
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:53
nxvl_workScottK: around?01:13
somerville32Is there a gui that allows for easy management of ip aliases?02:21
zullike how?02:22
zulie what do you want to manage02:22
faulkes-you mean managing ifcfg-eth0:X based interfaces, say for ip based web servers under apache02:40
somerville32faulkes-: ^^02:51
lightbookhi, I'm trying to get a root login on ubuntu server, but it's giving me hell.03:18
lightbookI can't sudo anything and I can't modify the etc/sudoers file03:18
qmanlightbook, root has no password by default on ubuntu03:18
qmanlightbook, and the user you create during install is in the admin group, which gives that user full sudo privileges03:19
lightbookqman: it's giving me the "not an authorized user" bull.03:19
qmandid you create the user after installing, or is it the user that was created during install?03:20
lightbookduring the install.03:20
qmanif you reboot the system, press escape to enter the Grub menu during boot, and boot with the (recovery mode) line03:20
qmanit will drop you to a root prompt in single user mode03:20
lightbooksweet, thanks03:21
qmanfrom there, you should check if your user is in the admin group03:21
qmanand if the admin group is in the sudoers file03:21
faulkes-somerville32: afaik there is no current gui for such management03:29
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zylstra555Hello. A friend of mine would like to have a sub-directory type site on my server, and I am wondering, what is the best way to do this?04:48
__bbsomeone can help me make a router using firehol?05:32
__bbsomeone can help me make a router using firehol?05:37
CrummyGummyHi all, fsck is failing when checking my ext3 raid1 partition on boot. It says that the fs is either mounted or opened exclusively by another program. It is trying to check /dev/mapper/sda7 and not /dev/md4. Any ideas what could be causing this?07:13
_rubenCrummyGummy: a faulty setup of /etc/fstab .. it probably lists sda7 instead of md4 .. or your bootloader has been told to use sda7 as root instead of md407:19
CrummyGummyU'm using UUID to mount the fs, Lemme just double check its right.07:20
CrummyGummy /U'm/I'm/07:21
CrummyGummyand its not mu root partition its /var07:22
CrummyGummy /mu/my/07:22
CrummyGummy_ruben: Nope, its definitly pointing to /dev/md4.07:24
CrummyGummywell the UUID of anyway.07:24
_rubenhmm .. cant say i have much experience with using uuids so dunno if there could be going something wrong there07:25
_rubenafaik, fstab is the one and only place to define which disks get fsck'ed07:26
CrummyGummyI found a pointer towards blkid on the net. Still looking.07:29
CrummyGummyWell thats what you get for not reading up before doing, I ran blkid>/etc/blkid.tab and rebooted. Now its stuck.07:37
* CrummyGummy is holding thumbs it'll unstick...07:37
CrummyGummywoops, now /dev/md1 doesn't exist. eish,,,07:38
CrummyGummyAnybody got any idea what I missed? This is very obsure.08:12
* CrummyGummy is going to change /dev/md1 to the UUID ( in grub) and see if it fixes it.08:15
sorenDo you use evms?08:18
CrummyGummyNo, raid108:21
CrummyGummyplain mdadm08:22
CrummyGummysoren: Do you think I need to refresh my initrd?08:25
sorenDo you have evms installed?08:25
CrummyGummyNo, I removed it.08:25
CrummyGummybefore refreshing the blkid.tab08:26
CrummyGummySo, yes.08:26
sorenDid you try rebooting just after removing evms and doing nothing else?08:26
CrummyGummywell I removed evms refreshed the blkid.tab and rebooted. Now I am stuck.08:27
sorenCrummyGummy: I don't think I've ever had a blkid.tab, and I'm happy.. :)08:28
CrummyGummyWell I didn't plan it.,,, Maybe removing it will work.08:28
sorenThat was what I was trying to say :)08:29
CrummyGummylemme look08:29
* CrummyGummy is holding thumbs08:30
CrummyGummysoren: Thanks, I was looking in the wrong direction. I had messed up my mdadm.conf. After re-generating my initrd file it worked.09:11
spiekeysoren: you there? ::)09:33
sorenI am.09:34
sorenI live here.09:34
spiekeyi need some help or ideas about nss and ldap09:34
spiekeyi use this script to install a samba pdc with nss and ldap : majen.net/smbldap/09:35
spiekeymy problem is that my virtual machines of my vmware server then dont start properly anymore09:35
spiekeyif i comment out "ldap" in nsswitch.conf it works fine.09:35
sorenEr.. Ok.09:35
spiekeyin the syslog i get something like: slapd: bdb_equality_candidates: (uniqueMember) index_param failed (18)09:36
spiekeybut i dont know if this is a serious error or just a message09:36
sorenHave you checked the vmware forums?09:36
spiekeyon my way :)09:36
sorenspiekey: Is there a vmware system user?09:38
sorenAre you running vmware server on an amd64 machine, perhaps?09:38
spiekeyno, its a normal 386 box09:39
spiekeyid: vmware: No such user09:40
_rubensoren: not sure if you're the one to ask, but any pointers what would be the 'best' virtualization method to run windows guests on an ubuntu host (the host being amd64)09:40
soren_ruben: I'd guess kvm, but I haven't done much testing of windows inside of it. It should work, thouhg.09:41
spiekeysoren: the thing is that can click on "play" in my vmware server and nothing happens for about 2minutes. Then i get an gui error saying it could not start the machine. If i click play again it works.09:41
spiekeyit always works after the 2nd time.09:41
spiekeyquite weird, isnt it?09:41
sorenSort of.09:41
sorenvmware has an annoying tendency to ship various libraries with their stuff.09:42
sorentry "locate libnss_ldap.so"09:42
_rubensoren: i'll look into kvm when i have some time, tho hardy's version is quite superior to the gutsy one right?09:43
soren_ruben: *very* much so.09:44
spiekey.  /lib/libnss_ldap.so.2 -> libnss_ldap-2.3.6.so09:45
spiekey.  /usr/lib/libnss_ldap.so -> /lib/libnss_ldap.so.209:45
