
don_andrezhow do I install linux-virtual meta package00:22
cookiemonster077can somebody tell  me how to get stage 6 playback in xubuntu00:43
cookiemonster077how do I use .dmg files. I am told they are just a .iso but when I try to mount it it tells me wrong filesystem01:08
Protohi all01:11
zoredachecookiemonster077: did you find this page? http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm01:11
Protohow can i run a program as root, so it pops up the dialog asking for the root password01:11
zoredacheProto: you want to run something with a gui prompt?01:12
Protosome kind of sudo dialog?01:12
zoredacheuse 'gksu application'01:12
lechewhy is the keyring manager asking me everytime to type password, altough i clicked that checkbox for remembering01:32
zoredacheleche: what do you mean by everytime?  Do you mean you are asked every time at logon?01:48
lecheafter logon...01:48
lechezoredache, i got some apps like gajim that require that keyring thingy01:48
zoredacheright, but once you have opened it during a session you don't have to answer it twice right?01:49
lechebut it doesnt remember for startup01:49
zoredacheit isn't supposed to01:49
lechedo i need this libpam thing?01:49
zoredacheyes, the libpam thing is probably what you want.  It is buggy for me though01:49
zoredachegive it a shot01:49
lechei just found a tutorial that works for gnome, but not for xfce01:50
lechethx in advance zoredache :-)01:51
zoredachewell if you do find a working tutorial tell me01:52
lechei will for sure01:54
lechethis is the one that didnt work01:55
speedcoreseems fast this xfce01:57
cookiemonster077i solved the divx problem02:16
lechezoredache, yepp as i said.. this doesnt work02:28
bassinboyanyone experiencing WM problems? mine is never there, i think it's emerald (i think) that is crashing03:38
bassinboyis there anyway i can not use emerald03:38
bassinboyhow do you disable compiz ?03:46
Breakagebassinboy: If your using Xfce, try "xfwm4 --replace"03:48
Breakagebassinboy: I'm not having prob's with compiz & emerald on xfce on fluxbox atm though. erm check out #compiz-fusion i'm sure someone on there could help you with it.03:54
BreetaiHi all, does anyone know what options to feed configure to compile your own xfce goodie plugins??04:01
bassinboyBreakage: thanks i just want to go with xfce4 wm04:06
Breakagebassinboy: no problem :)04:07
bassinboyBreakage: i either get another wm is running04:08
bassinboyor when i killed x, cannot open display04:08
bassinboydang compiz is still there04:09
Breakagedid you enable to startup in autostart applications? i think thats what its called.04:10
bassinboywhat does the expo plugin do?04:10
Breakagezoom's out and displays all the desktops in like a tile mode04:10
Breakagethen you can move windows around or zoom in to a workspace04:11
bassinboyis there a modules autoload conf file?04:14
bassinboyi've noticed ubuntu likes to be rebooted to make wireless work after i modprobe04:14
Breakageerm not sure but i know you can autoload modules if you put them in /etc/modules04:18
benjgvpsI need to format a vFat partition into a hfs partition04:57
benjgvpsAny Ideas?04:58
duncanmanyone awake, i'd like to find someone running xubuntu to test out a package06:32
duncanmit's a normal ubuntu package, afaik, in gutsy (running GNOME), there are no problems06:32
duncanmbut on my laptop running eeexubuntu, it doesn't work06:32
nikolami am on amd6406:33
ere4sidid you install it from synaptic?06:33
WyrmulI have added a new sound card to my system and I cannot get xubuntu to notice06:33
duncanmnikolam: can you install mit-scheme and try someone for me?06:33
nikolamI am strugling to make my stable system operational at all costs. Maybe on some VM but i dont have one installed now.06:35
nikolamOk, I will, but as I say, I use amd6406:35
ere4siWyrmul, does it show when you type - lspci - in a terminal?06:35
nikolamI have oly mit-scheme-doc package in synaptic06:36
duncanmnikolam: i guess it's not available on 64bit06:36
Wyrmulhow can I show you without spamming the room?06:36
ere4simaybe it has dependencies - is there a readme file?06:36
ere4si!paste | Wyrmul06:37
ubotuWyrmul: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:37
nikolammaybe we can make some package, i am just in a mood :)06:37
duncanmnikolam: i don't think it's available for 64 bit06:37
duncanmanyone else available for a quick test? it'll only take a few minutes06:38
nikolamduncanm Maybe I can make it from source for amd64? :)06:38
duncanmnikolam: it's an intepreter, it doesn't generate 64bit code06:38
duncanmnikolam: so even if you have source, it wouldn't build06:39
ere4siWyrmul, an audigy sound card?06:39
nikolamno i ment to make a package for it for my synaptic :)06:39
WyrmulI have a creative Sound Blaster X-fi06:39
duncanmi don't understand06:39
ere4siWyrmul, line four in your paste - creative sb06:40
duncanmere4si: do you have a second?06:40
ere4siWyrmul, can you right click the sound icon and choose preferences?06:41
ere4siduncanm,  k06:41
duncanmere4si: are you running xubuntu on x86 hardware?06:42
WyrmulK, I have "Device #0: VIA 8235"  Amt the Wannabe Master is "Line in, 0"06:44
ere4siduncanm, I use it on a pent3 for a file sever atm06:44
duncanmi need someone with an X desktop to test it06:44
ere4siduncanm, is it from source or synaptic?06:44
duncanmit's all packages06:45
