
crimsunjcastro: are you guys blogging about -proposed availability?00:09
jcastrocrimsun: I am not blogging about anything at the moment00:10
crimsunjcastro: e.g., "foo is available in gutsy-proposed; please test"?00:10
jcastroif you think I should, let me know00:10
jcastroI have no problems doing so00:10
danbhfivegeneral question: if I have a new project, is there any chance of it making it into hardy at this point?  (I'm looking at the topic)00:10
LaserJockphomes (the gnome guy) suggested something like "Get the latest X two weeks before everybody else!" kind of thing00:10
crimsunthe entire discussion in -devel, for me, boils down to:  1) not enough people are testing,  2) the distro is worried about accountability00:11
crimsun(1) is not easily resolved, but we can do a better job of getting word out there.00:12
crimsun(2) allow the release manager of each stable release, ~ubuntu-sru, and ~ubuntu-security to override SRU/security policy00:12
crimsun(heck, do we even have an active release manager for each stable release?)00:12
tiagoboldtwhat the hell do I do with a package after having it? I've created the package of libmtp-0.2.5, upgrading the existing 0.2.4-?ubuntu?00:14
LaserJockrelease managers,as far as i know, are only really responsible for the dev release00:14
tiagoboldtHow do I get it into hardy?00:14
crimsuntiagoboldt: have you filed a bug using LP against the libmtp source package?00:14
tiagoboldtnop, so is it a bug not having the latest version packaged? :l00:15
crimsuntiagoboldt: attaching a debdiff against the Debian source package would be helpful.00:15
crimsun0.2.5-1 is in Debian unstable.00:16
tiagoboldtdocumentation sucks :\ There could be a lot more of people helping if it was easier to know were to put what :\00:16
tiagoboldthum, so I should port it, something like that, right?00:17
tiagoboldtCan anyone do that? Or should we respect the package maintainer?00:17
crimsuntiagoboldt: do you need someone to assist you in merging 0.2.5-1 from Debian unstable?00:17
crimsunanyone can do the work.00:17
bddebianHeya gang00:18
geserHi bddebian00:18
tiagoboldtthan I shall do it! Do I have to 'reserve' that job for me? so that no one else starts doing the same?00:18
crimsuntiagoboldt: just begin working on it00:18
bddebianHeya geser00:19
tiagoboldtReading the motu pages on it, going to gather the script to use with MoM and start following the documentation :D00:19
crimsuntiagoboldt: ok.00:20
rexbronIf you have got a spare moment, please take a look at openFX: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=openfx00:22
tiagoboldtshould I leave  -- Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic <mom@ubuntu.com> as the maintainer after a merge?00:26
RAOFtiagoboldt: No00:26
joejaxxyou want to change that :D00:27
tiagoboldtthat the script should go and get my debname and debmail (guess that's it) from bashrc, shouldn't it?00:27
joejaxxthat only happens with the initialization of a source directory to a debian package layout00:29
tiagoboldtso, I get all the stuff from mom, correct the conflicts, fill in the changelog and run merge-genchanges, thats it for the start?00:32
RAOFNot really.00:32
RAOFYou really want to go over the previous Ubuntu changes and work out whether they're still necessary.00:33
tiagoboldtand if I'm unsure? :\ example: this one depends in ubuntu of udev, and in debian of something like {$udev}00:34
RAOFThen you might want to check out when that Ubuntu change was made, preferably finding the LP bug, and see whether the rationale still applies.00:35
RAOFIf there *was* an LP bug you can see if the unchanged Debian package still exhibits that bug, and whether the Ubuntu change still fixes it.00:36
tiagoboldtgot it, and, always, for every merge, create first a bug for the source I'm merging, right? So that I can close the bug with my merge, is that it?00:37
RAOFYup.  That also tells other people not to merge the same package.00:37
RAOFAlso you should add a comment on DaD that you're merging.00:38
tiagoboldtmom/dad what's what?00:38
RAOFMoM is the Merge-o-Matic.  DaD is an open-source alternative, with per-package comments.  It's annoying that there are 2 different Ubuntu mergers, but that annoyance is going away.00:39
Lutinreal soon now ©00:40
tiagoboldtstill, for now, I should be careful with both, I'll try that :D00:40
tiagoboldtis there any motu-school scheduled?00:40
RAOFtiagoboldt: If, at the end of it all, you don't understand an Ubuntu change, or whether or not you can drop it you should ask in here.00:41
pochuLutin: MoM code is available now, isn't it? Will you add comments support to it?00:41
Lutinpochu: yeah. me or Adri2000 :)00:44
FujitsuWow, they released it?00:44
ScottKFujitsu: Yes.00:45
joejaxxif there is a bug for the ubuntu kernel, is this one of the cases where a patch format other than a debdiff is better?01:35
crimsunnot necessarily.01:35
crimsunfor the kernel, a git changeset or a URI to its upstream is sometimes more efficient01:36
joejaxxoh ok01:36
crimsun'lo zul01:37
joejaxxhello zul :D01:37
zulhow is it going crimsun and joejaxx01:37
* joejaxx goes to install git01:37
joejaxxit is going well01:37
joejaxxthe reason i ask is because of Bug #16209001:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162090 in linux-source-2.6.22 "appletouch does not recognize trackpad in macbook3,1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16209001:38
joejaxxthe patch on there is only for the gutsy kernel01:38
zulhave you checked to see if this patch has been added upstream?01:39
joejaxxgoing to do that now :)01:40
zulbecause it probably wont get applied to the gutsy kernel now01:40
joejaxxyeah :) i am talking about the hardy kernel :D01:41
joejaxxnope it looks like it is not in upstream yet01:47
* joejaxx is waiting for git clone to finish01:48
RAOFHeh.  That'll take *some time* :)01:49
joejaxx57% down indexing01:49
joejaxxi should have ran that process on here01:49
zuljoejaxx: easier to use the web interface01:51
joejaxxweb interface?01:51
joejaxxyou mean kernel.ubuntu.com?01:52
joejaxxif so i do not have access to that :P01:52
RAOFDarn.  virt-manager doesn't seem to have an interface to "qemu -snapshot".01:52
crimsun /git/01:52
crimsunit'll redirect you to the proper gitweb01:52
joejaxxyeah i do not have access to that01:53
joejaxxRAOF: interesting01:53
joejaxxzul: unless i misunderstood your suggestion :)01:53
crimsun(i.e., it's just a Web frontend ala git.kernel.org)01:54
joejaxxyeah :P  how would that help me create a commit diff?01:55
joejaxxall done01:55
imbrandonzul: how goes fatx?01:57
nxvl_workis there any HowTo on updating packages?02:22
nxvl_worknot merging, but updating02:22
nxvl_worknever mind, found it02:23
joejaxxhttps://people.fluxbuntu.org/~joejaxx/ubuntu/patches/bug162090.patch :D git diff HEAD ftw02:27
emgentnight *02:29
joejaxxemgent: Goodnight02:30
joejaxxzul: you still around? :D03:02
tritiumAnyone from the python team here?03:15
jdongvorian: ktorrent 3.0~rc1 uploaded, I mangled your interdiff a bit, added the epoch and made rules do 3.0~rc1 or ~beta1 instead of stringing them together03:16
jdongvorian: otherwise 3.0rc1 > 3.0, which will suck when they finally release :D03:16
ScottKtritium: What do you need?03:18
jdongvorian: dget it when it shows up, I am submitting that for most absurd watchfile regex award :D03:19
tritiumScottK: was curious about using python-scipy.  It wants to install python2.4.03:19
tritiumScottK: Was it not updated for 2.5?03:20
ScottKI thought it was.03:20
ScottKtritium: Which release are you on?03:20
tritiumScottK: gutsy03:20
* ScottK looks03:21
ScottK2If I start python and import scipy, it works (that's with 2.5).03:23
ScottK2tritium: ^^^03:23
tritiumScottK: okay, so at least it works.  Any idea why it pulls in 2.4?03:24
tritiumThanks for looking into it, ScottK.03:24
ScottK2What do you mean pulls in 2.4?  Do you mean requires 2.4 to be installed?03:25
tritiumScottK2: yes, installing python-scipy results in python2.4 also being installed.03:25
ScottK2tritium: It installs bit that are python2.4/2.5 specific, so it does properly depend on both of them.03:26
ScottK2tritium: This is a needed part of support for multiple python version.  python-scipy isn't at all unusual in this regard.03:26
tritiumScottK2: okay, fair enough.  Thank you.03:26
ScottK2tritium: Also, the "python" team on LP doesn't appear to actually do anything.03:26
tritiumIs that so?  Well, I appreciate your reply.  Thanks again.03:27
ScottK2No problem.03:27
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nxvl_workto have a package on gnome-default-applications it must be done on the package or on the source?03:36
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mcisbackukDon't know if this is a bug or not, but just upgraded using 'sudo update-manager -d', yes I had problems, but they're sorted, but the desktop background is the elephant theme, keeping the brown/orange Ubuntu look, so why are the titlebars blue?03:52
mcisbackukDoes anyone else have this?03:54
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
eddyMulmust package.orig.tar.gz have 1 "toplevel" directory?04:15
LaserJockeddyMul: that is the convention yes. it should be <packagename>-<version>04:28
eddyMulLaserJock: so, dpkg-source will unpack 1 extra level?04:28
LaserJockwhat do you mean by "1 extra level"04:29
eddyMulLaserJock: I'm looking at phpmyadmin's source04:29
