
Kr0ntabheya folks...03:56
=== kgoetz is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
freaknlHello, I would like to document the configuration of a computer for 802.1x authentication (with wpa-supplicant), because most of the information about using wpa-supplicant is geared towards wireless networks, and because information is missing (I think)13:53
freaknlCan I start a new page on the help.ubuntu.com wiki?13:54
freaknlAlso, is there a wiki tag for making an info paragraph (with the icon in front of it) such as at https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/user-guide/C/mouse-skills.html#mouse-conventions ?13:56
freaknlAnother thing, the link to the style guide is broken on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Style13:58
freaknlNew page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Network802.1xAuthentication15:47
freaknlHope it helps someone15:47
freaknlCould someone check that page for style?15:53

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