
Picigtt: Hello, how can we help you today?00:07
gttjust wanted to make sure it was ok for me to be back in #kubuntu...00:08
PiciI dont know... /me looks00:08
gtti'm in there now.... i'll be good.00:08
Picigtt: The ban has not been lifted.  iirc, you were asked to come back in here to discuss the ban before it would be removed.00:09
gtti left it00:09
gtts why i was coming back.00:09
gttkonversation autojoins... i was just not getting kicked out i guess.00:09
Picijpatrick, jussi01: ping00:10
PiciJucato perhaps? ^ #kubuntu ban removal request.00:11
Jucatohm lemme see00:12
Jucatowhat did jussi01 say about this?00:13
PiciJucato: jussi01 had asked that he come back in 24 hours to be discussed further.00:13
PiciI can dig up a log...00:13
Jucatohm... I'm not really comfortable removing other people's bans w/o their knowledge/permission...00:15
PiciJucato: er, okay: http://pastebin.com/fad94be500:17
gttis the ban specific to #kubuntu (just want to make sure i dont have any other 'infractions')00:17
JucatoPici: ah ok... well if you say so, I can remove his ban. just give the word. :)00:18
PiciJucato: err.  I'm not telling you to remove the ban if you don't want to.00:19
* PriceChild looks in00:19
JucatoPici: heheh it's not that I don't want to. just not sure about the policy of removing other op's bans.... but if you were there and it was jussi01's intention that it would be removed... etc etc etc :)00:20
PiciJucato: I believe it was jussi01's intetion that the ban would be reviewed after a day, not necessarily removed.00:21
Jucatooh ok :)00:21
PriceChildgtt, What is #kubuntu for?00:21
gttit's for discussions about #kubuntu00:21
gttand people are pretty picky if ya mention anything else.00:21
gttso i dont00:22
PriceChildNo it isn't.00:22
Jucatoit's actually for asking help about Kubuntu.. not general talk about Kubuntu00:22
PriceChild* Topic for #kubuntu is: Official Kubuntu support | yadayadayada00:23
PriceChildgtt, what made you post such a malicious command in there?00:23
gtti dont know any other way of uninstalling...and without sudo it's not that malicious00:23
PriceChildaha, I see 2008-01-28T19:31:04 <smeril> what is the uninstall command?00:24
PriceChildgtt, what if the user meant "what is the uninstall command to uninstall packages?"00:24
PiciBut that question is vauge, he could have been asking to uninstall x?... bah, too slow.00:24
gttmy answer wouldn't have been helpful.00:25
PriceChildgtt, Rather than the entire OS. Do you believe that this is a valid interpretation?00:25
PriceChild"Wouldn't have been helpful"?! Dude you would have lost *all their data*00:25
PriceChildincluding any mounted volumes such as ipods etc.00:25
mneptokgtt: if asked "what's a good strategy for getting out of my parent's house?" a good answer is not "murder everyone and burn the house down."00:26
gttyou're right.00:26
* Jucato is now scared of mneptok...00:27
PriceChildJucato, only now?00:27
Picionly just now?00:27
* mneptok polishes his halo and eats another kitten00:27
Jucatohehehe :)00:27
Jucatonooo!! not the kitties!!!00:27
PriceChildgtt, so what happens next time you misunderstand a question in #kubuntu?00:27
mneptokBLAME MNEPTOK!00:28
mneptokuhhh ... strike that.00:28
gttok, it was bad manners. i'll ask for more information and not give an answer that can delete anything unintentionally.00:29
gtt(and careless)00:30
PriceChild!guideline | gtt00:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guideline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:30
PriceChild!guidelines | gtt00:30
ubotugtt: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:30
gttand also if it was in the official support channel it'd be bad for canonical too.00:30
PriceChildgtt, go and read those please & ping me when you're done.00:30
PriceChildgtt, ¢anonical has no direct connection to the irc support channels. All they do is host logs.00:31
gttguess i misunderstood the "official" (still reading)00:33
PriceChildgtt, ¢anonical isn't ubuntu. They just happen to pay the wages of a lot of developers, as well as provide paid support.00:33
PriceChildhmmm that autoreplace isn't appropriate here.00:34
gttheh.. ok, i read it...again00:35
gttPriceChild: ping00:36
PriceChildgtt, Ok so we've covered the "don't post dangerous commands in #kubuntu"?00:38
gtti hope so00:38
PriceChildYou've promise its not going to happen again?00:38
PriceChildSo the other little issue. gtt what is with the ban evasion?00:39
gttthat's not really a ban evasion...00:39
PriceChildwhat's not?00:39
gttduring the day, i use my laptop on my cell phone, and the connection is kind of crappy.00:39
gttit's slow reconnecting, and when i reconnected, konversation autojoined on the kubuntu00:39
gtti know it seems like it could be.00:40
PriceChildgtt, you may rejoin #kubuntu. Please abide by the IRC guidelines when participating in the channel.00:41
gtti'm more of a user of irc, and i'm a pretty advanced OS user... but i don't think i know enough about irc to attempt to effectively evade a ban.. it's not worth my effort.00:41
gttyou got it. i'll try to stay out of your hair.00:42
PriceChildI'll believe you :)00:42
PriceChildgtt, anything else we can help with?00:43
