
fougthis is retarded00:00
danandfoug: try eject scd0 and see which drive bay opens :)00:00
fougok that ejected the one the DVD is not in danand00:00
fougdanand: and scd1 doesn't exist00:00
fougit shows my movie title in nautilus, but it's like it doesn't exist00:01
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53498/       <---- program compile errors cant find a debian based package00:01
Jangarihow about alpine?00:01
rodolfoLjL: do you know where i can set an environment variable?00:01
danandfoug - thats the eject command in a terminal ;)00:01
DILi am sofa king we todd did he should say00:01
fougdanand: ya i know, i did it in terminal00:01
Jack_Sparrowpenars: I doubt you will find a driver for that "Odd " card...00:01
bernierwhat's the command to update from gutsy to hardy00:02
Pici!hardy | bernier00:02
ubotubernier: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:02
danbhfivebernier: if you are asking, you probably shouldn't00:02
danandfoug - hmm can you not put the dvd in the other drive - this may be where dvd player program is looking by default!00:03
lime4x4what is the best way to install drivers for a nvidia 630i main board? Ubuntu doesn't recognize over half of my hardware00:03
bernier<danbhfive> I've already had it, just don'tremember the command00:03
berniercmon give it00:03
Jack_Sparrowbernier: the first thing to do...  backup00:03
bernierno need to00:03
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | bernier00:03
ubotubernier: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:03
bernierupdate-manager -d00:04
bernierthank you guys00:04
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lemonteais there a protecter program to lock users going into hard drive itself?00:05
=== Im_Testing_Somet is now known as Ttech
lemontealike password the hard drive00:05
Whyvaslemontea in the bios00:05
ameriodoes anybody know a good software for DVB cards?00:05
Whyvaslemontea make sure you never forget the password though, no way to reset it...00:06
soldierboysure there is, pull out the CMOS battery00:06
hanophix33is there a gnome amorak out there?00:06
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
kitchehangthedj: banshee pretty much00:07
Dr_willis You can run amarok under gnome if you want00:07
IndyGunFreakhanophix33: exile00:07
zokeis there a flash solution yet ?00:07
bod_hey guys,.,. so im runnng on a virginmedia 2mb broadband line (im connected by ethernet cable) but i get really slow surfing speeds,.,. on my routers page it says i have 2 dns's,. now i have both of them typed in and i assume it uses the first one by default,.,. so i removed the second one and got a really bad ping,. i swithched them around and got a better ping,.,. can i use other dns's other then the ones listed n my routers page?00:07
bod_if so where would i find the adresses?00:07
IndyGunFreakexile/banshee, really don't compare to Amarok, I'd install KDE dependencies t use Amarok, if it were me(and thats what I did)00:07
Whyvassoldierboy, it's on the hard drive genius, it won't do anything.00:07
Dr_williszoke,  theres a lot of little work arounds. I found a .deb at the !flash  factoids second link that i use.00:07
Dr_willis!flash | zoke00:08
ubotuzoke: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:08
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:08
hanophix33dr-willis:  themes dont work00:08
Dr_willishanophix33,  what themes?00:08
hanophix33amaroko themes00:08
hanophix33found, obviously at kde-look00:08
RandomUbuntuUserQuick question: Is there a Gnome alternative to Alacarte?00:09
danandRandomUbuntuUser - ??? alacarte - easy GNOME menu editing tool00:09
Cpudan80RandomUbuntuUser: That works in gnome, it is built into Gutsy00:10
Dr_willishanophix33,  no idea. could be they are older thmees no longer supported.00:10
danandRandomUbuntuUser - alacarte is for Gnome!00:10
RandomUbuntuUserCpudan80, Mine is buggy in Gutsy.. And I was looking for somehting to replace it..00:11
Cpudan80hrm.... dunno00:11
danandRandomUbuntuUser - ahhh ...the penny drops ... sorry00:11
RandomUbuntuUserNp guys. Thanks!00:11
fougdanand: ok i tried the other dvd drive, and it justs hangs00:11
fougdanand: and it makes noises like the dvd is spinning but the program is doing nothing00:11
RandomUbuntuUserSo NEW question: How do you manually edit the gnome menu?00:12
=== nephyll is now known as Nephilin
PriceChildRandomUbuntuUser, right click it and choose "edit menu"00:12
bod_RandomUbuntuUser, right click on the word applications00:12
Dr_willisRandomUbuntuUser,  the menus are generated from the variuos .desktop files on the system.   if you want the hard-kore way :)00:12
PriceChildDr_willis, he said gnome not hard-Kore kde ;)00:13
danandfoug - sorry - I'm at a loss now :(00:13
bod_can someone give me a dns plz?00:13
RandomUbuntuUserDe_willis, that is exactly what I need.. Could you give me the paths to these files?00:13
Dr_willisHow about Old-Skool. :)00:13
Dr_willisRandomUbuntuUser,  not really. do a locate .desktop00:13
fougi don't understand how ubuntu can't play DVD's by default. That's as stupid as the Wii not playing DVD's00:13
lemonteahow i change english langauage to chinese language display???00:13
teodrahow can i login as root in ubuntu without asking me for the password for some command i type.. ex. apt-get ??00:13
Dr_willisRandomUbuntuUser,  theres several places. and i dont kow th details00:13
Dr_willisfoug,  for ubuntu its LEGAL reasons.. for the Wii its for Cost reasons.00:13
PriceChildfoug, because it may be illegal in america.00:14
bod_teodra, i wouldnt recommend doing that00:14
fougplaying DVD's is old technology though, lol00:14
comicinkerfoug: by a dell laptop with ubuntu, then you get what you want00:14
PriceChildfoug, and that makes it possibly less illegal00:14
Dr_willisfoug,  legally ubuntu can not include dvd playback. If the wii wanted to incliude dvd playback they have to pay the dvd concortium like $10 a wii.00:14
bod_PriceChild, illegal to watch dvd's?00:14
danandfoug - you woulda thought so !!00:14
RandomUbuntuUserDr_willis, the ".desktop" helps a TON. Thanks!00:14
lemonteaHow can i change the settings to view chinese language display???00:14
teodrabod_ i want to know.. pls00:14
Dr_willisRandomUbuntuUser,  check freedesktop.org for info on the spec I think.00:14
ompaullemontea, ask in #ubuntu-cn00:15
PriceChildbod_, foug, libdvdcss has never been challenged in court, but it is probably illegal.00:15
fougso, if by law, it is illegal for ubuntu to play DVD's, then how does ubuntu and let alone linux plan on going anywhere in the OS market?00:15
bod_teodra, i dont no the answer,.,. but if u dont no the answer then its probably not a good idea00:15
ouellettesrdoes anyone know of a program  that will allow me to creat wiring diagrams00:15
danandbod_ : libdvdcss breaks the encryption on the dvd - this is illegal in some countries00:15
Dr_willisthere are LEGAL dvd players for Linux. BUt they are not free.00:15
teodrabod_ ok :) thnx.. but iam sure i can do that00:15
bod_PriceChild, danand, oh cheers00:16
fougDr_willis: it is software?00:16
ompaulfoug, ask the millions of people who use it already, and it only illegal in the US and places with dumb patent laws and that is not the whole planet and there are things you can do00:16
Dr_willisfoug,  dvd's are not  the only things people use comptuers for.00:16
lenswipehi there00:16
Dr_willisfoug,  yes. I recall some disrtos including the player. but they are not free.00:16
bod_teodra, wot r u trying to do that u need to be root user for?00:16
ompaul!u | bod_00:16
Dr_willisI cant even rember the last time i played/watched a movie dvd.00:16
fougwhere can i find libdvdcss? it isn't in the repo's00:16
ompaul!rootsudo | bod_00:16
lenswipecan someone answer a question for me?00:16
PriceChild!dvd | foug00:16
PriceChild!ask | lenswipe00:16
ubotubod_: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..00:16
ubotubod_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.00:16
ubotufoug: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:16
ubotulenswipe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:16
Dr_willisDvd playback under ubuntu is documented all over. :)00:17
teodrabod_ it's boring :) it's asking me always00:17
PriceChildDr_willis, but not always well00:17
d3ng4r_chrisHi, I need some help with my sound card00:17
Dr_willisPriceChild,  ive had dvd  disks that crash windows players.. but worked under linux. :) figure that one out.00:17
d3ng4r_chrisIt's a ICH8 Family sound card00:17
bod_teodra, so wot happens when someone logs into 'your' machine as root because u removed the password then deltes all ur config files?00:17
ompaul!audio | d3ng4r_chris00:17
ubotud3ng4r_chris: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:18
PriceChildDr_willis, i was talking about the documentation00:18
Dr_willisPriceChild,  and it was a Legal/commercial DVD of starwars.  Crashed 4 laptops at work.. but my Linux laptop played it fine.00:18
lenswipedoes anyone know what the default number permissions for the /var/www folder in ubuntu gutsy is?00:18
Dr_willisPriceChild,  heh :)00:18
PriceChildDr_willis, e.g..... "use automatix to install it easy as pie!!!"00:18
teodrabod_ no one can do it :) iam sure.. i don't have ftp ssh and i also have firewall00:18
Dr_willisPriceChild,  i perfer 'mint linux' :)00:18
illidanhi everyone I want to ask about dell creative webcam integrated for laptop and mic if anyone installed it!00:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imwheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:19
PriceChildillidan, please pastebin the output of "lsusb"00:19
bod_lenswipe, i have no www folder in that directory00:19
Alohahow do i check the resolution of my console?00:19
danandouellettesr - look in aptitude Not Installed Packages -> Electronics00:19
illidansry I'm kinda newbie where is lsusb?00:19
PriceChildbod_, because you don't have a webserver installed00:19
lenswipe!word do you have Apache?00:19
ompaulunagi, what are you asking the bot for in the channel? you know you can do /msg ubotu foo and it will tell you about goof00:19
d3ng4r_chrisYes, I have been to these pages00:19
PriceChildillidan, type it into a terminal00:19
fougPriceChild: danand: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libdvdcss2 " is the error i get00:19
ompaullenswipe, sudo apt-get install apache200:19
lenswipei have apache 200:20
PriceChildfoug, dependency?00:20
lenswipethank you00:20
Alohaillidan, usbutils00:20
bod_teodra, im sure someone can but its just a precaution,.,. u can ask people,. they might tell u,. but they'll almost certainly tell u about risks aswell00:20
d3ng4r_chrisompaul: I have read those pages, but I had no luck getting my sound card working00:20
fougPriceChild: dunno, downloading it off medibuntu00:20
teodraok bod_ thnx! bb00:20
illidanshould I paste it here? or it would be spam?00:20
PriceChildlenswipe, example00:20
illidanBus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.00:20
illidanBus 007 Device 001: ID 0000:000000:20
illidanBus 007 Device 002: ID 1058:0702 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.00:20
illidanBus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:000000:20
illidanBus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000000:20
bod_illidan, 1 line is ok00:20
illidanBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:000000:21
StrangeletSEVERE problem here, I was recently attempting to install Windows XP on a separate partition and it failed, some files could not be copied over. Now, an OS cannot be discovered upon boot, I am currently using a LiveCD session to communicate. What should I do?00:21
PriceChild!paste | illidan00:21
ubotuillidan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:21
bod_!pastebin | illidan00:21
lenswipe!pricechild Hello00:21
unagilol wow00:21
illidansry guys00:21
bod_lol,.,. no probs00:22
d3ng4r_chrisCan anyone help me with my intel sound card?00:22
fougi need help installing libdvdcss2. I get a "Dependency" error00:22
PriceChildlenswipe, no need for the !00:22
ompaulStrangelet, did you have Ubuntu on the machine you were talking about?00:22
lenswipebod do you know what the default number premissions on the /var/www folder are?00:22
Strangeletompaul: Yes00:23
d3ng4r_chrisfoug, have you tried installing vlc over the package manager?00:23
illidanomnivision should be the webcam?00:23
ompaul!grub | Strangelet00:23
ubotuStrangelet: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:23
fougd3ng4r_chris: yes i have VLC and Mplayer instead, none of them will play my DVD's00:23
ompaullenswipe,  drwxr-xr-x  3 root root00:23
d3ng4r_chrisI don't think vlc needs libdvdcss00:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dchub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:23
Strangeletompaul: Oh! I don't remember seeing GRUB load up earlier, this might help! :)00:23
d3ng4r_chriserm, what dependency error is it?00:23
lenswipeompaul what do you mean?00:23
ompaullenswipe, they are the default permissions00:24
lenswipeompaul do i type that in terminal?00:24
nickrud_d3ng4r_chris: yes vlc needs libdvdcss00:24
ompaullenswipe, no those are the default permissions, let me get you a page that explains that00:25
mikebotDoes anyone know why my ubuntu is really slow, yet I have 2 gb of RAM?00:25
peaceHello..someone help me please.. i crashed two times in a row... into log in... all app closed..everything.. its random crash...sometimes..its getting annoying..im using gutsy 32bit.00:26
Jangaridrwxr-xr-x, ompaul, means it's a directory, that the root has read write and execute access, that you have only read and execute access and that your group has only read and execute access00:26
fougahhhh i got it working finally, thanks to everyone who helped me00:26
lenswipeumpaul to reset the permissions with the ones u gave me do i do chmod drwxr-xr-x  3 root root /var/www00:27
desertcpeace: Hardware problem?  What's your log files say?00:27
lenswipeompaul to reset the permissions with the ones u gave me do i do chmod drwxr-xr-x  3 root root /var/www00:27
mikebotDoes anyone know why my ubuntu is really slow, yet I have 2 gb of RAM?00:27
ompaullenswipe, read this page http://www.unixcities.com/howto/index3.html00:27
lenswipeompaul thank you :D00:27
sadaiyappanI have a problem with my Upnp media server.00:27
peacehow can i find log file..00:28
TazaWindows rocks. <300:28
sadaiyappanIt doesn't work right.00:28
sadaiyappanCan someone tell me a good UPNP media server for PS3?00:28
nickrud_mikebot: runaway process? right click the panel, add the system monitor. Change the colors for the processor to contrasting ones, you can see your cpu useage clearly00:28
ompaulJangari, I could say man chmod but I rather people get help that gets them understanding what they need to do :)00:28
ompaulJangari, I wanted to see if the user knew what they were actually doing00:28
ompaulTaza, you are offtopic00:29
foughow do i change language with Mplayer? My movie is playing in spanish00:29
Jangarioh, pardon, ompaul, i mean that for lenswipe00:29
ompaulJangari, :)00:29
Tazaompaul: Actually, just investigating a rumour here.00:29
d3ng4r_chrisI'm looking for some assistance with my alsa00:29
sadaiyappanI need assistance with my UPNP.00:29
mikebotnickrud_: Which processor?00:29
Jangarianyone use alpine for email?00:29
hnazmikebot: top might help you here00:29
d3ng4r_chrisit's hda-intel00:30
mikebothnaz: top?00:30
hnazmikebot: open top in a terminal, press F for sorting mode and then n for sort-by-memory-usage00:30
nickrud_mikebot: your microprocessor. You can use that tool to see your usage. Nice graphical tool, shows a couple things clearly that top is obscure on00:30
hnazthen you see which process hogs your RAM00:30
peacedesertc whee i can see log file..and where to look in it.. if i go system/administration/system log..then its a big file..i dont know where to look..00:30
sadaiyappanI need assistance with my UPNP.00:30
mikebotnickrud_: There are like6 that are blue00:31
mikebothnaz: OK, I got that.00:31
mikebothnaz: But I cannot read it unfortunately.00:31
hnazmikebot: ah, yes.  system monitor is probably more gnome integrated :-)00:31
Dr_willissadaiyappan,  you could give a liuttle more details as to your whole setup  and what you are trying to do.   You got LINUX set up as a upnp server?00:31
nickrud_mikebot: I have user process green, io as red, the others as blue and yellow.00:31
hnazjust open `processes' tab and sort by memory usage...?00:32
FunkySemHello. Can i make video alls using skype in ubuntu?00:32
sadaiyappanDr_willis I have ubuntu gutsy gibon and mediatomb and a ps300:32
mikebotnickrud_: hnaz: OK, I got both these now, but it looks like they are both really low.00:32
sadaiyappanDr_willis, the ps3 detd detects the mediatomb and it's files but all the files show up as unsupported data00:33
nickrud_mikebot: when you say running slow, what exactly do you see? slow startup, slow screen repaint ....00:33
pkli need some help with ./unload command00:33
mikebotnickrud_: Like, maybe it's just Opera, but that opened really slowly.00:33
mikebotnickrud_: And it runs really slowly too.00:34
TaskWhy Am I having such a hard time creating a Dual boot !??!   Its taking me all day and I still cant get it00:34
pklit says: syntax error00:34
hnazTask: wow, it should not take longer than 3 minutes, though ;)00:34
nickrud_mikebot: how about other stuff? If it's just opera, then it's an opera problem not ubuntu00:34
TaskWhat is the mounting point suppose to be for windows?00:34
Dr_willissadaiyappan,  never heard of mediatomb - It  may have its own help channel/forums/support page that deals with it and ps3 issues.00:34
TaskYeah I know00:34
PriceChildTask, doesn't matter00:34
peacewhen someone will have free time.. i need help from someone :)  | i randomly crash... quite often.. Where to see whats the problem.00:34
PriceChildTask, leave it at default00:34
TaskI did00:34
Taskand it wont install Ubuntu00:35
=== HashBox_ is now known as HashBox
mikebotnickrud_: I mean, I don't really use much else...vlc runs fine I suppose.00:35
mikebotnickrud_: Isn't Opera the fastest browser?00:35
ompaul!dualboot | Task00:35
ubotuTask: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:35
PriceChildCan you resume from a swap "file"?00:35
sadaiyappanDr_willis, you have any suggestions on other UPNP media servers?00:35
Dr_willissadaiyappan,  i just use MythTV00:35
desertcpeace: look around - you should get comfortable withthat file00:35
hnazPriceChild: no00:35
nickrud_mikebot: supposedly. But try some other stuff, make sure it's running right. epiphany for example, it's a quick browser00:35
hnazPriceChild: not with the swsusp architecture of the kernel00:36
mikebotnickrud_: Oh, also, I don't have the normal broswer, I thought I downloaded some different version.00:36
PriceChildThanks hnaz00:36
nickrud_mikebot: test stuff.00:36
mikebotnickrud_: Haha, how do I do that?00:37
desertcpeace: that's how your computer speaks to you  :)00:37
nickrud_mikebot: run gedit. is it snappy after you open it? How about openoffice? once it's open, does it lag? That kind of thing00:37
goudkovhi guys, is there a way to install ubuntu without reformatting?00:37
nickrud_goudkov: are you trying to preserve your /home?00:38
TyroazardOh wow, Ubuntu's on Freenode too00:38
bod_nickrud_, hey dude00:38
desertcgoudkov: The Ubuntu Live CD has a way to repartition a Windows computer00:38
nickrud_bod_: hi there00:38
goudkovnickrud_: among other things00:38
TyroazardUh, might as well get that issue sorted out while I'm here.00:38
tetzke9i have a question is this the right place?00:38
ompaul!dualboot | goudkov00:38
ubotugoudkov: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:38
desertc!ask | tetzke900:38
peacedesertc i found the error..its not easy to rewrite it...00:38
ubotutetzke9: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:38
bod_nickrud_ i dont suppose u could help with a query could u ,.,.00:38
desertc!pastebin | peace00:39
ubotupeace: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:39
unagiomg can someone please explain to me why when my imwheelrc has a line that says 'Alt_L, Left, Control_L|Alt_L|Left' it does what it is suppose to but when i change it to 'Control_L, Alt_L, Left, Control_L|Alt_L|Left' it doesnt work00:39
TyroazardPPC iMac with Ubuntu on it, Sound doesn't work, help?00:39
goudkovlol. so many answers and none of them actually to the question i asked. i love geeks :)00:39
mikebotnickrud_: What browser do you use?00:39
unagiTyroazard, has it ever worked00:39
Dr_willisgoudkov,  'without reformating' is vague. :)00:39
nickrud_goudkov: if you want to save some data on your install, move it all to a new directory, like /data . Hand delete everything else, and use the alternate install cd. You can tell that installer to not reformat the partition00:39
tetzke9Linux wont boot from itself i have to use the CD and then choose the Boot drive option so whats happenin?00:39
Dr_willisgoudkov,  i reinstall ubuntu without reformating my /home partition all the time.00:39
Taskomg that link was bs00:40
nickrud_mikebot: firefox mostly.00:40
TyroazardI just installed it, but, when I did install Ubuntu on my normal computer, this one, it did work, yes.00:40
nickrud_bod_: you can ask :)00:40
Dr_willisgoudkov,  but its best to reformat the / partion.00:40
limphello, i installed LAMP and then phpmyadmin, but phpmyadmin does not appear in my www folder nor my virtual host00:40
theaaghaazDo you guys know of an alternative to the GPL which prohibits people from selling the software?00:40
mikebotnickrud_: Swift fox?00:40
unagiTyroazard, you lost me, it was a yes or no question00:40
peacedesertc  i cant coppy it... okay manually.... peacep ... gdm[18884]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting : 000:40
TyroazardSound has worked on the iMac, when it was running OSX00:40
goudkovnickrud_: i take it the alternative install has the option of not forcing the format of /?00:40
bod_nickrud_,  would u mind telling me wot your DNS address is?00:40
TaskEverytime I try to install the GRUB it sends me to the partition manager... and from there I cant do anything00:40
Ax-Axmy computer turns black whith a white text cursor at random moments, any ideas?00:41
TyroazardClarify your question? Has sound ever worked on the iMac or with ubuntu?00:41
PriceChild!offtopic | theaaghaaz00:41
ubotutheaaghaaz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:41
Jangarican i configure the links in the 'places' section of nautilus? I want to add a data partition to 'places' and i want to make 'home' link to 'home' rather than /home/~00:41
desertctheaaghaaz: best to research it yourself, but there are plenty of people who sell linux00:41
tetzke9Linux wont boot from itself i have to use the CD and then choose the Boot drive option so whats happenin?00:41
tetzke9Some bootfiles missing or anything like that?00:41
britt_question: would anybody know why i would be able to send mail from my mail server but not receive mail ? the DNS stuff is correct...any thoughts?00:41
nickrud_goudkov: yes. But _DO NOT_ just install over the old one, the results are undefined and probably not a good thing00:41
PriceChildtetzke9, you have no partition set with the "boot" flag00:41
goudkovnickrud_: thanks00:41
unagiobviously i mean ubuntu........it would be silly for me to mean osx because, well, you arent trying to get sound working with osx Tyroazard00:41
PriceChildtetzke9, run gparted from the live cd and fix that00:41
unagiTyroazard, did you try searching google?00:41
zethero1how do I get gzip filles working in Ubuntu?00:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:41
tetzke9oke price00:41
manicnerdi'm a total moron and dont know which driver to install for my x1150.... does this new ati driver support this card?  i dont think it does...but like i said...i'm a moron00:42
tetzke9do i have to reboot now then ?00:42
theaaghaazah, darn. Okay, can you redirect me somewhere that I can ask about the GPL?00:42
PriceChildtheaaghaaz, read what ubotu said00:42
desertctheaaghaaz: the innerwebs00:42
ompaultheaaghaaz, #fsf #gnu00:42
paveraok, I have a slightly weird issue, I'm wondering if maybe my system has been rooted, but I can't find any evidence of that00:42
britt_question: would anybody know why i would be able to send mail from my mail server but not receive mail ? the DNS stuff is correct...any thoughts?00:42
nickrud_bod_: from my interfaces file: # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed        dns-nameservers
paverarandomly over the last 2 days00:42
peacepeacep NetworkManager: <WARN> nm_dbus_get_networks_cb(): error received: org.freedosktop.networkmanagerinfo.nonetworks - there are no wireless networks stored... <--- this was before that error00:42
paveramy system clock gets set to August 25th 194400:42
paveraubuntu server 7.1000:43
Jangaribritt_: are your imap/pop settings correct? you would still be able to send mail if only the smtp settings are alright00:43
unagiomg can someone please explain to me why when my imwheelrc has a line that says 'Alt_L, Left, Control_L|Alt_L|Left' it does what it is suppose to but when i change it to 'Control_L, Alt_L, Left, Control_L|Alt_L|Left' it doesnt work00:43
paverarunning in a vmware virtual machine00:43
zethero1how do I get gzip filles working in Ubuntu?00:43
britt_Jangari: as in exim is JuSt for SMTP?00:43
desertczethero1: gzip is on ubuntu by default00:43
bod_nickrud_,  im trying to get a diff DNS to the one im using to see if it speeds my internet up,,.,. the DNS should look like this ,.,.,.,. i found that by typing my routers ip adress ( into a web browser00:43
britt_Jangari: exim4 to be precise00:44
Tyroazardunagi: Query00:44
Jangariokay then, dunno00:44
zethero1desertc: well its not working for me00:44
paveraany ideas what could set my system clock to 1944?00:44
desertczethero1: do "man gzip"00:44
britt_Jangari: i think i need to check on this some more. i think your on to something.....00:44
PriceChildpavera, i didn't think linux's clock would go past 1970...00:44
bod_pavera, update drivers for ur motherboard00:44
zethero1desertc: in the terminal?00:44
aquo_pavera: winston churchill?00:44
desertczethero1: how are you trying to run gzip ?00:44
sybaritenhey .... i have a live (or semi live) ubuntu on USB memory. Its acting really weird, and some of the bugs seem to be known by others. but i wont go into that now00:45
britt_Jangari: i havent done this in quite some time , i think i forgot to Install a POP server lol00:45
paverait is an ubuntu server install running in vmware00:45
nickrud_bod_: I've been very happy with that, it's opendns.com , has some useful stuff for name that don't resolv.00:45
Jangariyour incoming mail server is usually quite distinct from your outgoing server00:45
paveraand randomly over the last couple days, the system time is set to Aug 25 194400:45
sybaritenbut whats your take on this: i used to be able to run firefox - now i always get a segmentation fault..... ???00:45
oxeimonwhy do some of my folders in the terminal show up with a green background/blue foreground?00:45
peaceat least i know how to watch system log file :D00:45
sybaritencan i get a better error dump or output than just what the terminal tells me?00:45
bod_nickrud_, cheers dude,.,. il try them out00:45
aquo_pavera: what is your timezone?00:45
paveraso? VMware upgrade?00:45
TaskIt wont install Grub.. it sends me to Partition manager... and then it tells me some bullshit llike.... thats a invalid mounting point for that system and then tells me to load GRUB and keeps repeating00:45
nickrud_bod_: switched to it for the same reason you're mentioning, I'd have to wait several seconds at the very least for name resolution from my isp00:45
Jangariuntil i discovered it, I had the smtp spelled wrong on this machine, so i could do everything but send, including save as draft'00:45
zethero1desertc: I got a gzip package from Gnome-look.org and tried to extract it ... but it says its an unknown archive type etc....00:45
Jangaribritt_: what client do you use?00:46
desertczethero1: how did you try to extract it?00:46
britt_Jangari: right now, mutt00:46
Jangariwtf is mutt?00:46
oxeimonwhen I type "ls -l" in my terminal, a bunch of my folders have a green background/blue foreground...how do I fix that?00:46
britt_Jangari: mail client....00:46
britt_Jangari: console mail client00:46
bod_nickrud_, im trying this , then if that dont work il try setting up my own DNS server,. and if that dont work,. im gonna murder everyone who works for virginmedia00:46
paverathis system has been running fine for like 4 months00:46
paveranow suddenly, the last couple days00:46
zethero1desertc: rightclick and Extract Here..... Archive type not supported.00:46
paverait keeps thinking WWII is still going on00:46
mikebotHow do I add repositories?00:47
Jangarioh yeah? i've actually been looking for a usable console client00:47
Jangarimutt eh?00:47
nickrud_oxeimon: that is used to differentiate the file types and other stuff.  try  file <ugly file> to see what it is00:47
desertczethero1: that's not gzip... that's archive manager00:47
limpWhy doesnt phpmyadmin appear in www folder after install? (sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin)00:47
Jangarii couldn't figure out how to get alpine working00:47
desertczethero1: anyway, it's probably a corrupted archive00:47
nickrud_oxeimon: like a broken link is red, an executable is green, etc00:47
oxeimonnickrud_: they're mainly directories...00:47
aquo_pavera: 25. august was the day paris got liberated00:47
zethero1desertc: oh ok00:47
oxeimonnickrud_: the problem is, many other folders are just blue on white background00:48
nickrud_oxeimon:  ls -ld <dir>00:48
paverahmm... so, its a french hacker that's rooted my box and is setting the clock back?00:48
aquo_pavera: maybe the system clock battery is empty.00:48
Jangarican't find mutt, what's the package called?00:48
paveraI already said00:48
paveraits a vmware virtual machine00:48
peacedesertc  P.S. restricted drivers in use ! - nvidia latest drivers instaled.... so what might be a problem?00:48
oxeimonnickrud_: most directories are blue, except the ones that I got from my external hard drive00:48
desertcpavera: probably estonia00:48
jribJangari: mutt :)00:48
paverathe actual physical machine doesn't have this problem00:48
paverait always thinks the time is right00:48
nickrud_oxeimon: you can turn off all colors by editing the alias for ls in ~./bashrc00:48
Jangarihmm, apt-cache search doesn't see it00:48
limpWhy doesnt phpmyadmin appear in www folder after install? (sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin) do I have to reinstall apache2 WITH phpmyadmin?00:49
jrib!info mutt | Jangari00:49
ubotujangari: mutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.15+20070412-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1057 kB, installed size 5196 kB00:49
oxeimonnickrud_: the directories I copied from my external hard drive are turning up on a greenbackground/blue foreground00:49
oxeimonnickrud_: I want colors, just not these colors...00:49
desertcpeace: not sure on that question00:49
oxeimonnickrud_: I want them to look like regular folders. ie, blue on white00:49
ubuntuohey, what version of "OpenOffic" do you guys have for Ubuntu?00:49
aquo_pavera: seems strange, looked at dmesg output and rtc drivers?00:49
jribJangari: check that the main repo is enabled?00:49
Jangariokay, apt-get sees it00:49
unagiok so apparently imwheel doesnt support functions like ctrl and alt together00:49
Ax-Axgah.. my computer hangs and shows a completely black screen with a flickering cursor when i start xscreensaver00:50
d3ng4r_chrishey, I'm still looking for some assistance with my Intel ICH sound card00:50
nickrud_oxeimon: then you can change the colors used for different stuff , man dircolors has the details. I haven't looked for a long time00:50
desertc!intelhda | d3ng4r_chris00:50
ubotud3ng4r_chris: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:50
paverartc drivers? how would I look at those?00:50
paveraI've looked through all the logs and dmesg00:50
d3ng4r_chrisbeen there00:50
paveraand don't see anything necessarily related00:50
aquo_pavera: dmesg | grep rtc? anything?00:51
d3ng4r_christhat didn't work00:51
nickrud_oxeimon: man dir_colors has more info as well00:51
bod_nickrud_, ive gone down from 2000ms to 200 ,.,. cheers dude,.,. if you were female and fit,. id give u a kiss00:51
TyroazardOkay, next problem. The boot screen of Ubuntu is in weird colors00:51
TyroazardAll rainbowy00:51
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
TyroazardIt returns to normal when I enter the login screen, though.00:52
justinneedhi, I just downloaded the game from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/ReturnToCastleWolfensteinEnemyTerritory and I am trying to apply the security fix, but its giving me error00:52
Hub441just compiled a 2.6.24 kernel for my laptop (timer resolution <=> not working suspend in gutsy-rt kernel) but the only thing that freezes my laptop is hotswapping the bay-cdrom00:52
d3ng4r_chrisdesertc: No luck with those suggestions00:52
peacehow to save a log ??00:52
Hub441what does ubuntu use for hotswap?00:52
jribpeace: of?00:52
TyroazardIt's not really a big problem, just want to know how to fix it00:52
bod_take acid00:52
Hub441on my gentoo machine i saw hotplug but i have no idea weather it has somehing to do with it or not00:53
peacei want to save a logfile..of my error.. and the error i can read is in "system log" system/administration system log00:53
paveraI have the system set up to use ntpdate00:53
paverait should be set to run every hour00:53
paverajust using the standard ubuntu time server00:53
bod_!enter | pavera00:53
ubotupavera: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:53
Jangarifar out man, ubuntu's so lightweight, i have 20 GB on this partition and I've been installing heaps of software, and i've only used up 4GB00:53
mikebotDoes Intel Core 2 Duo = Core Solo/Duo on http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm00:54
d3ng4r_chrisplease, I need help with my intel-hda sound adapter...00:54
nickrud_peace: that is found in /var/log/syslog, it's automatically saved, see the  x.gz ones in the same dir00:54
jribpeace: edit -> copy  then paste somewhere else would be one way.  Another way is to open the log file directly.  It is probably in /var/log00:54
bod_im off,. cya guys00:54
TyroazardBye o/00:55
* nickrud_ feels safe from bod_ now :)00:55
peacethank you00:55
bod_nickrud_, how do u do that?00:55
nickrud_bod   /me feels good, helping bod with simple irc stuff00:55
mikebotDoes anyone know about processors?00:56
bod_nickrud_, /me feels good00:56
d3ng4r_chrisdoes anyone know about getting sound on intel ich8 cars working?00:56
bod_nickrud_, lol,. im so confused00:56
nickrud_bod_: no, the line begins with /me00:56
* bod_ feels good00:56
crimsund3ng4r_chris: download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh and run it.00:56
hanophix33is the reason amarok looks so bad because its for kde?00:56
crimsund3ng4r_chris: then tell me the url it generates.00:56
peacethe main error i get is... Jan 26 02:20:31 peacep gdm[18884]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0   *** GUTSY 32bit... nvidia 6800u 3500athlon 64bit. nvidia restricted drivers instaled and in use.00:57
* bod_ Thankyou nickrud_ 00:57
tetzke9is steam possible on Linux?00:57
vrkhanshi everyone00:57
tetzke9is there a howto?00:57
bod_tetzke9, cedega & wine me thinks00:57
hanophix33is amarok the best music pkayer?00:57
aquo_using steam with linux is stupid00:57
* bod_ Has left the building00:57
PriceChild!best | hanophix3300:58
ubotuhanophix33: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.00:58
tetzke9why is that stupid?00:58
mikebotDoes Intel Core 2 Duo = Core Solo/Duo on http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm00:58
hanophix33but it looks horrible in gnome00:58
aquo_tetzke9: because you need the windows licence anyway00:58
d3ng4r_chriscrimsun: replied in a seperate chat window00:58
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.00:59
MrObviousmikebot: Yes.00:59
Dr_willishanophix33,  i use bmpx00:59
Whyvas!ass | PriceChild00:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ass - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:59
crimsund3ng4r_chris: you're not identified, so I didn't receive your query.00:59
PriceChildWhyvas, what was that for?00:59
d3ng4r_chrisIt's not running properly00:59
hanophix33dr_willis: what about some comparable to amarok, i love the idea00:59
MrObviousmikebot: Actually not yes.00:59
d3ng4r_chrisalsa-info.sh: 202: [[: not found00:59
d3ng4r_chrisALSA Information Script v 0.4.3500:59
d3ng4r_chrisThis script will collect information about your ALSA installation and sound related hardware, to help diagnose your problem.00:59
d3ng4r_chrisalsa-info.sh: 202: [[: not found00:59
d3ng4r_chrisBy default, the collected information will be AUTOMATICALLY uploaded to a pastebin site.00:59
d3ng4r_chrisIf you do not wish for this to occur, run the script with the --no-upload argument00:59
WhyvasPriceChild I was trying to explain something to you00:59
d3ng4r_chrisDo you want to run this script? [y/n] : read: 202: Illegal option -e00:59
crimsund3ng4r_chris: no, please use bash00:59
mohbanai tried installing ubuntu, but i get a black screen that doesn't respond at all expect when i press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart, how can i post my system spec00:59
vrkhansI am using e17 as my desktop manager but my Internet, connection always get messed up. each time I have to do sudo network-admin to correct my password. what should I do.00:59
MrObviousmikebot: But it's the closest thing found00:59
PriceChildWhyvas, and what would that be?01:00
MrObviousvrkhans: Make a startup script in E17 that does it for you.01:00
ompauld3ng4r_chris, your mute will be removed in a moment or two - please wait that long01:00
mikebotMrObvious: HAha, it isn't?01:00
WhyvasPriceChild did you just flex your ops?01:00
ubuntuohey, what version of "OpenOffice" do you guys have for Ubuntu?01:00
PriceChildWhyvas, about to mute the paster01:00
vrkhansMrObvious: how can I do that , I am new to e and linux01:00
mohbanawow is channel is packed out01:00
aquo_i think network configuration should be independent of user sessions ...01:01
aquo_try ifupdown-scripts01:01
MrObviousmikebot: No, the Core Solo/Duo arch. is Yonah based CPUs, while Core Two Solo/Duo/Quads are Conroe based. It's a faster architecture.01:01
tetzke9i have a geforce 6800 series card were do i get drivers?01:01
PriceChildaquo_, then use network-admin or /etc/network/interfaces01:01
ompaul!paste d3ng4r_chris01:01
PriceChild!nvidia | tetzke901:01
ubotutetzke9: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:01
ompaul!paste | d3ng4r_chris01:01
ubotud3ng4r_chris: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:01
aquo_PriceChild: i know01:01
MrObviousvrkhans: I can't help but search ubuntuforums.org for e17 startup script and let that show you.01:01
zachalinkis there any way that I can perhaps make the whole address bar text highlighted in just one click on firefox??01:01
zachalinklike on windows01:01
mohbanahi can anyone help01:01
oxeimonin a folder with both directories and files, how do I use chmod on all the files but no the directories?01:02
heatmzzrwhat is the name of the lib that plays dvd, its like cssdvdlib or something like that01:02
d3ng4r_chriscrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/87281401:02
ompaul!dvd | heatmzzr01:02
ubotuheatmzzr: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:02
Flannelmohbana: Try starting the CD in safe graphics mode01:02
c1|freakyis there a way i can execute a command with a user who is member of a group, using that group in one command?01:03
Dr_williszachalink,  thats a firefox setting. But i dont rember  where its at. I HATE that wya of doing it. heh.01:03
oxeimonin a folder with both directories and files, how do I use chmod on all the files but no the directories?01:03
bulmerfailure code 0x73 - Defective Device.  Excessive Shock. Technical Result Code 7300D21401:03
mohbanaFlannel, once i install will be able to run at say 1680x1050, is there another channel?01:03
Dr_willisoxeimon,  you have to do some work with 'find' to do that.  I had to do it just the other day. let me find my script01:04
aquo_oxeimon: i would do a combination with find ...01:04
Dr_willisoxeimon,  want me to msg you my script?01:04
mikebotDoes anyone know what kind of processor an Intel Core 2 Duo is?01:04
Flannelmohbana: More thank likely, yes.  The LiveCD going blank on you isn't an indication of a problem post-install01:04
crimsund3ng4r_chris: were you able to compile alsa-driver 1.0.16rc1 against linux-headers-$(uname -r)?01:04
Flannelmikebot: x86 or AMD6401:04
oxeimonDr_willis: sure, thanks :-D01:04
danbhfivemikebot: isnt x86?01:05
Flannelmikebot: er, i386 or AMD64, even01:05
islingtonI use 1386 on ine mikebot01:05
aquo_mikebot: im which context?01:05
d3ng4r_chrisno, I wasn't01:05
mikebotaquo_: I'm trying to download this: http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm01:05
mikebotFlannel: Yikes, OK, thanks. Do you know which of these that would be?: http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm01:05
d3ng4r_chriscrimsun: Shall I redo this?01:05
tetzke9The software source for the package01:06
tetzke9   nvidia-glx-new01:06
tetzke9 is not enabled01:06
d3ng4r_chrisHow do I remove what I already installed?01:06
crimsund3ng4r_chris: then you need to clone hg tip of alsa-{kernel,driver} and compile that.01:06
crimsund3ng4r_chris: you don't need to remove anything.01:06
danbhfivesomeone should make a ubotu command for the sources issue01:06
aquo_mikebot: choose http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian/dists/unstable/non-free/binary-i386/swiftfox_3.0b3pre-4_prescott.deb01:06
d3ng4r_chriscan you explain a little further please?01:06
yao_ziyuananother suggestion for ubuntu:01:07
tetzke9The software source for the package01:07
tetzke9   nvidia-glx-new01:07
tetzke9 is not enabled <----------- what does it mean?01:07
yao_ziyuandouble clicking the titlebar menu should close the window01:07
Dr_willisoxeimon,  Hope those help01:07
mikebotaquo_: Someone just said this though: mikebot: No, the Core Solo/Duo arch. is Yonah based CPUs, while Core Two Solo/Duo/Quads are Conroe based. It's a faster architecture. .... Does that matter?01:07
danbhfive!sourceomatic | tetzke901:07
ubotutetzke9: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.01:07
LjLyao_ziyuan, this is not the channel for suggestions really, it's for support. try http://bugs.ubuntu.com if it's important.01:07
d3ng4r_chriscrimsun: can you be a little more specific?01:07
ubuntuoLjL do you use openoffice or broffice?01:07
Dr_willisSo THATS where source-o-matic went! :001:08
LjLubuntuo: KOffice01:08
aquo_mikebot: i don't think so, from the selections this one is the best. this hint is for another context, e.g. choosing compiler parameters ... but here you have binary packages.01:08
ubuntuocool LjL01:08
oxeimonDr_willis: yeah that's amazing. Thanks I just fixed my problem :-D :-D :-D01:08
wersis there any way for me to bypass the forced fsck? I'm just thinking. What if the fsck comes out when I urgently need my computer?01:08
crimsund3ng4r_chris: more help in #alsa.01:09
mikebotaquo_: Haha, OK, I don't really understand this stuff so I'll take your word. I appreciate it.01:09
Dr_willisoxeimon,  i often have issue with the permissions when using samba shares and files copied from cd/dvd01:09
mikebotaquo_: (Do you know anything about the fastest browser in ubuntu?)01:09
LjL!fsck > wers    (wers, see the private message from Ubotu)01:09
tetzke9The software source for the package01:09
tetzke9   nvidia-glx-new01:09
tetzke9 is not enabled ?01:09
Dr_williswers,  you need it so  urgently - you want to risk data loss? :)01:09
d3ng4r_chriscrimsun: I'll join that channel01:09
LjL!paste > tetzke9    (tetzke9, see the private message from Ubotu)01:09
LjL!info nvidia-glx-new | tetzke901:09
ubotutetzke9: nvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB01:09
danbhfivetetzke9: did you get my message?01:09
Dr_williswers,  its only like every 30 remounts. You can set the # higher.   I see the checking like once a month on my machines01:10
LjLtetzke9: it may mean you have restricted disabled, which would be pretty awkward01:10
aquo_mikebot: i have choose plain firefox and changed some caching parameters in about:config. i am fine with that.01:10
tetzke9no dan01:10
LjL!tab | tetzke901:10
mikebotaquo_: Hrm..is there a tutorial for that? And is there a way to make firefox act like Opera in that when you close it and open it later it opens all the tabs previously open?01:10
ubotutetzke9: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:11
danbhfive!sourceomatic | tetzke901:11
ubotutetzke9: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.01:11
wersDr_willis and LjL, there are emergency cases when I happen to need to use my computer immediately. How do I bypass the forced fsck whenever that happens?01:11
tetzke9what now?01:11
danbhfivetetzke9: you need to enable some of your repositories01:11
Dr_williswers,  no idea.  never noticed or wanted to do so.01:11
LjLwers: you can't01:11
hanophix33any good alternatives to amarok?01:11
getisboyis it possible to create a symlink for every folder in the current directory?01:11
ubuntuocan you password-protect folders in Ubuntu?01:11
danbhfivetetzke9: System > Admin > Software Sources01:12
LjLwers: you can make it not happen, but once it starts, you can't stop it01:12
Dr_willisgetisboy,   you could make a script that does that.  I guess.. there may be some other command line tools that automate it.01:12
aquo_mikebot: i think there are plenty tutorials for that, you will find with google. i used a german howto, but i think this won't help you ;)01:12
peacei want to reconfigure XORG ... it lets me chooose... nv <- it selects this automatically....but i can also chooce nvidia...drivers... what should i choose..?01:12
=== nephyll is now known as Nephilinn
Dr_willisgetisboy,  cp has a --link option also01:12
wersthat's my problem. I want to stop it. It's a bug. ahehe01:12
mikebotaquo_: Haha, yeah. OK, thanks a bunch.01:12
getisboydr_willis, ok01:13
danbhfivepeace: nvidia if you want the official nvidia drivers01:13
Genius314I'm trying to install Wacom-tools, but I get an error.01:13
tetzke9any1 using beryl?01:13
LjLpeace: "nv" is an open source driver with little (well, no) support for 3D. "nvidia" is a proprietary driver with 3D support.01:13
peacethank you01:13
LjL!beryl > tetzke9    (tetzke9, see the private message from Ubotu)01:13
taconehello I am trying to install drivers for conexant cx2388501:13
taconeactually I did and /dev/dvb shows up01:13
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:13
taconebut I cannot test with vlc. how to test if it works ?01:13
LjLwers, well not a bug, rather a missing feature... the way fsck works, if you just stop it suddenly, your filesystem will get corrupted. i don't think it has a sane "stop gracefully" procedure01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:14
LjL!tv > aquo_    (aquo_, see the private message from Ubotu)01:14
tetzke9my internet is slow in linux but not in XP01:14
hendrixskiis there a way to turn avi files into DV files?01:14
heartsbloodI'm having trouble viewing mp4 files.  I can see the file preview in gnome but when I click on the mp4 videos to watch them all I get is the sound and a moving pink screen.  I get the same moving pick screen from vlc/totem/mplayer.  What would cause this?01:15
wersLjL, yeah. we really can't stop it. I'm just looking for a feature like the one in windows which asks the user's permission before the fsck01:15
Dr_williswers,  ive never noticed windows asking actually. :)01:16
Genius314When I try installing Wacom-tools, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53506/01:16
Flannelwers: `sudo touch /fastboot` will keep the fsck from happening (needs to be done each shutdown for the next reboot)01:17
TurbukEstoy usando Ubuntu 7.10 y  Tengo un problema que no se que he hecho pero me han desaparecido las cabeceras de las ventanas01:17
LjL!es | Turbuk01:17
ubotuTurbuk: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:17
Flannelwers: likewise, touching /forcefsck will force one01:17
Turbuksorry ;)01:17
wersDr_willis, there's a prss any key to stop the forced fsck in windows01:18
sdfo2would anyone know what would cause this? http://pastebin.ca/87283601:18
wersFlannel, yeah. I'm aware of that. I hope, there's a feature that would ask the user before the forced fsck carries on01:18
rne1224what's up :P01:18
rne1224does anyone here uses Crystal Space 1.001:19
GambaroniHow can I setup a mailserver on my ubuntu-computer so I can send emails with mail() in php?01:19
LjL!enter | rne122401:19
uboturne1224: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:19
britt_Gambaroni: join the club...i'm trying to remember how to config exim401:19
Dr_williswers,   all this sounds like a very good way to lose some data. :)01:19
Gambaronibritt_ hehe01:20
LjLwers, Flannel: there should also logically be a parameter you can append to the kernel command line to avoid the checking. however, i can't find it. it would definitely make sense though01:20
britt_Gambaroni: lol....i'll let you know how it goes, should be done in around 5-6.5 min01:20
Dr_williswers,  have fun. :P and  'rember kids - it pays to backup!'01:20
Gambaronibritt_ nice01:20
wersDr_willis, yeah. backup. it's the real thing. btw, the one in windows asks the user's permission even before the forced fsck starts. that's what we need01:21
Genius314Can someone help me? I'm trying to fix the inverted scrollwheel on my Wacom tablet.01:21
joe__can Linux be effected by windows viruses?01:21
nemilarjoe__: no01:22
aquo_yes, if windows is running01:22
sdfo2would anyone know what would cause this? http://pastebin.ca/87283601:22
mohbanaFlannel, i think you miss understood me it goes totally blank i click start or install option01:22
nemilarjoe__: the worst that could happen is if you run a windows virus in Wine, but then it can only affect your Wine files01:22
heartsbloodaquo_: that's redundant, windows is a virus.01:22
Dr_williswers,  'need' :) i dont need it.. I dont think id want my company web server asking the janitor if  it should check the filesystem.. heh heh01:22
taconewhen I try to use dvbutils o mythbuntu with my dvb card it gives me permission error. anyone can help me ?01:22
aquo_Heartsbane: 1:0 for you01:22
cjones_i am outside the us and want to install the win32 codecs will somebody help me01:23
aquo_blood even01:23
joe__if I accept a file from someone on amsn, and its a virus, will teh virus effect the windows install that I have on this computer? the windows is on another HDD01:23
wersGenius314, do you happen to have a genius look 316 webcam? ahehehe01:23
wersI can't make mine work :D01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:23
Flannelmohbana: Right.  Try the "start in safe graphics mode" option01:23
heartsbloodjoe__: nothing is impossible, but it's not likely.01:23
phoenixzargh.. I need to shut off a service without uninstalling that service.. there is NO chkconfig! How do i disable the starting of a service for a specific (and ALL) runlevels??01:23
Genius314wers: No...01:23
LjL!w32codecs > nemilar    (nemilar, see the private message from Ubotu)01:23
danbhfive!medibuntu | cjones_01:23
ubotucjones_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:23
linux_kidanyone know how to restore an over-formatted ext3 partition?01:24
joe__k thanx heartsblood nemilar and anyone who answered01:24
nemilarjoe__: if you're in Linux, you don't have to worry about windows viruses01:24
rne1224by any chance...does anyone uses Crystal Space 1.0? I need some help01:25
Flannel!bum | phoenixz01:25
ubotuphoenixz: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:25
sdfo2would anyone know what would cause this? http://pastebin.ca/872836 /msg me if you could.01:25
markuswat geht01:26
Flannelrne1224: try #crystalspace01:26
LjL!de | markus01:26
ubotumarkus: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:26
britt_exim4 is just for sending mail, right? what is the recommendation for a POP server?01:27
rne1224Flannel: I'm on it right now, but nobody answers...=(01:27
heartsbloodWhat would cause a pink viewing area when trying to watch mp4 files?01:27
phoenixzFlannel, "remove startup services".. That would mean that the entire service gets removed? or only that it will no longer be started?01:27
Flannelbritt_: Theres a couple.  Dovecot, courier, uh, two more. https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html01:28
Genius314I'm having trouble installing Wacom-tools.01:28
sdfo2heartsblood, no codec?01:28
britt_Flannel: so im correct in that exim is just for smtp stuff right01:28
Flannelphoenixz: Just disabled.  Thats not a package manager01:28
getisboydr_willis, i think cp --link creates a hard link, not a symlink01:28
aquo_Flannel: does he really need a mailserver on localhost to make php mail() work?01:28
Flannelaquo_: Depends on what he's trying to do.01:29
heartsbloodsdf02: that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.  gnome can grab a still image from the video for it's 'video preview' effect and I can hear sound when I open it.  just no video01:29
mikebotIs there a built in mail client or chat client in firefox?01:29
Flannelmikebot: No.  That'd be the seamonkey suite01:29
sdfo2heartsblood, what you using to play it?01:30
mikebotFlannel: That does both?01:30
pike_mikebot: thunderbird and chatzilla i think01:30
pike_mikebot: but theyre seperate clients i dunno about plugins01:30
phoenixzFlannel, iaw, it would ONLY remove the links in /etc/rc.#/...... ?01:30
heartsbloodsdf02: totem/vlc/mplayer all give the same pink screen.  sound but no video01:30
mikebotArg., this is why I liked opera =/01:30
Flannelmikebot: er, not chat.  but yeah, chatzilla.  Seamonkey is the old mozilla suite01:30
heartsbloodsdf02: and just to clarify it's a moving pink screen.01:30
Flannelphoenixz: yes.01:30
sdfo2heartsblood, what's mplayer say at the console?01:30
Flannelphoenixz: well, it'll disable them in rc.#, they'll still be there01:31
joe__when I get an email in my hotmail account. I get a notice on amsn, but it wont open. I presume thats cause hotmail tries to open in EI. how can I make it open with firefox?01:31
mikebotIs seamonkey no longer supported and/or updated?01:31
mikebotOr rather, is there an e-mail add-on for firefox?01:32
phoenixzFlannel, effectively not starting up the service.. that's all I needed to knnow.. thanks!01:32
sdfo2heartsblood, what's mplayer say at the console when trying to open the mp4?01:32
phoenixzFlannel, it actually does delete the symlinks of the app in the /etc/rc.# directories.. which is perfect ;)01:32
heartsbloodsdfo2, gonna bash it 1 sec.01:32
heartsbloodsdfo2, no errors though01:32
heartsbloodsdfo2, er pastebin01:33
Flannelmikebot: it is01:33
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:33
daxrocMorning all01:33
heartsbloodsdfo2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53507/01:34
KuwangerIf I wanted to move /usr, it should be as simple as making a copy of it (with cp -a, for example), renaming /usr to /usr.bak, then symlinking the new usr to /usr, right?01:34
daxrocAny one know of a solution for the xgl wacom bug , no extended devices found ?01:34
mikebotFlannel: Thanks.01:34
mikebotFlannel: You know of any e-mail add-ons?01:35
pike_Kuwanger: i dont remember if -a preserves symlinks i didnt think so01:35
purpleposeidonlufis: hallo01:35
lufispurpleposeidon: small world.01:36
Flannelmikebot: for firefox?  No.  Thats what thunderbird or seamonkey is for.01:36
mikebotWhat is ubufox?01:36
ZabijeCieany Op help me?01:36
mikebotFlannel: Bah OK, thanks./01:36
Kuwangerpike_: Yea, it does.  -a == -dpR, and -d = --no-deference --preserve=link01:36
lufis!heypurpleposeidon,yousmell | purpleposeidon01:36
sdfo2would anyone know what would cause this? http://pastebin.ca/872836 /msg me if you could.01:36
PriceChildlufis, pardon?01:37
purpleposeidon!ithinkyourmomlikessmellingme | lufis01:37
ZabijeCie@search playboy college01:37
Kuwangererr, --no-dereference01:37
mikebotWould anyone recommend Thunderbird over another e-mail client in ubuntu?01:37
nemilarmikebot: thunderbird is pretty good01:37
PriceChild!guidelines | purpleposeidon lufis01:37
ubotupurpleposeidon lufis: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:37
mikebotnemilar: OK, thanks.01:37
lufispurpleposeidon: I don't want to play your chilidsh games! I just want to know how to reconfigure x.org.01:37
PriceChild!xconfig | lufis01:37
nemilar!best | mikebot01:37
ubotulufis: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes01:37
ubotumikebot: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.01:38
mikebotDoes anyone know how to make firefox save my open tabs so that when I close firefox and reopen it all my tabs are back open?01:38
Odd-rationalemikebot: Thunderbird is good. Evolution simply has better gnome intergation.01:38
purpleposeidonlufis: Well, the easiest way is to mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup and restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace01:38
Odd-rationalemikebot: There is a firefox add-on for that.01:38
bastid_raZormikebot; i used thunderbird for a long time.. then tried out Evolution and now.. my opinion is evolution does a better job01:38
pike_mikebot: version 2.0 does this automatically in versino 1.* its a plugin01:38
nemilarEvolution is a lot heavier than thunderbird, if you just need a basic email client01:38
lufispurpleposeidon: You could have told me that.01:38
LjLpurpleposeidon, lufis: it's an even smaller world when you're banned, so watch out01:38
Guest42210any of you guys in here using a PPC architecture01:38
LjLGuest42210: try asking in #ubuntu-ppc maybe01:38
Onyxwhat's up gangstas?01:38
lufisLjL: sorry, purpleposeidon is a friend of mine.01:38
nemilarGuest42210: I'm not on a PPC right now, but I've got a PPC machine with linux on it01:38
pike_mikebot: well i should say it restores so if you like pkill firefox and relaunch itll ask you if ya want to restore last session01:38
mikebotpike_: I have 2 but it doesn't do that ;/ do I have to set it up?01:38
Odd-rationaleWell,, evolution has a calendar by default.01:39
pike_mikebot: so if you close normally it doesnt01:39
Guest42210with ubuntu on it nemilar ?01:39
mikebotOdd-rationale: Do you know what it is called?01:39
hanophix33what is a good antivirus?01:39
mikebotpike_: Ah, I want the close normally one.01:39
nemilarGuest42210: yeah...but like LjL said, there's #ubuntu-ppc01:39
LjL!virtus > hanophix33    (hanophix33, see the private message from Ubotu)01:39
Odd-rationalemikebot: I'll get it for you...01:39
purpleposeidon!clamv | mikebot01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
nemilarmikebot: if you want something really light-weight, try sylpheed01:39
nemilar!sylpheed | mikebot01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sylpheed - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:40
nemilaroh come on01:40
bastid_raZormikebot; tab mix plus i believe01:40
Guest42210nemilar ? , wanna come to ubuntu-powerPC ??01:40
hanophix33!virus > hanophix3301:40
Guest42210nemilar join me ?01:40
LjL!info sylpheed | nemilar01:40
nemilarGuest42210: ok, I'll join there01:40
ubotunemilar: sylpheed (source: sylpheed): Light weight e-mail client with GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.5-1 (gutsy), package size 628 kB, installed size 1512 kB01:40
Kuwangerpike_: I'll run a diff to compare the two, to make sure.01:40
hanophix33ubotu: virus01:40
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:40
pike_!info slypheed | mikebot01:40
ubotumikebot: Package slypheed does not exist in gutsy01:40
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmsg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283601:40
mikebotpike_: What is that?01:40
pike_mikebot: nm :)01:41
nemilarpike_: sylpheed is in Universe01:41
mikebotpike_: hehe, OK.01:41
Guest42210nemilar , join01:41
Odd-rationalemikebot: slypheed (formerly claws mail) is a light weigth email client. So is mutt01:41
nemilarlol, mutt01:41
mikebotOdd-rationale: Cool, thanks.01:41
=== devil_ is now known as delsystem
hanophix33so there is no need for an AV?01:42
=== delsystem is now known as delsys
bastid_raZorhanophix33; that would be a negative01:42
Odd-rationalemikebot: Here are two ff +'s which might interest you: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4542 and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/419901:43
=== dave_____ is now known as daveUMR
RequinB4Can someone experienced help me with a tough booting problem?  I'm trying to boot/install ubuntu on my desktop01:43
pike_hanophix33: if youre reasonably worried you might install firestarter but that is only if you wanna fool with a software firewall01:43
__mikemWhat is going on with the flood bots01:43
KuwangerRequinB4: What's the problem?01:43
* javaJake is here to assist where needed for the next 15 minutes :)01:43
Genius314Is there a way to get a program like KolourPaint to run in Gnome?01:43
FlannelOdd-rationale, mikebot, claws mail and sylpheed are both current (forks).  claws was formerly slypheed-claws01:43
taconehow do I add my user ("tacone") to the "video" group ?01:43
hanophix33pike_: ever heard of avast?01:43
javaJakeGenius314: is that for Windows?01:44
cjoneshow do you move files from one location to anuther in the shell01:44
Odd-rationaleFlannel: OK. Thanks for correction01:44
javaJakeGenius314: nvm01:44
mikebotOdd-rationale: Thanks.01:44
Genius314javaJake: It's for KDE. I've gotten it to run on Ubuntu before, but I can't now.01:44
javaJakeGenius314: sudo apt-get install KolourPaint01:44
Odd-rationalemikebot: np01:45
pike_hanophix33: id think that is a linux based platform to scan windows machines but no im not familiar with it.01:45
bastid_raZorcjones; you could use mv file /new/location/file or cp file /new/location/file01:45
javaJakeGenius314: is it installed?01:45
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmsg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283601:45
bastid_raZorcjones; mv will move the file.. cp will copy and paste01:45
mikebotSo is Sylpheed the best light-weight e-mail client?01:45
RequinB4Kuwanger - booting from livecd (even while changing vga settings) gives me "moniter out of range" after the usplash.  Similar error on other moniters i've tried.  Gparted doesn't boot either.  Other stuff that might not be related, ACPI doesn't like my fan, windows doesn't boot(but i think thats just a virus, i'm not worried)01:45
mikebotThe only features I need are checking e-mail and RSS01:45
Genius314javeJake: No.01:45
javaJakeGenius314: run that apt-get command I gave you01:46
Genius314javaJake: It says "Couldn't find package KolourPaint"01:46
jimmygoonIs it possible to set a lockout time for truecrypt - I just found out that my truecrypt partition has been visible for like 24 hours :O01:46
RequinB4Kuwanger - i'm downloading alt iso now01:46
javaJakeGenius314: sudo apt-get install kolourpaint01:46
limpWhy doesnt phpmyadmin appear in www folder after install? (sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin) do I have to reinstall apache2 WITH phpmyadmin?01:46
jimmygoonor a gui that works that would sit in my status tray so I could observe it :/01:46
jimmygoonlimp, no, its stored elsewhere01:46
KuwangerRequinB4: I assume you've tried turning off the framebuffer?01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
javaJakeGenius314: if that doesn't work, try visiting System -> Administration -> Software Sources, and enabling every checkmark on that first tab. Click the close button and be patient while it does its thing01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
limpjimmygoon, so how do i access it?01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
jimmygoonlimp, did you try
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.01:47
javaJake!abuse | sdfo201:47
ubotusdfo2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:47
LjL!botabuse > sdfo2    (sdfo2, see the private message from Ubotu)01:47
javaJakesdfo2: lol, ignore mine. :P01:47
RequinB4Kuwanger - I'm only semi-experienced with the know-how of getting the thing to boot, so if i have i wouldn't know what it was.  Lets assume i haven't01:47
javaJakesdfo2: wrrong message01:47
lastnode_!info truecrypt | jimmygoon01:47
ubotujimmygoon: Package truecrypt does not exist in gutsy01:47
Genius314javaJake: Okay, I'm doing that now...01:48
sdfo2what's the point of that?01:48
limpjimmygoo, thats what i mean, its not in the folder, thus not in localhost/phpmyadmin01:48
__mikemLjL, why are the floodbots acting weird?01:48
jimmygoonlastnode_, I compiled it manually, there used to be guis in some repos I think01:48
lastnode_whoops sorry01:48
sdfo2tryign to find out ata/eide/ide documents.01:48
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmesg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283601:48
lastnode_jimmygoon: maybe the page has it? the tc homepage01:48
daxroclimp: it does not need to be in the folder01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timeout - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:48
Flannellimp: check out /usr/share/doc/phpmyadmin/Documentation.html.  It doesnt isntall anything to /var/www by default, all the files appear to be in /usr/share/phpmyadmin01:48
LjL__mikem: i guess it's the maintainance01:48
daxroclimp: if its aliased it could be else where01:48
__mikemLjL, because its getting kind of annoying01:48
javaJakesdfo2: please PM the bot instead of testing it out here. It just creates mroe static in this already-busy channel01:48
lastnode_what's te command to see my system, kernel versione tc?01:49
sdfo2javaJake, right01:49
jimmygoonlimp, I can't ask01:49
limpFlannel, i installed thru simply" $ apt-get install phpmyadmin01:49
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmesg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283601:49
jimmygoonlastnode_, I'll google, I just remember someone mentioning one in here that I hadn't heard of01:49
Flannellimp: Right01:49
KuwangerRequinB4: I haven't used the LiveCD, so I'll need to ask you some questions.  Specifically, when you attempt to boot the LiveCD, is there a "boot:" prompt that appears?01:49
daxroclastnode_: uname -a01:49
Genius314javaJake: Okay, I think it's installing now.01:49
limpjimmygoon, im sorry, i did not mean to be rude. thanks for the suggestion01:50
Genius314javaJake: Thanks.01:50
RequinB4Kuwanger - also have tried cntrl-alt-f1 and cntrl-alt-f2 after usplash, gives me a different screen with or without vertical error lines (depending on vga) and sometimes a prompt.  Prompt doesn't show when i type but beeps when i backspace without input01:50
RequinB4Kuwanger - I can get to boot options01:50
jimmygoonlimp,I still think it should work with localhost/phpmyadmin  --- I didn't take you for rude --- I'm not sure what my last message was.... I slipped or something... I meant to say I didn't know :D01:50
javaJakeGenius314: yw01:50
LjL__mikem: i'm sure you can bear with it01:50
lastnode_thanks daxroc01:50
RequinB4Kuwanger - and yes, i can get to boot: but i don't know the syntax to text boot01:51
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
limpjimmygoon, i have tryied, its not the first time i install phpmyadmin but it usually gets into www01:51
javaJakeGenius314: to explain, you enabled extra software that isn't as open-source as we'd like them to be (or something like that). Anyways, it just enables more stuff, and then it was able to install kolourpaint. :P01:51
KuwangerRequinB4: I think it's as simple as typing in "vga=normal" (without the quotes).01:51
lastnode_im going from feisty -> gutsy. anything i should know? (anythin bgorken?)01:51
jimmygoonlimp, I dunna. I'm out of ideas. Install it manually? It doesn't take that long, though the package updates are nice01:51
javaJakesdfo2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/64587 <- perhaps this is your issue./01:52
limpjimmygoon, isnt $ apt-get install phpmyadmin already manual?01:52
daxroclimp: sudo updatedb | locate phpmyadmin/ or pma/01:52
RequinB4Kuwanger - i doubt it, because 800x600 with 256 colors wouldn't boot >.> but i'll try right now01:52
limpdaxroc, i01:52
limpdaxroc, i'll try01:52
lastnode_hi pawan01:53
mikebot_Can I close firefox while chatzilla is open?01:53
jimmygoonlimp, I meant actually dling the tar.gz of phpmyadmin and configuring it by hand and copying it into /var/www etc01:53
pawanwhats up01:53
javaJakemikebot_: yes01:53
javaJakemikebot_: fairly sure01:53
jimmygoonmikebot_, no01:53
mikebot_javaJake: Cool, thanks.01:53
mikebot_jimmygoon: oh, haha.01:53
lastnode_mikebot_: i think so. but real men use irssi ;-)01:53
jimmygooner, I don't think so :S oh well, we'll find out soon01:53
javaJakejimmygoon: you sure?01:53
daxrocmikebot use a chat client :P01:54
jimmygoonirssi is had to keep track of01:54
Kuwangerpike_: Well, it looks like the copy worked fine, except that the symlinks datas weren't reset. :(01:54
daxroc*proper one01:54
javaJakemikebot_: i'm almost sure you can. why don't you test it? :)01:54
mikebot_daxroc: Like which?01:54
pike_Kuwanger: ah i think i have an example if you still want one01:54
lastnode_jimmygoon: zomg sacrilege! irssi + screen == teh best evar!!!01:54
bastid_raZormikebot; Xchat is a decent client01:54
daxrocgoogle , try , decide01:54
javaJakemikebot_: also, if you can, install XChat: it's 2x better than ChatZilla01:54
mikebot_javaJake: Haha, nahh..01:54
Kuwangerpike_: An example?  Um, okay.01:54
mikebot_javaJake: Is it light-weight?01:54
RequinB4Kuwanger - vga=normal gives same error01:54
javaJakemikebot_: fairly01:54
lastnode_mikebot_: xchat is a very nice gui client01:55
limpdaxroc, that didnt do much. Is there a way to get it in www?01:55
javaJakemikebot_: I don't notice such things, since i have 768 MB of RAM on a 1.8 GHz processor. :P01:55
* lastnode_ tips hat at jrib 01:55
=== lee_ is now known as Cueball|Laptop
mikebot_lastnode_: I'm not so worried about appearance as I am about speed.01:55
javaJakemikebot_: irssi is _very_ light because irssi is for the console. :)01:55
daxroclimp: not sure , think there is. you do have php, mysql installed before installing pma right ?01:55
KuwangerRequinB4: I see.  When you use vga=normal, do you get several lines of text, then does the monitor switch resolutions automatically?01:55
lastnode_mikebot_: it's very quick01:55
pakuwhat is the difference between irssi and bitchx?01:55
mikebot_javaJake: But I want to be able to copy/paste ;?01:55
KuwangerRequinB4: Or does it instantly do the out of monitor sync error?01:56
rne1224has anyone here used Crystal Space?01:56
javaJakemikebot_: terminal/console can do that.01:56
__mikempaku, one has a rather unique name?01:56
lastnode_mikebot_: you can copy and paste, i use it and i do. :)01:56
pike_Kuwanger: find /usr -depth -print0 | cpio –null –sparse -pvd /mnt/newusr/  <-- i think01:56
danbhfive!enablesources is <reply> Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources01:56
Lifeisfunnyis there a way to set an application window to a viewport by adding something in the menu link command?01:56
javaJakemikebot_: and with screens (as mentioned) if you are remotely logged in from SSH, and your SSH is cut off, you dno't lose anything. You can reconnect to screens as if nothing had ever happened.01:56
benanzoI'm wondering why flashplayer-nonfree is still broken?  Is there a technical issue why they havn't fixed it?01:56
mikebot_javaJake: I don't know whata SSH is haha01:57
javaJakeLifeisfunny: no, but Compiz provides similar capabilities01:57
pike_benanzo: i cant imagine. the fix has been in proposed repo since about the time problem was discovered. im assuming its some politics or something01:57
javaJakemikebot_: ok, nvm. :)01:57
Kuwangerpike_: Hmm..interesting.  Well, I'm not worried so much about the cp.  My main concern is just verifying that Ubuntu is sane, storing all the necessary boot files in /bin and /sbin, at least until it mounts the mountpoints in fstab.01:57
javaJakeLifeisfunny: i'm going, so I can't say anything more. Just browse around Compiz' settings. :)01:57
werson what exact date will hardy be released? :)01:57
daxrocLifeisfunny: on a multihead system ?01:57
LifeisfunnyjavaJake, yeah, I tried that   thanks01:58
javaJakeLifeisfunny: if you're using Compiz01:58
nemilarAnyone know if there is a channel for discussing Adsense/related programs?01:58
Lifeisfunnydaxroc,  no01:58
Kuwangerpike_: So long as that's the case, I'm pretty sure I won't make my system unbootable.01:58
mikebot_javaJake: Haha, I'll try that though, thanks.01:58
lastnode_nemilar: adsense? as in, google adsens?01:58
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmesg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283601:58
RequinB4Kuwanger - i'll just detail the exact method.  Boot options screen comes up.  add vga=*whatever*.  Boots.  usplash (or just text booting stuff if nosplash is enabled).  At the end of the usplash or when everything is loaded, then the error occurs instintaneously (hardware OS error, if that helps, can tell by the gfx).  The resolution doesn' tseem to change at any point there.01:58
pike_Kuwanger: yeah. should be safe i guess :)01:58
nemilarlastnode_: yeah, I'm trying to decide between google ads and yahoo ads for my site01:58
benanzoFrom my understanding it's just a matter of updating the md5 and a minor tweak to the install routine -- I'm concerned why this has taken so long -- the problem first started in early Dec.01:58
limpdaroc, apache2 php5 mysql5 are all installed and correctly configured, im going to look into apache aliases or downloading the src01:58
__mikemnemilar, how about no ads01:58
lastnode_nemilar: google is your friend (the search engine). i doubt there are irc channels, but you can try #web01:59
nemilar__mikem: gotta pay for hosting/domains somehow, man01:59
Kuwangerpike_: Such confidence. :)01:59
lastnode_either way, that's offtopic fot this channel. you can try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic too01:59
nemilarlastnode_: I want to use google (this is getting offtopic, so this is my last line) but they're messing with me01:59
cjoneshow do you kame it so you can run a script on your desktop in a root term by right clicking on it01:59
lastnode_nemilar: good man. go to the offtopic channel :)02:00
RequinB4Kuwanger - also, control+alt+f1 gives me the same barcode error pattern on the screen as booting normally.  I get no error (after cntrl-alt-f1) using vga setting appropriate for my screen, and teal barcode with 800x600 w/ 256colors02:00
cjoneshow do you make it so you can run a script on your desktop in a root term by right clicking on it02:01
daxroclimp: /usr/share/phpmyadmin02:01
KuwangerRequinB4: Hmm..rather odd.  Well, since you can't actually read anything at that point, I don't think you'll get much farther with the LiveCD.  Your best bet is to do what you're doing and use the alternative CD image.02:01
limpdaxroc, thanks. going to eat now.. bonne appetit :)02:01
KuwangerRequinB4: Then you should be able to manually invoke the problem/manually avoid the problem.02:02
benanzocjones: Google for "nautilus scripts" -- there's one that will do what you want02:02
daxroclimp: if it was successful it should be available via http://server/phpmyadmin , did you select your apache server from the options ?02:02
RequinB4Kuwnager - thx for the help tho.  This comp has been a ***** to get working02:02
KuwangerRequinB4: Hopefully, though, it's just an installation glitch and not a symptom of some hardware being incompataible/broken.02:02
RequinB4I tried some basic commands on the non-responsive shell, nothing02:02
mikebotDoes anyone here use irssi?02:02
RequinB4Kuwanger - meh, if gparted won't start02:02
=== nephyll is now known as Nephilin
KuwangerRequinB4: Well, if the video card went glitchy, then it's possible the screen won't update even though the system isn't frozen.  Or, the system could be frozen. :/02:03
taskMy dual boot isnt working.... it says something like error hal.dll file02:03
KuwangerRequinB4: Hmm..as for gparted..perhaps look for a text-mode parted tool?02:03
KuwangerRequinB4: I know some exist.02:04
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmesg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283602:04
RequinB4Kuwanger - i have the cd, hold on02:04
RequinB4Kuwanger - i downloaded the oldest supported iso so i hopefully won't have GUI issues02:04
taskanyone know how to fix the hal.dll error I got for dual booting... it wont let me go in to windows now02:05
taskonly ubuntu02:05
jrattner1Question: What numerics should I chmod a directory so only root may access it?02:06
KuwangerRequinB4: Nah.  The alternative CD, even the latest version, can be run in text mode.02:06
sethkjrattner1, chown -R root:root whatever/directory02:06
KuwangerRequinB4: But, use whatever version you want. :)02:06
jrattner1sethk, and then only root can enter it?02:06
ixian_task, do you have a windows cd? you could using the repair feature on the cd02:06
sethkjrattner1, then,  chmod -R o+r whatever/directory02:06
tetzke9hey any1 using compiz fusion?02:06
KuwangerRequinB4: Btw, a quick google turned up this:  http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page02:06
sethkjrattner1, if only root has x on the directory, then only root can see the contents02:06
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RequinB4Kuwanger, oh, no, hte iso is for GParted02:07
KuwangerRequinB4: I haven't used it, so I don't know how good it works.  But it looks like a good rescue CD, with a minimal chance of compromise.02:07
sethkjrattner1, for a directory, x means search, and r and w mean the usual thing02:07
jrattner1sethk, ahh ok02:07
RequinB4Kuwanger - that won't work, i can feel it02:07
RequinB4I have Knoppix dvd02:07
sdfo2anyone have an idea what would be causing my ATA timeouts? dmesg here ---> http://pastebin.ca/87283602:07
KuwangerRequinB4: Oh, I see.  Well, I doubt an older version will change things.  GParted runs on GTK on top of X, I believe.  So, I don't think it'd help since I doubt X support has went down. :/02:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:08
KuwangerRequinB4: But, if you've got the time to test it out, more power to you. :)  I'm not exactly keen on ideas that I know will work.02:08
jetscreamersdfo2: i seriously believe it's libata, not the hd .. i also think (maybe) that it damages the hd.02:08
sethksdfo2, if that only happens once, then it's not a problem02:09
RequinB4Kuwanger - aww.  well i've got a bunch of options to try one by one with GParted...02:09
sethksdfo2, at the end it says, for ata1 at least, configured for UDMA/100 and configured for UDMA/33, which is normal02:09
jetscreamersdfo2: i've gotten that a lot lately, mostly on older drives02:09
jetscreamerthat's a soft reset btw02:09
sethksdfo2, if it happens repeatedly, then that's different02:09
KuwangerRequinB4: And if all else fails, you can try one of the other hundred rescue CDs. :)02:10
HighlanderAnyone here try to use Ubuntu and Firefox to manage a Blue Quartz Web server via the GUI ??02:10
tetzke9is ther a howto to get compiz fuzion?02:10
sethksdfo2, use a S.M.A.R.T. utility and dump out the drive's error statistics02:11
RequinB4F YEAH02:11
RequinB4GParted is liking me02:11
jamiejacksoni accidentally umounted everything. will i be okay on reboot, or do i have to do something special?02:11
Kuwangerjamiejackson: Unmounted everything?02:11
jetscreamerjamiejackson: you're fine02:11
jamiejacksonsure did02:12
jetscreameryou could just mount -a if you want02:12
danbhfivejamiejackson: try sudo mount -a   if that mounts everything, you will be fine02:12
jetscreamerand remount everything02:12
geokeratztetzke9, are on gutsy?02:12
geokeratztetzke9, are you on gutsy?02:12
leilai need help02:12
jamiejacksontried that: jamie@mercury:~$ sudo mount -a "bash: /usr/bin/sudo: No such file or directory"02:13
c1|freakyhi all. if a user is added to more than 1 group. (f.e. 3 groups) and i want to edit a file which has only write permissions with one of the groups the user is in but not the default one (the 1st group) how can i edit the file as the user, using the 3rd group which is called "share" f.e.?02:13
__mikem!ask | leila02:13
ubotuleila: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:13
Kuwangerjamiejackson: How about "mount -a"?02:13
jamiejacksonjamie@mercury:~$ mount -a "bash: /bin/mount: No such file or directory"02:13
RequinB4Kuwanger - i got the GUI of gparted to work!02:13
Kuwangerjamiejackson: Yea..was afraid of that. :)02:13
tetzke9whats gutsy?02:14
KuwangerRequinB4: Great! :)02:14
RequinB4Kuwanger - means there is hope if i get a better driver02:14
leilai don't know how enable the 3d acceleration with the nvidia02:14
levanderDoes everyone have problems with gmail.com and Firefox on Gutsy?02:14
geokeratztetzke9, are you on ubuntu 7.10?02:14
leilawhen i try to start a 3d game gnome restart02:14
tetzke9oh yeah02:14
jamiejacksoni'm fine with gmail/ff/gutsy02:14
__mikemleila, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx i think02:14
KuwangerRequinB4: Makes me wonder if the LiveCD uses a generic video driver or not.02:14
tetzke9geokeratz: yes i am02:14
__mikemleila, actually hold on, what version of ubuntu are you using?02:15
levanderjamiejackson: I try to create a filter on Gmail and firefox freezes on me.02:15
geokeratztetzke9, then it's allready installed02:15
levanderjamiejackson: consistently02:15
RequinB4Kuwanger - ok, so my plan is to install via alt iso, then at install get a root shell and change drivers02:15
tetzke9geokeratz: the cube and everything?02:15
Kuwangerjamiejackson: How'd you lose /bin/?02:15
leilai installed the nvidia drivers from nvidia web site02:15
__mikemleila, try this02:15
geokeratztetzke9, go to System>preferences>appearance and check EXTRA or CUSTOM02:15
__mikemunder the system menu, go to the administration submenu, and select the restricted drivers option02:15
jamiejacksonnobody do this: sudo umount -afl <-- that's how i umounted everything, Kuwanger02:15
KuwangerRequinB4: With the alt iso, you can do the whole install in text mode, so I think it's more a point of choosing the right drivers.02:15
rredd4is there a way to have desktop pictures change automatically in 7.10?02:16
levanderjamiejackson: Could you try created a filter on gmail?  See if it hangs on you to?02:16
RequinB4Kuwanger, very true02:16
Kuwangerjamiejackson: You umounted root?02:16
jamiejacksonlevander: as soon as i have any directories from which to run FF ;-)02:16
leilai dont want install the ubuntu nvidia drivers02:16
protolocoi wanna tar a bunch of files /directories.. but i wanna exclude some directories.. how?02:16
__mikemleila, you are sort of going to have to. Besides, i have never had any problems with them02:16
tetzke9geokeratz: yeah but not the cube and that is it?02:16
jamiejacksonKuwanger: guess so02:16
__mikemAnd just for the record, those drivers are the nvidia official drivers02:17
jamiejacksonfancy, huh?02:17
jribrredd4: you could write a small script.. or try wallpaper-tray02:17
levanderjamiejackson: I think it was Firebug.  I disabled that extension, restarted Firefox, and creating a gmail filter seems to be working...02:17
Kuwangerjamiejackson: Well, then, you can't really test how things will work since there's nothing to mount anything. :)02:17
Dr_willisrredd4,  you could always make up a script that changes them randomly every few min. I do belive theres some tools out to do it as well.02:17
Kuwangerjamiejackson: All you have left is hope that the reboot works out.02:17
jamiejacksonI'm in the twilight zone, Kuwanger02:17
leila__mikem: what modules i have to write in xorg.conf?02:17
geokeratztetzke9,  is      ctr+alt+left click     doing anything?02:17
Kuwangerjamiejackson: Yep.02:17
levanderjamiejackson: Nope, it just hung again.  It's when I put a email address in the From field of the filter that has a lot of matches to it.02:18
__mikemleila, if you use the restricted driver manager, it should do everything for you02:18
linchapulinCan someone view this and help me figure out why audacity is crashing...(it is looking for alsa) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53511/02:18
Kuwangerjamiejackson: Reminds me of stories of people who setup servers to run a program, then send the system into the halt state so no more programs can be ran. :)02:18
__mikembut before you do that, you might want to undo what ever you tried to do up til this point02:18
rredd4jrib  Dr_willis  don't know how to write scripts...  will check out wallpaper tray.  ty02:18
jamiejacksonat least pidgin still works ;-)02:18
geokeratztetzke9, no cube? then , go to system>preferences>advance desktop effect settings   ... and play with your plugins.....02:19
KuwangerRequinB4: Well, with all luck, be back soon.02:19
leila__mikem: of course but i have installed the vendor drivers, i would like how to enable 3d with this drivers02:19
jamiejacksonwonder if i can download sudo and mount, and umm ls?02:19
__mikemleila, just trust me.02:19
taconetetzke9: you need 4 virtual desktop to see the cube02:19
__mikemUninstall the binary you got from the website, and use the restricted driver manager.02:20
tetzke9where do i get that?02:20
geokeratztetzke9, i really don't remember how i enabled the cube , but just do experiments . Yes , tacone  is right02:20
jammcqhey guys, if I add a new service to /etc/event.d, how do I tell /sbin/init about it?02:20
zethero1I am having a dependancy issue when trying to install elisa-extra... Depends: python-gpod but it is not going to be installed .... please help02:20
Dr_willisyou need to enable 4 desktops in the ccsm tool to get the cube effect02:21
danbhfivezethero1: do you know why its not going to be installed?02:21
zethero1danbhfive: I have no idea02:22
linchapulinAny other software that can record audio from the sound device that works with OSS?02:22
linchapulinBesides audacity02:23
zethero1danbhfive: when I try to install pythin-gpod I get this message: Depends: libgpod2 (=0.5.2-2) but 0.5.3+actually0.6.0-0.1 is to be installed02:23
RequinB4I had a similar problem - the comp only makes a cube when you have more then one desktop set.  Once you enabled the cube and move cube plugins, go to general options and increase the number of desktops02:23
KuwangerWell, that worked well.02:24
danbhfivezethero1: what version of ubuntu are you running?02:24
taconeRequinB4: a right click on the workspace chooser (below-right) would do it02:25
zethero1danbhfive: gutsy02:25
KuwangerRequinB4: How's things going?02:25
danbhfivezethero1: upgrade from feisty?02:25
familyhey guys im running ubuntu 6.06 and i need ndiswrapper to load on start up along with my firewall firestarter how would i do this02:25
RequinB4Kuwanger - trying to find a blank CD02:25
zethero1danbhfive: no02:26
KuwangerRequinB4: For the alt iso image?02:26
danbhfivezethero1: are you sure your sources are correct?02:26
MarcNHow do I tell if my external USB disk is running at USB 1 or USB 2 speeds?  dmesg doesn't show anything likely02:26
RequinB4Kuwanger - yeps02:26
zethero1danbhfive: I have gone over them about 15 times02:27
DWSRhey Ubuntu.02:27
KuwangerRequinB4: If you're a bit  daring, you can try doing a HD install without the CD-ROM. :)02:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:27
RequinB4Kuwanger - can't do that because its not installed on HD02:28
RequinB4Otherwise i'd have a much easier time02:28
KuwangerRequinB4: On another computer?02:28
danbhfivezethero1: well, I don't know,  but, you could try running  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^   just to check your installation02:28
Vorondi1Possibly a silly question, but why does `date --date= +%D-%T` return "01/25/08-00:00:00"?  If I just `date`, I get "Fri Jan 25 21:29:53 EST 2008".  What am I missing here?02:29
RequinB4Kuwanger - on this one... but i'm not taking my HDD out of my laptop02:29
KuwangerRequinB4: Ah.  Well, good luck.02:29
mohbanai am currently running fedora 8, i have an extra partion i want to try out ubuntu 7.10.  How can i make a backup of my mbr and my fedora partion, i have another partion where i can store the images. thanks02:30
zethero1danbhfive: ok will try that02:31
Dr_willismohbana,  may be easier to just run ubuntu inside vmware or virtualbox to test it out.02:31
heatmzzrhow is it i can play a movie like ocean12, but not Mr woodcock, both are encrypted right?02:33
zethero1danbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53512/02:34
PyroI'm having some problems on a new installation of ubuntu. When I try to run a perl config file, I get 'Segmentation Fault.' I tried to checkout a repository via subversion, and I also got 'Segmentation Fault.' Any ideas?02:34
SpookyETI have a laptop with a 1680x1050 display. I also have a 1080p TV that works as a PC monitor. In Vista I had no problem, I could clone, extend 1080p, or use the TV at 1080p exclusively. Cloning seems to work, but it will not go higher than 1680x1050. Any advice?02:34
danbhfivezethero1: I don't even have elisa-extra available02:34
danbhfivezethero1: try sudo apt-get install -f02:35
EmmerPPyro:  seems like your perl is broken, try fix that first before running your config file or svn02:35
zethero1danbhfive: well have you added the repo?02:35
danbhfivezethero1: I only have the standard repos02:35
john_d0ehas anyone gotten tftp to work under ubuntu? I run the server in.tftpd /tftpboot ... but when I do "tftp localhost -c get file" ... I can't retreieve anything; and I can't find which file/log documents the server acess ...02:36
zethero1danbhfive: yeah ... you have to add a third-party repo.....02:36
zethero1danbhfive: strange thing is that just yesterday I installed it on another Gutsy machine through the same repos02:36
RequinB4Kuwanger - burning cd...02:36
dunleavywill xubuntu suffice as a file/print server between ubuntu and windows xp clients?02:37
danbhfivezethero1: yeah, it said broken package, which is weird, thats why I suggested install -f02:37
th0rdunleavy yes, it should be sufficient02:37
danbhfivezethero1: I think thats supposed to attempt to fix broken packages02:37
th0rdunleavy I use it as a file and web server, don't have a printer02:37
zethero1danbhfive: yeah I tried that as well02:38
dunleavyth0r what are the specs of your system? Mine is minimal with 450 mgz cpu and 256 meg ram02:38
th0rdunleavy minimal? try 433MHz and 192M ram02:38
Vorondi1(insert angry noises here)  Why does `date --date= +%D-%H:%M:%S` (and date --date= +%D-%T`) give me "01/25/08-00:00:00"?!02:38
danbhfivezethero1: did install ubuntu-deaktop^ do anything?02:38
heatmzzrhow is it i can play a movie like ocean12, but not Mr woodcock, both are encrypted right?02:39
zethero1danbhfive: nope02:39
dunleavyth0r: touche.  Thanks for the vote of confidence.  Happy computing02:39
histoheatmzzr: who knows You can play encrypted movies with the right plugins.02:39
danbhfivezethero1: and you included the ^?02:39
histo!codec > heatmzzr,   heatmzzr Read the private message from ubotu.02:39
singlesunanyone have any suggestion for books on learning about linux? and ubuntu? ... im a windows user that is switching over to linux and would like to get some books but need some sueggestions02:40
Andersonhow do I access windows shares from my linux box?02:40
danbhfivezethero1: well, thats all I got, sorry02:40
jribsinglesun: help.ubuntu.com is a great place to start02:40
zethero1danbhfive: yeah I did that too02:40
dunleavysinglesun: start with google.  I myself switched to Ubuntu from Windows after using openSuse 10.2.  It is a pleasant experience with a plethora of information on the web02:40
th0rsinglesun google the linux documentation project...there are a number of handbooks and guides there...system admin guide, network admin guide...bash handbook02:40
singlesunlol google02:40
singlesunth0r thanks i will check hat out02:41
dunleavysinglesun: also try your local bookstore.  I find myself there all the time looking at new things to conquer with linux.02:41
singlesunyou guys say my name when you type, how do i respond directly to you02:42
jribsinglesun: just say the person's name.  Try typing "jr" and then hit TAB02:42
dunleavysinglesun: good question.  I just started using IRC about 10 min ago02:42
dunleavyjrib: thanks for the tip, very useful shorthand.  I appreciate it02:43
singlesundunleavy, right on02:43
singlesungood tip02:43
singlesunthanks all02:43
boyamVorondi1, I'm not trying to sound smart, but you get that because you told it to.  go to a terminal and type "man date" no quotes02:43
* singlesun goes to check out linux documentation project02:43
singlesuna floodbot?02:44
DIguanaI tried to upgrade to the version of Wine in Hardy and it required a newer version of libc6. When I installed the newer libc6 it started prompting me to remove pretty much every package on my system. How can I get my old Gusty libc6 back and get my system back to normal?02:45
poodlesucksis there any good windows to linux games that teaches me about life?02:45
Vorondi1boyam: I've been in and out of it's man page for a while now.  Let me give it another once-over.02:45
crimsund3ng4r_chris: I'll troubleshoot it with you in a bit (ETA: 5 mins) if someone else doesn't start sooner2002:45
crimsunerr, sorry.02:45
danbhfiveDIguana: you should run the wine from the win website02:45
singlesunth0r, thanks man .... whats up with what you just sent... TheEpitome... etc02:45
danbhfiveDIguana: and you can try running this command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^02:46
th0rsinglesun I don't understand the question...TheEpitome?02:47
DIguanaI'm not interested in getting Wine anymore, I just want to get my system back to normal. When I tried to run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" I got the error:02:48
DIguanalibc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-5ubuntu2 is to be installed02:48
DIguana  libc6-i686: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-5ubuntu2 is to be installed02:48
DIguanaE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).02:48
Vorondi1boyam: I don't get it.  What am I doing wrong?02:48
singlesunth0r, ah nevermind man, i hit the tab thing and it showed all those names, im checking out the linux doc proj right now02:48
th0rsinglesun cool...a very good reference site for linux02:48
RequinB4Anyone wanna help me install in text mode02:49
singlesunth0r, i just hope i can catch on to this... lol02:49
danbhfiveDIguana: try sudo apt-get install -f02:49
th0rsinglesun it's easy...take it one step at a time ... requires lots of patience <smile>02:50
DIguanaNevermind, I fixed it by downloading the Gusty libc6 manually and running "dpkg --install" on it. Everything's back to normal now.02:50
DIguanaI'll just wait until April to get the new version of Wine, I guess.02:50
singlesunth0r, thats always what they say whenever its going to be some awful nasty drawn out process, lol02:50
poodlesucksis there any good windows to linux games that teaches me about life(no half life 2)?02:50
omgdudehi, im trying to boot ubuntu 7.10 live from th cd but when it loads the linux kernal it gets stuck at 100%02:51
AndersonHow do I access windows shares from a linux machine?02:51
th0rsinglesun linux allows you to rediscover the pleasure of getting a printer to print 'hello'02:51
danbhfiveDIguana: you can also try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^      pay attention to the ^.    Also, you can get the latest wine from the wine website.  Its quite easy02:51
singlesunth0r, LOL wonderful kinda like the first writeln"hello world"?02:52
omgdudeany1 know how i can get the cd to boot?02:52
Vorondi1boyam: Oohh! I get it now.  :-P  It seems to imply that -d is needed to display stuff using the format string.  At least, that's how I read it.  (i.e., you *need* "-d" before the "+string".)02:52
Vorondi1Thanks :)02:52
singlesunomgdude, but the cd in the diskdrive? set the bios setting to boot from cd?02:52
th0rsinglesun exactly!02:52
RequinB4I'm installing via the alt cd and the partitioner won't load02:52
omgdudei get to the splash screen02:52
