[00:01] superm1: so I think my time today is pretty much booked; I would suggest trying to grab an archive admin over the weekend (maybe me again) [00:01] slangasek, i wasn't too sure about anyone sticking around for the weekend so i was going to try to ask before end of work day. thanks, i'll keep my eyes peeled [00:04] stgraber: is there a reasonable way to locate test results for previous isos? [00:05] slangasek: no, archives are still broken :( [00:05] stgraber: I don't see any tests for the current xubuntu or ubuntustudio yet; if there were some for the previous iteration, we could probably run with it [00:05] hmm, ok [00:05] I don't think those were tested (at least ubuntustudio, not sure for Xubuntu) [00:06] the order of testing for the day was like : Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, UbuntuStudio (Kubuntu had a lot of testing yesterday) [00:07] TheMuso, joejaxx, persia, _MMA_: around? anyone able to test ubuntustudio images so we can bless the alpha? [00:07] <_MMA_> Sure. [00:07] slangasek: I tried some keyword on LP and wasn't able to find a bug number for the icon thing on the livecd (or I'm just bad at searching on LP) [00:07] <_MMA_> What image? link? [00:08] * persia hunts qa.ubuntu.com [00:08] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/20080201/ [00:08] that one, yes :) [00:08] * _MMA_ downloads. [00:08] _MMA_: Which arch are you taking? [00:09] doesn't ubuntu i368 desktop need testing too? [00:09] <_MMA_> persia: i386 [00:09] Riddell: doing it [00:09] well, it's actually installed, just need to reboot and test the desktop [00:10] <_MMA_> persia: AMD64 would be hard to do this very second. Would require more time. [00:10] _MMA_: I'm grabbing it now. [00:10] <_MMA_> persia: AMD64? [00:11] _MMA_: Yes. [00:11] <_MMA_> Cool. [00:11] (needs another 4 minutes to finish the download) [00:11] Who are the Xubuntu guys ? It would be good to have Xubuntu tested too [00:11] <_MMA_> somerville32: ping ^^^ [00:14] slangasek: Do you want to file the device shown on desktop bug or can I ? the next question being against what ? nautilus ? [00:15] stgraber: please go ahead; yes, nautilus seems a good starting point [00:19] somerville32, stgraber: I'm trying to grab the xubuntu amd64 desktop for a test, but it'll be a while on the download [00:19] ok [00:22] slangasek: bug 188229 [00:22] Launchpad bug 188229 in nautilus "[Hardy] rofs and cdrom icons shown on LiveCD desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188229 [00:30] * stgraber takes Ubuntu Desktop i386 - OEM as last test for the day (01:30 here) [00:31] thanks for your perseverance :) [00:45] <_MMA_> slangasek: It will be about 60 mins or so 'till I can bless the disk as our full install is pretty big. [00:46] * joejaxx goes to install [00:46] _MMA_: understood [00:50] what package makes the folders Documents & stuff in $HOME? [00:52] selckin: i think that is related to xdg-user-dirs [00:52] the packages anyway [00:52] <_MMA_> It is. [00:52] package* [00:53] slangasek: OEM install seems broken [00:53] thanks [00:53] slangasek: after reboot I have no oem-config installed [00:53] stgraber: hmm, ok. also not a blocker [00:54] somerville32: mm, booting xubuntu amd64 desktop gives me a blank desktop screen, please advise [00:55] slangasek: it didn't ask for a password although I have set one and just auto-logged in [00:55] * joejaxx pokes wget to move more bytes faster [00:56] slangasek: what package is the best for OEM install bugs ? oem-config, ubiquity ? [00:56] slangasek: as oem-config isn't installed I would bet on ubiquity but I'm not sure of how that stuff works :) [00:56] stgraber: I guess assigning it to either is fine [00:58] evand: ^^ [00:59] oem-config [01:09] Can anyone do an auto-resize test ? According to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases we don't have any single result for it [01:10] <_MMA_> stgraber: I can help tomorrow. Though, that might be too late. :( [01:28] <_MMA_> slangasek: Im still here. @ 65% now. If this installs just push both Ubuntu Studio disks. I should know in 25 mins. [01:28] ok [01:30] superm1: can you advise on the fact that xubuntu desktop ISO gives me a blank screen on amd64? I'm inclined to push the alpha out with just alternates for xubuntu, if that's alright with you [01:31] (and if the alternates work better, which I'm still in the process of downloading to verify) [01:31] slangasek, i dont have an amd64 unfortunately [01:31] so i wouldn't be able to test [01:31] ok. has xubuntu desktop been tested on i386? [01:31] i