
d_testthen, i clicked on the install icon, and it took me to the installer00:00
d_testk, i says manual partition method..00:00
d_testi select my new partition00:00
seanhI keep setting the panel_minimized_size to 1 in gconf-editor but nothing's changing00:00
n3uro5i5anyone has enconding character problems in evolution?00:00
d_testi do all the steps, and when it goes to install, it just waits and then says couldn't mount '/'00:01
Starnestommyd_test: did you make a partition that had '/' as a mount point?00:01
d_testyea, i did that00:01
d_testnow, the install icon isn't working again :|00:02
WaYdoes anybody knows any tool like nero for creating and editing dvd menus?00:02
oliWaY: nero fot linux?00:02
* oli ducks00:02
StrangeCharm_i'm having trouble hibernating on a fujitsu-siemens lifebook p7230. on the hcl, it's listed as working ok. i'm using the intel experimental modsetting graphics driver. i have more swap space than i have ram; i even have more empty swap space than i have ram. i see the hibernate icon in power options dialogue. however, when i click on it, i get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left, and this persists for as long as i leave the compu00:03
StrangeCharm_ter running. when i force a power-off, and turn it back on, i just get a normal startup. any ideas?00:03
WaYbut i think that nero for linux doesnt create dvd menus00:03
seanhHey -- anyone know why I keep seeing this randomly when using my browser? (but not when I am loading a site, it just pops up randomly when I'm not doing anything) http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/874/screenshotepiphanyxz5.png00:03
xenthroQ: i just bought an Asus WL-160n usb wifi dongle and I want to get it working w/out ndiswrapper. I can't find any info on what chipset the card uses but I there are win/mac drivers available00:03
nugz1212just use ndiswrapper then00:04
oliWaY: if nero and k3b can't - nothing can.00:04
=== Grab is now known as funny
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prakritiwhen i put 4gb of ram in my box it gets super unstable00:05
prakritiI know it cant address all of it, but should it get unstable/00:05
oliprakriti: it's difficult to find data in so big amount of mem :>00:05
Juzzy`I have a problem I need more space on my root partition (/) but i'm not sure how to resize the partition00:05
prakritiJuzzy` : boot off a live cd and run the partition editor00:05
WaYoli: im going to try qdvdauthor00:05
Juzzy`ooh ok00:05
shaarkJuzzy: use gparted00:06
Juzzy`can i use gparted without using live cd?00:06
Juzzy`cause livecd doesn't like my laptop00:06
rskJuzzy`: sure00:06
oliJuzzy`: not on /00:06
Juzzy`thats what I thought00:06
Juzzy`since its mounted00:06
Juzzy`i'll give the livecd a shot00:07
Juzzy`thx guys00:07
d_testcan i install ubuntu without booting live?00:08
olid_test: use alternate cd00:09
simpsI've been trying to setup Samba, but I have no been able to see the Ubuntu computer from my Windows or vice versa.00:09
simpsHelp would be appreciated :)00:10
d_testsimps: is the samba server on your windows workgroup or vice-versa00:10
simpson Ubuntu00:11
WillOneIf someone could take a look at this and tell me what size I should make the Linux exchange, I would be greatful: http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8850/supmortomesin2.jpg00:11
d_testno, like is it set-up for use in your windows workgroup00:11
simpsd_test, I'm not totally sure if I did it right. I just went to System->Administration->Shared Folders, installed the stuff there, and added a folder00:12
d_testi think you need to setup the workgroup settings00:12
simpsd_test, could you explain how i would do that?00:12
d_testuhh, i did it in fedora 6 :/00:13
d_testits different, since they had a nice GUI settings thing00:13
dystopianrayWillOne: 10GB would be more than adequate, depends on how many files you want to store in the linux partition00:13
SneakernetsHi, I have a rather unusual question00:13
Jordan_USneakernets, Those are the best kind :)00:14
simpsd_test, do you think the terminology of setting up the workgroup would be the same? could you tell me a few of the things you saw in the GUI that i might be able to locate on Ubuntu :P00:14
SneakernetsI am trying to run Chocolate doom ( http://www.chocolate-doom.org ) and I'm having problems setting 320x200 and when I set 320x240 all I get is garbled horizontal bars.00:14
Sneakernetsmy chipset is SiS SUPER AGPSET00:14
wozfor some reason my laptop screen won't go idle/sleep even though I have it set to go to sleep after 2 minutes. anyone got any suggestions?00:14
awerner32i have a wine question but nobody in the wine irc wants to answer it and people in the ubuntu one are generably very knowledgeable00:15
d_testsimps: it was in system>settings>administration>samba conf00:15
awerner32 alright, i have a decent understanding of both how wine works and also the windows registry, would there be a way to import the wine registry keys and neccesary files to a windows install on a seperate partition and thus run apps already installed on that partition. I think it's theoretically possible but what would be the methodology required00:15
dystopianraySneakernets: is there a specific need to run chocolate-doom? there are many other doom ports00:15
Sneakernetsand my monitor is a Gateway FPD2185W LCD 1680x105000:15
soundraywoz: do you have an optical mouse?00:15
Sneakernetsdystopianray: yes, it emulates vanilla as closely as possible00:15
cellofellowI have an odd problem with my USB headset.00:15
woz@soundray: yes00:15
realityiswherecellofellow: you and everyone else.00:16
Sneakernetsthat and I am a tester for it: I usually don't have this issue but with this computer I am00:16
jereme_anyone running fglrx using the manual install method?00:16
jereme_I'm having an issue that when X starts, I just get a blank screen and it hangs00:16
dystopianraySneakernets: I'd recommend prboom, it matches vanilla doom quite closely00:16
Flare183!anyone | jereme_00:16
ubotujereme_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:16
d_testif i have my partitions setup already, whats the easiest way to use it?00:16
soundraywoz: it may be sending spurious movement signals. Try unplugging it. If that works, plug it back in, but turn it on its back.00:16
Sneakernetsi suspect that my xorg driver isn't working00:16
SneakernetsI can't find any info on my chipset00:16
woz@soundray: thanks ill try that00:16
cellofellowMy nvidia hda-intel sound card doesn't work, so I have a USB headset. It works, but the only mixer that can set the volume correctly is alsamixer. The gnome stuff doesn't work, and the volume buttons on the headset. Both just send the volume into randome places.00:16
jereme_well it was part of my question00:17
PcPixelDoes anyone know of a good software package for a high school student to use as an algebra tutor?00:17
soundraySneakernets: most recent drivers don't support these low resolutions well00:17
Sneakernetsis there a program I can use to ident my chipset and set xorg settings automatically?00:17
jereme_I was narrowing the results of my query by eliminating anyone who wouldn't have relevant experience00:17
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I was explaining, ok? Sorry if I was too vague.00:17
Sneakernetssoundray: that's not good :(00:17
jeroenimoubotu: I wondered that too ... why people are so polite, but imagine when everyon in #ubuntu would reply to "Hello! Can someone help me" ?00:17
Picijeroenimo: ubotu is a bot ;)00:18
Flare183ubotu: is a bot00:18
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.00:18
realityiswherecellofellow: if you go into System, Preferences, Sound, it'll show you the default mixer tracks controlled by your volume buttons00:18
jeroenimoPici: I saw it after I whoised :P00:18
cellofellowThe headset is a Logitech Premium 350 which works just by the standard USB plug-and-play soundcard stuff.00:18
cellofellowrealityiswhere: ok, I've messed with that already though. Let me see what I have set ATM.00:18
awerner32 alright, i have a decent understanding of both how wine works and also the windows registry, would there be a way to import the wine registry keys and neccesary files to a windows install on a seperate partition and thus run apps already installed on that partition. I think it's theoretically possible but what would be the methodology required00:18
realityiswherecellofellow: it should be set to PCM00:18
Grabhope you can help me: i need to open port 828, what is the right command?00:18
Flare183!repeat | awerner3200:18
ubotuawerner32: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:18
newtarGrab: nc -lp 828 -q100:19
cellofellowrealityiswhere: set to Logitech USB Headset as the Device, and Speaker as the channel.00:19
newtarGrab: nc -lp 82800:19
Sneakernetsok maybe I need to talk to the xorg guys about low res support. :(00:19
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php00:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:19
dystopianrayGrab: it's opened when a program starts listening on that port00:19
realityiswherecellofellow: at the bottom though, under default mixer tracks, highlight PCM from the list that should be there.00:19
realityiswherecellofellow: underneath of HDA Intel00:19
dystopianraySneakernets: have you tried one of the other doom ports?00:19
Sneakernetsno, I shell00:20
xenthroQ: Where can i get a list of wifi usb dongles that work with ubuntu w/out ndiswrapper?00:20
SneakernetsI know the guy that makes PRBoom plus00:20
realityiswherecellofellow: for your HDA intel card, I'm pretty good with those, what chipset is your sound card?00:20
dystopianraySneakernets: try prboom, it's my favourite00:20
tyranoshi , got a question , how can i make the nautilus file browser start windowed and not taking the fullscreen , if i maximize it it gets a pixel wider ,doesnt make sense to me00:20
Sneakernetsalright :)00:20
jeroenimoxenthro: http://linux-wless.passys.nl00:20
cellofellowrealityiswhere: it's SigmaTel STAC920000:20
dystopianraySneakernets: it's in the ubuntu repos00:20
realityiswherecellofellow: do you have the backport modules package installed?00:21
Dr_willistyranos,  sounds to me like its rembering its last opened size. and not reseting it when you close the window.00:21
cellofellowrealityiswhere: MCP51 High Definition Audio with STAC9200 "codec".00:21
newtartyranos: I use this alias: alias ge-nautilus='nautilus --browser "`pwd`" &'00:21
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I do.00:21
Sneakernetsdystopianray: so it is! yay, thanks.00:22
mykas0hi everyone00:22
SneakernetsI need to talk to the maintainer of chocodoom and see if we can get it submitted to the ubuntu repos when the testing is finished00:22
realityiswherecellofellow: Have you tried any of the supposed fixed editing the alsa-base conf file?00:22
realityiswherecellofellow: fixes*00:22
teleeso i have a 300 gig HD and 100 gig are already partitioned for windows and i have my second partition with 215 GIGs for ubuntu.... now i am doing it manually and how should i split the rest of the 215 Gigs up for ubuntu.. should it all be ext3 or some ext2 and what about swap... i have 2 gig ram if that matters00:22
cellofellowrealityiswhere: haven't heard that one yet.00:23
realityiswherecellofellow: one moment00:23
woz@soundray: that still doesn't turn the display off00:23
* cellofellow is sort of banking on Hardy fixing lots of stuff.00:23
mykas0I'm now installing the ubuntu-alternate, and it seems to be stuck on 18% for quite a while, during the "Selecting and installing software"  - is this a known issue?00:23
=== PU658 is now known as mustafa-tr
=== mustafa-tr is now known as mustafa-
Yasumotomykas0: are you installing on a laptop?00:23
exneo_hey how do I run the make file in the alsa driver00:23
mykas0Yasumoto, nope00:23
jimmygoonIs everyone's xchat working properly? (as in Ctrl+X doesn't try to close it)00:23
mykas0I'm installing in text mode00:23
Dr_willistelee,  no need to use ext2, how to do it - depends onyour needs.   You may want to put a little swap partition. (like 512mb) at the end just in case you ever need swap.00:23
tyranosDr_willis, i dont think so , i got that same answer from someone else months ago , but i m pretty sure it s not the case , and how can it remember some size it was never set to  :( !!!00:24
beastymm anyone knows in what repo 'ldap account manager' is in ?00:24
soundraywoz: do you use the inhibit applet?00:24
Yasumotomykas0: did you do the "check CD for errors" check before installing?00:24
StargazerMy printer isn't printing, when i hit "print" any ideas ?00:24
exneo_yasumoto how do I run the make file in the alsa driver its not a bash scrip00:24
mykas0Yasumoto, yes, I did00:24
woz@soundray: whats that?00:24
teleeDr_Willis: so basically ill just use it as a desktop and mythtv00:24
Dr_willistyranos,  ive seen cases where its happened.    But i rarely use the gnome file manager much.00:24
tyranoswhat do u use ??00:24
Yasumotomykas0: hm, interesting. have you tried to run it again?00:24
dirkg3nt1yexneo, have you tried ./configure first?00:25
mykas0Yasumoto, it's my second time attempting this installion - before, I had the very same problem00:25
Dr_willistelee,  for mythtv you might want to have a large partition set for /mythtv or for your recordings directory then. the #mythbuntu guys will proberly be able to guide you.00:25
realityiswherecellofellow: is it a dell inspiron laptop by any chance?00:25
Dr_willistyranos,  i tend to use mc in a terminal :)00:25
cellofellowNo, gateway.00:25
soundraywoz: it's a gnome applet that you can use to disable screensaving -- e.g. when you're watching a movie. I thought you might have set it to inhibit-mode inadvertently00:25
cellofellowrealityiswhere: Gateway MT342300:25
Yasumotomykas0: darn :/ I tried to install on my mother's laptop and it would hang at 57% each time00:25
woz@soundray: any way for me to check that? i.e. a config file00:25
mykas0how did you fixed it?00:25
Yasumotomykas0: turned out it was a bad hard drive00:25
teleeso Dr_willis thanks00:26
soundraywoz: not really -- you would probably know if you had it on your panel00:26
mykas0hum, that can't happen here - I tried installing it in a virtual machine too, and had the same problem00:26
Yasumotomykas0: try searching launchpad or the forums for "installer hangs"00:26
realityiswherecellofellow: try a 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base', should open a config file00:27
wozsoundray: is it possible that folding@home or pidgin is preventing it from going to idle?00:27
helluesi ave a quenstion00:27
soundraywoz: I'd say that's unlikely00:27
helluesi am using firefox 3.0 gran paradiso00:27
cellofellowrealityiswhere: got it00:27
wozsoundray: ive tried killing both of those apps and unplugging the mouse to no avail.00:27
hellueshttp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/nss/releases/NSS_3_11_RTM/ i şnstalled nss 3.1100:27
Yasumotomykas0: (i would check but I00:28
helluesbut how can i work nss 3.1100:28
Yasumotomykas0: *i'm in class right now)00:28
StrangeworkI accidentally deleted something with shift+del, is there any way to get the stuff back??00:28
dirkg3nt1yhellues, is firefox 3 better and the acid test the 2.0?00:28
Juzzy`hi guys, managed to get gparted open but it won't let me resize the partition00:28
realityiswherecellofellow: try adding 'options snd-hda-intel model=5stack' in with the other "options" lines, underneath of the last one.00:28
dystopianrayStrangework: restore from backup, otherwise no00:28
Strangeworkah well. thank you anyways00:28
helluesi dont know00:29
shaarkjuzzy:is there a lock icon next to the partition u want to resize?00:29
soundraywoz: and you haven't got a second pointing device, like a trackpad or tablet?00:29
cellofellowrealityiswhere: now what?00:29
realityiswherecellofellow: you will unfortunately have to restart in order to see if it worked, after you save the file.00:29
hellueswhat is acid test00:29
mykas0can anyone help me, then? :\00:29
Juzzy`yes shaark00:29
wozsoundray: only the touchpad on my laptop00:29
soundraywoz: ah00:29
helluesdirkg3nt1y,  what is acid test00:29
shaarkJuzzy: that partition is in use then u can't resize it00:29
Juzzy`i've tried unmouning the partition and then doing it00:29
cellofellowrealityiswhere: actually, this file is really messy (I shink asoundconf has something to do with that.) Where can I get a clean one?00:29
Juzzy`but it still won't allow me00:29
soundraywoz: try installing gsynaptics and disabling the trackpad. You have to make a modification to /etc/X11/xorg.conf for it to work00:30
bazhanghttp://www.webstandards.org/action/acid2/ hellues00:30
shaarkJuzzy: did u try it from the live cd?00:30
Juzzy`yup thats what i'm using now00:30
soundraywoz: I mean touchpad00:30
=== debaser_ is now known as Shinobi
Juzzy`live cd (with the safe mode gfx)00:30
wozsoundray: alright00:30
shaarkJuzzy: try downloading the gpartd live cd that should work00:30
realityiswherecellofellow: everyone's is quite messy, I assure you. it's best not to alter it00:30
Juzzy`shaark: I could probably just redo my linux install but i don't wanna mess up grub00:31
wozsoundray: alright i installed gsynaptics and now im in the xorg.conf file, what should i edit00:31
shaarkJuzzy: just try the gpartd live cd that should solve it and its a small download too00:31
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I restarted alsasound and alsa-utils with init.d, and I now have no sound.00:31
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I think if I tell to use my headset again it'll be fine.00:32
dirkg3nt1yhellues, the acid test tests how well a browser sticks to web standards: http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.html00:32
osotogarii have just edited /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, do i have to reboot to load the blacklist?00:32
Juzzy`shaark: If I used the text-based installer cd would I be able to resize the partition there and reinstall ubuntu onto it?00:32
nemilarosotogari: yeah, but you can just do 'sudo modprobe [module name]' and it will load it00:32
hellueswhats this00:32
nemilarosotogari: then you don't need to reboot00:32
shaarkJuzzy: sorry haven't tried that before00:33
cellofellowrealityiswhere: uh oh. My headset isn't in `asoundconf list` anymore.00:33
helluesit is a face of cat00:33
osotogaribut i thought blacklist is to stop drivers from loading?00:33
nemilarJuzzy`: yeah you can resize partitions using the text-based installer... but I hope you are very comfortable with the command line00:33
hellueswhat does that mean00:33
realityiswherecellofellow: you can try replacing the model=5stack with some other options, there are a lot of them.00:33
dirkg3nt1yhellues, it means firefox 3 is a hell of a lot better the firefox 200:33
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:33
cellofellowrealityiswhere: never mind, just replugging it it helped.00:34
Dr_willisosotogari,  if a module is in the blacklist file - it wont automatically get loaded. You can still manually load it. I belive.00:34
realityiswherecellofellow: hehe, good.00:34
helluesfirefox 3 better then 200:34
wozsoundray: any idea what lines to edit on xorg.conf?00:34
nemilarhellues: it's still in beta though... on my install it is not stable at all.00:34
boinkerdoes anybody know how to install the wacom tablets...i tried doing it the usual way but x always messes up...whats the new setup anyone have any clues??00:34
TalonI saw a video a while ago were when you open a window it goes up in flames, does anyone know what thats called ?00:34
nemilarTalon: that's compiz00:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:34
TalonOHh, so its built into that i gotta enable that some how :)00:35
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I'm not to interested in getting the nvidia card working right away. I bet a clean install of Hardy will do more good than all this fiddling. I just can't figure out why only alsamixer can set the volume of this card properly.00:35
boinkerthe whole xorg.conf file has changed....so im thinking maybe the setup of wacom tablets have changed too...does anyone have any clue whats going on??00:35
osotogari@ Dr. Willis: Ok, what if it is already loaded, say the garmin_gps module has been black listed. Do I have to restart to prevent this from being loaded or can I reload my modules without a restart?00:35
nemilarTalon: correct, read the links above00:35
boinkeranyone know at all?00:35
nemilarosotogari: rmmod is the command to remove a module00:35
helluesthis cat is smiling in opera to00:35
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I mean the USB headset, not the nvidia hda card. (That seems to mix fine, just not play one peep.)00:35
nemilarhellues: opera has the best standards-compliancy of all the browsers00:36
osotogari@nemilar: thanks :)00:36
Wiredtape_Awayhey, I'm trying to decide between ubuntu server edition or desktop edition.. I do plan to run an AMP setup on it, however, I also need some desktop stuff.. which way to go?00:36
nemilarosotogari: welcome00:36
realityiswherecellofellow: I have a plantronics USB headset I could never get working properly either. The audio was fine, but recording never worked.00:36
nemilarWiredtape_Away: desktop can run all the LAMP stuff just fine00:36
Wiredtape_Awaynemilar, so what's special about the server edition?00:36
nemilarWiredtape_Away: if you need the desktop stuff, install the desktop version00:36
StargazerPrinter not printing, and google isn't helping00:36
soundraywoz: add this line to the InputDevice section that pertains to your touchpad: Option "SHMConfig" "true"00:37
nemilarWiredtape_Away: it's got less bulk, none of the desktop apps like openoffice.org00:37
soundraywoz: you will have to restart X00:37
woz_soundray: k00:37
helluesnemilar,  i cant use flash plugin in opera00:37
nemilarhellues: that makes two of us00:37
cellofellowrealityiswhere: my problem is using the GNOME mixer, the volume buttons on my keyboard, or the volume buttons on the headse (which are hard to avoid hitting) are sporadic. Pushing up will cause the volume will go up and down, randomly muting and unmuting the left earphone.00:37
Wiredtape_Awaynemilar, ok, thanks!00:37
helluesalthrough i installed flash plugin00:37
cellofellowrealityiswhere: only alsamixer works, which is a bit annoying.00:37
nemilarWiredtape_Away: welcome00:37
hellueswhile installing i asks for mozilla but not ask for opera00:38
woz_soundray: what will SHMConfig = true do to my touchpad?00:38
soundraywoz_: it needs to be set to activate the configuration interface to your touchpad that gsynaptics uses00:39
woz_soundray: alright, restarting00:39
nemilarit got quiet all of a sudden00:40
emmasudo apt-get install VLC00:40
emmais that the way I should do that?00:40
Flare183yeah really00:40
emmaIf I want to get VLC?00:40
nemilaremma: yup, that works00:40
spithrai new, so I installed ubuntu 6.06.  Is there a gui already installed or do I have to get one?00:40
cellofellowrealityiswhere: on a side note, do you know how ESD works? Does it make it so that more than one or two programs can make sound at once?00:40
Piciemma: lowercase vlc00:40
realityiswherecellofellow: that is really odd. Your default mixer is set to the usb headset and it won't change the volume that way?00:40
nemilaremma: I donno if it's case sensitive though00:40
cellofellowrealityiswhere: it will, just sporadically.00:40
nemilarspithra: Ubuntu comes with Gnome, a desktop environment (GUI)00:40
emmaI want to get somethign that will open the live video here -- http://www.cnn.com/00:41
woz_@soundray: alright now that ive restarted, what should i try? or should i just see if it will sleep now00:41
spithra<nemilar- so whats the command to run it00:41
spithracause im just prompt with cammand line00:42
realityiswherecellofellow: pulseaudio is actually supposed to do the same thing as ESD, only better00:42
woz_soundray: alright now that ive restarted, what should i try? or should i just see if it will sleep now00:42
Flare183I"m back anybody need some help with anything linux/software related00:42
soundraywoz_: have a bit of patience before you repeat00:42
phuzionhahahahaha holy crap what just happened?  I have compiz installed, and I just saw my xchat network tree fly by for no reason at all...00:42
woz_soundray: hmm?00:42
awerner32emma, cnn uses a proprietary plugin to stream teh video which has no linux equivilent00:42
soundraywoz_: start gsynaptics and disable the touchpad00:42
nemilarspithra: what was your question again?00:42
Flare183phuzion: it's called lag00:43
spithrarun a gui00:43
emmaFlare183,  I might. .I need to be able to watch the republican debate on www.cnn.com00:43
spiiphHi. I'm trying to configure tikiwiki, using database setup with dbconfig-common. However, The configuration keeps trying to setup the database without asking me for the database administration password. Is there some option to dbconfig-common I have missed to set?00:43
cellofellowrealityiswhere: well, there are (correct me if I'm wrong) like four high-level sound API's: jack, esd, arts, and pulseaudio. And so few programs seem to actually support them.00:43
nemilarspithra: gnome will startup automatically00:43
woz_soundray: i didnt know if putting @ in front of the name showed up as a message for you. beginner with xchat.00:43
Flare183emma: ok does it use flash or what one sec i look00:43
phuzionFlare183, I don't think so, my system runs fine, C2D E4500 with 2GB of RAM and a GeForce 8600 GTS00:43
d_testk, im seriously mad at this installer..00:44
d_testit won't work!00:44
Flare183phuzion: no internet lag00:44
bazhangphuzion: network lag00:44
Flare183as in internet lag00:44
spithranemilar> it doesnt00:44
soundraywoz_: whether or not it highlights is a function of my IRC client, not yours...00:44
d_testit just disapears after a while00:44
woz_soundray: ahh ok00:44
woz_soundray: alright im gonna give it a shot00:45
Flare183emma: ok i'm on the cnn.com's site00:45
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I wish there was an X11 extension for sound, or something like that. Any X11 (or GTK or OpenGL) program could then use it.00:45
phuzionFlare183 and bazhang you guys know what I'm talking about, the network tree, where it shows what networks and channels you are talking about, right?  that shouldn't be affected by network lag00:45
realityiswherecellofellow: ossv4 is actually worth looking into as well00:45
emmaFlare183,  cool. I hope to be able to watch the debate. So I can see Ron Paul.00:45
cellofellowrealityiswhere: oh, I forgot about OpenAL for games too.00:45
realityiswherecellofellow: i used it instead of ALSA for a while when i was running into the same problems you are now.00:45
* cellofellow gives emma a high-five!00:45
bazhangoftopic emma00:45
Flare183phuzion: oh yeah I know00:46
oichhow can I install a python module using easy_install, without setpping on ubuntu's package manager files?00:46
d_testcan anyone guide me to install ubuntu?!00:46
Flare183!install | d_test00:46
ubotud_test: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:46
zed_hi, I screwed up and removed udev instead of rewriting it with the apt-get remove command00:46
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I also have some problems with OSS emulation. How the heck do I configure that?00:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:47
emmaFlare183,  is there any known way to watch the CNN stream with Ubuntu?00:47
mykas0I'm now installing the ubuntu-alternate, and it seems to be stuck on 18% for quite a while, during the "Selecting and installing software"  - is this a known issue?00:47
zed_anyone know how I can reload it from the disk?00:47
realityiswherecellofellow: i was never any good with regular OSS sorry :(00:47
d_testFlare183: not there00:47
Flare183emma: don't know yet seems that it is "incompatible right now00:47
soundraymykas0: no, it probably means that your burn failed00:47
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I need for a couple of programs, like I would really like to be able to use Audacity to record both input and output without regard for device.00:47
d_testit just disappears after a while00:47
Flare183d_test: what do you mean the entire this is the guide00:47
d_testvery, very annoying00:47
cellofellowrealityiswhere: oh, well.00:47
mykas0soundray, I tried using the ISO by itself, in a Virtual Machine, and it doesn't work either. I also checked for errors, and it displays none00:48
woz_soundray: display still stays on00:48
d_testthe installer says, installing system, then just closes after a while00:48
erichey people00:48
cellofellowrealityiswhere: As far as I know, OSS emulation is a part of ALSA where stuff going through /dev/dsp is routed through ALSA instead of directly through OSS.00:48
erici just installed ubuntu00:48
soundraywoz_: sorry I can't seem to help00:48
ericand irssi00:48
woz_soundray: alright, thanks anyways00:48
woz_Why won't my display go to sleep after 2 minutes?00:49
realityiswherecellofellow: do you have the alsa-oss wrapper package?00:49
zed_anyone know how to reload the kernel from the disk without having to re-install?00:49
mykas0arg, this sure is a huge problem ;___;00:49
awerner32emma: it can be done through wine and a windows browser00:49
cellofellowrealityiswhere: great call00:49
emmaHm... Wine!00:49
emmaOkay.. hmmmm.00:49
realityiswherecellofellow: that may solve some issues hehe00:49
emmaa windows browser though..00:50
Talon[Stupid Question] whats the default '<Super>' button ?00:50
emmaSo wine and IE?00:50
realityiswhereTalon: the windows key between control and alt00:50
TalonThanks mate00:50
nugz1212hey whenever i hit ctrl-alt-backspace or logout everything goes away except for the wallpaper and it freezes, what can i don to correct this?00:50
fluvvellzed_ : reload the kernel in what respect?00:50
bad_cablesanyone seen the issues with the rt61 wireless PCI driver?00:50
soundrayzed_: you want to reinstall the kernel .deb package?00:50
ericdon't know if i should ask this but does anyone know of a good torrent program for ubuntu?00:50
zed_I want to reinstall the udev package00:50
realityiswhereeric: deluge, transmission, azureus00:51
nugz1212eric transmisson00:51
zed_I think it took the kernel  with it00:51
erici thought transmission was for mac os x only/00:51
nugz1212sry transmission, its my favorite00:51
bad_cablesi compiled the module and installed it, i even blacklisted my old one now when i reboot it shows 0% strength on all available networks00:51
realityiswhereeric: it's in the repos00:51
zed_so now I can't boot00:51
ericnice thanks realityiswhere.00:51
nugz1212would reinstalling GDM packages solve my problem?00:51
emmaI do have wine installed, but how do I load IE (from my windows partition) through Wine?00:51
soundrayzed_: did you uninstall udev?00:51
zed_I screwed up00:52
soundrayzed_: can you boot from a live CD?00:52
zed_there right now00:52
cellofellownugz1212: probably a bad X.Org configuration.00:52
nugz1212no its not tht00:52
fluvvellzed_: where does it get to in the boot sequence?00:52
zed_error 1500:52
zed_nothing else00:52
ericalright. i'm gonna go on my mac. brb.00:52
Flare183emma: in the program files folder00:52
matt3243can anyone help me out with my wireless connection? it seems to drop out every 5 or 10 minutes.... really frustrating, WPA ASCII key, DLink router, Linksys Nic, 802.11G00:52
soundrayzed_: can you mount the root partition?00:52
Flare183emma: got that?00:52
nugz1212default xorg.conf does the same thing, and ive tried many kernels all with same problems00:52
emmaFlare183,  you mean the wine program files?00:52
zed_I think so00:53
emmaI only have one program in there.00:53
awerner32emma: you could either try to mount the windows partition and make that work by jsut running the binaries but that has problems with registry inconsistancies generall, i recomend just downloading the windows version of firefox or opera in linux and install it onto your wine psuedo-install and then install flashplayer00:53
soundrayzed_: is that grub error 15?00:53
emmaHow do I include IE as one of the files in my Wine program files?00:53
Flare183emma: yeah either that or windows's partition's program files (if applicatable)00:53
emmaOkay I'll download the windows firefox.00:53
emmaI'm not sure how do I get wine to execute it though if you get me.00:53
emmaWhere am I supposed to save windows firefox too?00:54
mykas0I'm now installing the ubuntu-alternate, and it seems to be stuck on 18% for quite a while, during the "Selecting and installing software". What should I do, if I'm using an ISO and it has no errors?00:54
awerner32yeah ubuntu will actually run the exe installer by default00:54
awerner32emma: your desktop works00:54
ThreeFingerPeteI have a novel question(I hope). with windows xp, much past 2 gigs of ram windows doesnt make any use of it. what about ubuntu?00:54
awerner32emma: anywhere because it's a self-extracting cabinent that will extract by default onto your wine drive00:54
Linuxishaw1Does anyone know if can make moblock run only on one interface?00:54
^Elfboyi was woundering if i insrall the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all tha00:55
emmaOkay that sounds promising00:55
hellueswhat is dom inspector00:55
awerner32emma: it's the same process as installing an app in windows00:55
^Elfboyor can i set up in ssh00:55
fluvvellemma: look into ie4linux, it does it all for you.00:55
soundrayThreeFingerPete: if you have a 64bit CPU (e.g. Core 2 Duo), you can install the amd64 version of Ubuntu and use RAM up to a few terabytes00:55
shaarkThreeFingerPete: use 64bit release00:55
hellueswhat is dom-inspector00:55
emmasays it cannot be done00:55
emmasays there is no suitable thing to open firefoxsetup .exe00:56
vis there an equivalent of pidgin-rhythmbox for vlc?00:56
soundrayThreeFingerPete: the i386 version has the same issue -- it's an addressing problem.00:56
^Elfboyi was woundering if i insrall the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?00:56
ThreeFingerPetesoundray: thank you. so I could actually emulate a swap in the remaining ram?00:56
syntaxerror55The_entropy: however, just like 64-bit XP, some things cannot be used on 64-bit Ubuntu. From the soudn of things, you're using 32bit XP00:57
soundrayThreeFingerPete: no00:57
sneakmonkeyhello, i have a question about the how to install off of a flash drive tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick00:57
jimmygoonWhat would cause a random application to exit on Ctrl+X?00:57
ThreeFingerPetesoundray: thanks. I was thinking I could because the bios detects it00:57
awerner32emma: go to a command line and type wine "/path/to/firefox.exe"00:57
^Elfboyi was woundering if i insrall the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?00:57
syntaxerror55ThreeFingerPete: the above was directed at you00:57
mouseboyxJimmygoon, if ctrl+X is the shortcut for quitting.00:58
sneakmonkeyabout the preparing the Flash Drive with isotostick.sh, im not fully clear on how to do that part, i downloaded the files it links to but dont know where to go from there00:58
jimmygoonmouseboyx, no, and I'm the only person having trouble with this program - I'm having it in both the ubuntu version and compiled from src00:58
CarlF1how can I get "search pw.com" added to /etc/resolve.conf each time it gets created ?00:58
ThreeFingerPetesyntaxerror55: that is correct, 32 bit xp00:58
Jangaridoes anyone know if there's a program that can concatenate sound files? pcm wav?00:58
syntaxerror55ThreeFingerPete: such as: Flash won't work, and some other stuff.00:59
^Elfboyi was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?00:59
cellofellowrealityiswhere: I think to get ALSA OSS to work I need to get rid of real OSS.00:59
ThreeFingerPetesyntaxerror55: whats that about flash?00:59
bazhangwww.pendrivelinux.com sneakmonkey00:59
Flare183!repeat | ^Elfboy00:59
ubotu^Elfboy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:59
soundraysyntaxerror55, ThreeFingerPete: Adobe Flash plugin works fine on my 64bit machine00:59
jack-desktophow do you make a file executable?00:59
realityiswherecellofellow: i believe that is true as well, it's a wrapper for OSS so it's still using alsa01:00
jack-desktopsomethig 666?01:00
soundray!flash64 | ThreeFingerPete01:00
ubotuThreeFingerPete: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:00
Flare183jack-desktop: bad number01:00
cellofellowrealityiswhere: andy idea what to remove?01:00
emmaDidn't work.01:00
ThreeFingerPetesoundray and syntax: flash plug in is fine on mine too01:00
jack-desktopFlare183, do you know how?01:00
Flare183emma: that's whack01:00
zed_soundray can I copy a initrd from the disk to the hd?01:00
emmaI have firefox.exe on my windows partition but I don't know how to point wine to it01:00
syntaxerror55soundray: I'm a bit behind on the times, then01:00
soundrayThreeFingerPete: but you haven't got a 64bit OS01:00
Flare183jack-desktop: yeah use chmod01:00
tdruskwhats the new remote desktop program in hardy?01:00
Flare183jack-desktop: check out man chmod01:01
syntaxerror55emma: wine /windows/path/to/firefox.exe01:01
jack-desktopFlare183, what number?01:01
Flare183jack-desktop: 77701:01
soundraysyntaxerror55: it's certainly not thanks to Adobe and their backwards support policy ;)01:01
jimmygoonmouseboyx, I figured it out. I had dvorak keyboard installed BUT NOT IN USE... and when I disabled it the problem went away..... is ctrl some modfiied for "switch keyboard layout"?01:01
Flare183jack-desktop: that means everyone can run it, read it and, write to it01:01
ThreeFingerPetesoundray: it seems that way.01:01
^Elfboyi was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:01
awerner32emma: you may have to moung the windows partition too, but generally running in wine applications installed from a different windows install will lead to major problems because windows applications are tied to the registry and wine addresses it01:01
soundrayzed_: no, but you can regenerate it -- hold on01:01
Flare183emma: try opera then01:01
jack-desktopFlare183, so: sudo chmod 777 <file>?01:02
awerner32emma: it's own registry01:02
syntaxerror55soundray: Still, I don't recommend the AMD64, because other apps don't work that I can't remember as I've never used AMD64 Ubuntu, just seen people complain here.01:02
Flare183jack-desktop: yeah....01:02
emmaWell it just didn't work out .01:02
awerner32emma: so it is better to install the app onto the wine psuedo-windows01:02
lanzelloth_hi, i need help with centrino platform wireless card01:02
zed_even if I unload the kernel when I ran apt-get remove udev?01:02
emmaThe debate is starting so I have to switch over to Microsoft for tonight.01:02
Flare183emma: ok i would still try wine's ie01:02
realityiswherecellofellow: maybe you don't. there seems to be no specific OSS package that doesn't also involve alsa01:03
Jordan_Usyntaxerror55, Basically, 99.999% of Open Source projects support 64 bit, the problems come from proprietary stuff01:03
^Elfboyi was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:03
Jangariemma, i might have missed something, but can't you use firefox in ubuntu?01:03
awerner32emma: i just finished an ie4linux install, let me check if i can get cnn to work with it01:03
ssf /join #ubuntu-cn01:03
Flare183Jangari: no becuase the cnn site won't let her01:03
Dr_williszsnes dosent support 64bit - due to its use of assembly language in the code. :(01:03
syntaxerror55Jordan_U: that is necessary to using computers.01:03
Jangarii know01:03
soundraysyntaxerror55: it used to be a real issue. With gutsy, it still takes a bit of trickery, but everything so far has worked for me, including googleearth and skype, all owing to the work of the good Medibuntu people01:03
Flare183!spam | ssf01:03
ThreeFingerPetesoundray: by flash you mean shockwave games? youtube flv and things work just fine on my intel 32bit01:03
emmawww.cnn.com  has a live stream that I can't get Ubuntu to work with.01:03
ubotussf: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !English - and most importantly, use common sense...01:03
Jangariget that extension for firefox where you can make your browser appear as IE01:03
syntaxerror55soundray: ah, I'm still using Dapper. I'm sorry01:03
Flare183no problem01:04
Jangariif that is indeed the problem01:04
bruenigJangari, agent switcher?01:04
linchapulinI have been perusing some of the /usr/doc folders to create a batch of links to what I thought would be most of the in depth documentation for everything installed on my system. Why is it some folders only contain files that are .gz and don't really contain any meaningful information?01:04
Jangarisomething like that, bruenig01:04
Jordan_Usyntaxerror55, No it's not. People ( mostly crazy, but people none the less ) get along with gnusense01:04
soundraysyntaxerror55: what for ;)01:04
Robertohi people.. does anyone here understand about RAID to help me to configure Grub?01:04
shaarkJordan_U: ca?n 32 bit apps work on AMD6401:04
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:04
bruenigJangari, but it may not be an agent problem01:04
jimmygoonCan anyone else confirm a bug : When having another keyboard layout available (like Dvorak) even when not in use.... causes Ctrl+X to fire the event for Ctrl+Q etc?01:04
Flare183bug 101:04
Flare183!bug 101:04
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents01:04
Jangariright, i was just about to say that if it was a flash thing, then it's a little bit more of an issue01:04
Jordan_Ushaark, Yes, usually using a 32 bit chroot01:05
linchapulinIn other words where does some of this documentation disappear to? Seems crazy to have to look at synaptic everytime I need to ferret out the docs?01:05
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »01:05
^Elfboy i was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:05
unicumi have a problem with my windowlist01:06
Dr_willislooks like cnn.com is using winows media player for its video.01:06
syntaxerror55Jordan_U: alright, I rest my case. but it did used to be a real issue.01:06
unicumi kicked the one that was in the panel after the fresh installation out01:06
awerner32emma: i got an install of opera in wine working perfectly with the cnn live feed on linux01:06
unicumnow i put one in the panel again.. thing is.. the windows don't appear as icon anymore, but more like a button01:06
awerner32emma: it is definately doable01:06
ThreeFingerPetewhat is broken about flash? it works fine for me in gutsy01:06
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.01:07
Jordan_UThreeFingerPete, New installs are broken01:07
Juzzy`I have succesfully used gparted to resize the partition, I have now rebooted into the ubuntu install and it shows the new size of the partition but it also still shows the same amount of free space left (like its automatically used up the space i gave it)01:07
unicumalso.. if i klick on the button the window will not shrink into this button, like in the windows systray but instad falls down to the lower panel01:07
^Elfboywhy  would u want to run  opera in win01:07
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
feierfoxhello! i have some problems with my ubuntu, is Mark Shuttleworth for help me to fix it? I think, he is the guy behind ubuntu...01:07
Flare183Juzzy`: duh you must resize the other one too01:07
ThreeFingerPeteJordan_U, thanks. good thing I had it installed!01:07
unicumhow do i get the window list to be like the one it was after installation?01:07
Juzzy`other one?01:07
Flare183holy cow01:07
feierfoxno, i guess only mark Shuttleworth is able to help me01:08
^Elfboy i was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:08
feierfoxHE is THE ubuntu guy, right?01:08
Flare183feierfox: yeap01:08
unicumwell, thx anyway01:08
Flare183feierfox: the main dude who started it all01:08
ThreeFingerPetefeierfox: hes the patron of the ubuntu project01:08
unicumis anyone actually reading me?01:08
feierfoxso, i will wait for him for helping me with my problem01:08
ThreeFingerPeteunicum, i can read you01:08
Flare183feierfox: dude i don't think i will even help you01:09
Juzzy`Flare183, I have resized the / partition to 20gb, but it still shows the same amount of free space01:09
^Elfboy i was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:09
Dr_willisunicum,   i see ya. but no idea what youa re talking about01:09
eugmanIs there anything for reading pdf's from the command line?01:09
unicumk, so i'm not ignored by the channel01:09
Tm_Tfeierfox: no he will not be here to help you here01:09
shaarkfeierfox: I doubt he does the support lol01:09
Flare183Juzzy`: try creating another partition then01:09
unicumwell.. i'm using ubuntu/gnome01:09
feierfoxdon care about a drunken german ;/01:09
levanderIs there no way to have my GNOME panels show up on one workspace, but not on another?01:09
ThreeFingerPeteunicum: nope, but i am a newb, and no help to you01:09
unicumu might know the panels (like taskbars)01:09
soundrayunicum: move your window list around a bit. It may not have enough space01:09
bad_cablesanyone in here know why RaLink RT2561/RT61 wireless is seeing 0% signal strength?01:09
K_DallasGood evening guys! I look into a site where it explained how to open docx (word2007) in openoffice but the link it had for convertor or so was dead.  Is this the only way to do so far and is it reliable? thanks (the page was for use in ubuntu gusty)01:09
Flare183admins: Kinda stupid question: is Mark Shuttleworth around to talk01:09
bad_cablesi just installed the new rt61 driver01:09
^Elfboy i was woundering if i install  the server pac do i have to hook up a monater and all that do i have to pulug in monater mouse and k-bore?01:10
^Elfboycome one01:10
^Elfboysome one had to know this01:10
Juzzy`^Elfboy,  learn to spell, it helps people out01:10
Flare183yeah really01:10
PriceChildFlare183, he's away atm.01:10
unicumsoundray thing is.. the windowlist shows buttons instead of icons.. if i have only one window open the button is as big as the list itself.. if i have multiple windows open the buttons get smaller and smaller01:10
soundrayK_Dallas: docx files open reasonably well in OOo 2.3 without any add-ons01:10
Flare183PriceChild: that figures01:10
bad_cablesdoes anyone here know about wireless?01:10
Dr_willis^Elfboy,  you may want to fix all those typos.. Im not even sure what you are asking...01:11
bad_cablesim  having issues01:11
K_Dallassoundray, well i give it a try. what about pptx ?01:11
mouseboyxunicum, If you play with it it will eventualy work.01:11
unicumthe "default window list" has icons for the windows and resizes itself with the number of windows01:11
Flare183feierfox: see01:11
ThreeFingerPetesoundray, syntax55 and others: thanks for your help. bye!01:11
soundrayK_Dallas: haven't tried01:11
Flare183oh nevermind01:11
soundrayThreeFingerPete: good luck01:11
unicummouseboyx sure? like just playing with the size?01:11
mouseboyxI don't know, set it back to the default?01:11
oichdoes python easy_install interfere with dpkg?01:11
K_Dallassoundray, i think pptx was more complicated but i try it again when i boot back to linux, thanks01:12
unicumthere is no such option in the preferences01:12
^Elfboyi i want to know if i need to plug in mon mouse  k-board to set up the server pack01:12
unicumas i said.. i deleted the old one01:12
linchapulinIs there an IDE for Ruby?01:12
unicumand then put in one from.. "add to panel"01:12
mouseboyxold one what?01:12
mouseboyxWindow list?01:12
bad_cablesanyone know how to enable the RaLink rt61 in ubuntu?01:12
unicumthe windowlist that was in the panel after the fresh installation01:12
mouseboyxTry moving it around.01:12
soundrayzed_: look into the update-initramfs command. You can run it in a chroot01:12
mouseboyxOr rebooting unicum have you tried that?01:13
Slade^^#j kicevo01:13
unicummy comp is always shut down when i'm done01:13
unicumi reboot like a thousand times01:13
realityiswhere^Elfboy: you would have to plug in a mouse, keyboard and monitor to do the initial setup, yes. after that you can set up ssh tunnelling and then do it remotely.01:13
zed_I guess I don't know how to get root then01:13
zed_I can access all my files01:14
unicummoving the windowlist only makes the buttons grow bigger by the space the windowlist gains.. thing is.. they are buttons now.. not icons anymore01:14
zed_tried that01:14
^Elfboyrealityiswhere:  thanks01:14
singlesunzed_, i just stepped in, whats the problem?01:14
mouseboyxunicum, are you sure its not window selector? put another window list on the pannel01:15
d_testif i install ubuntu 6.06, can i update to the newest version?01:15
bad_cablesi downloaded the working driver for gutsy, everything went smooth, but now when i reboot i get a 0% signal to all the routers and i cant connect... RaLink rt61 chipset01:15
jack-desktopshould ~/.dbus/user-dbus-address be created automatically by dbus?01:15
unicumalready done that01:15
realityiswhered_test: you should be able to do a dist-upgrade to the newest version, yes.01:15
soundrayzed_: do a 'sudo -i' followed by 'chroot /mnt bash' (assuming that you've mounted your partition to /mnt). The run update-initramfs01:15
mouseboyxCan you send me  a screen shot?01:15
zed_singlesun: I ran "sudo apt-get remove udev" think I could just reload it, it took my kernel with it and crashed the system, now I get grub error 1501:15
d_testrealityiswhere: ok thanks01:15
unicumi think i can.. got icq or something?01:15
zed_I want to reload the kernel from the disk if possible01:16
mouseboyxI have xchat.01:16
unicumthing is.. i can not show you the old setup for it is gone, as i said01:16
unicumright.. mom01:16
singlesunzed_, ouch01:16
bad_cablesyes i did a depmod -a and modprobe rt6101:16
zed_I'm a noob01:16
ep2011I have a question about volume... I configured my volume keys on my wireless keyboard, and when I press them it shows the volume changing, but nothing happens... Any ideas?01:16
singlesunzed_, i am too, so that is beyond me... lol01:16
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das88hey, I've got a newbie question about a via video driver in 7.10: I have a driver from VIA but it's made for fedora core 4. the autoinstall program they give doesn't work on my system and I'm wondering if I can recompile it01:16
ep2011For example, the mute button doesn't mute, but in keyboard shortcuts I set it to mute01:16
soundrayzed_: did you get me?01:16
singlesunzed_, reinstall? lol01:16
zed_soundray no, sun I want to avoid that01:17
soundrayzed_: do a 'sudo -i' followed by 'chroot /mnt bash' (assuming that you've mounted your partition to /mnt). The run update-initramfs01:17
mouseboyxCan you send it unicum ?01:17
jimmygoonIs gran paradiso really that far behind b2?01:17
d_testrealityiswhere: can i upgrade using a 7.10 disk?01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about granparadiso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:17
singlesuni believe zed_ said he could get root though01:17
jimmygoon!gran paradiso01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gran paradiso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:17
realityiswhered_test: i believe you would need the alternate disk, i'm not sure if you can update off of a livecd01:18
zed_/usr/sbin/chroot: /usr/sbin/chroot: cannot execute binary file01:18
soundrayd_test: you'd have to get the alternate install CD to upgrade from a disk01:18
phuzionanyone with compiz got a cool clouds picture that I can use for skydome that comes together pretty well and doesn't show a hard line anywhere?01:18
singlesunphuzion, i would also like that cool clouds picture ;)01:19
ep2011Can someone help me get my volume keys to work?01:19
ququthanks for chatting! bey!01:19
zed_so not getting root, soundray can we private chat please?01:19
soundrayzed_: it seems that there is more amiss than just your initrd. Can't see how you'll get around a reinstall.01:19
singlesunphuzion, i did use some of the "matrix looking green letter pictures" that seemed to work well01:19
soundrayzed_: sorry, I'm logging off in a minute01:19
unicumi will make a second one and send it too.. mom01:19
zed_no way to do some sort of recovery and not just a clean install?01:19
dolphin_noelsomeone knows why when i click in my mouse in the right buttom the mouse simple just execute the menu command and crates me many times foulders and other stuff :x01:20
unicumi resized the windowlist so it groups the symbols.. that's good01:20
das88can anyone help a newbie try and install a video driver?01:20
soundrayzed_: you can always rescue your /home and /etc directories to save yourself some work after the reinstall01:20
unicumbut actually it shouldn't be buttons01:20
bad_cablesdas88, why do you need a video driver installed?01:21
Slade^^guys! can I ask u some thing??01:21
unicumthere should by tiny icons, all square, small and nice01:21
das88because I'm stuck in 800x60001:21
unicumthere are not :(01:21
soundrayzed_: also save your package cache /var/cache/apt/archives if you have updated online01:21
Slade^^why wine i cant instal?01:21
singlesunphuzion, hey maybe this will work http://www.beryl-themes.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/55604-1.jpg you like that one?01:21
bad_cablesdas88, that doesn't always mean that you need to install another driver01:21
Slade^^it says wheb I try to instal01:21
realityiswhereSlade^^: are you able to be more specific?01:21
dolphin_noeldas88 i use mplayer manually instalation but ubuntu come whith some auto search codecinstalation probably you nede to change your pakage sources to universe01:21
JoeThomasHi I did a server install of gutsy and want to get DWM on there but I need x first. How can I get X on there and NOT Gnome.01:21
jack-desktophow can i use dbus?01:22
bad_cablesdas88, what video card is it?01:22
das88dolphin: could you explain that a little more simply? sorry01:22
mouseboyxuse window selector instead then unicum.01:22
das88its a chrome9 chipset, integrated graphics ona VIA laptop motherboard01:22
wastrelhrm no i guess it's just   xorg01:22
eugmanI've been trying to edit my interfaces file but I can't do it right. What would I add to make eth1 run after the computer boots up?01:22
bad_cablesdas88, is there something in the bios about shared memory for the video card?01:23
Slade^^it says: there has been a problem during the instalation of the folloving pieces of software01:23
wastreleugman: auto eth1    anywhere in the file should work01:23
das88I don't believe so01:23
das88the bios on here is pretty stripped down01:23
singlesunphuzion, here is a better one, my bad...  http://www.beryl-themes.org/CONTENT/content-files/55604-Beryl-cloud-dome.jpg01:23
unicummouseboyx windowselector is only one icon which includes the windows of all workspaces01:23
eugmanwatrel, hmm I'll try that again then.01:23
Slade^^I cant instal cause of that01:23
=== Karotte_ is now known as Karotte
bpahello all01:24
unicumalso it always shows only the selected window01:24
lanzelloth__help! i sent something to trash but it's not in the trash01:24
unicumah, darn01:24
bad_cablesdas88, you might want to check that out, i use a VIA mobo and it has an integrated video card, if i dont set the ram to share 8 mb, then i cant have anything more than 800x60001:24
nickrudJoeThomas: you'll also need some kind of window manager01:24
mouseboyxunicum, There is no way to fix this.01:24
Marvin-TMDRdisappearing trash items?01:24
bad_cablesdas88, but that is not the driver's fault01:24
JoeThomasnickrud:  DMW01:24
Slade^^realityiswhere: why?01:24
lanzelloth__it was on an ntfs partition01:24
unicumso.. i need to reinstall?01:24
das88thanks cables, I'll check that01:24
lanzelloth__does it get sent to a different place?01:24
nickrudJoeThomas: ah, missed that. sorry01:24
Slade^^realityiswhere: can u answer me to fix this problem?01:25
Marvin-TMDRunic- if you delete it, you should be ready for that...01:25
JoeThomasnickrud: it's cool thanks though.01:25
mouseboyxunicum, So the original, had all icons?01:25
das88thing is, I"ve tried reconfiguring xserver several times and it doesn't change anything01:25
unicumi meen.. it did work once.. obviously, else i wouldn't know how it worked01:25
Slade^^realityiswhere: if u know how to fix01:25
unicumall icons of the actual desktop01:25
das88would the bios issue fix that too?01:25
realityiswhereSlade^^: how are you attempting to install it? from the Ubuntu Gutsy repository, or from the Wine repository, or compiling it?01:25
mouseboyxI think this feature does not exist, because I cannot do it.01:25
Devils-Havencan any one help ubuntu noob? deb is not found01:25
unicumerm... maybe it's because i'm using compiz.. though i dont't think it is01:25
bad_cablesdas88, that is what happened to me, once i set my bios to use 8mb... then i could do 1300x76801:26
unicumi could try kicking out compiz reboot01:26
unicumturning on compiz again and rebooting again01:26
das88awesome, I'll be back then. Thanks bad_cables!01:26
bad_cablesdas88, before that the option was there to increase from 800 but it just wouldnt do it01:26
das88I don't have the option01:26
phuzionsinglesun, beautiful, thanks a ton01:26
bad_cablesdas88, it also varies from distro to distro01:26
Slade^^realityiswhere: I want to instal from add/remove Applications01:26
das88cables, do you have any idea how I would look up my horizontal refresh rate?01:27
Dr_willisDevils-Haven, deb is not a command. its the extension for the packages the apt-get system uses.01:27
realityiswhereSlade^^: Maybe try loading the official Wine repository into Ubuntu and installing from Synaptic in that way?01:27
Slade^^realityiswhere: u know what is the problem.. ? cause u know PLEASE tell me01:27
singlesunphuzion, no problem man ;) anytime01:28
das88I've got an averatec laptop and they don't give me any useful information about hardware...01:28
Devils-Havenrying to install beryl per tutorial and i can't01:28
das88I know the native res is 1280x768 but thats it01:28
Devils-Havencan u help me?01:28
Slade^^realityiswhere: where is that?01:28
singlesunphuzion, brb have to reboot01:28
vincent-vollmotalguien habla español?????01:28
phuziondas88, what info are you looking for?01:28
realityiswhereSlade^^: One moment01:28
Flare183!beryl | Devils-Haven01:28
ubotuDevils-Haven: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:28
Dr_willisfor most lcd's isent the refresh rate 60?01:28
das88exact monitor and video specs, phuzion01:28
Flare183Dr_willis: yeap01:28
Slade^^realityiswhere: I have isnstaled ubuntu yesterday01:28
wastrel!es | vincent-vollmot01:28
ubotuvincent-vollmot: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:28
Slade^^realityiswhere: ok01:28
phuziondas88, do lspci in terminal01:28
bad_cablesdas88, the command is lspci01:28
wastrellshw also01:29
Jangariapt-get on my machine seems to be stuck behind a firewall, but synaptic seems fine with the network proxy, anyone know how to force apt-get to use a particular proxy?01:29
Devils-Haveni a mtrying to install mac4lin01:29
das88Dr_willis: I think the refresh is 60, yeah, but I'm looking for the horizontal sync01:29
wastrelJangari: export http_proxy="<your proxy>"01:30
Jangarithanks wastrel01:30
wastrel<your proxy> being   http://server:port01:30
Slade^^realityiswhere: waitingggg........ :)01:30
das88lspci doesnt seem to have any monitor info in it01:31
wastrelassuming it's http.  you can do ftp_proxy too01:31
Jangariwastrel: how about setting the port?01:31
Jangarioh, gotcha, thanks01:31
Devils-Havenhow do i know if i have compiz or compiz-fusion?01:32
Devils-Havengot version 7.1001:32
realityiswhereSlade^^: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb01:32
rpj8I get framebuffer errors when I try to run zsnes from the command line in a console environment (without x)01:32
bad_cablesi need help with rt6101:33
singlesunwhat is messed up is that ... i was just about to help you setup Compiz... and now ubuntu isnt opening my own "advanced settings"... the functions still work... like cube and wavvy windows... etc...01:33
singlesunanyone have any clues as to why my "advanced settings" might be failing01:33
Dr_willissinglesun,  theres some issues with how the setting files are saved with kde i recall.   I had to enable the 'flat file settings' i think.01:34
bad_cablesis anyone in here a wireless expert?01:34
Dr_willissinglesun,  also ive seen under gnome where the settings just stop 'changing' from the ccsm tool.01:34
bad_cablesit seems that WPA doesnt work with my wireless driver01:34
Dr_willissinglesun,  i check/uncheck and they just dont get applied. Had to restart X for them to get going again01:35
singlesunDr_willis, well im running Gnome... and the weird thing was... it worked the other day01:35
Dr_willissinglesun,   seen similer issues.. lets just say that compiz is still a bit of a work in progress. :P01:35
singlesunDr_willis, so now i cant edit my settings.? ... what?01:35
singlesunDr_willis, lol... this isnt good... cuz i was just about to change my settings... lol01:36
ShuggleI'm having a problem using ndiswrapper for my wireless driver. I have the driver that came with windows. Everything works like it is supposed to until I modprobe ndiswrapper. The wireless interface just doesnt show up01:36
adub_doe anyone have any experience with amule01:37
bad_cablesadub_ yeah... it's great01:37
adub_im having trouble getting the server.met file to download01:37
adub_bad_cables can you tell me which server.met server you are using01:37
adub_i have never had any trouble with this program01:37
bad_cablesadub_ i havent installed it in a long time01:37
martin_realityiswhere: can u PLEASE send me again???01:37
realityiswheremartin: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb01:38
martin_realityiswhere: I left cause my net .... he fail01:38
aduboh bad_cables01:38
Devils-Havenany one installed mac4lin?01:39
KuroachiaIs it possible for my gdesklets to startup when I start up ubuntu?01:39
bad_cablesadub: it may be that they are down somehow?>01:39
adubbad_cables i dont know01:39
adubdoes anyone have a server that has a good server.met file01:39
singlesun as much as i dont want to do it... is there anyway to return ubuntu back to its factory settings, when it was first installed?01:40
martin_where now??01:40
bruenigsinglesun, reinstall it01:41
martin_i cant without your help01:41
martin_pls help me01:41
singlesunbruenig, besides reinstalling... lol01:41
bruenigsinglesun, no01:41
nickrudsinglesun: what do you mean, factory settings?01:41
realityiswheremartin_: did you follow both of the steps to add the key and update your repository?01:41
Dr_willissinglesun,  what settings are you refering to? the USERS settings? or various  service, or other settings.01:41
adubbad_cables only thing i know to do is uninstall amule and reinstall01:41
hdevalenceis there a way to virtualize windows in ubuntu without anyone noticing?01:42
singlesunnickrud, in other words, i have some junk files where they shouldnt be for some reason or other.... compiz advanced settings will not open... and its acting kinda buggy01:42
spithraso if i have gnome and kde installed, how do i make a 1 default01:42
singlesunDr_willis, nickrud, see above ^^01:42
bad_cablesadub, sorry but i dont have it up or i would get you a server01:42
gclerichdevalence: What are you trying to do?01:43
=== greylurk is now known as AdamNess
boinkerdoes anyone know how to enable the touch slider and the 4 buttons on a wacom tablet in gutsy?01:43
singlesunDr_willis, nickrud, bruenig, its all been acting fine up until today... then started being glitchy01:43
nickrudsinglesun: you can clear all of compiz (I think) with   gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz , that'll take care of any custom settings that may be bad01:43
martin_realityiswhere: can u tell me where u from cause i cant undersand wery well ??01:43
boinkeri have the intuos3 version any help please01:43
martin_realityiswhere: and what is repository???01:43
hdevalencegcleric: have a linux-based system (headless) that runs a virtual windows box01:43
realityiswheremartin_: what is your first language?01:43
hdevalencebut to the user it looks like it's just running windows01:43
martin_realityiswhere: macedonian01:44
martin_realityiswhere: are u american?01:44
realityiswheremartin_: no01:44
bad_cablesanyone have experience with the rt61 driver?01:44
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet
shaarkhow can I tell which window manager i'm currently running?01:44
singlesunnickrud, i just ran that...still can not access advanced settings :(01:44
FactTechQuestion: I seem to have an instance of Firefox running that may be hung. I know how to ID and kill a process using 'ps' and 'kill', but is there any way to bring a process to the foreground or into a window? Like what you would find in Windows, with a "bring to front" option on the Task Manager.01:44
gclerichdevalence:  Are you trying to setup a virtual Terminal Server or RDP to XP?01:44
martin_realityiswhere: then.... from ? if u want telle me where u from?01:44
singlesunsinglesun, however it did take away my 4 bars, and my cube.. and all the other compiz effects... lol01:44
martin_realityiswhere: tell*01:45
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet
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singlesunnickrud, my bad... look above real quick,01:45
nickrudsinglesun: then I'd try alt-f2  metacity --replace  , then repeat the one above, and sudo apt-get install --reinstall compizconfig-settings-manager01:45
zooboxhow do I do to create a deb package?01:45
realityiswheremartin_: go to the private chat window01:45
buzz4rd\join #asterix01:45
hdevalencegcleric: not sure. I want it to be like: hardware->linux->windows->user01:46
hdevalenceick, sorry, my ethernet is sketchy01:46
zooboxI have compiled the program and it is in its own directory with usr/local/bin/ and usr/local/share/ subdirectories, but how to create a .deb from it?01:47
nickrudsinglesun: saw it :)01:47
gclerichdevalence:  Then yes....01:47
Shugglecan anyone help me with ndiswrapper?01:47
TalonOk, so i configured Compiz but the cube doesnt work, any sugestions ?01:47
singlesunnickrud, umm... im not sure about all that...01:47
singlesunTalon, hit alt control ... hold left mouse wheel and move mouse01:48
singlesunTalon, did anything happen?01:48
nickrudsinglesun: it's returning to metacity and reinstalling ccsm . Not a panacea , but often helps01:48
hdevalencegcleric: I want it to have the user interact with windows as if the computer was just running windows but really it's running Linux underneath01:48
Talonuhhh, left mouse wheel mate ?01:48
singlesunTalon, left mouse button01:48
gclerichdevalence:  You can setup either a terminal server and have users RDP to it... same is true for XP....but it requires a little hack..01:48
TalonOk, just makin sure01:48
singlesunTalon, alt + ctrl + left mouse button... i think is default for it01:48
hdevalenceTalon: cool01:49
insomniac[st]any firehol gurus here?01:49
gclerichdevalence:  without the user knowing what is underneath01:49
hdevalencegcleric: cool. thanks for the info01:49
Taloncontrol alt left mouse doesnt work either :/01:49
gclerichdevalence:  I do it all the time with VMware.01:49
bad_cablesor qemu01:49
gclerichdevalence:  Either the free VMware Server or ESX....01:50
singlesunTalon, dont worry to much... my compiz just died on me today after running so well for so long.. LOL01:50
bad_cablesanyone know how to get the rt61 to work in 7.70??01:50
LockesRabbanyone familiar with compiz?01:50
shaarkhow do I check which window manager is currently running?01:50
bad_cablesi get 0% on all the radios01:50
hdevalencegcleric: probably better to just use (k)ubuntu by itself01:50
gclerichdevalence:  The key is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)01:50
TalonSinglesun: aint that a bitch :/01:50
singlesunTalon, yeah... lol... trying to fix it now actually.. lol01:51
TalonWell if you have any luck, please tell me what ya do !01:51
tehmassHey guys :D01:51
gclerichdevalence:  There is no need to install Xorg01:51
Taloneverything seems to work except the cube01:51
insomniac[st]On firehol, I have "server webcache accept" in the conf. anyone know how to make it only accessible from local IPs?01:51
=== Trash_ is now known as projektdotnet
hdevalencegcleric: ok01:51
tehmassHow do i install a .deb ?01:51
shaarkTalon: how many workspaces u have?01:51
tehmassit is mplayer01:52
TalonShaark, none i guess i dont know how to create more then the default mate just installed today01:52
Starnestommytehmass: if you downloaded a .deb, I think it's sudo dpkg -i filename01:52
shaarkTalon: well if u have 4 it should show the cube01:53
TalonIs there any easy way to tell how man i have ?01:53
LockesRabbctrl alt down01:53
shaarkin the bottom right in ur panel01:53
shaarku can switch between the workspaces01:54
TalonI only have 2 i think01:54
StargazerProblem: been trying to watch Veoh videos and they just sit there loading, anyone willing to take a guess ?01:54
Dr_willisStargazer,  got a full url to a video? let me try it. :P01:55
singlesunwell i determined that compiz is jacked up for me for some reason.... after i uninstalled and reinstalled... i have no clue how it could be functioning all this time... and then suddenly decide to stop working01:55
LjLkomp, ocha, aini-zidane, co_basket, chacha: please register your nicknames to Freenode and consider obtaining a cloak. you are currently not allowed to speak on this channel as you appear to be connected from the same computer.01:55
nugz1212wats a good program to use to stream to a shoutcast server?01:55
nugz1212like for DJ'ing01:55
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
donald_singlesun: how do u mean compiz sudddenly stopped working?01:56
Dr_willis!find shoutcast01:56
tehmassdoes sudo apt-get update    update all the repos?01:56
ubotuPackage/file shoutcast does not exist in gutsy01:56
shaarkTalon: did u select Desktop Cube and Rotate Cube?01:56
tehmassi want the updated ver. of MPLAYER and im having problems installing it through the .deb01:56
singlesundonald_, the advanced settings... it would not let me access them anymore01:56
TalonShaark, dont know how to do that01:56
singlesunsinglesun, i would select it... and it would not open at all...01:57
TalonOr do you mean in the ccsm thing to enable them ?01:57
singlesundonald_, i would select it and it would not let it open at all01:57
phuzionAnyone here ever compiled StepMania from source?01:57
shaarkTalon: System->Preferences->Advanced Desktop Effects Settings01:57
donald_singlesun: odd01:57
Carbonfluxsometimes you have to restart compiz01:57
Carbonfluxif you were changing some of the settings01:57
Carbonfluxfor example turning on benchmarking01:58
Carbonfluxwill sometimes turn off all the effects01:58
regfireOS=Gutsy -- Anyone had luck getting firestarter to run and STAY running? If so, can you point me to a fix?01:58
singlesunCarbonflux, i rebooted the computer... is that good enough?01:58
TalonShaark, yeah i enabled those01:58
davefhow do i watch real player files in firefox?01:58
Carbonfluxsinglesun, did you change your xorg.conf or anything? only one monitor ?01:58
singlesunCarbonflux, the functions would still work... i just could not access them to edit my settings in the advanced section01:58
donald_singlesun: do u still have desktop effects?01:58
Carbonfluxsinglesun, did you install CCSM ?01:59
singlesundonald_, i uninstalled the package... and used the reset01:59
Talonshaark, osnaps it works now, but i only have two screens can you be so kind as to inform mehow to get 4 ?01:59
singlesunCarbonflux, yes... i had it and it was working great for a long time01:59
jimmygoonI know firefox3 includes a native gtk theme.... but what if I want a gtk theme that looks like firefox2?01:59
Carbonfluxsinglesun, something might have trashed python too01:59
StargazerDr_willis, pm01:59
phuzionwow, I have been using terminal too much, I just did | grep in a search01:59
singlesunCarbonflux, well i had just put some python stuff on there.... like IDLE and a few other things, because I was doing some developing with python02:00
Dr_willisStargazer,  Hmm? I see no pm's02:00
donald_Talon: right click on the Workspace Chooser and Preference and select 4 columns02:00
nugz1212what the heck is going on with the kicking spree?02:00
shaarkTalon: in the bottom right panel in gnome there is the switcher app u can right click and add more workspaces02:00
singlesunnugz1212, looks like its kicking all unregistered nicks.. lol02:00
Carbonfluxsinglesun, CCSM is written in python, some change might have caused a problem with dependencies02:00
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
tehmassHow do i access the repos.02:00
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I am just guessing of course02:00
das88bad_cables: thanks a bunch for your memory suggestion! I changed the on-board vga memory from 64 megs to 128 and everything works great now!02:00
LjL"looks like" based on what? or rather, why is it your concern?02:00
tehmassUniverse repositories02:00
nugz1212can anyone point me to a good program to DJ on shoutcast servers?02:00
singlesunCarbonflux, not the d word... LOL... oh hell.. LOL02:01
TalonYou guys are so nice to me :D thankyou Shaark and Donald , im gonna go eat dinner now bye bye and thanks again mate02:01
q_a_z_steveIs there anything in Dapper to view disk usage by folder? Like KDirStat or something?02:01
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q_a_z_steve*already in dapper ... ?02:01
dburnsanyone here have luck with wireless on the aspire 5100?02:01
Carbonfluxsinglesun, did you try reinstalling all of it on top of your python installs ?02:01
* singlesun goes to look for the even elusive and annoying rabbit trail of "dependencies" upon "dependencies" upon "dependencies"... lol02:01
dburnsfollowed this word for word http://quilombo.wordpress.com/2008/01/09/atheros-ar5006eg-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon/02:02
dburnsno such luck02:02
singlesunCarbonflux, yes i did do a reinstall on top of the python.... but i did not reboot in between the removal and reinstall02:02
Carbonfluxsinglesun, also, switching to basic effects and back to custom again will reset all your defaults, or should02:02
singlesunCarbonflux, problem is... i can reinstall the advanced settings... and then go to click on the "advanced desktop effects" tab.... and it will not open02:03
Carbonfluxsinglesun, turning effects on and off again in the appearance dialog should restart it of course, but a reboot is always a good idea imo02:03
singlesunCarbonflux, let me give this another shot... one sec02:03
RezagratsDr_willis, did you ever get my /notice ?02:03
Dr_willisRezagrats,  i saw no notices anywhere.02:03
foiblesi just installed gutsy02:03
KelebekSohbet585My name is jessica02:03
Carbonfluxsinglesun, did you try running it from a terminal? see if it outputs any messages ?02:03
xMS_userhello channel. anyone here that was trying to help me before?02:03
LjL!ot | KelebekSohbet58502:03
ubotuKelebekSohbet585: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:03
foiblesdo i have to change my gdm theme manually?02:03
foiblesor is there an easier point and click way02:03
RezagratsDr_willis, how bout now ?02:04
regfireAny takers on Firestarter issues?02:04
singlesunCarbonflux, try runnings advanced settings from term...? ... no i have not... i wouldnt really know what dir to cd to02:04
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xMS_userikonia: Jordan_U: nemilar: ?02:04
=== Nietzsche is now known as apranax
q_a_z_stevenickrud, do you know of a quick disk usage tool, one that shows usage by folder/file?02:04
davef how do i watch real player files in mozilla firefox?02:04
Carbonfluxsinglesun, just do a: ccsm from the command line02:04
donald_foibles: System > Preference > Appearance02:04
q_a_z_stevedavef VLC02:04
LjL!nickspam > apranax    (apranax, see the private message from Ubotu)02:05
insomniac[st]On firehol, I have "server webcache accept" in the conf. anyone know how to make it only accessible from local IPs?02:05
foiblesdonald_, thanks02:05
foiblesbut what about my splash screen, login screen etc02:05
donald_foibles: oh sorry. System > Administration > Login Window02:05
singlesunCarbonflux, one sec... gonna get this package and reinstall02:05
xMS_userwhen mounting, how do i set it up so that anyone and everyone has access to the contents there?02:05
xMS_userBTW, I FOUND MY FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:05
nemilarWho's making my xchat icon blink02:06
* Carbonflux claps politely 02:06
TalonOne last thing, in the compiz what option do i enable have the window infocus 'poped' out farther then a window in the back, like a pop up book02:06
Jangarianyone knwo if sox can concatenate more than 32 input files at once?02:06
tehmassWhat is a good way to go by getting the DIVX Codec?02:06
xMS_usernemilar: i found my 132gb of lost data02:06
Carbonfluxfocus trail Talon02:06
* xMS_user starts to cry in happiness02:06
davefq_a_z_steve i have vlc and it doesnt play it02:06
q_a_z_stevewhat file extension?02:07
donald_tehmass: medibuntu02:07
xMS_userex-Microsoft User02:07
nemilarxMS_user: haha awesome for you02:07
TalonThat seems to only fade the windows, mabey i have an old version02:07
nemilarxMS_user: bet that will teach you to back-up though02:07
CarbonfluxTalon, ah, you mean something else sorry02:07
tehmasswere is that?02:07
CarbonfluxTalon, you are talking about some 3D effect?02:07
xMS_usernemilar: hello?! dude i will back up my back ups!02:07
nugz1212has anyone tried the new ubuntu-ultimate?02:07
tehmassdonald_:  were can i get that?02:07
nemilarlol, backing up is vital02:07
Talonwere the window in focus is actualy 'above' the desktop when in the cube mode02:07
singlesunCarbonflux, its saying that it also wants to install python-compizconfig which is a package that can not be authenticated... i dont remember getting this message when installing the first time02:07
CarbonfluxTalon, I have never seen that one unless you mean the 3D windows plug-in, but that only works when your rotating the cube02:07
phuzionOk, I have this small problem with Compiz.  I have the desktop cube running fine, but the tray at the bottom that shows open programs doesn't update until I have the selected face full screened, it stays the same as what I had open on the first face02:08
TalonCarbon, i will try and find an example its hard for me to explain hehe02:08
Carbonfluxsinglesun, that sounds ok, it might just be unsupported, if its comming from a Ubuntu repo I doubt its malwarz02:08
adubdoes anyone here use amule02:08
xMS_userdude, bk is like brushing your teeth, changing your under wears and Not flirting with your girl friend's ssiter02:08
singlesunCarbonflux, reinstalled regardless of that warning... still fails to run from the "advanced settings"02:08
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:09
CarbonfluxTalon, sounds nice, I would be interested in it myself02:09
phuzion!anyone | adub02:09
ubotuadub: please see above02:09
q_a_z_steveTalon, quick question, any change you know how to get dapper to show my disk usage by folder/file?02:09
Carbonfluxsinglesun, does it say anything when you type ccsm on the command line ?02:09
donald_tehmass: www.medibuntu.org02:09
singlesunCarbonflux, one sec, checking02:09
singlesunCarbonflux, yes.. i will send to you in PM02:09
TalonSorry Steve, i only installed linux for the first time today , im to new at it to know that :D02:10
singlesunCarbonflux, i just sent to you in PM the output from ccsm02:10
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya looks like a version mismatch with libxslt.so.102:10
q_a_z_steveTalon, ah, haha02:10
xMS_usertalon didn't i see you last week asking the same question? how is it that you JUST installed now?02:10
TalonDifferent Talon i guess02:11
singlesunCarbonflux, the solution for this is? lol02:11
TalonNever had the balls enough to install it before today, but im glad i did02:11
Carbonfluxsinglesun, it might be that lib got overwritten when you installed something new02:11
* xMS_user starts laughing02:11
xMS_usertalon i am just messing with you02:11
RequinB4>.> That's not nice xMS_user02:11
TalonI sure to like it thoe !02:11
xMS_userext2 vs ext3? tell me the truth guys02:11
singlesunCarbonflux, hmmm, how to revert to the old lib file... or overwrite the existing?02:11
RequinB4Talon, welcome to ubuntu02:12
TalonThankyou :)02:12
Dr_willisxMS_user,  i dont see mucn need to use ext2 these days02:12
andresmujicaext3 is the path02:12
xMS_userRequinB4: dude i am happy as hell, wait..that doe snot sound right02:12
Carbonfluxsinglesun, well, if it was me I would open the Synaptic package manager and look around for libxslt, I think its a XML parser for python02:12
andresmujicaext2 is faster but could be relatively dangerous02:12
xMS_userthank you Dr_willis02:12
TalonCarbon: did you get my pm ?02:12
donald_Carbonflux: Ubuntu won't "overwrite" it's own files unless a user does some weird ./install scripts of make install something02:12
Carbonfluxsinglesun, you might be able to revert02:12
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RequinB4what would normally be in /dev/sda302:12
Dr_willisive not seen many benchmaks that show ext2 being that much faster these days.,02:12
xMS_userlol, well i am not putting my backups there then! ext3 it is02:12
Carbonfluxdonald_, its giving him a ImportError: /usr/lib/libxslt.so.1: undefined symbol: xmlNewDocPI when he tries to run ccsm02:12
Carbonfluxthat looks like a version mismatch to me02:13
CarbonfluxTalon, I did not02:13
Talonhmm, then heres the link right here http://compiz.org/Image:3DPlugin.jpg02:13
Talonthats the effect i am trying to find02:13
Carbonfluxah thanks :)02:13
donald_Carbonflux: has he installed something without using proper deb packages? or possible disk corruption?02:13
foiblesdonald_, thanks02:13
Carbonfluxdonald_, that is my guess, he said he install some stuff to support python dev02:13
Carbonfluxsinglesun, what python stuff did you install ?02:14
apranaxTalon fuck you02:14
andresmujicaprobably is negectible today. but at the inner level ext2 is faster it doesnñ t have the journal overhead02:14
donald_Carbonflux: install using deb packages?02:14
Talonwtf did i do to you ?02:14
singlesunCarbonflux, IDLE, and i think it wanted some updates for python.. etc.. and then did a small amount of messing around with it02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about baobab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:15
CarbonfluxTalon, you need to install the 3D windows plugin, read this: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530302:15
xMS_usertalon promise me something, no matter how hard it might get, stay open source. even if you leave ubuntu (but you sound like a reasonable guy) DO NOT go back to legacy02:15
TalonThankyou Carbon02:15
tritiumTalon: I removed him for that.  Sorry he said that to you.02:15
Carbonfluxdonald_, its singlesun that is having the problem02:15
TalonI wont go to legacy, cause i dont know what legacy is :P02:15
xMS_usertritium: y he'd say that02:16
Carbonfluxis IDLE a deb package ?02:16
q_a_z_steveTalon, sudo apt-get install baobab      if you ever want to do that. Found it in the forums.02:16
Talonim the type of guy that if it aint broke i aint gonna fix it and so far Ubuntu aint broke hehe02:16
tritiumxMS_user: I have no idea02:16
xMS_userTalon: bill gates and steve jobs are legacy02:16
singlesunCarbonflux, i just went "sudo apt-get install IDLE"02:16
TalonOhh ok, well im using Windows XP on my desktop does that count as high treason ?02:16
Ububeginlets say i type "export AXISCPP_HOME=/usr/../../" how do i check whether it is actually set or not02:16
Carbonfluxsinglesun, well, the error is the result of ccsm expecting a different version of libxslt02:16
oichI accidentally ran python setup.py install on some python module, did I just screw up dpkg?02:16
xMS_useri made a bash file that does "sudo apt-get install $1" cuz i am lazy as hell02:17
tehmassim having a error with mplayer..   iterrupted signal 6 module02:17
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I would take a look in Synaptic package manager and see what you can find for that lib02:17
Carbonfluxsinglesun, maybe you can revert, but that might break something else02:17
tehmasstrying to play a divx file. Any other method you guys suggest than with mplayer ?02:17
singlesunCarbonflux, well i found libxslt1.1 in the synaptic02:17
TalonApranax, why did you say fuck you to me what did i do this time :)02:17
Carbonfluxsinglesun, does it show as being installed ?02:18
singlesunCarbonflux, it says i have it installed... yes02:18
xMS_userTalon: no way! we still need windows on earth. but make the transition. i have a small pc with xp that manages my media. (damn media player 11 does not run in wine)02:18
Carbonfluxsinglesun, you could try "reinstall" but again, it might break something02:18
Carbonfluxsinglesun, does IDLE work etc ?02:18
singlesunCarbonflux, lol well its already... broken.. so why not... lol02:18
fotoflohey, ive never done ssh tunneling before... i heard it can be done to access a remote samba service?02:18
xMS_userapranax is not here02:18
TalonThe only reason i use Windows XP is to code my stuff and to play SWG really, i could live without it02:18
tehmassWhats a good way to go about playing divx codec movies?02:18
xMS_useryou heard talon, he left02:18
tritiumTalon: don't repeat the foul language, please.02:18
singlesunCarbonflux, yeah idle still works..02:18
TalonXMS: Do you know if Xfire works in Wine ?02:18
TalonTritium : sorry mate02:18
tritiumxMS_user: he didn't just leave.  I removed him.02:18
donald_tehmass: u have not looked at medibuntu?02:19
xMS_usertritium: lol! you right.02:19
tehmassI did not find it02:19
fotofloanyone know anything about using ssh tunneling to access remote samba devices?02:19
* xMS_user thinks to himself that he'd better not piss off any channel admins02:19
singlesunCarbonflux, this libxslt 1.1 is also a package that can not be authenticated02:19
xMS_usertalon what do you code?02:19
Carbonfluxsinglesun, if you look at the error basicly what is happening is that ccsm is using libxslt to load a XML file containing the compiz settings, its called a function that does not exist in that lib in terms of the version you have installed02:19
Talonxms: C++02:20
whyshycan compiz run on a virtual linux (in virtualbox), because for me iit doesn´t work. Is it maybe cause of the "virtual-graphic-device"02:20
TalonYou wont like what i code :P but i make hacks for games :/02:20
Carbonfluxsinglesun, that is a bit weird02:20
andresmujicano, virtualization doesn't have support for 3D02:20
singlesunCarbonflux, im thinking about reinstalling... LOL02:20
donald_whyshy: compiz wont run in VM02:20
somerville32Is there a gui that allows for easy management of ip aliases?02:21
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, something does seem broken, that should be a supported lib02:21
tehmasswhat architure should i choose ?a/ b/ f/ h/ k/ libd/ m/ x/02:21
tehmassfor  medibuntu in kubuntu02:21
singlesunCarbonflux, :O this is the story of my life... lol.. i just finished reinstalling everything on my wife's pc today... now mine... lol02:21
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya on this machine it shows that lib as being part of the supported stuff02:22
whyshy ok thank you @ donald_ and andresmujica!!!!!!!02:22
Carbonfluxsinglesun, so something is messed up on your machine, you could try a sudo apt-get clean maybe02:22
blickI want to make a shell script that defines a useful function, and works either stand-alone or as a "library" (source filename.sh). Is there a good way to do this?02:22
singlesunCarbonflux, i will try that02:22
Carbonfluxsinglesun, it seems like your RSA keys might be mess up or something02:22
donald_tehmass: can u read the FAQ on medibuntu. about adding it to your /etc/apt/sources.list file?02:23
Carbonfluxsinglesun, after the clean do a sudo apt-get update also02:23
xMS_userc++ and you use xp? now that is just plain silly02:23
thebighamHow do i get intel x3100 graphic working with compiz???02:23
donald_thebigham: u need to add SKIP_CHECKS=yes to some file02:23
Carbonfluxwith VS2005 C++ is fully support in XP02:23
Talonxms: im used to it i guess02:24
singlesunCarbonflux, alright i did both of those02:24
Carbonfluxits not as good as gcc or something02:24
=== amblin_ is now known as amblin
xMS_userTalon: i had a php script that  did some db maintenence, on xp it would take about 5 - 7 minutes. on the same machine, debian ran it all in less than 1 minutes02:24
singlesunCarbonflux, still not working... the verdict is... reboot... LOL02:24
xMS_userminute* singular02:24
singlesunCarbonflux, and reinstall02:25
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, something is messed up fairly bad, I am not sure you have to reinstall tho, you might try googling some of this first02:25
Carbonfluxsinglesun, try the ImportError: line in google for example02:25
Talonhmm, brb xms having trouble with this 3d window download install stuff02:25
Carbonfluxsinglesun, you can't be the first person to have this problem02:25
singlesunCarbonflux, oh yes i can... that is usually the case.. lol02:25
Carbonfluxguess thats why its the "bleeding" edge02:26
CarbonfluxI just don't know anything about authentication problems with apt02:26
Carbonfluxthere might be a easy fix02:26
xMS_userdoes the cube thingy even work in gutsy?02:26
singlesunbleeding is usually the case... LOL02:26
nemilarSomeone having gpg key errors with apt?02:27
CarbonfluxI have gotten the desktop cube working fine, i showed it to my girl friend, she pretended to be impressed in a polite way and then I turned it off02:27
donald_xMS_user: Compiz? works here02:28
RequinB4that's funny02:28
nemilarcompiz works great02:28
thebighamHow do i install drivers for intel x3100 so compiz will work?02:28
Carbonfluxya, seriously, it works fine here too02:28
mazevcompiz looks great and ups my productivity02:28
whyshyehem sorry, but another stupid question: Is Lina a fake or will it ever be released! i mean, it was already released but not compiled! and because i doen´t know how to compile Lina, i just want to know if it would work ?!02:28
nemilarthebigham: your video isn't working properly?02:28
singlesunCarbonflux, see mine was working all this time... i just couldnt edit it today... LOL...02:28
donald_thebigham: u need to add SKIP_CHECKS=yes to some file02:28
RequinB4compiz-fusion is good even just for organizational puposes02:29
Talonxms: Once i finish installing this 3d windows and changing options do i have to do something to get them to apply ? :)02:29
thebighamdonald_, how do i do that?02:29
nemilarThe cube, and expo, and all that compiz stuff is productive... the "minimize in a blaze of fire" is just eye-candy02:29
Carbonfluxsinglesun, well, I think you might be able to ignore the authentication issues for a time and just fix the compiz problem, there might be a way to refresh the keys or something02:29
thebighamthere was a guy just couple hours ago who helped me to get it working, but i was using the wrong hard drive, now i have do every over again.02:30
CarbonfluxI like compiz02:30
CarbonfluxI use a lot of it, the window rules and stuff02:30
thebighamHe gave me a link with simple steps to do win the teminal02:30
donald_thebigham: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58704502:30
CarbonfluxI have a ton of rules set up now02:30
TalonNemilar: I cant find the option, how do i let my windows go down in a blaze of glory02:30
xMS_userTalon:  ask donald_, nemilar, Mazus an RequinB4 they use it02:30
Carbonfluxthe only thing I don't normally use is the desktop cube02:30
whyshyIs Lina a fake?02:31
nemilarTalon: you have to install the extras, h/o I'll find the package for you02:31
singlesunCarbonflux, im gonna give this one a break for tonight... lol... i dont feel like pushing much farther with this tonight.. its been a long day... now i need to figure out what linux distro i will put on my old xp driven laptop... that now have a fan out in it that i refuse to replace... lol02:31
TalonAhh, alwyas with the extras, thanks mate02:31
Carbonfluxsinglesun, heh, I understand exactly what you mean, better not to push anyway, you might get sucked into a black hole of reinstalling02:31
EmmerP anybody get suspend to ram working in Feisty? It does suspend, but does not resume :S02:32
nemilarTalon: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and compizconfig-settings-manager02:32
Carbonfluxsinglesun, one fun thing that can happen is having problems with the reinstall, a bad disc, etc02:32
nemilarTalon: there's literally more options in there than I wish to count02:32
donald_EmmerP: suspend is black magic02:32
nemilardonald_: not on windows, it isn't02:32
singlesunCarbonflux, well ive reintalled on this pc many times over... LOL...02:32
TalonNemilar: thats a good thing thoe :) options = happy02:32
Mazus(18:31:14) (xMS_user) Talon: ask donald_, nemilar, Mazus an RequinB4 they use it<-- what?02:33
thebighamdonald_, thanks alot it worked02:33
Ububeginhoe to use the find command in ubuntu02:33
donald_nemilar: not all ACPI implementations are the same02:33
ader10 I want a popup notification displaying mpc's output. Right now I use "mpc|zenity --text-info" but I'd like something that kind of scales the window to fit the text properly. Is there a method?02:33
Ububegini mean use the find command in VIM, sorry02:33
Carbonfluxsinglesun, if ubuntu does not work on it I have had a lot of luck on older machines with fedora for some odd reason, but 7.10 Ubuntu has been quite good on old machines, stripped down of course02:33
nemilarTalon: at some point you're gonna wind up mapping your mouse3 button to something, and your scroll wheel is going to stop working... just keep that in mind when you're wondering why you can't scroll in firefox, and then go back and unmap mouse3 ;)02:33
nemilarTalon: _everyone_ I know has done that02:33
TalonNem: i have one of those mouse pad things wit hthe scroll wheel on the side, i dont even think i can map it to anything elese02:34
singlesunCarbonflux, i would like to run something that is as stripped down as possible.. .but will still support its PCMCIA wireless card...02:34
singlesunCarbonflux, need something light light weight, cuz i cant have it overheating due to fan being out... lol02:35
nemilarTalon: you can map any button on your mouse to pretty much anything you want...might take some doing though02:35
xMS_userMazus: compiz02:35
Talontrue true, ill make sure i avoid that thoe02:35
EADGsinglesun: Damm Small Linux (DSL) or Puppy linux might be something you'de want to look at.02:35
dduongUbubegin: when you are not in insert mode, press / and type whatever you are looking for in front.  For example.  /test02:36
TalonI personaly enjoy scrolling in firefox so thats high on the list to avoid02:36
singlesunEADG, this gives full support for pcmcia wireless cards?02:36
EmmerPdonald_: ok...that's it? hmmm02:36
xMS_userformat c: /q in linux?02:37
EADGsinglesun: a 50Mb d/l burn & reboot would tell you for sure. I don't use pcmcia on my lappy ;/02:37
TalonHey Nemilar how to i apply settings with this 3d windows, because when i change its options nothing happens its just the same :/02:38
Ububegindduong: how do i cont'd gg to next time.... i tried pressing <ENTER>..dun think it is correct one02:38
Carbonfluxsinglesun, yikes ;)02:38
singlesunEADG, 50meg... lol.. sure is d small...02:38
xMS_userguys how do i format my sdc4 in ext3?02:38
singlesunCarbonflux, whats up with the yikes?02:38
Ububegindduong: how do i cont'd gg to next ITEM.... i tried pressing <ENTER>..dun think it is correct one02:38
xMS_usergparted is acting retarted02:38
Carbonfluxsinglesun, just thinking about the fanless computer :)02:38
donald_EmmerP: your mileage varies. u have to Google and narrow down to your specs02:38
Jewfro-MacabbixMS_user, you are looking for the fdisk command?02:39
EADGsinglesun: hehe, ya, it is. It has a gui, fluxbox iirc.02:39
EmmerPdonald_: yeah...that's what I first tried without luck :)02:39
dduongUbubegin:  press the letter n02:39
xMS_useri dunno. let me man it and see02:39
xMS_userJewfro-Macabbi: let me man it and see02:39
Carbonfluxsinglesun, he's right imo, DSL is a good pick02:39
Jewfro-MacabbixMS_user, may the force be with you...02:39
singlesunCarbonflux, it rotates very slowly... its been running XP and was designed for XP... but its just I really dont feel like spending the money to fix the fan... the fans are like 90 dollars and hard to get ahold of, company was KDS computers that went out of business02:40
Ububegindduong: sweet .......dude... tks02:40
Wiredtape_Awayanyone know if you can use ddr2 (675mhz) 2x512mb and ddr2 (800mhz) 2x1gb together?02:40
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I have seen people do some really dirty fan hacks that seem to work ok, you might be able to adapt a fan from a old MB case or PSU maybe ?02:40
donald_EmmerP: also, there are various reasons for not resuming. u need to determine what it is. some have no backlight or DPMS issues. some can be fixed by switching to console and back02:40
dduongUbubegin:  not a problem my friend :)02:41
spdfWiredtape_Away, the 800mhz willl get stepped down to 67502:41
Jewfro-MacabbiWiredtape_Away, It will run both at the slower rate02:41
singlesunCarbonflux, but this is my luck... lol... i am running 32 bit ubuntu on my desktop even though it is a dual core 64 bit amd 4400+, 2 gig ram, nvida geforce 8500gt, 320gig hd.... the 64 bit ubuntu i had alot of issues with02:41
EmmerPdonald_: thx, will try some more02:41
Mazus(18:36:11) (xMS_user) Mazus: compiz <-- i dont run compiz02:41
Wiredtape_AwayJewfro-Macabbi, but will be stable?02:41
Jewfro-MacabbiWiredtape_Away, maybe, maybe not - it's generally not a good idea02:42
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I am running 64bit on the same cpu, amd 4400 X202:42
Wiredtape_AwayJewfro-Macabbi, k , thx02:42
Carbonfluxsinglesun, only difference is I have a geforce 8600 and no doubt the MB is different02:42
singlesunCarbonflux, that is definently grunge, but you would have to see how the people built this fan, its ridiculous... fan is screwed up shape and size... and used proprietary components... definently wasnt meant to last02:42
xMS_usersry Mazus02:42
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, fans are a pain, you see that a lot with gcards too02:43
xMS_userJewfro-Macabbi: nope fdisk does not seem to be what i need02:43