mneptokgtt: and help yourself to the fried chicken before you leave. it's awesome.00:43
gttno, thanks for listening to me and all that good gunk tho.00:43
PriceChildhave fun00:43
* gtt takes the chicken thigh00:44
mneptok*bawk bawk*00:44
mneptokwait ... is there really fried chicken?!00:45
PriceChildjussi01, please ping me when you're around.00:46
LjLi banned m0nk from #ubuntu-offtopic for posting a malicious link03:05
LjLpeople there went a tad too far really03:05
tritiumQuite reasonable, LjL03:06
LjLi'm going to bed though so i'm not taking complains until tomorrow. look at the log, a while before the actual ban, if he comes here03:07
tritiumSleep well, LjL03:08
wolferinecan I get an explaination as to why I am banned in #Ubuntu ?03:34
tritiumwolferine: sure, for your attitude03:34
wolferinetritium ?03:35
SNuxollmneptok: if you are trying to make a point, you are being very childish about it03:35
mneptokSNuxoll: i was talking to YOU. what gets said to others is not a concern.03:35
mneptokSNuxoll: i asked you very politely to dial the language back.03:35
SNuxollmneptok: no, it IS a concern, I'm tired of unequal enforcment of the rules03:36
mneptokSNuxoll: it's EXACTLY the same as L j L asking03:36
mneptokSNuxoll: get used to it. not everyone can see everything all the time.03:36
SNuxollno, they can't, but you seem to have a personal grudge against me, because you seem to find every tedious little thing you can to yell at me for, please tell me if I'm jumping the ship here03:37
mneptokSNuxoll: i saw you saying things "suck" and that you're "pissed" and other language that is borderline. i asked you, quite nicely, to stop. you refused.03:37
mneptokSNuxoll: i can't remember the last time i addressed you.03:37
tritiumSNuxoll: no, it's not personal.  We all enforce the policy on foul language, so as to keep the channels family-friendly.03:38
wolferineis there any more ops around ?03:38
SNuxolltritium: please read the #ubuntu-offtopic log for the past hour03:38
SNuxolland I wasn't aware that 'sucks' was considered language03:38
mneptokSNuxoll: you were banned not for language, but for outright *refusing* the request of an op.03:39
tritiumSNuxoll: what matters is that you were asked nicely to tone it down03:39
SNuxollmneptok: I was not outright refusing the request of a op!03:39
mneptok22:32 < SNuxoll> mneptok: last I checked that wasn't language, and if it was LjL would have yelled at me03:39
mneptok22:33 < SNuxoll> mneptok: ok, then you should be yelling at the other 20 regulars in this room for using that language regularly too03:39
SNuxollthat's not refusing the request of a op!03:40
mneptokoh please.03:40
SNuxollrefusing would be something like "mneptok: so what, I don't care"03:40
mneptoktelling me what the rules are, and saying that "this other op would have done something" is hardly the same as "OK, i'll tone it down."03:41
wolferineif tritium has replied to me, can someone let me know, as I have set him/her on /ignore ?03:41
tritiumwolferine: we have a code of conduct that involved treating people with respect.03:41
SNuxollDEFINE WHAT THE RULES ARE, and how was I not treating people with respect?03:41
mneptok!ohmy > SNuxoll03:42
SNuxollI'm sorry, but I take family friendly as not using the dreaded 'four letter words'03:42
SNuxollF, S, D, C, etc03:42
mneptokSNuxoll: you are entitled to that opinion. we are entitled to ours.03:42
SNuxollmneptok: that's the problem, there is no clear rule so it's up to your opinion03:43
mneptokSNuxoll: i didn;t ban you without telling you exactly what i wanted.03:43
mneptokSNuxoll: you chose, as an adult, to make an issue out of it. now, like an adult, you need to live with the consequences of your actions.03:43
SNuxollplease define what you consider 'language'03:44
mneptoki already did.03:44
mneptokwhy are you making me repeat myself?03:44
mneptokbut i'll go get a copy/paste from the channel prior to your ban where i answered that question03:45
SNuxollbecause no other op I've seen has such a extremist view on it, not LjL, not Seveas, or any others I've seen in #u-o03:45
mneptokwhat does that matter?03:45
tritiumSNuxoll: it's not an extremist view.03:45
SNuxollYES, it is!03:45
mneptok22:31 < mneptok> SNuxoll: my backscroll is filled with "sucks" and "pissed" and assorted crap.03:45
mneptokyour reply....03:45
mneptok22:32 < SNuxoll> mneptok: last I checked that wasn't language, and if it was LjL would have yelled at me03:45
tritiumSNuxoll: no, it really isn't03:45
SNuxollI don't know where mneptok lives, but here it is pretty much everyday usage for well, sucks, and pissed03:46
tritiumUbuntu is a popular distribution, with many younger users (especially those who use edubuntu).  It is important to keep foul language out of the channel.03:46
mneptokare you *really* going to make an issue of my place of residence?03:47
mneptokthink about it. be sure you know what you're doing.03:47
SNuxolltritium: and hopefully no one under 13 is using #u-o, because there has been more fowl things than 'sucks' and 'pissed' in there today03:47
mneptokSNuxoll: and if i had seen them ....03:47
