
phroughyhello! i can't get the synaptic driver to work00:00
phroughyanyone there?00:03
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:04
* RAOF loves that factoid.00:07
RAOFphroughy: Your problem is probably the default, really minimal xorg.conf.00:07
DanaGI have tons of customizations applied to my touchpad.00:10
DanaGtake a look.  There are some nifty options there.00:10
DanaGFor example, I have it set so 1-finger tap is nothing, 2-finger tap is middle button, and 3-finger tap is right button.00:11
DanaGdang, emu10k1 doesn't hot-swap well.00:12
dreamnid... what sound card?00:12
DanaGYup, panic.00:15
theunixgeekDoes Dell's Ubuntu desktop computer allow for the desktop effects?00:16
DanaGHow would I go about writing a udev rule to unload snd-emu10k1 when the respective sound card is removed?00:16
dreamnidmm.. unrelation question, DanaG, but curious which sound card you're using... Emu 0404?00:17
DanaGActually, it's the cardbus Audigy.00:18
DanaGThough Creative thinks Cardbus is PCMCIA.00:20
DanaGThe terms aren't quite that interchangeable.00:20
DanaGIt's like ISA and EISA: Sure, EISA cards are an extension of ISA, but you can't call them ISA.  You can't use an EISA card in an ISA slot.00:21
DanaG(yeah, both are obsolete, and the difference between PCMCIA and Cardbus is ISA versus PCI, but that EISA comparison still works.)00:21
DanaGHmm, 25 megabytes per second reading from USB hard drive.00:36
flipstarthats usb :/00:37
DanaGHmm, now back to 4 or 5 megabytes per second.00:41
DanaGMust be really fraggy, or something.00:41
flipstarmaybe its the file size ?00:41
DanaGI'm copying a signle directory of large files, and the volume was previously very full.00:42
DanaGAnd I am hearing the drive seeking all over the place.00:42
DanaGAnd I have AAM turned on on that drive, too.00:42
flipstaroh got it00:43
DanaG(AAM is Automatic Acoustic Management.)00:44
DanaGOh yeah, I have two HFS+ volumes with the same UUID.  How do I fix that?00:44
RAOFuuidgen, I think.00:45
RAOFBut that should be filed as a bug, IMO.00:45
RAOFIt's not much of a UUID if it's not unique :)00:45
DanaGI used gparted to copy it, so it DOES make some sense that the UUID is the same.00:46
DanaGHowever, it should throw up an error, not mount two differently-labeled but same-UUID'd volumes in the same place.00:47
theunixgeekHow do I make my close button be red and the minimize button blue without writing a completely new theme? (GNOME, GTK, etc)01:29
RAOFMan, virt-manager rocks!01:29
crdlbtheunixgeek: make a metacity theme01:29
RAOFtheunixgeek: I'd suggest looking at either the metacity theme specification, or editing an existing theme.01:30
theunixgeekI don't wanna do much coding right now though :P01:30
crdlba metacity theme is an xml file and some images01:30
bardyrhave anybody installed vmware workstation in hardy_01:37
bardyri cant delete files in nautilus, the error message i get is File exits02:03
bardyror Error removing file File exits02:03
sarthorHi. my ubuntu is working fine, but When i press alt+Ctrl+F1 or F2...., then my text mode is not looking as normal. the fonts are larger, and the screen is looking like too zoomed? how to fix it??02:26
sarthorHi. my ubuntu is working fine, but When i press alt+Ctrl+F1 or F2...., then my text mode is not looking as normal. the fonts are larger, and the screen is looking like too zoomed? how to fix it??02:43
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shirishhi all has anybody tried icedtea-java7-plugin with FF3?04:03
shirishFF3b2 to be more precise04:03
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shirishDanaG: you up buddy?04:11
DanaGI'm around.04:13
DanaGI use java7 with that.04:14
shirishcool, ok here's the thing, I have installed icedtea-java7-plugin but in plugins it shows the gcj plugin (alongwith icedtea)04:14
DanaGhmm, you may need to sudo update-alternatives --config java04:14
shirishDanaG: I'm using Ubulette's private repos also04:14
DanaGIs that the same one?04:15
shirishDanaG: look at http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/minirepos/firefox-minefield/04:17
shirishDanaG: it shows04:19
shirish *+        5    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-icedtea/jre/bin/java04:19
shirishwhich means it does use that04:19
DanaGWait, so the java plugin is present in about:plugins?04:21
shirishDanaG: did you purge/uninstall gcjwebplugin & its alternatives?04:21
DanaGHmm, it should work, then.04:21
DanaGYeah, I have nothing gcj installed.04:22
shirishaha, ok so would purge/uninstall them04:22
DanaGDang, my USB 2.0 drive gives only 30 megabytes per second.04:26
DanaGThat's 240 megabits.04:26
shirishDanaG: uh oh, I ran into an issue uninstalling/purging them04:27
shirishwhile purging/uninstalling them this warning had come04:27
shirishdpkg - warning: while removing gcjwebplugin, directory `/usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins' not empty so not removed.04:27
shirishdpkg - warning: while removing gcjwebplugin, directory `/usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot' not empty so not removed.04:27
shirishDanaG: and doing a ls at shirish@Mugglewille:/usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins$ ls -lat04:28
DanaGThat's good... it should leave alone things that don't belong to that package.04:28
shirishlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   48 2007-06-09 04:14 libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:28
DanaGIt's just telling you that it left the other stuff alone.04:28
DanaGWhere does that alternatives one go?04:28
DanaGThat'll be a symlink to somewhere else.04:29
shirishDanaG: I fail to understand what you just said04:30
DanaGls -l --color=auto /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:31
shirishDanaG: this is what it says in Plugins04:31
DanaGOh yeah, handy hint: edit your .bashrc (in home dir) to enable the 'll' and 'la' aliases.04:32
shirishGCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) 1.504:32
DanaGTry going to a page you know uses Java.04:32
shirishthis is the output from the command you gave04:33
shirish ls -l --color=auto /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:33
shirishlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 2007-06-09 04:14 /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so -> /usr/lib/gcj-4.1/libgcjwebplugin.so04:33
shirishdoes it mean it still is using the libgcjwebplugin also?04:34
shirishDanaG: and what do you mean by edit your .bashrc (in home dir) to enable the 'll' and 'la' aliases.04:35
shirishaha, got you about the aliases ;)04:37
DanaGAah, looks like the symlink is going to the wrong place.04:37
DanaGsudo update-alternatives mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin04:37
shirishit says here04:40
shirish sudo update-alternatives mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin04:40
shirishupdate-alternatives: unknown argument `mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin'04:40
DanaGhmm, try adding '.so' to that.04:40
DanaGThat packaging is weird.04:41
shirishit still says unknown argument :(04:41
DanaGtry:  dpkg -S /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:42
shirish sudo update-alternatives mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:42
shirishupdate-alternatives: unknown argument `mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so'04:42
DanaGOh, you left off "--config"04:43
shirishso it should be sudo update-alternatives mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so --config ?04:44
DanaGmove --config to the left by one.04:44
shirishnow it says04:45
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:45
shirishThere is no program which provides mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so.04:45
shirishNothing to configure.04:45
DanaGThat's odd.04:46
shirish$ dpkg -S /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:46
shirishdpkg: /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so not found.04:46
DanaGPerhaps just remove the original /usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins/(whatever it was) symlink.04:46
se7en_is there a way to make qemu work i get Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such file or directory all the time04:47
shirishDanaG: just for the record this is what it shows in /etc/alternatives04:49
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:/etc/alternatives$ ls -l mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:49
shirishlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 2007-06-09 04:14 mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so -> /usr/lib/gcj-4.1/libgcjwebplugin.so04:49
shirishand this is what it shows in /usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins04:49
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:/usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins$ ls -l04:49
shirishtotal 004:49
shirishlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 2007-06-09 04:14 libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-snapshot-javaplugin.so04:49
DanaGwatch the pasting!04:50
shirishI know but its a pain to post 2 lines to a pastebin, if you mean like that.04:50
DanaGWell, I don't need to see the command you type; all I need is the output.04:52
DanaGIt's not a big deal if you're only posting two lines once or twice, but if you do it too often, it becomes annoying.04:52
shirishtrue so I did remove the symlink but still it seems something is remaining for nothing is changed in ff3 plugins stuff :(04:54
DanaGDid you restart the browser entirely?04:55
shirishyes, but still no change, and now /usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins is empty04:55
DanaGHmm, try removing that directory and replacing it with a symlink to the Firefox 2.0 plugins dir.04:56
DanaGJust watch out: some FF2 plugins crash FF3.04:56
shirishremove mozilla-snapshot directory ?04:57
DanaGJust the plugins dir.04:58
DanaGAnd then sudo ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/plugins /usr/lib/mozilla-snapshot/plugins04:58
se7en_is there a way to make qemu work i get Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such file or directory all the time04:58
DanaGse7en_: have you loaded the kqemu module?04:58
se7en_i installed it ... how do i load it DanaG04:59
shirishDanaG: drats removed the mozilla-snapshot directory, no way to recover it, any ideas what to do?04:59
shirishDanaG: one loses the extensions or something else also?05:00
DanaGse7en_: modprobe kqemu05:00
DanaGor rather, sudo05:00
DanaGOh, and for shirish: you can reinstall mozilla-snapshot.05:01
DanaGOr purge and then reinstall it.05:01
DanaGThat won't lose user settings.05:01