nemilarAny idea how to access SMART features on a SATA drive connected via USB?02:43
singlesunCarbonflux, this is the 8500gt with 512 meg ram on it... works decent02:43
TalonNemilar, did you get my question mate ?02:43
todd_is there a way to mount the network:// uri on the filesystem?02:43
nemilarTalon: no, what's up?02:43
TalonHey Nemilar how to i apply settings with this 3d windows, because when i change its options nothing happens its just the same :/02:43
Talonthats what me said :)02:43
Carbonfluxsinglesun, well, that box should run 64bit np, I have a fairly good install on mine02:43
Jewfro-MacabbixMS_user, not familiar with any other good partition tools offhand...02:43
* Cpudan80 Hopes this works02:43
adelie43will network monitor work with wireless cards using ndiswrapper drivers?02:43
nemilarTalon: you've got compiz running already?02:44
donald_adelie43: yes02:44
Carbonfluxsinglesun, the only real issue I had was with the flash plugin02:44
singlesunCarbonflux, i had backtrack2 running on the laptop last night, but it was running hot.... ... i also do have the 64 bit ubuntu on boot disk... problem was getting flash and java to work.. etc02:44
Talonworkin fine too, i see the 3d windows and all but none of my setting changes show up02:44
Carbonfluxsinglesun, you just have to make sure you have the linux32 stuff installed02:44
adelie43donald_: it isn't showing up02:44
Carbonfluxsinglesun, but ya, you have to do a bunch of stuff by hand02:44
nemilarTalon: try prefs - appearances - visual effects - custom02:44
donald_singlesun: too much horsepower? install 32bit Gutsy in VirtualBox for java n flash02:45
adelie43donald_: it also doesn't show up in network tools, only iwconfig02:45
xMS_useri don't need to partion i need to format (sry if i sound like an idiot but they seem to be 2 diffrent things in windows)02:45
singlesunCarbonflux, donald_ one sec, phone02:45
tom__Hi, could somebody please help me with my USB drive?02:45
donald_adelie43: it should.02:45
nemilar!ask | tom__02:45
ubotutom__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:45
JohnRobertwhat version of Ubuntu should I use for a core 2 duo system? Does the standard kernel have SMP support?02:45
Ex-CyberI just printed a 10-page PDF from evince; 6 pages printed, and then it just stopped; the "Document print status" window just says "stopped" for its status, and neither the printer itself nor anything else seems to be indicating an error... what's going on?02:45
TalonNem: now im confused sorry were do i go :/02:45
rskJohnRobert: yep02:45
CarbonfluxI am fairly happy with 7.10 in 64bit02:45
adelie43donald_: can you be using wired and wireless at the same time with the same router?02:45
JohnRobertcool ta02:45
todd_is there a way to mount the network:// uri as a /media entry on the filesystem?02:46
nemilarTalon: the Appearances control panel, visual effects tab02:46
Carbonfluxit worked a lot better then I expected02:46
nemilarTalon: enable Custom02:46
nemilar!ask > tom__02:46
xMS_userhow do i format a partition?02:46
donald_adelie43: it chooses one only02:46
nemilarxMS_user: use gparted02:46
xMS_usernemilar: it keeps crashing02:46
nemilarxMS_user: well that stinks....you comfortable with the command line?02:46
Siph0nhey every website and tutorial i read says to install windows first, than ubuntu..... but if i already have ubuntu (gutsy) installed, is it possible to install windows without messing up ubuntu?02:46
tom__My drive shows up almost nowhere, and the light that indicated that it should be plugged in is not there02:46
TalonWell yeah ive been messin in that all day Nem, funny thing is none of my setting changes for the #d windows plugin work02:46
adelie43donald_: if I tried dhclient for the device, would it fail? said 'Network Down'02:46
donald_Siph0n: yes02:47
singlesunCarbonflux, back... but yeah i tried all that, and I screwed it up.. either i would get java or flash working... never both of them... lol02:47
Siph0ndonald_, know of a tutorial for me to follow? :)02:47
donald_adelie43: using dhclient will work only for open networks02:47
nemilarTalon: I had that same problem, I don't remember how I fixed it to be honest02:47
adelie43donald_: open?02:47
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singlesunCarbonflux, i do have the 64 bit boot disk sitting right here though... lol....02:47
nemilarTalon: mess with it enough and it's bound to kick in02:47
TalonDamn, mabey i need to reinstall...02:47
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, I made a special effort so I could try doing some C++ dev in 64bit02:47
singlesunCarbonflux, the only thing that stops me is the java and flash... lol02:47
LjL!away > ader10-ZzZzz    (ader10-ZzZzz, see the private message from Ubotu)02:47
adelie43donald_: network only uses mac address filtering...  hmm...02:47
nemilartom__: is the drive mounted?02:48
donald_Siph0n: well. keep a ubuntu alternate disk handy. boot rescue mode.02:48
singlesunCarbonflux, i couldnt get the blackdown 64 stuff to work on here02:48
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I just googled for: howto 64bit Ubuntu 7.10 flash02:48
nemilartom__: do you know what device it's been assigned to?02:48
tom__I can't figure out how to mount it02:48
tom__No, I don't02:48
arrgHey guys does Ubuntu supports games like warcraft 3?02:48
evan_Hi I'm trying to get ascii extended characters supported in my terminal. ie: degree sign02:48
nemilartom__: dmseg | grep -i disk02:48
adelie43donald_: the mac address would be the same for a combo integrated wired/wireless card, right?02:48
singlesunCarbonflux, and there is a bunch of teks out there on how to do it... and usually they end up failing on me... lol02:49
jdh6403arrg: it runs wow and civ402:49
Carbonfluxarrg, you need a compatablity layer like wine or cedega02:49
arrghow is that possible ?02:49
donald_adelie43: no02:49
nemilartom__: it should show some lines that start with "sd" and have [sdX] in them, what is the X?02:49
jdh6403thru wine02:49
tom__I think you spelt that command wrong02:49
Carbonfluxsinglesun, well, there is hardly any performance difference anyway02:49
jdh6403many other games too02:49
singlesunCarbonflux, looks slightly better imo02:49
nemilartom__: dmesg | grep -i disk02:49
arrgisn't games like warcraft 3 and wow made for only windows and mac ?02:49
nemilartom__: spelled it right02:49
adelie43donald_: cause this is a friends computer, and hated windows... wireless connected before reinstall.02:49
evan_I'm getting ? in my terminal where I expect an ascii extended character ...02:50
jdh6403http://appdb.winehq.org/       arrg  go there02:50
Jewfro-MacabbixMS_user, see also cfdisk and mkfs commands02:50
donald_adelie43: u may need a wireless key02:50
jdh6403wine is a windows emulator02:50
arrgYesi understand what you mean guys02:50
Carbonfluxarrg, read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_%28software%2902:50
nemilartom__: what's the error you get running the command?  or just no output?02:50
tom__I don't know which one it is02:50
arrgbut i still can't believe its possible02:50
donald_sorry all, got to run02:50
tom__The command worked02:50
arrgdamn this is wonderful02:50
tom__I don't know which drive it is, tho02:50
arrgso guess no need to buy windows xp or vista02:51
jdh6403anything is possible in linux    windows makes things impossible02:51
adelie43donald_: I was reading something about broadcom cards having full support under 7.10. true? cause when I couldn't get it to connect initially, I used ndiswrapper. there is no wep key02:51
nemilartom__: it has multiple entries, sda and sdb, for example?02:51
arrgtrue jdh640302:51
singlesunwhat i want to know though... is how ubuntu is on one cd... and stuff like slackware, redhat... etc... are on about 6 cd's02:51
Carbonfluxya, linux is transparent02:51
nemilartom__: try running fdisk -l02:51
Carbonfluxso the only limit is your skill02:51
nemilartom__: does it list your disk's partitions?02:51
Jewfro-Macabbisinglesun, they just come with more optional packages on the disc02:51
Jewfro-Macabbisinglesun, I'd guess since Ubuntu gives away CD's - that's partly why they try and stick to one disc02:52
CarbonfluxUbuntu is more net oriented02:52
singlesunJewfro-Macabbi, yeah... i mean.. you can still just get whatever package you need... so i dunno why these other OS's dont do the same02:53
evan_does anyone know how to get extended ascii characters to display02:53
Carbonfluxsinglesun, its a judgment call, Ubuntu assumes you will have a broadband internet connection02:53
singlesunJewfro-Macabbi, just thinking back is all, lol... and wondering why my 14 hour redhat installs took so long... when i can install ubuntu in less than 15 mins.. lol02:53
Jewfro-Macabbisinglesun, most other's can actually be installed from the first disc only - with extras containing extra software - I know the Debian CD set is like that02:53
Carbonfluxya, Fedora is the same02:53
TalonNem: My laptop overheated, it rebooted now it all works :D02:54
Carbonfluxyou can get minimal installs too iirc02:54
arrgwine is not an emulator ?02:54
nemilarTalon: haha, you might consider installing some temperature sensors02:54
Carbonfluxits a compatibility layer arrg ;)02:54
singlesunJewfro-Macabbi, Carbonflux, aha... and myself being a package-whore.... said "i want it all" ... so of course...02:54
arrgnot bad02:54
Andres_22rio4hello, why i can only share folders of my home and not of other partition?02:54
arrgisn't ubuntu good as windows ?02:54
Jewfro-Macabbiarrg, correct - wine intercepts the call for a windows component and redirects to a suitable open source replacement - or tries...02:54
TalonNem: yeah the fan in this thing has been broke for a long time. been debating about a cooling thing, but thanks for your help i gotta go now but im sure ill be back later, bye bye02:55
|ns|nR8security reasons Andres_22rio4, permission restrictions02:55
Carbonfluxarrg, basicly it just maps window api calls into linux calls, its only really slow when running directX stuff, if a program supports openGL like Wow for example it runs great02:55
newbieI need some help, my usb memory is infected with some files, and I cannot delete them. Each time I use it under windows, the files become unusable, and when I try to create a new folder, a lot of trashy files appear. The thing is that the virus file is read only, and I cannot erase it. Is there any command that would help me erasing definitively an specific file?02:56
singlesunCarbonflux, seems im not the only person with a laptop in the closet that has a fan out... lol... accept when Talon's breaks it comes back fixed...02:56
Carbonfluxarrg, you can run Wow in wine and take maybe only a 1/3 frame rate hit, if you have a fast machine its just as good as windows02:56
Carbonfluxsinglesun, laptops suck :)02:56
singlesunCarbonflux, thats why its in the closet... LOL02:56
Carbonfluxyou can't even put most of them on your lap02:56
Carbonfluxit blocks the zillion fans they need02:56
Andres_22rio4<|ns|nR8> how i can make it?02:57
Ex-Cyberugh... I can print a test page, but if I try to print from evince the job just shows up as "stopped"... how do I fix this?02:57
EADGnewbie: in a terminal you could use "sudo rm -f filename"02:57
newbieEADG, ok, thanks, will try that02:57
jsoftwI keep on getting weird lag with Terminal in xfce, for no reason I can find as yet, any ideas? Im low on cpu use, low on ram use...02:57
xMS_userwould mkfs.ext3 -V /dev/sdc4 work?02:57
Carbonfluxarrg, clearly it will never be as fast as native windows, but the advantage of not having to boot windows is a important for some people02:57
newbieEADG, I got this error -> rm: cannot remove `papps': Input/output error02:58
Carbonfluximportant one*02:58
zedsterI was in earlier but maybe someone can try helping me again earlier I ran "apt-get remove udev" and it dumped the kernel I want to know if I can restore the kernel without a full reinstall02:58
singlesunCarbonflux, people like me.. that have a vista ultimate partition that rarely gets logged onto... lol02:58
Carbonfluxdid you run it on your amd machine singlesun ?02:58
xMS_usermkfs.ext3 -V /dev/sdc402:59
Jewfro-MacabbixMS_user, if you were asking me, I don't know I didn't read the man02:59
EADGnewbie: Hmm, never seen that before. Not sure what to try next...02:59
singlesunCarbonflux, yep that is what i have it on ;) have to use it for work in visual studio02:59
Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, I ordered Vista Ultimate so I could play around with VS and DX1002:59
Carbonfluxsinglesun, was wondering how it ran on a amd 6403:00
Carbonfluxanyway, off topic here03:00
newbiehello, I need some help. I am trying to delete a virus file from a usb memory, using the rm -f command, but got this error->  rm: cannot remove `papps': Input/output error03:00
singlesunCarbonflux, runs good... lol... oddly there can get to be some screwed up lag when initially loading even moderate sized solutions though03:00
osxdudenewbie: Try ejecting, unplugging, then pluggng back in your flash drive03:01
Carbonfluxsinglesun, no doubt it takes a while to upload your source to M$ ;)03:01
osxdudelol, my HDD was named "they have 6"03:01
singlesunCarbonflux, or the solutions they keep sending me have extra hardrive killing things that instantly bog down my pc... lol... no.. i dont think so.. i think its the microshaft03:01
newbieosxdude, already tried that, but still got the same error03:02
Carbonfluxsinglesun, VS 2005 ?03:02
exophonixwhat is the comman for stop firestarter please ?03:02
newbiethat freaking virus is driving me nuts03:02
osxdudenewbie: your flash drive might have the read protection on...03:02
Carbonfluxexophonix, use the exit in the menu03:02
singlesunCarbonflux, yep I had 2008 but the files they send me were 2005 so i had to switch back03:02
Starnestommyexophonix: sudo invoke-rc.d firestarter stop?03:02
zedsteranyone have any ideas for me?03:02
ojwbDoes anyone know if there's a way to rerun the keyboard layout detection you go through when installing?03:02
arrgdo pc viruses affects linux ?03:02
ojwbwithout reinstalling that is...03:02
ScuniziI have one of my partitions labeled as "fuseblk" under type.  What is fuseblk?03:02
Carbonfluxarrg, normally no03:03
singlesunCarbonflux, i didnt want to convert for 2k8 and then have them not be able to use naturally03:03
arrgbut linux do have their own viruses right ?03:03
singlesunkey word... = normally.... unless you are me... LOL03:03
Carbonfluxsinglesun, thanks for the info, ya I can see that, 2k8 is still beta anyway right ?03:03
nemilarpoor tom__'s hard drive died03:03
jack-desktopcan anyone explain how to use dbus.. or what it does?03:03
newbieosxdude, mmm I am not familiar with that. This flash drive is simple, has nothing special only the usb port. If you mean there is a hardware protection on, it is impossible. Now, could it be that it has some sort of software protection???03:03
Starnestommyarrg: very few exist and the ones that do are harmless or don't exist in the wild03:03
singlesunCarbonflux, you can check out the demo from Microsoft ... its Express though03:03
nemilarjack-desktop: as I understand it, it's a way for applications to communicate with each other03:04
singlesunnote: I do not endorse the above action... lol03:04
osxdudenewbie: what I meant was a little switch on the side of the flash drive03:04
zedsteranyone in here a ubuntu master?03:04
nemilarjack-desktop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dbus03:04
jack-desktophttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4233478&postcount=10 i want to beable to do that, but i don't have a "~/.dbus/user-dbus-address"03:04
newbieosxdude, nope, there is no such thing03:04
osxdudenewbie: but that could be a possibility03:04
Carbonfluxarrg, not really, for a lot of reasons, I mean I am sure there are a few but they are a lot harder to write and hide and propigate, also, linux is just not that popular on the desktop, you don't see a lot of botnets with linux machines in them for example, it a lot easier to see whats going on inside a linux machine and also your average linux user is a bit more technical.03:04
osxdudethe little virus could have infected your flash drive...03:05
Hulya_5hello all...03:05
Hulya_5look at what you miss : http://i34.servimg.com/u/f34/11/90/17/15/hjk10.jpg03:05
osxdudenewbie: can you copy stuff of of the flash drive?03:05
singlesunwhat carbon said... sounds good... lol03:05
Hulya_5look at what you miss : http://i34.servimg.com/u/f34/11/90/17/15/hjk10.jpg03:05
Carbonfluxarrg, anything is possible tho :)03:05
hans_Please, could anyone refer me to a good online bit torrent optimizing guide?03:05
nemilarjack-desktop: that how-to is pretty advanced... but it's saying to create that file03:06
newbieosxdude, nope, it says that I do not have permissions to copy into that folder03:06
singlesununless you are a supernewbleet like me... and you find ways to bump into things that will purposefully screw up no matter what system you are running03:06
jack-desktopnemilar, i got everything except that one part03:06
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Carbonfluxsinglesun, ya, happens to all of us that take risks03:06
newbieosxdude, do you know which command I can use to get rid of the permissions? I know it is something like chmod....03:06
jack-desktopnemilar, i put the echo in the file and then it says file not found, i'm assuming it should be there.. in the /.dbus/ folder03:06
nemilarjack-desktop: the ">" on a command-line is a way of saying "take the output and make it the contents of this file"03:07
osxdudenewbie: chown and chmod, correct :)03:07
Hulya_5danc3 whispers to Hulya_5:rnHow'd you like to get your ass kicked, motherfucker?03:07
nemilarjack-desktop: do you have a ~/.dbus folder ?03:07
jack-desktopnemilar, no03:07
nemilarjack-desktop: so create it ;)03:07
nemilarjack-desktop: and then it should work fine03:07
singlesunCarbonflux, i intend to setup this desktop running virtual box to test different server os's with that excellent laptop i was talking about.. LOL03:07
osxdude!ops Hulya_503:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops hulya_5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:07
jack-desktopnemilar, i was thinking > meant like, extract data from that folder.. totally opposite.03:07
nemilarjack-desktop: ">" is overwrite, ">>" is append03:08
osxdude!ops | Hulya_503:08
ubotuHulya_5: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!03:08
phuzionanyone got any explanation why my flash is all messed up? it looks like this: http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/8920/videocf6.png http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/2218/youtubemainay3.png03:08
Carbonfluxsinglesun, heh03:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:08
newbieosxdude, ok, I had used chmod before, but I do not know which options I have to use, could you tell me which options override the read/write protection?03:08
Carbonfluxsinglesun, I ope you get it working03:08
nemilarjack-desktop: both will create a file if it doesn't exist already, but it won't create a folder03:08
singlesunhope is all there ever is... lol03:08
JosieDoes anyone know how to forward sound using rdesktop?03:08
PriceChild!ohmy | Hulya_503:08
ubotuHulya_5: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:08
osxdudenewbie: you should only need to use -R to gain read/write permissions of the flash drive03:09
Hulya_5can you hear me, ubotu ?03:09
nemilarHulya_5: it's a bot.03:09
phuzionHulya_5, ubotu is a bot03:09
Hulya_5really? nice03:09
newbieosxdude, ok, let me try that03:09
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Hulya_5watch danc3 so bot !03:09
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nemilarhaha pwned03:10
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osxdudeexactly why I did the !ops command...he doesn't need help03:10
nemilarMy left-click button is broken :( :( this makes computing very difficult.03:10
LockesRabbdvd playback isnt working03:10
wease|tell that to a MAC fanboi03:10
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nemilarweasel: haha, I said left-click, not right click03:10
osxdudethanks weasel :P03:10
jsoftwIve got X11 running with no xorg.conf. It works cool, except I want to turn of compiz. How do i dump an xorg.conf so I can disable an option?03:11
ale1is this the right place to ask about a bad iptables config?03:11
LockesRabbi pop in a dvd, it just opens a window with folders...03:11
osxdudenemilar: switch the buttons so left is right and right is left03:11
tromsQuick question: how do I format an SD card? I have gParted installed, but it can't find the device03:11
nemilarale1: you could definitely try asking03:11
hans_Please, could anyone refer me to a good online bit torrent optimizing guide?03:11
danc3thank you PriceChild03:11
nemilarosxdude: that's what I'm doing at the moment, but it's driving me MADDDDDD03:11
zim__ I am new to linux, how do I read a cd?  I went to root and went into cdrom which was emtpy and then I tried /media/cdrom and /media/cdrom0, both empty  do I need to mount it and if so how?03:11
tromshans_:  torrentfreak.com03:11
wease|so change hands03:11
osxdudenemilar: use the enter key and the space bare AND the tab keys03:11
Tm_T!away > H4ck3rx|work03:11
wease|use the other hand03:11
wease|it will be fine03:11
wease|just kidding03:11
singlesunLockesRabb, dvd playback is not directly supported by ubuntu... you have to install a few packages03:12
newbieosxdude, sorry I got no clue on how to use this :(. Could you give me an example? I used sudo su, then went to the flashdrive folder, and used 'chmod -R papps', but is says 'missing operand after papps'03:12
ScuniziWhen looking at System Monitor/File System it shows /media/sdb1 as type "fuseblk".  Is that a file system type like ext3?  That designation doesn't show up in my fsab for any of my partitions.03:12
ale1@zim: what happens if you eject and then pop it in again?  for me it opens a window automatically03:12
carlochi i'm having trouble installing ubuntu on an hp tx2000 tablet pc03:12
carloci'm having a whitescreen03:12
nemilarosxdude: all the stores around here are closed, so I went on craigslist and now I'm trading my nintendo64 for a wireless mouse and keyboard set...guy should be here in an hour.03:12
carlocsort of clouds03:12
Cpudan80How can I get the gnome weather applet to download an extended forecast type thing?03:12
carlocwhen i put in the live cd03:12
EADGhans_: Google "torrent program name + wiki' Azareus has a good one for starters.03:12
Cpudan80Like a 5 day text based forecast03:12
nemilarCpudan80: I don't think you can :( the xfce applet is _so_ much better03:12
carlocdoes anyon eknow how to solve this?03:12
danc3Cpudan80: did you read the documentation?03:12
zim__ ale1: im using server edition because I just wanted to have a personal LAMP to mess around with.  no gui.  I obviously installed off a cd though, so I know the drive works03:12
LockesRabb@singlesun, what packages do i need to install03:12
Jewfro-Macabbicarloc - there's an alternate/text mode install cd availalbe also03:13
singlesunLockesRabb, try this guide maybe http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-ubuntu-linux-playback-dvd/03:13
osxdudenewbie: I think what you need it << sudo chmod -R 1000 /media/<flash drive name> >>03:13
Cpudan80danc3: Well it's not in the preferences...03:13
H4ck3rx|workthanks Tm_T03:13
Cpudan80danc3: No, I did not read the man page03:13
Scunizinemilar, maybe the xfce appelate will work in gnome?  if it does tell Cpudan8003:13
nemilarCpudan80: maybe if we both write letters to the gnome-weather-applet team, we can get them to include the feature03:13
danc3Cpudan80: no, I said "documentation", not "preferences"03:13
carlocwill that solve the problem for an hp tx2000?03:13
nemilarScunizi: I doubt it, I'm gonna try it out now03:13
singlesunLockesRabb, really you just need the CSS libraries03:13
ale1http://pastebin.com/d24b0591a  <-- my default iptables03:13
singlesunLockesRabb, perhaps  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh03:14
Cpudan80danc3: No - I have not03:14
Jewfro-Macabbicarloc, not certain - there's also network install for a quicker answer03:14
Scunizidanc3, what would you type for that.. man ??03:14
ale1I can't connect to anything with them, so I flushed them all and set policy to accept03:14
danc3Cpudan80: perhaps you should03:14
carloci'm gonna try downloading it now03:14
yannick_1mhi there03:14
carloci get a white screen03:14
ale1does anyone see a better way besides dumping my whole iptables?03:14
carlocsort of like a lava lamp03:14
tromsSo Ubuntu automounts the SD card, and I can open it and stuff, but I need to format it03:14
singlesunlol @ like a lava lamp03:15
CITguydoes anybody know how I'd be able to change the color scheme for ONLY the gnome panels?03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
osxdudecarloc: your monitr needs help03:15
ale1@CITguy: can't you right click on them?03:15
ShpookHow can I get vcd support?03:15
Tm_TH4ck3rx|work: you're welcome, I hope you learn from the wisdom of ubotu ;)03:15
CITguyale1: I can't change the color of the font03:15
osxdudeCITguy: right click the panel, choose Properities... go to Appearance tab then choose the color03:15
osxdudeyou can make it transparent too03:16
zim__ anyone able to help me with my cd problem?03:16
bpawhois ubuntu03:16
LockesRabbsinglesun-- followed instructions, gunna try dvd now03:16
ale1@CITguy: sorry, don't know about the font off-hand and I'm running KDE atm03:16
CITguyI am only able to change the background color of the panel. I want to change the FONT color03:16
ale1does anyone know about iptables here?03:16
singlesunLockesRabb, cool.. let me know whats up03:16
osxdudezim__: don't as to ask a question...ask the question :)03:16
yannick_1mzim__: what's your problem ?03:16
xMS_useris sudo cp -rxvP /home/* /mnt/bkup/ good?03:16
=== ale1 is now known as Ale1
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xMS_useri mean good for making backups03:17
scorphusgood evening!03:17
osxdudeCITguy: I do not thing you can ONLY change the font color03:17
Jewfro-MacabbiShpook, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Multimedia03:17
newbieosxdude, Thanks for being patient with me. I am desperate to recover my files from that memory. I tried the '-R 1000' option, but still I cannot do anything. I already disconnected several times the memory, but each time I connect it back, there is the same problem03:17
yannick_1mxMS_user: tou can use -a /home/.03:17
phuzionanyone got any explanation why my flash is all messed up? it looks like this: http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/8920/videocf6.png http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/2218/youtubemainay3.png03:17
osxdudethink = thing03:17
zim__ I did ask the question already.  I dont know how to read stuff off the cd and I need help (new, dont know what to do.) do I need to mount it?  how?03:17
scorphuswhat packages do I install to have a workable gnome?03:17
yannick_1m-a is a shortcut for all these option03:17
JosieHey, can anyone help me? I can't get sound to forward in rdesktop 1.503:17
nemilarWho was asking about the gnome weather applet + forecast??03:17
yannick_1mand with the final dot you won't miss any hidden file03:17
newbieosxdude, do you have any other suggestion that could help me copying my files and formatting the memory?03:18
ShpookJewfro-Macabbi: Thank you.03:18
danc3scorphus: Gnome is already installed on Ubuntu03:18
dsnydersHi all,  Can I use version control software to merge the contents of folders?03:18
Jewfro-Macabbiscorphus, gnome-desktop-environment03:18
box_where do u get complete system themes for ubuntu ?03:18
osxdudenewbie: try this command instead: << sudo chown -R <username>:<username> /media/<flash drive name> >>03:18
Jewfro-Macabbibox_, get the gnome-art package03:18
alexrudd@scrophus: why not just install ubuntu-desktop and remove anything you don't want?03:18
newbieosxdude, ok03:18
yannick_1mzim__: usally the CD shoudl have benn mount automatically03:18
scorphusdanc3: sorry, I should have mentioned this is a Ubuntu server installation. A very basic installed on Xen 303:19
wease|synaptic houses all DMs03:19
alexrudd@zim: what happens if you eject and close it again?03:19
scorphusJewfro-Macabbi: thanks, let me try it03:19
CITguyscorphus: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:19
osxdudezim__: the CD should mount when you put it in (by default). You may have to open a nautilus window and click "CD Drive"03:19
scorphusCITguy: okay03:19
LockesRabbstill didnt work03:19
nemilarWho was asking about the gnome weather applet + forecast??03:19
zim__ @alexrudd: nothing  @yannik:it doesnt or I would be fine.03:19
LockesRabb@singlesun -- dvd wont play03:19
yannick_1mzim__: ok. Try what other people have suggested03:20
LockesRabb@singlesun, i opened it in totem, it plays, but there's blank screen, i tried opening it in gxine, but gxine errored out saying it couldnt read stream03:20
xMS_usersudo cp -rxvPa03:20
singlesunLockesRabb, did dvd ever play for you in ubuntu?03:20
dsnydersLockesRabb, I've never had problems with mplayer03:20
KlesI'm using Ubuntu since my XP installation went off the deep end and I can't find my XP disc03:21
LockesRabbno, this is my first time enabling dvd playback03:21
KlesI can't boot it without safe graphics03:21
zim__ @osxdude:I am running server edition, I have only command line03:21
yannick_1mxMS_user: no no. simply cp -a is enough03:21
xMS_usercool yannick_03:21
alexrudd@zim: What about mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom?03:21
singlesunLockesRabb, wait a second.... you said it plays but there is a blank screen? so you hear sounds but there is a blank screen?03:21
KlesHow would I go about getting myself some graphics drivers for this?03:21
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KlesOr some audio?03:21
scorphusCITguy: aptitude tells me "...439 newly installed..." and "...Need to get 404MB/406MB of archives....". Should I proceed?03:21
osxdudezim__: Then here ya go: << sudo mount /dev/cdrom >>03:21
CITguyscorphus: yes03:21
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KlesI'm rather uneducated about this OS :)03:21
osxdudezim__: that should mount it03:21
scorphusCITguy: thank you03:21
osxdudezim__ oh yea and append a mount point to that03:22
LockesRabb@singlesun, i'm deaf, so i don't know if it's emitting any sounds ;p03:22
CITguyyou're welcome03:22
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spithrahow do u start gnome from command prompt03:22
CITguyspithra: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:22
Starnestommyspithra: gnome-session?03:22
CITguyspithra: or just "startx"03:22
osxdudeLockesRabb: seriously?03:22
LockesRabbosx, yes03:22
spithrastartx starts kde03:22
box_after installing gnome-art where do u change options @ ?03:22
osxdudei've never met a deaf dude before :D03:23
newbieosxdude, I think I know why I could not copy my files. I was selecting all of the files including the corrupted files. Now I only selected the files that are ok, and it seems to be copying it.03:23
jen2perhaps it would be better to ask this here than in the kde-specific chan, since it's more generalized: does gutsy (whether in main, universe, etc) have a driver in the repos that supports the via chrome9 k8m890's 3d features?03:23
alexrudd@scorphus: I'm not sure how aptitude is compared to synaptic, but you might want to go through and remove things you definitely don't want, like "gnome-pilot"03:23
LockesRabb@singlesun, let me try putting in a different dvd and see if its the same03:23
LockesRabbosx-- you still havent-- we didnt meet in person yet ;p03:23
zim__ alexrudd  thanks, worked, didnt know what the name to mount it was (ive mounted usb, but it took a while to figure out what to call that too)03:23
Jewfro-Macabbibox_, it's under system - preferences - art manager03:23
osxdudenewbie: Glad sorted it ouy03:23
zim__ @ all who tried ot help me, thanks03:23
singlesunLockesRabb, ummm.... ok.. if you are being serious... try another dvd i guess03:23
box_tnx again03:23
newbieosxdude, Yeeeiii I could recover some files, thank you very much03:23
Mr__holy cow did anyone ever see this thing it must be brand new or something03:23
scorphusalexrudd: hmm... let me take a look to this synaptic. thanks03:23
JewsusDoes ubuntu have another browser besides firefox?03:23
alexrudd@zim: for future reference, you can check out /etc/fstab  for automatically configured mount points03:23
jen2epiphany is available03:24
LockesRabb@singlesun, of course, why would i joke about the dvd not workin?03:24
singlesunLockesRabb, i new to ubuntu as well... but i know that when i didnt have the right codecs sometimes vids would play the sound and not the actual video03:24
osxdudezim__ did you try << sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 >>03:24
wease|aptitude has moo powers03:24
nemilarJewsus: you can use Opera if you want03:24
jen2you can also check out opera03:24
wease|thats the difference03:24
singlesunLockesRabb, i meant about beign def03:24
Kitar|sthttp://wiresmash.com/funny/this-is-sparta/ <---- HAHA!!!!!03:24
nemilarJewsus: there's also a bunch of Gecko-based browsers03:24
Mr__oops thought i said it03:24
tromswhat the default max limit of half-open connections in Ubuntu? or does it even work like that/03:24
alexrudd@osxdude: yeah, he said that worked when I suggested it03:24
Jewfro-Macabbibox_, gnome art just downloads/installs different themes/icons/windows borders for you - you can then use them via system - preferences - appearance03:24
newbieosxdude, one last question. I have never formated a flash drive from the command line before. Do you know how can I do it? Is there any option that erases EVERYTHING, not only the boot sector?03:24
Mr__i just stumbled on this ourbuntu.com thing must be in the works or something03:24
speeddemon8803sudo aptitude moo | sudo aptitude -v moo03:24
LockesRabb@singlesun -- i'd much rather NOT be deaf, i hate it, and i prefer not to mention it, i wouldn't have mentioned it if u hadnt asked me if i could hear it03:24
wease|speed, exactly03:24
alexrudddoes anyone know about iptables?03:24
jen2troms: i don't even think that applies, as ubuntu has an *intelligently designed* tcp/ip stack03:24
zim__ alexrudd:i dont think it was autoconfig because it didnt spin the disk or give me anyoutputs when I put it in.  for the usb that I had to manually mount (due to some windows weirdness in it) it at least popped up the init lines and the device gave indications it was connected03:24
CITguyspithra: This may sound stupid, but do you have Gnome installed?03:24
Mr__anyone know of it?03:25
speeddemon8803super cow powers baby :)03:25
dsnydersLockesRabb, have you tried mplayer.  I find it works much better than totem.03:25
wease|gotta love the power03:25
singlesunLockesRabb, give the other dvd a shot... and see.... if not... i really cant help much more....... i suggested all that i could... but these guys are pretty savvy and can prolly help ya fix it03:25
osxdudenewbie: unfortunatley I don't know... might have to look it up.03:25
tromsjen2: so I don't have to worry about slow browsing speeds when bittorrent is on?03:25
xMS_useryannick_1m: sudo -a /home/* /mnt/bk ?03:25
hans_Please, could someone refer me to a guide on optimizing ktorrent?03:25
Jewfro-Macabbialexrudd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo?highlight=%28ip%29%7C%28tables%2903:25
speeddemon8803doesnt the moo power go to the v6 power or so?03:25
LockesRabbwell well well03:26
wease|speed, too bad they dont offer that in the newer versions *frowns*03:26
LockesRabbwhat do i know03:26
yannick_1mxMS_user: sudo cp -av /home/. /mnt/bk03:26
newbieosxdude, all right you already helped me a lot, and saved me from loosing important data. Damn Windows....    Thank you very much!03:26
LockesRabbmplayer was able to play the Dvd03:26
tumbleweed05hey people.03:26
speeddemon8803newer versions?03:26
tromshans_: ktorrent is a lot like utorrent, check torrentfreak or the utorrent forums03:26
yannick_1m(-v so you can see what's goig on :)03:26
singlesunLockesRabb, lol go figure... lol03:26
tumbleweed05is utorrent available for ubuntu?03:26
wease|i havent had the cows on my screen since 6.0603:26
arkanestroms: bittorrent, left to its own devices, will saturate your bandwidth and it certainly can affect your browsing experience03:26
LockesRabbthanks dsynders & singlesun03:26
miles_My soundcard wont work... checked alsamixer and im looking for the soundcard but I dont know my model of motherboard or sound card...03:26
speeddemon8803it works with ubuntu 7.10's aptitude03:26
nemilartumbleweed05: no, it's a windows application03:26
miles_I dont know what to do03:26
nemilartumbleweed05: for something similar, check out deluge03:26
singlesunLockesRabb, wouldnt have played without those CSS libraries though ;)03:26
tumbleweed05thanks nemilar03:27
LockesRabb@singlesun, haha yes03:27
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tumbleweed05anyone know of a good bit torrent client for ubuntu?03:27
speeddemon8803i dunno what your doing there weasel but it works for me :)03:27
LockesRabb@singlesun i'm checkin to see if mplayer supports subtitles03:27
Jewfro-Macabbitumbleweed05, azureus03:27
tromsarkanes: in windows, just having bittorrent on with a few dls is enough to cripple your browsing speeds03:27
nemilar!best | tumbleweed0503:27
ubotutumbleweed05: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.03:27
rsktumbleweed05: azureus for gui and rtorrent for consile03:27
wease|it just says super cow powers arent available with my copy03:27
osxdudeyou are welcome newbie :) :) :D03:27
yannick_1mtumbleweed05: deluge, transmission, if you wan someting light03:27
xMS_userthanks yannick_1m03:27
Guest_548hey can someone please help me with an OS installation? having some issues..03:27
singlesunLockesRabb, hmm... that i do not know.. i never tried that03:27
nemilarthere's got to be 500 BT apps for linux03:27
dsnydersLockesRabb, I'm pretty sure it does.  It is quite flexible03:27
yannick_1mxMS_user: you're welcom :)03:27
nemilar!ask > Guest_54803:27
newbiecould somebody tell me how can I format a usb drive from the command prompt? I need to erase EVERYTHING, not only the boot sector. There are some corrupted files that seem to not move/erase, so I need to destroy anything on that usb and make it usable again03:27
tumbleweed05alright. transmission. i use that for my mac mini.03:27
tumbleweed05thanks people.03:27
singlesunLockesRabb, its been a very long time since i watched any movies... lol03:28
neuberCan anyone help me install nvidia drivers on a server kernel?03:28
miles_Help for miles?03:28
arkanestroms: No, windows is capable of handling the load without much trouble. The problems are likely related to your upstream provider or your network, and won't neccesarily go away on ubuntu03:28
miles_Help for miles/03:28
nemilarneuber: why would you want nvidea drivers on a server?03:28
CITguynewbie: look for a tutorial for fdisk03:28
LockesRabbcool, subtitles work03:28
neubernemilar i'm only using the server headers because i need the extended memory support03:28
singlesunLockesRabb, right on ;)03:29
nemilarneuber: tru03:29
LockesRabbevery time i try to change to english subtitle, or skip to another chapter in dvd03:29
arkanestroms: a different BT client may have an effect03:29
yannick_1mmiles_: what's your problem ?03:29
LockesRabbmplayer emits an error03:29
tromsarkanes: I had to us LvlLord's EventID tcpip patcher in XP and sucurevista's tcpip patch in vista03:29
LockesRabbsays "gnome_screen_saver_control()"03:29
singlesunLockesRabb, it says... watch the whole thing from beginning to end... lol03:29
neubernemilar: i have a readme on how to do it but its really not helping03:29
tromsi havent had any problems, just wondering if I would run into any03:29
* wease| plays minesweeper in aptitude03:30
singlesunLockesRabb, really i have no clue about that03:30
nemilarneuber: can't help you, Intel video here03:30
miles_yannick_lm: I cant get my sound to work. I have an SiS card but I dont know the model. Its on a foxconn. Ive tried alsa mixer and ive checked to see if it is recognized and it is...03:30
scorphusalexrudd and CITguy: I think I should show you a screenshot of what I get, I'm sure you'll guide me to fix this. I have no window border, title and no window list on the bottom panel: http://img30.picoodle.com/img/img30/4/1/30/f_ubuntugutsym_42e884a.png03:30
tumbleweed05i didn't know transmission was packaged with ubuntu.03:30
tumbleweed05alright but i'm out. thanks everyone.03:31
arkanestroms: if those patches are supposed to remove the connection throttling, that's a consequence of poorly behaved BT clients, not windows per se03:31
scorphusI just want to fix that... I don't really need all those hundred applications03:31
yannick_1mmiles_: I'm sorry, I don't know much about sound cards.03:31
CITguyscorphus: try "metacity --replace"03:31
miles_yannick_lm: thanks anyway03:31
Kleshow do I run something as root?03:31
scorphusCITguy: ok03:31
wease|that was fun03:31
neuberkles: su root03:31
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JewsusA website says an applet is supposed to pop-up in another window, but it isn't working in firefox03:31
Jewfro-Macabbiscorphus, you might try the aptitude search tool - I think the base package is called gnome-core but search fore gnome and it will list everything03:31
Jewsusbut it doesn't show the pop-up blocker thing03:32
scorphusCITguy: metacity --replace fixed it03:32
tromsarkanes: I use utorrent, and max that sucker out, if i use the default amount in vista, I get decent bt speeds, but with the patch i get awesome bt speeds and great speeds everywhere else03:32
scorphusJewfro-Macabbi: let me try it03:32
Klesit asks as a password - what do I put in? I don't have a password03:32
CITguyJewsus: do you see a lightbulb on the bottom right hand side of the window?03:32
Guest_548Can someone please help? After my first successful installation of Gutsy, my OS won't boot.. What could I have done wrong?03:32
singlesunanyone really bored??.... check this out... telnet this.... or better yet... just put this in your terminal     "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"03:32
CITguyscorphus: you're welcome03:32
JewsusCITguy, non03:32
neuberkles i think you need to set one first...03:32
yannick_1mKles: try sudo su - aand put your awn pass03:32
Jordan_UGuest_548, What happens when you turn the computer on?03:32
Pici!sudo | Kles03:33
ubotuKles: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:33
yannick_1m* own pass03:33
singlesunCarbonflux, you still there?03:33
arkanestroms: If you're the sort of person to whom BT traffic is important enough that you'll install binary patches to your tcp stack just to try to get faster downloads, well more power to you03:33
CITguyJewsus: what version of Ubuntu and Firefox are you using?03:33
jsoftwHow do i get an xorg.conf ?03:33
Guest_548It freezes at the initial Ubuntu screen with the orange progress bar. Freezes about 10% of the way.03:33
Jewsusubunty 7.10 gutsy, firefox version
tromsarkanes: lol, i live off bt03:33
arkanestroms: there's nothing that patching the stack does that fixing the BT clients won't do. BT clients are not well known for being reliable and well behaved network applications03:33
neuberanyway... anyone want to help me install nvid drivers on server kernel?03:33
Jordan_Ujsoftw, You most likely already have one... What are you trying to do?03:34
CITguyGuest_548: when that loading screen shows up press ALT+F1 to see what your machine is doing03:34
Kleswhat is a "X server"03:34
Jordan_Uneuber, Why are you using the server kernel?03:34
alex_ruddARGH I hate university network.  (1) It decimates network-manager  (2)It blocks IRC!03:34
Guest_548I've tried the Live CD and the alternate CD for Gutsy and the alternate CD for Fiesty.03:34
jsoftwJordan_U: i dont have one.03:34
dsnydersHi all!  I want to merge the contents of some directories.  Would a version control software be of any use?03:34
neuberjordan_u for the extended memory support03:34
alex_ruddanyway, sorry for vent.   Anyone know iptables?03:34
Jewfro-Macabbineuber, perhaps module-assistant?03:34
jsoftwJordan_U: im trying to get one. Then I will disable Composite things for nvidia.03:34
Guest_548Let me try that, hold on.03:34
CITguyKles: X server is the program that allows you to have a desktop, windows and the sort03:35
tromsarkanes: bittorrent is built to misbehave, no one thought you've dling chucks from thousands of connections at once03:35
arkanesKles: the X server is the application that provides the graphical interface for your ubuntu installation03:35
Klesoh yuck03:35
jsoftwUnless its somewhere other than /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then I dont have one.03:35
FrankieB333I need help with my screen resolution and xserver!!03:35
alex_rudd@dsnydners: have you looked into unison?03:35
KlesI can't install these drivers when it's running03:35
arkanestroms: untrue, but there's not really anything more to say.03:35
neuberjewfro-macabbi, i know nothing of module assistant...03:35
peterpantsI'm trying to run a C program i wrote using gcc, but everytime i run ./a.out scanf doesn't seem to pick up the input and the variable is the same.., any ideas?03:35
JewsusCITguy, I'm using ubuntu 7.10 gutsy, and firefox version
Jordan_Uneuber, You have 4+ GIG of RAM on a 32 bit machine?03:35
miles_Is it necessary to restart to hear sound/03:35
CITguyJewsus: ok, gimme a sec03:35
Guest_548alt f1 isnt doing anything, screen is still frozen03:35
FrankieB333I need help with my screen resolution and xserver!!03:35
neuberjordan_u, correct03:35
jsoftwpeterpants: gcc foo.c -o myapp03:35
Jewfro-Macabbineuber, I'm looking for you - it's a way to install graphics drivers03:36
tromsarkanes: im not gonna worry about it, just something from windows I expected to find in ubuntu and pleasenlt suprised that I havent03:36
LockesRabbi solved the gnome_screensaver_control() error in mplayer03:36
jsoftwCmon people. How do I dump xorg's config.03:36
LockesRabball i had to do was go in preferences and uncheck the "stop xscreensaver" option03:36
Jordan_Uneuber, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual03:36
LockesRabbthat solved it03:36
jsoftwIm running with no xorg.conf right now, how do I dump what xorg is currently running as.03:36
peterpantsjsoftw: i tried that but my scanf still isn't setting the variable :(03:36
FrankieB333but i still need help with my xorg and what not03:36
CITguyJewsus: does the applet work fine otherwise?03:36
jsoftwthen its your code03:36
steltworkaround for broken partitioner ?03:37
alex_rudd@jsoftw dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  would do it, I think.   I don't know enough about it to recommend it, though03:37
JewsusThere is no applet, it's supposed to open another window and load in that window03:37
Guest_548if i turn it off and the progress bar first starts running and actually moving, when i press alt f1 it starts scrolling, numbers in  the front of the message increasing but cant read what it says, scrolling very fast03:37
Kleshmmm, I'm not likely to find sound drivers for my built in audio :/03:37
tromsI need to format an SD card, I have gparted and the the device automounts, but gparted can't find it03:37
dsnydersalex_rudd, I don't want to synchronize the directories.  I want to eliminate duplicate files.03:37
FrankieB333ive been doing dpkg-reconfigure for the past half hour03:37
CITguyJewsus: do you have javascript enabled?03:37
jsoftwalex_rudd: thanks03:37
Jewsusum but applets work in other pages, when they don't load in separate windows03:37
FrankieB333and it hasn't been giving me the settings i want03:37
Jewsusyes javascript is enabled03:37
arkanesjsoftw: I don't think you can. Why did you delete your xorg.conf?03:37
yannick_1mjsoftw or simply sydi dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-core03:37
Jordan_Ujsoftw, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" but why don't you have an xorg.conf03:37
alex_rudd@dsnyders: you can merge dupes, or copy one to the other.  Then delete the extra directory03:37
yannick_1myou'll have to answer less questions03:37
CITguyJewsus: could you post the link so I can try?03:37
Jewsusokay, http://optimallearning.org/cb/indexo.html03:38
scorphusCITguy: :/ everytime I login I have to do metacity --replace, what am I still missing?03:38
alex_ruddiptables help anyone?03:38
FrankieB333what is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-core supposed to do?03:38
Jordan_Uscorphus, System -> Preferences -> Appearance03:38
jsoftwarkanes: I did not delete it.03:38
arkanesjsoftw: then where did it go?03:38
jsoftwI added a new monitor, and its not working properly with my origional xorg.conf03:38
jsoftwStop trying to sidetrack the issue.03:39
dsnydersalex_rudd, I'll take a closer look at unison, then.03:39
dsnydersalex_rudd, What sort of help do you need with iptables?03:39
jsoftwxorg runs fine right now, _except_ that I want to disable one option03:39
jsoftwfor which afaik I need an xorg.conf for.03:39
nemilarpppoe_dude: nice site man, I'm at www.techthrob.com03:39
CITguyJewsus: It's not working for me either. I suspect the applet isn't working properly.03:39
arkanesif X is running, then it had a (working) xorg.conf when it started03:39
arkanesif that xorg.conf is no longer present, you did something to change it03:39
arkanesundo whatever you did03:40
JewsusCITguy, I remember the applet used to work fine when I was running windows03:40
jack-desktopdoes anyone live where it's raining right now?03:40
alex_rudd@dsndyers.  I have to flush them all to connect to anything.  http://pastebin.com/d24b6591a03:40
EADGSnow is rain right?03:40
CITguyJewsus: so it's worked in windows but not in Ubuntu?03:40
EADG... it's raining then :)03:40
CITguyJewsus: were you using firefox with windows?03:40
dsnydersEADG, snow is not rain.  You don't have to shovel it.03:40
jsoftwarkanes: WRONG.03:40
Jewfro-Macabbineuber, "module-assistant" is a package in universe, info on it on this page: http://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers?highlight=%28nvidia%29#Libraries03:40
RB2By any chance, does anyone know (or have a link to any information) what the performance difference under compiz is between the NVidia Quadro NVS 140M and the Quadro FX 570M?03:40
thefool_anyone know of a way to log EVERYTHING I type in a command line? Including when I am inside an interpreter or something?03:40
JewsusCITguy, yes, I think so03:40
jsoftwarkanes: dude, xorg can run without an xorg.conf03:41
alex_ruddoh, crap I mistyped the pastebin link :(03:41
dsnydersEADG, shovel rain that is.03:41
EADGSnow = no mosquitos.03:41
Pici!offtopic | EADG03:41
scorphusJordan_U: gnome-themes is missing I'm installing it03:41
ubotuEADG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:41
jsoftwUnless there is some magical xorg.conf hiding somewhere other than /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then my xorg is RUNNING WITHOUT AN XORG.CONF03:41
neuberjewfro-macabbi THANKS!03:41
daniele851hi alls03:41
jsoftwand its working sweet, except for one tiny thing.03:41
bugs-bunnyhola amigos03:41
arkanesthere's lots of other places it can get one from03:41
arkaneshow did you start X?03:41
jsoftwnormal login screen.03:41
Jordan_Uscorphus, I only meant to go there to turn off desktop effecs ( compiz )03:41
sarixehi, i'm getting an md5sum mismatch trying to install flashplugin-nonfree.  any help on that?03:41
Pici!flashissue | sarixe03:42
arkanesthen it used the one in /etc/X1103:42
dsnydersalex_rudd, The pastebin is empty.03:42
* Pici pokes the bot03:42
ubotusarixe: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:42
jsoftwarkanes: no it did NOT.03:42
CITguyJewsus: I'm sorry, from all of the information I'm getting, it seems to be a problem with the way the applet is coded.03:42
arkanesthen it's not a "normal login screen"03:42
jsoftwarkanes: Look dude.03:42
jsoftwarkanes: you are wrong.03:42
Jewsushmm, okay03:42
CITguyJewsus: I would contact the developer to see if they have a solution.03:42
alex_rudd@dsnyders: Yes, I had to copy it to paper from Ubuntu, and I'm on windows now :(03:42
jsoftwarkanes: its running _without_ an xorg.conf right now, mmm kay?03:42
navetzcan somone tell me how I can reallocate the amount of space on my virtual XP partition in vmware-server03:42
arkanesno it isn't03:42
jack-desktopEADG, did you get the messages i sent you?03:42
Ububeginhow can i increase my workspaces...03:42
JewsusThanks anyway CITguy03:43
arkanesor rather, it didn't start that way03:43
jsoftwarkanes: ls: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory03:43
arkanesit certainly didn't from a "normal" login screen03:43
jsoftwdude, its from that ubuntu login screen, you know, that normal one.03:43
alex_ruddrestart time yay03:43
jsoftwarkanes: stop talking rubbish, the file is _NOT_ there.03:43
CITguyJewsus: For what it's worth, you're welcome.03:43
Guest_548So.. Would anyone be able to help?03:43
bugs-bunnyoh oh03:43
arkanesthat doesn't mean it *wasn't* there03:43
jsoftwarkanes: dude, I can restart the box and it will behave just the same.03:44
EADGjack-desktop: yes, I see it now. Medicine Hat Alberta.03:44
jsoftwarkanes: stop trying to tell me what is happening on my own box03:44
arkanesjsoftw: then you or someone else has done something unusual to your system03:44
arkanesjsoftw: do you know what it is?03:44
ticklerrunning studio ubuntu03:44
jsoftwarkanes: you _do_ know that xorg can run happy _WITHOUT_ an xorg.conf, dont you?03:44
jdh6403ooooo nerd fight03:44
arkanesno, it can't03:44
jsoftwarkanes: bollocks.03:44
arkanesyou know that it doesn't have to be named that, right?03:44
tromsbrb, going into ubuntu03:44
Picijsoftw, arkanes: stop bickering.03:44
dsnydersalex_rudd, Maybe it's for the best.  I'm  a novice at iptables, but I'm willing to take a look03:45
arkanesbut it is by default, and if that's not the one it's using, then you are *not* runnig a "normal" ubuntu03:45
saturdayplaceJust installed gutsy.  Said I had something like 185 updates to install.  So I go for it.  They all download fine, but when the install begins, it fails real fast with the following error:03:45
saturdayplaceAn error occurred.  The following details are provided.03:45
saturdayplacee:/var/cache/apt/archives/.ibc6_2.6.1-1ubuntu10_i386.deb: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted archive03:45
jsoftwarkanes: oh noes. im not running a normal ubuntu.03:45
jack-desktopwhere is that EADG03:45
Picijsoftw: What version of Ubuntu are you running anyway?03:45
saturdayplacelinix newb.  Any ideas.03:45
jdh6403saturdayplace: go to ubuntu with that03:45
jsoftwPici: erm... 7.1003:45
arkanesif you're not running a normal ubuntu, you should know enough about what you did to know what you did to X03:45
saturdayplacejdh6403: isn't that this?03:46
jsoftwarkanes: its a single file man. stop being a dork.03:46
arkanesmaube you're running XFree86 instead03:46
jdh6403no  go here #ubuntu03:46
EADGjack-desktop: Canada. I forget the airport XXX for here.03:46
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuwhy do i get this error after like 5 seconds when testing my mic? Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'03:46
Picijdh6403: this is #ubuntu...03:46
jdh6403omg  lol03:46
jdh6403im in the wroing channel03:46
L3ttuc3saturdayplace looks like a corrupted download...03:46
jdh6403sorry   ya youre in the right place03:46
jsoftwarkanes: maybe you should stop being an egg and realize that all that has changed, is A: New monitor, B: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_OLD03:47
jdh6403someone slap me03:47
* saturdayplace slaps jdh640303:47
Picijdh6403: please stop with the name calling, I realize you're frustrated, but thats not called for.03:47
Picijdh6403: er.. forget that.03:47
Picijsoftw: ^^03:47
* jdh6403 huggles pici03:48
saturdayplaceL3ttuc3: what should I do?  Try and re-download that specific package?03:48
goodtimessomeone sent me their config file for their kernel but they compiled it as a 32 bit kernel, what settings do I need to change to make this a 64 bit kernel?03:48
arkanesjsoftw: if your X configuration has changed, then you have a changed config file and you have restarted X to see it03:48
jsoftwarkanes: ahh uh03:48
L3ttuc3saturdayplace that would be an idea.03:48
Guest_548I'm trying to boot Feisty on a Dell Dimension 2350. I have Gutsy installed in it as well because I had the same problem with it. It freezes in the process of booting where the Ubuntu logo is and the orange progress bar appears. It hangs at around 10%. Pressing alt+F1 shows what it's doing, but all it shows is a series of numbers (going in order) and characters scrolling by really fast. Something like this "[421.453423]  [<c01gf75fhf>]03:48
jsoftwarkanes: actually I moved the config file.03:48
jsoftwarkanes: so there is no xorg.conf anymore.03:48
arkanesthat's not the same thing03:48
jsoftwAs mentioned above.03:48
arkanesjsoftw: have you restarted X since then?03:48
jsoftwyes, as I already mentioned.03:49
arkanesI don't believe you03:49
jsoftwThats your problem, _not_ mine.03:49
mynymlis there an official fix for the flash problem?03:49
Picijsoftw: your last /var/log/Xorg.0.log should show what config file its running out of.03:49
mynymlor a .deb package floating somewhere?03:49
arkanespossibly failsafe X saved you?03:49
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuany ideas why i get this error when testing my mic?   Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'03:49
Pici!flashissues > mynyml (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:49
arkanesit's never worked here, I don't know where it writes its config03:49
jsoftwarkanes: failsafe X does not run at 1680x105003:50
alex_r@dyn-something :http://pastebin.com/m4b0442b403:50
Jangarianyone knwo if sox can concatenate more than 32 input files at once?03:50
jsoftwarkanes:  (EE) Unable to locate/open config file03:50
jsoftwarkanes: its _not_ using a config file.03:50
lanzelloth_mynyml: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=53648&stc=1&d=119803346603:50
jsoftwarkanes: how many times to I have to tell you.03:50
sapperjanko1hey all, im having some probs with samba and been able to write to it, i can log in as the user and see where i wanna b... this is what is in the config file... [MyFiles]03:50
sapperjanko1create mack = 064403:50
sapperjanko1writeable = yes03:50
sapperjanko1path = /var/www03:50
sapperjanko1write list = travis,mark,@mark,@travis03:50
FloodBot1sapperjanko1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
sapperjanko1force group = mark03:50
arkanesthen it's failsafe X03:51
lanzelloth_mynyml: fulll guide here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66183303:51
L3ttuc3jsoftw  pastebin the whole thing?03:51
jsoftwL3ttuc3: ok.03:51
sapperjanko1OPPPS, i didnt know if ya copy paste it floods..... MY BAD03:51
bra1I'm having some problems installing ubuntu, and thought I might find help here03:51
thefool_so any way to log every key typed in a gnome session? I don't need it to be in any way hidden03:51
mynymlPici: lanzelloth: thanks03:51
Guest_548Is there another Ubuntu IRC channel I can use that can offer help?03:52
thefool_bra1: what kind of problems are you having? What are you installing on?03:52
alex_rhmm, lost my contact: IPTABLES help anyone?03:52
tromsHow do I format an SD card? it's mounted (automounted) and I have gparted installed03:52
bra1I'm trying to instal 7.04 on a laptop, live runs fine, but partitioning isn't something I'm any good at03:52
arkanesbra1: are you trying to co-exist with an existing OS, or installing over the entire thing?03:53
arkanesthe installation wizard should have an option to resize your existing partition03:53
Falstiusbra1: depending on your needs, wubi might be a good option03:54
lanzelloth_what do suspend and hybernate do?03:54
thefool_ok, well the first thing you need to do is backup your data as unless you have a second harddrive or an empty partiton you will need to resize the one you have. And resizing has a slight risk of totally fubaring everything03:54
jsoftwL3ttuc3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54174/03:54
sapperjanko1hey all, im having some probs with samba and been able to write to it, i can log in as the user and see where i wanna b... this is what is in the config file... [MyFiles] - create mack = 0644 - writeable = yes - path = /var/www - write list = travis,mark,@mark,@travis - force group = mark - force user = mark - directory mode = 0755..... the - is for a new line03:54
jsoftwarkanes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54174/03:54
Falstiusbra1: it lets you install ubuntu to empty space on your windows partition so you don't need to resize or format partitions.03:54
fluvvellGuest_548: have you tried some different boot settings?03:55
alex_r@Falstius: that's a hack.  He's better off just sucking it up and learning partitions. :P03:55
thefool_lanzelloth_: suspend is like sleep, hibernate writes your ram to the hard drive and shuts the computer down. When you start it back up you are back where you were, unsaved documents open and all03:55
Guest_548Where can I select different boot settings?03:55
Guest_548Or how, rather?03:55
sychoDid they remove Gnome from the 7.10-i36-alternate install?03:55
arkanesjsoftw: it's the fancy new failsafe. Pretty impressive, too. The config it's using is inline in the logfile, you should be able to copy that to a new xorg.conf03:55
Guest_548I boot from HD if thats what you mean03:56
Jordan_Ubra1, Ubuntu can partition your drive for you automagically ( have any important data backed up as with any time you mess with partitions )03:56
Falstiusalex_r: it works well, is easy and is safe.  Perfect for experimenting.  Once he likes ubuntu, he can wipe his windows install and do it all fresh.  Traditional dual booting is archaic.03:56
bra1I've got important stuff backed up, working on it now03:57
linchapulinAnyone have experience with Wine(the emulator)? How do I increase the hard drive size?03:57
lanzelloth_thefool_: suspend/sleep = offs monitor, HDD?03:57
fluvvellGuest_548: there may be some specifics for your dell, but you could try noacpi in the boot string.  You need to edit the grub line03:57
Jordan_UFalstius, archaic is going a bit far03:57
thefool_lanzelloth_ yep03:57
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
alex_r@linchapulin: drive_c is just a folder under /home, so it should have as much as your home dir03:57
lanzelloth_thefool_: ok, thx03:57
=== lanzelloth_ is now known as lanzelloth
sapperjanko1hey all, im having some probs with samba and been able to write to it, i can log in as the user and see where i wanna b... this is what is in the config file... [MyFiles] - create mack = 0644 - writeable = yes - path = /var/www - write list = travis,mark,@mark,@travis - force group = mark - force user = mark - directory mode = 0755..... the - is for a new line03:57
Guest_548fluvvel: So I enter the command line and type "noapci" ?03:58
thefool_Falstius: I think dual booting is necessary in many contexts03:58
alex_dinamohello guys.. need some help here03:58
=== Wiredtape_Away is now known as Wiredtape
alex_dinamoI need to install SUN Java 1.4 on Feisty (7.10)03:58
alex_dinamodo you know where can I get the packages?03:59
pawanhow to change wallpaper03:59
Jordan_Ualex_dinamo, Any reason for 1.4 specifically?03:59
alex_dinamothe do not appear anymore on synaptic (what a pitty)03:59
adelie43when setting up wireless, any chance sudo modprobe ndiswrapper takes a REALLY long time?03:59
linchapulinalex_r:: I am trying to activate Photoshop, but when I go into the advance to use telephone activation it stops saying it is out of hard drive space?03:59
Jordan_U!java | alex_dinamo03:59
ubotualex_dinamo: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)03:59
arkanespawan: right click on the desktop03:59
alex_dinamohere we use that as standard03:59
fluvvellGuest_548: first, what size hard drive do you have?03:59
alex_dinamoubotu: I need 1.4 specifically03:59
alex_rlinchapulin: which version of PS?  I don't they they play well with wine03:59
thefool_so any way to log every key typed in a gnome session? I don't need it to be in any way hidden.03:59
Guest_548fluvvel: 30gb harddrive Gutsy install on one partition and a fiesty on another partition. Right now trying fiesty04:00
sychoHas gnome been removed from the alternate installs? The last few times I have loaded the alternate installs gnome has not been installed. This has happened with both i386 alternate and server alternate. But gnome is installed with x64 alternate.04:00
Jordan_Uthefool_, Why out of curiosity?04:00
linchapulinalex_r:: CS 2...runs like a son of a gun ...just can't activate it...04:00
sapperjanko1so anyone got ideas what im doin wrong with samba04:00
fluvvellGuest_548: The forums suggest you should... "In the BIOS setup in the menu "Intergrated Devices (LegacySelect Options)" I increased "Onboard Video Buffer" from 1 MB to 8 MB."04:01
EADGthefool_: install lkl04:01
alex_dinamoany ideas, anyone?04:01
fluvvellGuest_548: They also suggest that in the grub boot line using nosplash should help.04:01
Jordan_Ufluvvell, Are you trying to get full resolution from an intel GPU?04:02
DevinionReally wish XChat wouldn't auto-connect me here... ah well. I'm here, aren't I? *idles*04:02
Guest_548fluvvel: okay i'll try that right now and get back to you. I'll be here.04:02
fluvvellJordan_U: his dell cant get past the splash screen.04:02
thefool_Jordan_U: mainly because I do a lot of experimenting in interpreters and would like to be able to grep through logs and see how I did this or that04:02
L3ttuc3Devinion you can turn that off. its probably selected by default in the networks list under the freenode network. or you put it there that way.04:03
thefool_EADG_: thanks compiling it now04:03
Jordan_UDevinion, That can be turned off, just connect directly to irc.freenode.net and stop auto joining to "ubuntu servers"04:03
fluvvellGuest_548: Also how much ram have you got?04:03
Devinion'k. I'll set that here in a bit04:04
Guest_548fluvvell: 51204:04
pawanhow to cahnge wallpaper04:04
Jordan_Uthefool_, Ahh, if it's terminal based things use 'script'04:04
fluvvellGuest_548: ok04:04
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuhow do i get alsamixer?04:04
Jordan_U[eW]DaRk|ubuntu, You shouldn't need to "get" it04:05
tritium[eW]DaRk|ubuntu: it's installed by default04:05
thefool_Jordan_U: does that work when you enter an interpreter, a text editor, switch shells etc? I didn't think so04:05
Jordan_U[eW]DaRk|ubuntu, just run "alsamixer" in a terminal04:05
dsnydersalex_r, I had a look at your pastebin, and there's no accept policy in the forward table.  Not sure if that means anything.04:05
Jewfro-Macabbi[eW]DaRk|ubuntu, you mean alsamixergui?04:05
Jordan_Uthefool_, Yes, sort of but not really, and sort of but not really :)04:06
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuidk im trying to get my mic working in ubuntu 7.1004:06
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuits not working04:06
alex_rdsnyders: The funny thing is, I've never touched iptables at all.  It worked until about a week ago04:06
Guest_548fluvvel: when i type nosplash in the grub command line i get an unrecognized command message, am i supposed to put there04:06
scriptdevilis there a way of of getting an already installed ubuntu back to bare minimum04:06
scriptdevili dislike gnome and want my fluxbox back... i dislike too much of bloat!!!04:07
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, what's the problem exactly?04:07
Jordan_UGuest_548, It's not a grub command, it's a kernel parameter.04:07
Jordan_U!boot | Guest_54804:07
ubotuGuest_548: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:07
Johnny_5how does one get networking 2 work in vmware in ubuntu?04:07
dsnydersalex_r, It would be generous calling me a novice at ipables, but if it's anything like cisco access lists...04:07
alex_rI can't access *anything* until I flush them all and set default to accept.  no webpages, im, ping04:07
nivansonHi, how do I share my internet connection on local network? I am connected via wireless.04:08
Jordan_UJohnny_5, Add a virtual ethernet card04:08
alex_rdsynders: All I know is what I read in the man page about how to flush the damned thing04:08
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, look here - this is how I set up my iptables - might help04:08
Jordan_Univanson, Firestarter makes that fairly easy04:08
Jewfro-Macabbinivansion - same answer for you - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing?highlight=%28network%29%7C%28gateway%2904:08
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, firestarter is the graphical version for iptables by the way04:09
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: yeah, I installed that previously to mess around with connection sharing, but have since uninstalled04:09
pawanhow to change wallpaper04:09
pawancan we use kde wallpapers in gnome04:09
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, there's a detailed entry on setting up ip tables in the ubuntu wiki04:10
solexiouswhere do i find my sources file to remove lins to the install cd?04:10
sapperjanko1hey all, im having some probs with samba and been able to write to it, i can log in as the user and see where i wanna b... this is what is in the config file... [MyFiles] - create mack = 0644 - writeable = yes - path = /var/www - write list = travis,mark,@mark,@travis - force group = mark - force user = mark - directory mode = 0755..... the - is for a new line... any ideas whats goin on here04:10
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuwhy do i get this error when i test my mic? Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'04:10
Swabyo how do i use this thing eh?04:10
speeddemon8803pawan, sure04:10
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: Your link would probably be helpful if I were trying to do that again, but I just want to access the internet in general04:10
speeddemon8803its just a picture, so nothing will mess up04:10
xedblehIs there any ubuntu channel dedicated to programming here?04:10
Flannelsolexious: /etc/apt/sources.list04:10
DiceyDaysCan someone check something for me? Is www.opera.com down? Also www.userscripts.org.04:10
Flannelxedbleh: What sort of programming?04:11
dsnydersalex_r, the instructions Jewfro-Macabbi  pointed to looked similar to what I did long ago.04:11
xopeyDiceyDays: no04:11
fitztrevIs it possible to have a file/folder open with only a single click?04:11
xopeyDiceyDays: they're both up04:11
xedblehDiceyDays: both sites are working04:11
DiceyDaysweird. I can't access them04:11
fluvvellGuest_548: no, you need to interrupt the grub boot sequence and press e for edit, edit the boot line and add nosplash at the end of the line.04:11
Jordan_Uxedbleh, 'programming' isn't really an Ubuntu specific topic, why would you want one ( hones question )04:11
xopeyanyone have a resolution for sun-java6-plugin hanging in firefox?04:12
xedblehoh I'm just looking for some help with bash related programming04:12
ePaxpawalls: Download picture you want to use as desktop pic then double klick on it to open it... go to image and klick on set as deskotp background... or just rightclick mouse on desktop and klick on deskop wallpeper and pick one04:12
fluvvellGuest_548: by interrupt, I mean press escape before it auotboots.04:12
Jordan_Uxedbleh, ##bash04:12
xopeyeventually will load, but takes forever04:12
DiceyDaysHave a guess why I can't connect?04:12
fluvvell:ur, auto boots.04:12
ePaxsory wrong nick04:12
pawanwhat options to select to change wallpaper04:12
ePaxpawan: : Download picture you want to use as desktop pic then double klick on it to open it... go to image and klick on set as deskotp background... or just rightclick mouse on desktop and klick on deskop wallpeper and pick one04:12
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: Hmm, before I go digging through that is there a disadvantage to just flushing everything?04:13
EADGDiceyDays: can you ping this
alex_rfitztrev: What file manager?  nautilus? konquereor? dolphin?04:13
pawanwhen i right click on desktop no menu appears04:13
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, I'm no expert - but as I understand it iptables flushes every reboot without a script/cron job anyway04:13
bruce_hello! does any one know of any program i can use to convert a chm file to jpeg???04:14
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fitztrevalex_r: Nautilus and I just found the answer here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575233  thanks anyway!04:14
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: maybe you missed my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m4b0442b4  <-- that's the default upon boot, and it doesn't allow me to connect to anything04:14
ePaxpawan: Then to the other way i told you.04:14
DiceyDaysEADG: No04:15
sathehandAnyone active in here?04:15
DiceyDaysEADG: Destination Port Unreachable is the error I get04:15
bruce_hello! does any one know of any program i can use to convert a chm file to jpeg???04:15
tritium!repeat | bruce_04:15
ubotubruce_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:15
alex_rlinchapulin: This looks complicated, but it's the best I could find: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10018#c1604:16
sathehandI suppose my activity question has been essentially answered.04:16
bruce_active = no04:16
EADGDiceyDays: I takeit that you can't ping either or www.opera.com from a diffrent machine that your using  now?... on irc?04:16
bruce_= i think..04:16
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, that's over my head - I followed instructions to get mine to work - I know priority of rules is paramount04:17
DiceyDaysEADG: Nope04:17
DiceyDaysEADG: Should I restart my router?04:17
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Guest_548Fluvvel: adding nosplash only caused it to freeze where it used to keep scrolling and numbers were increasing ( when i press alt f1 at progress bar)04:17
=== Azer_ is now known as Azer
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, as is whatever rule is first takes priority over all following rules04:18
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi - yeah, that much I figured out.  I just don't know what rule to add for normal operations04:18
EADGDiceyDays: Naw, just ask for a new ip addy. sudo dhclient "nic name"    eth1 for ex.04:18
sathehandIs it possible to resize the hard drive partition that contains Xubuntu?04:18
alex_rThanks anyway, though.  I'm just going to try iptables-save after flushing everything04:18
singlesundoes anyone know of a way to make just the terminal window semi transparent? so that you can see things underneath it?04:19
alex_rsinglesun: which terminal?04:19
alex_rsinglesun: xterm, konsole, gnome-terminal?04:19
jesicaanybody can say me why ubuntu-es doesnt work typing /join ubuntu-es04:19
singlesunalex_r, the main terminal window... bash. for Gnome04:19
Guest_548fluvvel: noapci does the same thing as nosplash04:19
Picijesica: /j #ubuntu-es04:19
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, well - for example to allow all web traffic: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT04:19
cgssasomeone said that they turned my computer intoo a bomb is that possible?04:19
jesicapici thank you04:19
cgssasomeone said that they turned my computer intoo a bomb is that possible?04:20
cgssawat do i do to remove ir?04:20
alex_rcgssa: not unless you saw them with a barrel of dynomite04:20
sathehandcgssa: I don't see how they could do such a thing.04:20
cgssauh they said they could04:20
singlesunanyone have any thoughts on how to make the Gnome terminal window semi transparent?04:20
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: ok, I'll try that.  but what about icp?  that only seems to be tcp04:20
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, try adding this to the top of your iptables: sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT04:20
cgssaand they04:20
jribcgssa: do you have an ubuntu support question?04:20
j_humphreycan I install ubuntu from a live usb instead of a live cd?04:21
DiceyDaysEADG: "renewal in 42208 seconds" Thats good right?04:21
alex_rwtf am I talking about?  what is icp anyway?? lol, ignore me04:21
jrib!install > j_humphrey (read the private message from ubotu)04:21
EADGDiceyDays: Aye04:21
cgssais ubuntu bomb proof?04:21
Flannelj_humphrey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:21
tritiumcgssa: please stop your nonsense04:21
speeddemon8803cgssa it is04:21
jribcgssa: stop04:21
EADGDiceyDays: ping something :)04:21
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:21
alex_rgo troll somewhere else04:21
cgssaim not joking go to #uncyclopedia they all ther04:21
jribj_humphrey: I am pretty sure that mentions how to install from usb04:21
tritiumcgssa: last warning04:22
j_humphreythank you jrib04:22
DiceyDaysEADG: Still getting the port unreachable. I guess it will work after all those seconds are up?04:22
alex_rjrib: are you the only ircop out of 1156 users?04:22
adelie43hmm... ok, I got my wireless card driver working... I think. the blue light comes on now... but the network manager still does not give me the option to search for wireless networks. help please :(04:22
speeddemon8803Cgssa.....your computer comes preconfigured with a firewall,...nevermind nobody minds telling people shut up but explaining about firewalls isnt cool? lol04:22
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, I'm just looking through the detailed wiki at possible problems - what opens what and what needs to be first.04:22
tritiumalex_r: no, he's not04:22
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo?highlight=%28ip%29%7C%28tables%2904:22
jribalex_r: no, there are many04:22
j_humphreydoes 7.10 come with grub?04:23
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: don't spend any more time on it, though I appreciate it04:23
singlesunis there anyway to make the Gnome terminal window semitransparent?04:23
phuzionj_humphrey, yes04:23
KalirHey, did someone named fire23 come in here?04:23
enfoi think so04:23
EADGDiceyDays: Hehe, no... that would be awhile to wait. The secs just mean the ip lisence will be renewed after that time.04:23
j_humphreythanks phuzion04:23
KalirI apologize for his idiocy.04:23
alex_rmust be chatZilla then04:23
KalirI'm playing a bit of a game with him.04:23
Jordan_Usinglesun, Yes, for true transparency you need to be using a composite manager though04:23
cgssai came back04:23
enfoto make it semitransparent install compiz04:23
tritiumKalir: he's the same as cgssa04:23
crdlbsinglesun: the whole window or the background?04:23
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, that's okay - I've been giving myself an education in networking lately trying to get all my stuff working - so I'm interested.04:23
EADGDiceyDays: As for the port not being reachable... not sure.04:23
jack-desktophttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4233478&postcount=10 who knows what language that is, and understands it?04:24
adelie43anyone know how to make the network manager search for wireless networks?04:24
jack-desktopprogramming language*04:24
KalirAnyway, I apologize for this.04:24
singlesunJordan_U, crdlb, i just need it slightly transparent so i can read the stuff i have typed underneath it from time to tiem04:24
KalirHe's been bugging us at #uncyclopedia all day, and I'm just making the best of it.04:24
crdlbsinglesun: are you using compiz?04:24
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, It's bash04:24
sathehandNot to push my question too much, but I would like to know if no one is answering because they don't know or if it isn't being answered because it is too busy in here...04:24
speeddemon8803please quit booting people for vanity reasons, its retarded, i was trying to tell cg about a firewall but before i could hit enter you threw em out for being a new user?04:24
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi - I've learned a lot, but I want to rip somebody's throat out right now.  ****ing university wifi is locked down with WPA2-Enterprise, TTLS, Dynamic-WEP,2nd stage PAP...04:24
KalirAnyway, thanks for understanding.04:25
=== EADG is now known as EADG_afk
singlesuncrdlb, compiz decided to die on me today... lol... was in here earlier.... my libs are corrupted...04:25
jack-desktopJordan_U, do you understand it and can write/use it?04:25
gnurph69not to start a war or anything...but what are some of the better NNTP clients out there?  Evolution won't work for me.04:25
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, my apologies - and I thought my evdo modem was challenging...04:25
csatlosehey guys, it's getting late, and I can't find what I'm looking for on google.  Anyone have any suggestions for original gutsy xorg.conf?04:25
adelie43sathehand: I can say I didn't even see your question04:25
DiceyDaysEADG: Is there anything else I can do?04:25
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: It's hard enough to get it to work with windows, and that's officially supported.  infinitely harder to get it to work with network-manager, esp. with its bugs04:25
crdlbsinglesun: well you need compiz, so join #compiz-fusion and I'll try to help04:25
singlesuncrdlb, i will be reinstalling shortly but was hoping there was some other way to setup transparency while i see if i can fix this04:25
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, Glancing over it it seems simple enough, I have to leave soon though04:26
sathehandAdelie43, would it be okay if I re-post?04:26
tritiumcsatlose: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg automatically saves a backup copy in /etc/X11.  Is that what you used?04:26
alex_rsinglesun: you can't get real transparency without compiz (or kwin in kde4).  you can get "fake" transparency, but it only shows the desktop04:26
sathehandBe right back.04:26
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, It won't work with XGL BTW04:26
csatlosetritium: I'm on a macbook and I changed xorg.conf to do tapping, but I don't like it.04:26
adelie43sathehand: I know I don't mind04:26
enfosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
enfosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
enfosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
enfosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
jack-desktopJordan_U, why not?04:27
Jordan_Usinglesun, Or xcompmgr04:27
tritiumcsatlose: yes, but how did you change it?  Manually?04:27
enfothat will regenerate a default xorg.conf04:27
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, set up a crappy win box with a crossover cable :)04:27
tritiumenfo: no, it won't.  No need to repeat, either.04:27
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:27
=== jesica is now known as Neonato
enfosorry i mis-hit the enter04:27
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, The first line "export DISPLAY=:0" would need to be "export DISPLAY=:1" I think, but I havn't used XGL in a while04:27
csatlosetritium: I changed it manually, backed it up, then messed up the original backup.04:27
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi - my win box is win2k, and it can't connect to the WiFi since the program is xp+.  Hell, to have it connected I have to share the laptop connection wifi>wired!04:28
tritiumcsatlose: oh, that's unfortunate.04:28
csatloseenfo: thanks, I'll try that04:28
jack-desktopJordan_U, this is for compiz fusion, does that include XGL?04:28
tritiumcsatlose: that won't restore the original.  It'll guide you through a re-configure.04:28
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, sounds truly evil. Maybe consider paid service? lol actually evdo is pretty cheap now.04:29
csatlosetritium: THat's fine, I can deal with resolutions.04:29
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, and dsl too04:29
tritiumcsatlose: good deal, then04:29
csatlosetritium: enfo: thanks guys.04:29
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: college dorm room, I have no choice04:29
enfoi think it's always a good idea to back that file up somewhere else04:29
enfoor have multiple copies of the original xorg.conf file04:29
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, most cell providers can give you service for about 30.00 bucks a month now - through your cell.04:29
gnurph69i need a gnome-based NNTP reader and evolution won't work.  Any suggestions?04:30
=== brandon__ is now known as B-_
nemilarI paste copies of my xorg.conf file up around my town04:30
sathehandAdelie43, it looks like my question was answered in the Xubuntu channel without me noticing it. Although the answer left me with additional questions.04:30
nemilarso I always know it's available04:30
tritiumgnurph69: what do you mean won't work?  It doesn't suit your taste?04:30
alex_rJewfro-Macabbi: unless I rent an apartment off-campus, and get a mile-long ethernet cable.... which would probably be easier if not cheaper.     $30/mo is high for a college student :P  and my phone doesn't support anyway04:30
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, Compiz Fusion can be used with XGL but XGL is not installed by default.04:30
nemilargnurph69: Pan is pretty popular04:30
Jordan_Ujack-desktop, I have to go now :(04:30
csatloseenfo: thanks, I'm already reconfiguring.  will definitely save on an external drive too.04:30
jack-desktopJordan_U, ok, thanks for the help04:30
gnurph69tritium:  the login wants to append the FQDN of the news server, and that's not the correct userID...and I can't get it to change.  Ergo, no work.04:30
Jewfro-Macabbialex_r, yeah that's true. I remember the bills...04:31
gnurph69nemilar:  didn't see pan in synaptic.  can you point the way?04:31
tritiumgnurph69: oh, okay.  It works in general, but not for your case...04:31
gnurph69tritium:  I have to assume so.  :)04:31
* scorphus got a blackout04:31
tritiumgnurph69: it does :)04:31
nemilargnurph69: I donno, the name of the package is just pan04:32
=== B-_ is now known as brandon__
Darkmysteresimple queswtion how would i do more then 1 server in 1 X-Chat window?04:33
evan_im having trouble getting extended ascii characters working04:33
alex_rgnurph39, nemilar: do you mean perhaps libetpan11?04:33
gnurph69tritium, nemilar:  ty.  i think i got it04:33
coachhey whats up04:33
yI'm looking for a theory... I've got LDAP working on a server and I can connect to it on client, but I can't get anything out of search results04:33
avisDarkmystere, if you look at the xchat selection you can go to new then server tab04:34
DarkmystereI dont have a X-chat thing on this version of x-chat..04:34
alex_rugh, LDAP.  I'm waiting for Hardy before touching that one >_<04:34
goldbondwhere should i save shell scripts?04:35
phuzionI have flashplugin-nonfree installed, yet firefox says I need to install flash to play videos on youtube, how do I fix this?04:35
yalex_r -- yep. I don't think its too bad. takes some reading, that's for sure. =)04:35
alex_ry: It's not my ldap server :(04:36
jrib!flash > phuzion (read the private message from ubotu)04:36
=== Jenny-46 is now known as JohnLurner
evan_how do I get extended ascii working04:37
JohnLurnerHow do I share a file using Deluge ?04:37
j_humphreywhats a good, free iso burner for windows?04:37
bruenig!bittorrent | JohnLurner04:37
ubotuJohnLurner: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P04:37
JohnLurnerwhen I try it always asks for the directory to save to and then nothing happens04:37
alex_rj_humphrey: I think Alcohol120% or something similar to that name is good04:38
JohnLurnerok, how do I seed a file in any program ?04:38
JohnLurnerNero will burn an ISO image04:39
phuzionjrib, didn't work04:39
JohnLurnerand there are a ton of demo versions that will work well04:39
evan_it can't be that hard of an issue to get ascii extended characters in gnome-terminal04:39
phuzioneven uninistalled and reinstalled, still didn't work04:39
norvmost will burn an ISO properly, few will grab one04:39
keith-hey anyone know the default shortcut key for high contrast in compiz?04:40
JohnLurnerWinIso will make ISO images04:40
jribphuzion: what exactly did you do that did not work?04:40
phuzionjrib, installed flashplugin-nonfree via apt-get04:40
jribphuzion: did you read all of what ubotu said?04:40
phuzionand used the firefox plugin finder service after uninstalling04:40
norvJohnLurner: I have not seen anything that beats dd_rescue for making iso images04:40
jrib!flash | phuzion04:40
ubotuphuzion: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »04:40
jribphuzion: "The Flash  package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »04:41
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
norvJohnLurner: there may be one, because it's in high demand in Windows with all the applications which just love to require discs to run04:41
phuzionYes, I read that04:41
jribphuzion: ok, did you do what is suggested there?04:41
JohnLurnerdoes anyone know how to seed a file in deluge ?04:42
galacticoneHey Everyone no matter what I do I cannot connect to my wireless internet I dont know how to use this WPA Supplicant and the network manager isnt doing a damm thing, its connecting to other sources while I took it off of roaming mode04:42
norvcan one just repair the md5 to install the flash package? last I tried that was the error04:42
* CITguy says Goodnight04:42
phuzionjrib, reading it now04:42
galacticonehow do you connect to a wpa enabled network?04:42
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuyou can try doing it manually04:43
[eW]DaRk|ubuntuin terminal04:43
tkxuehow do i figure out what my dns server is?04:43
galacticonehow so I tried to edit the .conf and it was blank04:43
tritiumtkxue: they're listed in /etc/resolv.conf04:44
tkxuei'm running ubuntu linux ... what comamnd do I type or what file tdo I look at to find out what my current dns servers are?04:44
ePaxWhat is playstation emulator?04:44
tkxuegot it; thanks04:44
czrtkxue, cat /etc/resolv.conf04:44
galacticone[eW]Dark|ubuntu what files do i edit?04:45
galacticoneanyone know what files i edit for the wpa wireless connection/04:46
hotmonkeyluvwhat is a 'fun' programming language that you could recommend?04:46
jomasecuHi.. having a problem with my installation. I get "1. FD 1.44MB System Type-(06)" and then nothing happens.04:46
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: python04:46
ubuntuuserinneedExcuse me, can anyone  tell me what is thiss mount point thing?04:46
tritiumgalacticone: have you read the wiki pages on wireless?04:46
russczr just eavesdropping, but I tried that and the response I got was "nameserver" - does that mean my router is actually hosting a dns service?04:46
galacticonetritium I have and found them useless04:46
alex_rruss: probably04:46
czrruss, if your router is, then yes.04:47
ubuntuuserinneedI'm currently trying to install ubuntu and I selected to manually edit the partition.04:47
czrruss, although it might just be a caching dns service, not a full blown DNS server like BIND for example.04:47
galacticonetritium the files it says to edit come up as blanks for me04:47
russthat's cool.04:47
tritiumgalacticone: which file is blank?  Which URL are you trying to follow?04:47
hotmonkeyluvtritium: and why would you say that? is it a higher level one, does it have nice syntax, what?04:47
galacticonetritium the god damm ubuntu wifi docs wpa page04:47
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: yes to both04:47
tritiumgalacticone: calm down, and please don't use foul language here04:48
hotmonkeyluvtritium: I see04:48
phuzionjrib, so just install the .deb from http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=53648&stc=1&d=1198033466 ?04:48
galacticonetritium Im terribly frustrated ubuntu has alot of problems04:48
jribphuzion: yes, that is one way04:48
phuzionAlright, cool04:48
tritiumgalacticone: you may be frustrated, but keep the channel family-friendly please04:49
tritiumgalacticone: show me where you're having trouble.  Give me the URL, and the path to the file you're trying to edit.04:49
galacticonetritium https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo04:49
galacticonetritium /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf04:50
=== mhamaker is now known as Creedence
novato_brhow can I get record my desktop with mencoder?04:50
Creedencehi all04:50
jomasecuMy computer gets stuck at the very beginning of the install. It says "1. FD 1.44MB System Type-(06)" and then nothing. I don't have a floppy drive.04:51
Creedencequick q, does anyone know if there is a tool to sync offline files for ubuntu from a samba share? kinda like windows?04:51
tritiumgalacticone: yes, I see there is an inconsistency with the wiki page and gutsy.  Have you tried first to use Network Manager to setup wpa?  It should "just work."04:51
galacticonetritium it didnt just work at all04:51
galacticonetritium it connected to another wireless network04:52
novato_brhow can I get to record my desktop with mencoder?04:52
galacticonetritium the gnome netowkr manager is one of the worst programs ive seen, it reminds me alot of windows04:52
tritiumgalacticone: so, NM is working.  That's a good start.04:52
tritiumgalacticone: please just double-check that wpasupplicant is installed.04:53
ubuntuuserinneedguys, they say that I should mount a partition on /, does this refer to the partition I want ubuntu to be installed on?04:53
czrCreedence, rsync if you like command line04:53
galacticonetritium how do i do that?04:53
tritiumgalacticone: apt-cache policy wpasupplicant will list the installed version (if any)04:53
spdfubuntuuserinneed: Yes04:53
ubuntuuserinneedthanks spdf04:54
Creedenceczer323, that's cool, but is there a tool to automate it? I am looking to have files synced with my home server on my laptop04:54
spdfubuntuuserinneed: / is the root file system04:54
evan_How do I get ascii extended characters to show up in gnome-terminal???????04:54
galacticonetritium its installed04:54
czrCreedence, you can automate anything command line driven with a script04:54
Creedenceczr, true, but I am not quite at that level at the command line yet04:55
Creedenceczr, u know of anything GUI based?04:55
tritiumgalacticone: okay, good.  So, when you attempt to connect, you choose your SSID?  Do you know that the router is configured properly?  (Perhaps another machine uses wpa with it successfully?)04:55
ubuntuuserinneedguys, about the bootloader how do I ascertain that it's the correct device to install on?04:55
galacticonetritium my windows machine connects to it great along with my mac04:55
czrCreedence, I don't use GUI for that stuff, so no. But if you do 'apt-cache search synchronize', it should give you a list of packages that might be more of the kind that you're looking for04:55
evan_I need ascii characters for working in the terminal04:56
Creedenceczr, cool04:56
galacticonetritium the windows machine is my dual boot windows and ubuntu04:56
Creedenceczr, thanks for your help! much appreciated04:56
tritiumgalacticone: good.  So what happens when you setup NM to connect to it?04:56
evan_you know this is dumb lol works perfectly fine in windows04:56
czrCreedence, once you find a package that looks promising, use apt-cache show <packagename> to display more information about it04:56
galacticonetritium it just doesnt work or stalls for a long period of time04:56
czrCreedence, or you the graphical package manager, different front end, same database :-)04:56
spdfubuntuuserinneed: Are you installing to your primary HD?04:56
czryou=use even.04:56
ubuntuuserinneedspdf: thats exactly it, I'm not sure if this is the primary HD.04:57
tritiumgalacticone: have you looked at logs in /var/log/?  /var/log/daemon.log is a good start04:57
galacticonetritium basically its incredibly buggy04:57
ubuntuuserinneedI mean, in the BIOS I set it to load this one first, and on the mobo its the first sata port04:57
tritiumgalacticone: it works well for many people.04:57
ubuntuuserinneedbut it shows up as SCSI3 on ubuntu04:57
galacticonetritium i wouldnt know what anything in those logs means04:57
ubuntuuserinneedand sdb04:57
spdfubuntuuserinneed: If its set to load that one first, then its the primary, so that should be where grub is install04:57
tritiumgalacticone: there may be some other underlying issue here in your case.04:57
scorphushello again. I get no window borders and titles, nor window list on the panel, look: http://img30.picoodle.com/img/img30/4/1/30/f_ubuntugutsym_42e884a.png How do I fix this?04:58
ubuntuuserinneedspdf: would that be hd0? because I tried earlier and its not working...04:58
spdfubuntuuserinneed: Do you have another hd in there?04:58
ubuntuuserinneedI have 3 HDDs on this pc04:58
galacticonetritium my log is empty04:58
spdfubuntuuserinneed: Do you also boot windows?04:58
tritiumgalacticone: which wireless chipset?04:59
ubuntuuserinneednot for now, going to soon though.04:59
galacticonetritium im using ndiswrapper for a ralink rt257004:59
czer323weird, someone else with a similar name to me.04:59
mazevscorphus, are you using beryl or compiz?04:59
scorphusmazev: no one of these04:59
hotmonkeyluvtritium: Is there much demand for python coders?04:59
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: I don't know.05:00
yI'm looking for a theory... I've got LDAP working on a server and I can connect to it on client, but I'm not getting consistent ldapsearch results from client/server05:00
jribscorphus: in "Appearance" preferences, you have "None" selected for effects?05:00
scorphusmazev: there are some packages missing, when I do metacity --raplace it works05:00
czrczer323, happens quite often to me too :-)05:00
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: in what context?  ubuntu?  yes.  open source?  Job market?05:00
scorphusjrib: yes05:00
j3s3rQuick question, I am looking for a search engine that uses live people to search for u05:00
j3s3rI know it exists any idea what the site is?05:01
jrib!offtopic | j3s3r05:01
ubotuj3s3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:01
czrhotmonkeyluv, a lot of the more interesting environments (science/research) use python a lot05:01
hotmonkeyluvtritium: I'm just looking for a lingo that'll be fun to learn, easy to use, powerful, and in demand.05:01
klan-chuki-dialohola alguien me puede decir como uso mi escaner05:01