tritiumSNuxoll: no, that's the wrong hope.  Hopefully we keep it clean specifically so they CAN be in that channel.03:48
SNuxollmneptok: oh, LjL did, and he took care of them, at the same time I was saying 'sucks' and 'pissed'03:48
mneptokSNuxoll: so there it is.03:48
mneptokthere's your answer.03:48
tritiumSNuxoll: as a member of the community, if your words offended even one person (including an op, mind you), you should kindly refrain.03:48
SNuxollI'm not asking much, I just want consistent enforcement and definitions of the ruls03:49
mneptokSNuxoll: that won't happen with language, as it's subjective.03:49
mneptokSNuxoll: it would be nice, but in no way possible.03:49
SNuxollmneptok: EXACTLY03:49
tritiumYou're actually asking for the opposite.  You want _your_ measure of foul to be what applies to you, rather than a consistent one.03:50
SNuxollIf we aren't going to enforce the rules equally, why have them at all, same with flexible definitions03:50
SNuxolltritium: no, I'm not03:50
tritiumIndeed, you are.03:50
SNuxolltritium: I'm happy to fit someone's definition of 'fowl' if I know what it is03:50
tritiummneptok: has told you03:50
mneptokSNuxoll: "fowl" means "an edible bird"03:51
SNuxollbut no one has a consistent one in that channel!03:51
mneptokSNuxoll: what about 繁體中文版03:51
mneptokis that offensive?03:51
mneptokprobably not to you.03:51
mneptokbut to a Mandarin speaker? highly offensive.03:51
mneptoklanguage. is. subjective. by. nature.03:51
SNuxollit's unfair to the users in there to have varying degrees of what they consider 'fowl'03:51
SNuxollno one was taking offense to what I said03:52
mneptoki did.03:52
mneptokgame over.03:52
SNuxollah, so that's the magic definition there03:53
mneptokit's the same definition LjL, Seveas, elky, tritium, or any other op.03:53
SNuxollno, it's not03:53
mneptokwhy are you still arguing?03:53
tritiumSNuxoll: nothing magic about considering mneptok, a live human being, to be someone.  It's just a plain fact.03:53
mneptokmore importantly, why am i?03:53
SNuxollI have been using 'sucks' and 'pissed' the entire (almost} year in #u-o03:53
SNuxolltritium: no, there is something magic about him, he can get a +o03:54
wolferinecan I get an explaination as to why I am banned in #Ubuntu ?03:54
mneptokwolferine: tritium told you. your attitude.03:54
SNuxolland because of that, he's like a law enforcement officer03:54
wolferinemneptok, please dont take this out on me03:54
SNuxollone cop can't go 'ahh, he's only 20 over', while another says '20 over, I'm gonna pull this guy over'03:55
SNuxollthat's exactly what is happening03:55
wolferineas I said previously, I have him/her on /ignore03:55
wolferineshould I remove it ?03:55
mneptokwolferine: and?03:55
mneptokwolferine: if you want to discuss your ban, yes.03:56
mneptokwolferine: it's tritium's ban. that means you have to talk to tritium.03:56
mneptokSNuxoll: law enforcement is filled with judgement calls.03:56
wolferinetritium, can we discuss this now ?03:57
mneptokSNuxoll: and now my good judgement tells me this is going nowhere. you may part #u-ops on your own and come back in 24 hours to discuss this with me, or be permanently banned. your choice.03:57
mneptokSNuxoll: and FYI, *anyone* giving Seveas this much cr*p would have been perm-banned by now. so you know.03:58
SNuxollmneptok: and FYI, seveas has never freaked out over 'sucks'03:58
SNuxollnow, goodbye03:58
wolferineseems s/he isnt here, can someone else help me please ?03:59
tritiumwolferine: what?03:59
wolferinetritium, can we discuss my ban in #ubuntu ?04:00
tritiumYou expect me to be at your attention, when you put me on /ignore?04:00
tritiumCome back tomorrow.04:00
wolferineis this not a good time?04:00
tritiumRight, I'm going to bed now.04:00
wolferinedo you mind if I discuss this with another op ?04:01
tritiumwolferine: what would you like to discuss?04:01
wolferinewell, the reason for my ban04:01
wolferinei would like to ask someone to view our 'conversation' and what led up to the ban04:02
tritiumAs I tried to explain to you, your arrogant, unappreciative attitude, and your rude behavior.04:02
wolferinearrogance is not a reason to ban me, is it ?04:02
tritiumWhen someone offers you help in #ubuntu, or any other channel, you need to remember that we're volunteers.04:02
tritiumwolferine: yes, it is, as per the code of conduct you need to treat people with respect.04:03
wolferinetritium, I have been assisting in #ubuntu for just over a year, I understand you are a volunteer, as I am as well04:03
tritiumTo disrespect people who are trying to help you is quite contrary to that spirit.04:03
wolferinei think you took my comments a bit too personal, maybe because your tired ?04:03
tritiumwolferine: there are *nice* ways to ask for additional info, or to inform someone that the info they provided isn't what you're looking for04:03
tritiummy tired?04:04
tritiumI don't have a "tired"04:04
wolferineim sorry, i guess you dont understand irc speak04:04
tritiumwolferine: No, I didn't take them to personally.04:04
wolferinebut if you say the word out loud, im sure you will understand what I am saying04:04
tritiumwolferine: I've been on op for 3 years in #ubuntu, I understand it just fine.04:04
