
blueyedTheMuso: the point is, I'd like to get it verified first.. I thought it wasn't a big deal from what you've said.. nevermind..00:01
TheMusoAlright, I'll test build i.00:03
rjmyst3any wxWidgets fans in here?00:07
mok0rjmyst3: what's up00:11
dcorderowhy some packages has as maintainer a @ubuntu.com email? who are that people?00:21
dcorderowhy dont use motu?00:22
ScottK2dcordero: It means that individual has chosen to take responsibility for the package.00:23
ScottK2Why varies per person.00:23
blueyed..or left-overs from dh_make..00:23
ScottK2Although that won't usually give you an ubuntu.com address.00:24
blueyedfrom DEBEMAIL?00:24
dcorderook i think that motu has ubuntu.com address00:25
dcorderoi was mistake00:25
TheMusoblueyed: Pbuilder builds fine without your patch on ppc.00:29
TheMusoThis is the version in hardy.00:30
blueyedTheMuso: so you've tested 0.176ubuntu1, or the .dsc I've given? Ok.. thanks.00:30
TheMusoJust pulled from repo, and built.00:30
TheMusoNote that I am using sbuild.00:30
blueyedhmm.. that might make a difference then.. the bug is for the same version. It's getting ugly.. I'll leave this patch out and request sponsorship for the more important ones. Thanks again.00:31
pochuWould you say a 2GB ddr2 533mhz module for 39€ is a good buy? Or is it expensive?00:34
pochuerr, offtopic here, sorry00:36
pochualthough I want it to be able to build wxWidgets3.0, so not that offtopic ;)00:37
ScottK2pochu: I'd worry more about the quality than price myself.  Bad RAM can cause a lot of trouble.00:37
geserpochu: still offtopic but I bought 2 x 2 GB DDR2 PC6400 for 90€00:37
pochuScottK2: It's Kingston, which is a good manufacturer, isn't it?00:38
TheMusoThe prices you guys have overseas makes me jellous. :p00:38
TheMusoAlthough ours aren't too bad.00:38
mok0Can I do a sid build on the ppa?00:38
pochuScottK2: and I have to worry about the price... my money isn't ilimited00:38
geserpochu: afair kingston has a good reputation00:38
pochumok0: nope00:38
mok0pochu: didn't think so :-)00:39
mok0I'd love to be able to provide packages for my Debian friends...00:39
pochumok0: report a bug against soyuz00:40
mok0pochu: I've reported lots of bugs against LP, they tend to be ignored00:41
pochuI think I'll see if I find this one or something similar cheaper in another store. Otherwise I'll buy it.00:41
geserpochu: isn't there a price search site for online shops from your country?00:41
pochuThanks for the advice00:41
pochugeser: not that I know of...00:41
pochumok0: not mines00:41
mok0pochu: ok, I'll do it. Wrt. RAM, I prefer Corsair00:42
geserpochu: I don't know how the german prices compare to the spanish ones, but a Kingston KVR533D2N4/2G costs around 35-40€ in german online shops00:48
rjmyst3mok0: you replied to me earlier, but I had stopped watching, sorry00:50
mok0rjmyst3: wxwidgets?00:50
mok0rjmyst3: you were asking about it00:50
rjmyst3i'm looking for reviews of my package for a wxWidgets GUI builder - wxformbuilder00:51
mok0rjmyst3: I'm not a motu00:51
rjmyst3that's too bad00:51
rjmyst3but, if you like widgets, you might like the software00:52
rjmyst3wxformbuilder is a good tool00:52
mok0rjmyst3: is it an IDE?00:52
rjmyst3mok0: no, it is GUI layout + code generation - it generates C++ and XRC00:53
mok0rjmyst3: ok, that's an ide ;-)00:53
rjmyst3mok0: the generated files can then be used on your platform of choice00:53
mok0Integrated Developemnt Environment00:53
rjmyst3mok0: ok, then it is :)00:53
rjmyst3mok0: but it does not compile the code00:53
mok0rjmyst3: debian/changelog: (LP: #181412)00:54
mok0rjmyst3: not closes00:54
rjmyst3mok0: i see you've found a bug already! - I am not sure what you are saying, though00:55
mok0rjmyst3: In your file debian/changelog, there's a bug in the line with bg#.... it should be like ^^^00:56
rjmyst3mok0: is this the correct syntax: "* Initial Release. (LP: #181412)" ?00:57
rjmyst3what does LP mean?00:57
mok0Launchpad. It's Ubuntu's bug tracking system00:58
mok0ubotu, ! Launchpad00:58
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/00:58
rjmyst3i'm familiar with Launchpad - I opened the bug00:58
rjmyst3i just didn't put 2 and 2 together00:58
mok0rjmyst3: In debian, it's true you write (closes: #nnnnn)00:59
rjmyst3i was reading the debian policy manual when i wrote that00:59
rjmyst3i'll fix that right now, thank you00:59
* ScottK2 says what the heck and uploads.01:00
mok0rjmyst3: there are a few minor differences. The changelog file is scanned by the build system, and it would not work because Ubuntu adn Debian have different numbers01:00
mok0bug numbers01:00
rjmyst3right, I understand01:00
rjmyst3is there a list of differences for ubuntu that I should read?01:00
mok0I've never seen one01:00
ScottK2Version numbering and bug numbering are the ones that usually matter for packaging.01:01
mok0.... and the mainainer thing01:01
rjmyst3I am familiar with the version number and bug numbering (now) - what is the maintainer thing?01:01
ScottK2The other major one is that Ubuntu will accept GFDL invariant documentation in it's main repositories.  Debian considers them non-free01:01
mok0ubotu, ! maintainer01:02
ubotuThe "Maintainer" field in a package's information (debian/control) should indicate the Ubuntu team responsible for the Ubuntu specific changes to a package (often the !MOTU for !Universe packages). The original maintainer is preserved in the field "XSBC-Original-Maintainer".01:02
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:02
rjmyst3that bot is cool01:03
mok0rjmyst3: you should write a man page for wxFormBuilder01:04
mok0rjmyst3: yeah01:04
rjmyst3there is a man page01:04
rjmyst3in the source tree, it is in install/linux/data/wxformbuilder.101:05
mok0rjmyst3: I will check out the program tomorrow. Right now I am tired (02:00 here)01:05
rjmyst3(or something)01:05
rjmyst3but the .deb puts it in th right place01:05
rjmyst3mok0: sounds good, thanks for your help01:05
* mok0 is just browsing the source on revu01:05
mok0rjmyst3: my pleasure :-)01:06
rjmyst3ScottK2 or mok0: there is no debian package - my ubuntu package is the first01:09
rjmyst3what should the Maintainer field say?01:09
mok0Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>01:10
rjmyst3"Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>" ?01:10
mok0... and put your own name in XSBC-Original-Maintainer:01:10
mok0name <email>01:10
rjmyst3while i'm in the control file, should I use the VCS-Browser and VCS-svn fields? - are they worthwhile to anyone? still too new?01:12
mok0rjmyst3: no01:12
rjmyst3ok :)01:12
mok0rjmyst3: they are special to Debian01:12
mok0rjmyst3: it has to do with the code management system DD's use01:13
nxvl_workScottK2: around?01:13
rjmyst3mok0: ok, the debian policy manual did not make that clear01:14
mok0rjmyst3: heh, no01:14
rjmyst3mok0: they implied that a tool like GDebi would show the URL for the end user01:14
mok0rjmyst3: there's a lot of info on wiki.ubuntu.com, it has a search function01:14
rjmyst3mok0: lol, i am sufficiently rebuked01:15
mok0rjmyst3: I don't know too much about how it works01:15
mok0rjmyst3: hehe01:15
mok0rjmyst3: I don't know if the Ubuntu developers have similar fields. They use bazaar for code management01:16
rjmyst3mok0: it didn't look like the fields would be particularly useful to me, i'm just trying to do the right thing01:17
ScottK2nxvl_work: Sort of01:17
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
mok0rjmyst3: I understand01:17
nxvl_workScottK2: about the libdb4.2, i only need to check is the packages build, didn't i?01:18
ScottK2nxvl_work: No.  It's more complex as some are affected by on disk DB format changes.01:18
ScottK2So for upgrades, the format change needs to be detected/handled.01:19
nxvl_workScottK2: so they may build, but not work as spected?01:19
nxvl_workmm, ok ok01:20
* mok0 wishes the distribution was not encoded in changelog01:21
ScottK2nxvl_work: I wrote the upstream of onak earlier today and he's got dealing with it on his TODO list.01:21
ScottK2mok0: It has to be somewhere in the source package to get into .changes.01:22
nxvl_worki have already change some of them, also correct a mistake you make on the wiki, openldap2.3 was listed 3 times01:22
mok0ScottK2: Yes but it could be in a separate fiel01:22
ScottK2nxvl_work: Thanks for fixing.01:22
ScottK2mok0: Yes.  Lots of arguing about future source package formats in Debian recently.01:23
nxvl_workScottK2: i also make the changes on some of them and listed the LP bugs on the wiki01:24
mok0ScottK2: I am in the process of building a bunch of my packages for hardy, and it's a drag to have to go in and edit the changelog01:24
ScottK2mok0: dch -r can probably solve that for you.01:24
mok0ScottK2: I'll give it a look. But in principle, it should be possible to tell the ppa to compile the same source packages in the new distribution01:25
mok0I have to do it every 6 months.. :-(01:26
ScottK2Get them into the official repositories and it's automatic.01:27
mok0That's the plan, of course01:28
ScottK2Seems like you're making decent progress on that.01:29
mok0ScottK2: yes I am quite happy01:29
mok0I still have 3 sitting in revu, though01:29
mok0I worried they won't make it for hardy01:29
mok0Well, time for bed. G'night, everyone!01:32
ScottK2nxvl_work: You didn't need to file that openldap bug.  For that, efforts are already underway.  It's the others I'm worried about.01:36
nxvl_workheh, i have already file and patch the 2 openldaps :P01:36
nxvl_workScottK2: which ones?01:37
nxvl_workhow would it be with libdb4.2-ruby?01:37
nxvl_workdoesn't need to be upgraded the whole package?01:37
ScottK2nxvl_work: There are performance issues with migrating openldap.01:39
* slangasek links the Debian and Ubuntu bugs...01:40
Legendariohi everyone! What does this mean: Add LP: #xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is needs-packaging bug01:40
ScottK2lidbd4.2-ruby will get removed when 4.2 goes.01:40
LegendarioIt is in my REVU review01:40
nxvl_workScottK2: so it need to be move out the list01:40
nxvl_workLegendario: which is the bug number on LP of your request'01:41
Legendarionxvl_work, I guess I got it. But i can't find it on LP01:45
nxvl_workLegendario: what's your lp page?01:46
Legendarionxvl_work, ~kemelzaidan01:47
nxvl_workLegendario: you are packaging liberation fonts?01:48
Legendariono, odfviewer01:48
nxvl_workdid you fiel the bug?01:49
nxvl_workis not on you assigned bugs01:50
ScottK2nxvl_work: It needs to be on the list.  It's just being worked on already.01:51
nxvl_workScottK2: ok01:51
nxvl_workLegendario: you need to file the bug and put that bug number on the changelog01:52
nxvl_workScottK2: so, i need to build them and test? or which are the steps it takes?01:55
Legendarionxvl_work, found it: #95664. How should you write on the changelog.01:55
nxvl_workbug #9566401:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95664 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] OpenDocument Viewer" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9566401:56
slangasekhmm, there's no libdb4.6-ruby?01:56
nxvl_workyou need to put at the end of the line (LP: #95664)01:56
ScottKnxvl_work: It doesn't have to be at the end of a line.01:59
ScottKslangasek: It's not like anyone actually uses this newfangled Ruby stuff, right?01:59
nxvl_workscottK: it's a matter of style01:59
ScottK2nxvl_work: Then say "I consider it nice for it to be at the end of the line".  It's not an actual requirement AFAIK.02:00
Legendarionxvl_work, great dude. thanks a lot02:00
joejaxxare the kubuntu ppa's the preferred place for the kde4 packages for hardy? or are the official ones the regular again?02:00
nxvl_workScottK2: ok i will do it next time :D02:00
joejaxxthe usage of ppas are really throwing me off :\02:00
ScottK2joejaxx: I think for Gutsy.02:01
LaserJockjoejaxx: for Hardy the archives, for gutsy PPA02:01
ScottK2joejaxx: But I'd ask in #kubuntu-devel02:01
LaserJockor rather -backports is good enough02:01
LaserJockI can't remember02:01
ScottK2I think they're waiting for 4.0.1 to fix backports, but I don't recall for sure.02:02
slangasekScottK: well, I sure don't use ruby; and I don't know why you would want more than a single libdb-ruby at a time either :)02:03
ScottK2slangasek: Dunno, but I'd guessed so you could use a specific one if you needed to.02:15
slangasekScottK2: that's where half our problems with bdb have come from.. :)02:17
Hobbseepolls done yet?02:39
Hobbseehah!  nice!02:39
Hobbseenixternal: persia well done!02:40
TheMusoCongrats persia, nixternal.02:40
bddebianWhat'd I sleep through now?02:40
crimsunfor MC02:42
ajmitchoh, congrats, new people02:43
bddebianAh congrats persia, nixternal02:46
jcastrocongrats guys02:52
cheguevaracongrats :P02:53
LaserJockI for one welcome our new MC overlords ;-)02:55
* bddebian cowers in fear02:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ScottK2Congratulations persia and nixternal03:17
ScottK2Better you than me.03:17
ScottK2slangasek: I was just looking at the bdb docs on upgrading and it's, um, daunting.03:18
* TheMuso goes to take care of those ttf-* sync requests.03:25
nixternalumm, thanks :)03:28
jdongpersia: at the next time of your convenience, can you take a look at clutch again? I'd really love for it to meet the FF deadline03:48
slangasekScottK2: unless you find references to transactions, the upgrade from db4.2 to db.4.6 reduces to "rebuild". :)04:02
ScottK2slangasek: Thanks.04:02
ScottK2kolab-cyrus-imapd goes on the painful list then04:15
ScottK2jabberd2 too04:19
slangasekif we're lucky, some of the transaction-using packages that require handling already have handling in the package that just needs to have the version numbers bumped04:21
Legendarioone more question before going to sleep... what if the package i want to pack does not have a make file?04:32
