
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
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TheMusojscinoz: How big is the patch, and does the package already use a patch system?00:19
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=== Kemel is now known as Legendario
Legendariohey guys, had the same error here. Launchpad PPA rejected again00:26
geserLegendario: can you pastebin the .dsc file you uploaded?00:26
geserand also the exact error message00:27
Legendariohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53923/ that's the error message00:27
geserwhat's your PPA?00:28
Legendariogeser, that's the dsc file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53924/00:29
Legendariogeser, my ppa is http://ppa.launchpad.net/kemelzaidan/ubuntu00:29
geserLegendario: try asking in #launchpad00:33
jscinozthemuso the patch changes two files and i dont thing it already used a patch00:33
geserLegendario: as you don't have musictracker in you PPA nor is it in the archive, I don't understand which md5sum it didn't like and the upload contained also the .orig.tar.gz00:34
Legendariogeser, yeah. I don't understand it too. Have done exactly as described on the packaging guide00:36
geserI'm out of ideas00:36
Legendariohad only a doubt on how to build it with the build-depends on the debian/control file, but mok0 helped me out with it...00:36
Legendariogeser, i'll try to ask on the #launchpad. Thanks any way!00:41
geserkeescook: bad timing with your pcre3 merge. pcre3 7.6-1 got uploaded into Debian unstable and it also includes the pcredemo.c example.00:42
Legendariodo you guys know where to report bugs on the debhelper script?00:47
geserLegendario: against the debhelper package: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper/+bugs00:48
LaserJockthe debhelper package in Debian00:48
geseryes, that's probably more helpful00:49
ScottKAs long as it really is a bug with the Debian version of the package and not just our problem.00:50
LegendarioScottK, it probably is00:53
Legendariogeser, could not open the link you gave me...00:54
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geserLegendario: remove the "edge." and it should work00:55
Legendariodh_make doesn't recognize source versions without numbers. e.g.: beta100:55
slangasekLegendario: dh_make is not part of debhelper00:55
slangasekso please don't report such a bug against debhelper, report it against dh-make :)00:56
Legendarioslangasek, isn't the dh on dh_make an abreviation on debhelper?00:56
slangasekit is, nevertheless, a namespace collision00:57
geserLegendario: but dh_make has it's own package and is not part of debhelper00:57
Legendariogeser, well, do you know the link for it? cause i search on the launchpad home and can't find it?00:58
slangasekLegendario: https://launchpad.net/dh-make/ ?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-make/ ?00:59
Legendarioslangasek, why isn't it shown on a simple search?01:06
slangasekI don't know, where are you searching / what are you searching for?01:07
Legendarioslangasek, i am searching for musictracker on the launchpad home. I think that's the mistake01:19
emgentnite people01:24
zulgeez you people are quiet01:58
ion_Shh! Silence!01:59
leonelmm what  where  when ?? ..02:01
ScottKLegendario: If the Launchpad U/I is confusing, feel free to file bugs on Launchpad.02:08
LegendarioScottK, i guess i'll do it later02:09
rjmyst3i'm a rookie packager looking for reviews for my latest upload to revu02:13
zulhey ScottK02:13
rjmyst3can anyone help me out?02:13
bddebianHeya gang02:17
bddebianHello rjmyst302:18
rjmyst3bddebian: you've reviewed my package - wxFormBuilder - before02:19
rjmyst3it has since been updated quite a bit02:19
rjmyst3any chance you'd take another look?02:19
bddebianI'll try to check it out.  I've been having PC issues lately. :-(  I lost a drive yesterday02:19
rjmyst3what is the normal way to solicit reviews of a new package?02:21
rjmyst3i'm quite the rookie, still02:21
bddebianAsking in here is fine02:22
bddebianJust don't over do it ;-)02:23
rjmyst3ok :)02:25
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ScottKHeya zul.02:32
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tristanbob__if we have a new package that is not in Ubuntu or Debian, what are the next steps?  revu?03:04
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ScottK2tristanbob__: Yes.  Additionally, we are very near the deadline for Hardy, so if you're starting now, you're odds aren't good.03:11
tristanbob__ScottK2 - I bet we can get this in - the package is done - just need to get it reviewed, right?03:12
ScottK2Maybe.  Depends on how well done.03:12
tristanbob__true - we will get started on this process tomorrow03:13
tristanbob__ScottK, when is the deadline?03:13
ScottKtristanbob__: Uploaded (including archive admine NEW review) by February 14.03:14
tristanbob__ScottK, if we are not motu, do we need sponsorship?03:15
ScottKtristanbob__: Yes.  Upload to REVU and two MOTUs to advocate.03:15
ScottK!revu | tristanbob__03:16
ubotutristanbob__: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU03:16
rjmyst3I've got a package on REVU, that has been already reviewed and fixed.03:19
rjmyst3ScottK or ubotu - are you guys MOTU?03:19
rjmyst3could you help me get it in?03:19
ScottKI am.  ubotu is a bot.03:19
tristanbob__thanks for your time ScottK03:23
ScottKrjmyst3: wxwidgets really isn't my thing.  No, I don't think I can help you.03:24
ScottKtristanbob__: You're welcome.03:24
rjmyst3I understand, thanks for taking a look03:24
rjmyst3anybody in here a fan of wxWidgets?03:24
bddebianPlease tell me it doesn't use 2.4 ?03:27
ScottKbddebian is a masochist.  I'm sure he'll look at it.03:30
jscinozhey guys, sisposty submitted a patch for urbanterror to make it work with ubuntu's libjpeg, but how exactly would i apply this patch: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11602996/upid_1386_use_system_libjpeg6.patch03:58
bddebianpatch -pX < foo.patch ?03:59
jscinozhow do i know what number to replace X with04:06
bddebianUsually 1 but you can try 0-3 or 404:07
jscinozsays it cant find the file to patch at line304:10
jscinozregardless of what i hvae with -p04:10
jscinozwhat dir should i be running patch from04:11
bddebianthe source dir04:12
guest22Does anyone know what's happened to launchpad.net? (I'm referring to the strange character substitutions on all pages.) Has it been hacked?04:13
jscinozim in the source dir >_<04:14
jscinozmy pbuilder is borked :(04:42
jscinoz"host: unknown hostname" when i try to build with it04:42
AnAntpersia: Hello04:44
jdongjscinoz: /etc/hostname should have your hostname in it, /etc/hosts should have your_hostname04:46
jscinozah fixed it04:48
jscinozcommenter on revu package urbanterror says "I guess you should also set yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer and Ubuntu MOTU as Maintainer, so that there is a @ubuntu.com address in the Maintainer field." what does he mean by this?04:48
minghuajscinoz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField04:50
jscinozso just change maintainer field from jscinoz@gmail.com to ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com04:51
AnAntHello, can someone review those please: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=ubuntume-gdm-themes , http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=usplash-theme-ubuntume04:59
AnAntpersia: regarding usplash-theme-ubuntume , what do you mean by "the old version was based on other GPL code" ?05:03
AnAntpersia: as for the download location, the svn has read access for the public05:04
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joejaxxzul: how much work do you think it would be for openvz inclusion in ubuntu?05:52
nyquist2773Where is a good place to ask a programming question?06:03
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coolbhaviWhen I run debuild -S i get "Bhavani Shankar <bhavi@ubuntu.com>": secret key not available07:08
coolbhaviAm I missing out something?07:09
coolbhaviPlease HELP07:09
coolbhaviOK got it07:10
AnAntpersia: Hello07:16
warp10Hi all!07:23
dholbachgood morning07:38
RAOFGood afternoon, dholbach :)07:42
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dholbachhey RAOF07:50
Hobbseemorning dholbach07:52
dholbachhey Hobbsee07:53
RAOFHey Hobbsee!07:54
Hobbseeheya RAOF!07:54
RAOFHobbsee: You're not at lca, or something cool like that?07:56
slytherinpersia: man-di: Bad news - Lucene2 FTBFS even if I manually fix w3c-dtd-xhtml installation. Worse news - It builds with icedtea, which means that it can not be fixed in Debian for now.07:56
HobbseeRAOF: unfortunately not07:56
RAOFHm.  I wonder what severity Miro would like their "I'm pretty sure you're licensing is broken" bug >:)07:59
Alohawhats the correct way to use dch if adding to ppa? just dch by itself?08:05
slytherinAloha: i susally use dch -i which will add an entry and open changelog in editor. you can then manually modify theentry08:09
Alohaslytherin, dch with -i does the same. thats why i was asking de facto standard08:10
RAOFIt doesn't matter.08:10
RAOFThere's nothing PPA specific to using dch.  It just adds another changelog entry.08:11
