
maxim000yes, but i added it00:00
flipstarhow did you installed it ?00:00
dasKreechah then it will not turn up in katapult by default00:00
maxim000with add/remove00:00
dasKreechyes how did you install?00:00
dasKreechmaxim000: Is Kontact in the start menu?00:01
tcmmaxim000: can you see kmail in Kontact?00:01
discac'è qualcuno?00:01
maxim000kontact is not installed00:01
flipstar!it | disca00:01
ubotudisca: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:01
tcmcan you run kmail in a terminal?00:01
BobSappis twinview availiable in kubuntu with the restricted driver?00:01
flipstarjust try00:02
dasKreechmaxim000: ok alt+space -> Ctrl+C -> configure katapult -> click ok -> alt+space -> kmail00:02
maxim000dasKreech, :D Thanks!00:02
maxim000it works00:03
* dasKreech nods00:03
flipstar!info twinview | BobSapp00:03
ubotubobsapp: Package twinview does not exist in gutsy00:03
olivier!fr | olivier00:03
ek_Dr_willis: Yeah. Found the problem. Have to disable msdfs_proxy.00:03
ek_Now, I just need to find that setting through KDE.00:03
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead00:03
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:04
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:05
AngelusHi everyone00:07
tim_i got a problem with bind00:07
tim_can any 1 help00:07
tim_ * Stopping domain name service... bind                                         rndc: connect failed: connection refused00:08
Angelussorry, I cant, no experience with bind00:08
brian__My CD Burner's mount point is "/media/floppy0.. I don't even have a floppy.00:09
AngelusI added a repository and upgraded some packages in it ( wich also where avaliable in the official repo) how can I downgrade all packages from this unnoficial repo and revert all to the official ones?00:09
Dr_willisAngelus,  remove them  - remove the repo. apt-get update, upgrade, and reinstall them.00:10
kalibtim_, what's goin on with your localhost?00:10
Dr_willisAngelus,  would be how i think it would be done00:10
tim_kalib:  nothing?00:10
kalibr u sure?? but your localhost refused the connection to start bind00:11
tim_idk y00:11
AngelusDr_willis: they are a lot of packages and I was hopping for an automated approach, but thanks anyway. I'll have to do that if there is no other choice00:11
GuyFromHellso any ideas on getting a screen session to open automatically on login?00:11
tim_apache is running00:11
tim_mysql is running00:11
tim_all i did was modify named.conf and add entries for the name servers..00:11
Dr_willisAngelus,  the packatge tools can show packages based on the repo they came from.  or at least synaptic can. Not sure about adept00:12
shadowhywindhay all having a strange issue, I am using openoffice in kubuntu gutsy, when i add a bullet, it gives me this ugly grey background, any ideas on how to remove it?00:12
AngelusDr_willis: I didn't knew that, never used synaptic before, thanks!00:12
dasKreechGuyFromHell: I just have  yakuake open my cli stuff on open00:12
kalibtim_, well...not sure..but...give a try..00:12
GuyFromHelldasKreech: lets say its headless...00:13
kalibremove the lines you added in it... and try again...00:13
tim_kalib:  all im trying to do is restart bind...00:13
kalibif works fine... will be easy to know what's goin wrong00:13
dasKreechGuyFromHell: on login ?00:13
GuyFromHelldasKreech: yea?00:13
dasKreechassuming you are using bash?00:14
tim_kalib:  it has an error on stopping but it starts up again00:14
Dr_willisAngelus,  i dont see a similer feature in adept , synaptic can do it however.00:15
=== tim_ is now known as sigma16
kalibtim if u just type the status... what happens??00:16
batis610I have a variable='xx2007'... first i want to test if it contains 'xx' then i want to exctract the year.... how00:16
kalibis it started or stoped?00:16
sigma16kalib:  what00:16
GuyFromHelldasKreech: nvm i hacked something together, [[ $SHLVL == "1" ]] && screen -R logon00:17
kalib/etc/init.d/bind status00:17
kalibwhat's the response?00:17
Dr_willisbatis610,  you may want to chedk out the 'advanced bash scripting guide'    its in the repos as an installable book/package. or on tldp.org00:17
dasKreechGuyFromHell: bashrc ?00:17
GuyFromHelldasKreech: yea in bashrc00:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:17
dasKreechGuyFromHell: Ok that's what I was going to suggest00:17
sigma16kalib: when i stop it then start it without using restart no errors00:17
dasKreech!info abs00:17
ubotuPackage abs does not exist in gutsy00:17
GuyFromHelldasKreech: i asked because i was getting something like an infinite loop since each screen ran screen again00:17
Dr_willis!find abs00:17
ubotuFound: abuse-frabs, libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-abstractcount-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libemail-abstract-perl (and 3 others)00:17
kalibsigma16, oh..i got it00:18
Dr_willisI never can rember its name. :)00:18
dasKreechGuyFromHell: ah right :) Qt isn't it?00:18
Dr_willis!find guide00:18
ubotuFound: gnome-user-guide, installation-guide-amd64, installation-guide-i386, installation-guide-ia64, installation-guide-powerpc (and 26 others)00:18
winterelf_hi, i got a problam with the repositories... i don't have any third party software download, it's an empty list.. so i can't find bitchx in it... i need to add it by myself and have no idea about the link...00:18
GuyFromHelldasKreech: hum? screen?00:18
winterelf_someone have any idea what to add?00:18
sigma16kalib: we still get an error with the code im about to pm u00:18
kalibsigma16, so... it's working... that's ok... but... i don't know exactly why the restart command is not working.. :/00:18
flipstarwinterelf sources.list is empty ??00:18
dasKreechGuyFromHell: No the loop of attaching to itself00:18
sigma16kalib: as long as it works it doesnt matter for that... can u help me figure out why my entries rnt workin?00:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:19
winterelf_flipstar: yes!00:19
GuyFromHelldasKreech: you lost me, it's bash running screen over and over00:19
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.00:19
kalibwell..i can try... paste it on a pvt00:19
sigma16kalib: i had pmed u it00:19
dasKreechGuyFromHell: I know Qt is pronounced Cute00:19
sigma16!paste > sigma1600:19
flipstarwinterelf_: the sources.list in /etc/apt/sources.list ??00:19
dasKreechGuyFromHell: I'm just really lazy tonight00:19
GuyFromHelldasKreech: ah that's what you meant. i get it. :P00:20
sigma16kalib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54163/00:20
sigma16kalib: any ideas?00:21
winterelf_flipstar: no it contains a banch of stuff00:21
flipstarthen just edit it with sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove that # from the universe source00:22
kalibsigma16, let me check...00:23
jereme_I'm trying to setup fglrx on kubuntu gutsy, but when I start X, I get a black screen00:23
jereme_my keyboard still seems to respond, but I'm essentially locked up00:24
jereme_anyone run into this?00:24
flipstarsuccess ?00:25
sigma16kalib: would the error be in the included files?00:26
kalibnot sure... in your place i would try with just one... just for test...00:27
=== Bayko_ is now known as Bayko
Baykowhats a good place to get program's for wine?00:28
Baykoor do u install packages?00:28
flipstari just ported them from win00:28
bandidanyone from italy?00:29
sigma16kalib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54164/00:29
jereme_a lot of people are from italy00:29
bandidand you are italian?00:30
olivieritalians stole the last world cup00:31
jamesJHello again. Still working on the sound problem. So I have a quesiton when I type `sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel` and then press "tab" then "enter" it just takes me back too a command line. Shouldn't it show a list of modules?00:31
jyoongi have just installed kubuntu and am trying to access the other drive i partitioned, but i get the error "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000"00:32
jyoongcould someone help?00:32
flipstarjyoong: you have to set permission for your user on that drive00:32
sigma16kalib:  ??????????00:32
kalibsigma16, sorry.... i did answer on your pvt00:33
=== Bayko_ is now known as Bayko
sigma16kalib: ?00:33
bandidthe meaning of "stole"?00:33
sigma16kalib: i didnt recieve00:33
jyoonghow do i do that?00:33
flipstartake away bandid00:34
Dr_willisIf its a ntfs drive. You may need to make  a proper fstab entry with the right options for allowing user access to it.00:34
flipstarjust right click ->settings ->permissions on that directory jyoong00:34
kalibsigma16, well...00:34
Dr_willisIm not sure that just setting permissions on a mounted ntfs fileysystem will work.00:35
kalibsigma16, i saw your codes.... but for me it's okay..i couldn't find any error... :/  i'm so sorry..but i'm not a bind expert... just beginner.. :/00:35
dasKreechBayko: www.download.com00:36
flipstarjamesJ: no when this particular driver is the only option not00:36
dasKreech!it | bandid00:36
ubotubandid: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:36
jamesJOK. Then I'll move to the next step. Thanks.00:36
bandidi've translated te term before, and i really agree whith you00:36
Dr_willisI just had a drive with        the  ' "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000" Under konqueror.. I then installed/ran the 'ntfs-config' tool and checked Yes. in its options. Now my user can access it. :)00:37
Dr_willissudo apt-get install ntfs-config && sudo ntfs-config00:37
sigma16 can some 1 else help me with bind00:37
flipstardrives shouldn be mounted by root anyway..00:37
sigma16also how do u install the linux sound stuff. i dont have it...00:38
flipstarsigma16: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544900:38
sigma16flipstar: ive done that a dozen times00:38
flipstarthan it might be your certain hardware00:39
sigma16its audigy200:39
bandidcome si fa ad andare su k.it00:39
kalibbandid, o.O ?00:39
sigma16flipstar:  i didnt get errors on that list at all00:40
flipstarbandit please join #ubuntu-it or #kubuntu-it since this is an english channel00:40
sigma16flipstar: alsamixer doesnt work00:40
sigma16flipstar: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device00:40
sigma16flipstar: it wont change the default device from my disabled soundcard..00:41
jamesJOK another question. This time about alsamixer. In the directions I am reading it says "It is more like ten different volume controls in the sample place." But I only have 5 items listed. This sound right?00:41
flipstarjamesJ: maybe there only 5 visible00:42
flipstaris it a good idea to run tune2fs on a mounted file system ?00:43
flipstari think i dont have other options ..00:43
Dr_willisIve ran tune2fs on mounted fs's befor.00:44
Dr_willismay depend on what you are changing.00:44
flipstarnothing bad happend ?00:45
flipstar-m reserved-blocks-percentage00:45
sigma16flipstar:  ???00:45
Dr_willisive changed that befor while mounted.00:45
flipstarthe root locked file size stuff00:45
sigma16flipstar:  alsa mixer isnt workin00:45
Dr_willisthe actual change may not take effect however untill you remount the filesystem.00:45
flipstari'll try00:45
Dr_willisor perhaps reboot.00:45
flipstarits an truecrypt partition ..00:46
Dr_willisive seen it report different #s after changing the reserved. :) but my disks were not full - so not sure  how soon that affect changes00:46
sigma16can some 1 help me... bind or sound... ur pick../00:47
flipstari have to run tune2fs as sudo .. ?00:47
Dr_willisof course. :)00:47
mneptokwhat? you want noises payed with each successful nslookup?00:47
Dr_willisyou dont want users doing that sort of thing.00:47
ahmoshi flipstar ,I keep failling to mount the ntfs partitions.. now I get this ..Failed to access '/dev/disk/by-label/MAXTOR': No such file or directory00:47
flipstarhm still the same error:tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block00:48
jyoongthanks flipstar00:48
=== olivier is now known as oliv78
flipstarahmos: just post the whole fstab00:49
flipstar!pastebin | ahmos00:49
ubotuahmos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:49
Dr_willisIve only used tune2fs on ext2/ext3 filesystems. Not sure how truecrypt affects that.00:49
flipstari just typed the /dev/xxx00:50
flipstarnot the mount point or anything..00:50
jamesJWell, still no sound. Heck I did a re-install and started over and still can't get the volume up enough to "hear" it.00:50
Dr_willisflipstar,  what filesystem is the device using? You did use the proper /dev/ entry?00:50
sigma16some 1 :'(00:50
flipstarmaybe i should try /dev/mapper/truecrypt000:50
flipstarwill try that00:51
sigma16!bind > sigma1600:51
sigma16not even the damned bot knows anything about it..00:51
Dr_willisi dont really use bind. :) and as for sound - Theres some guides.. often you have to update your alsa drivers for newer machines00:51
flipstarit worked :D00:51
Dr_willisTheres whole books written on bind.00:52
sigma16Dr_willis: my kubuntu is 3 days old nothing is out of date... my sound stoped working i think when i got gutsy00:52
flipstarhm how big is one block by default on ext3 ?00:52
jereme_are you getting errors or is there just no sound?00:52
flipstarit prints it still uses 1151097 blocks00:52
sigma16jereme_: no errors or anything... everything is setup only problem i have seen at all is alsa mixer wont work00:53
sigma16jereme_: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device00:53
sigma16jereme_: i think its using my disabled onboard soundcard as default00:53
jereme_weird... I was going to suggest opening alsa mixer and turning up and unmuting the outbound channels...  I've had that problem with ubuntu countless times00:53
jereme_but if you can't use the mixer00:53
jereme_that's probably not it00:53
jereme_fglrx is kicking my arse00:54
sigma16jereme_: w/b making the default device change and stay changed..?00:54
flipstarati isnt a good choise anyway ..00:54
ahmosflipstar:I've posted it00:54
sigma16jereme_: soundcard is audigy2 i got all drivers and updated crap,,00:54
jereme_flipstar: I didn't have a choice... I needed dual-dvi for my workstation and this is what I got00:54
flipstargreat then paste the link here ahmos00:54
jereme_sigma16: I'm not really sure00:55
sigma16jereme_:  sudo asoundconf set-default-card doesnt work00:55
flipstarthats all jereme_ ?00:55
sigma16flip any ideas00:56
jereme_flipstar: that's all what?00:56
sigma16jereme_: ???00:56
thomas__so where would i go if I'm a total noob and I can't get my sound to work?00:56
thomas__and why is there a _ at the end of my name?00:56
sigma16thomas__: mine dont work either...00:56
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:56
jereme_sigma16: dude, I don't know... I only had one suggestion00:56
flipstarthat you need 2 monitors ?00:56
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:57
sigma16Dr_willis: ive been fiddling with sound for 3 days to no avail....00:57
jereme_flipstar: yeah, I already had two monitors, but I needed to switch to dvi for clarity00:57
jereme_flipstar: my issues start way before xinerama comes into the picture00:57
Dr_willissigma16,  no idea. I alwyas disalbe the onboard in the bios befor i install. - Thers some tools that select the default sound cards. but ive never used them00:57
jereme_I can't start X single head on this card00:57
Dr_willisUsing 2 monitors right now. :) on my nvidia card00:58
sigma16Dr_willis: i believe it worked before i got gutsy...00:58
thomas__ok how do i change my IRC nickname? cause its thomas with a _ at the end and I don't know why00:58
flipstarjust type /nick <nickname> thomas__00:59
flipstartry this ahmos http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54166/00:59
BluesKajthomas__, cuz there's another thomas who's nick is registered00:59
Dr_willissigma16,  my audigy2zs has worked fine for me since way way back in breezy :) i belive00:59
flipstarbut is still recommend to use ntfs-3g instead of ntfs ahmos00:59
oliv78do u know some piece of software like amarok but for movies and tv shows01:00
oliv78a software to organize your divX collection01:00
flipstaroliv78: try vlc you'll love it :)01:00
oliv78i know vlc01:00
flipstarhm it cant organize01:00
Dr_willisoliv78,  miro  can do that - but its not in the repos.01:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about miro - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:00
oliv78thats not what im looking for01:00
Dr_willisor is it01:00
Dr_willis!find miro01:01
ubotuFound: miro, miro-data01:01
Dr_willisGuess it IS in the repos. :P01:01
flipstar!info miro01:01
oliv78ok ill give it a try thanks01:01
ubotumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB01:01
tzangerhmm, which package are the amarok codecs in?01:01
tzangerI can't play any shoutcast music01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about magnatune - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:01
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok01:01
Tm_Toh boy01:01
Tm_Tthat amarok factoid is outdated01:02
BluesKajtzanger, in the terminal : sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg01:02
dasKreechTm_T: update it01:02
tzangerahh libxine, thank you01:02
Tm_TdasKreech: I should01:02
dasKreechTm_T: Then do it then01:02
ahmosflipstar:youy are my herooooooo thank you very much ;)01:03
flipstarit says <ubotu> Error: You don't have the admin capability.01:03
oliv78i do have amarok 1.4.7 though01:03
flipstarnp ahmos01:03
ahmostahnk u01:03
ahmosThank u01:03
flipstarbut you only can read with that driver i think01:04
flipstarif you want to wirte i recommend ntf-3g01:04
=== tim_ is now known as sigma16
sigma16Dr_willis: sigh01:04
flipstarsigma16: you just upgraded from brezzy to gutsy ??01:05
sigma16flipstar: feisty to gutsy01:05
ahmosI can write but I will try the ntfs-3g01:05
jippobot2Sono jippobot2, scusate il test :P01:05
oliv78it says miro is a rss aggregator...01:05
flipstarwow didnt knew the nfts dev guys already enabled it by default01:06
sigma16flipstar: any ideas?01:06
jippobot2Sono jippobot2, scusate il test :P01:07
MexflubberHi all ... I'm having a problem ... I want to install atheros wireless network but I can't =S ... I just don't have internet01:07
sigma16flipstar: alsamixer works now how do i save setting01:07
flipstarthats a tricky situation Mexflubber .. other drivers doesnt work ?01:09
Mexflubberflipstar: I don't know .. I want to have wireless because also my video card isn't recognized01:09
flipstarsigma16: i guess they will be saved as soon as you change them01:10
sigma16flipstar: ok none of the bars were down all my settings check out no errors or missing drivers yet no sound..01:10
flipstarMexflubber: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo/Kubuntu01:12
flipstarthis might help01:12
sigma16!sound > sigma1601:12
[Linuxzado]anyone speak portuguese?01:12
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:12
oliv78tudo bem01:13
[Linuxzado]oliv78: td certim.01:13
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:13
oliv78im french01:14
[Linuxzado]i need help to conf my soundcard.01:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:14
oliv78i was just being friendly01:14
flipstartry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 [Linuxzado]01:14
Mexflubberflipstar: Tx !01:14
oliv78do you know where i could find a list of cool or must-have softwares for kubuntu01:14
flipstarcompiz is really cool01:15
oliv78im using it right now :)01:15
oliv78makes my computer crash sometimes though01:15
oliv78do you know how to resolve this issue01:16
Odd-rationaleoliv78: kdissert is a great mindmapping software.01:16
oliv78whenever i launch compiz01:16
oliv78i get this01:16
[Linuxzado]i'm have the ubuntu 7.10 installed, but the sound aren't functionally.01:16
oliv78adept notifier01:16
oliv78in a window01:16
oliv78instead of in the tray01:16
Odd-rationaleoliv78: I get that, too01:16
flipstaryes same here01:16
oliv78what is kdissert01:16
oliv78you cant resolve that?01:16
Odd-rationaleoliv78: kdissert is a great study tool.01:17
flipstar!info kdissert01:17
ubotukdissert (source: kdissert): mindmapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6.c-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 895 kB, installed size 2668 kB01:17
Odd-rationaleoliv78: Another great note taking tool is basket01:17
Odd-rationaleoliv78: Hardy will prabaly fix the compiz problem01:19
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:19
sigma16any 1 help me with sound01:19
oliv78compiz is really good to show off01:20
oliv78at college01:20
Odd-rationaleHere's some more eyecandy. kirocker is not in the repo, though. http://getdeb.net/app/Kirocker01:21
oliv78k thanks01:21
oliv78what does it do01:21
flipstarits like kicker01:22
flipstarsee the screenshot01:22
flipstargkrellm is also nice01:22
oliv78oh kdissert seems nice01:23
flipstarit gives you information about you pc status01:23
oliv78u can create beamer presentation01:23
Odd-rationalei didn't really like gkrellm...01:23
Odd-rationaleI would prefer conky01:23
flipstarthere are about 200 themes for gkrellm ..01:23
flipstarand many many plugins ..01:23
sigma16sound help?01:24
sigma16sound is up all drivers up to date and everything01:24
sigma16no sound comes out of the speakers01:24
flipstari'll try conky ..01:24
Tm_Tconky <301:24
flipstarhm okay..but thats no app you have running all the time do you ?01:25
oliv78how do u uninstall packages that are not in the repository01:25
flipstarfrom where did you installed ?01:26
oliv78u have to keep every deb package?01:26
Odd-rationaleoliv78: no. you don;t need to keep the .deb01:26
BluesKajsigma16, check alsamixer in the terminal01:26
flipstarno deb packages are shown in adept01:26
oliv78ok sweet01:26
flipstaryou can remove them there01:26
Odd-rationaleoliv78: you just sudo aptitude uninstall <<package_name>>01:26
Odd-rationaleor you can use adpet01:27
flipstari like gkrellm more..it also shows hdd aktivity due a nice monitor and the gpu temp the weather etc01:28
Tm_Tflipstar: so does conky have graphs01:28
Tm_Tbut they are different apps and different usages at most of the cases01:28
Dr_willisconly can do graphs for some things01:29
Dr_willisconky :) i mean01:29
flipstarright how can i configure conky ?01:29
Dr_willisedit the .conkyrc01:29
Tm_Tflipstar: it's all conkyrc file, plaintxt01:29
sigma16BluesKaj: my sound has no problems... it isnt off... all drivers up to date... sound troubleshooting didnt help....01:29
flipstaroh no gui ?01:29
Tm_Tflipstar: ofcourse not01:29
Dr_willisflipstar,  Nope.01:29
ek_Dr_willis: You would happen to know why I can mount Samba shares, would you?01:29
ek_Is 'smbfs' still supported?01:29
flipstarhmn why do i hae a graphical os for ? :P01:29
BluesKajsigma16, what sound trouble shooting have you done ?01:29
Dr_willisYou mean why you CANT ? :)01:29
ek_Dr_willis: Ah yes. Of course. :P01:30
sigma16BluesKaj: all of them...01:30
Dr_willisive been using the fusesmb stuff to browse my samba networks lately.01:30
MaskedOneSo I have KWeather on my kicker and my kicker is transparent but KWeather is solid colored still. Any ideas how to change that?01:30
sigma16BluesKaj: all the ones people in here have directed me too....01:30
BluesKajsigma16, that doesn't tell me anything :(01:30
Tm_Tflipstar: heh, different things, son, conky is good in this way, you'll get it when you find all of its abilities01:30
ek_Dr_willis: Will that allow users to use applications such as XMMS to play media over the remote shares?01:30
sigma16!sound > sigma1601:30
sigma16!sound > BluesKaj01:30
sigma16i did the ones the bot directs me too..01:31