shirish DanaG: surprise, surprise there is no mozilla-snapshot package :(05:03
se7en_DanaG: FATAL: Module kqemu not found. so i guess i have to install ?? package05:04
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shirishDanaG: I have 2 packages, one is firefox, one is firefox-3.005:06
DanaGThen where does mozilla-snapshot come from?05:06
shirishno idea05:07
shirishDanaG: Lemme paste the contents of both the packages at pastebin.ca brb05:08
se7en_DanaG: sorry what package do i have to install apt-cache show kqemu give me nothing05:08
DanaGshirish: don't bother; instead, just look in /usr/lib/firefox-3.005:09
DanaGkqemu is a module that may already be in the kernel.05:09
ubotukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu05:10
DanaGI hate when gnome won't log in, and I have to rm -rf /tmp   (NOT as root!)05:11
DanaGI also hate when my multimedia keys die.05:11
DanaGOr when closing a window locks up Xorg.05:12
shirishthis is the output of dpkg -L firefox05:14
shirishand this is the output of dpkg -L firefox-3.005:16
DanaGMake sure that's a symlink to somewhere -- to the firefox 2 plugins dir, or the firefox-addons dir.05:20
shirishthe lijavaplugin.so is symlinked to /etc/alternatives/firefox-3.0-javaplugin.so05:23
DanaGMine is here: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    25 Jan 20 01:11 plugins -> ../firefox-addons/plugins05:23
shirishDanaG: which in turn is symlinked to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-icedtea/jre/lib/i386/gcjwebplugin.so05:24
DanaGAah, then sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-3.0-javaplugin.so05:24
DanaGAnd if that doesn't work, replace the /etc/alternatives symlink with one going to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-icedtea/jre/lib/i386/gcjwebplugin.so05:25
DanaGWTF?  My shortcut keys broke again!05:26
DanaGOh, they only work with numlock off.05:26
se7en_thanks DanaG i dont get the error anymore but still qemu Knoppix.iso starts and than tells me that iso is not bootable ?? i know it is boot able05:27
DanaGhmm, I use 'qemu-launcher' to start Qemu.05:28
DanaGIt makes it easier.05:28
se7en_DanaG: thank you very much ... qemu -localtime -cdrom KNOPPIX_V5.1.1CD-2007-01-04-EN$.iso -m 200 -boot d  WORKS !!!05:31
DanaGGlad to help.05:32
DanaG(that's one thing great about open-source communities: the 'pay it forward' mentality.)05:32
DanaGOh yeah, and if you want kqemu to load at boot, put it in /etc/modules .05:34
shirishDanaG: it says there is only 1 program which provides firefox-3.0-javaplugin.so & shows the path to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-icedtea/jre/lib/i386/gcjwebplugin.so05:36
DanaGAnd java still doesn't work?  Odd.05:36
shirishDanaG: I don't know whether it works or not, its the wording in the plugins which has been bothering me, it shows as gcj plugin with Icedtea  & shows it as version 1.505:37
shirishshouldn't it be 1.705:37
DanaGBeats me.05:38
DanaGGive Sun's java test page a try.05:38
shirishit verified that its 1.7.0 , odd05:40
shirishCongratulations!  05:41
shirishYou have the recommended Java installed (1.7.0).  05:41
shirishDanaG: what does it show in your Tools > Addons > Plugins for Java ?05:42
DanaGArgh, I tried to .tar.lzma a large folder, and it claimed success, but didn't actually archive everything!05:42
DanaGWhat the hell?  That's dangerous!05:42
shirishDanaG: I'm just looking for output written in Tools > Addons > Plugins , the bit about java05:44
shirishin mine it shows as GCJ Web Browser Plugin (Using IcedTea) 1.505:45
DanaGSame here.05:45
shirishaha, ok but that also means that they have to do some updates there, for as per my understanding it should be 1.7, do know its going to take another 6 months or maybe less for 1.7 to be stable05:46
sudobashhey if I wanted to try 8.04 and found a bug and wanted to try to debug it what source files would I mainly be working in?06:35
RAOFsudobash: The source of the package that you found the bug in, generally.06:36
sudobashright so what If i just wanted to add somethings to the OS... customize it a little06:37
RAOFsudobash: You're also likely to want the relevant ddebs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash06:38
RAOFWell, again you'd be after the source of the thing you want to customise.06:38
sudobash2 weeks ago I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and yesterday I did a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade and now my nvidia driver didnt work so i edited the xorg and changed the driver to nv so I could get into X... I have tried nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, Nvidia script installed from site, and even tried the restricted driver and nothing works06:41
sudobashyesterday I did the updates06:41
sudobashand the driver stopped working... I have tried all those driver plus different types of xorg.conf's06:42
sudobashwhen i stop GDM06:42
RAOFRight.  One of the problems with trying everything is that one invariably messes things up.06:42
sudobashand try startx instead it tells me to check to see if the Nvidia GPU is present06:42
sudobashwhich it is06:43
sudobashso I try the nvidia-xconfig version and then try my version06:43
sudobashneither works06:43
sudobashsometimes it says cannot find the GLX section of the xorg file06:43
RAOFAre you running Hardy (8.04)?06:44
