
PcPixelDoes anyone know of a good algebra tutoring program?00:22
calimerI think there is something called mathasurus00:23
calimerletme check if I have it in my links00:23
PcPixelthanks :) i have ubuntu installed on a friends son's pc & he needs help in algebra00:24
calimerhmm did a search and it wasn't the one I was thinking of00:25
calimerI remember seeing something though, hmm00:25
calimeroh this is what I was talking about00:25
calimerbut I don't htink it has algerbra00:25
calimerI'll do a search00:26
PcPixelthanks. id appreciate any help you can give.00:27
lnsHas anyone gotten sound to work on a thin client regarding a tsclient session to a Windows server (using PulseAudio)? Is it pretty straight-forward?00:27
PcPixelive been doing searches myself, but havent found anything00:27
calimeryeah a lot of this stuff is really complicated00:28
calimerhave you tried here?00:29
calimerboo nothing for algebra00:29
PcPixelnever heard of happy penguin :)00:30
PcPixeli tried getdeb.net00:30
PcPixelbut nothing there either00:30
calimerthey do have a kids category00:30
calimerand that is a great resource in general00:30
calimerI found some windows ones00:32
calimeryou  might be able to use wine to runt hem00:32
PcPixelmmmm dunno if i wanna get that complicated00:32
johnnyit'd be nice to get some funding to develop such things :(00:33
lnsjohnny, i don't see why it would be so hard, as long as you're in the right industry00:34
lnsand I'd definitely call the linux/education sector viable for programmers to make money writing open source software00:35
lnswow..geogebra looks pretty cool =)00:36
PcPixelyeah geo might work00:37
calimerit does indeed00:37
PcPixelcause he actually needs help w geometry as well00:37
calimeryou can send the check in the mail00:38
lnscalimer, do you work for these companies?00:38
calimerit was a joke, for a finders fee :D00:39
lnsooooh you were being sarcastic =p00:39
calimerI work for my own company :D00:39
lnsit's crazy what's hiding in the corners of the internet...i never heard of these aps00:39
calimerand I work for several other companies too00:39
calimeryeah no kidding00:39
lnsi work for my own company as well00:39
calimerI'm going to take this opportunity to market my corner00:39
lnswhat's your corner?00:39
calimerhttp://kids.platinumarts.net game design software for kids :D00:40
lnshow does it run via ltsp?00:40
lnss/how/how well/00:40
calimeryou download it and run the binaries :D00:40
lnswith graphics and all i'd assume it would have to be optimized at some level for ltsp networks00:41
calimernot sure what those are00:41
lnsahh...i guess you don't deal with edubuntu much then ;)00:42
calimerunfortunately not00:42
calimermy linux HD has mandrake on it :D00:42
calimeruntil I finish this stinkin doom 3 mod I'm stuck on windows D:00:42
lnsso do you not work at platinum arts?00:43
calimerI do it is my company :D00:43
kgoetzdoom 3 runs on linux00:43
calimeryeah but the tools don't :(00:43
lnsdoom 1 runs on my mp3 player00:44
calimermy linux HD needs so much cleaning too, haha00:44
calimerthere are like 60 mb free00:44
calimerand it is a 180 gig HD00:44
calimerer 16000:44
lnsso calimer, you programmed this game design app?00:45
calimerno it is based on another engine00:45
calimerI actually try to stay out of the programming when I can :D00:46
calimerthough now I do have a coder, woo hooo!!00:46
lnsit looks nice00:46
lnsyou should see how well it runs on edubuntu thin client networks00:47
calimerthe SVN is already much improved now too00:47
calimerI think my coder is actually using ubuntu00:47
calimerhopefully he knows what a think client network is00:47
calimerI get to use it to teach game design for an after school club soon, woo!00:49
lnsthin client network ;)00:54
lnscalimer, what after school club?00:54
calimerat a HS00:56
PcPixeljust checked out geogebra01:13
PcPixelits very nice and very powerful01:13