BluesKajsigma16, k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture,click apply01:31
sigma16BluesKaj: tried that...01:32
BluesKajopen kmix and enable Master & PCM on the output tab , then CD & IEC playback (if listed) in the Input tab , next make sure Mix & IEC958 (if IEC958 is listed) are enabled in the Switches tab , then click on Settings/Configure Kmix and apply.01:32
Odd-rationaleflipstar: check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186501:32
Dr_willisek_,  correct    == https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb01:32
ek_Dr_willis: Thank you very much.01:33
sigma16BluesKaj:  what about pc speaker on input01:33
Dr_willisek_,  feel free to correct any issues in the wiki. :) since i wrote it.01:33
ek_Dr_willis: Will do. I'll play with it right now. Thanks again.01:33
BluesKajyou can if you want but that's just the lil spkr in the pc box01:33
flipstarOdd-rationale: wow the first screeny looks nearly like my gkrellm :)01:34
sigma16BluesKaj: input is were the sound comes out o.0?01:34
Odd-rationaleflipstar: but gkrellm uses gtk+...01:35
flipstark agreed it is more configureable than gkrellm ..01:35
BluesKajsigma16, input is where the sound trvels to kmix from what ever source , like cd , line in etc01:36
flipstarwhat the frell im on Page 1 of 17001:36
sigma16BluesKaj: so the sound from them shouldnt be on zero?01:36
BluesKajthe controls should be set at about 71% or so01:37
sigma16BluesKaj: well that didnt fix it.... is some other program blocking the sound car?01:38
BluesKajsigma16, make sure the green lights above the ctrls are on01:38
=== bandid is now known as bandida
sigma16BluesKaj: i dont have green lights01:38
flipstarhm silly question..i already searched but..where is the conkyrc file ?01:39
sigma16BluesKaj: but in alsamixer they rnt muted.... kmix isnt muted... the lights r red...01:39
sigma16BluesKaj: err... that was on input but i have no lights or master bar on output...01:39
BluesKajkmix should have lifghts above the controls01:39
flipstarfile doesnt exits..i'll create ..01:40
ek_Dr_willis: Hrm. Seems even though I'm in the 'fuse' group and /dev/fuse has rw-rw---- permissions, I still get a 'permission denied' error.01:40
ek_Dr_willis: And, of course, sudo'ing fusesmb won't allow access to the fusesmb'd directory...01:40
epimethhow do I check what kernel I'm using?01:40
sigma16BluesKaj: pm out should be pre or post?01:41
epimethand how do I check which wireless driver I'm using/01:42
Dr_willisek_,  You need to logoiut for the group change to take effect.01:42
=== pseigo is now known as peyton1
oliv78uname -r01:42
Dr_willisI thought i mentioned that in the wiki. :)01:42
oliv78epimeth : uname -r01:42
=== peyton1 is now known as peyton7
Dr_willisIn most cases you will need to log out and log in again for the changes to take effect. The users group settings are only read at login. As an alternative you could ssh in or perhaps login with a different login shell. But its proberly easiest to just logout and back in.01:42
epimetholiv78: cheers01:42
sigma16THATS GEY..01:42
sigma16BluesKaj: for some reason the jack for sound is different in linux...01:42
sigma16BluesKaj: i plugged it into a different jack on the card and it worked o.001:42
Mexflubberflipstar: I can't ... Still having the same problem.01:43
epimethsigma16: thats just cuz the drivers aren't exactly right01:43
sigma16epimeth: idc it works...01:43
sigma16epimeth: im just happy...01:43
epimethsigma16: tho, ironically, I've had the wrong jack in windows and the right one in linux01:43
flipstarMexflubber: what was it again .. ?01:43
epimethsigma16: I was, too :-)01:43
sigma16BluesKaj: ur my favorite help person even if i was the one to figure it out :)01:43
ek_Dr_willis: Ah yes. This is true. DUH.01:43
MexflubberWireless network ... can't bring it up ... Atheros01:44
sigma16epimeth: i dont get that? its pluged into a....black01:44
jereme_my heart is full of rage toward ATI at the moment01:44
epimethBluesKaj: what up, amigo? been a while :-)01:44
flipstarOdd-rationale: i just created ~/.conky and created conkyrc but still nothing..01:44
ek_Welp. Be back then.01:44
BluesKajwrong output connector sigma16 , no wonder you had no sounds :P01:44
flipstarMexflubber: the website didnt helped ?01:44
boggystudios I am having trouble logging in.  When ever I type in my password the screen goes blank and then brings up the login screen again.01:44
sigma16BluesKaj: it was in a green jack the same color of the cord... the one that worked in windoews..01:44
epimethsigma16: yea... I had black in windows... green would output static.  then again, the whole card was pretty fubar anyway... I'd get mad interference from the network card01:45
sigma16BluesKaj:  it stoped workin when i went from feisty to gutsy01:45
flipstarboggystudios: try reinstall the nvidia drivers01:45
MexflubberI didnot understand a lot !01:45
Mexflubber@ flipstar01:45
boggystudiosflipstar: no nvidia on this machine01:45
Odd-rationaleflipstar: sorry, it is ~/.conkyrc01:45
flipstarprop usually comes with nvidia due glx error01:46
sigma16epimeth: i wish some 1 wouldve suggested changin the damned plug in spot once over 3 days..01:46
sigma16epimeth: i was lookin at the switches tab and i noticed the one next to the one its plugged in was an audigy output jack...01:46
epimethsigma16: sorry I wasn't here :-)01:46
flipstaruhm now i get an Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:46
epimethso anyone know how to check which driver my wireless card is using?01:47
sigma16epimeth: thus i got the idea of moving it over a plug...01:47
Odd-rationaleflipstar: for more info #conky01:47
ek_Dr_willis: Works a treat. Thanks!01:47
BluesKajsigma16, do you have a separate soundcard ? then you should disable the one that is giving you the trouble in BIOS Peripherals01:48
sigma16BluesKaj:  the onboard is disabled...01:48
sigma16BluesKaj: my sound works now..01:48
Dr_willisek_,  fuse has a lot of other neat tools/filesystems/features also.01:48
ek_Dr_willis: Yeah. I'm looking at this stuff now.01:49
flipstarMexflubber: there is mentioned how you can install without internet ..01:49
ek_Great name-drop though.01:49
BluesKajsigma16, reboot and see if it still works01:49
fulat2khi folks, any idea why intel wireless 3945 doesn't get detected after resuming from suspend?  i'm using iwl3945 module01:49
Dr_willisek_,  watch out for services that index/scan your whole home. :) they will now scan the whole samba network.01:49
ek_Dr_willis: Okay. :P01:50
epimethfulat2k: how do you know what module you are using?  I'm trying to find mine out01:50
sigma16BluesKaj: why risk it?01:51
fulat2kepimeth: lsmod | grep 394501:51
fulat2kepimeth: i specifically blacklisted ipw3945 as it has issues.01:51
BluesKajdo you leave the pc on art all times, sigma16 ?01:51
sigma16BluesKaj: yes...01:51
epimethhmmm.... I thought that the new kernel used the b43 driver instead of bcm43xx?01:53
sigma16i think ill takle my bind problems tomorrow01:53
epimethmaybe thats why my wireless was working in sabayon...01:53
Mexflubberflipstar: wher ?01:54
epimethif I compile my own kernel, will kernel updates override it?01:55
darkalienhi i have a problem with my compiz its going with glx but my windows arent there01:56
flipstaryou can mark it to hold epimeth01:56
epimethflipstar: right... forgot that01:57
epimethflipstar: but even if it does, I can always use the old one in the grub list, right?01:57
flipstaras long as the modified kernel is present you can01:58
flipstardarkalien: youre windows aint there or no windows decoration ?02:00
darkalienno window decoration02:00
flipstaraight you need an windows decorator02:00
flipstarim using emerald02:01
epimethdo I need to restart if I installed bcm43xx-fwcutter?02:01
darkalien glx is ready compiz work but my window decoration is not there02:01
tekteenepimeth: try it02:01
epimethbbs folks02:01
flipstaryou probably dont02:01
epimethmight as well :-)02:02
batis610wich is the best player to read movies with subtitles (not embeded...srt), i used mplayer and he didn't read all subs02:02
flipstarjust try02:02
flipstari prefer vlc batis61002:02
flipstardarkalien: just install emerald02:02
darkalieni have it02:02
flipstarthan start it with compiz02:02
flipstarlike compiz --replace &&emerald --replace02:03
Mexflubberflipstar: I did the sudo aptitude install ----- but knetworkmanager doesn't open when I click on it =S02:03
oliv78fusion-icon is neat too02:03
NickPrestaoliv78, indeed ;)02:04
epimethwait! it worked! YES02:04
sigma16BluesKaj: night02:04
epimethlets try it out... disconnecting eth0 cable!02:04
batis610flipstar: vlc reads 1/3 of subs02:04
flipstarcable modem hacking is illegal ;)02:04
sigma16epimeth: night02:04
flipstarMexflubber: knetworkmanager isnt working anymore ?02:05
Mexflubberflipstar: I cannot open it. BTW when I do iwconfig nothing is shown02:05
Odd-rationaleMexflubber: try ifconfig02:06
=== epimeth_ is now known as epimeth
epimethyay!  fwcutter was all I needed ^.^02:08
MexflubberOdd-rationale: in ifconfig I only can see my Ethernet controller ... not my wireless I want to have my wireless on02:08
epimethAnd I was getting ready to compile the wireless kernel :-)02:08
epimethMexflubber: does lspci show your card?02:09
Odd-rationaleMexflubber: So you are having problems with knetworkmanager to switch/select wireless network?02:09
epimethOdd-rationale: his driver isn't installed, I think02:09
Mexflubberepimeth: yes lspci shows my card but I cant bring it up02:11
MexflubberOdd-rationale: When I click on knetworkmanager it doesn't open02:11
Odd-rationaleMexflubber: How about right-click02:12
g2g591wew! i just recovered from some gentoo /lib files slipping into my /lib (long story)02:12
g2g591i broke things pretty well, sudo among other things stopped working02:12
MexflubberOdd-rationale: When I do right-click I can see the normal options.02:12
Odd-rationaleMexflubber: Can you select wireless networks there?02:13
epimethMexflubber: so you have to install the driver02:13
epimethMexflubber: what card is it?02:13
Mexflubberepimeth  - Odd-rationale: I have knetworkmanager opened now. How may turn on my network card? I think it hasn't it installed or something.02:13
Mexflubberepimeth: Atheros  AR5006EG02:14
epimethMexflubber: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/AR5006EG?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2902:14
epimethinstalling kde4 ^.^02:17
* epimeth is ^02:17
Odd-rationaleepimeth: I would wait...02:18
epimethOdd-rationale: why?02:19
flipstarisnt stable yet ..02:19
flipstarand in a week or sow a new version will be released02:20
Odd-rationaleepimeth: I tried 4.0. It isn't quite stable yet. 4.1 should be the release to get.02:20
epimethjust want to check it out...02:20
flipstar4.0.1 comes out on 6st february02:20
flipstarthan just do it ;)02:20
flipstarguess you already has this.. http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php02:21
epimethtoo late! muahahaha02:21
epimethflipstar: yes, thank you02:21
flipstarmost of the kde4 apps still running great on kde3 for me :)02:22
=== ubuntu is now known as _bogus_
jereme_where does the radeonhd driver install to for xorg02:24
jereme_its not sitting with the rest of the drivers02:24
jereme_actually when you install it right, it is02:26
epimethhow do I tell /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde to run in :102:29
flipstarin :1 ..?02:29
flipstarwhat you mean ?02:29
epimethusing xephyr02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xephyr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:30
flipstarwait what is xephyr ?02:30
epimethits an xserver window running in x02:31
flipstarbut still dont know what you mean with :1 ...02:31
epimethI set xephyr to :1 instead of :002:31
epimeththe display02:31
epimeththat it runs in02:31
dasKreechLike Xnest ?02:32
Mexflubberepitmeth: after I've downloaded madwifi what should I do know?02:33
epimethMexflubber: just follow the howto I sent you02:36
epimethMexflubber: there's a link02:36
epimethMexflubber: want me to walk through it with you?02:36
epimethdasKreech: never heard of it02:36
flipstar!info xnest02:37
ubotuxnest (source: xorg-server): Nested X server. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (gutsy), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3536 kB02:37
batis610how to change subtitles size in mplayer... in full screen they're too big02:37
barbaraafter running wine programs wineserver winewrapper and spoolsv keep running and hog system resources... this did not happen prior to installing kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu to my knowledge. can someone give me a hand?02:37
epimethdasKreech: yes, actually, just read that it's an xnest replacement02:37
Mexflubberepimeth: I did go to that page then I went to the link then I'm kind of lost ... I installed kubuntu 7.10 and can't find a lot of info =S02:38
dasKreechepimeth: Xyepher has been getting the buzz recently so I guess it's better02:38
epimethdasKreech: yea, I figured as much02:38
dasKreechMy friend made pretty heavy use of Xnest I'll ask for reviews of both02:38
epimethdoes anyone know if vmware can load windows from an existing install on its own partition?02:39
epimethhow do I set Firefox to be my default web browser?02:39
flipstarin firefox itself for example02:40
flipstarthere also is an default application somewhere in kmenu02:40
epimethMexflubber: what have you done so far?02:41
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Mexflubberepimeth: I downloaded the .deb package and installed it02:41
epimethMexflubber: which .deb package?  why didn't you apt-get install madwifi-tools02:41
epimeth!fr | rdiazr02:42
uboturdiazr: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:42
rdiazr__somebody there?02:43
rdiazr__how ya ?02:43
Mexflubberepimeth: Sry I'm a gentoo user ... well I was ... didn't know that could be possible =P02:43
rdiazr__why ubuntu02:44
rdiazr__i love debian02:44
rdiazr__just debian02:44
rdiazr__r u agree ?02:44
Mexflubberepimeth: beside I don't have internet02:44
epimethMexflubber: oh... I won't stop trying to help you, but what are you doing here if you are a gentoo user???02:45
dasKreech!offtopic | rdiazr__02:45
uboturdiazr__: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:45
flipstarepimeth: im not sure but you might can change the screen thing in $HOME/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc02:45
Mexflubberepimeth: Helping my friend to install kubuntu02:45
epimethMexflubber: right02:45
epimethMexflubber: so which package did you install?02:46
jereme_is it possible to flash a bios from linux?02:46
Mexflubberepimeth: madwifitools-0.9.2.****.deb02:46
flipstaryou better do this from a disc or cdrom jereme_02:46
rdiazr__can to hack with ubuntu or kubuntu?02:48
Mexflubberepimeth: What should I do now?02:49
epimethMexflubber: scroll to the botttom of the madwifi page02:50
epimethyou see the section that starts with "Building madwifi-ng"?02:50
Mexflubberepimeth: yes .. should I follow it ?02:51
flipstarright..its a guide..02:51
epimethMexflubber: yup02:52
Mexflubberbut it says it's for ubuntu 5.1002:52
epimethMexflubber: It seems that way, but I don't think so02:52
flipstarepimeth: did that screen thing worked ?02:53
epimethMexflubber: actually...02:54
epimethMexflubber: did you get linux-restrictetd-modules-$(uname -r) ?02:55
Mexflubberepimeth: where should I type that or what? sry02:56
epimethwhat is the output of ename -r ?02:57
epimethuname -r02:57
epimethMexflubber: ^02:57
epimethshould be 2.6.22-generic02:57
Invisible_Slackanyone had any luck getting the DRI Drivers working in the default install?02:57
Mexflubberyes xD02:57
BluesKajInvisible_Slack, which graphics card?02:58
Invisible_SlackBluesKaj, r128 Mobility02:59
epimethMexflubber: so get the package ubuntu-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic02:59
epimethMexflubber: and install it02:59
Invisible_SlackBluesKaj, it seems that all the modules are loaded from what xorg.log says but then this come in the xorg.log03:00
BluesKajInvisible_Slack, ATI here and the default restricted driver works well on my pc ..DRI and 3D is good for an elcheapo on board03:00
Invisible_SlackBluesKaj, (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable03:01
jereme_there can be issues with MESA conflicting03:01
Invisible_SlackI'm using the default Xorg DRI Drivers or trying to, when I go to System Settings and then Restricted Drivers it only shows me my Airlink Wireless Network Drivers03:01
Mexflubberepimeth: where can I download that package? I don't have internet on that computer... I'm in another one03:02
Invisible_Slackjereme_, How can I fix that? or even find out if that is the problem?03:02
Invisible_Slackjereme_, I know DRI works because there are several webpages showing that DRI does work with this Latitude C60003:03
epimethMexflubber: where did you download the other package from?03:04
Mexflubberthe other link you gave me =P03:04
epimethMexflubber: did you download the feisty package?03:05
jereme_Invisible_Slack: check this url for the word mesa http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide03:05
epimethMexflubber: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/madwifi-tools for madwifi, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/misc/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic for restricted modules03:07
jereme_shit hell yes word to the mother freaking bird03:08
jereme_I got fglrx working03:08
epimethjereme_: I remember how I felt when I got mine working :-)03:08
epimethjereme_: congrats03:08
jereme_for me it was getting freedos and updating my bios03:09
epimethMexflubber: you might not even need madwifi-tools...03:09
Invisible_Slacki went through 6 hours before I got my Airlink 101 wireless card working03:09
jereme_wow lame...  immediately after I get it working, it breaks again03:10
jereme_I <3 ATI, really03:10
epimethMexflubber: wtf?03:11
Invisible_Slackjereme_, talking about wireless?03:13
jereme_no... I'm battling an ATI card03:13
jereme_a fools errand03:13
Invisible_Slackjereme_, I've been working on this old crap card all day almost03:13
raymundonecesito ayuda de alguien que hable español please03:13
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:14
Invisible_Slacktell me about a fools errand I can't believe the new xorg breaks the simple DRI03:14
Invisible_Slackjereme_, then to top it off I have to load a wifi manager everytime I boot because it won't auto connect to my wireless network for some reason every time I load up lol03:16
dasKreech!ohmy | jereme_03:16
ubotujereme_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:16
ubotuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:03:16
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il03:16
jereme_dasKreech: you waited so long I couldn't remember swearing :) sorry about tht03:17
dasKreechLet that be a lesson to you!03:17
Tm_Tjereme_: you can promise it won't happen again?03:17
dasKreechNever forget what comes outta your mouth03:17
dasKreechor .. um fingers03:17
Tm_Taye :))03:17
epimethdoes kde4 still have katapult?  Its pretty much *the* reason I prefer linux to windows03:18
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jen2meh, this'll work03:18
Tm_Tepimeth: it does have very good launcher, similar to katapult03:19
jen2*big* question.  does gutsy support the 3d rendering of the via chrome9 k8m890 chipset?03:19
Tm_Tbut I never really used Katapult so maybe I fail in this03:19
jen2-of +on03:19
flipstaromg a admin03:20
ubotuMeddle not in the affairs of sysadmins for they are mysterious and quick to anger.03:20
epimethTm_T: if its what I think it is, it seems like its more like alt+f2 than katapult03:20
flipstari'll better quit03:21
Tm_Tepimeth: it's normal Klauncher evolving to closer to Katapult03:21
* epimeth meddles in the affairs of ubotu03:21
Tm_Tepimeth: it isn't yet the same, true, but will be IIRC, no idea if there is Katapult too in 4.003:22
epimethTm_T: I hope so :-(03:22
Tm_Tepimeth: like me to find out?03:22
epimethTm_T: yes, please!03:23
Tm_Ta sec03:23
Tm_Tepimeth: apparently not yet03:25
jen2at least the 'yet' is a hopeful sign03:25
Tm_Tyup, under work apparently, though, Klauncher is planned to have same features (and more)03:26
jen2this nick is making me confuzzled.03:26
dasKreechThere is a #katapult03:27
=== jen2 is now known as Daisuke_Too
Daisuke_Tooworking on my fiancee's computer and trying to get 3d acceleration on this POS chrome9 chipset :\03:27
Daisuke_Tooif* it even supports it.03:28
dasKreechhow liberally do you define something as 3d accelerated ?03:28
Daisuke_Toofairly liberally03:29
dasKreech!info mtptarget03:29
ubotuPackage mtptarget does not exist in gutsy03:29
epimethTm_T: cheers03:29
Daisuke_Toolet's say...  able to use compiz03:29
epimethall right guys... I'm signing off for tonight.  catch you laterz03:30
Daisuke_Toonot looking for a graphics powerhouse on which to play high-end shooters, just...  a little shiny stuff03:32
Invisible_SlackWell that webpage didn't help :S DRI is eluding me03:35
Daisuke_Toommmkay, what i'm seeing is "so solly cholly, you are out of luck" as far as acceleration :\  not surprising, really, i wish i would have gone with the board with onboard ati (how depressing is that?)03:38
navetzcan somone tell me how I can reallocate the amount of space on my virtual XP partition in vmware-server03:42
snarksterhmm make a new drive img, mount it and copy the data from one to the other03:44
Daisuke_Toonow this is just ridiculous03:48
Daisuke_Tooi found an openchrome repo.  can't install because it depends on libc >= 2.7.103:49
=== mford is now known as NixNinja
ttlhey, anyone know how to fix an adept problem?  Adept_manager crashed, signal 6 (SIGABRT)03:56
ttlit's happened like 4x now >.<03:56
ttleverytime, when I try to upgrade K7.1003:56
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=== carlos is now known as John-BR
liz_how does one cancel a command done on konsole.. I typed 'giftd -v' and it just keeps going04:14
liz_can I just exit konsole??04:15
ttldoes "exit" work?04:15
Piciliz_: ctrl-c usually to cancel a running command.04:16
liz_typed or pressing the keyboard??04:16
Picictrl and c and the same time, so, keyboard?04:17
ttlyup, simultaneous keyboard pressing04:17
liz_lol yea I got it, thx Pici04:18
liz_thx ttl04:18
ttlPici, you wouldn't happen to know anything about adept would you?04:19
Picittl: Not at all sorry, I'm more of a Gnome person ;)04:19
ttloh rats04:20
ttlwhat does Gnome have to do w/ Adept?04:20
ttli thought Gnome/KDE are GUIs... shouldn't affect upgrading software, no?04:20
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:21
dasKreechttl: ^^^04:21
ttlubotu: i already downloaded and installed 7.1004:21
ttloh.. phooey04:21
ttldasKreech - i already have 7.1004:22
ttlbut Adept says there are upgrades04:22
ttland I wanna get FX/Thunderbird, etc.04:22
ttlwhich don't come preinstalled in Kubuntu04:22
dasKreechAdept won't open?04:22
ttlit'll open, then complain >.<04:23
ttli downloaded packages for upgrading, and when it goes to processing, it causes some error04:23
ttlafterwards, trying to run adept causes "another process is using the libraries"... "signal 6 (SIGABRT)"04:23
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ttlany ideas?04:24
dasKreechUmm yeah but I'm kinda very distracted at the moment04:26
dasKreech#kubuntu-devel has some guys who can help out though a purge sounds like a good idea04:27
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ttla purge?04:28
Daisuke_toowell that didn't work, the chrome9 chipset is garbage, and i'm going to have to pick up a real video card for this thing04:28