Alohadebuild complains about maintainer not having ubuntu address when i use dch by itself because it appends -ubuntu to end of package name08:11
Alohadpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field08:12
Alohai mean08:13
Alohadpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address08:13
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slytherinAloha: use update-maintainer08:15
Alohaslytherin, k thnx08:15
slytherinAloha: And you should probably read about DebianMaintainerField on ubuntu wiki08:16
Alohaslytherin, ok thnx08:16
AlohaHobbsee, hi sarah!08:17
slytherinAloha: By the way, if dch is making the version as 1.0-1-ubuntu1 then I guess it will be wrong. It should be 1.0-1ubuntu108:17
Alohaor not08:17
Alohaslytherin, it making it right. typo on my part sorry08:18
slytherinif usplash is not showing up when I use grub2, is it grub2 bug or usplash bug?08:31
persiaslytherin: :(  I guess it's an icedtea solution then.  That still needs the DTD fix though, right?  I'd say wait for Debian to fix XML, and then adjust the build-deps of lucene2 (given that the Debian update is expected soonish).08:48
slytherinpersia: yes, DTD fix is still needed.08:49
persiaAnAnt: I mean that a source previously licensed under the GPL appears now to be licensed under CC-BY-SA.  I thought it was derived from another GPL package, in which case this cannot be done.  If it is original source, no issues.08:49
slytherinpersia: Do you think this should be reported against GCJ? Obviously there is some problem in GCJ due to which the unit tests are failing.08:50
AnAntpersia: original source08:50
persiaAnAnt: Also, no point in saying "Hello" every once in a while.  I tend to see those within an average of 30 minutes, but am typically unable to respond.  You'd do better to say whatever you might have said if I had responded, and I'l take the appropriate action.08:50
AnAntpersia: ok08:51
persiaAnAnt: OK.  I'll just take a quick look, and suspect I'll advocate.08:51
persiaAnAnt: Are you sure you want the maintainer to be "Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>"?  Not the UbuntuME team?08:52
persiaAnAnt: Let me know when you get an answer for that: if you're sure, I'll advocate.  If you want to adjust it and upload a new candidate, I'd rather advocate that one to reduce the chance of the wrong one getting uploaded.09:23
AnAntpersia: I thought that's how it should be, that Maintainer should be something @ubuntu.com09:24
persiaIt's stil REVU day.  There are 8 packages awaiting a second advocate, 3 packages that have been waiting a long time (2 of which I am recusing myself from re-reviewing), 12 packages still awaiting review today, and a bunch of updated candidates.  Who wants a review?  Who wants a package to review?09:25
persiaAnAnt: The maintainer should be something@ubuntu.com.  On the other hand, this is a special package, so it might want a special team to maintain it.09:25
persiaEssentially, if you set it to MOTU, anyone might update it, which may cause confusion to the team.09:25
AnAntpersia: ubuntume@googlegroups.com would do ?09:26
persiaAlso, about the SVN part: my comment about having a tarball was because SVN is expected to change, and there's no good record of what was released except the package source.09:26
rulusI'd like gtkvd to be reviewed; I (and a lot of people with me) would like it to be in the Hardy repo's. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gtkvd Thanks :)09:27
persiaAnAnt: Well, it is supposed to be an @ubuntu.com address.  Are any of the team members?  Perhaps they could be the maintainer for now?  Alternately, perhaps a mailing list could be set up with on lists.ubuntu.com?09:27
persiarulus: I still think you should do something about gnuvd as well, but I'll take a look.09:28
ruluspersia: gnuvd is fixed by it's author, but there are still a few small issues to fix before the new version gets into Debian09:28
AnAntpersia: well, I don't think any of the team members has a @ubuntu.com address (can anyone apply for that?). How can a mailing list be set up with lists.ubuntu.com ?09:29
persiaAnAnt: Ubuntu Members get an @ubuntu.com address.  The path to membership is changing, but I suspect http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember will at least point you in the right direction.  I don't know the process for mailing list setup.09:30
persiarulus: Excellent.  Note that by "do something", I really mean anything: just paying attention to it and requesting the sync at the right time counts :)09:30
ruluspersia: yeah, I'm certainly keeping track of the progress :)09:31
persiarulus: Even trying all my most nitpicky tests, I could only find two issues with the package.  Unfortunately, one is a GPL violation, so I won't advocate.09:39
ruluspersia: thanks for the comments, I'll check them out :)09:40
sistpoty|workmorning everyone09:44
gesergood morning09:48
mok0morning sistpoty09:48
sistpoty|workhi geser and mok009:49
geserhi sistpoty|work09:49
persiaMorning sistpoty09:51
sistpoty|workhi persia09:52
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persiaerable: qdevelop commented10:03
* persia seeks alternate reviewers for mumble (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mumble) and cvc3 (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cvc3) so that they don't miss two REVU days in a row.10:05
rulusHow do I compile .po during build? I'm looking at the source of Jokosher, but they don't do it either, they don't even include the .po files..10:08
Ngrulus: msgfmt. fwiw, my package is python, so I do it in the setup.py (and I shamelessly pinched the function to do it from another python package ;)10:10
* persia cheers open source, and encourages sharing of handy functions10:11
rulusNg: my package is Python too, can you give me the name of that package ;)10:11
Ngrulus: I have to admit that I've forgotten which package I pinched it from, but it's unmodified in mine (terminator)10:11
NgI should have been making notes of that stuff :/10:11
rulusNg: thanks, I'll have a look :)10:11
Ngyw :)10:12
slytherinpersia: Do you have even slightest idea why lucene2 unit tests fail with GCJ while they pass with icedtea?10:24
ruluswoot, it works Ng, thanks again :)10:26
Ngrulus: np :D10:26
persiaslytherin: Not a clue.  Back when I was a real Java developer, gcj was widely considered broken.  Now it mostly works (hurrah!), but I don't do so much Java.10:27
slytherinpersia: hmm, may be some apis are stub. That may be the reason the tests don't get result as expected.10:28
persiaslytherin: That would make sense.  My vague memories were that everything was stubbed to match the public API, and the implementations are a work in progress.10:29
luisbgIs there a general guideline for qt app packaging since they use qmake?10:34
ruluspersia and others: I updated gtkvd (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gtkvd)10:41
minghualuisbg: Maybe people in #kubuntu-devel know better.10:48
luisbgminghua, ok, thanks10:50
persiavorian: guake commented10:52
frafuCould anybody please review the following package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1577 It would be great if it makes it into hardy as the corresponding gui will be in hardy. (a11y tab of the mouse control panel)10:52
frafuThanks in advance.10:53
persiafrafu: From where does ./ChangeLog originate?  Seems an odd file to be the only patch external to debian/patches.10:58
frafupersia: it is from upstream; strange11:01
persiafrafu: Shall I proceed with the review, or do you want to look at that first?11:01
frafupersia: I will look at it first11:01
frafupersia: thanks11:02
persiafrafu: Thanks for being responsive.  It's a lot easier for me when I don't have to do a full review and still not get to advocate the package.11:03
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com
persiaAnd so REVU day comes to a close.  Only one package uploaded today: any reviewers who were waiting for the last minute are encouraged to take a look at the packages that have already received an advocate.11:04
frafupersia: thanks to you for pointing me immediately to the problem11:05
persiafrafu: I encourage you to check the diff.gz with lsdiff in the future.  It's a really easy mistake to make (I've done it lots of times).11:05
DaveMorrisfeature freeze is quite close now. :(11:05
persiaDaveMorris: Yep.  Thanks for your help with reviewing.11:06
DaveMorrisnp, I can spot the easy mistakes :)11:07
ruluspersia: can you have another look at my package? I fixed your last comments.11:07
persiarulus: REVU Day just ended, and I've a couple other things I want to do before I sleep.  I'll take another look next time I pass through REVU, but you might do well to solicit someone else's review: I tend to try to review packages I've not reviewed at all, or not recently.11:08
frafupersia: thanks for the tip; are there any other tools that I can use apart lintian, linda (that does not seem to be uptodate) and lsdiff?11:08
frafuI should have asked this time ago :-/11:09
persiafrafu: I find `less $(suspicious-source)` to be useful.  I also use uscan and dpkg --contents foo.deb.11:09
ruluspersia: ah ok thanks anyway :)11:09
persiaAlso, linda is still helpful, even though she is a little behind.11:09