omgdudeand i choose start/intsall ubuntu02:53
limphello, is there a specifc way of naming virtual hosts on apache2? it seems apache2 wont restart if both virtual hosts are * so I tryied renaming but apache2 wont restart, what could cause this?02:53
singlesunomgdude, as long as bios is set to boot it should boot,02:53
boyamVorondi1, i was about to ask what it is you weren't getting.  :)02:53
omgdudeit loads up to 100%02:53
omgdudethen freezes02:53
DIguanaI thought the "^" was a typo. And I prefer to get my packages as .debs rather than installing from source or doing other things that will result in them not being handled by the package manager.02:53
Tempeteomgdude: I think there's an integrity check for the disc - have you ran that?02:53
omgdudeand my comp restarts02:53
omgdudeno cuz to do that you need to load the kernal too02:53
danbhfiveDIguana: everything I've suggested is from debs02:53
adubxchat-systray: Depends: xchat (> 2.0.4) but it is not going to be installed     i am having trouble installing xchat plugin can somenoe help02:53
omgdudeso that also gets stuck at 100%02:53
singlesunomgdude, no clue about that man, sounds like the burn is bad or something, you verified the disk after it burned?02:53
AndersonHow do I access windows shares from a linux machine?02:54
omgdudecan't :(02:54
RequinB4omgdude did you check the md5 sum of the disk?02:54
Tempeteomgdude: Try to reburn it on a lower speed.02:54
RequinB4check the sum before you reburn02:54
singlesunomgdude, i would agree with the above statements, thats a really odd point for it to just hang up02:55
boyamVorondi1, yep...the -d needs to be followed by the string of options you have available in the date command...02:55
TempeteAnderson: Do you know the path of the disc (/dev/hdb1, for example)?02:55
fr0nkhey does anyone know how to do modulo in bashscript?02:55
singlesunomgdude, when exactly does it stop? after install is complete?02:55
omgdudeno, it stops when i click choose to start/install, loads up to 100 then stalls out02:55
fr0nk$ echo `date +%d % 7` should indicate the need of a weekly backup or something02:56
singlesunomgdude, sounds like the disk is crap, i think every1 is in agreement on that02:56
fr0nkbut it doesnt work since "%" seems not to be modulo *G*02:56
omgdudeim re downloading it now02:56
Vorondi1boyam: Right, but I want a time field in there too.  It seems that if you give the +format string with -d, the time part gets all zeroes.  I just didn't realize that you could give a +format *without* -d.02:56
bmk789aptitude gives a "no candidate found" for emerald-themes, is this package renamed?02:57
singlesunomgdude, then just burn on lowest setting as stated above by the others... you do meet the minimum reqs for install right?02:57
Guest42210Falconer ?02:57
EmmerPAnderson: google for ubuntu + samba02:57
bmk789!info emerald-themes02:58
ubotuPackage emerald-themes does not exist in gutsy02:58
omgdudeumm i have a 1.8 core duo, 2 gb ram, ati x1400 video card, so i think im in the clear02:58
DIguanadanbhfive: Thanks. I guess I just got too used to sites only offering source tarballs and RPMs so I didn't even bother to check.02:58
histobmk789: yeah that package is broken currently02:58
AndersonTempete, ?02:58
AndersonEmmerP, K02:58
test1opa instalei o flash e o java02:58
bmk789histo: is there an alternate that has the themes, or will i need to manually install them?02:58
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:58
TempeteAnderson: Thought you were talking about a partition. Nevermind!02:58
test1alguem ae sabe pq quando entro na pagina do bb, as imagens que fical ao lado do lugar de entrar na conta  na oaparecem?02:58
Dr_willisthe emerald config tool has a button to download themes02:59
danbhfiveDIguana: yeah, its cool, the wine people maintain the packages, and their own repos, its cool02:59
danbhfivelol @ redundancy02:59
RequinB4I'm installing via the alt cd and the partitioner won't load02:59
histobmk789: manually unless getdeb.net has a package or something.02:59
bmk789Dr_willis: that button has almost never worked02:59
bmk789histo: ok02:59
Dr_willisbmk789,  it works for me. :) but all the themes are ugly OS-X or Vista clones it seems02:59
falconerGuest42210 ?02:59
Dr_willisbmk789,  theres a command or 2 ya gotta do befor it will work the02:59
limpwhat is the command to copy a whole folder and its contents? cp?03:00
Tempetecp -r03:00
limpthank you03:00
bmk789Dr_willis: does it use curl or something special like that?03:00
dunleavyubotu: thanks for the info about SWAT that will come in handy for my fileserver.03:00
Dr_willisbmk789,  no idea the !compiz wiki page has details.03:00
Dr_willisbmk789,  i just rember having to cut/paste some command to get it working03:01
Dr_willisand i even edited the wiki. :) and i cant rember03:01
omgdudeis there a faster place to dl the files other than the ubuntu site?03:01
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:01
Dr_willis https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion03:01
Dr_willisis the page i am thinking of.. NOT that other one the bot pasted03:01
Tempeteomgdude: There are tons of mirrors on their site - try one closer to you.03:01
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.03:01
NelsonUWPanyone ever had a can't access tty; job control turned off error?03:02
poodlesucksIMPORTANT. why are television shows designed to mass me up where movies to not mass me up ? so what are some games that are movie like but not television shows alike?:D thank you03:03
gnychisdoes anyone know how i can set a specific speed for a fan in linux?  it seems like 'fancontrol' wants to do everything based on temperature for me03:03
SpookyETdisplayconfig-gtk is rubbish!03:03
NelsonUWP i just built my first computer today and it doesnt work correctly... anyone up for a challenge?03:04
hxuHi! Can anyone kindly point me to a guide on 7.10's harddisk installation?03:04
iqbalais flash still broken?03:05
linchapulinI am trying to compile the audacity beta...it halts on configure saying libsndfile needs to be enabled?03:05
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod03:05
Gamekillehxu:  what do you mean guide for HD install03:06
Vorondi1iqbala: /topic03:06
david__Is there anyone who knows when flash is going to be fixed?03:06
Gamekillehas flash ever been fixed03:06
hxuGamekille: I mean, not to burn a cd, just use the iso file on the harddisk to install.03:06
iqbalaVorondi1: thnx03:06
=== Vorondi1 is now known as Vorondil
david__I just had opensuse on my system and theirs worked but nothing else did so now I am back03:07
Gamekillehxu:  not sure you can do that i know you can do it via floppy and and network and cd and mabey usb but not just with hd03:07
=== Ttech2 is now known as Ttech
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:08
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:08
nickrud_david__: go to the link, and find the blue text03:08
xompis there a set way in which I would install some icons I got off gnome-look.org? The install notes that are in the tar file mention something that doesn't exist on my system and I don't want to screw something up.03:08
nickrud_xomp: you would make that ~/.icons  dir03:09
slacker-Hi there03:09
xompnickrud_, so I would copy these icons into a ~/.icons directory?03:09
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.03:09
slacker-Is it possible to distupgrade from i686 to x86_64?03:09
B-rabbithow do you do the last seen command in xchat?03:09
Monobihow do you create a table in phpmyadmin ?03:10
nickrud_xomp: yes, right click the tar.gz you downloaded and extract them intot the .icons dir03:10
nickrud_slacker-: no, you'd have to do a fresh install of the 64bit03:10
xompnickrud_, cool, thanks :) Would that also set the icons for me? Or would I need to fire something up to change them?03:10
david__nickrud what link do you mean up top?03:10
GamekilleMonobi:  look at the bottom of the screen when your in a selected database file03:11
nickrud_xomp: then you can use ->system->prefs->appearance , hit the custom button and you'll see an icon tab03:11
slacker-alright, thanks nickrud_03:11
VieraONalgum br:??03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sapin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
levanderIs there a recommended NFS client for Windows?03:11
GamekilleMonobi:  you then put in how many fields and there settings03:11
nickrud_david__: in that forum link you factoided , find the blue text it has a working flash install03:11
xompnickrud_, thanks!03:11
Urevolt ¿¡sıɥʇ xıɟ ı op ʍoɥ ¡ǝɯ dןǝɥ ǝsɐǝןd 'sıɥʇ ǝʞıן ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ ƃuıʇıɹʍ pǝʇɹɐʇs ʇı ǝɔuıs ɹǝʌǝ puɐ punoɹɐ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɯ pǝuɹnʇ ı 'dןǝɥ03:11
VieraONi'm not spanish03:11
VieraONi'm brazilian03:11
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:11
PiciUrevolt: Please don't.03:12
levanderNobody uses a Windows NFS client and an Ubuntu NFS server?03:12
Gamekillei have yet to try that levander03:13
Gamekillei use samba for all linux to windows file share03:13
ubiquitoushello. I just installed the flash plugin. Restarted firefox. But Firefox keeps prompting me with "Install missing plugin". Any ideas?03:13
levanderIf I run Windows on top of KVM (or other virtual machine), can I mount filesystems in Windows that are also mounted in Linux?03:14
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:14
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:14
singlesunthis is an odd question but does anyone know if there is a Muslim prayer time program for Linux?03:15
ubiquitousubotu: thanks for the info. So I should uninstall it and install manually?03:15
=== cotton_ is now known as cotton
nickrud_singlesun: take a look at itools, it has a some command line tools for that03:17
Gamekillesinglesun:  i have seen one03:17
singlesunnickrud_, thanks i will look into it03:17
gnychisdoes anyone know how i can set a specific speed for a fan in linux?  it seems like 'fancontrol' wants to do everything based on temperature for me03:17
Gamekillesinglesun:  i thought i saw one in the aplit for the top tool bar03:17
sllinessok I am using the ps3 ubuntu live disc and trying to resize / partition on the OS (not gameos) and the gnome partition manager keeps mounting /, how can I prevent this so I can resize the partition?03:18
linux_kidDr_willis, danand, I did sucessfully restore my ext3 partition, along with a fat32 and a ntfs, with Partition Table Doctor.  After I repair XP, my system will be up and running!03:18
Andersonwhat's the quick down and dirty how to access windows shares, I am just trying to transfer my Fedora iso so I can burn a dvd, so I'd like to avoid spending an hour learning to configure and configuring ubuntu03:18
familyhi i asked a question and waited awhile to get a response i was wondering how do you make ndiswrapper start on start up in ubuntu oh also my program firestarter too03:18
singlesunGamekille, i will check into that as well, thank you, im having issues finding one03:19
familyubuntu 6.0603:19
Andersonwhat's the quick down and dirty how to access windows shares, I am just trying to transfer my Fedora iso so I can burn a dvd, so I'd like to avoid spending an hour learning to configure and configuring ubuntu03:19
Gamekillesinglesun:  what in detail are you looking for03:19
bkarAnderson->  remove the hard disk from windows, and bring it over to ubuntu, mount it, and have fun03:20
keyvinProps to the ubuntu team. 7.10 is the best desktop OS out there currently03:20
keyvinhands down03:20
nickrud_family: for ndiswrapper, if you have it all working from the command line, you can add   ndiswrapper   to /etc/modules on a line by itself, it will load at startup03:20
singlesunGamekille, i found one i think but its not through synaptic, its from downloading03:20
Andersonbkar, I have an external, but it's mounting as read only03:20
RequinB4I'm having problems text installing ubuntu...03:20
keyvinAnderson, FS on it?03:20
nickrud_family: and for firestarter, the firewall script gets started automatically whether or not you have the gui running03:20
mast^Hello! I'm about to install (attempt) the latest ppc version of ubuntu on my ibook g4 and i was wondering if creating a partition within osx before, then installing ubuntu on it, was enough? will the bootloader be able to boot both osx and ubuntu?03:20
singlesunGamekille, tar.bz2 extension or something03:20
bkarAnderson-> mount it rw then03:20
Andersonbkar, dunno what device it is03:21
Gamekillei going to pm you ok singlesun03:21
Andersonkeyvin, NTFS03:21
keyvinDid they ever get around the patent encoumberance with writing to NTFS filesystems?03:21
bkarAnderson-> neither do I, well both guess then :)03:21
familynickrud_ so basically open /etc/modules then add line sudo modprobe ndiswrapper or just add ndiswrapper?03:21
familythanks again nickrud :)03:21
singlesunGamekille, i do not know how to accept pms03:21
nickrud_family: just  ndiswrapper , you'll see some other modules on lines by themselves already in there03:21
familythank you03:22
zethero1how do I know if I have 3d acceleration on my system?03:22
keyvinI've been out of the linux scene for a while. In the past you could only overwrite ntfs files -- and they had to remain the same size03:22
Gamekilleok dose not work on this server03:22
keyvinerr not linux03:22
Gamekilledid you enable extra packages in your source03:22
nickrud_zethero1:   in a terminal, type   glxinfo | grep direct03:22
RequinB4I'm having problems text installing ubuntu...03:22
keyvinI've been in an all linux shop for the past two years so I haven't looked at MS anything03:22
familyoh darn one more pretty easy one i guess sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb  7 19:03:06 200803:22
familywhy do i get this error when i type sudo some command03:23
nickrud_keydata: it's fully read/writable now03:23
singlesunGamekille, did not get a pm from you man... i dunno how that works03:23
nickrud_keyvin: I mean, it's fully read/writable now, with ntfs-3g03:23
RootyRootRootW00Hi, can someone recommend a really excellent BitTorrent client for Ubuntu?03:23
zethero1nickrud_: this is what it says   zeth@zeth-ubuntu:~$ glxinfo | grep direct03:23
zethero1Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".03:23
zethero1direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)03:23
bkarRequinB4-> what kind of problem?03:23
nickrud_zethero1: then you don't have direct rendering running03:24
zethero1nickrud_: how do I enable it?03:24
nickrud_zethero1: direct rendering = accelerated 3d.  What video card do you have? if you're not sure,   lspci | grep -i vga   will tell you03:24
poodlesucksapproximately how many people working on debians developement? is it more or less than ubuntu and other distros? 2 people?03:24
RequinB4bkar - i'm at the partition part, using the whole HDD (overwriting window$), and it gives 4.7GB to swap.  mmkay, i go to write and i get "Input/Output error during read on /dev/hda"03:24
zethero1nickrud_: ATI Mob Rad X140003:25
poodlesucksi mean ubuntu*03:25
nickrud_poodlesucks: off topic, but 1000+ last time I looked03:25
nickrud_poodlesucks: debian03:25
singlesunGamekille, do i have to enable pms? im using xchat03:25
nickrud_zethero1:  system->admin->restricted manger , enable the ati restricted driver03:25
bkarRequinB4-> seems way too much for swap at 4.7gb,  maybe redo the formatting again03:25
poodlesucks<nickrud_> where do you look03:25
Starnestommyprivate messages do work on freenode.  To enable them, make sure the sender is registered03:26
zethero1nickrud_: it is enabled03:26
Gamekilleno singlesun  thsi server dose not work on freenode for spamming03:26
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53514/   <--- having compile error problems on this program03:26
RootyRootRootW00Hi, can someone recommend a really excellent BitTorrent client for Ubuntu?03:26
singlesunGamekille, so you cant pm... i see03:26
Andersonhow do i find out what device is mounted based on known folder?03:26
RequinB4bkar - been told it needs to be fscked.  I have, that was the guided partition suggestion - the HDD is 160GB, i have the space03:26
Gamekilleyah let me start my vm image of ubuntu hold on03:26
Ironman1how do i find out my root login03:26
nickrud_poodlesucks: for which? ubuntu I don't know, debian I used for several years and saw some stuff about inactive and active devs. But you should ask for more on #ubuntu-offtopic03:27
singlesunwell this... tar.bz2 i just put onto the desktop... and then said "extract here"03:27
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:27
nickrud_zethero1: did you reboot?03:27
StarnestommyGamekille: /msg nickserv help register03:27
mast^anyone has experience with dual booting os x & ubuntu on a ppc?03:27
Gamekilleyah that hard03:27
singlesunhow do you install the program though?03:27
bkarAnderson-> mount03:27
zethero1nickrud_: no.. it was always enabled03:27
Gamekillemast^:  i have not tried dual boot03:27
Andersonbkar, thansk03:27
Gamekillemast^:  but i got ubuntu on nice ppc imac03:27
zethero1nickrud_: I have been using the proprietary driver since I started using gutsy03:27
bkarRequinB4-> okay so you have fsck, now continue with the formatting then install03:28
Andersonfor the drive I am trying to acces it says this /dev/sda1 on /media/Backup type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)03:28
Andersonbut I can't write to it03:28
nickrud_zethero1: no, it had to be done by you at some point.    do lsmod | grep fglrx , do you get back a line with fglrx in it?03:28
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53514/   <--- nickrud do you know what is causing my error you usually know whats up03:28
singlesunthere is no install file on this like in windows.... how do you install this from tar.bz2 extension?03:28
RequinB4bkar - i don't know how to fsck, is the problem03:28
Ironman1anyone know how i can find my root login info?03:28
bkarAnderson-> which ubuntu do you have?03:28
RequinB4!root | Ironman103:28
Gamekillesinglesun:  you have to extract it then compile03:28
ubotuIronman1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:29
bkarRequinB4-> fsck   is the command03:29
Gamekillesinglesun:  it not just install03:29
adamorjameshey hey hey03:29
mast^Game: I was able to install debian on my ibook so ubuntu should be really similar, I'd just like to keep my osx partition for a while :/ do you think creating another partition within osx then installing ubuntu on it would work? I'm worried the bootloader wouldn't recognize osx03:29
zethero1nickrud_: zeth@zeth-ubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep fglrx03:29
zethero1fglrx                 656352  5403:29
zethero1agpgart                35016  2 fglrx,intel_agp03:29
familywhen i type sudo some command i get an error sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb  7 19:03:06 2008 how do i fix this?03:29
singlesunGamekille, hey i extracted to desktop.... so its another file of almost the same name,.... then what do you do?03:29
nickrud_adub: install zlib1g-dev03:29
RequinB4bkar - ... i mean, how do i get to a shell from the cd03:29
bkarAnderson-> find out if it even supports ntfs-3g03:29
Gamekillemast^:  if you bootcamp it would work but not for ppc i htinking03:29
nickrud_zethero1: are you using  xserver-xgl for compiz?03:29
adubnickrud thanks ill try that03:30
Paddy_EIREdoes anyone fancy giving me any pointers on Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) so I can access xbox live using an ethernet cable plugged into a wireless laptop (ubuntu)03:30
RootyRootRootW00Hi, if /dev/scd0 is my DVD drive, how do I find my CD drive address pls?03:30
th0rsinglesun what is the tar file called?03:30
bkarRequinB4-> ctrl +alt +f1 F2 or F3 ?03:30
Ironman1i need to change the permission of a ext hdd03:30
Gamekillesinglesun:  you have to un tar the file now03:30
regfireanyone install 2.6.24 yet?03:30
Ironman1how would i do that since i cant log in as root03:30
Gamekillerud my ubuntu vm is crupt03:30
Gamekilledang it03:30
singlesunGamekille, i just extracted it to the desktop from the main folder ...03:30
ubiquitousok, I don't understand. How do I install Flash *today*?03:30
Paddy_EIRExbox reports it 'failed' at the IP Address Stage03:30
singlesunth0r it is like azhan time or something03:30
zethero1nickrud_: yes.. I think so03:31
singlesunth0r namaz time it is called03:31
RequinB4bkar - ok, fsck isn't a recognizable command03:31
nickrud_zethero1:   ps -A | grep Xgl , do you get a line saying Xgl is running?03:31
Gamekillesinglesun:  you need a muslum time keeper right03:31
singlesunGamekille, i downloaded the file, to desktop, then i extracted the file03:31
bkarRequinB4-> use the full path, maybe  under /bin or /sbin03:31
Ironman1wtf my password is not working how do i find out what it us03:31
keyvinRequin - did you append sudo in fornt of it?03:31
nickrud_!cn | Chinese03:31
ubotuChinese: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:31
singlesunGamekille, yes that is what this program is for03:31
adubnickrud im not finding package for ubuntu03:32
GamekilleIronhand: there is not way to find it out you had to set it up03:32
zethero1nickrud_: zeth@zeth-ubuntu:~$ ps -A | grep Xgl03:32
zethero1 6496 ?        00:00:00 Xgl-lockfile-wr03:32
zethero1 6501 ?        00:10:09 Xgl03:32
keyvinIronman1 -- boot into rescue mode, remount your root partition read write, and reset it03:32
RequinB4bkar keyvin - "-sh: sudo: not found"03:32
Ironman1su: Authentication failure03:33
Gamekillethere we go got my ubuntu is booted singlesun  let me look at my install ok03:33
Andersonbkar, I haven't found anything that says it doesn't...03:33
Ironman1i just logged in with it03:33
nickrud_adub: apt-cache policy zlig1g-dev , what does it say about candidate?03:33
singlesunGamekille, i have the program, just need to know how to install it.... i even extracted the file, it does not have a README or a INSTALL file...03:34
nickrud_zethero1: ok. What's going on is you're using the xgl server, which reports that you don't have 3d rendering functional. xserver-xgl is required for compiz, but interferes with running open gl games and the like, iirc03:34
keyvinRequinB4: run 'echo $PATH'03:34
keyvinpaste the result03:34
Gamekillethere is not install just a process what the name of hte app you got singlesun03:34
RootyRootRootW00Hi, if /dev/scd0 is my DVD drive, how do I find my CD drive address pls?03:34
nickrud_adub: erm, that was apt-cache policy zlib1g-dev , not zlig1g-dev :)03:34
singlesunGamekille, it is called namazTime03:35
zethero1nickrud_: so I need to disable xgl-xserver and compiz befreo I can get 3d acceleration?03:35
singlesunGamekille, it also has a file in it called MakeFILE03:35
adubnickrud says unable to locate package03:35
nickrud_zethero1: you have 3d acceleration, but it's pre-empted by xgl server03:35
Ironman1hey what did you say to do to reset my su password03:35
nickrud_zethero1: you can create the empty file ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable , and log out and back in. That will disable the xgl server next login. remove the disable file, and next login you will be able to use compiz03:36
Gamekillesinglesun:  do you kno who to use the term03:36
singlesunGamekille, yes03:36
keyvinrequinB4: does 'ls -l /usr/bin' return anything?03:37
Ironman1can that person that was helping me repeat it i got dced i was trying to reset my su password03:37
singlesunGamekille, i need to logon as root?03:37
zethero1nickrud_: so I cannot run compiz in the same session where I want 3d acceleration03:37
RequinB4keyvin - a whole big list03:37
Gamekilleok i have to run i sorry singlesun  but time to eat with the family03:37
nickrud_zethero1: yes. Now, a neat trick is to create another user, switch to that user. You can switch back and forth with clt-alt-f7 and clt-alt-f8 , with one running compiz and the other not.03:38
zethero1nickrud_: I need 3d acceleration to run Elisa Media Center03:38
ChineseHow are you03:38
ChineseI would only this one03:38
RequinB4keyvin - help gives me a list of built-in commands.  should i list?03:38
keyvinRequinB4: what kind of environment are you in?03:39
nickrud_hello Chinese03:39
ChineseBelow that, google translation03:39
keyvinRequinB4: Rescue mode?03:39
RootyRootRootW00Hi, if /dev/scd0 is my DVD drive, how do I find my CD drive address pls?03:39
TempeteIs it mounted? type df03:39
BigDaddyGood evening all! Is anyone here familiar with Simon Tathams' puzzle games? I just found them in Synaptic and installed them. But I cannot find them. They are not in my menu and I can't find them on a file search. Any tips?03:39
keyvinfsck should be accessible as /sbin/fsck03:39
RequinB4keyvin - i was at the text installer at the partition part, then i hit cntl+alt+f2.  Now i have a shell with the prompt ~ #03:39
keyvinwhat are you trying to do?03:40
keyvinare you trying to repair a corrupted filesystem?03:40
RequinB4i have a I/O error on partitioning my hard drive03:40
keyvinrun fdisk -l03:40
zethero1nickrud_: I mean this is soooo frustrating.... Linux has strong pojnts... sure..... but man are there some "holes" in the theory too03:40
keyvinpaste the results03:40
adubnickrud was typing it wrong03:40
RequinB4keyvin - no error or output03:40
adubnickrud thanks man03:40
nickrud_zethero1: That's a problem with the ati driver, not linux.03:40
bkarkeyvin->  he is installing via text mode, he is in a console now..03:41
keyvin'sudo fdisk -l'?03:41
nickrud_zethero1: The next release of ubuntu will be using a later driver released by ati, which won't need the xserver-xgl .03:41
zethero1nickrud_: its like... oh finally xgl-xserver works well and we have compiz up and running as well.... but oh we forgot to mention that you now have no 3d acceleration03:41
keyvinoh wait -- you should be root user03:41
bkarRequinB4-> /sbin/fsck  /dev/drivepartition03:41
CrasyAlright, question about getting my wireless card working.03:41
nickrud_zethero1: again, blame ati for not providing proper support03:41
syntaxerror55zethero1, Compiz is not an official or necessary part of Linux03:41
CrasyHow? Linksys Wirless N PCI card.03:42
keyvinbkar how is that going to help him partition his hard drive?03:42
CrasyUbuntu 6.0603:42
bkarkeyvin-> the install was asking about fsck'ng  the drive03:42
geokeratzzethero1, you are unfortunately right03:42
zethero1syntaxerror55: its necessary for those who want a computing experience which is lively and full of variety03:42
nickrud_zethero1: by the way, I don't use compiz, it's useless for real work03:42
RequinB4. : bg break cd chdir command continue echo eval exec exit export false fg getopts hash help jobs kill let local pwd read readonly return set shift times trap true type ulimit umask unset wait03:43
CrasyAnyone know how to get a Linksys Wireless N PCI card to work on Ubuntu?03:43
rne1224does anyone knows what this means:  intel_batchbuffer.c:145: intel_flush_inline_primitive: Assertion `intel->prim.primitive != ~0' failed.03:43
rne1224Aborted (core dumped)03:43
zethero1nickrud_: I use quite a few of its features tens of times a day during my work03:43
isleshocky77Is there any other remote management in ubuntu server by default besides openssh-server?  Cause I did an aptitude install php5-curl earlier today and it said it died while upgrading openssh-server, now I can't connect and I'm 400 miles from the box03:43
syntaxerror55zethero1, having a cube shaped desktop does not improve your variety.03:43
zethero1nickrud_: I find a number of feature very usefull03:43
IndyGunFreakrne1224: translation.. : upgrade to an AMD.. :)03:43
RootyRootRootW00Hi, if /dev/scd0 is my DVD drive, how do I find my CD drive address pls?03:43
familyi fixed it yesh03:43
zethero1syntaxerror55: 'tis but one feature03:44
Paddy_EIREI'm Having real difficulty in getting firestarter to run so I can do internet connection sharing.03:44
nickrud_zethero1: not to get into a debate, but the only thing compiz provides that other window managers don't is the bling of fancy window movement and shadows03:44
bkarisleshocky77-> a risk one takes when doing remote upgrades03:44
rne1224IndyGunFreak: hahaha...how much will the upgrade will be?03:44
familyi fixed the timestamp error i have to get going03:44
isleshocky77bkar: Everything else still runs such as apache mysql and things like that.03:44
TempeteRootyRootRootWOO: Is it mounted? If so, type "mount"03:44
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:44
RequinB4nickrud_ : being slightly adhd, cube helps with my organization03:44
isleshocky77I'm wondering if I can use ftp and php to do something.03:44
familyNickrud thanks for the help i really apprecate it:)03:44
syntaxerror55zethero1, sorry, but compiz is just a window manager that slows everything down. You're lucky people even tried to help you here instead of just redirecting you to #compiz03:45
geokeratzRootyRootRootW00, or type df03:45
nickrud_RequinB4: hm, never looked at it that way03:45
bkarisleshocky77-> you can ask to disable the sshd and telnet in..03:45
zethero1nickrud_: ummm... apart from "bling" there are the features like Shift Switcher adn Scale which I find extremely useful03:45
RequinB4Other then that, its just eye candy03:45
RootyRootRootW00geokeratz: thanks, am doing so03:45
zethero1syntaxerror55: now you just sound threatening..... tsk ysk03:46
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.03:46
syntaxerror55zethero1, sorry03:46
zethero1nickrud_: but thanks for your help03:46
nickrud_zethero1: a lot of people here are very protective of linux, me too :)03:46
pavanhi all.. i am having a problem with sound in ubuntu.. recently i was trying to get my mic working.. in the process i installed esd libs.. since alsa was not working with the mic03:46
CrasyAnyone know how to get a Linksys Wireless N PCI card to work on Ubuntu?03:46
singlesuncan anyone tell me how to install this file, it is a tar.bz2 ... i put on desktop and extracted it... but i dont know how to install it03:47
zethero1nickrud_: yes... so am I ... protective that is... but still some things can be frustrating.....03:47
adubnickrud i got a different error on the make command now  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53515/03:47
pavanbut everything else.. the actual sound was working with alsa.. but once i had esd installed.. everything went south.. no i have no sound03:47
bkarsinglesun-> whats this you downloaded?03:47
singlesunbkar, it is a program for prayer times03:47
CrasyAnyone know how to get a Linksys Wireless N PCI card to work on Ubuntu?03:47
zethero1nickrud: I have converted 6 Windows users to Linux in the past 5 weeks...... so I am doing my part to spread the word03:47
Tempetesinglesun: There should be an INSTALL file in there, but usually you cd to the directory, ./configure, make, sudo make install03:47
ChineseThere is no one playing Palunion?03:47
singlesunTempete, no install file, only a file named Makefile and a few others03:48
nickrud_adub: that's an error in the stuff you're compiling itself ...03:48
zethero1nickrud_: and believe me, I get a whole lot of flak from Windows users.... many of whom are just plain ignorant of what they are talking about03:48
Tempetesinglesun: Try what I listed then.03:48
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
MeshezabeelIn Windows I am able to set video mirroring (nvidia) or theatre mode (ati). What this means is that I can play a video in a window on my mainscreen, but it will be played fullscreen on my tv (svideo out). Is this possible with ubuntu?03:48
cjoneswhy is it then when i try to play youtube videos its so slow and chopie03:48
singlesunTempete, just do those things? and it should work?03:48
CrasyAnyone know how to get a Linksys Wireless N PCI card to work on Ubuntu?03:49
bkarsinglesun-> try  tar xvjf file.tar.bz203:49
deanthello, am having a problem with firefox in ubuntu, when i play 4-5 youtube videos then it firefox crashes and burns03:49
Tempetesinglesun: Yeap. Let me know if any errors pop up (Usually in ./configure.. Dependencies and such)03:49
singlesunbkar: i did do that part to extract to the desktop03:49
singlesunTempete, alright, i will try it now real quick03:49
BigDaddyAnyone? How do you find a program just installed through  Synaptic?03:49
IndyGunFreak!wireless | Crasy have you looked at the hardware documentation?03:49
ubotuCrasy have you looked at the hardware documentation?: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:49
deantBigDaddy you just time it's name03:49
mannytuthis is the on thing I see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3973 for Linksys Wireless N PCI card...03:50
bkarsinglesun-> then cd to it, and look for a README file for how to install it03:50
syntaxerror55IndyGunFreak, heh, you use the bot very creatively. ;D03:50
cjonesdent what did you do to be abel to see 1 youtube video03:50
singlesunTempete, i typed "./configure" and it said "no such file or directory"03:50
CrasyIndyGunFreak: I cannot find anything.03:50
IndyGunFreaksyntaxerror55: lol, sometimes just giving a  message doesn't do it..lol03:50
bkarBigDaddy-> apt-cache dump03:50
singlesunbkar: it does not have any install instructions in there03:50
deantcjones i just open firefox, and then it crashes03:50
Tempetesinglesun: Skip it, then. Just try make and make install.03:50
singlesunTempete, alright03:50
IndyGunFreak!hardware | Crasy then you didn't look that hard, look here for supported hardware.03:50
ubotuCrasy then you didn't look that hard, look here for supported hardware.: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:50
cjonesdeant i try to open one and its chopy and freezes03:51
BigDaddyAhh... just found how. nevermind03:51
nickrud_BigDaddy: if you know the package name,  dpkg -L <packagename> | grep /bin will show you the command(s) that start the program03:51
deantcjones me 203:51
deantcjones: that's exactly my prob03:51
cjonesdeant i hope someone can help us03:51
singlesunTempete, make just gives TONS of errors03:51
geokeratzbkar, wow , what's that doing? is this the log file?03:51
pavannickrud can you help me with my sound problem??03:52
singlesunTempete, make install just says there is no directory or something03:52
Tempetesinglesun: And therein lies the hellish part of compiling stuff... Does it say something about a missing dependency?03:52
deantcjones: and if noone can, we can go drink a beer with chicks in a bar someplace lol03:52
CrasyIndyGunFreak: Honestly, I can't find my card.03:52
TempeteI think you have to sudo make install for Ubuntu.03:52
bkargeokeratz-> it looks at the aptitude cache database and dumps all the info03:52
IndyGunFreakCrasy: then you'll probably need ot use the windows driver w/ ndiswrapper.03:52
singlesunTempete, man there is so many errors its highly probable that is in there somewhere03:52
cjonesdeant hell yeah03:52
singlesunTempete, lol03:53
CrasyIndyGunFreak: What with what?03:53
WaYdoes anybody knows an application for editing menus for making dvds?03:53
IndyGunFreakCrasy: you clearly haven't read the documentation.03:53
mannytuCrasy: here another web site, http://antonym.org/node/8903:53
TempeteRead the last few lines - anything about them?03:53
TempeteOr paste them at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:53
CrasyI found like 4 pages that referenced to a ndiswrapper.03:53
CrasyNothing that linked the program.03:53
deantcjones: we can wait until they fix it, drinking beers till we die. lol03:53
Tempetesinglesun: ^ was to you. Forgot the name.03:54
pavanhi all .. can any one help with my no sound issue??03:54
CrasyI read the word...see no program.03:54
omgdudehow do u boot by turning acip off?03:54
zethero1how can I create a new session03:54
shedflexGawd damnit .... I had to reinstall XP and now I can't reboot to Ubuntu!  How can I reinstate the GRUB boot?03:54
cjonesdeant we could be waiting til we die03:54
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
IndyGunFreakpavan: well whast the problem.03:54
omgdudedo i just add it to the end of the boot options03:54
deantshachaf: you just put again the live cd03:54
IndyGunFreakshedflex: you need to reinstall grub.. easiest way is either from a super grub disk, or from a live cd03:54
singlesunTempete, says its need gtk vers 2 or higher03:54
shedflexmmm.... super grub disk... I better google for that03:55
nickrud_zethero1: create a new user (system->admin->users) and hit the logout button, but choose switch user03:55
singlesunTempete, gtk2 version 2.4 or higher03:55
Crasymannytu: That's not wireless N, that's G.03:55
pavanIndyGunFreak  i am having a problem with sound in ubuntu.. recently i was trying to get my mic working.. in the process i installed esd libs.. since alsa was not working with the mic03:55
IndyGunFreakshedflex: i don't have a lot of experience, but when it works, its as simple as hitting enter a couple times.03:55
WaYdoes anybody knows an application for editing menus for making dvds?03:55
nickrud_!grub | shedflex03:55
ubotushedflex: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:55
singlesunTempete, please note that this program defaults its install to /usr/local.03:55
singlesunif you don't want this, you will have to change the INSTALLDIR03:55
singlesunvalue from the Makefile.03:55
Tempetesinglesun: Try sudo aptitude install gtk2 ... I'm not sure if that's in your repository.03:55
cjoneshey how do i make the alsa system unbusy03:55
nickrud_Tempete: its libgtk2.0-dev03:55
IndyGunFreaknickrud_: never knew there was a link on reinstalling grub, i'll have to remember that,.03:56
nickrud_IndyGunFreak: an oldy but goody :)03:56
CrasyIndyGunFreak: Why couldn't you give me the download url for ndswrapper?03:56
IndyGunFreakCrasy: cuz there is no URL03:56
Tempetenickrud_: Thanks. singlesun: sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev03:56
cjoneswtf is this The ALSA soundsystem is either busy or not present03:56
pavanIndyGunFreak now there is no sound from any app.. xmms complains that it cannot get to the sound card..03:56
CrasyIndyGunFreak: Wait, then what am I looking at?03:56
singlesunTempete, i checked my synaptic and it says that it is in there, it had a few gtk entries03:56
mbomanhow compatible is the VIA C7-M Processor compared to the standard intel/amd versions? Does anyone know?03:56
Crasyhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/ ?03:57
deantcjones: i think we should stop using computers alltogether03:57
cjonesdeant or go back to windows03:57
Tempetesinglesun: Install the ilbgtk2.0-dev entry.03:57
IndyGunFreakCrasy: you need to read the ubuntu wireless documentation, it goes over installing ndiswrapper, installing a windows driver, etc... this is how i know you didn't even attempt to read it.03:57
zethero1nickrud_: can I create a new session for the same user?03:57
singlesunTempete, ok i will check03:57
IndyGunFreakpavan: sorry,t hat one sounds above me..03:57
deantcjones: naah03:57
CrasyIndyGunFreak: The page you gave me is a LIST of specific wireless cards.03:57
PurpZeYWhat do I need to do client side to setup a CUPS printer-share?03:57
cjonesdeant there is always mac's lol03:57
* IndyGunFreak sighs03:58
pavanIndyGunFreak thx for ur help03:58
CrasyAnd I do not see a "Wireless" option like on the General Wifi help page.03:58
deantubuntu is my niggah03:58
singlesunTempete, installing now03:58
IndyGunFreakpavan: lol, i hope you weren't being a dick, i just don't have the answer.03:58
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:58
cjoneshow di i fix this ....The ALSA soundsystem is either busy or not present03:58
pavanIndyGunFreak will see if i can find an answer03:58
TempeteWhat's the default install directory for Ubuntu?03:58
nickrud_zethero1: no you need to use a new user03:58
PurpZeY!cups > PurpZeY03:59
IndyGunFreakTempete: install directory?.. what do you mean03:59
nickrud_Tempete: the /usr/local will work fine03:59
pavanIndyGunFreak sorry if i came across as a dick.. i didn't mean it that way03:59
Tempetenickrud_ Thanks.03:59
IndyGunFreakpavan: its cool,03:59
singlesunTempete, alright those things installed now03:59
cjonescould someone please help a newb with his alsa system03:59
PurpZeYHow do I share a printer using CUPS so that I can use it over the local network?03:59
Tempetesinglesun: Now try to make and sudo make install again. May run into more dependencies.04:00
singlesunTempete, alright04:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:00
cjonesi like  that04:01
RequinB4... I just need a way to get an OS on my comp, that's all i ask >.>04:01
singlesunTempete, tons of errors man... tons... src/times.c:231: error: ‘xml’ undeclared (first use in this function)04:01
singlesunsrc/times.c:232: error: ‘GtkLabel’ undeclared (first use in this function)04:01
singlesunsrc/times.c:232: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token04:01
singlesunsrc/times.c:233: error: expected expression before ‘)’ toke04:01
RequinB4Can anyone help me get this partitioner working04:01
Tempetesinglesun: Er.. Lemme change my font. Boxes.04:01
cjonesrequinb4 i had this problem erleyer today i can help04:02
cjonesrequinb4 what do you have going on04:02
RootyRootRootW00Hi, if /dev/scd0 is my DVD drive, how do I find my CD drive address pls? I typed "df" but the result didn't make sense to me, that or it isn't SHOWING UP (shows on desktop when I put a cd in the drive)04:02
RequinB4cjones, i'm using a text installer and i keep getting I/O errors when it writes the partition04:02
singlesunTempete, well basically.... it just says no... lol... i cd to that directory...  and i have a file that says Makefile.... can i used that for anything?04:02
RequinB4Hey, i have a GParted CD04:03
patrockRootyRootRootW00: put a cd in, go to terminal, type mount, it will show you everything that's mounted04:03
* RequinB4 gets an idea04:03
cjonesrequinb4 sorry thats above my head have you tryed to use the gui live cd and open a term and type gparted04:03
* nickrud_ has always admired ideas04:03
keyvinrequinb4 -- are you in the ocntinental US?04:03
keyvin*continental US?04:03
RequinB4cjones, sorry, can't use livecd04:03
IndyGunFreakRequinB4: ok, what do you want to use it for?04:03
RequinB4keyvin yes04:03
keyvinRequinB4 msg me your phone number. I need to burn some roll over minutes04:04
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Tempetesinglesun: I'm honestly not sure.. Let me google around. Nickrud_, any ideas?04:04
BetaTestCan anyone help me mount my external HDD?04:04
keyvintype /msg keyvin your-phone-number-area-code-first04:04
RequinB4keyvin - kinda not comfertable giving phone over IRC if that's all right O.o04:04
RootyRootRootW00patrock: Thanks, am doing so04:04
syntaxerror55keyvin, why are you requesting people's phone numbers? Use the IRC chat.04:05
nickrud_Tempete: no ... there's a lot of xml libs, hard to know which one.04:05
keyvinRequinB4 what was the exact error it gave you?04:05
pppoe_dudeThe IRC Chat04:05
RequinB4My actual problem is a long story that led to a solution which had another problem which had another solution etc.  I'm trying to text install ubuntu but hte partitioner isn't liking me04:05
nickrud_Tempete: shouldn't the web page he got it from list the dependencies04:05
pppoe_dudePhone Machines are Obsolete04:05
Tempetenickrud_: It should.. But lots don't. singlesun: What's the app called?04:05
EmmerPhas anyone got veoh to work with ubuntu, without wine?04:05
IndyGunFreakRequinB4: doesn't make much sense, the alt. install CD is gravy.04:05
RequinB4keyvin - "Input/output error during read on /dev/hda"04:06
singlesunTempete, namazTime04:06
pppoe_dudeNot With The Presence Of Extensive Tubular Internetwork04:06
nickrud_Tempete: it was a should, I hope you noticed :)04:06
syntaxerror55pppoe_dude, truth04:06
cjoneshey i got this error about my alsa system being busy and i pressed ctrl+alt+backspace and it fixed it whats going on04:06
keyvinrequinB4 in the shell you have open, run 'fdisk /dev/hda'04:06
syntaxerror55cjones, your sound is working?04:06
RequinB4keyvin - fdisk isn't accepted04:06
meoblast001hi.... i googled my problem with my PS3 w/ Ubuntu to no avail..... my problem is that my Ubuntu 7.04 on my PS3 cannot connect to the internet04:06
pppoe_dudei really need to change almost everything about me04:06
meoblast001im pretty sure its not detecting the network card but cant tell04:07
syntaxerror55pppoe_dude, starting with your nick04:07
PurpZeYWhere is the /printer directory located on the file system?04:07
keyvinRequinB4 'cd /sbin'04:07
RequinB4I can give a more thourough error log04:07
pppoe_dudesyntaxerror55, i mean in RL04:07
EmmerPsorry got disconnected, my question was: has anyone got veoh to work with ubuntu, without wine?04:07
keyvin'requinB4' './fdisk /dev/hda'04:07
syntaxerror55pppoe_dude, oh. :| Still, consider changing your nick04:07
EmmerPor is there some movie/multimedia channel where I could ask?04:07
* pppoe_dude ain't changin his nick04:07
pppoe_dudeneva eva eva04:08
cjonessyntaxerror55 i couldent play last.fm keppt getting alsa erros no after the reboot of gui (ithink thats what it does ) it wors04:08
syntaxerror55pppoe_dude, ;D04:08
RequinB4./fdisk: not found04:08
* nickrud_ is gonna be watching syntaxerror55 's grammer closely04:08
syntaxerror55cjones, then it was probably a bug. :| If it works now, there is no problem04:08
meoblast001can anyone help me with this issue?04:08
Tempetesinglesun: You have version .9?04:08
keyvinwhat does pwd return?04:08
* pppoe_dude will be watching nickrud_'s spelling closely04:08
pvl22how can i get unblacklisted? (for that matter i have no idea y i was)04:08
* syntaxerror55 has nothing left to watch04:08
* nickrud_ shuffles, embarrrrased04:08
RequinB4 /sbin04:08
cjonessyntaxerror55 so iam i right that ctrl alt backspace just reboots the gui or what does it do ?04:08
TheFishyIs there any cli based games for linux besides mudds04:08
RequinB4without the cd it gave /04:09
keyvinls -l fdisk04:09
singlesunTempete, yes04:09
syntaxerror55cjones, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace reboots X04:09
syntaxerror55in effect rebooting the GUI04:09
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:09
cjonessyntaxerror55 thanks mate04:09
pppoe_dudedot dot dottttted04:09
* pppoe_dude listening to Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing04:09
Tempetesinglesun: Try sudo aptitude install libitl04:09
syntaxerror55TheFishy, Why? I usually reboot X when it freezes (rare)04:09
singlesunTempete, i have extracted to the desktop and also am cd'd to the proper directory04:10
meoblast001uhhhh..... new problem...... how do you update your system if the window is too big for the screen?04:10
mexle__Guten Morgen04:10
TheFishysyntaxerror55, oh did his stuff freeze?04:10
singlesunTempete, it said it contained those libraries i thought04:10
RequinB4#ls gives ... fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3 fsck.jfs ...04:10
TheFishysyntaxerror55, most the time I restart x for update reasons...04:10
Tempetesinglesun: I know it said it does but.. Something must be wrong if it's not finding them. Can always uninstall them.04:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about veoh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
pvl22im having odd opengl problems can some1 help?04:11
YodaHey all.  I have a Dell Inspiron 1420 with a few media keys on it.  I've successfully and correctly binded them to the keyboard.  In Amarok, I've modified both the shortcuts and global shortcuts to use the media keys, but no luck.  Any help?04:11
keyvinrequinB4 but not fdisk?04:11
syntaxerror55TheFishy, he mentioned having some alsa problems, but when he restarted X they went away; and he didn't logout :|04:11
RequinB4keyvin - no... freeramdisk, e2fsck04:11
syntaxerror55and I've never logged out before restarting X, so I want to know why you would04:11
daniel92Yoda: go to scripts there is one that has to do with media keys and gnome. it will make them work04:11
RequinB4keyvin - jfs_fsck, jfs_fscklog04:11
techgeek40Hello All04:12
syntaxerror55techgeek40, Hello.04:12
RequinB4hello techgeek4004:12
pppoe_dudey O y04:12
TheFishysyntaxerror55, loging out usually is the best cause it saves everything not saved04:12
keyvin./parted /dev/hda?04:12
Yodadaniel92: Scripts where?04:12
bullgard4mexle__: You are in the wrong channel.04:12
singlesunTempete,  it said there is no libitl, but there is like libitl-dev and libitl004:12
syntaxerror55TheFishy, oh, well, yeah, that. ;D04:12
RastaHi everyone04:12
TheFishysyntaxerror55, so do u know of any cli based games?04:12
RequinB4keyvin - O.o my day is getting better.  "error: could not stat device dev/hda - no such file or directory"04:12
syntaxerror55Rasta, hi04:13
RastaBack to linux after many years04:13
syntaxerror55TheFishy, I'm actually developing some04:13
Tempetesinglesun: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/arabeyes/libitl0_0.6.4-1_i386.deb?modtime=1111099417&big_mirror=1 Just use this deb, then.04:13
daniel92Yoda: Tools > Script MAnager > Get more scripts04:13
TheFishysyntaxerror55, really?04:13
RastaJust insatlled 7.10, any task besides update the system i should take care of?04:13
syntaxerror55TheFishy, yes, a CLI-tron. I hope it'll work out.04:13
techgeek40Is it possible to get Thunderbird working - I would like to use that for email?04:13
daniel92Yoda: it's called Gnome Multimedia Key's04:13
Yodadaniel92: Oh, in Amarok?  Alright, thanks a lot.04:13
keyvinRequinB4 ok, and the guided partitioner detected that you had a hard disk there?04:13
RequinB4keyvin - yep04:13
TheFishysyntaxerror55, can I test it out on my palm tx's ssh connection?04:13
RequinB4keyvin - but then it went and had an I/O error04:13
nickrud_techgeek40: sure, install it it's in the repos04:13
techgeek40Hey Nick - how you doing ?04:14
keyvinyou have an IDE hard disk?04:14
cvdIts there away, so xchat always remember my custom nickname?04:14
daniel92Yoda: np. it took me a while, but my gateway's media keys work perfect for me now. it should be on by default in gnome...04:14
nickrud_techgeek40: good, watching a silly movie04:14
singlesunTempete, alright dled that and installed it04:14
pvl1cvd thres options04:14
keyvinI unno. I would try powering down, checking my cabling and rebooting again at this point04:14
syntaxerror55TheFishy, it doesn't work ATM. D: I'm working out more then several major bugs.04:14
singlesunTempete, i should try to do the make thing again now?04:14
Tempetesinglesun: Now try the make/make install thing again.04:14
pvl1how can i reinstall opengl?04:14
cvdcuz everytime i use xchat it use the ubuntu login name04:14
syntaxerror55TheFishy, and it requires Python04:14
RequinB4keyvin - IDE1, yep04:14
pvl1cvd, change the settings04:15
techgeek40I'm going to install thunderbird and then tackle that damn video card - I would like to get it working04:15
Yodadaniel92:  Uh oh, it just crashed on me.  I got the KNotify.  Shouldn't be anything bad, but I'm wondering why it crashed after I installed that.04:15
RequinB4keyvin - no biggie, i've been working on getting a bootable OS on this box for 2 months now04:15
syntaxerror55cvd, XChat should always remember your nickname if you change the setting in XChat->Network List...04:15
nickrud_TheFishy: have you checked out bsdgames ?04:15
TheFishysyntaxerror55, well when u get it all smoothish enough to run I would love to help test... My palm has an ssh connection meaning its just sharing a screen. So I connect to X and run flash if i wanted to but thats dumb...04:15
RequinB4keyvin - i'm going to put in GParted04:15
keyvinRequinB4 are you sure the IDE controller is stable?04:15
user_i'm on live pendrivelinux04:15
keyvinThats the only time I've had disks just dissapear - when the controller was faulty04:16
singlesunTempete, this thing is wacked,04:16
daniel92Yoda: i get that occasionally. i don't think it has to do with the script tho, just that it's a kde app running on gnome04:16
user_is there  a way to install ubuntu from this??04:16
syntaxerror55TheFishy, ok. I'll remember you. :D04:16
Tempetesinglesun: Don't tell me that!04:16
TheFishynickrud_, would bsdgames work on ubuntu-server :P04:16
singlesunTempete, still not working man... error04:16
daniel92Yoda: go to #amarok for more support04:16
nickrud_TheFishy: yep, they are for the text screen04:16
RequinB4keyvin - don't know what that means, but i'd hazard a guess no04:16
=== _max` is now known as max`
Tempetesinglesun: Okay, what is it now?04:16
Flanneluser_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromKnoppix04:16
syntaxerror55nickrud_, BSDGames doesn't already have a Tron does it?04:16
Yodadaniel92:  Got it, works perfectly now.  Thanks a bunch.04:17
syntaxerror55because I wouldn't want to duplicate04:17
singlesunTempete, still those same errors when i type in make04:17
RootyRootRootW00patrock r u there?04:17
Tempetesinglesun: This is terrible. Let me see if I can just find another app for the same purpose.04:17
daniel92Yoda: no problem. i love that script. helps with **all** media keys, so nice.04:17
nickrud_syntaxerror55: no, although it may have some of the games under different names. apt-cache show bsdgames lists them04:17
syntaxerror55nickrud_, ah, k. I'm currently on my Windows partition, but I'll remember it04:18
user_thx fl04:18
singlesunTempete, package libglade-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path04:18
singlesunTempete, that starts the huge error list04:18
meoblast001i forget what the name of the package you need to compile is... can someone refresh my memory?04:18
Impietyi tried to install kde4 and it didn't work, however, it also made gnome not work.  in the .xsession-errors files says "GtK-WARNING ***: This process is currently running setuid or setgid04:18
Tempetesinglesun: Oh! Let's get that installed then.. Lemme find a deb.04:18
RootyRootRootW00Hi i executed a "mount" command: how do i identify which of the devices is my CD drive please?04:18
Impietynevermind i foudn something04:19
singlesunTempete, whats up with all these Lib things? lol...04:19
CVDwhy only the left Alt work and not the right?04:19
YodaAnyone know any file managers besides Nautilus?  My only two beefs with Ubuntu to date have been that it's....not the prettiest, and I'm not too fond of Nautilus.04:19
keyvinYoda, you can try kubuntu04:19
syntaxerror55Yoda, sure, Konqueror, dolphin04:19
Tempetesinglesun: Apps use other libraries to make their program work.04:19
TheFishynickrud_, awesome04:19
psyberIs there a webcammax type program for linux?04:19
keyvinubuntu distro centered around KDE04:19
Tempetesinglesun: This one shouldn't have any problems but you'll have to compile it as well - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libglade/2.0/libglade-2.0.1.tar.gz04:20
CVDwhe i need to use the Alt for everything only the left work04:20
singlesunTempete, why dont they come with the applications is my question, and if you already have them, lol they could overwrite them04:20
techgeek40Here is something: I have a netgar WG511 v2 pcmcia wireless adapter for my laptop - but I can't seem to get the drivers installed - any suggestions?04:20
micah_Well then....my computer just semi-restarted.  It went to the shut down screen about running boot scripts, then it came back up to my GDM.04:20
nickrud_TheFishy: and the really popular text game, nethack-console04:20
pvl1techgeek40, have a look into ndiswrapper04:21
techgeek40netgar = netgear04:21
TheFishynickrud_, ok i installed the package, how do i see all the games it just installed?04:21
Shadow147what package of perl has this -lperl04:21
techgeek40Otay - doing that now04:21
nickrud_TheFishy: apt-cache show bsdgames04:21
Tempetesinglesun: That would make life too easy =P And make apps more bloated (As it is, you can disable features sometimes if you know you won't use them)04:21
pvl1Shadow147,do apt-cache search 'whatever'04:21
lumpycowhow do you check if you are using the mesa video drivers in ubuntu?04:21
=== micah_ is now known as Yoda
singlesunTempete, lol04:22
TheFishynickrud_, do u know anymore games like this?04:22
marcelI have installed moonlander and when I click on the icon, it seems that the games starts, but nothing happens.04:22
RequinB4apt-get moo is pretty fun04:22
pvl1marcel, try running it from a terminal04:22
nickrud_TheFishy: there's nethack-console04:22
TheFishynickrud_, got that already + bsdgames-nonfree04:23
nickrud_TheFishy: try apt-cache search console game , it returns some that are definitely console games, not sure about others04:23
Shadow147pvl1 thanks04:23
nickrud_ooh, angbad04:23
singlesunTempete, ok so im trying to do that one... i did the configure and it worked fine, but the make did not04:23
keyvinangband with -mgcu so it runs in text mode04:23
Impietyanyone know why apt would think that almost every package was automatically installed and no longer required?04:23
john_d0ewhen you setup a machine to be a dhcpcd server ... how does the server machine get it's ip address / routing table / etc ... ?04:23
pvl1Shadow147, np04:23
Tempetesinglesun: Ugh. What error now?04:23
singlesunTempete, said "no target specified"04:23
Yodaanyways, before my comp decided to off itself, I was asking if anyone knew of any decent file managers besides Nautilus (ie how to install them properly)04:24
singlesunTempete, no target specified and no makefile found04:24
marcelit says "cannot open file for reading ... couldn't open audio04:24
singlesunsudo make install04:24
RequinB4Well, i just wanted to thank everyone who helped me today in my now 2 month long journy to get a bootable OS on my box04:24
techgeek40BRB - going to get this working :>04:24
RequinB4I'm going to bed04:24
pvl1marcel, is that all it said?04:24
Tempetesinglesun: Hmm. When I downloaded I keep getting a corrupt tar.. Was yours okay?04:24
Rastaok, whats the password for su on a fresh ubuntu install?  itried the one with i started session(added on the installation) but doesnt seem to work04:24
singlesunTempete, can i just use sudo make install?04:24
Rastaim using 7.10 btw04:25
Tempetesinglesun: You can try. But I'd check the INSTALL in there (If there is one) or the README04:25
marcelhow can I post the whole message? there are like 12 lines04:25
singlesunTempete, i dunno i didnt say anything odd04:25
daniel92Yoda: xfe is cool, and really lightweight. not the best looking, but cool. look it up. ot's available in the repositories.04:25
rajasunYoda: sudo aptitude install thunar rox-filer04:25
bkarRasta-> go boot into safe mode and set the password there for root or the user04:25
Rastaoh, well04:25
justinneedhi, I fllowed the exact instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/ReturnToCastleWolfenstein and I go this error: Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg04:25
justinneed solution please04:25
Rastathanks bkar04:25
Rastaill be back04:26
pavanproblem with sound.. the gstreamer-properties app.. when i hit the test for "Default Output" with Plugin = Autodetect .. it gives me an error.. but when i start gstreamer-properties with sudo .. i can hear sound04:26
daniel92rajasun: Yoda: Yeah, rox looks really cool too. thunar just seems like a stripped version of nautilus.04:26
sam__hello, I have been burning dvds for a few months and constantly get audio and video misaligned. I have used a few conversion programs [from avi to mpg2] but i am unsure if it is the software or the burner. Any ideas on how to fix it04:26
marcelSound active04:26
marcelreading game options in /home/marcel/.moon_lander04:26
marcelcannot open file for reading: /home/marcel/.moon_lander - loading defaults04:26
marcelALSA lib confmisc.c:670:(snd_func_card_driver) cannot find card '0'04:26
marcelALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device04:26
marcelALSA lib confmisc.c:391:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings04:26
FloodBot2marcel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:26
bkarRasta-> btw, new install does not have access to  do  su root, but you can sudo04:26
pvl1marcel, use ubuntu pastebin04:26
singlesunTempete, now this thing wants more stuff... lol compile it... lol To compile, you will need the libxml2 package (aka the gnome-xml04:26
singlesunmodule in CVS) which can be found on the GNOME FTP site or its04:26
singlesunmirrors.  If you want GNOME support, you will also need the gnome-libs04:26
singlesunpackage installed.04:26
Rastabkar, sudo its like a pseudo root im guessing04:26
Yodaalright, you two daniel92 and rajasun.  Will this completely replace Nautilus (either of the managers), and will I hit any problems with having something other than nautilus as my manager?04:26
pavanproblem with sound.. the gstreamer-properties app.. when i hit the test for "Default Output" with Plugin = Autodetect .. it gives me an error.. but when i start gstreamer-properties with sudo .. i can hear sound any ideas what to do04:26
Rastai just want to install the flash player for firefox04:26
=== pizdets is now known as penars
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.04:26
Tempetesinglesun: Man. Haha. Check synaptic for that, too.04:27
pvl1marcel, are u currently using alsa, do u know?04:27
unopRasta, more like "sudo = superuser do"04:27
singlesunTempete,  is it always this bad?04:27
marcelyes, Alsa works04:27
penarscan someone help me with resolutions? i cant seem to get ubuntu to show my resolution04:27
daniel92Yoda: not that i know of. it's pretty hard to replace nautilus. it controls the desktiop and icons too. neither do if you just install them. google could help make it permanent.04:27
Tempetesinglesun: Not usually. I run zenwalk and rarely use package managers.. Usually only get one or two dependencies.04:27
rajasundaniel92: I like both thunar and rox-filer. and don't all file managers resemble one another in the major, eseential even functions they perfomr04:27
Rastaunop, ok, i have rust in my linux abilities im seeing04:27
OetmetI have my ext system file on /dev/sda4 partition.... but I've lost GRUB after a windows installation... now I'm running a LIVE CD distribution and have console acces.... how should I run grub in order to recover it?04:27
Impietyanyone know why apt would think that almost every package was automatically installed and no longer required?04:27
penarsmy resolution is 1366 x 768 but when i added it to xorg.conf and restarted it still doesn't show it in options04:27
bkarpenars-> try also ctrl+alt++  note the plus at the end04:28
singlesunTempete, zenwalk is better to use? than synaptic?04:28
OetmetI have access to my old grub config too04:28
RootyRootRootW00Hi i executed a "mount" command: how do i identify which of the devices is my CD drive please?04:28
sam__hello, I have been burning dvds for a few months and constantly get audio and video misaligned. I have used a few conversion programs [from avi to mpg2] but i am unsure if it is the software or the burner. Any ideas on how to fix it04:28
marcelsound works04:28
rajasundaniel92: oops...don't all file managers resemble one another in the major, eseential even functions they perfom?04:28
Yodadaniel92:  Is there a way I could make it default, at least?04:28
Tempetesinglesun: Zenwalk is another distro (Like Ubuntu).04:28
pvl1marcel, do u know if u have all the neccessary alsa packages?04:28
unop!grub | Oetmet04:28
ubotuOetmet: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:28
RootyRootRootW00Hi, is this my CD drive pls?04:28
marcelhow can I find out?04:28
daniel92rajasun: yeah, all are basically the same. which one is really a matter of personal preference. i usually use nautilus, but switch to xfe occasionally for fun.04:28
RootyRootRootW00Hi, is this my CD drive pls? /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)04:28
Tempetesinglesun: We have netpkg but it doesn't have nearly as much stuff.. I usually just stick to compiling my own stuff.04:28
pavancan someone help me my sound issues??04:28
Shadow147!find lperl04:28
ubotuFound: postgresql-plperl-8.1, postgresql-plperl-8.204:28
singlesunTempete, i see, ;)04:28
Shadow147!find -lperl04:29
ubotuFound: E:04:29
unopRootyRootRootW00, try navigating to /media/cdrom04:29
nickrud_RootyRootRootW00: no. The fastest way to see what your cdrom is is  ls -l /dev/cdrom04:29
pvl1marcel, well it depends on the game, how did u install it?04:29
singlesunTempete,  i have this package already.. so lets see... whats the issue with this04:29
daniel92Yoda: not that i know of. i tried to set pcman fm as default once, but it didn't work. like i said, google could help. someone had to do it at least once.04:29
Tempetesinglesun: Hmm. Reinstall it?04:29
Rastasudo did the trick :)04:29
nickrud_RootyRootRootW00: mine tells you what device the cdrom is, unop's shows you what's on the cdrom04:29
penarscan someone help me change the resolution04:29
marcelapt-get install04:29
Tempetesinglesun: Or it could be a version thing.. Does it say what version is required?04:30
daniel92penars: what's wrong?04:30
singlesunTempete, the ./configure does a whole lot... lol... but when i do "make" it does not work04:30
rajasundaniel92: yeah. as long as it allows one to organize files, copy, transfer e.g. ftp, sftp, rsync, etc...should suffice for the needs of most ;)04:30
penarsdaniel92: i dont see my resolution in options04:30
pvl1marcel, well then it should be fine. it may be a coding problem. try running something like moonlande --help and see if there is an option to turn of sound. otherwise i believe u need to configure ur alsa driver correctly04:30
nickrud_rajasun: ah, you mean the terminal :)04:30
sam__alright...? also, i try to play 3d games [ made for linux not windows] and instantly when i click on it my laptop freezes and ideas other than disabling compiz?04:30
singlesunTempete, checking for libxml-2.0 >= 2.4.10 atk >= 1.0.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package libxml-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libxml-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'libxml-2.0' found04:31
Yodadaniel92:  Alright, thanks.  Just wanted to check with you first since it's a bit more of an intimate troubleshoot. =P04:31
daniel92rajasun: yeah, those seem to be the basics. i tend to lean towards lightweight managers because i like that, even though it doesn't matter on this computer04:31
rajasunnickrud: lol. midnight commander!04:31
singlesunTempete, however synaptic says i have it04:31
marcelthanks you04:31
=== Gamekille is now known as Gamekiller
daniel92Yoda: yeah, I have no idea =P so no bad advice04:31
cybermadwhere do you guys store company documents, etc on office? i mean, what server?04:31
wersanyone here tried globe7?04:32
daniel92penars: it's not in System > Preferences > Screen Resolution?04:32
nickrud_Tempete: the general rule of thumb for finding headers is add lib to the beginning,  apt-cache search <construct> | grep dev04:32
penarsdaniel92: nope04:32
daniel92wers: no. wat is it?04:32
wersI just installed it. looks like skype04:32
wersthere's a linux version04:32
daniel92penars: try to edit the menu. see if it is hidden. right click on the icon and edit04:32
wersimma try video call04:32
Tempetenickrud_ Mm, I'm a bit newer than you think I am. Haha. Not sure what to do with that information.04:32
pavancan some one help me with my sound issue.. please04:33
daniel92wers: cool04:33
singlesunTempete, lol i think we are far too far away from ever installing this....04:33
penarsdaniel92: edit the menu?04:33
qwerty123452Intel Core 2 Duo processor, P35 mb, trying to install ubuntu-7.10-server-amd64.iso -- I get a reboot on any option from the initial menu.  Any ideas?04:33
erawfishqwerty123452: noacpi noapic04:33
daniel92penars: yeah. look for it there and see if it is checked or just not there04:33
Tempetesinglesun: That's how it seems a lot of times. Haha. Can probably find a timer program that you can just set times and notifications for.04:33
RootyRootRootW00Thanks nickrun_ and unop04:33
nickrud_Tempete: like   for xml , ac search libxml | grep dev  . That will narrow the list.  Shows  libxml2-dev04:33
wersdaniel92, i'm trying new apps for video call because  my webcam doesn't work with skype or gyachi04:34
singlesunTempete, i will try to find this library on the Gnome site... if not. im screaming04:34
werscan you suggest any app like that?04:34
daniel92wers: lucky, mine isn't even detected =[04:34
wassahello.. wondering if someone could help me get OO to start to accept SCIM. I have been trying to get this working for days now04:34
unopnickrud_, apt-cache search does take regular expressions --  apt-cache search "lib.*xml"04:34
Tempetenickrud_ Just to make this easier.. Happen to know of any timer app in Ubuntu's repositories?04:34
daniel92wers: sorry, no experience there04:34
cybermadwhere do you guys store company documents, etc on office? i mean, what server? do you use microsoft windows server or use SAMBA as file server?04:34
BetaTestHow do I do a scandisk check on a hard drive?04:35
wersokay. thanks anyway, daniel9204:35
daniel92wers: np. good luck04:35
nickrud_Tempete: itools does the job that singlesun is trying to do, muslim prayer times. But it's command line only04:35
Rastai see that compiz-fusion comes installed by default, how i activate it?04:35
pavannickrud can you help me with my sound problem??04:35
unopcybermad, what is the difference to the end-user anyway? none?04:35
wassai have now installed scim bridge, scim, language packs, east asian language support etc..04:35
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »04:35
nickrud_unop: that'll pull too many library headers, I want the minimum :)04:35
BetaTest!scandisc check04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scandisc check - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:35
singlesunnickrud_, command line only? so.... it has no interface to work with besides terminal?04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scandisc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:36
nickrud_pavan: I know so little about sound04:36
Tempetenickrud_ Mm, that's no fun. So long as it's a timer and he sets the time that should work - I'll take a look for a GUI app.04:36
unopnickrud_, errm, it'll pull in the same amount as with grep ..04:36
Tempetesinglesun: Okay, going to just find a timer app.. Too much crap for something this simple.04:36
daniel92Tempete: what kind of timer app?04:36
Rastawow, that bot its useful04:36
singlesunTempete, doubt you can find one, it has to calculate prayer times.. etc04:36
johncBetaTest: I beleive what you are looking for is the fsck utillity04:36
geokeratzRasta>      System>preferences>appearance>visual effects04:36
daniel92Rasta: yeah. it knows a lot04:36
james296what command do I need to type in to allow Banshee as the default audio cd player and to have it automatically play audio cds?04:36
Tempetesinglesun: Is it not the same time every day? Or every week.04:36
RootyRootRootW00unop: it says "-l" not found!04:37
Rastaok, thanks04:37
RootyRootRootW00unop: it says "-l" command not found?04:37
pavannickrud_ thx for the response.. i am trying to see if i can get some help in the alsa channel..04:37
Tempetedaniel192: Not so sure.. Whatever singlesun needs.04:37
unopRootyRootRootW00, what does?04:37
daniel92james296, try System > Preferences > Prefered Apps04:37
nickrud_unop: no, I'm grepping for just the dev stuff. try both, you'll see I get much fewer packages04:37
singlesunTempete, no it isnt04:37
wassaanyone at all have experience with SCIM ?04:37
daniel92wassa, nope04:38
wassathis is so frustrating04:38
james296Im talking about for CDs though, not song files on the computer04:38
RootyRootRootW00unop the terminal output: here: bash: -l: command not found04:38
Tempetesinglesun: Okay, maybe not then. HMM. Would you be comfortable with the command line app nickrud was talking about?04:38
daniel92james296: no idea then04:38
unopRootyRootRootW00, I have no idea what you are talking about -- I didnt suggest a command to you, did i?04:39
singlesunTempete, does it still do the job of letting you know when the pray is about to happen? does it have anything that comes up?04:39
james296I know the default command is sound-juicer -d %d for audio cds, but whats the end prefix supposed to be to allow audio cds to play automatically04:39
james296I know it involves a -p somewhere04:39
RootyRootRootW00unop: sorry my bad! I read the line above your message! soory04:39
daniel92james296:  check your apps man page. it might help04:40
nickrud_RootyRootRootW00: it's   ls -l /dev/cdrom04:40
daniel92james296: man <appname> at command line04:40
RootyRootRootW00nickrud_ Thanks!:)04:40
h3r0i need help with an install.  i put in my cd and selected start/install ubuntu04:41
daniel92james296: it gives lots of info, so might help04:41
h3r0it loads the kernel and goes black04:41
Tempetesinglesun: Going to install and find out. One minute.04:41
nickrud_james296: the help docs for sound-juicer are pretty decent04:41
singlesunTempete, i got those libraries going man04:41
RootyRootRootW00nickrud_ Thanks! It works, now to paste it into wine and *hope* that CDex finallllllllllllllly works.04:41
sandmanwhat video driver would I use for a Radeon HD 2400 Pro PCI Express Video card??04:41
Gamekillersinglesun: did you see this04:41
singlesunTempete, now i just need to see if this thing will work04:41
daniel92h3r0:  try alternate install. no gui or trying out, but pretty much guaranteed04:41
singlesunGamekiller, yeah i see you04:41
Tempetesinglesun: For the other program? Hopefully!04:41
singlesunTempete,  i believe so04:42
lumpycowhow do you check if you are using the mesa video drivers in ubuntu?04:42
wassahey.. when i look at my fonts in OO i get a status line saying the font is not installed and will use its closest neighbor.. any idea how to go about locating that font?04:42
sandmanwhat video driver would I use for a Radeon HD 2400 Pro PCI Express Video card??04:43
h3r0I don't have an alt install option04:43
QwexerI'm new to linux from window, I am not novice, though not expert there, doc....I dont understand how to add apps to the applications button04:43
QwexerI tried but said permission denied04:43
singlesunTempete, nvrmind i give up with that... lol04:43
daniel92sandman:  try ubuntuforums. more people = more likely to find answer on a specialized question04:43
h3r0I have start or install, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode, install w/ driver update CD/ oem install/ check cd for defects/ mem test, and boot from first hard disk04:43
Tempetesinglesun: haha. Okay, we'll try itools then.04:43
bullgard4Nautilus lists two owners of a file. Why are there two of them?04:44
unopwassa, try Installing "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11".04:44
Tempetesinglesun: See if it's in synaptic before we go through compiling.04:44
singlesunTempete, try through synaptic?04:44
nickrud_singlesun: there's an ubuntu deb for minbar at http://djihed.com/minbar/minbar-02-released , I'm pointing at it but I nearly never install 3d party stuff myself04:44
pyraki'm trying to run ubuntu on my OLPC XO and getting an error during the boot-up sequence: http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?topic=1436.msg13240#msg1324004:45
h3r0daniel92: I don't have an alt install option04:45
h3r0I have start or install, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode, install w/ driver update CD/ oem install/ check cd for defects/ mem test, and boot from first hard disk04:45
singlesunnickrud_, i just downloaded that one for ubuntu... and extracted.. it didnt install by itself though04:45
nickrud_bullgard4: two owners? where do you see that?04:45
Gamekillersinglesun:  have you tried to install itools in snaptic04:45
penarsam i screwed if i dont know my horizontal and vertical rates and xorg cant detect them by itself?04:46
singlesunTempete, we are trying that Minbar that nick pointed out,... a .deb file, i extracted but it dont install by itself04:46
Qwexertook me some searching just to find where ubuntu puts apps, haha04:46
nickrud_singlesun: no, it's not that tar gz, it's one that's already compiled for ubuntu. Note what I said about 3d party stuff04:46
unopbullgard4, there can only be one owner, a user - the other you see is probably the group owning the file04:46
daniel92h3r0:  it is a different cd image. at the download check the "alternate download" box. most likely bad video drivers, so alt install can help04:46
geokeratzh3r0>  it's a different cd04:46
h3r0oh okay.04:46
h3r0nVidia 8800 isn't supported?04:46
Tempetesinglesun: Just double click the deb, it should pop up an install thing.04:46
nickrud_bullgard4: or maybe the full name of the user, next to the username04:46
daniel92h3r0:  maybe not right off in livecd. could just not be good at all. go to ubuntuforums.com and search. find out04:47
nickrud_penars: you should be able to google your exact monitor model number, or try the fcc number04:47
singlesunTempete, nickrud_ EXCELLENT MINBAR WORKS04:47
penarsnickrud_: this is the best i could find: http://www.norcent.net/main/product_detail.asp?prodID=62&category=homeent&type=lcdtv&view=specs04:47
Tempetenickrud_ Hurray! Nice find.04:48
Rastaok, so compiz its installed by default, very nice04:48
chaosrlDoes anyone know how to fix the notification area on the gnome panel?04:48
singlesunTempete, nickrud_ Gamekiller thank you all for your help, jeez i feel like an idiot after that..... now... i have tons of junk files all over my hardrive from trying to install that other thing.. lol04:48
daniel92chaosrl:  what's wrong with it?04:48
chaosrlRight clicking anywhere on the panel brings up the panel menu, left clicking does nothing.04:48
Tempetesinglesun: Go to the directories and type "make clean" before you remove them04:48
bullgard4nickrud_: Nautilus has got 5 columns to display files and their attributes: Name, Size, Type, Change Date and Owner. In the Owner column there are listet two owners.04:48
daniel92chaosrl: hmm. not sure then. sorry.04:49
daniel92everyone: brb04:49
singlesunTempete, lol i dont know how to remove them... lol04:49
chaosrldaniel92: i can drag it around the panel, the icons show up when i open up the respective programs, but nothing else works04:49
wassanewb question.. can i install any ttf fonts that I have on my windows boxes?04:49
chaosrldaniel92, it's ok, thanks though04:49
bullgard4nickrud_: Nautilus has got 5 columns to display files and their attributes: Name, Size, Type, Change Date and Owner in that order. In the Owner column there are listed two owners.04:49
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.04:49
Tempetesinglesun: Can just delete like normal (The folders). or rm foldername from command line.04:49
singlesunTempete, i just switched from Vista to this because Vista would only let me install my Ultimate version twice04:49
unop!info msttcorefonts | wassa04:49
ubotuwassa: msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB04:50
singlesunTempete, so now im trying to learn about this stuff... its rather rough04:50
nickrud_bullgard4: the first is the user name, the second is the full name. It's the same user04:50
Tempetesinglesun: As much as I'd like you to stay.. I think you can call and get them to activate it again. But it's much more fun learning all this.04:50
Khisanthrmdir :)04:50
techgeek40When I go into my Software Sources and make sure everything is okay - I get the reload but then the error comes up Could not download all repository indexes - and one of them is http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 301 Moved Permanently [IP: 80]04:50
techgeek40What gives with that?04:50
nickrud_bullgard4: a user can have a room number and a phone number associated with it as well, a holdover from academia04:51
daniel92chaosrl: yeah, google is ur friend though04:51
h3r0@the guys that helped me, looks like ill have to use envy with the text based install04:51
bullgard4nickrud_: Where does Nautilus take the information 'full name' from?04:51
singlesunTempete, i dont want to bother with them , they really irritated me the last time i tried to ask for help, so that kinda gives me a little perseverance to figure this out04:51
nickrud_bullgard4: /etc/passwd04:51
unopbullgard4, indirectly from /etc/passwd04:51
chaosrldaniel92: yeah, i've tried. it seems like only a few people have this problem, and none have found a reliable fix yet (or a fix at all without using a second monitor, which i dont' have access to)04:52
lacklican anyone help me watch cpan.org videos with linux?04:52
pyraki'm trying to run ubuntu on my OLPC XO and getting an error during the boot-up sequence: http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?topic=1436.msg13240#msg1324004:52
daniel92chaosrl: wow, that's really weird. good luck!04:52
zachalinkI have a major issue: ubuntu isn't detecting my microphone jack microphone.04:52
Tempetesinglesun: Good good! Make sure to go inside the directories you were trying to compile in and make clean, then you can remove the directory (sudo rm pathtodirectory)04:52
npsterwb un0p04:52
bullgard4nickrud_: What does 'holdover from academia' mean? (My native language is not English.)04:52
zachalinkHow do I know? It doesn't work with WoW, that's how.04:52
lackliC-SPAN <http://www.cspan.org/> can anyone help me watch these cspan videos with linux?04:52
chaosrldaniel92: thanks, i'm waiting to see if someone on the forum will know :P04:52
nickrud_bullgard4: academia is universities :)04:53
daniel92bullgard4:  it means it is from when the os was used mostly at schools04:53
stmillerKernel 2.6.24 released04:53
daniel92chaosrl: sounds like a good idea04:53
zachalinkSo... yeah... Can I fix the microphone problem?04:53
singlesunTempete, i duno how to do all that man :( i dont even remember what we put where, i just deleted them off the desktop04:53
chaosrlzachalink: are you using ALSA/04:53
zachalinkYes, I switched to OSS and it still doesn't work.04:54
Tempetesinglesun: That works, too. Don't think any of them got far enough to justify a "make clean", anyway. Haha. You're set then.04:54
johnficcaHi I installed the new ati cat 8.1 on my thinkpad t60 and its working great but when I logout it freazes...what should I do?04:54
chaosrlzachalink: the only thing i would know to try is this:04:54
bullgard4nickrud_, unop daniel92 : Thank you very much for explaining.04:54
wassagrrr.. why does everything have to be written as though everyone is an open source programmer04:54
zachalinkDo go on... =)04:54
un0pbullgard4, yw04:54
daniel92bullgard4: no problem04:54
nickrud_wassa: you should have been using this 8 years ago, lol04:54
chaosrlzachalink: go into the ALSA mixer, make sure microphone and mic boost are both showing and not muted04:54
chaosrlzachalink: then make sure "Capture" is showing. a new tab should appear with "Recording" on it04:55
wassanickrud.. is this the correct avenue to proceed down? http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/04:55
chaosrland make sure that's turned up. that was the problem with my mic, and after i did that it worked04:55
zachalinkThere is no capture showing04:55
singlesunTempete, lol well til i learn better... i guess04:55
daniel92wassa: well, it **is** designed with that in mind. i get along ok without knowing how to program04:55
chaosrlzachalink: Edit>Preferences04:55
zachalinkJust PCM, Front Mic, Line-in, CD, and PC speaker04:55
zachalinkand my mic is on the back..04:55
nickrud_wassa: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts , it will get the fonts from there for you04:55
chaosrlthere should be check box options to show microphone, mic boost, and capture04:55
Tempetesinglesun: It's not that bad. I've only been using linux for.. A month or two. I think learning it all is pretty fun, though.04:56
RastaI have a Nvidia 8600GT, compiz should work well on it right? i just see working a few effects, theres a guide to help you i how to use(or at least know) all of them?04:56
un0pwassa, why wont you use the package in the ubuntu repos?04:56
wassathere is a package?04:56
nickrud_!ccsm | Rasta04:56
ubotuRasta: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:56
nickrud_wassa: yep, msttcorefonts04:56
un0p!info msttcorefonts | wassa04:56
ubotuwassa: msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB04:56
singlesunTempete, do you recommend any decent books on learning it? or how are you going about it?04:56
Pie-ratehow can i bind a key to make the focused window always on top, and how can i bind a key to remove window decorations from the focused window?04:56
un0pwassa,  sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts04:56
zachalinkdo I have to not have the x on the microphone icon on the recording tab?04:57
daniel92Pie-rate:  wow. good luck.04:57
Tempetesinglesun: I didn't read any books.. Just switched to distros that do less for you which kinda forces you to scour the internet and just learn how to do stuff as you go.04:57
wassayou keep typing that but I don't know what it means04:57
chaosrlzachalink: on mine, i right click the volume thing, click "Open Volume Control." Then in th eVolume Control box, go Edit -> Preferences, and then i have Master, PCM, CD, Microphone, Microphone Capture, Mic Boost, and Capture checked04:57
chaosrlzachalink: there shouldn't be an x anywhere; that means it's muted?04:57
Rastanickrud_, already installed and working, i just want to know how to use many of them(shorcuts maybe?) for example Show desktop04:58
nickrud_Rasta: system->prefs->appearance , fonts tab04:58
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.04:59
wassaok so i am installing the msttcorefonts.. thanks.. but i am really trying to install east asian languge ttfs .. ie MSMincho04:59
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.04:59
benanzoI've just started a new job that will require me to do some network troubleshooting from a DOS environment.  Unfortunately I've never really done anything from DOS, only UNIX/Linux -- can anyone suggest how I can install all the common network tools like ping, netstat etc for DOS in 'dosemu'?04:59
nickrud_wassa: search for them in synaptic, they're there.04:59
techgeek40When I go into my Software Sources and make sure everything is okay - I get the reload but then the error comes up Could not download all repository indexes - and one of them is http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 301 Moved Permanently [IP: 80]04:59
jack-desktopwhere can i find a collection of emerald themes?05:00
nickrud_techgeek40: you'll need to go to medibuntu.org and see where they moved it to05:00
wassawhat is an x window system?05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:00
benanzojack-desktop: gnome-look.org05:00
wassashould i care?05:00
jack-desktopbenanzo, i'm there now and i can't find "emerald" on the content list, is "compiz" what i should be looking for?05:01
mouseboyxIt is a windows system made for unix based on xfree8605:01
Rastanickrud_, ?05:01
daniel92wassa: it is the basic graphics system that linux runs on. e.g. gnome and kde are desktop environments that run over x05:01
nickrud_wassa: it's the system that does the drawing of your graphical screen, and knowing what it is is pretty much enough05:01
techgeek40Jack-desktop: read this http://hacktivision.com/index.php?blog=2&title=how-to-install-emerald-theme-manager-in-&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=105:01
wassaok thanks05:01
daniel92nickrud_:  yeah, that sums it up better05:01
benanzoLook under Beryl and Compiz05:01
nickrud_Rasta: system->prefs->appearance , fonts tab05:01
benanzothose are the emerald themes05:01
wassasorry.. I thought i was doing my wife a favour by hooking her up with an old laptop that would be easy to work on05:02
jack-desktoptechgeek40, doesn't answer my question directly, but ok.05:02
Rastanickrud_ im there05:02
wassayou would think that by installing language packs and SCIM etc.. and enabling east language support in OO2.3 that would cover the bases of getting the actual fonts installed05:03
nickrud_Rasta: now you can select which font you want  ....05:03
nickrud_wassa: system->admin->language support , that didn't do it?05:03
Rastalol, nickrud_ i wasnt asking for that05:03
Rastabut thanks :)05:03
wassai can enter japanese in the text editor.. but not in OO05:04
nickrud_Rasta: oh, I misunderstood then. What was it you were looking for?05:04
Rastahow to use the compiz effects, besides cube rotating and wobbly windos05:05
Rastawater effect, paint fire, etc05:05
singlesunTempete, bad news... minbar says sunrise is at 4:20 PM05:05
singlesunTempete, lol05:05
Rastactrl+alt+right/left its what i do now05:05
nickrud_wassa: I don't see japanese support for openoffice ...05:05
mouseboyxIts : compizconfig-settings-manager05:05
Tempetesinglesun, nickrud_.. Any idea? That's his app :p I'll look around but I've never touched it before.05:06
nickrud_!ccsm | Rasta05:06
ubotuRasta: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:06
techgeek40Nickrud: Hate to be stupid - but what am I looking for? I went to www.medibuntu.org  ---- I have NO idea what I am looking for05:06
daniel92everyone: see you guys tomorrow. bedtime here.05:06
nickrud_singlesun: heh. no clue, you should look around their web site for config instructions05:06
mouseboyxGood bye.05:06
geokeratzdaniel92>  bb05:06
mouseboyxsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:07
wassanickrud - check this and do a find for open office https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM05:07
singlesunTempete, LOL.... its nuts man nickrud_ checking now05:07
wassait talks about how just adding the language support will work for text editor but not for apps like open office05:07
wassano package close to msmincho in synaptic05:08
Tempetesinglesun: Did you setup your city and all that correctly?05:08
fatedkissanyone else have a flash application problem with Ubuntu 64bit?05:08
=== lupos\royman is now known as lupos
=== lupos is now known as lupos`
mouseboyxYes, Adobe has yet to make 64bit flash05:09
singlesunTempete, nickrud_, it had to do with the computer having the wrong time zone set in the config file... was set to timezone 3 whatever that is... it should have been -6 for CST... cuz im in texas05:09
mouseboyxThat is the only thing keeping me from 64bit.05:09
singlesuni had the 64 bit ubuntu and went through hell trying to get flash and java to work05:09
nickrud_techgeek40: what exact error did you get, can't find it in the scrollback05:09
singlesuni switched back to 3205:09
fatedkissmouseboyx, *shakes fist at adobe/new macromedia05:09
Tempetesinglesun: Yay! So all fixed?05:09
nickrud_singlesun: I feel sorry for you, texas :)05:10
geokeratzfatedkiss>  i once had installed the 64bit but everything was in beta or missing , AND flash was really unstable05:10
mouseboyxYeah, I have no idea just how hard for them it could be...05:10
singlesunTempete, yep, i believe so.... lol... now i will just double check ;) this is a good learning experience... lol.. at your cost... none the less05:10
* nickrud_ *hates* humidity05:10
techgeek40When I go into my Software Sources and make sure everything is okay - I get the reload but then the error comes up Could not download all repository indexes - and one of them is http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 301 Moved Permanently [IP: 80]05:10
Tempetesinglesun: I like helping, actually. Another good way to learn :P05:10
singlesunnickrud_, lol why is that? i dont like texas either im from pennsylvania originally... lol05:10
johnficcaHi I installed the new ati cat 8.1 on my thinkpad t60 and its working great but when I logout it freazes...what should I do?05:10
techgeek40Nickrud: the reason I'm doing it is this: E: Package ndiswrapper-utils has no installation candidate05:10
nickrud_singlesun: *humidity*05:10
singlesunTempete, yeah man, i hear that... then it dont matter if you mess up too... lol05:10
fatedkissthinking about changing back to 32 bit but i dont want to go throguh all my setups and stufff again >.>05:10
singlesunnickrud_, lol i hear that man.... its cold and rainy right now05:11
singlesuni had to fated05:11
mouseboyxis anyone else having the problem server not found: www.google.com05:11
vbabiyHey guys in my home directory i have a nautilus-debug-log should I report this some where?05:11
wassanickrud_ if I have the language packs sitting on my windows box.. can I just somehow move them to the linux build?05:11
singlesunmouseboyx, nope, google working fine for me05:11
nickrud_techgeek40: hm, what's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list ?05:11
Qwexerhow do you add programs to the applications list05:11
un0pfatedkiss, 64bit is the way forward .. why would you want to go back?05:11
fatedkissmouseboyx, works for me05:11
CVDcommand to know the ubuntu and kernel versions?05:12
fatedkissun0p, mainly to get flash working?05:12
geokeratzfatedkiss>  go to 32bit ,thats my advice    :05:12
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell05:12
Tempetesinglesun: Okay.. Promised myself I'd start studying by now. Been fun helping you - good luck learning about Linux. Au revoir.05:12
un0p!chroot | fatedkiss05:12
ubotufatedkiss: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box05:12
mouseboyxThere is something wrong, firefox keeps stalling on looking up example.com05:12
nickrud_wassa: don't know about that. In theory they should work, but I wouldn't be suprised at all if the format was different os to os05:12
geokeratzfatedkiss>  :-(05:12
mouseboyxCan't ping google either.05:12
singlesunTempete, haha, hey man i appreciate that ALOT and I wish you the best of luck with your studies ;)05:12
fatedkissun0p, im not that linux advanced yet id probably not do so well at actually building anything05:12
wassaim used to just dropping fonts in c:/fonts.. but where do i do that here? using 7.1005:13
jack-desktopanyone know why alt+f2 isn't working?05:13
un0pfatedkiss, you'd be surprised at how easy it is -- especially with the instruction in hand05:13
vbabiyjack-desktop: check you keyboard shortcuts.05:13
mouseboyxaltf2 requires gnome05:13
jack-desktopvbabiy, it's there, and set.05:14
fatedkissun0p, lol i try it perhaps guess it cant hurt, but youd be supprised at some of the things i have problems with even witht he instructions at hand05:14
Starnestommyor kde05:14
jack-desktopmouseboyx, i have gnome05:14
pvl1im having really annoying problems with opengl05:14
vbabiyjack-desktop: have you tried to logout and back in05:14
un0pfatedkiss, it's not just you who has that problem -- i have it everyday :)05:14
jack-desktopvbabiy, that'll probably work, but i wanted a reason why this happens to me05:15
vbabiyjack-desktop: have you touch your settings05:15
vbabiyjack-desktop: not sure05:16
mouseboyxI bound Ctrl+Shift+Space for a terminal its very usefull05:16
jack-desktopvbabiy, figures it starts working after i get emerald started05:16
Qwexerwhen i try to create a launcher, it doesnt work when I try to use it, says permission denied05:16
fatedkissun0p, so what exactly is a chroot?05:16
ShpookWhat are my options if Ubuntu doesn't detect my wireless card whatsoever? Both lspci and iwconfig don't shot it.05:16
vbabiyjack-desktop: what version of Ubuntu are you running05:17
=== vbabiy is now known as vbabiy_laptop
jack-desktopvbabiy, gutsy, i had no window manager, that could of been why it didnt work05:17
vbabiy_laptopjack-desktop: possible05:17
pvl1Shpook, look into ndiswrapper05:18
Qwexerthe error is: Failed to execute child process "/usr/share/applications/gpsdrive.desktop" (Permission denied)05:18
pvl1Qwexer, use sudo05:18
nickrud_Qwexer: did you give the right permissions to the .desktop file ?05:19
pvl1even better05:19
Shpookpvl1: From what I've gathered so far, ndiswrapper won't work if the card doesn't exist to the system.05:19
QwexerI dont know how, I just click edit then browser and click the file, thats all I did, let me try that05:20
nickrud_Shpook:   is it a usb wireless ?05:20
pvl1Shpook, well sometimes, thats the only way that ndiwswrapper can pick it up from what i understand. but thats the only thing i know thatcan work05:20
Shpooknickrud_: No, built in wireless on a laptop. Gateway at that. :-/05:20
Qwexerok I didnt how do I in terminal?05:20
nickrud_Shpook: oh, wierd. My gateway shows up in lspci for sure05:21
geokeratzbedtime bye05:21
mouseboyxsudo chmod 777 file05:21
mouseboyxsudo ./file05:21
stmillertar xvf05:21
nickrud_Qwexer: I'm not sure what you said edit with, etc.05:21
n2diy_chmod 777 is dangerous.05:21
stmillerwoops wrong window05:21
mouseboyxYes, it is.05:21