PcPixelbut a little too "over the head" of the person i need it for01:13
PcPixeldoes anyone know of a simple math tutoring program (does algebra and geomerty)?01:17
lnsPcPixel, from my perspective, algebra and geometry aren't simple so it would be impossible to have a 'simple geometry' program.01:22
PcPixelsomethin that acts as a tutor01:23
PcPixellike "whats the area of teh square"01:23
PcPixel"complete this equation"01:23
PcPixeli dont need something like MathLab :)01:23
PcPixelthis kid is in jr high & is having trouble in those subjects01:25
PcPixelsomething like kpercentage01:31
PcPixelor kbruch01:32
yI'm looking for a theory... I've got LDAP working on a server and I can connect to it on client, but I'm not getting consistent ldapsearch results from client/server05:00
sakhiRichEd: Hi there.06:55
* johnny watches revdep-rebuild run06:56
sakhiedubuntu does not use nfs right?06:57
johnnyltsp5 distributed with edubuntu does not use nfs06:58
johnnyby default that is06:58
johnnyfor gutsy and onwards06:58
johnnyfeisty still uses nfs06:58
sakhijohnny: Have you ever created an add on CD?, i.e. Customising edubuntu then put all the packages added on a CD so that you can install it on different PC's running Edubuntu 7.1007:03
johnnyno, i haven't done that as of yet07:04
johnnyin fact.. i've never installed edubuntu07:04
johnnyonly regular ubuntu07:04
johnnybut i use ltsp with it07:04
johnnywhich is why i'm here07:04
johnnyaltho i'm sure it is the same as regular ubunt07:08
johnnysakhi, there are probably plenty of docs07:08
johnnyif you search for "create ubuntu package cd07:08
johnnyor "create debian package cd"07:08
johnnyhmm.. if i was going to this kinda install tho.. i'd do it all over the network07:09
johnnyinstead of using cds07:09
johnnyand just point the machines at that repository07:09
johnnywith that machine running locally07:09
sakhijohnny: It would work on a local network07:10
sakhibut work differently on machines located in different areas.07:11
dayawhere can I found LTSP source code that is used by edubuntu 7.1010:50
ogradaya, apt-get source ltsp :)11:16
Nubaehi ogra... quick question, I'm trying to get all of edubuntu-desktop into the fat chroot, and get this:11:16
Nubaedpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.11:16
NubaeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly11:16
ograno idea11:17
Nubaei cant do dpkg --configure -a anymore, so I'm sorta stuck...11:17
ogralooks like a broken dpkg11:17
Nubaehow could I check to see which one?11:18
ograi mean the program dpkg11:18
Nubaedpkg: error processing libgdl-1-0 (--configure):11:18
Nubae thats the last one before the error11:18
Nubaeah... oh11:18
ogradpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.11:18
ogralooks serious11:18
Nubaedpkg: too many errors, stopping11:18
Nubae I get that just before11:19
ogracan you check the scrollback for the very first error ?11:19
ograi suspect thats not the first11:19
dayaogra, which list in repo11:20
dayaogra, its from ubuntu11:20
ograits identical11:21
NubaeGC Warning: Couldn't read /proc/stat11:21
NubaeCouldn't read /proc/self/stat11:21
NubaeAborted (core dumped)11:21
ograNubae, heh11:21
ogramount proc in the chroot11:21
ograsome packages require it11:21
Nubaedoh, makes sense11:21
ograi think one package couldnt fifnish because of missing proc and pulled the others over the edge11:22
Nubaeanyway, I'm close now... gdm went through, authentication worked, but went to a terminal after gdm cause edubuntu-desktop wasnt entireley installed11:22
ogra!!! dont forget to unmount proc before leaving the chroot !!!11:23
Nubaeyeah cool, that did it...11:25
Nubaehow about /sys... mount that?11:25
ograshould work without11:26
ograonly if you start to see intresting errors again :)11:26
Nubaeso I'll put the wiki here: wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPFatClientHowto11:27
Nubaethat ok?11:27
ograi wonder if it shouldnt rather be on help.u.c11:28
