[00:01] May I just leave folding running instead of a bash loop? [00:01] Yup, still drops out. [00:01] (tested with a DVD-Audio file played to plug:surround51:1 on my Audigy; I'll try again with something less high bitrate. [00:02] playing login wav to hw:0 (hda-intel) and closing lid gives this: [00:02] underrun!!! (at least 499.975 ms long) [00:02] that's fine, it eliminates what I need it to. [00:04] How can I check if the ndiswrapper module is loaded? [00:05] Continuing with the tradition, now not even ndiswrapper can recognize the card when I insert it. [00:05] Vadi: lsmod | grep ndiswrapper [00:06] Note that the dropout does not happen _every_ time I close the lid. [00:06] SeveredCross: Thanks. This is so not good then, because it is loaded. Ndiswrapper however reports no card with the same driver.. ack. [00:07] <__> [00:07] Which card? [00:08] Belkin F5D7010, v7. Realtek 8185 chipset. [00:08] DanaG: yeah, I'm going a bisect [00:08] Aha. [00:10] Bisect? [00:10] realdreck [00:10] SeveredCross: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54557/ [00:10] Oh! Actually I forgot a step. Momento [00:12] SeveredCross: I got it. Had to associate the driver with the card ID. Tricky things... [00:12] Aha. [00:12] Ndiswrapper can be a bitch. [00:12] * SeveredCross is glad he does not need it. [00:13] I shouldn't need it either, the vendor has linux drivers. But I can't compile them, and nobody cares to include them. [00:14] Um, one more question. Somehow both of my grub entries are pointing to the same hardy, and I can't boot into gutsy at all. Think you can help me out? === Dana1 is now known as DanaG [00:22] just installed Hardy 4 [00:23] experience: [00:23] run Hardy 4 Live CD as a virtual machine. install it to the virtual machine's hard disk. chose Chinese as installation language [00:24] the installed Hardy 4 can let me input chinese after pressing Ctrl+Space [00:24] chinese displaying is perfect [00:24] but the login screen has broken chinese characters, displayed as small dots [00:25] switched first system language to English. restarted. the login screen is still broken chinese characters. seems to be a problem with kdm. [00:26] an obvious bug is i can't change screen resolution in System Settings > Monitor & Display [00:26] the error message is: [00:26] The module 显示器与监视器 could not be loaded. [00:26] The diagnostics is: [00:27] Library files for "libpython25.so" not found in paths. [00:27] I haven't tried hardy yet, but I read about gnome's totem in 2.21.90 having mythtv support, acting as a frontend? [00:28] i think setting the installation language to chinese is a cause [00:28] does hardy's current version of totem have that? [00:29] can you guys change screen resolution in Hardy Alpha 4? [00:29] maybe it's because i set language to Chinese before installation [00:33] but zero configuration of chinese fonts and input methods is a big step forward! [00:34] hey everyone. Does anyone else have a touchpad with no extra features? [00:36] i've added a server layout section to xorg.conf, to no effect [00:36] selecting 'chinese' before installation makes many things hard to change [00:38] such as the font is a chinese font even if you change system language to english [00:38] such as the login screen always has some broken chinese characters even if you change system language to english [00:43] mcquaid: Hardy has gnome 2.21.90, so it should. [00:57] i see hope in kubuntu [00:57] when will be "alpha 5" out? [00:58] when its done. :) heh heh... [00:58] s/be.../...b [01:11] everything in System Settings that requires Administrative Mode doesn't work [01:11] i'm downloading all Python packages [01:11] esp. python-dev, python-dbg [01:11] 'cause the error message is that libpython.x.x.x.so is missing [01:12] "library files for ... is missing" [01:14] googled this msg. [01:14] found some clues === emgent is now known as dldc === dldc is now known as emgent === Frogzoo_ is now known as Frogzoo [01:29] i logged out in the live cd [01:29] what username/password should i log in with? [01:32] hey all, I installed NetworkManager 0.7 the other day, now I'm wondering how to get a 0.7 compatible version of the pptp vpn plugin [01:40] Argh. [01:40] Something made my computer think some key was stuck. [01:40] I think it was either ctrl-c or enter. [01:41] One time I had that happen to the 'end' key. [01:41] And the keys themselves aren't stuck; it's just Xorg being b0rked. [01:43] DAMNIT, now it happened to my 'c' key. [01:51] * Dr_willis is still looking for the 'any key' [01:58] * donspaulding is still looking for waldo [02:04] is there a known bug with libpython and hardy? [02:04] * huhlig just tossed on alpha 4 and kde claims that no usable libpython can be found [02:04] i have heard others mentioning some issues with python lately. [02:04] ok [02:04] it makes the kde control panel unuseable [02:04] but im updating now. :) so not experienced it personally [02:04] ahh [02:05] also, is kde4 compatible yet? [02:05] 2 min remaining. :) [02:05] I wouldent even worry about kde4 yet. [02:05] there seem to be several core libs that are unavailable [02:05] oh? [02:05] why so [02:05] i found kde4 a bit unuseable. [02:05] if you want to play with kde4. check out the livecd's :) [02:06] 1 min to go on the upgrade. [02:06] ya know. it would of been faster to do a clean reinstall. :) [02:07] heh [02:07] Odd, I can't seem to get pulseaudio tunnel working. [02:07] I had a 25 gig partition waiting to reinstall linux on [02:07] * huhlig used to be a DD but has been out of it for too long [02:07] * huhlig figured he would hop back in [02:07] I tend to upgrade to the release a few weeks/month befor its out.. then do a clean install once it offiially gets here. heh. [02:07] I have an old laptop set to be discoverable (without authentication required), and I can make that see my "new" laptop, but I can't see in the other direction. [02:10] i wonder if X will get my 2 monitors in the proper order now. :) Silly GDM appears on one tothe right side by default. but the console/grub/bios appears on the one in the Middle. [02:12] Weird - somthing just triggered my monitors to go black during the upgrade. - Thought the pc was reb ooting.. But then it came back [02:14] Well time to reboot! Be backin a few... I hope. :P [02:14] hey, what is the command line util for configuring x [02:14] * huhlig has a 1900x1200 monitor and would like to use more then 800x600 [02:15] xrandr --help [02:16] hmm [02:17] How can I transfer my printer settings from gutsy to hardy? Where are they saved? [02:18] Any time I tried anything other than the raw xrandr (any of the gui stuff it never worked) [02:25] can xrandr do probe? [02:27] It can do everything - but afaik the driver has to support xrandr 1.2 for the more useful stuff [02:28] ok [02:28] well should be the nv or nvidia driver [02:29] which is currently working better right now [02:29] nv or the nvidia blob [02:32] Not sure won't have a box with nvidia and ubuntu until next week [02:32] But on Solaris you can configure that stuff using nvidia-settings [02:33] hmm [02:33] and / or nvidia-xconfig (the edid could be wrong etc) have a look at nvnews [02:33] (nvnews.net) [02:33] Where are my printer settings saved on Ubuntu? [02:38] Vad1: /etc/cups ? [02:47] Oh hey, the "duplicate" thingy of PulseAudio even works over network. It's kind of creepy. [02:47] I have the old laptop sitting on the ground in the corner, and I'm playing music to it AND my onboard audio AND my speakers -- and they're all keeping amazingly good time. [02:49] pulseaudio: pulsecore/memblock.c:454: pa_memblock_ref: Assertion `pa_atomic_load(&(b)->_ref) > 0' failed. [02:49] dangit. [03:01] DanaG : Yeah, it is awesome [03:01] DanaG: Although I have to figure out how to make it work with Firestarter [03:02] I'm familar with firestarter [03:02] what do you need to work with it? [03:03] mikedep334: oh, I guess I just I have to figure out what ports that PulseAudio uses for the Multicast stuff [03:03] pulseaudio: pulsecore/resampler.c:1334: trivial_resample: Assertion `o_index * fz < pa_memblock_get_length(output->memblock)' failed. [03:03] Aborted [03:04] I did find a preload rule on the internet which allows the PA daemon to detect other PA daemons on the network [03:04] but it still blocks the multicast stuff [03:04] So more of a PA issue than Firestarter I think [03:06] PulseAudio uses random ports, by default. [03:06] If you want a specific port, you have to use manual loading. [03:06] I mean, not just the checkbox. [03:11] ah [03:11] I'm pretty sure it is a multicasting ip issue - like I said, I didn't really look into it [03:15] pulseaudio: modules/module-combine.c:584: sink_process_msg: Assertion `!op->outq_rtpoll_item' failed. [03:15] Aborted [03:15] argh. [03:15] How can I play my dvd-audio to my Audigy through PulseAudio, without it resampling to 44100Hz? [03:16] Dunno why you would want to sample it to that ever if it runs native at 48000 [03:17] Audigy is 48 KHz? [03:17] Actually, it's Audigy 2. [03:17] Sorry, forgot that. [03:17] The pci ones are certainly [03:18] Must sleep PC now. [03:18] Dinner time. [03:18] Will be back later. [03:20] How do you even know its resampling? [03:21] I got an audigy2zs wth the fancy panel and more gizmos/bells/whistles then i know what to do with. :) [03:21] The pci ones have it specifically stated that they badly resample everything [03:22] (in hardware) but as far as I can see pulse should just be able to resample it at 48000 (alot better) [03:23] From AlsaProject [03:23] Jump to: navigation, search [03:23] Hardware has only strict 48kHz output (resamples samples to 48kHz). [03:23] (sorry) [03:23] just ment to paste the last line [03:26] Has anyone here recently booted a desktop iso from usb (Alot of the docs is garbage( [03:30] i have run out of ideas [03:30] how to change screen resolution in Hardy Alpha 4 anyway? [03:31] not possible without hacking xorg.conf for me [03:31] really sucks :/ [03:32] With radeon I can set everything with xrandr but it has pretty stupid defaults [03:32] I think I may try to install and do my dual seat thing now [03:32] rsk: problem is my hacked xorg.conf doesn't work :) [03:32] :> [03:33] so hardy alpha 4 will eat files on one's hard drive, right? [03:33] so I need to do a full backup.. [03:33] does this include windows? [03:34] most likely not [03:36] rsk: how do i specify "the current mode" in