sudobashit says load "glx" but not GLX section like when you have load "dri" you have the DRI section of the config file06:44
sudobashnot that I am aware of Im pretty sure it is 7.1006:44
RAOFYou need neither a glx section, nor a DRI section.06:44
sudobashright just to call GLX06:45
sudobashnothing else06:45
RAOFRight.  So, this is for ubuntu+1 (ie: hardy/8.04) support/discussion.06:45
sudobashapparently XORG has been updated06:45
RAOFYou probably want either #ubuntu or www.ubuntuforums.org06:45
sudobashok well my Q is if i upgrade to 8.04 is NVIDIA driver supported?06:45
sudobashi tried Ubuntu for 2 hours plus yesterday06:45
sudobashand got help but nothing worked... even verified i had the correct xorg version06:46
RAOFIt's a terribly bad idea to upgrade to Hardy in order to fix something.06:46
sudobashbut does 8.04 have a lot of bugs?06:46
sudobashi see06:46
RAOFBecause Hardy *will* break something.06:46
sudobashwell could i uninstall the last packages installed for yesterday??06:46
RAOFIt's not finished.  At this point it is entirely expected for updates to break things which were working.06:46
sudobashso is there a good way to uninstall updates for any given date?06:47
RAOFNot really.06:48
RAOFI'd suggest ubuntuforums.06:48
sudobashi would have to go by the log and uninstall individually probably06:48
sudobashits probably one package06:49
RAOFIt's likely at this point that simply reverting the package update won't fix anything.06:50
sudobashi see... so backup and install 7.10 and try to install driver by wiki06:51
sudobashits strange I am sure it isnt the xorg file because the nv works just nvidia doesnt... so it has to be in the driver... i will try this idea thanks later....06:53
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sudobashif anyone wants to take a look I posted a problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4221601#post422160108:11
DanaGThat was oddd... Wine randomly changed my screen to 320x240 when I tried to configure visualizations in JetAudio.10:17
don_andrezdoes hardy heron support ext4?11:07
void^last time i checked it didn't. not part of the official kernel yet anyway, might make it into .25 i hear.11:08
don_andrezthanks :)11:09
void^they're still finalizing the fs layout, so i guess it's better to wait a little longer.11:09
ccookeI'm not expecting ext4 to get into real systems for another year or more11:39
gileswwwrk_heya peeps12:40
Gigamo_Hi, got a simple question; what's the best way to upgrade from gutsy to hardy; manually changing all gutsy entries to hardy in /etc/apt/sources.list or running update-manager -d?12:41
gileswwwrk_whats the status for the -virtual kernel package for x86_64?12:41
alteregolioyou have to enter fnord -r to update to illuminati v.2312:56
alteregoliothen in chaos manager try to find the pyramid button and click to the eye of the pyramid12:57
Andre_Gondimin hardy heron, where is the driver manager?13:15
PiciAndre_Gondim: should be in the same place.  I remember that during the gutsy alphas I had to install it from the repos though.13:16
Andre_GondimPici, i did upgrade from gutsy to hardy, and this option does not here... how may I resintall?13:17
Gigamo_try running "restricted-drivers-manager" from the terminal13:17
Pici!info restricted-manager13:18
ubotuPackage restricted-manager does not exist in hardy13:18
Andre_Gondimyeah, i saw this when a try13:18
PiciThe package is named restricted-manager on my system :/13:19
Gigamo_!info restricted-drivers-manager13:19
ubotuPackage restricted-drivers-manager does not exist in hardy13:19
Gigamo_to come back to my question since noone answered yet, which way is the safest upgrading from gutsy to hardy? renaming all gutsy entries to hardy in sources.list or running update-manager -d?13:20
Andre_GondimGigamo_, i think update-manager -d13:21
Gigamo_is it advised to close any running apps while doing that?13:21
PiciI dont.13:22
Gigamo_think i'll wait for alpha 4 to be released and then give it a spin then ^13:23
Andre_Gondimhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177141 about restricted drivers manager13:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177141 in ubuntu "[Hardy 8.04 Alpha-1] Restricted drivers administration does not exist. (Restricted-manager is not installed by default.)" [High,Confirmed]13:27
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there, I have no printer configuration entry in the gnome menu in hardy, what is the correct package?13:33
Le-Chuck_ITAI tried gnome-cups-manager but that's the feisty interface13:35
Le-Chuck_ITAwill it stay in hardy ?13:41
wastreli have that package13:42
verb3kLe-Chuck_ITA, I'm not at Hardyd at the moment, but can't you get that if you enter it in the command line13:42
verb3kLe-Chuck_ITA, Hardy*13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAI installed that, the doubt was why I didn't have it in principle13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAif others have it, I will just keep it :)13:43
verb3kLe-Chuck_ITA, don't worry, the Final Heron will just be fine :)13:43
wastreli didn't have nautilus at one point :]13:44
wastrelso yeah it's just a symptom of running an alpha release13:44
Le-Chuck_ITAok however I am pretty satisfied with the result: I configured a network printer and printed a test page in 10 seconds13:44