wassacan someone just work with me for five minutes that I am not missing something completely obvious? It should only take about 5 mins?05:22
mouseboyxIf you don't know what you are doing.05:22
jimmygoonI'm getting this: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/wine.budgetdedicated.com_apt_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages)05:22
jimmygoonand its clearly not true05:22
mouseboyxLike if you chmod 777 / DO NOT DO THIS!05:22
nickrud_Qwexer: and 644 is the right perms for a .desktop file05:22
meoblast001hello... i was trying to run dgen.... and after loading a ROM..... i recieved Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped).... how do i repair this segfailt05:22
Shpooknickrud_: It came preinstalled with Vista, and wireless was working with it...this is the first time I've come across something like this.05:22
un0pjimmygoon, verify that there isnt an entry for that source in the directory /etc/apt/sources.d/05:23
nickrud_jimmygoon: make sure there's not a deb line in a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*05:23
jimmygoonhuh, I've never heard of that before :/05:23
=== PhuzXP is now known as Phuzion
* nickrud_ cracks a little finger rust05:23
ShpookI also have a problem with the video mode. It shows the background across the full screen, but the viewport for the desktop is 1076x784, leaving a useless bar on the right side.05:23
jimmygoonun0p, nickrud_ thanks05:24
ShpookMaybe it's just a buggy install for some reason, and I need to re-install.05:24
un0pwassa, what's up?05:24
CVDany way to backup my xchat settings, networks etc..?05:24
jimmygoon(now my tab autocomplete won't work )... first it was just the Ctrl+X crashing xchat :/ now I can't have username autocomplete :(05:24
fatedkissun0p, i have no idea what that chroot stuff i talking about really05:24
nickrud_Shpook: that doesn't make much sense, lspci should find if it by reading the hardware05:24
StarnestommyCVD: copy ~/.xchat2/05:25
wassacan you just run through this for me .. .goto system > languages > add japanese and the language support check box..05:25
n2diy_nickrud_: , Shpook, does lshw help you?05:25
fatedkissShpook, try looking for it in system>preferences>system information05:26
lucastomhey guys05:26
un0pfatedkiss, new concepts arent really meant to make sense :)  basically a chroot is a compartment on the OS with it's own seperate environment, files, etc .. in this context, it allows you to have a 32bit compartment on a 64bit OS05:26
wassathen after that do a synaptic package of SCIM and SCIM x-bridge05:26
fatedkissShpook, Hardware information rather05:26
lucastomim new to ubuntu and i need some guidance toward installin\05:27
lucastomi have some questions05:27
nickrud_!ask | lucastom05:27
ubotulucastom: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:27
Shpookn2diy_: No, lshw doesn't show it either.05:27
Qwexernickrud: how do I give the right permissions to that file?05:27
fatedkissun0p, sweet.. <.< would i install all 32 bit packages in the chroot dir?05:27
nickrud_Qwexer:   sudo chmod 644 /path/to/file05:28
Qwexerok, tyvm05:28
wassaUnOp you still there?05:28
isleshocky77I think this might be more of a php or java question, but does anyone know of any terminal emulators that run on php or java?05:28
un0pfatedkiss, yes .. but it'll take a little configuring and linking to have them up as desktop icons, etc .. it's all in the wiki :)05:28
un0pwassa, aye05:28
Shpookfatedkiss: No luck there, either.05:28
fatedkissShpook, wierd.. even if the device didnt have drivers it should be listed somehwere >.>05:29
wassawere you able to get the scim installed?05:29
fatedkissun0p, i dun care bout desktop icons i just want flash to work ; ;05:29
Shpookfatedkiss: That's the problem I'm having. At least if it was detected by the system, I could find the drivers for it.05:30
fatedkissShpook, Right..im an extreamest and nto very good with suggestions so i wouldnt listen to me much >.>05:30
Shpookfatedkiss: :-) Don't worry about it, anything is worth a shot.05:31
fatedkissShpook, to fix my sound card problem i just reinstalled ubuntu05:31
Qwexerok, how do I know that worked? if I look at the permission, what should I look for?05:31
lucastomi just install feisty, and after installing and restart, when i remove the cd, my pc freezes05:31
lucastomany idea?05:31
Shpookfatedkiss: I'm getting close to doing the same.05:31
un0pfatedkiss, again, read the wiki, especially down towards the end for the section on mozilla firefox05:31
fatedkissun0p, i will05:32
rwwdoes gnash work reliably with youtube?05:33
Qwexeranyone here ever added apps to their Applications drop down menu?05:33
emmaHow can I get what I need on my computer in order to learn about and experiment with mySQL without going on line?05:33
falconerQwexer yes05:33
falconerit was a bloody pain though.05:33
penars2can someone help? i'm trying to find my horizontal and vertical sync settings for my TV/monitor but I can't and as a result I can't change to the proper resolution in X. What can I do?05:33
Qwexerso what did you do? just add it to your desktop or just know where is was?05:34
emmaI think I need to get apache, mysql , and php?05:34
un0pemma, download a section of a good reference website for offline use and install the mysql-doc-5.0 package05:34
wassaUnop I am guessing I am on my own here?05:34
falconerQwexer, right-click on the Applications menu.05:34
Qwexerthats what I'm trying to do, but after I add it, I get that error msg05:34
un0pwassa, are you? i dunno :)05:34
un0pwassa, you have to ask for help not get people to ask you what you need :)05:35
hdevalence-How do I set up telnet login?05:35
emmaI don't get it.05:35
Qwexersays permission denied, I need to change the permission05:35
falconeryeah, I got that too, until I figured out what to do by much trial05:35
emmaI think I need to get apache, mysql, and php.05:35
falconeroh, I don't think I got permission denied ...05:35
penars2why must even the simplest things like changing resolution be so difficult and time consuming in linux05:35
htnspenars: switch to mac then05:36
htnsit just works05:36
lucastomcould someone tell me why when i restarting my pc after installing, it freezes?05:36
isleshocky77If something requires a prompted response, is there a way to pipe in that response in the same command?05:36
wassaeverything in Open Office says that it supports east asian language and can switch between the two. Any ideas why I can't?05:36
un0pemma, you dont need apache and php to learn mysql .. but you do need them if you are learning mysql on LAMP05:36
IcemanV9hdevalence-: it would be better if you could use ssh instead of telnet ... sudo aptitude install openssh-server05:36
un0pwassa, you probably need to install the language pack for the language you want05:37
hdevalence-IcemanV9: I have ssh, but Id like telnet /because/ it's unencrypted05:37
emmapenars2, imagine if all that separated you from a colony of people with lethal ebola was a 40 foot wall that you were healthy enough to climb.  I see the challenges of Linux as being like that wall and the ebola infested mob as windows users.05:37
un0phdevalence-, any specific reason for that choice?05:37
Qwexerfalconer: you just added the program and it just worked?  was it a program you installed yourself or though the add/remove window05:37
falconerI had installed it through synaptic.05:38
wassaUnOp when I look at open office packages, it appears that every sings JA language pack is already installed05:38
IcemanV9lucastom: it would be better to ask a question here; there are more ppl that could answer ... give it a few moments05:38
hdevalence-well, in this case I'm using ssh -X localhost to login as a different user and run gui programs05:38
falconerI also added a link to a web address05:38
hdevalence-but encrypting/decrypting adds a lot of overhead05:38
isleshocky77Case in point. My remote server's openssh-server died. I'm now trying to run it through phpterm, I can get to a prompt as www-data.  But I need to be able to sudo. so I can do sudo -u user -p  but -p gives a prompt, I can't just specify a password there.  Can I pipe it in or something like that? sudo -u user -p < 'password'  or sudo -u user -p |password05:39
wassawhen i look at the font that it will use for asian entry,,, it is definitely asian.. however it seems that the font itself is not installed. which begs the question.. what could i be missing?05:39
hdevalence-I totally get encryption over a real network, but encrytion on localhost seems silly05:40
werswhat's the lightest web browser that I can use with ubuntu?05:40
mouseboyxor dillo if you want graphical05:40
jqklinx? you mean lynx?05:40
mouseboyxo yeah05:41
=== eagle-101 is now known as eau
IcemanV9hdevalence-: ah. dunno about telnet with X then.05:41
mouseboyxSorry im eating.05:41
un0pwassa,  Simply install the package (note that packages are also in .deb format - deb tag in the file name) or run the installer.05:41
un0ptheneb, to change the UI language, in OOo, go to the menu Tools>Options>Language Settings>Languages. Modify the language in the drop-down list, close OOo and the Quickstarter (in the system tray) if activated and run OOo again.05:41
Breakagewers: dillo is lightweight05:41
wassaunOp what package am i missing here?05:41
mouseboyxDillo does not display CSS though.05:41
wersBreakage, is that lighter than epiphany?05:41
wassai have installed every single package I can think of through the front end05:41
mouseboyxAnd no flash.05:42
wersno flash?05:42
un0pwassa, you seem to have the packages (openoffice*ja) -- so skip that part05:42
IcemanV9lucastom: did it show any error message OR where did it freezes at what point?05:42
wersthat's not for me. I want a light browser where I can run my mebeam05:42
un0pwassa, just try and change the language now05:42
lucastomit froze there05:42
lucastomfor like ever05:42
lucastomi tried to reboot the pc, but no display after taht05:43
mouseboyxIf I want something really bad I wait a day then you know its broken.05:43
un0pmouseboyx, what?05:43
lucastomany idea?05:43
mouseboyxThere are some things that take a long time.05:44
IcemanV9lucastom: just installed 7.10 (desktop, server?) then reboot and it froze at where (after linux is loaded or before)?05:44
mouseboyxIt may seem frozen.05:44
cjoneswhats a free alternativ to vmware05:45
lucastomits feisty05:45
mouseboyxVirtual box05:45
lucastomnot gusty05:45
mouseboyxVirtual box works better with ubuntu.05:45
Qwexerhaha, I figured it out myself, in the command line you just type what ever is in the properties command line, you dont have to point it to the actual file05:45
lucastomdesktop, froze at remove cd and press enter, and its feisty version05:45
cjonesis there a repo with  Virtual box05:46
mouseboyxlucastom, That means its done correct?05:46
mouseboyxYes cjones05:46
IcemanV9cjones: yes05:46
mouseboyxHello sammylegit.05:47
cjoneswhats the bash command for it ?05:47
=== pizdets is now known as penars
mouseboyxapt-get install virtualbox05:47
penarsanyone know how to fix the super TINY text in gdm login screen?05:47
wassaUnOp no luck.. repeatedly rebooted05:47
lucastomit stalled on me05:47
fparishey guys, okay weird thing happens: CD-ROM Disc gets mounted in my computer even though i have nothing in my cd rom drive.... its kinda freaky05:48
lucastomand i cant do anything about it05:48
lucastomany help guys05:48
wassait definitely shows that it is all ready for east language.. however it just won't05:48
IcemanV9lucastom: feisty .. it should be able to boot up since it completed the install at the end (remove CD)05:48
mouseboyxpenars, You could do an autologin.05:48
wassai have anthy enabled too05:48
IcemanV9lucastom: And when you boot up, hit the ESC key .. and pick the recovery one05:48
mouseboyxYou can try reinstalling it lucastom.05:49
lucastomdone that 3 times already05:49
lucastomesc button does not work05:49
un0pwassa, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=419719705:49
mouseboyxTry the alternate Cd?05:49
lucastomfrozen at loading , and remove cd then press enter to continue05:50
mouseboyxWhat loading?05:50
lucastomlike when you boot up ur os05:50
lucastomstuck right there05:50
mouseboyxCan you install anything else?05:51
lucastom7.10 gusty does not boot up with live cd05:51
IcemanV9lucastom: take the CD out, then boot up (without the CD)05:51
fatedkissun0p, what is util-linux used for? im supposed to install linux32 and its giving me a warning saying its going to remove that package05:51
mouseboyxSo, it does not boot? What happens.05:52
un0p!info util-linux05:52
ubotuutil-linux (source: util-linux): Miscellaneous system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 2.13-8ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 426 kB, installed size 1364 kB05:52
un0pfatedkiss, hold on05:52
lucastomi reset my pc05:52
lucastomthen nothing would load05:52
lucastomlike its a black screen05:52
mouseboyxMaybe reburn the CD?05:53
IcemanV9lucastom: then ubuntu wasn't installed at all05:53
mouseboyxLol someone is named htns05:53
lucastombut i ran the install wizard before that05:54
wassaumm i don't have a system > preferences > fonts05:54
mouseboyxlucastom, have you tried the alternate install cd?05:55
lucastomlike right now, i just finish installing feisty05:55
lucastomi burn 2 cds05:55
lucastomand i have not restart it yet05:55
IcemanV9lucastom: alternative CD almost works every single time05:55
mouseboyxWhat are your partitioning configurations?05:55
mouseboyxYou should use the entire disk.05:56
lucastomi used the guided one05:56
lucastomand select entire disk05:56
IcemanV9lucastom: that should be fine05:56
lucastomshould i restart it now?05:56
mouseboyxThat is very strange?05:56
IcemanV9!welcome | sammylegit05:56
ubotusammylegit: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.05:56
=== eau is now known as eagle-101
wassaunOp does this work for you???05:57
lucastomnow im stuck at please remove the disc and close teh tray, and press enter to continue05:58
BehiiMehiiHow do I mount an external harddrive?05:58
mouseboyxDid the tray eject?05:58
mouseboyxOk so you press enter and nothing happens.05:59
mouseboyxThe tray is closed right?05:59
lucastomright now it is05:59
fatedkisslucastom, was the 2nd disc you created from the same ISO?05:59
mouseboyxThis makes no sense.06:00
lucastomyes same ISO06:00
wassathis is fucking riduclous06:00
fatedkisslucastom, if it were me i would try redownloading a new iso from a diff mirror06:00
fatedkisslucastom, and try to use a disc with that instead06:00
jack-desktophow can i get the regular window decorations working with compiz again?06:00
pizdetsanyone know how to fix the tiny font in login screen (gdm) problem?06:01
IcemanV9lucastom: download the alternative CD instead of desktop06:01
mouseboyxpizdets, When does the problem occur?06:01
IcemanV9!language | wassa06:01
ubotuwassa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:01
fatedkisslucastom, first thing that comes ot mind was the ISO could be corrupt or something06:01
pizdetsmouseboyx: everytime06:01
lucastomwhich one is better, gusty or feisty?06:01
mouseboyxFrom the very beging?06:01
BehiiMehiiAnyone know? :/06:01
lucastomlike gusty does not even boot from cd06:01
mouseboyxGusty so far06:01
mouseboyxThere is some problem on your end.06:02
wassalucastorm did you checksum the disc?06:02
=== marcelo is now known as MFLivre
mouseboyxGusty should boot from a cd.06:02
mouseboyxpizdets, What is your graphics card model?06:02
wassasorry. checksum/hash the iso?06:02
pizdetsmouseboyx: nvidia gt 660006:02
EnsignRedshirtThe Ubuntu main web page shows the Dell XPS 1330, but page that the link goes to only shows the Inspiron 530 and the Inspiron 1420.  Is Dell selling the XPS with Ubuntu too?06:02
mouseboyxpizdets, Did you try playing with the settings in Admin > login screen?06:03
fatedkissun0p, *poke*06:03
cjonesok so i have a iso for xp on my desktop what do i have to convert it to for vbox ?06:04
pizdetsmouseboyx: nothing useful there06:04
BehiiMehiiHow do I mount an external harddrive?06:04
fatedkissutil-linux (essential) will be removed06:04
fatedkissgetlibs will be removed06:04
fatedkissubuntu-minimal will be removed06:04
fatedkissutil-linux-locales will be removed06:04
fatedkisslinux32 (version 1-3build1) will be installed, my dilemma06:04
mouseboyxcjones, nothing you just choose it as the mounted cd in virtual box.06:04
FloodBot2fatedkiss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
fatedkiss>.> sorry bot06:05
lucastomis it good to use flashget to download ubuntu?06:05
IcemanV9cjones: use vbox to mount the ISO file and off you go06:05
mouseboyxcjones, everything you need probably: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/VirtualBox06:05
mouseboyxI know its awsome.06:05
mouseboyxYou could use wget.06:06
lucastomim using a laptop with window, and want to make my desktop into linux06:06
fatedkisslucastom, i would say your best bet is just using a donwload mirror directly not using flashget06:07
mouseboyxwget http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/gutsy/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso06:07
Qwexerok, new question, is festival a stand alone program, or is it used in conjunction with something else?06:07
gregordmaps locate anyone!06:07
lucastomis there a 32 bits gusty?06:07
IcemanV9sammylegit: what are you trying to do?06:07
fatedkisslucastom, yes06:08
TheFishythis took me 1 hour of thinking to figure out06:08
mouseboyxsammylegit is a bot06:08
TheFishypi in binary is 11.0010010000111111011006:08
mouseboyxThat is confusing06:08
ShpookSo, I'm assuming that if my wireless card isn't detected at all, there's nothing I can do but buy a Cardbus addon?06:08
lucastombut the official ubuntu only give out one version06:08
mouseboyxYou put a decimal point in binary.06:08
fatedkisslucastom, let me chek for you06:09
jack-desktopwhat if i dont have the cd and i get this message:06:09
jack-desktopMedia change: please insert the disc labeled06:09
jack-desktop 'Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)'06:09
jack-desktopusing apt-get06:09
IcemanV9jack-desktop: comment it out06:09
mouseboyxIt means your sources.list contains the cd you can remove it06:09
mouseboyxIt's for people without internet connections.06:10
fatedkisslucastom,  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download06:10
computeri just tried to rename an ".avi" file to an ".iso" file, but the icon still says that it's an ".avi" file, anyway i can make it change to ".iso"?06:10
fatedkisslucastom,  theres some radio buttons choose the top one06:10
BehiiMehiiHow do I mount an external harddrive?06:10
mouseboyxrenaming from avi to iso does not change the type of the file.06:11
mouseboyxWhat are you trying to accompliash computer?06:11
gaijinsuso mnt /dev06:11
mouseboyxBehiiMehii, first send us fdisk -l06:11
lucastomisnt that the 64 bit version?06:11
mouseboyxIt has both.06:12
mouseboyxWhat type of computer do you have?06:12
BehiiMehiimouseboyx: via Pastebin ok?06:12
fatedkisslucastom, the one that says Standard Personal Comp. isnt06:12
mouseboyxexcelent BehiiMehii06:12
jack-desktopthanks IcemanV9 and mouseboyx06:12
mouseboyx  Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM06:12
fatedkisslucastom, right that one, the one below that is the 64 bit06:13
mouseboyxWell, actualy first you have to plug it in.06:13
lucastomalright, thx u guys06:13
fatedkisslucastom, as far as i know06:13
lucastomthank you so much06:13
lucastomill give it another try06:13
fatedkisslucastom, goodluck06:13
BehiiMehiimouseboyx ^06:14
mouseboyxdo sudo mkdir /media/exharddrive && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/exharddrive06:14
VvWolverinevVhi i get an error when i try to run camorama "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection." does anyone know what could be wrong? lsusb looks good06:14
mouseboyxWait, its ntfs06:14
fatedkissso like unOp told me to wait and vanished06:15
pizdetslooks like i'm screwed. i cant find my vertical and horizontal resolution so i cant configure my xorg properly and the whole thing is messed up looking06:15
Khalilmy bluetooth sento is gone when i right click on something... this happen when i upgraded to hardy06:15
BehiiMehiimouseboyx I got a long error, would you like me to Pastebin that as well?06:15
Khalilanyone know why?06:15
mouseboyxdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:15
mouseboyxI guess06:16
IcemanV9pizdets: vert & horz info should be in your monitor manuel or their website06:16
r0v3rtany hot chick here?06:16
mouseboyxmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/exharddrive -o force06:16
jiggyI'm getting some totally random hangs on ubuntu, and I have no clue what it could be06:17
mouseboyxIt says in the error06:17
fatedkissmouseboyx, if synaptic gave you a warning in red letter about removing soemthing would you do it?06:17
pizdetsIcemanV9: it's actually a TV that can act as a monitor. i checked the manual and nothing about horiz and vert syncs there06:17
jiggyhow exactly should I go about troubleshooting this?06:17
mouseboyxI dont know fatedkiss06:17
BehiiMehiiThank you, that's what I figured, but with my luck I didn't feel safe trying06:17
mouseboyxI wouldn't remove vmlinuz06:17
fatedkissmouseboyx, utils-linux maybe?06:17
mouseboyxIt depends.06:17
mouseboyxyeah dont remove it06:17
BehiiMehiiMany thanks there mouseboyx06:17
mouseboyxYour welcome and no problem happy to help.06:18
fatedkissmouseboyx, damn..theres gotta be a way to install linux32 without removing that then06:18
Khalilcan someone help me with bluetooth please06:18
IcemanV9pizdets: ah. did not realize. i never try that before. usually, you suppose to connect to the tv BEFORE you boot up your box.06:18
IcemanV9pizdets: that's what i have seen in ubuntuforums.org ...06:18
mouseboyxYou should just wait for 64bit.06:18
fatedkissmouseboyx, yeah..its apperently in these instruction unOp gave me06:18
mouseboyxWhat are you trying to do06:19
fatedkissmouseboyx, your probably right06:19
fatedkissmouseboyx, trying to install the package linux32 in synaptic06:19
fatedkissmouseboyx, but it says it needs to remove 3 files and utils-linux is one06:19
BehiiMehiiBy the way mouseboyx, what information from the fdisc reply told you what command to use?06:20
mouseboyxThe line separated from the rest06:20
mouseboyx  mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/exharddrive -o force06:20
mouseboyxRemove them, but create a list of what it is removeing06:20
mouseboyxSo you can reinstall if you need to.06:21
mouseboyxWhat do you need to build?06:21
jiggyGutsy has suddenly decided to start freezing up on me, and clue about how I should troubleshoot this?06:21
fatedkissmouseboyx, would i have no idea help?06:21
fatedkissmouseboyx, spose im trying to "Installing and configuring schroot"06:21
BehiiMehiiAh, well thanks again06:21
IcemanV9jiggy: check a few logs in /var/log directory06:22
mouseboyxI have no idea what that does or is.06:22
jiggyIceman:  I already took a gander through my logs, but nothing odd really popped out at me06:23
jiggyshould I try a forum post?  Someone else would probably be able to spot the issue06:24
IcemanV9jiggy: is it working okay now? I don't know what else to look for except the ubuntuforums.org06:24
mouseboyxjiggy,  is it random freezing?06:24
jiggyyep, haven't changed anything that would have started it either06:25
wassaUnOp can you get any east asian language to display in Open Office? I can't get any language to work. chinese, japanese none.. however using SCIM in text editor works06:25
mouseboyxPossibly a hardware problem then.06:25
DiegoYese aí povo: )06:25
DiegoYese pova06:25
jiggyperhaps..  I'll stick tinyxp on there and see if it gives me any issues06:26
EnsignRedshirtjiggy: It never hurts to do a memory check.  Usually there is a memory test option in the bios, available when you boot.06:26
jiggymemory's good06:26
wassagrrr why is this not working06:26
* syc_ mohon pamid dulu06:26
jiggyI hate random hangs.. so hard to troubleshoot -.-06:27
mouseboyxDescribe the freeze(s).06:27
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb06:27
TheFishyis there anyway to view regular english tv via linux app?06:27
mouseboyxQue idoma?06:27
DiegoYespode cre06:27
h3r0i just installed ubuntu and when i boot up it loads the kernel then goes blank =/  how can i get into command line to install my drivers?06:27
jiggybefore the freeze, I've been having some issues with06:28
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV06:28
DiegoYessó tem louco, mouseboyx: )06:28
zetherooI just installed the latest ATI driver in Ubuntu... but Compiz seems to run sluggish compared to how it ran with the old fglrx driver06:28
jiggy(oops) X but, everything's slow06:28
MasterShrekh3r0 boot using the recovery mode06:28
zetherooanyone got any idea why that is?06:28
MasterShrekjiggy have you installed your graphics drivers?06:28
DiegoYesmouseboyx vou nessa, parça: )06:28
mouseboyxPortuguese is close to spanish.06:28
MasterShrekh3r0 shold be a grub option, probably the second one06:28
jiggyyeah, nvidia06:28
jiggyI've had ubuntu on that box for awhile, and haven't changed anything big recently06:29
DiegoYesmouseboyx oh, hablas espanol, entoces: D06:29
MasterShrekjiggy running compiz?06:29
Flannel!es | DiegoYes06:29
DiegoYesmouseboyx tengo que ir-me06:29
ubotuDiegoYes: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:29
tazAnybody know anything about networking through firewire?06:29
jiggybut it hangs on metacity too06:29
DiegoYesthank you, Flannel06:29
TheFishyok let me ask this better06:29
MasterShrekjiggy disable compiz and see if the problems persist06:29
MasterShrekjiggy oh...i dunno then06:29
jiggyshrek:  same issues on metacity06:30
mouseboyxNo hablo espanol.06:30
DiegoYesFloodBot2 but I know English too, super: D06:30
=== osxdude is now known as osxdude|linux
DiegoYesmouseboyx how you understand me?: D06:30
TheFishySay I don't have a tv, can I get english tv via linux app?06:30
jiggyok, I'll try a windows boot with some hardware diagnostics06:30
MasterShrek!mythtv | TheFishy06:30
ubotuTheFishy: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV06:30
mouseboyxaprendo espanol06:30
=== osxdude|mac is now known as osxdude
MasterShrekjiggy that would be a good idea06:30
fatedkissthink im gunna hold off, i dont like uninstalling essental packages i dont know about06:30
DiegoYesmouseboyx chevere: D06:30
fatedkiss!info linux3206:31
alexanderdoes anyone have experience using ubuntu and a projector?06:31
ubotulinux32 (source: linux32): Wrapper to set the execution domain. In component main, is extra. Version 1-3build1 (gutsy), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB06:31
DiegoYesmouseboyx adios, muchacho06:31
=== alexander is now known as fallore
mouseboyxhasta luego06:31
jiggydoh!  looks like my brand new tinyxp install is freezing as well... I'll give those bios mem checks another shot06:31
mouseboyxAh, just as a suspected.06:32
Flannelfatedkiss: installing linux32 shouldn't try and remove anything if your system is working properly06:32
MasterShrekfallore please dont ask a question then change ur nick, its hard to follow, also ive used a projector in the past, but it could be a pain in the butt....what gfx card u running with?06:32
mouseboyxIngles is mi primero idioma, pero comprendo espanol un poco.06:32
MasterShrek!es | mouseboyx06:33
ubotumouseboyx: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:33
erpoI need a program to keep track of food recipes. Suggestions?06:33
mouseboyx? Wow06:33
MasterShrek!mysql | erpo06:34
ubotuerpo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:34
ubuntu_a cookbook?06:34
MasterShrekerpo nvm that factoid, you could use mysql to create a database06:34
erpoMasterShrek: Yes, that would make a suitable backend, but I need a frontend too.06:34
mouseboyxIs mysql fast?06:34
BehiiMehiiI believe so06:35
CITguycan anybody help me troubleshoot gdm?06:35
erpomouseboyx: It would be fast enough for recipes.06:35
TheFishyMasterShrek, I'm not bying a tv turner06:35
jiggyyeah, mysql's fast06:35
Flannelerpo: there's krecipes06:35
h3r0how do i enable eth1 ?06:35
h3r0from recovery mode06:35
falloreMasterShrek: yeah i'm sorry about the nick change, i just noticed after asking the question. i'm running an nvidia 790006:35
erpoFlannel: I'll try it now. Thanks. :)06:35
mouseboyxDo you have 2 NICs?06:35
h3r0its in eth1 not eth006:36
jiggyerpo, I would try a web based service..06:36
mouseboyxThere is some file in /etc06:36
erpojiggy: Why do you say that?06:36
EnsignRedshirtFlannel: heh, krecipes, remarkable.  At first I thought your were kidding, but there it is: http://krecipes.sourceforge.net/?p=about06:37
MasterShrekfallore have you installed the restricted nvidia drivers?06:37
mouseboyxnano /etc/network/interfaces06:37
mouseboyxauto eth106:37
jiggysomething as specific as recipe collection usually has a very strong web service behind it, whereas most machine based programs are tiny projects that don't provide much functionality06:37
jiggybut hey, looks like there is a krecipes, perhaps I stand corrected.. (again) ;)06:38
h3r0hmm i have that set.  im trying to wget envy so that i can install my nvidia driver06:38
h3r0however i get a name or service not known and i cannot ping06:38
jiggyuh, by the way, I went ahead with the grub memtest, would I be better off with the bios or is grub fine?06:38
TheFishyMasterShrek, your a waste on here dude... all u do is !commands.... like I said I want a program on linux to get any type of english tv and u give me a tv tuner program when I said I dont have a tv or a tv tuner.06:39
h3r0You need a tuner to capture the tv signals for playback ?06:39
Flanneljiggy: GRUB and the BIOS are complimentary, not mutually exclusive06:39
MasterShrekTheFishy then be more clear on your question and have some respect06:39
izm99I have no sound in the flash plugin on firefox.  running firefox from the command line gives " Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so" ideas?06:39
h3r0hmm i have that set.  im trying to wget envy so that i can install my nvidia driver06:40
h3r0however i get a name or service not known and i cannot ping06:40
jiggythank you mouseboyx ;)06:40
matthew_how do you turn off the warning when you empty your Trash?06:40
jiggyFlannel, I'll run em' both then, thanks06:40
mouseboyxWell im off to bet bye all.06:40
falloreMasterShrek: i dont know, is there a way i can check?06:40
MasterShrekmatthew_ im not sure, but i usually bypass the trash with shift+delete06:40
nickrud_h3r0: do you have a nameserver listed in /etc/resolv.conf ?06:40
MasterShrekfallore type in a terminal: lsmod | grep nvidia06:41
MasterShrekfallore if it gives you any output then you have installed them06:41
h3r0yea theres 306:41
matthew_Found it.  It's a gconf key.  Apps > Nautilus > Preferences > confirm_trash06:42
falloreMasterShrek: no output06:42
nickrud_h3r0: try pinging , it's my nameserver06:42
TheFishyMasterShrek, dude i was just admit your wrong and just taking up space on the channel... its ok dude06:42
MasterShrekTheFishy have some repect or i will get you banned06:42
h3r0nickrud: network is unreachable06:43
nickrud_TheFishy: just for your info, MasterShrek's been working this channel for a long time and successfully, thank you very much06:43
FlannelTheFishy: You need a TV tuner to be able to watch TV on your computer06:43
jiggyFishy, shreks helping a lot of people out, and he was right in the argument..06:43
Flannel!hi | sammylegit06:43
ubotusammylegit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:43
MasterShrekhello sammylegit06:43
nickrud_h3r0: hm, then I'm not sure what your issue is.  try sudo ifdown eth1  && sudo ifup eth106:43
eltuxRecently, I have been experiencing problems installing themes for GTK. it says it correctly installed but it leaves out parts or doesn't show up in my list. Any ideas?06:44
h3r0im in recovery mode, is that the problem?06:44
BehiiSeems like I closed the wrong mIRC06:44
TheFishyFlannel, www.hulu.com06:44
MasterShrekeltux some of the themes are just parts of themes like you say, usually you need to create a custom theme using different controls, window borders colors and such06:45
TheFishyno u dont.06:45
KrisWoodHi everyone, I'm about to install an ftp server on my ubuntu box, just wondering what your opinions are on a favourite ftpd06:45
EnsignRedshirtI think sammylegit is phasing.  He must be close to a rift in the space-time continuum.06:45
angeldoes anyone have any clue on how to possibly correct workspace issues?06:45
h3r0hey its working06:45
falloreMasterShrek: i'm sorry to be annoying but you haven't forgotten me, right? i dont mind if it takes a while i just want to know if i should resubmit my question06:45
h3r0how do i stop it from pinging now, i forgot to add a count :(06:45
MasterShrekh3r0 ctrl+c06:45
FlannelTheFishy: that's not watching TV, thats watching video through the internet06:45
nickrud_h3r0: networking should have come up in recovery ...  and ctl-c will kill it06:45
justin111why is it that everytime i open up teamspeak that . . . a lot goes wrong and i end up in the kernel world (i think) it says something like first a whole bunch of @ signs then "argh the "something i think driver it said* is null06:46
h3r0cool its working now :)06:46
h3r0thanks guys06:46
MasterShreksorry fallore, im just setting up my new irc client, i probably didnt see the line u sent me...sorry, im scrolling up now....06:46
TheFishyFlannel its real tv.06:46
fallorenp MasterShrek06:46
fallore!hi | sammylegit06:46
ubotusammylegit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:46
MasterShrekfallore ok, i would use the restricted drivers manager to install the nvidia proprietary driver, this will allow 3d acceleration with your nvidia card06:47
BehiiHow do I get VMware to recognize the external harddrive?06:47
arooni-mobileis there a way to get firefox3 beta on ubuntu... but make it NOT the default firefox install?  and NOT to mess up my existing firefox extensions & such?06:47
eltuxRecently, I have been experiencing problems installing themes for GTK. it says it correctly installed but it leaves out parts or doesn't show up in my list. Any ideas?06:47
justin111why is it that everytime i open up teamspeak that . . . a lot goes wrong and i end up in the kernel world (i think) it says something like first a whole bunch of @ signs then "argh the "something i think driver it said* is null06:47
MasterShrekfallore although i dont run ubuntu, i think its under system > administration06:47
falloreMasterShrek: i'll check, thankss06:47
FlannelTheFishy: You're not watching "Television" you're watching internet video, that happens to have also been shown on television at one time.  It's entirely different.  You may be able to use hulu through linux.06:47
MasterShrekBehii you need to add it as a physical drive i think, just like you would add a virtual hard drive06:47
KrisWoodanyone have a favourite FTPd at all?06:47
h3r0is there a way that ican install packages without the gui?06:48
MasterShrekKrisWood ive had luck using proftpd06:48
reeeh2000real quick, is ther a good alam clock for linux?06:48
h3r0i just need to install an nvidia driver :/06:48
Flannelh3r0: aptitude has a textmode GUI, or apt-get06:48
MasterShrekh3r0 aptitude06:48
angelI can't switch between my workstations, and I'm still new to ubuntu so I'm not sure how to fix it.06:48
MasterShrekh3r0 what gfx card do you need to install?06:48
falloreMasterShrek: i'm going to reboot to have the effects take place06:48
justin111this is why i hate ubuntu i never get support06:48
KrisWoodh3r0, either use apt-get or dpkg depending on what you're installing and how you are getting it06:48
nickrud_justin111: sorry we don't all fall over when you ask06:49
KrisWoodMasterShrek, thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that one. :)06:49
h3r0well it was in a .deb and i used dpkg and it relies on packages that i dont have06:49
h3r0such as build-essentials06:49
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:49
Flanneljustin111: you need to provide real information, "it breaks" isn't nearly specific enough for us to help06:49
nickrud_h3r0: install the packages, such as build-essential ,  sudo apt-get install build-essential06:49
=== fallore_ is now known as fallore
nickrud_!welcome | sammylegit06:50
ubotusammylegit: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.06:50
EnsignRedshirtI think sammylegit isn't.06:50
MasterShrekfallore any luck? btw u didnt have to reboot06:51
hermanI've installed libdvdcss and gstreamer plugins. When I play a dvd in totem, I hear audio, but the picture looks scrambled.06:51
MasterShrek!dvd | herman06:52
ubotuherman: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:52
hermanHow can I verify the libdvdcss is being used?06:52
jacky_bjr a tous06:52
nickrud_herman: try playing it in vlc , totem's dvd support leaves some room for improvement yet06:52
falloreMasterShrek: well it seems to be installed, i dont know how this is supposed to help though : -p i think the problem i'm having is that i can't get to the projectors natural resolution of 1920x1080 or something. the top and bottom of the screen is cut off06:52
MasterShrekhi sammylegit do you have a question?06:53
nickrud_I'm beginning to side with EnsignRedshirt on sammylegit06:53
fallore!ask | sammylegit06:53
ubotusammylegit: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:53
fallorethought that said something else06:53
MasterShrekfallore well with the proprietary driver you shold have an nvidia control panel, system > administration i believe06:53
MasterShrekfallore you can select different displays06:53
profxjust put a new harddrive into my system, now what do I  need to do to set it upp  use ?06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:54
nickrud_profx: format it (gparted or cfdisk) write a file system (mkfs.ext3) the mount it (see !fstab below)06:54
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
nickrud_!fstab | profx06:54
ubotuprofx: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:54
profxthanks nickrud_06:54
MasterShrek~[ profx ]~ sudo fdisk -l will give you a list of hard drives on the system, youll need to partition it, format it and then mount it06:54
Flannel!ops | sammylegit06:55
ubotusammylegit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!06:55
* MasterShrek doesnt like his xp irc client06:55
OriginHow do I edit the mount options on a usb drive without mounting it? Like the options that you can put in by right clicking on it and going to properties -> Volume06:55
nickrud_MasterShrek: xchat is available for windows06:55
nixternalFlannel: ?06:55
OriginI added something that didnt work, now it doesnt mount :[06:55
Flannelnixternal: just wait, he'll be back.06:55
nixternalwhat is he up to?06:55
nickrud_nixternal: a bot06:55
MasterShreknickrud_ im aware, i was using it for awhile, but today it came and said i have to register and pay 20 bucks for xchat for windows06:55
* nixternal waits patiently06:55
nickrud_nixternal: or a person masquerading as such06:55
* nixternal hopes he hurries back06:56
profxMasterShrek, seeing it  in fdisk, gparted is taking a while, anything I can do from command line ?06:56
nickrud_MasterShrek: there's a free version out there, no cost06:56
profxoh wait06:56
profxwow, took long06:56
profxlike 5 mins06:56
=== fallore_ is now known as fallore
MasterShrekprofx sudo cfdisk /dev/xxx06:56
nickrud_http://www.silverex.org/news/  MasterShrek06:56
nixternalthat wasn't as fun as I thought it would be06:56
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ gedit ~/tmp/lshal.out" prints a line "Dumping 92 device(s) from the Global Device List:" What program compiles the 'Global Devices List'?06:56
MasterShrekprofx then: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/xxxx06:56
MasterShrekthanks a bunch nickrud_06:57
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
Flannelnixternal: might want to forward him to -ops, he's been reconning for a while, he'll just be join/part spam now.06:57
MasterShrekmirc is gross lol06:57
falloreMasterShrek: well, i went into the screens settings menu, which i think was there all along, and tried to set it to a 1900x1024 LCD panel, which gave me the option of using the 1400x900 or something resolution, which is a little better, but not optimum.06:57
Originnvm got it06:58
Originsudo mounted it instead of gnome-mounted it06:58
profxin Gparted, im prompted with a drop down, 'Set Disklabell on /dev/sdc', with msdos, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, s390, sun , loop06:58
MasterShrekfallore your graphics card may not support such a high resolution06:58
falloreMasterShrek: any idea where i could find out if it does?06:59
MasterShrekcleverusername put a /j in front of that06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inetd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:59
cleverusernamelol thanks06:59
MasterShrekfallore not really, if it doesnt show up in that nvidia control panel, i dunno for sure06:59
KrisWoodhow do I restart proftpd using inetd?06:59
falloreMasterShrek: i'm not seeing a nvidia control panel06:59
MasterShrekcleverusername and that is quite a clever user name :)06:59
MasterShrekdoes someone know where the nvidia control panel for the proprietary nvidia driver shows up in gnome?07:00
* MasterShrek is not a gnome user07:00
nickrudMasterShrek: I hear it's apps->system tools07:00
MasterShrekahh, fallore ^^07:00
=== poodlesucks is now known as dogsson
* KrisWood looks at his ubuntu box and only sees text07:00
KrisWoodsorry no gnome here either :)07:01
falloreKrisWood: you looked at the computer itself? ;]07:01
KrisWoodno I looked at the ssh terminal :D07:01
profxno ideas on this gparted 'disklabel', never had thi happen before07:01
KrisWoodthe actual machine is 3000 miles away so the only way I get gnome is via vmware console and that's sooooo slow >.<07:02
MasterShrekprofx ive never used gparted, is there any way you can just not set a disk label?07:02
Absurdohow i see rmvb files on kubuntu 7.10?07:03
profxa disklabel is a piece of data stored at a well known place on the disk, that indicates where each partition beings adn how many sectors it occupies. You need a disklabel if you want to create partitions on this disk.07:03
=== MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek
profxMasterShrek`, so thats a no :)07:03
MasterShrekprofx, have you tried using cfdisk from the command line? id dont think ive ever had to manually set this07:04
nickrudsounds like selecting the partition type07:04
ygorabreuhola tios.. alguien tiene el script para instalar la version final del amsn 0.97 ? pero la version final, no la 97beta...07:04
profxas Gparted finished07:04
falloreMasterShrek: do you know why my nvidia control panel isn't showing up?07:04
profxlet me attempt cli07:04
MasterShrekahh thank you nickrud, i feel so much more comfortable with xchat, and all my settings are still here :)07:04
nickrudpartition table type, that is profx07:04
MasterShrekfallore, not at all, lsmod | grep nvidia     gives you output now right?07:05
nickrudMasterShrek: you could give xchat-gnome a shot, get your feet wet in gnome ;)07:05
falloreMasterShrek: yes it does07:05
profxsorry nickrud ?07:05
MasterShreki use xchat in kde07:05
Plen0xSo, since I can't seem to find anything that works on the forum or google, I'll ask a question I'm sure you've all heard. How do I get the gnome foot instead of ubuntu logo?07:06
profxthis is my third SATA in this system, do I want it to be a primary ?07:06
MasterShrekfallore, then i dont konw for sure, let me find something really quick....07:06
ygorabreusry..en english... hello guys..does any1 know a script to install the amsn messenger 0.97final..not the beta version...if anyone could send me i'd be glad :D07:06
falloreMasterShrek: np, ty07:06
nickrudprofx: not sure, but I think it's the partition table type. mneptok reminded me that not all partition tables are msdos types07:06
jasmin__dhq@dhq-laptop:~$ compiz --replace07:06
jasmin__Checking for Xgl: not present.07:06
jasmin__Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found07:06
jasmin__aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity07:06
jasmin__no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting07:06
FloodBot2jasmin__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
MasterShrekfallore, hit alt+f2 and type: gksudo nvidia-xconfig07:06
profxnickrud, any suggestoion on what to choose ?07:06
nickrudprofx:   cfdisk   :)07:07
KrisWoodwoot, I've got FTP :D07:07
KrisWoodThanks MasterShrek that was quite painless07:07
profxo, so Primary for it fine ?07:07
profxor logical ?07:07
falloreMasterShrek: nothing seems to have happened.07:07
ere4siPlen0x, you can go to gnome-look.org and find a theme that does that07:07
MasterShrekno problem KrisWood07:07
nickrudprofx: first three partitions primary, then an extended and any others logical07:07
Plen0xere4si, want to suggest one? I can't find anything.07:07
nickrudprofx: my style anyway07:07
benzsshow do i make something the default program to open a filetype?07:08
KrisWoodnumber one best thing about Ubuntu: No matter what stupid question I've got on any given day, someone else has had it before, and if I google it, most of the time it finds me an answer on the ubuntu forums or other parts of the ubuntu site :D07:08
ere4siPlen0x, I use fluxbox atm...07:08
MasterShrekfallore, im not sure then, i always install the driver manually from nvidia's website and it has the xconfig program, i always thought it had it with ubuntu too, maybe you need another package, but i have no idea which one07:08
falloreMasterShrek: i hope you wont be offended then if i ask the rest of the channel?07:08
profxdisk type ?07:08
profx83 Linux ?07:09
nickrudjasmin__: wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist , also has instructions on how to override that error07:09
Plen0xere4si, sigh. Know the name of one offhand? All themes I've tried from there just keep the same icon07:09
profxi dont see EXT nor Reser07:09
MasterShreknot at all fallore, in the meantime im going to search it for you07:09
fallorecan canyone help me obtain the nvidia control panel?07:09
nickrudjasmin__: look up to my previous line to you07:09
falloreMasterShrek: i really appreciate it!07:09
profxin cfdisk... 83 Linux ?07:09
nickrudprofx: yes07:10
MasterShrekfallore, try: sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig07:10
MasterShrekprofx, yea07:10
ere4siPlen0x, try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-260362.html07:10
profxfallore, aptitude search nvidia07:10
* nickrud is sad, canonical support is 'strongly' recommending not recommending aptitude07:10
falloreMasterShrek: i got an error while installing07:11
MasterShreknickrud, do they recommend using the command line at all? :)07:11
MasterShrekfallore, whats the error?07:11
MasterShrekpackage not found?07:11
falloreMasterShrek: PMed07:12
nickrudMasterShrek: yeah, something about the 'uber-geek' package management people saying apt-get is getting updates and don't guarantee aptitude will keep up. Not sure of the details07:12
=== UnsafeData is now known as HumanOdyssey
MasterShrekic, very interesting07:13
profxapt-get over aptitude ?07:13
nickrudyup. I keep having to backspace07:13
profxi liked aptitude :(07:13
HumanOdysseyafter changing the settings of ubuntu to plugnplay instead of generic i had more screen resolutions available - logged out, logged back in, everything fine. for three days i was using windows for other reasons then when i finally decided to use ubuntu i had a problem. said all screen resolutions failed, [it weas a command line, didn't go into gnome] then gave me a login. logged in, then it was07:15
HumanOdysseycommand line07:15
HumanOdysseywhat do i do07:15
* MasterShrek likes compiling from source :)07:15
HumanOdysseyi dont know anything about the command line and it's ironic because i was going into gnome so i can look off a site to learn how to use the command line and to use the terminal there to practice since i really wanted to try to learn it.. ironic aint it07:15
* nickrud abjectly admits his utter reliance on apt because he's too lazy to compile07:16
cjoneshow do i find the ip address of my cable modem ?07:16
* MasterShrek doesnt run a debian-based distro07:17
MasterShrekcjones, are you behind a router?07:17
jasmin__nickrud: An error occurred while loading http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist:07:17
cjonesno just my modem07:17
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
cjonesit should be 192.168.?07:17
MasterShrekcjones, ifconfig in a terminal should tell ya07:17
nickrudjasmin__: hm, the site seems down, a sec07:17
MasterShrekcjones, i dont think itll be 192.168...07:18
HumanOdysseyis anyone currently typing a solution to my problem.. just copy what you typed and say okay so i won't be waiting for nothing07:18
cjoneswhy do you say that07:18
MasterShrekcjones, if you were behind a router it would most likely be07:18
cjonesno my modem does nat07:18
Ashfire908is there a command line program that will alphabatize stuff piped to it?07:18
justin111Hey everyone good evening i was wondering if i could get some help it would be nice. ok my problem is starting teamspeak when i try to do so the screen fades like it does when it asks for the sudo password but it never comes up after waiting for a while i give up and restart X/end session (Ctrl Alt Backspace) when i do so it brings me to the kernel (at least i think) the a whole bunch of @ signs show up for a few seconds then it says som07:18
justin111similar to "Argh the driver is NULL" after a few seconds it goes to an screen with the text bar blinking then black then back 3 times then takes me to the login screen i have no idea what is going wrong help would be much appreciated. i need to get onto my clans TS server ASAP so help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance07:18
profxwow justin111 use pastebin next time07:19
MasterShrekcjones, oh, i was not aware that your modem did nat, never heard of such a thing, then it couldbe 192.168...07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:19
Plen0xere4si, meh. No luck.07:19
profxur flooding07:19
nickrudcjones: http://whatsmyip.org/07:19
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ /usr/bin/lshal > ~/tmp/lshal.out" prints a line "Dumping 92 device(s) from the Global Device List:" What program compiles the 'Global Devices List'?07:19
MasterShrek!paste | cjones07:19
ubotucjones: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:19
profxmoanmyip.org :)07:19
justin111sorry i was just trying to explain my problem07:19
justin111and what is pastebin07:19
profxok, so how do I add this new one to my fstab, do I need the UUID ?07:19
profx!pastebin | justin11107:20
ubotujustin111: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:20
cjonesjustinlll you can past large text in ther so you dont flood the room07:20
keramhow can i connect to a vpn with ubuntu?07:20
keramis there an easy way07:20
nickrudjustin111: better question, just long :)  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak?highlight=%28teamspeak%29 might help07:20
Ashfire908is there a command line program that will alphabatize stuff piped to it?07:21
keramAshfire908, sort07:21
nickrudAshfire908:   sort07:21
MasterShrek!vpn | keram07:21
ubotukeram: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD07:21
keramex: ls | sort07:21
jasmin__nickrud: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/9307:21
HumanOdysseyokay i went to use ubuntu and i just saw a command line saying all screen resolutions failed (listing screen resolutions) and then i logged in, since it was a command line [which im not familiar with i'm a noob btw] and then it was just.. the regular command line, i dunno where to go from there to get into gnome help07:21
oddalotcan someone please help me, i have tried everything07:22
oddaloti can't get my mintor to the correct refresh rate07:22
oddalotit only displays at 60hz, and is hurting my eyes07:22
oddalotmy only options will be *dum da dum* windows07:23
profxhmm, ok, so I did those two previous commands to partition my drive, now I went to 'check' it in Gparted, and I have a flag on it, 'e2label: bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/sdc1 couldnt find valid superblock'07:23
justin111nickrud: i allready have it installed but thanks anyways07:23
profx!enter | oddalot07:23
ubotuoddalot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:23
nickrudjasmin__: if you look at the second link I gave you, it lists your 965 as blacklisted, you can run    SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz to test, then use the fix further down the page if it works. The problem with the 965 is video playback07:23
timoboddalot: check your horizsync and vertrefresh settings07:23
justin111does anyone know what my problem could be07:23
keramMasterShrek, is that for vpn server?07:23
oddaloti can't get any specs for this monitor, it's too old07:23
oddaloti guessed what the package reconfigured at07:24
MasterShrekkeram, not sure exactly, i have very little knowledge on vpn, and even less on vpn in linux, i was just hoping that would get you a start07:24
oddalotat it only likes 60hz07:24
keramMasterShrek, oh07:24
fallorehello everyone. i've got nvidia-settings running and nvidia restricted drivers installed and applied. i'm trying to display ubuntu via a projector but even in the native resolution of 1920x1024 its cutting off the left and right and top and bottom. does anyone know how to fix this?07:24
oddalotfallore....my monitor is screwed too07:25
justin111does anyone know what my problem could be07:25
falloreoddalot: monitor or projector?07:25
* nickrud strokes his perfectly working ati07:25
oddalotof course...07:25
profxoddalot,  dpkg-reconfigure07:25
falloreoooh i think i just fixed it, overscan problem on projector07:25
profxhmm, ok, so I did those two previous commands to partition my drive, now I went to 'check' it in Gparted, and I have a flag on it, 'e2label: bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/sdc1 couldnt find valid superblock'07:26
fallorehere to hoping this looks right when it comes back on screen07:26
oddaloti'm stilled pwned here07:26
nickrudprofx:   you ran   sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1  ?07:26
MasterShrekgrats fallore :)07:26
profxnick yep07:26
MasterShrekoddalot, what gfx card are you using?07:27
oddalotnvidia fx560007:27
profxe2label, seems alot like my previous 'gparted' label issue07:27
nickrudprofx: try  sudo e2label  my_external  (or some other label)07:27
nickrudprofx: guessing based on the error, never seen that one myslef07:27
falloremy trash is in the middle of the bottom taskbar scunching up all my other windows, how do i move it?07:27
MasterShrekoddalot, do you have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed? i dunno if u mentioned this before and i dont feel like scrolling07:28
shady_incI am having a problem with Gparted07:28
justin111grr i never get help in this channel they should have this channel as the randomness channel and there should be a dedicated support channel07:28
oddalotwell..i have the restricted ones07:28
oddalotare those the proprietary?07:28
profxno go with e2label07:28
shady_incIt shows my entire partition as unformatted07:28
mark[oz]justin111: whats wrong?07:28
MasterShrekoddalot, yes07:28
oddaloti mean07:28
oddaloti'm running compiz fine07:28
profxnickrud, do I need the UUID to add it to fstab ?07:29
oddalotit's just really weird, only refresh rate that displays correctly is 60hz07:29
oddalotall the othe ones jiggle around07:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:29
Ashfire908how would i search files for a given string, like grep does, but just output the file matched and not the text line matched?07:29
profx!enter | oddalot07:29
ubotuoddalot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:29
nickrudprofx: it's a good idea to use the uuid ,   blkid   will tell you what it is07:29
pewpewpewholy christ, gutsy is boring07:30
rredd4_when I open wallpaper-tray, it won't open and I get an error that says: no wallpapers found, update your config to include one valid dir or add some wallpapers to your dir.  I have not been able to config this program.  what do I do?  I have uninstalled and reinstalled, same error.07:30
pewpewpewi don't run into problems since weeks07:30
nickrudjustin111: the biggest issue is teamspeak isn't an ubuntu provided piece of software, this channel is oriented to that not proprietary crap07:30
timobAshfire908: grep -l07:30
profxnickrud, not listed under blkid07:30
pewpewpewthat's not the linux thrill i once knew.07:30
Ahmuckis there a reason why my zip drive is not showing up as an icon on my desktop ?07:30
SJrXWhat do you do again whin you corrupt a terminal, like when you cat /dev/urandom to your terminal. There is a way to fix it07:30
MasterShrekpewpewpew, sad eh? ;)07:30
ochosihi, can i change totems config in a file somewhere? cause i was using compiz-fusion with xgl a while ago and there totem worked, now it just stopped working07:30
MasterShrekSJrX, ctrl+c ?07:31
shady_incI am having a problem with Gparted.It shows my entire partition as unformatted07:31
profxshady_inc, new drive ?07:31
dogssonwhen you read(maybe too fast) does your eyes look creeepy? can someone beat me up for it? i know i got beat up once but a African Sudan guy. what to do? :D thank you07:31
MasterShrekshady_inc, format it?07:31
timobgutsy has disappointed me too07:31
shady_inc3 yrs old07:31
Ashfire908can i pipe files to be deleted to rm?07:31
SJrXno MasterShrek07:31
MasterShrek!offtopic | dogsson07:32
ubotudogsson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:32
nickrudprofx: dang, there's a command to read it from the partition, but I don't remember it ...  rebooting would reset blkid :)07:32
pewpewpewMasterShrek: it kinda is! i think its time to switch to gentoo and mess my sleeping habits up a nodge07:32
timobAshfire908: you could use command substitution or xargs ...07:32
Aquahallicevenin' folks07:32
Ashfire908(i'm cleaning out my irc logs of pm floods/spam)07:32
profxill reboot07:32
profxthats not an issue07:32
=== mark_ is now known as Shinma
Ashfire908timob, so no?07:32
shady_incit is formatted it has 2 NTFS,one / one /home and one swap partition07:32
MasterShrekpewpewpew, i find gentoo a waste of time, slackware is wehre its at :)07:32
pewpewpewMasterShrek: Could you enlighten me about the key differences?07:33
nickrudarchaic distros, both07:33
ShinmaI am having an unusual problem, when my monitor gets shutoff by DPMS it wont come back (seems the computer freezes as the caps lock key shows nothing on the keyboard)07:33
justin111i like gentoo but im still a linux nub07:33
timobAshfire908: it there a few files you could do rm $(grep -l mysearchstring *)07:33
shady_incIt happened only after I created the /home partition07:33
Shinmaim using 7.10, Samsung SyncMaster 225BW display, ATI 8.10 drivers and an ATI X160007:33
AquahallicI've been looking at some of the different features of compiz fusion... I see that some people have a smaller cube than others..... is there somewhere I can set this cube size???07:33
pewpewpewAquahallic: Grab CCSM, you can set it up there.07:34
justin111someday im going to take a gentoo kernel and do all that fancy stuff with it cross-compile compile flags just for my system07:34
MasterShrekpewpewpew, mostly the package management and default software, although slackware's package manager doesnt get programs from the internet, gentoo has to compile every single package that it installs, takes like a week to get a system up and running lol07:34
nickrud!ccsm | Aquahallic07:34
ubotuAquahallic: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:34
Ashfire908timob, i'm passes the filenames to grep from find -exec07:34
ere4siPlen0x, care for another read? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6457&page=507:34
MasterShrekpewpewpew, slackware has packages that can just be installed without compiling, although you will probably do a fair share of compiling, its much less than what you would end up doing in gentoo07:34
Aquahallicahh... have it.. but I don't see where I'd set it...:/07:34
shady_incNo one here knows about it.?07:35
=== Absurdo1 is now known as Absurdo
rredd4_how do I uninstall wallpaper-tray and associated files completely?  apt-get remove only does wallpaper-tray.07:35
timobAshfire908: you could use a  for loop ....07:35
pewpewpewAquahallic: Let me help you out. Sec.07:35
MasterShrekshady_inc, you have 5 partitions on the drive? are you using an extended partition? must be...07:35
Aquahallicthank you07:35
oddalotall that command did is restart my computer07:35
ScorpKinghi everyone. how can i assign a static ip to a network bridge?07:35
Shinmaanyone have any ideas about my display isuse?07:36
pewpewpewAquahallic: System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effect Settings07:36
nickrudrredd4_: the remve removes all files associated with the package wallpaper-tray ...07:36
Aquahallicyup.. in there07:36
shady_incyeah, the / partition is extended partition, I think07:36
pewpewpewThen you click on "rotate cube"07:36
timobAshfire908: you could use -print in find to only print when grep returns true07:36
rajasunrredd4_: sudo apt-get --purge remove wallpaper-tray or sudo dpkg -P wallpaper-tray07:36
pewpewpewand down there is a "Zoom" slider07:36
AquahallicI just don't see where that setting is at for the cube size itself07:36
rredd4_rajasun ty07:36
nicholaspaulMy DVD burner will read discs, but I can't burn DVDs. App says there is a disc, but burning fails right away. What gives??????????????????????07:37
Aquahallicthank you...;)07:37
profxlast column in fstab means ?07:37
grekkos_does anyone know how to take video screen captures?07:37
pewpewpewno problem07:37
MasterShrekshady_inc, if i remember correctly, and extended partition allows for 4 more partitions, but it would take the place of one of your 4 allowed primary partitions, therefore there should be 2 partitions that are part of the extended07:37
nicholaspaulgrekkos_: hit PrtScr on keyboard07:37
=== grekkos_ is now known as grekkos
profxnicholaspaul, the excessive question marks really arent necessary07:37
mark[oz]does anyone know how to use google :)07:37
nickrudgrekkos_: gtk-recordmydesktop07:37
nicholaspaulsorry profx07:37
Shinmai do, but couldnt find and answer to my question07:37
travisatwhats google?07:37
pewpewpewgrekkos: xvidcap should do the trick as well07:38
profxnicholaspaul, maybe the error might prove to be a bit more useful07:38
grekkospewpewpew: i had problems with xvidcap07:38
ere4siShinma, it might be a bios setting - check your powersaving settings and how the comp is allowed to wakeup07:38
Ashfire908timob, huh?07:38
nickrud!cn | ilzz07:38
ubotuilzz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:38
grekkospewpewpew: the video got distorted in the areas that moved (i.e. the mouse trail)07:38
MasterShreki always used xvidcap07:38
nicholaspaulprofx. error? it says 'burning failed.' Do some apps give more info? I've tried a few.07:38
Jasmin_nickrud: i did that command then my pc was hang07:38
Shinmaere4si: i dual boot vista (trying to quit it) and vista doesnt have the same issue at all07:38
MasterShrekbut its been awhile, and it probably doesnt play well with compiz07:38
rajasunilzz:try  /j #ubuntu-zh maybe07:38
shady_incI am not very sure about which partition is extended.Will sudo fdisk -l help.?07:38
pewpewpewgrekkos: hm. your video drivers aren't a problem i suppose?07:39
ilzzsorry, i enter a wrong room``07:39
MasterShrekshady_inc, most likely07:39
nickrudJasmin_: then you probably shouldn't run compiz, your card has been blacklisted for a good reason I guess07:39
grekkospewpewpew: i'm using the restricted ones and they seem to be working pretty well07:39
Ashfire908timob, you know the thing to tell find to have the filename not have something in the name?07:39
VvWolverinevVhi, can anyone tell me how to have ktorrent skip the included files dialogue after you open a torrent file?07:39
grekkospewpewpew: fglrx for ATI07:39
ScorpKingshady_inc: sudo cfdisk /dev/sd? works as well07:39
pewpewpewcan't help you then, never actually used xvidcap. and i'm on nvidia07:39
nemilarAshfire908: you could pipe a find to a grep -v07:40
jscinozhey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, it has a core2duo cpu and /proc/cpuinfo states it also supports hyperthreading, however i cant find anything about hyperthreading in my bios, and gnome-system-monitor just shows the two physical cores. How can i enable hyperthreading on this cpu and then have 4 logical cpus.07:40
Jasmin_nickrud: now what doi hav to do for that07:40
shady_inc  FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive  Press any key to exit cfdisk07:40
shady_incthis on doing sudo cfdisk /dev/sd07:40
rredd4_rajasun that didn't work, I installed it again, and i still get "no wallpapers were found..." error and cannot get into the config window.  any ideas?07:40
ScorpKingshady_inc: sudo cfdisk /dev/sda or whatever it is07:40
nicholaspaulprofx: If I may copy/paste ONE line ....07:40
nickrudJasmin_: get a different video card, or maybe wait till a better driver for your intel 965 comes out. compiz is still really new and doesn't work on all cards07:40
Jasmin_nickrud: i hav intel graphics card07:40
timobAshfire908: find ! -name 'mystring'07:40
Shinmajscinoz: i dont think HT works like that? I mean I could be wrong, but I thought HT was just a fast bus for instructions to get from one part of the chip to the other07:41
timobor myglobstring07:41
shady_incoops,   FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap  Press any key to exit cfdisk07:41
MasterShreki believe you are right Shinma07:41
grekkospewpewpew: problem could have just been that i was using a 3D program..07:41
nickrudJasmin_: a cheap nvidia 6200 works really well07:41
nicholaspaulprofx: the error I get in Gnomebaker is:  :-[ READ DISC INFORMATION failed with SK=3h/ASC=57h/ACQ=00h]: Input/output error07:41
ScorpKingshady_inc: you'll have to fix that with fdisk somehow07:42
Ashfire908timob, i don't know much about bash's functions, do i have to escape !07:42
MasterShrekjscinoz, isnt a core2duo just a dual core? you shouldnt have 4 i dont think07:42
ShinmaI am having an unusual problem, when my monitor gets shutoff by DPMS it wont come back (seems the computer freezes as the caps lock key shows nothing on the keyboard). I'm using a Samsung 225BW with the latest official ATI driver and an ATI X1600. No errors or anything, but checking xset q shows my DPMS settings get reset all the time07:42
Shinmato 0 0 0 i mean07:42
Jasmin_nickrud: but i hav intel so now itel doesnt work compiz ?07:42
Jasmin_err intel07:42
nickrudJasmin_: not the 965 , or many versions of it07:42
timobAshfire908: no ! does not need to be escaped, here is an example ... find ! -name '*.txt'07:43
shady_incSo, I guess it will be better asking in ubuntuforums.?07:43
nickrudJasmin_: that page I gave you is the official info from the compiz developers07:43
MasterShrekshady_inc, or in #linux maybe07:43
nicholaspaulDoes anyone know if there are drivers that I might need for a DVD-RW ?07:43
nicholaspaulaint it plug n pray?07:43
Jasmin_nickrud: ok any other idea u hav to use on intel07:44
MasterShreknicholaspaul, i wouldnt think you need drivers for it07:44
slaaniDoes anyone have a wireless utility that they'd endorse?  Something graphical I can use to view signal strength, encryption type, etc on available networks would be just dandy.07:44
rredd4_nickrud after i uninstalled wallpaper-tray, I installed it again, and i still get "no wallpapers were found..." error and cannot get into the config window.  any ideas?07:44
rajasunrredd4: sorry wasn't around earlier, so may have missed the earlier convo but did you install wallpaper-tray off the official repo or di you compile from source? sudo apt-get --purge remove wallpaper-tray should have remove the package and purged any configs it may have. although user-specific i.e. those not meant for all other users you may have on your system may remain in perhaps say ~/.wallpaper-tray07:44
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: it reads, but wont write DVDs. I get the error: :-[ READ DISC INFORMATION failed with SK=3h/ASC=57h/ACQ=00h]: Input/output error07:44
nicholaspaul(at least my question marks got attention, but they didnt get an answer....)07:45
Plen0xeshear, no luck. Tried all these so far :P07:45
nickrudJasmin_: nope. But you might be able to find someone active on #compiz-fusion with more insight07:45
Jasmin_nickrud: ok thanks07:45
MasterShreknicholaspaul, i dont use gnome, much less gnome-baker, but you can install k3b (its a kde program, so youll itll install some kde libraries) it will run under gnome, and i havent found a better cd/dvd burning program for linux yet07:45
rredd4_rajasun i am only user, yes installed off of official repo, did not compile.  I copy pasted your command07:46
Jasmin_nickrud: i wil try on that chenal07:46
Shinmaok ill ask in the forums , thanks anyway07:46
Plen0xeshear, even. Read up :P07:46
Plen0xDamn it >.<07:46
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: I've tried Gnomebaker, Brasero, Graveman, K3b, .... they all fail.07:46
profxstill having issues mounting, mount -a gives 'mount error 111 = connecton refused'07:46
nickrudrredd4_: I've never used the program, so I'm checking it out07:46
rredd4_nickrud ok07:47
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
profxasking me to look at man mount.cifs, yet its 'suppose' to be ext307:47
MasterShreknicholaspaul, interesting, i dunno what to tell ya then, try alt+f2 and typing: gksudo gnome-baker and try to burn it using administrator privlidges07:47
rredd4_rajasun i googled the error, no luck07:47
rajasunrredd4_: Hmmm strange. I don't use wallpaper-tray to manage my wallpapers. I have webilder-gnome - grab it from www.getdeb.org - to do it for me.07:47
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: hmm good call. I'll give it a shot. Thanks man!07:48
MasterShrekno prob nicholaspaul good luck :)07:48
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: I'm going in....07:48
* nicholaspaul holds nose.07:48
* MasterShrek grabs a snorkel07:49
nickrudrredd4_: it core dumped on me. And, the configuration dialog is _ancient_ , I think this is an app that needs to be dropped or given a lot of love07:49
rredd4_i agree07:50
nortyI have a drive that I can access through places > computer and then i see the icon, double click it, put in the password and it is then mounted. How do I have it automatically mount when I log in? note: i am running ubuntu 7.10 and the drive is in ntfs format since i used it to store files when I am on xp since my computer has 2 OSs (XP and ubuntu)..?07:50
Cpudan80norty: edit /etc/fstab07:50
MasterShrek!fstab | norty07:50
ubotunorty: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:50
jrib!ntfs > norty (read the private message from ubotu)07:50
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: poo. Gnomebaker won't even startup. Not with ALTF2 and/or commandline.07:50
travisathave fun with fstab in gutsy uuid sucks07:50
MasterShrek!ntfs | norty07:51
ubotunorty: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE07:51
travisatwell it doesn't suck but for me it is craziness07:51
MasterShreknicholaspaul, eww, k3b?07:51
nickrudtravisat: get used to it, it's going to adopted everywhere soon07:51
MasterShrektravisat, you dont HAVE to use uuid07:51
rredd4_nickrud i will just remove it, forever07:51
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: alrighty07:51
* MasterShrek wont conform07:51
nickrudrredd4_: I beat you to it07:51
travisatI suppose I don't have to, its just that it took me forever to get a seperate home partition up because I didn't realize I needed to put the uuid instead of the /dev/foo in fstab07:52
nickrudMasterShrek: first time the kernel changes device id's out from under you, you will come in. Maybe kicking and screaming, but come in :07:52
rajasunrredd4_: one radical...could be extreme solution...do a dpkg -L wallpaper-tray, note down all the files the package installs and their locations, do a sudo apt-get --purge remove wallpaper-tray, then check to see manually if each and every file of wallpaper-tray's has indeed been removed by the apt-get --purge remove operation. If not remove them manually via sudo rm -r /path/to/file.07:52
travisatmy only issue with uuid is that it is so big07:53
nickrudand fugly07:53
travisatif I had to do some grub editting in grub, my life might be bad07:53
MasterShreknickrud, why and when would the kernel do such a thing? ive compiled many many kernels and never had a problem with it07:53
rredd4_rajasun ok, ty07:53
rajasunrredd4: np07:53
slaaniDoes anyone have a wireless utility that they'd endorse?  Something graphical I can use to view signal strength, encryption type, etc on available networks would be just dandy.  Thanks in advance.07:54
MasterShreki always thought the uuid thing was for if you were to phyiscally move the drive, say on a different controller07:54
nickrudMasterShrek: I'm not really up on all the stuff, but that's why the uuid's are coming in. And it is kinda nice. I split a partition in two (before my linux partitions) and didn't have to edit fstab even though the /dev/hdX changed for everything (did have to make one change to grub, though)07:54
rredd4_rajasun does webilder change desktop pics at a specified time interval?07:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:55
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:55
MasterShrekic, im sure it will make things easier in the long run, but it will be quite a pain to adapt imho07:55
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: k3b run as root seems to try a bit harder, but still fails. I have a loooong error log if you like...07:56
MasterShreknicholaspaul, if you want to pastebin it ill take a look, but no promises :)07:56
nickrudMasterShrek: as soon as grub uses uuid's for (hdx,x) in it's stanza's it will really be good07:56
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: hehe thanks! wheres the pastebin (me forgot)07:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:57
rajasunrredd4_: yes...but I disabled that option on my desktop machine. It actually does more than that, it can download wallpapers off flickr and other sites you specify.07:57
rredd4_rajasun ty07:57
travisatwell if the uuid was somewhat shorter I would have no problem, or if there was an easy way to change the uuid to something user entered like home root var etc07:57
MasterShreknickrud, i suppose, it will make it much less confusing when configuring grub since it starts at 0 instead of 107:57
rajasunrredd4: np07:58
nicholaspaulfanks MasterShrek07:58
nickrudMasterShrek: the only real pain I've run into is dd copies over the uuid to the new partition. Confuses the heck out of linux07:58
nickrudwhen there are two identical uuid's07:59
MasterShrekooh, never thought about that, definately that would be a pain07:59
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: my error is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/07:59
MasterShreki always thought uuid was a hardware identifier of some sort or something07:59
nickrudtune2fs -U  random writes a new unique uuid to the partition though08:00
MasterShrekoh, i didnt know that08:00
nickrudI went round and round with a guy that did a dd , finally learned enough to sort it out08:01
MasterShreknicholaspaul, you call that a long log? lol08:01
MasterShreknicholaspaul, looks like growisofs is the culprit08:01
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: um... well, i'm not too patient when it comes to.. oh look a bug on my ceiling... where was I?08:01
nickrudanyway, it's a night see you all later08:01
MasterShreklater nickrud08:01
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: who is Growisofs?08:02
=== travisat is now known as growisofs
growisofsI am groisofs08:02
kr00lI would like some help with my audio. I can't get my microphone to work correctly08:02
=== growisofs is now known as travisat
MasterShreknicholaspaul, its a program, something to do with the burning process08:02
MasterShreklol @ travisat08:02
nicholaspaulhallo growisofs!08:02
nicholaspaulshould i reinstall it or something? MasterShrek08:03
MasterShreknicholaspaul, not sure exactly what the problem would be though08:03
MasterShreki doubt reinstalling growisofs is going to do it, maybe upgrading it08:03
MasterShrekis your system up-to-date?08:03
nicholaspaulyea, i do all upgrades immediately.08:04
josh__nick pandab34r08:04
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nicholaspaulaltho i'm only on 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon08:04
pandab34rdoes anyone know if knapster works in ubuntu?08:05
MasterShreknicholaspaul, thats the latest stable version, i wouldnt even begin to suggest upgrading to hardy08:05
MasterShrek!p2p | pandab34r08:05
ubotupandab34r: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information08:05
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: oh ok. And this is a brand new burner. I seriously doubt thats the culprit...08:06
pandab34rIm not talking about p2p... mostly just napster b/c i already have the service08:07
MasterShreknicholaspaul, brand new eh? possibly is a driver issue then, you may need an updated kernel, which probably wont be available until 8.04, unless you compile one manually08:07
Jasmin_nickrud: hey can u giv that link to me again08:07
MasterShreknicholaspaul, you may have been right from the beginning after all lol08:08
nortywhat is the command to unmount a disk?08:08
MasterShrekJasmin_, he left, ill get it for you though08:08
MasterShreknorty, umount08:08
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: hahaha!! me? right? yikes....08:08
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: i'm not keen on compiling anything myself....i guess i could google the model no. of the drive.08:09
Jasmin_MasterShrek: ok08:09
nortyit says umount: sda1 is not mounted (according to mtab) .. ?08:10
MasterShrekJasmin_, i guess i lied, i cant scroll up far enough :(08:10
dogssonwhat happens if your lips and faces are dry? and do you care about bottom of my feet?08:10
MasterShreknorty, used sudo?08:10
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:10
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:10
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:10
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:10
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:10
FloodBot2travisat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
travisat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53528/08:11
nortyha forgot that but now it says umount: sda4: not found08:11
nortydo i need the directory like /etc/sda508:11
MasterShreknicholaspaul, its not as hard as you might think, but you would probably need a guide, and im too tired tonight to help ya08:11
travisatthat wasn nicholaspaul link08:11
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travisatmy middle mouse button stuck08:11
Jasmin_MasterShrek: ok08:11
nortynevermind got it08:12
dogsson how many words do you read at once?08:12
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: ya, i'm heading to bed soon too, i was just googling and it does seem to be an issue with Ubuntu.08:14
kr00lCan someone help me with audio problems?08:14
MasterShreknicholaspaul, probably that the kernel isnt the most bleeding-edge08:15
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: ahh. one bug reporter claimed forcing 6x speed worked...weird!08:15
=== bagus is now known as Co_peneRang
MasterShreknicholaspaul, can you do me a favor though, in a terminal type: uname -r    and give me the output?08:16
MasterShreknicholaspaul, that may be worth a try08:16
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: sure08:17
jscinozshinma, HT lets one or more phsyical cores act as two logical cores08:17
MasterShrekjust so i know what version ubuntu is running on, since im not using it, would be kinda nice to know08:17
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: 2.6.22-14-38608:17
mkquistkr00l: this always has helped me... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544908:17
mkquistkr00l: give it a look see08:17
nicholaspaulMasterShrek:  i even tried silly things like changing the disc name, but even making an image fails, so its not the DVDRW08:18
MasterShrekthanks nicholaspaul, i jsut wanted to know for my knowledge, 2.6.24 was released today, if you want i can help you compile it sometime08:18
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: oh cool. Is there a GUI way to get 2.6.24?08:19
MasterShreknot that i know of08:19
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: ( Oh it looks like making an image works... Simulating didnt work.)08:19
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: dang! LOL08:19
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MasterShreknicholaspaul, learn to love the command line, only then will you realize the true power of linux08:19
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: i do some stuff with the command line, but by the end of the day i'm a bit lazy!! I'm not afraid of it, i just dont usually have the time to spend all night Googling, ya know.08:20
KrisWoodanyone know where ubuntu puts the apache2 httpd.conf file by default?08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about httpd.conf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:21
travisatwell the thing is once you learn to use the command line you can get done faster using the command line then the gui08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apache2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:21
* KrisWood sighs08:21
MasterShreknicholaspaul, i hear ya08:21
zhan_zrnicholaspaul: Command line is a cool girl. If you understand her,then you will fall in love with her.08:21
MasterShrekKrisWood, /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2 i think08:21
KrisWoodah ha! /etc/apache2 was it, thanks!08:22
nicholaspaulzhan_zr: my wife might get jealous....08:22
MasterShrekno problem08:22
MasterShreknicholaspaul, introduce her :)08:22
DoomGuardget a new wife :P08:22
jfuirnefjdkI don't believe in global warming.08:22
nelsonuwp"can't access tty" anyone got any tips?08:22
CVDc ya later08:22
nicholaspaulMasterShrek: lol08:23
jfuirnefjdkThat TTY error is very annoying.08:23
nelsonuwpwhat is it08:23
nelsonuwpi can't run ubuntu live OR windows vista08:23
jfuirnefjdkI have no idea. I avoid it by downloading a different release.08:23
* MasterShrek is going to bed, g'nite every108:23
nicholaspaulnite MasterShrek thanks for your help and patience08:24
MasterShrekno problem nicholaspaul08:24
nicholaspaulnite all08:25
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nelsonuwpIs there anyone in here who can actually help?08:28
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ /usr/bin/lshal > ~/tmp/lshal.out" prints a line "Dumping 92 device(s) from the Global Device List:" What program compiles the 'Global Device List'?08:28
drgebYeeeehaaa Got my DiNovo keyboard working in Ubuntu Gutsy!!!08:29
drgeb1 down 4 to go.08:30
travisatwhat mouse you got?08:30
drgebI have not bought a mouse yet :( need to research and figure out which one I want to get08:31
travisatah kk, just trying to find someone with a razer, thought that I might get lucky since you got a nice kb08:31
drgebI am thinking of getting the Logitech QuickCam® Pro 900008:32
travisatnever had any use for a cam myself08:32
nortyi want a program to start automatically when i log in, how do i do that?08:33
travisatin gnome?08:33
drgeboh I just met this girl who now moved to NY she is an Opera singer we have been calling back and forth each day taught maybe cool to get a couple of cams08:33
travisatsystem -> administration -> services08:33
travisatwait crap ubuntu changed that08:34
nortyim running ubuntu 7.1008:34
ere4sisystem - pref - login - startup08:34
nortyisn't there like a sessions file or something08:34
Gokee2Hello all, I am trying to compile htk (I want to try simon) with now it says "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory" if I try and compile htk.  I guess that is because I need to compile it at 32 bits?  If I do that I will also need to compile simon and its library at 32 bits?  How would I compile something at 32 bits?  I read http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-564092.html and the article it li08:35
Gokee2nked to but it never got around to telling my the flag  needed to give make.08:35
drgebone thing I have not been able to figure out is when Ubuntu starts up some messages are going to tty8 some to tty1 some messages get logged in dmesg some don't this is a bit frustrating is there away to guarantee that everything gets logged ?08:35
travisatclick the add button and add what you want to start08:35
CVDwireless per usb is working in ubuntu?08:35
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?08:37
bullgard4drgeb: No.08:38
Leo1989Sorry for oftopic: is it possible to make Code::Blocks's auto-completion feature look like one from Visual Studio? I mean small colored squares instead of words like "function" etc?08:38
dogssonis jerky head/hand behavior crazy behavior or threatening behavior therefore mental illness? :D thank you08:38
phylogenesisIf I goto my network manager and a wireless connection is listed along with ESSID of my router, (not having set anything up myself yet) does that mean my card is supported by Ubuntu?08:39
dogssonis jerky head/hand behavior crazy behavior or threatening behavior therefore mental illness? :D thank you08:41
hwolffHello, does anyone know how to sync a Sony Ericsson W910i via Bluetooth?08:42
chazcoAnyone know if its possible to install a tasksel package via apt-get? (tasksel always hangs at 100%)08:43
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xoqai thought this channel was already being logged :\08:44
xoqaif i make ~/.xinitrc file, will it actually work?08:45
cox377Hey all, can anyone recommend a browser other than firefox / swiftfox? seems sooooo slow these days, on multiple machines08:45
xoqaor will kdm ignore the file?08:45
drgebbullgard4 so how does one know if your system is startingup ok ?08:45
Stupid^Kidexcuse me, i wonder how can i open file with php extension, and if i open it in firefox it will give me a dialog to download ......08:45
ijnhi all08:46
Starnestommycox377: I'd recommend epiphany or konqueror08:46
xoqacox377: i'll see if i can find the program.. but there's a lighter browser than firefox but which has more features than epiphany08:46
ijnanyone can sugest what hdd exterior to by that is working with ubuntu?08:46
xoqakonqueror only if you are using kde imo08:46
xoqakonqueror is my browser of choice08:47
bullgard4drgeb: I think there is no defintie answer to your question "if your system is startingup ok" in your strict sense.08:47
xoqabut i wouldn't like using it outside of kde08:47
jqkStupid^Kid:  install php5, libapache2-mod-php508:47
phylogenesisHow do I change the permissions (read-only) of a file on my comp?08:47
bullgard4drgeb: I think there is no definite answer to your question "if your system is startingup ok" in your strict sense.08:48
phylogenesisI can open it with sudo but if I just try to change the properties through the dialog box it says I don't have permission08:48
jqkphaidros: use chmod08:48
jqkphylogenesis: with sudo access.08:48
DoomGuardi think08:48
DoomGuardworks also08:48
Stupid^Kidjqk: i have installed them before it  but still won't work08:49
Starnestommysudo chmod o+w filename?08:49
travisator both chmod and chown08:49
jqkDoomGuard:  That's if he wants to take an ownership of a file/folder .. but that's not what he wants..08:49
ijnwhat hard disk should I buy that works best with lin ubuntu?08:49
jqkStupid^Kid:  how did you installed them?08:49
travisatijn: most hard disks work08:49
DoomGuardy i forgot sorry08:49
xoqacox377: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers_for_Unix/Linux08:49
nortyQuestion: is there a good desktop calendar program? i've tried rainlendar2 but it doesn't seem to work and i dont want something like sunbird or evolution, i want it to be on my desktop and i can edit it and such.. ?08:49
ijnno driver needed08:49
bullgard4bullgard4: That is, most users can live with some warnings at startup.08:49
Stupid^Kidsudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php508:49
jqkDoomGuard:  He simply wants to change permission, which is chmod.08:49
jqksimilar to attrib on windows.08:49
phylogenesisAha, I think that would've worked, but it seems that my whole windows partition is read only now08:49
phylogenesisnot sure why but I'll get to that problem later, thanks08:50
bullgard4drgeb: That is, most users can live with some warnings at startup.08:50
cox377Starnestommy: is anyone finding the same problem?08:50
jqkphylogenesis: reboot your apache, to take effect.08:50
jqkrestart *08:50
travisatijn: drivers are already in the kernel for almost every hard drive, really old or really wierd ones aren't guarenteed to work but probably will, just get one from a major manufacturer like western digital or seagate and you should have no problems08:50
ijntravisat:cause most of hdd says that works for xp and mac08:50
Starnestommycox377: the speed's fine for me, but firefox uses too much memory08:51
jqkphylogenesis: You would need 3rd party utility, such as ntfs-3g to have read/write access on your ntfs partition.08:51
ijnok I see...:)08:51
smidgeyyyhello im totally new to linux/ubuntu and am trying to install on a partition.. can someone please help me? have no idea what this moount point stuff is08:51
travisatijn: that is because they don't provide drivers for linux08:51
jqk!install | smidgeyyy08:51
ubotusmidgeyyy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:51
Starnestommysmidgeyyy: the main partition needs a mount point of /08:52
cox377Starnestommy: trouble is, under ubuntu firefox doesnt seem to like to handle more than 10 tabs other slows to a crawl08:52
ijnso what is the baest brand for a hdd?08:52
ijnwhat aould you preffer?08:52
jqkijn:  I prefer WD, and/or Maxtor.08:52
travisatijn: not really a best brand and no really loser brands out right now, I like WD personally08:52
norty Question: is there a good desktop calendar program? i've tried rainlendar2 but it doesn't seem to work and i dont want something like sunbird or evolution, i want it to be on my desktop and i can edit it and such.. ?08:52
falloreanyone installed xbmc onto your ubuntu?08:53
ijnin fact I need something around 50-80 gb08:53
ijnbut at 7200rpm08:53
smidgeyyyi partitioned a new drive in windows.. i clicked on the manual partion option now am presented with a /dev/sda and 3 seperate partions attached to it.. i can see the one i partioned earlier. based on its size and it has a mount point of /media/sda508:53
jqknorty: install gdesklet, and implement calender widget on it.. (if there is one)08:53
travisatijn: for internel you can get a 250gb for about 50-80 bucks08:53
ijnno only external im talking08:53
jqktravisat: you can get 500gb for 100 bucks.08:53
travisatjqk: I got a 500 for 100 bucks : )08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xbmc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:54
jqktravisat: Nice..08:54
ijnok guys thanks a lot..:)08:54
jqkfallore:  I don't have xbox , sorry.08:54
dirkenhey, i just read the news about wine 0.9.54 and the photoshop support but i can't get the newest wine version installed :s i'm using ubuntu and using the winehq debian/ubuntu repo but the version that get's installed is 0.9.53 :s any help around?08:55
drgebwine-doors is pretty nice08:55
fallorejqk: xbmc can now be installed on ubuntu, not just xbox08:55
jfuirnefjdkHmm, Photoshop CS sounds good to me. I wonder if It will work with the trial?08:56
Stupid^Kidjqk: i just can't open it, and i install apache php5 and so on08:56
jqkfallore:  I know,08:56
jqkStupid^Kid:  restart your apache, to take effect .. I've said that ~5 min ago.08:56
dirkenjfuirnefjdk: i don't know but i wanne give it a try but can't get the right version installed through the official wine repo :s08:57
travisatdirken: if you can wait a couple days, the .9.54 was just released yesterday08:57
travisatso the binary for ubuntu might not be up yet08:57
jfuirnefjdkThe Ubuntu repository doesn't have the proper version?08:57
Stupid^Kidjqk: yea , i restart it but still nothing happen08:57
phylogenesisCan someone help me get my wireless connection working?  I can see my card, I've edited the settings, but when I try to connect it just says it's making the changes, then tells me I'm disconnected08:57
jfuirnefjdkPerhaps you should install from source if it doesn't.08:57
jqkStupid^Kid:  How did you restart it?08:57
phylogenesisthen it connects with the wired connection I'm on right now08:57
dirkentravisat: released yesterday, doesn't that mean that they should have updated their own repo's yesterday with the latest version?08:57
Alohaubuntu configures my network interface when my computer starts but i can't ping anyone. if i run /etc/init.d/network/networking restart it works again anyone know what the trouble might be?08:57
Stupid^Kid/etc/init.d/apache2 restart08:58
dirkenjfuirnefjdk: indeed, the ubuntu repo is still one version behind08:58
travisatdirken: no just because the sources are released doesn't mean the binary will be yet08:58
travisatdirken: should be up soon I would think08:58
jqkStupid^Kid:  Try testing php .. see if it works.08:59
dirkentravisat: ok thx a lot!!!08:59
jfuirnefjdkYeah I checked mine is indeed outdated.09:00
Stupid^Kidjqk: yes, it works09:00
jfuirnefjdkI'm going to go ask in #crossover which version of wine 6.2 pro is based on.09:00
travisatits really not outdated its just that the newest was just released yesterday, somebody volunteers their time to compile the source to make the ubuntu binary and hasn't got one up yet09:01
jfuirnefjdklol I didn't know it was released only yesterday?09:01
komputesDoes anyone know the minimum system requirements for JeOS? I can't find very much info on JeOS through google, is there a GUI window manager or is it all command line?09:01
travisatthe 54 was09:01
jqkStupid^Kid: No idea, you might want to ask in #Apache09:02
Stupid^Kidjqk: thank you09:03
nelsonuwpI know this is blasphemy but I have a windows question. Why does it take forever for my windows to boot... It's a clean install and I cant ever get it to go to the desktop09:03
nelsonuwpit doesnt work on ubuntu either, I get the tty error09:03
jfuirnefjdknelsonuwp Is it a pirated copy?09:03
travisatnelsonuwp: most likely it is because you have windows installed09:04
jfuirnefjdkHaha travisat.09:04
travisathaving windows installed makes windows boot up slow09:04
nelsonuwpi've been trying to fix this for the last 14 hours09:04
jfuirnefjdknelsonuwp Try another distro for the sake of knowing if your PC is capable of booting anything at all09:04
nelsonuwpno luck09:04
jqkjfuirnefjdk: Did you installed anything after a clean install?09:04
Yoniedoes anyone know how to set a default gateway?09:04
jfuirnefjdkWrong user?09:04
Narlzac85I compiled a custom kernel, but when I found out I couldn't use the nvidia driver anymore, I removed the entry from grub and rebooted. Everything is working fine, but I don't know how to uninstall the custom kernel. Is it fine to just leave it?09:05
nelsonuwpI just built this computer today.. my 750gb hdd was DOA and I'm thinking my motherboard isnt working correctly either09:05
travisatwell is your hardware all right, can you boot live cds or the like and check your memory or hard drive for errors?09:05
nelsonuwpI tried booting th elive cd and i get the tty error09:05
travisatnelsonuwp: what processor and mobo?09:05
nelsonuwpgigabyte ga-73pvm-s2h mobo and a intel c2d e4500 2.2ghz cpu\09:06
compwiz18Narlzac85: there should be a package in the package manager, assuming you made a deb before you installed it09:06
travisathmm, could be a memory problem. do you have more then 1 stick of memory?09:07
nelsonuwpI am currently checking my memory for erros using the diagnostic tool09:07
travisatoh kk was going to suggest that09:07
nelsonuwpyes i have 2 corsair sticks09:07
