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spivHmm, I just got an OOPS when filing a bug.00:24
kikospiv, known bug, use launchpad until edge is refreshed00:25
spivkiko: ta00:25
kikoit's fixed already btw -- an issue with the attachments00:26
spivYeah, I saw the traceback.  It looked pretty shallow.00:26
spiv(I'm a bit surprised it passed the test suite, but I assume that's already been investigated)00:27
kikowell, the issue is that testbrowser doesn't simulate a browser very well in this case00:27
kikoit doesn't send the field for an empty field input; a regular browser sends an empty string (usually)00:27
spivHeh, productino just gave me a timeout on the same report :P00:28
kikothat's another problem00:29
spivI already did, do you want another OOPS code? :P00:29
spivFourth reload appears to be the charm.00:31
spivNext time I'll probably just use email...00:31
kikoit's a problem we have to fix for this cycle00:31
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spivkiko-zzz: g'night00:32
Legendariohad the following error when uploading a package to my PPA and can't find out why: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53923/00:43
Legendariocan anyone help me out? No one on the #ubuntu-motu could00:45
Legendariobefore you guys ask me, that's the .dsc file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53924/00:45
cprovLegendario: does your orig matches the one in ubuntu PRIMARY archive, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/musictracker/0.4.1-1 ?00:51
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cprovLegendario: also, you should use a version higher than the one published in ubuntu archive if you want the package to be easily installable.00:54
LaserJockcprov: his package isn't in Ubuntu00:58
cprovLaserJock: I know but PPA reuses origs from the primary archive.00:59
LaserJockright, that's what I'm saying00:59
LaserJockthe orig isn't in Ubuntu01:00
LaserJockso it shouldn't be an issue, right?01:00
LaserJockoohhh, wait a sec01:02
LaserJockit is in Ubuntu01:02
Legendariosorry, but i am not understanding it...01:02
cprovLaserJock: yes, it is in ubuntu01:03
LaserJockit didn't show up in my search initially01:03
LaserJockthat changes everything01:03
cprovLegendario: you have to use the same orig.tar.gz available in ubuntu for musictracker or bump the version of your (but AFAICS it's the same upstream)01:04
cprovLaserJock: yup01:04
LaserJockcprov: that's why #ubuntu-motu couldn't figure it out ;-)01:04
Legendariothe ppa rejects source files which are different from the one that can be on the launchpad. Is it right?01:04
LaserJockLegendario: the PPA uses the .orig.tar.gz from Ubuntu if it exists01:05
cprovLegendario: different contents for the same filename ...01:05
LaserJockand it has to have the same Md5sum as your .orig.tar.gz01:05
cprovLegendario: it's a feature, in fact, it allows you to save bandwidth and do not include the orig in you upload.01:06
LaserJockLegendario: so just make sure to get the .orig.tar.gz from Launchpad when you're working on your package01:06
LegendarioLaserJock, if there is one on Launchpad, right?01:08
LaserJockthat's why I asked you 1.5 hrs ago if the package was already in Ubuntu :-)01:09
LegendarioLaserJock, the problem is that i often make a search on the launchpad home and just can't find something which is already there01:10
LaserJockwell, don't use the launchpad home search, that's your first problem :-)01:10
Legendariowhat should i use?01:11
LaserJockwhen you are looking for a package use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/01:11
Legendarioisn't it supposed to be shown on the search?01:11
LaserJocknot on the home page01:11
LaserJockthat's a search of projects, which is utterly confusing01:12
Legendariook. thanks01:18
LegendarioLaserJock, do i have to go through all the packaging process againg?01:23
Legendariocprov, can u answer me this, please?01:24
cprovLegendario: yes, the .diff, the DSC and .changes will be different 01:24
cprovLegendario:  just replace the orig you had with the one you've downloaded from LP and run 'debuild -S' on you old unpackaged directory01:25
cprovLegendario: yes, you don't need to upload the orig again (the the lack of '-sa' in the debuild line)01:26
Legendariocprov, ok. that's easier than editing all the files on the /debian folder again...01:26
cprovLegendario: yes, easier is good :) don't forget to tweak you version a bit otherwise apt won't be able to install it w/o modifying the repository priorities.01:28
cprovLegendario: call it 0.4.1-2~ppa1 (higher than ubuntu version but lower than the next candidate)01:29
Legendariothe version on launchpad is on the hardy universe, is it right?01:33
