats swap?01:55
poomonkeyits your virtual memory partition01:55
nickrudRomina: http://www.postfix.org/SOHO_README.html01:55
danbhfiveMalik_: its probably something like right clicking, and selecting properties or something01:55
johnathonpoomonkey do u want to make a copy of the cd or do you have to download the iso?01:55
Malik_danbhfive: and isn't 512mb ram enough for ubuntu?01:55
danbhfive!swap > Malik_01:56
poomonkeyi want to rip my starcraft cd to my hdd so i dont have to carry it around with me when i go places01:56
mikeincognitohow i set emerald as default wm on kde?01:56
nickrudRomina: yes, that's the concept, but you will need to set up a password for the smarthost, that page I gave you has some details01:56
ubuntuopoomonkey: use your ipod for a portable hdd01:56
Malik_danbhfive: so wat do i do now...can u giv me specific and simple steps01:56
danbhfiveMalik_: I don't know, it depends on what you do with it.  There are some programs that can make use of more memory if you had it01:57
danbhfiveMalik_: well, I would make another partition, about 1gig in size, and set it to swap01:57
poomonkeymy ipod is full of music and i know i can do that but i dont want to have to cary around my starcraft cd so i wanted to rip it so i dont have to01:57
johnathonpoomonkey use a cd burning software and save the iso to ur hdd then when u need a copy burn the iso to a thumb drive or simply install the game on the hdd and find a nocd crack01:57
blaydepoomonkey, are you using wine to play starcraft?01:57
ubuntuopoomonkey: why cant you rip it?01:58
blaydepoomonkey, you have the .iso on your hard drive?01:58
Malik_danbhfive: how excatly do i set it to swap....and do i go to windows os to do this?01:58
poomonkeyi can rip it i just havent tried yet and i dont know where to look for for a no cd crack01:58
johnathonpoomonkey google it01:58
danbhfiveMalik_: if you are using the ubuntu cd, no, you should be able to do it all in the installer01:58
poomonkeyi allready have it installed and playable01:58
ubuntuotry: multiplayercheats01:58
poomonkeyok i just didnt think about it i didnt know that would work in wine01:58
mikeincognitohow i set emerald as default wm on kde?01:59
blaydepoomonkey, i have done the same and wrote a little script to mount the iso01:59
Malik_danbhfive:yes iam using the ubuntu cd ....but i can't see where i go to do that01:59
blaydepoomonkey, and made a virtual drive in wine that the game can see01:59
xe4wv2will somebody see this..I tried to do apt-get install mysql-server Setting up mysql-client-5.0 http://pastebin.com/d6feba31001:59
ClayBBi have a quick question:01:59
danbhfive!iso > poomonkey01:59
ClayBBI have got the ubuntu installed, and ready for me to restart the computer, once i do, if there is any problems is there anyway I can reverse the install?01:59
ClayBBand if there is any problems with my wireless card on my laptop, is there anyway to fix it so that it will work with ubuntu?01:59
brokenFUNlocal drive, needs password to view, how do i disable?01:59
johnathonpoomonkey i gonna turn u over to blayde he seems more experienced than i am01:59
ubuntuohow do i enable "Desktop Effects" for ubuntu?02:00
danbhfiveMalik_: I think you have to resize your ubuntu partition to make room for the swap partition, then use the empty space to create the swap partition02:00
bazhangClayBB: reverse the install? not sure what you mean; as far as getting wireless going perhaps someone here will help out02:00
ManUndergroundHey I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 server on a T40, but I get the following error on start up PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel.02:00
ClayBBlike, if i don't like it, is there a way to uninstall it and use my windows XP again?02:01
mikeincognitohow i set emerald as default wm on kde?02:01
=== ubuntu is now known as memzy
mikeincognito[22:01] <ClayBB> like, if i don't like it, is there a way to uninstall it and use my windows XP again?..................of course02:01
bazhangClayBB: best to just use the livecd for a while and see if you do like it--an install is a serious procedure02:01
ClayBBi've tried using the live CD, and when i would restart with it in the drive, it wouldn't boot up with the ubuntu running..so i just did the install..02:02
ubuntuohow do i enable Desktop Effects for ubuntu?02:02
ubuntuo!info Desktop Effects02:02
ubotuPackage desktop does not exist in gutsy02:02
ManUndergroundanyone have any idea how to work around that problem or even what the problem would mean? PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel.02:02
nickrud!compiz | ubuntuo02:02
ubotuubuntuo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:02
Malik_danbhfive: did i tell u iam a computer noob...iam not at your level but r u a high enough level to understand that and level with me?02:02
bazhang!ccsm > ubuntuo02:02
ubuntuoi have compiz installed02:02
mikeincognito[22:01] <ClayBB> like, if i don't like it, is there a way to uninstall it and use my windows XP again?...........format the linux partition and reboot the pc...put a windows cd into your pc and select rescue mode and write (fixmbr) and (fixboot)02:03
j0My ubuntu server just crashed, and now it's "rebuilding" the software raid1... shouldn't i be able to access the data while it's rebooting?02:03
j0the drives appear to be zero'd out?!?!02:03
Malik_danbhfive: i really want to discover, examin, and explore linux02:03
danbhfiveMalik_: take a look at this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot02:03
ubuntuonickrud, bazhang: what about AWN?02:03
nickrudubuntuo: it's not in ubuntu, you'd have to install it from a 3d party repo02:04
danbhfiveMalik_: I understand what you are saying, but its very hard for me to help you, since I'm not sitting at your computer, one sec02:04
ubuntuook thanks nickrud. Is it easy to install?02:05
ClayBBwhat's the way to partition my hard drive so that i can have XP and Linux on there at the same time, and I can choose which to boot with?02:05
j0oh my.. i have 1 array setup, but linux has setup md0 and md1... md0 it's rebuilding (wth?) and md1 i can see my files02:05
Dr_willisClayBB,  thats how its normally done.02:05
Dr_willisClayBB,  windows on first partition, linux after that02:05
ClayBBso it should automatically do it?02:06
nickrudubuntuo: you would add the repo to your sources.list , and the just apt-get install it. Me, I don't use 3d party repos unless I know the provider very well02:06
ubuntuonickrud: I edited my "avdanced desktop effects" but i dont see any changes... is it enabled?02:06
Guest53663Some body speack portuguese here ? I needed help :(02:06
Dr_willisClayBB,  the installer can resize the windows partition and isntall linux in the free space02:06
danbhfiveMalik_: go to the section on resizing partitions, see if that helps02:06
nickrudubuntuo: did it accept the change? do the menus and windows have shadows?02:06
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:06
ubuntuono they don't I dont think it accepted the change02:07
ubuntuoi clicked the "box" to enable the effects.... but nothing happend02:07
Guest53663tks ;)02:07
ClayBBdr_willis:  so is that done automatically, or do i have to do that myself? because I don't think I was given an option of doing that02:07
nickrudubuntuo: what kind of video card do you have, precisely?   lspci | grep -i vga    in a terminal will tell you02:07
ubuntuonickrud: not sure, but i once had it installed 1 week ago02:08
ubuntuoand it was working02:08
ubuntuoi dont think i properly installed it. I got it from my Synaptic Package Manager.02:08
Dr_willisClayBB,  i always do it manually with a gparted live cd. Because i want to 'controll' it. Vista can resize ntfs partitions also if you have it.02:08
ubuntuoIt says its "Installed"02:08
nickrudubuntuo: gotta start somewhere, what video chip/card?02:08
StrangeletI am trying to setup my Belkin F5d9230-4 router to work with my default Comcast modem, but the CD only works with Windows and Mac. I attempted to run it with Wine, but came to no avail. Could anyone give me a hand?02:09
ubuntuoi think its a nvidia something.... from year 200002:09
nickrudubuntuo: I gave you a command that will say exactly ...02:09
ubuntuooh i didnt see it... let me read it again02:09
ubuntuonickrud:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2 MX200] (rev b2)02:10
ubuntuoits compatable, cause i had compiz running before02:10
limpOk i've been trying to fix this since 2 days now..... How do I setup GStreamer plugins? I installed ALSA modules correctly, trying all the methods i got for vostro 1500, but I still get no sound and no devices to choose from in sound admin panel.......02:10
nickrudubuntuo: system->admin->restricted manager , do you have the nvidia restricted driver enabled?02:11
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »02:11
ubuntuonickrud: yes it is enabled and in use02:11
nickrudubuntuo: but be forewarned, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about nvidia cards, I can only mention some obvious stuff02:11
nickrudubuntuo:  in a terminal,   glxinfo | grep direct  , does it say yes?02:12
ubuntuonickrud: direct rendering: Yes02:12
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:12
nickrudubuntuo: then ,   alt-f2  compiz --replace02:12
danbhfivedoes gparted work?02:13
ubuntuook nickrud: now what?02:13
ubuntuomy screen flashed a few times....02:13
alixthedarkdoes anyone know anything about open arena?02:13
danbhfivealixthedark: ive played it02:13
nickrudubuntuo: should have compiz running.   install compizconfig-settings-manager and have some fun02:14
alixthedarkhow do you add tiers to it02:14
[M]orpheusI can't find the menu bindkeys shortcuts, under System/Preferences, isnt there, why? How do I install it?02:14
ubuntuocan i get compizconfig-settings-manager from the package manager?02:14
nickrudubuntuo: yes.02:14
void^geforce2 needs Xgl for compiz02:14
ubuntuothanks a lot :)02:14
danbhfivealixthedark: dont even know what tiers are, I could never get it fully working.  only deathmatch worked for me02:15
nickrudvoid^: it does? Thanks.  ubuntuo  install  xserver-xgl  and log out and back in, along with installing the compizconfig-settings-manager02:15
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:15
alixthedarkthanks aniway dan02:15
Nin10dudeI'm having some boot-up trouble - it tells me that I need to run fsck manually, and when I try, it always tells me that my hard drive's location won't work - now, I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I've tried all the typical stuff (such as /dev/sda1/) - is there any way for me to find out exactly what it is?02:15
nickrudvoid^: thought only the ati's needed xserver-xgl.  Like I said earlier, I'm not really up on nvidia only reasonably good with ati02:16
ubuntuoyes compiz-config-settings-manager is already installed02:16
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:16
ubuntuoxserver is not installed yet nickrud02:16
void^nickrud: nvidia's legacy driver doesn't support aiglx02:16
danbhfiveNin10dude: did you try running it with no args at all?02:16
nickrudvoid^: guess I'll have to learn the numbers of the driver releases and read some notes :)02:16
ubuntuonickrud: do i need xserver for deskstop effects to work?02:16
LetsGo67Anyone can help me get direct rendering on an Intel GMA X3100 please?02:17
nickrudubuntuo: xserver-xgl yes. void^ 's been around the block02:17
alixthedarkcan someone help me with open arena?02:17
|chiz|Hey does anyone know of a fast cd burning tool?  The ones I've tried are sooooo slowww02:17
|chiz|I'm buring music cd's from mp3s02:17
Malik_can some1 help me out here02:17
limpYessss my sounds now works, finally my perfect installation =D02:17
Dr_willis|chiz|,   could be the burner is not being told to burn as fast as it can.02:17
ubuntuothanks for the help nickrud. Going to restart and see if it works02:17
Nozyhi guys02:17
Malik_can some1 help me out with the install of this?02:18
nickrudubuntuo: just log out and back in, no restart needed02:18
|chiz|Dr_willis: its not that its the preprocessing that is going on, the actual burn process is fine02:18
ubuntuobtw nickrud. This is offtopic, but what is your !uptime02:18
Dr_willis|chiz|,  how fast a system you got then?02:18
danbhfiveMalik_: are you there?  I got the partitioner started, I may be able to help you better02:18
nickrudubuntuo: a few hours02:18
ubuntuooh okay02:19
|chiz|Dr_willis: 1.7 Core Duo02:19
Malik_i hav to ask u sometin els02:19
Malik_i reastred the installtion02:19
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:19
nickrudubuntuo: let me know if it works fine, nearly dinner time here02:19
danbhfiveMalik_: can we talk in pm?02:19
Dr_willis|chiz|,  You may want to try some other apps.. but most all use the same backend tools to do the various conversions.02:19
|chiz|Dr_willis: Yeah that is what I'm thinking, I was just wondering if anyone has run into the same issue when burning music cds from mp3s02:20
[M]orpheusI can't find the menu bindkeys shortcuts, under System/Preferences, isnt there, why? How do I install it?02:20
LifeisfunnyI just thought I'd stop in and tell everybody I love my OS.  :)02:20
pvl1even after turning of the option to  remember what windows i had open in the sessions manager, ubuntu reloads the session at which i turned of the option02:22
melaniehey all02:22
latushey all.. wich is the best brand of video card for linux ?02:22
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:22
melanieso i have a machine that doesn't seem to like linux...02:22
melaniei'm getting errors with authentication failing when i try to run opera or firefox02:22
melanieand neither will open02:22
melanieis there a unified config section i need to blast or something?02:23
bazhangfor 3d stuff probably nvidia; for overall support intel; for headaches ati02:23
melaniei rm'd all the related firefox stuff because i wanted to do a fresh install, and i haven't been able to get it running since02:23
danbhfivemelanie: maybe you need to reinstall it02:23
LetsGo67http://pastebin.ca/871609 Scguy31802:24
scguy318LetsGo67: looking02:24
melaniedanbhfive, linux entirely?02:24
danbhfivemelanie: I was thinking of firefox02:24
y_o_uevening everyone. having an issue getting a belkin 7050 usb wireless card working with gutsy. mind having a go at http://rafb.net/p/c31FWJ81.html and sharing some wisdom on whats going on? appreciate it02:24
melaniedanbhfive, i have tried, it doesn't seem to work.  i've tried the repo's and the .tar.gz file from firefox's website02:24
soldatsapt-get reinstall firefox02:24
melaniesoldats, done that02:25
melaniei use aptitude02:25
melaniebut i've done that02:25
soldatsi use aptitude as well02:25
soldats most people here dont though02:25
scguy318LetsGo67: #02:25
scguy318(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)02:25
melanieaptitude is much better at cleaning stuff up02:25
melanieespecially when you use it to install02:25
scguy318bleh that fell into another line02:25
scguy318LetsGo67: lemme see about rectifying that issue02:26
danbhfivesoldats: its interesting, apt-get doesnt have reinstall, but aptitude does02:26
void^danbhfive: apt-get has install --reinstall02:26
von_Trosis readahead-list important to boot?02:26
LetsGo67ScGuy318, do I add a # in front of that line?  Thanks for your help so far, man.02:26
extractedI think I am having problems with the driver for my Graphics card02:26
danbhfivevoid^: ah, cool02:26
void^von_Tros: no02:26
limp!lamp | limp02:27
melanieso i did an aptitude reinstall firefox, and when i run firefox from the terminal it doesn't put anything out02:27
scguy318LetsGo67: that's a line from the log file that shows the issue02:27
melanieit just goes to the nextline, and firefox is nowhere02:27
extractedI cant get any applications that require a 3d accelerator to work just says i dont have the correct pixle shaders, but I have a ATI radion 9800 xt card02:27
RazzoRzhey folks!... trying to install Slimdoc, but is comeing up with a Dependency issue.. looking for libwnck18.. but libwnck22 is installed.. how can i fix this issue02:27
extractedand I dont think I have my drivers installed or configured correctly can some one help me02:27
scguy318LetsGo67: the little # is from the pastebin I thinkz02:27
bazhang!info slimdoc02:28
ubotuPackage slimdoc does not exist in gutsy02:28
LetsGo67scguy318, gotcha.02:28
RazzoRzTy for that , how can i get around this?02:28
scguy318LetsGo67: what does ls -l /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so say?02:28
scguy318should be a one-liner02:29
melaniethe only way i can get firefox or opera to run is if i run them as root02:29
tyronepcan I burn a cd from the live session?02:29
von_Trosvoid^, what does it do? I have problem with boot. Bootcharts show me readahead-list which have 75s :(02:29
Malik_can some1 help me wit the installtion of ubuntu version 702:29
melanietyronep, how many drives do you have?02:29
regeyamelanie what are the results of ls -l `which firefox`02:29
ThreeFingerPeteno, be cause you need a cd in02:29
danbhfivemelanie: hey there, that sounds like a permissions problem02:29
stunatraHow do I get Kubuntu installed WITHOUT Compiz?02:29
bazhangwith what cd drive tyronep?02:29
bazhangstunatra: just install02:29
danbhfivemelanie: sudo chown user:user ~02:29
ubuntuohey nickrud: it didnt work.....02:29
tyroneponly one cd drive02:30
Dr_willisstunatra,  kubuntu does not include compiz02:30
regeyastunatra: huh?  compiz is not a kubuntu requirement02:30
Dr_willisstunatra,  ubuntu does.02:30
void^von_Tros: readahead is supposed to load a number of files into the cache to speed things up later on02:30
melanieAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.02:30
melanie1 sec02:30
tyronepmelanie, only oone cd drive02:30
danbhfivemelanie: user should be your user, I think that command should work02:30
melanie0 /usr/bin/firefox02:30
CalvinHwhere would the best place to get nfs4 support from be?02:30
* regeya looks at his kubuntu install...nope, no compiz requirement02:30
melaniedanbhfive, i'll try that02:30
stunatraerrr I meant Ubuntu.02:30
melanietyronep, i don't think so02:30
RazzoRzis there a way to have Simdoc on gusty? or even a Stable Doc platform??02:30
LetsGo67scguy318: apparently don't have that file, could that be the problem?02:30
CK_Lwho know configure aticonfig ? i want set display monitor and tv .02:30
stunatraok thanks guys.02:30
tyronepbazhang, with the same one02:30
regeyaoh, heh, wow, ubuntu REQUIRES compiz now?02:30
von_Trosvoid^, do you have idea, where is a problem?02:30
bruenig!find /usr/bin/find02:31
scguy318regeya: no02:31
stunatraregeya, Compiz comes with Ubuntu by default now.02:31
ubotuFile /usr/bin/find found in findutils02:31
scguy318LetsGo67: that must be it, lemme see how to rectify02:31
bazhangtyronep: where will you put the livecd during this burn?02:31
melaniedanbhfive, it was a permissions issue... wth?!? i don't know.  thanks tho02:31
Malik_could some1 help me out?02:31
danbhfivemelanie: it just sets you as the owner to everything in your home directory, which is as it should be,   I think ls -al will show you if there are any problems02:31
scguy318bruenig: that finds a file in any package?02:31
upperdeckercan't get wusb11 v2.8 to work with 7.10.  seems to see the network but won't actually connect02:31
tyronepbazhang, that's what i am trying to figure out02:31
LetsGo67scguy318, thanks man.02:31
technogeniusanyone know anything about the ALC888 sound driver for linux?02:31
melanienow i can't write to my home directory?02:31
bruenigscguy318, supposed to02:31
melaniewhat should the permissions of ~ be?02:31
scguy318bruenig: cool02:31
bruenig!info apt-file | scguy318 this is what it is using02:32
ubotuscguy318 this is what it is using: apt-file (source: apt-file): APT package searching utility -- command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB02:32
danbhfivemelanie: you should own it02:32
testfireHey I know this isn't the #fluxbuntu channel but does anyone know how to setup a wireless card on fluxbuntu, my card is a NetGear WG511T. There isn't anyone around in the fluxbuntu channel so I'm asking here...02:32
bazhangtyronep: that was a rhetorical question; you might try using a pendrive to boot02:32
Dr_willismelanie,  check the permissions of /home/USERNAME  (with ls -l /home/username)02:32
melaniedanbhfive, no i mean like 777 0666 or what02:32
Dr_willisoops i mean ls -l /home02:32
melanieDr_willis, what should i see?02:32
void^von_Tros: i'm not too familiar with it.. you can use '/etc/init.d/readahead start' to reproduce it in the running system, perhaps take a glance at /etc/readahead/ ..02:32
Dr_willisdrwxr-xr-x 84 willis willis 4096 2008-01-24 07:26 willis02:32
scguy318bruenig: I see02:32
Dr_willisare mine.02:32
scguy318bruenig: thanks02:33
melaniedrwxr-xr-x 40 melanie melanie02:33
tyronephow can i eject a cd from the terminal?02:33
danbhfivemelanie: I dunno, it varies for me02:33
Dr_willisnot a permission isue there then it seems melanie02:33
geokeratztyronep, eject cdrom02:33
bazhangtyronep: then you will have no live session02:33
Dr_willismelanie,   see if the root user can make a file in /home/menanie02:33
melanieDr_willis, well when i chown'd my ~ firefox now runs w/o root privelges02:33
von_Trosvoid^, thx02:33
melanienow it's asking me to create a profile, and when it tries it says i don't have permissions02:34
melaniei'm wondering what i need to chmod my ~ to02:34
geokeratztyronep, is it working?02:34
scguy318LetsGo67: sudo aptitude install libgl1-mesa-dri02:34
johnathonhey what would u guys recomend for antivirus on ubuntu?02:34
Dr_willismelanie,  somthingdid not make since there. :)  firefox shouldent be running  as root anyway.. and your ownership is proper.02:34
tyronepYes it is!!02:34
danbhfivemelanie: that was the wrong command, im sorry02:34
scguy318!antivirus | johnathon02:34
ubotujohnathon: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus02:34
danbhfivemelanie: ls -al .mozilla/ try that02:34
melanieDr_willis, i know it shouldn't, but that was the only way it would run until i chown'd my dir02:34
geokeratztyronep, then.... eject -t cdrom (for closing it)02:34
Dr_willismelanie,  if you chowned stuff IN ~ thats the same as chowning stuff in  your home dir. NOT the /home/username dir02:34
LetsGo67scguy318, how do you figure all of that out?  ;)02:34
scguy318LetsGo67: google and the apt-file tool that bruenig pointed me to02:35
Dr_williswell the perms of that dir i mean. :)02:35
melaniei'm confused02:35
melaniei just want firefox to work02:35
johnathonthanx scguy31802:35
pooriahi I don't have chroot  - becuase I can't run chroot command what I have to do ?02:35
Dr_willis~ is just an alias to /home/whatever02:35
melanieDr_willis, i know that02:35
Dr_willismelanie,  you may have some goofed up files in .mozilla  try renaming that dir.02:35
LetsGo67Bruenig, as in the guy who told me to sudo rm -r * ?02:35
bruenigLetsGo67, probably02:36
danbhfivemelanie: the command I gave you just chowned the /home directory,  I meant to chown everything in it too,  I forgot a -R02:36
melanieDr_willis, i rm'd that dir02:36
Dr_willismelanie,  as a test you could make a new user - see if firefox works for them02:36
LetsGo67Do I need to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?02:36
bruenigLetsGo67, I still read that chat log from time to time when I need something to make me laugh02:36
melanieDr_willis, i can guarantee it will02:36
tyronepi got my live cd out but when i inserted the other cd it is not mounted is there anything i can do02:36
mauroserver irc.freenode.org02:36
scguy318mauro: freenode.net :P02:36
tyronepi tried mount /dev/cdrom and i got  mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:37
melanietyronep, don't eject the livecd while in the live environment.  now nothing will work02:37
LetsGo67Bruenig, do consider that I could have been using this on a machine with productivity (work) files with no backup on a CD or USB... the prank can go bad.02:37
bruenigLetsGo67, I'm sorry the scenario you just suggested seems only to make it funnier02:37
LetsGo67Take it a blessing that the computer had no files on it, Bruenig.02:37
bazhangtyronep: what you are trying to do is likely impossible02:37
scguy318LetsGo67: have you done ze install command?02:37
fastfingerWhat was that app to convert hex to decimal and vice versa, it started with x :X02:37
bruenigfastfinger, you can do it with printf02:38
LetsGo67scguy318, yes.  Do I need to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?02:38
bruenigI think02:38
scguy318LetsGo67: did it complete successfully? yes02:38
fastfingerbruenig: it's command line thingy02:38
melanieok so now i get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when i run firefox.  it gives me a window that asks if i want to start a new session or restore an old session.  either option throws that error.02:38
fastfingerwhich i liked.. but now i can't remember02:38
bruenigfastfinger, yeah printf is a command in coreutils02:38
Carbonfluxwhat does the User Folders Update deamon do ?02:38
bruenigit works like the printf in c02:38
=== Jinxed- is now known as jo2
mEck0Hi! I'm in the install process of ubuntu right now (at the partitioner) and wonder if I should create a partition for /boot? and whats the benefit of it if so?02:38
LetsGo67scguy318 and bruenig, thanks for your help so far, ttyl while I ctrl+alt+backspace.02:39
fastfingerbut still... would be good to reemmber that old one02:39
melaniemEck0, i just make a separate partition for /home02:39
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
Cpudan80When I login to ubuntu, it says "you have new mail"02:39
Cpudan80How do I check it?02:39
melaniemEck0, you can make a separate partition for everything... but it gets confusing.  people do it so they can easily backup their system02:39
Dr_willismelanie,  interesting. and if you remove the .mozilla dir. and then run firefox it still crashes eh?02:39
bruenigCpudan80, does it?02:39
melanieCpudan80, /var/mail02:39
melaniei think02:39
geokeratzmEck0, better speed , more insurance . but i don't have 2 partitions :)02:39
melanieDr_willis, ok so i removed the .mozilla directory from my home directory02:40
scguy318Cpudan80: type mail, gives you simple mail thingy02:40
melanieand now firefox doesn't run at all.  it just goes to the next line in the terminal, nothing02:40
mEck0melanie, geokeratz: okay02:40
Cpudan80I read it02:40
danbhfivemelanie: I removed my .mozilla folder, and firefox runs fine, so I think its not the folder that is the problem02:40
Cpudan80It was some stupid cron job that ran02:40
melaniedanbhfive, ok... so what should i try now02:41
void^melanie: make sure there aren't any dead firefox processes lingering on02:41
melaniebecause i can still run firefox as root just fine02:41
danbhfivemelanie: well, honestly, as a non-expert myself, and seeing as you have a separate /home partition, I would reinstall ubuntu02:41
melanievoid^, there isn't... i did a sudo killall *firefox* no processes killed02:41
bazhangwhy run firefox as root?02:42
melaniefark... danbhfive but my /home partition seems to be the problem02:42
melaniebazhang, because it won't run as a normal user02:42
scguy318LetsGo67: welcome back02:42
melaniei'm just saying that's the ONLY way i can get firefox to run, is as root.02:42
bazhangthat would be worrying02:42
LetsGo67Scguy318, thank you, and thanks, StepMania 4 runs!02:42
melanietell me about it02:42
danbhfivemelanie: how can you tell?  I wouldn't think it would cause you this much trouble02:42
melanieit's driving me nuts02:42
melaniedanbhfive, how can i tell what?02:42
scguy318LetsGo67: have fun02:43
scguy318LetsGo67: I'm going to go have fun now :P02:43
danbhfivemelanie: how can you tell that its your /home thats the problem?02:43
LetsGo67Scguy318, Direct Rendering: Yes.  Thanks man!  Thanks Bruenig!02:43
melaniedanbhfive, i'm assuming since i can run firefox as root02:43
melaniebut not as a normal user02:43
* bruenig tries to remember what he did02:43
melanieand when you had me chown -R that ~ directory it *tried* to start.  it asked me to create a profile, then said it didn't have write permissions02:43
danbhfivemelanie: I think a better way to test that would be to create a new user, login, and see if you can start firefox there02:44
melaniedanbhfive, i'll do that, but i can almost guarantee it'll work... so what's the next step if that does work?02:44
danbhfivemelanie: well, it would show that you are right, that it is a problem with your /home directory, i think02:45
achilleshi, im currently installing ubuntu 7.10 what do i have to donwload to enable playback of commercial dvds? thanks02:45
melaniedanbhfive, but what would be the next step if that's the case02:45
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:46
danbhfivemelanie: I would compare our permissions of the .mozilla directory02:46
melanieso this is bad02:46
melaniei chmodd'd ~ to 77702:46
melanieand firefox runs no problem02:46
CalvinHhas anyone here got experience with nfs?02:46
johnathoni need help i installed adobe flash for firefox and now whenever i go to log into something online it shuts down firefox what do i do?02:46
melaniewhat should i chmod ~ to?02:47
jribmelanie: recursively?02:47
danbhfive766 i think02:47
melaniejrib, it'd be nice02:47
danbhfive755 rather02:47
jribmelanie: no, I am asking if you did your chmod recursively02:48
danbhfivenot recursive02:48
arfonzohi, where's the ubuntu sparc channel? doesn't seem to be on the wiki02:48
melanieoh yes i did it with -R02:48
jribmelanie: well, that's bad02:48
melanieno crap it's bad02:48
dehspehlshouldn't homedir be 760 or something?02:48
melaniebut now firefox is working02:48
jribit's basically irreversible02:48
danbhfivemelanie: why not just set it as 700 and be done with it  :)02:49
dehspehlwait, how is it irreversible?02:49
achillesi like ubuntu:)02:49
dehspehlchmod should never be irreversible because it only changes flags not data02:49
melaniefirefox is working02:49
melaniei don't care about the permissions of /home02:50
jribdehspehl: because if I change every letter in this sentence to 'x' and then send it to you, you would not be able to figure out what the original sentence said02:50
danbhfivedehspehl: because the permissions vary, and chmod does not remember what it was02:50
bazhangachilles: as do we all (mostly) :}02:50
dehspehlmelter: you care that you have 7 at least, or can run into some painful problems02:50
bruenigchmod is not reversed, you simply chmod it again02:50
dehspehldanbhfive: oh, right.. but most times you don't have different permissions inside home (I believe)02:50
Carbonfluxdoes anyone know if I need to run avahi ?02:51
achillesubuntu is awesome:)02:51
mneptokespecially on a cracker02:51
mneptokor toast02:51
freeholeyhey everyone02:51
achillesyeah and with some worm milk:P02:52
jribeww, worm milk02:52
scguy318Carbonflux: probably not, unless you're doing zeroconf networking02:52
Carbonfluxah, I have all static IPs02:53
Carbonfluxso I guess I don't need it02:53
Dr_willisIts hard to train the worms to hold still - to get milked.02:53
TacoHi guys02:53
Carbonfluxthanks scguy31802:53
notyethello, everybody here02:54
notyetjsbot: time02:54
notyetwhat's the time02:54
=== notyet is now known as notyeta
achillesubuntu time02:55
johnathonwell the time in NY is 9:5502:55
TacoSame in Orlando02:55
Dr_willisegad its 9:55 here! its a time warp!02:55
notyeta9:55 AM?02:55
bazhang@time beijing02:55
notyetahere 10:55AM02:56
CarbonfluxI noticed that one of my Ubuntu machines is connecting to europorium.canonical.com every few mins, I have my updates set to daily but it seems to connect with it way to often, has anyone else seen this ?02:56
TacoI have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Would this be a good place to ask>02:56
achilleswhen is ubuntu 8 coming out?02:56
scguy318achilles: April '0802:56
achillesok thanks:)02:56
jribTaco: about ubuntu, yes, just ask02:56
notyetatwo monthes later02:56
bazhangapril 2x achilles02:57
TacoI'm working on installing LIRC02:57
TacoI'm trying to follow these directions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1066502:57
bruenigscguy318, will you try to install this for me, I have to package this program for some people who use ubuntu but I don't use it or debian and so I don't know if the deb actually works: http://users.zenwalk.org/user-accounts/matthew/extemp/extemp-0.1.0.deb02:57
johnathonhey seen how the adobe flash installer is broke i have to reinstall adobe when they get it fixed to fix mine?02:57
Tacouname -r returns02:58
scguy318bruenig: sure02:58
achilleswhat apps do you guys recommend for someone who just installed ubuntu 7.10?02:58
bruenigwhat is sad is that packaging without dpkg is about as easy as packaging with it02:58
bazhangfrozen bubble achilles02:59
progrockachilles:  thunderbird02:59
Taco$ sudo apt-get source kernel-source-2.6.22-14-generic02:59
scguy318bruenig: complains about corruption or w/e03:00
Tacoreturns E: Unable to find a source package for kernel-source-2.6.22-14-generic03:00
johnathonhow do i unistall adobe flash?03:00
scguy318bruenig: dpkg-deb: file `extemp-0.1.0.deb' is not a debian binary archive (try dpkg-split?)03:00
scguy318bruenig: maybe I screwed up somehow, but I just wgetted the URL you gave me03:00
bruenigscguy318, no you didn't screw up, let me see what the deal is03:00
TacoJohn, click applications, Add/Remove03:01
TacoSearch for flash03:01
TacoUncheck and apply03:01
Tacoenter PW and your good03:01
pvl1ubuntu keeps loading these reccurent windows when i log back in, and i turned of remember session03:01
tumbleweed__has anyone packaged latencytop for ubuntu yet?03:02
johnathonTaco does it matter that im using breezy?03:02
dehspehlpvl1: I believe you have to remember session logout cleanly with what you want in startup then turn it off03:02
achillesis it possible to use google earth offline?03:02
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TacoJohn, it shouldn't matter, uninstalling should be the same03:02
bazhangif you cache it yes achilles03:02
pvl1dehspehl, that might be it, i shoudl try that, brb03:02
progrockis there a way to have compiz-fusion in gutsy remember window placement?03:03
achillesbazhang how do i do that?03:03
dehspehlprogrock: It would be a compiz-fusion option in Compiz-config settings manager03:03
regeyaprogrock: none that'll stick, last I knew...heck, good luck getting compiz-fusion to remember that you want the window-sizing plugin enabled.03:03
bazhangachilles: just make a tour of places you want to check out--google earth should do the cache itself03:04
johnathontaco when i search for it doesnt find it03:04
achillesoh lol thanks03:04
dehspehlprogrock: At least I remember being able to do that when I used compiz03:04
progrockhmm...ok - i never really got it to remember when I used beryl, I don't know why I expect a different result now03:04
bazhangbreezy is 5.04?03:04
TacoPMed John03:04
scguy318bazhang: think so03:04
p1Hi - can anyone recommend a terminal emulator that has live wrapping of output, or allows string search on the output?03:04
achillesis it possible to use kate in gnome?03:04
bazhangwow is that still supported?03:05
scguy318achilles: yes03:05
scguy318bazhang: no03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pmed - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:05
bazhangsure achilles03:05
dehspehlif you are running 5.04 it's better to just get new ISO and reinstall, saving your home and such03:05
bazhangthanks scguy318!03:05
johnathontaco is PMed a command03:05
ThreeFingerPeteis there such a thing as a ram disk in ubuntu?03:05
scguy318ThreeFingerPete: yes03:05
bazhangjohnathon: your breezy is no longer supported03:05
ThreeFingerPetei am considering getting a i-ram and installing on that.03:05
scguy318ThreeFingerPete: ramfs03:05
Taco..no I opened a message, should be a seperage box or on the left, depends on your client03:06
ThreeFingerPetethen have my /home on a regular disk03:06
TacoYou should see my name somewhere03:06
johnathonbazhang ik03:06
pammi22hi how ru guys i nwe to this group03:06
achillesthanks for everones help:)03:06
ThreeFingerPete<scguy318>: thanks03:06
dehspehlThreeFingerPete: you don't really install things to a ram disk03:06
burneranyone around who knows how to find a username and password that nautilus stored for me?03:06
ThreeFingerPetedehspehl: you can on thge i-ram pci card03:06
dehspehlThreeFingerPete: ahh, it's constantly powered?03:07
MrSmurfingjoin #cisco03:07
jhend60whats the command to run a module03:07
TacoShould be named: Macromedia Flash plugin03:07
ThreeFingerPete<dehspehl>: yes it is. it draws from PCI or sata and has a 16 hour battery for power failure03:08
dehspehlThreeFingerPete: Hehe, would probably just be better to put swap on it03:08
johnathonTaco it still says no result found03:08
dehspehlThreeFingerPete: well, if you actually need swap, not sure03:08
bruenigscguy318, try again: http://users.zenwalk.org/user-accounts/matthew/extemp/extemp-0.1.0.deb03:08
TacoThen I am out of ideas... Sorry03:09
johnathonit k03:09
cybermadSorry to cross posting: openoffice.org and ubuntu, i just want to know if someone on ubuntu have same problem like i am..03:09
cybermadI have very big problem with openoffice.org (use 2.2 and 2.3) on Feisty & Gutsy, i don't know the problem is specific to openoffice.org or ubuntu, so i have file/document server use Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, then i mount the shared folder with this command on /etc/fstab: // /mnt/Tour cifs username=operation02,password=123456,auto,users,uid=mike,gid=users,file_mode=0644 0 0. Ok, the problem is when there is document on server *.odt,03:09
cybermadwhich is i use SAMBA - cifs) or Windows 2003 Server problem. But user on XP or Windows 2000 Pro and ofcourse use OpenOffice.org not complain about that problem. FYI: I tested with OO.org Calc on ubuntu, then save it to XLS (Microsoft Excel format) and it's fine.. so the only problem is OO.org Writer on Ubuntu03:09
Carbonfluxdo I need to run Tracker if I am not going to be using beagle ?03:10
ThreeFingerPete<dehspehl>: i dont think i do! i've never touched swap! not even in windows xp03:10
dehspehlcybermad: is /mnt/Tour really mounted? the syntax looks odd03:10
cybermadso my tick is save from odt to doc first on ubuntu (example: Desktop), then copy it to windows shared folder03:10
jhend60so how do i execute a module03:10
Starnestommyjhend60: a kernel module?03:11
cybermadand it works... the problem is if i did on fly save odt -> doc to windows shared folder03:11
IndyGunFreakThreeFingerPete: i'm guessing most people with even a remotely modern PC, don't need swap, but the installer whines and crys if you don't set one.03:11
scguy318Carbonflux: no03:11
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Carbonfluxthanks again scguy318 :)03:11
scguy318Carbonflux: no problem03:12
pammi22is any1 interested to chat with me03:12
erik__Hello- anybody want to help a newbie get kismet working?03:12
dehspehlcybermad: type mount, is /mnt/Tour in the list03:12
cybermadso the basic, converting odt to doc is fine... just problem if i save it to windows shared folder, or like i said before.. i save it first at my ubuntu, then copy it to windows shared folder03:12
bruenigerik__, the trick is editing the conf file03:12
IndyGunFreak!anybody | erik__03:12
ubotuerik__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:12
pammi22hi ubuntu03:12
cybermaddehspehl 1st.. thanks for help.. i will follow your guide / help03:12
soldats!hi > pammi2203:12
jhend60the module 'menu'03:12
jhend60do i need specific syntax03:13
pammi22how ru03:13
pammi22hi soldats03:13
bruenigscguy318, did you try it again?03:13
soldatshi :P03:13
pammi22how ru03:13
dehspehlcybermad: It is in fact on the list? then it's probably OO.o problem03:13
scguy318bruenig: link again, I probably missed03:13
CalvinHwhenever i try mounting an nfs4 share I get the error "no such device". I've gone through all the docs/faqs and setup guides i can find03:13
erik__bruenig, ubotu, Sorry. I got it. So- In the conf file- I set the source to my wifi driver- wha is the interface, name and etc, that I need to input?03:13
CalvinHanyone else seen this problem?03:14
bruenigscguy318, http://users.zenwalk.org/user-accounts/matthew/extemp/extemp-0.1.0.deb03:14
TacoGoing to release my problem this time hopefully closer together so someone can follow ;)03:14
pammi22hey i right joined this group03:14
bruenigerik__, do "iwconfig" and paste the output03:14
bruenig!paste | erik__03:14
ubotuerik__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:14
TacoI'm working on installing LIRC03:14
dehspehlcybermad: yes or no question03:14
TacoI'm trying to follow these directions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30612&highlight=lirc03:14
pammi22what do u do03:15
Tacouname -r returns03:15
bazhangpammi22: wrong channel03:15
scguy318bruenig: still the same03:15
IndyGunFreak!enter | Taco03:15
ubotuTaco: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:15
bruenigscguy318, hmm ok03:15
pammi22ru there03:15
scguy318bruenig: feel free to PM to get my attention03:15
bazhang!ot | pammi2203:15
ubotupammi22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:15
erik__bruenig, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53410/03:16
erik__ubotu, thanks!03:16
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:16
bruenigerik__, the interface is eth103:16
pammi22what is ubuntu03:16
TacoProblem is copy and paste hits a carnage return, let me write it in writer and try once more time03:16
pammi22is this ur name03:17
burneranyoen know why seahorse doesn't show all the user/pass that nautilus knows?03:17
sendero /msg ubotu flash03:17
bazhangpammi22: please stop03:17
bruenigbazhang, it is clearly a bot03:17
bruenigthe ops should probably take care of it if anyone cares enough to tell them03:17
pulicotihello everyone I am having problems with the workarea selector in the toolbar.03:17
pulicotiWhen i try to select any area out of the first, the toolbars disappear in all 4 desktops of the cube and then i have to switch off the computer drastically03:17
bazhangbruenig: ah so03:18
cybermaddehspehl this what i got on mount: // on /mnt/Tour type cifs (rw,mand,noexec,nosuid,nodev)03:18
User-160hello world ! hehehehe03:18
pammi22ru american or spanish03:18
pulicotican someone give me an idea?03:18
pammi22what idea03:18
burner!ops | pammi2203:18
ubotupammi22: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!03:18
pulicotiabout that issue03:18
cybermaddehspehl are you there?03:18
dehspehlcybermad: okay, are you running OO.o as the same user as just copying?03:18
bazhangbye pammi2203:18
pulicotihow to fix it somehow03:18
pammi22u all r crazy03:18
pammi22ok bye03:19
dehspehlcybermad: and have you done the copy with command line 'cp'?03:19
erik__bruenig, thanks! I kinda saw that.. wouldnt have figured it out though. Thanks! *Inserts* However, when I run kismet, it doesnt work. I get this.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53411/   What am I overlooking?03:19
cybermadyes, i run as same user03:19
bruenigerik__, sudo kismet03:19
cybermaddehspehl what do you mean copying file?03:19
pulicotihaving problem with the workarea selector03:20
bruenigman the ops are on top of it tonight03:20
dehspehlcybermad: how do you get the file from local to remote?03:20
brueniglook at how all 234 of them spring into action03:20
cybermadthe problem is when i save the odt document to doc on the fly03:20
void^Taco: isn't linux-headers-generic enough to compile those modules?03:20
erik__bruenig, It didnt work before but that figures. Thank you very much for pointing things out to me! It works! Good day!03:20
dehspehlcybermad: what happens when you save odt to doc in somewhere like home?03:20
cybermaddehspehl i open icon like harddrive on desktop03:20
cybermaddehspehl if i save the odt to doc in ubuntu environment, then it's ok.. nothing corrupt03:21
naliothpammi22: this channel is for support.  if you want a date, join #ubuntu-offtopic please03:21
cybermadthe problem is if i did it on the fly03:21
dehspehlcybermad: error or "not on the server"?03:21
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arkarai dont think u will have a problem03:21
cybermadi test it on OO Calc.. no problem, just OO writer cause that problem03:21
void^Taco: i suggest you use a newer guide - with kernel related things a 2+ years old howto probably won't help too much. it also links to an old lirc version.03:21
dehspehlcybermad: very, very odd03:21
cybermaddehspehl have you test it.. i test it on about 6 computers here03:22
pulicotican someone help me please?03:22
dehspehlcybermad: honestly I don't have anything to test it -with-03:22
cybermadsome use ubuntu Gutsy and Feisty, with OO 2.2 and 2.303:22
cybermadall same! :(03:22
crwlrokay, i have emerald as my theme manager.  how do i go back to the default one?03:22
p1Hi - is there any terminal emulator that live-wraps output, or allows string search on the output?03:22
dehspehlcybermad: I'd have to buy a windows professional license or something crazy like that to match your environment03:22
cybermadi worry about ubuntu it self, openoffice.org writer, or connection to windows 2003 server03:23
dehspehlp1: string search is done via grep and piping usually03:23
dehspehlp1: i.e. $ ls | grep html03:24
TacoI just finished up putting together everything I said. Thanks void^ for responding. Let me just put it into conversation while I take another look for some information03:24
TacoI am working on installing LIRC. I'm trying to follow these directions: “http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30612&highlight=lirc”. First real step is to run “uname -r” to get your kernel version. It returns “2.6.22-14-generic”. Next step is to insert your version number in this expression, which I beleve I did, “$ sudo apt-get source kernel-source-2.6.22-14-generic”. After prompting for the password it returns “E: Unable03:24
Taco to find a source package for kernel-source-2.6.22-14-generic”. Any ideas on how to move forward?03:24
bcardarellaMy laptop has a camera built into the top of the screen... are there any guides on how to access this device? (I'm not even certain who made it)03:24
dehspehlcybermad: well connection is ruled out, I have yet to have a problem with KIO shared folders03:24
cybermadi will not migrate my ubuntu to windows... never03:24
cybermadi thinking to move windows 2003 server data to samba03:24
cybermadwhat do you think?03:24
dehspehlcybermad: don't, unless you actually know unix03:24
p1dehspehl: Yes, but in the general case, the output that is already printed has to be copied and pasted to a file, then grepped.  That's inconvenient03:24
cybermaddo you have mount to windows 2003 shared folder from ubuntu?03:25
pulicoticrwl to go back just sistem preferences appearance theme and select human03:25
dehspehlp1: oh you are trying to string search with interactive programs?03:25
cybermadmay you share your command on /etc/fstab about how to connect to windows 2003 server03:25
void^Taco: if you insist on going that way, the source package is named linux-source-2.6.2203:25
rupestrealguien habla español??03:25
cybermadmine: // /mnt/Tour cifs username=operation02,password=123456,auto,users,uid=mike,gid=users,file_mode=0644 0 003:25
ThreeFingerPeteGreat nested operating systems batman! I ran xp in ubuntu and ubuntu in that off live CD...03:26
dsnydersbcardarella, I won't be able to help, but if you tell us what kind of laptop, you might some assistance03:26
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:26
senderohay canal ubuntu es rupestre03:26
Toaster`bcardarella: do a lsusb and lspci to see which bus it's using.03:26
f1sh3ris there anyway to videochat with someone on a mac?03:26
pulicotido someone have an idea how to fix issues i am having with the workarea selector tool?03:26
cybermadi just want to test other method connection to windows 2003 server shared folder from ubuntu03:26
cybermadjust guessing maybe that cause the problem03:26
pvl1whats glimp?03:26
p1dehspehl: I want to search for some string throught all the that is already printed to the terminal, after some commands have been executed.03:26
TacoVoid, If there is an easier way, I'm up for it. This was the first thing I found03:27
dehspehlp1: ah yes you will want to use a MODERN version of tintin++03:27
p1dehspehl: all the text*03:27
rupestrei need help for installing the compiz fusion03:27
pvl1dehspehl, worked thanks03:27
dehspehlp1: one with the #run command, it's a MUD client but can run any app including bash03:27
dsnydersdehspehl,  pipe your text through grep.  eg ls|grep -i bob03:27
protcrontwhat is the difference between solid state hard-drive and normal one?03:27
dehspehldsnyders: already suggested that to p103:27
TacoThanks for the heads up that I am looking at old docs!03:27
bazhangno moving parts protcront but offtopic here03:28
erpoI need to burn a video to a dvd so that I can play it on a dvd player. How can I do this?03:28
pulicotirupestre system administration synaptics type into search compiz and select to install03:28
dsnydersdehspehl, oops.  Sorry.  Coffee wearing off.03:28
NoGoodNickDoes any know, or better, have the broadcom wireless driver for hp pavilion dv9610us laptop, so that I can use it with ndiswrapper?03:28
p1dehspehl: thanks, I'll check it out03:28
cybermadi'm going crazy with this problem...03:28
p1protcront: solid state drive has no moving parts, for example a flash drive03:29
cybermadall people on office push me to fix this problem as soon as possible03:29
pulicotisome genius here to help me please?03:29
dehspehldsnyders: it's grepping through ALL printed data not one specific command03:29
dehspehlp1: it's nice you can trigger certain events to cause other things to happen, because it was made for games03:30
pulicotimay i ask an help please?03:30
AzMooHey, is there a package for the python zlib module?03:31
DaRKaiSeRI installed the recomended packages and when I restarted, ubuntu does not find the hard drives and partitions that are in NTFS please help¡¡¡03:31
senderopulicoti,  just ask03:31
pulicotiI am having problems with the workarea selector in the toolbar.03:31
pulicotiWhen i try to select any area out of the first, the toolbars disappear in all 4 desktops of the cube and then i have to switch off the computer drastically03:31
dsnyderspulicoti, just ask your question and then be patient03:31
anaboleh kena ga03:31
regulateAzMoo: apt-cache search --names-only zlib | grep python03:31
jribAzMoo: zlib is in python's standard library03:31
pulicotiubuntu 7.10 gutsy03:31
pulicoti32 bit03:31
regulatei give general tips03:31
DaRKaiSeRyes ubuntu 7.10 32 bits03:32
rupestrei already install the paquets but the sistem does not recognize my viedo tarjet03:32
AzMoojrib: Oh right. I was reading the ReportLab User Guide and it was saying I need to install it.03:32
AzMoojrib: ta.03:32
dehspehlp1: you could even try it as your default shell but make sure you have root available in case something bad happens (i.e. it doesn't want to run as a shell, and locks you out)03:32
pulicotii have temporarly fixed the issue removing the tool from the bar03:32
dsnyderspulicoti, do the desktop icons remain?03:33
pulicotijust the background03:33
pulicotii dont use icons on desk03:33
bod_hey guys,. i have a few files i downloaded from youtube,. there .flv files,. but the default application for opening them is set to mozilla,. if i want to actually play the files i have to right click on them and select 'movie player' ,.,. how do i set the default application for .flv files?03:33
pulicotii get the background only on any face of the cube03:33
dsnyderspulicoti, face of the cube?03:34
pulicotijust clicking for ex in the area 203:34
p1dehspehl: is it not too big/slow for use as a terminal client?  I'll try it...03:34
pulicotiyes i mean the 4 areas03:34
pulicotigr workareas03:34
DaRKaiSeRcan you help me?03:34
p1dehspehl: I've missed string search for so long! Why isn't it implemented in xterm ages ago?? <sigh>03:35
ScoutCan anyone help me with my soundcard???03:35
pulicotithats annoying truly03:35
dehspehlp1: because tt++ is NOT a terminal03:35
dsnyderspulicoti, oh.  OK.  I thought you had some nifty spinning cube desktop thingy there.03:35
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:35
dehspehlp1: or a terminal emulator for that matter, it's an app that runs in a terminal.03:35
Amaranthbod_: In the right click menu choose Properties and go to the Open With tab03:35
NoGoodNickDoes any know, or better, have the broadcom wireless driver for hp pavilion dv9610us laptop, so that I can use it with ndiswrapper?03:35
pulicotii am using the rotating cube yes03:35
DaRKaiSeRmy ubuntu  7.10 does not recognize the NTFS after the last update what I can do?03:36
pvl1i had tremulous and a few other things working fine (well deffinetly could be better if not for my old... everything) but now i keep get glimp errors with opengl anytime i try to run a game03:36
pvl1i dont know what happend03:36
dehspehlp1: you may also be interested in screen, which lets you have "tabs" in any terminal. though no greppage iirc03:36
p1dehspehl: well I guess I can do the same with emacs... but that's just too slow and big. I want to be able to open a shell window in a second03:36
ScoutWhen i run alsamixer "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" is returned. Can anyone help me??03:36
bod_Amaranth, ty my friend,. uve saved alot of headaches03:36
pulicotiis just annoying03:37
dsnyderspulicoti, Well, first of all, you should be able to do <ctrl><alt><f1> to get to a text screen so that you can shut down gracefully.03:37
bod_!ntfs3g | DaRKaiSeR03:37
ubotuDaRKaiSeR: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:37
dehspehlp1: I don't think emacs is that big unless you are running the X one03:37
jribp1: or use screen03:38
dsnyderspulicoti, <ctrl><alt><f7> will bring you back to the desktop.03:38
dehspehlp1: but I tend to like the "does just what you need" when it comes to CLI apps.03:38
pulicotiok but why the bars disappear?03:38
Messedrockerah, how did i know ubuntu would have an IRC channel on Freenode03:38
p1dehspehl: but emacs is slow to start.03:38
dehspehljrib: yeah, I suggested screen. that still doesn't do scrollback grep iirc03:38
dsnyderspulicoti, Not sure why your toolbars are going bye-bye.03:38
pulicotinor me lol03:38
p1dehspehl: I agree.  But none of the regular terminals do what I need :-/03:38
Messedrockerapproximately how much less processor does ubuntu use compared to windows vista?03:38
Ashfire908Messedrocker, cause it's one of the largest channels?03:39
jribdehspehl: it does in copy if I understand correctly what p1 wants03:39
dehspehlp1: yeah, which is why I didn't suggest it03:39
pulicotii am here just to know something better03:39
* Messedrocker is asking for a quantitative assessment03:39
bazhangMessedrocker: loads03:39
dehspehljrib: being able to grep anything in the scrollback buffer? sounds neat03:39
wyclifhi all!03:39
TaintedT1xMessedroc: tons03:39
rupestrecan please someone help me to install compiz fusion on my hp dv2000???03:39
nickrudMessedrocker: it uses the same amount on the same load03:39
browndruidhello from m too!03:39
p1jrib: I'll try it out03:39
Ashfire908Messedrocker, depends.03:40
pulicotishould be something to fix it somehow03:40
regulatebob_: kde or gnome03:40
dsnyderspulicoti, <ctrl><alt><left> and <ctrl><alt><right> should move you from workspace to workspace03:40
Messedrockeri have two spare computers and i plan on running distributed computing projects on them. will i get a better performance if Ubuntu is the OS, as opposed to Windows Vista?03:40
TaintedT1xrupestre: I believe you can just sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion, if your video card supports it03:40
pulicotiyes ok i know those commands03:40
browndruidMessedrocker, Ubuntu is pretty much better in every way.03:40
pulicotialso the mouse wheel03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about performance - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:41
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:41
TaintedT1xMessedroc: Far better03:41
dsnyderspulicoti, Is it possible that your desktop is bigger than your screen?03:41
pulicotior pressing the wheel andd left click moving the mouse03:41
Ashfire908Messedrocker, you should get higher performance with ubuntu for anything really03:41
dehspehljrib: what's "copy" mode in screen?03:41
rupestremy video card is a mobile intel 96503:41
Ashfire908Messedrocker, especially for file stuff.03:41
rupestrei need some driver??03:41
p1Messedrocker: Vista is very slow compared to anything else03:41
browndruidBig, clunky OS that looks like glass. So what?03:41
Ashfire908yo yo :P03:41
pulicotiit happens whenever i try to change workaqrea thorigh the workarea selector ito the tool bar03:41
yoyo :p03:42
pulicotithe other ways work fine03:42
jribdehspehl, p1: ctrl-a [   to enter copy mode, then you can use / and ? to search as in vi or ctrl-r to do emacs reverse incremental search (same thing your shell does on ctrl-r I guess)03:42
dehspehljrib: ahh, I see03:42
TaintedT1xrupestre: Possibly, some googling should find out if you are supported easily, but I think compiz fusion is installed by default on Gutsy if your card supports it...I might be wrong though03:42
nickrudrupestre: compiz is disabled for the 965, see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist03:42
KasukoCan someone help me install jre1.4 on Ubuntu my school's website needs it for uploading assignments03:42
p1jrib: will try it!03:42
dehspehlp1: yeah now you don't have to mess with getting unsupported packages03:43
dsnyderspulicoti, I seem to remember something about being able to customize the workspaces.03:43
srbakeri need to change the launch keybinding for Gnome-Do03:43
srbakeri'm in gconf-editor, what'st he string that means Ctrl-Tab?03:43
yowhen I turned on the computer says "No serving hosts were found" I only have the cancel choice, it will reboot to the same window... help!!!03:43
psyberhello, does anyone know where i can find what devices are supported by the restricted nvidea-new devices?03:43
p1Kasuko: have you checked google?03:43
pulicoti i did and created 4 desktops as number max03:44
TaintedT1xrupestre: I know it was installed by default on my lappy as it's cars is supported, and not on my desktop as its card is not03:44
Messedrockerthank you all03:44
ThreeFingerPetegot a window 2000 friend who needs a ubuntu liveCD. But she cannot tell me how much ram is in her 2000 machine. how do we check?03:44
dsnyderspulicoti, It's a really vague recollection, so I don't know any of the details, other than it might be possible03:44
dehspehlnickrud: rupestre: does 965 not have hardware support, is the blacklist forced, or is it just not compatible?03:44
olskolircI hate long nicks03:45
Scunizidsnyders, if it's windows it's probably at least 256meg03:45
pulicotii see your point but thats all i have done03:45
olskolircf*ks up my screen03:45
pulicotijust increased the number of workareas from 2 to 403:45
dehspehlnickrud: or is the hardware blacklist something you must do a full-recompile in order to disable?03:45
pvl1can someone help men with this error: Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem03:45
p1ThreeFingerPete: tell her to boot the computer and check under Start -> Control panel -> system03:45
pulicotiand it works if i use ctrl alt left pr right03:46
nickruddehspehl: it has to do with support for a video playback mode, the page has instructions on overriding03:46
olskolircStart > run > dxdiag ThreeFingerPete03:46
dsnydersScunizi, who cares about windows?03:46
ThreeFingerPetePl, thanks!03:46
pulicotibut not when i click on the workarea in the toll bar with the mouse03:46
pulicotiit works the first only03:46
p1!lines | pulicoti03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lines - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:46
pulicotiif i try another all tollbars disappear03:46
nickrud!enter | pulicoti (and p1 :)03:47
ubotupulicoti (and p1 :): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:47
ThreeFingerPete<olskolirc>: thank you03:47
Scunizidsnyders, just responding to something I must have read earlier.. .about win2k memory amount..03:48
dsnyderspulicoti, stand by... googling...03:48
pvl1whats the code to restart x?03:48
psyberdoes anyone know the advantages between using nvidea drivers from here http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.09.html  as opposed to the one is the restricted database?03:48
nickrudpvl1: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart is normal03:48
olskolircstartx pvl103:49
p1nickrud: is it possible to add factiods??03:49
nickrudp1 you can suggest them. Used to be it was easy, but too many crappy ones were added03:49
nickrudp1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots has instructions03:51
erpoX11 forwarding doesn't work when I ssh from my ubuntu laptop to my ubuntu server.03:51
erpoWhen I ssh -X myserver and try to run an X program, I get the following:03:51
erpoError: Can't open display:03:51
erpoNeedless to say, the DISPLAY environment variable is empty03:52
pvl1can i get help for this error: Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem03:53
hsteveanyone able to set up haupage wintv successfully pci board03:53
hstevehelp me out if you can set up haupage wintv successfully with a pci board03:54
p1erpo: I think there was a trick that you have to establish the keys first, by ssh-ing from your server to your laptop.03:54
erpop1: Weird. I don't think so.03:55
zylstra555Hello. Anyone know of some open source or just plain free software capable of doing a green screen?03:55
nickruderpo: a really silly question, but do you have the xserver installed on your server?03:55
erponickrud: No, there is no X server on my server.03:55
nickruderpo: there's your problem then03:56
erponickrud: I need an X server on my server in order to forward connections to my client system.03:56
erponickrud: Are you kidding me?03:56
erpozylstra555: kino?03:57
ShpookDoes anyone know a surefire way to get sound working on a Gateway laptop with Sigmatel sound?03:57
erpohsteve: Be more specific about what you want to do?03:57
zylstra555erpo: I shall search03:57
p1zylstra555: what do you mean by "green screen"03:57
erpop1: He means video compositing.03:57
Ooziz#universal is Freenodes Newest Off-Topic Channel. (This message is approved by IRCOps on Freenode.) Join #universal for chats on ALL subjects.03:57
zylstra555p1: Green screen, as in, replacing the color green in an image/video with a separate image/video/color. Also called Chroma key03:58
=== Alyxander_ is now known as Alyxander
dsnyderspulicoti, Sorry dude.  I haven't found anything, and I need to sign off.03:58
ScoutWhen I run lpsci -v I get03:58
Scout01:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio]03:58
Scout        Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Virtuoso 200 (Xonar D2)03:58
Scout        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 903:58
Scout        I/O ports at b800 [size=256]03:58
Scout        Capabilities: <access denied>03:58
FloodBot3Scout: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
pulicotiits ok thank you very much for the support03:58
erponickrud: Why do I need an X _server_ on my server in order to run X clients on my server and send the output to my laptop?03:59
yoCan anyone help? I'm having trouble logging on to ver 7.103:59
erpoyo: 7.10.03:59
PKdoRI need help on partitioning a RAID HDD04:00
erpoyo: Be more specific about your problem.04:00
yoI get a screen that says: No serving hosts were found04:00
p1Shpook: You mean a sound card by Sigmatel?  What do "lspci" and "lspci -n" say?04:00
yomy choices: refresh and cancel04:00
yoif I select cancel it reboots to the same screen04:00
nickruderpo: the way I remember it is you have to have an X program on the remote machine; can you install X apps on ubuntu server without an X server there?04:01
erponickrud: Absolutely.04:01
yoerpo: I'm very new to ubuntu (2 days new)04:01
erponickrud: The X server is the program that takes control of your graphics hardware and accept connections from X clients (AKA GUI programs).04:01
=== jason is now known as arrrghhh
erpoyo: Maybe you're in an XDMCP browser? Is this your computer?04:02
Shpookp1: lspci identifies the aduo device as nvidia MCP51, I don't know what to look for in lspci -n04:02
nickruderpo: ah. Oh well, haven't ssh -X in a while. My memory experiences serious bit rot when not refreshed regularly04:02
arrrghhhok so i really messed up permissions on this drive... is there anyway to reset the permissions globally without too much hassle, or do i have to reinstall linux entirely?04:02
yoerpo: yes it was working fine yesterday04:03
yoerpo: i'm on my xp pc now04:03
erpoyo: yes what? Which of my questions were you answering?04:03
yoerpo: yes it's my computer04:03
geniiarrrghhh: There is unfortunately no quick fix other then manually changing them04:03
yoerpo: what's a SDMCP browser?04:04
arrrghhhgenii, ok... is there specific permissions for every directory, or is there just a few i need to change04:04
soldatsgenii, wouldnt sudo chmod -R 777 suffice04:04
erpoyo: XDMCP04:04
arrrghhhsoldats, uhm... that was the problem to begin with04:05
* genii smacks soldats04:05
arrrghhhthat'll break things04:05
erpoyo: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=XDMCP04:05
arrrghhhlike sudo04:05
arrrghhhand freakin EVERYTHING04:05
geniiarrrghhh: What command did you do, sudo chmod -R /*             or so?04:05
soldatsarrrghhh, what kinds of errors are you getting04:05
geniiarrrghhh: sudo chmod -R 777 /*             rather04:06
nickrudarrrghhh: the amount of time you'd spend researching resetting everything is probably more than the time you'd spend reinstalling04:06
arjunaoi we will kill you pussy off04:06
astro76!ops | arjuna04:06
ubotuarjuna: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!04:06
arrrghhhgenii, well i tried to chmod the /home directory, and it seems i messed up and chmodded everything04:06
astro76I knew he was a troll04:06
geniinickrud: Exactly. Though I atually did reset every permission manually once, it took me about 2 weeks to get it right.04:06
geniiarrrghhh: Forget it then, reinstall04:06
arrrghhhsoldats, uhm well sudo doesn't work.  eth0 won't grab an IP.  nothing really works.  firefox was borked, but seems to be working now04:07
PKdoRsorry I have a 138GB RAID0 disk  and I want 5 Partitions on it ;1] 50MB FAT32 BOOT Partition, 2] 100GB NTFS Windows, 3]10GB System EXT3 Drive,4]26GB EXT3 Home Parttition, 5]2GB SWAP Partition. But there can only be 4 Primaries SI need help and suggestions please04:07
arrrghhhthis isn't my machine04:07
arrrghhhand i'm making linux look really bad because nothing works04:07
nickrud!clone | arrrghhh this will make your life much easier04:07
ubotuarrrghhh this will make your life much easier: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate04:07
Amarantharrrghhh: I did that once too04:07
arrrghhhwell that's not such a big deal04:07
nickrudgenii: that must have been one valuable machine04:07
arrrghhhit's backing up all the crap on it, i have nothing to back it up to04:07
Amarantharrrghhh: After 6 hours I managed to get networking and sudo, iirc04:07
arrrghhhand /home is a separate partition, but i'm betting the permissions are screwed there as well04:08
geniinickrud: Yes, it was our primary nameserver and radius authenticator for 4000 dialup customers04:08
Amarantharrrghhh: /home is easier to fix04:08
nickrudgenii: oh, I would have changed providers by then ;p04:08
arrrghhhAmaranth, so do you think i should reinstall without wiping /home?04:08
Amarantharrrghhh: yeah04:08
arrrghhhwould that be enough i wonder...04:08
geniinickrud: One of our disgruntled ex-employees did it on purpose to mess us up, unfortunately04:09
arrrghhhi still get an error that others shouldn't have write permissions to $HOME and i should chmod that dir to 64404:09
arrrghhhand networking seems to be broken04:09
PKdoRCan the home or swap partitions be logical/Extended?04:09
arrrghhhyea i guess at this point a reinstall is the only option04:09
nickrudarrrghhh: unless you've got some executables of your own in /home , it's pretty simple to fix home04:09
Amarantharrrghhh: /home is easier to fix though, you can mostly just make all dirs 755 and all files 64404:09
nickrudarrrghhh: executables scattered around that is04:09
arrrghhhAmaranth, is there an easy command to do tha twith?04:10
nickrudarrrghhh: and ~/.dmrc  60004:10
arrrghhhhrm everything is workin now, but networking still doesn't connect.  just sits there04:10
arrrghhhnickrud, i remember a .dmrc error...04:10
yoerpo: thanx04:10
erpoyo: np04:10
geniinickrud: But I get !ot04:10
nickrudgenii: spend any time here (rolls eyes) and it's inevitable04:11
ScoutCan anyone help me install a sound card or point me to a article that can??04:12
nickrud!sound | Scout04:12
ubotuScout: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:12
pg!lines is alias enter04:12
nickrudScout: one pointer: disable on board sound in the bios it will make things easier04:12
psyberdoes anyone in here user beryl-compiz?04:12
=== kdkfj is now known as MFlivre
arrrghhhwhy is flash broken?04:13
genii!intelhda | Scout Also if its an Intel High Definition Audio04:13
ubotuScout Also if its an Intel High Definition Audio: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:13
arrrghhhi msg'd ubotu and no response04:13
scguy318!brokenflash | arrrghhh04:13
ubotuarrrghhh: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:13
arrrghhhwell i broke this machine trying to fix flash04:13
arrrghhhthat's awesome04:14
arrrghhhnow i have to reinstall... sweet04:14
arrrghhhalright i'm out04:14
arrrghhhtime to smoke04:14
psyberdoes anyone have a problem with desktop effects where the top of their windows hides behind the top panel?04:14
Scoutnickrud: How do I do that?04:15
nickrudScout: when you boot up, you would press f2 or delete (most common keys) and you will get into the bios setup. You'll have to look around there for the right setting.04:15
Toaster`psyber: sometimes.  but you can pull them back down using Alt-drag, unless you've changed you key bindings04:16
psyberToaster`: yeah, I just figured the alt trick out.  Is there a way to fix the problem?04:16
nickrudScout: interesting stuff there, but don't change things randomly. Be sure it's only the sound you're changing04:16
spl0itIḿ having a small problem... I just tried loading ubuntu, no particular problems last time, and I can seem to get logged in, I managed to get logged in by changing my session to failsafe, I basically just installed ubuntu and got gnome working, and then this is about the 5th reboot... any suggestions would be appreciated....04:16
ubuntuxgreetings everybody04:16
RugHowdy al04:17
ablysshsteve, the wintv pvr150 i do04:17
ubuntuxis this the right place to ask about Data Recovery in Ubuntu?04:17
Rugubuntux: you can try.04:17
ubuntuxhere's the scenario...04:17
hsteveerpo: hi i have haupages pci wintv and need a driver for linux04:17
Toaster`psyber: no clue as to a fix.  I think it has to do with the top bar being finite.  if you drag a window past the left/right edge, when it snaps to the top it is unrestricted and slides behind the top bar.04:18
ablysshsteve, what model04:18
ubuntuxi have a 80GB Seagate HDD that I used as my Back-up drive, which I connect via USB04:18
nickrudpsyber: personally I solved that by removing the top bar04:18
ubuntuxyes, it's an external HDD04:18
grodyubuntux, just get to the point :)04:18
Ruggrody: =)04:18
psybernickrud: I auto hide my topbar and still get the error sometimes04:18
ubuntuxI haven't used the drive for quite sometime, and when I plugged it the other week04:19
ablysshsteve, no model as the model name of the card04:19
ubuntuxit seems corrupted...04:19
spl0itgnome just crashes and restarts after I put in my login and password: any suggestions? I was able to start gnome in failsafe mode...04:19
hsteveablyss how do i know the mode04:19
Rugubuntux: what filesystem is it formatted as?04:19
hstevei know it is 87804:19
nickrudpsyber: it's still there when auto hid, it's simply a bug that hasn't been fixed yet04:19
grodyubuntux, first try fsck'ing it04:19
ablysshsteve, it tells you on the box when you bought the card04:19
ubuntuxthe file System is NTFS since it was my WinXP backup drive04:19
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE04:19
hstevei don't have the box04:19
psybernickrud: cool thx04:19
grodywhat are you trying to pull off it?04:20
ubuntuxin WinXP, it cannot retrieve the volume name nor the files and shows 0 bytes used04:20
aRizZtA_cALmi am arizta04:20
ablysshsteve, well check your system hardware and see what info it yields04:20
xTheGoat121xIs there a way to get my xgamma settings to stay permanently?04:20
grodyubuntux, what files are you trying to recover?04:20
ubuntuxIn ubuntu, whenever I mount it, it still displays the Volume Name but not the files04:20
ubuntuxmost of my files04:20
grodyyou can use foremost to recover most file types04:20
ubuntuxit was my 7yrs of work :(04:20
grodywell, any filetype if you know the header string04:21
ablysshsteve, it is necessary to know what your using to install the driver04:21
ubuntuxhow would i know the header string?04:21
grodywell, most common files are implemented, jpeg, pdf, doc, txt, mov, avi, tar, tgz, bz, zip etc04:21
VvWolverinevVhi, sometimes when i restart, my screen just goes blank after ubuntu logs out and my computer doesn't boot unless i press the reset button04:22
VvWolverinevVanyone know what's going on?04:22
grodyfaulty BIOS maybe04:22
VvWolverinevVgrody: it doesn't happen when i restart from vista04:22
=== earlmred_ is now known as boydjd
ablyssVvWolverinevV, possibly a service is not shutting down correctly04:23
grodyvista != linux04:23
VvWolverinevVablyss: how can i check that04:23
grodyturn the splash off in grub04:23
xTheGoat121x*headdesk*  Did someone just say Vista was Linux?04:23
hsteveablys so far my system tell me Bt87804:23
grody!- xTheGoat121x :)04:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xthegoat121x :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:23
hstevei'm trying to find out more04:23
grody!= *04:24
ablyssVvWolverinevV, perhaps accessing tty8 while shutting down to watch system messages... i think that might work04:24
ablyssi forget what tty stdout goes too.. it might matter04:24
ubuntuxmost files i'd like to salvage are in JPG, MP3, AVI, DVD ISO files, PSD, and mostly PHP04:25
spl0itgnome just crashes and restarts after I put in my login and password: any suggestions? I was able to start gnome in failsafe mode... any suggestions? some direction?04:25
albechim still having problems with 7.10 crashing when scrolling in both firefox and opera... the crash is totally random04:25
Rugubuntux: type this in a term window:      df -m    and note the USB drive.   What does it say?  The type fdisk -l /dev/sdxx  <- replace xx with the string from df -m04:25
grodyubuntux, http://foremost.sourceforge.net/04:25
psyberhas anyone in here gone through the ubuntu desktop training course?04:25
ubuntuxRug, grody, ok04:25
nickrudVvWolverinevV: also, you can remove the words quiet splash from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst , that will give you the max info during shutdown in the console (disables the splash screen, shows the shutdown process)04:26
grodyand is very messy sometimes :)04:26
ablyssVvWolverinevV, fyi acessing another tty is as simple as pressing <alt><ctrl><function_keys>04:26
ScoutDoes anyone know anything about installing a Xonar D2 sound card?? Please help04:27
nickrudgrody: I like that, it impresses the peons when I say 'sure, I understand that stuff ;)04:27
grodyand ubuntux, remember not to output the recovered files onto the usb disk04:27
albechwhere do i change the default wireless network to connect to? my system is always trying the wrong one first04:28
RynooAnyone know how to tell which TV-out card I have in my notebook?04:28
bkaralbech-> /etc/network/interfaces04:28
albechRynoo: lspci04:28
ablyssalbech, you should just disable the one you do not want in the network control panel04:28
geniiRynoo: yes, lspci   or lspci -v   for more verbose output04:29
ScoutDoes anyone know anything about installing a Xonar D2 sound card?? Please help04:29
VvWolverinevVnickrud: but i leave "ro" there?04:29
grodyonly remove splash & quiet04:30
nickrudVvWolverinevV: yes04:30
geniiScout: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=420029604:30
VvWolverinevVnickrud: and that affects shutdown? ok04:30
albechablyss: i dont see any options for that04:30
VvWolverinevVnickrud: ill try that04:30
pewpewpewis there some utorrent clone for linux out there? I don't like azureus because it sucks memory like hell04:31
Scoutgenii: I have done the things pointed out in that thread twice. Nothing worked. Do you have personal experience with it?04:31
Rugpewpewpew: ktorrent is good04:31
geniiScout: Nope04:32
ce_crboleh gabung g?04:32
ubotujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia04:32
albechmaybe i should just delete the key for it in the keyring manager04:32
dex2_I just compiled the new 2.6.24 kernel and it is causing strange behavior with the quiet kernel flag04:32
VvWolverinevVon a separate note, is there a way to make the resize margins around the edges of windows more than 3 pixels?04:33
nickrudVvWolverinevV: you'll have to reboot before those changes take effect, it won't show until the second shutdown after the edit04:33
VvWolverinevVnickrud: yeah that's makes sense04:33
VvWolverinevVnickrud: *that04:33
golem_i rebooted, and while my secondary harddrive/filesystems mount fine from fstab, they no longer appear on the desktop like they used to04:33
golem_i can't find a setting for this anywhere04:33
hsteveablyss i think the model is wintv200 with a wdm driver04:34
ubuntuxgrody, i've installed Foremost via apt-get... been on the website but can't seem to find a documentation on how to use it04:34
grodyman foremost04:34
ubuntuxoh... ok04:34
grodyit's so easy you'll kick yourself04:35
josiahIs it not illegal for an ISP to cut down your speed from 800kbs to 24kbs because you use a lot of bandwidth? I stream movies and download a lot of files and they keep cutting my internet speeds down because of it. In the USA btw. Anybody know?04:35
grodyyou agree to terms when signing up, your using the service warrants your agreement to those terms04:35
davidthedrakejosiah, no it is not illegal.04:35
VvWolverinevVnickrud: it doesn't always freeze though, so there's no point in rebooting now.  i'll just leave the splash off until it happens again04:36
iceswordcould tar+gzip make the highest compress ?make the smallest file after compress04:36
nickrudjosiah: one of the cable providers is being investigated for that04:36
josiahdoesnt that seem like a crappy thing for an isp to do? I have never delt with an isp that has done that before.04:36
iceswordsorry,my english  is bad04:36
erpojosiah: Switch ISPs.04:36
grodyjosiah, get another one04:36
davidthedrakejosiah, of course it is a 'crappy thing to do.' But in America, it's legal.04:36
grodyanywhere it's legal04:36