was assuming somerville32 was doing the testing on it (i've been away from the project for some time) [01:32] mm, ok [01:43] oh, sigh [01:44] superm1, somerville32: libxine1-ffmpeg: Depends: libavcodec1d (>= 0ecvs20070307) but it is not installable [01:44] slangasek, on what source package was this? [01:44] <_MMA_> slangasek: Is tomorrow (east-cost of the states here) too late for your testing? I can easily do any i386 testing. [01:44] somerville32: sorry, we can try to roll out a xubuntu alpha after the weekend if you guys can get this fixed [01:45] superm1: not a source package, that's the xubuntu alternate install [01:45] slangasek, so a broken seed then? [01:45] _MMA_: yes, I want to pull the trigger on this when your 25 minute counter is up :) [01:45] superm1: well, libxine1-ffmpeg appears to be uninstallable, perhaps it needs a rebuild or something [01:46] <_MMA_> slangasek: On Ubuntu Studio sure. Im talking about other testing. [01:46] <_MMA_> Other disks. [01:46] <_MMA_> (97% cleaning up) [01:47] slangasek, well that's odd since it's installable locally [01:47] _MMA_: oh, well, additional testing and feedback is welcome of course [01:47] _MMA_: but at that point it will no longer factor into the decision to release :) [01:47] <_MMA_> slangasek: I see. [01:48] <_MMA_> Ill hop on -testing tomorrow. [01:50] Hmm, none of pitti's syncs of about 12 hours ago seem to have worked. [01:50] Fujitsu: they're still held up because of the alpha [01:51] Hardy doesn't look frozen... [01:53] <_MMA_> slangasek: Push the Ubuntu Studio disks. Thanx for the work. [01:53] Fujitsu: apparently everything is built. taht doesn't look right [01:54] Fujitsu: the name of one of the syncs? [01:54] Bug #187737, bug #187311.. [01:54] Launchpad bug 187737 in ghemical "Please sync ghemical 2.95-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187737 [01:54] Launchpad bug 187311 in pari "Please sync pari 2.3.3-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187311 [01:54] _MMA_: pushing, cheers [01:55] Hobbsee, Fujitsu: the bugs have been closed, the syncs haven't been flushed yet [01:55] looks worrying [01:55] slangasek: where are they? [01:55] Aha, I wondered if there was some extra thing that had to be done at the end. [01:56] Hobbsee: they're in the sync queue, they were held back on account of the alpha still being in progress. I'll flush them this evening. [02:09] cjwatson: oooh, that vim + launchpad bug thing is sharp/nice/fancy/ :D [02:13] superm1: here's the problem in the build log: [02:13] ? Package libavcodec1d blacklisted in ship but seeded in desktop (libxine1-ffmpe [02:13] g) [02:21] slangasek, her that's interesting. === slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open for development | Hardy Alpha 4 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs [02:51] who do I talk to if a component of linux-ubuntu-modules needs to be synced with upstream ? [02:52] ie a really awesome super duper patch was introduced in upstream and it would be very good if it could be let in for Hardy [02:52] zoke: Sounds like you'd want #ubuntu-kernel [02:52] thanks ScottK === asac_ is now known as asac [04:11] slomo__: SOrry I haven't been around. Been out most of the day. [04:11] ugh [04:11] slangasek: ^^ [04:55] mjg59: poke. When you wake up, please look at bug 188261. Hopefully my night of frustration will save someone else some time. [04:55] Launchpad bug 188261 in pm-utils "[debdiff] pm-utils modunload nonfunctional" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188261 [07:38] Good morning [07:53] Chipzz: Why? === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [08:27] now I've finally the page of ubuntu free penguin edition: http://www.freepenguin.it/ubuntufp-download-en.html [08:43] TheMuso: you're allowed... :) [08:44] slangasek: I know, but I still have a vested interest in the UbuntuStudio project. [08:45] TheMuso: right, well we seem to have managed to get the testing done that was needed [08:45] and it's not your fault that the testing window was so short because of the need to reroll all images :/ [08:49] slangasek: heh right. I tested an image of ours yesterday, from Thursday, and it seemed to be alright, appart from a few little things that need to be worked on, which are not sstudio specific anyway. [08:52] yeah, the re-roll was primarily for the global "eat my old OS" bug in partman-target [08:52] anyway, I'm off for the night now === hunger_t is now known as hunger [09:21] anyone with power on www.ubuntu.com ? [09:21] The OEM install functionality