ttlthat doesn't sound very good04:28
dasKreechDaisuke_too: choose well04:28
Daisuke_toowell that's a given04:29
Daisuke_toowill probably go with something similar to that in my own desktop machine04:29
Daisuke_tooan nvidia 7600 gs04:29
Daisuke_tooperhaps even the 8400gs, as it's even cheaper than the 7600 now :\04:29
Daisuke_toobut anything, and i do mean *anything*, even a geforce 4 mx 4000 pci card, is going to be better than the garbage on this motherboard04:30
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WorkingOnWisedo gnome apps run smoother in kde than kde apps run in gnome?04:39
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: try and find your own mileage04:39
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: there should not be any different really but meh04:39
WorkingOnWiseTm_T: rather not. I have used Gnome for a long time just because it is what I started with, but have always used at least a few kde apps. between koffice and kde4, I may well switch, but will still use the many gnome apps I have grown fond of. kde apps always seem to be just a little unstable in gnome, mainlt when they want kioslave which is not runnung in gnome. Can I expect the same types of problems in kde with gnome ap04:43
dasKreechWorkingOnWise: kioslave will be running :)04:46
WorkingOnWisedasKreech: yeah, but dbus wont be, so can I expect the same annoyances in kde with gnome apps as a result?04:47
dasKreechWorkingOnWise: Run KDE4 :)04:51
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: KDE3 does have dbus running04:56
WorkingOnWiseTm_T: it does?04:58
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: does04:59
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: some apps use it (or backends does atleast)04:59
WorkingOnWiseTm_T: I have been doing it backwards for 10 years??04:59
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: anyway, I never had problems running GNOME apps in KDE, and I do it a lot04:59
WorkingOnWiseok...maybe not 10...6....04:59
WorkingOnWisegrrrrrr.....I wish I knew what dbus and kio was back then! Thats it, I'm instaling KDE4 tonight!05:01
dasKreechWorkingOnWise: Well to make up get 60 or so people on KDE05:02
WorkingOnWisedasKreech: lol...thats my pennance?05:03
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: why not KDE3 too?05:03
dasKreechNo but you'll feel a lot better05:04
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: anyway, KDE4 uses dbus entirely05:04
WorkingOnWisekde 3 and 4 can coexist smoothly? any way to let one pick up the settings from the other?05:05
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: coexist just fine, or atleast should05:05
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: they are choosable by logintime just like GNOME is05:06
WorkingOnWisecool. Is there anything like the rotating cube in compiz-fusion?05:06
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: no idea, I don't do those stuff (might be fun for one time but irritating after)05:07
dasKreechthere is a pretty way to change desktops05:07
dasKreechNo cube thought it's possible05:07
WorkingOnWiseTm_T: it is my silver bullet to make any Windows or Mac user green with envy :D05:07
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: I see, not my thing anyway ;)05:08
WorkingOnWisedasKreech: any idea if there is a way to turn off kde4's 3d stuff and then run compiz fusion?05:09
Tm_TWorkingOnWise: sure there is05:09
dasKreechsure it's a manager05:09
Tm_Tit's off by default in 4.005:09
dasKreechpart of the stack05:09
dasKreechpretty much any part of the stack can be pulled out and put back in05:10
WorkingOnWiseI have only read some on kde4 so not versed in it...05:10
Tm_TKDE3 <305:10
dasKreechHe loves KDE305:12
WorkingOnWiseah...ok. I liked it too, but was so used to gnome, and used so many gnome apps, just stayed there. koffice seems to be a point finally that it could be a replacement for OpenOffice. If so, another reason to use kde05:14
dasKreechWorkingOnWise: Yeah unless you like development small intermittent headaches filing bugs or finding out how far you have to reach for a workaround I'd say KDE3 should work nicely05:15
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WorkingOnWisewell, I still have lotsa  disk space so I can give kde3 and 4 some of it :) I'm hoping kde4 will be as ipressive as kde3 was when I first saw it in Mandrake 7.something....05:18
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dasKreechOh I thought that was an Apple Printer05:21
romunovevolution mail is somewhat slow at downloading messages from the server05:23
romunovthunderbird didn't have that problem05:23
romunovit takes minutes to fetch 50 standard sized messages05:23
dasKreechWorkingOnWise: really you can give KDE4 a rest for a year before impressive kicks in05:24
WorkingOnWisedasKreech: thats a bummer....When I saw kde3.0 i was hooked, untill reallity set in and I had to concede that my world still mandated MS Office and Access 2000.... it was sad to go beck to the Explorer interface....05:27
dasKreechKDE4.0 will probably do the same05:34
dasKreechKDE4.2 would probably convince you enough to not let go05:34
xRaich[o]2xoh yes it will, the API is totally impressive. can't wait to see what they are going to do with it ^^05:35
EldaHello... quick question.  Im wanting to switch over to KDE from Gnome, but am having trouble with the Network manager in thatwork it brings up the lists of networks, but will not allow me to input the password to access my net05:36
osiriswifi ?05:36
Eldaerr work was supposed to be on the end... stupid touchpad05:36
osirishave you tried madwifi ?05:37
Eldakwifi brings up the network in there but no dice in connecting05:37
EldaWould I be able to install it through gnome and access it in kde?05:37
osirisyou may have to run it from a command or run dialog, but its a wifi app that may work for you05:38
Eldahmm, how would I install it? I dont see a specific entry for it in synaptic package manager05:41
Tmasok anyone wanna help out a total noob that isnt even sure if he installed kubuntu correctly?05:42
posingaspopularTmas: what do you want to check?05:43
Tmaswell for one, my sound isnt working at all. and I can't connect to any networks with my wireless connection05:44
TmasWhen I installed this I made a seperate partion on my harddrive. Im supposed to do that right?05:44
Eldawhat laptop?05:45
Tmasyeah, its a gateway m370705:45
EldaI'm using a Toshiba p100-st9752... and I had to fix the sound issues via a dsdt patch05:45
EldaAnd wireless works in gnome but the kwifi does not allow me to input the password to log onto my network, even though it finds my network on the list of networks >.<05:46
Tmassee, I come from just using windows and stuff so I don't know how to do any of that. I'm a total noob using linux05:46
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Tmasthis is linux right? lol!05:46
EldaI am somewhat new too, Ive just been playing with this trying to fix it for ages lol05:46
Eldaone second while I find how I fixed it05:46
Tmasalright cool05:46
Eldahttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/peripherals-hardware/96259-toshiba-p100-series-sound-fix-ubuntu.html  This is for a toshiba but you might find something familiar05:50
Tmassweet, thx05:51
Tmasjust so i don't sound like an idiot.. Kubuntu is the same thing as Ubuntu right?05:51
EldaUbuntu is the same thing, except that it uses KDE instead of Gnome05:52
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE05:52
restagneranyone have any idea how to change the hostname of your computer without messing up KDE.  Each time I change the hostname, I try to start up KDE and it freezes...never gets me to the desktop05:52
Tmasah cool05:52
EldaOnce I figure out how to make my wirless work in KDE Im switching to KDE<05:52
dasKreechOnce it's not dealing with Gnome (in theory) things should work under Kubuntu05:52
Tmaswhat is gnome exactly?05:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:53
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.05:53
Tmaslol ok so I just type ! and then something at the bot tells me about it?05:53
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.05:53
supert0nesanyone know where i can get yzis?05:53
Tmasmy b05:53
Eldabrb going to try it and see if it works05:54
Eldaas I got another wifi tool05:54
restagneranyone have any idea how to change the hostname of your computer without messing up KDE.  Each time I change the hostname, I try to start up KDE and it freezes...never gets me to the desktop05:54
unagi_im having trouble with my external drive not mounting how do i troubleshoot it05:54
unagi_ok i fixed the drive05:56
unagi_but the battery icon isnt in my tray.....05:56
restagner<unagi_> you might give the 'fuser' command a try05:56
dasKreechsupert0nes: What is yzis?05:57
restagnerunagi_ The fuser command command takes as an argument either a file path, the name of a mounted filesystem, or a namespace/port combination (eg. Telnet/TCP). If the specified resource is being used, fuser displays the name of the resource along with the ID of each process accessing it05:57
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab05:57
unagi_what is the name of the battery icon in the tray?05:58
restagnerubotu: yup i tried that, but after firing up KDE, it freezes.  I can never reach the desktop05:58
unagi_lol restagner is talking directly to the bot05:59
Tm_Tunagi_: no lol in that, go back to your corner05:59
unagi_whats the name of the battery icon =/05:59
unagi_i already asked that my bad06:00
Tmashey, if I knew how to check i would tell you.. sry m806:00
Eldanow to get KDE 4 going06:00
restagnerunagi_ :) i had no idea ubotu was a bot. i'm not a regular ... lol06:01
unagi_ironic how it has bot in its name too :D06:01
unagi_its like a clever play on words06:01
unagi_or a 'pun' as it wer06:01
Tmasok so... I kinda feel overwhelmed lol.. everything i soo different. I don't understand half this stuff.... My sound doesnt work. My laptop locks up when I try to connect to wifi connections with a password and my touchpad scrolls down the screen instead of using the mouse when i touch the whole right side of it. I don't know where to start!06:03
restagnerdasKreech: I did as the 'bot' recommended but cannot get KDE to start up properly06:03
restagnerit just sits there :(06:04
dasKreechrestagner: Where does KDE stop loading?06:04
restagnerright about the time it attempts to load window manager, i think06:04
restagnerdasKreech: is it possible there is a setting related to 'kdm' that needs to be configured? just thinking out loud06:06
Tmashow do i check for updates? lol06:06
dasKreechrestagner: possibly06:06
dasKreechTmas: There is an orange Sign in your system tray06:07
TmasI dont see one, when i first booted up I saw it and it started downloading and installing some but it gave me an error and I'm not sure it finished06:07
unagi_i swear to god my kubuntu uninstalls things at random06:07
dasKreechrestagner: pretty much if it's gone that far KDM has given up control06:07
dasKreechunagi_: like?06:08
unagi_the power manager whatever the name is06:08
restagnerdasKreech: ok. ic....what is meant by "Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match" in the bot's response?06:08
unagi_i have had to install wicd 3 times06:08
dasKreechTmas: Open Adept Manager and filter by updateaBLE PACKAGES06:08
unagi_and the power manager.............i dont even know06:08
Tmasalright thx06:09
dasKreechrestagner: how did you change your hostname?06:09
restagnerdasKreech: i edited the /etc/hostname file and then updated /etc/hosts to include the name of the new hostname, and then ran "/etc/init.d/hostname restart"06:10
dasKreechrestagner: ok. Just checking if you set it back to the original hostname does logging into KDE work?06:11
dasKreechcause I don't think they shoudl be related06:11
TmasdasKreech: When you say filter by updateaBLE PACKAGES do I just type that in the search field?06:12
restagnerdasKreech: yes, if i reset everything back to original hostname, then KDE works as before...weird06:12
dasKreechTmas: no you have little check boxes. Installed/upgradeable etc06:13
Tmasyeah nevermind I just saw that lol06:13
unagi_why do they have to name power managers off the wall names that they are impossible to find06:13
dasKreechUncheck all eccept upgradeable06:13
Tmasgotcha :) hehe thanks06:14
dasKreechthe caps was cause my dog sat in my lap06:14
dasKreechunagi_: Never let Geeks name things06:14
dasKreechrestagner: *sighs* I assume this is all without reboots?06:14
unagi_i dont understand why its not in the tray06:14
restagnerdasKreech: yes06:15
dasKreechrestagner: for what it's worth I nearly always reboot on Hostname changes just to get rid of headaches though it is "technically" one of those things that can wait forever06:16
unagiwhy does kubuntu load all these windows when i log back in06:16
restagnerdasKreech: ic...well, i'll give it another try, but this time around i'll give it the reboot...thanks06:17
EldaBeing new to linux.... would it be adviseable to uninstall KDE 3,and install 4?06:18
EldaAs I have Gnome to fall back on06:18
unagiok apparently kubuntu doesnt automount external drives?06:18
jussi01Elda: I would not recomend it yet06:19
jussi01Elda: unless you want a steep learing curve )06:20
unagiugh can someone help me figure out why my external wont mount06:23
Eldashould I install all the kde 4 packages?06:28
Eldaminus the dev stuff06:28
EldaIm no dev >.>06:28
Tmascan someone help me get adept manager to work?06:29
jussi01!kde4 | Elda06:29
ubotuElda: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde406:29
jussi01Tmas: whats the error?06:29
Tmasi keep getting Database Locked06:29
jussi01!adeptfix | Tmas06:29
ubotuTmas: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:29
dasKreechElda: no06:30
dasKreechunagi: Like USB drives?06:31
unagiwell yea06:33
unagiusb externa hard drive06:33
Eldainstalling KDE 4 now :D06:33
Tmasw00t the bot fixed my problem!06:33
Tmasif I just installed kubuntu do I already have KDE 4?06:33
dasKreechElda: removed KDE3 ?06:34
dasKreechunagi: It doesn't turn up on your desktop?06:34
dasKreechElda: Thats fine06:35
unagiit does but it doesntm ount06:36
unagigreat now im getting a NEW error that doesnt make sense to me06:37
ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems06:37
unagiwhat the heck06:37
unaginow it says something about .dev.fuse06:41
AshexI want to use find to rename/convert the first image found in a folder, but I kinda suck with it06:41
unagii dont understand06:44
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unagiif i manually mount the drive it mounts, if i just plug it in it doesnt06:44
Eldanow to see if ti worked, lol06:44
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sergahello, I have a little problem with kubuntu, I changed the date order and now I have DD 01 YYYY anywhere. Do u know how to fix it ?06:45
AMcBainAssuming I was stupid enough to select "hide toolbar" under settings (in the toolbar), which I was, ho do I unhide it?06:45
kaminixIs there any way to open my current tty1 session in my current terminal?06:46
kaminixAMcBain: In Konversation the "show/hide toolbar" button is in the same place.06:48
kaminixThe menubar however, is ctrl + m06:48
AMcBainThanks, I did it on KMix by accident (or curiosity is more likely)06:48
kaminixBeen there, done that :)06:49
unagiomg someone please............what does fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: permission denied mean06:56
unagii mean i know what it means but how do i fix that, i get that when i try to mount my external06:56
cn28hit means you probably forgot to add yourself to the fuse group06:56
unagiawesome idea06:56
unagiexcept for the fact that its when i plug it in06:56
unagiwhat is fuse06:56
unagiive never heard of fuse06:56
cn28hfilesystems in userspace06:57
cn28his fuse loaded?06:57
unagii dont know what fuse is06:57
unagiso i have no idea06:57
cn28hlsmod | grep fuse06:57
unagi47124 506:57
cn28hare you in the fuse group?06:58
unagiso yes06:58
unagii dont know what fuse is06:58
ubuntuhi i got a problem, i messed up and im using the live CD right now06:58
cn28hrun "groups"06:58
cn28hsee if fuse is listed06:58
unagifuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: permission denied06:58
unagiunagi adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin06:58
cn28hok, so you're not in the fuse group06:58
ubuntutrying to open my partitions to save my info but cant, eithr mount em or change them06:59
cn28hsudo gpasswd -a USER fuse06:59
cn28hwhere USEr is your login06:59
ubuntuanyone knows how to mount a partition so i can read/write on it while i use the live cd06:59
unagianything else?06:59
cn28hubuntu, you should be able to mount it using mount06:59
cn28hunagi, you'll have to log out and back in for the groups to update07:00
ubuntui try07:00
unagiok brb07:00
ubuntubut i dont know what im ding wrong then that it says that mount: can't find /media/sda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:00
cn28his /dev/sda6 the drive you want to mount?07:01
ubuntulet me check again07:01
cn28hfdisk -l /dev/sda (might have to do as root)07:01
ubuntuyeah, dumb thing i missed.. but still i cant write nor move my information from the difrent partitions07:03
cn28hhow are you trying to mount them?07:03
brian__Could sombody help me figure out how and why my CD drive is mounted as a Floppy?07:04
=== ubuntu is now known as ComunisTico
ComunisTicowith mount07:04
ComunisTicoi already mounted the partitions but cant modify my info there07:04
cn28hwhat command line are passing, I mean07:04
cn28hare you passing, evn07:04
ComunisTicooot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# mount /dev/sda5/ /home/ubuntu/Desktop/sda5/07:05
imutaku ndak muddddddeng07:05
cn28hah, but didn't that tell you it wasn't in fstab?07:05
ComunisTicoi already munted the partitions07:06
imuthalah,ngomong indonesia aja07:06
cn28hmount -t auto /dev/sda5 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/sda5 -o rw07:06
Ayabarais kdesvn the best choice for gui-svn?07:06
ComunisTicothing is that i still get acces denied when i try to move  or copy my info so i dont loose it07:06
cn28hwhat file system is it?07:06
brian__Could sombody help me figure out how and why my CD drive is mounted as a Floppy?07:06
ComunisTicowhat u mean?07:06
imuti dont know what your mean07:07
brian__My CD Drive is /media/floppy0 and I can't access anything on it07:07
cn28hwhat file system is on the partition? (e.g. ext3)07:07
lucyya til kel kun ki parle francais dan tous le monde ki es la07:08
cn28hbrian__, show us df -h07:08
sergalucy > va sur #Kubuntu-fr ou sur #ubuntu-fr sur freenode07:08
brian__/dev/hda1             111G   22G   84G  21% /07:08
lucyallo je pose une question07:08
brian__varrun                506M  148K  506M   1% /var/run07:08
brian__varlock               506M     0  506M   0% /var/lock07:08
brian__udev                  506M   72K  506M   1% /dev07:08
brian__devshm                506M     0  506M   0% /dev/shm07:08
brian__lrm                   506M   34M  472M   7% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile07:08
brian__/dev/hdb1              57G  180M   54G   1% /media/hdb107:08
brian__I hope I did that right, sorry if I did not07:08
ComunisTicohow can i know that?07:09
lucymerci serga07:09
cn28hComunisTico, well you did format it at smoe point, right? haha07:09
cn28hbrian__, I don't see anything mounted as /media/floppy007:09
imutbrian_can you speak in indonesian language07:10
brian__No, I cannot07:10
brian__Wierd because in Disk & Filesystem settings, it says my CD-RW is /media/floppy0   and   /dev/fd007:10
imutbrian_where are you from?07:11
brian__I am from Oregon, USA07:11
unagi'the process for the media protocol died unexpectedly07:11
ComunisTico:P i cant remember.... last time i formated it was over a year ago... and a friend was the pne that did al the partitions for me...07:11
cn28hbrian__, is there a CD in the drive?07:11
brian__Yes, There is07:11
imutbrian_may I know your age07:11
unagicn28h 'the process for the media protocol died unexpectedly'07:12
brian__I am 21 in 4 days07:12
cn28hbrian__, try: sudo mount /media/cdrom007:12
cn28hunagi, what are you trying to do?07:12
unagiim trying to mount my external drive07:12
brian__It said, "No medium found" ... Great07:13
unagiby plugging it in07:13
imutcn28h,can you speak in indonesian language?07:13
cn28himut, no07:13
cn28hunagi, which filesystem(s)?07:13
cn28hhm, wonder why that would use fuse07:13
unagii dont even know what fuse is07:13
brian__Hmm I put a different CD in and it said " block device /dev/hdd is write-protected07:14
cn28hbrian__, of course07:14
unagifusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/External07:14
unagii know it sees freaking files because it askes me what i want to do with them07:14
brian__Its a CD-R..?07:14
unagii say open location and it sits there07:15
unagiloading directory [         0%           ]07:15
cn28hunagi, ls -ald /media/External07:15
apparleTell me a good webpage disigner07:15
unagiwhat does that do07:16
apparleTell me a good webpage designer07:16
imutadakah orang dari indonesia?07:16
cn28hbrian__, doesn't mean you can just write to it at will, you need to use something like k3b. And if it's blank you can't mount it.07:16
cn28hunagi, check the directory permissions07:16
sub[t]rnl!nvu > apparle07:16
brian__When I do that, it says I cannot write to the CD because I do not have permission.07:16
cLaiReeanybody can help????????? bacula-web give me Error query: 407:16
unagidrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-01-31 01:54 /media/External cn28h07:17
ComunisTicohow can i know wat file sysstem im using on a partition?07:17
unagijoy now it wont show up at all..........why does kubuntu hate me07:17
cn28hunagi, can you access the drive as root?07:17
sub[t]rnlComunisTico➜ mount07:17
imutany people from indonesia?07:17
AyabaraI have two displays, but kubuntu always insists on opening new applications on the primary, so I have to manually drag them over07:18
sub[t]rnl!id | imut07:18
ubotuimut: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:18
apparlesub[t]rnl: I have installed KompoZer. But how to I add buttons and textboxes to the page and how to code them. I had visual basic in windows. Anything similar07:18
ComunisTicocn28h, the partitions im trying to read/write are in vfat ext2 and ext307:18
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ check out nvu07:19
unagii can manually mount it yes cn28h07:19
apparlesub[t]rnl: But nvu is same as KompoZer. Just an earlier version .Isn't it :(07:20
cn28hComunisTico, can you read/write them as root?07:20
sub[t]rnlno idea07:20
imutubotu,gimana tho carane?07:20
unagiomg i just want to mount my external07:21
cn28hComunisTico, does fdisk/cfdisk show what you expect?07:21
cn28h(just to make sure your pratition table isn't fubar)07:21
unagicn28h: are you out of ideas07:23
cn28hunagi, not really, -- why don't you post relevant lines from dmesg to a pastebin?07:24
cn28hplug your drive in, check dmesg07:24
cn28hhttp://rafb.net/paste paste what comes up07:24
apparlesub[t]rnl: But nvu is same as KompoZer. Just an earlier version .Isn't it ????07:24
brian__I can't figure it out.. when ever I try to burn a CD, it tells me "Cdrecord as no permission to open the device.07:24
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ no idea07:25
cn28hbrian__, using k3b?07:25
brian__Yes I am07:25
unagiand what lines are relaavent07:25
cn28hunagi, well kind of a judgment call.. but look at dmesg.  Plug in your drive.  Look at dmesg again. Paste the new stuff07:25