dvn805After doing a kernel update to, how come I now only see one processor in gnome-system-monitor when I'm on a SMP platform, and used to have both cores available?04:36
grodyproviding the ISP states it in the T&C04:36
T_Gjosiah: is the speed decrease at certain times of the day?04:36
davidthedrakegrody, that's not true. In some countries the government presides over how bandwidth is distributed.04:37
josiahthere are no other isp's besides satellite in my area.04:37
Rugdvn805: same thing happend to me, slight bug in the upgrade process04:37
josiahnot its not at certain times of the day04:37
davidthedrakegrody, Oh... didn't see your second comment about the T&C.04:37
ubuntuxgrody, do i have to run foremost as su?04:37
dvn805Rug: so when I run BOINC, It only utilizes one core now04:37
josiahi talked to them and they said if you use so much bandwidth the server throttles your speeds down04:37
iceswordcould tar+gzip make the smallest file after compress04:37
josiahand i dont believe anything like that was in the terms and agreement04:37
dvn805so now my other core is just useless?04:38
grodyno ubuntux, as long as your user has read access to the device.. just make sure it is umounted when doing it04:38
davidthedrakejosiah, that's very common with satellite ISPs.04:38
lex_Actually, comcast has been having some court room woes due to their throttling of traffic since they were marketing it as "unlimited" service. Like others said though, if it's in the paperwork you signed...04:38
josiahair-internet.com = crap04:38
iceswordcould tar+gzip make the smallest file after compress04:38
ubuntuxoh ot04:38
ubuntuxit's mounted04:38
ubuntuxgrody, thanks04:38
Rugdvn805: you can boot into your previous kernels at bootup, via the grub menu04:38
josiahits not a satellite isp... im saying sat isp is the only other high speed available04:38
josiahisp* not speed lol04:38
grodyjosiah, say your verizon.. just go sprint or whatever04:38
albechicesword: tar+gz is a good solution if you keep your files on nix's04:38
josiahgrody: not available04:39
dvn805Rug: so is that what you did, or are you fine with just having one core?04:39
josiahi need to either fight them or spend a lot more money04:39
albechicesword: and the compression is ok04:39
nickrudjoseaa: comcast? and torrents?04:39
RootyRootRootW00Hi, anyone know the name of that script that allows you to check the file system when you turn the comp off instead of every 30 times you boot?04:39
nickrudjosiah: I mean: comcast? and torrents?04:39
albechRootyRootRootW00: fsck04:40
iceswordalbech, thank you ,i am not sure what nix is,and is tar+gzip the best compress,i want the highest compress04:40
josiahnickrud: torrents and netflix movie streaming04:40
RootyRootRootW00albech thanks, am looking it up now!04:40
Rugno, I boot to an old kernel.  I don't have time to fight with it to fix it, so I am waiting for the devs to fix it.04:40
josiahnickrud: but mostly torrents04:40
lex_josiah: i had a feeling it was comcast...04:40
dvn805okay, thank you, and I will try that04:40
albechicesword: nix is just any unix enviroment.. tar.gz isnt that great supported on win and mac04:40
josiahwhy whats up with comcast?04:41
albechicesword: also read the gz man for info about the highest compress algorithms04:41
iceswordalbech, oh, i see,i need to compress on linux04:41
soldatsdoes comcast still charge 200$ for a commercial account in order to host your own server04:41
lex_nickrud: that's what i was referencing to, you just found the article again before me :-p04:41
iceswordalbech, yes,sir ,thank you04:41
nickrudlex_: yeah, I'm a google god :)04:41
lex_nickrud: haha, i just get easily distracted by shiny objects04:42
familyhey i have a problem im running ubuntu 6.06 and theres and error with my xorg i need to reconfigure it from the terminal how would i do this would anyone know at all?04:42
ablysscharter charges me $75 for 1 static and 3 dynamic ips... pretty good deal don't you think04:42
nickrudlex_: I use it a _lot_ at work, I think in google search phrases now04:42
nickrudfamily: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:43
familyi tried xorgconfig but its not working04:43
Shadow147hi I want to compile a Win32/Linux Linux installer for an IRC program and a script that has it's own installer but I need a IRC program thats under GNU04:43
macogwfamily: sud dpkg-reconfigure --phigh xserver-xorg04:43
ardchoilleI have a digital camera and would like an app to use that can import pics right from the cam, but I don't like f-spot. What other camera apps are there?04:43
steven_hi doe sanybody know how to fixx the flash problem for ubuntu?04:43
macogwoh i type slowly with one hand04:43
familyaww geez whichone?04:43
nickrud!brokenflash | steven_04:43
lex_steven_: there are posts on the fourms04:43
ubotusteven_: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:43
ablysssteven_, just manually install the plugin .. works for me04:43
familywhich one*04:43
macogwsteven_ install the hardy package or just use the one on adobe's website04:44
nickrudfamily: the -phigh will cause it to ask fewer questions04:44
PKdoRIm about to intall Ubuntu on to raid 0 bt I need to know if the home,/,Swap partitions can be on a exteded partition?04:44
macogwfamily: both wll work. the one i said skips keybioard config04:44
soldatsmacogw, id suggest asking your xubuntu question here since #xubuntu is so slow and i have no clue about your problem unless to make sure its plugged in correctly04:44
RugPKdoR: yes04:44
RugPKdoR: why raid0?04:44
davidthedrakeardchoille, Digicam or Picasa are pretty popular.04:44
macogwsoldats: its a touchpad04:44
davidthedrakearchangelpetro, Digikam that is.04:44
Shadow147or does anyone know which channel should I ask this in?04:45
davidthedrakearchangelpetro, Woops, that wasn't meant for you :)04:45
josiahyeah it sounds like im going through exactly what comcast customers are04:45
two_bitshello all.04:45
heartsbloodwhat would cause video and sound to go out of sync with each other when i'm trying to watch movies?  And it happens with just about any format.  .avi/.mpg/.mkv04:45
PKdoRdual booting Vista/Ubuntu [trying to use vista exclusively for gaming]04:45
macogwsoldats: and yeah i didnt think hardware would be DE specific04:45
soldatsmacogw, ahh but still its so slow there you may not get a quick answer04:45
familyokay hopfully ill be able to chat with u guys in a bit from the other computer04:45
familythank you all04:45
Lokii-!hello | two_bits04:45
ubotutwo_bits: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:45
dvn805How does ubuntu 7.10 compare to opensuse 10.3? I'm currently using opensuse 10.204:45
two_bitshow does one name volumes in ubuntu? Say, I wanted to name a flash drive or something04:45
RootyRootRootW00albech I'm looking for the script that allows you (gui style I believe) to run fsck during a boot-down.04:45
lex_josiah: I moved and took insight service, now, comcast bought them out so i'm going to be BACK in the same boat04:45
nickrud!synaptics | macogw (my standard reply to touchpad questions)04:45
ubotumacogw (my standard reply to touchpad questions): For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:45
macogwdvn805: it has gnome and suse has kde.04:45
Cpudan80two_bits: Right click, rename ?04:45
lex_josiah: they however don't throttle usenet traffic04:46
ScoutI hate sound cards04:46
ardchoilledavidthedrake: Thanks04:46
two_bitsit says it can't do it...04:46
two_bitsso I figured i was missing something :(04:46
dvn805macogw: using gnome with opensuse 10.204:46
Lokii-two_bits: try using fdisk to label your volumes04:46
two_bitsokay i will04:46
two_bitsthank you04:46
RootyRootRootW00Hi, anyone know the name of that script that allows you to check the file system when you turn the comp off instead of every 30 times you boot?04:46
davidthedrakeardchoille, no sweat :)04:46
Cpudan80dvn805: I switched to Ubuntu from OpenSuSE04:46
macogwnickrud: yeah see this site http://blog.dreamdevil.com/index.php/2007/10/22/install_ubuntu_7_10_dell_inspiron_8600 says alps, not synaptics04:46
Cpudan80dvn805: The package management is 10000x better04:46
dvn805cpudan: were you having problems with that buggy zen updater?04:46
josiahunfortunately I only have two options for high speed internet in my area and one of them costs twice as much as the other :( Wish I could get verizon FIOS04:46
JavidRootyRootRootW00, autofsck?04:47
=== rubix is now known as rubixlinux
RootyRootRootW00Javid: Thanks, looking it up04:47
Cpudan80dvn805: No, the updates were just slow and left me in dependency hell04:47
JavidI have it, it's great04:47
Cpudan80dvn805: 10.3 mucked up my bootloader too04:47
dvn805cupdan: yeah, I had my linux box offline for a while, and now while trying to do updates using zen, I'm in dependecy hell and can't get them applied04:47
=== lex_ is now known as lex_zzz
nickrudRootyRootRootW00: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck04:47
Cpudan80dvn805: Yeah, apt-get does a much better than yast04:48
dvn805not only that, but i have instructions to clear out the zen updater cache and restart the client because it always crashes on me04:48
josiahdoes it look like its in their terms and conditions to you? I dont see anything about it.04:48
Cpudan80dvn805: Also, wifi support is better in Ubuntu04:48
davidthedrakeCpudan80, finally.04:48
Shadow147well mainly I don't want to mess with none GNU programs04:48
dvn805okay, i'm downloading it and will try installing it04:48
lex_zzzjosiah: it isn't. that's what the article link is explaining04:48
dvn805are you using ext4 or xfs?04:48
Cpudan80dvn805: Also, if you use gnome -- it works better than suse I think04:48
richd hey all. I was reading a while ago on how a guy had his comp setup as an wireless acces point (achieved) and he made it so when guests connected to it, theycould connect to internet, but he was middleman and used a prog to flip all images vertically. anyone know what command I would use for that? and also maybe what i would need to setup elsewhere?04:49
dvn805cpudan: possibly, although isn't it novell that runs the gnome project?04:49
Cpudan80dvn805: ubuntu is built around gnome - so no DCOPServer crap from KDE04:49
macogwdvn805: i was going to say thats the biggest thing i noticed, but thatd be a lie.  the thing i disliked most when i tried (to fix) suse, was yast. it reloads package lists after each repository you add, while apt lets you wait til you're done (so it doesn't compound the slowyness like yast does)04:49
teleeso if i have a second harddrive in my linux box.... whats the easiest way to format it under a linux partition.  I have worked with fdisk before so maybe that?  Also what partition type would i want to use for ubuntu?04:49
richddoes that make sense?04:49
josiahlex_zzz: im not with comcast though this is a different isp04:49
macogwrichd: upsidedownternet?04:49
Cpudan80dvn805: Technically suse has no preference, the novell people run Gnome, the people over in germany like KDE04:49
soldatsrichd, afaik it was custom router firmware04:49
richdmacogw: googling04:49
Cpudan80davidthedrake: ?04:49
josiahlex_zzz: im wondering if I am in the right in thinking this is wrong of them and that I can fight them over the issue.04:50
richdsoldats: wasn't router. was linux comp.04:50
toucansamok so i'm installing it and it's a brand new computer and it says i/o error that the disk might be messed up but i verified it and everything04:50
dvn805I noticed that.. I'm not too fond of KDE either04:50
lex_zzzjosiah: a friendly phone call to the local franchise and others couldn't hurt04:50
macogwtoucansam: how's the optical drive?04:50
josiahAt this rate it takes me 20 days to download a ubuntu iso04:50
kittentamerI need to post into a school website, one computer freezes when I try, and the other gives me an error message when I get to the same point and lets me continue. This is the error message, minus the site address:   ___ wants to load an applet. GNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete. HOSTILE APPLETS WILL STEAL AND/OR DESTROY YOUR DATA! Click "Cancel" if you do not trust the source of this applet. Click "Trust Applet" 04:50
davidthedrakeCpudan80, *shrug* just commenting on how it took a little bit for the wireless support to be so good in Ubuntu04:50
soldatsrichd, hmm that maybe. but i also recall someone with custom router firmware that flipped the pages around when someone connected to wifi04:50
golem_what makes a harddrive/filesystem show up as an icon on the desktop?!04:50
toucansamit boots fine, just wont install04:51
dvn805is there any support for broadcom chipsets?04:51
macogwkittentamer: do you have java installed?04:51
Cpudan80dvn805: The thing that did it for me was that ubuntu has such a large, helpful user base04:51
dvn805that's what I notice in this room04:51
kittentamermacogw: yes, I do.04:51
adminzHey guys, when I connect to a server using ssh -X user@remote, and try to run a program that will show up on the local machine, I get this error xterm Xt error:04:51
dvn805cpudan: in the suse room, people over there are silent04:51
Cpudan80dvn805: I think there is....04:51
soldatsgolem_, are they mounted04:51
macogwtoucansam: well i had where i could boot ok and start the install then it' fail and then the live environment would kinda crumble because my optical drive was dying04:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:51
Cpudan80!broacom | dvn80504:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:51
macogwkittentamer: is sun's java set as your default java?04:51
Cpudan80oh it's bcm04:51
toucansamhm... can i boot from usb?04:51
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:51
zcat[1]broadcom support in gutsy is mot so bad.. used to be hell.. now it's just heck.04:52
lionel_on parle français ou anglais ici?04:52
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:52
dvn805in opensuse i'm using the bcm43xx wrapper04:52
kittentamermacogw: java's, installed from the synaptic package manager.04:52
lionel_english or french here?04:52
macogwdvn805: ubuntu comes with the driver now, but you have to add firmware. the restricted driver manager gives you a one-click (maybe two?) way to do it04:52
soldats!fr | lionel_04:52
dvn805it's really shitty also04:52
golem_soldats: yes, and i put 'em in fstab so they mount when i boot up04:52
ubotulionel_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:52
Cpudan80lionel_: #ubuntu-fr04:52
lionel_ok soldats!04:52
toucansamdoes anyone know if i can boot from a usb?04:52
lionel_merci Cpudan80  et ubotu04:52
macogwkittentamer: but has it been set as default?  sudo update-alternatives --config java04:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about penlinux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:52
lionel_!fr |04:52
golem_when i formatted/added them to fstab it created a nice desktop icon. then i ran the computer for 11 days and upon restart, the icons are gone04:53
macogwtoucansam: if your motherboard supports it04:53
Cpudan80lionel_: /join #ubuntu-fr04:53
golem_but the filesystems are available as ever04:53
lex_zzzgolem_: are you wanting them back or glad they are gone?04:53
dvn805ext4 support in 7.10?04:53
golem_wanting them back :P04:53
toucansamwell it wasn't a boot option in the bios macogw, so i'm assuming no?04:53
zcat[1]dvn805: my lappy's using the bcm43xx driver and fwcutter to get the firmware04:53
macogwtoucansam: probably not.04:53
dvn805i'm using fwcutter also, and have major problems connecting to my network04:53
golem_i could just create my own ln -s but i'm curious why it stopped showing the icon.04:53
zcat[1].. and it's quite reliable.. yesterday I even got WPA working which I've never had before!!04:53
adminzWhen connecting to a text only remote server through ssh, can I run window programs on my desktop using ssh -X? and if I can how so?04:54
macogwdvn805: if you can download from elsewhere and transport the firmware on a flashdrive, i have it tarred up04:54
lex_zzzgolem_: lol and here i want em gone. I've noticed though, when i mount the drive (not having it in the fstab) the icons will appear when mounted so...04:54
nickrudmacogw: I kept thinking I saw something where the alps glidepoint used the synaptics driver, I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46742204:54
toucansamwell it was a cheap drive, so maybe its just broken04:54
dvn805macogw:I can just use a cat 5 cable04:54
kittentamermacogw: java is set to default.04:54
golem_yeah, maybe it's for external drives only, so once they go in fstab they stop showing the icon04:54
zcat[1].. depends on the exact chip though.. some are really crap, some almost work..04:54
family_no luck04:54
RootyRootRootW00Javid: Thanks! That's it! /installs04:55
toucansamI'm having it verify the disk and see if it verifies ok04:55
family_dpkg-reconfigure-xserver-xorg didnt work maybe i typed it wrong04:55
macogwnickrud: X is dead on my lappy.  i cant hold the power cable and type at the same time, so X doesn't want to put up with the constant brightness changes and died04:55
lex_zzzgolem_: perhaps fstab is mounting them before something with gnome has a chance to pop the icons there04:55
family_i tried dpkg --reconfigure-xserver-xorg04:55
golem_i read that external drives shouldn't go into fstab04:55
soldatsgolem_, try mount -a04:55
family_dpkg --reconfigure -xserver-xorg04:55
CaptainMorgananyone know how to put thunderbird's newsgroups always at the bottom? every time I add a new email account, it places it after the newsgroups area..04:55
kittentamermacogw: should I change the default to gij-4.2 (which is the other option)04:55
CaptainMorganthis is the sidebar I'm referring to04:55
macogwkittentamer: no, gnu's isn't very good04:56
nickrudmacd: lol, time for ebay04:56
lex_zzzgolem_: i can see why, it probably wouldn't like it if it wasn't there04:56
family_macogw what was the command you game me again to reconfigure the xorg thing04:56
soldatsfamily_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:56
kittentamermacogw: so, any advice then?04:56
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:56
macogwkittentamer: there's a package, im sorry i dont know the name so you'll have to search, but it gives you a gui to update alternatives. make sure the java plugin is set to sun too04:56
family_k brb04:56
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:56
adminzAnyone familar with using the ssh -X command?04:57
nickrudkittentamer: galternatives04:57
Ashfire908adminz, somewhat04:57
zcat[1]adminz: yea, use that a lot..04:57
macogwnickrud: i just got the box today to send and get the optical & hard drives replaced and either the power jack soldered or whole mobo replaced.  that's why i need to get linux going on this other comp--to use while mine's at the doctor's04:57
mvsnhello. Would anyone know of a good link on howto get a PPC WM5 working in gutsy?04:57
kittentamermacogw: Thanks, I'll give it a try!04:57
macogwdd'ing /dev/urandom to a 60GB drive sure does take a while.04:58
adminzAshfire908: zcat[1] Thanks for the response.. I am trying to use a program, xterm for example, on my local machine from a server, but I get this error xterm Xt error:04:58
zcat[1]does ubuntu still do a PPC version?04:58
golem_alright, i concede the issue, automatically appearing desktop icons are for removable media only04:58
macogwzcat[1]: unofficially, yes04:58
mvsnubuntu PPC edition?04:58
nickrudzcat[1]: not officially04:58
eTranquilityCan someone help me with my Memorex scanner? I get "Failed to open device ~ artec_eplus28u:libusb:001:003': Invalid argument." as my error when I try to start Xsane Image Scanner.04:58
adminzand then... DISPLAY is not set04:58
macogwzcat[1]: search on wiki.ubuntu.com for "powerpc" and there's a page where you can download the iso04:58
nickrudzcat[1]: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/04:58
macogwor go there...04:59
zcat[1]cool.. except my old PPC is in the garage gathering dust and spiders... just curious04:59
soldatsgolem_, i have 2 slave hdds inside my box and both have icons. plus my eternal ipod has an icon as well04:59
Ashfire908adminz, what's the first error?04:59
macogwsoldats & golem_: it's a setting in gconf-editor05:00
nickrudgolem_: for any device that's mounted in /media you should get an icon on the desktop05:00
caligarn1037hey does anybody know how i can get CMapTools working on gutsy?05:00
adminzAshfire908: xterm Xt error: Can't open display:05:00
nickrudas long as the gconf-editor setting says show removeable media, that is05:00
toucansamgood news macogw i verified it and it found 84  errored filed.  bout to reburn it loooow speed and c a r e f u l l y escort it to the cd try haha05:00
Ashfire908adminz, is this then you try to start an X application through the ssh?05:01
adminzAshfire908: Which I think makes sense, because on my local machine, if I type echo $DISPlay, it comes up empty05:01
macogwtoucansam: haha good luck on the new burn05:01
adminzAshfire908: correct05:01
zcat[1]trying to set up squid and dansguardian, but the machine I have is 1GHz, 256M ram... it's slowing web access to a crawl :(05:01
macogwtoucansam: did you do an md5 on the iso to make sure it's nota corrupt download as well?05:01
Lokii-two_bits: did that work for you ?05:01
Ashfire908adminz, does the other computer have X.org set up right?05:01
kicekjest ktos z polski?05:02
macogw!pl | kicek05:02
ubotukicek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:02
toucansammacogw yes i did05:02
zcat[1]too hot.. need swim05:02
macogwtoucansam: ok just checking05:02
toucansamdo the last char05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cmaptools - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:02
nickrud!find cmaptool05:03
ubotuPackage/file cmaptool does not exist in gutsy05:03
golem_gconf-editor, interesting.. never seen this before05:03
kicekT U05:03
caligarn1037yah...it's an independent software05:03
macogwoops....hmmm that's fun....log messages spilln over my irssi and messsing up the screen05:03
macogwoh that works.  yay or job control!05:03
nickrudgolem_: ah, it's great fun. enjoy05:03
folk_theorywhats the polish channel he's asking05:03
folk_theoryi think05:03
adminzAshfire908: I'm not sure.. one sec05:03
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:04
eTranquilityHi, can someone help me with my Memorex scanner? I get "Failed to open device ~ artec_eplus28u:libusb:001:003': Invalid argument." as my error when I try to start Xsane Image Scanner.05:04
macogwi already did that05:04
nickrudso I can't read everything all the time ;)05:04
adminzAshfire908: I don't think so, the server is mostly a server install of ubuntu, no gui05:04
Ashfire908adminz, i have a x.orgless server but installing xbase-clients makes x forwarding work.05:04
beats_scissorswhat's an easy to use bit torrent client on ubuntu?05:04
macogwnickrud: know a way to see what % done a dd is?05:04
Ashfire908adminz, well perfect as that's what i have.05:04
macogwbeats_scissors: deluge05:04
nickrudmacogw: no, I sure don't. I just go have some coffee05:05
adminzAshfire908: Alright, all I have done, is gone into both ssh_config, and sshd_config, and changed X11 forwarding to yes05:05
Ashfire908adminz, try installing xbase-clients. it pulls in a lot but i don't know which are needed for this05:05
nickrud!info deluge-torrent | beats_scissors05:05
ubotubeats_scissors: deluge-torrent (source: deluge-torrent): A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 3059 kB, installed size 10740 kB05:05
beats_scissorsmacogw , nickrud : thanks!05:05
adminzok, I am installing now05:06
golem_i feel like such a noob, but how do i enable sshd? on freebsd i'd add a single line to rc.conf and run an /etc/rc.d script05:06
Ashfire908adminz, doesn't help if there is nothing to handle X apps :)05:06
CaptainMorgananyone know how to put thunderbird's newsgroups always at the bottom? every time I add a new email account, it places it after the newsgroups area..05:06
CaptainMorganthis is the sidebar I'm referring to05:06
macogwgolem_: did you install openssh-server ?05:06
nickrudgolem_: sudo apt-get install ssh-server05:06
Ashfire908adminz, you will need to relogin i think and you will get a notice about adding some x file.05:06
nickrudgolem_: I have the package name wrong05:06
golem_it's not in base eh05:06
adminzAshfire908: I currently use my server as a ssh/samba/apache server, but wish to use it as a Urban Terror server as well, and you need to setup that up in the game menu05:07
nickrudgolem_: ubuntu doesn't come with a compiler, and you expect server stuff ;)05:07
toucansamsomeone's been tryin to ssh into my computer05:07
Ashfire908adminz, you might need to pull in some other stuff too......05:07
macogwgolem_: nah we assume the average user wouldn't really need and it'd end up being a nice security target, so if you need it for some admin tasks, you must know your way through the command line, so you're not afraid of installing things...more or less05:07
toucansamwith names like 'fluffy' and 'guest'05:08
R00t4CC3Sssh theirs, then05:08
golem_well that was dead simple. it even started ssh automatically05:08
adminzAshfire908: Ok, the error changed I think, it now reads  " xterm Xt error: Can't open display:05:08
adminzxterm:  DISPLAY is not set05:08
macogwnickrud: neither does debian, and that's "for advanced users"05:08
golem_i used a freebsd desktop for a year so it's been an adjustment05:09
Ashfire908adminz, did you relogin?05:09
nickrudmacogw: I've never installed a stable debian05:09
adminzAshfire908: Yes05:09
Ashfire908adminz, you get a message about ".Xauthority"?05:09
adminzAshfire908: no sir05:09
R00t4CC3Sdoesnt ubuntu come with the gcc compiler????05:09
nickrudmacogw: I kinda like running a more stable unstable, so thanks to you all05:09
macogwnickrud: i still think it's funny that linus won't use debian because he doesn't like those "advanced" distros that make you jump through hoops before getting what you want to reach...in his case, kernel05:10
Ashfire908adminz, hm.05:10
macogwR00t4CC3S: no05:10
soldatsR00t4CC3S, built-essentials05:10
soldatserr build05:10
adminzWhat should echo $DISPLAY return on the server?05:10
macogwR00t4CC3S: just like with debian, that's instaled from build-essentials05:10
ScoutDoes anyone have experience with sound cards??05:10
macogwno wait that's build-essential , singular essential, isnt it?05:10
nickrudmacogw: genius is eccentric, and particularly peculiar05:11
adminzAshfire908: because on both my local machine, and myserver, that command returns nothing, but when googling the issue a lot of people have like local.0 or .10 or something like that05:11
macogwadminz: or :005:11
Ashfire908adminz, does "/usr/bin/X11/xauth" exist?05:11
macogw adminz but i think that only happens if you type it in an xterm..not tty05:11
Ashfire908adminz, er i think the X11 is a symlink05:11
tazI have 2 SATA drives hooked up.  One drive has the entire ubuntu system, the other drive has all NT partitions.  When I setup ubuntu I previously had XP on the drive with the NT partitions, but it is no longer there.  If I remove the NT drive, the Linux drive won't boot, so all the boot info is on the NT drive.  Whats the easiest way to get the boot info from the NT drive to the ubuntu drive?05:11
macogwat least, its blank on tty for me05:11
reeeh2000Does anyone know what the canonical irc channel is?05:12
macogwtaz: boot ubuntu and then run grub-install from within it05:12
nickrudScout: there's only one guy that knows sound well that comes thru here, I'll ping you if he shows up05:12
R00t4CC3Syes, maybe chroot05:12
Ashfire908adminz, just making sure you know, by relogin i meant ssh -X back in.05:12
Scoutnickrud thank you. This has been driving me crazy05:12
tazmacogw: can I do it with both drives hooked up or do I have to remove the NT drive and boot from a CD?05:13
adminzAshfire908: correct, I did do the ssh -X05:13
macogwtaz: you can boot ubuntu from the drive then once it's running install grub on that drive05:13
adminzcd /usr/bin/X1105:14
macogwtaz: i did the same thing last year when trying to install on an external drive for play...my internal one stopped being able to boot on its own :P05:14
jimmygoondoes ubuntu play nice with thinkpad advanced mini docks?05:14
adminzAshfire908: there is a xauth in /usr/bin/X1105:14
tazmacogw: do you mean boot from the NT drive or the CD/DVD?05:14
macogwtaz: the NT drive05:14
tazmacogw: ok just grub-install then?05:14
Ashfire908adminz, hmm.05:15
macogwtaz: probably sudo grub-install05:15
macogwtaz: but i think that's it05:15
tazmacogw: thanks I'll give it a shot05:15
Ashfire908adminz, so no "/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/user/.Xauthority"?05:15
xivanarihey i have a fairly urgent question, i just transferred photos off of the SD camera memory card i had a ton of photos on.  However the problem is that when i used the utility that automatically pops up when i put in the card to move the photos from the card to the computer05:15
adminzAshfire908: when should I have seen that?05:15
xivanarithe files have all been deleted off of the card, but are not showing up where i thought i moved them to05:15
xkarimxHye! Can someone tell me how i can enable vnc/remote desktop via terminal? thanxs05:16
macogwxivanari: any idea what any of them were named?05:16
xivanarijust regular picture names05:16
Ashfire908adminz, after the motd and last login, before the shell prompt05:16
xivanariill grab a name off a different photo i have from this same camera05:16
macogwxivanari: like if you know that they start with DCM0020.JPG or something, you can run "sudo updatedb" to update the listing of everything on the computer, then "sudo slocate <blah>" where <blah> is the name of one of the files05:17
xivanarithats one name05:17
xivanarithey are all like that05:17
xivanarii dont know what the name of the files was though05:17
xivanaribecause they were just numbers in sequential order05:17
nickrudxivanari: they are supposed to show up in ~/Photos05:17
xivanarii had pictures from like a month ago on this card05:17
adminzAshfire908: ok, re logined again to check, and didn't see that05:17
xivanariso i dont know what number the sequence is at, especiallyt since it seems to randomly change05:18
Ashfire908adminz, does ~/.Xauthority exist?05:18
=== mattg_ is now known as crwler
macogwxivanari: should be able to updatedb and then slocate P*.jpg maybe?05:18
xivanarii dont have that directory05:18
toucansamhow does this look: nmap -v -PN -A -badsum --data-length 20 -D
adminzAshfire908: what is the command to list hidden files again?05:19
macogwxivanari: cant hurt to try that at least...but did you check your Photos directory inside home, like nickrud said?05:19
soldatsadminz, la -a05:19
adminzAshfire908: ahh. ls -a05:19
soldatsls -a *****05:19
Ashfire908adminz, it's the -a switch with ls.05:19
macogwxivanari: oh that directory's not there..k try the search. cant hurt05:19
Ashfire908adminz, -A to hide the . and ..05:19
adminzAshfire908: there is not one there in the home directory05:19
Ashfire908adminz: hm.05:20
Ashfire908anyone know how to setup and enable ssh X11 forwarding on a xorg xserver-less server?05:20
macogwAshfire908: you might need the xserver to be installed, but not running, so it has the gui libraries from which to run05:21
xivanariah okay ill try that then macogw05:21
xivanarii got this error when i put in updatedb05:21
xivanariupdatedb: fatal error: You are not authorized to create a default slocate database!05:21
macogwAshfire908: thats just a whild gues05:21
macogwxivanari: sudo first05:21
macogwxivanari: sudo updatedb05:21
golem_thanks for the help folks. i'll stop by again soon05:21
xivanarioh ok05:21
macogwxivanari: one trick after messing up and leaving off sudo is to type "sudo !!" which repeats the last thing you did, but with sudo05:22
adminzAshfire908: before coming here, I had installed xorg on the server, but that didn't really change anything05:22
xivanariok thgats a really huge list there05:22
pgHi - after resuming from sleep, my computer can't play videos or sound files.  It works again after I remove and reinsert what seems like the sound driver module, snd_cs46xx.  But videos are black and white.  How can I try to fix that?05:22
adminzAshfire908: and I removed it before coming her05:22
macogwxivanari: the search results?05:22
compyfor a second HardDrive do i want to use ext2 or ext3?05:22
xivanarii cant even look through all the jpg files that start with p05:23
Ashfire908adminz, so x11 forwarding didn't work even with xorg xserver installed?05:23
adamonline45Is there a way to see all the IP addresses of computers on the network? I'm using Ubuntu to serve DHCP addresses, and I lost a box :(05:23
macogwxivanari: umm what about "slocate P*.jpg | grep home" ?05:23
xivanariok maybe P1?05:23
xivanaridoesnt change anything05:23
macogwxivanari: thatd limit the search to your home directory...05:23
FloodBot1xivanari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
limpi installed phpmyadmin but it's not in my www folder, why is that?05:24
pgMy modules: http://pastebin.com/d1f61888705:24
adminzAshfire908: I did a sudo aptitude install xorg on the server machine, but x forwarding didn't work then either05:24
Ashfire908anyone know how to enable X11 forwarding?05:25
toucansamanyone here good at network security???05:25
adminzthe DISPLAY is not set error, leads me to think it has something to do with that $DISPLAY setting on the server.  In that config file, it sets display offset is 1005:25
adminzor something like that05:25
* Ashfire908 directs answers to adminz 05:25
xivanariso iused gthumb to move the photos05:25
adminzAshfire908: Thanks for your help05:25
xivanariand it sayus that it moved them to the Pictures folder05:25
Ashfire908adminz, sorry i couldn't get it working05:26
xivanaribut when i loo k in that folder, there isnt the pictures in there05:26
Soskelhow can I find a processes id?05:26
soldatsadminz, might this help http://suso.org/docs/shell/ssh.sdf05:26
adminzAshfire908: I'm sure I messed something up before I came here, thanks a gain05:26
xivanarithey just appeared05:26
xivanarithats weird05:26
soldatsSoskel, pgrep <app name>05:26
xivanariyay problem fixed05:26
macogwSoskel: its the number on the left when you see the process while running "top" or "ps -e"05:26
yahcasonhey, don't know the proper  etiquette for asking questions, but my home directories are gone.  How do I get them back05:26
yahcasonanyone know?05:26
macogwyahcason: what home directories?05:27
yahcasonall of them05:27
macogwyahcason: like all of /home or all of /home/youruser or the /home/youruser/Videos Documents etc?05:27
limpi installed phpmyadmin but it's not in my www folder, why is that?05:27
yahcasonyeah, all, I had a problem with, one sec05:27
crwlerwhen does the next release of ubuntu come out?!05:28
soldats!hardy | crwler05:28
ubotucrwler: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:28
soldatscrwler, i believe april05:28
Soskelmacogw: is it bad to kill an app in the middle of a process?05:28
adamonline45Is there a way to list my dhcp clients?05:28
fanat1khi all. How to save a password for wifi connection in Ubuntu 7.10? It lost after every reboot... (sorry for my bad eng :))05:28
yahcasonI had a problem with a a filesystem, so I went into the fstab file and manually deleted it because it couldnt find it05:29
eZe_hi, i just formatted a partition and (re)installed ubuntu on it, now I rebooted, but grub gave me an error 22 when booting ubuntu, and error 15 when booting windows05:29
yahcasonnow I cant access any of my home directories05:29
quitttis something on Ubuntu's kernel that makes opengl faster?05:30
boydjdanybody had their pc speaker just randomly uh, beep kind of? not even full beeps, sounds like squeaks kind of.05:31
dvn805boydjd: did you check for mice?05:31
boydjddvn805: yep, no mice.05:32
fanat1khelp me to save password for wifi plzz... I'm tired to enter it after every reboot...05:33
xivanarithanks a ton for your help macogw05:33
dvn805boydjd: ongoing problem?05:33
jimmygoonboydjd, happens as a result of cellphone interference to me and my teachers a lot05:33
dvn805yes, GSM phones will cause interference05:33
jimmygoonboydjd, right before you receive a text or get an incoming call weird sounds happen :O05:33
boydjdnah, my phone is across the room. even does it when it's off05:33
dvn805CDMA phones don't, in my experience05:33
boydjdand yes, it's an ongoing problem.05:34
jimmygoonboydjd, stab your speaker05:34
dvn805yeah, unplug that bitch05:34
pgeZe: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html says error 15 is "Error while parsing number".  This could be poorly specified partition perhaps.  Error 22 is "Must load Multiboot kernel before modules".05:34
dvn805I don't even have my speaker inside connected05:34
boydjdwell the system itself is acting strange05:34
eZe_so what can I do about it?05:34
pgboydjd: sounds like a driver problem or a hardware problem05:34
dvn805how is it acting strange?05:35
soldatsboydjd, there are many interferences that the FCC states. radio cellphone etc05:35
boydjddvn805: right now i just restarted the machine, and in gnome i went to click firefox, and now gnome isn't responding, but i can still move the mouse around.05:35
dvn805boydjd: what kind of processor, how much ram?05:35
jimmygoonfanat1k, upgade to 7.1005:36
eZe_pg, you think it would help if I just paritition and reinstall ubuntu again?05:36
boydjddvn805: axp 6400+, 4GB ram, 1.5TB raid5 /home, 500GB /05:36
pgeZe_: it may05:36
dvn805boydjd: it's hard to diagnose the problem.. maybe it's a hardware issue, or maybe there's some corruption. or like pg stated, a driver problem05:36
eZe_is there anything I can do with the live cd, maybe just reinstall grub?05:36
fanat1kjimmygoon: it is 7.10...05:37
jimmygoonfanat1k, it stores your keyring passwords for wifi automatically and enters them at reboot in gutsy... there is a pam hack on ubuntuforums.org to get it for  feisty but you'll have to google for it.05:37
boydjddvn805: i don't see anything odd in /var/log/messages or anything either. sigh.05:37
jimmygoonfanat1k, oh, um, must be a bug sorry :(05:37
pgeZe_: yes, use the live cd to re-install everything. During the installation, make sure the partition where grub is installed is a primary partition.05:38
fanat1kjimmygoon: maybe I need to lok for some package? Like a ...keyring-manager..05:38
boydjdi just notcied05:38
eZe_grub should be installed in the same parti as ubuntu, right?05:38
boydjdwhen i hear the speaker beeping05:38
boydjdthe hdd led activity light blips off.05:38
dvn805boydjd: try backing up your important data to an internal or external drive, and reformatting your HD and doing a reinstallation05:38
=== abadtooth is now known as testfire
boydjddvn805: well everything important is on /home, which is the raid5.05:39
pgeZe: not sure, but the menu.list file which specifies what to load should be on the primary partiton I think.05:39
jimmygoonfanat1k, um, there is one in 7.10 by default comes with the install05:39
dvn805also, the sqeaking sound could be a bad motherboard.. or a bios problem05:39
pgeZe: I'm not an expert05:39
dvn805try setting defaults in bios and see what happens05:39
jimmygoonfanat1k, System->Administration->Keyring Manager (mine is at the top)05:39
pgboydjd: it could also be that your gain is set too high - see alsa05:40
pgboydjd: alsamixer05:40
boydjdpg: will alsa do anything to the pc speaker?05:40
testfireHey guys, I cannot seem to get my wireless working in Ubuntu 7.10, I have a netgear WG511T (Made is China) can anyone help me get this sorted out?05:40
fanat1kjimmygoon: thanks, I'll go to try it05:40
pgboydjd: I'm not an expert, but I don't see why not05:40
boydjdPCM gain is set at 0.005:40
fuffaloi installed snapshot and edited the config to backup hourly - but I don't seem to see any files in the /var/cache/rsnapshot file (where it's set to backup) - any idea whys?05:40
boydjdwhich is the max05:40
boydjditem "beep"05:41
dvn805hey boydjd: try disabling the microphone input05:41
mystikwow... centralized help. this is amazing.05:41
heartsblooddoes anybody know if it's possible to upload video to an ipod nano in linux?05:41
testfireheartsblood: It should be... I can upload anything to my sansa..05:42
boydjddvn805: i just turned the gain down to the min on a bunch of stuff, lets see what happens hmm05:42
heartsbloodtestfire: easier said than done, the 3g's have an encrypted DB so getting anything on them is somewhat of a trick05:42
testfireheartsblood: I would install Rockbox firmware on it..05:43
mystikheartsblood: are you trying to get 3gp/3g2 video into an m4v format for ipod?05:43
heartsbloodTestfire: rockbox doesn't work with the 3g nano.05:43
boydjdhmm well05:43
boydjdi don't hear beeping so far05:43
baz12what happens when a ubuntu distibution that i have installed reaches the end of its life time ? can i still get packages?05:44
eZe_pg, how can I set the partition as primary?05:44
heartsbloodmystik: 3gp? I have no idea what that is, but my question is more general.  Is it possible to get video on a 3g ipod in linux yet.05:44
scguy318baz12: you can still get packages, you just wont receive security updates05:44
testfireheartsblood: You say 3rg gen?http://build.rockbox.org/05:45
boydjddvn805: i wonder if the microphone input (even though it's not connected to a mac) was somehow picking up the sound of the raid array i/o.05:45
MarcoDFWhello, does any one knows about a good full system backup software05:45
mystikheartsblood: 3gp and 3g2 are video types.05:45
testfireheartsblood: Or did you say nano?05:45
RynooFor some reason, I'm having to literally scroll around my desktop, like my desktop doesn't fit my screen size05:45
dvn805boydjd: it is possible that you were getting interference from something05:45
RynooIt worked great earlier at 1400x1050, but it doesn't now for some reason05:45
RynooAnyone know how I can fix this?05:45
mystikheartsblood: as for getting an interface with your ipod for file transfer, i wouldn't know. i dislike ipods for that exact reason.05:45
heartsbloodtestfire: 3g nano.  the one that supports video.05:45
scguy318Rynoo: looks like for some reason xorg.conf has a virtual screen size > monitor max, you'll want to remove a line that starts with virtual I think05:46
wassahello and good day.. Does anyone in here know how to get Japanese IME keyboard ? I have added the language pack already05:46
melvin447to baz12: nope, once the support cycle ends your only option is to upgrade, which the update manager will suggest05:46
Rynoolet me give that a shot05:46
MarcoDFWhello, does any one knows about a good full system backup software05:46
mystikbaz12: whats the motivation to stay with an old, out-of-date version?05:46
lgcMarcoDFW, like dd?05:46
baz12scguy318: im not sure for how long though. the repositories seem to disappear affter a while05:46
heartsbloodTestfire: the reason rockbox doesn't work on the 3g's is because it has an encrypted DB.  flashing the firmware wouldn't allow you to write to the storage device.05:46
MarcoDFWI don't know anyone05:47
MarcoDFWis dd a good one05:47
testfireheartsblood: Hmm well I don't know very much about ipods.. I try to stay away from anything that wont give me complete access to everything...05:47
MarcoDFWI would like one with a gui if possioble05:47
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:47
lgcMarcoDFW, dd allows you copy entire partitions or entire disks, if you want.05:47
heartsbloodtestfire: normally I would agree but nothing out there is as small and provides the same features.  and it was free05:47
grodyMarcoDFW, sluethkit05:47
grodyit has a web-based gui05:47
mystikheartsblood: free is good. have you consulted google on this issue?05:48
ganeshhow to update the grub while copying the file system from livecd05:48
testfireheartsblood:  Can't beet free! but I think the sansa is something thats out there...05:48
MarcoDFWdd is web-based through webmin?05:48
baz12mystik: eventually i will not be able to run the very latest versions because my hardware wont support it  and things ten to get slower and slower as versions go on!05:48
scguy318MarcoDFW: nope05:48
mystikganesh: when using install-grub there's a command-line option to specify the root fs05:48
scguy318MarcoDFW: dd is a raw data copy tool, not really what you want05:48
MarcoDFWah ok I will search the web-front end of dd then05:48
scguy318MarcoDFW: check out the links that ubotu suggested05:49
grodyMarcoDFW, sluethkit05:49
MarcoDFWthanks I will right now05:49
mystikbaz12: i see, no funds for new hardware?05:49
melvin447baz12, yeah I popped in an old 5.10 live CD to play with and the repos didn't work.  Your best bet is to reinstall, but if that's not feasible get an alternate CD and upgrade with it05:49
heartsbloodmystik: aye, the only articles I can find are about getting the 3g to work in linux for mp3s.05:49
MarcoDFWTHANKS a bunch to all05:49
testfireDoes anyone know how to get wireless working in ubuntu?05:49
mystikheartsblood: likely if you can get one file on there, you can probably get any file copying.05:49
ganeshmystik, i think i have to run this command throgh chroot05:49
grodytestfire, a supported wifi card helps05:49
heartsbloodmystik: no it doens't work like that05:49
ganeshmystik, am i correct05:49
lgcMarcoDFW, 'sluethkit', or whatever, isn't included in Ubuntu, though.05:50
mystikganesh: yes, grub-install is a sudo command (required)05:50
wassatestfire my wireless started right away05:50
testfiregrody:  Netgear WG511T05:50
ganeshmystik, i did but im getting error05:50
mystikganesh: whats the error?05:50
heartsbloodmystik: to get a file read by the 3g interface it has to be registered in the DB.  I can use it as a thumb drive sure, but that doesn't mean a copy/pasted mp3 will play05:50
testfirewassa:  Lucky you :P05:50
baz12melvin447: thanks;. i get that. but reinstalling/.upgrading every 6-12 months is a bit of a bind. each time new problems are faced to get things working again!05:50
ganeshmystik, not able to read stage105:50
wassaI was surprised too ;)05:50
heartsbloodmystik: or mkv or mpg or anything05:50
melvin447baz12. that's a common misconception, the latest releases should actually run BETTER since unlike other operating sytstems, Ubuntu gets optimized and improved with each release05:51
ganeshmystik, im not not getting the menu.lst also05:51
MarcoDFWsorry I closed the window before copying the links05:51
Rynooscguy318: Now, I can't get to 1400x1050 resolution05:51
mystikganesh: you should do a full reinstall of grub, specifiying the current fs with command line parameters. it should re-create all necessary files and associations05:51
MarcoDFWcould you please send me again the backups links05:51
RynooMax I can get is 1280x102405:51
wassai would like to ask this again because I am assuming it is simple but i am not seeing it.. running version 7.1005:51
lgc!backup > MarcoDFW05:51
siakattackjwhy the dictionary could not define one single word??  do i need to define some server?05:51
fatedkissCan soemone assist me in getting java to work05:51
wassai would like to be able to type in japanese language.. anyone?05:51
ganeshmystik, how to reinstall the grub05:52
mystikheartsblood: so the question is how to enter the m4v into the encrypted DB before copying the file...05:52
melvin447baz12, didn't see your last post sorry.  I guess that's why they do the long term releases, so you won't have to upgrade every 12 months05:52
testfirefatedkiss: Whats not working about it?05:52
baz12melvin447: for most upgrading/reinstalling is not too problemating. but for some it causes all sorts of problems as evindeced in the forums05:52
heartsbloodmystik: yes I guess that would be more accurate05:52
ganeshmystik, how to reinstall the grub in the copied filesystem05:52
fatedkisstestfire, the aps online, i installed Java 6 bin through synaptic05:52
mystikganesh: from the command line run 'sudo grub-install' it will give you command line options, you'll want to set the root to the device that is your primary (booted) harddrive. eg. /dev/hda105:52
fatedkisstestfire, everythign looked ok, but it was trying to load an app and it fialed05:53
baz12melvin447: yes the long term releases are a bit of a relief for me for this!05:53
fatedkisstestfire, failed*05:53
testfirefatedkiss: runescape?05:53
prosthesisI've been trying to get ubuntu working on an old ibook laptop, and I was wondering if I could get a bit of help05:53
melvin447I agree with that, I think the best way to upgrade is to have a separate /home partition, then do a clean install. Of course I like to tinker, for some people that's a pain I understand05:53
mystikheartsblood: sounds like a clincher, i'm sure someone has done it, but finding the right help files could be hard.05:53
fatedkisstestfire, mozilla?05:53
fatedkisstestfire,  no pogo05:53
IcemanV9baz12: fwiw, i am still on 6.06 ... so i can focus on work/play/whatsnot without upgrading every 6 months. now, i am looking forward to another LTS release soon. :)05:53
testfirefatedkiss:  I meant the online app..05:53
ganeshmystik, grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/newpartition /dev/hda105:54
fatedkisstestfire, yeah a game on pogo.com05:54
testfirefatedkiss:  try the Opera browser and see if it works05:54
ganeshmystik, this only gave an err not able to read stage105:54
mystikganesh: it should be 'sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/hda105:54
kuchchahey all05:55
fatedkisstestfire, >.> is the opera browser preinstalled on gutsy?05:55
baz12melvin447:+ IcemanV9 next LTS  release is this year. I am still on 6.06. will have to think about moving to the next LS at some point thoug :)05:55
mystikganesh: if that doesn't work, mount /dev/hda1 using the mount command, then re-run the command with the mounted point rather than /dev/hda105:55
kuchchaim having atrouble getting my broadcom wirelss working with gutsy05:55
lgcDoes someone know if VMWare should generate an entry on the applications menu?05:55
testfirefatedkiss:  And I would use the j2re1.4 packages in synaptic05:55
ganeshmystik, i mounted & ran the command05:55
fatedkisstestfire, i thaught opera was mac? ok ill try to install those as well05:55
testfirefatedkiss:  No but just go to add/remove and search Opera05:55
craptasticleswhat is avahi?05:56
melvin447Fortunately 6.06 is still supported until 2009, so people have one year to switch to the next LTS.  That's a great system05:56
ArthurArchnixlgc if it hasn't yet try restarting the panels. I think its killall gnome-panel05:56
testfirefatedkiss:  Opera is multi platform05:56
fatedkisstestfire, ill try that as a last resort no offence i just like firefox05:56
Rynooscguy318: Something isn't right. damm.05:56
fatedkisstestfire, thanks for the help05:56
IcemanV9baz12: also, you can upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 ( only LTS to LTS ); is that super? i hope it won't bork during the upgrade process05:56
mystikganesh: i'd recommend taking the specific error code to the support sites specific to grub.05:56
lgcArthurArchnix, thanks, I'll do that.05:56
mystik8.04 is the next LTS version?05:57
melvin447IcemanV9, wow I didn't know that you could go from 6.06 to 8.04, that's great news05:57
ganeshmystik, tell the grub support site05:57
testfirefatedkiss: Java may not work correctly if you have more than one version of it installed by the way.05:57
melvin447yes mystik, 8.04 will be LTS05:57
baz12IcemanV9: me too!  lool05:57
mystikganesh: you'll have to search for it.05:57
craptasticlesdoes gutsy work with wpa?05:57
ganeshmystik, ok thanks05:57
toucansamcan i boot with a boot dvd???05:57
testfirefatedkiss: all I know is that java games work for me in the opera web browser and not in Firefox.05:57
baz12IcemanV9: i hope my maching can cope with the new fangled 3d desktop stuff theyve got on it too! lol05:58
mystiktoucansam: yes. ubuntu will boot from dvd.05:58
toucansamok cool. cause my cds are not working05:58
mystiktoucansam: the ubuntustudio version is just larger than a full CD, it has to be booted from DVD disk.05:58
IcemanV9melvin447: baz12: i will definitely test the upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 on the test box before i do it on the real box (of course, i backup the real box)05:58
toucansamwhat is the studio version??? is it better than the usual one?05:59
kuchchacraptasticles: what is that?05:59
craptasticleskuchcha: wireless encryption05:59
toucansamwpa encryption, i think05:59
mystiktoucansam: it has specifics for creating audio/video and 3D as necessary. other than that, it uses the same repositories and applications as the standard ubuntu05:59
WyrmulI am trying to determine what version of xubuntu I have.  does anyone know how to do this?05:59
lgcArthurArchnix, you were right, thanks.05:59
IcemanV9baz12: i am sure it will ... test it with livecd, though.05:59
mystiktoucansam: i believe you can get it at ubuntustudio.com ... but don't quote me.05:59
kuchchacraptasticles: so what should i do now...05:59
baz12IcemanV9: i think i wll wait a little while after the release comes out and see how it goes then just throw caution wo the wind !06:00
toucansammystik: should i get it?06:00
kuchchacraptasticles: i have even tried compiling ndiswrapper from source06:00
fanat1kjimmygoon: are u here?06:00
mystiktoucansam: i enjoy it, but i do more multimedia than most people.06:00
kuchchacraptasticles: nothing seems to work06:00
wassahow the hell can you type in the enhanced language06:00
baz12IcemanV9: ou're right must test with live cd first06:00
Metal-Maniac-Mati need help06:00
IcemanV9baz12: same here. i usually wait for a month or two before i could do the upgrade06:00
toucansamah.  well i do most of my video stuff on Final Cut Studio 2. so i'm set with that06:00
ArthurArchnixlgc Cool. No worries.06:00
adminzHey Ashfire908 I got it working!06:00
mystikWyrmul there should be an about menu under the system menu06:01
fanat1kHey people! How to make gnome-keyring to save wifi password?06:01
craptasticleskuchcha: I have no idea. I'm trying to get mine to work.06:01
Ashfire908adminz, yay!06:01
IcemanV9patience is the virtue for the success06:01
wassadoes anyone in here know how to type in another language?06:01
Metal-Maniac-Mathow do you add to favorites in x-chat??06:01
kuchchacraptasticles: haha....good luck06:01
craptasticlesI changed and hid my ssid and encrypted it with wpa but it still detects the old ssid. What's the deal?06:01
toucansamya ich!06:01
Varkafatedkiss, first have a look at the "about:plugins" page in firefox if and what version of javaplugin shows up, second you should check your configured java version to be the right one with "sudo update-alternatives --config java"06:01
toucansamwassa: wie gehts?06:02
ArthurArchnixcraptasticles, I don't think network manager works with hidden ssids. AKAIK. I could be wrong about that.06:02
WyrmulNo I only have about xfce and it doesn't have any info on the ubuntu build06:02
kuchchadoes anyone have experience in making ubuntu work with broadcom 4312 wireless?06:02
mystiktoucansam: i installed a simmilar application to adobe premiere studio called cinelerra. it's a linux only video mixing program. i havn't had the chance to run it, but it looks nice.06:02
adminzAshfire908: I did three things, not sure what one was the reason. I restarted the server(hadn't been restarted in 45 days), which needed to be done to restart sshd, I added a X11UseLocalHost line and a TCP forwarding line in sshd_config, and I used -Y instead of -X06:02
mystikwyrmul: i'm not familliar with xfce. sorry.06:02
jimmygoonfanat1k, no06:02
toucansammystik: oh nice.  does it have the equivelant to Motion 3? cause i love working with that06:02
wassawie gehts?? what is that?06:02
jimmygoonfanat1k, sorry, I'm going to bed, the woot sucks06:02
toucansamwassa: german06:02
mystiktoucansam, i'm not familliar with that program, so i couldn't say.06:03
Ashfire908adminz, -Y bypasses some secutiry protocals i think06:03
wassano.. like the japanese language script.. hiragana06:03
baz12IcemanV9: yeah, in the 6.06 they released an updated 6.06_1 cd a few months later to reudce the bugs so its worth waiting a bit06:03
Metal-Maniac-Mati guess comming here was a waste of time06:03
jimmygoonesp since 7.10 is supposed to be a LTS06:03
johnficcacan i get amsn fonts to look nicer??06:03
toucansammystik: its an animating application thats.... hard to explain.  but 3 is in 3d.  lots of effects... particle emitters... etc06:03
* kuchcha requests attention06:04
adminzAshfire908: Alright, thanks for the help though06:04
Ashfire908adminz, to restart sshd just use /etc/init.d/ssh restart06:04
Wyrmulrestate you question Metal-Maniac-Mat06:04
kuchchahas anyone wrked with broadcom wirlees 4312 on ubuntu gutsy06:04
Metal-Maniac-Mathow do i add favorites in x-chat06:04
Metal-Maniac-Matlike you can do in mIRC06:04
mystiktoucansam: i didn't install the 3D creation option. so it may.  when i installed the audio/video option, i ended up with more utilities than i knew what to do with, so if thats any indication, it should do fine.06:04
brizbenMetal-Maniac-Mat, try joining the x-chat channel ...06:04
Metal-Maniac-Matim new to the whole linux thing06:04
toucansamwassa: the keyboard for those types of languages have 'sound' keys instead of letter keys, and the computer interprets the 'sound' as characters06:04
mystiktoucansam: it's also a fully-featured version of ubuntu, so there's no harm in getting the extra.06:04
wassayeah exactly.. you enter su.. and interprets that sound06:05
toucansammystik: hrm... sounds nice.  but the dvd is already burning.  oh well...06:05
craptasticle1I'll be damned.06:05
fanat1k__Hey people! How to make gnome-keyring to save WIFI password?06:05
mystiktoucansam: it's good. you know about it now, so you can try it later if you wish.06:05
wassaso.... how do you get that working? I have added japanese language.. added charcter support.. and added a japanse keyboard.. no luck06:06
toucansamby the way, anyone know how to fix the dual-boot problem after installing vista??06:06
fatedkissi have like 4 diff passable java installed, currently trying j2se06:06
craptasticle1archiesomething: thanks. I didn't even think about broadcasting the ssid. WPA should be good enough, right?06:06
VarkaMetal-Maniac-Mat, http://www.xchat.org/docs/06:06
wassatoucansam.. have you been able to output any asian characters?06:07
Metal-Maniac-Matill have a look06:07
WyrmulMetal-Maniac-Mat: try the x-chat forums. if the docks don't have the answer.  that would be your best bet IMO06:07
toucansamwassa: nope thats just what i heard from asian ppl when i went to china06:07
Metal-Maniac-Matthnx alot guys... very helpfull... lets hope i get an answer06:07
ArthurArchnixfanat1k, At least in Feisty, you had to choose a keyring password that was the same as your login password for it to be fully automated at login. Not sure if that's still the case.06:07
JFactorIs there anyone here who may be able to help me out?06:08
toucansamonly if you have food06:08
JFactorI do have food06:08
toucansamok shoot06:08
ArthurArchnix!ask | JFactor06:08
ubotuJFactor: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:08
toucansambut you have to submit it in the next 5 seconds...06:09
FloodBot1toucansam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
toucansamhaha too bad times up no questions06:09
eTranquilityHi, I'm terrible with the command line. I'm trying to copy a file. I typed "sudo cp /media/cdrom0/MEM48U1.50/WinXp /etc/sane.d" and it gave me "cp: omitting directory `/media/cdrom0/MEM48U1.50/WinXp'" What did I do wrong?06:09
JFactorI was experimenting with the screens and graphics in Gutsy, and I tried to share the monitor, however I am now stuck in 640x480, how can I fix this?06:09
ArthurArchnixShould have started counting at 306:09
fanat1kArthurArchnix: but there is no key for wifi in gnome-keyring06:09
mystikdoes anyone know why the terminal through the Gnome GUI is crashing?06:09
ianm1eTranquility: cp -R06:09
mystik(i'm running ubuntustudio 7.10)06:10
bod_mystik, when does it crash,.,. do u have the chance to type a command?06:10
fatedkissmaybe i should restart my pc to get linux to work with java?06:10
mystikbod_ no.06:10
mystikbod_ as soon as it starts it closes. there's no error or explination06:10
ianm1fatedkiss: ...?  spent a lot of time with windows huh?06:10
toucansammystik: yes we know about your goddamn ubuntustudio and all your faancy shaancy video editing apps so stop bragging! hahaha06:10
ArthurArchnixfanat1k, It should remember your password once you type it in, if that's what you mean. Once a month mine seems to forget it... but otherwise.06:11
JFactorHow can I get out of 640x48006:11
bod_oh,. i was gonna suggest opening a terminal frm a terminal to see an error,.,. im not sure how to/ if u can reinstall terminal?06:11
JFactorI go to resolution settings and that is all I can choose06:11
mystiktoucansam: i love you too. ;)06:11
bod_JFactor, try this : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:11
fatedkissianm1, yeha im getting more comfortable with linux, i just dont know how i can go through like 5 diff versions of java and it stil not work06:11
toucansamgoddamn r06:12
ArthurArchnixJFactor, You have to either add the resolutions you want into your xorg file manually, or do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and pray to the X gods.06:12
Shadow147oi setting up mingw for linux is a pain06:12
bod_fatedkiss,.,. i no a version of java that works,.,. well it fixed my mozilla06:12
JFactori put that in the terminal and nothing happened06:12
win2010XPSEPROspbut no sflah.video or does it work?06:13
fatedkissbod_, go for it ill try it06:13
bod_fatedkiss, get a clean install of mozilla then download&install the package in the blue writing :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63639706:13
bod_JFactor, try it with sudo06:13
ArthurArchnix!flash | win2010XPSEPROsp06:14
ubotuwin2010XPSEPROsp: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:14
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.06:14
mystiknevermind, i'm gonna fsck my drive, mayb ethat will fix it.06:14
fanat1kArthurArchnix: but it doesn't save password for wifi once type it in...06:14
ArthurArchnixfanat1k, Is it hidden ssid?06:14
win2010XPSEPROspok..i ll see06:14
JFactorok with sudo something happened now06:14
JFactorhowever still not fixed06:15
fatedkissubotu a bot?06:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about a bot? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:15
bod_JFactor, u should of had to do a long setup like process?06:15
bod_fatedkiss, yes06:15
JFactorperhaps I will try again06:15
JFactorI am very new at this06:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:15
JFactorjust installed ubuntu today06:15
ArthurArchnixfanat1k, Yeah. I just confirmed that network manager can't handle ESSID. You'll have to use a different program. But seriously, ESSID is no protection. If someone can crack your WPA hidden SSID won't slow them down. Just use normal SSID and WPA06:16
Hmmperhow do I install bison, texinfo, patch, gawk on ubuntu?06:16
toucansami'm about to install ubuntu... if the disk didn't have so may fcking errors06:16
fatedkissbod_, what was the prob you were having with flash?06:16
JFactorbrb fire alarm06:16
bod_fatedkiss, non existent flash06:17
crdlb!apt-file | Hmmper06:17
ubotuHmmper: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"06:17
toucansamhaha JFactor06:17
=== TheFishy_ is now known as TheFishy
fatedkissbod_, hmm wonder if ittl solve mine because like it recognizes flash is at least installed, the aps just wont load06:17
Hmmperubotu, is there a gui frontend?06:18
ardchoille!bot | Hmmper06:18
ubotuHmmper: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:18
Hmmperoh sorry06:18
bod_fatedkiss, that sounds like my prob06:18
ArthurArchnixfanat1k, Check out this bug report about network manager and hidden SSID  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/5021406:18
mocolocoHmmper, fastest way.  Applications-> Accessories, Terminal.  type in: "sudo apt-get install bison patch gawk"  Didn't see textinfo in there.  If you don't like command line use Synaptic, under System -> Adminstration06:19
win2010XPSEPROspyeah... I also want 2 browse my brain06:19
baz12is ubuntu still keeping to about a 2GB instal or has it grown a lot with the 3d desktop stuff, etc.?06:19
VvWolverinevVcan anyone send me the SUPER package?06:19
fatedkissbod_, not alot of people make linux working stuff huh ; ;06:19
bod_fatedkiss, cause theres no money in it06:19
Hmmpermocoloco, i was looking for that thank you06:19
bod_fatedkiss, although flash do make linux drivers,. just not thouroughly tested ones06:20
fatedkissbod_, sad06:20
ardchoillebaz12: I just installed Ubuntu yesterday, and today, after installing a ton of stuff, my /dev/hda1 is 2.3gb06:20
bod_fatedkiss, not realy,.,. means we dont have to pay for ir06:20
bod_fatedkiss, it06:20
ArthurArchnixSorry fanat1k I just reread your problem. I doubt my comments are related.06:20
fatedkissbod_, im trying to register to acess a page of that link and i cant find the register option <.< (is a noob)06:20
bod_fatedkiss, although id rather give linux my money than microbolla***e06:20
bod_fatedkiss, 1 sec06:21
fatedkissbod_, same here06:21
bod_fatedkiss, this took ages to find: http://ubuntuforums.org/register.php06:22
fatedkissbod_, lol thanks06:23
cybermadwhat is the correct commmand on /etc/fstab to mount windows xp shared folder?  i tried // /mnt/share smbfs username=guest 0 0   then after i mount -a, it ask password and i just hit enter. But why i don't have write access to that shared folder?06:23
bod_fatedkiss,  no probs,.,. i found that hard to find aswell06:23
bod_cybermad, try actually giving it a password06:23
baz12ardchoille: thanks for the info. so it seems it has increase a bit. do you think it runs any slower on your pc?06:24
fatedkissbod_, lol i actually work tech support for tivo, im so gunna randomly put in request from different owners to have linux support >.>06:24
ardchoillebaz12: No, it's very responsive and it shouldn't grow too much.06:25
bod_fatedkiss,  good idea,.,. brb 5-10 mins06:25
cybermadbob_ what password bob, my guest account don't have any password?06:26
un_opcybermad, well, usually the guest account has no write access to shared folders -- create a new user on windows and use that user instead06:26
cybermadbob_ test by set password for get on XP ?06:26
rahalhi there.. i have a little question , i use tab to complet commands, cool feature, but i really dont like the sound :| .. how can i removed it?06:26
cybermadun_op why on other XP, then i access the shared folder... i can have write access?06:26
un_oprahal, type this - xset -b06:26
Hmmperi love my internet speed :)06:26
rahal10x a lot :)06:27
un_opcybermad, i did say _usually_ .. in that case, guest has write access .. if you would like to gives guest access, view the share's security properties06:27
mocolocorahal, kill the speak beep with two steps.  sudo rmmod pcspkr will stop it for now, then sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, add a line at the bottom #Stupid pc speaker <newline>blacklist pcspkr06:28
quaalanyone here run a thinkpad06:28
rahal:) thanks a lot un_op  , i don't why i didn't ask this question before06:28
un_oprahal, yw06:29
rahalmocoloco: what's the difference beetwen the 2 commands ?06:29
adrenergichi room06:29
rahalyours and un_op's one?06:29
adrenergici need someone to help me with compilation06:29
Dextorionok, so.. i have the silliest fault eveer. Sometimes when i boot ubuntu Xwindows doesnt start correctly. Sometimes i get that, graphical safe mode 800x600. And sometimes it works. Completely random. I have an Ati card, and Ati's drivers. Anyone ever seen this one before?06:30
adrenergiccan someone PM me who knows about compiling06:30
IcemanV9adrenergic: did you install build-essential?06:30
mocolocofirst one removes the module for the current session, but it will be back next boot.  the blacklist will get rid of if permanently.  you could just do the second one and reboot06:30
un_oprahal, what that's doing is completely removing the pcspeaker sound module so that the bell has no effect -- what i did was stop the bell, the difference is mine only works for one user, his works for all users06:30
bod_fatedkiss, bak,.,. hows it goin?06:30
adrenergicyes IcemanV906:31
fanat1khey! help me please. I use Ubuntu 7.10. Wifi connection: the login name, password is not stored in gnome-keyring. I have to set it up every time I reboot. :(06:31
rahalok, thank's both of you :)06:31
adrenergiccan i PM you IcemanV9 ?06:31
rahalhave a good day06:31
mocolocoI prefer that to making each user turn off the system bell, that turns off the beep for in or out of an x session, for all users, I hate that freaking beep!! :)06:31
graelbhi there, quick question... if i want to bind a command to a launcher or a shortcut (through compiz-fusion), but it needs to be ran as root (IE shutdown,) how do i do that without needing to type in my password?06:31
fatedkissbod_, trying to locate the mian mozilla packet in synaptic to uninstall it06:31
IcemanV9adrenergic: then ask the question here; you might have a better chance of getting an answer to your question06:31
bod_fatedkiss, search for firefox,. its the one called @firefox@06:31
bobcI'm having a hard time getting two lirc devices to work in gutsy. anyone able to help with lirc?06:32
fatedkissbod_, >.> why wouldnt they just place it with all the other mozilla stuff06:32
bod_fatedkiss,  they do06:32
bod_its called "firefox"06:32
bod_fatedkiss, lol06:33
fatedkissbod_, i might just be blind /shrug06:33
ianm1"EXT3-fs error (device dm-0): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal"   <--- am I in trouble? :)06:33
bod_fatedkiss, me thinks so yes,.,.lol06:33
un_opfatedkiss, it's also called 'ubufox'06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubufox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:33
un_op!info ubufox06:34
ubotuubufox (source: ubufox): modifications for ubuntu firefox (default) install. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4~beta1-0ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 31 kB, installed size 208 kB06:34
fatedkissbod_, O.o theres a 3.0 dev version?06:34
bod_fatedkiss, dont bother with it06:34
mocolocooh be quiet there bot boy06:34
bod_un_op, wot extra stuff does it give u?06:34
un_opianm1, you probably want to recreate/regenerate the journal - but you're ok for now06:34
adrenergici've installed libiconv-1.11 at other directory, ie, /usr/code (i mean that have subdirs /lib /include /bin & /sbin now) i want to compile another package which doesn't know where libiconv is so ./configure doesn't run and aborts msging that it doesn't found libiconv... how am i gonna give the parameters to ./configure so that it can know06:35
fatedkissbod_, been there done that?06:35
adrenergicIcemanV9,  are you getting me06:35
bod_fatedkiss, got the empty box of aspirin used to relieve the headaches it gave me06:35
ianm1un_op: this HD obviously has problems, it's not remounted read-only, anything I can do without rebooting?06:35
un_opbod_, it allows firefox to integrate with synaptic so firefox extensions can be installed that way, ubuntu help, bookmarks, etc06:36
fatedkissbod_, tushay06:36
ianm1un_op: er, it's NOW mounted read-only06:36
bod_un_op, coolio,. gunna get it now06:36
un_opianm1, ok, gimme a sec06:36
Hmmperi just installed gcc-4.2 and when i run gcc -v it says gcc not found :(06:36
adrenergicwhen i use LDFLAGS... then the gcc libs doesn't run and it aborts :(06:36
bod_un_op, i already have it,. its default06:36
IcemanV9adrenergic: i can read you just fine; sorry i have no idea on libiconv ... give a few minutes to see if anyone knew the solution06:36
tazAnybody know how to setup firewire network in ubuntu?  I am able to use firewire cdburner on ubuntu, but I don't see it listed as a network adapter06:37
un_opbod_, yes, it's part of gutsy06:37
adrenergicanyone who's good in this msg me... i'm searching for three weeks to find it's answer :(06:37
bod_un_op, cool,. cheers for the info,.06:38
JFactorSomeone here pulled the fire alarm06:38
mocolocodid you run out screaming ;)06:38
JFactorbut without a shirt06:38
JFactorits -20 here right now06:38
bod_where r u?06:39
adrenergicoops -20 :006:39
ianm1JFactor: I think you might be living in the wrong place... :)06:39
JFactorlol nah06:39
bod_maybe someone wanted a fire06:39
ianm1bod_: haha!06:39
JFactoranyway I cant get that thing to work06:39
JFactorit says it is locked by another service06:39
un_opianm1, you there?06:39
ianm1JFactor: maybe consider starting one?06:39
bod_JFactor, u have either synaptic or a terminal open/downloading ,. close them first06:40
bmt2has anyone in here successfully converted a DVD to their PSP thru linux...if so ..what steps did you take ?06:40
RugJFactor: About the same here06:40
bullgard4[Samba] After rebooting 'smbclient -L MD97600' obtains "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE". What is meant bei 'NT_STATUS'?06:40
bod_bmt2, id assume you make the dvd an mpeg hen drag it into the video folder on ur psp06:40
ianm1un_op:  yeah06:40
JFactorI cant hit the system button06:41
wassagoddamn.. i was hoping for an easier help menu.. but the OO help sucks just as bad06:41
JFactorits dissappeared06:41
* IcemanV9 just checked the temp here ... it's -2F(-18C) here (brr)06:41
bmt2bod...thru what means (software) ?06:41
JFactornot enough room on the screen06:41
un_opianm1, you'll need to unmount the device and remount it so you have write access to it06:41
fatedkissbod_, the syntax to install a diff architecture is, sudo apt-get install --force architecture?06:41
ianm1un_op: it's the / filesystem, so that means a reboot no?06:41
bod_bmt2, dunno,. google linux mpg      ??06:42
un_opbullgard4, that's an error code meaning the user/password on the system didnt work06:42
bod_fatedkiss, thats nice06:42
bod_fatedkiss, oh its a question06:42
JFactorI am gonna reboot brb06:42
un_opianm1, i'm afriad yes, you'll need to also reboot into the recovery mode06:42
fatedkissbod_, yeah wasnt to sure06:42
un_opianm1, let me give you a link - http://osdir.com/ml/file-systems.ext3.user/2005-05/msg00008.html06:42
bod_fatedkiss, dunno,.,. wot r u doin again?06:42
ianm1un_op: pretty much every time I boot now I have to do a fsck(?) and it goes through pages of short reads or something and Want to rewrite [Y/n]06:42
bullgard4un_op: ok. How can I repair that?06:42
fatedkisstrying to install the deb package for flosh06:42
IcemanV9is there a way to stop the network manager borked the bridge network?? kill network-manager?06:43
fatedkissbod_, install the deb package for flash*06:43
adrenergicfatedkiss,  i've installed libiconv-1.11 at other directory, ie, /usr/code (i mean that have subdirs /lib /include /bin & /sbin now) i want to compile another package which doesn't know where libiconv is so ./configure doesn't run and aborts msging that it doesn't found libiconv... how am i gonna give the parameters to ./configure so that it can know06:43
RugAny word on when an SMP patch will be released?06:43
bod_fatedkiss, oh yer,. i remember,. how far have u got?06:43
tazFirewire help anyone?06:43
fatedkissadrenergic, honestly man i dotn really know <.<06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:44
un_opbullgard4, it's not a bug, it's a configuration problem - you have to make sure that the samba user has been setup properly on that system06:44
soldatsadrenergic, you can edit the config file06:44
pewpewpew!info firewire06:44
ubotuPackage firewire does not exist in gutsy06:44
JohnRobertwhat's the other name for firewire?06:44
JohnRobertfirewire is apple's name06:44
bullgard4un_op: Ok.06:44
JohnRobert!info ieee139406:44
ubotuPackage ieee1394 does not exist in gutsy06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ieee1394 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:45
bod_fatedkiss, i g2g im afraid,.,. keep talkin to peeps someone will help06:45
JohnRobertlol wtf06:45
fatedkissbod_, umm..i uninstalled firefox, reinstalled it...and now im gunna install the flash .deb file06:45
un_opianm1, well, the fsck might work but since the journal is corrupt, any changes to the filesystem are not recorded, so you are bound to have th esame problem every time the filesystem is mounted06:45
fatedkissbod_, no prob06:45
bod_fatedkiss, gd stuff,.,bye06:45
adrenergicsoldats, it's the requirement... so it won't work if i comment out the libiconv part06:45
soldatsadrenergic, can you ell it where to look for it. the config files pulls from other files to tell where to search for libs. maybe look around and see if you can find it06:46
ianm1un_op: hm, what happens now is my laptop shuts itself off due to heat issues, I am dumped to the command line, pages of fsck errors, then I reboot and it boots fine (once)06:46
JFactorback again06:46
ianm1un_op: however, what it just did, remounting in read-only, that's not common06:46
atm0sphwhat's the tar command I'd want to use to backup my ~/* recursively to create a single file to download to another computer to reupload and extract after redoing my computer?06:46
Hmmperi just upgrade gcc but gcc command doesn't work but gcc-4.2 does. how can I fix it?06:46
JFactorcould I get the command again?06:46
adrenergicyes soldats ... tell me how can i put the configure to tell it where to look for06:46
Hmmperi've googled but no luck06:47
adrenergicthat's what i'm searching for... i don't know the proper syntax06:47
un_opianm1, that's not good -- unless you sort out the hardware problem, you are probably bound to seeing more problems in the future06:47
soldatsadrenergic, im not sure. navigate to the dir and look around in the files. what are you trying to install06:47
ianm1un_op: yeah I'm just hoping it lasts another couple months.  this laptop has traveled with me for 3 years in south america and I'm going to leave it behind I think06:48
JFactorThis is so awkward workin in 640x480 resolution06:48
JFactorI have the command dont worrky about it06:48
ianm1un_op: if I reboot do you think I'll go through the same hoops, or is this a new problem?  I guess I'll write down those comannds from the url you gave...06:48
wassamfucking stupid fuckin every fuckin help other than how to actually do it06:48
fatedkissanyone know the syntax to force an install of a diff architecture?06:48
soldatsJFactor, what commnd06:48
soldats!ops | wassa06:49
ubotuwassa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!06:49
un_opianm1, it might just be a matter of replacing heatsink/fan .. but i cant say for sure, why dont you approach a repair center?06:49
un_opianm1, you need to recreate the ext3 journal, otherwise you'll be fsck-ing all the time06:49
JFactorhow much memory should I allocate to the memory card?06:49
bullgard4un_op: What does 'NT' stand for in 'NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE'?06:50
ianm1un_op: will that take a long time?06:50
JFactorI just left it blank06:50
crwlerwell, time for eve online.  later all and be careful with them config files!06:50
JFactorShould I use the kernel framebuffer?06:50
Hmmperi just upgrade gcc but gcc command doesn't work but gcc-4.2 does. how can I fix it?06:51