spiekeyi am using ubuntu 6.06 by the way09:45
_rubensoren: by the time i get a chance to play with it, hardy might be aproaching its final state anyways, so might not be such a big problem ;)09:46
_rubenwe're currently using vmware 1.0.4 on suse boxes, which seems to do the trick fairly well, tho performance isnt all that great09:46
sorenspiekey: Well, my best guess is that vmware is using a different set of libnss libraries and borks because it can't look up users in ldap (probably because it's looking for a configuration file in the wrong place).09:51
sorenspiekey: It's quite hard for me to tell whether that's anywhere near the truth or not, though.09:52
spiekeysoren: i would have expected vmware to not work at all, but not the bahaviour like this :)09:52
spiekeyi might try to strace the problem then09:52
* soren goes to lunch11:31
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* _ruben just got back from "lunch"11:49
_rubeni eat during work, and lunchbreak is used to play tablesoccer in the basement11:50
spiekeyi play pocket snooker all day long ;)11:57
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sommersoren: morning, I've started a cli qemu install using virt-install and I can see a qemu process in ps -ef output14:46
sorensommer: Ok.14:46
sommersoren: but I can't connect to the console using virsh -c qemu:///system console14:46
sommeram I missing something14:46
sorenDo you have virt-viewer installed?14:46
sommerthe message says no console for domain14:46
sorenUse that instead.14:47
sorenvirt-viewer -c qemu:///system name-of-domain14:47
sommergetting a new error: (virt-viewer:8180): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:14:48
sommerI'm trying through ssh at the moment14:48
sommerthe virsh list command works fine :-)14:49
sorenAh, have you set up X forwarding?14:49
sommernot that I know of14:50
sommerwill do, though14:50
sommerso does qemu requre X?14:52
sommerand vnc?14:53
sommerx is being forwarded, but now the virt-viewer is wanting vnc14:53
sommerI did use the --nographics option, so that's probably expected14:53
sorenWell, you're supposed to run virt-viewer from your *local* machine.14:54
sorenHowever, that's blocking on netcat-openbsd landing in the archive. It will be a few days.14:54
sommersoren: gotcha, I'll try again this evening14:54
soren"a few days" :)14:54
sommerer... that too14:55
sommerthanks for the info, I wasn't finding much on qemu + virsh + console14:56
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foohm, cron-apt is cool.18:26
ivokslamont: any toughts on postfix+dovecot?18:35
sommerI think they should be combined into a super server named postcot... but who knows where thoughts come from18:46
zulwhy not fixdove?18:53
faulkes-trademark/copyright issues with dove soap18:53
sommerI think you have to stay with the "post" roots18:53
nxvl_workdid anyone know something about Ubuntu Home Server?19:39
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sedegaI installed ubuntu server version and chose LAMP setup, but it seems like LAMP wasnt installed19:58
sedegais this normal?19:58
leonelwhy  seems like lamp wasn't installed ?19:59
sedegabecause there is no sign of apache, mysql, php or python20:00
sedegai had to apt-get them20:00
sedegaim just wondering20:00
sedegaif i did something wrong20:00
sedegaalso can you help me disable system beeper for ubuntu server, i still need the beeper connected for a program, i just dont want any system beeps...20:03
sedegaoh nm, figured out the beeper.. Still LAMP issue, is it normal?20:05
lamonthrm... ivoks got a way20:09
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_DraxIve just recently joined the ubuntu community by installing the server edition on my standalone computer, first reason I did was I needed a webserver and the LAMP solution was perfect. Im now interested in suggestions on what more I can use it for. I will join the NTP pool project and if you know more things like those please let me know.21:09
Jester45is it possible to make a ftp group? so that adding a user to the group gives them access?21:28
Ahmuckwhat is the command to get the menu to come up about installing different servers?21:46
AhmuckLAMP, DNS, etc.21:46
sommerAhmuck: tasksel21:47
Nafalloaptitude? ;-)21:50
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owhGreetings all. Booting off the Gutsy Server CD, how do I setup a RAID 1 for a new server? Is there a magic boot option to make that happen or am I expected to do this manually?22:55
Nafalloowh: manually23:32
Nafalloowh: or rather, via the menu options in the installer.23:32
owhWhich menu options?23:33
Nafallothe ones that lets you setup harddisks ;-)23:33
owhAll I see is Partition Disks, which gives me manual - no raid options seem apparent, or LVM, which I really don't want.23:33
owhOoooh. I am going through the installation a second time. I booted with a LiveCD to see if the partitioner would help. It didn't but cfdisk allowed me to mark the types as raid autodetect. Now I see a raid option in the manual partitioning.23:35
owhVery nice. Not obvious to find, but very nice none-the-less. I'll do another trial to see if I can mark the types from within the installer, but so far I seem to have a method to build what I want.23:40
owhTo have a "Guided Partition - RAID" there are a few steps, do a guided partition on disk#1, write changes, do another guided partition on disk#2, write changes, change partition types to raid for all partitions, then setup software raid, then set partition types for the raid partitions, then set mount points.23:51
owhIs there any reason why there isn't an installer option to create a guided raid?23:54
owhOr is there an assumption that if you know what RAID is and why it might be of benefit to you, you also know how to set it up?23:56

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