frafupersia: ok11:11
DaveMorrisis there a howto on checking your package?11:11
persiaDaveMorris: Closest we have (and it is out of date based on discussions on the ubuntu-motu ML) is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews#Tips (linked from REVU).11:14
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zuljoejaxx: depends on a couple of things like do they have a patch for 2.6.2411:46
devilsadvocatehi.. can someone help me get my gpg to work from within a chroot? i am unable to create a package because debbuild cant fing gpg (absolute newb here :P)12:06
persiadevilsadvocate: You can easily work around that by using debsign to sign the files after you get them out of the chroot.  (I don't remember the necessary hooks to make it work inside the chroot).12:07
slytherindevilsadvocate: What is exact error?12:07
devilsadvocateFinished running lintian.12:07
devilsadvocateNow signing changes and any dsc files...12:07
devilsadvocateCould not find a signing program (pgp or gpg)!12:07
devilsadvocatedebuild: fatal error at line 1174:12:07
devilsadvocaterunning debsign failed12:07
devilsadvocateI tried running debuild -S12:08
slytherindevilsadvocate: This error si not from inside of chroot I guess. Looka like you are missing some gpg agent. Try installing seahorse12:09
devilsadvocateslytherin, i'm using the packaging guide on the wiki, with the added procss of running it within a minimal chroot. i wanted to make sure i got the dependancies right12:11
devilsadvocatei'll try installing seahorse and check. thanks :)12:11
geserdevilsadvocate: have you gpg installed inside the chroot?12:12
devilsadvocategeser, i tried installing gnupg, but it says its at the latest version. I have _not_ yet imported my keys from outside though, but i guess that error should come later down the road12:13
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joejaxxzul: nope only 2.6.2212:19
zuljoejaxx: then no i wouldnt do it12:20
geserdevilsadvocate: if debsign/gpg wouldn't find the key, you would get an other error message. This error message sound like it couldn't find the gpg binary inside the chroot12:21
devilsadvocatei agree. geser12:23
devilsadvocatehence me here :P12:23
devilsadvocateok. i think 've gotten a little further. i tried running gpg --list-keys, and got a fatal error saying it cant create a directory in my home directory, which happens to be the one _ouside_ the chroot. i'd better read up on other stuff and try to fix that first12:24
geserdevilsadvocate: try setting inside the chroot HOME to a value where gpg can write, e.g. export HOME=/tmp12:25
mcisbackukStupid question, but had anyone else noticed that 7.10 and Hardy's alpha 3 CDs STILL have 7.04's example files on it, and they haven't ever been updated since??12:27
devilsadvocategeser, that was the problem, kindof. I had to do a mount -a outside the chroot (i added the home directories as a mount point on fstab). did that and it worked. thanks :)12:28
persiamcisbackuk: That's normal.  Those usually get updated much closer to StringFreeze.12:29
mcisbackukpersia: Oh right OK, just thought it was a bit strange lol12:30
minghuaI believe the "release notes" in firefox points to the one of 7.10 as well.12:30
minghuaThe documentation will always fall behind.12:31
persiaErr.  7.04?  That should be updated ;)12:31
minghua7.10, sorry.12:31
minghuaIt used to be 7.04, though. :-P12:31
minghuaActually, I'm not that sure now.  It was fixed in gutsy-updates.12:32
mcisbackukGRRR what is wrong with the mono libs I still can't get a parital upgrade to work properly12:32
devilsadvocatei remember in xubuntu edgy, the release version had the old docs.. i think in the default firefox page12:33
mcisbackukWell 8.04's curent Firefox has 7.10 displayed in /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html (start page), and the release notes point to 6.10, yes SIX.TEN,12:34
gesermcisbackuk: that mono bug here? bug #18468112:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184681 in mono-addins "Some missing /usr/share/cli-common/policies.d/libmono-addins*/*.dll break mono installatsions (! Assembly /usr/share/cli-common/policies.d/libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil/policy.0.2.Mono.Addins.Gui.dll does not exist)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18468112:35
mcisbackukgeser: That's the one, its still affecting direct updates from the Alpha 3 CD12:36
ryanakcaI assume it isn't too late to ask fo a sync?12:36
mcisbackukFeatureFreeze isn't until Feb 14th I think you might be OK12:37
slytherinryanakca: which package?12:37
gesermcisbackuk: I haven't seen it here on my regular updated hardy12:37
devilsadvocatewould it be possible to get microdc2 into universe?12:37
gesermcisbackuk: seems to be an update problem12:37
ryanakcaslytherin: isn't in Debian yet, I'm going to try to get it uploaded... then a week to get included/processed... I should be OK :)12:37
mcisbackukgeser: So i'll go ahead with dkpg --configure -a and reboot?12:37
ryanakcas/uploaded/uploaded today/12:37
gesermcisbackuk: reboot shouldn't be necessary. Did you tried dpkg --configure -a already?12:38
mcisbackukgeser: Not yet, I've literally just installed and run the partial upgrade tool, will I need to run dpkg?12:39
minghuaThe wrong release note version bug is fixed in gutsy-updates.12:39
gesermcisbackuk: I'm just downloading the alpha3 iso to test it myself12:39
mcisbackukminghua: If it was overlooked once, couldn't it be again?12:39
mcisbackukgeser: OK12:39
minghuamcisbackuk: Of course it could.  If you have good suggestions to prevent that, I'm sure the release team will be interested.12:40
mcisbackukgeser: Alpha 4's on Thursday anyway isn't it? Does another batch of iso's get made up for it?12:41
slytherinmcisbackuk: Aren't ISOs built daily?12:44
mcisbackukminghua: Well I thought that there would've been a team within Firefox or whatever that would do this anyway. I could keep an eye on it, but when is StringFreeze? I take it this is the last chance to change anything?12:45
mcisbackukslytherin: I don't know, I didn't think they were, that's why I asked lol12:45
slytherinmcisbackuk: they are. I thought that you were here to report that you couldn't find a nightly CD. :-)12:46
minghua! hardyschedule12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hardyschedule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:46
mcisbackukslytherin: Oh....fair enough, where do you get them from then? And I must point out to geser that I obviously have an old one, so sorry.12:46
slytherinmcisbackuk: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily/12:47
minghuamcisbackuk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule  # string freeze is Feb. 28th12:47
mcisbackukslytherin: Got it! Thanks slytherin :)...and thanks lol12:48
minghuamcisbackuk: I believe firefox has its own team too, you are always welcome to remind them before the release if it doesn't get updated.12:48
mcisbackukminghua: Will do, I'll have a look a week or so before :)12:49
minghuamcisbackuk: Actually, test the Beta and RC releases, dig around and find anything you think should be updated.  Report them as bugs and push people to fix it.12:49
persiamcisbackuk: Best to check a week or so before beta, just to make sure there is time to get it right, rather than being a last minute fix.12:49
mcisbackukThat's what I meant by a week before lol :)12:50
minghuaIMHO Ubuntu has far too few beta- and rc- testers than necessary.12:50
mcisbackukminghua: well consider me one, even though I can't build etc I cann still hunt problems :)12:51
persiamcisbackuk: If you're up for that, you might be interested in joining the bugsquad12:51
persiaIt's nautilus bug day today in #ubuntu-bugs12:52
minghuamcisbackuk: That would be a very appreciated contribution.12:52
mcisbackukpersia: Nautilus is the "file manager" for GNOME right?12:52
persiamcisbackuk: Yep.12:55
slytherinman-di: Any update on the DTD issue?12:55
mcisbackukOK I've just joined BugSquad, gonna have a look through them, see if they're reproducible in Hardy12:58
man-dislytherin: work in progress...sorry for not better infos12:59
slytherinman-di: What exactly is work in progress? I mean whether the fix has been decided or is it under discussion?13:00
man-dislytherin: working on a patch to make it work13:01
slytherinman-di: Ok. So you are simply going to add symlinks, right. Or do you have any other fix in mind.13:02
mcisbackukHow do run an MD5 check on the daily build ISOs?13:02
man-dislytherin: Daniel had another idea. I still need to test it.13:04
slytherinmcisbackuk: md5sum command13:04
mcisbackukslytherin: Thanks :)13:04
slytherinman-di: I hope you saw my last message about using icedtea13:07
man-dislytherin: icedtea?13:11
slytherinman-di: The combination of openjdk and some other free java related tools to fill the gap in openjdk13:12
man-dislytherin: I know what icedtea is. I work on the packaging of it. I just wonder what your comment was.13:13
slytherinman-di: I ws trying to build lucene2 with GCJ. But even after the DTD issue is fixed, lucene2 FTBFS. So I will build it with icedtea so it can be moved to universe in Ubuntu (free in Debian). I am specifically doing this to address bug 18591713:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185917 in lucene2 "lucene2 jdk dependence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18591713:15