hotmonkeyluvtritium: I like science05:01
ubuntuuserinneedspdf: hello?05:01
czrhotmonkeyluv, although you should probably ask the question on #python instead05:01
tritium!es | klan-chuki-dialo05:01
ubotuklan-chuki-dialo: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:01
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: don't we all?05:02
hotmonkeyluvtritium: Is there a good program for writing code in? I've used gedit once, seemed ok for bash scritps05:02
galacticonetritium is there anything else I can do??05:02
ubuntuuserinneedspdf: I used to use windows, I encountered some problems that I cannot ascertain, so I'm trying to use ubuntu to see if the problems occur here too, and perhaps find if there are diagnostic tools for linux that can see what the problem is05:02
galacticonetritium will wireless ever work for my laptop?05:02
scorphusmazev, jrib: this is a gutsy server, and I needed to install graphical environment, so I just did "aptitude install gdm" and got this. Looks like there is some crucial package missing05:02
tritiumgalacticone: you've already shown that it works (with another wireless network)05:03
lost_in_spacewireless works on my laptop05:03
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: yes, there are several IDEs available.05:03
soldatsscorphus, a graphcal enviroment is the X windows enviroment05:03
evan_k little  help here..05:03
galacticonetritium well it is right now05:03
czrscorphus, aptitude install ubuntu-desktop = full graphical environment05:03
spdfubuntuuserinneed: Just install grub to whichever you're booting first (in this case, the hd you installed to)... if its sdb, then its like (1,0)05:03
scorphussoldats: right, you know what I mean05:03
spdfubuntuuserinneed: its likely*05:04
galacticonetritium im speaking to you with it05:04
czrscorphus, gdm is just the graphical login/display manager.05:04
soldatsscorphus, look at what czr wrote you05:04
hotmonkeyluvtritium: thanks for the tips, I'll ask in #python about the ide05:04
scorphusczr: I don't need all of those extra 400+ packages, do I?05:04
Jangarii have to search an entire server for a bunch of wav files all with "SDM" in their name, what's the syntax for ls to do that?05:04
tritiumgalacticone: so, it definitely works.  wireless chipsets that require ndiswrapper are sometimes problematic05:04
czrscorphus, if you're lazy, yes. if not, it's going to be painful :-)05:04
tritiumhotmonkeyluv: good luck05:04
scorphusczr: I don't feel like I'm lazy05:05
soldatsJangari, locate *SDM*.wav05:05
czrscorphus, you could try xubuntu-desktop instead05:05
mazevscorphus, you probably don't need all those packages but it will save you time05:05
scorphusjust need some tips...05:05
ubuntuuserinneed(1,0) ?05:05
hotmonkeyluvtritium: thanks!05:05
Jangarisoldats: can't I do it with ls -R?05:05
mazevscorphus, most servers don't use gui05:05
galacticonetritium Im looking at my logs and its showing Im not putting in the right wireless key05:05
soldatsJangari, ls -R list all dirs recursivvely05:06
tritiumgalacticone: ah, hopefully it's something simple like that!05:06
galacticonetritium my wireless key is case sensitive how can I be sure Im adding it correctly?05:06
ubuntuuserinneedpartition #2 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) as ext3 partition #1 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) as swap <--- so what do I type into the advanced window?05:06
Jangarior can't you specify substrings with ls?05:06
czrJangari, you might want to use 'find' instead. ls is not meant to search05:06
scorphusmazev: yeah, correct. this was installed by xen-tools, and I imagine it uses a server distro. But I need gui to test my software (phpeclipse) on ubuntu, as many users report problems with it05:06
soldatsJangari, not sure i use ls for basic stuff the right way to do it is with the locate command05:06
kapacehello i can't see my ubuntu box's hostname, but ip works ok..05:06
tritiumgalacticone: NM lets you view the key you enter.  There's a little radio button or check box for that.05:06
Jangariokay, ta05:06
ubuntuuserinneedI'm just not sure what device I should fill in.05:07
galacticoneok thanks05:07
ubuntuuserinneedI tried hd3 earlier(since scsi3) and I got a fatal error05:07
klan-chuki-dialocomo entro a ubuntu es05:07
tritiumklan-chuki-dialo: /join #ubuntu-es05:07
cvdhey there, any know Why i when i logon in ubuntu i dont have internet?, but after doing this 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0' then i have internet05:07
Jangarihmm, i'm just getting the same "no file or directory" error05:08
tritiumcvd: you evidently have it configured in /etc/network/interfaces, but don't have it listed as "auto"05:08
czrJangari, what are you trying to do?05:08
tritiumcvd: if you completely commented it out in /etc/network/interfaces, Network Manager should take care of it manually for you05:09
Jangarisearch an entire server, 4TB odd, for a coupld of .wav files that begin with SDM, czr05:09
Jangariviw ssh05:09
czrJangari, have you external mounts on the server? (NFS, CIFS, etc?)05:09
Jangarino, tunneling in05:09
czrif not, find / -iname "sdm*wav"05:09
czrand add 2> /dev/null to the end of that05:10
czrsince you're not interested in error messages05:10
=== rat32 is now known as Palace_Chan
cvdi dont know what you are talking about05:10
czrif you have a lot of file, it will take a long time JanC05:10
czrsorry, Jangari.05:10
Jangarimeh, it's a powerful server, and it's only harvesting filenames, surely05:10
czrJangari, that command will cause each directory contents to be loaded from the disk(s)05:11
Jangari"find /", can I begin it at a particular point? say "find /r0/d0/"?05:11
czrJangari, and directory contents are scattered around the disk area(s), so the disk will need to seek a lot -> takes long time.05:11
czrJangari, yes.05:11
czrJangari, it05:11
tritiumcvd: what part do you need more explanation for?05:11
czrit's a very powerful tool.05:11
cvdso how to make ubuntu do this automaticaly when i logon 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth005:12
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu provide no DEB program package for JaLingo? (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jalingo)05:12
tritiumcvd: I told you already05:12
czrbullgard4, does debian provide a deb-package for it?05:12
cvdlet me check05:13
bullgard4czr: Is that all that you can contribute to answer my question?05:13
hotmonkeyluvtritium: hrm, it's saying i need to be identified to enter #python. what's that mean?05:13
soldatshotmonkeyluv, register you nick05:13
czrbullgard4, no.05:13
gupteshwarhello all05:13
YeTr2bullgard4: because there are hundreds of other softwares that other people one, and it's majority and popularity rule for which packages ubuntu decides to include in it's repos.05:13
Jangarialright, " find /r0/d0/ *SDM*.wav" returned everything on the server05:13
hotmonkeyluvsoldats: with /msg nickserv?05:13
mehello? Can anyone help me?05:13
ubuntuuserinneedso (hd1,0) ?05:13
czrJangari, find /r0/d0 -iname "sdm*wav"05:13
dreamnid!ask | me05:14
ubotume: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:14
hotmonkeyluvme is beyond help05:14
Jangariiname, eh?05:14
tritium!register | hotmonkeyluv05:14
ubotuhotmonkeyluv: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration05:14
cvdthis is what i have: auto lo05:14
czrJangari, yes. that's a find "predicate" (search term).05:14
cvdiface lo inet loopback05:14
cvdiface ppp0 inet ppp05:14
cvdprovider ppp005:14
cvdiface eth0 inet dhcp05:14
cvdauto e05:14
FloodBot1cvd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:14
soldatshotmonkeyluv, /msg nickserv register <password> <emailaddr>05:14
YeTr2bullgard4: you are more than welcome to compile your own package for your own personal use using an application called checkinstall05:14
Jangariso what does 'find' do without that iname option? search for everything?05:14
tritiumcvd: don't paste here05:14
gupteshwarI was  using Fiesty and now upgraded my desktop to gutsy from that day i am facing problem of high cpu usage due to kacpid05:14
mehey, I want to install ubuntu but my pc keep entering sleep mode =/05:14
cvdits not to much05:14
tritiumcvd: yes, it is05:15
Jangarime, are you on a liveCD?05:15
gupteshwarI am not getting whats a problem?05:15
cvdso i paste one line at time05:15
czrJangari, it interprets all parameters as the directory names where to start search from05:15
UnWorthyso who has a few minutes and wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions about a dual boot?05:15
tritiumcvd: no, you won't05:15
czrJangari, and without any predicates (search terms) it will display names of everything it finds from those directories05:15
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
Flannel!ask | UnWorthy05:15
cvdso its already done.. its say auto05:15
ubotuUnWorthy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:15
meonly my monitor enters sleep mode. My pc keep doing noises05:16
Jangariokay czr, so what i said earlier " find /r0/d0/ *SDM*.wav", will search for everything underneath /r0/d0, and then anything under "*SDM*.wav"?05:16
tritiumcvd: why do you have it listed at all?  Try commenting out all lines associated with eth0, and let Network Manager handle it for you.05:16
mei downloaded the cd from de ubuntu site05:16
UnWorthy!ask how to get ubuntu to run from ntldr or XP to run from grub05:16
me7.10 for amd 6405:16
czrJangari, yes, assuming the shell can find any names that fill that pattern. if the shell cannot, it will pass the parameter directly to find, which will think it's a dir name where to search from.05:16
cvdi dont now its ubuntu i dont do anything05:16
dreamnidlol, unworthy05:16
FlannelUnWorthy: When you install Ubuntu (and GRUB with it) you'll have an entry for XP05:16
czrJangari, in unix, it is the command shell that expands *? and other characters, before the program that you're starting even sees them.05:17
UnWorthywhats this you speak of?05:17
Jangarii.e., i ask it to search for everything inside the directory /r0/d0, which comprises about 3TB of space, that was silly of me'05:17
FlannelUnWorthy: A selection at your GRUB menu.  So you can boot to XP or Ubuntu05:17
tritiumcvd: System -> Administration -> Network, and make sure the connection has roaming mode enabled05:17
hotmonkeyluvyay! i'm now registered! I feel complete, my life now has meaning!!!05:17
czrJangari, if you want a list of everything, find /r0/d0 is your friend ;-)05:17
UnWorthywell see when I installed ubuntu it killed my mbr05:17
cvdits i check roaming the connection dont work05:17
JohnRobertwhere can I find a list of different ubuntus like kubuntu, xubuntu etc..?05:17
dreamnidUnWorthy, if you installed xp first, then Ubuntu next, there will automatically be an option to boot XP from grub05:18
jetscreamerJangari: http://wooledge.org:8000/UsingFind05:18
bullgard4YeTr2: Thank you for providing me that information.05:18
Jangaripity it's about 100,000 lines ling05:18
UnWorthywhen I tried to run XP from grub my hal was gone!05:18
UnWorthyHAL WAS GONE05:18
Jangarithanks jetscreamer05:18
BrinsonSomeone asked about dual booting. You should check out Wubi. Wubi-Installer.org Like 2 or 3 clicks from inside windows and you have a dual boot scenario.05:18
mejangari, do you know how to solve this sleep monitor problem?05:18
UnWorthy2 or 3 clicks05:18
Jangarirun the liveCD, me05:18
Jangarithat's the only way to install05:19
musikgoatanyone else having flakey internet?05:19
BrinsonSomething like that. Less than 10 me thinks.05:19
hotmonkeyluvJohnRobert: ubuntu.com05:19
mei boot the cd05:19
Jangariput it in the cd drive and restart, by default a bootable cd will be the first device to boot05:19
dreamnidme: sorry, are you saying that you can't see anything when you try to boot off the live cd?05:19
kapaceanyone got WINS working on ubuntu?05:19
kapaceor how i can restart it05:19
Jangarioh, you have booted?05:19
mei did it05:19
kapacei have winbind05:19
UnWorthyI don't want to run "wubi" I want to run UU 1.605:19
Jangariso you're on ubuntu now?05:20
ubuntuuserinneeddoes anyone know why my RAM shows up as 1004MB and not 1024MB in the system monitor?05:20
menope, on xp05:20
UnWorthymy problem was grub killed my hal.dll05:20
UnWorthyhow do I stop it from doing that?05:20
musikgoatubuntuuserinneed: video card could be using memory05:20
megetting information to boot again and install ubuntu05:20
dreamnidme: Okay, so it sounds like Ubuntu isn't detecting your monitor resolution correclty05:20
Jangarime, do you want to install ubuntu?05:20
czrubuntuuserinneed, probably you have an integrated video on your motherboard and BIOS has reserved some memory for that05:20
Jangarido you want to keep your xp stuff?05:20
ubuntuuserinneedmusikgoat: I have a dedicated video card.05:20
medreamnid: how do I solve this oO?05:21
UnWorthyhow do I not get grub to kill my hal.dll?05:21
mejangari: don't have to. Its a new pc, not much stuff here05:21
czrubuntuuserinneed, what does 'free' say about total Mem? (just the one number)05:21
UnWorthyhow do I not get grub to kill my hal.dll?05:21
tritium!repeat | UnWorthy05:21
ubotuUnWorthy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:21
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:21
FlannelUnWorthy: GRUB literally can't kill hal.dll, it doesn't touch anything except the MBR05:21
=== bambang is now known as __bb
UnWorthyso how was my hal.dll missing after the install and fixmbr and fixboot didn't work?05:22
oboy03can anyone help me05:22
medreamnid: if i lower the resolution, the installation will proceed?05:22
Jangarioh, i see, when you boot from liveCD the monitor keeps blacking out? i probably won't be able to help you05:22
cvdaparently its working, tritium05:22
oboy03i've installed mirc on wine05:22
tritiumcvd: good05:22
dreamnidme: ah... how do you plan to lower the resolution?05:22
mejangari: thanks for the good will anyway =]05:23
ubuntuuserinneedczr: under total?05:23
oboy03I've deleted the mirc but it is still there on the programs tab05:23
ubuntuuserinneed 102841205:23
medreamnid: i'll try that out05:23
czrubuntuuserinneed, yes. Mem - row, Total column.05:23
Jack_Sparrowme: You can F6 and make some changes there05:23
Jangarime, how long before your screen 'sleeps'?05:23
UnWorthyso my hal.dll just vanished? and it had nothing to do with ubuntu?05:23
dreamnidme: I mean, when you boot it, does it let you choose the resolution?05:23
dreamnidme: unless you're talking about changing it in XP, which won't help05:23
tritiumUnWorthy: it has nothing to do with grub, most certainly.05:23
czrubuntuuserinneed, that looks quite normal. some of the low memory cannot be reclaimed and some memory is reserved by the BIOS for various tables it builds on boot05:24
ubuntuuserinneedczr: thing is that I have 1024MB of RAM. 2x512 sticks05:24
UnWorthywhat could cause it?05:24
musikgoatUnWorthy: could you have two locations that have a windows install?05:24
UnWorthyno just 105:24
mejangari:as soon as i press "enter" in "install ubuntu" ((first option))05:24
ubuntuuserinneedand it shows up in windows...05:24
UnWorthyI installed ubuntu on my 2nd HD05:24
UnWorthy2nd part on the 2nd HD05:24
mejangari: and if i press "install with updates" to05:24
ubuntuuserinneedlow memory? mem reserved by bios...05:24
czrubuntuuserinneed, if you want really accurate picture, use dmidecode05:25
UnWorthylol heres a good question which should I install windows vista ultimate or ubuntu ultimate 1.6? hehe05:25
oboy03i've uninstall mirc on wine, but the mirc tab on programs is still there how can i remove it05:25
czrubuntuuserinneed, it can show you how many sticks you have, and all kinds of low level info IF you really want to see it (run with sudo)05:25
cvdany site to download usplashs?05:25
medreamnid: yes, on the boot i can set the resolution. gonna put 640x 480 or lower oO05:25
dreamnidme: ok, good luck :-)05:25
FlannelUnWorthy: You used ubuntu ultimate?  That could be the reason.  Who knows.  Get an official version of ubuntu and try that.  Of course, it won't bring back a missing file.05:25
crdlbUnWorthy: you do not want "ubuntu ultimate"05:25
medreamnid: thx =D05:26
Jack_Sparrowoboy03: How did you remove it?  Uninstall or just delete it.  #Winehq has answers for most wine issues05:26
UnWorthyno this was was ubuntu fiesty fawn05:26
UnWorthywhats wrong with ultimate??05:26
mejandari: any more clues, jandari? =]05:26
crdlb!ultimate | UnWorthy05:26
ubotuUnWorthy: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate05:26
__bbsomeone can help me make a router using firehol?05:26
FlannelUnWorthy: It's a hackjob on the real Ubuntu05:26
crdlbit's not actually an ubuntu project05:26
oboy03i just deleted it05:26
Jangarisorry me, i ain't got nothin'05:27
UnWorthyso I wouldn't have a problem installing all the apps thats come with ultimate?05:27
UnWorthyon gusty or feisty?05:27
mejangari: that's ok =] wish me luck05:27
czrubuntuuserinneed, the memory that linux can use is limited by what the BIOS will tell it when the kernel starts. instead of lying like windows, most linux tools just report the size of the "really useable memory".05:27
meand thanks, jangari and dreamnid =]05:27
czrubuntuuserinneed, so what you're seeing is quite normal.05:27
Jack_SparrowUnWorthy: Sure you would have trouble if they had to change repos to get them into their version05:27
UnWorthysry linux n00b here...05:28
UnWorthy*nix as my brother calls it05:28
ubuntuuserinneedczr: I see...05:28
tritium!repos > UnWorthy05:28
UnWorthyI'm interested in taking my linux+ after my A+ and net+05:28
czrubuntuuserinneed, did you try 'sudo dmidecode' yet?05:28
ubuntuuserinneedI did05:28
ubuntuuserinneedshowed me something like A0 and A105:28
UnWorthythanks tritium05:28
Mr__anybody here still?05:29
dreamnidUnWorthy: You'll learn to love the repos :-P05:29
UnWorthythats from spiderman 205:29
elninjaUnWorthy, if you had the Ubuntu installer resize a Windows partition without defragging it first, then it might have lost/corrupted hal.dll (or other files)05:29
ubuntuuserinneedBtw, I wana know if its possible to get my multimedia keys working in Amarok05:29
tritiumUnWorthy: no, it's really not05:29
UnWorthyyeah it recommended drfraging...05:29
UnWorthymaybe I should listen...05:29
Mr__whats the off topic channel again05:29
UnWorthythey make it sound so optional!!05:29
ubuntuuserinneed(also reinstalling ubuntu now since it kept screwing up after a while.05:30
tritium!enter | UnWorthy05:30
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:30
ubotuUnWorthy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:30
czrMr__, add '-offtopic' to the channel name :-)05:30
dreamnid!offtopic | Mr__05:30
ubotuMr__: please see above05:30
UnWorthydamn this bot doesn't like me05:30
tritiumUnWorthy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium (It's *not* from SpiderMan 2)05:30
UnWorthyso is it too much trouble to try and get ntldr to load ubuntu?05:30
=== chiriri is now known as Elda
UnWorthyshould I just use grub?05:31
UnWorthysry tritium05:31
ubuntuuserinneedwhats ntldr?05:31
Cpudan80Just use GRUB05:31
czrUnWorthy, there's a small GUI program for windows that did that. let me google05:31
czrif you really absolutely are too scared of replacing the windows MBR with the GRUB one05:31
UnWorthyk thanks czr05:31
oboy03where can i find the wine folder?05:31
FlannelUnWorthy: GRUB is much easier.  Especially with Ubuntu updates.  And GRUB boots windows just as well as NTLDR05:31
Cpudan80ubuntuuserinneed: Windows XP's silly little bootloader05:31
UnWorthyyeah it just that damn hal.dll problem...05:31
ploomUnWorthy, ntldr is boot loader with its own quirks05:31
UnWorthyhappen my first time trying to dual with ubuntu...05:31
czrwell, ntldr can be used to chainload grub05:32
FlannelUnWorthy: Thats independant of GRUB.  Somehow you lost that file.05:32
EldaQuick question.... is there any program like the Network Manager applet in Gnome for KDE?  Because for some reason, when using KDE even though it finds my network it wont allow me to connect to it05:32
ubuntuuserinneedCpudan80: the insane one that didn't allow me to dual boot if I installed windows afterward you mean.05:32
EldaBut I want to switch from Gnome to KDE05:32
UnWorthylet me show you this...05:32
Cpudan80ubuntuuserinneed: Something like that05:32
ploomUnWorthy, its propably easier to go with Grub05:32
elninjaUnWorthy, I find it easiest to partition the drive with an Ubuntu liveCD, then install Windows on it's partition, afterwards install Ubuntu on it's partition(s).05:32
UnWorthythis is where I got my dual boot info from...05:32
ubuntuuserinneedhope it installs properly this time05:32
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up05:32
ploomUnWorthy, and you can always reset the mbr by fdisk later in case you need05:32
Eldaheyll no05:33
EldaI would never used dial up, lol05:33
UnWorthyyeah I tried fixboot05:33
EldaWIreless network ftw05:33
ubuntuuserinneedDSL is dial up too :(05:33
czrUnWorthy, sry, can't recall it's name. been something like 5 years since I last mentioned it to someone.. autoboot, bootauto or smt or other like that :-)05:33
EldaNot dialup ;)05:33
UnWorthyand tried expanding the hal.dl_ into hal.dll from my xp pro disk...but got frustrated05:33
UnWorthyit's ok czr05:33
UnWorthyI'll look it up whats it do again? :P05:33
Jack_SparrowElda: The point is.. that you can disable knetwork manager.... and still have internet..05:34
UnWorthyI just formated...05:34
czrUnWorthy, it's a small GUI program that will setup your boot.ini to support chainloading other boot managers05:34
czrUnWorthy, a windows program that is.05:34
Eldahow would I bring my network list up then?05:34
czryou can also do it manually, but it's quite painful05:34
EldaI need to bring it up, select my network and enter the password05:34
UnWorthykk, so should I install feisty fawn or gutsy?05:34
WGGMkIm having trouble starting DansGuardian on my Gutsy Gibbon Server (amd64) can anyone assist me in troubleshooting?05:35
Jack_SparrowElda: You can get better answers to kde questions in #Kubuntu05:35
Eldakk, thanks :)05:35
ubuntuuserinneedlets hope the installer doesn't screw up now05:35
ploomUnWorthy, its up to you whether you're interested in the latest and greatest or just look for the three years of support (the LTS thingy)05:35
UnWorthyand what are the order of ops for my install...I have XP on c:\ and I want to install ubuntu to the 2nd partition of my d:05:35
ubuntuuserinneedYAY NO FATAL ERROR05:35
ploomUnWorthy, usually sooner or later you upgrade anyway05:36
UnWorthywell I'm really interested in beryl and compiz05:36
scoundrelhi, guys05:36
UnWorthycan someone point me to a good faq for my situation...05:36
tritiumUnWorthy: they've merged into one project: compiz-fusion05:36
soneilUnWorthy: the "missing hal.dll" message is really misleading.  it usually means your partition layout has changed enough that boot.ini isn't pointing to the right place anymore.  hal.dll is "missing" because boot.ini sent it looking on the wrong partition.05:36
soneilnothing's broken.  just confused.05:36
FlannelUnWorthy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo05:37
UnWorthyah thats vista...05:37
scoundrelfew weeks go we've started moving some of our servers from rhel4 to ubuntu server (7.10)...05:37
xGeekMissing hal.dll can be easily fixed from the restore console.05:37
xGeekSearch for it on the MS site.05:37
scoundrelduring this week three servers crashed05:37
xGeekhal.dll has nothing to do with your MBR05:37
czrscoundrel, what HW?05:37
xGeekit's getting past the MBR or you wouldn't be seeing that error05:37
tritiumUnWorthy: please remember the !enter reminder05:38
scoundrelall of them with the same problem - processes started invoking OOM-killer and server was down.05:38
UnWorthysry, why would ubuntu kill hal.dll?05:38
scoundrelczr:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420, 12-16GB RAM05:38
tritiumUnWorthy: we already explained: It *didn't* kill hal.dll05:38
xGeekI don't think ubuntu had anything to do with it.05:38
UnWorthywell it was grub or ubuntu05:39
xGeekI have customers with the mysterious hal.dll problem all the time with one partition and no ubuntu.05:39
tritiumUnWorthy: no, it was neither05:39
UnWorthybecause it goes from fine to shit in seconds05:39
UnWorthysry language...05:39
tritium!language | UnWorthy05:39
ubotuUnWorthy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:39
czrscoundrel, hmm. you're using the correct kernel for that amount of mem?05:39
czrscoundrel, i.e., does 'free' see all of the mem on those systems?05:39
UnWorthyCurrent System Configuration —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—05:40
UnWorthyOperating System: Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 up for 1 days, 7 hours, 28 minutes 30 seconds05:40
UnWorthyCPU/RAM: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz with Currently 464 of 2048MB in use which is 22.66%05:40
UnWorthyStorage System: n/a Internet Connection: n/a05:40
UnWorthyDisplay System: 512MB Radeon X1650 Series (Omega 3.8.442) using a Plug and Play monitor at 1280 by 1024 32bit color 60Hz refresh05:40
scoundrelczr: 2.6.22-14-server, it sees all memory we have (PAE)05:40
FloodBot1UnWorthy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
WGGMkUnWorthy: this would NOT be a Ubuntu (or Linux for that matter) issue. I have had "hal.dll" mysteriously vanish within Virtual Machines, several times05:40
czrscoundrel, ok. have you tracked whether there's a single process/program that is responsible for the OOM or the memory leak is on the kernel side?05:40
UnWorthyreally? just vanish?05:40
WGGMkUnWorthy: well its a bit more complex then that,05:40
UnWorthywell then I'll install ubuntu right now...but first I'm going to read that fixmbr on ms' site05:41
UnWorthyhow so WGGMK? thats what seemed to happen to mine...05:41
WGGMkUnWorthy: in my case, it was adding/removing software/hardware to the Virtual Machine.. My hardware configuration might have changed to fubar the installation.. This would be a windows specific issue though.05:41
czrscoundrel, sry, have to run (to office), hope you find a solution to the problem though. you might ask official ubuntu support?05:41
scoundrelczr: I have logs here but wan't able to log in to the server to check things out. Anyways, on a 12gb machine one process simply could not saturate all memory.05:41
UnWorthywhat version of VMware do you use?05:41
UnWorthyor do you use something other than vmware?05:42
czrscoundrel, agreed, especially since you have PAE (32-bit)05:42
WGGMkUnWorthy: VMWare Server (the newest I suppose)05:42
czrscoundrel, and processes are still limited to 4GiB each with PAE.05:42
UnWorthyis it better than infastruture?05:42
czrscoundrel, I was thinking more of a longer term historical data collection/graphing about different processes and how memory usage evolves (ala rrdtool)05:42
WGGMkUnWorthy: regardless of what "caused" the problem (that you will have to narrow down yourself) the fix is to use the Windows disc to either repair or restore05:42
czrUnWorthy, join #vmware05:42
xGeekWhy do you think that hal.dll has something to do with the MBR? I'm not following that part.05:43
UnWorthywell I'ma retard05:43
scoundrelczr: this is what I'm doing now - setting up monitoring of memory, cpu, etc for all these boxes05:43
UnWorthythats why it has something to do with it05:43
WGGMkUnWorthy: as far as the differences, I cant help you out, Ive only used Workstation & Server.. Like czr: said, you'll get more info out of #vmware05:43
UnWorthykk thanks05:43
=== Evan_ is now known as eahls
ShuggleI'm trying to find more information about a problem a friend had when he tried to install ubuntu. He chose the guided installation to resize his existing windows partition. The installer removed his windows vista partition and installed using all the space. When it was finished, his computer would not boot, as if the boot loader had not been installed. Why would it do that?05:44
WGGMkUnWorthy: the MBR would not effect hal.dll (Hardware Abstraction Layer)05:44
UnWorthyI know hal.dll doesn't have anything to do with the MBR but I was reading somewhere that a fixmbr would help...05:44
czrscoundrel, good luck, that's what I'd start doing as well (dmesg not showing anything interesting probably either). you might also take a look at slabinfo and the kernel memory usage stuff. it could be a kernel memory leak as well.05:44
tritiumShuggle: which is it?  If he choise the resize, it wouldn't remove the existing partition.05:44
czrscoundrel, but I'll have to afk, so hope you find the culprit05:44
UnWorthybut now that I thinka bout it...maybe was fixin another problem...05:44
xGeek    |         "R(#MF `<      "!!~     ~<9XN#$$XX<:      |05:45
xGeek    |          "%/9" x~       :L       XH?R?M$$$x%      |05:45
xGeekoops. sorry.05:45
Orion1357Hi.  Using Synaptic, I removed Evolution.  Now when I log in, I get a blank screen.  Can this be fixed without having to reinstall ubuntu all over again.05:45
WGGMkUnWorthy: i dont see how it would... if your missing hal.dll your missing hal.dll.. fixing a Master Boot Record does nothing but effect a boot record.05:45
fragged_UnWorthy, I dont know where I read it but I've heard that hal.dll is an issue with certain distros, from what I can recall try just copying the hal.dll from the windows CD back to C:/Windows/(system32? Idk)05:45
xGeekUnWorthy: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/31447705:45
soneilWGGMk: it's just because his partiton map has changed, boot.ini is out of date.  he just needs to start the recovery console, remove boot.ini, and bootcfg /rebuild.  it's nothing to do with ubuntu.   he just happens to have changed partitions in the process05:45
xGeekUnWorthy: Method 2 on that page almost always works.05:46
Shuggletritium: He chose to resize since he specifically needed his windows installation. The installer then acted as if he chose to delete all data on the disk and then didnt install grub05:46
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WGGMksoneil: as I said in one of my previous messages.. Linux (or any other OS) that is on a separate partition wouldnt effect each other05:46
tritiumShuggle: he must have made a mistake in his choice.  The installer doesn't do that.05:47
WGGMksoneil: as far as the boot.ini being out of date. your prolly right about that05:47
eahlsis there a way to install ubuntu without burning it to a cd ? The cd drive on my laptop is broken and I have windows.05:47
xGeekWGGMk: resizing and/or moving the parition will cause the boot.ini partition path to not be set correct causing the "missing hal.dll" error05:47
WGGMkeahls: you can install it to a USB stick and boot from USB or you can order FREE CD's from ubuntu.com05:48
soneilWGGMk: yeah, it's not one OS affecting the other.  it's just windows freaking out because the disk layout has changed.  it's world has disappeared from beneath it's feet.  and it doesn't like that05:48
xGeekI need to invest in a usb extension or actually do something and connect the front ports on my computer.05:48
eahlsok thanks, im going to try getting to load off my usb drive05:49
WGGMksoneil: xGeek: if im not mistaken, a similar thing happens with other hardware components in Windows as well correct?05:49
Orion1357Well, if you are all busy with another topic, I'll come back another time.  But I'll ask one more time: Using Synaptic, I removed Evolution.  Now when I log in, I get a blank screen.  Can this be fixed without having to reinstall ubuntu all over again?05:49
fragged_mmm guys I'm playing around with OpenGL via PyGame and on feisty I couldnt get the text to draw from this example http://www.disruption.ca/gutil/example3/example3b.html to work, after a clean install of the latest Ubuntu distro all works fine, does anybody know which package was not functioning correctly? I'd like to know as I have a gentoo system that also has the same problem and a complete update of the system might take days05:49
WGGMkOrion1257: what else besides Evolution was removed?05:49
Orion1357I just removed packages that referenced Evolution, so it was more than one package.  But I don't remember which ones.05:50
xGeekWGGMk: I suppose. Not sure what you mean by hardware though.05:50
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WGGMkxGeek: well I know if there's too many changes to the hardware config you have to re-activate windows sometimes05:51
Shuggletritium: That's the first thing that I thought. With my experience, I had no problem configuring both of my system as dual boot. I was wondering if this might be some sort of bug that I would need to guard for when attempting another set up on his system. (he still wants ubuntu, if he can get it without losing all his data.. again)05:51
Orion1357I just got this bad feeling that Gnome was using something I removed.05:51
xGeekWGGMk: That's WGA. A completely different monster.05:51
xGeekWGGMk: Windows is not a nice OS to work with.05:51
WGGMkOrion1357: thats not a very good way to uninstall an application (for future reference)05:51
fragged_Shuggle, if in doubt back up the entire hard drive (if your anything like me or most of my geek friends, having ~250gb of free space is not rare)05:52
WGGMkxGeek: ahh.. havent used windows (other then a coaster) for some times05:52
Orion1357Thanks.  But I guess I'm still in learning mode here.05:52
neoanyone here??05:52
xGeekWGGMk: I make a lot of money fixing very simple stuff on windows machines.05:52
Orion1357If the bad news is I must do a total reinstall, just say so.05:52
xGeekWGGMk: can also be a hassle too though.05:52
lolttoon the http://www.ubuntu.com/ site when downloading whats the part about the alternate ""LIVE"" desktop CD all about05:52
fragged_no neo all 1135 of the members are away05:52
Shugglefragged_: fortunately, he has complete backups all the way through monday afternoon05:53
neohehe,this is the first time i use IRC!:)05:53
WGGMkOrion1357: every starts somewhere.. the quick solution would be to hit CTRL+ALT+F1 (which will bring you to a command line) log in.. shutdown gnome ("sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop") and reinstall Evolution (need help with package name)05:53
neoThanks fragged05:53
WGGMkxGeek: I deal with enough Windows at work.. 2003 server's crashing every other week..05:53
Orion1357Tried that.   "sudo apt-get install evolution"05:53
UnWorthyyeah if you take your ram out and put it back in you can to reactivate windows...05:54
Orion1357But I got an error05:54
fragged_loltto, 'live' cds are cds that run entirely off the CD there does not need to be any data transferred to or from the hard drive... they are generally slow and jolty, like when the CD spins down and you run a program it can take a while for it to load05:54
UnWorthyhave to*05:54
WGGMkOrion1357: which was?05:54
xGeekWGGMk: I know this is cliche, but I tell all my clients to reboot their 2k3 servers every friday.05:54
Orion1357"could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com"05:54
WGGMkxGeek: lol.. do you have RDP5 login's at all? ever get that "resource or domain not available"??05:54
UnWorthyyou guys are the uber g33ks <3 you talk you do ubuntu tech support for fun <405:54
fragged_WGGMk, I work somewhere with Windows 2k3 servers and they seem relatively stable unless you can blame them from power outages caused by crappy lines...05:55
lolttofragged_>can a live cd have the option of installing to hard drive or just runs of cdrom???05:55
xGeekWGGMk: no but I get disconnected a lot.05:55
soneilfragged_: servers without UPSes is just silly05:55
WGGMkOrion1357: I assume your on a different machine? is the ubuntu machine connected? try pinging google? sudo apt-get update first then try again05:55
fragged_loltto, some do, some tell you they do and dont, and some just dont, unsure about Ubuntu05:55
xGeekWGGMk: "protocol error" I still haven't figured that one out.05:55
Orion1357No.  On same machine.  Have a XP/Ubuntu dual boot.05:56
fragged_soneil, 20 servers, not enough UPS to last out an entire weekend (and THAT would be just silly)05:56
UnWorthyso can someone do me a huge favor....find the ms support that talks about fixing hal.dll errors....WGGMk....05:56
WGGMkfragged_: this would be open to debate.. i work at a VERY large distribution center.. and those servers process a LOT of date.. which anyone can tell you Windows is particularly bad at data processing05:56
Orion1357Maybe the server was down temporarily?05:56
UnWorthysince it's soooo easy05:56
xGeekUnWorthy: I sent you a link to the fix earlier.05:56
soneilfragged_: just expensive in that case05:56
WGGMkUnWorthy: as i can give you advice, im not going to do legwork for you. several people have given you solutions.. sorry if this sounds harsh05:57
UnWorthysry could I have it again?05:57
tritiumUnWorthy: this channel is for ubuntu support.  PLease see ##windows for your request.05:57
fragged_WGGMk, Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying that windows is the best software for all tasks, but usually crappy programs are the cause to an unstable server, both in windows and *nix05:57
UnWorthythank tritium....sry05:57
WGGMkxGeek: im not really sure how Windows can get away with leaving error's vauge and general as they do05:57
fragged_UnWorthy, or google, you know, if you KNOW how to google05:57
=== chiriri is now known as Elda
WGGMkfragged_: im with you on that one.. and we do have some "crappy" software05:58
xGeekWGGMk: For one error microsoft.com normally has 3 - 6 'solutions'05:58
WGGMkfragged_: but software crashing and the entire OS locking up are different issues05:58
xGeekWGGMk: sometimes none of which work05:58
fragged_WGGMk, the entire system locking up can be caused by drivers, or just bad hardware, I've seen windows systems run for months05:59
WGGMkxGeek: by any chance, have you taken any MS's courses.. inparticular the MSCA course? i nearled laughed when they were teaching it05:59
Shuggleis there a good program to make those restore cds that come with new computers, but for linux?05:59
=== rat32 is now known as Palace_Chan
xGeekWGGMk: I took A+ and I'm working on my bachelors. I think I'm going to skip MS and go for my CCNA.05:59
Shuggleerr... can I make restore cds for linux/raw partitions?05:59
WGGMkxGeek: i dont get how MS says this is the way it WILL work.. when you can have millions of different combinations of hardware that can radically change the environment so it DOESNT work MS's way06:00
UnWorthywho thinks this hal.dll fix is correct?06:00
UnWorthyon that link06:00
WGGMkxGeek: i would recommend CCNA over any MS course.. if you happen to get Security+ and Network+ cert's.. they will be highly respected over any MS cert06:00
thirsoI'm trying to "auto-mount" my windows network shared folder with samba by adding this line to fstab: //main/music     /media/music        cifs   auto,credentials=/home/thirso/.smbpasswd,workgroup=MSHOME,gid=smb,uid=1000,file_mode=700,dir_mode=700,rw       0       0 . But i keep getting this error message: WARNING: 'file_mode' not expressed in octal.06:00
WGGMkxGeek: add Server+ in there06:01
xGeekWGGMk: Agreed. I would prefer not the be stuck in a windows environment later on in life.06:01
UnWorthyxGeek I'm taking a college class for my A+ and Net+ :)06:01
UnWorthyhalf way through A+06:01
WGGMkfragged_: i have a home server running Linux amd64 that needed to be restarted because my ISP dropped out.. figure that one out06:02
xGeekWGGMk: I'm currently the IT manager for a small firm that runs nothing but apple. It has definitely been a much nicer experience than some of my 2k3 server clients.06:02
WGGMkxGeek: ok, that concludes our conversation.. i have a bane for Apple's06:02
UnWorthy•xGeek• how much experience did you put on your resume?06:02
UnWorthyjust the A+?06:02
xGeekWGGMk: haha.. I don't like apples. I deal with them because they make me money.06:02
xGeekWGGMk: They are over priced. However, being based on BSD and from experience I think they run much cleaner than any MS OS.06:03
ta1How do I go about recompiling a kernel with an additional module(ieee1394)?  Is there somewhere that has a good tutorial?06:03
WGGMkxGeek: i deal with them because Apple says we have to deal with them.. they are nice.. run smooth.. i cry at compatibily with others.. and lets face it.. Apple's a bit behind the times as far as software updates (bleeding edge rather)06:03
xGeekWGGMk: very much so.06:04
ploomxGeek, I agree that least no anti-virus or too much malware06:04
naitseuna preguntonta06:04
xGeekWGGMk: in my opinion apple doesn't sell software. they are a hardware vendor who happens to have a proprietary OS.06:04
UnWorthy•xGeek• you sound like your doing alright for just an A+06:04
naitseinstale los drivers de nvidia en ubuntu 7.1006:05
naitsey ahora la pantalla es como que esta mas grande el desktop que el monitor :P06:05
WGGMkxGeek: if they went open source.. i think MS would be in serious trouble06:05
xGeekUnWorthy: I put all of my freelance work on my resume and have lots of good local business references.06:05
fragged_WGGMk, I dont understand why your telling me to figure it out? I'd assume it'd be an issue with the network, be that software or hardware, being so vague doesnt help, and the fact that I'm relatively new to linux (one year) doesnt make me a know all. What I do know is that I'm sick of these blatant fanboy attacks on other operating systems, sure most people here probbably prefer a linux environment, and mac users enjoy theres, bu06:05
fragged_t windows (bar vista) is actually pretty good at most basic tasks, and is also easier for small businesses where nobody has a clue about linux (if even heard of it before).06:05
naitsey para llegar a los lados es como que corro la pantalla con el mouse06:05
DarkmystereI cant get VMware Workstation to run...06:05
UnWorthyahh very good...see I have no experience....experience is...it06:05
Darkmystere...Could some 1 help me i cant get VMware Workstation to Run?06:07
dreamnid!es | naitse06:07
ubotunaitse: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:07
WGGMkfragged_: will all respect, im not a fanboy. I HAVE to deal with several different OS's on daily bases.. and FROM MY EXPERIENCES with them, being workstation or server or thin client. Ive had more trouble with Windows then any other OS out there06:07
xGeekfragged_: I don't consider myself a fanboy at all. However the flaw in your argument is this: small business need to do very simple tasks such as send email and use office applications. Linux or X whether it be KDE or Gnome has the ability to put icons on the desktop the same as windows. I don't see the difference.06:07
thirsonaitse: nvidia-settings06:07
fragged_Darkmystere, I'm sure VMWare's webpage has support, or just being more descriptive might help ;)06:07
UnWorthyanyone read that funny article about that linux guy going into a best buy and putting the liveCD of ultimate on one of the displays and all the geeksquad guys gather around in awe...06:07
ploomWGGMk, MS won't be in trouble too much - the last thing theyll do would be reinventing some special form of open source'ry too06:07
ploomWGGMk, actually they already have the license texts available - google for Microsoft Open Source ;-)06:08
xGeekSmall business applications are the same basically across all platforms.06:08
Darkmysterefragged_: Well i tried running in terminal it waits a free seconds asks for pass (using gksudo) And then it returns command prompt leaving me with no window..06:08
WGGMkploom: i was referring to Apple going Open Source06:08
fragged_xGeek, the difference in many areas is still the lack of support, where I'm working now we have discussed running linux, but as I am only a temp, and the only one with a clue (and not an extensive one) about the OS and how stuff works both in house and likely in-town, it'd be hard to get any support once I'm gone,06:08
UnWorthysomeone goto that link and tell me if thats the way to fix the hal.dll?06:08
ploomWGGMk, and I was refferring to MS being in trouble (not)06:09
UnWorthyread it!06:09
UnWorthyIn RARE cases this may not solve the problem. When this happens you have 3 choices.<06:09
UnWorthy1. Copy the hal.dll file from another system to C:\windows\system3206:09
UnWorthy2. Perform a repair installation of Windows XP06:09
UnWorthy3. Format and Reinstall Windows XP onto the system06:09
FloodBot1UnWorthy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
unagi_anyone know what kdes default battery applet is called?06:10
WGGMkfragged_: your adding another element to the equation though. support....06:10
UnWorthyoption number 3 was the only options...after installing ubuntu!06:10
WGGMkUnWorthy: why dont you try the solution that is presented yourself to see if it works????06:10
UnWorthyI did06:11
ploomfragged_, last time for you to train an apprentice06:11
UnWorthyit didn't work...expanding the hal.dl_ to c:\windows\system32\hal.dll DID NOT WORK06:11
UnWorthyone of the "rare cases"06:11
WGGMkUnWorthy: then put the Windows CD and repair the OS.. its an option06:11
UnWorthyso what then? if it's a "rare case"06:11
naitseHi, need little help06:11
UnWorthyI did not recieve that option06:12
fragged_WGGMk, dont get me wrong, I would avoid using a windows network long term as a preference but as far as the original argument went, you think M$ is crap because of instabilities? the server editions in particular are relatively good at core stability but it also comes down to drivers which are to do with the venedor anyway06:12
UnWorthyI got reinstall06:12
Greevousanyone know what app is used to play system sounds? As in running a command to play a specific sound06:12
WGGMkUnWorthy: have you heard of the term PEBKAC?06:12
UnWorthyno I have not06:12
UnWorthyplease enlighten me06:12
naitsemy desktop is more big than the monitor screen... and i must use the mouse to see the edges :S06:12
UnWorthymore big?06:12
UnWorthyor bigger?06:12
fragged_naitse, nvidia-settings, or set the resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:13
WGGMkUnWorthy: I would suggest you re-read (carefully) the solution. then research on how you can "repair" your operating system06:13
UnWorthyyeah...yeah it's bigger06:13
ploomUnWorthy, well - you still have your partitions? Can you see the other files in your windows partition??06:13
naitsei installed the nvidia video driver06:13
naitseyhea bigger06:13
DarkmystereOk,now im getting somewhere its saying wasnt configured correctly but when i run the command it says file not found06:13
ploomGreevous, there are many options, one of them is aplay06:13
UnWorthybut see something odd happens...in the recovery console I can't axx my 2nd HD06:13
UnWorthymy "storage" hard drive...06:13
Greevousploom: is aplay installed by default?06:14
UnWorthyotherwise I would make a copy of hal.dll and put it on the other drive06:14
WGGMkfragged_: well yes and no. My personal opinion is MS is crap. I dont like them. my profession experience is that my companies Windows 2k3 servers are crap06:14
mandelhy there06:14
UnWorthymy teacher is the biggest MS fanboy alive,,,06:14
UnWorthy'barely knows wth linux is...he knows its around but thats it...06:15
ploomGreevous, umm - it comes with alsa I believe06:15
ploomGreevous, alsa-utils could be the package - I dont remember exactly06:15
soneilWGGMk: you make me happy I don't touch software at all at work.   I'm still working on getting even further from computers professionally tho.  perfect way to ruin a good hobby06:15
ePaxIts "barely" that 95% of earth population knows what linux is.06:15
Greevousploom: okay, thank you very much06:15
nemilarUnWorthy: you realize that is about 97% of the population06:15
nemilar100% of the population of people that have used the internet, have used linux,though ;)06:16
mandelcan help me somebady with instaling the zapp z010 modem...?!06:16
WGGMksoneil: is does make it difficult to log on my computers/servers at home06:16
ploomGreevous, in ubuntu it depends on your sound settings, but alsa should work always and esd would be just on top of that06:16
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fragged_WGGMk, I near-agree with you, but Linux also has some flaws, and while instability is not one of them, unfortunately usability, public knowlege and specialized knowlege are. This will change in time and unless Windows comes up with some incredible stuff in the next decade I can see Linux taking more of a buisiness share06:16
WGGMksoneil: in fact i have an issue (for about 2 weeks now) with DansGuardian not being able to start and have no desire to trouble shoot it untill today.. and even then im distracted by other's situations06:17
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ploomfragged_, still - how about mentoring apprentice some day?06:17
=== Juzzy is now known as Juzzy`
=== deme_ is now known as deme
fragged_ploom, I'm 17, theres still a bit of time for that ;)06:17
ePaxubuntu + nvidia = what a l000ve06:18
musikgoatthere isn't a default vnc server in xubuntu?  any recommendations ?06:18
Juzzy`I've just used gparted on a live cd to extend my / partition from 10gb to 20gb06:18
Juzzy`But once i reboot it still only shows 10gb06:18
UnWorthythats weird...one of the possible fixes for a hal.dll error is to....bootcfg/rebuild and a fixboot?06:18
WGGMkfragged_: in comparison to servers.. I believe Linux will always be a more powerful OS. but your right.. Linux does have a long way to go before coming into the Desktop area. but you must admit that the dev's with Ubuntu (lets not forget Debian) are definatly stepping up the game06:18
fragged_musikgoat, VNC is VNC, I mean afaik its a standard protocol, any crap server will be nuked and so your left with a few good ones06:18
Juzzy`gparted shows 20 though06:18
ploomfragged_, I hope you have part-time job next to school then :-) 26 here...06:18
UnWorthybut but but...what does hal.dll have to do with a fixboot??06:19
fragged_ploom, In australia, doing a TAFE certificate, school + work part time, and hopefully uni next year =)06:19
Juzzy`When resizing a root partition do you need to tell it to use the new free space?06:19
fragged_UnWorthy, hal.dll is to do with windows #windows may help more06:19
ploomfragged_, cool - I have a friend at Australia too - almost for a year now. Studying and working.06:19
Juzzy`<- Adelaide, Australia06:20
UnWorthyoh thats the answer06:20
musikgoatdifferent utilities sometimes work better in different desktop env, I'm running ubuntu, but my lab partner is running xubuntu on our machine,  anyone recommend a good walk through to help him, or a command line install that I can do?06:20
UnWorthyf off06:20
fragged_Juzzy`, I do believe I've seen your alias before, valhalla yes?06:20
Juzzy`Yes :P06:20
UnWorthyto #windows right?06:20
WGGMkso, Im having an issue with DansGuardian hanging on start (sudo /etc/init.d/dansguardian start) and im missing the *.pid file in /var/run. anyone have a clue?06:21
ePaxUnWorthy: Whats the problem? Do you have dualboot and cant boot MS?06:21
UnWorthyno I did06:21
UnWorthyand I want to reinstall ubuntu06:21
fragged_musikgoat, XUbuntu is very similar to Ubuntu, like its still using apt synaptics etc so if he is learning just install whatever your using to show him, let him make his own software choices once he's more confortable with his new os :)06:22
UnWorthybut when I installed it for a dual boot I had to format and reinstall windows...and ubuntu...06:22
ePaxUnWorthy: Ok. Install win first then ubuntu.06:22
WGGMkUnWorthy: no one is telling you to "f off" nor is anyone NOT giving you solutions. YOU are failing to take the advice thats being given to you. Your missing hal.dll. a mate in here told you its a problem with boot.ini (being outdated) and you would need to repair it so it know's where hal.dll is06:22
musikgoatfragged_: good point06:22
ePaxUnWorthy: If you have problems with boot you can fix them without reinstalling any of your systems.06:23
UnWorthyI'm on XP06:23
Juzzy`fragged_, why won't linux recognise that i've resized my partition from 10gb to 20gb06:23
UnWorthywith a bootcfg/rebuild and a fixboot?06:24
WGGMkJuzzy`: what do you mean resized?06:24
UnWorthyor a fixmbr?06:24
Juzzy`resized the partition useing gparted06:24
fragged_Not entirely sure, I stay away from partitioning D:, hell I lost my vista cd with my laptop (and later found it scratched up and tossed it aside anyway :P)06:24
ePaxJuzzy`: Its meybe resized but not mounted. Gparted can fix that.06:24
WGGMkJuzzy`: is it partitioned with a file system?06:24
Juzzy`ePax, it has to be mounted, i'm using it06:24
Juzzy`I just resized the extfs to 20gb06:25
WGGMkJuzzy`: have you tried restarting?06:25
Juzzy`i'll try again but dunno if that'll fix anything06:25
Juzzy`gparted shows 20gb06:25
Juzzy`but it still shows the same amount of free space as before resizing06:25
WGGMkJuzzy`: all on the same partition?06:25
UnWorthy•ePax• how would I fix a hal.dll problem...I tried expanding the hal.dl_ from the recovery console...and I tried a fixboot06:25
Juzzy`WGGMk, its all on the same drive06:25
UnWorthyI'm not interested in some MS tech support I just don't want to have to reinstall AGAIN if I'm going to install ubuntu AGAIN06:26
fragged_UnWorthy, this is LINUX chat, not windows WINDOWS CHAT IS FOR WINDOWS06:26
UnWorthyI'm not interested in some MS tech support I just don't want to have to reinstall AGAIN if I'm going to install ubuntu AGAIN06:26
WGGMkJuzzy`: are there multi OS's or just Linux? which parition? swap, root?06:26
Juzzy`I've got XP, Linux, Swap, Data(ntfs)06:26
Juzzy`in that order06:26
Tobias92Hey ubuntu people. The built-in drivers seem to load my WinTV USB tv-card but when I try to play /dev/video0 with mplayer, it dies without an apparent reason06:26
WGGMkJuzzy`: when you installed Linux, did you custom partition or is everyone on root and swap?06:27
ePaxUnWorthy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60523406:27
=== fragged_ is now known as fragged
Juzzy`I just did 10gb manual partitoin for / and auto for swap06:27
WGGMkJuzzy`: not to be rude but did you resize / or swap?06:28
Juzzy`i resized / from 10 to 20gb06:28
fraggedJuzzy`, read pm (Unrelated to personal chat) you also need to identify to nickserv to respond =)06:28
WGGMkJuzzy`: fdisk -ls in terminal might need sudo (pastebin your output06:28
Juzzy`i'll add you06:28
Juzzy`WGGMk,  i'll do that, gimme a min06:29
bod_doea anyone know where i can get the source code for tuxeyes?06:29
fragged=) brb06:29
kahrytanWhereis the Source list for apt?06:29
fraggedbod_, generally Gentoo repos are a good place for sources =)06:29
WGGMkkahrytan: /etc/apt/sources.list06:29
bod_fragged, hey, whats a Gentoo repo?06:29
Juzzy`WGGMk, http://pastebin.com/d3dc4f34c06:31
baalsgatehi is there a specific place where the user is setup for automatic login to x with mythbuntu ?06:31
bod_baalsgate, try asking in #mythbuntu06:32
WGGMkJuzzy`: odd, /dev/sda2            1308        3850    20426647+  83  Linux06:33
ta1Any Pros/cons for Grub2?06:33
WGGMkJuzzy`: says its 20gis06:33
Juzzy`but when I look in Computer, it says 10gb06:33
WGGMkJuzzy`: was this previously unpartitioned space before?06:33
Juzzy`this was my 10gb linux partition06:34
Juzzy`i simply resize/moved my data partition06:34
Juzzy`and moved the swap partition06:34
WGGMkJuzzy`: yes, what im saying is where did the extra 10gb come from? was the NEW 10gb's previously unpartitioned06:34
Juzzy`and resized the / partition to 20gb06:34
bod_fragged, whats a Gentoo repo?06:34
Juzzy`WGGMk, nah it wasn't06:34
UnWorthy[1:27am] <UnWorthy> it was the strangest thing06:35
Juzzy`the new 10gb came from space i freed up06:35
UnWorthy[1:28am] <xwin> HAL.DLL? May be you tried to install Ubuntu ?06:35
UnWorthy[1:28am] <UnWorthy> yes06:35
UnWorthy[1:28am] <UnWorthy> !!06:35
UnWorthy[1:28am] <xwin> yeap!06:35
UnWorthy[1:28am] <UnWorthy> what what?!06:35
FloodBot1UnWorthy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
bod_!enter | UnWorthy06:36
ubotuUnWorthy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:36
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !English - and most importantly, use common sense...06:36
Juzzy`!askthebot wtf06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about askthebot wtf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:37
Juzzy`!askthebot Why can't I see my extra 10gb on my / partition now that i've resized it?06:37
Juzzy`ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:37
WyrmulI am trying to get grub to boot from my second hard drive.  I have added http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54180/ to my menu.lst.  If I unplug my linux drive my windows drives boots just fine.  any Ideas?06:37
WGGMkJuzzy`: sorry to say bud, im stumped. if you resized the appropriate things, then i dont see why it would not be registering.06:37
Juzzy`cheers anyway06:38
Juzzy`might just see how i go about re-installing ubuntu06:38
Juzzy`I just wanna play TF2 on ubuntu :P06:38
Juzzy`If I can do that, I can pretty much say goodbye to windows ;)06:38
WGGMkI play GW's on Ubuntu nicely06:38
Juzzy`i've got CS:S running on it without a problem06:38
Juzzy`wine is win :P06:38
WGGMkit has come a long way for sure06:39
Th3CountHello, I've been searching the forums and can't find the answer to my problem. This problem has occured on 2 computers for me, Once was a C2D6300, 4gb Ram, Geforce 8800 GTS-640mb, X-FI Platinum, mobo: Intel DG965WH. and on my new build same hardware but a C2Q6700 and an Intel DG33TL. installing using 7.10 amd64 alternate cause i don't see one that says specific for intel. installs fine via text mode but when it tries to boot i get06:39
Th3Countan error saying 'Failed to allocate mem resources' I have pulled all the ram tried w/1 stick at a time and same thing06:39
zezucan linux mount software raid0 made with windows admin. disk util. panel ?06:39
Juzzy`Considering I can play CS:S on my laptop at the same fps in unbuntu under win as i can in windows06:39
* Juzzy` downloads ubuntu alternate to begin reinstall06:42
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Juzzy`Wow, quiet in here06:44
Juzzy`You guys must really like these times06:44
WGGMkyea ill say..06:45
soneilit's 6am.  it oughta be quiet06:45
Juzzy`Its 5:15pm here06:45
soneilyeah, I have this real arrogant thing going where I just assume GMT is the "right" timezone :)06:45
WGGMk1:45 AM here06:45
Juzzy`WGGMk, don't you have to work tomorrow?06:46
WGGMkJuzzy`: yup.. 2nd shift..06:46
WGGMkJuzzy`: not due in for 12 hours06:46
Juzzy`easy stuff then06:46
Juzzy`I'm on annual leave :P06:46
robiertoquestion: i need to improve my keyboarding skills.  does anyone know where i can find the finger placement for each key?  i downloaded a bunch of typing programs but they don't show you how to place your hands and such.  Any help would be appreciated06:46
Juzzy`so you came into #ubuntu?06:46
z1mI am in need of help connecting to my wireless network.  must be done command line and with wpa.  anyone feel up to the challenge?06:47
WGGMkASDF = pinky, ring, middle, index06:47
scorphusI'm using gutsy and metacity won't run after I'm logged in, please help.06:47
WGGMkJKL;= index, middle, ring, pinky06:47
WGGMkSPACE = thumbs06:47
Juzzy`robierto, http://www.electronicsshowplace.com/images/isimages/DH64331.jpg06:47
soneilrobierto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch_typing   (seriously, they have a good map)06:47
Juzzy`Just change to dvorak :P06:48
naitsehow do i shut down the Xserver06:48
WGGMkzlm: is there a reason it must be done with command line?06:48
WGGMknaitse: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:48
Juzzy`/etc/gdm/init.d stop06:48
naitsecool thanks !!06:48
Juzzy`And I got it wrong :(06:48
WGGMkneed sudo though Juzzy`06:48
z1mwggmk:because I am running the server release and have nothing else06:48
Juzzy`sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:48
Juzzy`What kind of server runs wireless?06:49
WGGMkzlm: your connecting wirelessly with a server??? seems odd06:49
Juzzy`SNAP :P06:49
z1ma personal use one06:49
robiertosoneil, very nice06:49
WGGMkzlm: im not sure i can help you via command line..06:49
Juzzy`I haven't got my wireless working on ubuntu yet, its on the list of todos06:50
sapperjanko1hey all, im having some probs with samba and been able to write to it, i can log in as the user and see where i wanna b... this is what is in the config file... [MyFiles] - create mack = 0644 - writeable = yes - path = /var/www - write list = travis,mark,@mark,@travis - force group = mark - force user = mark - directory mode = 0755..... the - is for a new line... any ideas whats goin on here06:50
z1mwggmk would you consider yourself generally good with wireless?  any help would be good because Ive followed tutorials and now dont know what to do06:50
sapperjanko1any idea on y it comes up with write protection06:50
WGGMkzlm: with a GUI to use, yes "generally" good.. i would recommend against serving via wireless though06:51
appcinehello. how do I find a package using apt-get? like, I know that I want to install "psycopg", but it's not called excactly that..06:51
WGGMkJuzzy`: 7.10 + restricted drivers manager shoudl get your wireless going very easily06:51
clarke8Hi all, Can somebody answer a couple of questions about STARDICT dictionary?06:51
blackvdthis is off topic but I was just curious if anyone in here knows how to open bash in OSX?06:51
musikgoatappcine: apt-cache search06:51
appcinemusikgoat: Much obliged06:51
z1mWGGmk i dont have the option of ethernet where my box is and the sverer is really only going to  be for me to use, if wireless goes down nobody is going to need access anyhow06:51
seoni have a svn on my server and from my client i can execute a checkout but when i execute a commit i have the message : path_join: Assertion `is_canonical(base, blen)' failed.06:51
robiertosoneil, the map says "From open-source GNU licensed linux software program Ktouch."06:51
soneilblackvd: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app06:51
Juzzy`I have a newish Intel wireless ABGN chipset in my laptop WGGMk ..06:52
appcineclarke8: Press cmd+space and type in "terminal" in spotlight06:52
blackvdsoneil: thanks06:52
WGGMkJuzzy`: ahh06:52
robiertosudo apt-get install ktouch06:52
robiertowrong window06:52
appcineclarke8: or: Applications -> Utilities06:52
clarke8what for?06:52
WGGMksapperjanko1: can you pastebin your samba.conf or smb.conf i forget which it is06:52
WGGMkzlm: couldnt you move the access point?06:53
sapperjanko1WGGMk: pastebin :S06:53
=== verselet_girl is now known as ChA_bAe
WGGMksapperjanko1: ?06:54
clarke8 The question is about group-managing in stardict.I successefuly added the new group, but when I try to drag some dictionaries from the default group to the new one, nothing happens.06:54
z1mWGGmk no, there ais one machine (not mine) with no wireless hardware and I can't really move my box to it because I am not at my own place and my mother would go crazy on me if I asked her if i could have a computer outside my own personal space (I tend to overflow that kind of stuff often and she doesnt like the mess I leave, much less a permanent "mess")06:54
sapperjanko1WGGMk: what do you mean with pastebin, im still learning ubuntu here06:54
sapperjanko1<< :( just a n00b06:55
panfisti have some old computers laying around and I was wondering if anyone had an opinion, which computer would give me better performance, a 2800+ athlon or 3ghz pentium 406:55
panfistfor playing h264 video mostly06:55
WGGMk!pastebin | z1m06:55
derek_when i try to use flash in firefox it wont work and when i install it it still doesnot work06:55
ubotuz1m: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:55
clarke8What is the best channel to ask a question about Stardict?06:56
WGGMksapperjanko1: did you see the !pastebin06:56
elninjaFor some reason, I can't resize windows by dragging on the bottom edge. Only the corners and top, left, and right edge... Any idea what setting would cause this?06:56
derek_guys flash wont work in firefox06:56
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z1mwait, what am I supposed to be pasting?  I also cant pastebin because I am using two different machines right now.  I dont think that was directed at me though06:56
derek_help please06:56
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschiob
WGGMkderek_: did you install the flash plugin?06:57
=== Kwitschiob is now known as Kwitschibo_
WGGMkz1m: no it wasnt sorry06:57
WGGMk!pastebin | sapperjanko106:57
ubotusapperjanko1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:57
derek_WGGMk i installed it but it still wont work06:58
Juzzy`derek_, did you just installit now?06:58
sapperjanko1ahhh, well there ya go, didnt know about that nice little tool06:58
WGGMkderek_: did you close firefox and reopen it afterwards?06:58
derek_Juzzy and WGGMk I installed it and followed all the instructions and restarted firefox but it still wont work06:59
Em3raldMcSquizzyHELP!  First off, I am not a total newb :D ... so here it is:  I was recently messing with trying to fix my monitor's resolution (long story), and have more-or-less returned to how it was before I started.  Now, however, when I click to start Tremulous ... nothing happens.  As in, no errors, no processes, just nothingness, as if I never clicked on anything ... how to make trem go?06:59
WGGMkderek_: what instructions?? are you using amd64 or x86 ubuntu?06:59
WGGMksapperjanko1: are you trying to write to the directory "My Files"07:00
sapperjanko1WGGMk: yes07:00
derek_WGGMk i installed the plugin but when i try to view a page it says i need to install the plugin buy when i press it, it says it is already installed07:00
WGGMksapperjanko1: try changing the line "create mack =" to "create mask ="07:00
sapperjanko1WGGMk: that should be my /var/www folder07:01
WGGMkderek_: sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree07:01
derek_WGGMk ill try it07:01
WGGMkderek_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:02
sapperjanko1WGGMk: hmmm, didnt see that typo LOL07:02
WGGMksapperjanko1: 2nd eye's are often those of gold07:02
WGGMksapperjanko1: lemme know if it resolves the issue07:02
TheBuzzSawquick question07:04
sapperjanko1WGGMk: On my vista box it comes up saying "You need to have permissions to perform this action"07:04
derek_WGGMk it said purge was not reconized as a command07:04
WGGMkEm3raldMcSquizzy: what is Tremulous? have you tried to run it in terminal?07:04
TheBuzzSawHow do I restart my apache server from the console? I changed the php.ini a bit.07:04
TheBuzzSawmy localshot07:04
WGGMkTheBuzzSaw: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:04
sapperjanko1sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:04
TheBuzzSawThat's right. Thank you!07:04
WGGMkderek_: standby07:05
sapperjanko1WGGMk: lol just a n00b but workin the codes out ;)07:05
WGGMkderek_: purge is most definatly a paramater for the remove command07:06
pawanhow to install equilizer in audacious07:06
nemilaraudacious has a built-in equalizer07:07
nemilarit's the same as the winamp one, really07:07
derek_WGGMk i did it this is what it says07:07
WGGMkderek_: the enter line should be "sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree"07:07
derek_Download done.07:07
derek_md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz07:07
derek_The Flash plugin is NOT installed.07:07
WGGMksapperjanko1: have you restarted samba since you made the change??07:08
WGGMksapperjanko1: if not.. "testparm" then "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"07:08
sapperjanko1WGGMk: restarted AND stopped and started07:08
UnWorthyso it's quite common for ubuntu to destroy the hal.dll07:08
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
UnWorthygoogle ubuntu hal.dll07:08
UnWorthywhat do you mean?07:09
UnWorthywho are you trying to convince?07:09
sapperjanko1WGGMk: back in a min, im just gunna go n jump on the server in the shed, and the other comp there for irc07:09
UnWorthythat happens when ubuntu is installed...07:09
UnWorthyyeah it is a windows error07:09
UnWorthythat happens when I install ubuntu07:09
WGGMkUnWorthy: reword your statement07:09
bazhangUnWorthy: please visit ##windows07:09
soneilUnWorthy: that happened when you changed your partition layout.    why you changed your partition layout is totally incidental07:10
WGGMkUnWorthy: UnWorthy: so it's quite common for ubuntu to destroy the hal.dll07:10
WGGMkUnWorthy: Ubuntu.. has DONE NOTHING to Windows07:10
UnWorthylets say it's not the first time07:10
bazhangofftopic UnWorthy07:10
UnWorthywho the F are you?07:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:11
UnWorthythe offtopic police?07:11
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:11
WGGMkUnWorthy: perhaps you should of shrank your Windows partition inside of windows to give space for Ubuntu, hence not effected your windows hardware layout07:11
viniciusanyone knows how to make VIM scroll lines like gedit, kedit or notepad (by viweing lines, not by file lines)07:11
soneilCurious, does ubuntu have ntfs-write out of the box yet ?07:11
UnWorthyI think it's because I put ubuntu on the 2nd partition of the 2nd hard drive07:11
WGGMksoneil: 7.10 does07:12
UnWorthynot on my primary hard drive with xp on it07:12
robiertoUnWorthy: is microsoft employee07:12
UnWorthybut a storage drive07:12
UnWorthyhaha ok mexican07:12
bazhangrobierto: heh07:12
UnWorthygo learn to type07:12
UnWorthylil ho07:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:12
bazhangUnWorthy: please stop07:12
UnWorthyah yi yi me need to learn to type07:12
robiertoUnWorthy: i was just joking around you don't have to be rude07:12
UnWorthyyou got burned07:13
UnWorthynow you say sry07:13
WGGMkUnWorthy: this is a support channel.. keep it that way07:13
UnWorthyCould it be....07:13
UnWorthythat I07:13
Kheldar^^/proc/sys/vm/bdflush dont exist on my ubuntu server installation, how to enable the parameter?07:13
robiertoUnWorthy: u are rude07:13
speeddemon8803You can get removed...you do know this right?07:13
bazhang!enter | UnWorthy07:13
ubotuUnWorthy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:13
jedimasterkIs it worth upgrading from 7.05 to 7.10, or wait for 8.0507:14
WGGMk1 could only pray speeddemon880307:14
UnWorthyinstalled it to the secondary hard drive and not the primary with xp on it?07:14
speeddemon8803its worth it jedimasterk07:14
speeddemon8803well worth it07:14
UnWorthyit's 7.0407:14
soneiljedimasterk: personally, I'd go from 7.04 to 7.10, if only because upgrading one version to the next is usually cleaner than skipping a version07:14
bazhangjedimasterk: 7.04 to 7.10 may be worth it for you; if you want long term support then 8.04 will have it07:14
WGGMkderek_: are you still here??07:15
robiertoUnWorthy: i am only asking about typing here because i am competent enough to have a perfectly functional and stable gutsy without ruining my partitions07:15
UnWorthylets hope they make a distro that doesn't distroy hal.dll07:15
UnWorthyI MADE A FUNNY! LOL07:15
Brinson7.10 has compiz built in so its much prettier. Why not upgrade? With ubuntu its really easy.07:15
pawanhow to install equilizer in audacious07:15
derek_WGGMk Im here07:15
UnWorthyso you are dual booting with xp robbi?07:15
jedimasterkUbuntu shipped me 7.04 cds instead of the 7.10 I asked for.07:16
* Brinson still thinks unworthy should try wubi. :-p Ubuntu Ultimate is just a package of apps you can apt-get, isn't it?07:16
WGGMkderek_: have you removed flash ??07:16
robiertoUnWorthy: absolutely07:16
UnWorthyare they both on the master?07:16
UnWorthyprimary drive?07:16
derek_WGGMk there was a bug but i looked on the forums and found a fix07:16
robiertoUnWorthy: ubuntu is on slave07:16
UnWorthyI tried that it didn't work07:16
derek_thanx for the help though07:16
jedimasterkI heard 7.10 had nvidia driver problems07:16
UnWorthyit distro-ed my hal.dll07:16
WGGMkderek_: ahh aight, very welcome07:16
UnWorthyI must be retarded...07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about report - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:17
UnWorthyyou know cause ubuntu worked fine...07:17
bazhangUnWorthy: if you have issues then that is likely on you; there are plenty of tutorials on how install a dual boot and numerous folks do it successfully07:17
robiertoUnWorthy: never had any issues like that so i can't help you07:17
UnWorthyyou guys with dual boots do you use grub for the loader?07:17
tumbleweed05omg. ubuntu with gnome and compiz rocks07:17
BrinsonAnyone here use Wine-Doors?07:17
robiertoUnWorthy: first time i heard something like that and yes grub07:17
tumbleweed05just replaced it with a hacked copy of XP. and i'm glad i did.07:18
UnWorthydoesn't ubuntu come with gnome?07:18
WGGMkPEBKAC = Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair07:18
tumbleweed05unworthy: yup07:18
UnWorthyso whats the big deal?07:18
derek_WGGMk just for next time here is the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63639707:18
BrinsonWine Doors seems to have things like Call of Duty...is it downloading a pirated version for me or what?07:18
UnWorthythats like say windows xp with media player is awesome!07:18
sapperjankoWGGKm: I get these errors coming up doing testparm... Unknown parameter encountered "server sting" "null password" and also "create mack" and with create mack, when it brings up the conf, it says create mask, and i have restarted the service a couple of times now07:18
WGGMkderek_: thanks mate07:18
bazhangUnWorthy: which was installed first?07:18
tumbleweed05lol shut up.07:18
UnWorthylol :P07:18
jedimasterkWill upgrading to 7.10 mess up my Automatix 207:19
robiertoUnWorthy: you are a bit quirky dood07:19
soldats!automatix | jedimasterk07:19
ubotujedimasterk: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »07:19
UnWorthyare you coming on to me?07:19
robiertoUnWorthy: your personality07:19
robiertoUnWorthy: i think i love you07:19
UnWorthymeet me in #xxxpass later ;)07:19
WGGMksapperjanko: standby, im gonna compare my config to yours.. what is your unltimate goal on write permissions?07:19
bazhangUnWorthy: if you describe your issue with some precision and refrain from the jibes you will get some help07:19
robiertoUnWorthy: ok07:19
foiblesfor some reason flash isn't working07:19
foiblesi can't watch youtube and such07:19
foiblesis something wrong with the repo firefox flash plugin?07:20
bazhangfoibles have you read the topic?07:20
soldats!flashissues | foibles07:20
ubotufoibles: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.07:20
sapperjankoWGGMk: what ya mean unltimate goal on write permissions]07:20
Th3Countis there a problem with the current distro of Ubuntu and Nvidia 8800 GTS chips?07:20
foiblesbazhang, i had not, thanks07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about n00b - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:20
bazhangUnWorthy: the install you have is dual boot correct? what is not booting? ubuntu or windows07:20
tumbleweed05thanks ubotu. i was wondering that too.07:20
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:21
Brinsonextract the tar file and put libflash.so or whatever in the firefox plugins directory...I think that's all the installer does, isn't it?07:21
WGGMksapperjanko: who do you want to be able to write to the directory? hint: its easier to lump everyone in a group instead of to specify individual user's07:21
sapperjankoim shocked that ubotu dont know what a n00b is07:21
SevensinsHello all ...can someon tell me if it is possible to create a list of all actaaull installed packages on a system to make it easy to reinstall it the way i want it configured?07:21
bazhangdpkg -l07:21
soldatsdownload tar extract and install via the terminal using the directions on adobes site07:21
UnWorthyI installed ubuntu on the 2nd partition of my 2nd hard drive (storage, NTFS) created a swap and fat32 partiton with the feisty fawn live cd...installed pulled it out...install finished..and grub came up loaded ubuntu...I restart to go into XP and hal.dll is gone...so I get my brother in law to help me...we do a fixboot, we try to expand hal.dl_ from the xp disk in recovery console...nothing worked had to format, reinstall and ubuntu didn07:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newbies - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:21
soldats!noob > sapperjanko07:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newbie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:22
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:22
UnWorthyt work after that...had to delete it07:22
Brinsonhaha, it knows something about them.07:22
bazhangBrinson: you can /msg ubotu in private please07:22
sapperjankoWGGMk: well i only have 2 users set up atm, but i want to have atlease one of the users been only a user to access the /var/www to update the website etc07:22
Sevensinssend me private07:22
Sevensins i give you guys some time to think and go for a fag now :)07:23
bazhangSevensins: dpkg -l in the terminal07:23
Brinsonsapperjanko: You can do that with groups, but I don't know the details.07:23
Sevensinsoh that was quick07:23
* Rabiddog heads off to IDLE in #edmonton-lug07:23
sapperjankosoldats: what the hell is the bot goin on bout in the IM box07:24
bazhangUnWorthy: you installed ubuntu on a ntfs partition?07:24
UnWorthybazhang:I went to #windows after eveyone told me to go there...because my problem was not with ubuntu......supposedly...and one of the guys there said "you tried to install ubuntu didn't you" he said he had the same thing happen he had to reinstall too...07:24
Sevensinsso far so good07:24
UnWorthydo you think it could be I'm not installing it to the primary hard drive...I doubt that could be it...but maybe07:25
UnWorthyman I need a white russian...07:25
Sevensinsbut how do i use the names retrieved now to make it a list of "to install" apps ?07:25
sapperjankoBrinson: yea thats y i was tryin 2 use it as user... i also do have webmin installed if that helps ya guys out. im still tryin 2 work out how 2 use that also07:25
UnWorthy•bazhang• ?07:25
adubhow do you use grep to find a certain string of text in a given file07:25
bazhangUnWorthy: could be an issue; though your explanation is not totally clear--you had an xp install first then installed ubuntu?07:25
odysseasadub cat /path/to/given/file |grep certain string07:25
Sevensinsfind <St> | grep <st.>07:26
WGGMksapperjanko: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54182/07:26
haofeng94is this ms sever real?07:26
bazhangsapperjanko: webmin is not supported by ubuntu have you considered ebox?07:26
WGGMksapperjanko: that should be the only things you need to specify to write to the directory07:26
haofeng94When will it be launch07:26
WGGMksapperjanko: what were the other things 'testparm' yelled about?07:26
bazhanghaofeng94: not really ontopic here07:26
svallHello how can i automatically mount a hard drive at start up07:26
Sevensinssvall youve got to aadd it to fstab where all filesystems are listed07:27
adubodysseas the file im trying to grep it just goes to the next line07:27
sapperjanko"server sting" "null password"07:27
Sevensinsread a wiki about that cos thats a huge topic07:27
svallok cheers07:27
Sevensinsin short just add mountpount ..type and uid to fstab07:27
adubi can just cat filename and the text shows but i want to search the file for only the word priority07:27
WGGMksvall: 2 ways, you can edit 'fstab' or edit 'rc.local' with a script IE: sudo mount /path/of/drive /mount/path"07:28
UnWorthyyeah xp first then ubuntu07:28
BrinsonDoes this IRC have a particular purpose or just general? I only found it because its the default of the IRC client.07:28
tparcinaDHCP IP address, but static DNS server - how to acheeve this?07:28
odysseasadub cat filename |grep priority07:28
bazhangUnWorthy: then why would you create another partition with feisty cd?07:28
bod_is there an admin about?07:28
WGGMktparcina: DNS will always be static07:28
UnWorthywhat do y0u mean?07:28
bazhangbod_: just us grunts ;]07:28
tparcinaWGGMk: DNS is the one that DHCP server has assing it07:29
WGGMktparcina: or are you trying to create a DNS server and you have an IP dynamically?07:29
tparcinaWGGMk: I would like to define my own07:29
UnWorthyI created a ext3 partition for linux, a swap partition and a fat32 osshare partition07:29
sapperjankoWGGMk: ill check it out, put what u have in there n go from there07:29
bod_bazhang, i got banned from !ot, but they said it was only 24hrs,, that was a week ago, im still banned07:29
bazhangUnWorthy: the installer will resize your windows install automatically07:29
WGGMksapperjanko: lemme know then07:29
UnWorthywhy would I want it to do that?07:29
tparcinaWGGMk: that it correct. I'm getting IP from DHCP server, but I would like to use DNS which I define07:30
WGGMktparcina: lets step back for a second. what are you trying to achieve?07:30
BrinsonYou get to pick its new size.07:30
UnWorthyto automate the process as much as possible?07:30
soldatsbod_, state your clame in #ubuntu-ops if noones there just wait07:30
bazhangbod_: you might go to #ubuntu-ops07:30
adubodysseas that as well goes to the next line07:30
bod_well,.,. i would post this in !ot, but it is ubuntu related,.,. can you check this out and let me no what you think07:30
* UnWorthy knows why the dude drinks white russians....07:30
odysseasadub I dont understand what you're trying to do07:30
bod_bazhang, soldats, cheers,.will do07:30
tumbleweed05hey how do i do a screenshot?07:30
UnWorthy•bazhang• why would I let it do that to the windows partition? to automate the process as much as possible?07:30
sisseckHi, anyone know of a opensource alternative to mathcad?07:30
soldatswith the screenshot button07:30
bazhangUnWorthy: I hate to say it but it seems that you have botched the install yourself--the automatic installer obviates the need and or risk of that--also, why not use gutsy gibbon 7.10?07:31
adubtry to print on my screen only one word and all instances of that word in console on my screen using cat and grep07:31
tumbleweed05soldats: a little more help lol.07:31
tparcinaWGGMk: I would like to get IP address from DHCP server and I would like to use another DNS server, not the one that DHCP server is telling me to use07:31
adubthe command completes goes to next line without output07:31
UnWorthyno reason07:31
Brinsonthe bg would look cooler in a non-small-laptop resolution07:31
WGGMktparcina: for what purpose though?07:31
UnWorthyjust was out when I d/l ubuntu07:31
UnWorthywhen I d/l it, it was the newest version07:31
WGGMktparcina: im having trouble understanding WHY you would need to do this07:31
odysseasadub then the word priority isnt in the file07:31
soldatstumbleweed05, somewhere in the menu there is an option. i dont use gnome  so i dont rememmber eexactly where07:31
soldatser button07:32
tparcinaI have tried to change /etc/resolv.conf but then when I restart it changes - it receives DNS information from DHCP07:32
shaarktumbleweed05: Applications->Accesories->Take Screenshot07:32
tparcinaWGGMk: I'm using VirtualBox, and his DNS server doens't work so I have to define the "real" one07:32
sapperjankoWGGMk: this is weird, put what u had in pastebin n still the same probs07:32
bazhangUnWorthy: you have a working xp install now? if so, then get the latest 7.10 and let it resize the install automatically--though you can tweak it a bit--much safer that way07:32
adubodysseas is it case sensitive on grep cat07:33
odysseasadub yeah07:33
sapperjankoi still did a testparm n that creat mack still popped up at me07:33
WGGMksapperjanko: stupid has it sounds, but you edit the #'s accordingly right?07:33
BrinsonHe's trying Ubuntu Ultimate, right...is that a live or alternate install?07:33
adubyeah i just found that out07:33
Brinsonalternative is a little harder with dual boot because of the lack of the nice UI07:33
WGGMktparcina: what do you mean it doesnt work? DNS is like a phonebook of servers, nothing more07:33
bazhangUnWorthy: it really is as easy as that--dl, burn iso to disk, restart from disk and it will see you windows install and take over from there.07:34
tparcinaWGGMk: do you know what is VirtualBox?07:34
adubnice thanks odysseas thanks for the heads up on the command line07:34
WGGMktparcina: i havent used it.. but its a virtual machine software if im not mistaken07:34
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bazhangtparcina: there is also vmware-server if you are interested07:34
tparcinaWGGMk: yes, that's correct. problem is that VirutalBox DNS server doesn't work. He doesn't respond to DNS requests.07:34
UnWorthyI want to try ultimate07:35
UnWorthybut ppl said it's not so good...07:35
tparcinaWGGMk: it's well documented. So I have to define some public DNS server07:35
UnWorthyis it because it's unsupported?07:35
sapperjankoWGGMk: thats all i got in there now under MyFiles07:35
WGGMktparcina: are you trying to connect externally to the virtual box DNS?07:35
tparcinabazhang: vmware isn't open source07:35
bazhangUnWorthy: then download it; though it is just as easy to install that stuff individually once you have ubuntu in place07:35
bazhangtparcina: it is in the repos though07:35
UnWorthydownload what?07:36
BrinsonDoes anyone here use Ares in wine?07:36
WGGMktparcina: you need to provide more information... where is the DNS.. where are you in relation to the DNS.. how are you trying to access it??07:36
bazhangtparcina: and for what its worth I have had bad luck with vbox; vmware-server just works here ;]07:36
tparcinaWGGMk: I just need to define DNS server on my machine07:36
nemilarWhat's the command to re-configure a package?07:36
nemilarthe dpkg command07:36
nemilardpkg --re-configure?07:37
vontuxhi, how would you use command line 7zip to join files you split with it?07:37
WGGMktparcina: edit /etc/resolv.conf07:37
UnWorthy•bazhang• download what? ultimate? I have it already...or are you talking about the software that comes with ultimate?07:37
tparcinabazhang: don't know that, but I'm preatty sure it's not open source. Please corect me if I'm wrong07:37
UnWorthyno it's not07:37
bazhangUnWorthy: you can download the ubuntu cd, the ultimate dvd or whatever flavor you like--though there is no real advantage to the latter afaik07:37
WGGMksapperjanko: hate to do this mate, but i think you need to head to #samba07:37
bazhangtparcina: but it is free ;]07:38
bazhangas far as I know UnWorthy07:38
tumbleweed05could an asus EEE pc run ubuntu and compiz?07:38
soldatsvontux, man 7zip       the commands and the how to should be there07:38
tparcinaWGGMk: I have edit /etc/resolv.conf but when I restart machine, then DHCP deamon deletes what I have entered there and puts informations that he has received from DHCP server07:38
bazhangtumbleweed05: yes; see #eeepc07:38
tumbleweed05thanks bazhang.07:38
tparcinabazhang: :) free != free :)07:39
WGGMksapperjanko: i cant seem to figure out why you cant write to it.. it could be that /var/www needs sudo to write to it07:39
UnWorthywhich version of VMWare is good for home use?07:39
bazhangtparcina: but the debil must have his due ;]07:39
WGGMktparcina: that is how you edit DNS records.. are you getting a different IP every time your restart your machien?07:39
sapperjankoWGGMk: i did testparm again, found another 2 typos, but still in there its comin up for "creat mack"07:39
UnWorthyjust messing around no real use...07:39
bazhangUnWorthy: server most likely07:39
UnWorthy.... :( I was downloading infastructure....07:40
bazhangUnWorthy: workstation costs money ;[07:40
WGGMksapperjanko: are you stopping samba before testparm?07:40
shaarkhow can I configure metacity?07:40
UnWorthyhow about infastructure....07:40
sapperjankoWGGMk: and i just found there there is 2 creat macks in that conf LOL, ill do the change n see how i go07:40
tparcinaWGGMk: no, I'm getting allways the same. And I guess I'll do what are you also thinking I should do - define static IP address  :)07:40
WGGMktparcina: the machine that NEEDS the DNS info, is it a virtual machine?07:41
bazhangUnWorthy: not sure what you mean by infrastructure--you are going to use this as a home server?07:41
UnWorthyso guys whats the one stop shop for open source goodies for ubuntu?07:41
sapperjankoWGGMk: i just got testparm coming up with NO, i repeat NO ERRORS07:41
UnWorthyno thats the name of the release07:41
tparcinaWGGMk: can you please tell me where do I define IP addres?07:41
SlartUnWorthy: synaptic?07:41
WGGMksapperjanko: =)07:41
UnWorthyVMware v3.5 infastructure07:42
tparcinaWGGMk: yes, that's virtual machine07:42
soneilvmware infrastructure is a $2000+ edition of vmware.  I don't think it's really aimed at the home market somehow ..07:42
bazhangUnWorthy: the software repositories, where almost all of the software we use is kept07:42
WGGMktparcina: how is your internet configured? Bridged or NAT?07:42
NeekuI'm laying music with "audacious" and I've got last.fm; but it doesn't scrobble the songs I play; what should I do?07:42
sapperjankoWGGMk: lol but still probs with the write error.. gunna go see if anyone around in the samba07:42
tparcinaWGGMk: forget it. I'll define static IP address07:42
UnWorthy$2000 program...07:42
WGGMktparcina: whatever07:42
Smegcan anyone recommend something like networkmanager for windows?07:42
mythtvis there an install for a realplayer for ubuntu ?07:43
WGGMktparcina: im 90% sure its not going to work07:43
tparcinaWGGMk: can you please tell me where I define it? /etc/ ?07:43
UnWorthythat would be the most expensive prog I'll ever not use07:43
=== max193 is now known as max`
onatsanyone here who has a laptop with working hibernate/suspend?07:43
sapperjankoUnWorthy: ya got ripped off, ubuntu is FREE07:43
mythtvsomething to play "rm " files07:43
WGGMktparcina: not a directory.. use ifconfig07:43
UnWorthyI mean never use*07:43
pawan_how to install rpm file07:43
NeekuI'm playing music with "audacious" and I've got last.fm; but it doesn't scrobble the songs I play; what should I do?07:43
tparcinaWGGMk: yes, but that's for one time only. I'll like to change conf file07:43
WGGMktparcina: no its not a "1 time only"07:44
WGGMktparcina: bring the device down.. and assign a static IP for it.. then bring the device up07:44
Slartmythtv: I don't know if there is anything in the repos.. but you can get realplayer from their site.. it's not as bad as the windows-version07:44
WGGMktparcina: then add the default gw07:44
sapperjankoSmeg: are you in a clan in australia07:44
bazhangpawan_: what file?07:45
tparcinaWGGMk: ifconfig eth0 netmask up ?07:45
pawan_xmms equilizer rpm file07:45
NeekuI'm laying music with "audacious" and I've got last.fm; but it doesn't scrobble the songs I play; what should I do?07:45
WGGMktparcina: im sorry i misread you standby07:45
Slart!alien | pawan_07:45
ubotupawan_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)07:45
tparcinaWGGMk: route add default gw ?07:46
WGGMktparcina: /etc/network/interfaces07:46
tparcinaWGGMk: ok, thank you :)07:46
bazhangpawan_: you would be better off using a more modern media player then risking installing an rpm07:46
pawan_which one07:46
WGGMktparcina: as for the gateway and ip.. i cant help you without knowing the network setup07:46
WGGMktparcina: apologize about instructing your to use ifconfig07:46
portablejimis there a way of making an app (and windows) stay on a particular Desktop?07:46
Smegsappperjanko: yes07:46
bazhangrhythmbox, amarok are two names that come to mind pawan_07:47
Alohaportablejim, make it sticky07:47
tparcinaWGGMk: everything's fine. I'll solve it now :)07:47
tparcinaWGGMk: thank you!07:47
portablejimhow about when it oped it opens to that desktop?07:47
Alohaportablejim, right click on title and select stick07:47
WGGMktparcina: welcome07:47
sapperjankoSmeg: wouldnt happen 2 be BoTM now07:47
Alohaportablejim, not sure07:48
tumbleweed05ok in the cube i put in the gears but want to change the colors of them. how do i do that?07:48
bazhang#compiz-fusion for that tumbleweed0507:48
tumbleweed05lol k.07:48
Alohaportablejim, its probably in window manager settings. i use xfce so i can't really help you with that07:48
mythtvhow do i install a .bin file ?07:48
power788Why does  this:     for i in `ls *`; do echo "$i"; done;   on the command line not print out each filename properly?07:48
portablejimAloha: there is no stick when I right click.07:48
Alohaportablejim, is there a button on the titlebar that brings down a menu?07:49
shaarkmythtv: ./filename.bin07:49
pawan_amarok no demux plugin error07:49
bazhangright click title bar portablejim07:49
Slartpower788: try "for i in $(ls *); do echo $i; done" instead07:49
_rubenpower788: whats 'not properly' in this case?07:49
Alohabazhang, he says that doesn't work07:49
power788_ruben: like it breaks each filename up by the spaces07:50
bazhangAloha: that is odd...07:50
_rubenpower788: ow wait .. didnt read properly .. why not use for i in * ; do .....07:50
soneilpower788: are there spaces in any of the filenames?   "for I in *" will probably get you further07:50
tumbleweed05is there a decent media player out there for ubuntu?07:50
Alohabazhang, yeah07:50
bazhangtumbleweed05: too many ;]07:50
Alohatumbleweed05, itunes on wine ;)07:50
UnWorthycrack smoker07:51
mythtvsays it needs libstdc++.so.507:51
tumbleweed05i don't feel like messing with wine.07:51
bazhangnot really nice UnWorthy07:51
UnWorthyoh sorry07:51
portablejimnot there. There is minimise, maximise, Move, resize, Always on top, Always on visible workspace, Move to workspace right, move to another workspace and Close07:51
UnWorthyare his feelings sensitive?07:51
bazhangtumbleweed05: you want movie or music or both in one?07:51
UnWorthydo they have something like winAMP for Ubun?07:52
power788soneil: yes there are, but once I do for I in *; how do I use each filename, $i?07:52
tumbleweed05prefferably both in one.07:52
True_FriendHi folks I just wanted to know where the Icons in KDE are located e.g. K Menue Icon (I want to replece the default one but couldn't find the path whrere it is located)07:52
=== chiriri is now known as Elda
soneilpower788: yes, exactly the same $I.   problem with "for I in ls ..." is that "a file with spaces in it" appears as 6 different matches.   for I in * works as expected07:53
bazhangthis is the gnome channel True_Friend ;]07:53
UnWorthyhey do they have something like winAMP for Ubun?07:53
dookdookcould someone point me to some resources for webcam capture and programming.  i.e. i would like to create a program to capture (and eventually display) output from the webcam07:53
bazhang#kubuntu may help though True_Friend07:53
cvdAudacious, xmms07:53
AlohaUnWorthy, XMMS07:53
WGGMkUnWorthy: xxms07:53
WGGMkxmms lol07:53
bazhangxmms is waaay old though07:54
AlohaWGGMk, almost ;)07:54
WGGMkAloha: ill get it next time haha07:54
UnWorthywell I like to have a music player...and a movie player...07:54
freyyrUnWorthy: VLC07:54
AlohaUnWorthy, VLC or mplayer are good choices07:54
WGGMkVLC is a very good choice07:54
UnWorthywhat for music?07:54
=== pawan_ is now known as pawan
bazhangamarok ;]07:55
freyyramarok for music all the way07:55
UnWorthythats for music?07:55
bod_i second amarok07:55
UnWorthyI thought that was video?07:55
WGGMkBanshee is my personal fav07:55
bazhangwoodsoul: support question?07:55
* Aloha has never used amarok. my sound card doesn't even work heh07:55
Alohastupid ISA bus ;)07:55
woodsoulmoc - console music player :]07:55
* bod_ thinks Aloha needs a new sound card07:55
UnWorthywoo....man this drink is like all vodka...07:55
Alohabod_, i'm open to donations ;)07:56
UnWorthysupposedly melatonin and alcohol don't mix....07:56
UnWorthywould anyone know?07:56
AlohaUnWorthy, #AA?07:56
WGGMkUnWorthy: try and keep it PG-13 bud07:56
bazhangUnWorthy: instructive but #offtopic07:56
bod_Aloha, ive got a 20 year old sound card you can have,.,. but its a bit primitive07:56
Alohabod_, does it work with ubuntu?07:56
bod_Aloha, errm,.,. it struggles with winbugs 9807:56
UnWorthymelatonin is the chemical your brain makes to tell you your tired07:57
Alohabod_, i'm taking that as a no? ;)07:57
tumbleweed05says amarok is designed for kde.07:57
tumbleweed05how about gnome?07:57
freyyrit runs fine on gnome07:57
UnWorthyand vokda is made from potatoes...how bad can THAT be??07:57
bazhangUnWorthy: why not get some sleep and come back then--this is a support channel07:57
sapperjankoGEEEE, heaps of ppl on the samba channel, but no1 talking07:57
cvdhey, usb wireless is working in ubuntu?07:57
Alohasapperjanko, thats IRC for you ;)07:57
UnWorthyI need some support!07:58
WGGMkUnWorthy: your talking in a public chat about using alcohol and pills.. this is totally unrelated to any SUPPORT topics.. and you should keep this questions to private chats and not here07:58
bod_Aloha, i havent actually tried it with Ubuntu, but i doubt it,.,. it workes fine for windows 3.007:58
sapperjankoAloha: yea when ya need help on a package, no1 is around to help out, they all RUN07:58
sizzlehahah that sucks07:58
Alohasapperjanko, its all fun and games until someone actually needs assistance ;)07:58
bod_!lol | UnWorthy07:58
ubotuUnWorthy: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:58
UnWorthysry I put lol right after that msg....07:59
sizzleI would help but I just started with ubuntu today vista sucks07:59
Alohabod_, you can ship it if you want shipping might be a tad expensive though ;)07:59
soneilbod_: most cards that age are sb16-compatible, and appear to work with anything that has an isa slot.  they rock.07:59
sapperjankoOMG really07:59
cvdyou dont have to use vista, use xp07:59
bod_UnWorthy, no worries,.,.;)07:59
bluefoxxhi, i have this old thinkpad im trying to boot  from cd on so i can use ubuntu on it, after having done some rather drastic repairs[soldered some stuff on its motherboard] but it will only boot from floppy. also it tells me "master IDE drive channel fail" and "configurement failure". what should i do, i heard theres a floppy i can make to boot from CD on older machines...07:59
Alohasizzle, yes it does. Vista did wonders for the apple and linux marketshare07:59
sapperjankohmmm we can go haha, ubotu didnt say we couldnt HAHA on there own07:59
UnWorthyI think this shouldn't be sooooo PG-13 at 3am eastern...am I wrong?07:59
bod_Aloha,its probably not worth the shipping cost08:00
bazhang!ot | UnWorthy08:00
ubotuUnWorthy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:00
soneilUnWorthy: It's Breakfast TV time here.  the internet isn't on EST.08:00
bod_soneil, ok,.,. but this is one of the first public sound cards ever released08:00