nelsonuwptake out one and see how it works?09:07
nelsonuwpill give that a shot09:07
nelsonuwpbecasue realistically i shouldnt have problems booting a live CD09:08
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:08
Narlzac85Ah, you were right. I should have checked there. Thanks09:08
sysop_I have a gui app that I want to come up when I login, this is the only thing I want to see, wtf is that?09:08
nelsonuwpI installed vista just fine and then when it restarted the computer it would sit on the scrolling green thing for a while and never make it09:08
travisatnelsonuwp: hmm you sure it isn't your hard drive, the live cd, if your hd is messed up takes forever to boot because it tries for like a minute to get the hd working so you can install linux on the hd09:10
nelsonuwp I dont think so09:10
sysopwhen you login what is the gui application called?09:11
nelsonuwpI dont knw how to check if it is my hard drive anymore09:11
travisatsysop: gdm09:12
fallorecan you change the color scheme of your terminal without messing up what its already doing?09:12
jqksysop: write a script, put it in /etc/init.d , update.rc-d the script, and chmod +x script or use session manager09:12
HardDisknelsonuwp, fsck from a livecd, never fsck from a mounted drive.09:12
Alohaubuntu configures my network interface when my computer starts but i can't ping anyone. if i run /etc/init.d/network/networking restart it works again anyone know what the trouble might be?09:13
phylogenesiswhat is wrong with this command?  "sudo iwconfig ath0 essid KH587 ap 00:16:e3:21:11:49 key myWEPkey mode <> commit" save of course the change to "myWEPkey"09:13
nelsonuwpwhat is fsck?09:13
Alohanelsonuwp, filesystem check09:13
sysopjqk: I dont want to break anything, like being able to login under gnome, is there a way to do that?09:13
nelsonuwphow do I do that?09:13
Alohanelsonuwp, type fschk09:14
nelsonuwpdo i need to make it to the desktop in fiesty?09:14
Alohanelsonuwp, er fsck09:14
travisatnelsonuwp: fsck is the file system checker09:14
HardDisknelsonuwp, in terminal do fsck /dev/hda1 hda1=your partition09:14
nelsonuwpi cant make it to a terminal09:14
Parsec300nelsonuwp, you can do it from a terminal, or do it from the bootcd09:14
HardDisknelsonuwp, I told you from a livecd.09:14
travisatnelsonuwp: have you tried a different live cd you can fsck from almost all linux live cds09:15
travisatI have found the ubuntu one to be picky09:15
HardDisktravisat, your issue != everyone elses.09:15
Parsec300nelsonuwp, if you can make it to a terminal, that should be fine.09:15
sysopjqk: I dont think you understand, I DONT want to see the Applications, etc... just this app09:16
nelsonuwpi cant make it to the delive part09:16
nelsonuwpi mean the live part09:16
fallorehow can i check if i have open-gl support? i've got an nvidia 7900 with restricted drivers and 3d acceleration activated09:16
nelsonuwpi get part of the way there and it gives me.....09:16
Parsec300And if you need to do it because at boottime it tells you to do it manually. Then add the option -y. It might be tricky, but you don't have to push yes a thousand times09:16
phylogenesisWhat can I do to get answers?  I've looked through the help files, I tried things I've done before, it's like everything is fine except it just won't conect.09:16
HardDisknelsonuwp, edit grub, remove quite splash -- and replace it with all_generic_ide09:16
nelsonuwpbin/s: can't access tty; job control tunrend off09:16
phylogenesis*done before when I eventually got it to work*09:16
nabcoredoes the debian package manager have an equivalent command to rpm's  -Va ?09:16
smidgeyyycan someone please help me with installing ubuntu on a partition? please pm me09:17
HardDisknelsonuwp, to edit grub from the livecd press F609:17
Parsec300nelsonuwp, try the livecd then09:17
HardDisknelsonuwp, then replace what I told you09:17
HardDiskParsec300, he said he can't don't you read?09:17
HardDiskhence why I told him to do what he needs to do in order to be able to boot.09:18
IndyGunFreak!grub | nelsonuwp there are instructions on this page to edit grub from the live CD09:18
ubotunelsonuwp there are instructions on this page to edit grub from the live CD: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:18
ricardo_buenos dias09:18
ricardo_hay alguien09:18
nelsonuwpwhat if it09:18
nelsonuwp's sata?09:18
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?09:18
nelsonuwpand not IDE?09:18
HardDisknelsonuwp, same thing.09:18
sysopsmidgeyyy: boot a live cd, and follow the instrictions, reading carefully09:18
nelsonuwpall_generic_ide one word?09:19
fallorehow can i check if i have open-gl support? i've got an nvidia 7900 with restricted drivers and 3d acceleration activated09:19
HardDiskremember to remove quiet splash --09:19
HardDiskand type all_generic_ide instead of it09:19
sysopAnyone have a good undertanding of the login process, I want to create a new login type, like gnome09:19
HardDisksysop, gnome is not a login type...what exactly do you want to do?09:20
nelsonuwpits doing a bunch of stuff09:20
HardDisknelsonuwp, that's normal.09:20
nelsonuwp..i know09:20
nelsonuwpi think09:20
nortyQuestion: is there a good desktop calendar program? i've tried rainlendar2 but it doesn't seem to work and i dont want something like sunbird or evolution, i want it to be on my desktop and i can edit it and such.. ?09:20
nelsonuwpi feel so dumb right now09:20
HardDisknorty, gdesklets or screenlets.09:20
nortyi have gdesklets installed, i forgot how to access it though... ??09:21
chazcoAnyone know if running apt-get install lamp-server^ is _identical_ to running tasksel install lamp-server? (Trying to make a script, but tasksel has a bug which means it doesnt terminate)09:21
HardDiskyou might want screenlets though, better GUI and have some nice calendars.09:21
sysopHardDisk: I want to be able to login to an application, basicly gnome, but my thing (FullScreen GUI application, I have the app, but dont know how to say here is another gnome like thing).09:21
IndyGunFreaknorty: i dont have it installed, but isn't it in Applications/Accessories?09:21
HardDisksysop, it's called gdm.09:21
nelsonuwpharddisk: failed to start the x server09:21
HardDiskno not normal.09:21
smidgeyyycan someone please help me with installing ubuntu on a partition? i'm using the manual approach and i cant seem to create a new partition without creating a new partition table.09:22
HardDiskcan you type startx09:22
sysopHardDisk: GMD, looks like the beast I am looking for, you know of an easy way to add one?09:22
chazcoIf not can anyone tell me if there is an updated tasksel in gusty-proposed?09:22
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: how is your system setup currently09:23
nelsonuwpno, i cannot09:23
sysopHardDisk: GMD, looks like the beast I am looking for, you know of an easy way to add one (without interfearing with everything else)?09:23
nelsonuwpit said no screens found09:23
nortyIndyGunFreak, where is Applications/Accessories09:23
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: are you just trying to reinstall grub?09:23
IndyGunFreaknorty: applications menu, acesssories?..09:23
tvn1981anyone has a western digital 250 passport ?  just wondering if that hd could be use in normal laptop ?09:23
nelsonuwpi'm trying to get any sort of operating system on my computer whatsoever09:23
HardDisksysop, yes download them from gnome-look.org then open login window in administration, go to local, and drag the compressed file to the screen and it will be added.09:23
HardDisksysop, OR you can install gnome-art09:24
nortyo rofl09:24
HardDisksysop, and you can automagically, choose and install the ones you want09:24
nortysorry im dumb09:24
sysopHardDisk: lol, no I want to install My app, not a download (unless I should package it for some reason)09:24
nelsonuwpindygunfreak: i've tried vista, it installs fine and then hangs when it boots up. I've tried ubuntu, I get an error about TTy09:24
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: you sure you don't have some sort of hardware issue?09:25
nelsonuwpHardDisk: I cant type startx, or aynthing. I hit ok and after a long text thing it said no screens found09:25
AlphabmrHi, My problem concern a simulation of a 1Mbit in Ethernet09:25
nelsonuwpIndyGunFreak: I'm thinking so, I just got all of this crap today and put it together, I'm trying to figure otu what is wrong, Mobo, CPU? My HDD was already DOA09:26
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: how you're system partitions currently setup.09:26
Alphabmr I use HTB queue09:26
HardDisksysop, oh you want to create your own, well http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/09:26
IndyGunFreaknelson, yeah, sounds like you've got some sort if failure on the MB.09:26
Alphabmrwith TC command to shape the traffic09:26
nelsonuwpIGF: does that sound like a MB failure? i've never built a pc before09:27
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: only makes sense, if Vista is failing, and so is Ubuntu, something is hokey w/ the motherboard.09:27
travisatnelsonuwp: you sure it isn't a vid card error?09:27
KrisWoodif I want to find out if I've already got mysql installed on my ubuntu server what would the command be to find out?09:27
nelsonuwpvid card is on the mb09:27
HardDisknelsonuwp, unfortunately your errors seem physical.  I would go through troubleshooting, but it's too much work for me right now.09:27
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: only way to rule it out, is remove everything but video device, and motherboard, and try to install an OS.09:27
sysopHardDisk: lol, no I have created the app, I just need to know how to install it as a GDM, not how to write it09:27
KrisWoodnm foun it09:27
nelsonuwpthere's nothing in it right now09:28
travisatnelsonuwp: ah well then, could very well be your mobo09:28
HardDisksysop, yes, read the site.09:28
HardDisktells you how to package them.09:28
nelsonuwpall it is is MB, some ram, CPU, HDD and a dvd drive09:28
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: do you still need help?09:28
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: well, i'd say you've got it bare minimum.09:28
nelsonuwpI'm just trying to make a HTPC09:28
HardDisksysop, what you need to search for is how to package gdm09:28
travisatnelsonuwp: did you order your stuff online and have it delivered and if so was your mobo and hd in same box?09:29
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: don't by cvhance have an old XP disk do you09:29
sysopHardDisk: sorry for not being as elliquent as I should be09:29
HardDiskor a hiren bootcd09:29
nelsonuwpi will in an hour....09:29
phylogenesisThanks jqk09:29
IndyGunFreakwell, try XP, see what hapens, if XP fails also, then we know its some hardware issue.09:29
sysopHardDisk: This is a tutorial on how to use GTK (the GIMP Toolkit) through its C interface.??? Isnt this a how to write an application page???09:29
nelsonuwptravisat: the hdd and the mb were in the same box but the hdd was really packaged well09:29
nelsonuwplike lots of bubble wrap09:29
IndyGunFreaknelsonuwp: but thats the direction im' leaning on this one, w/ Ubuntu and vista failing09:29
smidgeyyyyes indygunfreak.. need help09:30
jfuirnefjdkThere are a lot of good plugins for compiz fusion that aren't in packages. Who is resposible for making packages? Just anyone who feels like it?09:30
nelsonuwpi know09:30
lordharshadoes anyone know how to fix the 301 error you get when trying to update the medibuntu repositories?09:30
smidgeyyyi private msg'd you09:30
HardDisksysop, that's why I rectified and you need to search how to package a gdm09:30
nelsonuwpi was gonna try xp next09:30
HardDiskalso we are getting off topic.09:30
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: i don't take messages, and second, you can't send messages unless your registered09:30
nelsonuwpbut what if xp works, i'm stuck with crappy XP09:30
smidgeyyyok sorry09:30
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: describe your current partition setup09:30
sysopHardDisk: ok, so I should package it, cool09:30
travisatnelsonuwp: if xp works just fine then it isn't a hardware issue09:30
smidgeyyyi created a 30gb partion in windows09:30
HardDisktravisat, that's not true.09:30
smidgeyyywhen i click on the manual button09:30
nelsonuwp..not true09:31
Alphabmrcan you help me about QoS on my Ubuntu machine?09:31
travisatwell if xp works you can usually make linux work09:31
smidgeyyyit comes up with this '/dev/sda09:31
smidgeyyy<smidgeyyy>    '/dev/sda1 FAT16 /media/sda1  73mb 33mb used09:31
smidgeyyy<smidgeyyy>    '/dev/sda2 NTFS /media/sda2  120gb 38gb used09:31
smidgeyyy<smidgeyyy>    '/dev/sda5 NTFS /media/sda5  35gb unkown used09:31
nelsonuwpit should be just plug and play09:31
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BernardBFun Fact of the Moment: A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.09:31
HardDiskhe should do a hardware test using a hardware testing app, now we're getting off topic here people.09:31
nelsonuwpi sholdnt have to mess around with this garbage09:31
smidgeyyyi figure that sda5 is the partition i created09:31
smidgeyyyi want to use that one to put ubuntu on09:31
=== Tyroazar1 is now known as Tyro2
lordharshadoes anyone know how to fix the 301 error you get when trying to update the medibuntu repositories?09:31
travisatlike for my example xp had no problem detecting my hard drive, but linux wouldn't, turned out linux doesn't like my sata to ide converter so I changed some bios options and now linux works just fine with my hd09:31
nelsonuwpand how can newegg seriously make me pay for TWO items that were damaged when they arrived?09:31
smidgeyyysda2 is where windows is09:31
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, whast the fat16 partition?09:32
HardDisknelsonuwp, #ubuntu-offtopic09:32
smidgeyyyits something for DELL stuff09:32
=== Tyro2 is now known as Ann1
travisatsmidgeyyy: don't delete that partition09:32
smidgeyyyyeah i dont want to :D or sda209:32
IndyGunFreaktravisat: lol, i wasn't going to suggest he do that.09:32
travisatIndyGunFreak: I know people that have09:32
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: so whast the problem when you select SDA5?09:33
smidgeyyywhen i press forward09:33
smidgeyyyit says you havent selected a mount path09:33
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, are you using the text installer, or the live CD?09:33
smidgeyyyi d/l the ISO from the site and burnt it to a CD09:34
smidgeyyyso i guess thats a live cd?09:34
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, that doesn't really answer my question, can you see an ubuntu desktop, surf the internet if you like?.. or are you going through a series of text menus?09:34
IndyGunFreakok, thats the live cd09:34
IndyGunFreakso where are you right now, where you click manual partition?09:35
smidgeyyyyep i can navigate and do stuff. looks to have loaded it from cd09:35
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok.09:35
smidgeyyyin a prepare partitions screen09:35
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, so click on SDA509:36
sysopHardDisk: Ough crap, I am sorry, Not the login window, the thing that comes up after you login???09:36
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: one last question, how much system ram do you have?09:36
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, so right click on SDA5, and choose "new"09:37
HardDisksysop, oh you mean the splash09:37
HardDisksysop, just the png file?09:37
angahhi..got prob here >> http://jasper.pastebin.com/m5bdee04809:37
travisatI think he means the window managaer09:37
smidgeyyyno new option09:37
angahhow to solve it? anyone knows?09:37
smidgeyyyonly edit partition, delete partition, uno changes to partitions09:37
sysopHardDisk: no, the whole ui of the screen like gnome the thing with the clock and the start bar, I want to write a new one of thoes09:38
fallorein my bottom taskbar, where it shows your open windows etc, my trash can icon is in the middle and scrunching up the window names. how can i move it?09:38
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: here's what i would do.....09:38
HardDiskwindow manager yea :)09:38
IndyGunFreakcuz something isn't making sense09:38
HardDiska theme09:38
travisatsysop: why exactly do you want to make a window manager?09:39
sysopHardDisk: ahh, a Windowmanager!!!! yea! that has to be it! KDE, Gnome, etc!!! yea09:39
HardDisksysop, you have the entire theme as a whole, OR the window borders and controls seperately.09:39
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: what if you deleted that partition, then let the installer partition the free space?09:39
smidgeyyyok will try09:40
HardDisksysop to create a whole new window manager gui....you sure you want to do that?09:40
sysopHardDisk: HardDisk, its a full screen app, so it handels all of that09:40
sysopHardDisk: yes09:40
sysopHardDisk: its already done09:40
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: delete partition, then after that, we'll setup the unallocated space09:40
smidgeyyyok.. i have to head off for a bit09:41
smidgeyyywill be back in 40 mins.09:41
travisatsysop:  if you just want the user to be able to access one program then you have more options then making a new window manager09:41
angaheven i using apt-get clean..error come out also09:41
IndyGunFreakwell i'll probably be gone, but good luck on it.09:41
angahi don know what to do09:41
HardDisksysop, I'm sorry if I'm still unclear, can you show me a screenshot of what you mean?09:41
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smidgeyyyok thanks anyways indy.09:41
smidgeyyyi just deleted it then can create a new partition09:41
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok,09:42
smidgeyyyhave options to do primary or logical partition09:42
smidgeyyythis begining or end stuff09:42
sysopHardDisk: unfortunatly no, I have a nondisclosure :-( wish I could09:42
HardDiskno worries.09:43
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, i can't remember if swap is a logical or primary(pretty sure its primary),09:43
travisatsysop: hmm I think you are asking in the wrong place09:43
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: but you need to create a 3gig swap partition09:43
HardDisksysop, wait a sec, are you working with LiraNuna or KristianL on this?09:43
HardDiskcause I know they are making a new window manager09:43
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: so you have a 3gig swap now09:44
smidgeyyyi created one as primary. 30 gb worth09:44
smidgeyyythen created a second one made it as swap09:44
smidgeyyyonly 3 gb09:44
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok.. click next09:44
smidgeyyyand had it as at the end09:44
sysopHardDisk: The details of the app are not important, its really as simple as, add an entry like gnome to run my app instead of gnome, how?09:44
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: i'm pretty sure swap should be at the beginning..09:44
IndyGunFreakbut odn't hold me to that.09:44
smidgeyyyshould it?09:44
travisatsysop: it is possilbe to make x load with no external window manager and load a program09:44
IndyGunFreakthast where i've always put it09:45
smidgeyyywhats the difference between logical and primary drive09:45
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: it may not matter.09:45
sysopHardDisk: no, who are they?09:45
HardDiskgnome is the desktop environment..09:45
HardDiskso are you creating a replacement to gnome/kde? or are you creating a window manager for gnome/kde?09:45
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?09:45
smidgeyyybahhhh i have to go.. hopefully u'll still be here when i get back..09:45
smidgeyyyif not thanks anyways for your help09:45
smidgeyyymuch appreciated09:45
sysoptravisat: of course it is, how do you thinkgnome "starts"?09:46
HardDiskin anycase you are in the wrong channel sysop you have to go to another channel that is involved in the development processes of linux environments09:46
HardDiskthis is the ubuntu support channel.09:46
sysopHardDisk: a replacement for gnome/kde, only want to be able to switch through gdm09:47
travisatmeh this isn't as complicated as you would think09:47
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:47
sysopHardDisk: Ahh, ok, where should I be?09:47
HardDisksysop, ask in #linux09:47
travisatopen a terminal09:47
travisatgo to /usr/share/xsessions09:48
sysopHardDisk: thanks,and sorry09:48
IndyGunFreaksysop: or maybe #gnome09:48
HardDiskor #gnome, yep.09:48
travisatcp an existing .desktop to your new name09:48
Boris_ive got an old computer with CD ROM reader which can't boot ubuntu09:48
travisatedit the new .desktop file changing name and exec to your choice09:48
Boris_in bios, ive set it to boot from ATAPI CD ROM first, but it still wont boot ubuntuž09:48
Boris_whats wrong ?09:48
Boris_oh btw, it also wont boot puppy, fedora or anything else09:49
BoglizkWhats the file that shows up when someone connect to a ssh server? (Not the motd that appear when you sucessfully login)09:49
bazhanghow old how much ram09:49
Boris_maybe 25609:49
Boris_very old09:49
Boris_it's got windoze 9809:49
Boris_oh no09:49
HardDiskBoris_, is it reading the actual drive?09:49
IndyGunFreakBoris_: have yhou tried booting the alternate install CD?09:49
Boris_its got128 mb of ram09:49
Boris_IndyGunFreak, i'll try09:49
HardDiskyea as IndyGunFreak said.09:50
bazhangwhat about dsl (damn small linux)09:50
Boris_HardDisk, yes, i can read CDs in widoze09:50
IndyGunFreakBoris_: well, you'll have to download it, but ti was just a question.09:50
IndyGunFreak!alternate | Boris_09:50
ubotuBoris_: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal09:50
HardDiskI'm surprised it doesn't boot puppy.09:50
BoglizkUbuntu worked on my 192ram. But the graphical installer didn't.09:50
travisatlol I already did to my system what sysop wanted by making a new wm called firefox so now I can boot straight to firefox09:50
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: Boris_  if it doesn't boot puppy, that strongly suggests he's burning the ISO wrong09:50
bazhangperhaps the minimal install would be better--though with only 128 I seriously doubt ubuntu will run at all09:50
Boris_bazhang, that comp doesnt have interned, but its got 1.2 GB of space, so i wanna make some use of it09:51
IndyGunFreakbazhang: lol, perhaps?09:51
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, true.09:51
Boris_IndyGunFreak, I _can_ boot puppy09:51
bazhangBoris_: when you burn the iso, how do you do it09:51
HardDiskyou said you couldn't. meh09:51
IndyGunFreakBoris_: i thought you said you couldn't09:51
bazhangBoris_: geexbox09:51
IndyGunFreakBoris_:    "oh btw, it also wont boot puppy, fedora or anything else"09:52
Boris_IndyGunFreak, my old comp09:52
Boris_the comp im currently using can09:52
IndyGunFreakBoris_: oh ok.. so the iso is good.09:52
Boris_bazhang, im not looking to play vids09:53
IndyGunFreakBoris_: ok, so you need to look at the text installer, for 1, you don't have enough ram to run the live cd(which was right there on the page you downloaded from)09:53
HardDiskI think some people just come in here to have fun at the expense of others :)09:53
bazhangBoris_: the best I can say is that it can run linux, but ubuntu (gnome) is just not in the cards with that little ram09:53
HardDiskxubuntu alternative is a good choice.09:54
IndyGunFreakbazhang: thats also a good point.. xfce is even gonna be slow on that machine, might look at fluxbuntu.09:54
Boris_i completely forgot that09:55
bazhangIndyGunFreak: yeah, fluxbuntu might just work09:55
Boris_ty people09:55
IndyGunFreakbazhang: i think so..,09:55
IndyGunFreakbazhang: xfce, has gradually been getting heavier, and heavier, the days of running it on 64mb of Ram, is pretty much over.09:55
bazhangBoris_: #fluxbuntu can give you the scoop09:55
IndyGunFreak*at least under ubuntu09:55
bazhangIndyGunFreak: excellent point09:56
IndyGunFreakflux, englightenment, and the other one i can't remember, have remained true to really working on archaic hardware09:56
Boris_enlightenment is lightweight ???09:56
Boris_i didnt know that09:56
IndyGunFreakBoris_: to my knowledge, its on par w/ flux..09:57
Boris_anyone here got ATI HD2600PRO ?09:57
bazhangBoris_: you might also to want to look into goblinx, slax, or something else uber-light--the best I had running with that little ram was dreamlinux 2.2 (debian based)09:57
IndyGunFreakbut I hate Englightment, so i've not used it much... Flux has a strange place in my heart09:57
edubuhm. strange behavior. userlist is disabled by default09:57
IndyGunFreakbazhang: but wasn't dream based on Breezy repos?  the biggest prob i had w/ it, was instaling software, every freakin repo was closed.09:58
bazhangme likes blackbox and open box but !ot09:58
IndyGunFreakBoris_: you might also want to look at a straight Debian Xfce install09:58
bazhangIndyGunFreak: the earlier versions were but 2.2 became debian09:59
IndyGunFreakbazhang: hmm, ive got an old old laptop i might see if i can put dream on it just for fun09:59
bazhangIndyGunFreak: I had an eight year old compaq laptop that ran it really well09:59
IndyGunFreakbazhang: that was the prob i had w/ Dream, every time i tried to install anything, every single repo would be closed(and this was like 9mo ago).. i might have to check it out again09:59
IndyGunFreakbazhang: is it running on etch repos?.. or one of the others?10:00
bazhangIndyGunFreak: but this was strictly for using for fun; media center kind of thing10:00
bazhangIndyGunFreak: not sure would have to check10:00
IndyGunFreakright.... machine that old, yuou really can't expect to mucfh10:00
IndyGunFreakBoris_: if you can use Dream, adn it is indeed based on Debian, i woudl use it before Flux(little more useable in my opinion)10:01
bazhangBoris_: debian net install would do as well10:02
Boris_bazhang, that comp aint got any net !10:02
IndyGunFreakbazhang: so what do you plan to use it for?10:03
bazhangIndyGunFreak: it is now an ex-computer :{10:03
bazhangBoris_: what do you want to do with it?10:03
Mr_Awesomeis there a way to get input from the line-in to play directly through the speakers?10:04
Boris__why does xchat keep crashing on windoze ?!10:04
IndyGunFreakBoris__: i'd blame windows10:05
IndyGunFreaksince a lot of Linux xchat users haven o problem10:05
Boris__IndyGunFreak, yep, thats probably the cause of the problem10:05
Boris__anyone here got ATI HD2600 PRO/XT ???10:05
Tomasu[BAF]anyone know why iwconfig and network manager show slightly different information?10:06
Boris__btw, how do i know what video driver im using ?10:06
ubotuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate10:06
bazhangTomasu[BAF]: what is different10:06
Boris__what's ubuntu ultimate's channel ?10:06
Tomasu[BAF]NM shows bw of 62mb/s, and iwcinfig shows 24.. for an older 802.11g card10:07
xalanthyrhello, how can i donwload videos from youtube?10:07
HardDiskxalanthyr, use a firefox extension.10:07
IndyGunFreakxalanthyr: to your hard drive?.. there's a lot of stuff out there if you google.10:07
bazhangTomasu[BAF]: bw meaning bandwidth?10:07
xalanthyrHardDisk: how it\s it called?10:08
peanutwithchocoldoes anybody know a good qcad or simailar program tutorial with images (if possible, in spanish)?10:08
woodsoulxalanthyr: unplug a firefox extension10:08
Tomasu[BAF]bazhang: well iwconfig lists it as Bit Rate.10:08
HardDiskxalanthyr, go to the firefox extension download page and search google video there it will give you a list. Use some common sense.10:08
Tomasu[BAF]bazhang: that would be 802.11g :)10:08
xalanthyrIndyGunFreak: i did it many times, but suddenly pytube stopped working10:09
bazhangTomasu[BAF]: that would likely be the strenght of the signal vs the capability10:09
HardDiskpeanutwithchocol, try the how to forge website.10:09
IndyGunFreakxalanthyr: weird, seems to be working fine for me.10:09
Tomasu[BAF]bazhang: strength is listed as a percentage...10:09
Tomasu[BAF]bazhang: the bitrate is the max bw setting.10:09
xalanthyrand youtube-dl gives me "Error: unable to extract URL "t" parameter.10:09
peanutwithchocolHardDisk: ok10:09
IndyGunFreakxalanthyr: right.10:09
bazhangTomasu[BAF]: I would trust the iwconfig over network-manager any day10:09
Tomasu[BAF]thanks.. I'll google some more...10:10
IndyGunFreakxalanthyr: what version of flash are you using?10:10
xalanthyrIndyGunFreak: hmm, how can i check it?10:10
IndyGunFreakhm, i can'treally remember..lol, hang on10:10
=== adante_ is now known as adante
=== talaren is now known as pteague_work
pteague_workwhere does the network manager store it's config files?10:11
l3ttuc3how do i create a custom cd with downloaded packages and get synaptic to recognise that so that when i install on another (offline) pc, i can use that?10:11
IndyGunFreakxalanthyr: hmm, not sure how to check from the terminal, i just right clicked a youtube video and it told me... you obviously can'tdo that10:11
travisat/etc/network if it worth anything never looked10:12
pteague_workubotu> !aptoncd10:12
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers10:12
l3ttuc3pteague_work thank you.10:12
Mr_Awesomecan anyone get line-in audio to play through the speakers?10:13
HardDisknote..it says in not out10:14
HardDiskin = input10:14
HardDiskyou need line out to play to your speakers10:14
HardDisknot so awesome now are you.10:14
Mr_AwesomeHardDisk: im inputting audio, and i want it to play through the speakers...10:15
Mr_Awesomeim not plugging my speakers into line in10:15
HardDiskwell you should have mentioned that.10:15
HardDiskthere are a lot of people that come here and aren't exactly..sensible.10:15
Mr_Awesomesorry, i thought it was clear10:15
xalanthyri installed downloadhelper - works perfect ;)10:15
shirkavandhello, the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso is the file i need to run ubuntu in 64 bits on intel base computer?10:16
HardDiskMr_Awesome, what you need is an app called JACK10:16
bazhangis there not an x86-64 iso?10:16
IndyGunFreakbazhang: for what?10:17
bazhangamd for intel?10:17
bazhangfor ubuntu IndyGunFreak10:17
IndyGunFreakbazhang: of course there is.10:17
bazhangIndyGunFreak: shirkavand was asking if the amd64 is the right one for intel 6410:17
Boris__hey bazhang, IndyGunFreak and HardDisk : fluxbuntu won't boot either !!!10:18
HardDiskbazhang, amd64 is for amd64.10:18
HardDiskthat is why it's amd6410:18
Boris__does this have anything to do with ATAPI cd rom reader ???10:18
bazhangHardDisk: just rhetorical but thanks :}10:18
IndyGunFreak64bit is a pain int he rear anyways, stick w/ x86 if you don't want to rip your hair out.10:18
bazhangshirkavand: did you see the x86_64 iso?10:19
IndyGunFreak*for the time being10:19
HardDiskI don't see anypoint of 64bit as a user.10:19
pteague_workHardDisk> why does it say for amd & intel 64-bit?10:19
shirkavandin ubuntu.com10:19
shirkavandthere is a link for download  ubuntu10:19
shirkavandand it saids10:19
bazhangshirkavand: for a core 2 duo?10:19
shirkavandWhat type of computer do you have?10:19
HardDiskpteague, I was being sarcastic, I suppose it's hard on irc.10:19
shirkavandone of the options are10:19
shirkavand64bit AMD and Intel computers10:19
pteague_workHardDisk> ah =)10:19
nelsonuwpi'm sick of computers10:20
bazhangshirkavand: was that core 2 duo intel?10:20
Roly<3 computerss10:20
nelsonuwpi qui10:20
bazhangiirc core duo alone is not 64 bit10:20
HardDiskthere is hardly any improvement of 64bit over 32bit as a desktop.10:20
Rolyyes there is10:20
pteague_workshirkavand> yeah, it should work fine on intel, but you may have issues...  i got it installed, but after that i ended up with lots of problems... not sure why, somebody suggested the hard drive, but not sure why the 32bit works fine10:20
Boris__anyone saw what i wrote ???10:20
Roly64bit allows you to utilise over 3.3GB of RAM10:21
Boris__bazhang, any ideas ?10:21
shirkavandbazhang: my computer has a core 2 duo intel...but im not sure that if the iso file im downloading is for my processor10:21
HardDiskthat still is not an improvement as a desktop.10:21
Rolyyes it is10:21
Rolyquite obviously?10:21
sjoerdshirkavand: core 2 is 64 bit10:21
HardDiskmaybe I should have rephrased, performance.10:21
pteague_worki believe all of the core2 duo are 64bit10:21
bazhangshirkavand: I use the 32 bit for my core 2 duo intel--how much ram does your computer have?10:21
HardDiskno it isn't obvious roly.10:21
Rolyyes it it.10:21
shirkavand2 gb10:22
HardDisklol, ok :)10:22
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
shirkavandbazhang: 2 GB10:22
bazhangshirkavand: are you going to get 4gb in the near future or do some heavy video compositing with this machine?10:22
travisatshirkavand: unless you have 4+gigs there is no real reason to use 64, it isn't much faster just supports more ram10:22
poutine_How do I get the maintainer for a package in apt?10:22
Roly...being able to use 8GB of ram is alot better as a desktop than only being able to use 3GB of ram, thats an OBVIOUS improvement as a desktop?10:22
poutine_Roly, a lot is two words10:22
HardDiskRoly, no it isn't if you are not utilizing it.10:22
bazhangRoly: you are correct10:23
bazhangRoly: lets just all be friends :}10:23
shirkavandbazhang: ok ;) got it10:23
shirkavandbazhang: thanks10:23
RolyHardDisk but if you get more ram in the future it means you have to re install it as 64 bit?10:23
HardDiskjust because you have more ram doesn't mean it is better, unless you are using it.10:23
bazhangshirkavand: you will surprised how nicely it runs :}10:23
Rolywhich is just stupid, if you can use 64bit now why not already install it straight.10:23
bazhang!ot | everyone including me10:24
ubotueveryone including me: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:24
HardDiskRoly, seeing you are an expert, let's go to offtopic and discuss this.10:24
Rolywhat channels that?10:24
IndyGunFreakeverybody "/join #64bitvs32bitroyalrumble"10:24
bkruse_homewhere can I find the source for libtermcap?10:24
jfuirnefjdkWhat's better, KDE or Gnome?10:24
shirkavandbazhang: :D10:24
IndyGunFreak!best | jfuirnefjdk10:24
ubotujfuirnefjdk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.10:24
Rolyive not used freenode in forever10:25
Rolygnome > kde IMO10:25
travisatfvwm is da best10:25
HardDiskI see no point in discussing professionally with you.10:25
IndyGunFreaki prefer gnome, i once looked at KDE, and had to have retina surgery10:25
Rolygood for you10:25
bazhangbut still waaaay offtopic :{10:26
poutine_what's better vim or emacs?10:26
jfuirnefjdkKrash Desktop Environment10:26
Rolyi love my emac10:26
pr0-g33kmacs are pro10:26
what_ifjfuirnefjdk: windoze??10:26
pr0-g33kwindoze is shit :(10:26
jfuirnefjdkWhat about windows?10:26
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?10:27
bazhang!ohmy | pr0-g33k10:27
ubotupr0-g33k: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:27
poutine_vim or emacs, KDE or gnome, windows or linux, macs or toilets?10:27
what_ifjfuirnefjdk: krash desktop env = windoze10:27
Rolywhat you use ur pc for it needed to know what OS suits you10:27
poutine_GPL or BSD/MIT?10:27
pr0-g33kwindows is ok if you like crashs virus's spyware etc10:27
HardDiskRoly, want to try that again in English?10:27
poutine_Intel or AMD?10:27
Rolywhat you use ur pc for is needed to know what OS suits you10:27
poutine_ATI or Nvidia?10:27
Rolyintel and ATI10:27
pr0-g33knvinda owns10:27
jfuirnefjdkHmm I have found windows to be pretty reliable, if you know what to not download. It's just far too restrictive and manipulative (make you stupid for company benefit), that ticked me off10:28
IndyGunFreaknvidia and amd10:28
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, this is becoming like a live edition of digg :)10:28
* bazhang fingers the !ot button once again10:28
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: lol10:28
pr0-g33ki agree, nvinda and amd own, i have the duel core 6000+ and it runs gusty pritty good10:28
ePaxIt should be forbidden by law to sell ATI. :D10:28
RolyQ6600, 3xHD3870's pls?10:28
pr0-g33kit should, ati is like fail10:28
HardDiskgonna make some popcorn, brb10:28
IndyGunFreakbazhang: its always like this around 5-530ish my time... kinda laid back.10:28
RolyATi owns10:29
bazhangIndyGunFreak: yup10:29
Rolyxfire > SLi10:29
IndyGunFreaknot that that makes it right.10:29
HardDiskATI isn't bad. they just have certain issues to fix.10:29
travisatati sucks on linux right now so10:29
Mr_AwesomeHardDisk: jack doesnt seem to help10:29
Rolyno problems on suse.10:29
travisatlucky you10:29
IndyGunFreaktravisat: it should get better thoguh, with AMD taking over, and apparently they are going to release the driver.10:29
HardDiskbut for those that don't use linux, ATI is good enough.10:29
Rolyamd taking over?10:29
Rolyamd is failing10:30
travisatIndyGunFreak: I totally agree, but right now it doesn't work as well as nvidia10:30
IndyGunFreakRoly: AMD purchased ATI10:30
bazhangas soon as flash is fixed ati will release the drivers10:30
HardDiskAMD overpaid for ATI.10:30
RolyAMD are worth less now that they baught ATi for10:30
IndyGunFreaktravisat: yup, for now, Nvidia is where its at.10:30
HardDiskeven they admit that.10:30
jfuirnefjdkAMD just wants the gddr technology for use in CPU's10:30
HardDiskbut AMD doesn't just make processors, they are involved in many other services, I don't see it as failing.10:31
bazhangany support questions please join #ubuntu-offtopic10:31
Rolyits stocks prices are very very low10:31
jfuirnefjdkI'll respect that, bazhang.10:31
HardDiskso are many other stocks.10:31
IndyGunFreakRoly: that would seem to be an opportunity, more than anything10:31
HardDiskthe US market is in a recession10:32
RolyOk then. But AMD vs INTEL in CPUs intel wins almost every time10:32
d0gmazwhats a good binary usenet leecher with nzb support for gnome?10:32
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: not really, the media says we're in a recession, so everyone believes we are10:32
travisatwell for servers amd is pretty strong10:32
HardDiskwhen people believe that, it does happen.10:32
falloreIndyGunFreak: if people believe we're in a recession won't we go into a recession?10:32
Rolybrb shower10:32
HardDiskyea you stink.10:32
pr0-g33ki like intel chips, but amd are cheeper, and they are just as good speed wise10:33
travisatmeh intel is killing amd in high end desktop chips10:33
IndyGunFreakfallore: true, but the only reason the economy has slowed down, is becasue of the sub-prime mess.. which i don't understand, when you loan money to people, who have a history of not paying their bills, what exactly do you think is going to happen?10:33
travisatat stock speeds intel isn't much faster then amd, but you can push the intels to crazy overclocks10:33
falloreIndyGunFreak: hey, i know nothing about this stuff :]10:33
IndyGunFreakfallore: lol,10:34
bazhangthis is so offtopic it redefines offtopic10:34
HardDisklet's do it.10:34
smidgeyyyahh indy your still here.10:34
HardDiskI'm ready.10:34
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: yeah, for some reason..lol, shoulda been in bed a long time ago.10:34
travisatso chocalate chip or sugar cookies10:34
* compwiz18 joins #ubuntu-offtopic to help with those support requests ;)10:34
smidgeyyyok.. so where were we10:34
bazhangback to linux people!10:35
smidgeyyycreating new partition should i make the one ubuntu goes on primary and at the end? and the swap logical and at the beginning?10:35
travisatsmidgeyyy: not really important10:35
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: thats always been my understanding... but it may not matter10:35
IndyGunFreakok, so there you go, doesn't matter10:35
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: so how are you set up now?...10:36
revsanI have compaq laptop with nforce chipset. Using 7.10 ubuntu. Not able to detect ethernet card. How do i configure ethernet card?10:36
smidgeyyyso if the swap and the other one are both primary and at the beginning thats cool??10:36
revsannforce 63010:36
pr0-g33ki highly recommend amd athlon x2 6000+ i have had mine and it has'nt let me down yet10:36
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: hang on a sec10:36
smidgeyyyok indy10:36
bazhangrevsan: are you at the computer now or have access to it?10:37
travisatsmidgeyyy: yep, some people say that having root at end decreases read/write times, but most hard drives are fast enough now there is little to no difference10:37
=== Everget3 is now known as Evergete
IndyGunFreaktravisat: what i'm trying to remember, is if swap is primary or logical.10:38
compwiz18smidgeyyy: if you intend to install windows, I believe it prefers to be at the beginning of the disk, otherwise, I think any setup works - I use swap at the end, linux in the middle somewhere10:38
revsanbazhang, yes i am using it now10:38
IndyGunFreaki was thinking logicla for some reason10:38
bazhangrevsan open up a terminal and type in lspci10:38
smidgeyyycompwiz windows is already installed.. im putting ubuntu on its own partition..10:39
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: yeah, so i think what he's saying, is swap should be at the beginning in that instance10:39
revsanbazhang, it shows this line: 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation MCP67 Ethernet (rev a2)10:39
travisatif the installer lets you do it you should have no real problems10:40
smidgeyyyok will do that.. what about the Primary and Logical partition... whats the difference?10:40
IndyGunFreaktravisat: should swap be primary or logical?.. thats my biggest question, nto where he put it.10:40
IndyGunFreaki thought logical..10:40
bazhangrevsan: and the restricted manager does not properly see or at least network manager? what do you get with ifconfig in the terminal10:40
compwiz18mine is logical, I think10:40
what_ifhow do I get unrecognised keyboard keys to work? There is no output in xev...10:40
IndyGunFreakcompwiz18: so is mine.10:41
IndyGunFreak!keyboard | what_if10:41
ubotuwhat_if: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:41
compwiz18what_if: try switching key board layouts in the keyboard prefs box (see above)10:41
proxzhave i done something wrong or is really wine in repos still the ancient 0.46 version ?10:41
travisatIndyGunFreak: doesn't matter10:41
travisatlogical are just part of extended partitions, if you plan on having more then 4 partitions then you might want swap as logical10:41
IndyGunFreaktravisat: doesn't matter whether its logical or primary?10:41
bazhang!info wine10:41
ubotuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB10:42
tenerexi have a problem10:42
bazhangproxz: appears to be the version you speak of10:42
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: did you get that?10:42
what_ifcompwiz18: what if my keyboard model is not listed ??10:42
tenerexI serch a good source list10:42
revsanbazhang,  following is the output of ifconfig eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 3A:30:CB:24:1B:0010:42
proxzbah thats an pre-historic version =\10:42
revsan          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:110:42
revsan          RX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:010:42
revsan          TX packets:273 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1689 (1.6 KB)  TX bytes:23466 (22.9 KB)  Interrupt:20 Base address:0xc00010:42
rekon!ask | tenerex10:43
ubotutenerex: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:43
compwiz18proxz: you can get the [almost] latest version of wine if you use the wine repos with the ubuntu ones, see wine's website10:43
compwiz18!pastebin | revsan10:43
uboturevsan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:43
IndyGunFreaki only use the alternate install CD, whichi can just set it to use unallocated space, adn it sets it all up for me.10:43
compwiz18what_if: try some and see if they work10:43
smidgeyyyyep got it indy10:43
smidgeyyythanks mate10:43
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, so apply the changes10:43
proxzcompwiz18: thanks! ill have a look at that10:43
compwiz18proxz: good luck :)10:43
tenerexok! i search a good source list.... where i can find it?10:43
bazhangrevsan: it seems to recognize it then what happens when you plug in an ethernet cable to your router/adsl modem?10:44
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: oh, you mean you're installing now?10:44
* IndyGunFreak switches to PC so i can try dreamlinux on my laptop.. brb.10:44
smidgeyyyjust finished10:45
snikkerwhen i start the pc i've got the "find" and "sort" conmmands running. how can i disable this?10:45
smidgeyyyhave swap as logical and at beginning10:45
smidgeyyyhave the other as primary and at end10:45
smidgeyyyjust pressed forward now10:45
proxzcompwiz18: humm it seems that those are the same repos haveing the same 0.9.46 version10:45
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: yup10:45
smidgeyyyasking me to migrate documents and settings10:45
Mabloarhi all10:45
bazhangtenerex: what do you mean? just open up synaptic and enable the first four repositories10:46
bazhangni Mabloar10:46
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: i never do.., but i guess thats entirel up to you10:46
revsanbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53534/10:46
bazhangerr hi10:46
matissehow do i check a gpg hash on a file ?10:46
compwiz18proxz: on mine is has 9.5310:46
Mabloaranyone could help me with a sound problem?10:46
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: is it installing now?10:46
smidgeyyyhave no OS to import from so all good :D10:46
smidgeyyyyep clicking install now :D10:47
erle-whats the matter, that my kernel modules of kernel 2.6.24 (with hardy generic configuration) are 700 MB large (shout be something about 80)10:47
matisseMabloar: you have to explain the problem10:47
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, now as long as  the install goes OK, you should be good to go.10:47
bazhangrevsan: what happens when you plug in ethernet cable to modem/router?10:47
smidgeyyyfingers crossed!! thanks heaps indy10:47
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: no prob.10:47
tenerexbazhang: my source list is corrupted!10:47
bazhang!hardy | erle-10:47
ubotuerle-: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:47
soroushhi, i'm trying to let my sb in my network use my shared folders but he can't ping me however smb://myip works10:48
IndyGunFreak!sourceomatic | tenerex10:48
ubotutenerex: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.10:48
soroushhow should i shutdown my firewall10:48
bazhangtenerex: could you pastebin it?10:48
revsanbazhang, it tries to get network ip address but fails. dhcpcd exits with timeout.10:48
erle-bazhang, i know that, i have gutsy running and compiled a vanilla kernel10:48
Mabloarit is simple, I was on 6.10 and sound worked well, on 7.04 i lost any sound. Tryed to update, tryed also to follow suggestions found in th10:48
IndyGunFreaki can't believe source-o-matic is gone.....10:48
Mabloare doc but still nothing10:48
tenerexbazhang: can i post it hear10:48
* IndyGunFreak remembers the day when source-o-matic saved his Edgy install.. :(10:48
Mabloarso i cry "help" :)10:48
bazhang!paste | tenerex dont post it in channel10:49
ubotutenerex dont post it in channel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:49
soroushi want to shutdown my firewall10:49
habdelhi there, I can't login to gnome anymore !! and I am not able to trace the error using .xsession-errors10:49
estethWhen I first log on, i allways run 2 commands. One command requires sudo, the other must be done after the first. How would i get these commands to start automatically?10:49
proxzcompwiz18: hmm, the repos you find on winehq.com (for ubuntu) ?10:49
tenerexok! thanks10:49
peanutwithchocoldoes anybody know where to download ''the ubuntu book'' freely??10:50
bazhangcopyrighted version peanutwithchocol?10:50
compwiz18proxz: yeah (i'm on amd64 so something may be different though)10:50
IndyGunFreak!illegal | peanutwithchocol thats pretty clear10:50
ubotupeanutwithchocol thats pretty clear: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:50
Ispep1977hi, Im completely new to linux and ubuntu, but wonder if someone can help me with 2 problems. 1st. I cant get keyboard to type the "at" i only get ² and 2nd, cant get a graphix driver for my 8800gtx card to work.. Anyone that can help me?10:50
nathan__irc.lug.org.uk #klug10:50
proxzcompwiz18: hmmm ok10:51
estethIspep1977: It's not officially supported, and i know "works for me" isn't justification, but an easy way to get the graphics drivers is "envy"10:51
compwiz18proxz: you did reload (sudo apt-get update) after you added the sources, right?10:51
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:52
Ispep1977ok, esteth, so i should just search for "linux driver envy" or something?10:52
revsanbazhang, it tries to get network ip address but fails. dhcpcd exits with timeout.10:52
bazhangesteth: please dont recommend that in channel10:52
pr0-g33kim off, got some php coding to do :-) cyas10:52
compwiz18Ispep1977: did you try the restricted manager yet?10:52
estethbazhang: Sorry, i'll correct my mistake :(10:52
Al2O3_I installed 7.10 Ubuntu on a mac mini (using rEFi, and have OS X 10.4.11 and 10.5.1 on the HD as well in their own partitions).  Boots fine.  Have no 1024x768 resolution available as an option to set in Screen Resolution Preferences.  Anyone know why this is?10:52
Ispep1977have no idea what that is, compwiz1810:52
travisatthe restricted manager works good for a 8800gts10:52
peanutwithchocolubotu, bazhang, IndyGunFreak: ABSOLUTLY NOT ILLEGAL: there are some online books of ubuntu which are freely (in two senses) (maybe when i said ''the ubuntu book'' you thought the same ''ubuntu book'' of text version???)10:52
compwiz18Ispep1977: go to System -> Administration and click on Restricted Drivers10:52
Ispep1977ok i check it out10:52
proxzcompwiz18: yeah i did, followed a guide on ubuntu docs page as well, but i need to afk a while now (my daughter needs some food and attention :P )  be back little later10:53
estethIspep1977: Sorry. I was unaware the channel did not reccomend it. Please don't use envy. Instead go to System -> Admin -> Restricted Drivers10:53
revsanbazhang, any ways to get it up?10:53
IndyGunFreakpeanutwithchocol: then you should have no problem finding them via google.10:53
compwiz18Ispep1977: there you should see an nvidia card listed, and check the little box, reboot, and have fun10:53
Al2O3_I have 1024x768 on other operating systems on this hardware no problem.10:53
bazhangpeanutwithchocol: thus my question of copyrighted, to which you never answered10:53
john_marckCan anyone help me out with configuring a modem in 7.10?10:53
Ispep1977oh something is happening, comwiz1810:53
compwiz18Ispep1977: what is happening?10:53
IndyGunFreak!anyone | john_marck10:53
ubotujohn_marck: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:53
travisatIspep1977: if you compiled your own kernel, the blob from nividia is the easiest way10:53
Ispep1977Compwiz18 some package download10:54
peanutwithchocolIndyGunFreak: I found it months ago but i lost the link :P10:54
compwiz18Ispep1977: yep, they'll download and install, then you'll be prompted to reboot10:54
bazhangrevsan: you want to connect wirelessly and wired with the same computer at the same time? is this the same computer that has problems with ethernet now that you are using wireless with?10:54
Ispep1977ok need to restart the comp it say10:54
compwiz18Ispep1977: yep, you will10:54
JakooHello I need to know what's the command to remove a folder from usr10:54
revsanbazhang, no it is a wired connection.10:55
Cromagrm -r /usr/foldername10:55
john_marckI'm using a hp 6720 that has red flag linux support but the modem doesn't show up in lspci ( ithink)10:55
compwiz18Jakoo: be careful deleting stuff in /usr : sudo rm /usr/name-of-folder10:55
Jakoothank you10:55
simion314i have 2 ubuntu computers, i set up the 1st one to share the internet with iptables and masquereding and it works if on the 2nd computer i am running ubuntu, but is not working if i run windows xp, i set up the ip to the same static ip like in ubuntu and same gateway. Pleae help i have to make a project and i need windows and internet10:55
compwiz18Jakoo: sorry, rm -r /usr/name-of-folder10:55
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?10:55
revsanbazhang, i am having problems with the wired connection.. if i connect the same line to a machine running debian it is able to get the address..10:55
Jakooyes i have copied it into it its a theme for cairo clock10:55
bazhangrevsan: this is a different computer?10:55
Ispep1977compwiz18; can you help me to get my keyboard to work as well? i have problem with the ² ( at as in blablabla(at)gmail.com f.example10:56
compwiz18simion314: did you get the netmask right?10:56
compwiz18Ispep1977: sure, check10:56
compwiz18!keyboard | Ispep197710:56
ubotuIspep1977: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:56
revsanbazhang, yes.. this is the machine where i am having problems connecting... i am connected now usinga dialup.10:56
compwiz18Ispep1977: your nvidia driver works I take it?10:56
compwiz18after reboot?10:56
Mabloaranyone knows how to set an soundcard FM801 to work under 7.10 ?10:57
Ispep1977havent restarted yet, compwiz1810:57
bazhangrevsan:  that is very odd10:57
Al2O3_ok, is there a way to set manually (not using the popup list) the screen resolution?10:57
simion314compwiz18: yes, is something on windows, i must set up something else? i set up the ip10:57
revsanrevsan, dhcpcd daemon exits with a timeout..10:57
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg Al2O3_10:57
revsanbazhang, yes... although i can see the ethernet card its not able to get a ip.10:58
Ispep1977@@@ woho.. tnx :D now they work.. i had italian layout for some reason... ( im from norway ) hehe10:58
compwiz18simion314: when you set up the IP on Windows, it should have asked you for the netmask, as well as DNS server IP addresses.  Make sure you filled them in correctly10:58
Al2O3_bazhang: thank you10:58
bazhangno worries10:58
compwiz18Ispep1977: great :)10:58
Ispep1977ill restart and test the nvidia driver now, compwiz1810:58
compwiz18Ispep1977: ok, if you have any trouble, come back here :)10:58
compwiz18!caps | soroush10:58
ubotusoroush: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:58
compwiz18soroush: Ubuntu doesn't have a firewall that blocks pings by default10:59
d0gmazwhats a good binary usenet leecher with nzb support for gnome?10:59
simion314compwiz18: i why should i place a DNS server if i have static IP, is not enoght the gateway?10:59
bazhanginstall firestarter and edit iptables soroush10:59
* syc_ mohon pamid11:00
soroushcompwiz18, thanks and sorry but others in my network can't ping me11:00
bazhangrevsan: no idea how to proceed here--this is beyond anything I have seen before :{11:00
travisatsimion314: a dns server allows for you to go to web pages like www.google.com insted of
soroushbazhang, thanks. i try11:00
travisatsimion314: it links the wep pages names to its actual ip address or addresses11:00
compwiz18simion314: you have to enter the dns server IPs, otherwise your ocmputer will not allow you to use domain names to access websites11:00
bazhangpeanutwithchocol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49378011:01
soroushbazhang, firestarter isn't available in synaptic11:01
compwiz18soroush: you have all the network settings such as netmask, ip, etc correct?11:01
bazhangsoroush: do you have the repos enabled?11:02
Jakoothank you compwiz....done11:02
simion314compwiz18: ok thx, in ubuntu i do not remember setting up the dns server, so i do not set one in windows thx11:02
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb11:02
Al2O3_bazhang: and then do I need to restart the xserver/windowserver?11:02
compwiz18simion314: you got it working?11:02
Al2O3_btw, nice simple interface to hardware configuration specification :)11:02
simion314compwiz18 i am in ubuntu now11:02
Jakoorm= remove i suppose11:02
compwiz18simion314: I don't know why you wouldn't have to set one in Ubuntu... it should work the same way11:02
revsanbazhang, any idea why dhcp times out?11:03
bazhangdid you save the settings you wanted Al2O3_? I believe a logout/log in is in order11:03
Gamekilleri just asked this in the server channel but dose the ubuntu community have a harding guide to ubuntu as dose my old distro i was on11:03
Al2O3_ok, trying that now.11:03
Al2O3_actually, restarting by accident :)11:03
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: did it install ok?11:03
compwiz18Jakoo: correct, and -r removes recursively11:03
Al2O3_nice to have 10.4, 10.5 and Ubuntu all on one machine.11:04
soroushbazhang, ifconfig says my ip is and i'm in a wireless network so my friends expect to see me. I have files pinged and samba is configured well so worked before and ifcoonfig says :      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
soroushcompwiz, what do you think of this11:04
simion314compwiz18 maube it was set previously and it worked, i have problems fith nfs too, i can't share files, the 1'st computer do not see itself in places->network, i had share files in unix and in windows mode, i prefer using unix NFS and install nfs on windows insted of samba11:05
peanutwithchocolbazhang: thank you very much11:05
Al2O3_very very slick, 7.10 is a nice easy experience for sure.11:05
soroushI can ping my friend and it's interesting his ip begins with 8111:05
bazhangno worries11:05
Al2O3_and this channel is packed full of goodness, people and immediate answers.11:05
jqksoroush: That's WAN IP, and certainly not LAN ip.11:05
Al2O3_bazhang: you deserve bonus bucks for your efforts.11:05
soroushjqk, how can i find my lan ip?11:06
* Al2O3_ sends bazhang some money.11:06
bazhang0+0=0 :}11:06
Al2O3_if you have pp account, I will send you 5 bucks for your time, you just saved me a lot of money and hassle :)11:06
jqksoroush: LAN ip or WAN ip?11:06
compwiz18simion314: as jqk says, your ip should probably start with 192.168, 172., or 10. if you're on a lan (somebody correct me if i'm wrong there)11:06
IndyGunFreakAl2O3_: not always immediate.11:06
soroushjqk, wan ip11:07
jqksoroush: www.whatismyip.com11:07
Al2O3_IndyGunFreak: well, felt immediate here for my dumb arse question.11:07
revsanbazhang, is there no way i can fix this?11:07
IndyGunFreakAl2O3_: lol11:07
IndyGunFreakworks out like that sometimes11:07
soroushjqk, thanks11:07
Badger-DebHm, how do you quit X?11:07
GamekillerAl2O3_:  i used a lot of distros and 7.10 so fare is the easyest as this comes from old school gentoo supporter no ubuntu11:07
compwiz18jqk: if your on a wan, then your netmask shouldn't be, I'm thinking, jqk?11:07
bazhangrevsan: I'm not a networking guru--that ethernet should just connect and it works in debian as you say--so (and this is via network manager or cli) not sure what to do here11:07
jqkcompwiz18: Your correct, but not the whole 172, and 10 range.11:08
simion314compwiz18: my ip are 192.168.0...11:08
bazhangrevsan: no, not saying that, just have to figure it out--would be easier with the computer in front of me haha11:08
Al2O3_Gamekiller: took me with some reading online about 20 mins to get Ubuntu dl'ed, burned and my machine installed with rEFIn for macosx, and installed and here :)  Can't beat that, and about 3 mnis to get the resolution thing fixed.11:08
Al2O3_I'm happy.  Distros until now, for me have always been a huge headache.11:08
Al2O3_started with RH 5 or something like that years ago in 199911:08
Al2O3_gave up and went beos and then os x.  Now I need to dev and test software in GNUstep, decided to use ubuntu, and so here we are :)11:09
soroushjqk, that ip isn't my ip in network. it is
Badger-DebCould anyone tell me how to quit X?11:09
jqkcompwiz18: Your correct, but not the whole 172, range. .. 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x to be specific.11:09
Gamekillergentoo would take me 4 days to get a working gui and 48 hours for working os11:09
soroushjqk, iwant my ip in the local wireless network11:09
jqkBadger-Deb: /etc/init.d/gdm stop , iirc.11:09
bazhangBadger-Deb: you want the command line of just restart x11:10
Al2O3_Gamekiller: yah, I don't have that kind of time to kill any more.11:10
bazhangor *11:10
simion314compwiz18: i read a good how to install all nfs components and edit all configuration , when i am tring to mount a file from 1 to 2 i get a time out error and when i try to mount from 2 to 1 i get a connection denied error, as i said the computer no 1 do not sees itself in the network11:10
Al2O3_I remember out of box RH 5 took me days to get working.11:10
jqksoroush: you said wan ip, heh >> [15:07:18] <soroush> jqk, wan ip11:10
Gamekillersame here11:10
soroushjqk, is a valid ip so you might can see it. it is http://che.sharif.edu11:10
Gamekilleryup remeber11:10
Badger-Debbazhang, need me some bash, to install an nvidia driver11:10
soroushjqk, oh. sorry. so how can i find my lan ip11:10
soroushi took it wrong11:10
Al2O3_very slick, pleased with what I see.  Updating now, two click experience, 185 packages on startup :)11:10
Gamekilleri had a 6.0 box as my ip masqurade bose for my DSL when it firest beta release out in cali11:11
bazhangBadger-Deb: wget or from the repos?11:11
GamekillerRH 611:11
jqksimion314: your ip can be 192.168.0, 192.168.1, 192.168.2 etc, depending on what router you got.11:11
bazhangall these ip addresses have my head spinning11:11
Badger-Debbazhang, I got it from their website11:11
simion314jqk i have 2 networck cards on computer number 111:12
bazhangBadger-Deb: you seen the nvidia link on how to do it?11:12
Badger-Debbazhang, I've looked at their readme, but it just says "quit X and do it"11:12
jqksimion314: you can fill up your PCI slot with network card, if you want :) .11:13
bazhang!nvidia | Badger-Deb also ubuntuforums has something on this--I'm not really knowledgeable about video cards11:13
ubotuBadger-Deb also ubuntuforums has something on this--I'm not really knowledgeable about video cards: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:13
bullgard4What is the reason that on one of my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computers runs hald while on the other not?11:14
Badger-Debthanks bazhang11:14
jqkbullgard4: hald?11:14
bullgard4jqk: yes.11:15
simion314jqk yes and it works, but i can share files betwen computers, i can share internet and ping but in my computer no 2 it sees itself on network and computer 1 do not see itself on network, i belive i can solve this if i find out why computer no 1 do not sees itself on places->networck11:15
jqkbullgard4: what is hald?11:15
HardDiskhardware layer11:15
bullgard4jqk: hardware abstraction layer demon11:15
bazhangBadger-Deb: also ars-geek has how to do it from the repos if you wish: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=331111:16
jqkdaemon *11:16
jqksimion314:  is the NIC card supported, linux-compatible?11:16
IndyGunFreakDreamLinux is the best looking Xfce Desktop i've ever seen11:17
HardDiskwait for mint's edition :)11:17
HardDiskthey're doing xfce as well11:17
simion314jqk: yes, i do not install the driver myself, it worked ok,11:17
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: thats probably true, they usually do retty good on the GUI thing.11:18
HardDiskI've applied to be in their development team11:18
bazhang /dreamlinux/xubuntu  IndyGunFreak :}11:18
IndyGunFreakbazhang: dream.. its nice..  by the way, it uses Etch repos.11:18
bazhangnice to know thanks IndyGunFreak11:18
HardDiskand don't get confused since mint is going to eventually be chartered away from ubuntu since they are doing a debian edition as well11:19
IndyGunFreaki had to try it when you said it wasn't based on breezy anymore..lol, i might stick it on som eold equipment i have.11:19
HardDiskthe only thing common will be the shared repo's eventually.11:19
jqkWhat package manager does dreamlinux use?11:19
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: almost how it is now.11:19
bazhangapt jqk11:20
jqkGotta try it ::)11:20
bazhangbut again waaaay offtopic11:20
jqkIt's even got the Mac-like-dock ::)11:20
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: did you get installed ok, or is it still installing?11:20
HardDisksince it's based off debian, dreamlinux will use apt.11:20
HardDiskcause yum with .deb isn't going to happen :)11:20
HardDiskjqk, you can do that yourself with awn.11:21
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: and it shouldn't hapen...lol11:21
smidgeyyyhey indy.. its installed now mate..11:21
smidgeyyylooks tops11:21
jqkLet me rephrase that .. by default, iirc.11:21
HardDiskbbiab boiling some spaghetti11:21
bazhangsupport questions? #ubuntu ; all the rest: #ubuntu-offtopic :}11:21
jqkor not11:21
smidgeyyythough my gfx card is not recognised. sound or anything else11:21
KodgeHeya guys, whats the terminal command I need so I can get into the visual effects options in ubuntu 7.10?11:21
HardDiskjqk, why by default? not everyone wants a mac looking OS11:21
IndyGunFreakyum isn't worthy to carry ubuntu's jockstrap11:21
bazhangKodge: you need to install ccsm11:22
jqkHardDisk:  ayup, just saying it.11:22
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: ok, well, 1 thing at a time, you said this is an older PC, so it should be fairly easy to setup.11:22
KodgeBazhang: Whats that then?11:22
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: what kind of video?11:22
smidgeyyynvidia quador 135 nvs11:22
smidgeyyyi have a dell d63011:23
smidgeyyywouldnt say its old11:23
bazhangKodge: once you have compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) installed then alt-f2 compiz --replace assuming your card is properly enabled11:23
smidgeyyylaptop that is11:23
bazhangback in a moment..11:23
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: are you sure the video device isn't set up?... go to System/Admin/Restricted Drivers11:23
smidgeyyynvida accelerate graphics driver (latest cards) not in use11:24
IndyGunFreaksmidgeyyy: is there a box there to check?11:25
smidgeyyyyep checked it11:25
smidgeyyynvidia-glx-new is not enabled11:25
=== Everget3 is now known as Everegete
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | smidgeyyy looka t the bottom where it talks about installing the driver for the Quadro cards.11:27
ubotusmidgeyyy looka t the bottom where it talks about installing the driver for the Quadro cards.: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:27
=== ubuntu is now known as socother
IndyGunFreakwell wait, that tells you to use restricted driver mgr. also11:28
smidgeyyy ok thanks guys will have a read11:28
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:28
bazhangno more easysource iirc11:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:29
IndyGunFreakoh nooozzzzz!11:29
bullgard4What is the reason that on one of my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computers runs hald while on the other not?11:29
IndyGunFreaki'm gonna miss easysource11:29
bazhangsame here11:30
bazhangcbc1014: what do you wish to ask?11:30
elmargolCan you reccomend me a nntp client? I only know pan and thunderbird11:31
bazhang!enter | cbc101411:31
ubotucbc1014: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:31
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ /usr/bin/lshal > ~/tmp/lshal.out" prints a line "Dumping 92 device(s) from the Global Device List:" What program compiles the 'Global Device List'?11:32
IndyGunFreakcbc1014: common sense should have told you nobody could follow that11:32
* IndyGunFreak remembers that common sense isn't to common11:32
=== Everegete is now known as Evergete
cafuegoIndyGunFreak: Neither is sense, for that matter.11:35
IndyGunFreaklol, very good point.11:35
bazhangcbc1014: please all on one line11:36
yassincbc1014: spam?11:36
bazhangthis is annoying11:36
IndyGunFreakthis may help everyone, "/ignore cbc1014"11:36
yassin [13:37] Ignoring ALL from cbc101411:37
gvsa123what are the minimum requirements to try out compiz?11:37
yassinanyone know graphic torrent client for ubuntu11:37
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
IndyGunFreakgvsa123: a lot of patience..lol11:37
yassinexcluding azerus11:38
bazhangtransmission ktorrent azureus deluge yassin11:38
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: using /ignore helps you not to be annoyes by that user but at the same time may actualy be harmful to the channel as you wont be able to notify the ops if some issu is going on11:38
* IndyGunFreak likes ktorrent11:38
yassinI'll check transmission and deluge out11:38
rskgvsa123: a gpu that can run it.11:38
gvsa123IndyGunFreak: lol... i mean in terms of hardware11:38
rskgvsa123: ram and cpu isnt so much needed11:38
gvsa123rsk: gpu? you mean cpu?11:38
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: well, if he's annoying everyone else, then i won't have any need to call ops...11:38
rskgvsa123: no i mean gpu11:38
IndyGunFreakthey will.11:38
rskgvsa123: graphics proccesing unit11:39
gvsa123rsk: graphics11:39
rskgvsa123: what?11:39
yassinbazhang: have you used deluge, it seems nice11:39
gvsa123rsk: so what are the minimum gpu requirements to run the effects?11:40
bazhangyassin: yes! it is11:40
bazhanggvsa123: what card do you have11:40
borisgvsa123, you should be able to run them im you got ATI Radeon 9550 or newer11:40
rskgvsa123: nvidia or ati is fine also some intel inbuilt can run it11:40
boristhat was my experience11:40
yassinbazhang: I've been using rtorrent, but I think I'll switch to deluge. Looks pretty much like utorrent11:40
bazhangyassin: it is very nice11:41
borisgvsa123, what video card you got ?11:41
gvsa123i know it won't work with this machine... i have a compaq presario 2720us where i'd like to try it out... i believe it's an ati radeon with some m8 something chipset11:41
gvsa123and i believe it has 8MB of video memory11:42
borisgvsa123, what ati radeon ?11:42
borisi think it CAN run it11:42
borisi might be wrong11:42
borisbut you probably wont be able to use blur effect11:42
gvsa123wait i'll get it... it's still on xp though...11:42
bazhanggvsa123: that should do--I had a compaq presario 1000 series that could dot it with an ancient ati card--bit laggy though11:42
Brunersim trying to start /usr/sbin/g15daemon with sessions but it wont start, anyone that have anything i could try to get it to work?11:42
SonoSuUbuntuHi, excuse me, where I can speak italian about ubuntu?11:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:43
SonoSuUbuntuThank uboto!11:43
gvsa123i'll just wait for it to boot... i'm thinking of putting the coming LTS on it11:44
=== al is now known as socother
felixflorescan someone help me change the permission on an external hd i mounted on my box11:45
felixfloresi did sudo chgrp roommates External2/11:45
felixfloresbut when i ls -l11:45
felixfloresdrwxr-x---  6 root  root      32768 2008-01-26 06:23 External211:46
simion314i want to refresh my gnome desktop, i must, how can i make this safely, to return to the standard configurations, eventualy reinstall all gnome packages?11:46
felixfloresand i want it to be roommates11:46
benzenhi i m doing test for show irc to my class11:47
benzenis some one can say something to me11:47
simion314jqd: i put on my ubuntu the dns ip of the server and it do not work, a good ip was, strane? i was lucky i found this ip on the no 1 computer11:47
benzenwith my name11:47
bazhanghi benzen A+11:47
gvsa123ok it dxdiag on xp says the device is a mobility radeon ati technologies internal dac (350mhz) is that right?11:47
gvsa123chip type M6 (LY)11:48
benzenA+ will be my mark??11:48
ere4si!hi | Benzen11:48
ubotuBenzen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:48
bazhangbenzen: we can hope :]11:48
benzenlool see ya11:48
bazhangbye benzen11:48
gvsa123did i give the right information?11:49
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!11:49
felixfloresanyone have any idea what im doing wrong?11:49
simion314if i delete all in .gnome in my home?11:49
bazhanggvsa123: well the real test is to try the livecd and see if any of it will work--even the basic stuff11:50
bazhangstop it cbc101411:50
gvsa123bazhang: oh i can try off the live cd?11:50
bazhanggvsa123: very basic stuff yes11:50
gvsa123bazhang: the one's that come with the default installation right? like wobbly windows?11:51
simion314if i delete all in .gnome in my home? i can crash it? haha let see11:51
sedenionbonjour les ubuntiens11:51
bazhanggvsa123: correct! :}11:51
sedenionwrong place...11:51
gvsa123bazhang: i see... thanks... i'll try that... :)11:52
simion314what is the delete comand in terminal , rm?11:52
sedenionciao all11:52
socotherhi all. I have just changed my monitor settings and clicked on 'apply' but nothing changed. can I get these new settings to work without restarting linux?11:52
bazhangceci ne pas #ubuntu-fr :}11:52
simion314socother> ctrl+alt+backspace log out11:53
bazhangsocother: was there an administrator mode or something similar? that asked for your password?11:53
Zodiac`anyone know why I have sound delay when using SDL? (forced wolfenstein to use it due to problems)11:54
simion314what is trackerd? the indexer?11:55
james85hi guys i have a problem with unison who can help me?11:55
simion314can i stop it? trackerd?11:55
Amber-Willowhi all, i need some help with my printer if anyone can spare me a moment?11:57
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519035&page=2 there is a thread on that here simion31411:57
shishioguys can it be possible to install the linux driver for your graphic card that supports 3d acceleration?11:58
erUSULshishio: which graphic card?11:58
Amber-Willowit keeps printing on letter, but i got A4 paper only11:58
shishioam running ubuntu 7.10 and using Nvidia geforce 550011:59
Amber-Willowalready went into the cups configuration and set it there, and now some documents go right, but most is still trying to print letter11:59
spydondoes this one work? ftp://spydon.is-a-geek.net11:59
shishioeRUSUL am running ubuntu 7.10 and using Nvidia geforce 550011:59
bazhangAmber-Willow: printing from open office?11:59
erUSUL!nvidia | shishio11:59
ubotushishio: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
felixfloreshow come when i do chmod g=rwx External2/ on my external harddrive i mounted it still comes out drwxr-x---  6 root  root      32768 2008-01-26 06:23 External211:59
erUSULfelixflores: becouse chmod mount points has not effect on the mounted filesystem afaik12:00
erUSULfelixflores: you have to mount the fs with the apropiate guid uid etc options to let you access the files12:01
byte_slavehello everyone12:01
erUSUL!ntfs | felixflores12:01
ubotufelixflores: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE12:01
shishioeRUSUL, im using nvidia12:01
felixfloresawesome thanks ubotu erUSUL12:01
felixfloresoh wait ubotu i dont have a gui its just shell12:02
felixfloresso i really cant use this12:02
Amber-Willowno, from firefox bazhang12:02
Amber-Willowweird thing is, when i do print page it works, but there's an inpage print button that doesnt12:02
byte_slavei'm trying to add a hardisk from my freebsd server to my new ubuntu server machine and i tried mount it as "sudo mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=5xbsd /dev/hdc /mnt/mx160/" but dmesg | tail  tells me "ufs_read_super: bad magic number"12:02
felixfloresubotu can i?12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about can i? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:03
byte_slaveany ideas what's going pn?12:03
Amber-Willowis there another print system in ubuntu besides cups?12:03
versushi, I want to update my kernel with apt-get from 2.6.22 to 2.6.24  is that possible?12:03
shishioguys is it possible to install a graphic card driver to suppord 3d acceleration??12:03
Xemanthis it possible to make X start earlier in boot sequence like before usb initialization?12:03
bazhangversus: what for?12:03
versuswhat commands do i need?12:03
ere4sifelixflores, try sudo chown -v you:roommates /path/to /file12:03
Xemanthif it wouldn't be last i could get to the desktop faster12:04
socotherbyte_slave: I'm a newbie myself but I think I can help you to mount that hd12:04
bazhangshishio: did you not read that nvidia link?12:04
felixfloresere4si i did that but thats not the problem i dont think12:04
socotherbyte_slave: are you running kde?12:05
shishiobazhang, someone recomends me to update my driver12:05
erUSULshishio: i already give you the web page where you can find intructions on how to install the driver12:05
Zodiac`anyone know why I have sound delay when using SDL? (forced wolfenstein to use it due to problems)12:05
byte_slavei'm using the standart ubuntu server gutsy instalation with command line support only12:05
shishioeRUSUL, i got DC=( i didnt get it... can u please do it again??12:05
bazhangshishio: that is the recommended way--do it another way and then it is not supported here12:05
shishiothey say if i can update my graphic card driver using my ubuntu12:06
ere4sifelixflores, where is it mounted - which file pls?12:06
socotherbyte_slave: then I can't help you. sorry12:06
bazhangshishio: using what method?12:06
Kirili have removed the whole panel that is on top (the one with applications, places and system) - can i brig it back , or how to create it again?12:07
byte_slavekde will make behind the commands i need to know12:07
shishiobazhang,method? i have no idea... my graphic driver is at restricted driver12:07
shishiobazhang i have no idea how to update or re install it12:07
IdleOneKiril: right click on the bottom panel12:07
byte_slavehow would u do, via kde?12:07
erUSUL!nvidia > shishio12:08
felixfloresi mounted it to /home/pinoy/External2 ere4si12:08
shishio(!nvidia > shishio) i have no idea what u meant12:08
IdleOne!nvidia | shishio12:08
ubotushishio: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about burncd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:08
bazhangread the private message from the bot shishio12:09
KirilIdleOne: this way it adds things in the bottom panel - how i can create one more (to replace the one i had removed)12:09
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:09
felixfloresand i did mount -t vfat  /dev/sdc1 /External212:09
ere4sithen try - sudo chowm  -vR pinoy:roommates /home/pinoy/External2 felixflores12:09
IdleOneshishio: follopw this link ( click on it ) and read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:09
daxrocAny one using wacom with xgl enabled successfully ?12:09
shishiook ok thanks12:09
KirildleOne: ups - sorry - didnt see the option for new panel12:09
IdleOneKiril: right click on the bottom panel and click NEW PANEL12:09
Kirilthank you IdleOne12:09
pteague_workok, i don't need to convert isos... i have a CD & want to make an iso from it...  what's a good program?12:10
VaranIs it posible to stream video or audio from a linux pc to a xbox 360? .. Some sort of app that simulates windows media player.12:10
shishioIdleOne, i have already have restricted driver installed.... i wonder if i can update it12:10
bazhangright click open with cd/dvd creator pteague_work12:10
IdleOneshishio: if you do not read all the info on the page you wont fibd out12:11
bazhangVaran: heard of doing it from a ps3--likely ubuntuforums will have something on that12:11
IdleOneto early /me goes back to bed12:12
shishioIdleOne, i read all dude... they point me to the restricted driver manager... its already installed... I just wanna update it12:12
felixfloresere4si im just trying to make drwxr-x---  6 root  root      32768 2008-01-26 06:23 External212:12
felixflores drwxrwx---  6 root  root      32768 2008-01-26 06:23 External212:12
rskVaran: what do you mean by emualte windows media player ?12:12
bazhangshishio: when there is an update for that--then it will show it12:12
daxrocVaran: It is but the format (codec) needs to be xbox friendly ,( upnp media server12:13
_moro_bana_rsk: maybe install on wine i guess12:13
shishiobazhang: show? how?12:13
Varanrsk: well xbox 360 only accepts pcs with windows media player on it. So if it thinks my ubuntu runs a windows media player that would be cool12:13
pteague_workbazhang> doesn't seem to be on the right click menu...  or are you saying right click on the iso?  i have a CD & i'm trying to make an iso so i can reburn it12:13
Varandaxroc: well they support xvid now so12:13
bazhangshishio: when there is need for the update then update notifier or some such will let you know12:13
shishio(Confused! sry)12:13
ere4sifelixflores, I thought you  wanted group - roommates - to have full access to the drive?12:13
daxrocVaran: really ?12:14
Varandaxroc: I have run something from a usb stick so it does work12:14
Varandaxroc: yes update ... couple of weeks ago12:14
shishiobazhang, the update notifier also alows updates from restricted drivers?12:14
bazhangpteague_work: aha I see what you mean--you want to copy that cd and burn a new one12:14
bazhangshishio: yes12:14
daxrocVaran: Nice , havent played in a while will check it out. What you need is a upnp media server. there is a commercial one out called twonky. And an opensource one not sure of the name12:15
pteague_workbazhang> yes, was thinking of using dd, but i've had odd results with that12:15
shishioive been using this Operating system for a while, i havent seen any updates from my graphic driver.12:15
bazhangpteague_work: I use k3b, so this may not apply for you; there is an option to copy the cd iirc12:16
Varandaxroc: Ill check it out thanks... Doesn't MS use some protocol of there own? to communicate between xbox and windows media player?12:16
patrik77y a qq qui parle francais12:16
bazhangshishio: why the need to update?12:16
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:16
silfeedmoi patrik7712:16
kristjan_hey is it possible that ubuntu does not have /etc/resolv.conf file?12:16
pteague_workbazhang> that'll probably work... nero is the same way, but it makes *.nrg files... dang proprietary crap12:16
shishiobazhang: i was recomended to have an graphic update due to some bugs at my wine...12:17
shishiobazhang: games12:17
Varandaxroc: Found this: http://ushare.geexbox.org/ Seems to be opensource12:17
cyberjameshello. how to do in xen which domU with redhat over a debian based dom0? Is it possible? Thanks!12:17
bazhangshishio: I only know the recommended ways--there are plenty of net tutorials on how to break err I mean update your drivers outside of recommended channels12:17
daxrocVaran: ushare was ok, not good for large collections last I tried12:18
VaranAh oke12:18
bazhangcyberjames: does ubuntu enter into this anywhere?12:18
ReD_NoSekra kero instalar o tolbao12:18
shishiobazhang, ok dude.... ^_^ thanks for the help... u know any ways how to make my 3d acceleration faster?12:18
cyberjamesbazhang: no idea12:18
ReD_NoSetem alguem12:18
ReD_NoSeq pod eme ajudar12:19
ReD_NoSesou brasileiro12:19
bazhangshishio: as I said--the net has several such links--I suggest you avail yourself of them12:19
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:19
zetherooI just installed the latest fglrx driver in Ubuntu Gutsy but it definitely is more sluggish with Compiz Effects than the older fglrx driver ..... is there a way to fix that?12:19
shishiobazhang, ty dude12:19
bazhangno worries12:19
ubotuJoin #ubuntu-ph for tagalog12:19
bazhangcyberjames: you mention redhat and debian--no mention of ubuntu--thus my question in this #ubuntu support channel :}12:20
cyberjamesbazhang: sorry, I forgot to change the word of the channel in my sentence :D12:20
daxrocVaran: try mediatomb12:21
Varandaxroc: oke12:21
bazhangzetheroo: you are likely to get a better answer in the compiz channel on that12:23
zetheroo: ok will try12:23
st_ironhello, I bought a Globetrotter Fusion PCMCIA card and a Vodafone (HUN) SIM card, installed the pcmcia-utils, pcmcia-cs packages, and configured the wvdial program and I get an error message12:24
st_ironWvDial<*1>: The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)12:24
=== Veterini is now known as Lylat
st_iron^ after a little google searching I found a page what said I had to comment out the serial modem line12:25
st_ironit's ubuntu 7.1012:25
st_ironcan anyone help in this case?12:25
bazhangst_iron: comment it out where12:26
st_ironin the default config and in my "globetrotter" config too12:26
st_ironmay I show you the config in pastebin?12:27
bazhangsure st_iron12:27
shishioanyone know how to tweak my xorg.conf?12:27
kristjan_shishio: depends what you want to do12:27
bazhangtweak? as in reconfigure? shishio12:27
shishiobazhang yes12:28
elmnascan someone help me to install my graphic card please? I have geforce 8800 ultra12:28
st_ironbazhang: here it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53549/12:28
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg shishio?12:28
shishiobazhang ty12:28
bazhangst_iron: looking now12:28
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me12:29
=== DFlame[Sleeps] is now known as DFlame
bazhangst_iron: that is something I am not familiar with; have you posted this to ubuntuforums?12:30
st_ironbazhang: no I didn't12:30
bazhangwang_: it is receiving a lease--what is the problem12:31
Seveasbazhang, it's not -- it's trying a recorded lease12:31
Seveaswang_, are you sure the dhcp server is listening?12:31
bazhangthanks Seveas!12:32
compwiz18but it still pings the server/gateway12:32
wang_what do u mean by that seveas?12:32
EnselicIs there a way for me at machine A to log into machine B over the internet, using a secure SSH:d VNC Server/Client, and the people at B should be able to see what I do?12:32
Seveaswang_, dhclient requests an IP address from a DHCP server. If that server is not working you see what you are seeing now12:32
Dr_willisEnselic,  they can run a vncviewer app on the local machine and watch/connect to the vncserver you run  - is one way.12:33
SeveasEnselic, kill your local vino-server, run ssh -L5900:localhost:5900 some.where.else.com and then run vncviewer localhost in another shell12:33
Dr_willisEnselic,  you can set up ssh tunnles to get to the thing encrypted with vnc.12:33
Dr_willislike Seveas  is saying. :)12:34
* Seveas uses vnc like that to check my home machines from work :)12:34
elmnascan some1 help me to fix my restriced drivers?12:34
Dr_willisvnc is like a Multi-Tool. so handy12:34
branstromHow can I get ext3 support on a Mac?12:34
Seveasbranstrom, ask in a mac support channel :)12:35
rskbranstrom: ask in #mac maybe ?12:35
Dr_willisgoogle for os-x  ext3 support ?12:35
Seveasrsk, I beleive it's #apple or ##apple :)12:35
EnselicSeveas: cool, and that will make the people at B be able to see what I do?12:35
branstromI figured more people here would know technical stuff than people in mac channels, but yeah12:35
compwiz18elmnas: more description would be helpful :)12:35
SeveasEnselic, if they're not blind :)12:35
EnselicSeveas: haha, nice disclaimer :)12:36
elmnasWhen I am trying to install my graphic card, I get a error message12:36
elmnas<elmnas> add/remove applications f?r visa restricted driver manager restricted drivers manager cannot be installed on your computer type (1386) either the application requries special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type12:36
elmnas<elmnas> I have linux ubuntu hardy hevon12:36
elmnasI have12:36
elmnasintel quad 212:36
elmnasgeforce 880012:36
Seveasgeforce 8800 isn't properly supported yet afaik12:36
bazhang!hardy | elmnas12:36
ubotuelmnas: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:36
Dr_willisHmm.. My 8800 works in Gutsy :)12:37
Dr_willisguess i got lucky.12:37
bardyrelmnas, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:37
SeveasDr_willis, no, my knowledge is apparently just obsolete :)12:37
bardyrSeanTater, i think hardy supports 880012:37
proxzcompwiz18: you still there? =)12:37
Dr_willisI think thers also some variants on the 8800 and some may have issues with some drivers.12:38
compwiz18proxz: yeah12:38
elmnasthanx bardyr12:38
proxzcompwiz18: could you be bothered to point me to where you found wine .54 ? (not source but debs)12:38
compwiz18proxz: sure, hang on12:38
proxzthanks D=12:39
MarcoZhi, how do i enable multiverse, universe and restricted from synaptic?12:40
=== fig0 is now known as Fig0^Geb_No_23
bazhangMarcoZ: go into synaptic see settings repositories and then click the first four iirc hit reload and then install what you wish12:41
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
erUSULMarcoZ: System>Admin>Software Sources12:42
wang_seveas ahh but its working, my other pc can log in12:42
wang_but its windows12:42
MarcoZOk, thank you bazhang and erUSUL12:42
wang_im new to linux12:42
wang_seveas still there?12:43
compwiz18proxz: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/12:44
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me12:44
proxzcompwiz18: thanks!  may i ask how you found that ?12:46
Varandaxroc: I cant seem to get my xbox to see mediatomb. Did you get this to work?12:46
d16174lDaemonI realize I may be told to go to another channel but I figured it couldn't hurt to try.  When trying to play games such as Warhammer 40K - Dark Crusade, I end up with a flickering cursor anytime I move it... Any suggestions12:46
daxrocVaran: No I havent tried it yet , dont have my xbox handy12:47
VaranHmm owke12:47
ikalis anyone experiencing problems with evolution?12:49
shishioi wonder what they meant by lag12:49
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me12:50
Bishop-Hello :)12:50
FloodBot2Yosusin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
bullgard4[Gutsy] Is the 'Documentation' folder originally contained in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/ or in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/?12:53
bullgard4What is the reason that on one of my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computers runs hald while on the other not?12:55
Seveasbullgard4, the other is broken? :)12:55
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me12:58
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me12:59
Seveaswang_, as I told you already, check whether the dhcp server is working properly and listening on the wlan interface. check its log to see if it ran out of addresses. And don't repeat12:59
wang_seveas it is13:00
wang_2 other pcs are workin under windows13:00
sander__how can i join the dutch ubuntu channel?13:00
Seveassander__, /join #ubuntu-nl13:00
sander__thank you13:00
wang_sevas what shall i do now?13:01
ardchoilleI have nvidia graphics driver running in Ubuntu 7.10. When I check "Normal" in Visual Effects, I lose my window borders. What's up?13:01
Seveaswang_, check the dhcp server logs to see whether it receives the incoming packets13:01
Dr_willisardchoille,   sounds like compiz is quitting but metacity is not running. hit alt-f2 and run 'metacity --replace'13:01
ardchoilleDr_willis: Well, selecting "none" fixes the problem13:02
wang_Seveas other question isn t the gateway ? cause there its
ardchoilleDr_willis: Oh, is that a compiz thing?13:02
Seveaswang_, gateway should be 192.168.something in your case13:02
Seveaswang_, is the subnet13:02
Dr_willisardchoille,  yes those settings select a default set of compiz features13:02
kFjhi. i just installed the ubuntu-server core, and linux-generic linux kernel.. is there a "howto" somewhere as what to install etc to build a desktopsystem from that?(dont want all the stuff that comes preinstalled with the regular install.. want a clean system)13:03
wang_Seveas sorry meant subnet13:03
ardchoilleDr_willis: ok, how do I get the proper apps running when I select "Normal"?13:04
wang_Seveas it doesn t seem like it doesn t recieve a package13:05
Dr_willisardchoille,  I never use those settings. I install the ccsm tool and tweak compiz myself. :)13:05
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:05
wang_Seveas i meant it doesnt seem like the dhcp recieves a letter13:05
ardchoilleDr_willis: Ahah, thanks13:06
Seveaswang_, then something in your network is stopping it :)13:06
Elmnascan some1 help me I cant come into my restriced drivers13:06
Elmnasit says13:06
Elmnasi Go to add/remove applications then I fil into the box restriced drivers manager, then it says "Restriced drivers manager cannot be installed on your computer type (1386) Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type13:06
wang_Seveas i m very new to ubuntu can u guide me thorugh ? i tryin to work this out for a week now13:07
SeveasElmnas, the restricted driver manager should be installed by default and located in system->administration in the menus13:07
Elmnasits not there13:07
Elmnasthat the reason I try to show it in ,  add/remove programs13:08
SeveasElmnas, which version of ubuntu are you using?13:08
Elmnaswhat the wrong?13:08
ElmnasI have Linux ubuntu hardy hevon13:08
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:08
bazhangElmnas: you are on hardy that is #ubuntu+1 as I said before13:08
Seveasyou should only be using hardy if you know what you're doing13:08
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me13:09
manemushaciao ragazzi13:10
sarthorhow to kill the ssh session ? if some 1 in my computer via ssh and now i want to kill his session? How??13:11
Seveassarthor, kill his shell13:11
sarthori can see this how to kill the ssh session ? if some 1 in my computer via ssh and now i want to kill his session? How??13:11
sarthori can see this ..."root     pts/0    :0               Mon 3pm  3days  0.18s  0.14s  ssh root "13:11
manemushaho un router d-link dsl g624t e azureus mi dice che sta maledetta porta e' chiusa13:12
Seveas!it | manemusha13:12
ubotumanemusha: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:12
micktmanybody know how to get working a microtek phantom 636 scanner on ubuntu?? (parallel port, microtek2 module of SANE)13:12
pawanemule for ubuntu13:12
micktmpawan: amule13:13
Seveassarthor, ps aux, search for something like dennis   23137  0.0  0.1   8232  1816 ?        R    11:31   0:00 sshd: dennis@pts/0,pts/2 and kill that process13:13
wang_Seveas if u re that smart u could help instead of kick13:13
jqkpawalls:  sudo apt-get install amule13:13
wang_Hi ... can anyone help me with my wlan problem? I already did like the guides told me, but if i want to start dhclient always this happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53484/ .. if u can help please pm me13:13
sarthorWang how to kick?13:13
micktmMicrotek Scanner on Ubuntu??13:14
pawanhow to install13:14
pasqualethere is an italian channel for ubuntu support??13:14
Seveaspawan, sudo apt-get install amule13:14
bazhangsudo apt-get install amule13:14
micktmpasquale: ubuntu-it13:14
micktmpasquale: si dice grazie!13:15
Seveasmicktm, plug it in, try scanning with the gimp. If that doesn't work, use google or hope for a better answer in here :)13:15
sarthorSeveas> i found this "root      2021  0.0  0.3  2788 1644 pts/0    S    Jan21   0:00 ssh root 192.168.13:15
sarthor" Now how to kill??13:15
Seveassarthor, that's not it13:15
kyle__Hi is there a program that does everything nero 7 does in one package including nero vision encoding for avis to burn to disc? i've tried devede but everytime i encode something i get scanlines and screeching sound across the video :(13:15
Seveaskyle__, k3b perhaps?13:15
micktmSeveas: already done... on google i found that sane supports my scanner with microtek2 module... but it doesn't explain how to get it working!13:15
pasqualevabbè stiamo su un canale internazionale (credo)13:16
pasqualesono 2 giorni che ho messo ubuntu13:16
Seveas!it | pasquale13:16
ubotupasquale: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:16
kyle__Seveas does that encode videos to be burnt onto disc to be able to play on dvds?13:16
sarthorSeveas> is it ?? "root     27731  0.0  0.3  3400 1888 ?        S    05:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd"13:16
Seveaskyle__, I really have no clue, I never burn CD's -- but people keep saying k3b is the best CD burning thing since sliced bread13:16
micktmpasquale: non preoccuparti! vai su  #ubuntu-it, è in italiano13:16
kyle__ahh k i'll give it a go cheers :)13:17
sarthorcdrecord is also the best.13:17
bazhangkyle__: it has those options--how well they work depends on several factors13:17
sarthorit work in text mode13:17