man-dislytherin: as icedtea is not in Debian yet and its only limited to a few archs currently its not a real option, just a workaround13:18
slytherinman-di: Yes I know that. I am hoping that it makes soon to Debian. We will use it for only building. The binary package will have build dependency java2-runtime (even though the package may not perform as expected when used with GIJ). This is the max I can do as of now.13:21
man-dislytherin: I really prefer binary:all packages to be buildable on all archs, if possible13:24
man-dislytherin: icedtea will soon work on all archs, hopefully13:24
man-dislytherin: Gary Benson from Redhat wrote a portable interpreter for it13:24
slytherinman-di: Cool13:25
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HobbseeScottK: you did see mark's message to the MC, didn't you?14:00
\shoh well...that's too much of kmos stuff in the last 2 weeks somehow14:03
HobbseeScottK: by your mail, it appears you didn't.14:04
effie_jayx\sh,  I asked in the mentors mailing list and I found out how to do it...  DEB_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS = -xkdepim-kresources14:06
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\sheffie_jayx, ah cool :) did it work actually? it was just a hot shot yesterday :)14:06
effie_jayxI still get the same error14:07
effie_jayxdpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libkabcscalix.so.0 needed by debian/kdepim-kresources/usr/lib/kde3/kabc_scalix.so (its RPATH is '').14:07
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geserHi \sh14:07
sistpoty|workeffie_jayx: what are you trying to do?14:07
\shsistpoty|work, libkabcscalix.so.0 and kabc_scalix.so are in the very same package...14:08
effie_jayxsistpoty|work,  trying to test build kdepim ..  I fixed the manpage title to fix a bug.. and it fails to build14:09
sistpoty|work\sh: then you'll need to create a shlibs file for libkabcscalix.so.0 and make dpkg_shlibdeps use this... should be in the man page of dh_makeshlibs14:09
\shsistpoty|work, yeah that was my second thought14:09
sistpoty|work\sh: erm... in the man page of dh_shlibdeps even14:10
sistpoty|workeffie_jayx: ^^ tried this yet?14:10
effie_jayxsistpoty|work,  sorry too much of a noob to figure that one out14:10
effie_jayxsistpoty|work,  any urls I can pick some ideas from?14:11
\shsistpoty|work, the problem with this package -> cdbs :)14:12
* \sh grabs some coffee and have a cigarette14:12
sistpoty|workeffie_jayx: actually just the example in the man page should work... otherwise you could try looking at some lib packages that provide a -bin package as well and look how these handle it14:12
ryanakcaWhen I get "  libqt4-dev: Depends: libpq-dev but it is not going to be installed", does that mean that I have to add libpq-dev to the depends, or wait untill libpq-dev is packaged or ?14:13
sistpoty|work\sh: oh, that's bad luck then. /me doesn't know cdbs and doesn't want to learn about it *g*14:13
* ryanakca finds cdbs makes life so much easier... once you've read all the source code to find out what all the options/rules magic/args are14:14
effie_jayx\sh,  I read cdbs makes it easier and by reference people tell me is far cleaner that debhelper14:14
\sheffie_jayx, that's a lie14:14
effie_jayxahhh I see14:15
\shbut it's IMHO14:15
ryanakcaeffie_jayx: if your packaging a program that is simple enough, it is, imho. If its a really complex program with a messed up makefile and things in wierd places, etc... then no.14:15
effie_jayxgets the new contributors confused...14:15
sistpoty|workI really dislike cdbs when it comes to sponsoring because most people use it as black box that just works, but have no idea on what's going on below :/14:15
ryanakcasistpoty|work: thats me :)14:16
\shcdbs hides a lot of dh_* magic from the user...and dh_* hides a log of essential things from the user..but debhelper is understandable and usable, better then the manual things..and much better then cdbs IMHO !14:16
effie_jayxwell no problem. I didn't mean to get you worked up about a packaging-tool war14:16
* ryanakca tries to figure out why his package builds under hardy but fails under sid14:16
\sheffie_jayx, oh it's not a war :) other people had discussion about it, the last I read was joey on p.d.o14:16
* sistpoty|work must admit to have packaged a python app with cdbs once though *g*14:17
effie_jayx\sh,  I did read about joeyh hating cdbs ... (google)14:18
ryanakcasistpoty|work: lol :)14:18
effie_jayxwell I gotta see about this bug.... ryanakca  any suggestions?14:18
* \sh wonders how many packages FTBFS during his octave3.0 uploads..regarding his sbuild no package should fail14:19
ryanakcaeffie_jayx: what bug?14:19
ryanakcaeffie_jayx: ah14:20
ryanakcahmm... and you're sure all you did was update the manfile and update the changelog?14:20
effie_jayxsistpoty|work,  man dh_shlibdeps    gives me   dh_shlibdeps -L libfoo1 -l debian/libfoo1/usr/lib   as example14:20
effie_jayxryanakca,  yes sir...14:20
effie_jayxI didn't have the need to fiddle with debian/rules14:20
effie_jayxsistpoty|work,  is that the one you make reference to?14:21
ryanakcaeffie_jayx: have a debdiff around?14:21
sistpoty|workeffie_jayx: yes, exactly14:22
sistpoty|workeffie_jayx: that one must be after the dh_makeshlibs call though14:22
sistpoty|work(otherwise there won't be the shlibs-file for the library from the other binary package)14:23
\shsistpoty|work, as I said, the missing lib is inside the package of the other .so file..14:24
ryanakca"W: basic256: copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate" ... meaning? I have "Upstream Author(s): \n \indent Author1 email1 \n \indent Author2 email2", where \n = newline, \indent = 4 spaces.14:24
sistpoty|work\sh: now /me is confused... as in other source or other binary package from same source?14:26
effie_jayxryanakca,  I first tried and got an error ... I was sure to modify only the manpage. I do not have a debdiff for that. then I added the line \sh suggested and I tried building again. no such luck. so I guess I could try again from scrath...14:26
\shsistpoty|work, same binary package...14:27
\shsistpoty|work, aeh14:27
sistpoty|workryanakca: my guess is the "Upstream Author*(*s*)*" (is it one or more authors?)14:27
ryanakcasistpoty|work: ah :)14:27
\shsistpoty|work, kde-pim compiles into different binary packages, one it's called kdepim-kresources, where the kabc_*.so sits and also the libscalix.so.0 lib14:27
ryanakcaAnd, must all packages have a manpage? This one provides a single binary with no command line options.14:28
\shsistpoty|work, the kabc_*.so is just a plugin so, and depends on libscalix*.so.0  lib in the very same binary package, just that libscalix*.so.0 is hiding in /usr/lib and the plugin one in /usr/lib/kde3/14:29
\shsistpoty|work, I don't any other package depending on this libscalix*.so.0 lib so dh_shlibdeps should ignore it (-x<Packagename> or -Xkabc_*.so) or prepend LD_LIBRARY_PATH to it via -l<directory>14:30
\shoh a "know" is missing after "I don't" ;14:31
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sistpoty|work\sh: it shouldn't ignore it (it's in /usr/lib), but rather use -l<directory> (where that dir is where libscalix*.so.0 is installed to in during the build process)14:32
sistpoty|work\sh: and iirc -L<package> will tell it to just look at shlibs.<package> in the debian dir14:32
sistpoty|work(to resolve the dependencies)14:32
\shsistpoty|work, well, yes, but depending on itself is imho useless..I would prefer the -lusr/lib switch14:33
\shsistpoty|work, isn't there a possibility to tell cdbs to just do it for this special package? like "DEB_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_kdepim-kresource=-lusr/lib" or something?14:34
sistpoty|work\sh: dunno, but I guess there could be such a thing.. any cdbs expert around?14:34
effie_jayxI will try the mentor's mailing list again on this one...14:36
sistpoty|work\sh: and I guess it would be ...ARGS_... = -Lkdepim_whatever_binary_package_the_so_is -ldebian/path/to/shared/object/during/build14:36
sistpoty|work(s.th. like that)14:36
effie_jayxdon't worry guys ... thabks a bunch14:36
\sheffie_jayx, it's also training for us :) those questions are coming now and then again :)14:36
effie_jayxwell I am sorry I have to go... community talk awaits14:37
effie_jayxthank you all for being so supportive14:37
effie_jayxI will be back14:37
sistpoty|workcya effie_jayx14:37
LucidFoxI've just read "-lpthread" as "-lupstream"14:39
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cbx33hey hey all14:58
cbx33where the heck is python-samba now?14:58
frafuCould anybody please review the mousetweaks package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1586 It would be great if it makes it into hardy as the corresponding gui will be in hardy. (a11y tab of the mouse control panel)14:59
\shmoins Nightrose , bddebian15:01
bddebianHeya gang15:02
bddebianHi \sh15:02
frafuBy the way, as soon as you find a problem in the package, you can stop the review and ping me (if you feel so), as I will remain online for several hours.15:02