RAOFLegendario: It doesn't matter particularly.  You just need to call whatever buildsystem the package has in debian/rules.04:38
LegendarioRAOF, what if it is a java program? Any difference? If I don't have a make file, how do i get to know the build dependecies?04:40
RAOFMagic ):04:40
RAOFI very rarely determine the build dependencies from a makefile, anyway :)04:41
RAOFLegendario: Does upstream tell you what you need to build it?04:41
LegendarioRAOF, don't believe so...04:42
RAOFAn alternative question: *how* do you build it?04:43
LegendarioRAOF, what do you mean?04:45
RAOFI mean: You get a source tarball from the website.  How do you turn this into a program, and how do you install it?04:46
LegendarioRAOF, well usually i install it by "configure, make, make install" but this package doesn't have one...04:48
RAOFSo, the first thing you need to do is to work out how to build the source.04:49
RAOFUntil you can do that, you can't package it, obviously!04:50
LegendarioRAOF, they offer a .deb file on the site, but there is a request on LP asking to place it on the universe...04:50
RAOFLegendario: The .deb file is useless.  We don't do binary uploads, and the binary debs don't contain any information as to how to build them.04:51
LegendarioRAOF, what should i do? Ask the author to include a make file?04:51
RAOFAre there source packages (as in deb-src) anywhere?  Where is upstream?04:51
RAOFThey obviously can build their source.  All you need is for them to share that state secret :P04:52
LegendarioRAOF, the source is on sourceforge. I guess there is only a source rpm, besides the tar.gz i've downloaded04:57
RAOFThere are other ways of building a project other than make; basically you need to find the "how to build this project" documentation.04:58
LegendarioRAOF, where can it be?04:59
RAOFI don't know?  On the project's website?05:00
LegendarioRAOF, thanks a lot. i'll see what i can do... gotta go to the bed05:02
superm1RAOF, I was going to switch to svn co's while fixing all the extra debugging stuff in the package and ran into issues with autotools.  i'll let you know when i get gmyth resolved05:47
RAOFsuperm1: If you want some autofoo smashing, I've unfortunately got recent experiecnce with it.05:49
superm1RAOF, well i'll push what i've got then thus far05:50
superm1perhaps you'll have some more ideas than I have05:50
RAOFFor reference, you're trying to check out svn, run autogen.sh, and make dist?05:50
superm1that's what the newer get-orig-source does in there now05:50
RAOFIs there much value in pulling from svn?05:55
superm1a few fixes that appear may be necessary for trunk usage05:55
* RAOF hunts for a web browser that doesn't crash as soon as I close a load/save dialog.05:55
RAOFThat seems reason enough.05:55
superm1and ease to add to trunk patches in the next months05:56
superm1by a simple new get-orig-source05:56
superm1i just uploaded all the trunk stuff today05:56
RAOFI noticed, both on hardy changes and on my myth box ):05:56
superm1there is stuff that hasn't cleared NEW though yet05:56
RAOFHm.  Not having a good day with smilies.05:56
superm1i dont want to be a pest, but i hope that archive admins ack the NEW packages sooner rather than later05:57
superm1i'd like to get the upgrade bugs for people ironed out before FF05:58
superm1if there are any05:58
RAOFWhere have you pushed the gmyth thingy to?05:59
superm1revu again05:59
superm1so whenever that revu cron job pulls it in05:59
RAOFAh, right.05:59
RAOFHm.  What's the status of libgnomevfs2-mythtv WRT gvfs/gio?06:00
superm1well it just adds an extra handler for myth:// stuff06:01
superm1just like a uri handler06:01
superm1and didn't break anything when i used it06:01
TheMusoBut GNOME is ditching gnome-vfs afaik.06:01
superm1still worked for now at least.06:01
RAOFYes, that's what I was referring to.  Nautilus isn't built against gnomevfs anymore, right?06:01
superm1well one sec, let me see if its really gstreamer doing the legwork or if that gnome-vfs piece is necessary then06:02
superm1yeah totem uses that uri handler when you open a recording06:04
superm1and passes it on to the appropriate gstreamer handler06:04
superm1(which comes when gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad is rebuilt against gmyth)06:04
superm1get a cryptic message like this other wise : "The playback of this movie requires a MYTH protocol source plugin which is not installed."06:05
RAOFUrgh.  Autotooling in the build process is generally considered a Bad Thing (tm)06:08
superm1no you know what, i spoke preemptively06:08
superm1i had the wrong build installed06:08
superm1i'm gonna nuke that other upload for libgnomevfs2-mythtv06:08
superm1its not needed06:08
RAOFYou only need the gstreamer-mythtv source built & installed?06:08
superm1its already in the version we have in apt06:08
superm1( just needs to be build against gmyth )06:09
RAOFWhy is it += all the way through debian/rules?06:10
superm1you mean the get-orig-source?06:10
RAOFYeah; the variables for it.06:10
superm1that's just the way i do my get-orig-source targets06:11
superm1because in some apps i chain more lines together06:11
superm1and debug that way06:11
superm1doesn't break anything in the process06:11
RAOF(It does the wrong thing, incidentally.  It should get the latest version)06:11
superm1well not necessarily, if someone runs the get-orig-source 5 years from now on this package version, you dont want the latest version06:13
superm1you want the checkout that was associated with this package version06:13
RAOFThat would be a get-pkg-source target.  Debian policy says get-orig-source gets the *latest* upstream version.06:13
RAOF(I know that what you've got is useful, it's just not get-orig-source as defined by policy)06:14
superm1hmph.  then i've been doing these wrong for almost a year :)06:14
RAOFI'm sure I've had this discussion with someone here before.  Possibly persia?06:14
superm1but incidently its a two line change in all the apps i use to add the proper rule and checkout either a revision or the latest06:15
superm1incidentally even06:15
superm1i'll keep that in mind whenever i'm touching up versions on stuff i've got up already06:15
RAOFWow.  libcurl4-gnutls-dev brings in a big bunch of dependencies.06:28
amarillionShit. Here I am, waiting three weeks for a review of my package06:29
amarilliononly to have a debian developer come in and do the same package all over again06:29
amarillionand in the process making mine obsolete06:30
superm1RAOF, somehow i had most of them already in my apt cache.  sorry in .au :)06:30
RAOFamarillion: That sucks.  At least the package you're after should get in, though.06:31
RAOFsuperm1: Hm.  make distcheck fails.  Awkward.06:31
amarillionYeah... but my days of work are practically wasted06:31
superm1amarillion, but you learned in the process more about packaging that can be applied to other packages hopefully06:32
amarillionhehe, that's right06:32
RAOFamarillion: Well, you've almost certainly learned something.  And you can possibly contact the debian maintainer and offer to help maintain it.06:32
amarillionYeah... you're right.06:33
amarillionSorry, I just needed to complain a bit06:33
RAOFCertainly.  It *is* annoying.06:33
RAOFWe could perhaps mention that filing a Debian ITP can be a good idea.06:33
RAOFOr, at least, that since we're going to suggest you get it into Debian anyway you should consider filing an ITP at the start of the process.06:34
amarillionI knew there was a lesson in this somehow06:41
RAOFsuperm1: You don't mind if I mangle get-orig-source/get-pkg-source into something I'd write?06:45
superm1RAOF, i'd be open to that06:45
superm1especially if its an improvement06:45
jdongsuperm1: thanks for ipod-convenience :)06:52
RAOFI don't much feel like wrestling with make tonight.06:52
superm1glad it works for you :)06:52
jdongsuperm1: just worked up the effort to jailbreak and am enjoying it06:52
superm1jdong, did you jailbreak into 1.1.3?06:53
superm1or 1.1.206:53
RAOFsuperm1: I'd suggest that, rather than svn-exportng, you run a nice simple "make dist"06:53
superm1RAOF, okay.  i'm going to trhow a little more effort at fighting this, but i might end up falling back to that06:54
jdongsuperm1: 1.1.306:54
superm1its gotta be somethign silly for why it wont build06:54
superm1jdong, any issues with ipod-convenience and symlink locations or anything06:54
jdongsuperm1: downgrade to 1.1.1, jailbreakme.com, installer.app now has a streamlined automatic 1.1.3 jailbreaker06:54
superm1since everything runs as the user mobile instead?06:54
superm1woah really?06:54
jdongsuperm1: yep06:54
superm1without any computer necessary?06:55
jdongsuperm1: right06:55
superm1wow that's incredible06:55
jdongsuperm1: only computer interaction was for the initial 1.1.106:55
superm11.1.2->1.1.3 too you know?06:55
superm1or only from 1.1.106:55
jdongsuperm1: see http://rupertgee.wordpress.com/2008/01/26/jailbreak-ipod-touch-113/06:55
jdongsuperm1: I believe there's also a 1.1.2->1.1.3 jailbreak in installer.app, but I cannot say for sure06:56
jdongI haven't tested that path06:56
superm1if so, i'll be doing that shortly :)06:56
jdongsuperm1: at any rate, my only bug I noticed with ipod-convenience...06:56
jdongsuperm1: I was bold enough to try to do it all separately, so rhythmbox created a virgin ipod_control structure over sshfs06:56
RAOFsuperm1: What build failure are you seeing?  I've just run "./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make dist && tar xzvf gmyth-0.4.1.tar.gz && cd gmyth-0.4.1 && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make", and that worked.06:56
jdongsuperm1: ipod-touch-mount was not smart enough to detect this scenario and failed to alert me or correct it with a symlink06:57
superm1RAOF, really?  right at autogen.sh it's failing06:57
RAOFHm.  Not for me.06:57
superm1RAOF, i'll toy it a little more06:57
superm1maybe i've got a defunct pbuilder here06:57
superm1jdong, patches welcome :)06:58
jdongsuperm1: haha, when are they not? :D06:58
jdongsuperm1: actually, I meant to link to http://rupertgee.wordpress.com/2008/01/30/ijailbreak-method/06:59
jdongthat method is a lot more streamlined06:59
superm1yeah it is06:59
superm1no mentions of 1.1.2 ways though07:00
jdongsuperm1: I see in installer.app a 1.1.2->1.1.3 entry07:00
jdongsuperm1: idn how well it works though :D07:00
superm1well worst comes to worst, i'll have to dig up a windows disk and setup a vm then to fix things07:00
superm1but i'm really interested to try this07:00
superm1i'm gonna run to the car and grab my touch07:01
jdongsuperm1: yeah, I'm sure you can do it all from the iPod with a bit of ingenuity07:01
TheMusosuperm1: Have you by chance included the patch from the pulseaudio site to make mythtv's alsa output work with the alsa pulse plugin?07:01
jdongsuperm1: as far as I can tell, the 1.1.1->1.1.3 thing is just a sh script using wget, dmg2iso, and a few other tiny hacks07:01
superm1TheMuso, it should be in trunk now07:01
TheMusosuperm1: Ah ok.07:01
superm1TheMuso, i've had it in the gutsy and hardy builds for a while07:01
TheMusosuperm1: Ok, just checking.07:01
superm1and it no longer applied when i switched to trunk today07:01
superm1TheMuso, pulseaudio and i don't get along though still07:02
superm1so i'm not able to test for sure07:02
TheMusosuperm1: oh ok.07:02
superm1she seems to think that i want all audio routed through a usb headset for flash apps, but through my sound card for other apps07:02
superm1so away with her i said.07:02
jdongsuperm1: my first post-jailbreak project: lighttpd+safari based flat-file video browser :)07:03
superm1next should be installing mobilescrobbler07:05
Alohaplease review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=sadms07:09
superm1jdong, okay well here we go.  i'll see you on the other side 35-45 min from now :)07:09
jdongsuperm1: hahaha07:10
jdongsuperm1: NOW you have perfectly usable time to REVU for me!07:10
* superm1 hides07:10
superm1jdong, what you need?07:10
jdongsuperm1: clutch on REVU, need someone to critique it :)07:11
jdongI'd love to get it in by FF so Hardy users have a modern alternative to torrentflux07:11
superm1alright i'll take a gander07:11
Alohado MOTU's have to get REVUed?07:12
superm1RAOF, i think i'm missing a build depend on gmyth - and that's the real issue.  it builds on my hardy laptop, but not in the pbuilder07:12
superm1so it is probably killing autoconf for a really silly/stupid reason07:13
superm1Aloha, yeah07:13
jdongAloha: yes, but we only need one advocating rather than two07:13
jdongAloha: btw, I'm reviewing your package at the moment07:13
Alohajdong, thank you :)07:14
Alohajdong, its my first package attempt on REVU so please highlight stuff that i need to pay attention to in future packages. I used deb helper on that one but i'm learning CDBS lately07:15
dholbachgood morning07:15
Alohadholbach, morning!07:15
dholbachcongratulations persia, congratulations nixternal07:16
Alohadholbach, even though its only 9:16 at night here07:16
Alohapersia, nixternal , are you guys MOTU?07:17
dholbachhey Aloha07:17
dholbachit's 08:17 in the morning here :)07:17
Alohadholbach, are you in france?07:17
dholbachGermany :)07:17
Alohadholbach, gotcha07:17
Alohai know france is like 12 hours difference, somewhere around there. i guess so is germany07:18
TheMusoExcept for GNOME being borked after an upgrade, I'm liking hardy.07:19
jdongAloha: commented.07:20
Alohajdong, thnx07:20
LucidFoxAlooha> persia is a MOTU, don't know about nixternal07:20
dholbachTheMuso: what's wrong?07:20
dholbachLucidFox: both are07:20
jdongAloha: that should give you a good TODO list for now, I won't guarantee that's all the things that need work, of course :)07:21