Seveassarthor, nope, you're looking for "sshd: dennis@pts/0,pts/2" (of course not with dennis as name)13:17
kyle__i mainly want it for just converting and burning videos to dvds :o13:18
bazhanggive it a shot kyle__13:19
kyle__k playing with it now =]13:20
bazhangbetter than sliced bread--by far :}13:20
Bizzehwhy does ubuntu come with the broken ati driver for radeon cards? rather than the fglrx driver?13:20
Bizzehnot one ati card i have ever used, works with the ati driver13:21
SeveasBizzeh, because the fglrx driver is non-free13:21
ere4sikyle__, mencoder can reencode torrents for dvd players13:21
Seveashi lynch_300113:22
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lynch_3001hey does any one know a good irc program to use on ubuntu server?13:22
BizzehSeveas: does it cost anything? no... its free...13:22
idefixhi, I updated ubuntu but now I cannot print, is it save to rename permissions.rules.dpkg.bak to permissions.rules?13:22
sofiankrthow can chmod in a certain directory and affect all the files in all the subdirectories?13:22
SeveasBizzeh, it's gratis, not free13:22
amenoobchmod -R13:22
Bizzehno, its free13:22
alinoni'm having issues with compiz in fedora, would someone have pity on me? heh13:22
Bizzehits just not open source13:22
Seveasbad alinon :p13:22
Al2O3_hi again.  Installed ubuntu 7.10 on my mac mini, and having fun with it.  But now back to doing work, and installing GNUstep.  I find out as a result of failure to ./configure, that I'm unable to even write a simple program and compile it.  gcc on this install is 4.1.313:23
kyle__ere4si where could i get mencoder? :D13:23
alinoni just can't find any help elsewhere o.o13:23
Al2O3_gcc simple.c    produces the error...13:23
bazhang#fedora wont help alinon?13:23
ere4siit's in synaptic kyle__13:23
astro76Bizzeh: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html13:23
alinonnopers :(13:23
Al2O3_ /usr/bin/ld: crt1.0P: No such file: no such file or directory13:23
Al2O3_collect2: ld returned 1 exit status13:23
alinonsomeone suggested i copy their .xorg file - which has all kinds of the wrong hardware in it13:23
Seveasastro76, thanks, was searching for that :)13:23
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com alinon then we can talk :}13:23
kyle__okay cheers ere4si i'll poke around now :D13:23
Bizzehastro76: i have no respect for the GNU, since they call the GPL a free licence, where it clearly isnt, and takes more rights away from a user than any other licence13:24
Bizzehso anything the GNU say means nothing13:24
* alinon sighs13:24
ere4siit's not gui - cli to get the job done13:24
bkarAl2O3_-> install build-essentials13:24
Bruumj /ubuntu.no13:24
kyle__ah k it shouldn't be to difficult though ? :)13:24
kyle__im sure i coudl pick it up :)13:25
kyle__apparently i already have it installed ere4si13:25
ere4siI found google entries straight away kyle__13:25
chazcoAnyone know how to eliminate the need for sudo when using truecrypt on Ubuntu 7.10? I had it working, but a clean install has wiped it...13:25
bazhangalinon all the more reason to use ubuntu :}13:26
pawanamule unable to connect13:26
pawanno valid servers13:26
Al2O3_bkar: tried "install build-essentials" in the CLI terminal, got an error aabout  "install: missing destination file operand after 'build-essnetial'13:26
bazhangpawan: did you open the requisite ports?13:26
BLINPLEEEEASEEE HELP ME!!1 http://fizy.myminicity.com13:26
sofiankrtamenoob: does the -R have to be in capital?13:26
SeveasAl2O3_, sudo apt-get install build-essential13:27
bkarAl2O3_-> apt-get install build-essentials13:27
amenoob<sofiankrt: ues13:27
bkarthere per Seveas13:27
amenoob<sofiankrt yes13:27
pawanhow to open requiste ports13:28
* Annibale slaps manemusha around a bit with a large trout13:29
EmuandCoYou are quite fast with banning in here arent you?13:30
rskEmuandCo thankfully13:31
SeveasEmuandCo, if people come in here only to cause trouble or annoyance, then yes :)13:31
pawanamule unable to connect13:31
EmuandColike bizzeh? ;-)13:31
Seveaswith 1100-1300 people in a channel you should be13:31
astro76the channel gets worse on the weekends, it's necessary13:31
Seveashi realandy13:31
Seveashi boris13:31
borishow do i see which Xorg version i got ?13:32
Seveasboris, X -version13:32
EmuandCoSeveas: Well. May be true. I im mainly in chans with ~100 ppl..13:32
realandycool my first time on irc13:32
bazhangofftopic EmuandCo13:32
Seveasrealandy, quit while you can ;)13:32
borisSeveas: is 1.3.0 valid version ?13:32
borisi tought the newest xorg is 7.2 or w/e13:32
Seveasbazhang, it's a quiet time, a bit offtopic at quiet times ain't so bad :)13:32
bazhangjust no trout Seveas13:33
realandyi have just installed ubuntu quite nice13:33
Seveasboris, xserver 1.3 is xorg 7.3 :)13:33
borisok, thank you13:33
Seveasboris, it's uselessly confusing13:33
Seveasbut that's the way the cookie crumbles13:33
chazcoIs it possible to edit the sudoers file from a script? Visudo appears to be an editor only...13:34
Seveaspawan, you might want to try speaking in complete sentences if you want people to understand your problems and help you13:34
Seveaschazco, it is probably possible but very much not recommended13:34
pawanamule unable to connect to servers13:34
pawanno valid servers13:34
chazcoSeveas - Im making a sort of recovery script... part of what it needs to do is make the truecrypt app executable by my user... is there a better way to do this?13:35
Dr_willischazco,  its just a text file.. but I advise being VERY carefull editing that thing. :)13:35
_moro_bana_anyone who can install ubuntu on usb, just that im stuck13:35
Dr_willischazco,  you could use sed/awk/perl/ whatever to change it. :)13:35
bkarwhat is the correct ssh option, when a user needs to a 3rd computer tunnelled via ssh through computer2 ? without being root on computer 2 to forward to computer 3 ?13:35
borispawan: you need to download server list13:35
chazcoYep, but im not 100% sure its safe to do so13:36
bazhang!enter | pawan13:36
ubotupawan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:36
borispawan: wait please13:36
Seveasbkar, be more specific please :)13:36
Seveasbkar you'll need the -L command line option, if you say what exactly you want I can tell you the complete commandline13:36
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:37
qj0nHi, I've deleted some files on WinXP on NTFS partition with 7-Zip bug. I need a linux software for removed files recovering. This needs to be run from some LiveCD. Could somebody help me?13:37
bkarSeveas, yeah, i have to use -L option, but dont one have to be a root user in the 2nd computer to allow it to forward to the 3rd?  think about 2nd computer is the gateway to the internet for the 3rd computer13:38
Seveasqj0n, afaik there are no such tools onder linux for ntfs partitions13:38
Seveasbkar, no13:38
borispawan: in you amule general tab, you should see a line with some adress13:38
bkarSeveas-> okay, let me have the correct options please,13:38
pawani am using gutsy13:39
bkarSeveas btw, the 3rd computer is on  while 2nd computer is 69.106.x.x13:39
borispawan: on the end of the line, there should be an icon similar to Play icon in media players13:39
borispawan: click it13:39
pan___moro_bana_ do you need help with installing ubuntu on usb?13:39
=== pasquale is now known as mejik
Seveasbkar, and which port?13:39
pawanwhen i click it amule quits13:39
_moro_bana_pan__: yes i do13:39
pan__let me search the  tutorial13:40
_moro_bana_pan__: im stuck on the last stages, can you help13:40
bkarSeveas-> 3rd computer, I want to access X window and for 2nd computer to forward X13:40
pan__what's the last stage?13:40
_moro_bana_pan__: ok13:40
Seveasbkar, ah, that's something completely different13:40
pan__where are you stuck maybe i can help you13:41
bkarSeveas-> Xwindow dont use 5900 ? or was it only for VNC ?13:41
_moro_bana_pan__: are you looking at the tut13:41
Seveasbkar, the correct way of doing that is: ssh -X -o 'ProxyCommand=ssh 69.106.x.x nc %h %p'
pan__i'm still seaching for it13:42
Seveasbkar, better yet, put something like this in your .ss/config:13:42
pan__describe your problem13:42
dn4http://stugs.com:8000/listen.pls WESLEY WILLIS RADIO <-- how do I listen???13:42
_moro_bana_pan__ file:///home/boikhutso/Desktop/pen%20drive13:42
SeveasProxyCommand ssh 69.106.x.x nc %h %p13:42
_moro_bana_pan__ thats the link have a look at it13:42
SeveasForwardX11 yes13:42
pan__that's on your computer13:42
_moro_bana_pan__: sorry thts on my pc13:42
pan__give the one from internet13:42
bkarSeveas-> so its wise to use netcat there along the way? just curious why use netcat along too?13:43
crashanddieHey everyone, I have a small problem with bluetooth... I get my own device (hcitool dev reports hci0), but it can't be discovered nor does it pick up any devices when I scan... I've read it might be because Windows screwed with the bluetooth thingy, any way I can turn it back on through Ubuntu ?13:43
Seveasbkar, yeah the netcat is only used to provide a tcp/ip connection -- it's still all encrypte13:43
kristjan_I need to make sure that my usb flash drive is FAT32 file system in order to get bios update working - how do you check the filesystem of usb flash drive13:44
pan__here's the link to a nice tut http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar-p213:44
pan__it works for me13:44
crashanddiekristjan_, fdisk ?13:44
Seveaskristjan_, plug it in, it should automount, then run 'mount' in a terminal13:44
_moro_bana_pan__: do you have it running from the usb13:44
bkarSeveas-> okay thanks, am going to try now13:44
bullgard4What is the reason that on one of my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computers runs hald while on the other not? (Both do function.)13:44
pan__not now13:45
pan__but it works13:45
Seveasbkar, I'm using the ProxyCommand trick all the time since I administer a few hundred machines only reachable this way :)13:45
kristjan_Seveas: it says "/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat"13:45
pan__and it's even faster13:45
Seveaskristjan_, then it's fat3213:45
pan__than on hdd i think13:45
_moro_bana_pan__ i will try it now, thanks :)13:45
pan__no problem13:45
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pan__("Techi was brought to You by: Miranda IM!")...that's funny13:47
freaknlHello, I'm trying to get to https://help.ubuntu.com/community to add some information on configuring a computer for 802.1x access, but it is timing out. https://help.ubuntu.com does work. Is that part of the site down by any chance?13:49
crashanddieHey everyone, I have a small problem with bluetooth... I get my own device (hcitool dev reports hci0), but it can't be discovered nor does it pick up any devices when I scan... I've read it might be because Windows screwed with the bluetooth thingy, any way I can turn it back on through Ubuntu ?13:49
freaknloh now it works.. after trying for half an hour :)13:49
freaknlnever mind13:49
Seveasfreaknl, it always works if you ask why it's not :)13:49
kel39hi all :)13:52
kel39ive got some little trouble13:52
chazcoAnyone know how to enable .htaccess files from the terminal?13:52
kel39the resolution of my monitor cant handle the default resolution of live cd13:53
astro76chazco: what do you mean enable?13:53
kel39even if i go into safe graphics mode13:53
chazcoIn Ubuntu .htaccess is turned off by default13:53
Seveaschazco, aren't they enabled by default?13:53
kel39what can i do? plz, thx13:53
chazcoNope, Ubuntu has them switched off13:53
Seveaschazco, you're going to edit the AllowOverride options in /etc/apache/*13:53
chazcohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingUseOfApacheHtaccessFiles - explains how to do it manually, i want to do it from a script13:53
Seveasgoing to have to*13:53
kristjan_anyone here done q-flash with usb? (gigabyte motherboards)13:53
bkarSeveas-> I may be missing an option, that didnt work for me, as I am different username in the 3rd computer, and also different username in 2nd computer13:53
kel39anyone? :(13:54
bullgard4What filenames do the 'Device Information Files' have which file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch speaks about?13:54
Ax-Axhow can i set keyboard layout to svorak?13:55
Seveaschazco, sudo sed -e 's/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' -i /etc/apache2/sites-available/default13:55
chazcoIs that a global find/replace? Afaik only only occurance needs changing (not too good with sed myself:D)13:56
SeveasAx-Ax, system->preferences->keyboard13:56
SeveasAx-Ax, and I think you mean Dvorak :)13:56
Seveaschazco, it is global13:56
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:56
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.13:56
Seveaschazco, but that file will have only one occurance of that string13:56
chazcoIt has several, i just checked13:56
chazcoOn a totally clean install, its the second one that needs changing13:57
mxcquick question, how decent is firefox/java applet support in 7.1013:57
mxcits my one concern13:57
rskmcp: perfect13:57
Seveaschazco, no, the first one. You don't want to change it for the cgi-bin :)13:57
chazcoIts not for cgi... in mine it lists / , /var/www, then cgi bin etc13:57
Seveaschazco, mine's not a fresh one, hang one while I grab one13:58
chazcoIts mainly for a testing server, so global enabling shouldnt be a massive issue, but even so...13:58
Ax-AxSeveas, no, I mean the swedish verison of dvórak: svórak13:58
crashanddieAnyone ever had any problems with bluetooth ? My device shows up in hcitool dev, but it doesn't find any devices when I try to scan... Any help is appreciated13:58
_moro_bana_pan__ are you still there13:59
pan__<crashanddie> expalin14:00
Seveaschazco, sed -e '12s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist14:00
Seveas(forget the .dpkg-dist)14:01
chazcoSorry to be a pest but would you mind explaining how it works? (the first bit)?14:01
chazcoThen i can learn :)14:01
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pan__<crashanddie> try setting your computer to  be visible14:01
Seveaschazco, the 12 means 'only on line 12', s/.../../ is the replacement and -i (which should be placed in front of the filename) means change in place14:01
chazcoAh, line 12... was thinking it mean occurances or something :) Thanks :)14:02
crashanddiepan__, my bluetooth device (internal, laptop) is recognized, so when I run hcitool dev, I get the mac address of my BT adapter, though, when I try to scan for BT devices (hcitool scan), nothing shows up. Also, even though the icon in gnome says the "device is set to visible", none of my devices (nokia n810 internet tablet, 3 different cell phones) see my laptop14:02
_moro_bana_pan__ syslinux -f/dev/sdc1   gives me something like this         < Usage: syslinux [-sf][-d directory][-o offset] device>14:02
Seveaschazco, yeah, you can also specify 'the second occurence' with more sed magic, but my sed-fu isn't that good yet :)14:02
chazcoHeh, mine isnt even that close :)14:02
pan__<_moro_bana_> try sudo syslinux..........14:03
_moro_bana_pan__: thats the last  command i have to .....14:03
_moro_bana_pan__: the same output14:03
emmais this channel logged publicly?14:04
pan__<crashanddie> often I forget to enable the bluetooth device14:04
ctothejHow can set nautilus to default to 33% zoom in all folders?14:04
crashanddiepan__, meaning ?14:04
astro76ctothej: edit > preferences14:04
tz34534_moro_bana_: put a space between -f and /dev/sdc114:04
pan__turn on the hardware14:04
rndnSo, I have ubuntu installed on a non-raid drive, which I have the bios set to be first in the disk-order14:05
crashanddiepan__, I don't have a keyboard shortcut to activate/deactivate bluetooth14:05
emmaIs this channel logged publicly?14:05
Seveaschazco, found a more evil version:14:05
rndnsecond I have two sata drives in a raid1 array14:05
Seveas sed -e '/\/var\/www/,+3s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' -i /etc/apache2/sites-available/default14:05
pan__do you have a laptop14:05
astro76!enter | rndn14:05
uboturndn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:05
crashanddiepan__, yeah14:05
Seveasthe /\/var\/www/,+3 says 'look at the line with /var/www in it and the next 3'14:05
ctothejastro76: it only gives me 25 and 50. When I use the controls in the nautilus window, it gives me a 33% minimum...14:05
chazcoSeveas - I see what you mean :D Interesting stuff :)14:05
pan__so it should have a separate button to enable the bluetooth device14:05
chazcoWill look at both, thanks for the help :)14:06
_moro_bana_tz34534: then it says no such file exists14:06
emmaSeveas -- Interesting. I just for the first time in my life today saw /var/www on my computer. Can you say what that's about?14:06
crashanddiepan__, not that I'm aware of...14:06
Seveasemma, it is -- irclogs.ubuntu.com14:06
astro76ctothej: that should have been your first question then?14:06
rndnSo, I have ubuntu installed on a non-raid drive, which I have the bios set to be first in the disk-order.  I have two sata drives in a raid1 array.  I can't seem to find a root=/dev/?? setting that the kernel will not panic on, and it does not show any devices in the "available partitions" listing.  In general, I get the grub menu, and the kernel loads then panics when it tries to find root14:06
pan__crashanddie> well every laptop i've seen has one14:06
emmaSeveas -- Last night I tried to install Apache, and this morning when I http://localhost/ it goes to some page and it says something about /var/www14:06
ctothejastro76: heh, yah, probably...14:06
pan__crashanddie> so you can save power14:07
Seveasemma, what does it say exactly?14:07
Aleksander-plHello. What applications can I use to crop .avi files - I mead cut off first 10 minutes and last 4 minutes14:07
pan__crashanddie> disabling wireless and bluetooth14:07
chazcoAh, Seveas - on mine the second wont work, because /var/www occurs once before that14:07
rndnI've been working on this for a month now but have had to stay in XP because it's the only thing that boots :(14:07
astro76ctothej: you're right, it's not there, perhaps something in gconf-editor14:07
emmaSeveas -- I think it should say in the topic that this channel is being logged publicly. Don't you? Is there anything to be concerned about that everyone here is being recorded?14:07
emmaIt makes me feel a little self conscious.14:07
chazcoHidden away near the top (document root bit)14:07
crashanddiepan__, I can disable wireless, but I don't see a bluetooth shortcut, I'll google a bit14:07
Seveasemma, this is the internet, everything you say can and will be used against you :)14:08
pan__crashanddie> often wireless and bluetooth have the same button14:08
rndnare the hd0, hd1, etc. things, which grub uses, useful after grub gets the kernel loading?14:08
emmaBut it should say in the topic that this channel is being logged publicly.14:08
ctothejastro76: it seems that it will default to 33% even though the setting is at 25%... seems like 33% is the minimum it will go.14:08
rndndoes mapping affect the linux kernel once it's loaded?14:08
Seveaschazco, yeah, use 'Directory \/var\/www' instead :)14:08
crashanddiepan__, I'm connected through wireless... Wouldn't that imply my bluetooth is on too, then ?14:08
chazcoheh :)14:08
pan__crashanddie> coud be then14:09
crashanddiepan__, I'll disable wireless, and just re-enable it afterwards, unevano14:09
chazcoso sed -e '/Directory \/var\/www/,+3s/Al......14:09
Genius314I changed a monitor setting, and now the screen is completely messed up...14:09
Seveaschazco, I think we can do even better than that :)14:09
astro76ctothej: hmm ok... if you want to investigate the two keys are /apps/nautilus/icon_view/default_zoom_level and /apps/nautilus/list_view/default_zoom_level14:09
emmaSeveas -- this is what it says - The DocumentRoot, which is the directory under which all your HTML files should exist, is set to /var/www.14:09
ctothejastro76: cool, ill check that out14:10
emmaCan you explain what that means?14:10
crashanddiewell, that didn't do it...14:10
Seveaschazco, sed -e '/<Directory \/var\/www\/>/,/<\/Directory>/s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' -i /etc/apache2/sites-available/default14:10
Seveasaka, from the <Directory /var/www/> tag up to </Directory> :)14:10
chazcoThat looks evil :D14:10
Seveasit is -- sed is lovely14:11
chazcoWIll backup and test that one :)14:11
Seveaschazco, if you don't use -i, the corrected contents will be printed to stdout :)14:11
chazcoYep, trying it like that :)14:11
ardchoilleSeveas: Wouldnt that replace <Directory \ with var/ ?14:11
Seveasardchoille, no14:12
astro76ardchoille: \ escapes the /14:12
Seveasardchoille, the first 2 matches are addresses, only then comes the s command, the match and the replacement14:12
mar77ihi one more time I'm needing somebody to support me... anyone keen on installing wlan hardware that is shown w/ lspci but not iwconfig?14:12
Seveasardchoille, this is advanced sed usage :)14:13
ardchoilleastro76: Ah, learned something new, thanks :)14:13
rndnI hate linux now!14:13
rndnand I've been using it for 14 years!14:13
ardchoilleSeveas: I noticed that14:13
Genius314I messed up a setting in System>Admin>Screens and Graphics, and now I can't see what I'm doing to change it back...14:13
Seveasrndn, we love you too :14:13
* rndn sighs.. upset at raid and grub.14:13
Seveasmar77i, which chipset? (lspci tells that)14:13
rndnIs God trying to tell me to just stick in Windows -- since I have my laptop in Ubuntu?14:13
rndnand this desktop should stay in Windows so I can use windows programs here?14:14
Seveas5787? isn't that a wired chip?14:14
tetzke9Hey how can i record my screen?14:14
rsktetzke9: xvidcap14:14
Seveasmar77i, pastebin the entire ouptut of lspci please14:14
astro76!screencast | tetzke914:14
tetzke9so i can show it to a friend14:14
rndntetzke, tracing paper14:14
ubotutetzke9: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.14:14
rskrndn: you make no sense14:14
chazcoSeveas - Thanks again :)14:14
pan__rndn what's the problem?14:14
spydontetzke9, you can record it with VLC too14:14
astro76Genius314: do you need help recovering?14:14
mar77iSeveas: ahm actually its broadcom bcm5787m built in my laptop14:14
SeveasGenius314, the screens and graphics thing saves backups in /etc/X11/14:14
Genius314astro76 Yeah14:15
rndnrsk, I have one linux machine (my laptop), and this desktop system's stayed in XP since I could never get dual-boot working.14:15
tetzke9spydon: how? i have VLC14:15
Genius314Seveas: Where in /etc/X11?14:15
spydontetzke9, http://www.scribd.com/doc/25400/Video-Recording-with-VLC14:15
rndnThe problem is that grub menu comes up, and it'll load the kernel, but the kernel panics and can't mount the root= filesystem14:15
Genius314Seveas: Is it a specific file or something?14:15
rndnthere are 3 drives in the system.  2 of them are a raid1 mirror with xp on it, and the other one is a single drive with linux on it.  I can boot XP fine with grub by mapping (hd0) (hd1), and (hd1) (hd0).. but I can't get ubuntu to boot at all with grub.14:16
rndnI've tried root=/dev/hda1 root=/dev/hda2 root=/dev/sda1 etc.14:17
rndnhm.. what # do those drive partitions start at?14:17
fuchsroterhello guys, I'm trying to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 using gksu "update-manager -c", but I can't find any option to upgrade it.. could please anyone help me? thank you!14:17
kestirwhat is the combination of key strokes that opens the "run command"14:18
Seveaskestir, <alt><F2> by default14:18
kestirgreat, thank you very much Seveas14:18
`TyraeL^seek team pour manager =)14:18
jaggz-back..  this is rndn here (rndn comes from my name, Brandon)14:18
rsk`TyraeL^: ?14:18
jaggz-logging on from my ubuntu lappy14:19
mar77iSeveas: http://pastebin.ca/87337114:19
mar77iline 1814:19
Seveasmar77i, as I thought already, the broadcom is a wired chip14:19
Seveasmar77i, line 19 is your wifi card14:20
ravenniumcan anyone help me with wlan? newly installed kubuntu 7.10, wlan seems to work when there are no wep/wpa in use...14:20
ravenniumthis knetworkmanager seems to be one pos...14:20
ravenniumanyway to get it back to automatic mode?14:21
rndnit's a setup similar to this guy, but I am at raid1 (with xp on it), not raid0 and linux is now on the first physical drive now.14:21
mar77iSeveas: thank you a lot...14:21
fladdhi there14:21
fladdi have a problem with compiz: can anyone tell me how to stop the cube desktop switcher to loose focus after rotating with hotkeys? everytime I rotate from desktop one (where window 1 has focus) to desktop 2 and back, then window 1 is not focused anyomore.14:22
bkarravennium-> what is the issue?14:22
kel39_guys.. ive got trouble, couldnt anyone be able to help me?  I cant start a live cd on my old pc, cuz monitor is kinda flickering even if i go safe mode option :(  can i specify anything to lower the res. or   maybe refresh rate or some? anyone?14:22
mar77iSeveas: i'm back at the g33king14:23
KalElinstall latest version of the linux kernel, i want to14:23
ricohey, how can i disable compiz via the commandline?14:23
ravenniumwell, something is wrong in getting the IP. when there are no security modules (wpa wep) everything seems to work. Now when I set either wpa or wap, I can't get to network.14:23
KalEldo it with ubuntu automatically, can i?14:24
ravenniumwhen I put in the cable and go to the dsl box settings I can see that one client is using wlan, and it shows an IP for14:24
fladdmetacity --replace14:24
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:24
ravenniumand that ip has my mac address on it14:24
pan__one good deed a day keeps microsoft away14:24
bkarravennium-> i can only assist you as far as no usage of wep/wpa/wpa2, if you choose encryption, no can do for me on that14:24
fladdhas anyone an idea in my issue?14:25
astro76kel39_: I'd try the alternate install cd14:25
ravenniumand this knetworkmanager has either major bug or badly failing features... :(14:25
KalElinstall linux 2.6.24, how?14:25
bkarravennium-> btw, what you see on your AP/router are history of client that connected14:26
bkarravennium-> i dont think, so, usage of encryption is a black art14:26
SeveasKalEl, if you don't know how to, then don't :)14:26
ravenniummaybe... but i don't want to share my ethernet disks to my neighbours14:27
KalElbut better cpu management with amd x64, it supports14:27
SeveasKalEl, it also doesn't speak like yoda...14:27
th0rravennium you know, instead of using encryption you could use mac address filtering.14:28
ravenniumway too easy to crack14:29
bkarravennium-> there are other ways, would it make you happier if you knew your neighbor's hair turned gray because his attempt to use your ap and he is frustrated?14:29
kel39_astro76: euhm, thank you very mutch for this advice, thats exactly what i did, and it was good, but now this pc moves to my mother so.. i tough i would put Mint on it, so im back to same trouble agane, and i would like finaly to find some command or way, to specify it, and run off live cd. U see.. :)14:29
ravenniumit would make me happier if this darn thing just worked, like it says in the knetworkmanagers web pages14:30
bkarravennium-> it works, just doesnt guarantee encryption black art14:30
ravenniumhow can one turn it back to auto setting14:31
ravenniumany ideas14:31
astro76kel39_: well I don't know we don't deal with mint, you should just keep her on Ubuntu14:31
bkar!enter > ravennium14:31
brobostigonwell for me, on my wifi, the ecryption just worked straight out, i didnt have to do anything, it just worked,14:31
bkarravennium-> what is auto setting? what do you mean?14:32
ravenniumI mean the mode that knetworkmanager is in when u put in the live cd14:32
ravenniumand in first boot14:32
ravenniumit searches every wlan's14:33
=== pan__ is now known as mo0n_sniper
bkari can show you what it looks like in liveCD, would you be interested and get the configs from there?14:33
WhyvasCan anyone help me? I have a mild rectal itch? which distro would best suit my needs for cleaning14:33
ravenniumnow I wanted it to connect straight to my wlan and decided to press "manual configuration"... and there's no way (that I can find or guess) how to get back to the "automatic" mode14:34
th0rWhyvas you would probably want windows vista for that...it is self-inserting14:34
larson9999Whyvas, any version of windows but vista is best for that.14:34
kel39_astro76: i expected this respond :) i like myself ubuntu more, but for her i think its gonna be more comfortable on mints way of gui :)14:34
rsklarson9999: don't troll14:35
rskWhyvas: cleaning ?14:35
ravenniumI did try to google "knetworkmanager auto setting" and so on, but didn't find any answer, some site said that it's impossible to go back14:35
astro76!ops | Whyvas14:35
jribWhyvas: stay on-topic.  Ubuntu support only14:35
astro76kel39_: of course ;)14:35
ubotuWhyvas: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!14:35
ravenniumI have the live cd, but it doesn't help14:35
astro76kel39_: but I honestly feel that Ubuntu's gnome is more than suitable for moms ;)14:35
ravenniumunless I start all over again...14:35
bkarravennium-> lets try this for experiment okay?14:35
ravenniumbkar, go14:36
kel39_astro76: and , yes, my resolution trouble, i guess iforund some explanation here :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:36
bkarravennium-> is your liveCD iso on your hard disk or on cdrom disk?14:36
astro76kel39_: excellent that's a good place to start ;)14:36
ravenniumbkar, cdrom14:36
astro76!hi | macd14:37
ubotumacd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:37
bkarravennium-> okay insert the cdrom14:37
astro76sorry acd14:37
astro76macd* argh14:37
ravenniumbkar, done14:37
wershow do I restart modules?14:37
wersfor example, the pwc driver module14:37
bkarravennium-> where is it? /dev/cdrom or /media/cdrom?14:37
kel39_astro76: btw, the "ubuntu gui suitable for moms" made me smile :D14:38
bkarravennium-> you can cd to it where it mounted14:38
erUSULwers: you can tr y to unload it and load it again (sudo modprobe -r «module_name» && sudo modprobe  «module_name» )14:38
ravenniumbkar, media/cdrom014:38
ravenniumor is it dev/scd14:39
astro76ravennium: the mount point is /media/whatever14:40
bkarravennium-> cd to it14:40
Al2O3_hi, trying to build WindowMaker for ubuntu.  Getting error about not having X installed, which fo course is impossible since I'm using it right now as part of the window environment.  Says   'configure: error:  The path for the X11 files not found!14:40
bkarravennium-> you see an the iso or is it bunch of files and folders?14:40
ravenniumbkar, what u mean with cd to it?14:40
bkarravennium-> cd == change directory14:41
Al2O3_Make sure you have X and it's headers and libraries (the -devel packages in Linux) installed.14:41
ravenniumah :D14:41
Al2O3_I have tried to add the results of 'whereis X11' to the PATH at the shell and 'export PATH'14:41
Al2O3_and tried to redo the 'sudo ./configure' with the same results.14:41
Al2O3_any help or thoughts on this are weclomed14:42
bkarravennium-> you see an the iso or is it bunch of files and folders?14:42
=== MattJ is now known as the
ravenniumbkar, just files and folders14:42
bkarravennium-> okay let me mount mine14:42
SeveasAl2O3_, just install a package, don't compile by hand14:43
Seveas!compiling | Al2O3_14:43
ubotuAl2O3_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:43
nemilarAl2O3_: install the wmaker package14:43
nemilarAl2O3_: if you want to compile it yourself, you need to install the -dev packages14:43
bkarravennium-> do you see a  casper directory? cd to casper14:43
Al2O3_nemilar: that is good, I was trying to get WindowMaker :)14:44
Al2O3_wmaker makes so much more *sense*  :)14:44
ravenniumbkar, i'm there14:44
nemilarAl2O3_: apt-cache search windowmaker14:44
nemilarwill show you the windowmaker packages14:44
Al2O3_apt-cache search, tha tis going to be worth remmebering for sure.14:44
__VIO__hello, i am trying the new ubuntu and is is asking me for user oan pass. somone please help me?14:44
whileimhereHi. I hear that there is a new version of Ubuntu coming out. Whats its name and where can I read more about it? Is it available to upgrade to yet?14:44
Al2O3_I did an apt-get help and didn't see the search feature.14:45
astro76Al2O3_: also aptitude search, I find it's results more readable14:45
Al2O3_likely too little sleep :)14:45
bkarravennium-> check if you /mnt directory if not, create it14:45
bkarwe will mount it there on /mnt14:45
ravenniumbkar, have it14:46
bkarravennium-> mount -o loop -t squashfs casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt14:46
ravenniumno such file casper/filesystem.squashfs14:47
=== the is now known as e
bkarravennium-> i thought you sadi you have casper dir in /media/cdrom ?14:48
bkarand you cd to /media/cdrom ?14:48
ravenniumi have14:48
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bkar!who | ravennium14:49
uboturavennium: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:49
ravenniumi have terminal open, i'm in //media/cdrom0/casper$14:49
__VIO__hello, i am trying the new ubuntu and is is asking me for user oan pass. somone please help me?14:49
bkarravennium-> do an ls -la ; and you should see filesystem.squashfs14:50
l3ttuc3someone earlier told me about aptoncd, to create custom cds/dvds, for use with installation of .deb packages already downloaded on a pc not connected to the net. however, when i try to use it, it always hangs on the 'scanning packages' item. that is the case whether im using just one package. how can i fix this?14:50
jrib__VIO__: you installed ubuntu or are using the live cd feature at the moment?14:50
ravenniumbkar, it seems to be there14:50
dedo_i have a problem with my webcam, can anyone help me?14:50
__VIO__jrib: live cd14:50
nemilardedo_: what's the problem?14:51
bkarravennium-> mount -o loop -t squashfs filesystem.squashfs /mnt   <-- i had casper/filesystem.squashfs originally14:51
dedo_i have a dell inspiron 152514:51
dedo_when i try to launch camorama it give me an error14:51
jrib__VIO__: did you log out from the desktop or it asked you to login with password right away as soon as it started?14:51
dedo_"Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0)"ù14:52
yolucahi all14:52
__VIO__jrib:as soon as it started.14:52
bkarravennium-> then if it mounted okay, cd /mnt/lib/firmware/*.generic/14:52
nemilardedo_: is that a built-in webcam?14:52
dedo_and when i try to use amsn it gave me a black video14:52
KibblesIs this channel logged?14:52
LjL!logs > Kibbles    (Kibbles, see the private message from Ubotu)14:52
bkarravennium-> did i lose you?14:53
ravenniumbkar, yes, now it mounted. I was too noob to remove the casper name, since I was already in the directory...14:53
sahasrawhat are the daemons are running  on nfs service?14:53
jrib__VIO__: restart.  At the menu screen you get when your computer boots from the cd, choose the option that lets you verify the integrity of the burn you made14:53
nemilardedo_: did you install the drivers, etc?14:53
mar77iSeveas: Now I can see the adapter in the network options, but I'm still unable to connect...14:54
bkarravennium-> then if it mounted okay, cd /mnt/lib/firmware/*.generic/14:54
__VIO__jrib: ok, tanks,. I get back if its not working.14:54
dedo_nemilar: yes, i tried to install those at svn://svn.berlios.de/linux-uvc/linux-uvc/trunk14:54
* Fatih_Akdeniz slms14:54
Isoplasti have a question14:54
jrib__VIO__: well this will definitely not fix anything, only suggest what the problem is14:54
Isoplastcan someone help me pls?14:54
astro76!ask | Isoplast14:54
ubotuIsoplast: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:54
ravenniumbkar, i'm in the firmware directory14:54
dedo_nemilar: when i digit dmesg | grep uvcvideo i get:14:55
RequinB4Can anyone tell me what the VESA driver is?  Context - GParted live CD14:55
nemilardedo_: oh, did you try easycam ?14:55
Isoplasthow can i use the 3d desktop interface with ubuntu?14:55
__VIO__jrib: ok14:55
astro76!compiz | Isoplast14:55
ubotuIsoplast: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:55
mikebotWhat package do I need to install for Thunderbird?14:55
jrib!vesa | RequinB414:55
ubotuRequinB4: vesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x14:55
dedo_nemilar: no, i don't know what it is :)14:55
nemilardedo_: apt-get install easycam14:55
nemilarmikebot: apt-get install thunderbird14:55
dedo_nemilar: ok, i'll try :)14:55
mikebotnemilar: THanks.14:55
bkarravennium-> okay those are the firmware loaded when you were booted to liveCD,  now compare that to your current running one, /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/   if they are the same all the firmware was copied over14:55
RequinB4jrib - Any way for me to get the liveCD to force this driver14:56
jribRequinB4: think of it as the most likely to work but because of that also not the best one.  For a live cd, it does not really matter14:56
yolucaneed help with mp3 file format . i installed Codecs to Gstreamer and also the ubuntu-restricted-extras and i sitll cannpt14:56
Isoplastbut compiz is already installed , isnt it?14:56
jribRequinB4: no idea14:56
yolucaplay mp3 files any ideea ?14:56
astro76!mp3 | yoluca14:56
ubotuyoluca: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:56
nemilarIsoplast: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:56
jribyoluca: what version of ubuntu?14:56
yolucaastro76 did you read what i said ?14:56
astro76yoluca: uh huh14:57
Isoplastthe newest14:57
nemilarIsoplast: just enable desktop effects14:57
astro76yoluca: did you read the reply?14:57
yolucajrib gutsy14:57
Isoplasti already enabled them14:57
Isoplastbut how can i view the 3d cube?14:57
yolucaastro76 i done that already man ... like i said before14:57
nemilarenable the cube in desktop effects ;)14:57
yolucaastro76 im fam with the bot :)14:57
jribyoluca: open nautilus and double-click on an mp3.  Tell me exactly what happens then14:57
KibblesIsoplast: join #compiz-fusion for compiz related questions14:58
Isoplastthank you anyway14:58
nemilargood idea, Kibz14:58
astro76yoluca: then ask a question that indicates this, not everyone knows your history14:58
RequinB4Isoplast 1) system,settings,ADVANCED desktop effects.  turn cube and move cube plugins on.  2) Go to general options and increase number of virtual desktops to 4.  3) control+alt+left or right14:58
xompIsoplast, grab the compiz stuff from Synaptic14:58
ravenniumbkar, you lost me there... now if I put ls -la in the //mnt/lib/firmware I can see that there's 2.6.22-14-generic file?14:58
ravenniumbkar, I mean directory14:58
yolucaastro76 you didnt read everything what i said ... i already done what the bot said .. and still dont work ... what else ?14:58
Al2O3_I'm apparently in need of a lot of the dev stuff, so is there a way to just install all the dev stuff in the apt-get repository?  I have 17.8 gigs of HD available.14:58
bkarravennium-> yes, and I asked you to compare the contents of that dir to your existing /lib/firmware/`uname -r`  note the backticks14:59
dedo_nemilar: there is no package named easycam :(14:59
jribAl2O3_: why do you need so much dev stuff?14:59
nemilardedo_: good point14:59
whileimhereWhat is the newest Ubuntu out?14:59
astro76yoluca: sigh.. I saw one thing "play mp3 files any ideea ?"14:59
yolucajrib here is the output error http://pastebin.com/m39eef7714:59
Al2O3_doing a build and install of GNUstep14:59
xompIsoplast, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compizeconfig-settings-manager14:59
jribwhileimhere: 7.1014:59
LjL!gutsy > whileimhere    (whileimhere, see the private message from Ubotu)14:59
ravenniumbkar, wait a moment. I'll (try to) do that14:59
rskwhileimhere: what?14:59
yolucaastro76 nahh ... scroll up a bit more :)14:59
nemilardedo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam14:59
RequinB4xomp - makes sure he doesn't have them first15:00
jribyoluca: try a different mp3.  Are you sure this is a working mp3?15:00
xompRequinB4, what's wrong with compiz-fusion-plugins-extra?15:00
Al2O3_is there another distro dvd or cd taht is 'dev' focused?15:00
Isoplasthas anyone the german version ^15:00
wershow do I install flash for konqueror? :D15:01
Al2O3_this is not working out for me with ahving to do all this prerequisit installations.  Have been at this for hours and still no GNUstep :(15:01
Isoplastbecause in english i cant find any of the issues15:01
ravenniumbkar, does the number 2.6.22-14 tell me it's the same or do I have to dig further to the files?15:01
RequinB4xomp - in 7.10 he may have them installed already15:01
AquahallicMornin' folks15:01
xompRequinB4, sorry, read that wrong. No those items I mentioned are not installed with Gutsy :)15:01
yolucajrib right .. mp3 work but not with xmms15:02
jribAl2O3_: just make sure you have build-essential and do 'apt-get builddep gnustep'.  But I don't see the reason why you are compiling gnustep instead of using the package...15:02
techgeek40I need some help with a video card - I have an Nvidia PCI video card - 5200 Gfroce - but for some reason it just hangs at the sections (etc/rc.local) section of the boot15:02
xompRequinB4, he will need them for the fancier stuff of compiz, like the 3D cube and viewpoint switcher etc.15:02
RequinB4xomp - in that case, he shouldn' tneed them... But i'm not going to argue something, worst case he gets more compiz stuff15:02
bkarravennium-> yes its the same, i want you to just compare the number of files  and if named same15:02
jribAl2O3_: oops, that should be "build-dep", not "builddep"15:02
RequinB4sry caps15:02
AquahallicI've noticed that Ubuntu doesn't let the root user login... when I open a folder in Nautilus I need to change permissions on it but root is the owner of the folder... is there any way for me to change the permissions on this folder while logged in as my user??15:02
yolucajrib it says that i need to check that the soundcard is working properly , correct output plugin selected ... any idea ?15:02
* RequinB4 dances and now tries to figure out how to get GUI15:02
jribAl2O3_: (other than you like to give yourself headaches for hours :))15:02
astro76!sudo | Aquahallic read this, and if really want the file manager as root do 'gksudo nautilus'15:03
ubotuAquahallic read this, and if really want the file manager as root do 'gksudo nautilus': sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:03
bkarAquahallic-> sudo in command line, or if you use gui  gksudo15:03
Aquahallicthank you15:03
jribyoluca: xmms should play mp3's without the need for any other package.  What output plugin have you selected in your preferences for xmms?15:03
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ravenniumbkar, thanks for this.. have to go now..15:04
jrib!info gnustep | Al2O3_15:04
ubotual2o3_: gnustep (source: meta-gnustep): The GNUstep Development Environment -- user applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.2 (gutsy), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB15:04
yolucajrib i had to select esound as the output plugin in xmms ... works fine thanks15:04
jribyoluca: no problem15:05
AD7sixhi can anyone recommend a reference for converting .ogg files to mpeg for use as screencasts?15:05
drgebNot sure how to solve this "em28xx_audio: disagrees about version of symbol snd_pcm_new" any ideas ??15:06
yolucajrib how do i make delect option available when i do a alternate click on a file ? what tha name of the package that allows me to do it ...gconfig ? .. or something similar15:06
jbalcae1I have ubuntu installed on a hard drive that was dual booting with windows xp...my xp stopped working so I deleted that partitiion to install it again. I recreated an ntfs partition but now grub no longer comes up...I boot straight to windows xp15:06
jribyoluca: what do you mean by "delect option"?15:06
rskjbalcae1: fix your mbr, windows ate it15:06
yolucajrib delete ..15:07
yolucaconfiguration editor15:07
astro76!fixgrub | jbalcae115:07
ubotujbalcae1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:07
jribyoluca: there is "move to trash", you want something that skips the trash?15:07
jbalcae1thanks ubotu15:07
jribyoluca: edit -> preferences -> behavior -> Trash15:07
bkarjbalcae1-> when you installed windows on top of existing system, it just wipes your existing stuff and claim all the hd as windows own15:07
neopsychecan someone please help me install myth tv15:08
yolucawhat i want is configuration editor how do i get it ?15:08
astro76bkar: you are implying that the windows install wiped out his linux partitions, this is not the case, just the MBR15:08
neopsychecan someone please help me install my scanner15:08
tolecnalWhy do I get 'hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000' even when the user in question is a member of the disk group. I thought that would indeed make the user in question able to mount storage media found by dolphin.15:08
neopsychecan someone please help me configure my wifi card.15:08
jribyoluca: what's the point... it's the same thing.  But if you insist, search around /apps/nautilus in gconf-editor15:09
bkarastro76-> you are right, i was unclear15:09
yolucajrib yeah got it ... its gconf-editor in terminal ... i want to make some more changes the way gnome behave15:10
astro76bkar: didn't want to scare him/her ;)15:10
TatsterHi all.  Probably a really silly question - but one of my children has managed to lose their "taskbar" (or whatever the Ubuntu equivalent is called) - and I can't work out how to get it back.  Any pointers ?15:10
idefixthis hole permission system in linux.. it's meant solely for total newby's right?15:10
astro76Tatster: the whole panel, or just the part that has the buttons for open apps?15:10
bkarTatster-> serve your children breakfast first..hehe15:10
idefixwith normal common sense you can change the files without altering the destiny of the universe, right?15:11
Tatsterit's now an empty panel with arrows at either end - but doesn't show open apps15:11
jribTatster: right click on a panel -> add to panel, depending on what you mean, you want either "notification area" or "window list"15:11
astro76Tatster: right click, add to panel..., add the Window Selector15:11
astro76sorry Window List15:12
LjLidefix: not really. some files are supposed to be tinkered with manually, others just aren't. if you're enough of a non-"newbie" to know which ones are which, then i suppose you can go on and change the files you need. but the fact you have to ask... ;)15:12
LjLidefix: as a rule of thumb, nothing should ever be touched manually outside of /home, /etc, /usr/local and /opt15:12
yolucawhats the command to completely remove compiz and all its features ?15:12
LjLas with every rule, there are exceptions. not many.15:12
bazhangneopsyche: what card15:13
idefixLjL, I updated ubuntu and now my printer doesn't work, so I think I have to change permissions.rules.dpkg-bak into permissions.rules...15:13
Tatsterbeautiful.  thanks all15:13
neopsychebazhang: I have a 802.11b/g card PCI15:13
LjLidefix: err, i don't know what file that is. elaborate?15:14
neopsychecan anyone help me with my scanner?15:14
bazhangneopsyche: could you open up the terminal and type lspci and tell me the exact model of that card15:14
__VIO__my live cd of ubuntu 7.1 promts me for username and password. can somone giude me to where to read the answer?15:14
adamHi! I'm currently getting wlan through the gnome network manager, but it's too buggy to use and also I want network even if not in a desktop. How can I make Ubuntu start a wlan device at boot?15:14
jrib__VIO__: did you do what I asked?15:14
idefixit's something to set permissions15:14
LjL__VIO__: try "ubuntu" as username, and no password. of course though, it shouldn't ask at al..15:14
LjLidefix: yeah i could guess that much15:15
bazhanglivecd and password? my livecd of gutsy has no such thing15:15
bkaradam-> modify  /etc/network/interfaces15:15
__VIO__jrib: i dint get that question15:15
adambkar: no, that is not for wlan15:15
idefixLjL http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=505513&postcount=715:15
bkaradam-> off course it is15:15
adambkar: so, I just add it like normal eth0 interface?15:16
bkaradam-> its the central file for networking15:16
idefixLjL I got my printer working with the old ubuntu, now I'm trying to trace my steps http://members.home.nl/v.vanbruchem/printinginlinux.html15:16
bazhangmust be an 'ubuntu-based' distro to ask for a password like that--perhaps mint?15:16
adambkar: ok, I now have eth0 set for dhcp15:16
LjLidefix: which Ubuntu version are you on? in Gutsy, there is no /etc/udev to begin with... and that article is about a *very* old version15:17
bkaradam-> yes pretty much same same, but wifi has optional parameters, like essid15:17
idefixI have dapper now15:17
idefixLjL, how do I upgrade further?15:17
LjL!upgrade > idefix    (idefix, see the private message from Ubotu)15:17
wershow do I use setpwc? :D15:17
LjLidefix: dapper however *is* still supported15:17
adambkar: can I use the wlan device like regular ethernet devices? /etc/init.d/network restart, and so on?15:17
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LjLidefix: pastebin the contents of every /etc/udev/permission* file you have15:17
bkaradam-> yes, if you look at the script network you'd see it uses the interfaces file15:18
pkunduwhats the problem with tracker in 7.1015:18
bazhang__VIO__: is this linuxmint? ubuntu live cd asks for no password15:18
idefixLjL what syntax?15:18
pkunduit seems to be eating all cpu and mem sometimes15:18
jrib__VIO__: did you verify the integrity of the cd?15:18
LjLidefix: doesn't matter, leave empty15:19
adambkar: I know all this, I just can't make it work with wlan devices15:19
ManonHello! I need some help with setting up my Audio Driver in ubuntu... Can somebody help me out here?15:19
bkaradam pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces15:19
pkundudid anyone facing problem with trackerd in 7.1015:19
__VIO__bazhang: its the live cd that i downloaded.15:19
bazhang__VIO__: yes but which one is the question15:19
idefixLjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53567/15:19
adambkar: iface eth0 inet dhcp, and of course the loopback above that15:20
__VIO__bazhang: ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso15:20
bkaradam pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces15:20
adambkar: it's only that line plus loopback15:20
bkaradam-> then your wlan has not been configured in yet15:20
bazhang__VIO__: I am looking at the live cd that you speak of and there is no password required15:21
bkaradam as a test, save that file now or make a backup,15:21
LjLidefix: where it says OWNER="vincent"... did you change that yourself?15:21
bazhang__VIO__: perhaps you are using another by mistake?15:21
jribbazhang: I've seen it happen with bad burns15:21
bkaradam then go to network manager and modify parameters, then open up /etc/network/interfaces again and compare the two..you see what changes it makes15:21
bazhangjrib: ah that would explain it15:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:22
__VIO__bazhang: hehe, i hope not i have downloaded it from sweden and norway now.15:22
nickrud!info dd | xomp15:22
bazhang__VIO__: it is highly likely that this is a poorly burned iso file and you will need to burn it again15:22
ubotuxomp: Package dd does not exist in gutsy15:22
adambkar: ok, I'm an old Debian fart, what network manager would that be?15:22
xompthanks nickrud15:22
__VIO__bazhang: last time i burned it , i yse 8x15:23
idefixLjL i cannot remember chaning it myself15:23
bkaradam-> i dont know the equivalent in debian, on ubuntu you have that network manager gui15:23
idefixLjL neither is it in my printing in linux list15:23
* xomp wonders how to backup his linux box now heh15:23
nickrudxomp: heh. the command does, it just doesn't have it's own package15:23
LjLxomp, nickrud: it's in coreutils15:23
denndais envy capable of installing 64-bit drivers for nvidia-cards?15:23
nickrudLjL: thanks, dpkg -S just told me that :)15:23
bazhang__VIO__: it might be the burn speed or the media itself--some media is of a quality that is less than stellar15:23
adambkar: what's the binary's name?15:23
LjLidefix: well i have no idea why it's there, but i do suggest changing it into OWNER="lp". however, the rest of it looks just like the forums article suggests, as you can see15:23
xompLjL, cool, so I will be able then to backup my install?15:23
LjLnickrud: your HD is faster than mine15:24
__VIO__bazhang: tank you for your time.15:24
bazhangaptoncd xomp15:24
LjLxomp: eh, i don't know... i just know ubuntu definitely comes with dd15:24
bkaradam am not sure, in command line type gnome and press tab twice, its one of those gnome-xxx15:24
nickrudxomp: depends on how you want to backup dd does work15:24
arcdarkwolfHey, just a quick question. I'm running my Ubuntu Gusty though VPC, and I can't get it to go full screen. The resolution is too high for my monitor, and if I try to change it inside VPC, nothing happens. Any help?15:24
xompok, cool. I've never used it, but someone here told me it's what I should use to back up my install hehe, was going to research on how to use it today :)15:24
nickrud!backup | xomp15:25
ubotuxomp: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:25
bazhang__VIO__: did you check the md5?15:25
nickrudxomp: I personally like !sbackup , it's painless, simple  and automated15:25
adambkar: I tried network-admin15:25
adambkar: hey, it actualy saved stuff in network/interfaces, cool.15:25
bkaradam, sorry i cant seem to find the network manager applet launcher command15:25
Poseidon5346anyone here tried to use kde4?15:26
bkaradam there you go you found it15:26
bullgard4What filenames do the 'Device Information Files' have which file:///usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html#ov_halarch speaks about?15:26
LjL!kde4 > Poseidon5346    (Poseidon5346, see the private message from Ubotu)15:26
xompnickrud, cool, will sbackup allow me to restore everything the way it was incase of a total system crash?15:26
mohbanaHi veryone, i can't seem get ubuntu past the intiial screen, after i click 'start or install' i just a blank screen nothing happens, ive tried select safe graphics mode but nothing happends15:26
mar77iSeveas: it's now shown on iwconfig, but I can't seem to connect...15:26
adambkar: thanks man, I gotta restart X to kill the gnome network applet and try this new interfaces file15:26
bkaradam good luck15:27
bullgard4What is the reason that on one of my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computers runs hald while on the other not? (Both do function.)15:27
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe15:27
nickrudxomp: if you configure it to do that.15:27
xompnickrud, awesome, I'll check it out then :D15:27
finalbetabullgard4: likely one of them has worse drivers then the other.15:27
bazhangsrestore then on the other computer correct?15:27
bkarmar77i  what does your iwconfig show?15:27
__VIO__bazhang: md5?15:28
pteague_workanybody know if there's a midi/game port to usb adapter?  i have lots of usb ports on my box, but no midi/game port15:28
finalbetabullgard4: try changing terminal when it happens, perhaps it's just x that's acting up. chek dmesg for errors15:28
__VIO__bazhang: Linux in new to me i am an windows user.15:28
bazhang__VIO__: what app did you use to burn this cd? there is a file that compares what the file should be and what you have called an md5 file15:28
tz34534__VIO__: md5 checksums are not linux specific15:28
IdleOne!md5 | __VIO__15:29
ubotu__VIO__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:29
bullgard4finalbeta: I happens always. This is no time-dependent finding.15:29
arcdarkwolfHey, I'm running Ubuntu Gusty though Virtual PC, and I can't get it to fit to full screen, the resolution of the virtual machine (Ubuntu) is too high, and if I try and change it, nothing actually happens15:29
jrib__VIO__: just run "check cd for defects" instead of "start or install ubuntu" from the menu you get when you boot your computer with the cd15:29
__VIO__ok. tanks. i try that.15:29
xompnickrud, I have sbackup installed. Do you know how I could configure it to perform such a backup that I could restore the whole system if my hard drive fails and need to install a new one? hehe15:30
bahadunndid some updates break mp3 playback recently for amarok/rhythembox?15:30
qj0nHi. I am downloading lots of software on my new Gusty, and i have the other computer which should have almost all that software too. What can i do to avoid duplicating downloads?15:31
arcdarkwolfHang on,  if I change the "vga=0x314" would that allow me to change the inside resolution?15:31
Cobrajr122Is there any lineup to get help or can I just throw in my question.15:31
finalbetabullgard4: I know. Bad drivers... Linux runs on them. I have several machines with issues like them. Try what I said, if you are lucky you find out what driver the problem is. If you have ati/nvidea, try using the other free or non free drivers. might solve it15:31
xompnickrud, only reason I freak about a backup is this laptop used to have PGP installed and the whole disk encrypted. I'm sure the HDD will fail permaturely on me for that reason.15:31
mohbanaHi veryone, i can't seem get ubuntu past the intiial screen, after i click 'start or install' i just a blank screen nothing happens, ive tried select safe graphics mode but nothing happends15:31
kewlmartHello, when ever i want to join photo attachments in evolution, i cannot see the actual photos, instead i have a photo icon, anyway to fix it so i can see the photos i want to send?15:31
bullgard4finalbeta: There is no 'HAL' in dmesg output.15:31
bazhangthrow it in Cobrajr12215:31
Cobrajr122ok, tks15:31
nickrudxomp: what I do is backup my /home , the stuff I edit in /etc , any databases or web stuff  in /var , and the installed package list. I would reinstall then restore that stuff15:31
arcdarkwolfMeh, I'll try my little theory to see if it works15:31
arcdarkwolfThanks for the lack of help15:32
jribkewlmart: not that I am aware of, but one workaround may be to use nautilus to find your picture, and then just drag it to where you want15:32
finalbetabullgard4: on my dell, that's how I find out my cd drive was freezing up the system (libsata), the video driver thing is something you should try for sure.15:32
xompnickrud, ok, I think I see what this does. It will restore those areas AFTER a reinstall of the OS? So backing that stuff up will keep my compiz settings, icons, themes etc..?15:32
SkrotHi, ubuntu supports encrypted LVM using the alternate installation, right? If so, is it easy to extend the ecrypted LVM with more encrypted discs?15:33
bullgard4finalbeta: Yes, it is ATI Radeon. But I do not dare to test the other drivers. In the past this only lead to trouble with the X server.15:33
nickrudxomp: yes, all your personal settings are in /home/<you>15:33
xompnickrud, awesome! Thanks15:33
nickrudxomp: including downloaded themes, your mail, etc15:33
Cobrajr122I installed ubuntu way back in may 2006 when i couldnt get windows installed properly, so i was using ubuntu for a few months. I randomly decided to go retrive all my filws off of it today but now that I have a 8800GT it wont boot properly. Is there any way i can upgrade it from the Live cd?15:33
bkarCobrajr122-> we are serving number 899 what number is yours?15:33
bullgard4finalbeta: Let me re-iterate, the machine functions (by and large).15:33
ravenniumbkar, I found an answer from the kubuntuforums. This is what I was talking about: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3084310.015:34
finalbetabullgard4: one of my other laptops freezes up after a while. switching to another terminal fixes it, for a while...15:34
bahadunnnoone knows about mp3 playback breaking?15:34
IdleOnebkar: dont be a troll15:34
nickrud!clone | xomp this is how you would create the installed package list, then reset it15:34
ubotuxomp this is how you would create the installed package list, then reset it: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:34
Cobrajr122bkar : I didnt know that I got a number :P15:34
bkarIdleOne-> one time thing, you spoil it so much15:34
kewlmartJrib, yes i do that right now, but i thought maybe there would be an easier way.thx15:34
bullgard4finalbeta: So your situation is worse than mine. --  I did ask for heuristic purposes. I am curious but not in an immediate hurry.15:35
ere4simohbana, you might need the alternate cd - what is your hardware15:35
bazhangCobrajr122: is this the alternate cd or the livecd of gutsy gibbon 7.10 and what system are you upgrading from15:35
yolucaddoea anyone know how to fix the sound in flash ?15:35
nickrudCobrajr122: no. You have to get the nvidia driver from nvidia to run the 8800gt. However, you can use the command line at alt-f2 in your boot to copy stuff around15:35
mohbanaere4si, one sec15:35
spl0ithey guys - I was looking for some suggestions, I setup a transparent bridge on my network with the desired goal of tracking all data per hosts - ie. know how much bandwidth each host is using, etc.. generate reports, etc... does anyone have any suggestions as to what software I should use? I tried to find one last night for hours, but I was unable to find any packages with that type of reporting....15:35
mohbanaere4si, the first post on this site http://www.silentpcreview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=45705 the first post15:36
finalbetabullgard4: try asking on the forums, there are many threads with similar issues and strange fixes :p. perhaps someone who knows will notice your thread15:36
nickrudspl0it: a few years ago I used ntop, it's a web based analyzer15:36
k1l0PLEASE i need to merge partition in ubuntu...someone help?15:36
bullgard4finalbeta: Yes, I will endeavour that.  --  Thank you for commenting.15:37
spl0itnickrud: okay I'll check that out...15:37
spl0itany other suggestions for network accounting?15:37
aoupiwhat command can I use to see bandwidth usage? (like "Up:  xxxKb/s   Down: xxxkb/s")15:37
Cobrajr122bazhang : I am currently downloading the 7.10 livecd and im not sure what i currently have on that HDDI guess it depends on what was releced within 4-6 months after may 2006.15:37
nickrudbullgard4: another good place to ask is the ubuntu-user mail list, some smart people hang out there as well15:37
Cobrajr122nickrud : Could you explain more?15:37
NeocoldHello everyone, is there anyone available to help me with an install problem?15:37
bkarspl0it-> iptables can count packets15:38
kewlmartHello, when ever i want to join photo attachments in evolution, i cannot see the actual photos, instead i have a photo icon, anyway to fix it so i can see the photos i want to send?15:38
bullgard4nickrud: Ok, thank you for advising.15:38
bazhang!ask | Neocold15:38
ubotuNeocold: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:38
spl0itbkar: is there any good software to view the data - per host usage, etc?15:38
nickrudCobrajr122: about which? The nvidia install I have no real input to give, I don't use it just know about the limitation of the ubuntu driver15:38
bkarCobrajr122-> mount an old partition on liveCd or new install should be easy, if you just want to recover data15:38
k1l0is there any way to merge partitions in ubuntu?15:39
ere4simohbana, seems like all the newest gear - is that right?15:39
savetheWorldAnyone know where I can download a copy of the source for atscap ? (pchdrtv)15:39
Rusty_RyanHey there, is there anyone, that can help me to reconfigure my graphics settings? I treid to configure it fo a second monitor and crashed it all down...15:39
mohbanaere4si, yeh like 2 weeks old15:39
bkarspl0it-> you have to write the rules for iptables to mark it and count15:39
pandab34rfrostwire doesn't work for me. im an amd 64 user and I donwloaded the deb. installer15:39
bullgard4k1l0: Try Gparted. But backup before you start merging.15:39
pandab34rit installed. but wont run15:39
jribpandab34r: tell us the output you get in a terminal when you type 'frostwire' and hit enter15:40
jrib!paste | pandab34r15:40
ubotupandab34r: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:40
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: i bet a buffalo nickel you need java.15:40
bkarspl0it-> am sure there are apps already out there doing this, i just dont know the name15:40
yolucajrib is there anyway getting sound for flash ?15:40
qj0nhow do i avoid downloading .deb's twice with two computers?15:40
yolucaor they didnt fix it yet ?15:40
NeocoldHello, when i am trying to install, it goes fine untill it loads (scrolling text then the graphic loading bar) then a graphical background comes up and the install freezes anyone know the cause? I am new to ubuntu.  Thank You.15:40
jribyoluca: flash should have sound15:40
ere4simohbana, the developers need time to get the specs and write software to use the hardware - give thema week more15:40
k1l0bullgard4: i've already tried it...the problem is that i need to expand the sd1 (containing windows) so it can be greater, i have 13,5 Gigs of unallocated hd space...15:40
Rusty_Ryanat the moment i cant get any resultione higher than 800 to 60015:40
spl0itbkar: yeah I've found hundreds of apps, I just can't find any that accompilsh the tracking of data per host15:40
yolucajrib .. not here15:41
esaymubuntu 7.04, I have a amd 64 3000+ cpu and it seems to be stuck at 1000mhz instead of 2000mhz, any tips on getting it to change?15:41
nickrudqj0n: copy the the deb over from /var/cache/apt/archives15:41
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: i think you're right. how do I get it?15:41
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: for 64bit?.. don't know,..15:41
jribyoluca: don't know about it.  According to adobe, it should just use alsa now.  File a bug with them15:41
qj0nnickrud: thx, will it work with synaptic or apt-get?15:41
mohbanaere4si, but i am currently running fedora 8 which is quiet old do you have any idea what is wrong?15:41
Rusty_Ryani'm using ubuntu 7.10, graphics card is an ati radeon x80015:41
nickrud!apt-proxy | qj0n (a long term solution)15:42
ubotuqj0n (a long term solution): apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy15:42
bkarspl0it-> well you now know what the basics behind it, either you customize or keep on searching for existing tools15:42
jrib!java > pandab34r (read the private message from ubotu)15:42
nickrudqj0n: you have to copy by hand, but once it's in the archive of the other machine it will work properly with apt-get and synaptic15:42
Tomi^^Heya. I am having a problem during the instalÃl (trying to install currently). I have two partitions of the same size and filetype. How do I know which one is empty and which one has my windows programs? (both claim that they have 17gb used for some reason)15:42
ere4sifedora 8 is current mohbana15:42
IndyGunFreakjrib: does that work for 64bit to?15:42
spl0itbkar: yeah I figured someone here would have a suggestion that they've used..15:42
bkarmohbana-> fedora8 is not that old, less than 6 months or so from release?15:42
jribIndyGunFreak: yes, just not the firefox plugin15:42
Cobrajr122bkar : Im just looking to get my files that i downloaded at that time so i can wipe the drive and install ubuntu server on it --> going along with that, I have 2 SCSIULTRA 320 15K drived on my desktop.... will ubuntu server have a problem with them?15:43
IndyGunFreakjrib: ah, gotcha.15:43
rskTomi^^: using the livecd?15:43
IdleOnenickrud: I was going to ask if he could setup his 1 pc as a "repo" but I guess aptproxy does that :)15:43
pandab34rjrib: thanks15:43
k1l0i need to expand the sd1 (containing windows) so it can be greater, i have 13,5 Gigs of unallocated hd space...15:43
bkarCobrajr122-> as long as you can mount the drive to recover and a destination drive to copy over, i dont see it as an issue15:43
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: if youd on't need special java for 64bit, it should be in the repos and easy to install.15:44
mohbanahow old is ubunut 7.1015:44
mohbanacould it be that i downloading the 32bit version instead of the 64bit?15:44
Cobrajr122bkar : can the drive ot copy over to be on the network?15:44
jribmohbana: 7.10 means 2007 october15:44
rskhottis: few months15:44
bazhangmohbana: october of 2007 7.1015:44
nickrudIdleOne: yup :)15:44
IndyGunFreakmohbana: 7.10= Oct 07, 8.04(next version), April 0815:44
Tomi^^rsk: yup15:44
jribmohbana: 'uname -a' will tell you whether you have 32bit or 6415:45
ere4simohbana, 7.10 means the 10nth month 0715:45
rskhottis: why asking?15:45
bkarCobrajr122-> then you have to use nfs or samba or iScsci (am not sure if iscsci is supported)15:45
bazhangk1l0: you asked the question and were answered; back up then use gparted to do so15:45
bullgard4k1l0: I personally have not tried to expand an Windows partition using Gparted. I have done such work using a commercial Windows tool. I did use Gparted successfully to shrink Windows partitons. But Linux people report in the forums that they have used Gparted successfully to expand Windows partitions. (But I read of failures as well.)15:45
ere4siwindows or linux - 64 bit is immature15:45
Cobrajr122bkar : oh no, ubuntu is installed on an pata 80gb maxtar :P15:45
IndyGunFreakere4si: i agree 100%15:46
mohbanajrib, no i cant get past the initial boot screen it goes blank, how would i type that it?15:46
IndyGunFreakhardware is well ahead of software in this game.15:46
bkarCobrajr122-> if you can mount it and read, whats the issue?15:46
Tomi^^rsk: Do you know what I should do?15:46
k1l0bullgard4: when i am in Gparted and choose "resize-move" on the sda it doesn't give me the option to merge with the unallocated space...15:46
nickrudCobrajr122: you can install openssh-server on the ubuntu machine, then ssh in from another machine on the network and scp the files over15:46
ere4simohbana, use 32 bit on your comp for now15:47
bkarCobrajr122-> these are two computers right?15:47
bazhangmohbana: this is on #fedora 8 or ubuntu?15:47
yolucajrib do you know any application that allows me to use the integrated camera on my vaio laptop ?15:47
jribmohbana: did you "check the cd for defects" (an option when you boot the cd)?15:47
jrib!webcam > yoluca (read the private message from ubotu)15:47
jribyoluca: no, but see if that helps15:47
frojndis possible to split screen in ubuntu ?15:47
Cobrajr122bkar : yes, my PC and my laptop, which i would prefer not to install ubuntu onto because of its limited disc space, and it also have a Gforce * series card in it :p15:47
mikebotIs there a way in thunderbird to make it so that when relpying to an e-mail I am typing at the top, not bottom, of the e-mail?15:48
Cobrajr122bkar : Gforce 8 **15:48
mohbanajrib, i cant do that either ... it goes blank when i try to do anything, basically if i select, safe graphics mode / start or install / check cd -> i get like 2 lines of output then  goes blank15:48
jribmohbana: try the alternate cd15:48
IndyGunFreakmikebot: thats a question that is fairly specific to thunderbird, you're gonna have to either email mozilla tech support, or review its documentation15:48
bkarCobrajr122-> we gave you suggestions, now your turn to describe where is the data to be recovered and what network do you have in between the pc and desktop?15:48
jrib!alternate | mohbana15:48
ubotumohbana: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal15:48
mikebotIndyGunFreak: Mm, OK, thanks.15:49
* IndyGunFreak <3's the alternate install CD15:49
Tomi^^How can I tell about partition called "norsu" and partition called "kirahvi", which one is /dev/sda5 and which one/dev/sda6. They are of the same size15:49
bkarmohbana-> not sure if this will help,  try   ctrl+alt++    note the additional plus at end, or  use minus to recycle rez15:49
nickrudTomi^^:   ls -l /dev/disk/by-label15:49
IdleOnenickrud: I havemnt checked out the link yet but using aptproxy mean that all the machines on the lan would be clones?15:50
mohbanai am pretty new to linux, how is the text install like?15:50
nickrudIdleOne: no, the proxy would be the union of all the packages installed on all the machines15:50
Cobrajr122bkar : im not entierly sure what you mean by mounting the drives and stuff, But between my PC and laptop there is just a small linksys switch that is connected to my PC and laptop and my main router for the whole house.15:50
Tomi^^nickrud: thanks15:50
bazhangmohbana: ncurses based15:50
jribmohbana: just as easy, but not as pretty15:50
bullgard4k1l0: May be you paid too much attention to a 'merge' and not to move the border of the two neighboring partitions. Start anew when you have slept well. --  Sorry, but your description is a bit vague.15:50
bkarCobrajr122-> where is the old drive that has the data you want to recover?15:51
Aquahallic_Mornin' folks15:51
DILgood evening15:51
IndyGunFreakgood afternoon.. ;)15:51
Cobrajr122bkar : Its a 80GB pATA Maxtar15:51
k1l0bullgard4: LOL maybe you're right bullgard... anyway thanks for the advice...i try now to work with borders...15:51
IdleOnenickrud: ok so pc1=proxy pc2wants package AAA and asks pc1 for it. pc1 does not have that package and gets it from ubuntu repo and then sends to pc2  correct?15:51
bkarCobrajr122-> on the desktop?15:52
Cobrajr122bkar : correct, thats what ubuntu is installed on15:52
nickrudIdleOne: pc1 would keep a copy of it, so if pc3 wanted it wouldn't have to go to the net to get it15:52
IdleOnenickrud: thank you15:52
bkarCobrajr122-> ubuntu is already installed? on a different partition?15:52
k1l0bullgard4: what if the partitions are not "near"? in the middle i have a fat32 partition with all my data on it...15:53
schmehcan someone here tell me where i can setup the console keymap?15:53
schmehthe keymap is a .map file15:54
Cobrajr122bkar : my old copy of ubuntu from late 2006 is installed on that HDD by itsself, it has the whole drive.15:54
bkarCobrajr122-> how many drives does your desktop have? two ?15:54
bkarCobrajr122-> see if you dont elaborate on your setup, we have to ask many questions..15:55
ygorabreuHello. guys.. i just installed my wifi connection through the wifidocs page... but my wireless connection connects as eth1 and not as wlan0... whats exactly the at command ?15:56
qj0nI just installed Gutsy on my PC, and during loading keyboard stops working. It is somewhere around plug & play.15:56
qj0nWhat should i do?15:56
Cobrajr122bkar : 1 80GB maxtar (ubuntu) 1 80GB WD (windows boot) 1 250GB WD sATA (storage) 2 HP ULTRA 320 SCSI 15K drives in Raid 1 (extremly fast, install games on it)15:56
aoupiIs there something like mrtg but simpler to set up?15:56
ubuntuohey how can i check what version of aMSN i have? i think its out of date.15:57
BoglizkHow do i mount an iso?15:57
IndyGunFreakubuntuo: usually in a terminal, type amsn --ver15:58
bkarCobrajr122-> oh and the os on that desktop is windows?15:58
Cobrajr122bkar : Correct15:58
ubuntuook thanks IndyGunFreak15:58
ygorabreuubuntuo: go to the main window and go to help>about15:58
IndyGunFreakor what ygorabreu said..lol15:58
ubuntuo<ygorabreu> that doesnt work. Says file is not there15:58
bkarBoglizk-> mount -o loop -t iso9660  file.iso  /mountpoint15:58
Boglizkbkar: thanks.15:58
mohbanahow can i check if the ubuntu 7.10 live cd is error free in another linux distro i cant seem to do it from boot15:59
wershow do I reset a module? :D15:59
ygorabreuubuntuo: how did u installed?15:59
Cobrajr122bkar : ubuntu cant feed my gamer :P15:59
ubuntuoIndyGunFreak "amsn --ver" just opens my aMSN15:59
bkarCobrajr122-> you have to get a driver for windows to allow it to read  ext215:59
ubuntuoygorabreu from the synaptic package manager15:59
ubuntuobut when i used it, i got a prompt screen saying "get the latest version"15:59
Al2O3_I'm looking to configure the workspace application on ubuntu to restrict window movment to the current workspace until a modifier key is depressed at which time the window via a drag would be able to move to another workspace.15:59
schmehcan someone here tell me where i can setup the console keymap? (it's a .map file)15:59
IndyGunFreakubuntuo: weird. every program i have, that shows the version,15:59
ubuntuoIndyGunFreak really?16:00
Cobrajr122bkar : you can do that? woulda loved to know that ages ago16:00
ygorabreuubuntuo: so..u could go to the amsn page and download the new version... and install tcltls package16:00
bkarCobrajr122-> or if you have those external adapters  ie usb to ide adapter  then install the drive that way16:00
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ubuntuoyeah i was thinking of doing that ygorabreu16:00
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ubuntuo<ygorabreu> yeah my synaptic package manager says my aMSN verson is .09716:01
Cobrajr122bkar : you mean like an external HDD? -- and you confused me again XD16:01
ygorabreuubuntuo: and download the autopackage..of tcl/tk8.05 or 8.4 if thats ur case... good luck!16:01
pandab34rif i want java for frostwire do i install the mozilla firefox plugin?? I cant seem to find where it tells me how to install the JRE for amd6416:01
neopsychebazhang: do you know what i am looking for?16:01
ubuntuothanks :)16:01
neopsychecan ayone help me with setting up MYTH TV?16:01
ygorabreuubuntuo: so thats strange..cuz if u get installed by synaptic there should be no errors.. u got that updated?16:01
_moro_bana_does anyone watch tv on ubuntu, i have a tv card and i wanna use it if its possible16:01
bkarCobrajr122-> yes, you can buy those casing, inside is an ide connector, outside interface is a USB connector which you can then connect to your laptop usb port16:02
spl0ithey guys - I was looking for some suggestions, I setup a transparent bridge on my network with the desired goal of tracking all data per hosts - ie. know how much bandwidth each host is using, etc.. generate reports, etc... does anyone have any suggestions as to what software I should use? I tried to find one last night for hours, but I was unable to find any packages with that type of reporting....16:02
Cobrajr122bkar : yes i know how to use an external HDD16:02
neopsychecan anyone help me isntall my scanner16:02
neopsycheit is 3300 scan to web16:02
ubuntuomy system is all up to date. I didnt get an "error" just when i installed aMSN from Synaptic when i logged into my accoutn it says "there is a new version visit the site blah blah to upgrade"16:02
Cobrajr122bkar : but i see where your going now16:02
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: no.16:02
bkarCobrajr122-> so move your old drive inside those casing adaptor and plug it in as usb16:03
rpthow can i install mIRC on ubuntu16:03
rptis there a sudo command?16:03
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: the firefox java plugin doesn't work for 64bit without installing 32bit  browser installed and other hoop jumping.16:03
ygorabreuubuntuo: yeah mate.. but if u say that when u go to help>about and theres no file this is a error..dont ya think) :P16:03
bardyrrpt, you can use wine, but xchat is superior in linux16:03
bkarCobrajr122-> but if you dont have that external adaptor,  load the ext2 driver for windows,  you have to google to find one16:03
Cobrajr122bkar : i think it would be easier to get the ext3 windows reader, do you know fo a name?16:04
ubuntuoit said something like "that file you requested is not yet available or translated"16:04
ubuntuosomething weird16:04
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: so i dont understand how somone would get frostwire running on a 64bit system16:04
bullgard4k1l0: As far as I remember you can only deal with adjacent partitions in Gparted. A partition in the middle can only dealt with as follows: Back it up. Extend your target partition. Copy the backup files in the target partition.16:04
ygorabreuubuntuo: anyway.. download the autopackage..install the tcltls and there should be no problem..GL ! xD16:04
k1l0ok...so now i have an empty partition...what if i copy and paste this (empty) in the sda1 partition (system)?16:04
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: very good question16:04
ubuntuookay thanks mate cheers!16:04
IndyGunFreakwhy did you download 64bit?16:04
bkarCobrajr122-> nope, i didnt have a need, so  I dont know which is a good one, just google for it16:04
ygorabreuubuntuo: sure..cuz the guys from amsn are all north americans..i think :P16:04
pandab34rBecause I have a 64bit processor... wantedto utilize it16:05
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: well, what do you do to utilize a 64bit proc?16:05
bullgard4k1l0: You cannot copy and paste a partition.16:05
Cobrajr122bkar : Great, thanks! sorry for not really teling you everything you needed to know --- one last thing, the new versions of linux server will or will not boot on a 8800GT16:05
pandab34rI wanted to do audio and video editing with ubuntu studio16:05
pandab34r=\ brb16:06
ubuntuo<ygorabreu> i cant find the autopackage.... at http://www.autopackage.org/16:06
bkarCobrajr122-> i dont know, try it with alternate cd perhaps16:06
ygorabreuubuntuo: no dude... hmm..just a sec...16:06
ubuntuooh nvm i see it now16:06
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bikn16:06
ygorabreuubuntuo: http://www.amsn-project.net/linux-downloads.php16:06
halanoncocan anyone point me to a easy tutorial to boot distros from a usb drive16:06
Cobrajr122bkar : if it doent work i shal -- Thanks for the help and have a great day !16:06
k1l0bullgard4: i am experiencing the Gparted interface...it has a copy and paste function. What's the use of it...sorry if i am annoyng you...but i have just 2Gig free on sda1 and i need more space...16:06
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:06
IndyGunFreakhalanonco: see above.16:07
ubuntuo<ygorabreu> i downloaded the aMSN installed for Rci/tk 8.416:07
qj0nMy keybord stops working during loading, after line 'hardware drivers loading'. What should i do?16:07
IndyGunFreak!usb | halanonco16:07
ubotuhalanonco: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:07
mar77ichannel list16:07
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: "E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-bkin"16:07
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: remove the K16:08
IdleOne!java | pandab34r16:08
ubotupandab34r: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)16:08
ubuntuois that all i need ygorabreu16:08
ygorabreuubuntuo: well...u could be interested about instaling the tcl/tk8.5...16:08
ygorabreuubuntuo: nop ! c ya dude!16:08
DrKeithI'm about to install ubuntu with a dual windows boot.  I'm wondering, once it's done how easy would it be to get rid of windows later?16:08
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: seems to be working16:08
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: it should16:08
bkarDrKeith-> its a snap16:08
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: ty, gtg for now16:08
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: you'll run into some other problems though, installing flash, etc.16:08
nickrudDrKeith: just reformat the windows partition as ext3 , done16:09
DrKeithok thanx, and 1 more question16:09
DrKeithwhat is a good amount of hard disk space for the linux partition?16:09
pandab34rIndyGunFreak: got flash taken care of ;)16:09
IndyGunFreakpandab34r: ok.16:09
bkarDrKeith-> 5 gig minimum then separate partitions for /home16:10
nickrudDrKeith: 10-15gb for the root partition (  /  ) and as much as you can spare for the /home partition, with 2x ram up to about 2gb for swap partition16:10
schmehi did it now via loadkeys, i hope the change lasts after the next reboot <_<16:11
DrKeithok thank you for ur help16:11
schmehnext question: where do i specify my default Xmodmap?16:11
k1l0bullgard4: uff...i am tired with trying...i will go out for a walk :P thanks a lot for the help. Have a nice day16:11
schmehi could certainly make a .Xinit file, but dunno, sounds more like a hack than a solution...16:11
nickrudschmeh: use system->prefs->keyboard16:11
incorrectwhat is the name of the package that easies the generate of ssl certs for apache?16:11
schmehnickrud: i can't select the xmodmap there <_<16:13
thorndeuxAnyone using ICC Dasher here?16:13
nickrudschmeh: do you mean the default xkb map, or are you trying to create a custom xmodmap?16:13
cs02rm0how do i get the cube effect for switching virtual desktops?16:14
schmehnickrud: i mean i wanna specify an xmodmap which should be loaded automatically16:14
incorrectapache2-ssl-certificate doens't seem to exist as a package :(16:14
bkarincorrect-> isnt it openssl has those tools?16:14
Jatzhow do I resize /tmp16:14
Jatzit's saying that it's 1mb16:14
mohbanahow can i check if the ubuntu 7.10 live cd is error free in another linux distro16:15
Jatzand it's not playing nice16:15
nickrudschmeh: so you're adding some custom settings, that aren't already defined in an X keyboard layout? (just want to make sure we're on the same page)16:15
incorrectoh i thought i had that installed16:15
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incorrecti thought it was a set of script to aid apache's interface to openssl16:15
bkarJatz-> having /tmp at 1mb will certainly not work16:15
Jatzbkar, I know16:15
JatzI didn't do it16:15
JatzBut everything is complaining about it16:15
JatzAnd when I checked it was 1mb16:16
Bruumwhat is best, ubuntu ore Kubuntu ????16:16
rskBruum: neither one16:16
bkarJatz-> type mount and tell us what is mounted16:16
IndyGunFreak1mb temp?..lol16:16
rskBruum: why would there be 2 if the other one is better?16:16
oznejoin #ubuntu-it16:16
qj0nHey, please help me. I have a few hours to set up this machine :/16:16
brobostigonBruum: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu kde, that the diference, depends what you prefer16:16
Bruumrsk i see16:16
th0rqj0n that won't be enough time16:17
Jatzbkar, it's long, should I paste it all?16:17
bkarJatz-> pastebin it16:17
qj0nThe keybord (PS/2) isn't working, that's all16:17
Bruumusing gnome now, "64AMD" im going back to 32.. and then i wondering try KDE.. but i  dont know..16:17
Jatzlink to pastebin?16:17
Bruumwhat are you guys using?16:17
bkar!pastebin | jatz16:17
nickrudschmeh: if that's the case (custom additions) I would create the file ~/.gnomerc and put the xmodmap command there16:17
ubotujatz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:17
cybermadi work at medium size company (50 people). I just need sugestion from you guys, where is the best you store the company file/documents? support ACL,inheritance permission, and reliable16:17
IndyGunFreakBruum: the Desktop you use is personal opinion, i personally hate KDE16:17
Jatzbkar, what did that do?16:17
schmehnickrud: i use xfce16:18
brobostigonBruum: you can have kde and gnome on the same machine at the same time,16:18
schmehshould i just do it via an .Xinitcr? >_>16:18
_moro_bana_anyone know of tv applications on ubuntu16:18
locali'm looking for an "expert" of RAID1 and mdadm, i've got two hard disk , one full of data an the other empty, all ext3 formated, i want to setup RAID1 for it, how can i do ?16:18
nickrudschmeh: xfce has some equivalent file, but I don't remember it off hand. Haven't used it for a while16:18
Bruumubuntu i will download then!16:18
tritium_moro_bana_: zapping, tvtime, xawtv16:18
Jatzbkar, okay16:18
cybermadactually right now i use microsoft windows 2003 server and i planning to use something cheaper but still the best!16:19
angahChain udp_inbound (0 references) target     prot opt source               destination16:19
cybermadany help?16:19
nickrudschmeh: if someone is in #xubuntu they may remember16:19
angahhow to delete that rule in iptables?16:19
bkarcybermad-> are you indian from india by chance?16:19
brobostigon!iptables | angah16:19
ubotuangah: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:19
incorrectstill can't find that script to easy my ssl cert generation16:20
Jatzbkar, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53584/16:20
cybermadbkar what do you mean?16:20
testefala ae galera16:20
bazhangenglish teste16:20
runemaste644Does anyone know of any good widget engines for Linux?16:21
runemaste644that has a lot of widgets16:21
amikropDo you recommend FrostWire or LimeWire?16:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widget - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:21
Picirunemaste644: screenlets?16:21
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/16:21
bazhanggdesklets runemaste64416:21
Pici!screenlets | runemaste64416:21
uboturunemaste644: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/16:21
bkarJatz-> how did you even get to use this? where did that overflow come from?    overflow on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,size=1048576,mode=1777)16:21
runemaste644i tried screenlets and gdesklets16:21
th0rschmeh:what ar eyou trying to do?16:21
runemaste644screenlets dont have many16:21
Jatzbkar, it was working fine before16:22
tritiumrunemaste644: more will come with time16:22
Jatzthe /tmp problem is new16:22
nickrudrunemaste644: lol, then you'e discovered that they are essentially useless and use up valuable screen space16:22
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support16:22
runemaste644and gdesklets have a bug where i have to restart the widget to move it16:22
Jatzbkar, could it be qdvdauthor? when I used it I had to select /tmp for something16:22
bkarJatz-> you didnt answer me, where did you get this overflow ? how did you load it?16:22
bazhangrunemaste644: for gnome those are some choices--for a kde environment (or even with gnome) is superkaramba16:22
Jatzbkar, overflow? how did I load it? I have no Idea.16:22
runemaste644if i try superkaramba with gnome the widget background is always black16:23
bkarJatz-> must be from qdvauthor, i am not familiar with it how it created that filesystem16:23
qj0nWhat is possible reason, that keyboard16:23
schmehth0r: i'm trying to load my costum keymap in x and the ttys by defalt, gonna see if it worx now by rebooting >_>16:23
bkarand only reserved 1 meg16:23
Jatzwell, I uninstalled qdvdauthor already16:23
qj0nWhat is possible reason, that keyboard isn't working with my ubuntu?16:23
nickrudJatz: strange, that /tmp is on a tmpfs16:23
bazhangrunemaste644: well there is always ubuntuforums and teh google if you dont like the answers you get here16:23
Jatzbkar, so how do I fix it?16:23
grubhey, anyone in here who has access to(or manages)  the cd shipping requests?16:23
SR71-Blackbirdis anyone running 2.6.24?16:24
runemaste644ive already posted a thread16:24
bkarJatz-> what is odd is the system allowed it to use the /tmp to own it16:24
th0rschmeh I only redefine the capslock key. I use xfce and put th emods in .Xmodmap, which is set up on login16:24
Jatzyeah, it is16:24
JatzI ran qdvdauthor as myself, I'm fairly sure16:24
bkarJatz-> umm i dont know, kill qvdauthor?  or maybe reboot?16:24
runemaste644ill settle for getting the need-to-restart-widget-to-move-it bug16:24
emmaDoes ubuntu recomend any gui's for configuring apache ?16:24
cybermadbkar what are you talking about "indian"? i'm not indian.. but what's the matter with it16:25
JatzI've rebooted lots of times, bkar16:25
bkaremma you are going to abandon command line? hehe16:25
nickrudemma: no16:25
brobostigonolli: moin16:25
bkarjatz same huh? i dont know how that /tmp got owned by an app16:25
emmaI'm not really proud of abandoning the command line. I always try the command line first but getting Apache to recognize PHP is eluding me.16:26
ollibrobostigon, moin. do I know you?16:26
runemaste644any widget engine with thousands available to download works for me ;-)16:26
nickrudemma: did you install libapache2-mod-php5 ?16:26
brobostigonolli: probebly not, just saying hello16:26
bazhangolli: you should :}16:26
Jatzbkar, so do I have to kill /tmp and remake it or is my install ruined?16:26
emmanickrud - I thought that would be included as a dependency with apache or php516:26
bkarcybermad-> an inside joke, <wink>16:27
=== InteGastono is now known as Gasten
ollithanks for the warm welcome ;)16:27
bkarJatz-> can you remove that qvdauthor for now, or rather dont let it start at boot?16:27
danbhfive!lamp > emma16:27
nickrudemma: not necessarily16:27
cybermadbkar oh.. sorry because my english is not good.. and it sound rasist ;)16:27
Jatzbkar, I already removed it16:27
cybermadinstead i'm not indian..16:27
JatzI don't think it starts at boot, either16:28
bkarcybermad ah you know...16:28
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:28
cybermadinstead -> although ;P16:28
emmamaybe I should not have installed apache, mysql and php separately?16:28
bkarjatz can you umount it?16:28
emmashould I uninstall all of them and install some kind of lamp package (if there is such a thing?)16:29
nickrud!lamp | emma (check your install against this page)16:29
ubotuemma (check your install against this page): LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:29
Jatzbkar, umount: /tmp is not in the fstab (and you are not root)16:29
bkarjatz sudo umount ...16:29
emmaUbuntu should make a package that is just lamp all at once, if you get what I mean.16:29
Jatzbkar, umount: /tmp: device is busy16:29
danbhfiveemma: well, there is the server install cd, I think thats ubuntu's solution for that16:30
tetzke9i have a question: how do i disable the above and lower cube caps?16:30
bkarjatz lsof /tmp  and identify the pid and then kill it16:30
emmawouldn't it be easy if someone just made a lamp package?16:30
emmaso it installed the whole thing as one unit.16:30
Sidneyalguem do brasil?16:30
bkaremma-> customization is the key16:31
nickrudcan't disagree with that16:31
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:31
Jatzlots of konqueror and klauncher stuff, you sure I should kill it all?16:31
ConstyXIVis power consumption roughly the same between different wifi cards?16:31
tetzke9 i have a question: how do i disable the above and lower cube caps? there 2 logos there now i dont want them (comp fusion)16:31
bazhangmore of a ##hardware question16:31
htnswhy flash so choppy and slow on ubuntu?16:32
nickrudtetzke9: try #compiz-fusion16:32
htnsunlike windows16:32
htnsit plays smoothly in firefox on windows, but not on linux16:32
Jatzbkar, I should really kill it all?16:32
DRebellionhtns: you using nonfree or gnash?16:32
htnsand sometimes, it doesn't even work at all16:32
htnsDRebellion: I dunno....16:32
Jatzbkar: I just dont want to break something16:32
bkarjatz when /tmp is only at 1meg, you may as well,  /tmp should have been a temp dir so nothing should break16:32
schmehthat so didn't work16:32
nickrudJatz: give him a second, he's thinking about how wierd it all is :016:32
DRebellionhtns: how did you install it?16:33
bkarjatz and if it does, well reboot?16:33
htnsDRebellion: I think I installed it via firefox16:33
htnsYou know, via the missing plugin16:33
angahstill cannot delete those rules16:33
Jatzbkar, alright16:33
htnsI'd like to install the official Adobe Flash instead of using the open source alternative16:33
htnsBut I dunno how, I tried but it's weird....16:33
bkarjatz i have to go for a few, be back later16:33
bazhanghtns: you read the topic?16:34
nickrud!brokenflash | htns look for the blue text on the forum page, it has working adobe flash installs16:34
ubotuhtns look for the blue text on the forum page, it has working adobe flash installs: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:34
bazhanga looong wait..16:34
SR71-Blackbirdi am getting a strange problem while compiling alsa-driver  CFLAGS changed16:34
SR71-Blackbird *** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS16:35
nickrudlol, I died while holding my breath16:35
SR71-Blackbirdnickrud, see you in heaven16:35
DRebellionhtns: i'm assuming you installed gnash, the open source alternative which is still in development.16:35
DRebellion!brokenflash | htns16:35
ubotuhtns: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:35
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:35
troythetechguyWhat windows manager does Ubuntu use?16:36
nickrudtroythetechguy: metacity by default16:36
nickrudtroythetechguy: unless you use compiz instead16:37
wirefireanyone recommend a good all round cd/dvd burning utility for images and general burning16:37
troythetechguynickrud: I was looking for what is used by default.  Thank you.16:37
=== grub is now known as gurb
bomanizerhow com /sys shows as having 0 space left, it's under / which has plenty of space16:37
nickrudwirefire: gnomebaker or k3b16:38