cprovLegendario: yes, check https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/musictracker/0.4.1-101:37
cprovLegendario: but your PPA version will be overridden to 'main' component01:37
Legendariocprov, i didn't understand. sorry. My version is the same 0.4.1, so how do i change the name of it?01:39
cprovLegendario: you mean "change the version number" (the name word is confusing in this context)01:40
cprovLegendario: change the entry in debian/changelog to the version you want. `dch` is your friend.01:41
Legendariocprov, yes. the version number01:43
Legendariocprov, could u try to explaim me better why is changing the version number necessary?02:09
cprovLegendario: because if you have 2 packages with the same name & version apt wouldn't know which one to install02:12
Legendariocprov, ok, thanks02:20
cprovLegendario: np02:20
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ubotuNew bug: #186900 in rosetta "timeouts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18690004:03
* jtv is off to lunch06:40
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Alohai can't run debuild -S because it complains about binary files being changed. how do i remedy this?08:14
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RAOFDon't modify binary files?08:16
AlohaRAOF, um anyway to _fix_ it? ;)08:19
RAOFWell, what is modifying the binary files?08:19
RAOFWhat files are being modified?08:19
RAOFIt's often a good fallback to just unpack the upstream tarball over the top of your source package.08:20
Odd_BlokeIIUC from #bzr, Aloha is the upstream.08:21
RAOFOoooooh, upstream bzr dev?  Awesome :)08:21
Odd_BlokeNot for bzr, for whatever it is that he's packaging.08:22
Odd_BlokeAgain, IIUC. :p08:22
Alohawhats IIUC?08:22
RAOFSo, the problem is: a package is basically the original tarball + a patch to that (which contains the debian directory).  When constructing that patch, dpkg-buildpackage will fail if there's a binary file in your source package tree that is different to the one found in the original tarball.08:23
Alohaim wondering where to go from there08:24
RAOFWell, what binaries are in the upstream tarball?08:24
RAOF(This is a trick question ;))08:24
RAOFAnd why have you changed them?08:25
Alohabecause i am editing the code08:25
Odd_BlokeAloha: If I Understand Correctly08:26
Alohabinaries are graphic files used in the program08:26
RAOFAloha: Aaah, right.08:26
RAOFSo, you probably want to uuencode the images.08:26
Alohawhy? i have a dh_install that moves them to /usr/share/pixmaps08:26
RAOFWhich will convert them to text.08:26
RAOFAloha: Because you can't add or change binary files in the packaging? :)08:27
Alohawhy not?08:27
RAOFBecause dpkg cannot represent binary diffs.08:27
Alohagotcha. that makes sense08:27
RAOFAnd all the things you change/add in the tarball are stored in a gzipped diff.08:28
Alohait also complains about .bzr directory cause i started controlling with bzr after i created first package08:28
Alohamaybe i shouldjust tarball my current directory and dh_make that08:29
RAOFAloha: What sort of project is it?08:29
RAOFAs you're upstream, you should be aware that people will expect certain things from release tarballs.  Such as not having .bzr directories in them :)08:29
AlohaRAOF, simple ruby/gtk program08:30
RAOFSo your build system is pretty simple.  Do you have any build system at all?08:30
AlohaRAOF, ok can i automate that or just remove .bzr from source release?08:30
AlohaRAOF, nope i just use dh_install for images and one shell script and a .desktop file08:31
RAOFJust remove .bzr from your source release.08:31
mptGoooooooood morning Launchpadders!08:32
AlohaRAOF, so i guess re tarballing and running dh_make on it is best bet yeah?08:32
RAOFYeah. Or just copying your existing debian directory.08:33
Alohampt, its only 10:30pm here ;)08:33
AlohaRAOF, oh into existing tarball? didn't even think of that heh08:33
RAOFThat shouldn't be in your release tarball - unless this package will only ever be useful for Ubuntu, you shouldn't make it unnecessarily difficult for other distributions to use your code :)08:34
mtaylorAloha: the bzr-builddeb I was discussing earlier will make you tarballs withouth .bzr dirs and stuff08:34
AlohaRAOF, im not trying to make a release tarball im just trying to use debuild -S to generate .changes file so i can upload to PPA08:35
Alohamtaylor, cool thnx08:35
mptAloha, Samoa? Tuvalu?08:37
Alohampt, you mean my location?08:37
Alohampt, well... the name will give you a hint ;)08:37
AlohaRAOF, cool i just added files to original tarball and it worked. thnx08:40
Alohappa said it might reject it due to it tryng to upload new original tarball.. i guess i'll wait and see08:42
mptAloha, ah, aloha ahiahi08:45
* Aloha likes ahi poke08:46