unagii dont understand what we would be looking for07:26
unagii can mount the drive07:26
unagii just dont want to have to do it manually every time07:26
cn28hoh, I thought you weren't able to read/write it07:26
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ I use kate for my web design... you asked how to add buttons and textboxes to a page.  In nvu, just click and add them.  If you want to know how its really coded, go to the sources page.  simple.07:26
unagiim just trying to mount the thing07:26
imutbrian_where do tou school?07:26
brian__I don't currently attend any school.07:27
Ayabarahow can I install all the recommended packages for an app?07:27
sub[t]rnl!ot | imut07:27
ubotuimut: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:27
unagifusermount: user has no write access to /media/External07:28
unagifusermount: user has no write access to /media/External cn28h07:28
brian__I don't understand, why is K3b telling me I don't have permission to open the device?07:29
apparletell me a good audio editor07:29
cn28hunagi, but you were able to mount it successfully anyway?07:29
unagii can only mount it manually cn28h07:29
cn28hI'm confused, you say you can mount it07:29
cn28hdo you use fuse when you do?07:29
unagii dont know what fuse is07:30
Daisuke-Idoapparle: audacity.07:30
unagisudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/External07:31
unagithats all i type07:31
unagiwhy i have to type anything, i dont know07:31
apparleany other07:31
cn28hif /etc/fstab is set up correctly you shouldn't have to type anything07:32
cn28hthat and if hald is working correctly07:32
brian__Can someone help me with my permissions problem?07:32
xevious-yo sub[t]rnl07:33
sub[t]rnlxevious-➜ heya bro07:33
xevious-sub[t]rnl: wanna see something hilarious?07:33
sub[t]rnli don't get it07:33
brian__under the debug information it sells me it cannot open the file it is trying to burn..?07:33
unagiok cn28h let me back up to the ORIGINAL issue...............hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100007:34
unagithat is the error im getting07:34
EldaYep... that didnt work very well :s07:34
EldaIt ended up being a horribly deformed version somewhere between KDE 3 and 4 >.>07:35
brian__under the debug information it sells me it cannot open the file it is trying to burn..?07:35
cn28hunagi, what groups are you in?07:36
unagii dont know what you mean07:36
unagii dont know anything about groups07:36
brian__I guess I will ask tomarrow07:37
unagiyay wonderful now my hd has moved down a letter07:38
Eldabrb hopefully it fixed the kde thing07:38
Eldatrying to completely remove kde >.<07:38
Eldaas it does not play well if I have kde 3 installed on4 :s07:38
unagiomg why cant kde just mount the friggen drive07:38
unagignome can do it...........07:39
cn28hunagi, groups as in unix groups -- run "id" or " groups"07:39
unaginow the konsole is giving me the fuse thing07:39
unagiuid=1000(unagi) gid=1000(unagi) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),112(netdev),113(lpadmin),115(powerdev),117(admin),119(fuse),1000(unagi)07:39
cn28hhm, sounds about right07:40
unagithis is ridiculous07:41
unaginow im getting some i/o error07:41
cn28hnow your borked it ;P07:41
unagiyea i dont know what i did07:41
ol_dude67cn28h, i think its a group issue with him as well.07:42
cn28hbut which group? I don't see any default groups that I'm in that he isn't.. and it works for me07:42
xevious-sub[t]rnl: catch that link in #k-o?07:43
unagii liked it better when i could frigg07:44
unagirm: cannot lstat `/media/External': Input/output error07:44
unagiwhat the CRAP does that mean?07:44
apparleI want a good video converter07:44
cn28hunagi, check dmesg07:44
apparleI am not fussed about GUI or CLI but I want support for almost all formats07:45
unagiwhy does it now want to make the drive sdc07:45
unagiit was sdb07:45
unagii want it to be sdb07:45
unagifuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/External: Input/output error07:45
unagiok i do NOT like this07:46
cn28hthat's the line from dmesg?07:46
cn28hif you get an I/O error you should check dmesg for additonal info07:46
unagison of a07:46
unagiVolume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.07:46
unagiwhat is chkdsk07:47
True_FriendHi folks I just wanted to know where the Icons in KDE are located e.g. K Menue Icon (I want to replece the default one but couldn't find the path whrere it is located)07:47
apparleAny good media converter either GUI or CLI, but must support all formats07:47
unagii fixed it07:48
cn28hunagi, for vfat/ntfs you should run the windows chkdsk utility if you can07:48
ForgeAushey all :)07:49
ForgeAushmmm Haxial KDX almost works better under Wine than it does under windows07:49
unagiwe are back to where i started07:49
unagii can mount it manually.............07:49
ForgeAusof course essentially there is no difference07:50
unagiUnfortunately, the device system:/media/sdc1 (/dev/sdc1) named 'External' and currently mounted at /media/External could not be unmounted.07:51
unagiUnmounting failed due to the following error:07:51
unagiDevice to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL07:51
unaginow what does THIS mean07:51
apparleThe GDebi seems to hang for 2-3 seconds when I press the install button??07:51
unagiwhy cant it just WORK07:51
unagiand thats just UNMOUNTING07:51
EldaTrying yet another install lol07:52
unagifor the love of god please someone help me.............hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100007:53
apparleol_dude67: I want to convert formats not play them07:53
ol_dude67Elda, why dont you keep kde3 and run kde4 beside it so you dont screw with adding and deleting?07:53
EldaWhen I tried to add kde 4 to it, it attempted to combine 3 and 407:54
EldaIt was a sad looking sight lol07:54
ol_dude67Elda, oh was just wondering, as i had it running but it liked to crash alot.07:54
unagianyone here have external drives?07:55
ol_dude67apparle, have you tried mplayer?07:55
apparleol_dude67: I have installed mplayer and use it to play files. But can it convert files?07:56
ol_dude67apparle, I thought you could save them to what you wanted, i havent messed around with it that much. it was just a suggestion...07:56
ol_dude67apparle, check this out http://www.raiden.net/?cat=2&aid=32507:58
apparleol_dude67: Does MEncoder gets installed with Mplayer or I have to install it seperately07:58
ol_dude67i think you have to install it seperately i think.07:58
ol_dude67apparle, had to fight with all of this when getting dvd recorder to work and thats been a while ago.07:59
unagi_why is it i can access a drive in the konsole but not in dolphin08:00
apparleol_dude67: I don't see a mention of any converter on the link08:01
=== unagi_ is now known as unagi
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drive - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:03
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter08:03
ol_dude67apparle, i googled for just that. converting formats in linux and got that page.08:03
christian_hallo alle sammen!!!!08:03
apparleol_dude67: Its a review of diffrent players08:04
ol_dude67ah, sorry08:04
apparleol_dude67: do you know anything about web designing08:04
ol_dude67apparle, nope thats the kids job08:05
unagidoes anyone know how to get the icon back for a drive08:05
unagiwhat the crap!?08:05
Seth_christian_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl08:06
unagiim so confused08:07
apparleol_dude67: what do you mean by kids job??08:07
Seth_my guess is that he means that his biological offspring does the web design08:08
ol_dude67apparle, ya what Seth said.lol08:08
apparleSeth_:  :p08:09
=== Seth_ is now known as Seth
apparleI want some help with web designing08:09
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ #html08:10
Sethwas going to say, unlikely to find that in the kubuntu channel08:10
apparlesub[t]rnl: I tried there. No help. The people there are not as helpful as people here are08:12
ol_dude67apparle, you will find alot of that, these people are great.08:13
Sethis there something specific you want to know08:13
onishidatocan someone help me with my compiz?08:13
sub[t]rnl!ask | onishidato08:14
ubotuonishidato: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:14
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:14
apparleSeth: and ol_dude67: I just wanted a good web designing software. Everyone tells me nvu or kompozer. There i can add buttons and text boxes but dunno how to code them08:14
funcrushCan I install the Kubuntu in iBook?08:15
Sethapparle: meh. WYSIWYG editors just don't cut it... it's better to learn yourself :(08:15
ol_dude67apparle, i hate trying to do anything with a web page, so i just either copy a design already in use or have my daughter create it. she knows about html and a few other programs from school that i just dont care to learn.08:17
Sethfuncrush, Kubuntu 6.06 is available for powerpc architectures08:17
apparleSeth: And from where do I learn it. I have learnt Visula Basic in Windows and also know some c/c++. I just dunno the concepts of html. An good book you know08:18
funcrushSeth: later versions are not available?08:18
SethHTML is much easier than VB or C++, since it's a scripting language rather than a programming language08:18
christian_er det noen norske her???08:18
Sethchristian_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl08:18
Tm_T!no | christian_08:19
ubotuchristian_: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!08:19
Sethcheers Tm_T, my best guess was wrong :D08:19
Sethfuncrush, they are, but not supported anymore methinks08:19
Sethfuncrush, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42588208:20
apparleSeth: I also know some scripting in windows. Just I want a good teacher/book for html08:20
funcrushSeth: sigh.. anyway thank you very much:)08:20
Sethapparle, http://www.htmldog.com/ has pretty sweet tutorials08:21
apparleSeth: I also know some basic HTML coding but nothing about buttons or javascripts etc08:22
Sethgotta walk before running i guess08:24
Tm_Tjust so you know apparle, html coding is offtopic ;)08:24
apparleTm_T: Just to let you know. I have not yet started talking about coding yet. Just about a book08:25
rigoapparle: http://www.w3schools.com/08:25
apparleTm_T:  :p08:25
=== Seth is now known as seth|away
rigoapparle: http://www.webstandards.org/08:25
ol_dude67so is speaking in other languages then english but you didnt say anything about that.08:26
rigoapparle, http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning08:26
rigo...and that should do08:26
ol_dude67Tm_T, if web design is offtopic here, can you tell us a place that we can go for it that isnt #html?08:30
apparleol_dude67: Simple 'kubuntu-offtopic'08:31
apparlerigo: thanks for your help but I don't have net at home and cannot view these sites08:32
ol_dude67apparle, if it was talked about in there that in a way you could learn alot from it, i would agree.08:32
ol_dude67apparle, go to offtopic08:33
rigoapparle, what languages to you speak?08:33
apparlerigo english08:35
rigoapparle, :( my suggestion for offline reading is french/german only ...08:36
ol_dude67apparle, p.m?08:36
apparlerigo: where to get offline reading content. Just download it and take it home and read08:37
rigoTm_T, where can I complain about stupid things in kmail?08:37
apparleol_dude67 what is p.m08:37
ol_dude67personal message08:38
ol_dude67i sent you one08:38
Tm_Trigo: #kontact or even better, if its bug, report it08:38
rigoapparle: http://aktuell.de.selfhtml.org/extras/download.shtml08:38
ol_dude67apparle,  is your name registered?08:38
* rigo hasn't seen an english version of that08:38
apparleol_dude67: I f you are asking  about my nick, yes08:39
rigoTm_T, thanks08:39
ol_dude67night all08:45
apparleThe GDebi seems to hang for 2-3 seconds when I press the install button?? I have used ubuntu and it does not happen with ubuntu08:48
unagianyone have kopete hang on start08:52
emilsedghunagi: kopete takes long to startup?08:53
emilsedghunagi: maybe you have statistics plugin enabled08:54
pagunagi, fresh install?08:54
apparleunagi: you seem to have vast number of problems08:56
bahmanVersion 2.708:57
=== JensM is now known as JensMo
apparleCan I run gnome programs on KDE08:59
zizzfizzixes you can09:02
zizzfizzixbut you will need libraries09:02
zizzfizzixsuch as gtk+09:03
apparlezizzfizzix: I see that there are too many libraries.09:03
zizzfizzixthats why you should work on kde apps09:04
zizzfizzixinstalling all this libraries makes mess09:05
se7en_how can i check what i use insted of kdm?09:07
SlimeyPetelook in /etc/init.d09:08
se7en_i get (kdm); it is not the default display manager ,,, so what is my default09:08
SlimeyPetethere'll be a script called kdm, gdm or xdm09:09
SlimeyPetethough if you're seeing the standard blue login screen then it's definitely kdm09:09
MecSympaTiKhttp://www.math-linux.com site dedicated to mathematics and Linux09:10
khelllam using gparted: but all i get is one partition with "unallocated space " , what's wrong???09:14
zizzfizzixis there any way to exit konsole without quiting app(when app is running from konsole09:25
sub[t]rnlstart up screen, run the app, then detach the screen, Ctrl + a then d.  Then you can close the konsole and have the app still running09:26
zizzfizzixcomplicated :)09:27
sub[t]rnlyou can also start applications from the konsole with a preceeding &, to free up the konsole again.09:27
zizzfizzixi know09:27
zizzfizzixbut i didnt09:27
se7en(kdm); it is not the default display manager ... so how do i check what is the default09:27
zizzfizzixand now i want exit konsole09:27
sub[t]rnlse7en /etc/X11/default-display-manager09:28
se7en/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdm ok so it is a kde4 problem09:29
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: bg09:30
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: do a ps -aux, find the process id, then bg <process id>09:30
SlimeyPetenot 100% certain it'll keep running when the shell is closed, mind09:30
zizzfizzixSlimeyPete i did bg in tab with running ktorrent (konsole)09:32
zizzfizzixand it works09:32
zizzfizzixthx :)09:32
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: you can use fg to foreground the process again at a later time09:32
SlimeyPeteif you want to.09:32
zizzfizzixthank you for help09:32
SlimeyPeteno problem.09:32
zizzfizzixthanks a lot09:32
khelllam trying gparted but am getting  Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.09:34
apparleSystem hangs for 5 sec when I press install button on GDEbi09:36
sub[t]rnlsudo dpkg -i file.deb09:36
unagianyone here have problems with kopete hanging at start?09:39
apparlesub[t]rnl: I usually do that. But is there a way to prevent GDebi from hanging09:40
sub[t]rnlnot sure09:40
sub[t]rnlmight want to browse launchpad09:40
ubuntuI can't log into Kubuntu normally. KDE logon screen just resets. I can get console screen when using Failsafe. Perhaps someone can assist. Thanks.09:40
sub[t]rnlpastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:42
daoudi5nhow do you feel09:47
daoudi5i have some problem with my keyboard09:48
daoudi5when i tape "b" it is "bg" which appear09:49
peponhola a todos09:51
ubuntuHi all, Any assistance with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54191/ would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.09:52
peponalguien que sepa como poner en funcionamiento un servidor irc?09:52
sub[t]rnl!es | pepon09:53
ubotupepon: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.09:53
sub[t]rnlubuntu: could you paste the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:53
ubuntum running right now on live cd. Where would I find the one you're requesting?09:54
sub[t]rnlit would be on the harddrive that your trying to boot from09:55
sub[t]rnlwas this a fresh install?09:55
ubuntuNo. It worked fine for several weeks. I changed a secondary hard drive but then returned all original components back and it would not complete boot into KDE.09:56
ubuntuIs it possible to mount the HD while iusing Live CD?09:57
ubuntuIf you can assist with that then maybe I can get the /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:58
sub[t]rnltry mounting your harddrive from konsole09:58
sub[t]rnlexample-- sudo mount /dev/device /mount/point09:58
sebastian^good morning folks :)10:01
ubuntusub: I get can't find in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:03
sub[t]rnlubuntu: sorry for lag, busy here10:06
sub[t]rnlubuntu: ok, sudo fdisk -l, find the partition and drive that your / (root) is mounted10:06
ubuntuNo problem. I appreciate.10:06
sub[t]rnlubuntu: then try sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/whatever /mount/point10:06
sub[t]rnlexample -- sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/recover/10:08
apparlecan I use K3b to rip DVDs10:09
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ yup10:10
apparlesub[t]rnl: how to?10:11
sub[t]rnllet me fire it up, sec10:11
sub[t]rnltools -> copy dvd10:11
apparlesub[t]rnl: I wanna rip the DVD not copy it10:12
sub[t]rnlwhats the difference?10:12
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:13
sub[t]rnlk3b saves to the harddrive before moving over to copy, so essentially it rips, as jussi01 pointed out, k9copy is good too10:14
sub[t]rnlk9copy is the first tool that is able to shrink the entire contents of a dual-layer DVD so that it can fit on a single-layer DVD10:14
sub[t]rnlmore than one way to skin a cat..10:14
sub[t]rnlyou could use dd too, if you wanna get real basic10:15
sub[t]rnldd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso bs=204810:15
apparlesub[t]rnl: Is the shrinking lossless?? Or the quality of video reduces10:15
sub[t]rnlvideo quality suffers10:16
ubuntumount -a [-t|-O]mount -a [-t|-O]10:16
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
apparleand is it possible to use it to shrink dual layer data DVD10:18
ubuntusub: Here's what I got with that: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54194/10:19
sub[t]rnlubuntu: space between /dev/hda1 and /mnt/recover/10:19
sub[t]rnlubuntu: make sure that the mount point /mnt/recover/ exists as well10:20
apparlesub[t]rnl: And will the data suffer10:20
sub[t]rnlapparle➜ yes the data will no longer be good.. :P hehe no it will be ine10:20
ubuntusays does not exist.10:22
sub[t]rnlsudo mkdir /mnt/recover10:22
ubuntuOkay. I have it mounted.10:25
sub[t]rnlk, now pastebin the contents of /mnt/recover/var/log/Xorg.0.log10:27
ubuntuOkay. LOL I found the original var/log/xorg.0.log but you need the mnt/recover one?10:31
sub[t]rnlyup, need the one from the harddrive that you are having problems loading kde on10:32
ubuntuThis is the var/log/xorg.0.log.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54197/ Still looking for a mnt/recover one.10:34
neofoxhi leute mein adept hat ein problem ich kann es nciht öffnen selbst nach den neustart vom leptop geht es nicht!10:35
sub[t]rnl!ge | neofox10:36
ubotuneofox: ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge10:36
llutz!de | neofox10:37
neofox?? O.o10:37
ubotuneofox: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:37
sub[t]rnlllutz➜ :) tx10:37
ubuntusub: Only single HD in system running Kubuntu. Removed Windows drive.10:37
etfbI'm having big trouble with USB under Kubuntu Gutsy.  Can anyone advise on how you debug USB connections to find out why some things don't mount properly?10:38
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:39
ubuntusub: Still with me buddy?10:49
_Angelus_is flash still broken in kubuntu?10:49
llutzit seems to be, "We can fix this The Ubuntu Way (TM) - look the other way until Debian have it fixed, then tell people to upgrade" ;)10:51
=== Mez_ is now known as Me
=== Me is now known as Mez
ubuntusub[t]rnl, you still around? I mainly want to get my important items off this drive. I'm able to access the drive but my desktop is locked.10:56
ubuntuHow do I unlock it?10:57
_Angelus_lol llutz10:59
krabadorpeople, kubuntu gutsy: i've a problem with graphical effects11:04
krabadorwhat cai i do?11:04
afiestaswhat problem krabador?11:06
krabadori can't uninstall it11:07
krabadorin kde system preferencies are unabled11:08
krabador"disabled", sorry11:08
krabadorbut at startup they're unabled11:09
maltronHi, can anyone help me access my dvd drive with cdrdao?11:09
krabadori can't unable it11:09
krabadori can't disable it (sorry, my english....)11:09
maltronI'm trying to read the table of contents on an audio cd, but I can't get cdrdao to read it.  Every other program seems to work fine, including k3b11:10
yeniklasorrHow can I add a specific value of ram usage limit for an application (especially for firefox, because it is slowing down).11:15
SlimeyPeteyeniklasorr: http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/MemoryRlimits?showcomments#comments  (see comments at bottom)11:16
SlimeyPeteI've never done it, just found that via google.11:16
yeniklasorrok thanks11:16
hsystemxXhi, does anybody knows how to set default login manager?11:27
BlissexhsystemxX: depending on what you mean by "default login manager", somebody will know.11:29
BlissexhsystemxX: you can mean either the console "getty" or the X display manager.11:30
hsystemxXBlissex, thanks. I solved it already :D reconfiguring gdm. DOnt like kde 4 login manager.11:33
zizzfizzixhey guys11:36
zizzfizzixi have problem with shutting down my computer :(11:36
zizzfizzixit's stopping and i must hit enter about 2 times11:36
zizzfizzixhow to run it without gui to see whats the probem?11:37
zizzfizzixplz help11:39
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: be patient :) Sometimes it takes a while to get an answer on IRC.11:40
zizzfizzixi know but it looks like noone read it11:40
elmargolHi, how do I install kde4 on ubuntu hardy? I have the commandline install atm11:41
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: how do you know that? :) People don't usually acknowledge questions unless they know the answer.11:41
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:41
zizzfizzixSlimeyPete: okey i will be patient11:42
SlimeyPetezizzfizzix: I *think* that if you hit alt-f8 or alt-f1 during shutdown you can see status messages11:43
SlimeyPetebut I'm not sure.11:43
zizzfizzixi'll try11:43
zizzfizzixbut i should then write in on paper? :)11:44
Blissexzizzfizzix: look at the system log in '/var/log/messages'. Else use 'sudo init 2' to switch to non GUI mode and then login at the console and shutdown.12:08
zizzfizzixBlissex: how should i know what is what?12:12
Blissexzizzfizzix: you read several system management books :-).12:12
zizzfizzixthanks i'll do it as soon as possible..12:13
Blissexzizzfizzix: or you look at the messages, guess which ones may be relevant, and web search the message to find some explanation.12:13
zizzfizzixwhat are these messages?12:13
zizzfizzixall i mean from kernel or what?12:14
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enzoi've using debian for years, i have a new laptop and i wonder if it would easy for me to switch towards kubuntu12:19
enzoi use debian testing / kde12:19
SlimeyPeteenzo: very easy, kubuntu is very similar to debian12:19
enzokubuntu is very very near a debian /kde or not ?12:19
ForgeAusnot very very near12:20
enzosame program like apt-get and so on to manage package ?12:20
ForgeAusbut its based on it12:20
ForgeAusyes same package management12:20
ForgeAusdifferent packages12:20
enzopackages are more fresh than on debian right ?12:20
jussi01quick reminder of the kernel header install command anyone?12:20
ForgeAus(many .deb that can/do isntall in debain also install in ubuntu12:20