LucidFoxah, yes, I see - just checked on nixternal's LP page07:21
Alohajdong, its probably not. thanks for your effort though07:21
Alohajdong, what is "boilerplate"?07:21
jdongAloha: a generic formatting left by dh_make's sample output07:22
jdongAloha: in particular, your package has a single author, so it should just say Author, not Author(s)07:22
Alohajdong, understood. thank you07:22
jdongsure thing07:22
* jdong looks at clock07:23
TheMusodholbach: Nautilus crashes with an unexpected error, and panel crashes with fatal error, according to the dialogs that pop up. Mind you this is off my lcal mirror, so may not have the absolute latest updates yet.07:23
jdongit's 2:23AM. yikes!07:23
superm1jdong, fsck, it's warning me i'm low on space in the middle of progress.07:23
jdongsuperm1: yikes!07:23
superm1oh man this ain't good ..07:23
dholbachTheMuso: did you restart your session and everything?07:23
TheMusojdong: If you still feel like reviewing, I ask that you give mousetweaks a look over. I've advocated it, and it would be nice to get in for accessibility reasons.07:23
TheMusodholbach: Yep the lot. Even whiped the home dir. (fresh install on spare box)07:24
dholbachTheMuso: URGH!07:24
dholbachTheMuso: I'm sure seb and pedro will be interested in the backtrace07:24
TheMusodholbach: No backtraces so far as I've found, but as I said, I'll give the mirror a while...07:25
Alohacan i delete debian/dirs or is it needed by policy?07:25
jdongTheMuso: well, it looks good to me, but I don't feel confident enough as a new REVUer to throw it an advocating vote...07:25
TheMusojdong: sure.07:25
jdongand with that, I really need to get off to bed07:26
dholbachgood night jdong07:26
jdongnight dholbach07:27
Coperhmm good night? :) Here it's 8:30am.07:30
warp10Good morning07:38
Alohawarp10, morning!07:38
warp10Hey Aloha!07:38
Alohaif i already uploaded to REVU and i'm reuploading a change, should so do debuild -S, or debuild -S -sa?07:41
LucidFoxAloha> -sa08:10
AlohaLucidFox, thank you :)08:10
LucidFoxto my knowledge, the orig.tar.gz doesn't get reuploaded to REVU08:10
LucidFoxso you need to always upload it08:10
LucidFoxby the way, jdong, do you feel like reviewing tovid? since it was your initiative in the first place :)08:10
AlohaLucidFox, i figured that out the hard way ;)08:13
AlohaLucidFox, its confusing because if you use -sa twice on PPA it rejects it08:13
LucidFoxon PPA, you need to always increment the version number08:13
LucidFoxjust like in Ubuntu itself08:14
AlohaLucidFox, good point08:14
AlohaLucidFox, <jdong> and with that, I really need to get off to bed08:16
LucidFoxah, sorry :)08:17
TheMusojdong has gone to bed08:19
huatsmorning all08:35
Alohahuats, morning08:36
jekil i need a list of all ubuntu default usernames that be setted in /etc/passwd, there is one?08:38
frafuHello, could anybody please review mousetweaks: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1612 It would be great if it makes it into hardy as the corresponding gui will be in hardy. (new a11y tab of the mouse control panel) And since it already has one advocation, it might not be far from making it into universe. :-)08:48
superm1is there an easy way to call another rule in cdbs as soon as one finishes?08:50
superm1just putting the name at the end of the list of commands run in the rule doesn't seem to do it08:50
man-disuperm1: either use "superrule: yourrule anotherrule"08:53
man-disuperm1: or a hack like $(MAKE) anotherrule08:53
man-dibut I would strongly prefer the first08:53
superm1so superrule is a recognized statement you are saying?08:53
superm1oh not literally08:54
superm1i see what you mean08:54
man-dino, its a name08:54
man-dior even better: anotherrule: yourrule08:54
Alohajono, hihi!09:07
jonohey Aloha09:09
superm1thanks man-di.  i sorted out something similar to anotherrule: yourrule09:11
slomosiretart: gst-ffmpeg fails to run with ffmpeg from experimental... looks like abi breakage :)09:12
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persiasuperm1: My apologies.  Prior to the adoption of get-orig-source in Debian policy, I understood it differently, and so instructed you.  RAOF is correct as to policy, which may mean correction of past packages.09:29
persiajdong: You may be new to REVU, but you've been reviewing packages for suitability for upload for years.  Trust your own judgement when advocating.  Also, get someone else to review clutch: there's still a bunch of packages I haven't looked at yet, and the best packages come from multiple eyes.09:30
superm1persia, not a big deal.  i've adopted such rules in a lot of packages, so as i come across them when updating them, i'll use the new rule i'm crafting right now that does both get-pkg-source and get-orig-source then09:30
superm1jdong, i took a look at clutch and left you a small comment on it09:31
* persia asks someone to provide a second review for the advocated java libraries on REVU09:35
superm1persia, i'm going to head to bed after i finish off the rest of gmyth, but i should be able to do so tomorrow morning if no one else has yet09:35
persiasuperm1: That'd be great.  Thanks.09:35
man-dipersia: I really wonder why Marek never sent the java libraries to me for uploading into Debian09:37
persiaman-di: Mostly because he thought you'd be busy, wanted to get things in before Feature Freeze, and they represent only part of the packaging effort.  Please take a look if you have time: sending -1 versions would be fairly easy.09:38
persiaNote that for Debian, they'd still be non-free, and might need some tweaking to use sun-java6 rather than icedtea (unless you already fixed that since I last looked).09:39
man-dipersia: not non-free, but contrib09:53
man-diif it really doesnt work with java-gcj-compat09:53
superm1okay i'm finished up with gmyth.  once the revu collector goes around and catches my update it will be available for revu by anyone at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gmyth  . g'night09:55
vemonanyone care to revu: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=lashwrap10:03
vemonprobably doesn't need many adjustments since it's been iterated a few times already10:03
LucidFoxpersia> icedtea is currently in NEW, the packagers could just wait for it to pass10:04
LucidFox(in Debian, that is)10:04
persiaman-di: It really doesn't work with java-gcj-compat :(, but yes, contrib.10:07
persiaLucidFox: I'm certain the libraries in question will be sent to Debian shortly after the NEW queue clears.10:07
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=== Me is now known as Mez
frafuCould anybody please review the mousetweaks package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1612 (it is the complement of the mouse accessibility tab that has now appeared in hardy)10:58
minghuaIs mousetweaks the new module in GNOME 2.22?10:59
smartermorning everyone (:11:02
smarterCould someone please review my extremetuxracer package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=extremetuxracer (all the issues raised have been addressed)11:04
frafuminghua: asthe mousetweaks module has been accepted for GNOME 2.22, its gui has been split from the module integrated in the mouse control panel (gnome control center). However, I have been told that the corresponding module (that does the job) has to pass revu and afterwards the main inclusion process to also arrive in Ubuntu. Is this what you were asking?11:07
frafuminghua: that is what I am trying to do11:08
minghuafrafu: Yes that's what I'm asking, and I think it makes more sense for a desktop team member (who deals with gnome-control-center) to review the package, then.11:08
minghuafrafu: Are you a member of desktop team?11:08
frafuminghua: No, I am not a member of the desktop team.11:10
frafuminghua: is seb128 not a member of the desktop team? It is seb128 that told me to go the revu and mir route?11:11
minghuafrafu: I'm pretty sure he is.  If he told you to go through the MIR route this way, it's fine.11:12
frafuminghua: ok11:14
LucidFoxHmm, so alpha 4 has not been released yet?11:41
persiaLucidFox: Soon...  It's still not very much into Thursday in Portland :)11:43
LucidFoxThat's what I thought :)11:44
warp10Hi all!11:53
siretartslomo: could you please elaborate (testcase, how to reproduce) in a bugreport please?12:07
shibataHi, all.12:13
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tuxmaniaccan someone please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=alliance13:29
warp10I am having a weird problem with dget -x and dpkg-source -x: they freeze while building the source tree. The only thing I can do is ctrl+c. Any hint?13:31
dcorderowarp10, dpkg -x give you the package extracted. Why do you use dpkg-source -x then?13:34
warp10dcordero: If I use dpkg-x, it downloads the files fine, then when it should build the tree it freezes. If I ctrl-c it and try to build the tree by-hand with dpkg-source -x, it freezes anyway13:35
warp10and this happen both with native and non-native packages, coming from both debian and ubuntu13:36
warp10s/dpkg -x/dget -x13:36
shibatawarp10: Do you apply dget -x to dsc file?13:41
warp10shibata: I do, of course. It worked fine up to a few minutes ago, I was working on some syncs. Now it doesn't work anymore :S13:42
persiawarp10: Check your I/O load while you unpack: there may be a disk, memory, or similar type of issue causing the block or hang.13:43
sorenstrace ftw13:44
warp10persia: cpu and memory stay low, hard disk doesn't work at all13:45
geserwarp10: does it perhaps want to fetch the gpg key to verify the dsc signature?13:46
warp10soren: mmm... maybe I found it with strace13:46
persiawarp10: One of the following is true: 1) I don't understand your phrasing, 2) You have so much RAM in comparison to the package size that you need tools with finer granularity to see the issue, 3) your hard drive is broken.13:46
warp10it hangs on read(3, "gpg: waiting for lock (held by 1"..., 4096) = 5813:46
warp10It could a be a gpg issue, since thunderbird freezes when I open an encrypted e-mail13:48
warp10I tought they could be two different problems, probably there is a common cause13:48
* persia hasn't seen a recent gpg update, and is confused13:49
* warp10 is a little confued too :S13:49
geserwarp10: kill all running gpg and try again13:50
warp10geser: I tried: doesn't work :(13:51
minghuawarp10: Any gpg-agent stuff running?13:53
persiawarp10: check lsof for ~/.gnupg13:53
warp10minghua:  killed it as well13:53
warp10persia: "lsof | grep gnupg" doesn't anything13:55
warp10doesn't show anything13:55
* minghua is surprised not to find any way to tell dpkg-source skip the signature checking.13:55
minghuaI think you can always strip the signature from the .dsc first, then run "dpkg-source -x".13:56
zuljdong: ping13:56
geserwarp10: after you killed all running gpg, have you checked for remaining lockfiles and removed them manually?13:58
warp10minghua: your solution works indeed. geser I removed a lock file in ~/.gnupg and now it works fine :)14:01
* warp10 is happy he can work again on packages :)14:03
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shnixternal, persia congrats :)14:06
persia\sh: Thanks.14:07
\shhmmm...is it a normal way that debian/<packagename>.substvars is disappearing when building a source package?14:08
jdongzul: pong14:08
jdongLucidFox: I'll take a look at tovid sometime today14:09
zuljdong: gimme a sec..14:09
zuloh yeah is #160106 actually been worked on?14:09
zulfor hardy at least14:09
LucidFoxjdong> Thanks!14:10
zuljdong: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iscsitarget/+bug/16010614:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 160106 in iscsitarget "/etc/init.d/iscsitarget broken with migration to /bin/dash" [Low,In progress]14:10
persiazul: Please send the bug number rather than pasting the bug URL for those of us not members of the launchpad-beta team.14:11
jdongzul: good question; I haven't been following that bug lately14:11
zulpersia: sorry14:12
jdongseems like, as always, persia was the driving force behind the bug :D14:12
* persia just happened to be the sponsor that caught it.14:12
persiaI haven't heard from Alvin in quite a while.  Note that the solutions for gutsy and hardy are completely different, as the API change was reverted for .2414:13
jdongpersia: based on your judgement do you think alvin intends to continue the work?14:13
zulpersia: i already ported it to 2.6.24 because its going into linux-ubuntu-modules14:13
jdongI mean, I'd be happy to pick up where he left off, but I'd hate to steal a sponsorship opportunity from him...14:13
persiajdong: I don't.  He was interested before, but after the random QA Comment, seemed to disappear.14:14
minghua: Yes.  I believe dh_clean deletes it.14:14
minghua\sh: ^^14:14
zulbasically its suppose to be going into main so I want to get it into shape14:14
\shminghua, grmpf....14:15
persiazul: Ported?  I thought the number of arguments was the same for feisty and hardy.  Anyway, cool.14:15
\shminghua, well, I don't read anything about <package>.substvars..just debian/files14:16
* jdong runs the attached diff.gz through interdiff14:16
persiajdong: Maybe send him a quick email, and if you don't hear back by the weekend, submit a candidate to another member of ~motu-sru?14:17
\shminghua, forget about that..found the bugger...it's dh_clean and it looks like that I mistakenly read dpkg-gencontrol totally wrong14:18
minghua\sh: I believe *.substvars count as "any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands"14:18
\shminghua, yepp..14:18
jdongpersia: hmm why does he have two different init files to install?14:19
minghuaOkay.  (And you don't need a *.substvars in source package anyway.)14:19
\shminghua, I need it :)14:19
jdongpersia: All I saw wrong were three s/==/=/ bashisms14:19