eddyMulLaserJock: phpmyadmin_$${version}.orig.tar.gz has a phpmyadmin-${extra-string}-$${version}/ folder in it04:30
eddyMulLaserJock: but `apt-get source phpmyadmin` unpacks stuff into phpmyadmin-$${version}/ folder04:31
eddyMulLaserJock: so, somehow dpkg-source unpacks the orig.tar.gz, and does some renaming?04:31
LaserJockI see04:31
eddyMulLaserJock: do I understand dpkg-source's behavior correctly?04:32
LaserJockI believe so, the convention is <packagename>-<version>/ so dpkg-source handles that04:33
eddyMulLaserJock: I see.04:34
eddyMulLaserJock: my orig.tar.gz so far doesn't have a "toplevel" directory, but `pbuilder` didn't seem to complain so far. Of course, I've never tested it by installing it.....   :p04:35
eddyMulLaserJock: thanx for the clarification04:35
minghuadpkg-source treats tarball with single directory and tarball with multiple directories/files differently.04:35
eddyMulminghua: I see04:36
AnAntpersia: Hello04:41
RAOFWhen reviewing, how much do we care about missing watchfiles?06:19
LaserJockhmm, depends on who you ask I'd think06:19
RAOFFair enough.06:20
LaserJockI think persia's on a watch file crusade so I think he'd tell you to care :-)06:20
LaserJockI personally think they should be included, but wouldn't necessarily not advocate soley on that06:20
RAOFI don't think I'll care too much, since upstream appears to be gnome-look, and it looks extremely difficult to scrape the right info off it.06:21
LaserJockI'd probably go ahead and advocate but tell the packager to either add a watchfile or get-orig-source rule as soon as they can06:21
LaserJockat this point we we need to get stuff in the archive, we can fix bugs (like watch files) later06:22
RAOFWell, this package has a bunch of other stuff broken with it anyway.06:23
LaserJockwell then I'd add a watch file/get-orig-source  to the list then06:23
RAOFEspecially since it's a (kinda) repack.06:23
LaserJockoh yeah, then a get-orig-source sounds like a good thing to add06:24
Fujitsuwatch files are good. I'd reject on the absence of one without good reason.06:24
RAOFIt looks like upstream needs a good kicking though.06:24
LaserJockI personally wouldn't reject if that was it but I'd want the packager to say they will add one as soon as they can06:25
RAOF(They distribute a tar.bz2 containing a tar.gz containing the source and another tar.bz2 containing the gtkrc themes)06:25
LaserJockbut as long as there's other stuff then yeah06:25
LaserJocknifty :/06:25
RAOFGah!  Copyright headers are the bane of my existance.06:25
LaserJockhehe ;-)06:25
RAOFLet's see if I can break revu with an over-long comment again!06:26
LaserJockI'm currently trying to figure out how the licensing works on a package that seems to have both gpl and Apple something licensed parts06:26
LaserJockI guess it can work in the same way as say Java and a GPL Java app06:27
RAOFI need to work out whether I need to kill openssl-linkage for the shiny new "let's include yet another libtorrent in our source tarball" miro.06:27
* LaserJock scratches his head a little06:27
minghuaFujitsu: Does "upstream uses sourceforge" count as a good reason for you?06:27
LaserJockI wouldn't think so06:27
RAOFminghua: Isn't there the special sauce for sourceforge in newer debhelper?06:27
* minghua wonders if it makes sense to use Debian's QA sourceforge redirect URL in a Ubuntu-only package.06:28
LaserJockwatch files work with sourceforge06:28
LaserJockminghua: why not? :-)06:28
minghuaRAOF: Yes there is, probably not in debhelper though.06:28
minghuaLaserJock: External reliance?06:28
* RAOF isn't sure where he got that meme from. I thought it was man uscan, but it aint.06:29
LaserJockminghua: we kinda shoot that ever release ;-)06:29
LaserJockgiven that the vast majority of our packages rely on Debian06:30
LaserJockbut I get your point06:30
minghuaLaserJock: Yeah, I was half-kidding.  Not objection of using Debian services, just some strange feeling.06:32
minghuas/objection of/objection against/, I suppose...06:32
AnAntpersia: Hello06:38
RAOFNow that I've reviewed the aurora gtk2 engine package, any kindly DD care to help me close the gtk2-engines-nodoka ITP? :)06:58
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gesergood morning07:17
wallyweekhey geser!07:20
RAOFJoy.  Miro embeds deluge-torrent which embeds a libtorrent.07:23
RAOFHere's one for those with more copyright patience than me: Miro is GPLv2.  The libtorrent it includes links to openssl.  The only mention of openssl in any copyright statement is "the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library", in the build script.07:26
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
RAOFThe question is: "is it time to patch out the linking to openssl?"07:27
* Fujitsu thinks it probably is.07:30
minghuaSounds like so.07:30
RAOFLet's get a patching!07:31
* minghua reads the situation as "it is fine to link libtorrent against openssl, it is not to link Miro against openssl".07:31
RAOFAnd linking is transitive.07:32
minghuaI'm talking about distributing compiled binary, of course.07:32
LaserJockminghua: ah good point, I was kinda wondering why the statement wouldn't suffice, but that makes sense07:32
minghuaLaserJock: Yeah.  Basically, you need a more permissive license than GPL to link to OpenSSL.07:33
minghuaSpecial exception is one case of the "more permissive".07:33
* minghua also thinks Miro upstream needs to be hit by some licensing cluebat.07:34
RAOFSo, to make it clearer upstream would want to add the exception to *all* their licensing headers, right?07:34
minghuaI'll bet they distribute binary Miro themselves, too.07:34
RAOFOh, hell yes.07:34
RAOFAnd I get nice bug reports for it on launchpad :(07:35
minghuaSuch is life of package maintainers. :-)07:35
* wallyweek is not away07:36
RAOFI hope deluge has decided to link against a system libtorrent.07:41
FujitsuRAOF: Knowing them, I doubt it.07:41
RAOFWell, browsing the _Miro_ source, there's a note from deluge saying "We really should link against a system libtorrent"07:41
RAOFI hate it when A includes the source for B (which includes the source for C).07:42
* Fujitsu looks at a lot of Java apps.07:43
minghuaYeah, and Java apps include .jars, which is essentially compiled binary stuff, AFAIK?07:44
RAOFWhoops.  Accidentally adding "ll" to the top of a python script kills the build, would you believe?08:11
FujitsuNice one.08:11
RAOFI am nothing if not awesome.08:12
warp10Heya all08:20
RAOFHi there.08:20
vemonif anyone has time for a little revu i have two packages hanging in the site: lashwrap & phasex08:23
vemonboth are linux audio production apps or the like08:23
RAOFHow many libboost packages will I need to add before miro builds >:(08:26
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vemonRAOF, check the build error which tells you the missing header file and search for the package which contains the header file in packages.ubuntu.com08:40
vemonmaybe you knew that already, but that's my two cents08:40
RAOFvemon: Oh, I know how to do that.  I've just done that 3 times now.08:40
vemonok :) i just built a package which also required a few libboost deps08:41
RAOFOh, arse.  Miro, your build system is rotten.08:43
RAOFAlso, read the frikkin licenses of the source you blindly copy from other projects.  "All rights reserved" is unlikely to be GPL compatible!08:45
RAOFAlright!  More licensing fun!08:47
RAOFhttp://cooperteam.net/logger.cpp <- How GPL compatible is this?08:47
dholbachgood morning08:48
wallyweekhey dholbach!08:48
RAOFHowdy dholbach.08:48
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dholbachhey wallyweek, hey RAOF08:49
warp10morning dholbach!08:49
RAOFdholbach: Know any good "my package is doing crazy things with licences.  How can I tell if it's actually redistributable?" resources?08:50
dholbachRAOF: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#Copyright08:50
geserHi dholbach08:53
dholbachhey geser08:53
RAOFdholbach: Ta, should've tried gnu.org :)08:55
dholbachRAOF: if you find good stuff feel free to add it to the guide08:56
wallyweekdholbach: could you please have a look at sdlmame? it should only need advocation after nearly 1 year of work :( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sdlmame08:59
dholbachwallyweek: I'll put it on my list, but I'm seriously busy catching up with stuff and not feeling well today - so your chances are better if you ask everybody in the channel09:00
wallyweekdholbach: ok, thanks. I'll advertise it again later09:02
* wallyweek bumps09:10
RAOFMan, it's possible to write really *impenetrable* C++ if you try.09:23
FujitsuRAOF: Miro devs have managed it?09:23
RAOFNo, they write un-unittested python.09:24
RAOFBut they've outsourced it to deluge, who've outsourced it to libtorrent.09:24
RAOFOne of the libtorrents, that is.09:24
FujitsuAh, lovely.09:25
RAOFHints for writing impenetrable C++: there's no shame in making your 3 page functions a single statement.  Just have your .def() function return *this, and chain them for 50 lines!09:25
RAOFAlso: templates are your friends.  You should include at least one library that contains no .cpp files, just turing-complete templates.09:26
yamalkeen eyed, well caffeinated reviewers wanted for http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=sabnzbdplus09:36
RAOFHm.  Rather than not build the ssl stuff, it might be easier to make Miro link against gnutls instead.  Hm.09:39