SlimeyPetesame package management, same "feel", very similar filesystem layout12:20
Blissexenzo: yes.12:20
ForgeAusbut debian OS ones can be problematic for k/x/ubuntu12:21
enzomore fresh ok, but are these packages stable enough ?12:21
Blissexenzo: Ubuntu is a variant of Debian. It is stable.12:21
enzoi mean i'm not using debian unstable cause i want a stable os12:21
ForgeAusbut essentially anything you'd want to add onto debian you can add on to kubuntu12:21
enzodebian is not stable in the sid version12:21
enzokubuntu is not like a debian unstable sid right ?12:21
SlimeyPetekubuntu is more stable than sid12:21
Blissexenzo: depends what you mean by stability? ABI sgtability or unbugginess12:21
enzoa laptop that doesn't crash or freeze, i need it for my work12:22
SlimeyPeteenzo: kubuntu has a more regular release cycle so packages are newer, but packages are only included if they are considered stable12:22
enzois there an equivalent of debian testing in kubuntu ?12:23
enzoi mean, i don't need to upgrade to a new release when i am on testing, i only do ugrade frequently and i switch from sarge to etch and so on12:23
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:24
SlimeyPeteenzo: there is hardy heron (the next release)12:24
NickPrestaenzo, *buntu packages are considered "stable" but are newer than the packages in Debian Stable. *buntu has a predictable  6 month release cycle. However, there are "long term support" releases every couple years or so, so you may want to wait for the next release. Still, I would imagine Kubuntu would be more stable than Debian Testing or Unstable.12:24
dcorbin_workAfter a fresh install of 7.1, the system pointed out that there is a propietary video driver available, and said "click here" for more information/to install.  I did, and nothing happened.  Is there a specific command I can invoke to install that driver?12:24
jussi01dcorbin_work: system settings -> advanced -> restricted drivers12:24
enzook NickPresta so imagine i install kubuntu 7.10, is it easy as a simple apt-get upgrade to swtich to hardy heron when it will be out ?12:25
dcorbin_workProbably "apt-get dist-upgrade".12:25
dcorbin_workBut it might be "upgrade-dist".  I can never remember12:26
SlimeyPetedcorbin_work: neither. upgrade-manager iirc.12:26
enzocause in debian testing, i never do dist-upgrade12:26
SlimeyPeteenzo: yes there is a simple command12:26
NickPrestaenzo, yeah. Kubuntu has a special adept_updater which will do the upgrade process (and works better than just a simple dist-upgrade). It is very similar to Debian in that regard.12:26
NickPrestaenzo, yes, a dist-upgrade in Testing isn't suggested ;)12:26
enzomore difficult now, i'd like to install a raid1 on my laptop with encryption (dm-crypt) is it easy to do it with the kubuntu installer ?12:27
NickPrestaenzo, sorry, I can't help you with that off the top of my head. There may be someone in here with experience with RAID 1 and dm-crypt. You can also check the Ubuntu docs for more information.12:28
NickPresta!raid | enzo12:28
ubotuenzo: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:28
enzois there the equivalent of website packages.debian.org to see when a package is going to be in debian testing/unstable and so on?12:29
Dr_williscant say that ive ever noticed such a site enzo12:34
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mjukernortsk =12:42
elmargolI try to use kopete: I have 3 account msn, jabber, icq: one of those 3 is allways offline :(12:49
elmargolIf I do -> offline -> online it works again12:49
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djdarkmancan someone tell me how can I define every day events in kontact/calendar, for example working schedual ?12:59
enzoto install a raid i need the alternate cd right ?13:11
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jussi01!raid | enzo13:25
ubotuenzo: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:25
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dsc_0I've installed the fglrx X driver (ATI).  Even though everything is configured for "dual screen", I'm only getting "cloned".  Any ideas on where to go next?13:27
jussi01dsc_0: aticonfig at the command lne is your friend13:29
dsc_0jussi01: thanks13:29
jussi01dsc_0: if you call that by itself, it will give you a load of aptions13:32
Ramladsc_0: even if you needed different resolutions on your monitors, start by configuring them to the same res. I found the process to be very difficult13:32
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Ramladsc_0: http://student.labranet.jamk.fi/~e1409/xorg.conf here's my xorg.conf that works rather well. The 'virtual' line in section screen is a dirty hack, i don't know what exactly it does but something is doubling the horizontal resolution value13:35
jussi01virtual is the whole sie of the 2 monitors together13:35
Ramlajussi01: if i set it to 3000x1200, xorg sets resolutions to 2048x1050 + 2048x120013:36
Ramlawhich is apparently as close to 6000x1200 as it can get13:37
jussi01Ramla: I think you will find ati config does a better job than setting it up by hand.13:37
Ramlai tried everything. that's the only way i got it to work properly13:38
Ramlahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301941 <-- this howto fails on my setup on aticonfig --enable-monitor -phase13:39
srujanjrib der?13:45
jussi01Ramla: with which error?13:48
srujancan anyone plz help me out... i have kubuntu installed... and i lost my admin privilages... I tried to boot through recovery mode but i couldn't actually find that option of rebooting13:48
Ramlano error, output just goes nuts. rather random pixel mess, X still works in the background since there's some correlation between mouse input and how the pixels change on screen13:49
Ramlaquery-monitor returns crt1, crt2, and that's what i entered for enable-monitor13:50
jussi01Ramla: extremely weird. I had a problem that it wanted a clean xorg to start with, but oter than that... all was fine13:50
snarksterok for the past few days Ive been seeing alot of hard drive activity and now the drive is full.. anyone got any clues?13:51
Ramlasnarkster: check for big files in /var/log ?13:52
srujanthere are 2 options for me while booting one is vista ante the other is ubuntu... then when i go to edit the commands before booting i see 5 options... they are.... root,kernel with some code, some inter.... ,and then quiet  and last is savedefault13:52
snarksterthats about all the infoormation I can provide13:52
srujananyone plz help13:52
srujansnarkster: can u plz help me out?13:52
snarksterwhat is your question, maybe I can13:53
Ramlasrujan: what exactly do you mean by losing admin priviledges?13:53
snarksteryou gave your users admin privs??13:53
srujanactually i'm the only user and then somehow my friend unknowingly managed to13:53
srujanremove my privilages13:54
snarksterso sudo vi /etc/groups and add them back13:54
srujansudo doesn;t work at all13:54
Picisrujan: Do you get an error?13:54
snarksterthen do sudo passwd and create a root password13:55
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snarksterthen do su - log in as root and fix it13:55
srujani dont get an error13:55
srujanit just asks for password13:55
Picisrujan: And?13:55
srujanand then nothing13:55
srujancommand line13:55
Picisrujan: did you type in your password?13:55
PiciDoes it accept it?13:55
snarksterthen whats the problem??13:56
Picisrujan: So, sudo is working. Whats the problem then?13:56
srujanoh ok13:56
srujanso now i need to type sudo passwd and then password thats it?13:57
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Picisrujan: no.13:57
snarksteranyway back to my issue which just came outta the blue.. my hard drive is full and it wasnt 3 days ago..13:57
srujanactually I'm a newbee so please bear with me13:57
Picisrujan: Whats the real issue here?13:57
srujani lost my admin privilages13:57
snarksterwe are all newbies in the eyes of Linus13:57
snarksterIf i reinstall do i have to jack around with my home directory which is o another drive?13:58
Picisrujan: I'm not sure what you mean by admin privleges here.  Normally if you can use sudo, then you have admin.13:59
srujanoh ok14:00
srujanlet me try again and be back14:00
Picisrujan: Are you experiencing anything differently than when you first installed?14:00
snarksteryou know my problems began after I installed eve14:01
snarkstereven after uninstalling eve it made no difference.. drive still maxed.14:02
Picisnarkster: I know that gnome has boabab (the graphical disk map) for figuring out whats taking up all the space.. I wonder if KDE has something similar.14:03
rigoPici, there is a file-system view in konqueror14:04
rigo..that shows usage14:05
snarksterfirefly or something like that14:05
snarksterbut no room to install it14:05
rigo...filesize view14:05
snarksterI did have a cups-pdf thing running. where does cups store its temp files?14:05
se7enHOMEhow do i enable emerald if it doesent start automaticly with compiz14:06
se7enHOM1how do i enable emerald if it doesent start automaticly with compiz14:10
Ramlase7enHOM1: try emerald --replace14:13
advancedhi ppl14:14
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:14
se7enHOM1Ramla: i did ... didnt do14:14
se7enHOM1compiz --replace gives me compizbut without emerald14:15
snarksterok i think i have figured it out.. I tried to print a rather large error log to pdf.. i think its still trying to do that14:16
snarksterIve checked the printers and there isnt anyhting in the queu, but it might have gone Zombie.. how do i verify that its not trying to print still14:16
snarkstersystem drive still full..14:18
snarksterwow this is strange14:18
advancedguys i have flash player in Firefox but dont use sound exampl in flash video14:20
srujanI'm not able to install flash player !!!14:21
benji_anybody have a problem in this url http://downloads.digium.com/pub/14:21
sek_hi, how can I do to make faster transfer files with amsn? thanks14:21
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »14:22
reivilo78benji_: whats the problem14:23
BluesKajHowdy Folks  :-)14:35
ChasHow do I install an RPM file14:41
zizzfizzixin Kubuntu?14:41
zizzfizzixi think you can't14:41
zizzfizzixthere is way to change rpm's to deb14:42
^Xalastras^does nebody know why cant i view my greek named folders?14:42
rigochas, there is a debian program called alien14:42
rigothat transforms rpms into debs14:43
rigobut you should only use in case of absolute need14:43
zizzfizzixrigo thats right14:43
ForgeAusyou can but its not reccomended14:43
BluesKaj!alien | Chas14:43
ubotuChas: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)14:43
ForgeAusbest to get a .deb if you can14:43
Chasi want to install14:43
ForgeAuschas whats the package?14:44
BluesKajwhat do you want to install, Chas ?14:44
rigoeverybody wants to install :)14:44
ForgeAusrigo, everybody should be ABLE to install14:44
ForgeAusin a perfect world :)14:44
ChasOk many thanks for your help, now I understand - been using suse, am new to Kubuntu :-)14:45
enzoi've reading a lot of doc on kubuntu, well i think it's wrong, debian testing is more fresh than kubuntu as the latter is released every 6 months no ?14:45
enzodebian testing is refreshed every day14:45
lovelyTis a fine morning for fixing Kamera, or would you disagree?14:47
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SGLI have a problem. My kubuntu apache server, all of a sudden is acting crappy. It is slow, I get a max upload of 2kbps over LAN on it and all my ftp transfers time out every few seconds15:10
SGLDoes anyone know what could be wrong?15:11
yzaLyzarCHow can I find out witch cpu I have?15:14
SSJyzaLyzarC: cat /proc/cpuinfo15:15
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yzaLyzarCSSJ: No such file or directory15:15
SSJ_GZyzaLyzarC: Odd.15:16
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yzaLyzarCOh, I forgott the space15:18
SSJ_GZyzaLyzarC: Copy and paste is your friend :)15:18
yzaLyzarCSSJ_GZ: My box dont have internet...15:19
Yattiehi all mind helping ?15:20
* Yattie young hensem guy need help plz15:20
BluesKaj!ask | Yattie15:21
ubotuYattie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:21
yzaLyzarCYattie: Yes I do mind.'15:21
Yattiei ve install kubuntu gutsy on compaq presario v3000 using the broadcom wireless restricted driver .. i ve install the broadcom driver and firmware offline n the restricted driver sign was ok .15:22
yzaLyzarCYattie: No, I meant I do mind. I dont want to answer your question.15:23
BluesKaj!wireless | Yattie15:23
ubotuYattie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:23
Yattiethe prob was kubuntu cant connect to internet .. i ve disable the ipv6 but still cant plz help me somebody ;)15:23
BluesKajyzaLyzarC, that's not the attitude here ,  if you don't want to help, then be quiet15:24
yzaLyzarCBluesKaj: Sorry, I was only annoyed because she asked to ask a question.15:25
BluesKajdisabling IPv6 doesn't make much difference to internet connection except speed15:26
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mohisorry I have a problem: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4030/ I did with --fix-missing too but didnt help! :(15:28
pagmohi, try changing apt's mirror15:30
fabio_chi mi aiuta15:30
BluesKajmohi, yeah, looks like the repository doesn't have the right python pkges15:30
mohipag: how?15:31
pag!it | fabio_15:31
ubotufabio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:31
pagmohi, alt+f2 -> kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list15:31
knofi_i have a nearly running live-cd... non-graphical user interface is fully functional but a graphical login impossible15:35
BluesKajpag, dunno if that suggestion will help cuz he needs to be able add a source that's up to date ...perhaps suggesting an up to date source will do the trick15:35
mohididnt help :(15:35
knofi_my live-cd is kubunut-gutsy15:36
pagBluesKaj, yeah. sorry. I'm just trying to do way too many things at the same time -> I do none of them good :(15:36
knofi_hos to correct it? i cant install kubuntu from this live-cd whithout having a graphical user interface15:37
knofi_or whith a non-functional user interface...15:38
mohiI even tries this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4033/ but... :(15:38
mohiI soved it! :D I purged "lineakd" and never get this damn message again! :D15:43
BluesKajmohi, good :)15:43
mohiBluesKaj: ;)15:44
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications15:47
sigma_1234has anyone tried ibm symphony? how is it compared to openoffice?15:48
pasquale_Could you help me,please?15:48
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:49
pasquale_I cannot enter in the italian channel...15:49
ibouis cdparanoia useful if i already have k3b ?15:50
pasquale_italian server???15:50
sigma_1234i thought it was built into k3b15:50
sigma_1234perhaps you were banned from it15:51
kalorinum... wtf?15:51
pasquale_it was the first time...15:51
kalorinktip is a required package for kdebase and kde-core?15:51
kalorinthis is starting to get like redhat for dependencies15:52
kalorinprecisely the reason I'm running kubuntu15:52
jussi01pasquale_: please join #ubuntu-irc15:52
sigma_1234kalorin: !language15:53
pasquale_and so?15:53
jussi01pasquale_: did you join?15:53
sigma_1234what exactly did you do to get banned?15:54
kalorinI've never been banned that I'm aware15:54
jussi01pasquale_: I didnt see you join that channel...15:54
sigma_1234when is hardy alpha 4 due for release?15:55
jussi01sigma_1234: isnt it already out?15:56
enzoi've seen somewhere but i don't remember: after installing with the alternate cd, what is the package to install to install kde like in the desktop cd ?15:57
enzosomething like kde3-desktop, i don't remember...15:57
sigma_1234i checked kubuntu.org. its not on the frontpage15:57
jussi01enzo: kubuntu-desktop15:58
enzook thanks jussi0115:58
BluesKajenzo, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:58
sigma_1234!info kubuntu-desktop15:58
ubotukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.59 (gutsy), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB15:58
enzoif i install kubuntu with crypted partition, does kubuntu launch a random write first on the disk ?16:00
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:00
jussi01sigma_1234: I had an email from riddell today (on the kubuntu ml - maybe you should join) asking for testers. howerver, we should talk about thisn in #ubuntu+116:00
BluesKajsigma_1234, hardy4 is suppoed to be released today16:01
enzoyou're kidding BluesKaj ?16:01
kalorinwhat's the name of the package that actually gives you the menu in the panel?16:01
kalorinbasically teh menu wtih the K on it and expands to be system setting sand log on and all that jazz?16:02
kalorinthought it was kmenu16:02
kalorinbut that's not the cas eit would see16:02
hydrogenits part of kicker..16:02
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jussi01!info kicker16:03
ubotukicker (source: kdebase): desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 2030 kB, installed size 5876 kB16:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmenu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about menu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:03
hydrogenyou did!16:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tasty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:03
* hydrogen wanders off16:03
jussi01!botabuse | hydrogen, be nice to the poor bot!16:04
ubotuhydrogen, be nice to the poor bot!: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:04
enzoi'm reading that 3D effet are installed by default on kubuntu, but what is it ? compiz fusion ?16:06
kaloringot my sound back finally16:10
rcurtisHi, can Kmail display gif images inline?16:10
kalorinnothing like booting up and finding you don't have things like kde-core installed16:10
rcurtisI've tried configuring KMail to prefer HTML and Allow messages to load External references but the images still won't load16:10
kalorindon't ever try to install "kde" as a package16:11
kalorinit'll install almost the whole distribution16:11
hydrogenjussi01: the poor bot needs to be a whole lot smarter16:13
unagii want to dual boot ubuntu with ubuntu16:13
BluesKajkalorin yeah kubuntu-desktop is the best way to go , otherwise the load is very large :)16:16
Yattiehi again all .. i m in malaysia n ve problem with kubuntu gutsy internet connection16:18
Yattiethe default gateway ip re fixed to and the default dhcp ip was (malaysian default gateway was ( i ve change it to static ip and change the gateway and ip but the wireless cant be enabled16:20
Yattieanyone can help plz ;) ((penin dah weih)16:20
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about answer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:21
BluesKaj!es |  august_16:22
ubotuaugust_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:22
august_graciass ubotu16:24
BluesKajYattie, can you access theinternet with a wired connection ?16:24
vbhidehi there....... how do i run my ipod on kubuntu?16:26
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod16:27
YattieBluesKaj : cant i m on wireless16:29
BluesKajcan you wire it ?16:29
Yattiecant ...16:29
Yattiei ve just setup the broadcom firmware offline using the file from ubuntu file16:30
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx16:30
BluesKajBBL ..errands16:30
FaiDillinGerhi there can i burn mdf dvd images with k3b16:32
FaiDillinGerhow do i get rid of the 3 seconds grub takes to load linux ?16:34
sub[t]rnlFaiDillinGer➜ edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file16:36
rcurtisHi, can KMial display images inline?16:36
FaiDillinGerthx sub[t]rnl ill check it out rite now16:36
iboushould i chose ABR, CBR, VBR or VBR-NEW for the highest compression quality with lame (mp3) ?16:37
FaiDillinGeri guess16:38
sebastian^heyho all :)16:41
sub[t]rnlibou➜ VBR > ABR > CBR in terms of quality.16:42
sub[t]rnlibou➜ unless you choose the highest possible constant bit rate setting, -b 320 (which is the best)16:43
StiloHi! Silly question: I dont want the preview of for example pdf-files on my desktop. How can i change this so that i see the usual pdf-symbol16:48
jussi01Stilo: right click desktop - configure desktop - behaviour - file icons tab - sho icon preevies for16:49
jussi01gah, typos16:50
alien_so wieder da problem is immer noch da16:50
jpatrick!de | alien_16:50
ubotualien_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:50
alien_also ich bin auch nichjt in meiner normalen session drin kann den kdm nicht starten16:50
Stilojussi01: very nice.. thanks16:51
sub[t]rnlhappy times16:52
vbhidehey guys thankyou! all i did was pluged in my ipod and voila!16:54
marcinjebane w dupe16:57
marcinjebaj się pedale16:58
enzoi've installed kubuntu desktop, but i don't see any 3d effect, what have i to install ?17:01
jpatrick!compiz > enzo17:01
enzobut i thought compiz was conflicting with kde4 no ?17:02
redbeard77How do you kill a front-end process?17:03
redbeard77!kill front end process17:04
jussi01redbeard77: ctrl + esc then kill??17:04
redbeard77says I can't w/o root permission17:04
redbeard77"insufficient permissions17:05
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jpatrickenzo: no17:06
redbeard77I thought there was a command-line that I coould use17:06
jussi01redbeard77: sudo killall processname17:06
redbeard77k ty17:07
kalorinseriously, did the dependencies get all messed up lately in the packages/17:08
kalorinI'm installing libgpod and all the sudden it's pulling libfreetype6!17:09
kalorinpostscript so my ipod will work?17:09
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mortmarkHow works Krdc??17:15
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ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:16
jussi01mortmark: ^^17:16
mortmarkthx  ubotu17:17
knofi_hi, which recorder-program is able to record to a compressed .ogg or .mp3 file?17:17
jussi01!bot > mortmark17:17
mortmarkim a noop ^17:18
redbeard77I can't seem to unlock/kill whatever process is running as root17:19
ThomasDhi, I'm looking for an aplication to back-up websites, but but is has to follow al internal links and save those pages to. Anyone any idea?17:19
ThomasDjussi01: will it follow internal links and save them to?17:20
jussi01ThomasD: iirc, it has a spider option. read 'man wget' for more17:20
ThomasDaight, i'll have a look at it17:21
lerneaen_hydraanyone feeling free and helpful? I just performed an apt-get update/upgrade, upgraded the kernel, and the nvidia drivers bombed. I tried removing the one I had (via apt), and installed nvidia's binary, no go. xorg log says that there were no screens found. any ideas?17:21
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yzaLyzarCWhat command updates? Upgrade or update?17:25
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jpatrickyzaLyzarC: upgrade17:26
yzaLyzarCWhy does Kubuntu use more ram than debian with kde?17:28
jpatrickyzaLyzarC: does it? must of been all the patches we put in..17:29
yzaLyzarCWhat is the kubuntu way to test boxes if they are bruteforce safe?17:30
redbeard77how do I find and kill whatever process is blocking my updaster?17:32
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egorkskype license agreement window disappears before I can confirm. What can I do, where to look for a solution?17:33
jussi01redbeard77: whats the message yu are getting?17:35
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jussi01!adeptfix | redbeard77 is this helpful?17:38
uboturedbeard77 is this helpful?: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:38