Alohait rejected it08:50
Alohashould i have a seperate build and packaging directory?08:54
Alohamrevell, hihi :)08:57
mrevellAloha: Aloha!08:57
mrevellHobbsee: Howdy08:58
Alohahow i do upgrade my code from 0.1 to 0.2?09:11
Alohai renamed the directory, created a new tarball and edited the changelog. is that the right way to do it?09:12
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Hobbseempt: yes, there is a bug.11:34
mptHobbsee, what?11:41
Hobbseempt: you asked me a couple of days ago if there was a bug for the lack of a queue UI for ppa.11:42
Hobbseethe answer is yes, there is11:42
mptwell, obviously, I know it's a bug, I think I aasked whether it was reported :-)11:43
Hobbseempt: that's what i was answering.  yes there is :)11:43
Hobbseempt: (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/155758)11:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155758 in soyuz "Global PPA +builds would be useful" [Medium,Confirmed]  - Assigned to Julian Edwards (julian-edwards)11:46
ubotuNew bug: #187013 in malone ""You have been subscribed to this bug" is misleading if you subscribed yourself" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18701312:00
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ubotuNew bug: #187018 in launchpad "html links to older source files are pointing to nowhere" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18701812:21
Hobbseei thought they fixed that.12:41
HobbseeFujitsu: what's the master bug # for that?12:41
kikoone of my favorite bugs is making that stop 404ing12:43
Hobbseedoko: there is no current solutions to that12:43
Hobbseekiko: oh?12:43
kikoyeah, it's a bug that the page is 404ed12:44
ubotuNew bug: #187028 in launchpad "The count by launchpad page id should display 0 instead of None and the section moved below the initial stats" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18702812:45
FujitsuHobbsee, doko: You can find old sources through the queue.12:46
* Fujitsu digs up the bug number.12:46
HobbseeFujitsu: you can?12:46
FujitsuHobbsee: I've done it, so I presume so.12:47
FujitsuBug #17902812:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179028 in soyuz "+files doesn't work for removed SPRs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179028 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)12:48
ubotuNew bug: #187031 in malone "Adding an attachment when filing a bug should only send out one email notification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18703112:56
ubotuNew bug: #187033 in launchpad "Use color codes for oops reports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18703313:01
ubotuNew bug: #187036 in launchpad "Oops reports should aim to report in the first few lines of the report the most interesting information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18703613:20
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ubotuNew bug: #187093 in launchpad "Unable to unsubscribe a user from an "Answer"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18709316:15
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alex-weejis bug dependency on the todo list for launchpad or is it intentionally omitted?17:01
kikoalex-weej, it's kinda intentionally omitted, but we'd like to be able to indicate 'related bugs"17:14
alex-weejthe dependency system with blueprints is pretty good17:17
alex-weejand it's a good way to track abstract higher level problems 17:17
kikoand I think that's the right level of granularity for dependency17:23
kikobugs, they are usually much finer-grained17:23
lbmi am still not able to merge my accounts18:18
kikolbm, hmmmm. ping me in 5 minutes.18:19
lbmkiko, i will do that, thanks18:19
kikowhen's the first you tried lbm?18:19
lbmwell, the merge token was mailed to me september last year18:20
lbmi've tried well, like 10 times since afair18:21
kikolbm, wow, why didn't you say so before.18:28
lbmkiko, well i mentioned it inhere in september :)18:29
lbmbut i forgot about it18:29
matsubarakiko: is it related to bug 162510?18:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162510 in launchpad "Merging people times out updating POSubmission and POMsgSet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16251018:31
kikomatsubara, in this case it's TranslationMessage18:32
kikobut yes.18:32
kikolbm, I'm going to run parts of the merge manually with mthaddon 18:32
kikolbm, when that sort of thing happens, please ask a question in answers.l.n18:32
kikolbm, please retry. if it times out, give me the OOPS code again.18:33
matsubarakiko: there's no posubmission and pomsgset anymore18:33
kikomatsubara, touché! you mock me in front of my enemies!!!18:33
lbmkiko: i will do that18:34
lbm"The accounts have been merged successfully."18:34
