
larson999adelie42, a multimedia keyboard?00:00
IndyGunFreakajhtiredwolf: so ar you trying to ovewrite fedora?.00:00
BronxAngelWGGMk: yes i can do it for myself but no the other pcs. it hits the router but ends there00:00
GERD_MDok.. thanks for nada00:00
singlesundanbhfive, lol alright i will do some searching.. thanks00:00
erUSULTaylor: try to boot X either with "startx" or "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"00:00
adelie42Dr_willis: ok, fine. I want F3 to open gnome-terminal00:00
DASPRiDWGGMk, if u use ext3: there are also 5% of your disk reserved for root only00:00
xompin totem I get a green video screen with the progress bar going along as normal. With Mplayer I get "Cannot use codec" or something of the sorts.00:00
EsxProTaylor, you want to run wine in text mode?00:00
ajhtiredwolfIndyGunFreak: yep yep that is correct00:00
DASPRiD(or was it 1 %)00:00
WGGMkajhtiredwolf: i see, if you boot from the LiveCD it has a program called gparted with it.. which allows you to manipulate your partitions as you'd like. Its located System > Administration > Partition Tools (I think, or GParted)00:00
TaylorNo, I want my normal Ubuntu back. >.<00:00
danbhfive!wireless > singlesun see the pm, and see if that gets ya started00:00
IndyGunFreakajhtiredwolf: are you using the live CD, or hte alternate install CD?00:00
Dr_willisadelie42,  gnome has its own keyboard bindings feature. No idea if it can run arbitary apps on f keys however.00:01
vboxeranyone here got PAM authentication to work with VirtualBox VRDP?00:01
VadiHow can I check if the ndiswrapper module is loaded? For some reason, it's not recognizing my wireless card anymore when I insert it (properly at least).00:01
gilles_quelqu'un parle t il francais?00:01
Gideanwhen I boot up my comp sits ar Running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local) until I hit enter...any advice?00:01
dan__I have a Dell LCD with built-in camera/microphone. Does anybody know of a video chat app?00:01
xomp!fr | gilles_00:01
ubotugilles_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.00:02
larson999man, i forgot which parms and had to use to get this stupic hp laptop to boot the livecd.00:02
WGGMkDASPRiD: Flannel: so my system is perfectly fine setup with this LVM, this truly is no hidden space/partition that im not seeing? or some mysterious reason I would be missing space?? (im a bit paranoid sometimes lol)00:02
adelie42Dr_willis: hmm...00:02
johnficcahow do I apply a patch to some source code before I compile?00:02
TaylorerUSUL: I'll go try those, hopefully I'll have better luck. >.< Thanks.00:02
spoonhaving issues with my mobility 9700 and ubuntu... can't seem to find a working xorg.conf, or to get it to work with anything other than vesa drivers00:02
rsomHi, sorry but, I would like to know if anyone knew a way to format a fat32 ipod to HFS+ without using wine for itunes. I use linux mint (4.0 I think? newist version).00:02
Dr_willisadelie42,  i alwyas  have a terminal icon on the panel. and a few terminals open. :) so F3 launching a new terminal woulb not be handy for me00:03
=== brynk__ is now known as brynk
BronxAngelDNS handles translation of hostname to ip?00:03
EsxProTaylor, did you change usplash?00:03
tdoggetteI installed Hardy Alpha 3 with update-manager -d. Will the automatic updates get me up to Alpha 4 and beyond, all the way to production?00:03
WGGMkBronxAngel: thats exactly what a DNS does00:04
danbhfivetdoggette: yes, if it doesnt trash your system first00:04
Flanneltdoggette: yes.  And hardy support is in #ubuntu+100:04
Dr_willistdoggette,  they should  :) and its #Ubuntu+1 for that00:04
adelie42Dr_willis: I got the icon too, but it would just be nice to have terminal control from the keyboard, aside from alt-tab to something already open, or Ctrl-Alt-F#00:04
edicodebian has an official forum?00:04
PriceChild!hardy | tdoggette00:04
ubotutdoggette: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:04
FlannelWGGMk: No, there isnt.  I know usually theres something like 5% or so setup for filesystem record keeping and stuff.  That could be it.  But no, I don't see anything abnormal.  The LVM partition takes up the rest of the space.  Oh.  I suppose you might have free LVM space.  What does the second to the last line of sudo vgdisplay show?00:04