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persiayamal: You might want to loosen your conditions a little :)09:51
yamalpersia: I'll stick with keen eyed and drop the narcotics, then :p09:51
RAOFHow about grumpy, miro hating curmudgeons who'll make up spurious licensing problems because they're sick of trying to make Miro redistributable?09:55
* yamal grabs english language dictionary to look up 'curmudgeons'09:58
rexbronGot a moment? Please take a look at openFX and get some karma (the general kind :P) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=openfx10:03
slytherinpersia: Please give me an advice. Should I fix the w3c-dtd-xhtml problem in Ubuntu? The debian bug sems to be getting nowhere.10:38
* slytherin is impatient about this.10:39
persiaslytherin: I'm inclined to say "just fix it", but I'm not certain about the side-effects of doing so.  Do you have a patch ready?  Can you show me a link?10:39
slytherinpersia: I don't have a patch ready. I was planning to just add symlinks as to avoid any other problems.10:40
man-dislytherin: I'm currently working on an NMU with some XML maintainer10:40
* persia defers to man-di10:40
slytherinman-di: Fine. Thanks for update. I will wait.10:40
slytherinpersia: pm?10:41
wallyweekcould anyone please review sdlmame? come on, it should only need advocation! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sdlmame10:46
persiablueyed: Congratulations!11:10
slytherinhi is it possible to have a wiki page which lists of MOTUs with special interest. So that when I have to solve a problem with a specific package (say a GTK+ program) I can consult the corresponding MOTU accordingly.11:24
emgentheya *11:36
LucidFoxslytherin> Well, the wiki lists MOTU teams11:40
persiaslytherin: MOTUs are encouraged to list their interests on their LP pages, but I don't know if everyone does this, nor if anyone scrapes this information for anything.  Generally it's better to ask this channel or the ML, rather than a specific person.11:42
emgenthi persia11:44
* persia leaves REVU comments on vamp-plugin-sdk, gnubversion, phasex, lv2core, lashwrap, and openfx. Packagers: please fix. Other reviews expected soon...12:10
* persia notes there are still four packages waiting for review that were skipped last week: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mumble http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qdevelop http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ssm http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cvc312:19
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slytherinHobbsee: Since you are the last person who commented on bug 146198 can you please take a look at it before feature freeze? (I hope you do)12:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 146198 in kopete "Add libjasper-runtime to 'Recommends'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14619812:34
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persiaslytherin: You're more likely to see the fix if you submit a patch :)12:34
persia(and, yes, it's pointlessly trivial)12:35
slytherinpersia: What I am not sure of is if it should be 'Recommends' or 'Depends'12:35
minghualibjasper is the JPEG2000 library, isn't it?12:35
slytherinminghua: yes12:36
persiaslytherin: "Recommends" is when any normal person would want it installed.  "Depends" is when it breaks without it.  In this case, "Recommends" is likely more appropriate.12:36
slytherinpersia: Ok.12:36
persiaOn the other hand, check the main/universe boundary: this may be more complicated than it appears.12:36
* minghua thinks in this case libjasperX should recommend libjasper-runtime instead...12:36
minghuaBut what do I know about KDE land.12:37
* persia hasn't really looked, and suspects minghua is correct12:37
minghuaDoes kopete depend on libjasper in Ubuntu?  It doesn't in Debian.12:38
slytherinpersia: libjasper-runtime is in universe. :-(12:38
slytherinminghua: It does in gutsy. Not sure about hardy12:38
persiaslytherin: That's why the MainInclusionReport was invented :)12:39
minghualibjasper1 only Suggests libjasper-runtime in Debian, BTW.12:39
slytherinminghua: last time I checked in gutsy, kopete showed me an error dialog that it needs libjasper-runtime for webcam functionality. Not sure if this would count as bad user experience.12:41
* minghua considers such case perfect example for Recommends.12:43
rexbronpersia: responded to comments on openFX, if you could clarify the points I raised?12:43
minghuaHowever, it really depends on if Ubuntu installs recommends or not these days.12:43
* persia advocates sdlmame, more from an inability to find any issues, rather than from an interest in expanding multiverse12:43
persiaminghua: It will for hardy (even if it doesn't today).12:43
man-diHobbsee: thx for sear12:44
Hobbseeman-di: you're welcome12:44
minghuapersia: Good to hear.  Definitely a step on the right direction.12:44
persiarexbron: 1) I forget which package had the empty directory.  Run lintian or dpkg --contents foo.deb.  2) At least one binary package didn't contain /usr/share/doc/foo/copyright.gz (nor did /usr/share/doc/foo/ appear to be a symlink). 4) such is life.  Please request one (and it's not a blocking issue).  8) Assuming you dropped an 'e', because "debian/rules is not a shell script".12:47
effie_jayxhey all ... I have been trying to fix a bug and I get an error when I try to build the packaged. aparently some dependency has unmet dependencies... how can I go around it?12:50
persiaeffie_jayx: Fix the bug that keeps you from fixing the bug you want to fix, and then fix your bug :)12:51
effie_jayxpersia,  right.12:51
* effie_jayx has never fixed unmet deps :S.12:51
effie_jayxhere goes nothing12:52
slytherineffie_jayx: What did you do the fix the bug? Any changes to configure/makefiles ?12:52
persiaeffie_jayx: It usually just needs a rebuild or small adjustment to build-depends or depends.  Should be fairly easy.  Good luck.12:52
gesereffie_jayx: which unmet dep stops you?12:52
effie_jayxlet me check12:53
* slytherin is tired of lucene2 unit tests. They take too long even on a 2.6 GHz machine with 1 GB RAM.12:53
minghuaeffie_jayx: At least, make sure the unmet dep problem is reported to LP.12:53
effie_jayx kdelibs4c2a depends on libarts1-dev (>= 1.5.0) and it does not install12:54
persiaI thought we were tossing arts for hardy.  Is that not the case?12:54
slytherineffie_jayx: When did you do - sudo pbuilder update'?12:55
minghuaThat's probably going to be a hard one.12:55
slytherineffie_jayx: I mean when was the last time you did it12:55
effie_jayxslytherin,  a two days ago maybe12:55
effie_jayxslytherin,  I am trying again now and see12:56
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
DktrKranzpersia, another aolsver4 breakage in bug 184923, hooray! :)12:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184923 in aolserver4 "package aolserver4 4.5.0-14 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18492312:57
persiaDktrKranz: There's also the libldap transition.  Why do we keep aolserver around again?12:58
DktrKranzpersia, dunno, I'll have a look at it later, I think we should call ldconfig.real again.12:59
persiaDktrKranz: I thought the package was split into aolserver-core and aolserver.  Perhaps the relationship needs to be a Pre-Depends?13:01
persia(where aolserver-core was really libaolserver)13:01
DktrKranzpersia, it won't fail if installed from nothing, probably it will during some upgrades13:02
DktrKranzI'll try on Debian too, let's see if frankie has a final solution about it13:03
persiaAnAnt: usplash-theme-ubuntume commented.  Borderline, and a strong argument would convince me to advocate.13:04
persiaDktrKranz: Thanks.  Good luck with that.13:04
ScottKGood morning all.13:08
Hobbseemorning ScottK13:08
vorianmorning :)13:08
mruizhi all13:08
minghuaMorning ScottK.13:08
ScottK2Hello Hobbsee, vorian, mruiz, minghua, and whoever else decides to say hi.13:09
minghuaeffie_jayx: ScottK may be the person you want to talk to about the kdelibs4c2a unmet deps.13:09
\shaeh moins ;)13:09
ScottK2Hello \sh.13:10
\shbah I hate wine ;)13:10
effie_jayxminghua,  great..  I am updating pbuilder atm so I shall tell you in a couple of minutes13:10
effie_jayx\sh,  don't blame it on them... ;)13:10
\sheffie_jayx, hehe..13:10
ScottK2\sh: Don't hate WINE.  Hate the reasons it needs to exist.13:12
\shScottK2, hehe...I added some fixes yesterday..and now I'm trying to fix this dh_strip thingy...a nightmare13:13
geserpersia: I remember that aolserver needed to call somewhere the real ldconfig to find the libs13:13
effie_jayxslytherin,  the update did it13:14
ScottK2geser: Thanks for taking care of debhelper 6.13:14
persiageser: That was back when the library and the daemon were in the same package (which caused a bit of pain for packages build-depending on it).  There was a package split that was supposed to fix that.13:14
effie_jayxunmet dep gone... :D13:14
persia(Actually, the package split happened about a week before gutsy release, but I applied the ldconfig.real hack because it was less invasive at that late date).13:15
geserpersia: does a pre-depends guarantee that ldconfig will be run before aolserver is tried to start?13:16
* persia comments on extremetuxracer, and heads off for the evening, encouraging others to clear REVU13:16