minghua\sh: Use a different name. :-)14:19
\shminghua, wine has shlibs:Depends in its debian/control14:19
\shminghua, but ia32-libs shlibs handling is broken for some ia32 libs so I need to set it manually for amd6414:20
persiajdong: He cp'd Debian's to Ubuntu, and edited Ubuntu, to support bash in Debian and dash in Ubuntu.  In external communication, I asked him to consolidate, but I'm not sure he did.  Please don't use all of that :)14:20
minghua\sh: Well, hardcoded debian/*.substvars doesn't sound like the proper solution to me.14:21
minghuaOr even the correct workaround.14:21
\shminghua, dh_gencontrol -- -V helps14:21
persiajdong: My memory is vague, but I think that was it.  Setting it up to have two different init files was an overengineered solution :)14:22
jdongpersia: haha ok I'll do it cleaner :)14:25
zulpersia and jdong: thanks i appreciate it14:26
jdongzul: sure. Thanks for your kernel-foo for the other side of the bug :)14:27
zulno problem14:27
jdongpersia: he also changed restart|force-reload) to restart) in a case clause.... the former should be sh-complaint, no?14:27
jdongseems to work locally14:28
\shwell..wine is building again..time to take a shower :)14:29
jdong\sh: should give you time for a really nice shower :D14:29
jdongspeaking of long builds... did I ever remember to upload that thing kano was bugging me about?14:30
\shjdong, ;)14:31
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Lutingeser: forgot to Cc you, but I answered debian 44724814:34
ubotuDebian bug 447248 in fusd-kor "fusd-kor - FTBFS: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/44724814:34
neuroStuMITIs this the place to ask questions about making .deb files?14:38
geserLutin: are you going to upload the fixed package to hardy?14:39
geserneuroStuMIT: yes14:40
neuroStuMITwell the the package I am tyring to make is not for the general ubuntu population14:41
geserHi RainCT14:41
neuroStuMITits some highly speciallized software that we use for research14:41
Lutingeser: I'll wait a couple days to see if the maintainer reacts, and if not I'll upload14:42
geserneuroStuMIT: I guess there is already other specialised software in the archive, so this shouldn't be blocking it14:42
geserLutin: thanks14:43
neuroStuMITok...  well I am first just trying to figure out how to build the deb file14:43
jdongwhoa, ubuntu's upload queue accepts duplicate orig.tar.gz's?14:43
neuroStuMITi have followed just about every walkthrough i can find including https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic14:43
jdongI accidentally did a -S -sa and was just about to re-upload proper packaging when I got an accepted mail14:44
ScottK2jdong: It does.14:44
ScottK2jdong: Also (if I understand the backscroll correctly) do keep in mind that dash as default shell is a release goal for Lenny, so Debian stuff should be bashism free too.14:45
jdongnow it'll bork out if my orig.tar.gz wasn't the sme as the one in the archive, right?14:45
jdongScottK2: yeah I made the init script bashism-free14:45
jdongneuroStuMIT: hey, another MIT student!14:46
geserneuroStuMIT: where are you stuck?14:46
neuroStuMITi'm not sure14:46
frafuHello RainCT: Yesterday your advocation of mousetweaks ( http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mousetweaks ) went to the upload of 20h40 instead of the upload of 21:40. So I suppose that I need another advocation from you or somebody else for 21h40?14:46
slangasekjdong: IIRC, if it wasn't the same orig.tgz it gets rejected up front14:46
neuroStuMITbut right now I have a .dsc file and I am trying to run pbuilder14:46
neuroStuMITand it says I don't have boostlib >=1.34 but I do i have already run $sudo apt-get install libboost*14:47
neuroStuMITyes i'm at mit14:47
RainCTfrafu: I know, there was some problem with REVU14:47
RainCTfrafu: I tried 3 times an all got to the previous upload (deleted the after that)14:47
geserneuroStuMIT: pbuilder uses a clean chroot build from the created base.tgz everytime you use it14:47
ScottK2RainCT: Then I'd leave a comment to the effect that you advocate the later upload so it's clear.14:48
geserneuroStuMIT: you need to list the correct libboost*-dev packages in Build-Depends in debian/control14:48
jdongneuroStuMIT: what year are you14:48
geserpbuilder will install them then before trying to build your package14:48
neuroStuMITi'm a 1st year grad student.14:49
jdongneuroStuMIT: cool. I'm a 2nd year undergrad :)14:49
neuroStuMITI've only been using linux for about 4 months so if you can explain a little more14:49
geserjdong: so you could do local support?14:49
jdonggeser: haha14:49
jdonggeser: unfortunately (or fortunately?) I'm not local ATM :)14:49
neuroStuMITha ha14:49
frafuRainCT: yes, you told me yesterday that there was a bug. I am asking because I wonder whether I have to ask for another review!?14:50
RainCTfrafu: no, I'll upload it :)14:50
frafuRainCT: ah, ok14:51
neuroStuMITso if the package i am trying to make into a deb file has an autogen.sh and configure scripts that are used to create a make file do I have to run those to create the make file?14:51
neuroStuMITwhen I am trying to package?14:51
geserneuroStuMIT: yes14:51
RainCTTo upload a package from REVU, do I need to "debuild -S -k<...>" it or can I just upload it directly?14:51
geserRainCT: you need to re-sign them14:52
frafuRainCT: thanks. ;-)14:52
LucidFoxfrafu> Congratulations with passing REVU! :)14:53
neuroStuMITso how do I list the corret libboost*-dev packages in the Build-Depends ?14:53
geserneuroStuMIT: when build in a pbuilder your packages sees only what's installed inside the pbuilder and this is usually only the a minimal system14:54
rulusCan someone have a look at gtkvd (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gtkvd)? It should be ready for advocation :) Thanks!14:54
neuroStuMITthe only thing listed under Build-Depends is debhelper >=514:54
geserneuroStuMIT: a chroot is an small "embedded" system14:54
frafuLucidFox: thanks; it is first :)14:54
frafupackage that I submitted14:55
geserneuroStuMIT: so you need to add the boost packages you need to build (the -dev packages as you need the headers) separated with ,14:55
neuroStuMITi'll try that out14:55
LucidFoxfrafu> Well, there's still NEW14:55
LucidFoxalthough pitti usually gives NEW major cleanups on Fridays, so you probably won't have to wait for too long14:56
RainCTfrafu: Uploaded. Gratz :).14:58
frafuLucidFox: Do you mean by NEW that it is in the queue of new packages and that it has to pass the archive admins review? Friday?15:00
geserjdong: have you an idea why the transmission backport for gutsy for i386 is still in NEW and the one for amd64 is already published?15:00
neuroStuMITok so I added the boostlib (>= 1.34.1) to the dependencies and now it get: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.15:00
neuroStuMITsorry if this stuff is really rudimentary if this isn't the place to get support let me know15:01
LucidFoxfrafu> yes15:01
geserneuroStuMIT: you need to list the package like it is in the used in the archive15:01
frafuRainCT: thanks, and congratulations to you for your (I suppose) second upload. :)15:02
LucidFoxhmm, I don't see mousetweaks in the queue15:02
frafuLucidFox: thanks for the link15:03
zuljdong: thanks15:03
jdonggeser: no idea :( Perhaps poke an archive admin?15:05
sistpoty|workhi folks15:06
geserHi sistpoty|work15:07
sistpoty|workhi geser15:07
ScottK2Hello sistpoty|work15:07
sistpoty|workhi ScottK215:07
ScottK2neuroStuMIT: This is the right place.15:07
jdongsistpoty|work: there was something I wanted to tell you.... but forgot....15:07
sistpoty|workjdong: heh... maybe regarding revu and the reload-thingy?15:08
jdongsistpoty|work: WOW you're psychic!15:08
jdongsistpoty|work: but then I also remembered after not finding you here, I put my comments on vorian's bug ticket15:08
jdongso all's well :)15:08
neuroStuMITok so when I run dh_make it says "Please edit the files in the debian/ subdirectory now. <PackageName> uses a configure script, so you probably do't have to edit the Makefiles.15:10
sistpoty|workjdong: saw that... it needs some rewriting, not too sure when I've finished it... but the plan is to accept the comment and then set the location in the header to a clean page (at least I vaguely recall that it should be done that way)15:10
neuroStuMITwhat kind of edits is this refering to?15:10
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: as in install into a different location than the default15:10
\shok...one more wine build for i386 to check that I didn't break i386 and then upload15:11
neuroStuMITsistpoty|work: would that edit be in the rules file?15:12
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: no.. let me try to explain15:12
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: you'll have to edit the rules file anyway15:13
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: however all sane upstream packages will install themselves to somewhere under /usr/local if you call "make install"15:13
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: if you want to build a debian package, you'll need to change this path to somewhere like ./debian/somewhere15:14
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: so that it will get picked up and get put in the package15:14
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: hence I guess the "edit" is referring to upstreams Makefile to adjust pathes there15:14
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: which you don't need to do with a package using autotools (i.e. having a configure)15:15
ScottK2slangasek: I'm working on updating heimdal and cyrus-sasl2-heimdal from libdb4.2 to something vaguely modern.  Unfortunately, cyrus-sasl2-heimdal needs the exact same binary version as cyrus-sasl2, so I was wondering if (after the alpha) you would sponsor a no change cyrus-sasl2 upload so we're in sync?15:15
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: because you can simply change the path it will install to via ./configure --prefix=somedir/usr15:15
neuroStuMITso I need to run ./configure that comes with the src but I need to change the folder where everything gets built to somehting like ~/package/debian/something15:16
slangasekScottK2: hrm, are you saying that the versions of the cyrus-sasl2 and cyrus-sasl2-heimdal binaries need to be the same?15:17
RainCTfrafu: third :)15:17
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: where it gets installed, but yes15:17
slangasekScottK2: maybe we should fix that instead :)15:17
RainCTfrafu, LucidFox: ok, now it's really uploading :P15:17
neuroStuMITok let me work on this for a while. Thanks15:17
ScottK2slangasek: OK.  Let me look into that then.15:18
geserslangasek: cyrus-sasl2-heimdal uses ${binary:Version} to specify a dependency on packages build by cyrus-sasl215:19
slangasekgeser: which is clearly wrong since they're not from the same source package...15:19
neuroStuMITso do I need to run make before I package15:19
frafuRainCT: so I am still part of the first trilogy;)15:19
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: no, you run make during the package builds (from debian/rules)15:20
neuroStuMITok so dh_make runs make?15:21
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\shneuroStuMIT, nope..it creates the debian/ dir framework inside your source tree15:22
RainCTfrafu: heh. it's in the queue now :)15:22
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
neuroStuMITso then I wouldn't want to use ~/package/debian/install as the dir for the configure script?15:23
\shneuroStuMIT, nope...:)15:24
frafuRainCT: cool B-)15:24
jdongsistpoty|work: that sounds like a reasonable solution15:24
geserslangasek: is there any easy way to fix it without adding a big Ubuntu delta?15:24
sistpoty|workjdong: it's anyway cleaner to separate actions (as in add comment) and display pages functionality... but it needs some rewriting :(15:25
jdongsistpoty|work: yeah :( I feel your pain15:26
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sistpoty|worknixternal and persia: congrats!15:31
neuroStuMITso I am getting some linker erros15:34
neuroStuMITwhen I run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot it gives me errors with libboost15:35
slangasekgeser: sure, thwapping the Debian maintainer to not abuse ${binary:Version} :)15:36
RainCTnxvl, nxvl_work: hi, why is u-u-s subscribed to bug 181362?15:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181362 in pypy "pypy FTBFS" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18136215:36
nxvl_workRainCT: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypy/+bug/181362/comments/115:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181362 in pypy "pypy FTBFS" [Medium,Incomplete]15:37
RainCTnxvl_work: but https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/pypy/+bug/181362/comments/4, and anyway the bug has not enough information for a sync request (changelog and such are missing)15:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181362 in pypy "pypy FTBFS" [Medium,Incomplete]15:38
neuroStuMIThow do I add libboost to the dependencies in the debian/control file?15:40
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: did you try to compile the package as is beforehand? That's usually a good start to see if/where there might be problems or if anything else works ok15:40
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: erm... I meant just compile what you want to package by hand...15:40
nxvl_workRainCT: those are on the duplicate https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypy/+bug/18571315:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185713 in pypy "Please sync pypy 1.0.0-svn50146-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (dup-of: 181362)" [Undecided,New]15:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181362 in pypy "pypy FTBFS" [Medium,Incomplete]15:40