BronxAngelWGGMk: so it could be that my stupid router is looking for my hostnames based on the dns it gets from my cable modem?00:04
danbhfiveadelie42: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shorcuts    you will find what you are looking for there00:05
Dr_willisadelie42,  im faster at alt-tabing then reaching to hit f3, which may or may not be used in other apps..  :) so  good luck00:05
GamerIkiona, may I PM you?00:05
tdoggetteOh, wow, guys. I'm sorry.00:05
* tdoggette backs away slowly00:05
BronxAngelikonia: you are here?00:05
GamerI need one of the gurus00:05
xompTotem can't play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Mplayer was installed and it too cannot play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Can someone please help me? Please?00:05
GamerI have a serious problem00:05
Dr_willisGamer,  its best just to state the problem.00:05
WGGMkFlannel: 0 / 000:05
Gamercould anyone help me with this damn hard problem?00:05
Flanneltdoggette: Its no big deal.  People are overreacting.  Once youhave hardy, you have hardy.  The alpha number only matters for the ISOs themselves.  AFter that, you're riding on the repository00:05
Gamerthats my problem00:06
adelie42danbhfive: how do I create a new action?00:06
Dr_willisGamer,  perhaps summerize it a bit?00:06
FlannelWGGMk: then yeah, you're full.  The 5GB is about 5%, so I imagine thats whats causing it00:06
WGGMkBronxAngel: thats a good question, and you maybe have reached my limits.. are these newly installed machines? forgive me if you answered this already00:06
Gamer3c59x broken with acpi=on00:06
Gamer3c59x fails to connect to a router00:06
Gamerunder Ubuntu00:06
WGGMkFlannel: i really appreciate your help and the time you took to help me00:06
DRebellionbug 1166500:06
BronxAngelWGGMk: yes they are00:07
adelie42danbhfive: ok, found it... but still, is there a way to add new commands?00:07
WGGMkBronxAngel: less then 24 hours new?00:07
danbhfiveadelie42: I don't know00:07
Dr_willisGamer,  you have searched the bug reports/forums for others with similer issues?   The Kernel developers dont hangin here much from what ive seen.00:07
adelie42danbhfive: there sure are a lot of options to not have the ability to add any...00:07
GamerI've searched a lot00:07
OwnerHey, i have a wireless usb adapter and im on windows atm, but i cannot connect to my wireless or the internet for that matter. I cannot get on the inter net under 6.0600:07
=== Owner is now known as belorix
Gamerbut maby not good enough?00:07
BronxAngelyeah, my ubuntu server is00:07
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: For some reaons it crashed when i tried to pull up the partition editor00:08
Gamerthis bug is 3 years old00:08
BronxAngelhow is that relevent?00:08
Gamercouldnt they fix it already00:08
DRebelliondamn, why doesn't ubotu print out a bug summary when i say bug 11665 in #ubuntu??00:08
GamerI have the newest version00:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:08
SlartDr_willis: there are some reports on this module (3c59x).. but they are supposed to be fixed00:08
BronxAngelWGGMk: yeah, my ubuntu server ism how is that relevant?00:08
SlartDr_willis: I tried helping Gamer before.. didn't succeed00:08
GamerSlart, any help?00:08
wormintrude!bug 1166500:08
PriceChildbug 1166500:08
Gameroh ye00:08
WGGMkBronxAngel: your ubuntu server?00:08
Gamerit is you00:08
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Gamerhehe, sorry00:08
wormintrudenope, not good00:09
PriceChildDRebellion, its turned on per channel. not in here though00:09
WGGMkBronxAngel: can you give me some more detail on your LAN setup00:09
DRebellionbelorix: 1) don't change your nick 2) wireless support is improving all the time so i _strongly_ recommend you upgrade to gutsy00:09
SlartGamer: =)00:09
DRebellionPriceChild: thats just an annoying and pointless imho00:09
Gamerpfffff, I am clueless00:09
belorixi would but i cannot get onto teh internet to get updates00:09
SlartGamer: perhaps you should try the latest hardy...00:09
PriceChildSlart, please don't suggest that00:09
PriceChildGamer, please don't do that00:09
DRebellionbelorix: download the gutsy iso and do a clean install then00:10
WGGMkajhtiredwolf: Im not sure I can help you would if gparted is crashing.. you can  use fdisk which is command line driven but i would recommend you not use that unless you know what partitions are what..00:10