Le-Chuck_ITAdo that on windows, ah!13:45
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Le-Chuck_ITAthanks all13:47
jimmysparkowww cool14:06
verb3kjimmyspark, what's cool :)14:15
jimmysparkthis chat room :D14:15
verb3kjimmyspark, it's nice but not as active as #ubuntu14:16
jimmysparkI don't run hardy yet, will prolly give it a few more weeks before i wack it on my desktop14:17
jimmysparku on it verb?14:17
verb3kjimmyspark, I am like you, but I saw the the Hardy alpha release notes and there are awesome :)14:20
verb3kjimmyspark, take a look:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha414:20
verb3kjimmyspark, we were in dire need of the CD burning solution and a decent bittorrent client in GNOME(KDE already have those)14:21
jimmysparki've used bittornado before and thought it to be pretty good?14:22
jimmysparkoww i like the new world clock applet! heh14:23
jimmysparki love eye candy :P14:23
jimmysparksystem monitor revamp is nice too14:23
verb3kwhere are you from?14:24
jimmysparkoww i like the policy kit too14:24
jimmysparkUK, u?14:24
verb3kI knew that :)  I am from Saudi Arabia14:24
jimmysparki saw a suggestion for the new theme for hardy on launchpad site, hope they do something new14:24
verb3kI don't think Hardy will have a new theme, probably just minor improvements over the previous one14:25
jimmysparkhow did you know?14:25
verb3kknow what?14:26
jimmysparkverb3k: I knew that :)  I am from Saudi Arabia14:26
verb3kyour use of language reveals this :)14:27
jimmysparkahh :P14:27
jimmysparkmy cousin use to work in saudi14:27
jimmysparkfor one of the royal families or something, he was the head of their house14:27
verb3knice, do you watch football? PL ?14:28
jimmysparknah don't really follow football14:28
verb3kI see, lots of UK people are insane about it (man united heh)14:28
jimmysparkhaha, yes they are - not my cup of tea though! haha14:29
jimmysparkhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardy-sparkle - this sounds good too14:30
verb3kNice, did you see the new Face Browser ? See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/GdmFaceBrowser14:31
jimmysparkmmm GL login screen! nice14:32
jimmysparkyes this looks cool!14:33
jimmysparkhope i'll be bale to use the desktop effects full time after hardy14:33
jimmysparkstill a little too unstable for everyday use i've found14:33
verb3kyes, work is in progress in that area14:34
jimmysparkshame they aint putting AWN in to hardy14:34
verb3kAWN is more unstable than compiz-fusion14:34
verb3kand not all people really like eye candy :)  in fact ubuntu may be used in corporate environments so this type of feature won't be appreciated there14:36
jimmysparkyeah i suppose, i use it at work + at home14:36
PiciHardy needs to be stable for LTS, not as gutsy as Gutsy was14:36
jimmysparki don;t use awn though, although it's nice desktop effects make my workstations unstable14:37
verb3kTrue, gutsy is the most unstable release since I started using ubuntu14:37
jimmysparki've still got my folks on dapper drake :P14:37
jimmysparkI found edgey to be the most unstable14:37
jimmysparkedgy **14:37
PiciI always forget about Edgy.14:38
verb3kI am still refraining from distributing ubuntu because I am wating for the LTS release(gutsy is surely not suitable for large-scale distribution)14:39
jimmysparkwe all use gutsy where i work :-)14:39
jimmysparkusplash still is buggy in gutsy out of the box14:40
PiciAlthough users have to suffer with the unstableness of desktop effects, I'm glad we got it in Gutsy because I'm sure it would be nixed for its first implementation in an LTS.14:40
verb3kyeah, pushing the new technologies aggressively to the real use environment is what will make them better14:42
verb3kI've got to go now guys, see you soon :)14:43
jimmysparksee ya verb3k14:46
jimmysparkyeah Pici, thats a good point - i'm glad they made the release too, when they are stable ubuntu will kick osX & vistas ass in that department14:47
Gigamo_!info awesome15:12
ubotuawesome (source: awesome): dynamic and tiling window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.final-1 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 200 kB15:12
oly-hi, just a quick question anyone know when mysql-query-browser might be fixed or if anyone plans to fix it ?15:24
oly-been waiting for an update for it for a while now, so more concerned that some one knows its broke and plans to fix it for the final release15:25
oly-i was going to report a bug, but all it says is that mysql-query-browser does not use launchpad for bug tracking which is not helpful :p15:27
hitbest way to get rid of mesa drivers?15:27
mtaylorhey all -- I'm getting segfaults on hardy when trying to run /lib/cpp16:50
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articpenguin3800will a kernel upgrade break my ndiswrapper17:07
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kristian42MY gnome desktop doesnt seem to start properly with recent updates. Anyone know how to fix ?17:12
mtaylormtaylor@solace:~$ ls -ltra /lib/cpp17:17
mtaylorlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2008-01-27 17:38 /lib/cpp -> /etc/alternatives/cpp17:17
mtaylormtaylor@solace:~$ sudo update-alternatives --list /lib/cpp17:17
mtaylorNo alternatives for /lib/cpp.17:17
kristian42Hello ! Can someone tell me how to bring up the gnome desktop? It broke a day or so ago..17:18