WGGMkUnWorthy: all walks of life from different parts of the world are all not residing in the 3 AM Eastern time zone08:00
Alohabod_, probably not ;)08:00
sizzleI am about to start a hacking class in school so we have to know a little about linux08:00
cvdi want to be a op08:00
bluefoxxUnWorthy, you know this is the internet, its a different time all over for everyone...08:00
UnWorthyI need the alcohol cause my wisdom teeth are coming in and I need the melatonin to help me sleep08:00
UnWorthywheres the crim08:00
UnWorthyit's quite harmless08:00
bazhang!install | bluefoxx08:00
UnWorthybut I'msorry....08:00
ubotubluefoxx: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:00
FloodBot1UnWorthy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
sapperjanko!e | UnWorthy08:01
ubotuUnWorthy: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.08:01
unagi_does anyone here run kde08:01
soneilbod_: fair enough.  after trying to get some soundblaster audigy monstrosity working, I just miss the old ISA sb16's is all :)08:01
bazhangsapperjanko: I think you want !b ;]08:01
UnWorthyoh hey....about my hardware working with ubuntu?08:01
_rubenunagi_: the ppl in #kubuntu most likely do08:01
unagi_and they arent answering08:01
unagi_so i thought id try here08:01
UnWorthywill my soundblaster audigy 2 ZS work?08:02
bluefoxxcan i get a link to the floppy for booting from cd?08:02
UnWorthyI've heard about the time it takes to get wireless cards working..08:02
bod_soneil, ;)08:02
=== unagi_ is now known as unagi
UnWorthywill my soundblaster audigy 2 ZS workon ubuntu?08:02
AlohaUnWorthy, wireless works pretty well. my linksys card works good08:02
ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone08:02
sapperjankoUnWorthy, its best just 2 have ya router next 2 ya box08:02
UnWorthycool ahola thats what I have08:02
UnWorthythe 801g?08:03
bluefoxxUnWorthy, probally, most things work without any or much trouble, drives seem to just be able to be pluged in08:03
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.08:03
WGGMkUnWorthy: you mean 802.11g08:03
UnWorthyand ATi video cards?08:03
UnWorthyty know it all :P08:03
bod_!enter | UnWorthy08:03
ubotuUnWorthy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:03
bluefoxxUnWorthy, ati is fuzzy in linux08:04
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation bluefoxx08:04
UnWorthyI'm taking a+ i SHOULD know that08:04
bluefoxxbazhang, ty08:04
WGGMkUnWorthy: im not a know it all.. its just information take it as you will08:04
Alohabluefoxx, whats best video card for ubuntu? Nvidia?08:04
shaarkUnWorthy: some issues with ati drivers and hibernate08:04
UnWorthywhat part of :P didn't you understand?08:04
bluefoxxAloha, pretty much08:04
UnWorthywho hibernates....thats for bears08:04
soneilUnWorthy: and laptops08:05
shaarkUnWorthy: laptops08:05
UnWorthytrue dat08:05
UnWorthyI'm sad my geforce 6600gt burned out...08:05
WGGMkUnWorthy: sorry im not familiar with implied expressions via text08:05
Alohawell technically desktops hibernate too, depending on power settings08:05
sapperjanko!hibernate | UnWorthy08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:05
bluefoxxbazhang, will that work in an text based browser?firefox kills my uptime for some reason[as soon as i exit it my system crashes]08:05
UnWorthylol kk GG08:05
Carbonfluxthere is also a issue with Audigy 2 cards and VLC which no one wants to admit too, that card works fine with other players but with VLC you get cracking a poping etc08:06
WGGMkUnWorthy: im acctually just a clever AI BoT for this chat room08:06
UnWorthy.....thats no es bueno08:06
bod_UnWorthy, please, this is not AIM08:06
bazhangbluefoxx: that is something I am not sure about--does this computer have an ethernet port?08:06
pablocpghello, i have a trouble, i can't acces to firefox, i remove and install again and it says :could not initialize the browser's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your browser's profile directory08:06
sapperjanko!ati | UnWorthy08:06
ubotuUnWorthy: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:06
sizzledoes ubuntu have a program like cain and abel08:06
mythtvcan i get the missing libstdc++.so.5 some how ?08:06
pablocpgi don't know how to solve it some body can helpme please08:06
UnWorthywhy is this not aim?08:06
UnWorthywhat did I do?08:07
bod_pablocpg, mark firefox for complete  removal in synaptic, then apply,. then install again08:07
bluefoxxbazhang, the one im trying to boot from?not built in, but i have a pcmcia ethernet adaptor on it08:07
sapperjankoWGGMk: LOL yea, u can talk back tho... ubotu cant08:07
mythtvis there a command like yum provides ?08:07
UnWorthyI said "no es bueno?"08:07
soneilpablocpg: uninstalling & re-instaling won't remove your user profile.  you might want to look for that (I think it's in ~/.firefox/ or ~/.mozilla/) and try moving that out the way08:07
pablocpgbod_, i did that but is the same problem08:07
bod_UnWorthy, just try and keep the lol,kk,GG, to a minimum08:07
WGGMkmythtv: google libstdc++.so.5 pacakages.. and look for and ubuntu page.. alternativly you can use getlib.. its on the forums somewhere.. sorry i dont have the link08:07
bazhangbluefoxx: the minimal install might do for you; see !minimal08:07
WGGMksapperjanko: thats just my Artifical Inteligence programming hahaha08:08
pablocpgsoneil, i should remove that?08:08
WGGMksapperjanko: equiped with typo's and misinformation on occasion08:08
UnWorthyI find the joining and leaving every 2 secs more annoying than a "lol kk"....but thats just me....08:08
soneilpablocpg: I'd move it somewhere else.  if it doesn't fix the problem, you can just move it back again.  nothing lost08:08
sapperjankoWGGMk: AHHH smart bot, LOL thats y u couldnt help me all the way, bc u was at the end of ya program for samba :P08:08
UnWorthy[3:08am] mbamford (n=mbamford@ has joined. «1117 people»08:08
bazhangUnWorthy: take the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic08:08
UnWorthy[3:08am] ryg9I (n=pavel@ has joined. «1118 people»08:08
UnWorthyEvkaz (n=Evkaz@ has joined. «1119 people»08:09
WGGMksapperjanko: yea, i need upgrades.. unfortunatlly im community maintaned pacakge08:09
bod_pablocpg, type    sudo apt-get check    to make sure your dependencies arent broken08:09
WGGMksapperjanko: which isnt really up-to-date atm08:09
bluefoxxbazhang, im not currently trying to install, as all the laptop hardisks i own at the moment are dead[clicked out] and i just want to boot it to see if my repairs worked, the cmos batt inside was snapped off and i had to re-solder it back on, it boots but wont boot cd08:09
sapperjankoWGGMk: bit like them IBM and Apple ads u see on TV huh08:09
WGGMksapperjanko: lol08:10
bazhangbluefoxx: wow that sounds serious--not sure how you can go about that not having had a floppy drive for nearly a decade ;[08:10
sapperjankoUnWorthy: if i remember, u can turn on/off the SYSTEM messages, and u wont see ppl coming n going then08:10
pablocpgsoneil, the result is :08:10
pablocpgReading package lists... Done08:10
pablocpgBuilding dependency tree08:10
pablocpgReading state information... Done08:10
sapperjanko!lol | WGGMk08:10
ubotuWGGMk: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:10
bluefoxxbazhang, i know i heard somewear about a floppy disk that will switch the boot to the cdrom drive for booting CDs on older systems08:11
bod_pablocpg, ok thats fine08:11
howtoowhat's eth1:avah NIC for?08:11
WGGMkUnWorthy: out of the 10-15 screen names that appear on my chat box.. you are there roughly 5 times..w hich would mean you are chatting 50% of the time i receive messages.. which is more annoying then hearing people leave and enter08:11
sapperjankoWGGMk: sorry i just had 2 rub that in there for ya08:11
pablocpgbod_, so what should i do to fix it?08:11
WGGMksapperjanko: hehe08:11
tokokWGGMk: he left08:11
bod_pablocpg, dunno,.,. im thinkin08:11
WGGMktokok: but for how long08:11
soneilbluefoxx: is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto   what you're looking for ?  ("I can not boot from my CD-ROM drive but I can read from it")08:11
sapperjankoOH so we all gunna see some quite time now he has gone08:12
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pablocpgsoneil how can i go to ~/.firefox?08:12
WGGMkpablocpg: "cd ~/.firefox08:12
odysseaspablocpg cd ~/.firefox08:12
bluefoxxsoneil, mayhaps... i shal check it out08:13
cvdhome then ctrl+h08:13
bod_pablocpg, are you installing normal firefox 2.0.0 or 3.0.0?08:13
pablocpgwggmk, i did that, but the folder doesn't exists?08:13
bluefoxxsoneil, errg..."404 not found" when i click the d/l -. -;08:14
pablocpgbod_, the firefox that is in the add soft from ubuntu08:14
sapperjankoWGGMk: with my samba, when i go into Webmin and have a look at that server it has the folder there and comes up like this.....MyFiles /var/www Read/write to travis,mark,group mark,group travis08:14
sapperjankoRead only to all other known users08:14
CaseyAnyone know a way to disable my CD eject button?08:14
bod_pablocpg, yer,. but both versions are in my synaptic,.,. use synaptic, and make sure your trying to use 2.0.008:14
WGGMksapperjanko: can you SSH into your server?08:15
bluefoxxCasey, short of physically taking it out with a de-soldering kit of some sort, i dont know08:15
pablocpgbod_, is the
sapperjankothats the same as telnet hey08:15
cpk1is there a more comprehensive wireless card list out there other than https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=wireless+cards&titlesearch=Titles08:15
bod_WGGMk, can you check the firefox folder,.,. its definately not in ~/.firefox08:15
=== JSharp_ is now known as JSharp
cpk1buying a wireless for my server/router and want one guarenteed to work08:16
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:16
bod_pablocpg, ok, yer thats the right one08:16
WGGMkbod_: try "locate firefox"08:16
UbubeginHei guys, i have installed apache2.2 from the synaptic manager... But I want the apache2.0 version instead.... how do i go about that08:16
WGGMkbod_: nice catch.. should be ~/.mozilla/firefox08:17
bod_WGGMk, thougt so,.,. dont locate it unless you want alot of reading,.,.theres firefox components all over my disk08:17
sapperjankoahh im gunna have an hour break all, gunna go throw me T-Bone on the bbq08:17
WGGMkbod_: hehe.. sorry about the misinformation08:18
bod_anyone know why i just get a black screen after i press install,.,. im trying ubuntu 7.10 on an IBM thinkpad08:18
soneilmy bad.   my stab at ~/.firefox was an educated guess because I don't have any GUI linux boxes anymore :/08:18
WGGMksapperjanko: do you have SSH setup on your server or no?08:18
WGGMkbod_: your trying to use the livecd?08:18
bod_WGGMk, no worries,. i remember looking for it once before,. so i tried ur cd ~/.firefox and didnt get anywhere,. and because its installed by default it has to be in the same place on his machine08:19
bazhangbod_: which thinkpad? have you seen thinkwiki?08:19
bod_WGGMk, yer08:19
bod_bazhang, its a black one,. no,. can you gimme a link?08:19
WGGMkbod_: do you get to the desktop or just the boot splash with options?08:19
gluonmanCan one record webcam sessions in kopete?08:19
bazhangbod_: ha a black one--model number?08:19
sapperjankoWGGMk: well i must have it all set up if i just downloaded putty and was about 2 connect :P08:19
bod_WGGMk, boot splash then i selected the top option (install) now 10 mins later i have a black screen08:20
bluefoxxsoneil, so the link [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto ] is what im looking for but this comp im on allready runs ubuntu, are there linux unstructions? i dont own windows XD08:20
bod_bazhang, i dunno,. where is the model no. located,.,. im not laptop savy im afraid08:20
WGGMkbod_: do you know how to give additional booting options? i believe its F608:20
bod_WGGMk, yer08:20
WGGMkbod_: add these lines "noapic irqpool noirqdebug"08:20
bazhangbod_: should be near the bottom of the screen08:20
soneilbluefoxx: dd if=theimage of=/dev/yourfloppy  (I don't know what devices floppies are, and you really, really want to doublecheck it before you splat data across it)08:20
WGGMkbod_: then hit enter and try that08:20
bod_bazhang,  T2208:21
bod_WGGMk, hang on gotta restart it08:21
soneilbluefoxx: dd replacing their rawrite instruction08:21
bluefoxxsoneil, ok, tyvm X308:21
WGGMksapperjanko: if you can ssh into your server with 1 of the user accounts your trying to write to the /var/www directory with.. then cd /var/www and try "mkdir test"08:21
bod_WGGMk,  by add these lines,. do you mean,.,. copy exactly what you wrote?08:22
WGGMksapperjanko: if it tells you that you dont have permission then samba wont let you write there either because it still defaults to the User account permission ultimatly08:22
sapperjankowell i have apache installed, and i can connect 2 the test webpage they have08:22
soneilbluefoxx: I can't stress the doublecheck bit enough.  I've written a 1.44Mb image over the front of a harddrive before.  it made me cry.08:22
sapperjankoas there is already a folder in there that i can see08:22
DrDerekanyone recommendations for web-server security testing?08:22
WGGMkbod_: yes/no.. if your on the top option.. Start/Install.. press F6 and you will see some lines already written.. just add what I wrote to the end of it and hit enter.. ("noapic irqpoll noirqdebug")08:23
bluefoxxsoneil, ouch, it wasnt your main hdd was it?08:23
soneilbluefoxx: one and only08:23
bazhanghttp://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installation_instructions_for_the_ThinkPad_T22 bod_08:23
sapperjankoWGGMk yea ya not wrong, cant write08:23
WGGMksapperjanko: no no.. can you login remotely with command line.. IE: ssh <username>@<ipaddress> (from command line or putty)08:23
bod_WGGMk, bazhang, cheers guys,.,. i gotta go to school now,.,. but il be back in about 6 hours r so,.,.lol,.,. cya08:24
WGGMksapperjanko: try changing your web directory to a folder that is WORLD writeable08:24
WGGMkbod_: did it work?08:24
WGGMkbod_: you cant keep me in suspence08:24
bluefoxxsoneil, eek, that had to hurt[i think i would cry too, given 60 gigs of video and 20 of games, 7 of music], BTW, how do i find the device path for my floppy?08:24
bod_WGGMk, dunno yet,. bazhang, whats a S3 savage chip?08:25
kaizhi people I have a problem for running ubuntu 7.10 live or ubuntu 7.10 server. Actually I tried to install the last one but after chooseing safe vga it gives me "[34.294861] PCI cannot allocate recource region 0 of device 0000:00:09.0" and then it starts loading but hangs. I think that is some hardware support problem, but anyway I can't get out of that situation. Any suggestions?08:25
bazhanghttp://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_on_a_ThinkPad_T21 this is what you really want bod_08:25
bod_bazhang, ty once more,.,. whats a S3 savage chip,.,.do i have one?08:25
bazhangbod_: need the alternate cd and follow instructions on that second link08:25
WGGMkbod_: best to listen to bazhang, using extra boot options can get messy08:25
bazhangmust be bod_08:26
bod_bazhang, ok,.,. il pull that down,. while im at school,.,. ty08:26
soneilbluefoxx: I'm pretty sure it's /dev/fd* ... my favourite is to put a floppy in, then file -s /dev/thatdevice and see if the floppy starts making fun noises.  it's harmless if it's wrong.08:26
bluefoxxsoneil, ok, that sounds good08:26
bod_WGGMk, its,.k ,. i kinda understand what those extra thingies do08:26
sapperjankoback later all, gunna go have tea08:26
WGGMkbod_: try bazhang's method first though08:26
bazhangWGGMk: that page is full of boot options ;] you are in the right here08:26
WGGMkbazhang: oh yea? go me then lol08:27
tumbleweed05ok. need some help with rhythmbox.08:27
bluefoxxsoneil, ok, got it, its /dev/fd008:27
tumbleweed05shows my itunes shared library on my mac but doesn't bring up any of the music.08:27
soneilbluefoxx: I impress myself.  I haven't had a floppy drive since 1998 :)08:27
bazhangsuch as kopt=root/dev/hda1 ro acpi=off apm=on WGGMk ;]08:27
bluefoxxsoneil, [strangly my floppy disk drive is about 10 years old and it still works great, dead silent too]08:27
bod_WGGMk,  too late,.,. i started yours a few mins ago,.,. but i think its hung08:28
soneilbluefoxx: it was never the drives that irked me.  it was finding doghair inside any disk that held valuable data08:28
bazhangtumbleweed05: you should know by now to give more info ;]08:28
amol1hi to all ,i have run this command ##udevinfo -a -p /sys/block/sda | grep DRIVER   it showing two different drivers are used by disk i.e. "sd" "scsi"..why two different driver it is showing for same device?08:29
ivan_can i ask java lib questions in this channel?08:29
Neekuin windows we had "ctrl+alt+delete", what keys do this in ubuntu?08:29
bazhangyou can ask... ;]08:29
soneilthese little usb sticks have changed my life.  they'll survive being digested by pets.08:29
ivan_Neeku: ctrl+backspace i think08:29
odysseasNeeku top08:29
Neekuivan_: no08:29
amol1Neeku:same but you have to enable it in inittab file08:30
ivan_Neeku: that will reset the window manager08:30
bazhangto restart X?08:30
cvdctrl+alt+backspace resset08:30
jekil i need a list of all ubuntu default usernames that be setted in /etc/passwd, there is one?08:30
kaizhardware support anyone?08:30
NeekuI want to see the list of task being run at the time and quite any of them I want08:30
bazhangctrl alt bkspc08:30
bluefoxxsoneil, lol, i have cats but that was living with my parents, i moved out last year and live with my grandfather now, no pets here[no fuzzy kitties but there i had no awesome computer to learn from and give me a career, lol], anyways, thanks for the help, ill give my new disk a try and let you know if it worked08:30
bod_bazhang,  im lost,.,. can you give me a link to the 7.10 ubuntu alternate download08:30
ivan_cvd: yea thats it didn't want to try =)08:30
bazhangtop Neeku08:30
Neekubazhang: top?08:31
Neekubazhang: what do you mean?08:31
WGGMkNeeku: right click on your tasbar and go to "add to panel" then select system monitor08:31
bazhangor htop neeku but you have to install it--run top from the terminal and ye shall see ;]08:31
WGGMkNeeku: it will add a system tray icon similar to Windows Task Manager08:31
ivan_Neeku: do u want to see proc. running ?08:32
bazhang!alternate | bod_ you should know this by now ;]08:32
ubotubod_ you should know this by now ;]: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal08:32
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download bod_08:32
bod_bazhang, i no what it is,. i didnt no where to get it,.,. the ubuntu site isnt very searchable,.,. cheers,. cya later08:33
NeekuWGGMk: ahhaa! thanks a lot08:33
WGGMkbod_: on ubuntu.com when you are about to download the CD.. there is check box for "Download Alternative CD"08:33
WGGMkNeeku: welcome08:33
WGGMksapperjanko: you still there??08:34
cjones__where is the sudoers fiel ?08:34
cjones__where is the sudoers fiel ?08:35
cjones__oops sorry08:35
soneilcjones__: /etc/sudoers   but I recommend using visudo.  it'll try it's best to stop you shooting yourself in the foot.08:35
soneilcjones__: (messing up sudo can leave you in a very sticky situation)08:36
cjones__soneil i have aroot account and dont want sudo enabeled for other accounts08:36
NeekuWGGMk: another problem! I can't find the process that doesn't let me eject my dvd08:36
WGGMkcjones__: keep in mind the root account is disabled in Ubuntu out of the box08:36
Neekuhow can I find it out?08:37
WGGMkneeku: there's a process STOPPING you from ejecting your CD? this sounds unlikly08:37
cvdPR here?08:37
jekil i need a list of all ubuntu default usernames that be setted in /etc/passwd, there is one?08:37
WGGMkcjones__: sudo is ONLY enabled for the original user when installing ubuntu for the first time08:38
WGGMkcjones__: I would recommend against using root for ANYTHING08:38
NeekuWGGMk: yeah. when I want to eject it, a message pops up that an application doesn't let it be ejected08:38
PaolinhoNeeku, is the dvdrom-drive mounted ?08:38
cjones__wggmk sudo passwd root turns it on08:38
soneilcjones__: if you don't need sudo fullstop, I'd just rename sudoers to sudoers.orig or something.  that way if the proverbial hits the fan, you've a quick-fix in singleuser boot08:38
NeekuPaolinho: yes08:38
PaolinhoNeeku, try sudo umount /media/cdrom08:38
Paolinho(or any other path, that leeds to your cdrom-drive)08:39
WGGMkcjones__: i know.. but you should NOT use it.. its not good security practices08:39
WGGMkPaolinho: not having hte CDROM mounted wouldnt stop it from opening08:39
cjones__if i cant brake my box ill never learn how to fix it08:39
AlamueHowdy, anyone know of any software that can be used with my HTC 6700 Pocket PC? Palm OS Devices does not work.08:39
bazhangcjones__: famous last words ;]08:39
cjones__ive also heard that sudo is not good sec pratice08:39
NeekuPaolinho: how can I find what the path is?08:40
WGGMkcjones__: these are just words of the wise.. root is locked for a reason... you can achieve the same via "sudo"08:40
Neeku(instead of cdrom)08:40
cjones__i can always reinstall08:40
cjones__this is just a learning box08:40
cjones__thanks guys for the help08:40
PaolinhoNeeku, less /etc/fstab and then look for your cdrom08:41
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WGGMkcjones__: gluck08:41
soneilIf you want trial by fire, any unix will give you all the rope you need.  just don't expect people to recommend it :)08:41
rcuhljranyone got a minute to help a complete linux newcomer out?08:41
bazhangmay as well throw automatix and envy on top08:41
WGGMkrcuhljr: shoot08:42
iambernieHello, is possible to make a shared folder of a dvd/cd device if there is no cd/dvd in it?08:42
rcuhljrsetting up kismet, and I'm looking to install new drivers for my wireless card08:42
WGGMkiambernie: you can share the mount path, but it wont go anywhere if there's no media inserted08:42
rcuhljrsince I believe the default ones are my current stumbling block.08:43
NeekuPaolinho: "not mounted"08:43
PaolinhoNeeku, and you can't eject it?08:43
WGGMkrcuhljr: what is kismet? what version of ubuntu are you running?08:43
rcuhljr7.10 x6408:43
rcuhljrKismet is a wireless network monitoring software.08:43
rcuhljrit just passively listens and detects networks08:43
WGGMkrcuhljr: have you tried restricted-drivers-manager?08:44
NeekuPaolinho: the dvd has some probelems so it cant be read. now i want to eject it but something doesn't let me08:44
bahmanHi everybody :)08:44
iambernieWGGMk: Do I have to do that in the shell, because I can't use the GUI to make the dvd device a shared folder if there's no cd in it. (using smb btw)08:44
rcuhljrWGGMk: Can't say that I know what that is08:44
PaolinhoNeeku, very strange, the only idea I got now, is to reboot your system and get it out before booting...08:45
WGGMkiambernie: you can make a share pointing to the mount path of the drive your sharing... edit the smb.conf file..08:45
cvdthe roms has a small hole, out something in it08:45
Neekuoh no!08:45
MiescoWhats better Debian or Ubuntu08:45
PaolinhoNeeku, I saw my system hang some time ago with an unreadable cdrom08:45
soneilNeeku: hdparm -L 0 /path/device should manually drop the lock flag.   it shouldn't be needed tho08:45
NeekuPaolinho: can't I find the application from the system monitor?08:45
iambernieWGGMk: Ok, thanks.08:45
bazhangNeeku: what about opening a cd burning app and then choosing eject from that?08:45
WGGMkrcuhljr: click System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager08:45
Ububeginwhats the diff between apache2-mpm-prefork_2.0.55-4ubuntu2.2_i386.deb & apache2-mpm-prefork_2.0.55-4ubuntu4.1_i386.deb  ..  the diff is ubuntu2.2 vs ubuntu4.1 ...08:45
rcuhljryeah just found it nosing around08:45
bahmanI have a problem with my Firefox in Ubuntu gutsy... when the ubuntu updated, firefox couldn't work with all my AddOns08:45
MiescoWhats you Ununtu user's opinion on Debian?08:46
WGGMkrcuhljr: does it say that wireless firmware is enabled?08:46
bazhangbahman: what version of firefox08:46
rcuhljrthe only thing it found so far is my video card.08:46
WGGMkMiesco: without Debian there is no Ubuntu08:46
bazhangMiesco: you ask this in #ubuntu?08:46
cvdubunut try to make it more easy? i dont know08:47
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bahmandear bazhang I thinks its now 2.1108:47
MiescoWord around is people in #Debian think they are better08:47
soneilMiesco: that's really difficult to get an unbiased answer to.  especially in here :)   but personally, I love debian for their thoroughness, and ubuntu for their fixed & predictable release schedule.   but I'm not a desktop user, and you know what they say about everyone having as*cough*opinions ..08:47
bazhangbahman: what version of ubuntu and what addons08:47
wyrmulI am trying to set the group of a folder?  I cannot determine the command.08:48
WGGMkMiesco: Debian vs Ubuntu is kinda pointless08:48
mohshamihey guys, how can I enable the progress bar in the command line ftp client?08:48
Paolinhowyrmul, chgrp08:48
UbubeginIt cant be diff version of ubuntu rite... since they both released in 2007.. is it the diff kernel versions08:48
Miescosoneil: Okay thanks, I have used Debian since forever and Ubuntu seems to be more up to date (more releases), I dont know, i'll probably just buy a laptop with Ubuntu already on it and keep this desktop Debian08:49
WGGMkMiesco: my suggestion is to try both08:49
UbubeginMiesco: Do Ubuntu vs Vista instead... :D08:49
netgearwhen installing ubuntu restricted-extras i get an error code (1) from sub process /usr/bin/dpkg how do i fix this?08:49
wyrmulPaolinho: k thanks08:49
MiescoUbubegin: You think vista or ubuntu is better?08:49
bahmanbazhang Gutsy, and all my AddOns could work up tp ver 3.0 FF08:50
UbubeginMiesco: what do you think ... :D08:50
sorenDoes anyone have a "AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+08:50
kaizokuWhat is CONFIG_X86_PAE=y for?08:50
MiescoVista makes me want to cut my wrists with dull glass08:50
sorenDoes anyone have a "AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+" CPU?08:50
kaizokuIs that an ubuntu specific option?08:50
mohshamiMiesco: Ubuntu hands down08:50
bazhangmore of a firefox issue bahman08:50
Ububeginwhats the diff between apache2-mpm-prefork_2.0.55-4ubuntu2.2_i386.deb & apache2-mpm-prefork_2.0.55-4ubuntu4.1_i386.deb .. the diff is ubuntu2.2 vs ubuntu4.1 ...08:51
Neekusoneil: what should I write instead of /path/drive ?08:51
Ububeginwhats the diff between apache2-mpm-prefork_2.0.55-4ubuntu look[2.2|4.1] here _i386.deb08:51
Ububeginwats 2.2 and 4.1 mean08:51
WGGMkgood night everyone08:52
MiescoYea I guess ubuntu is better, but windows aint bothering us, are they?  Why cant we just let them do their thing?08:52
Neeku /media/cdrom0 ?08:52
cvdintel or amd08:52
WGGMkFinal Note: Windows sucks..... they are a company built on lies and stolen goods08:52
WGGMk!lol | WGGMk08:52
MiescoWGGMk: Every hour im on windows I turn a little bit more homosexual08:53
bahmanbazhang So how could I solve my problem?!08:53
WGGMkoh jeeze08:53
rcuhljrSo if I have the .ucode file for the new driver, how do I switch to that driver?08:53
bazhangbahman: what addons08:53
cvd= get out of the closet08:53
WGGMkgluck with that Miesco08:53
MiescoAnd a little bit more suicidle too08:53
UbubeginMiesco: when u using windows, better not get close to u, man...08:53
soneilNeeku: if /dev/cdrom0 exists, it sounds like a good candidate.   otherwise I'd "grep cdrom /etc/fstab" and see what was detected at install-time08:53
bahmanbazhang Is there any way to go back my previous  version of firefox?!08:53
MiescoI might rape you then jump into the bath with a windows computer plugged in08:54
soneilNeeku: it's not /media/anything tho .. they're mountpoints, not devices   (long story)08:54
bazhangbahman: which version do you want to go back to? 1.5?08:54
cvdi wonder, when is the day that i can buy OSX and install it in my PC08:55
bazhangMiesco: please stop08:55
rcuhljranyone know how to manually update a driver?08:55
Neekusoneil: you mean i must use /dev/scd1 ?08:55
kaizokuDoes anyone here know anything about the kernel..?08:55
Neekusoneil: none works08:55
soneilcvd: the day apple stop making unholy profit margins on hardware08:55
kaizokuAnd whether or not the CONFIG_X86_PAE symbol is ubuntu specific?08:55
AlohaMiesco, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/108:55
FiRaRid0131d0131d0131d0131d0131n d0131d0131d0131d0131d0131d08:56
cvdi dont care if linux is OPen or windows in propietary,  i just like OS's08:56
sorenkaizoku: It's not.08:57
MiescoI mean, just like 4 hours would only make me a little bit more homosexual, not a lot, if I spent 30 years on it, if I hadent taken a screwdriver and jammed it in my throat, i'd probably be a flamming homosexual08:57
bahmanbazhang Version 2.708:57
kaizokusoren: Do you know why I might not see it in the vanilla config?08:57
kaizokusoren: *vanilla sources08:57
Neekuoh my God! Isn't there such an option to find the application preventing this drive from being ejected?!08:57
Neekulinux sucks08:57
bahmanbazhang 2.7 work in a good way08:57
kaizokusoren: Is there something else I need to enable first?08:57
MiescoI need to go to sleep08:58
sorenkaizoku: enable X86_32 and disable HIGHMEM4G.08:58
cvdjust restar the pc man08:58
cvdand then you can rejected08:59
MiescoIts 4am here, dont know about you08:59
Neekucvd: well, that's not a solution08:59
MiescoI'll be going to bed now and put an end to all my trolling :)08:59
Neekuheh! I found and killed the process09:00
Seveascs kb Miesco09:00
* Neeku is proud of herself!! :D09:00
mythtvis there a package that installes the mplayer/codecs.conf ?09:00
FlynsarmyWhy is th eupdate manager offering me updates to kde core libraries if i use Gnome?09:00
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras mythtv09:00
soneilFlynsarmy: have you installed anything at all that uses kde's libraries?09:00
sorenFlynsarmy: Because you've got kde core libraries installed.09:01
kaizokusoren: I still don't see it.09:01
Seveasmythtv, mplayer has it in its examples/ folder09:01
usrlIf a website I'm going to only has repos for Debian (Etch, Lenny, Sid) versions, which one would be best to use with Gutsy?09:01
kaizokusoren: It's not even commented out in .config09:01
Seveasusrl, a gutsy one.09:01
usrlSeveas: There is no gutsy repo. Just ones for debian versions.09:02
Seveasusrl, so download the source package and rebuild :)09:02
usrlSeveas: No thanks.09:02
kaizokusoren: Is there anything else that might be blocking it?09:03
thokleHey I have a problem I ubuntu can not find basic session when it starts up, so I can only start up i save session mode, is there any one who has an idea of what I can do?09:03
cvdtomorow is gonna be the day of the linuc desktop09:04
sorenkaizoku: You sure you don't have HIGHMEM4G enabled?09:04
kaizokusoren: Yes, I have  172 CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM=y09:04
sorenkaizoku: There's your problem.09:04
sorenkaizoku: Why do you care about PAE anyway?09:04
kaizokusoren: What should I have enabled..?09:05
sorenFor instance, yes.09:05
kaizokusoren: I need PAE because xen won't accept a non-PAE guest kernel.09:05
MecSympaTiKwww.math-linux.com nice tutorials09:05
MecSympaTiKtips and course09:05
sorenkaizoku: Ok.09:05
kaizokusoren: Oh, thanks!09:06
cvdthe most cheaper A+ cert?09:06
Neekuany tools for editing mp3 tags?09:06
mohshamiNeeku: Amarok09:06
bazhang!info easytag09:07
ubotueasytag (source: easytag): viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-1 (gutsy), package size 830 kB, installed size 2648 kB09:07
bazhangNeeku: see above09:07
Neekubazhang: can't I do it with right clicking on the song?09:08
Neeku(seems that I need to switch to root, but I don't know how)09:08
bazhangNeeku: in amarok?09:08
Neekubazhang: no, without that.09:08
cvdamarok, here, amarok there.. who use amarok nayway09:08
unagikde > gnome09:09
white_eagleI can't play planet penguin racer, because I enabled those experimental features and now I can't even run the game, I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling but the game still doesn't run09:09
white_eaglecan I fix this somehow?09:09
Neekuhow should i switch to rrot?09:09
Neekusudo root ?09:09
Neekunone works09:09
white_eagleNeeku, look09:09
white_eaglelogging as root isn't recommended09:09
white_eagleyou need to use the sudo command in the terminal09:10
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.09:10
white_eagleand then enter your admin password09:10
H4ck3rxNeeku: try this sudo su09:10
KcajCan I aska kind of non-ubuntu question? :x09:10
NeekuH4ck3rx: great!09:10
KcajCan't think of anywhere better to ask it ^^ haha09:10
bazhangNeeku: right clicking works here09:10
dgjonesKcaj, try in #ubuntu-offtopic09:10
KcajI'm curious if anyone here knows about 401(k) plans and getting dividends09:10
KcajAh, ok09:10
bazhangKcaj: ubuntu is a support channel09:10
cvdhe need support of 401k09:11
tumbleweed05is there a way i can have a spellchecker system wide? like in os x?09:11
khelllam using gparted: but all i get is one partition with "unallocated space "09:11
jetscreamerdon't you already have one?09:13
jetscreamer!info aspell09:13
ubotuaspell (source: aspell): GNU Aspell spell-checker. In component main, is optional. Version 0.60.5-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 130 kB, installed size 1136 kB09:13
jetscreamerthere are others09:13
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ProudBritishhi all09:13
khelllam using gparted: but all i get is one partition with "unallocated space " , what's wrong???09:13
white_eagleI can't play planet penguin racer, because I enabled those experimental features and now I can't even run the game, I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling but the game still doesn't run09:13
cvddelete the ./ of planet09:14
hk2999how do i change the panel text color in gutsy. the .gtkrc-2.0 trick doesn't seem to work anymore?09:14
cvdwhat time is it there?09:15
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 31 2008, 09:15:22 - Next meeting: MOTU in 1 day09:15
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 31 2008, 09:16:22 - Next meeting: MOTU in 1 day09:16
hk2999how do i change the panel text color in gutsy? the .gtkrc-2.0 trick doesn't seem to work anymore09:17
livenicelyi cant copy vcd into my hard drive i have ext3 partioin09:18
BLUG_FredHI! Has anyone installed sql-ledger on Ubuntu server here?09:19
livenicelyi cant copy vcd into my hard driver. i have ext3 partition09:19
wyrmulI am trying to determine how much ram I have installed?09:19
Neekuis there any other tool rather than amarok which is smaller?09:20
bazhanglivenicely: how are you trying to do it? drag and drop?09:20
Neekufor editing tags09:20
bazhangright click is smaller neeku09:21
cvdwhy the hell when i select the windows os in the grub, it ask me' are you sure"09:21
saftsackscripts/Makefile.build:46: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/asterisk/bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1y-p/zaptel-". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Schluss has someone informations regarding this issue?09:21
Neekubazhang: although I did su, it doesn't give me permission to edit that09:21
Shinobihey alsa guru's online please?.... i have a realtek ac97 integrated asus sound card on my desktop ubuntu box, i can hear the sound perfectly well but my mic is not working and it cant be tested in sound recorder because that program crashes everytime i try to use it for checking...any help?09:21
soneilwyrmul: "free -h" is a good start.09:21
bazhangNeeku: why root? that will come back to haunt you ;[09:22
livenicelydrg and drop09:22
Neekubazhang: because it says that 'the owner is root'09:22
neetoso I have ntfs-config installed, and an NTFS drive in my computer, whenever I try to mount it (media/sdb2) it says device busy... I've even tried -o force, and it still says it's busy. Can I get it to stop whatever it's doing and mount already?09:22
bazhanglivenicely: need to rip it09:22
livenicelyand also copy .dat track from vcd and paste it into home folder09:22
snorkelnick shaark09:22
SleepingSlothcvd,  haha - probably grub developers little joke09:23
Ububegini installed like this ... [sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb] ... however to uninstall i haf to do this [sudo dpkg -r package_name ] May I know what is the package_name ... tks09:23
livenicelywhich is best ripper for a vcd09:23
livenicelyand y vcd is not supported09:23
livenicelydvd has no problem09:23
bazhangk3b livenicely09:24
livenicelyi have installed k3b09:24
livenicelyi am going to check it09:24
bazhangthen use it09:24
cvdwell ca ya later09:25
cvdany here has a tux usplash?09:27
tech_mhello! anybody here who knows how to set-up joomla in ubuntu server?09:28
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Brinsonsomeone just posted an adobe survey on the forum. Everyone should do it. If adobe ported their apps to linux..........09:29
khelllwhat is the disk check utility in ubuntu ?09:29
BrinsonI mean, it prolly won't happen, but if we got like every linux user to fill out the survey.09:29
erUSULkhelll: fsck09:29
bazhangofftopic Brinson09:30
BrinsonI still don't know what this channel is. Its the default for the X-Chat client I installed.09:30
Neekui installed cowbell for tag editing; but I can't find where it's installed09:30
bazhangubuntu support not chit chat Brinson09:30
erUSUL!offtopic | Brinson09:30
ubotuBrinson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:30
erUSUL!hi | Brinson09:31
ubotuBrinson: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:31
tech_mhello? I created public_html in home folder...change its permission ....but I can´t access it in http09:32
tech_manybody here who could assist me?09:32
khelllam trying gparted and am getting Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.09:33
Ububegintech_m : dont u have to install a server or sumtin for it09:33
orbisvicistech_m, did you move it to /var/www/apache if using apache?09:34
tech_mM usign ubuntu server09:34
Merphyhi everybody09:34
orbisvicisyeah thats it then09:34
tumbleweed05hey merphy09:34
tech_mI cannot move the folder.. I tried to right click but paste is not highligthd09:34
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Merphyany idea to install modem toshiba machine (toshiba satellite A-100)09:35
orbisvicisubuntu server doesnt have an X server ... you shouldnt have a screen09:35
orbisvicisin console terminal09:35
erUSUL!dialup | Merphy09:35
ubotuMerphy: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up09:35
orbisviciscp -R ~/public_html /var/www/apache09:35
tech_mwhat do you mean with it?09:37
Merphyok thanks09:37
tech_mm using ubuntu server with gui installed./..09:37
tech_mso, how could I move the folder there ?09:37
orbisvicistech_m, you need root privileges09:38
tech_mhow to do it?09:38
orbisvicisso, sudo cp -R ~/public_html /var/www/apache09:39
VvWolverinevVhi does anyone know what package creates a "file:" folder in the home folder?09:39
Ububegini installed like this ... [sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb] ... however to uninstall i haf to do this [sudo dpkg -r package_name ] May I know what is the package_name ... tks09:39
orbisvicisor sudo nautilus -no-desktop09:39
kubitzVvWolverinev that happened to me i tihnk it was aone of the filesharing Apps did it09:40
orbisvicisone copies it, one opens nautilus with root permissions09:40
kubitzI installed a sfew at once so I don't know which09:40
VvWolverinevVkubitz: it regenerates itself :(09:40
kubitzAh that didn't happen for me but then I changed all the paths to more suitable ones so if you left the defualt it may have the recreate it to have somewhere to go09:41
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BadRobothi there09:42
VvWolverinevVkubitz: ok ill look into it thanks09:42
kubitzVvWolverinevV was it soon after installing p2p software?09:42
kubitzI'm just curious09:42
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VvWolverinevVkubitz: possibly, i've tried a few this week09:42
tech_mububegin<<< I cannot still move the folder there? Please help09:42
kubitzVvWolverinevV i have a feeling it's either Amule or one of the Gnutella clones if that helps to narrow it down09:43
Ububegindid u use sudo mv09:43
NeekuI', sure my password is correct but it says it's wrong and I cant log on as root09:43
BadRoboti want to install ubuntu on my free and spare partition,so do i have to install it w/o grub or do i have to install grub to the same partition where ubuntu comes.I already have other linux on this box09:43
Neekuhelp me09:43
BadRobotjust type grep -i 'single white female' /usr2/home/women/* Neeku09:43
VvWolverinevVkubitz: this week, i've tried limewire, ktorrent... i think that's it09:43
Ububegintech_m : did u use sudo mv09:43
BadRobotthe best is azureus09:43
VvWolverinevVkubitz: maybe limewire, i installed abunch of different version of that09:44
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NeekuBadRobot: huh?!!!!!!09:44
tech_mI tried sudo cp -R ~/public_html /var/www/apache09:44
BadRoboti just kidding09:44
VvWolverinevVBadRobot: kubitz: i also tried azureus this week forgot about that09:44
NeekuBadRobot: I see!!!09:44
kubitzVvWolverinevV ah i think limewire uses the same nets as Amule so it may be that09:44
Neekubut i need help now09:44
soneilBadRobot: if you're confident adding another grub entry to your existing system, I'd skip grub on this instal.  you only need one copy going.  two is just going to confuse things09:44
odysseasBadRobot you can update the existing grub to boot ubuntu09:44
kubitzVvWolverinevV ah I just stuck with the basic Bittorrent09:44
tech_mand I checked it...and yeah I was able to add folder apache there...but still I cannot even delete nor add joomla contents there09:45
kubitzI'm not really a specialist in that field so it was enough for me09:45
tech_mPLEASE ASSIST>.09:45
VvWolverinevVkubitz: ktorrent is nice, and you can get it from add/remove09:45
BadRobothow do i update it?09:45
VvWolverinevVNeeku: azureus is the best bt client on mac os x IMO09:45
BadRobotsorry i like ubuntu ,but isn't perfect to keep it as my single distro .Odysseas09:45
orbisvicistech_m, for more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:45
kubitzVvWolverinevV there are just so many aren't there - I was just blitzed by the sheer numbers on offer09:46
odysseasBadRobot better use ubuntu's grub, it will detect your other linux install and place it in grub so you'll have no problems09:46
VvWolverinevVkubitz: move to ubuntu-offtopic09:46
BadRobotI have pc-bsd on the other parttion09:46
orbisvicisanyone know how to disable a specific program from starting up ... only when logged on via xvnc?09:46
soneilodysseas: until the other system gets an updated grub package, installs to mbr, and everything goes to pot.  he needs to remove grub from one of the two.  ignoring the second won't make it go away09:47
Th3Countanyone manage to install Ubuntu w/ a geforce 8800GTS from what im reading the cards not compatable09:48
BadRobottry Linux Mint09:48
bazhangofftopic BadRobot09:48
BadRobotit is a Ubuntu based distro09:48
bazhangand a poor suggestion as well09:49
ethana3I was wondering about that flash thing09:50
Shinobibazhang, u good wiith alsa mate?09:50
ethana3Dell rolled out Ubuntu on the XPS..09:50
ethana3Hardy Alpha4 is supposed to come out today..09:50
ethana3any idea how long I'll be waiting?09:50
BadRobotMaybe i will work better,i have tried Ubuntu on my friends box and didn't even boot,then install Linux mint and it worked,the happened to other friend Ubuntu works but no other distro in his box09:50
ethana3it will work much better09:51
ethana3see, xorg had a bug in it09:51
ethana3where if you have an integrated gpu09:51
ethana3and a card09:51
ethana3it doesn't work09:51
Shinobier sometimes for some odd reason the top of all my windows suddenly disappear09:51
ethana3they fixed it, and those fixes are in hardy09:51
ethana3that's the window decorator crashing09:51
ethana3are you using metacity, kwin, or compiz?09:51
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ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:52
ethana3Shinobi: what window manager?09:52
ethana3ah, got it09:52
ethana3thank you bazhang09:52
Shinobiethana3, ubuntu gutsy09:52
Shinobiethana3, compiz09:52
ethana3does it have neat effects09:52
ethana3oh, ok09:52
ethana3yeah, emerald must be crashing for some reason09:53
Shinobioh ok09:53
Shinobihow do i bring them back?09:53
ethana3..though I really can't tell you why09:53
ethana3I'd run emerald in the terminal09:53
ethana3but I don't know if you can even do that09:53
Shinobii can do everything just that the top of all the windows are gone :/09:54
ethana3yeah, the window decorations09:54
Shinobiethana3, when i run it emerald from the terminal they return lol09:54
ethana3no problem09:54
Shinobibut i still need a fix for my alsa09:54
Shinobithe mic is not working09:55
Shinobiand the sound preferences program has crashed09:55
ethana3that's not my area of expertise09:55
ethana3I use pulseaudio09:55
Shinobibtwn i think thats whats causing emarald to crash09:55
Shinobii cant close the sound preferences window :@09:56
daoudi5please someone can help to just reconfigure my keyboard09:57
Shinobihow can i kill it? i just wont close09:57
daoudi5because i dont give the right touche09:57
Shinobii m gonna reboot now09:58
=== Juzzy is now known as Juzzy`
odysseasShinobi ps aux and kill it09:58
erUSULdaoudi5: System>Preferences>Keyboard  ??09:58
KcajOh wait, no, touche09:58
daoudi5for example whan a type "b" it is "bg" which appear09:58
tumbleweed05well i'm off to bed. night everyone.09:59
haptiKhi is it possible to pass the root password to sudo using a flag10:01
neetosudo -s you mean?10:02
neetooh I see what you mean, nevermind me10:02
haptiK-s changes the shell env10:03
Neekui'm back again :D10:03
bullgard4What is the reason that Ubuntu does not provide a DEb program package for OmagaT?10:04
Neekucould you please tell me how to edit mp3 tags? any software rather than amarok? a small sized one10:04
redspikeHi all, Any one know my my Linux hosts logging " rtc: lost some interrupts at 256Hz. " all the time and my clock in my guests go slow? :(10:04
redspikeiam running Vmware server10:04
erUSULNeeku: i use easytag10:06
NeekuerUSUL: sudo apt-get install easytag ??10:07
erUSULNeeku: should work10:07
NeekuerUSUL: great10:10
NeekuerUSUL: thanks a lot10:10
joachim_how do I set my system to boot to command line instead of gnome?10:10
ikoniajoachim_: remove gdm as a startup script from run level 210:11
ikoniajoachim_: man update-rc10:11
joachim_how do I check the current update.rc settings so I can put it back after?10:12
joachim_there's no /etc/inittab10:13
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tim167what command can i use to search for a term inside all te *.txt files on my hardrive ?10:19
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dabrtim167: find / -name "*.txt" | grep whatever10:22
emilyheya, is there anyone here who understands file permissions fairly well?10:24
ewenwell enough :) what's the q?10:24
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emilyright, I've installed ubuntu on my vista laptop, got the thing partitioned properly and everything10:25
emilyinstalled ntfs-3g and and have set up an ntfs partition as home10:25
emilynow, all of the user permissions of all of the files on this ntfs partition are root, and it refuses to change them, whether or not I use sudo10:26
joachim_emily: does ubuntu support writing to ntfs?10:26
jeroenimontfs-3g does10:26
emilyvia ntfs=3g, yes10:26
LispWarezhello all10:26
Johnny_5y would u want 2 put ubuntu on a ntfs partition to begin with??10:27
joachim_check your /etc/fstab10:27
emilyI'm putting home on an ntfs partition so that vista and ubuntu can both access the files10:27
LispWarezcan anyone help me, i wanna change over to ubuntu but want to know if i can run some sort of dos emulator in it10:27
jeroenimoLispWarez: vmware10:28
emilycheck the fstab for what?10:28
jeroenimoor Qemu10:28
emilyI have it open10:28
emily/dev/sda3 /home ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 010:28
jeroenimoemily: does the ntfs part have write permissions ?10:28
joachim_the umask for that drive10:28
LispWarezrun vmware in ubuntu?10:28
jeroenimoLispWarez: sure why not10:28
etfbLispWarez: VMWare Server is now free (ie zero price, but not Free Software).  I use it to run Windows happily.10:29
emilydoes that have the correct write permissions?10:29
LispWarezseems a bit much for a basic user10:29
phuzionOk, I've recently moved to Ubuntu from Windows.  My torrent client of choice was, obviously, uTorrent.  I run uTorrent in Wine now, and have imported the saved data from my Windows partition.  Now, of course, the download locations are obviously not appropriate anymore.  Anyone know of a simple way to edit the uTorrent save information so that everything associates with my new linux paths?10:29
Johnny_5can't u have vista on a i386?10:29
emilythoughts on the fstab?10:29
emily/dev/sda3 /home ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 010:29
phuzionJohnny_5, yeah, Vista is supported on i386 architecture10:29
etfbLispWarez: Download the VMWare Server; follow the instructions to install; fire it up; install Windows on a VM; and you're done.10:29
LispWarezthats the thing... i dont want windows10:30
jeroenimopihhan: just start the new client and make sure it saves the torrents in the same place as where the old ones where ..10:30
Johnny_5well personally that's what i woulda done...10:30
ewenLispWarez - you could check out dosbox10:30
LispWarezyea i looked at dosbox.com but theres nothing listed for ubuntu10:30
joachim_emily: I have for the options bit on my FAT32 drives: defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=4610:30
nemilarstop running utorrent in wine10:30
joachim_though I don't know what all those do... ;)10:30
nemilaruse a linux torrent program10:30
etfbLispWarez: I created a DOS 7 machine by just installing Win95 and then editing the autoexec so it didn't load Windows...10:30
bullgard4What is the reason that Ubuntu does not provide a DEB program package for OmagaT?10:31
Johnny_5err...tqaht's what i ment...man i'm a retard10:31
joachim_you might want to try adding umask=007 to that comma list of options10:31
ikoniabullgard4: no-one has packaged it10:31
ikoniabullgard4: it's that simple10:31
nemilarbullgard4: what is it?10:31
tim167dabr ok thanks i'll try it out10:31
LispWarezi also cant just have a dos OS, need to open an excel spreadsheet (read only) on it too10:31
Johnny_5freakin' fat32...can't vista use fat32?10:31
etfbphuzion: ktorrent is pretty good (it's the KDE/Kubuntu one, but of course you can get it regardless of your distro).  Not as good as uTorrent, but close enough.10:31
tokokdoes lm-sensors contain HDD sensors? cuz my hdds not detected10:31
pihhandont you know someone, how to turn off sound right after login?10:31
Johnny_5ok i can def tell i need 2 go 2 bed soon...sorry10:32
jeroenimopihhan: have a look at deluge-torrent10:32
ikoniatokok: hdd sensors - in what way10:32
linux1tokok look at hhdtemp10:32
jeroenimopihhan: sorry10:32
phuzionetfb, if I move clients, that still brings the issue of re-importing over 300 torrents, and setting appropriate download paths10:32
pihhantokok: smartmontools are for that10:32
jeroenimophuzion: have a look at deluge-torrent10:32
phuzionjeroenimo, if I move clients, that still brings the issue of re-importing over 300 torrents, and setting appropriate download paths10:33
etfbLispWarez: for the spreadsheet, Open Office may work.  You may have to manually edit all formulas to use semicolons instead of commas, because the OOo developers are retarded...10:33
jeroenimophuzion: well noo..10:33
etfbphuzion: Do you have the .torrent files?10:33
tim167dabr when i do find / -name "*.txt" | grep whatever, i get some Permission denied messages, is that normal ?10:33
nemilarit can prolly read/write fat32, Johnny_510:33
nemilarbut i doubt it'll install to it10:33
nemilartokok: no, it doesn't10:33
nemilartokok: www.techthrob.com/tech/linuxsensors.php10:33
nemilartokok: I _just_ wrote that how-to like a few hours ago.  see the part about hddtemp10:33
linux1tokok you can get hddtemp to pull the temp and show them with gnome sensor applet10:33
FloodBot1nemilar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
nemilarlisten floodbot.  it's too early in the morning for you.10:33
jeroenimophuzion: nope... when you set the default download directory you should be fine10:33
phuzionetfb, yes, I have the .torrent files.  But what you guys aren't understanding is that I have different download locations depending on content type10:34
nemilartim167: yeah that's normal.10:34
tokokthanks guys!10:34
etfbphuzion: Sounds like you're pretty well a BT superuser though, way out of my league.  The largest collection of torrents I've ever downloaded simultaneously was probably three...10:34
LispWarezyea i was planning on using open office10:34
nemilartim167: if you want to search _everything_ including files only readable by root, do it sudo10:34
jeroenimophuzion: yups.... lost me too10:34
tim167nemilar, ok then !10:34
LispWarezbut still need to run a dos app under ubuntu too10:34
etfbLispWarez: It's not MUCH less irritating that MS Office, sadly.  But at least it gets updated without costing $$$10:34
phuzionetfb, I am an administrator on a tracker, I sorta know my way around BitTorrent10:34
LispWarezat the same time10:34
dabrtim167: yes because you search all of your drive, but do not have permission for some directories... if your *.txt are all in your home dir, use ~ instead of /10:34
Johnny_5i never heard of linux using ntfs (not to say it can't be done...just means i never heard about it...) so if u want the best of both worlds (linux & vista) i'd go with a fat32 file system...10:35
pihhanLispWarez: dosbox is good choice for dos applications10:35
jeroenimophuzion: Well I guess you ned to hack the uTorrent config files10:35
etfbphuzion: Like I said: outa my league.  Sorry, can't help you.10:35
nemilarJohnny_5: linux has read/write support for ntfs10:35
nemilarfat32 is junk10:35
phuzionetfb, thanks for the help10:35
tim167dabr, thanks10:35
etfbphuzion: no wuckers.10:35
* jeroenimo nods at etfb and I'm out too10:35
phuzionjeroenimo, yeah, that's what I'm thinking to do, but I can't seem to find the encoding type for it :(10:35
LispWarezpihhan: yea but dosbox on ubuntu... can it be done?10:35
nemilarfat32 hasn't been the primary windows filesystem since windows98/ME10:35
pihhanLispWarez: but it is only DOS, no windows at all10:36
Johnny_5cool...learn something new everyday...i'll try 2 remember that for the future...10:36
Johnny_5well i guess i'm not much help here today...10:36
pihhanLispWarez: i am sure it can, it is not distribution related10:36
Johnny_5i'm goin' 2 bed now...10:36
Johnny_5later all10:36
msinghis there a nice gui tool to use to edit /etc/fstab?10:36
etfbLispWarez: Start again, cos I'm a bat of very little brain.  What is it you want, exactly.  You're starting with Ubuntu but you have some Windows stuff you need to run.  What is it exactly?10:36
LispWarezwhich dosbox package would be most suited for ubuntu then?10:36
msinghLispWarez, nice name10:36
nemilarmsingh: pysdm maybe? donno10:37
pihhanLispWarez: install dosbox package then, propably in universe repository10:37
LispWarezok what i need is a linux box (preferably ubuntu) that can open an excel spreadsheet and run a dos app10:37
joedjdoes anyone know where the /bin/arch binary that used to be in util-linux has gone in Gutsy? i can't find it with apt-file10:37
nemilarLispWarez: oo.o can handle excel...and dosbox, or wine, or vmware, or qemu, or any host of things can take care of your dos apps10:38
phuzionjeroenimo and etfb either of you guys familiar with wine at all? because I have an idea that might work, I just wanna run it by you guys first10:38
msinghnemilar, cheers, looks good.10:38
etfbphuzion: Moderately.  I've got it working for most things, although I'm not ambitious...10:38
pihhandepends on how complicated are excel spreadsheets, openoffice handles only simple ones10:38
LispWarezi will see what i can do10:38
pihhanno macros or like10:38
LispWarezthanks for the help guys10:38
nemilarmacros are for virii ;)10:39
etfbpihhan: Changing stuff like IF(A1="","Empty",A1) to IF(A1="";"Empty";A1) will often help.10:39
nemilari wonder if gnumeric has better excel support10:39
pihhanetfb: i dont have excel documents at all, i use oo.o on windows too10:40
phuzionetfb, ah, someone is helping me in #winehq10:40
etfbphuzion: Excellent!  I wish there was a #usb channel to help me...10:40
pihhanetfb: never had need to replace commas in that however10:40
nemilarone of my articles got front-paged at linux.com :D10:40
etfbpihhan: Really? Might be an artefact of the way I was importing files... interesting...10:40
etfbnemilar: You're famous!  Next thing you know, Linus will be calling you up to get you to babysit his kids...10:41
pihhanetfb: i dont know, i have only little spreadsheets with formulas actually10:41
nemilarhe'll come home to find all his computers running windowsME10:41
tokokwow this IS evil10:42
pihhandont someone know, how to turn off sound on login?10:42
nemilarpihhan: system - preferences - sound10:42
nemilarjust a guess10:42
etfbI'm having big trouble with USB under Kubuntu Gutsy.  Can anyone advise on how you debug USB connections to find out why some things don't mount properly?10:43
nemilaretfb: any help in the dmesg?10:43
etfbI know about lsusb and dmesg and... well, that's about all, actually.10:43
cdealeretfb, its not mounting ?10:43
etfbYep.  Some things do, some don't.10:43
cdealeretfb, have you already made a lazy umount and tried to remount specifiing the file system ?10:43
nemilarwell what does dmesg say?10:43
etfbYEt they were fine on Feisty on the same hardware.10:43
erUSULetfb: it could be a usb issue or an udev  issue or a hald issue10:44
linux1pihhan look in /system/admin/accessibility10:44
etfberUSUL, cdealer: can you point me to tutorials on that?  Don't want to waste your time...10:44
etfbEven man pages would do...10:44
pihhannemilar: thanks! so simple, what a shame not to find it10:45
cdealeretfb, man mount have all about this10:45
* etfb scribbles down notes in a spare Emacs window...10:45
nemilarwhat's an emacs10:45
nemilaris that some sort of devilish contraption?10:46
etfbnemilar: it's a high-powered multi-platform operating system with one or two text-editing extensions.  Also, a religion.10:46
cdealeretfb, dmesg will be th  default debug output you will be using to see what happned on the mount action .... remove the device them plug again and type dmesg to see any error report10:46
nemilarlol, one or two extensions10:46
nemilarthe dang thing can run a web browser10:46
nemilaroh, lol, you made it a funny10:47
etfbnemilar: Web browser?  Bah!  It could run the space shuttle!  AND the astronauts would survive a whole lot better...10:47
pihhanplain text editor with embedded operating sytem?10:47
erUSULetfb: do 'sudo udevmonitor' on a terminal and plug a problematic usb device also in other terminal run 'tail -f /var/log/messages' you should see a few/lot msgs appearing on both terminals meaning that the kernel recognice the device and also that udev generates the /dev/files etc10:47
nemilari'm half asleep, didn't read your line as a joke10:47
memicwhere does the nm-applet save its configuration?10:48
etfberUSUL: thanks, that's golden.  Just what I needed.10:48
* etfb scribbles furiously10:48
etfbThanks, lads and lasses; that's just what I needed.  Right; off to do some debugging.  AFTER I sleep...10:49
erUSULetfb: well we, acolites of the Emacs Church, must help each other in times of need XD. RMS said so10:50
erUSULetfb: lol10:50
Kamus_H_Zwischhow can i get the "@ubuntu/member" at my irc nick?10:50
doctorowI'm trying to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy using the Update Manager. Update Manager dies while setting up the update with an error about not being able to resolve archive.ubuntustudio.org. I can't seem to resolve this host from anywhere either. Is the host down temporarily? Can I disable the Ubuntustudio installs somehow, or point Update Manager to a mirror?10:50
erUSULKamus_H_Zwisch: by being an ubuntu member of some sort?10:50
etfberUSUL: You've reminded me: I really should find an irc.el so I don't keep having to use inferior non-RMSian software.10:50
Kamus_H_ZwischerUSUL: hmmmm10:51
dgjones!member > Kamus_H_Zwisch (Please see the private message from ubotu)10:51
erUSULetfb: ;) well i use irssi (not in emacs) but i'm a sinner XD10:51
Kamus_H_Zwischthank you dgjones10:51
etfbdoctorow (can I call you Cory?  love your site, BTW): I really can't recommend upgrading.  Clean installs are the way to go.10:51
joedjdoes everyone else immediately relink /bin/sh to /bin/bash when dash screws them over?10:51
erUSULjoedj: no we just run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash'10:52
etfbjoedj: I'd be scared of encountering shell incompatibilities...10:52
erUSULjoedj: XD10:52
nemilarmainly because /bin/sh is already linked to bash10:52
doctorowSUre, etfb! Call me anything you like! I've downloaded and burned a CD, but I'm reluctant to run it, since using the manager is the proscribed method from emperor linux, who sold me this Thinkpad. I want to keep their stuff intact (drivers for the tablet, etc)10:52
pihhani dont think so10:52
pihhani am sure i dont have /bin/sh linked to bash10:53
nemilarwait, why is it linked to dash one one of my systems and bash on another10:53
neetoI am playing CS on one screen, fullscreen, and I switched out and the screen disappeared, how can I get back into it"?10:53
joedjerUSUL: thanks, that feels nicer =P10:53
pihhani have fresh gutsy install and have dash as default shell10:53
etfbdoctorow: Gotcha.  Bugger.  I stuffed up my F->G upgrade.  I suspect they don't test it terribly well.  Short of hand-editing repositories and starting again, I don't know what you'd do.  Sorry!10:53
nemilarlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-08-21 11:51 /bin/sh -> bash10:54
nemilarlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-05-22 23:53 /bin/sh -> dash10:54
erUSULdoctorow: is ubuntu studio what you have iinstaled? or plain ubuntu?10:54
doctorowThanks, etfb - I'm just wondering if archive.ubuntustudio.org is temporarily offline...10:54
doctorowerUSUL, no, plain ubuntu10:54
FFighter/join #zope-pt10:55
FFighterlol... sorry10:55
ikoniadoctorow: ubuntustudio guys live in #ubuntustudio10:55
erUSULdoctorow: if it is plain ubuntu just comment the ubuntu studio repo and make the dist-upgrade without it10:55
neetoI am playing CS on one screen, fullscreen, and I switched out and the screen disappeared, how can I get back into it"?10:55
doctorowikonia, thanks -- I'll go ask them10:55
etfbneeto: What's CS?10:55
sapperjankoWGGMk: ya still there me little INFO desk10:55
ikoniaetfb: windows game10:55
pihhanneeto: how did you switch out?10:56
BenoitHI think CS is counter strike10:56
neetoetfb: counterstrike, windows thing10:56
BenoitHa valve's games10:56
doctorowerUSUL -- I'm trying to do the update with the Updater, not apt-get, but that's a good idea10:56
=== Mez_ is now known as Me
=== Me is now known as Mez
etfbneeto: Ah, that rings a bell (I'm an old fart; I still prefer Tetris).  How are you playing it?  Wine?10:56
neetopihhan: I have compiz running, and I wanted to see if the cube worked with it, so I switched workspaces and it's not on the original anymore10:56
neetoetfb: wine, yeah10:56
etfbneeto: Woooh!  Welcome to the edges of Linux/Windows compatibility.  That's tricky!10:57
doctorowOK, I'm going to head over to #ubuntustudio and ask around -- thanks everyone!10:57
neetolol, I can still hear it playing in the background10:57
etfbneeto: Do a Ctrl+Esc and see if its process is still running.  It may have crashed.10:57
pihhanneeto: check if it is still present as a process10:57
neetoit is, and it hasn't crashed10:57
neetoI just want to find the window, wherever it may have hidden itsellf10:58
erUSULdoctorow: you can comment out the repo and then lauch the update manager10:58
etfbThere should be some way to select a process.  Perhaps via the Ctrl+Esc thingy (it's called ksystemguard under KDE; not sure under Gnome)10:58
neetoI can still hear people killing each other10:58
pihhanok, try every workspace :)10:58
neetoI'm using gnome, anyone know?10:58
etfbneeto: Alternatively, you can kill the process from there and restart; would that work?10:58
neetoYeah, I tried every workspace, I'm also using compiz and nautilus so10:58
pihhantry to switch in with alt-tab into it, maybe it will reinitialize screen10:59
neetoetfb: that's what I just did, but it wasn't the step I wanted to take...10:59
Nubaehi there... quick question... I'm doing apt-get install edubuntu-desktop, but it fails close to the end with this message: dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed10:59
tockitjQ: flash player stoped working after an update? i've tried removing and installing flashplugin-nonfree10:59
neetopihhan: that didn't work either10:59
nemilar!flash | tockitj10:59
Nubaeit core dumps after that, so can't do dpkg --configure -a10:59
ubotutockitj: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »10:59
pihhani dont expect guys in wine was fixing such things10:59
pihhanso, dont switch screens if you want play :)10:59
nemilarif you want to game, use cedega instead of wine10:59
neetomeh, I don't really need a fix... I was just seeing if it worked and it doesn't, I'm not heartbroken11:00
tockitjnemilar thanks :-)11:00
neetoI'm just glad I can play without windows *shudder*11:00
etfbI'm out of here.  Must sleep.  Thanks guys.  Good luck getting back to the death and mayhem, neeto!11:00
nemilartomorrow is alpha4 day11:00
neetoetfb: night man, thanks11:00
cdealerIm having a problem to set the default gw through dhcp ... I dont know why but my dhcp clients are not geting the default route in the format of but dhcp-server.localhost .. and this is making some problem with conecting on msn and stuff like that.. I tried the option routers in dhcpd.conf but didint worked11:01
BenoitHnemilar: cedega isn't free ?11:02
nemilarno it's not11:02
nemilarit's put out by Transgaming11:02
krabadorhey people, i've a problem with kde graphical effects11:02
krabadori can't uninstalll11:02
BenoitHthat's suxx :-/11:02
krabadorwhat can i do?11:02
popeyBenoitH: it pays for continued development11:03
nemilarwell if you want games to work well, and to have support in linux, that's what you get11:03
BenoitHyes, i know11:03
popeyBenoitH: and licensing that they have to do AIUI11:03
ShaunESAnyone set up nstx client on ubuntu before?11:03
Nubaeif you want to play games that were released 4 or 5 years ago, yeah11:03
ShaunEShttp://thomer.com/howtos/nstx.html following that11:03
nemilarthey support recent games11:03
tokokgames not work well in cedega just like in wine11:03
Nubaebah... without tinkering its just as bad as wine11:04
tokokwine is always newer than cedega11:04
tokokthey slow to update11:04
Nubaesame deal with crossover11:04
nemilarif you want to play world of warcraft, cedega works great11:04
nemilarif you wanna play maden 07, works great11:05
Nubaewow works fine in wine too11:05
BenoitHyou can play to world of warcraft with wine11:05
tokokif you want play wow, nothing stoppid doing it with wine11:05
nemilarbut then people complain here when something goes wrong11:05
derek01Do i need to install ubuntu before or after my windows partition to dual-boot11:05
nemilarwith cedega, they buy a subscription, so they complain elsewhere11:05
Nubaeif you're feeling philanthropic, go ahead and purchase membership with cedega11:05
BenoitHCan we play to half life 2 with wine or cedega ?11:05
Nubaeotherwise use wine11:06
nemilarthere's nothing philanthropic about paying someone for their commercial product11:06
Nubaethere is when u can get wine for free11:06
nemilarphilanthropic would be giving money to wine11:06
Nubaehey, I payed for six months11:06
Nubaeit is like giving money to wine11:06
derek01Can anyone help- me with my question?11:06
Nubaethats the whole point11:06
nemilarno, it's like giving money to Transgaming11:07
Nubaeyes, who code wine11:07
tokoknemilar: ok, do you have list of games which work in cedega but not in wine?11:07
nemilartokok: on the cedega website, or google11:07
stefano_transgaming has not proggrammed wine11:07
nemilarTransgaming did not write wine, and if you think that, you're an idiot11:07
charlesTransgaming is a fork of the wine project11:07
stefano_nemilar, please watch your language and keep this channel friendly11:07
derek01Should my ubuntu partition be before or after my windows partition on my Hard Drive?11:07
Nubaeyou dont think Transgamming gives their changes back to wine?11:08
nemilarstefano_: yeah, I know better11:08
nemilarderek01: doesn't make a difference11:08
BenoitHderek01, I think it's better after ;)11:08
tokoknemilar: i said about comparison, not about list of games.11:08
derek01thank you11:08
evdveldehi all,how does one start a software raid after booting (non root partition)?11:08
charlesderek01 although I don't think that it matters all that much if you are using grub as your boot manager11:08
nemilarI think if you're using the windows boot manager, it will complain if the partition number of the windows drive is too high, actually11:09
derek01well everytime i try to install ubuntu gutsy it just hangs after i get to the final step on teh install11:09
|WolF1Question: How to install gcc, is there any command to get it, or any link to help?11:09
charlesevdvelde are you currently booted onto a drive that is going to be in the raid?11:09
stefano_evdvelde, you dont have to "start" it, you just have to mount it,11:09
nemilartokok: to quote you, you said "list of games"11:09
evdveldecharles: no, it is a log partition for test systems, completely separate11:09
BenoitHapt-get install gcc ?11:09
nemilar|WolF1: apt-get install build-essentials11:09
stefano_|WolF1, install the package "build-essential"11:10
charles|WolF1 sudo apt-get build-essential11:10
tokoknemilar: check this to find out all your games work without cedega http://appdb.winehq.org/11:10
krabadorhei people, i can't unistal graphical effects in kubuntu gutsy (at startup they run, but from kde menu they're disabled)11:10
stefano_it's build-essential without the s,11:10
evdveldestefano_: i put it in fstab but it does not get mounted and it complains that /dev/md0 has a wrong fs_type when trying to mount. after mdadm -A -s, it works fine11:10
krabadorwhat can i do?11:10
|WolF1it says to me E: Invalid operation build-essential11:11
derek01well everytime i try to install ubuntu gutsy it just hangs after i get to the final step on the install11:11
stefano_evdvelde, you can put this command in /etc/rc.local then it gets executed at boot11:11
evdveldestefano_: i could do that, yes.. just wondering if there was a clean method to autodetect it11:11
stefano_|WolF1, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:11
evdveldei like clean solutions :)11:11
stefano_evdvelde, no idea, sry11:11
evdveldestefano_: np, thx for helping11:11
NubaeTransGaming halted using code contributed to Wine when the license was changed, though this has resumed recently with TransGaming integrating certain LGPL portions of Wine into Cedega and placing those portions of the source code on their public servers.11:12
charlessorry evdvelde I don't know either11:12
netgearanyone having problems with installing ubuntu restricted extras?11:12
evdveldecharles: thx too :)11:12
nemilarNubae: way to quote wikipedia11:12
maltronI'm trying to read the table of contents on an audio cd, but I can't get cdrdao to read it.  Every other program seems to work fine, including k3b11:12
derek01Can anyone help me with this,  everytime i try to install ubuntu gutsy it just hangs up after i get to the final step on the install and never does the actual install or partitioning11:12
stefano_derek01, do you know what mainboard you have?11:13
netgearderek01: bad memory perhaps?11:13
Nubaenemilar... u saying thats not true?11:13
nemilarI didn't say that.11:13
derek01memorys good11:13
derek012 gb brand new just tested11:13
tokok(16:09:42) nemilar: tokok: to quote you, you said "list of games"   - and this is not full quote, i said list of games which not work in wine, not list of games which work in cedega (which just mirror wine games list probably)11:14
Nubaewell, point is, give money to transgaming or crossover, u help development of wine11:14
netgearderek01: hdd bad sectors? how old is the machine?11:14
derek01and my mobo is an A13G+ AMD11:14
Nubaecodeweavers... sorry11:14
derek01brand new11:14
TassinarAhoy all.11:14
derek01dual core11:14
nemilarok, i am leaving.11:14
derek01amd 6000+11:14
yeniklasorrHow can I add a specific value of ram usage limit for an application (especially for firefox, because it is slowing down).11:15
derek01500gb hd all sectors that i know of are fine havnt encountered any problems with it until now11:15
tokokok he was not able to prove "cedega is better"11:15
ikoniayeniklasorr: pardon ?11:15
Tassinar_Oh. "Ubuntu Server" is an alias for "FreeNode". Fine.11:16
derek01is there a way to manually install through terminal11:16
ikoniaderek01: through a terminal ?11:16
ikoniaderek01: the alternate cd is a "non graphical" installer11:16
yeniklasorrikonia : I want this: Firefox can use 500 MB of ram...11:16
ikoniayeniklasorr: let the kernel manage your memory - it's smarter11:16
derek01i cant get a alternate cd at the moment11:16
ikoniaderek01 then no - you'll have to wait until you can get it11:17
derek01i was hoping to get the install don11:17
stefano_derek01, while installing, you can press ctrl plus an arrow key to change terminals, in one (i think thr second) there is a detailed list of what the installer does, checking what happes just before it hangs might solve your problem11:17
derek01stefano: Thank you11:17
stefano_derek01, i suppose you use the alternate--cd?11:17
FreeDownloadHi, people.11:17
yeniklasorrikonia : But firefox is slowing down and not responding when I open a few tabs or a page that has lots of text.11:17
FreeDownloadJuan from Argentina.11:17
derek01stefano: no im no the livecd right now11:18
ikoniayeniklasorr: then there is probably something else causing the issue11:18
FreeDownloadIs there anybody from southamerica ?11:18
stefano_derek01, oh. download the alternate cd and install from it, it's not muich harder and it may work a lot better11:18
FreeDownload(sorry about my english)11:18
yeniklasorrikonia : I have a fresh install Ubuntu11:18
ikoniayeniklasorr so ?11:18
ikoniayeniklasorr how much ram does your machine have ?11:18
yeniklasorr1 gb11:19
linux1yeniklasorr type about:config in browser and have a look cant rember that value to chenage but you can limit firefox from there11:19
ikoniayeniklasorr: then ram is not your issue for firefox11:19
yeniklasorrcpu ?11:19
ikoniayeniklasorr: the linux kernel will manage your ram more effectivly than you can11:19
stefano_yeniklasorr, firefox isnt all that fast, i suggest you try epihany - (the package is called epiphany-browser)11:19
yeniklasorr2.6 ghz11:19
yeniklasorrepihany ok ;)11:19
FreeDownloadanyway, firefox should work in a machine like thar11:19
FreeDownload1168 users online?11:20
linux1yeniklasorr http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2006/04/reduce-memory-usage-in-firefox.html11:20
FreeDownloadnice server, hehe11:20
TassinarHas anyone had any luck with getting Rhythymbox to play music file when it starts, say if you provide the filename as an argument?11:21
ikoniaFreeDownload: this is an ubuntu support channel, not a chat channel. Do you have a question about ubuntu ?11:21
yeniklasorrCan YOU open a webpage with firefox, if that page has 2 mb of text ?11:21
stefano_FreeDownload, sometimes we have more than 3000 here :-)11:21
FreeDownloadikonia, no, I don't have any question.11:21
ikoniaFreeDownload: then please keep in mind this is a support channel only, not a chat channel11:21
TassinarI'm attempting to get Nautilus to open mp3s and the like in Rythymbox, but no luck... any forums and bug reports I've found so far seem to be vastly outdated, I get the impression that the kind of functionaly was dropped.11:22
FreeDownloadsee ya.11:23
TassinarHas anyone played around with Rhytymbox and had that kind of thing happening, recently?11:23
hsystemxXhi, does anybody knows how to make gdm default login manager?11:26
think3rHi, is there any way to get Alpine installed on 6.06 server (LTS, I think), I keep getting an error to do with libc6 and libssl0.9.8 being out of date. - new to IRC so be kind!11:26
* Tassinar watches a tumbleweed fly past11:28
TassinarSeems that running `rhythymbox <argument>` works fine if it's already running, but not if it's not. Oh well, good enough.11:29
pawanhow to change wallpaper11:30
TassinarSystem -> Preferences -> Appearance11:30
nmsa!search vpn11:31
ubotuFound: vpn11:31
|WolF1Question: where can i find .run ?11:32
tokoksudo find / -name '*.run'11:32
nmsaubotu, tell nmsa about vpn11:33
|WolF1tokok: it says: bash: .run: command not found11:34
BenderUnit22|WolF1: what are you looking for precisely?11:34
|WolF1Install .run packages11:34
BenderUnit22How to install them? Type "sh <filename>.run" in a terminal.11:35
BenderUnit22Make sure the source of the .run file is thrustworthy.11:35
ikonia|WolF1: if this is nvidia drivers - don't11:35
|WolF1no it is essentials11:35
ikonia|WolF1: what is11:35
tokokand "chmod +x pakagename" before runnung sh11:35
BenderUnit22tokok: don't have to, I thought, unless you want to run it with ./?11:36
tarelerulzWhat is a good program for burning a normal audio cd from mp3 files. I tyr k3b and It failed .11:36
BenderUnit22tarelerulz: try brasero.11:36
BenderUnit22(or find out why k3b failed)11:37
tparcinassh connection, how to transfer data (using some program with graphical interface)?11:37
tokokBenderUnit22: you are right11:37
tparcinaI mean, when I establish ssh connection, how to transfer data then?11:37
|WolF1Question: how can i check if i have successfully installed gcc?11:37
BenderUnit22tparcina: just learn scp and/or sftp, not sure about a GUI program...11:37
BenderUnit22|WolF1: just run gcc -v.11:38
peciskis there proper guide for messing around USB permissions? I know I have to modify udev rules, but where, how, etc. I can't find11:38
BenderUnit22!hi | space11:38
ubotuspace: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:38
livenicely copy vcd into my hard drive11:39
livenicelyi have ext3 partition11:39
tparcinaBenderUnit22: ok, so when I establich ssh connection like - ssh user@ip_addr, ant how would I transfer data with sftp? should I establish another connection or I transfer data thrue this one?11:39
livenicelyinother words i cant copy .dat files to my hard driver from vcd11:39
tarelerulzBenderUnit22 ,does Ubuntu native come with program for make normal audio cd out of mp3 ?11:39
spacewhere you from??11:40
BenderUnit22tarelerulz: well, cdrecord/wodim is excellent from the command line... But how do you mean "native"?11:40
spacewhere you from11:40
BenderUnit22tparcina: you don't have to use ssh separately.11:40
BenderUnit22tparcina: example scp command: scp user@host:/path/to/file .11:40
tparcinaBenderUnit22: but I need ssh for cli11:40
BenderUnit22tparcina: if you've installed ssh, the client programs scp and sftp should already be there as well.11:41
tarelerulzI mean when you install Ubuntu from the cd does it have programs for burning  normal audio cd from mp3 .11:41
livenicely copy vcd into my hard drive11:41
livenicely<livenicely> i have ext3 partition11:41
livenicely<livenicely> inother words i cant copy .dat files to my hard driver from vcd11:41
BenderUnit22tarelerulz: Serpentine, I believe. Neve rused it, though.11:41
|WolF1Question: *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.11:41
|WolF1configure: error: "Cannot find glib"11:41
tparcinaBenderUnit22: I haven't install it seperately, it's ssh that comes with Ubuntu 7.10 distribution11:41
BenderUnit22|WolF1: not sure what you're installing, but try installing libglib2.0-dev or something the like.11:41
BenderUnit22tparcina: so don't bother, you can use scp all right, normally, then.11:42
|WolF1BenderUnit22:  xchat11:42
|WolF1how can i install libglib2.0-dev ?11:42
tparcinaBenderUnit22: so, when I establish ssh connection I just execute scp user@host:/path and he will use the same connection (he won't try to establish one more)?11:43
ikonia|WolF1: what are you trying to actually install11:43
|WolF1ikonia: xchat11:43
Seveas|WolF1, install it from the repositories11:43
Seveasdon't compile it yourself :)11:43
ikonia|WolF1: xwhat is available from the ubuntu repos11:43
ikonia|WolF1: it's also got a version with gnome bindings11:43
Seveasikonia, I love that typo :)11:44
|WolF1i have live cd so i can't find it :(11:44
ikoniaSeveas: just noticed it myself11:44
ikonia|WolF1: it's on the livecd11:44
ikonia|WolF1: or the interenet repo's11:44
Seveasikonia, it's not on the livecd since feisty iirc11:44
ikoniaSeveas: ooh, I stand corrected then11:45
Seveas|WolF1, install ubuntu first, makes life easier11:45
ikonia|WolF1: dragging from an internet repo will be more time effective than trying to compile it on a live cd11:45
void^tparcina: if you want to reuse an existing ssh connection for scp you have to use some extra ssh options, ControlMaster and ControlPath. see 'man ssh_config'.11:45
|WolF1ikonia: how can i do that?11:45
donald_why doesn't the Ubuntu version of mplayer include AMR in the compile options?11:45
ikonia|WolF1: apt-get install xchat-gnome11:45
* mopflite likes irssi11:46
Seveas|WolF1, enable the community software sources via system -> admin -> software sources11:46
SleepingSlothikonia - what is special about xchat-gnome as opposed to standard xchat?11:46
SeveasSleepingSloth, it sucks even harder :)11:46
SleepingSlothSeveas, you don't like xchat?11:46
tparcinavoid^: ok, thank you. I'll read about it.11:46
SleepingSlothSeveas, i just use what i know - if there's a better alternative, let me know :)11:47
SeveasSleepingSloth, I like xchat, use it all the time. It has its downsides though and xchat-gnome has all of those and many more :)11:47
zooboxhow do I do to add a keyboard shortcut without removing the old one? If I want to have ctrl-Esc for opening the Program menu, but allso keep Alt-F1 ?11:47
Seveaszoobox, you don't11:47
SleepingSlothSeveas, ah, i see. i expect those downsides are best discussed elsewhere. the big upside for me is that its in the repository... and when you're as lazy as i am, that makes it a winner....11:48
zooboxit must be possible somehow, right?11:48
SeveasSleepingSloth, :)11:48
zooboxhello fevel11:48
fevelim having trouble with a bug...I installed flashplugin non free for firefox but it keeps asking for the codec, ive tried reinstalling it but it still asks for the codec. Can anyone help?11:49
zooboxSeveas: I thought I perhaps can edit some settingsfile where the keyboard shortcut window put the settings?11:50
Seveaszoobox, but you can only associate one key combo with an action :)11:50
zooboxfevel, I believe there perhaps is still some problemd with the flashplugin non free. it isn't installed correctly. you can install the flashpluginfile manually instead.11:51
fevelzoobox, Ive tried removing it with synaptic and then reinstalling it. Is there a more manual way to do it?11:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »11:52
=== zoom_ is now known as zoom
yommHow can I make a .deb package from an installed software package ?? (it's not in the apt-cache...)11:53
philstarso if I want to get a wubi more recent than 7.04, should I go for 7.10 or 8.04?11:53
zooboxfevel: (but I really though that the flash problem was fixed allread?) but the easiest way is to copy the flashpluginfile to mozillas plugindirectory11:53
zoobox /msg ubotu FlashIssues11:54
|WolF1question: does live cd has any firewall included, or i should get one on my own?11:54
fevelall linux have iptabvles11:55
tarelerulzI must say Ubuntu rocks once more .  I was bit mad when I thought I could not burn a normal cd out of mp3  for a friend .11:55
ikoniatarelerulz you've said that - thanks11:55
Seveasphilstar, 7.1011:55
ikonia|WolF1: if your running a livecd - I wouldn't waste your time with firewalls as when you reboot all your data will be fone11:56
Seveas!firewall | |WolF111:56
ubotu|WolF1: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:56
zooboxyomm, is it ok for me to say "me too" ? ;-) I want to learn how to make deb-files too. I've read a little about it and isn't verry simple11:56
|WolF1ikonia i have installed ubuntu on hdd from live cd11:57
zooboxso when you find the perfect guide for deb-making, tell me too :)11:57
Seveas!packagingguide | zoobox, yomm11:57
ubotuzoobox, yomm: packagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:57
|WolF1it is my permanent and only one OS11:57
ikonia|WolF1: right - so why are you saying you can't find it on the livecd11:57
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
tokoki have a problem with firestarter, it says select internet connection, but i have 2 internet connections, and if i select one, other dies11:57
|WolF1becouse livecd is only cd i have from11:57
tarelerulznow if I was good a drawing , I could do a cool graffie style of my screen name haha ,but that is wishful thinking haha11:57
ikonia|WolF1: you download the packages from the internet11:58
|WolF1yeah but i'm preaty new to this so i don't know what i need what i don't11:58
|WolF1i'm sorry if i'm bothering11:58
ikonianot bothering at all11:58
simion314hi, in nautilus places panel i have a shortcut for floppy 1 but i do not have a flopy and i want to remove it from there, i can't do that with right click11:58
ikoniayomm: pardon ?11:58
tarelerulzHave any of you burned a normal audio cd with Nautilus ?11:59
=== ader10-ZzZzz is now known as ader10
tokoksouthroad: nice pictures, what they mean?12:02
Seveas!ch | southroad12:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:02
Seveas!cn | southroad12:02
ubotusouthroad: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:02
nullvoidhow can I start ivman? everytime i issue /etc/init.d/ivman start I got something like do_startup_configure and no process of ivman :(12:03
samad909hi, i have lost sound on my audigy value card12:06
tokoksamad909: this is bad12:07
samad909tokok: ?12:07
samad909tokok: why is it?12:07
samad909tokok: it was working fine, i changed devices and changed it back and it is gone12:07
|Dreams|does anyone know who makes the tvs Baird12:08
|Dreams|searched google cant find nothing12:08
muty-bgHi any idea how can I add files to an extining deb archive? wny idea12:08
|Dreams|thats on the old baird i have just purchased a new one i think it is just a name they stick on the front12:10
samad909anyone have any ideas why the sound is not working?12:10
muty-bgActually what I need to do is put some missing files in a linux-headers but I'm not very shure how to repackage it12:10
donald_samad909: sound on what hardware?12:11
samad909donald_: audigy value12:11
Cobra_Fasti have a problem with grub. it does not start properly with the default original kernel. only the recovery works. when i try to start normal with default error 15 appears12:12
StrangeCharm_i'm having trouble hibernating on a fujitsu-siemens lifebook p7230. on the hcl, it's listed as working ok. i'm using the intel experimental modsetting graphics driver. i have more swap space than i have ram; i even have more empty swap space than i have ram. i see the hibernate icon in power options dialogue. however, when i click on it, i get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left, and this persists for as long as i leave the compu12:12
StrangeCharm_ter running. when i force a power-off, and turn it back on, i just get a normal startup. any ideas?12:12
Cobra_Fastthe system i'm trying to run is on a SATA RAID 0 and there is also an IDE harddisk12:13
espereguanybody knows how one can decrypt a pdf? I want to remove the password and be able to select the text12:13
PriitM_Hi, I have found that some files my music directory have been deleted and some have been moved to trash. I assume that's a reason to worry about?12:13
philstarSeveas: wubi 7.10 works for you?12:14
Seveasphilstar, I never tried wubi12:14
philstarSeveas: you see, the interesting detail here is that 8.04 has a more recent version, although that could mean that 7.10 has become quite stable12:15
samad909don't tell me no one knows why this is causing an issue...I am using an audigy value card and suddenly sound is gone after changing devices and changing them back again12:15
philstarhttp://wubi-installer.org/devel/minefield/ for reference12:15
Seveasphilstar, ubuntu 8.04 is nowhere near stable though12:15
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html12:15
SleepingSlothyou live and learn12:16
philstarSeveas: okay, thanks :)12:16
Dave_is_sexyHow come Ubuntu doesn't use the Debian Standard Core?12:18
oalbechjust downloaded a .deb package with a printer driver, but when i try to run it i'm being told that 'Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time'. I dont have another manager running though12:19
spqhow do i say grub to boot windows? (i want grub to present a menu instead of directly booting to ubuntu)12:20
=== _myr_ is now known as nymtar
philstarspq: rootnoverify (hd0,0)12:21
philstarchainloader +112:21
philstarin the simplest case12:21
spqi can modify that to use the second partition - thanks12:22
philstarspq: if windows is on a partition other than hda1, you need (hdx,y)12:22
philstarwhere x is the number of hdd, and y the partition12:22
Squeehow do I count the lines in a file from bash?12:23
rolfSquee: wc -l12:23
Squeerolf: thanks12:23
balbirhow can i install beryl/compiz in ubuntu ?12:24
nullvoidbalbir: http://linux.about.com/b/2008/01/05/setting-up-compizfusion-3d-desktop-in-ubuntu.htm12:26
zooboxbalbir: compiz is allready installed I think12:26
Squeemoon_g:  Howdy12:26
balbiri Tried compiz but it failed saying12:26
balbirChecking for Xgl: not present.12:26
balbirNo whitelisted driver found12:26
balbiraborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity12:26
FloodBot3balbir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
balbiror sorry12:26
moon_gfirst time here ,  howdy squee12:26
Squeebalbir:  that means there is an issue with your video card and compiz, or isn't tested12:27
samad909anyone have experience with audigy value soundcard in ubuntu?12:27
StrangeCharm_i'm having some trouble making a couple of raid arrays with the alt installer. i have six disks attached to this machine: one 160gb attached to the board's sata controller, one 40gb attached to the board's ide controller, three 300gb and one 320gb attached to an add-in card that claims to be a raid card, but actually just seems to be a raidless sata controller. i'm trying to set up the following system: a 900gb raid5 using the first 300gb of the f12:27
StrangeCharm_our disks on the add-in card on which to put /var/files; a 40gb raid-striped for / and swap using 20gb each from the 40 and the 160, which will be backed up on a raid5 made of the last 20gb each of the 320, 160 and 40; a 120gb but of spare space on the 160gb, and a 255mb partition at the start of the 40gb for /boot (the system is set to boot from ide drives first). i started up the alt-install disk for 7.10, opened a tty, and dd'd urandom over the12:27
StrangeCharm_ first 512mb of each of the disks, then rebooted. once i got to the partitioner, i marked my disks for partitions necessary to make the above, but when i go in to configure software raid, i don't find all of the partitions that i marked as being available for raid actually being available. if i go to delete multidisk devices, i find 'md1', ':', inactive', 'sdb1 [2]', and 'mdo_raid5', none of which i can delete. the only one of these that appears t12:27
StrangeCharm_o have any component devices is md0_raid5 which had three of my 300gb paritions on it, however, when i return to the main partitioning menu, i find raid5 device #0 with 900gb of free space on it. what on earth is going on?12:27
moon_gnot actually a newbie in ubuntu, but i got something to ask12:27
zooboxbalbir: hm... what graphic card do you have? it seems to be some problem finding a 3d capable driver?12:27
Squeemoon_g: go for it12:27
PriitMIs there any ways to see if user has deleted some files from his home dir?12:27
StrangeCharm_ask | moon_g12:27
moon_git about gfxboot12:27
StrangeCharm_!ask | moon_g12:27
ubotumoon_g: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:28
SqueePriitM:  "history |grep -rm" as the user i suppose12:28
zooboxStrangeCharm_: most people thing that is way to much to read.....12:28
balbirzoobox: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5200]12:28
moon_goh ok12:28
moon_ghow to get gfxboot up and going12:28
Squeemoon_g: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20885512:28
moon_gi followed the ubuntu forum without much luck12:28
moon_gbeen self studying linux for a while, but having a hard time with cli12:29
Squeemoon_g: I don't know what to tell you, I've actually used that exact same tutorial and it worked.12:29
StrangeCharm_zoobox: i i put any less, and ound someone who actually did know what was going on, they'd just ask me for the rest of it. also, i didn't realise how long it would be12:29
Dr_willisWhy do people always say the cli is hard? its rather straight forward. :12:29
Dr_williswhen in doubt learn the fundamentals. :) then you start chaining the fundamental ideas together. Sort of like Legos.12:30
StrangeCharm_Dr_willis: different people have different intuitions about things12:30
hottiumIt might be confusing at start12:30
moon_gthanks strangecharm12:30
StrangeCharm_Dr_willis: also, when referring to multiple pieces of a lego toy, the plural is lego, or lego bricks. lego is not really a noun12:31
moon_git's not that ive having a hard time, sometimes i forgot12:31
balbirzoobox: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5200] I installed the proparitary driver for ATI12:31
Dr_willisBeen 'teaching' a guy at work about linux.   He was going on about how hard the cli was.. asked him if he had read any of the tutorials id given him.. Nope.. :)12:31
Squeemoon_g: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unix_programs - play with some of these12:31
Dr_willisStrangeCharm_,  Lego My ego!12:31
StrangeCharm_Dr_willis: how did i know that was coming... :p12:31
Dr_willisStrangeCharm_,  it is breakfast time here.12:31
dbmoodbdoes the 64bit version of ubuntu work with wine ?12:32
SqueeDr_willis: I was teaching someone debian instead of windows, once they started understanding how intuitive it was they converted completely. (less than a week)12:32
sarmisakdbmoodb: yeah it works12:32
moon_ghow's the gfxboot differ from the gfxboot in synaptic package manager, it seems that the one in SPM is more updated12:32
StrangeCharm_Dr_willis: lunch here, but given my sleep cycle, that's more like random-snack time12:32
Dr_willisStrangeCharm_,  i work 3rd shift now.. Its breakfast.. then bed time for me.12:32
StrangeCharm_Dr_willis: ouch12:33
Squeemoon_g: if it is in synaptic, use that.  I think he built in for other users in the forums when it wasn't already pre-packaged12:33
eugman|workWhat command line command checks disk space?12:33
Squeedf -h12:33
Dr_willisI like        df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs12:33
moon_gbut the one in synaptic doesn't have any guide whatsoever, anyway i'll give the guide in the forum another shot12:35
ludal-livehello all, I'm on a xubuntu LiveCD and I'd like to copy some files from my HDD to an external usb HDD but I can't12:36
ludal-livethe mount command give me : /dev/sda1 on /media/LaCie type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=999,utf8,umask=077)12:36
ludal-livefor my HDD12:36
ludal-livecan sbdy help me ?12:37
sarmisakwhat's the problem12:37
* zoom is away: Occupé12:37
eugman|workI have a server install, is it possible install the gui stuff but have it start up only when I call it from the command line?12:37
mavi-eugman|work: sure12:37
moon_gTo Squee: the line that i don't understand in the forum guide is "gfxmenu /boot/grub/message.suse # the suse can be replaced"12:38
ludal-livesarmisak: I can't copy, it says that it's mounted in read-only12:38
Pici!away > zoom (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)12:38
moon_gwhere do i put it?12:38
sarmisakit's not ntfs right?12:38
ludal-liveno, fat3212:38
Squeemoon_g: I think that the message.suse file was a theme.  You should be able to find a message.ubuntu12:38
sarmisakactually it seems to be mounted rw12:39
Squeemoon_g: until you have it working, i'd recommend leave it at message.suse12:39
sarmisakdid you try to cp something with sudo cp /path/smthign /mdia/disk/smthing12:39
moon_gsomeone told me to put the line in the first line in the menu.lst12:39
ludal-liveno, with gui12:39
ludal-liveI'll try12:39
sarmisakjust popup a terminal12:40
moon_gyup, im trying to make it as simple as possible12:40
sarmisakit's usually the access restrictions12:40
moon_ghow do i make it use gfxboot12:40
sarmisakthe fastest way is sudo mkdir /media/disk/dir_name12:40
sarmisakand then sudo chmod 0777 /media/disk/dir_name12:40
sarmisakthen you can r/w from the gui much easier12:41
Squeemoon_g: i think you just put that line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst.  It also might be a command - i'm not sure12:41
zooboxbalbir, this chatroom is scolling way to fast with all people going in and out.... have you find any soloution?12:41
Squeemoon_g:  yea just put it as the first line12:41
balbirzoobox: not yet :(12:42
ludal-liveI get the cp: omission du répertoire `/media/disk-2/ludo/Desktop/sauvegardeSTOREX/spectacles/' error12:42
moon_gwithout "#"12:42
ludal-liveI'm french :)12:42
Dr_willisHmm.. was this a vfat or ntfs filesystem?  I dident think one can chmod those.12:42
Squeemoon_g: # is a comment, so it shouln't matter if it is there12:42
moon_goh ok, thanks a lot12:42
sarmisakludal-live: sorry my french is not that good :)12:43
ygorabreuHello guys....anyone know how to make nice pdf documents on gutsy using openoffice ? and a good software to do traductions ?12:43
moon_gi'm kinda want to have grub menu just like suse :)12:43
Squeemoon_g: no problem, but just so you know I stopped using that package because my grub would occasionally just lock up (never happend before I installed that)12:43