tritiumI also understand !properenglish04:05
wolferinelet me log the conversation we had04:05
wolferinedo you mind if I do that ?04:05
tritiumwolferine: of course not04:05
wolferinethank you04:05
tritiumThe channels are logged.04:05
Hobbseewolferine: you want another op?04:10
wolferinedoesnt matter to me04:10
wolferineu offering ?04:10
Hobbseedepends if you accept whatever i say, or not.04:10
* mneptok runs for the bunker04:11
Hobbseemneptok: can also review04:11
mneptokHobbsee: i'll trust tritium's judgment.04:11
wolferinesure Hobbsee, I can do that04:12
mneptokfrom what i have read in backscroll, i see no reason not to.04:12
tritiumwolferine: it's your right to have Hobbsee or any other op review.04:14
mneptoki saw enough to know i didn;t need to keep reading.04:15
Hobbseewolferine: what surprises me, if you knew so much, and knew how to use triggers, is why you didn't just google what you wanted to know to begin with.04:16
wolferinesorry, I had a phone call04:17
wolferinethanks for letting me know tritium, I just thought I would ask04:17
wolferineHobbsee, im not sure what you want me to say, but I did attempt to find a solution, but I find IRC much more of a tool than google in many cases04:18
wolferinethat is a post of both sides of the conversation04:19
wolferineif I happen to have left a line out, im sorry04:19
wolferinei felt tritium was becoming aggressive towards me, and added him to my /ignore04:20
tritiumwolferine: all you really need to do is treat those trying to help you with a little more courtesy.04:20
wolferineas I would any other user, who wasnt attempting to assist me, and carried the same attitude04:20
tritiumAfter all, we're volunteers, and your hostility took me aback.04:20
wolferinenot realizing he was an op04:20
mneptokwolferine: you do realize that the URL referenced in that factoid tritium triggered *does* answer your question, yes?04:21
Hobbseewolferine: you appear to think that it's OK to roast anyone who doesn't answer your question the way you want to, and to do your google search for you?04:21
mneptoki.e. http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion#img2iso04:21
wolferinetritium, i have learned with over 15 years of being on IRC, helping others for 10 of those years, that its not always the best to take other ppls comments personally04:22
wolferinesorry, am I discussing this with all of you ?04:22
mneptokyes, you aksed us to get involved.04:22
wolferineas I thought that Hobbsee and I were going to discuss?04:22
wolferinemneptok, i did not ask you to get involved04:22
Hobbseewolferine: mneptok is another operator.04:22
wolferineim just asking for clarification04:22
wolferineas the three of you are asking me questions/making points04:23
mneptokwhat needs clarification?04:23
wolferinei believe my questions I just asked04:23
Hobbseewolferine: so, you did not get the response you desired, although, as mneptok says, it's actually in the factoid.  so you got snarky at the one who had given it to you.  and then you complain about the fact that they acted on that.04:24
tritiumwolferine: sure, that's fine.  Don't take things personally.  But, why not also treat people with some respect?04:24
wolferinehow about we just get to the point04:24
wolferinewhy was I banned?04:24
mneptokanother point is that the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct basically forbids saying anything that someone *could* take personally.04:25
wolferineHobbsee, do you mind if we take this to pm ?04:25
tritiumwolferine: I've explained04:25
wolferineor tritium04:25
tritiumI thought you wanted to discuss it here, wolferine.04:26
Hobbseewolferine: you were banned due to attacking and being disrespectful to those who had given you an answer.04:26
Hobbseeapart from that, while doing your attacking, you were stopping others from receiving help, by increasing channel noise, with non-support material.04:26
wolferinehow was I attacking ?04:26
wolferineHobbsee, thats like a cop scanning your car for 'something' else that might be wrong in a situation04:27
tritiumwolferine: in the future, why not try something like "Thanks, I appreciate that, but I didn't find what I was looking for there.  Do you have another suggestion?"04:27
wolferinei cannot defend the fact that for me to prove my point, I need to post chat to the channel04:27
wolferinetritium, and possibly it might not be a good idea to provoke another user either ?04:28
mneptokwhat point? that the URL given to you contained the answer you sought?04:28
tritiumwolferine: yes, you should not have proved me, particularly since I was trying to help04:28
Hobbseewolferine: apart from telling him he's going insane...04:28
wolferinemneptok, im not trying to be rude, but I will just respond to Hobbsee and tritium right now04:29
wolferineif you want clarification later, I dont mind talking to you later04:29
wolferineHobbsee, I felt he missed a post, yet answered it in the same response, which was a bit confusing04:30
* mneptok tootles off for home04:30
tritiumGood night, mneptok.04:30
wolferineso can I ask this again04:31
wolferinehow was I attacking ?04:31
Hobbseei answered that.04:31