xorg.conf? [03:36] hub.ns.ca.idlezone.net [03:37] oops [03:37] ignore thqat [03:37] that* [03:39] compwiz18: Hm.. I copied my /etc/cups from gutsy to hardy, but it doesn't seem to have set it up the same way [03:45] i found a way [03:45] copy a good xorg.conf [03:48] Thats not totally fool proof though as alot has changed i.e mergedfb for a start is now removed [03:51] i have taken xorg.conf files from live cd's to use in emgerancies. :) [03:54] alright, I'm trying to evacuate my frankenstein install... [03:54] where only KDE4 apps work [03:54] and only in KDE3 [03:55] ...i have the both hard drives connected via IDE [03:55] but only one is likely in my fstab [03:55] the other i hotplugged; didn't show up anywhere... [03:55] You Hotplugged in an IDE drive? [03:55] how do i copy the /home directory of my .. [03:55] yes i did... [03:56] data first, then power [03:56] I dont think that works :) id be scared to even try [03:56] ah [03:56] should i reboot then? [03:56] Im not even sure hotplugging of sata is 'working' yet. [03:56] Yes - i would reboot. [03:56] Hope you dident trash the hd. [03:56] and then will it show up in /media or something? [03:56] well [03:56] no [03:56] You can mount it manually if it dosent. [03:56] oh joy [03:56] well, here goes [03:57] be back soon [04:01] Dr_willis: Its definately working with ahci [04:01] (the sata hotplug) [04:01] ok, it sees it [04:02] now i just have to unlock it [04:02] oh wait, i can't do that ;) [04:02] restarting dolphin as root [04:02] oh no [04:03] it won't let me because it can't resolve the host desktop [04:03] gahh [04:03] o no, o no, o no, O YEA! [04:03] sorry, family guy [04:03] Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keydolphin: cannot connect to X server :0 [04:03] don't run graphical stuff as root [04:03] ok... [04:04] this is like trying to fly the millenium falcon out of the death star [04:04] after setting off its main reactor [04:04] except instead of life at stake, it's just all my files [04:04] so this hard drive i plugged in; i want to copy my /home to it [04:04] and no gnome apps work [04:05] and sudo can't resolve host desktop [04:05] how do i do this? [04:05] h3sp4wn, thats good to hear its working. :) One of those big-features that never seemed to actually exist. heh. [04:06] well first i have to mount this thing via terminal [04:06] looking for it in /dev [04:07] sudo fdisk -l [04:07] to see where its at. [04:07] k [04:08] ha [04:08] sudo [04:08] yeah, that doesn't work [04:08] i have to use su [04:08] It will be sd? [04:08] sd? [04:08] i don't know... [04:08] ? matching a to z [04:08] maybe [04:09] running fdisk -l [04:09] that's an 'el', right? [04:09] L [04:09] but not cap [04:09] I [04:09] .../that/'s an i [04:10] k, my two hard drives [04:11] /dev/sda and /dev/sdb [04:12] so now i want to mount /dev/sdb1 as /alt [04:12] could someone convert that to bash for me? === bmk789 is now known as bmk789_schlafen [04:15] do i have to go into fstab to create the mount point? [04:15] i said :~$ mount /dev/sdb /alt [04:15] mount: mount point /alt does not exist [04:17] make the directory first? :) [04:17] fstab defines where it mounts to. [04:17] sdb is the whole disk remember [04:18] I think You MIGHT want to be reading a few linux basics/tutorials soon. :) [04:18] well i don't do this particular kind of task often [04:18] sudo mount /dev/DEVICE /media/MOUNTPOUNT [04:18] i mostly muck around in xorg.conf.. [04:18] !mount [04:18] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [04:18] you reccomend putting the mount in media? [04:19] why not. :) [04:19] i was going to mount it as alt [04:19] but it has to be a directory that exists? [04:19] put it whever you want.. but the diretory its going to MUST MUST MUST exist befor you mount it. [04:19] what if it has files in it? [04:19] then i suggest you use a different diretrory. :) [04:19] ok [04:19] sounds good [04:19] files in the dir will be unaccesable untill the mount is unmounted [04:21] root@desktop:/# mount /dev/sdb /altmount: you must specify the filesystem typeroot@desktop:/# mount /dev/sdb1 /alt [04:21] oops [04:21] there's a new line between /alt and mount, but i tried to format the text differently [04:21] fail [04:21] ok, so now /dev/sdb1 is mounted as /alt [04:22] there are no subdirectories; i must have removed them with rm -r [04:22] sudo mkdir /alt/home && sudo cp -r /home/ethan /alt/home [04:23] that should do what i want, right? [04:23] I think you may want to use some other optiuons to cp. to get the .files and so forth [04:23] i cheat and use 'mc' too much [04:23] mc? [04:23] !info mc [04:24] mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB [04:24] shell based file manager. :) a MUST get tool [04:24] well, on our connection [04:24] hmmm [04:25] i'd rather just learn an argument or two.. cp --help [04:25] reding the docs/help/manuals - is good. :) [04:26] mc is still worth learning about. [04:26] it looks like cp -r --copy-contents is what i want.. from the help file for cp [04:28] root@desktop:/alt# cp -r -p --copy-contents /home /alt/home [04:28] it's working now [04:28] 26GB, may take a while... [04:29] so when i move /home back onto my new hardy install, firefox will have all its bookmarks and such, right? [04:30] oh hey, is the bug with colemak and capslock fixed yet? [04:31] that will drive me nuts if i have to work around that... [04:32] Is anyone else having trouble running Kate under gnome? [04:41] My screen res is fixed at 1024x768 right now. I want to put it at something higher, but when i do that the screen goes black and nothing short of a reboot helps (not even a reconfigure xserver-xorg, since there's nothing about resolution in the xorg.conf file) [04:43] lufis: Is it a laptop + external screen ? [04:44] If it is you can just disable the LVDS and it will sort itself out [04:44] h3sp4wn: nope, crt on a desktop [04:45] trying to compile linux-source-2.6.24 in hardy [04:45] make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o] Error 1 [04:45] make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2 [04:48] sigh. [04:50] oh.. got it misses ncurses [04:59] my /home has been copied [05:00] is there a reason KDE apps are bringing up errors in GNOME? [05:00] Whats new in 8.04? [05:00] herpes [05:01] Awww damn, that sucks. [05:01] yup [05:01] I guess I'll use gusty, since I was planning on asking if it would break me, and what repo I should use. [05:01] lul [05:01] you're better off [05:01] believe you me [05:02] I wasn't going to ask those questions, but, is it really that buggy? [05:02] jfkdsljio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha4 [05:02] yup [05:02] jfkdsljio: It's a tad buggy... nothing too tragic for me so far... just a few nuisances [05:03] and every update squishes another one [05:03] ^_^ [05:03] Cool, long way till the final, I'll check the wiki. [05:04] ethana3: My mom says she's thinking of voting for Ron Paul... ;-D [05:04] it's just that there's really no reason to use it unless gutsy is truly broken for you (as it is for me) [05:04] Alpha 4 seems a lot more stable to me than prior though [05:05] alpha 1 was fine for me [05:05] Nautilus is still having some issues though, but I don't think they have finished their work with the new FS [05:05] I don't like nautilus, though [05:05] I wish I could use thunar [05:05] why can't you? [05:05] well [05:05] well, this is the first time I've installed from a disc... I tried updating the last few times and it killed everything [05:05] all of gnome's apps launch nautilus by default [05:05] tumbleweed__: ah [05:05] I have to find a way to switch it to thunar [05:06] my desktop is broken [05:06] my icons are gone [05:06] and wallpaper-tray only changes wallpapers on boot now... [05:06] oh [05:06] clicking to change it manually won't work anymore [05:06] try using xfdesktop4 instead [05:06] or compiz [05:06] lol, it's not a big deal [05:06] I don't use the desktop for much anyway [05:06] but I don't know if compiz writes to the root window [05:06] same here [05:07] KDE apps are also not working right [05:07] like Kate [05:07] it's just something that looks pretty [05:07] one problem I have is that the font in QT apps is too small [05:07] and pixellated [05:07] underwatercow: we're going to try to get Ron Paul to win in alaska [05:07] ethana3: lol... go for it [05:07] underwatercow: we've stood on street corners and everything [05:07] oh, and gnome-art has a bug in it [05:07] underwatercow: and alskans are free thinkers ;) [05:07] kewl [05:07] do you know if they will re-merge from debian or whatever? [05:08] I guess the bug is fixed in debian [05:08] i thought they already froze that [05:08] ohh [05:08] but it's a recent fix [05:08] Hmm. I noticed that with gnome-terminal the menus are not being shown. [05:08] my menus work fine [05:08] well the menu items in the menu bar at top is not showing any letters/text. [05:09] Wow looks like a lot is going into this new release. It's really amazing that a new one comes out every 6 months. [05:09] the 'menubar' [05:09] so does anyone know if gnome-art will be fixed from Debian? [05:11] do the devs come in here? [05:11] lol [05:12] they better not be here. :) they need to be off doing dev stuff. :) [05:12] whatever that is.. [05:12] lol [05:12] but I wanna ask about gnome-art! [05:12] I guess I could file it as a bug [05:12] I'm just usually too lazy to do that [05:13] is there a bug report shortcut in gnome? or do I need to go to the site? [05:13] never noticed. Sorry. [05:13] file a bug that there needs to be a easier bug reporting tool? :) [05:14] jfkdsljio: BTW: that's only what they've done or are working on so far I think... more could be added, not really sure when they stop adding things... [05:14] Dr_willis: lol... excellent [05:14] My bug is that my windows install is battling my Ubuntu install for supremacy... [05:15] Hmm. never had issues with windows and linux fighting.. [05:15] at leat not lately [05:15] Linux keeps insisting on using free weapons... like rocks and sticks [05:15] and windows weapons are too complicated to work correctly... and too heavy to lift properly... [05:18] I think your analogy needs work. :) [05:19] lol... eh... it was spur of the moment [05:19] http://webaugur.com/bibliotheca/field_stock/os-airlines.html [05:19] have you seen this? [05:22] Hmm. saw in a new-gnome feature web site artical the improved gnome system monitor tool... but where