dcorderohow long time spend usually since you sent a debdiff to fix a bug until a motu see that? i sent a fix 3 days ago. I dont know how is the normal time15:03
slytherindcordero: did you subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug?15:05
dcorderoyep i did15:05
slytherindcordero: and since you attached debdiff you should mark the bug as confirmed if you didn't do it already15:06
slytherindcordero: whcih bug by the way?15:06
dcorderoyep, i mark as confirmed and asigned to nobody15:06
dcorderoBug #7074515:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 70745 in erlang-doc-html "erlang-doc-html conflicts with other erlang packages" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7074515:06
geser\sh: what problem did you had yesterday with gpg2?15:08
geserHi bddebian15:09
\shgeser, oh yes...gpg2 is complaining about a key of cjwatson, which has some sigs on his subkey...15:09
\shgeser, gpg2 2.0.8 that is15:09
slytherinI have a question. If usplash doesn't show up when using grub2, is it grub2 bug or usplash bug?15:10
\shgeser, and having read the rfc4880 section 12.1 it looks like that having sigs on a subkey is not a good idea...15:10
frafuman suspicious-source says:  search for files that are not the GPL's "preferred form of modification". What does  "preferred form of modification" mean?15:11
geser\sh: I've got here gpg2 2.0.8 too and the debian-keyring rsynced from keyrings.debian.org and no problem15:11
geser\sh: perhaps I should try to import his key without the debian-keyring15:11
bddebianHeya geser15:12
\shgeser, well, the key is already on my keyring...doing a gpg --list-sigs <my keyid> it gives me some errors..but that is on another distro..../me needs to check still ubuntus gpg215:12
sistpoty|workdcordero: you'd rather want a sync for erlang-doc-html then a merge, since there is no other change in the debdiff than to change the maintainer name15:12
geser\sh: hardy hasn't gpg 2.0.8 yet, I compiled the Debian gpg2 2.0.8 package for myself here15:12
sistpoty|workdcordero: also, I'm just seeing that the new version is already synced into hardy15:13
\shgeser, further infos are here: https://issues.rpath.com/browse/CNY-2490?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_6488315:13
sistpoty|workdcordero: if you want to fix gutsy, you'd need a SRU (or a backport, if it's not suitable for a SRU)15:13
\shgeser, first I thought it was because I have a subkey ref which points to my smartcard, but it wasn't the case...15:13
sistpoty|work!SRU | dcordero15:13
ubotudcordero: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:13
dcorderoups, how did you check that the last version is now in hardy? i upgraded it because i saw the bug15:14
geser\sh: what error give gpg2 you? that bug shows only some python errors15:15
sistpoty|workdcordero: I used http://packages.ubuntu.com/src:erlang-doc-html (but you could also check the source page on launchpad or use rmadison or s.th.)15:15
\shgeser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/3978/15:16
dcorderosistpoty|work, thanks. has the bug been marked as fixed?15:17
\shgeser, I'm still using my .gnupg dir from my ubuntu station15:17
geser\sh: and the error vanishes when you remove cjwatson's key?15:18
sistpoty|workdcordero: no... don't have my LP login credentials here at work15:18
\shgeser, looks like it doesn't15:19
\shhmm...gpg --list-keys now stops at fabbiones second key...pub   4096R/63549F8E15:21
geserI've imported your key here and no problem with gpg2 --list-sigs for it15:23
\shI really what it is15:24
\shthere is really something broken over there15:24
geser\sh: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-633497.html?sid=24eee56f56f9e089f14acc43ebd020d3 has the same problem. Looks like your keyring got broken15:26
RainCTHey :)15:27
* RainCT is overjoyed :D15:27
geserRainCT: congrats!15:27
dholbachcongratulations RainCT15:27
RainCTgeser, dholbach: thanks! :D15:28
LucidFoxRainCT> Congratulations!15:28
dholbachall well deserved :)15:28
slytherinLucidFox: Wrong syntax. :-P15:28
slytherinCongrats > RainCT15:28
LucidFoxI don't use the automagic colon-thing.15:28
LucidFoxPartly because I don't know how to make it work in xchat-gnome.15:29
LucidFoxSo I always type nicks manually.15:29
\shgeser, well....the keyring is functional on this station..but not on the other...I just copied it via scp over to my laptop with gutsy...and it works15:29
slytherinLucidFox: I have never used xchat-gnome but I guess Tab key should work15:30
LucidFoxwell, if I type, say, "s<Tab>", it lists all nicks starting with S15:31
LucidFoxbut if I click one of them, it opens PM15:31
\shLucidFox, type a second character of the nick you want to complete ;)15:31
\shLucidFox, it just like bash tab completion :)15:31
slytherinLucidFox: Isn't that similar to bash command completion?15:32
\shLucidFox, e.g. lu gives me <1st tab> lucas<2nd tab>LucidFox :)15:32
LucidFoxah, well... it's pasted if I type enough letterss for it to be unambiguous15:32
LucidFox\sh> Ah, well... but you use vanilla X-Chat, not xchat-gnome15:33
\shLucidFox, it's the same :)15:34
\shLucidFox, I just to lazy to type apt-get install xchat-gnome ;)15:34
LucidFoxwell, in plain xchat, yes, it does work that way15:36
\shLucidFox, hmm..xchat-gnome broken?15:36
\shI wonder what the real difference is between plain xchat and xchat-gnome ;)15:37
LucidFox\sh> I think it's desired behavior :)15:37
LucidFoxbasically, xchat-gnome is HIGified15:37
geser\sh: compare then the library versions used by gpg on both stations15:37
LucidFoxit has one annoying "feature", namely the user list being hidden behind a button, but I wrote a patch adding an option to move the user list to the right, like in plain xchat15:38
LucidFoxnow trying to get it into Ubuntu :)15:38
geser\sh: compare the versions of libgcrypt15:39
RainCTpersia: Hi. Do I have to do something to get into u-u-s or just ask you? :)15:39
\shgeser, 11.2.315:40
\shgeser, so version15:40
\shgeser, on hardy one and on the other one15:40
\shgeser, the problematic part: hardies gpg is not dynlinked with libgcrypt...but gpg2 on the other one is15:42
\shgeser, or something really mystical is going on15:42
geser\sh: my compiled gnupg 2.0.8 packages is dynamically linked with libgcrypt: libgcrypt.so.11 => /lib/libgcrypt.so.11 (0x00007f5a03c5a000)15:47
\shgeser, I'm compiling 2.0.8 just now...15:48
* \sh is somehow a but busy with housework :(15:48
slytherin!hi > Mcklaren15:52
RainCT!hi > RainCT15:58
pochuRainCT: congratulations :)15:59
RainCTpochu: thx :)15:59
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mattva01quick question , if I want to restart versioning( say my last upload to my ppa was 0.8 but i want my next revision to be 0.1)  whats the best way to get Soyuz to accept this?16:47
RainCTmattva01: perhaps PPA's have some way to handle this but if not you'll have to use 1:0.1 as version16:48
mattva01ok ,oh well16:49
rulusmattva01: you can delete the 0.8 first and then upload the 0.1 I guess16:49
RainCTright, might work.. but I guess you'll have to wait some hours for the files to be deleted before you upload the new one16:50
emgentkeescook, ping about meeting news17:35
LucidFoxRainCT, how long did it take for gbrainy to pass Debian's NEW?17:45
RainCTLucidFox: I'm not sure... somewhat around 2 weeks perhaps. I can check if you need to know... Why do you ask?17:46
LucidFoxwell, I have a package there :)17:47
LucidFoxwas wondering how much longer I can expect to wait17:47
RainCTLucidFox: Ah, nice :). Well, my packages usualy take between 2 weeks and 1 month..17:48
* sistpoty|work heads home17:52
keescookhiya emgent, going to send some email out in a few.18:01
emgentkeescook, yes cool, sorry for double ping (irc && jabber) :)18:02
keescooknp.  :)18:02
DRebellionHi, how would one go about submitting an updated package (of a package that already exists in ubuntu) to the repos?18:10
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pochuDRebellion: if you say the package, we will see18:11
DRebellionpochu: I have a friend that is interested in adding to a package, i'm just curious about the process of getting it into the repos.18:11
RainCTDRebellion: "adding to"?18:12
pochuCreate a bug in launchpad, attach a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors18:12
DRebellionRainCT: extra modules, features, etc.18:12
RainCTDRebellion: is he a developer of that application?18:13
DRebellionRainCT: not currently, no.18:13
RainCTDRebellion: then I suggest either trying to get it into the next official version or creating a new package for that extra stuff18:14
DRebellionRainCT: ok18:15
RainCTif a package has a Maintainer with @ubuntu.com and someone else changes that package, should he still change the maintainer to MOTU?18:33
* Lutin wonders why gnumach is in the archive18:35
bddebianFor Hurd baby :)18:35
Lutinit's been dep-waiting since dapper18:36
Lutinapparently no one bothered asking a sync for mig, so I seriously think we might consider the removal ...18:37
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\shgeser, did you build gnupg2 against libassuan-dev (1.0.3-1) or used the new one from debian?18:51