neuroStuMITI've already got the packaged installed and working on several machines.15:41
neuroStuMITincluding the machine I'm using to make the deb15:41
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: you'll need to add libboost-dev to Build-Depends: in debian/control (though that doesn't explain why it won't work from dpkg-buildpackage)15:43
neuroStuMITwhat would be causing the dpkg-buildpackage to fail?15:44
neuroStuMITrather what could15:45
jdongwell... anything.15:46
jdongwhat part is failing?15:46
sistpoty|workneuroStuMIT: s.th. wrong in debian/rules for example... the difference is, that dpkg-buildpackage will build the package in the environment of your system (i.e. can use every package that you've got installed there), while pbuilder will work in a clean chroot and only install what's in build-depends15:46
neuroStuMIT.libs/libsomanetwork_1_0_la-fakenetwork.o: In function `~TSPipeFifo':15:47
neuroStuMIT/home/acq/deb/network-0.1.0/src/tspipefifo.h:34: undefined reference to `boost::mutex::~mutex()'15:47
neuroStuMIT/home/acq/deb/network-0.1.0/src/tspipefifo.h:34: undefined reference to `boost::mutex::~mutex()'15:47
jdongneuroStuMIT: whoa, use pastebin for that15:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:47
neuroStuMITok sorry15:48
neuroStuMIThere's a full log15:49
neuroStuMITany help?16:00
\shneuroStuMIT, looks like you need a newer boost somehow?16:01
neuroStuMITbut i have tried running $sudo apt-get install libboost*16:02
neuroStuMITi'm also running to most up to date version of gutsy16:02
\shneuroStuMIT, na.the version in the archive is older then that what you need, i mean16:03
geserneuroStuMIT: looks like it's missing some #include in the sources16:03
\shor what geser said, broken source16:03
neuroStuMITbut the weird thing is that I have made and installed the source before16:04
neuroStuMITon the same machine16:04
neuroStuMITlet me try something16:06
LucidFoxjdong> Wait a minute... ffmpeg in Ubuntu doesn't depend on libfaac and libx264, does it?16:09
jdongLucidFox: I don't know what I was thinking when I put that :D16:10
neuroStuMITok I guess it just worked... nevermind.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!16:10
LucidFoxffmpeg (3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu5) hardy; urgency=low16:10
LucidFox  * Rebuilt against new libx26416:10
LucidFox -- Anthony Mercatante <tonio@kubuntu>   Sun, 02 Dec 2007 21:20:07 +010016:10
LucidFox^ x264 isn't even in build-depends... what was he rebuilding against? :)16:11
jdongluI guess he made the exact same mistake as me16:11
jdongLucidFox: that is, he has medibuntu enabled, and typed apt-cache rdepends....16:11
\shphew...wine is working again...16:12
LucidFoxI think this double ffmpeg issue should be rectified at least in hardy+1, if it's too late to fix in hardy16:12
ScottK2slangasek: The fundamental probelm between cyrus-sasl2 and cyrus-sasl2-heimdal is that they come out of the same upstream tarball, but are split into two source packages.  Not sure what to do about that.16:15
jdongLucidFox: yea, though IANAL to understand why we have to strip source code of mpeg4 encoders16:15
jdongsuperm1: hey you around? how's your videotranscoding-foo?16:17
slangasekScottK2: why should they need such a strict versioned dependency anyway, though?  what's supposed to change in a Debian point revision that could make them incompatible?16:18
neuroStuMITsorry one more stupid question16:19
ScottK2slangasek: I'm not sure.  It's not like it's in there by accident (the Debian maintainer put in a lintian over-ride for it).16:19
neuroStuMITonce I have my .deb file I can install it with dpkg -i <packagename>.deb right? Well how do I check to see where the package iwll be installed?16:19
neuroStuMITok that was technically 2 questions16:20
slangasekScottK2: yeah, I still think this is the wrong way to go about it16:20
ScottK2Given it's been years since an upstream release, I'm guessing the risk of relaxing the dependency is low.16:20
minghuaneuroStuMIT: dpkg-deb --contents <foo>.deb16:20
ScottK2slangasek: I agree, but don't really feel like reworking the whole mess just to get off of libdb4.216:20
* ScottK2 decides to return to his sick bed and take a nap.16:21
slangasekScottK2: fair enough16:23
neuroStuMITok so if stuff isn't installing where I want it to install what do I edit to change that?16:24
nixternalthanks everyone </stuffy headed voice> :)16:24
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geserneuroStuMIT: set the correct prefix when calling configure in your debian/rules (or whatever is needed to convince it to install in the correct location)16:31
neuroStuMITso the rules file tells it where to install not something in the source?16:32
geserneuroStuMIT: not directly, it's in the source Makefile but can be often configured when calling the configure script (e.g. in debian/rules)16:45
\shoh people, why can't we stop sending mails about the kmos issue...it's getting into a religious debate :(16:46
neuroStuMITso i have a line that looks like $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/<packagename> install16:48
neuroStuMITthat is in the install:build section16:48
neuroStuMITis that what i need to change?16:48
geserneuroStuMIT: do you need to call configure or a similar script before building?16:49
neuroStuMITyes I do16:49
sistpoty|workinteresting hostname, freeflying ;)16:52
\shsistpoty|work, indeed ;)16:53
geserneuroStuMIT: does the configure accept --prefix=something (probably --prefix=/usr)?16:53
neuroStuMITlet me check16:54
geserneuroStuMIT: if it doesn then modify your configure call in debian/rules to specify the --prefix you want it to install16:55
neuroStuMITsome if I want the binaries to end up in /usr/bin/ and the libs to end up in /usr/lib/ do I just specifiy /usr/ as the prefix?16:58
neuroStuMITok so configure does take a --prefix=something16:59
Hobbseehurrah.  just what we need.  MOTU being compared to witch burning.  *sigh*16:59
geserneuroStuMIT: yes, as the other use $prefix/bin/ and $prefix/lib/ as default for the install destination16:59
Hobbseefrom a place called "religious tolerance", no less.17:00
* sistpoty|work tries hard to resist to reply17:00
neuroStuMITok so what do I need to edit as configure takes the --prefix=/usr/  ?17:00
Hobbseesistpoty|work: something about ubuntu not being a religion?17:01
geserneuroStuMIT: can you pastebin your current debian/rules?17:01
sistpoty|workHobbsee: no, i just try to resist to reply to that mail17:02
Hobbseesistpoty|work: obviously, but i'm trying to figure what youd' reply, if you were to17:02
sistpoty|workHobbsee: well, I won't tell, otherwise I could just reply on the ML :P17:04
* Hobbsee really doesn't care anymore, but still thinks that's slightly over teh top17:04
* sistpoty|work just wants the good old times back, where motu stuff was just big fun (and I could stay up all night and sleep half of the day *g*)17:05
Hobbseethat would be nice17:05
LucidFoxsistpoty|work> good old times?17:06
sistpoty|workLucidFox: yeah...*getting nostalgic* *g*17:07
sistpoty|workas in breezy or dapper17:07
geserneuroStuMIT: so you currently don't call configure in your debian/rules? Try adding "./configure --prefix=/usr" after line 2617:08
neuroStuMITso when I run dpkg does that run configure?17:09
neuroStuMITor do I have to run configure befor I run dpkg17:09
gesersistpoty|work: what stops you to stay up the whole night and sleep during the day?17:09
sistpoty|workgeser: just look at my nick, after the | ;)17:10
geserneuroStuMIT: it will be called during the build as it's a dependency on the build target17:10
AlohaPlease review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=sadms17:10
gesersistpoty|work: change to the night shift :)17:11
\shok..since I'm starting my new work tomorrow morning, I'm trying to get as many merges/syncs as possible into our archive this evening until my wife comes ;)17:12
LucidFoxAloha> looking17:13
AlohaLucidFox, thank you :)17:13
neuroStuMITgeser: Awesome that worked. Thanks so much!17:18
LucidFoxAloha> commented17:19
AlohaLucidFox, thank you :)17:19
Alohaoops wrong chan window sorry17:26
Alohabddebian, hi :)17:26
geserHi bddebian17:27
* RainCT is also checking sadms :)17:27
sistpoty|workhi bddebian17:27
bddebianHeya gang17:27
bddebianHi Aloha, geser, sistpoty|work17:27
RainCThi bddebian17:28
bddebianHeya RainCT, congrats! :-)17:28
RainCTbddebian: thanks :)17:28
LucidFoxRainCT> Do you happen to need some practice in sponsoring interdiffs?17:31
neuroStuMITEverybody thanks again17:31
jdongLucidFox: that's a nice way of putting it :D17:31
* jdong looks for a main sponsor too17:32
LucidFoxjdong> yes, I saw :)17:32
jdongany core-dev need some practice dgetting? :D17:32
LucidFoxfor transmission17:32
RainCTLucidFox: hm.. yes :P17:32
LucidFoxyou could look at bug #187576 - the package is simple enough, and the changes are mostly trivial17:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 187576 in smplayer-themes "Upgrade to smplayer-themes 0.1.15" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18757617:34
RainCTLucidFox: how can I get the (uncompressed) source?17:36
jdongRainCT: I'm guessing it has a watchfile or debian/rules file for doing so17:37
LucidFoxyes, there is get-orig-source17:37
LucidFoxyou should first reconstruct the diff.gz and from it, the debian/ directory, using instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Interdiff17:38
LucidFoxafter that, you can use debian/rules get-orig-source17:38
RainCTalright, thanks :)17:38
\shhmmm..libfaad is back to universe, so we can build against it without having an issue, right?17:38
LucidFoxuniverse? o_O17:38
\shFilename: pool/universe/f/faad2/libfaad2-0_2.6-1_all.deb17:39
LucidFoxhmm... libmad is in main o_O17:39
\shFilename: pool/universe/f/faad2/libfaad0_2.6-1_amd64.deb17:39
\shwho is pedro fragoso <emeberez@gmail.comcom> ???17:40
\shah ember_17:41
\shember_, ping mpd :)17:41
\shah the changes came from gutsy these days...17:42
paasHi all, I've read through the online lesson about packaging shared libraries, which is great btw, and I've uploaded my first shared library package. Does anybody want to review it, thanks in advance, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=libtuxcap17:44
* minghua sees CMake and CDBS and stays away.17:45
\shember_, I've updated bug #187392 if you want to have your name tag on this upload, please :)17:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 187392 in mpd "Please merge mpd 0.13.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18739217:51
paasminghua: didn't mean to scare you :-)17:52
\shpersia, please add me to universe-sponsors pls :)17:52
Alohawhat are the role of universe sponsors?17:53
sistpoty|workAloha: to sponsor uploads (updated packages, bug fixes) for universe17:54
Alohasistpoty|work, how does that differ from advocating?17:54
minghuaAdvocating doesn't involve actual uploading.17:55
sistpoty|workAloha: advocating happens on revu. ubuntu-universe-sponsors deals with patches/debdiffs on launchpad17:55
Alohaso sponsership is what happens after advocation?17:55
* minghua thinks it's okay to call uploading an REVU package sponsoring.17:56
minghua(I think) I am not a universe-sponsor, though.17:56
sistpoty|worksponsoring in general == uploading a package for someone who cannot. However as I wrote, the uus team is used to manage sponsoring all patches/debdiffs in lp. for revu, there is no need to be in that team17:58
Alohagotcha. so sponsoring is for merging code from launchpad, while revu is for package uploads?18:06
Alohaso sponsorship is for people who can program but not package18:10
pochuIt's for people who cannot upload packages to the archive18:11
smarterCould someone please review my extremetuxracer package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=extremetuxracer (all the issues raised have been addressed) thanks ;)18:12
Alohacan't anyone upload packages to archive?18:12
jpatrickAloha: no18:12
RainCTwhere can I vote against interdiff's? :P18:13
sistpoty|workAloha: no... e.g. I cannot upload to main, so I need a sponsor for bug #17825518:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178255 in nvidia-settings "NVCtrl.h and NVCtrlLib.h should be installed in /usr/include/NVCtrl not /usr/include" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17825518:13
LucidFoxAloha> Only Ubuntu developers can upload directly to the archives. Others need to get their changes uploaded via sponsorship.18:13
sistpoty|work(hint, hint, to any core-devs *g*)18:13
LucidFoxThere are two groups of developers: core developers and MOTUs.18:14
Alohaso whats "archives" is that main?18:14
LucidFoxMOTUs can only upload to universe and multiverse. Core developers can upload to main and restricted.18:14
gesercore-devs count also as motus18:15
Alohagotcha so sponsorship is getting a core developer to sponsor your package into ubuntu proper?18:15
jpatrickAloha: or MOTU's to universe18:15
Alohajpatrick, isn't that advocating though?18:16
LucidFoxAdvocating is for REVU.18:16
LucidFoxWhere new packages go.18:16
LucidFoxUpdates to existing packages, as well as Debian merges, are sponsored.18:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsorship - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:17
sistpoty|workAloha: advocating means that s.o. is happy with a new package. We have the rule, that any package from a non-motu needs two people that are happy with it. Usually the second advocate also sponsors the upload of the new package18:17
AlohaLucidFox, i mean from REVU to universe do you need sponsorship?18:17
LucidFoxAloha> To get a package from REVU, you need two MOTUs to advocate it18:18