ograbelow the UbuntuLTSP category11:28
Nubaealso... the instruction to mount proc... should I put that before apt-get install edubuntu-desktop?11:29
ogradirectly after entering the chroot is best11:29
Nubaeok, maybe I can link from the community help to the ubuntu wiki11:30
NubaeI mean write in community, link from ubuntu wiki11:30
ograno, keep it in one place11:31
ogra(community help is actually a wiki ... you can use it with your normal wiki credentials)11:31
ograit has just a sligh mor official touch11:32
ogra*slightly more11:32
Nubaestill cant set the root passwd though11:36
ograyou dont use sudo *inside* the chroot for that, right ?11:37
NubaeNOW it takes for ever to build the image :-)11:37
Nubaeheh, no11:37
Nubaehmm cant unmount proc11:38
ogracheck with mount11:38
ograand repeat the unmounting11:38
Nubaewhat do you mean?11:39
ograrepeat the umount command11:40
* ogra needs to reboot ... brb11:40
Nubaelol... ok so shutdown doesnt work from within the chroot11:53
Nubaebut at least that unmount proc from within the chroot 8)11:54
Nubaehmmm startup hangs at * Starting LTSP thin client12:13
Nubaeand can't login from terminal either12:14
Nubaeogra, could something in the LTSP init scripts be stopping it?12:16
ogratry moving the gdm startup before the ltsp-client one12:17
Nubaewhich file is that in?12:18
Nubaeogra, u mean move S30gdm to runlevel 0?12:26
ograno to S20 ... anything smaller than ltsp-client-core12:33
Nubaehmm, gets stuck on Starting Gnome Display Manager now12:44
Nubaeso that wasnt it...12:44
highvoltageogra: ping12:44
Nubaeogra, any ideas?12:48
ograNubae, actually not, no12:50
ogradrop splash and quiet from the botooptions, that should give more info12:50
ograhighvoltage, pong12:50
highvoltageogra: there's a long list of people who applied to join the edubuntu-members team, but never sent a mail to us, or showed any kind of real-life interest. can I decline them on LP and include text on the membership process?12:51
highvoltageogra: a bunch of the requests as old as 2006 even: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-members/+members12:52
ogrago ahead12:52
highvoltageok, cool12:52
ograi know rich meant to do that long ago, but we're both way to busy12:52
highvoltageme too, also been busy :)12:53
Nubaeogra, did that already, nothing shows12:53
ograwell, after all the changes in edubuntu land it should be a lot better for me in hardy+1 :)12:53
ograno more CD to care for takes a ton of my sholders12:53
Nubaeweird thing is before doing a complete apt-get install edubuntu-desktop, it was going through to gdm without problems12:54
Nubaeso some new init script must be stopping the process now, no?12:55
highvoltageogra: the company I work for is being swallowed by a much bigger company, and a lot of my work will now be delegated, so things should go smoother for me too12:55
ograah, nice12:55
sakhihighvoltage: that's sounds good.12:59
highvoltagehey sakhi, haven't seen you in this channel before.12:59
highvoltagesakhi: you should get jeremy to be here too :)12:59
Nubaedarn, I can't login to the terminal so can't see the logs... dead end13:01
sakhiummm where again? new company?13:01
highvoltagesakhi: Business Connexion13:01
sakhidon't worry.13:02
sakhiit will be done !-)13:02
Nubaeogra, could this have to do with requiring the netgroups part of ldap, registering the host as well as the users?13:04
ograNubae, might be13:05
highvoltageogra: do existing Ubuntu members get to join Edubuntu Members for free? I see nixternal also applied at one stage13:09
ograthey should get it for free imho, yes13:10
* ogra thought nixternal is member since ages13:10
lagado other people have to pay?13:10
highvoltageogra: I thought so too13:10
highvoltagelaga: no, it's just an expression we use13:11
ogralaga, only the ones with green nicknames in xchats default coloring :P13:11
highvoltagelaga: when you are an Edubuntu Member, you are also an Ubuntu Member, so we say that the person gets Ubuntu membership "for free"13:11