[ITA]mitticooooi writed a script in a file called gcc.sh17:38
[ITA]mitticooooi want to execute by terminal17:38
[ITA]mitticooooi cd in the right folder17:38
redbeard77only one software management toolis allowed to run at the same time17:38
redbeard77that's the merssage I get17:39
TimSHow can I turn a directory on my PC into an ISO?17:39
jussi01redbeard77: so all of your adept and so on are closed?17:39
redbeard77that's the command I was looking for ty17:39
[ITA]mitticoooobut i receive a "command not found error"17:39
jussi01[ITA]mitticoooo: sh gcc.sh17:40
[ITA]mitticoooothx i try17:40
[ITA]mitticoooojussi01: ok it's done thanks, i am newbie17:41
MediapirateHi guys17:43
Mediapiratewhats the best image editing software for kubuntu?17:43
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Mediapiratebit harsh [jk]17:43
jussi01Mediapirate: you can also look at krita17:44
jussi01Mediapirate: what exactly are you tying to do?17:44
Mediapirateadd words to images17:44
Mediapiratethats it17:44
jussi01Mediapirate: many many software will do that17:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about growisofs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:44
Mediapiratejust wanted to know the best one17:45
TimS!info growisofs17:45
ubotuPackage growisofs does not exist in gutsy17:45
Mediapiratefor future17:45
jussi01TimS: i thought k3b could create iso's...17:45
zailera newbie with kubuntu can i ask some doubts17:45
TimS!ask | zailer17:45
jussi01Mediapirate: if you are looking to create graphics, inkscape is also nice17:45
ubotuzailer: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:45
TimSjussi01: It can, but K3B often fails to burn for some reason, I am not sure why17:46
zailermay b i sound so stupid but... after apt-get update and upgrade17:46
zailershould i install againg or this update itself is installing pakages17:46
MediapirateThanks jussi0117:46
jussi01Mediapirate: :)17:46
TimSjussi01: Is there any CLI way to take a folder and turn it into a ISO17:46
jussi01TimS: I think so, but I dont know off the top of my head.17:47
[ITA]mitticooooI writed a simple file.c includin <stdio.h> etc. but when i compile return error ""stdio.h" no files or directory"  why?17:47
zailerafter apt-get update and upgrade  should i install again or this update itself is installing pakages17:47
TimSzailer: upgrade does everything.17:48
doctorowHow do I change the font size in Akregator?17:48
doctorow(for the feed list)17:48
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zailerthanks bro..17:48
zailerif we stop or break the process of apt-upgrade will it resume from where is stopped or it will all start over again :)17:49
JoshOvkizailer it will resume downloading, but you can lock yourself out of apt17:51
redbeard77which is bad17:53
JoshOvkivery bad17:53
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JoshOvkihi  bab17:54
zailerE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)17:54
zailerE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:54
zailerwhat does this mean ??17:55
babI have a "printer problem". Where can I try to get help? (printer: HP LaserJet P1005 ... try to print and get "error" with foo2zjs und foo2xqx)17:55
JoshOvkizailer: that means you have locked yourself out of apt17:55
ThomasDjussi01: you there?17:55
JoshOvkibab: has it ever worked with kununtu?17:55
babNot yet17:55
[ITA]mitticooooI writed a simple file.c including <stdio.h> etc. but when i compile return error ""stdio.h" no files or directory"  why?17:55
jpatrick!aptfix | zailer17:56
ubotuzailer: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:56
jussi01ThomasD: yes17:56
JoshOvkibab: did you download the driver from the HP site?17:56
zaileri didnt do anything is that a problem locking myself out ..... or is it ok17:56
ThomasDjussi01: got this error while trying --spider option17:56
ThomasDthomas@linuxbook:~/wget$ wget --spider --force-html -i http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/concepts/index.html17:56
ThomasDhttp://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/concepts/index.html: No such file or directory17:56
Mediapiratebye everyone i'm off17:56
ThomasDbut, i'm rather sure the file exists ^^17:57
babNo, I'ved used this tutorial http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com/17:57
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:58
zailerok why is it so slow ... i get only  2005B/s   am on 256kbps connection .. any way i can increase the update process speed17:58
ThomasDzailer: use other mirrors17:58
babA few days ago, I start with kubuntu as primary OS on my desktop pc.17:58
ThomasDbab: very good17:59
redbeard77anyone use XFC?17:59
redbeard77or is it just another desktop?17:59
zailerpls guide me ... i found out searching like .. we should edit the sources.list something like that.. how to do that.. any easy step like from adept installer we have an option i guess18:00
zailerpls guide me ... i found out searching like .. we should edit the sources.list something like that.. how to do that.. any easy step like from adept installer we have an option i guess  ABT USING OTHER MIRRORS FOR UPDATES18:00
JoshOvkibab: did you use the foo2zjs package?18:00
[ITA]mitticooooI writed a simple file.c including <stdio.h> etc. but when i compile return error ""stdio.h" no files or directory"  why?18:00
jussi01zailer: open adept - manage repositories18:02
Tmascan someone help me get my sound working?18:02
[ITA]mitticoooojussie01 have you got an hint?18:02
babI was wondering about foo2zjs. But I try to use the foo2zjs.18:02
jussi01!sound | Tmas18:02
ubotuTmas: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:02
[ITA]mitticoooofor me?18:02
jussi01[ITA]mitticoooo: sorry, no. except try looking at other similar scripts18:03
JoshOvkibab: do not use the foo2zjs18:03
zailerrepository?? i have opened adept manager18:03
babHow to uninstall this package?18:04
JoshOvkibab: i dont know myself18:04
rickeyis there away to one useing kubuntu to send a fax useing a email?18:07
babWhere can I get the right foo2xqx driver18:07
[ITA]mitticooooi do a simple helloworld.c  which print "Hello world" but i recive an error at <stdio.h> "No such file or directory"!18:08
[ITA]mitticooooi am running kubuntu on virtualbox (emulation)18:08
[ITA]mitticoooocan depends on it?18:08
=== DeadJones is now known as \dEAD
rickeydose anyone here send faxes by email?18:09
rickeyif so how ,? what program?18:10
trappistrickey: you need a fax server that will accept emails, convert them to tif and fax them18:11
egorkskype license agreement window disappears before I can confirm. What can I do, where to look for a solution?18:12
egorkrickey, hylafax18:12
jhutchins_wkegork: Skype support issue.18:13
jhutchins_wk[ITA]mitticoooo: Have you installed the build-essentials package?18:13
[ITA]mitticoooodon't know jhutchins :(18:14
LorvijaHey, anyway to boot the new kubuntu release from USB stick?18:14
[ITA]mitticooooi thought c compilation is default18:14
redbeard77does your PC support booting from USB?18:14
[ITA]mitticoooohow can i install them?18:14
trappist[ITA]mitticoooo: sudo apt-get install build-essential18:15
[ITA]mitticoooothx i try18:15
Lorvijaredbeard77 yes18:15
reivilo78[ITA]mitticoooo: try <stdio> instead of <sdio.h>18:15
redbeard77than go to your BIOS and set your boot path to your USB should work18:15
Lorvijaredbeard77 well how do i "burn" the image on the usb stick? (:18:15
[ITA]mitticooooreivilo78: thx but i reported the first lib, i recive a lot of other errors related to other lib18:15
Lorvijathats kinda what i dont know..18:16
redbeard77just move the ISO to your stick18:16
reivilo78then do apt-get install build-essentials18:16
Lorvijaduh, that's enough? (: thought i'd need to do the same "burn" phase as with cd's somehow (:18:17
reivilo78sudo apt-get install build-essentials18:17
redbeard77lol nope don't think so18:17
reivilo78Lorvija: yes you do18:17
reivilo78there are plenty of tutorials on google18:17
trappistreivilo78: it's build-essential18:17
reivilo78"how to boot ubuntu from an usb stick"18:17
Lorvijareivilo78 i tried to find some.. most used linux based progs.. don't have linux machine at hand currently18:18
Lorvijareivilo78 okay will try18:18
reivilo78u have to install isolinux and stuff18:18
reivilo78on the usb key18:18
Lorvijabtw does the .iso shrink or grow when it's "installed" on the usb stick..? :E18:19
reivilo78i dont remember that well but some distributions are meant for such small place18:20
reivilo78like damn small linux18:20
reivilo78shinux i think18:20
Lorvijayeah, i'd just like to try the new kubuntu with 512mb stick... don't have any cr-rws at hand :E18:21
reivilo78oh ok18:21
reivilo78like a live cd but with usb stick18:21
reivilo78512 is enough?18:21
Lorvijawell the kubuntu image was 554mb18:22
reivilo78it's not gonna be enough then18:22
Lorvijaand most methods on preparing the usb stick require linux.. as in live cd or installed.. and i don't have either one :E18:22
reivilo78i think u need swap space too18:23
Lorvijawell swap goes to ram, right?18:23
Tmasor a partition18:23
Lorvijalive cd should never write anything on disk..18:23
reivilo78swap is on the hard disk18:23
reivilo78youre right18:24
reivilo78i dont know then18:24
Lorvijareivilo78 yes, but don't live cds use ram for swap..? they don't usually write anything to disk? or am i wrong?18:24
reivilo78i did it from within linux18:24
reivilo78so youre right there might be no tools on windows18:24
reivilo78but that would surprise me18:24
Lorvijayep.. i'd have 2 linux machines @ home :E none here where i'm atm :/18:24
Tmasi need some help. I'm trying to get my sound to work on my laptop and im reading some of these guides but im a total linux noob and I cant figure it out. can someone help me?18:25
Lorvijathere might be some tools.. :E just need to search couple of hours i guess18:25
reivilo78yeah :)18:25
jhutchins_wkLorvija: Swap going to ram is meaningles.18:25
babJoshOvki: Thanks for your help. I have to try it with another driver. HP has no driver on its page.18:26
Lorvijajhutchins_wk true, but when using live cd's usually nothing should write on hd18:26
jhutchins_wkLorvija: live CD's will usually make use of a swap partition if they find one, as the theory is that nothing in swap is permanent anyway.18:26
Lorvijajhutchins_wk okay (: last time i tried puppy linux or similar i just never saw hd light blink =)18:26
reivilo78Lorvija: i found something18:26
reivilo78but its in french18:26
jhutchins_wkLorvija: Only if they find a valid linux swap partition.  Some have the option to write a swap file on an existing filesystem, but configurable.18:27
Lorvijajhutchins_wk right (: then in my case it didn't find one (:18:27
reivilo78download NTRawWrite18:27
jhutchins_wkFor instance, a live linux CD running on a Windows system probably wouldn't enable swap, as it would have to create a file on the vfat or ntfs partition.18:27
Lorvijaduh french isn't my specialty :P18:27
reivilo78download NTRawWrite18:28
=== NetersLandreau_ is now known as NetersLandreau
reivilo78then burn18:28
reivilo78on the usb key18:28
reivilo78using that program18:28
Tmascan someone help me get my sound working on my gateway m3707 laptop?18:28
jhutchins_wk4G keys are under $30 now, and that's enough to run Linux.18:28
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:29
sigma_1234how do i make the multisession on my lg dvd writer work in k3b?18:29
reivilo78u have to put boot.img in the same directory as ntrawwrite18:29
Lorvijajhutchins_wk yeah =) so true18:29
jhutchins_wkTmas: You need to know what chipset your sound system uses.18:29
jhutchins_wkTmas: lspci should list it as a device.18:29
Lorvijareivilo78 okay can i then just move that .iso to usb stick..?18:29
Tmasati SB450 HDA? does that sound right?18:29
reivilo78u have to mount the iso18:30
jhutchins_wkNo, ati sounds like something else to me at least.  Find a pastebin for the whole output and post a link.18:30
reivilo78copy the files to the usb key18:30
reivilo78the files in the iso18:30
reivilo78and make the key bootable18:30
jhutchins_wkreivilo78: Is that a bootable iso?18:31
Tmashow would I do that? lol like i said im a total noob :P18:31
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:31
Lorvijareivilo78 hmm okay18:31
reivilo78all the files18:31
reivilo78but the isolinux directoru18:31
reivilo78copy casper/vmlinuz et casper/initrd.gz at the root18:32
Tmas   Preferences  Preferences Help | About Google18:32
Tmas   Save your preferences when finished and return to search.Save Preferences18:32
Tmas  Global Prefer18:32
Tmasoops wtf my bad18:32
TmasAudio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)   thats what I get when I type in lspci18:32
=== luser is now known as Marphine
reivilo78copy whats inside isolinux directory at the root of the usb key18:32
Marphineword up18:32
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MarphineGot a Kubunto Dapper question for anyone interested in fielding it :18:33
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reivilo78i have to register18:33
reivilo78to privmsg18:33
reivilo78how do i do that18:33
MarphineI installed the OS with no network connection active, and the updating that should have occured at install didn't18:33
enzoi have a laptop with 2 disks, is it possible to install kubuntu with raid AND encryption ? for now i succeed in configuring raid but only raid18:34
ahmosHi, I have installed LimeWireLinux.deb package but it didn't work..should I install another format?18:34
Marphinenow when I launch the Adapt installer it doesn't have a list of installable apps and won't do the updates for the stuff that's already here18:34
MarphineI select "fetch updates" and it fetches no updates... and it's not that I'm not applying the changes - when I preview said changes, there are none18:36
tmalloywhen you click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, do you have any configured?18:37
Marphineyes there are come setup and there are others that are commented out18:37
Odd-rationaleHow do I set all my sounds to the default kubuntu sounds?18:39
darkhamhey people, i've a problem with kinit18:39
tmalloyMarphine: so if you were to do a "sudo apt-get update" it doesnt do anything?18:39
jhutchins_wkTmas: Ok, so now you need to know what alsa driver works with that chipset.18:40
jhutchins_wkTmas: Google is your friend.18:40
ahmos Hi, I have installed LimeWireLinux.deb package but it didn't work..should I install another format?18:40
darkhami removed kde from kubuntu, and reinstall it with adept, but dont' restart18:40
darkhamhow can ido?18:41
kalibahmos, what happens when you type limewire on your konsole?18:41
sub[t]rnlOdd-rationale➜ kcontrol -> Sound & Multimedia (there is a defaults button on the bottom)18:41
Tmaslol ok. I just don't really understand what to do once i find that out? i googled it but is it something I need to download or what?18:42
Odd-rationalesub[t]rnl: I tried that. But it didn't work. I installed a set of sounds from kde-look.org using a script. I think it messed with some config file.18:43
sub[t]rnlOdd-rationale➜ all of your kde settings are stored in ~/.kde  Removing this folder (or renaming it) will restore all of kde to default18:43
ahmoskalib:here you are http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54240/18:44
Odd-rationalesub[t]rnl: Thanks. I'll take a look. Hopefully I can just delete that one file...18:44
darkhamcan you read me?18:45
Tmasif I am told to run commands as root, what do I do?18:45
sub[t]rnlsudo command18:45
Tmasso i just type sudo before the command?18:46
Tmashmm i get Permission denied18:46
kalibahmos, saw it...18:47
kalibahmos, it looks like your java version isn't compatible with your limewire18:47
kalibahmos, your version is 1.7... and (LimeWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.5+)18:48
darkhamhow can i fif kinit????18:48
darkhamkde don't start!18:48
ahmosah, so i better wait until there will be a new limewire version,no?!18:49
kalibyeah...or you can try to install java 1.518:49
kalibit's up to you..18:49
ahmosok ,I see now..Thank you very much for your help18:49
MarphineGaaaah got it -  It *was* within the repositories18:49
MarphineI had to right click them all because they were deactivated because they failed to verify during the install18:50
kalibahmos, ;] good luck18:50
surgyhow does one go about submitting a program to be included in the repos?18:50
ahmosGod bless you18:51
sub[t]rnlsurgy➜ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment18:51
Tmascan someoen help me? im trying to follow these instructions on a website and they say to type a command as root but when I do I get Permission denied. How do i do this correctly?18:52
sub[t]rnlTmas➜ little more specific18:52
dasKreechLorvija: Far as i know if there is a swap partition they use otherwise they use RAM18:52
Riddellsurgy: if it's packaged put it on revu, if you want someone to package it you can file a wishlist and add a needs-packaging tag18:53
dasKreechLorvija: there is no reason forthem not to use the swap partition if it's available18:53
kalibahmos, we all18:53
Tmaswell actually, first off what is mepis?18:53
dasKreechTmas: What's the problem18:53
Tmastrying to get my sound to work and I have absolutly no clue as of what im doing18:54
LorvijadasKreech ye... but as i said i had never seen live cd write on disk (:18:54
LorvijaBut the problem most likely was that i didn't have suitable linux swap partition (:18:54
dasKreechjhutchins_wk: as I recall knoppix had button that would make it make a file on NTFS drives it would use as swap18:54
lod__airwhat's the syntax for stoping avahi-daemon from boot?? update-rc.d ..18:54
sub[t]rnl!sound | Tmas18:54
ubotuTmas: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:54
sub[t]rnl(the trouble shooting link is very usefull)18:54
Tmasyeah but i dont understand it lol18:55
Tmasi identified my sound device but I don't know what driver it should use or how to install it18:55
sub[t]rnllod__air➜ sudo update-rc.d service remove (will remove "service" from runlevels)18:55
dasKreech!limewire | ahmos18:55
ubotuahmos: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.18:55
lod__aironly remove it from rc, but not from init.d??18:56
sub[t]rnllod__air➜ the script will remain in /etc/init.d/18:57
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: Don't remove .kde18:57
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ i'm not18:57
lod__airupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)18:57
dasKreechdarkham: how goes?18:58
=== darkham is now known as krabador
Tmascan someone walk me through these troubleshooting steps? im having a hard time understanding them18:58
sigma_1234which steps?18:58
Tmasfix my audio. I found my soundcard chipset on the website but I don't know where to find the driver for it18:59
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: you gave that as advice. People store a lot of things in .kde like mail that an be important18:59
dasKreechdon't give remove ~/.kde as advice18:59
dasKreechTmas: Sure anytime you hit one you don't  get just ask18:59
Tmasok, so what do I do now? my soundcard is ATI SB450. How do i find the correct driver for it?19:00
SlimeyPeteTmas: I'm told you need the latest ALSA, from the ALSA project website.19:01
SlimeyPeteThe correct driver is not included with Kubuntu19:01
SlimeyPete(I have a 19:01
SlimeyPeten ATI S419:01
kalibTmas, i have the same sound card... you couldn't make it work in Kubuntu 7.10 :/19:01
SlimeyPeteI haven't bothered to make it work yet though19:01
ahmosyes ,dasKreech limewire....do u want any help :)19:01
dasKreechahmos: read the last line of what ubotu said19:02
Tmasoh. hmmm ok. that sucks.. lol19:02
ahmosyes I had ,but thank u for your careing19:02
krabadorwhat can i do to restart my kde?19:04
frojnd1The KDE bindings for Python are required to run Amalyp. What package do I need than ?19:04
acee1234im trying to full drive encrypt my system 7.10 any suggestions?19:04
krabadorplease, help me!19:04
jpatrickkrabador: logout19:04
jpatrickfrojnd1: install python-kde319:04
[ITA]mitticooooi have compiled helloworld.c and i have it's executable, why can't i launch it from terminal?19:05
kalibTmas i hope it will be fixed on kubuntu 8.04...cause i'm using the 6.06 version, just because of it...the sound card... :/19:05
krabadorjpatrick: i've a problem in bootstrap19:05
jpatrickkrabador: ah, don't know then..19:05
krabadorjpatrick: kinit do'nt run19:05
dasKreechTmas: You can probably get a Hardy Live cd and test it. If it doesn't work submit bugs so the next relelase will have it enabled19:05
SlimeyPetekrabador: ctrl-alt-backspace?19:05
dasKreechkalib: Same advice for you then :)19:06
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: how are you trying to launce it?19:06
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dasKreechkrabador: do you have kinit ?19:07
enzois it possible with an ubuntu to install some packages to get at the end something like kubuntu ?19:07
Tmasalright, i'll do that thanks for advice19:07
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.19:07
dasKreechenzo: ^^^19:07
SlimeyPeteenzo: yep. Do that ^^19:07
[ITA]mitticoooodasKreech: if i click on it doesn't happen nothing19:08
enzothanks, but so, why kubuntu exists if it's easy to have a kde environement in ubuntu ?19:08
[ITA]mitticooooso i thout to write helloworld in the terminal19:08
krabadordaskreech: i remove kde from kubuntu and i reinstall it with complete packages, but at restart it don't sun...19:08
kalibdasKreech, ;] thanks19:09
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: you have to browse to the directory the executable is in (or just press F4 in Konqueror) and then type ./helloworld19:09
dasKreechthe ./ is important19:09
SlimeyPeteenzo: some of us prefer to have kde by default. Also, the kubuntu project doesn't just make the distro - it creates KDE utilities like Adept19:09
surgy[ITA]mitticoooo: what language?19:09
[ITA]mitticooooi am in the directory :(19:09
acee1234no drive incryption suggestions?19:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:09
[ITA]mitticooooi try with ./19:09
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead19:09
e`DrAvEnevery time i wan't to connect via wireless i have to do 'sudo iwconfig eth1 essid Blah key blah' how can i have it connect automatically upon startup?19:09
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: you compiled it already ?19:09
enzook SlimeyPete but for my needs, i only use apt-get so i don't really need kubuntu right ?19:10
SlimeyPeteenzo: no, you could use ubuntu. If you want kde you can just install the package.19:10
[ITA]mitticooooyes it's done19:10
dasKreechkrabador: ok tell me what you did to uninstall and what you did to reinstall19:10
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ I was telling him how to restore kde to default settings.  There are instances when that peace of information is extremely valuable.19:10
[ITA]mitticoooonow it plays19:10
surgye`DrAvEn: make a shortcut in .kde/startup19:10
krabadordasKreech: all "kde" packages19:10
enzook SlimeyPete in fact i've just done a fresh install of kubuntu, and kaboum package conflict on openoffice19:10
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: I know. get him/her to rename. you cannot undo removing 8 years of someone's e-mails19:11
[ITA]mitticoooodasKreech: explain me please why i should write ./ if i am already in the executable folder19:11
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ didn't I mention renaming?19:11
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ ...yup19:11
SlimeyPeteenzo: kaboum? Never heard of it19:11