sarmisakludal-live: can you read from the source?12:43
sarmisakygorabreu: just type it, push the pdf button on the toolbar?12:44
moon_goh ok, just wondering why it's been implemented suse for sometime now and it's missing in ubuntu12:44
zooboxbalbir: since you have installed the proparitary ATI-driver, compiz should just work in ubuntu 7.10 byt just checking Extra in the visual Effects, without need to install anything12:44
Squeeygorabreu: file->export to pdf from any Openoffice program12:44
ygorabreusimple as that ? for sure? =P12:44
Squeeygorabreu: yes12:44
fevelwhats a good substitute for itunes? One that would work with my ipodtouch and I could see podcasts from? does one exist?12:44
sarmisakygorabreu: i'm using it since it was called staroffice? i think i'm pretty sure12:45
ygorabreusarmisak,squee: sry..thx for the help... i didnt know..i just got a fresh gutsy installation and im starting to work here...12:45
sarmisakfevel: try rhytmbox?12:45
Squeefevel: i use rhythmbox12:45
fevelisnt amarok better?12:45
sarmisakygorabreu: ;) n.p.12:45
fevela person once told me12:45
Squeeygorabreu: not a problem, that is exactly what this channel is for12:45
ygorabreusarmisak_: and to edit and stuff..i still need to use the openoffice right?12:45
sarmisakfevel: i couldn't get used to it :)12:46
Squeesarmisak: you could try songbird12:46
fevelsarmisak, is ubuntu the only distro you use??12:46
ygorabreuthx guys..and ... u guys know a nice soft to do translations?12:46
sarmisakygorabreu: you can't edit pdf's directly, you can type and export as much as you want from the original document12:46
zoomzoobox>>> no with my card with proparitary driver compiz don t work for example: ati mobility radeon 970012:46
moon_ggoodbye, thanks to those who helped me12:46
Dr_willisfevel,  ubuntu is one of the most easy disrtos to use.12:46
sarmisakfevel: i have tried pardus -which is distributed by a turkish team- but mostly ubuntu12:47
Dr_willisfevel,  oope  i ,miss read that. :) its late for me. never mind.12:47
juice_can someone tell me why i have to install 7.10 in safe graphics mode? i have a 8800 GT on an ASUS board.12:47
sarmisaki like gnome better12:47
juice_x64 edition that is12:47
fevelDr_willis, Can I use it for server also? or is it not a good idea?12:47
sarmisakjuice_: amd64?12:47
juice_sarmiski: yes12:47
Dr_willisfevel,  it can do server tasks also. I have a ubuntu box thats a samba server, printserver, and mythtv server. :)12:47
sarmisakjuice_: it's broken :) i couldn't install it from live cd either12:47
juice_sarmisak: howd u fix it?12:48
sarmisakjuice_: actually try to install i386 version, some packages -like flash player- is not working in amd64 version12:48
fevelDr_willis, how about email server, vpn, proxy and firewall??12:48
SleepingSlothTruman, ?12:48
Dr_willisjuice_,   For my systems the Monitor and otehr stuff dosent work 100% untill i get the actual nvidia drivers installed. Wrong and so forth.12:48
sarmisakjuice_: installed from an alternate install cd12:48
Dr_willisfevel,  it can do those.12:48
fevelDr_willis, do you recommend it?12:48
Dr_willisfevel,  most all disrtos can handle the various server tasks12:48
sarmisakfevel: i have an ubuntu server12:49
rhachhello some germans here?12:49
zooboxzoom, aha.. ok I have allways avoided ati-cards..... I hope they get better now when amd are opensource-friendly12:49
juice_sarmisak: so i have to use the 32 bit version then install drivers from nvidia site?12:49
Dr_willisfevel,  depends on your needs.   for a company of 10000000000000 people.. :)  you may not want to.. For your House.. No problem.12:49
sarmisakfevel: it works real good12:49
sarmisakjuice_: exactly ;)12:49
erUSULsarmisak: the flashplayer-nonfre works on 64 bit with nsplginwrapper (well not now becouse the package is broken in both architectures)12:49
darkhelferi have new install Ubuntu and have a Geforce TNT 2, how i install a good driver for it ?12:49
juice_sarmisak: is someone working on the problem?12:49
Dr_willis!nvidia | darkhelfer12:49
ubotudarkhelfer: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:50
Cooltigeroh gott12:50
sarmisakerUSUL: i know, but i needed some other packages also, what breaks people mostly is the flash player -youtube you know-12:50
zooboxrhach: there is probably a german ubuntu-chatroom too12:50
rhachoh thanks ^12:50
sarmisakjuice_: yeah, but it's proprieatery so we'll have to wait for adobe to make another package12:50
iratikuI know you guys are all busy answering questions and I appreciate your help .... but I'm trying to setup a quick image server.... can't figure out how to start partimaged... i see there is a package partimage (gutsy btw...) but i've got that installed and ps ax | grep partimaged shows up nothing and there is no entry in /etc/init.d12:51
iratikuhow do i do it?12:51
sarmisakjuice_: but as erUSUL has said there is a way to install it12:51
iratikuinstall from source?12:51
juice_sarmisak: adobe?12:51
sarmisakjuice_: sorry :) it wasn't for you12:51
sarmisakjuice_: yes they are working on it but no news yet12:51
oalbechwhen trying to print it tells me the application/postscript not found.. what do i need to install?12:51
juice_sarmisak: oh the flash player i got to work but i want the drivers 4 my vid card12:52
fevelcan I get Ipod touch working on ubuntu??12:52
ctphi folks. anyone here can say me how stable hardy actually is for desktop use?12:52
fevelI just got one12:52
sarmisakjuice_: what's the card?12:52
juice_sarmisak: ne way around it?12:52
juice_sarmisak: 8800 GT12:52
ctpany known trouble with hardy?12:52
erUSULsarmisak: for mi the way was "go to youtube.com and try to watch a video; system ask me to enable flashplayer i say ok and give my password close firefox open it again done"12:52
iratikunevermind guys12:52
Pici!hardy | ctp12:52
ubotuctp: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:52
iratikupackage is partimage-server12:52
erUSULctp: a lot i spect is not even beta12:52
sarmisakerUSUL: try it with AMD64 distro ;)12:52
erUSULsarmisak: i did12:53
darkhelferreboot ^12:53
zoomzoobox>>> yes :)12:53
erUSULsarmisak: i run a 64 bit distro and tha's how i installed flash12:53
sarmisakerUSUL: then it was my mistake i couldn't do it directly12:53
ctperUSUL: ok12:53
erUSULsarmisak: i'm talkiing first hand12:53
juice_erUSUL: u run nvidia card?12:53
sarmisakerUSUL: is it gutsy? i had a major problem installing flash player12:53
sarmisakerUSUL: i installed it after googling12:54
erUSULsarmisak: works fine in gutsy (feisty and older was much trickier)12:54
sarmisakerUSUL: but it wasn't click and install12:54
erUSULjuice_: yes i do a 7300GT12:54
sarmisakjuice_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:54
Dr_willisI just grabbed the deb off the 2nd factoid the bot mentions in !flash  and that gets flash going for me. But I hear its still broke in konqueror.12:54
rhach@truman hallo ^^12:54
sarmisakjuice_: that would install the latest drivers for you nv card12:54
juice_sarmisak: 8800 GT. for the flash player choose the second option when u see flash player options12:54
erUSULjuice_: system>Admin>restricted manager and enable the nvidia driver12:55
juice_erUSUL: i had no drivers to begin with so restricted driver manager will not open ne ways ;)12:55
Jay955morning all12:56
erUSULjuice_: not even safe graphics mode?12:56
juice_erUSUL: i installed in safe mode12:56
Jay955i'm new to this and can use some help12:56
darkhelferhow i can change my resolution to 1280 ? its only 800x600 avaible12:56
sarmisakdarkhelfer: nvidia? ati?12:57
Dr_willisDuring the install the nvidia cards should get set to use the 'nv' drivers - that should provide at least a useable desktop :) untill you can install the other drivers.12:57
erUSULjuice_: but when you but you do not land in safe graphics mode?12:57
juice_erUSUL: but i just did the apt-get and DL fom nvidia and neither work12:57
sarmisakdarkhelfer: try installing the drivers12:57
juice_erUSUL: syntax???12:57
erUSULjuice_: is 8800gt?12:57
juice_erUSUL: yes12:57
sarmisakdarkhelfer: popup a terminal, type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:57
Dr_willisdarkhelfer,  i have to install the nvidia drivers for my res/monitors to get used properly at their proper res.12:57
darkhelferhave installed the restricted drivers12:57
=== sal_ is now known as justafish
Dr_willisafter installing them restart the X server.12:58
sarmisakdarkhelfer: then try the change resolution thing in system > preferences12:58
juice_erUSUL: maybe my card dont like me?12:58
sarmisakjuice_: i didn't know that cards had options of liking/disliking ;)12:58
darkhelferthere it only 800x600 and 640x48012:59
juice_sarmisak: there is a switch on the back like the crusty clown dolls in simpsons12:59
erUSULjuice_: dunno; have you tried with the nv driver to get at least a 2d desktop?12:59
FloodBot3thomasthomas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
Dr_willisGuess im lucky my 8800 card works great with the repo drivers.12:59
filthpigI get terrible sound when playing mp3s in rockbox. They sound just fine with totem12:59
juice_erUSUL: i have desktop and all but i cant enable custom animation and the like12:59
erUSULDr_willis: i was under the impression that 8800 needed nvidia.com drivers (169.09)13:00
Jay955i just setup Ubuntu, i'm sharing a folder but i can't get to it from the windows side what i'm i missing13:00
Dr_williserUSUL,  i got an 8800 gts here. and just use the ones the restricted-manager gives me.13:00
sarmisakJay955: are you sharing with samba?13:00
erUSULDr_willis: good to know13:00
Jay955yes i am13:00
Dr_williserUSUL,  only issue i have is with twinview  and Gnome/KDE sort of getting my 2 monitors switched. :) KDM shows up on the one to the side.13:00
darkhelfersarmisak: can i use "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new" with the Nvidia TNT2 ? think i only can use legacy13:01
Jay955when on the windows side it's asking me for user and password13:01
sarmisakdarkhelfer: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx then ;)13:01
juice_dr_willis: u 7.10 amd64?13:01
sarmisakJay955: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf13:01
Dr_willisjuice_,  i dont use 64bit disrtos. I got no need to use 64bit.13:01
erUSULjuice_: dunno what it is wrong wth your setup... my card works well with both the packaged drivers and with the nvidia.com ones (what i currently use)13:02
sarmisakJay955: find the line that says security = user13:02
sarmisakJay955: uncomment it and change it to security=share13:02
Dr_willisI wonder if thers not some bios/card issues going on with the drivers in some cases.13:02
erUSULjuice_: but it is and older model 7300GT13:02
juice_dr_willis: y not 64?13:02
sarmisakJay955: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart13:02
sarmisakJay955: that should do it13:02
Dr_willisjuice_,  why 64?  I gain nothing.. and theres quirks to watch out for.13:02
Jay955thanks i will try brb13:02
sarmisakJay955: beware, this is not secure.13:03
juice_alright im out to reformat. peace ya'll13:03
sarmisakJay955: if you want security you must create smb users etc, google it13:03
Dr_willis!samba | Jay95513:03
ubotuJay955: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:03
darkhelferand now restart X-Server ? how i can make this in the terminal or need restart complete ?13:03
erUSULdarkhelfer: crtl+alt+backspace13:04
Dr_willisdarkhelfer,  hit alt-ctrl-backspace will FORCE it to restart right now. :) be sure to save yoru stuff first..13:04
erUSULdarkhelfer: or 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'13:04
darkhelferor sudo reboot ? :D13:04
Dr_willisrebooting is NOT the same as restarting the X server13:05
Dr_willis:) its more drastic13:05
idefix_why on earth did I ever upgrade my linux?13:05
Dr_willisidefix_,  you wanted the wiggly windows?13:05
SleepingSlothidefix_,  was the grass greener?13:05
SleepingSlothDr_willis,  hahah13:05
SleepingSlothDr_willis, wobbly windows are lame13:06
Dr_willisMyWife : "Honey - i think the computer is broken, the windows i move around are all wiggly-jiggly!"13:06
Dr_willisFunny Because its True.. :P13:07
Dr_williswell its bed time for me. Night all.13:07
SleepingSlothDr_willis,  lol.  you should lower the friction setting, or whatever it is, and see what heppens!!13:07
henrygood night13:07
sarmisakSleepingSloth: ahahah it's cool when the friction changes :D13:08
sarmisaklog out / log in13:08
_marianne_hey, i'm having an issue with video playback on an ubuntu derivative, i'm not sure if it's different enough from main ubuntu to matter, buuuut... i thought asking here was worth a go! half the time when i open video files, on any player that i've tried (vlc, mplayer, xine, even embedded ones in firefox), the image won't appear, it's just a garbled mess, a screenshot of which is here - http://xmoogle.org/images/vidproblem.jpg - sometimes13:09
_marianne_i can make the problem go away by closing random programs, sometimes i can't, it's really quite annoying.... any ideas?13:10
doctorowI'm in the middle of using Distribution Upgrade to take a machine from Feisty to Gutsy. It's been running fine for > 1h, but it seems to be hung on "Configuring xserver-xorg" -- it's been doing this for the past 5+ minutes with no visible progress. Is there a way to find out if this is hung? Will Distribution Update eventually skip to the next bit?13:10
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=== josiah is now known as josiahw
StrangeCharm_i'm having trouble hibernating on a fujitsu-siemens lifebook p7230. on the hcl, it's listed as working ok. i'm using the intel experimental modsetting graphics driver. i have more swap space than i have ram; i even have more empty swap space than i have ram. i see the hibernate icon in power options dialogue. however, when i click on it, i get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left, and this persists for as long as i leave the compu13:13
StrangeCharm_ter running. when i force a power-off, and turn it back on, i just get a normal startup. any ideas?13:13
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cyberleoalguem fala portugues?13:13
cyberleoestou com uma duvida13:13
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:13
Jay955<sarmisak> where to i enter that.13:15
doctorowI'm in the middle of using Distribution Upgrade to take a machine from Feisty to Gutsy. It's been running fine for > 1h, but it seems to be hung on "Configuring xserver-xorg" -- it's been doing this for the past 5+ minutes with no visible progress. Is there a way to find out if this is hung? Will Distribution Update eventually skip to the next bit?13:15
DarkHelfer03|Penöhm... the Nvidia driver and my X-Server not compatible >_>13:15
DarkHelfer03|PenX-Server can not start13:15
Jay955<sarmisak> like i say i'm new to this13:16
gob1029what channel do i go to for help with banshee?13:18
swubooDoes anyone know of an applet that will display the current date in the French revolutionary calendar?13:19
filthpigI get terrible sound when playing mp3s in rockbox. Sounds like electrical noise on the treble.. They sound just fine with totem.13:19
dbmood1if my friend install ubuntu gutsy in safe graphics mode on a laptop with a nvidia card will he have problems after rebooting with x.org starting up ?13:23
=== dbmood1 is now known as dbmoodb
swuboodbmoodb:  I don't really see any reason why he would, to be honest.13:23
dbmoodbok cool13:24
dbmoodbbut i have in the past had nvidia problems and just wondered what would happen...13:24
swuboodbmoodb:  Then you probably know more than I.  I have an nvidia card, but I've got a desktop.13:24
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dbmoodbk - some times the laptop's don't boot up they have a flashing coloured brown screen13:25
dbmoodbusing the livecd13:25
srujanhi all13:25
swuboodbmoodb:  Hm.  Don't know.  I'd suggest using the nvidia rather than nv driver, though.13:25
dbmoodbwhat is it by default in gutsy13:26
srujanI'm Srujan from india13:26
dbmoodb!intel wireless13:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel wireless - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about centrino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:26
srujanI installed kubuntu and actually lost my admin privilages13:26
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages13:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backdoor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:26
dbmoodbi mean grub13:26
dbmoodb!safe root13:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about safe root - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:27
swuboodbmoodb:  The default is nv, I believe, since that's the open source driver.  The nvidia driver is the closed-source vendor version.13:27
srujancan anyone help?13:27
dbmoodbk sure just reboot and change a few things in the grub boot options13:27
swuboosrujan:  Lost them in what sense?  Does sudo work?13:27
srujanit doesn't13:27
dbmoodbpush e to edit, and put in13:27
sarmisaksrujan: was it a reformat?13:27
srujanactually one of my friend unknowingly done that13:28
sarmisakhmms, popup a terminal and goto /etc folder13:28
sarmisaksudo nano group13:28
srujani searched a lot but with no result13:28
dbmoodbhe can't do that sarm13:28
dbmoodbcan he ?13:28
sarmisakdbmoodb: god, no13:28
sarmisakdbmoodb: you are right13:28
dbmoodbjust change the grub boot options13:28
dbmoodbtis easyt13:28
srujansarmisak: nay help?13:29
jribsrujan: you need to reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then execute, without the quotes, 'adduse YOUR_USER_NAME', where YOUR_USER_NAME is your actual user name.  After that, reboot and use the GUI (System -> Adiministration -> Users and Groups) to add yourself to your other missing groups.13:30
jribsrujan: ack, I made a typo.  The command should be: adduser YOUR_USER_NAME13:30
jribsrujan: ack, I made a typo.  The command should be: adduser YOUR_USER_NAME admin13:31
jribtoo early I guess...13:31
srujan:jrib actually i dont see any recovery mood whnile booting13:31
srujanthere are some 5 options13:31
jribsrujan: one should say "recovery mode".  What 5 do you see?13:31
srujanone is root next kernel and other kernel with some code13:32
srujannext is quiet13:32
srujanand last is13:32
srujani dont exactly remember13:32
dbmoodbeh ubuntu recovery mode from grub has no root password question ?13:32
olihow should i name end of file name (ex. .jpg) in english? :>13:32
dbmoodbjpeg ?13:32
jribsrujan: reboot and check.  It should be there unless you have removed it13:32
srujani also have vista installed13:33
jriboli: it's referred to as the file's "extension" if that is what you mean13:33
srujanso what it displays is ubuntu and next option is vista13:33
pdowlingshould Wubi detect this iso ubuntu-7.10-alternate-amd64.iso and install it, instead of ripping off the net again?13:33
jribsrujan: k, come back if it's not there13:33
srujanok fine13:33
olijrib: thats what i wanted to know, thanx13:33
srujanI should check for wht??13:33
jribsrujan: a line that says "recovery mode" somewhere13:34
srujanis der any command for that to write in grub?13:34
jribsrujan: and then run the 'adduser YOUR_USER_NAME admin' command13:34
srujan:jrib is der any command for booting in recovery mode?13:35
jribsrujan: you don't need one.  It is listed by default13:35
srujanjrib: ok what will be displayed after the recovery booting? a direct command line ar anything else/13:36
ritalinubuntu pretty good for laptops?13:37
riotkittiesrujan: you'll be given a command line13:37
techgeek40Good Morning, all13:37
jribsrujan: mine is displayed as: Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode).  You just select that and hit enter.  Then you get a command prompt.  You enter 'adduser YOUR_USER_NAME admin', where YOUR_USER_NAME is your actual username.  Then reboot13:37
riotkittieritalin: i'd say it depends on your laptop.13:37
riotkittieritalin: i've had no probs with it on mine, tho13:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ritalin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:37
srujanok thank u13:37
jribsrujan: come back if you have trouble :)13:38
techgeek40I have one - do DirectX (PCI Express) video cards work okay - or very well - under Ubuntu?13:38
daniel92techgeek40: well, directx won't work (microsoft only), but the video card should work fine13:39
AngryElf_hey folks, I can't get my samba user to connect for some reason, my config is pretty simple, just a path and writeable = yes,  and I've set up the smb user with smbpasswd -a, but windows is still telling me that my server isn't accessible -- any ideas?13:39
sheenHello all, I have issues installing my new nvidia gf8000 GTS G92 (latest chipset), it appears only known by latest nvidia drivers. I've installed them then I've launch X and I've seen a nvidia logo ! But gnome does not load so I've restart ubuntu and now I'm in vesa mode =( somebody could help me please ?13:40
techgeek40daniel92: I am not worried about DirectX working - that I have Vista for (grin) just worried about the card. I'm chaning out my vid card this weekend. I had ONE hell'va time getting it configured under Ubuntu13:40
dbmoodbis cpu frequency installed by default in gutsy ?13:40
techgeek40Sheen: Where did you get the drivers?13:40
simion314hi, in nautilus places panel i have a shortcut for floppy 1 but i do not have a flopy and i want to remove it from there, i can't do that with right click13:40
dbmoodb- i think i saw it last time i installed13:40
sheentechgeek40, nvidia.com13:40
daniel92techgeek40: what is the problem then?13:40
sheentechgeek40, because nvidia-glx-new does not work , driver's aren't enough recent13:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpufreq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:41
jribsimion314: hmm, pastebin your /etc/fstab13:41
techgeek40Daniel: nothing really - I am was just curious - wondering if anyone has had problems with the pci express cards13:41
techgeek40Sheen: did you edit your xorg.conf and take out the vesa under "device"?13:41
Na-FiannHey, does anyone know how i can run a specific program in a different language without changing the language of the entire install?13:42
daniel92techgeek40:  afaik, they work just as well as any other card. actually, i'm pretty sure the vid card in my laptop i;m using right now (ati mobility radeon 2300 =[) is some form of pci x1613:42
sarmisaki'm using a 7500gt, no problems13:42
sheentechgeek40, no I was thinking that xconfig done it (it appears done it one time because i've seen the nvidia logo)13:42
sarmisakon my nb i have nvidia mobility, no problem on that also13:42
daniel92brb all13:43
techgeek40Sheen: there is a walkthrough for that - let me get you the link - make sure you follow it. It will go through the specifics for you13:43
techgeek40Sheen: one sec13:43
IdleOnejust did a fresh install of 7.04 and my internet is not working or being recognised. need help please13:43
techgeek40Sheen: You have the 8000?13:44
sheentechgeek40, ok thanks a lot. This G92 is very hard to get working13:44
sheentechgeek40, 8800GTS but G92 (latest one)13:44
techgeek40Okay -13:44
sarmisakIdleOne: what's your nic make and model?13:45
sarmisakif it's onboard realtek 8169 or something like that just upgrade to 7.1013:45
sarmisakgigabit nics aren't much welcome in 7.0413:45
techgeek40Sheen: here is the site: get these drivers - http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.09.html13:45
techgeek40Sheen: Also13:45
IdleOnesarmisak SiS Unknown device 0671 is what lspci gives me13:46
techgeek40There is a util to help with the xorg - but also read the readme file - as it provides additional links on editing things that may need a line added or remarked out13:46
=== beasty__ is now known as beasty
sarmisakIdleOne: can you dl a live 7.10 cd?13:46
sarmisakIdleOne: try it with the live cd13:46
MindSparkhi, does anyone know what the apache-mod-perl package is called ?13:47
sarmisakif it's working then just upgrade13:47
IdleOnesarmisak 7.10 has same effect13:47
sarmisakMindSpark: libapache2-mod-perl ?13:47
sheentechgeek40, this is the driver I've installed (I'm on 64 bits)13:47
techgeek40Sheen : oops okay - one sec13:47
IdleOnesarmisak livecd has no internet either13:47
sarmisakIdleOne: hmms, than it's a major problem for you13:47
MindSparksarmisak, as far as I understand that's the development package ?13:47
sarmisakMindSpark: apt-cache search perl13:48
MindSparksarmisak, yea, I did that, thanks :)13:48
techgeek40Sheen: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_169.09.html      still - make sure you read the readme. I had to - even though the install did just fine - I actually ended up having to install the driver via a safe mode terminal --- did you turn off X when you did the installation?13:48
SleepingSlothMindSpark, isn't it libapache2-mod-perl2 ?13:48
IdleOnesarmisak I do have a NIC card that works in my older pc . think I can swap them out without major issues on the driver side of things?13:48
drunkmuppetHello. I was wanting to set up a webserver on vmware. What version of Ubuntu do you recommend and do you know of a good guide for a basic webserver? (php, mysql, perl, apache)13:48
sarmisakIdleOne: that would be a wise choice until a driver is created for your card13:49
juice_ne one know the terminal command for nvidia drivers for 8800GT?13:49
MindSparkSleepingSloth, it looks like I need to update/install the mod_cgi as well13:49
drhumanisti have a problem installing Gutsy13:49
sarmisakdrunkmuppet: ubuntu server edition, just pop the iso in and choose lamp13:49
IdleOnesarmisak guess that is what I will do then. thank you13:49
sheentechgeek40, I've close X (kill it I don't know how to close it to get the console)13:49
SleepingSlothMindSpark, ah, i see13:49
sarmisakIdleOne: never mind.13:49
juice_sarmisak: hey  me again, what was the terminal command for nvidia drivers?13:50
drunkmuppetsarmisak - Alright. Thankyou :D13:50
IdleOnesarmisak never mind?13:50
drhumanistat the and of the installation (94%) when it is installing GRUB it gives a fatal error saying cannot load GRUB on hda(o)13:50
SleepingSlothjuice_, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, you mean?13:50
techgeek40Sheen: read the readme - and additonal links - then at the terminal window do /etc/init.d/gdm stop   that will stop the process - then do the terminal install - the new Nvidia drivers will have a gui for that and it will walk you through the installatoin13:50
Na-FiannAlright I got a bit further...13:50
swubooDoes anyone know a way to get the system clock to use a non-Gregorian calendar?13:50
redarrowHallo zusammen13:50
Na-Fiannif i input this in the terminal it works fine: LANGUAGE=nl_NL:nl LANG=nl_NL.UTF-8 gramps13:51
BlackRecehi ppl13:51
drhumanisthey anyone? :)13:51
brobostigonredarrow: moin13:51
Na-Fiannhowever, add the same command to the main menu and it complains about not being able to create a child process13:51
Na-Fiannanyone know why?13:51
techgeek40Sheen: reboot and do the safe mode start up - hit ALT+F2 - type your user name and password: then do the sudo su - for root - then the /etc/init.d/gdm stop - then cd to where the drivers are and follow the readme directions from there - they should install just fine from that point on13:51
sheentechgeek40, thanks I try13:52
techgeek40Sheen: good luck13:52
drhumanistguys - cannot even install Ubuntu :(13:52
sheentechgeek40, thanks =)13:52
techgeek40Sheen: :>13:52
redarrowbrobostigon: oh, doch einer der mich versteht :D - hab eigentlich falschen Channel gehabt ;)13:52
BlackReceI have a simple noob question, how do I find out which nics are connected to what? I have 2 nics, one to router and one to a pc, trying to setup linux-gateway-box13:52
techgeek40drhumanist - what happens when you try to install13:52
zooboxanyone knows how I turn off window-to-window snapping in non-compiz mode? (visual effects: none)13:52
brobostigon!de | redarrow13:53
uboturedarrow: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:53
drhumanisttechgeek40 - till 94% everything goes fine, at that point -while trying to install GRUB- it gives a fatal error13:53
iratikuI missing a library libbz213:53
krielBlackRece: check IP's would be my guess. or mac addresses, if the router lets you see said mac addresses in its client table.13:53
juice_sarmisak: so i installed the 32bit version of 7.10 and just installed the nvidia drivers but when i go to restricted drivers manager and it says my hardware requires no restricted drivers...13:53
brobostigonredarrow: es sprechen hier mehr englisch als deutsch,13:53
iratikuWhere do i get libbz2?13:53
drhumanisttechgeek40- saying "Cannot install Grub on hda0"13:53
redarrowbrobostigon: weiß ich eigentlich, bin in beiden Channeln vertreten nur bei irssi blick ich das manchmal nicht so in welchen channel ich gerade schreibe ;)13:53
techgeek40zoobox: try this site - it walks you through setting that up: http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion13:54
krielI recently changed my password, by using the 'passwd' command at a terminal level. Now, on every boot, nm-applet (Network Manager) asks for permission to the default keyring, and I have to type in my old password before it goes away. Was I not supposed to use the console command?13:54
techgeek40Drhumanist: how many drives you have in your computers? Also, are you doing the install via the full live CD or the alternate cd?13:54
drhumanistany ideas?13:54
=== baby_imut is now known as ce_cr_co
drhumanisttechgeek40 - Only one SATA Toshiba HDD on my laptop, Full CD13:55
juice_ne one know why my nvidia drivers arent working?13:55
techgeek40Drhumanist: how's your partition your drives?13:55
juice_help please13:55
SleepingSlothjuice_,  what exactly is the problem?13:55
balorDoes anyone know if the OOo bibliography tool works in Presenter?13:55
Na-Fianncan anyone please help me?13:55
techgeek40juice: did you install the drivers from the snyaptic or the web site?13:55
drhumanistI partitioned them in my Vista - one swap area 1.8 GB - one partition 18 GB13:56
BlackRece(why are there so many ppl with probs?! didn't think ubuntu was this awkward!)13:56
drhumanistI have Vista installed btw13:56
krielBlackRece: can I pm?13:56
BlackRecepm away13:56
Na-Fiannits just a small prob with the main menu items...13:56
techgeek40drhumanist: one sec -13:56
juice_sleepingsloth, techgeek40: im in 7.10 fresh install, i have a 8800 GT nvidia, installed drivers from apt-get13:56
roy_I have a problem...my desktop stopped working, i.e. no wallpaper is displayed, just black, no icons on the desktop, can't right-click on the desktop etc. anyone have any idea where I can check for errors?13:56
techgeek40Juice: 32 or 64?13:57
SleepingSlothjuice_,  so what is actually wrong? low-graphics mode, or just no acceleration?13:57
juice_sleepingsloth, techgeek40: when i go to restricted drivers manager it claims my harware needs no restricted drivers13:57
oalbechhow do i make programs launch at login?13:57
oalbechi want skype, pidgin and others to launch automaticly13:58
PriitMI copied folderA to folderB, now some of folderB files were in .trash, some completely missing. Some folderA files were completely missing. I found nautilus-debug-log, which contained info about me moving those files, but not deleting them. I didn't find any remove commands from terminal as well. System log did not report any unknown root logins. The data I lost wasn't very important, but is this just a bug or I should be worried?13:58
SleepingSlothjuice_,  have you changed your xorg.conf?13:58
juice_sleepingsloth: no13:58
juice_sleepingsloth: what is it?13:59
Eduarduoalbech you need add commands on sessions option in setings menu13:59
SleepingSlothjuice_, one sec13:59
Na-Fiannlol is my problem not exotic enough or sumthing?13:59
swuboooalbech:  System, Preferences, Sessions.14:00
oalbechthanks guys14:00
drhumanisttechgeek40 - shall i wait more? :)14:00
PiciNa-Fiann: What program are you trying to run?14:00
SleepingSlothNa-Fiann, please be patient14:00
techgeek40drhumanist: I take it you're using Vista to log in here right now?14:00
swuboooalbech:  There'll be a tab for Startup programs.  Just add them.14:00
drhumanisttechgeek - No, Live User mode - Ubuntu14:00
Na-Fiannsorry, just seemed like i was being ignored, not trying to be annoying or anything:p14:00
erUSULPriitM: you copied it with nautilus? or you used cp?14:01
Na-Fiannpici, im trying to run gramps in my own loacale without changing standard language14:01
PriitMerUSUL, nautilus14:01
techgeek40drhumanist: i ran into that before and trying to remember how I got around that. I think - during the installation - I actually deleted my partition (the free space one) along with the swap area - re-did them with the Live CD - first creating the saw - then the second partition using just the etc and the mount of /       that was it -14:02
PiciNa-Fiann: You'll need to make a file, put the commands that you mentioned above in that file.14:02
Na-Fiannpici: in the terminal,  LANGUAGE=nl_NL:nl LANG=nl_NL.UTF-8 gramps works fine, but when run as a menu item, it gives the error "cannot create child process"14:02
techgeek40saw = swap14:02
techgeek40<---fingers haven't had their coffee yet14:02
Na-Fiannso, does it need to be a bash file or something?14:02
SleepingSlothjuice_, I cant find the howto right now - but i am sure you need to change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf device driver from 'nv' to 'nvidia'14:02
PiciNa-Fiann: The menu cannot run multiple commands like that, but if you put them in a script, it can run the script.14:02
PiciNa-Fiann: Exactly.14:02
erUSULPriitM: humm you espected to end up with folderB/folderA/ tree or you wanted all the files of folderA/ end up in folderB/  ?? i think you should reort it as a bug in nautilus with a detailed description (including logs etc)14:03
techgeek40drhumanist: did you create the swap partition as well in vista or did you do the partition setup in live cd mode?14:03
Na-Fianngreat, thanks very much:)14:03
daninadyou people die with the mortals14:03
erUSUL!bugs | PriitM14:03
ubotuPriitM: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:03
daninadunless you help14:03
SleepingSlothjuice_, at least, i did. but then i didnt touch the restricted drivers manager when i installed my drivers.14:03
Na-Fiannand again sorry for nagging14:03
drhumanisttechgeek40 - i tried that before but Ubuntu Installer could not manage to create the partitions! so I HAD TO use vista to partition14:03
mads-Hi. When I turn on my computer is just says "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB..... " on the screen... And it just keeps going. How do I fix this? :S14:03
daninadhey it's daniel14:03
daninadhow's egypt dude14:03
SleepingSlothjuice_,  when you run glxgears, what framerate are you getting?14:03
daninadit's cool14:03
juice_sleepingsloth: so the prob is with the xorg.conf?14:03
swubooPici, Na-Fiann:  Wow.  That's good to know.  I may make use of that myself.14:03
daninadwhy are they mass murdering the local australian population?14:03
dgjones!offtopic | daninad14:03
ubotudaninad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:03
jrib!guidelines > daninad (read the private message from ubotu)14:04
daninadbecause they want to do it all over the world!14:04
daninadthat's all14:04
techgeek40drhumanist: when you created your mount point did you use anything other than just the forward slash   /    or did you do like /media/???14:04
juice_sleepingsloth: where does it say the framerate?14:04
PriitMerUSUL, I wanted it to end up as /folderB/folderA/ but I ended up having /folderB/folderA/ with completely deleted files, some files in .trash and semi-empty folders14:04
SleepingSlothjuice_,  run it from a terminal, it should give you the framerate every 5 seconds14:04
drhumanisttechgeek - no no "/" for root and swap for swap.... I installed Ubuntu before onto other systems so i know the way14:04
erUSULPriitM: that's pretty scare :( it is local filesystem? etx3? if true is a critical bug14:05
BlackReceubuntu couldn't do partitions?!?!? that sounds like a bug to me or vista is locking the drive!!! summut wrong there drhumanist!!!14:05
mads-Hi. When I turn on my computer is just says "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB..... " on the screen... And it just keeps going. How do I fix this? :S14:05
juice_sleepingsloth:  oic, anywhere around 200fps14:05
PriitMerUSUL, yes it's on local system. I'll report it.14:05
drhumanistBlackRece - yeah i found that strange too!14:05
juice_sleepingsloth:  looks horrible14:06
BlackRecemads: reinstall grub or use livecd to fix grub using sudo gedit .... i've foggoten which file u actually need to edit!! sry but that is part of the solution!! DO NOT TRY UNTIL U HAVE THE COMPLETE SOLUTION!!14:06
erUSULmads-: does it ever worked fine or is a fresh install? maybe reinstalling grub helps?14:06
Jupp2how do I list the contents of a .deb file?14:07
techgeek40BlackRece: Vista can't lock the drive like that - but it is possible if another boot loader is being used that it does lock the partition --- I ran into that with BDC14:07
sheentechgeek40, Yahaaaaaaaaaaa : direct rendering: Yes / server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation !!!!! 1600x1200 @ 85 Hz ! Thanks a lot !!!14:07
erUSULJupp2: dpkg -L package14:07
SleepingSlothjuice_,  okay, so you don't have acceleration at the moment. well - i dont know if there is a more enlightened way of sorting this, but like i said, i changed my xorg.conf...14:07
Jupp2erUSUL, Thanks!14:07
jribJupp2: man dpkg   should say14:07
techgeek40Sheen: My pleasure - congrats on it working14:07
juice_anyone know how to change my xorg.conf to nvidia?14:08
drhumanisttechgeek40 - I installed Ubuntu over Vista before... I cannot what is different now14:08
jribJupp2: dpkg-deb more specifically14:08
drhumanistI cannot see what's different now14:08
BlackRecesleepingsloth: i don't get a fps reading when running glxgears14:08
juice_sleepingsloth:  thanks for narrowing my search :)14:08
luisdanielanyone help to know why the ubuntu freeze?14:08
sheentechgeek40, perfect, thanks again ^^ I'm so happy14:08
techgeek40drhumanist: not sure - i've got XP - VISTA and Ubuntu on this computer - plus Virtual machines running xp and vista - no problems with it14:08
tinmanluisdaniel: be more specific?14:08
dgjonesBlackRece, what version of ubuntu are you using?14:08
techgeek40Sheen: Enjoy it, :>14:08
jrib!nvidia > juice_ (read the private message from ubotu)14:08
BlackRecedaninad: political reason not for public reading! lol14:08
luisdanieltinman: randomly the ubuntu freeze, maybe somthing like kernel panic14:09
SleepingSlothjuice_,  in which case, you want to run sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:09
drhumanistso what should i try??14:09
tylerwpHelp :( I was able to get 7.10 Desktop working on my DELL server but cannot get the 7.10 Server to fully work. Any way to copy working drivers from the Desktop edition?14:09
techgeek40But, I just realized - it's late and I"ll be late for work - so I gotta get - lo.l my boss won't like me late14:09
luisdanieland I went to know why it freezes14:09
swubooBlackRece:  There's a way to get a framerate on glxgears.   I think it's something like glxgears --iunderstandthatthisisnotabenchmark or something like that.14:09
techgeek40Drhumanist: i would blow out the partition with the live CD and recreate - with just the et3 mount only /  and see what happens14:09
tinmanluisdaniel: Did you compile the kernel yourself?14:09
brobostigon!compile | tinman14:10
ubotutinman: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:10
dgjonesBlackRece, you might have to use the command "glxgears -printfps" to get the frame rate14:10
luisdanielthis start after I make upgrade to 7.1014:10
SleepingSlothBlackRece, presumably there is a switch for versions that do not display by default?14:10
drhumanistok i will try that once more..... but it cannot manage partitioning.....14:10
jaggz-why's dpkg -l '*bind*' not list EVERY bind package?14:10
techgeek40have a good one all - --- good luck drhumanist14:10
swubooAh, found it.  It's glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark14:10
SleepingSlothluisdaniel, beat me to it14:10
techgeek40one thing14:10
tinmanbrobostigon: trying to help luisdaniel :>14:10
techgeek40In bios - make sure that you don't have the virus protection turned on - that does lock the boot partition14:11
juice_sleepingsloth:  so i can edit through this and save?14:11
drhumanistaaah that may be why!!14:11
brobostigontinman: sorry, wrong thing14:11
techgeek40good luck14:11
jaggz-Why does dpkg's list not work as I expect it to?  :)     dpkg -l '*bind*' does not list EVERY bind package -- instead, it lists several (bind, bind9, libbind..) but it misses "bindgraph", for instance14:11
techgeek40have a good one all14:11
tinmanno worries14:11
drhumanistok thanx14:11
drhumanistbbs :)14:11
SleepingSlothjuice_, yes - you need to change the driver from the 'device' section which applies to your gfx card from 'nv' to 'nvidia', save and restart X. however... SAVE A BACKUP FIRST14:11
BlackRecetecjgeek40: I was close enuf! lol i've had dual booting issues when grub got wiped cos of MS re-wrote mbr and I had 2 re-install GRUB. I know its da bootloader that does the actual locking shame I can't remember how to sort it!!14:12
luisdaniel<ubotu> tinman: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) <---- this is for me?14:12
tylerwpHelp :( I was able to get 7.10 Desktop working on my DELL server but cannot get the 7.10 Server to fully work. Any way to copy working drivers from the Desktop edition?14:12
viviahi there. it's a fresh ubuntu installation, i have a fat32 partition which i try to mount, but all utf-8 filenames are treated as if they were iso8859-1 (I can tell from the result). I have tried with different iocharset and codepage mount options and it doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?14:12
maccabeehello can anyone help me with realtime linux in ubuntu14:12
jribjaggz-: short answer: use apt-cache search -n.   Longer answer, it only lists stuff that has been installed at some point I believe14:12
juice_sleepingsloth:  its set as vesa14:12
BlackReceluisdaniel: need more info, what do u do to make it freeze?14:13
maccabee hello can anyone help me with realtime linux in ubuntu??please14:13
luisdanielBlackRece: update kubuntu to 7.1014:13
jaggz-jrib, I doubt I had bind installed before.. but maybe.  I wonder what it does :)14:14
luisdanielafter that I have random freezes14:14
BlackRecedgjones: i'm using gutsy(7.04) haven't been told to update tho, but then I haven't asked either!!14:14
dean_why do you need realtime player in your ubuntu?14:14
Devils-Havencan some one give me some laptop help?14:14
dmanmaccabee: what is 'realtime linux'?14:14
jrib!helpme | Devils-Haven14:14
ubotuDevils-Haven: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:14
jaggz-apt-cache search -n is fine, thanks..14:14
SleepingSlothjuice_, okay, well it should be nvidia. are you talking from the same machine~?14:14
jribDevils-Haven: see what ubotu said14:14
juice_sleepingsloth:  can't i do this from the System>Administration>Screeens and Graphics. and yes same machine14:15
dean_RealTime is an apple player14:15
jribDevils-Haven: erm, just ask the channel your question14:15
Devils-Havenwhen i close my lid the screen wont shut off14:15
Devils-Havenany way to fix that?14:15
jaggz-apt-cache search is actually really nice14:15
Devils-Havendell inspiron 110014:16
LiMaOmaccabee ➡ do you mean ubuntu livecd?14:16
maccabeeno real time i meant the  embedded linux14:16
jribjaggz-: aptitude search is even more powerful: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03.html14:16
maccabeeno its embedded linux14:16
BlackRecetylerwp:the main diff with 7.10 desktop and server is gui elements that I know of (i know there are some little bits as well but nothing that I can think of that shud make a big diff!) what's it doing? is it that u can't see a gui? if so, get one!14:16
maccabeeits embedded linux on mobiles microprocessors etc14:17
maccabeehav anyone got any idea14:17
jaggz-is there a linux phone with ssh?14:17
juice_sleepingsloth:  i'm going for it, wish me luck14:17
dmanmaccabee: as in this: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS8339055736.html14:17
jaggz-and a full-sized keyboard?14:17
BlackRecessry ppl I'm a slow reader, i'm back at 14:09:56!! lol14:17
maccabeelinux os i mean14:17
brobostigonjaggz: nokia n81014:17
jaggz-my phone was supposed to run putty but it just crashes.14:17
IdleOnesarmisak lspci now lists Realtek Semiconductor Co. RTL-8029 (AS) but still no internet14:18
BlackRecel8r techgeek4014:18
viviathe n810 is anything but a phone actually :)14:18
LiMaOmaccabee ➡ like that a1200i phone?14:18
Devils-Havenany idea on closing lid and screen turn off? it won't go to sleep ither, unless i press go to sleep manualy14:18
juice_vivia: u can skype it tho14:18
AnRkeywhat gui can i use to configure my UPS14:18
maccabeereal time os examples are RTlinux,freertos etc14:18
viviajuice_: yeah, if you actually do have a wireless connection somewhere14:18
ivan_ivan_ teste14:19
sarmisakIdleOne: ok, can you check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if you can see your nic in there?14:19
ivan_alguem do brasil.14:19
viviajuice_: not too helpful when you're on the road though :(14:19
jaggz-brobostigon: lookin' at it now :)14:19
juice_vivia: usb antenna14:19
jrib!pt | ivan_14:19
ubotuivan_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:19
ivan_Anything from brazil?14:19
juice_vivia: or telnet14:19
viviajuice_: telnet ? how? where?14:19
juice_vivia: anchient chinease secret14:20
luisdanielBlackRece: did you give any tip?14:20
ivan_Do anything from Brazil?14:20
drunkmuppetOk. Is there a good guide on getting started with Ubuntu Server Lamp - post install?14:20
jribivan_: /join #ubuntu-br14:20
viviajuice_: how would a telnet help when you are on the road with no wifi?14:20
vicho /msg NickServ IDENTIFY vicata14:20
Oli``is there anyway to  reset the keyboard without restarting/ when exiting some programs the last key pressed remains 'down' so it really bodges up everything... like now, it thinks i'm holding shift-up =\14:20
Picivicho: please change your password, NOw.14:20
viviavicho: alright, change your nickserv password now14:20
LiMaOivan_ ➡ você nao sabe falar inglês, por favor fale em português em #ubuntu-br14:20
ivan_jrib: tanks14:20
IdleOnesarmisak no such directory14:21
viviaalright, i solved the issue with my filenames14:21
tylerwpHey need help... anyone?14:21
viviaseems they were misterated as iso8859-1 when they were actually utf-8 on the livecd14:21
sarmisakIdleOne: nice one... what's your distro?14:21
viviathen i resized the fat32 partition and they were misconverted... convmv fixed them up for me :)14:21
sarmisakIdleOne: can you check ifconfig?14:21
dman!helpme | tylerwp14:21
IdleOneubuntu 7.0414:21
ubotutylerwp: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:21
BlackReceluisdaniel: what's the fast way of updating to 7.10 other re-installing the whole damn thing?!??!14:21
IdleOnesarmisakyes what info do you need from ifconfig?14:22
tylerwpthanks upootu14:22
dmanBlackRece: you should just be able to click upgrade in the update manager. back up first though14:22
sarmisakIdleOne: can you see any nics configured such as eth0 eth1?14:22
BlackReceAsk the question and someone will answer, eventually!!14:22
woodsoul!patience | tylerwp14:23
ubotutylerwp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:23
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:23
IdleOnesarmisak eth014:23
luisdanielBlackRece: how re-install everything?14:23
sarmisakIdleOne: it seems to work then, can you assign an ip to it from your router range by ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.x and ping your router?14:23
IdleOnesarmisakcan try14:24
BlackReceDevils-Haven: I haven't heard of a fix for that, sry.14:24
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jaggz-gotta focus on getting this work done14:24
jaggz-take care14:24
zdravkohi there14:25
Devils-Havenwow no one uses ubunto on notbooks?14:25
zdravkocan someone help me with octave?14:25
zdravkoI need help in octave14:25
dmanDevils-Haven: on one right now14:25
BlackReceDevils-Haven: have u got power managment options?14:25
zdravkothe octave channel is useless14:25
zdravkocan someone help me with octave?14:25
Devils-Haveni am linux noob14:25
vichozdravko: where are you from?14:25
jribzdravko: feel free to ask the question here, but #octave probably knows more14:25
IdleOnesarmisak network unreachable but I may have the gateway wrong14:25
zdravkoi have to prepare a few things in octave14:25
sarmisakDevils-Haven: i do use, what's your problem?14:26
SleepingSlothzdravko, if someone can help, they will. there's no need to keep posting the same question14:26
redspikeHi all, trying to install a new kernel, copying th /boot/config-file to /usr/src/.config byt i get alots of errors "config:34:warning: trying to assign nonexistent symbol" any onw know way?14:26
jribDevils-Haven: they do but no one at the moment probably knows how to resolve your issue14:26
Devils-Havenscreen won't turn off when i close my lid14:26
zdravkoi need to find numerically the derivative of a function14:26
zdravkoI already tried gradient14:26
sarmisakDevils-Haven: hmms, that's a specific issue sorry can't help14:26
zdravkobut it is extremely inaccurate14:26
BlackReceLuidaniel: i've been chatting for ages but i'm still reading 14:20:06 lol14:26
jrib!enter | zdravko14:26
ubotuzdravko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:26
sarmisakIdleOne: hmms, it's strange not to have an internet connection with a realtek chipset nic14:27
Devils-Havenit won't do any activity related to lid options14:27
zdravkoI asked my question14:27
Devils-Haveni guess not registering the lid?14:27
jribzdravko: pastebin your example14:27
BlackReceoli: u got a sticky k/board?14:27
sarmisakIdleOne: are you connected to a router or is it just two pcs interconnected?14:27
BlackReceI would like help with identifying which mac addresses relate to which nics and what each nic can see14:28
zdravkoand this is the image: http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vphi2xn6.png14:28
IdleOnesarmisakwhat is the ifup/down command?14:28
sarmisakifup eth014:28
sarmisakifdown eth014:28
zdravkoas you can see it is very inaccurate14:28
sarmisakor just try /etc/init.d/networking restart14:28
BlackRecehere's one for ya, can the windows key be binded to the ubuntu menu?14:29
luisdanielits possible downgrade to 7.04??14:29
zdravkoI am sure there is a better alternative than gradient14:29
dgjones!downgrade | luisdaniel, only by a reinstall14:30
ubotuluisdaniel, only by a reinstall: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:30
zdravkobut that was I told to use to calculate the first derivative14:30
jribzdravko: please stop using enter to break up your thoughts14:30
pteagueis there anyway to find out what's eating ram?14:30
jribzdravko: because this channel is very busy14:31
vainehthe best game evar!! (apparenlty cos i havent played it yet) wont work on my ubuntu. is it just me or wont it run on linux? see http://raptorsafari.com/play.php14:31
ontopI need some help with ubuntu and sound. When I open mp3-files, nothing happends. - Boy from Norway.14:31
BlackReceLuisdaniel: by re-installing everything, i mean rebooting with live cd (or alternate)14:31
BlackRecel8r jaggz14:31
filthpig!mp3 | ontop14:32
ubotuontop: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:32
jribzdravko: I am looking at your pastebin.  #octave is a more appropriate channel for this question14:32
ontopthanks :)14:32
BlackReceredspike: sounds like u've got a typo somewhere14:33
dmanvaineh: well, apparently it has to install a windows-only game player. sorry14:33
pteagueis there any way to find out what's using ram?  i've maxxed out my 3G ram & swap & no idea how i did it14:33
devilsadvocatehi - my ubuntu plays videos with a _very_ low brigtness. changing to -vo gl2 on mplayer fixes this. (a) why is this happening (b) can i fix it globally (b) is there anyway to chage the default rendering engines on on the default media players (especially the firefox plugin)14:33
dmanpteague: try opening the system monitor and checking14:33
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lastsurvivorhow to list only directories with ls command ?14:33
Devils-Haven!help any one know a good app like ms streets and trips for linux?14:34
ontopubotu: but what do you mean with "free formats"?14:34
BlackReceidleone: are u using a router to connect to internet?14:34
ontopsomething else than mp3?14:34
jriblastsurvivor: ls -d */     works14:34
LjLontop: those that are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats possibly - and ubotu is a bot14:34
lastsurvivorty jrib14:34
ontoplol, i didn't know :p14:34
pteaguedman> it won't let me...  just acts like it's opening & then disappears... i do have a terminal open, any way to check from there?14:34
dgjonesontop, things like a .ogg format are free formats14:34
zdravkodoes anyone know how to compute a first derivative numerically in Octave?14:34
ontopthanks anyway14:35
LjLontop: the best known "MP3-like" free format is Ogg Vorbis14:35
BlackReceontop: have u got a media player installed?14:35
filthpigontop, ubotu is a bot, not human. Free formats are written in open source14:35
filthpig!open source14:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open source - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opensource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:36
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:36
dmanpteague: try htop. you might have to install it14:36
BlackReceDevils-haven: google maps!! lol14:36
Devils-Havenneed software, internet won't be avaliable14:37
LjLfilthpig: and it's generally not a matter of being open source at all (most MP3 players/encoders in Ubuntu are open source).14:37
sheenHello all, I've managed to install my 8800 GTS G92 on ubuntu, it sems to works well, I've activated dual monitor (one X per monitor) but it appears that the X on 1st monitor is very slow, and the X on 2nd monitor is very fast, is there a way to solve the problem ? I can post on pastebin my xorg.conf if you want14:37
pteagueok, this really isn't good... seems like my filesystem is currently in read-only mode... crap14:37
devilsadvocatepteague, where are you trying to write? you usually have wrrite accees only in your home ddirectory and a few other specific places14:38
filthpigLjL, I din't get your meaning there14:38
pteaguedevilsadvocate> `sudo aptitude install htop` - W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock \ E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ \ E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.14:38
BlackRecesheen: check gfx card capabilities. can it handle it14:39
LjLzdravko: http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?CategorySymbolic14:39
pteaguenot only that, but i can't save any files & /tmp/ seems to be locked down as well... won't let me open any apps14:39
BlackRecepteague: r u using live cd?14:39
LjLzdravko: perhaps you may want to ask in #octave as well14:39
RepentinusHi, I am using dual boot (Vista/Ubuntu 7.10) and I want that if I'll start my computer then hilighted choice will be ista, atm it is Ubuntu, how I can change it?14:39
sheenBlackRece, sorry how could I know that ? (My old ati works well with this config, I think this one can handle this)14:39
pteague4G ram, 32-bit ubuntu (so only about 3G usable ram), 500G hard drive14:40
BlackRecepteague: try using sudo command14:40
=== ontop is now known as onTop
devilsadvocatepteague, strange. try manually writing to /tmp. also, i sometimes had the apt related issue. not sure how it comes, but i have to manually delete the lock-file (may not be a good idea unless you'v exhausted all other options)14:40
dmanBlackRece: he did...14:40
pteagueBlackRece> i did use sudo14:40
RepentinusHi, I am using dual boot (Vista/Ubuntu 7.10) and I want that if I'll start my computer then hilighted choice will be ista, atm it is Ubuntu, how I can change it?14:40
filthpigLjL, ah, nevermind. Got it ;)14:41
dmanpteague: try restarting maybe? it'll either help or completely screw you though14:41
Pici!repeat | Repentinus14:41
ubotuRepentinus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:41
BlackRecerepentinus: change the settings in GRUB boot loader, as to what actual settings u need, i'd have to search and get back to u.14:41
LjLfilthpig: it's generally a problem with patents, not source.,14:41
pteague`echo "blah" > /tmp/tmp.txt` - bash: /tmp/tmp.txt: Read-only file system14:41
RepentinusHow I can change GRUB settings?14:41
pteagueget the same thing using sudo14:41
BlackRecepteague: sry, i'm behind by a few lines!!!14:41
erUSULRepentinus: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:42
pteaguehehe, np14:42
BlackRecebrb, got sort da kids!!114:42
devilsadvocateRepentinus, you need to change the 'Default' lin in /boot/grub/menu.list14:42
dmanRepentinus: try qgrubeditor. works well for a gui to grub. search it14:42
pteaguek, rebooting14:42
dmanpteague: good luck14:42
filthpigLjL, silly mistake on my part.14:42
erUSULpteague: maybe the fiesystem was mounted read only becouse of not recoverable errors????14:42
drunkmuppetok im trying to install a basic gui for ubuntu server, I removed the # for the universe/multiverse but it still can't find a gui package.14:42
drunkmuppetyes it doesn't find the pacakge14:43
IdleOnethat is the package name14:43
devilsadvocatedrunkmuppet, did you do an apt-get update?14:43
LjLdrunkmuppet: ubuntu-desktop is in main, so it has to find it unless you don't have main enabled (which would seem pretty serious)14:43
IdleOneapt-get update then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:43
filthpigI should have referred to the GPL, not open source as such14:43
dmangeneral question here: i have my external hard drive what i the best format (read: quickest, easiest) to make it to have it accessible by both windows and linux?14:43
drunkmuppetgot lots of 404's14:44
LjLfilthpig: not much to do with the GPL either, GPL says it's open source and that's it.14:44
mikebeechamhi guys....I wonder if someone can help me restore my samba shares, which are fed to the xbox.  I tried to share the same folders in windows, and now they do not work in Linux.  I've tried stopping and restarting samba daemons, but that does not work?14:44
devilsadvocatefilthpig, you are even more incorrect if yyou had said gpl14:44
K_Ninedmnm fat 3214:44
mikebeechamwhat is the command in Alt + F2 to access the share folder?14:44
devilsadvocatedrunkmuppet, are you behind a firewall or proxy?14:44
dmandrunkmuppet: sounds like no internet. i got that problm from a bad install. a reinstall fixed it. might be a diff. prob tho14:44
drunkmuppetI'm doing this through Vm-ware14:44
redspikeBlackRece: what do you mean?14:45
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devilsadvocatedrunkmuppet, its possible your vm-server is not setup to rely network traffic?14:45
filthpigLjL, devilsadvocate, how come? GPL says the format is free (as in speech) to use, duplicate and modify14:45
dmanK_Nine: that's what i thought. that's the format they are now.14:45
LjLfilthpig: eh? how can you duplicate a *format*?14:46
drunkmuppetIt is setup, however i'm at work, where computers need to be registered first. And it thinks my vmware is a new computer.14:46
LjLfilthpig: anyway, no, you're wrong, but please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss this further14:46
devilsadvocatefilthpig, if a codec were gpl'd, it would be free. but not all free formats are gpl'd14:46
drunkmuppetDid this from home last night, and had no problem. I assume this is the issue.14:46
pteague_otherok, reboot isn't doing to well... i'm having to run fsck14:46
mikebeechamhi guys....I wonder if someone can help me restore my samba shares, which are fed to the xbox.  I tried to share the same folders in windows, and now they do not work in Linux.  I've tried stopping and restarting samba daemons, but that does not work?14:46
BlackReceright, im back14:46
pteague_otherok, that's not good, just had it spew a whole page of inodes14:46
AngryElfwhat is 'watchdog'?14:47
dmandrunkmuppet: definitely internet then. there must be something preventing the computer from gettig intenet14:47
devilsadvocatemikebeecham,  you want to see your shares that are on a windows computer, or do you want to set up a share on your ubunut?14:47
erUSULpteague_other: no; no good... when linux mounts a fs read only something is quite wrong...14:48
BlackReceredspike: from the error u pasted, it sounds like something was mis-typed but i cannot be more specific14:48
filthpigdevilsadvocate, maybe not exactly, but some other, similar licence14:48
redspikeBlackRece: ahh ok14:48
BlackRecewhere the one on about dual booting wid vista and 7.10?14:48
pteague_other& it's a brand new drive... just past the 30 days for returning to newegg :(14:48
nmsasomeone using pptp? I need some help going out of the network14:48
redspikeBlackRece: n the .config ?14:49
drunkmuppetsOk I think I got it :P Hopped on wireless where I don't have to register ;)14:49
devilsadvocatepteague_other, do you have extensive disk usage and very long uptimes?14:49
BlackReceredspike: where did the error come from?14:49
redspikeBlackRece: when i run make menuconfig14:49
redspikeBlackRece: and Load the .config14:50
erUSULredspike: most likely you do not have libncurses5-dev iirc14:50
redspikeBlackRece: .config:1017:warning: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INPUT_TSDEV14:50
devilsadvocatepteague_other, using my ext drives on windows for long periods without booting into windows and hence without running fsck made my drives a mess. fsck took about half an hour to run through it :|14:50
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tinyHi! How do I install ubuntu from a nfs share? What's the install parameter? For example Suse would have something like "install=nfs://"14:50
redspikeerUSUL: libncurses5-dev is already the newest version. make menuconfig strats.. i get iot when i try to load the config file14:50
RepentinusIs there any online documentation about grub?14:51
BlackReceredspike: are u trying to put items inrepentus: yes gimmie a mo...14:51
devilsadvocateRepentinus, loads of it. but all you need to do is change the number next to default in the menu.list14:51
tinyI have the PXE booting and I can do a net install with net initrd image. But I'd like an install from a nfs share which is basically a 7.10 loop mounted iso image.14:51
erUSULredspike: can you paste the erros you get?14:51
erUSUL!paste | redspike14:51
uboturedspike: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:51
Repentinusdevil, I can't even find menu.list14:52
BlackReceredspike: tristate touchscreen interface?!?!!?14:52
K_NineRepentinus try this page http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html14:52
devilsadvocateRepentinus, are you comfortable on a command line?14:52
pteague_otherdevilsadvocate> nope, at least not that i'm aware of...  i installed windows for dual-boot, but have yet to use it other than to finish install process... otherwise it's all been linux... i've set up a couple of VMs for testing purposes, but i've not done much with them... otherwise i'm not sure what i'm doing that would cause disk thrashing14:52
RepentinusNot exactly14:52
redspikeBlackRece: is comes when i try to open th /boot/config-KERNELVERSION config fiel to build a new one14:52
devilsadvocateRepentinus, ok. just open up a terminal and type in "gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.list"14:53
maskhi i have some queries about uclibc14:53
redspikeubotu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54213/14:53
BlackReceredspike: AAAHHHH!!!! that's beyond my knowledge, i'm a coder so errors like that sound familiar to me sry to lead u on14:54
devilsadvocatepteague_other, does fsck give up entirely, or is it still trying to run?14:54
tinygot it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet14:54
redspikeerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54213/14:54
maskis libpthread-0.9.27.so used by embedded linux kernel14:54
redspikeBlackRece: np :) thanx for youre time.14:54
BlackReceredspike: what have u done so far?14:55
Repentinusdevil, it is em pty14:55
devilsadvocateRepentinus, my bad. it was menu.lst14:55
erUSULredspike: what linux sources are you using?14:55
maskif so then is there any way to replace that lib with some other version while the system is up and runing14:55
redspike2.6.24 from kernel.org14:55
devilsadvocateRepentinus, just close the empty text file, edit the command, and run it again14:55
redspikeget the same with linxu-source from apt to.14:56
drunkmuppetsok, I did a sudo apt-get update14:56
devilsadvocateRepentinus, theres a line that starts with "Default"14:56
erUSULredspike: you'd better run make oldconfig before make menuconfig.... ubuntu configs has many simbols not in vanilla becouse is heavely patched14:56
drunkmuppetsand I still cannot find the ubuntu-desktop package.14:56
RepentinusDefault num?14:56
erUSULredspike: oldconfig should give you a .config suitable to run a make menuconfig14:57
BlackReceredspike: from a noob kernal builder view, have u seen the text INPUT_TSDEV in the code that ur rebuilding?14:57
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devilsadvocateRepentinus, yes. you just have to change the line number to reflect the line that lists your vista installtion14:57
devilsadvocatedrunkmuppet, you're apt update ran fine?14:57
RepentinusCurrent is 4, if i'll boot then vista is showed 4th14:57
BlackReceredspike: ignore me14:57
drunkmuppetsHit on all, up to date on universe/multiverse.14:57
maskanyone help me14:58
RepentinusCurrent 014:58
redspikeerUSUL: can i not get the linux-server source? all i whant to do is the change the kernel Hz from 100 to 100014:58
RepentinusSo should I put 3 or 4?14:58
redspikeBlackRece: INPUT_TSDEV? no icant remember u have seen it.14:58
devilsadvocateRepentinus, if i remember correctly, changin it to 4 should it. but I'm afraid in not certain. it may even be 3. would you mind trying it out ? :P14:59
jttanyone know where on the web i can go to do a headset/mic  test14:59
BlackReceredspike: i'm a coder!! I'd be looking to re-invent the wheel!!! run oldconfig then make menuconfig like what-his-face sed!14:59
panfistwhat would you rather have as a home theater PC if you ahd to choose between the two: a pentium 4 3ghz with HT and a geforce ti4200 agp, or an athlon 2800+ with geforce 6200 pcie. i'm mainly interested in what processor will give me better video decoding performance...if either one is capable of decoding 720p h264 then I suppose either one would work14:59
devilsadvocatepanfist, i'd get a gpu that does HD decoding on the GPU itself :P15:00
panfistdevilsadvocate yeah that would be nice if that was supported in ubuntu...hell it would be nice if it was even fully supported in windows. i'm not buying any new hardware, just making a HTPC with old hardware that i already have15:01
BlackRecepanfist: p4 3ghz defo!!! 2800+ = about 1.8ghz15:01
BlackRecepanfist: moo tho15:02
panfistblackrece moo?15:02
devilsadvocatepanfist, in that case the P4 would be a better bet. I'm not certain, but I dont think videos would benefit as much from the gpu as a game would15:02
erUSULredspike: there should be a linux-source package15:02
BlackRecemy onest opinion lol can't spell15:02
erUSUL!info linux-source | redspike15:02
uboturedspike: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB15:02
redspikeerUSUL: ill get the same messages with that one15:03
redspikeahh meta15:03
erUSULredspike: you should not15:03
panfistdevilsadvocate well the GPU would basically be for playing the occaisional game and enabling desktop effects. but i was under the impression that a ti4200 was more than adequate for most beryl/compiz/fusion stuff15:03
BlackRecehow do i identify nics and mac addresses?15:03
erUSULredspike: it pints to linux-source-2.6.22 afaics15:03
devilsadvocatepanfist, yeah, it is. They run just fine on an intel915, for example15:04
panfistblackrece terminal command "ifconfig"15:04
STMhi all, could someone explain why accessing my samba shares on a windows computer results in a request for a username and password?15:04
redspikeerUSUL: ahh ill try one more time, thanx for teh help15:04
panfistSTM samba is a process that requires its own username and passwords15:04
erUSULSTM: becouse windows is not that insecure after all15:04
RichWSTM: Thats a windows problem not linux.15:04
panfistSTM i think the command to configure the smbpasswd is... "sudo smbpasswd -d username"15:04
Repentinusdevil, say command again15:04
erUSULSTM: you have to provide your windows username and pass iirc15:05
eidhow can i address PCs with names in LAN , while there is a DHCP server ?15:05
RepentinusAnd I have one problem more, my archive manager isn't able to open tar.gz files15:05
BlackRecepanfist: ifconfig didn't identify BOTH nics15:05
panfisterusul you need the samba username and password, set by the samba server, not the windows username and passwords15:05
PriceChildeid, two different questions15:05
STMerUSUL, windows user and pass does not work either15:06
panfistblackrece ahh yeah ifconfig is only for interface that are up and running15:06
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STMpanfist, i'll give that a shot15:06
devilsadvocateSTM, how are you trying to access the shares. More often than not, nautilus on my computer is able to discover the shares quite easily (unless its set to require user authentication, of course). You will see some other folders there too.. comething like C$ and stuff that are not the usual samba shares. I have no idea whose fault it is that they show up (or who wants them to show up)15:06
erUSULBlackRece: then one of your nics have not been recogniced by linux. what chips do the nics use?15:06
PriceChildeid, configure static ips, and then you could modify /etc/hosts to add names15:06
DarkHelferöhm... the Nvidia driver and my X-Server not compatible >_>15:06
DarkHelferX-Server can not start15:06
panfistSTM if you amke the samba username and password the same as your windows users/pass it wont ask you for a login because the credentials will match15:06
devilsadvocateRepentinus, what error do you get with tar.gx?15:06
STMdevilsadvocate, i'm accessing directories on my ubuntu laptop from my windows PC15:06
DarkHelfercan i fix it in the console `?15:06
RepentinusNot supprted file type and can you say command again to edit this grub file?15:07
onatsi'm trying to rmmod ip3945.. but its stating that its in use15:07
onatshow do i force it to unload?15:07
onatstrying to fix hibernate15:07
devilsadvocateRepentinus, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:07
erUSULonats: try 'sudo modprobe -r ip3945'15:07
STMpanfist, it returned "sudo smbpasswd -d username"15:07
STMpanfist, i mean "Failed to find entry for user george."15:08
devilsadvocateSTM - ah. The last time i trried doing that it didnt work unless i setup authentication15:08
panfistSTM one sec15:08
BlackReceerusul:CHIPS?!?! er... macdonnalds? burger king? I dunno! can give u nic names and makes tho15:08
BlackReceone is onboard intel the other is realtek summut-or-other15:08
erUSULBlackRece: it is a realtek nic a brodcom via perhaps maybe a intel chip ????15:08
erUSULBlackRece: lspci | grep -i NET15:09
devilsadvocateBlackRece, is it by any chance an intex?15:09
panfistSTM try the same thing except -a instead of -d15:09
erUSULBlackRece: should give you the answer15:09
eidPriceChild i can't get static IP addresses in my LAN15:09
PriceChildeid, sure you can15:09
STMpanfist, "Failed to modify password entry for user george"15:09
erUSULBlackRece: also 'dmesg | grep -i eth' should tell you if both nics have been configured by the linux kernel15:10
eidPriceChild, i have to setup a LAB in my university and they are using DHCP15:10
panfistSTM i know there's an option for using the smbpasswd to add a user..because that's what youre trying to do is add a user and set up the password in one step15:10
BlackRecerece@compaq-gutsy:~$ lspci | grep -i NET15:10
BlackRece02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VM (KM) Ethernet Controller (rev 42)15:10
BlackRece03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 20)15:10
erUSULBlackRece: you can post both outputs to patebin.ubuntu.com so i can take a look15:10
=== valtz is now known as Valtteri
PriceChildeid, ok... so why not just use dhcp?15:10
erUSUL!paste | BlackRece15:10
ubotuBlackRece: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:10
PriceChildeid, dchp is completely seperate to dns... (naming computer addresses)15:11
RepentinusAnd can anyone recommend something to do with my archive manager to open tar.gz files?15:11
panfistSTM you didn't forget the sudo with the -a? because the -a option requires you run as root15:11
maginothow do I set the dhcp server to set the client default route gw to ? I used the routers option in dhcpd.conf but the clients are not getting the IP instead they are geting a host name that points to dhcp server ...15:11
eidPriceChild, "dchp is completely seperate to dns" sorry it's not clear to me :(15:11
STMpanfist, i did include sudo15:11
devilsadvocateRepentinus, ark does just fine. its possible your file itself got damaged in download?15:12
STMthanks for the help though panfist, i'm googling adding users to samba15:12
Ocire[IGEWS]hi, i have a problem with ubuntu showing me wrong numbers for free disk space... long story short: i ran utorrent in wine, klicked on "delete torrent and files", found that free space didn't change, looked with filelight where the files were, deleted them in ~/.local/share/Trash but still no change in free disk space... anyone knows what to do?15:12
panfistSTM yeah that's how i figured it out. good luck15:12
Repentinusdevil, it couldn't open like 4 different files like that and says file type not supported15:12
drunkmuppetsIn ubuntu server, how do I determine what to put in the /etc/resolv.conf file? For the search and nameserver15:12
erUSUL!who | BlackRece15:13
ubotuBlackRece: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:13
erUSULBlackRece: and the output from  'dmesg | grep -i eth' ?? can you paste it too ??15:13
eidPriceChild, does DHCP provide service for domain naming ?15:13
BlackReceerusul: dmesg | grep -i eth15:14
PriceChildeid, dhcp tells your computer who it is, who to ask where other computers are, and where the door is15:14
drunkmuppetsIn ubuntu server, how do I determine what to put in the /etc/resolv.conf file? For the search and nameserver.  For the DNS15:14
tinyHas anyone installed ubuntu from a nfs share? Instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet  aren't working. What are the correct kernel parameters for nfs install?15:14
PriceChildeid, dns servers tell your computer what ip address a name is associated with.15:14
solexious[Q] Hello all, I want to use mdadm on 2 drives and use the xfs system, Do i format the drives then use mdadm or the other way around?15:14
STMpanfist, it worked - i hadn't created a ubuntu user named george to go with it, thanks again15:14
Arnaud___bonjour !15:15
Nach1hi all15:15
Arnaud___je viens pour un souci avec ma carte wifi15:15
BlackReceerusul: there is no out put!!! just gives me prompt for next command15:15
Arnaud___la connexion se coupe au bout d'un moment, seul le reboot permet de se reconnecter15:15
erUSULBlackRece: and "ifconfig -a" ??15:15
Nach1my toshiba laptop with Ubuntu not detected the cd/dvd device15:15
dgjones!fr | Arnaud___15:16
ubotuArnaud___: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:16
Nach1:S... $ls /dev/cdrom ... not results15:16
solexious!fr > Arnaud___15:16
RichWNach1: Post lspci to a pastebin15:16
Arnaud___please excuse me, i made a confusion with the servers15:16
RichWNach1: The output of it...15:16
RichW!paste | Nach115:17
ubotuNach1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:17
BlackReceerusul: ah haaaa!!! that's it!! lol http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54223/15:17
=== mendred_ is now known as mendred
solexious[Q] Hello all, I want to use mdadm on 2 drives and use the xfs system, Do i format the drives to xfs then use mdadm or the other way around?15:18
stfhi. how do I check my ubuntu version from the terminal?15:18
dgjones!version > stf15:18
wyggler2how do i set the the starting run level?  I don't see an /etc/inittab15:18
erUSULBlackRece: so there was no problem at all after all....15:18
BlackReceerusul: ta 4 dat, shame can't use msdos style help like ifconfig/?15:18
stfdgjones: thanks15:18
* Timon_Crazy прощается со всем15:19
doktoreashello everybody15:19
doktoreassorry for bit OT but anyone knows how many connection can hold an access point?15:19
Ocire[IGEWS]does nobody have an idea about my problem?15:19
stfWhere can I read about creating usplash themes for Ubuntu Dapper?15:19
BlackReceerusul: never a problem, just I want to setup this linux box (lappy) as a gateway to my internal network and needed to know which nic had which mac so i could confirure iptables rules.15:20
BlackReceall: i'll be back in a mo 4 more help anyway!! lol15:21
Nach1RichW http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4029/15:22
kylcrowMy wireless internet will on stay connected for about a minute. I could really use some assistance, I am new to Ubuntu.15:23
pepperjackstf: id assume the only issue is the resolution and image type you should be able to create any old image and use convert that you get when you apt-get imagemagick to convert to appropriate format though i dont know what that format is. thats true of grub splash images anyway15:23
AJC_Z0I would like to register a complaint!15:23
RichWSure go ahead15:23
kylcrowMy wireless internet will only* stay connected for about a minute. I could really use some assistance, I am new to Ubuntu15:23
erUSUL!bugs | AJC_Z015:23
ubotuAJC_Z0: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:23
pepperjackAJC_Z0: #ubuntu-complaints15:24
AJC_Z0I was looking forward to a voyage of discovery and a series of perplexing errors and failures ripping a DVD to and ISO file, but all I had to do was click on a desktop icon and a couple of buttons15:25
RichWNach1: I forgot that doesnt show cd drives...15:25
jon__<---- new ubantu user here, can someone tell me how to make a "shortcut" to the trashcan on my desktop?15:25
DarkHelferhow can i uninstall the nvidia driver over the Console, my X-Server do not work with the Driver15:25
kylcrow My wireless internet will only stay connected for about a minute. I could really use some assistance, I am new to Ubuntu. Thanks.15:25
AJC_Z0That's not the unix way. I feel dirty15:25
pepperjackAJC_Z0: yeah :-) dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso or cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso15:25
mohisorry I have a problem: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4030/ I did with --fix-missing too but didnt help! :(15:26
xGeekcat /dev/cdrom > file.iso works??15:26
xGeekNeat, I thought dd was the only way15:26
solexious[Q] Hello all, I want to use mdadm on 2 drives and use the xfs system, Do i format the drives to xfs then use mdadm or the other way around?15:26
MoCKhi..i got error when install tomcat5.5-admin > invoke-rc.d: initscript tomcat5.5, action "force-reload" failed.15:26
MoCKdpkg: error processing tomcat5.5-admin (--configure):15:26
MoCK subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 25515:26
MoCKErrors were encountered while processing:15:26
MoCK tomcat5.5-admin15:26
FloodBot3MoCK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
AJC_Z0pepperjack: You can do that, if you trust your CD/DVD-ROM, but better use a tool which understands, checks and corrects read errors15:26
RichWAJC_Z0's point is that its TOO EASY LOL15:26
SubOneI accidentally logged in with my password as username, how can I delete the log?15:26
DarkHelferhow can i uninstall the nvidia driver over the Console, my X-Server do not work with the Driver >_>15:27
LjLDarkHelfer: you don't need to uninstall it, you can simply instruct X to use the old driver15:27
LjL!xconfig > DarkHelfer    (DarkHelfer, see the private message from Ubotu)15:27
MoCKhi..i got error when install tomcat5.5-admin > http://jasper.pastebin.com/m81c255915:27
Yoniehey guys, if it type ifconfig, what is the p-t-p ?15:27
MoCKdunno what wrong15:27
=== PriceChild is now known as pmdgandalf_
=== pmdgandalf_ is now known as PriceChild
tinyHas anyone installed ubuntu from a nfs share? Instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet  aren't working. What are the correct kernel parameters for nfs install?15:28
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:28
jeffazzhey all15:29
jeffazzjust wanted some quick help15:29
jon__can I put my trashcan on the desktop? how?15:29
brobostigonjeffazz: fire away15:29
Nach1so... What can i do to solve this problem with cd/dvd device recognition? toshiba drivers for linux don't exits?15:29
roylezhey guys, I want to give someone a niced login, I changed his login shell to be /usr/nice -10 /bin/bash, but when logging in, it says permission denied. Anybody know why?15:30
jeffazzok... when i login my ubuntu how do i get the login screen size diffrent15:30
jeffazzits locked to 1600x120015:30
jeffazzand my monitor dont support it15:30
brobostigonjon_: there is a hidden folder called .trash in your home directory, just create a shortcut to it, and then copy the sortcut to desktop15:30
SubOnejon__: did you get it working last night?15:30
jon__thank you ! ! ! !15:30
LjLMoCK: try « sudo invoke-rc.d tomcat5.5 restart »15:30
SubOneI accidentally logged in with my password as username, how can I delete the log?15:31
Nach1RichW: any idea with my problem... ?15:33
MoCKLjL: invoke-rc.d: initscript tomcat5.5, action "restart" failed.15:33
jeffazzhow do i change the login screen res size ?15:33
LjLMoCK: try with "stop"15:33
pavswhat is the command that tells you what kind of system you are running?15:35
MoCKLjL: actually where is folder that store jsp file?15:36
pavsie, ubuntu, fedora?15:36
smaug9pavs: uname -a15:36
brobostigonpavs: uname -a will only giv e you the kernel version15:36
pavsright it says only linux/15:37
pavsi am trying to get informaton about a dedicated server i just bought15:37
smaug9pavs: like what distro it's running?15:37
XXerHi I have a question, the motherboard I have uses AC'96 onboard sound, when I play music in XP it sounds grate but when i play the same music in Ubuntu (bunch of different apps) it sounds flat.. any ideas y or what ells I could try.15:37
stf!version @ pavs15:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about version @ pavs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:37
smaug9grep through /etc, most distros have a *-release file15:37
stf!version | pavs15:37
ubotupavs: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell15:37
pavsthanks got it it's centos, that means it uses yum?15:38
pavsthanks for your help. I am trying to install htop, they have top installed inthe system.15:39
zuzkifuck you15:39
SubOneI accidentally logged in with my password as username, how can I delete the log?15:39
DanglyBitsanyone know why my nee apache2 website show an Index of /  instead of a index.html page ??15:39
brobostigonsubone: what do you mean, its n ot clear,do you mean you logged in as root??15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
zuzkifuck you15:40
FloodBot3zuzki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:40
SubOnebrobostigon: no when it asked for username i typed my password by accident, and im worried its in a log somewhere15:40
pavscrap yum doesnt have htop15:40
WogroiplI just installed a dual boot XP/Ubuntu, but if I add a new IDE hdd I get an error 17 from Grub, any idea what I should do?15:41
brobostigonsubone: no risk realy, you will be fine.15:41
bod_hey guys,. can you recommend an iso burning program, for making an ubuntu alternate disc please15:41
SubOnebrobostigon: are you certain?15:41
brobostigonsubone: pretty much15:42
SubOnebrobostigon: whats pretty much? this isnt my computer15:42
StrangeCharmi'm having trouble hibernating on a fujitsu laptop. what can i do to make it worj?15:42
bwlang_wow there is NOBODY active on ubuntu+1... is this the place to talk about hardy issues?15:42
kylcrowWireless internet will not stay connected. I have a built in wireless laptop, and i am new to ubuntu15:43
brobostigonsubone: it means there no reason i can think of why it would record it,15:43
SubOneok, i just assumed that it recorded invalid logins15:43
juandmxi want playy !!15:44
tokokplay with yourself15:44
bod_tokok, lol15:45
alsadki have some of wmv files want somthing to work correctly what i do?15:45
juandmxy play with you sister15:45
_Draxhow come I have:15:45
_Draxcollisions:92167 txqueuelen:1000     ... how come I have that many collisions??15:45
brobostigonalsadk: try vlc15:45
alsadki use it15:45
kylcrowMy Login screen has really big fonts, what do i do to make them smaller??15:45
alsadkbut just moving know sound no video15:45
andreri have created 5 raw devices, they appear just fine on the /dev/raw/rawX "directory", but accessing it gives me "device or resouce busy" ... do I need to "activate" or prepare the raw devices in any way?15:45
MoCKi cannot access my tomcat admin15:47
alsadk!wmv > alsadk15:47
MoCKi dunno the pass and username15:47
MoCKhow to access it?anyone?15:47
kylcrowwhat can i do to get answers here?15:48
kylcrowno one ever responds to me15:48
[nrx]hey folks. I've stupidly enabled restricted drivers, when the machine reboot, my monitor now complains that it can't display the resolution. Can someone give me a quickie on how to rectify this so i can get back in please?15:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:48
solexiousIf no body knows the answer yo wont get a responce, try a bit later15:49
oliBlackRece: ?15:49
kylcrowthank you.15:49
_Draxcollisions:92167 txqueuelen:1000     ... how come I have that many collisions??15:49
dowgaiaWhen I lock my laptop, ubuntu will instead fully log me out. How can I prevent this from happening?15:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tomcat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:49
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:49
neverblue[nrx], well, your system can probably handle the drivers, just your xorg.conf isnt setup properly15:50
[nrx]neverblue: how can i go about editing that? :)15:50
neverblue[nrx], what type of card, Intel, Nvidia, ATI?15:50
[nrx]ATI Radeon15:50
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:50
solexious[Q] How do i set the raid flag for a xds partition?15:50
neverbluethere ya go :)15:50
=== oli is now known as [oli]
solexious[Q] How do i set the raid flag for a *xfs* partition?15:50
=== [oli] is now known as oli
[nrx]neverblue, the problem is i can't get into the machine now - monitor wont display anything15:50
neverblue[nrx], this is where the fun of linux begins :D15:51
[nrx]i remember there's a bit in xorg.conf that i need to edit, just can't remember how to get to it15:51
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ when booting, press F8 or Esc to load the boot menu and choose 'safe' mode15:51
[nrx]i don't get safe :/15:51
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ why not?15:51
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ do you get any errors or what?15:52
=== dextrose is now known as stamina
[nrx]2 seconds15:52
[nrx]rebooting it15:52
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ ok15:52
neverblue[nrx], dual booting, or is this another machine ?15:52
=== stamina is now known as selki
[nrx]i have the normal, (recovery mode) and memtest15:52
[nrx]it's another machine :)15:52
neverblue[nrx], please keep posts to one line15:52
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ i guess you are booting from the livecd..15:52
solexious[Q] How do i set the raid flag for a xfs partition through command lin?e15:52
[nrx]no i'm not.. it's already installed.15:53
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ make sure your ubuntu cd is NOT in the drive15:53
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ then use 'recovery mode'15:53
neverblue[nrx], do you know nano or vim ?15:53
[nrx]neverblue, yes. I'm pretty competent :)15:53
=== vicho is now known as vicho-bg
neverblue[nrx], then edit your xorg.conf and run a few tests15:53
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ when you log in in recovery mode, edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from 'nvidia' to 'nv'15:53
neverblueLiMaO, he has an ATI card, in case you missed that15:53
LiMaOnemilar ➡ oh yeah i missed that15:54
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ then try 'mv' the xorg.conf file to xorg.conf.backup and reboot.. see what happens15:54
[nrx]so reboot with no xorg.conf?15:54
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ then whenever you can just run 'sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg'15:55
neverblue[nrx], have fun with LiMaO  :)15:55
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: Which ati card?15:55
Manadhi. Anyone here use OpenOffice Writer?15:55
rskManad: sure15:55
Manadrsk: you ever try to paste an image into a document? does it work?15:55
simplyubuntuis there any way to sync the iphone with ubuntu cable-wise?15:55
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: Ok, so that one can use flgrx15:55
rskManad: worked last time i tried15:55
simplyubuntuthe wireless method in the ubuntu docs works, but its too slow!15:56
* sid listens to DJ Aligator - Close to You 15:56
[nrx]Jack_Sparr: yes :) that's what's showing in xorg.conf15:56
Manadmine is showing a placeholder for the image, with text inside that is the path to the image. It loads fine if I do Insert > Picture.15:56
ManadI'll go ask on their forums then15:56
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ try what i told you to do15:56
[nrx]Jack_Sparr: i'd like to keep it using flgrx but I just need to sort out the resolution15:56
ochais it possible within Wine to set rez for each game instead of gobal settings?15:56
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Picisid: Could you please turn of that script in this channel?15:57
[nrx]LiMa0: i asked, 'reboot with no xorg.conf?'15:57
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ yes. try it.15:57
LiENUSwhens the new ubuntu lts due out?15:57
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ later, you can reconfigure your xorg by running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'15:57
ochais it possible within Wine to set virtual desktop for each games? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67894315:57
sidim sorry15:58
brobostigon!hardy | lienus15:58
ubotulienus: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:58
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: Once you edit your xorg, I can see if I can help with flgrx and effects..15:58
[nrx]ok, thanks15:58
LiENUSi guess im gonna have to use 6.06.215:58
LiMaO[nrx] ➡ also you may keep the flgrx setting and erase the 'meta modes' section of the xorg.conf file15:58
brobostigonlienus: or 7.1015:58
[nrx]Jack_Sparr: it's actual mythbunutu i'm running, so it's okay :)15:58
[nrx]ohh, that's worked :)15:59
zrahjust realised I've been pronouncing it you-bun-too since the beginning and no-one has corrected me15:59
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: ok, good luck15:59
[nrx]thanks for your help :)15:59
LiENUSbrobostigon, 7.10 is only supported till 200915:59
LiENUS6.06.2 is supported till 201115:59
solexious[Q] How do i set the raid flag for a xfs partition through command line?15:59
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: When you get a chance.. post your xorg to the pastebin.. not in the channel15:59
zrahI think the name choice was a bad idea for something trying to become popular15:59
LiMaOzrah ➡ i'm pretty sure you pronouce 'linux' wrong aswell16:00
brobostigonlienus: but after while the updates will be very old,to get newer updates you need a newer release16:00
=== `Sawyer` is now known as `Sawyer`out
LiENUSzrah, i think your name choice was a bad idea for someone trying to get assistance16:00
WogroiplI get an error 17 from Grub after adding a IDE hdd to my system, how can I solve that?16:00
[nrx]okie doke16:00
LiENUSbrobostigon, so supported means no updates?16:00
dowgaiaWhen I lock the screen on my laptop, ubuntu will instead fully log me out. How can I prevent this from happening?16:01
LiENUSi would think supported till 2011 means theyl'l have security fixes till... dun dun dun16:01
PiciLiENUS: That is what it means.16:01
brobostigonlienus: for example, the only ubuntu release to have pidgin is 7.10, you cat get it for any earlier release16:01
LiENUSbrobostigon, i dont think il'l be running pidgin on my vpn server16:01
PiciLiENUS: But security updates != version updates16:01
_DraxHow come when I forced my eth0 to use 100/FD it gives me alot of errors, before that it was autp and got 10/Half and had alot of collisions..16:02
brobostigonlienus: i just used pidgin as a generalised example.16:02
Jack_SparrowWogroipl: Your added drive changed the drive order...  but thankfully none of the uuid's.. SO read the link on grub so you will better understand what people are asking you to do to fix it16:02
Jack_Sparrow!grub > Wogroipl16:03
LiENUSi probably wont need beryl, the new gnome or updated opengl drivers either16:03
kmarkHello, I have a Ati Radeon X1900gt graphics card and ubuntu 7.10. I've edited many times my xorg.conf but can't make the two displays work. Some times I just have a "clone" on the secondary monitor, some other times I have a black screen which I can move my mouse around but the instead of a pointer I have an "X". Any suggestions? I'm using the fglrx driver and both monitors are the same.16:03
brobostigon!beryl | lienus16:03
ubotulienus: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:03
LiENUSwhat i do need however is a long term support plan, longer than 11 months16:03
alsadki have a problem with some wmv files there is no video or sound ? i try vlc , movie player , gxine , kaffeine ? what can i do16:03
LiENUSso that im not reinstalling in less than a year16:03
BlackRecehiya ppl, i'm back!!16:03
LiENUS7.10 is useless to me16:03
LiENUSbrobostigon, reread what i said16:03
chungi need help16:04
PiciLiENUS, BlackRece: I think one or both of you are confused about Ubuntu support.16:04
LiENUS<LiENUS> i probably wont need beryl, the new gnome or updated opengl drivers either16:04
Picier, not BlackRece, brobostigon16:04
LiENUSi didnt ask how to install it16:04
chungi want to know why everytime i shut down it says fail to shut down?16:04
LiENUSi said i wont need it16:04
LiENUSPici, supported till 2011 means security updates till 2011 right?16:04
PiciLiENUS: Yes, but only security upgrades, not version upgrades, not feature upgrades.16:04
brobostigonlienus: 7.10 is very usefull to me, i find it the best running ubuntu version on my ibook, in comparison to earlier releases16:04
LiENUSPici, so how can you say i am confused about ubuntu support?16:05
chunghello anyone there?... i need help16:05
LiENUSi said i need security updates for more than 1 year16:05
PiciLiENUS: Then perhaps brobostigon is.16:05
NET||abuseHi all, i'm having really frequent instability in my X session,, i'm running compiz fusion and AWM but I havn't heard anyone else having major issues. just after a while, it will just crash and restart the X server16:05
LiENUSbrobostigon, 7.10 would be useless for my vpn server since it means il'l have to reinstall in 11 months16:05
NET||abusebeen having very regular occurances for the last week anyway16:05
neverblue!compiz | NET||abuse16:06
ubotuNET||abuse: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:06
LiENUSi dont need fancy graphical widgets that look cool i need a stable installation thats gonna last a couple years before i need to reinstall16:06
brobostigonlienus: you then just pgrade versions??16:06
neverblue!ask | chung16:06
ubotuchung: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:06
LiENUSespecially since 11 months from now i wont even be in the state16:06
NET||abuseneverblue, well, i'm not sure it's compiz related.. maybe it is, maybe it's not16:06
giandreahello everyone16:06
neverblueNET||abuse, maybe more details from you are required then16:06
chungneverblue:  i want to know why everytime i shut down it says fail to shut down?16:06
PiciLiENUS: What about 4 months from now?16:06
LiENUSPici, theres a good chance i wont be16:07
giandreaI'm trying to get mi laptop wifi working, but ifconfig doesn't show the wireless interface, only the ethernet one...16:07
giandreathe right kernel module is loaded16:07
giandreabut the interface doesn't show up16:07
giandreawhat could it be?16:07
NET||abuseneverblue, just happened again16:07
PiciLiENUS: 6.06 server is supported until 2011. (LTS=3 years on the desktop, 5 on server).16:07
andrerSomething on the OS is using the /dev/sdd1 disk, but i can't figure out WHAT... mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdd1 returns: /dev/sdd1 is apparently in use by the system but it IS not mounted .. how to find out what? lsof |grep /dev/sdd returns nothing16:07
_DraxHow come when I forced my eth0 to use 100/FD it gives me alot of errors, before that it was autp and got 10/Half and had alot of collisions..16:08
brobostigongiandrea: see what dmesg says as well.16:08
neverblueNET||abuse, maybe more details from you are required then16:08
chungi want to know why everytime i try to shut down and it says fail to shut down on ubuntu?16:08
giandreabrobostigon: ok16:08
PiciLiENUS: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle16:08
neverbluechung, you can check 'top' its a cli, it will display running processes16:08
NET||abuseneverblue, just trying to16:09
letynsofthiredgoon, i have problem with my new HP laser 1020 printer. I can't make it working... i've tryed a lot of ways found on internet but still can't print.16:09
NET||abusejust trying to pastebin it now.. one second16:09
drunkmuppetsIs there a place I can go for VMware/Ubuntu support?16:09
giandreabrobostigon: it says it is detected16:09
neverblueNET||abuse, please try and keep the posts to one line, thanks!16:09
giandreabrobostigon: ipw3945 Intel wifi card detected16:09
