
=== roxirc is now known as matttp
Cookiepighey guys00:46
Cookiepigthis the channel where we ask about installing ubuntu?00:47
agocjwatson, evand, the option creating issues in update-initramfs was "group_id=0"01:58
xivulonHave filed bug #187282 anyway, the option triggering the failure was "group_id" by the way11:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 187282 in wubi "update-initramfs -u fails with "WARNING: /boot is ro mounted." even if /boot is rw" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18728211:03
xivulonevand, cjwatson, re #175772 unlike stated in the email, I think that the fix simply involves removing the line:11:15
xivulonif [ -f "$loop_file" ]; then11:15
xivulonfrom update-grub11:15
* xivulon thinks a bug comment would be better 11:16
xivulonevand, cjwatson, ignore my yesterday emails and look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/175772/comments/611:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175772 in wubi "Update-grub does not set kopt correctly in loopinstallations" [Medium,In progress]11:25
xivulonwas far too late yesterday...11:26
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xivulonI have noticed that update grub defaults to /dev/hda1 if it cannot find a root_device.13:26
xivulonShouldn't that be /dev/sda1 which seems to be far more common these days?13:26
cjwatsonthat case should be considered a bug if it ever occurs so I think it's fine to leave it as it is13:37
evandcjwatson: do you think it's inappropriate to upload a patched version of sysvinit today, or should I wait until Friday?  I've tested it and found no issues, the code also looks ok as far as I can tell.13:46
evandick, I could've worded that better.13:49
cjwatsonevand: are you aiming to get the whole of wubi into alpha 4?13:50
evandbut I wholly acknowledge it may be too late for that.13:52
xivulonthat would be nice :P13:53
xivulonpatch to 175772 is trivial (see last comment)13:54
xivulonpatch to umountfs is a bit more invasive but should be ok13:54
xivulonfor ref last comment in 15157913:56
cjwatsonevand: if so, then it's appropriate; if not, it should wait14:02
cjwatsonevand: if so, of course, then you have a matter of hours14:03
evandcan you clarify, if what is so?14:04
evandcjwatson: ^14:04
cjwatsonif you are aiming to get wubi support in alpha 414:06
evandok, thanks for the advice.14:06
CIA-23partman-target: evand * r694 partman-target.ubuntu/ (commit.d/clear_partitions debian/changelog):15:00
CIA-23partman-target: * Rework clear_partitions to not try to remove active mountpoints (LP:15:00
CIA-23partman-target:  #186711).15:00
cjwatsonoh good, I was about to ask you about that15:03
evandI finished that yesterday, but I woke up this morning to a VM missing /boot and I'm trying to determine now if clear_partitions is the cluprit.15:04
CIA-23ubiquity: evand * r2424 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):17:36
CIA-23ubiquity: * Add new nautilus gconf keys to the list we temporarily disable to17:36
CIA-23ubiquity:  prevent constant pop-ups.17:36
CIA-23partman-target: evand * r695 partman-target.ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 52ubuntu317:45
evandlooks good as far as I can tell (I tested several different partition table configurations with it present)17:46
evandso my missing /boot was probably me canceling an install after it ran but before the grub-install component had a chance to run17:47
evandand forgetting about it17:47
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=== miichael_e_brown is now known as michael_e_brown
CIA-23ubiquity: evand * r2425 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):20:25
CIA-23ubiquity: * Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup20:25
CIA-23ubiquity:  1.21ubuntu2, migration-assistant 0.6.0, partman-target 52ubuntu3,20:25
CIA-23ubiquity:  user-setup 1.16ubuntu3.20:25
CIA-23ubiquity: evand * r2426 ubiquity/ (aclocal.m4 configure configure.ac): Bump to 1.7.520:29
CIA-23ubiquity: evand * r2427 ubiquity/debian/po/ (79 files): debconf-updatepo20:31
CIA-23ubiquity: evand * r2428 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.7.520:36
cr3how can I seed variables from the command line?20:46
evandcr3: debconf-communicate20:47
evandecho "SET passwd/username evan" | debconf-communicate20:47
cr3evand: thanks man!20:48
evandcr3: anytime20:48
cr3evand: now lets see if my package works :)20:48
cr3evand: I'm getting: 10 hwtest-verify/plugins/exchange_prompt/secure_id doesn't exist20:50
evandis it in the templates file of your package?20:50
cr3evand: yes, but the package is not installed yet20:51
cr3evand: basically, I want to set the variable and then try dpkg installing it20:52
evandto avoid the question being asked?20:53
cr3evand: yep, and also to test that the variable is being substituted properly. this is ultimately meant to go in the preseed of a network install, so I want to test on the command line because the install takes forever :)20:54
evandah, then I should've pointed you at debconf-set-selections instead20:55
evandit takes the same format as a preseed file20:55
cr3thanks, I'll try that20:56
evandso echo "d-i foo/bar string barish" | debconf-set-selections20:56
evandyou're welcome20:56
cr3evand: that's even more perfect, I get to test the exact line from my preseed file20:56
cr3evand: worked on the command line, now to figure out why it doesn't work during the installation21:06
evandbecause the database is locked by the install process21:06
evandyou can only modify questions as part of a component of the install (sourcing confmodule and using db_set)21:07
evandoh, perhaps I misread21:07
cr3evand: I'm not quite sure I understand21:07
evandI think I misread, you are doing this as part of a udeb and you're saying that it's not working within that context, right?21:08
evandI thought you were saying using debconf-set-selections wasn't working while the install was running.21:08
cr3evand: right, so I'm netinstalling and using a preseed which has worked well for me so far. now, I added this line to pressed a package:21:09
cr3d-i hwtest-verify/plugins/exchange_prompt/secure_id string $secure_id21:09
cr3(where $secure_id gets substituted at some point, don't worry about it :)21:09
evandhaha that scared me for a moment21:09
cr3then, I install the extra packages I need with this line:21:09
cr3d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install hwtest-server-cli21:10
evandshouldn't that be pkgsel/include hwtest-server-ci?21:11
evanderrm wait no21:11
cr3evand: in the sample preseed file, I see two ways: pkgsel/include and preseed/late_command. the former is used to install openssh-server in the sample and the latter to install zsh.21:12
evandis hwtest-server-cli a udeb?21:13
cjwatsonpkgsel/include is preferred if you can21:15
cjwatsonthe latter is an example in case you need to do more complicated stuff21:15
evandcjwatson: did you get my PM from earlier today?21:25
cr3evand: no, hwtest-server-cli is not a udeb, does it need to be?22:25
evandno, I was curious as if it was a component of the install process the way you installed it would be different.22:26
cr3evand: does the install log get stored somewhere so that I can review after the installation whether the variable was indeed preseeded?22:32
evand /var/log/installer22:32
matttpcjwatson: You around?22:42
cr3evand: I didn't find anything interesting relating to preseeding my variables in /var/log/installer, and I do have DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 in my kernel parameters22:54
evandcr3: hrm, I suppose you could copy the database out as part of late_command.  cjwatson might know of a more elegant solution than that.22:58
cr3evand: it's getting late, and even later for cjwatson. I'll try again tomorrow at a more reasonable time. thanks for all the help dude!22:58
evandyeah, I just noticed the time :)22:58
evandanytime, goodnight22:59

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