mtaylorkristian42: don't know for sure - but make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed? mine got uninstalled yesterday by mistake17:22
kristian42mtaylor: No its installed, I get the brown screen but no icons of any sort17:23
mtayloroh fun17:23
mtaylorkristian42: that I haven't seen17:23
kristian42Would you know how I could reset the whole gnome configuration ?17:25
flipstarwhats about sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop ?17:27
kristian42flipstar: I tried that, but it didnt help :(17:28
WorkingOnWisewould the package "hibernate" be a good thing to try if my laptop doesn't properly suspend or hibernate with Ubuntu "out-of-the-box"? I really dont think it is a Hardy issue. I think it is a cheapo hacked up oem bios issue...17:33
smallfoot-when alpha4 come?17:35
flipstarfew days17:35
flipstar31.01 see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule17:36
kalpik31st jan17:36
smallfoot-ok thanks17:36
smallfoot-why is final come after alpha6?17:37
smallfoot-isnt supposed be alpha, beta, rc?17:37
kalpiksmallfoot-, beta is there :) look harder ;)17:38
Assidalpha is no where near complete17:39
smallfoot-maybe page is little unclear for me17:40
smallfoot-ya, i noticed alpha3 was sucks, it was run like windows95 alpha117:40
kalpiksmallfoot-, i (fortunately) have 0 issues with updated alpha317:41
smallfoot-my alpha3 works sucks17:41
smallfoot-i cant use ubuntu17:41
Assidmine didnt even shut down right17:42
Assidim afraid it wont start up again17:42
smallfoot-when you upgrade to alpha release, it should warn you with red text "Are you fucking crazy? Seriously?"17:43
smallfoot-i regret upgrading to alpha17:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:43
smallfoot-i didnt know it would suck17:43
smallfoot-ok sry17:43
kalpiksmallfoot-, they do that on the forums :)17:43
smallfoot-they should do it inside the update manager, cuz i didnt read forum17:43
kalpiksmallfoot-, that's your bad then ;)17:43
smallfoot-i just updated, thought it would be ubuntu 7.10 with new cool software, but oh no, it was a mess17:43
Assidalpha is ummm ... "alpha " ?17:43
PiciNot sure what you are expecting from an alpha...17:44
kalpiksmallfoot-, lol..17:44
kalpikPici, he told you what he was expecting - "new cool software" :p17:44
Assid"welcome to alpha ubuntu ... we are now future ready and can read your brains.. with less crashes"17:44
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smallfoot-and i read this new X would be awesome and auto-detect everything, and be all good and work without config files17:46
smallfoot-but it runs crap screen resolution with crap refresh rate17:46
kalpiksmallfoot-, notice the "would be"? :P17:46
smallfoot-yeah, but its not17:47
smallfoot-and its final release of xorg 7.3, so thats what it should be17:47
kalpiksmallfoot-, not necessarily.. integration is a huge part that decides how software behaves17:47
smallfoot-well then i hope final ubuntu8 will be good17:48
PiciOnce we start getting to the later alphas is when things really start to work together17:48
kalpiksmallfoot-, dont hope, it WILL be good17:48
smallfoot-ok :D17:48
kalpiksmallfoot-, especially since its gonna be an LTS17:48
smallfoot-LTS means its gonna be a boring ass release which is same like 7.10 with nothing new?17:49
kalpiksmallfoot-, no! LTS=it will be more stable17:49
smallfoot-then all versions should be LTS17:49
PiciLTS = long term support = it pretty much has to be stable17:50
smallfoot-in windows you have 10 year LTS17:50
kalpiksmallfoot-, heh.. good point.. if you want a perfectly stable distro, try debian stable ;)17:50
Assid<smallfoot-> in windows you have 10 year LTS17:50
hita stable os is boring imo :p17:50
Assidthat goes for print on my door17:50
Assidsmallfoot-: no windows has 10 year support17:50
Assidnot even windows xp17:51
smallfoot-server versions does17:51
smallfoot-other versions got atleast 5 year support17:51
kalpiksmallfoot-, want more support? try RHEL!17:51
kalpiksmallfoot-, there are so many options my friend!17:51
kalpikuse the one that suits you the most!17:51
Picismallfoot-: Even if it Windows did, its a compeletly different animal, not free/libre17:51
smallfoot-Windows NT 4.0 - Release date: July 29, 1996 -- Extended Support Period until June/July 2010,[2][3] security updates will be provided free of cost and paid support is still available.17:52
smallfoot-oops, Unsupported as of December 31, 2004.[1] not 201017:52
Assidsmallfoot-: and windows nt 4.0 costed........ ?17:52
smallfoot-windows 2000 is 201017:52
Assidthats the only sane server they released17:52
smallfoot-Windows XP - Release date: October 25, 2001 info -- Mainstream support (only with Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3) Extended support until period April 8, 2014[17:53
smallfoot-thats 13 year extended support17:53
PiciI'm not sure what you're trying to prove, you really cant compare a Linux distribution to windows in terms of support.17:53
Assidand what was windows millenium17:53
smallfoot-Pici, why not?17:53
Assidsmallfoot-: when you pay for linux.. thats when you compare17:54
smallfoot-Assid, WinME 6 years. Release date: September 14, 2000. Unsupported as of July 11, 200617:54
Assidyou want support.. pay a company for it17:54
Assidit costs money to support older versions of software17:55