Gamerwhat's it?00:10
danbhfiveadelie42: yeah, I know, it is silly00:10
PriceChild!hardy | Gamer00:10
ubotuGamer: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:10
Gamerthat takes some time00:10
BronxAngeli have a WRTP54G 3 pcs connected to it00:10
larson999oh boy.  64bit was soooo bugy, i decided to upgrade gutsy to hardy :)00:10
larson999i'm a moron!00:10
SlartPriceChild: why not? if the hardy live cd works then we'll know it's something in the current ubuntu distro..00:10
adelie42danbhfive: it also doesn't like me using F3, but whatever... compromized. thanks for the help00:11
xompTotem can't play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Mplayer was installed and it too cannot play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Can someone please help me? Please?00:11
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: Well as long as I know which partition that fedora is on then i should just be able to isntall on that one... the weird thing is though .. I see the NTFS file systems but i dont see the LVM systems when it brings up the partition menu00:11
Lokii-Gamer anything worth doing is gonna take time :)00:11
BronxAngelWGGMk: the WRTP54G is the router and i have 3 pcs connected to it. 2 of which have static ips..i just thought of something. bbr00:11
Gameryeah, I'll built a new network card in this pc00:11
larson999i hit the thrift store lotto: a ebookman and internet radio all for $2000:11
Gamertakes too much damn time00:11
GamerI have some more network cards here00:12
adelie42danbhfive: it would be really nice to add keystrokes that would, oh, open a terminal and run ssh with a particular series of options and such... but...00:12
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
PriceChild!worksforme | Slart00:12
ubotuSlart: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:12
johnficca NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: libflashplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:12
johnficcanspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for libflashplayer.so00:12
johnficcaI keep getting that00:12
adelie42danbhfive: I think it must be that those particular options are bound to the metacity / gnome library00:12
=== osfamero1 is now known as osfameron
DekkharynHi guys, I've been looking around the support forum and wiki all day, I've been trying to find a bootable floppy that will then load ubuntu from usb, I've got Ubuntu installed to USB just as the support stuff says, but can't make the floppy - tried this, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Boot_Floppies - found via google, but fails when it boots00:12
danbhfiveadelie42: well, there is an option to open a terminal00:12
Dekkharyndoes anyone have a resource handy, like a ubuntu floppy usb-bootstrapper image?00:13
DRebellion!grub | Dekkharyn00:13
ubotuDekkharyn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:13
adelie42danbhfive: yeah, I found it00:13
danbhfiveadelie42: maybe you can just write a bash script for the other things00:13
DekkharynDRebellion: So if I make a GRUB floppy it'll let me boot off USB?00:13
adelie42danbhfive: got that already ;)00:13
DRebellionDekkharyn: i think...00:13
WGGMkBronxAngel: i need to restart my system, i shall return00:13
larson999i hope this is better.  my wife is PO'd because i upgrade her machine from 32bit feisty to 64bit gutsy.  she was so happy with feisty compared to vista.  hope i don't make her go back :(00:14
DekkharynDRebellion: BIOS doesn't support direct boot from usb, which is why I need something to do that, I'll check it out00:14
SlartPriceChild: shesh.. did you even read what the problem was? current ubuntu doesn't work.. the 3c59x module has had bugs... might still be some left.. why not just boot a hardy live cd? what's so bad about it? it's not like the computer is usable as it is00:14
PriceChildSlart, because hardy is not ready for end users.00:14
PriceChildSlart, you will just cause more problems.00:14
Dekkharynthanks DRebellion00:15
adelie42Dekkharyn: openbios supports it, if that is an option in this case. I know award / phoenix bios generally doesn't support it00:15
maybeway36Maybe use feisty backprots then00:15