un_opbullgard4, that's from microsoft short for "New Technology" .. in this context it means, that the username and password you supplied were tried in logging you on but there was a mismatch, either the username does not exist or the password is wrong06:51
=== SkyBlade is now known as NotSkyBlade
un_opianm1, well, depends on the size of the volume -- might take about 10 mins .. but be prepared for a longer wait if necessary06:52
Shadow147what command do I need to use when copying .a files06:52
ianm1un_op: 80gigs, maybe 5 free06:52
un_opShadow147, within bash?06:53
Thurin1JFactor, Unless you have a really old, or odd, videocard - yes.06:53
ianm1un_op: well thanks for the help, I'll give 'er a reboot and cross my fingers06:53
NotSkyBladeexcuse me, but can someone give me a little help with mplayer?06:53
Shadow147un_op no in terminal06:53
Thurin1The console is much better in high resolution... :/06:53
un_opShadow147, right, that's bash :) --  cp .* /destination/06:53
wassaim gonna ask this again cuz I am getting nowhere.. Has anyone in here ever been able to use OO in another language format?06:54
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:54
wassaand not french06:54
wassaie japanese language06:54
Shadow147un_op ok so just .* the file then the dest path06:54
interceptorwhy doesn06:54
interceptorwork russian channel06:55
un_opShadow147, yes --  cp .* /dest/06:55
IcemanV9interceptor: /join #ubuntu-ru06:55
Shadow147un_op ok06:55
un_op!info openoffice.org2-l10n-ja06:55
ubotuPackage openoffice.org2-l10n-ja does not exist in gutsy06:55
un_op!info openoffice.org-l10n-ja06:56
ubotuopenoffice.org-l10n-ja (source: openoffice.org-l10n): Japanese language package for OpenOffice.org. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1611 kB, installed size 7172 kB06:56
JFactorthank you for all of your help06:56
un_opwassa, ^^^ you might be able to install this package and get away with it06:57
JFactoreverything is fixed and running fine06:57
JFactortake care06:57
Shadow147un_op thanks that worked06:57
NotSkyBladeexcuse me, but can someone give me a little help with mplayer? I noticed that after I rebooted today I am unable to integrate the program well for some reason.06:57
adrenergicun_op,  i'd a problem in compiling... can you help me06:57
wassaoh i know it is there.. the helps all indicate that it is possible.. it just completely hidden how to actually 'enable' it.06:57
wassaie.. Use ctrl + F306:58
Ashfire908ok, i have a ubuntu server acting as a gateway, doing NAT and... NAT... my ISP apparently thinks that they should take the job of when there's a dns error to instead of saying no domain, instead redirecting me to a search engine with no off switch. how would i go about making this dns autosearch page either not redirect me or not work?06:58
snookie_was wondering if someone could offer me some help, I'm going nuts and have had this problem for 3 weeks, my python install is broken :  http://rafb.net/p/wNS3sS33.html06:58
astro76Ashfire908: you could use a different dns server06:58
ianm1un_op: where it says /dev/hdXX would that be /dev/sda? sda1?  df -h says -> "/dev/sda1              72G   68G  309M 100% /"06:58
astro76Ashfire908: http://www.opendns.com/06:59
Ashfire908astro76, is there another way beside that?06:59
ianm1un_op: I mean, where it says /dev/hdXX at that URL you gave me06:59
astro76Ashfire908: complain to your ISP and get them to change how their DNS server works?06:59
Ashfire908astro76, ...that would require complaining to the isp.07:00
astro76that's what I said :O07:00
underwatercowIs there a way to list which packages you have added or removed from a default install?07:00
un_opianm1, replace /dev/sda1 with the one you are havng trouble with07:00
ianm1un_op: ok thanks07:01
NotSkyBladething is that I can't double-click on files and mplayer will play them normally07:01
NotSkyBladegives me some error07:01
NotSkyBladethat simply says mplayer isn't able to open the file07:02
bullgard4un_op: Why is there taken reference to Microsoft? I have read that Andrew Tridgell and his crew are acting independently of Microsoft.07:02
crolle17does somebody know how to monitor the transfer of a socket?07:02
Ashfire908astro76, how would i set up the opendns thing?07:03
IcemanV9underwatercow: /var/log/aptitude OR /var/log/dpkg.log (depends on how you install by apt-get or aptitude)07:03
un_opbullgard4, samba is an open source implementation of microsoft's smb/cifs technology -- to allow it to integrate with windows, it must follow microsoft's rules07:03
astro76Ashfire908: use and (https://www.opendns.com/start)07:04
snookie_hey curious to  know if someone can offer me some help:  http://rafb.net/p/wNS3sS33.html07:04
underwatercowIcemanV9: Thanks, that will come in handy to know07:05
XRFShow can i change my home directory by command line?07:05
quaalchange your username?07:05
snookie_I really appreciate the help07:05
XRFSsay i accidently changed it to /home/test/ i want to change it back to /home/x/07:06
quaalXRFS, login as x07:06
XRFSmy default home dir, i created a new one by accident07:06
underwatercowXRFS: I believe you should be able to edit it in the /etc/passwd file?07:06
Ashfire908astro76, how do i get my server to keep overriding the dns servers provided when it connects via a cell phone dialup07:06
Shadow147how do I scan a dir for files in another dir07:06
snookie_cp -fRp   /home/current /home/whatyouwant07:06
XRFSi can't login it gives me tons of errors as /home/x/ isnt my default one07:06
snookie_shadow147: you can use locate07:07
snookie_shadow147: you can setup locate to only search through one directory, block of directories, etc07:07
XRFSill have a look in etc/passwd07:07
snookie_curious to know if someone could help me with a broken python install: http://rafb.net/p/wNS3sS33.html07:07
astro76XRFS: the home directory is set in /etc/passwd07:07
un_opsnookie_, what does /usr/bin/python -V give you?07:07
NotSkyBlademplayer works on my ext3 partition but not on files that are NTFS07:07
Ashfire908astro76, nvm07:07
XRFSah there it is thanks astro.07:08
Shadow147snookie_ ok07:08
XRFShow do i save nano?07:08
snookie_un_op: a lot, should I paste it on nopaste?07:08
NotSkyBladewell, I'll begone then since nobody's listening now07:08
un_opsnookie_, well, it should be a single line of output - you can put that in one line here :)07:08
underwatercowXRFS: I believe you should be able to alt+X, then hit yes to save07:09
underwatercowXRFS: or Y... I forget how it asks07:09
XRFSi'm in recovery mode07:09
snookie_un_op: definitely more than one07:09
XRFSso no.07:09
astro76XRFS: the commands should be at the bottom, ^ is CTRL07:09
astro76XRFS: writeout is save, or you can exit and save07:09
snookie_un_op:  http://rafb.net/p/nLFK6r81.html07:10
un_opsnookie_, ok, use the !pastebin then07:10
un_opsnookie_, that was a capital V eh :) not a small one07:10
themightychrisin the process of killing a fuse script i've ended up with a direcotry entry that looks like this:07:11
themightychris?--------- ? ?    ?       ?                ? Root07:11
=== denias_mencariYM is now known as rizki
themightychrishow can I delete this07:11
snookie_ahhhh dang it07:11
themightychrisanyone know? i can't get rid of the damn thing07:11
snookie_un_op: Python 2.5.107:11
solid_liqthemightychris, reboot probably heh07:12
solid_liqthemightychris, or try restarting the script07:12
themightychristhe script won't start again cause it can't access the mount point07:12
Ghe-Bayneed help: i'm using ubuntu7.10 printing to HP Laserjet2300, but the output is always 3 copies, why?07:12
un_opsnookie_, strange -- but let's fix the perl error first -- do you have libxml-sax-perl installed?07:12
snookie_no, I can't install it, or uninstall it07:13
snookie_un_op: i get an error07:13
singlesunbest yahoo messengerish client for ubuntu is?07:13
un_opsnookie_, actually try this -- sudo apt-get install  --reinstall libxml-sax-perl07:13
un_opsnookie_, and !pastebin the output of that command if it fails07:14
astro76singlesun: pidgin is nice and installed by default actually07:14
un_op!best | singlesun07:14
ubotusinglesun: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.07:14
snookie_un_op: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: '/usr/bin/python'07:14
singlesunastro... yeah... but is there something better than pidgin?07:14
singlesunthat allows cam feeds and calls... etc07:14
un_opsnookie_, ok, we'll need to see all the output you have there -- !pastebin please07:15
fatedkisscan someone tell me the syntax to erase a directory?07:15
XRFSrmdir directory07:15
=== radit is now known as co_ndirianzz
bod_fatedkiss, hi again,. wot r u doing now?07:15
Ghe-Bayplease help, i'm using ubuntu7.10 printing to HP Laserjet2300, but the output is always 3 copies, why?07:15
soldatsfatedkiss, man rm07:16
themightychrisrebooting did it, thanks07:16
Shadow147singlesun pidgin is your best choice on linux until either a Windows IM like Yahoo or AIM is recoded to Linux07:16
fatedkissbod_, my ubuntu hates me07:16
bod_fatedkiss,  lol,.,. wots up07:16
snookie_un_op: http://rafb.net/p/i79Gsu20.html07:16
frustratedso I run the command hcitool dev and I get a response but when I run hidd search it comes back empty anyone familliar with this ?07:16
fatedkissbod_, i installed the new deb package for flash but it still nto working07:16
Shadow147singlesun well an updated version07:17
singlesunTahnks Shadow14707:17
bod_fatedkiss, did u get the correct ersion?07:17
fatedkissbod_, im guuna try and uninstall the manual flash install i tried erlier07:17
fatedkissbod_, i belive so07:17
adrenergicfatedkiss,  it's something like rm -R07:17
un_opsinglesun, tried this - http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php07:17
frequencyparadoxAnybody know where to find a good guide on getting FoxTor, Tor and Privoxy working in Gutsy Gibbon?07:17
fatedkissadrenergic, thanks07:17
bod_fatedkiss, with that link i sent u there is no need to do a manual install07:18
singlesuni will check that out un_op07:18
un_opsnookie_, right. looks like we have the perl problem sorted -- now python - what does this give you? http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php07:19
un_opsnookie_, sorry - this one  /usr/bin/pyversions -i07:19
fatedkissbod_, no it wasnt for that file i did the manual install07:19
bod_fatedkiss, kk07:19
fatedkissbod_, i tried to manually install flash the first time using the directions on the sit eim trying to use07:19
bod_fatedkiss, ok,. well u seem to have things sorted, o im gonna go to school now07:20
fatedkissbod_, it had me install a java package then link it to some pluggin file for firefox07:20
snookie_un_op: python2.507:20
fatedkissbod_, see ya07:20
compu73rg33khmm i've newgrp'd into another group but in nautilus I still don't get included with thoes permissiosn07:22
compu73rg33kI have a group media, which is the group assigned to /home/.media07:22
compu73rg33kwith my user i've newgrp'd into media, but I still can't create files & folders in /home/.media from nautilus07:22
compu73rg33kit works from the shell07:22
Ashfire908how do i set up default dns servers07:23
kilgariffjoin ##c++07:24
rekonis google failing to load for anyone else?07:27
snookie_un_op: any advice?07:27
rekonahh nvm there it goes07:27
Ashfire908i want to have my server ignore the dns servers provided by the ISP when dialing, and use others instead. i got wvdial set up not to use the dns servers provided but how do i set default ones07:28
un_opsnookie_, no real luck here, i've checked the web, no luck there too, i'm trying to see if i can replicate the problem on my machie07:28
cybermadwhy computer sometime doesn't make any sense.. few minutes ago, i tried turn on my PC, but the monitor is blank.. there is no beep!  then i test changing the memory slot to other.. and my monitor is turn on again.07:29
snookie_un_op: original problem stemmed from me fucking up.  I accidentalyl deleted /usr/bin but ctrl C'd it in the middle.  It was an error on my part with relative and absolute locations.  I installed a copy of gutsy in a virtual machine, and copied the one missing directory from the virtual machine to my install /usr/bin07:29
un_op!language | snookie_07:30
ubotusnookie_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:30
snookie_un_op: I wrote a script to compare the two directory structures on both machines and print out the differences07:30
snookie_un_op: I copied the rest of the missing files but my python was broken after that, everyhing else luckily worked07:30
snookie_un_op: sorry for the language07:30
un_opsnookie_, maybe you could try purging and reinstalling python then  - but that might bring down a lot of the other packages too - but it's probably the only thing you can do now07:31
snookie_un_op: that's how I got heree07:31
un_opsnookie_, did you reinstall python?07:32
snookie_un_op: yes it deleted most of my applications07:32
snookie_yeah but now aptitude -f install just gives me the results you saw on the nopaste site07:32
gnarfok heres a strange one. I installed ubuntu 7.10 for someone and sent them the computer. They turned it on, worked fine and I was explaining how to set up passwords etc for wireless networking. Then I got them to type "ifconfig". The bash prompt seemed to hang for a long time so they rebooted the computer. Now it won't even reboot! It hangs on "setting up cups ...." I have tried getting them to restart several times and ctrl-alt-F2 to go into a07:32
flamesageI have a question.07:33
flamesageIs there a GNOME program that when I press a key, it will display the hex decimal value?07:34
flamesageI'm trying to fix my PS2 controller USB plugin, and trying to do it manually.07:34
snookie_you want the hexidecimal equivalant of a keyboard key?07:34
flamesageOf my PS2 controller's buttons.07:34
flamesageI can't get them to map right.07:34
snookie_I think you might be able to do it with cat... I remember doing that with the mouse in my gentoo install07:35
Shadow147is there a way to copy all files from on folder to next without copying the folder being kept in in bash07:35
snookie_cat /dev/xxxx07:35
snookie_and than it printed to the screen the output of the mouse07:35
snookie_lemme look check07:35
snookie_lemme check*07:35
un_opsnookie_, doesn't look good -- what i reckon is happening is that python is depending on an external utility (from another package) for it's os.readlink() call, and that utility might not be in /usr/bin -- only, i dont know enough python to troubleshoot this -- you could try with the guys in #python07:35
flamesageHow do I find out which one is my PS2 controller?07:36
snookie_un_op: I really appreciate all your help07:36
snookie_un_op: again sorry for the language07:36
Mr__any ubuntu staff here?07:37
un_opsnookie_, no worries, it's just that we have kids and women (and christians :) ) come in here07:37
snookie_un_op: = / thought it was just engineers07:37
snookie_un_op: = P07:37
Shadow147Mr__ whatever it is we can help ubuntu is mostly community based07:37
=== _max is now known as max`
Mr__its a trademark question07:38
un_opsnookie_, engineers? yea, they are here, but never say anything :)07:38
snookie_un_op: until they accidintally delete their /usr/bin directory = P07:38
fatedkissi need help with the proper syntax to force a file to install07:38
travisatflamesage: you might try xev07:39
un_opsnookie_, ahh, but they have tape-drives whirring constantly, all they need do is unwhirr :)07:39
bullgard4un_op: [Samba] "detlef@MD97600:/etc/samba$ testparm -s /etc/samba/smb.conf; ... ;  guest ok = Yes". Why does http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/31519 say: "You don't have enough permissions to access smb://md97600/freigegebenMD/config"?07:39
flamesageWhat is that?07:40
flamesageim trying jxcalibrator07:40
travisatprogram that detects inputs in a window, normally used to test mice with lots of buttons07:40
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un_opbullgard4, it's probably due the same problem -- try passing the username and password to smbget07:41
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familyokay thats good im doing good now i have another problem:: i have a broadcom chipset for my wireless but its not detecting it right i want to remove that driver. Im using ubuntu 6.06 and i wish to use the ndiswrapper instead so if i can remove the broadcom driver that would be great. I have looked in synaptic for bcm but theres nothing07:41
flamesageok this is making me mad :(07:41
flamesageJoystick Calibrator detects it07:42
flamesageBut I can't configure it in PSx.07:42
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familyi dont know what happen i have another problem my comuter has a broad com chipset and ubuntu 6.06 reconises it but sets it up incorrectly how can i remove this?07:43
YALexhi can anyone help with chroot? i cant seem to boot into my system after changing some partitions07:43
flamesageHmm this is interesting07:43
flamesageappears that even my keyboard isn't working >_>07:43
travisatif your keyboard isn't working how are you typing07:43
phadeYALex: what is the problem?07:43
flamesageDo you guys know of any playstation emulators that can sucessfully emulate a PSX controller?07:43
YALexI'm using the kubuntu live cd07:44
frustratedanyone familliar with bluetooth. i can't seem to get my keyboard to work07:44
YALexand attempting to chroot into the right partition but it's saying cannot run command `/bin/bash: not a directory07:44
travisatflamesage: I'd just go get an xbox controller : ) they work better with computers07:44
flamesagethe thing works07:44
flamesageThe emulator just can't.. map the keys07:44
austin_are you sure your keyboard is plugged in07:45
flamesageDo you guys recomend another one?07:45
flamesage... yes07:45
flamesageIt's a laptop07:45
austin_oh oh07:45
austin_what kind of laptop07:45
travisatI once had a laptop with its keyboard unplugged on purpose07:45
austin_brand etc?07:45
flamesageI'm typing right now arn't I?07:46
travisatyou could be using the on screen keyboard07:46
austin_your typing07:46
flamesageAnyway, do you guys know of another emulator that works properly?07:46
travisatwell zsnes works good but not for ps games07:46
austin_emulator for what07:46
auraxj joomla07:46
auraxdamn keyboard07:47
auraxit's a lame dell laptop, sorry :)07:47
austin_you want to screw up your linux system07:47
austin_then play games07:47
austin_with emulators07:47
familyhey guys sorry i might be asking wrong but, i just installed ubuntu 6.06 and i have a wireless card using the broadcom chip set ubuntu 6.06 reconizes it but wont set it up correctly so i was wondering if there is anyway to remove the driver or device so i can set it up with ndiswrapper. I checked synaptic and cant find bcm i find wireless-tools and ndiswrapper and libiw some other stuff but not bcm07:48
phadeYALex: could you give me the exact command line you are using?07:48
YALexsudo chroot /media/root07:48
nkrizcan anyone help me reset an irc password?07:48
soldats /nickerv help07:48
YALexi've tried chroot /media/root /bin/bash too07:48
phadeYALex: wow you need to read some docs07:49
YALexI've mounted and everything else07:49
YALexwhich ones?07:49
phadeYALex: do you know what /bin/bash is?07:49
YALexyeah the shell07:49
phadeYALex: /bin/bash is shell07:49
YALexi realise07:49
YALexi was reading the forums and they suggested the second command07:49
YALexchroot /media/root doesn't work07:50
travisatYALex: why are you trying to chroot07:50
YALexto try and fix up whatever's stopping my system from booting07:50
travisatYALex: normally you don't have to chroot07:50
phadeYALex: try to mount your partitions instead07:51
YALexthere was a suggestion in the forum to run apt-get install kubuntu-minimal how can i run on my system if i can't chroot in?07:51
familyphade do you know how to remove that bcm driver? i asked above07:51
phadeYALex: in case they are not mounted yet, and then look at files /etc/fstab07:51
travisatYALex: well what did you do to the partitions so it won't boot07:51
YALexim using the live cd07:51
phadefamily: hold on I'll answer to YALex first07:52
YALexcreated a new partition07:52
snookie_un_op: not any help over there, they want me to ask, what's the real way of recovering files07:52
travisatdid you delete an old one?07:52
nkrizsoldats: if i type /nickserv help or /help nickserv neither gives me an answer07:52
YALexthey're all there07:52
travisatso just the partition numbers changed?07:52
YALexpartition numbers stayed the same ubuntu is still in /dev/sda707:52
YALex /boot is /dev/sda307:53
travisatso how does it fail to boot07:53
barlisorry..I don't understand07:53
YALexit brings up busybox07:53
barliam I connect with you?07:54
phadeYALex: /etc/fstab looks correct?07:54
travisatYALex: hmm ok, so you can get to grub?07:54
YALexgrub loads the initial menu and thats it07:55
travisatYALex: have you started the kernel with quiet and splash off so you can see where it fails?07:55
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YALexnot yet07:55
travisatyou know how to?07:55
YALexwhats the command?07:56
YALexim in the command line07:56
travisaton the grub selection hit "e" on the kernel entry, delete out quiet and splash, hit enter then "b"07:56
baratahow to call the screensaver in fluxbox?07:56
phadefamily: try lsmod - it shows you all the kernel modules (which also include drivers)07:56
familyyalex i think you have to do it when your at the grub menu press f607:56
YALexthats right07:57
familyphade thanks07:57
familyphade then what07:57
familyonce i disconnect from here im on my own07:57
family:( i have to swap out the computer with the other one :)07:57
travisator you can just edit the entry in the grub config07:57
phadefamily: and then see modprbe.conf07:58
phadefamily: and modprobe.d07:58
un_opsnookie_, well, I think it's past recovery here unless you want to go through some recovery process (undeletion) for your filesystem .. but that doesnt guarantee anything -- best thing to do is reinstall over this system07:58
familythen erase the line containing the driver?07:58
YALextarget filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init07:59
phadefamily: well I would suggest commenting it out first07:59
travisatYALex: not good07:59
phadefamily: and then delete if you solve the problems07:59
familyaright ill be back in a bit07:59
un_opsnookie_, it shouldnt take too long -- make a list of installed packages, backup the important config files .. and then when reinstalling make sure you dont format the partitions07:59
NehaLeMfamily: L0000000000000000000000000000000000000000L08:00
YALexthe forum advised to boot the live cd and chroot in08:00
YALexwhich is where i get that not a directory error08:00
travisatif you don't have /sbin/init you prob don't have /sbin/bash or your / changed partion number08:00
familyi have only one power cord one keyboard and mouse one monitor two computers doesnt work so well08:00
un_opNehaLeM, watch the language!!08:00
familyso im off to mess up some thing else :P08:00
snookie_un_op: I don't have to format my / directory?08:00
NehaLeMun_op: KISS ME THE PEIN.08:01
un_op!ops | NehaLeM08:01
ubotuNehaLeM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!08:01
un_opsnookie_, you dont no08:01
travisatYALex: nvm meant /bin/bash08:01
Seveasthanks un_op08:01
un_opSeveas, no worries08:01
snookie_un_op: what happens in that situation?  all my config files get over ridden?  does it detect my home directories?08:01
YALexwhich i mounted i saw /bin/bash there08:01
YALexwhen i mounted rather08:01
travisatYALex: sry im a little confused I don't see how adding a new partition could kill /sbin/init but not /bin/bash unless you have /bin and /sbin on different partitions08:03
YALexi'm confused too08:03
travisatYALex: my suggestion would be to save your home directory and reinstall08:03
un_opsnookie_, well, you need to make backups of the important configuration files(in /etc/, etc) that you might have made changes to .. because they'll be overwritten .. but if you copy them back after the reinstall,y ou should have everything the way it was before the reinstall08:03
YALexhomes on a separate partition08:03
travisatwell if home is on a seperate partition its easy to reinstall : )08:04
un_opsnookie_, your /home and others directory will remain intact08:04
snookie_un_op: do I have to re-install programs?08:04
travisatYALex: I am sure you can fix it, but I think the effort outweighs reinstalling unless you have a bunch of custom compiled programs or the kernel08:05
travisatYALex: I just don't know how or don't have enough info08:05
un_opsnookie_, yes you do -- which is why i suggested making a list of the installed programs currently with -  dpkg -l | cut -c 3-30 > ~/dpkg-l  .. after the reinstall  do this - sudo aptitude install $(cat ~/dpkg-l)08:05
phadeYALex: but can you mount your partitions?08:05
phadeYALex: and see if any crucial configuration file is messed up?08:06
snookie_un_op: ahhh awesome, I'll probably have to re-install everything though since when I did apt-get remove --purge python, it deleted everything.   Will that method keep my mysql databases?08:06
un_opsnookie_, the databases should remain intact .. but your mysql configuration files will need backing-up and restoring08:07
YALexwhich config files should i look at?08:07
nkrizdoes gutsy come packaged with java?08:07
snookie_un_op: okay, I have regular backups of my etc directory and web directories, I thought I'd have to reformat though, I really appreciate all your help08:08
family_okay lol08:08
snookie_un_op: I'm always worried I'll miss something08:08
travisatnkriz: no but it is pretty easy to install08:08
family_sorry for lol but seriously where is the modprobe.d08:08
un_opsnookie_, well, you're there then -- reinstall and restore the /etc directory .. should be ok08:08
family_i did the lsmod and found bcm43xx08:08
nkriztravisat: can i use synaptic, or can you recommend a page to look for install instructions?08:09
snookie_un_op: thank you so much08:09
nkriz(very new to linux, sorry)08:09
snookie_un_op: really, thank you, I'm so appreciative of your help08:09
un_opsnookie_, well, i'm sympathetic to your predicament .. but do us a favour and report back if this is a success, we'll try and make a wiki so others can benefit08:09
family_im trying to get it phade but im havin problems08:09
Aloha#launchpad is the deadest channel ever08:09
un_opsnookie_, yw08:09
travisatnkriz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java08:09
phadefamily: actually I am not absolutely sure that ubuntu has modprobe.d08:09
nkrizbrilliant, thank you08:09
phadefamily_: using opensuse right now08:09
family_it has a folder modprobe.d in etc08:10
un_opsnookie_, remember _Do not_ format ;)08:10
family_but i dont know the file to look in to comment out the line08:10
phadefamily_: yes the folder modprobe.d that has all the files that modprobe.conf includes08:10
phadefamily_: cd to modprobe.d08:11
family_i did that and looked in aliases couldnt see anything08:11
phadefamily_: and then grep -ir bcm ./*08:11
family_k ill try that08:11
phadefamily_: learn to use grep, it is crucial linux knowledge08:11
family_k ill be back again im sure08:12
phadefamily_: well not only linux actually :)08:12
snookie_un_op: I'm sorry my method for repairing my /usr/ directory was not fool proof, I would have definitely posted the howto, but yes, I will look for you when this is reinstalled this weekend, thanks again08:12
family_phade thank you for helping me ill be back to let you know if it worked08:12
drgebAnyone know how I can disable ALT Space in GNOME to show that menu window but instead bring up Katapult ?08:12
phadefamily_: good luck :)08:12
YALexwhat would chroot `bin/bash': Not a directory mean?08:13
travisatbash is not a directory08:13
nkrizcan anyone recommend a version of the 'Risk' board game for ubuntu? preferably a networkable version?08:13
blaydedrgeb, have you looked at the 'keyboard shortcuts' thing?08:13
YALexyeh i know so why would it say it?08:14
drgebyep but does not work08:14
travisatnkriz: type in risk linux in google08:14
nkrizthe only one i've found is jaba dependant08:14
travisatah so that is why you wanted java08:14
blaydedrgeb, what did you try?08:14
phadenkriz: and what is the problem with java?08:15
drgebI disabled what it was set to for I believe Activate Window menu08:15
nkrizthen i read the whole section on 'the java trap', so now i look for another08:15
drgebblayde so in the list that comes up I don't see anymore ALT Space entry08:16
nkrizjust curious, if there isn't a non-java dependent version, i'll use the one i found08:16
travisatnkriz: try xfrisk?08:16
phadenkriz: tried searching synaptic for risk?08:16
phadeYALex: did you see /etc/fstab?08:16
blaydedrgeb, does alt-space still do anything?08:16
drgebblayde however ALT Space still pops up a menu08:17
travisatnkriz: if you are looking for a linux game I usually find the best place to start is www.happypenguin.org08:17
nkrizthanks all, that gives me many places to look08:17
drgebblayde just noticed that alt-space when a window is not selected does nothing and when any window or app is seletced it brings up the menu08:17
blaydedrgeb, is your window manager metacity? have you tried restarting the x server?08:17
drgebhow do i determine if its metacity ?08:18
phadenkriz: I would type in google : best risk game for linux and see what comes up :)08:18
nkri have a rather slight (hah) problem. during a "dist-upgrade" (when adept was updating and said new distro is available), the process stalled (at the stage of installing new apps or something).08:19
nkrizhmmm, hadn't tried that08:19
phadenkriz: besides probably you could also use most of the Risks for windows too :)08:19
blaydedrgeb, i guess a better question would be if you've turned on special desktop effect...08:19
nkrI being the idiot, restarted after 20 minutes of no progress (stuck at 0% in the bar).08:19
hibbertdoes anyone know if kernel 2.6.24 was already included in ubuntu 8.04??08:19
dvn805When I try to install Gutsy, I get to the ubuntu splash screen, and select install, and my monitor then goes to sleep. I heard there were some problems with radeon cards (which I have).. has anyone else experienced this?08:19
drgebblayde I did try restarting xserver CTRL ALT BackSpace08:19
mavi-nkriz: with wine you can play many windows games to08:19
nkrhow will i be able to undo the damages?08:19
phadenkriz: but since this is linux channel forget that I said that :p08:19
AquahallicEvenin' folks08:19
blaydedrgeb, you can tell if it's metacity with ps -A | grep metacity08:20
nkrizhehe. i was hoping to find something native, but if worse comes to worst i'll wine what i've got08:20
nkrizthanks though08:20
nkrdpkg --configure -a gives an error message that i have no idea what to do with08:20
drgebvlayde its compiz08:20
drgebblayde its compiz08:20
atm0sphhow does one uninstall google earth when installed from the binary provided by google?08:21
nkrcan i start the whole update process from scratch?08:21
AquahallicI just did a new install on my dell laptop with Ubuntu... it seems my touchpad moves very slowly.. I've changed the sensativity and everything up to max.. is there some other way I can speed my pointer up??08:21
atm0sphAquahallic,  I have that problem on my sony vaio.  I never figured out a way to fix it08:21
blaydedrgeb, i know there is supposed to be a gconf backend for compiz to use the controls from 'keyboard shortcuts'08:21
phadenkriz: actually I am 80% sure that there is linux version of risk that would suit you :)08:21
dvn805When I try to install Gutsy, I get to the ubuntu splash screen, and select install, and my monitor goes black. I heard there were some problems with radeon cards (which I have).. has anyone else experienced this?08:22
blaydedrgeb, perhaps it's looking elsewhere for the config...08:22
phadenkriz: there are amazing things for linux if you search a little :)08:22
nkrizi'm searching now, and feeling pretty stupid because there's about 8 million versions. drinking + computers = idiot in channel08:22
phadenkriz: like recently I found that there actually is something like autokey for linux :)08:22
nkrso, can you restart an update process that was interrupted by a reboot?08:23
phadesorry autohotkey08:23
travisatnkriz: drinking + linux = fun in the morning08:23
dvn805hey, can someone help me with ubuntu installation08:24
nkrizyeah, when i wake up and my comp doesn't work anymore08:24
nkriztrying to remember if i installed bad things or just spilled beer on it08:24
travisatdvn805: whats wrong08:25
phadeatm0sph: does'nt it have readme how to uninstall?08:25
dvn805travisat: when I get to the splash screen, I select Install.. and then my screen goes black and that's it.. nothing happens08:25
atm0sphphade,  not that I know08:26
atm0sphphade,  it came as a .bin file - I had to chmod +x then I ran it and it installed fine08:26
travisatdvn805: 2 options 1) download the alternate install cd or redownload the regular one, or press f6 and remove the quiet and splash options08:26
atm0sphit'snot listed in synaptic tho08:26
dvn805travisat: even when trying to do a test for cd defects, it didn't work08:26
travisatcould be your cd is messed up or that it is having problems loading video driver or other drivers08:27
phadeatm0sph: try googling08:27
phadeatm0sph: ...next time08:27
dvn805no, because I downloaded it before , probably like two times in the past.. and I remember having the same problem08:27
phadeatm0sph: http://groups.google.com/group/earth-linux/browse_thread/thread/87e6cb2ef18ee50d08:27
phadeatm0sph: took about 3 seconds08:27
dvn805and read somewhere about radeon driver problems.. and I have a radeon card.. do you know anything about that?08:28
phadedvn805: google does not help?08:28
travisatnope I went nvidia a long time ago because it works better in linux08:28
dvn805phade: there's a reason i'm on irc08:28
travisatI hope that changes soon with the api being openned but who knows08:28
blaydedrgeb, good luck w/ your tweaking - i need sleep08:29
travisatdvn805: I would definitely try the alternate install iso08:29
simion314hi, i have a problem, for example now in x-chat when the cursor is in the chat text box and i press the left arrow key and the cursor is already the left most position the screen blinqs, repaints itself08:29
dxdemetriou_hi, I have problem with Ubuntu 7.10 that uses too much memory. it uses 600MB, and another distribution that I use vmware it uses only 400MB. how can I check what could be the problem?08:29
travisatdxdemetriou_: no problem at all08:29
nkrizdvn805: have you tried running a live knoppix disk on that machine?08:29
dvn805Here are other people experiencing the same problem: http://www.ubuntux.org/black-screen08:29
kimmey2k3dxdemetriou_: you may try 'top' and check what is using so much memory08:30
atm0sphphade,  when I do that it comes up with a "Click the program you'd like to uninstall" dialogue an dthere's nothing to click on08:30
dvn805no, i have not tried knoppix08:30
nkrso does anyone have any experience with restarting ubuntu during a dist upgrade ?08:30
nkrizi know very little, but it might be a good idea to try it once just to make sure it's a software issue08:31
travisatdxdemetriou_: linux tends to use a lot of memory for caching, unless you are having real problems running stuff don't worry about it08:31
phadeatm0sph: hmm but have you looked into installer script that you used to install the thing08:31
phadeatm0sph: there you should see where it installs08:31
atm0sphphade,  no..  I used a binary to install it..  it decompressed itself and everything08:31
atm0sphphade,  oh there we go08:32
atm0sphphade,  it was a path issue.. my bad.  Thank you.  Sorry I'm retarded.08:32
phadeatm0sph: np :)08:32
dxdemetriou_travisat, the problem is that I can't use virtual machines like before. is this a problem about memory leak with current Gnome? before I could run 2 and 3 vms without problem but now I can't use even one. I said about virtual machines to show the problem I have.08:33
dxdemetriou_I forgot to say, I use the 64 bit version08:34
travisatdxdemetriou_: ah ok sry I don't know much about vms good luck though08:34
KuwangerIs there a standard location to store things like changing the vm overcommit limit?08:36
dxdemetriou_64 bit uses many memory than 32 bit?08:37
phadedxdemetriou_: try running without gnome to see if gnome is the problem?08:38
WGGMkis there a way to edit the "Places" menu?08:38
phadedxdemetriou_: from the failsafe terminal or some lightweight desktop08:39
dxdemetriou_phade, the good I have installed others too. I'll try and see.08:39
dxdemetriou_thanks all for help :)08:39
phadedxdemetriou_: no problemo08:42
Samamanjaroim having a dew problems08:43
quaalis there a way to delete the files in a directory but not the directory itself08:43
Samamanjarofirst of all, the nvidia-glx drivers dont seem to work all that well on my Dell Inspiron 172008:44
travisatquaal: rm foobar/*08:44
geniushi all08:44
Samamanjaroand also the booting hangs a little bit (30 secs) on loading cupsd drivers or whatever08:44
geniusi just installed ubuntu 7.10 on ps308:44
travisatgenius: good for you08:45
geniusi am having problems with the internet08:45
quaalthanks trav08:45
phadequaal: cd into the directory and type rm -f ./*08:45
phadequaal: but make sure that you do don't type rm -f / :)08:45
quaalphade, heh yea08:46
travisatquaal: oh yah the foobar is ajust a place holder and you can use -f if you want to08:46
quaalyea i got it08:46
travisat-f is too overpowered08:46
Samamanjaroso any help, also i get errors that gstream cant find any devices08:46
Samamanjaroso no sound!08:47
phadetravisat: probably :)08:47
Samamanjaroalso, i have an ipod 3g, what do i use to use it?08:48
ghosTM55bazhang: hi , there?08:48
phadetravisat: but I hate confirmation dialogs when I am sure what I am doing08:48
travisatphade: I hate being sure of what I am doing, then being wrong : )08:49
phadetravisat: yeah thats true too :)08:49
* rootborn can some one help with my wireless of my laptop?08:49
phadetravisat: good way to be sure is to try some nondestructive operation first :)08:51
phadetravisat: like ls ./*08:51
travisatbut then again I usually know what I am doing, I just amke a typo or something08:52
rootbornplease can some one help me out with wireless of my laptop08:52
phaderootborn: what is the problem?08:52
rootbornphade, my wireless doesn't work08:52
travisathmm this is wierd I was browsing in firefox, hit an extra mouse button and made everything backwords08:52
phaderootborn: describe the exact problem then you have much more chance getting answers08:52
travisatah ok08:53
phaderootborn: It is completely useless information that your laptop does not work08:53
rootbornphade, if I know whats the problem I can fix it08:53
rootbornbut I don't know08:53
rootbornmaby you can help me out with some commands08:54
familyphade i blacklisted bcm43xx but now when i do the ndiswrapper it wont show me my wireless card this is what i did sudo ndiswrapper -i driver.inf then sudo ndiswrapper -l driver installed, hardware present then i did sudo modprobe ndiswrapper then went to the networking area and i dont see the wireless card?08:54
madcreationhello everyone08:54
zcat[1]travisat: right-click menu.. last option is 'switch page direction' .. makes all the text right-justified?08:54
travisatzcat[1]: yep08:54
phadefamily: sorry no experience with ndiswrapper08:55
travisatzcat[1]: one of my extra mouse buttons right clicks08:55
familyoh man08:55
phadefamily: but google around08:55
Marzatawhy 7.10 is such a crap? had to go back to 7.04.08:55
rootborncan some one help me out with my wireless with some commands or someting to find a way to make it work?08:56
travisatMarzata: I dunno what you are talking about08:56
Salagirhello all08:56
Marzatatravisat: but I know.08:56
phadeMarzata: there is nothing wrong with 7.1008:56
Marzata7.10 is buggy and unstable08:57
phadehmm actually I had some problems with hal but once they were solved no more problems08:57
Marzata7.04 is working after the install, while 7.10 after the install we start to repair it08:57
zcat[1]there is plenty wrong with 7.10 .. broken printer support, a crap printer dialog compared to 7.04 (imho) .. mixer settings make it nearly impossible to figure out what input is active, or how to set the levels for it..08:58
phadehmm yes it could be that I usually don't like out of the box solutions anyway and reconfigure most of the thins :)08:59
zcat[1]I have found 7.10 very buggy compared to 7.04.. I really hope 8.04 is a lot better!08:59
Marzatathe same with us08:59
Marzata7.10 is a nightmare for us and our users08:59
travisatwell to be honest I haven't had any problems with it yet, but I don't use a printer, and I haven't really bothered with the gnome config tools09:00
zcat[1]permissions for quite a number of printers are wrong; you set the printer up and it just puts every job 'on hold' -- took me days to figure out why and how to fix it!!09:01
travisatwait thats not true I had problems installing it09:01
travisatwouldn't detect my hard drive, had to install windows on it first and then it would09:01
quaalanyone know how to restore a thunderbird profile?09:02
quaalthis guide is saying its in ~/.thunderbird09:02
zcat[1]though I have to say, it's still a world ahead of windows :)09:02
quaalbut nothings showing up when i restore it09:02
travisatit wasn't only ubuntu though, my debian install cd wouldn't detect my hd09:02
Shadow147zcat[1] Marzata if you guys don't like it then thats your problem and I have not been a linux user for very long but most of my first time into was very easy09:02
Marzatawe use linux here since 199409:02
geniushow do i edit the kboot.conf09:02
Marzataand unix since ... well most of you havent been born09:03
quaalgenius, nano09:03
Shadow147genius use gedit or nano09:03
geniusquaal sry i meant where can i find it09:03
salahAre you soon gonna fix this annoying keyring problem in Ubuntu 7.10, or is gonna be like Windows: be there to make us jump over to another distro?09:03
zcat[1]keyring problem?09:03
Shadow147salah frankly window problem it's to damn buggy09:03
Shadow147salah windows*09:04
Marzata7.10 is a big disappointing09:04
Marzatavery big09:04
travisatwhy are you using ubuntu in the first place?09:04
travisatjust curious09:04
LeechzillaTo tell us he's disappointed09:04
Shadow147Marzata well the last time I ubuntu is well like version 5 or something like that09:05
quaalgenius, dont know09:05
quaaluse locate or find09:05
zcat[1]actually, yes.. is there a way to have the keyring without a password.. I already have full-disk encryption.. once I enter that password, I want everything else on the lappy to just GO.. wifi, mail, etc.. no more passwords..09:05
Alohain package info whats priority and section mean?09:05
phadeMarzata: I am quite sure you could fix most of the bugs09:05
Shadow147Marzata but i was using VMware at the time09:05
Marzatadude, it is not problem fixing it09:05
Marzataand we do09:05
travisator just use a different distro like say debian09:05
phadeincluding new features, new versions is always  a risk09:05
travisatgo old skool09:06
zcat[1]if 8.04 is as bad as 7.10 I might well mo0ve to debian :(09:06
salahzcat[1], yes, when I turn on the computer (and it tries to connect to my wifi) i get this keyring question. I deny, and have to press the password for wifi (off course) and then the keyring comes pop up comes again. what's the point of this? I can't even turn it off. Last time I did by following a guide on ubuntuforums.org, Gnome wouldn't work09:06
Marzatadebian, no09:06
Marzataubu and deb are all the same09:06
travisatI am only using ubuntu over debian because I am lazy and didn't want to bother with my video card, I read that 7.10 would install it easy09:06
salahtravisat, because I like the distro? do I need to change dist because there is a bug there?09:06
travisatsalah: well yes if you complain about a bug and it really makes you mad it is a good reason to switch09:07
Marzatawe will see 8.0409:07
Marzatahope to be such crap like 7.1009:07
phadeI usually see bug reports when I find a bug, very often there is an answer too :)09:07
zcat[1]credit where it's due, the restricted drivers and codecs and flash stuff is a big step forward tho.09:07
ogre how do i completely get rid of a app that i havent installed through apt-get? I accidently deleted a key I need and I tried reinstalling but no luck09:07
travisatyep I was really happy not having to recompile my kernel to get my vid card to work right09:08
phadebut of course I understand that ubuntu is meant to be more like install and forget distro09:08
salahtravisat, why don't you buy a new house or a new car because there is one single, small fail on it...? or take your own life because there is something you don't like in it? these questions are as dumb as yours09:08
un0pogra, aptitude purge package09:08
travisatsalah: if there is a small flaw of course, but then I wouldn't be complaining about it, I would ignore it or fix it09:08
Shadow147well I also like the way it found my card and works even though my card is an NVIDIA Card09:08
salahtravisat, how about that there is no easy way to fix it? and if you find a way i'll shut up09:09
travisatsalah: if it is a small problem then it shouldn't matter09:09
phadesalah: what problem are you talking about?09:10
ogreun0p:  its not ACTUALLY installed. i dragged the folder over and run using ./command . I didnt get it from repos09:10
un0psalah, no use wasting time fuming about it -- if there's no easy way to fix it, get rid of it09:10
travisatsalah: and I don't know what your problems are09:10
zcat[1]anyhooo.. I'm using +1 at the moment, and it looks like it will be a lot better.. And yes, I filed bug reports for everything I found lacking in gutsy09:10
salahtravisat, it is a small, BUT annoying problem. and everytime I ask here noone can anything about it09:10
travisatwell what is it?09:10
phadesalah: I found crazy problem with hald when I upgraded to 7.10 and took some googling but the fix was really easy09:10
un0pogre, you mean you installed a package right from its source?09:10
salahphade, the keyring prompts two times for each time I press a password. And there is no way to remove uit09:11
hs1there is a simple way to install latest monodevelop relesase (apt-get install monodevelop-0.180?09:11
ogreun0p:  yes. it wasnt in the repos yet09:11
Marzatathey must stop distributing 7.1009:11
Zero_DAyhy alll09:11
Marzatahey Joe09:12
ogreun0p:  its actually really cool. its called maltego. I saw it at a security con the other day with my neighbor09:12
un0pogre, hmm, well, there's no easy way out of this -- you'll need to examing what files `make install` is slapping onto the filesystem and then manually delete them09:12
zcat[1]same question; I want an unlocked keyring... yes I am aware of the security consequences... I have full disk encryption, I never walk away when it's booted up.. I'm grown up and can deal with the consequences..09:12
un0pogre, what does maltego do?09:13
ogreun0p:  I didnt make install anything I just un tar'ed and dragged the file over then ran it09:13
phadesalah: is this what you are talking about? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48491809:13
un0pogre, ok, same same, if another command does something like `make install` for you, you'll need to find out what files it's placing on the filesystem...09:14
travisatsalah: or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874?09:14
ogreun0p:  searches alot of db for info on people and stuff. its pretty sweet. they had guys ss# his moms ss# phone,kids,address in like 2 mins. I just want to see what is on the net regarding me & my family09:15
Jericho_JIs anyone aware of any way to either run/install the alternate install program from the live cd, or to enable encrypted file-system installation in the live cd partition editor, I don't want to waste more bandwidth and plastic trees.09:15
travisatJericho_J: I don't think so09:15
un0pogre, right, doesn't sound too cool really -- scary actually :)09:16
ogreun0p:  how would I find out what its placing in the filesystem?09:16
zcat[1]yay, happy!09:16
ogreun0p:  yeah it is. thats why i want to see what is on the net about me09:16
travisatogre: chroot and install it in a safe place09:16
un0pogre, errm, this is a problem with source packages, uninstalling them is a pain -  run ./command again and let's see what it spits out, use !pastebin to show us that output09:16
travisatogre: although often with configure you can chose where it installs it and you can install it in a safe place withough chroot09:17
un0pogre, have you already installed it? or are you about to?09:17
Carbonfluxcan anyone help me out with some "weirdness" with my ethernet ? I am running 7.10, in my net monitors the traffic looks like a sin wave, the net keeps going idle and back, very quick.09:17
ogretravisat:  un0p: I figured it out09:18
Carbonfluxit does not seem to be effecting speed tho09:18
travisatCarbonflux: don't fix what isn't broken09:18
Carbonfluxheh, ya it just looks weird09:18
phadeCarbonflux: try to netstat -pnl09:18
travisatif your ehternet is working does it really matter09:18
salahphade, travisat none of them is working...09:19
Carbonfluxphade, it gives me a list of active connections and open ports09:19
travisatsalah: well you could file a bug report, I didn't see any for it matching yours, but I could of looked at the wrong package09:20
Carbonfluxit just seems to be the net monitors, when I watch one it toggles between idle and double the speed it should be.09:20
Carbonfluxits a gigabit Ethernet controller on the MB.09:20
Carbonfluxah well, not fixing what is not broken is always good advice09:21
phadeCarbonflux: I just meant that maybe there is some package connecting that you don't need connecting :)09:21
travisatCarbonflux: if you need the net monitor to monitor the traffic then it is broken, if you were just looking at it and went whoa well then it wouldn't really matter unless you started having problems with your net09:22
phadesalah: I still do not understand the exact problem, where you get the password prompt twice?09:22
Carbonfluxphade, thats a good point, I have been watching it with EtherApe and Firestarter and looking at the auth log etc, I don't "think" I am hacked or something is running in the background. :)09:22
salahphade, right when the desktop shows, and ubuntu is trying to connect to my usual wireless network09:22
phadesalah: ok that is much more information already :)09:23
xalanthyrhey, how to run windows 98 in vmware player?09:23
Carbonfluxtravisat, I guess the problem is that its not reporting speed correctly.09:23
Carbonfluxlike in gkrellm right now, its toggling back and forth between 0 and 56K, but I know for a fact I am only using about 1/2 that.09:24
josh623hi guys, I'm having issue with installing ubuntu 7.10. Around 77-79% I get an error message "Errno 05 Input/output error". Yesterday I was told to try to install the basic version (mini cd) and I did but I get the same error report "Input/Output error reading dev/hdb" when I was to format the hard disk.  I've checked my hard drive with different programs and I can't find any problem with it. I'm wondering if I should try to change something in the BIOS or..09:24
phadesalah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192281&highlight=keyring this also did not work?09:25
Carbonfluxits really hard to figure out how to search for this issue in google heh09:25
ogreis VMware no longer in the repos?09:26
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xalanthyryes it is but how can i get the vmx file with the system i want to run?09:27
to0omhi all09:27
to0omdoes anyone know how to change the order of the modules loaded at boot time?09:27
phadeto0om: kernel modules?09:27
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to0omphade: yes09:27
ogrexalanthyr: try easyvmx.com09:27
CarbonfluxI have tried 7.10 on three different machines but its only doing it on one of them, I think its the net controller, something not supported I guess.09:27
travisatxalanthyr: you can't legally unless you own the system, and then you need to use vmware, not vmware player to install it as a vmx....it isn't hard to find the vmx though09:27
Shadow147ogre try enabling the Universe repo09:28
xalanthyrtravisat: but can i make the vmx file that i will be able to use on ubuntu?09:28
ogreShadow147:  lol. i have had this up & running for 2 months without apparently ;P09:28
travisatxalanthyr: if you have vmware you can actually install 98 on its own, but you can find vmx files to use in vmware player09:29
Shadow147ogre ok09:29
travisatvmware is not vmware player09:29
travisatvmware player won't let you install stuff it just runs off a vmx09:29
travisatsry but that is about all I know about vmware, I never had a need to use it09:30
salahphade, I have not tried the last one, will try now09:30
Shadow147travisat BULL I have mounted a blank vmx into vmware player and have infact installed win9809:30
salahthanks for your help09:30
travisatkinda defeats the purpose doesn't it09:30
phadesalah: but make sure you read the whole thread09:31
Shadow147travisat well if you know what you are doing is quite easy09:31
phadesalah: because sometimes someone comes up with the better solution at the end of the thread09:32
Shadow147I wanted to run my old games but I have giving up on vmware to much trouble09:32
travisatwell dosbox works pretty good09:32
phadeShadow147: dosbox is good but why is vmware too much trouble?09:34
Shadow147travisat well dosbox is good for old dos games and apps but my programs are win95/Win98 that require DirectX and works like crap on XP09:34
josh623any thought on "Errno 05 I/o error" during installation? I'm hopeless...:(09:35
phadetravisat: it is quite possible to install windows 98 in vmware player09:35
travisatShadow147: you tried wine, I have found that it works half of the time with older games09:35
phadetravisat: you just have to create the virtual disk somewhere else (qemu for example)09:35
phadethen again windows 98 runs fine also in qemu09:36
NoobUbUhi all09:36
Shadow147phade I just got fed up with it slowing down my pc and I was using a pc with a P4 processor in it09:36
NoobUbUi need help with compiz, could someone give advices?09:36
Shadow147travisat well I haven't really messed with wine all that much09:36
phadeShadow147: have you tried qemu or virtual box instad of vmware?09:36
phadeShadow147: and wine is good too09:37
Shadow147phade qemu I have used before it's good never used virtualbox09:37
travisatwine is actually getting pretty good, just install team fortress 2 on this computer09:37
_Zombie_Batman_qemu is better then vmware09:37
lod_is there a command to enable/disable services in rcX.d for auto startup's09:37
shishioanyone know how to install JRE in ubuntu using terminal?09:38
travisatlod_: go to the rc folder of your choice and delete the service you don't want to start09:38
Shadow147I am mainly using linux as a development enviroment09:38
lod_but if I want later to autostart them? how do I do that?09:38
un_opshishio, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre09:39
travisatlod_: well you could move the service to another folder then move back09:39
shishioun_op ill try09:39
lod_so there's no direct command for this task?09:39
un_optravisat, easier to use update-rc.d09:39
travisatlod_: there might be09:39
VSpikeI'm sure I remember reading about a free software tool that could download web sites for offline reading.  does anyone know of any?09:39
Shadow147heh install java was easy compared on getting flash to work09:40
StarnestommyVSpike: wget or curl?09:40
josh623VSpike: Webzip09:40
VSpikeStarnestommy: wget is cool but i think this other tool fixed up urls and was just a bit more tuned for that purpose09:40
shishioun_op im having problem in running frostwire... it says it needs JRE... any idea how to fiz this?09:41
un_opshishio, you need java installed? did you try that command?09:41
shishioun_op is says "You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer"09:41
pteaguei seem to be having issues with the 64bit...  should the intel e6750 work ok with the 64bit desktop?09:41
shishioun_op i try that command09:41
travisatshishio: have you upgraded to sun java 1.5 or newer?09:42
travisatpteague: yes09:42
shishiotravistat: i have no idea09:42
shishiotravistat: i think i havent upgraded it09:42
travisatshishio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java09:42
un_opshishio, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre sun-java6-jre09:42
shishioun_op that command still havent do good09:43
VSpikeStarnestommy / josh623 : ah, there's one in the repos.  httrack09:43
NoobUbUcould someone say how to boot in safe graphics mode? (without 3d)09:43
VSpikeNoobUbU: you already have ubuntu installed, or booting from CD?09:44
shishiotravisat: im having problems in adding the latest JRE in my reps09:44
un_opshishio, let's have look at the output you get when you try and start frostwire from the terminal09:44
NoobUbUi have installed... and made a mistake09:44
un_opshishio, use the !pastebin09:44
phadeShadow147: hmm btw curious why was flash player install a pain?09:44
VSpikeNoobUbU: can you get to a command line?09:45
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pteaguetravisat> k, any idea what may be going wrong then?  if i have it do anything other than boot to desktop i can't see anything on my screen...  & even having it come up with the desktop takes it about 5 minutes or more... that's before install... after install i seem to be ending up with all sorts of other problems - screen doesn't create needed directories for tmp files, rsync fails, & aptitude keeps returning segmentation faults or core09:45
pteague dumps09:45
shishioun_op it says this line"ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory09:45
shishioOOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /opt/  hierarchy09:45
shishioYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com"09:45
VSpikenoobubu: do you know how to use any command line text editors?09:45
Shadow147phade well took me awhile to find the right info I needed and where to put it09:45
NoobUbUmaybe, i can manage it.09:45
travisatpteague: if it boots at all it isn't a problem with it being 64 bit, it is more likely that your install disk was messed up or your hard drive09:45
josh623hi guys, I'm having issue with installing ubuntu 7.10. Around 77-79% I get an error message "Errno 05 Input/output error". Yesterday I was told to try to install the basic version (mini cd) and I did but I get the same error report "Input/Output error reading dev/hdb" when I was to format the hard disk.  I've checked my hard drive with different programs and I can't find any problem with it. I'm wondering if I should try to change something in the BIOS or..09:46
VSpikeNoobUbU: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
simion314about my repainting of the screen problem , if i  log in in other acount the problem is no more, so the problem is in my settings09:46
shishioun_op OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com09:46
phadeShadow147: yes sometimes it happens that some tutorials have really outdated info, that confuses things a lot09:46
VSpikeNoobUbU: you need to look for the line with the graphics driver, should be:    Driver     "nvidia"09:46
VSpikeNoobUbU: or similar, maybe "ati" "nv" "radeon".. something like that09:47
cybermadi have problem with mount windows shared folder, in fstab i add this line: // /mnt/Tour cifs username=operation02,password=123,auto,users,uid=itsupport,gid=users,file_mode=0777,d_mode=0777 0 0   But everytime i save file on it, the permission is: rw-r--r--  then after umount- a and mount -a, the permission becomeme rwxrwxrwx, how to make it always 777 ??09:47
un_opshishio, hold on09:47
phadeShadow147: now only symlink to home or system browser profile and works fine, so easy :)09:47
pteaguetravisat> it's just weird cause the 32bit seems to work ok, but i can't make use of my 4gb ram unless i use the server kernel... which apparently doesn't work with the nvidia driver :(09:47
travisatpteague: also unless you are doing some really really memory intensive stuff like video editting or you really need it 64bit isn't necessary09:47
Shadow147phade yeah but I was able to get flash working so I am happy09:47
VSpikeNoobUbU: make sure you are editing the one for the graphics card, not the mouse or keyboard.  ignore anything that says "wacom" too09:47
rvallesI've got a problem with an ubuntu that shares disk with a Windows install... ubuntu stores the system clock in GMT (even tho it displays the local one), and windows stores the system clock in Local time. I don't think windows' behaviour can be changed, so how do I change Ubuntu's?09:47
travisat32bit runs really well with my shiny new e840009:48
VSpikeNoobUbU: and change it to read :  Driver   "vesa"09:48
Shadow147phade did they ever got shockwave working?09:48
VSpikeNoobUbU: then save it and do startx at the command line to test09:48
phadeShadow147: with crossover yes09:48
un_opshishio, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:48
phadeShadow147: natively no09:48
travisathehe crossover09:48
NoobUbUok, can i set the window opacity back to visible, then ? :))09:49
pteaguetravisat> not really, but i'm trying to make better use of my 4gb ram... desktop only seems to use about 3gb of it09:49
phadebut I would use wine and install windows firefox in wine09:49
simion314josh623: what the installer is doing? copy files or tring to partition your hard disk?09:49
Shadow147phade well I got flash running native but not shockwave09:49
travisatpteague: its a limit on 32bit systems.  But as I said before unless you actually need a whole lot of ram 3gigs is enough09:49
phadeShadow147: that is because there is no native version of shockwave for linux09:50
simion314about my repainting of the screen problem , if i  log in in other acount the problem is no more, so the problem is in my settings,but what settings can make this? i turn off compiz09:50
Shadow147phade unfortunly09:50
rvallesUbuntu stores the system clock in GMT (even tho it displays the local one), and Windows stores the system clock in Local time. I don't think Windows' behaviour can be changed, so how do I change Ubuntu's?09:50
NoobUbUVSpike: thank you very much for your help!09:50
Eznoraözelde konusmak isteyen varmý09:50
poyrazwhats up boys and girls my name is poyraz how old are you09:51
josh623simion314: thanks for your attention. Trying to partition my disk. There was no problem copying the files to the disk09:51
ChaoticMindi wish i was as cool as poyraz ...09:51
Shadow147well I have compiled a few program myself09:51
Eznorahey poyraz09:51
Eznorasen türkmüsün09:51
poyrazevet ya sen09:51
Shadow147one I did without a configure.sh script09:52
josh623simion314: I tried to partition my disk with partition magic but that just doesn't help09:52
phadeShadow147: that is really easy also in linux make and make install :)09:52
poyrazsimdi sen türkiyedenmi katiliyorsun dostum09:52
simion314josh623>: can you make the partition manualy with other program if you have problem durring partitioning09:52
shishioun_op i have a prob./... when i hit "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to fix the same pro i got... it says this "There is only 1 program which provides java09:52
shishio(/usr/bin/gij-4.2). Nothing to configure."09:52
poyrazhellal len09:52
Eznoraphade helloo09:52
phadeShadow147: of course if you do not have Makefile then it is more complicated09:52
simion314josh623 ok09:52
un_opshishio, thats ok then, not a problem, continue to the next step :)09:53
simion314josh623 the CD is  ok, no damage?09:53
Shadow147phade well usually make install is common but sometime I don't want it installed09:53
un_oprvalles, i suggest you get both ubuntu and windows to update times from the internet, better way to go about this09:53
rvallesun_op: it's a no-no.09:54
phadeShadow147: yes09:54
Shadow147phade just compiled and then I chmod it with +x09:54
lagann_rvalles, or maybe your cmos battery could be dying09:54
josh623simion314: I have 5 different cd's with different iso files + 1 mini CD version but just doesn't work09:54
phadeShadow147: you could also run or bash it09:54
rvalleslagann_: it is not, the problem is as I've described it.09:54
rvallesun_op: ubuntu sudo refuses to sudo if it sudoed in the future09:55
rvallesun_op: which happened to me a while ago... because the clock changed 1h back thanks to that time sincronization.09:55
rvallesI need a real solution09:55
rvallesI need ubuntu to just store the system clock in local time.09:55
Shadow147phade true sometimes I don't want terminal to work in the background09:56
simion314josh623: i do not know, i have problems ometimes, my computer reboots during installation and is a mistery, try to install only the server, no graphic and if  this works then you will install the X after09:56
un_oprvalles, i really think this is a windows issue -- all BIOSes usually store time in UST, it's then down to the OS to interpret and display that in a format for the user -- ubuntu updates the BIOS to UST and windows gets this wrong09:57
josh623simion314: It seems to me that the installer can't access my disk because when I'm using the mini CD version the error message is "Input/output reading dev/hdb"09:57
phadeok back to real life now, take care :)09:57
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rvallesun_op: I know, but I cannot change windows behaviour. It's privative cr*p.09:57
rvallesun_op: So I must change linux's.09:57
travisatjosh623: what motherboard and hard drive do you have?09:57
josh623simion314: I'm a newb but I'll try to install the server version then09:57
travisatjosh623: if you don't know don't worry about it09:58
josh623travisat: I09:58
josh623travisat: I have a gigabyte mother board and a WD 40GB disk09:59
un_oprvalles, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-167977.html09:59
NehaLeMAny gilr?09:59
NehaLeMI want seeeeeeeeex09:59
travisatis your hard drive sata or atapi09:59
simion314josh623: is on the CD, i hope it will install your network, i belive it will not copy so many files an you should try asking in other rooms, maybe in #kubuntu d maybe it will work, but if this no work maybe09:59
rvallesun_op: thanks10:00
NehaLeMtravisat: You're girl?10:00
NehaLeMFuck you :)10:00
shishioun_op i still have the same problem10:00
jussi01!ops | NehaLeM10:00
shishioun_op i still got lower version of jre10:00
ubotuNehaLeM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!10:00
simion314josh623: i notice that the guys in #kubuntu are more good on this tehnical stuff10:00
NehaLeMubotu: kiss me the pein10:00
blendtuxanybody experience getting the orinoco_usb module working for wifi10:00
NehaLeMubotu: fuck you10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck you - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:01
simion314josh623 and try in google too10:01
un_opshishio, lordie, which version did you install with aptitude sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre ?10:01
shishioun_op i dun know... i just need a jre to run frostwire10:01
johndoe09in winxp this usb-to-serial cable is detected in com port5, how will i know what TTYUSB** is this plugged in my pc?10:01
random34545hi, i´m new to ubuntu/linux, so i´ve got one question: how do i make the OS send out different signals to my displays? right now they´re both showing the same, which isn´t really helpful :)10:01
flamesageI remember a long time ago when Automatix really hurt your sources.list, is this still the case?10:02
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:02
xivanarihey folkses, whatsup10:02
xivanariI am having some sort of serious seeming problem with an external drive.10:02
flamesageI know that ubotu :P  (Silly bot!)10:02
IndyGunFreakflamesage: what do you want to use it for?10:02
josh623simion314: I'll try in #kubuntu, in google I've found a a few ppl who has the same problem but I can't find any solution10:02
flamesageI don't.10:02
flamesageI was just wondering about it.10:02
* syc_ mohon pamid10:02
IndyGunFreakfor the most part, yes its still a bad idea10:02
flamesage(And I think Frostwire comes with Automatix to the guy that was asking)10:02
travisatjosh623: see if another distro can be installed to see if it a prob with ubuntu or your hardware10:03
josh623I appreciate your help! Thanks you!10:03
flamesageWell i know a lot of FUD was being thrown around.10:03
* syc_ assalamualaikum wr wb10:03
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:03
IndyGunFreakflamesage: frostwire has a debian file on their site, no need tor automatix.10:03
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb10:03
flamesageI'm considering moving from rhythmbox to banshee.10:03
flamesageDoes the one in the repos come with ipod support?10:03
flamesage(and is it really outdated?)10:03
flamesage(Ubuntu 7.10)10:03
IndyGunFreakflamesage: banshee has ipod support, yes.., but in my opinion, Amarok kills both of them.10:04
josh623travisat: Ok, I'll try that to.10:04
IndyGunFreakyouc an also look at gtkpod.10:04
flamesageyeah but I'd rather stay to GNOME-only programs. :)10:04
IndyGunFreakflamesage: ok, thats fine... i'd go w/ either Banshee or gtkpod10:04
IndyGunFreakprobably gtkpod10:04
xivanariI am having some sort of serious seeming problem with an external drive. I cannot access it, to write or to read.  I have formatted it several times now, to the ext3 file format, and yet i still cannot put anything on it or read the contents of what appears to be the old recycling bin.  Can anyone help me figure out how to fix this?10:04
flamesageHmm what's the version number in the repos, do you know?10:04
IndyGunFreakflamesage: Exaile has IPOD support also, but I didn't ever have much luck with it(others have though)10:05
IndyGunFreakflamesage: version # of what?10:05
simion314about my repainting of the screen problem , if i  log in in other acount the problem is no more, so the problem is in my settings,but what settings can make this? i turn off compiz10:05
johndoe09anyone care to help me?10:05
IndyGunFreak!anyone | john10:05
ubotujohn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:05
flamesageOh that's cool, Banshee is only .01 behind in the repos.10:05
flamesage(Version number ^)10:06
johndoe09i just ask my question10:06
IndyGunFreakoh ok.10:06
johndoe09ok let me ask again :)10:06
IndyGunFreakflamesage: well, Banshee is pretty good, I just consider Amarok a bit easier to use.10:06
shishioguys im using nvidia graphic card.. is there any way that i can update my graphic card driver??10:06
johndoe09ive plugged usb cable wire in my usb port.this device is a  usb-to-serial device plugged in my usb port, now how will i know what tty is this?10:07
flamesageYeah, I like Amarok too, but I want to stay GNOME-only.  :) (No offense to KDE or anything, I just don't like downloading all of those extra files)10:07
rvallesok, another problem10:07
johndoe09cuz in my winxp it is in com. port 510:07
IndyGunFreakflamesage: understood, i hate kDE, i just like amarok, so i put up w/ the dependencies10:07
johndoe09but here in ubuntu i dont know10:07
johndoe09my usb mouse is in usb 2-110:07
rvallesAfter installing xubuntu-desktop it replaced the linux startup background image. After installing edubuntu-desktop, it replaced the gdm theme. How do I get the original ones back?10:07
IndyGunFreakjohndoe09: USB cable modems are very hit/miss under Ubuntu, and Linux in general, mostly miss.  You're going to likely be googling until your eyes bleed10:08
shishioguys im using nvidia graphic card.. is there any way that i can update my graphic card driver??10:08
IndyGunFreakshishio: be patient.., if someone knows the answer, they'll tell you, why do you think the driver needs updated?10:08
johndoe09im sorry. what do you mean IndyGunFreak ?10:08
travisatshishio: yes and there are tutorials all over the net, it can be a simple process, but not always10:09
shishioIndy sry10:09
sluimersHello, xmms and audacity are not working correctly, I get no sound, what can I do?10:09
IndyGunFreakjohndoe09: was i not clear?.. i'm saying USB modems under Linux are a pain10:09
johndoe09oh ok10:09
johndoe09not usb modem but this is usbtoserial adapter10:09
jerome_dkhi all, I'm looking for a PHP-editor to run under Ubuntu. Any suggestions?10:10
IndyGunFreakoh i thought you siad it wsa a usb cable modem10:10
johndoe09this adapter can be used for pda,modem,digital cam and mobile phone or for any devices10:10
IndyGunFreakshishio: what makes you think your nvidia driver needs updated?10:10
johndoe09and im using this to configure my switch from serial to this usb2serial adapter so i can plug it in my usb port of my pc10:11
shishioUndyGunFreak: im using wine at my ubuntu and im playing online games with it and sometimes it crashes due to graphic driver isues10:11
=== N1c is now known as N1c|BrB
IndyGunFreakshishio: how do you know its due to graphic driver issues, and not to do to the fact that wine sucks on some games?10:12
IndyGunFreakcuz i doubt its a driver issue.10:12
johndoe09 usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial  <--does this mean that it is detected?10:12
IndyGunFreakhmm, not sure.10:12
shishio<IndyGunFreak> it shows error msg, it prompts me to update my graphic driver to solve it... and BTW sometimes it gives me funny images at the game10:13
IndyGunFreakshishio: don't know.., sorry.. maybe look at Nvidia's site.., what game is it?10:14
shishio<IndyGunFreak> Silkroad online10:14
shishio<IndyGunFreak> im getting delays and slow mo's10:14
travisatshishio: if its wine asking for a driver update thats one thing, if its the game its probably something involving wine10:14
IndyGunFreaktravisat: exactly, thast why i hate wine for gaming.10:15
rvallesAfter installing xubuntu-desktop it replaced the linux startup background image. After installing edubuntu-desktop, it replaced the gdm theme. How do I get the original ones back?10:15
shishiotravistat: is ti possible to update my graphic driver through wine?10:15
travisatshishio: no10:15
shishiotravistat: that sics10:15
shishiotravistat: that sucks*10:15
travisatshishio: you will have to look through google or wine forum pages to find out what is wrong, you might have to update wine10:16
IndyGunFreakrvalles: so you want the normal gdm theme?10:16
shishiotravistat: ive tried it.. im using the latest wine10:16
travisathave you looked at the stuff about your game at winehq?10:17
IndyGunFreakubotu is on break10:17
travisatthe problem with supporting wine is that there are about a million things wrong with wine at any time given that there are about a million windows programs that don't work in wine right10:17
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:17
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.10:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is on break - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:17
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org10:18
Johnny_5the last thing i heard was that wine was still kinda buggy...not much work being done on developing it...could b an pold article, though...10:18
IndyGunFreakflamesage: its easier to just download the source tar file from adobe.com, rather than jumping through the hoops in that instruction thread that *might* work10:18
IndyGunFreakat least the source file *will* work10:18
kahrytanJohnny_5➲  wrong10:19
travisatim using gnash until flash works right10:19
N1c|BrBgnash sux10:19
Johnny_5about the article bein' old or the fact that wine is still kinda buggy?10:19
travisatactually im using gnash cause im to lazy to install flash10:19
IndyGunFreaktravisat: flash works fine..., its jut the ubuntu installer thats jacked up.. if you download the source from Adobe, it takes about 10sec to install, it will work fine10:19
flamesageI hear Flash has a checksum error?10:19
kahrytanJohnny_5➲ about the fact that WINE isnt updated.10:20
IndyGunFreakflamesage: only when you try to install it from within ubuntu.... repos, or trying to manually add the plugin...10:20
IndyGunFreakif you download the source from Adobe, it wll work fine, at least it does for me.10:20
flamesageWell it's already installed.10:20
flamesageBut.. thanks anyway :)10:20
IndyGunFreaklol, then why are you asking?10:20
Johnny_5kahrytan: ah...like i said..coulda been an old article and besides just because it gets updated doesn't mean all the kinks get worked out...10:21
kahrytanJohnny_5➲  With each update, some games work and some break again10:21
SorinNyesterday I put Adobe Flash Player for a friend in Gutsy10:21
=== N1c|BrB is now known as N1c
SorinNno chance with Ubuntu Installer10:22
Johnny_5kahrytan: ah...then u just confirmed what i was just saying...10:22
SorinNbut with plugin from Adibe ...all OK10:22
papagooseyeah i did it through adobe directly10:22
Johnny_5its all good10:22
IndyGunFreakSorinN: and there won't be for the forseeable future.10:22
kahrytanJohnny_5➲  But that doesnt mean it is buggy.10:22
IndyGunFreakthat thread that ubotu links is a bit misleading if you ask me./10:22
Johnny_5kahrytan: if u say so10:22
kahrytanJohnny_5➲  WINE is stable.10:22
IndyGunFreakas long as Pokerstars works w/ Wine, I don't care.. :)10:23
travisatwine isn't buggy its just in beta until microsoft releases their code under the gpl and since that won't happen wine is permanently in beta because there are always new programs coming out that might not work right10:23
SorinNI use Dreamweaver CS3 and Flash 8  with Wine10:23
SorinNand no problems at all10:23
IndyGunFreakwhy would you use flash 8 w/ wine?10:24
Johnny_5i use it for mediacoder and it worked fine for awhile then all of a sudden now partway into doin' what its doin' it logs me out of my comp and i have to log back in...thought that was kinda weird...10:24
SorinNI need to work In Ubuntu10:24
SorinNwhy I should work in XP ?10:24
kahrytanSorinN➲  try Kompozer instead of dreamweaver10:24
SorinNat some levels Kompozer is just not enough10:24
IndyGunFreakFlash shoudl work fine in Ubuntu..10:24
SorinNfor php templates it can't10:25
kahrytanSorinN➲  umm do the html first. then add php10:25
SorinNbut i'm sure next Mozilla Composer will do fine10:25
Johnny_5i have no probs w/ flash10:25
Johnny_5unless i try to use it w/opera10:25
travisatI think he is talking about making flash not using flash10:26
SorinNmakin flash SWF10:26
SorinNnot Flash Player10:26
SorinNFlash IDE10:26
Johnny_5my bad10:26
SorinNI just move my workflow completely onto Linux10:26
kahrytanThere is still PS10:27
travisatyou could just not make flash, you know there are other options10:27
SorinNamd works ;)10:27
Johnny_5i guess that's what i get for comin' in on a conversation i progress10:27
SorinNI am a Javascript people10:27
papagooseperson, you are a person10:27
SorinNmanny things can be done without flash10:27
=== angel is now known as ag3r
travisatmost things should be done without flash10:27
SorinNtext rotating not yet10:27
travisatill tell ya the next time I need my text to rotate10:28
SorinNI expect a good cooperation between Mozila and Adobe - see Tamarin10:28
kahrytanFlash is good way to make animated gifs10:28
travisator you know you could just make animated gifs10:28
kahrytanflash is easier10:29