BenderUnit22bomanizer: sys doesn't really occupy any space, IIRC.16:38
BenderUnit22(like /proc, it's just a virtual file system)16:39
bomanizerBender: i know16:39
bomanizerbut i can't modify, echo stuff16:39
bomanizerlike change a setting16:39
bazhangk3b wirefire16:39
bomanizerso strange16:39
troythetechguywirefire: I've had great luck with k3b.16:39
wirefirek3b it is then thanks guys16:40
IndyGunFreaki think k3b kills gnomebaker.., even if you h ave to instlal the KDE libs16:40
=== gurb is now known as grub
filthpigwhy not use Brasero?16:41
emmaI guess linux has it's advantages but it's the least efficient operating system by far.16:42
DRebellionemma: actually, efficiency is one thing linux does *very* well16:42
th0rDRebellion you shouldn't feed the trolls <smile>16:43
emmaI don't see how it is efficient when after 4 hours I still can't do what I want to do. That's a lot of wasted time. Multiply that by every user and think of the lost productivity. With any other OS surely I would be doing what I wanted to do instead of trying to learn the OS after 4 hours.16:43
mohbanasay i install ubuntu and later decide to remove it, how would i do that? i am assuming i would just format the disc thats it on right? the entry would still be in the grub menu right?16:43
th0rDRebellion I rest my case16:43
bazhang4 hours? :}16:43
emmaWrong. You can't just call every person with a valid complaint a troll. That makes you a sycophant.16:44
IdleOneI guess windows has it's advantages but it's the least efficient operating system by far.16:44
emmaThe whole purpose of Ubuntu is user friendliness. People should realize that Ubuntu has a long way to go.16:44
th0remma my my...how sesquipedalian16:44
bazhangemma: four hours is hardly enough time to form a valid opinion16:44
DRebellionemma: i'd like to see you set up a lamp package on windows ;)16:44
Seveasemma, and this is a support channel, not a whining room16:44
emmaMy idea of eficiency is if I can accomplish what I want to accomplish without a lot of wasted time.16:44
brobostigonemma: what was your problem, i have obviously missed it??i have been away.16:45
IdleOneemma: ubuntu invites you to help make it better for the end user16:45
Seveasrepeat troll16:45
bazhangbrobostigon: setting up lamp16:45
bomanizerBender: could you please advice why i can't echo a setting to a file under sys? please, this worries me...16:45
brobostigonbazhang: did she follow the instruction on help.ubuntu.com16:45
mohbanahi anyone16:45
bazhangbrobostigon: no; ran head on into a kick16:46
averyhi where can i download jasper for gutsy16:46
elfmageI have a RT2500 WIFI that works with ubuntu's gnome network manager but not KDE's network manager Is there a reason for this???16:46
brobostigonoh, well.16:46
BenderUnit22bomanizer: I honestly have no idea. What happens when you try? Any meaningful error message, or just nothing?16:46
IdleOnelike setting up a apache and mysql is easy and done in 10 minutes on windows16:46
void^bomanizer: what's the exact command you are using?16:46
bomanizerwaitasec, i'll paste16:46
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up16:46
bazhangelfmage: knetwork-manager is problematic--I prefer the command line16:46
BenderUnit22bomanizer: also, I need to get out for cigarettes *fast* now. I read backlogs, though.16:47
DRebellionavery: is this what you want? - sudo apt-get libjasper-runtime16:47
bomanizerroot@ipari:/home/janne# echo 70 > /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/stop_charge_thresh16:47
Seveashello alcys16:47
schmehdoes someone here know where i can specify the tty keymap?16:47
bomanizera similar one worked, this one doesn't16:47
schmehlike the command "loadkeys", but automatically on startup16:47
knahi i want to configure my network, but i stucked16:47
bomanizerbender: quit smoking ;)16:48
knaunder gentoo i could use easyly net-setup16:48
bomanizerit can be done16:48
bomanizeri didi16:48
bkarkna-> where are you stuck?16:48
knahow can i configure ubntu automatically16:48
Seveasschmeh, /etc/default/console-setup perhaps?16:48
schmehwhere there? >_>16:48
tz34534schmeh: i think it's  sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup16:48
schmehi did look at the file16:48
bkarbomanizer-> you have to be root to write to /sys ?16:48
gorlaki have a question, i have a 7.10 gutsy server running with samba, and im on a laptop with 7.04 fiesty, i have the shared folder on the server setup (windows can see it) but would i just go to places>network , i should see whatever shared folders are available correct?16:48
Seveasgorlak, more or less16:49
jvai_thnak god! i'm in!!!16:49
knacan i just reboot?16:49
bomanizerbkar: yes?16:49
jvai_two days.... i couldnt get in here16:49
bazhangwelcome jvai_!16:50
gorlakseveas, any reason why the 7.04 cant see the share and the windows can? the samba.conf looks correct16:50
jvai_lol ty ty16:50
gorlakmaybe something im missing on my 7.0416:50
mohbanasay i install ubuntu and later decide to remove it, how would i do that? i am assuming i would just format the disc thats it on right? the entry would still be in the grub menu right?16:50
Seveasgorlak, try going to smb://ip_address_here16:50
martianlobsterI have a multi threaded app,  it has some 20 threads.   When I do "ps -aux | egrep OpraDaemon"   I see one process.  When I run htop,  I see 3 processes, with the name OpraDaemon. Could someone explain to me why "ps aux" sees 1 process, and htop sees 3?16:50
gorlakip of the server correct?16:50
Seveasmohbana, reformat the disks, restore mbr16:50
Seveasgorlak, correct16:50
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ /usr/bin/lshal > ~/tmp/lshal.out" prints a line "Dumping 92 device(s) from the Global Device List:" What program compiles the 'Global Device List'?16:50
Seveasbullgard4, hal :)16:50
mohbanaSeveas, how do i do that?16:51
gorlakit gives me the top level, but unable to go into the sub folder16:51
ascaronHow can I get drivers for creative soundblaster X-Fi XtremeGamer soundcard? The manufacturer's website only offers for 64bit linux...16:51
grubmohbana, dual booting with windows? fix the mbr, win recovery cd, "fixmbr"16:51
Seveasmohbana, in the file navigator, hit <ctrl> l to get a location bar16:51
bomanizerbkar: sudo gives me "permission denied"16:51
bomanizerbkar: hence, root16:51
knaantbody plz?16:51
IndyGunFreaksudo should give you root access16:51
bullgard4Seveas: hal is no program, as far as I know. What executable file?16:51
Chudilocan anyone help me get gspca driver working16:51
th0rschmeh might be able to do it in .bashrc or .profile...one is called for each login, one for each terminal opened...I can never remember which is which16:52
bomanizerIndyGunFreak: janne@ipari:~$ sudo echo 70 > /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/stop_charge_thresh16:52
bomanizerbash: /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/stop_charge_thresh: Permission denied16:52
profxpartition issues, i just added a new SATA drive last night, when I boot, I get this: 'fsk did with exit status 8. File system check failed'16:52
=== bman is now known as xboxbman
Seveasbomanizer, echo 70 | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/stop_charge_thresh16:54
kbrooksbomanizer, um16:54
kbrooksbomanizer, to help you...16:54
bkarbomanizer-> some of those are at kernel level16:54
kbrooksbomanizer, i'll tell you what that does, and an alternative command16:54
dlvrd|defxanyone here?16:55
tz34534we are all not here16:55
DRebelliondlvrd|defx: no16:55
bazhangyes dlvrd|defx16:55
syntaxerror55dlvrd|defx, yes.16:55
ascaronHow can I get drivers for creative soundblaster X-Fi XtremeGamer soundcard? The manufacturer's website only offers for 64bit linux...16:55
kbrooksbomanizer, the terminal program you're using reads that line as 2 seperate parts from the >16:55
syntaxerror55DRebellion, :D16:55
IndyGunFreaki've been gone a while.16:55
dlvrd|defxok i just installed 7.1016:55
dlvrd|defxeverythings good and working16:55
IndyGunFreak!enter } dlvrd|defx16:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter } dlvrd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:55
dlvrd|defxcounterstrike source16:55
IndyGunFreak!enter | dlvrd|defx16:55
ubotudlvrd|defx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:55
kbrooksbomanizer, first it runs "sudo echo 70", then tries to redirect the output (70) to a file which it doesn't have permission to16:55
syntaxerror55dlvrd|defx, that's not our problem. Try #winehq16:56
knahi i want to configure my network, but i stucked16:56
bomanizerkbrooks: ok16:56
dlvrd|defxthank you16:56
* IndyGunFreak wonders why people expect windows games to run under Linux16:56
knahow can i configure ubntu automatically16:56
htnswhy don't window games run under Linux?16:56
brobostigonIndyGunFreak: because windows games do work under linux with wine16:56
syntaxerror55IndyGunFreak, because Linux is JUST LIKE WINDOWS and software develpers WANT TO HELP EACH OTHER.16:56
syntaxerror55Am I close?16:56
kbrooksbomanizer, the command Seveas gave works because tee is run with root permissions and accepts the input from echo 70 (70)16:56
IndyGunFreakbrobostigon: with limited success, some work great, some work a little, some don't work at all.16:56
mohbanahow do i paste something in here16:56
syntaxerror55mohbana, Ctrl+V16:56
bomanizerkbrooks: ok, got it16:56
profxI get 'fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to oepn /media/sdc1 /media/sdc1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ex2 filesystem.' What can I do to repair my partition layout ?16:56
knai dont know any command to set up network automatically16:56
kbrooksbomanizer, np16:56
profxhtns, you need to do some research, try wine16:56
syntaxerror55kna, you probably can't do it automatically.16:57
brobostigonIndyGunFreak: i managed a couple of weeks ago to get a complicated game like quake3 to work under linux with wine,16:57
profx!patience | kna16:57
ubotukna: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:57
kbrooksprofx, shjow us the command (paste it here, not the entire output)16:57
profxkbrooks, its on boot16:57
IndyGunFreakbrobostigon: again, some games work great, some games work OK, alot don't work at all.16:57
knai installed it and all worked fine, but i did something wrong when i tried to set it up mannually16:57
fatihI couldn't i play Xvid movies with totem movies16:57
schmehtz34534: dpkg-reconfigure console-setup didn't list the keymap i wanted to use. the keymap i wanna use is located in /usr/share/keymaps/i386 and i made it myself, so perhaps i have to update some keymap database or something? <_<16:57
fatihany ideas why?16:57
kbrooksprofx, did *you* put the command in?16:57
knanow im off, and my bat is low16:57
bomanizerkbrooks: but still, a bit odd cause a similar command worked16:57
martianlobsterkna:   what does "ls /etc/init.d/net*"   say?16:58
tz34534schmeh: dunno16:58
syntaxerror55!offtopic | IndyGunFreak, brobostigon16:58
ubotuIndyGunFreak, brobostigon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:58
profxkbrooks, how many times do you add commands to boot ?16:58
kbrooksbomanizer, what similiar command?16:58
knaso, anyone can tell me hot to use it in roaming modus again?16:58
bomanizerkbrooks: waitasec16:58
cjoneswhat is the shell based gaim ?16:58
kbrooksprofx, uhhh... never?16:58
profxkbrooks, exactly16:58
syntaxerror55cjones, naim16:58
kbrookscjones, finch16:58
brobostigonsyntaxerror55: sorry about that, i apologize.16:58
syntaxerror55!info naim | cjones16:58
kbrooksprofx, *maybe* file a bug16:58
ubotucjones: naim (source: naim): A console client for AOL Instant Messenger and IRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.8-1 (gutsy), package size 187 kB, installed size 480 kB16:58
profxkbrooks, bug, for what ?16:59
kbrooksprofx, for the unintended error message16:59
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syntaxerror55brobostigon, it's ok16:59
profxactually, you have no idea what your talking about, ill wait for someone else16:59
bomanizerkbrooks: umm, nothing :) i didnt notice the feedback16:59
syntaxerror55I've done it before too, defending my position in the channel. ;D brobostigon...17:00
julio3patasi am trying to use openoffice under kubuntu gutsy but when i open oo and click on any of the menu i.e. file it briefly flashes the   pulldown menu but nothing else happens , i have to ctrl+alt+bkspc to be able to get out17:00
kbrooksprofx, i feel it is a bug, but ok, your perogative17:00
bomanizerkbrooks: just tought that it "did it"17:00
fatihI can't i play Xvid movies with totem xine player. Any ideas why?17:00
syntaxerror55julio3patas, are you using openoffice.org-kde17:00
profxkbrooks, i hope you dont get those 'feelings' often17:00
julio3patassyntaxerror55: yes17:00
syntaxerror55julio3patas, Hmm...:| Does the GTK version work?17:00
chaosrldoes anyone know a fix for the notification area on the gnome panel not responding?17:01
julio3patassyntaxerror55: sorry i was then unistalled it now i'm not17:01
lynucslo all17:01
julio3patassyntaxerror55: should i install it?17:02
syntaxerror55julio3patas, ok. It's over my head why that would happen. Are you using KDE3 or 4?17:02
mohbanaok here is the format my of hdd (http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6577/screenshotlh8.png), i want to install ubuntu on the unallocated space (11.71GiB).  I am currently another distro, ok here is my question if i decide to uninstall ubuntu (which is just formatting the hdd) how will i remove ubuntu especially from the grub menu17:02
profxI get 'fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to oepn /media/sdc1 /media/sdc1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ex2 filesystem.' What can I do to repair my partition layout ?17:02
julio3patassyntaxerror55: can i      upgrade to kde4 under gutsy?17:03
syntaxerror55julio3patas, I have no idea. D: I'm sorry. Possibly you could try the GTK+ version, but the reason people use -kde in the first place is because it looks better. You could try #openoffice.org or #kubuntu17:03
xtknightanyone else getting a lot of freezing w/ firefox-3.0, even with a clean profile?17:03
SpookyETI'm having a hard time compiling a usplash theme. I can't find pngtousplash and bdftousplash. The theme is located at http://evgenyz.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-bright-usplash-68731932 and looks like the human GDM.17:03
Seveasprofx, you want fsck /dev/sdc1 -- not the path where it's mounted17:03
syntaxerror55julio3patas, yes, you can.17:03
profxxtknight, run from cli17:03
syntaxerror55!kde4 | julio3patas17:03
ubotujulio3patas: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde417:03
julio3patassyntaxerror55: thx17:03
xtknightprofx, ah ok17:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:03
profxSeveas, i havent picked the location, its on boot17:03
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins17:04
syntaxerror55!msgthebot > zoke17:04
xtknightprofx, ya i get a stack trace after pressing Edit->Preferences, or even just normal browsing17:04
profxSeveas, i just added a new HD last night17:04
grubmohbana, you have ubuntu installed?17:04
profxxtknight, possibly and addon giving u issues17:04
mohbanagrub, no i don't i have fedora installed, i am asking before i go ahead with installationg17:04
Seveasprofx, pastebin your /etc/fstab -- it probably has a mistake17:04
profxSeveas, yeah, I thought that myself, let me confirm it again (i just rebooted, and before mount -a worked just fine)17:05
xtknightprofx, seems to be my theme actually.  weird17:05
grubmohbana, in case you want to uninstall ubuntu, you can remove the option from the grub menu by removing it from /boot/grub/menu.lst17:05
xtknightprofx, i mean my gtk theme17:05
mohbanagrub is that all i have to do?17:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mozilla - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:06
grubmohbana, yes, to remove it from the options in grub menu.17:06
grubmohbana, and of course format the disk parition17:07
xtknightsorry what's the firefox channel again?17:07
_guMuTpoBhello, is the Load/Unload Cycle Issue fixed on latest release of ubuntu ?17:07
kbrosnan#firefox on irc.mozilla.org17:07
HellMindmy alt ctrl shift capslock stop working what can i do'17:07
xtknightkbrosnan, thanks, i think there was one for ubuntu also17:07
sve1My computer won't acknowledge my CD drives at all17:08
* rootborn can some one please help me with my wireless17:08
rootbornI have a Intel card17:08
Seveas!someone | rootborn17:08
uboturootborn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:08
=== lynucs_ is now known as lynucs
bazhangsve1: you trying to boot livecd? you may have to set bios to look for that first17:08
profxcommented out any /media mounts I had in fstab, now when I get to the Ubuntu login screen: 'Your home dir is listed as '/home/profx' but it does not apear to exist. Do you want to log in with the / (root) dir. as your home dir?'17:09
rootborn05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)17:09
sve1no, I'm trying to burn CD's and k3b doesn't see either of my drives now17:09
alihow can i unzip .zip files in multiple directories recursively and have the unzipped files stay in the same directory.17:09
tim167what does "Edit this below Section "InputDevice" under the "Configured Mouse"" mean ? i just have to edit xorg.conf or what ? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151) thanks!17:09
xtknighttim167, that's just for customizing stuff.  your mouse is fine as-is for normal use17:10
tim167xtknight i want to get a wacom tablet working...17:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:10
profxSeveas, still ther e?17:11
tim167xtknight the ubuntuforums page is a bit cryptical imho17:11
xtknighttim167,  oh i see you're following the howto.  one sec17:11
Seveasprofx, yes17:11
profxSeveas, would appear that possibly a partiion is listed as bootable17:11
Jack_Sparrowxtknight: It just wants you to edit your xorg..17:11
AxlRosewhat is the command that you can set a file so that no matter who runs it they have superuser privaledges?17:11
Seveasprofx, you seem to have bigger problems, judging by that other error17:12
AxlRoseI thought it was chattr but I don't think it is17:12
SeveasAxlRose, chmod +s17:12
SeveasAxlRose, 'man chmod' for all details17:12
xtknighttim167, i think it should say, "Add these lines after your mouse's Section InputDevice clause"17:12
tim167Jack_Sparrow:, ok thanks, but why doesnt it SAY 'Edit your file /etc/X11/xorg.conf' ? not everybody can guess that!17:12
xtknighttim167, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:12
xtknightto edit axorg.conf17:12
aragornhow do you transfer itunes library to ubuntu ?17:12
profxSeveas, well if my system is booting off that device, rather than my other partition, that might explain my lack of /home/profx error17:12
xtknightand yes the howto is silly17:13
idnzorits a shame there is no easier way to change permissions via a giu17:13
bazhangaragorn: the mp3's?17:13
xtknightidnzor, you can change some by right clicking a file17:13
xtknightbut only for current user.  there's no su17:13
profxidnzor, rewrite Nautilus :)17:13
aragornim swapping from windows xp to ubuntu17:13
xtknightor start nautilus with "gksu nautilus"17:13
idnzoryeah, but i mean if you dont have permissions to do that you cant do anything17:13
Jack_Sparrowtim167: It should say use gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   if gui      and sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf from term    but I didnt write it17:13
idnzoryou have to launch nautilus as root17:13
aragorni need to get my itunes library from XP to ubuntu17:14
bazhangno itunes for linux aragorn17:14
xtknighti think there should be 'run as admin', 'privilege escalation' options or something17:14
profxidnzor, which is easy enough to do, right ?17:14
bortim running live cd ubuntu, and i want to install it, but i have a partition problem, i choose manual partitioning and i have 6 Gb free, in which i want to make two different partitions,one ext3(root) and one swap, but when I created one, it says the left free space is unusable, any ideas?17:14
DRebellionaragorn: what codec are the files?17:14
AxlRoseSeveas: thank you17:14
tim167Jack_Sparrow: is it a wiki ? maybe someone could add that ...17:14
xtknightdoes anyone know ubuntu's firefox development channel?17:14
aragornitunes works in ubuntu17:14
bazhangxtknight: not a good idea that17:14
idnzoryeah but not a good idea to give a novice user root access to everything.... maybe nautilus should hook up with policykit or something17:14
Damewhat should i do if grub cannot be installed? what can be wrong?17:14
profxxtknight, its on /server irc.mozilla.org17:14
bazhangaragorn: link?17:15
sudobashI just did a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade and now my X windows shutdown when i login... It will show the desktop for maybe 1 or 2 sec and then restarts GDM... I have already re configured my Xorg and it didnt work so how do i revert to before the updates? can i uninstall the updates through the apt-get or should i load ubuntu into minimal graphics mode and use synaptic?17:15
idnzorlike they might open a nautilus window in / and wonder what all this bin and etx stuff is 'oh ill delete that' lol17:15
kbrooksI suggest that we take our ideas and post them somewhere.17:15
aragorni know somebody that uses ubuntu and can use itunes there17:15
profxaragorn, wine17:15
aragornyes, he mentioned Wine17:16
bazhangaragorn: under wine perhaps but not native to linux17:16
aragorntell me more about it please17:16
kbrooksso that they do not go forgotten.17:16
profx!wine > aragorn17:16
Jack_Sparrowxtknight: AN earlier version of K3b had a built in option to enter password for sudo in order to make the changes needed to setup the user with burning rights..17:16
kbrooksJack_Sparrow, but?17:16
idnzorif new to wine might want to check out winedoors17:16
stupiz!wine > photoshop17:16
kbrooksJack_Sparrow, the catch was what?17:16
DRebellionThis firefox flash problem has been going on for ages! Anybody got an idea of when the fix will be pushed through?17:17
Jack_Sparrowxtknight: Things like that can be added program by program, but really isnt needed.17:17
bazhangDRebellion: before the end of the year17:17
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:17
DRebellionbazhang: why so long?17:17
jribDRebellion: apparently, one reason is that the new flash plugin does not work with konq yet, so they are waiting for that to be resolved17:18
bazhangDRebellion: adobe is going open source?17:18
Jack_SparrowI need to get back to reading through the code for this project.  bbl17:18
balbir_how to configure bluetooth dial up in ubuntu17:18
sudobashI am looking at the Xorg config file and it looks normal to me17:18
=== quaalx is now known as quaal
IndyGunFreakDRebellion: just install flash from src17:18
sudobashi think the updates messed with GDM or something17:18
sudobashi was already 7.10 and just running upgrade17:19
sudobashand now X wont work properly17:19
stupizi can't use effect on my laptop with ati x600 vga17:19
profxok, seems the only partition that should be 'bootable' is, so that theory is gone, for some reason any /media mounts listed  in fstab are getting checked on boot, how can I get it to not do that ( i dont want to edit fstab each time I boot) ?17:20
bortDo i need to make both root an swap partition primary?17:20
xtknightprofx, do you mean prevent it from running fsck?17:20
vishalhi, im trying to add a launcher to launch a folder in kiba-dock, can someone help me?17:20
profxxtknight, fsck is fine, but not on those partitions that I map from /media/17:21
sudobashand the man for apt-get doesnt say anything about removing upgrades17:21
xtknightprofx, but you still want the /media/ mounts to be mounted automatically?17:21
itch_Hello guys. Can somebody please help me with a tftp server? It seems I just can`t configure it properly :(17:21
profxxtknight, correct, as I dont want to manually do it myself after each boot17:22
balbir_how to configure bluetooth in linux.. I need some good article17:22
bortDoes the swap partition needs to by primary? or can it be Logical??17:22
profxbort, primary17:22
MrObvious!bluetooth > balbir_ (See the private message from ubotu.)17:22
Starnestommymine's logical and works fune17:22
johnficc1I'm using ubuntu 7.10 with the new cat 8.1 driver and when I go to logout it always freezes...is there a way to fix this...?17:22
balbir_I don't think swap partition should be primary17:22
xtknightya can be primary, logical, or a file17:23
xtknightdoesnt matter17:23
sudobashI just did a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade and now my X windows shutdown when i login... It will show the desktop for maybe 1 or 2 sec and then restarts GDM...17:23
xtknighti dont think there's any preference17:23
dimitri__c'e' voluto un po ma ho installato i driver ati17:23
sudobashi was 7.10 before the upgrade17:23
profxxtknight, done with discussing ?17:23
sudobashso it is the latest updates... i Just upgraded to 7.10 2 weeks ago17:23
bazhangdimitri__: english please17:23
johnficc1my card is an ati radeon x600 with the ati x600 catalyst 8.1 driver installed17:23
xtknightprofx, sorry i'm not sure how to fix your problem just wanted some clarification17:23
dimitri__continua però a non abilitarmi le estensioni grafiche....debbo comunque abilitare i driver con restrizioni ?17:23
profxok, seems the only partition that should be 'bootable' is, so that theory is gone, for some reason any /media mounts listed  in fstab are getting checked on boot, how can I get it to not do that ( i dont want to edit fstab each time I boot) ?17:24
bazhang!it | dimitri__17:24
ubotudimitri__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:24
sudobashis no one concerned that the latest updates may cause X to fail?17:24
xtknightsudobash, which updates?17:24
stupizjohnficc1, can you use the effect on ubuntu with x600 and catalyst driver17:24
balbir_can I have a replacement to chkconfig or nysysv in ubuntu17:24
profxwhats the best way to run fsck manually, Live or just mount the partition17:25
bortprofx , i want to make a partition that my two windows(XP,Vista) and my linux can access, as if it were a external HD, do i make that partition logical?17:25
sudobashi ran the distupgrade like 2 weeks ago and came up from 6.06 to 7.1017:25
profxsorry, umount the partition17:25
crimsunbalbir_: in gnome, System> Administration> Services17:25
xtknightprofx, i'm not sure if it works for gutsy but it says it works for dapper,edgy,feisty.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29526217:25
profxbort, sorry?17:25
snadorjoin #ubuntu-nl17:25
sudobash2 weeks after that... today.... i ran sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade and now X fails... i have already reconfiged Xorg file17:25
bentob0xis there a way to have an fstab entry to mount a samba share for a user only (and not for the entire machine)?17:26
balbir_any good utility in ubuntu for enabling some services in startup17:26
johnficc1stupiz: yes the effects work now with the new driver...but now it has other problems17:26
crimsunbalbir_: I just gave you a suggestion  :-)17:26
sudobashso the lastest apt-get upgrade from 2 weeks ago made my X fail... I have AMD Athlon XP 2400+ Geforce FX 5200 256MB ram 1GB system RAM17:27
sudobashis there a way to remove the sudo apt-get upgrade i just did?17:28
bortprofx , I want 3 OS in my machine (XP,Vista,Ubuntu), and i can only make 4 Primary partitions, and ubuntu uses 3, so which one should i make logical? the root,the swap, or the other?17:28
sudobashor look at the last packages installed?17:28
sudobashim in BitchX so any help would be appreciated17:28
balbir_any good utility[terminal based, not graphics] in ubuntu for enabling some services in startup17:29
sudobashbort there are tutorials on google for dual and triple booting17:29
balbir_I need to use it using ssh17:29
sudobashand the most popular one is for XP / Ubuntu /Vista17:29
profxbort, make them what ever you want, the Windows paritions are already defined17:29
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:29
trebor630I was trying to get dmix to work with amarok and my alsa completely stopped working..  anyone know what to do?17:30
balbir_thanks... :)17:30
stupizjohnficc1, it seem like driver not workk with 7.10 ?17:30
sudobashso any help with removing sudo apt-get upgrade?17:30
bernierHi, can anyone help me get my sound working?17:30
sudobashor looking at a list of the last 50 installed packages?17:30
balbir_but any idea how to enable it using some terminal17:31
bernierI have 2 soundcard, an intel integrated one, and a SB live! 24 bit17:31
bernierI want to use the integrated one17:31
sudobashbernier what you need is ALSA17:31
sudobashand a good frontend17:31
bernierisnt it supposed to be there by default17:31
Seveasbernier, it is17:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel-hda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ac97 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ac'97 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:32
bernierthank you17:32
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:32
sudobashanyways is there a log of updates?17:32
Pici!msgthebot | sudobash17:32
ubotusudobash: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:32
bortprofx ,thx17:32
profxbort np17:32
profxgood luck17:32
sudobashim in BitchX trying to fix a broken Ubuntu box17:32
Neocoldgota a question that is probably stupid but since i was having problems...  does Ubuntu 7.1 support SATA?17:32
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)17:33
profxNeocold, yes17:33
Neocoldthank you profx17:33
sudobashi read the manual for apt-get17:33
crshmanHi all, i have a filesystem on my ubuntu box that isn't quite right after i just restarted. df reports 1.2Tb of usage on the file system but when i browse the folder that it is mounted as there are only 4 or 5 files17:33
Picisudobash: update log is in /var/log/dpkg.log17:33
sudobashthank you17:34
profxPici any good with HDs/partitioning and fsck ?17:34
Spee_DerHowdy folks17:34
crshmanany ideas on how i can back track or recover the data from that file system?17:34
Piciprofx: Depends what the question is17:35
trebor630Can someone help me fix my sound?17:35
profxPici, one sec, ill explain17:35
rootborncan some one help me with my wireless with a command or someting to make it work-ing17:35
sudobashwow big log17:35
profxtrebor630, put lspci on pastebin17:35
profx!pastebin |trebor63017:35
ubotutrebor630: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:35
schmehdoes nobody here know where i can setup my f*ckin console keymap during the boot process? >_>17:35
profxschlort, family channel17:36
trebor630sorry to be a nub, but lspci?17:36
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:36
orethTrying to start an X Server for World of Warcraft to run in.  Here's my code for the launcher.sh http://pastebin.com/d1cb3a483   the last line is the error I keep getting17:36
profxtrebor630, its a shell command17:36
bazhang!ohmy | schmeh17:36
ubotuschmeh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:36
profxkakoonia, dont buse the bot17:36
AzzmodanI changed around my hardware and now my eth0 no longer exists, but I did get an eth2. How can I tell it to make eth2 eth0 in the future?17:36
orethKeep getting this error: wine: /home/oreth/.wine is not owned by you17:37
profx'fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to oepn /media/sdc1 /media/sdc1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ex2 filesystem.'  need a hand with partitioning, seems on boot, fsck gives me an error about a mount, so I remove it from my fstab, and I can get into Ubuntu,  someone have 10 mins? Pici17:37
BenderUnit22oreth: so is it owned by you? :)17:37
histooreth: use chown and change it back.17:37
sudobashlooks like maybe libc6 maybe?17:37
orethchown to change my home directory back to my ownership?17:37
histooreth: no the .wine folder back to you.17:38
BenderUnit22oreth: chown .wine/ rather.17:38
MrObviousoreth: sudo chown -R oreth.oreth /home/oreth/.wine17:38
profxtrebor630, ok, so the device is listed, did you check that all your hardware is working ?17:38
MrObviousoreth: man chown17:38
orethis that anything like man chowder? :P17:38
Piciprofx: you cannot fsck mounted fileystems, nor can you give it a a mountpoint as a place to fsck.  you need to provide it with a device name.17:38
MrObvious!cli > oreth (See the private message from ubotu.)17:38
trebor630Well, it is outputting sound, but only through OSS.  ALSA completely stopped working17:38
rootbornmy wireless card is 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)17:38
AzzmodanHow do I get a PAE enabled kernel?17:38
profxPici error is on boot17:38
stupiz!wine > stupiz17:39
MrObviouscookie: Hello.17:39
sudobashwow it was quite a lot that was installed today... is there a way to uninstall all the upgrades for a certain time period?17:39
profxPici why is fsck checking 'everything' in fstab on boot then ?17:39
DrKeithHello, could someone tell me what does ubuntu use as a word processor?17:39
pteague_workhmm...  what do i need to get ubuntu to auto mount CDs?17:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:39
=== _shoot^ is now known as shoot^
rootbornand that driver is on17:39
bardyrDrKeith, openoffice17:39
sudobashKeith OpenOffice17:39
profxDrKeith, try OpenOffice17:39
DRebellion!openoffice > DrKeith (read the pm from ubotu)17:39
cookieI installed wine-doors and installed Counter-Strike on it. It installed with no error but it doesn't run. It says Starting Counter Strike but it doesn't enter the game? Can I please get some help?17:40
rootbornhow can I make it work if is not working17:40
DrKeithcan openOffice read and write .doc files?17:40
profxcookie, try the #winehq channel17:40
AzzmodanDrKeith, yes17:40
DrKeiththank you17:40
SarivarCan anyone help me with a problem with compiz and ati?17:40
profxDrKeith, yes, read the p msent to u17:40
DRebellionSarivar: maybye if you ask...17:40
orethnow I get this error: X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.17:40
DrKeiththank you profx17:40
syntaxerror55!winehq | cookie17:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winehq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:40
profxSarivar, you might want to try #compiz17:40
sudobashcookie maybe you need to correct video drivers17:40
syntaxerror55!wine | cookie17:40
ubotucookie: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:40
profxDrKeith, np17:40
Sarivarok thanks17:40
profxPici any ideas ?17:41
AzzmodanTo answer my own question, it seems iftab assigns ethX based on max17:41
sudobashi have used plain wine with conterstrike it works pretty well... also look into Winex and Cedega17:41
DimitarMe as Linux n00b :D, I need to configure server on Ubuntu, i've done LAMP server on ubuntu with GNOME.. now I have to configure another server.. do you recommend installing Ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop... becouse I'm linux starter.. not so good at it ;)17:41
sudobashkind of slow FPS though17:41
SeveasAzzmodan, more or less17:41
MrObvious!pici > profx17:41
Piciprofx: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab? and/or add the line that it fails on.17:41
PiciMrObvious: please don't do that.17:42
sudobashtry AmericasArmy 2.5 if you want a real linux FPS17:42
profxMrObvious, please dont17:42
* rootborn can some one help me please?17:42
* MrObvious ducks17:42
Oli``Is it possible to change which display the login screen shows on a twinview setup?17:42
profxPici, i gave you the error, its just a one liner, let me post it, sec17:42
Spee_Derrootborn, what is your question ?17:42
sudobashi need help with uninstalling the last updates for 7.1017:43
orethMrObvious: I attempted to change the owner.. and perhaps it worked17:43
profxPici: /media/sdb5 /home/profx/500 ext defaults,bind,rw 0 217:43
sudobashis there a way to uninstall updates from a certain day?17:43
orethbut now i'm no longer allowed to lauinch the X_Server17:43
rootbornSpee_Der, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsIntel and my wireless is 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)17:43
rootborn but I think is ok http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08046/screenshot138.jpg17:43
Seveassudobash, just upgrade again -- the X bug was fixed in a later upload17:43
oreththat's not true17:43
sudobashok cool17:43
Seveasrootborn, that screenshot looks ok17:43
MrObviousoreth: Rut roh.17:43
Piciprofx: /media/sdb5 is not a valid device.17:43
rootbornSpee_Der, and still my wireless does't work :(17:43
orethif I launch the launcher via sudo... it will launch the X-server.. but I still get the "WINE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU"17:44
profxPici sorry ?17:44
Seven_Six_TwoSeveas, I've taken the time to explain to emma some etiquette on irc. from what I understand she was banned for complaining/whining about something17:44
Seveasoreth, sudo chown yourlogin:yourlogin ~/.wine17:44
orethis there somewhere to knock Ubuntu on the head and take it back from him :P17:44
sudobashsays 0 upgraded17:44
rootbornI will reboot now17:44
sudobashi did sudo apt-get update then upgrade17:44
Piciprofx: /media/whatever is a mountpoint, /dev/whatever is a device.17:45
MrPink_how can I install a tff font under Ubuntu ?17:45
sudobashlet me try to clean17:45
erUSUL!fonts | MrPink_17:45
ubotuMrPink_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:45
Spee_Derrootborn, on this I can not help. But, it is wise to ask the question once in a while and hopefully someone will assist. In the meantime, as I am doing, keep digging. I'm also not understanding something with my wireless setup.17:45
Seveassudobash, dpkg -l xserver-xorg-core17:45
profxPici, yes, I realize, but im waiting for your suggestion/point ?17:45
MrPink_erUSUL: thx m817:45
Seveassudobash, which version is installed?17:45
MrObviousoreth: I would make it +r (chmod -R +r ~/.wine) and see if that helps.17:45
Piciprofx: My point is that your fstab line is not correct and that is what is causing fsck/mounting to fail.17:46
xoqahai, my internet doesn't work with my kubuntu distrobution... it had been working fine until i rebooted. and earlier, i had did a "sudo aptitude upgrade".. i'm thinking that has something to do with it, or maybe my iptables are not allowing me to access the internet?17:46
orethit did not :(17:46
profxPci how so? what changes do I need to make ?17:46
sudobashit says...17:47
MrObviousoreth: I wonder if chmod 777 ~/.wine would fix it. Do you have anything installed in ~/.wine?17:47
xoqahow do you look at your startup log?17:47
Piciprofx: Is something else mounted onto /media/sdb5?17:47
trebor630Anyone know how I can get ALSA working again?17:47
brobostigonxoqa: dmesg17:47
sudobashxserver-xorg-c 2:
profxPici nope17:47
Seveassudobash, that's not complete17:48
profxPici, putting up fstab, give me a sec17:48
xoqabrobostigon: thanks17:48
orethMrObvious: that did something :P17:48
Piciprofx: Can you pastebin your entire fstab?17:48
sudobashone sec17:48
daxrocWhere would one find out what bells and whistles a package has enabled by default ?17:48
Seveassudobash, dpkg -l xserver-xorg-core | cat17:48
Seven_Six_Twoare bans for an hour in here?17:48
MrObviousoreth: It did? I thought it would.17:48
MrObviousSeven_Six_Two: Why are you asking?17:48
Seveasthat cheats dpkg into thinking you have more room in the terminal :)17:48
orethbut it freaked the hell out17:48
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Seven_Six_TwoMrObvious, because I've been trying to help a newbie that got herself banned for being rude17:49
jribdaxroc: /usr/share/doc/*/README* or grab the source for the package (apt-get source PACKAGE) and read debian/rules in it17:49
sudobashxsi see17:49
balbir_can we start screen as a shell while a user login ?17:49
wyclifhi all!17:49
crshmani ran an xfs_repair on the filesystem that was funky and all the stuff showed up in the lost+found but all the names of the folders are now numbers, is there a way to change them back?17:49
SeveasSeven_Six_Two, that issue is being dealt with by the ops, no need to bother the channel with it more17:49
MrObviousSeven_Six_Two: Talk to the op (seveas)17:49
daxrocthanks jrib , appreciate it17:49
Seven_Six_Twoand I've explained to her that it's not ok because everybody is here voluntarily17:49
sudobashxserver-xorg-c 2:
Spee_Derwyclif, welcome aboard.17:50
=== friend is now known as greyfax
Seven_Six_TwoMrObvious, I highlighted him on my first question. Seveas ok np17:50
Seveassudobash, that is the latest version, so should be ok17:50
wyclifSpee_Der thx17:50
orethMr. Obvious: it's still not owned by me :P17:50
sudobashso reconfig my xorg maybe?17:50
mohbanawhats the best suites for ubuntu documentation such as, how to install eclipse, lamp, configuring my desktop for other stuff etc17:51
Piciprofx: one moment.17:51
jribmohbana: help.ubuntu.com17:51
profxno rush17:51
Seveassudobash, grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:51
Seveasthat should tell you some more17:51
MrObviousoreth: If it were me I'd just delete the whole ~/.wine and reinstall anything I have in there and start over, but that might not work for you. Did you do chmod 777 ~/.wine or chmod -R 777 ~/.wine ?17:51
sudobashok thanks17:52
tim167can someone help me get a wacom tablet working, i followed this howto : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 , but it doesnt work at all, thanks17:52
orethMrObvious... i can copy out the WoW directory17:52
sudobashits says it has failed loading the GLX section of the Xorg file one sec17:52
sudobashlet me just comment it out17:53
crshmanis there a way to quickly rename folders back to the original names from the lost+found directory?17:53
sudobashi think my xorg file is complete for some reason17:54
sudobashmaybe i have a backup17:54
odinsbanedoes anybody here use btdownloadcurses?17:54
Piciprofx: What is currently in /media/sdb5?17:54
jrib!anyone | odinsbane17:54
ubotuodinsbane: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:54
odinsbaneI was wondering if there is a way to selectively download files from a torrent.?17:54
profxPici a 500 GB parition17:54
bernierok good my sound now works17:55
odinsbaneBecuase if somebody tells me to us a certain program thats ok, but I really would like to use a terminal based program.17:55
AzzmodanHow do I change the number an eth device gets? I want eth2 to be eth0 (which no longer exists)17:55
berniernow, is it possible to install fglrx in hardy?17:55
Piciprofx: I think you are confused about the difference between /dev and /media.  Notice how the cdrom and floppy lines of fstab are formatted.17:55
Pici!hardy | bernier17:55
ubotubernier: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:55
MrObviousoreth: That would still retain permission problems.17:55
SeveasAzzmodan, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:55
AzzmodanThanks Seveas17:56
profxPici, ok?17:56
Wyrmulsomehow my grub settings were cleared.  I have lost the option to dual boot to my windows xp drive.  I have tried recreating the entry but I haven't had much success.17:56
Piciprofx: /media just holds folders (which may be mountpoints), you need to format your fstab lines in the format: /dev/something  /somemountpoint   options17:57
Piciprofx: That is not the format that you have there.17:57
DimitarDoes OpenOffice open .doc Documments ?17:57
jribDimitar: yes17:57
xoqahai again17:58
profxPici so I need /dev/sdb5 instead of /media/sdb5 ?17:58
tolecnalhmmm, on a freshly installed version of kubuntu after having done a aptitude update and aptitude upgrade, and the following reboot kdm starts, but just hangs after username and password has been entered. going back into the console with ctrl+alt+fX, the use of most commands, such as sudo just hangs. neither dmesg, syslog or .xsession_errors tells me why it fails17:58
xoqagot the internet to work..17:58
tolecnalany pointers?17:58
Piciprofx: yes.17:58
profxgood god man17:58
profxwhy didnt u just say that ;)17:58
DimitarIs there some corel draw soft like, for ubuntu ?17:58
Piciprofx: In addition, normally things are mounted into /media/something, not onto your users desktop.17:58
TheEpitome_here's one:  *pointer17:58
Piciprofx: because I wanted you to understand why you were making the change.17:58
tolecnaland yes, when I boot into recovery mode everything just works17:58
profxPii that would be /home/profx/Desktop :)17:59
danbhfiveWyrmul: here is my grub menu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53592/17:59
danbhfiveWyrmul: allot of commented stuff in there17:59
sudobashI am having to reinstall my nvidia-glx package so hopefully this will work18:00
sudobashi was using nvidia driver instead of nv driver.... maybe the nvidia-glx needs to be re-registered or something?18:01
danbhfiveWyrmul: do you have 2 harddrives?18:01
rootbornstill the same18:01
rootbornI can see my acces point I put my password and noting18:01
tim168does a wacom tablet require gnome desktop for it to function ? (i can't get it working on fluxbox)18:01
rootbornit doesn't work18:01
WyrmulI have a second hard drive with xp installed18:02
danbhfiveWyrmul: well, I have only one harddrive, 4 partitions, swap, windows, home and then linux.   Maybe linux and home are switched18:02
profxPici didnt work18:03
Wyrmulwell. thets try this.18:03
Piciprofx: errors?18:03
profxmonunt: not a directory18:03
ShpookI just installed Ubuntu on a Gateway laptop, and the wireless card isn't detected at all. Even in LiveCD, iwconfig, lspci, and lshw come up with nothing but the wired NIC. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?18:03
htnswats a good time management software for ubuntu?18:04
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
htnslike you set it to like an hour and it locks you out and screams at you18:04
Piciprofx: do the mountpoints you specified exist?18:04
=== hydan is now known as xoqa
profxi dunno18:05
profxits a /dev18:05
xoqastrangest thing... i did 'ifconfig eth0 down' and things started to speed up!?18:05
tim168htns, you mean like an agenda ? i use mozilla sunbird for that, it's not perfect though. but its ok18:05
htnstim168: um, i dont think so, it's basically a timer. you set it to 1 hour and it alerts you after an hour.18:05
htnsSo it forces you to take a break.18:05
htnsI saw it before in the packages list.18:05
Pici!fstab | profx please read this, and then ask me if you have further questions18:05
ubotuprofx please read this, and then ask me if you have further questions: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:05
htnsBut I forgot the name18:06
profxin /dev i see sdb518:06
* rootborn can some one please help me out with my wireless 18:06
tim168htns sleep 3600 && cat somefile > /dev/dsp ? ;)18:06
rootbornI spend all my day to make it work and asking for help18:07
xoqaaaaaah... it's detecting some wireless connection18:07
xoqaatleast my wireless works :P18:07
xoqabut still... i'd like to have my speedy cable connection18:07
xoqacan someone help me get the cable connection to work?18:07
Otacon22i need some info about clusters, anyone can answare me in pvt?18:07
rootbornxoqa, what wireless card you have?18:07
profxPici I have been over the man a few times in this lifetime18:08
Ashfire908whenever i get something signed or something with a pgp key, it always comes back saying it needs a public key. is there some way to get the public key?18:08
danbhfiveis there a way to encode something like ctrl+c in UTF8?  or something else?18:08
Piciprofx: Can you show me the changed fstab line?18:08
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xoqarootborn:  ipw2100: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection18:08
DRebellionAshfire908: gpg --list-keys18:08
jensphi there, when I remove something like nano, the package manager also wants to kill ubuntu-standard, is that ok or will it get me into problems?18:09
profxPici i had assumed that was pretty clear18:09
htnsim using gtimer18:09
danbhfiveAshfire908: I think you need to get the key from where you got the signed whatever in the first place18:09
htnsi think its wat i need18:09
tolecnalhmmm, on a freshly installed version of kubuntu after having done a aptitude update and aptitude upgrade, and the following reboot kdm starts, but just hangs after username and password has been entered. going back into the console with ctrl+alt+fX, the use of most commands, such as sudo just hangs. neither dmesg, syslog or .xsession_errors tells me why it fails.18:09
Piciprofx: I had too, but since its still failing I want to see what you changed.18:09
xoqarootborn: why do you ask that?18:09
cyziehwo do i round a float number to an integer using shell ?18:09
* xoqa wants cable connection to work18:09
profxPici /dev/sdb5 /home/profx/500 ext3 defaults,bind,rw 0 218:09
tolecnalbooting into recovery works though18:09
Piciprofx: does /home/profx/500 exist?18:09
rootbornxoqa, cos my wireless doesn't work18:09
danbhfiveAshfire908: ie, you need to get the key from the person who signed the document18:10
profxPici yes18:10
Piciprofx: Is there anything in there?18:10
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profxPici depends, you want me to mount -a and get the error then look18:10
xoqarootborn: ah.... mind didn't either 'till today18:10
xoqai think it had to do with the simple command i put in yesterday18:11
profxyeah, its there18:11
xoqasudo aptitude upgrade18:11
Piciprofx: Is /home/profx/500 an empty directory currently18:11
profxPici no, as its mounted18:11
rootbornxoqa, what tipe is your wireless card18:11
Piciprofx: you just said that you couldnt mount it...18:11
profxno, I said that mount -a gave me an error18:11
profxand you asked for it18:11
profxbut it appears to have mounted18:12
Piciprofx: Did you modify the line for the other drive as well?18:12
profxboth, yes18:12
xoqarootborn:  ipw2100: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection18:12
profxgonna reboot18:12
Piciprofx: I was just going to suggest that18:12
brobostigondf will tell you what is mounted18:12
tetzke9my resolution wont change it's now 1600x1200 and i want it 1280x1024 but it just wont apply18:13
rootbornxoqa, mine is 3...18:13
rootbornnot the same18:13
rootbornxoqa, but what you use to make it work?18:13
profxbooted fine18:14
profxthanks Pici, I guess18:14
profxi see18:14
volki have a wierd problem with my clock. It for some reason shows current time - 1 hour. Also times in gnome calendar applet are one hour behind my appointment times in evoloution (the applet reads evolution calendar). How is this possible? If I set the right time, it still goes back one hour after I reboot :S18:14
profxthose mounts are empty18:14
danandtetzke9 - try and see if your screen res options are in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf - you may be able to apply from there - then reboot18:15
BenderUnit22whois volk volk18:15
xoqarootborn: it was automatically configured for me18:15
profxdf  gives nothing for /home/profx/500 or 70018:15
Piciprofx: can you pastebin the output of mount18:16
Pici!envy | mikelinux18:16
ubotumikelinux: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:16
dexIhave problems running apt-proxy, could someobody give me a good link?18:16
profxPici, sorry, just the 'mount' command ?18:16
Piciprofx: yes18:16
Piciprofx: and sudo fdisk -l18:17
dexI was here today, under other nick, but i did not save the link i was given anywhere...18:17
DRebellion!apt-proxy | dex18:17
ubotudex: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy18:17
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
volkBenderUnit22, hmm I recognise safehex domain from somewhere :D Do I know you?18:18
tetzke9no permission to save18:18
profxPici www.pastebin.ca/87359718:18
dexthank you18:18
danandtetzke9 - you need to edit file as super user - ie sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:19
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Piciprofx: get rid of the stuff under user defined.  Those devices are already mounted to /media/sdb5 and /media/sdc118:19
danandtetzke9 - after the file has been changed you can CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to restart X18:19
profxPici then how do I make them available in /home/profx ?18:20
profxi must bind them, correct ?18:20
=== volk is now known as [volk]
Piciprofx: ln -s /media/sdb5 /home/user/50018:20
profxpermanently, though18:20
Piciprofx: presuming that /home/user/500 doesnt already exist.18:20
profxoh no18:21
profxi know what it is18:21
profxits the 218:21
profxshould be 0 018:21
profxno 0 218:21
bkar!enter | profx18:21
ubotuprofx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:21
profxi bet thats it18:22
bmk789is there a way to find out what is causing hard drive activity?18:23
profxbmk789, top18:23
profxbmk789, in a terminal, tells u running proceses18:24
bazhangor htop18:24
sudobashhey seveas it seems that this new X will not work with the nvidida-glx package is there a different one I need?18:24
sudobashwhen i change the driver from nvidida to nv it works fine18:24
Seveassudobash, nvidia-glx-new or -old?18:24
lepidopteraany one wants help with ZXDSL 852 modem with Gutsy18:24
Gajohello, any idea where one might be able to get drivers for ubuntu? got some hardware stuff from MSI, and they don't seem to have any support for linux what so ever18:24
mohbanai am running gnome, if i want to burn the ubuntu iso i just click the .iso and click write to disc right?18:24
sudobashi guess old let me try the new one18:24
Seveasmohbana, correct18:25
x-X-xhow do i exit the X server and terminate all opengl applications???18:25
adubdoes anyone use vmware workstation i am wanting to transfer files from linux to my virtual hard drive18:25
sudobashyeah adub i used to have that same problem18:25
BenderUnit22x-X-x: if you exit the X server, the OpenGL apps should be taken care of. :) Ctrl+Alt+Backspace should do.18:25
sudobashbig file?18:25
x-X-xadub i recommend u use virtual box its free and on par with vmware18:25
Seveasadub, some sort of network file sharing (samba, ftp, ssh, nfs) will do18:25
sudobashi used to just use a flash drive18:25
sudobashyeah ftp works well18:26
Seveasx-X-x, that won't help him solve the problem.,,18:26
sudobashsince they both have IP18:26
x-X-xexit the X server and terminate all OpenGL applications (note that it is possible that some OpenGL applications persist even after the X server has stopped)18:26
BenderUnit22x-X-x: check with top when you're in a console.18:26
BenderUnit22(or just from within your current X session)18:26
adubseveas do you have this setup from virtual windows and linux18:26
sudobashor ps aux18:26
Seveasadub, yeah, using samba there18:27
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:27
adubseveas so use samba on linux to connect to virtual windows18:27
DRebellion!msgthebot | bruenig18:27
ubotubruenig: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:27
Seveasfrom virtual windows to linux18:27
Seveasor set up a shared folder in windows and use nautilus to connect to that18:27
bruenig!hi | DRebellion18:28
ubotuDRebellion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:28
sudobashjust go to it like in windows? \\share\file?18:28
aduboh so nautilus will automatically detect the virtual share18:28
sudobashdoes samba have to be running?18:28
profxhmm, fsck seems to be stalling on boot now, guess that fstab is just messing me up18:29
DRebellionsudobash: //host/share/file18:29
tolecnalthis just keeps on getting stranger and stranger. _everything_ works as it should when I boot into recovery, but when I boot into the normal kernel everything seems to start okay, including KDM. but once I log in, the session just hangs. when I go into a console, and try to use anything using sudo or requiring super user rights, it just hangs. and dmesg, syslog nor anything else tells me why it fails and hangs. any suggestions?18:29
sudobashi see18:29
Cpudan80sudobash: It's smb: //host/share/18:29
sudobashwell im going to try this new driver and see if it works18:29
wolfman2323hi..  how could i send files from my cellphone to my laptop18:29
bruenigwhen I try to resize the ntfs in the installation, it fails....18:29
axel-frwith bluetooth18:29
DRebelliontolecnal: checked /var/log/auth.log ?18:30
bruenigntfs partition*18:30
Seveaswolfman2323, start gnome-obex-server on the laptop and use the bluetooth send function on the phone18:30
DRebellionwolfman2323: usb? bluetooth?18:30
* Spee_Der is having brain fart again. How to add more desktops please ?18:30
wolfman2323seveas: ive tried that.. but it said..sending failed18:30
wolfman2323drebellion: bluetooth18:30
tolecnalDRebellion: just did, and I just noticed that it reports my user as uid 0, not 1000 as it should18:31
Seveaswolfman2323, was gnome-obex-server running?18:31
x-X-x ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For further details, please see18:31
x-X-x         the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at18:31
x-X-x         www.nvidia.com.18:31
wolfman2323seveas: yesh18:31
Seveaswolfman2323, did pairing work, or did that fail already?18:31
profxx-X-x, u know better18:31
x-X-xctrl+alt+backspace doesnt work18:31
x-X-xprofx sorry for flood18:31
wolfman2323seaveas: it didnt even pair18:31
profxx-X-x, u have been warned in the past18:31
bkarx-X-x-> does /etc/init.d/gdm stop  work?18:32
x-X-xprofx u have a good memory i dont18:32
tolecnalDRebellion: though I have absolutely no clue why it reports my user as uid 0 instead of 100018:32
harmHi my grub isnt finding my windows XP .. its not in the menu.lst!18:32
x-X-xill try18:32
Seveaswolfman2323, hmm, try searching for a bluetooth guide on help.ubuntu.com, there could be some icky settings I forgot long ago18:32
wolfman2323ok seveas.. thanks18:33
bkarharm-> try adding it18:33
=== hydan is now known as xoqa
wicked_hey im back18:33
harmbkar:  how?18:33
=== wicked_ is now known as sudobash
corporal_clegghello, I'm using xrandr to extend (to the left) my desktop to the tv. I got it working, but the gnome menu moves on the TV.. and I would like it to remain on the LVDS output18:33
bkarharm-> vim or vi /boot/grub/menu.lst  but before you do this, google for tutorials on dual boot and copy the section for windows18:34
profxcan I get some more help with my mounting, http://www.pastebin.ca/87359718:34
harmbkar:  link please?18:34
bkarharm you need a link to google?18:34
Spee_DerCool, I found it.....18:34
sudobashhey ummm... the nvidida-glx-new driver says failed to initialize the nvidia Kernel18:34
harmbkar: no to the tutorial.. lots of bad stuff about grub18:34
bkarharm thats how you learn, you read both the good and the bad18:35
sudobashim assuming that the FX5200 is not support by the nvidia-glx-new18:35
bkar!dualboot >  harm18:35
alcoholis there a version of ubuntu out yet that comes with .24 and ppc support ?18:35
sudobashi am sure if i change the driver to nv again it will work18:35
void^sudobash: fx5200 is supported18:35
noname_ciao a tutti18:35
sudobashdamn its now working18:36
IndyGunFreakalcohol: PPC support is no longer... its an unoffical project now.18:36
alcoholoh crap ):18:36
IndyGunFreaksudobash: i had an fx5500, and it worked fine.18:36
alcoholwhere can I find said project ?18:36
IndyGunFreakalcohol: look at Debian(what ubuntu is based on), it still has an active PPC version18:36
alcoholyea but I need .24 for wireless support18:36
Genius314I keep getting this error: "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources. It cannot continue."18:36
harmHi my grub isnt finding my windows XP .. its not in the menu.lst!18:37
bkaralcohol may i also suggest embedded linux, am sure there are versions for ppc18:37
IndyGunFreakalcohol: well, the ppc version of ubuntu is a community project, hard telling what kernel its using, try google.18:37
sudobashok well it looks like the nvidia-xconf did not specify a hardware location so it can located the GPU18:37
DRebellionharm: bkar just answered your question...18:37
alcoholbkar: embedded ?18:37
sudobashlet me try this now i guess18:37
harmwell he didnt..18:37
bkarharm you didnt even attempt to look for dual boot on google huh?18:37
VladÓñòàíîâèë Ubuntu 7.10 ïèøåò íóæíî ðàçðåøåíèå çêðàíà 1280\1024 âèäåîêàðòà NVIDIA ÷òî äåëàòü ïîìîãèòå.18:37
harmhe just told me to find it somewhere else.. this isnt an answer its a reply.. a mighty useless one18:37
IndyGunFreakbkar: lol, how dare you suggest he find an answer himself.18:37
RootyRootRootW00Hi, Firestarter is disabled and fails to start the firewall. It says: Device ath0 is not ready. Pls help.18:38
ompaul!ru | Vlad18:38
ubotuVlad: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:38
harmbkar: look i came here for an answer not a retort of my search method18:38
DRebellionharm: he gave you a link to a perfectly good ubuntu tutorial on dualboot18:38
alcoholhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ - isn't 7 the latest ?18:38
harmDRebellion: he didn give me a link18:38
DRebellion!dualboot > harm (read the pm from ubotu)18:38
bkaralcohol yes,  those are for like appliances with network capabilities, like toaster via network..heh18:38
IndyGunFreakalcohol: 7.10 is, Feisty is 7.0418:38
RootyRootRootW00Wait, fixed it. am a dumbass18:38
EnsignRedshirtThe ubuntu time machine is in action... I just started dowloading Ubuntu ISO from the RIT (NY) archive, and I was getting ubuntu-8.10-...18:39
IndyGunFreakalcohol:   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/18:39
xoqaany tips on getting my cable connection to work?18:39
ompaulalcohol, 7.10 is the latest release -- anything after that is between alpha and beta software -- i.e. crazy18:39
alcohol7.10 has a ppc cd image it says ?18:39
ompaulalcohol, if it says it it has it - don't watch ppc myself18:40
=== fggrs is now known as ertwefwe
IndyGunFreakalcohol: no it doesn't, its a community project.18:40
profxcan I get some more help with my mounting, http://www.pastebin.ca/87359718:40
=== Ttech is now known as The_Master
bkarxoqa-> what did you do so far?18:40
=== ertwefwe is now known as Ashfire908
alcoholIndyGunFreak: what are the ppc cdimages listed there then ?18:40
bkarxoqa-> also can you elaborate on your network setup?18:40
sudobashit cant even load the login screen now18:40
dex_apt-proxy-import gives me lots of 'package not avalaible to any backend' messages // i repeat because i was disconnected and if anyone answered, i did not receive it18:40
IndyGunFreakalcohol: again, those are not ubuntu(ie, canonical) images, they are community project images.18:41
crashedcan anyone paste me (query) their menu.lst winxp entry for the grub loader?18:41
alcoholah, ok18:41
dex_i mean 'No packaes valaible for Ubuntu backened'18:41
bkar!dualboot > crashed18:41
cottimahello,  does the ubuntu dvd have, sever, desktop, and alternative?18:42
Odd-rationalecottima: yes18:42
profxcottima, with that much space, I would imagine18:42
Odd-rationalecottima: But it is not worth donwloading unless you have fast internet connections. It took me hours.18:43
orgthingyhow the hell can i hibernate?! ( i have toshiba lap-top)18:43
profx!language | orgthingy18:43
ubotuorgthingy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:43
orgthingyOh sorry18:43
DG19075At 4.3 GB, the DVD is big, but worth it  if you can get it18:44
sudobashdamnit when i use the nv driver and comment out load glx it will work fine... it has to be the damn driver18:44
cottimaodd-rationale thank you, and time is not too much a factor for me18:45
Odd-rationaleOr you can buy the DVD. Support Canonical. :)18:45
profxcan I get some more help with my mounting, http://www.pastebin.ca/87359718:45
DRebellionprofx: what exactly is the problem?18:45
yolucamplayer chash when i try to load a subtitle error " gnome_screensarver_control()" any idea ?18:45
syntaxerror55I'm having trouble installing Tor. http://pastebin.ca/87361518:46
profxDRebellion, my user defined mounts are working correctly, fsck gives errors on boot, attempting to check them18:46
cottimais JeOS a base (root) os or an virtual appliance image or a tool for creating images?18:46
ctothejwhat is the difference between mysql-client and mysql-server? what are the 2 packages?18:46
ompaulorgthingy, you might find something here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam18:46
yolucadoesnt look like this is a official help channel .... maybe opensuse or madriva will help getting rid of those errors18:47
xoqabkar: i really haven't done much, knetworkmanager statest that it is disconnected and that no device is found.. and yet when i go into the manual configuration, it says eth1 and eth0 are both enabled..  i'm willing to give more technical information, but i'm not sure what you want18:47
mohbanahi gusy the ubuntu fits on a cd right ... i dont need a dvd for it do i?18:47
DRebellionyoluca: can you pastebin verbose output from mplayer?18:48
Odd-rationalemohbana: Yes. just cd18:48
Cpudan80mohbana: yep18:48
profx'fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to oepn /media/sdc1 /media/sdc1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ex2 filesystem.'  DRebellion18:48
Cpudan80mohbana: you will (probably) need an internet connection during the install to download more stuff though18:48
yolucaDRebellion gnome_screensarver_control()  thats the error ... i dont start mplayer from terminal18:48
mohbanayeh its ok18:48
DRebellionCpudan80: mohbana: you do not need an internet connection for install.18:48
cottimaoh, odd-rationale, if I just do one cd, could i just do the server(, and easily install gui a environment later)?18:48
DRebellioncottima: yeh, you can install the gnome desktop packages18:49
Cpudan80DRebellion: Ehhh ok thanks18:49
Odd-rationalecottima: You mean just get the server cd?18:49
ompaulyoluca, then perhaps you could, and then you would get errors18:49
bkarxoqa-> when you say you did manual configuration, what did you do?18:49
Cpudan80cottima: You can add the ubuntu-desktop package later yeah18:49
profxDRebellion, ignoring me ?18:50
dex_I cant import my apt--get cache to apt-proxy cache18:50
Cpudan80cottima: But you can add apache,mysql,php,ssh to a desktop install easily18:50
DRebellionprofx: no, i just have no idea how to fix your problem :P18:50
dex_I receive lots of messages like 'No packages files avalaible for ...'18:50
Odd-rationaleBTW what is the differnce between the server kernel and the generic kernel?18:50
brobostigonOdd-rationale: its obvious, one frs desktops/etc, and the other for servers18:51
jaweedoes anyone have any suggestions of a good photo album printing program? (to make sheets in a photo album from digital pictures)18:51
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: Yeah, but what makes one more siutable for desktops and the other more siutable for server?18:51
ward__whats the default device name for a gamepad?18:51
ward__(in /dev i mean)18:52
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: Just curious...18:52
ygorabreuhello guys..i installed several times the flash plugin for firefox but doesnt work.. keeps telling me i shold install but in synaptic is already installed.. i got a gutsy fresh install i38618:52
ozzloyanyone in here used gumstix boards?18:52
xoqabkar: right click on the knetworkmanager taskbar icon and select manual configuration. here's "ifconfig -a" output: http://pastebin.ca/87362318:52
brobostigonOdd-rationale: there re differences that make one better for certain situations then the other, what changes, no idea.18:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flaashissues - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:52
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:52
rem_hey. Can anyone tell me how to start the printer ? it says stopped in the printer configuration and doesnt print ubuntu 7.1018:52
ompaulOdd-rationale, you are supposed to /msg ubotu flash -- it is in the topic18:53
DRebellionIndyGunFreak: please use !brokenflash, as !flash is too long.18:53
IndyGunFreakDRebellion: ?.. whatever18:53
Odd-rationaleompaul: !flashissues just give the second message, though. Not both. Shorter.18:53
profxcan I get some more help with my mounting, http://www.pastebin.ca/87359718:53
* ompaul thinks that should not be the case we need to make that shorter18:53
bkarxoqa-> so you want me to look at a paste with no real ip address? faked? mistypes?18:53
Otacon22i need some info about clusters, anyone can answer me in pvt?18:54
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: So I can easily setup up a server with a generic kernel and vice versa?18:54
bkarprofx-> what is the issue with your mounts?18:54
rem_ok..found it in the printer jobs it can be restarted...it would be easy to have a start button in the printer configuration next to the status ... !18:54
brobostigonOtacon22: look up beowolf, on linux doc project, that will aswer your question18:55
profx'fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to oepn /media/sdc1 /media/sdc1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ex2 filesystem.'  DRebellion18:55
xoqabkar: what does it matter?18:55
Otacon22brobostigon, ghgh, i want experience questions about what could i do with a cluster or not18:55
danandOtacon22 - what sort of cluster - what are you looking to do with it18:55
brobostigonOdd-rationale: i dont see why not, but a server kernal isnt designed for desktop and viceversa18:55
bkarxoqa-> you want me to assist you with correct info? or i can fake it too?18:55
Otacon22i would like to create a cluster for gaming18:55
xoqabkar: i just don't want my IP address out18:56
HellMindmy alt ctrl shift capslock stop working what can i do', this happen when i use vmware workstation , distro hardy18:56
Otacon22using software rendering18:56
Otacon22it is possibile?18:56
Otacon22*is it18:56
Otacon22danand, ?18:57
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: I still wonder what actually is the difference. I know the difference between the generic kernel and the real-time kernel. Just would like to know how the server kernel fits in the picture.18:57
bkarxoqa-> then describe your problem clearly be specific please18:57
danandOtacon22 - your talking (i believe) about HPC Clusters - High performance computing. Rendering farms - that type of thing?18:57
tusseyKernel PAnic - not syncing CFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block(0,0,18:58
xoqabkar: my wireless connection works, my cable connection doesn't.18:58
Otacon22i don't know, i want to have an advise, that is what i would like to do: a gaming cluster18:58
tusseynot syncing VFS18:58
brobostigonOdd-rationale: i dont know what the difference is, just the difference in what they are designed for.18:58
HellMindhow can i restart the keyboard module, control or something thats broken18:58
tusseyany idea how I can patch that up? it was caused by a bad shutdown18:58
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: OK. Well thanks though18:58
bkarxoqa-> okay, elaborate on how these two are connected, which pc is which?18:58
danandOtacon22 - you mean you want to play games using a cluster of computers??18:59
brobostigonOtacon22: what is a gaming cluster, whats it for??18:59
bkarxoqa-> how many pc?18:59
xoqabkar: both are on my laptio18:59
Otacon22yes, is it possibile?18:59
Otacon22(using software rendering)18:59
brobostigonor a simple network game18:59
daedrasounds cool... *wants a gaming cluster*18:59
LapperI have a MacBook here, and I'm wondering which version of Ubuntu to install, "Standard personal computer", or "64bit AMD and Intel computers".18:59
bkarxoqa-> if you are going to be difficult, good luck in getting help..i ask you to elaborate, making me guess i will give you wrong advise18:59
daedrahave you heard of parallel linux?18:59
xoqabkar: i'm trying man19:00
brobostigondaedra: thats like beowulf, is it??19:00
sudobashif you gain root access and type startx it will bypass GDM and load you straight into X desktop19:00
danandOtacon22 - I've been around clusters and HPC parallel computing for a while and I've never heard of anyone doing anything like that19:00
Otacon22no brobostigon : i mean : i have some old pc and i want to use those power to create a most powerful pc for gaming19:00
bkarxoqa-> okay lets start, what do you have? how is your internet access provided? what equipment?19:01
IndyGunFreaki thought parallel was a virtual machine type program19:01
pewpewpewis there a way to check if both my cores are working as they should?19:01
Otacon22danand, if i will compile for example wine program19:01
bunghello i installed xserver-xgl, to get desktop effects. but i would like to know how to setup a regular X session in gdm, anyone know how?19:01
Otacon22and then i will emulate a game19:01
pewpewpewi'm on a c2d19:01
danandOtacon22 - good creative thinking ;)19:01
Otacon22this into a cluster. should work better than on one pc?19:01
brobostigonOtacon22: thats wht beowuld does, process sharing across the network,etc19:01
daedrabrobostigon: yep, beowulf. look up "Parallel Knoppix"19:02
Otacon22i tried clusterknoppix (with openMOSIX) but i haven't understanded so mush19:02
Parsiguys, how can i update ubuntu kernel?19:02
bkarOtacon22-> i sort of remember about SETI that shares computing power to zilions of puter, same concept you trying to achieve?19:02
danandOtacon22 - No -  the game would have to be specially written to make use of all the pc's19:02
daedraOctacon22: you need a PXE boot network card in each machine19:02
xoqabkar, i have a cable connection through Comcast, not sure what type of modem. my connection is through wireless at the moment. and this is odd because wireless hadn't worked before until after a restart after doing "sudo aptitude upgrade", and after the restart, the cable connection stopped working.19:03
ikaruga3001parsi: either you updgrade to a more recent release or you compile your own19:03
daedraand yes, the game must be programmed to support threading19:03
chazcoWould: echo "some code" | sudo -t /etc/sudoers      work correctly?19:03
Cpudan80Lapper: I assume your macbook has an intel processor?19:03
Parsiikaruga3001: thankx19:03
dmindsomebody know hot to make .exe in Linux?19:03
ikaruga3001parsi: however, i believe that the ubuntu dev team frowns upon compiling your own... so the eaiser choice is to upgrade19:03
PriceChildchazco, really don't do that...19:03
LapperCpudan80: That's correct.19:04
Cpudan80Lapper: The question is --- does your macbook support 64 bit? I don't think they do.... but I could be wrong19:04
chazcoPriceChild - Any reason why not? Its part of a recovery script im trying to make19:04
ikaruga3001parsi: however, that brings its own set of problems --- like your hardware might not be able to handle it19:04
danandOtacon22 - I don't think what you want to do (Use cluster of linux hosts running wine to run windows games faster)19:04
bkarxoqa-> how is the wireless somehow getting to the internet? you have not elaborated on that connectivity19:04
Cpudan80Lapper: what kind of processor is it?19:04
LapperCpudan80: Core 2 Duo.19:04
danandOtacon22 will work without rewrite of game19:04
PriceChildchajust be ridiculously careful when messing with sudoers.19:04
PriceChildchazco, ^19:04
casey_i need help setting up my wireless card on my dell inspiron 500m19:04
Otacon22danand, this idea comed because a my friend wanted to change pc and i saied him:"we should make a super pc, what supports all  new games with shaders and all.." and another my friend have 10-15 old pc that i could use19:04
danandOtacon22 Sorry join last 219:04
Cpudan80Lapper: Oh ok, you can use the AMD64 one if you want ---- then you get 64 bit support19:04
ctothejI just installed mysql-server and it popped up asking me some question with an input box but I was typing when it popped up and it went away quickly. What did it ask me for?19:05
Cpudan80Lapper: There are some headaches when running the 64 bit version though19:05
netcrashHello, How can I recover my grub boot loader , I have installed windows and lost grub ... How to recover it ? ( using gutsy gibson )19:05
cottimais there such a such as a boot.iso in the dvd iso, so I don't have to burn a dvd and can keep the iso file on another pc or drive during install?19:05
chazcoPriceChild - Trying to be :) Theres an app that requires sudo normally, wanted to eliminate it19:05
Parsiikaruga3001: do ubuntu servers include these updates?19:05
xoqabkar: 802.11(b|g)19:05
xoqanot sure which one19:05
LapperCpudan80: I was asking because the last time I attempted to install Ubuntu, I downloaded the 64 bit one and it wouldn't let me install.19:05
danand!grub > netcrash19:05
Cpudan80Lapper: Namely flash and firefox (flash is broken now anyway, due to Adobe's misstep)19:05
ikaruga3001parsi: they should19:05
JordiGHHm, by Dellbuntu lappy doesn't seem to have Compiz working. I'm surprised. This is the first time I have problems with Compiz on an Intel video card. Where can I begin looking for help?19:05
Otacon22danand, and i can't also use all pc to create a powerful main pc?19:05
Cpudan80Lapper: Really? hmmm....19:05
Parsiikaruga3001: anyway...thankx19:05
ikaruga3001parsi: oh you're talking about security patches19:06
geokeratz!grub | netcrash19:06
ubotunetcrash: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:06
bkarxoqa-> once more, elaborate, 802.11(b|g) how is this connected to the internet?19:06
danandOtacon22 - no - not in the manner that you want to do19:06
Parsi ikaruga3001: no, it's about kernel updates19:06
SlithAlright, I am in need of some help. I have a file that refuses to work, I was told on a forum to try 'sudo chmod +x starttimeforwarclient.sh' but it doesn't seem to work, nor does clicking on the file in the folder itself. Here is a screenshot: http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/551/screenshot1na8.png19:06
Bam_I get an error opening Kate... is there a place where more detailed error logs can be found?19:06
LapperCpudan80: So what does the 64 AMD/Intel version offer that makes it worth the Flash/FF hassle you're talking about?19:06
casey_can anyone please help me setup my wireless card on my dell inspiron 500m19:06
chazco%somegroup ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/someapp      <-- is that valid syntax for sudoers then?19:06
ikaruga3001otacon22: what you're trying to do is not currently possible... the problem is that you won't be able to get the combined CPU power into one machine fast enough to support a 3D game19:06
danandOtacon22 - to make use of all them machines you need specially written applications19:06
Otacon22ikaruga3001, if i use 1000 mb networks cards?19:07
Cpudan80Lapper: Well - you get support for x86_64 applications, and you can install 4 GBs of ram (or more)19:07
danandOtacon22 - Typically beowulf clusters are used for scientific/engineering purposes19:07
Cpudan80Lapper: for a lot of people, x86 is still just fine19:07
Otacon22but it don't means that i can't use it to do what i want19:07
LapperCpudan80: I only have a gig, and what kinds of applications are x86_64?19:08
ikaruga3001otacon22: i don't think that's possible .... you won't get realtime results19:08
danandikaruga3001 - agree - latency is the issue19:08
=== crni is now known as tainstvena
Cpudan80Lapper: Pretty much all the major packages have an x86_64 counterpart -- basically it allows the app to address into higher memory ranges19:08
xoqabkar: i'm guessing its this:  Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection19:08
bkarxoqa-> man you're a tuff nut to crack, you will not tell me how this device is connected to the internet19:08
brobostigonlapper: 4gb ram +19:09
LapperCpudan80: So I would only need 64bit/AMD/Intel if I had a log of RAM?19:09
Cpudan80Lapper: But since you only have 1 GB of ram, it wouldnt matter anyway (as your highest address block is within the x86 cap)19:09
SlithUh... nvm, I figured it out.19:09
Otacon22ikaruga3001, and about other applications that don't need realtime answer?19:09
Cpudan80Lapper: Pretty much (or if you were a developer)19:09
Otacon22a stupid example: firefox in clustering ?19:09
LapperCpudan80: So "Standard personal computer" is the one for me?19:09
bkarxoqa->  where is your AP? how is it connected to the internet? related to your comcast connection?19:09
JordiGHThis is weird. Dell says this thing should have 4 gigs of RAM. Ubuntu says it has 3.5 gigs.19:09
Cpudan80Lapper: yeah - that'll be fine (keep in mind flash is broken right now)19:10
xoqabkar: AP?19:10
JordiGHNot that I'm gonna gripe about half a gig of RAM, but I do wonder where it went off to.19:10
harmHi, iam still having problems booting my windows partition.. grub doesnt want to seem to detect it19:10
Cpudan80JordiGH: You need ububtu x86_64 to see the rest of it19:10
bkar!ap | xoqa19:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:10
danandOtacon22 - No again the application would have to be specially rewritten to make use of the resources - ie all of your old machines19:10
JordiGHCpudan80: Are you sure?19:10
LapperCpudan80: Thanks a bunch. The broken flash is for everybody, no?19:10
ikaruga3001otacon22: clusters are basically used to do stuff that can be processed separately ... for example: processing a movie file (applying filters etc.)19:10
sootyHey guys, how can i check all of the ip adresses on my network?19:10
Cpudan80Lapper: yep19:10
bkarxoqa-> AP == access point19:10
Cpudan80!brokenflash | lapper19:10
JordiGHCpudan80: Why didn't Dell install the 64bit Ubuntu then?19:10
LapperCpudan80: All right. Thanks for the help.19:10
ubotulapper: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:10
bkarsooty-> your box only?19:10
Cpudan80JordiGH: Dell has their head in the ground19:10
ikaruga3001otacon22: however, an application still needs real-time access19:11
Cpudan80JordiGH: They pull the same BS with windows machines19:11
JordiGHCpudan80: Actually, everything here works out of the box. It's kinda nice.19:11
danandikaruga3001 - no - they can be made to communicate to solve a single problem using message passing libraried like pvm and mpi19:11
Cpudan80JordiGH: The problem is not with ubuntu (or windows) - it's a limitation of how much RAM bits you can encode with 32 binary digits19:11
sootybkar, theres about 4 machines on the network, i want to no the ip adresses, but i can only use my machine,. not the other 319:11
JordiGHCpudan80: Well, almost everything. If you didn't know about Compiz, you wouldn't be noticing that it's not working. ;-)19:11
Cpudan80JordiGH: It just so happends, that it's a little bit less than 4GBs19:11
=== davies is now known as jpatrick
ikaruga3001danand: oh ok...19:11
Cpudan80JordiGH: Yeah I saw that..... I dunno much about it though, sorry19:12
ikaruga3001danand: but we're still talking about specialized tasks right?19:12
danandikaruga3001 - but that takes lots of effort :(19:12
JordiGHCpudan80: I've heard contradictory stuff on the matter, that it's possible to see 4 gigs of RAM with 32bit systems and some highmem thing in Linux.19:12
Cpudan80JordiGH: THat's a dangerous hack - dont do it19:12
bkarsooty-> are you in the corporate environment? if at home, look at your dhcp server see which clients has subscribed to19:12
casey_Can anyone help me setup my wireless card?19:13
Cpudan80JordiGH: a similar hack exists for windows19:13
aragorni put in my ipod. and i am at rhythmbox. but none of my songs will play!19:13
Bam_I get an error opening Kate... is there a place where more detailed error logs can be found?19:13
Cpudan80Bam_: usually /var/log -- or in the directory where you fired it up (try opening from the command line --- kate & )19:13
JordiGHCpudan80: I'm gonna wipe the hd and install Debian anyways. :-) I'm just trying to give Dell an honest and fair review of the lappy they gave me. Minus few snags like Compiz and some freedom issues, this thing is a real beauty. I'm overall very pleased with the Dellbuntu lappy.19:13
sootybkar, its a home network,. i no for a fact there is at least 3 machines on the network, but the router site only shows 2 dhcp connections19:13
Otacon22i wanted to use clusters to increase the power of my pc, not to disperse it19:13
Bam_Cpudan80: thanks will try19:13
chazcoAnyone here running a clean install of LAMP on 7.10? Can you post the default ports.conf?19:14
bkarBam_-> you can try strace in the command line, can you launch strace commandlineforkate19:14
danandikaruga3001 - I used clusters of machines running debian to solve engineering problems - Computational Fluid Dynamics. This involved splitting a problem up into small chunks that each machine would work on - each communicating their results to eachother19:14
JordiGHNexuiz runs at 45 fps with the Intel video card out of the box!19:14
Cpudan80JordiGH: Ahh I see19:14
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
aragorni put in my ipod and i am at rhythmbox but none of my songs will play19:14
HardDiskNexuiz came in a box and it ran out!?19:14
HardDiskcatch that Nexuiz quickly!19:14
bkarsooty-> do all 4 uses dhcp? or one is using static?19:14
harmIam having some problems with grub.. it wont detect my windows partition!19:15
JordiGHHardDisk: A generalised box. A box somewhere in an Ubuntu server, and it ran into my minibox, my lappy.19:15
danandOtacon22 - again not possible in the manner you want to use it19:15
ikaruga3001danand: yup... but doing basic stuff like word processing won't benefit19:15
bkarsooty-> and why can you not access those other 3 ?19:15
daedradanand: cool19:15
grubharm, why not?19:15
HardDiskminiboxes are for donuts.19:15
bkarharm back again? you have done what I suggested yes?19:15
daedraprobs not much happening with game clusters though19:16
HardDiskharm, you will need to edit your grub19:16
harmgrub: i dont know upgrade-grub wont find it.. and i added it manually but it keeps giving me errors about the device19:16
danandikaruga3001 - no - the programs / application must be specially written to take advantage of all the pc's. If however you have a machine with several pocessors in it that may work19:16
grubharm, what error?19:16
dananddaedra - cheers ;) i like it19:16
harmgrub: 13 or 14 i think.. let me paste my menu.lst19:16
xtknightwhat package is "git" in?  sudo apt-get install git  does not give it to me19:17
JordiGHAnyone else have other impressions on the Dellbuntu boxen?19:17
Rusty_Ryanhow can i remove proprietary driver for my wireless device, if i want to use ndiswrapper instead?19:17
sootybkar, heres the deal,.,. me and my son are the home network admins,. my son is ethernet but the wire keeps being pulled out by someone in the house, so i want to block there internet for a bit,.,. but the dont show up on the dhcp list19:17
CroXDoes Hardy still require you to use the alternate CD to encrypt your system disk?19:17
sudobashit seems that the nvidia-glx-new is only.07 and the sh script on the nvidia site it .0919:17
aragornI put in my iPod. And I am at Rhythmbox. But none of my songs will play.19:17
JordiGHRusty_Ryan: Uh, you're aware that you'll be running proprietary drivers with ndiswrapper too?19:17
Bam_bkar: strace is a bit verbose :)19:17
Rusty_Ryanyep, i am...19:17
bkarBam_ you want loggin..heh..19:17
xtknightnm i guess it was in git-arch or git-core19:17
daedraCroX: you can ENCRYPT! your system disk! COOOOL19:18
PriceChild!hardy | CroX19:18
ubotuCroX: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:18
harmgrub >> http://pastebin.ca/87364319:18
daedraI know you can do it with truecrypt but didn't know ubuntu supported that19:18
JordiGHdaedra: Debian has had that since etch. I was surprised that hard drive encryption didn't make it into feisty or edgy.19:18
CroXPriceChild: Hint taken, thanks.19:18
jack-desktopcan you get evolution to minimize to tray?19:18
bkarsooty-> this particular problematic pc, is it assigned static ip address as opposed from dhcp ? if static, off course dhcp server will not see it has lease it19:19
daedraI saw a nice encrypted set up in openbsd19:19
JordiGHdaedra: Truecrypt had license issues, and the jury is still out if it still has them with the license change, but we've been able to encrypt our hard drives with alternatives for a while.19:19
PeacefulCan somebody help me with iptables and its --source parameter. I'm wondering if I could use a hostname with a mask for it, like "--source *.this.is.the*hostname"?19:19
* aragorn needs help with Rhythmbox19:19
olskolircdo I have to seperate all of my commands with && or can I just say: ;19:19
daedraI have source code to hide!19:19
harmbkar >> http://pastebin.ca/87364319:19
ikaruga3001jack-desktop: you can use a program called alltray19:20
Rusty_Ryanit is a bcm43xx chip and in the forums they told me to use ndiswrapper instead of the restricted driver, cause i've some serious transmission speed problems using the restricted one...19:20
tusseyKernel Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block(0,0)19:20
jack-desktopikaruga3001, you'd think it'd be an option in the settings...19:20
ikaruga3001jack-desktop: once installed, you run evolution by typing "alltray evolution &"19:20
casey_Can anyone help me setup my wireless card?19:20
tusseynew to ubunut, any way I can 'repair' that? caused by a bad shutdown19:20
olskolircdo I have to seperate all of my commands with && or can I just say ;19:20
ikaruga3001jack-desktop: yeah you'd think... evolution isn't really part of gnome that's why...19:21
bkarharm and what is the issue with it ?19:21
olskolircfor future reference19:21
Cpudan80olskolirc: They mean different things19:21
MaNRoHi, does anyone know a way to "really" install nvidia drivers on a HP Pavilion dv6646 laptop and running Gutsy, I run the official installer, but when I reboot it's like nothing has been done and I don't have graphic interface any more :(19:21
spydonwhich filesystem do you use tussey19:21
olskolircwhen do I use ;19:21
Cpudan80olskolirc: ; executes them 1 after the other19:21
olskolircok and what is &&19:21
tusseywhat is the default for linux?19:21
harmbkar:  its still not loading my XP19:21
sootybkar, its not static,. should be dhcp but it isnt showing up19:21
Cpudan80olskolirc: && will tell the second one to execute if and only if the first one succeeded19:21
JordiGHolskolirc: It's better to use && as a general rule. && means "execute next command if previous one was successful", ; means "just do these things, doesn't matter if the first command doesn't work."19:21
tusseyspydon: whatever ubuntu does by default19:22
olskolircohhh ok19:22
bkarharm-> at last line you proly need to add  boot   right after chainloader +119:22
spydontussey, hmm it is often ext3 I think'19:22
daedraJordiGH: beat me to it :)19:22
sootybkar, is there a way of checking connected clients from the terminal?19:22
tusseyCpudan80: mkdrir foobar && mv foorbar ~/tmp19:22
JordiGHdaedra: Cpudan80 beat me. Full of fail!19:22
harmbkar: i got it to work now19:22
MaNRoThe only way I can have nvidia drivers working is with ENVY, but I want to use the last ones19:22
tusseyCpudan80: that will execute both commands?19:22
olskolircwhat is execute next command if previous command DOESN'T work?19:22
netcrashthks , that helped thks geokeratz , danand19:22
harmi swear grub is a mysterios piece of software19:22
daedrai prefer the reference to ; though19:22
harmcya later19:22
JordiGHBoo nvidia!19:22
tusseyspydon: yea ext319:23
JordiGHIntel cards ftw.19:23
Cpudan80tussey: Assuming the first one worked, yes19:23
Rusty_Ryannoone any idea how to prevent my system from loading the restricted bcm43xx driver?19:23
bkarsooty-> yes, you visit the dhcp server and look which ip it doled out19:23
danandolskolirc pipe |19:23
bkarharm cool, what did you do?19:23
daedranvidia gets free cake19:23
JordiGHRusty_Ryan: Is it listed in /et/modules?19:23
Cpudan80tussey: The first one will fail, mkdirir isn't a command :-)19:23
overdubolskolirc: ||19:23
tusseyhar har19:23
olskolircwhat is || I never seen that before19:23
free2useemailHow do you install windows programs on Ubuntu19:23
Cpudan80!wine | free2useemail19:23
ubotufree2useemail: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.19:23
sootybkar, do u mean,.,. by typing in a web browser?19:23
free2useemailthanks, ill give it a try19:24
JordiGHolskolirc: It's like "or" in C-like languages. You may want to read the bash infopage. "info bash".19:24
Rusty_Ryanno, it isnt...19:24
bkarsooty-> yes if thats the acting router/dhcp server for your network19:24
quaalis there a way to list your samba users/passwords19:24
Ashfire908what's the letters to use for using the sysrq to reboot?19:24
tusseyso can anyone point me in the general direction to fix Kernel Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block(0,0)19:24
aragornI put in my iPod. And I am at Rhythmbox. But none of my songs will play!19:24
sootybkar, ive done that,.,. but it doesnt show the19:24
aragornDoes anyone know what I should try?19:25
sootybkar, doesnt show the computer im looking for19:25
Alyxanderhey guys is there a bug connection between the screensaver being on with evolution and dual monitor?19:25
Cpudan80aragorn: Do you have the audio codecs?19:25
PriceChildaragorn, open one of them in totem (the video player)19:25
spydontussey, do you get the privmsg?19:25
MaNRoCould anyone know the proper steps to install the lastest nvidia drivers on Gutsy?19:25
tusseyspydon:  no19:25
PriceChild!nvidia | MaNRo19:25
ubotuMaNRo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:25
bkarsooty-> but you know its ip address?19:25
aragornwhere is totem?19:26
AlyxanderI know there was an issue with gnome-terminal that to be fixed with ti19:26
Cpudan80aragorn: Apps --> Sound & video --> Video player19:26
=== NeF is now known as NeFaRi0uS
Cpudan80err Movie Player19:26
MaNRothanks ubotu...I've read that, but I want to try the lastest drivers19:26
sootybkar, no i no the name of the machine19:26
MaNRo...an truly want to learn how to do it "by hand" :)19:26
bkarsooty can you ping the name of the machine and does it respond?19:26
DRebellion!bot | MaNRo19:26
ubotuMaNRo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:27
casey_How do I determine what is my wireless card?19:27
bkarCasey->  lspci  or lshw  or dmesg19:27
daedrahow do you surpress join/quit messages in pidgin IRC?19:27
wyclifhey all19:27
danandMaNRo - you may be able to download from nVidia direct - I did this with my debian box19:27
Cpudan80MaNRo: Then you have to compile them by hand, in which you need a lot of packages19:27
ArmyAndyhey! Can somebody help me with an ant problem i am havig within ubuntu19:27
spydonAh tussey you can't privmsg on this network without beeing logged in19:27
sootybkar, didnt no i could do that,.,. il try now19:27
Cpudan80MaNRo: build-essential, kernel-source and kernel-headers19:27
dmg_hey ubuntonians19:27
free2useemailI want to enable wobble windows, but it says I cant, can I run wobble windows on 64mb of graphic memory19:27
aragorncpudan: i have no video player19:27
Cpudan80aragorn: Movie player19:28
ArmyAndyhey! Can somebody help me with an ant problem i am havig within ubuntu19:28
daedrafree2useemail: no19:28
dmg_i have problem installing quake 3 demo can some one help me ?19:28
sudobashwhats the best way to transcode an avi to DVD format so it can play on most DVD players?19:28
wyclifArmyAndy just ask in the channel19:28
sudobashwith ubuntu?19:28
aragornok i have a movie player19:28
MaNRosure danand, I did it, and run it, but when I reboot I have no graphic interface anymore19:28
bkarArmyAndy-> ant? what ant?19:28
free2useemailis there another program out there for linux so I can install special effects???19:28
ArmyAndyapahe ant19:28
danandMaNRo - the package you get needs to compile a module for your kernel - so you might need kernel headers / source etc19:28
wyclifArmyAndy Apache?19:28
bkarArmyAndy-> visit the nice folks in java here or in effnet (smirks)19:28
hydanbkar: it works now19:29
spydontussey, have you upgraded the kernel recently or changed anything in grub?19:29
=== hydan is now known as xoqa
casey_bkar: lspci, lshw, dmesg don't show my wireless card.19:29
danandmanro - ignore last then - i type too slow!!19:29
DRebellionsudobash: mencoder19:29
aragornCpudan80: the video player isnt helping me19:29
bkarhydan  what works now? where you xoqa ?19:29
sudobashok cool19:29
xoqabkar: yeah19:29
MaNRono problem, thanks :D19:29
Cpudan80aragorn: When you open a music file -- does it say something like "you need this codec...."19:29