Assidunless you plan to provide free support for older versions, your welcome to do so if you are17:55
kalpikAssid, smallfoot- not really!17:56
kalpiklook at centos17:56
kalpikHow long will CentOS-2 updates be supported?17:56
kalpikWe intend to support CentOS-2 updates until May 31 2009.17:56
Assidthe reason why you dont upgrade windows that often is cause it costs money.. and organisations dont wanna buy 100s of licenses everytime microsoft sneezes out a new os17:56
Assidkalpik: and centos is by a company ?17:56
Assidsome kind of organisation?17:57
Assidheck.. check debian woody17:57
kalpikAssid, its same as RHEL.. only free17:57
kalpikAssid, centos 2 is OLD! current version is centos5 :)17:57
Assidwell im just saying17:58
Assidit costs resources to support older platform17:58
kalpikyeah true17:58
Assidif you take debian for example17:58
Assidfirst and foremost its sooo damn huge it has different versions for different platforms17:58
Assidimagine making backports for every version of every platform for more than 5 years17:59
Assidthen why upgrade?17:59
kalpikheh yeah17:59
Assidwhy not just come out with windows 98 SP15 ?17:59
kalpiksmallfoot-, anyway, if you like windows more cause of its support, by all means USE it! :)18:00
Assidsmallfoot-: dont feel bad.. im using it as my desktop.. but my servers and laptop all use linux18:00
Assidif you care more about extended support..you can vcery well stick to xp18:01
Assidits just same old thing.. with longer support18:01
Assidand if you pay microsoft.. im sure they will support 98 too]18:02
flipstarwill hardy finally run on 2.6.24 ?18:04
flipstari heard 2.6.25 just released18:04
Spenser309flipster 24 relased yesterday18:05
flipstarhm and what do you think when will ext4 be stable enough ?18:06
Spenser309im sorry 24 kernel landed on the 2418:07
Spenser309jan 2418:07
Spenser309From what ive read ext4 is very stable the question is just if its enterprise stable18:08
smallfoot-oh cool18:09
Gnineremoved flashnonfree, installed gnash via synaptic - system restart: failure - no flash playback - firefox did not recognized gnash. reinstalled flashnonfree - restart - flash media: ok.18:42
Gninex86_64 amd tk5318:43
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Nik0la0sany idea why echo "test" | mailx -s "hello friend" nikos1337@gmail.com20:46
Nik0la0s doesnt sent me the mail?20:46
wastreltry with -v and you can get verbose output with some useful error msgs maybe20:46
Nik0la0s  ** nikos1337@gmail.com R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported20:47
Nik0la0scan you help me20:48
Nik0la0si ant send neither with mutt or mailx20:48
wastreldid you install postfix?  is this hardy?20:48
Nik0la0syes it is hardy20:48
Nik0la0snik@dell:~$ uname -a20:48
Nik0la0sLinux dell 2.6.24-3-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 3 23:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux20:48
Nik0la0sisnt mutt adequate?20:49
wastrelyou need postfix.20:49
wastrelmutt can't talk to a remote mail server, it uses local transport20:49
Nik0la0smutt and mail can only talk to local MTA ?20:50
Nik0la0swhich is postfix?20:50
wastrelthat's correct20:50
Nik0la0sis there a cli mail cleint that can use remote MTA?20:50
wastrelmaybe pine i don't know.  postfix isn't horrible20:51
wastrelsendmail is but fortunately for us postfix exists :]20:51
Nik0la0si dont knwo how to configure postfix20:51
Nik0la0scan you helpe me configute postfix?20:52
wastrelinstall it and open /etc/postfix/main.cf20:52
Nik0la0sit asks soem things during instalaltion20:52
Nik0la0sdo i need psotfix or exim?20:53
Nik0la0swhy this ?>?20:53
wastrelboth will work, postfix is easier imo20:54
Nik0la0ssudo nano etc/postfix/main.cf ?20:54
wastrelif you use nano20:55
Nik0la0sokey its na mepty fike20:55
wastrelare you in /  ?20:55
Nik0la0snik@dell:~$ pwd20:56
wastrel/etc/postfix/main.cf should exist20:56
Nik0la0sah yes it does20:57
wastreladd a line  relayhost = your.isps.mailserver20:57
Nik0la0sbottom end?20:58
wastrelat the bottom should be fine20:58
Nik0la0show cna i search for this line inside the file using nano?20:58
Nik0la0s /relay ?20:58
wastrelmy default one seems to have it20:58
wastreli odn't know how to search in nano20:58
wastreljust scroll down to the bottom, it's not a long file20:59
Nik0la0sye sit does!20:59
Nik0la0si want to use gmail's smtp server20:59
wastrelsmtp auth?  i don't know how to do that offhand20:59
Nik0la0srelayhost = smtp.gmail.com21:00
Nik0la0sits TLS21:00
Nik0la0sand its port is 58721:00
Nik0la0swhat do i need to add?21:01
Nik0la0sto tell it use 587 port and tls?21:01
wastreli can't say - mine is a basic smtp relay on 25 no auth no security21:03
Nik0la0s smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes21:03
Nik0la0ssmtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd21:03
Nik0la0ssmtp_sasl_security_options =21:03
Nik0la0sdo i ahve to add these lines?21:03
Nik0la0sif i sue another basic server21:05
Nik0la0s'do i need to tell it its 25?21:05
Nik0la0snik@dell:~$ echo "test" | mail -v -s "hello friend" nikos1337@gmail.com21:06
Nik0la0sMail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <nik>.21:06
Nik0la0swastrel, ?21:06
Nik0la0sit deosnt work!21:07
wastreli'm reading the docs21:08
wastrelrelayhost takes   hostname:port21:08
Nik0la0smyhostname = dell21:08