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geser\sh: libassuan 1.0.4 from unstable19:00
\shbah...one missed 2.1 version string..and inline-octave breaks....preparing patch19:09
geser\sh: I've still the my compiled debs of gnupg2 around (for amd64)19:12
\shgeser, ah good to know...could you send them to me including missing bin deps? (sh@sourcecode.de) :)19:14
highvoltage ___________19:19
geser\sh: I've uploaded them to http://members.ping.de/~mb/gnupg2/19:22
\shah the good old members of ping :) greetings to the old buddies of prima e.v. btw :)19:22
RainCTasac: ping19:26
blueyedRainCT: thanks for acking the sync - I wasn't a motu yet when filing the bug.. :)19:27
RainCTasac: about bug #184115, does linking to "/usr/lib/firefox/extensions/" work? (right now it links to "usr/lib/firefox/extensions/{53A03D43-5363-4669-8190-99061B2DEBA5}", which I don't even have, so that's probably wrong, or? :P)19:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184115 in scrapbook "iceweasel-scrapbook should be firefox-scrapbook" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18411519:28
RainCTblueyed: heh. no problem :)19:28
RainCTblueyed: that has been my first ACK, by the way :)19:29
* blueyed just did his first upload to universe. Cheers! :)19:29
huatsRainCT: Congrats19:30
RainCTblueyed: cool, gratz :). hm.. how do you upload? just dput *.dsc?19:30
pochublueyed: cheers19:30
RainCThuats: thanks :)19:30
LucidFoxRainCT> I assume so19:31
LucidFoxbut sync requests are up to archive admins19:31
geserRainCT: yes, like to ppa or revu: dput the_package.dsc19:31
LucidFox(MOTUs just ack them and subscribe ubuntu-archive)19:31
blueyedRainCT: I'm using dput *.changes..19:32
RainCTLucidFox: yes, I know :)19:32
RainCTalright, thx19:32
huatsI am updating a package  to a new version... In the 'old' package there was many patches, I have been able to apply most but one fails to be applied. The pb is that it is 17400 lines, is there a way to see what fails ?19:37
geserhuats: what does it patch? configure?19:38
pochuhuats: what's the patch name?19:38
RainCThuats: if it's dpatch or cdbs' simple patchsys (with others I don't know) run  *-edit-patch <patch name>  and it will drop you in a shell with all previous patches applied and a *.rej file that might have some useful information19:38
huatsgeser: aclocal.m419:39
huatspochu: 98_autoreconf.patch in the new yeld (2.21.90)19:39
huatsRainCT: it is a simple patch indeed19:40
pochuhuats: remove the patch, and regenerate it with "autoreconf -fiv"19:40
huatspochu: ok, I'll try first the RainCT way :)19:42
huatspochu: and then  I try yours :)19:42
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frafuCould anybody please review mousetweaks: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1586  It would be great if it makes it into hardy as the corresponding gui will be in hardy. (a11y tab of the mouse control panel). Thanks in advance.19:49
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RainCTany REVU admin around? :P20:07
sistpotyhi folks20:08
jpatrickwb sistpoty20:10
pochusistpoty: 21:06 <    RainCT> any REVU admin around? :P20:10
pochusistpoty: few seconds before you joint20:11
sistpotypochu, RainCT: sure20:11
sistpoty(so blame me if revu is broken once again, as I'm playing a little bit with it *g*)20:11
RainCTHi sistpoty. Can you change my account to reviewer, please?20:11
sistpotyRainCT: sure, consider it done20:11
DktrKranzhey RainCT, blueyed: congrats \o/20:13
saivannHi everyone, is there someone that would like to review my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=simdock20:13
RainCTDktrKranz: thanks :)20:13
saivannDavid Morris worked with me to improve it and respects packaging rules20:13
sistpotyRainCT: done20:14
RainCTsistpoty: thx20:14
* sistpoty wonders, how this will affect the ranking on the main page, since any comments from RainCT are now rated as negative advocation *g*20:15
RainCTsistpoty: heh. well, I haven't commented much, and afair those comments I did were negative :P20:16
blueyedsistpoty: can you change my account, too? (Have not commented yet)20:16
blueyedDktrKranz: thanks, cheers!20:17
sistpotyblueyed: sure20:17
* RainCT feels powerfull heh20:17
RainCTsistpoty: Logged in as siggi.gevatter@gmail.com ( Admin )20:17
RainCTis this normal? :P20:18
sistpotyRainCT: heh, well, with the admin thingy you can archive/unarchive packages... I never found Reviewer very usefule20:18
RainCTsistpoty: ah, cool :)20:18
sistpoty(at least for MOTUs, since all MOTUs should be able to archive packages after uploading)20:18
DktrKranzblueyed, finally there's a chance to have php-interbase working, hooray! ;)20:18
RainCTa little question to MOTUs.. do you pbuild before acking a sync or am I  the only idiot doing this? :P20:19
DktrKranzRainCT, we're at least in two :)20:19
sistpotyblueyed: done20:20
DktrKranzRainCT, but I publish them on my build machine and check later if build is fine, so no high burden there20:20
sistpotyRainCT: I always build anything I upload (or request a sync for).20:21
devilsadvocatehi . .. i'm tyring to package microdc2. I think i've got the package made (atleast for amd64, so far) what is the next step if i want to get it into universe?20:22
RainCT!revu > devilsadvocate20:23
devilsadvocatethanks, RainCT20:23
* awen- wonders if a sync is pulled directly from debian as binary or rebuild under hardy20:23
sistpotyawen-: only the source is pulled, and gets rebuild20:24
sistpotyawen-: ubuntu doesn't accept any binary uploads (by any means)20:24
awen-sistpoty: thx... then i learned something new again today20:25
geserRainCT: I run every package through pbuilder before requesting a sync, sponsoring or uploading too.20:25
RainCTgreat, I'm not alone :P20:26
james_wDoes anyone actually test the packages? :)20:26
RainCTonly mine :P20:27
geserRainCT: it's also helpful if you have pkgbinarymangler (for the translations) and pkg-create-dbgsym installed (and enabled) in your pbuilder to catch build failure at that stage too.20:27
geserRainCT: but testing in a pbuilder doesn't guarantee that it builds on the buildds too20:28
RainCTgeser: how do I install those? "pbuilder login"?20:30
james_wpbuilder login --save-after-login20:30
james_wor just chroot if you use cowbuilder.20:30
awen-when doing a sync-request and sending it to ubuntu-universe-sponsers should you pull the source from debian yourself or not?20:31
james_wawen-: what do you mean by pull?20:32
james_wawen-: you should download it and build and test it, and if all is o.k. then use requestsync to request the sync.20:32
awen-james_w: okay... then it is as i thought :)20:33
james_wbut when requesting the sync you don't need to provide the full source, as it is done automatically one the sponsor and archive admin are happy with it.20:33
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* awen- better check that the sync-request he made builds in hardy (thought the final packages was pulled from debian until 10 mins ago)20:36
RainCTsaivann: why do you add the manpage with a patch?20:36
RainCTjames_w: thx :)20:36
awen-builds and works... lucky me :)20:37
james_wawen-: phew :)20:38
saivannRainCT : Because the manpage does not exist upstream, I wanted to preserve the upstream source code20:40
RainCTsaivann: you can just put it into debian/20:41
saivannRainCT : Is there a way to put the manpages in the debian folder that will work with CDBS?20:41
RainCTsaivann: yes, just put it there :P20:42
james_wsaivann: if you put it in to debian/ and enter the name in debian/package.manpages prefixed with debian then magic will happen.20:42
james_wsorry, prefixed with debian/.20:42
RainCTsaivann: and write "debian/simdock.1" instead of "simdock.1" in debian/simdock.manpages20:42
saivannReally... Owh.. so much not needed work :) I can fix this20:42
saivannRainCT and james_w : I can fix this, is there something else that should need to be fixed in that package?20:43
RainCTsaivann: I'm writting a comment on REVU :)20:43
saivannRainCT : Thanks20:43
saivannI will be back in 30 minutes and read the REVU comment20:49
RainCTsaivann: Okay. Comment submitted :)20:49
RainCTsaivann: once you fixed those points ping me (or send me an mail if I'm no longer on IRC) and I'll advocate20:50
mok0RainCT: congrats20:51
RainCTmok0: thanks :)20:51
mok0RainCT: now get to work! ,-)20:52
RainCTsistpoty: buuug :P20:53
sistpotyRainCT: ?20:54
RainCTsistpoty: backslashes get removed from comments :P20:54
vorianRainCT: you can see them in the email20:55
vorianand congrats :)20:55
sistpotyRainCT: interesting... need to check this20:55
RainCTvorian: thanks. and what email? :P20:55
RainCThm.. what is HH freeze?20:56
vorianon motu-reviewers20:56
RainCTvorian: ah20:56
sistpotyRainCT: arg... looks like I've added even a new security bug recently :(20:57
RainCTah.. Hardy Heron I guess lol20:57
sistpotyheh,  no... I haven't... phew :)20:57
sistpotyRainCT: can you give me an url with your comment?20:59
RainCTsistpoty: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py    is this one OK? :P20:59
RainCTsistpoty: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=simdock21:00
sistpotyhm... strange, can't figure why there is no \ in there... however my gut feeling is that revu is completely right removing the backslashes (as in "hello comment\" -> 'hello comment\' in sql statement which I guess would escape the trailing '.21:03