[ITA]mitticooooi writed it and now it plays19:11
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: . means here19:11
surgy[ITA]mitticoooo: ./ is the bash command for "exectute this"19:11
enzoi meant i have a conflict on package with kubuntu19:11
enzoimpossible to upgrade19:12
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: I'm saying you didn't even explain what removing it could mean19:12
krabadordasKreech: i reinstall surely more than i have before19:12
surgy[ITA]mitticoooo: ./ is like double clicking in windows19:12
[ITA]mitticoooook i understand but i thought it recognize the executable if was already in the executable's folder19:12
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ its self explanitory, deleting something... I also said rename.  Most people understand the meaning of "delete"19:12
krabadordasKreech: can i rebuild kinit?19:12
SlimeyPeteenzo: oh right. Odd. What conflict?19:13
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: Yes but how many people know all thier podcasts are in .kde ?19:13
surgy[ITA]mitticoooo: it does, but there are other things you can do with an exe other than execute it, in this case you want to execute it so you use the execute command ./19:13
SlimeyPeteenzo: and which Kubuntu? Gutsy?19:13
dasKreechkrabador: probably how did you reinstall kde ?19:13
enzoon openoffice, last kubuntu, gutsy19:13
SlimeyPeteenzo: yeah openoffice but what is it conflicting with?19:13
krabadordasKreech: i completely remove it with adept19:13
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: it doesn't recognize a executable in the same folder19:14
krabadordasKreech: and i reinstall it with adept, with complete packages19:14
dasKreechThats a windows philosophy19:14
surgydasKreech:  really?19:14
enzoi don't remember, sorry... already installed again SlimeyPete19:14
dasKreechyou installed the KDe package ?19:14
SlimeyPeteenzo: oh right19:14
dasKreechsurgy: really19:14
dasKreechsurgy: it's dangerous to run executable in the same directory19:14
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ lol, thats why I also recommended renaming..19:14
unagiis there a way to get kde to follow the z order when alt tabbing like gnone does it?19:14
surgydasKreech: then why does xterm highlight it like an executable?19:15
[ITA]mitticooooit's hard to change windows philosofy but i have to change for didactic purposes19:15
[ITA]mitticoooothx for yuor help19:15
administratorik heb een probleempje19:15
dasKreechsub[t]rnl: ok from now on only recommend renaming :) you have no idea how ignorant the person may be19:15
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ just showing all the options19:15
dasKreechsurgy: it knows it's an executable but typing the name will not run it19:15
surgyahh i see19:16
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl19:16
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo:you can set it up to do so. Just know what you are doing19:16
dasKreechkrabador: you installed the KDE package? or kubuntu-desktop ?19:16
krabadordaskreek: KDE19:18
dasKreechand you want that instead of Kubuntu's version ?19:18
krabadordaskreek: in command line : "aptitude install kde"19:18
krabadordaskreek: gutsy...19:19
dasKreechtype which kinit19:19
dasKreechwhats the path to kinit ?19:20
krabadordaskreek: something goes wrong, i must rebuild kinit, no?19:20
unagican anyone help me figure out why i dont have more than 1 virtual desktop?19:21
emilsedghunagi: so configure it and add more...19:21
krabadordaskreek: what's the default path?19:21
unagihow would i do that emilsedgh19:22
[ITA]mitticoooonewbie question: if with one click the action is to open a general file19:22
unagiah i found it19:22
emilsedghunagi: go to system settings19:22
[ITA]mitticoooohow to cance the file?19:23
[ITA]mitticooooright click on it and delete, i know19:23
unagiactually...........ok so now it says i have 2 desktops but it doesnt switch19:23
dasKreechkrabador: well just need to find which package it's in and make sure that's installed correctly19:24
dasKreechkrabador: you dont have a kinit?19:24
dasKreech!find kinit19:24
ubotuFound: bootcd-mkinitramfs19:24
[ITA]mitticoooohow do you generally delete a file?19:24
omkarplz reply me19:25
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: what do you mean by generally?19:25
[ITA]mitticooooany file19:25
omkari am new hear19:25
krabadordaskreek: what's the default path19:25
dasKreech[ITA]mitticoooo: With extreme prejudice19:25
BobSappin konqueror, select it press the DEL key19:25
[ITA]mitticooooi mean the modality19:25
omkarbro how r u doin?19:25
unagiany idea why i cant switch virtual desktops?19:25
krabadordaskreek: i don't know if i have it somewhere....19:25
dasKreechkrabador: type which kinit19:25
dasKreechwhen logged in19:26
omkardesk hi19:26
BobSappoh man kde+compiz = sex19:26
omkaru there19:26
[ITA]mitticooooBobSapp: yes but if i select the files, the action performed is to "play" the file19:26
omkari am omka19:26
krabadordaskreek: ok, i restart and i try19:26
unagiBobSapp: i agree19:26
[ITA]mitticooooi do right click on it and then delete19:26
kaminixWill I get into trouble if I install KDE 4 software?19:27
jpatrick!kde4 > kaminix19:27
jpatrickkaminix: no19:27
omkarwhere r u from?19:27
omkarr u indians?19:27
jpatrick!ot > omkar19:27
omkarplz tell me19:27
enzo<BobSapp> oh man kde+compiz = sex <= you mean compiz-fusion right ?19:28
BobSappenzo: i dunno, yeah19:28
BobSappi only really use scale plugin anyways :)19:28
kaminixjpatrick: I know what KDE 4 is. :p But Aptitude scared me off with -9000 points for installing a KDE4 app :p19:28
jpatrickkaminix: wow...19:28
[ITA]mitticooooBobSapp: e.g a txt files, if i want to delete it and I select on int the action performed is to "open" that file19:28
omkarhey bros plz tell me where r u from?19:28
jpatrickkaminix: "Support in #kubuntu-kde4" tho ;)19:28
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: ok19:28
jpatrick!ot | omkar (please talk offtopic chat here)19:29
ubotuomkar (please talk offtopic chat here): #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:29
unagii cant seem to switch my virtual desktops19:29
[ITA]mitticooooso i cant' push del :)19:29
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: the problem is that on konquror the default way is 1 click = open19:29
BobSappits not like windows where 2 clicks = open19:29
dasKreechomkar: hi19:29
BobSappso to select the file you need to drag a box around the file19:29
omkarhow to disconnect net?19:29
BobSappthen delete19:29
unagican anyone help me fix my desktop issue?19:29
BobSappor you can change it to the windows style 2 clicks = open19:30
omkari can help19:30
[ITA]mitticoooook, thats is why i wondering how kubuntu users do to cancel a file19:30
unagikde says i have 2 desktops but i cant switch them19:30
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: choose something else, or click in a blank space19:30
omkaru all are talented people19:30
omkari just want to know where i am19:30
omkarplz help me19:31
[ITA]mitticooooBobSapp:  i don't understand but doesn't matter :D19:31
jpatrickomkar: most Linux users are19:31
omkari dont know19:31
SSJ_GZunagi: Why can't you switch i.e. what have you tried, and what happens when you try?19:31
lod__airis there a way to prevent my laptop monitor from power off, during kaffeine playing a movie19:31
unagictrl alt left and right19:31
omkarwhere r u all from19:32
omkarall over world19:32
dasKreechomkar: you don't know where you are?19:32
omkaror from india?19:32
dasKreechomkar: All over19:32
acee1234why does konqueror keep thinking im trying to access a file when i type a web address in and hit enter?19:32
SSJ_GZunagi: Are those shortcuts already assigned?19:32
lod__aireastern europe19:32
dasKreechomkar: Want an indian channel?19:32
omkarthank u19:32
unagiare they not default?19:32
SSJ_GZunagi: They aren't here.19:33
omkari am indian19:33
wesley_how can i activate 3d support for intel 945 ?19:33
dasKreechomkar: What language ?19:33
omkardownload package19:33
lod__airmy monitor blank out durring move? how to prevent that?19:33
unagiok well it worked yesterday19:33
omkar@ welsley19:33
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: click KDE Button in taskbar->System Settings->Keyboard and Mouse->Mouse-Settings->General->Icons->Double Click to open files and folders19:34
acee1234if no one knows wheree might i ask19:34
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: do that19:34
wesley_i want to play a windows game thats needs direct3d19:34
lod__airisn't middle of the night in india??19:34
unagii fixed it19:34
BobSappwesley_: what game?19:34
SSJ_GZunagi: Check in System Settings -> Regional and Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Global Shortcuts19:34
wesley_silkroad online19:34
dasKreech!wine | wesley_19:34
BobSappgood luck bro19:34
ubotuwesley_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.19:34
SSJ_GZunagi: Ok - what did you do? :)19:34
dasKreechomkar: What language would be best for you ?19:34
BobSappisnt silkroad one of those korean VB .NET type mmos?19:34
wesley_yes and a good one a free one19:35
BobSappanyway yea install 3d support and wine will work in general19:35
BobSappcheck the appdb like the bot said19:35
wesley_that what i need how i install that in kubuntu19:35
[ITA]mitticooooBobSapp: thx i turn it in wondows mode :D19:36
dasKreechwesley_: read the link19:36
BobSapp[ITA]mitticoooo: try both ways sometimes one is faster than the other :)19:36
wesley_why cant you just tell me what i need to install to get 3d support ?19:37
BobSappwesley_: if noone here has done it probably we cant help19:38
[ITA]mitticooooBobSapp: ok now it's perfectly windows like19:38
wesley_so none does play games with wine?19:38
lod__aircedega is better19:38
kaminixI shouldn't be using packages from this maintainer on Kubuntu 7.10, should I? Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>19:39
wesley_you need to pay for cedega19:39
BobSapplod__air: i tried cedega demo with some games, there wasnt much difference19:39
dasKreechwesley_: you want 3d support in Wine?19:39
lod__airto download cedega, but not to use it19:39
dasKreechor in kubuntu ?19:39
BobSappwhat worked in cedega worked for me in wwwine anyway19:39
lod__airyour choise19:40
kaminixIs this safe? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54245/19:40
wesley_yes daskreech in wine or kubuntu as long as its runs. The error says could not  find any compatible Direct3D19:41
dasKreechwesley_: try 3winehq19:41
dasKreechwesley_: try #winehq19:41
enzosome of you use virtualbox ?19:42
SlimeyPeteI've used it19:42
enzois it working well ? microsoft office, photoshop are working, maybe you know ?19:43
lod__airwhy the hell ms office??19:43
dasKreechenzo: If the OS works pretty much everything else follows19:44
dasKreechlod__air: Cause that may be the point of running a virtual machine ?19:44
enzoand virtualbox works pretty well running those big program ?19:44
lod__airuse crossover19:44
enzoevery time i run wine, i have problem19:45
PiciDont run wine then.19:45
enzohence my question on virtualbox, gonna test it19:45
lod__airis there a way to block my monitor turning off during movie with kaffeine19:48
unagihow do you keep kubuntu from raising a window on focus19:54
=== dasKreech_ is now known as dasKreech
sharkkhi i have some problem to install googleearth, when i try sudo apt-get install  googleearth i get this:19:59
sharkkgoogleearth-v1-1 license could not be presented19:59
sharkksomeone could help me?20:01
=== joaopaulo is now known as joaopaulo_
astanhello folks. i'm trying to install gutsy on a system with an Areca ARC-1200 RAID controller, but the installed fails to find my RAID set, eventhough i tell it to load the arcmsr driver.20:07
astan(verified that it's loaded by lsmod on vt2).20:07
wesley_does some one know how to get 3d support with the intel 945 chip ?20:07
astananyone have an idea?20:07
astando i need to load some other module too for it to see the RAID set as a device?20:07
sub[t]rnllod__air➜ kcontrol -> peripherals -> monitor & display -> power saving20:08
Lynoureastan: software raid? hardware raid? if latter, which card?20:08
astanLynoure: hardware raid, Areca ARC-1200.20:09
astanmy regular BIOS sees the RAID set as a SCSI device..20:09
dasKreechwesley_: do a general search for it on the net20:09
astanand it's supposed to be supported by the arcmsr driver, but the installation can't find it :(20:09
sub[t]rnlwesley_➜ should have 3d support.  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel then use the "intel" driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:10
astanwesley_: i'm using 3d on my 945gm now, it kind of just worked as far as i can remember, i'm using the "intel" driver.20:10
Lynoureastan: and how do you see your raid now?20:10
astanLynoure: i don't see it at all, that's the problem :/20:10
astanLynoure: i'm trying to install kubuntu onto this RAID set.20:10
Lynoureastan: tried with the alternative install cd?20:11
sub[t]rnldasKreech➜ lets try to help people here, rather than saying "search the internet"20:11
astanLynoure: i always use the alternate..20:11
wesley_i already have that driver but wine says that its not direct3d able orso but it works in windows20:11
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astanwesley_: there's no direct3d in linux.20:12
astanwesley_: oh sorry you said wine.20:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:12
wesley_yeah i got 3d for windows and all but i dont get itworking in wine20:12
wesley_i would say install directx orso but thats windows20:13
dasKreechwesley_: #winehq20:15
snarksterNEVER install directX in wine20:15
snarksterit can break things20:15
snarksterwine has its own directX20:15
snarksterif i wanted to install kde4 in place of kde3.5.8 do i just apt-get remove kde* and then apt-get install kde4*20:16
Lynoureastan: there might not be support in the installer then... http://www.tienhuis.nl/areca might give hints, though it is not for Ubuntu explicitely20:17
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:17
Lynoureastan: ah, this is: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91260.html  but for dapper20:18
astanLynoure: hm. but the support is there explicitly in the installer, i'm able to choose arcmsr from a list.20:18
astanLynoure: yea i've read that forum post about dapper.20:18
astanbut the conclusion in that thread is that it _does_ work in the dapper installer. so i'm surprised it doesn't in the gutsy one.20:19
Lynoureastan: maybe a bug then... if you are sure your raid is configured right.20:19
astanpretty sure :/20:19
astanhmf. the alternate cd does not have the 'rmmod' command?20:19
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Lynoureastan: you could try with Debian Etch installer, just for the sport of it.20:22
enzoperfect to do a raid/crypt installation20:24
podr0znikGood evening20:31
podr0znikI'm trying to install newest kubuntu on a laptop, with keeping Windows (so multi boot system)20:33
podr0znikanybody has a minute to help me?20:33
tekteenpodr0znik: sure20:33
dasKreechhow much space do you have?20:33
podr0znikthere are two partitions, 80 gb for Win and 30 gb for Kub20:33
podr0znikI installed Kub already, but I have issues with it :)20:33
astanLynoure: hm. yes. i think that my controller, the ARC-1200 might be too new to be supported by the kernel that the installer uses.20:34
podr0znikand I'm wondering right now if I did everything properly (especially partition settings)20:34
podr0znik'cause was doing it manually20:34
podr0znikboth systems start, but kubuntu needs an eternity to start up20:34
dasKreechpodr0znik: grats on installing :)20:34
podr0znikthere's a black screen for I guess up to 5 minutes when botting20:34
podr0znikthanks :)20:35
Stilohow can i play divx movies in my firefox browser?20:35
astanLynoure: 09/17/2007  1.20.0X.151. support ARC1200/1201/1202, which is named ACB_ADAPTER_TYPE_B <--- from the arcmsr driver's ReleaseNotes..20:35
tekteenStilo: mplayer or vlc plugin20:35
Stilobut which format is divx? mpeg 4 ?!20:36
dasKreechpodr0znik: when?20:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:36
podr0znikafter choosing which system to boot, before logging in20:36
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=== marcelo_ is now known as marcelo__
podr0znikand for the rest - no sound, and several applications (add program app, kopete) crash regularly20:37
Stilotekteen: these pages only tell which codecs i need..20:37
podr0znikso actually I'm planning to re-install20:37
podr0znikmaybe previous version even20:37
AyabaraI have installed kmilo, but I can't see it running, and I can't find it in /etc/init.d/. Sound right?20:37
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tekteenStilo: hold on20:37
astanLynoure: yea, that is it.. the version of the arcmsr driver on gutsy cd is, too old to support my controller.20:38
astanLynoure: any idea how i could get kubuntu on there?20:38
tekteenStilo: do you want the vlc or mplayer plugin?20:38
dasKreechpodr0znik: install the next version!! :) heeheehee20:38
Stiloi have installed them but firefox dont uses them. i think firefox is using totem plugin20:38
dasKreechpodr0znik: ok how did you do the install?20:39
podr0znikyou mean the one which will be released in April 08? ;) I'm not that patient :P20:39
tekteenStilo: I do not like totem20:39
Lynoureastan: There might be a howto somewhere on how to roll your own installer cd20:39
Stilome too :)20:39
podr0znikdasKreech: Hm, I inserted cd into laptop, started system, and clicked "Install" :)20:39
tekteenStilo: open a konsole20:39
tekteenand type sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla20:40
astanLynoure: hm. okay.20:40
tekteenthen click enter20:40
dasKreechpodr0znik: I meant the manual aspect how did you do that20:40
Stiloyou mean remove20:40
podr0znikwhen the system asked on which partition it wanted to install, I chose option "manual"20:40
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podr0znikthen we did not touch the windows partition of course, the rest we made empty and created a new partition20:40
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podr0znikbut I"m not 100% sure anymore about the options we chose there20:40
Lynoureastan: but I'd just try with Debian Etch 4.0 latests, and see if it is there, but I'm lazy that way and undecided between Debian and Kubuntu20:41
podr0znikswap partition for 345 mb20:41
tekteenafter you have uninstalled totem20:41
podr0znikremaining we made a root partition (I guess)20:41
tekteenStilo: type sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer in the konsole20:41
dasKreechpodr0znik: ok. how much work do you expect to do in Kubuntu ?20:42
tekteenStilo: restart firefox20:42
tekteenand test20:42
Odd-rationaleHow do I easily switch keyboard layouts?20:42
podr0znikdasKreech: you know how it works... in the beginning only hobby things, but soon enough I'll find out it's better than windows :P20:43
podr0znikbut it's not my laptop, so I cannot decide that by myself of course20:43
dasKreechpodr0znik: ok I'll keep things simple and later you can sort out stuff to being robust :)20:43
tekteenOdd-rationale: system settings > region and language20:43
Odd-rationaletekteen: Thanks! I was lookin in the wrong place.20:44
podr0znikdasKreech: that's wonderful20:44
tekteenOdd-rationale: np20:44
podr0znikdasKreech: if we could find out why this long waiting time during booting and the crashing apps, then we wouldn't even need to re-install20:44
Ayabarano kmilo experts in the house?20:44
tekteenOdd-rationale: I should suggest that they put it under keyboard as well20:44
dasKreechpodr0znik: well I try to put swap near the end and / close to the front20:45
dasKreechouter edges of a drive are faster 9good for swap) and the inner edges are more suitable for /boot20:45
podr0znikI see, I think we did that20:46
Stilotekteen: thanks! its working!20:46
tekteenStilo: np20:46
Odd-rationaleWhat's the differnce between dvorak and dvorak-classic?20:46
tekteenOdd-rationale: no idea20:46
tekteenI have never even used dvorak20:47
Odd-rationaleI'll ask in #ubuntu and see whether someone there knows. Thanks for the help!20:47
LynoureOdd-rationale: googlefu: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2006-July/016664.html20:49
dasKreechpodr0znik: Hmm not sure. maybe the kernel20:49
dasKreechNever had to tune my machine so I'm not sure what would cause slowdowns like that20:49
de4dsnakehello everyone, ive got a problem installing gutsy on my raid0. Grub says error 2 after frist reboot.20:49
dasKreechMy BIOS on my machine takes forever to kickin and I don't know why but that's something else20:49
Odd-rationaleLynoure: Thanks!20:50
sigma_1234will kubuntu hardy have pulse audio like ubuntu?20:50
podr0znikdasKreech: maybe it's just a side effect of dual boot system?20:50
de4dsnakei have checked some instruction on the web, but they seem to complicated for me and not really applicable for kubuntu gutsy, can newone step me thru the installation?20:50
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:50
de4dsnakeanyone, please?20:52
dasKreechpodr0znik: not at all20:53
Lynourede4dsnake: hardware or software raid0? if hardware, which hardware? And you are aware that with raid0 either of the drives breaking will wreck havoc on your system?20:53
dasKreechpodr0znik: I can't right now tell you what the issue might be20:53
podr0znikI'll play a bit more here, try to install the previous version20:53
podr0zniklet's see what's the result20:53
podr0zniksame setting of course20:53
dasKreechpodr0znik: you can shout in ##linux and see if someone knows but they have a low SNR20:54
_4strOyop yop20:54
de4dsnakeLynoure: yes im aware of the risk. Had raid 2 before and was unlucky to have both hard drive break within 3 days. Now after they were replaced i want to go for performance, since i wont have ne important data on those. Im not sure if its hardware or software, its intel matrix storage manager20:55
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dasKreechSignal to Noise Ratio20:56
dasKreechthey talk a LOT in there20:56
podr0znikok :) got the point20:56
podr0znikthanks, hope to be back later ;)20:57
de4dsnakeLynoure: how would i find out if its hardware or software?20:58
Lynourede4dsnake: it's called fakeraid... there is some support for it, I think but since it's raid0 you want, sounds like a case for software raid.20:58
de4dsnakeok, so how do i tell grub that to be able to boot properly?20:59
podr0znikdasKreech: the filetype on which kubuntu is installed should be ext3, right?20:59
snarksterit can be anything you want it to be, tho not recommended20:59
podr0znikyeah filesystem21:00
podr0znikext3 not recommended?21:00
Lynourede4dsnake: you already installed? hard to say without knowing your configurations21:00
snarksterExt3, jfx, Xfs are the real supported filesystems21:00
podr0znikah ok21:00
snarksterjfx = jfs21:00
podr0znikand mounted to /21:00
snarksterwell your / will be one of those FS types.21:01
de4dsnakeyeah i went thru kubuntu setup thru live cd, and then rebooted. Id like to tell u my configurations, but I would need to know which u would like to know?21:01
podr0znikthat will be the ext3 I guess21:01
snarkstermy / is ext3, while my /home is jfs21:01
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:01
podr0znikthe other 2 are the swap and the windows partition21:01
podr0znikok, thank you all21:02
podr0znikgonna experiment21:02
de4dsnakeLynoure: ive got a dell dimension 9200, with two WDC Raptor 10000 rpm21:02