persiageser: I believe Pre-Depends means the package should be installed and configured before the depending package is installed.  I could misremember though (and I'm at the very tail of my day, so not thinking very clearly).13:17
ScottK2geser: It should, but use of pre-depends is discourages.13:17
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minghuapersia: No, "installed" is very vague in this context.  You want "unpacked" for Pre-Depends.13:18
persiaAnyway, nobody should install aolserver4 on general principles, and the packages that build-depend upon aolserver4-core should work fine.13:18
persiaminghua: Ah.  That's not enough (unless we do ldconfig.real).13:18
tuxmaniacSomeone mind reviewing http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance13:19
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
effie_jayxthnx persia13:21
tuxmaniacHello LongPointyStick13:24
DarkSun88Hi all13:24
LongPointyStickhi tuxmaniac13:24
emgentDarkSun88, heya13:25
DarkSun88Hi emgent13:25
encompassGreetings everyone...13:44
wallyweekpersia: thanks for your review on sdlmame! :)13:44
encompassOur project memaker.org has a package now.  It has been accepted into Ubuntu Universe but we don't have a consistant packager is there someone that can help us out?  None of us know how to package, and we don't want a buggy memaker in Ubuntu. :(13:46
\shencompass, what's the name of your package?13:47
_MMA_encompass: If you learn and manage the package in BZR it can be easy to get someone to push you changes to the archive.13:48
encompass\sh: memaker13:49
\shmemaker source package is in the archive, packaged by pete ...but no binary package ...13:50
encompassmemaker needs to be compiled?13:50
\shah it's still in the newqueue13:50
\shencompass, ask pete savage if he's willing to main your package in general (cbx33 is his nick on irc.freenode)13:52
encompass\sh: you mean, like in the main repo?13:59
\shencompass, nope...maintaining ;) taking care of the package :)14:00
encompassoh wait.. hehe14:00
encompassyeah... I don't think he can14:00
encompasswe are good friends14:00
encompasswe would have said if he can maintain it...14:00
encompassbut with his new job and kid on the way, he already has WAY to much to be bothered with me.14:01
encompasshe did it as a favor for me.14:01
_MMA__MMA_: Like I said, you setup the source package in BZR and make the changes yourself its trivial to get someone to push it to the archive.14:08
paashi, having problems packaging my shared library. I've been going at it for the last two days. Anybody out there willing to help, thanks!14:08
encompassis there something to help me do that?14:10
encompassit's in bzr now14:11
encompassbut I don't know how you want it setup14:12
paasI think I'm almost there, but when I check the resulting deb the lib is not there. I'm using cmake for building and it creates the debs using pbuilder. I guess I'm messing things up with shlibs or so14:12
_MMA_encompass: Its not how "I" want it setup. :)14:12
_MMA_Gimmie the project link in LP.14:12
_MMA__MMA_: #bzr will also help.14:13
tuxmaniacanybody mind reviewing http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance14:13
paasI've also the correct changelog, copyright etc. I could send you what i've got up to now cause I'm curious what I'm doing wrong14:14
encompass_MMA_: are you talking to me?14:18
\shbah I'm rich now ;)14:19
_MMA_encompass: Yeah. Bad paste.14:19
encompassI am asking there14:19
* ScottK is about to start reviewing sdlmame.14:22
geser\sh: did you win in the lottery? :)14:25
\shgeser, hehe..na got my last salery from my former company and the compensation :)14:26
slytherinpersia: FYI ... I am able to reproduce the TestSort unit test failure in lucene2 when trying to build with GCJ. Found a reference to the same on Debian pkg-java list - http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-java-commits/2007-August/003771.html14:28
effie_jayxI have a question... I have been fixing a typo in a man page... checking through debian/control I see that the maintainer is not MOTU... it's jriddell. can I still send in my patch? if so ... who do I assign for package sponsorship14:37
tuxmaniacanybody mind reviewing http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance14:38
ScottKeffie_jayx: What package?14:38
effie_jayxits in kdepim14:39
effie_jayxit was in the bitesize bugs14:39
ScottKeffie_jayx: It's in Main, so file attach a debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors.14:40
ScottKThat's a big package, so the Kubuntu devs will probably wait to bundle that fix with others to upload.14:40
effie_jayxScottK, good then thanks14:41
ScottKeffie_jayx: Also, if you're interested in KDE thinks, you can join us on #kubuntu-devel ...14:42
ScottKeffie_jayx: I see you're there already.14:42
effie_jayxScottK,  yes :D, I am trying kde and I things might get interesting in the KDE front14:43
ScottK2effie_jayx: Great.  We can always use more help.14:44
dcorderoeffie_jayx, that is lp: 180141?14:50
effie_jayxdcordero,  yes14:51
dcorderoeffie_jayx, you could send anywhere a comment  to the bug, someone could work in the same bug14:51
dcorderoif you dont tell them14:52
effie_jayxdcordero,  well I edited the wiki page. I will comment on launchpad.14:52
dcorderoi say that because i was reading the bug, for fix it :) But i have read you also here14:53
ScottK2effie_jayx: When you are working on a bug, assign it to yourself in LP.14:54
effie_jayxScottK,  well I did that one time.. and I was told to asign it to nobody14:54
ScottKeffie_jayx: Assign it to yourself while you are working on it.  Once you attach the debdiff, assign it back to nobody.14:55
effie_jayxScottK,  right, got it14:55
effie_jayxsorry about that dcordero14:55
ScottKsdlmame uploaded.15:07
dcorderowhat means a bug asigned to MOTU and with Confirmed status?15:07
ScottKdcordero: What bug?15:08
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ScottKBugs should never be assigned to MOTU.15:08
dcordero#105416 for example15:08
ScottKWhat it probably means is someone didn't know better.15:08
ScottKBug #10541615:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105416 in ubuntu "[need-packaging] dvdsub" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10541615:08
ScottKdcordero: Means nothing.  It shouldn't have been that way.15:09
* ScottK fixed15:09
dcorderook i never seen it before, that was i asked about it :)15:09
\shScottK, octave3.0 transition bug is resolved...15:19
ScottK\sh: Great.15:20
ScottKThat didn't take long...15:20
\shScottK, it took some time for at least two packages to make them running with octave3.0 because of changed ways of catching some infos15:21
ScottKCool.  Congratulation.15:25
\shwell..starting now ;)15:28
bddebianHeya gang15:31
geserHi bddebian15:32
bddebianHi geser15:32
* \sh needs some nicotine15:32
hellboy195\sh: nicotine kills you ;)15:32
slytherinDoes anyone know why openoffice.orf FTBFS on powerpc? I am not able to access build logs at present.15:32
\shhellboy195, the question is, what doesn't kill me nowadays ;)15:33
hellboy195\sh: ^^ true15:33
Hobbsee\sh: nicotine kills you faster, and in nastier ways.15:34
dcorderocan someone help me packaging a application. The application is a simple .jar file that need java-sun >= 5.015:34
LucidFoxdcordero> Do you have the source code for it?15:35
slytherindcordero: what help do you need?15:37
dcorderothe sourceforge of the proyect say that the project is writer in a interpreted language15:40
dcorderobut then the source has java15:40
dcorderoand with no intruction for compile it15:41
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slytherindcordero: url please15:43
\shHobbsee, na..eating steaks or schnitzel kills me at least as fast as nicotine ,)15:45
slytherindcordero: I see build.xml files in all the sub directories. So it must be using ant as build tool.15:50
dcorderook compiled, thanks15:54
\shoh well...I wonder what gives me the -X<item> funktionality back to dh_strip16:00
frafuTheMuso, RAOF: thanks for your review of mousetweaks. I have fixed the issues indicated by RAOF (the ^M were probably due to copy/paste) and uploaded  it to revu. Could you please also review the new version if you have time and interest? Thanks in advance.16:13
nxvl_workhow is that a meeting is scheduled on fridge? where can i ask about it?16:17
frafuBy the way, can anybody please indicate an editor with gui capable of showing what linebreaks the file uses? For example, not knowing how to really use vi,  I used vi to locate the ^M and gedit to correct the file.16:18
norsettonxvl_work: try asking bluekuja16:18
emgentbluekuja is in very long away time.16:19
nxvl_worknorsetto: thnx16:19
emgent~2 Week16:19
emgenthi norsetto :)16:20
slytherinfrafu: What do you mean by correct the file?16:23
frafuslytherin: replace the ^M (which are dos-linebreaks) with unix linbreaks16:25
slytherinfrafu: why not simply use 'fromdos' command?16:26
frafubecause I did not know about it   :-/   Never used that command16:27
frafuslytherib: But I would be interested to have an editor with gui that shows what type of linebreaks are used in the file; in order to see whether it uses the correct ones. Do you have any suggestion? Or anybody else?16:31
=== _MMA1 is now known as MetalMusicAddict
saivannHi, I think that this is the Review day for REVU, can someone take a look at my simdock package here? : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=simdock16:36
slytherinfrafu: Nope. I have no idea.16:38