RainCTsistpoty: imo the right behaviour would be to add another \21:04
ion_Uh. The right behavior would be to ignore the thing and let the DB engine implement the escaping.21:04
ion_Everything else is broken.21:04
RainCTsistpoty: at least that's what PHP's escape for mysql function does (omg I don't even remember how that funcion is called... too much Python this last year :P)21:04
* RainCT agrees with ion_21:04
* persia notes that REVU also tends to mask things hidden by browsers, so there may not be a direct relation between the contents of the DB and what is seen on screen21:05
RainCTah no I don't agree :P21:05
RainCTion_: SQL can't know what should be escaped and what not...21:05
ion_rainct: No, the DB engine that sits between the programmer and the database.21:05
ion_The abstraction layer21:05
RainCTion_: ah. and if you aren't using one? :)21:06
sistpotyion_: the abstraction layer is sql?21:06
ion_I mean, you gotta have an API that at least offers placeholders, e.g. query("select * from foo where bar=?", bar)21:08
ion_If you’re using something lower-level, repent. :-)21:08
sistpotyion_: "select * from foo where bar=%d" % integernumber21:08
* RainCT always used SQL directly21:08
RainCTbut that sounds interesting :)21:08
ion_sistpoty: The syntax doesn’t matter, as long as the library escapes that transparently.21:09
sistpotynow I know why the backslashes are missing... they are getting passed to the sql statement and postgres drops the invalid escape21:09
ion_Personally, i prefer an ORM.21:10
sistpotyso nobody add a comment ending with a backslash please *g*21:10
* RainCT runs to try it out :D21:10
persiaRainCT: Please don't.  It might break it.21:10
RainCTpersia: just joking ;)21:11
ion_SQL injection :-)21:11
persiaAnyone feel like flexing their python skills to fix it?21:11
ion_Who’s first to guess the table names and delete them? :-P21:11
geser";DROP DATABASE;" as a comment?21:11
persiaErrr.  Let's not provide suggestion, eh?21:12
RAOF"Little bobby tables, we called him"21:12
RainCTRAOF: :D21:12
geserpersia: after that REVU is empty and no more reviewing is needed >:)21:13
sistpotyimo, it shouldn't be exploitable beyond a traceback, unless there is a weird escape sequence for a ' which I don't know (maybe UTF-something?)21:13
sistpotyhowever I'm already fixing it :)21:13
persiageser: This wouldn't be a good thing, from my perspective.  There's stuff pending there I'd like to see uploaded (and have already advocated).21:13
ion_I thought only http://tnx.nl/php.jpg programmers make such code for webapps. ;-)21:14
sistpotyion_: well, revu was just hacked up in one week, and never cleaned up... don't expect too much *g*21:14
sistpoty(and actually, I was damn sure I wrote one sane escape it all function, but that must have been for revu2)21:14
ion_The DB API programmer already wrote the escape-it-all function for you.21:15
sistpotyfixed :)21:22
blueyedRainCT: re "[19:33] <RainCT> if a package has a Maintainer with @ubuntu.com and someone else changes that package, should he still change the maintainer to MOTU?": I've just done so for the virtualbox-ose-modules package - but without adding the orig-maintainer header (I hope it's ok with StevenK and in general).21:23
geserblueyed: I usually keep the maintainer in such cases and ask him if an upload is ok21:24
yamalMOTUs, if you have some time to spare please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=sabnzbdplus21:24
saivannRainCT : ping, still there?21:42
vemonshouldn't the .orig.tar.gz also be allowed to be .bz2 or .tgz?21:43
TheMusopochu: You arund?21:43
TheMusopochu: Never mind.21:44
vemonok.. debuild -S -sa only warns about not finding .orig.tar.gz but it later finds my .orig.tar.bz2 file21:45
* sistpoty is off to bed now... gn821:48
RainCTsaivann: yes21:48
saivannRainCT What to you exactly mean with point #3. ( the part about the "License" )21:49
RainCTsaivann: the first word from line 25 should be on line 1021:50
saivannRainCT : Is that ok ? : http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/copyright21:52
RainCTsaivann: yes. see also the last part of point 3, but feel free to ignore it :P21:53
nxvl_workwhat does it mean if [ -e $VARIABLE] in bash21:53
nxvl_workim not sure about the -e part21:53
gesernxvl_work: -e = exists21:54
RAOF[] == "test", -e $FOO is "true if a file named $FOO exists"21:54
saivannRainCT : Right, I will change the link, thanks :)21:54
RainCTnxvl_work: file exists21:54
saivannRainCT : If you're here in the next 20 minutes, I think that it should be re-uploaded to REVU21:54
RainCTlate.. :P21:54
nxvl_workgeser: thnx21:55
nxvl_workRainCT: thnx21:55
* nxvl_work HUGS geser and RainCT21:55
RainCTnxvl_work: you forgot RAOF ;P21:55
* RainCT hugs nxvl_work back21:55
nxvl_workRainCT: yes21:56
* nxvl_work HUGS RAOF too21:56
RAOFHugs all 'round!21:56
ScottKHobbsee: I did see his mail.  I'm not sure how that relates to my mail.21:56
saivannRainCT : In case you want to take a look, I suspect the watchfile to use wrong link. I took the link that David Morris told me to put on that file but this link does not seem to work21:57
TheMusoRainCT: Congratulations BTW.21:57
RainCTTheMuso: thanks :)21:58
RainCTsaivann: why do you think so? it seems fine to me :)21:59
RainCTsaivann: if it's because it doesn't output anything, that's normal.21:59
saivannRainCT : Ok thanks for the confirmation, I'm new to this :)22:00
saivannRainCT : Re-uploaded to REVU, waiting for REVU to update22:05
* RainCT thinks REVU is slow :P22:09
* jpatrick thinks it's RainCT's modem to blame22:10
* saivann thinks the same ^_^22:11
awen-saivann: you can use 'uscan --verbose' to check if the watchfile behaves as it should22:11
RainCTsaivann: the same as me or the same as jpatrick?22:12
Alohaif i'm packaging an upstream non-native source my changelog should be (<version>-0buntu1) correct?22:12
jpatrickuscan --verbose --report22:12
saivannawen- : Thanks you're right, the watchfile works22:12
saivannRainCT : As jpatrick, REVU is quick here22:13
RAOFAloha: Generally, yes.22:13
RainCTsaivann: uh.. where did my advocate button go? ;P22:13
LaserJockanybody know anything about mozilla plugins about?22:14
AlohaRAOF, what should the distribution be if i'm uploading to REVU? gutsy?22:14
* RainCT means it needs a lot to show the new files, not that the pages load slow :)22:14
AlohaRAOF, i'm using gutsy thats why i ask22:14
saivannRainCT : I your opinion, is the package ready to be advocated?22:14
saivannOh ok22:15
RAOFAloha: Whatever distribution you want ot target: you can build for Dapper, Feisty, Gutsy, or Hardy, I believe.22:15
AlohaRAOF, ok thnx22:15
RainCTsaivann: moment, let me get the new sources :P22:15
LaserJockit seems I have to do extra symlinks to get epiphany or galeon to see a plugin, but a Debian bud says he doesn't have to do that22:15
saivannRainCT : np, thanks for doing that job :)22:15
RainCTLaserJock: please tell me if you discover.. I'm working on some plugin too :)22:15
RAOFLaserJock: I thought our plugins tended to symlink themselves everywhere on postinst?22:16
LaserJockRAOF: well that's what I'm working on22:16
LaserJockbut the Debian maintainer said he didn't have to do it22:16
AlohaRAOF, what section should i put it in? misc?22:16
LaserJockbut for me on Gutsy I had to do the symlinking22:16
LaserJockI can't imagine why there would be a diff between Debian and Ubuntu here22:16
RAOFLaserJock: Aha!  Debian doesn't build epiphany against xul-1.9, which has a different plugin directory.22:17
LaserJockbut ... I'm not sure that would make the effect I'm seeing22:17
LaserJockthat seems the opposite22:18
LaserJockdo you mean Ubuntu doesn't build against xul?22:18
RAOFUbuntu does build against xul, but a different version.22:18
RAOFThe firefox package *doesn't* build against xul; the firefox-3.0 package does.22:19
LaserJockthis is so retarded22:19
LaserJockI thought this xul stuff was gonna make everything easier, but its a real pain in the *#$@ right now22:20
RainCTsaivann: for the download url, I mean http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=198436, not the url to the tarball for the current version :)22:20
saivannRainCT : Owh.. sorry22:20
LaserJocknot only does my depends look like:22:20
LaserJockfirefox | iceweasel | iceape-browser | galeon | epiphany-browser | xulrunner22:21
LaserJockbut I have to symlink to all that stuff22:21
LaserJockand then it's not even the same between Debian and Ubuntu22:21
saivannRainCT : I fixed that little mistake, should-I re-upload?22:23
RainCTsaivann: the .desktop file is deprecated (you can check with desktop-file-validate).. it would be good if you reported upstream about this (but I don't think it's necessary to patch it as it probably will work anyway :))22:23
LaserJockRainCT: what's wrong with it?22:23
saivannRainCT : Yes, I tested it and it works, however I'll look at this further22:23
dcorderoRainCT, ups :) i sent again the hubackup ;)22:24
RainCTLaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3984/plain/22:24
RainCT(if you were asking about the .desktop :P)22:25
LaserJockRainCT: yes22:25