MaNRoany suggestion?19:29
wyclifArmyAndy yeah19:29
bkarhydan alright, congrats19:29
free2useemailbest way to install video drivers19:29
ArmyAndyi cannot join #java it says i need tobe registered19:29
MaNRoany other! :D19:29
ArmyAndyhow do i register19:29
CroXCan I somehow change the resolution of my TTY's?19:30
Cpudan80ArmyAndy: /msg nickserv help register19:30
wyclifArmyAndy then register your nick w/ nickserv on IRC19:30
aragornCpudan80: No. Rhythmbox just won't let me play my songs.19:30
danandmanro - have you looked in your x log for errors??19:30
xoqabkar: i did 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade' rebooted and not only does my wirelss work, but so does the cable connection. thanks for sticking with me, i wasn't trying to be rude, hope i wasn't. i def. was getting frustrated.19:30
Cpudan80aragorn: Right - because you need the codec --- if you open the thing in totem (the movie player app) what happens?19:30
wyclifArmyAndy what Cpudan80 said19:30
sootybkar, ping: unknown host pinkspongebob19:30
bkarxoqa-> I can relate...patience is all we asked19:30
danandMaNRo  - /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:30
MaNRoI have, but that truth is that I'm new at linux, and do no understand that very well :S19:31
MaNRoa noob here :P19:31
bkarsooty-> pinging a name that cannot be resolve will not work ..if you have its numeric ip address, ping that instead19:31
MaNRoright now I'm using the drivers installed by ENVY, and is working OK19:31
penguinHurm.... I have the flash player packages installed but they aren't working...19:31
casey_bkar: lspci, lshw, dmesg don't show my wireless card.19:32
penguinAnyone know why?19:32
sootybkar, thats wot i need to know,.,. i need to know the ip19:32
bkarCasey-> what kind of card is it anyways? connected on your pci ? usb?19:32
aragornCpudan80: The movie player comes up. But that won't play songs.19:32
MaNRobut what bothers me is the fact that I can't install the drivers "by hand" :S19:32
danandmanro - dont worry someone will always be able to help - at command line type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE and see what turns up19:32
=== NeF is now known as NeFaRi0uS
aragornCpudan80: Tell me about the codec19:32
casey_bkar: I have no idea. I bought this laptop from a friend and he doesn't know if it has wireless or not. It is a Dell Inspiron 500m19:32
bkarsooty-> you're daughter is outsmarting you? heheh...19:32
Cpudan80aragorn: Well - it should have told you to download it... but ok19:33
DRebellion!brokenflash > penguin (read the pm from ubotu)19:33
Cpudan80aragorn: Open a terminal window and do the following19:33
MaNRook...I'll "install" the driver again and post the log :)19:33
bkarsooty-> i dont think you can do a broadcast ping..but i'd google for it, and see the option to ping for a broadcast19:33
Cpudan80aragorn: You can get a terminal window by Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal19:33
MaNRodanand - thanks a lot buddy!19:33
penguindanke DRebellion19:33
sootybkar, step daughter,.,. but yes,.,.lol,.,. and i have 20 yrs network admin experience,.,. she's 19,.,.lol19:33
miotumHi! I am running gutsy, but sometimes it just restarts right after i press enter in grub (I think it doesnt boot the kernel), however, sometimes it works. Is that a common issue?19:33
agibby6anyone know if office 2k7 will work with wine?  I couldnt find anything on the net except a video of someone doing it... no instructions though.19:33
danandMaNRo - no problem19:33
Cpudan80aragorn: At the prompt, type      sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:34
Cpudan80aragorn: It will ask you for your password, then install the stuff you need19:34
daedrayou can find out what devices are on your network with nmap19:34
dmg_i have problem installing gz.sh file can some one help me ?19:34
bkarCasey-> this is an old laptop i assume? so i doubt it if it has a wireless embedded on it19:34
casey_bkar: 2003 laptop19:34
sootybkar, whats a broadcast ping?19:34
DRebellionsooty: try, ping
Chafkahow can make my ubuntu to be a proxy for a lan computer ???19:35
stefano__ot Is there any methaphorical meaning to the expression "switch lane"?19:35
makarakiHi people nobody knows if is possible to use streamtuner with mplayer?19:35
bkarsooty i thought at one time you can ping -b   b for broadcast and any alive host will respond19:35
filthpigHi, does anyone know a webcam with minimum 800x600 res that works perfectly out of the box?19:35
Cpudan80dmg_: That's a shell script19:35
Cpudan80dmg_: What happens when you execute it?19:35
sootybkar,  yer u can,.,. cheers19:35
nevoeirowhy "ksoftirqd/1" is always consuming 15%-20% of cpu?19:36
dmg_Cpudan80: i know and i cant get to install19:36
bkarCasey-> am going to google and find your what was that dell 500m ?19:36
mohbanahi everyone, are there any guides for installing this nvidia 169.09 for a 8800 gts, this got updated this monday i think19:36
aragornCpudan80: I typed what you told me in the terminal window. But it did nothing.19:36
stefano__mohbana, there should be a readme file in the driver archive19:36
bkarsooty cool, sometimes the ping i use dont have that option19:36
Cpudan80mohbana: you have to have the right stuff to compile it from the source19:36
danbhfivefilthpig: this website might help: http://connect.creativelabs.com/opensource/Lists/Webcam%20Support/AllItems.aspx19:36
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:36
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:36
Chafkahow can make my ubuntu to be a proxy for a lan computer ????19:36
sootyDRebellion, bkar, the ping -b only shows ping times to     how does this help me?19:36
Cpudan80aragorn: No errors or anything?19:36
casey_bkar: "Our test unit did not come with 802.11 wireless networking, but you can add Intel's Pro/Wireless 802.11b or Dell's TrueMobile 1300 (802.11b/g) Mini-PCI card for $49, or Dell's TrueMobile 1400 (802.11a/b/g) card for $69"19:37
filthpigmohbana, nvidia homepage...19:37
mohbanaive never compiled anything i tend to get things straight from package19:37
casey_bkar: I guess the default build doesn't come with a wireless card19:37
Cpudan80aragorn: It did nothing == nothing happened on the screen, surely something happened19:37
casey_bkar: I just want to make sure I don't have one inside so I don't waste money19:37
aragornCpudan80: Nothing happened19:37
bkarcasey okay19:37
mikebeechamcan someone tell me if there is a channel for thunderbird queries?19:37
TheEpitome_Chafka: sudo apt-get install squid19:37
nevoeirohi. why "ksoftirqd/1" is always consuming 15%-20% of cpu? is this a bug?19:37
Cpudan80mohbana: You need to install a couple of packages ----- build-essential, kernel-headers, kernel-source19:37
aragornCpudan80: I copied and pasted what you typed19:37
aragornif that matters19:37
=== x-X-x__ is now known as x-X-x123
Cpudan80!ops | Program719:38
ubotuProgram7: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!19:38
Cpudan80Oops nalioth got it19:38
bkarsooty-> thats what I thought, the -b option does not really work19:38
Cpudan80I forgot about nalioth's script19:38
DRebellionsooty: ok, you need the swiss army knife of network utilities: nmap.  nmap -v -v -sP
mohbanais there anything that is automated?19:38
mikebeechamcan someone tell me if there is a channel for thunderbird queries?19:38
bkarsooty-> there, DRebellion has a swiss knife for you19:39
Cpudan80aragorn: Type it manually19:39
daedranmap is so COOL19:39
patrocknmap is more like the binoculars, netcat is the swiss army knife19:39
bkarokay i take it back, you have both binoculars and swiss knife..heh19:39
ene_deneif someone could help me.... I need to do the folowing. Make a script that will open a console window and then execute a command in that console, how do I do that?19:39
sootybkar,  thanks for ur help19:40
Zodiac`I rebooted. and now my sound is gone19:40
julioHello folks19:40
Zodiac`I try to open volumecontrol, and it says (translated): "No [something] for GStreamer and/or units found"19:40
Zodiac`anyone know a fix for this?19:40
bkarsooty-> you're welcome19:40
DRebellionpatrock: alrite, but binoculars isn't as dramatic and awe inspiring as 0_0 swiss army knife 0_019:40
sootyDRebellion, ok ,. so i use that command?19:40
DRebellionsooty: yars. you need to install nmap first : sudo apt-get install nmap19:40
mikebeechamcan anyone help with a Thunderbird query please?19:40
mikebeechamIt is very slow downloading emails recently19:40
sootyDRebellion, doing it now19:40
filthpigdanbhfive, yeah I've seen that page, but I can't find how well/poor the cam performs.. :s19:41
aragorncpudan80: ok now its asking for password :)19:41
JaymacI have a usb phone which I use for conversations in skype.  however, frequently it also takes over audio from applications such as flash video and i have to open pulse audio volume control to set it to my soundblaster card.. is there any way to tell my usb phone to only work with skype and NOTHING else?19:41
julioI gotta go... i'll back soon19:41
ene_deneanyone? is that realy such a complicated problem?19:41
Cpudan80mohbana: Once you download NVidia's thing - you just fire it off as per their instructions19:41
danbhfivefilthpig: yeah, they don't link to the product pages19:42
x-X-x123i am trying to install the official nvidia drivers 169.09. But i am unable to becouse the installer requires that i exit X server and all openGL applications. Ive tried ctrl+alt+backsapce and nothing, ctrl+alt+f1 and nothing, ive tried booting in recovery mode but installer requires run level 3 not 1 so i typed telinit 3 and it booted to the gdm login screen thus enabling xserver since i tried terminal and it said x server was running. what do19:42
x-X-x123 i do has anyone been able to install the official nvidia driver 169.09 and how did they shut down x server and all open GL apps ????? help ?????19:42
aragornCpudan80: After I type my password, what do I do?19:42
filthpig(excuse my slow writing, I'm learning to use Dvorak)19:42
nevoeirohi. why "ksoftirqd/1" is always consuming 15%-20% of cpu? is this a bug? :(19:42
Cpudan80ene_dene: Why does it need to open a console window ?19:42
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Cpudan80ene_dene: Can it just execute the program in the background19:42
Cpudan80aragorn: wait for it to finish19:42
crdlbx-X-x123: why do you want to install that driver exactly?19:42
sootyDRebellion, might take sometime,.,. internet speed is bad!19:42
DRebellionsooty: you should run that commmand as root (sudo) for better detection.19:42
Cpudan80aragorn: you'll get the prompt back after a couple of minutes19:42
crdlbx-X-x123: newer nvidia drivers have just as many regresions as fixes19:42
aragornCpudan80: prompt??19:43
patrockene_dene: xterm -e19:43
bobbyhello.... can someone help me... I just purchased a HP DV6704nr and I'm trying to install the Atheros AR5006EG driver on here... i tried to install the madwifi... but can't get wifi to work...I have no internet connection to that computer right now... but I do with this one.. any help would be great thank u!!19:43
x-X-x123besouse i previously had 169.07 through envy and envy did not update to .09 so i uninstalled the .07 and uninstalled envy19:43
=== Everget3 is now known as Evergete
sootyDRebellion, ok, cheers,.,. il let u no of my results19:43
geokeratzaragorn> type  Y or yes or anything it asks you to continue19:43
Cpudan80aragorn: The thing where you can type again19:43
nikitisAnyone have a guide on setting up MythTV on ubuntu?19:44
x-X-x123crdlb i heard that the freezes with mozilla are fault of a bug in the .07 drivers and .09 fixes them19:44
DRebellion!mythtv > nikitis (read the pm from ubotu)19:44
crdlbx-X-x123: oh if you're already using 169.07 I guess it won't make things any worse :) (at least hopefully)19:44
crdlbx-X-x123: run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:45
tassgot a problem with thunderbird: "another thunderbird is running, close that one", even after killall thunderbird19:45
x-X-x123crdlb i did but does that mean it goes to run level 1 ?19:45
daedratass: try   ps aux19:45
daedrathen kill <PID>19:45
crdlbx-X-x123: no, just shuts down the display manager, and thus X19:46
crdlbubuntu doens't really have runlevels anyway19:46
x-X-x123crdlb with all opengl apps ?19:46
aragornok nothing is working19:46
daedrainit levels... urm... yes it does19:46
crdlbx-X-x123: X will no longer be running, you'll be left with only a terminal screen19:46
lod_hi, I want to find out what's the media mode of iface (100baseTX, 10baseT etc..)19:46
MrObviousHow can I check if my CPU has Virtualization technology? I can post the flags of cat /proc/cpuinfo and which CPU it is.19:46
furiousphilhi there, i got a problem with Xubuntu. I tried to change the resolution of my loginscreen, but it remains something like 1024x768. I deleted all resolutions except the one i want (1650x1050) from the xorg.conf file but it didn't help19:46
Cpudan80aragorn: Well what did it do?19:47
ene_deneCpudan80: I'm sorry for delay, it needs to be executed in console becoase that program which I want to run doesn't work correctly if I don't do it that way19:47
=== os2mac_ is now known as os2mac
MrObviousmodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5470  @ 1.60GHz  flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm constant_tsc pni monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm19:47
aragornCpudan80: what do you mean by 'prompt'       this is my first day using ubuntu19:47
geokeratzaragorn>  it's the terminal19:48
bughysalve a tutti19:48
sootyDRebellion, that command says that all ip's are down? ,.,. that cant be true19:48
Cpudan80aragorn: Example: debrac@zazu:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:48
justin111why is it that when i try to start wolfenstein enemy territory it goes black asks me for the password i put it in the it just stays black19:48
bughyragazzi ho bisogno d'aiusto19:48
sootyDRebellion, sorry,. bad typing,.,. my fault19:49
jpatrick!pt | bughy19:49
ubotubughy: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:49
tassdaedra: none found.19:49
Cpudan80aragorn: So after you typed your password, what happened?19:49
daedra!it | bughy19:49
ubotubughy: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:49
daedratass: substitute <PID> for the processes ID19:49
filthpigbobby, have you tried ndiswrapper?19:49
aragornCpudan80: That's exactly what I'm typing. After I typed that, it didnt ask for my password19:49
justin111why is it that when i try to start wolfenstein enemy territory it goes black asks me for the password i put it in the it just stays black19:50
daedratass: you have to look for thunderbird with "ps aux"19:50
daedralook in the PID column19:50
mattsqzgot to love the fact that there are 38 reviews on newegg for a $1.50 10-pack of thumbscrews19:50
sootyDRebellion, cheers dude,.,. that command works gr8,.,. cya guys19:50
bobbyyes.... i have...19:50
sudobashit seems that mencoder is taking forever like 4 fps is there a way to speed this up?19:50
bobbyfilthpig: yes I have.... no luck.. :\19:50
sudobashor is transcoder better?19:51
tassdaedra: there is no "thunderbird"19:51
ikaruga3001mattsqz: ha!19:51
nevoeirowhy "ksoftirqd/1" is always consuming 15%-20% of cpu? is there a way to fix this?19:51
Cpudan80aragorn: Ok fine - what happend?19:51
bobbyfilthpig: I'm a bit new to this... so please bear with me.. if you can...19:51
ikaruga3001sudobash: what are you trying to do and what are you running?19:51
furiousphilhi anyone who can help ? i got a problem with Xubuntu. I tried to change the resolution of my loginscreen, but it remains something like 1024x768. I deleted all resolutions except the one i want (1650x1050) from the xorg.conf file but it didn't help19:51
DRebellionsudobash: buy a faster cpu?19:51
sudobashmaybe it is the way i am doing it19:51
tassdaedra: ps -aux | grep thunder --> nothing found (except the grep-process)19:51
sudobashi have an AMD atlhon XP 2400+19:52
aragornCpudan80: It seems like it wants me to repeat what I typed19:52
sudobash2GHZ with a gig of ram19:52
spikehi, how do I set the default movie player to VLC instead of totem?19:52
sudobashshould be running fast than that19:52
=== ubuntu is now known as tussey-ubuntu
aragornCpudan80: It doesn't ask for my password19:52
ikaruga3001sudobash: that's plenty fast... but what are you making mencoder do?19:52
sudobashi am trying to take an AVI file and make it so i can play it on DVD transcoding correct?19:52
DRebellionsudobash: what command are you using?19:52
Cpudan80aragorn: what do you see on the screen -- do you see a prompt like I showed you?19:52
Cpudan80aragorn: Example -- debrac@ZAZU:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extrasar19:53
geokeratzaragorn>  paste here exactly what it tells you19:53
MrObviousHow do I check if my CPU can run a Virtual Machine without the VM using 100% CPU because of Virtualization Technology? I want to play with it.19:53
ikaruga3001sudobash: yeah what command are you using?19:53
mikebeechamcan anyone help with a Thunderbird query please?19:53
mikebeechamIt is very slow downloading emails recently19:53
justin111why is it that when i try to start wolfenstein enemy territory it goes black asks me for the password i put it in the it just stays black19:53
sudobashone sec19:53
wicked_this is sudobash... the command is: mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf:telecine -vf scale=720:480,harddup -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835: /home/wicked/Desktop/Harry1/HPSS.avi  vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -ofps 24000/1001 -o movie.mpg19:54
wicked_harry potter 119:54
wicked_for my girls kid19:54
furiousphilit's drivin me crazy to see that ultralowresolution og my login screen on a 22" TFT19:54
filthpigbobby, I'm not some überlord either :) you might have more luck @ #madwifi19:54
Cpudan80aragorn: Here's what it should do19:54
Cpudan80aragorn: http://www.pastebin.ca/87367019:54
n[oO]bHello everybody19:54
=== wicked_ is now known as sudobash
sudobashthe command is: mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf:telecine -vf scale=720:480,harddup -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835: /home/wicked/Desktop/Harry1/HPSS.avi  vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -ofps 24000/1001 -o movie.mpg19:55
bobbyfilthpig: ok... thank you...19:55
sudobashis that too much or is it wrong?19:55
DRebellion!illegal | sudobash19:55
ubotusudobash: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:55
n[oO]bI got a problem with *.phtml files... Well I installed an adminpanel ( ispcp ) on my Debian Server, and my Ubuntu now wants to download the phtml files, and do not want to show me them...19:56
ikaruga3001sudobash: no ... do you really need the telecine?19:56
=== ubuntu is now known as tussey-ubuntu
crossedanyone know how to get tor working, ive installed the tor and privoxy packages as well as the firefox torbutton plugin. what next?19:56
gcsHi. Where can I ask Makefile questions?19:56
dehspehlDRebellion: how is reformatting a movie illegal? obviously wicked has the video already19:56
x-X-xnope it lead me to a recovery mode style screen with no ~$ . maybe becouse i use gnome terminal ??? and when i terminated gdm gnome terminal was unusable ????19:56
ikaruga3001DRebellion: why are you assuming he's doing something illegal? It could be a home movie or a legally downloaded video from the web19:57
IdleOne!ask | gcs19:57
ubotugcs: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:57
Cpudan80gcs: That's not really an ubuntu thing, but go ahead19:57
Cpudan80gcs: Might have better luck in ##C, ##C++, etc19:57
mojojojo_How can I convert .bin image to .iso image of the CD??19:57
aragornCpudan80: mine says aragorn@hawk:~$ [and then i type what is necessary] and when i enter, it says aragorn@hawk:~$ again19:57
mikebeechamis there a channel for Mozilla Thunderbird queries?19:57
Sonjahow do i view a list of all running/open programs and terminate one?19:57
kikoespadciao a tutti19:57
ikaruga3001sudobash: my guess is that the telecine is what's slowing you down... if you really don't need that then remove that ...19:57
DRebellion19:54 < wicked_> harry potter 1  <--- this is _questionably_ legal19:57
daedrasonja: ps19:57
n[oO]bSonja : ps x and kill -9 PID19:57
Cpudan80mojojojo_: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=isoFile.iso19:57
VvWolverinevVdoes anyone know why the folder "file:" keeps reappearing in my home folder?19:58
ikaruga3001sudobash: keep in mind that the conversion process is still pretty slow... that's about the frame rate I get for converting dv to hi-quality dvd19:58
gcsIt's about package maintance. My Makefile has this: ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))19:58
neocoldhello, i am currently trying to install 7.1 on my other computer.  It loaded the background and cursor for about 20 seconds then the screen went black and is not doing anything, any ideas?19:58
Genius315I'm using a Wacom tablet, and my cursor keeps wobbling around. Is there any way to stop this?19:58
ikaruga3001sudobash: and mencoder is better than transcoder19:58
crossedDRebellion: who cares about legality?19:58
mojojojo_Cpudan80:  no... I want to convert .bin file to .iso file.... or read it somehow...19:58
MrObviousneocold: Is this when you start the LiveCD up to try booting that?19:58
ikaruga3001crossed: no that's not the point19:58
sudobashPresident Bush doesn't care about legality19:58
gcsBut I get: syntax error near unexpected token `,' `ifeq (,(findstring nostrip, nostrip))'19:58
sudobashwhy should I?19:58
MrObvioussudobash: But the ops of this channel do.19:58
n[oO]bIf here's somebody who can help me with my Server, please DO it :D19:59
Cpudan80mojojojo_: that should still work----- dd if=binFile.bin of=isoFile.iso19:59
crossedsudo: exactly XD19:59
bastid_raZormojojojo_; poweriso app can do this19:59
DRebellioncrossed: this is about the reputation of ubuntu. not  the cares of any one individual19:59
ikaruga3001sudobash: yup19:59
tassneocold: cd crashed perhaps? check console outputs (ctrl+alt+f1)19:59
dehspehli.e. ask on a channel not hosted in the US19:59
Cpudan80mojojojo_: you might be able to mount a bin file directly19:59
Cpudan80I dunno19:59
MrObvioussudobash: And the Freenode ops too. (Lawsuit avoidence)19:59
ikoniaCpudan80: .bin is a binary file19:59
bastid_raZormojojojo_; or you could mount the bin19:59
sudobashi see19:59
ikoniaCpudan80: why are you dd'ing a binary file to an iso19:59
sudobashyeah and they do provide us with great support19:59
Cpudan80ikonia: he wanted it to be an iso19:59
DRebellionsudobash: next time, dont mention the details ;)19:59
ikoniaCpudan80: so ? you do'nt just dd a binary file19:59
MrObviousneocold: Please use tab completion as this is a busy channel and it's hard to see replies. Just type the first few letters of a nickname and push Tab on your keyboard.19:59
mojojojo_oh... ist mount /image.bin ?19:59
ikoniaCpudan80: that doesn't change the format19:59
mojojojo_is it?19:59
VvWolverinevVhi, can anyone tell me what program creates the folder "file:" in the home folder by default?19:59
soundray!info bchunk | mojojojo_19:59
ubotumojojojo_: bchunk (source: bchunk): CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-6 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB19:59
ikaruga3001DRebellion: good call ...he really was doing something illegal20:00
mojojojo_soundray:  thanks :)20:00
Cpudan80ikonia: ohhh ehhh I was confused --- sorry20:00
davidwanyone know how to go from an .iso of a DVD to a divx or mpeg or something?20:00
ikoniaCpudan80: you where just talking nosense20:00
Genius315I need help getting my Wacom Graphire 3 correctly set up.20:00
mrbbciao a tutti20:00
davidwmrbb, ciao20:00
DRebelliondavidw: use mencoder20:00
mrbbio ho ubuntu 7.1020:00
soundray!info k9copy | davidw20:00
MrObviousneocold: Now that that's out of the way, what I would suggest is possibly using what is called the alternative text install CD. It's text based and won't have driver problems and should work fine.20:00
ubotudavidw: k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.3-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1409 kB, installed size 2748 kB20:00
x-X-xHas anyone been able to install the official NVIDIA linux drivers from the site? if so who did u do it ??20:00
mrbbma ho alcumi problemi20:00
IdleOne!it | mrbb20:00
ubotumrbb: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:00
MrObviousneocold: I'll have the bot send you a private message that will help you see it.20:01
crossedpizza break!20:01
ikoniax-X-x: you shouldn't need them20:01
mrbbchi mi può aiutare?20:01
MrObvious!alternate > neocold20:01
davidwsoundray, thanks!20:01
MrObviousmrbb: English only.20:01
davidwmrbb, c'e` un #ubuntu-it20:01
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IdleOnemrbb: /join #ubuntu-it20:01
neocoldMrObvious so i need to download a different install cd for my other install?20:01
Sonjawhy english only? is it to segregate linguistic minorities?20:02
MrObviousneocold: Yes.20:02
ikoniaSonja: no, this is the primary channel, the primary langauge is english20:02
soundraySonja: yes20:02
ikoniaSonja: it also makes it easy for people to contribute20:02
IdleOneSonja: dont be an arse. english only is confusing enough imagine adding 10-15 more languages in heree20:02
claudio_     20:02
* aragorn screams20:02
MrObviousSonja: It's less confusing for one, and two we have seperate channels for different languages. It's not a linguistically racial thing, but rather ease of support thing.20:02
* filthpig is glad to live in a country where ripping dvds is legal20:02
x-X-xikonia i do i need best support for my card and games and the .07 drivers (which i have now uninstalled) had a mozilla bug which apparently is now fixed. But i installed the .07 drivers through envy and envy didnt update to .09 so i uninstalled envy too and downloaded the .09 drivers from the website20:02
ikoniafilthpig: we don't need the /me commands20:02
Sonjawhy was english chosen as the primary language, though?20:02
x-X-xbut i cant install them20:02
daedraoh lola20:03
ikaruga3001MrObvious: ah... i see why you are named Mr Obvious20:03
Sonjait's a bit political20:03
x-X-xit says i need xserver  with opengl apps shut down20:03
ikoniax-X-x: I disagree - they are the "best" drivers for your card20:03
MrObviousikaruga3001: I try my best.20:03
soundraySonja: because it is the mother tongue of the founder and initiator of Ubuntu20:03
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:03
neocoldMrObvious, ok... also for about a minute the screen was showing Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0    is this a problem?20:03
mouseboyxit would be cool to have something that translated every thing into your langage on the client side20:03
MrObviousSonja: Because most of the world speaks English or can have it translated.20:03
noorI updated Wine this morning to 0.9.54 and now Warcraft3 doesn't work right.  How do I downgrade it back to 0.9.53?20:03
x-X-xbut when i terminate gdm i lose terminal becouse i use gnome terminal and it is terminated when i terminate gdm20:03
soundrayMrObvious: bad answer ;)20:03
MrObviousneocold: How stable is the hard drive.20:03
dehspehlfilthpig: probably not where I am, especiall backing up verbatim, but dd_rescue works perfectly without leaving a trail of logs on my ISP20:03
MrObvioussoundray: :p20:03
ikoniax-X-x: the nvidia.com drivers are not supported by ubuntu, request support form nvidia support channels20:04
x-X-xikonia ok thnx anyway20:04
ikoniax-X-x: you have chose to use non-ubuntu supported/deployed software20:04
theunixgeekI'm now awaiting my Dell Inspiron 510n with Ubuntu. :)20:04
neocoldMrObvious it is stable i have been using it for windows20:04
ikaruga3001mouseboyx: that type of trnanslation sofwtare doesn't exist yet (perfect translation that is)20:04
ikaruga3001mouseboyx: you'll get a lot of gibberish20:04
IdleOnetheunixgeek: link please20:04
mouseboyxbut it would ne better than nothing...20:04
yahcasonHello, I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand.  I got an error 'fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdb1'20:04
MrObviousneocold: Ok. I'm not sure on the Buffer overflow errrors. Maybe searching the Ubuntu Forums (ubuntuforums.org) will be of assistance.20:05
theunixgeekIdleOne: dell.com/open20:05
ikoniayahcason: is there a device file /dev/sdb120:05
yahcasonand '/dev/sdb1: the superblock could not be read20:05
soundrayyahcason: when does this happen?20:05
neocoldMrObvious, ok thank you for your help20:05
yahcasonI am not sure, but to eliminate the problemn I chnaged the fstab20:05
ikoniayahcason: looks like the file system on it is corrupted20:05
yahcasonand now I dont get it anymore20:05
ikoniayahcason: although that doesn't expalin the "no-such-file" problem20:05
yahcasondoes that mean I got a virus?20:05
MrObviousneocold: You're welcome.20:05
ikoniayahcason: no, it means your file system was corrupted20:05
theunixgeekIdleOne: is that the link you want?20:06
yahcasonok, so how would I change it or prevent it20:06
yahcasonfrom happening again, because all of my home directories are gone20:06
ikoniayahcason: always shutdown your machine cleanly is the best advice20:06
yahcasonok, it is a server and I really didnt want it to shut down but I think something happened with the apache rebooting and having a password on the ssl certificate file20:07
yahcasonis there any way I can get my home directories back?20:07
soundrayyahcason: if your home directories were on /dev/sdb1, and /dev/sdb1 is not mounted any more after your fstab change, then you just have to mount that partition again20:07
soundrayyahcason: try 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home'20:08
yahcasonok, that sounds reasonable, I will do so now, thanks20:08
yahcasoncant find that partition I guess20:08
=== noor is now known as NoOrdinaryRabbit
soundrayyahcason: what partitions can you find? Check with 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if you recognize the one with your /home directories20:09
=== NoOrdinaryRabbit is now known as NoNameTheMighty
soundrayyahcason: if you're unlucky, the entire /dev/sdb is dead20:10
yahcasonok, wow, I had a raid array and I am not sure if I set it up properly, but I noticed in the root home directory I have a new  vmlinuz.old and initrd.img.old20:11
ikoniayahcason: thats just a kernel upgrade20:11
soundrayyahcason: that doesn't sound like you're using ubuntu20:11
ikoniayahcason: unless you have changed them manually20:11
yahcasonoh, ok20:11
ikoniayahcason: are you using ubuntu ?20:11
yahcasonnope didnt do anything.  Yes, ubuntu server20:11
ikoniayahcason: what version 6.06 ?20:11
MrObviousyahcason: If SDB is dead and you need to recover data I would highly suggest spending 89 bucks for Steve Gibson's hard drive software SpinRite. He developed it himself 20 years ago. grc.com is the site. If you have a RAID array you'll have to load each HD individually and run it outside of the array.20:11
Cpudan80That SpinRite stuff isn't all its cracked up to be20:12
mrmondaywhat command can I use to output the given line of a file?20:12
Cpudan80It takes eons to run and doesnt work very often20:12
MrObviousCpudan80: Yeah but it can help.20:12
lymecaIs this correct: main is to universe as restrited is to multiverse ?20:12
CroXAnyone know what the disk encryption feature is called?20:12
mouseboyx grep mrMister_20:12
yahcasonok, thanks, but how do I check to see if the sdb is dead?20:12
dehspehlit's 100 bucks to /hope/ it works20:12
ikonialymeca: no20:12
lymecamain and restricted are officially supported by Canonical Ltd. and universe and multiverse aren't?20:12
Tuarispinrite has worked for me 5 out of 6 times i've used it20:13
NoNameTheMightyI updated Wine this morning to 0.9.54 and now Warcraft3 doesn't work right.  How do I downgrade it back to 0.9.53?  Force Version in Synaptic only gives me the choice to go back to
Cpudan80Also his claims that it fixes the drive by re-magnetizing each block is just stupid20:13
soundraymrmonday: what do you know about the line?20:13
mrmondaysoundray, I know its number20:13
ikoniayahcason: try mount a partition20:13
mouseboyxgrep file phrase mrmonday20:13
dehspehlCpudan80: "re-magnetizing" probably just means reading and writing back what was read20:13
gorlakgot a question - im trying to delete/edit some printes on my 7.10 machine, however when (in the printer section) it asks for a password presumably root password , it doesnt work,  anyone know why?20:13
ikoniamouseboyx: how is that going to work when he wants a line number20:13
soundraymrmonday: 'head -n 10 file | tail -n 1' spits out the tenth line20:13
pvl1how ddo i make my computer use more swap space?20:13
Cpudan80dehspehl: Which has not been proven to do anything other than stress the drive20:13
ikoniapvl1: is it running out of swap space20:14
mrmondaysoundray, is there an easier way to do that?20:14
Cpudan80dehspehl: I just think the guy needs to keep his mouth shut20:14
soundraymrmonday: there's a more straightforward way, I'm sure, but I'm not good with sed, awk etc.20:14
pvl1ikonia, not at all. i mean phgysically prefer swap of ram20:14
pvl1ikonia, *over20:14
LjLpvl1: ... why would it?20:14
ikoniapvl1: ???? that doesn't make sense20:14
pvl1ikonia, i mean like i want it to use more percent of swap then ram20:15
ikoniapvl1: why ?20:15
ikoniapvl1: what possible good reason is there for that20:15
MrObviouspvl1: I don't see why. It lowers performance.20:15
dehspehlpvl1: swap is for when you run out of ram20:15
MrObviousCpudan80: That's your opinion and I respect that.20:15
pvl1ikonia, oh well since apperently its slower nvm20:15
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:16
pvl1dehspehl, MrObvious  LjL aight gotchya, i thought my computer would run faster20:16
soundray_MrPink2007_: /msg ubotu font20:16
brobostigonpvl1: your ram is iles faster than your hdd.20:16
LjLpvl1, *swap* is slower (much, much, MUCH slower) than *RAM*20:16
mouseboyxDid you want your idle programs to use more swap pvl1 ?20:17
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
MrObviouspvl1: If you need more RAM then get some. IDK what kind of system you have but if it uses DDR2 you can probably get 4GB for about 50 bucks of some good RAM (Crucial Ballistix) on newegg.com last I checked.20:17
LjLmouseboyx: now don't get him to touch swappiness...20:17
soundraybrobostigon: units says "You have: iles -- Unknown unit 'iles'"20:18
=== pete__ is now known as cbx33
ramdumdoes anyone know if ubuntu is suppose to come without kernel modules? Or do I have to manually create them somehow, after the installation?20:18
* MrObvious drops a needle. *Ping*20:18
pvl1mouseboyx, im not sure if it was before or after i reinstalled but i did change it. would that make my computer more effecient?20:18
LjLramdum, ubuntu comes with a pretty hefty lot of kernel modules.20:18
soundraypvl1: have a look here: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-Feisty-Fawn-for-Speed-53836.shtml20:19
pvl1MrObvious, i got a really old nd crappy computer. with 4 ddr's i got like 502 mb20:19
ramdumwhen i start up i get error that there are no modules20:19
soundraypvl1: most of the advice will apply to gutsy20:19
ramdumwhen looking in /lib/modules i only find old ones20:19
pvl1soundray, thanks20:19
mouseboyxI have found the solution to people's wireless card problems! http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowImage.aspx?Image=12-117-538-01.jpg%2c12-117-538-02.jpg%2c12-117-538-03.jpg%2c12-117-538-04.jpg&S7ImageFlag=0&Depa=5&Description=GENERIC+10X8-218TH+1000+ft.+Network+Cable20:19
MrObviouspvl1: Wow lol. Still unless you use some huge memory programs 512MB of RAM is plenty on Linux I've found.20:19
NoNameTheMightyAnyone know about Wine or can tell me how to downgrade?  I've asked twice with no response.20:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about customubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:20
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: are you using the budgetdedicated repository?20:20
soundraycherva: don't fish with the bot, just ask a question20:20
pvl1MrObvious, i know it runs fine, but like im having random new problems recently with opengl games that i havent had last week. so i just figured i might as well upgrade. uneless i can just get a new computer. il just donate this one or what not20:21
NoNameTheMightysoundray, I don't know what that means20:21
montuI created a launcher on Ubuntu 7.04 linux desktop and when I click it no thing happens20:21
soundraycherva: or have a look here: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-Feisty-Fawn-for-Speed-53836.shtml20:21
MrObvioussoundray: Will those tweaks work on Gusty 64 bit?20:21
ramdumafter upgrading everythng I am with a kernel which doesnt load the modules of /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic20:21
Tuaritry here for wine support http://www.winehq.org/site/irc20:21
LjLramdum, then the update failed. how did you update exactly?20:21
montuit is a file for Iseries Access on Linux20:21
MrObviousramdum: That's why you don't compile a kernel unless you know what you're doing with modules.20:21
NoNameTheMightysoundray, actually, I might know what it means...but I don't know20:21
ramdumwith adept updater20:21
LjLramdum: on gutsy...?20:22
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: there is a repository that has more recent versions of wine than Ubuntu: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/20:22
ramdumi didnt compile, the original kernel doesnt load them20:22
ramdumgutsy yes20:22
NoNameTheMightysoundray, oh, no, I don't think so20:22
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: if you are having trouble with the latest ubuntu one, I suggest trying to upgrade first20:22
LjL!info linux | ramdum20:22
uboturamdum: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB20:22
MrObviousramdum: Where did you get the .23 kernel? You must have enabled some third party repo. that has it because I can't upgrade.20:22
LjLramdum: as you can see gutsy does *not* have kernel 2.6.2320:23
MrObviousWow 52kB for the kernel? That's tiny!20:23
soundrayMrObvious: they will work, but may not make as much of a difference20:23
NoNameTheMightysoundray, what I would really like is to downgrade to the one I was using before I upgraded this morning20:23
LjLramdum: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list (although it's probably too late now anyway)20:23
mouseboyxIts purly genric20:23
MrObvioussoundray: I might try it just for kicks and giggles.20:23
ramdumi have in debian on another partition20:24
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: did you get that from the ubuntu repository?20:24
ICMHey all, I'm not having much luck getting a Dell laser printer to work under Ubuntu Server 7.04 using CUPS- also having quite a bit of trouble finding documentation. Under http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Dell-1700 I'm told that the best driver would be PCL6... no luck in finding out how to install that and use it :/20:24
NoNameTheMightysoundray, yes20:24
ramdumwhat about kernel compilation in gutsy?20:24
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MrObviousWhat's up with the Floodbots?20:24
soundrayMrObvious: remember, data you haven't backed up is data you don't want ;)20:25
LjLMrObvious: a netsplit. look above.20:25
pirateradio999What flood bots?20:25
ramdumi followed this guide to copile new kernel20:25
chervacan comeone tell me a good way to customizing an ubuntu live cd I need to add skype, mplayer, flash for firefox, the updates and ubuntu-restricted-extras20:25
MrObviousLjL: Oh didn't see that.20:25
ramdumbut i get error 15: /boot/vmlinuz not found20:25
jbernhardthello i'm having trouble with my sound and whenever I try to adjust the volume I get The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.20:25
jbernhardtYou can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu.20:25
Cpudan80LjL: Why is it necessary to have 3 of them?20:25
LjLramdum: eh? so first you said that you obtained this new kernel from *adept*, now you're saying that you compiled it yourself...?20:25
LjLCpudan80: -ops please20:25
ramdumi did that as well LjL20:25
MrObvioussoundray: What are you talking about? Those tweaks?20:25
Cpudan80LjL - k20:25
ramdumi have no idea why uname -r says 2.6.2320:26
Flare183Cpudan80: because sometimes one of them breaks20:26
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: in that case, downgrading can be hairy. Still, you might have a go: do a 'cd /var/cache/apt/archives' and check whether the version you want is there: "ls wine*"20:26
ramdumi never compiled such a kernel20:26
MuiskeDoes anyone know if it's possible to let GRUB scan for installed operating systems??20:26
Flare183!ask | biouser20:26
Cpudan80Flare183: Ok well I was just wondering if there was some other reason20:26
ubotubiouser: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:26
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: then you force a downgrade with 'sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade wine_[version].deb'20:26
dehspehlsoundray: NoNameTheMighty: is installing another package or just sources frowned upon?20:26
soundrayNoNameTheMighty: mind you, this is brutal and not normally supported20:26
profxdoing NFS setup using the NFS HOWTO, trying to get the server setup, when I do rpcinfo -p locahost, i just see portmapper, i should see alot more.. rquotad, mountd, etc... Anyone able to see why those arent running ?20:27
soundraydehspehl: it may or may not be. Repos that aren't specifically for ubuntu (e.g. debian) can wreck your system20:27
=== Ttech is now known as The_Wacky_One
ICMTrying to install a Dell Laser Printer 1700 under Ubuntu Server 7.04, I need a driver for it, and the OpenPrinting Database tells me to use the "PCL6" driver... I can not find ANY information on how to obtain or install it... help, please?20:28
NoNameTheMightyFYI.  I updated Wine this morning to 0.9.54 and now Warcraft3 doesn't work right.  I would like to downgrade it back to 0.9.53.  Force Version in Synaptic only gives me the choice to go back to
soundraydehspehl: repos from trustworthy people like the wine developers who provide ubuntu-specific packages are fine IMO20:28
asgwNoNameTheMighty: I've heard from a few people that Warcraft hasn't been working properly today.20:28
asgwTry it again later, I think they themselves messed something up.20:29
NoNameTheMightysoundray, I see the older package is in the cache20:29
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
soundrayICM: PCL6 is a printer language invented by HP for laser printers. Try a HP laserjet driver.20:30
katieIs there a terminal command to send something to a different display? (Tty1 or something like that)20:30
asgwIt wasn't working all day for someone (on a windows box), but then suddenly started worknig again a few minutes ago.20:30
ICMsoundray: just.. any one?20:30
profxdoing NFS setup using the NFS HOWTO, trying to get the server setup, when I do rpcinfo -p locahost, i just see portmapper, i should see alot more.. rquotad, mountd, etc... Anyone able to see why those arent running ?20:30
soundraykatie: 'echo something | sudo tee /dev/tty0'20:30
soundrayICM: one that had PCL6 in the name, ideally20:31
io2i'd like to know if there's any way i could use a USB pen drive as install media for ubuntu..20:31
katiesoundray: Thanks, "tee" is a great starting point to figure out how to do this.20:31
soundrayio2: there are hints on the install help page (private message coming...)20:31
soundray!install >io220:31
io2and i would like to know too how is ubuntu's support for the nVidia laptop chipset (mcp51)20:31
stupizhow i set grave (`) to change group of keyboard layout20:32
io2buona sera fabrelio20:32
geokeratz!install >geokeratz20:32
stupizit doesn't appear for checkbox in setting20:32
NoNameTheMightysoundray, Success.  Thank you.20:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:32
ICMsoundray: They all say HPLIB 1.7.3... none say PCL620:32
fabreliociao sono da poco che uso linux20:33
ICM(note I'm looking in a list under Webmin's "printer administration" of CUPS printer drivers )20:33
Pici!it | fabrelio20:33
ubotufabrelio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:33
Odd-rationaleWhat is the command to install a locally donwloaded .deb with aptitude?20:33
stupizit doesn't appear for checkbox in setting20:34
stupizhow i set grave (`) to change group of keyboard layout20:34
MrObviousOdd-rationale: IIRC you need to use dpkg -i adfsadfsfasdf.deb, but that will just install the deb, not any dependencies.20:34
Odd-rationaleMrObvious: Is there a way to use aptitude instead of dpkg?20:35
profxdoing NFS setup using the NFS HOWTO, trying to get the server setup, when I do rpcinfo -p locahost, i just see portmapper, i should see alot more.. rquotad, mountd, etc... Anyone able to see why those arent running ?20:35
brobostigonOdd-rationale: use gdebi, sudo gdebi packagename20:35
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: I know I can use gdebi. I just wanted to know the command line way for aptitude.20:36
=== nephyll is now known as Nephilin
brobostigonOdd-rationale: ahave a look at its man page,20:37
Odd-rationalebrobostigon: I'm looking right now...20:37
emetHi anyone know how to get me computer to look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU20:37
ICMsoundray: No dice... I even selected one in the list that said "(recommended)", but nothing is happening. When I used the "Dell M5200 Foomatic/Postscript" in the CUPS setup page... whenever I tried to print something the green LED marked 'data' would blink- granted it wouldnt' do anything like that, but..20:37
ICMit wouldn't do anything*, but..20:37
Flare183emet: what the mess?20:38
soundrayICM: I'm looking here, too -- not sure what to suggest. Your printer is definitely not Postscript, but it can be made to work: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Dell-170020:38
mohbanahi everyone i jsut finished installing ubuntu from the alternate cd, my graphic is kinda of messed up i presume this is why i coudlnt install of the live cd, i am currently using 800x60020:38
emetFlare183, do you know how?20:39
astro76emet: don't spam20:39
Flare183emet: dude it's a video about a guy dancing20:39
Flare183yeah quit it20:39
ICMemet: very unoriginal.20:40
Flare183Pici: thank you20:40
nymtaranyone knows cmus? i have a problem, that i can't use keys anymore (like 1-5 for views), only ":" is working20:40
nymtare.g. ":quit"20:41
Flare183!hi | gatotsu20:41
ubotugatotsu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:41
ikaruga3001nymtar: what's cmus?20:41
nymtarcmus is a command line mediaplayer20:41
ICMsoundray, that was the page where I found out about PCL6... on the opendrivers page20:41
soundrayICM: this ppd should work: /usr/share/ppd/ghostscript/model/pxlmono.ppd20:41
Flare183!info cums > Flare18320:41
ICMsoundray: -bash: cd: /usr/share/ppd/ghostscript/model/: No such file or directory20:41
ikaruga3001nymtar: perhaps your config file got messed up?20:41
gatotsumay some body can help a poor french ubunteros20:41
tom__hi,all! I'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10...using upgrade manager I get this: W: GPG error: http://debian.tagancha.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5BC4CFB8EEF818CF  ?20:41
nymtarikaruga3001, never changed the config20:42
ikaruga3001nymtar: btw, did you compile it yourself or is it in the repos?20:42
Flare183tom__: you shouldn't have put a gpg key on the irc20:42
nymtarinstalled it via apt-get20:42
Flare183tom__: it also means that you got the wrong gpg key20:42
ikaruga3001nymtar: i'm just saying it could be messed up and that's why it's not working... just a thought20:42
AzzmodanEveryone could get that part of the gpg key, it's in no way secret20:42
soundrayICM: it comes with the ghostscript package20:43
nymtaryay, thanks for advice, but i did already de- and installed it again20:43
gatotsuwhere can i find some help to activate my 3D destope, i have an ATI card20:43
ICMsoundray: alright, I'll apt-get ghostscript20:43
Flare183!compiz | gatotsu20:43
soundray!fixres | mohbana20:43
* Flare183 says move it bot20:43
ubotugatotsu: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:43
ubotumohbana: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:43
katiesoundray : Update, just fyi, I managed to do it with wget (url) > /dev/tty2 & (I think)20:44
gatotsuthanks ubotu i will try this way20:44
Flare183ubotu is a bot20:44
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.20:44
soundraykatie: on my system, /dev/tty? are writable only by root, but hey, if it works, it works ;)20:45
mouseboyxIf this were 1991 you would be jealous: http://mouse.homelinux.com/awsome.jpg20:45
Flare183!spam | mouseboyx20:45
ubotumouseboyx: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !English - and most importantly, use common sense...20:45
katiesoundray: Er, there was a sudo in there, but, that was a huge help, thanks a lot.20:45
profx!nfs > profx20:46
mouseboyxOps sorry worong network...20:46
BernardBHow can I delete my bin,20:46
soundrayBernardB: what bin?20:47
BernardBsoundray, sec. I have to find a good translation :-)20:47
tom__how do I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10?20:47
PriceChildBernardB, trash?20:47
PriceChild!upgrade | tom__20:47
ubotutom__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:47
soundrayBernardB: Trashcan? Wastebasket? Garbage?20:47
broonsparrowhi' I'm having problems mounting windows disc, can anyone help?20:47
PriceChildBernardB, there is an icon bottom right, right click it and choose "empty the deleted items container*20:48
ICMsoundray... sorry... I'm still too stupid, can't find the file (just did apt-get install gs-afpl, but no luck, I don't know and can't find the correct package)20:48
soundray!info ghostscript20:48
ubotughostscript (source: ghostscript): The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter. In component main, is optional. Version 8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187-0ubuntu3.3 (gutsy), package size 726 kB, installed size 3476 kB20:48
HowbagGood evening people! I am looking for a proxy application for my ubuntu server (to be run from apache) Anyone has any idea? :) thanks!20:48
=== mikelinux_ is now known as nadie
soundrayICM: there should be an actual ghostscript package ^^20:48
taltorishey, could somebody help me out with the powerpc distro?20:49
BernardBYes, didn't pop up in my mind. When I would like to clear my trash can, it complains about lots of files. They look like they're in use, but how can I delete them anyway?20:49
=== nadie is now known as Nadie_
ICMWhen I did sudo apt-get install ghostscript.. it told me that here was no package for it, soundray :/20:49
matt44fglrx complete doesn't work for me.  i try to use it, but the screen flickers a bunch of times and then GDM is loaded with the vesa driver instead.  some pointers maybe?20:49
brobostigontaltoris: fire away20:49
ICMI'm only on Ubuntu Server 7.04 ,thought, soundray20:49
broonsparrowi've partitioned my hard drive, there's a windows partition and a NATS partition.  they mounted fine. I've now added a NTFS drive and i now have to mount the NATs and NTFS drives each time i start. any ideas why?20:49
taltorisaight, i'm getting these weird black rectangles on my top menu20:49
soundray!info ghostscript feisty | ICM20:49
=== Nadie_ is now known as mikelinux
ubotuicm: Package ghostscript does not exist in feisty20:50
_MANEL_[MOD]need help installin the IceData 500 in Ubuntu 7.1020:50
Azzmodanbroonsparrow, did you mark them as "auto" in fstab?20:50
erawfishbroonsparrow: what is a "NATS" partition?20:50
taltorisbut they're still there when i move the bar20:50
unenoughI'm trying to view a mms://... video, but mplayer can't seek. anybody know of a video player that can seek mms://.. files?20:50
soundray!find pxlmono.ppd feisty20:50
broonsparrowFATS! opps!20:50
ubotuFile pxlmono.ppd found in gs-esp20:50
soundrayICM: there it is -- you need gs-esp apparently20:50
BernardBPriceChild, soundray, any idea how I can delete them, also when they're in use. I don't know which files it were, it only complains: can't delete etc.20:50
ICMheh, alright, I'll try that!20:51
taltorisi've got a screenshot if you're interested20:51
soundrayBernardB: if they appear to be in use, don't delete them. Reboot in recovery mode, then issue 'rm -rf /home/yourusername/.Trash/*'20:51
brobostigontaltoris: i have a ppc linux too, but never had that problem, no idea, sorry20:51
tom__When I try using Upgrade Manager... I get this: W: GPG error: http://debian.tagancha.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5BC4CFB8EEF818CF20:51
BernardBHow can I reboot in recovery mode soundray ?20:52
astro76tom__: I thought the upgrade manager disabled third-party repos before upgrading.. try disabling it first20:52
soundrayBernardB: it's an option on the grub menu. You may have to hit Esc during boot to see the grub menu.20:52
_MANEL_[MOD]icedata 500 anyone?20:52
josephheisser_is it possible to run ubuntu on a virtual machine?20:52
Azzmodanjosephheisser_, yes20:52
RaethHow do I install Ubuntu without the bootloader?20:52
BernardBAha soundray, thank you very much. I'll try it.20:52
soundrayBernardB: do try a 'sudo rm -r $HOME/.Trash/*' though, it won't hurt20:53
josephheisser_how do i do it. it keeps giving me errors20:53
tom__sorry... that went over me..what's a third-party repo?20:53
soundrayBernardB: if it still complains, do the recovery mode procedure20:53
bernier<Raeth> at the last step of the installer, after partitioning the disk, you have an "advanced" tab in which you can untick installing the bootloader20:53
tom__oh nvm...20:53
Raethbernier, thanks20:53
taltoriscould somebody help me with the powerpc distro?20:53
makers_markany way i can launch System Monitor through a keyboard shortcut (similar to ctrl+alt+del/ctrl+shift+esc in win?20:54
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:54
soundraytaltoris: you need to say what the problem is before we can answer that20:54
taltorisi've checked that20:54
taltorisi've got these weird black rectangles on the top of my screen20:54
josephheisser_azzmodan: how would i install on Virtual PC fo mac20:54
_MANEL_[MOD]i need help installing a IceData 500 modem on ubuntu20:54
taltorispowerbook g4 12"20:54
ICMsoundray, this still only gives me the options for the Dell M5200 Foomatic/Postscript and Dell S2500 Foomatic/Postscript drivers, both of which I did try earlier, and they made the LED on the printer blink, but nothing print20:54
BernardBsoundray, it does not complain, but when I go to the file manager, Nautilus, and I empty the trash can, the same error appears, but the trash can looks clean?!20:54
taltorisi've got a screenshot if it would help20:55
LinuxDeadRajiCan anyone help me with intel wireless pro 3945abg wireless installation/configuration?20:55
tom__I have to disable any but official repositories before upgrading?20:55
Azzmodanjosephheisser_, I have no idea how you'd install whatever virtual pc program I just know that ubuntu will work fine in most if not all virtual pc programs20:55
azexianmakers_mark: look up keytouch, that will allow you to setup keys to commands, very customisable, nice gui tool, sudo apt-get install keytouch keytouch-editor20:55
deinspanjerI just hibernated an Ubuntu 7.1 box that had an active X11 session with a few programs running through screen.  I relocated it down into my basement, but I didn't realize that the mouse and keyboard I have down there are PS2 not USB so I can't hook them up to get console access to the box right now. I have a working ssh server so I was able to ssh in, screen -dr and close out those apps, but...20:55
deinspanjer...now I'm stuck with what to do next.20:55
makers_markthanks azexian20:55
soundrayICM: I don't know what the proper procedure is to use a ppd file in feisty server...20:55
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
josephheisser_azzmodan: it just keeps saying unknown cpu and then it wont finish the install20:56
_MANEL_[MOD]?? icedata 50020:56
azexianmakers_mark: np20:56
spydonHey tussey :P20:56
ICMsoundray... I just selected the option in cups "OR use PPD file.. " and I c/p'd the filepath, then it selected what brand the printer is (dell), then brought me to that20:56
soundrayHey guys, please help ICM: his printer appears to be supported by pxlmono.ppd -- but how to enable this particular one in feisty server?20:56
deinspanjerI'd like to log off that active X11 session and then I'm looking at using FreeNX to control the box in a headless fashion.  Does that sound reasonable? Can anyone tell me how to politely shut down that X11 session?20:56
broonsparrowno. not for the new NTSF drive, but the FAT drive, that was mounting fine, is not mounting either20:56
ICMperhaps I should try another brand?20:56
vocxdeinspanjer, maybe restart the X server, which takes care of mouse and keyboard detection, I think.20:56
gatotsuhello some oneknow how to join french irc ubuntu20:56
deinspanjervocx: No, the problem is I have no PS2 ports on the box so I can't hook up a keyboard/mouse at all. :)20:57
soundray!fr | gatotsu20:57
ubotugatotsu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:57
soundraygatotsu: /join #ubuntu-fr20:57
deinspanjervocx: It suddenly became a headless box with an X11 session still active.20:57
filthpighuh, why doesn't rythmbox recognize FLAC files? I've set it to scan ~/Music, but it only reports mp3, not flac :s20:57
gatotsuok ciao20:57
ICMsoundray... its starting to print something.. I'm not sure what, but I think it may have worked this time20:57
ICMsoundray: nevermind, false alarm, it was a result of me hitting a button on the printer for the test page :(20:58
_MANEL_[MOD]?? iceData 50020:58
soundrayICM: as long as you keep trying with postscript drivers, it won't work20:58
htnsIn life we are born different, and die equal, in StarCraft we are born equal and die different.20:58
astro76!modem | _MANEL_[MOD]20:58
ubotu_MANEL_[MOD]: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto20:58
vocxdeinspanjer, I'm really curious with this situation. mmm... Do you need an X Server at all, if you have no monitor, mouse, or keyboard? Interesting, let me know how it goes.20:58
wibhi. just now, my sound server has crached. how can i reactivate it without rebooting?20:58
_MANEL_[MOD]its an usb adsl modem...20:59
deadeyexi do not have ubuntu installed at the moment but have a few questions20:59
LinuxDeadRajiCan anyone help me I am having a wireless networking problem with ipw3945 i get *- network Unclaimed when I run lshw -C network20:59
Bryan5482hello,does it possible to create a virtual environment in order to boot a hdd with windows system under ubuntu ? (i mean if i have computer with two HDD, 1 installed with ubuntu & other one with windows xp , does it possible to create a window inside the ubuntu desktop and to boot the windows xp system and to toggle between the operatig systems ?)20:59
_MANEL_[MOD]ubotu, its an adsl/usb modem...21:00
daviWhat Ubuntu distribution was before Gutsy? Feisty?21:00
deinspanjervocx: Well, some day I might buy a new USB mouse keyboard or buy a PS2-USB adapter, but I want to continue to be able to use the machine via both a shell and a GUI, so unless I mis-understood how FreeNX works, I still need X11..21:00
soundrayfilthpig: I can't remember how I did it, but it is possible. Make sure you have the various libflac* packages and set up rhythmbox via Edit-Preferences21:00
george_21whn i try to kill all synaptic instanses i egt this21:00
reportingsjrI'm trying to grep to find a file called glx.h, it finds it, but doesn't display the folder! How do I get the path to it?21:00
george_21nik@dell:~$ kill -9 synaptic21:00
george_21-bash: kill: synaptic: arguments must be process or job IDs21:00
george_21how can i kill it?21:00
astro76_MANEL_[MOD]: no ethernet port on it?21:00
katiedavi : yes, feisty21:00
mrmondaydavi, yes, it was feisty21:00
george_21and also this21:00
soundraydavi: yes, from dapper on they were alphabetical21:00
george_21nik@dell:~$ killall synaptic21:00
george_21synaptic(5994): Operation not permitted21:00
_MANEL_[MOD]no, just USB21:01
deinspanjerHow can I politely force an existing GNOME X11 session to be logged off from a remote ssh connection?21:01
=== r0v3rt is now known as rob3rt
xompgeorge_21, sudo killall synaptic21:01
davithanks katie mrmonday & soundray21:01
theunixgeekI ordered the Dell Inspiron 530n desktop with Ubuntu, and as I await it, did anyone else order it?21:01
deadeyexi hawill just 1 with a 1.7ghz p4 512ram and a geforce 5200fx is it normal for steam with wine to take 45minutes to send a msg?21:01
Flare183!dpkg crash fix | george_2121:01
ubotugeorge_21: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:01
jack-desktopwhen i run compiz i get this error: http://rafb.net/p/RRYRxX23.html21:01
jack-desktopand compiz worked an hour ago =/21:02
Flare183theunixgeek: not yet but i plan to21:02
_MANEL_[MOD]astro76, no its USB21:02
vocxdeinspanjer, yes, you basically need X for everything.  I was thinking on these low-level commands to manage X sessions, "startx", "xinit", and just "X". Maybe their man pages tell you what to do.21:02
george_21thanks guys!21:02
whileimhereHow can I get Flash to work in Firefox?21:02
theunixgeekif anyone has ordered the dell desktop with Ubuntu, is it a good buy?21:02
theunixgeekwhileimhere: go to adobe.com/flash21:02
george_21da,n it isnt killed21:02
george_21it says another synaptic instance still runs!21:03
theunixgeekwhileimhere: download it, right-click and select extract here21:03
pvl1wahts a good backup tool?21:03
deadeyexia there a wine mirc channel?21:03
george_21ok i used kill and it kiled it21:03
rbs-titoHi guys, I get an error message when trying to play sound21:03
astro76deadeyex: IRC channel, #winehq21:03
ICMoh god, I just tried using a Lexmark printer driver ofr my Dell 1700... it said PCL3.. (I'm looking for PCL6..)- it just went through the entire paper tray printing random crap, wonderful21:03
* ICM puts paper back in paper tray21:04
george_21whats the best dvd, divx, mp3 player on ubuntu?21:04
reportingsjrcan anyone help me find a file?21:04
Bryan5482does it possible to create a virtual environment & load windows xp from the ubuntu desktop ?21:04
magnetronquestion: my ethernet card supports both 10Mbps and 100Mbps. my ISP uses 10Mbps for uplink and 100Mbps for downlink. when i check the connection info in nm-applet, it says "10 Mb/s". how do i make sure it's 100Mb/s for the downlink? where can i find the kernel options to configure this network card? driver: fealnx .21:04
theunixgeekwhileimhere: then use the terminal to cd to your directory21:04
rbs-titoAlsamixer won't run either21:04
brobostigongeorge_21: to play dvds vlc21:04
theunixgeekwhileimhere: and then run the ./install-flash or whatever it's called.21:04
Flare183!virtualization | Bryan548221:04
ubotuBryan5482: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications21:04
Cpudan80Anyone know how to use the hplip drivers in ubuntu ?21:05
george_21is there something like gom player for ubuntu?21:05
reportingsjrcan anyone help me find a file?21:05
Flare183george_21: crap umm ask in #ubuntu-bots21:05
pvl1whats a good backup tool?21:05
simpswow, this is alot of users21:05
soundrayreportingsjr: what file are you looking for?21:05
reportingsjrsoundray, glx.h21:05
astro76!backup | pvl121:05
ubotupvl1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:05
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:05
Flare183reportingsjr: use locate21:05
edjuabout to dwnload kubuntu.  there's a choice - 7.10 or 6.06.  something about support level.  what do they mean, support level?21:05
soundray!find glx.h gutsy | reportingsjr21:05
pvl1thanks astro7621:05
ubotureportingsjr: File glx.h found in libclutter-0.4-dev, libglitz-glx1-dev, libgtkglext1-dev, libxcb-glx0-dev, mesa-common-dev (and 4 others)21:05
reportingsjrsoundray, it's from a library I installed21:05
BenderUnit22edju: as an individual, don't bother, take 7.10.21:05
ubotukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu21:06
reportingsjrFlare183, I'll try that then :)21:06
Flare183reportingsjr: ok21:06
soundrayreportingsjr: ^^ did ubotu help?21:06
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers21:06
reportingsjrsoundray, Not one bit! :)21:06
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:06
edjuBenderUnit22, thought so, they mean support like Red Hat Enterprise, I guess.21:06
reportingsjrFlare183, locate was perfect :)21:06
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:06
BenderUnit22edju: exactly. Enterprisey stuff.21:06
Flare183reportingsjr: yeap works perfectly21:07
astro76edju: it's useful if you only want to upgrade every 3 years21:07
theunixgeekBryan5482: Wine is better for older Windows programs.21:07
LetsGo67I am not getting the "Screen and Graphics Configuration" that was promised in Xubuntu, how can I install it please?21:07
mohbanahi guys i am having problems with a Nvidia 8800gts 512mb version, i can't get x to start up unless i choose the "nv" driver option if i use vesa it refuses to start x21:08
bmk789should the MD5 sum of /dev/dvd be the same as the ISO that made it?21:08
edjuastro76, upgrading is why I'm moving from debian - hope this is as rock-solid.21:08
soundraymohbana: nv is fine to start up (in 800x600, I understand). From there, go to System-Administration-Restricted to install the restricted nvidia driver21:08
BenderUnit22LetsGo67: try installing displayconfig-gtk.21:09
jpatrick!info > displayconfig-gtk21:10
jpatrick!info displayconfig-gtk > LetsGo6721:10
soundraymohbana: did you read me?21:10
LetsGo67BenderUnit22: thanks man, while it does run from the terminal, it is not in the menu :(21:11
simpsWhat do you guys suggest as the IRC client of choice?21:11
rbs-titoCan anyone help with sound?21:11
brobostigonsimps: pidgin21:11
Cpudan80I mean xchat21:11
mohbanasoundray yep21:11
Cpudan80Why did I type gnome21:11
* Cpudan80 is going crazy21:11
rbs-titoxchat-gnome is good21:11
Cpudan80Get the regular one --- plain xchat21:12
peachCobbleri was playing with my group permissions so i could modify /var/www, and I accidentally set www-data as my main usergroup, rather than appending it as an additional group for my user account. it wouldnt let me login to gnome, only into ttys and failsafe terminal. i edited /etc/group through root in another linux installation, and that let me login21:12
nioswhy do i have to write in the wpa key every time i restart pc ?21:12
peachCobblerbut im still not in the sudoers group21:12
simpsi had windows before i installed ubuntu. changing from mirc to xchat (which i'm on now) is kind of a pain21:12
RequinB4Anyone know how to force the Live CD to boot w/ VESA21:12
simpsits hard to read and all :P21:12
Flare183peachCobbler: not good21:12
* _MANEL_[MOD] begs for help on USB ADSL modem iceData 50021:12
lenuse wine to run mIRC21:12
peachCobbleri accidentally used the -G flag rather than -a21:12
simpsalright, len21:12
soundraypeachCobbler: add yourself to the admin group. You don't have to do it through another installation -- you can boot in recovery mode.21:13
simpsinstalling wine now21:13
ICMsoundray, thankyou, it works now21:13
soundrayICM: well done!21:13
Shinmahow do I make a debian package? I compiled Xchat with true transparency support and want to make a .deb available, how do I do it?21:13
whileimhereThanks for the Flash Help!21:14
astro76!packaging | Shinma21:14
ubotuShinma: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports21:14
Shinmathanks ;)21:14
peachCobbleri just added myself to the sudoers group. ill reboot into ubuntu and if i still have problems, ill try recovery mode21:14
jeffMASTERflexShinma: you can make dirty packages with checkinstall or use debhelper to make good quality debs21:14
ICMsoundray, I managed to get it to go through all the paper in the paper tray xD (I tried using a PCL3 Lexmark printer.. lol), then I Found under 'Make' instead of choosing 'Dell' I choose 'Generic' and found "Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlmono (recommended)" under that, works perfectly21:14
peachCobblerthanks..brb rebooting21:14
MontegoWhat file extention do I need to look for to get that app run when I double click it? For example . Calculator program21:14
xoqahow can we type in japanese using scim or skim?21:14
ICMthe test page just printed without an issue21:14
george_21after installation ubuntu aid it foudn 308 updates i did partial upgrade but some packages names 'lib-mono' had problem being installed21:14
RequinB4Anyone know how to force the Live CD to boot w/ VESA21:14
_MANEL_[MOD]astro76, can you help me installing my IceData 500 modem in ubuntu...21:14
george_21will three be a problem?21:15
astro76_MANEL_[MOD]: nope21:15
xoqai can't get it to work and nobody has responded to my questions on #scim for the past 2 days now21:15
KEBAxmoto doesnt start! if i want to start tis game in shell, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/23892/ that comes... i choosed some thongs in the option menu...21:15
jeltehi there... i have ubuntu 6 on my laptop. I want to upgrade it, but running "update-manager -c" doesn't list any upgrades... using -c -d does show v8, but i dont want an alpha release...21:15
astro76_MANEL_[MOD]: all I know is if you can get an ethernet modem, it would make your life much easier ;)21:15
xoqai badly want to be able to type japanese characters21:15
MrObviousMontego: Executable apps don't have an extension, just the execute permission is given to the file.21:15
xoqait's becoming a hinderance21:15
_MANEL_[MOD]astro76, that i already know, but i don't want to spend money^^21:15
rbs-titojelte: You can request a free CD at http://shipit.ubuntu.com21:16
MrObviousxoqa: Why? English is fine for me. :p21:16
astro76xoqa: did you try #ubuntu-jp ?21:16
xoqaastro76: no i haven't21:16
xoqai'll go there21:16
jelterbs-tito: thanks, but i am online... just wanna upgrade now, not really wait for a cd (or download one..).. i've used the update manager before, but I guess its having problems to go to 7.10 (skipping 7.04) ?21:16
george_21after installation ubuntu aid it foudn 308 updates i did partial upgrade but some packages names 'lib-mono' had problem being installed21:16
george_21will three be a problem?21:16
george_21iam using hardy21:17
astro76!hardy | george_2121:17
ubotugeorge_21: hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:17
ShinmaIf you guys wouldnt mind, ive been having trouble with DPMS on my system, maybe you guys could help ?21:17
MontegoMrObvious Thats my biggest hang up with linux. If the app is not in the apllicattion menu. And u know its installed on the computer. How do we get them to work>?21:17
RequinB4!upgrade | jelte21:17
ubotujelte: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:17
jelteubotu: thanks!21:17
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:17
jeffMASTERflexMontego: exectuables are usually in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin21:17
MrObviousMontego: I guess I don't understand the problem fully.21:18
ICMTo share a printer in Ubuntu, would I want to use Samba, and in samba, should I set path= to whatever the device URI is?21:18
RequinB4Anyone know how to force the Live CD to boot w/ VESA21:18
RequinB4Meh, i'll ask at a later time, no one knows.  thx all21:18
pipatronHello people, does anyone know how to get information about how ACPI works in ubuntu? Like, all the steps that happens from when you press the 'sleep' button on your laptop, until it goes to sleep. I see plenty of files in /etc/acpi but can't figure out how they interact with eachother and what to change if I want to do modifications21:18
RequinB4!acpi | pipatron Navigate around these pages or - google is your freind21:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:19
Montegojeffmasterflex when I finally find the app how do I make it executable. And posiblly add it to desktop?21:19
magnetronmy ethernet card runs in 10Mb/s mode. how do i force it to run in 100Mb/s mode?21:19
TaggardDoes anyone have any idea why my network isn't working on my reinstalled Dell Inspiron 53021:19
jack-desktopwhere can i find the original wobbly.xml and libwobbly.so files for compiz?21:19
RequinB4!apci | pipatron Navigate around these pages or - google is your freind21:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:19
RequinB4bot isn't liking me21:20
Cpudan80acpi maybe?21:20
crdlbjack-desktop: compiz-plugins package21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powermanagment - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:20
RequinB4i give up21:20
magnetron!msgthebot > RequinB421:20
tobias_Hey ubuntu people. I'm trying to find a tv card that works with Ubuntu. Is there any vendor or model you recommend or that you have yourselves and works with MythTV?21:20
magnetron!botabuse | RequinB421:20
ubotuRequinB4: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:20
Cpudan80magnetron: One factoid was enough21:21
RequinB4I got it, sorry, was about to switch21:21
soundraypipatron: the best documentation for ACPI is probably the kernel source...21:21
MrObviousjack-desktop: Try installing apt-file and then doing a sudo apt-file update && sudo apt-file search (filename) to see which package a certain file is in.21:21
magnetron!hardware > tobias_21:21
emmaI would like to do a fresh install of ubuntu.  Is there a way to save everything in my home directory, and possibly, the preferences on some applications, so that I can easily transport them to the freshly installed ubuntu?21:21
pipatronsoundray: Actually, I just found /usr/share/doc/acpid/ :)21:21
io2where again can i find information about installing ubuntu FROM a usb pendrive?21:21
crdlbtobias_: hauppauge is supposed to be extremely well-supported, though I have no personal experience with it21:21
Taggardemma: Just move them to an external media21:21
jack-desktopMrObvious, I only need those two files, not the whole package21:21
Cpudan80emma: sure, just backup your /home dir21:21
magnetronMy ethernet card runs in 10Mb/s mode. How do i force it to run in 100Mb/s mode?21:21
Shinmaemma: copy your home folder to a seperate partition before you install :P21:21
MrObviousemma: Is your /home on a different partition?21:21
magnetron!install > io221:21
yahcasonhey wassup, anybody know a good firewall for a ubuntu server21:21
Cpudan80emma: That'll save most all preferences21:21
w0tcan't play pls streams in xmms! what can i do about it?21:21
soundraypipatron: that won't answer your question(s), though21:21
pipatronyahcason: shorewall21:21
emmaOkay so it's okay to burn a copy of my home folder to a CD and then do a fresh install and move the data into the new home folder?21:22
pipatronsoundray: Apparently not21:22
pipatronemma: Yes21:22
ikaruga3001tobias_: i have a ati tv wondercard and it works fine with linu21:22
ikaruga3001tobias_: err linux21:22
Shinmaemma: you just might have to change permissions when you copy it back over21:22
emmaDoes that save preferences like firefox settings?21:22
pipatronemma: In linux, everything you have configured, stored or changed as a user is stored in your home directory21:22
tobias_magnetron, crdlb, ikaruga3001, thanks :)21:22
Shinmaemma: when you copy it to the CD/copy it back it may not have the right permissions21:22
emmapipatron - Is that so?21:22
pipatronemma: Like, "/home/emma".21:22
ikaruga3001tobias_: search google for linux and supported tv cards ... if linux supports it, ubuntu will too21:22
DG19075emma, you can also copy /home contents to a USB drive if your /home isn't too big21:22
emmaShinma. I see, but I can overcome that as a super user right?21:23
pipatronemma: Don't forget all the "dotfiles"21:23
Shinmaemma: yeah its simple, just when you copy it back over, make sure you chown it to emma (or your username), and chmod it for writing21:23
emmaOh yeah the dotfiles.21:23
protcronthello i need to know is there any stable usenet grabber ?21:23
Ashfire908i have two modems (cell phones in packet mode) connected to the internet on a server acting as a gateway. how do i get the server to take advantage of the two connections?21:24
protcrontdont wana use wine !21:24
Shinmaanyone have any ideas for my DPMS (Monitor Power saving mode) problems?21:24
nailshi, quick irssi question, I am able to hilight a word with /hilight -word word, but /dehilight word or /dehilight -word word does not stop the word from being highlited. Anyone have an idea on what I am missing?  Thanks.21:24
pipatronnails: This is not #irssi21:24
soundrayShinma: please ask the whole question21:24
justs0mehow long is a relaes of ubuntu supported for ?21:24
pipatronjusts0me: Written on the website21:24
emmaOkay I'm going to put all my data on a CD then.21:25
Taggardprotcront: SABNzbd21:25
broonsparrowi. ok i'm trying to remount all my windows drives and partitions, see if that sorts it out. with storage device manager when it asks me to configer the drive that wont deltete any data wil it?21:25
LukeLClienthmm brb21:25
protcrontTaggard: do u install with apt-get or just from site?21:25
Shinmaah ok, basically whats going on is if I set my computer to shutoff my monitor after a certain amount of time, it seems as though the whole machine freezes (toggling the caps lock does nothing and I cant bring the monitor back up). I am not having power saving do anything but turn off my monitor.21:25
Shinmafull details are here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4208367#post420836721:25
Taggardprotcront: Find the site21:25
patogenIs there any software which can fix oxidated mp3:s? I found a CD with old mp3:s ... and the CD seems to have oxidated ...21:25
broonsparrowit's a NTFS windows drive. just checking21:25
soundrayjusts0me: it varies between releases and flavors21:26
patogenIt was from when the first CD burners came ...21:26
patogenThe sound is `chopped`21:26
=== amblin_ is now known as amblin
TaggardDoes anyone have any idea why my network isn't working on my reinstalled Dell Inspiron 530?21:26
pipatronpatogen: Try searching for generic "mp3 rescue" or something21:26
MontegoHow would I aasign a short cut key to gcalc?21:27
soundrayShinma: if you turn it off with 'xset dpms force off', does it come back on?21:27
LukeLClientDell is heavily entwined with Windows, it probably uses windows software to operate21:27
TaggardLukeLClient: When I got it it worked21:27
jack-desktopMrObvious, how can I get just the file, and not the whole package?21:27
TaggardLukeLClient: Now it doesn't. This means I am missing drivers, I have no ideah ow to get them or where though.21:27
astro76LukeLClient: dell sells 3 models with Ubuntu preinstalled now21:27
=== lynucs_ is now known as lynucs
whileimhereCan anyone recommend any good Linux - Web based eBay tools for sellers?21:28
Shinmasoundray: yes it does come back21:28
MrObviousjack-desktop: You'll probably have to get the package and see if you can extract it.21:28
jack-desktopMrObvious, what command do i need to run to download the package?21:28
soundrayShinma: if you disable the DPMS shutdown, does it still freeze after a period of not being used?21:28
Shinmasoundray: ive tried making sure DPMS is enabled in my xorg.conf as well as setting the Off option in it21:28
Shinmait doesnt freeze21:29
astro76Montego: Montego preferences > keyboard shortcuts, there's an entry for "Launch calculator"21:29
LukeLClientTry and find your chipset then b21:29
LukeLClientBy looking at old webpages that show your dell model21:29
MrObviousjack-desktop: I think you can use apt-get with a parameter for downloading the package only but I'd have to look.21:29
TaggardMrObvious: It is less than a month old21:29
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV21:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:29
soundrayShinma: so the script that turns the monitor off does something else other than just dpms off, and that something freezes your machine?21:29
TaggardLukeLClient: Last message was intended for you21:30
ubotuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information21:30
MrObviousjack-desktop: apt-get -d install packagename21:30
Shinmasoundray: that stands to reason21:30
LukeLClientAh, well then it should be even easier to find then21:30
JeevesMosshas anyone figured out the sound driver issue on Toshiba laptops?21:30
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:30
Shinmasoundray: do you know where the script is located?21:30
MrObviousTaggard: Sorry I spaced. What was your problem again?21:30
x-X-xi managed to install the drivers 169.09 fine after breakage from manually installing due to ubuntu not liking the nvidia installer and loading up its own modules thus break. but in the end i found that ENVY had a new update which included 169.09 so i downloaded that and guess what PERFECTO :P21:30
LukeLClientHe miss placed a message intended for me to you21:30
soundrayShinma: just looking for it in /etc/acpi (just my first guess)21:30
x-X-xthnx for the help guys21:30
jack-desktopmrobvious, where does it download to? =(21:31
MrObviousjack-desktop: Dunno. What's the package?21:31
soundrayShinma: there it is: screenblank.sh21:31
deinspanjerI just tried adding a new repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, but my apt-get isn't finding the packages.. The packages can been seen here: http://www.datakeylive.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages and the line I added was: deb http://www.datakeylive.com/ubuntu gutsy main21:31
deinspanjerDoes anyone see something that I might have done wrong?21:31
jack-desktopMrObvious, compiz-plugins21:31
x-X-xdoes the x.config have anything to do with the keyboard layout ??21:31
MrObviousjack-desktop: cd / && sudo find | grep compiz-plugins will tell you.21:31
astro76deinspanjer: did you apt-get update?21:31
MrObviousjack-desktop: My guess is somewhere in /etc/apt21:31
emmaWhat about things like my gnome themes or the way I have set up my desktop bars?21:32
xoqacould someone please help me to get japanese characters?21:32
TaggardMrObvious: Sorry, I told you by accident.21:32
emmawill all of that be saved if I save my home folder?21:32
deinspanjerastro76: No. :(  Too used to gentoo emerge here. :/ Thanks!21:32
MrObviousTaggard: Oh ok.21:32
TaggardMrObvious: I am having problems with my network after reinstalling on my ubuntu dell21:32
soundrayShinma: maybe it's the screensaver component. Have you tried disabling screensaver completely?21:32
MrObviousTaggard: Wireless or wired?21:32
ikaruga3001whitewater: what type of tools?21:32
TaggardMrObvious: Wired.21:32
MrObviousTaggard: What kind of problems?21:33
deinspanjerastro76: Is that only needed when you add new repositories or is it sorta like emerge sync where you need to run it to see what new files exist on the repositories you already had?21:33
TaggardMrObvious: No network card detected.21:33
Shinmasoundray: yes, i have screensaver just set to "blank screen" its the only way i could get the power management function to even work (there is no independent DPMS wizard)21:33
astro76deinspanjer: the second one ;)21:33
Shinmaive tried manually setting it in xorg.conf, but it didnt work21:33
emmaIf I save my home folder to a CD and then do a fresh install of Ubutuntu and  move the data on the CD to the new home folder, will that save my Gnome themes and desktop arrangement?21:33
=== george_21 is now known as Nikos
astro76deinspanjer: so an update without using the gui update manager would be 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'21:33
MrObviousTaggard: Yikes! Are you using the stock 2.6.22 kernel? It might be a broken module or something. IDK21:34
protcrontTaggard: yep downloaded it but it have python files on it how should i install it21:34
mohbanai rebooted, the error is still there, i can't seem to get into x with the nvidia driver i have to choose vesa21:34
deinspanjerastro76: Okay. thanks!21:34
soundrayShinma: have you tried un-ticking the box "Activate screensaver when computer is idle"?21:34
MrObviousmohbana: Which error?21:34
TaggardMrObvious: No idea, it is a 7.04 disk that came with my pc21:34
nikitiswhat was that !mythtv link again?21:34
TaggardMrObvious: I'm just lucky I have two pcs.21:35
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV21:35
astro76nikitis: /msg ubotu mythtv21:35
Shinmasoundray: yes, but then the power management features never activate (catch 22 :/)21:35
Ashfire908i have two modems (cell phones in packet mode) connected to the internet on a server acting as a gateway. how do i get the server to take advantage of the two connections?21:35
MrObviousTaggard: lol So the Ubuntu disco won't work?21:35
TaggardMrObvious: It installs fine but my network doesn't work21:35
Lr5Umm, is there any way to set which dictionary spell checker in firefox uses?21:35
Lr5Currently it seems to be set to american-english21:35
TaggardMrObvious: I COULD grab a 7.10 disk.21:35
Lr5I'd want to change it to british-english21:35
TaggardMrObvious: Seems like a good idea.21:35
Lr5Ubuntu 7.1021:35
MrObviousTaggard: Yup.21:36
MrObvious!enter > Lr5 (Read the private message from ubotu please.)21:36
_Bryanis there a way to get ubuntu to boot from a USB thumbdrive without burning a CD?21:36
peachCobblerin recovery mode, when i try launching the users and groups applet under root, it says i do not have permission to edit the system configuration >.<21:36
soundrayShinma: hmm, I'd never observed that. Anyway, have you tried setting the screensaver timeout to a larger value than the powermanagement timeout?21:36
emmaIs the desktop below the home folder or above it in the directory?21:37
MrObvious!usb > _Bryan (Please read the private message from ubotu.)21:37
soundrayShinma: or are they additive (shock horror)?21:37
Shinmasoundray: no..21:37
_Bryanthank you MrObvious21:37
MrObvious_Bryan: YW.21:37
Lr5MrObvious: sorry, is that to prevent spam or to make it easier to see the full question?21:37
emmaIn the file structure.21:37
Shinmasoundray: not sure21:37
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
Shinmaalso off the subject question for everyone, is there a good piece of software for testing how secure your system is?21:38
TaggardLr5: Both.21:38
astro76emma: it's ~/Desktop (~ is your home directory)21:38
Lr5Taggard: kk21:38
MrObviousLr5: A room full of 1234 people (literally) needs as much text squeezed onto one line so it's easier to see responses to get support; also when 18 people ask a question at once, it's easier to do it that way.21:38
kaz1nskywhats one of the better softwares people use to play mp3s on ubuntu?21:38
soundrayShinma: dang, they are connected21:38
JeevesMosskaz1nsky:  I use MMS21:38
emmaastro76, oh interesting. So in other words. If I save my home directory, and move it to a fresh install, it will save whatevers on the desktop too.21:38
Shinmasoundray: crap.... there really needs to be a seperate DPMS UI21:39
Lr5kaz1nsky: I prefer mplayer21:39
Taggardkaz1nsky: Amarok is good.21:39
MrObviouskaz1nsky: I use Amarok personally, although some have different preferences.21:39
astro76emma: indeed21:39
mohbanai cant seem to get into x with the nvidia drivers, it reverts back to the vesa.  i have the 8800gts 512mb nvidia card21:39
ikaruga3001kaz1nsky: that's a matter of opinion...i like amarok21:39
MrObvious!mp3 > kaz1nsky (Read the PM from ubotu for help to set up MP3 playing.)21:39
astro76emma: along with all your app settings as they are hidden files and dirs in your home21:39
hanophix33i just bought a new battery, now what is the best way to get the most of battery life?21:39
emmaastro76 is that also where information like how I have the toobars set up and which gadgets I have on them?21:39
=== exe`orsz`ggt is now known as orsz
wyclifi can't set up local + remote in both panes in gFTP...21:39
makers_marksnyone here have experience with installing css server in ubuntu?21:39
MrObvioushanophix33: Lithium Ion?21:39
JeevesMosskaz1nsky:  The reason I use MMS is that it looks like winamp21:39
emmaThat's good.21:39
kaz1nskyalright thanks guys21:39
bastid_raZorkaz1nsky; i like rhythmbox. only my opinion21:39
MrObviouskaz1nsky: YW.21:39
astro76emma: indeed that's why some make a separate partition for /home21:39
hanophix33MrObvious: yes21:39
ikaruga3001kaz1nsky: search also the web for linux multimedia player roundup ... it's a good 6 part series on music players for linux21:40
kaz1nskythanks for the link mrobvious21:40
emmaYeah I didn't do that, but I want to do a fresh install. Maybe I can install the latest ubuntu or maybe I should try out xubuntu21:40
soundrayShinma: when you run 'sudo sh /usr/share/acpi-support/screenblank' -- does it freeze?21:40
MrObvioushanophix33: The best way (off of a really good cell phone forum) is to let it fully run down three times, then charge it to 100% each time, then don't let it run down all the way.21:40
ICMHi all... I just set up a printer (a dell laser printer 1700)... now I wish to share it. I followed http://www.linux.com/base/ldp/howto/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/sharing_with_windows.html but when I attempt to print to it using notepad.exe on Windows, I get the error "A StartDocPrinter call was not issued." (as described in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/121074 )21:40
hanophix33kaz1nsky: try Exaile21:40
Shinmasoundray: let me try, i might have to reboot though lol21:40
ICMI'm a bit lost on what to do now21:40
MrObvioushanophix33: It's the same way on your cell phone or any other device using a rechargable LIon battery.21:40
emmaI am involved in education but I don't know what makes edubuntu special21:40
ikaruga3001makers_mark: css server? do you mean ssh server?21:40
makers_markikaruga i mean Counter-Strike Source21:41
MrObviousemma: It's Linux? I seriously never tried it though so I can't give an informed answer.21:41
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hanophix33MrObvious: Does battery monitor do the best?21:41
deinspanjerDoes anyone know how I can log off an existing console X session from my remote ssh login?21:41
astro76emma: besides preinstalled apps (education stuff) and theme, the big difference is LTSP21:41
soundrayhanophix33: when you're not using your battery (Li-Ion I presume) for a while, store it half-charged at room temperatures21:41
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emmaWhat is LTSP?21:41
Ashfire908how do i get my server, which is acting as a gateway to make use of two dialup connections?21:41
soundrayShinma: are you chatting on the same machine?21:41
astro76!ltsp | emma21:41
ubotuemma: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project21:41
Shinmasoundray: yeah21:41
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soundrayShinma: hold on a second then21:42
nikitisI'm trying to setup MythTV but I'm having issues on the part where I am to reconfigure the database.  It doesn't seem to be working according to directions.21:42
cox377anyone know the shuydoiwn command off thew top of thjeir head?21:42
soundrayShinma: do you know the MagicSysRq procedure for rebooting a "frozen" system?21:42
astro76cox377: sudo shutdown -h now21:42
ICMc1ox: sudo shutdown -h now21:42
ICMbah, astro beat me to it21:42
pipatronup up down down left right left rig.... oh21:42
Shinmasoundray: the power button?21:42
FearMothHi, I'm running Ubuntu in VMware, and I just deleted my ethernet device from my VMware config and added a new one. Now my existing /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to be working. Is there any command-line program that I can use to reconfigure my network like when I'm installing in text mode?21:42
emmaOh that's more for if you want to have a mainframe in your building with many workstations I think.21:43
soundrayShinma: no, much safer21:43
emmaI don't need that for a desktop pc.21:43
astro76emma: correct21:43
ICMOi, isn't Linux just *wonderful* >_>21:43
emmawhat do you know about xubuntu?21:43
orszhi.. need help: i accidentialy removed my desktop (into trash)... now anything i do with it the desktop comes to trash.. if i empty trash it still appear in trash - how can i get back my desktop to its place?21:43
soundrayShinma: hold down Ctrl-Alt-PrtScreen, then type r e i s u b (it's not meant to be easy ;)21:43
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:43
pipatronorsz: "mv ~/.Trash/Desktop ~/"21:44
pipatronorsz: Try that21:44
BetaTestHow do I get VMware to recognize my external harddrive?21:44
orszthx, i will21:44
tass1412need some help with openVPN - need to create a client.conf (or better a client.ovpn)21:44
Shinmasoundray: it blanked and came back, BUT the LCD backlight never went out, just a blank screen (as the command would imply i guess)21:44
pipatronorsz: If that doesn't work, try to "cd ~/.Trash" and see if you find something fun21:44
orszmv: cannot stat `/home/orsz/.Trash/Desktop': No such file or directo21:44
nikitisQuestion:  I'm trying to install MythTV.  I followed the guide, but am getting stuck on the part with the SQL server.  It's not running and won't run for some reason.  Keeps saying "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"21:45
pipatronorsz: I can't remember where the trashcan is in ubuntu21:45
Ashfire908cox377, sudo shutdown -P now     to shutdown. -r to restart. -P implies -h21:45
soundrayShinma: it should have turned it off -- the script contains xset dpms force off21:45
quaalpipatron, bottom right21:45
Cusoon959Is it possible to copy/paste from the terminal while preserving color?21:45
Shinmasoundray: let me try again maybe i didnt give it enough time21:46
afkkuh i'm trying to install mod_include for apache and can't find it (gutsy)21:46
afkkcan anyone help me?21:46
orszpipatron: it doesnt matter. i see my desktop in trash. but i want it back to my desktop :<21:46
ICMBleargh, I can't get the shared printer to work >_<21:46
pipatronquaal: Gee, thanks...21:46
Shinmasoundray: yeah i didnt give it enough time, it shut it off... and came back just fine21:46
pipatronI meant where in the filesystem.21:46
DiceyDaysI have office 2007 on dvd. Read that 2007 now works with the latest wine. Anyone have a link to a tutorial I could use?21:46
pg8hi all21:46
pipatronorsz: Open a terminal and type: find ~ -type d -iname '*trash*'21:46
nikitisQuestion:  I'm trying to install MythTV.  I followed the guide, but am getting stuck on the part with the SQL server.  It's not running and won't run for some reason.  Keeps saying "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"  Any takers?21:46
hanophix33Is Avant Window Navigator is good app?21:46
pg8do you know a good channel to speak about satellite?21:47
pipatronpg8: #nasa?21:47
zokeis it possible to change resolution on the fly ?21:47
astro76hanophix33: it's chaotic neutral ;)21:47
ikaruga3001DiceyDays: there's a wine blog... but I forgot the link... i used it the other day to install Office 200321:47
Stephmwpg8: what particular stuff about satellites?21:47
ChristopherI've lost my ubuntu startup sound, is there a way to retrieve this? could someone email it or something?21:47
soundrayShinma: I'm getting tired and can't remember -- have we tried 'sudo sh /etc/acpi/screenblank.sh'?21:47
pg8I want know what are the white cards21:48
DRebellionChristopher: did you delete it?21:48
Shinmasoundray: no ill try it now21:48
pg8do you know?21:48
Christopheryeap, by accident of course21:48
ikaruga3001nikitis: the sql server is probably not running... you might have to reinstall it... check your running processes21:48
DRebellionChristopher: where is it located?21:48
DiceyDaysikaruga3001: Are you talking about wine-review.blogspot?21:48
Stephmwpg8: no, sorry - no idea21:48
pg8and a channel?21:48
ikaruga3001DiceyDays: yup21:48
pipatronorsz: Ok hm. I'm afraid someone else has to help you. The other people here seem to be too lazy though21:48
ChristopherI can't remember now. I must have deleted it a while back but just realized it today.21:48
ikoniapipatron: that is uncalled for21:49
DiceyDaysK, got it21:49
nikitisikaruga3001, there is no mysql running21:49
Shinmasoundray: i got connection refused with that one, Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified21:49
pipatronikonia: Go ahead and prove me wrong. :)21:49
nikitisikaruga3001, i did ps ax|grep mysqld21:49
soundraypipatron: lazy, or busy as the case may be21:49