xompTotem can't play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Mplayer was installed and it too cannot play .ogg files (or any file for that matter). Can someone please help me? Please?00:16
adelie42xomp: do you have other media decoders installed... like gstreamer or the such?00:16
spoonxomp: try vlc00:16
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca
xompadelie42, not that I know of. This is stock Gutsy install with the exception that I downloaded Mplayer from Synaptic. I've not changed/added anything else.00:17
IndyGunFreakrsom: why are you trying to format your IPOD?00:17
SlartGamer: well.. good luck getting that network card working.. I'm off to bed00:17
Gamergood night00:17
PeloIndyGunFreak, know anything about weird cups setup ?00:17
GamerI'll be off soon too00:17
Gameroh and00:17
GamerI'll replace it00:17
IndyGunFreakPelo: not a thing, i don't own a printer...lol00:17
GamerI think00:17
rsomSo that it can be read on a ibook g400:17
Gamerthis is no go00:17
b4l74z4rwhat is the difference between gksu and gksudo?00:18
* Pelo crosses IndyGunFreak 's name off the 1337 list00:18
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol.00:18
Pelob4l74z4r, same thing00:18
DRebellionb4l74z4r: i think they are the same00:18
IndyGunFreakrsom: oh ok.. id ont' know, iv'e got my IPods working between Linux and XP fine, but Linux aned Mac, i don't know.00:18
DRebellionb4l74z4r: gksudo is a link to /usr/bin/gksu00:18
rsomI just don't want to use wine for itunes. It never works and crashes.00:19
rsomBut I'll try it00:19
rsomThank you00:19
IndyGunFreakrsom: so don't use wine..., use amarok, or gtkpod, or whatever00:19
b4l74z4rcould gksu be more reliable in some cases since it's not a link?00:19
rsomI couldn't find a formatting option in amarok00:19
rsombut I haven't tried gtkpod00:19
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IndyGunFreakrsom: oh ok.. maybe gtkpod?.. i don't know.00:19
rsomok I'll try that then00:20
knopper67b4l74z4r: it doesn't really make any difference00:20
* Pelo is gonna try to get help in #debian, hopefully he'll get out of there alive 00:21
b4l74z4rwhat is the difference between running nautilus in gksudo mode as opposed to sudo mode?00:22
maybeway36gksudo mode uses root's config files instead of breaking your own00:22
maybeway36i had that expierence with kdesudo back when it was broken :(00:22
b4l74z4rso gksudo should always be used for graphical purposes?00:22
IndyGunFreakb4l74z4r: pretty much00:23
TaylorerUSUL: Okay, that didn't work. I got: "xinit: Connection reset by peer (errno 104): unable to connect to X server" and "xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error"00:23
HipHopFan85who can help me with this?:D00:23
DekkharynDRebellion: Sorry dude, I'm looking at the ubuntu guide for grub, it doesn't say anything about usb? Maybe you just have to specify the right drive name or somethign?00:23
IndyGunFreakHipHopFan85: what is *this*00:23
maybeway36HipHopFan85: with what?00:23
HipHopFan85kernel: losing some ticks chanking if CPU frequency changed00:23
HipHopFan85then complete freeze of system00:23
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: Ok I got it to work this time and it looks like sdb7 is the current boot partition and the sedb8 is where the fedora install is00:24
HipHopFan85i found that in my /var/log/messages00:24
DekkharynDRebellion: that is to say there's nothing blatantly obvious going "this is how to make it boot from usb"00:24
quitttwhich is the best eMule clone for Ubuntu:00:24
WGGMkajhtiredwol1: glad to hear everything is working for ya00:24
EsxProquittt, mldonkey.?00:24
BronxAngelshould my router be listed under resolve.conf?00:25
knopper67quittt: try amule, it's in the repositories.00:25
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: so here is my quesiton then, how do I tell it to install the boot loader on sdb7 and overwrite the current grub boot loader and then tell it to install ubuntu on the sdb8?00:25
lordleemoquitt try amule00:25
onexusedI'm trying to mount a share from a Windows 2003 machine.  When I do "sudo mount -t smbfs // /mnt/smb -o credentials=/home/me/.smbpasswd,gid=users", I'm told "cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it. /n 12206: protocol negotiation filed /n SMB connection filed".  What do I need to do to mount the share?00:25
quitttknopper67, I've tried it, but it don't connect to the most of servers00:25