kikolbm, rock on18:34
kikothanks mthaddon, one more down!18:35
lbmso, is everything merged or do you still need to do some manually?18:35
kikolbm, it's all good18:35
LaibschI am getted repeated rejects with "MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive. Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification."18:36
lbmi'm curious, what happened?18:36
LaibschI verified the md5sums and everything is OK18:36
lbmkiko, thanks18:36
LaibschWhat is the likely problem?18:36
kikolbm, it timed out because you're such a prolific translator. :)18:36
lbmkiko, oh, i guess that's a good thing :)18:38
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arnetheduckthumper, hi...the svn import for dcplusplus has been running for more than a week now - is that still normal+20:29
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thumperarnetheduck: it had failed with a connection error after days of running20:38
thumperarnetheduck: I've poked it again, sometimes this helps20:39
arnetheduckthumper, hm, sounds like that import tool could use some love then...for example to support partial imports (I guess it imports revision by revision to also get the history into bazaar)...20:49
thumperarnetheduck: yes it does need some love20:50
arnetheduckthumper, what is it written in / can it be downloaded? maybe I can to a quick patch...20:52
thumperarnetheduck: it is the cscvs project on Launchpad20:52
kikoarnetheduck, it does do partial imports, though 20:53
kikothumper, arnetheduck: it's actually https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs20:54
thumperyeah, the big hurdle is the initial import20:54
arnetheduckkiko, well, it doesn't seem to be working very well - maybe it fails on the first import if all of the import doesn't go well?21:30
kikoarnetheduck, right, that's exactly what happens.21:32
arnetheduckkiko, right, that maybe makes sense if you run the script manually, but in the launchpad case where the script is run on schedule, wouldn't it make more sense to either get a few revisions at a time or a single revision at a time until it fails?21:35
arnetheduckthumper, kiko, I though that script imported into bazaar whereas it seems to be made for cvs / arch?21:40
kikoarnetheduck, don't read the README. it's actually for bzr.21:41
kikoarnetheduck, as you see it needs some love.21:41
thumperarnetheduck: it was originally in the dawn of time21:41
arnetheduckso erm...why isn't something like bzr-svn used?21:42
arnetheduckor svn2bzr?21:43
thumperarnetheduck: histerical raisins, we are looking at other tools21:44
thumperarnetheduck: right now though we are looking at better infrastructure to report failures, and improve communcition and information dissemination to people interested in imports21:45
kikoarnetheduck, thumper: one of the problems with using svn2bzr is that it is not well-suited to continuous imports21:48
kikoand bzr-svn only support svn, not CVS which is one of our targets21:48
kikomigrating to a new system is also painful because the historical revision ids will be incompatible between systems 21:48
arnetheduckkiko, thumper, ouch, that script is really hairy, particularily since 90% seems to be aimed at things not having to do with bzr imports...21:58
* thumper ndos22:01
* thumper nods22:01
arnetheduckthumper, can you give me the command line that is run on the initial import?22:02
thumperarnetheduck: I'll have to go and look at it22:03
thumperI don't know off the top of my head22:03
arnetheduckthumper, I have no intentions of doing any big things on that script but this way maybe I can find a quick fix for the initial import issue at least...22:04
arnetheduckthumper, gotta go, I'll be back later - if you happen to find that command line you're welcome to send it to duckspammer@gmail.com22:23
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=clearsilver  lots of dups? ?22:25
ubotuNew bug: #187170 in launchpad "Message.owner is nullable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18717022:25
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don_hi, somebody here?22:45
don_i have a question: is it possible to make a search/replace on a whole package translation? turns out there's one unappropriate word i repeatedly chose...22:46
Rinchendon_, the easiest way I know of is to export the package, fix it, and then import it back in22:54
don_ah ok. i'll take a look at that (it's the dpgk, long one ) :)22:54
don_thanks though!22:54
don_btw: mi ĵus sendis retpoŝton al vi!22:55
Rinchendon_, kaj mi ankxau vi!22:59
Rinchenal vi22:59
RinchenI am sooo out of practice. 23:00
don_=) well, luckiliy it's easy to pick up :)23:00
don_jam respondis23:05

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