neverbluedrunkmuppets, how about asking your question here, and see if we can give it a shot16:09
chungneverblue: where is the top and its a cli?16:09
neverblue!cli > chung16:09
jeanschHi, i have problems (on hardy) with gnome-settings-daemon (it don't works) since an upgrade today, does somebody have the same pb, or found an issue ?16:09
Jack_Sparrowdrunkmuppets: Are you trying to run ubuntu under vm or vm inside ubuntu?16:10
Marfihey everyone, im trying to get eclipse to compile c++ programs. ive installed eclipse-cdt, but its still a no-go. any ideas?  =)16:10
neverbluechung, check your private message16:10
NET||abuseneverblue, here you are http://www.pastebin.org/1759116:10
dgjones!hardy | jeansch16:10
ubotujeansch: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:10
letynsoftwhen i plug USB to my computer printer 'restart' self (i thing this is because there is uploaded firmware again)16:10
drunkmuppetsneverblue, ok.  I am trying to setup a ubuntu lamp server 6.06 on VMWare however, I cannot get the DHCP to bridge.16:10
NET||abusethat's from Xorg.1.log,, should i be looking at Xorg.0.log.old instead?16:10
jeanschdgjones thanks, i did'nt know this chan16:10
neverbluedrunkmuppets, what seems to be the issue with the bridge ?16:10
drunkmuppetsWell initial setup fails.16:10
drunkmuppetsGoing through the install now.16:11
Marfiwhen i go to run the program, there isn't even an option for it in the SDK16:11
alsadki have a problem with some wmv files there is no video or sound ? i try vlc , movie player , gxine , kaffeine ? what can i do?16:11
letynsoftheh is was hi, not hiredgoon :)16:11
Jack_Sparrow!wmv alsadk16:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmv alsadk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:11
Marfialsadk, you have to install the w32 codecs for it16:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:11
blubbCan anybody give me the name of a wireless PCI card which supports WPA and works just fine out of the box with ubuntu 7.10? I did look at the FAQ, but it contains too much contrary and outdated information IMO.16:12
bardyrblubb, intel16:12
Marfiim trying to get eclipse to work with c++. it won't compile, and i have eclipse-cdt installed. any ideas?16:12
LiENUSwell i'm off to go try and get compiz and pidgin working on my server since they're apparently critical services16:12
bardyrblubb, most cards work with ndiswrapper and it supports WPA/network-manager16:12
blubbbardyr, do they produce PCI cards?16:13
neverblueblubb, maybe start on the forums, search for a brand name, i doubt anyone in here will recommend something that will work perfectly, your going to have to struggle just like everyone else to set it up16:13
bardyrblubb, i think so16:13
kmarkHello, I have a Ati Radeon X1900gt graphics card and ubuntu 7.10. I've edited many times my xorg.conf but can't make the two displays work. Some times I just have a "clone" on the secondary monitor, some other times I have a black screen which I can move my mouse around but the instead of a pointer I have an "X". Any suggestions? I'm using the fglrx driver and both monitors are the same.16:14
devilsadvocateLiENUS, :O16:14
blubbneverblue, i wanted to avoid exactly that16:14
ackbahrCan anyone explain to me how to create a script file to simply generate a series of shell commands?16:14
Marfidoes anyone have an idea about c++ and eclipse? i really want to get this working16:14
alsadkmarfi   i try to but i couldn't do that16:14
blubbthere must be SOME card that works fine, and if anybody owns said card i'd like to know ;)16:14
dowgaiaWhen I lock the screen on my laptop, ubuntu will instead fully log me out (bumps back to GDM, closes all programs). Obviously this is not what "lock screen" should do. Is this a known bug, is there a known work around? Or have I just misconfigured something? This is a workstation laptop, if I leave my desk, I have to lock it, but killing the session entirely everytime is a bit of a hassle.16:15
brobostigon!hcl | blubb16:15
ubotublubb: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:15
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neverblueackbahr, try #bashscripting16:15
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blubbbrobostigon, i have been browsing through that list for the last hour16:15
Marfialsadk, check the link that ubot gave ya. you may also need the other codecs for it, forget the name off the bat. =)16:15
neverblueackbahr, sorry #bach16:15
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ackbahrneverblue: Ok, thanks!16:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about busybox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:16
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blubbbrobostigon, i wasn't able to find a card that was reported to work with WPA and is still being sold16:16
Pici!nickspam > irc (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)16:16
alsadkmarfi   may be there is an irc channel fo eclipse16:16
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Marfialsadk, just found it. ;)16:16
x3ocs 1.6 geht nicht auf meinen wine :<16:17
Pici!de | x3o16:17
ubotux3o: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:17
alsadkmarfi  did u know about eclipse & java?16:17
NET||abuseneverblue, ok, rebooted laptop altogether to stop X restarting16:18
Marfialsadk, yea, eclipse works wonderfully with java. =) its c++..16:18
chungany games for ubuntu?16:18
rskchung: loads16:18
NET||abuseis there any chance that you might be able to give me a hand with it?16:18
rskchung: what do you prefer?16:18
NET||abusechung, tons,, try dosbox and run cool old16:18
NET||abusechung, tons,, try dosbox and run cool old games16:18
dowgaiacommander keen!16:19
NET||abusechung, or install chromium which is fun16:19
Tobias92Hello ubuntu people. Quick question: has anybody succeeded in using a WinTV-USB external tv-card with Ubuntu or whatever linux distribution? The usbvision drivers wont compile on my pc :(16:19
tokokchung: loads... of crap16:19
chungactions, rpg, shooting and all sorts but i don't like boring games16:19
rskchung: then i recomend quakeworld, get it at www.nquake.com16:19
neverblueNET||abuse, did you turn off compiz and still have issues?16:19
rskchung: also wesnoth 'sudo apt-get install wesnoth'16:20
alsadkmarfi  openbookproject.com16:20
NET||abuseneverblue, yeh, did "metacity --replace" and it still crashed16:20
chungok thanks rsk16:20
neverbluethen its not compiz, necessarily NET||abuse16:20
NET||abuseneverblue, well this is what i suspect16:20
Marfialsadk, ?? lol16:20
h4L1mhelloo, i need help in the shell, i mean with the cut command, i want to let it cut the last characters of another output but it only cuts just one character, how can i let it cut the last characters?16:20
neverblueNET||abuse, did you change anything just before the issues happened, that might have triggered it ?16:21
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NET||abuseneverblue, nothing major that i can think of16:21
evil_techhas anyone else had compiz break after installing 8.443 ATI driver?16:21
kyle__how do i get music to play in amarok for some reason i'm getting and error "audio output is unavaible; device is busy. xine parameters"16:21
kyle__it usually works :o16:21
NET||abusethe last big change i made was 2 months ago,, updated innotek16:21
alsadkmarfi  www.openbookproject.net16:22
Marfialsadk, ty.16:22
Yattiei m in malaysia and using kubuntu gutsy the prob was internet connection16:22
h4L1mheloo, i need help with the cut command in the shell, i want to let it cut the last characters of another output but it only cuts just one character, how can i let it cut the last characters?16:22
ejerkyle__: you could try killing xine manually but a reboot would probably clear it too16:22
iboushould i chose ABR, CBR, VBR or VBR-NEW for the highest compression quality with lame (mp3) ?16:22
Yattieabout default gateway and static ip plz anybody16:22
chungwhat kind of game is wesnoth?16:23
kyle__how do i kill xine?16:23
kyle__and what is xine? :o16:23
ejerh4L1m: you should look into sed16:23
Yattietikam ja kyle__16:23
alsadkmarfi ty ???16:23
ubuntunutHey guys. Is there a list of what processes CAN be disabled under a default Ubuntu install? I'm running from a laptop and hoping to cut down on power consumption16:24
Skfarekwhat is difference between LM_AC and NOLM_AC ?16:24
kyle__what's tikam?16:24
neverblueNET||abuse, well, put some system information on pastebin, and someone in the channel might be able to help you16:24
thannoykyle__: xine is a video player. try "pkill xine" in a console16:24
h4L1mejer, with which parameter?16:24
michaelchung, wensworth is a RPG. not the best graphics but a good story line and a nice tutorial16:24
ejerh4L1m: depends, look for sed guide on google16:24
h4L1mejer, ok thx a lot16:24
chungok and any other games for ubuntu16:24
chungshooting games16:25
neverblueh4L1m, bash scripting? try in #bash16:25
Pici!games | chung16:25
ubotuchung: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:25
chungcan warrock play on ubuntu16:25
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kyle__nothing happens when i type pkill xine :(16:25
neverbluechung, please keep posts to one line, thanks16:25
chungyes pici games16:25
DRebellionubuntunut: starting point is system -> adminstration -> services .16:25
h4L1mneverblue, thx16:25
evil_techhas anyone else had compiz break after installing 8.443 ATI driver?16:26
michaelchung, not sure about shooting games as im more into the board games. you might check out http://sathyasays.com/2008/01/12/25-top-3d-linux-games/16:26
giandreaMy intel wireless adapter doesn't show up in ifconfig, the drivers are loaded and it is detected, how do I make it to show up in ifconfig??16:26
ubuntunutDRebellion: I was hoping for a more verbose output of what these services are so I don't just turn off services willy-nilly and bork my system16:26
thannoykyle__: try "pkill -9 xine", more brutal16:26
evil_techifconfig -a16:27
bullgard4What programming language requires to surround identifiers by the quotes `'?16:27
giandreaevil_tech:  only eth0 and lo16:27
ejerubuntunut: the services are there for a reason mostly :) have you look at xubuntu? You can of course google the service name to see what it is16:27
NET||abuseneverblue, system info "lspci" output http://www.pastebin.org/17599,,, what else should i put up?16:27
kyle__hmm still nothing i guess ill have to reboot :(16:28
DRebellionubuntunut: yeah, as ejer said, pretty much all of the processes on your linux box are there for a good reason.16:28
ejerobvious ones to disable are printing, bluetooth16:28
NET||abuseneverblue, also my xorg.conf http://www.pastebin.org/1760016:28
thannoykyle__: or if xine has a visible window; you could try comand "xkill" and then click on xine window; but if pkill fail...16:28
ejerunless u will need 'em ;)16:28
live_or_deadCurrent speed download: 0 KB/s upload 0 KB/s16:29
ubuntunutejer DRebellion: Alright. I was just curious as my battery life seems to plummet (2.5 hrs) compared to under a microsoft environment (4.0 hrs+)16:29
kyle__no visible windows :(16:29
chungany shooting games for ubuntu?16:29
CroXWhat format do I want for playing my DVD's in ordinary players? DVD-R or DVD+R? I never can seem to remember.16:29
ejerubuntunut: more likely related to hard drive downspin, screen brightness, wifi active, etc16:29
chungcan i play warrock on ubuntu?... its a pc game16:29
rskCroX: dosen't matter16:29
ubuntunutchung: All of the Unreal Tournaments will run. Quake games will run (look at quake wars)16:29
thannoykyle__: So I have no other ideas to kill it, sorry16:30
DRebellionCroX: probably, dvd-r is what you wwant for maximum compatibility16:30
kyle__chung try warsow it's awesome :)16:30
CroXDRebellion: Thanks.16:30
kyle__ahh s'ok cheers for trying to help though :)16:30
ejerchung: you can search here for windows games that work http://appdb.winehq.org/16:30
chungok kyle16:30
ubuntunutejer: Yeah the wifi probably drains it. Could it just be that ubuntu uses the wifi differently? I mean, I use wifi in windows as well.16:30
ubuntunutejer: Ad the harddrive downspin I'm not entirely sure how to control.16:30
ejerit is about optimizing these power drains, so look at power control settings16:30
tokokubuntunut: wrong, quake wars will not run, it will hang at "load ui" message16:31
evil_techok does anyone know how to get rid of the ati driver and go back to the regular ubuntu one16:31
ubuntunuttokok: Didn't they make a linux client for that game?16:31
ejerubuntunut: http://klamstwo.org/evad/archives/34 looks decent to start with16:31
ubuntunutejer: I'll give it a look16:32
ejerevil_tech: gksudo restricted-manager16:32
ejershould do it16:32
balbirI need to organize the work.. can someone suggest good calander application in gnome16:32
balbirI don't want to use evolution for it16:32
evil_techwill that get rid of the binary driver i installed?16:32
ejerevolution, thunderbird+lightning extension16:33
ejerbalbir: thunderbird + lightning syncs with google cal16:33
Wogroipldo I have to edit menu.lst for Grub after I added a hdd?16:33
cowsftwI'm on a new machine, core 2 duo, with an integrated intel chipset, and I'm stuck on 640x480.16:33
cowsftwSomeone help me get to 1024x768?16:33
Lunar_LampWhen does Edgy lose official support?16:33
SuperQLunar_Lamp: +18mo16:33
SuperQI think16:34
ejerWogroipl: not unless you are booting from it16:34
Lunar_Lamp18months from now or from release?16:34
evil_techcowsftw: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:34
SuperQLunar_Lamp: from release16:34
balbirejer: i need some handy tool.. something like note pase with a visual alarm will work for me16:34
DanglyBitsI have installed wordpress in Gutsy are there some docs to splain where the directories are and what I do next?16:34
SuperQLunar_Lamp: likely when 8.04 is out16:34
ejerbalbir: maybe look at kalarm16:34
BlackReceright, does anyone have an updated version of http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10131.html (ubuntu 7.10 as a gateway)16:35
BlackRece http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54228/ this is my output from ifconfig and iptables16:36
iboushould i chose ABR, CBR, VBR or VBR-NEW for the highest compression quality with lame (mp3) ?16:36
chungi want to play warrock on ubuntu, is it compatible?16:36
ejervbr-new ibou16:36
ejerbut it is a personal choice really16:36
NET||abuseSo can anyone help me solve my crashing X session? Xorg.1.log, lspci output and /etc/X11/xorg.conf    http://www.pastebin.org/1760116:36
jmauzeyi have a question about customized system menus, i have already set the system menu but root seems to be inheriting from it16:37
ibouok thanks ejer16:37
ejerNET||abuse: huh? you have intel but it is crashing trying to load radeon16:37
jmauzeythe real problem comes from users having this under system admin that i dont want them to have and when i remove it it gets removed from root as well16:37
Juanhey, i have an athlon x2 4400+ and /proc/cpuinfo doesnt show the sse3 flag even though it has it, why might this be?16:38
ejerNET||abuse: did you add this? > "         Option          "UseFBDev"              "true""16:38
NET||abuseejer, emmm, maybe16:39
NET||abuseejer, it's been some time since i was adjusting the xorg.conf16:39
ejertry taking that out16:39
NET||abuseejer, ok,, i'll try that.16:39
NET||abuseejer, thanks for looking at it.16:39
ejerlooks ok other than that but I would try using ubuntu's screen rez editor16:40
chevalciao a tutti16:40
tokokJuan: 4400+ dosent support sse3, if its 939 socket... and it dosent show for my core 2 too, shows ssse3 instead... and cpuinfo display wrong speed for my cpu16:40
NET||abuseejer, that acutally could be where that came from, the screen rez editor,, i was trying to setup an lcd screen attached to the laptops vga output before16:40
NET||abuseejer, didn't get the best results16:41
ejerit does a good job IMO, but maybe not for more complex setups16:41
ejertokok: it says it does here http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_9485_13041%5E13043,00.html16:41
ejeroh for am216:41
selkiit's a good idea to keep a backup of your xorg.conf file somewhere else :)16:42
jmauzeyis there a way to have root not inherit a system wide variable or have something that alows root to trump the variable?16:42
selkihow do you setup the keyboard shortcut for system monitor?16:42
peepsalotis there a default gnome keyboard shortcut for displaying the desktop16:42
ejerjmauzey: even if it is not in list of programs you can still start it manually16:42
ejerpeepsalot: you can set stuff in system>prefs>keyboard shortcuts16:43
thannoyJuan: maybe "sudo dmidecode" will give you a more accurate flag-list for your processor16:43
Magic1hai guys16:43
Magic1I need urgent help16:43
ejerThe Athlon X2 processors are based on the Rev E stepping of the Athlon 64 core and include the SSE3 instructions as well as mixed memory support and support for a full four DIMM slot configuration16:44
Magic1The head guy of Microsoft Israel is coming to my school and I need to know where I can buy a linux shirt in israel16:44
NET||abuseejer, FBDev doesn't even appear in the man page for the intel driver16:44
Magic1this might be the minnacle of my life16:44
Magic1by which I mean will be the pinnacle of my life16:44
NET||abuseejer, weird, what on earth was it doing in my xorg.conf16:44
ejerit is an xorg config16:45
evil_techMagic1: print out a picture of tux and pin it to your shirt16:45
tokokMagic1: hahaha nice16:45
ejerMagic1: a firefox shirt is good too :)16:45
Magic1all good suggestions16:45
Magic1especially tokok's16:45
BigoxDhi Where I Can Download the sever?16:45
ejerMagic1: these may be near you, who knows? http://bdcomp.co.il/services/buylinux.html16:45
NET||abusestill not seeing the relevance of Radeon in the xorg.0.log.. really really weird16:45
stfMagic1: get one from any international linux tshirt site, if you have a credit card ;)16:45
Magic1but preferably an authentic linux or ubuntu one16:46
Magic1it needs to be here by sunday16:46
ejerNET||abuse: could be the fbdev, there is a radeon fbdev driver16:46
Magic1and today is thursday16:46
Magic1so internet shops are no good16:46
tass1412got a problem with crypttab... it doesn't work with UUID http://paste.pocoo.org/show/24900/16:46
ejerwell, that one is in israel at least...16:46
selkipeepsalot:it's not on the list. I have set up others there before16:47
Magic1there's a linux shop in Israel?16:47
ejerMagic1: these may be near you, who knows? http://bdcomp.co.il/services/buylinux.html16:47
ejer.co.il ?16:47
ejerit is in hebrew ? :)16:47
jmauzeyejer: i know but the problem might arise in half a year or a year where i forgot it was installed, this was actually assigned by my boss to solve16:47
selkiejer:it's not on the list. I have set up others there before16:48
ejeri don't know what you mean selki16:48
jmauzeyis there a way to associate BUM with the administrator so that non-power users dont see it?16:48
Magic1beer sheva is pretty far >.<16:48
selkiejer:how to add a custom program to the shortcut editor16:48
ejerjmauzey: users would need to be in admin group to use bum IMO16:49
ejerselki: you should maybe look at using compiz for this16:49
ejeri would just uninstall bum16:50
ejerand do changes manually if needed16:50
robin_Is it safe to run Ubuntu outside of the VirtualBox environment? I screw up my PC very much.16:50
robin_And have no backupping options here16:50
neverblue!ask | jeidson16:50
ubotujeidson: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:50
ejerrobin_: maybe you should backup first16:51
ejersafe is a relative term16:51
jpatrick!backup | robin_ :)16:51
uboturobin_ :): There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:51
jorge_XChat crashed :(16:51
chunghow do i remove a game16:52
DRebellionchung: how did you install it?16:52
ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.su16:52
ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.su16:52
ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.su16:52
FloodBot2ToNight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.su16:52
Noezmalo/server IRC.IRCHAT.CL16:53
Noezmalo/server IRC.IRCHAT.CL16:53
Noezmalo/server IRC.IRCHAT.CL16:53
ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.su16:53
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!16:53
neverblue!ops | ToNight16:53
ubotuToNight: please see above16:53
chungDRebellion:  i use the terminal to install it by using commands16:53
jmauzeywhat makes the difference in between the few things the non-power users see in the system->admin the rest of the ones that they dont see?16:53
neverblueNoezmalo, as well Seveas16:53
naliothneverblue: who?16:53
Seveasneverblue, already k-lined :)16:53
ArrPiratei need help. I want to set my computer to a static IP address but it won't work, it won't let me connect to my LAN or the web, but if I put it in Roaming mode it does just fine16:54
neverbluenalioth, sorry ?16:54
robin_jpatrick, I've often had Ubuntu be very unstable to me and crash on me lots. I really, really want to use Ubuntu, but just can't, because i keep breaking it, and i spend more time fixing it than using it.16:54
naliothneverblue: they've both gone with Elvis16:54
nalioth(and have left the building)16:54
neverbluepoor things :D16:54
donald_robin_: that's the power of sudo16:54
SeveasYou ain't nothing but a hound dog, nalioth  :)16:54
robin_donald_, hmm..16:55
jpatrickrobin_: that's what I did when I first started out :)16:55
neverblueah, thank you, ah thank you very much :)16:55
robin_jpatrick, and now, you don't, anymore?16:55
robin_jpatrick, how?16:55
chungso how do i remove games from ubuntu?16:55
jpatrickrobin_: no, I think it's too stable sometimes16:55
ikoniachung: open synaptic and remove them as packages16:55
robin_jpatrick, I have the feeling it's really really unstable16:55
sosus_chung, if you know the name, you can go into the terminal and type: "sudo apt-get remove <package-name>"16:55
chungok thanks16:56
=== jorge_ is now known as selki
proudhawkmorning peeps16:56
neverbluechung, you can also use sudo aptitude purge16:56
NET||abuseI have one more problem with my laptop,, I use nm-applet to connect to the wifi point in the house,, but untill 2 days ago it was on WEP, nm-applet had the configuration and wep key stored, then i updated the router to WPA-AES, now the old configuration still seems to be locked into nm-applet, and i can't see how you update the setup?16:56
peepsalotmorning proudhawk16:56
sosus_Has anyone ever recieved a BadAlloc error message from luvcvideo, know what to do about it?16:56
NET||abuseis there a profile manager or something that i can use with nm-applet?16:56
Arelisjpatrick, i have the feeling it's really unstable16:56
ikoniasosus_ BadAlloc is normally "bad allocation" of a resource, what resource is it using ?16:57
jpatrickArelis: right...16:57
ejersosus_: eeepc?16:57
selkihow would you add a custom shortcut for a custom program not in system/preferences/keyboardshortcuts?16:57
proudhawkheh. ok, I was saying hi to all the people in general. didn't know that a real peeps was already online :)16:57
sosus_ikonia, I am not sure... how do i find out?16:57
donald_NET||abuse: remove the keyring for your WEP16:57
NET||abusedonald_, i did16:57
sosus_ejer, no, I have a dell latitude D83016:57
ikoniasosus_: what sort of software is it16:57
unopNET||abuse, i would use grep in such a way to find out which file holds the config - egrep -inHR "wepkey|essid" $HOME/*16:58
sosus_ikonia, its a video camera program, I am attempting---to no avail---to get my webcam to work16:58
peepsalotproudhawk, i know, just messing around :-P16:58
donald_NET||abuse: then nm-applet should ask for the new key16:58
Arelisdonald_, jpatrick: So how can i prevent me from breaking it? Make it bullet-proof?16:58
peacei cannot start the line.. permision denied... sudo in the beggining of the line doesnt work..thanks..16:58
NET||abuseunop, the key is usually hashed no?16:58
ikoniasosus_: have a google around that app,16:58
unopdonald_, it doesnt always tho - it seems to remember configs and doesnt really adapt to change16:58
donald_Arelis: break what?16:58
ejersosus_: try looking at cam in ekiga16:59
proudhawkheh. well, would you guys believe that I am running a windows OS in vmware on an Ubuntu based host system? :)16:59
Arelisdonald_, Break Ubuntu16:59
unopNET||abuse, i dunno for sure,  but i shoudln't think so16:59
sosus_ikonia, I've tried, but unfortunately it seems like this is the program that "just works": for most people with webcams16:59
sosus_ejer, I'll try it now, hold on16:59
ikoniasosus_: what was it called16:59
ejerproudhawk: uh yep :) I do it all day every day16:59
Arelisdonald_, (heh, what a simple namechange does.)16:59
donald_unop: i usually wait a while till it times out and asks for the new key16:59
sosus_ikonia, luvcvideo16:59
ikoniasosus_: is that in the ubuntu repos ?16:59
peacehow to start the command line with echo... sudo echo ...... but it writes permision denied..16:59
selkidonald: wierd that the network manager should have that bug feature fixed since gutsy and still doesn't keep my wap key16:59
NET||abuseunop, well, even searching for the SSID "egrep SSID ~/*" doesn't work seemingly17:00
donald_Arelis: i dont know how u use Ubuntu. many ways to break it if u use sudo a lot17:00
jpatrickArelis: learning how not to break it, by breaking it :)17:00
sosus_ikonia, yes17:00
ejersosus_: in ekiga, choose v4l2 in video prefs17:00
unopdonald_, nm-applet's always been a headache for me -- i uninstall nm-applet17:00
proudhawkejeryeah. vmware is ok. I just with kvm/qemu worked better.... I won't be able to run the latest kernel here. they have broken some things in the kernel later than 2.6.2017:00
ikoniasosus_: ok17:00
sosus_ejer, ok, trying now..17:00
Arelisjpatrick, Well one way i broke it was using Compiz Fusion and AWN17:00
ikoniasosus_: your on ubuntu 7.10 ?17:00
unopNET||abuse,  you arent using egrep in the right way there17:00
Arelisjpatrick, the other was configuring my desktop17:00
ikoniasosus_: and 32bit ?17:00
NET||abuseunop, ok?17:00
Arelisjpatrick, another was installing desktop environments17:00
unopNET||abuse, i would use grep in such a way to find out which file holds the config - egrep -inHR "wepkey|essid" $HOME/*17:00
jpatrickArelis: well, I use KDE :)17:00
donald_unop: maybe u have your keys in wpa_supplicant?17:00
Arelisjpatrick, and another was installing window managers17:00
Arelisjpatrick, so that means, that everything broke, with normal actions.17:01
sosus_ikonia, 7.10 64 bit17:01
sosus_ejer, so far sound is working! going to the video page now17:01
peaceanyone can help me? :)17:01
moonliteis it possible to limit a programs resources, ie saying that the program can't allocate more than, say, 200MB of memory?17:01
ejerekiga is good17:01
donald_NET||abuse: maybe change the SSID of your home wifi ??17:01
unopdonald_, i use WEP and just a simple post-up command in  /etc/network/interfaces17:01
NET||abuseunop, thanks, trying that now.. :)17:01
ejermoonlite: there is program nice, but it does not limit memory17:01
NET||abusedonald_, nope,, the other 3 people in the house have their windows clients setup to use it now,, so would be a pain in the ass to go setting up again17:01
ejermoonlite: virtualization could do this17:02
proudhawkcheck ulimit for modifying how much a program can take17:02
ejergood call17:02
chungthanks for the help17:02
moonliteproudhawk: thanks17:02
NET||abusedonald_, and i really would like to gain better control of the nm-applet profiles17:02
proudhawk<- old unix man :)17:02
Jupp2where are theme settings kept in Ubuntu?17:02
dowgaiaWhen I lock the screen on my laptop, ubuntu will instead fully log me out (bumps back to GDM, closes all programs). Obviously this is not what "lock screen" should do. Is this a known bug, is there a known work around? Or have I just misconfigured something? This is a workstation laptop, if I leave my desk, I have to lock it, but killing the session entirely everytime is a bit of a hassle.17:02
ejer<- old eunuchs man17:03
sosus_ejer, it gives an error message: "Error while opening video device UVC Camera (046d:0990)17:03
unopNET||abuse, you might like to take a look at wpa_supplicant and wpagui - IMHO the combination is better than nm-applet17:03
ikoniasosus_: what repo is it in ? I can't see it17:03
donald_NET||abuse: i have changed my wifi from wep to open to wpa and have not had this problem. it will time out and ask for new keys17:03
NET||abuseI find that my system has issues connecting to various networks of differing setups, i used to find i could not connect to unencrypted networks,, also if i turn off Mixed b/g mode on this router I can't connect either...17:03
ejersosus_: sometimes cams can be turned off in bios...17:03
bod_have we got any GIMP users in the room,. i need some help, and the GIMP channel is pretty silent17:03
ejerikonia: multiverse i think17:03
ikonia!info luvcvideo17:03
ubotuPackage luvcvideo does not exist in gutsy17:03
sosus_ejer, really? How do I change that? Do I need to restart?17:03
ikoniaejer: I can't see it in there17:03
sosus_ikonia, sorry! i mean luvcview17:04
ejeri am in hardy actually17:04
sosus_ikonia, not video17:04
ikoniasosus_ ?17:04
donald_sosus_: webcam? laptop?17:04
NET||abusedonald_, it doesn't,, just flashes spinny connecting activty icon in the task tray, then cuts out back to disconnected look17:04
proudhawkbrb, going to see about installing a few mind games on my feisty system17:04
lukaszThe problem Im having with doom3 on linux is Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg17:04
ejersosus_: yes, and press f2 or del during first boot screen17:04
NET||abusedonald_, i get no prompt for the connection,, it's very annoying..17:04
sosus_ikonia, the program isn't called luvcvideo, its called luvcview17:04
lukaszhellp problem with doom317:04
ikonia!info luvcview17:04
donald_NET||abuse: very odd17:04
ubotuPackage luvcview does not exist in gutsy17:04
NET||abusedonald_, if i click into nm-applet, select "Connect to other wireless network" and then setup the settings manually it works fine17:04
chungyou know the game warsow?17:04
sosus_donald_, webcam is a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, laptop is Dell Latitude D83017:04
NET||abuseit's just the automatic connection side, would really like to have that working17:05
ejersosus_: it is external cam?17:05
sosus_ejer, yes17:05
donald_sosus_: camorama gets any pictures?17:05
ejeri know that cam works perfectly17:05
ikoniasosus_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4240983 something like that ?17:05
lukaszdoom3 won't start17:05
NET||abusebod_, hey, i'm a gimp user17:05
ejersosus_: i always compile uvcvideo driver manually from latest svn17:05
sosus_donald_, no, I get the following error message: Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0(17:05
irisoi como vai vcs???17:06
donald_NET||abuse: out of ideas. i havent had issues with nm-applet17:06
sosus_ikonia, haha! that's my post17:06
ikoniaahhh is it17:06
bod_NET||abuse, do you no what filter ive used to make this background,. ive forgotten, and want to use it again,.lol,.,. (http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh275/Bodsda/?action=view&current=tux1.jpg)17:06
NET||abusedonald_, :) cool,, well thanks for the ideas so far anyway ;)17:06
donald_sosus_: the camera might need firmware uploading before u can use it17:06
chungthe game warsow says that i haven't got enough memory to open it17:06
lukaszSys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg17:06
ikoniasosus_ it says your using fesity ?17:06
NET||abusebod_, will look now17:06
donald_sosus_: have u tried lucview?17:06
sosus_ikonia, I know, I just haven't updated it, I am running gutsy17:06
ejersosus_: does dmesg have errors about video0 ?17:06
bod_NET||abuse, cheers dude17:06
unopbod_, i didnt know tux went clubbing :))17:07
chunghow much memory does warsow take?17:07
sosus_donald_, luvcview gives me a badalloc error17:07
ikoniasosus_: according to that output your still using the X11 driver17:07
sosus_ejer, donig dmesg | grep video0 gives me nothing17:07
ejerunplug then replug the cam and try again17:07
NET||abusebod_, hehe,, ok,, the halo of straight line scratches around the tux? emmmm17:07
bod_unop, yer,. me and him had a good time,. but i think he may have dropped a few too many17:07
sosus_ikonia, yeah.... I try installing the uvc driver, but I don't know how to switch to it17:07
donald_sosus_: do u see anything from dmesg | grep uvc ?17:07
abbehi channel17:08
Andycassshow to search in manpages?17:08
bod_NET||abuse, im after the weird,. acidy type looking backgrond,. not the sparkles17:08
sosus_donald_, yes, a bucnh of "Failed to query(1) UVC control 1 ((unio)...17:08
abbeI'm running KDE in Gutsy fine, but I can't see login app running on tty[1-6]17:08
bod_unop,  you like?17:08
donald_sosus_: u need firmware. do you dual boot with windows?17:08
thebighamHello, i cant seem to set the screen brightness under the power management. Any other way to set the default brightness???17:08
filthpighow much ram can 32 bit linux use?17:08
NET||abusebod_, oh, ok17:08
NET||abusebod_, emmmmmmm17:08
unopbod_, too psycadelic for my liking :)17:08
sosus_donald_, no, but I have access to a windows machine17:08
street_Kasda radi :D17:08
ejersosus_: try this then reboot - http://pastebin.ca/88637817:08
NET||abusewouldn't nkow off top of my head...17:08
abbehow do I know if bootup completed successfully, and 'login' app started on every tty, hmm..?17:09
sosus_ejer, I will try that, I will be right back17:09
Andycassshow to search in manpages?17:09
bod_unop, ;),.,. check out this one,.http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh275/Bodsda/?action=view&current=background22.jpg17:09
sosus_donald_, I will be right back, I am going to try and install the uvcvideo driver again17:09
ejersosus_: you may need to 'sudo aptitude install build-essential subversion' first17:09
bcardarellaHow do I tell how much space I'm using and how much free space is left on a HD from command line?17:09
donald_sosus_: not that way. i have a laptop here dual boot vista and ubuntu. built-in cam. i boot windows, and it loads firmware, then warm boot to ubuntu and lucview sees the camera17:10
ejerbcardarella: df -h17:10
thebighamHello, i cant seem to set the screen brightness under the power management. Any other way to set the default brightness???17:10
bcardarellaejer: thanks17:10
bod_thebigham, usually through the buttons on your screen17:10
sosus_donald_, I can use any widows comptuer to change the firmware, though, right?17:10
thebighambod_, i mean on the laptop17:10
donald_sosus_: i think there's a project out there to get a firmware extractor and uploader in linux in progress17:10
unopikonia, would you know how to fix this - i can't seem to drop to a virtual terminal (CTRL+ALT+Fx) properly, the screen either remains blank (like it's out of resolution) or it changes rather abruptly (like when you degauss a monitor) -- in either case, the behaviour is not consistent17:11
bod_thebigham, oh ,.,.kk,. lemme av a look17:11
kapacek, i have 6.06, and im getting 6.10, when i get 6.10 can i upgrade to the newest version?17:11
NET||abuseok,, you can shoot me now17:11
ejersosus_: there is no firmware to load17:11
thebighambod_, it has buttons to change the brightness, but it changes back when i reboot17:11
lukaszhelllp pls17:11
donald_sosus_: not that. the camera might need to have firmware loaded into it everytime it's turned on17:11
ikoniaunop thats odd, I assume it works ok if you boot into say single user mode ?17:11
NET||abusethat was dumb.. i had to change into the other views in my gnome-keyring-manager17:11
bod_thebigham, oh,. erm,. not sure im afraid17:11
sosus_ejer, what do you mean?17:11
ejerthere is no firmware for that cam17:11
lukaszI ge tthat error Doom III Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg17:11
Andycassshow to search in manpages?17:11
ejerjust a plain old driver17:11
sosus_donald_, ejer says there is no firmware for this camera17:11
NET||abusethere's 3 keyrings that i didn't realize,, login is one, default had other settings stored for the wifi piont17:12
ejersosus_: donald is talking about his laptop with integrated cam17:12
kapacek, i have 6.06, and im getting 6.10, when i get 6.10 can i upgrade to the newest version?17:12
NET||abusedonald_, thanks for the help :)17:12
sosus_ejer, ok, I just did what you posted in pastebin, I should just reboot ant try luvcview again?17:12
ejersosus_: yes17:12
bod_Just got ubuntu on my dads laptop,.,. finally !!!! yay!!!!!17:12
sosus_ejer, okay, brb17:12
idefix_the latest version of firefox, does it have a highlight of inactive tabs on website change?17:12
NET||abusedonald_, killed the entries in the "default" keyring as well as "login" keyring,,, nm-applet worked now17:12
unopikonia, yes it does ok in single-user mode - I've turned usplash off and what i have noticed is this only happens after init/upstart says "setting console mode keymap..."17:12
ejeryou can manually remove and modprobe drivers, reboot is easier unless u know how17:12
abbeany ideas anyone17:12
ikoniaunop: Hmmm ok17:13
ikoniaunop: let me have a ponder17:13
unopikonia, .. after which i can't seem to do anything -- i dont use gdm anymore and rely on logging in at the VTY's17:13
Andycasssikonia: how to search in manpage?17:13
ArelisWhat can I do to turn a basic Ubuntu install into a full-fledged kick-ass Windows replacer?17:13
ikoniaAndycasss man $command"17:13
schlichtdoes someone know why the create of an Crypt Device works with twofish but not with twofish_ia586? twofish_i586 is loaded ( sudo cryptsetup -c twofish_ia586-lrw-benbi -y -s 384 luksFormat /dev/sda3 )17:13
decipher7can someonene help?  i am trying to get usplash to display on my gateway mx6441 laptop. i followed the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3569987&postcount=4 but no luck.17:14
ejerAndycasss: press h in man for help list17:14
Pici!equivalent | Arelis17:14
ubotuArelis: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant17:14
schlichterror is: Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping.17:14
donald_NET||abuse: u welcome17:14
unopikonia, thanks17:15
AndycasssWhen i use manpage and try to use "/" to search for a string, nothing happens?17:15
telexiconIs there a wiki page on manually installing ubuntu as a xen guest? The Dom0 is CentOS 5, I'd rather not use any of the magical wizard tools17:15
bod_Andycasss, man    is only for commands,.,. eg     man amarok17:16
ejerAndycasss: /whatyourlookingfor then press enter17:16
lukaszhopefully someone in forums can help17:16
ArrPiratehow come when i go from DHCP to static using the same network information it fails to connect to my network?17:16
lukaszwell lunch time17:16
proudhawkxen is a pita. you really need to have the kernel for the OS operating in 2 places (outside xen and inside to instance xen controls)17:16
ejerArrPirate: trying to use same IP as DHCP?17:17
ejeri like openvz over xen personally17:17
ArrPirateyes ad no, doesn't effect anything17:17
bod_ArrPirate, make sure your using the same gateways that DHCP was using17:17
proudhawkejer never tried openvz. I use vmware and (when I can get it to cooperate) qemu. however, vmware is the old standbye here and works for what I need it to do17:18
ejeri use vmware also but for server virtualization it is openvz hands down17:18
ArrPiratebod_:  i did17:18
ejerArrPirate: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html17:18
ejerthat is manual way17:19
bod_ArrPirate, same DNS's?17:19
proudhawkhmmm. I'll have to look that one up17:19
idefix_what would be a good dir to extract hardware drivers into?17:19
ejervmware is very heavy17:19
cylexhow do I print to windows machine from ubuntu?17:19
ejeridefix_: /tmp but it gets wiped at every reboot17:19
ArrPiratebod_:  yep17:19
idefix_ejer so which one?17:19
bod_ArrPirate, ok ,. check that link ejer gave u17:19
idefix_ejer, what dir is especially designed to contain permanent drivers to hardware?17:20
ejercylex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter17:20
ejeridefix_: they usually go in /lib but don't mess in there17:20
idefix_ejer, am I allowed to try?17:21
ejerif you have backups :)17:21
sosus_ejer, I tried luvcview, same problem... stil says that the driver is x1117:21
ejeryou don't need to17:21
ejerthere are apps to handle installing and removing drivers what is the problem17:21
cylexejer: thx17:21
idefix_not with SANE17:21
ejerno, that is your display driver sosus_17:21
ejeryes with sane17:22
idefix_what extension to the apps have?17:22
sosus_ejer, oh, so do you have any idea why I am getting a badalloc error message?17:22
ejeridefix_: did you read http://www.sane-project.org/README.linux17:22
ejersosus_: not really... do a dmesg | grep uvc17:23
ejerpastebin it if there is anything17:23
cylexejer: is there way to set up network printer from console on ubuntu?17:23
ejersure :)17:23
sosus_ejer, I just get two lines, one saying uvcvideo: Found UVC device and usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo17:24
ejerlittle bit more complicated, and can't really tell you off top of my head17:24
neko_hi helpfull people17:24
neko_do you know if it is possible to recover 1 particular file with RSYNC ???17:24
cylexI have server edition installed, not the desktop edition.. only why I am asking :)17:24
ejercylex: maybe http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing.html will help17:24
cylexejer: thx17:25
ejersosus_: did you try ekiga again17:25
bod_ok slight problem guys,.,. ive just installed ubuntu 7.10 onto a IBM thinkpad T22, it booted grub, but now i just have a blank screen,.,. any ideas?17:25
ejerone big thing is any prog you use needs to be v4l2 compliant17:25
sosus_ejer, it works!17:25
* ejer does a jig17:26
* bod_ laughs at ejer17:26
sosus_ejer, hehe, whats v4l2 compliant.. and more importantly, do you know if skype is compliant with it?17:26
ejerbod_: X is failing to start it sounds like, try booting into single mode and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?17:26
unopbod_, it could be that the video adapter's drivers are unavilable, the resolution if beyond what the monitor can handle or an improper frame-buffer is being used17:26
ejersosus_: yes, skype should work, and go look up v4l2 on wikipedia if u really want to know17:27
chris710how can i change the resolution manually cos i want 1024x768 and i have 1280x1024 and when i go to the settings,i only have 640x480 and default....17:27
sosus_ejer, thanks so much17:27
xopher-Hi, im having problems with cpu-freq scaling on my amd64 3800+ (venice), ideas? powernowd fails to start, and cpufreqd fails to start too17:27
bod_ejer,. how do i boot into single user mode?17:28
xopher-I have sysfs loaded and the cpufreq modules loaded, and Im on gutsy with the latest (64bit) kernel17:28
ejerbod_: does CTRL-ALT-F1 switch to command line17:28
bod_ejer, no17:29
sosus_ejer, I closed ekiga and then tried to open skype.. didn't work, then tried to open ekiga again and I get an error message... do I need to something to fix this? or just reboot?17:29
ejersosus_: you could try unplugging and replugging17:29
ejermaybe the driver was not released right17:29
smaug9is there a way to remap a touchpad so that the tap is mouse1, the left button is mouse3, and the right button is mouse2?17:30
sosus_ejer, you're great! thanks17:30
=== xopher- is now known as xopher
ejer;) I do alot of work with webcams17:30
LimCoreI have umask 200 or so for my user, so that all files I create are not readable by others.  But, I want to have all files in /var/www to be readable by others.  How to do it?  Perhaps some sticky bit to directory or something?17:30
LimCore0077 actually17:30
ejersosus_: my fave program is motion - webcam motion detector17:30
DRebellionejer: yeah, that is a neat piece of kit.17:30
thannoybod_: when grub propose to choose OS, you can  edit the command-line and add (or replace argument "2") by the runlevel you want (1,2,3,4,5). One of them should ba the single user mode17:31
sosus_ejer, cool! going to check it out17:31
bod_thannoy, i dont get a grub option because its only 1 os17:31
ejerbod_: it should say press esc to enter grub17:32
ejer3 seconds17:32
bod_ejer, oh,.,. it just said something like that hang on il get it back17:33
PedroMarky halo thar17:33
thannoybod_: with /etc/inittab you could change default runlevel, you could try to find one corresponding to the single user mode17:33
chris710how can i install graphical acceleration for my ati RADEON 7000 RC10017:33
PedroMarkopen office question17:33
trompetplease help me... i need to know Ubuntu equivalent for Grab++ (Orbit Downloader)...17:33
saculi have php5 and apache2 installed on ubuntu gutsy desktop.  However if I try to go to a php page on my server the computer wants to download it instead of executing it.  can anyone help me out?17:33
trompetany ideas?17:33
PedroMarkam i nubbing out or did they make the fit to page bits go away for the calc in v.2.317:33
ejerchris710: try restricted driver manager in adminisration17:34
ejertrompet: look at downthemall firefox extension17:34
bod_ejer,  ok im in the grub menu,.,. what now?17:34
chris710how can i download it?17:34
Thugacationhow do I get Internet Explorer to work in Ubuntu?17:34
trompetthanks ejer17:34
tvrgThugacation: use ies4linux, google it17:35
Jack_SparrowThugacation: Ask in #Winehq17:35
ejerThugacation: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page17:35
Thugacationnah i dont feel like it17:35
chris710Thugacation>i think with wine you can use internet explorer,but use mozilla,it's better17:35
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: Not a good idea..17:35
ajricoverii want to monitor network traffic on my proxy, squidview only does that with http requests ... i want monitor other protocols...17:35
ajricoverii meant other app layer protocols traffic ....17:35
ArrPiratethat link was less than helpful17:35
riaalWhat to do when this appears? "aclocal not found" I have autotools and build-essentials17:35
tvrgsince he's asking here i'm convinced that he won't get it working manually Jack_Sparrow17:35
ejerajricoveri: wireshark, tcpdump17:35
tvrgand what's the problem with it?17:35
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: Winehq will NOT help him if he has used that script17:35
PedroMarkajricoveri: tcpdump17:35
tvrgso, it's all contained in a .ie6 folder, even the wine install17:36
ajricoveriejer: PedroMark: thank u17:36
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: That script does terrible things....17:36
tvrgJack_Sparrow:  have you read the script?17:36
bod_thannoy, any idea which run level is single mode?17:36
tvrglast time i did it was contained in a single .folder17:36
PedroMarkbod_: 117:36
ajricoveriejer: does wireshark works on command line interface ???17:36
ejerajricoveri: no17:36
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: I have seen what it does, and I have talked with them in winehq about it.. something to avoid17:36
PedroMarkajricoveri: wireshark is a GUI17:36
bod_Pedro ty17:37
DRebellionajricoveri: check out tcpdump for cli17:37
PedroMarktcpdump to file on one box load file into wireshark on another17:37
tvrgJack_Sparrow: getting a manual setup working as nice is a pain too17:37
ejerajricoveri: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/nmtf/nmtf-tools.html17:37
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: IE is seriously something to avoid17:37
PedroMarkno halps on Open Office for me??17:37
PedroMarkam i nubbing out or did they make the fit to page bits go away for the calc in v.2.317:37
Wogroiplhow can I add a hdd to Grub if it won't let me edit menu.lst or device.map17:37
tvrgJack_Sparrow: I agree, but he asked and did sound like a nube17:37
IdleOneneed help configuring eth0. ubuntu 7.10 can see the card but cant get connection17:38
ajricoverithank u all, i got plenty of info =)17:38
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tvrgJack_Sparrow: so i suggested the easy way, the one he'll get working17:38
ejerPedroMark: that question is not easy to understand :)17:38
tvrgJack_Sparrow: I set it up using vanilla wine etc, cuz i need it for testing17:38
=== george_ is now known as zmock
Thugacationies4linux looks like shit17:38
Thugacationshould i install it17:38
chris710where can i download radeon driver for linux xubuntu?17:38
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:38
tokokyes if you like shit17:38
ejerie is Ssh*t17:38
DRebellionThugacation: no17:38
tvrgThugacation: do you need IE?17:38
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: You suggested a way that will break his wine install and cause him NOT to get help with wine in the future17:39
kkkzsera a tutti17:39
Thugacationyeah for linux17:39
PedroMarkopen office calc: printing ... i need the fit to page options and they are gone in v2.3 WTF?17:39
IdleOne!it | kkkz17:39
ubotukkkz: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:39
SeveasThugacation, I said don't cause trouble then.... talking like this is causing trouble for yourself17:39
riaalI need aclocal, what package is it in?17:39
berto-hi everyone,  when i booted into a xen kernel my SATA tape drive (Quantum DLT-V4) stopped working.  i already have st and sg modules, anyone know what the special sauce in the kernel is to get this working?17:39
jmauzeyi have a quick question: what is the difference between the files in system->admin that normal users can and can not see?17:39
ejerriaal: i think build-essential should install that17:40
riaalejer: nope =(17:40
rama_8086do any body have any idea about pen computers????17:41
asteriosjoin #linux.de17:41
bod_anyone know the exact part of the kernal boot string to change to be in single mode?17:41
tvrgJack_Sparrow: how will it break his wine install if it doesn't need root?17:41
tvrgJack_Sparrow: I'm not suggesting you are wrong17:41
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: This is all ot here... go ask that in winehq17:41
PedroMarkbod append single to the end of the parameter string17:41
PedroMarkthat is the word 'single'17:42
PedroMarkalso 'init=/bin/sh' will do too17:42
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: Suggesting ie4linux in here would be like #winehw telling people to use automatix...17:42
ironfoot_495Can someone help fix pear on a 7.10 ubuntu?17:43
PedroMarkthe first way is prefered17:43
tvrgi don't say you're wrong17:43
riaalseriously, where is aclocal?? How can I install it?17:43
tvrgI want to know why17:43
ejerhuh? ies4linux is fine17:43
ejerwhat si prob with it17:43
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: And I told you to ask in winehw about it17:43
tvrgit doesn't need root, and it stays in a .folder17:43
tvrgi don't get it17:43
IdleOneJack_Sparrow, would rebooting router make it so ubuntu might connect? releasing leases or something assigning new ones? grabbing at straws here17:43
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tvrgejer: he just says it is, but can't say why17:43
bod_PedroMark, how do i change the boot line to make me boot in single mode?17:43
tvrgread the damn script17:43
ejerwell, i use it to test websites17:44
Jack_Sparrowtvrg: DROP IT17:44
SeveasIdleOne, rebooting a normal home router might indeed clear the dhcp lease table17:44
ejeri prefer doing it in vmware usually, but ies4linux is good if you don't want to boot up whole environment... very possible it will screw up wine, dunno17:44
chris710can anyone help me PLEASE?17:44
tvrgJack_Sparrow: you wan't me to stop suggesting it but can't give me a reason, WTF17:44
Seveas!stop | tvrg Jack_Sparrow ejer17:44
ubotutvrg Jack_Sparrow ejer: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.17:44
IdleOneSeveas, I have a fresh 7.10 install and no internet. ifconfig lists eth0 but cant seem to connect to net17:45
thannoyriaal: try automake17:45
ejerexcuse me?17:45
berto-riaal: apt-cache search aclocal17:45
giandreawhy doesn't my laptop automatically get dhcp data when I plug the cable after it started, but it gets the network configuration only when I plug the cable before booting? I need to manually start dhclient if I plug the cable after booting...17:45
Seveasejer (and the others), this 'discussion' is getting nowhere, so please stop disrupting the channel17:45
daxrocIdleOne: Do you have dhcp server on your network ?17:45
riaalthannoy: ofc! thanks17:45
Seveasberto-, that won't help :)17:45
IdleOnedaxroc, yes17:46
Seveasriaal, it's part of autoconf or automake, forgot which one17:46
berto-Seveas: you're right, just tried it.  :)17:46
Seveas!compiling | riaal17:46
uboturiaal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:46
berto-riaal: it's either autoconf or automake17:46
daxrocIdleOne: try sudo /etc/init.d/network restart17:46
riaalit was automake, thanks everyone17:46
IdleOnedaxroc, tried that no help. says dhcpdiscover gets no lease offers17:46
doctorowHow do I change the font size of the feed-listing in Akregator?17:47
daxrocIs the interface up ?17:47
IdleOnedaxroc, how do I make sure it is?17:47
daxrocIdleOne: sudo ifconfig up17:47
proudhawkwell folks, I have to go now. have fun..17:47
daxroc*sudo ifconfig eth0 up17:47
legionHello, ive got a question regarding Evo's use of OTA exchange access. Why is it when i create an appointment it automatically sets the "request response" flag? Is there a way to disable this 'feature'?17:48
IdleOnedaxroc, error fetching interface, device not found17:49
daxrocIdleOne: sudo ifconfig eth0 up17:49
bod_does anyone no how to boot into single mode from grub menu?17:50
IdleOnedaxroc, just returns to prompt17:50
th0rbod_ I think you just type 'single' and hit return17:51
* ejer is going to stop disrupting channel with his newbie help17:51
bod_th0r, and where would i be typing that?17:51
daxrocIdleOne: Have you tried manually setting an ip for that nic ?17:51
IdleOnedaxroc, yes and no joy17:51
trompetejer: i've installed and try the downthemall... i can't find the stream link as in grab++... any ideas?17:51
th0rbod_ when grub first starts it presents you with a menu for linux/windows/linux safe mode....you can just type there during that 8 seconds17:51
IdleOnedaxroc, tried with roam mode enabled and disabled also nothing seems to work17:51
daxrocIdleOne: did you add the default route as well ?17:51
IdleOnedaxroc, yes17:51
bod_ops sorry17:52
bod_wrong comp17:52
daxrocIdleOne: What card / chipset ?17:52
bod_th0r, single is an unrecognized command17:52
th0rbod_ give me a sec17:52
IdleOnedaxroc, Realtek Semiconductor RTL-8029 (AS )17:53
bod_th0r,  ty17:53
th0rbod_ http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/17:53
IdleOnedaxroc, this card has worked for me for almost 3 years . just poped it into a new pc and did a fresh install and now it does not work17:54
ejerbod_: just pick recovery mode from grub menu :)17:54
bod_th0r, wow,. a link with the name of my prob in it cool,.,. cheers17:54
unopIdleOne, is this a wireless device?17:55
IdleOneunop, wired17:55
bod_th0r,  what does append mean?17:56
bod_Append the letter S (or word Single) to the end of the (kernel) line17:56
chris710please,how can i install my theme gtk 2 with emerald?17:56
daxrocIdleOne: sudo ifconfig eth0 ( ip on your net ) && sudo route add default gw (your-gw-address)17:56
slade991_i got a problem and need help XD17:56
unopIdleOne, firstly, is your device even detected ? ifconfig?17:57
ejerbod_: just pick recovery mode from grub menu :)17:57
lrkrchris710: you're using emerald as your decorator and want to install a new gtk theme?17:57
daxrocunop: scroll up, follow the conversation17:57
IdleOneunop, yes17:57
chris710yes irkr17:57
IdleOnedaxroc, let me try that command17:58
slade991_my laptot was on dualboot ubuntu/windows, i recently formate the ubuntu part, and the computer continue booting on grub, and then don't but and i got a error 17 with grub17:58
bod_ejer,  ok ty,. but i wanna learn aswell,.,.;)17:58
chris710i have installed it 2minutes ago and i have downloaded a theme on xfce-look.org17:58
ejerso try editing the recovery line and see how they did it, it is single mode bod_17:58
slade991_i don't got windows cd here, it's on my parents home17:58
daxrocIdleOne: Did the module load for the device , check the output of dmesg " dmesg | grep eth017:59
slade991_i try to install knoppix on usb17:59
bod_ejer,  ohyer,.,. ok cheers17:59
IdleOnedaxroc, SIOCADDRT : no such device17:59
lrkrslade991_: you need to format the swap partition too if you've erased ubuntu17:59
slade991_lrkr : how ? i can't boot17:59
chris710Irkr>can you help me please?17:59
daxrocIdleOne: can you bin that dmesg , and the output of sudo ifconfig -a17:59
IdleOnedaxroc, not easily no. son stole my usb stick :/18:00
lrkrchris710: once you've downloaded the .tar.gz theme, open up your system-->preferences-->appearance menu, and drag and drop it into there18:00
bullgard4"smbclient -L MD97600" functions. "smbclient -L Amilo7600" does not function: "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" although smbtree shows it. How to get rid of this error message?18:00
kapacek, i have 6.06, and im getting 6.10, when i get 6.10 can i upgrade to the newest version?18:00
IdleOnedmesg shows my card listied18:00
ejerchris710: you need to either reinstall grub or fix the MBR using windows disc18:00
IdleOnedaxroc, dmesg shows my card listied18:00
Factory|TyraeL^yop !18:00
lrkrslade991_: do you havr another computer or boot disk (say for ubuntu) available?18:00
chris710Irkr>it's for emerald....18:00
ejerchris710: sorry, wrong person18:00
unopIdleOne,  did you get "SIOCADDRT : no such device" on ifconfig or route?18:00
slade991_lrkr:  i m here on my other computer ubuntu one18:00
IdleOneunop, route18:01
ejerslade991_: : you need to either reinstall grub or fix the MBR using windows disc18:01
bod_ejer,  the recov line says ro single,. but the line i want to change already says ro quiet splash, do i just add it like this    ro quiet splash single     or do i have to do     ro quiet splash ro single?18:01
slade991_ejer : don't have the windows disc :/ and how can i install grub if i cant boot ?18:01
StrangeCharmhey, i'm having trouble hibernating a fujitsu laptop. when i tell it to hibernate, it just goes to a blinking cursor.18:01
ejerbod_: exactly like recovery mode says18:01
unopIdleOne, ok, check if ifconfig reports that the device has an IP address now18:01
chris710i had the same problem....error 17 loading grub....so i formated everything....xd18:01
ejerslade991_: with an ubuntu cd18:01
lrkrslade991_: you may be able to format the swap partition using a boot disk for ubuntu, but ejer seems to know betrter than I18:02
slade991_ejer : give mine to a friend XD and my windows cd isn't here XD18:02
bod_ejer, recov mode uses      ro single    at the end   but my line already has a    ro quiet splash       can i just add single to the end of the line?18:02
Andycassshow to install Lucida Sans Unicode font to my ubuntu?18:02
unopIdleOne, ok, is that address pingable? if so, can you ping your default gateway next?18:02
ejeryou do not need to format swap partition :)18:02
daxrocIdleOne: can you ping another one on your network ?18:02
lrkrchris710: wait, are you trying to install a gtk theme or a emerald theme?18:02
ejerbod try it :)18:02
slade991_ejer : i was thinking about bouting from usb disk with lsd or knoppix ?18:02
chris710Irkr>a gtk theme but on emerald18:03
ejerslade991_: sure, any linux disk should do it if it has grub18:03
lrkrchris710: sorry about the slow typing, my fingers are taped together18:03
slade991_ejer : then i can"t use sysconfig on knoppix must use grub18:03
Jewsuswhen is it safe to disconnect my external hard drive?18:03
lrkrchris710: to install the gtk theme, the path i gave you should be sufficient18:03
IdleOneunop, pinging that ip from windows : request timed out18:03
lrkrchris710: since emerald is only theming the window decorator18:03
lrkrnot the rest of the window18:03
chris710Irkr>does gtk 2 themes work with emerald?18:03
slade991_ejer : but when i tried to launch the usb disk when booting nothing append :/ i perhaps missed something18:04
ejerslade991_: the problem is when ubuntu installs it wipes out windows' boot manager, so you need to either put grub back or restore MBR from windows disk18:04
unopIdleOne, errm, i meant ping that address from within linux itself18:04
ejerslade991_: you may need to change BIOS settings to boot from usb18:04
slade991_ejer : yea i do it18:04
lrkrchris710: mmm, should as far as i know; here, lemme test (and btw it's Lrkr..type lr then tab and i should be the only one)18:04
daxrocIdleOne: whats the output of route , Is there an entry for your gw in /etc/resolv18:04
slade991_ejer : but when booting from usb nothing append18:04
IdleOneunop yes it is pingable18:04
lrkrchris710: you're on xkcfe-look.org?18:04
slade991_ejer : think my knoppix not well configurated18:05
IdleOnedaxroc, let me check18:05
ejerslade991_: not all computers can boot from usb18:05
unopIdleOne, is the gateway pingable?18:05
slade991_ejer : mine can18:05
slade991_ejer : problem is from the usb not computer18:05
chris710Irkr>i go to it....18:05
slade991_ejer : i try to make the distribution working on my own but don't seems to be fine XD18:05
slade991_ejer : can i tell you what i have done an tell me if something is wrong ?18:06
IdleOneunop, host unreachable daxroc /etc/resolv is empty18:06
lrkrchris710: yeah, i was right; to install a gtk theme, go to system--->preferences--->appearance, then drag and drop the theme file into that window and it should install18:07
lrkrchris710: that should be all you need to do; emerald only skins the top of the dinwo18:07
lrkrchris710: *window18:07
chris710Irkr>so, gtk themes dont work with emerald?18:07
unopIdleOne, and you are sure that is your network's address scheme.. in other words, the gateway has an IP address 192.168.0.x with a netmask ?18:08
benny99I'm desperately trying to use pstricks with texlive, but I can't get it to accept my tex-file (which is a pstricks example)18:08
daxrocIdleOne: sorry , its /etc/resolv.conf18:08
slade991_ejer : ok, i download knoppix from the website, copy all the files from the iso to the usb drive, copy the files, boot.msg, linux, logo.16, f3, f2 and minirt.gz to the root of the usb drive, and try t boot on18:08
IdleOnedaxroc, output of route shows Destination :
benny99! LaTeX Error: File `pstricks.sty' not found. -- although I put it into /usr/local/share/texmf18:08
ejerslade991_: that will not work did you follow a tutorial or anything18:08
benny99and did texhash18:08
chris710Irkr>i download a vista theme for emerald....xd18:08
IdleOnedaxroc, /etc/resolv.conf is also empty18:09
lrkrchris710: well, they do, they both just skin different things.18:09
slade991_ejer : yea a follow one. What does i do wrong ?18:09
ejerslade991_: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/01/usb-knoppix-510/18:09
ejeryou need to make drive bootable18:09
daxrocIdleOne: whats your gw address , add it to /etc/resolv.conf  "nameserver ***.***.***.***18:09
iKapam i suppose to create a separate partition for my files and the os? so when i restore.. all the files and programs are still there? didnt quite understand that concept... ?18:09
lrkrchris710: is the file you downloaded a .tar.gz file or a .emerald file?18:09
IdleOneunop, the router ip is
ejeriKap: that is a good way to do it18:09
slade991_ejer:  ok thanx you a lot i'll try this one ^^ hope it will work ^18:10
ejeri have done it, it works18:10
iKapejer, how would i go about doing that? is it too late?18:10
ejeriKap: if you already installed, then yes18:10
chris710Irkr>its a .emerald18:10
slade991_ejer : and when i would have boot how to restore grub or the windows boot system ?18:10
IdleOnedaxroc, ok added18:10
daxrocIdleOne: its your route that is fubared , sudo route del default && sudo route add default gw
daxrocIdleOne: try ping google.com then18:10
ejerslade991_: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html18:10
lrkrchris710: okay, to install that just go to system-->preferences--->emerald theme manager, open that18:11
slade991_ejer : ok thanks a lot ^18:11
benny99nobody using texlive here?18:11
lrkrchris710: then hit "import" and direct it to the file you downloaded18:11
ejerslade991_: also http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html18:11
ejerto boot windows18:11
ejerin fact http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_toc.html#TOC1418:11
slade991_ejer : ok thanks again ;)18:11
Wiredtapehello, I recently installed ubuntu 7, and am now trying to update.. however, I am having problems... any reason why the repositories shouldn't respond?18:11
IdleOnedaxroc, ping www.google.com returns unknown host18:12
unopdaxroc, but his gateway isnt even pingable - even if route should succeed there, he's quite unlikely to be able to ping beyond the gateway18:12
ThipThiphey everybody.  I cannot seem to play embedded videos with firefox.  going directly to youtube or google video works fine, but most of the time embedded videos simply do not show up or show up as a white box.18:12
nickrudWiredtape: could be several different reasons ; first check that you have them all enabled:  system->admin->software sources, make sure the first four are enabled and the cdrom is not18:12
onTopHow can I open .so-files?18:13
Tweek888hello, I am trying to figure out what command ubuntu runs after you press "ctrl + alt + del" so I can write a x restart script for my flux config really quick18:13
ajricoverican i remotely capture network traffic with wireshark ??18:13
daxrocunop: If the route is correct it should be able to ping the router18:13
unopdaxroc, IdleOne, i'm inclined to say that the right module for the adapter isnt loaded -- i'd try unloading the module and any other conflicting modules and reload the module18:13
ejerTweek888: to bring up logout screen?18:13
unopdaxroc, you dont need a default route to ping the gateway tho18:13
lrkrchris710: did that work?18:13
IdleOneunop, how do i go about that?18:14
Tweek888ejer, to restart x, I use auto login18:14
daxrocunop: true18:14
Tweek888but I would like to restart x from flux18:14
ejerTweek888: that is actually ctrl-alt-backspace18:14
Tweek888it doesn't work in flux18:14
ejerTweek888: /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:14
ejerassuming you use gdm18:14
jimatThipThip: you have installed flash plugin, but you might not install others (such as mplayer)18:14
Tweek888yes ejer I use gdm18:14
chris710Irkr>i have a little problem...18:14
IdleOneunop, if you would not mind sending instructions via msg so I can follow better18:15
ejerTweek888: you will need to sudo that of course18:15
onTopCan someone help me? I've just downloaded a .so-file. What the heck am i supposed to do?18:15
Wiredtapenickrud: everything except cd is checked.. still getting failed on update attempts.. should I try a different server?18:15
Tweek888:Exec /etc/init.d/gdm restart will restart x?18:15
Tweek888I know18:15
nickrudWiredtape: that's the second step, yes18:15
ejerWiredtape: you are connected to net? dumb question perhaps...18:16
lrkrchris710: what happened?18:16
unopIdleOne, errm, first lspci | grep -i ethernet - find the adapters make/model - then you'll need to google which module is the right module for the adapter - then use lsmod to see if it's loaded and what dependencies it has, unload all of them with rmmod and then load the module again with insmod18:16
ThipThipjimat:  Do I want mplayer-mozilla?18:16
Wiredtapeejer, I am chatting here, through this comp :)18:16
ejerlooks like it then18:16
chris710Irkr>now o have it on emerald but how can i activate it?18:16
ThipThipjimat:  It's interesting, because embedded videos do work sometimes... like in wordpress blogs, it's usually fine.18:16
Wiredtapenickrud, no response.. first try was "US servers" second was "Main Server"18:16
lrkrchris710: once you have the emerald theme manager open, under the "themes" tab, there should be a list of themes. Click on the one you want to use to select it.18:17
unopIdleOne, quite tricky -- insmod needs an absolute file name to the kernel module -- you can use locate to find it -- usually it's located in /lib/modules/`uname -r`18:17
nickrudWiredtape: is any internet working?18:17
chris710Irkr>when i click it doesn't work,maybe i have to close compiz....18:17
Wiredtapenickrud, I am talking on here.. so yes ...18:17
jimatThipThip: try to put "about:plugins" on your firefox address bar and see which plugins installed18:17
chris710Irkr>so how can i close compiz?18:18
nickrudWiredtape: try opening a page in firefox, make sure name resolution is currently working18:18
ejerWiredtape: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list18:18
Wiredtapecurrently testing "best server" and a bunch are responding..18:18
jimatThipThip: about: plugins, without space18:18
lrkrchris710: hmmm, try going into your compiz settings and checking what your window decorator is18:18
nickrudWiredtape: ok, that's covers name resolution :)18:18
chris710ok thanks18:18
onTopHow can I run .so files?18:18
Wiredtapeejer, pastebin comming up..18:19
ejeronTop: what are you trting to do?18:19
slade991_ejer : your tutorial is for windows :/ don't got the same for ubuntu ? ^18:19
bod_hey guys,. just done an dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   from sinle mode command line,. now thats finished,.. what command do i use to boot ubuntu?18:19
ejerbod_: reboot or ctrl-alt-del18:19
onTopejer: I downloaded NuSpehere PhpED. And All I got was a .so file18:19
bod_ejer, ok,.,. didnt no if i had to reboot,.18:19
jetscreamer/etc/init.d/gdm start18:19
lrkrchris710: no problem, hope that works18:19
ThipThipjimat:  mplayer, windows media, realplayer, quicktime, divx, totem, VLC, GCJ, and Flash18:20
ejerslade991_: link was right below it... http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/02/20/installing-usb-knoppix-51-using-linux/18:20
chris710Irkr>and how can i change the window decorator?18:20
idefix_maybe I'm too dumb to use linux18:20
tass1412how to use a static source device in crypttab?18:20
slade991_ejer : how.... sorry XD18:20
white_eagle@lart me18:20
tass1412or better: a source static (got some USB-hd's)18:21
Wiredtapeejer, nickrud, http not responding.. cannot pastebin...18:21
=== starshine is now known as starshine_away
ejerthere is your prob Wiredtape18:21
lrkrchris710: mmmmm, i'm not entirely sure (i compiz), but my guess is once you find the place where you have the set of options, try to find a way to choose emerald(?) sorry i can't help anymore.18:21
Wiredtapeejer, obviously.. what should I take a look at?18:21
=== ActiveOne is now known as IdleOne
ejeronTop: read the pdf18:21
lrkrchris710: to get more specific advice on this, you might want to check the ubuntu forums, there's a lot of information there about these kinds of issues, specifically with compiz/emerald/etc.18:22
bod_ejer,  im getting up to the loading bar screen, but when that finishes, i just get a black screen, same as before,. the disc isnt doing anything18:22
ejerWiredtape: easy answer is try rebooting18:22
ejerbod_: you have some troubleshooting to do... no easy way to just make it work18:22
kajewhen I do "which ls" at a command prompt, it gives me an illegal option error and shows me the usage info for "which"18:23
ejerbod_: you can't get to command line at all right18:23
Wiredtapeejer, that does make sense.. it was working before.. however, is this something that is "testable" while running..?18:23
bod_ejer, ok,.,. could you walk me through it please?18:23
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kajeIf I do /usr/bin/which ls, it works just fine... what's up with that?18:23
bod_ejer,  i can, i can load a command line from grub selection18:23
ejerbod try going back into single mode, type X at command line and see what error it gives18:23
ejerbod_: yes, recovery mode :)18:23
NET||abusehi guys.. i'm trying to upload some podcasts off my machine to an ipod,, i connect the ipod, /var/log/messages comes up sayinhg a load of messages,, but nothing appears on the desktop18:23
ejerWiredtape: don't understand Q18:23
lrkrchris710: sorry, i've got to get going, good luck with your problem!18:24
Wiredtapeejer, nm, will brb.. rebooting.18:24
NET||abuseit keeps saying "usb 5-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and addres"18:24
DRebellionNET||abuse: check if there are device nodes for it in /dev18:24
ejerNET||abuse: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/926618:25
edsonhi guys18:25
kajebah, nevermind, I had an alias setup for which that I didn't know about...18:25
dowgaiaWhen locking the screen, ubuntu instead performs a full fledged log out, killing the session entirely. How can I change this behaviour? Obviously when locking the screen, I should expect that when unlocked, the session is still fully functional. This isn't putting the computer to sleep or logging out the user, this is just locking the screen.18:25
popeyNET||abuse: you can try removing the usb2 module "sudo rmmod ehci_hcd"18:25
ejerNET||abuse: better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone18:25
bod_ejer,  bash: x: command not found18:25
ejerbod_: capital X18:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about transgaming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:25
edsonSomeone knows where increases the letter of the field login and password?18:25
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega18:25
bod_ah,. sorry18:25
loli want to check if opengl is enabled in my system and if not which command should i use?18:26
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popeylol: glxinfo18:26
onTopejer: I've done it. It didn't help me much. I thought .so-file was all around and very normal in ubuntu. I can read the pdf once again, but I don't think I will find any useful information tho..18:26
bod_ejer, that seems to have tried to start X,. which has rendered my laptop unusable18:26
bod_need a reboot18:26
chris710Irkr>thanks very much for your help,it works but i only have windows decorations for my theme...18:27
ejeronTop: it is not normal at all, and they explain exactly how to install it in pdf18:27
Wiredtapeejer, have rebooted.. same deal, http does't work.18:27
ejerbod_: ctrl-alt-backspace18:27
ejerWiredtape: can be your network, many dif problems18:28
lolpopey:thnx but i think it's not enabled,so which command should i use?18:28
popeylol: what video card do you have?18:28
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lolati x70018:28
popey!ati | lol18:28
ubotulol: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:28
bod_ejer, cant seem to find a way of getting the prompt back,.,. can only cold reboot18:28
ejerWiredtape: maybe this would help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2555718:28
bullgard4"smbclient -L MD97600" functions. "smbclient -L Amilo7600" does not function: "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" although smbtree shows it. How to get rid of this error message?18:28
berto-anyone know where to get linux kernel support ?18:29
Wiredtapeejer, how is it that I can access irc and not http? I am obviously connected to the network, i'm guessing certain protocols are having a problem.. make sense?18:29
KlesI installed the latest nVidia drivers18:29
ejerbod_: your video driver is not loading right, not much we can do really, unless someone else has an idea18:29
Klesand now it's giving me some low graphics mode crap18:29
Kleswhat's going on :|18:29
bod_ejer, i had to install windows to format the hard drive before i installed ubuntu,.,. video board is fine18:29
MasterShrekKles, how did you install the nvidia driver? through apt?18:29
tyronephi i am trying to dual boot vista and ubuntu I found this guide on the internet http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first but something is worng with my last step can someone help me please??18:29
DRebellion!dualboot | tyronep18:30
ubotutyronep: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:30
KlesMasterShrek: I downloaded it manually18:30
mnemonicaHello folks. I recently installed a Graphire4 pen tablet in Ubuntu 7.10. The pen tablet is working perfectly, but now my vertical scroll on my touchpad doesn't work! Can someone help me get it working again?18:30
Klesand installed at as root18:30
Jack_SparrowWiredtape: If you put in an ip address instead of an http address do you get html page?18:30
MasterShrektyronep, whats the problem? cant boot either, cant boot vista, cant boot linux?18:30
bullgard4berto-: Almost nowhere. Try ##kernelnewbies.18:30
ejertyronep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot18:30
WiredtapeJack_Sparrow, one sec...18:30
popeyKles: what video card?18:30
NET||abuseDRebellion, ejer: this is what comes up when i try to plugin the ipod, http://www.pastebin.org/1763318:30
DRebelliontyronep: bad idea to use random guides off the internet18:30
KlesGeForce 660018:30
shade052how do you make windows as the default boot option in grub?18:30
popeyKles: why not use the packaged driver?18:30
MasterShrekKles, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what driver it is using, most likely vesa, nv or nvidia18:30
KlesI found it kind of slow18:30
DRebellionshade052: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:30
ejerNET||abuse: try pluggingh it into port on back of system18:30
MrObviousHere's a random question. Why does the wiki use HTTPS (SSL)? I don't see a need for it for just viewing it.18:30
popeyKles: the nvidia driver or nv?18:31
Klesokay one sec18:31
popeyKles: nv is slow yes, but nvidia driver will be very quick18:31
NET||abuseejer, it's a laptop, there are only 2 ports18:31
ejerMrObvious: privacy18:31
pewpewpewDRebellion: Pretty much the same as taking random advices from this channel18:31
berto-bullgard4: thanks!18:31
MasterShrekMrObvious, never any reason not to beef up security18:31
thebestbuona sera a tutti18:31
pewpewpewyou have to trust someone to get it done :]18:31
decipher7sweet so far so good... im flying with the amd64 version of gutsy18:31
shade052DRebellion: exactly what line to edit?18:31
MasterShrek64-bit ftw!18:31
MrObviousejer: I know what SSL is, but there isn't really a need to offer security as far as I can tell because no sensitive data is on the wiki.18:31
edsonhi guys18:31
edsonSomeone knows where increases the letter of the field login and password?18:31
MrObviousMasterShrek: True, I guess. If you can do it why not? lol18:32
exneoI put ubuntu on my hp pavilio a819n it recognizes my realtek alc880 but sound doesnt work plz help18:32
bod_guys,. i have an IBM thinkpad T22,. ive installed ubuntu using the alternate text installer because the normal one wouldnt work,. now its installed, the loading bar screen comes up, finishes, then displays a black screen, and stops responding,.,. any thoughts?18:32
ejerMrObvious: privacy is different than security sometimes18:32
WiredtapeJack_sparrow, localhost ip works, others don't...18:32
MrObviousejer: Yeah I know that too. What is there for a need to keep private? I just think it's overkill lol.18:32
Jack_Sparrowbod_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:32
mnemonicaRepeat: Hello folks. I recently installed a Graphire4 pen tablet in Ubuntu 7.10. The pen tablet is working perfectly, but now my vertical scroll on my touchpad doesn't work! Can someone help me get it working again?18:32
MasterShrekbod_, what kind of gfx card does it have? have you tried booting to the recovery mode?18:32
benny91anybody here who knows how to use texlive ?18:32
benny91and how to install new packages?18:32
exneois their an alsa channel here18:32
exneoI have sound problem18:33
bod_MasterShrek, its a savage something,.,. and yes i have18:33
ejerMrObvious: well, it doesn't hurt you, so no biggie i guess18:33
bod_Jack_Sparrow, done it,.,. no joy18:33
MrObviousejer: lol18:33
ejersome people may appreciate it18:33
Jack_SparrowWiredtape: It was just a thought.. I was thinking dhcp problem18:33
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Jack_Sparrowbod_: what are you setting it to?18:33
shade052DRebellion: can you specify the changes to be made?18:33
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ejerMrObvious: sit and watch network traffic as a net admin sometime, you may change your mind18:33
bod_Jack_Sparrow, wel i dont remember every setting i chose,. but generally low settings18:33
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Select vesa mode, 1024 max res to get basic desktop gui then work on the driver and res18:33
Factory|TyraeL^tidus is gay !18:34
WiredtapeJack_Sparrow, nah, I really don't get how I can be connected to the internet and still have blocks for certain protocols... weird..18:34
bod_jack-desktop, yer,. 1024 is what i chose18:34
Jack_Sparrowbod_: other than vesa and max res, use default for everything else18:34
MasterShrek!ot | Factory|TyraeL^18:34
ubotuFactory|TyraeL^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:34
MrObviousejer: I guess there must be something on that site. :\ IDK18:34
sascha_hello. whats the best filesystem for a usb-stick? i want to use this 8GB corsair survivor as backup conatiner for my important files. which (linux-only) fs is the most reliable for this puropose? thx.18:34
MrObviousPici: Showoff. :p18:34
ajricoverican i remotely monitor network traffic with wireshark ???18:34
nickrudWiredtape: sorry, was away. You ok now?18:34
bod_Jack_Sparrow,  what is this vesa thingy,.,. and it didnt ask me about res i dont think18:34
DRebellionsascha_: ext3 ???18:34
ejerajricoveri: yes, you need promiscuous mode in net driver or need to be bridged gateway18:35
MasterShreksascha_, id use fat32 (vfat) just in case you ever had to plug it into a windows machine18:35
Jack_Sparrowbod_: vesa is generic video driver, works for virtually any card18:35
shade052Wiredtape: you can check you firewall settings.. some firewalls allow specific protocols to be blocked18:35
Kles<MasterShrek> Kles, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what driver it is using, most likely vesa, nv or nvidia18:35
Wiredtapenickrud, unfortunately no, :) -> we have found out though that http doen't work, I am definitely connected to net..18:35
DRebellionajricoveri: you can monitor all traffic through your computer18:35
KlesSection "Device"18:35
Kles    Identifier     "Generic Video Card"18:35
Kles    Driver         "nvidia"18:35
FloodBot2Kles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
bod_Jack_Sparrow, i have it in single mode atm,.,. and i can dmesg,. but it scrolls too fast,.,. how can i dmesg with only 1 page at a time?18:35
NET||abuseis there a basic package i need for ipod connections?18:35
Wiredtapeshade052, I am using same network on another computer without any problem...18:35
mnemonicaRepeat: Hello folks. I recently installed a Graphire4 pen tablet in Ubuntu 7.10. The pen tablet is working perfectly, but now my vertical scroll on my touchpad doesn't work! Can someone help me get it working again?18:35
ejerWiredtape: what about https ?18:35
KlesIs that what I'm looking for?18:35
MasterShrekKles, u coulda just told me it was nvidia, you are getting a gui though right? just low settings?18:35
Wiredtapeejer, do you have an address?18:35
KlesMasterShrek: Yes, low settings18:36
neverbluecommand to convert dec. to hex. ?18:36
ejerWiredtape: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems18:36
DRebellionshade052: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS18:36
Klesalthough if I go in to the control panel18:36
Klesit says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver."18:36
MasterShrekthe nvidia control panel right?18:36
shade052Wiredtape: well diff comps have diff firewall setting?18:36
sascha_DRebellion, why ext3 and not ext2? is journaling of any use on a usb-stick?18:36
Jack_Sparrowbod_: I dont do much cli... but my suggestion should get you to gui18:36
henrocI have a question.. I"m trying to create a deb package which lists libpam-krb5 as a dependency, but for some reason aptitude is installing libpam-ldap18:36
neverblue!enter | Kles18:36
ubotuKles: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:36
MasterShrekKles, is there another entry in xorg.conf that refers to vesa or nv?18:36
oem__network manager isnt properly managing my ehternet adapter. it says it is disconnected when it is connected and i have to manually tell it to get an address from DHCP18:36
Wiredtapeejer, https works .. now this is really weird..18:36
henrocIs it possible to prevent this?18:36
shade052DRebellion: thanks18:36
ejerWiredtape: firewall seems most likely18:36
KlesMasterShrek: Nope18:36
Wiredtapeshade052, oh, i thought you meant router firewall.. let me check..18:37
bod_Jack_Sparrow,il try the xorg again18:37
Wiredtapeejer, is this in system->administration->network?18:37
MasterShrekKles, you said you tried using the nvidia driver from apt right? have you completely removed it?18:37
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ejerWiredtape: it is something you would have set up18:37
nickrudWiredtape: sudo iptables -F  will clear any firewall rules that might be affecting you18:37
Klescompletely removed it? nope18:38
Wiredtapeejer, this is a clean install...18:38
ejerwell, something is blocking traffic18:38
MasterShrekKles, i would completely get rid of the apt version if you plan on using the one from their site18:38
bod_Jack_Sparrow, thinkin i found the prob,.,. xorg has NO screen res's to use,.,. mybe the thing18:38
ejerWiredtape: if you have a router, try to go to its config screen18:38
Wiredtapenickrud, after clearing firewall.. http still not working...18:38
Wiredtapeejer, router config screen works...18:38
MasterShrekKles, also keep in mind that any time your kernel gets upgraded, youll have to reinstall that driver (just so you know)18:38
ejerWiredtape: ex
Jack_Sparrowbod_: good place to start18:39
ejerWiredtape: ok, then http is being blocked in router or afterwards18:39
Kleswell, be right back then18:39
nickrudWiredtape: try ejer 's thing, and the only thing I can think of otherwise is   env | grep -i http , possibly it's a bad proxy18:39
bod_Jack_Sparrow,  ok ,. i selected 1024/800 & 640     shouldnt have an excuse not to work now18:39
ejerWiredtape: look at access settings in router18:39
MasterShrekWiredtape, you are trying to set up an http server that can be accessed from outside your router (sorry wasnt paying attention b4)18:40
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Which video card driver18:40
ejerMasterShrek: http egress is not working for him18:41
WiredtapeMasterShrek, not atm, I will after i get http working..18:41
bod_Jack_Sparrow, i chose vesa like you said,.,. but this time i got some weird lines and a mouse pointer for a second then the screen went black again18:41
Jack_Sparrowbod_: you are running 6600 right?18:42
julia_ketä te ootte18:42
bod_Jack_Sparrow, 6600 what? ,.,. whats that?18:42
MasterShrekWiredtape, so you cant browse to any http sites is what you are saying?18:42
julia_ho are you18:42
Wiredtapeejer, nickrud, MasterShrek-> firewall is not the issue.. have disabled it, still no go18:42
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Your video card.. I thought you posted that earlier, but may have been someone else18:42
ejerWiredtape: it is in router or after18:42
MasterShrekWiredtape, your isp could be blocking ports, mine does18:42
WiredtapeMasterShrek, some protocols work, some don't... https, irc work.. I think http, ftp don't...18:43
bod_Jack_Sparrow, i dont know what it is,. i think its a savage something18:43
ejerMasterShrek: it is outbound http - i doubt that is blocked18:43
WiredtapeMasterShrek, port 80? and I have another computer on same network, that can access np...18:43
Jack_Sparrowbod_: S3   sound familiar18:43
MasterShrekejer, i could almost bet it does18:43
Wiredtapeejer, in router.. and also followed nickrud's instructions and cleared internal firewall18:43
ejerMasterShrek: then you can't see any webpages, seems a little silly?18:43
bod_Jack_Sparrow,  yer ,. but only because i read it online,.,. in single mode,. could i lspci to find out?18:44
NET||abusepopey, your suggestion of "rmmod ehci_hcd" worked,, why is that?18:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:44
surakDoes anyone has any idea on the message "Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-lookup.c: 475: _dl_setup_hash: Assertion `(bitmask_nwords & (bitmask_nwords - 1)) == 0' failed18:44
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Yes18:44
RichEdhi guys ... can anyone tell me how to reset "the video mode/driver" for my notebook without a reboot (i.e. command line reset)18:44
bod_Jack_Sparrow, kk 1 sec18:44
NET||abusepopey, is there something wrong with my usb ports,, i do get alot of issues with them.18:44
darkhamcan you read me?18:44
MasterShrekthe isp is blocking outgoing traffic on port 80, i could almost guarentee it, (assuming im understanding the problem correctly) my isp blocks outboud traffic on port 80, so my webserver is forwarded to a different port18:44
julia_what is happening18:45
oddieRichEd: ctrl+alt+backspace ?18:45
ejerwe are talking about otehr way around MasterShrek he can't get to http webpages from inside the network18:45
MasterShreki can access my webserver on port 80 inside my network, but it needs to be forwarded to a different port from the outside18:45
WiredtapeMasterShrek, that's a problem I'll handle later, atm, I can't GET http18:45
RichEdoddie ... what does that do ?18:45
MasterShrekoh, i thought he said it did work inside the network18:45
oddieRichEd: don't know if that's what you are looking for18:45
ejerit does18:45
ejerhis router is stopping it somehow18:45
bjameshi all, how do I do the inverse of this: if [ -n "$1"]18:45
oddieRichEd: restarts your x server without rebooting18:45
MasterShrekis the router forwarding port 80 to that ip address?18:46
MasterShrekif so then the isp is blocking 80 like i said18:46
skoruppahi, i created my own livecd of ubuntu. I cahnged sources.list but on installation, installer rewrite sources.list to default.... someone know how to disable this?18:46
ejernothing to do with forwarding18:46
GigamoI'm in need of a little help here. I installed the nvidia-glx-new package for my video card, but I can't start x using the "nvidia" driver in xorg.conf; only "nv" will work. What should I do? Run the manual nvidia installer from their site?18:46
NET||abusepopey, welll, whatever the reason,, thank you very much for the pointer,,, i'll have to figure out what's up with my usb stack.... the thing does hang often, killing my usb mouse, and just becoming unresponsive to new usb connections..18:46
bjamesi.e. if not [ -n "$0"]18:46
MasterShrekejer, do you know how a router works? its not going to work from the outside if the router doesnt forward the port correctly18:46
ejerbjames: if [ ! -n $0 ]18:46
ejerMasterShrek: you are just confusing issue, go read back18:46
surakskoruppa: you must change it inside the package18:46
bjamesejer: tried that and it didn't work, although I think I see the problem now18:46
bod_Jack_Sparrow, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV (rev 13)18:47
surakbecase it gets replaced from it18:47
skoruppasurek: in what package?18:47
bod_Jack_Sparrow, that took ages to type,.,.lol18:47
Wiredtapeejer, if my router is to blame... why port 80? and why can I work on port 80 on another computer.. maybe, maybe it's because of a specific dhcp lease? i dont think it is.. but even if, i have disabled firewall.. so what could be blocking?18:47
surakthe one who contains this file ;-)18:47
oddieRichEd: not sure that's what you're asking, but if you change your video driver you would need to restart the xserver18:47
shade052WasterShrek: but he says that the other comp connecting to the same router is able to forward? so its not isp fault?18:47
ejerWiredtape: if you can get to http on router, it is not your ubuntu system18:47
RichEdoddie: what happens to my open applications when i do that x server reset ?18:47
skoruppa/etc/apt/sources.listt are in package?18:47
fatejudgerI can't seem to get Zeroconf to broadcast my installed printers like it used to, is there some option which controls which services Zeroconf broadcasts?18:47
Erichello, i'm on a ubuntu live cd right now and I'm trying to rescue some files and copy them to my external hard drive but is says I don't have permission any ideas?18:48
hunter_guys is there any way to get around using windows media plugins on ubuntu, pls18:48
Ericplease...I really need the files18:48
hunter_thanks in advance18:48
oddieRichEd: they get closed. (without confirmation I think)18:48
Nihilist_NerdSorry if this is offtopic, but how may I find my friend's ISP's IP Address? I want to configure PPP in Linux.18:48
surakyes, man dpkg and you will know how to find a owner of a package18:48
MasterShrek!sudo | Eric18:48
ubotuEric: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.18:48
Wiredtapeejer, so weird... i'm really lost.. :-18:48
bod_Jack_Sparrow, so should i try with the savage driver, not the vesa?18:48
ejerWiredtape: can you see
Jack_Sparrowbod_: I see those eery so often, dont know much about them.  vesa should work..  Is it possible to post your xorg.conf to the pastebin?18:48
RichEdoddie ... ah .. exactly what i am trying to avoid :)18:48
oddieRichEd: the restart goes pretty fast though.  since you are not rebooting18:48
Wiredtapeejer, you want me to ping that, or to go there?18:48
itch_Hello guys. I have a Dell 6400 notebook and an aditional LG CRT display. I`m tring to set up a dual-display configuration (not cloning) using my crt connected to the VGA port of the notebook. i`ve configured my xserver to enable both displays. But for some reason, after reboot, the X server starts in safe mode. Here is my xserver file: # xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)18:49
itch_# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using18:49
itch_# values from the debconf database.18:49
shade052MasterShrek: but he says that the other comp connecting to the same router is able to forward? so its not isp fault?18:49
ejerclick it Wiredtape18:49
ejersee if it is dns not working18:49
Wiredtapeejer, I have..18:49
Ericwhat's the password?18:49
Wiredtapecan't see18:49
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Not sure what else you have tried so far, it seems we spend more time undoing things people have tried than fixing the original problem.18:49
RichEdoddie: here's the problem ... totem usually works fine ... but after some major browsing hitting pages with embedded videos ... totem then plays with a blank screen18:49
chri4Wiredtape: if only http doesnt work, have you checked your proxy settings then?18:49
iKapam i suppose to create a separate partition for my files and the os? so when i restore.. all the files and programs are still there? didnt quite understand that concept... ?18:49
bod_Jack_Sparrow, is there a way (from single mode) to copy xorg.conf to a usb stick?18:49
bod_Jack_Sparrow, i havent tried anything18:49
Wiredtapeejer, can't access18:49
ejerWiredtape: for fun i would reboot router18:50
MasterShrekshade052, the other pc, running an http server can forward on port 80 to the outside?18:50
* MasterShrek is confused18:50
Jack_Sparrowbod_: good...  first, look at your xorg and see what it currently shows for the video driver18:50
skoruppasurak: sorry but i cant find... there are many packages with sources.list but no any with etc/apt/souces.list18:50
ejernothing to do with http servers MasterShrek18:50
MasterShrekthen ignore everything i have said lol18:50
ejerhe can't get to google for instance, or any other http18:50
Wiredtapeejer, will brb, rebooting.. chri4 -> will check after reboot18:51
MasterShreki get you now18:51
iKapejer, is it too late for me to create a separate partition of the files and programs?18:51
oddieRichEd: do you have the right driver for your video card?18:51
ejeriKap: yes, you don't need to really, the default is recommended for new users18:51
shade052MasterShrek: i am getting dizzy....18:51
=== iratiku is now known as iratik
GigamoAnyone expert in nvidia drivers? :P18:51
xfroggywhat's the difference between 7.10 & 6.06 LTS? Or where I can find some info about this topic?18:51
ejeriKap: make backups like normal you will be fine18:51
bod_Jack_Sparrow, no,. you misread my question,,.,. can i/how do i    copy xorg.conf to a usb stick,.18:51
ejer!releases | xfroggy18:51
ubotuxfroggy: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases18:51
RichEdoddie: yep ... everything usually works fine ... i think some web page plugin hangs the video port18:51
surakso take a look at the own apt package, and the ubuntu installer18:51
Jack_Sparrowbod_: if it is mounted you should just be able to cp to it.18:52
iKapejer, oh okay, well what do you mean by backups? if you dont mind.. i mean i dont wanna loose my files/programs18:52
xfroggyubotu, ty :D18:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ty :d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:52
MasterShrekxfroggy, ubotu is a bot, no need to thank him :)18:52
ejeriKap: all computer users should have regular backups18:52
xfroggyah :D18:52
bod_Jack_Sparrow, i dont know if its mounted,.,. hang on let me go grab the usb stick18:52
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Sorry if I am distracted, but kinda involved in another project atm18:52
bod_Jack_Sparrow, dw,.,. i just appreciate the help18:52
Erichow do I use the command line to move a file if there's spaces in it?18:53
iKapejer, well even if i backup my files, when i restore how do i access the backup'ed version?18:53
MasterShrek!tab | Eric18:53
ubotuEric: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:53
tokokubotu: how do you do?18:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how do you do? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:53
Ericthe folder I'm rtying to move is /media/Macintosh HD/Applications18:53
lod__airwhat's the syntax for stoping avahi-daemon from boot?? update-rc.d avahi_daemon ???18:53
Erictheres a space in Macintosh HD18:53
oddieRichEd: sorry no idea how to help you.18:53
ejeriKap: part of backing up is knowing how to restore - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup18:53
RichEdthanks for trying :)18:53
oddieRichEd: try googling18:53
PiciEric: mv /media/Macintosh\ HD/Applications18:53
MasterShrekRichEd, whats your problem?18:53
iKapejer, one more thing.. when new versions of ubuntu come out, you can just upgrade right and keeping your files?18:54
=== tom__ is now known as Foon