frafuslytherin: thanks anyway.16:39
frafuBy the way: here is the fixed version of mousetweaks in revu: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=156816:41
slytherinfrafu: If you are fixing some bug in existing version then better file a bug and add a debdiff as attachment.16:43
tuxmaniacanybody mind reviewing http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance sorry for spamming every hour16:44
slytherintuxmaniac: be patient. all the packages will be reviewed eventually16:46
frafuslytherin: the problem was in debian control in a package that I uploaded to revu16:46
=== MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_
paasHi all. Can someone help me packaging my shared library. I think I'm almost there, cause it builds in pbuilder, but the resulting .deb is not right. I'm using cdbs, debhelper and cmake? thanks!16:52
pochupaas: upload what you have to REVU, someone will take a look at it16:52
paasok, will do ,thanx16:53
nxvl_workdholbach: did you know how is that a meeting is scheduled on fridge? where can i ask about it?16:58
ScottK2dholbach: cjwatson deleted on the MOTU SRU info from the SRU page.  Do you know if that was intentional?16:59
dholbachnxvl_work: do you want to submit something to the fridge events page (fridge-devel@lists.u.c) or check the events page (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event)?17:01
nxvl_workdholbach: submit, so it need to be sent to the fridge-devel list, ok thanks17:01
dholbachScottK2: let me see what the change in question was - up to this moment I only know pitti and seb128 discussing simplifying the SRU process and I think the outcome was to simplify the wiki page (to make it less daunting)17:02
dholbachScottK2: I don't think removing the MOTU SRU section would be the right fix :)17:02
tuxmaniacHow much time do we have before things freeze in the [new] package area?17:02
* ScottK2 neither, but that's what's currently implemented.17:02
nxvl_workdholbach: how was the sprint? lots of fun and work?17:03
dholbachnxvl_work: yeah, it was great to have a lot of people in the same building - lots of good sessions, unfortunately I (and some others) picked up the plague there, that's why I'm a bit slow today17:03
nxvl_workheh, been there17:04
gesernxvl_work: see also http://stompbox.typepad.com/blog/2008/01/ahhh-dogfood.html :)17:04
dholbachScottK2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=diff&rev2=80&rev1=79 is the change that cjwatson did - it's just an addition of bits about LTS17:05
nxvl_workfor the hardy+ i will try to be there17:06
effie_jayxcan anyone help me read this problem... dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/kdepim-kresources/usr/lib/libknotes_xmlrpc.so.1.0.0 shouldn't be linked with libdl.so.2 (it uses none of its symbols).17:06
dholbachScottK2: I think the changes you're after happened here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=diff&rev2=79&rev1=77 (imbrandon and dktrkranz merged and simplified the motu-sru procedure)17:06
effie_jayxit seems like a missing dependency somewhere17:06
tuxmaniaceffie_jayx, that is ok. most packages have that issue17:06
effie_jayxtuxmaniac,  but pbuilder fails to build :S17:07
tuxmaniaceffie_jayx, atleast AFAIK17:07
tuxmaniaceffie_jayx, its just a warning. pbuilder must fail due to something else17:07
effie_jayxtuxmaniac,  ok17:07
* effie_jayx goes back to check17:07
DktrKranzdholbach, ScottK2: when revisiting SRU wiki page, it was decided to drop motu-SRU section basically because it was almost the same procedure, IIRC only three deltas still remains, so there's no need to duplicate an already long text.17:09
effie_jayxtuxmaniac,  dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libkabcscalix.so.0 needed by debian/kdepim-kresources/usr/lib/kde3/kabc_scalix.so (its RPATH is '').17:10
dholbachDktrKranz: I completely agree17:10
dholbachthe process document is long enough already ;-)17:10
tuxmaniaceffie_jayx, aah ok17:10
effie_jayxit's the same lib as the warning...17:10
tuxmaniaceffie_jayx, I think both are differnt. I am not an expert though.17:11
dholbachre sru being to daunting etc: http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2008/01/26/bug-fixed-glom-16-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy/17:11
\sheffie_jayx, nope..the warning is about libknotes_xmlrpc ... the bug is not finding libkabcscalix.so.017:12
\sheffie_jayx, which package are you working on?17:19
dcorderoare u a motu?17:20
\shdcordero, who?17:22
dcorderomy mistake, i wrote in the wrong window17:23
\sheffie_jayx, bah it's cdbs black magic...I would say in debhelper syntax: dh_shlibdeps -- -xkdepim-kresources17:27
effie_jayx\sh, so much for bitesize...17:28
\sheffie_jayx, try riddell for help ;) I'm not this cdbs expert17:28
\sheffie_jayx, bug no?17:29
tuxmaniac\sh, hows octave3.0 coming along?17:35
\shtuxmaniac, it should build now in our archives...:)17:36
tuxmaniac\sh, oh coolness. which means I can expect it in hardy after all the 2.3, 2.9 octave libs chaos?17:36
smarterCould someone please review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kde4-style-bespin thanks in advance ;)17:37
paasHi all, I've just joined the contributers group and would like to upload to REVU, could somepne please re-sync the REVU uploaders keyring? thanks17:37
\shtuxmaniac, you mean 2.1 and 2.9 .. yes...once it build cleanly I'll have to tell pitti to get rid of 2.1 and 2.9 and do some syncs and uploads for the other packages17:37
tuxmaniac\sh, yeah 2.1, my bad. this shall close I guess atleast 4-5 bugs17:38
\shtuxmaniac, I think we need to clean up after the transition is done ...17:39
tuxmaniac\sh, yep. am all game for it. just ping me on what help is needed after the transition.17:40
\shtuxmaniac, cool :) will do :)17:40
effie_jayx\sh,  it's a bitesize bug ... yes... But I have a nack for picking the ones with eater eggs17:45
\sheffie_jayx, as I said, you need to instruct dh_shlibdeps (which is a wrapper around dpkg-shlibdeps) to ignore the package itself. both libs are inside the same package, so something is going wrong there...-x<packagename> pushed towards dpkg-shlibdeps ignores this package...in debhelper mode it's just a dh_shlibdeps -- -x<packagenmae> and this problem should be resolved17:47
proppyREVU day ends at ?17:50
ScottK2proppy: It's based on AET.17:51
proppyAET /17:51
ScottK2AET = Earth Anywhere Time17:51
smarterpersia: ping17:51
ScottK2As long as it's Monday somewhere, it's still REVU day.17:51
proppynice to hear17:52
proppymaybe I'll have the time to get my upload to revu then17:52
smarterpersia: you reviewed my package(http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=extremetuxracer) and I don't understand some things17:55
dcorderoi have packaged a new application but an upgrade of another package is neccesary, How can i fix it before send my package to revu?17:55
effie_jayx\sh,  thanks17:58
tuxmaniacsmarter, can you please tell what you dont understnad? I will try to help.18:03
smartertuxmaniac: 1) extremetuxracer-data should be arch:any  << it's already arch:any, should it be arch:all?18:04
LucidFoxsmarter> Given that it's a -data package, I'd assume arch:all18:04
smarter"2) upstream changelogs are nice, expecially when included in binary packages " << My packages all contains a /usr/share/doc/<name>/changelog.gz with the upstream changelog, I don't see the problem?18:06
tuxmaniacLucidFox, if you have time can you re- check my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance18:06
LucidFoxtuxmaniac> I can't advocate it anyway ;)18:07
tuxmaniacLucidFox, aah ok.18:07
tuxmaniacLucidFox, you arent a motu? I thought you were.18:07
smartershould I put the list of translators and "additional contributors" in debian/copyright?18:08
tuxmaniacsmarter, have you mentoned the author there/18:09
tuxmaniacsmarter, i mean the upstream author.18:09
smarterThere's a *lot* of upstream authors18:10
smarterand in the AUTHORS file there's a list of translators and "additional contributors"18:10
tuxmaniacsmarter, atleast mention the packager's name saying.. this software was debianised by foobar.. blah blah. then provide the Upstream website and add a gpl snippet18:11
smarterI did that18:12
tuxmaniacsmarter, take a look at other packages and see whats missing18:12
LucidFoxtuxmaniac> I'm not a MOTU, I just review packages on REVU when I feel like it :)18:12
smarterI didn't put the whole list of author18:12
tuxmaniacsmarter, and from the comment, I guess thats what persia pointed out18:12
smarterand the AUTHOR file is not even complete18:13
smartersome guys only have their nickname18:13
smartersome don't have an email18:14
tuxmaniacsmarter, hamish already has packaged 0.4 if what I see from the website is correct. I shtere something I am missing?18:17
LaserJockhi tuxmaniac18:18
tuxmaniacLaserJock, have succesfully managed to kill those scripts-have-language-extension crap. have uploaded a fresh package yesterday.18:19
smartertuxmaniac: are you speaking of this package? http://www.extremetuxracer.com/?download18:21
tuxmaniacsmarter, yep18:21
ScottKAny interested in learning more about policykit?18:23
tuxmaniacScottK, what is it? wiki link?18:23
ScottKIt's a new thingy for Hardy.  Dunno much about it.18:23
ScottKBug 186710 asks for some integration work with it.18:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186710 in clamtk "should use policykit to escalate privileges" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18671018:24
tuxmaniachttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/PolicyKitIntegration ?18:24
ScottKtuxmaniac: Yes.18:27
LaserJockwarp10: hiya18:29
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warp10LaserJock: :)18:29
tuxmaniacI have this warning. W: alliance: script-not-executable ./etc/alliance/alc_env.csh I think it is not a needed file for bash. but needed for csh. can I just make a check in my debian/rules for the shell used and appropriately copy the correct file. this will eliminate the warning I guess18:30
tuxmaniachello warp1018:30
warp10hi tuxmaniac :)18:30
tbuttertuxmaniac: you need it only at build time?18:31
LaserJocktuxmaniac: is it supposed to be executed or is it a config file?18:31
tuxmaniacLaserJock, there are two files. one with the .sh extension and another with .csh extension18:34
smartertuxmaniac: the deb package of etracer was a checkinstall until recently and now it's just my package.18:35
tuxmaniacLaserJock, responsible for setting up the environment variables18:35
tuxmaniactbutter, yes.18:36
tbutterwhy do you install it then?18:36
tuxmaniacit i present only in the config section.18:37
tuxmaniacno. hold. something is wrong.18:39
tbutteranyone would like to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=jodviewer ? all known issues are fixed18:42
tuxmaniacno. I got that all wrong. It is needed to run the tools18:44
tuxmaniacthose are scripts in which the setting of the environment variables take place18:44
tuxmaniacfor bash shells it is the file with .sh and for cshells it is the file with .csh that needs to be run18:45
dcorderocan someone help, i have a problem creating a new package for fix a bug18:46
tuxmaniacso the warning actually will be reverse in a machine that has cshell18:46
tuxmaniacand I feel it can be ignored. please comment18:46
dcorderoi am packagin qbittorrent18:47
dcorderoi have get compile and install it on my machine18:47
ScottK2tuxmaniac: Why are you installing scripts in /etc?18:47
sistpotyhi folks.18:48
dcorderobut like you can read on the website is needed libtorrent  > 0.13 for compile qbittorrent. And give you a link to the correct libtorrent that i used18:48
sistpotysorry, I just broke commenting in revu, will be fixed ASAP18:48
dcorderobut when i am doing a package i have found that the last libtorrent in the oficial webpage of libtorrent is 0.12 :/18:48
ScottK2Hello sistpoty.18:49
sistpotyhi ScottK218:49
tbuttertuxmaniac: you are always calling the .sh scripts in your /usr/bin scripts18:50
tuxmaniactbutter, is there a better way to do that?18:51
* LucidFox pings jdong18:52
LucidFoxtovid is ready for review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=tovid18:52
tuxmaniacScottK, actually it is in alliance/etc and not /etc18:52
ScottKAh.  OK.18:53
tuxmaniacand the /usr/bin scripts have to call the alc_env.sh or .csh to set the environment variables for the user to run the cad tools18:53
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tbuttertuxmaniac: but you alway call alc_env.sh18:54
ScottK2So I geuss the question you need to answer is why do you get that warning?  Are you installing the scripts in the right place (per FHS)?18:54
tuxmaniacoh. you mean there is no necessity for .csh ?!18:54
tuxmaniactbutter, ^18:54
tuxmaniacScottK, i removed the "cp" that is done in debian/rules for .csh and then the warning disappears (ofcourse ;-)) and tools work too18:55
ScottKtuxmaniac: What if someone is using csh as their shell?18:56
tuxmaniacScottK, so I guess its better to introduce the check for shell in debian/rules ?18:57
tbuttertuxmaniac: in debian/rules you check the shell on the build machine, not that of the user18:58
tuxmaniacah ok18:59
* DaveMorris plugs his package - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=opensg19:01
tuxmaniacScottK, just checked. all the files that call alc_env.sh are bash scripts. so they are correct. and this file .csh isnt needed at all then.19:03
ScottKtuxmaniac: I'll ask again, what if someone is running csh as their shell?19:03
tuxmaniacScottK, then one solution which comes to my mind is change the scripts in /usr/bin to make the decision and source the "correct" shell script for setting up the environment variables19:05
tuxmaniacScottK, I hope I am speaking some sense. Please correct me if wrong.19:06
* ScottK doesn't have a strong opinion, but we ought to support as many options as we reasonably can.19:06
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pochupersia: latest patch for REVU images applied, let me know if you still find something wrong19:13
rulusI'm packaging something that depends on sun-java6-jdk, which is only available on i386 and amd64. Should my package also only support these architectures, or should I leave it 'all'?19:13
* tuxmaniac decides to take it up tomorrow. off to bed.19:14
tuxmaniacbye guys.19:14
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sistpotyemgent: uploaded19:15
tbutterrulus: did you try icedtea?19:15
sistpotythanks again pochu!19:16
rulustbutter: nope, I didn't, I'll check that out first :)19:16
pochusistpoty: you're welcome. And thanks for reviewing it :)19:17
emgentsistpoty, big thanks.19:17
sistpotypochu: obviously I didn't review it hard enough :P19:17
calcrulus: icedtea is cool :)19:23
calctoo bad it probably won't make it into main for 8.04 :\19:24
calcmaybe 8.10 or 9.04 though19:24
nixternalicedtea is actually working much better than I had expected19:28
nixternalthus far, all of my java projects have compiled with it just fine, which totally suprised me19:28
proppyhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=juce updated on REVU19:36
vemonhow can i add a blank line to the description in debian/control?19:39
vemonif i try that i just get this: dpkg-source: error: syntax error in control file ./phasex-0.11.1/debian/control at line 20: continued value line not in field19:39
ion_Use a dot.19:40
vemonseems to work. thanks19:40
vemonis the dot "visible"?19:41
ion_Yep, e.g. apt-cache show gcc19:41
DRebellionwhat is  $(INSTALL_ROOT)19:43
DRebellionused for, sorry in a makefile19:43
calcnixternal: yea it worked for openoffice also, but doko didn't want to put it in main until it is no longer beta (iirc)19:49
calcnixternal: due to support issues19:49
* calc bbiab have to beat on my voip router19:50
mcisbackukEvening all....Question: How do I go about creating a Makefile for a source package that hasn't got one? Also, if the only commands to build the source are ./configure make make install and make clean, then what do I need to put in?19:51
smartermcisbackuk: make use a Makefile19:51
smartermcisbackuk: your package probably generate a Makefile from ./configure19:52
mcisbackuksmarter: I worded it wrong, it's 2 separate questions, sorry19:52
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smarteroh okay19:52
LaserJockmcisbackuk: do you mean a debian/rules Makefile?19:52
persiapochu: Looks nice.  Thanks.19:52
smartermcisbackuk: if  your package only use ./configure && make && make install, just use dh_make and select cdbs19:53
smarterit will use the autotools and do everything automatically19:53
persiasmarter: When I compiled your package, CDBS stripped all the upstream changelogs.  How are you building it to test?19:53
mcisbackukLaserJock: Think so, if its the one that debuild or is it pbuilder uses? But there's so many frigging lines in any other makefile / rules i've come across and I've found no documentation on either19:53
smarterpersia: I used pbuilder I think, I'll retry later19:54
persiasmarter: hardy pbuilder, up-to-date?19:54
smartergutsy, I don't have an hardy box atm19:54
smarterbut I'll try with a chroot later19:54
mcisbackukLaserJock: Basically I'm proper confused19:54
LaserJockmcisbackuk: well, it helps to specify that it is debian/rules as that is different than a general Makefile that you find in a source19:54
persiasmarter: Also, you don't need all the email addresses for the authors and copyright holders (although it's nice).19:54
smarterpersia: what's the correct way to include the Changelog file?19:55
LaserJockmcisbackuk: do you know what a Makefile is? perhaps that's a good start?19:55
persiasmarter: You can run a hardy pbuilder on a gutsy box.  Some developers run Dapper.  Just update your pbuilder.19:55
smarterThat's what I'll do19:55
persiasmarter: It should be installed with what you did.  For now, you need to add DEB_INSTALL_CHANGELOGS_ALL to your debian/rules.19:55
smarterbe back later, thanks for the review19:55
mcisbackukLaserJock: Yes, well a good diea at least, it passes build instructions to the kernel to compile itself right?19:56
persia(this is a workaround for something that won't be fixed in hardy)19:56
smarterthere's a bug in hardy's cdbs?19:56
LaserJockmcisbackuk: well, not necessarily the kernel, but yes, it's the instructions for building the software19:56
mcisbackukLaserJock: I meant that :) lol19:56
LaserJockmcisbackuk:  debian/rules is a special makefile used to build a binary package (.deb) from a source package19:57
mcisbackukLaserJock: And I need to create both? (This source in particular has a ./configure)19:57
LaserJockmcisbackuk: no19:57
LaserJockmcisbackuk: ./configure is part of autotools and when it's run it creates a Makefile for building the software19:58