SorinNmaybe on this year we will have almost  the same possibilities on Javascript as in Flash10:29
SorinNflash is not easier10:29
dookdook% webcam10:29
SorinNflash is unique10:29
simion314about my repainting of the screen problem , if i  log in in other acount the problem is no more, so the problem is in my settings,but what settings can make this? i turn off compiz10:29
kahrytanyeah it is10:29
SorinNVideo / Audio streaming10:29
dookdookarg, sorry about this, where was that webpage on webcam stuff for ubuntu?10:29
travisatwell the only problem I have is that there is too much extra crap on the net right now due to excessive flash and javascript.  Some webpages I can't even use because of all the mouse popovers and flash advertisements10:30
papagoosedid someone say adblock?10:30
SorinNagree - not designers want pop-ups but clients10:30
papagooseactually, adblock works surprisingly well ^_^10:30
travisatI don't like using adblock because some web pages I do want to support10:31
papagooseso you could just add them as exceptions?10:31
travisatwell I don't always know beforehand10:31
johndoe09is there a gui in ubuntu to check what port are being used and which devices is using it?10:31
johndoe09port like /dev/****10:32
johndoe09device i mean10:32
johndoe09not port10:32
un_opjohndoe09, hal-device-manager10:32
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.10:32
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:32
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:34
johndoe09un_op: which part there to check what /dev/???10:35
johndoe09im looking for this usb serial adapter and my usb mouse10:35
un_opjohndoe09, not all devices are mapped to block devices under /dev .. what are you eventually trying to accomplish?10:37
johndoe09i got it now thanks10:37
johndoe09it's ttyUSB0 and it's detected without any problem.now i can use minicom or cutecom10:38
Marzataany good webcam application for Ubuntu?10:38
johndoe09i have this usb to serial adapter10:38
johndoe09i can manage my switch now thanks guys10:38
un_opjohndoe09, cool10:38
Marzataat least that good as Dorgem for Windows? btw Dorgem is open source.10:38
waldeHello. Has someone a hint for me howto to assign a specified nic to a specified interfacename (eth0, eth1)? I am using multiple NICs, but the order Nic0 -> eth0 and Nic1 ->eth1 changes sometimes when booting. I couldnt find out a working google-keyword :-(10:39
=== PhuzXP is now known as Phuzion
erUSULwalde: /etc/iftab ?10:39
Marzataneed such thing http://dorgem.sourceforge.net/ but for Ubuntu10:39
erUSULwalde: it is a file with « MACADRRESS iface » lines iirc10:40
waldeerUSUL: thank you. Looks like what I was searching for.10:41
erUSULwalde: well i was wrong.... http://linux.die.net/man/5/iftab is « iface mac MACADRESS » i heard that it is no longer honored by udev but try anyway10:42
erUSULwalde: as i suspected... you now have to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules not /etc/iftab... see here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/12513910:44
erUSULwalde: google is your friend ;)10:44
lagann_it sure is, erUSUL :-)10:45
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A
=== Sheikh_Abdullah_ is now known as Nattefrost
detectiveinspektI need a linux distro that can monitor data useage by ip10:50
=== N1c is now known as N1c|brb
th0rdetectiveinspekt snmp and associated packages are available in all distros10:51
maskcan anyone tell me what linux kernel version does 7.04 ubuntu have ????10:54
beni_fmask open your shell and type uname -a10:54
phade_WRKmask: uname -a10:54
beni_fOne question, how to run a programm under a certain userid? I mean the runAs eq. from Win3210:54
maskit shows 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 18 05:45:12 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:55
maskbeni_f: but how can i upgrade it to 2.6.22-1410:55
compwiz18I recently installed some new fonts using apt, and after rebooting my monospace font is totally blurry (as shown in http://xs223.xs.to/xs223/08045/blurry570.png ) Does anyone have any ideas on how I might fix it?10:55
beni_fmask sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:56
DaremonaiYou appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. If you're not attempting to spam, please enable javascript so you can pass the antispam check - wth? I have javascript enabled..10:56
maskwill this command will update to this particular linux kernel version10:57
Exterisno, it will upgrade to a newer ubuntu version10:57
beni_fmask, yes, this is the latest version.. which ubuntu are you running?10:57
rvalles10:16:03 < IndyGunFreak> rvalles: so you want the normal gdm theme?10:57
Exterisbut perhaps that means a new kernel version too10:58
rvallesoh, he left10:58
beni_fExteris, latest ubuntu version = Linux dieter 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP10:58
unopDaremonai, use another pastebin :)10:58
rvalleslet's repeat the question10:58
rvallesAfter installing xubuntu-desktop it replaced the linux startup background image. After installing edubuntu-desktop, it replaced the gdm theme. How do I get the original ones back?10:58
maskbut by running this command i get the error message - could'nt find dist-upgrade10:58
Daremonaiunop: on it :)10:58
beni_frvalles, why did you change it that often? try installing ubuntu-desktop :P10:59
beni_fmask wait10:59
unoprvalles, have you checked gdmsetup to see if the original theme is available to change?10:59
Daremonaihttp://pastebin.com/d6c840503 - am getting error in my fstab (last line) it says it's bad.. how do i fix it?10:59
beni_fmask, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:59
erUSULmask: you have ti upgrade to 7.1010:59
erUSULbeni_f: that command will not dist-upgrade him11:00
unopDaremonai, isnt it easier if you _DONT_ use whitespace ?11:00
erUSUL!upgrade | mask11:00
ubotumask: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:00
erUSULmask: if you do not want to upgrade your entire distribution you can try and dl the deb package from packages.ubuntu.com and installing it11:00
Daremonaiunop in the folder name you mean? I tried it with "" and \ . both didn't work... why won't it work even with whitespaces? kinda lame that it doesn't if that's the problem!11:01
Exterisbeni_f, can't he install it then using linux-image-2.6.***-generic?11:01
Daremonailet me try11:01
maskhow can i do this11:01
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:01
unopDaremonai, also, if you dont want to strip whitespace, you can try putting those two fields withing quotes11:01
maskbecause i only concerned with compilers11:01
maskto run on that particular linux version11:01
Daremonaiunop i had them within quotes, it didn't work.11:02
unopDaremonai, whitespace breaks structure -- as lame as that sounds it's so true11:02
erUSULmask: why do you need the new kernel?11:02
SoulChildHey, how do i find out, why my fn keys don't work. Everything except the brightness controll works ,... any way to find out ?11:03
Daremonaiunop oh well.. I removed the whitespaces now... worked fine, thanks! still is quite lame that whitespaces don't work :|11:03
maskbecause i have some cross tools that built on that particular version11:03
maskcan u guide me how can i just upgrade only linux kernel11:04
unopDaremonai, something are the way they are for a reason .. and in this case, if you put white space in that line, how does the parser identify the right folders and distinguish them from mount options, etc if you put whitespace in?11:04
Daremonaiunop: "quotes" or the "\" just like any other parser does.11:05
ExterisSoulChild, your fn keys arent added to the keymap11:06
erUSULmask: there is no way a compiler would need a particular kernel version to run... or i missunderstood you11:06
maskactually its a cross compiler11:07
unopDaremonai, but this isnt any other parser, it's got its own rules -- which you know by now11:07
unopDaremonai, btw, spaces can be used as long as they are represented in octal  - \04011:07
finnanyone know where i can find out how to swap my left and right audio channels?11:07
Daremonaiunop: alright, thanks.11:08
DarthSOupwhat can I use to operate an iPod on my machine? Not just listen to music off of it, but also put music on, etc.?11:08
unop!info gtkpod11:08
ubotugtkpod (source: gtkpod): manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.10-2 (gutsy), package size 695 kB, installed size 2620 kB11:08
Javid!info wget11:09
ubotuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1924 kB11:09
erUSULmask: well anyway you can try to install this deb file http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/base/linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic11:10
erUSULmask: if that fails you will have to compile it yourself11:10
erUSUL!ipod > DarthSOup11:11
beni_fI want to run a ventrilo server under a username which has only reading rights for its own directory (just like apache), how can i realize this?11:12
gumisgood afternoon11:16
gumisi yesterday installed ubuntu 7.10, today i want to start system but it hangs while starting cupsd ;/11:16
gumiswhat's wrong?11:16
DmD`gumis, i did the same thing w/ my system11:17
DmD`i did the update11:17
DmD`and mine just went into the termianl11:17
DmD`i had a 64bit bit version of ubuntu though11:17
DmD`i'm just gonna download the 32bit version for now11:18
gumishm, i didn't do any update, because internet connection wasn't working hrhr11:19
DmD`i havent ran my system for like 2 days11:20
DmD`then i wentback11:20
DmD`and it had a major update11:20
DmD`im on xp for now till my download finishes11:20
r3r333rrrRhello, sombody knows how to make odbd links in ubuntu?11:21
r3r333rrrRor knows a tutorial link11:22
tapasi wonder if there's any way to use 2.4.x kernels in ubuntu systems11:22
vascoi m sorrry11:23
vascobut i can t find on ubuntu the package elfutils-devel11:23
DmD`r3r333rrrR, have you tried the ubuntu forums11:23
vascook for elfutils but not the devel packagh11:23
DmD`there might be something on there that'll help you11:23
erUSULtapas: no way; and why would you want to do that 2.4 is ancient11:23
vascocan you say me if it exists11:23
bardyrtapas, it should be possible to compile your on 2.4 kernel but alot of things would probably be broken like hal and much hardware support but it would still run11:25
erUSUL!info libebl-dev  | vasco11:25
ubotuvasco: libebl-dev (source: elfutils): static library providing higher-level ELF access functionality. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.127-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 54 kB, installed size 268 kB11:25
un0perUSUL, well debian asks you to choose if you want 2.4 over 2.6 - the reasoning is that 2.6 broke a lot of good functionality that was available in 2.411:25
tapasbardyr: yeah.. we have a kernel module here which only works in 2.4.x11:25
reaktaeHi! how can I configure my ubuntu mouse WITHOUT the xorg.conf please?11:25
tapasit's not ported yet..11:25
erUSULun0p: such as?11:25
tapasour environment is ubuntu here.. but we need a single machine which is able to run 2.4.x11:26
BelisarivsHi all11:26
un0perUSUL, errm, I cant be specific but some kernel drivers were affected11:26
tapasbardyr: even module-init-tools from ubuntu don't work with 2.4.x anymore11:26
Sharpiewhen i try playing an ogg video (created with recordmydesktop) with vlc/totem it's really dark, and when i play it with mplayer it gives an error "cannot find codec" and plays it dark. i sent the video to a friend of mine and it's not dark in his computer. any ideas?11:26
erUSULtapas: if you want a 2.4 kernel use a 2.4 era distribution... i think that dsl still ships with 2.4 kernel11:27
bardyrtapas, pay a developer to port it to 2.6, and if its a sound module for a vortex thin client, vendors usually have 2.6 modules but dont publish them11:27
savvastapas: I think that you'll have to settle with debian for 2.4 kernels11:27
BelisarivsCould someone help me? I have copy of DVD video on my disc. How can I extract audio from it. It contains audio in two languages. I want to have just one extracted.11:28
BelisarivsAny ideas?11:28
FFighterfolks, is there any way to save the list of joined channels so that XCHAT re-joins them automatically at each startup?11:28
bardyrBelisarivs, dvdrip11:28
savvasBelisarivs: acidrip does what you need11:28
un0pFFighter, check the network list -- and edit preferences for the network you usually connect to11:28
StephmwHowdy - I'm soon going to need a development laptop running Ubuntu (I'll be travelling more). I've had both the Thinkpads and the XPS laptops suggested and I've googled some info - anyone with direct experience and recommendations?11:29
reaktaeBelisarivs: i'd go with acidrip11:29
erUSULBelisarivs: use a dvd ripping tool dvd::rip or k9copy; dvd95 etc11:29
savvasStephmw: you could ask dell which laptops support ubuntu better11:29
BelisarivsCan acidrip and dvdrip just export audio? I don't want video to be processed.11:29
bardyrStephmw, dell.uk.xx/open :)11:29
bazhangStephmw: a choice between thinkpads and xps? not sure about xps but thinkpads are excellent with linux11:30
BelisarivsJust want audio. Nothing else.11:30
Stephmwsavvas: dell are pushing their XPS models ;) dell.co.uk/ubuntu11:30
erUSULFFighter: edit on the network list the entry for freenode and add the list of channels to the auto join11:30
reaktaeStephmw: dell even ships a few laptops with ubuntu preinstalled... but then again ... it's still D/H ELL11:30
savvasBelisarivs: then welcome to the magical world of command line: mencoder :)11:30
bardyrStephmw, yea, if they just would sell them in denmark too11:31
reaktaehow can I configure my ubuntu mouse WITHOUT the xorg.conf please?11:31
Belisarivsdvd95 and k9copy just shrink dvd 9 to dvd511:31
blackdiamondHi guys i've got this problem. I obtain this error message: "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem".. what command i have to use?11:31
bazhangno real need to get the dell; just wipe and install whatever you buy--best to get the intel wireless though11:31
Stephmwbardyr: yeah, iirc they've just announced Spain11:31
reaktaewhat does X load during startup when there's no xorg.conf file?!11:31
Belisarivshm, cli, I expected it.11:31
Qba_rozpruwaczHehwsio działa11:31
Qba_rozpruwacz287MB aktualizacjio musze zedrzeć11:31
bazhangenglish Qba_rozpruwacz11:31
Stephmwbazhang: I thought about that, but although I enjoy tweaking my Ubuntu desktop, I'd rather have a hands-off maintenance for the laptop, it's a work machine11:32
BelisarivsI'll do some search then11:32
bardyrreaktae, it autoconfigures itself with available modules11:32
un0preaktae, without an xorg.conf you pretty much have no GUI, how did you manage that?11:32
Qba_rozpruwaczno problem11:32
yao_ziyuanlast time i reported that some chinese characters display incorrectly in gedit11:32
Qba_rozpruwacz287MB of updates to download...11:32
gumis2i have identical problem as described here: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65666111:32
bazhangStephmw: the thinkpad I got (r60) was install and go--no tweaking with the intel 3945 wireless needed11:32
yao_ziyuanlater i found if i set the system language to chinese, problem solved11:33
Belisarivs<Qba_rozpruwacz> So?11:33
erUSULun0p: latests xorg can autoconfigure themselves to some extend without xorg.conf iirc11:33
bazhangyao_ziyuan: I recall :}11:33
Stephmwbazhang: 'k11:33
yao_ziyuannow i only have one demand:11:33
bazhangyao_ziyuan: nice to know; thanks!11:33
yao_ziyuanmake more themes in ubuntu11:33
savvasBelisarivs: if you can't still get mencoder to work, try asking your question at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu11:33
bardyryao_ziyuan, gnome-look.org11:33
yao_ziyuandon't expect newbies to go to fancy sites like gnome-look.org11:33
un0perUSUL, and then you get broken mice and keyboards like reaktae has :)11:33
Belisarivs<savvas> Thanks11:33
blackdiamondhow to kill a process? what command should i use? thanks11:33
bazhangQba_rozpruwacz: is there an issue with the updates?11:34
savvasQba_rozpruwacz: welcome to the world of free updates :P11:34
un0pblackdiamond, self-answering question -- man kill11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about killall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:34
bardyryao_ziyuan, whats fancy about them? download a file drop and drag it into the appearance manager and theme is installed11:34
Carbonfluxkill -9 ID11:34
Qba_rozpruwaczEverything works11:34
Carbonfluxor you can use system monitor11:34
yao_ziyuanbazhang: but i think even in the english environment, chinese display should be fixed by using a more complete chinese font in the font.config file11:34
Carbonfluxor htop11:34
oblivioushey, is it possible to make the scrolling not change desktops without disabling scrolling?11:34
reaktaeun0p: i've had problems with my radeon and it managed to configure everything just fine this way. i was even told on the #radeon channel that the ubuntu development is heading towards getting rid of the xorg.conf completely! The only thing I'm having trouble with is that i can't disable my synaptics touchpad's tap to click behavior. any ideas?11:34
un0pCarbonflux, err, suggesting -9 is not a good idea11:34
bazhangyao_ziyuan: I agree but it is early days for this young distro :}11:35
Qba_rozpruwaczBut there is known problem with installe11:35
Exterisoblivious, which window manager?11:35
Carbonfluxalso there is a little thingie you can install on the gnome panel that will kill a window11:35
Qba_rozpruwaczBRB - reboot11:35
Exterisoblivious, window manager preferences11:35
chimpThe default archive manager i seem to have called "file roller" doesnt allow just click and drag out of the archive, is there any reason for this?11:35
Carbonfluxor, you can type xkill at a command line and it will give you a cursor to click on what you want to kill11:35
yao_ziyuanbazhang: currently, in the english environment, a crappy chinese font is above a more complete chinese font. so some chinese characters are not displayed by that crappy priority font but by the other one11:36
Carbonfluxun0p, whats wrong with -9 ?11:36
bazhangchimp: it's gnome?11:36
yao_ziyuanbardyr: but newbies may not know that site. better make a "Get More Themes" button on the theme manager11:36
savvasyao_ziyuan: it sounds like a bug to me, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu11:36
bazhangyao_ziyuan: well I think you should pass your concerns on by joining the mailing lists--though perhaps with a tad more diplomatic language :}11:37
yao_ziyuansavvas: no i hate filing bugs11:37
obliviousthe only options are the number of rows and number of columns11:37
un0preaktae, it's not like the xorg.conf has no use -- it's useful if you need to be specific about some of the options xorg provides and tailor them around your needs .. regardding the syntaptics issue, i'm sorry i have no expertise there11:37
erUSULun0p: yes ;)11:37
savvasyao_ziyuan: then make friends with the bug :) it's a matter of two minutes to copy paste what you just said - if you don't file it, don't bother expecting someone to fix it11:37
yao_ziyuani won't file a bug until there is an irc bot that allows me to feed the report to it step by step11:37
goodhabitHello. I have two questions: 1. How to set-up hightly precision mouse? 2. Where I can find info about using satellites (video, internet, etc.)11:37
savvasyao_ziyuan: welcome to the world of do it yourself :)11:38
bazhangyao_ziyuan: good luck with that then :}11:38
un0pCarbonflux, because the default signal to kill/killall is TERM not KILL -- you want processes to terminate properly not just kill them, you can do serious damage with kill/killall -911:38
reaktaeun0p: apparently it would be much easier if each of the drivers loaded during startup was configured individually, rather than via xorg.conf... don't know...11:38
Carbonfluxun0p, ah I see that makes, heh, normally I don't resort to kill unless I have tried something more conventional :)11:39
yao_ziyuanmaybe there is an existing, better theme manager11:39
goodhabityao_ziyuan, you can use the wall also.11:39
Carbonfluxmakes sense*11:39
FFighterun0p, erUSUL , thank you!11:39
bazhangyao_ziyuan: its called kde :}11:40
yao_ziyuanubuntu should just select the most powerful theme manager11:40
yao_ziyuanbazhang: ...11:40
* bazhang hides11:40
n00biehow can i set the system font size11:41
savvasyao_ziyuan: i expect all this to be filed in bugs or answers at launchpad :)11:41
erUSULn00bie: system>Preferences>Appearance11:41
Exterisn00bie, theme manager?11:41
chimpso un0p what is the correct command to close a program normally, just kill by itself?11:41
goodhabitn00bie, system - pergences - appearance11:41
n00biei use fluxbox...11:41
yao_ziyuansavvas: the chinese display problem isn't a big one since almost all chinese users will select chinese as system language11:42
Ubuntudoes any one know if there is a linux driver for ATI Sapphire X1950Pro graphics card?11:42
yao_ziyuansavvas: and then they don't see any problem11:42
Carbonfluxa n00bie using fluxbox ?11:42
un0pchimp, yes, only resort to kill -9 if the process is not responding to a normal kill11:42
Carbonfluxperhaps a troll heh11:42
ExterisUbuntu, the official ATi drivers?11:42
rich__How do I view workgroup computer, I appear to have lost this ability recently.11:42
ExterisUbuntu, how about on the ati site11:43
chimpcan kill -9 leave problems with allocated memory?11:43
Ubuntui have an ATi Sapphire X1950Pro 512MB AGP11:43
bardyrUbuntu, check ati site11:43
Ubuntui went on sapphire site and couldnt find any linux drivers :(11:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:43
Ubuntudo i not need to go on sapphire site?11:43
savvasUbuntu: isn't the restricted drivers manager helpful?11:43
Exteris^^ the official ati driver11:44
un0pchimp, no the kernel can reclaim that -- but what kill -9 could do is corrupt files if the process is in the middle of writing something to disk and is killed, it doesnt have the chance to verify data, and you end up with a problem11:44
Ubuntu9sorry i accidently disconnected11:44
savvasUbuntu9: 12:43:59 < Exteris> https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86_64.run11:44
whabohello everyone should i upgrade to kernel or not?????? from synaptics .. any suggestions? thx11:44
chimpI see11:44
CarbonfluxI don't use kill -9 unless things have gone beyond worrying about memory problems, but you can get most of that taken care of by killing all the threads, killing stuff by hand is a pain really.11:44
whabohello evryone should i upgrade to kernel or not?11:44
bazhangwhabo: is that feisty?11:45
whabobazhang yes11:45
Ubuntu9i did try installing the restricted drivers that ubuntu indicates...but when i restart after installing it, it doesnt load logon screen and stays blank11:45
Carbonfluxstill, you can't be sure you have gotten everything if you have a process that is really trashed11:45
un0pCarbonflux, normally you shouldnt need to kill anything, processess should terminate nicely if requested11:46
bazhangwhabo: no idea; on gutsy here11:46
whabobazhang whats the diffrence between the 2.6.18 and the
CarbonfluxI agree un0p :)11:46
bazhangwhabo: any reason not to?11:46
rich__I cant see anything in network when i click on windows networks11:46
whabobazhang i dont know if i should or not ... coz i dont wanna face an unstable system11:46
savvaswhabo: run the update manager, click on the update of the kernel and wait for it to download the list of changes11:46
CarbonfluxI did not mean to imply using the kill command was anything but a special case :)11:47
bazhangwhabo: feisty was unstable for all the way through--if you are happy with what you have then run with it11:47
Carbonfluxmostly I use kill to kill stuff I am coding that has crashed heh11:47
un0pCarbonflux, but `kill process` is ok -- `kill -9 process` is not .. there's a difference, one is asking nicely, one is being a control-freak :)11:48
savvaswhabo: the 7.10, gutsy is much more stable11:48
whabosavvas but the kernel does not show up in the list of updates .. yeah .. ill update to 7.10 soon11:48
bazhangwhabo: I have to echo that11:48
bazhangwhabo: if you want super stable just wait for hardy :}11:49
picard_pwns_kirkhow would I disable the compiz fusion blacklist?11:49
un0pbazhang, I hope hardy doesnt have as many issues as gutsy has/does (LTS eh?)11:50
whabobazhang .. i run pclinuxos and ubuntu and 2 diffrent machines ..... i have no idea why ubuntu is much slower and unstable than pclinuxos .. with the versions ..11:50
bazhangun0p: seems nice for an alpha :}11:50
whabowith the new version **11:50
aquocan anybody tell me what /var/lib/dpkg/available is used for?11:50
whabo6.10 was the stablest in my opinion11:50
bazhangwhabo: many new releases--every six months might account for some of it11:51
un0pwhabo, problem with an out-of-the-box OS is it's intended as a one-size-fit-all -- more true especially with ubuntu, strip away what you don't really need and it's sweet and on par with pretty much any other distro11:51
whabobazhang .. i know .... :S11:51
tgpravee1 /msg ubotu flash11:52
whaboun0p ... pclinuxos ... is more like an outofthe box experience ... more than ubuntu .. im sry to say that but if hardy is still buggy im switching to pclinuxos .. lets cross our fingers11:52
bazhangwhabo: it's all good--just dont go vista11:53
bazhanghi DigGo11:53
DigGoi was upgrade in hardy, but i'd like return tu gutsy, how i do?11:53
bazhangback up first11:53
DigGobazhang: what is sequence?11:53
DigGoi'd like return to gutsy11:54
bazhangDigGo: lots to back up?11:54
whabobazhang: i had vista . and installed pclinuxos instead lol .. im through with winblows :) for 6 months now.. im running ubuntu on this 3 years old laptop11:54
DigGobazhang: i have hardy no, but i'd like deupgrade11:54
un0paquo, it's where APT utilities can look up information on packages available for installation11:54
DigGosome howto ?11:54
bazhangwhabo: no worries then--but support is better here imo11:54
DigGosome idea?11:54
DigGopls help me11:54
bazhangDigGo: do you have a lot of data to back up?11:55
aquoun0p: no, i don't think so ...11:55
whabobazhang .. honestly yes it is ... i get all the support i want from pclinuxos from here .. lol i know that .. on pclinuxos channel there is hardly anyone11:55
un0paquo, no? why so?11:55
savvasdoes anyone know if ubuntu will switch to iceweasel instead of firefox ?11:55
bazhanglittle chance of that sa11:56
aquoun0p: apt maintains it's own package directory11:56
un0psavvas, ubuntu and mozilla play nice with each other -- there's no need for that11:56
bazhangsavvas hardly likely imo11:56
aquoun0p: if i use dpkg --clear-avai the dpkg available is empty11:56
bardyrsavvas, probably not and there isnt really any reason for it iceweasel is just firefox with a different logo and anem11:56
aquoapt and aptitude still work11:56
aquoand apt-get update doesn't update the dpkg available11:56
bazhangDigGo: do you have alot of data you need to save? music, personal files etc?11:57
rvalles10:58:52 < beni_f> rvalles, why did you change it that often? try installing ubuntu-desktop :P11:57
rvallesI have ubuntu-desktop too.11:57
=== yon is now known as yonie
rvallesand kubuntu-desktop, even.11:57
whabobazhang .. U know .. something Most if not ALL linux distroz are great.... no matter what it is .. its linux after all .... :)11:57
rvalles10:58:59 < unop> rvalles, have you checked gdmsetup to see if the original theme is available to change?11:57
lordmorgothheya guys11:57
savvasaquo: try sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean11:57
rvallesno, I'm gonna check now11:57
rich__how do i look at my workgroup computers?11:57
bazhangwhabo: agreed11:57
rvallesbut I don't want ubuntu to change themes on its own...11:57
lordmorgothanyone knows a bash command to search for a word inside a list of files or folder ?11:58
yonieHey guys, can anyone help me mount my USB hdd, it doesnt mount when i start ubuntu11:58
savvaslordmorgoth: grep11:58
lordmorgothsavvas,  yeah i know grep but can u tell me the full command plz11:59
savvaslordmorgoth: grep -i "yourword" folder/file*11:59
lordmorgothsavvas, let me try11:59
aquosavvas: no, this doesn't work ...11:59
un_oprvalles, well, with all respect, you did try something non-standard, do you still expect standard behaviour?11:59
bazhangyonie is it plugged in when you start up? what file system?12:00
savvaslordmorgoth: *hint* type the first three letters of your folder or file and press tab twice for autocompletion :)12:00
yoniebazhang, yes it is, its NTFS12:00
aquosavvas: i don't have any problems on my system, i am just analysing the operation of dpkg, apt, aptitude and synaptic ....12:00
lordmorgothsavvas, i know dat im not that ignorant man :P12:00
bazhangdo youhave ntfs-3g installed yonie?12:00
savvasaquo: ah, apologies, misunderstood the problem :)12:00
aquothere are lots of tutorials that say you shouldn't use aptitude and apt and synaptic in parallel12:01
pewpewpewi love this channel12:01
pewpewpewnever seen so many friendly people on irc12:01
aquobut the periodic update in cronjobs uses apt-get ...12:01
savvaspewpewpew: <this-channel> we love you too :p12:01
aquoand i want to use aptitude because it is comfortable12:01
yoniebazhang, i might because my other internal hdds mount when i start up12:01
rvalles11:59:44 < un_op> rvalles, well, with all respect, you did try something non-standard, do you still expect standard behaviour?12:01
egoleocan i use webcam with pidgin12:01
yoniebazhang, yeah i do, just checked12:02
rvalleswith all respect, am I supposed to never install or personalize anything at all?12:02
savvaslordmorgoth: ok, just trying to fill your head with useful nonsense :P12:02
aquocan anybody tell me if apt-get update and aptitude update produces the same system state?12:02
bazhangyonie: that is odd--it is connected when you start up? does the bios see it?12:02
aquoare they interchangeble?12:02
rvallesun_op: the computer will soon be given as a present to a family which has many members, each with its preferences.12:02
savvaslordmorgoth: there is also pcregrep if you're familiar with PCRE regular expressions12:02
pteagueaquo> pretty much12:03
bazhangrvalles: what is the issue?12:03
un_oprvalles, you are - and you can, and if things change as the result of installing packages that assume things need changing, you change them back :)12:03
rvallesun_op: some will use gnome, some will use kde. There are kids too, so it makes sense to have the edubuntu stuff.12:03
lordmorgothsavvas,  i should put the " " ??12:03
aquopteague: i am not that sure ....12:03
egoleowebcam and pidgin12:03
egoleois it possible to use webcam with pidgin12:03
rvallesbazhang: after installing kubuntu-desktop... it changed the boot logo!12:03
rvallesbazhang: and edubuntu changed the gdm login theme! (I already fixed that one with gdmconfig)12:04
rich__can someone help me with workgroups?12:04
bazhangrvalles: why not choose what you want in session and stick with that?12:04
pteagueaquo> aptitude is an interface for the various apt tools so it's more than just apt-get12:04
savvaslordmorgoth: preferrably yes :) you'll eventually end up using regular expressions, it's good to use " " quotes12:04
BelisarivsI managed to extract ac3 from that video. Could someone suggest tool to convert it to mp3 or ogg?12:04
yoniebazhang, yes it works fine when i boot into windows, its only in Linux that it does work. And yes its pluged in when i start up. Isnt there a command that i can use to mount it?12:04
savvasBelisarivs: soundconverter12:04
rvallesbazhang: because the computer has more than one user, and some prefer kde, some gnome, kids like the edubuntu apps.12:04
lordmorgothsavvas, so far its not working, im going over the grep man12:05
savvasBelisarivs: that was for ubuntu/gnome, for kubuntu/kde try soundkonverter12:05
bazhangrvalles: so this is simply about the logo? everything else is working okay?12:05
rvallesbazhang: so, what's left to fix is the boot logo, which is kubuntu's atm, and I want the generic ubuntu one.12:05
rvallesbazhang: yup12:05
bazhangrvalles: I really have no clue--never restart here if possible :}12:05
rvallesbazhang: same here12:06
savvaslordmorgoth: tell me the word you're looking for and the complete path to the file, privately if you want is ok12:06
aquopteague: i know all the basic stuff, but are the files in /var/lib/aptitude/ updated if i use apt-get update?12:06
rvallesbazhang: oh, there's something else... I'd love to disable "hivernate" completelly, since it's not working anyways.12:06
rvallesbazhang: (suspend does)12:06
bazhangis the logo the usplash?12:06
rvallesyup, I suppose12:06
aquoso is apt-get update; apitude safe-upgrade the same as aptitude update; apt-get upgrade?12:06
aquoi don't think so.12:07
rvallesI never set usplash up myself (since I prefer to see the text while stuff loads)12:07
bazhang!usplash | rvalles12:07
uboturvalles: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:07
bazhangthat may help rvalles12:07
lordmorgothsavvas, word: DriverManager , folder: /home/lordmorgoth/Work/credys\ source\ code/WEB/ <--- here i want it to search all those folders to tell me which file contains DriverManager12:07
un_opaquo, it looks like the available file is used with dselect more than with any other APT utility -- if you delete the available file and run `deselect update` it is regenerated12:08
savvasaquo: there are some differences in the apt-get and aptitude, for instance i think aptitude installs also the "recommended" list of packages along with the package you upgrade/install12:08
rvallesbazhang: good, it shows the three options too :)12:08
bazhangaquo: mix and match? I usually stick with one or the other, mostly apt-get12:08
bazhangrvalles: nice12:08
savvaslordmorgoth: ah sorry, you need grep -ri for searching inside a lot of folders or files :)12:09
lordmorgothsavvas,  tried that already12:09
aquobazhang: yes, i don't want to mix, but the cronjobs are base on apt-get update and so on ...12:09
un_oplordmorgoth, grep -inRH DriverManager /home/lordmorgoth/Work/credys\ source\ code/WEB/12:09
savvaslordmorgoth: or just grep -ri DriverManager  /home/lordmorgoth/Work/credys\ source\ code/WEB/12:11
aquoun_op: so if i don't use dselect i don't need the available file?12:11
[pyro]hey guys, trying to install ubuntu on a compaq evo N1000v notebook. Desktop live cd boots fine, install's fine but then when comes to boot does memory test then sits on a blank screen with cursor flashing top left corner? The system seems to boot win xp fine as i can swap drives back to XP (xp on a 30gb drive, got a new 80gb drive for linux).12:12
[pyro]ive researched the machine and it will take up to an 80gb drive12:12
savvaslordmorgoth: by the way, the -i is for case insensitive, it will return "DriverManager", "dRiverManagEr", "drivermanager" etc :)12:12
Slart[pyro]: I'd try to disable the splash screen12:12
Slart[pyro]: it's just a quick fix if it works.. it might very well be one of many other things12:13
[pyro]ive tried to manually setup partitions becuase i thought maybe this lappy cant see boot record in a large parititon, so i created /boot at the begining of the drive and made it 800m12:13
[pyro]Slart: disable the boot screen is an option in grub conf file yeah?12:13
lordmorgothsavvas,  sorry i was afk talking to my boss12:13
Slart[pyro]: you can do it at boot too.. at the grub menu12:14
[pyro]oh rly?12:14
[pyro]oh Slart: im not getting boot menu12:14
Slart[pyro]: but also in the grub configuration file12:14
[pyro]just blinking cursor12:14
lordmorgothsavvas,  thanks alot for the help but i think all the files do not contain the word i want :) but really thanks alot for the grep trick ;)12:14
Slart[pyro]: oh.. no grub menu.. my bad.. then it's probably not the splash screen12:14
[pyro]yeah its like its not finding the boot record12:15
[pyro]hence my attempting to make /boot 800m which seems to have not done much12:15
savvaslordmorgoth: no problem, if it doesn't return anything, it's probably not in any of the files :\ try with another word and see if anything comes up12:15
lordmorgothsavvas,  yeah i think non of the files contain it :)12:15
Slart[pyro]: but you can still boot from the live cd.. then you can reinstall grub from the live cd.. just in case something didn't stick the first time =)12:15
savvasok :P12:15
lordmorgothanyway me back to work :) peace12:15
[pyro]Slart: yep just trying to figure out the grub cmd now12:16
dn4What is a good visual traceroute progra,me?12:16
mark[oz]why is firefox so unstable on ubuntu?12:16
bazhangflash mark[oz]?12:16
Slart[pyro]: there are lots of tutorials on the net.. just take care with the numbering of partitions and disks..12:16
mark[oz]its when I'm viewing normal html pages12:16
picard_pwns_kirkmark[oz]: firefox is unstable period12:17
savvasdn4: the only one i could find was xtraceroute12:17
Slartwhat are you people doing to your firefox-installations... mine works nicely =)12:17
rich__bloods how do i view windows machines from ubuntu?12:17
* picard_pwns_kirk h4x0r'd his firefox12:17
bazhangad block plus no script12:18
mark[oz]meh, say hello to opera12:18
bazhangindonesia masnet07?12:18
Slart!english | masnet0712:18
ubotumasnet07: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:18
Slartor just tell us where you're from and we'll have a small race of coming up with the correct language keyword =)12:19
pewpewpewi'd like that12:19
pewpewpewwould keep me from picking my nose out of boredom12:19
Slarthehe.. well.. seems like masnet07 left..12:20
pewpewpewoh well.12:20
Samamanjarohey guys12:20
bazhanghi Samamanjaro12:20
Slarthey you12:20
pewpewpewthat's a good time to mention that i'm awfully satisfied with ubuntu. just as a side note. *wheee.*12:21
Samamanjarolol, i make the switch from vista!12:21
pewpewpewhah, did that too12:21
bazhang!hi | Samamanjaro12:21
ubotuSamamanjaro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:21
tgpravee1what is so wrong with vista12:21
tgpravee1I never tried it12:21
Samamanjarowell, its alright12:21
tgpravee1what's everyone complaining about12:21
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows12:21
Samamanjarobut it is just annoying, no real improvments12:21
Samamanjaroit took me 10 min to shutdown12:22
bazhang!ot | everyone12:22
tgpravee1what about gui which is better12:22
ubotueveryone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:22
Slartwow.. "cangkemmy" is a bad word in "whatever language they speak in indonesia".. thanks google12:22
tgpravee1vista or ubuntu12:22
Samamanjarorunning vmware with xp12:22
pewpewpewfor me it was the prisonish feeling that made me switch12:22
pewpewpewyou know12:22
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:22
IdleOneand stay on topic12:23
IdleOneif you want to talk about vista go to ##windows12:23
Samamanjaromy dell doesnt like linux12:23
Samamanjaroat all12:23
Samamanjarostupid vid drivers12:23
pewpewpewnoone likes dell either, so it's even12:23
IdleOneSamamanjaro: the Eneter key is not a replacement for punctuation.12:23
Samamanjarocrap sorry12:24
IdleOneEnter also * :P12:24
ssscotty6Good day. I was hoping someone knows how to start a service at boot as a particular user? I have it working through rc.d, et al., but it starts up as root, and I need it to start up as www-data. Any thoughts as to how to do this?12:25
Slartssscotty6: sudo -u or something?12:25
nemilarssscotty6: sudo -u, yeah12:26
ssscotty6I'll give sudo -u a try then, thanks :-)12:26
ballie1972hi what is the difference between 32 and 64 bit?12:26
nemilarit's 32 more bits!12:26
NigeyUK32bits :p12:26
ssscotty632 bits.12:26
Lsissscotty6: /etc/rc.local and su username -c "command" also goes12:26
Slartballie1972: 64bit can access a bit more memory.. a lot more really12:26
larson9999what's the website that is like tinyurl but uses words?12:26
ballie1972ok thanks!12:27
nemilarsladen: it's more than that12:27
Slartballie1972: I think 64bit is a bit faster when doing large calculations.. such as rendering stuff or working with designing airplanes and such..12:27
nemilarthe processor can handle 64-bit chunks of data12:27
nemilarballie1972: wikipedia probably has a really good explination12:27
`capurromr admin?12:27
bazhanghi `capurro12:27
`capurrogive me freeshell plz12:28
SleepingSloththats a brilliant question. almost like asking the meaning of pi. impossible to answer in a line.12:28
ballie1972ok thanks will look12:28
Slartballie1972: but in daily use.. not a lot is different.. I doubt a regular user would be able to tell the difference between a 64-bit install and a 32-bit install12:28
larson9999found it: linkpot12:28
Slart`capurro: freeshell?12:28
nemilarSlart: not in the tech underworkings, but in performance, sure12:28
`capurrofreeshell = free bnc12:28
IdleOnebazhang: dont feed the trolls12:28
`capurrofree bot12:28
NigeyUKunless u were moving from xp to a 64bit os and u have 4 gig of ram, ud see and be able to use it all then without the 3gig limit a 32bit kernel imposes12:28
Samamanjarodoes anyone know why my video drivers keep putting the resolition low , and i cant seem to make it normal (1440x900)?12:28
bazhangIdleOne: aha12:28
SleepingSlothSlart - did you try conky last night?12:29
Slartnemilar: well.. yes.. I meant performance wise12:29
PriceChild!offtopic | `capurro12:29
ubotu`capurro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:29
IdleOne`capurro: free shells in #freenode12:29
bazhangSamamanjaro: do you have the correct drivers installed?12:29
nemilarnot all processes are optimized for 64 bit though12:29
SlartSleepingSloth: yes.. looks nice.. but I switched back to my own configure.. can't be bothered to change all those drives around again12:29
Samamanjarobazhang: I have used  envy, nvidia-glx and everything!!12:29
scraga1how can I set the file roller to recognise .cbr format as being .tar, instead of keep telling me it's not supported?12:30
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »12:30
bazhangSamamanjaro: uh oh12:30
nemilarwhat the heck is a .cbr12:30
mark[oz]a motorbike12:30
Samamanjarobazhang: oh god, lol12:30
scraga1nemilar: comic book tar.12:30
IdleOnescraga1: goggle .cbr to .tar12:31
nemilarscraga1: filext.com says it's a RAR, not a TAR12:31
drewbyin what package can I find the headers for lsusb?12:31
erUSULdrewby: lsusb-dev?12:31
Slart!info lsusb-dev12:31
ubotuPackage lsusb-dev does not exist in gutsy12:31
goodhabitHow I can set up QT look in ubuntu?12:32
goodhabitBecause theme settings affects only gnome colors.12:32
drewbylsusb comes in a package called usbutils12:32
SleepingSlothSlart - hehe - thats the exact reason i crocked your config rather than actually figuring out what was causing the problem with nautilus12:32
erUSUL!info libusb-dev | drewby12:32
IdleOnescraga1: also try installing comix sudo apt-get install comix12:32
ubotudrewby: libusb-dev (source: libusb): userspace USB programming library development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2:0.1.12-7 (gutsy), package size 36 kB, installed size 336 kB12:32
nemilaranna_: are you a  botten anna?12:32
markumanare there no qmail packages for ubuntu 7.10 ???12:32
drewbythanks erUSUL12:32
IdleOne!info comix > scraga112:33
SleepingSlothSlart, i once read that 'programmers are lazy'. and that was it. i was hooked. no use looking back now ;)12:33
goodhabit!info comix > goodhabit12:33
=== BullyGuy is now known as Maneta
[pyro]how does one check what version of ubuntu they're running?12:33
drewbymmhmm, that did the trick guys12:34
Pici[pyro]: lsb_release -a12:34
bazhanglsb_release -a12:34
drewbyerUSUL: how did you find that package? just did a search for USB or what?12:34
savvas[pyro]: or cat /etc/debian_version lol12:34
drewbysometimes I have trouble locating things in the repositories12:34
bazhangapt-cache search is your friend12:35
Samamanjarobazhang: ok im using the restricted device manager to do the driver crap12:35
SlartSleepingSloth: hehe..12:35
drewbyapt-cache search would not have found the right package in this instance12:35
markumanare there no qmail packages in the repos???12:36
savvas!language | Samamanjaro12:36
ubotuSamamanjaro: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:36
IdleOne!ohmy | Samamanjaro12:36
SleepingSlothmarkuman - it seems no.12:36
SleepingSlothmarkuman - http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/03/ubuntu-qmail-howto/12:36
markumanSleepingSloth: thx12:36
drewby!leaving | me12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about leaving - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:37
=== newbie is now known as slackware-lgy
SleepingSlothmarkuman - is there a good reason to use qmail over postfix?12:37
[pyro]!myself | me12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myself - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:37
markumanSleepingSloth: no, want remove postfix because i'm on a vserver and postfix uses to many sockets!!!12:38
Slartdon't teast the bot.. it doesn't know better12:38
slackware-lgypostfix of course12:38
rvallesHivernate crashes the computer. Suspend works. Is there any way to disable Hivernate so that it doesn't appear in the gnome->exit and gdm menus?12:38
Carbonfluxits a supybot ?12:38
PiciCarbonflux: yes.12:38
SleepingSlothmarkuman - okay, just thought it might be worth suggesting... np12:38
pewpewpewhow would one get the full 5.1 sound power running w/ ubuntu?12:38
pewpewpewi just noticed my rear boxes are totally mute12:39
savvasrvalles: probably you'd have to tamper with the source code and recompile :\ try filing a bug about it as a wishlist12:39
rvallessavvas: ouch.12:39
Lsirvalles: try to find an graphical program .. was it ubuntu-tweak12:39
yoniebazhang, do you have any idea why the usb hdd isnt working?12:39
SleepingSlothslackware-lgy,  who are you addressing?12:39
slackware-lgychina chang chun12:39
rvallessavvas: it strikes me, as hivernate has always been experimental and I still haven't managed to hivernate in _any_ machine, with linux.12:40
bazhangyonie:  does the bios see it?12:40
Lsilast I checked, there was an easy way of doing something like that12:40
bazhangslackware-lgy: cut it out12:40
yoniebazhang yes12:40
[pyro]rvalles: ive been able to get a work Dell inspiron 4400 to hibinate. works on install.12:40
slackware-lgywhat ?12:41
bazhangyonie: have you tried the mount command?12:41
ballie1972I use the gnash player for flash anyone know if they plan to develop it more to work on more sites?12:41
yoniebazhang, no i havnt, i dont know it12:41
Samamanjarook, how do I start the video driver stuff from scratch12:41
bazhangslackware-lgy: this is not a chat channel12:41
savvasrvalles: well try what Lsi said, maybe it can be done with ubuntu-tweak or gtweakUI or.. dunno, if it's any consolation I couldn't hibernate on any machine in my possession using XP :P12:42
slackware-lgyok i know12:42
SleepingSlothslackware-lgy, do you need help with something?12:42
slackware-lgyno nothing12:42
rvalles[pyro]: cool.12:43
IdleOnethen please dont be a disruption and try to help someone else if you can12:43
rvallesand, it seems, since I installed the privative nvidia driver... it won't even suspend properly12:43
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions this may help yonie12:43
rvallesX crashes on resume, oopses12:43
rvallesso, any way to disable both suspend and hivernate entirelly?12:43
nemilarrvalles: power management?12:44
viclimu can remove the power management12:44
Samamanjarohow do i replace my generic video drivers with good nvidia with non low graphics mode?12:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:44
SleepingSlothrvalles, you can change to 'do nothing' in power mgmt, when suspend is pressed12:45
Samamanjarook thakns12:45
zetherooI am trying to install elisa media centre on my gutsy machine... but I am being told of a dependancy problem12:46
=== thuskins is now known as frawfraw
frawfrawis there an easy way to install glib from the command line?12:46
Samamanjaroand also, i cannot get my intel hda azalia audio working12:46
frawfrawi installed a version and it broke my GNOME12:46
zetheroo Depends: python-gpod but it is not going to be installed12:46
rvallesSleepingSloth: gonna check that out12:47
vicliminstall or reinstall glib?12:47
frawfrawhow can I do that easily from the command line?  is there a package for it?12:47
frawfrawcan I apt-get it?12:48
zetherooI am trying to install elisa media centre on my gutsy machine... but I am being told of a dependancy problem12:48
qweacNoapic makes X fail on boot very often. Why? (Gutsy)12:48
SleepingSlothzetheroo - try to be a little patient, people are helping others, someone will get to you if they can help, you don't need to keep posting12:48
erUSUL!sound | Samamanjaro12:49
ubotuSamamanjaro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:49
pkunduis there any free nntp server like nntp.perl.org for ubuntu.thanks12:49
SleepingSlothzetheroo - are you installing from repos?12:49
zetherooSleepingSloth: sorry.... sometimes I post too early after opening the chat and my post does not actually get seen12:49
erUSUL!intelhda | Samamanjaro12:49
ubotuSamamanjaro: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:49
zetherooSleepingSloth: I added the repo and the key12:50
viclimfrawfraw: type apt-cache search libglib12:50
zetherooSleepingSloth: I am installing through Synaptic12:50
SleepingSlothis there a reason not to use the ubuntu repos version?12:50
zetherooSleepingSloth: is elisa in the Ubuntu repo?12:51
LsiMy ISP:s name is elisa :)12:51
zetherooSleepingSloth: I was told by someone else that I had to add a repo12:52
ene_deneI need to start program FAH504-Linux.exe every time linux loads, how should I do that. The program is run from console by command ./FAH504-Linux.exe from directory that contains that program.12:52
viclimfrawfraw: i suppose the glib you nid to install is libglib2.0-012:52
savvasthere's a test for medical purposees named ELISA :P12:52
=== angel is now known as ag3r
Slartene_dene: you need to start it when your machine boots? or when you log in?12:53
kingrayraywhat's everybody use to manage their ipods? (not amarok, looking for gtk apps..)12:53
zetherooSleepingSloth: oh ok... I see that the Ubuntu repo has elisa media center there....12:53
ene_deneslart I need to start it when my machine boots12:53
Slart!ipod | kingrayray12:53
ubotukingrayray: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod12:53
ene_deneSlart so it runs no matter which user is loged in12:53
frawfrawviclim: yea, but then it says the version I have is the most up to date...  the problem is that I installed glib-2.10 "by hand", and now gnome won't start... I'm not sure what to do from here12:53
zetherooSleepingSloth: but with the added repo you get elisa-extra which supposedly gives you the added features for iPod's etc12:53
savvaskingrayray: there are a lot, gtkpod or rhythmbox for example12:53
kingrayraydoes rhythmbox do it okay? i was just poking at that12:54
savvaskingrayray: no harm to try it out i guess, I just transfer files with the old-fashioned "copy paste from nautilus" way :P12:55
qweacNoapic makes X fail on boot very often. Why? (Gutsy)12:55
viclimfrawfraw: wait a moment, this may took a while12:55
Slartene_dene: then you'll have to look at the rc.d stuff which I don't know much about12:55
frawfrawviclim: sure12:55
ene_deneSlart: thanks anyway12:55
kingrayrayI'm not so sure if rhythmbox can actually sync an iPod, i think it can just read and play.12:57
rvallesSleepingSloth: Can set what to do when the power button is pressed.12:57
rvallesSleepingSloth: but that's about it.12:57
rvallesI want to make it not possible to suspend or hivernate12:57
rvallesto make those options unavailable from logout & gdm12:57
rich__How do i see my workgroup compuiters from ubunut?12:57
viclimfrawfraw: i suppose u can't start gdm right?12:57
SleepingSlothzetheroo - i see. i've just installed elisa from official repos - what repository are you using?12:57
rvallesany way to archieve that?12:57
frawfrawviclim: gdm?  like, the GUI mode?  no.. I have to go direct to shell12:58
SleepingSlothrvalles - ah, sorry, i misunderstod you .... but i dont have an answer i'm afraid12:59
rvallesSleepingSloth: ok12:59
rvallesSleepingSloth: thanks anyways12:59
Spartan-Xdoes anyone know a why to blacklist device from mounting automatically12:59
ePaxWhen i restart my comp from terminal or with re start button i get message from my comp that it has not found any system on my comp. Then i have to restart my comp again to be able to get grub menu. Did anyone hade same problem?13:00
tapasbardyr: we are actually in the process of porting it13:00
zetherooSleepingSloth: do you have gutsy backport enabled?13:00
pawanazureus opening and closing13:00
pawanwhats the problem13:00
tapas[it's a kernel module to control our experimental robot setup here at uni]13:00
viclimfrawfraw: nvm that, after u install libglib manually, u install the gnome right? what's the version13:00
pawanazureus problem13:01
frawfrawviclim: no, I didn't upgrade gnome... I just compiled glib... I didn't know there was a dependency13:01
verb3kpawan, what problem?13:01
pawanazureus is opening and the closing13:01
frawfrawviclim: how do I find out my gnome version?13:02
pawannot able to choose any options13:02
viclimfrawfraw: gnome-about13:02
qweacWhy do X often fail on boot when I use noapic?13:02
verb3kwhich version of ubuntu are you using?13:02
verb3kpawan, which version of ubuntu are you using?13:03
SleepingSlothrvalles, i have a solution for you...13:03
viclimsince u install glib manually13:03
viclimfrawfraw: since u install glib manually, i suppose u still have the source directory store in ur hdd13:03
verb3kpawan, ?13:03
SleepingSlothrvalles: run sudo gconf-editor13:04
frawfrawviclim: yes13:04
viclimfrawfraw: i suppose u can try make uninstall within the source directory13:04
Samamanjarohey once more, the video drivers are good, last thing, intel hda drivers13:04
Samamanjarocan anyone help?13:04
SleepingSlothrvalles, then go to apps > gnome-power-manager > general, and untick can_hibernate and can_suspend13:04
frawfrawviclim: and the gnome-about doesn't work, since it gives me this "cannot open display" error13:04
viclimfrawfraw: ya i forgot about that...u nid gnome to run that...sorry =.=13:05
frawfrawviclim: so I can't remove the glib with apt-get remove?13:05
viclimfrawfraw: u can, but i will remove the whole gnome environment13:05
verb3kpawan, ok you are using the broken package, first remove the azureus version you installed, and then download this to your desktop : http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy-backports/net/azureus13:05
verb3kpawan, and double-click it to install it13:06
zetherooSleepingSloth: ok I got elisa installed13:06
viclimfrawfraw: u will need to reinstall them in terminal afterward13:06
rvallesSleepingSloth: ok13:06
frawfrawviclim: dang, so I have to try to uninstall glib... hmm... but after I uninstall it, then what?  can I replace it?13:06
verb3kpawan, tell me when you are finished, ok?13:06
SleepingSlothzetheroo- what was the problem?13:06
markumanSleepingSloth:  qmail conflict with mail-transport-agent . its a vitual package and not removealbe ?!!?13:06
zetherooSleepingSloth: well, I had to settle for the Ubuntu repo version13:07
zetherooSleepingSloth: thing is that now when I start Elisa it opens in a window and makes everything on my screen dissapear13:07
pawanhow to install13:07
viclimfrawfraw: here is the command to check gnome version ""gnome-session --version"13:08
frawfrawviclim: hehe, i still get the cannot open display error13:08
Jack_Sparrowslackware-lgy: English Please13:09
verb3kpawan, double-click the package you downloaded13:09
yoniebazhang, does a FAT32 hdd mount automatically?13:09
Marzatagood webcam software for ubuntu?13:09
viclimfrawfraw: since u have gnome working previously, then u should have libglib installed b4 u install it manually13:09
viclimfrawfraw: swt...wait..let me check...13:10
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents13:10
=== biswa is now known as Biswa
rvallesSleepingSloth: the options exist. I've unticked them. I've logged out and in again. They're still unticked. Suspend still appears when exiting gnome. And it does indeed suspend.13:10
Jack_Sparrow!cn > slackware-lgy13:10
rvallesSleepingSloth: (but cannot resume!)13:10
flamesageI love my new GNOME desktop :)13:10
rvallesSleepingSloth: probably gnome's fault.13:10
zetherooI think elisa.fluendo.com is down13:10
yoniedoes Ubuntu mount FAT32 hdds automatically?13:10
rvallesSleepingSloth: what a pain.13:11
flamesageI love my new GNOME desktop :)13:11
Slartyonie: I think so, yes13:11
zetheroois anyone getting through to http://elisa.fluendo.com/?13:11
qweacWhy do X often fail on boot when I use noapic? (Gutsy)13:11
Picizetheroo: works for me.13:11
amnonerr.. how does this work - do I just go ahead and ask a question ?13:11
Pici!zh | slackware-lgy13:12
ubotuslackware-lgy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:12
=== angel is now known as ag3r
viclimswt....pls dont chat here13:12
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:12
verb3kpawan, does it work?13:13
SleepingSlothrvalles, sorry then - thats the best i can do, i'm not an expert... ;/13:13
ag3rsomeone give me help with lan printing?13:14
rich__yoyo, if i type smbtree i cant see anything13:14
LetsGo67When I insert an audio CD in Xubuntu, it launches totem, not sound-juicer.  Any way to change that, please?13:15
rich__if i enter smb://workgroup it displays an error message13:15
Marzataedubuntu 7.04 rokz13:15
viclimfrawfraw: try "gnome-cd --version"13:15
amnoncan anyone here help with sound card problems ?13:15
viclimMarzata: how is it?13:15
Marzataviclim: cool13:15
frawfrawviclim: it's gnome-cd 2.20.113:16
Marzataviclim: the kidz around are crazy about it13:16
pawanit is warning for new version update13:16
pawanshould i update13:16
Jack_Sparrowamnon: Have you gone through the troubledhooting section of our sound link?13:16
rvallesSleepingSloth: no problem13:16
Marzataall 7.10 are bad13:16
rvallesSleepingSloth: I bet it's gnome's fault anyways13:16
pawanwithout update it is working13:16
Marzata7.04 is fine13:16
LetsGo67When I insert an audio CD in Xubuntu, it launches totem, not sound-juicer.  Any way to change that, please?13:16
turf79hi I have just setup dyndns I could ping my domain and configure my router to port forward port 22 i have now firwall or any apps will block ssh in gutsy,but i still could  not ssh to it using the domain,did i miss anything help would be appriciated,thanks.13:16
yoniein the Fstab file it doesnt have my usb hdd which shows when i type fdisk -l....13:16
rvallesSleepingSloth: the registry keys are obvious enough indeed.13:16
ag3rcups autentification problem someone can help me?13:16
zetheroovery strange,,, I restarted the machien and I am still not getting into elisa.fluendo.com13:16
viclimMarzata: maybe i should try one, have tried others though13:16
LetsGo67Marzata, wait till 8.04 LTS.  6.06 LTS was a major improvement over 5.1013:16
SleepingSlothrvalles, yeah, indeed.13:17
amnonJack_Sparrow: so far just googled for a solution with no success - could you please direct me to the troubleshooting section ?13:17
turf79*sorry no firewall in my server13:17
Jack_Sparrow!sound | amnon13:17
ubotuamnon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:17
Samamanjaroanyone know how to get ipods syncing in linux>13:17
rvallesSleepingSloth: now all that's left is set up the other computer (hardware ready, but have to put it together... similar to this one), dump ubuntu from this one to the other, install windows on the other13:17
amnonok guys, thanks - will try that.13:18
turf79Samamanjaro,: i think amok could sink ipod but I havent tried it yet13:18
verb3kpawan, no, do NOT update , it will not work if you update it13:18
pawanthen it is working13:18
LetsGo67When I insert an audio CD in Xubuntu, it launches totem, not sound-juicer.  Any way to change that, please?13:18
SleepingSlothrvalles, you'll be busy for a few hours then ;)13:18
Samamanjarohow about banshee?13:18
verb3kpawan, works ine all?13:18
viclimfrawfraw: can u make uninstall the libglib?13:19
rvallesAnd I'll be able to bring them to their final owners, which will hopefully be very happy. They don't have a computer now, but signed up for internet and have it set up and received their routers already.13:19
rvallesSleepingSloth: it's gonna be days, not hours. And it's gonna be a PITA.13:19
verb3kpawan, no problem :)13:19
rvallesSleepingSloth: not to menction support afterwards (through jabber)13:19
LetsGo67When I insert an audio CD in Xubuntu, it launches totem, not sound-juicer.  Any way to change that, please?13:19
Odd-rationaleHow is the server kernel different from the generic kernel? Thanks!13:19
Odd-rationaleLetsGo67: Go to Sys --> pref --> removable drives and media13:20
zetheroook how wierd is this: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)13:20
zetherooE: Unable to lock the list directory13:20
BuFFcould somebody explain me or give a link how to install new desklets ???13:20
zetherooI get that after doing sudo apt-get update13:20
LetsGo67Odd-rationale: can't find that menu in Xfce.13:20
Jack_SparrowLetsGo67: Please dont repeat so often,,,  system..pref..prefered aps.. multimiedia13:20
LetsGo67Jack_Sparrow: in Xfce.13:21
frawfrawviclim: well, I have questions about that... I compiled/installed GLib 2.12.0 from gtk.org, but I don't know how to uninstall JUST that13:21
SleepingSlothrvalles, well, good luck with that...13:21
Odd-rationaleLetsGo67: On xfce look I *think* it is in aplications --> system13:21
LetsGo67Thanks anyways, got help in #xubuntu13:21
viclimfrawfraw: go to the glib source directory13:21
frawfrawviclim: there13:22
viclimfrawfraw: sudo make uninstall13:22
viclimfrawfraw: might work might not work >.< i'm not really sure13:23
frawfrawviclim: done13:23
frawfrawviclim: so now i need to apt-get the 2.0 glib?13:23
viclimfrawfraw: great, now try run gdm13:23
frawfrawviclim:  so just type gdm?13:23
frawfrawok, it worked13:23
frawfrawviclim: ok, it worked13:24
viclimfrawfraw: login and try13:24
rich__does anyone know how to use smbtree?13:24
freeaide sur un problème de résolution ?13:24
jrib!fr | free13:24
ubotufree: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:24
freeok Sorry13:24
frawfrawviclim: err, wait, I am logged in, but I got an error that said "faled to initialize HAL"13:24
Jack_Sparrowfrawfraw:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:24
frawfrawviclim: also, updates are available...13:25
jribJack_Sparrow: may I pm?13:25
Jack_SparrowYou beat me to it.,. yes13:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:25
viclimfrawfraw: update? u mean the update notifier blinking?13:25
frawfrawviclim: yea, but this HAL message is a little trifling...13:25
viclimfrawfraw: wait ya13:26
viclimu have usb device plugin?13:27
mcp_Hi, why doesnt my terminal-window remember old sessions? I think in past versions of ubuntu that was different13:27
viclimfrawfraw: do u have any usb devices plug in to ur system?13:27
PriceChildmcp_, using desktop effects13:28
frawfrawviclim: the mouse, but it's working13:28
zetheroocan someone in Australia test this url out : http://elisa.fluendo.com/13:28
BelisarivsHi anybody. I met weird problem. I use OGMrip. I ripped with it 2 movies, but now it ceased to work. When I set everything, and order it to extract, it does nothing. New screen displaying progress appears. But estimated encoding length is unknown, there is no progress and there is no load on CPU.13:28
mcp_i mean, when i open a new terminal and press the up-arrorw, nothing happens. I'd like to get commands from older sessions13:28
sliptteesrepair  my reiserFs file system ?13:28
swombatHello... how do i disable the automatic power management stuff in xubuntu 7.10 ? I don't want the screen to switch off after a period of inactivity. I've alreaady disabled the screensaver, but there's clearly something else also going on.. I also tried "xset -dpms", that doesn't do it either.13:28
BelisarivsI tried to runogmrip from terminal, but no relevant data appeared.13:29
viclimfrawfraw: i'm not pretty sure...but i will look it up now13:29
BelisarivsIs there any other way for me to debug?13:29
frawfrawviclim: huh, I clicked away the "HAL" message, and now the desktop is unresponsive, but I can move the mouse pointer around...13:30
frawfrawviclim: wait, it's back... but when I click the "shutdown" button, everything locks up for a while13:30
swombatHello... how do i disable the automatic power management stuff in xubuntu 7.10 ? I don't want the screen to switch off after a period of inactivity. I've alreaady disabled the screensaver, but there's clearly something else also going on.. I also tried "xset -dpms", that doesn't do it either.13:31
verb3kswombat, system>>preferences>>power management13:31
viclimfrawfraw: do this in terminal hald --use-syslog13:32
viclimfrawfraw: "hald --use-syslog"13:32
zetherooPici: is http://elisa.fluendo.com/ still working for you?13:32
swombatverb3k: no such menu item in my menu13:32
swombatverb3k: running xubuntu13:32
swombatverb3k: i've poked around in there but couldn't find what is disabling the screen13:32
verb3kswombat, I see, I am sorry but I don't know about xubuntu13:33
frawfrawviclim: it's unresponsive13:33
swombatverb3k: damn. thanks for trying!.. do you know which program is run when you go to that menu on your ubuntu? maybe i can call it directly13:33
verb3kswombat, ok, let me see wich name it has, hold on13:34
Odd-rationaleswombat: I think it is gnome-power-manager13:34
viclimfrawfraw: u might have to reset it...13:34
swombatOdd-rationale: heh, if that's it, it's not on xubuntu13:34
frawfrawviclim: entire system?13:34
viclimfrawfraw: this HAL is the one dealing with ur device13:34
Odd-rationaleswombat: Try it. Xubuntu borrows a lot from gnome.13:35
verb3kswombat, it's name is "gnome-power-preferences", I don't know if you can install it from the repos13:35
swombatOdd-rationale: i did13:35
viclimfrawfraw: erm...u r still in X enviroment?13:35
frawfrawviclim: yes13:35
swombati could try just installing it, as verb3k suggests... hmm.13:35
* swombat wonders if this will try to install hundreds of gnome packages13:35
viclimfrawfraw: i suggest u try "Ctrl Alt Backspace" 1st13:35
zeroblazeello pplz13:35
verb3kswombat, you must first find the package that contains it13:35
frawfrawviclim: ok, that worked13:36
frawfrawviclim: now restarting entire machine13:36
Odd-rationaleswombat: I wouldn't. There has to be a better way...13:36
frawfrawviclim: should I boot into recovery mode, or into gnome13:36
zeroblazecan someone pls help me with enabling "Visual Effects"?13:36
verb3kOdd-rationale, that's true, you can consult the XFCE community13:36
verb3kswombat, that's true, you can consult the XFCE community13:36
swombati have (at #xubuntu) .. no reply so far!13:37
swombat(first asked my question hours ago)13:37
viclimfrawfraw: errr...13:37
Odd-rationaleswombat: Yes, they are a rather quiet group. You might want to try the forums. Just specify that you use xubuntu.13:37
viclimfrawfraw: just stay in terminal13:37
zeroblazeim unable to enable visual effects eventhough i've installed graphic drivers13:37
swombatOdd-rationale: the ubuntu forums?13:38
Odd-rationaleswombat: Yeah.13:38
verb3kswombat,  try   /join #xfce13:38
mich54hey guys , i need help , um running gusty and i need to install g++ but i don't have the dvd with me right now , so how can i switch it to download it from the internet ??13:38
Biswazeroblaze: Which release are you using?13:38
frawfrawviclim: oops, I booted to gnome, but that HAL problem is gone13:38
Odd-rationaleswombat: I used to use xubuntu quit seriously before. But that was some time ago. I really don;t remember...13:38
Samamanjarocan anyone help me with my audio intel hda problem?13:39
viclimfrawfraw: maybe it just nid a clean reboot lol13:39
swombatthink i've found something with my latest google actually... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34431113:39
swombatit does suggest to install gnome-power-manager13:39
frawfrawviclim: everything seems to be OK... but now back to the glib problem...13:39
frawfrawviclim: one second...13:39
viclimfrawfraw: swt....what now..?13:39
verb3kswombat, sounds good, try it13:39
Biswamich54: apt-get install build-essentials13:39
swombatno unmet dependencies, yay13:40
verb3kswombat, but not so sure BTW :)13:40
zeroblaze /msg zeroblaze set unfiltered on13:40
Picimich54: System>Administration>software sources, remove the cds from the repo lists.13:40
frawfrawviclim: I screwed this all up, because I am trying to build gstreamer from source...  the ./configure tells me that I need GLib >= 2.8...13:41
zeroblazecan someone pls gimme some advise for my problem?13:41
turf79hi can you guys help me, i pasted my question here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53443/,thanks13:41
frawfrawviclim: so I compiled GLib 2.10 and the whole system died13:42
frawfrawviclim: is there a way I can just install a better glib without worrying about all this other stuff?13:42
viclimfrawfraw: haha, just compile?13:42
xplozionturf79, that link doesnt whoe anything.13:42
viclimfrawfraw: there's no better glib..there's just one with different version13:42
frawfrawviclim: i compiled and then copied over13:42
putthibongbHow to install ubuntu on master scii with raid 0+1? (1 scii, 4 sata) Need help or a good reference.13:43
viclimfrawfraw: i used to do this in my gentoo box..>.<13:43
verb3kxplozion, remove the ",thanks"13:43
frawfrawviclim: uh... so like...  if gstreamer's config is giving me this error...  what should I do?13:43
xplozionturf79, that link doesnt show anything.13:43
turf79xplozion, oh let me check sorry13:43
mich54thx Pici , it worked , and good idea by the way13:44
verb3kxplozion, remove the ",thanks" from the link13:44
Picimich54: no problem :)13:44
heyabmother fuck13:44
turf79how about this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53443/plain/13:44
Pici!language | heyab13:44
ubotuheyab: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:44
verb3kxplozion, it works13:44
xplozionyeah, just noticed the thanks13:44
turf79xplozion,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53443/plain/13:44
xplozionturf79, reading it13:44
heyaboh shit13:45
viclimfrawfraw: still looking =.=13:45
heyabcome te llamas?13:45
ToNTaNhi guys.13:45
NehaLeMHI MANS13:45
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:46
viclimfrawfraw: what's the gstreamer version?13:46
xplozionturf79, did you setup your rotuer for dyndns? or you havent done that yet?13:46
heyabtienen msn messenger??13:46
root_de donde sos?13:46
turf79xplozion, i did set it up13:46
root_y donde queda13:47
xplozionturf79, just the portforward or the whole dyndns?13:47
ToNTaNwhat are the steps in configuring a free shell account?13:47
xplozionPorfavor si tiene que hablar en español aganlo en #ubuntu-es13:47
frawfrawviclim: gstreamer 0.10.1513:47
gradinmmmm yeah13:47
heyabxplozion shut up13:47
gradini'm loving compiz13:47
porkpiehi guy's can anyone point me to script that will keep ppp connection up13:47
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:48
xplozionwhy people have to act like that :/13:48
ToNTaNhello, how can I make free shell accounts with my ubuntu pc?13:49
turf79xplozion, first the DDNS status dns is updated successfully then the port range forwarding which i port forward port 22 and 5900 to my server IP13:49
ToNTaNis it only just making user account, and putting them in groups?13:49
PiciToNTaN: yes.13:49
xplozionturf79, something has to be wrong with the ddns domain, i tried to ping but no answer13:50
viclimfrawfraw: do u really need that version? ubuntu repo have an earlier version 0.10.1413:50
ToNTaNpici: thanks.13:50
frawfrawviclim: no, not really, it would just be nice to be up to date13:50
xplozionturf79, do you have installed any firewall aplication in your system? firestarter maybe or played with iptables?13:50
ToNTaNbut where do I start? I mean can you give me some tips please13:51
viclimfrawfraw: and use aptitude install instead of apt-get, solve dependencies better (as far as i experienced...)13:51
frawfrawviclim: well, I was trying to do all this gstreamer stuff from source, as a learning experience13:51
turf79xplozion, i pm the domain13:51
frawfrawviclim: but if it's better that I just apt it.. well... hum13:52
johnathonwhat is the most recent version of ubuntu?13:52
Odd-rationalejohnathon: 7.10 gutsy gibbon13:52
viclimfrawfraw: if for learning purpose it's better u start from the bottom13:52
turf79xplozion none13:52
johnathonOdd-rationale thank you i wanted to make sure i had the most recent13:52
TaggardCan anyone here tell me the default permission mode of a home folder (in the number form? )13:53
viclimfrawfraw: but of course it need a lot of times and patiency13:53
xplozionturf79, i havent got any pm from you :(13:53
rich__does anyone know how to view window shares in nautilus?13:53
frawfrawviclim: so this GLib thing... if I were to upgrade it... there's no way to do it with aptitude or synaptic...13:53
Odd-rationalejohnathon: Just be aware that a new version comes up every six months. So the next one will be 8.04 and will be available in april13:54
ToNTaNso I create user accounts, restrict them, and what else?13:54
putthibongbHow to install ubuntu on master scii with raid 0+1? (1 scii, 4 sata) Need help or a good reference.13:54
marionHelp - CD-ROM icon will not go away.13:54
johnathon!Odd-rationale ok i'll b aware of that13:54
viclimfrawfraw: there's, u can add their url to the source list13:54
DrXalaplop all13:55
viclimfrawfraw: but u also have to add all the depencies url to source list...13:55
KnightWsei'm a linux user , but also a win sys admin... Could anyone point me to a channel or a forum about exchange ?13:55
frawfrawviclim: is there an "easy" way to do that?  or do you know a url that will explain the whole process to me?13:55
viclimfrawfraw: sure, setting up a gentoo box or LFS (linux from scratch) will be very helpful for ur learning13:56
KaiForceif a particular laptop is giving me massive amounts of grief trying to install Gutsy (dog slow, hangs at various points, etc.) what troubleshooting steps can I take?  Its a Pentium M 1300 with 256MB13:57
viclimfrawfraw: basically gentoo nid approximately 3 days to its working state depend on ur system processing power13:57
viclimfrawfraw: since in gentoo u nid to compile from source13:58
LetsGo67Does libdvdcss2 infringe Canadian laws?13:58
frawfrawviclim: haha, well, one thing at a time... ;)  how do I find out the dependencies for GLib?13:58
PiciToNTaN: As long as they don't have sudo access, they should be restricted enough.13:58
viclimfrawfraw: as for LFS it took appromixately 1 week13:58
LetsGo67Does libdvdcss2 infringe Canadian laws?13:58
marionHelp - CD-ROM icon will not go away.13:59
SlartTaggard: I think it's 75513:59
ToNTaNpici: how do i restrict them from going to the root directory or any other directory besides their own home directory?13:59
LetsGo67Does libdvdcss2 infringe Canadian laws?13:59
ardchoille!repeat | LetsGo6713:59
ubotuLetsGo67: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:59
frawfrawviclim: I hope I will get to that point eventually... but right now I am just trying to get a good feel for everything13:59
PiciToNTaN: You mean editing files in the other directories?14:00
viclimfrawfraw: just want the system be stable and smooth?14:00
habit_Hello. Maybe some kind of offtopic, but I don't know where to ask: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3868/14:00
frawfrawviclim: just want to compile the newest gstreamer :):):):)14:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:00
viclimfrawfraw: wait...i nid sometime to dl those source....the bandwidth in my country kinda sux14:01
ToNTaNPici: no like if they type cd .. they cant go to the root directory. they just stay on their assigned directory14:01
frawfrawviclim: where are you?14:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:01
viclimfrawfraw: malaysia...14:01
frawfrawviclim: i see.  i think the gst source was 3mb14:02
viclimfrawfraw: google map it14:02
PiciToNTaN: I'm not sure how to do that.  My webhost (dreamhost) allows me to cd /, but I dont have permission to change anything there.14:02
putthibongbHow to install ubuntu on master ide with raid 0+1? (1 ide, 4 sata) Need help or a good reference.14:03
ToNTaNPici: yeah, but isnt it dangerous? I mean if restricted users can see your own other directories,14:03
Samamanjaroim having  a really hard time wokring out how to get audio working, it says it cannot find my device14:04
LetsGo67Does libdvdcss2 infringe Canadian laws?14:04
IndyGunFreakLetsGo67: who cares, just use it and don't worry about it.14:04
IndyGunFreakas longa syou own the movies you watch, who cares.14:05
Odd-rationaleLetsGo67: I'm not sure. I know in the US it is quite probably illegal. But many people do it anyways.14:05
LetsGo67IndyGunFreak: why is it so had to play a DVD, why does it "infringe copyright"?14:05
KaiForceLetsGo67:  Yes.  or no.  Consensus on google is no.  Consult your lawyer14:05
LetsGo67Isn't this like a VHS on a CD?14:05
SlartLetsGo67: dvd's are encrypted.. and I think some new laws made breaking encryptions illegal14:06
brobostigongood afternoon14:06
IndyGunFreakOdd-rationale: thats the thing, if I bought and paid for a movie, i should be allowed to watch it..., as long as i'm not duplicating it, or redistributing it somehow, i fail to see how that would be illegal.14:06
LetsGo67And hey, I don't "infringe copyright" by playing a CD, do I?14:06
SlartLetsGo67: or rather.. some dvd's are encrypted14:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:06
bazhangyonie: you still around? you get that issue cleared up?14:06
Odd-rationaleIndyGunFreak: Hey, I'm with you!14:06
IndyGunFreakSlart: i think most of them are.14:06
Slartindeed.. offtopic14:06
LetsGo67Slart, but then this encryption is against the consumer's right.  Remember Sony and their Rootkits?14:07
LetsGo67libdvdcss2 was an ubuntu package.14:07
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs14:07
bazhangLetsGo67: but offtopic14:07
Odd-rationaleLetsGo67: It is only in the medibuntu repo/14:07
SlartLetsGo67: sure.. go ahead and sue them =) I'll just stay out of the way when the black helicopters come for you ;).. but.. this is offtopic14:07
KaiForceif I'm adding boot options to the live cd, do I put them after the -- ?14:08
hever_Hi there, I'm going to run ubuntu on an older Apple iBook Clamshell. Are there any known Problems ?14:08
tom17bombadili want to use a windows on a virtual environment (vmware, qemu,...) is there a good guide/tutorial?14:09
IndyGunFreakKaiForce: other than you'll hvae to use an old version of Ubuntu, assuming its a PPC machine14:09
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:09
Aleksander-plHello. What application can I use to rip DVD to hard disc and decode it to AVI?14:09
Odd-rationaletom17bombadil: Try vwww.irtualbox.org14:10
KaiForceits x8614:10
ardchoilleAleksander-pl: acidrip is great for that14:10
IndyGunFreakAleksander-pl: i use acidrip, realy like it.14:10
SlartAleksander-pl: k9copy is one.. can't remember if it just copies them.. acidrip is another14:10