RichEdoddie: i always do that before i join the fray in here18:54
ArelisHi all. I switched to Dapper Drape 6.04 LTS, and like it. But the resolution is all screwed up. How can i force it to 1440x900? The GNOME utility won't let me select 1440x90018:54
ejeriKap: yup18:54
RichEdMasterShrek: here's the problem ... totem usually works fine ... but after some major browsing hitting pages with embedded videos ... totem then plays with a blank screen18:54
MasterShrekEric, yes also as Pici said, use a backslash \ before the space, but you can use tab completion, just type the first couple letters and hit tab18:54
MasterShrekRichEd, ive never had good luck with totem, i think vlc has a firefox plugin, tried using that?18:54
iKapejer, then why do people regularly restore ubuntu?18:55
bod_Jack_Sparrow,  im back,.,. right im gonna see if the ubuntu single mode recognizes it18:55
RichEdMasterShrek: i'll msg you some more detail ...18:55
MasterShrekiKap, its always better to do a clean install than to upgrade, although upgrades have gotten much smoother with each release, its always nicer to have a fresh install imho18:55
ArelisHi all. I switched to Dapper Drape 6.04 LTS, and like it. But the resolution is all screwed up. How can i force it to 1440x900? The GNOME utility won't let me select 1440x90018:55
Wiredtapeejer, nickrud, chri4, MasterShrek thanks all for your help.. it works now..18:55
iKapMasterShrek, but i dont wanna loose my files/programs/settings lol... or well files/programs atleast.18:56
hunter_hi viki how can i help u18:56
ejerWiredtape: good stuff, rebooting routers is a magic fix :)18:56
chri4Wiredtape: found the cause?18:56
pepperjack!fixres | Arelis might help18:56
ubotuArelis might help: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:56
Wiredtapeejer, yeah, somehow it always works :)18:56
Wiredtapechri4, I have no idea what the problem was.. but it works now.. :)18:56
pepperjackArelis: bear in mind that the nex release is an lts as well and will have probably alot more polish compared to 7.0418:57
MasterShrekiKap, i understand that, im not sure if you can install ubuntu without formatting, but how i do it (in slackware) is just remove everything from the partition except the files that i want to save, then install without reformatting...dunno if its possible in ubuntu, but they should make that option available if it isnt18:57
phaedralusb plug and play works only intermittently; not sure what to do?18:57
ejerlike the IT crowd says 'have you tried unplugging and replugging it?'18:57
chri4Wiredtape: in german we say "reboot tut gut", that's a rhyme, saying reboot help ;-)18:57
GigamoIm in need of an NVIDIA expert here;.. :D18:57
phaedrallast time I asked was pointed to look at hal, but don't understand what I'm looking at18:57
ejeriKap: the upgrade process does everything for you18:57
Arelispepperjack: thanks.18:57
pewpewpewGigamo: Just ask. The experts will pop up afterwards.18:57
MasterShrekiKap, otherwise as suggested use a seperate partition, which i doubt you can do if its currently install, in which case i would back up all the files you want to save to an external hdd or something, then repartition and reformat with a seperate /home partition18:58
=== darkham is now known as krabador
bod_Jack_Sparrow, what is the default dir of a usb stick?18:58
iKapejer, but if u do a restore even if you save your files seperate.. you still loose your settings.. right?18:58
GigamoI cannot start X using the "nvidia" driver in xorg.conf. It will error out saying it can't find nvidia.ko or something like that. However it works fine when I put "nv" as the driver. I have installed the nvidia-glx-new package.18:58
ejeriKap: what restore?18:58
ejerGigamo: use the restricted-driver manager18:58
phaedralbod_: I think it's /media/[volume label]18:58
Wiredtapechri4, hehe.. I've been hearing a lot of rhyme in german lately specifcally about techie stuff.. I am starting to wonder how many techies you have over there :-)18:58
iKapejer, when i do a clean restore, like everyone does..18:58
phaedralso for mine, when it works, it's /media/BAMF18:59
shade052ejer, Wiredtape, chri4: anticipating something interresting would come out of this!! and in the end a reeboot fixes the prob.... argh !!! brilliant!!18:59
pewpewpewGigamo: Are you using Gutsy? I recommend the restricted-driver manager then18:59
bod_phaedral, ty :~)18:59
Gigamohow do i launch restricte dmanager from command again?18:59
MasterShrekiKap, some settings youll lose, if you save your /home/<user> folder all your user settings will remain, but system settings will go away i think18:59
ejeriKap: reinstall? this is not a restore18:59
Foon@find lobo18:59
Arelispepperjack: Hm. It's not exactly the resolution i had in gutsy. It's off-screen, weird, blurry...18:59
lukaszWineCVS.sh: 48:  I get that error18:59
phaedralbut desktop only see the damned thing about 1 time in 418:59
MasterShrekFoon, use !find18:59
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:59
iKapill brb sorry guys ill get back to you ejer  i got a phone call brb18:59
Wiredtapeshade052, I was thinking along those lines as well..18:59
lukaszhelp pls18:59
MasterShreklukasz, wineCVS is not supported here, try #winehq18:59
pewpewpewGigamo: "restricted-manager"19:00
fhdjoin #ubuntu-sa/19:00
MasterShreklukasz, also, have you tried: sudo apt-get install build-essential   ?19:00
lukaszwhat is the server MasterShrek ?19:00
lukaszI did that master shrek19:00
MasterShreklukasz, just type: /join #winehq19:00
lukaszok thnx19:00
MasterShrekok, check with them then lukasz19:00
WiredtapeWiredtape is wondering if app add/remove has server stuf.. svn, AMP?19:00
bjameshow do I output to stderr?19:01
bjamesecho "error" > &219:01
bod_guys,. does single mode recognize usb devices?19:01
MasterShrekbod_, maybe, lsusb show anything?19:01
ArelisHi all. I'm trying to set my resolution to 1440x900. I tried to force the resolution to 1440x900, but instead i get a really weird, stretched out, blurry screen.,19:01
ArelisCan anyone help me?19:01
MasterShrekArelis, what kind of video card?19:01
A[D]minShow i can add compiz to auto startup ?19:02
ArelisMasterShrek: ATI Radeon 9600. I'm on Dapper Drake19:02
MasterShrekArelis, have you installed ati drivers?19:02
MasterShrek!ati | Arelis19:02
ubotuArelis: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:02
ArelisMasterShrek: no19:02
WiredtapeArelis,  1) can your gfxcard handle that..? 2) do you have a 16:9 monitor?19:02
Nihilist_NerdI'm trying to configure a /etc/resolv.conf for PPP, but I don't know my friend's IP address. He's on tiscali - how can I find it?19:02
MasterShrekArelis, i would do that first19:02
A[D]minShttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54242/ is That fine?19:02
tokokWiredtape: 16:1019:02
bod_MasterShrek, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 13fe:1a20 & Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000         is that a yes? or a no?19:02
Wiredtapetokok. my bad, i was guesstimating.. :)19:03
hunter_hi viki19:03
frojnd1The KDE bindings for Python are required to run Amalyp. What package do I need than ?19:03
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, have him to to www.whatismyip.com    i think should tell you19:03
hansderelicthey, i was hoping someone could help me with a technical problem i'm having - ubuntu is randomly restarting. i have a gateway laptop, and i've already thoroughly cleaned the fans in case of overheating issues. does anyone have the time to help me with this right now?19:03
vikihi hunter19:03
MasterShrekbod_, seems like it sees the usb bus, its possible, does anthing else show up with lsusb when u plug something in?19:03
ArelisMasterShrek: is Feisty better to use?19:03
Gigamothanks guys, restricted manager worked.19:03
Gigamoshouldve thought of it myself :)19:04
At0x0Is there a quick way to reset my desktop (GNOME) layout to the default? Ie, I've moved icons, menu bars, clock, etc around and I'd like to reset it to the default layout.19:04
MasterShrek!better | Arelis19:04
ubotuArelis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.19:04
Nihilist_NerdMasterShrek: Sorry, I'm talking rubbish. I'm looking for his ISP's IP address.19:04
bod_MasterShrek, ok i just removed the device then lsusb'd and i only get 1 line, so it see's it,.,. could you please double check the dir for a usb stick?19:04
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, that should give it19:04
WiredtapeNihilist_Nerd, whois, dns...19:05
MasterShrekbod_, i doubt in single mode it will auto-mount it though19:05
Nihilist_NerdMasterShrek: Thanks very much.19:05
MasterShreknp Nihilist_Nerd19:05
ejerAt0x0: it may remove other settings, but removing ~/.gnome* ~/.gconf* will do it19:05
bod_MasterShrek, how would i go about mounting it?19:05
Pici!resetpanel | At0x019:05
ubotuAt0x0: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:05
shade052bod_: put in the flash drive and type "fdisk -l"19:05
ejerAt0x0: that is better way Pici said19:06
MasterShrekbod_, first: sudo fdisk -l     and identify which device it is, then do: sudo mount /dev/xxxx /media19:06
acee1234im trying to full drive encrypt my 7.10 system any suggestions?19:06
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Sorry, had to answer the door.  You still here?19:06
mnemonicaREPEATING: Hello folks. I recently installed a Graphire4 pen tablet in Ubuntu 7.10. The pen tablet is working perfectly, but now my vertical scroll on my touchpad doesn't work! Can someone help me get it working again?19:06
ubotuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:06
shade052bod_: it will give you the flash drive path in /dev .. use it to mount the drive19:06
LimCorehow can I play shout cast stream - ?19:06
MasterShrek!info streamtuner19:07
ejermnemonica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom19:07
Wiredtapeshould I go XAMPP?19:07
ubotustreamtuner (source: streamtuner): A GUI audio stream directory browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.99-9ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 616 kB, installed size 2160 kB19:07
Jack_Sparrowshade052: Thanks for picking him up with that19:07
MasterShrek!info streamtuner | LimCore19:07
bod_shade052, Jack_Sparrow, MasterShrek, ok,. i cant read all of the output because it scrolls off the screen19:07
ubotulimcore: please see above19:07
Pici!lamp > Wiredtape (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)19:07
MasterShrekbod_, output of what?19:07
MasterShrekhello mimat8619:07
ejerLimCore: looks like stream is broken19:07
bod_MasterShrek, fdisk -l19:07
mnemonicaejer: thanks for the redirect19:08
MasterShrekbod_, that shouldnt give you THAT much output lol19:08
=== tom17bombadil_ is now known as beerbowl
MasterShrekbod_, what filesystem is the usb device? fat32 im assuming19:08
WiredtapePici, k, thx19:08
MasterShrekbod_, do: sudo fdisk -l | grep fat19:08
LimCoreoh it works19:08
LimCoreha .tr language is funny19:08
bod_MasterShrek, no idea,.,. but it says i have 4 partitions?? and its giving three lines per partition19:08
bod_MasterShrek, grep fat ,. shows nothing19:09
TalonEasy question: When i plug in my USB Headset(Plantronics) and i change it to that device no sound comes out of it :/ only my laptop speakers...19:09
Nihilist_NerdMasterShrek: Well that gave me my IP Address but not my friend's ISP.19:09
* Nihilist_Nerd looks up those commands19:09
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, have him go to that site19:09
ejerTalon: system>pref>sound ?19:09
Nihilist_NerdI can't, he doesn't have his Internet working.19:10
WiredtapePici, Erro: tasksel:aptitude failed (100) -> sudo tasksel install lamp-server19:10
YixilTesiphonhi, I'm a noob, and I'm trying to get ubuntu working on my lenovo t60p. I can't get it to recognize any internet connection - doesn't think I have a wireless card and when I plug in an ethernet cable the light comes on but ubuntu doesn't see it19:10
TalonEjer: I tried and it didnt work, lemme try again19:10
Nihilist_NerdAnd also, I'm not looking for his IP, but rather the IP of his ISP.19:10
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, im aware of that, but if his network isnt working, his isp's ip isnt going to do anything for you19:10
bod_MasterShrek, ok ive done fdisk -l | grep dev19:11
Nihilist_NerdI don't even know his ISP's domain name.19:11
bod_got some things19:11
ejerand isp has many IPs19:11
shade052YixilTesiphon : did you configure the network connection?19:11
Foonanyone know if its possible to install xf86-video-intel 2.2 in gutsy?19:11
bod_MasterShrek, it recognizes a device thats fat16!19:11
MasterShrekbod what are they? dont flood though, put the /dev/xxxx  names on one line here19:11
Nihilist_NerdMasterShrek: Isn't it? I'm looking to modify resolv.conf so I can set up his dial-up with PPP on Zenwalk.19:11
SeveasFoon, it's xorg-video-intel19:11
MasterShrekbod_, thats fine19:11
YixilTesiphonshade052: the "configure" button is greyed-over19:11
Seveasand you need hardy :)19:11
MasterShrekbod_, thats probably the one, what is the device name?19:11
mohbanais it possible to install the wireless network drivers whilst running of a live cd? i want to install ubuntu on my laptop but i want to confirm if the wireless works first19:12
shade052YixilTesiphon : try the icon on the top left.19:12
TalonSeems to be working now, thanks Ejer i just had to reboot and it worked19:12
MasterShrekmohbana, depends on the wireless card19:12
ejermohbana: it should just work when u boot up livecd19:12
shade052YixilTesiphon : click on it and select manual config19:12
bod_MasterShrek, /dev/sdb1          name = Disk           same as all the others19:12
MasterShrekbod_, try: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media19:12
YixilTesiphonshade052: what will I be able to do from there?19:12
MasterShrekbod_, then: cd /media19:12
TalonEjer mabey you can help again, when im in firefox watching video and change my volume with the +/- buttons, i see the graphic pop up and move but the volume doesnt change untill i restart firefox, is that normal ?19:12
Wiredtapeguys, i'm using u7 trying to use tasksel to install LAMP server, am getting "Error: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)19:12
shade052YixilTesiphon : did you get the window of networking?19:13
Nihilist_NerdMasterShrek: Isn't it? I'm looking to modify resolv.conf so I can set up his dial-up with PPP on Zenwalk.19:13
Fooncan i install xorg-video-intel 2.2 from hardy on gutsy i'm waiting on a fix19:13
YixilTesiphonshade052: I believe I was in the network connections screen19:13
ejerTalon: you can try changing this in prefs>keyboard shortcuts, but may have to change what volume it controls19:13
YixilTesiphononly thing it was seeing was "local loopback"19:13
YixilTesiphon(I'm on xp right now)19:13
gnuskoolhey i got a cable router, but wana have wireless for my laptop, what do i need, another wireless router?19:14
shade052YixilTesiphon : k19:14
ejerWiredtape: you type sudo tasksel, tick off lamp server and say ok19:14
mohbanajust need some more confirmation, is anyone runnung ubuntu on an acer ferrari 4005?19:14
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, i know nothing about ppp or zenwalk, i dont know how you would even begin to set that up, i coudl help you if you want the ip that his isp is leasing to him, but if his net isnt working, then i doubt its going to work19:14
bod_MasterShrek, in the media folder,. i see files on the device,.,.good good,,.,. now    where is xorg.conf located?19:14
gnuskoolhey i got a cable router, but wana have wireless for my laptop, what do i need, another wireless router?19:14
shade052YixilTesiphon : well you need to obtain ip address automacilly like in windows19:14
MasterShrekbod_, /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:14
ejergnuskool: wifi router and card for laptop if it does not have19:14
Wiredtapeejer, have done that twice now.. have also used command line to install.. am getting aptitude error (100)19:14
YixilTesiphonshade052: I'll boot into ubuntu and see if I can figure more out, thanks for your help19:14
ejerWiredtape: same prob as be4 maybe?19:15
shade052YixilTesiphon : wait19:15
Wiredtapeejer, am using web atm..19:15
bod_MasterShrek, and what was the dir of my usb stick? sorry cant remember19:15
shade052YixilTesiphon : you listening?19:15
ejerWiredtape: what is error19:15
MasterShrekbod_, /media19:15
Wiredtapeejer, tasksel: Aptitude Failed (100)19:15
hansderelictrepeating: hey, i was hoping someone could help me with a technical problem i'm having - ubuntu is randomly restarting. i have a gateway laptop, and i've already thoroughly cleaned the fans in case of overheating issues. is there anything else i can do?19:15
MasterShrekbod_, make sure you do: sudo umount /media   before you remove it19:15
Wiredtapeejer, am searching google about it.. nothing found yet...19:15
Moduliz0ris there anything I can use to control my fan speed?19:15
gnuskoolejer: do i need a wifi roter too cant i get something to add to the router i already have+19:15
ejerWiredtape: try an aptitude update first maybe19:16
ejergnuskool: doubt it19:16
Slarthansderelict: check your logs to see why it is restarting19:16
_0x44_I recently purchased an Inspiron 1420n, and last night I was experimenting with suspend. I closed the laptop, and it suspended as normal, but this morning when I went to use it, the battery was dead. Apparently the laptop woke up about fifty minutes after I put it away and then never went back to sleep. How do I prevent that in the future?19:16
Wiredtapeejer, how do I do that?19:16
ejersudo aptitude update19:16
ejer_0x44_: there are many bugs with suspend still imo19:17
Moduliz0rHow would I control my system fan speed?19:17
Wiredtapeejer, after update, same error as b419:17
MasterShrek_0x44_, suspend/resume has never worked well in linux19:17
mohbanajust need some more confirmation, is anyone runnung ubuntu on an acer ferrari 4005?19:17
TalonAm i stuck with the default Ubuntu themes or can i get more diverse ones19:17
ejersudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop - maybe Wiredtape19:17
MasterShrek!theme | Talon19:17
ubotuTalon: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:17
Talonyou win19:18
Wiredtapeejer, google find suggests: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:18
bod_MasterShrek, :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54243/19:18
MasterShrek!changethemes | Talon19:18
ubotuTalon: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes19:18
Nihilist_Nerdmastershrek: Okay, well thank you very much for trying.19:18
MasterShrekbod_, what am i looking for?19:18
_0x44_ejer, MasterShrek: What's strange is that's the only suspend issue I  have.19:18
MasterShrekNihilist_Nerd, sorry i couldnt be of more help to you19:18
kbrooksi ... err, made a mistake related to time on ubuntu and want to return the time to normal. what can i do?19:19
Wiredtapeejer, *install ubuntu-desktop didn't help19:19
ejer_0x44_: suspend is not really meant for overnight anyways19:19
bod_MasterShrek, im not sure,.,. lol,.,. oopps,.,. it wasnt you who asked for that then?19:19
usr13_I've set up a desktop system for a friend in a nighboring town, and all is well accept for the java plugin for firefox seems to be wrong version and doesn't seem to work properly.  I seem to have somehow installed Java Plug-in 1.6.0_13-b05.  How can we change to version 1.5.0_13-b05 ?19:19
Moduliz0rhow would I manually control my system fan speed?19:19
MasterShrekbod_, nope, i was just helping you with usb :)19:19
kbrooksi don't have sudfo access because of the time problem, and this is a server19:19
_0x44_ejer: Is it possible to suspend into hibernate?19:19
bod_MasterShrek, cheers,.,. il try and find,. whoever wanted this now,.,.lol,.,. thanks alot m819:20
ejer_0x44_: look at power management settings in system19:20
bod_Jack_Sparrow, are you still there m8?19:20
TalonIs it commonplace for your wireless card to just not be detected after a reboot ?19:20
Jack_Sparrowbod_: YEs and no..19:20
MasterShrekbod_, what was your problem? i maybe able to help you anyways19:20
MasterShrekTalon, was it working before a reboot?19:21
enkidu_akTalon: Are you using the compat-wireless drivers?19:21
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Where are you at with that S3 Video driver19:21
hansderelictSlart: ok i see it - critical temp reached / critical trip point - but - my processor and fan is all cleaned out! i've never ran into this issue before, it's just in the past week or so.19:21
_0x44_ejer: That has two options, when laptop is closed do X, when power is critically low do Y.19:21
L3ttuc3is it possible to, say have two versions of opera running side by side, installed from .deb? like, i want the opera 9.25 package because it's stable fast and reliable, and 9.5 beta, because it actually has flash. yes, no?19:21
enkidu_akTalon: You might need to call the loader, if you are.19:21
bod_Jack_Sparrow, was it you who asked for my xorg.conf?      MasterShrek, my IBM Thinkpad T22,. crashes when it tries to load x19:21
ejer_0x44_: i know ;)19:21
MasterShrekL3ttuc3, i doubt it19:21
penarswhat's a good torrent client for linux?19:21
TalonEnkidu: i have no idea19:21
_0x44_I have X set to suspend, y set to hibernate, but it didn't hibernate when the battery dropped critically low.19:21
mohbanajust need some more confirmation, is anyone runnung ubuntu on an acer ferrari 4005?19:21
ejerpenars: i like azureus19:21
bod_penars, i use ,. deluge       sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent19:21
tokokpenars: transmission, java NOT required19:22
L3ttuc3MasterShrek would it be possible, if i manually extracted the stuff, and stuck one in /home/user?19:22
_0x44_penars: I'm rather fond of BitTyrant.19:22
Jack_Sparrowbod_: YEs, xorg for your video, but if it crashes when set to vesa mode, you probably have other problems19:22
ejer_0x44_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend19:22
bod_Jack_Sparrow, well heres xorg.conf,.,. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54243/19:22
tokoktransmission will be default torrent client in ubuntu 8.04 replacing current torrent19:22
MasterShrekL3ttuc3, maybe, but the config files would be saved in the same place /home/user/.opera i think, and that may cause some problems, but it may be possible i guess...hard to say19:22
_0x44_ejer: Thanks a bunch!19:22
L3ttuc3MasterShrek now you mention it, yeah, you're right about the configs. damn. oh well.19:23
bod_bazhang, are you about?19:23
ejer_0x44_: also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnderstandingSuspend19:23
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Bringing it up now, hold a sec19:23
MasterShrekbod_, tried: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-s3     ?19:23
new2linuxgot a question about multiple desktops19:23
ejerL3ttuc3: http://operawiki.info/OperaProfiles19:23
bod_MasterShrek, no,.,. i have no gui,. will apt-get still work? ,.,. what does that command do?19:23
YixilTesiphon_shade052: sorry, saw your "wait" just as I was hibernating19:24
Jack_Sparrowbod_: where did you get the horizontal sync, that isnt much of a spread19:24
MasterShrekbod_, yes apt-get will still work19:24
shade052YixilTesiphon : no probs19:24
seaspiderhi guys, could do with a little help getting ubuntu onto my lappy. anybody got a sec to give me a hand?19:24
bod_Jack_Sparrow, thats all mainly autodetected19:24
L3ttuc3ejer thanks.19:24
MasterShrek!info xserver-xorg-video-s3 | bod_19:24
ubotubod_: xserver-xorg-video-s3 (source: xserver-xorg-video-s3): X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.5.0-2 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 120 kB19:24
ejer!ask | seaspider19:24
ubotuseaspider: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:24
shade052doy you have a router you connect to for internet?19:24
new2linuxis it safe to have kde and xfce and if so is there a way to switch between the 2 ?19:24
Jack_Sparrowbod_: LEt me see what I can find on your hw..19:24
ejernew2linux: yes, safe, switch using session in login screen19:24
xfroggyis there a way to find out which version of the program it's going to install prior to installing it?19:25
usr13_new2linux: The login manager will give options.19:25
new2linuxright now i use xubuntu, i wanna try kubuntu19:25
kbrooksnew2linux, warning: you may not like the look of running KDE apps in XFCE19:25
MasterShreknew2linux, totally save to have both, choose a different session from your kdm before you log in to switch between the two19:25
kbrooksnew2linux, or vice versa19:25
bod_MasterShrek, i already have that package19:25
Wiredtapeejer, none of my tries have worked.. still getting same error 100 - aptitude failed..19:25
MasterShrekbod_, ok, just worth a shot19:25
DRebellionnew2linux: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop19:25
ejerWiredtape: can you install anything?19:25
Wiredtapeejer, from tasksel?19:26
new2linuxdrebellion, thats how i can get it?19:26
histoxfroggy: apt-cache showpkg packagename19:26
MasterShrekbod_, what was the laptop model again? thinkpad something?19:26
bod_MasterShrek, although it says ,.,. set to manual installed        what does that mean?19:26
histoxfroggy: if you are using synaptics you can look at the description.19:26
ejerWiredtape: tasksel just calls aptitude, so try installing something from add/remove, synaptic, anywhere19:26
MasterShrekbod_, thats nothing to worry about19:26
bod_MasterShrek, T2219:26
DRebellionnew2linux: yep, to get kde19:26
seaspider*ahem* yes well my problem is this... i'm trying to install on an acer travelmate 4072, but the install crashes out. When i run it in safe graphics mode, it gets as far as loading a tan colored screen with a mouse... then stays there ^__^19:26
new2linuxthank you all very much19:26
spiffmanhi all... i was messing with gconf-editor and now gnome doesn't load anything after gdm19:26
Talon!info Wifi19:27
ubotuPackage wifi does not exist in gutsy19:27
Jack_Sparrowbod_:   Try these numbers for that..   HorizSync       28-51        VertRefresh     43-60   ...19:27
usr13_seaspider: Try alternate CD19:27
ejerseaspider: sometimes ctrl-alt-backsppace will restart grafix and make it work on livecd19:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:27
bod_Jack_Sparrow, how would i edit xorg.conf from single mode?19:27
xfroggyhisto, ah! thanks! I was using Add/Remove first, wasn't aware of synaptic19:27
Wiredtapeejer, found error.. I hadn't closed the update manager after update (sheesh)...19:27
seaspideruser13_: this is the 3rd disk al the same19:27
Jack_Sparrowbod_: You can always run livecd...19:27
seaspiderejer: will try that now thanks19:28
MasterShrekbod_, also try: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-savage   maybe19:28
moondésoler mais je ne suis pas trés bon en anglais19:28
ejer!fr | moon19:28
ubotumoon: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:28
bod_Jack_Sparrow, no i cant,.,. i had to install with the text based installer because of this prob19:28
bod_MasterShrek, ok19:28
Jack_Sparrowbod_: I assume you know how to edit using sudo nano19:28
spiffmangconf-editor only modifies the contents of .gconf, correct? to reset ALL settings, just delete those contents?19:28
usr13_bod_: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:28
bod_MasterShrek, already got it,.,.lol ty19:29
MasterShrekuse sudo nano19:29
bod_usr13, no gui19:29
MasterShrekoh single user, no need for sudo then19:29
DRebellionnah, sudo vim :P19:29
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: His HorizSync in xorg is way wrong19:29
YixilTesiphon_shade052: so if I were to install this http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82936 (my wireless card is Atheros) it should then recognize my card, right?19:29
usr13_bod_: sudo  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:29
MasterShrekJack_Sparrow, i didnt even look at that19:29
bod_usr13, does it work in single mode?19:29
usr13_bod_: or: sudo  vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:29
MasterShrekbod_, yes it will work in single user mode, nano is a text-based editor19:29
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: 28 - 33 isnt enough for that laptop19:29
MasterShrekJack_Sparrow, i have no idea what it should even be19:30
bod_MasterShrek, usr13, ty19:30
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: I just gave it to him19:30
Jack_Sparrowbod_:   Try these numbers for that..   HorizSync       28-51        VertRefresh     43-60   ...19:30
_0x44_ejer: Would you suggest hibernate instead?19:30
MasterShrek_0x44_, i would suggest shutdown19:30
ejer_0x44_: i don't use them, sorry19:30
ejeri agree with MasterShrek19:30
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: If he cant get hsync he wont get any display19:30
MasterShreki agree with you on that Jack_Sparrow, i didnt even think to look at that19:31
shade052YixilTesiphon : Sorry, if you have a wifi prob, and the card is Atheros. then i am no the man.. i have tried getting mine atheros working for a few months now. i gave up..19:31
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: Once that is set, I agree with you on going back to savage driver19:31
_0x44_MasterShrek: Why? Aside from the computer waking up unexpectedly, I haven't had any issues with suspend/hibernate.19:31
YixilTesiphon_shade052: damn, thanks though19:31
_0x44_ejer: Thanks for your help. :)19:32
MasterShrekbod_, also if you still cant get it, a pastebin of /var/log/Xorg.0.log would be helpful19:32
Zleepingcedega is making me mad, I just want to play some Civilization 419:32
Zleepingany suggestions, I'm using the latest engine19:32
mohbanajust need some more confirmation, is anyone runnung ubuntu on an acer ferrari 4005?19:32
ejergood luck -019:32
TalonThere wouldnt happen to be a way to reinstall my wireless card without reinstalling is there ?19:32
bod_MasterShrek, Jack_Sparrow, having problems locating the bit i want to change19:32
MasterShrekmohbana, http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/acer.html19:32
YixilTesiphon_somebody has a .iso available specifically for my computer, but it erases the hard disk and I'm not comfortable with that19:32
=== Ali is now known as SinDoc
MasterShrekbod_, under Section "Monitor"19:33
bod_MasterShrek, found,. cheers19:33
Jack_Sparrowbod_: under section monitor19:33
tass1412how to get ALSA - CTL / PCM device?19:33
spiffmanthis is the second time gnome crashes this badly on me.... the first time i reinstalled ubuntu, that was two days ago...  all i did was edit .gconf, but now i deleted .gconf and .gconfd, but no fix.19:33
trippsshow come when I want to install xrn from synaptic, it wants to basically remove every other package on the system? can Anyone else duplicate this?19:33
usr13_Talon: I don't know about "reinstalling", but you should be able to fix the problem.  What is it doing, exactly?  (or not doing?)19:33
ejerZleeping: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=251419:34
mohbanaah yes thanks but id like to know if anyone here is running a ferrari19:34
bod_Jack_Sparrow, MasterShrek, ok retrying now,.,.19:34
ejervery doubtful mohbana19:34
TalonWell, i rebooted after changing my sound properties and now my 'Wireless Connection' isnt even in the list any more19:34
Jack_Sparrowbod_: good luck19:35
MasterShrekmohbana, ive never heard good things about acer laptops with linux, especially new ones, they tend to have very new hardware that isnt quite supported yet, mohbana how old is the laptop?19:35
K_Ninetass1412: try running sudo alsaconf19:35
* bod_ is crossing every part of his anatomy19:35
MasterShrekbod_, ouch19:35
* bod_ asks everyone to do the same19:35
* MasterShrek cringes19:35
mohbanaMasterShrek, i got it in oct 200519:35
ejermohbana: lots of people have tho19:35
MasterShrekmohbana, i would say it shoudl work just fine, use the newest ubuntu (gutsy)19:36
tass1412K_Nine: not found. cat .asoundrc.asoundconf ?19:36
ejermohbana: http://tuxmobil.org/acer.html19:36
acee1234why does konqueror keep thinking im trying to access a file when i type a web address in and hit enter?19:36
tass1412but actually it doesn't really work :/19:36
MasterShrekmohbana, also, the installer cd doubles as a livecd, so you can test out the hardware before actually installing it19:36
ejeracee1234: put http;// first19:36
* bod_ 's anatomy may be ruined for life, but he loves MasterShrek & Jack_Sparrow ,.,. if they were beautifull women, he'd thank them very nicely19:36
DRebellionacee1234: prefix with http://19:36
bod_MasterShrek, Jack_Sparrow, cheers guys,.,. worked!!!!19:37
* MasterShrek is a beautiful man...is that enough?19:37
Jack_Sparrowbod_: That is nice.. but did it work19:37
drunkmuppetHi. I am trying to setup a LAMP Webserver through Ubuntu-Server however I cannot get ethernet to work.19:37
=== dumbterm is now known as mgregson
MasterShrekawesome bod_, that was all Jack_Sparrow's doing though, he deserves the credit19:37
bod_Jack_Sparrow, yer,. cheers19:37
mohbanaMasterShrek, yes i was also asking about that earlier 1) do you know if i can install the wireless card drivers before i do the install of ubuntu 2) if i install software via synaptic when i decide to install ubuntu will they be installed also?19:37
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Now to go for the gold... change vesa to  Driver          "savage"19:37
bod_Jack_Sparrow, cheers dude,. thanks alot,. i really appreciate it19:37
SinDocHow can I make a USB Stick bootable?19:37
=== SportChick is now known as Birthdaychick
=== Birthdaychick is now known as sportchicky
acee1234DRebellion: why does konqueror keep thinking im trying to access a file when i type a web address in and hit enter? typed "http://youtube.com/"19:38
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Oh, and make a backup of your xorg..  :)19:38
=== mgregson is now known as dumbterm
MasterShrekmohbana, if you isntall the drivers when you are on the livecd, after you install and reboot into the new install, youll have to reinstall the wifi card19:38
bod_Jack_Sparrow, ok,. crossing again,.,. will i have to rechange those xorg settings?19:38
acee1234DRebellion: wrong paste sry19:38
usr13_Talon:  iwlist [interface] scanning19:38
Talonnoob terms ? :)19:38
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Should not need to change anything except that one line, unless you completely removed the savage driver19:38
usr13_Talon: sudo  iwlist wlan0 scanning19:38
mohbanaMasterShrek, does the same thing apply to software?19:38
K_Ninetass1412: Then do you have alsa installed? Try sudo apt-get alsa19:38
=== dumbterm is now known as mgregson\
MasterShrekmohbana, yes, nothign will be saved from the livecd environment19:39
usr13_Talon: iwconfig19:39
=== mgregson\ is now known as dumbterm
=== sportchicky is now known as bossychick
tass1412K_Nine: i do, it works with everything else19:39
=== bossychick is now known as cleanchick
drunkmuppet Hi. I am trying to setup a LAMP Webserver through Ubuntu-Server and VMware however I cannot get ethernet to work.19:39
=== cleanchick is now known as sportygal
shade052SinDoc: try puppylinux on cd. boot from the cd . select install->on flash drive; it works19:39
bod_Jack_Sparrow, kk,. will be bak in a min19:39
Talonsays no wireless extentions19:39
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Again, good luck19:39
VeganZombiethe constant nick changes by sportygal is getting annoying...19:39
usr13_Talon: What NIC are u using?19:40
aladdinsanedoes anybody know of a good php/xhtml editor? especially one with "auto text" or whatever it's called when the editor guesses the code you are about to write19:40
* bod_ is painfully recrossing the antomy19:40
TalonJust the built in intel one19:40
DRebellionaladdinsane: autocompletion, i believe19:40
Talonit was working like 30 minutes ago, and i broke something proly messing with the sound output19:40
MasterShrekTalon, the network isnt working from the virtual machine?19:40
sportygalsorry vegan - will fix in one sec - gonna try logging in with another client to fix names19:40
SinDocshade052: let's say that my CD-Drive is dead19:40
VeganZombieI crave Grains, who can help?19:41
usr13_Talon: lspci19:41
Wulfiehey folks I've run into a bit of an odd problem and am looking for some assistance.  I am trying to use my media keys - I have the stop, volume, previous and next buttons all working but the play/pause button refuses to work.  In prefered applications it shows up at XF86AudioPause but I set that in gconf-editor and it never registers when I am using the button.  I am using amarok as my audio player (which I can't select as my default19:41
Wulfiemedia app)19:41
TalonI am such a fucking idiot, i have this nice little button next to my sound that when pressed, turns off bluetooth + wireless card, i acidentaly pressed it :( it works now19:41
aladdinsaneDRebellion: thats right, i'll google away, thnx19:41
MasterShrek!language | Talon19:41
ubotuTalon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:41
Nick1Who owns you Americans?:19:42
Nick1About YouTube:19:42
K_NineSinDoc: try this page http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-61019:42
VeganZombie!Grains | VeganZombie19:42
DRebellion!ops | Nick119:42
ubotuNick1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!19:42
shade052SinDoc: did it some time back.. you will want to do something with the syslinux lile and setting the boot option on to the drive.. google it . it is the best friend19:42
_nix_Hello everybody.. I'm running transmission gtk here.. is there a way to hand over the running torrents to a transmission daemon and shut off gtk and Xorg?19:42
usr13_Talon: Glad you figured it out.  (But rembmer, there are many on this channel, and don't want to offend any of them. :)19:42
K_Ninetass1412:  Can you change it in the mixer window?19:42
spiffmanif someone could please help, gnome crashes fatally all the time and i JUST reinstalled ubuntu. what can i do to get it back?19:42
TalonI forgot, no cussing ill hold my tounge better next time mate19:43
shade052SinDoc: have the link somewhere here cant find . :{19:43
usr13_spiffman: memtest19:43
bod_Jack_Sparrow, config & editing done,. restarting !19:43
tass1412K_Nine: alsamixer? yep19:43
SinDocI'm actually helping a friend switch, so he's now running windows19:43
spiffmanusr13_ i can log in through terminal, but i want to fix gnome19:43
drunkmuppettion refused)19:43
usr13_spiffman: Was it working ok before the "reinstall"?19:43
mikebotIs there a way I can add a folder to my main menu so that I can navigate through the folder through the menu?19:44
spiffmanusr13_ no, that was the reason why i reinstalled it19:44
usr13_spiffman: What was the problem before?19:44
spiffmanusr13_ but it was working perfectly for a while19:44
* MasterShrek has to run, back in an hour....19:44
bod_Jack_Sparrow, no,.,. the prob is in the savage driver,.,.damn,.,. rebooting19:44
usr13_spiffman: What is your video card?19:45
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Vesa isnt too bad...19:45
spiffmanusr13_ same thing, except it also gave me the error window "some things will not be functional, sounds, themes, etc"19:45
spiffmanusr13_ stock intel card that came with the dell vostro19:45
usr13_spiffman: Reinstalling is not going to help, will just do same thing again....19:45
* DRebellion thinks that the !repo factoid contains a broken link to !EasySource19:45
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
bod_Jack_Sparrow, its not a muckk aboout comp,. its gonna be my dads work machine so not really needing it to be astheatically amazing19:45
evil_technetwork manager wont automatically start my ethernet adapter19:45
PiciDRebellion: I'll take a look at it.19:46
spiffmanusr13_ yea, i figured... what do you suggest then?19:46
usr13_spiffman: lspci  (tell us what video card you have)19:46
evil_techanything i should look at for why that may be?19:46
DRebellionevil_tech: does it work if you start it manually?19:46
VeganZombielspci -nn | grep VGA is better :)19:46
Jack_Sparrowbod_: You can also try    sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-savage19:46
usr13_spiffman: issue command  lspci   and tell us what it says about the video card. (Should give info about vidoe card.)19:47
evil_techbut this is a system for sale so it has to work "out the box"19:47
Jack_Sparrowbod_: Glad you at least have basic functions while you work on tweaking it..19:47
usr13_spiffman: What processor / speed?  How much memory?19:47
bod_Jack_Sparrow, ive got that package,.,. cheers,. il do tweaking for the next few hours.,.,.lol,.,. thanks alot19:47
=== sportygal is now known as essy
spiffmanusr13_ ok, i did the command, but i cant scroll up to see hte video card :P19:48
Jack_Sparrownp glad to help... I am away for an hour or so..19:48
VeganZombiespiffman, lspci -nn | grep VGA19:48
VeganZombiespiffman, puts it on one line19:48
spiffmanusr13_ intel core 2 duo 1.81 ghz19:48
usr13_spiffman: Shift-PageUp19:48
TalonHey Usr13_ would there be any specific reason why my sound doesnt play through my headset in firefox but the test sounds do?19:48
=== starshine_away is now known as starshine
usr13_Talon: I don't know.19:49
usr13_Talon: What audo chip is it?19:49
spiffmanthanks, ok its intel 82g33/g31 express integrated graphics controller19:49
PiciDRebellion: fixed.19:49
* bod_ thinks everyone should give free cookies to Jack_Sparrow 19:49
TalonAny easy way to tell ? :)19:49
spiffmanusr13_ its an intel 82G33/G3119:50
bod_Jack_Sparrow, thanks again,.,. good night19:50
steve_jhi all. is there a quick command-line command that will remove the first n lines of my log files, but leave the last m lines?19:51
neos857help me plz19:51
starshinesteve_j: 'head' or 'tail' in combination can get you good results19:51
starshinesteve_j: forcing an early logrotate might be easier :)19:52
evil_tech!ask | neo85719:52
ubotuneo857: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:53
mkquistneos857: ask a question...19:53
spiffmanusr13_ you have no suggestion then?19:53
neos857i ned help19:54
StLemurHi, I'm running 7.10. I just uprgaded the kernel from 2.6.22 to 2.6.24 to overcome a Bittorrent problem and now I have no sound. There is no audio* in /dev/.19:54
usr13_spiffman: grep intel /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:54
neos857im on  xp19:54
VeganZombie!Enter | neos85719:54
ubotuneos857: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:54
mnemonicaAlright, someone redirected me before to the wacom help page at ubuntu's site. But that didn't help me. The scroll on my touchpad... The mouse area for laptops... Isn't working. Please help me, I've been trying to resolve the issue for a week now and I've been several places for help.19:55
spiffmanusr13_ Driver "intel"19:55
=== ReL1K_ is now known as ReL1K
spiffmanusr13_ is all that it prints19:55
linduxedmy flashplayer (nonfree, installed manually with the tar.gz package) worked perfectly yesterday,,,now where there should be a vid on youtube theres just a white space19:55
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:55
usr13_StLemur: alsamixer19:55
sedegaI installed ubuntu server and chose LAMP configuration, but it seems like apache wasnt installed, is this normal?19:56
pepperjacksedega: LMP?19:56
linduxedis there anyway to check why?19:56
=== _littlepinkdot is now known as littlepinkdot
sedegaI don't think anythingwas19:56
mnemonicaFine... A one line question? I need help getting my touchpad vert scroll to work.19:56
sedegano LAMP at all19:56
evil_techneo857:what are you attempting to accomplish19:57
mnemonicaCan someone help me wit that?19:57
sedegai had to apt them19:57
neos857yo LMJ19:57
ArelisI have a desktop without borders now. Gutsy fails after a few months, dapper has a segfaulting metacity.. and Ubuntu is the most user-friendly distro on the planet. Maybe that's why i couldn't find a good distro. what the heck is wrong with my PC?19:57
Cyrus25801how do i run active-x in mozilla19:57
usr13_spiffman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:58
StLemurusr13: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device19:58
pinoyskullany sed experts here?19:58
XLVCyrus25801, you dont19:58
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder?19:58
LMJI would like to know if an update of libtorrent/rtorrent couple ?   Gutsy provide  rTorrent 0.7.4 - libTorrent 0.11.4 but they are outdated19:58
mnemonicaI need help getting my synaptic touchpad vert scroll to work, can anyone help me?19:58
neos857im a bot19:58
mnemonicaI need help getting my synaptic touchpad vert scroll to work, can anyone help me?19:59
Cyrus25801XLV: i need to run active-x in ubuntu for an ip camera.is there any way to do it19:59
neos857im call neos19:59
starshineanyone able to help me on hardy tryign to get JNLP files to work instead of merely download?  I got the java plugin able to do 'normal' applets.19:59
adelie43can synaptic be setup to use a SOCKS5 proxy?19:59
Cyrus25801i need to run active-x in ubuntu for an ip camera.is there any way to do it19:59
drunkmuppetHi. I messed up my /etc/network/interfaces file. How can I fix it :)19:59
Pici!ot | neos85719:59
ubotuneos857: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:59
enkidu_akI've got the ATI blues :( For the life of me I can't get hardware accelartion to work with this X1100.19:59
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder?19:59
XLVCyrus25801, use wine to run internet explorer in ubuntu19:59
`MatirDoes anyone know if it's reasonable to dual-boot amd64 and x86 on the same system?  I currently have x86 on my laptop and am looking for a way to make a smooth transition.19:59
scorphushello, metacity is not running when I log in and the window decorations are gone, can you help me?19:59
Cyrus25801XLV thanx19:59
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder?19:59
XLVCyrus25801, or get an ip camera that doesnt need MS's proprietary pos20:00
neos857hi ppl  im neosbot or call me neos20:00
adelie43Matir: don't put them on the same partition / root and you will be fine20:00
hsystemxXscorphus , open terminal and write:   metacity --replace20:00
XLV!repeat | kahrytan20:00
ubotukahrytan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:00
Cyrus25801XLV: din't know it in the begining.oh well20:00
mnemonicaI need help getting my synaptic touchpad vert scroll to work, can anyone help me?20:00
Cyrus25801XLV: thanx20:00
Indiadev_Techiewher do i get driver for my adsl modem > UTSTARCOM ADSL 2+ Modem/Router... Model No UT300R2U ????20:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:00
usr13_StLemur: sudo alsaconf20:00
scorphushsystemxX: I do and it gets fixed. but have to do it everytime I log in.20:01
Indiadev_Techiefor ubuntu....20:01
jpatrick!enter > neos85720:01
VeganZombiethanks Pici20:01
adelie43a SOCKS5 proxy can be an http proxy, right?20:01
StLemurusr13: sudo: alsaconf: command not found20:01
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder?20:01
`Matiradelie43, if the browser supports socks20:01
Indiadev_Techiewher do i get driver for my adsl modem > UTSTARCOM ADSL 2+ Modem/Router... Model No UT300R2U ???? for ubuntu...............20:01
starshineapparently the jnlp stuff claims to need "webstart" but some pesky thing called 'javaws' isn't really getting wired up automagically20:01
hsystemxXscorphus add that command to the session. System->Preferences->Sessions -> Startup programs20:02
scorphushsystemxX: ok20:02
adelie43so, setting up synaptic to use an http proxy whose address is a socks5 proxy will work, or no?20:02
Indiadev_Techiecan any one help me ?????20:02
askandHow can I acess files on a mac that is on the network from ubuntu?20:02
usr13_StLemur: sudo apt-get install alsa-tools20:02
LMJaskand : via nfs share20:02
mnemonicaI need help getting my synaptic touchpad vert scroll to work, can anyone help me?20:02
spiffmanusr13_ i went through it, nothing strange was in the configuration... i think the problem lies in gnome, not the xserver (because gdm loads fine)20:02
pepperjackkahrytan: rm -fr ~/Desktop; ln -s /home/$USER/Desktop /home/$USER/.Trash :)20:03
adelie43`Matir: I think where I am they are throttling ubuntu repositories20:03
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, what's your problem?20:03
neos857mnemonica no soy20:03
kahrytanpepperjack->  huh?20:03
LMJmnemonica : there is way to configure it in your gnome preference menu or so20:03
Indiadev_Techiewher do i get driver for my adsl modem > UTSTARCOM ADSL 2+ Modem/Router... Model No UT300R2U ????20:03
pepperjackkahrytan: that was backwards anyway20:03
StLemurusr13: OK, doing that. After that sudo alsaconf?20:03
Indiadev_Techiexobius: wher do i get driver for my adsl modem > UTSTARCOM ADSL 2+ Modem/Router... Model No UT300R2U ????20:03
kahrytanpepperjack->  There is  Desktop folder20:03
mnemonicaLMJ: Mmmk... Pretty sure that doesn't have what I'm looking for, but I'll check. Thanks for the reply and suggestion, I'll get back to you.20:03
Indiadev_Techiexobius: the ubuntu version.....20:03
neos857?---> op ]20:03
LMJIndiadev_Techie : it's an USB modem ?20:04
kahrytanpepperjack->  problem, the desktop folder isnt being used. .trash folder is being displayed on desktop20:04
sybaritenI have USB harddrives. I have USB memories. One of them runs Ubuntu live. I have a LAN and several computers. Can i somehow install Ubuntu (server) on a machine without needing to burn a CD ?20:04
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, I don't know about ADSL. I sorry20:04
scorphushsystemxX: it's already there, on top position20:04
=== piranha is now known as PiranhaP
Indiadev_Techie xobius: yes its a USB/ETHERNET Modem/Router...20:04
mnemonicaLMJ: Nope... nothing there.. hold on... brb20:05
hsystemxXdid you installed emerald manager?20:05
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, did you connect using Ethernet Card?20:05
hsystemxXscorphus did you installed emerald manager?20:05
nortyI need help, I've downloaded an iso of matlab (through my university) but i don't know how to install it, any help?20:05
gnuskool_what the diff btwn a wireless acess point and a wifi router?20:05
PiranhaPHow do I upgrade my Feisty server (e.g. no gui) to Gutsy?  I tried installing update-manager on it and running it on the X server of another host, and it runs, but it eventually complains about not having an 'ubuntu-desktop' metapackage installed.20:06
Indiadev_Techiesybariten: the install it on virtual machine software such as VMware, Microsoft Virtual PC......20:06
mnemonicaLMJ: Ok, yeah... Nothing in preferences, any other ideas?20:06
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder? I need to change it back so Desktop is showed on the desktop and not .Trash folder20:06
gnuskool_what the diff btwn a wireless acess point and a wifi router?20:06
Indiadev_Techiexobius: Yes..20:06
scorphushsystemxX: no, not beryl nor compiz... I just did "aptitude install gnome-session" to have a gui on this gutsy server (under Xen over NoMachine)20:06
xobiusIndiadev_Techie,  because if you use Ethernet Card, is not necessary any extra driver20:07
LMJnot Gnome around mnemonica, sorry20:07
mnemonicaLMJ: Mmmk. Thanks anyway.20:07
spiffmanusr13_ ok well i'm going to try to install kde, if that works, i'll see if i can mess with gnome and get it working again20:07
sybaritenIndiadev_Techie: uhm... its OK with me to wipe the drive... its not that...20:07
xobiusIndiadev_Techie,  your Eth Card is detected?20:07
PiranhaPgnuskool_: a router will have the capability of forwarding (Router) or NATing (Gateway) your packets to another network.  An access-point, by strict definition, just bridges wifi clients to a LAN.20:08
mnemonicaAfter I installed a wacom graphire4 tablet, my synaptics touchpad vert scrolled stopped working. Help?20:08
usr13_gnuskool_: Just 2 names for same device.20:08
Indiadev_Techiexobius: yes...20:08
kahrytanCan someone answer/fix my problem20:08
hsystemxXscorphus, sudo apt-get install gnome  , or try sudo dpkg-reconfigure metacity20:08
gnuskool_thx PiranhaP  and usr1320:08
kenanI am having a problem with my Quickcam Fusion, the camera works but I cant seem to get its microphone working, how can I fix this?20:08
=== nlindblad_ is now known as nlindblad
fibbsHi folks20:08
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, then you can config the Router with your web browser20:08
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: yes... i do prefer to perform a clean format... b4 installing ubuntu server edition...20:09
norty I need help, I've downloaded an iso of matlab (through my university) but i don't know how to install it, any help?20:09
kahrytanCan someone help me?20:09
scorphushsystemxX: hmm.. good points, let me try them20:09
sedegamay god help you20:09
usr13_gnuskool_: wireless AP, wireless router, wifi AP, wifi router, etc...20:09
fibbsany url to a howto on how to configure initramfs-utils to include programs and scripts in initrd?20:09
StrangeCharmi'm having trouble hibernating a fujitsu laptop - when i click hibernate from the power menu, it just goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor, and i can't do anything. can i rememdy this?20:09
PriceChildnorty, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB20:09
=== `Sawyer`out is now known as `Sawyer`
kahrytanHow in the world does Nautilus desktop become the Trash folder? I need to change it back so Desktop is showed on the desktop and not .Trash folder. If you dont understand problem, just ask.20:10
sedegaStrangeCharm: you using ati driver?20:10
PriceChildkahrytan, it'll probably be a setting in gconf somewhere20:10
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, read the router's hanbook. In general have an adress similar to  or
kahrytanPriceChild->  But where20:10
mnemonicaAfter I installed a wacom graphire4 tablet, my synaptics touchpad vert scrolled stopped working. Help?20:10
hsystemxXscorphus , also try sudo dpkg-reconfigure metacity-commons20:11
Indiadev_Techiesybariten: wher r u from...20:11
kahrytanPriceChild->  I didnt change anything  in gconf for it to do this. I have no idea how it happened. And it's a fresh install20:11
scorphushsystemxX: ok20:11
adelie43how can I run synaptic over a SOCKS5 proxy (via ssh)20:11
PiranhaPCan I upgrade a server to gutsy by merely replacing instances of 'feisty' with 'gutsy' in my sources.list and then apt-get update and upgrade?20:11
Indiadev_Techiexobius: wher r u from.. bro.. ???20:12
Pici!ot | Indiadev_Techie20:12
ubotuIndiadev_Techie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:12
PriceChildkahrytan, /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir20:12
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, tell me what router is20:12
PiranhaPWell, I'm gonna try it, and if it doesn't work, I'm going to blame you all for not warning me otherwise!   j/k :P20:12
drunkmuppetsWhat does "Temporary Failure when trying to access..." when doing a apt-get update mean?20:12
Indiadev_Techiexobius: my router is of UTSTARCOM brand... nd the model no is UT300R2U20:14
sybaritenIndiadev_Techie: sweden, why20:14
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:14
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:14
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:14
drunkmuppetsoh hai20:14
drunkmuppetsWhat does "Temporary Failure when trying to access..." when doing a apt-get update?20:14
naliothdrunkmuppets: it means that the network took a pause and didn't resume the connection properly20:14
Indiadev_Techiesybariten: Just askin....20:14
drunkmuppetsit's doing that for all my updates20:14
naliothdrunkmuppets: and please don't repeat (we saw you the first time)20:15
sybaritenIndiadev_Techie: ok20:15
naliothdrunkmuppets: try using another mirror20:15
kahrytanPriceChild->  That helped. Accept I dont want Home to be desktop. but unchecking restored it to Desktop folder20:15
drunkmuppetsnalioth sorry: i was getting, please register to talk.20:15
=== jamalf is now known as JamalF
ouellettesrdoes anyone know whar dir firefox themese are held in?20:15
Liquideathwhat is the application that controls the Beryl UI?20:15
StLemurusr13: I've installed alsa-tools and sudo alsaconf still gives 'sudo: alsaconf: command not found'.20:15
Seveasouellettesr, ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/somestring/20:15
mnemonicaAfter I installed a wacom graphire4 tablet, my synaptics touchpad vert scrolled stopped working. Help?20:15
ouellettesrSeveas: thanks20:15
sybaritenIndiadev_Techie: I know, you figured i might be scottish since i was too cheap to burn a CD for the ubuntu install....20:15
mneptokdamn. still not working.20:16
Seveas/cs k mneptok OOIMPRESS20:16
hepeki have the strangest problem ... In Firefox and some other GTK+ apps, Ctrl+A does nothing and Alt+A selects all in textboxes all of the sudden... Any ideas?20:16
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: aww... man... i dont think like that...20:16
evil_techanyone have any ideas why network manager wont start my ethernet card like it is supposed to?20:17
frapzzthi i encrypted my partition like in the ubuntuusers tutorial now ic becama this error http://nopaste.biz/3407420:17
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: is ther anythin i can do for ya...20:17
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: i too, do the same thing...20:17
sybaritenIndiadev_Techie: nah... i'm investigating the matter As-We-Speak20:18
drunkmuppetsOk when I try to do a wget, I get Temporary failure in name resolution.20:18
sybariteni'm "on it", as an american cop would say20:18
scorphushsystemxX: hmm... nautilus is consuming 99% of the virtual CPU20:18
naliothdrunkmuppets: your DNS server is on the fritz20:18
scorphussomething is not right in this install20:18
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: so do ya want to install ubuntu server edition on ur portable drive...20:18
hsystemxXscorphus, nautilus is a file browser. As you know. try kiling it20:18
exneoI have an hp pavilion a819n and I put linux mint4.0 basically ubuntu on my box alsa recognizes my alc880 realtek hda-intel card but sound doesn't play I am a newbie sort-of I don't want to wind up compiling drivers through the terminal I always get errors so does any body know about this error and plz help me also I use a mac theme but can't find the apple logo on the menu symbol I don't know how to macmenu hack well plz help so I can kick20:19
exneo the windows20:19
scorphushsystemxX: I already killed it and aptitude purged it and some others20:19
frojnd164 bytes from icmp_seq=708 ttl=64 time=716 ms (DUP!)   what does DUP mean20:19
exneoI have an hp pavilion a819n and I put linux mint4.0 basically ubuntu on my box alsa recognizes my alc880 realtek hda-intel card but sound doesn't play I am a newbie sort-of I don't want to wind up compiling drivers through the terminal I always get errors so does any body know about this error and plz help me also I use a mac theme but can't find the apple logo on the menu symbol I don't know how to macmenu hack well plz help so I can kick20:19
exneo the windows20:19
mut80rhey everyone, just wondering if there's a way to transfer the live cd to an external harddrive so that I can use it in a live session and/or install from it much faster than from cd ?20:19
kahrytanhsystemxX->  better idea is to nautilus --replace20:19
emmeramNot to repeat myself, but does anyone know about symbolic links when using pure-ftpd?20:20
exneoI don't have sound working in gutsy I have realtek alc88020:20
hsystemxXscorphus, why you purged nautilus?20:20
spiffmanusr13_ thought i'd follow up... i installed fluxbox, that worked, so i knew the problem was in gnome. deleted .gnome and .gnome2 folders, and now gnome is completely reset and works. oh, and thanks!20:20
Indiadev_Techie sybariten: its 2.00AM in India....20:20
kahrytanhsystemxX->  to perhaps use another manager20:20
exneoany help20:20
scorphushsystemxX: to see how it goes without it, but I'm installing it again20:20
exneoxchat rules20:20
usr13_spiffman: Very well. Glad you figured it out.  And thanks for telling us, good FYI  :)20:21
mut80rfrojnd1: DUP means it was a duplicated packet, maybe your router sent it a 2nd time because it thought the 1st one didn't get through ?20:21
hsystemxXUbuntu server comes without desktop manager right?20:21
hsystemxXi mean no graphic user interface.20:21
PriceChildHymnToLife, right20:21
exneoso does anybody know how to fix sound problems with realtek soundcards in ubuntu20:22
mkquistexneo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 try this page20:22
PriceChildhsystemxX, right, but you can still install it on top20:22
Indiadev_Techie;-) Hi everybody....20:22
IndyGunFreakexneo: are you sure itse realtek?20:22
hsystemxXyes, i know. And scorphus, you installed gnome-ssesion?20:22
hsystemxXto have a GUI?20:22
Indiadev_Techiecan i install k3b on ubuntu.....20:22
scorphushsystemxX: yes20:22
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: of course20:22
drunkmuppetsHow do I check my DNS settings?20:22
exneoyes k3b works in ubuntu20:22
mut80rI swear the GUI is gnome-desktop ?20:23
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: How ? wher do i get the software...20:23
scorphus<scorphus> hsystemxX: no, not beryl nor compiz... I just did "aptitude install gnome-session" to have a gui on this gutsy server (under Xen over NoMachine)20:23
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: open a terminal, sudo apt-get install k3b20:23
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: i mean the same version that we use on KDE.....20:23
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: now it is going to want to install a ton of dependencies20:23
mut80roh ok ..20:23
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: should be the same, as far as i know.20:23
VictorEdrunkmuppet: /etc/resolv.conf ...20:24
exneoso I need to get my realtek working with alsa how20:24
hsystemxXscorphus , did you tried: sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core gnome-core20:24
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, do sudo ifconfig20:24
IndyGunFreakexneo: i've asked you three times, are you sure its realtek20:24
IndyGunFreakthey typically just work20:24
mut80rI have a realtek hd and mine just works.20:24
exneoyes hda-intel realtek alc880 chipset onboard20:24
drunkmuppetslol how do I know what my DNS should be? I am in VMWare20:24
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | exneo thats a bit different20:24
ubotuexneo thats a bit different: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:24
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, what ip have your eth0?20:25
exneotried but its to tough20:25
scorphushsystemxX: no, I'm installing them20:25
mut80rnice script indy20:25
exneoI need somthing easy20:25
Indiadev_Techie IndyGunFreak: i also have a 2002 model Pentium 4 with 128mb ram nd 40gb hardisk... can i install ubuntu on this machine ????20:25
exneobut running the install script doestnt work20:25
mkquistexneo: did you check that page? usually works for me..20:25
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: i don't see why not, the ram is a bit low.20:25
exneoI t recognizes it but it wont play20:25
IndyGunFreakexneo: ? the install script?..20:25
exneoIm a bit of a noob20:25
exneoubuntu for bout a month20:26
masqueradeAnyone know if there is a known way to install Ubuntu from a USB thumbdrive with the setup in windows rather than a preexisting linux install? I don't have an optical drive but I do have a bunch of 2 and 4GB thumbdrives20:26
IndyGunFreak!install | masquerade20:26
ubotumasquerade: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:26
hsystemxXscorphus, if gnome is consuming more resources than the acceptable, try a lighter desktop manager like xfce.20:26
exneoyes search google pendrive has a nice guide20:26
mut80rmasquarade: try setting your BIOS to boot from USB-HDD and plug your memory stick in20:26
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: yes i know... but would ubuntu work fine on this machine if i set swap partition 2GB... ????20:26
pinoyskullneed help using sed.. who can help me20:26
exneoprobably but if its persistant you want a big partion20:27
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: like i said, its low on ram.. and if you're system is constantly accessing swap, its going to be slow20:27
scorphushsystemxX: I have to mimic the most used configuration, as this is for software tests purposes, and many ubuntu users report problems with it20:27
mut80rbrb restarting into installed system ..20:27
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: i would rpobably look at a straight debian etch install, as opposed to Ubuntu, on that little ram20:27
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: so should i ubgrade my ram (SDRAM.... they rare to seen in the market these days)....20:28
exneoso can I graphically compile the driver I've updated alsa and the kernal is new should I install the alc880 codecs? indygunfreak20:28
PuppiesOnAcidIs there any way to wget all the files in an apache directory listing?20:28
iKapwhats the difference in restore and reinstall?20:28
IndyGunFreakexneo: i would.20:28
norty i just installed matlab 7.4.0 for linux, and when i start it i cannot see the toolbar icons, i know they are there since i can click on them and windows appear but the links and labels are gone.. any help?20:28
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: if you cna upgrade the ram, I would, or like i said, go with a straight Debian install, Debian is pretty similar to Ubuntu, but not quite as resource heavy.20:29
exneoshould I use kompile ive tried I get errors is their a better tool20:29
Indiadev_Techie IndyGunFreak: do u mean the that dos type installation .........20:29
hsystemxXiKap, guessing, restore - exact copy of a previous. reinstall - reinstalation with new configuration.20:29
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: i assume you're name means you're in India, but youc an find SDRam on ebay all the time for pretty cheap.20:29
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: i mean for either...20:29
xobiusIndiadev_Techie, in the browser and entering Username: admin and Password: admin20:29
Indiadev_Techie IndyGunFreak: Yes.... i m frm India...20:29
iKaphsystemxX, if i do a restore would i loose my settings, apps, files?20:29
Indiadev_Techie IndyGunFreak: wher u frm ???20:30
hsystemxXiKap,maybe, depends on what type of restore you are doing.20:30
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: ok, well, id on't know how the market is there, but i've gotten old memory on ebay pretty cheap.20:30
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: indpls, IN20:30
EscuderoHi, what are the repositories of source.list default?20:31
scorphushsystemxX: maybe it is something with NoMachine. I'll backup this image and "aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" to see if I get this fixed... the drawback is that this will install 400+ packages and more than 380MB20:31
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: ok i will shop it on ebay...20:31
scorphuss/and more/and download more/20:31
R_en_GUtsyhello... I need to know how to activate the aegis protocol for use with WPA. My card works with wep, but Uni has WPA Enterprise and it doesn't seem to be supported. Anyone knows of any project related with this aegis sec.prot?20:32
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: also can u help me buy my new system ???20:32
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IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: what do you mean by that?20:32
nortynevermind got it fixed20:32
IndyGunFreakexneo: i can't really be anymore clear on the instructions, i compiled alsa followign those instructions, and it made my intelhda work fine.20:32
adelie43anyone having issue with the repositories being REALLY slow today? every server I am getting <1kBps20:32
Wiredtapehey.. is it possible to run ubuntu as a virtual machine inside windows? with 1 exception.. ubuntu installation is on different drive..20:32
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StarnestommyWiredtape: I think virtual PC can do it, but I'm not sure about vmware20:33
DandreI am searching for a vnc viewer that can scale the screen so that it can fit in the viewer window. For instance, if the server has a display array of 1500x1000, and the viewer 800x600, I want to have the whole display in the viewer window20:33
R_en_GUtsyANybody else having trouble with WPA Enterprise? WPA Personal seems to work...20:33
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: not on ebay man.... i mean can u help me configure my new pc that i want to buy... im into animaton,VFX/SFX & Cinematics....20:33
hepekwhen I press Ctrl+A in any GTK+ textbox it doesn't select all but moves cursor to the beginning of the line, how can I fix this...20:33
adelie43Wiredtape: ubuntu needs to be installed from the VM. you can't run the same install because the hardware is technically different between being a host and a VM20:34
IndyGunFreakIndiadev_Techie: wouldnt' even know where to start, sorry20:34
WiredtapeStarnestommy, ok..20:34
invitAnibody know if 9dragon can work with Wine please ?20:34
R_en_GUtsyif you are to use ubuntu isnide a virtual machine on winodws you may be able to download it. Using vmware?20:34
Indiadev_TechieIndyGunFreak: Then sorry to disturb ya.... but thanx 4 ur Help....20:35
R_en_GUtsyinvit try wine-doors. The best way to know is to try it. Wine is just 10MB20:35
Wiredtapeadelie43, that's what I was thinking.. one more question.. would a ubuntu amd 64bit vm be able to run at that bit depth, while inside a windows 32 bit?20:35
adelie43Wiredtape: if you want to run ubuntu in a VM, you need to download the install iso for the host and them mount it in the vmware config for that machine and boot to it, then run install as normal20:35
adelie43Wiredtape: no20:35
Ritter_Rostguten morgen20:35
Wiredtapeadelie43, so which version should I download?20:36
Wiredtapemachine is 64bit amd.20:36
muuddflapwill someone please tell what is the easiest printer to install on 7.1020:36
R_en_GUtsyWiredtape: ifg you are to run ubuntu in vmware, just download the bmware image of gutsy and you are off. Doesn't get simplier20:36
adelie43Wiredtape: the only mix and match is that you can run 32 and 64 bit VM's in 64 bit host environments20:36
invitR_en_GUtsy I have try and I cant lunch the game, i don't know if my configuration are bad or if 9dragon don t work with wine20:36
R_en_GUtsymuuddflap: any HP printer should do20:36
adelie43Wiredtape: you need to get ubuntu for i38620:36
WiredtapeR_en_GUtsy, thanks20:36
invitBut I think It doesn t work20:36
Wiredtapeadelie43, thanks20:36
warlock_handlerhi guys20:37
muuddflapr_en ok man thanks alot20:37
adelie43Wiredtape: you want the 32 bit ubuntu if you have 32 bit windows20:37
R_en_GUtsyIt may not work. www.winehq.org20:37
warlock_handleri am having some display problem on my ubuntu 7.1020:37
invitThanks a lot20:37
muuddflapthanks talk to ya'll later20:37
pelerophon0hi all. i'd like to backup my crontab file, but i don't know where to find it. i edit it by running "crontab -e".20:37
adelie43ok, different question. has anyone been using the repositories today and had them be normal fast?20:37
R_en_GUtsysee the WineDB to see details20:37
R_en_GUtsyand add some if you find them ;)'20:37
zionpsyferpelerophon0: /etc/crontab20:38
warlock_handlerI have a screen resolution of 1400 x 1050 ... and it is suppose to be perfect for my 19" wide screen (LG says that)20:38
R_en_GUtsyanybody knows about WPA and aegis ? Is there any protocol one has to install? what the h.. is it?20:38
warlock_handlerbut my ubuntu stretches more than required20:38
adelie43I suspect my traffic is being manipulated, so I was going to use squid over socks vis ssh to see if it sped thngs up, but wanted to see if others were having problems too, first20:38
pelerophon0zionpsyfer, that's what i thought, but that file looks nothing like the one i edit myself20:38
invitOk it s my config .... 9dragon is supposed to work with wine :'(20:38
lz1gjdhello, could anyone help me with making flash work with firefox and gutsy ?20:39
moonbon soir tous le monde20:39
heartsbloodI just read that Transmission has been selected as the defualt Torrent client for hardy, is this true?20:39
PriceChildR_en_GUtsy, network manager will do it out of the box20:39
PriceChild!fr | moon20:39
ubotumoon: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:39
PriceChild!hardy | heartsblood20:39
ubotuheartsblood: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:39
R_en_GUtsyinvit hang on... It ends up working. See if wine doors supports it. If not drop the guy a line, and he may even make it work ;)20:39
heartsbloodof for crying out loud ><20:39
warlock_handlercan anyone here please help me with my display problem...20:39
moonmerci bien a bientot peace et salute20:39
usr13_pelerophon0: Just write to another filename / directory.20:39
warlock_handleradmin helpppp sos sos20:39
invitOk thanks a lot :)20:40
zionpsyferpelerophon0: Hmm, what's the command you are using to edit it?20:40
StLemurAnyone else, ideas why upgrading the kernel to 2.6.24 might cause my audio devices to vanish?20:40
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pepperjackwarlock_handler: what problem?20:40
pelerophon0zionpsyfer: "crontab -e". i don't edit it as root, btw20:40
usr13_pelerophon0: crontab -e      Ctrl-o20:40
R_en_GUtsyPriceChild: nm should do it, I know, but it seems that something is wrong. Are the card drivers supposed to support that specific part of the stack. It's a dlink DWL-650+  card20:40
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warlock_handlerpepperjack: thank you ... ok the problem is... i have a 1400 x 1050 resolution20:41
xobiuswarlock_handler, wha'ts is the problem?20:41
warlock_handlerpepperjack: and my monitor is perfect for that20:41
pelerophon0usr13_: that's a good suggestion indeed, but i want to write a backup script, so i still need to know where the actual file is20:41
warlock_handlerpepperjack: but my ubuntu stretches below that in height20:41
warlock_handlerpepperjack: so i cant see the bottom of the screen20:42
pepperjackwarlock_handler: does the screen move around if you move your mouse over to the far boarders?20:42
pelerophon0zionpsyfer: when i edit it with crontab -e, btw, it says the file is tmp/crontab.[randomjunk]/crontab20:42
warlock_handlerpepperjack: nope i am not using compiz or any desktop manager/ animation software20:42
pepperjackwarlock_handler: sure it isnt a monitor setup issue? often when i change drivers or res i need to adjust the geometry using monitor buttons20:43
zionpsyferpelerophon0: Hmm, I'm trying it out on my system to see if I can find it.  Unfortunately I usually just edit /etc/crontab.  still looking =P20:43
usr13_warlock_handler: You simply need to find one that fits the screen.  Look at ratios suggest in the owner's manual and find one you like.20:43
kaminixIs there any way to set standard settings for htop?20:44
warlock_handlerpepperjack: I did that... hence i know that this size is not fitting the monitor right.. whereas it should20:44
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kaminixeg. to use text for all bar thingies and to use the Black Night colour scheme20:44
DandreI am searching for a vnc viewer that can scale the screen so that it can fit in the viewer window. For instance, if the server has a display array of 1500x1000, and the viewer 800x600, I want to have the whole display in the viewer window20:44
DamagePlan help20:44
warlock_handlerusr13_: as i mentioned earlier... this is the right ratio...20:44
Gibbwakecan someone tell me how to get to the wifi panel that shows the wifi networks? it disappears from the upper right randomly sometimes20:45
DamagePlanWhen I log out my computer freezes and just stays on the desktop picture20:45
Flare183!ask | DamagePlan20:45
ubotuDamagePlan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:45
usr13_warlock_handler: If it is not displaying on the screen properly, then it clearly is NOT the right ratio.  So change it.20:45
DamagePlanWhats the problem20:45
zionpsyferpelerophon0: Got it /var/spool/cron/USERNAME20:45
fiXXXerMetIs it difficult to setup dual monitors in 7.10?20:46
fiXXXerMetIs there a GUI for it?20:46
Flare183!dualhead | fiXXXerMet20:46
ubotufiXXXerMet: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:46
zionpsyferpelerophon0: errr, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/USERNAME.   *need more coffee*20:46
usr13_zionpsyfer: pelerophon0 Why not just let the nano editor write a copy to the home directory?20:47
Flare183Gibbwake: by running the networkmanager i think20:47
Gibbwakeweird. ok20:47
Odd-rationaleWhat's the differnce between dvorak and dvorak-classic?20:47
pelerophon0zionpsyfer: thanks! how did you find it?20:47
zionpsyferusr13_:  No idea.  As I've said, my usual method is just editing /etc/crontab.20:48
zionpsyferpelerophon0: the man page :P20:48
DamagePlanPLease can I have help, Whenever I log out or restart the x sever my computer is just left on the desktop picture. I then have to switch off my computer by the wall wich is not healthy. PLease can you help me, thanks :)20:48
warlock_handlerusr13_: where can i find the display config file20:48
GibbwakeI wish I could tell it to stop auto connecting to some neighbors wifi. It just hangs up on it, then goes unresponsive when it cant connect20:48
pelerophon0usr13_: i'm writing a backup script20:48
pelerophon0usr13_: and, apart from that, it makes me nervous that crontab is writing to files i can't locate :)20:48
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.20:49
pelerophon0zionpsyfer: RTFM, eh? well, thanks! :)20:49
zionpsyferpelerophon0: Heh, indeed.  when all else fails... :)  Glad I could help and learn something at the same time.20:49
Flare183DamagePlan: press alt+f1 to login to the termnial then type in sudo shutdown -P now20:49
Gibbwakehow do I restart the nm applet that controls wifi? mine keeps hanging20:49
IndyGunFreakfiXXXerMet: most of ti depends on what brand card you have, Nvidia was pretty easy for me.20:49
Odd-rationalenv I got the answer.20:50
usr13_pelerophon0: But the editor tells you exactly where it is writing to.  [Ctrl-o]20:50
* FiveSheetsOfAcid is away: EVE http://www.eve-online.de20:50
Flare183!away | FiveSheetsOfAcid20:50
ubotuFiveSheetsOfAcid: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»20:50
Flare183!away > FiveSheetsOfAcid20:50
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lz1gjdcould you help me fix my problem with firefox and flash . i tried with automatix, installing it from inside firefox but didnt wrk20:50
usr13_pelerophon0: But the editor tells you exactly where it is writing to.  [Ctrl-o]  And at that point, you can just tell it to write a copy to your /home/username directory and there you have a backup.20:51
Flare183lz1gjd: flash is broken the installer is anyway20:51
pelerophon0usr13_: no, it doesn't. it's writing to a tmp file. presumably because i'm not on a superuser account and can't access the stuff under /var/spool/cron/crontabs directly.20:51
lz1gjdFlare183: any fix ?20:51
Flare183!flashissues > lz1gjd20:51
HymnToLifelz1gjd: download the archive, extract, copy the .so file into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins, you're ther20:52
lz1gjdi see20:52
Jack_Sparrowlz1gjd: I would suggest you restore from backup or reinstall...20:52
phaedrallsusb just hangs; what to do?20:52
lz1gjdreinstall what ???20:52
lz1gjdyou mean flash package i hope20:52
=== Danil is now known as Danil^NotHere
Jack_Sparrowlz1gjd: Ubuntu.. once you try automatix.. it is a royal pain to get things right20:52
[nrx]hi folks. I've just installed restricted drivers for my ati radeon on ubuntu. Problem is, i cant find a place to increase the colour depth. Can someone help me please. (it's actually mythbuntu)20:52
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »20:53
Flare183!flash | lz1gjd20:53
ubotulz1gjd: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »20:53
adub_is there any way to have xtightvncviewer fill my entire screen or give me a larger screen???20:53
lz1gjdwell if I only knew the repos where i could find all multimedia packages i needed ...20:53
usr13_pelerophon0: Why does it make you nervious?  It just does a tempory sudo file, but it works anyway, right?  So doesn't really matter. Right?20:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:53
=== wolly is now known as der_wolly
Gibbwakeis there a default root password for ubuntu?20:54
Flare183!root | Gibbwake20:54
jpatrick!root > Gibbwake20:54
ubotuGibbwake: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:54
jpatrick!sudo > Gibbwake20:54
HymnToLifetechnically, there _us_ one20:54
HymnToLifeit's just one you can never get right ;)20:54
Gibbwakeis that something unique to ubuntu?20:54
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)20:54
ruben-I installed ubuntu, did not have to enter a root password, and the user created by the install doesn't have access to sudo, how can I fix this?20:55
[nrx]how do i increase the colour depth, when i'm using restricted drivers?20:55
Rufus_how do I install a gtk theme?20:55
demeHey guys, my sound card isn't being recognized by ubuntu, any pages or guides that would help me?20:55
Jack_Sparrowruben-: the user created during the install does have sudo access.20:55
HymnToLifeRufus_: copy into /usr/share/themes20:55
Cyrus25801i want to instal Internet explorer on wine so that I can run active-x but where do i download it.can't use MS because you download a preinstaller and that doesn't work20:55
jeffMASTERflexRufus_: you can also install them directly from the Appearance properties20:55
DamagePlanSHould it now work?20:55
ruben-Jack_Sparrow: It says "ruben is not in sudoers file."20:55
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
usr13_pelerophon0: If you would like to know more about how crontab works, see:  man crontab20:55
zionpsyfer!sound > deme20:55
r3texI've installed some packages from Hardy but decided that they weren't good, how can I roll back to only 7.10 packages?20:56
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: Ask in #Winehq... they have ways of making that work20:56
soulriderhey everyone20:56
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soulridercheck out what i made, i posted it on the foums, pics included :P http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4244426#post424442620:56
zLoSteRi guys hi .. i want to update my compiz-fusion 0.5.2 to 0.6.0 ... can someone can help me20:56
DRebellionr3tex: i would try removing the hardy sources20:56
DamagePlan<Flare183> Should it now work?20:56
demezionpsyfer: Yes, I have no sound, I have no idea why you're using boolean algebra20:56
ZambeziHow tricky is it to install grub separatley?20:56
Jack_Sparrowruben-: Never seen a fresh install..(hard drive not some vm thingy) not have sudo access20:57
HymnToLifedeme: see your PM's ;)20:57
HymnToLifeyou got one from ubotu20:57
demeOh, gotcha O.o20:57
[nrx]i've installed mythbuntu. enabled the restrcited drivers for my ati radeon. The colour depth isn't there though - can anyone tell me how i increase it?20:57
helloyoi have a bandwidth limit with my ISP, what is the best way to keep track of my usage?20:57
ruben-Jack_Sparrow: it's a fresh install, external computer..20:57
HiHI :)20:57
usr13_pelerophon0: Or:  man 5 crontab20:57
adub_does anyone in here run xtight vncviewer20:57
Flare183DamagePlan: i don't know all that command does is shut the computer down20:57
Jack_SparrowzLoSteR: #Compix for that answer20:57
Flare183!hi | hi20:57
ubotuhi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:57
Flare183!compiz zLoSteR20:57
ruben-Jack_Sparrow: how can I fix that?20:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz zloster - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:57
Flare183!compiz | zLoSteR20:57
ubotuzLoSteR: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:57
pelerophon0usr13_: no offense, but my problem has been solved a long time ago, and i do know how to read the man page.20:58
_DraxCan someone give me some suggestions on what to use the ubuntu server for except webserver and mysql and game servers, I feel like doing something over here.. :)20:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:58
HiHey I got a Vaio notebook & i wanna install Ubuntu on it20:58
Flare183_Drax: goto #ubuntu-server i think20:58
jeffMASTERflex_Drax: how bout turning it into a music jukebox you can access from anywhere20:58
HymnToLife_Drax: seed the Ubuntu images on bittorrent20:58
zLoSteRwell in compiz-fusion they told me that all i need is to update20:58
zLoSteRmy compiz packages20:58
usr13_pelerophon0: Just type:  man 5 crontab   and use spacebar to page down or PageUp and PageDown  etc.20:59
Jack_Sparrowruben-: No idea.. Is there more than one user on the system?20:59
pelerophon0usr13_: i find it curious that you give me lots of suggestions that do not apply to my problem, or are plain incorrect, and thereafter advise me to read the man page when i question them.20:59
zLoSteRmy package-tree20:59
ruben-Jack_Sparrow: no..20:59
_DraxjeffMASTERflex, that sounds like fun!20:59
Cyrus25801Jack_Sparrow: IE$Linux not supported at wineHQ20:59
zLoSteRand i don't know how to do this20:59
HymnToLife_Drax: also, if you have a static IP, maybe you could consider joining the NTP pool20:59
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: Yes, I am aware of that...20:59
_DraxI have a static ip, whats the NTP pool?20:59
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: I never suggested using that.. I am very against using it20:59
Cyrus25801Jack_Sparrow: so why did you send me there then21:00
Hiso any special care tobe taken abt it?21:00
ubotuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)21:00
usr13_pelerophon0: Your original question was how to create a backup of the crontab file, and I told you the easiest most effecient method to do that.21:00
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DRebellionruben-: you could try booting off the livecd, mounting the hard drive, chrooting to it, and editing the sudoers file.21:00
warlock_handlerusr13_: ok got fixed thnx for the help21:00
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: To get help with your problem and IE.. without using that script21:00
HiHey I got a Vaio notebook & i wanna install Ubuntu on it21:00
ruben-DRebellion: trying that now..21:00
HiHey I got a Vaio notebook & i wanna install Ubuntu on it21:00
Hiso any special care tobe taken abt it?21:00
zionpsyferusr13_:  He just wanted to know the default location it is saved to.21:00
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > Hi21:00
Cyrus25801Jack_Sparrow: so ie4linux is a script21:01
Flare183!install > Hi21:01
usr13_zionpsyfer: But he asked specifically how to make a backup file of it.21:01
r3texDRebellion: that doesn't work since the installed packages are newer21:01
_DraxHymnToLife, would it take much bandwidth, that NTP ? does it send data every minute?21:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:01
dan__Someone help a sec?21:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:01
HymnToLife_Drax: no, it takes very little bandwidth21:01
DRebellionruben-: make sure you use 'visudo' to edit the sudoers file.21:01
dan__checking for KDE... configure: error:21:01
dan__in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.21:01
dan__So, check this please and use another prefix!.21:01
HymnToLifethe requests are really small, it's basically just telling the time it is21:01
[nrx]i can't get the mixer up, that's the problem :/21:01
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: Yes, and it makes a mess of things... for more info on it, ask in #Winehq it is OT in here.21:02
dan__I'm installing Kmuddy21:02
Flare183!enter | dan__ (sorry, had to do it)21:02
ubotudan__ (sorry, had to do it): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:02
[nrx]what's the command for the alsa mixer in console? i've forgotten21:02
_DraxHymnToLife, it does sound like fun.. do you have more suggestions where you can be of usage like joining the NTP pool..?21:02
adub_does anyone in here run xtight vncviewer21:02
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zionpsyferusr13_:  Not unless I misread his question of " i'd like to backup my crontab file, but i don't know where to find it".  He sounds like he's good to go on backing things up.  He just needed the path.21:02
L3ttuc3[nrx] amixer?21:02
dan__huh? I pasted the error message21:03
=== ShrinkyDuck is now known as trollducky
jeffMASTERflex!pastebin | dan__21:03
ubotudan__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:03
L3ttuc3[nrx] try amixer.21:03
LjLmc44: i'm not interested in what you are saying21:03
pelerophon0usr13_: zionpsyfer is entirely correct. i'm sure you're just trying to be helpful, but what is it that you think will be accomplish from continuing this conversation?21:04
riot__er irc.g00ns.net21:04
Dexterexhello! a read a lot of things abaut a solution for cpu 100% with flash anybody has an advice for that?21:04
sajesHow do I build a .deb package from a source package?21:04
dan__so, you're going to just keep telling me how I'm talking in the IRC wrong, or is someone going to offer me some assistance?21:04
HymnToLife!checkinstall | sajes21:04
tumbleweed05hey people. just doing some hardware tests. when i plug in some headphones/speakers in the headphone plugin sound still comes out of the speakers on the computer.21:05
jeffMASTERflexsajes: debhelper is a series of scripts that will help you build nice deb packages. not the bastardized versions produced by checkinstall21:05
Gibbwakehow do you get to the command line?21:05
sajesjeffMASTERflex: thanks.21:05
Dexterexhow do you get to the command line?????21:05
ubotusajes: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:05
tumbleweed05gibbwake: applications, accessories, terminal21:05
GibbwakeDexterex: yeah im a newb21:05
Gibbwakethanks tumbleweed0521:06
ruben-DRebellion: it says invalid argument with mount :s21:06
tumbleweed05so any help. when i want headphones plugged in i don't want sound coming out of this thing.21:06
GibbwakeI have ubuntu running on 128 megs of ram. its awful. keeps locking up21:06
pelerophon0i'm off. zionpsyfer, thanks again for your help.21:06
tumbleweed05gibbwake: i'm sorry.21:06
jeffMASTERflexGibbwake: you might want to try xubuntu21:06
tumbleweed05you should upgrade or use like xubuntu or something.21:06
Gibbwakewhats xubuntu?21:06
jeffMASTERflex!xubuntu | Gibbwake21:07
zionpsyferpelerophon0: Np, have a good one!21:07
Jack_SparrowGibbwake: That isnt much ram to work with21:07
ubotuGibbwake: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:07
Gibbwakedoes it have wifi support?21:07
DRebellionruben-: what was the command you gave?21:07
tumbleweed05gibbwake: yes it does.21:07
ruben-DRebellion: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hdd21:07
DexterexGibbwake:  read!!!!!21:07
Parsec300Gibbwake, it is a lot lighter than the other versions.21:07
Jack_SparrowGibbwake: IS it also using shared ram for your video ?21:07
sewmyheadonQuick question: can I remove 32 bit ubuntu, keeping my home directory partition intact and install 64 bit in its place and mount the home partition without issues?21:07
Dexterexyes sewmyheadon21:08
GibbwakeJack_Sparrow: oh god. I think so21:08
DRebellionruben-: does /dev/hda1 exist?21:08
sewmyheadonThank you!21:08
Jack_SparrowGibbwake: So you dont even have a clean 12821:08
flatline-kunHas anyone here ever used CoovaChilli?21:08
ruben-DRebellion: I presume.. fdisk isn't a known command..21:08
GibbwakeJack_Sparrow, yeah lemme turn off that feature21:08
Jack_SparrowGibbwake: Minimizing shared will help21:08
Dexterexno flatline-kun21:08
dan__k, lets see if this works better. I'm getting this error when installing Kmuddy onto Gutsy http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54248/21:08
Gibbwakeany other things I can do to save memory before I get xbuntu?21:09
DRebellionruben-: :/21:09
ruben-DRebellion: I'm reinstalling..21:09
Dexterexdan__ look for kde-dev packages21:09
ruben-nice first experience with ubuntu :p21:09
white_eagle_Gibbwake, just get xubuntu ;)21:09
DRebellionruben-: yeh, i have no idea why mount would complain about those arguments21:09
Jack_SparrowGibbwake: NOt really... You will most likely end up with X as it is lighter..21:09
ruben-I'll give it another shot..21:10
DRebellionruben-: verify both /dev/hda1 and /mnt/hdd exit21:10
DRebellionruben-: verify both /dev/hda1 and /mnt/hdd exist21:10
tumbleweed05nice. the media card reader works.21:10
jeffMASTERflexdan__: he's right. you need to install the kde dev packages to compile kde programs21:10
fiXXXerMetI'm having issues with printing.  When I open up the printer configurator and do a test page, everything is OK.  When I print from firefox, margins are all wrong and text runs off the side of the page?21:10
Cyrus25801is there no way of running active-x on ubuntu without installing Internet explorer21:10
DexterexGibbwake:  use google!!! there are a lot of distro for that requirement21:10
simion314_hi, what program for burning CD do you suggest to use? i want something to a good interface21:10
dan__look for them where? I installed KDE, and it gave me the same error when I was in the KDE session21:10
tumbleweed05ethernet, fn keys, media card reader, wireless, it all works.21:10
tumbleweed05sound too.21:11
nemilarsimon360: k3b seems to be everyone's favorite21:11
jeffMASTERflexsimion314_: brasero has a nice simple interface. gnomebaker and k3b are also available21:11
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Did yo also install build essentials21:11
Dexterexsimion314_:  k3b look it in apt21:11
tumbleweed05well i'm gonna keep playing around.21:11
nemilarBrasero is the new default in 8.04 =)21:11
sophs87Erm, or nero linux but that you would have to pay for or break the law21:11
tumbleweed05later people.21:11
dan__I clicked on KDE in the SPM21:11
pepperjackk3b is better than nero anyway imo21:11
Parsec300simion314_, yeah, but to enable direct burning music CD from MP3, you need to install additional packages21:12
sophs87tbh i've never tried k3b :(21:12
Dexterexk3b rocks!21:12
jeffMASTERflexpepperjack: i agree, but k3b is ugly as hell IMO. nero is too. i like brasero even if it's not as reliable as k3b21:12
sophs87downloading it now :)21:12
Dexterexdidt use brasero21:12
Dexterexi'll test it21:13
linuxNoobhello people21:13
linuxNoobi need help21:13
usr13_Parsec300: One cannot directly burn a music CD from mp3s, they need to be converted back to .wav files first.21:13
linuxNoobdpkg -_-"""21:13
Gibbwakeis there a way to run scandisk for software errors on the drive due to forced shutdowns?21:13
jeffMASTERflex!enter | linuxNoob21:13
ubotulinuxNoob: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:13
DRebellionGibbwake: fsck21:13
DexterexGibbwake: use google please!!21:14
sophs87Gibbwake: if it's an ntfs partition then you'll need to boot into windows21:14
linuxNoobi got the available file from the live cd on my flash drive and i cant copy it to my var/lib/dpkg folder it says i dont have permission21:14
nemilarBrasero actually looks really nice21:14
DRebellionDexterex: there is no need to direct Gibbwake to google. that completely defeats the point of this interactive help.21:15
neverbluelinuxNoob, then change the permissions, man chown21:15
sophs87linuxNoob: sudo cp ?21:15
Jack_SparrowlinuxNoob: gksudo nautilus21:15
linuxNooberr how u change it21:15
_DraxIs it normal that ubuntu caches about 170MB of 256MB ram.. ??21:15
Dexterexyap but his questions are in google too there are a lot of people asking21:15
Jack_SparrowlinuxNoob: But please exit that asap as it is dangerous to keep using it all the time21:15
tass1412how to create an iso from a cd? easiest way to go? ^^21:15
_Draxand leaves about 10MB memfree..21:15
Jack_Sparrowtass1412: dd command21:15
linuxNoobwgats gksudo nautilus?21:15
tass1412Jack_Sparrow: that easy? ^^21:15
dan__I have the KDE devel package installed21:15
jeffMASTERflextass1412: gnomebaker,k3b and brasero all let you do that21:16
Decinogesoooo.. just for general checking21:16
Parsec300usr13, why not? I've read that if you install the additional packages, you can with K3B.21:16
Jack_Sparrowtass1412: I can give you the full command in a sec21:16
linuxNoobwhats is tha?21:16
linuxNoobi cant even install anything cuz it cant find the available file in dpkg21:16
Decinogedoes anyone in here is kinda or somewhat interested in independent game developing?21:16
Jason__Evening all21:16
=== Jason__ is now known as Jay1
Jack_Sparrowtass1412: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/YourUserName/Desktop/file.iso bs=4k21:16
tass1412Jack_Sparrow: bs doesn't matter?21:17
sybaritenis there any reason not to choose Ubuntu 8.04 when doing a new server install?21:17
Jack_Sparrowtass1412: bigger blocks make it faster21:17
Nxany amd64 users got mixx to run?21:17
sophs87LinuxN00b: ok heres what you've gotta do. Fire up a terminal, then type gksudo nautilus21:17
tass1412Jack_Sparrow: kay, thx21:17
neverbluelinuxNoob, man is a terminal command which give you information about a specific command, in this case: man chown21:17
sybariteni didnt know 8 was out, i was gonna install 7.10, but then i saw a DL link for 8.0421:17
DRebellionsybariten: 8.04 is pre-beta21:17
jeffMASTERflexsybariten: yes, it's alpha software. alpha can go boom any time21:17
Decinogeno one, fine21:17
neverblue!anyone | dan_21:17
ubotudan_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:17
nemilarsybariten: don't install 8.04... bad things will happen21:17
sybaritenDRebellion, jeffMASTERflex : oh, didnt know it was at such a young stage. thanks!21:17
nemilarsybariten: it's not even in beta yet21:17
sybaritennemilar: okay21:18
nemilar8.04 = 2008, month 4 is the release (scheduled for the 24th of March)21:18
linuxNoobgksudo nautlius work21:18
dan__where do I get the KDE build essentials package?21:18
linuxNoobthx yo21:18
NxI installed it from synaptic and add/remove21:18
Dexterex don't install 8.04... bad things will happen! jajaj21:18
NxI can (occacsionally) get as far as the first directory selection but then it crashes21:18
Dexterexapt-get dan__21:19
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:19
jeffMASTERflexdan__: first you install the regular "build-essential" package, then you install the necessary kde dev libraries needed for your program21:20