Alohasistpoty|work, Oh! Second advocator sponsors it... i get it now18:18
geserAloha: for a new package you go through REVU where two MOTU need to ACK (advocate) your package. Once it's in the archive and you need to update it (apply a patch, fix a packaging mistake, update to a new version, etc.) you go through the sponsoring queue18:18
LucidFoxRainCT> I heard persia lobbied to allow sponsoring new upstream versions with just the diff.gz18:22
LucidFoxI might have misinterpreted him, though18:22
Alohathat would make sense18:23
geserLucidFox: it's on the agenda for the next MOTU meeting (this Friday, 20:00 UTC)18:26
LucidFoxanyway... I'm off18:28
* sistpoty|work heads home18:34
jdongsuperm1: and btw, did you ever get your jailbreak working? :D18:40
Lureany motu willing to revu this package for me - bug 10332418:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 103324 in ubuntu "[need-packaging] QLandkarte" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10332418:40
mcisbackukEvening all. What are these sync requests to update with upstream? Are contributors allowed to help out or is it purely Sponsors work?18:53
mcisbackukWhat I mean is do we give the debdiffs and Sponsors sort it from there or?18:53
jpatrickmcisbackuk: contributors can request, only MOTU can confirm18:54
mcisbackukjpatrick: OK, but am I allowed to go ahead and create defdiffs for the differences and upload them, then subscribe the unvierse sponsors, or is that not the way it works?18:55
jpatrickmcisbackuk: yes18:55
mcisbackukjpatrick: OK cool, thanks :)18:55
mcisbackukjpatrick: Was just checking the workflow of things lol :)18:55
RainCTbah, stupid interdiff's :P19:00
* RainCT goes back to REVU :P19:00
ryanakcacan someone look at http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/basic256-0801302110/basic256-0.9.2/debian/basic256.desktop and help me figure out why the package always ends up in lost and found?19:12
mok0ryanakca: things are put in lost+found by fsck19:13
mok0ryanakca: It means your filesystem is in poor shape19:13
ryanakcamok0: no, in the menu19:13
RainCTAloha: I just commented on sadms19:13
gesermok0: I've heard KDE has also a lost+found section in the menu19:13
mok0Ah, I misunderstood19:14
geserryanakca: basic256.desktop: error: value "ComputerScience" for string list key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character19:15
geserafter adding it desktop-file-validate was happy19:15
RainCTryanakca: I don't think ComputerScience is a primary category, try adding one (all .desktop files must have a primary category, plus optionaly secondary categories like I think this one is).  Also,   test: error: value "ComputerScience" for string list key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character19:15
ryanakcageser, RainCT: okies, thanks... and where /how do you get that output?19:16
RainCTryanakca: desktop-file-validate <filename>19:17
ryanakcaah, thanks.19:17
geserryanakca: reading http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html you should perhaps also add Education as main category19:17
ryanakcaAnd if I get my package sponsored into Debian today, do you think I'd have time to get it synced into Ubuntu before the 14th?19:18
ryanakcageser: so, Categories=Education;Science;ComputerScience;19:18
\shAndyP, do you still know why you removed the build-dep of libsnmp*-dev from nagios-plugins?19:18
ryanakcaor should I upload to Ubuntu & Debian, and then at hardy+1, just sync from the debian copy?19:19
RainCTryanakca: Might be, but I wouldn't take the risk. In my experience, NEW processing normally takes some weeks..19:19
* ryanakca updates the copy on REVU then and will give you guys the link :)19:19
ryanakcas/unstable/hardy/ in changelog?19:20
geserryanakca: yes, that Categories looks ok now19:20
RainCTryanakca: right19:20
geserryanakca: if you s/unstable/hardy/ then you probably also want to update the versioning19:21
ryanakcafrom 0.9.2-1 to 0.9.2-0ubuntu1 ? already done :)19:21
mok0I did the merge of xtide from sid before christmas, but now -- via discussion with the Debian maintainer -- some of the edits I made to the package needs to be changed. How should I do that, as a bug patch, or as another merge?19:21
\shmok0, xtide has a new upstream version handy..19:22
\shmok0, please check the package and merge19:22
\shmok0, if you can't upload, give me a ping and I'm happy to sponsor19:22
Lutinbased on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=508642 , do you guys think asking an archive removal for gst-editor would be correct ?19:22
ubotuGnome bug 508642 in gst-editor "It doesn't use gstreamer0.10" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]19:22
\shmok0, debdiff against latest debian package appreciated19:22
mok0\sh: ok, thanks19:22
mok0\sh: I have packaged some additional data, it's on revu now19:23
\shmok0, link? :)19:23
\shmok0, looking19:25
mok0\sh: I was hoping the debian xtide maintainer would do it, but apparently he hasn't had the time. I'd like the extra data to go in hardy, so I packaged it19:25
mok0\sh: also see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45697919:25
ubotuDebian bug 456979 in xtide "Please make wvs data available for xtide" [Wishlist,Open]19:25
mok0ubotu, shut up19:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shut up - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:27
\shmok0, the package data is just lowres? 3.8MB != 37MB reading debian/copyright :19:28
mok0\sh: I checked all of them, this one gives t he best performance/size ratio19:29
mok0\sh: the high res ones are much slower to load, and they dont give you better information, unless you zoom in a lot19:29
\shmok0, the date of the files are always 20020219?19:30
mok0\sh: that's the date on the ftp server19:30
mok0Is that a problem?19:31
\shmok0, well, it's not changing that much it seems?19:32
mok0not before the icecaps start melting for real19:32
\shmok0, ok you need at least one advocation more...and bump compat/debhelper dep to 619:35
mok0Let me re-upload, before you advocate19:36
mok0is compat 6 general for hardy?19:37
\shmok0, well, find another reviewer :) and I'll sponsor the upload :) I don't revoke my advocation :)19:37
\shmok0, debhelper 6 is in hardy, so yes19:37
\shmok0, and also in debian19:37
mok0\sh: isn't the advocation rejected when there's a new upload?19:37
\shmok0, well, I don't care :) get the second reviewer on it and ping me19:38
mok0\sh: sure. Thanks!19:38
\shmok0, nope thank you :)19:38
ryanakcageser, RainCT: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=basic256 , if you have time, please :)19:52
ryanakcathe offers open to everybody else too :)19:54
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RainCTryanakca: I'll look at it in a moment :)19:56
ryanakcaRainCT: thanks :D19:56
RainCTryanakca: it's recommended to start the Description in .desktop files with a verb20:05
RainCTryanakca: also, an icon would be nice20:06
ryanakcaRainCT: ok, I'll update the .desktop file20:09
ryanakcaas for the icon... my graphics skills are non-existent, and upstream doesn't supply one20:10
dcorderois down launchpad?20:10
RainCTryanakca: I've some more comments, writting them on REVU to don't SPAM the channel :P20:10
ryanakcadcordero: not to my knowledge20:10
dcorderomy mistake, i was trying to access to launchpad.com :)20:11
mok0\sh: xtide-vws1-data is ready20:14
mok0I also added a Build-Depends-Indep:20:14
RainCTryanakca: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=basic256    about the icon, can't you find any (in Google or wherever)?20:15
\shmok0, cool...find another reviewer then :)20:15
ryanakcaRainCT: I can find an unrelated one20:15
ryanakcaRainCT: I could also use the favicon, but I think those are 16x16 or something of the sort20:15
mok0RainCT: As a newly appointed MOTU, will you do me the honor of being the second sponsor?20:16
squentinAnyone interested in reviewing mine : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gmusicbrowser ?20:16
RainCTmok0: hehe. URL? :)20:17
\shRainCT, add my advocation to it :)20:17
\shRainCT, if you are ok with it, upload on your command ;)20:18
ryanakcaRainCT: As for the 'extra' if I'm not mistaken, thats a Debian thing I forgot about... I might be completely wrong though20:18
RainCTryanakca: you can cut a bigger version of the favicon from http://kidbasic.sourceforge.net/kbsshotsm.png, but well.. I think it'll look better without an icon :P20:18
ryanakcaRainCT: also, should I use 'desktop-file-install' instead of the manual cp?20:20
rjmyst3bddebian: thanks for the advocate20:26
ryanakcaRainCT: also, how does this sound? 'Comment=Learn BASIC in an environment designed for young children' ?20:27
superm1jdong, argh20:27
superm1jdong, yeah you know 1.1.3 finally got on there, but all my old apps are fsck'ed20:27
superm1jdong, and all this weird stuff happened to the new apps, random crashes20:27
superm1missing libraries20:27
superm1so somehow i'm going to have to find someone with OSX or windows to bring me back to 1.1.1 so i can redo the whole thing20:28
rjmyst3any wxWidgets fans in here, today?20:30
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rjmyst3eat m&ms20:36
\shfor what? :)20:39
rjmyst3i've packaged a wxWidgets GUI designer, I'm looking for a MOTU to review it20:39
rjmyst3i've been advocated by one MOTU, already20:39
joejaxxsuperm1: ?20:41
superm1you joejaxx20:41
\shsry..not this evening anymore..I'm waiting still for one build to finish...and then hepp into bed...tomorrow my new job starts20:41
joejaxxsuperm1: lol why do you need someone with osx or windows? :D20:42
superm1joejaxx, well there is no way to roll the firmware on an ipod touch back otherwise20:42
rjmyst3\sh: congratulations on the new job! thanks, anyway20:42
joejaxxsuperm1: ah20:42
superm1an jdong convinced me to try something that fsck'ed mine20:42
rjmyst3\sh: although, if wanted to take a look at it tomorrow, that would be cool, too :)20:43
\shrjmyst3, I can do some reviewing tomorrow evening when I'm coming home...so that's on my todo20:43
RainCThi again20:43
RainCTmodem died and didn't want to connect :(20:43
rjmyst3\sh: great! thanks20:43
RainCTmok0: do you still want me? :P20:43
RainCT>> ryanakca: you can cut a bigger version of the favicon from http://kidbasic.sourceforge.net/kbsshotsm.png, but well.. I think it'll look better without an icon :P20:43
RainCT>> ryanakca: extra is for packages that are dangerous or are an uncommon replacement for some other package (iirc)20:43
mok0RainCT: If you would like to co-sponsor xtide-wvs1-data with \sh20:43
mcisbackukGuys I've just updated something from upstream, what do I need to include in the LP bug? interdiff debdiff dsc files, what? :)20:43
\shRainCT, check the xtide* package and advocate it when you ok with it...and upload pls :)20:44
\shRainCT, my approval is upgrade compatible ;)20:44
RainCTmcisbackuk: theoretically interdiff but .diff.gz is also ok20:44
RainCT\sh: ok, cool :P20:45
mcisbackukRainCT: OK I'll do the interdiff then, probably cleaner way of doing it anyway :)20:45
\shok guys...good night ... /me's off until tomorrow evening it seems20:50
RainCT\sh: good night20:50
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
mcisbackukDamn! pbuilder failed saying dh_iconcache: Command not found.....any ideas anyone?20:51
gesermcisbackuk: dh_iconcache is dh_icons since hardy20:52
mcisbackukgeser: So I just change the rules file to dh_icons **BLAH** instead of dh_iconcache?20:53
mcisbackukShould have Googled that lol Sorry, and thanks :)20:54
blueyedIs there anything special to take care of when upgrading a package in multiverse (new upstream release, Debian does not appear to be ready yet for it yet and it's unclear how they fix it. The package has FTBFS in Ubuntu since always) - see bug 150484. Is it safe to upload it?20:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 150484 in batik "batik has FTFBS forever" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15048420:54
mcisbackukgeser: Do I have to do debuild after changing the rules file or pbuilder straight away?20:55
gesermcisbackuk: you need a new source package, so first debuild -S and then pbuilder20:58
mcisbackukgeser: OK gotcha cheers :)20:58
geserblueyed: talk to slytherin once he is here again, as he was looking at that issue20:59
RainCTmok0: control, line 16, + "is" on the end :P21:02
TheMuso\sh_away: Thanks for doing gnunet. Feel free to do my other updated merges if you are looking for something to do.21:03
mok0RainCT: I will look21:03
mrr64I've been working with the morse_2.1-2 package that I downloaded as 'apt-get source morse' on a gutsy distribution. I'm a little confused. The makefile is broken (ie, it doesn't compile and/or install the program). Fixing it isn't a major issue BUT, and this is my question: If the source package is broken, where did the binary install package come from? (I got that from a 'sudo apt-get install morse')21:03
blueyedgeser: ok, I've left a comment on the bug - unfortunately he's not subscribed. I'll try to catch him..21:04
mok0RainCT: Arrgh21:04
RainCTmok0: and I think that the "to" on the last line should be a "with"21:04
ryanakca15:20:10 < ryanakca> RainCT: also, should I use 'desktop-file-install' instead of the manual cp?21:04
ryanakca15:26:50 < ryanakca> RainCT: also, how does this sound? 'Comment=Learn BASIC in an environment designed for young children' ?21:04
mok0RainCT: hmm. Are you native englishspeaker?21:04
ryanakca(dunno if you got those two since your modem died)21:04
RainCTmok0: no21:05
mok0RainCT: "of 1 to 1000000"21:05
RainCTmok0: sound better :)21:05
CoperIf I want to create a new package for ubuntu should it be gutsy or hardy in changelog?21:05
mok0RainCT: resolution to one to 1million? Nah21:06