Jack_SparrowKaiForce: I usually add tem before14:10
KaiForceand leave the -- Jack_Sparrow?14:10
Aleksander-plis there any repository with acidrip for Debian?14:10
Jack_SparrowI usually do14:10
IndyGunFreakhever_: is that a PPC machine?14:10
bazhanghever_: I believe that the ppc version is not officially supported--it ran well on my powerbook G4 if that is any help14:10
SlartAleksander-pl: it isn't in the normal ones?14:11
Slart!info acidrip14:11
ubotuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB14:11
IndyGunFreakit should be.14:11
KaiForceJack_Sparrow:  Thank you, you are an officer and a gentleman (whatever that means!)14:11
hever_IndyGunFreak: It is a PPC G314:11
bazhangindeed it should14:11
kaktuskattaHi ! I'm having problems with the buttons on my logitech MX510 mouse. My xorg.conf lies here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53446/14:11
heyabmsn messenger:heyab_94@hotmail.it14:11
Jack_SparrowKaiForce: It means I get to use the clean bathroom14:11
kaktuskattais this correct setup?14:12
IndyGunFreakhever_: well, the PPC version of ubuntu, is not *officially* supported in the current vrsion and beyond(7.10).., if you want a supported version, you might want to look at Debian Etch... they still have a PPC version, and it has a lot of similarities to ubuntu14:12
Slartkaktuskatta: I would skip buttons 4 and 5 in the buttons mapping thingy since they are used for scroll14:12
IndyGunFreak!ppc | hever_14:12
ubotuhever_: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ14:12
NigeyUKcan anypone recommend a program, dare i say it "similar" to soundforge ?14:13
KaiForcenow lets see if that works (trying noapic, irqpoll, noirqdebug options on a troublesome laptop install14:13
kaktuskattaSlart: So Buttonconfig = 1 2 3 6 714:13
crimi have a qestion14:13
crimi have c2d processor with scaling14:13
kaktuskattaSlart: so will the scrollingwheel work normally then? I've pretty much tried anything14:13
Slartkaktuskatta: yes, I think so.. can't really remember what I used for my logitech mouse.. apparently those settings are gone now.. don't know when they were removed14:13
drewbywhat makes ubuntu so different from debian that the debian users get all butt-hurt whenever someone mentions ubuntu?14:14
crimand i like to have manual scaling14:14
kaktuskattaSlart: I've pretty much followed every single guide out there ;)14:14
heyabmother fuck14:14
Slart!ohmy | heyab14:14
ubotuheyab: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:14
crimso i typed: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets14:14
crimand than YES14:14
viclimfrawfraw: erm can u ./configure it?14:14
Slartkaktuskatta: what is it that isn't working with that config?14:15
crimand now both cores have always the same freq14:15
frawfrawviclim: no, it stops on GLib14:15
viclimfrawfraw: k...i somehow manage to compile it...14:15
frawfrawwtf... damn14:15
crimhow to solve it?14:15
hever_IndyGunFreak: kewl, that means it will run on it. I'm running debian on my i386 but this stylely clamshell is for my girlfriend. Ubuntu is based on debian, why doesn't it support no longer PPC ?14:16
IndyGunFreakhever_: because while its based on debian, its a different project.14:16
frawfrawviclim: ok, well maybe you have some newer dev packages that I don't have or something14:16
viclimfrawfraw: send me the error msg14:16
frawfrawviclim: hmm14:16
frawfrawviclim: what's your email14:16
IndyGunFreakhever_: rather than using something thrown together by some hack, I'd probably put Debian Etch 4.0 on a Mac.14:16
kaktuskattaSlart: back and forth in Opera for instance14:17
kaktuskattaSlart: I'm also unable to scroll webpages14:17
Slartwow.. nice spammage14:17
FloodBot1THE_MAN_DIGITAL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:17
ubotuTHE_MAN_DIGITAL: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!14:17
Slartkill it.. kill it with fire..14:17
* Hobbsee stabs.14:17
kaktuskattaSlart: The buttons work, but they are not correctly mapped14:18
viclimfrawfraw: did u get it?14:18
hever_ok thanks14:18
kaktuskattaSlart: thumb-button pointing downwards scrolls the webpage down......14:18
drtbmwhat kde version is latest running btw?14:19
frawfrawviclim: hang on, switching IRC clients...14:19
Slartkaktuskatta: that's what you can change in that line there.... I'm not sure how you can see what button you've pressed down..14:19
kaktuskattaohhh...I know that there14:19
Slartkaktuskatta: perhaps some kind of X debugging software14:19
kaktuskattathere's a command that can help with that, but I've forgotten the synopsis :P14:19
Slartkaktuskatta: I think it's something with "event"14:20
chazcoCan anyone suggest a PHP/HTML editor for Ubuntu? Currently using a customised gedit, but looking into alternatives :)14:20
Amaranth_chazco: bluefish14:20
habit_Hello. Maybe some kind of offtopic, but I don't know where to ask: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3868/14:20
phade_WRKchazco: best editor I know : jEdit14:21
kaktuskattaSlart: imwheel --config14:21
chazcohmm... tried bluefish a while ago, didnt like it too much14:21
frawubuntuviclim: ok14:21
kaktuskattachazco: what about eclipse?14:21
frawubuntuviclim: try a send to here14:21
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chazcoAlready got that installed for java... does it work well for PHP?14:21
unopchazco, gvim14:22
kaktuskattachazco: I'm using it for java myself, and apparently it's great for PHP aswell14:22
chazcohmm, may be worth looking into that then :)14:22
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kaktuskattachazco: same program, different setting ;)14:22
viclimfrawubuntu: can u get it?14:22
kaktuskattaSlart: imwheel reports button 6 ad 7 for wheel14:23
frawubuntuviclim: i don't think so... I'm not familiar enough with irssi14:23
Ryuhohow can i tell where a program is installed in?14:23
viclimfrawubuntu: nvm then14:23
viclimi just give it here14:23
slavikis the X package broken?14:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:23
Slartkaktuskatta: and what if you put 6 7 for scroll.. doesn't that make it work?14:23
LjLlarissa_: /quit14:23
Slartlarissa: /quit14:23
viclimfrawubuntu: the_viclim@msn.com14:23
larissa_i didn't want to get in here14:23
LjLlarissa_: /part to leave the channel, /quit to leave IRC14:24
viclimfrawubuntu: anyway, when u nid to install something like gstreamer that depend on glib14:24
larissa_thanks LjL14:24
phade_WRKchazco: the trick with jEdit is plugins, they make jedit so powerful14:25
viclimfrawubuntu: u nid to have glib-dev installed before u can actualyl install gstreamer14:25
SlartRyuho: programs are usually installed a little bit everywhere.. it's not in one special folder14:25
Ryuholame.. then how can i define file association within firefox?14:25
kaktuskattahave to reload xorg.conf14:25
phade_WRKchazco: also its macros that actually allow to do almost anything than plugins can do14:25
frawubuntuviclim: sent error msg14:25
kaktuskattaunable to do so without ending this session ;)14:25
SlartRyuho: you can use locate to find files by name, run updatedb first14:25
kaktuskattaSladen: I've changed it to 1 2 3 6 7 now, everything else is the same14:26
viclimfrawubuntu: since aptitude will handle these for us so we dotn actually care except when we nid to install it manually14:26
kaktuskattaSlart: I've changed it to 1 2 3 6 7 now, everything else is the same14:26
phade_WRKchazco: and definetely get jEdit 4.3pre12 not the stable one14:26
SlartRyuho: you might want to think about what you're asking about before calling things lame14:26
kaktuskattaSlart:reboot, brb14:26
viclimfrawubuntu: wat?14:26
Slartkaktuskatta: ok14:26
Ryuhoi can't call things that are inconvineint lame?14:27
frawubuntuviclim: i emailed to you.  but with the aptitude stuff... I guess I don't follow... should I be pulling the gstreamer source with aptitude??14:27
porkpiejoin debian14:27
SlartRyuho: if you're asking about where the executable that you need to run is located.. that's one thing.. usually in /bin .. but the rest of the application can be somewhere else14:27
chazcoThanks for all the suggestions, will look into them :)14:28
viclimfrawubuntu: nonono14:28
viclimfrawubuntu: wait let me c the log14:28
SlartRyuho: read this http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/14:28
viclimfrawubuntu: do this "sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev"14:29
Samamanjarocan someone help me with an audio device problem?14:29
viclimfrawubuntu: if successful just try ./configure the gstreamer again14:30
_LoneCrowIf I wanted to wipe an ubuntu server (I need to install 2003 Server on it for another test, anyone know a quick way of getting rid of grub?  I can't even boot from the bloody Server boot CD anymore.14:30
Slart_LoneCrow: booting from cd is configured from bios, afaik14:31
TilllinuxHow to set a default jre?14:31
erUSUL_LoneCrow: boot with the win2003 boot cd and reformat/repart the hard drive everything will be wiped including grub14:32
jetscreamerTilllinux: man update-alternatives14:32
erUSULTilllinux: sudo update-alternatives --config java14:32
_LoneCrowYeah it is set up to boot from CD first..14:32
=== ubuntu__ is now known as muhkuh
_LoneCrowin fact boot from CD comes up and it jumps straight to grub for some reason14:32
_LoneCrowlemme try again14:32
NoGoodNickI have an hp pavilion laptop, dv9610us with ubuntu 7.10 installed.  LAN won't work.  ndiswrapper is installed, but I need the broadcom WLAN adapter driver.  HP was less than helpful, but did allow me to dl a drivers pack.  Does anyone know the file name for the Broadcom WLAN adapter file?14:33
geniiMaybe you have mbr on Disk On Chip pre-empting the cd?14:33
_LoneCrowYeah its set to boot from cdrom first and the 2003 disk is in there14:33
frawubuntuviclim: crazy, it worked....  let me try the make14:33
Slart_LoneCrow: sure it's the right cd? no scratches? there isn't some kind of boot menu when you press something.. (on my computer it's F12, but it varies)14:33
_LoneCrowNO scratches I just got the CD in the mail from Microsoft :)14:33
kaktuskattaSlart: Didn't solve my problem14:33
ikonia_LoneCrow: cd from microsoft ?14:34
ikonia_LoneCrow: what are you trying to install  ?14:34
_LoneCrowYeah 180 Day Evaluation14:34
Slartkaktuskatta: ok, hang on.. I'll see if I can find that command I used again14:34
kaktuskattaSlart: upper thumb button scrolls down, lower scrolls up, mwheel goes back and forth in history14:34
Samamanjarowhy doesnt ubuntu pick up my audio device!!!14:34
_LoneCrowbloody thing boots straight into ubuntu no matter what I try.. .. hmm wait14:34
ikonia_LoneCrow test with a differnt cd14:35
_LoneCrowI think I figured it out DUUUUH :)14:35
TilllinuxerUSUL: thanks. A second problem: Firefox switched its language to english O_o14:35
geniimaybe make a chainload entry for the cd /dev then14:35
hwolffHello, where can I ask questions about kdepim?14:35
_LoneCrowThe first disk in the package of disks was the frontpage cd with all the holographic writing.  I'd assume it was the server disk first..  it was the 3rd disk in!14:35
erUSULTilllinux: make sure you got all the language-packs installed (the ones for your lang of course)14:35
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
_LoneCrowI'm going to reinstall ubuntu server on a diff PC. been trying to get zenoss going.  This PC has more horsepower, needed for MS crap14:36
TilllinuxerUSUL: well yes, I already did that. however, I don't know why it changed languages. I didn't touch anything14:37
eth01can i upgrade to ubuntu latest from an old(ish) cd14:38
ardchoille!upgrade | eth0114:39
ubotueth01: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:39
Khisantheth01: depending on how old, it could be faster to download new images14:39
geniieth01: You still need to upgrade to all intermediate versions14:39
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
sakhiI need to create an installation CD (add on)14:40
Khisantheth01: you could but it could be slower than downloading the latest images :)14:40
ikoniasakhi: what do you want14:40
sakhican someone assist please14:40
geniieth01: So if you were on 6.06 for instance you'd have to upgrade to 6.10 then 7.04 then to 7.10   no 6.06 straight to 7.10   etc14:40
erUSULTilllinux: check on Tools>Complements>language14:40
sakhicreate an add on CD.14:40
eth01i've got 7.04 here14:41
erUSULeth01: then you can upgrade to gutsy kust fine14:41
erUSUL!upgrade | eth0114:41
ubotueth01: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:41
gonzaloaf_workhi, is it possible to change the language of OOo 2.3 to spanish?14:41
eth01erUSUL, already been told though ;)14:41
sakhiikonia: It should load the additional data on a distro.14:42
eth01(on how to upgrade.)14:42
IanLwhat's the best way to install ubuntu on a machine without a cd drive?14:43
Slartkaktuskatta: try running "xev" in a terminal.. and press some buttons in the window that pops up14:43
Samamanjarohey, my high def audio cotroller isnt working well with ubuntu14:43
SlartIanL: connecting a cd drive using usb or similar14:43
ikoniasakhi:what additional data ?14:43
Samamanjarolspci picks it up, but i cannot do any sound14:44
sakhiikonia: Do you know how to create an add-on CD?14:44
ikoniaadd-on ? I don't know what you mean,14:44
ikoniasakhi: do you mean a custom packaged version of the ubuntu cd14:44
SlartIanL: creating a usb boot drive is tricky.. you could install ubuntu to the hard drive if you put it in another computer..I think it would work as long as it's the same arcitechture14:44
kaktuskattagonzaloaf_work: yes, just change through tools->settings->language14:44
Picisakhi: Or just a CD of packages?14:44
Samamanjarocan anyone help me at all?14:45
pawanwhats up14:45
IanLhmm. I'll see what I can do about getting ahold of a usb cd drive.14:45
Samamanjaroim just pissed that ubuntu doesnt like my hd audio controller14:45
histoSlart: it can be done there are howtos on the net14:46
ikoniasakhi: that language is uncalled for14:46
ikoniasakhi: sorry not you14:46
ikoniaSamamanjaro that language is uncalled for14:46
sakhiFirst you have Ubuntu on a CD right, then you customise Ubuntu afterwards you take that customization and put it on a CD which you can use to install on different computers with Ubuntu.14:46
geniiSamamanjaro: Is it an Intel?14:46
Samamanjaroyes it is thanks14:46
gonzaloaf_workkaktuskatta, when I load tools->settings->language settings->laguages nothing appears in the right side14:46
ikoniasakhi ok - so you want to the packages or the config14:46
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:46
frawubuntuviclim: looks like it worked... thanks for all the help.14:47
sakhiikonia: yip.14:47
sakhithe configs14:47
=== ChaoticMind|afk is now known as ChaoticMind
frawubuntuviclim: by the way, when you say "linux from scratch", what exactly do you mean14:47
ikoniasakhi well thats a bit tricky as the configs normally come with the packages you come on14:47
frawubuntuviclim: what flavour of linux?14:47
endogcursor will not respond for me, and my cursors are stuck at such an ugly theme. what should I do?14:47
FilibberdyHi all, I'm having trouble getting java applets working in firefox. afaik java's jvm is installed and working, and about:plugins lists it14:47
ikoniafrawubuntu: linux from sratch is LFS14:47
Filibberdyanyone have any advice14:47
viclimfrawubuntu: DIY type lol :p14:48
ikoniaviclim what is your question14:48
frawubuntuviclim: so basically going and getting all the packages and making them work together?14:48
ikoniasakhi eg: the configs are no use with out the packages, the only configs you could use would say be your gnome themes that sort of thing14:48
SlartFilibberdy: running 32bit or 64bit?14:48
ikoniaviclim why are you discussing LFS ?14:48
endogcursor will not respond for me, and my cursors are stuck at such an ugly theme. what should I do? i've tried re-insalling gcursor but no luck.14:48
FilibberdySlart: 32bit14:48
FilibberdySlart: i should mention this is Hardy...14:49
SlartFilibberdy: hmm.. then regular java should work.14:49
frawubuntuikonia: i think it is applicable, because it will only help me learn ubuntu better, and hopefully contribute back to ubuntu14:49
KeithamusI need help! My package manager wont run, saying: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.". So I run that, and it says /boot/ is out of space! I dont have gparted  installed, and cant install it obviously.14:49
viclimikonia: talk about compiling knowledge since he have some dependency problem14:49
ikoniafrawubuntu: what will help you ?14:49
SlartFilibberdy: oh.. you might want to ask in #ubuntu+1  they handle the hardy stuff14:49
viclimikonia: so i refer a bit to it14:49
histo!hardy > Filibberdy,   Filibberdy Read the private message from ubotu.14:49
frawubuntuikonia: learning about packages and dependencies, and not considering so much hand waving14:49
viclimfrawubuntu: anyway, u can add me in msn if u nid help14:49
Filibberdyoh thanks slart14:49
ikoniafrawubuntu: LFS will not assist you with that14:49
frawubuntuikonia: well, sniff my butt14:50
Filibberdythanks histo14:50
viclimikonia: yup14:50
ikoniafrawubuntu: that is uncalled for and rude14:50
endogcursor will not respond for me, and my cursors are stuck at such an ugly theme. what should I do? i've tried re-insalling gcursor but no luck.14:50
viclimfrawubuntu: u dont do that here...14:50
frawubuntuikonia: oh sorry, i'm finnish... it gets lost in translation14:50
frawubuntuikonia: it's really hard to explain14:50
eth01nice cover up14:51
* eth01 jots it down for future reference14:51
viclimfrawubuntu: ikonia is right, basically LFS will confused u more14:51
arken_how do i configure grub to make it read my windows partition?14:51
sakhiikonia: ok, this means I have to gather all the data used for the customization to put it on a CD14:51
Keithamusanybody available to help?14:51
viclimfrawubuntu: ikonia is right, so this is the place where we seek for help14:51
ikoniasakhi: correct, thats quite a large task to do, re-package the install process14:51
viclimfrawubuntu: but...this is my 1st time logging in...so there's some rules i'm not really sure14:51
endoyo, can anyone help me out? i've got a gcursor problem!14:51
Slartarken_: you want to boot to windows?14:51
qweacWhy do X fail to start on boot often when I use noapic?14:52
ikoniasakhi: the install CD has a lot of packages already on it that are not installed from default, have you looked how many are actually already on the cd14:52
endogcursor will not respond for me, and my cursors are stuck at such an ugly theme. what should I do? i've tried re-insalling gcursor but no luck.14:52
arken_Slart: Yes, along with my ubuntu. I'm trying to set up a dual boot.14:52
viclimespecialy the manual configuring and compiling part...really take days14:52
arken_I want to add windows to grub. thats all.14:52
Slartarken_: hang on.. I'll pastebin my grub setup.. I've got dualbooting setup14:52
Keithamusarken_, there should be an example windows setup commented out in your /boot/grub/menu.lst.14:53
frawubuntuendo: I think there's a smoke package that can help14:53
endofrawubuntu: Can you please lead me in the right direction?14:53
arken_Ok, thanks, I found it14:53
=== skunkworks605 is now known as skunkworks_
Konamhi, i'm having problems with my DNS servers. I have the nm setup to itinerate and get the dns from my router through dhcp, but it gets the router ip as my primary dns servers along with my others dns servers14:53
viclimfrawubuntu: so c ya, have to go for a trip later. happy learning14:53
ikoniafrawubuntu: why have you posted that link ?14:53
qweacWhy do X fail to start on boot often when I use noapic?14:54
frawubuntuviclim: thanks for the help14:54
viclimwhat's that...? fridaythemovie...?14:54
Konamhow can I setup nm to not do that, it makes my pages load slower...14:54
ikoniafrawubuntu please explain why you have posted free movie download links14:54
Slartarken_: here.. look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53449/  the lines you want are at the very bottom14:54
arken_I got it, thanks14:54
endofrawubuntu: what the heck do you mean by smoke package? I'm out in the blue here14:54
gonzaloaf_workhi I want to change OOo 2.3 language to spanish but when I load tools->settings->language settings->laguages nothing appears in the right side, any clue?14:55
yhanhi, i have installed the package xubuntu-desktop on top of my gnome dapper14:55
yhanhow can I fix that ?14:55
ikoniafrawubuntu: please explain why you are posting movie download links14:55
ikoniayhan: uninstall it14:55
yhanthe menux are messy, how can I fix that ?14:56
ymy ls command isn't working in IRC. please help.14:56
yhan(question was not complete _14:56
ikoniayhan: ls isn't an irc command14:56
ikoniafrawubuntu: please explain why you are posting movie download links14:56
porkpieanyone here want to earn so $ ?14:56
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yWhat is the command to list everyone in the room's root directories and optionally delete them?14:56
ikoniaporkpie: you know the rules of this channel14:56
Keithamusis it possible to resize my /boot without gparted (as I cant install it)??14:56
ikoniay everyone in the room ?14:57
jmaestNot that I know of14:57
porkpieikonia:sorry I didn't14:57
yikonia -- its a sick joke. =)14:57
Pici!funny | y14:57
ubotuy: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.14:57
ikoniay: this isn't a joke channel14:57
endogcursor will not respond for me, and my cursors are stuck at such an ugly theme. what should I do? i've tried re-insalling gcursor but no luck.14:57
ikonia!guidelines > y14:57
ikoniay: please read the link from ubuotu14:57
yDoes anyone know anything about setting up PAM on ubuntu?14:57
endois there any other way that I can change my cursors!?14:57
viclimendo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-193705.html14:57
yhanany idea how to fix the menus so they look like xubuntu ?14:57
viclimendo: not sure that will help but have a look14:57
yDoes anyone know anything about setting up PAM on ubuntu?14:58
ikoniay pam is already setup - what do you want to auth against pam14:58
jmaestanyone run into an issue where evolution isn't updating the Inbox properly?  I'm connecting to exchange and have to reset evolution to populate the Inbox14:58
viclimikonia: i nid you to explain some of the rule here to me, can?14:59
yBasically, I want to have all human users authenticate via PAM so that I can share that userfile over a network.14:59
yikonia ^14:59
Seveas!guidelines | jmaest14:59
ubotujmaest: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:59
jmaestedit sshd_conf14:59
endoviclim: thank you so very much brother :)14:59
ikoniay: `thats already setup, pam is setup to use /etc/paswd14:59
ikonia!guidelines > viclim14:59
viclimendo: done?14:59
Seveasy, you seem to misunderstand what pam is14:59
jmaestand uncomment "Use PAM authentication14:59
ikoniaviclim: check the url from ubotu14:59
porkpieikonia:could you help me setup a vpn server or at least point me to one that is not a mind fuck to setup14:59
Seveasy, you're looking for nis or ldap14:59
ySeveas -- that is entirely possible. I am basing my approach on some clues I got from this channel a week ago14:59
ikoniaporkpie: that langauge is uncalled for as you well know14:59
endoviclim: possibly, this looks like im being led in the right direction14:59
sandr-What is the recommended amount of swap on a good machine with 2GB RAM ?14:59
ySeveas -- I was told I could do this with PAM by essentially creating an alternate place to look for users at auth15:00
yThen symlink this place on multiple machines15:00
jmaestswap = 1 1/2*ram15:00
KeithamusIs there anything that is safe to delete in boot, to free up some space?15:00
Seveasy, pam is a library -- programs ask the library 'i have this user and pass, are they right' and pam can look in different directions (local database, nis, ldap, mysql) to see if they are good15:00
ikoniaSeveas: best summary I've seen in ages15:00
pteagueany idea how long memtest86 should take on 4gb of ram?15:00
sandr-so with 2GB RAM I should provide 3GB swap ??? isn't that a lot?15:00
jmaestKeithamus -> good rule of thumb: don't delete anything from /boot15:00
ikoniay: but you still need the "other place" for pam to look at15:00
viclimendo: if still can't try google a bit ok?15:01
bardyrjmaest, isnt that a outdated equation? afterall who would use more then 2gb ram?15:01
ikoniapteague: it runs for ever until you kill it15:01
viclimendo: i nid to go soon15:01
Seveasy, nis and ldap are servers you can set up on a central place where pam on several machines can look at them15:01
jmaestsandr--> just a rule of thumb15:01
Keithamusjmaest: I understand, but Im in a bind, so I kind of need to15:01
bardyrsandr-, i dont think you need a swap, but just use a 0.5-1gb15:01
endoviclim: alright brother15:01
pteagueikonia> ah, was just wondering cause pass keeps hitting 100%, but test is only at 21% & test #815:01
SleepingSlothpteague, but to reach 100% completion will take quite some time - something like a couple of hours if i remember. then it will just start again15:01
pteagueor maybe it's the reverse...15:02
ikoniapteague: read the docs on memtest to understand pass and tests15:02
viclimikonia: thanks for the guide, c u15:02
kaktuskattagonzaloaf_work: http://es.openoffice.org/comunidad/index.html15:02
Keithamusperhaps I could delete the .bak files??15:02
pteagueSleepingSloth> gotcha15:02
pteaguethanks guys :)15:02
sandr-should swap be at "end" of disk or at "beginning"?15:02
ikoniasandr-: doesn't matter15:02
FeaRfast lame question: I have both Ubuntu and Windows XP. I'm about to wipe out the old Ubuntu installation and install a new one... Will I have any GRUB related problems or I should just proceed ?:)15:02
Seveasy, so I think you want to do this: set up an ldap server and set up pam on all your machines to look at it. There should be a tutorial for that on tldp.org15:02
ikoniaSeveas: there is one on help.ubuntu.com thats ubuntu specific15:03
bardyrFeaR, proceed15:03
endois there anyway I can boot up into bash without loading up a windows manager so I can un-install one?15:03
Seveasikonia, ah, nice15:03
chimpoim trying to put a background image on the console but it doesnt stretch the image and i cant see an option, it tiles it instead and it looks horrible15:03
dappermuisFeaR: When you install the new version, grub will set itself up correctly15:03
FeaRthanks :) that's what I thought :)15:03
pteagueFeaR> the only problem is if you decide to reinstall windows... it'll overwrite the mbr & won't let you boot anything else15:04
FeaRbeen through that :)15:04
FeaRfixed it (with Super GRUB cd) :)15:04
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FeaRanyway, don't let me lose more of your time :) bb15:05
ySeveas -- so it is. Will read up.15:05
ardchoilleendo: You can just ctrl+alt+f1, log in, shutdown gdm (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop), do what you need to do, then start gdm (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start)15:05
TetracommHi. Gnaural says that it couldn't initialize the sound system and I can't hear anything. I just installed it. I am using Ubuntu 7.10. Could someone please help me?15:05
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hanophix33i am going on a flight and i need to know how to turn off my wifi15:09
bardyrhanophix33, isnt there a bottom on your laptop?15:09
mannytuturn the computer off...15:10
hanophix33bardyr: no15:10
geniihanophix33: If it's an onboard type disable it in bios.15:10
hanophix33genii: does disabling is, turn it off?15:10
geniihanophix33: Yes15:10
hanophix33genii: and how do i go about doing thay15:11
geniihanophix33: When yu first start computer it says something usually like "Hit F2 for Setup" etc15:11
erUSULhanophix33: many laptops have a hardware button to disable wifi15:11
hanophix33erusul: not on this ibm t3015:12
krielOkay. I've been working with ubuntu-server, and been having some problems. It seems (from reading the forums, among other things) that the ubuntu-server disk dosen't like sony disk drives. However, the two moderately functional CDROM's I have in my apartment are both made by sony. Any suggestions?15:12
jmaesthanophix33 Are you using Ubuntu 7.10?15:12
geniiWork needs me, away a few minutes15:12
hanophix33jmaest: yes15:12
jmaestDo you have any kind of a wifi manager?15:12
jmaestFor example, nm-manager15:13
jmaest(network Manager)15:13
usamahashimiHello Everyone!15:13
hanophix33jmaest: nm15:13
jmaestleft click on it15:13
BlackAlexis Wine working for other people in Gutsy?15:14
BlackAlexi havent been able to get anything to run....15:14
goodhabitHello. I have done with "make" of some source. How I can make *.deb package?15:14
jmaestright click and remove the check box from "wireless networking"15:14
hanophix33jmaest: thats it, that turns off my wifi card?15:15
hanophix33jmaest: thanks15:15
NgeleHallo ihr Lieben... kann mir jemand helfen ein eigentlich gelöstes Problem mit libsnack2 2.2.10 auf meinem Rechner umzusetzen?15:15
Slart!de | Ngele15:15
ubotuNgele: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:15
Aquahallicmornin' folks15:16
BlackAlexok... i tested wine on my desktop (not on my laptop) works fine. hmm15:16
hanophix33where can i find a list of essential ubuntu/linux software?15:16
danysr's sto sigue igual15:17
Slarthanophix33: essential? for what?15:17
Javidhanophix33, if it's essential it's already installed, I think15:17
zooboxcan I start my own repository with packages, that I want to install with synaptic?15:17
Slart!english | dany15:17
ubotudany: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:17
AquahallicI have xvnc4viewer installed but when I launch it I can't type the server name in the blank... If I double click in the blank to activate I see my cursor blink there once then it won't let me type anything.... anyone seen this before?15:17
BlackAlexhanophix33:  ubuntu comes bundled with the most basic needs... graphics software, office software...15:17
Slartzoobox: sure you can15:17
zooboxSlart: any guides how to do somewhere?15:18
BlackAlexhanophix33: and if you cant find what you need, type a keyword for what you need into "Add/Remove.." application and itll download and setup what you need into Ubuntu15:18
Slarthanophix33: if you just want a short list of stuff you can install check the Add/Remove menu in Applications15:18
hanophix33I mean, not essential, but "very nice to have"15:18
Slartzoobox: I think seveas had some software for repos... google for seveas site15:18
ardchoilleI had forgotten about Add/Remove.. that's quite handy.15:19
endoplease, someone take a look at this!15:19
jmaesthanophix33 google "cool ubuntu software"15:19
hanophix33and what about a firewall or antivirus, is it needed in ubuntu15:19
ScriptDevilfirewall is15:19
ScriptDevilav isn't15:20
Slarthanophix33: firewall is already there.. it's called iptables15:20
AquahallicMornin' folks15:20
flamesage!hello | Aquahallic15:20
ubotuAquahallic: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:20
Aquahallicjust did my first install of Ubuntu....;)15:21
=== flamesage is now known as chris062689
AquahallicVERY painless.... and VERY NICE!15:21
chris062689How did it go?15:21
endoplease, someone take a look at this!15:21
chris062689Nice.  Everything worked out of the box?15:21
Aquahallicyup... like it was made for my dell laptop... only my synaptics touchpad was REAL slow15:21
Aquahallicbut I found some info on editing xorg.conf..and sorted that right out15:22
chris062689I believe theres a setting to increase sensitivity.  Though it depends on the model.15:22
Slartno idea, endo.. personally I just couldn't care less what my cursor looks like =)15:22
chris062689Does anyone know how to get the SLED menu on Ubuntu?15:22
Aquahallicyup... I found it15:22
Aquahallicone issue I see though15:22
Slartchris062689: SLED?15:22
zooboxSlart: ok http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ must be it I guess15:22
chris062689the menu opensuse uses.15:22
Aquahalliclooks like vnc4viewer came pre-installed15:22
_nmapI'm looking for a emule client for ubuntu. What is the best?15:23
Aquahallicyou have to launch that from a terminal correct?15:23
ardchoillechris062689: afaik, the SLED menu is only for kde15:23
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:23
Aquahallicok.. well I do.. and the window pops up... but I can't edit the server name15:23
Aquahallicthe blank is there... I click it.. looks like I see a cursor blip for 1/10 of a second.. but I can't type anything into it....:/15:24
chris062689The GNOME one.15:24
lastnode_jack-desktop: jack sparrow?15:24
chris062689I thought Kickoff was KDE, SLED was GNOME.15:24
Slartzoobox: here's another url with some info http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-create-your-own-debian-or-ubuntu-package-repository/15:24
jmaestvncviewer <ip>:015:24
ySeveas? Question: Will the adduser command be connected to LDAP?15:24
Aquahallicdid.. then the password blank comes up and I can't type into that15:24
SamamanjaroHey I have no idea what to do here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:25
chris062689This is the SLED menu.15:25
chris062689How can I get this on Ubuntu?15:25
Aquahallicalmost like you can't set the "focus" on the password blank15:25
jmaestnever seen that15:25
Aquahallicyeah... weird...:/15:25
ardchoille!info gnome-main-menu | chris06268915:26
ubotuchris062689: gnome-main-menu (source: gnome-main-menu): GNOME start menu applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8.svn.20070430-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 192 kB, installed size 1484 kB15:26
chris062689Ok thank you.15:26
roninoIs there an apt tool/flag or something to see when what package has been installed/uninstalled?15:28
Samamanjarohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto im really confused15:28
geniironino: apt-cache policy <name>15:28
jmaestwork summons15:28
geniironino: Will tell if installed or no15:28
roninogenii: hmm, okay, but this doesn't mention when it has been installed...15:29
goodhabitHello. I'm trying to make deb file from source. dpkg-source: error: syntax error in source control file ./blah-blah.tar.gz at line 1: line with unknown format (not field-colon-value)15:29
johnathondo i need iTunes on linux to put songs on my iPod?15:30
_nmapI'm looking for a emule client for ubuntu. Whats the package name for a apt-get install?15:30
simplyubuntuhas anyone figured out the iphone with ubuntu yet?15:30
erUSUL_nmap: amule15:30
erawfishGistybit_: where is the source for the deb from?15:30
erawfish_nmap: #ubuntu15:30
=== MGalax1 is now known as MGalaxy
simplyubuntucause i got an iphone, and im super depressed that i cant sync it to my library :(15:31
erawfish_nmap: ignore me15:31
johnathonsimply ubuntu can u sync a normal iPod to a library on ubuntu?15:31
goodhabitjohnathon, simplyubuntu, just open installer and type ipod.15:31
simplyubuntuyep johnathon15:32
simplyubuntugoodhabit installer on the iphone?15:32
dhq_ when i am building  xorg i get this error and idea       Xorg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/X11/modules/drivers/suncg14_drv.so: undefined symbol: xf86MatchSbusInstances15:32
goodhabitsimplyubuntu, installer on your ubuntu. :)15:32
goodhabitsimplyubuntu, applications - installer15:32
simplyubuntugoodhabit got it... and what'll that do?15:33
goodhabitsimplyubuntu, have you ubuntu?15:33
goodhabitSo open it.15:33
johnathongoodhabit installer is that the add applications15:33
mar77ihi, has somebody got time to explain me how to get my bcm5787m wlan card to work?15:33
yI'm having trouble configuring LDAP.15:33
simplyubuntuyep johnathon15:33
erUSULdhq_: whay are you buolding it if i may ask?15:33
simplyubuntuthats what he means15:33
goodhabitYep. You can find application for ipod managment.15:33
mar77iahm, it's actually shown in lspci, so what now?15:34
dhq_erUSUL: well just to know more15:34
simplyubuntugoodhabit, what about this... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone15:34
=== matysecek is now known as matysek
shiftHow do I find out which threads/processes/whatever are using the most memory? top isn't showing anything using more than 0.0%.15:35
goodhabitsimplyubuntu, I'm don't care of. Just choose your way. :)15:35
johnathongoodhabit if i hook my ipod up to ubuntu will it delete all my songs i got from iTunes?15:35
geniironino: When I want to find when a package was installed I look at the time-stamps on the deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives15:35
roninogenii: thx for that hint15:36
simplyubuntujohnathon banshee or amarok would be the way to go for normal ipod on ubuntu15:36
Khalili cant send over bluetooth with hardy anymore15:36
goodhabitjohnathon, I don't think so. But I also have not apple devices.15:36
simplyubuntuapt-get install banshee/amarok (whichever one you like)15:36
Phoochkashift, I use htop15:36
_nmapunf my apt-get dont find amule15:37
shiftPhoochka: Is there a way to sort by memory usage?15:37
Khalilany programs for bluetooth?15:37
johnathongoodhabit so i cant use the music player already on ubuntu i have to install those ones?15:37
shiftAah, nevermind15:37
Phoochkashift, mm yea F6 i think15:37
Phoochkaand then choose MEM15:37
Asche_83mis it possible that xubuntu gutsy gibbons has an activated iptables firewall by default?15:38
goodhabitjohnathon, just install the software, just use it.15:38
ubuntunutjohnathon: It all depends. Try googling your music player that you want to manage with your ipod and see if anything comes up. Usually amarok/banshee is the way you awnt to go15:38
ubuntunutwhen managing an ipod.15:38
johnathongoodhabit it showed up in the default music player15:39
goodhabitSo what's problem?15:40
mar77igrep somebodywhocares15:40
johnathongoodhabit i just didnt know if it would or not im still new to ubuntu15:40
=== zoom_ is now known as zoom
goodhabitjohnathon, np, just test it.15:40
JonathanElli1Hi. Has anyone successfully setup a Logitech Cordless Trackman Optical so that the back/forward buttons work?15:43
JonathanElli1Can anyone tell me how to see the output of my mouse?15:44
SeveasJonathanElli1, there should be a pointer on the screen that moves if you move your mouse :)15:44
Gamekillerhello ubuntu fans15:45
SeveasJonathanElli1, if you're more interested in the raw data, the xev program can help you15:45
JonathanElli1Seceas: Ha ha. I meant so I can see which button is pressed15:45
balhi ,  what 's the command in ubuntu like 'setup' in redhat to enter 'system service setting'  on terminal ?15:45
Gamekilleris there is channel just for server related ???15:45
geniiGamekiller: #ubuntu-server15:46
goodhabitMaybe someone can help me with *.deb making? I have allready compiled source. Help me please.15:46
SeveasGamekiller, there is #ubuntu-server, but that's more a devel chat than a user chat15:46
Seveas!packaging guide | goodhabit15:46
ubotugoodhabit: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:46
geniiSeveas: They are usually graciious there in assisting :)15:46
Seveasgenii, excellent!15:46
Gamekillerok well i got a problem on a webserver that runs super slow at termanal the text is all in caps with out caps lock i know this bad what is the problem15:47
gonzaloaf_workhi, how do I tel my applicantions minized panel to group applications ?15:47
ardchoillegonzaloaf_work: right click on the window list applet and choose "Preferences"15:47
chris062689What do you guys think about my new Desktop? :)  http://ubuntuforums.org/g/index.php?n=213215:48
JonathanElli1Seceas: Do you know how to get xev to show the data from the mouse?15:48
SeveasJonathanElli1, click the buttons while the mouse hovers over the xev window15:48
gonzaloaf_workarchangelpetro, there is just properties15:48
mar77ihey I know, no one wants to have something to do with wlan config, but could anyone help me? i see the right device with lspci15:49
zhuhow can install my webcam driver, my laptop thinkpad Z61t. thanks15:49
ardchoillegonzaloaf_work: Are you right clicking in the space just in front of the window list applet?15:49
geniiGamekiller: That sounds like different issue. Eg issue 1: webserver slow    issue 2: capslock seems always on15:49
Seveasgonzaloaf_work, click on the dragging handle left of the window list (the 10 gray dots)15:49
danbhfivemar77i: whats the problem?15:49
danbhfivezhu: if your webcam is support, I suggest easycam15:49
JonathanElli1Now for a dumb question: How do I get out of the man command?15:49
erUSULubotu tell zhu about webcam | zhu see priv msg from ubotu15:49
SeveasJonathanElli1, q15:50
geniiGamekiller: Unless you are running the webserver from the terminal and the output of this is all in uppercase or so15:50
gonzaloaf_workSeveas, ardchoille, thanks15:50
ardchoillegonzaloaf_work: yw15:50
mar77idanbhfive: no wlan, but I see it in lspci. its a bcm5787m15:50
SeveasJonathanElli1, if q doesn't work, hit ESC a few times and then q15:50
schadeyi reinstalled compizfusion last night, everything works but not the cube, it's not a cube it's a 2 sided object, my desktop is set to 4 desktops so i don't know what is going on with this, is there something else i'm missing, what am i doing wrong?15:50
Gamekillergenii:  it more the website fine but when i log in to ssh the text on screen is fine but slow repsons time now local log in it look like the caps lock is on but is not15:50
dolphin_noelsomeone know some good image view bether then "eye of gnome" :x15:50
Seveasdolphin_noel, gthumb, f-spot15:51
ardchoilledolphin_noel: gthumb15:51
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Gamekilleri can log in find with low case username and password just displays caps and it very slow at responding to my keyboard15:51
erUSULschadey: open ccsm and go to General>Destop Size> put in 4 1 1 as size15:51
erUSUL!ccsm > schadey15:51
Seveasdolphin_noel, or mirage15:51
dolphin_noelthank you very much is bcausethe eyeof the gnome don`t resize the sizewhen i change picture from picture :x15:51
shiftI am running fluxbox, vnc, bitchx, and aterm. Should I be using 370MiB?15:51
dolphin_noelthank you very much :)15:51
Gamekillergenii:  i know back in the days a rootkit would come across this way but not sure of it15:51
shiftSeems a little on the large side to me.15:52
danbhfivemar77i: sorry, thats beyond my knowledge, sorry15:52
enjahovaif i have an older pc, a pentium3 should i install xubuntu?15:52
bardyrshift, have you tried vista lately? :)15:52
geniiGamekiller: Sounds like lag issues. Can be different causes for this, heavy server load, or just very slow machines between you and server, etc15:52
schadeyerUSUL: oh i never even noticed that option was in the manager as well, thanks for your help man! :D15:52
erUSULshift: dunno how much of that is disk cache ??15:52
johnathongoodhabit u said amarok?15:52
shifterUSUL: How do I find out?15:52
erUSULschadey: no problem15:52
Gamekillerit on a dual xeon 2.8 with 2 gigs of ram15:52
erUSULshift: the «free » is enough15:53
Gamekillerwith HT15:53
goodhabitjohnathon, what do you _actually_ want?15:53
erUSULshift: command*15:53
johnathonto b able to put music on my ipod the default wouldnt do it15:53
Matic`MakovecIs there a way of renaming a bunch of files at once? (e.g. you have 100 photos with weird names and you want them to be something like Photo1, Photo2 etc...)15:53
erUSUL!ipod > johnathon15:53
geniiGamekiller: try running top and see what what the machine load is. If not much then examine latency times and how many hops between you and server15:53
erUSULMatic`Makovec: look for mmv15:53
golinuxwhat is the command line I enter into the terminal to install kubuntu ?15:53
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod15:53
erUSUL!info mmv | Matic`Makovec15:53
ubotumatic`makovec: mmv (source: mmv): Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01b-14 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB15:54
SeveasMatic`Makovec, a creative bash one-liner would work :)15:54
geniiWork requires me, away a few minutes15:54
Gamekillergenii:  the webiste is local lan righ next to me and top nothing out of order or over size load time15:54
shifterUSUL: free -m shows 2459M cached... that can't be right.15:54
shifterUSUL: I must be reading it wrong.15:54
Seveasshift, au contraire, that looks good15:54
kasrahi all ,15:54
Seveaslinux caches the most recently used files in otherwise wasted memory15:54
kasrahow can i change the resolution of tty(s) ? its somthing wierd now !!15:55
erUSULshift: i have 1230 of 1729 as cached15:55
Gamekiller could a massive mysql db do it15:55
shiftSeveas: So I shouldn't be worried about this "high" memory usage?15:55
yI am getting a No Such Object error when attempting to import groups from Ubuntu in LDAP15:55
kasrai tried vga=XXX but then I can see nothing in tty(S)15:55
Seveasshift, you should be happy that linux does something useful with your memory :)15:55
erUSULshift: no; no worries free ram is wasted ram15:55
Gamekillerload is 1.03 .99 .8815:56
histokasra: which version of ubuntua re you using?15:56
Aquahallichmmmm... anyone know what key I hit that hid my title bars on my windows??... HAHAHA!15:56
scattasshey guys im trying to get on irc.solitox. server and it says i must run a tor secret service15:57
kasrahisto: it's okay after grub on "starting up.." then it changes15:57
histokasra: it won't work15:57
histokasra: there is a problem with framebuffer in gutsy.15:57
kasrahisto: is it a Gutsy's bug ?!:)15:58
kFjis ubuntu server the same as ubuntu desktop, just without the X, gnome and compiz and all that?15:58
kFj like a "core" install?15:58
erUSULkFj: different kernel15:58
kFjhmm meaning?15:58
histokasra: yea.  Don't know why its never been fixed.15:58
histokasra: there are fixes i've seen in here and on forums.15:59
erUSULkFj: it uses another kernel more suited to server loads and that admits more memory on 32 bits etc ....15:59
kFji want a clean neat install, the regular ubuntu/k/x has so much stuff i dont need. i only need x, xfce/openbox/compiz and gimp and some music/vide progs..15:59
danbhfivekFj: I think the server kernel places priority on background tasks, which is good for servers, but bad for GUI interfaces15:59
kasrahisto: are you sure ?! is there somthing to bold the font or somthing ? to have a better look16:00
kFjhmm ok. so not a good idea for my setup then..16:00
kFjis there a way to install ubuntu core somehow without all the preinstalled crap ?16:00
kFjand build my system the way i want to my self?16:00
danbhfivekFj: I think its good to start with a server, switching the kernel is easy16:00
erUSULkFj: you can allways install the generic kernel (the desktop one) or maybe start with fluxbuntu16:01
danbhfivekFj: sudo apt-get install linux-generic16:01
QuickGoldI have a machine running Windows XP.  Can I install Ubuntu on the same HD?16:01
kFjhmm ok. never done it. used xubuntu for some time, and now im on arch:P16:01
histokasra: I'm sure they messed up frame buffer with gutsy16:01
geniiGamekiller: Yes, heavy db usgae can slow things to a crawl. But if top is not showing mysqld or postgresql or such as hogs and system is still crawling along might be other issues16:01
histokasra: look at forlongs response with instructions16:01
kFjhmmm i tryed fluxbuntu. but got a messed up install.(hw error, but anyways, got a "bad feelign" about itP) hehe16:01
histokasra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=667271&highlight=grub+vga16:01
ardchoilleMatic`Makovec: This will work if you're in the dir that holds all the photos:  j=1; for i in *; do mv $i Photo$j; j=$((j+1));done16:02
kasrahisto: thanks so much16:02
geniiGamekiller: dns setup or mailqueue not emptying, etc16:02
QuickGoldI have a machine running Windows XP.  Can I install Ubuntu on the same HD (dualboot)?16:02
kasrahisto: see you16:02
kFjlast thing then: does ubuntu have problems with HAL/UDEV/NTFS-3G automounting?16:02
regiushi, i'm trying to get my external display to work. The only thing  it thats happen is that the text "mode not supported. 1024x768 with 60Hz recommended." is on the external display16:02
histoQuickGold: yes16:02
histo!dualboot > QuickGold,   QuickGold Read the private message from ubotu.16:02
geniiGamekiller: look in /var/log  and see which ones seem problemmatic.16:02
kasraQuickGold: yes , search for "Dualboot"16:02
histo!dualhead > regius,   regius Read the private message from ubotu.16:02
kFjcause im having big problems making hal automount ntfs stuff in arch. no matter if its usb or sata16:02
noodlesgchas anyone else not gotten any updates in a while?16:02
kFjnot even ide16:03
dev-nullhi all, im from russia) i have change IDE dvdrw to SATA dvdrw. now when i try to apt-get install something, it display please insert disk in /cdrom. can u help me?16:03
gilosWould someone please point me in the right direction for patching my 7.10 server without direct internet access?16:03
histonoodlesgc: no updates here16:03
noodlesgcdev-null open system->administration->software sources16:03
danbhfivegilos: I think you can just download the alternative install cd, and use that as a source16:04
noodlesgcdev-null uncheck the cdrom in the bottom16:04
histodanbhfive: if they made a daily build16:04
histogilos: you need a daily build htne you could apt-cdrom and update that way would be the easiest.16:04
gilosdanbhfive, I've already patched it about a month ago, but would like to have some sort of system so that I can continually patch it.16:05
danbhfivegilos: but without internet?16:05
histogilos: why are you patching it with no internet hooked to it?16:05
dev-nullnoodlesgc,  yes) but i need to install soft from dvd disk16:05
gilosI have ssh to it.... is there a way I can do a socks proxy and do a reverse ssh tunnel?16:05
histogilos: most fixes are just security fixes16:05
histogilos: if it aiint broke why are you trying to fix it?16:06
gilosit's in a DMZ so even though its not supposed to have internet access, it could.16:06
danbhfivehisto: I thought that is was updated regularly16:06
histogilos: especially since its not on the internet16:06
dev-nullnoodlesgc,  if i unchek cdrom all soft will setup from net repo's?16:06
noodlesgcdev-null no, but when it asks you for a disk, is the disk in?16:06
regiusis there any mode in the monitor section that works on "all" screens?16:06
dev-nullnoodlesgc, yes disk in; i try to setup soft from it16:07
sizzami'm trying to figure out how to  backup the FTP, SMB, etc  connections that I create in Gnome (F8) by clicking Places > Connect to Server.  Anybody know the name of that 'Connect to Server' feature, or in which file it stores its settings?16:07
regiusi have tryed get-edid|parse-edid and got a relly nice monitor section (but i don't work)16:08
noodlesgcdev-null ok click the "third-party software" tab in software sources, then click add-cdrom16:08
NisturWe currently have a router (Compaq 800MHz box) running Ubuntu Server 6.06, tc doesn't work properly so I was going to upgrade. I'm not up to scratch with Ubuntu,is it recommended not to update to gutsy straight from dapper, or would it be ok?16:08
ultrazhi guys, i've been using Ubuntu for a while now, but i very often i need to change to windows because i need to use serbian cyrillic. Is there any way to change that on ubuntu?16:08
ikoniaultraz: what is serbian cyrillic ?16:08
danbhfiveNistur: you may want to wait for Hardy to come out16:08
geniiGamekiller: If there is some bruteforce pw attack going on it will be obvious in the auth.log16:08
darwichSo .. i just got my new x1950 Pro .. and i want to run it with ubuntu .. When i actiave the driver from ubuntu ( Gutsy with all updates ) And reboot my GFX begins to get hot and the cooler is spinning fast ? .. what is the problem with it ?16:08
danbhfiveNistur: I believe they are working on an upgrade path for dapper users16:08
ultrazikonia: language16:08
ikoniaultraz what ?16:09
ultrazikonia: language and keybord layout for that language16:09
Nisturdanbhfive: so, what should I do now? Just wait? Because with broken tc the qos is fubar16:09
ikoniaultraz: you can change keyboard languages within ubuntu quite easy16:09
ultrazikonia: serbian language use cyrillic letters16:09
bazhangcyrillic script is similar to russian and taken from greek16:09
ikoniaooh I see16:09
tarnaphas someone in here a sony vaio PCG-9L1M ?16:09
darwichSo .. i just got my new x1950 Pro .. and i want to run it with ubuntu .. When i actiave the driver from ubuntu ( Gutsy with all updates ) And reboot my GFX begins to get hot and the cooler is spinning fast ? .. what is the problem with it ?16:09
ikoniaultraz: I'm not aware of linux derivative16:09
ultrazikonia: i can change only to Serbian Latin but not Serbian Cyrillic16:10
danbhfiveNistur: well, I think what is supported is an incremental upgrade, thats all I really know.  I don't know anything about the problems you are having16:10
dev-nullnoodlesgc,  thanks a lot16:10
noodlesgcdev-null: no problem16:11
Nisturdanbhfive: thanks, I'll try updating one release at a time then I guess16:11
danbhfiveNistur: you could keep asking here, maybe someone else knows16:11
darwichSo .. i just got my new x1950 Pro .. and i want to run it with ubuntu .. When i actiave the driver from ubuntu ( Gutsy with all updates ) And reboot my GFX begins to get hot and the cooler is spinning fast ? .. what is the problem with it ?16:11
=== yon__ is now known as Yonie
geniidarwich: The fan on that one is normally loud as hell16:12
johncdarwich: do you know your card is actually getting hotter?  It's possible linux is just keeping the fan speed high due to not knowing the full details of the card16:12
Yoniedoes any1 know how to set a default gateway if you have 2 internet connections?16:12
darwichGenii: I know .. but in windows its pretty quite ..16:12
darwichjohnc: Yes .. because the card starts at slow .. and gets faster and faster .. and i can feel that my card is getting hot ..16:13
ginohi peopleeee.16:13
johncare you using the open or the proprietary driver darwich16:13
balbirhow to configure bluetooth modem in ubuntu 7.1016:13
benny269any updates on a flash fix?16:13
ginosome body can help my in  pringting????16:14
darwichjohnc: I used the one in ubuntu .. " System > Admin ... " and so ..16:14
darwichjohnc: My ubuntu is danish .. so cant translate ..16:14
ubotuFor at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.16:14
erUSULYonie: "sudo ip route default via «gateaway_ip» dev «iface»" if i recall correctly16:14
geniibenny269: Just go the url ubotu gives from !brokenflash  and use an ubuntuforum login to go grab the deb which works16:14
YonieerUSUL, wat is iface?16:15
ginosome body can help my in  pringting????16:15
santosh_can anyone help me know how update-pciids works?16:15
erUSULYonie: eth0 eth1 or wlan0 etc16:15
ikoniasantosh_: it goes to a website and downloads a new definition file16:15
napnaphi all16:15
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:15
napnapwhy I can't whange owner and permissions in mounted windows partition /media/sda1 (NTFS), how can I do ?16:16
Lr5_$ totem movie.mov16:16
santosh_ikonia: who updates it?16:16
Lr5_Segmentation fault (core dumped)16:16
napnapI tried with sudo of course (xubuntu gubsy Bibbon)16:16
ikoniasantosh_: the package maintainers16:16
napnapI've not error message but owners stay at root.plugdev ??16:16
benny269genii: ok got the link, what do i need to login and do?16:16
santosh_ikonia : sorry i mean how it is tracked?16:16
=== DiGitalX` is now known as DiGitalX
johncdarwich: did you select the driver in the Restricted Driver Manager, or through the "Screen and Graphics" menu16:17
ikoniasantosh_: what do you mean tracked ? the description file has a version, each update release incrments the version16:17
santosh_ikonia: I mean how they know about different configuration?16:17
ikoniasantosh_: what different configuration, it's just 1 file16:18
YonieerUSUL, oh right, thanks :) Am I right in saying if I connect to the internet twice using USB modem and my network card it wont work unless i set a default gateway?16:18
santosh_ikonia: yes i got it, but if a new hardware appears, how do they know about it?16:18
erUSULYonie: yes; and you will be only using one of the conections16:18
ikoniasantosh_: you don't - if new hardware appears the package maintainers update the file - you get the update file when you want to16:18
erUSULYonie: i do not see the point on having two inet conections16:19
geniibenny269: Go to the link for 32 or 64 bit modified deb the author made. Use an ubuntuforum login when it asks for username password. Then download and install the deb file16:19
santosh_ikonia: thank you ikonia. i want to know how it works more than knowing that its just a file16:19
ikoniaYonie: why do you want two ISP's connected to your machine16:19
ikoniasantosh_: what do you mean how it works16:19
phenom!drivers | |16:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:19
Andycass1Whats the difference between ascii and passphrase wep key?16:19
ikoniasantosh_: lspci is a binary application, that reads device ID's from a flat file and offers a human readable output16:20
santosh_ikonia: How it helps?16:20
ikoniasantosh_: how it helps ??? it shows you information about your hardware, thats it16:20
ArelisHello all. My system is very unstable at the moment. How do i fix it? With unstable i mean looks are breaking, compiz is unstable, and panels are screwed up. And Ubuntu randomly crashes.16:20
Yonieikonia, My adsl is capped, so i have only 2gigs per month, so I want to use another line to download that big stuff and use my adsl to surf16:20
Yonie*that = the16:20
ikoniaYonie: that is impracticle16:20
SleepingSlothArelis, that is impossible to diagnose remotely....16:20
santosh_ikonia: Yes i know that, what i mean is i want to know how different hardwares are identified?16:21
ikoniasantosh_: each hardware has a device ID - that device ID is listed in the file with a human readable name16:21
danbhfiveArelis: try disabling compiz, I heard that it wasnt that stable16:21
SleepingSlothArelis, random crashes are often caused by hardware problems though - has this hardware been stable before?16:21
ArelisSleepingSloth: Yes.16:21
SleepingSlothArelis - and how are temps etc?16:21
mhterresI need some help with this "problem":16:22
bazhangArelis: is this related to all the osx mods you made a while back?16:22
ArelisSleepingSloth: How can i check? I think they're okay though. This is dad's pc, which he built himself.16:22
santosh_ikonia: I checked that. You mean it is not useful more than just knowing the hardware info?16:22
Arelisbazhang: Yes.16:22
SleepingSlothdanbhfive, Arelis , i run compiz without problem on both 32 and 64 bit platforms. it may be part of the problem, but i wouldnt call it unstable at all16:22
Yonieikonia, i can get it to work in windows really well16:22
mhterresI need to rename the Desktop folder in the home directory. Where do I need to change in Gnome to do this for all users16:22
SleepingSlothArelis, check in the bios on boot.16:22
ikoniaYonie: iptables/quos traffic shaping is the only real way to manage that, that I'm aware of16:23
benny269genii: i get a warning suggesting that i use an older version available from the software channel. should i ignore this?16:23
danbhfiveSleepingSloth: when they first released Gutsy, I thought there was debate about including Compiz because it wasnt stable.  They said that most would experience no problems, but some people would16:23
Yonieikonia, well im really new here so i dont actually know how to do that stuff :s All the tutorials i have found use 2 eth connections16:24
mhterresmy real problem is tthat they rename the folder Desktop to "Área de Trabalho" in pt-br and I need to return it to Desktop16:24
mhterresany ideas ?16:24
SleepingSlotharelis, but assuming its software and not hardware, the only real way to start diagnosing your sort of problem is to strip down what you're running until it is stable, then go from there16:24
ikoniaYonie what software are you using in windows to manage your connection ?16:24
ikoniaYonie: how are you telling windows "if a file = 2meg of bigger go here, else go the other one"16:25
SleepingSlothdanbhfive, ah - I wasn't aware of that debate- just assumed it's inclusion in stable repos meant it was considered stable....16:25
SleepingSlothdanbhfive,  but that would be a slightly worying trend if it were true16:26
ArelisSleepingSloth: Well i'm starting to think, although i'm not sure, that Ubuntu ITSELF is unstable (to me). Sometimes it broke while i was just doing normal things, while doing work in open office. Rebooting usually fixed the minor problems, so it isn't really that much of a hassle, but i remember something happened after i installed kubuntu, that made all settings screw up, and i had to reinstall.16:26
santosh_ikonia: may i know if i am right? You mean its only useful for knowing the hardware info?16:26
geniibenny269: yes16:26
ikoniasantosh_: that's its function16:26
ikoniasantosh_: lspci = "list PCI devices"16:26
SleepingSlothArelis, what release?16:27
ArelisSleepingSloth: 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon.16:27
bazhangArelis: that seems highly unlikely; you have so many modifications on there that unraveling the conflicts could take a while16:27
kenanhi, how can i have only the tray icon for a program load on startup? i cant find the function in the application settings but im wondering if there is a way16:27
Arelisbazhang: Well, these things happened on different installs, some of them pure and unmodified, others heavily modified. although on all of them, different stuff happened, except for the libraries breaking.. did that with every install16:28
Yonieikonia, i dont do that, what i do is, i route the other connection to a spacific IP, its actually a proxy server, then i just configure a download manager to download from that proxy only16:28
danbhfiveSleepingSloth: well, thats why there was a debate about it.  I think the hope is that Gutsy isn't considered a totally stable release.  But, the upcoming Hardy is supposed to be LTS.  So maybe it was like a trial run with compiz, in anticipation of Hardy16:28
bazhangArelis: the point is that if you install a lot of stuff outside the main repos there is a chance of breakage; that is not on ubuntu16:29
ikoniaYonie: do the same in liunux then16:29
Arelisbazhang: It was all in the official repo's.16:29
Yonieikonia, trying :P16:29
bazhanggnome-look is considered the repos? :}16:30
Arelisbazhang: When i installed Kubuntu, i had konqueror not displaying flash sites. I had full menus of both GNOME and KDE apps (although there's something on the 'net that can organise that), and Kontact was constantly crashing on me for some reason.16:30
SleepingSlothdanbhfive, i hope you're right, and we're not heading towards a 'keeping up with the joneses' OS. I'm sure that won't happen, but these kind of slopes are usually slippery...16:30
Arelisbazhang: Mac4lin was just a package with gnome theme and icons and some themes for other programs which i placed in my home directory. i did NONE of the tweaks to the system itself (for example uSplash)16:30
SleepingSlothanyway - i'm off topic, and off home. take it easy everyone16:31
bazhangArelis: no worries here; also no heavy modifications :}16:31
santosh_ikonia: Thankyou, have any idea, i have problem with external mouse. It doesnt work after i configured my display with dpkg-reconfigure16:33
santosh_ikonia: i have compaq laptop16:33
danbhfivesantosh_: if you reconfigured xserver, that hits the mouse too16:34
danbhfivesantosh_: were there any backups of your xserver file?16:35
juannicolasHello, how can I make or do in ubuntu 6.06 be pinged bye host name in a windows domain network. Ping by IP works fine but not bye hostname16:35
kenanhi, how can i have only the tray icon for a program load on startup? i cant find the function in the application settings but im wondering if there is a way16:35
santosh_danbhfive: thank you, i actually configured by display using that, ofcourse in  between it asked to configure my mouse  and keyboard also.16:35
noodlesgckenan: open System->Preferences->Sessions16:36
danbhfivesantosh_: yeah, if it was xserver, that manages all three of those16:36
JonathanEllisHi. Does anyone know how to remove a device in Device Manager? I am trying to get my mouse buttons to work correctly and I have found two device entries for the same mouse. One say "Macintosh mouse button emulation" which is odd, considering I am using a PC. The other is "Cordless Optical TrackMan" which is correct. I think the Mac mouse button emulation may be causing a problem - dont know how it got there16:36
santosh_danbhfive: there is a backup file i will be able to revert to make mouse working but about display?16:37
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:37
musashiis there a terminal command to output data on network traffic? I know the system monitor tool will but that's a gui. i need something i can use in a terminal from a remote connection16:37
kenannoodlesgc: i know how to get it on startup but the thing is everytime i log in i get the program open but i just want the tray icon, i dont want the window to actually open on startup16:37
danbhfivesantosh_: I would open both files, in the new one created, leave the display section alone, and copy the old mouse section over the one in the new file16:37
KaiForcemusashi "ip -s link show" will give you some info16:38
KaiForceyou'll have to run it multiple times and do some math to get a picture over time16:38
noodlesgckenan: look in the man page for a option (like --hidden) if not you might be able to hack something together with alltray16:38
geniijuannicolas: Is the 6.06 box a server running samba? Also, is it a primary then or secondary. Also broadcast address if set up statically is needed.16:39
dreamili have installed gutsy using network boot, installation went smooth, grb also got installed16:39
dreamilbut system doesnt boot from HDD16:39
musashiKaiForce: thanks. that did give some info but what i'm really looking for is a running output of up and down traffic16:39
KaiForcethe alternate CD got me around my installation problem with the Gutsy CD, thanks to all who suggested it, including and .16:40
geniidreamil: Change boot order in bios?16:40
orion1Hey i have a file that is encrypted with 128 bit aes what appt would i use to decrypt that?16:40
dreamilgenii: did that16:40
juannicolasgenii It doeas have samba, but is neither primary nor secundary. Is justa a machine in the windows domain with a static IP, but i want the others machines to ping it by hostname and ip16:40
KaiForceorion1: truecrypt?  depends on what made it16:40
dreamili have one windows partition which is primary and all others are logical16:40
dreamilis that a problem?16:41
geniijuannicolas: The specify it's broadcast address in the static settings. Then it will announce to the network it exists, and it's name so they can access it16:41
phenomOut of curiosity, does ubotu accept multi parameter querys/triggers such as !bad language | phenom, for example?16:41
juannicolasgenii ok, so how can I do that exaclty?16:42
phenomOr only single parameters such as !language | phenom?16:42
bazhangyou can message the bot phenom16:42
geniijuannicolas: Did you set the IP by telling a router to give always the same IP to it, or by modifying it in ubuntu?16:42
benny269genii: thanks16:43
juannicolasgenii  I asked the IT to grant me an static IP and I set it up manually in the ubuntu machine.16:43
juannicolasI need now to be able to ping that machine by hostname without any help from IT16:44
Symbi0ntlittle question, may be someone knows it. I installed ubuntu in VMware. Windows ist Host OS and I need it that I can connect to the (in linux) installed mysql server 516:44
Symbi0ntI can't get an connect16:44
Piciphenom: yes, multi-word triggers exist.16:44
Symbi0ntmaybe I need to open a port or so16:44
Symbi0ntcan someone tell me where I have to check that?16:44
drgebjust found out about gnome-do its pretty cool and reminds me of Launchy. Anyone knows of a website with cool gnome apps ?16:44
noodlesgcdrgeb, I just get stuff using apt16:46
orion1KaiForce: how do i install truecrypt its not in apt-get16:46
usamahashimiHello Everyone!16:46
PiciSymbi0nt: You need to tell mysql to allow access for your user from addresses other than localhost.16:46
phenomCool thanks guys.16:47
KaiForceorion1:  www.truecrypt.com, and dont' bother if you don't know the password or keyfiles it was encrypted with!16:47
ardchoilledrgeb: You can look at http://www.gnomefiles.com/ but it's always best to install from the repos when at all possible16:47
YangYinhey does anyone know were the online repositories are for Hardy heron?16:47
Symbi0ntPici : hmm I made an user which acceopts access from "%" ...16:47
Symbi0ntDo you have an hint where to do so?16:47
geniijuannicolas: Sorry for lag, work required me. OK, so IT dept gave you also some netmask? If so what is it, then we know the broadcast IP16:47
imterrohey, sorry to be the guy who joins for help, but im having trouble installing 7.10 64 bit on my system, from what i have read 7.10 has issues with the ati cards but how do i get around this and get it to instal16:47
PiciSymbi0nt: I personally would do it from the mysql administrator gui tool, I'm not familiar with the backend method.16:48
imterroany help would be appreciated16:48
YangYin... repositories for Hardy Heron... does anyone know where those are? ive looked high and low16:48
Symbi0ntlinux mysql has a gui tool?16:48
juannicolasgenii  Yes, IT grante me an IP so, from my windows machine or other machine in the domain I can ping the linux by IP but not by hostname.16:49
siriusnovaanyone here know anything abou ssh tunnelling?16:49
usamahashimiI wanna ask that which OS was used in Die Hard 4?16:49
YangYinusamahashimi: lol its a movie16:49
JonathanEllisHi. Does anyone know how to remove a device in Device Manager? I am trying to get my mouse buttons to work correctly and I have found two device entries for the same mouse. One say "Macintosh mouse button emulation" which is odd, considering I am using a PC. The other is "Cordless Optical TrackMan" which is correct. I think the Mac mouse button emulation may be causing a problem - dont know how it got there16:49
YangYinbut i do need the repositories for Hardy does anyone know what they are?16:49
noodlesgcusamahashimi: probably wasn't a real OS16:49
JimmieGood afternoon. I'm having some problems installing Ubuntu from the desktop installation CD (v 7.10) on an old laptop.. Keep getting the errrors shown on this forum post: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=638257 It would appear it's a problem mounting the CD from what forums seem to suggest, although the laptop boots from the CD fine. I've run a CD integrity check and it's all good... What can I do? :016:50
ardchoilleYancho: Are you running hardy?16:50
bazhang!hardy | YangYin16:50
ubotuYangYin: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:50
phenomnmap was in Matrix ;)16:50
ardchoilleYangYin:  Are you running hardy?16:50
YangYinthnx bazhang16:50
imterrohey, sorry to be the guy who joins for help, but im having trouble installing 7.10 64 bit on my system, from what i have read 7.10 has issues with the ati cards but how do i get around this and get it to install16:50
johncSymbi0nt: you have to change the my.cnf file in /etc/mysql so that the "bind-address" is not bound to by default16:50
phenoma THC app was in war games.16:50
Oli``Anybody here managing to run Fireworks 8 under Wine? I keep getting "Not enough memory." errors (while I have 1.3 gigs of physical free) =(16:51
Symbi0ntjohnc : found the cfg file already. can I write another ip after that or just comment it out?16:51
YangYinardchoille: yeah but i need some additional packages16:51
YangYinardchoille: my sound card is supported in hardy16:51
YangYinardchoille: finally16:52
ardchoilleYancho: Well, hardy support is in #ubuntu+116:52
geniijuannicolas: This does not give us yet enough information to specify the broadcast address. To deduce this we need to know something like: ip is or netmask is or so16:52
johncSymbi0nt: if you use the IP of the machine you can still access it from
imterroim having trouble installing 7.10 64 bit on my system, from what i have read 7.10 has issues with the ati cards but how do i get around this and get it to install16:52
juannicolasgenii netmask -
noodlesgcimterro, does it boot from the cd ok?16:52
strassenkind26_2na hir mehr los16:52
bazhangenglish strassenkind26_216:53
JimmieGood afternoon. I'm having some problems installing Ubuntu from the desktop installation CD (v 7.10 32Bit) on an old laptop.. Keep getting the errrors shown on this forum post: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=638257 It would appear it's a problem mounting the CD from what forums seem to suggest, although the laptop boots from the CD fine. I've run a CD integrity check and it's all good... What can I do? :016:53
ubuntu559hello i have installed ati drivers for my ati sapphire x1950pro...and it screws up.  can some one PLEASE help16:53
geniijuannicolas: Then broadcast address is x.x.x.255     where the 3 x part is the first 3 numbers of the ip the IT guys gave you16:53
chris062689When is the new WINE going to hit the repos?16:54
noodlesgcJimmie, have you tried the alternate cd?16:54
juannicolasgenii so, what do I need to do?16:54
JimmieWould that help?16:54
orion1KaiForce: ok i have it installed. i know the pass to the file. I dont see how it decrypt a file i only see encryption any idea?16:54
ubuntu559any 1 able to help?16:54
geniijuannicolas: So you need to go into wherever you used in ubuntu to make te ip statis and also tell it now to use that x.x.x.255 template for broadcast ip16:55
bazhang!ask | ubuntu55916:55
ubotuubuntu559: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:55
johncubuntu559 how does it screw up16:55
Cromagbazhang: he did.16:55
Jimmieerk, command line install16:55
JimmieMight need some help with that heh16:55
Cromagbazhang: http://technowizah.com/2006/10/debian-how-to-ati-drivers.html this MIGHT help, if people disagree, they should say so :)16:55
geniijuannicolas: You can manually do this at commandline by editing /etc/network/interfaces        but I do not know how you originally did it16:55
ubuntu559it gdm wont start properly after installation16:55
bazhangCromag: not quite clear though16:55
JimmieI'll download it and see how it goes...16:55
KaiForceorion:  truecrypt encryptedfile /mount/point16:55
Cromagbazhang: the guide ?16:55
johncwhich version of ubuntu are you using?16:56
ubuntu559it goes into command line at first, gdm starts eventually but in 800x60016:56
juannicolasgenii I did it just like that, editing the interface file16:56
johncand you want to get it to use the proper resolution?16:56
Symbi0nt0.0.0.0 did the trick thanks for all help16:56
ubuntu559yep, i would like it to fully utilise the graphics card16:56
johncyou need to go to System -> Administration -> Screen and Graphics16:56
Keigo-kunIs it possible to run CompizFusion on radeon 8500LE?16:56
juannicolasgenii         broadcast
johncthen set up the monitor, graphics card in there16:57
juannicolasi do have that line inth einterface file16:57
ubuntu559can u take me through it16:57
ubuntu559the max res it displays is  800x60016:57
ubuntu__what is the min harddrive space needed to install 7. ?16:57
nils_hey :)16:57
johncwhat does the Model: say?16:58
johncdoes it say "Plug and play monitor"16:58
doktoreashello evrybody16:58
nils_does somebody use songbird?16:58
doktoreaswich package should i install to have QT4 lib16:58
DRebellionubuntu__: you might be interested in a minimal install16:58
DRebellion!minimal | ubuntu__16:58
ubotuubuntu__: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:58
ubuntu559Dell 1908FP(Digital)16:58
johncand when you click on Resolution only 800x600 comes up?16:59
ubuntu559i have 3 options, 800x600 being the highest16:59
JonathanEllisHi. Anyone know how I can edit device configuration files? I have a rogue device called "Macintosh mouse button emulation" which I need to remove or disable17:00
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:00
bod_bazhang, does that have to be sudo?17:00
ardchoillebod_: yes17:00
bazhangbod_: iirc yes17:00
johncok, Go to the "graphics card" tab, and what does the Driver part say17:00
bod_ardchoille, bazhang, cheers17:01
ardchoillebod_: Because you are editing a system file :)17:01
bazhangno worries17:01
bod_ardchoille, yer,,.,17:01
ubuntu559vesa - Generic VESA-complaint video cards ... there are two sections exactly identical17:01
ubuntu559maybe because this graphics card is dual monitor17:01
johncyou have an ATI card yes?17:01
bazhangno drivers17:01
thegveI have my scanner working as a root user17:01
ubuntu559ati sapphire x1950pro17:02
thegveBut as a normal user it doesn't work17:02
geniijuannicolas: So this machine, is it supposed to have network shares on it or just be able to access network shares? Because it can be smbclient is running but not smbd (samba daemon)17:02
=== Gamekiller is now known as GK_AFK
thegveIt's an epson scanner using proprietary drivers, installed using alien / dpkg17:02
johncok, click on the Driver17:02
ubuntu559ok clicked17:03
TilllinuxI'm trying to join a win2k3 domain with a ubuntu gutsy station using the sadms package (which is a nice gui for configurating samba/kerberos etc almost automagically). The error I keep getting tells me to reset the domain administrators pw (I created an extra domain admin account). However I do not know what is meant by "reset" as I'm not able to "fully reset" it to zero (-> policies) so I just changed the pw. That didn't work17:03
johncand go to "choose by model", then select "ATI" as the manufacturer17:03
bod_thegve, ur problem is permissions,. you need to set permissions on it for all users to execute   chmod u+a17:03
juannicolasgenii it doeas have some samba shares, but this machine have several services running such as, apache, mysql, ftp, samba, and others.17:03
johncthen select "Radeon (fglrx)" as the driver17:03
ubuntu559should i do this for both?17:03
puboHi all17:03
thegvebod_: I understand, but do I have to chmod the device node or something?17:03
eZe_how can I stop grub from changing the menu.lst after every boot? Because every time I boot up again it reverses all the changes I made17:04
bod_thegve, thats the part im not sure about im afraid17:04
ubuntu559ok or test??17:04
johncnow you have to restart X, so what you have to do is press Control, Alt and Backspace HOWEVER17:04
johncthis will log you out17:04
johncso make sure everything is saved before you do17:05
puboAnybody knows an ID3 Tager wich uses ODBC? I have a lot of MP3 albums without ID3 info and I'd like to get it17:05
bod_How do i give execute permissions to a scanner?17:05
ubuntu559its brought up a dialog17:05
ubuntu559ubuntu is running on low graphics mode17:05
=== skittl is now known as Skitt
ubuntu5593 options, configure, shut down or cancel17:05
ubuntu559sorry continue17:06
ardchoillepubo: easytag is a very nice id3 tag editor and it's in the repos. I don't know if it uses ODBC but it's worth checking out17:06
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bentob0xhow do you know which device is which when using lspci?17:06