stgraberI became an edubuntu member without having to go through the whole process as I was an Ubuntu member13:11
highvoltageok, can I approve nixternal then?13:11
ograi dont object13:12
lagaogra: :P13:12
Nubaehmmm, should I delete all system groups from ldap too?13:12
ograNubae, switch off ldap completely in the chroot and check if it boots then13:13
ograjust backup and edit the pam config files13:13
* juliux is a edubuntu member but no ubuntu member;)13:13
ograif it still doesnt boot its not ldap related13:13
Nubaeright, ok, good point13:14
ograjuliux, you are spethial anyway :)13:14
juliuxogra, spethial?13:14
Nubaebut in any case, should I delete all system groups from ldap, or just system users?13:15
ograjuliux, pronounce it :) (in english ... good training against german accent :P )13:15
juliuxogra, ohhhh13:15
jvanrooyenhighvoltage: Hi there13:15
jvanrooyenhighvoltage: Ek is hier al die tyd13:15
ograjuliux, btw, you wanted to send me a form13:16
sakhijvanrooyen: hi13:16
juliuxogra, oh shit, i will send you that mail now;)13:16
jvanrooyensakhi: Hi13:16
ograi got the payment reminder though *g*13:16
highvoltageoh, hi jvanrooyen, didn't notice that nick :)13:17
jvanrooyenhighvoltage: lol13:17
jvanrooyenhighvoltage: how are you mnr?13:17
highvoltageogra: cliebow also applied for membership. he's an LTSP guy, right? should I ping him first and find out if he's still interested?13:18
ogramail flood13:18
juliuxogra, send out13:18
ograhighvoltage, he likely is13:18
highvoltageogra: ok, I'm not going to decline him13:18
juliuxogra, i am working on a script that send the reminders automaticly out;)13:18
* ogra wonders where to sort these tons of LP mails now13:19
highvoltageogra: *delete*!13:19
juliuxogra, mv *launchpad* /dev/null13:19
* ogra follows sheepish13:19
ograah, thats better :)13:20
highvoltageogra: should we make the next edubuntu meeting a council meeting? or would that be too short notice?13:20
ograits the late one, right13:20
ograand its the first meeting of the month13:21
highvoltagethen we could give the last 3 members who are left on the list a chance to get through, if they still want to13:21
ograwe once said each first one is EC13:21
sakhiwas soooo confused...13:21
highvoltageogra: ok13:21
ograwe should probably return to that13:21
juliuxthere will happen something historic, a edubuntu council meeting13:22
* juliux will mark that day red in his calendar13:22
highvoltagegood idea!13:22
* highvoltage marks it in calender too (has really short memory)13:22
juliuxogra, btw i am back for testing edubuntu13:23
ograwe should ask LaserJock to mark it on the fridge13:23
highvoltageyay, it's just 2 days before my birthday13:23
ograjuliux, there is not much to test :)13:23
juliuxogra, my girl friend donate me a third tft;)13:23
juliuxogra, for me there is my last edubuntu installation is 1,5 years old13:23
* highvoltage nearly read that very wrongly13:23
ograhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-users/2008-January/003218.html <-- juliux13:24
juliuxogra, i allready see the installtion point build ltsp on the alternate cd;913:24
ograif you want to test ltsp, use the alternate cd13:25
juliuxthat is what i have done yesterday but the -desktop packages are broken13:25
ograi usually test daily running a virtualbox install, alpha4 will be good to go13:25
ograhmm, the 20080130 build worked for me13:26
juliuxit was 2008012913:26
juliuxjigo sricpt started for 2008013013:30
ograi couldnt test 31 yet ... my vbox drivers are broken13:30
juliuxat home i use the small transtec pc for testing13:31
ograi built a pretty fat machine over christmas ... i'm doing everything on it via ltsp now ...13:33
juliuxdo you know a thinclient with two vga out?13:34
ograsadly no13:34
juliuxi still love it to work with two 17" tfts13:34
ograbut there are SBC boards with two VGA out's13:34
ograyou could assemble something yourself13:35