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AyabaraI'm trying to get around is this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/118723 by installing a patched version of kmilo. Why isn't this bug fixed yet? It was first reported in june of last year...21:04
viktoris there a possibility to use two displays with different resolution?21:04
Lynourede4dsnake: No... stuff like the errors you get now, what disk is the first disk, whether you used software raid or not, where did your grub go. But I reall hate grub troubleshooting and usually just recommend trying supergrub cd first.21:05
SlimeyPeteAyabara: no-one's found time I guess. You could ask in #ubuntu-bugs, maybe someone there will have some idea what the holdup is21:06
AyabaraSlimeyPete: ok. thanks for the tip21:07
de4dsnakeLynoure: whats super grub? the error i get is grub loading stage 1.5, please wait. Error 2, or something like that21:07
de4dsnakedoes grub have an irc channel btw?21:07
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: #grub21:08
Lynourede4dsnake: 2 : "Selected disk doesn't exist"?21:08
de4dsnakeLynoure: all it says is "GRUB Loading stage 1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 2"21:11
Lynourede4dsnake: you could check your bios for ide settings and try changing the UDMA/DMA modes21:11
de4dsnakeide settings? they are sata drives21:12
Ayabarahow can I start kmilo?21:13
Lynourede4dsnake: serial ata, like ata in general, is ide too...21:13
Lynourede4dsnake: see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/713721:13
SlimeyPeteLynoure: sata will always have DMA turned on though, AFAIK. HDParm doesn't even bother reporting DMA for SATA drives.21:13
LynoureSlimeyPete: feel free to take over... it's almost sleep time and I was expecting him to want installation handholding, not grub troubleshoot21:14
SlimeyPeteick, grub.21:15
de4dsnakehmm i cant find those options in bios21:15
LynoureSlimeyPete: UDMA modes could still mess it up, I think21:15
kaminixstorage: 3557/15089664 files (31.2% non-contiguous), 15337893/30156840 blocks  <----- What does 31.2% non-contiguous mean?21:15
SlimeyPeteI guess it's possible21:15
Ayabarais hotkey-setup in system services the same as kmilo?21:16
SlimeyPetekaminix: it means the file is spread out over the disk, in pieces21:16
kaminixAnyway to fix that SlimeyPete?21:16
SlimeyPetewhat filesystem?21:16
SlimeyPeteshouldn't need to, but there's probably an ext2/3 defragmenter available somewhere if you want to try it.21:17
kaminixI should just let it be then?21:17
chaos_hey is there a audio channel here?21:17
SlimeyPetekaminix: yeah, I would21:18
chaos_i need some help with mp3 converting21:18
SlimeyPeteext3 defrags itself as it goes, so it shouldn't generally get so bad as to cause problems21:18
kaminixOkay, thanks SlimeyPete :)21:18
kaminixchaos_, try soundKonverter21:18
chaos_i mean natively kubuntu doesnt seen to lsupport mp3s21:19
chaos_licenses or something21:19
chaos_ill dl it now21:19
chaos_do you have much experience with the creative 'zen' mp3-video players?21:19
chaos_thanks for the advice21:20
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: sata and ide in the same system?21:20
de4dsnakeno, just to sata drives21:20
BobSappI mix sata+ide21:20
de4dsnakeexactly same model21:20
SlimeyPeteI would suggest hitting 'e' on the grub menu. Then hit 'e' again (I think) to edit the 'boot' line, try different combinations of 0 and 1, see what works. It's possible that grubs looking at the wrong disk.21:21
SlimeyPeteI know there's a bug which causes this to happen when you mix sata and pata, maybe it can occur with just sata too.21:22
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: it doesnt get to the grub menu21:22
SlimeyPeteoh right21:22
de4dsnakewhat i think is happening it doesnt find the partition/drive specified in the mbr21:23
chaos_is there a way to be on two irc servers at the same time?21:23
chaos_two konversations?21:23
de4dsnakei also found suspicious that kubuntu live cd was seeing both driver as individuals. not sure if thats normal for raid 021:23
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: sounds possible.  Might be worth booting livecd, mounting hd, fiddling with drive numbers in grub config files and then runing grub-install against the hard disk21:23
dan__quick question21:24
SlimeyPetemaybe it was misconfigured when it was installed to the mbr21:24
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: can u walk me through that?21:24
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: im a noob with linux/ ubuntu/ grub21:24
dan__I'm trying to install Kmuddy on Gutsy. I get this error, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54248/. I installed the KDE desktop, and still got the error when I tried configuring in a KDE session21:25
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: tricky, I haven't done it in a while. However I can tell you generally what you want to do if you give me a second to type it.21:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emeralt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:25
kim_heya, i did something strange and now kdm wont log me in. it goes to a black screen and then flicks back to the login screen. anyone got any ideas?21:27
BobSappkim_: what were you doing last?21:27
kim_BobSapp: the only thing out of the ordinary i did was delete /tmp one day21:27
kim_i cant think of anything else :\21:28
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: assuming your HD device is /dev/sda and your root partition is /dev/sda1:   1: mount hard disk ("sudo mkdir /media/hd; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/hd"), 2: edit the device.map in /boot/grub, 3: run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"21:28
BobSappkim:did you delete the whole directory?21:28
chaos_any ideas21:28
kim_BobSapp: yes. is that bad?21:28
BobSappkim_: yeah you should really have a /tmp directory21:28
BobSappkde and alot of other programs use it21:28
kim_BobSapp: oh no, i only deleted teh concents of the directory, sorry21:28
BobSappoh ok21:29
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: your HD device may be different, it depends on your system. You'll want to try changing the number in device.map, but I don't know how to figure out whato change it to (you might just have to se trial and error)21:29
BobSappjust the contents is ok unless it was in use21:29
BobSappgo to a console and type startx21:29
de4dsnakewell one of the drivers is sda and the other sdb21:29
de4dsnakei think ubuntu installed on sda21:29
kim_BobSapp: server already active for diaply 0. whats the best way to kill it?21:30
BobSappmaybe you have it running but you switched out of it21:30
SlimeyPeteok, well, you'll want to change 0 to 1 or vice-versa in device.map I imagine, if you have just two drives21:30
kim_BobSapp: yeah KDM is running. it just wont let me log in21:30
BobSappkim_: press CTRL+ALT+F721:30
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: but those two drivers are supposed to be on raid021:31
BobSappkim_: so you can see the kdm greeter?21:31
kim_BobSapp: it just takes me to a black screen and blinks back again. it obviously tries, as if i type in the wrong password it ays though though21:31
kim_BobSapp: yeah21:31
Ayabaraanyone at all running kubuntu on a laptop with kmilo working? it's not working for me, and I find _no_ way to configure it...21:31
SlimeyPetewell, I'm not sure whether RAID queers the equation or not21:31
BobSappsorry kim_ i dont know any more than that21:32
kim_BobSapp: no probs, thanks anyway :)21:32
BobSappyou could try reinstalling kde but that would probably break something else21:32
kim_maybe reinstall kdm?21:32
dasKreechchaos_: Hit F2 join a ner server21:36
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: i went it the device.map inside the mounted partition (sda1). Ive got (hd0) /dev/sda, (hd1) /dev/sdb, (hd2) /dev/sdc21:37
sd32sometimes when i try to logout, the screen goes black and then freezes and wont return to the login screen until i reboot21:37
SlimeyPetesdc? Oh, probably your DVD drive. Hmm, well write down the current values and then try setting /dev/sda to 1 and /dev/sda to 0, then do grub-install.21:38
chaos_only one at atime though?21:39
chaos_use a different progam. simseutanesuly ?21:40
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: was i right to edit the device.map on the mounted partition or was i supposed to do it on the virtual drive of the live cd?21:41
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: that's... a good question. I suspect you'll need to edit the livecd one.21:43
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: also, use "sudo grub-install --root-directory /mount/hd/boot/grub/ /dev/sda21:44
de4dsnakeSlimeyPete: the live cd one doesnt actually exist21:44
de4dsnake(i just found out)21:44
SlimeyPeteAh. Hrm. That's thrown me a bit to be honest.21:45
* SlimeyPete racks brains, tries to remember how he did it21:45
SlimeyPetede4dsnake: when the livecd booted did it give you an option to boot an existing installation?21:45
SlimeyPeteI think that's what I did, but it might require the Alternate CD21:46
SlimeyPetebah, might need the Alternate CD then, sorry. You can download it from the website but it's 700MB as usual.21:46
de4dsnakethat would take ages21:47
SlimeyPeteyou might want to just note down what I've said, explore other options if you can find any and the try the alt cd as a last resort, sorry21:47
josh__im trying to use kfilereplace to replace any file with a comma in the name can someone help me with a string to use21:48
de4dsnakeok then, thanks a lot for your help21:48
toxop1asmais there a way to set the left margin in konsole?21:49
SlimeyPeteleft margin?21:49
toxop1asmayes. so that the text doesn't start right at the edge21:50
SlimeyPeteOh right. Hmm, don't think so.21:51
toxop1asmaare there other commonly used terminal emulators for kubuntu?21:52
SlimeyPetetoxop1asma: not really, but any terminal emulator will work. rxvt and gnome-terminal are quite popular.21:53
toxop1asmaok. thanks!21:54
basculeanyone know a workaround for amarok taking about 5 mins per tune tranferring to an ipod (5th gen 30GB Video)22:06
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shagybuona sera22:18
shagyho una domanda da farvi22:18
shagyc'è qualcuno che è disposto ad aiutarmiA?22:19
tzangerthis might be a far shot, but is anyone in here from Montreal?22:19
magical_trevskyshagy, /join #ubuntu-it22:19
kim_heya, i did something strange and now kdm wont log me in. it goes to a black screen and then flicks back to the login screen. anyone got any ideas?22:22
Dhraakelliancan the DVD do an alternate install?22:25
tzangerhmm, does 7.10 not do the -lowlatency series of kernels?22:36
crimsunno.  There's -rt instead.22:37
tzangerahh okay I wasn't sure if RT was something special or not22:37
tzangernot sure if I need it, but headsetd (alsa-bluetooth) is causing kernel crashes every now and again22:37
tzangerI know it's not a RT issue, but maybe a slightly different kernel shuffles enough around that I might be able to avoid it22:38
crimsunthat's the BT stack and not related to -rt vice -generic.22:38
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BobSappdoes kde support xinerama?22:50
BobSappcause my xserver seems to think its sending the info from the nvidia driver22:50
BobSappbut windows still maximise across both screens22:51
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Zombocomhow do I change the cursor theme for the boot screen22:56
ZombocomI mean the login screen22:56
Tmashas anyone gotten sound to work on a ati SB450 HDA sound card?22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cursor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto23:00
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:01
BluesKajTmas, have you setup alsamixer and kmix ?23:03
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead23:06
BobSappneed a kde specific xinerama help23:06
crazy_busI have a sansa e200 which I connected.  My kubuntu isn't coming up with a folder when I plug it in23:06
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead23:07
acee1234when i try to make kgpg keys it fails with a bunch of permission denied errors23:09
acee1234any ideas23:09
crazy_busI changed the usb moe and it now works23:09
andres_Im new and i want to boot from the live cd, but it says "Prermission denied" can anyone help me?23:11
icewatermancan someone please tell me what runlevels and at what number hdparm runs?23:11
icewatermanfind /etc/rc*|grep -i hdparm23:11
ol_dude67andres_, are you trying to open it in windows?23:11
feierfoxi'm looking for a tool to find double-files and to auto-delete them23:12
BluesKajfeierfox, duplicate files ?23:12
andres_no, im booting directly when turning on the computer23:13
acee1234anyone able to use kgpg? i cant seem to make a key set23:14
ol_dude67he got booted23:14
BluesKaj!info duplicates23:14
BluesKajhmm , i guess ubotu is on leave today23:15
icewatermancan someone plz do find /etc/rc*|grep -i hdparm and paste me the output?23:15
BluesKajicewaterman, I did already ..nothing23:16
icewatermanBluesKaj: maybe you dont have hdparm installed23:16
icewatermanacee1234: i use kgpg and it works fine23:17
linchapulin!kde4 |linchapulin23:17
acee1234icewaterman: when i use it i get a bunch of permission denied errors23:18
sigma16can any 1 help me with bind23:18
linchapulinOk so is kde4 broken? I tried installing into a default Ubuntu Gutsy Gnome install...I see an option, but it complains about a missing kde binary?23:18
snarksterwhy do you need to use bind??23:18
sigma16snarkster: webserver pc...23:18
snarksteri see..23:18
snarksterand you don tknow how to use bind?23:19
snarksterhave you tried man bind?23:19
andres_I get a lot of permission denied error when trying to boot from livecd, what can it be?23:19
* linchapulin wonders why it is necessary to run ones own DNS?23:19
sigma16snarkster: im new to linux idk how to configure bind..23:19
sigma16linchapulin: i own and code a couple of websites that are expensive to have on a dedicated server..23:20
linchapulinsnarkster:: First off what kind of internet connection to you have?23:20
sigma16linchapulin: im the one who needed bind help..23:20
snarksterI have a cable connection23:21
linchapulinsnarkster:: Sorry wrong person...23:21
Sleepless--I've added a soundcard (creative sb live) to a machine (running kubuntu gutsy) that didn't have one before, loaded the driver (modprobe emuk10k1), logged out and back in but i don't have any sound yet. kmixer says the mixer cannot be found. what should i do to get audio working?23:21
snarksterand Im not the one asking about bind23:21
snarkstersigma16 open a konsole and type man bind23:21
linchapulinsigma16:: Then all you really need to do is to setup DNS through like dyndns, zoneedit or the like....you can create your own mx records on their dns servers...23:22
crazy_busI have a mp3 player.it's set to owner: can view and modify permissions.  Owner is set to my username.  But I can't write to it.  What do I do?23:22
sigma16no manual bind entry23:22
BluesKajicewaterman, it's hdparm is for intel systems ...amd here.23:22
snarksterbind isnt installed23:22
=== xEBIx is now known as xEBIx--
sigma16snarkster: bind9 is...23:22
fildoi run a local dns23:22
=== xEBIx-- is now known as xEBIx
sigma16snarkster: it isnt running cuz of errors...23:23
snarksteri just did sudo spt-get install bind and got:23:23
snarksterPackage bind is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, oris only available from another sourceHowever the following packages replace it:  dnsutils bind9E: Package bind has no installation candidate23:23
BluesKaj!sound | Sleepless--23:23
ubotwoSleepless--: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:23
sigma16fildo: help me set it up?23:23
fildohas anyone here upgraded to hardy ?23:23
fildosigma16:  sorry mate, got more important stuff to do23:24
snarksterI have never personally used bind23:24
snarkstertry google23:24
sigma16snarkster: google = crap...23:24
ubotwoFactoid bing not found23:24
ubotwoFactoid binf not found23:24
ubotwoFactoid bind not found23:24
LjL!botabuse | fildo23:24
ubotwofildo: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...23:24
acee1234whenever i try to create a kgpg i get a lot of permission denied errors the following inclusive: gpg: can't open `/home/tessaract/.gnupg/random_seed': Permission denied23:25
acee1234any ideas23:25
ubotwoFactoid dmraid not found23:25
Agent_bobwhat could cause /etc/init.d/syslog start to hang a system ?23:27
Sleepless--BluesKaj: aplay says no soundcards are found, yet the driver is loaded (lsmod shows it). lspci shows the card just fine. The kde sound system is enabled btw. aumix and alsamixer also fail to open. Maybe my card is broken (it's an old dusty one)?23:28
snarkstergotta go23:28
BluesKajSleepless--, try this : cat /proc/asound/cards23:29
Sleepless--says no soundcards23:30
Agent_bobi don't understand it. i can run the script after init hands control over to getty, but for some reason it hangs the system when init tries to run it.     "and it's the last thing starting..."23:31
BluesKajSleepless--, lspci | grep audio   ?23:31
Agent_boblshw -c audio   ?23:32
Sleepless--BluesKaj: found the problem, it *does not* show up in lspci, sorry i messed up23:32
sigma16whats thew cmd to run a progrm as admin via terminal sdesu?23:32
ubotwosudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.23:33
sigma16i mean like23:33
sigma16to open it23:33
BluesKajSleepless--, then you have to install the soundcard linux driver if you can find it .23:33
Agent_bobsorry it's     lshw -C multimedia23:33
sigma16to open the program like for example kate23:33
sigma16as admin23:33
sigma16via terminal23:33
tekteensudo nano FILE23:33
sigma16i dont weanna edit the flipin file in terminal23:33
tekteenor kdesu kate FILE23:33
sigma16i wanna edit it in kate.23:33
andres_Does anyone know why do i get permission denied errors when trying to boot from live cd?23:34
LjL!enter | sigma1623:34
ubotwosigma16: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:34
Sleepless--BluesKaj: /proc/interrupts doesn't show it either, i think the card might be broken. i have another card so i'll try that one23:34
sigma16LjL: no...ty..23:34
Agent_bobsigma16 diss'ing the ops will only get you kicked.23:34
BluesKajandres_,maybe you don't have the BIOS boot sequence setup to boot from the cdrom first23:34
ubotwoFactoid arson not found23:36
bmk789!info arson23:36
andres_Yes, i havet to boot from cdrom first23:36
sigma16Agent_bob: i said no ty... thats not "dissing"23:36
LjL!info doesn't work23:36
ubotwoPackage doesnt does not exist in gutsy23:36
ol_dude67andres_, are you on a network computer or personal one?23:37
sigma16!paste >sigma1623:37
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Agent_bobLjL what happened to ubotu ?23:38
LjLAgent_bob: it's down.23:39
andres_I am in a personal computer23:39
ol_dude67andres_, and it says you do not have permission, from the bios?23:40
Agent_bobwell that's obvious.   i wondered if there was a script attack that took it down or just what happened...23:40
andres_it only says "permission denied" a several times. It says nothing else23:41
andres_it happens after the loading bar finishes to load23:41
Agent_bobandres_ not running short or ram is it ?23:42
Agent_bobor = of23:42
andres_no, i have 1.3 gigs23:42
Agent_bobthen either you have a bad disk, or a buggy disk i would think.   the only other thing i can think of is that it's trying to write on your hdd   (which i would consider a bug)23:44
Agent_bobliveCD should totally ignore hdd by default, until the user tries to access an fs on the hd23:45
andres_i tried Ubuntu, kubuntu and Linux mint, all 3 have the same problem, but OpenSuse and Pclinuxos load allright23:45
linux_galorewhat is the url for the website that helps you create a sources.conf file23:45
Agent_bobnot that the ubuntu team would agree with me on that !23:45
Sleepless--BluesKaj: the other card works fine, just stuck it in and kubuntu figured the rest out automatically. thanks for trying to help :)23:45
ubotwoFactoid sources.conf not found23:45
BluesKajSleepless--, cool :)23:46
Agent_bobandres_ if you like live CD's you should try knoppix23:46
ubotwoFactoid source.conf not found23:46
andres_Thanks, i will try it, but i was hoping to try Kubuntu and Ubuntu :(23:46
LjL!source-o-magic | linux_galore23:46
ubotwoFactoid source-o-magic not found23:46
LjL!source-o-matic | linux_galore23:46
ubotwolinux_galore: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.23:47
Agent_bobandres_ if you want to install ubuntu  try the alternate install sd23:47
BluesKajbummer about source-o-matic :(23:48
andres_But if the Livecd doesnt work, i might have the same problem once installed on the hard drive23:48
Agent_bobandres_ true you might.  but it's not as likely.23:48
nemetskanyone knowledgeable of foreign character display issues? my files with german characters in the filename don't show up (no matter what software i'm using to find them) [<-- doze emigrant]23:49
nemetski'd appreciate any insight on that.23:50
Agent_bobls doesn't list them ?23:50
epimethgood evening fellows23:51
epimethdoes anyone have experience with using vpnc?23:51
nemetskAgent_bob: correct. its as if they don't exist.23:51
nemetski know they're there - windows shows them. then again they were created/named under windows (which might mean something idk)23:52
Agent_bobnemetsk then i'm at a loss on what to try.     (i don't do windows)23:52
epimethnemetsk: I'm dual booting... need something?23:52
nemetskAgent_bob ok bob thx anyway23:53
nemetskepimeth: yeah my deal is files with german characters in their name won't appear in ubuntu ( no matter what program i'm using )23:53
nemetskepimeth: any ideas ?23:53
ahmoshi, how to install   /msg ubotu java PLZ23:53
Agent_bobahmos ubotu is down. try ubotow23:54
AMcBainHi! Is there any way to get the clock in Kubunu to display 12 hour time? with AM/PM?23:54
ahmosok ,how?!23:54
AMcBainI couldn't find any settings for it.23:54
ubotwoTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.23:54
Agent_bobAMcBain it's in the language section23:55
epimethnemetsk: its an encoding problem... I really don't know much about that23:55
AMcBainAgent_bob: You know, I never thought to look there. Stupid me.23:56
epimethnemetsk: I've had problems with hebrew files, but those seems to be pretty much fixed at this point23:56
AMcBainWell, next (and last item) is there a program to allow me to rearrange program icons on the taskbar. Not the system-tray. All the open window icons.23:57
Agent_bobwell a file system that allows \n in file names is bound to have problems with some i1823:57
nemetskepimeth: hmmmm. i only boot into nix. is there a utility maybe pre-nix-boot that i can use to rename them? lol i really dont want to have to put doze back in just to rename some files23:58
AMcBainI tried to make a folder this morning with / in it. It took it, but it didn't work too well.23:58
AMcBainI had to rename it.23:58
Agent_bobAMcBain you can have it group/(or not) and sort/(or not) automaticly   but i'm not aware of a manual reordering methood23:58
epimethnemetsk: heh... not that I am aware of23:58
epimethnemetsk: so the files don't appear at all?  or do they appear as spaces?23:59
Agent_bobAMcBain you can't have   / in a file name23:59
AMcBainYes you can. The OS just treats it as two folders.23:59
AMcBainAnd everything turns nasty.23:59
AMcBainI did it with Dolphin.23:59
AMcBainby accident.23:59
Agent_bobthen dolphin has a bug and should be reported23:59

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