
keescookwhat's the right way to add events to the fridge? (wiki has info on "story contribution", so I figured I'd follow that initially)18:56
beunokeescook, you can just email the list requesting to add it18:57
keescookokay, thanks18:57
beunoor, drop the info here and we'll add it straight on there18:57
keescookbeuno: can you add two meetings:  Server Team (2007-01-30 21:00 UTC) and Security Team (2007-01-30 20:00 UTC) ?19:17
beunokeescook, sure, the security is already on there, I emailed you about it19:18
beunoI'll pop in the server one too19:18
keescookbeuno: awesome.  thanks !  :)19:19
beunokeescook, added:  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/131319:21
* keescook hugs beuno19:22
* beuno blushes19:22
keescookalrighty, I'm outta here.  thanks again!19:23
=== davies is now known as jpatrick
Rinchenbeuno, congrats on getting added to planet bzr21:09
beunoRinchen, thanks!  although it's not getting my feed correctly yet  :/21:10
Rinchenit should now21:10
Rinchenit was just changed21:10
beuno(I'm also going to the sprint in London)21:10
Rinchenbeuno, really?!?  Sweet! I'll be there too21:10
beunoRinchen, really??  yay!21:10
RinchenI'll be in a different sprint though in a separate room. Let's hook up21:11
beunoRinchen, absolutely21:11
beunowhat sprint is going on?21:11
RinchenLaunchpad Team Leads21:11
beunoI'll be there from 2-8 March21:11
RinchenI'll be the big dumb mostly bald fat guy with cheesy grin :-D21:11
beunoah, sounds secretive21:11
Rinchenjust a normal planning and review meeting21:12
Rinchensame here on the dates21:12
beunoRinchen, cool!  We'll finally be able to grab a beer21:12
Rinchenor two! :-D21:12
RinchenI'm at the Grange Rochester this trip21:13
beunoI'm planning on taking some wine with me too (got great wines here), so things might get a bit out of control  :p21:13
beunoah, I don't know yet21:13
beunoI suppose they'll pile all of us on the same hotel, no?21:14
Rinchendepends really. Generally they try to21:21
beunoRinchen, well, either way, we'll meet in a month or so  :D21:29
Rinchenindeed. And maybe you can teach me how not to transpose the letters of your nick from beuno to bueno21:30
beunoRinchen, tab hey is your friend21:31
beunobe + tab21:31
Rinchenthat doesn't help!21:31
RinchenMaybe I can remember it as  St Beuno  vs Buesno Aires21:32
Rinchener Buenos21:32
beunowell, I'll add that to my ToDo  "find an easy way for people to remember my nick"21:33
Rinchenoh, beuno maybe this would help me....21:34
RinchenI pronounce your nick like "buenos diaz"21:34
Rinchenperhaps it's pronounced differently?21:34
RinchenWe often say "bueno! bueno!" around here in Colorado21:34
beunoRinchen, heh, no. It's be-uno. (b-1 in spanish)21:35
Rinchenah ha21:35
beunoI know, doesn't help21:36
Rinchenactually it does21:36
RinchenI can mentally keep "be uno" and "buh whehn o" separate21:36
beunoRinchen, :D21:38
beunoRinchen, who else is going?21:40
Rinchensome of the LP guys will be there. The full-time bzr team.   I'm not sure about who else21:42
RinchenMatt Revell might pop in.21:43
beunoRinchen, cool!  I'm double excited now  :D21:46

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