Hobbsee[15:28] <Hobbsee> wolferine: apart from telling him he's going insane...04:31
tritiumwolferine: do you not realize how inappreciative you were?04:31
tritiumAnd how rude that is?04:31
Hobbseethat being said, you still need to learn to be respectful.04:31
wolferine'losing it'04:31
Hobbseeanswers do not get served to you on a silver platter, and irc is not your personal google search.04:31
wolferineHobbsee, what is your point exactly?04:32
wolferinei dont see having an hour long convo about all this is necessary04:32
tritiumwolferine: I've asked you several questions.04:32
Hobbseegetting irate because you didn't get the exact answer you wanted, when you chose not to google search, just puts you with a high sense of entitlement.04:32
wolferinetritium, I have two ppl to answer, so if you dont mind, please be patient04:32
Hobbseeparticularly seeing as the answer actually *was* there, and you didn't appear to notice.04:32
wolferinei was not 'irate'04:33
tritiumwolferine: hey, you be patient.  I delayed going to bed to be here.04:33
tritiumI could have just as easily addressed this tomorrow, wolferine04:33
Hobbseewolferine: and if you think we're only all doing one thing at once, and listening to you, you're dreaming.04:33
wolferinetritium, I asked you if I could discuss with someone else, so you could leave04:33
wolferinei have been accomidating04:33
wolferinewhat question did I not reply to, tritium?04:33
tritiumwolferine: no, you have been inappreciative, rude, and condescending04:33
tritiumwolferine: do you not realize how inappreciative you were?04:33
tritiumThat's one...04:33
wolferinei dont feel I have been rude04:34
Hobbseewolferine: come back in 24 hours.04:34
tritiumwolferine: sure, that's fine.  Don't take things personally.  But, why not also treat people with some respect?04:34
Hobbseeyou won't get any further today.04:34
wolferineHobbsee, why ?04:34
tritiumThat's another.04:34
Hobbseeyou're proving that you still don't treat people with respect.04:34
wolferinei have been considerate and respectful04:34
wolferineI have attempted to answer both of your questions04:34
tritiumNot to me, you haven't.04:34
tritiumIn what way is telling me I'm losing it, after offering you assistance, considerate or respectful?04:35
wolferinetritium, and since im having to admit I am being disrespectful, can you admit you were provoking me as well then, which is in a sense, disrespectful as well04:35
wolferineso we both were disrespecting each other04:36
tritiumwolferine: you're "having" to admit?  You do not recognize it to be so?04:36
Hobbseewolferine: i don't call giving you a factoid answer, which answered your question, being provoking.04:36
wolferineand we both want to help in the channel04:36
* Hobbsee doesn't think we're going to get any further with this anytime soon04:36
wolferineso why not remove the ban, and we can move past all this?04:36
bladezorThe automatic test fails for #ubuntu-read-topic06:28
bladezorI changed my port :\06:28
bladezorCan I get tested here?06:28
stdinbladezor: did you type "test me" in the channel?07:15
bladezorIt just disconnects me and it makes me rejoin that channel07:16
bladezorI'll try again, sec07:16
bladezorOk it didn't disconnect this time07:17
bladezorI guess it worked07:17
bladezormeh well it's not letting me join , floodbot keeps...flooding me with "Sorry, you'll have to wait a little longer still, we are experiencing problems... hold tight! You will be allowed back in shortly."07:20
stdinnot sure why it's doing that, seems to be stuck somehow07:21
stdinyou'll have to wait for an #ubuntu op to read this and unban you then07:22
Hobbseebladezor: removed, thanks for your patience07:24
Hobbseestdin: it'll be the same version as an already existing version in the ubuntu archive07:27
stdinHobbsee: either that or the same version for another release07:27
Hobbseeit would use the orig tarball if that were the case.07:28
Hobbseethis is likely a repack, under the same name, as what's already there, or in the ubuntu archive07:28
ikoniais there a way to see who keeps msging the bot and redirecting it to me in a pm ?08:23
stdinikonia: the bot would say "<nick> wants you to know: ..."08:25
ikoniaoooh thats odd08:28
ikoniaI wonder if Seveas is playing a trick ;)08:28
stdinubotu: !test > ikonia  (it should have my nick in the message)08:29
ikonialets see08:29
ikoniayup, got it from you08:29
ikoniawish I still had the other window open, I may have missed the name08:29
ikoniathank you stdin08:30
Seeker`woo, no0tic spam09:40
jussi01Doh, pricey isnt around10:53
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
usuario__o que é isso?13:16
PriceChildLjL, where's fb2?13:24
naliothgood questions13:26
jussi01PriceChild: ping13:26
jussi01or even pong13:26
* Pici thinks he knows what this is about.13:27
PiciAlthough I didnt realize it until yesterday eitehr.13:27
PriceChildHey jussi0113:27
jussi01PriceChild: youasked me to ping you?13:27
PriceChildjussi01, come to #pricechild please :)13:27
jussi01PriceChild: ahh, gotch13:29
PriceChildand all was well in the world :)13:29
jussi01thank you :)13:29
PriceChildNo problem.13:29
* jussi01 now has to figure out this network problem with the new server... grrr13:31