is it in the menus.. heh heh [05:23] * Dr_willis does a gnome- in the shell and looks [05:27] * jfkdsljio Does a /me command in XChat. [05:29] * Dr_willis thinks this is what /me does [05:29] :) [05:30] well devede - worked and made a dvd video for me. :) [05:30] Thats a first for me under linux. making an actual dvd video - heh. [05:33] did you encrypt it? [05:33] Dr_willis: Are you referring to the system monitor in Administration? [05:34] underwatercow, lets see :) i found one under gnome-system-monitor [05:34] i'm going to give this a shot now.. [05:34] despite that i can't keep caps lock from toggling every time i hit backspace [05:34] a bug has been filed, so I guess i'm just waiting for a fix [05:34] Dr_willis: That's the same one in the Administration menu, lol [05:34] thats it.. Hmm.. I got a dualcore cpu. wanting to get 2 graphs to see if both cpus are being used equally. But cant find a tool that does it. [05:35] Dr_willis: the monitor shows dual CPU usage... [05:35] Ive notiuced inder windows a lot of apps hog 1 or the other cpu. curious as to if linux apps are better done. [05:35] I just see 1 graph. let me look again [05:35] better done? you can set affinity for single threaded apps if you want to balence them out [05:35] its showing 1 graph 1 cpu - in orange [05:36] should it be showing 2 in the resources tab? [05:36] Dr_willis: I have CPU 1 in orange and CPU2 in red [05:36] I dont see any in red. :) [05:36] yeah I get two cpu's too [05:36] model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000 [05:36] Dr_willis: they actually seem pretty balanced for not doing too much atm... not sure how they will look if I start running intensive apps though [05:37] i should be seeing 2 graphs then? [05:37] CPU2 seems to jump every so often though [05:37] Dr_willis: it's overlayed on the same graph [05:37] Dr_willis: but ues [05:37] yes [05:37] Ok.. heh - i just see one orange box below the cpu history box. showing the % [05:38] Dr_willis: there should be 2 [05:38] :-p [05:38] I only got the 1 [05:38] lets see how else to check. [05:38] Dr_willis: look at the System tab [05:38] Dr_willis: Mine shows Processor 0 and Processor 1 there [05:39] Hmm.. Processor - Amd ANnthlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ [05:39] is all i see - right below memory 3gb. [05:40] am i seeing a bug here in the kernel then? [05:42] Dr_willis: Couldn't say... maybe? [05:42] i did do a upgrade.. perhaps i booted the wrong kernel. [05:42] Do patches only get committed once a day? [05:43] 2.6.24-5-386 - is what i am running right now [05:43] let me check mine [05:43] that's that I'm running [05:43] I thought that encodeing that avi to dvd -- took a LOT longer under linux then it did with nero under windows.. :) [05:43] this would explain why [05:44] Dr_willis: lol... because you are only using half of your processor? [05:44] Looks like it.. then i noticd the conky cpu graph wasent 2 little bars like id seen befor. [05:44] Dr_willis: You don't happen to use evolution do you? [05:44] Not using evolution at all. [05:44] Dr_willis: sad... why not? it's awesome. :-p [05:44] i dont need it. :) [05:44] i just use gmail for my minimal mail needs [05:45] when ya get 2 emails a month.... [05:45] Dr_willis: lol. I find it nice for organizing my mail, calendar, tasks, etc [05:45] I'm in school, so that task list is coming in handy to keep track of everything coming due [05:45] The reason I asked is because it seems slower in hardy [06:01] hi guys, anybody knows how can I downgrade to a particular version? I had a third-party repository which might be making problems so now I want to get back to archive.ubuntu.com for a particular set of packages? Any ideas? [06:20] apt-get install foo=version [06:22] You can also do it with aptitude. [06:24] DanaG: hey hi :) [06:26] apt-cache madison is as good as any for getting the available versions [06:26] Who's madison? [06:27] DanaG: h3sp4wn: Can u guys look at this pastebin & tell me what I need to do it right http://pastebin.ca/889822 [06:29] I want to downgrade to the ubuntu version, do I need to comment out the third-party repository, run update again & then try to install the old version. [06:29] I do a sudo aptitude autoclean after every upgrade [06:29] You can just select the version in aptitude. [06:32] cut3 n4m3 [06:32] I would probably use apt-get install foo=2:1.02.08-1 [06:33] 7h3r3'2 n0 7urn1n6 b4ck [06:34] hmm [06:34] It takes more effort to type like that [06:34] and there is little reward for doing so [06:34] I guess it could be a script [06:34] yah.. but my keyboard is not dvorak.. so i have to [06:34] least your twice as cool for doing it [06:35] not for the c0oln3ss .. just cuz i c4n [06:35] well [06:35] unfortunatly for you [06:35] #ubuntu+1 is english only [06:35] DanaG: aptitude just hangs :( [06:36] how can you read it then.. ? dont give me the english lecture [06:36] h3sp4wn: what's wrong here [06:36] shirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo apt-get install libgnomevfs2-0=1:2.20.1 [06:36] Reading package lists... Done [06:36] Building dependency tree [06:36] Reading state information... Done [06:36] E: Version '1:2.20.1' for 'libgnomevfs2-0' was not found [06:36] stop [06:36] don't paste too much. [06:36] did the pasting, sorry for that [06:36] !pastebin [06:36] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [06:36] That's odd that aptitude hangs. Run it with no parameters, as sudo. [06:37] And if that still hangs, try without sudo. [06:37] Or you can use Synaptic and "Force Version". [06:37] shirish: You tell me if that is in the repos and appears in madison (after an update) then should be fine [06:37] ok [06:37] WTF is madison? [06:37] hardy is installed and running [06:37] shirish: If it is gone some mirror may or may not be gone [06:38] Besides a town in Wisconsin, or something. [06:38] (i.e the file might still be there) [06:38] madison? [06:38] is that the name of a build? [06:38] h3sp4wn: what is in the repos? [06:38] madison is also a cut3 n4m3 [06:38] Its an apt-cache command [06:38] shows binaries and source and what produced what etc [06:39] Wow, that's a bit obscure. [06:39] yes. [06:39] you can figure that and yet you cant regress a version [06:40] h3sp4wn: this is what it shows atm http://pastebin.ca/889831 [06:41] well, my keyboard doesn't work properly.. the caps and backspace still don't like eachother [06:43] shirish: As easy to just download the deb and dpkg -i it in that case if its just a single deb [06:44] h3sp4wn: it might have dependencies which might have to be downgraded as well. [06:44] shirish: Well it might doesn't help either of us find out [06:45] Install apt-show-versions as well [06:45] (then you can quickly scan for anything that aint from hardy) [06:45] DanaG: haven't used aptitude (the menu) before, using it the first time, it shows some broken packages, how do I list the broken packages? [06:45] Try hitting 'e'. [06:45] * Gnine rubs forehead [06:46] That's for "examine recommendations". [06:46] Dependency solutions, that is. [06:46] Is anyone here running KDE4 on Hardy Alpha 4? [06:47] gn0m3!! [06:47] DanaG: thanx, although I'm starting to like aptitude , although don't understand why it didn't show broken packages on the safe-upgrade or full-upgrade on the CLI [06:47] That does seem odd. [06:48] broken packages are determined afterwards [06:48] After what? [06:48] after you update/upgrade [06:49] i guess that's what alpha means [06:49] I don't think that can be true it must some how take into account the broken packages from an earlier point [06:50] what if the breakage is in the current update? [06:50] Otherwise how does it always choose the sane response [06:51] DanaG: usually when one is doing a full-upgrade if there are broken packages (unsatisfied dependencies) it shows up, in aptitude (the GUI) its showing as gnome-terminal having an unsatisfied dependency, I don't understand it :( [06:52] argh, my ctrl key got virtual-stuck. [06:52] i.e. the keyboard is fine, but Xorg thinks it's stuck down. [06:52] nice keyboard [06:54] that's when you go into synaptic and recheck , shirish [06:54] * Gnine likes gui [06:56] * Gnine also likes last update on tk-53 x86_64 [06:56] * DanaG has merely a Yonah. [06:57] DanaG: be glad your problems are such limited.. [06:57] ;) [06:58] XORG HAS SOME BUGS TO work out yEt.. daNg caGGAHH [06:58] something that a simple reboot can solve ;) [06:58] not in my case [06:58] or should solve [06:58] please ignore erratic capitalization [06:59] similarly, I have no idea why I'm not getting through in my stuff [06:59] I don't have to reboot for mine; I just have to ctrl-alt-backspace. [06:59] ok, so I want to do a dual seat setup with thiS.. [06:59] h3sp4wn: I've installed apt-show-versions as well. [06:59] DanaG: that true, that one escaped me. [06:59] can both seats use compiz? [06:59] * Gnine takes notes [07:00] shirish: Its useful because you can see what isn't from wherever with a simple grep [07:01] h3sp4wn: this is the output from apt-show-versions http://pastebin.ca/889845 [07:01] i think i'm going to try to fix my keyboard now inSTEAD OF WAITING FOR A FIX [07:01] now, I want to install the version from hardy while I have got the version from sofaraway.org [07:02] Option "XkbLayout" "us" [07:02] Option "XkbVariant" "colemak" [07:02] Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch" [07:02] is there a Caps off option in Xkb? [07:03] well, that still wouldn't fix that i can't hold backspace down and have it work.. [07:03] ive seen guides on remaping the capslock to be ctrl [07:03] this is colemak [07:03] no custom layout stuff [07:03] that's my backspace [07:04] do you think those may be of help to me? [07:04] i'm going to add my new data to that bug i filed [07:04] I dont know what the actual problem is/was to begin with. :) [07:04] I miss the sun unix layout (and a real meta) [07:05] it is that this is my backspace [07:05] but it's also caps now [07:05] and i can't hold it down [07:05] does ctrl-H work [07:05] if i erase an odd number .. cTRL+h? [07:05] yep [07:05] backspace and delete key swapped? [07:05] what's that supposed to do? [07:05] finally managed to downgrade, after doing that, would comment out the gstreamer third-party repository. Do u guys think that it (aptitude) will catch stuff from hardy next time gstreamer & other stuff updates? [07:05] ctrl-h is backspace :) [07:05] gahh [07:05] That works as a backspace for me [07:05] www.colemak.com [07:06] no, it does not work [07:06] ctrl+h does nothing [07:06] What IS up with that random caps? [07:06] Spilled coke on the keyboard? [07:06] that's a bug.. [07:06] DanaG: looking for u'r guidance to what I typed above [07:06] liNK.. HERE [07:07] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/188308 [07:07] Launchpad bug 188308 in ubuntu "colemak is broken" [Undecided,New] [07:07] !info colemak [07:07] Package colemak does not exist in hardy [07:08] it's a keyboard layout [07:08] ..yes. [07:09] Well with it being a keyboard layout you almost certainly fix it yourself given enough time [07:09] this is an alpha [07:09] for fixing things before thE RELEASE [07:10] here, go to your us keyboard layout variants in gnome keyboard [07:10] and have a look at it [07:10] then look at caps lock options.. [07:11] i guess i'm the only colemak typist here right now.. [07:11] any dvorak users? [07:11] One of my friends uses the neo layout I think its called [07:12] neo? [07:12] googling... [07:13] ok, that's the same aim as colemak [07:13] in hardy, I can't seem to get my Revolution 5.1 to work right... anyone else have the same sound card? [07:13] but for german instead of english [07:13] besides, we have ßüff like that too [07:13] ;) [07:15] colemak? is that a typing style? lol [07:16] qwfpgjluy; [07:16] arstdhneio [07:16] I should learn dvorak some day [07:16] zxcvbkm,. [07:16] caps is backspace [07:16] Oooooooooh, new international keyboard setting: AltGre dead keys. [07:16] no, don't learn dvorak [07:16] ours is better [07:16] LOL [07:16] and easier to learn [07:16] Finally, I can type cool stuff without breaking my frickin' apostrophes. [07:16] äåéëþüúíœïhgfðß®© [07:16] How is it easier to learn? [07:16] yes.. [07:16] altgr is awesome [07:16] 朩®bñµç¶øœïhgfðß¿˙¿¿¿¿˙˙˙ [07:16] qwahzxcvbm,. don't move [07:16] ¿que? [07:17] from qwerty [07:17] ¿Qué? [07:17] for dvorak do you get all the shortcuts for such as emacs / vi changed to make sense for that layout [07:17] ÆWÆSOMÆ [07:17] it is a habit. if you learned dvorak first , qwerty will be teh hassle [07:17] LOL, I have a friend that uses dvorak and vim and seems to have no trouble [07:17] he probably has vim remapped [07:18] using hjkl in vi if they are in some non sensible place then do you have to make yur own keymap [07:18] i gotta go for a while; be back soon [07:30] Hmm One of these days i need to read up on how compiz/emerald and x-window-decorator and gtk-window-decorator interrelate.. [07:31] it seems that when i login to gnome now.. emerald is getting sta4rted. [07:31] if you have it installed [07:31] duh [07:31] but i thought only kde needed emerald. [07:31] I cant seem to set gnome to use the gtk-windodeorator by default now. [07:32] * Gnine uses emerald on gnome [07:32] remove emerald [07:33] unless of course i want to keep emerald on kde.. [07:35] I thought kde4 had its own compositing manager [07:36] 4 does.. [07:37] Im just noticing that emerald was getting started by defualt on my Ubuntu system. instead of the other decorator . [07:37] I think I would prefer the choice of either kde4 or kde3 and them conflicting [07:38] rather than that putting kde4 in a wierd place [07:38] ↙↓↘→↗↑↖← [07:38] * Gnine wiggles [07:39] Just discovered the awesome new keyboard settings thingy..... numpad part. [07:39] Tired of hunting for these: ? [07:39] ÷× [07:40] −+ (normal is -+) [07:40] ∕ ⋅ (normal is / * ) [07:41] Hmm Avahi SSH Server Browser - That looks interesting. :) but i bet the other machines on the lan need the avahi stuff set up also. [07:49] yeah... I noticed that too [07:50] works pretty well :-P [07:50] Sounds like a security risk waiting to happen to me [07:50] a security risk? [07:50] Not if you don't enable announcement. I'd imagine that'd be disabled by default. [07:51] well, w/ the Avahi VNC Browser, I saw both of my Ubuntu servers with VNC enabled [07:51] and I didn't have to do anything to get that functionality [07:51] I didn't try the SSH one yet [07:51] and it isn't really a security risk [07:52] admittedly, I'm not sure who would use an SSH/VNC browser [07:53] I would for my Mythtv box in the basement. :) everythings on dhcp - so im always haveing to nmap the lan to find its ip [07:53] but the other box is a gutsy install.. what do i have to enable on it? [07:53] Can you not just lock the ip to a mac or just use a name [07:54] I could. but i keep getting ips messed up [07:54] been changeing out too many machines/cards/stuff lately [07:54] and all i do is ssh to it rarely. Its mainly a fileserver [07:54] How about getting a dd-wrt router and enabling local DNS? [07:54] I do that with my router. [07:54] Dr_willis... like I said, I didn't have to do anything... and the other two clients were gutsy installs [07:54] It uses dnsmasq. [07:54] Nifty! [07:54] dreamnid, i may have avahi disalbed on that machine. Its been hacked on a lot. :) [07:55] haha [07:56] Hmm. what do i put for domain its set to local. [07:56] what was the keyboard setting thingy you were talking about, Dana? [07:57] Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon is running on the gutsy box in the basement. [07:57] System→Preferences→Keyboard [07:57] I have it set to USA International (AltGr dead keys). [07:57] And under "layout options", I have it set to "keypad with additions". [07:58] Then select the layout, then hit 'print' and then 'print preview'. [07:58] hmm [08:01] Hmm,, when i am using fusesmb to mount a fusesmb share.. it always prints out 'test' when its doing it.. [08:01] Anyone ever noticed why it does that? [08:01] fusesmb Network/ [08:01] test [08:01] Then its mounted. :) [08:02] probably the programmer was testing something and forgot to remove it when done [08:02] or is still working on it [08:03] Yea. Just a little.. weird. :) [08:03] since its seen everytime ya run the tool. [08:04] Im working on the fusesmb wiki. So i figured id research this oddity [08:04] I never mounted a samba share yet [08:04] I hate how it takes a long time for me to login [08:04] * Gnine dodged temptation from DanaG [08:05] Long time? never noticed. :) [08:05] dreamnid: I think if you have a wins server (running on Linux or Windows) then you can reduce that quite significantly (and set directly master browser etc) [08:05] h3sp4wn: hmm.. [08:06] Probably setting samba as a domain controller would be ok also [08:06] but it only happens on my laptop [08:06] and besides, I'm pretty sure I'm not running a WINS server [08:06] does it map properly [08:08] not sure [08:09] I'll investigate it later [08:16] DanaG: interested in cutting finger movement by 2.2x? [08:16] ^_^ [08:16] Maybe. [08:16] the mac layout has greek and math stuff [08:17] i find myself wanting those too.. but i'll live [08:17] It didn't look any different to me under the print preview. [08:17] I mean, no different from the standard. [08:17] what? [08:17] then they didn't do it right [08:17] not surprised [08:17] ones main resource for information about it would just be www.colemak.com [08:18] it's not yet properly integrated and all that [08:18] which is part of why i'm here [08:19] it displays properly on mine [08:19] its not like the hardware is different, if that's what you were looking at [08:21] i should start turning this into a dual seat now [08:22] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/best-way-to-build-a-computer-for-2-users-567529/page2.html#post3044254 [08:22] i'm going to copy his xorg.conf and modify it for my hardware [08:22] his gdm.conf-custom as well [08:24] switched to radeon driver [08:24] restarting X.. [08:26] radeon gives me a res too big for my CRT.. going to tell it to use 1280x1024.. [08:26] Use 1280x960 instead -- it's 4:3. [08:26] 1280x1024 is 5:4. [08:26] Or use 1360x1024. [08:26] that's not the aspect ratio of my hardware [08:26] No CRT is 5:4. [08:27] it's what i always use [08:27] Well, then at least don't stretch it horizontally. [08:27] hmm [08:27] i don't [08:27] i like squares to be squares [08:27] ;) [08:27] good old xorg.conf didn't get the axe after all [08:27] wasn't firefox 3 supposed to be in hardy? [08:28] thats 10:9 + alright [08:28] that's what i thought [08:28] it's not there [08:28] i checked [08:28] yeah. me too [08:28] maybe they are planning to... or meant to... or something [08:28] lol [08:33] set the mode for desired res, restarting x [08:34] anyone in here use a Revolution5.1 or have sound problems with hardy? [08:34] ...didn't take, examining xorg.conf again.. [08:35] normally i don't trust Screens and Graphics.. i'm going to try it anyway.. [08:36] it won't let me do anything [08:36] is that an alpha4 caveat? [08:37] ethana3, yeah. it's known to be broken atm [08:37] ok [08:38] while they're at fixing it, that'd be a fine place to insert dual seat configuration [08:38] which would make my life /much/ easier [08:39] in fact [08:39] that's the only place where it really belongs [08:40] from my experience, anything Screens and Graphics cannot undestand [08:40] it will destroy [08:42] someone needs to come along and rewrite everything related to that from scratch and do it properly. [08:42] powering up second monitor connected to intel integrated... [08:43] i may just switch to it until the radeon bug is fixed [08:43] Screens and Graphics? [08:43] agreed [08:44] so i switched the driver from radeon to intel [08:44] will it know to switch gpus? [08:44] plug and prey =D [08:45] nom nom nom [08:45] saved, restarting x, using second monitor and gpu, hopefully. [08:48] FAIL [08:48] reverting to vesa [08:49] hmm... I just tried the Avahi SSH browser and it doesn't pick up my Gutsy SSH server [08:52] it's ingnoring my xorg.conf [08:52] ethana3, i think the busid would be different for the intel chip. [08:52] its hiding its set busid [08:53] i've gone through enough pain with this [08:53] that i know the intel is at 0:02:0 [08:53] 02.0* [08:53] i think [08:53] well, best make sure... [08:53] the mice are wierd [08:53] well, same cursor, two mice [08:53] anyway, it wont click [08:53] it only dragS [08:54] dreamnid, it dont work for me either. [08:54] i do things that bring out every obscure bug there is [08:54] does this mean i'm a good alpha tester? [08:54] i also notice that fusesmb seems to not function right either. [08:55] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel [08:55] yup, had the pci memorized [08:55] i'll use vim