HipHopFan85who can help me with Ubuntu problem??:D00:25
knopper67quitt: ah, alright, what about frostwire?00:25
BronxAngelWGGMk: should my router be listed under resolv.conf?00:26
WGGMkajhtiredwol1: i would imagine you need to setup a custom partition to do that, which really im not good at doing.. but you would use manual install00:26
onexusedHipHopFan85: Don't ask to ask, just ask is the general rule.00:26
HipHopFan85BronxAngel only if its going to be your DNS server00:26
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: do you know of someone in here who is good at taht?00:26
EsxProTaylor, you goyt any error message after a stratx?00:26
DRebellionDekkharyn: maybe you can do something from the "grub prompt"00:26
WGGMkBronxAngel: i would think not. its not serving DNS is it?00:26
BagelMasterDoes anyone have any experience with MADWIFI?00:26
WGGMkajhtiredwol1: best to just ask in chat mate00:26
DRebellion!anyone | BagelMaster00:27
ubotuBagelMaster: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:27
ajhtiredwol1WGGMk: thanks anyway00:27
DRebellionBagelMaster: you still here ay?00:27
TaylorEsxPro: Yeah, I think it was those ones above. ...or it was the "Fatal server error: no screens found"00:27
BagelMasterDRebellion, yup00:27
DRebellionBagelMaster: heh00:27
BagelMasterMadwifi looks like the best option00:27
HipHopFan85anyone ever had this problem? Kernel: Losing some ticks checking to see if CPU frequency changed00:27
BronxAngelmy desktop has the router in the resolv.conf but my ubuntu server has the cablemodem dns servers there00:27
BagelMasterDRebellion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7545100:27
b4l74z4ri understand that alt + f2 is a keyboard shortcut to invoke the run command, but where in the menu is that actual command?00:27
ajhtiredwol1 Is anyone in here good at doing a custom install with ubuntu? I need to specify ubuntu to over write a fedora installation and install the boot loader in a different spot00:27
BronxAngelHipHopFan85: WGGMkmy desktop has the router in the resolv.conf but my ubuntu server has the cablemodem dns servers there00:27
BagelMasterHe refers to my exact wireless card00:27
HipHopFan85point it to ubuntu server?00:28
jribb4l74z4r: it does not exist00:28
onexused(What's the syntax for ubotu?)00:28
DekkharynDRebellion: seems a bit too in depth for me mate. I'll give it a shot though, it's to fix a very very old laptop up with some ubuntu00:28
HipHopFan85BronxAngel: What is it that you have problems with?00:28
jrib!ubotu > onexused (read the private message from ubotu)00:28
Dekkharynstill, I think I'll try it again00:28
b4l74z4rjrib: is it a secret feature, cause i discovered it by chance00:28
WGGMkBronxAngel: how is your LAN setup.. is it Modem >> Server >> Router >> PC's?00:28
onexusedjrib: thanks00:28
bluefoxxok, so my wifi card works fine in linux automatically but theres a lack of tools for detecting wireless networks in range of it to connect to, as far as i can tell00:28
DRebellionDekkharyn: dive in!00:28
BronxAngelHipHopFan85: pcs behind same router can only ping by ip. not host name00:29
lordleemobluefox try wicd00:29
EsxProTaylor, for me it come from xorg.conf00:29
xompwow, guess what? VLC can't play an .ogg file either... I've installed player after player here and none of them seem to be capable of playing a simple .ogg file. If this is to be expected from a base install of Gutsy then I feel badly for the linux community and it's ability to retain new users.....00:29
jribb4l74z4r: not really a secret feature, no.  You can configure the keyboard shortcut in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts00:29
BronxAngelWGGMk: cable modem --> router --> 2 pcs00:29
TaylorEsxPro: What comes from xorg.conf?00:29
nemilarxomp: did you install the ogg codecs? ;)00:29
bluefoxxalso, it seems that if i mess around with network configurations it crashes and refuses to connect unless i reboot[im on my shoddy wired connection right now]00:29
jribxomp: gutsy can play .ogg ootb.  Try /etc/skel/Examples/Experience ubuntu.ogg00:29
HipHopFan85do you maybe need to set your router as default gataway?00:29
bluefoxxanyone have any thoughts00:29
WGGMkBronxAngel: then your server's resolv.conf does not need to be changed, nor does your PC's resolv.conf because everything is going to be using your ISP's DNS to resolve externally00:30