Nik0la0salias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases21:08
Nik0la0salias_database = hash:/etc/aliases21:08
Nik0la0smydestination = dell, localhost.localdomain, localhost21:08
Nik0la0srelayhost = mail.forthnet.gr21:08
Nik0la0smynetworks =
Nik0la0smailbox_size_limit = 021:08
Nik0la0srecipient_delimiter =21:08
Nik0la0sinet_interfaces = loopback-only21:08
Nik0la0sinet_protocols = all21:08
wastrel25 is default, you don't need to specify21:08
Nik0la0sso it must be21:08
Nik0la0srelayhost = mail.forthnet.gr:2521:08
Nik0la0sso it is ok as it is?21:08
Nik0la0si put 25 anyhow21:09
Nik0la0sbut mail still aitn sent21:09
wastrelyou probably want to remove the ssl stuff because the relayhost isn't using it now21:09
wastrelah you didn't put that in.21:09
Nik0la0syes i remove it21:10
Nik0la0swhen i decided to use my isp mail settigns'instead of gmails21:10
Nik0la0snik@dell:~$ echo "test" | mutt -s "hello friend" nikos1337@gmail.com21:10
Nik0la0sbut no mail arrives at gmai address :)21:11
wastrelchange your hostname21:11
Nik0la0sto what?21:11
wastrelit needs to be an internet address21:11
Nik0la0sdell isnt acceptable?21:11
Nik0la0syou mean this myhostname = dell21:11
wastrelprobably not due to anti-spam21:11
wastrelyes.  myhostname = forthenet.gr21:11
Nik0la0swithout username in front?21:12
Nik0la0smyhostname = forthnet.gr21:12
wastrelwhatever works. give it a try21:12
Nik0la0smyhostname = nikos@forthnet.gr21:12
Nik0la0snetworks ok?21:12
Nik0la0smynetworks =
Nik0la0sit worked!!!!21:13
wastrelyes the 192.168/16 isn't necessary unless this machine is accepting mail from the LAN21:13
Nik0la0sit fucking worked!21:13
Nik0la0sit needed change to the hiostanme21:13
wastrelthank spammers for that21:14
Nik0la0slol yeah21:14
Nik0la0s<wastrel> yes the 192.168/16 isn't necessary unless this machine is accepting mail from the LAN21:14
Nik0la0swhat do you mean by that?21:14
wastrelused to be nobody'd care what you said you were sending from21:14
wastrelok the 192.168/16 is the LAN address.  it means the server is listening for machines on the LAN who want to relay mail through it.21:14
wastrelthis would be fine if you have trusted machines on that lan who need to relay mail through your postfix21:15
Nik0la0syou mean other pcs using my pc to send mals cause iam runnign postfix?21:15
wastrelit's unnecessary otherwise.  and  bad if you're say, wifi and any old person can spam through your postfix if they're on the same 192.168/16 network21:15
Nik0la0sill remove it21:16
Nik0la0swill it work if i use as hostanme soemthign else that forthnet.gr ?21:16
wastrelprobably , but probably needs to be something that resolves to a real internet ip21:17
wastreldepends on the policy of the relay host21:17
wastrelin this case they're obviously checking21:17
wastrelbecause dell didn't work21:17
Nik0la0sill try again!21:18
Nik0la0smydestination = dell, localhost.localdomain, localhost21:18
Nik0la0salso what this tell postfix?21:18
wastrelwhat machine it's running on21:18
wastrelbasically what "local" mail looks like21:19
Nik0la0sif i get an answer to what mail it willr eturn to?21:20
Nik0la0snik@dell:~$ echo "test" | mutt -s "hello friend" nikos1337@gmail.com21:20
Nik0la0ssendmail: warning: valid_hostname: invalid character 64(decimal): orthodox@hacker.gr21:20
Nik0la0ssendmail: fatal: file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter myhostname: bad parameter value: orthodox@hacker.gr21:21
wastrelyou have unicode in there?21:21
wastrelyou have @  in there21:21
wastrelmyhostname isn't an email address21:21
Nik0la0syes i put a username infront21:21
Nik0la0sa domain instead?21:21
wastrelit needs to be a dns name not an email name21:21
wastrelno @21:22
Nik0la0sbut what if i want to make it seem if from a@b.com ?21:22
wastrelthat's the mail client's job21:22
wastrelhrm .  you can do that with envelope rewrites21:22
wastreli forget how21:22
Nik0la0si used myhostanem = hacker.rg and it worked!21:23
wastreli have to run out and do some errands.21:23
wastrelhave fun sending mail21:23
Nik0la0swill you be back?21:23
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askandHow is tracker working in hardy? Better than in Gutsy?22:11
blkorpheustracker is eating resources22:15
blkorpheusapt-get rid of tracker22:15
askandblkorpheus: ah ok, tought it was fixed..boring :(22:17
acewhat is the command for services program?22:48
acedefault program, when you go to system>services22:49
acemine will not open22:49
Piciace: services-admin22:50
PiciIs places>networking working? two of my hardy machines are complaing about it, but I'm not sure if its because they were upgraded.22:51
aceyes thats it, and yes that does not work either22:52
PiciAh, found it: bug 18575622:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185756 in nautilus "Couldn't display "network:///" - Nautilus cannot handle network:locations" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18575622:53
acetook me forever to get screens and graphics program, gtkdisplay-configure i think its called, to work. solution was to add a server layout section to xorg.conf22:54
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:45
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phroughywoot, i got my synaptics touchpad working in hardy23:52
phroughynext up: nvidia23:52

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