bazhangI wish ati would release better drivers or make it easier17:06
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unbekanntAfter enabling desktop effects (compiz); the workspace switcher no longer has any windows for desktops other than the current active one..  is there a way to get it to show all desktops?17:06
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puboardchoille, ok, thx17:06
bod_unbekannt, in the general plugin in ccsm17:06
david---SEID IHR GUT DRAUF?!?!?!?!?!???17:07
bod_!english | david---17:07
ubotudavid---: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:07
bazhangenglish david---17:07
geniijuannicolas: OK. So if it has shares then it's running the daemon. Make sure it is in same domain/workgroup17:07
Tilllinux!de | david---17:07
johncok, I'm not sure why your still not getting it to work, however i've found a post on the ubuntu forums that may help you better http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43350017:07
ubotudavid---: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:07
bod_bazhang, beat ya17:07
ubuntu559if i press configure it will just go on screens and graphics again..17:07
ubuntu559it wont actually activate17:07
juannicolasgenii it is.         workgroup = CENT_OFFICE17:08
david---how can i install beryl in edubuntu?17:08
bod_david---, beryl is now called compiz17:08
juannicolasnetbios name = wne-server17:08
bazhangcompiz-fusion is the replacement17:08
neverbluethe evolution of beryl17:08
geniijuannicolas: Is there some WINS server on your network?17:08
nils_how can songbird say, that he shout copy all playing files to a folder?17:09
juannicolasgenii it might, yes17:09
bod_david---,  these guys are helpfull ,.,.#compiz-fusion17:09
ubuntu559ati is just a joke17:09
ubuntu559no proper drivers, crap support17:09
DJ_DanniI am trying to Install Webser and she say Could not find packet17:09
bod_ubuntu559, shoulda gone to the specsavers of graphics ***Nvidia***17:10
bazhangDJ_Danni: what is webser17:10
geniijuannicolas: If so ask the IP of the IT guys and add it into the smb.conf  and also ensure winbind is installed and operating17:10
ubotu1984 is only big brother17:10
w0tmy panels are gone, what should i do to bring them back?17:10
juannicolaswinbind is installed, and working.17:10
DJ_Dannibazhang i mean like MySQL, Apache 2 and phpmyadmin17:10
ubuntu559should have yeh17:10
Pici!lamp | DJ_Danni17:10
ubotuDJ_Danni: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:10
ubuntu559wt a waste, i hope ati becomes bankrupt17:10
DJ_Dannii have tryed that17:11
DJ_DanniShe give me the Same Error17:11
bazhangwhat error17:11
AnnirakHow do I set up a crosscompilation environment for ARM in ubunut?17:11
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DJ_DanniShe can't find the Pack17:12
thegveIs there OSS scanner software that doesn't look as ugly as Xsane?17:12
bazhangDJ_Danni: could you be more precise?17:12
geniijuannicolas: From the Windows boxes, if you rightclick on Network then go Search for Computers and put in the name of the Ubuntu machine, do they find it that way?17:13
DJ_DanniI mean she say she can't find MySQL and that Stuff17:14
juannicolasgeni not for the moment :S17:14
niceubuntuneed help getting a laptop online for less... any suggestions? really want the OLPC or the eeEE pc... are there any others that don't come preinstalled w/WINDOWS?17:14
PiciDJ_Danni: she? can you pastebin the exact errors?17:14
juannicolasit does find it17:14
geniijuannicolas: If you do that but put the IP they find it?17:14
Pici!paste | DJ_Danni17:14
ubotuDJ_Danni: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:14
w0tthe panels and K menu disappeared after rebooting. just installed newest version. instead i have a "new item" that "hasn't yet been configured" what is this and how can i fix it?17:15
Piciniceubuntu: Bit offtopic for this channel, try asking in either #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware.17:15
niceubuntuthanks Pici17:15
gileswwwrkis the -virtual kernel in hardy for xen ?17:16
Pici!hardy | gileswwwrk17:16
ubotugileswwwrk: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:16
BoglizkMy titlebars keep disapearing, and i have to switch to "Normal" and then back to Compiz. Any help?17:16
GoreNuruPlease Help! How can i run trang? I have "libgcj failure: gcj linkage error. Incorrect library ABI version detected.  Aborting."17:17
genii!info trang17:17
ubotutrang (source: trang): Multi-format XML schema converter based on RELAX NG. In component universe, is optional. Version 20030619-5.1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 570 kB, installed size 1812 kB17:18
mrbrdo_i am trying to install ATI binary drivers and i'm having a problem with DKMS.. It says i must first run a "DKMS build" but this is not mentioned in wiki :(17:18
GoreNuru<genii> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/trang/+bug/14144717:18
bobbywanyone running squirrelmail on an ubuntu server?17:18
mrbrdo_i mean it says i must run a dkms build for kernel17:18
avramwho could help with sound problem on travelmate 629217:18
DRebellion!anyone | bobbyw17:18
ubotubobbyw: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:18
thegveI have a very weird revers-logic problem. I have a laptop and a workstation running only Ubuntu, and I'm printing to my parents Windows PC. My parents both have windows laptops, and I can't get the windows laptops to print to that windows print server. Spent the whole weekend. Under ubuntu I just followed the wizard...17:18
bod_thegve, lol,,. another victory !!!!17:19
bobbywubotu: ok17:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:19
mrbrdo_please anyone?17:19
avramwho could help with sound problem on travelmate 629217:19
DJ_DanniBut i was woondering do Edubuntu take Small Memory?17:19
=== GK_AFK is now known as Gamekiller
juannicolasgenii I think i make that works somehow, I edited some features inthe smb.conf with webmin and now i can ping the hostname and access every service active via hostname17:19
jb72flash player 9 causes crashes on my pc can only use gnash17:20
juannicolasgenii thanks for the help.17:20
geniijuannicolas: You're welcome17:20
KaiForceavram I just loaded up a 2300, still updating though... I've seen lots of posts about sound issues on the travelmates17:20
juannicolasarigato-gosaimas , sayonara17:20
avramKaiForce: i tried to do what was said on the forum, but it didnt work17:21
bobbywI am having the good old src/src/ in my squirrelmail URL problem, I installed the latest version from apt-get, and I greped the php files for SM_Path, and found that they appeared to be correct ('SM_PATH','../');17:21
geniiGoreNuru: I'm not overly familiar with trang so feel unqualified to assist you17:21
XLVthegve, have you tried installing the drivers for the printer on that pc, and setting it to print to the network printer?17:21
KaiForcedoes sound work at all?17:21
snikkerwhen i run "ps2pdf file.ps file.pdf", i've got this error: "Bus error". can you help me?17:21
mich54hey guys , i have a problem with installing the libpcap on my gusty gibson , any suggestions ?17:21
mrbrdo_i am trying to install ATI binary drivers and i'm having a problem with DKMS.. It says i must first run a "DKMS build" but this is not mentioned in wiki :(17:21
GoreNurugenii anyway thank's for trying )17:22
BoglizkMy titlebars keep disapearing, and i have to switch to "Normal" and then back to Compiz. Any help?17:22
mich54hey guys , i have a problem with installing the libpcap on my gusty gibson , any suggestions ?17:23
BoglizkCromag: Thanks17:23
CromagBoglizk: hope it helps.17:23
geniiKaiForce: Perhaps your laptop is listed on the laptop testing wiki page17:23
unbekanntbod_: thanks17:24
thegveHello, I'm back17:24
KaiForcegenii mine seems ok (at least I heard the startup sound) avram is having an issue with his17:24
thegvesomeone told me something before I hit some wrong buttons and closed the IRC client17:24
olskolircahhhhh compiz :-P17:25
thegvewhat was it?17:25
w0t^can you help me restore my panels please?17:25
XLVthegve, have you tried installing the drivers for the printer on that pc, and setting it to print to the network printer?17:25
thegveXLV: The print server is just buggy - but it was not a support question as this is the ubuntu channel and this is clearly a windows issue -17:26
olskolirctype: kicker w0t17:26
mich54any1 knows anythin about libpcap and how to make it work on gutsy gibson ?17:26
bod_thegve, have u tried hitting windows with something heavy,.,. tat used to work for me17:27
thegveAnd one of the laptops has Vista, and the printer is an old Laserjet 4050, something with drivers for windows and old hardware....17:27
Brandon_Does this channel have public logs?17:27
geniiBrandon_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:28
bod_thegve, windows has a habbit of forgetting about old hardware,. they only configure for about 10 yrs prior17:28
TetracommHi. Gnaural says that it couldn't initialize the sound system and I can't hear anything. I just installed it. I am using Ubuntu 7.10. Could someone please help me?17:30
bod_Tetracomm, have u got a soumd card?17:31
TetracommYes ,I do.17:31
bod_Tetracomm, terminal type    lspci      wot does it say ur sound card is?17:32
whitinghey i'm a n00b17:32
whitingi'm trying to get thunderbird 2.0 installed and i don't have a clue17:32
sam__is it a bad idea to try installing a 64studio (real time debian) kernel in ubuntu?17:32
smevon a asus eee pc, I'm trying to get airodump-ng to work, I had it working with the wifi drivers I was using last night, but today it won't pick up any wireless networks17:32
smevanyone have any ideas ?17:32
bod_whiting, ok no probs,.,. in he top bar go to     System-->admin-->Synaptic17:33
Brandon_genii, is #ubuntu-irc what I'm looking for? I can't think of which one contains the chat.17:34
whitingok i'm in there and i only see 1.517:35
whitingi want 2,.017:35
xompHello people! :)17:35
Tetracommbod_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53468/plain/17:35
bod_whiting, ok,.,.lemme check,. 1 sec17:35
Brandon_genii, I mean from this directory: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/01/22/17:35
PiciBrandon_: This channel is #ubuntu17:35
whitingi got 1.5 working but i want the lightning plugin17:35
xompCan someone explain how I can change the color of my text on my Panel? I can change the color of the panel to black but the text is also black and I see no option to change text color :(17:36
bod_Tetracomm, im not entirely sure about wot to do ,.,. so i suggest googling this : Gnaural: #Error# PortAudio: Host error.17:36
Brandon_pici now I see it thanks17:36
Sandra24aptitude seems to indicate apache2 is installed, but I don't buy it, where does ubuntu install things to?17:37
jeffMASTERflexSandra24: /usr/bin17:37
mich54can any1 gimme a hand with installing the libpcap on my gutsy gibson ???17:37
bod_white_eagle, ok,.,. ive got the version u want,.,. do u no wot repositories u have?17:37
Sandra24jeff: that's quite a bit of software in there :) but nothing by the name of apache17:38
dave_mwiSandra24: You're assuming that the apache binary is 'apache'17:39
Sandra24dave: that's the trouble17:39
Siothi anyone knows to do a flash presentation for a company?17:40
Sandra24I don't see an httpd etiher, but really there's so much in here, and I have no idea what it would be called17:40
dave_mwils -la /usr/bin/httpd17:40
bod_!anyone | Siot17:40
ubotuSiot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:40
bazhangSiot: yes but offtopic17:40
Sandra24dave: no such file or directory17:40
Siotok sry17:40
dave_mwiSandra24: which httpd17:41
Sandra24I see apxs2 in there, which I beleive is for building and installing apache modules17:41
geniimich54: Have you tried sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8                     ?17:41
whitingcan anyone help me get thunderbird 2.0 working on 7.0417:41
Sandra24nothing again, no httpd on this system apparently17:41
dave_mwiSandra24: what are you trying to do?17:41
iDopein what file are the network interface IP/Gateway configurations saved in ubuntu17:42
Sandra24dave: Trying to install apache2, aptitude downloaded and installed something, but it seemed strange to me17:42
Sandra24and I can't find apache2, which may explain why it seemed strange17:42
geniiiDope: /etc/network/intrfaces17:42
iDopesynonimous to /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces in Fedora/RedHat17:42
saltdawgQuestion: Does formatting the partition containing Ubuntu and replacing it with a more recent version affect GRUB?17:43
geniiiDope: np. please note my typo of interfaces and adjust17:43
eZe_If the screen doesn't fit, but the resolution is set right, I know I should edit some config, but I forgot which one17:43
tritiumsaltdawg: yes, if /boot is not on a separate partition17:43
donluigiHi! Ubuntu is not mounting automatically my ext3 partitions. Can someone help me?17:43
tritiumsaltdawg: also, /boot/grub/menu.lst points to very specific kernel image files17:44
J_Phi all17:44
FireHazrdwhats the command to copy folders and their files in bash?17:44
Sandra24Here, see for yourself, this is the output of aptitude when it installed apache217:44
deb_userhow do I get a binary to run in ubuntu?17:44
FireHazrdcp is for files right?17:45
FireHazrddoes it do folders too17:45
bram_do I need to clean /tmp once in a while?17:45
FireHazrdi just tried cp and it said omiiting directory17:45
geniiFireHazrd:  (sudo) cp -R (-a) /foldertocopy /placetoputit17:45
FireHazrdgenii, thank u17:45
geniiFireHazrd: np17:46
erle-where can i get the kernel sources of ubuntu hardy?17:46
erle-i do not want a deb-package17:46
pcassianoNovato na área ;-)17:46
tritiumerle-: from the deb-src repos17:47
bazhangportuguese pcassiano?17:47
Dave_is_sexyHey guys. Is there a way to use my laptop keyboard to control debian on my desktop without using vnc. Just a 1 way keyboard input via LAN?17:47
J_PHey all, I have a notebook sony vaio with ubuntu 7.10, but do not appear on the screen datashow. No windows, I use a function key + the key that changes for the second monitor (in this case the datashow) and ready, aparace the screen of the notebook in datashow. I the same thing in Ubuntu, but does not work. Someone I can give a hint?17:47
geniiFireHazrd: the (parts) are depending on what read/write rights you have to the thing being copied and if copying problemmatic files inside like symlinks etc etc...consult man cp  for more info17:47
tritium!pt pcassiano17:47
mich54genii : it says that i already have it but when i try to install a new program it says that it can't find it , while i was googling or reading some files(don't remember exactly)  i read that i have to enable it in the kernel itself , got a clue ?17:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pt pcassiano - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:48
erle-tribaldata, i have ubuntu gutsy running, i only want to download the sources as a tar.gz17:48
erle-not as a deb-file17:48
erle-only to check out kernel 2.6.2417:48
dave_mwiSandra24: ls -la /usr/sbin/httpd17:48
brobostigonerle-: have alook on kernel.org17:48
pcassianoAre there here some portuguese speaker?17:48
tritiumerle-: you can apt-get source <packages>, and you'll end up with several parts, including the upstream or original .tar.gz17:48
erle-brobostigon, that arent ubuntu-patched sources17:48
Sandra24yay, that exists dave17:48
geniimich54: Nott offhand, sorry. Although if already installed, perhaps try reconfigure, eg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure libpcap0.817:49
dave_mwiSandra24: yay. I guess aptitude was right.17:49
stefano_how can i output a nicely formatted time and date in the terminal?17:49
brobostigonerle-: they are the original sources, packages.ubuntu.com lists all intallable available packages for ubuntu, look there.17:49
Sandra24dave: That's a relief :) thanks17:49
tritiumerle-: so, enable the hardy deb-src repos (source repositories), and apt-get source the source package for the kernel.17:49
doobiedoobielasshi all. Help me solve my problem pls. i've got sda1 for "/", sdb1 for /home sdb5 for swap, sdc1 with WinXp. where should i install grub?17:49
tuitusomebody online?17:49
tuitusomebody know how i run games in format iso ?17:50
magedoobiedoobielass: sda17:50
mich54genii : nothing changed thx anyway17:50
brobostigontuitu: we are all online or we wouldnt be here.17:50
dave_mwiSandra24: aptitude will never be wrong. it will always display what it's configured to display.17:50
geniimich54: is there a file in /etc/default   with name of pcap or libpcap? If so it may need enabling in there17:50
dave_mwiSandra24: i.e. computers don't think.17:50
jeffMASTERflextuitu: that's not a game, it's a disc image17:51
tritiumerle-: did you understand that?17:51
geniimich54: There does not seem to exist a kernel module of pcap or so on17:51
aquodave_mwi: humans also.17:51
tuituand what i do to run this ?17:51
Sandra24aquo: haha17:51
donluigiHi! Ubuntu is not mounting automatically my ext3 partitions. Can someone help me?17:51
dave_mwiaquo: more often than not. :)17:51
erle-tritium, i think, i understood, i will try17:51
tritiumtuitu: it's not a file you run.  You can burn it to CD.17:51
jeffMASTERflextuitu: you need to burn the image on to a disc and install it. if it's a windows game, you will need WINE to run it17:51
Croftonwhat is the proper way to switch from automake-1.4 to automake-1.9 via /etc/alternatives?17:52
doobiedoobielassmage i've tried but on 94% of installation progress it crushed with message something like operation "grub-install"(sda) crashed. :(17:52
aquodave_mwi: the kind of computer thoughts is just different17:52
=== bmk789 is now known as bmk789_english
lealhello all!17:52
=== bmk789_english is now known as bmk789_english_c
magedoobiedoobielass: so do it manually?17:52
dave_mwiaquo: I had a computer that lied to me a lot. I eventually broke up with it.17:52
mich54genii : there's no pcap nor libpcap in /etc/default !!17:52
danbhfive!fstab > donluigi hey there, see if this pm helps17:53
tritiumCrofton: using sudo update-alternatives17:53
aquodave_mwi: do you know about the loebner-price?17:53
whitingcan someone help me with installing thunderbird 2.0 on a fiesty17:53
=== bmk789_english_c is now known as bmk789_class
dave_mwiaquo: nope?17:53
donluigidanbhfive: thanks, will look into it17:53
lealwhy the blutooth option is not listed in the sendto nautilus option?17:53
aquodave_mwi: http://www.loebner.net/Prizef/loebner-prize.html17:53
magewhiting: ask a question that tells us you tried like apt-get install thunderbird17:54
doobiedoobielassmage installation stops after this error17:54
aquodave_mwi: http://www.jabberwacky.com/17:54
tuitujeffMASTERflex and to run this in a windows system?17:54
dave_mwiaquo: ah. got it.17:54
magedoobiedoobielass: so do it manually!17:54
mich54genii : i read it again , it says that the "packet" protocol must b supported by my kernel and that i should configure the kernel with the CONFIG_PACKET option for this protocol !17:54
xompcould someone please tell me how to change my panel text color from black to white in gnome? I have a black panel now with black text and as you can imagine, I can't see labels at all lol17:54
jeffMASTERflextuitu: you burn the image aon to a disc and instlal it normally17:55
xompand why would it be so hard to change such a small item in gnome? I can't understand why the simpliest of tasks require such a pain to resolve :(17:55
pcassianoI'm going to #ruby-br; See you...17:55
aquomaybe computers are not thinking, but what if you can't distinguish between human and computer.17:55
kama_how do set up ssh to a 3rd computer (behind a NAT) without logging on to the 2nd computer and have access to  X window of the 3rd computer? am computer 1 off course17:55
tuitujeffMASTERflex i use the auto run ?17:55
bazhangaquo: turing test?17:56
lealthe sendto alternatives is just "evolution".17:56
tuituor have other form to install? because my auto run is crhased.17:56
jeffMASTERflextuitu: yes. this shouldn't be asked in #ubuntu. if you want to know how to run install discs in WIndows please go to ##windows17:56
gmenelaui cant install the Advance desktop effects17:57
aquobazhang: see the link, in > 70% of the cases people were not able to see the difference17:57
Croftontritium, thanks that did the trink for me17:57
magexomp: the black gtk theme should specify white for panel colors, so the theme isn't as "completed" as it could be17:57
bazhanggmenelau: you have ccsm installed?17:57
tritiumCrofton: good deal.17:57
jonellisHelp please. I accidentally entered a command intended for someone else in this chat and now my graphics card is not detected at boot. I think I have accidentally reconfigured it but I dont know how to recover. The computer starts in low graphics mode17:57
aquoit is not always possible to decide if you have a thinking computer or an not thinking human17:58
gmenelaubazhang : what is ccsm?17:58
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg jonellis17:58
bazhang!ccsm | gmenelau17:58
ubotugmenelau: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:58
xompmage, I don't really understand that hehe Am I doing something wrong?17:58
gmenelaubazhang : i am new in ubuntu17:58
magexomp: I know theres stuff you can put into .gtkrc, try like "gtkrc panel text color" in your favorite search engine17:58
bazhanggmenelau: install compizconfig-settings-manager from synaptic17:59
xompmage, I tried all the gtkrc-2.0 hacks and such on google. They don't work for me, I'm not sure if I'm using a newer version of gnome or not17:59
ubuntu_what is the command in the live cd for the partitioner?17:59
jeffMASTERflexjonellis: run the following from the cli " sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg "17:59
Mutabor_onzdravstvuite )17:59
bazhanghi leal17:59
jonellisBazhang: I think that may be what I did that caused the problem in the first place17:59
whitingi'm a new can someone baby step me through installing thunderbird 2.0 on 7.0417:59
bazhang!ru | Mutabor_on17:59
ubotuMutabor_on: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:59
gmenelaubazhang : thanks i will18:00
Mutabor_onbazhang: )))18:00
jonellisjeffMASTERflex: what is the -phigh option?18:00
xompmage, I'm just in awe at how difficult it is to make such a minor change lol. I guess it's still what holds linux back :(18:00
lealbazhang: there is no "blutooth" option in nautilus "sendto" menu, do you know what can be wrong?18:00
kama_jonellis, you should see a backup of xorg.conf in same dir as /etc/X11  it maybe named xorg.conf.DATEHERE18:00
BernardBHow can I install the newest wine on Ubuntu Gutsy?18:00
Mutabor_onubuntu_: spasibo18:00
jeffMASTERflexjonellis: idk. it's the official instructions provided in xorg.conf for regenerating a new xorg.conf18:00
de_dustycitiHi guys, need help with CPUFreq. E2160 CPU running Ubuntu 7.10. When I try 'sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq' error shows that "No such device". What should I do to get power saving working?18:01
magexomp: yea too many things to play with is a problem18:01
bazhangleal: bluetooth? not really sure there dont use it now18:01
gmenelaubazhang : there is a error18:01
magexomp: did this black theme come with ubuntu? if so just add a bug report :)18:01
bazhangMutabor_on: it is a bot :}18:01
ubuntu_Mutabor_on  spasibo: command not found18:01
geniiubuntu_: It depends which partitioner. For cli : sudo fdisk /dev/<hdname>      for the gui: gksu gparted18:01
bazhanggmenelau: what error18:01
xompmage, haha yeah. One would think if they changed the panel color that you would also have an option to change the text color as that would directly impact it, but there is no such option outside of some serious (and confusing) hacks and cracks etc.. lol18:01
lealbazhang: could you try it? i mean, just right click some file in nautilus, and see what options you have in the "sendto" menu?18:01
bazhangubuntu_: means thanks in russian :}18:02
magexomp: or you can try editing the theme, compare with one that has white text18:02
jonelliskama: what is the exact path for etc/x1118:02
geniijonellis: The -phigh basically just does the resolutions change and not entire xorg reconfig18:02
ubuntu_Mutabor_on  thanks dude you rock18:02
TetracommDoes anyone know of any Sine wav generators that can work in Ubuntu?18:02
kama_jonellis, yes /etc/X11/xorg.conf.xxxxxx18:02
bazhangleal: I am on kde; perhaps some of the other fine folks would though :}18:02
xompmage, nope, I just right clicked on the panel and went to properties, then clicked the background tab and chose to use a solid color of black lol18:02
magexomp: just imagine you programmed it ;)18:02
gmenelaubazhang is e very long  like :     W: Failed to fetch http:/18:02
tritiumTetracomm: do you just need time-value pairs?18:03
kama_how do set up ssh to a 3rd computer (behind a NAT) without logging on to the 2nd computer and have access to  X window of the 3rd computer? am in computer 1 off course18:03
bazhanggmenelau: do you have the repositories enabled?18:03
xompmage, that's why I think it's a 2 step forward, 12 steps back for linux to not include an option to change text color when chaning a bg color lol.. But I have faith still that all will come together :)18:03
tritiumTetracomm: a sine-wav generator, or generically, a function generator, is a piece of electronic equipment.18:03
gmenelaubaxhang what is that?18:03
lealbazhang: maybe i should use kde too. :)18:04
TetracommA computer program which can generate tones, like SineGen.18:04
CruCiochannel list ?18:04
bazhanggmenelau: are you in synaptic now?18:04
xomplike buying a car that can only turn left, sure it will work.. but limits you a lot hehe18:04
bazhang!irc | CruCio18:04
ubotuCruCio: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:04
Mutabor_onHow do you do all I truth from Russia shall try to talk with you18:04
gmenelaubazhang yes18:04
olskolircis there a way that I can get my Lexmark 5470 printer going on Gutsy?18:04
bazhanggmenelau: under settings do you see repositories?18:05
magexomp: no its like a car with the left side of the dash is replacable with a different color, dont mix function with looks :p18:05
de_dustycitiUbuntu 7.10 AMD64 with shipped kernel on E2160 CPU, "sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq" yields "No such device". What should I do?18:05
bazhangleal: haha18:05
gmenelaubazhang yes i see 218:05
gmenelaubazhang yes18:05
xompmage, I think being able to "see" your functions a function in itself :P18:05
bazhanggmenelau: you need to enable the first four iirc18:05
jonellisBazhang, kama, and JeffMasterFlex: THANKS VERY MUCH - All working now18:06
gmenelaubazhang they are enable18:06
oddalotwhat is the command to delete files from terminal?18:06
bazhanggmenelau: then hit reload or update--forget the gui, this will update your sources list--then search for compiz18:06
xompoddalot, rm18:06
bazhangno worries jonellis18:07
oddalotis there a command to remove an entire directory?18:07
trakiehey anyone here know anything about flash in 64bit gusty?18:07
magexomp: crash a car into a wall because you couldn't see the dash and I'll see your side of things ;)18:07
jeffMASTERflexoddalot: rm -rf18:07
trakieoddalot: rm -rf18:07
=== bmk789_class is now known as bmk789
oddalotthanks again18:07
DRebellionoddalot: you don't usually need the -f18:08
gmenelaubazhang i didnt unterstand18:08
DRebellionoddalot: only if it keeps prompting you if you're sure over and over again18:08
ConstyXIVdoes anyone know offhand if Evolution supports IMAP push?18:08
oddalotis there a way to unlock a dir from the gui?18:08
TetracommDoes anyone know of any Sine wav generators that can work in Ubuntu?18:08
bazhanggmenelau: close the repositories window and go back to the main synaptic window--there should be something like reload--see it?18:09
jeffMASTERflexoddalot: you have to change permission using chown18:09
olskolircgawd my printer crashed my compiz18:09
xompmage, is there a quick way to find out the version of gnome that's installed? All of thes gtk hacks I've been finding on google refer to gnome 2.0. I think there's a new 2.2 or something out for gnome and can't remember if my updates covered that.18:09
oddalottetracomm...you can't use an online calculator?18:09
olskolircanyone know how I can get lexmark 5470 to work on Gutsy?18:09
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:09
Tetracommoddalot: I do not want a calculator.18:09
TetracommI want a test tone generator.18:09
TetracommSort of like SineGen.18:09
trakieive tried the nspluggin from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924  (the r48) and it worked for some sites, but not all so i tried the other (r115) and then nothing worked, so i tried to install r48 again and still nothing, any help?18:10
gmenelaubazhang : yes it was but still there is a error windows18:10
jeffMASTERflexolskolirc: lexmark printers are notorious for being either paper weights or just barely usable in linux18:10
magexomp: consult in a package manager app like synaptic?18:10
geniimich54: You may want to try the -server kernel then , it has stuff like that enabled by default so you don't need to manually recompile, etc18:10
pteaguebah, i'm trying to run the nvidia config & i keep getting this error - "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server \ Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key \ \ (nvidia-settings:6240): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"18:10
xompmage, good idea! *checks*18:10
bazhanggmenelau: did you reload or just try to install18:10
olskolircwhat is a good all-in-one printer for linux?18:10
bazhanghp is generally good olskolirc18:10
jeffMASTERflexolskolirc: most long time linux users stick to hp18:11
geniiyes, HP18:11
brobostigonolskolirc: most HP have worked well for me18:11
ConstyXIVolskolirc, in my experience, HP and epson have worked pretty well18:11
drgebanyone use PhoneManager can it support USB Phone connection ? I do see Bus 001 Device 013: ID 0421:0411 Nokia Mobile Phones when using lsusb18:11
mich54genii : this is something else than the gutsy gibson and this stuff , right ?18:11
olskolircdoes that include all-in-one printers?18:11
geniiThe HP 2840 here works most awesomely18:11
bmk789i cant play any video on my intel X3100, is there a bug in the video driver or how can i fix it?18:11
bazhangfive votes for hp18:11
gmenelaubazhang i reload and then i try to install18:11
jonellisolskolirc: I have managed to get a Konica Minolta Magicolor 2400W working well using the driver that came with Ubuntu18:11
olskolircis that an all-in-one jonellis ?18:12
bazhanggmenelau: could you pastebin your sources list to pastebin? and the error message if you wish18:12
geniimich54: No, all ubuntu release have a server kernel version. gutsy included18:12
jonellisolskolirc: No, its a colour laser, but quite a cheap one. Print quality is good too18:12
bazhanggmenelau: not in the channel though18:12
olskolircthanks guys18:12
mich54so how can i upgrade mine to be a kernel server ?18:13
geniimich54: eg: sudo apt-get install linux-image-server    would do it18:13
gmenelaubazhan can  you sent me the link?18:13
bazhang!paste | gmenelau18:13
ubotugmenelau: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:13
Picimich54: You shouldnt need the server kernel to use libpcap.  I've had it working on all of my ubuntu installs.18:14
CruCioheeee bazhang !! suupp maaaann ??18:14
nblracerI'm having a hard time with ubuntu conecting to shared folders on my windows computer18:14
TetracommSo no one knows of any tone generators for Linux?18:14
bazhanghi CruCio18:14
de_dustycitiHi guys, just pop up again. Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64 with shipped kernel on E2160 CPU, "sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq" yields "No such device". Can insert cpufreq_*.ko but no help. What should I do?18:15
* CruCio Pats bazhang18:15
* CruCio Pats bazhang*18:15
ThipThipI'm having issues with flash in firefox.  It won't play most embedded videos.  For example, youtube (at youtube.com) displays fine, but stumblevideo shows an all-white background (although the audio works).18:15
Pici!offtopic | CruCio18:15
ubotuCruCio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:15
nblraceri can connect to ubuntu from windows, but not the other way around18:15
gmenelaubazhang :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53470/18:15
jeffMASTERflexTetracomm: first google search result http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_2452.html18:15
CruCiobazhang help me out ?18:15
bazhanggmenelau: okay checking now18:15
mich54genii : do u know anythin about enabling the packet protocol ?18:15
orion1Where do you guys go online to download ubuntu themes?18:15
mich54genii : though i think it is enabled here18:15
Pici!themes > orion1 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:15
Picimich54: What program are you trying to get to work that needs libpcap?18:16
muszekhi... I'm having problems with my wi-fi driver (ipw3945) and I don't think it'll be fixed for gutsy... so I'm thinking of compiling 2.6.24 myself... is it a good idea?18:16
CruCioPici , think u could help me install java on ubuntu PPC ?18:16
CruCiocome to channel #ubuntu-powerpc ?18:16
PiciCruCio: I dont have a ppc, nor have I used linux on one so, I wont be of much help.18:16
mich54pici : kismet18:16
Picimich54: Kismet is in the software repositories, it should install fine from there.18:17
bazhanggmenelau: seems to be a connection error; perhaps a server issue--you might want to try again in a bit--did you pastebin your sources list or is that your only problem18:17
Picimich54: sudo apt-get install kismet18:17
DRebellionmuszek: you could package it for us ;)18:17
TetracommjeffMASTERFLEX: I don't see any binaries nor instructions. I'm new to Linux. Did you see anything else?18:17
nblracerI'm having a hard time with ubuntu conecting to shared folders on my windows computer18:17
jeffMASTERflexTetracomm: third result from google search http://www.aa6e.net/aa6e/software/tone/index.html . did you actually try looking?18:17
DRebellionnblracer: what have you tried and what goes wrong?18:18
nblracerany help will be great18:18
Poltergeistnblracer: I have the same problem18:18
Poltergeistnblracer: terribly slow18:18
gmenelaubazhang , my only problem is this withe the advance desktop effect18:18
ubuntu_how long should this take "move /dev/sda1 to the left and shrink it from 70.26 GiB to 39.07 GiB"18:18
bazhangmuszek: it is likely network manager that is the culprit--I have that same card and it is very well supported in linux and ubuntu18:18
muszekDRebellion: I've never compiled a kernel, nor packaged anything... would you really want to install it from me? :D18:18
nblracerit not slow,18:19
DRebellionmuszek: i don't think you'd have to compile the whole kernel18:19
geZemy screen is extending left and right over the physical size of the monitor, any ideas?18:19
bazhanggmenelau: okay, well try again in a bit; the server might be having some issues18:19
mich54pici : i'll try but r u sure that if it needs to enable the packet protocol , it will ?18:19
nblracerit just says it cant display the contents18:19
Picimich54: It should "just work", you'll need to edit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf after installed to use your wifi devices though.18:19
gmenelaubazhang but this problem i have it for a long long time now is not only now or today18:19
Pici!software > mich54 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:20
bazhanggmenelau: I have to step away for a bit; if your issue persists then other more knowledgeable folks can help out--I will of course be here tomorrow :}18:20
Piciubuntu_: It can take a long time.  I've seen resize/move operations take a few hours.18:20
nblracerDRebellion: i looked in both windows evnts and my router logs, i dont see any thing18:20
mich54pici : thx for that18:20
CruCiobazhang , well think u could help me ?18:20
gmenelaubazhang ok thanks a lot18:20
muszekbazhang: it is ipw3945... there are many bug reports on launchpad.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/109887<-- example18:21
mich54genii : thank u so much , u've been helpfull too18:21
muszekbazhang: it is ipw3945... there are many bug reports on launchpad.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/109887 <-- example18:21
xompI don't know why, but I'm constantly getting messages about "Battery has disconnected" and "Battery Connected" messages like every 5 seconds on this laptop. Probably a good indication that the battery isn't making a good connection with the laptop?18:21
bazhangCruCio: I have to step away for a bit; others will likely be more helpful18:21
CruCioeveryone is getting help except me!!18:21
nblraceri dont know where ubuntu would keep logs show what realy went wrong, when it tryed to connect to windows18:21
CruCioothers ?18:21
Pici!ppc | CruCio18:21
ubotuCruCio: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:21
CruCiothere is not toehrs in here18:21
ubuntu_LinuxLogikthanks man18:21
DRebellionnblracer: what did you do to connect?18:21
ubuntu_hey is automatix still a bad word in hear ?18:21
bazhangmuszek: well it has given me no worries in gutsy; not sure how to help out there sorry18:22
Piciubuntu_: yes.18:22
Pici!automatix | ubuntu_18:22
ubotuubuntu_: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:22
ConstyXIVare there GTK/Gnome mail clients that support IDLE/IMAP-push that aren't Thunderbird?18:22
CruCioand Pici , would that help me install java ?18:22
PiciCruCio: Probably.18:22
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:22
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:22
Meronikwhat is automatix?18:22
ubuntu_ok thanks guys18:22
PiciMeronik: its a tool that improperly installs packages and can break your system.18:22
jeffMASTERflexConstyXIV: try sylhpheed, claws-mail, evolution, there are a ton of different mail programs18:22
nblracerDRebellion: went to places > network > then click on the computer name18:23
Slart!automatix | Meronik18:23
ubotuMeronik: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:23
Meronikoh, ok.18:23
Meronikapget is the same?18:23
DRebellionnblracer: any error messages come up?18:23
PiciMeronik: apt-get?  No, using the Ubuntu repositories is the reccomended way of installing things.18:23
Pici!apt | Meronik18:24
ubotuMeronik: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:24
SlartMeronik: apt-get is the well behaved bigger brother without ADD, a job and a haircut =)18:24
Meronikapt-get is for Ubuntu only??18:24
PiciMeronik: Its a mainstay of debian.18:24
SlartMeronik: or.. rather.. with a job, hair cut etc.. but without ADD18:24
jeffMASTERflexMeronik: apt-get is for all debian derivatives18:24
PiciMeronik: Of which Ubuntu is based off of.18:24
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:24
nblracerjust says it cant display contents on, then the computer name DRebellion18:24
Meronikwow, this support channel rulezzzz18:25
Meronikyou guys know everything?18:25
xompMeronik, I'd say yes to that heh18:25
Meronikheh very modest of u18:25
jeffMASTERflexMeronik: no, there are just hundreds of people in here, so SOMEONE usually has a right answer18:25
DRebellionnblracer: hmm :/18:25
TetracommjeffMASTERFLEX: That doesn't work either: Did you see anything else?18:25
xompMeronik, not myself, but the support I've got from here has been awesome and everyone seems to know their stuff18:25
ubuntu_apt uses a program called aptatude type it in a term and take a look around18:26
Meroniksi it possible to know everything about ubuntu?18:26
DRebellionMeronik: as ubotu18:26
bod_Meronik, unlikely18:26
SlartMeronik: I would say yes.. it's possible.. I don't know if anyone does know everything.. but possible, yes18:26
jeffMASTERflexTetracomm: dude help yourself. i'll help you with any PROBLEMS i can help you with, but i'm not going to go out and do WORK for you. use google yourself and search for tone generators in linux18:26
nblracerDRebellion:  what should i try?18:27
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:27
erle-tritium, where do i get the hardy default kernel configuration file?18:27
DRebellionTetracomm: you tried apt-cache search ?18:27
brobostigonmeronik: that would take the knowledge of millions of people, to nknow everything18:27
Meronik/j #ubuntu-offtopic ;)18:27
ubuntu_hey what is the code name of the 7.'s18:27
Slartubuntu_: huh? code name?18:27
bmk789my HP dv2660se with X3100 gpu crashes evrey program that tries to play video, is there a setting i can use in my xorg.conf?18:27
flipstarno its feisty18:27
jeffMASTERflexubuntu_:  feisty and gusty18:27
Meronikbrobostigon: isn't it enough to just know programming18:28
Meronikin linux18:28
ubuntu_thanks guys18:28
slaaniGood morning all, I installed ubuntu 7.10 on my inspiron 1520, and I'm trying to get a wireless adapter (Dell Wireless 1395 mini) to be recognized by the system.  I've tried everything I can think of with ndiswrapper; I've tried several different windows drivers, etc.  but I can't get my wireless light to activate or my wireless card to be added under network interface devices.  Anyone have experience with this?18:28
TetracommDRebellion: Yes.18:28
DRebellionTetracomm: then compile from source. do a google search.18:29
brobostigonmeronik: well programming in linux requires knowledge of many different lanuadges, c , c++ and python and more, so maybe difficult18:29
xompUbuntu on Dell systems usually = massive fail. Ubuntu on HP/Compaq devices usually = Win! Just imo :)18:29
todd_is there a specific channel for ubuntu 64-bit or ubuntu server?18:29
cdeszaqCould someone help me install the Chart::Base perl module? CPAN can't seem to find it18:29
TheAnalogGuyreally dumb question, is there a command or program that will randomize a group of files into random names?18:30
* xomp is AFK, smoke time :D18:30
cdeszaqxomp: I have had success running ubuntu on Dell machines. Moreso with newer versions of ubuntu18:31
TetracommI'm sorry.18:31
* brobostigon joins xomp for a smoke18:31
TetracommSpeaker-test was already installed, thank you.18:31
danandslaani - I have Debian installed on my latitude fine - although it is rather old now. You need to try and find the actual chipset that the wireless card in your laptop uses then search and see if you can find a driver to run it.18:31
TheAnalogGuywhat dell you tryin to install on?18:32
TheAnalogGuyI am runnin Fiesty on my inspiron 1520 as we type lol18:32
brobostigonkeba: moin18:32
slaanii1520 as well here, TheAnalogGuy18:32
Rainarrowhello everyone, my Ubuntu would report a wrong free space of my USB mass storage device sometimes18:32
damonlol im in school18:32
TheAnalogGuywhat dosent want to work for you?18:32
Rainarrowoften less than the actual free space18:32
bmk789my X3100 gpu crashes every program that attempts to play video using xv;   x11, gl, and gl2 all work but not xv18:33
danandslaani - I use a plug in card (PCMCIA) - Belkin G+ MIMO18:33
crdlbbmk789: are you using compiz?18:33
DRebellionRainarrow: how much less?18:33
Rainarrowwhile Windows and other devices could report the correct capacity18:33
slaanidanand:  thanks for the advice.  i've got a wireless card I can use here, but I'd like to use the integrated one if I can18:33
jeffMASTERflexbmk789: so why not use all of those instead of xv?18:33
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I can't get my wireless to work (dell 1395 mini)18:33
ubuntu_dell sells computers with ubuntu on them from factroy18:33
RainarrowDRebellion: use the situation I'm currently dealing with as we speak as example, it's a 4GB Memory Stick, both my PSP and Windows report it as 800MB free18:34
KEBAive a short question, i want to have the close maximaze and minimaze buttons on the left isntead of the right(like macosx) but i dont want to use another theme, can i do this in a config file18:34
bmk789jeffMASTERflex: i cant set miro to use anything but xv18:34
RainarrowDRebellion: while my Ubuntu box report it as 58MB free18:34
bmk789crdlb: yes but i get the same result without it18:34
danandslaani - Integrated is nicer :)18:34
TheAnalogGuyWhat version Ubuntu ya running?18:34
damondoes anyone no how to get past the WEP on a protected internet thang?18:34
KEBAoh .. i use ubuntut 7.10 with gnome18:34
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I've used ndiswrapper in every way imaginable.  using 7.10.18:34
DRebellion!illegal | damon18:34
ubotudamon: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:34
damon......o yea18:34
J_PHey all, I have a notebook sony vaio with ubuntu 7.10, but do not appear on the screen datashow. No windows, I use a function key + the key that changes for the second monitor (in this case the datashow) and ready, aparace the screen of the notebook in datashow. I the same thing in Ubuntu, but does not work. Someone I can give a hint?18:34
crdlbbmk789: well you're never going to get Xv working in compiz (known driver limitation - that's why it's blacklisted), but I don't know why it would be broken in metacity18:34
damonlol sry18:35
damoni never said that18:35
RainarrowDRebellion: it generally happens after I delete something in the USB drive with Ubuntu18:35
jeffMASTERflexdamon: a simple google search can help you out with that one. try to keep that out of the official support channels18:35
brobostigondamon: dont you know the encryption code for it??18:35
bmk789crdlb: i mostly use KDE without compiz and thats when i found the problem18:35
DRebellionRainarrow: i don't know what would cause that, sorry.18:35
RainarrowDRebellion: nevermind, thanks anyway18:35
TheAnalogGuythere is a restricted driver for my lan, I think its the broadcom I have, you check the restricted drivers?18:35
cdeszaqRainarrow: When you delete things, they go to the .trash folder. To permanently delete them, do Shidt+Del18:36
dananddamon - Airsnort ;)18:36
Rainarrowcdeszaq: I was using Shift+Del, or Windows/other device won't report a larger free space18:36
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I don't even know what you mean by that.  So, no.  Where should I look for these restricted drivers?18:36
Eckoshow do i change grub to add a new entry to it?18:36
brobostigon!grub | Eckos18:36
ubotuEckos: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:36
TheAnalogGuyits under the settings menu in administration18:37
jeffMASTERflexRainarrow: i think i know what your problem is. i had a similar issue in on my Memory Stick. when you delete somehting form the stick, it goes into .Trash in the memory stick! unmask hidden folders and delete .Trash18:37
danandEckos - edit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:37
TheAnalogGuycalled restricted drivers manager18:37
cdeszaqRainarrow: after you have deleted a file, does it show up in the .Trash folder18:37
damonhey im back18:37
dananddamon - Airsnort ;)18:38
slaaniOk, I found it.  There's a restricted driver entitled "Conexant Modem Engine", set to enabled.  The only other one is my video driver.18:38
slaani(both say "In use")18:38
RainarrowjeffMASTERflex: thanks, but I was using Shift+Del when deleting the files! if I just moved the files into .trash, my PSP or Windows box won't report a larger free space than my Ubuntu box right?18:38
DRebellionslaani: i thought we were talking wireless?18:38
Rainarrowcdeszaq: no it won't, mostly it goes well18:38
Rainarrowcdeszaq: and this issue won't happen, it just happen once in a while18:39
cdeszaqRainarrow: odd18:39
dananddamon - only to be used for legitimate security checking of networks though - NOT cracking!18:39
slaaniDRebellion:  we are, I'm just reporting what I found in the restricted drivers manager.18:39
=== talaren is now known as pteague_work
Rainarrowcdeszaq: however it's happened repeatedly18:39
DRebellionslaani: that 'modem' probably doesn't refer to your wireless card18:39
Rainarrowcdeszaq: about 3 times so far18:39
Rainarrowcdeszaq: I guess I messed up the FAT on the USB drive somehow18:40
marcin_antis there any ubuntu developer18:40
Rainarrowcdeszaq: which lead to a incorrectly calculated capacity18:40
cdeszaqRainarrow: Could be. Try saving the data to a hard drive, and re-formatting it18:40
DRebellionmarcin_ant: /join #ubuntu-devel18:40
Rainarrowcdeszaq: I'm doing it right now, and that's how I deal with this prob18:40
Rainarrowcdeszaq: I just want to ask here for some hint about how to prevent it and why, lol18:41
slaaniDRebellion:  sadly, I think you're right.  i can't even get my wireless to be recognized: after installing the drivers via ndiswrapper the device is recognized *within* ndiswrapper, but by nothing else.18:41
cdeszaqRainarrow: And it comes back?18:41
TheAnalogGuywhat wireless card model is it?18:41
Rainarrowcdeszaq: of cuz, it comes back right after I format it18:41
DRebellionslaani: you checked output from the command 'dmesg' ?18:41
Rainarrowcdeszaq: I copy all file to my hdd drive18:41
Rainarrowthen check the capacity of the file I copied out, which is correct18:41
slaaniDell Wireless 1395 mini.  I'm working on getting a model number of whatever device it *actually* is, but that's what Dell calls it.18:42
slaaniDRebellion: not yet, going to do it now.18:42
marcin_antDRebellion: ok I will I just need to shout some ugly words to all these idiots that are responsible for this crap called "ubuntu-server" and now you can ban me...18:42
Eckosis this correct?18:42
Rainarrowthen do a format, after which I immediately copy all the data back to USB18:42
Rainarrowthen the free space is reported correctly18:42
slaaniDRebellion: the output is reaaaally long.  What should I be looking for?18:42
DRebellionslaani: anything to do with wireless. its a log from when you booted18:43
Rainarrowand, another question, anyone here with Ubuntu on a Thinkpad of any model?18:43
TheAnalogGuyhttp://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 has a promising looking wetup to get it going18:43
slaaniDRebellion:  ok, lemme look through this.  give me a minute.18:43
RainarrowYou know Thinkpads has hardware-based volume control, which directly affect the volume of the speakers18:44
Rainarrowhowever the GNOME will respond to these volume control simultaneously18:44
danandEckos - Looks ok to me - try it!!18:44
Rainarrowresulting when I press the volume key on my Thinkpad T43, both the hardware volume and the Master volume in GNOME is changed18:44
chazcoDoes anyone know if its possible to get PHP tooltips in gedit?18:44
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I'll check it out.18:45
Rainarrowhow do I avoid this, if possible?18:45
jonellisCan anyone help me with button mapping for a mouse? I am trying to get the forward and back buttons to work on a Logitech Cordless Trackman Optical. Its has 10 buttons. I have edited xorg.conf, adding the line Option "Buttons" "10". The problem is all buttons above 4 and 5 just show as buttons 2 and 3. So the forward back buttons show as 3 and 2 respectively18:45
RainarrowAnyone here running Ubuntu on a Thinkpad?18:46
geniiBack. Got locked out of my office temporarily.18:46
RainarrowI'm dealing with a problematic volume button on my Thinkpad T4318:46
geniimich54: Did you manage to get sorted out yet?18:47
slaaniDRebellion:  I looked pretty hard through that log, and I saw no mention of anything wireless.  I spotted my wired ethernet device, but not my wireless18:48
mich54genii : not really :(18:49
cdeszaqis there any way to test "mail" without having to wait for a test email to get to the desired inbox?18:49
DRebellionslaani: have you still got ndiswraper or did you remove it?18:50
=== Mydoom666 is now known as Mydoom`Miam
DRebellion!paste | slaani (could you paste the output here so we can take a look)18:50
ubotuslaani (could you paste the output here so we can take a look): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:50
kilgor3how do i get it to ask for my password when i open my laptop lid in feisty?18:50
inherited`sudo feeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee`18:51
geniimich54: Without actually trying to install pcap myself here on my box I've tried what I can. You may find a bit of help in #ubuntu-server (if they feel gracious today)18:51
inheritedSkitt du verräter ._.18:51
inheritedhab immernoch kein DÜnger >_<18:51
Skittis ja auch noch nich frühling ...18:51
mich54i will try that , thanks a lot18:52
slaaniDRebellion:  I've pasted the output to pastebin, url is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53474/ .  Thanks a bunch for your help so far, guys.18:53
spiffmanhi all... i'm having a very noobish problem... i cant install libdvdcss2, and therefore cannot play dvd files...18:54
brobostigon!medibuntu | spiffman18:54
ubotuspiffman: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:54
ArmyAndycan anybody here help me with a Java RMI problem i am having18:54
ramihello...I am having problems with loading a usb vfat drive18:54
DRebellionspiffman: what is the problem exactly?18:55
ramidmsg tells me its /dev/sdb but invoking -t vfat with mount tells me it's a wrong FS18:55
Adlaiis there a way to specify in brasero whether or not to add the 2-second gap between songs?18:56
slaaniDRebellion:  need to reboot to see if something I tried worked.  I'll be back shortly.18:56
spiffmanhm...thanks brobostigon! DRebellion, its cool now, thanks also18:57
DRebellionspiffman: heh18:57
spiffmanlike i said... noobish question18:58
underwatercowIs there a way to see if the remote desktop server is running?18:58
charleshey guys what package contaiins dkms ?18:58
ramihello anybmody? I can't mount a usb fat drive...dmsg tells me its /dev/sdb but invoking -t vfat with mount tells me it's a wrong FS18:59
charlestrying to get envy to run cant find pluse.py18:59
olskolircmore information Rainarrow18:59
J_Panyone can help  me with any idea ?19:00
rajasuncharles: dpkg --search dkms19:00
CruCioHey guys, is it normal that i don't have software Properties in my Administration19:00
danbhfiveJ_P: !ask19:01
DRebellionCruCio: neither do i. i think you may be looking for software sources if you're running gutsy (7.10)19:01
=== Mydoom`Miam is now known as Mydoom666
danbhfive!ask J_P19:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask j_p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:01
DRebellion!help | danbhfive19:01
ubotudanbhfive: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:01
CruCiook then guess its normal then19:01
slaaniDRebellion:  i'm back.  spot anything interesting in that massive paste?19:01
CruCiobut DRebellion , know how i can get this ?19:02
danbhfiveDRebellion: ya ya, I'm just having brain farts19:02
wyclifgFTP keeps crashing, but not when I connect to a remote dir; only when opening /home/user ! what gives?19:03
TheAnalogGuydid the guy with the Dell wireless issue make it back?19:03
DRebellionslaani: i'm afraid not :/ . that's really worrying, it should show up like your wired did.19:04
TheAnalogGuythat answers my ? lol19:04
slaaniTheAnalogGuy: I'm back, hehehe19:04
TheAnalogGuyok so what did I miss? have you gotten anywhere?19:04
simon360|shiftinhow do I change the icon on the top left of the Gnome panel, right next to the main menu?19:04
iurihi i´m looking for a channel about GPL licanse19:05
DRebellionsimon360|shiftin: the ubuntu logo?19:05
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I went through with the instructions you linked me, to no avail once again.  =/19:05
iuriGPL license19:05
slaaniOther than that, nothing.19:05
TheAnalogGuydoes the wlan light come on at least?19:05
simon360|shiftinDRebellion: yeah19:05
TheAnalogGuyok so the drivers totally arent loaded then19:06
simon360|shiftinI'm making a derivative, and I can't leave it there19:06
DRebellionsimon360|shiftin: ahh. you're making that new distro? tbh i have no idea :P19:06
grimboyiuri, #gnu ?19:06
TheAnalogGuyand your not using wicd, I had issues gettin it to work with my wifi19:06
grimboyiuri, I'm sure it's within their scope.19:06
ArelisHi all. I've screwed up my computer. I tried to install Linux but it overwrote the bootloader and now i can't boot into Windows to fix it. How do i fix this stuff?19:07
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  don't know what wicd is either, heh.  All  I know is that there is no mention of my wireless card in any log or hardware report I can get out of my machine, so i can tell it's entirely not recognized.19:07
spiffmank another issue.... anyone here installed phfc, the cusp emulator for linux?19:07
erle-mist, hab 2 dinge nicht bedacht19:07
DRebellionslaani: all i can find, and not very interesting :(19:07
DRebellion[   13.448000] ndiswrapper version 1.51 loaded (smp=yes, preempt=no)19:07
DRebellion[   13.508000] usbcore: registered new interface driver ndiswrapper19:07
erle-wrong windows, sorry19:08
kuchchaanyone installed tomcat on ubuntu-gutsy19:08
TheAnalogGuyim googlin gimme a sec lol19:08
underwatercowwhat server does ubuntu use for remote desktop?19:08
slaaniDRebellion:  that's mildly interesting, I did all I could to remove ndiswrapper.19:08
TheAnalogGuyits called a 1394 Dell Wireless Lan right?19:08
slaani1395 wireless mini.19:08
TheAnalogGuyok, lemme google back in a flash19:09
slaaniThe 1395 is a generic model number, not to be confused with 1394 adapters.19:09
kuchchaeven ive got a broad 4312 wirelss.....nothing seems to work19:09
TheAnalogGuyright, I think its a broadcom but Ima double check19:09
DRebellionslaani: hmmm... i really don't like ndiswrapper.19:09
danonurai can't watch hxxp://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/. if in terminal i type java -version it does not mention sharing. here is my "about:plugins" at pastebin:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53476/. if you want to look. thanks for any help.19:10
Moduliz0rhow do I list users by the console?19:10
chaosrlhey everyone19:10
ZeRoMaXIs there any way to install ubuntu if yer laptop does not support boot from cdrom19:11
slaaniDRebellion:  yeah, me either.  I got rid of every last bit of ndiswrapper, I thought, but it's creeping back up on me.19:11
DRebellion!install > ZeRoMaX (read the pm from ubotu)19:11
Moduliz0rhow do I list all users via the console?19:11
DRebellionslaani: i would recommend a reinstall if its not too much hassle19:11
eth01Moduliz0r, w19:11
chaosrlmy systray in gutsy has just decided to stop working. apps (such as rythmbox/pidgin) will show, but right clicking it will only bring up the menu for the panel. left click on it does nothing. anyone know a fix?19:11
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  I'm trying to figure out what this wireless card is based off of, as well.19:11
eth01Moduliz0r, just w19:11
Moduliz0rnot all logged in users19:11
Moduliz0rall users that have accounts on the server19:12
slaaniDRebellion:  makes me sad, but I think I'm going to do it soon.19:12
eth01Moduliz0r, cd /; cd home; ls19:12
DRebellionModuliz0r: cat /etc/passwd19:12
Moduliz0reth01: im pretty sure its more than just the contents of /home19:12
frooschmaybe even 'getent passwd'?19:12
Moduliz0rDRebellion: thanks19:12
eth01Moduliz0r, or, yeah, passwd, but that'll contain stuff you won't want, imo19:12
DRebellionslaani: nah, its fun!19:13
Moduliz0ri tried to create an account and it buggered up, so I have an entry in /home, but its not in passwd, phew19:13
eth01Moduliz0r, deluser user19:13
slaaniDRebellion:  I'm happy you think so, but I sadly do not agree.19:13
ompaulslaani, to work out the wireless card do this "sudo lshw" and read the contents of the file - if you find something that looks like it put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org19:13
Moduliz0rif there is no entry in passwd, i'll assume it's safe to delete their home dir19:13
JakooI am having problems with the workarea selector in the toolbar. When i try to select any area out of the first, the toolbars disappear in all 4 desktops of the cube and then i have to switch off the computer by pressing Ctrl alt F119:14
mrbrdo_i just installed the latest ATI binary drivers, and it's xorg module (which required compiz to install), and did aticonfig --intial. now, when i start x i just get that grey screen with the X cursor and that's it.. any ideas? the only error i see in the log is (EE) fglrx(0): [drm] failed to remove DRM signal handler19:14
eth01Moduliz0r, if it's not created an entry in passwd, did you specify otherwise maybe?19:14
slaaniompaul:  will do, give me a minute.19:14
Moduliz0rno, i used the standard user add GUI19:14
Moduliz0rSomething broke19:14
JakooI mean all workareas19:14
Moduliz0rI'm glad it didnt create it anyway19:14
ubuntu__burda türkçe konuşan varmı19:14
eth01Moduliz0r, it's probably borked.19:15
mrbrdo_but i think that error only happens when i do ctrl-alt-backspace19:15
TheAnalogGuyok back19:15
J_Pdanbhfive:  I have a notebook sony vaio with ubuntu 7.10, but do not appear on the screen datashow. No windows, I use a function key + the key that changes for the second monitor (in this case the datashow) and ready, aparace the screen of the notebook in datashow. I the same thing in Ubuntu, but does not work. Any idea?19:15
slaaniWb TheAnalogGuy.  Any cool info?19:15
TheAnalogGuyI know you used ndis wrapper to no avail, but this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193350 looks promising19:15
ompaul!tr | ubuntu__19:15
ubotuubuntu__: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:15
kuchchahey all19:15
TheAnalogGuyit has some commands to update ndiswrapper to a newer version which aparantly is required for it to work with your card which is indeed a boradcom19:16
kuchchahow to install tomcat in ubuntu-gutsy19:16
cdeszaqcould someone tell me where the default MySWL installation for utsy Server keeps it's data?19:16
ompaulkuchcha, sudo apt-get install tomcat5.5*19:16
DRebellionkuchcha: sudo apt-get install tomcat5.519:16
slaaniTheAnalogGuy:  my apologies, lost whatever you said.  mind resending?19:17
TheAnalogGuynp http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193350 is the link, it says it needs the newest ndiswrapper19:17
TheAnalogGuyit also has the commands to update the sources for wrapper19:17
TheAnalogGuyand a zip file at bottom for the broadcom firmware you need19:18
kuchchaompaul: i have done that...but im not able to start tomcat19:18
JakooMay I have any help yet?19:18
drainmananyone knows how to make this working with whitespaces:19:18
kuchchaDRebellion: im going to use it with eclipse.....where is tomcat nstalled ....which directory?19:18
drainmanfor i in `find ./www -print0 -iname "*.jpg"`; do mv "$i" ./samladebilder;done19:18
mrbrdo_i just installed the latest ATI binary drivers, and it's xorg module (which required compiz to install), and did aticonfig --intial. now, when i start x i just get that grey screen with the X cursor and that's it.. any ideas? the only error i see in the log is (EE) fglrx(0): [drm] failed to remove DRM signal handler19:18
DRebellionkuchcha: no idea19:18
ompaulkuchcha, how do you know it has not started already (installing servers on Ubuntu tends to get them started)19:18
slaaniOk, this is a fresh one.  I'll give it a try.  Meanwhile, the output of sudo lshw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53477/19:18
tlcoffeeJakoo:  why not just ask your question and someone might pipe in to help19:19
kuchchaompaul: i tried to access localhost:808019:19
JakooI am having problems with the workarea selector in the toolbar. When i try to select any area out of the first, the toolbars disappear in all workareas showing the background only, and then i have to switch off the computer by pressing Ctrl alt F1. Any idea?19:19
drainmanit gets all images where the path contains whitespace19:19
Jack_SparrowJakoo: You might want to join #Compiz for answers to that question19:19
Chousukedrainman: find -iname "*.jpg" -exec mv "{}" somewhere \;19:19
cdeszaqWhere does MySQL store it's data on disk? What directory will grow as data is added to a database?19:19
kuchchaand as a matter of fact, there is not tomcat5.5 command on terminal/console19:19
Chousukedrainman: not guaranteed to work, so try with echo first19:19
ompaulkuchcha, just a moment and let me see what it does19:20
drainmanChousuke: cool ill try it19:20
Chousukedrainman: put echo in front of mv so you can see what it does19:20
drainmanokok cool19:21
mrbrdo_i just installed the latest ATI binary drivers, and it's xorg module (which required compiz to install), and did aticonfig --intial. now, when i start x i just get that grey screen with the X cursor and that's it.. any ideas? the only error i see in the log is (EE) fglrx(0): [drm] failed to remove DRM signal handler19:21
DRebellionslaani: wow, lshw is a pretty nifty tool19:22
ompaul!ati | mrbrdo_19:22
ubotumrbrdo_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:22
=== qlebeau is now known as dragon5675
okokdrainman I knowI am thanks19:23
mrbrdo_ompaul i have them installed19:23
JakooIt's weird and I don't know where to start with19:23
mrbrdo_ompaul both the xorg module and the fglrx driver itself19:23
enycPlease point me in right direction for current Md5Sum error on new flashplugin-nonfree installs, thanks!19:23
ompaulmrbrdo_, then you need to restart the machine19:24
TaggardCan someone tell me a good permissions number/mode for a home dir which can be written to be the user and be read by everyone else (like 0123 format)19:24
DRebellion!brokenflash | enyc19:24
ubotuenyc: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:24
mrbrdo_ompaul did already several times19:24
enycDRebellion: thankyou19:24
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: If I may ask.. what video card?19:24
mrbrdo_X1350 (mobility card)19:24
Jakooremember to completelòy remove gnash before installing the non free flash plug in19:24
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: sudo aticonfig                     erased your monitor settings... right19:25
kuchchalshw shows my netork card as broadcom 4312....19:25
kuchchadoes it mean....the driver is installed?19:26
mrbrdo_Jack_Sparrow yes but i also tried copying over my old config which works, and just changing the driver from vesa to fglrx, and it's the same problem19:26
jeplerTaggard: 075519:26
Taggardjepler: Okay, thanks19:26
DJ_DanniHey i am trying to Install PHPmyAdmin and ill do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and she say could not find packet19:27
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: Your best bet is to go back through the tutorial.. especially the troubleshooting section.. HAve you posted your xorg yet?19:27
mrbrdo_no i haven't19:27
TheAnalogGuyi got a quick dumb ? while Im waiting on Slaani,  is there a command or program to randomize a group of files names? I have my playback in my car and want to randomize the order the files are in on the cd so that my random will be more random lol19:27
DJ_DanniHey i am trying to Install PHPmyAdmin and ill do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and she say could not find packet. Wuy do she say that. Is there somthang i have to do?19:27
mrbrdo_it can't be my xorg conf problem, it works fine if i just change the driver back to vesa19:27
drainmanChousuke: It worked very well thanks so much19:28
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: What does fglrxinfo   in cli give you19:28
mrbrdo_Jack_Sparrow unable to open display :019:29
ompaulkuchcha, (A) the install did not appear to work first time out of the box (B) invoking google and I seem to have to do some work before it is visible19:29
DJ_DanniCan anyone help me19:29
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: Your best bet is to go back through the tutorial.. especially the troubleshooting section..19:29
kuchchaompaul: oh....what should i do now?19:29
mrbrdo_Jack_Sparrow i did try that but it didn't help19:30
ompaulkuchcha, well you could join me in my reading expedition19:30
kuchchaompaul: sure....any specific link that you might want to share19:30
ompaulkuchcha, well since I last hit enter I found this one: http://programminglinuxblog.blogspot.com/2007/11/tomcat-55-on-ubuntu-gutsy.html19:31
nunosomeone from greece?19:31
ompaul!gr | nuno19:31
ubotununo: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes19:31
nunoname me a greece channel pls19:32
geokeratznuno, me!!!!19:32
DJ_DanniHey i am trying to Install PHPmyAdmin and ill do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and she say could not find packet. Wuy do she say that. Is there somthang i have to do?19:32
nunothx :D:D19:32
kuchchaompaul: thanks....will go thro it and get back19:32
geokeratznuno, #ubuntu-gr19:32
DJ_DanniCan anyone help me?19:33
Jack_Sparrowmrbrdo_: I can offer you my personal notes on setting up that card... thats about it...19:33
ogrewhat do i need to run a VM? vmware-server or client?19:33
Blueprintis ubuntu using the new kernel 2.6.24???19:33
ogrea local vm btw19:33
raboofBlueprint: the current release (gutsy) isn't, the upcoming one (hardy) is.19:34
DJ_DanniCan anyone help me or not?19:34
joe__is there a way to clear the printer spool in Ubuntu?19:34
slaaniOkay, I just followed all of the steps in the last post that was linked to me, and got the same results.  again.  Think I'm going to resort to reinstalling and starting over.19:34
Jack_Sparrow!find phpmy19:34
Blueprintraboof: But hardy is comming spring '08???19:34
ubotuFound: phpmyadmin19:34
slaaniThanks a ton for all the help, guys!  ubuntu's been frustrating so far, but the support is awesome =]19:35
Jack_Sparrow!info phpmyadmin19:35
ubotuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): Administrate MySQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:2.10.3-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 2711 kB, installed size 9744 kB19:35
ogreDJ_Danni:  I'd wait for an answer and quit complaining. people around here are volunteers and I'm sure they dont apperciate people barking at them19:35
mrbrdo_somthang ftw19:35
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: Have you enabled universe repo19:35
DJ_Danniuboto I am trying to Install PHPmyAdmin and ill do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and she say could not find packet. Wuy do she say that. Is there somthang i have to do?19:35
ogreDJ_Danni:  ubotu is a bot19:36
joe__isnt ubotu a bot?19:36
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: Have you enabled universe repo ?19:36
rolfhello again, wonder if anyone knows where to get c2.bin, the firmware for active avm cards19:36
gmenelaui cant install the Advance desktop effects19:36
DJ_DanniNot shure was just Install it today19:36
rolfI thought it should be part of isdnactivecards, but that's not the case19:36
DJ_DanniHow do i do it?19:36
raboofBlueprint: perhaps it'll be backported to gutsy too at some point, not sure what ubuntu's policy is on that19:36
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource19:36
ogrewhat do i need to run a VM? vmware-server or client? its a local vm19:37
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: Please READ the link ubotu posted on Repositories19:37
Al-_-Girj xchat19:38
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: What you are trying to install is not in the main repo-sitory.. it is in Universe.. as noted above19:38
joe__is there a way to clear the printer spool in Ubuntu? I have 11 pages waiting to print and no printer hooked up19:38
DJ_DanniWuy do you have this IRC Channel if oyu ONLY keep pointing pebole to som URLS? There is no point to have this IRC Channel.19:38
raboofjoe__: lpq to see the id's, lprm to remove them?19:39
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: PLease dont be rude...19:39
wyclifDJ_Danni: actually, there is a LOT of live help here if you hang around for a while19:39
Morph3usHi, someone has a broadcom wireless card ?19:39
joe__DJ_Danni: some times it dont hurt to read a little. I have found this IRC to be a great resource for help19:39
* MirJA raises hand for broadcom19:39
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: We use the links as they can explain many of the things it takes too long to do in a very busy channel19:39
joe__raboof: sorry sir, you have lost me there19:39
DJ_DanniHey i am trying to Install PHPmyAdmin and ill do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and she say could not find packet. Wuy do she say that. Is there somthang i have to do?19:40
raboofpointing to URL's seems like a great way to give help, instead of trying to explain the same thing over and over again, badly19:40
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: You have been told specifically what you need to do...19:40
raboofjoe__: on the commandline, 'lpq' shows the queue, 'lprm' can be used to remove things from the queue19:40
DJ_DanniMy English is not so good19:40
Ballenais there away to list all installed apps in ubuntu?19:40
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: We most likely have a channel for your language or country19:41
raboofBallena: dpkg --get-selections19:41
joe__raboof: ok, I am not sure what the command line is. should I open terminal and type lpq ?19:41
raboofjoe__: yeah19:41
pvl1what does Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem mean?19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
joe__k thanx raboof I will try that19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iceland - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: I dont know of a link for that one..19:41
DJ_DanniKnow it19:42
Taggarddrwxr-sr-t  6 andy andy 4096 2008-01-25 17:56 www19:42
geokeratzubotu doesn't know Iceland , LOL19:42
TaggardDoes anyone know how I change that last "t" to an "x"?19:42
joe__raboof: ok now it says no active jobs. so I presume I have been succesfull in clearing the Que19:42
DJ_DanniI thang there is no Icelandic IRC Channel for Iceland19:42
wyclifDJ_Danni Icelandic?19:42
xjonexdoes anyone know, how to install dd-wrt on buffalo whr-g125 router, i tried to install it based on ddwrt wiki instructions and i used hardware specific firmware for whr-g125 and i got only connection time out error with tftp on ubuntu 7.1019:42
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: If you can read this.. you can read our help page on enabling the repo you need for that program19:42
raboofjoe__: lpq showed entries first, then you used lprm, and then it didn't show them anymore?19:42
raboofjoe__: or didn't it show any to begin with?19:43
DJ_DanniBut I can rad english but i am not so good to Understand what som Texts say19:43
zcat[1]is there any way I can set up a gnome keyring with no password? what's the point in keeping my WPA key in the keyring, if I have to type the keyring password every time I log in? It doesn't save me anything, I might as well just type the fscking WPA password..19:43
joe__raboof: that is correct. and it showed none to start with19:43
ArthurHow do I shrink the size of an mpeg file?19:43
raboofjoe__: hm, then maybe the queues aren't hooked up to the lp* tools, not sure - sorry :)19:44
DJ_DanniBut also when i was trying to Install Apache she asked for the CD Romm:S19:44
MrWGWwhere are the GNOME panel icons kept?19:44
Jack_SparrowDJ_Danni: Good luck with your problem, you might rephrase your question and see if someone has the time to walk you through it19:44
Ballenaraboof:  Thanks :D19:44
Jack_SparrowArthur: Generally I think you need to resample it at a slower rate or smaller frame size19:45
abestoMrWGW: icons are usually in /usr/share/icons19:45
TaskIf i wanted to have Ubuntu... and XP... Can I take my hard drive and partition it to 3 drives... and then use one for each OS and 1 to put files that I want to share between systems?19:45
pvl1how can i check to make sure that dri is correcy?19:45
Jack_SparrowTask: yes, I do that here19:45
pvl1Task u can have a windows partition, ubuntu parition and a third for files19:46
DJ_DanniI am trying to Install phpMyAdmin adn when i have finnish doing the Install command she shay Coul't not find Packates:S Is there somthang i forgoat after install of my Server?19:46
Taskok just making sure19:46
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Jack_SparrowTask: I suggest even more partitions...  you need swap of course, ou should also make /home which puts you over the 4 partition limit.19:46
MrWGWin particular, I'm looking for the Ubuntu icon that is featured on the main panel19:47
MrWGWin GNOME19:47
Jack_SparrowTask: Which is where you setup an extended partition and place logical partitions inside that19:47
MrWGWwhere the disgusting GNOME foot logo usually goes...19:47
danbhfiveJ_P: sorry, i was away, and no, I don't have anything to offer for your problem19:47
wyclifdoes anyone know why Eye of GNOME 2.20.1 makes my image flicker crazily when I hit F11 to maximise the window?  Gutsy on IBM T40.19:47
=== pras__ is now known as SR71-Blackbird1
DJ_DanniI am trying to Install phpMyAdmin adn when i have finnish doing the Install command she shay Coul't not find Packates:S Is there somthang i forgoat after install of my Server?19:48
wyclifand when I maximise it the image keeps flickering as long as the window is maximised19:48
PiciDJ_Danni: Where are you installing it from?19:48
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:48
Jack_SparrowPici: he needs to enable universe repo.19:49
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BertoDoes anyone know what user/group samba processes run as?  I need to give the samba users access to a folder19:49
Jack_SparrowPici: He refuses to read the link on repos and refuses to not repeat every 30 seconds19:49
DJ_DanniPici I just Install it in Terminal and ewen if i go to Syscanation packet Manenger and search teher she dose not find it there:S19:49
PiciDJ_Danni: What is your native language?19:50
raboofBerto: perhaps 'ps aux | grep samba' or 'ps aux | grep smb' might tell you something?19:50
abestoMrWGW: The icons used are those of the applications themselves... What do you mean in particular?19:50
raboof(wild guess)19:50
wyclifmy video card is IBM and thus supported, but display of image flickers in Eye of GNOME19:50
DJ_DanniPici its Icelandic19:50
Bertoraboof, interesting, smbd runs as root.  but the19:50
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Bertothere is Permission Denied error when samba is trying to get into my folder19:51
raboofBerto: hm, guess it drops its privileges then...19:51
Bertoraboof, yeah, if i can find what user it runs as, i can add that user to the group perms... hmm19:51
DJ_DanniPici its Icelandic19:52
PiciDJ_Danni: You need to enable the "Universe" Repository by going into System>Adminstration>Software Sources19:52
wang_hi folks19:52
smevafter using aircrack whats the easiest way to restore the wifi card to be used in managed mode again ?19:52
wang_can anyone help me with my wlan problem?19:52
DJ_DanniPici i don't see it:S19:52
wyclifhelp w/ IRC: why, when I invoke /ajoin, I am not always joining the flagged channel?19:53
wang_i don t get it runnin :(19:53
pvl1what does 'Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem' mean?19:53
PiciDJ_Danni: Do you see Software Sources in the System menu under Administration?19:53
zcat[1]oh well.. back to unencrypted WiFi I guess..19:53
DJ_DanniNo i see there Software Popertise19:53
ogrehow do i purge vmware??19:53
Pici!ask | wang_19:54
ubotuwang_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:54