ikoniapipatron: people are often away from there keyboard21:49
pipatronikonia: You don't seem to be now21:49
orszdoes anyone know how to pick my desktop back from trash? :D21:49
soundrayShinma: ah, maybe try without sudo21:49
ikaruga3001nikitis: not sure if that's the exact process name ... try "sql"...21:49
ikoniapipatron: some people put a great ammount of effort in to supporting users, calling them lazy is uncalled for and rude21:49
pipatronJust a question of finding the name for the desktop link and put it back where it belongs21:49
pipatronBut I can't do that now because I run Kubuntu21:50
Shinmasoundray, same error21:50
nikitisikaruga3001, nope same results21:50
zokepipatron, can't you search for it with tracker ?21:50
zokeoh wait21:50
ikaruga3001nikitis: haven't ran a mysql server in a while... the best advice I can give you is to follow the wiki advice to install mysql... it probably didn't installed correctly21:50
orszpipatron: i was thinking about that.. but i dont know how21:50
zokeI misread that21:50
Shinmasoundray, im sorry to say im running late for an appt with my dogs vet :/ if you come up with anything else could you post it on the thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4208367#post420836721:50
pipatronorsz: You can type "cd ~/.Trash" and then "ls -la" to see what's really in the trashcan21:51
Shinmasoundray, i really appreciate your help though21:51
allenanyone please help me21:51
nikitisikaruga3001, i have no clue how to uninstall it.  I tried via synaptic, but i don't know what all is included with those packages21:51
soundrayShinma: that's strange -- maybe we're on to something, as it works here.21:51
allenI tried to install KDE 4 in the repo then its done installing using terminal21:51
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soundrayShinma: tell your dog to get well21:51
Shinmasoundray, lol thanks21:51
allenI tried to test it but it keeps logging me out21:51
allenwhats the prob?21:51
deinspanjerugh. I give up. I'll just reboot the box.21:51
lucastomhey guys21:51
MontegoIs there an app out there that will work with webcam. Pigdin doesn't work.21:51
soundrayorsz: what happened to your desktop?21:51
SeveasMontego, amsn?21:52
pipatronMontego: I had better luck with amsn as well21:52
astro76!kde4 | allen21:52
ubotuallen: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:52
xompwould anyone know why when I VPN into work I am unable to connect to my machines DNS name? I can connect via RDP with the IP address but not the name of the machine..21:52
MontegoHmm can u add yahoo names to it?21:52
jordandoes anyone know how to fix overscan in xorg?21:52
pipatronMontego: Unlikely21:52
afkkdoes anyone know how to get mod_ssi or mod_include onto apache?21:52
SeveasMontego, you can't21:52
orszpipatron: i see whats in my trash: desktop and desktop copy and desktop another copy. if i empty trash... the desktop is there again (my original desktop in ubuntu is blank -> icons went to trash)21:52
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nikitisikaruga3001, you know of a wiki on how to set it up?21:53
pipatronorsz: Sounds fun21:53
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:53
pipatronRuby on Nails21:53
orszyea.. sounds only21:53
ikaruga3001nikitis: i'm looking21:53
Seveasjordan, sudo a2enmod include && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 graceful21:53
ICMAnyone want to help me... please?! I just set up a Dell 1700 printer under Ubuntu using CUPS and the generic PCL6 driver, now I am attempting to share this printer... I followed the guide located at http://www.linux.com/base/ldp/howto/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/sharing_with_windows.html - but whenever attempting to print to the printer using a Windows XP laptop I Get the error (in notepad) "A StartDocPrinter call was not issued."21:54
jordanwhy do i want apache?21:54
Seveasjordan, oops, wrong nickname :)21:54
Seveasafkk, sudo a2enmod include && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 graceful21:55
SeveasICM, that's a windows problem, not an ubuntu problem21:55
jordanseveas, i want to fix my monitor, it starts the picture too low down and too far right, how do i do this?21:55
Seveasjordan, CRT or TFT monitor?21:55
jordanit has no option on my monitor21:55
jordanits TFT21:55
andriusfuck you21:55
alex123hey guys. the transmission bt client in the repos is very old. what's a good way to upgrade to a newer version?21:55
DiceyDaysikaruga3001: I am stuck at the part where I am supposed to set richedit20.dll and so on as navite (Windows). Here is the link- http://tinyurl.com/296lxd21:55
Seveasjordan, make sure you use your monitors native resolution21:56
jordani am21:56
philipp__can someone help me by setting up my login screen's resolution? though i deleted all entries except the 1650x1050 from my xorg.conf file, the resolution remains something like 1024x768 ...21:56
ChristopherI've lost my ubuntu startup sound, is there a way to retrieve this? could someone email it or something?21:56
ChristopherI've deleted it by mistake21:56
xompwould anyone know why when I VPN into work I am unable to connect to my machines DNS name? I can connect via RDP with the IP address but not the name of the machine.. I am able to ping my works exchange server by it's DNS name, but my desktop won't ping back. Had to connect to VPN in windows to ping my desktop and get it's IP address.21:56
SeveasChristopher, you mean /usr/share/sounds/login.wav ?21:56
ICMChristopher: why not replace it with something cooler? :)21:56
jack-desktopMrObvious, can you upload your two files somewhere, or somehow send them to me? I can't find the files.21:56
SeveasChristopher, apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-sounds21:57
ikaruga3001nikitis: nope ... i couldn't find a good ubuntu one... although the problem is probably not specific to ubuntu... try the #mysql channel for help on starting the server21:57
ChristopherI like it I guess21:57
jordanit took me a while to get the ati drivers set up, then i had to add the native resolution, now it works but its in the wrong spot21:57
ikaruga3001nikitis: or just search google21:57
jordanthere must be a way to just shift the picture a few pixels in software21:57
scixHaving a Creative Zen device, but I can't connect with an normal user. Have to be su. How can I fix?21:57
lucastomhow to disable fglrx when it is in used?21:58
Jorje_villafanDoes anyone know why I would be getting tons of lines across the screen when I drag a window or click on something.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.21:58
jordansounds interlaced21:58
soundraylucastom: via System-Preferences-Restricted Drivers Manager21:59
jack-desktopDoes anyone know where I can download two compiz plugin files (wobbly.xml and libwobbly.so) by themselfs?21:59
ikaruga3001nikitis: ah... found it21:59
ikaruga3001nikitis: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start22:00
OwenDhey kann man yast auch unter ubuntu nutzen und wenn ja wo gibs da nen download ?22:00
soundrayjack-desktop: why not just "sudo apt-get --reinstall install compiz-plugins'?22:00
DRebellion!de | OwenD22:00
ubotuOwenD: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:00
ICMSeveas: I'm not convinced that my printer issues are entirely a Windows problem...22:00
soundrayOwenD: don't use yast with Ubuntu -- it makes no sense at all22:01
jordanso no one knows how to fix monitor overscan?22:01
Siph0ni remember seeing a command to test a TV card... anyone know how i can test it? I have VLC installed22:01
allen!KDe 422:01
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:01
branstromCan I mount an NDIF image file?22:01
xoqastill needing help with inputting jap characters22:02
jack-desktopsoundray, will that mess up any of my settings?22:02
nixnoobhow do i create an iso image from a dvd so i can burn it with k3b?22:02
soundrayjack-desktop: no22:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:03
DRebellionnixnoob: is this a film?22:03
nixnoobDRebellion, yes22:03
nixnoobDRebellion, i tried just using the standard dvd copy on k3b but when i go to switch the dvds it gives an error22:04
DRebellionnixnoob: is it legal to rip films in your country?22:04
nixnoobDRebellion, in my country yes22:04
astro76was there really a need to ask whether this was a film?22:04
Jonny_ick Jonny22:05
* Jonny_ slaps self22:05
Jonny_Ok fellas, I have a fresh ubuntu server install and some packages are not installing22:05
Jonny_Package ca-certificates is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:05
Jonny_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or22:05
Jonny_is only available from another source22:05
Jonny_E: Package ca-certificates has no installation candidate22:05
Jonny_Sorry for the paste22:06
jack-desktopwhats the command to make a copy of a file?22:06
FloodBot3Jonny_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
astro76jack-desktop: cp22:06
nixnoobno one can help me?22:06
_annaHi there, I am using Hardy, and with 2.6.24 the RT2500 wireless is now broken for me, I can only get very unstable connections now.22:06
astro76_anna: #ubuntu+122:06
scixHaving a MTP problem. Anyone who can help?22:06
Jonny_All repo's are enabled22:06
bimis there a howto for modifying a driver? I want to add a device to usbserial.22:06
_annathx astro22:07
Jonny_I had the same issue with a GSSAPI MIT library package earlier22:07
astro76bim: http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/index.html22:07
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bimastro76: thanks. I was hunting in ubuntu-specifics, I didnt' consider a generic.22:08
=== ejurye is now known as Ashfire908
astro76bim: it's a standard linux kernel, standard linux system22:08
astro76well, upstart is new22:08
astro76but compatible ;)22:09
bimyea, but, I want to get the source that corresponds to current ubuntu, mod that, and deploy. The page you pointed me to looks a bit 'write a driver from scratch'.22:09
=== ejurye is now known as Ashfire908
scixHaving a libmtp related user rights problem. Anyone who can help?22:09
astro76bim: there's no easier way22:09
astro76bim: "current ubuntu" is a linux kernel22:10
astro76!ask | scix22:10
ubotuscix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:10
DiceyDaysCan I get some wine help? I just got the installer of office 2007 to show by 'activating' riched32.dll in winecfg, but it won't allow me to do the same to riched20.dll and msxml.dll (greyed out).22:10
bimastro76: how do I get the source package for the current kernel for usbserial? Will synaptics do that? Do I just nab the entire kernel?22:11
astro76bim: apt-get install linux-source22:11
astro76DiceyDays: I would recommend also asking in #winehq22:12
Cjs34What is spider linking?22:12
DiceyDaysastro76: on what network is that located22:12
bimastro76. OK, now I get it. loadable driver source in the giant kernel source bundle. Thanks. O&O22:12
astro76DiceyDays: here, Freenode22:13
nixnoobhow do i create an iso image from a dvd so i can burn it with k3b?22:13
astro76bim: ah yes, all drivers are in the kernel22:13
Genius314That little icon in the top panel for network connections disappeared, and said that a dependency was missing. Is there any way to get it back? I can't seem to connect to the internet in Ubuntu anymore...22:13
overridexdoes anyone have the drivers that used to be at www.forthewiin.com for the wii remote?  the site isn't up anymore...22:14
poodlesuckscan sounds get trapped?22:14
scixI have to be superuser to access my Creative Zen, using Gnomad2. No other client finds the device. Anyone?22:14
bimI can see that I seemed even more clueless than I actually am in this area :-)22:14
Cjs34Hello? does anyone know what spider linking is?22:14
astro76nixnoob: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso22:14
martynIs anyone using an Apache server at home using Virgin Media Broadband, in the UK?22:14
RaspberryMy F10-F12 keys stopped working in Gnome... any ideas on how I should go about fixing this?22:14
antonioabduliohi there!!22:14
StephmwCjs34: nobody seems to know - google?22:14
astro76nixnoob: do sudo umount /dev/cdrom first (assuming /dev/cdrom is the correct device)22:15
antonioabdulioI want to install flash player 9 and I have the folder on my desktop: how i can change directory and install it??22:15
Cjs34k thanks22:15
erUSULnixnoob: cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso22:15
=== xomp_ is now known as xomp
bimscix: read up on scanners. There's a script that runs as part of udev to set modes on devices.22:16
furiousphilhello, how can i disable that stupid system bell/keyboard error - beep that comes out of the built-in PC-speaker (xubuntu)22:16
nixnoobastro76, it does not give a estimated time or progress.... how long should it take?22:16
yahcasonanybody know how to set up shorewall on a ubuntu server?  Where do I put the rules?22:16
astro76nixnoob: awhile22:16
nikitisQuestion:  I do not have a "lo" (loopback) network interface for some reason.  How do I add one?22:16
nixnoobastro76, and i can use k3b to burn this image ? it will work like a normal dvd?22:16
astro76nixnoob: yes the result is an iso image22:17
htnswhy is running a flash movie so choppy in linux????22:17
scixbim: scanners?22:17
htnsit's so ghey22:17
nixnoobastro76, thank you so much22:17
bimscix: I happen to have read about the issue of driver permissions while reading about xsane requiring root access to some devices.22:17
astro76!language | htns22:17
ubotuhtns: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:17
circuitbombhey everyone!22:17
erUSULnikitis: add a line like this «iface lo inet loopback » and another one «auto lo» to /etc/network/interfaces22:18
astro76!hi | circuitbomb22:18
ubotucircuitbomb: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:18
geokeratzfuriousphil>  in the terminal: Edit>current profile>terminal bell22:18
circuitbombjust a simple questions i hope someone has heard before and can answer...22:18
Nikoswhy when i give 'sudo some command' it ask me for niks password and not for root password?22:19
bimscix: /etc/udev/permissions.d22:19
astro76Nikos: that's how sudo works22:19
vocx!root | Nikos22:19
ubotuNikos: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:19
AyabaraI use a dark divinorum theme for my ubuntu, and the only non-dark stuff is all the white webpages. It's not possible to do something fun to get black background and white text on webpages that are normally the other way around?22:20
mainr30hi there22:20
mainr30can someone help me with something22:20
bimwhat are these magic ! commands? Do they cause some botic oracle to produce canned answers?22:20
StephmwAyabara: GreaseMonkey perhaps?22:20
FireHazrdvocx, what if you go and set a root password does that compromise the system?22:20
circuitbombI tried to use the lzm2dir to unpack an .lzm file however term is saying the command is not available, so I was wondering how I could go about getting lzm2dir and the other subsequent usages dir2lzm etc...anyone have an idea?22:20
BenderUnit22Ayabara: depends on your browser; it can definitely be done.22:20
vocx!bot | bim22:20
ubotubim: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:20
AyabaraStephmw: good tip.22:20
mainr30im having issues with ubuntu22:20
mainr30can someone hlep me22:20
AyabaraBenderUnit22: I'm on FF most of the time22:21
furiousphilgeokeratz , i can't find it ... i'm using Xubuntu ?!22:21
circuitbombwhats up m,ainr30?22:21
mainr30im very very badly in trouble22:21
Pici!ask | mainr3022:21
ubotumainr30: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:21
mainr30my ubuntu desktop has gone to command line ONLY22:21
astro76Ayabara: Edit > preferences > Content tab > Colors...22:21
Ashfire908!ask | mainr3022:21
mhrnjadmainr30: yes, .. , what's the problem?22:21
Genius314That network icon in the top-right corner disappeared, telling me a dependency or something was missing. Is there a way to get it back?22:21
Ashfire908stupid lag.22:21
mainr30its gone to command line only22:21
BenderUnit22Ayabara: there's basic bg/fg color control in FFs preferences.22:21
mainr30like ubuntu server22:21
circuitbombhave you tried ctrl-alt backspace22:21
vocxFireHazrd, not really. You can set the password as with most distros, but you sudo is quite convenient because you do not need an additional password nor log out of the current account.22:21
mainr30well let me tell u something22:21
Nikosso if i create a user names george now and george logins and gives 'sudo something' sudo will grant him any access he wants to mess th sytem up?22:22
mainr30a MAJOR factor...22:22
geokeratzfuriousphil>  when you are in the terminal,are there any menus?22:22
mainr30this will take some explaining...22:22
DezineHello, I have a mouse that has two side buttons, how can I configure these? I want it so the one goes back in my browser history.22:22
Nikos sudo works with a user's password and not root's password?22:22
astro76!enter | mainr3022:22
ubotumainr30: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:22
bimniko: only if /etc/sudoers lets him.22:22
bastid_raZorNikos; if george has been added to the admin group22:22
martynmain30 CTRL+ALT+F7, otherwise startx22:22
overridexanyone have a tar of the WMD wiimote driver from forthewiin.org?  the site's been down for quite a while...22:22
mainr30i tried to follow a tutoiral on how to make your ubuntu look like a mac22:22
bimnikos: by default, the initial user has access via the admin group in /etc/sudoers, but other new users don't.22:22
astro76Nikos: by default only the first user is in the admin group, you'll have to add new users explicitly22:22
Nikosbastid_raZor, if its a normal user?22:22
mainr30and ever since then ive been getting wreird messages about video modes when i start ubuntu22:23
mainr30just after grub22:23
mainr30CAN ANYONE HELP?22:23
bastid_raZorNikos; a normal user can not do things with sudo..22:23
astro76!please | mainr3022:23
vocx!please > mainr3022:23
ubotumainr30: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:23
Nikosand if he tried sudo something?22:23
AyabaraBenderUnit22: oooh. that worked. :-)22:23
furiousphilgeokeratz yes there are. i went to edit>preferences and checked all submenues there but there isn't any entry that could possibly solve my problem22:23
DezineI'll look around online, thanks!22:23
mainr30can somsone help me pelase?22:23
meoblast001i have a question22:23
mainr30im very very stuck22:23
BenderUnit22Ayabara: you're satisfied with that already? :) All the better.22:24
Ayabaranot everything looks good though, so maybe greasemonkey has something better to offer22:24
bastid_raZorNikos; if a user is not in admin group he does not have sudo rights22:24
mainr30im having serious problems22:24
AyabaraBenderUnit22: not satisfied, but progress :-)22:24
kamagoodmorning all22:24
xomp!ask | meoblast00122:24
ubotumeoblast001: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:24
geokeratzfuriousphil>  http://blog.linuxconfig.org/disable-terminal-bell-debian-ubuntu/    this maybe?22:24
Nikosso that why in the install propcess ubuntu never asked me to define a root password22:24
mhrnjadNikos: an error message is printed ("user is not in sudoers")22:24
biminstalling kubuntu-desktop after xubuntu-desktop results is a spatter of kubuntu programs in the xubuntu menus. To where should I direct a bug report? x, k, or the united nations?22:24
erUSUL!root > Nikos22:24
geokeratzfuriousphil>  i don't know much about Xubuntu22:24
Nikosbut it only have sked me for password for user 'nik'22:24
kamais there a way to use pidgin to communicate with MSN?22:24
bastid_raZorNikos; exactly root does not have a password the admin group grants root rights.22:24
BenderUnit22Ayabara: you might also want to investigate FF's userContent.css (Google to the rescue).22:24
meoblast001i have a PS3 that runs fiesty and a laptop that runs gutsy..... on my laptop, dgen works perfect..... but on my PS3, the SDL screen (window or fullscreen) appears, and then i get a segfault22:25
bimnikos: sudo has a general theory. If the admin trusts you to have root access, you type YOUR password to prove that it's you, and you get the access.22:25
mhrnjadNikos: you can set a password for root afterwards if you like22:25
meoblast001can anyone help me with this?22:25
mainr30i followed a turoial on how to make ubuntu look like a mac, after which i have been getting messages just after grub about how i entered an invalid number or something.... CAN ANYONE HELP!! PLEASE!!!22:25
circuitbombWould anyone know how to go about unpacking/decompressing .lzm files? I have attempted to use lzm2dir in terminal only to be told the command does not exist.22:25
mainr30i followed a turoial on how to make ubuntu look like a mac, after which i have been getting messages just after grub about how i entered an invalid number or something.... CAN ANYONE HELP!! PLEASE!!!22:25
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:25
bimmainr30: what tutorial?22:25
martynmain30 - see above or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:25
mainr30its online22:25
mainr30ill send a link?22:25
bimmainr30: do what martyn said and report back if it doesn't work.22:26
AyabaraBenderUnit22: ok. thanks for the tip. I have a feeling that it may be hard to find something that looks good on all webpages in the world..22:26
mainr30it involved change ine grub splash22:26
erUSULcircuitbomb: i think 7z can open that files22:26
neetoI'm not too sure where to ask this, but does anyone know if it's possible to get Call of Duty 4 + punkbuster working through wine or cedega to play online?22:26
mainr30does that mean anything?22:26
regeyadear god...a tutorial on making linux look like a mac caused someone to foul up grub...wow.  just wow.  I'm guessing the tutorial had a custom bootsplash.22:26
Nikosi see22:26
mainr30ill post a link22:26
Nikosthats cool22:26
Nikosand if i want to avoid typing 'sudo' all the time?22:26
astro76!enter | mainr3022:26
ubotumainr30: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:26
Nikoswhat must i have to do?22:26
Nikossu to root?22:26
astro76Nikos: sudo -i22:26
xChatAlguém aqui fala Português22:26
erUSUL!rootshell > Nikos22:26
astro76!pt | xChat22:26
ubotuxChat: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:26
mainr30here we go22:27
mhrnjadNikos: "sudo su -"22:27
meoblast001im really confused about the dgen problem.... i think it may be related to my PS3 needing to update to gutsy but im not sure22:27
furiousphilgeokeratz thank you a lot, i changed the entry and restart my xserver now22:27
Ashfire908hey where would setting up a server as a gateway which makes use of two ppp connections go on the ubuntu forums?22:27
bimnikos: or sudo /bin/zsh or the shell-of-your-choice.22:27
astro76mhrnjad: sudo -i (or -s) is recommended22:27
circuitbomberUSUL: thanks for the tip ill check it out :)22:27
erUSULcircuitbomb: no problem p7zip-full is the package22:28
neetowhy would someone want to make linux look like a mac?22:28
ikaruga3001Ashfire908: networking?22:28
vocx!pt | xChat22:28
ubotuxChat: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:28
=== dru is now known as tdru
neetoThere are much more original, cooler skins and themes out there for xfce and kde and gnome22:28
mainr30just read my problem22:28
mhrnjadastro76: thanks .. just had a look at the sudo man page22:28
xChatcomo se faz para chegar a #ubuntu .pt?22:28
mainr30its fouled up my ubuntu22:28
ikaruga3001neeto: cuz macs rock ... no, seriously that's what linux is all about -- freedom22:28
mainr30is there anyway to fix it?22:28
PriceChildxChat, /join #ubuntu-pt22:28
erUSULxChat: /join #ubuntu-pt22:28
tdruhi my sound is not working .. how do i fix it?22:29
PriceChild!offtopic | mainr3022:29
ubotumainr30: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:29
bimmainr30: I don't see any grub instructions there.22:29
astro76!caps | mainr3022:29
ubotumainr30: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:29
PriceChild!doesn't work | tdru22:29
ubotutdru: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:29
Ashfire908ikaruga3001, ok, i couldn't deside between servers and networking22:29
mainr30im just shouting because everone is ignoring me22:29
PriceChildmainr30, if people are ignoring you, it is for a reason.22:29
tdrulol ... it doesnt recognize my sound card i think .. just has a big red circle over it not working22:29
furiousphilgeokeratz unfortunately it didn't work ... (did a full system restart)22:29
neetoikaruga3001: I guess22:29
mainr30its price child...22:29
erUSUL!sound | tdru22:29
ubotutdru: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:30
PriceChildtdru, big read circle physically? or in a specific application?22:30
mainr30its lens here22:30
PriceChild!offtopic > mainr3022:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pricechild - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:30
FloodBot3mainr30: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
geokeratzfuriousphil>  did you save the file?22:30
Nikosthank you for allt he info22:30
Nikosgood night guys!22:30
bimall: what mainr30 seems to need is instructions for putting grub back where it was before he did whatever he did.22:30
mikebotIs there a terminal chess program?22:30
tdruum on the sound icon there is one22:30
mainr30!offtopic > PriceChild22:30
astro76mainr30: you don't want to do that22:30
erUSUL!grub > mainr3022:30
PriceChildmainr30, lets talk in pm please.22:30
mainr30im just experimenting22:30
furiousphilgeokeratz yes i did (opened it as sudo from the terminal)22:30
mainr30im just experimenting here22:30
mhrnjadbim: did he change /boot/grub/menu.lst ?22:31
erUSULmainr30: follow the instructions to recover grub after windows22:31
bimmhrnjad: I can't tell. The page he pointed me to doesn't instruct such a thing, but he reports (rather unspecifically) a grub message. my first instinct was the same as yours.22:31
reburnHey guys, I'm having problems getting my Compaq N610c to get back to life after putting it to sleep mode22:31
furiousphili'm gettin used to xubuntu ignoring me editing configuration files ...22:31
PriceChildfuriousphil, you'll probably need to reload whatever reads it?22:32
xChatNão quero ser indelicado e aborrecido mas não sei como encontrar o chat português22:32
tdruhttp://img246.imageshack.us/img246/6389/screenshotiy4.png ... look22:32
oprinichyjust started using ubuntu looking for a good web design program something along the lines of dreamweaver and already have quanta22:32
bimxChat: I think we are fresh out of Portuguese speakers, which is why someone keeps sending you the location of the portuguese channel.22:32
erUSULxChat: no teu cliente irc teclea isto /join #ubuntu-pt hit enter22:32
tdrupricechild: http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/6389/screenshotiy4.png22:32
mhrnjadmainr30: if your /boot/grub/menu.lst is still intact, boot from the live CD, then issue the following command "grub-install --root-directory=<root-partition-mount-path> /dev/sda"22:32
PriceChilderUSUL, please message him that, he hasn't arrived there yet.22:33
furiousphilPriceChild i rebooted my system, hope thats enough of reload ;)22:33
mhrnjadmainr30: that should restore your boot loader (grub) configuration22:33
furiousphilif thats what you wanted to say (I'm from Germany ...)22:33
tdrupricechild:  alsamixer22:33
tdrualsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device22:33
PriceChildtdru, to start things off, pastebin the output of the "lspci" command in a terminal. I am not a sound expert, but hopefully someone can help.22:33
kamahow long has flash been broken for?22:33
PriceChildkama, weeks. /topic22:33
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:34
mattholimeauwhat program would i use to burn a dvd?22:34
mattholimeaudoes it come with ubuntu?22:34
tdrupricechild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53608/22:34
PriceChildmattholimeau, image? nautilus does that by default (right click, burn to dvd)22:35
BenderUnit22mattholimeau: brasero.22:35
mattholimeauPriceChild: awesome, thanks22:35
PriceChildmattholimeau, otherwise, for gnome i'd suggest brasero.22:35
meoblast001does anyone else here use dgen, because it keeps returning segfaults22:35
mattholimeauyep, it's an image22:35
ikaruga3001mattholimeau: sudo apt-get install k3b22:35
PriceChildmattholimeau, you don't need to install anything else then22:35
erUSULmattholimeau: Places>cd/dvd Creator22:35
furiousphilgeokeratz ok, bell in terminal is disabled !!22:36
PriceChildmattholimeau, nautilus will burn image files ootb22:36
tdrupricechild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53608/22:36
bimmainr30: I found the bad instructions on p2 of your tutorial. Go to System > Administration > Startup-Manager and put the resolution back to something unstupid.22:36
geokeratzfuriousphil>  how?22:36
bimshot in dark: anyone out there have a dell xps m1330 with a working built-in microphone?22:37
furiousphilgeokeratz yeah it seems it was right to uncomment that line in the file ... i tested the system bell in xchat, and there it is still enabled22:37
PriceChildgrrr tdru left :(22:37
mainr30mahjnhad - i dont get far enough to go to system>administration etc...22:37
martynmain30 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:38
bimmainr30: then follow his instructions to boot livecd and reconstruct grub. Using that screen put a bad screen resolution into your grub config.22:38
mainr30i might just re-install ubuntu22:38
bimmartyn: I don't know if he is getting as far as xorg starting, as opposed to a scrambled console.22:39
drupricechild: can you help me?22:39
bimmainr30: if a reinstall isn't a giant tragedy, it might be the simplest path for you.22:39
furiousphilgeokeratz thanks for your help. i will try to google for my prob and if it doesn't help, return22:39
proxzevening, im having trouble with WoW not remembering any settings i do to addons, i think its due to file permissions as i copied the WoW folder from a old useraccounts home, how can i make sure my current user has full access to all subfolders in gamefolder?22:39
mhrnjadmainr30: that's not a bad idea .. might take less time than all the fixes suggested..22:39
martynbim - alright - beyond my limited experience then!22:39
PriceChilddru are you tdru?22:39
PriceChilddru, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1742116 might be useful if so.22:40
druyes, i diddnt feel like going through the whole nickname rename thing22:40
ikaruga3001proxz: chmod <your-user-name> -R u+rwx <wow-folder>22:40
geokeratzfuriousphil>you r  wellcome ! is Xubuntu worth a try?22:40
ikaruga3001proxz: that'll give your folder read/write/exec permissions22:40
proxzikaruga3001: thanks! =)22:40
snikkeri've got a problem with vmware (libpng12.so.0 error) under amd64... can you help me?22:40
RootyRootRootW00Hi everytime I eject a DVD/CD I get an error message saying that the disc cannot be found. Sometimes it's a KDE crash screen (from Amarok I assume). How do I stop this annoying heckle22:41
proxzikaruga3001: if im at my /home/username/ folder, WoW is directly underneath that, do i need to specify /home/etcetcetc ?22:41
furiousphilit definetly is22:41
oprinichylooking for a good web design program something other than "quanta "22:41
mhrnjadsnikker: http://www.go2linux.org/fix-vmware-ubuntu-feisty22:42
mainr30if i install ubuntu server with LAMP server... will it still work as a samba server too?22:42
Cpudan80oprinichy: NvU ?22:42
mainr30or i can i at least set that up...22:42
ikaruga3001proxz: don't quite understand your question --- /home/username/wow-folder ?22:42
furiousphilgeokeratz it is quite similar to ubuntu and gnome, but everything seems to be a bit slimmer22:42
Cpudan80mainr30: That's something sepearte22:42
mainr30how is it?22:42
oprinichythanks i will take a look at it22:42
ikaruga3001proxz: if you hit tab as you type, it will complete your entries correctly22:42
sugaryeti24Hello, has anyone had any luck getting Joost working on Ubuntu 7.10?22:42
Cpudan80mainr30: You have to add the packages for samba22:42
erUSULmainr30: lamp does not includes samba22:43
erUSUL!samba > mainr3022:43
bimmainr30: ubuntu will cheerfully deploy the LAMP components and also samba. It's just a matter of what you install and configure.22:43
snikkermhrnjad: i've already do that, but with no success...22:43
mainr30but i can do that?22:43
Cpudan80mainr30: LAMP is apache, mysql and PHP (and maybe phpmyadmin)22:43
proxzikaruga3001: chmod <username> aint correct i think22:43
Symmetriahrm, question, on installation how do I setup a mirror of the first 2 disks so that if one disk fails the boot system wont fail22:43
mainr30so if i install LAMP server when i install ubuntu server i can install SAMBA too?22:43
ikaruga3001proxz: DOH.... chown22:43
bimsymmetria: you need to use the alternative CD.22:43
erUSUL!raid | Symmetria22:43
`X-TREMEI am new to ububtu, I just installed it, can someone help me install drivers for my graphics card?22:43
ubotuSymmetria: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:43
bimmainr30: yes22:43
furiousphilgeokeratz iit also seems to be a bit buggier, it does quite strange things: after 2 boots my panel disappeared and i had to add the xfce4-panel to the autostart-programs ...22:43
RootyRootRootW00Hi everytime I eject a DVD/CD I get an error message saying that the disc cannot be found. Sometimes it's a KDE crash screen (from Amarok I assume). How do I stop this annoying heckle22:43
mainr30ok thanx22:43
proxzikaruga3001: ahhh thanks :P22:43
PriceChild`X-TREME, what card do you have?22:44
`X-TREMEati x160022:44
mhrnjadmainr30: LAMP and samba are different. The latter can be installed as follows: "sudo apt-get install samba"22:44
sugaryeti24Ubuntu with Joost? Anyone have any success with that?22:44
geokeratzfuriousphil>  ok then , i was thinking about installing xfce in my old pc. nevermind, gnome has similar problems :(22:44
`X-TREMEI downloaded this file from the ATI website, with a .run extension but I dont know what tod o with it.22:44
ikaruga3001sugaryeti24: what's joost again?22:44
proxzikaruga3001: hmm operation not permitted22:45
PriceChild`X-TREME, sorry i've never used that card and can't help.22:45
mainr30mhrnjad: thank you..22:45
proxzikaruga3001: on all files22:45
bim`X-TREME: if you are sure it's authentic, then sudo sh PATHNAME_OF_.RUN22:45
erUSUL`X-TREME: do not use it... go to system>Admin>Restricted Drivers and enable the drivers there22:45
ikaruga3001proxz: i was afraid of that... tack on a sudo: sudo chown ...22:45
ossixHallo spricht man hier auch deutsch22:45
`X-TREMEwhat do you mean authentic?22:45
bim`X-TREME: what he said.22:45
BenderUnit22!de > ossix22:45
furiousphilgeokeratz yeah for older PCs it is a good choice :)22:45
sugaryeti24ikaruga3001: joost is the free application where one can watch television shows, it's made by the guys who created Skype. www.joost.com22:45
mainr30can ubuntu server still function when ubuntu desktop is booted in a dual boot system?22:45
mhrnjadsnikker: here's another approach, open /usr/lib/vmware/lib/wrapper-gtk24.sh22:45
proxzikaruga3001: i tried, it gave me u+rxw : no such file or directory22:45
bim`X-TREME: to install that file, you have to run it as root. If it's malware, it can do anything.22:46
ikaruga3001proxz: what was the exact command that you typed?22:46
renderohi, anybody knows how to start a script at startup not as root ?22:46
`X-TREMEbut I got it from the official ati website, what are the chances of that?22:46
bim`X-TREME: which is why using the restricted drivers is better.22:46
ikaruga3001sugaryeti24: have tried googling for joost + ubuntu?22:46
bim`X-TREME: That's probably good enough, but the restricted driver icon is better.22:46
`X-TREMEWht are restricted drivers?22:46
astro76rendero: after you login to the desktop or before?22:47
erUSULrendero: add a call to it in /etc/rc.local for example22:47
BenderUnit22rendero: "at startup" of what?22:47
`X-TREMESorry i'm completely new to this22:47
sugaryeti24ikaruga3001: yes, but the only instructions are for 7.04 and an older edition of wine22:47
mhrnjadsnikker: in the vm_run() function add the following line "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3:$LD_PRELOAD"22:47
bimrendero: make an init.d script, and in it write things like su UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME do something.22:47
renderoerUSUL, but it will run as root22:47
erUSUL`X-TREME: is a program that will install and configure the drivers for you22:47
`X-TREMEWhere do I get that from?22:47
sugaryeti24ikaruga3001: i'm just curious is ubuntu works with wine and joost since both have been updated, the previous instructions required a lengthy recompile of WINE22:47
mhrnjadsnikker: which linux are you running?22:47
renderoBenderUnit22, after boot pc22:47
ikaruga3001proxz: sorry... i apologize for wasting your time ... i gave you the wrong commands22:47
erUSUL`X-TREME: Go to the menu  System>Admin>Restricted Drivers22:48
KingDHi what is the deal with not being able to get restricted codecs such as flash, libdvdcss, xine-lib, libxinel?  This is very discouraging ubuntu is great but having to wrestle with codecs is a pain will this ever be fixed?22:48
snikkermhrnjad: i've tryed also that, but nothing to do... i'm running kubuntu on amd64 machine...22:48
ikaruga3001proxz: you first have to use chmod to give yourself ownership: sudo chmod <username> <files>22:48
BenderUnit22rendero: is it a user script meant to start up with your X session? Or a system script that ought to run earlier on?22:48
mhrnjadkubuntu 7.10?22:48
snikkermhrnjad: yes 7.1022:48
ikaruga3001proxz: then give yourself read/write/exec permissions sudo chown u+rwx <files>22:48
`X-TREMEok and then? it says ATI Accelerated graphics driver - not in use22:48
erUSULKingD: stupid USA laws (patents)22:48
bimrendero: repeat: use 'su' command in a standard /etc/init.d script to run something as a less privileged user.22:49
ikaruga3001proxz: that should do it ... i just double checked on my machine22:49
renderoBenderUnit22, X does not matter22:49
bim`X-TREME: click the box to tell it to use it.22:49
erUSUL`X-TREME: mark the driver to be in use22:49
renderobim, may be su is the correct, do you have an example ?22:49
`X-TREMEWhen I try to enable it, it says "The software source for this package xorg-driver-fglrc is not enabled"22:49
BenderUnit22rendero: just wondered about the desired timing. bims tip might be your best bet.22:49
proxzikaruga3001: no worries, im even wastin yours as i needed to run afk to take my daughter there :P22:49
renderoBenderUnit22, yes22:49
KingDerUSUL:  can't ubuntu by the rights to use the codecs?22:49
erUSUL`X-TREME: go to system>Admin>Software Sources and mark all the check boxes in the first tab22:50
proxzikaruga3001: does that command include subfolders and files ?22:50
PriceChildKingD, "ubuntu"?22:50
snikkermhrnjad: it worked on 7.10, but after the update of some packages it don't work...22:50
proxzikaruga3001: "those commands"22:50
ikaruga3001proxz: good question22:50
PriceChildKingD, what do you mean by "ubuntu"?22:50
mhrnjadsnikker: I see..22:50
ikaruga3001proxz: tack on a -R to both22:50
proxzikaruga3001: ok22:50
bimrendero: um, please read 'man su'. A typical example would be su someuser -c "unprivilege command&"22:50
KingDthe founder of ubuntu22:50
ikaruga3001proxz: sudo chown <user> -R <files> etc.22:50
renderook bim  thx22:50
PriceChildKingD, right so mr shuttleworth... so you want him to buy *unlimited* distribution rights?22:51
meoblast001does anyone use dgen?22:51
erUSULKingD: every individual ubuntu user would have to buy that rights. And btw they are already given away a OS and thousans of programs do you as them to buy you the codecs too???22:51
meoblast001or have a powerpc based system22:51
`X-TREMEerUSUL - Alright I did that; it downlaoded and now has finished downlaoding22:51
meoblast001or know how i can install i386 debs on a Cell Broadband Engine?22:51
KingDcan we buy those codecs?22:51
RootyRootRootW00Hi everytime I eject a DVD/CD I get an error message saying that the disc cannot be found. Sometimes it's a KDE crash screen (from Amarok I assume). How do I stop this annoying heckle22:51
drupricechild: that artcile diddnt help .. i am still having problems, and on my restricted drived two things ar enot in use, how do i make them in use?22:51
erUSUL`X-TREME: use again the Restrited Drivers dialog to enable the driver once the dl is complete22:51
ikaruga3001proxz: did it work?22:52
PriceChilddru, what are they listed as?22:52
`X-TREMEalright thx so much erUSUL22:52
mhrnjadsnikker: http://symbolik.wordpress.com/2007/11/10/vmware-server-104-and-kernel-26231-on-gutsy/22:52
erUSULKingD: you only have to enable certain repos and dl a few packages to enable the codecs22:52
erUSUL!mp3 > KingD22:52
erUSULKingD: see the ubotu msg22:52
druatheros, which is my wireless card .. and lucent/agere linmodem controller driver22:52
mhrnjadsnikker: quote: Instead of running “vmware”, you have to run “VMWARE_USE_SHIPPED_GTK=force vmware22:52
bim!mp3 > bim22:52
erUSUL`X-TREME: no problem22:52
proxzikaruga3001: i think so, testing now22:53
PriceChilddru, so what about the thread i gave you did you try?22:53
HowbagHow to automaticly mount /dev/device to /path/ at startup?22:53
PriceChild!fstab | Howbag22:53
ubotuHowbag: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:53
BenderUnit22Howbag: man fstab.22:53
erUSULKingD: keep in mind that in some countries (USA) may be illegal ( see DMCA) to use some of that codecs/programs22:53
drupricechild: to tell the truth im a DUMBASS when it comes to linux .. i couldnt figure out how to do anything they was sayin22:53
ikaruga3001proxz: well... you should have correct permissions... I'm afraid i don't know anything about WoW though..22:53
Howbagwow. a bot answers stuff22:53
mhrnjadHowbag: /etc/rc.local22:53
bimhowbag: a person kicks the bot. watch for the !'s.22:54
proxzikaruga3001: nah but i think its 100% related to filepermissions22:54
PriceChilddru, but you're not a dumbass at english :) "Doesn't help me" is miles different to "I can't understand it"22:54
erUSUL!es | elPansi22:54
Howbagbim, aha :)22:54
drulol ... but if you think about it .. it diddnt help me22:54
profxhow can I find out information about my partition setup, from cli ?22:54
KingDerUSUL: I don't see it22:54
drui ran through this with onyx before and he couldnt figure anything out either22:54
proxzikaruga3001: yah it worked. =)   thanks a lot =)22:55
snikkermhrnjad: none :(22:55
HowbagWell thank you! :D22:55
erUSULprofx: df -hs22:55
mhrnjadprofx: sudo fdisk -l22:55
ikaruga3001proxz: yay!22:55
erUSUL!mp3 | KingD22:55
ubotuKingD: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:55
sugaryeti24just curious... joost, ubuntu, wine... any success?22:55
bimprofx: stick with -l!22:55
`X-TREMEDo the restricted drivers update automatically?22:55
profxyeah, df didnt wotk22:55
PriceChilddru, open a terminal, then copy and paste the following in:22:55
mhrnjadsnikker: sorry I could not help..22:55
erUSULelPansi: para discutir ubuntu en español ve a #ubuntu-es22:55
bastid_raZor`X-TREME; yes22:55
`X-TREMEo ok22:56
snikkermhrnjad: don't worry... thanks for your time...22:56
PriceChilddru, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref22:56
levanderHow do I remove the wallpaper and just have a solid color background?22:56
`X-TREMEIs there a way I can update ubuntu or does it do so automatically22:56
PriceChilddru, then tell me if sound works22:56
levanderOn the desktop.22:56
PriceChild`X-TREME, it will notify you of updates in the top right hand corner22:56
levander`X-TREME: you have to enable automatic updates, i forget how22:56
bastid_raZor`X-TREME; in a terminal try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade22:56
bim`X-TREME: if you run any of the desktops, it will offer you updates all the time unless you turn them off.22:56
drupricechild: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.22:56
erUSULlevander: right click on the desktop Change wallpaper22:56
PriceChildlevander, right click it and change background properties22:56
mhrnjad`X-TREME: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade22:56
PriceChilddru, are you on gutsy?22:57
drunewest version yes22:57
`X-TREMEthank you all, so much help.22:57
PriceChildlevander, you do not need to enable them, they are enabled by default.22:57
PriceChildmhrnjad, that is not needed, the update notifier will sort it out22:57
levandererUSUL: I did that, and I can change the wallpaper, but not just have no wallpaper.22:57
erUSULPriceChild: snd-hda-intel22:57
druit was working fine, then i tryed to get my wireless card to work and boom no more sound and no wireless card still22:57
erUSULPriceChild: - not _22:57
PriceChilddru, "COPY AND PASTE"22:57
PriceChilderUSUL, see what I suggested :)22:57
PriceChilderUSUL, please copy and paste what I gave you, rather than typing it yourself.22:58
levanderPriceChild: No, you can do something that your system will download and install updates on it's own.  You don't even have to click on that message saying there are new updates.  It just does it.22:58
KingDerUSUL: I've been to those pages before and read them .. Thanks for trying22:58
PriceChilddru, please copy and paste what I gave you, rather than typing it yourself.22:58
druhaha .. i did22:58
PriceChilddru, well do it again, using -s rather than _s22:58
crdlbPriceChild: modprobe automatically turns the - into _22:58
druthere is no -s or _s22:58
erUSULPriceChild: you are right22:58
PriceChildcrdlb, so why does it wfm :/22:58
RequinB4Anyone know how to force the Live CD to boot w/ VESA22:59
RequinB4if its possible22:59
PriceChildRequinB4, there is a "use safe graphics mode" on the boot menu22:59
erUSULKingD: so whay you asked? the wiki page explains why ubuntu can not distribute the software22:59
ompaul!bootoptions | RequinB422:59
ubotuRequinB4: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:59
levandererUSUL: Can you remove, not change, the wallpaper?22:59
mhrnjad!bootoptions | mhrnjad22:59
PriceChildlevander, read the options in that dialogue we guided you to.23:00
`X-TREMEAre there any recommnded settings for using ubunto on a laptop? (for better battery management)23:00
levanderRequinB4: There's an option for safe graphics mode when you boot the Live CD.23:00
PriceChildlevander, one of them is a solid colour.23:00
RequinB4what driver does safe graphix mode use23:00
drupricechild: thats it? your giving up already?23:00
bim`X-TREME: there's a somewhat controversial laptop-mode. Best google and read before enabling.23:00
RequinB4Because iirc it didn't work last time i tried it23:00
`X-TREMEwill do23:00
ompaulRequinB4, I gave you a URL to check23:00
PriceChilddru, i'm giving up?23:00
erUSULlevander: the first "wallpaper" is the solid color one that you can change bellow23:00
`X-TREMEwhy is it controversial?23:00
PriceChilddru, can you not see what's inbetween the quotes: "-" ?23:01
drupricechild: you just stopped trying to help me ... i dont know seemed like giving up to me23:01
bim`X-TREME: some people say it wears our some disk drives.23:01
KingDerUSUL: I will re read maybe I missed something thanks23:01
druwtf man23:01
levanderPriceChild: I've been changing that solid color thing.  It's not removing the wallpaper.23:01
xompI establish a VPN connection with my work (Cisco VPN). The connection works and I'm able to ping my remote exchange server by name "Exuexu04". However, if I attempt to ping my workstation by name I get a message indicating it can't find the machine. However, if I connect to my workstation by IP address all is fine. Could someone explain why this is happening? Thanks23:01
drudru@dru-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref23:01
dru[sudo] password for dru:23:01
druFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.23:01
drudru@dru-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref23:01
druFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.23:01
FloodBot1dru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
RequinB4ompaul - thx, i'll look at that in a second23:01
PriceChilddru, Right ok, its not doing that for me :/23:01
drudru@dru-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref23:02
druFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.23:02
`X-TREMEHow do you direct what you type to a particular user? do  you manually type their nick name23:02
PriceChilddru, give me a moment please.23:02
mhrnjad`X-TREME: I installed 7.10 on my laptop and it did recognize most of the power management stuff23:02
bim`X-TREME: it spins down the hard drive, and too much of that may use up the hard drive. 'your mileage may vary' Other than that, ubuntu sets up to conserve power automatically.23:02
Pici!tab | `X-TREME23:02
ubotu`X-TREME: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:02
ompauldru please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org thanks23:02
`X-TREME`X-TREME ohhh23:02
`X-TREMElol thx23:02
druompaul: its 2 lines .. does it really matter?23:03
erUSUL`X-TREME: most irc clients tab completes names... btw the ` is giving me a hard time as i have to use a key combo to get it ;P23:03
ompaul!enter > `X-TREME (please check your pm)23:03
`X-TREMEsorry ill change it23:03
ompauldru, yes - it was for what you were muted for by the bot previously  (no more than 2)23:03
mhrnjad`X-TREME: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969523:03
PriceChilddru, sudo depmod -a, then try again please.23:03
=== `X-TREME is now known as X-TREME
xompnicks in all caps is like cool on cruise control lol23:03
oprinichydownloaded NvU now how do i get it installed23:04
KodgeIm having some trouble, having recently been playing around with themes e.t.c I finally settled on one I liked, however the bottom panel, and all the icons on it, have become all behemoth and huge. here is a screenshot of what they look like now: http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6995/screenshot2ve4.png and here is a screenshot of what they did look like: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/1135/desktoppq4.png is there anyway I can get it b23:04
fatihHello. How can i set an application to load after compiz for startup? To delay a little bit23:04
Kodgeack to how it was?23:04
drustill the same23:04
xompheh the big lebowsky23:04
fatihHello. How can i set an application to load after compiz for startup? To delay a little bit23:05
KodgeAs much as id love to discuss the greatest film ever. I wanna get my problem sorted, its driving me insane23:05
=== brandon__ is now known as WickedJester
jeff2when I try to compin Pidgin on Ubuntu, autogen.sh says "You must have glib-gettextize installed to compile Pidgin." where can I get this package? there is no apt-get package by this name, and I already installed gettext, and apt-cache search shows nothing obvious.23:05
mhrnjadKodge: what is it?23:05
X-TREMEIs there an easy way to install Beryl for Ubunto? I have version 7.1023:05
PriceChildjeff2, why are you compiling it yourself?23:05
BenderUnit22Kodge: just out of curiosity: did you try resizing the panel with a couple of pixels?23:05
WickedJesterHey, is there an issue with flash non free plugin?23:05
bimX-TREME, use compiz.23:05
xompX-TREME, Beryl is now compiz-fusion23:05
PriceChildX-TREME, beryl is dead, long live compiz-fusion (called desktop effects in ubuntu)23:05
WickedJesterI've installed Ubuntu a million times, and never had an issue you installing.23:06
PriceChildWickedJester, /topic23:06
ikaruga3001WickedJester: only for purists23:06
erUSUL!beryl > X-TREME23:06
KodgeBenderunit22: After the icons went huge yes I did23:06
xompX-TREME, Gutsy has compiz installed by default23:06
X-TREMEWhat is Gutsy?23:06
bimxomp: not in working condition with nvidia it doesn't.23:06
BenderUnit22Kodge: bleh. Sorry then; last time I had what you have, resizing was enough. If you pick a different theme, is the problem gone?23:06
mhrnjadX-TREME: gutsu = 7.1023:06
xompbim, that doesn't change the fact it's installed..23:06
X-TREMEThats what I have but I do not see any effects23:07
fatihjeff2:  glib-gettextize are you talking about ?23:07
jeff2PrinceChild: doing some development on it (or, trying to :). I had Pidgin setup so I could compile it on Windows, but I'm switching to Ubuntu to try to find some bugs in it.23:07
albertohi sll23:07
KodgeBenderunit22: Nope, they're still all huge and behemoth23:07
bimxomp: fair enough. But it gray-screened me, so I find it a bit hazardous to recommend that people use it without reading up.23:07
ompaulX-TREME, it depends on your video card supporting it23:07
porchohi there. I just bought a new pc and I'm planning to install multiple OSes on it, and I'm pretty confortable doing so (as I've read some threads in Ubuntu formus). Whas I want to know is: whas system should I install first? I'll install Win XP, Vista and Ubuntu Gutsy...23:07
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:07
jeff2fatih: yeah, when I run 'sudo apt-get install glib-gettextize' apt-get says it couldn't find that package. I have a stock 7.10 Ubuntu installation23:07
=== growdee is now known as grody
erUSULporcho: install windows first23:07
mohbanahi, what do i have to do to get my nvidia 8800gts to work.  My situation is exactly the same as this person described in the first post (http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/327727-nvidia-8800-gts-ubuntu.html), i had to install it via the alternate cd now ive done that my monitor resolution is very low.  Infact i had the same problem as the live cd, but this site after like 30 secs/1 Minute i was preseted with a dialog saying that i should change my23:07
mohbanasettings in order to boot into x.   My monitor isn't detected either.  PLEASE HELP, i feel like giving up23:07
bad_cablessup yo23:08
Ayabarahow do I adjust the sizes of the window titlebars? they have all of a sudden gotten very large for no apparent reason23:08
porchoerUSUL: which one? Vista or XP?23:08
BenderUnit22Kodge: bleh². :) Try adding a second panel with the same size - are those icons too big as well?23:08
crdlbX-TREME: please join #compiz-fusion23:08
bad_cablesi have to go out and get a wireless card for my box... i use Xubuntu/DSL what is the best brand/model?23:08
bimmohbana: did you turn on the restricted driver for the nvidia?23:08
WickedJesterIs there an estimated time frame for the Adobe Flash fix?23:08
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:08
X-TREMEok i will23:08
erUSULporcho: that you will have to find out in ##windows ;P23:08
ikaruga3001porcho: definitely the windows first... they'll take over the grub boot loader otherwise...23:08
BenderUnit22Kodge: because the only way I can think of is just recreating it with default settings. :/23:08
nor1Hey how do i install the compiz-manager so that i can select all the cool things.23:08
bad_cableswhat is a commonly supported wireless PCI card that i wont have to fight with?23:08
ikaruga3001porcho: however, i'm not sure if you should install xp or vista first23:08
=== lostthosch66 is now known as thosch66
bastid_raZorporcho; i may be wrong but i thought two versions of a windows OS on one box doesn't work.23:09
KodgeBenderUnit22: Yep, still massive, and funny you should say that, I put them back to default, and *still* the icons where huge behemoth monsters23:09
bimWickedJester: the install of 9 from Adobe worked for me for firefox yesterday.23:09
xompnor1, search for compiz-settings-manager in Synaptic23:09
ikaruga3001procho: my hunch is XP first as it is probably the most picky23:09
fatihHello. How can i set an application to load after compiz for startup? To delay a little bit23:09
mohbanadid anyone get that message i posted above?23:09
VvWolverinevVhi, how do i change the color balance in luvcview?23:09
WickedJesterbim:  Install it from their site?23:09
mhrnjadX-TREME: System>Preferences>Appearance ; that's where you turn on the effects if your graphics card supports them23:09
bimmohbana: turn on nvidia restricted driver.23:09
bimWickedJester, yes.23:09
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:09
WickedJesterbim:  thanks :)23:10
crdlbxomp: close, but no cookie :) (it's compizconfig-settings-manager)23:10
bimfatih, how do you start compiz in the first place?23:10
BenderUnit22Kodge: sorry, out of my one idea. :/ I'd suggest looking for a #gnome related channel, I think you're more likely to get an answer there...23:10
erUSULmohbana: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and choose a sane resolution23:10
mohbanabim, it says your hardware does not need any restricted drivers23:10
fatihjeff2: what is output when you write glib-gettextsize to terminal23:10
xompcrdlb, thanks ;) I'm trying (by memory albeit)23:10
bimmohbana, then what erUSUL said.23:10
porchoikaruga3001: thanks! I'll check at ##windows anyway...then I'll post something at the forum, as I couldn't find any situation like that...23:10
snikkerthere is a way to force modules to running in a certain order?23:10
bimsnikker: kernel modules?23:10
xompnor1, correction, compizconfig-settings-manager :)23:11
snikkerbim: yes23:11
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:11
k1dugarHello, I "DD" my hard disk by mistake with 50MB img file :P There was two partition on my 60GB Disk. 128MB BOOT and  rest LUKS they were formatted ext3. Can anyone tell how can i recovery my disk.23:11
jeff2fatih: ah, it says what package I need! cool, I didn't think of that. it is libglic2.0-dev. thanks for that tip.23:11
RequinB4Anyone help me brainstorm?  -  I get a I/O error on my HDD while trying to alt install.  I assume it needs to be fsck'd but i'm wondering how to do this without getting a full boot/install.  I can get a shell off the alt installer but am unable to fsck.23:11
KodgeBenderUnit22: Well we've tried our best. I was thinking of just creating a new user name and seeing if that sets them back to the normal size that ive grown to love. However, I dont fancy doing that as it'd mean having to move a tonneof files around23:11
martynbad - i use a Belkin USB on the girlfriends (pretty old) laptop/Xubuntu. It works like a dream now but was a real bummer to set up initially (needed ndiswrapper). I think there will be better ones available if you search Ubuntu forums for wireless cards.23:11
mohbanaanyone? bim did u get my message i posted above23:11
bimsnikker: read up on /etc/modprobe.d is all I can tell you.23:11
BenderUnit22Kodge: it'd be odd if a new user would suffer the same delusional icons.23:11
bimk1dugar: backup?23:11
bad_cablesanyone know if lynksys cards are good for wireless?23:12
fatihbim: i installed conky and it uses beryl for transparency but it loads before beryl due to this reason transparency is not working and i have to terminate conky and restart again23:12
KodgeBenderUnit22: oh wait actually, would deleteing .gnome do anything? I know that'd set alot of stuff back to default, but other than panels, what else would it get rid of?23:12
k1dugaryes i have from friday23:12
BenderUnit22Kodge: you could go digging around in ~/gnome2 and gconf-editor...23:12
PriceChildbad_cables, depends on the chipset23:12
bimmohbana: yes. I endorsed erUSUL's prescription to reconfig the xorg package.23:12
fatihjeff2: you are welcome23:12
bad_cableswhat should i get... i need one tonight23:12
BenderUnit22Kodge: exactly. But you might break more than you gain by fixing the panel problem.23:12
erUSUL!info testdisk | k1dugar23:12
ubotuk1dugar: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB23:12
snikkerbim: ok, i'll try to read on it23:12
porchobastid_raZor: I'm pretty sure that there's no problem in installing two Windows versions on a PC...23:12
bimfatih, head for the compiz-fusion forum.23:12
erUSUL!info gpart | k1dugar23:12
ubotuk1dugar: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (gutsy), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB23:12
gudzadzialguien me puede ayudar?23:12
mohbanabim, do you have the guide?23:12
BenderUnit22!es > gudzadzi23:12
erUSUL!es | gudzadzi23:12
ubotugudzadzi: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:12
KodgeBenderUnit22: I see, what would you do? Every little bit of advice atm is appreciated hehe, :323:13
bastid_raZorporcho; good luck then, but i do know ubuntu should be the last OS installed23:13
gudzadzicometi un errror al instalar y ni synaptic ni el gestor de acftualizaciones me responde23:13
RequinB4Anyone help me brainstorm?  -  I get a I/O error on my HDD while trying to alt install.  I assume it needs to be fsck'd but i'm wondering how to do this without getting a full boot/install.  I can get a shell off the alt installer but am unable to fsck.23:13
BenderUnit22Kodge: well, I never encounter such problems. :) I'd try to remember exactly what I did last before I noticed the problem, for starters... :)23:13
bimersul: please re-clue mohbana on the dkpg-reconfig for xorg.23:13
nomopofomowhy am i unable to install the most recent version of apache from source?23:13
VvWolverinevVhi does anyone have any experience with luvcview?23:13
BenderUnit22Kodge: it can't have been just a theme change, since another theme change would fix it then.23:13
bimRequinB4, what happens when you try to fsck from live CD.23:14
PriceChildVvWolverinevV, I do?23:14
NeskayaOkay, a stupid question.23:14
erUSULmohbana: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and choose a sane resolution23:14
VvWolverinevVPriceChild: how do i change the color balance?23:14
NeskayaHow do I format a flash drive from Ubuntu?23:14
PriceChildNeskaya, no question is stupid if you don't know the answer.23:14
bigbluezephyrhi room!23:14
KodgeBenderUnit22: Well, I can tell you it happened when the " Apperance " manager prompted that the theme id downloaded was suggesting I use a font for the specific theme, when doing so, everything on the panel, ( inc the panel itself ) went all beefy and nasty23:14
k1dugarim running testdisk now but its says two partitions 137MB and 1077MB as swap but i dint have swap. My root is missing23:14
mohbanaerUSUL, is that all?23:14
PriceChildVvWolverinevV, I just play around with the settings at the bottom until it looks natural. I think different cameras allow different controls.23:14
bimmohbana, that should be enough.23:14
RequinB4bim: from origional live cd - I can't boot the livecd, get an error i'm trying to fix by installing and changing drivers23:14
NeskayaPriceChild, well, how do I do it?23:14
mohbanajust like to point out that, i was getting this even before install23:15
PriceChildNeskaya, no idea... i'd guess dd'ing but I find that scary :)23:15
erUSULmohbana: then try to run X and see how it goes23:15
porchodo I really need swap space when I got 2 gigs ram?23:15
bimRequinB4, go for knoppix.23:15
X-TREMEwhat is xserver?23:15
BenderUnit22Kodge: d'you try changing the font?23:15
k1dugarbim: erUSUL: ubotu: Im running testdisk now but its says two partitions 137MB and 1077MB as swap but i dint have swap. My root is missing23:15
PriceChildNeskaya, or cat'ing /dev/(u)random, but just "guesses""23:15
nomopofomoX-TREME: it's needed by gnome and KDE23:16
RequinB4bim - if only it was that simple23:16
bimX-TREME, the program and protocol of GUI on linux.23:16
X-TREMEoh ok23:16
bastid_raZorporcho; tehcnically you don't have to have any swap.. iti s wise to have it no matter how much RAM you have.23:16
RequinB4bim - my box is completely unbootable, apparently23:16
slaaniGood morning friends!  I'm trying to get my integrated mic to work on an inspiron 1520, but it's not going smoothly at all.  Clicking the 'test mic' button yields a fairly long error about inability to construct a pipeline between different audio sources/players.23:16
bimk1dugar, looks like you have written over your root.23:16
X-TREMEwhen i think of server i think of something pertaining to the internet so i was just wondering23:16
bimRequinB4, boot a knoppix CD. it talks to everything.23:16
erUSULk1dugar: well try gpart... i'm afraid that the LUKS partition may confuse these kind of tools...23:16
VvWolverinevVPriceChild: when i first installed it it looked fine, but now it's really blue and i can't get it back with the controls at the bottom23:17
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:17
bimX-TREME, the X server owns the display, and X clients talk to it to get things displayed.23:17
RequinB4bim - knoppix doesn't boot...23:17
erUSULk1dugar: that's all i can offer what you've done to the disk is very destructive....23:17
porchobastid_raZor: I've ready somewhere that one should creat a swap partition that's twice the size of the available ram mem. is that so?23:17
KodgeBenderUnit22: changed the font, dot size, and still the panel and icons are staying massive23:17
erUSULporcho: depends on how much you have23:17
PriceChildVvWolverinevV, no idea sorry.23:17
bastid_raZorporcho; no.. 1GB of swap is plenty.. a rule of thumb is your swap should be the same size as your RAM23:17
wolferinecan I do an NFS mount on /media/sd** from another box on my LAN ?23:17
bimRequinB4, I'm really impressed. I thought knoppix could boot anything except a ford taurus. Sorry, all I can recommend is putting your hard drive into some other system and performing surgery there.23:18
BenderUnit22Kodge: what I don't get is your panel staying massive. Surely you can resize it to some sane value, no?23:18
nomopofomois there anyone available who could help me understand why i can't build apache from source?23:18
BenderUnit22Kodge: I thought it was only the icons retaining their size in a smaller panel...23:18
bimnomopofomo: apache what?23:18
wolferinenomasteryoda, why from source, and there is an #apache channel23:18
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:18
porchoerUSUL: I've got 2 gigs ram...so according to what bastid_raZor says, I should reserve 2 gigs as swap space...23:18
RequinB4bim - yeah, i've been working on this for a few months now23:18
bimnomopofomo, what happens when you try?23:18
mohbanahi guys still doesn't work23:18
DJ_DanniI have PHP My Admin and i chance the Password insite the mysql database and also in the Config and now i canðt loggin. Can somone help me with this?23:18
KodgeBenderUnit22: That I can do, however the behemoth icons stay massive, and my windows that I have open like stack really small..ly next to each other, I can take a screenshot of this if you like, if it makes things easier?23:19
mrbbavrei un problema riguardo il server x23:19
nomopofomobim: it fails right when the c compiler is about to start doing it's thing and then tells me to check the configuration file23:19
erUSULporcho: that's a sane amount that way you can suspend to disk23:19
NeskayaOkay, someone please?  I want to format the flash drive but cannot figure it out.23:19
mrbbchi mi può aiutare?23:19
ompaul!it | mrbb23:19
ubotumrbb: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:19
bimmohbana, I'm stumped.23:19
bastid_raZorporcho; you don't 'have' to.. that is the norm though.23:19
bimnomopofomo, did you run ./configure?23:19
martynDJ_Danni - have you used command line with MySQL before ?23:19
KodgeBenderUnit22: Oh wait, it's capped itself at 33 pixels, I can't go any lower, only higher23:19
BenderUnit22That's odd. :):23:19
mohbanabim, do i need to restart or just restart x? as in Ctrl+alt+backspace23:19
BenderUnit22Kodge: try opening gconf-editor.23:19
bimmohbana, usually the later, but if stumped you might as well try the former.23:20
nomopofomobim: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables is the last thing it says when i run ./configure23:20
k1dugarbim: erUSUL: ubotu: Im running gpart now. I think there is very less hope to recovery anything. I have to reinstall this BOX23:20
KodgeBenderUnit22: Ok, what do I do from here?23:20
DJ_Dannimartyn what command?23:20
wolferinecan I do an NFS mount on /media/sd** from another box on my LAN ?23:20
BenderUnit22Navigate to Apps->Panel...23:20
RequinB4bim - do you think i should try DSL?  know any good text-only kernels i can boot23:20
BenderUnit22Kodge: lost it, just a sec. :)23:20
PriceChildwolferine, yes?23:20
mohbanabim, can you go here the first post is exactly what i was getting until i installed of the alternate cd once i did that after install the same thing happened until i reverted back to the vesa driver23:21
bimnomopofomo, it drops files that contain the detailed log of the problems. Chances are you need to install 7 or 8 'dev' packages.23:21
mohbanabim, http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/327727-nvidia-8800-gts-ubuntu.html23:21
wolferinePriceChild, k, thanks23:21
martynopening a terminal program and starting mysql by typing mysql -u [user] -p ?23:21
PriceChildRequinB4, you can boot ubuntu to text only?23:21
KodgeBenderUnit22: sure take your time mate, im just happy ive got someone to help me tackle this near impossible challenge :D23:21
nomopofomobim: where would i find the log?23:21
martynDJ_Danni - rather than using a front end?23:21
k1dugarbim: erUSUL: ubotu: Please let me know if there is anyother tools to recovery testdisk, gpart and anyother??23:21
bimmohbana, Like I said, this is at the point where I have to duck in favor of people who (hopefully) have a better clue.23:21
nomopofomobim: the only file that appears to be a log file is config.log23:22
BenderUnit22Kodge: don't get your hopes up. :/ I meant directing you to apps->panel->default_setup->toplevels->bottom_panel23:22
mohbanaok im gonna post again23:22
bimnomopofomo, look in the bottom of config.log.23:22
PriceChilddru, I'm sorry I don't know what to do. Googling your problems lets me see other people with the same problems yet no solution.23:22
BenderUnit22Kodge: click on that and check if you can modify the value of size.23:22
PriceChilddru, most seem to be affecting people that have recompiled alsa themselves.23:22
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:22
emmaMy home folder is 24.9 GB and that's much bigger than a CD. I wanted to save my home folder so that I could reinstall Ubuntu and save everything. Is there a solution?23:22
vocxnomopofomo, in order to get all the common utilities to compile C or C++ source code, install "build-essential". What do you want to compile? And why?23:22
bimk1dugar, if you really overwrote the data, and I expect that you did, you are beyond help unless you have a time machien.23:22
nomopofomobim: the last thing in the log is "configure: exit 1"23:22
drupricechild: i downloaded everything in also when i searched it in the synapic23:23
bimemma: bzip2? 7zip?23:23
RequinB4PriceChild - long story short, "moniter out of range" error appears after (appearing to be) any gfx program loads.  After trying boot options on live CD, i get alt CD which works fine except my HDD needs to be fsck'd, which i need a shell to do23:23
bimnomopofomo, what's the next to last thing.23:23
mohbanaif anyone has any idea on what to do please help, my problem; hi, what do i have to do to get my nvidia 8800gts to work.  My situation is exactly the same as this person described in the first post (http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/327727-nvidia-8800-gts-ubuntu.html), i had to install it via the alternate cd now ive done that my monitor resolution is very low.  Infact i had the same problem as the live cd, but this site after like 30 secs/1 Minute23:23
mohbana i was preseted with a dialog saying that i should change my settings in order to boot into x.   My monitor isn't detected either.  PLEASE HELP, i feel like giving up23:23
KodgeBenderUnit22: I can edit it, its currently at 2423:23
k1dugarbim: i have just written by 50MB of image file23:23
DJ_Dannimartyn the command dose not woork23:23
KodgeBenderUnit22: Ill let you know the results23:23
k1dugarbim: so i think rest of the data should be there23:23
BenderUnit22Kodge: eager hearing 'bout it. :)23:23
bimk1dugar, 50MB is plenty of data to turn your root file system into pudding.23:23
nomopofomobim: target_vendor='pc'23:24
nomopofomovocx: i'm trying to install apache23:24
nomopofomovocx: the latest version23:24
martynDJ_Danni - by that, do you get an error message?23:24
PriceChild!pm | VvWolverinevV23:24
ubotuVvWolverinevV: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.23:24
porchoerUSUL: bastid_raZor: right...23:24
KodgeBenderUnit22: No matter what number value I change, nothing happens on the panel :S23:24
bimnomopofomo, if you read up far enough, you will see it report a failing command.23:24
emmais it a default for /home to be a separate partition?23:24
DJ_DanniCommand not found23:24
wolferineemma, no, but a good idea23:24
AyabaraI have a small shell script I use to launch mplayer with some options. Anyone know how I can check for file extension in such a script?23:24
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:24
k1dugarbim: but in beginning of disk had boot partition of 131MB23:24
DJ_Dannimartyn how do i do that command?23:25
emmatoo bad. If home was a separate partition then I wouldn't have any trouble.23:25
BenderUnit22Change it to 24 and log out / back in again (or kill -HUP `pidof gnome-panel`, though I'm not sure that's enough).23:25
KodgeBenderUnit22: Ill try and change the TOP panel, as this originally was a top panel before I moved it down23:25
nomopofomobim: configure failed for srclib/apr23:25
martynDJ_Danni - give me 2 mins to boot up other PC that has MySQL on it.... hang on...23:25
bimnomopofomo, cd to srclib/apr and run configure, and see what you see there.23:25
bimk1dugar, if you could fix your part table, you'd get that other file system back, yes.23:25
nomopofomobim: thanks, will do23:26
techgeek40I could really use some help on this - I am TOTALLY lost on this23:26
bimk1dugar, there is technology out there. Google forensic disk recovery.23:26
KodgeBenderUnit22: Same story, sweet FA is happening23:26
techgeek40I have an Nvidia 5200 Geforce FX PCI graphics card and simply cannot get it to work under Gutsy - please, any help?23:26
wolferinetechgeek40, what do you mean, cannot get it to work ?23:26
BenderUnit22Kodge: the values aren't retained in gconf-editor?23:27
_snookieI have a quick question with the install, hoping an admin can help me really quickly23:27
dkbghow would I be able to move the boot folder I have currently under /, to an existing boot partition23:27
BenderUnit22Or are they, without any noticeable effect on the panel?23:27
VvWolverinevVwhen i try to reset to default settings in luvcview, i get these errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53609/plain/  does anyone know why?23:27
KodgeBenderUnit22: Hm?23:27
techgeek40I installed the drivers - at least I think I did - put the card in - rebooted and it sits at the screen loading scripts (/etc/rc.local) ]OK] and I have to do ALT+F2 to get to a command prompt to put in my user name and password - but I get no "desktop" it's all command lines23:27
wolferine!ask | _snookie23:28
ubotu_snookie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:28
martynDJ_Danni. Do you know your own user name and password for the MySQL server? (Don't reveal them...)23:28
BenderUnit22The values you changed in gconf-editor -- if you log out and back in again, are they still there, or back to whatever it was (33?)?23:28
KodgeBenderUnit22: I don't understand23:28
wolferinetechgeek40, you installed the driver, then inserted the card ?23:28
josh__I have installed Java jre for amd 64 i think but my frostwire still doesnt work... i click on it and it does nothing...23:28
jribBenderUnit22: they persist23:28
wolferine!who | techgeek4023:28
ubotutechgeek40: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:28
techgeek40I know the card works for on this computer I have triple boot - XP - Vista - Ubunt and the card works with XP and Vista just fine23:28
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:28
_snookiedkbg: move the the boot like this  cp -fRp /boot todirecotry  then change the /etc/fstab to the correct directory23:28
DJ_Dannimartyn i have alrady set the User and pass in the conf and also in phpmyadmin and now i can't login23:28
dkbg_snookie: I think it may be more complex than this though23:29
BenderUnit22jrib: but the panel doesn't seem to obey?23:29
VvWolverinevVPriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53609/plain/23:29
jribBenderUnit22: what are you trying to solve?23:29
techgeek40Wolferine: sorry I just saw the msg about using !tab - whatever that means23:29
PriceChildVvWolverinevV, no idea23:29
=== josh__ is now known as josh89
odysseastechgeek40: what does cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep (EE) show?23:29
wolferinetechgeek40, stick with answering the questions asked, this goes alot faster23:29
BenderUnit22jrib: his panel and launchers are oversized.23:29
wolferinePriceChild, mind looking at my pastebin ? http://www.pastebin.ca/87392523:30
_snookiegot advice from an admin earlier this week that said to reinstall the os from the install cd, but do not format.  I'm currently trying to do this but don't want to loose my 600Gigs of data.  The partition disks screen says "finish partitioning and write disks" will this delete anything?23:30
mohbanamy nvidia 8800gts is working fine on fedora in that i can get 1680x1050 monitor resolution my monitor is nt even detected on ubuntu23:30
dkbg_snookie: I have two other distros booting from that partition, ubuntu is the only one with its own boot folder because I couldn't force it to use the existing boot partition since it already had files on it. Perhaps I shouldn't be trying to do this23:30
jribBenderUnit22: ah, you need to address questions directly to who you are helping then, or you will confuse people like me :)  Sorry about that.23:30
KibblesError: (WW) NVIDIA(0): Error: Unable to find DOS (Enable/Disable output switching) (WW) NVIDIA(0):     file path under /proc/acpi/video. NVIDIA X driver will not (WW) NVIDIA(0):     be able to respond to  display change hotkey events.23:30
DJ_Dannimartyn i have alrady set the User and pass in the conf and also in phpmyadmin and now i can't login23:30
techgeek40Odysseas: I do this and then I get richard@desktop:~$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep (EE)23:30
techgeek40bash: syntax error near unexpected token `EE'23:30
Kibblesany1 know what's causing this?23:30
BenderUnit22jrib: sorry for the confusion. :)23:30
odysseastechgeek40: remove the ()23:31
josh89Does anyone know how to get frostwire OR limewire to work in ubuntu 64?23:31
jribjosh89: what happens when you try to use frostwire?23:31
_snookiedkbg:  yeah that's not an easy thing, you'll probably have to mess with grub too23:31
KodgeBenderUnit22: Ah well, nevermind ill try and sort it tomorrow, its getting quite late now ( 11:31pm here ) and im really tired. But thanks for your help, you've been really helpful!23:31
erUSULKibbles: (WW) == warnings are mostly non fatall (EE) errors do explain X no working23:31
darwin81Is using Envy bad?23:31
techgeek40Ok - I get the following: richard@desktop:~$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE23:31
techgeek40        (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.23:31
techgeek40(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER23:31
techgeek40(EE) AIGLX: DRI module not loaded23:31
wolferine!envy | darwin8123:31
ubotudarwin81: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:31
wolferinetechgeek40, please use Pastebin23:31
martynDJ_Danni - yes. If you are trying to access the MySQL database server then the command line is (for example) mysql -u DJ_Danni -p [ENTER] you are then prompted to enter your password for DJ_Danni. If you cannot get access through this then you CAN use mysql -u root -p but after logging in you should obtain/make a new user with fewer privileges...23:31
wolferine!astebin > techgeek4023:32
PriceChildwolferine, never used NFS. I'd guess you haven't got permission to mount it read/write.23:32
wolferine!pastebin > techgeek4023:32
_snookietechgeek40: your video card drives are not installed, install envy23:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:32
KibbleserUSUL: yeah, but it's giving me trouble when i connect a TV. acpi isn't configured properly i'm told23:32
wolferinePriceChild, I do actually :)23:32
IndyGunFreak_snookie: thats terible advice23:32
jrib!frostwire > josh89 (read the private message from ubotu)23:32
wolferineNFS is fussy, like my ex23:32
dkbg_snookie: yeah because I believe Ubuntu installed  it into the MBR and I'm actually not even using the boot partition anymore, just ubuntu's boot folder with a customised menu.lst23:32
odysseastechgeek40: what method did you use to install the drivers?23:32
tommsteinxchat sure has a fat icon down on my kde bar23:32
DJ_Dannimartyn test http://www.spacestream.net/phpmyadmin with djdanni and 323423:32
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: i would think long and hard before following _snookie's advice23:33
darwin81wolferine, Yes, but do you know of it specifically breaking for something other than kernel upgrades?23:33
dkbg_snookie: well, I'm using the partition to access the kernel images23:33
PriceChildwolferine, well I guess you haven't left nfs know that... but what do I know? :)23:33
_snookiedkbg: what other distros you trying to run?23:33
kokicewow ubuntu channel is packed!23:33
wolferinedarwin81, never used it, never cared23:33
techgeek40Odysseas: I tried the ubuntuforums23:33
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:33
dkbg_snookie: openSUSE and fedora23:33
Isoplasthey, could you please help me? i see videos on youtube and videos in general very pixelated ...23:34
wolferinePR :)23:34
X-TREMEWhen I go to hibernate; my computer just displays a blackscreen with a blinking underscore at the top left corner23:34
Isoplasthow can i improve the quality of videos?23:34
wolferinePC :)23:34
DJ_Dannimartyn dose that woork?23:34
_snookiedkpg: not quite sure what the answer is... usually if you install ubuntu it detects all the other oss23:34
techgeek40I also tried the synaptic installer - found the nvidia but that didn't seem to work23:34
_snookiedkpg: you could try to reconfigure grub with ubuntu23:34
odysseastechgeek40: my guess is you didnt install the legacy drivers so it isnt working, I think your card needs the legacy drivers23:34
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: you have an nvidia card, what card model?23:34
k1dugarbim: erUSUL: ubotu: Thanks for all the help and Information :)23:35
_snookiegot advice from an admin earlier this week that said to reinstall the os from the install cd, but do not format.  I'm currently trying to do this but don't want to loose my 600Gigs of data.  The partition disks screen says "finish partitioning and write disks" will this delete anything?23:35
techgeek40PNY Technologies - GeForce FX5200 DDR 256 MP PCI23:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:35
martynDJ_Danni - the web page renders but I have no access instructions.23:35
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: were you hear earlier, i'm pretty sure you were told you need the legacy driver23:35
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:35
DJ_Dannimartyn what do you mean?23:35
odysseastechgeek40: use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and try to follow the instructions after that run /etc/init.d/gdm restart to get on a graphical environment and then use the restricted drivers tool to install the driver23:36
techgeek40IndyGunFreak: No I was in West Palm Beach Florida all day helping a friend move - it wasn't me23:36
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: ok.23:36
DJ_Dannimartyn what do you mean?23:36
martynI mean, I followed the URL and was presented with a login page. I have no way of getting beyond there.23:36
techgeek40Odysseas is that after I install the legacy drivers from Synaptic?23:36
venger_snookie: no where to backup the data to?23:37
martynDJ_Danni - is this what you were expecting?23:37
_snookievenger: it's all backed up23:37
_snookievenger:  but on a drive inside the box, it's raided23:37
odysseastechgeek40: no go to Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager from the System menu23:37
DJ_DanniWhat do you mean?23:37
tommsteinwe should make a chuck norris bot. perhaps we shall call him chuckbotu23:37
venger_snookie: well its a seperate lun, no?23:37
odysseastechgeek40: after you get to the graphical environment23:38
IndyGunFreaktommstein: offtopic does..23:38
_snookievenger: 1un?23:38
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:38
PriceChildtommstein, chuck norris roundhouse kicks anyone talking offtopic in #ubunt.23:38
martynI have never run PHPmyadmin - I use MySQL from the command line. Is your MySQL server on your own PC or a web-based system?23:38
IndyGunFreaktommstein: "/msg ubotu @chuck".. no quotes23:38
mohbanahow i add mp3 support?23:38
DJ_DanniIts on my OWN Linux Server23:38
jribmohbana: double click on an mp3 in the file browser23:38
tommsteinIndyGunFreak, holy crap, that is genius. and by genius i mean amusing to tommstein23:39
venger_snookie: partition, lun is just a reference to the logical disk that exists as a result of raid23:39
IndyGunFreaktommstein: it amuses a lot of people.23:39
martynDJ_Danni: Right - and have you EVER accessed the MySQL server directly through the command line (for example when setting up the base and tables?23:40
venger_snookie: i'm just asking if the data is seperate of the os installation23:40
sufferingxhi. i cant install /make /configure or make install. i have gcc and gcc++23:40
DJ_DanniNope not thrue Terminal23:40
=== halstead is now known as aubrac
judgenI have some flickering in all movies...with both vlc and totem ... got any ideas?23:40
martynDJ - Did you install MySQL from Ubuntu repos?23:40
IndyGunFreaksufferingx: wel, then you obviously have other dependencies you need to install, what ar eyou trying to compile?23:40
vivekbwhat is a good GUI FTP Client for ubuntu?23:41
IndyGunFreak!FTP | vivekb23:41
ubotuvivekb: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd23:41
DJ_Dannii just use sudo apt-get install mysql-server command23:41
sufferingxeverithing.its not work like its dose in fedora23:41
techgeek40Okay - stupid question but how am I suppose to install the drivers? (Sorry I am really new to Ubuntu)23:41
_snookievenger: so I'm in the partition disks menu and all my partitions were detected and all my software raids.  But my raids have to be configured, like, ext3  and /   wont this format the drive if I say right changes to disk?23:42
loketechgeek40: Which drivers?23:42
IndyGunFreaksufferingx: because you're not doing it right.23:42
techgeek40For the GeForce 5200 FX PCI graphics card23:42
sufferingxits work in fedora term23:42
IndyGunFreaksufferingx: and saying "everything" isn't an answer, name something you can't install23:42
martynDJ - right - so have you already built your database at all? Are you stuck at first base?23:42
venger_snookie: i expect it to run mkfs.ext3 unless someone more keen on reinstallations say otherwise23:43
IndyGunFreaksufferingx: then you had the dependencies resolved in Fedora23:43
DJ_DanniYes she hase the Defult Database.23:43
loketechgeek40: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx23:43
martynDJ - sudo apt-get install mysql-client23:43
odysseastechgeek40: go to System menu then Administration then Restricted Drivers Manager and tick the enable driver23:43
kalleperssonHi there, I'm having trouble with the php5 package. Has anyone else had that problem?23:43
IndyGunFreakit should be enabled by default i wuld think(the Nvidia driver)23:43
techgeek40Odysseas: The only thing in there is Lucent/Agere linmodem contrller driver23:44
techgeek40Which is funny as I don't have a modem on the computer23:44
alinux-lb222hi all has anyone had problems connecting to a WEP wireless network with SKA "Shared Key" ? It works with XP but its not working on Ubuntu when I change the AP to Open it works..I am using Wireless Assistant to connect and I choose the SHARED checkbox23:44
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: the modem is probably onboard, you just don't use it.23:44
venger_snookie: i didn't catch what lead to the need to reinstall, is it not an option for you to repair things by booting the livecd?23:44
odysseastechgeek40: what does lsmod |grep nvidia show?23:44
LinuxGrasshopperhey guys why isnt anyone talking in the ubuntu-server channel?23:44
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
DJ_DanniShe is Installing that23:44
DJ_Danniok done23:44
_snookievenger: deleted /usr/bin ^ ^23:45
daxrocEvening all23:45
_snookievenger: repaired it but its never been the same23:45
martynDJ - OK - NOW you can use the command line/terminal program. Doesn't look half as pretty but much more powerful.23:45
techgeek40Odysseas: nothing -23:45
loke_snookie: You're in trouble.  You can't quite repair that folder without running into horrible issues later.23:45
techgeek40Odysseas: when I type it - at the terminal window - I hit enter and it just taks me right back to richard@desktop23:46
_snookieloke: actually, I did repair it, my python installation was broken and couldn't figure it out, but everything else ran fine23:46
martynDJ - use previous posted command - mysql -u [username] -p <ENTER>23:46
daxrocWhich are the best nvidia drivers , I'm using an 7300gt23:46
venger_snookie: did you have apt/dpkg reinstall all existing packages?23:46
martynThis is much safer than adding your password to end of that line...23:46
filthpigare there no equalizer plugins for ubuntu/rythmbox?23:46
_snookievenger: yes, apt-get could not reinstall two python programs, an admin earlier this week could not figure it out23:47
techgeek40IndyGunFreak: I don't have a modem - the mother board doesn't have it - and in the bios - nothing about modem is listed - that I can be 100% sure of -23:47
lokefilthpig: As far as I know, Rhythmbox is still lacking an equalizer.23:47
techgeek40<---built his computer - no modem - simply onboard nick card23:47
alinux-lb222hi all has anyone had problems connecting to a WEP wireless network with SKA "Shared Key" ? It works with XP but its not working on Ubuntu when I change the AP to Open it works..I am using Wireless Assistant to connect and I choose the SHARED checkbox23:47
BetaTestHow do I make sure that /dev/dsp is not being used?23:47
lokeBetaTest: lsof /dev/dsp23:47
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:47
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: if you built your computer, then its even more likely you have an onboard modem, and you just didn't put the connections on it.23:47
LinuxGrasshopperanyone know why noone is talking on the ubuntu-server channel?23:47
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: i've done that numerous times23:48
BetaTestloke then would I lson /dev/dsp to enable?23:48
DJ_Dannimartyn dose not woork #1045 - Access denied for user 'djdanni'@'localhost' (using password: YES)23:48
lokeBetaTest: no.  lsof /dev/dsp tells you if anything's using /dev/dsp23:48
austinso then why is linux better than windows lol23:48
venger_snookie: i'd use this situation as a chance to partion things up where you data is seperate of root. could you not install a non raid drive for an os and use that?23:48
BetaTestlsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuseblk file system /media/exharddrive23:49
BetaTest      Output information may be incomplete.23:49
techgeek40No - there isn't even a connect in the back for it - simply a nic card - no modem - this MB is a P4M900 Micro 775 -23:49
daxrocfor innovation windows lags way behind linux23:49
_snookievenger: but than I would have to install it again?  I just have to figure out how to make the installer not reformat my raid drisks and only set them up to be software raided23:49
martynDJ - only alternative that I am aware of is mysql -u root -p [ENTER] then enter the root password for MySQL (NOT the Ubuntu Linux sudo password).23:50
IndyGunFreaktechgeek40: you're not listening to a word i'm saying, so there's no reason to continue... but restricted, isn't going to just pick up hardware that isn't present, open a terminal and enter "lspci" and see if your modem is listed there23:50
venger_snookie: i was hoping someone would chime in on the reinstall, but if you dont get confirmation that mkfs wont be run you could be screwed23:50
DJ_Dannimartyn i have also tryed the root23:50
judgenIve got video flickering with all players.... got any ideas?23:50
lokejudgen: HAve you got the restricted drivers installed, as well as the proper codecs?23:51
venger_snookie: i'm guessing your "backup" is your raid setup as opposed to an offline backup23:51
DJ_Dannimartyn same error with root23:51
daxrocAny one know if its possible to have a composted desktop with an wacom tablet (with pressure) ?23:51
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:52
harry__kde chat?23:52
techgeek40IndyGunFreak: I am listening - two things: NO modem - that I promise you - this motherboard simply doesn't have one - there is no connection for in the back nor in the bios and even the manual clearly stats no onboard modem23:52
martynDJ - I am really sorry but I cannot help you any further then. I can tell you that the problem is not the PHP myAdmin - it is with the mysql logins. That is where you need to aim your questions... sorry couldn't help further.23:52
_snookievenger: I got it, the install isn't very user friendly with raid.  It detected my partitions as raid and then figured out what kind of raid they were.  In other words, all the raided drives and their partitions.  If I select that I have to change it to "use this drive" and then set the mount point, and then "do not format this drive"23:52
techgeek40I did go into the Restricted drivers - the only thing listed is the lucent entry - nothing else23:52
judgenloke, i am currently using VLC and nvidia-glx-new with working compiz23:52
odysseastechgeek40: the only solution I can think of, since the Restricted Drivers Manager doesnt detect your card, is to either download the driver from the NVIDIA site, or sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. This isnt guaranted to work though.23:52
* IndyGunFreak wanders off to offtopic23:52
DJ_Danniok thangs23:52
pfwdtechHow's it all going?23:52
odysseastechgeek40: I'd use the nvidia driver from the nvidia site if I were you23:53
venger_snookie: sounds good23:53
techgeek40Odysseas: i did the sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx - I will then take all the suggestions - including indy's and do the dpkg at the terminal window23:53
venger_snookie: i assume you are using the alternate install disk, i haven't even messed with that23:53
_snookievenger: the server install cd23:53
_snookievenger: thanks for your help, I greatly appreciate it23:54
techgeek40Odysseas: Okay I will try the driver from the web site - thank you Odysseas and IndyGunFreak23:54
techgeek40<---away trying the suggestions23:54
odysseastechgeek40: be sure to read the README file for instructions though23:54
martynDJ - read this - might help: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql/17136623:54
techgeek40Will do23:55
wolferinehttp://www.pastebin.ca/873925 NFS issues23:56
brewHi all!23:56
KaledCiao a tutti23:57
brewcould someone help me set up my ubuntu server so i can sftp into it?23:57
PriceChild!ch | Kaled23:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:57
mohbanaanyone having errors installing ubuntu 7.10 with a 8800gts 512mb please tell me if you have found a work around23:57
pfwdtechWhat do you need to know Brew?23:57
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
brewpfwdtech: I'm trying to be able to SFTP into my ubuntu machine :D could you help?23:58
pfwdtechyeah ok you use it like scp23:58
bardyrmohbana, use the alternative cd, and install the newest nvidia binary driver manual afterwards23:58
brew:/ i have filezilla on my windows machine, and an ubuntu laptop23:59
mohbanabardyr, ive installed via the alternate cd, how do i get the nvidia binary driver? did you experience the same error? it didn't recognize your monitor right?23:59
brewi dno what to install to be able to sftp into my laptop23:59
bardyrmohbana, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new23:59
guidovis there a tool which can receive a connection, initiate another connection to a certain ip and pass through all data between those two connections? some kind of all round gateway tool?23:59

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