instead of gedit [08:55] because of the crazy mice [08:56] for those wondering about colemak, q and w are the same as qwerty [08:56] and they're all i use, besides i [08:56] and : [08:56] ..in vim [08:56] * Gnine shivers [08:57] what's the busid option thing? [08:57] BusID? [08:57] with "0:02.0" after it? [08:57] hope so, that's what i did [08:58] ...restarting x again [08:58] *sigh* [08:59] Oh yeah, I usually just don't use BusIDs. [09:01] the failsafe xorg.conf was angering me so i destroyed it [09:01] my xorg.conf looks good [09:02] restarting x /again/ [09:04] drat [09:04] it won't switch to my other screen and gpu [09:04] looks like i'll have to use the radeon card for now [09:05] under vesa or something [09:05] why does radeon ignore my mode settings? [09:05] that's horrible [09:05] not guessing right is one thing... [09:05] time to take another whack at that poor xorg.conf in vim [09:06] i guess i should be happy that it can raise itself from the dead [09:07] on the other hand, that's what rescue terminal is for [09:07] and i'm no stranger [09:07] so it kind of steps on my toes [09:07] The crash happened in the firmware of the computer ("BIOS"), which cannot be influenced by the operating system. [09:07] never seen that before [09:07] lol [09:07] that sounds like a hypervisor more than a bios [09:07] lol [09:07] ..this is hopeless, /for now/ [09:08] Problem in usplash [09:08] how would my BIOS cause usplash to crash? [09:08] compiz vs. full res, i must choose full res [09:08] framebuffer issue? [09:08] lol [09:08] can't the softward be fixed to still not crash? [09:08] software* [09:08] hey [09:09] opensuse is better than ubuntu [09:09] hey [09:09] we're all in this together [09:09] lol [09:09] ...ssoooo failsafe raped my xorg.conf [09:09] to put it bluntly [09:09] I tried opensuse... it was ok.. I like Ubuntu more though [09:09] i tried that and fedora [09:10] back when my gpu wasn't supported [09:10] which you like fedora or opensuse? [09:10] and i couldn't even figure out the package management [09:10] ubuntu. [09:10] I like the repos in ubuntu/debian more than in opensuse [09:10] yes... those that i never did figure out [09:10] gave up [09:10] yast [09:10] yeah that [09:10] :-p [09:10] never really figured it out either [09:10] ok, i thought this xorg would be better [09:10] it's horrible for configuration [09:11] keep xorg.conf in all its glory [09:11] ethana3: is it fully upgraded? [09:11] and just give us a working GUI [09:11] yes. [09:11] i think so [09:11] i'll make sure [09:11] yes. [09:11] yes it is [09:12] lol [09:12] so it won't let me fix it [09:12] and it won't let me let it fix it [09:12] is hardy going to break for me? :p [09:12] 15 minutes and my system is screwed already [09:12] that's a record [09:12] kst-: config/ [09:12] ? [09:12] dual gpu? [09:12] i take this as a "yes" ethana3 :D [09:12] perhaps [09:13] i saved my /home to another hard drive [09:13] xorg 7.4 or 7.5 is supposed to allow for multiple input devices [09:13] nah pentium M, ati x700 mobility (lappy) and so on [09:13] well yeah [09:13] multi touch and such [09:13] but i need native dual seat [09:13] and proper colemak [09:13] that is, like, two mice and such too [09:13] and working autoconfiguration [09:13] yes. [09:13] two of everything [09:13] lol [09:13] or three I guess [09:13] so is hardy in a useable state already or still crashing every half an hour? :) [09:13] it's usable [09:14] but a tad buggy [09:14] intel, radeon, two CRT's, two mice, two keyboards [09:14] depends who you are [09:14] it's friendly [09:14] i [09:14] m just not its friend [09:14] I'm using it right now [09:14] lol [09:14] same [09:14] if you can't tell ^_^ [09:14] the problem with alphas is I keep sitting here wishing they would put out updates [09:14] lol [09:14] my gutsy system is almost screwed because i installed countless random desktops and stuff :D so i might as well update to hardy before i format :-) [09:14] lol [09:14] how much disk space do i need for that? [09:15] for updating? [09:15] not much [09:15] ye updating [09:15] oh [09:15] I think it's about 1 gig of downloads [09:15] :E [09:15] sure but you can remove loads also [09:15] notice [09:15] that's bigger than the CD [09:15] lol [09:15] lol [09:15] well, it was like, 1 gig for me... [09:15] :-p [09:15] I don't know why [09:15] they need to respin bi-weekly for stable [09:16] respin? [09:16] but they don't want to give OCD people another.. [09:16] yes [09:16] spin updates into the disk images [09:16] to save bandwidth [09:16] all the packages that you installed after you installed lets say 7.10 [09:16] are also updated [09:16] yes [09:16] so that's why its bigger than the cd [09:16] yeah [09:16] it also sometimes removes things for no good reason [09:16] lol [09:17] who needs firefox anyway? [09:17] lol [09:17] is anyone using kubuntu hardy? kde integration any good? i've used some opensuse 10.3 at uni and i liked it, but when i just added kde-desktop to my gutsy gnome install it was rather buggy and i hated it :( [09:17] it removed epiphany when I tried updating [09:17] brb [09:17] I haven't heard too much about kde... my friend didn't like dolphin [09:17] 14th february: Upgrade Testing begins. what does this mean? [09:18] what it says Ayabara ? [09:18] :P [09:19] I guess tesing the upgrade [09:19] testing* [09:19] rsk: hehe. I'm thinking about upgrading to hardy and using it on a daily basis (with the risk of breakage), and that line made me wonder how I should install it :-) [09:19] * DanaG uses aptitude. [09:19] It tells you everything it plans to do, before it does it. [09:19] from personal experience, I would definitely not recommend upgrading [09:19] lol [09:19] the cd install worked best for me [09:19] yes. [09:19] this is for the bleeding edge [09:19] of course [09:20] it's the only way to get pidgin 2.3.1 other than source [09:20] Oh yeah, about the BusID thingy: for two different video cards, you might not even need them/ [09:20] . [09:20] trying to do upgrades from gutsy to hardy through update-manager left me with more issues than anything [09:20] i only have it set up for one so far [09:20] i want to keep that working [09:20] what is new in 2.3.1? [09:20] because 0 is not a good number of seats [09:20] I'm probably ordering a new pc tomorrow, so maybe I should wait until that arrives in 2-3 weeks time [09:20] various bugfixes [09:20] some probably security related [09:20] as well as various... improvements [09:21] better utilization of various IM protocols [09:21] file transfer and such [09:21] i don't remember, they have a changelog [09:21] what exactly does the Ubuntu team do? [09:22] integrates packages [09:22] maintains repos [09:22] forwards bugs [09:22] fixes bugs [09:22] they probably directly contribute to every project out there [09:22] that's about what I thought, lol [09:22] do they do any original work? [09:22] or mostly integration work? [09:23] well [09:23] i'd think they make their own gnome stuff [09:23] and start using it before gnome does [09:23] like what? [09:23] i thought they actually made Screens and Graphics [09:23] ...which, you know [09:23] was a nice thought [09:23] lol [09:23] back to this again? [09:23] ;-D [09:23] ...potentially very powerful [09:24] i hope to push its limits [09:24] until hardy is released [09:24] with my bizarre demands on xorg [09:24] what I want to know is why there isn't a way to make your wallpaper randomly in gnome [09:24] change randomly* [09:24] with Fyre [09:24] on the fly [09:24] lol, slideshow [09:24] or to make it so you can have different wallpapers on each workspace [09:24] they're working on that [09:24] or to make it so you can hide certain drives on the desktop [09:24] :-p [09:24] KDE4 is laying on the heat [09:25] KDE allows that [09:25] but I hate KDE, so.... [09:25] competition is about to get fierce [09:25] lol [09:25] What I want: [09:25] Fedora 8's nice wallpaper changey thingy. [09:25] or Eubuntu [09:25] what is so great about it? [09:25] The wallpaper changes color smoothly through the day. [09:25] it has something like that too [09:25] I use wallpaper-tray [09:25] yeah, it's just nifty [09:25] It gives a sense of sunrise, noon, sunset, and night. [09:25] changes every hour I think [09:25] i filmed a bunch of videos [09:25] that's neat [09:25] to use as my background [09:26] like, water flowing mostly [09:26] I wish Nautilus supported videos, too. [09:26] so i'm ready to see that feature show up [09:26] there's no change in the artwork for hardy yet? [09:26] yeah, there is [09:26] i hope they axe human [09:26] orange is ugly [09:26] i like green and up on the spectrum [09:26] The wallpaper is like, elephany skin or something now [09:26] Oh yeah, if you see any videos on dream.wincustomize.com that you want, I can go to Vista and extract the videos, and then put them on my Cal Poly web space. [09:26] and black and white [09:26] elephant* [09:26] and there is a diff theme [09:26] might not be the final though [09:27] I'm using the Nodoka theme with colors toned down to be less OMG-so-bright-I-need-sunglasses blue. [09:27] i turn off nautilus [09:27] and use screensavers as my background [09:27] some of them don't buffer themselves though [09:27] screensavers as your background? how does that work [09:27] lol [09:27] so it's mainly the 3d ones that don't tear when you move windows [09:27] it's simple [09:27] first, go into gConf [09:27] turn nautilus off [09:27] yes. off. [09:28] then, go to /usr/lib/xscreensaver [09:28] or something like that [09:28] Another fun thing: I edited the source of the snowglobe thingy for compiz, so I can make the flakes freakishly huge. [09:28] and run the one you want with the -root argument [09:28] Now I have a big fuzzy snowball in the center of my cube. [09:28] some use -r instead [09:28] i also want to be able to just select those [09:28] for my background [09:28] lol... interesting... [09:28] so i don't have to use the terminal [09:28] they don't work in compiz, i don't think [09:28] from the screenshots I see of nodoka in ubuntu it looks like a blue human theme.. [09:28] yet, anyway [09:28] Linux has come such a long way... and yet there is still so much left to do [09:28] lol [09:29] oooh [09:29] blue is good [09:29] blubuntu! [09:29] blue is awesome [09:29] ...no. [09:29] lol [09:29] lol [09:29] I use the colors from some "Jellyfish" theme I found on gnome-look.org. [09:29] This is the first