
gerr1juliux: ping11:14
juliuxgerr1, pong11:15
gerr1i have spoken with marileze regarding the CDs11:18
gerr1can I ask why you want 5000? 11:18
juliuxgerr1, pong11:19
juliuxbecause cebit is the largest it event at world?11:20
juliuxcebit has 400.000 visitors every year11:20
juliuxlast year the ubuntu booth has visitors over the whole day, we stand there 8h a day and talked with people and gave them cds11:20
gerr1sure and we wnat to support that 11:21
gerr1but i question the value of giving a CD to everyone who visits11:21
juliux5000cds if for cebit nothing11:22
juliuxask malcolm or christian how it was last year11:22
gerr1the feeling of our guys is that a small percentage of those who visit would actually use their cds 11:22
gerr1and  that is my experience at most shows 11:22
gerr1i have no problem with having a supply for those who ask for it 11:23
juliuxwhat you will say to people if they ask you if they can have a cd but you have no left?11:23
gerr1they can download it 11:23
juliuxeverybody knows that there are free cds11:23
gerr1come on  people come and take 5 cds 11:24
gerr1o one of everything11:24
gerr1why would you need 5 cds? 11:24
juliuxwe don't give them 5cds11:24
gerr1There is a cost issue that is not insignificant 11:24
gerr1it costs about 1e a CD 11:24
juliuxif there is a clear statment that there are no cds we will search for an other source for cds11:25
gerr1that's not what I mean11:25
juliux1€ per cd?? we made only 800dvds in 2006 for 0,70€11:25
gerr1I mean we need to ship a sensible amount and give them out carefully11:26
gerr1^^ that's the figure I am told 11:26
gerr1rolled in with shipping and packaging11:26
juliuxok then let me know how many cds we get from canonical and then we will see if we can get more cds from an other source or we will deal witht he small amount of cds11:26
gerr13000 is the figure I have agreed 11:27
gerr1BUT 11:27
gerr1I still think w eneed to stop equating success at shows with number of CDs we give out 11:27
gerr1think of the environment for one 11:27
juliuxwe don't but the cds on a table in the front of the booth so everybody can grap one;) we give them to people if they asked and if we talked with them11:28
gerr1the fact that people are there to talk about ubuntu, to share experiences, to get some advice to talk about what is new is far more valuable 11:28
gerr1^^yeah I know we've done that but not any more 11:28
gerr1but come on how many CDs have you given to people you know already use it?11:29
gerr1what can they need a CD for? 11:29
juliuxi know a lot of people and you also can see it at the german forum how many new people register there in the weeks after an event11:30
juliuxbut you are right with the cds, but that is a long term problem that should be announce not 4 weeks for an event11:30
juliuxi think it would be cool to have tool that copies an ubuntu live system on a usb stick so people can start it from the ubs stick and if they don't like it they can erase ubuntu on the stick and can use the stick for something else11:31
gerr11. we are not stopping supplying CDs for shows 11:32
juliuxbut the amount;)11:33
gerr1we are reducing the amount at shows and trying to get them to people who wnat them 11:34
gerr1not the collectors you get at shows 11:34
gerr13000 is still a lot 11:34
gerr1i don't think we could do the USB stick as a give away11:35
gerr1is that what you mean? 11:35
juliuxnot as a give away11:35
juliuxbut a service that people can come with there own usb stick and we will put them an ubuntu livesystem on it11:35
gerr1oh right 11:40
gerr1sounds like a smashing idea; an Ubuntu Top Up Station11:40
juliuxi also think about to provide the ubuntu .isos via wlan11:41
juliuxso everybody can contect to this wlan, but he only can download the iso files11:41
juliuxperhaps i find time to build this things in the next weeks11:41
juliuxso if somebody has his notebook he can easy download the iso files with a higher speed then at home11:42
juliuxbut that are only ideas atm11:42
gerr1loading it on the USB key sound doable and a very good alternative to CD giveaways if fast enough 11:52
juliuxbut i don't want to copy the iso to the usb key11:56
juliuxthere is a howto on the wikipage how to copy the content of the ubuntu iso to a usb key so you can boot from this usb key11:56
juliuxso you can use the usb key like the live cd11:57
=== davies is now known as jpatrick

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