does not work in this alpha. Investigation of this issue is ongoing. https://bugs.launchpad.net/188240 [09:21] the link should be /bugs/188240 [10:07] soren: because it's not strictly needed for the correct functioning of your package, ie if you use bridged networking? [10:13] doko, bug 103929 was assigned to you a long time ago. have you put any more thought towards it? [10:13] Launchpad bug 103929 in bash "Bash prompt string looks for xterm-color, gnome terminal identifies as xterm" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103929 === Lamego is now known as getdeb === RzR is now known as rZr [12:31] if I (as a DD) want to start taking a more active role in getting my packages into ubuntu (rather than just waiting for the sync from sid) how is it best to go about it? [12:32] (just prompting the migration is probably sufficient) [12:37] mjj29: what are your packages ? [12:38] jeromeg: an assortment. javatools (source) being the current one [12:38] although I don't want to push than until the revised version I just uploaded hits [12:38] s/than/that/ [12:38] ok [12:38] everything's in universe atm [12:38] if it can be synced and you don't want to wait for the automatic sync [12:39] you can fill a sync request [12:39] (although that one might be a candidate for main) [12:39] ok [12:39] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess [12:39] erm... since we're past debian import freeze, no packages gets synced automatically any longer for hardy [12:40] sistpoty: yep, but I thought that by saying "waiting for a sync" he meant the automatic syncs [12:40] ah, yeah [12:41] mjj29: btw.: would be good to add to the sync request, that you maintain it in debian ;) [12:42] sistpoty: "archive: open for development" doesn't mean what I think it does then? [12:43] mjj29: well, currently hardy is still in no freeze, apart from that no automatic syncs are getting processed any longer [12:43] right, but manual syncs are still ok? [12:43] sure [12:43] btw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [12:44] mjj29: as sistpoty says; syncs can be done without restrictions, but upon manual requests, so that we avoid syncing large library transitions without notice, etc. [12:44] sure [12:44] so I've got until valentines day for anything I want synced? [12:44] mjj29: you can always poke us here if you want a particular package synced, or something uploaded to Ubuntu directly [12:44] mjj29: in theory much longer even [12:45] mjj29: in Feb we have feature freeze [12:45] sure [12:45] after that we can still sync/upload, but only for bug fixes [12:45] or after getting a feature freeze exception from our release manager [12:46] pitti: btw.: we decided to rename motu-uvf to motu-release in last nights motu meeting === psicus78_ is now known as psicus78 [12:49] sistpoty: ah, makes sense [12:49] ok, I'm off again, happy weekend everyone [12:50] happy weekend pitti [14:10] where can I modify the translation of the list of languages used by the language-support configuration applet? === daxro1 is now known as dax_roc === lan3y is now known as Laney === geser_ is now known as geser [14:58] cjwatson: xubuntu builds don't ship any xfce package (that's why slangasek got a blank screen after gdm) ;/ [15:00] mr_pouit: ...yay! [15:03] Hobbsee: oh, I'm sure there's worse ^^' [15:04] probably === jelmer_ is now known as jelmer [15:22] bug 186062 [15:22] Launchpad bug 186062 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "please update linux-wlan-ng (prism2_usb) to latest upstream version (>=1847)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186062 === DRebellion is now known as DRebellion_ === DRebellion_ is now known as DRebellion [15:36] !ping [15:36] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [15:38] pong! [15:49] Hi all [16:02] Hi all [16:02] maybe someone knows why there are not translation templates for brasero CD/DVD burner ? brasero is in main [16:02] see https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/brasero [16:03] <__mikem> Can someone here help me with wubi-cdboot.exe. I am trying to use it, but when it gets to the part where I have to select a partition, the virtual disk doesn't show up as a choice to install ubuntu on [16:03] <__mikem> win 3 [16:03] <__mikem> oops === __mikem is now known as mikem235 [16:05] mikem235: take note of the topic. [16:06] realist, I am using IRSSI and can nolonger see the topic [16:07] mikem235: /topic === mikem235 is now known as __mikem [16:07] Basically, #ubuntu for support [16:08] mantiena-baltix: perhaps a