PriceChildjussi01, are you sure its plugged in?13:31
* PriceChild ducks13:31
jussi01PriceChild: lol yeah13:31
PriceChildjussi01, have you tried turning it on and off again?13:32
jussi01PriceChild: !!!13:32
jussi01too much it crowd i can see13:32
PriceChildI don't know anything more sorry, that's all the IT Crowd gave me.13:32
PriceChildits funny because its trueeeee!13:32
jussi01so true13:32
PiciI've never seen the IT crowd, but it sounds just like when I was doing Windows support.13:33
jussi01Pici: go watch, increadibly funny13:33
PriceChildPici, the guy eventually builds a machine, to answer the phone for him and then say those things, so he doesn't have to.13:33
jussi01so anyone know what to do after plugging said usb network device in and  modprobing module needed?13:34
ikoniaPriceChild: the auto responder tape is genius13:34
jussi01hehe ikonia yes it is!13:35
PriceChildjussi01, ifconfig up? 8-)13:35
jussi01PriceChild: I dont think its listed in the interfaces file...13:36
PriceChildjussi01, well then its not recognised as a network device... check dmesg or something about the time you probed the module.13:36
PriceChildThis may be the worst advice ever... don't blame me if i'm wrong :)13:37
PriceChildthe only usb network device i've ever used is an rt2570 wireless dongle and it works perfectly13:37
jpatrickPici: pong13:49
* jpatrick reads up13:50
Picijpatrick: nah, forget about it.13:51
Picijpatrick: was regarding a #kubuntu ban and I wasnt sure who was around.13:51
jpatrickah right, I was sleeping :)13:52
MezI seem to have lost all the channels I loitered in13:56
jpatrickdo you have +u set?13:58
PriceChildMez, where did you leave them?13:58
MezPriceChild, /dev/null13:58
MezI had to reset the config on my proxy13:58
Mezand I can't remember what all the channels I lurked in were13:58
PriceChildobviously weren't very important then13:59
naliothif you can't remember, are they worth loitering in?13:59
Meznalioth, yes, because I generally have to go for them for reference, or cause I'm affiliated somehow and need to give ingo14:00
Mezinfo *14:00
MezI actually stripped down my list of joined channels quite a lot not so long ago14:00
PiciYou're affiliated with things, but you dont know what they are?14:00
MezPici, not neccesarily directly affiliated ...14:00
Mezfor example, I forgot to rejoin #kde-devel14:00
* Pici shakes head14:01
Mezfound them all14:07
jpatrickMez: I recommend rsync-ing configs before rm-ing them :)14:21
Mezjpatrick, they had been corrupted by segfaults ;)14:21
=== davies is now known as jpatrick
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (egoleo)14:45
LjLSeveas, before i kill a #bash user, please what was that command that you could use to pipe something back into the same file you got it from? it was you who mentioned it15:00
Piciheh, what did the #bash person suggest?15:00
LjLPici: they suggested it was impossible, but anyway nevermind them15:01
jdongLjL: sponge15:19
jdongLjL: in moreutils IIRC15:19
jussi01any irssi users here? how does one move a channel back to its original position after an accidental /wc ?15:19
Piciwow, thats a real command.15:19
* LjL hugs jdong15:19
jdongPici: if you think that's weird, look at some of the other things in moreutils :)15:19
Picijdong: thanks too, I've been wasting time gooling for an answer.15:19
naliothjussi01: /window move [number]15:20
naliothjussi01: "any irssi users here?" indeed15:20
Picis/gooling/googling/ | sponge pici15:20
jussi01nalioth: hehe, thought that might entertain :P15:20
LjLsecurity update for *audacity*?15:32
LjLnow how can a sound editor have a secvuln15:33
no0ticLjL, ask it to emgent..15:33
* Pici chuckles at his lame joke15:33
LjLFix insecure directory creation in /tmp by moving15:33
LjL    the directory to the users home directory15:33
LjL /tmp is insecure so you don't use it?15:34
LjLwe might as well stop using /usr someday :)15:34
jpatrickLjL: s*** happens15:34
LjL"Audacity 1.3.2 creates a temporary directory with a predictable name without checking for previous existence of that directory"15:36
LjL... so you fix it by making it check for previous existence and using a randomized name...?15:36
PiciThats what I would do...15:37
PiciSounds like its only a security problem on multi-user systems.15:37
LjLsure, but calling it a security problem is fine15:37
LjLfixing it by putting temp files in the user's home... that sounds less sane to me15:38
no0ticLjL, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gentoo/+source/audacity/+bug/173153/comments/315:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173153 in audacity "[CVE-2007-6061] Denial of service and deletion of an arbitrary directory tree via symlink attack" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:39
LjLno0tic: ?15:41
no0ticLjL, emgent patched audacity15:41
LjLno0tic: yes i know15:42
LjLapt-listchanges shows that ;)15:42
LjLuhm, this thing to trim the irc logs of spurious QUITs takes an incredibly long while...15:42
LjLbut it did shrink a logfile of 16megs into 4megs15:42
LjLm0nk coming here for the ban from -offtopic i gave him yesterday16:31
LjLwell, today16:32