mok0RainCT: I don't agree21:06
mcisbackukCoper: hardy and use pbuilder when building for hardy21:06
mok0Any native english speaker here?21:06
mcisbackukmok0: Yes21:06
mok0mcisbackuk: will you help decide a language problem?21:07
mcisbackukmok0: Sure21:07
RainCTryanakca: didn't got them. no, cp is fine (or even better dh_install). (and if this was a "normal" you would need to call dh_desktop, but as you are using cdbs (like I always do :)) that's not needed)21:07
mok0Which is correct: "This package contains map data to a resolution of 1:1,000,00021:07
mcisbackukmok0: use 'with' instead of 'to'21:08
mok0or: "This package contains map data to a resolution to 1:100000021:08
Coperokej, how do I make pbuilder update for hardy?21:08
mok0mcisbackuk: with, ok21:08
mcisbackukmok0: i.e. "this package contains map data WITH a resolution of 1:1,000,00021:08
mok0mcisbackuk: fine. The question was about the "of"21:09
mcisbackukCoper: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate21:09
mcisbackukmok0: lol It's no problem :) Glad I could help :)21:09
mok0mcisbackuk: but you haven't yey21:10
mcisbackukmok0: What you mean?21:10
mok0"of 1:1,000,000" or "to 1:1,000,000"21:10
mcisbackukmok0: this is how I would probably put it "This package contains map data with a resolution of 1:1,000,000"21:11
mok0mcisbackuk: Thank you!21:11
mcisbackukmok0: You're welcome :)21:12
mok0RainCT: heh, we were both wrong :-)21:12
Coperbut when i run pbuilder it create is for gutsy21:12
mcisbackuklolz it just sounds better like that :)21:12
RainCTmok0: lol :)21:12
mcisbackuk!pbuilder | Coper21:12
ubotuCoper: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto21:12
mcisbackukThanks ubotu lol21:12
ryanakcaRainCT: and the translations?21:13
mok0RainCT: if that's the only comment, perhaps you can fix it and upload?21:13
mcisbackukmok0: If you ever need help with wording things in English just give me a shout I'll gladly help :)21:14
Copermcisbackuk: yes but by default my pbuilder is building for gutsy and not hardy that the guide says.21:14
mok0mcisbackuk: thanks a lot21:14
mcisbackukCoper: On the guide it should tell you the options for setting pbuilder to a hardy chroot environment21:15
mok0RainCT: But perhaps the Build-Depends-Indep be deleted again21:15
RainCTryanakca: uops, sorry.   Comment[ca]=Apreneu BASIC en un entorn dissenyat per a nens.     Comment[es]=Aprende BASIC en un entorno diseñado para niños.21:15
mrr64Coper: 'pbuilder --distribution hardy --override-config'  will redo the base.tgz file21:15
RainCTmok0: right21:15
Coperahh sry that working now, before i got a warning that hardy didn't exsist.21:16
RainCTmok0: ok, I think that's all21:16
mok0RainCT: cool21:17
slangasekRainCT: "Aprende a machacar su cerebro en un entorno diseñado para niños"21:17
RainCTslangasek: haha :D21:17
slangaseksorry, s/su/tu/21:17
mok0RainCT: OK I will upload another version to revu21:17
mok0RainCT: done21:19
LaserJockCoper: you need to make sure to get debootstrap from gutsy-backports21:20
mok0That's a pretty impressive list of packages on REVU!21:22
mcisbackukWhat is this REVU thing that I keep hearing about?21:22
RainCT!revu > mcisbackuk21:22
mok0mcisbackuk: What are you hearing?21:22
mcisbackukmok0: lol.....figure of speech21:23
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU21:23
mcisbackukIs revu for upgrades as well or ust new packages?21:23
mok0mcisbackuk: It's for everything21:24
mcisbackukmok0: But if it's used for upgrades, wouldn't it deviate from launchpad's bug system for uploading changes?21:25
LaserJockit's primarily for new packages21:25
mok0mcisbackuk: launchpad is only for bug reports, not uploads21:25
mcisbackukLaserJock: OK I'll stay away then I wanna stick to interdiff jobby's lol21:26
LaserJocksometimes people use it for big upgrades when a debdiff would be not as productive21:26
LaserJockmcisbackuk: yeah21:26
mok0... I guess even motus sometimes like a second opinion21:26
mcisbackukLaserJock: Like major changes not minors i.e. 1.0 -> 2.0 not 1.0 > 1.0.221:26
mcisbackukcool cool21:26
LaserJockit's a place to stick a whole source package21:27
mcisbackukI will get used to all this soon don't worry ;) hehe21:27
LaserJockif debdiffs or interdiff/diff.gzs work then I lean towards using those21:27
mok0LaserJock: but you get those on revu, too :-)21:28
mok0Although they are backwards..21:28
ScottK2Generally REVU is just used for new packages, but there are exceptions.21:28
mcisbackukBut what I'm saying is, wouldn't it be easier to stick them small files on LP?21:28
ScottK2mcisbackuk: For upgrades that's the general process.21:29
mcisbackukkks :)21:29
mok0Another thing is that revu is community run, and LP is Canonical21:30
mcisbackukGRRRR OK, why the hell is pbuilder still bitchin about my rules file saying dh_iconcache, I changed it to dh_icons AND saved it, and done debuild -S -sa again and it still says same error :S21:30
ScottK2mcisbackuk: Did you pass the correct .dsc to pbuilder?21:30
pochumcisbackuk: change it in debian/control.in too21:30
mcisbackukyeah the .3 not .221:31
pochuignore me21:31
mok0pochu: we are21:31
geserpochu: debian/control.in? how does it relate do debian/rules?21:31
RainCTryanakca: Comment[de]=Lerne BASIC in einer Umgebung, die speziell für die ganz Kleinen entwichelt wurde.21:31
* pochu isn't here anymore O.o21:31
mcisbackukgeser: Even I was thinking that.... lol21:31
* mok0 hugs pochu21:32
* pochu hugs mok0 back :)21:32
geserRainCT, ryanakca: "entwickelt" not "entwichelt" but otherwise looks good21:32
pochumcisbackuk: what's the output of "zgrep iconcache *.diff.gz" ?21:32
RainCTryanakca: new one.. Comment[de]=Lerne BASIC in einer Programmierumgebung speziell für die ganz Kleinen21:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:33
RainCTryanakca: (I've asked a German friend to translate it as my German is quite forgotten :P)21:34
mcisbackukpochu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54251/21:34
mcisbackukI speak German, not PERFECTLY but good enough21:34
mok0mcisbackuk: Mein Gott!!!21:35
mcisbackukmok0: lol Ja ja, es ist gut! lol21:35
geserdas ist hier nicht #ubuntu-motu-de :)21:36
mcisbackukpochu: I think I realised whats wrong, I need to delete the .diff.gz that pbuilder created last time don't i?21:36
mcisbackukgeser: I'm english, born i london lol! i just speak german as well lolz21:37
gesermcisbackuk: if debuild -S succeeds, then you should have a new diff.gz21:37
slangasekgeser: aber gibt's kein #ubuntu-motu-de :(21:37
mok0Perhaps #ubuntu-de-motu? :-P21:38
mcisbackukgeser: should I delete the newer one anyway just in case its not overwriting it?21:38
mcisbackukthe .diff.gz i mean21:38
gesermcisbackuk: is doesn't hurt21:38
geserat least you will that something didn't work if you don't get a new diff.gz21:39
mcisbackukgeser: OK ill try that maybe it'll stop winding me up lol21:39
mcisbackukgeser: true21:39
CoperCan someone check so I haven't make any big misstakes? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=console-freecell21:41
RainCTslangasek: wie viele Sprachen kennst du den? :P21:41
pochuCoper: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/console-freecell-0801312240/lintian21:42
mok0slangasek knows a bunch of wicked finnish words21:42
mcisbackukRainCT: Nur 2 :(21:43
geserCoper: you don't need to list libncurses5 in Depends, dh_shlibdeps should add it through ${shlib:Depends}21:43
slangasekRainCT: moltes ;)21:43
ryanakcaRainCT: thanks :)21:46
geserCoper: and for the short description see http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-best-pkging-practices.en.html#s-bpp-pkg-synopsis21:46
Coperpochu: is it just to update standard-version?21:46
pochuCoper: no. I'm doing a full review.21:47
geserCoper: is there a need-packaging bug for it? if yes, you should close it in the changeloge ("(LP: #xxx)")21:47
RainCTmok0: sorry for the wait.. pbuilder is running now21:48
mok0RainCT: great21:48
persia\sh_away: You should apply to join the group.  One of the admins will likely welcome you :)21:50
pochuCoper: review posted.21:50
persiaRainCT: Come to the next MOTU Meeting (1 February) and complain.  Maybe interdiffs can go away.21:50
* persia drops back into deep idle21:51
RainCTpersia: Sure :).21:51
RAOFpersia: Congratulations, incidentally.21:51
CyberMattcan somebody check http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=jailkit21:52
Coperpochu: Thanks. :)21:52
superm1hey RAOF i cleaned up gmyth and have a much nicer build on that .orig.tar.gz now21:52
RAOFsuperm1: Cool.  I'll probably get time to look at it sometime today.21:57
LaserJockman, git is cool21:59
RAOFCooler than svn, certianly.21:59
RAOFHave you just played with git-bisect?22:00
ion_raof: Not only cooler, but insanely faster.22:00
ion_And git-bisect is a lifesaver. :-)22:00
LaserJockRAOF: no, git-cvsimport22:01
mcisbackukHow do I become a MOTU? I lready help out with bugs (that I can) and have done a couple of upstream upgrades :)22:01
LaserJockmcisbackuk: just keep working22:01
ryanakcamcisbackuk: look at the topic22:01
jdongsuperm1: I've heard all apps need reinstalling after a firmware upgrade22:01
jdongsuperm1: (and they say Ubuntu upgrades are messed)22:01
LaserJockmcisbackuk: usually people will start poking you to apply when you're ready22:01
TheMusoember_: I would ask that when the new version of orca comes out, that I take care of it, as I have one or two extra things I need to do.22:02
mcisbackukLaserJock: I doubt I'm ready just yet, I mean yeah I've learnt a hell of a lot since coming on here and packaging and stuff, but I dunno - I'd be stumped if there was a test lmao22:02
ember_TheMuso: okidoki22:03
LaserJockmcisbackuk: yeah, just keep working on it :-)22:03
mcisbackukLaserJock: I intend to :) New skills and learning stuff is always good :)22:04
LaserJockmcisbackuk: and you will continue learning after you become a MOTU22:04
mcisbackukKewl :)22:04
LaserJocknothing makes you learn like having to review/sponsor other people's work22:05
=== ember_ is now known as ember
mcisbackukLaserJock: I'll bet lolz22:05
TheMusoember: Thanks.22:06
the_belgainhi there - i was wondering if anyone could review my fuppes package in REVU: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=fuppes22:06
the_belgainit's been in there for a few days but there aren't any comments on the latest version - i'd quite like to try and get this into hardy if possible..22:07
mcisbackukIt's STILL coming up with dh_iconcache command not found i changed the rules file ANd deleted the diff.gz22:08
LaserJocknow I gotta figure out git-buildpackage22:08
CyberMattthe_belgain, i'm not a motu but it seems to me like you need a better long description22:09
LaserJockmcisbackuk: zgrep the diff.gz for dh_icon22:09
mcisbackukI think i missed one in rules somehow lol *blush*22:10
CyberMattthe_belgain, also debin/coyright should wrap at 80 chars22:10
mcisbackukYup, looks like I did lol stupid me22:11
LaserJockmcisbackuk:  well, usually pbuilder doesn't lie ;-)22:11
ryanakcaRainCT: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=basic25622:11
mcisbackukNah i knew it would be something really stupid, just didn't know where it was, but thanks laserjock :)22:11
CyberMattyou can use fmt to do that :-)22:11
ryanakcaAlso, if anybody else is willing and has has time, could the review it please? (basic256)22:11
the_belgainCyberMatt: thanks, I'll make those two changes22:12
the_belgainare any MOTUs able to review (and potentially advocate)?22:13
mok0the_belgain: all MOTUs have gone into hibernation22:13
RainCTmok0: I guess you have already noticed it, but the package is uploaded :)22:14
mok0errrh, hi RainCT22:14
* RainCT was having dinner :P22:15
AlohaRainCT, thanks for commenting. i was away22:15
mok0RainCT: now I should merge the latest xtide22:16
rulusCan someone have a look at my package (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gtkvd)? It should be ready for advocation :)22:16
RainCTrulus: well, you really shouldn't ask if it wasn't ready ;P22:18
rulusRainCT: yes, true :p22:19
mok0rulus: there's always that one. last, bug22:19
AlohaRainCT, what priority should sadms be?22:20
AlohaRainCT, optional?22:20
rulusmok0: yep, software is never finished I guess22:20
the_belgaini'm about to upload an updated version of fuppes with the markups CyberMatt pointed out above, unless anyone else is taking a look at this in which case i can roll in other updates?22:20
RainCTAloha: yes22:20
mok0rulus: heh22:20
AlohaRainCT, thnx22:20
mok0RainCT: don't forget to change the status of the LP bug22:20
Coperhmm I get a warning: unknown information field 'L Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed' in input data in parsed version of changelog.22:21
mok0RainCT: bug 18776222:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 187762 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] xtide world vector shoreline data" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18776222:22
RainCTmok0: Janitor didn't change it?22:22
mok0RainCT: Its still "confirmed"22:23
mok0RainCT: should be fix committed, right?22:23
RainCTmok0: yes, changed it.22:23
mok0RainCT: great. Pleasure working with you :-)22:24
* mok0 carves another notch22:25
the_belgaini've uploaded another fuppes package - any reviews would be welcome (i'll check revu tomorrow)22:25
LaserJockCoper: that's ok22:26
blueyedIs there some better documentation of get-orig-source than the one at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Examples/ChangingTheOrigTarball ?22:26
mok0blueyed: what's wrong with it?22:27
mok0A bit brief, perhaps22:28
blueyedyes, also unclear about where the orig.tar.gz should land (seems different between 2 and 3)22:28
blueyedAlso, no mentioning about how and when to invoke it.22:29
RainCTmok0: Thanks. /me thinks the same :)22:29