PiciDJ_Danni: hold on.19:54
benny269how can disable the login required after reboot?19:54
zcat[1]screw this.. if the gnome developers are going to tell me what I can and can't do with my computer, I might as well be running windows!19:54
wycliffor example, if you /ajoin #ubuntu, then every time you start your IRC client you should join this channel, right?19:54
PiciDJ_Danni: Do you have synaptic open right now?19:55
th0rbenny269 if you are using gnome you can run gdmsetup and configure autologin there.19:55
wang_:D ... ok well i have the problem that i can t login to my wlan .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement, can also see my router but can t connect19:55
kimmey2k3how may i check which harddrives that is available_19:55
DJ_Dannipacet Manenger?19:55
nailshi, I am looking for the apt command to list packages that have updates available and then the command to update that list. I want to avoid and accidental dist upgrade. Any help is appreciated.19:55
PiciDJ_Danni: Yes, the Synaptic Package Manager?19:55
raboofzcat[1]: are they?19:55
Bertoraboof, yeah definitely permission error.  I need to find a way to allow this user into this subdirectory of my home directory :)19:56
PiciDJ_Danni: Can you go to Settings>Repositories?19:56
th0rkimmey2k3 mount will tell you what is accessible, and fdisk -l will list all visible partitions whether mounted or not19:56
ogrehow do i purge vmware??19:56
ogrehow do i purge vmware??19:56
ogresorry guys19:56
DJ_Dannipici done and then?19:56
ndubeogre; how did you install it?19:56
ogrendube:  through synaptic19:56
zcat[1]raboof: yes... I MUST have a password on my gnome keyring.. it's only holding my WPA key, which is basically worthless.. I have full disk encryption.. I want to be able to enter that one password, and nothing else.. autologin, NO keyring password.19:57
PiciDJ_Danni: Make sure that all the checkboxes are checked on that first tab.19:57
_moro_bana_ogre; sudo apt-get --purge remove vmware19:57
ndubeogre; have you uninstalled it yet?19:57
ogrendube:  yes19:57
_moro_bana_ogre: do you want to remove it?19:57
geokeratznails, sudo apt-get update19:57
ndubeogre- sudo apt-get --purge remove vmware19:57
benny269thor: it says you must be the root user? in fact i am the only user?19:58
_moro_bana_ogre:sudo apt-get --purge remove vmware19:58
ndubeogre- should remove it and any config files19:58
zcat[1]the whole point of gnome-keyring is that I don't have to enter my WPA key.. but no, I have to enter the keyring password instead.19:58
zcat[1]this is pissing me off a LOT19:58
geniushi booted from live cd on ps3 and i am trying to mount the ps3 harddrive whats the command for that plz19:58
LeechzillaOOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root19:58
wang_pYeah me2 ryin wlan for 3 days now19:58
LeechzillaOOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root <--- I get this error when I try to access my FTP. How do I fix this?19:58
benny269thor: i found it using gui thanks anyway19:58
raboofzcat[1]: so you don't like how the gnome keyring behaves19:58
nailsgeokeratz: does that update the packages or the cache of available packages?19:58
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:58
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:58
DJ_DanniPici i forgoat. I was just Setting up a Backup Server bechuse the othereone is Broken and i he has bin for 6 month.19:59
zcat[1]raboof: I'm about to download the source and see if I can hack out the no-null-password shit, yes.19:59
wang_linux may be a nice system but it so user unfriendly19:59
geokeratznails, yes ! it's not an Upgrade19:59
wang_no normal pc user could use it19:59
raboofzcat[1]: great, cool19:59
TheAnalogGuyzcat, google wicd, it is a replacement for gnome network manager and it saved the wep or wpa key and removes the annoying keyring prompt19:59
dZen|n|hello: I have installed openvpn and today i could connect via vpn but now it tells me no route to host ?19:59
CreedIs it possible to use OpenVPN to tunnel only one IP? I want to have all internet access go through normally but my ISP packet shapes VoIP traffic so I want to tunnel only the VoIP connection to the main server.19:59
TheAnalogGuyholdon Ill get the link for ya19:59
DJ_DanniPici i was finnish doing it and she say she found a Prablome:(19:59
justmewhats the newst kernal19:59
PiciDJ_Danni: What did it say?19:59
geniiLeechzilla: set it in vsftpd.conf19:59
kahrytanwang_➲ And Windows isn't when it crashes?20:00
ubuntuque les pasa que no hablan20:00
DJ_DanniOMG its To Mutch20:00
zcat[1]TheAnalogGuy: hmm, that might be a better answer..20:00
BPageI have an older v-card. an ATI Rage 128. When I insert the live cd and install I have to use graphics safe mode. If I understand correctly this uses a vesa driver? I would like to use a driver for my card as I think I am having some small performance issues. When I watch video from youtube or G-Video it will stutter occasionally while playing. Also when I do anything visual I see my CPU usage% increase sharply. Am I making a fair conclusio20:00
BPagen that this is related to my video driver? I have tried both the "ati" and the "r128" driver but I get the same response with both. I see some trash on the screen with the old style x-windows courser and the computer locks up. Is there another driver? Is there another step I need to preform before I change the driver with the gui? I'm am fairly new to Linux and I normally have to reinstall as I don't know how to fix it any other way.20:00
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages20:00
nailsgeokeratz>: Just to confirm, if there was an update for cups apt-get update would update the cups package aswell as the apt cache?20:00
DJ_DanniPici somthang aboat Dupilicut thangs20:00
benny269anyone know how to check if an installed distro is 32 or 64 bit?20:00
wang_well u can say allthe bad things about windows but it is noob friendly20:00
PiciDJ_Danni: I can't help if I don't know the exact error message.20:00
Leechzillagenii: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=10509 <-- I already disabled write access20:00
kahrytanwang_➲ Most people spend $50-$100  for help just when their windows pc becomes infected with a virus20:00
wang_even my girlfriend could install windows and get all stuff workin20:00
DJ_DanniBut is it ok to Copy and pase here?20:00
geniiBPage: The ati don't like vesa driver, replace it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf with ati to get up and running20:01
TheAnalogGuyzcat: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php20:01
wang_no chance she could ever do this with ubuntu20:01
geokeratznails, i think yes. not sure20:01
jasmin__i hav to see effect on kubuntu so what should i hav to do20:01
zcat[1]wang_: actually my 10yo installed Feisty an a WLUG meeting last year... :-P20:01
TheAnalogGuythats the install for it, print the page if you can, I had to sudo gedit the network config file to make it like it says20:01
rycolehey guys. quick question - is the 'subversion' package in apt-get a svn client, or server? im just looking for the client.20:01
zcat[1]just to show how easy it was20:01
geniiLeechzilla: Yes, thats what the message is indicating. So the problem then is that you CAN write there when you are not supposed to?20:01
nailsgeokeratz>: thanks20:01
DJ_DanniPici no need its woorking now;)20:01
jasmin__ i hav to see effect on kubuntu so what should i hav to do20:01
kahrytanzcat[1]➲  that is insulting20:02
PiciDJ_Danni: Okay :)20:02
DJ_DanniYou Pebole are the best20:02
DJ_DanniHey yeah one more20:02
wang_:D ... ok well i have the problem that i can t login to my wlan .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement, can also see my router but can t connect20:02
Leechzillagenii: Well it won't let me access the FTP at all20:02
wang_maybe u can help :D20:02
papoDoes anyone have ubuntu set up with / as LVM and could show me is menu.lst?20:02
wang_if it s soo easy :D20:02
DJ_DanniPici Is it possabole to have 2 Webserver on 1 Internet?20:02
zcat[1]wang_: I would, but I'm tryint to make mine less secure right now...20:02
geniiLeechzilla: Try ftp login as a specific name20:03
Leechzillagenii: I haven't set any user accounts. I need only anonmyous20:03
wang_is there a chat where people could help me with that?20:03
zcat[1]wang_: you have any specific questions?20:03
geniiLeechzilla: Who owns the folder where the files are? And the files?20:04
DJ_DanniPici Is it possabole to have 2 Webserver on 1 Internet?20:04
jasmin__ sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager i did this package after this what i hav to do20:04
th0rDJ_Danni you only need one web server, but can have any number of web sites handled by that server20:04
Leechzillagenii: It's on my External USB drive.. It's not mounting as read-only20:04
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: you mean two websites on one IP address?20:05
geniiDJ_Danni: Better to use virtual servers20:05
DJ_DanniNo i mean 2 Web Servers on 1 IP20:05
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: yes, sort of.. but pointless.20:05
geniiLeechzilla: Thats not an answer to the question I asked20:05
wang_zcat na only how to get my wlan work ... I don t know what to do anymore20:05
benny269anyone know how to check if an installed distro is 32 or 64 bit?20:05
Pici!wifi | wang_20:05
Leechzillagenii: okay, maybe it's root. I don't know20:06
ubotuwang_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:06
wang_already did all that20:06
olskolircwe do have a command called fstab right?20:06
DJ_DanniZcat[1] is it easy?20:06
Piciolskolirc: no, fstab is a file, not a command.20:06
TheAnalogGuywang is it wep or wpa?20:06
LeechzillaIts an external USB drive20:06
DJ_Dannior virtual Host?20:06
th0rbenny269 uname -a should do it20:06
Piciolskolirc: /etc/fstab20:06
olskolircI used to type fstab and it would show me all my drives right?20:06
TheAnalogGuyyou just cant connect to it but can see it20:06
wang_if i do sudo dhclient eth1 it only gives:20:06
geokeratzjasmin__, System>Preferences>Advance Desktop effect...20:06
wang_Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.520:07
wang_Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.20:07
wang_All rights reserved.20:07
wang_For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/20:07
wang_Listening on LPF/eth1/00:90:4b:f3:ec:b020:07
wang_Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:90:4b:f3:ec:b020:07
FloodBot3wang_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:07
DJ_DanniZcat[1] is it easy?20:07
DJ_Dannior virtual Host?20:07
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: no, it's very hard and utterly pointless... if you want two or more websites, or even web services on multiple ports, you can do all of that with one server.20:07
smevwhat script is used to start the wlan on boot ?20:07
justmehow do i disable sudo and enable automatic login20:07
geniiLeechzilla: If it's a drive filesystem you can set unix-usable permissions on try set them so they are read/write but not executable20:07
_moro_bana_justme: sudo root -l20:07
ogrecan anyone tell me what happened to vmware player? i only see the server in repos20:08
Leechzillagenii but it's NTFS20:08
jasmin__geokeratz: after that how can i see effect ?20:08
CrasyI am unable to install Ubuntu. I continue to get an error when I click "Start or Install"20:08
al-_-Giri can run linux apps on windows ?20:08
TheAnalogGuywang: you outta be able to go into your settings:administation and network aplet20:08
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: name-based virtual hosting is very easy though...20:08
CrasyUnable to read "Boot Disc"20:08
olskolircI think I can get my Lexmark 5470 going if I mount that usb drive but I don't know which /dev it is20:08
_moro_bana_Crasy: what does it say20:08
DRebellional-_-Gir: yes, if you install linux in a vm20:08
justme_moro_bana_ will that compleatly disable sudo ?20:08
DJ_DanniZcat[1] What do you mean?20:08
Pici!paste | wang_20:08
ubotuwang_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:08
Crasy_moro_bana_: Unable to read Boot Disc.20:09
geniiLeechzilla: Then you'll not be able to use it for an anoymous ftp drive, since permissions and ownership play a great part in this20:09
TheAnalogGuyand click on the wireless settings tab and manually input the key and essid20:09
Leechzillagenii: But it works with my internal drives20:09
_moro_bana_justme: it locks the root acount20:09
al-_-GirDRebellion , i dont need it generally , i need just 1 app ( konversation from kde )20:09
geokeratzjasmin__, just tick your choices you want to have20:09
_moro_bana_Crasy: have you tried to reboot20:09
Leechzillagenii: And they are NTFS too20:09
Crasy_moro_bana_: More times than you can imagine.20:09
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: what are you trying to do.. have two or more different websites on one machine?20:09
DRebellional-_-Gir: i'm sure there are windows alternatives.20:10
Crasy_moro_bana_: My only option is to reboot when I'm given the error actually.20:10
jasmin__geokeratz: that i did that what i hav to do to see effect20:10
geniiLeechzilla: Did you do something like chown the directories in the internal ones?20:10
DJ_Danni2 Webserver on 1 Machine20:10
BPagegenii : When you say  "it does not work with ati" do you mean it has poor quality or will not function? I personally experience the first. Is this the line in my xorg.conf that I would eddit? "Driver"vesa""20:10
_moro_bana_Crasy: i have never seen that i am sure others will help20:10
Leechzillagenii: No I didn't do anything.. Just mounted20:10
al-_-Gir<DRebellion> , there are but not good enoght20:10
DJ_DanniPici 2 Webserver on 1 Machine20:10
Crasy_moro_bana_: Alright, appreciate it.20:10
adelieGot a question: When I first started using ubuntu, I installed the 64-bit edition. It seemed to have some issues, not the least of which was that many tools / programs did not have 64 bit editions. peeps recommended going to the 32 bit edition and that fixed, basically, all my problems. Would anyone say that it is now great, but also agree that a year ago it was quite lacking?20:10
CrasyCan anyone else help me?20:10
=== matysecek is now known as matysek
PiciDJ_Danni: I dont know how to do that off the top of my head.20:10
CrasyAny reason my computer is "Unable to read boot disc?"20:10
John64Hi everyone,  i was just wondering if there is a way to automatically install the -dev, -dbg and -doc packages for all installed libraries20:10
overriddenevenin' here20:11
_Lucretia_are usb scanners still broken in gutsy?20:11
DRebellionJohn64: sudo apt-get install lib*-dev lib*-doc lib*-dbg ??20:11
overriddenfor some unknown reason, my xfwm4 session has 768 little panels open, anyone know some command that might help my close them all accept nr1 ?20:11
geniiBPage: Yes, in there change vesa to ati then it will be able to at least get into the login and desktop. From there you can decide which driver to install or so on20:11
John64DRebellion, i was looking to do that for only packages which are allready installed20:11
geokeratzjasmin__, in System>preferences>Appearane>Visual Effects    check  CUSTOM20:11
CrasyAny reason my computer is "Unable to read boot disc" before installation?20:11
DRebellionJohn64: oh sorry, misread you.20:11
_moro_bana_Crasy: it might be of disk errors if you downloaded it from the inernet20:11
Crasy_moro_bana_: Checksum the file?20:12
geokeratzjasmin__, i think that's what u mean20:12
John64DRebellion, but that is a good idea!20:12
Crasy_moro_bana_: I should do that?20:12
jusohttp://www.zareason.com/shop/product.php?productid=16169&cat=0&page=1 - I would get if it was $30020:12
DRebellion!ot | juso20:12
ubotujuso: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:12
TheAnalogGuywang: any luck?20:12
geniiLeechzilla: OK. Likely then some difference in the /etc/fstab mount options. If external has no /etc/fstab entry then make one with mount options as the others and use uuid instead of /dev/name. Also sync as an option.20:12
BPagegenii : thank you20:12
jusoubotu: thats is an ubuntu based laptop, stop being a douche20:12
DJ_Dannipici Test http://www.spacestream.net20:13
_moro_bana_Crasy: no what im saying is that people sometime experience that20:13
_moro_bana_Crasy: burning from a cd image20:13
Crasy_moro_bana_: So, should I redownload it?20:13
Leechzillagenii: I don't have it in fstab. How do I get the /dev/name?20:13
overriddenfor some unknown reason, my xfwm4 session has 768 little panels open, anyone know some command that might help my close them all accept nr1 ?20:13
ogrecan anyone tell me what happened to vmware player? i only see the server in repos20:13
jusoDRebellion: stop whining =)20:13
zcat[1]DJ_Danni: you are either very clever and trying to do something nearly impossible and completly pointless just to prove that it can be done, or you are very confused and trying to needlessly do something very difficult and completly pointless.. either way, I don't think I can help you..20:13
wang_:D ... ok well i have the problem that i can t login to my wlan .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement, can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:14
Crasy_moro_bana_: Or try a different mirror or something? I have reburned it before I came here and it still didn't work.20:14
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:14
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:14
DJ_DanniZcat[1] Test http://www.spacestream.net and let me know if it woork20:14
DRebellionPici: thank you ;)20:14
TheAnalogGuywell, it shows your wireless is working, did you get my recommended fix I typed a sec ago?20:14
_moro_bana_Crasy: so you did download it,have you ever tried to request it, that would bee better20:14
ubotukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu20:14
justmethis is how you make the automatick login with a gui how do you do this in bash http://pastebin.ca/87250420:14
PiciDJ_Danni: works fine.20:14
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega20:14
overriddensomeone out there that can help me ?20:14
_moro_bana_Crasy: yes try a different mirror, or burn at lower speeds20:15
ikoniaoverridden: whats the problem20:15
Crasy_moro_bana_: Alright, sure.20:15
DJ_Danni'Thats is usefull my Shoutcast Hosting  Server but for last 6 month he hase bin down:(20:15
overriddenfor some unknown reason, my xfwm4 session has 768 little panels open, anyone know some command that might help my close them all accept nr1 ?20:15
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:15
raboofoverridden: do they all show up in 'ps'?20:15
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:15
overriddenno, thats my problem20:15
justmeubotu what programs are you wanting to run20:16
Picijustme: ubotu is a bot.20:16
ogrewhat do you guys recommend qemu or virtualbox?20:16
geniiBPage: You may need to do: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   to make the edits stick20:16
John64DRebellion,  i have a script that will create all the permutations of -dev -dbg -doc for all packages.  The problem is when i pass that to apt-get it fails on the first package that doesn't exist.  Is there a way for apt-get to ignore and keep going?20:16
John64ogre: virtualbox20:16
ikoniaogre: personal opinions20:16
LeechzillaHow to find the /dev/name for my external USB drive?20:16
John64but that is just me20:16
ogreikonia:  thats what im looking for20:16
wang_:D ... ok well i have the problem that i can t login to my wlan .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement, can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:16
John64Leechzilla, mount20:16
ogreJohn64:  thanks20:16
John64it will show all mounts on the system20:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:17
DRebellionJohn64: --ignore-missing20:17
BPagegenii : whats the "nano" for?20:17
ikoniaogre: you'll only get that by trying it, what one person finds good is another persons junk20:17
John64thanks DRebellion20:17
TheAnalogGuywang: try setting up through the settings:administration:network, just click on the wireless card and hit properties and you can type in your essid and wpa key for your wireless lan20:17
PiciJohn64: I'm curious, why would you want to install all those packages?20:17
adelieIs most all software for i386 available for 64-bit edition also? I had problems with this a year ago...20:17
ikoniaadelie: mostly20:17
DRebellionJohn64: next time read the manual - man apt-get20:17
geokeratzjasmin__, is it working?20:17
jasmin__geokeratz: i didnt understad where u r teling20:17
John64Pici, i use this machine for development and i am sick of having to manually download all the development versions and documentation20:17
LeechzillaOkay, and how do I mount my external USB drive (NTFS) as read-only?20:18
justmecould someone shoe me how to do this in bash http://pastebin.ca/87250420:18
adelieikonia: could you possibly cite some of the short comings?20:18
geokeratzjasmin__, in System>preferences>Appearane>Visual Effects    check  CUSTOM20:18
PiciJohn64: You can use apt-cache search to query if the packages exist first before building the apt-get install line.20:18
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:18
ikoniaadelie: some 3rd party applications don't support 64bit ?20:18
ikoniaadelie: not all software is written with 32bit in mind20:18
geokeratzjasmin__, what is the problem? u can't find it?20:18
wang_TheAnalogGuy did all that... doesn t work20:18
TheAnalogGuywang: try setting up through the settings:administration:network, just click on the wireless card and hit properties and you can type in your essid and wpa key for your wireless lan20:18
jaggyhey all, is there any linux alternativ for autocat20:18
TheAnalogGuyoh ok sorry lol20:18
raboofoverridden: that sucks then :) - i wonder if you can somehow get a list of X identifiers for those windows, so you can kill them with xkill20:19
geniiBPage: nano is a simple text editor20:19
raboofoverridden: xlsclients doesn't seem to provide that though20:19
wang_any other advice?20:19
Picijaggy: what is autocat?20:19
jasmin__geokeratz: where in start button system >after that20:19
John64Pici: would apt-cache pkgnames show all packages available?20:19
TheAnalogGuyim perplexed, I just use WEP but aircrack is kinda a worry20:19
overriddenraboof, dont know, even "lsof -p pid(xfwm4)" doesnt show them20:19
adelieikonia: can VMware server on 64-bit run 32 bit OS's?20:19
jaggyPici an technological drawing program for drawing machines ...20:19
geniiBPage: So it's something most people can use and understand from the command line to alter text files.20:19
PiciJohn64: apt-cache search packagename20:19
TheAnalogGuyI think Im the only one in my apt area that knows bout that stuff lol20:19
ikoniaadelie: should be able to although I don't personally rate vmware20:19
Picijaggy: You mean AutoCAD?20:20
adelieikonia: rate?20:20
LeechzillaOkay, and how do I mount my external USB drive (NTFS) as read-only?20:20
ikoniaadelie: link20:20
ikoniastupid apple keyboard20:20
_moro_bana_how do i remote access windows from ubuntu20:20
opapowhere is the kvm package in gutsy20:20
jasmin__geokeratz: i did this command alt+f2 n ccsm20:20
adelieikonia: what do you prefer?20:21
geokeratzjasmin__, well , right click on desktop > choose change desktop>go to the appearance TAB20:21
jaggyye Pici Sorry :p20:21
opapoit was there, now it's gone20:21
ikoniaadelie: kvm20:21
Picijaggy: I know there are some CAD packages in the repositories, QCad perhaps.20:21
=== nenolod_ is now known as nenolod
LeechzillaI unchecked "Enable write support for external device" in ntfs-config but my drive is still read/write20:21
BPagegenii: Will I need to reboot for the changes to take effect?20:21
jaggykk Pici lemme check20:21
John64thanks Pici, i think ihave everything i need now!20:22
xufuI'm trying to get the correct firmware for ndiswrapper for my WPc54g linux wireless card. Anyone know what I should download?20:23
TheAnalogGuythere a command or script to randomly name files like mp3's I want to burn them in a random order on a cdrw for my car20:23
CASurferSuspend doesn't work for me. I have an ATI card, and I'm running fglrx and a restricted intel wireless driver, plus Compiz. I'm willing to go to lengths to get suspend to work.20:23
CASurfertpmmy: suspend to disk or ram20:23
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:24
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:24
geniiBPage: Not really but it can't hurt. Normally just from commandline something like   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:25
=== tpmmy is now known as linuxpy
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!20:27
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:27
_moro_bana_how do i remote acces xp20:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:28
benny269is flash broken for ALL distros? I need to help someone install it on a 7.04 system?20:28
CASurferbenny269: the Automatix flash installer still works20:29
raboofbenny269: probably easiest to just install it manually from adobe's site20:29
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:29
Pici!automatix | CASurfer benny26920:29
ubotuCASurfer benny269: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »20:29
pteague_workany idea on how to get the border on crux to be smaller?20:29
Jack_SparrowCASurfer: Please never suggest that in here20:29
geniiPlease don't recommend Automatix20:29
_moro_bana_! flash benny26920:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash benny269 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:29
benny269i dont want to risk automatix on someone else's pc20:29
geniiThanks Pici20:29
benny269just need to get flash working on 7.0420:29
DJ_DanniZcat[1] or Pici are you still there?20:29
benny269i know its broken20:29
_moro_bana_ !flash  benny26920:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash  benny269 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:29
raboofwang_: is there a dhcp server on eth1?20:29
benny269i had difficulty working it on my 7.1020:29
Jack_Sparrowbenny269: Just install it manually20:29
benny269direct from their website?20:30
geniibenny269: Yes.20:30
benny269how do i do that?20:30
benny269do you have a direct link? i've never done it manually, always used synaptic20:30
Jack_Sparrowbenny269: may I pm20:30
benny269please do20:30
Shadow147hey I am trying to use jhbuild and I need the bz2 module in order to install a package I need20:30
wang_raboof eth1 is my wlan card btw. how do i write a personal sentence that is higligthed inred20:30
Mba7ethhow can i define default gateway from shell ? is it the Bcast parameter  ?20:31
_moro_bana_benny269: there are instructions on how to install where you download it20:31
geniiwang_: When your name is in the message and someone else types it, for you it appears in red. you cannot make them appear red to yourself.20:32
Leechzilla/dev/sde1 /media/External ntfs noauto,users,ro,umask=7 7 7 <--- I added this in my fstab, mounted manually, and there were no errors. But I can't find the drive under Computer.20:32
DJ_DanniHey i was chancing the Password to PHPMyAdmin and is it Apache or MySQL i have to Restart to get the Password to woork? And if so with what Command?20:32
wang_ah thy genii20:32
wang_genii can i change my text color? it s grey .. doesn t look that good cause it s almost like the backround20:33
geniiwang_: It depends on what irc chat client you are using.20:33
_moro_bana_wang_: yes you can20:34
DJ_DanniHey i was chancing the Password to PHPMyAdmin and is it Apache or MySQL i have to Restart to get the Password to woork? And if so with what Command?20:34
ikoniaDJ_Danni: it's mysql20:34
DJ_Danniikonia what is the command agen?20:34
ikoniaDJ_Danni: mysqladmin or use grant in mysql20:35
wang_i m using xchat .... how do i change it? genii, _moro_bana_20:35
LeechzillaHow do I mount my USB drive as read-only?20:35
DJ_Danniikonia mysql20:35
raboofLeechzilla: mount -o ro ?20:35
ikoniaDJ_Danni: thats correct20:35
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:35
Leechzillaraboof what about fstab? I don't need anything there?20:35
raboofLeechzilla: if you want it to happen automatically for that mountpoint, add the ro option to fstab, yeah20:36
wang_raboof ... i wrote u the iwconfig in the personal tab20:36
DJ_Danniikonia what is the command agen to Resart the mysql?20:36
nicholas__Can anyone help me get phpMyAdmin working?20:36
Leechzillaraboof: What about ntfs-config? I unchecked write access there, but it makes no difference20:36
geniiLeechzilla: If you want 1 time read-only and it has an fstab entry then somethig like:  mount -o ro,remount /media/mountname20:36
Leechzillagenii it doesn't have an fstab entry20:36
ikoniaDJ_Danni: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart20:37
raboofwang_: sorry, i'm not too familiar with wireless internet.20:37
raboofwang_: i just fire up wifi-radar and everything magically works; )20:37
wang_raboof oki thy for trying20:37
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:37
nicholas__Can anyone help me get phpMyAdmin working?20:37
geniiLeechzilla: Then more like: mount -t fstype -o ro /dev/devname /mountpoint20:37
geniiLeechzilla: If this is a removable and not mounted r/o then you may instead want -o sync20:38
Leechzillagenii what does sync do?20:39
Leechzillagenii yes it is external20:39
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:39
nicholas__I am unadble to get phpMyAdmin to work. How would I import SQL tables from a SQL file???20:39
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca
geniiLeechzilla: It tidies up all writes to the drive so nothing is left in computer buffer waiting to be written. That way if you unplug the drive no messy data that was waiting to be written but never could be20:40
flithmhey everyone... I'm trying to run a java app that uses SWT that on another machine works fine (uses native widgets) but on my machine here it uses nasty java metal look-n-feel stuff.  Anyone here know if there's some package I'm missing or config somewhere I can edit to fix this?20:40
raboofnicholas__: with the mysql commandline tool? something like 'mysql -u user database -p < script'20:40
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)20:40
_moro_bana_can anyone help , how do i remote access xp from ubuntu, i use vncviewer between ubuntu boxes20:41
brobostigon_moro_bana_: do the same thing, use vnc20:41
nicholas__humn okay thanks20:41
MrObvious_moro_bana_: Download Ultra VNC and set up a server on the XP box and just use VNC the same as you have been on Ubuntu.20:41
peanutwithchocol hello, does anybody know a good antispyware for linux?? (of course i know it's practically impossible infect linux with this, but i would like one because sometimes i infected windows computer)20:41
Lokii-_moro_bana use terminal services and use rdp20:41
MrObviousnicholas__: Or use rdesktop for the Windows remote thingy.20:41
MrObvious!info rdesktop20:41
uboturdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.0-2 (gutsy), package size 118 kB, installed size 440 kB20:42
ikoniapeanutwithchocol: a spy ware tool for linux won't help you on a windows maxhine20:42
Farris1Anyone know of a quick/easy way to script the deletion of everything in a directory except for $n newest files? I have been using find to delete everything older than $n days, but that doesn't handle the exception of files that are supposed to be generated daily NOT being generated. If the generation of these files is missed for $n days, then eventually all the files will be deleted20:42
rolfFarris1: I use something like ls -1t $PREFIX/homes*tar |tail -1 |xargs rm -f20:42
ikoniaFarris1: you can use it with find and -exec20:43
peanutwithchocolikonia: what i want is analyze some archives before bring it to a winbugs computer20:43
MrObviouspeanutwithchocol: Just download Spyware Terminator on the Windows machine.20:43
rolfFarris1: on second thought, that doesn't help you though20:43
ikoniapeanutwithchocol: I don't think that will hep you20:43
MrObviouspeanutwithchocol: Only don't install the Crawler toolbar and you'll be golden.20:43
grndslmare there any other text based torrent clients like rtorrent?20:43
ikoniapeanutwithchocol: the OS is called windows, not winbugs or winblow or any other childish names20:43
_moro_bana_brobostigon: with ubuntu i just typed vncviwer whatever:0 that was under command line, i dont know how to do it for xp20:43
MrObviouspeanutwithchocol: It has a right click option in Windows Explorer for spyware scanning each individual file as you want to.20:44
Leechzillagenii: I don't have it in my fstab, and when I plug it in, it mounts automatically as read/only. Does it use the sync option by default here? I often have power failures and the drive gets disconnected before I can unmount it properly. I could lose data if the sync option is not used?20:44
Lokii-grndslm ktorrent rtorrent qtorrent i think it is20:44
grndslmktorrent and qtorrent aren't text based20:44
bod_ikonia, but winbugs is more realistic20:44
brobostigon_moro_bana_: install a vnc server on your windows machine20:44
Leechzillasorry read/write20:44
ConstyXIVdoes ubuntu support the intel 4965?20:44
_moro_bana_MrObvious:is ultra vnc GUI20:44
ikoniabod_: no, it's not20:44
peanutwithchocolikonia: ok ,it was only a joke, sorry20:44
ikoniapeanutwithchocol: no problem, just gets old after a while20:44
_moro_bana_brobostigon: thanks20:45
LeechzillaConstyXIV: It's a restricted driver, but works fine.20:45
MrObvious_moro_bana_: Yeah.20:45
Farris1rolf & ikonia: My first instinct was to stuff all the files in the dir into an array, pop the last $n elements, then delete all files in the array, but that seems a bit dirty20:45
MrObvious_moro_bana_: It's got a service and a tray icon as you wish to run it.20:45
ConstyXIVLeechzilla, as in, not ndiswrapper, right?20:45
LeechzillaConstyXIV: right20:45
LeechzillaConstyXIV: Works out of the box20:45
ikoniaFarris1: 'I'd just use find - quick and simple20:45
Lokii-since were on the topic of vnc whats a good vnc server for on a nix box ?20:46
sub-escwhen does 8.04 LTS official?20:46
ikoniasub-esc: 04.200820:46
ikoniasub-esc: does the name not give it away20:46
nemilarubuntu naming works like [year].[month]20:46
wladashi there20:46
wladashi there20:46
Eyemeanhi is there a software that i can use to automatically scan for dead files and erase them?20:47
sub-escimma idiot20:47
nemilarwhat is a dead file?20:47
Eyemeanleft overs from software installs and uninstalls?20:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clean - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:47
_moro_bana_brobostigon: apt-get install ultravnc this doent do it for me20:47
Lokii-apt-get autoremove20:47
mannytu!apt-get clean20:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-get clean - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:48
Ecalixwhen mounting a volume via command line. example of mount -t smbfs -o username=administrator,password=!password etc... how do you get it so a password that has a "!" in it will work? It gives an error of "-bash: !password: event not found"20:48
_moro_bana_wladas: hi20:48
Eyemeanis that a software lookii ?20:48
Lokii-its a function of apt-get20:48
nemilarrun apt-get autoremove20:48
brobostigon_moro_bana_: are you trying to install that on linux(ultravnc)20:48
nemilarit will remove any unneeded packages20:48
geniiLeechzilla: if mounted readonly then sync not needed. If mounted writeable then a good idea for sync. Since all writes are executed when they are issued and not buffered, etc20:48
_moro_bana_brobostigon: yes , ah! it has to be on xp20:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:49
geniiLeechzilla: Sorry for lag, work is needing me here on and off20:49
brobostigon_moro_bana_: just google for a windows vnc server20:49
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Hey buddy.  DO you have a minute to help me with something.. If so, may I pm..?20:49
_moro_bana_brobostigon: aha got it, thanks20:49
Leechzillagenii: But I don't have the drive in fstab.. So where do I add it? It still mounts automatically as read/write20:49
Eyemeann meant meant for folders which dont get used somehting like that lokii20:50
Leechzillagenii: So I don't know if it's using sync already20:50
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: captain, what can i do for you20:50
Jack_Sparrowwait for it20:50
noodlesgcwhy have there been no updates for so long?20:50
geniiLeechzilla: just: mount   should tell you the options it was mounted with, even if not in fstab20:50
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: i will help where i can20:50
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: See the pm?20:51
blackwire83does anyone know how to extract a cd's boot record using ubuntu?20:51
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:51
blackwire83that thing you add with mkisofs -b20:51
geniiLeechzilla: But as I stated, if mounted readonly then sync is not neccesary since no data can be written anyhow. So nothing to get half-written then lost during an unplug or so20:51
xufu_Hey guys, got a question w/ wireless. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/20:51
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: that got me confused, pm- what is that20:52
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: private messge  do you see a note fromme.20:52
Rewtflash is *still* broken?20:52
rieshey all, how do I route one single IP address through a different gateway then the default?20:52
FunkySemHi, I have problems with IDLE ( python ide) . http://img171.imageshack.us/my.php?image=idleqo5.png .  How i can make  words normal size ?20:52
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: aha saw it20:52
Traveler4hello, general newbie question, why is a no POST called no POST20:52
ViniPUHxxxkissin romana va rog20:53
lastnode_h, I was just wondering.. my ubuntu feisty install takes around 16gig (default, no new packages installed yet). is this normal? can I run something to clear up some disk space? (note, this is without /home, which is mounted on a separate partition).20:53
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/20:53
ogreis java package still broken?20:53
ansqueWitam :)20:53
ViniPUHxxxkissei unde sunt romanii20:53
erUSULogre: flash is broken not java afaik20:53
Leechzillagenii: Okay I just checked with mount. When it mounts as read/write, the sync option is not used. And it's also not there in my fstab20:54
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro20:54
Jack_Sparrowogre: Flash still is  java should be fine20:54
geniiries: You mean through one gateway and then into the default gateway, or you mean just a different gatewa rather than the usual one, instead?20:54
ogreoh oops20:54
xufu_ Hey guys, got a question w/ wireless. I put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/20:54
simon360|shiftinArgh, wtf.20:54
riesdifferent gateway rather then the default20:54
ogreerUSUL:  Jack_Sparrow: oops I meant flash. anyway to fix it?20:54
Leechzillagenii: It's there in my mtab though. So should I just add it there?20:54
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: done20:54
geniiLeechzilla: No mtab edits!!!20:55
simon360|shiftinI've been trying all day to find the little Ubuntu icon that sits in the top gnome panel, and no matter what I change, it won't change20:55
erUSUL!brokenflash > ogre20:55
simon360|shiftinAnyone know what I can do?20:55
simon360|shiftinI need to change it because of trademark20:55
Leechzillaso what do I do then, genii20:55
LeechzillaI don't have the sync option20:55
DJ_DanniHey i have littel Traboler here with MySQL and PhpMyAdmin. I chance the pass for root in PHPMyAdmin and i am also finnish chancing the pass in the Config file and now i canot loggin to PHP My Admin. Is there som whay to fix this?20:55
xufu_ Hey guys, got a question w/ wireless. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/20:56
geniiLeechzilla: Add it into /etc/fstab using the info that: mount gave you as a guideline to go by. Except that rw instead of ro and add sync as option. If defaults is one of the options mount showed, don't use that since nosync is a deafult.20:56
KaiForcei modified my monitor setting (to reflect my real monitor) and native resolution wasn't an option.  Now I can't get native resolution back.  How can I fix that?20:56
simon360|shiftinIf Ubuntu allows for derivatives, but only when any reference to Ubuntu itself is removed, why is it so hard to get rid of the trademark?20:56
simon360|shiftinI'm very close to swearing at somebody.20:57
DJ_DanniHey i have littel Traboler here with MySQL and PhpMyAdmin. I chance the pass for root in PHPMyAdmin and i am also finnish chancing the pass in the Config file and now i canot loggin to PHP My Admin. Is there som whay to fix this?20:57
x-X-xhow do i copy files from ubuntu over to virtualbox windows xp ??20:57
=== simon360|shiftin is now known as simon360
KaiForcex-x-x create a share on XP and map to it from Ubunt20:58
x-X-xKaiForce k how ?20:58
Leechzillagenii: When I try to unmount it, it says it's not mounted even though it is20:59
KaiForcek how create share, or k how map to it, or k how do it all20:59
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:59
DJ_Danniikonia Hey i have littel Traboler here with MySQL and PhpMyAdmin. I chance the pass for root in PHPMyAdmin and i am also finnish chancing the pass in the Config file and now i canot loggin to PHP My Admin. Is there som whay to fix this?20:59
ikoniaDJ_Danni: did you commit the changes with the commit command, also did you use -h hostname when you set the password21:00
ikoniaDJ_Danni: try logging in throught the mysql client to confirm the connection works and mysql is running21:00
x-X-xdont worry21:01
DJ_Danniikonia what dose -h do?21:01
x-X-xi done it21:01
xufu_ Hey guys, got a question w/ wireless. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/21:01
ikoniaDJ_Danni: set a host21:01
Dee_czhello im installing ubuntu 7.10 and im unsure how to partition the HDD... i have 2 windows partitions (both primary), and 10GB free space after them.. do i need to set up / and /home and /swap manually?21:01
erUSULruben: /msg ChanServ whatever21:01
Leechzillagenii: When I add it in fstab, it won't let me unmount my drive anymore21:01
Cpudan80Dee_cz: The installer should do a typical config automatically with the remaining free space21:01
Cpudan80Dee_cz: I would just do / and /swap21:01
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/21:01
DJ_Danniikonia No but it is just defult like always and it has always woork:S21:01
Dee_czno /home then?21:02
geniiLeechzilla: Please pastebin what you have in /etc/fstab21:02
x-X-xlink me to a windows channel21:02
Cpudan80Dee_cz: another partition for /home would be ideal -- but with such little space, it probably isn't worth it21:02
ikoniaDJ_Danni: test your connection and get it working through the mysql client - then worry about phpadmin21:02
Dee_czwhat is the benefit of having separate /home ? (apart from backup i imagine)21:02
Cpudan80Dee_cz: You'll probably end up with / and /home fighting for space (if you choose to do two partitions)21:02
xufu_ Hey guys, got a question w/ wireless. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/21:02
whatshisnameanyone know if there is a wineasio ubuntu package?21:03
Cpudan80Dee_cz: Some people like to trash their distro vs. upgrade -- /home helps this because you can just kill everything except that21:03
Cpudan80Dee_cz: Backup is the main reason21:03
lastnode_xufu_: what is your chipset?21:03
Dee_czCpudan80: ok then one more thing.. is /home actually used to store programs, or only documents / program settings?21:03
Leechzillagenii: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=105132~21:03
geniiLeechzilla: OK, looking21:03
Cpudan80Dee_cz: /home is like Documents and Settings\<user> in Windows21:04
Dee_czCpudan80: ok thank you very much21:04
Leechzillagenii: Sorry, http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=1051321:04
xufu_lastnode: WPC54g v.321:04
Cpudan80Dee_cz: You can install programs into the /home space -- but they are only available to that user21:04
helllueshow to play .ğls files on browser21:04
lastnode_xufu_: i mean, broadcom, which chipset. 4318, etc21:04
Dee_czi think ill go with 3 gb on home then, going to use this install mainly for documents for uni so it should be ok21:04
=== BlackDiamonds is now known as zoke
KaiForceanyone know how to restore native resolution on a flat panel monitor after changing the monitor type to the correct one and not having native resolution listed?21:05
=== zoke is now known as BlackDiamonds
Dee_czCpudan80: thank you very much for help then, bye21:05
MeNoSCan any body help me install Java on PPC ubuntu ?21:05
philip__anybody know where i could get a .jpg free image pack?21:05
Cpudan80Dee_cz: np, your welcome21:05
=== BlackDiamonds is now known as zoke
hellluesi asked quenstion21:05
Cpudan80MeNoS: Sudo apt-get install java ?21:05
Mba7ethhow can i configure d gateway with ifconfig ?21:05
=== zoke is now known as BlackDiamonds
Flare183!patience | helllues21:05
ubotuhelllues: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:05
MeNoSno Cpudan80 , lol easy to say21:06
geniiLeechzilla: Hmm. "use as a guideline" is not "cut and paste into fstab". One minute21:06
Cpudan80MeNoS: It might not be java -- might be sun-java-nonfree or something21:06
Cpudan80!java | MeNoS21:06
ubotuMeNoS: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)21:06
=== BlackDiamonds is now known as zoke
ikoniaMeNoS: you've been asked not to discuss PPC in this channel. You know the correct channel is not here21:06
Cpudan80MeNoS: sun-java6-jre21:06
Flare183!nickspam | zoke21:06
ubotuzoke: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines21:06
MeNoSCpudan80 could we discuss this in ubuntu powerPC channel ?21:06
ikoniaCpudan80: this is not the correct place to discuss PPC21:06
Cpudan80ikonia: it's not?21:07
ikoniaCpudan80: no - and the PS3 works slightly differnt than x8621:07
Cpudan80MeNoS: No, I know nothing about PPC21:07
MeNoSi said PPC ,21:07
ikoniaCpudan80: so standard stuff does not work out of the box21:07
MeNoSdidjn't ?21:07
LjL!javappc > MeNoS    (MeNoS, see the private message from Ubotu)21:07
MeNoSik never said anything about x8621:07
pteague_workanybody know what the diff is between fuseiso9660 & fuseiso ?21:07
Cpudan80I think I'll just let this one go, my bad21:07
ikoniaMeNoS: the point is PPC is not appropriate in here - as you where told yesterday21:07
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/  please pm me if u can help21:07
MeNoSLjL , am sure that wouldn't be much of a help21:07
Cpudan80I thought you were talking about x8621:08
ikoniaMeNoS: you'e not even read it yet21:08
LjLMeNoS: well it's the official documentation, what more could you ask.21:08
ixian_hi, does anyone know how to get this wireless card to work? it's a dell wireless 1395 card, and lscpi says this: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller (rev 01)21:08
l00kpHey guys, I need help getting firmware for my linksys bcm4318 wireless card. More info http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53488/21:08
MeNoSikonia , dude what is ur problem ??21:08
Cpudan80!bcm | ixian_21:08
ubotuixian_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:08
IndyGunFreak!wireless | ixian_21:08
MeNoSam not asking you anything21:08
Flare183ixian_: i have the broadcom firmware that you need21:09
IndyGunFreakixian_: if you search the wireless forum on ubuntuforums.org, there's extensive threads on getting broadcomm cards going21:09
sn0l00kp you most likely need the bcm43xx-fwcutter package from universe21:09
Mba7ethhow can i configure d gateway with ifconfig ?21:09
ixian_i need to change the firmware?21:09
l00kpsn0 And after installing the fwcutter package I just "ndiswrapper -i <driver>" as usual?21:09
Flare183ixian_: no you need the firmware in order for the card to work21:09
Flare183!hi | eVAn_cLuBBeRz21:09
ubotueVAn_cLuBBeRz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:09
sn0l00kp im not sure, give it a shot :)21:10
Flare183ixian_: i have both the fwcutter and the firmware21:10
sn0l00kp do you have to use ndiswrapper ?21:10
MeNoSLjL , its because everytime i try to install the jre it it says that files am trying to install depends on the java6.bin or something21:10
l00kpsn0 So I use fwcutter to get the firmware loaded?21:10
MeNoSa file which i tried installing and searched but i never found21:11
LjLMeNoS: that's while installing it from Medibuntu?21:11
Cpudan80LjL - pm21:11
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:11
MeNoSMedubuntu ?21:11
IndyGunFreakMeNoS: all the java files are in the repos.., it installed for me no prob.21:11
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/  please pm me if u can help21:11
LjLMeNoS: so you haven't read the link?21:11
MeNoSi have21:11
* IndyGunFreak laughs at LJL's detective abilities21:11
LjLMeNoS: then how could you not know about medibuntu?21:11
MeNoS i have all the java file but not the java6.bin21:12
ikoniaLjL: I wasted 2 hours with him yesterday21:12
l00kpsn0 Can't find the correct bcm4318 firmware online, can you help me find it?21:12
LjLikonia: let's waste some more21:12
TaskI have 3 partitions.... One for windows.. and two others I havent messed with....  I am install ubuntu 7.10 right now... but I am at the part where I select my partition... how do I set it to the right partition with the Manual feature?21:12
IndyGunFreakikonia: 2hrs?..lol, must have been a slow day, i can't see you having that sort of patience..lol21:12
Cpudan80Task: set the right one?21:12
LjLMeNoS: so, now that you've understood the question - is that while installing from Medibuntu?21:12
Cpudan80Task: You choose the one that matches the size of the empty space21:12
hnazI was trying to auto-mount my crypted home partition.  On boot I get asked for the cryptsetup password; the only problem is that while cryptsetup reads the password it does not turn off the terminal's echo21:13
Cpudan80Task: Probably sda3 (if you have 2 others on others on the same disk, both of which for windows)21:13
whataboutsomeone with dvddecrypter on gutsy?21:13
MeNoSLjL , the link ubotu gave me got nothing to do with medibuntu /21:13
noodlesgcwhatabout yeah21:13
hnazIt can't of course, because the init script doesn't seem to have fd 0 open and the password is read from fd 121:13
hnazwhat is this?  does upstart do weird stuff with stdin/stdout?21:13
LjLMeNoS: eh? what about the part where it says "Note: There is now an easier way to install the IBM JDK, all you have to do is to add the medibuntu-repository to your sources.list "21:13
raboofwhat would be the preferred way to get a recent version of eclipse? just download from eclipse.org and install manually?21:14
geniiLeechzilla:  change "/dev/sde1 /media/External fuseblk rw,nosync,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0"   to be "/dev/sde1 /media/External ntfs sync,umask=222,utf8 0 0"21:14
TaskOk... which would be #5 logical 21 bg space .......I select it with enter and goes to new menu...It has a "USE AS" menu ... What should I set that to?21:14
LjLMeNoS: you know, right there in the "PowerPC" chapter21:14
whataboutnoodlesgc:i've "no devices detected"21:14
whataboutnoodlesgc: can you help me?21:14
Cpudan80raboof: If you really need the most recent version.... but it is in the repos (sudo apt-get install eclipse)21:14
Cpudan80raboof: That might be a little ol21:14
Cpudan80Looks like it's 3.221:14
mikebotDoes anyone know why when I put my computer into hibernation, every time I turn it back on it doesn't act like it's coming out of hibernation, but instead just reboots?21:15
noodlesgcwhatabout change wine settings to windows NT21:15
raboofCpudan80: yeah, and it doesn't seem to work too well either21:15
MeNoSYes LjL , actually i do have the medibuntu on my sources.list21:15
Cpudan80raboof: Works ok on my end -- what's wrong with yours?21:15
Leechzillagenii: Done, but it still won't let me unmount21:15
MeNoSbut i still never manages to get the java installed21:15
raboofCpudan80: i.e. reflection during debugging seems to be borked somehow21:15
* IndyGunFreak installed Java in about 5min by downloading it from java.com..lol21:15
LjLMeNoS: well, having it is not enough, however. which part, exactly, of the PowerPC instructions do you get stuck at? what's the output? (use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to provide us with it)21:15
geniiLeechzilla: sudo umount /media/External21:15
zokeis there a way to either change my wiki name or to link my launchpad account to my forums account ?21:16
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: don't feed him21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
LjLIndyGunFreak: like that's a good idea... not21:16
zoke? source-o0matic21:16
TaskCpudan80 What should I set the partition to for "USE"   Ext3 , Ext2  , JFS , Fat16 , Fat32   ect ect  ?21:16
hnazmikebot: could you make `dmesg` output available?21:16
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.21:16
mikebothnaz: How do I do that?21:16
IndyGunFreakljl:  why not?,... just curious, i guess its always best for newbs to use the repos.21:16
Leechzillagenii: It says it's not mounted, but it is21:16
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: PPC21:16
whataboutnoodlesgc: thanx!!!21:16
IndyGunFreakikonia: ah, thats right.. i forgot he's on PPC.21:16
geniiLeechzilla: If you have some file browser open looking in there, or te command prompt is in there you can't un-mount it either21:16
Cpudan80Task: Depends on what you want to do with it -- ext3 is the most common for *nix21:16
hnazmikebot: by entering dmesg > dmesg.txt and putting dmesg.txt somewhere on a pastebin or similar21:16
Cpudan80Task: If you want to share it with windows, the easiest thing to do would be to use FAT3221:16
MeNoSLjL , i added it and reloaded repository but most of the serveres and sites were not found21:17
LjLIndyGunFreak: newbs? are you kidding me? do you think when i tell (and i do it *repeatedly*, as do most other people here) people to use the repositories, that advice is only intended for "noobs"?21:17
noodlesgcwhatabout: np21:17
LjLi thought it was intended as generally sound advice21:17
mikebothnaz: OK, one moment please.21:17
IndyGunFreakLJL:  no, not at all, i agree with you, use the repos whenever possible.21:17
LjLMeNoS: really? pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and let me see21:17
geniiLeechzilla: Try:   sudo mount -o remount /media/External21:17
wang_flare183 u there?21:17
Leechzillagenii: Nope, nothing. It says "umount: /media/External: not mounted"21:17
Flare183wang_: yeap21:18
MeNoS http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53481/21:18
Leechzillagenii: It says: Remounting is not supported at present. You have to umount volume and then mount it once again.21:18
geniiLeechzilla: Hah.21:18
wang_flare183 wrote u back :D21:18
unagiif i partition my already dual booting hd to install kubuntu to try it out and decide i dont like it and remove it, will that mess with my current setup as far as grub and all that is concerned?21:19
geniiLeechzilla: Does dir /media/External   exist?21:19
IndyGunFreakhmm, how did he end up w/ feisty and gutsy?21:19
Leechzillagenii: Yes.21:19
MeNoSbecause i tried all21:19
Flare183wang_: i don't see nothing new... in the PM that is.21:19
mikebothnaz: =112 ID=6527 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=48270 DPT=41567 WINDOW=16755 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=021:19
mikebot[228790.096000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:1b:77:80:03:c7:00:0f:66:aa:a4:d9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=50 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=44384 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60426 DPT=41659 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=021:19
mikebot[228805.996000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:1b:77:80:03:c7:00:0f:66:aa:a4:d9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=50 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=45591 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60426 DPT=41659 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=021:19
mikebot[228814.924000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:1b:77:80:03:c7:00:0f:66:aa:a4:d9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=49608 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60426 DPT=41659 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=021:19
mikebot[228853.176000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:1b:77:80:03:c7:00:0f:66:aa:a4:d9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=33274 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60426 DPT=41659 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=021:19
TaskOk ... So Partition 1 = Windows    Partition 2 = *nix  Partition = shoud be swap space??21:19
FloodBot1mikebot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:19
mikebot[228853.176000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:1b:77:80:03:c7:00:0f:66:aa:a4:d9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=50 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=47546 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60426 DPT=41659 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=021:19
pewpewpew!paste mikebot21:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste mikebot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:19
TaskOk ... So Partition 1 = Windows    Partition 2 = *nix  Partition = shoud be swap space??21:19
pewpewpewi've tried.21:19
* genii thanks the floodbot21:19
IndyGunFreakpewpewpew: i don't think he really has anything relevant to say.21:19
Flare183!paste | mikebot21:19
ubotumikebot: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:19
wang_flare183 strange well i wrothe that i have a broadcom card21:20
geniiLeechzilla: Try just then:  mount /media/External21:20
pewpewpewIndyGunFreak: I just wanted to contribute for once. :]21:20
hnazmikebot: the kernel's ringbuffer is already eaten up by iptables output as it seems21:20
Leechzillagenii: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sde1 is mounted on /media/External_21:20
IndyGunFreakTask: how big is your third partition21:20
Task80 gigs21:20
MeNoSso LjL, anything am doind wrong ?21:20
LjLMeNoS: you shouldn't have this line: "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ feisty free non-free" unless you are on Feisty. and the line that says "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ Gutsy free non-free" should have a *lowercase* G in gutsy21:20
geniiLeechzilla: You did not edit the /etc/mtab did you?21:20
hnazmikebot: capture the dmesg output immediately after the misbehaved reboot21:20
LeechzillaI didn't21:20
IndyGunFreakTask: thats an absurd amount of space for swap... swap, should usually be 1.5-2x system ram21:21
geniiLeechzilla: Ah, the "_" there might be important21:21
LjLhnaz: it'll be quite some time still before his paste finishes21:21
MeNoSLjL , i didn't had it before but i later added it since nothing was working21:21
Leechzillagenii, but I don't have an External_21:21
TaskSwap = *Nix and Windows can both use that space ?//21:21
LjLMeNoS: well the uppercase G certainly wouldn't help21:21
IndyGunFreakTask: what *I* would do, delete the third partition, and have 1 big second partition, start the installer, and choose to let ubuntu install to the empty partition, once it does that, the installer will automatically set up a swap system for you..21:21
geniiLeechzilla: OK, so safe in this particular instance to remove that 1 line from /etc/mtab    but do not normally ever edit it21:22
IndyGunFreakTask: unless you have some other reason for that third parttion taht i don't know.21:22
Flare183wang_: one secdf21:22
MeNoSok LjL , i removed it again , now am gonna try installing the jre again21:22
LjLMeNoS: you of course need to « sudo apt-get update » first21:22
TaskBasically acting like A dump.... and also where wine apps will be installed21:22
Taskso it can use the existing files off windows installs21:22
IndyGunFreakTask: how big is partition 2?21:23
Leechzillagenii: Any possibility I could mess up something if I do that? It sounds unsafe21:23
Taskummm 20 gigs21:23
sliptteesWhich kernel versio Ubuntu Warty it Has ?21:23
l00kpsn0: Where can i get the firmware file for fwcutter?21:23
LjLslipttees: why would you care? warty has not been supported for ages21:23
=== ChaoticMind is now known as ChaoticMind|afk
Flare183wang_: ok what "version", for example 430121:23
LjL!away > ChaoticMind|afk    (ChaoticMind|afk, see the private message from Ubotu)21:23
craigbass1976Anyone familiar with the convert command?  I'm trying to shrink some images, but can only enlarge them.21:23
ubuntuohey, goes Ubuntu have a "network" applicatin to see how many packets sent/recieved like Windows XP does?21:23
IndyGunFreakTask: guess its jsut a matter of opinion, but i dont' think i' do it like that21:23
Flare183wang_: which one do you have?21:24
MeNoShmm LjL , there is a problem ?21:24
brobostigonwarty is ancient21:24
LjLMeNoS: a problem?21:24
Flare183ubuntuo: ping21:24
wang_flare183 can we use the pm?21:24
sliptteesI know21:24
craigbass1976ubuntuo, tcpdump21:24
TaskBUt if I do... both OS's can use that space ?21:24
IndyGunFreakmy grandmother used warty during the WWI21:24
craigbass1976ubuntuo, ethereal21:24
steckelubuntuo: try ifconfig21:24
Flare183wang_: yeah either that or join #ubuntu-us-sc21:24
sliptteesusing it in Pentium II :D21:24
strongarmis it possible to install the remote access software called Letmein on ubuntu21:24
MeNoSi did the sudo apt-get ypdate and in the end it says E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:24
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
ubuntuothanks guys, but when i click my "network" icon it doesnt display any info like XP does21:24
wang_join #ubuntu-us-sc21:24
LjLMeNoS: close Synaptic or whatever is still using the APT system21:24
ubuntuodoes ubuntu have something for that?21:24
MeNoSis this something that needs to be fixed in my sources.list ?21:25
TaskIndyGunFreak   If I do... bot OS's can use that space?21:25
IndyGunFreakTask: use what space?21:25
geniiLeechzilla: Since the thing was mounted readonly anyways it is fine right now. But as a general rule you don't want to be doing it.21:25
danbhfiveMeNoS: try closing synaptic21:25
sliptteesWhich kernel version Ubuntu Warty it has ?21:25
mikebothnaz: You know what, when I just did it it worked.21:25
[Scooter]hey everyone, has anyone had any luck using the Sony LocationFree with mplayer or anything like that?21:25
Leechzillagenii: It's mounted read/write21:25
craigbass1976ubuntuo, you should have seen a couple of replies from me -- programs that allow you to see network traffic21:25
MeNoSok i did and it says some files failed to download <-- is that a big problem ?>21:25
mikebothnaz: It seems this only happens when my cpmputer is in hibernation for extended periods (like 10 mins or more).21:26
IndyGunFreakTask: if you really want to setup a system like that, it sounds like you'll probably be OK, depending on how much stuff you stick on Partition 2.21:26
adelieis there a guide that would help me get several install CDs on one bootable dvd, and launch whatever installer I want from a bootloader? Specifically, I want ubuntu i386, ubuntu i386 alternate, ubuntu 64-bit, and a live server edition.21:26
ubuntuook thanks21:26
IndyGunFreakTask: but i would put swap and on partition 2.21:26
ubuntuoill try those craigbass197621:26
brobostigonslipttees: no idea,to ancient21:26
LjLMeNoS: "it" what? where? pastebin. giving us partial errors will hardly give us a clue.21:26
geniiLeechzilla: OK, then exit mtab and just unplug it. Then report if:  mount shows /dev/sde1 mounted anywhere still21:26
danbhfiveMeNoS: well, its definitely a problem, I'm jumping into the middle of whatever it is you were doing21:26
geniiLeechzilla: unplug -> usb unplug not power21:26
IndyGunFreakTask: i'm not sure how successful you'll be w/ Windows and Linux sharing programs though.., never tried it, maybet ahts why what you're saying makes no sense to me.21:27
mikebothnaz: I'm unsure if you are reading this or if I am stiill muted..21:27
Leechzillagenii: I already removed the entry I added in fstab so that I can unmount it21:27
toucansamhey, i'm trying to install ubuntu, but every time i get the io/read error.  I've tried with 3 different disks (one a dvd), 3 different cd drives, and verified md5, verified all cds/dvd, and verified disks.  The two first disks had 83 errors on them, and the last one has no errors, but i get the same error when i try to install the os21:28
adelieTask: IndyGunFreak: Sorry if I got late in the conversation, but are you talking about two OS's using the same filesystem at the same time LIVE?21:28
wang_flare183 i m in the other ubuntu chan21:28
IndyGunFreakadelie: no.. I *think*.. what he wants to do, is setup Part 1: Windows  Part2: Linux  Part3: Shared... but he wants programs that he installs to the shared partition, to run from Linux or Windows...21:29
piccoloprincipehello, there is a way to make __autoload load interfaces?21:29
Leechzillagenii: And now when I plug in the drive, it says I'm not privileged to mount21:29
sliptteesbrobostigon: Ubuntu Warty using Kernel
IndyGunFreakadelie: i know with files, that works fine, like keeping a shared music folder, etc, but i don't know abut complete programs21:29
Slarttoucansam: have you tried using one of those cd's in another computer?21:29
toucansamno not really slart21:30
adelieIndyGunFreak: Task: Oh... one partition for everything, and basically use his programs folder as the default programs folder for WINE?21:30
IndyGunFreakadelie: I *think*.. he's kinda lost me to be truthful.21:30
MeNoSLjL , this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53493/21:30
Slarttoucansam: well.. other than blaming it on some kind of small green computer trolls living inside your computer.. I don't really know what to say21:30
toucansamslart: goddamn computer trolls.....21:31
Robotchicken1886has anyone ever had a problem with programs freezing up and crashing on ubuntu21:31
Robotchicken1886after updates21:31
iwafflesif mysql.sock isn't in /tmp/ where would I find it ?21:31
IndyGunFreakadelie: like i said, i don't think there's an issue w/ sharing files, but sharing whole programs, i don't know...21:31
Ayabarais it possible to change the zoom level in nautilus, but not on the desktop icons?21:31
IndyGunFreakadelie: actually, letm e boot my PC it has an XP partition, i'll try to run one of my XP programs under Gutsy.21:31
geniiLeechzilla: If you do:  cat /etc/group|grep pludev                  do you see your username there?21:32
n56good afternoon everyone21:32
heartsbloodIs it possible to shorten the cli so that it doesn't show the cwd?  I'm almost positive there is but I can't remember what or how to do it :x21:32
steckelindygunfreak: sharing programs will likely not work because of registry settings that are written while installing software21:32
ViniPUHxxxkisscum sa intru in ubuntu.ro21:32
Leechzillagenii: Nope21:32
jaggysearching for a mindmapping program for linux21:32
brobostigonn56: good evening21:32
adelieIndyGunFreak: Task: Yeah, that works fine. What does not work is running a program in windows, and the same instance of the program under WINE in a virtual machine at the same time because... lets just say things go bad21:32
tyronepHi i want to make a copy of my recovery partition should I use dd?21:32
IndyGunFreaksteckel: thats my thinking to.., and if i understand what Task is wanting to do, thats what he wants to do.21:32
MeNoSIndyGunFreak , what in ur Software Sources do you have ticked ?21:33
noodlesgcheartsblood, you could just use the sh shell21:33
IndyGunFreakMeNoS: gobs of stuff.21:33
tyronepand if I use dd how can I copy that file back to another hard drive?21:33
jaggysearching for a mindmapping program for linux any ideas ??????21:33
heartsbloodnoodlesgc: isn't there a command that will do that?21:33
puargshey all - I have a quick question: is there a GUI frontend for the GCC C++ compiler? i'm an experienced programmer on windows, but would like to try my hand at writing linux apps.. anyone know of a good place to start?21:33
IndyGunFreakMeNoS: are you still trying to install java?21:33
heartsbloodnoodlesgc, I don't mean to use sh I mean to create a brief view of the term21:33
brobostigonjaggy: do a search at packages.ubuntu.com21:33
computerany way i can open a .ram file?21:34
jaggyk ty brobostigon21:34
noodlesgcheartsblood im sure there is, i dont know what it is21:34
MeNoSyea ...21:34
brobostigoncomputer: real player21:34
steckelcomputer: try mplayer21:34
CreedIs it possible to use OpenVPN to tunnel only one IP? I want to have all internet access go through normally but my ISP packet shapes VoIP traffic so I want to tunnel only the VoIP connection to the main server.21:34
Cpudan80puargs: Well you need the development package, do you have that?21:34
taintedcan anyone help me with what appears to have become a ghost nick?21:34
danbhfivepuargs: what kind of apps?21:34
ViniPUHxxxkissaoleuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu cu romani21:35
IndyGunFreakTask: i just tried what your'e wanting to do, and i don't think thats gonna work.21:35
tyronep Hi i want to make a copy of my recovery partition should I use dd? and if I use dd how can I copy that file back to another hard drive?21:35
IndyGunFreakat least it didn't for me.21:35
stroyanheartsblood: If you are talking about the bash shell cli prompt, then you can change PS1 and PROMPT_COMMAND to change the prompt.  They are set in ~/.bashrc21:35
puargsCpudan80: yessir21:35
Cpudan80puargs: I dont know of any graphical g++ thing --- ddd is a graphical debugger, and there a million and one C++ IDEs for Ubuntu21:35
ViniPUHxxxkisscu roooooooooooomani21:35
l00kpNeed help finding bcm4318 wl_apsta.o firmware file for fwcutter. Where do I download that from?21:35
Cpudan80!ops | ViniPUHxxxkiss21:35
ubotuViniPUHxxxkiss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!21:35
Cpudan80ViniPUHxxxkiss: Dont be an idiot21:35
heartsbloodsytroyan: there isn't a command for it on the fly?21:36
Robotchicken1886ok so does anyone know what is the best program to replace itunes that allows upload to ipods from computer21:36
nixternalthanks Cpudan8021:36
Cpudan80!helpercookie | nixternal21:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helpercookie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:36
puargsokedoke, let me ask a new question then: what's a good gui C++ IDE for ubuntu? :D21:36
stroyanjaggy: Perhaps vym21:36
nixternalmmm cookie :)21:36
Cpudan80nixternal: Thanks, and sorry that ubotu didn't give you a cookie :-/21:36
MeNoSIndyGunFreak , sun-java6-jre:21:36
MeNoS Depends: sun-java6-bin (=6-03-0ubuntu2) but it is not installable or21:36
MeNoS ia32-sun-java6-bin (=6-03-0ubuntu2) but it is not installable21:36
Cpudan80Ahhh paste!21:36
jaggyok ty stroyan21:36
Robotchicken1886ok so does anyone know what is the best program to replace itunes that allows upload to ipods from computer21:36
CreedCan anyone help me setup OpenVPN to tunnel/route only a certain IP? Trying to bypass packet shaping by my ISP for Ventrilo.21:36
stroyanheartsblood: You can set PS1='% '21:37
alpacohow do I visually kill a window? there used to be some skeleton icon when you pressed ctrl+alt+esc21:37
ikoniaMeNoS: I've been thorugh this with you yesterday21:37
noodlesgcpuargs: anjuta21:37
pteague_workok, i installed the gpg key for medibuntu, but apt-get is telling me that i'm trying to install untrusted packages - "non-free-codecs libdvdcss2 libavformat1d w32codecs amarok-xine amarok"21:37
IndyGunFreakMeNoS: i really don't know, i'm not that familiar w/ the PPC version of Ubuntu.21:37
Leechzillaalpaco: xkill21:37
Cpudan80What is the name of the development pacakge?21:37
puargsnoodlesgc: thanks!21:37
Cpudan80I always forget it21:37
heartsbloodstroyan: ah ty21:37
IndyGunFreak!hardy | Cpudan8021:37
ubotuCpudan80: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:37
danbhfiveCpudan80: build-essentials?21:37
IndyGunFreakis that what you meant?21:37
Cpudan80build-essentials, there we go21:37
Cpudan80IndyGunFreak: no lol21:37
LjL-TempMeNoS: i'm not entirely sure why, but your repository (not just the medibuntu one) are all messed up...21:37
IndyGunFreakol, oh, build-essential..lol, i was close21:37
=== tuXXXinator_ is now known as rmrf
n56i need help getting my dell wireless 1350 WLAN MiniPCI Card21:38
alpacoLeechzilla: thanks21:38
n56ubuntu 7.1021:38
l00kpNeed help finding bcm4318 wl_apsta.o firmware file for fwcutter. Anybody mind helping locate the file on internet?21:38
Cpudan80danbhfive: It's build-essential btw21:38
Cpudan80!wireless | n5621:38
ubotun56: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:38
danbhfiveMeNoS: why dont you use the default repos?21:38
taintedAnyone know how I can kill a ghost nick using irssi? Ive been trying, but unsuccesfully.21:38
MeNoSLjL-Temp ?? mind given me your sources.list ??21:39
LjL-Temp!ghost > tainted    (tainted, see the private message from Ubotu)21:39
LjL-TempMeNoS, useless, i'm not on PPC21:39
Pici!sourceomatic | MeNoS21:39
ubotuMeNoS: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.21:39
IndyGunFreakMeNoS: if he's nto using PPC, it wont' work21:39
alpacohow do i delete a folder in my gnome Applications menu?21:39
erUSULtainted: /msg NickServ ghost nick ?? it is the same for all clients21:39
MeNoSoh well21:39
MeNoSthanks for your help21:39
Leechzilla 22:40:33 up 32 days,  4:31, 11 users,  load average: 1.22, 1.27, 1.2521:39
iwaffleshow can I find out where my mysql.sock is?21:39
sayersLeechzilla, warm hardware is sad hardware21:40
iwafflesmysql is running, however I can't seem to find the socket file21:40
l00kpI'm  bcm4318 wl_apsta.o firmware file for fwcutter. Can someone help me locate it?21:40
smilevilhow can i add force to my hard disk ntfs for ever on fstab21:40
ikoniaiwaffles: normally a temp location /tmp is normal21:40
taintederUSUL: I think so, it just tells me that is in incorrect pw though...which its not, and when I connect Im told my nick is owned by Nate@MYIP21:40
ikoniaiwaffles: it's also in the confi file21:40
iwafflesikonia: It's not there21:40
taintedbasically saying the nick is owned by me21:40
Cpudan80iwaffles: Normally its 330621:40
LeechzillaIt's okay, sayers. I buy a new system every year21:40
sayersLeechzilla, :(21:40
ikoniaCpudan80: thats a port - not a socket21:41
IndyGunFreakLeechzilla: ?. really?.. i used to, then i started Using Ubuntu, and i've not built one in 4..lol, cuz they all still run great.21:41
l00kpNeed help finding bcm4318 wl_apsta.o firmware file for fwcutter.21:41
Cpudan80ikonia: Right, but I think he probably wants the port # over the socket file21:41
Cpudan80What's he gonna do with the socket file?21:41
LeechzillaIndyGunFreak, yeah almost every year. I like buying the newest laptops21:41
Cpudan80I hope not manually write to it21:41
iwaffleslol no21:41
smilevil how can i add force to my hard disk ntfs forever on fstab21:41
Cpudan80That would be... insane21:41
IndyGunFreakLeechzilla: i see..21:42
brobostigoni bought my ibook 5 years ago, and still runs perfect21:42
iwafflesI just totally forgot where to find it's location21:42
ikoniaCpudan80: I think he wants the socket file21:42
noodlesgcl00kp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear21:42
LjL-TempMeNoS: ah, wait... the problem with Medibuntu must be some temporary problem with *their* servers, because it's not working for me either (and it's worked for a long time)21:42
iwafflesI need the abs path21:42
iwafflesthat's all21:42
iwafflesthanks ikonia21:42
Robotchicken1886ok so here is my problem, almost any program i open crashes/will not respond as soon as i open it,   all programs are up to date and my system is up to date21:42
Cpudan80iwaffles: oh21:42
iwaffleswho would have thought /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock21:42
ikoniaiwaffles: normally /tmp but it is called out in the confi file21:42
ikoniaiwaffles: well done21:42
MeNoSLjL-temp , really ?21:42
Whyvasanyone know where do get help with hostap drivers?21:42
l00kpHi. Need help finding bcm4318   wl_apsta.o firmware file for fwcutter.21:42
kutawhat software can extract songs out from ipod?21:43
LjLMeNoS: yes, i get the same as you when trying to update: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently [IP: 80]21:43
Cpudan80Boy that's a popular topic today21:43
n56thx cpudan8021:43
LjLMeNoS: i guess it's just a temporary hiccup21:43
Valkyriegot problems with my WLan: the front button to enable/disable WLan isn't working, and so is my WLan. although the WLan card is recognized correctly in the hardware information window. any idea how to activate it?21:43
Cpudan80kuta: Rythmbox can do it - as can gtkpod21:43
brobostigonkuta: gtkpod is one option21:43
ikoniaLjL: I think there was a problem with the index file containing some of the java stuff21:43
zengenThere are two accounts on our computer and sometimes when switching between the two X restarts for no reason.  Does anyone know what might be causing this?  Using 7.10.21:43
ubotul00kp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:43
MeNoSwell , so guess what i'd been doing was right all along21:43
ikoniaLjL: people commented on it the other day when some packages where rebuilt21:44
LjLikonia, elaborate? which java stuff? the ppc one? i'm testing this on i386, and it worked until, well, yesterday or so21:44
l00kplex_zzz and ubotu: I read the documentation; I just need help finding the correct firmware file on the internet.21:44
=== lex_zzz is now known as lex_
LjLikonia: "301 moved permanently" though, that's a little weird in my mind... especially since i can browse the place fine21:44
noodlesgcl00kp, make use of google21:44
ikoniaLjL: ahh no, this wasn't java - this was just some PPC packages only that had been rebuilt and the index file wasn't updated21:44
=== tuXXXinator_ is now known as rm-rf_
ikoniaLjL: different error21:44
_moshezI'm looking into ubuntu automated installation21:44
CreedCan anyone help me setup OpenVPN to tunnel/route only a certain IP? Trying to bypass packet shaping by my ISP for Ventrilo.21:45
_moshezgoogling showed very few solutions :(21:45
Pici!install > _moshez (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)21:45
ubotuping: unknown host21:45
IndyGunFreak_moshez: how much more automated do you want it?.. it partitions your hard drive and installs, about as easy as XP21:45
l00kpnoodlesgc: I did try google. Still can't find it.21:45
kbrooksl00kp, http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-
chaosrldoes anyone know a fix for a broken notification area?21:45
_moshezIndyGunFreak: completely hands off21:45
LjLMeNoS: retry now - it's not giving the error anymore for me21:45
l00kpkbrooks: Many thanks.21:45
ikoniamoonlite: deb installer and kickstart are your friends with pxe boot and dhcp21:45
IndyGunFreak_moshez: well, thats just unrealistic21:46
kutacan rhythmbox copy the mpeg movies files from ipod too?21:46