Mace-Winduerr im banned and i dont know why?17:11
Mace-WinduAnyway I just have 1 question17:12
Mace-WinduCan You run a server from the desktop version of Ubuntu17:12
Mace-Winduor do you specifically need the server version17:13
jpatrickyou can run it17:13
Mace-WinduAwesome thanks17:13
Mace-WinduAlso Idk why im bannz0red but yah17:13
Mace-Winduanyway thanks17:14
PriceChildHi Ttech, how can I help?17:16
TtechWhy am I here.17:17
TtechI have the auto channel join thing on.. LOL17:17
TtechSorry. No question.17:17
ubotuKamakazi called the ops in #ubuntu-proxy-users ()17:55
SeveasLjL, sponge18:01
Mace-WinduErr yah... Can Ubuntu and Windows be ran on the same machine?18:08
PriceChildMace-Windu, this channel is not for support.18:08
Mace-WinduYah well im banned from #ubuntu for god knows why18:09
PriceChildwell maybe you should try and get that fixed?18:09
Mace-WinduCan you help me fix that?18:09
PriceChildLjL, *ping*18:10
PriceChildMace-Windu, ever use a different nick on irc?18:10
Mace-Winduis it a nick ban? i thought it was an addy ban18:11
=== Mace-Windu is now known as Star-Wars
PriceChildStar-Wars, ever run a bot on this host?18:11
Star-Warsive never connected to this server before18:11
Star-Warsive had no reason to.18:11
Star-WarsWell I connect about an hour ago18:12
Star-Warsbut that was for a question.18:12
PriceChildok, please be patient Star-Wars.18:12
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Martian said: !no, u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.18:22
Star-WarsSorry? v_v18:22
MartianOut of curiousity how does it look when Ubotu forwards a request?18:23
Star-WarsIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Martian said: !no, u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.18:23
Star-WarsLike that.18:23
MartianIn Afrikaans U is the formal form of You. That's why I changed it to include Afrikaans.18:24
Star-WarsYou did your research]18:25
Tm_TStar-Wars: yup18:47
Star-WarsI dont get it...18:48
Tm_TStar-Wars: the person involved with your issue seems not to be active currently, please wait and he'll help you soon :)18:49
Tm_TStar-Wars: I don't feel I should close him out of it by doing his "job" so sorry I can't help more18:50
Star-Warsis ok18:50
* Star-Wars spanks PriceChild18:51
Star-WarsPriceChild isn't here.18:51
Star-WarsxD that dang peer got to him.18:52
Star-WarsHe seems to get to alot of people ;p18:52
Star-WarsSo did the owner of this net write hyper himself?18:53
Star-WarsCuz Most nets use Unreal18:53
SeveasStar-Wars, do you have an id on selbst-schuld.3-a.net?19:04
Star-WarsIve only ever used this internet19:05
Star-Warsand I have 1 server that im on19:05
Star-WarsScrollrack. A Yugioh server19:05
Star-Warsand this. now i guess19:06
SeveasStar-Wars, how often does your provider change IP's, are they fairly static or really dynamic?19:08
Star-WarsFairly static19:09
Star-WarsI recently gave myself a static ip19:09
Star-Warsfrom PortForward.com19:09
Star-WarsThey showed me how19:09
Star-WarsI need a Static Ip to run a Windows based server and INternet radio19:09
Star-WarsBut originally my isp allocates me a Dynamic19:10
SeveasStar-Wars, I meant the isp ip19:10
Seveashow often does that change?19:10
Star-WarsErr the one from19:10
Star-Warsthe cmd promp?19:10
Star-WarsWhich ip19:11
Seveasthe external one you see at the botton on portforward.com19:11
Star-WarsThe one i get from $ip19:11
Star-Warsare u talking about thise one //echo $ip19:11
Star-Warsor the cmd one19:11
Seveasthe external one you see at the botton on portforward.com <--------19:12
Star-WarsLemme go check19:12
Star-WarsOh thats the one i get from $ip19:12
Star-WarsI unno I dont check it often19:12
Star-WarsHasnt changed recently19:13
Star-Warsfrom What i know19:13
Seveasif it didn't change in the past 2 weeks, you will not be unbanned19:13
Star-WarsI dont know I havent check it within the past 2 weeks19:14
Star-WarsCan you just answer my question? I only have 119:14
Seveasthere was some pretty serious abuse from your IP address in the past 2 weeks19:15
Seveaswe don't appreciate that19:15
Star-Warson here?19:15
Star-WarsI unno My isp supoosedly gives me a dynamic one19:16
Star-Warsbut like i said19:16
Star-WarsI just gave myself a static ip19:16
Star-Warsis there a way to check what your ip was 2 weeks ago?19:17
naliothjust let him in to #ubuntu already19:18
Star-WarsCant u give me a +e?19:19
Star-WarsMy name?19:19
Star-WarsGiving my 1` single nick wouldnt give my whole ip19:19
Star-Warsan except into the room19:19
Star-WarsSo youd be keeping yourself protected19:19
naliothStar-Wars: go.19:20
Star-Warsand helping me @ the same time19:20
naliothStar-Wars: we have a no idling policy here    :)19:21
keescookhi!  while the ubuntu security team is going to be using #ubuntu-hardened for IRC discussions, I'd like to see if #ubuntu-security can be put under our control so we can direct people to the right place.  What do you folks recommend?21:20
PriceChildnalioth, can you sort this out please?21:21
PriceChildkeescook, should be sorted asap :)21:22
* nalioth looks at his work bench21:22
Tm_Tnalioth: a before c21:22
ompaulnalioth, organise what keescook asked for :)21:22