lagai was secretly contemplating turning my workstation into a fat client because the hard drive is bothering me. not sure if that's a good idea over fast ethernet13:35
juliuxlaga, i  have allready everything on my file server13:35
lagamy "file server" only holds my multimedia files. hum13:36
juliuxmy fileserver has a raid5 my client a very old notebook harddisk so all important files are on my fileserver13:36
* laga suppresses the urge to buy a thin client and retire his workstation to a closet13:36
lagagreat. now i searched ebay for "thin client" and found some cheap hardware. now i want to build both a thin client and a new mythtv frontend. gee.13:38
* laga closes laptop and goes back to homework13:38
ograthats pretty fat13:39
juliuxnice board;)13:42
ogramount that to the back of a TFT and put one in every room of your house ;)13:43
ogra(touchscreen TFT indeed :) )13:44
juliuxi have only one room so no problem;)13:44
juliuxi have 36qm and 5 computers;)13:45
* ogra is playing with the thought of using ltsp for home automation at some point :)13:46
Nubaeoh man... I give up, gonna start from a new chroot14:42
Nubaehmmm, ogra should I be doing ltsp-update-kernels?15:25
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stgraberogra: good news for you, first we have a 1.0.5 iTalc out including one of my patches (localization thing), second is that I and Tobias Doerffel (iTalc's upstream) isolated the bug15:56
stgraberit's a problem with the integrated x11vnc like which is crashing as soon as italc connects15:56
ograyippie !"!!!16:02
* ogra dances16:02
stgrabernow, I just need to regenerates the packages + dbgsym packages so I can debug it16:05
stgraber(well, rather run gdb and send the backtrace right to Tobias :))16:05
Nubaecool, so hardy will have a working thin client manager ;-)16:09
stgraberogra: do you happen to know how to make pbuilder to produce -dbgsym packages ? I installed pkg-create-dbgsym but it doesn't seem to help16:16
stgraberogra: oh, maybe I need to install it in the chroot instead of the server itself :)16:21
* stgraber will have to update his chroot builder scripts ...16:22
pygiNubae, but it'll be uuugly :)16:25
nixternaloh no, it is that pygi guy :p16:25
Nubaeogra if I do  apt-get install edubuntu-addon-light will that pull enough through to get a working fat environment?16:42
stgraberogra: ouch, took me some time to get a proper backtrace from the vnc part of italc but I finally have it :)17:56
stgraberogra: let's hope Tobias will quickly find the problem17:56
LaserJockogra, RichEd: regarding gcompris translations, for gutsy the fixed translations where supposed to go out in December but LP isn't behaving18:12
* RichEd sorts out the misbehaving with a sharp clip around the earhole18:13
RichEdoops left out the LP18:13
RichEdLaserJock: will it be sorted out for hardy ?18:13
LaserJockRichEd: it's been sorted for Hardy for months18:14
LaserJockthat was the easy part18:14
RichEdexcellent ... dood18:14
LaserJockI'm on the gcompris-devel mailing list and will certainly let them know when it's fixed18:15
LaserJockI also talked to some Canonical people to try to ... speed up getting it fixed18:15
* RichEd is confused ... 18:17
RichEd"let them know when it's fixed" <- for gutsy ?18:17
RichEdor does something need to be fixed for hardy ?18:17
LaserJocknobody cares about Hardy yet18:18
LaserJockbut the gcompris developer is french and is really upset that gutsy messed up his translations18:18
LaserJockhe wanted to use Edubuntu to show of gcompris to french schools, but he says it's useless for him18:19
LaserJockhmm, latest lang pack .debs in PPA aren't fixed18:20
LaserJockgotta run, bbl18:23
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
stgraberEdubuntu ready for testing (Alpha4 candidates) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/edubuntu/all18:42

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