geserAloha, RainCT: if the package should go into the archive, then it should target hardy as the other are released already22:25
LaserJockand it does look a tad old22:25
saivannRainCT : I can make a patch that will fix this, if you believe that it's necessary22:26
Alohageser, ok. does that mean i need to get a hardy pbuilder environment?22:26
RainCTgeser: I think you wanted RAOF instead of me..22:26
geserRainCT: yes, you are right, sorry22:27
geserAloha: yes, as it makes it easier for you to test if it would build in hardy22:27
RainCTsaivann: okay, go on if you want22:27
dcorderodh_desktop is similar than execute desktop-file-install isn't it?22:27
RainCThi dcordero22:28
saivannRainCT : Okay, I'll do this right now22:28
dcorderohi RainCT thanks for you comments22:28
Alohageser, if an upstream requires a library, do i make the package depend on libfoo or libfoo-dev?22:28
RAOFAloha, geser: I was under the impression this was for a PPA package, and wasn't intended for the archive.  If that's incorrect, then you do indeed want to target Hardy.22:28
AlohaRAOF, yeah its for REVU22:28
geserAloha: Build-Depend on libfoo-dev and dh_shlibdeps and ${shlib:Depends} should add the runtime dependency on libfoo to the binary package22:29
RainCTsaivann: great. I'm going to bed now.. I'll be around tomorrow after 14:30 (UTC) :)22:30
Alohageser, thnx22:30
saivannRainCT : Ok thanks for all you work, it will be uploaded in less than an hour22:30
RainCTdcordero: might be, but better use dh_desktop, as it was especially created for packages22:30
saivannRainCT : I'm also almost always here22:31
RainCTdcordero: ignore lintian's NMU stuff.. that's only for Debian :)22:31
dcorderoRainCT, so i wrote NMU on Changelog anyway :/22:32
RainCTdcordero: there would be a * missing before NMU, but remove that as it doesn't exist for Ubuntu.22:33
dcorderoRainCT, ok, i'll upload it without NMU22:34
RainCTdcordero: and please add a comment to the .desktop (if you know another language beside english please add the translation too, syntax is:  Comment[lc]=  where lc the language code)22:34
RainCTdcordero: (comments should start with a verb as first word and explain what you can do with it, not what it is, whenever this is possible)22:35
RainCTdcordero: gonna go now.. will upload it tomorrow :)22:35
vemonanyone care to revu a gread DSSI synth: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=whysynth22:36
dcorderook, see ya. bye22:36
dcorderoand thanks22:36
Alohageser, for REVU packages what section should we put them in?22:40
RAOFAloha: The section that they should be in when they're in the archive; see debian policy if you're unsure about where they might be.22:42
AlohaRAOF, ok thnx22:42
RAOFhttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections is a place to look.22:42
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Alohahow do i package an upstream tarball that doesn't have any compiled source code?23:13
Alohalike a ruby based application23:14
geserAloha: the same like any other, but you can skip the building23:15
Alohageser, do i remove debian/rules? or just let it sit there?23:16
geserAloha: pick an ruby application and check how it is packaged23:16
Alohageser, ok thnx23:16
geserAloha: debian/rules is always needed23:16
geserAloha: you simply don't need to call make during the build target23:17
Alohageser, whats the build target?23:22
superm1Aloha, additionally you will have a much simpler package when doing it with cdbs23:23
superm1especially when no build target is necessary23:24
geserAloha: are you familiar with Makefiles?23:24
Alohasuperm1, i tried grokking cdbs.. the docs are a bit confusing. or maybe i was over complicating things23:24
Alohageser, a little23:24
superm1Aloha, if you look over any of the mythtv-theme-* packages that I added to hardy, they all use cdbs, and just install the files to areas23:24
superm1rather than building anything23:25
geserdebian/rules is a Makefile and one of the targets is named "build"23:25
Alohageser, gotcha thnx23:27
Alohasuperm1, i'll look into it. thnx23:27
Alohahow do i use pbuilder on a package i'm working on? its upstream so theres no .dsc file23:30
superm1Aloha, once you finish assembling a source package and use debuild -S, you will have a resultant dsc and diff.gz23:31
Alohasuperm1, thnx23:31
=== luisbg_ is now known as luisbg
matthijsHello, our project needs help packaging for ubnutu23:36
LaserJockmatthijs: what project and what kind of help?23:40
matthijsLaserJock, www.veejayhq.net23:41
matthijsveejay is a "veejay software"23:41
matthijswe have good reports on ubuntu. a big compilation guide. but no binaries23:42
superm1hey folks, if anyone has any other MOTU have a few for a revu, i've got one that will just need one other ack: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gmyth23:42
vemonis it possible to force uscan to download a certain version?23:44
vemonfor some reason it chooses 1.4.7rc1 over 1.4.723:44
matthijsso how do I get our software into "synaptic" ?23:45
Alohasudo apt-get install uscan=1.4.723:45
LaserJockmatthijs: so are you wanting to get veejay into the Ubuntu archives or just making a .deb for it23:46
LaserJockk, so you want it in the archives23:46
Alohafile a bug with needs packaging23:46
RAOFvemon: That's because 1.4.7rc1 > 1.4.7, according to dpkg.  If upstream releases tarballs with 1.4.7rc1 as the version, you'll need to do some uscan mangling.23:47
LaserJockmatthijs: are you or somebody with the project willing to do the work? or are you looking for an Ubuntu person to do it?23:47
matthijsI  am a member of the veejay project,23:48
matthijsand made multiple attempts at packaging23:48
vemonRAOF, i did a manual install and ran uupdate on that23:48
matthijsI followed the guide, written the rules files and all, but, it fails in the chroot cause we need a lot of dependencies ( e.g. ffmpeg)23:49
matthijshowever, we do not have the time. or the resources to spend more time on this23:49
matthijsat leas, I don't23:49
Alohawhen i run pbuilder i get Aptitude couldn't satisfy the build dependencies. are there any tools to see what packages i need to include in build-depends?23:49
vemonwhat's the proper way to file a bug about a package thats needs to be updated to new upstream version. debian doesn't have that yet so i can't probably use [needs-sync] prefix or such?23:49
matthijsso I am looking for an experienced packager in search of eternal fame :) or at least gratitude, and a free beer when visiting Amsterdam23:50
matthijsI do have some work prepared - e.g. I know exactly what dependencies are needed on a fresh install etc.23:51
LaserJockvemon: "update" I believe is the tag23:51
Alohamatthijs, send me link to tarball and i'll get the ball rolling on initial packaging23:51
matthijsAloha, should I paste it in here or pm / send it otherwise?23:53
Alohapm me23:53
geserAloha: for pbuilder problem: check the build-depends of your package and find out which is installable (and why)23:53
geserLaserJock: isn't it "upgrade"?23:53
LaserJockgeser: bah, yes23:53
Alohageser, what do you mean by installable?23:53
LaserJockvemon: ^^23:53
chillywillyjust wondering if there was a better way to fix symlinks for a service to what was originally setup when a package was intalled other then doing: update-rc.d -f foo remove; apt-get --reinstall install foo as passing "defaults" seems to just setup everything to run at "20"23:54
geserAloha: check if $PACKAGE_MANAGER_OF_CHOICE can install the packages listed in Build-Depends23:55
matthijsdid you get that?23:55
Alohageser, how do i check that?23:55
matthijsthe links?23:56
Alohamatthijs, how did you send them?23:56
geserchillywilly: update-rc.d -f foo remove && dpkg-reconfigure $package might also work23:56
matthijsAloha, I think so - but I'm not too familiar with xchat's interface.23:56
geserAloha: what are the listed Build-Depends of the package you want to build?23:57
chillywillygeser: ok, I'll try that23:57
Alohageser, debhelper (>= 5), libkrb5-dev, dh_shlibdeps, libsmbclient-dev, python-dev, libgtk1.2-dev, samba23:57
geserchillywilly: you could also lookup in the postinst how update-rc.d was called :)23:57
chillywillygeser: that seems to work too23:57
chillywillygeser: I wasn't sure where those are located23:58
Alohageser, upstream says kerberos 5 and samba 3 are required. i don't know what packages i need23:58
matthijsI did a right mouseclick on your name and it opened up a new window ( don't laugh at me! I never use irc)23:58
Alohageser, optional python and gtk for frontend23:58
chillywilly /var/lib/apt...?23:58
geserAloha: e.g. "sudo apt-get -s install debhelper libkrb5-dev" and so on23:58
matthijsI guess that was wrong.23:58
vemonRAOF, i could probably use a more agressive regexp to prevent rc releases from getting listed23:58
geserAloha: dh_shlibdeps is not a package name but the name of a script part of debhelper23:58
vemonRAOF, just crossed my mind :)23:59
chillywillyah, /var/lib/dpkg23:59
geserchillywilly: /var/lib/dpkg/info/$package.postinst23:59
Alohageser, so can i remove it and it will still work?23:59
chillywillyyea, I found it :)23:59
geserAloha: as you already build-depend on debhelper, yes23:59

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