mcisbackukLaserJock: OK this is where I'm confused, one wiki page says one, the other says another19:58
LaserJockmcisbackuk: what page are you looking at19:58
mcisbackukLaserJock: So I invoke ./configure in the debian/rules?19:58
pochusistpoty: can we remove "[Motu-reviewers][REVU]" from review mails please? :)19:58
LaserJockmcisbackuk: that is one of the things you'll do yes19:59
mcisbackukLaserJock: I closed it now, think it was packaging guide/basics19:59
sistpotypochu: not too sure... does it come from revu or from the mailing list setup?19:59
LaserJockmcisbackuk: ok, so what happens is ./configure creates a Makefile, then you "run" that Makefile with "make" and then you install the software by telling "make" to use the install rule19:59
LaserJockthat's the ./configure && make && sudo make install20:00
pochusistpoty: from the ML20:00
mcisbackukLaserJock: Yup, I got that and understand it fine, I've built source before20:00
pochusistpoty: well I'm not sure. but I receive them from the ML20:00
* sistpoty takes a look20:00
LaserJockmcisbackuk: what you want to do in debian/rules is run that, but also "guide" it to install to the right place and make sure it conforms to Debian/Ubuntu policy20:00
pochusistpoty: http://lists.tauware.de/pipermail/motu-reviewers/2008-January/date.html20:00
pochusistpoty: the first 2 prefixes are always the same and thus useless IMHO20:01
LaserJockmcisbackuk: does that make sense?20:01
mcisbackukLaserJock: OK, to /usr/bin/<PROG> for example? And what is the policy?20:01
sistpotypochu: seems to be a mix of revu and the ML mangling: Comments.py:    subject = "[REVU][COMMENT] for %s" % packagetext20:02
LaserJockmcisbackuk: right, the policy is http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/20:02
pochusistpoty: so we would need to remove [REVU] from the code and [Motu-reviewers] from the ML setup, right?20:02
mcisbackukLaserJock: OK got it :) Thanks :)20:03
sistpotypochu: from a first glance: yes20:03
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pochusistpoty: could you take care of the ML setup? I can look into the code if you are busy :)20:03
sistpotypochu: I guess siretart needs to do the ML stuff (at least I don't have access to the ml)20:04
* ScottK suggests writing the regular MOTU ML first as some people filter based on tags like that.20:04
LaserJockmcisbackuk: if you look at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PackagingOverview you'll see and example rules file20:04
sistpotyScottK, pochu: I just wanted to write this... at least I guess I have my filter setup like this *g*20:04
mcisbackukLaserJock: Brilliant....I'm bookmarking this :)20:05
pochuScottK, sistpoty: X-BeenThere: motu-reviewers@tauware.de20:05
ScottKsistpoty: Presumably you provide proper list-id headers and people should filter on that.20:05
LaserJockmcisbackuk: it's not a perfect example because it doesn't have a configure: rule but it's an example anyway20:05
ScottKpochu: I agree there are better ways to do it, but don't remove something people rely on without warning/discussion.20:05
mcisbackukLaserJock: I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, I just wanted a silly example to look at anyway :)20:06
pochuScottK: alright. I'll mail ubuntu-motu@. sistpoty, is that fine with you? siretart?20:06
sistpotypochu: sure... and when looking again, I already seem to use the x-been-there thingy (confused by my different filter rules *g*)20:07
persia\sh: re: octave: Congrats on the hard part.  Are you planning to file removal bugs for the obsolete stuff?  Also, once that is gone, could you re-add the "octave" virtual package to smooth upgrades?20:08
\shpersia, yepp...it's all going the correct ways :)20:11
\shpersia, removals of 2.1 and 2.9 are being scheduled for tomorrow20:11
persia\sh: Thanks a lot for actually digging through all that.  The new octave is a major feature win.20:12
\shpersia, is an provide:octave  not enough?20:14
LaserJockyou can't just reinsert the virtual package20:15
LaserJockthat's why Debian removed it20:15
persia\sh: There used to be an octave virtual package, which was dropped due to droppoing the epoch for octave3.0.  Provide: makes the upgrade work if the user happens to have another package that depends on "octave", but it doesn't help the user who has the "octave" package installed.20:15
persiaLaserJock: You can reinsert as soon as the previous octave package is gone.  The only issue is the epoch (or am I missing something?)20:16
LaserJockwell, exactly the epoch20:16
LaserJockthat means it won't upgrade20:16
\shah yes...right...sure I'll push it to the archive20:16
LaserJockso you'll have a useless octave virtual package20:16
persiaAh.  Right.  That's annoying.20:16
* persia had forgotten that archive state and installed state both needed tracking20:17
LaserJockyou'd either have to use an epoch in octave 3.0 which throws us off from upstream20:17
LaserJockor have a new source package that just does octave20:17
LaserJockthat *is* epoched20:17
persiaSo hardy releases without "octave", and it can be put back for hardy+1?20:17
LaserJockbut what happens to Hardy users?20:18
LaserJockhmm, I guess they would be left with octave/octave2.9 as "local" packages20:18
persiaLaserJock: They get to be unhappy, unless we can figure out a workaround.20:18
LaserJockbut it shouldn't remove them20:18
\shLaserJock, then I would like to have a dummy package with an epoch inside...20:19
frafuTheMuso, RAOF: I just uploaded a new version of mousetweaks that corrects an error in debian/watch: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mousetweaks Thanks for reviewing it again if you have time and interest.20:19
persia\sh: If you have a dummy package with an epoch, we can't sync when Debian brings back the virtual package, because we'd hit the same issue.20:19
persiafrafu: You'll get a better package if you get more different reviewers.  Best to advertise generally.20:20
LaserJockpersia: Debian didn't say they *would* bring it back, just that they could if need be20:20
persiaLaserJock: They have the same issue.  They can't release it for lenny.  Maybe it will be present for lenny+1.20:21
LaserJockI personally think it's just fine to not have it as long as we have provides20:21
paasHi, I've uploaded my package to REVU a couple of hours ago but it doesn't show up. Is this because my key is currently not in the keyring? If so could someone resync the key-ring. thanks20:21
sistpotypaas: what package? I'll take a look at the queue20:22
paaslibtuxcap, thanks20:22
sistpotypaas: ah, k (there is only libtuxcap in rejected *g*)20:22
DRebellionHi, can someone point me at a guide for the syntax/format of debian/menu ?20:23
persiasistpoty: Are you resyncing, or shall I?20:23
\shpersia, LaserJock, we could let mvo hack some magic into dist-upgrader20:23
persiaDRebellion: install the menu package, and look in /usr/share/doc/menu20:23
sistpotypersia: I'll just do a quick import and put back the package :)20:23
frafupersia: I talked to them, because they already reviewed previous versions. Of course, I will also be thankful to anybody else that will review it.20:23
* persia is awed by sistpoty's leet REVU s|>17Z20:24
sistpotypersia: heh, that's no skills, revu-key has import as a command :)20:24
DRebellionpersia: thank you20:24
persiafrafu: Understood.  It's precisely because they reviewed it before that I recommend you find someone else.  If you get the same reviewer several times, 6you are more likely to get a rejection after your first advocation, which can be frustrating.20:25
sistpotypaas: libtuxcap should get picked up with the next cron run (<= 10 minutes)20:26
persiaEssentially, each of the reviewers tends to have a slightly different set of checks.  Just because you pass one doesn't mean you will pass another, and even if you get two, if they didn't check everything, the archive admins may well reject it.20:26
paassistpoty: thanks20:26
LaserJockbddebian: ping20:29
frafupersia: what do you mean by a rejection after the first advocation: I thought that after two advocation, it would be accepted. It already happened to me to get an advocation and a second person found another error. Consequently, I suppose that 2 advocation for the same upload are required!?20:30
LaserJockanybody familiar with sauerbraten here?20:30
persiafrafu: Yes.  Two advocations for the same upload are required.  Further, many advocates will wait for a while before readvocating if it was rejected, as rejection after advocation tends to make reviewers shy.20:31
bddebianLaserJock: I said yo.. :-)20:31
persiaLaserJock: Why?  Possible licensing issues?20:31
LaserJockbddebian: you did? oh, you did20:31
bddebianNeeds a new upstream release20:31
LaserJockok, why is it in Multiverse?20:31
LaserJockI've got somebody who's built a game from it and they'd like to get it into Edubuntu/repos20:32
bddebianThe engine is free, some of the content is not, iirc20:32
* persia defers to the expert, but believes REVU is the appropriate path20:32
LaserJockwell, there's not even a package20:33
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persiaLaserJock: That would be the first step then, no?20:33
LaserJockI'm trying to assess feasibility20:33
LaserJockI don't want to say "sure" when it's gonna get dumped in Multiverse after 6 months of battling with it ;-)20:34
persiaCould anyone suggest where I should ask about bluetooth initialisation issues?20:34