rosetta admin needs to accept the template. [16:09] <__mikem> realist, basically, you are not an op in here, so you should follow the defacto standard of irc ediquite that if you don't know the answer to somebodys question, you keep your trap shut [16:10] ... [16:10] <_MMA_> sigh [16:10] __mikem: perhaps you'd prefer I ignore you in future. [16:10] __mikem: You might as well leave, I seriously doubt anyone is going to help you now. [16:10] <__mikem> evand, thats fine [16:11] pochu: how I can ask rosetta admins to accept ? [16:12] mantiena-baltix: I think in #launchpad, but admins there aren't very active on the weekends. [16:12] mantiena-baltix: I guess ask them in #launchpad. But I'm not sure that's the reason the are no templates yet... [16:12] mantiena-baltix: although as the package is using cdbs, it should have created them, as we patch cdbs to do so [16:13] mantiena-baltix: carlos or danilos in #launchpad might know === rZr is now known as RzR [16:25] pochu: yea, they are not active, I don't see nor Carlos nor danilos in #launchpad [16:25] mantiena-baltix: it's Saturday... I suggest you either mail launchpad-users@ or try on Monday === Traxer is now known as Traxer|on === Traxer|on is now known as Traxer [17:41] Chipzz: When you install libvirt-bin, you automagically get a virtual network set up. It'll fail completely without bridge-utils, and not behave as configured without dnsmasq. [18:16] soren: speaking of the virt stuff.. IT ROCKS! [18:18] soren: now all I'm waiting for is beta, so I can run it on my servers as well ;) [18:34] soren: shouldn't it be a recommends then? === Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette === _stefan_ is now known as sistpoty [19:26] hey, im trying to get alpha4 but the server is rather slow, are there any mirrors, I've tried looking and the torrent has no seeds [19:27] somerville32: so, daily builds are re-enabled now; if you guys get the xubuntu seed fixed for the libavcodec issue (which seems to require pulling libxine1-ffmpeg, given that libavcodec is blacklisted due to a TB resolution), I'm happy to tag one of them as an alpha-4 if you guys get one you'd like [19:27] IrishDavid: we don't mirror the alphas; the torrent tracker was late to be activated but should be up now, which image are you trying to get? [19:28] i386 altho i also intend to get amd64 eventually to test [19:28] IrishDavid: so http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-4/hardy-desktop-i386.iso? [19:28] yeah [19:28] ok, checking [19:29] its downloading at 200kb/s which i guess isnt really slow :) but my connection normally does 1500kb/s off the ubuntu server so i was wondering about a mirror [19:31] http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/alpha-4/hardy-desktop-i386.iso and http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/alpha-4/hardy-desktop-amd64.iso [19:32] hey, now that alpha 4 is out, any chance a core dev could look at bug 15051 and bug bug 186187 ? [19:32] Launchpad bug 15051 in pcre3 "grep -P is not supported" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15051 [19:32] thanks crimsun [19:33] thats more like the network utilisation i like to see :D [19:34] slangasek: the previous builds didn't ship any xfce packages (that's why you experienced a blank screen). Is that fixed? I'll fix the seeds then. [19:36] mr_pouit: oh, I have no idea if that's fixed. where did this bug manifest? [19:38] slangasek: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/hardy/xubuntu/latest/ <<< grep xfce returns nothing [19:39] http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/xubuntu/hardy/daily-20080201.log same here ;/ [19:39] oh, well I guess that could be a problem, couldn't it [19:39] it didn't like the move to universe maybe... [19:40] hrm? I see plenty of references to xfce in the daily log for the alternate; but maybe not the right ones? [19:40] but yes, I suppose something's gone wrong with the universe move and the seeding [19:41] probably in either germinate or debian-cd; cjwatson is probably the best person to look at this [19:42] I told him this, but I guess he's off now. [19:43] * slangasek nods [19:43] slangasek, do you think you can get a moment today to release those binaries that i mentioned yesterday possibly? [19:43] where are the logs of the alternate builds? [19:44] mr_pouit: that's the cd-build-log you're looking at [19:44] superm1: yes, I believe so [19:44] slangasek, great thanks a bunch [19:44] slangasek: ah ok, thankx ^^ [19:44] -x+s [19:47] superm1: lintian reports that