PriceChilduse the hammer!21:22
ompaulnalioth, with the wrench that PriceChild knows very ikkle21:23
* ompaul buys PriceChild an icecream21:23
naliothkeescook: can you join me at the scene of the crime?21:23
keescooknalioth: sure, where?21:24
ompaulnalioth, I suggest just close, and forward21:24
Seeker`:O ITS GARY!21:56
naliothSeeker`: is it you?21:56
Seeker`it me!21:57
naliothSeeker`: i don't believe you22:00
naliothi say you're an imposter.22:00
Seeker`nalioth: what dont you believe me about?22:00
naliothSeeker`: have you talked to nickserv today?22:01
Seeker`maybe earlier22:01
naliothi don't believe it22:02
naliothhi Seeker`!22:02
Seeker`and again just now22:02
naliothnow i believe it's you.22:02
Seeker`chanserv hates me :(22:02
Tm_Tcan I hate you too? ;)22:03
Seeker`i would prefer it if you didn't22:03
Seeker`you had to devoice me 3 times? just to make sure you did it properly22:03
Tm_TSeeker`: no, just to make it more clear22:04
ompaulSeeker`, is that you?22:13
Seeker`I think so22:14
ompaulsubtly like a bull in a china shop or a brick though a plate glass window22:14
Seeker`but I'm not too sure now. I was last time I checked22:14
ubotusyntaxerror55 called the ops in #ubuntu (link2126)22:24
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:24
jpatrickPici: I was watching #ubuntu at the time22:25
Picioh ;)22:25
Jordan_UHave you guys added a feature to temporarily suppress !ops or was ubotu just down?22:28
m0nkhey guys could i get my ban to ubuntu-offtopic lifted please?22:28
LjL!repeat | Jordan_U22:28
PriceChildJordan_U, it had already been called22:28
ubotuJordan_U: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:28
LjL!repeat | Jordan_U22:28
PiciThe bot knows it had just been called ;)22:28
LjLhi m0nk, can you remind me why you were banned?22:28
jpatrickJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54141/22:29
m0nk...shocksites...im usually pretty good about not violating the cOc but i was just out of my mind yesterday for whatever reason man22:30
LjLm0nk: a shocksite that tried to crash your computer as well22:30
m0nkLjL: that too....22:30
m0nki applogize22:30
naliothLjL: was it a good one?22:30
naliothno, don't paste it in here  :022:30
LjLnalioth: define good22:31
PriceChildvorian, just imagine if we let ck out.22:31
naliothLjL: you know, the one that lets the magic smoke out of your box22:31
vorianPriceChild: at least he can restrain himself22:31
LjLnalioth: eh... no, i do not know. and i'm not sure that's a bad thing either22:32
m0nkit was a site i used to use when i was younger on my friends...it doesnt usually crash browsers though22:34
m0nki know with firefox if you have the mplayer plugin to handle media though...it will get nasty22:34
LjLwell it's what intended to do, so no surprise there22:35
m0nkim watching freedom downtime...its pretty interesting:)22:37
nalioththis is not a social channel22:37
LjLm0nk, i suggest you come back in a couple of days. perhaps some of you guys in -ot don't realize that we aren't *always* light-hearted when we give !o4o and stuff.22:38
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.22:38
LjLnow, that was o4o *and* malicious22:38
LjLyou really should have thought about it22:38
SeveasI'd say come back in a year22:38
Seveasthat's what I did to some people who pasted that site22:39
m0nki feel like the little kid who got grounded on christmas eve...but all right22:39
LjLm0nk, it didn't seem like such a big deal just because nobody complained about it22:39
naliothyou're lucky you didn't get klined22:39
LjLit took me a while to realize what it was22:39
LjL(since i'm not an expert like seveas, and it didn't come with the http:// so i didn't click right away)22:39
LjLimagine if someone *did* have their speakers on (it was night in europe and i guess late evening in america)22:40
m0nkLjL: yea, i understand i will be back in a couple days i understand that was a huge violation22:40
m0nkanyway take it easy guys22:40
LjLor just well was a young fellow *not* of the kind of young fellows who usually hang around in -ot22:40
LjLwell at least he gets it22:42
LjLcould have got it earlier22:42
PriceChildLjL, what'd you mean about how easy it was to see who was messing with chanserv?23:14
LjLPriceChild: i never said anything of the sort, you imagined it23:15
PriceChildHey Exteris, how can I help?23:20
Exterisi have no idea i think xchat screwed up with the channel list23:21
mc44Seveas forwarded him23:21
SeveasExteris, no, you need to change our quit message from 'Sick Fuckers' to something else23:21
ExterisSeveas, were you offended by that?23:22
SeveasExteris, it goes against our guidelines23:22
Exterisi changed it23:23
Exterisit's OMG now23:23
Seveascool, forward removed23:23
LjLSeveas: uhm, he should fix his part message, it's off by one now23:24
LjLcute, i freed up 800mb by cutting redundant QUIT and NICK lines from the logs.23:33
LjLand it's not even finished yet23:33
PiciIts still going?!23:35
* nalioth uses bzip2 on his logs23:36
Seeker`LjL: How big are your log files?23:36
naliothbgrep can look through them in that state23:36
LjLSeeker`: they were 2 gigs and some23:36

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