blue theme I've found that I don't hate. [09:29] excellent [09:29] i want to be able to add themes through add/remove [09:29] I usually think blue is overused and cliché, but not with this one. [09:29] with the star ratings and all [09:29] straight from gnome-look [09:30] i must take a shower now [09:30] i'll see you all in 10 [09:30] and then i must sleep [09:30] hmmm... ooh... would it be possible to make a script that will install a bunch of things (in rc.local or something) and then delete itself when it was done? That could further automate my backup process... lol [09:30] I'm going to go to bed now. [09:30] yeah, I'm getting sleepy [09:30] underwatercow: you can just cron stuff. [09:30] I don't know the details, but there's a daemon that can run stuff at various intervals. [09:30] DanaG: I'm just always looking for ways to further automate my backups and restores [09:30] I would only need to run it once obviously [09:31] I've typically used 'faubackup' to back up stuff. [09:31] I've worked hard to figure out where evolution saves all it's files (three locations) and which files mozilla stores settings in, etc [09:31] It makes time-marked stuff with hardlinks. [09:31] I use sbackup [09:31] I think I remember sbackup not working for me. [09:31] it works spectacularly for me [09:31] one of the best I've used [09:32] every now and again it has an issue restoring, but it's seldom and not really a problem [09:32] Does it do incremental? [09:33] yep [09:33] and lets you set a schedule on when to delete files [09:33] after a cut off [09:33] or logarithmic [09:33] you can also tell it to use either cron, or anocron [09:33] anacron* [09:33] * DanaG ponders getting a new external drive and just using "never" for deleting. [09:34] lol, I have mine set to logarithmic [09:34] my full backups are less than a gig [09:35] you can choose what to exclude by path, file type, size, and regex [09:35] I love regex exclusions [09:35] very useful [09:36] for instance, I tell it not to backup .*\.before_restore_.* [09:36] almost essential [09:36] lol [09:36] OOh, it DOES look useful. [09:36] WHat's .*\.before_restore_.* ? [09:36] when it restores over a file that already exists [09:36] it will add a before_restore to it [09:36] and leave it there with the restore file [09:37] so if you don't have an exclusion like that [09:37] you can get layered backups [09:37] lol [09:37] make sense? [09:37] Layered? [09:37] for instance [09:37] say you backup an entire folder [09:38] when you restore it, say that one of the files is there by default [09:38] hello [09:38] Oh yeah, try deleting stuff in the new gvfs trash..... [09:38] it replicates. [09:38] Hah! [09:38] I saw that [09:38] lol [09:38] it confused me at first [09:38] I just read about the new prefetch (ugh, reminds me of vista and all the...), and I got a few questions [09:38] 1. hopefully it'll be turn-offable right? [09:38] It's like those magic bucket-carrying brooms. [09:38] but yeah, so say there is a file in the folder you are backing up called alpha.odt, or whatever [09:39] Squash one, you get two. [09:39] 2. if it runs, it'll use the disk when low activity, won't that kill power management? [09:39] you restore, and you have Alpha.odt and Alpha.odt.before_restore [09:39] if that backs up [09:39] and you restore [09:39] you would get something like [09:39] Does that regex match even without trailing underscore? [09:40] yeah, it would [09:40] .*\.before_restore_.* ← what about that underscore? [09:40] Oh, and get something like? .. [09:40] it's there... I think there is a time stamp after the last underscore [09:40] ... [09:40] I'm actually not positive, but I'm pretty sure you would get something like... [09:41] Alpha.odt, Alpha.odt.before_restore, and Alpha.odt.before_restore.before_restore... [09:41] Still missing underscore. [09:41] yeah, I'm lazy [09:41] I don't feel like making up a time stamp [09:42] should say .before_restore_.before_restore_ [09:42] That gets the point across. [09:42] now you're just making it complicated [09:42] lol [09:43] either way, I'm pretty sure it does that, but even if it only keeps the one before_restore, that's too much for me... I don't ever usually care what the file was that I'm restoring over [09:43] if I do a restore over .evolution though, I have to delete any of the before_restore files because evolution will see them and get weird and clutterd [09:43] Anyway, time for me to go to bed. [09:44] yeah... I didn't mean to stay up so late [09:44] 1:43 AM Pacific (daylight? beats me.) [09:44] s/beats me/I don't have a frickin' clue/ [09:56] done with shOWER [09:57] i must go to bed soon [09:57] the devs read these channel logs, right? [09:57] ethana3, some of them may be reading now. some may look at parts of it later. [09:58] excellent [09:58] but it's always best to file bugs & questions on the tracker ? [09:58] yes [09:58] hmm [09:59] well i do that [09:59] but i push the limits so far [09:59] many of my ideas are currently out of scope or impractical [09:59] i must resort to pushing them one [09:59] by [09:59] one [10:00] well [10:00] this time i have two [10:00] !enter [10:00] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [10:00] i figure my DE related ones will happen on their own when gnome tries to catch up to KDE 4.1 [10:01] ok, got it. sorry [10:01] thanks, innertruth [10:02] why does the remote desktop viewer accept only 8 digit for passwords? [10:03] * SR71-Blackbird goes to see if there are any bug reports on this [10:30] hello [10:36] is here somebody, who understands ubuntu's suspend policy? [11:30] lovely colours on irssi :) === ubuntu is now known as savvaslive [11:52] guys, what can I do to supply more information about this bug that I submitted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/187335 [11:52] Launchpad bug 187335 in gnome-system-tools "Unlock button throws an error, doesn't authenticate" [Low,Incomplete] [11:55] I mean I will install again and see if I can reproduce it; it occured only after about five minutes after installation when I made osme minor settings [11:56] but maybe I should try and find mroe about it first... [12:10] can anyone solve that libpython.2.5.so ibrary files missing problem? [12:10] currently i solved the screen resolution problem by copying a kubuntu 7.10 xorg.conf to Hardy 4 [12:45] is it too late to suggest a feature for Hardy? (it's only a few extra words added into the installer that I'm thinking, not a lot of code needed) === spr0k3t__ is now known as spr0k3t [13:36] strange: [13:36] if i choose "chinese" before installing Hardy Alpha 4, [13:36] after installation i can immediately use chinese input methods [13:37] but if i choose "english" before installation and manually add language Chinese after installation, [13:37] i don't have chinese input [13:38] anyway, most chinese users would probably choose "chinese" before installation [13:39] Is it possible, and sensible, to install hardy in a virtual machine for beta testing? [13:40] Loevborg: i do [13:40] the problem is that scim -d failed to start [13:40] yao_ziyuan: any hints on how to do this easily in virtualbox (host: gutsy)? [13:40] Loevborg: i use a different vm manager [13:41] yao_ziyuan: scim doesn't seem like an essential part [13:41] Loevborg: not talking to you [13:41] yao_ziyuan: for europeans I mean [13:41] but if i exit skim and then scim can start [13:41] ah okay, sorry [13:49] found the problem: [13:49] by adding language Chinese, the system does not install skim-scim-pinyin [13:57] but it still isn't everything [14:35] hi [14:36] I'm on gutsy: gksu update-manager -d # it doesn't show hardy as a possible upgrade [14:36] sudo update-manager -d # it shows hardy... [14:37] any idea why? [14:37] hmm, gksu and sudo should be the same thing :/ [14:38] muszek, anyways now is a bad time to upgrade, at least for ubuntu [14:39] bardyr: why? [14:39] muszek, gvfs will eat your files and do nasty thing to you [14:39] I'm kinda sick of a ipw3945 driver bug that freezes my laptop every day or two (hard reboot required) [14:40] bardyr: even if I'll refrain from using nautilus? [14:40] muszek, then go for it, just have plenty of backups [14:41] bardyr: when do you think it will be safe? [14:42] muszek, when gnome 2.22 is released, or when they get gvfs running stable === DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief [14:45] thanks for your answers, mate [14:47] muszek, if you just need to fix the ipw3945 issues you could grab the hardy kernel and stay gutsy for the rest [14:47] and hope it works [14:48] bardyr: simply downloading kernel, headers and restricted modules and installing them? [14:49] yep [14:49] good idea, thank you [14:52] Is gb.archive.ubuntu.com really slow today or is it the crappy connection I am using. [14:56] h3sp4wn: I've moved to UK half a year ago and every broadband I've worked with was unreliable and dropping to ~512kbps when people are at home (weekends, 18-24 weekdays) [15:13] still no kde4 iso for hardy? [15:22] muszek: I usually get 500KB/s from home or 1100KB/s from my university (being getting like 30-50KB/s [15:37] all of the proposed gtk theme mockups will require the pixmap lib. Does anyone know about the progress about the theme? [15:37] http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/2008/01/15/ubuntu-to-get-visual-refresh-with-hardy-heron/ [15:39] They seem to do a visual refresh every release as far as I can see [15:40] h3sp4wn, hmm [15:41] as far as I can see, there is nothing too exciting in alpha4 [15:43] h3sp4wn, I'm talking from a pure visual point of view [15:45] morphir: I am also they always moved things around === MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek [16:00] I need good ncurses documentation outside the man pages. Any suggestions? [16:03] theunixgeek: Could try the xopen curses docs (ncurses is a superset) [16:04] h3sp4wn: may I have a link please? [16:04] :) [16:05] http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/cursesix.html (maybe you think its just as bad but the docs are accurate and complete which is what I am bothered about) [16:06] h3sp4wn: thanks. I was searching for something more tutorial-like, though [16:06] The first 3 sections are tutorial like (to me anyway) [16:07] oh, right. they are. thanks :) [16:21] I'm doing a little testing in VM preparing for an upgrade to hardy. Could anyone tell me the state of intel 945 if they're running