persiaLaserJock: Given feature-freeze timing, that seems the most likely scenario.  Maybe a PPA for now?20:34
LaserJockwould this be the sort of thing the Games team would be interested in?20:35
* calc back20:35
LaserJockI don't think Edubuntu has the packaging power to do it, especially if it's just gonna end up in Multiverse20:35
frafupersia:  you told above that the archive admin can still reject it after two advocation. Will the uploader be informed about the rejection by the archive admins?20:36
persiafrafu: Usually the packager and the archive ML, but not the uploader.20:37
frafupersia: ML?20:37
pochuMailing List20:38
RainCT«W: freevial: changelog-file-not-compressed ChangeLog»  if I have ChangeLog listed in debian/docs, shouldn't it be compressed automatically of needed?20:40
\shdoes anyone has cjwatsons key on his keyring and has gnupg2 running?20:40
persiaRainCT: You should never have a changelog in debian/docs.  Use dh_installchangelogs20:41
RainCTpersia: ah.. thanks :)20:44
persiakeescook: About dirty autoconf hints in debdiffs.  For SRUs, they tend to be preferred, as patching the package to not get dirtier on clean is considered "more invasive".  Of course, this indicates a bug in the package, as debian/rules clean shouldn't make it dirty.20:44
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frafuIs anybody interested in reviewing the mousetweaks package; Could anybody please review the mousetweaks package; http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mousetweaks  In fact, mousetweaks provides the new accessibility functions of the accessibility tab of the mouse control panel of GNOME 2.22 (the version that will be in hardy).It would be odd to have the settings in the control panel, but not the module providing the functionalitie20:45
keescookpersia: yeah, true.  perhaps inkscape is one of the special cases.20:46
persiafrafu: "providing the functionalie"20:46
persiakeescook: There are an unfortunate number of them.  To me it makes sense to hold the SRU until the dev release is patched to not do that any more, but not to ask for filterdiff for SRUs: that way lies danger.20:47
keescookpersia: yeah.  Mostly, bryce confirmed that I should "Won't Fix" those bugs since he didn't want to run them with SRU (they're minor bugs).20:49
persiakeescook: Makes sense to me: they didn't really look SRU-worthy.  On the other hand, that wasn't clear from the bugtrail, and I don't think that someone running filterdiff would be well rewarded for their efforts.20:50
\shok...looks good with octave3.020:50
\shkeescook, you are our security officer ;) I do have some problems with gnupg2 and cjwatsons key, because he has some sigs on his subkey...and reading rfc4880 it seems like this is wrong...I get errors reading the key with gnupg 2.0.x20:52
keescook\sh: hurm.  Can you open a bug report for it?  (And include a "this is how it breaks" example for me?  I'm not heavily using gnupg 2 yet)  :)20:53
frafupersia: in other words, the mousetweaks module does the job of what is indicated in the accessibility tab of the mouse control panel. For example: you can activate automatic mouse button click in the mouse control panel (useful for some disabled people). However it is mousetweaks that does the clicks.20:53
\shkeescook, well, I felt about it during testing of another linux distro :) and we tracked it down to this....I'm doing some tests with ubuntu and gnupg2 tomorrow....20:54
keescook\sh: cool20:54
\shand hopefully colin is back on stage then ;)20:54
emgentheya people20:55
keescookheya emgent20:56
geser\sh: gnupg 1.4 is happy with that key?20:56
\shgeser, yepp20:56
\sh2.0.8 not20:56
\shgeser, and as I read http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-12.1 even rfc is not happy :)20:56
\shgeser, or I misread something20:57
\shgeser, will followup on this tomorrow...need to prepare dinner for my wife..she's coming home in a few20:59
\shpersia, LaserJock : octave3.0 build on mostly all our archs...but not lpia because of missing deps it seems....20:59
\shso ... and off21:00
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persia\sh: While it was part of the original intention of the pocket computer, I suspect those of us who use mathematical packages beyond a calculator on our pocket computers are members of a very small minority.21:00
persiarexbron: openlibraries commented21:04
bddebianLaserJock: Sorry, at work.  Shoot an e-mail to debian-devel-games@lists.debian.org. :)21:07
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LaserJockhmm, everytime I see a "anybody figured out how to install <pkg> from source?" I keep wanting to do a PPA21:19
LaserJockpeople are really wanting Octave3.0 on gutsy21:19
geserkeescook: are there any plans to upload the pcre3 version from gutsy-security also to hardy? currently gutsy-security has a newer version than hardy21:22
keescookgeser: yeah, it's on my list.  I'd like to get Debian's 7.4-1 merged.21:23
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LaserJockdarn, it appears that actually running fetchmail after a reboot produces more email in my inbox :-)21:32
LaserJockI wondered why it was such a slow email day21:33
geserLaserJock: if you don't the usual spam anymore then it's time to check your mail server :)21:35
LaserJockyes, very true21:36
leonelHey someone stole my  restricted drivers manager on my hardy ..21:54
_MMA_leonel: There's but some change with that. Im looking into it myself.21:55
leonelI've upgraded a gutsy desktop yesterday  and  today tried my wireless and need the frimware for the card   on  gutsy  with restricted drivers manager  got solved21:56
sistpotygn8 everyone22:43
crimsunstgraber: since you provided only an interdiff for #186827, and the URL given in debian/control does not contain an orig.tar.gz for 0.9, do you plan to add a get-orig-source target to debian/rules?22:45
stgrabercrimsun: hmm, I haven't checked the get-orig-source, I just saw we had a watch file in our bzr and uploaded :)22:47
crimsunstgraber: I have no problem renaming http://www.stgraber.org/download/projects/pastebin/pastebinit-0.9.tar.gz to conform to source package policy, but that direction would be useful in the bug report  :-)22:47
stgraberOh, what's wrong with it ? I just tried doing a uscan --force-download and it went without any problem ?22:49
crimsunstgraber: according to the version used in the topmost debian/changelog entry, this is a non-native source package, which means there needs to be an orig.tar.gz22:50
crimsunstgraber: I presume that the tarball given in my post above is actually the orig.tar.gz, in which case it would simply need to be downloaded and renamed to conform to source packaging policy.22:51
stgraberyes, it's the .orig.tar.gz22:51
crimsunstgraber: I was asking you to affirm that http://www.stgraber.org/download/projects/pastebin/pastebinit-0.9.tar.gz is in fact the upstream tarball for 0.9.22:51
crimsunstgraber: ok.  For clarity, please state as much in the bug report in the future if you're only providing an interdiff.22:52
stgraberok, will think of adding a bit more information next time :) (first time I play with interdiff)22:53
crimsunthanks  :-)22:53
emgentheya crimsun :)22:59
crimsunhi emgent  :-)22:59
stgrabercrimsun: thanks for the upload23:22
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Legendariogot the following ppa message: MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive. Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.23:26
Legendariowhat is it?23:26
mok0Legendario: you need to build the source package and upload the _source.changes23:27
Legendariomok0 that's what i did...23:27
mok0Legendario: you probably have some files left from a binary build23:28
mok0Legendario: use flags -S -sa23:28
Legendariomok0, on what?23:28
pochustgraber: wow, pastebinit is really useful :)23:28
pochustgraber: btw paste.stgraber.org is down23:29
mok0dpkg-buildsource (or debuild...)23:29
Legendariothe packaging worked well on pbuilder23:29
mok0Legendario: sure, but this is uploading, right?23:29
Legendariomok0, yes. I uploaded it to ppa but the package was rejected. that was the message i got23:30
mok0Rebuild the source package with debuild -S -sa23:31
stgraberpochu: I know, it's one of the things I changed with this upload :)23:31
stgraberpochu: default is now pastebin.com23:31
mok0that gives you a _source.changes file, which you dput23:31
jdongmok0: dput checks md5sums before uploading23:31
jdongmok0: I am more tending to think it's something wrong with the infrastructure that caused it23:31
stgraberpochu: I would need to reinstall the pastebin on my own server as the external pastebin I was using seems to be dead now :(23:31
mok0jdong: could be23:32
LaserJockLegendario: is the package already in Ubuntu?23:32
LegendarioLaserJock, no, it is not23:37
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Legendariowell, should i rebuild it and try to upload it again?23:43
mok0Legendario: try it23:44
Legendariomok0, gonna try23:45
mok0Legendario: go for it23:45
Legendariomok0, gonna tell you the results if it fails23:45
mok0Legendario: you can pastebin it23:46
jscinozhey guys, sisposty submitted a patch for urbanterror to make it work with ubuntu's libjpeg, but how exactly would i apply this patch: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11602996/upid_1386_use_system_libjpeg6.patch23:55

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