RainCT(with you, not with myself :P)22:29
* mok0 hi-5's RainCT 22:29
blueyedDoes my first get-orig-source look sane? http://pastebin.com/m3420b7ab22:31
mok0blueyed: I don't really see the point of the get-orig-source target.22:31
mok0blueyed: A script in debian/ would suffice22:31
TheMusomok0: If there is a debian/watch, get-orig-source is not needed.22:33
mok0TheMuso: exactly22:33
TheMusoIf a debian/watch is not possible, then get-orig-source is needed.22:33
CoperTo close a bug in changelog is it just to add (LP: #xxxxxx) ?22:34
RainCTCoper: yes22:34
mok0TheMuso: Yeah, but can it be done without human intervention? I don't think so, because often you have to edit the version anyway22:34
crimsunpersonally, apparmor's debian/rules has a nice get-orig-source:22:34
AlohaCoper, i don't think you even need the ()22:34
TheMusomok0: Not entirely no, but all thats needed is the latest changelog entry to have the version that is desired.22:35
crimsunalso, I think get-orig-source: is useful in situations where we have to recreate the orig.tar.gz tarball from tar.bz2, e.g., alsa-*22:35
mok0TheMuso: yes, but human intervention is needed22:35
TheMusoFor example, look at the way that the gnome-pkg-tools gnome-get-source.mk does it.22:35
mok0crimsun: yes for repackaging it is needed22:36
Coperadded a new version for revu and fix all problems.22:36
* mok0 thinks that if only upstream authors would maintain sensible standards things would be easiy22:37
mok0Apropos: is there a document with recommendations for upstream authors?22:38
mok0There must be a vast amount of experience in the packaging community that could benefit upstreams22:38
blueyedmok0: I need to pull in a directory from svn.. or at least that's what the debian maintainer did.. I've just automated it. Do you think adding a script to the (also existing) watch file would be better instead?22:38
CyberMattmok0, then whats the fun in packageing22:38
Alohaapt-file is a nice package... i can't believe i lived without it22:38
ScottK2slangasek: I think I found a small missing bit in the cyrus-sasl2 libdb transition that would make it not unreasonable to do another upload after the alpha freeze is over.  It still build-dep's on libdb-dev with the versioning on 4.4, not 4.6.22:39
ScottK2So we can keep the version numbers in sync in good consciense.22:39
blueyedAloha: unfortunately it does not work for development branches, does it?22:39
RainCTryanakca: in the spanish comment, you wrote a "si" in the middle, remove that :P. also, I recommend writting all the Comment[xx] entries in alphabetic order (ca,de,es,fr) as if the file gets longer it will be easier to find a certain language that way22:39
* blueyed has some apt-file bugs assigned still..22:40
Alohablueyed, i don't know i got it from repo not from cvs22:40
RainCTryanakca: and don't use "rm" for clean:, but "rm -f" instead, otherwise cleaning if it's already clean will fail22:40
blueyedAloha: I mean, it does not work for Hardy, does it? Only Gutsy..22:40
mok0blueyed: Hmm. I think a standalone script in debian/ is the clearest way to do it. I don't see the advantage of the extra "debian/rules get-orig-source" requirement22:40
Alohablueyed, not sure i don't run hardy22:40
mok0blueyed: basically, it's just wrapping a script inside a makefile22:40
ScottK2mok0: What difference is it if it's a script or a target in rules?  It works out the same.22:41
mok0ScottK2: exactly.22:41
mok0ScottK2: why wrap it in a makefile?22:41
blueyedYou have some additional vars set there..22:41
Alohatarget in rules probably looks better aesthetically22:41
ScottK2So Debian policy says put it in rules.  Is there a strong motive to change?22:41
mok0a makefile is a bad place to have a script. For example, each line is a separate process22:42
superm1jdong, well the thing is i reinstalled them, but its keeping binaries in all these weird places on the system now22:42
mok0if you need to work in another dir, you have to cd in every line22:42
superm1jdong, its a really bad upgrade22:42
superm1it needs to be wiped22:42
blueyedmok0: it's all one line.. "\" at the end.. imho it's just messier in rules.22:43
mok0_that_ is aesthetically _not_ pleasing22:43
geserblueyed: there are already Content files for hardy on the archive so apt-file might work now again22:43
RainCTmok0: you can call another script from inside the makefile22:43
mok0blueyed: ok,ok,22:43
blueyedMy question rather is if it should get included in the watch file (you can call scripts from there, can't you)?22:43
mok0blueyed: don't know, honestly22:43
blueyedgeser: great! A good reason to fix it.. :)22:44
mok0why not have a script "debian/get-orig-source" ??22:44
geserblueyed: but I didn't check yet22:44
slangasekScottK2: not particularly relevant given that the only "libdb-dev" that can satisfy any versioned build-deps is the one from db4.6; but IMHO it's a bad idea to use libdb-dev anyway, rather than the libdb4.6-dev virtual package22:45
mok0My basic view is that using a makefile as a process launcher is abuse of make22:46
mok0make is about resolving dependencies, and doing only what's necessary. It shouldn't be used as a manifold for spawning processes22:48
ScottKslangasek: Agreed it's a nit, but may as well get it right.  And if that cyrus-sasl2 were backported it could end up using multiple libdb versions for different things.22:48
blueyedmok0: I see. But AFAICS it's common sense to do it that way.. but there's not much documentation about it.. (w.r.t. usage)22:49
slangasekScottK: not sure what you mean, there; there's no libdb-dev real package in the archive that isn't db4.622:50
mok0blueyed: well, it keeps things in one place.22:50
mok0blueyed: anyway, get-orig-source is not called by any of the dpkg tools22:51
ScottKslangasek: OK.  I made the assumption that it existed in earlier releases.22:51
mok0so  it doesn't really matter22:51
slangasekScottK: nope, it's a neologism resulting from the db maintainers being sick of having to maintain old versions for all eternity; but IMHO it's a wrong fix22:52
CoperI have some problem with standard version, if I set it to lintian is complaning that it's not 2.7.3 and if I set it to 2.7.3 linda complance that it's to new.22:54
geserCoper: ignore linda in this point22:55
RainCTryanakca: you've more comments on REVU22:56
matthijsAloha? hello.23:00
RainCTgood night23:01
matthijsIs there someone here that would want to help out creating packages for our project?23:01
matthijsThe project is "veejay", currently located on http://veejayhq.net23:02
matthijsWe have a small, but loyal userbase, and some press coverage trough the piksel festival in norway23:02
matthijshowever, things have been quiet since all of the development team has dayjobs now, and we do not have time to work on packages23:03
mok0matthijs: First step is to file a needs-packaging bug on launchpad.net23:03
matthijsWe would like to have the 1.0 in Synaptic, possibly generating more momentum to finalize the 1.1 release23:03
matthijsLaunchpad? I'm taking a look now.23:04
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
matthijsBut anyone here, that could help us out creating an initial set of binaries to host on our site, to "ease" the introduction?23:05
dcorderowhere is the protocol for fix a bug that need change code for the original developer?23:05
mcisbackukmatthijs: Launchpad is Ubuntu's bug tracking service, any prblems with Ubuntu, or any packages within it are filed on there. also any new Open Source projects which users/project owners feel would be good enough to go into Ubuntu get filed on Launchpad with the tag [needs-packaging], for help on using Launchpad, please visit the wiki at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/23:07
mok0matthijs: does the build use gnu autotools?23:07
StevenKmatthijs: So, why are you trying to poach people that work on Ubuntu?23:07
matthijsmok0, yes, it builds perfectly on ubuntu :)23:07
matthijsStevenK, what do you mean?23:08
mok0StevenK: He needs help to package his software23:08
mcisbackukmatthijs: OK, well then that needs to be confirmed by a MOTU, please file a request at http://www.launchpad.net23:08
StevenKI didn't read it like thatr23:08
matthijsI'm asking for help, because I got stuck trying to package things a week or so and I *really* don't have any more time... even if I would like to23:09
matthijsAnd I want to produce quality stuff, not something made by checkinstall - also, I'm on really old hardware so it's a pain.23:09
mcisbackukWell there are plenty of people within the Ubuntu community that can help, ut just asking here is not usually enough, if you file a request on Launchpad, then everyone can see it.23:09
matthijsI'm just about to :)23:09
mcisbackukcool :)23:10
mok0matthijs: we're just a handful awake here23:10
mcisbackukmatthijs: that normally gets people to look, I mean I myself like the look of the project at a quick glance, I think it may come in useful someday to the Ubustudio team :)23:10
mok0matthijs: ... and most of us are busy, feature freeze for 8.04 is just a few days ahead23:10
RAOFYou could also file a Debian RFP (request for package) I suppose.23:11
mcisbackukThat's true RAOF, since Ubuntu tends to take from the Debian packages hehe23:11
matthijsah, well, I'm on launchpad, I registered, and I pressed the big red button -23:11
mcisbackukmatthijs: Hope it didn't blow up!23:12
mok0Arrrrhhhh noooooo23:12
matthijsnope. everything still working23:12
matthijspfew :)23:12
mok0matthijs: put "[needs-packaging]" before the text of your bug23:12
avoineSomeone know if it's possible in a rules file to tell to cdbs to not run dh_shlibdeps for example in the building of the package?23:13
mcisbackukmatthijs: Just put something like [needs-packaging] XXXnameXXX version x.x.x, please make sure you put a link to the download page of the project within the bug report.23:14
mok0matthijs: ... furthermore, once you've completed the entry, add a needs-packaging tag to it23:14
mcisbackukavoine: I would assume you just don't call it?23:14
matthijsah ok, that's clear - so I file an ubuntu bug and write a good summary23:14
james_wmatthijs: are all the dependencies already packaged?23:15
avoinethe only line I have in the rules file is: include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk23:15
mok0avoine: use the DEB_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS variable23:15
mcisbackukmatthijs: Basically yeah, and also if possible put what your dependencies are - that would save a bit of work :)23:15
james_wmatthijs: from a quick look it looks pretty clean, so it shouldn't be too fiddly, but the large number of dependencies might be a bit of a headache.23:16
geseravoine: why do you don't want dh_shlibdeps run?23:16
mcisbackukGuys if I get this message after pbuilder finishes, does that mean there are hardly any changes, and I don't need to include the diff.gz, and just upload the interdiff? dpkg-genchanges: not including original source code in upload23:17
mcisbackukdpkg-buildpackage: binary and diff upload (original source NOT included)23:17
dcorderomcisbackuk, what bug?23:18
mcisbackukErmmmm I'm updating an upstream release : bug #113653 apart from that all seems fine23:19
dcorderoBug #11365323:19
james_wmcisbackuk: that will happen for a non -1 upload. Sometimes you will need to force the inclusion of the upstream source (if the place you are uploading to doesn't have it already, or they always require it for other reasons). You can do this with the -sa flag.23:19
mcisbackukubotu hello?23:19
dcorderoubotu is sleeping :)23:19
jdongmcisbackuk: routing issue23:19
mcisbackukjames_w: I used -sa when I done the debuild23:20
jdongbackup bots en route23:20
avoinegeser: I'm trying to package a XO activitie and It have a .so file in it that prevent him to build: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10805976/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.sugar-paint-activity_13-1.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:20
gesermcisbackuk: that only means that the .changes file has no reference to the .orig.tar.gz (and uploaded get only the .dsc, .diff.gz and .changes files)23:20
mcisbackukgeser: Sorry can you dumb it down just a bit for me lol only a bit23:21
ScottK2avoine: Do you build-dep on libgtk2.0-dev?23:22
avoineno, I should?23:22
ScottK2Yes.  That's what's missing there.23:22
mcisbackukgeser: Do I still need to create an interdiff then since it's a new upstream release, and if so, what files do I upload?23:22
avoineok thanks23:22
matthijs_wowsers my laptop just crashed due to excessive scrolling - that's what I mean by old hardware...23:22
mcisbackukmatthijs: Maybe you should be running Ubuntu yourself then ;)23:23
gesermcisbackuk: I'm not sure about the process for updating upstream versions and which file should be added to the LP bug23:24
matthijs_er. I AM running ubuntu - but packaging is just too hard for me :)23:24
mcisbackukgeser: OK no worries23:24
mcisbackukmatthijs: Don't worry, just fiel the bug and let one of the guys do it :)23:24
emgentFujitsu, heya23:24
matthijs_during the time the chroot comes up, I can make and drink a tea.23:24
geseravoine: from the build log I don't see nothing compiled. Does your package include pre-compiled code?23:24
avoineyeah geser23:25
geseravoine: bad, everything should be rebuild to a) know that it build (important for applying patches) and b) the source matches the binaries23:27
avoineok, I have the source code and the makefile for the .so file23:30
avoineI just need to tell cdbs to remove the lib and recompile it23:30
joejaxxGood Evening ALl23:44
matthijs_hi everyone - I had to feed a baby in between - I reported the bug!23:54
matthijs_So I gues now I wait? ( sleep)23:54

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