it? I remember things were bad earlier. [16:21] I have installed all the required apps to access bluetooth devices but when I try to connect one using gnome-bluetooth I get Nautilus cannot handle obex: locations. [16:22] i want Hardy to improve its Add Language functionality [16:22] when adding Chinese/Japanese/Korean, the system should set up input methods [16:22] just like the system does if the user chooses Chinese/Japanese/Korean before installation of Hardy [16:29] PriceChild: Depends what you need to do [16:30] PriceChild: xrandr 1.2 is still not properly supported by most wm's but single screen should be fine [16:30] h3sp4wn, i've been told i'm going to need to force full memory allocation for decent performance [16:30] meh this is a laptop so not too bothered === ankur_ is now known as Ankur_Gupta [16:32] hi, i am downloading the 64 bit iso of the alpha.. i wonde rhow tough it is to get 32 bit only binaries to work there? [16:32] e.g. flashplayer.. mplayer codecs etc.. [16:33] i did an upgrade to alpha4 yesterday. I am having some problems with my ATI drivers. can someone help me with fglrx setup [16:35] tapas: Its very easy just use the binary firefox form mozilla.org put it into /opt [16:35] (more reliable than nspluginwrapper [16:36] (There is enough of the 32bit stuff to put a 32bit java in /opt as well if you get ia32-libs / ia32-libs-gtk [16:36] h3sp4wn: 32 bit binary? [16:36] ok [16:36] and mplayer/kaffeine/gstreamer? [16:38] gilnfld, did you try the free ati driver? it's quite good nowadays. [16:39] LinAsH: i cant get free driver to support xgl/ [16:41] gilnfld, why use xgl when you can use AIGLX? [16:42] LinAsH: how do i do that? [16:42] gilnfld, what's your ATI card? [16:44] LinAsH: X300 [16:45] gilnfld, that's my /etc/xorg.conf : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54625/ backup yours and try [16:46] ok thanks [16:46] looking at it now [17:14] Does the Firefox 3 beta work for anyone with Pulseaudio on Hardy? [17:24] h3sp4wn: 32-bit browser & plugins doesn't work with 64-bit pulseaudio... [17:25] mnemonic_: Firefox 3 doesn't use pulseaudio AFAIK ? [17:25] firefox 3 has no audio output [17:25] the plugins do [17:26] and those should work with firefox 3 (if installed for FF3) [17:26] except for flash which is 32-bit, and there is no 32-bit pulseaudio library AFAIK [17:27] (I should try that again some day though) [17:27] I have a complete 32-bit machine no 64-bit stuff. [17:27] Firefox 2 works like a charm if I hook Pulseaudio to ALSA. [17:28] do you have any audio plugins installed in FF3 ? [17:28] Firefox 3 doesn't start without any error message. I see a little CPU load but nothing happens. [17:28] JanC, yes, mplayer (but that works as standalone). [17:28] Shall I try without? [17:29] mplayer-plugin needs to be configured to use pulseaudio maybe? [17:29] JanC, I'll check. (may be absent for a couple of minutes) [17:29] and make sure it's installed (see about:plugins ) === never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi [17:54] Even without any plugins the Firefox 3 beta won't start for me while pulseaudio is running. [18:03] mnemonic_: erm [18:04] mnemonic_: are you using the repo versions of flashplugin-nonfree /and/ libflashsupport? [18:05] crimsun, ah yes I do. [18:10] mnemonic_: are you stating that firefox-3.0 from the repo does not start at all with pulseaudio exclusively opening hw:0? [18:11] I have a really difficult time believing that firefox-3.0 cares about alsa period. [18:12] crimsun, it seems to me. I'll check with pulseaudio disabled one more time. It could be that some updates (I have a partial gutsy/hardy install) caused this. [18:17] crimsun, without pulseaudio, ff3b starts just fine. [18:17] mnemonic_: to be honest, I'm not particularly interested in cross-grades, because they're neither supported nor supportable. [18:18] mnemonic_: if you can reproduce the symptom using an Alpha 4 desktop CD, that's something different altogether. [18:19] mnemonic_: partial cross-grades and dist-upgrades are /incredibly/ difficult to troubleshoot, because there are far too many variables, e.g., toolchain skew, silent ABI change, etc. [18:19] crimsun, yup. Maybe I'll try a live cd later. [18:21] mnemonic_: in this case (in the spirit of DIY), mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak && pkill firefox-bin ; ps -C pulseaudio ; firefox-3.0& === jacobmp92 is now known as jacob [18:42] Is ked4 stuck in a dependancy hell? I try to install it and am told that kdebase-runtime is needed but not installable. I try to select kdebase-runtime and am told that kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 is needed but wont be installed. I try to install kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 and am told that kdebase-runtime!! [18:43] kde4, not ked4....hehe [18:56] heya [18:56] is something wrong with alpha4? [18:57] damn thing drains my laptop battery faster [18:58] Assid, do you have an intel processor ? [18:58] becase powertop can help you determine what is going on [18:58] http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/powertop/ [18:59] yes [18:59] my guess is one program is just draining your power, figure out what it is and then bug report it [19:06] nah.. im using the same applications i did all this time [19:06] just that i updated to alpha4 and wham.. its lower [19:08] also emerald crashes more often [19:08] and if you resume after suspend.. it crashes compiz [19:09] Assid, if it is a regression then file a bug for sure. [19:48] Assid: seriously, like zoke said, powertop is really useful to find which programme causes your problem [19:48] libata [19:49] regarding suspend [19:49] does stock suspend work for you? [19:49] stock suspend? [19:49] the one that ships with ubuntu by default [19:49] swsusp I guess [19:49] ummm.. im using the one that comes with ubuntu [19:50] i dont think i installed anything in particular for suspend [19:50] libata might wake-up the kernel "too often" because some application is polling something.. [19:50] * dejv_ntb 's laptop is somewhat enchanted since Feistys final [19:50] try to find which application causes this [19:51] trying [19:51] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/123002 [19:51] Launchpad bug 123002 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Broken suspend on 2.6.20-16.29" [High,Confirmed] [19:52] wasn't repaired neither in feisty, nor in gutsy, nor in hardy [19:52] hey guys just upgraded to hardy and there is no nautilus "Nautilus depneds on libeel2-2(>=2.21.90) but 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed [19:52] while uswsusp works fine [19:52] http://img215.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1vf7.png [19:53] weird.. my suspend works.. but i think the system crashed shortly after [19:56] dammm [19:57] ? [19:57] uswsusp works fine for me [19:57] whats uswsusp ? [19:57] im not using that.. i dont thinkso [19:57] im using the system's suspend [19:58] I only had to change /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-hibernate-linux to use s2disk instead of the stock mess [19:58] and no problems while suspending or hibernating occured [19:59] s2ram, s2disk, s2both [19:59] my compiz goes nutty [19:59] why cant we have a gui to manage the hibernate settings? [19:59] hmm, man pages look a bit weird here in terminal on x86_64 [20:00] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uswsusp [20:01] im not using uswsusp [20:01] am using the default one [20:01] press the power button.. and then suspend [20:03] I'm invoking it the same way [20:03] g-p-m then asks hal to hibernate [20:03] and hal runs /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-hibernate-linux [20:04] I replaced this file with simple: [20:04] #!/bin/sh [20:04] s2disk [20:08] the entire thing? [20:08] yep [20:09] i think it works here [20:09] I keep a backup [20:09] just in case somebody could help me debug it [20:09] weird [20:10] okay quick question.. my wifi keeps getting cut [20:10] and connecting to it at times is a pain [20:10] works fine for my bros mac [20:10] anywasy.. brb.. lemme try suspend [20:10] okay suspend or hibernate? [20:11] wifi ==> check if you don't have neighbours using an overlapping channel... [20:11] lemme try hibernate [20:12] hibernate can AFAIK use all three methods [20:12] swsusp, uswsusp, suspend2 [20:12] though it was developed for suspend2 primarily [20:13] * dejv_ntb never used it [20:16] okay [20:17] i recovered from hibernate fine.. but the problem of compiz dying still happens [20:17] re [20:17] i wonder if having a s2disk would make any difference [20:17] okay who was i speaking to who suggested to use that [20:33] is here somebody who develops/maintains suspend-related stuff? [20:35] err pgadmin is old in the hardy packaes [20:35] pgadmin 1.8.2 is the current stable === marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_- [21:23] hi; can anybody, please help me? i just installed hardy and couldn't find the restricted drivers manager. thanks [21:24] i want to install nvidia driver [21:24] it's called something else now afaik akhenaton [21:25] like Driver manager [21:25] ..and last time a had kubuntu installed (gutsy) it was simple to do that [21:26] rsk: i can't locate any "manager" or something like that; i just don't want to break anythig (installing the nvidia binary driver manualy) [21:27] fire up synaptic then [21:27] and install the driver from there [21:28] *adept; yup, i did that; there is no nvidia-glx; only nvidia-glx-legacy there [21:28] (i have a geforce 7600 go; toshiba laptop) [21:29] rsk: any ideea what to do? please help [21:31] wouldnt that use the nvidia-new? [21:32] Assid: that's what i thought, but there isn't any nvidia-new in hardy's repos [21:32] err. im using it! [21:32] atleast on my desktop i am [21:32] the restricted manager loaded it up for me [21:32] do you have hardy alpha 4? [21:32] (like me) [21:33] yes [21:33] but you still had to run some nvidia-settings or something after that to make use of the driver [21:33] and what's the "manager"'s name? [21:33] i can't find anything useful in the default install (start/k menu) [21:34] "proprietary driversfor devices (restricted)" is checked [21:35] multiverse enabled too [21:35] i dunno what to do next :| [21:35] system > administration > driver setup [21:36] i managed to install nvidia drivers in gutsy, but in hardy seems not to be present in the repos [21:37] weird works here [21:37] akhenaton: They certainly are. You're looking for "nvidia-glx-new", yes? [21:37] Assid: "administration"? can you, please, elaborate a little; i don't understand [21:37] i got my softmodem on lappy requiring it.. and nvidia requiring it there [21:37] RAOF: yes [21:38] i do search just "nvidia" in adept to see all the packages; nvidia-glx-legacy is the only one present [21:38] (only "glx" one) [21:41] akhenaton: run jockey-gtk [21:41] Assid: my installi is quite fresh; hardy alpha 4, all restricted and multiverse, mediubuntu (and so on) are enabled :| [21:41] thats on gnome atleast [21:41] akhenaton: afaik .. it should be installed out of the box [21:42] Assid: maybe; in gutsy was (out of the box); i understand that hardy is not final/stable yet, but i decided to try it [21:42] i said this earlier already.. im on hardy and it came here [21:43] on 2 machines [21:44] that visual refresh is really good news [21:44] i like those themes.. it would be nice to not have to go out and find them to use them [21:44] Assid: then.. can you, please, tell me what's the "manager"'s name? (or how to launch the restricted driver installer) [21:44] [03:11:12] akhenaton: run jockey-gtk [21:44] [03:11:18] thats on gnome atleast [21:45] i said this earlier [21:45] Assid: are you sure? i have kde here :| [21:45] loving policykit [21:45] akhenaton: look in some option in the menus' it should be there.. [21:46] else try running that [21:47] i know its there [21:47] Assid: i allready looked in the menus (everywhere); no option, no nothing; it seems jockey thingie is my last hope [21:47] try sudo jockey-gtk actually [21:47] it mgiht need sudo [21:48] Assid: thanks; i'll try that [21:48] ooh, authentication system updates [21:48] do we have a GUI for choosing between signature, password, facial recognition, and thumbprint yet? [21:48] Assid: but jockey drags a lot of deps with it [21:49] (gnome deps) [21:49] thats cause your using kde.. i dont have a kde one arond me.. nearest kde installation would be my sisters laptop.. and thats offlimits atm cause the lights are off.. and i dont know where her lappy is [21:51] Assid: maybe kubuntu team haven't prepared a "jockey" replacement for kde, yet :| [21:52] nah.. i know the device manager is there.. i used it for my sisters lappy [21:52] and ive used it on gutsy as well [21:52] on gutsy worked for me too [21:52] so its gotta be there on this as well [21:53] ask around.. there must be someone here who might know [21:53] sorry.. [21:53] alrite . im off.. its almost 3.30 am [21:53] night folks [21:53] Assid: good night [21:58] anybody with kubuntu hardy alpha 4 (2.6.24-5 linux kernel) has sucesfully installed the nvidia restricted (3d/glx) drivers? can anybody help me? [21:58] My USB subsystem keeps dying. Is there some way I can figure out why, and how to prevent it? I am trying to copy a large file to my USB hard drive and my USB keeps dying and killing the operation halfway through. [22:14] RyanPrior, are you using nautilus_ [22:14] To me, Jockey sounds like something about a horse. [22:14] What's with the name? [22:15] (I mean, I know a jockey is a horse racer, but what does that have to do with restricted drivers?) [22:17] think "driver". [22:36] i think no driver (module) is out (2.6.24-5 kernel) for jockey (to ride on it) [22:36] I am using Hardy Alpha 4, and I have one CMI 8738 sound card, but does not have sound, when I was with Gutsy, I change my sound card and works, is there some way to change de sound card without reboot pc? [22:36] at least i have no more problems with intel hda (sound) [22:37] Andre_Gondim: no sound with PulseAudio or no sound with ALSA period? [22:37] those are two distinct symptoms, BTW. [22:37] Andre_Gondim: rmmod and modprobe? [22:38] modprobe -r, BTW. [22:38] That reminds me.... I wish somebody would make a Cardbus or Expresscard C-Media Oxygen-based card. [22:38] crimsun, yes, there is the both, if i change, how can i do to do this without reboot pc? [22:38] Andre_Gondim: what are you changing? [22:39] crd1b, my sound card, from alsa do pulseaudio, like you said, i have this option [22:40] Andre_Gondim: if it's a usb audio device, sure. [22:40] Andre_Gondim: if it's an isa or pci audio device, no. [22:40] crimsun, it's a pci [22:41] Andre_Gondim: it's unclear whether you intend to change a /setting/ or /physical cards/. [22:41] crd1b, setting [22:41] crd1b, sorry [22:41] crimsun, setting [22:41] Andre_Gondim: which setting? [22:41] a parameter to insmod? [22:43] unloading's fairly straightforward: sudo /sbin/alsa force-unload [22:44] crimsun, so, when I was using gutsy, and my gutsy started without sound, I changed the option in volume control [22:44] reloading is simple, too: sudo modprobe snd_pcm && sudo modprobe snd-cmipci whateverparam=whatevervalue [22:45] Andre_Gondim: meaning you changed which mixer element is controlled, or...? [22:45] crimsun, yeah, i changed wich mixer element and works, in gutsy, but in hardy doen't works [22:46] Andre_Gondim: download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh and run it. [22:47] Andre_Gondim: then tell me the URL it generates. [22:47] crimsun, ok, wait a few [22:49] crimsun, http://bulletproof.servebeer.com/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.changelog [22:51] Andre_Gondim: err, no. The pastebin URL. === Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth [22:54] crimsun, sorry, i don't understaian, what i need to do? [22:54] I'm really liking firefox 3, when downloading files, its so quicker to get its act together [22:54] Andre_Gondim: you need to execute the script from a prompt. [22:55] crimsun, i did [22:55] Andre_Gondim: you executed "bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh" (presuming you saved the script to your Desktop)? [22:56] http://pastebin.ca/890666 [22:56] crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/890666 [22:56] Andre_Gondim: do you want to use your onboard or the cmi? [22:57] crimsun, cmi [22:57] Andre_Gondim: it is the default card. [22:57] Andre_Gondim: is this a clean install of Alpha 4? [22:58] crimsun, yes, I installed yesterday [22:59] Andre_Gondim: mute & zero all the IEC958 controls (presuming you're not using IEC958). [22:59] crimsun: is it normal not to have a master volume? i only got pcm volume :| [22:59] Andre_Gondim: and -- is "pasuspender -- aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav" audible? [23:00] akhenaton: on HDA codecs? Yes. [23:00] akhenaton: messy but certainly "normal". [23:00] crimsun: yes, it's a hda codec (realtek alc861) [23:00] crimsun, i do not understain, what I need to do? [23:01] crimsun: thanks; i thought it's another odd thing on my sound card [23:01] Andre_Gondim: use alsamixer to mute those controls. Then run the pasuspender command (all of it between the double quotes) [23:01] Andre_Gondim: I need to go; I have a train to catch. [23:01] crimsun, good luck [23:02] ciao, crimsun [23:02] Andre_Gondim: the point of the pasuspender test is to see if you can get any audible output via ALSA direct [23:02] and thanks again, crimsun [23:02] crimsun, is pasuspender a command? [23:05] Hi, is compiz working in alpha 4? [23:07] Oh yeah, how well does the C-Media Oxygen work in Linux? [23:08] bernier, it seems to be working here. :) [23:08] NICE [23:09] do I need to compile fglrx or it's in the repo? [23:10] I dont use fglrx. i got an nvidia card. [23:10] I imagine its in the repos. [23:24] Is anyone else having trouble running KDE apps like Kate? [23:27] yes? no? anyone? [23:28] not tried. :) [23:28] Dr_willis: would you mind trying in hardy? lol [23:29] Dr_willis: It's rather annoying [23:29] not on a hardy machine right now. so i cant. [23:29] Dr_willis: sadness... [23:29] Dr_willis: You have failed me for the last time... [23:30] Anyone else having trouble with Hardy in Vmware? [23:30] I'm having trouble with hardy NOT in vmware [23:30] ;-D [23:30] :-D [23:30] i dont have any problems with hardy atm, but im afraid of opening nautilus [23:31] nautilus works fine in general [23:31] underwatercow, as long as you dont trash anything [23:31] bardyr: no problems for me there either [23:31] bardyr: bardyr: Can you run KDE apps with no errors? [23:31] underwatercow, trash your wine folder and empty your trash [23:32] bardyr: I would prefer to keep my wine folder, thanks [23:32] :-D [23:32] then copy it and trash the copy :) [23:32] bardyr: can't I delete something else? [23:32] it will begin to delete all your files [23:32] I have deleted things [23:32] and emptied the trash [23:32] and had no problems [23:33] it freaks if I try to OPEN the trash, but that's no biggie [23:34] underwatercow, the problem is that trash follows symbolic links [23:34] bardyr: ahaha... well good thing I don't have very many symlinks, nor do I generally delete them [23:35] bardyr: So... can you run KDE apps like Kate ok? [23:36] i have not heard about any KDE issues, but then again i dont use KDE [23:37] Anyone knwo why the clock is messed up (runs way too fast, like 10-100* too fast) when running as a vmware guest? [23:45] hi guys where is the removal log for synaptic kept? [23:48] can I tell xorg to completely reconfigure itself to the safe graphics settings it had when i installed? [23:49] ethana3, rename xorg.conf [23:49] and run X with --configure [23:51] can i just remove xorg.conf? [23:51] i didn't do anything worthwile that worked.. [23:51] i'm going to do that.. [23:52] hi can anyone help please [23:52] hi, where does trackerd store its index files? [23:54] bardyr: how do i run x with --configure when its already running/ [23:54] ethana3, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [23:54] tapas: ~/.cache/tracker, IIRC [23:54] ok [23:54] ethana3, or just restart [23:54] will it do --configure simply because of the absence of xorg.conf? [23:55] no, do the stop cmd and type sudo X -configure [23:55] oh, ok [23:55] bardyr: What does -configure do that just not having an xorg.conf doesn't? [23:55] ethana3, you dont need a xorg.conf but i think the restricted-drivers-manager will break without one [23:56] RAOF, -configure writes and xorg [23:56] xorg.conf [23:56] Ah, right. [23:56] Any reason not to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [23:56] X.org is better [23:57] but they do the same job [23:58] * DanaG just uses manual configgeration (yes, misspelled on purpose). [23:59] ok, it put me back on radeon