libmyth-perl is installed to the wrong path, are you aware of this? [19:47] yes, the alternate seems to be well generated... [19:47] superm1: also, libmyth-0.21-0 would be a more appropriate package name for the given sonames [19:48] slangasek, there has been no errors with libmyth-perl thus far in our testing [19:48] let me check something. [19:48] superm1: could you perhaps fix the latter and reupload? [19:48] yeah i can do that [19:48] superm1: you won't find an error in testing, but /usr/lib/perl/5.8.8 is a reserved directory for the perl implementation itself, and libmyth-perl will stop being seen in the path if/when we upgrade to perl 5.8.9 [19:49] slangasek, yeah upstream has a few things hardcoded with that regard. i'll need to bug them to clean that up then [19:49] slangasek: 5.8.10, i think you mean [19:49] slangasek, i'll get a new upload in a few minutes [19:51] StevenK: whichever :) [19:51] StevenK: you're awake, then I see [19:52] slangasek: Yeah. Have been for about two hours - slowly packing [19:52] ok [19:53] slangasek: can you update the release notes on www.ubuntu.com ? [19:54] slangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/188240 instead of https://bugs.launchpad.net/188240 [19:54] Launchpad bug 188240 in oem-config "[Hardy] OEM install from Desktop CD doesn't work" [Undecided,New] [19:56] stgraber: oops, yes, passing this on [20:15] Chipzz: How do you figure that? [20:17] Treenaks: I'm glad that you're glad :) [20:49] If upstream seems uninterested in a patch, should I try to get it into the -ubuntuX patchset, or are those patches reserved for special Ubuntu-only compatibility things? [20:50] They are not reserved for that, but if upstream is uninterested, we'd have to be convinced it was worth the long term extra maintenance burden. [20:52] So the patches would have to be for something important, then? I'm trying to add support for embedded cover art to Rhythmbox/GStreamer, but patches in bugzilla have gone unreviewed and mails to the lists unanswered. === Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as KGJ|will_nen_eee [21:01] It depends. For a package that already has an Ubuntu diff, the barrier is lower. [21:02] * ScottK2 is a Kubuntu person, so I've really no opinion on gstreamer [21:04] Our gstreamer packages are almost in sync with Debian [21:05] We have a small diff in debian/rules in all of them, which will be sorted out soon using lsb_release so we can sync them. [21:05] jm: will the patches land in gstreamer and rhythmbox, or only rhythmbox? [21:06] jm: Which means Debian is probably your best entry point. [21:06] Both [21:06] Gstreamer patches are for creating the "image" tag for FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis files [21:06] Rhythmbox patch is for detecting "image" tag, and storing it as metadata. [21:06] jm: if they got unanswered upstream, perhpaps it's a matter of resources instead of they don't wanting the patches. [21:07] jm: have you tried #gstreamer and #rhythmbox on GimpNet? [21:07] Perhaps you find someone to review the patches there [21:07] Yes, am in them now, but I've asked for devs to take a look and there's been no response. [21:08] Best response was a dev assigning the Ogg/Vorbis patch, but since the latest -base was just released a few days ago I'm guessing it wouldn't be in a stable release in time for Hardy. [21:09] Unless it's committed to the 0.10.17 branch, I don't think so [21:10] Should I put my patches up on Launchpad with a debdiff? I don't mind if they get rejected, as long as somebody actually sees them. [21:11] For the gstreamer one, ask slomo when he's around. [21:11] Rhythmbox one, wait to see if the gstreamer one is accepted, I'd say ;) [21:11] OK, I'll try to go poke the RB devs some more, then. [21:11] Good luck === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks [22:40] jm: if something makes ubuntu better feel free to add an ubuntuX patch, just make sure to pass it upstream as well === lando__ is now known as lando [22:55] 666llkjhgffhgfhgfgffddssxcll;;' [22:56] err... disregard that. cleaning keyboard [22:56] jdong: you forgot some keys :P [22:56] sistpoty: meh only the home row was really bothering me ;-) [22:57] heh [22:57] it's only while writing C code that you realize the semicolon has some stuff underneath it. [23:36] jdong: Please reping or email me - I'm travelling for the next 20 hours or so [23:36] mjg59: ok that's fine, you've got bugmail on pm-utils when you get back then :) [23:59] jdong: Ok, thanks - which module did you need to deal with?