geniiLeechzilla: I need to go. But back online in about 2 hours21:46
Vorondi1Hi all, I need a little help with apcupsd if anyone is familiar with it.  I think I have everything set up correctly, but none of the apctest stuff works.  See http://pastebin.com/m46f0fbc2  All of apctest's options result in a similar "I don't know how..." message.  Am I doing something wrong?  I'll paste configs if anyone wants to see them.21:46
kbrooksl00kp, bookmark http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4321:46
Leechzillagenii: Okay.21:46
alhi all. can anyone help a newbie accessing his winXP partition?21:46
_moshezIndyGunFreak: why is that? I don't mind preparing a CD with all needed debs and answers21:46
Cpudan80al: It's mounted at /media/21:47
LjLMeNoS: wait, no... it is21:47
scottjSo some bright person created a directory with a name like -directoryName. How do I escape the - so I can actually cd into it?21:47
noodlesgcal, just open Computer and it should show up21:47
Cpudan80al: Reading off of it isnt a prob21:47
kbrooksl00kp, search in your browser (ctrl+f) for firmware installation on that page21:47
alCpudan80: lemme check ...21:47
_moshezscottj: cd ./-directory21:47
Cpudan80al: You could just open my computer - as noodlesgc says21:47
LjLor cd "\-test", that works too with cd21:47
alnope, no windows directory21:48
Vorondi1Yeah, \ is escape, not /.21:48
alit worked before, when I installed an earlier version of ubuntu21:48
jimmygoonCan some PLEASE help me. XCHAT crashes everytime I cut text which is very often :(21:48
joe__I used to have a little icon up near my clock, for my printer que, for some reason I set it not to display there, how can I get that back?21:48
=== tuXXXinator_ is now known as rm-rf_
noodlesgcal how man drives show up?21:48
LjLVorondi1: but nobody said that / would escape. what was said was to prefix ./ and that works, too21:48
alcdrom floppy21:48
al(and a few files)21:48
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: that would seem to be extremely unusual, are you using the version thats in the repos?21:48
Vorondi1So you don't have to escape the dash?21:49
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, yes21:49
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, I even aptitude reinstalled21:49
joe__jimmygoon: I am not sure how badly you want to stick with Xchat, I use Konversation and I have no probs with it21:49
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: weird... maybe try xchat-gnome.. i don't know.. never heard that one.21:49
noodlesgcal paste computer:/// to you filemanager addressbar21:49
LjLVorondi1: no, why? the dash is only a problem if the command tries to interpret it as an option. but if it's not the *first* character of the parameter, then it won't even think about interpreting it as an option.21:49
alI think I have a pre-final version of kubuntu installed ... can this be the reason why it's not working properly?21:49
seo1do i will have a maximum size file on a ext3 filesystem?21:50
Vorondi1LjL: Ah, I see.21:50
tushydis there a way to list all installed applications in terminal?21:50
LjLal: it surely could21:50
LjLtushyd: dpkg --get-selections21:50
f1sh3ri screwed up my graphics drivers on my laptop, and now i cant use compiz21:50
tushydLjl, thanks! very quick response. :)21:50
LjLtushyd: or dpkg -l for slightly different information21:50
tushyddpkg --get-selections21:50
al'strigi desktop search' shows up21:50
tushyddpkg --get-selections21:50
ikoniaf1sh3r: how did you mess it up21:50
noodlesgcf1sh3r eaht gfx card?21:50
LjLtushyd: err... not on IRC though21:50
f1sh3ri tried using a second monitor21:51
noodlesgcf1sh3r try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:51
IndyGunFreak!info sauerbaten21:51
ubotuPackage sauerbaten does not exist in gutsy21:51
IndyGunFreak!info sauerbraten21:51
ubotusauerbraten (source: sauerbraten): 3D first-person game engine. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.0.20070413.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 427 kB, installed size 1056 kB21:51
keirwhat is the recommended way to install flash? seeing as how the package is broken by md5sum?21:52
alnoodlesgc: 'strigi desktop search' shows up21:52
sklyarhowto run vino?21:52
IndyGunFreakkeir: i downloaded the source from adobe.com, and had it installed in 5sec21:52
joe__I used to have a little icon up near my clock, for my printer que, for some reason I set it not to display there, how can I get that back?21:52
keiri can't believe this isn't fixed yet21:52
keirit makes ubuntu look very bad21:52
ikoniakeir: no it doesn't21:52
ikoniakeir: the problem is adobe21:53
IndyGunFreakkeir: its not ubuntu's fault21:53
IndyGunFreakthe problem is adobe21:53
ikoniakeir: all the other distros have the same problem21:53
keirit doesn't matter who's fault it is21:53
ikoniakeir: comments like that make you look bad21:53
noodlesgcal try: system:/media/21:53
keirubuntu needs to Just Deal21:53
ikoniakeir: don't be silly21:53
ikoniakeir: you need to DEAL21:53
danbhfivekeir: it is odd that it isn't fixed, but its simple to install yourself,  just download flash, and put it into your plugins folder21:53
keiri.e. roll out updated flashplugin deb that has the other md5's21:53
white_eaglewhat the hell are you talking about keir?21:53
ikoniakeir: its not md5 sums21:53
ikoniakeir: which shows how little you understand. Don't be so quick to pass comments21:53
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: lol, i don't think he knows.21:53
taintedkeir: sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin worked for my friend...if youre using firefox of course21:53
white_eagle:) кај си бе21:54
darthAnyone think they can help me with wine? I'm getting an error right after a fresh install...21:54
ikoniawhite_eagle: you know this is an english channe21:54
ikoniawhite_eagle:  you've been here long enough21:54
ikoniawhite_eagle: why do it ?21:54
taintedkeir: if not you can try libflash-swfplayer21:54
ikoniawhite_eagle: you know the rules21:54
act1v8hey white_eagle, I don't think it's an UTF channel :)21:54
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
eshini am noob, i have install ubuntu xD21:54
white_eagleI was just saying hi21:54
white_eaglenot alloweD?21:54
keiris fix planned? or is this going to wait until hardy?21:54
ikoniawhite_eagle: you know it's an english channel21:54
usr13Trying to watch DVD but getting error:  No demuxer found - stream format not recognised.21:55
alnoodlesgc: I see 3 partitions, 2 of them seem to be windows'.  when trying to access them, I get "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000"21:55
white_eagleokok, it won't happen21:55
ikoniakeir: it's NOT ubuntu's issue21:55
noodlesgcal you must be root21:55
yodridesin my gnome desktop all of my windows are opening in the top left hand corner and I cannot move them.  Does anyone know what might be the cause of this?21:55
nikishkaCan anyone suggest help with a VNC server problem?  VNCServer opens with the desktop background...and that's all...21:55
usr13Can someone tell me what needs to be installed?  Or .... ?21:55
act1v8How can I embed metadata in a PDF file. I know you can do it with XMP, but that is an external file. I need something written to the actual PDF. How can I do this?21:55
white_eaglekeir, did you understood what was the problem?21:55
danbhfiveikonia: would you mind explaining the issue in ubuntu-offtopic?  I'm curious too...21:55
alnoodlesgc: hm, I will try21:55
ikoniadanbhfive: sure21:55
keirikonia: can you enlighten me? if i can install via adobe.com, it seems to me that a official ubuntu install script should work too.21:55
noodlesgcusr13 libdvd3 libdvdcss21:55
erik__Hey- I have an issue with an IBM T61- The volume / brightness controls work, and appear on screen, however though it SHOWS it happening, the sound volume stays the same and so does brightness. Any help? 7.10.  Thanks in advance!21:56
noodlesgcusr13 *libdvdread321:56
ikoniakeir: no - there is more to it thatn md5 checksums21:56
danbhfivekeir: /j #ubuntu-offtopic to find out21:56
darthlooking for help with wine21:56
tim167hi all, is there a tool that allows me to zoom in on my desktop? (display part or all of it bigger)21:56
usr13couldn't find package libdvd321:56
noodlesgcdarth #wine21:56
keirikonia: ok21:56
darththank you21:56
iwaffleshow do you create a symlink?21:56
act1v8tim167: if you are using compiz/beryl yes21:56
iwafflesln -s?21:56
seo1 i have mount a smb (mount -t smbfs ....) directory on windows xp computer, i want to copy two files 1GB and 9GB , i can have the first but the process stop before for the second, i have free space?21:57
kahrytaniwaffles➲  right click in nautilus and create link21:57
white_eagletim167, the windows logo and 121:57
act1v8iwaffles: ln -s /file /symlink21:57
usr13libdvdcss has no installation candidate21:57
tim167act1v8, hmm i'm not using compiz21:57
julio_Hello folks21:57
noodlesgcusr13 my mistake, its libdvdread3, you need the medibuntu repo21:57
IndyGunFreak!dvd | usr1321:57
ubotuusr13: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:57
julio_I need your hel!21:57
kahrytaniwaffles➲  and what act1v8 said21:57
white_eaglehel ariving!21:57
iwaffles:-P, Thank you :)21:57
julio_I can't play my 3D games21:57
act1v8tim167: then you'd have to use gnome's acessability options21:57
tim167white_eagle is that on compiz?, it doesnt work here...21:57
kahrytanusr13➲  libdvdcss2 can be found at videolan website as well.21:57
act1v8they have a magnifier somewhere21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ljl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
usr13noodlesgc: libdvdread3 is already the newest version.21:58
white_eaglejulio_, ati  card?21:58
julio_let explain21:58
kahrytanjulio_➲ appdb.winehq.org is your friend for windows games21:58
noodlesgcusr13 do you have libdvdcss2 ?21:58
julio_white_eagle, e did a image... wait a second please21:58
kahrytanjulio_➲ apdb.winehq.org is your friend for windows games oops21:58
alnoodlesgc: sorry for this newbie question but what is root's default pass?  I only had to type in the one for my account during installation21:58
tim167act1v8, ok where can i find those ?21:58
act1v8tim167: one sec21:58
LjL_moro_bana_: yes?21:58
white_eaglekahrytan, it doesn't have to mean that he has problems with windows games21:59
white_eaglelet him speak21:59
Vorondi1Is anyone around familiar with apcupsd?  I have a backups xs 900 connected via usb.  apctest claims it can talk to the ups, but all the options result in an "I don't know how to.." message.  (Like this http://pastebin.com/m46f0fbc2).  Any help would be appreciated.21:59
julio_kahrytan, i'm not running WINE21:59
noodlesgcal dont know, you have to set i think , when you type sudo, type you usr password21:59
kahrytanwhite_eagle➲  try21:59
act1v8tim167: System > Assistive Technology Preferences21:59
kahrytanjulio_➲  what are you running21:59
white_eagletim167, if you have a good gr. card compiz is a perfect sollution21:59
julio_i'm playing simple 3d games21:59
_moro_bana_LjL: no nothing i thought you were one of those bots21:59
oddalothow do i give permission to write to a folder for the gui?21:59
white_eaglejulio_, ati card?21:59
julio_wait a second21:59
julio_Assault Cube21:59
act1v8tim167: or, if you don't have that22:00
julio_And a little flight simulater22:00
Pici!enter | julio_22:00
ubotujulio_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:00
FastZtheres a flight sim for linux?!22:00
white_eagleyes FastZ22:00
_moro_bana_julio_ which games i have been looking for 3d22:00
tim167white_eagle, i can't run nvidia drivers, it says my hardware 'doesnt need any restricted drivers'22:00
IndyGunFreakFastZ: its hard as hell..22:00
act1v8tim167: System > Preferred Applications > Visual > Orca > Run at start (checked)22:00
nacho_i found a bug in anjuta package22:00
white_eagletim167, and that means no compiz?22:00
julio__moro_bana_, are simple games22:00
nacho_is missing the g++ dependencie in hardy22:00
FastZwhite_eagle: where can I get it?22:01
act1v8white_eagle: what are you talking about :) :) :)22:01
IndyGunFreak!info flightgear | FastZ22:01
ubotufastz: flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.10-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2118 kB, installed size 5604 kB22:01
tim167white_eagle i spose compiz requires hqrdware acceleration22:01
julio_DONE! see this image: http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturadatelawm7.png22:01
_moro_bana_julio_: ok22:01
white_eaglethere he was22:01
nacho_without that dependency anjuta can't generate the tags for symbol browser plugin22:01
act1v8tim167: yes22:01
pricechild!hardy | nacho_22:01
ubotunacho_: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:01
FastZwhite_gear: oh cool, it's in the repos.22:01
white_eagleact1v8, tim167 then the act1v8's solution should work22:01
alnoodlesgc: I've started konqueror with sudo but it's giving me the same error message22:01
julio_somebody here saw it before22:02
_moro_bana_how the ubuntu releases named, are those names of people22:02
white_eagleI will see it22:02
kahrytanjulio_➲  italian or spanish?22:02
alnoodlesgc: I'll just reinstall it all, thanks for your help anyway22:02
act1v8tim167: do you need assistive technologies; that is are you disabled in some way by using the computer22:02
julio_kahrytan, i'm brazilian22:02
act1v8tim167: or do you need just to zoom in some things, for fun :)22:02
noodlesgcal you shouldn't have too22:03
julio_kahrytan, my pc is on-board22:03
tim167act1v8, no, it's because i have to do a presentation and i want to be able to enlarge certain things on the desktop22:03
noodlesgcal does it work when booting off a cd22:03
kahrytanjulio_➲ oh. spanish language.22:03
act1v8tim167: well, Compiz works best for that... but22:03
act1v8you can use Orca too :)22:03
julio_kahrytan, KKKKKKKKKKK22:03
act1v8tim167: try running magnifier -m22:03
alnoodlesgc: haven't tried that ... gonna try it now. thanks22:03
kahrytanjulio_➲  but look at video drivers22:04
julio_kahrytan, in Brazil we speak PORTUGUESE22:04
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:04
tim167act1v8,  ah cool i'll install that and have a look...22:04
* kahrytan slaps himself.22:04
tim167act1v8,  hm magnifier is not in apt repositories22:05
act1v8tim167: no, it's part of gnome22:05
white_eagleow, julio_ that hurts22:05
kahrytanjulio_➲  I don't know about yet but check with the drivers22:05
act1v8tim167: try doing magnifier -z 10 -m22:05
act1v8tim167: and then do <Super><Scroll Up/Down> for zooming in/out22:06
white_eaglejulio_, please tell me what kind of g. card22:06
white_eagledo you have22:06
julio_kahrytan, let me explain the case... I was playing these games normally... but i don't now why.. The games are completely twisted22:06
tim167act1v8,  magnifier returns command not found , says i have to install it...22:06
=== max__ is now known as SwMax
act1v8tim167: then look for a package named orca22:06
julio_white_eagle, let me see22:06
white_eagletim167, so sudo apt-get install it22:07
julio_I use a Mother-boarde ASRock...22:07
usr13Still says: No demuxer found - stream format not recognised22:07
chazcoHi... is it possible to backup my gedit settings (i think they're in the gconf registry)?22:07
julio_Model K7VM322:07
cfchris6is there a way to install the i686-pc-linux-gnu compilers on ubuntu? At the moment I only have the i484* ones...22:08
kahrytanjulio_➲  If it was working before then not anymore. try the card in windows pc.22:08
julio_ help you it in something?22:08
tim167white_eagle act1v8,  ok i installed orca, but it gives 'Failed to open buffer' it wont run22:08
neverbluejulio_, what are you trying to do ?22:08
julio_neverblue, play games hahaha22:09
act1v8tim167: that's weird22:09
white_eaglevery weird22:09
tim167white_eagle act1v8,  ill try a reboot22:09
darthdoes flash install broken mean i can't get flash at all...?22:09
neverbluejulio_, can you please get more specific about what your problem is (*in one line*)22:09
=== voiceofatwin is now known as twingod
julio_Before was all right... but now the image is twisted22:09
julio_neverblue, YEP! give me a minute22:09
neverblue!enter | julio_22:09
ubotujulio_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:09
chaosrldoes anyone have a fix for the notification area being broken?22:10
usr13anyone know what all needs to be installed in order to play DVDs?22:10
tritiumchaosrl: what do you mean?22:10
pricechild!dvd | usr1322:10
ubotuusr13: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:10
* jimmygoon_ curses xchat for crashing 4 times since I logged into today22:10
tim167white_eagle act1v8,  nope, i get 'Failed to send buffer'22:10
erUSULchaosrl: define broken22:10
tritium!enter | white_eagle22:10
ubotuwhite_eagle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:10
act1v8tim167: then I really don't know what to say22:10
l3sti'm new to ubuntu and xchat22:11
l3stwhat is the equivalent of /server -m from mIRC on xchat?22:11
unagiis it possible to add a link to the gdm manager that will execute a script in my home folder?22:11
tim167act1v8, no problem, thanks anyway22:11
ImpietyI just installed kde4 just to see it and use it, and now aptitude is trying to remove everything22:11
chaosrlerUSUL, tritium: today when i booted up, my notification area does the following: i'm able to drag it and move it, right click brings up the popup menu for the notification area app, and not for the icon i'm clicking, left click does nothing. opening pidgin/rythmbox will result in the icon showing up in the tray, but i can do nothing with it.22:11
act1v8tim167: np22:12
erUSULchaosrl: have you tried to remove the not area and add a new one ?22:12
neverbluel3st, there is an #xchat channel, possibly check there ?22:12
tritiumchaosrl: must be an isolated case.  It hasn't been updated recently, and it's not broken for others.22:12
aahanyone have time to guide me through installation troubleshooting?  I'm trying to install 7.10 on a Dell Vostro 400, and it crashes hard at start of install (after the splash, after choosing install).  I have no idea what boot options might help.22:12
l3stthanks neverblue22:12
wang_Hi can anyone  help me with my wlan problem .. already isntalled the drivers, did the wpa supplement (all by the book), can also see my router but can t connect. If i try t start dhcclient this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/  please pm me if u can help22:12
xerxes1358Question: Are there any good Windows Vista FONTS substitute for Linux? I noticed that fonts are really much better looking on vista than linux22:13
AngryElfwould anyone like to take a crack at why my messages in Evolution are not automatically getting filtered by my rules?  crtl+y forces the filters to be run, and they work -- just not automagically22:13
chaosrlerUSUL, yes, i've tried removing/adding, new panel, deleting /.gnome/apps/panel22:13
jorge_esta aqui alguem de portugal??22:13
erUSULchaosrl: aouch...22:13
erUSUL!pt | jorge_22:13
julio_LINE 1 - it is simple. I'm running ubunut 7.10 in my computer (Mother-board K7VM3) now. And tomorrow i was playing light games like Assault Cube and Mania Drive. But today, the games are with yours respective images twisted! I don't now why it is happiness!22:13
ubotujorge_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:14
jorge_que sistema usas?22:14
chaosrlerUSUL, perhaps post three here can give you an idea? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=420515022:14
=== jimmygoon_ is now known as jimmygoon
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about peerguardian - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:14
bkarwang_-> does it work without wpa?22:14
DatalancheHi. This is kinda OT but the nvidia channel seems to be mute. ;) I am building a new PC, all Ubuntu, and regarding the video card. I want NVidia since ATI's new fglrx drivers still suck. Anyway, question is: In the hardware accelerated video using Xvmc, does it accelerate all video or only selected codecs?22:14
_moro_bana_!repeat | julio_22:14
ubotujulio_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:14
Robotchicken1886i have no idea what is wrong with my computer22:14
julio_LINE 2 - One observation tomorrow i played my games normally!22:14
wang_bkar ... hmm never tried22:14
Robotchicken1886after a few updates things just got all messed up22:15
neverblueDatalanche, maybe ask in #compiz ?22:15
Robotchicken1886programs freeze and crash22:15
neverblueRobotchicken1886, keep it to a single line please22:15
DatalancheWhat does compiz have to do with video acceleration?22:15
julio_These ubotu are crazy! Who manager this boot???!22:15
danandxerxes1358 - try msttcorefonts22:15
bkarwang_-> lots of people get into same problem as yours because they have not even proven connectivity on the clear without wpa22:16
ScorpKinghi everyone. i replaced my motherboard and now have eth2. i know somewhere in /etc/ there's a file where i can bind the mac address to eth? but i can't find it. i think it's /etc/iftap but must be mistaken. anyone know where i can change eth2?22:16
Robotchicken1886anyone know what might cause all my programs to freeze and crash,  all my stuff is up to date22:16
ThipThipWhat's the easiest way to find out where on my filesystem a .deb installed to?22:16
julio_LINE 3 - You can see how the games are clicking there: http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturadatelawm7.png22:16
neverblueRobotchicken1886, run them in a terminal, it should give the output from the application, to assist with troubleshooting22:16
bkarScorpKing-> /etc/iftab  but it seems not all ubuntu has same features22:16
xerxes1358danand, are they going to look the same as MS's fonts ?22:17
neverblueThipThip, which <program> (yes, which is a command)22:17
erUSULchaosrl: well the how to of astalavista seems like a chamanic dance to me. :P add remove then remove add switch monitors enable disable twinview...22:17
erUSULchaosrl: no clue sorry22:17
erUSULbkar: iftab is no longer honored22:17
TaskI am running 2 OS's on My hard drive... it has been partitioned into 3    First Partition = Windows 40 GIGS    Second Partition =  Ubuntu  20 GIGS  and the third partition = SWAP AREA  90 GIGS   ... I need that space for windows to install programs... and for ubuntu ... to use that space with wine on existing windows progs...... But my 3rd partition isnt showing up in windows....22:17
bpage_anybody ever setup an old ati 128 card? I'm haveing some trouble22:17
chaosrlerUSUL, ok, thanks anyways!22:17
erUSULScorpKing: edit /etc/udev/rules.d/22:17
bpage_I can get vesa but nothing more22:17
AngryElfIs it possible to make the maximize buttons work like OSX and only expand "big enough" to fit the application????22:17
erUSULScorpKing: edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules22:17
danandThipThip dpkg -L | --listfiles package ... List files installed to your system from package.22:18
ScorpKingerUSUL: ah thanks22:18
ThipThipneverblue:  interesting.  Thank you.  The command returned /usr/bin/freemind, but the freemind located there seems to be neither an executable nor a folder22:18
Datalanchebpage_: I have at work. It's not supported by fglrx anymore, but it should with the the "ati" driver22:18
dee_czhello i just managed to install Ubuntu 7.10 but the boot time is very long (2mins+), and all there is during the time is a blank screen and hdd occasinally working.. what could be wrong?22:18
ScorpKingbkar: i think it's on 7.04 btw ;)22:18
xomphey guys, I need to re-enable the battery notification in gnome. I was getting prompts that my battery was disconnecting/connecting so I chose to stop seeing the messages. Any way to enable this again?22:19
wang_bkar what do u mean by that?22:19
bkarScorpKing-> saw erUSUL posting?22:19
danandxomp - look in gnome control centre22:19
ScorpKingbkar: yes thanks. doing it now :)22:19
bkarwang_-> try it on the clear before using wpa, to make sure they work22:19
neverblueThipThip, thats where the 'execute' part of the program is, the rest can be found by using 'locate freemind' (permissions come into affect when using locate, if you dont have permissions to view it, then do 'sudo su', then 'locate <program> )22:20
_moro_bana_dee_cz yes right click on any taskbar and click add22:20
xompdanand, I don't see a gnome control centre.22:20
xerxes1358If I do a Internet insall of Ubuntu can I chose the specific packages I want to install? Ubunutu installs lots of unnecesarry stuff when installed from DVD. Also is KDE 4 available?22:20
bpage_Datalanche : I tried changing vesa to ati in the xorg.conf but it failed. funny colors and patterns???22:20
aahanyone have time to guide me through installation troubleshooting?  I'm trying to install 7.10 on a Dell Vostro 400, and it crashes hard at start of install (after the splash, after choosing install).  I have no idea what boot options might help.22:20
wang_bkar how do i modifie the wpa_suplifent if it s clear?22:20
_moro_bana_dee_cz: i mean click on any panel22:20
brobostigon!kde4 | xerxes135822:21
ubotuxerxes1358: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:21
danandThipThip In terminal type: dpkg -L freemind22:21
dee_cz_moro_bana_: sure thats for me? i had a boot time problem22:21
ScorpKingerUSUL , bkar: thanks again. it's now fixed.22:21
neverblueaah, check both the media and the RAM, (memtest) to confirm those are in working condition first22:21
Robotchicken1886ok let me try this,   how would i go about returning the original state22:21
erUSULScorpKing: no problem22:21
neverblueaah, those checks are right on the installation CD (media)22:22
Robotchicken1886like is there a system reset or something22:22
bkarwang_-> do not use wpa on your client and on the AP, just connect without wep or wpa,22:22
_moro_bana_dee_cz; ah! i misread your msg22:22
aahneverblue: yep; ram checked, checking media.22:22
BloodyScumwhere are mozilla profiles stored? i forgot22:22
dee_czhello i just managed to install Ubuntu 7.10 but the boot time is very long (2mins+), and all there is during the time is a blank screen and hdd occasinally working.. what could be wrong?22:22
neverblueaah, Live or ALT CD ?22:22
neverblueaah, use the ALT instead then22:23
wang_bkar how?22:23
aahneverblue: very little forum noise on the Vostro 400 except people saying they had problems with hi-speed USB.  already turned that off. k, I'll try alt.22:23
dananddee_cz - I know its a silly question ... but are you sure your not still booting from the CD?? :)22:24
neverblueaah, it will allow for a non-GUI install, which might be your issue22:24
neverblue!anyone | xomp22:24
ubotuxomp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:24
bpage_Datalanche: any idea on a next step?22:24
mhrnjadBloodyScum: $HOME/.mozilla ?22:24
kuchchai want a script to be run as background everytime ii start th system22:24
kuchchawhere shld i incude it22:24
xompcliche bot :)22:24
xomphey guys, I need to re-enable the battery notification in gnome. I was getting prompts that my battery was disconnecting/connecting so I chose to stop seeing the messages. Any way to enable this again?22:24
bkarwang_-> remove use of it, go to nm and do not use wpa, wep or any encryption22:25
julio_There is anyway to recovery ubuntu? Without dele files?22:25
_moro_bana_xomp: right click on any panel , click add and find the battery stuff22:25
mhrnjadkuchcha: /etc/rc.local22:25
BloodyScummhrnjad ohh, i looked there but i thought that was just the app files or somthing, but yeah you were right, thanks22:25
kuchchamhrnjad: thanks22:26
xompthanks _moro_bana_ :)22:26
_moro_bana_xomp: welcome22:26
neverbluejulio_, with a Live CD22:26
julio_neverblue, thankyou, but how i do it?22:26
kljbHi, my Skype works with a freshly added user, but not with my actual one. Is it possible, to copy the general Audio-Settings from the new User to the one i am using?22:26
kuchchamhrnjad: its executed everytime i start the system right?22:27
neverbluejulio_, you google, then do some reading22:27
_moro_bana_xomp: what does :) mean22:27
colby_I am New to Linux i downloaded the sweep tar ball, but i have no clue how to install it22:27
mhrnjadkuchcha: yes, it is run at the end of the startup process22:27
xomp_moro_bana_, tis a smile :) lol22:27
julio_neverblue, ok ok ok i'll see i22:27
neverbluecolby_, sweep, is that an app ?22:27
mhrnjadcolby_: what is 'sweep' ?22:27
neverbluecolby_, did you attempt to see if its in the repos ?22:28
_moro_bana_xomp: ahh! lol22:28
julio_i got go guys see you later!22:28
colby_no did not know to check thanks22:28
neverbluecolby_, aptitude search sweep22:28
danandcolby_ just sudo apt-get install sweep22:28
mhrnjadcolby_: sweep - An editor for sound samples22:28
peloverdeI'm having trouble uploading to my ppa, dput never seems to finish uploading the orig.tar.gz even after waiting hours (and yes i have a fast connection)22:28
xerxes1358What is the best way to install kubuntu through internet22:29
danandcolby_ - sorry just type sudo ... in a terminal :)22:29
=== Monobi_ is now known as Monobi
neverbluecolby_ left already22:29
unagianyone know the command for mencder to convert a certain section of a dvd to an mpg?22:30
danandneverblue - I need to speed up my typing :)22:30
neverbluedanand, agreed :D22:30
x1alphaHello, is it possible to reset gnome, for some weird reason after changing some themes, gnome is not working. and when i try to run any gnome application from kde i get segment fault. any help ? thanks22:31
usr13FYI:  I had to install libxine1-ffmpeg to get DVD palyback working.22:31
xompok, earlier I asked if anyone knew how to change the text color on the panel in gnome 2.20? I tried google but it refers mostly to gnome 2.0 or earlier and the gtkrc hacks they mention doesn't do anything for me. Anyone know how to change the panel text color in gnome 2.20? :)22:31
odin__Hey, can someone please help me install nvidia 64 bit drivers in hardy heron?22:31
bastid_raZorodin__; hardy heron support is in #ubuntu+122:32
adubmy flash plugin doesnt seem to be working22:32
Pici!flashissue | adub22:32
ubotuadub: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.22:32
dirtyhandhow do I update to the latest kernel in Ubuntu?22:32
aduboh so i should wait for an official fix22:33
adubi dont need it right now its not manditory22:33
mhrnjaddirtyhand: try "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade"22:33
xompadub, the band-aid fix works a treat, may want to give it a try.22:33
xompadub, it's not that hard :)22:33
ThipThipDoes anybody here use freemind?  I'm having some java errors - it appears that freemind doesn't like icedtea-java722:34
mhrnjaddirtyhand: the command above updates all installed packages; if your kernel is not up to date it will be updated as well22:34
rocks_newbwhat's a good tutorial on setting up tftp server on ubuntu?I have tftpd-hpa installed, configured to /tftpdboot ... files there, but I can't get files via tftp !22:35
rocks_newb(and I don't know how to debug this -- where are the log files for tftpd server) ?22:35
ThipThipI'm having this error with freemind:  # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment: # #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002af1b9fb5e11, pid=24744, tid=1074792784 # Java VM: IcedTea 64-Bit Server VM (1.7.0-b21 mixed mode linux-amd64) # Problematic frame: # V  [libjvm.so+0x5c9e11]22:35
geonerdso...will i be able to use TaxCut in Ubuntu? If not...suggestions?22:35
linchapulinAnyone have a laptop with a Radeon HD 2600 series?22:36
linchapulinVideo card that is...22:36
x1alphadoes gnome keep a log file ?22:36
neverbluex1alpha, of ?22:36
x1alphaneverblue: to be able to see why its failing.22:37
aisStarI have problems with my firefox and flash pages, is that know issue?22:37
neverbluex1alpha, well, I doubt you will get any help with being so vague22:38
fatihHow can i set a shutdown timer in ubuntu or is there an application for this ?22:38
mobiusthoughtCan someone help me with a bootloader/resolution issue please? I have a multiboot, and the flatscreen apparently doesn't support the resolution used by the bootloader.22:38
dsmithaisStar: reinstall both22:38
fatihaisstar:what kind of issue?22:38
mhrnjadx1alpha: have a look at $HOME/.xsession-errors22:38
Picifatih: man shutdown, there are options to do it after a certain amount of time.22:38
aisStarfreezing after visiting flash pages....22:39
rocks_newbmuhahahahaha i towrks now22:39
brobostigonfatih: i think the shutdown command wiill do something like that, have a look at its man page.22:39
rocks_newbvictory is mine22:39
rocks_newbtftp rocks22:39
dirtyhanddid Ubuntu already upgrade to the latest kernel that was released today?22:39
mhrnjadfatih: man shutdown22:39
fatihPici:i tried that you are talking about shutdown -h **:**22:39
Datalanchebpage_: I'm not certain... it worked for me, but I have issues, too. It's a pretty poorly supported card22:39
fatihPici: is restarting x server22:39
geonerdhi, i'm looking for tax software suggestions for gutsy...any suggestions/experiences?22:40
fuzzdkAnyone have a guide to install gutsy on software raid1? (I already have the raid just need to detect and install)22:40
jeffMASTERflexdirtyhand: no, the latest kernel was 2.6.24 Ubuntu is still at 2.6.2222:40
dsmithafter you open a MAN page how do you close it?22:40
Picifatih: thats not normal.22:40
Picidsmith: q22:40
jeffMASTERflexdsmith: q22:40
x1alphaneverblue: gnome is not working. and when i try to run any gnome application from kde i get segment fault. ( i manage to get in gnome but panels appear as slightly greyish bars and are empty. wallpaper doesnt show up. somethimes beryl show up and the 3d cube works.cant undestand whats wrong.22:40
* dsmith feels like a dummy22:41
mhrnjaddirtyhand: the 2.6.24 kernel was only released today .. it takes a while until it becomes available on ubuntu22:41
neverbluex1alpha, so gnome is working, and kde is working, try running a gnome app in KDE 'from command line', and see the erros22:41
dirtyhandmhrnjad: thanks, btw expect a lot of people asking this question today, article on the release of new kernel made Digg frontpage :)22:41
Picidirtyhand: No.  There will not be a new kernel in Gutsy, ever.22:41
jeffMASTERflexmhrnjad: it won't be available for gutsy and i doubt it will be availble for hardy22:41
mhrnjadx1alpha: have a look at your .xsession-errors file22:41
neverbluex1alpha, if you are having beryl issues, that has nothing to do with this channel, try #compiz22:41
erUSULjeffMASTERflex: hardy does indeed use 2.6.2422:42
Picidirtyhand: Thats not how the Ubuntu releases work, we do not have a rolling release.22:42
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:42
samuelI'm struggling to c22:42
jeffMASTERflexerUSUL: news to me. pretty good considering the changes in the kernel22:42
alinonhas anyone heard news on better X-fi drivers?22:42
erUSULdirtyhand: you can allways compile it yourself ;P22:42
samuelget iprouting to my phone on usb0. I need to echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward but even when using sudo I am denied permission22:43
erUSULLinux Varda 2.6.24 #2 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jan 25 01:05:47 CET 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:43
mhrnjadjeffMASTERflex: I would certainly hope that 2.6.24 is in 8.0422:43
samuelcan anyone help?22:43
jeffMASTERflexmhrnjad: i hope so too22:43
crimsunmhrnjad: it has already been uploaded.22:43
mhrnjadcrimsun: cool :-)22:43
adubwhen starting up and shutting down my system it seems slow....inside ubuntu everything is fine though22:43
cloversgCan anyone tell me how to stop gdm from automatically starting?  i would like to start 6.06 in terminal mode and then move to graphics if and when required.22:43
crimsunso rest assured that it will be in 8.04 as soon as the build failure is fixed.22:43
adubalso i dont have a boot splash menu my screen just stays black until it gets to the login22:44
=== nephyll is now known as Nephilin
erUSULcloversg: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove22:45
geonerdguess no one here has to file taxes lol22:45
cloversgerUsul - I don't need gdm for x-windows to work (correct?)22:45
neverbluegeonerd, that would be nice22:45
erUSULcloversg: that will disable gdm from init scripts so you will get what you asked for22:46
Ayabaraany disadvantages to having both gnome and kde installed?22:46
geonerdneverblue: do you file using software on a windows pc then?22:47
erUSULcloversg: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start when you need Xwindows (or startx)22:47
mhrnjadadub: the splash screen an be configured in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:47
fuzzdkanyone knows how to install on a software raid1?22:47
adubwhrnjad I just installed 7.10 last night22:47
neverbluegeonerd, i think thats a bit off topic, but no22:47
adubdo you mean in order to show the screen i have to edit grub22:47
adubby default the screen will not show22:47
adubon a fresh 7.10 install22:47
erUSUL!raid | fuzzdk22:47
ubotufuzzdk: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:47
cloversgerUSUL: ok, that's what I wanted.  I am trying to configure a lightweight gnome terminal using the 6.06 server.  Can you point me to a site which shows what is contained in the rc directories and which is which?22:48
fuzzdkubotu: Thanks will have a look22:48
geonerdneverblue, sorry - was just trying to find out if anyone could suggest tax software that runs in gutsy22:48
Pelofuzzdk, ubotu  isn'T a real live boy, he's just a puppet22:49
neverbluegeonerd, none that I know of22:49
fuzzdkPelo: ok, thanks.22:49
fuzzdkPelo: His answer was wrong i release now22:49
geonerdneverblue, thanks22:49
mhrnjadadub: if you haven't dealt with grub (the boot loader) configuration yet it's best to leave it alone22:49
fuzzdkI don't have a fake raid. I have a linux software raid22:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:50
adubmhrnjad i haev messed with it22:50
brobostigongeonerd: wont a spreadsheet to do required calculations? it works for me, doing my calculations.22:50
erUSULcloversg: i do not remember any from the top of my head google around22:50
adubbut see in 5.10 6.06 and 6.10 and 7.0422:50
Pelofuzzdk,  there are several links in the ubotu answer , check them all out not just the last one22:50
adubi remember the splash screen worked22:50
adubout of box it worked are you all saying that in order for me to see that status bar screen22:50
adubi have to edit grub22:50
adubi get my login screen and that is it22:51
fuzzdkPelo: I checked the first and the last. The one in the middle I already know22:51
adubbut my comptuer just seems to boot up really slow22:51
aduband shutdown really slow22:51
Pelo!enter | adub22:51
ubotuadub: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:51
adubother than that everything is fine22:51
poodlesucksi love cricket ubuntu22:51
mhrnjadadub: well then .. /boot/grub/menu.lst has a line saying "title       Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic"22:51
geonerdbrobostigon: i'm sure that works great...but i'm lazy ;) thanks for the suggestion though!22:51
jamie_cumbriaI have got a epson dx4450 and having trouble. I get two red lights saying ink and paper. I was led to be leave this was the scanner so I followed step on the internet and now the scanner works. I have been using dx5240 and similar drivers but as soon as I try and print I get the red lights back. Any on got this working please.22:51
adubmhrnjad: is this why my computer takes a long time to shut down and boot up??22:51
cloversgerUSUL - I did, but your answer seems to be on the mark.  Was searching around the rc's to stop gdm, Thanks22:52
willyboxcI am running ubuntu 7.10 and i am having problems running pureadmin 0.3-ubuntu3 when i do i get GThread system may only be initialized once. aborting... Aborted (core dumped)22:52
poodlesucks<adub> <mhrnjad> <geonerd><willyboxc> <ubotu><willyboxc> poodlesucks <Pelo> <adub> <adub> <fuzzdk><adub> <Pelo>22:52
erUSULcloversg: no problem ;)22:52
mhrnjadadub: 2 lines further down is the line starting with kernel, on my system it reads: "kernel      /vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=/dev/mapper/ulx7lvm-root ro quiet splash"22:52
dee_czsry unexpected afk, thus repeating my problem.. hello i just managed to install Ubuntu 7.10 but the boot time is very long (2mins+), and all there is during the time is a blank screen and hdd occasinally working.. what could be wrong? (and no i took the install cd out)22:52
Pelopoodlesucks, what do you need ?22:52
mhrnjadadub: note the "splash" option at the end22:52
poodlesucks<Pelo> to for you to shut up. we all wait for you22:53
Cpudan80dee_cz: laptop?22:53
Pelo!ops | poodlesucks22:53
ubotupoodlesucks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!22:53
Cpudan80!broken-usplash | dee_cz22:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broken-usplash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:53
adubmhrnjad yes22:53
adubso this will make my system boot faster22:53
Cpudan80dee_cz: Err - its an easy fix, let me find the factoid22:53
Cpudan80!brokenusplash | dee_cz22:53
ubotudee_cz: Supported screen resolutions are sometimes detected incorrectly, causing the splash screen to not appear and slowing down boot. Edit /etc/usplash.conf and change "xres" and "yres" to a resolution that your graphics system certainly supports, then run « sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu »22:53
dee_czLatitude D810 (dell, intel chipset, ati x600, wifi (not working yet).22:53
Cpudan80dee_cz: There you go -- do that22:53
PriceChild!guidelines > poodlesucks22:53
nixternalpoodlesucks: simmer down a bit please, thanks22:54
willyboxc!Help I am running ubuntu 7.10 and i am having problems running pureadmin 0.3-ubuntu3 when i do i get GThread system may only be initialized once. aborting... Aborted (core dumped)22:54
mhrnjadadub: re. the length it takes to start/shutdown .. after you boot have a look at dmesg (/var/log/dmesg) and see whether anything is amiss..22:54
dee_czif my desktop now runs at 1280x800 that means it is supported, yea? :)22:54
Cpudan80dee_cz: yeah, but maybe not by your laptops gfx card22:54
adubfound the option for kernel and splash i see it22:54
Cpudan80dee_cz: I would use 1024 x 768 for the boot screen22:54
adubmy grub looks fine22:55
Cpudan80That works for sure22:55
willyboxcdee_cz - do you know if the wifi care is the  Dell (broadcom) card or Intel wifi card ?22:55
aduband the splash is not commented out22:55
DILgeonerd, check out Sage's website they sell peachtree accounting and some other related prods that is compatible with linux not sure as to ubuntu22:55
dee_czi think the windows drivers mention broadcom22:55
willyboxcsounds about right22:55
mhrnjadadub: one last thing if you do change /boot/grub/menu.lst you need to run grub-install afterwards for your changes to take effect upon next boot22:56
DILi know ubuntu is linux22:56
rodolfosomeone please tell me how to figure out the version of libc and XFree86?22:56
adubright mhrnjad everything looks fiine22:56
=== AndrewB is now known as notAndrewB
adubin my grub22:56
willyboxcanyone have any information about how to get pureadmin to work22:56
adubeverything seems to be in tact in there22:56
geonerdDIL: thx i'll check it out22:56
dee_czCpudan80: & other i dont remember: ty, the boot resolution was 1280x1024 which the screen cant handle22:57
Pelorodolfo, , menu > system> admin > synaptic package manager, do a search for each and you can see the number of the version in the colum next to the installed package22:57
mhrnjadadub: what's your problem? no splash screen?22:57
LjLrodolfo: « apt-cache policy libc6 » and there is no XFree86, there is X.Org, do « apt-cache policy xorg »22:57
adubyes i have no splash screen, my shutdowns are slow it doesnt show the shutdown text you know on the black screen when shutting down22:57
adubwhen booting up the same22:57
dee_czthx for help, hopefully i wont need to come back tonight :)22:58
aduband both shutting down and booting up are slow22:58
adubi use to run 6.10 and just got back into linux not long ago22:58
adubeverything ran perfectly fine shutting down and starting up22:58
adubnow this is not an upgrade i formatted and installed last night22:58
mhrnjadadub: I wouldn't know what's causing that, sorry..22:58
Peloadub, please don'T use the enter key for punctuation, it makes you very hard to follow,  this is a busy channel,  learn to use regular punctuation and please state your problem consicely22:59
rodolfoPelo: thank you22:59
* Pelo grabs the gratitude and runs 22:59
alinonhas anyone here tried Wubi?22:59
Peloalinon, do you have a specific question about it ?23:00
rodolfoLjL: that's weird then. I got xf86-video-intel-2.1.x from my update manager and I run the installer...23:00
jamie_cumbriaI have got a epson dx4450 and having trouble. I get two red lights saying ink and paper. I was led to be leave this was the scanner so I followed step on the internet and now the scanner works. I have been using dx5240 and similar drivers but as soon as I try and print I get the red lights back. Any on got this working please.23:00
alinonPelo: I don't understand it, it is actually installing ubuntu - there seems to be some difference23:00
alinonPelo:  So i guess that's my question, am i going to lose anything by using it?23:00
LjLrodolfo: what installer? are you on gutsy? there is no xf86-video-intel-2.1.X package in gutsy23:00
=== notAndrewB is now known as AndrewB
Peloalinon, as far as I know, it creates some kind of "fake" linux partiton image on your ntfs/windows partiton and runs ubuntu from that,   you can'T just remvoe windows and run only ubuntu afterwards,  and you can'T access your ubuntu partiton from a live cd23:01
xerxes1358Guys what was the thing you have to do when you want to install metacity ?23:02
alinonPelo: Oh right I think i read that ubuntu runs a bit slower because of that right?23:02
LjLxerxes1358: i thought metacity was the default window decomanagerwhatever in ubuntu23:02
Peloalinon, probably,  it's not like a real install,  but I think you can run it whitout booting windows, just not sure,  it's not like a virtual machine , but a bit similar23:03
rodolfoLjL: yes, there is. I enabled releases candidates and unsupported updates repositories from synaptic and I got this file and 'xserver-xorg-video-intel'...23:03
Peloalinon, dl the live cd and install,  there is no issue dualbooting23:03
Odd-rationalealinon: Wubi simply installs a ubuntu (7.04) on a loop-mounted file. However, you can transfer a wubi install to a hard drive install whenever you want using lubi23:04
josiahanybody know if there is a wiki cms out there? (written in PHP would be awesome) Like drupal or joomla but specifically for Wiki's?23:04
alinonPelo: My vista installation never shows up during the install of ubuntu, so if i install it messes with the MBR23:04
sam__hello...every time i try to start a 3d game my computer freezes...any idea how to fix it other than a hardware upgrade?23:04
grantStrange question: is there an equivelent to doing Ctrl-Alt-F1, Ctrl-Alt-F7 that I can run from a shell script?23:05
kahrytan!ubuntu font23:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu font - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:05
ubotuOfficial Ubuntu artwork including the Ubuntu logo can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official23:05
Peloalinon, I would look in the forum on this,  I know there are fixes, it's just a matter of adding a couple of lines to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file23:05
LjLrodolfo, could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list, i'm not really familiar with the names that Software Sources gives to repositories23:05
mhrnjadalinon: you can backup the MBR, it's just 512 bytes and restore it from the live CD23:05
Cpudan80kahrytan: The bot works from private messages, /msg ubotu !thing23:05
Jack_Sparrowsam__: If you have effects turned on you might try it with them turned off23:05
alinonPelo:  I've read that you can change something in the advanced options to prevent Grub from taking over any other drives - but i don't know what to put in the box for my paticular setup23:06
erUSULjosiah: mediawiki the wikipedia one ???23:06
Peloalinon, are you isntalling ubuntu on a sepreate drive ? that is easy enough23:06
rodolfoLjL: I will pates the output on pastebin. just want you to know that this is the direct link to the file I'm talking about: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/driver/xf86-video-intel-2.2.0.tar.bz223:06
alinonPelo: yes it would be a second drive23:06
josiaherUSUL: yes... is mediawiki an application I can install onto my server and start my own wiki?23:06
LjLrodolfo: eh? that is not a *package*. that's just a tarball. it can't come from the update manager or from any repositories.23:07
justin__what is a signal 11 how do i fix it when ever i try to play a game it comes up with a signal 1123:07
erUSULjosiah: yes afaics23:07
azexianjustin what game?23:07
josiaherUSUL: thank you very much23:07
justin__any game23:07
justin__urban terror23:07
justin__enemy territory23:07
azexianjustin__: are your graphics drivers installed23:08
Peloalinon, you have two options, depending on how squeemish you are,  1 change the boot drive in your bios to the drive you want to use for ubuntu and just proceed with the install as usual , 2  open the box and unplug the vista drive for the duration of the installation,  ( still making sure the ubuntu drive will be the boot drive )23:08
Peloalinon, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:08
Cpudan80justin__: SEGV (seg fault), you'll have to look at the error log23:08
LjLjustin__, signal 11 is segmentation fault, it can come from just about anything, it means that the program tried to touch memory it wasn't its own. it crashed, in simple words.23:08
alinonit's cool23:08
rodolfoLjL: I know. This is for those who wants to build the installer and run it with a newer version of xorg (1.4+)23:08
Jack_Sparrowjustin__: WHat video card... ati?23:09
alinonPelo:  Yeah i considered that, but i'd rather not open my case for it23:09
justin__nvid 7600GT23:09
LjLrodolfo: well you didn't make yourself clear, you were talking about packages coming from the update manager. anyway we absolutely do NOT recommend installing things like video drivers from tarballs.23:09
dee_czCpudan80: that bootscreen res fix didnt work :/23:09
Cpudan80justin__: Does it always happen at a specific time --- ie. can it be traced to a certain event?23:09
Cpudan80dee_cz: What did you set it to?23:09
justin__im gettting the error logs23:09
dee_czi tried 1024 x 76823:10
justin__but X might crash agin23:10
Peloalinon, just change the boot drive then,  I have a 2 hdd setup myself,  and the ubuntu installer recognised xp on my second hdd,  so I hve both in the grub menu,  and should I decide to remove either hdd the other one can boot with no issue23:10
Cpudan80dee_cz: Sometimes it doesn't save those settings in the file, go back and check to be sure it saved23:10
justin__dammit have to restart X23:10
dee_czCpudan80: i did, it saved them, but the screen is still black (its not even black, just backlit) and the last boot took 3 mins23:10
alinonPelo: yeah it reconizes xp fine, but it don't see my vista which uses a different type of special boot loader23:11
Cpudan80dee_cz: hrm...........23:11
Cpudan80dee_cz: And the ubuntu logo never shows up?23:11
=== xjdriver79 is now known as xjdriver69
Niklas_Eanyone know how to install the drivers for ati radeon x1250?23:11
rodolfoLjL: what other choice do I have? fot (unlucky)users who has a i915-based-laptop, there aren't any other options. this is the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53496/23:11
dee_cznope, i get grub, then black screen (3 mins), then login screen23:11
Peloalinon, as a general rule of thumb , with a 2 hdd setup you want the ubuntu drive set to boot when you install,  otherwise you overwrite the mbr of one hdd with stage one of grub ,which refers to stage two on the other drive and then you can't boot if either is removed23:11
Jack_SparrowNiklas_E: The repo version or from another source23:12
NICOI69When someone ifs free i have a ( I hope easy ) question23:12
Cpudan80NICOI69: Just ask23:12
PeloNICOI69, we are never free,  just ask your question and we'll fit you in23:13
NICOI69i cant seem to get my taskbar back on the bottom of my page23:13
NICOI69lol ty23:13
Cpudan80NICOI69: Right click, properties, set to bottom23:13
PeloNICOI69, right click the top pannel,  select add a pannel,  move it to the bottom and then right clicck  add to pannel,  and put the stuff you want in it23:13
Niklas_Ethe restricted drivers23:13
Jack_SparrowNICOI69: is it stuck at the top or missing all together23:13
NICOI69stuck on top23:13
Jack_SparrowNICOI69: Drag and move it..23:13
jeffMASTERflexNICOI69: usually you can just click and drag the panel down23:14
alinonPelo:  It was my understanding that regardless of boot order, if ubuntu see the drive it will write over the mbr/bootloader - which has been my experience23:14
Jack_SparrowNICOI69: If needed, remove a few of the icins so you can grab it23:14
LjLrodolfo, i thought intels were among the best supported cards... is that not the case with the 915? anyway, probably unrelated but having gutsy-proposed enabled is pretty much a terrible idea23:14
NICOI69ok ty23:14
NICOI69it still wont let me23:14
dee_czhi, i have a problem with 7.10, fresh install, when booting i get grub, then 3 mins of black screen (hdd only works at the beginning), then login screen.. is there any way i can shorter the boot time?23:14
Peloalinon, you can specify the drive to install grub on in the final screen before the install begings, where you get a summary of your choices,  my way is just a bit safer since you don'T need to figure out the grub naming skeme for your hdd23:15
Alegretealguén a fim de tc com um novato no Ubuntu?23:15
Jack_SparrowNiklas_E: System / Administration / Restricted Drivers Manager  what do you see.23:15
LjL!br | Alegrete23:15
erUSUL!pt | Alegrete23:15
ubotuAlegrete: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:15
PeloNICOI69, make a new one ,  delete the old one23:15
* erUSUL aka slow fingers23:15
nickruddee_cz: you can get an idea of what's holding you up if you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the quiet splash words from the kernel line23:15
NICOI69ok i removed it from panel23:15
rodolfoLjL: true but all I got from this "best supported driver" is a trashy performance when running compiz fusion. Not to mention that games like war craft III run very well on winxp but on wine it SUCKS.23:16
Pelodee_cz, remove uneeded services23:16
Pelosuper ready,  later folks23:16
dee_cznickrud: thanks, i will try that23:16
alinonPelo:  so your 100% sure that if the hdd that i want to install ubuntu on is listed as the first boot devices in the bios then ubuntu will not effect vista which is on a different drive?23:16
dee_czpelo: how do i do that?23:16
NICOI69when i add back to panel it goes right back to the top23:17
Cpudan80dee_cz: If it's a fresh install, it's most likely a problem, not an un-needed service23:17
LjLrodolfo, it might work badly on WINE for reasons totally unrelated to the card driver... you know WINE is simply not yet on par with Windows. as for compiz well that's hardly a necessity... i mean, if you're willing to trade it for an unstable system, it's your call but23:17
pmcnabbI'm running openldap 2.2.13. When I try to delete a particular record I get an error "Operation not allowed on non-leaf." As far as I can tell, there are no objects underneath this one.. can anyone point me in the right direction?23:17
NICOI69ok i got it guys thank you very much for your help23:18
dee_czok ill remove the splash to see whats going on23:18
pavanhi all.. i am having trouble getting Java working in firefox.. can someone please help23:19
johnficcahey I got my remote going and I need to edit my lircrc file for my elisa install but how I know what to put in for config ???23:19
rodolfoLjL: just a sec23:19
jribpavan: what have you tried?23:19
Niklas_EAccelarated graphics for ati23:19
erUSULpavan: install sun-java6-plugin23:19
erUSUL!java > pavan23:19
pavanjrib : which java gives me /usr/bin/java which in turn points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java23:20
jribpavan: ok, do as erUSUL suggested then23:20
xerxes1358phoenixz: do you have by any chance MS office 2003 installed ?23:20
pavanerUSUL what i am to expect with your command..23:21
erUSULpavan: if you have version 5 use sun-java5-plugin23:21
erUSULpavan: is a package not a command sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin  that will install the firefox (mozilla) java plugin23:21
danonura_how do i run sabre in gutsy? its a fighter jet game23:21
Cpudan80danonura_: Is it native to linux or is it a windows game?23:22
danonura_there's no link under apps/games23:22
alinoni guess i'm gonna try this easybcd i keep hearing about- maybe it'll solve the problem23:22
pavanerUSUL i just searched for the plugin package in synaptic.. but don't find anything..23:22
danonura_its in repositories23:22
nickruddanonura: if it didn't make it into the menu,  dpkg -L <pkgname> grep /bin    will give the executables23:23
danonura_ok thanks23:23
erUSUL!info sun-java5-plugin | pavan23:23
LjLdanonura_: and you should likely use "xsabre" rather than "sabre"23:23
ubotupavan: sun-java5-plugin (source: sun-java5): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-13-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 80 kB23:23
nickruddanonura: urm  dpkg -L <pkgname>  | grep /bin23:23
erUSULpavan: is there in multiverse23:23
danonura_ok thanks23:23
phoenixzxerxes1358, No I don't. I don't want garbage on my compu :) it should be possible using certain versions of office under wine or crossover (which is not for free) though if you really want to23:23
erUSULpavan: go to system>admin>software sources and make sure you have multiverse enabled23:23
steel_ladyHi! Is there some program in linux equivalnet to 'where is it' in windows?23:24
=== JohnM is now known as JohnMM
xerxes1358phoenix I absolutely need Office 2003 + VBA macros ( I am a finance guy(23:24
jribsteel_lady: what does the program do?23:24
paulo_montosteel_lady: in Places there should be a Search for Files, or you can use locate in the shell23:24
LjLsteel_lady: perhaps if i had the slightest idea what "where it is" is23:24
pavanerUSUL yes i have multivers enables in s/w sources ..23:25
xerxes1358I know office 2003 will run but will also vba run ?23:25
PriceChildxerxes1358, stick to windows is probably the best idea23:25
erUSULpavan: then just «sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin»23:25
dee_czsry to bother you again, is there such a thing as default root password, i cant seem to do "su root" (and im typing the pass correctly)23:25
LjL!root > dee_cz    (dee_cz, see the private message from Ubotu)23:25
pavanerUSUL i just tried that and got apt-get error that the package is missing or obsolete .. would this be because i am on AMD64 laptop??23:26
paulo_montowhenever my computer is processing or reading/writing to the harddrive, i hear static noise in my speakers..  i've tested with headphones and the noise is definitely coming from the sound card.  i can't find anything on the web to fix this.  has anyone else had this problem before?23:26
=== JohnM is now known as JohnMM
bastid_raZordee_cz; you could run as if your root with sudo bash .. which will give you a root session23:26
bastid_raZoryou're rather23:27
erUSULpavan: oops yes no firefox plugin for the 64 bits version23:27
xerxes1358PriceChild: any reasons ?23:27
erUSULpavan: :(23:27
erUSULpavan: i use 64 bits myself23:27
PriceChildxerxes1358, because it will work properly there.23:27
pavanerUSUL i have also installed Swiftweasel23:27
pavanwhich is 32 bit firefox version.. is there any way i can get java in there..23:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:28
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava23:28
erUSUL!flash64 > pavan23:28
LjLpaulo_monto: try muting any outputs that you don't need in the soundcard (e.g. MIDI, line-in). if your soundcard's mixer also has more than one master volume slider (like four or so "registers"), try changing the volume of those resp. the actual master volume. if it has bass and treble, needless to say, try tweaking. if this fails, move the soundcard to another PCI slot. if that fails too, get a better soundcard (possibly an external one)23:28
_moro_bana_is there an ubuntu flash like that of mandriva23:28
LjL!java64 is <alias> flash64bit23:28
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL23:28
jrib_moro_bana_: flash player?23:28
perimentIs there some kind of web based admin gui included in Ubuntu? Like to start and stop Apache etc.?23:29
_moro_bana_jrib: as in installed in flash23:29
danonura_re:sabre i'm a newb: pastebin:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53497/: what to type next.23:29
erUSULLjL: thanks :)23:29
jrib_moro_bana_: I have no idea what that means23:29
paulo_montoLjL: thanks.. unfortunately i've done all of that, the sound-card is builtin to the motherboard..  thanks for the advice though!23:29
_moro_bana_jrib: usb23:29
jrib!install > _moro_bana_ (read the private message from ubotu)23:30
LjLpaulo_monto, that's a pretty common problem with built-in boards, which are generally low quality and way to close to motherboard components not to suffer from strong electronic noise23:30
pavandoes anyone use Swiftweasel .. its 32bit browser on a 64bit platform23:30
jrib_moro_bana_: I think that's mentioned on that wiki page23:30
IndyGunFreakHow do i change the icon that is beside my Applications Menu?.. thats the only thing I want to change, not the entire theme(which will change it of course)23:30
_moro_bana_jrib: thanks where do you get  a list of those ubotu commands23:31
pavanerUSUL have you tried SwiftWeasel browser.. i was able to get 32bit flash working on it.. i didn't realize i had trouble with java23:31
jrib!ubotu > _moro_bana_ (read the private message from ubotu)23:31
paulo_montoLjL: ah i see, alright, i'll shell out for a decent sound card then.. thank you again very much for helping me out23:31
_moro_bana_jrib: thank you i read it23:32
_moro_bana_jrib :)23:32
LjLpaulo_monto: even pretty cheap ones are most likely much better than built-ins23:32
erUSULpavan: no; the package flashplugin-nonfree configured flash for firefox64 bits without problems (that was before it broke)23:32
erUSULpavan: and i do not use java applets23:32
pavanerUSUL .. thx for your help..23:33
pavanerUSUL .. will try & figure this out..23:33
dee_czthx to all for help, solved the problem temporarily by setting nosplash for the boot.. now it boots under 20s23:34
zokebesides adding medibuntu do my repo list what else should I add23:34
erUSULpavan: no problem23:34
rodolfoLjL: I've read all the FAQs available and as far as I know, this scenario happens due to intel poor performance using openGL. when running the game on winxp works perfectly because windows uses D3D. wine uses openGL(correct me if i'm wrong)23:34
Chafkahi.. i can login to my user and i can be admin and install packages etc. but when i type su and enter my pass it says auth. failure :S23:35
erUSULChafka: that's becouse there is no root in ubuntu23:36
nickruddee_cz: check /etc/usplash.conf for the correct resolution, then run  sudo update-initramfs -u , and reenable the splash. Might fix that23:36
danand!root > Chafka23:36
erUSUL!root | Chafka23:36
ubotuChafka: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:36
erUSULChafka: if you need a root shell use «sudo -i»23:36
danonura_re:sabre in the read me:Run the simulator as `RunSabre'.23:36
Chafkaok.. thanx23:36
erik__Hi! Can anyone help me with this? The Gnome Menu editor in Ubuntu 7.10 is hardly allowing me to do anything.. Thanks23:37
neverblueerik__, and ?23:37
erik__neverblue, it will not allow me to create a new folder, (Well it will but it will not allow it to be shown, or anything put into it... It seems to work but 2 seconds later it reverts itself back to the old way...) How can I get the menu editor to actually let me make changes? It doesn't need to be run as root, right?23:39
LjLrodolfo: err, it's badly worded at least. OpenGL and Direct3D are two ways for programs to interface to graphics cards' 3D facilities. Direct3D is proprietary and *only* directly available on Windows. OpenGL is what Linux uses (and Windows can, too, use, but discourages). what WINE does is *emulate* Direct3D using OpenGL - in order for Windows programs, which expect Direct3D, to work. that is the case *on any graphics card*. no card on Linux supports Direct3D23:39
neverblueerik__, a new folder? in the Gnome Menu ?23:40
LjLrodolfo: if you want to run Windows games, you're probably much better off using Windows. WINE currently cannot offer anything near the performance of a native Windows environment, and its Direct3D support is also pretty new (you might want to investigate Cedega as well, but that's commercial). no newer driver will give you native Direct3D support under Ubuntu.23:40
erik__neverblue, yes. Exactly. (Acually a subfolder under the Internet folder is what I am trying to do)23:41
linchapulinOk everybody.. I have my ATI card installed and tweaked...now I am looking to see something that is 3D any suggestions? Gutsy 7.1023:42
Dr_willislinchapulin,  does compiz work? :)23:43
Cpudan80linchapulin: glxgears ?23:43
neverblueerik__, did you click view, its there something in it, what are you trying to do, please do explain, as I dont want to just assume23:43
Dr_willislinchapulin,  or go install openarena23:43
erUSULlinchapulin: warsow? neverball?23:43
Cpudan80linchapulin: That will at least output the fps, though it is not a benchmark23:43
linchapulinDr_Willis: Haven't installed it(yet) :-)23:43
erUSULlinchapulin: open arena etc23:43
dananderik__ : do you mean menu instead of folders??23:43
linchapulinThanks everyone!!23:44
Jangariis there ipod touch support for rythmbox? I've got it working with my video, but it doesn't recognise the touch as a device23:44
rodolfoLjL: nice.23:44
h-townis there anyone here who is knowledgeable with ZSNES?23:44
jrib!anyone | h-town23:44
ubotuh-town: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:44
h-towncause it feels demanding that way23:45
erik__neverblue, there IS no view... I opened "main menu" editor from system> preferences. To try and make a submenu in the Internet menu, it will not allow it. Ubuntu 7.1023:45
Dr_willish-town,  its an emulator.. its rather straightforward in its ussage...  whats the exact problem?23:45
Jangariyeah, i don't dig the 'anyone' gripe,23:45
jribh-town: that's how we all prefer it, don't worry23:45
h-townwell, i installed it with synaptic package manager and it worked for 3 days fine23:45
neverblueerik__, 'not allow it' what does that mean exactly?23:46
jribJangari: because the answer is always "yes" and then you are no closer to solving your problem23:46
htnsum guys23:46
htnsmy wireless stops working after a while23:46
linchapulin5400 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1076.176 FPS 5536 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1099.881 FPS 5467 frames in 5.1 seconds = 1078.309 FPS  w00t!23:46
h-townthen i rebooted my computer and now when i try to open it the screen turns black and then goes back to the desktop23:46
htnsit's weird, i cant get it to work again, unless i restart23:46
neverbluehtns, what router ?23:46
neverblue!enter | htns23:46
ubotuhtns: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:46
Jangariokay jrib, but i'd contend that the problem is with the question overall not being specific enough, rather than with it's beginning with 'anyone'23:46
htnsneverblue: linksys wrt54g23:46
Dr_willish-town,  you could try removing the .zsnes settings to reset it back ot the defaults.23:46
neverbluehtns, and your card, did you check the forums to see if anyone else is having similar card issues ?23:47
jribJangari: yes, that's what we mean.  Of course if you prefix a specific question with "anyone", no one cares :)23:47
Jangarifor instance, if I ask 'anyone know the command for opening the working directory in a file manager?' then it's specific enough23:47
Lokii-heh, ubuntu 8.04 gettin officially released on my birth day23:47
htnsneverblue: heh, no, ill do that right now23:47
erik__neverblue, Well when I click "new menu" and name it, it shows up. When I click "show" it UNSHOWS itself 2 seconds later. If I try to put anything into the folder from the internet folder, it removes it and puts it back into the main internet folder 2 seconds later23:47
h-townplus it screws up the buttons on the bottom edge for my open windows, at first it would say "Unknown window" and show only one button no matter how many windows were open23:47
Dr_willish-town,  theres also other snes emulators  that may work.  I tend to use zsnes. Never had issues with it.23:47
DILanyone familiar wit ubuntu?23:47
Jangaridoesn't xmame support snes?23:47
Dr_willisDIL,  never heard of it. :)23:47
DILjust kidding23:47
Cpudan80DIL: nope23:47
h-townwell i would try another emulator but i'm already halfway through chrono trigger23:47
Cpudan80DIL: Try ##windows23:47
Dr_willisJangari,  xmess does i belive :)23:47
neverblueerik__, sounds buggy, maybe you want to edit the menu in a file directly, and see how that works23:47
Lokii-DIL considering where you are i would assume that was a useless question :)23:48
Kopfgeldjaegergood night23:48
h-towni've tried reinstalling, removing, and completely removing23:48
Dr_willish-town,  try resetting the config. save your saved game file. , try as a new user.perhaps23:48
erik__neverblue, alright. Where is the menu file anyway?23:48
linchapulin!compiz linchapulin23:48
georg1Anyone know what the best way to cirvumnavigate closed ports at school is?23:48
DILit was an anyone joke guys23:48
foughow do i turn off auto play for dvd's?23:48
h-townhow do you reset config?23:48
Dr_willish-town,   the 'reinstalling song and dance' is a windows thing..  that will NOT NOT NOT affect the users settings files at all23:48
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:48
Jangariactually, on that subject, i have a machine with built-in joysticks on a parallel port that need configuring, it's a cocktail gaming table, what's the app for configuring the joysticks and fire buttons?23:49
Dr_willish-town,  the .zsnes directory as i said earlier has the settings files for the USER.23:49
jribfoug: system -> preferences -> removable drives and media23:49
neverblueerik__, did you add a New Menu under Internet, or a New Item?23:49
georg1Anyone know what the best way to cirvumnavigate closed ports at school is?23:49
jribgeorg1: how is this related to ubuntu support?23:49
erik__neverblue, under internet...23:49
Jack_Sparrowgeorg1: NOt a subject for a support room23:49
neverblueerik__, which one did you add, please re-read my question23:49
fougjrib: thanks23:49
georg1why not23:49
jribgeorg1: because this channel is for ubuntu support only23:49
Dr_willisgeorg1,  well - its technicially illeagle for one.23:49
jamie_cumbriaany one got the Epson dx4400-dx4450 working?23:49
erik__neverblue, I added a new menu23:50
h-townwhich file is the settings file? i have .zsnes open right now23:50
neverblueerik__, then within that menu u added a New Item ?23:50
georg1let's all jump down off the high horses and think about what ubuntu is really used for23:50
DILgeorg1, it is too cerebreal (sp)23:50
Dr_willish-town,  no idea ;  any with a .cfg looks promising to me.23:50
neverbluegeoaxis, take it to offtopic23:50
Dr_willish-town,  make a directory. move them to it.. rerun zsnes23:50
neverblue!offtopic | georg123:51
ubotugeorg1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:51
penarsdoes anyone know how to list all pci cards that are connected to the pc?23:51
Dr_willisHeh - I have a Chrono Trigger ZSNES saved game also! :023:51
erik__neverblue, no, within that menu I could not drag any application launchers into it, or have it actually show up.. (Its hidden)23:51
Dr_willisi never did finish that.23:51
danandpenars lspci23:51
h-towni'm halfway through.. pretty good game23:51
NICOI69how can i get my backspace button to work on internet pages?23:51
georg1silence, that's what i thought23:51
fougDVD's are not playing for me, is this a familar problem? using 7.1023:51
Jangarifirefow, NICOI69?23:51
PriceChild!dvd | foug23:52
ubotufoug: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:52
Dr_willisgeorg1,  You are rambling.. and i use it for work.23:52
NICOI69yes firefox23:52
h-townyou're going to hate me for asking such a stupid question.. what do you mean by make a directory?23:52
georg1and porn i'm sure.  peace out assholes23:52
Dr_willisgeorg1,  if you want to learn about ssh tunnles - to research ssh tunnles.23:52
erik__neverblue, sorry if I am vauge.. I am telling you everything in the language the menu editor uses.....23:52
neverblueerik__, drag, i dont think thats the right way to do it, select Internet under the Menus, then press New Menu, enter a name, once that menu is created, then select it under the menu part (the left) and then add New Item23:52
JangariNICOI69: config editore (url: about:config), filter for 'backspace' or 'back' or something23:52
khaotikanyone got a good channel i could get some help with for my cell phone23:52
NICOI69that sin firefox?23:53
neverbluekhaotik, try #cell ?23:53
khaotikgood looking23:53
Jangariand there should be an option near the top, like 'behaviour on backspace', change its value from 0 to 1, or if it's already 1, change it back to 023:53
danandfoug : what problems are you having - make sure you have libdvdcss and libxine1-ffmpeg installed23:53
neverbluekhaotik, this is an Ubuntu support channel, need help finding a channel, ask in #help maybe ?23:53
LjL!channels > khaotik    (khaotik, see the private message from Ubotu)23:53
Jangariyes, it's in firefox, type the address about:config23:53
ompaulNICOI69, can't offer that, can say, ALT (left side) and left arrow for back and right arrow for forward23:53
NICOI69ok ty23:53
linux_kidTGIF Everyone, but I've a problem.  I have formatted over my entire drive with unallotted space, and I've yet to find a program that will recover deleted ext3 partitions.  My NTFS and FAT32 partitions have already been recongnized by Active@ recovery, but I'm still stuck.  Any help/guidence is greatly appreciated, Thanks!23:53
neverbluethanks LjL23:53
fougdanand: libdvdread3?23:53
erik__neverblue, But why cant I just drag the existing items around? Is there another alternate menu editor?23:54
penarsi just bought a syba pcmcia to pci adapter and installed it, but when i type lspci i don't see it. do i need some special drivers or something? here's the item: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681512402123:54
Dr_willislinux_kid,  Ick... You are now the power child for 'proper backup routines'23:54
JangariNICOI69: the key is "browser:backspace_action" and you want to change it to "0"23:54
neverblueerik__, does the instructions I gave you work ?23:54
NICOI69ok ty23:54
h-towndr. willis... do you mean create a new folder and move the cfg files into them? is that what you mean by make a new directory?23:54
Dr_willish-town,  yes23:54
danandlinux_kid: ext3 partitions are almost impossible to recover data from :(23:54
Dr_willish-town,  folder = directory23:55
h-towndoes it matter where?23:55
DILsol unless you know someone from DoD or CIA23:55
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53498/       <---- program compile errors cant find a debian based package23:55
danandlinux_kid : read *impossible23:55
linux_kidDr_willis, well, yeah...  Its not a fun position23:55
erik__neverblue, sort of. The menu doesnt unhide itself in the program, but the new menu does NOT appear in Gnome even though other random order changes HAVE...23:55
p858snake|laptopi was wondering, how do you remove/chnage the ubuntu icon in the top left by default?23:55
slargiI cant access mysql from PHP (Unable to connect to the database) even though its up and running. Does anybody know what do I need to configure?23:55
NICOI69it worked ty very much23:55
linux_kiddanand, depressing23:55
Jangarino worries23:55
goodhabit!packaging > goodhabit23:55
danandlinux_kid: Done similar myself - know how you feel23:55
neverblueerik__, your quickly losing me, does it or does it not work for you ?23:55
erik__neverblue, basically, no.23:56
DILslargi, #mysql23:56
linux_kiddanand, its a wonderful feeling, just after spending a week installing wacom drivers /sarcasm23:56
danbhfivelinux_kid: http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/man/8/e2undel.html   let me know if that works23:56
penarsi just bought a syba pcmcia to pci adapter and installed it, but when i type lspci i don't see it. do i need some special drivers or something? here's the item: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681512402123:56
neverblueerik__, works just fine here, maybe you might want to re-read what I wrote23:56
h-townwell moving the cfg files has made a difference: now instead of the entire screen going blank a small window pops open and shut23:56
Jangaridoes thunderbird support microsoft exchange?23:56
erik__neverblue, Will do, and if not... eh. Thanks!23:56
fougok dvd's still are not playing, how do i find out the name of the DVD drive the DVD is in?23:56
neverblueyep, np, im going home!23:57
ompaulJangari, it works with it if that is what you mean23:57
Jangariyes, that's what i mean23:57
fougif I go into nautlius and browse the DVD folder, i can open one of the video_ts files, but that's it23:57
linux_kiddanand, ok, we'll see23:57
neverbluefoug, shows you in Places (the menu)23:57
fougi installed libdvdread3 and the other packages23:57
h-townthere are new cfg files in the .zsnes folder as well23:57
Jangarimy employer is migrating everyone to exchange, and everyone is reluctant, since everyone hates it,23:57
fougneverblue: i need the sdc name23:58
Jangariall the mac people have had to purchase entourage23:58
danandfoug: look in /etc/fstab - or experiment with eject command ie eject /dev/hdc /dev/hdd etc23:58
neverbluefoug sudo nano /etc/fstab23:58
penarsis there a guide to installing hardware and their drivers for linux?23:58
penarsso confusing23:58
DrKeithhello, I'm going to be installing ubuntu on my laptop within a day or two and I'm wondering, will I be able to play counter-strike 1.6?23:58
neverbluepenars, which hardware/drivers ?23:58
penarsneverblue, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681512402123:58
Jangariwhat's a really lightweight email client?23:59
fougneverblue: it only shows scd0 it seems, i have a DVD player, then a DVD burner23:59
penarsneverblue, it doesn't come with any drivers, but people in reviews are saying it is recognized automatically23:59
Jangariis pilot any good?23:59
danandlinux_kid: http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/man/8/e2undel.html is for ext2 filesystems only I think23:59
neverbluepenars, time to hit the forums :D23:59
linux_kiddanand, figures23:59
neverbluefoug not sure what to tell you23:59

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