duncanmin fact, it's just one package06:45
duncanmere4si: if you could apt-get install mit-scheme06:45
ere4siduncanm, then it's not doing what? pls06:45
duncanmand once it's installed, run scheme06:45
duncanmand then, type (edit)06:46
duncanmif a new window pops up, it means it works, if not, then it proves my point (i guess_06:46
duncanmere4si: does that make sense?06:46
ere4siduncanm, check your permissions would be my first guess06:47
duncanmit has nothing to do with that06:47
WyrmulWell. It looks like there isn't a solution for getting this card working.  Alsa doesn't support it,  And the only driver available seems to be available for 64bit06:47
Wyrmulthanks anyway06:47
ere4siWyrmul, there should be an option to select the audio device rom the right click - preferences06:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:12
ochosihi, can i change totems config in a file somewhere? cause i was using compiz-fusion with xgl a while ago and there totem worked, now it just stopped working07:31
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
Euan17i just installed xubuntu on my laptop11:29
Euan17where can i find the power management settings?11:29
Euan17how do i mount network drives in xubuntu?11:54
totalwormfaceEuan17: try fusesmb11:54
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:56
=== leche_y_galletas is now known as leche
totalwormface!fusesmb is fusesmb allows easy access to networkshares https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb12:01
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
needcoffeehi, does someone know if it's possible to browse a directory via obex? maybe in a way like with nautilus (nautilus obex://foo)17:38
TheSheepneedcoffee: thunar only supports local browsing17:39
needcoffeeto bad :(17:40
TheSheepneedcoffee: mayb there is a fuse filesystem for that though17:40
needcoffeethe problem is, i need to mount/unmount it on the fly17:40
needcoffeeahh, i see...thank you TheSheep, i'll try this17:42
Wyrmulsomehow my grub settings were cleared.  I have lost the option to dual boot to my windows xp drive.  I have tried recreating the entry but I haven't had much success.17:55
gorilla3dAnyone know how to fix my tiny tiny tiny fonts?18:05
gorilla3dI ran gorilla3d@gorilla3d-desktop:~$ xdpyinfo | grep resolution and got18:05
gorilla3d resolution:    10x7 dots per inch18:05
TheSheepgorilla3d: you can set dpi in your xorg.conf18:08
gorilla3dTheSheep: http://paste2.org/p/12456 thats what I have :\18:10
TheSheepgorilla3d: that's font paths18:10
TheSheepgorilla3d: you want to add a line in the screen section18:10
TheSheepgorilla3d: with 'option "dpi" "96x96"' for example18:11
gorilla3dTheSheep: whats the function for it?18:13
gorilla3dnvm I found it Display size18:17
RandyboYIve bought myself a new (PCI) screen/graphics card and have installed it in a brand new server. (New as in not used, but probably some years old.) The integrated screencard stops functioning when the new is installed. (Understandably enough..) Ive put the vga in a good old crt screen and plugged s-video in my flat-tv. Both works up to a certain point. That point is the exact moment i press ctrl+d. (Must start up in recovery mode) I can do18:55
cogenoOk, I'm not running Xubuntu, but the #linux channel kicks me out for some BS reason regarding a proxy19:20
cogenoAnyway, I'm trying to remove the bottom panel in kiosk mode on XFCE. Once I put the kiosk mode on, it comes back. Does anyone know how to fix thsi?19:20
TheSheepcogeno: maybe try #xfce19:21
cogenoAh, thank you19:21
furiousphilwell ... i googled a lot but it didn't help:19:41
furiousphilI want to change the resolution of my login screen. Therefore, I deleted all the low resolutions in the xorg.conf file and just left the 1650x1050 which is the resolution of my tft. The xorg-passage looks like that now:19:41
furiousphilSection "Monitor"19:41
redwyrmwhat's a good GUI for the iptables firewall system in xubuntu?21:05
LetsGo67I am not getting the "Screen and Graphics Configuration" that was promised in Xubuntu, how can I install it please?21:07
TheSheep!firewall | redwyrm21:11
uboturedwyrm: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:11
RandyboYIve bought myself a new (PCI) screen/graphics card and have installed it in a brand new server. (New as in not used, but probably some years old.) The integrated screencard stops functioning when the new is installed. (Understandably enough..) Ive put the vga in a good old crt screen and plugged s-video in my flat-tv. Both works up to a certain point. That point is the exact moment i press ctrl+d. (Must start up in recovery mode) I can do21:12
RandyboYMaybe remove all installed drivers for the integrated graphics card(if there is a way to find that out)? And install new drivers for that specific card? There is only one problem and that is that i think both uses ati-drivers21:16
philipp__hello, still got the problem with my login screen resolution ...21:48
philipp__i cannot change it, even not by editing my xorg.conf file21:48
redwyrmTheSheep, thanks21:52
RandyboYIsnt xubuntu suppsed to contain /et/inittab?22:26
martynRand - mine doesn't.22:32
bad_cablesi need to get a wireless card for my xubuntu box, i also run DSL23:11
bad_cableswhat brand should i get?23:11

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