steveireHey. I'm not sure I can play avi files, and I can't find any on the net. Someone got a link to one?21:20
Parsec300usr13, libk3b2-mp3 is the package you need to install and libk3b with apt-get then you should be able to directly burn musicCD from MP321:20
sophs87Does anyone have a problem in matlab and compiz? everything is blank when i fire it up.21:20
dan__how do I find out which packages I need?21:20
jeffMASTERflexsophs87:  i think matlab is swing based. if it is, it will have issues with compiz21:21
neverbluedan_, you can always do a search21:21
usr13_dan__: What are you trying to do?21:21
sophs87drat :(21:21
neverbluesophs87, run it in a terminal, and see if you get any output telling you abour errors ?21:21
dan__I'm trying to install Kmuddy21:21
steveireHmmm, seems I didn't have ffmpeg. Thought I did.21:21
nemilarLinux programs have such great names21:21
jeffMASTERflexnemilar: sarcasm i hope...21:22
jack-desktopdoes anyone know bash and can help me?21:22
neverblue!anyone > Nx21:22
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Since you are trying to compile a KDE app, it would seem to make sense that you should ask for help in Kubuntu...(even though you want to run it under gnome)21:23
neverbluejack-desktop, there is a #bash channel21:23
nemilarjeffMASTERflex: haha21:23
StrangeCharmi'm having trouble hibernating a fujitsu laptop - when i click hibernate from the power menu, it just goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor, and i can't do anything. can i remedy this?21:23
jeffMASTERflexNx: i've used mixx before but never on amd64. 64 bit is useless unless you have 4GB of ram and over. i stick with 32 bit and mixx runs without issues21:23
dan__ok, thanks21:23
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm: IS that ati video?  I saw something about hibernate on those21:23
sophs87jack-desktop: what would you like help with?21:23
NxI'm really new, do I have to download the 32bit bins?21:24
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: no, i'm using an intel gpu with the intel modsetting driver21:24
neverblueNx, that depends, but usually yes21:24
xxxBooGerxxxwhat is the comand to format a second hard drive?21:24
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm: k, different issue..21:24
usr13_dan__: http://www.kmuddy.com/files/debian/kmuddy_0.8-1~getdeb1_i386.deb21:25
neverbluexxxBooGerxxx, gparted will assist with that, and more21:25
Nxwhats the path of minimum download?(56k)?21:25
KossilarI'm having trouble with my videocard. I've installed the NVIDIA drivers, but I have to reinstall them every time I restart my computer in order to be able to use my system.21:25
jeffMASTERflexjack-desktop: if you want to become a bash #1 stunna, i recommend checking this page out: http://linuxcommand.org/21:25
Jack_SparrowxxxBooGerxxx: YOu can use gparted or cli21:25
NxI just installed it synoptic21:25
b4l74z4ri understand that you are automatically root for 5 minutes after you have typed the password, doesn't that represent a security risk?21:25
=== riaal_ is now known as riaal
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: the issue's not the driver, or you think there's a different issue with this driver21:25
jack-desktopjeffMASTERflex, i don't want to learn bash, i want to understand what this script is doing, because i think it's wrong.21:25
xxxBooGerxxxneverblue gparted isn't working for me21:25
neverblueNx, please keep questions/posts to a single line21:25
DRebellionb4l74z4r: you are only root if you type sudo21:25
dan__it's actually the newer beta version of Kmuddy that I'm trying to install21:25
neverbluexxxBooGerxxx, errors?21:25
usr13_dan__: That may be older version... so disregard21:25
pepperjackKossilar: i think there may be something with linux-restricted-modules and nvidia module that does that i havent messed with it in a long time though so not sure if that is a bug you are seeing21:26
jeffMASTERflexjack-desktop: so you want other people to confirm that it's worng instead of confirming it yourself? what about teaching a man to fish?21:26
jack-desktopjeffMASTERflex, i don't fish.21:26
freyyrKossilar: are you root?21:26
jeffMASTERflexjack-desktop: well then you might not eat today21:26
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm: What I saw was specific for Ati21:27
xxxBooGerxxxneverblue somthing about label error21:27
jack-desktopjeffMASTERflex, i know many programming languages (vbs, vb6, java, c++, php), i could probably pick up on bash in a second or two but i'd rather just ask someone else21:27
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: thanks anyway21:27
neverbluexxxBooGerxxx, put it on pastebin please21:27
jeffMASTERflex!pastebin | jack-desktop21:27
ubotujack-desktop: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:27
neverblue!pastebin | xxxBooGerxxx21:27
ubotuxxxBooGerxxx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:27
RancidLMi have a laptop i wanna install ubuntu on the only thing is the cdrom is broken on it and it doesn't support USB boot.. is there a way to do a internet install with floppydisk boot or something?21:27
jeffMASTERflexjack-desktop: then go ahead and paste it, maybe someone might help21:27
jugheadwhich logfiles should I check to see why my fileserver keeps losing its connection?  There's no monitor and I hate having to do a hard reset every time it stops working21:28
arooni-mobilewhen i do <control> + r ... i expect it to search *all* commands ever entered on any terminal instance.  right now, it (1) only seems to search terminal history for the current terminal, and (2) has a limited search back history... how can i fix both of these issues?21:28
Jack_Sparrow!install > RancidLM21:28
void^arooni-mobile: use zsh21:28
arooni-mobilevoid^, whats that21:28
arooni-mobilevoid^, is that an alternative to bash?21:29
jeffMASTERflexarooni-mobile: yessir21:29
arooni-mobileoh noes21:29
arooni-mobilebut i like bash21:29
void^bash doesn't support searching the history of other instances afaik21:29
jeffMASTERflexarooni-mobile: it's almost exactly like bash but with a few more features among other things. you might like it21:29
usr13_jughead: You might just look at the network configuration for some sort of error or unorthox setting.21:29
xxxBooGerxxxneverblue it kind of hard for me right now I'm not at the machine21:29
arooni-mobilejeffMASTERflex, but i already have a .bashrc file; and know the basics of how that works21:30
JagatubaOkay I've searched the forums, but nothing seems to help. I've found threads discussing similar problems, but not exactly the same. My problem is when I insert my thumb drive into the usb port it won't mount. It used to but all of the sudden in the last week none of the drives I have will mount. They do contain data, and I can access them in Windows, so I know that there is nothing wrong with the drives themselves. I get an error perta21:30
usr13_jughead: Is it static or dhcp?  (If dhcp, change to static)21:30
dan__I have a Radeon 9250 video card, that works in windows, but doesn't work in Gutsy21:30
dan__has anyone tackled this problem before?21:30
jeffMASTERflexarooni-mobile: then don't use zsh and maybe someone can help you with your problem hopefully21:30
jugheadusr13, it's a static IP address that's outside the range of the DHCP addresses for the router21:31
usr13_dan__:  ATI cards are a bit of a problem for us.21:31
Jack_Sparrowdan__: fyi flgrx will NOT work with that card.. just in case you  installed that21:31
arooni-mobilejeffMASTERflex, do you use it?21:31
arooni-mobilewhat do you like bout it21:31
dan__I did install it. it didn't work.21:31
Jagatubahas anyone else had this problem?21:31
usr13_jughead: Good....21:31
Jack_Sparrowdan__: It is NOT supposet to work with that card...21:31
SykoATI is worthless in Linux T_T21:32
dan__any idea how to get it to work? >Jack_Sparrow21:32
jeffMASTERflexarooni-mobile: i don't use it. I don't need the features it provides.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_computer_shells21:32
kyleBAKEDhow can i check the exact name of the wifi driver i have installed? i need it for wpa_supplicant21:32
usr13_jughead:  How is it loosing connection?  Could it be a hardware problem?  Maybe the NIC?21:32
jugheadusr13, it will work (I can ssh, mount the remote shares, etc) for a little while then it stops working - everything is on but the connection is lost21:32
=== reconnect is now known as recon
Jack_Sparrowdan__: YOu must remove flgrx  and in most cases reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx21:33
DRebellionkyleBAKED: lsmod21:33
usr13_jughead: Is there an indicator light on the NIC, that is lit when connected?  And does it go out as well?21:33
Jack_Sparrowdan__: THe card works fine.. just NOT with fglrx21:33
nemilarjughead: are you having the problem that your ssh connection gets terminated after a certain period of time?  I didn't see your original question.21:33
usr13_jughead: What does ifconfig say when it is disconnected?21:33
Jack_Sparrowdan__: The ati docs are very specific about that.21:33
jugheadusr13, it stays green; if I unplug it it blinks yellow then goes back go green still no response21:33
DragonOSHi , I having problems with the gnome clock applets, I can't get to show 12 hour clock, even if I add my custom strftime, I know its a locale problem but how can I fix this21:33
JagatubaDoes anybody know why my usb drive will not mount?21:34
Sykobad partition?21:34
Jack_SparrowJagatuba: have you tried to mount them manually21:34
nemilarDragonOS: it's set to Clock Type: 12 Hour?21:34
jugheadusr13, I can't run the ifconfig command; there's no monitor hooked up to is21:34
DRebellionJagatuba: what is the error message?21:34
proprietarysucksjughead: ssh in and run it21:34
neverbluejughead, ssh in ?21:34
sophs87Jugatube have a look at the fdisk -l21:34
wyseurellow, I can't seem to mount my firewire HD, anybody has a clue21:34
Jagatubayeah they will but thats a big pain in the rear they used to mount automaticallly21:35
dan__how do I uninstall the fglrx? > Jack_sparrow21:35
jugheadthat's the issue I'm having projektdotnet / neverblue  -  after soe random amount of time I can't ssh in - no route to host is the error.21:35
wyseurI have to know where I can find my firewire disk21:35
sophs87Jugatuba: Then sort out ur fstab21:35
JagatubaI've searched the forums, but nothing seems to help. I've found threads discussing similar problems, but not exactly the same. My problem is when I insert my thumb drive into the usb port it won't mount. It used to but all of the sudden in the last week none of the drives I have will mount. They do contain data, and I can access them in Windows, so I know that there is nothing wrong with the drives themselves. I get an error pertaining21:35
Jack_Sparrowdan__: USe synaptic to completely remove fglrx and install the other21:35
usr13_jughead: How do you get it to re-connect?21:35
dan__fglrx isn't in the package manager21:36
usr13_jughead: Do you have Xserver running on that machine?21:36
jugheadusr13, I have to do a hard reset21:36
neverbluejughead, wired or wireless ?21:36
Spee_DerGood afternoon folks. Home early for a change....  Hope all are well....21:36
Nxnautilus randomly crashes on me, everything else works fine but from gnome the icons are gone and nautilus refuses to run21:36
jugheadusr13, yes - I also use NX to connect to remote desktop21:36
jeffMASTERflexdan__: yes, it is21:36
jugheadneverblue, it's a wired connection21:36
usr13_jughead: Get rid of the Xserver for one thing.21:37
mcquaiddoes any other desktop capture util besides recordmydesktop play nice with compiz?  the theora format is giving me issues with other programs21:37
Jagatubahow do I go about sorting out my fstab21:37
DamagePlanPLease can someone tell me the default font and style for a gnome desktop21:37
dan__I might have already uninstalled it21:37
usr13_jughead: ... because you sure don't need X21:37
Jagatubasorry noob here21:37
neverblueJagatuba, sorting out ?21:37
jeffMASTERflexdan__: it's xorg-driver-fglrx21:37
neverblue!enter | Jagatuba21:37
ubotuJagatuba: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:37
usr13_jughead: Is it a certain amount of time?21:37
Jack_Sparrowdan__: xorg-driver-fglrx21:38
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Sorry, Im laggin21:38
jugheadusr13, yesterday it was less than one hour; before that maybe 2-3 hours21:38
moonbonsoir tous le monde21:38
jeffMASTERflex!fr | moon21:38
ubotumoon: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:38
neverbluebonjour moon :)21:39
Jagatubasophs87 what do you mean: Then sort out ur fstab21:39
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: The heinlein server is going ok (if you're in the US)21:39
Cpudan80The other ones were misbehaving fore me21:39
usr13_jughead: Could it be some sort of sleep mode induced by the bios?21:39
dan__how do I direct my statements to someone like you're doing?21:39
nemilarDamagePlan: system - preferences - appearance... it's in there21:39
DRebellion!tab | dan__21:39
ubotudan__: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:39
barfenderI am getting 'no signal' from my monitor. This happens after 30min of activity in console mode and in xfce with fglrx loaded.21:39
moonbonjour neverblue21:40
Cpudan80dan__: include the persons name at the front, hit tab for most clients21:40
jugheadusr13, I don't think so - I have not messed with the BIOS and it was working just fine (on all the time) until about a week ago21:40
fiXXXerMetA test print page comes out fine, but printing from firefox messes up the margins...  Text runs off of the side of the page?  I have the correct drivers installed and this happens for two different printer models.21:40
jeffMASTERflexdan__: type the first couple of letters then press tab21:40
Cyrus25801I have installed internet explorer 6 on wine but when i run it all i get is a blank white block21:40
dan__I see21:40
DRebellionCyrus25801: this is not an ubuntu issue. go ask microsoft.21:40
neverbluetab == autocompletion21:40
Drewcan i interupt?21:40
usr13_jughead: Still think it's some sort of hardware issue, but first off, I would uninstall all un-necessary software.21:40
=== Drew is now known as BodOmLaW
barfenderI dont understand what could be causing the problem. This never occured when i was using feisty21:41
dan__Jack_Sparrow: Ok, flgrx is uninstalled21:41
palomerI'm trying to install mint21:41
palomerbut I can't seem to partition21:41
neverblue!enter | palomer21:41
ubotupalomer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:41
existoneDrew: just ask your question :)21:41
palomerok, I can't figure out how to partition21:42
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Search for libgl1-mesa-glx    and install it21:42
neverbluepalomer, using which tool ?21:42
Cyrus25801DRebellion: well since i am running wine it is a linux issue.and i wouldn't be running IE if i wasn't using a ip camera that needed active x21:42
palomererm, the mint installation program21:42
Jack_Sparrowpalomer: Sounds like a question for the Mint room...21:42
DRebellionCyrus25801: ip camera?21:42
BodOmLaWI wanna migrate to ubuntu from xp, and i want to dual boot with xp(just for gaming) in RAID-021:42
BodOmLaWis i doable?21:43
JagatubaI don't know if the output from dmesg|tail would help anybody to figure out the problem, but I can post it21:43
jeffMASTERflexpalomer: #linuxmint.com21:43
usr13_palomer: Are you doing a dual boot system?21:43
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  it's already installed, mark it for reinstallation?21:43
DRebellionjeffMASTERflex: i think just dmesg would be more useful21:43
ompaul!dualboot | BodOmLaW21:43
palomerI'm trying to dual boot21:43
ubotuBodOmLaW: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:43
Cyrus25801DRebellion: Internet protocol camera. a camera that you run on a network that you assign a ip address to21:43
Jack_Sparrowdan__: that couldnt hurt21:43
usr13_palomer: If not, just let the auto partitioning thing take over and do it for you.  Or take the suggestions it gives you.21:43
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Next I am going to ask you to post your xorg.conf to the pastebin...21:43
palomerahh, got it!21:44
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  ok.21:44
ircleuserI have enabled the restricted drivers for my ati radeon card. The colour depth isn't right, colours are all wrong. cany anyone help?21:44
=== ircleuser is now known as [nrx]
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  I'm a Ubuntu newb if you didn't notice.21:45
BodOmLaWhey Ubuntu has no problem with RAID0 right?21:45
Otacon22what can be an intelligent use of 20 old pc in a local network, all together?21:45
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Starting out by trying to compile a kde app in gnome is not the easiest path to take21:45
DRebellionBodOmLaW: i don't see any reason why linux wouldn't be able to handle RAID21:45
blizzkidis there anyone in here who is able to create a joomla component?21:45
DRebellionOtacon22: cluster computing21:45
Otacon22DRebellion, yes, but for what21:45
BodOmLaWand can you partition while you instal it?21:46
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  but if you live in the kiddy pool, you'll never learn how to swim21:46
DRebellionOtacon22: donate cpu cycles to some project that needs them21:46
Cyrus25801I have installed internet explorer 6 on wine but when i run it all i get is a blank white block.can someone pls help me21:46
BodOmLaWand can you partition while you instal it?21:46
Jack_Sparrowdan__: We are here to help... just dont want to see you drown before you can swin21:46
Jack_SparrowCyrus25801: We have said repeatedly that this is not the place to ask...21:47
Flare183!wine > Cyrus2580121:47
[nrx]can  you change the 'depth' within xorg.conf and just expect it to work?21:47
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  where is Xorg.conf located?21:47
Jack_Sparrowdan /etc/X11/21:47
Flare183dan__: /etc/X11/21:47
RoxanneEDMhi guys... google earth, my husband got it installed on my laptop, but now i want it on my desktop at home,... could someone help me please21:48
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Into the pastebin, and supply us with the link.. ok?21:48
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository21:48
Jack_SparrowRoxanneEDM: let me find my notes that will help make that easier for you.21:49
RoxanneEDMok jack21:49
Cyrus25801I have been to #WineHQ and no one bothers answering my questions.but thanx any way21:49
Nxnrx:usually X has to be restared21:49
DRebellionRoxanneEDM: if researching with the bot yourself, could you /msg instead. thanks.21:49
dan__Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54255/21:49
StrangeCharm_if hibernation isn't working what's an obvious candidate for the thing that might be broken to cause it?21:49
RoxanneEDMwhy, someone else might find the info useful21:49
DRebellionRoxanneEDM: this channel is just too busy21:50
Jack_SparrowRoxanneEDM: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54258/21:50
RoxanneEDMit is??? i see me and you talking21:50
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Checking now21:50
RoxanneEDMand Jack_Sparrow too21:50
RoxanneEDMJack_Sparrow:  thank you  ;)21:50
Jack_SparrowRoxanneEDM: And I am rather busy.. as you can see.21:51
Flare183get use to it21:51
RoxanneEDMi see that21:51
Gibbwakeok Im at the recovery prompt with root. I cant boot normally because of a printing port cupsd error. What can I type at the command prompt to nuke all printing services since I dont even have one?21:51
Jack_Sparrowdan__: I thought you said you had a radeon?21:51
JagatubaOk let's see if anyone can figure this out.21:52
dan__Jack_Sparrow:  I do. I have onboard graphics too. But I want to use the radeon card21:52
Jack_Sparrowdan__: HAve you disabled your onboard video in the bios/cmos?21:53
JagatubaMy usb drives used to mount automatically when I plugged them in. Now they don't. I just get an error21:53
infornographyI have gutsy installed on my laptop. Earlier I was connected it up to my monitor which has a much bigger screen (same resolution though). It worked fine, but now its disconnected, I cant have any resolution other than 640x480. It should be 1680x1050. Anybody know how to fix it?21:53
dan__Jack_Sparrow: I'm using the on-board graphics right now, because I get a black screen when I enable the card in bios21:53
ADemiG0Di just installed ubuntu 7.04 on a desktop, how do i upgrade it to 7.10?21:53
nemilarADemiG0D: run update-manager21:53
Flare183!upgrade | ADemiG0D21:53
ubotuADemiG0D: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:53
[nrx]can someone please help me sort out the colour/depth on my ati radeon card please?21:53
DRebellionJagatuba: it would help if you told us the error ;)21:54
=== Alan_ is now known as Alan
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Ok...  it might be easier to change the bios, have you sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to vesa mode then finish the changes...21:54
ADemiG0Dthanks, i'll check it out21:54
liniaalinfornography , you have to check the "screens & graphics screen"21:54
bugspray[nrx]: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:54
Jagatubasomething about a bad super block and missing codepage or helper21:54
linuxNoobyay i got wine running21:54
ADemiG0Dah hah, i cant believe i missed that, thanks again21:54
infornographyI have checked it. All options other than 640x480 are now gone21:54
linuxNoobi am god21:54
[nrx]bugspray, just the 'depth' line? it's currently at 2421:55
Jagatubado you need verbatim21:55
Flare183linuxNoob: no your not21:55
nickrudGibbwake: sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/S19cupsys /etc/rc2.d/K19cupsys to stop cups21:55
linuxNoobim using linux for the first time ever today21:55
Jack_Sparrowdan__: How about editing xorg... line 65 to vesa21:55
linuxNoobi feel accomplished :)21:55
Gibbwakenickrud: thanks. whatll that do?21:55
tass1412does that work?:21:55
tass1412# <target name><source device><key file><options>21:55
DRebellionlinuxNoob: good for you ;)21:55
Flare183!paste | tass1412 (get use to this)21:56
ubotutass1412 (get use to this): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:56
Jack_Sparrowdan__: How about editing xorg... line 78   to 16  for now21:56
bugspraylinuxNoob: if this is your first day using linux; then no problem exclaiming that you are God. that feeling is understandable21:56
nickrudGibbwake: it will stop the cups daemon from starting . Cups is so deeply engrained in gnome (ubuntu) that removing it is not practical21:56
nemilarJack_Sparrow: your xorg and his xorg lines don't necessarily coincide21:56
tass1412Flare183: and how about helping? (that text was flooding more than mine...)21:56
Jack_Sparrownemilar: I am looking at his in the pastebin..  :)21:56
[nrx]what's the standard colour depth? is it 64?21:56
nemilarJack_Sparrow: haha, my bad21:56
JagatubaDRebellion: do you need a verbatim quote of the error?21:57
bugspray[nrx]: try setting it to 2421:57
nemilar[nrx]: 2421:57
* nickrud laughs, anyone thinking Jack_Sparrow could make that mistake :)21:57
[nrx]bugspray, it's already at 2421:57
nemilar[nrx]: try 3221:57
Jack_Sparrownickrud: tag... Hi buddy21:57
[nrx]nemilar, okay. i'll give that a bash21:57
nickrudJack_Sparrow: hey there. Just stopping in on my coffee break21:57
heyjoe`gcc -o hello hello.c it tells me stdio.h is not found.... what am i doing wrong? is there a package i need to install ?21:57
[nrx]nemilar, just by editing xorg.conf?21:57
nemilarheyjoe`: need build-essential21:57
DRebellionJagatuba: of course21:57
Tiancaii'm trying to set scim as the default input method, but it just wont work... I already installed smart pinyin and chinese language support, then i run "im-switch -z fi_FI -s scim" but it won't change scim as the default. I've already rebooted a couple times.21:57
Tiancaican you help me?21:58
bugspraynemilar: that is not a valid color depth. 16 is the next that he should now try as a fallback if 24 is no-go21:58
nemilar[nrx]: what's the problem?21:58
Jagatubak hang on a sec21:58
Gibbwakenickrud: whats the difference between k19 and s19?21:58
nemilarbugspray: 32 is valid21:58
ruben-DRebellion: It works now, after reinstall - don't know how, did the exact same thing :)21:58
de4dsnakehey, can neone help me troublshooting grub? ive got error 2 on first reboot after freshinstalling from live cd?21:58
nemilarbugspray: 24 is preferred however21:58
lmnopwud up gangsta21:58
bugspray32 is only transparency layers over 2421:58
ahunter_wat up g21:58
[nrx]nemilar: everything was fine.. but graphics were slow, so i enabled restricted drivers. Now that it's enabled, colour depth is crap. it's currently set to 2421:58
nickrudGibbwake: if you take a look at  ls  /etc/rc2.d , you'll see a bunch of services, S** means start in this order , K** means stop in this order (or don't start at all)21:59
[nrx]nemilar, all skin tones have a blue hue21:59
DRebellionruben-: excellent21:59
sybaritenuhm, i installed ubuntu via that windows-installer-thingy21:59
bugspray[nrx]: is your driver set to vesa?21:59
sybaritenand... well... now i am booting for the first time21:59
ruben-DRebellion: as soon as i logged on it said "use sudo ... ", works perfect :) I like :p21:59
[nrx]bugspray, set to flgrx (or whatever it is, sorry)21:59
StrangeCharm_in the forums, i read that hibernation not working is a common problem in ubuntu. is that true?21:59
sybaritenbut it stopped at a thing...  "starting local scripts" or something ... i had to press Alt-F1, and got a new prompt21:59
Gibbwakenickrud: how long should the sudo mv take? its not really doing anything21:59
nickrudGibbwake: fyi , /etc/rcS.d is run first (and corresponds to recovery mode) then /etc/rc2.d21:59
bugspray[nrx]: has this fglrx install yet worked on this setup?22:00
sd32i just got a cross site scripting warning from the wikipedia  ubuntu article22:00
nickrudGibbwake: you got the command line back? It's done22:00
Jack_Sparrowahunter_: May I PM for a sec..22:00
josh__anyone know of a way to remove special characters from file names22:00
de4dsnakehey, can neone help me troublshooting grub? ive got error 2 on first reboot after freshinstalling from live cd? anyone please? I found that error 2 means drive not found. But live cd does see the drive and is able to mount it22:00
nickrudGibbwake: mv is move, or rename22:00
dan__Jack_Sparrow: line 78 says "screen"22:01
bugspray[nrx]: set driver to vesa, do a little more research THEN try redo of fglrx install22:01
[nrx]bugspray, not as yet no. I had it as vesa before and it was fine but graphics were very slow. I'm running MythTV you see. So I enabled restricted drivers, now video speed etc is fine, but the colours all wrong on MythTV22:01
Jack_Sparrowdan__: change default depth22:01
Alyxander[nrx]: what graphics card?22:02
bugspray[nrx]: colors, etc with fglrx were fine with other apps?22:02
andy_Hi I'm running 7.10. Last week for "no reason at all" gnome began taking a long time to start after the gdm sign in. Any idea where to start looking for the problem?22:02
Jagatubamount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sde1,    missing codepage or helper program, or other error22:02
[nrx]bugspray, not really. I can see the colour depth isn't quite right22:02
dan__Jack_Sparrow: ok, done22:02
edjudwnloaded kubuntu amd64 for an hp laptop and booted into it.  no recognition of the video driver - not surprising - it needs the linux driver from nvidia, which I havee on a cd.  i have a prompt, though.  how to start the install?  text install is OK with me.22:02
dan__Jack_Sparrow: restart and change bios?22:03
dan__Jack_Sparrow: k22:03
jimatde4dsnake: what s the content of menu.lst?22:03
Jack_Sparrowdan__: remember22:03
Jack_Sparrowdan__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:03
sybaritenwhat should i do if ubuntu doesnt wanna go beyond "running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local)" ???22:03
=== fate is now known as fate_
bugspray[nrx]: not seeing the color problem myself, i would suspect problem with driver installed. (it most likely doesn't 100% match your card)22:03
=== fate_ is now known as fate__
OldGregok. so I just somehow managed to lock myself out of my own system22:03
pepperjackOldGreg: always a classic22:04
[nrx]bugspray, it's sitting at gnome desktop just now and the colour is pretty much okay.22:04
pepperjackOldGreg: you can boot to single user shell and run passwd username22:04
theRealballchalkwho's using FireGL V3200?22:04
OldGregit's not that. it's permissions22:04
[nrx]bugspray, but if i fire up MythTV, I can see all the skin tones are off, everything has a blue hue to it22:04
Gibbnickrud: damn, still have that cupsd error on boot, its hanging up on it22:04
pepperjackOldGreg: what did you do?22:04
de4dsnakejimat: I wont b able to paste it, because its on another machine. However it doesnt even got the grub menu. the error occurs before.22:05
OldGregi was messing with the permissions on some of the files in my home directory, and now I can't get Gnome or KDE to run. it can't create the hidden files in my home dir22:05
Alyxander[nrx]: what graphics card?22:05
OldGregi can access the folders as root in recovery mode, so it's all there22:05
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
OldGregi just can't log in normall22:05
[nrx]Alyxander, ATI Radeon22:05
bugspray[nrx]: so, get info on your card verified, research all versions of ubuntu-specific-fglrx ATI drivers available. if no ubuntu-specific driver 100% compatible with specifically YOUR card, try ATI driver from ATI22:05
pepperjackOldGreg: so a sudo chown -R $USER:USER ~   <-- fixes?22:06
pepperjackOldGreg: er chown -R $USER:$USER22:06
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: Which number radeon22:06
Alyxandereither way you can use envy to install the latest driver and then use the control center to make adjustments. be careful though22:06
=== neil__ is now known as coldboot|home
OldGregPepperJack: I haven't tried that22:06
jimatde4dsnake: see if it you run: "grub", then "find /boot/grub/stage1" if it can find where grub is22:06
OldGregtwo minutes22:06
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: 9500 and lower can not use fglrx22:06
DRebellionJagatuba: i don't know22:07
=== Freakingme| is now known as Freakingme
jimatde4dsnake: if not found, you may need to reinstall grub22:07
DRebellionJagatuba: what format is the drive?22:07
nickrudGibb: a sec22:07
JagatubaFAT 1622:07
Alpha_Clusterhow do i get it so that under visual effects that custom will work? for some reason only extra and normal do things and by clicking custom it only does what is set in extra22:07
de4dsnakejimat: where should i look for grub. I  after mounting the hard drive i can see grub in the boot folder22:07
Jagatubait's weird because it used to automount22:08
barfenderI am getting 'no signal' from my monitor. This happens after 30min of activity in console mode and in xfce with fglrx loaded. What could be the problem and could HardyHeron/Aplha fix this?22:08
__IaN__HI! only 1 newbe question, how can i be root user???22:08
Jagatubaeven like a couple of weeks ago i used it22:08
pepperjack!root | __IaN__22:08
ubotu__IaN__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:08
OldGregPepperJack: tried it. says missing operand after :22:08
Jack_Sparrowbarfender: Dont look to hardy to fix a gutsy problem22:08
Jagatubathe only thing I've done since them is installed some updates to ubuntu22:09
coldboot|homeHow is Evolution these days? Does anyone use it with Exchange Server?22:09
Jack_Sparrow__IaN__: USe sudo or gksudo22:09
pepperjackOldGreg: so basically do this insteal sudo chown -R OldGreg:OldGreg ~  <-- where OldGreg is your username22:09
nickrudGibb: ls /etc/rc2.d , make sure  that S19cupsys does not exist, and K19cupsys does.22:09
__IaN__thanx very much22:09
OldGregpepperjack: just realized there was a tilde at the end of that22:09
quittthow do I change terminal fonts?22:09
pepperjack__IaN__: welcome to ubuntu22:09
Gibbnickrud: ok22:09
[nrx]Jack_Sparr, not sure... it's from HIS22:09
de4dsnakejimat: OK. i managed to paste after all http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/54261/22:09
jimatde4dsnake: run it from live CD terminal22:09
jimatfind /boot/grub/stage122:09
jimatif it says found on a partition, then you have it22:09
DRebellionquittt: right-click on it and select "edit current profile"22:09
quitttDRebellion, it is the console one, without X22:10
DRebellion!enter | jimat22:10
ubotujimat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:10
cox377does anyone know the command to empty trash can?22:10
de4dsnakejimat: yes it does22:10
DRebellioncox377: rm -r ~/.Trash22:10
[nrx]front of the box says 'X1550 PCI Express'22:10
dan__Jack_Sparrow: ok, that froze on the Ubuntu flash screen, but worked up till then22:10
dan__Jack_Sparrow: Splash, not flash22:11
VvWolverinevVhi, i've been having trouble with ubuntu randomly logging out while i'm working, i have no idea how to even start troubleshooting that22:11
Jack_Sparrowdan__: so are you in recovery mode ?22:11
Jagatubasome one earlier said it may be a problem with my fstab?22:11
Jack_Sparrowdan__: or did you turn on the onboard again.22:11
dan__Jack_Sparrow: No, I changed back to onboard in bios22:11
=== hoarycri1ple is now known as hoarycripple
freyyrVvWolverinevV: do you mean that the xserver restarts?22:12
[nrx]Alyxander: have you had this problem, too?22:12
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Did you try reconvery mode and the sudo dpkg....22:12
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: how do i know?22:12
heyjoe`i'm getting the following error when i type sudo apt-get install build-essential Failed to fetch http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.20/linux-libc-dev_2.6.20-16.32_i386.deb  404 Not Found22:12
heyjoe`how do i fix this?22:12
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: im a n00b22:12
dan__Jack_Sparrow: recovery mode with the PCI enabled?22:12
de4dsnakejimat: that find command gives me (hd0,0). Any more ideas?22:12
Alyxander[nrx]: yes22:12
Dmolecan anyone tell me what is happening with the escape sequences in this BASH command?:          export com=`echo "$com" | perl -pi -w -e 's/\\/\\\\/g;'`;22:12
freyyrVvWolverinevV: like, does the screen do dark, you wait a few minutes, and then it kicks you back to the login screen?22:12
Jack_Sparrowdan__: Yes, onboard off, recovery mode... and the command I gave22:13
[nrx]Alyxander - how did you resolve it?22:13
jribDmole: \\ is \22:13
barfenderJack_Sparrow maybe, but ive searched all over the net and haven't found any solution to why the monitor goes black..i mean fglrxinfo and glxgears | grep "direct" confirms that everything works.22:13
dan__Jack_Sparrow: sudo dpkg... is the command?22:13
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: the screen goes dark, i see a few lines of bash that go to quick to read and then i get the login again, yes22:13
Jack_Sparrowdan__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:13
jimatde4dsnake: try reinstall grub, in the grub shell: root(hd0,0), then setup(hd0), then exit22:14
edjuanyone?  i'd love to get this installed!22:14
NMaji1I currently get my IP by DHCP from my ISP.  How can I find out what this IP is remotely? Is there a way I can have a cron job run wget on whatsmyip.org and email it to myself or something?  I'm pulling at strings here, I really don't even know if what I want to do is feasible.22:14
Alyxanderi was using svideo and an nvidia card i installed the driver with envy. and then used the control center to adjust the video settings22:14
Dmolejrib: yah I want \ to be replaced with  \\ but i get this error :         Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.22:14
Jack_Sparrowdan__: select vesa mode and 1024 res and accept all other defaults22:14
=== NMaji1 is now known as NMajik
freyyrVvWolverinevV: does it happen while you're typing?  sometimes you can accidentally hit the shortcut to kill X22:14
dan__Jack_Sparrow: ok, going to do it now22:14
[nrx]Alyxander: MythTV control center?22:14
ziboralguien me puede ayudar con el amule22:14
Alyxanderati gives you with the catalyst control center. that you get when using envy22:14
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: which is?22:14
OldGregpepperjack:didn't fix22:14
de4dsnakejimat: i tried reinstalling already with no success22:14
bugsprayedju: what is it you are trying to do? sorry i haven't payed attention22:14
jribDmole: I don't know perl, but sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' should work22:14
[nrx]Alyxander, not sure what envy is, sorry :/22:14
OldGregsorry. smiley appeared out of nowhere22:14
edjudwnloaded kubuntu amd64 for an hp laptop and booted into it.  no recognition of the video driver - not surprising - it needs the linux driver from nvidia, which I havee on a cd.  i have a prompt, though.  how to start the install?  text install is OK with me.22:14
jimatde4dsnake: what it says?22:15
jrib!es | zibor22:15
ubotuzibor: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:15
freyyrVvWolverinevV: ctrl + alt + backspace22:15
Alyxander[nrx]: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html22:15
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: i don't think i've been typing, one time i was transferring some files to a secondary HDD, another time i was just using firefox22:15
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »22:15
Dmolejrib: VIM shows it as purple not the normal red for escape sequences22:15
de4dsnakejimat: the installtion was successfull, but at reboot it still gives error 222:15
quittthow do I change boot screen?22:15
[nrx]I have the restricted driver installed tho.. but can't find anywhere to configure the card! :(22:15
bugsprayedju: you are only stumped on how to install the nvidia driver?22:15
jimatde4dsnake: is it a RAID harddisk?22:16
freyyrVvWolverinevV: running any special window managers (beryl, compiz)?  That happened to me a couple times due to instability22:16
AlyxanderJack_Sparrow: envy works if your careful and also it gives you  a way to configure your cards22:16
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: compiz22:16
de4dsnakejimat: yes raid0, sorry if i havent mentioned before22:16
fiXXXerMetErm what is the bot command?22:16
jribDmole: hmm ok, maybe I'm wrong with sed (just tried).  Let me play22:16
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: how did you fix it?22:16
Alyxanderubuntu doesnt include that and its the easiest way to get them to work22:16
Jack_SparrowAlyxander: Envy is NOT something to be recommended in here...22:16
freyyrVvWolverinevV: I stopped using compiz.  My issue was the ATI driver was (at the time) not fully supported with compiz22:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evny - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:17
Alyxanderpeople complain that thye have had problems ive used it for both ati and nvidia and have been happy22:17
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »22:17
[nrx]s there an envy equivalent then?22:17
freyyrVvWolverinevV: you might try updating your drivers22:17
edjubugspray, that would work - though so would a text install, i don't neeed a gui now.  trieed various drivers with dpkg-reconfigure, but some of the configs stump me.22:17
freyyrVvWolverinevV: otherwise, i'm not sure.22:17
NMajikOn a similar note to my above question, can an email be sent from a CLI?22:17
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: are they not automatically updated through the repos?22:17
AlyxanderJack_Sparrow: why is that? its functional22:17
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: i may try disabling compiz if it happens again, thanks for the advice22:17
freyyrVvWolverinevV: not the official ones, if you're using them.22:18
freyyrVvWolverinevV: okay22:18
Jack_Sparrow[nrx]: sudo aticonfig22:18
coz_VvWolverinevV, you also may want to go to #compiz-fusion and talk with adamk about ati  solutions for your system22:18
bugsprayedju: one sec; i am googling the pertinant ubuntu specific nvidia tutorial. i did it once before myself; it went fine22:18
Jack_SparrowAlyxander: It causes other problems22:18
jimatde4dsnake: I never experience it, but I know a good link which may help: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63064422:18
VvWolverinevVfreyyr: i have a geforce card22:18
Alyxanderyes I know people screw up the xorg.conf at times but its normally contributed to no one helping them22:18
freyyrVvWolverinevV: hmm, I'm not sure then.  sorry.22:18
coz_VvWolverinevV, you are using nvidia?22:18
coz_VvWolverinevV, and which card specifically?22:19
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VvWolverinevVcoz_: yes, well at least nvidia hardware22:19
Jack_SparrowAlyxander: Way worse that that.. and a topic for...  offtopic22:19
WhoNeedszzzHey all, I've noticed that my "X" process is eating up my processor usage after a while of use. What is up with this? It never happened before22:19
VvWolverinevVcoz_: evga geforce 8600GT22:19
coz_VvWolverinevV, and which driver version is installed?22:19
Jack_SparrowVvWolverinevV: bugger of a card22:19
paule118evV, and which driver version is installed?22:19
paule118<Jack_Sparrow> VvWolverinevV: bugger of a card22:19
VvWolverinevVcoz_: unsure, i would have to check when i get home22:19
Alyxanderbut from experience it works and for what he needs to do is the best and easiest solution and its on topic, he has ubuntu and is trying to get mythtv to work and asked if there was a way to configure the colors on the card22:20
VvWolverinevVJack_Sparrow: how so?22:20
coz_VvWolverinevV,     glxinfo|grep OpenGL\ version22:20
sterlingHey guys22:20
VvWolverinevVcoz_: im on my macbook atm :P22:20
ircleuserall i wanna do is change the damn colour depth! :(22:20
coz_VvWolverinevV, oh you are not at the system  ok22:20
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paule118 and which driver version22:20
sterlingAnyone know anything that runs .lit files for Ubuntu?22:20
Alyxanderbut what ever [nrx] pm me if you need help22:20
edjubugspray, thanks, but i just got the gui - used the vesa driver.  i can install the nvidia one after kubuntu is all set.  thanks agin.22:20
sybaritenis there any way to see all, or at least parts of, the bootup messages, from an SSH machine?22:20
Jack_SparrowVvWolverinevV: If you look at the nvidia binary drivers page.. specifically excluded22:20
bugsprayedju: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26385122:20
WhoNeedszzzanyone ever have any problems with the "X" process?22:20
de4dsnakejimat: that link describes how to install a fake raid as secondary harddrives. Im actually trying to installl kubuntu on my raid hd22:20
sybariteni am asking because this machine i am typing from has a screen, but i'm thinking of moving it to another room... and i need to know if the startup is OK now or not22:21
VvWolverinevVJack_Sparrow: link?22:21
Jack_SparrowVvWolverinevV: If your card does not appear in this [WWW] list of cards known by Ubuntu 7.04 NVIDIA binary drivers (e.g. the 8600GT) then there is no Ubuntu 7.04 supported binary driver.22:21
bugsprayedju: i did find the compiz/beryl stuff VERY buggy and i regretted fooling with it22:21
de4dsnakejimat: also im unsure if i reallly have a software raid or hardware raid22:21
bugsprayJack_Sparrow: thanks22:22
jribDmole: hmm, no it's working fine with sed as I posted22:22
Jack_Sparrowbugspray: There may be a better soultion by now.. I just dont know it22:22
RazzoRzHey Folks!22:22
VvWolverinevVJack_Sparrow: wow who would know to check that before building a system?22:23
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WhoNeedszzzif anyone has had a "X" process high usage problem please pm me22:23
edjubugspray, good to know.  in order to do the install, gotta disconnect here.  bookmarked the url.  thanks.22:23
jimatde4dsnake: when you install windows, did you install a driver with a special CD first before installing windows?22:23
jribDmole: echo '\\\\' | perl -pi -w -e 's/\\/\\\\/g;'  works here too22:23
Flare183!language > dogshi122:23
Jack_SparrowVvWolverinevV: I expect a good solution soon...22:23
bugsprayedju; np, good luck22:23
Dmolejrib: yah i think it's the export ''; that is messing up the escape22:24
Jack_SparrowEveryone, play nice...  I need some lunch....22:24
de4dsnakejimat: i didnt install windows yet22:24
RazzoRzHaving a issue with Hang time while rebooting and shutting down... is there a way to find out what is delaying the shutdown or rebooting?22:24
VvWolverinevVJack_Sparrow: that would be nice, thanks for the link22:24
sb_hello, is this the right forum to ask a question about remote desktop protocol?22:24
Dmolejrib: the whole command was this:                  export com=`echo "$com" | perl -pi -w -e 's/\\/\\\\/g;'`;22:25
de4dsnakejimat: but previously when i had raid 2 i didnt need to do nething for windows installation. havent installed ubuntu on the system prev. tho22:25
jribde4dsnake: yeah, that's a pain.  You should try #bash22:25
dolphinver irc.omgirc.com22:25
Shadow6363i'm about to install ubuntu and was wondering if theres a quick way to tell what physical drives grub references22:25
sterlingAnyone know anything that runs .lit files for Ubuntu?22:25
sb_hello, is this the right forum to ask a question about remote desktop protocol?22:26
EricBlairduno, ima n00b22:26
RazzoRzJust ask SB22:26
bugsprayRazzoRz: i think serial console is the answer that beats all others for this22:26
jribDmole: yeah, that's a pain.  You should try #bash22:26
jribsb_: sure, if it's in ubuntu22:26
RazzoRzbugspray: do explain22:26
paule118ooooooooooo sssssssssssssuuuuuurreeeeeeeee22:27
de4dsnakejimat: i just was trying to follow the instructions on the link u sent me before, but i failed  on the very first step with apt-get dmraid22:27
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de4dsnakeit doesnt find it22:27
sb_thanks Razzor, i'm trying to connect to a terminal server in windows 2003 server, in WinXP I use a command line like this: mstsc /v: /console  .... is there a similar command in ubuntu?22:27
jribpaule118: please do not do that22:27
sterling.lit is the file type used in the Microsoft reader, anyone know a valid program that reads those files for Ubuntu?22:27
jimatde4dsnake: doesnt find raid harddisk?22:27
Dmolejrib: lol silly me. thanks.22:27
bugsprayRazzoRz: connect another box to trouble machine's serial port, tee kernel messages to it22:27
esaymwhat is a good program to burn avi files onto a dvd in dvd format?22:28
de4dsnakejimat: no, it finds the hard disk, but apt doesnt find the dmraid package. I also tried updating adept22:28
quittthow do I change console fonts?22:28
jribquittt: right click -> edit current profile22:28
danc3esaym: k3b22:28
dan__Jack_Sparrow: I got an error code.  error_code+0x72/0x8022:29
quitttjrib, CONSOLE, without X22:29
lollohi everyone22:29
sterling.lit is the file type used in the Microsoft reader, anyone know a valid program that reads those files for Ubuntu?22:29
dan__Jack_Sparrow: and it didn't load past that22:29
jimatde4dsnake: you missed the first instruction: 1 Administration > Software Sources. Check 'Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)'. When prompted to, reload the repositories.22:29
dimedohi there, is there some kind of compatibility layer for i386 applications in the amd64 releases?22:29
lollohere I can ask you all kind of problems that i may have with ubuntu ?22:29
coz_lollo, yep this is the place22:29
phroughylollo: thats the idea22:29
Shadow6363anyone know how grub maps the /dev/ drives?22:30
lollowell, i've created a backup file in the root, but i've discovered that i can't cut it !22:30
lolloi can only copy it ?22:30
lolloi've ubuntu 7.1022:31
esaymdanc3: k3b can burn avi's onto a dvd so that they can be played on any dvd player?22:31
bugsprayRazzoRz: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/serialconsole-setup.html <this kicks butt22:31
phroughylollo, that is because you do not have write permissions.  use sudo22:31
WhoNeedszzzHey guys, after idling I come back to my computer and I see the the "X" process is 99% +- 2% and so I am wondering what is causing this. It never happened before22:31
danc3esaym: I don't know.  You didn't specify that in  your question.22:31
Dmolejrib: good call they said: "\amethyst>Dmole: use $( ) instead"22:31
Boudhawhich plugin for firefox should I use for java?22:31
sb_thanks Razzor, i'm trying to connect to a terminal server in windows 2003 server, in WinXP I use a command line like this: mstsc /v: /console  .... is there a similar command in ubuntu?22:31
jribDmole: hmm, does that work?  I thought I tried that22:31
danc3Boudha: ummmm, the Java one?22:31
jribquittt: consolechars maybe?22:32
phroughyBoudha, supposedely sun-java6-plugin works, but it didnt work for me :S22:32
LockesRabbanyone have experience with Tilda?22:32
quitttjrib, yes22:32
lolloumh nobody can answer me ?22:32
danc3lollo: you were answered22:32
EricBlairskrol bak, lollo22:32
danc3lollo: use "sudo"22:33
lolloi've not seen it sorry22:33
LockesRabbanyone have experience in using Tilda?22:33
lollook, what's the command line for cutting files ?22:33
danc3lollo: generally, when you ask a question, you should then pay some attention, so you'll see the answers...22:33
Dmolejrib: this worked:             export com=$(echo "$com" | perl -pi -w -e 's/\\/\\\\/g;');22:33
phroughylollo, i assume that you want to move a file then?22:33
danc3lollo: mv22:33
lollosry i'm a little tired today :s22:33
lollothx everyone22:34
bardyris there a program to emulate laptop brightness bottons, because my brightness buttons are broken on this laptop and i dont know how to fix it22:34
dan__Is Jack_Sparrow idle?22:34
cox377how easy is it to bridge LAN connections to double network speeds?22:34
jaggyerr whenever i try to play an mp3 whit amarok it says no mp3 support, how to fix it ?22:34
xompAnyone know when this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/138305 will ever get fixed? Last comment on it was 01/11/08 with no activity... I'd really like to install Gutsy on my Optiplex 320 :(22:34
phroughylollo: you will probably have to use sudo if you made it with root.  so "sudo mv /the/file/you/want/to/move /where/you/want/to/put/it"22:34
WhoNeedszzzjaggy, google it22:34
foomonkeyI'd love to be able to run X programs remotely on our AIX servers from my Ubuntu desktop. what do I need to do this? I'd think I've got all I need pre-installed. No?22:35
WhoNeedszzzjaggy, google amarok mp3 support22:35
jribDmole: interesting, that works in bash, but not zsh22:35
omglolI go to an online school via K12.com and when I try to log-in, since it's flash, it just shows a blank white screen. I mean, YouTube and other flash sites work, so why doesn't this one?22:35
lollophr thx ;)22:35
omglolIt works on Windows XP by the way.22:35
sterling.lit is the file type used in the Microsoft reader, anyone know a valid program that reads those files for Ubuntu?22:35
jribomglol: are you using adobe's flash or gnash?22:35
EricBlairgoogle knos22:35
WhoNeedszzzhas no one ever had any problems with the "X" process?!?!?!22:36
bugsprayRazzoRz: also, when you're done falling in love with the serial console idea, consider http://www.digi.com/products/serialservers/index.jsp?utm_source=google_us&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=ppc_ethser&gclid=CMnAl7rEoZECFSQMIgodS0QDtg22:36
omglolAdobe Flash. ;)22:36
de4dsnakejimat: after doing dmraid -r it wont show ne devices listed as stripe, isntead they listed as group? what does group mean?22:36
RazzoRzLMAO   ty22:36
SlartWhoNeedszzz: X process? I'm not sure that one has bothered me before...22:36
WhoNeedszzzSlart, it goes to 99% after I idle22:36
bugspraysorry for lazy post of google redirect uri22:37
WhoNeedszzzit never did that before22:37
SlartWhoNeedszzz: you mean Xorg ?22:37
de4dsnakejimat: are u still there/22:37
phroughyWhoNeedszzz: occasionally i have the process xorg go crazy on me... (like twice ever)22:37
jimatde4dsnake: as I said I never experienced this situation, hope someone else can help you, good luck22:37
WhoNeedszzzSlart, no it is just "X"22:37
de4dsnakejimat: ok, thank you for link tho22:37
adelie43is there a way to load restricted drivers / firmware from the command line? the restricted drivers tool won't install the firmware. will download firmware,then does nothing, and manually specifying the file, ok button does nothing  :( help please22:37
Klosshi need a programm to transfer my mp3s from harddrive to my mp3 player and vice versa. my player is not being recognized in nautilus. had a little program therefore but dont know the name anymore. can you help?22:37
SlartWhoNeedszzz: I don't have a  process called X.. what would that be.. are you running vanilla ubuntu?22:38
SlartKloss: try amarok.. there are others too22:38
WhoNeedszzzSlart, i'm running Xubuntu22:38
SlartWhoNeedszzz: hang on.. I've got a xubuntu machine running.. let me check22:38
WhoNeedszzzSlart, ok22:38
Etteanyone know of a FTP client?22:38
SlartWhoNeedszzz: nope.. no process called X there either..22:39
phroughyette: filezilla is my favorite22:39
DRebellion!ftp | Ette22:39
ubotuEtte: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd22:39
WhoNeedszzzSlart, wtf22:39
SlartWhoNeedszzz: what version of xubuntu?22:39
WhoNeedszzzSlart, Gutsy22:39
jrib!who | omglol22:39
ubotuomglol: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:39
adelie43etta: firefox, or fireftp firefox plugin is really good extention22:39
SlartWhoNeedszzz: hmm.. could you do a "ps -A | grep -i x" and pastebin the result?22:39
WhoNeedszzzSlart, k22:39
RazzoRzsd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26785322:39
jribomglol: when you click on login does any flash content load at all?  i.e. do you see the progress bar for "loading" and the K12 logo?22:40
KlossSlart: thank you. and amarok is for transferring mp3s from hard drive to mp3 player and back?22:40
SlartKloss: i've used it to do that, yes22:40
WhoNeedszzzSlart, http://pastebin.ca/88678522:40
KlossSlart: thanks!22:40
SlartKloss: I don't know if it works with absolutely *all* mp3-players.. it did with mine though22:41
adelie43what package contains the restricted drivers manager?22:41
xompDoes anyone know if it's possible to install & run ubuntu Gutsy from a portable hard drive?22:41
jribadelie43: restricted-manager22:41
Slartxomp: if you can boot from it I'd say yes22:41
adelie43xomp: yes. even usb key  :)22:41
adelie43jrib thanks22:41
RazzoRzsb: if this helps let me know .... http://www.rdesktop.org/22:41
bugsprayxomp; sure it is. a boot manager may be the only issue22:41
KlossSlart: do you know a list with many of those programs. i would recognize my old one there!22:41
SlartWhoNeedszzz: no process called X there.. where did you see this process?22:42
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lollowell guys, i've used the command mv as u suggested but the backup file has been only copied :S22:42
WhoNeedszzzSlart, it is in the xfce-taskmanager22:42
SlartKloss: you could search in synaptic.. or use the Add/Remove menu22:42
xompbugspray, I have the ability to boot to a usb device in my PC, wasn't sure if it took an act of congress to install/boot Gutsy from it lol. Thanks22:42
dmanSlart: X is the graphical backbone of almost all linux22:42
WhoNeedszzzSlart, xfce4-taskmanager*22:42
lolloi'll remove it from the root using rm .. !22:42
SlartKloss: or run "apt-cache search mp3 player" and see what it comes up with22:42
xompalthough it does take an act of congress to get Gutsy to work on my Optiplex :/22:42
Slartdman: mm.. indeed.. but there is no process called X, is there?22:43
cyrus82hello, is the hardy alpha 4 iso out yet?22:43
phroughylollo, good job :P22:43
bugsprayxomp: i don't know about the act of congress. rather bipartisan these days... maybe you'll only need the stars to be aligned properly22:43
lollothe command mv copies or cuts the file ? ?22:43
WhoNeedszzzdman, I am having it read 99% after idling22:43
SlartWhoNeedszzz: hang on.. I'll check my xubuntu machine again22:43
lollothx LoL22:43
KlossSlart: thank you again! great supporter!22:43
xompbugspray, lol, aye :)22:43
phroughylollo, its supposed to move (cut)22:43
phroughycyrus, get #ubuntu+122:44
phroughycyrus, i mean try asking in #ubuntu+122:44
cyrus82i'll do this, thanks22:44
dmanSlart: there might be something along the lines of xserver, maybe? or xgl22:44
LockesRabbanyone have experience with tilda? or at least the ubuntu keyboard shortcuts?22:45
Slartdman: yes.. I guess the taskmanager might do some translation stuff.. seems odd though.. why not call processes by their real name22:45
WhoNeedszzzSlart, dman, I see "X" in xfce4-taskmanager22:45
WhoNeedszzzand it is giving me trouble22:45
xompI just wish someone would get working on a fix for the 2.6.22-14-generic kernel bug :/22:45
RazzoRzMy other silly question is!...  i have recorded my desktop and the program that records the desktop uses a ogg format!... now from what i am reading and being told that a Ogg format is a Sounds Format. and when i try to upload it to youtube it fails... anyone has a answer for me?22:45
xompRazzoRz, .ogg is a container22:46
dmanSlart: i don't know. My xubuntu install isn't functioning currently, so i can't check. regardless, it is the graphical server, unless it's something utterly unrelated...22:46
RazzoRzXomp: explain22:46
magnetronRazzoRz: you can use the avidemux program to convert it to something else22:46
xompRazzoRz, .ogg can support multiple subtitle, audio and video streams.22:46
LockesRabbanyone have experience with tilda? or at least the ubuntu keyboard shortcuts?22:46
RazzoRzxopm: thank you  Magnetron Ty...22:46
xompRazzoRz, I'm not sure if youtube supports .ogg files or not. But I do know .avi works :)22:47
dmanWhoNeedszzz: did you try to kill it?22:47
SlartWhoNeedszzz: I've got that process there too.. very strange22:47
WhoNeedszzzLockesRabb, tilda just brings up a cmd prompt22:47
magnetronRazzoRz: you can find avidemux in applications > add/remove22:47
WhoNeedszzzdman, it is a root process22:47
RazzoRzxomp: i know that it don't due to the fact that i have yet to upload anything..22:47
lollook, i've another question ... someone can tell me if these files: initrd.img.old ; vmlinuz vmlinuz.old    can be removed without damage the whole system ?22:47
RazzoRzmagnetron: Ty22:47
LockesRabbwhoneedszzz yes, but i want to know how to make the prompt go away when im done with it22:48
nagyvhi! how can I connect from my phone to my laptop via bluetooth? I would like to send a file over to the computer. I could connect already with MultiSync, but my phone can't find the laptop.22:48
WhoNeedszzzLockesRabb, whatever the key is to bring it up22:48
LockesRabbwhoneedszzz, whenever im done with it, i type exit, but then later when i want to use it again, i have to restart tilda22:48
K3nt21228i was hoping someone with C++ knowledge could help me out?22:48
RazzoRzmagnetron: it don't seem to be there22:48
dmanWhoNeedszzz: hmm22:48
=== K3nt21228 is now known as K3nto
SlartWhoNeedszzz: ah.. it's the xorg process.. I compared the process id's.. I have no idea why it translates it into X though... bad xfce.. bad bad xfce22:48
WhoNeedszzzdman, i have to go, will u be on in a couple hours?22:48
dmanlollo: those are essential22:48
lollohere UBUNTU question only .. !22:49
bugspraymagnetron: WHAT a NICK! reminds me of either transformers or pokemon, but still...very cool22:49
dmanWhoNeedszzz:  probably22:49
quittthey, do you know how?22:49
LockesRabbthanks whoneedszzz22:49
WhoNeedszzzdman, ok thanks22:49
quittthow do I change console(terminal, without X) font???22:49
magnetronbugspray: there are no transformer name magnetron22:49
LockesRabbwhoneedszzz question, how do i change tilda preferences?22:49
xerxes1358I have a question about wine + VBA. I hear different stories. Does Office 2003 WITH support for VBA work or not? I need to write VBA code.22:49
dmanWhoNeedszzz:  good luck. try a restart sometime, maybe?22:49
lollook so i mustn't remove them , thx dman .. are u sure ?22:49
quitttand how do I change my bootsplash screen?22:49
dmanlollo: yeah, they are involed with booting22:49
K3ntoim having a little trouble with some C++ code22:49
lollookz :D22:50
bugspraymagnetron: you should consider using a little more care in showing others your level of transformers knowledge22:50
LockesRabbwhoneedszzz i figured it out, just had to right click on it22:50
magnetronbugspray: ;) the transformer you are thinking of is named megatron. megatron != magnetron22:51
dmanlollo: the vmlinuz in root is actually a symlink to a file in /boot22:51
pablocpghow can i solve the problem with my sound?22:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:51
RazzoRzmagnatron: is there a cmd in term that i can get avidemux?22:51
pablocpgi have read that a lot of people have had the same proble due the alc86122:51
dmanADN69: hey22:51
bugspraymagnetron: okay. that seals it. you are a geek. or maybe a nerd. i don't know, but knowing that kind of stuff can get rocks thrown at you in some circles22:52
pablocpgbut i don't know how to solve it22:52
lolloi see these files in " / " , is it normal dman ?22:52
pablocpgsome body can help, is really bad be without sound22:52
ADN69I just installed Ubuntu 7.10, and i wanna know how can i install Beryl template...22:52
lollolol pab22:52
RazzoRzmagnetron: sorry for the misspelling ,,, is there a way to D/l it from Term  for avidemux22:52
pablocpgi can't hear even a beep system22:52
EricBlairi prefer 'nerd,' as in revenge of22:52
ADN69I have aquamarine-0.2.122:52
magnetronRazzoRz: use the synaptic program and search for "avidemux"22:52
dmanlollo: yeah, there should be a few. anything in there is not to be messed with. to be safe, only delete things in /home22:52
pablocpgplease help me22:52
lollook dman you've been very wise22:53
RazzoRzmagnetron: thats odd says its installed22:53
lollothx !!!22:53
dmanlollo: just a fellow ubuntu user =]22:53
kahrytanAnyone know how to force  Sound Juicer to use MP3 codec and ignoring preferences? Codec is installed22:54
RazzoRzmagnetron: got it .. thanks22:54
ADN69or just an simple mirc version...not this xchat..22:54
BlahHow do I go root in Ubuntu?22:54
dmanBlah: why?22:54
bugsprayBlah: try sudo su22:54
jrib!root > blah (read the private message from ubotu)22:55
jribbugspray: please do not recommend that22:55
Blahdman: I need to shut down my firewall (shorewall) and su does not work22:55
magnetronbugspray: i never thought of transformers when choosing this nick, i chose it because of the electromagnetic meaning. then all i here on IRC "OMG U R MEGATRON TRANSFORMER" so i eventually learned that some ppl (like you) associate it with transformers.22:55
dmanjrib: ditto. very dangerous...22:55
kahrytan!root | Blah22:55
ubotuBlah: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:55
bugsprayBlah: note su -m to run graphical apps, too22:56
jribBlah: how did you manage to install shorewall without knowing about root and sudo in ubuntu?22:56
DRebellionbugspray: Blah: actually, gksudo22:56
magnetronbugspray: i think YOU are the one with a too extensive Transformer and Pokémon knowledge22:56
Some_PersonCan we run Mac programs on ubunut?22:56
dmanBlah:  if you **really** need to log in as root,know the risks, and turn off your internet first. then search ubuntu forums for a tutorial.22:56
Jack_Sparrowjrib: I just sent off the latest upstreamdev log-modules to your email account.  PM me when you have looked them over.  Back later..22:56
kahrytanbugspray->  gksu ....22:56
jribJack_Sparrow: cool, I will22:56
lollowell the last question: i've 3 partitions, 1 for linux and the other 2 for data storage ... These 2 partitions have the mount point in /media (as default) ... well, if i format Ubuntu i don't format these partitions i hope ..22:56
dmanSome_Person:  not that i know of, but i suspect there is a workaround if you really need to.22:57
pablocpgsomebody know about sound bugs?22:57
bugspraymagnetron: okay... so you got me. damn! (/me peers about nervously) - that's not a bad thing, is it?22:57
dmanlollo: not unless you specify to. the filesystem isn't an actual folder layout. it's something completely different22:57
matthijsJOIN ubuntu_motu22:57
kahrytanAnyone know how to force  Sound Juicer to use MP3 codec and ignoring preferences? Codec is installed22:58
Blahjrib: I just installed it, no problem there. Now I need to shut it down for some tests, and "etc/init.d/shorewall stop" doesn't work.22:58
dmanlollo: just to be safe, tho, unplug them. it's worth the time for the peace of mind'22:58
quittthow do I change console's font and encoding?22:58
magnetronbugspray: not at all. /join #ubuntu-offtopic , i think you'll like it there22:58
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:58
jribBlah: k, read the link ubotu gave then22:58
Blahdman: Thanks, I will try that22:58
Gibbhow do I unmount so I can run fsck properly to do a diskcheck?22:58
jribquittt: did the command I suggested not work?22:59
DRebellionGibb: umount /dev/<drive>22:59
dmanBlah: np22:59
Blahjrib: Will do, thanks22:59
quitttjrib, I remember that there was a easy programme for that22:59
Some_Persondman: like?22:59
GibbDRebellion: how do I find the drive names that are mounted?22:59
dmanquittt: it's in ~/.bashrc look online for  a tut.22:59
DRebellionGibb: df22:59
dmanSome_Person:  i don't know any, but i **vaguely** remeber someone mentioning one. nothing else tho. sorry!23:00
quitttdman, I want to change the whole system23:00
GibbDRebellion: thx23:00
dmanquittt:  maybe /etc/bash.bashrc?23:01
iariHelp: Does anyone know where I can get info about setting a VPN connection to a checkpoint Firewall ?23:01
quitttdman, no no23:01
dmanquittt: definitely, yeah. but back it up before mods23:01
dmanquittt: no?23:02
lollook dman i must unplug them , where should i put these units ?23:02
quitttdman, it is all the fonts of the console, including boot etc23:02
josiahwhen is hardy's release date?23:02
quitttI remember that I saw something like that23:02
bardyriari, what VPN type?23:02
dmanquittt: i don't know then, sorry23:02
quitttyou choose your enconding, and fonts23:02
dmanlollo: put what?23:02
bardyrjoseaa, april23:02
StrangeCharmwhat's the command to list the disks available on my system?23:02
jribquittt: ok, how about 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup'?23:02
jribStrangeCharm: sudo fdisk -l23:03
dmanStrangeCharm:  df23:03
tchi, i have a weird font bug with my gnome terminal, how can i post a link to a picture to show here?23:03
lollothe 2 partitions that i have in the folder /media , i must move them or i've understood bad ?23:03
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:03
iaribardyr: What do you mean type ? Until now I used Checkpoint's SecureClient on my Windows.23:03
pablocpgplease helpme with the sound?23:03
SpookyETI'm having standby problems. I installed pm-utils. Did the grub menu.lst mkcpio. I cannot standbye from gnome. From the command line,it goes to sleep, but when it resumes, I get a blank screen.23:03
iaribardyr: I'm trying to connect to my office.23:04
iaribardyr: I use IKE Over TCP23:04
plectru1hello, how do i enable nm-applet etc. on my second screen?23:04
StrangeCharmthanks jrib23:04
quitttdone =]23:05
dmanlollo: the partitions should be okay, actyually. i thought you meant seperate disks. backup if you're going to reformat the ubuntu partition tho just in case23:05
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
pablocpgsomebody can help me with sound bugs?23:05
jrib!sound > pablocpg (read the private message from ubotu)23:05
pablocpgjrib, where is that?23:05
dmanplectru1:  can you just add another panel?23:06
iaribardyr: ?23:06
jaggyany console irc chats for ubuntu ?23:06
jaggyconsole= terminal *23:06
quitttjrib, that's it =]23:06
ompauljaggy,  irssi23:06
quitttjrib, do you know how do change boot splash screen?23:06
lollook dman, so if i format ubuntu i don't format the other partitions ( 1 of that is in another HD ) ... that was my question .. :S23:06
jribpablocpg: what client are you using?23:06
jrib!usplash > quittt (read the private message from ubotu)23:06
pablocpgjrib, ubuntu23:06
bardyriari, install network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc and a VNC option will appear in the network manager, im not sure if it will work but its worth the try23:06
jribjaggy: irssi, weechat, bitchx23:06
plectru1dman: i have a seperat panel on my second screen, but it is missing the notifiers like nm-applet23:07
jribpablocpg: what irc client to talk with me now?23:07
pablocpgjrib #ubuntu23:07
jrib!sound | pablocpg23:07
ubotupablocpg: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:07
iaribardyr: Thanks, I'll give it a try.. :)23:07
dmanplectru1: add the notification area23:09
plectru1dman: all the other applets are available and i do not find an option in gconf to activate nm-applet on the second screen23:10
dmanlollo: you have to do it manually, not guided when you reinstall tho. otherwise it will wipe them. you have to specifically format just the ubuntu partition and not the others.23:10
x-punkhow do I install google earth on 64 linux?23:11
x-punkfixes itself using the googleearthlinux.bin file?23:11
dmanplectru1:  you can't just add the network monitor applet?23:11
ubuntuwhat's up23:11
jrib!medibuntu | x-punk23:12
dmanubuntulog: not much. you?23:12
x-punkjrib: adding their repos?23:12
Zeehttp://bux.to/?r=ZeeYPeeWee <<<--- visit / register . click on the links / and earn a lot of money, you may earn more than 300 USD / month, i did earn more !!! register now23:12
jribx-punk: yeah, it's packaged in there23:12
jribnemilar: yes?23:12
nemilarZee is spamming23:12
nemilar(see directly above)23:13
plectru1dmon: i can add the network monitor applet, but i need the nm-applet and the pidgin notifier...23:13
jribnemilar: thanks23:13
nemilarthank you all powerful one23:13
CodenutI am running fiesty right now, is there a good reason to upgrade to gutsy23:13
plectru1 dman: i can add the network monitor applet, but i need the nm-applet and the pidgin notifier...23:13
nemilarjrib: just so I know, is the command ops or "op"23:13
jribnemilar: you did it correctly, though both may work.  ubotu is just sleeping...23:13
nemilaroh true23:14
nemilarbots gotta rest, too, ya know23:14
bardyrCodenut, nice desktop effects and newer drivers, better hardware support, etc23:14
dmanplectru1:  the notification area applet contains both of those. maybe it just won't replicate the icons twice? maybe it's a bug.23:14
CodenutThanks bardyr23:14
feierfoxi'm looking for a tool to find duplicatet-files and to auto-delete them23:14
CodenutI may do it.23:14
CodenutI have heard that fiesty is better for my ham radio BBS software23:15
SlartCodenut: I'd say that upgrading to gutsy was worth it... I think the restricted drivers is new and compiz is not bolted on.. some people have had problems, luckily I'm not one of them23:15
mkzis there a way to determine the web server servicing a web site?  I'd like to know if a host is running apache23:15
CodenutI am running an AMD processor.23:15
alesanwhat is a program to watch output from a dv camera?23:15
dmanCodenut: if there;s no really good reason, it's probably best to stick with what works =P23:15
JordiGHsynaptics touchpad works with .24 kernel.23:15
dmanCodenut: bad things do happen...23:15
nemilarmkz: www.techthrob.com/tech/nmapfe.php23:15
* ManarD- omg!!! terrorist planes strike NY again!! http://s2.gladiatus.ro/game/c.php?uid=5300023:15
Slartmkz: can't you check the server response? some developer tools for firefox?23:15
bardyrmkz, reqeust a page that does not exits23:15
bardyrmkz exists|23:15
CodenutYes, bad things happen everywhere.23:16
JordiGHStill no sound, but at least now applications seem to believe that a sound card exists (probably something muted in a non-obvious way).23:16
JordiGHCompiz working, sorta, kinda.23:16
jribmkz: netcraft is one way, telnet and some knowledge is probably another way23:16
dmansee you all later. dinnertme here23:16
dan__Jack_Sparrow: you here?23:16
EricBlairno bad things in heaven23:16
JordiGHThis is progress.23:16
CodenutI am new to linux (5 years) so I think I will wait until there is a have to rather than a why?23:16
plectru1dman: i do not need the notification area on my first screen, only on the second one. Is it not possible to change the screen id of the notification area to screen 2?23:16
DjViperCodenut: 5 years?23:17
SlartCodenut: try the LTS version coming out this spring, hardy...23:17
EricBlairnew @ 5 yrs. i c.23:17
mkzthanks. I've got the webdeveloper addon installed in ff and sure enough checking the response header tells me the server type (among other things).  Thanks23:17
Slartmkz: you're welcome23:17
bardyrCodenut, well gutsy was a really nice improvement over feisty, but if everything is working theres no need23:17
nemilarHardy isn't going to be out for a few months23:17
DjVipernemilar: 323:18
CodenutYep, started with Red hat 7.1 and have been confuzed ever since.23:18
DjViperCodenut: hehe23:18
* Slart gets confused by windows these days23:18
nemilarDjViper: just under, actually ;)23:18
DjVipernemilar: with downloadtimes at lauch... that dead on :P23:19
CodenutStill studying the zen of the file structure. There is stuff EVERYWHERE!!!!23:19
nemilarDjViper: scheduled release date is the 24th23:19
jribCodenut: FHS is your friend23:19
DjViperCodenut: yeah, unlike in windows where all the 'folders' are empty ;)23:19
CodenutAnd then the sticky bit..........................23:19
nemilar<3 the sticky bit23:20
DjViperCodenut: there are lots of 'cheatsheets' on the web about the dir-structure23:20
CodenutHow would I google?23:20
nemilarUnix Filesystem Structure ?23:20
DjViper_I_ for one would not mind seeing a change in the dir-structure tho... there is a lot of backwards stuff there23:20
EricBlairgoogles easy, imo23:21
CodenutThanks, I will google that thanks.23:21
CodenutI gotta go eat!!! Ta!23:21
andreyi installed ubuntu gusty on my HP dv6255, but the pen-drive is not working. someone can help me?23:22
lollodman thx a lot! good night everyone !23:24
drunkmuppetsOk, I am running xubuntu, with LAMP on VMWare, and I am trying to access my webserver. However I am behind a router, and an "ip address" gives me a 192.168 Is there any way to make this work?23:24
usr13_andrey: Have you done updates yet?23:24
phroughyjoin ##php23:24
usr13_drunkmuppets: yes, IP forwarding throu the router.23:25
drunkmuppetsAlright, I hope my dd-wrt micro has it.23:25
linchapulinTrying to get kde4 working..it installed, but complains when starting it is missing a binary?23:25
feierfoxgive me anyone a reason to change back to GNOME :/23:25
* Pelo is bored23:25
sullehow do i fund out what wifi card i have?23:25
usr13_sulle: lspci23:26
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
Pelosulle, check the comp's manual23:26
sullePelo: dont have it :P23:26
Pelosulle, , asl usr13_  said lspci or you can also check the comp's maker's website23:26
andreyusr13_ i must do it?23:26
Pelo!es | nemilar23:26
ubot3nemilar: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:26
usr13_andrey: Ues23:26
nemilarI'm a native english speaker23:26
Pelonemilar, sorry , just reflex23:27
andreyusr13_ ok, i ll try23:27
sybariten_2what is GNU Screen called in apt?23:27
sybariten_2i need to install it23:27
usr13_sybariten_2: GUN Screen?23:27
drunkmuppetsuser13_ | When you say ip forwarding you don't mean port forwarding correct?23:27
Juhazscreen, what else?23:27
sybariten_2usr13_: naaah, why would they call it GUN ??23:27
Pelosybariten_2, gnu screen ?23:27
bbcI want to install Kdevelop can I install on GNOME?23:28
Pelosybariten_2, what do you mean xserver ?23:28
andrey\nickserv help23:28
DjViperbbc: yes23:28
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: synaptic23:28
usr13_sybariten_2: Just another way of saying open source software.23:28
sybariten_2usr13_:, Pelo : i did apt-cache search screen  .... spit out a lot ... then i grepped for GNU and gnu .....23:28
bbcDjViper: how?23:28
linchapulinPelo is it true you have hair? ^^23:28
sybariten_2but i didnt see it23:28
DjViperbbc: apt-get install kdevelop23:28
Pelobbc, yes , do it trought synaptic, the appropirate qt libs will get installed as well23:28
Pelolinchapulin, all over23:28
SexyJames1337hi there everyone23:29
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: You mean the GUI for Apt I belive. There are two: Synaptic (gnome) and Adept (KDE)23:29
Shadow6363hi, im using gutsy and have a motherboard sata raid setup, how do i get it to work in ubuntu?23:29
Pelosybariten_2, , try using synaptic, you'll get a much more friendly listing23:29
bbcI did the same, but it needs some KDE library I think23:29
syntaxerror55!hi | SexyJames133723:29
ubot3Factoid libhal not found23:29
ubot3SexyJames1337: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:29
tchi, i have a weird font bug with gnome-terminal: Mono 9 displays nice in font selector but the letters are all squeezed when terminal updates;23:29
sybariten_2Pelo: headless machine23:29
sybariten_2syntaxerror55: huh?23:29
syntaxerror55tc: Wow23:30
mikegriffini am trying to resolve a dep for libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.2; i tried installing libxml2-utils libxml2-dev libxml2 with no luck on gutsy.. any advice?23:30
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: what do you mean by the GNU for Apt. :|23:30
Pelosybariten_2, , what does gne screen do anyway,  I'll try to find you tghe correct package name23:30
SexyJames1337my brother's Windows is corrupted... i was considering installing ubuntu so he can use that instead. but ive never used linux. :P do you think we'd be able to work it out after a bit of practice?23:30
syntaxerror55mikegriffin: what are you trying to install23:30
sybariten_2this is so odd, i was totally sure it was either 1) installed from the beginning, or 2) called 'GNU Screen' in apt23:30
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: Yes.23:30
SlartSexyJames1337: yes..23:30
nemilarSexyJames1337: takes some getting used to, but yeah23:30
usr13_front-end for apt is Synaptic Package Manager.23:30
sybariten_2syntaxerror55: huh... hmm i never wrote that... some misunderstanding somewhere perhaps23:30
=== andrey is now known as andbrug
SlartSexyJames1337: we won't be able to cure whatever made you chose that nickname though.. you're on your own there ;)23:31
SexyJames1337well ive made the cd ready, so i'll try it out tomorrow. i'll come back here if i need any help ;) is the installation fairly straight forward?23:31
mikegriffinsyntaxerror55: svn co of mysql workbench23:31
overcluckertc: what does mono 8 give you?23:31
SexyJames1337haha, the name is kinda a joke23:31
sybariten_2Pelo: uhm, its like a "windows manager" but for console ... you get something like...  like subshells23:31
tcsyntaxerror: it looks like it's linked to font resolution too... changing its value changes the font sizes which bug23:31
Pelotc, looks to me like the spacing is off,  try restarting the terminal  it migth get corrected or try a bigger font like 1023:31
mikegriffinsyntaxerror55: it appears i have resolved all other deps23:31
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: <sybariten_2> what is GNU Screen called in apt?23:31
EricBlairis it his brother's?23:31
SlartSexyJames1337: the only thing people tend to ask questions about is the partitioning23:31
SexyJames1337oh right23:31
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: I'd say to wipe Windows as it is corrupted23:32
Pelosybariten_2, screenie  a small and lightweight GNU screen(1) wrapper23:32
SexyJames1337well i can't dual boot cos I'm not able to reinstall xp, so i just select use whole drive? or is it more complex than that?23:32
Pelosybariten_2, is that it ?23:32
sybariten_2Pelo: shells that run in the background, or console instances...   you can run ICQ or IRC there for instance, then you can detach, from the shell....  and the IRC or ICQ client keeps running in that shell/screen23:32
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: and just have Ubuntu take the whole drive.23:32
SlartSexyJames1337: I'd say use one big partition the first time... if you want you can change it later23:32
SexyJames1337ok cool23:32
tcrestarting terminal doesnt fix23:32
sybariten_2Pelo: yep, thats a helper app, i found that one too... i've even used it in the past23:32
tc8 looks bad too23:32
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: Yeah, the Live CD will guide you through it. It's easier then an XP Install(TM)23:32
sybariten_2Pelo: (but as i said, itst just a helper app, for Screen...)23:32
Pelosybariten_2, ratpoison , keyboard-only window manager23:33
SexyJames1337we have xp recovery discs, but have lost them. if we want to reinstall in the future should they be able to overwrite over ubuntu easily? thats if he's bothered about going back to windows...23:33
sybariten_2syntaxerror55: that question meant "what is the correct package name for Screen"23:33
sybariten_2Pelo: close, but no cigar....23:33
SlartSexyJames1337: yes.. you can easily install something else over ubuntu.. it won't leave stains23:33
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: ahhh...misunderstanding, I thought you wanted a "GNU Screen" (GUI) for using Apt23:33
SexyJames1337nice. sorry, i play games and have a reasonably good pc but im not actually an expert at much tbh23:33
sybariten_2pelo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen23:34
sybariten_2syntaxerror55: ahhh... ok, no. "Screen" is just a name.23:34
Pelosybariten_2, that's all I can find in the repos that matches your request23:34
BodOmLaWdo you know if my logitech usb headset will work in ubuntu?23:34
SexyJames1337ok, thanks for your help, i'll try it out tomorrow.23:34
sybariten_2Pelo: yeah, me too. This is so odd. This is a very widespread and "standard" unix tool23:34
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: some games won't work without Wine or Cedega, and even then some may not work23:34
SexyJames1337yeh im not playing games on the ubuntu pc, that's just my brothers. i have my own with Vista :P23:35
ubot3screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen23:35
Gun_Smokewho wrote the bot line for root?23:35
BodOmLaWvista shouldnt be used for games either23:35
syntaxerror55sybariten_2: ah. I thought your english was just bad23:35
Slartsyntaxerror55: I'd say some games work with wine/cedega.. and even some of those work badly =)23:35
SexyJames1337lol im guessing Vista is a dirty word around here23:35
syntaxerror55!vista | SexyJames133723:35
Pelosybariten_2, I have screen  a monjtor multiplexer fowith terminal emulation via vt100/ansi23:35
ubot3SexyJames1337: vista is the new 'operating system' by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows23:35
SexyJames1337it doesnt work that badly for me at all :D23:35
SexyJames1337its just no better than xp23:35
SexyJames1337in any way23:35
Gun_SmokeI assume it was written for noobs right.. And not actually trying to be truthful?23:36
BodOmLaWxp is the best windows at the moment23:36
BodOmLaWstable for games23:36
sybariten_2Pelo: there it is23:36
BodOmLaWdeosnt was to much resourses23:36
SlartBodOmLaW: vista is just another os.. try to keep emotions out of it23:36
BodOmLaWi keep my emotions out23:36
Pelosybariten_2, it's installed by default,  alt-f2 to f7 to switch between terminals23:36
mikegriffinsyntaxerror55: http://pastebin.ca/88684723:36
sybariten_2syntaxerror55: heh... no dude...    aint nuthin bad with that there english of mine23:36
SexyJames1337ive heard of a lot of people having vista problems... i guess ive been lucky cos I haven't really had any23:36
BodOmLaWall it is is a gimiks23:37
BodOmLaWdo you know if my logitech usb headset will work in ubuntu?23:37
achilleshi, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 dvd once installed all i got was a base installation how do i install the rest of the software that comes with the dvd? thanks23:37
neverblueBodOmLaW, probably23:37
SlartSexyJames1337: after a week here you'll have heard lots of people having problems with ubuntu.. we do try to help them all though =)23:37
BodOmLaWkk thanks23:37
Peloachilles, menu > applications > add remove23:37
xGeekVista has been good to me. The service pack fixed a lot of bugs on my home system however I've seen a lot of strange problems on clients computers.23:37
achillesthanks pelo:)23:37
MasterShrekxGeek, vista sp1 is out now?23:37
SexyJames1337I haven't bothered dling the SP1 beta. think i'll wait23:38
MasterShrekoh beta23:38
neverblueachilles, the Ubuntu guide is great help, try googling 'ubuntu guide' it helps with package selection23:38
=== tumbleweed__ is now known as _b_
Slartubotu?.. sleeping on the job?23:38
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: Vista is like any other operating system, except it has bugs and viruses, and half the RAM is to monitor if you're pirating software or music. That's why we hate it.23:38
iariIs there a way to run a windows emulator under Ubuntu? if I want to connect to a Checkpoint? or run a windows' only software ...23:38
achilleshey isnt windows always beta? XD23:38
syntaxerror55Slart: Agh23:38
_b_ubotu is a bad person23:38
jlulian38How do you view information on your alsa configuration?23:38
SexyJames1337i see what you mean syntaxerror23:38
Slartiari: there's wine.. or virtualbox.. or qemu23:38
sybariten_2Pelo: well, it wasnt installed here, dont know why... its a fresh but lightweithgt ubuntu install... and i found the package and installed it, it was just called 'screen' so i dont know what i was thinking, sorry to bother23:38
Peloachilles, and btw that's not even close to what you can get from the repos, those aer just the universe and  main repos,   goto , menu < system< sotware sources,  check all the boxes on the firts tab and the backport box on the third tab , the reload23:39
sybariten_2pelo: it was easier when i grepped for "multiplex"23:39
neverblueiari, Wine will allow you to run Windows software in linux, try asking about it in #winehq23:39
iariSlart: Which one would you recommend   ?23:39
achillespelo thanks since i dont have an active connection i got the dvd instead of the cd:)23:39
soldatsSlart, apparently ubotu will be away for a while but ubot3 is here but probly a little slower23:39
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: seriously, try Ubuntu, and you'll fall in love to the point where you'll put it on your computer. :D23:39
Pelosybariten_2, no bother, your query got me to research wsometing I wasn't familiar with ,  I learned something23:39
Slartiari: depends on what you're going to use it for... what kind of software?23:39
iarineverblue: Thanks23:39
sybariten_2Pelo: (BTW, try it... there are small tutorials... once you learn it, and if you do some SSH work on occasion, its super duper practical)23:40
Slartsoldats: oh... so we got a temp =)23:40
iariSlart: Checkpoint VPN, some Trading platforms23:40
Peloachilles, well take note of this link then  it will get you more packages if you need them that you can dl and install from a usb drive and such,    www.getdeb.net23:40
neverbluesybariten_2, what is ?23:40
SexyJames1337i have used knoppix a little (the one you boot off cd) I used it to transfer all my bros files onto an external hd after his windows corrupted23:40
sybariten_2neverblue: google GNU screen23:40
Pelosybariten_2, I'm just a basic home user atm,  but i'll keep it in mind23:40
Shadow6363anyone know anything about using hardware raid in gutsy?23:40
sybariten_2Pelo: ok23:40
Slartiari: start with wine.. it's a lot easier on the hardware.. software runs faster.. virtualbox, qemu and the other emulate a full windows machine... which means it'll be a lot slower23:41
achillespelo wow awesome i will use this alot:)23:41
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: You can also boot Ubuntu from CD to try it. And, god, why did you choose that name?23:41
neverblue!raid | Shadow636323:41
ubotwoShadow6363: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO23:41
Shadow6363thank you neverblue23:41
syntaxerror55Where are the .deb files stored in 6.06?23:41
iariSlart: Thanks!23:41
Slartiari: you're welcome23:41
SexyJames1337:D I don't use it anymore, my new nickname is KKSlider1337, i was a big fan of animal crossing...23:41
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: try -133723:42
overcluckerachilles: if you have the install dvd in, some packages won't have to be downloaded from the repos, when you install them23:42
necroticI'm having trouble with my secondary video card. Xorg recognizes it and I can "use" it, but the screen is very very dark. I've done lots of searching around and haven't found anything about it. The card is an nVidia 6100 built into my motherboard, the primary is an FX 5500 (PCI).23:42
Pelosyntaxerror55, /var/cache or further down23:42
mikegriffinsyntaxerror55: /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?23:42
Pelosyntaxerror55, /var/cache/apt/archives23:42
achilleshave a good day guys:)23:42
SexyJames1337ah, its the leet bit that bothers you. I've got used to using it on nicknames, as if a nickname is taken when i register somewhere i just add it onto the end...23:43
syntaxerror55Pelo: mikael79_: Thanks. I forgot23:43
mikegriffinhttp://pastebin.ca/886847 guesses anyone?23:43
drunkmuppeti know this isn't an ubuntu question but. I just tried to forward my ip in my dd-wrt using DMZ and now I cant get back into my router. Any ideas23:43
neverbluenecrotic, its not the monitor ?23:43
Pelomikegriffin, how about a description of the problem23:43
neverbluedrunkmuppet, try in #networking23:43
drunkmuppetthanks :D23:44
necroticneverblue: nope. I can use it under windows fine.23:44
mikegriffinPelo: i can repost it23:44
Slart!ops | Guest61793:23:44
mikegriffini am trying to resolve a dep for libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.2; i tried installing libxml2-utils libxml2-dev libxml2 with no luck on gutsy.. any advice?23:44
ubotwoGuest61793:: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger for emergencies) Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow23:44
Slartoops.. sorry.. no emergency..23:44
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: it's really your choice, but I'd use different numbers.23:44
Pelomikegriffin, go in synaptic look for libxml or what ever,  and also install the related -dev package23:44
Slartbut he does need a boot somewhere =)23:44
mikegriffini did that23:44
neverbluenecrotic, so the cards are which type ?23:44
SexyJames1337what would you suggest? It's just become a habit now... the 1337 isn't serious, more of a joke23:45
necroticneverblue: Primary is an nvida FX 5500, secondary is a 6100 (onboard)23:45
Pelomikegriffin, go into synaptic and c heck what is installed, install everyting with libxml if you have to23:45
neverbluePelo, sorry, whats the command to config your video card again ? alsways slips my mind23:45
SexyJames1337oh and about using the cd just to try ubuntu syntax, how do i do that?23:45
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: 00, last two numbers of your birthyday, the line number where an annoying bug was on (mine)23:45
mikegriffinPelo: that is a really long list of packages, thanks anyway23:45
Peloneverblue, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:45
neverbluenecrotic, so both nvidia, have you tried to edit your xorg.conf manually ?23:45
neverbluePelo thanks23:45
necroticneverblue: yes23:46
neverbluenecrotic, also try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:46
Pelomikegriffin, stuff with libxml in the name , not the descrition23:46
necrotici even tried using just the primary, no luck23:46
neverbluenecrotic, using onboard as the primary?23:46
mdmkolbe|workI keep loosing sound when firefox crashes.  Is there a way to restart the sound system without rebooting the machine? (I've got apps running I'd rather not have to save/restart.) This is on ubunty 7.10.23:46
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: There's an option when you put it in and the computer boots it.23:46
necroticneverblue: not right now im not, but i did try that23:46
SexyJames1337ah, useful23:46
Pelonecrotic, run the reconfigure command again and  select the vesa driver,  that will at least get you back a gui23:46
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: when you get the CD, trust me, all this will become very clear23:46
mikegriffinPelo: $ apt-cache search libxml | awk '{print $1}' | grep libxml | wc -l = 10023:46
neverbluenecrotic, maybe you xorg.conf isnt setup at the corect refresh rate, etc... maybe the reconfig will help23:47
Pelomikegriffin, do you have a gui ?  use synaptic to search for libxml23:47
SexyJames1337ok cool. also, seeing as I am a noob to irc as well, how do you reply to a person like you are replying to me? is there an easier way than typing it out?23:47
soldatssudo /etc/init.d/alsamixer restart23:47
necroticPelo: I have a gui on my primary screen. Using it right now without problems.23:47
xzedndoes anyone else have monitor problems with gutsy?23:47
soldatsSexyJames1337, type part of the name then press tab23:47
syntaxerror55soldats: in the command line23:47
mikegriffinPelo: how is that different than what i just posted?23:48
dougemdhello, I just switched over to Ubuntu. I'm having a problem with the eye candy in compiz...I guess its under appearances in the provided GUI. I have the latest ATI proprietary drivers installed and I have my xorg.conf set to a 1 for composite. I also have AIGLX set to "off"23:48
hell_hi all23:48
soldatssyntaxerror55, huh23:48
SexyJames1337syntaxerror55: thanks. useful to know :)23:48
Pelomikegriffin, sudo apt-get install libxml++2.6-dev libxml2-dev23:48
dmandougemd: and you're problem is...23:48
dougemdcompiz said it couldn't find the driver still though23:48
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: :D you figured it out23:48
Pelomikegriffin, easier to make sense of23:48
hell_how can i start the gnome-terminal every time full screen in gnome?23:48
dougemdwell appearance said that23:48
mikegriffinPelo: those are c++ binding i though23:48
mikegriffinbut i will try23:49
syntaxerror55dougemd: #compiz-fusion23:49
dougemdsyntaxerro: thanks23:49
Pelomikegriffin, there is also a libxmltok1-dev23:49
drunkmuppetneverblue | any other networking channels?23:49
[0x90]hello there. anyone here installed icedata500 usb modem on ubuntu 7.10?23:49
neverbluedrunkmuppet, if you be patient, im sure they will get to you23:50
Pelomikegriffin, I'm just feeding you package names  that might fit the requirements for dependencies23:50
mikegriffinPelo: tok was it, thanks23:50
* Pelo does a little dance 23:50
mikegriffinPelo: i was unaware of said tokenizer23:50
soldatsmdmkolbe|work, try /etc/init.d/alsamixer restart23:50
soldatsmdmkolbe|work, err with sudo in fron tof ot23:51
iariSlart: Do you have a min. to instruct me how to install new software under wine ?23:52
dimas_anybody know what could be wrong in wine if no software start? maybe something basic?23:52
mdmkolbe|worksoldats: I have no /etc/init.d/alsamixer.  Did you mean /usr/bin/alsamixer or /etc/init.d/alsa-utils?23:52
SexyJames1337syntaxerror55: Well, goodnight and thanks for your help. I may be back tomorrow23:52
dougemddoes anyone have an ATI radeon 9600 running compiz correctly?23:52
Jangarihow can i mount an ssh server to a point in my file tree?23:53
Peloiari, just run the installer with wine23:53
soldatsmdmkolbe|work, hmm it might be alsa-utils23:53
wyseuranybody has an idea how to solve this : ohci1394: fw-host0: SelfID received, but NodeID invalid23:53
bruenigalsa-utils just saves and restores alsa levels23:53
dimas_whats up pelo23:53
bruenigit is a faux daemon23:53
soldierboyHello all, I just installed KDE4 and when I try to logon I get the following: 'startkde: Could not start D-Bus. Check your installation.'23:53
wyseurI think its the cause of problem, I can't mount a firewire HD23:53
Pelogood evening dimas_  my blood pressure23:53
bruenigalsa itself is a kernel thing23:53
jribJangari: sshfs23:54
Pelosoldierboy, try asking in #kde23:54
syntaxerror55SexyJames1337: ok, bye.23:54
=== chryss__ is now known as chryss
dimas_jejeje are you getting old pelo?23:54
Pelodimas_, everyday23:54
Pelosoldierboy, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:54
soldatsbruenig, well i totally forgot the command to restart alsa via cli. i remember something like that to tell mdmkolbe|work to fix his problem23:54
soldierboypelo: i did, no responses there23:54
Pelosoldierboy, #kubuntu may also be an option but remember that not all channels are as well attended as this one, patience is required23:55
Pelosoldierboy, also try googling the error msg23:55
bruenigrestarting alsa would include modprobing stuff I would have to think23:55
=== _littlepinkdot is now known as littlepinkdot
soldierboyPelo: thanks, I'll try kubuntu23:55
Jangarijust saw that, jrib, checkin' it out now23:55
dimas_does anyone know if perhaps something basic i am doing wrong if i can install the softwares properly but they dont start after whores?23:56
jribdimas_: ummm... what?23:56
Pelodimas_, what software ?23:56
dimas_jrib  talking about wine23:56
jribdimas_: "whores"?23:56
Pelodimas_, what command line are you using to start it ?23:56
Pelojrib, wait until you are older23:57
drunkmuppetsOk is there any other networking channels. ##networking is dead and im in a jam.23:57
Pelodrunkmuppets,  what is the issue ?23:57
dimas_there is a shortcut from application and the shortcut from the desktop23:58
drunkmuppetsI tried to set DMZ in my dd-wrt linksys, and now I can't get back to
Pelodimas_, check the shortcut properties and paste the command line here23:58
drunkmuppetsinternet still works, router is functional. Just can't get to cp23:58
kahrytan What is with the Flash9 Deb file?23:59
jrib!flash > kahrytan (read the private message from ubotu)23:59
nemilarflash is soooo broken it's not even funny23:59
bbcis there any way to install Kdevelop on GNOME?23:59
LjLbbc: sure, sudo apt-get install kdevelop.23:59
kahrytanjrib->  the deb in rpeo is broken23:59
bruenig!info kdevelop23:59
dimas_pelo:env WINEPREFIX="/home/dimas/.wine" wine "C:\ARCH~KTD\Jhoos\UNWISE.EXE" /W2 "C:\Archivos de programa\Jhoos\INSTALL.LOG"23:59
nemilarbbc: yeah, you can install kde apps in gnome, they work fine23:59

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