=== kgoetz is now known as Kamping_Kaiser [21:21] how come gbrainy isn't a part of edubuntu, seems like a good program for it [21:24] also, is there a distro out there that is like super kid friendly? ie big buttons and stuff so a kid can navigate the OS? [21:32] han`: what is gbrainy? [21:32] LaserJock, new app on the block, C# [21:32] game of logic [21:32] han`: I think other than Edubuntu, perhaps OLPCs Sugar interface is the most kid-friendly [21:33] and EEE PC's interface perhaps [21:33] i dont think the EEE PC one is open source [21:33] han`, I dont think gbrainy was out in time for gutsy [21:35] isn't EEEPC just a standard linux interface? [21:36] LaserJock, nop, not really [21:36] I thought they just slapped a distro on there, hmm [21:36] LaserJock, gbrainy is a set of logic, memory, # puzzles [21:37] oh yeah, the eee pc is a good idea [21:37] LaserJock, sec [21:37] probably a development version or something [21:37] http://picasaweb.google.hr/lh/searchbrowse?q=EEEPC+screenshots&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wq#1 [21:37] LaserJock, it looks like gbrainy isn't even in the package manager, but i just installed it on edubuntu using the ubuntu package and it works well [21:37] it's a little tough for kids, maybe high school kids+ [21:37] han`, as I told you ... it wasnt out before gutsy me thinks :) [21:38] well, it's not even in hardy [21:38] han`: a package has to be in the archives before we ship it ;-) [21:38] yeah ok, well consider it a suggestion then :) [21:38] thanks for the suggestion :-) [21:38] we could use some newer apps [21:39] I'm not sure what the current situation is with the disks and how much room we'll have [21:39] it's fairly polished, but high difficulty [21:39] it is like the hardest questions on the math SAT i would say, in terms of difficulty [21:39] I hope it's quite a bit and we can add lots of good packages [21:39] laga, they use xandros distribution [21:39] han`: excellent [21:39] pygi: yes, the commercial version. [21:40] their user interface is still not OSS [21:40] laga, perhaps ... but hopefully it'll become soon [21:40] true [21:40] meh [21:41] what? :P [21:41] I don't really care [21:41] i'm looking at the OLPC site [21:41] it's an interesting look interface, but it's nothing spectacular [21:42] :P [21:42] it's mostly just big icons [21:43] the top bar may be interesting, but I bet most of the "look" is due to having a low-res screen [21:43] i'm thinking that i could get "Sugar" running on a linux install, which is the OLPC environment [21:44] han`: I believe we have an emulator [21:44] hmm, or maybe it's just in a PPA [21:45] * pygi thinks there are sugar packages [21:45] han`, Sugar *is* build on top of fedora-like linux [21:46] reading sugar on ubuntu linux from the olpc wiki [21:47] ah, here we go: https://launchpad.net/~jani/+archive [21:47] yep i'm addingithat to my sources [21:54] heh, well i'll see how this goes, running emulated sugar inside a virtualized edubuntu on a mac lol [21:54] heh [21:54] vmware fusion? [21:55] yeah [21:55] trying it out [21:55] so the emulator just seems to start up x... [21:57] han`: you might want to read http://janimo.blogspot.com/search/label/en [22:02] got it working [22:02] trippy i see people in my neighborhood [22:03] didn't expect the network stuff to work