EsxProTaylor, try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org00:30
xompjrib, nemilar I get a green screen with Totem, Blue screen with VLC, and an error message with Mplayer.00:30
|DuReX|is there a website where i can see supported Tapestreamers & SCSI Controllers ?00:30
WGGMkHipHopFan85: BronxAngel: his router should pass this info to the PC's if its serving DHCP00:30
xompnemilar, where would these codecs be?00:30
nemilarxomp: What's the error message?  And, did you install the codecs?00:30
danbhfivebluefoxx: ive had the same problem.  Getting a good signal was the fix for me00:30
knopper67xorp: what is the error mplayer gives you?00:31
jribxomp: ogg is a container format, so you are probably missing the codec it uses.  In any case, try the file I suggested to see if that works first00:31
Kevin`|DuReX| most manufacturers will specifically say it's supported, as it's a server component00:31
xompnemilar, could not open codec in Mplayer00:31
TaylorEsxPro: Tried that, actually, to no avail. It couldn't find it, or something along those lines.00:31
Kevin`(also, most are supported)00:31
BagelMasterWhere can I find bin86 in order to setup madwifi?00:31
HipHopFan85WGGMk: I agree but how is his server set up..thats what confuses me00:31
mikebotIs there a way to add a folder to my main menu so that I can browse through the subfolders and so on?00:31
BronxAngelHipHopFan85: WGGMk: the router serves .100 - .149 for dhcp but all my pcs are .10 - .99. could this be the issue?00:31
bluefoxxdanbhfive: well it refuses to connect period, even though my main connection is a wired ethernet one00:31
DRebellionxomp: hrm that file works ootb for me with only mplayer installed :/00:31
EsxProTaylor, ati gc?00:31
DRebellionBagelMaster: sudo apt-get install bin8600:31
knopper67xomp: did you install any additional codecs after you installed gutsy?00:32
TaylorEsxPro: I tried "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start", too, and it just gave: [ OK ]00:32
jribmikebot: you can edit the menu, just right click on the ubuntu icon and "edit menu".  You can't really do what you asked though afaik00:32
BagelMasterDRebellion: I get00:32
TaylorEsxPro: Integrated video card; 945GM Family, Intel00:32
danbhfivebluefoxx: even the wired doesnt work?00:32
xompknopper67, I've installed 0 codecs. I've simply grabbed Mplayer & VLC from Synaptic today as suggested.00:32
WGGMkBronxAngel: HipHopFan85: if your router is serving DHCP to the PC's and the Server, then it is not a LAN issue.. if your router is just an ACCESS POINT for the PC's to get to the server which is serving DHCP then the problem lye's on your server's DNS records00:32
HipHopFan85BronxAngel: It means your PC's are not being given by DHCP server.Are you sure they are not set to static?00:32
bluefoxxlordleemo: wicd: package does not ecist00:32
mikebotjrib: When I did that I couldn't figure out how to add a folder00:32
BagelMasterDRebellion: I get "Reading package lists... DONE"  "Reading state information... DONE" and "E: Couldn't find package bin86"00:33
bluefoxxdanbhfive: nope, if i reconfigure it at all it drops the connection alltogether00:33
xompknopper67, I've been told continually that .ogg is a natively supported container ootb, but I'm experiencing different :/00:33
jribmikebot: "new menu"00:33
toresnhow do i make xlsfonts recognize the fonts i've installed... i've downloaded a font and put it in my ~/.fonts ... it's recognised by i.e. openoffice00:33
DRebellionBagelMaster: i have bin86 in my repos00:33
najzlijijiwhere can i find boot log?00:33
HipHopFan85WGGmk: Set them static and they wont be in DHCP range.Is your internet working on those machine?00:33
ConstyXIVcan you have ubuntu cleanly unmount your removable drives on standby?00:33
mikebotjrib: RIght, but like, I want to be able to add a folder that has a bunch of stuff, and then browse through that stuff from the main menu.00:33
BagelMasterDRebellion:  So were could I get it?00:33
awmcclainHey all... can I use apt instead of dpkg to install a debian package I built myself?00:34
WGGMkHipHopFan85 wrong person00:34
xompjrib, when trying to open that file in VLC I get: Unable to open '/etc/skel/Examples/Experience'00:34
xompUnable to open 'ubuntu.ogg'00:34
lordleemobluefox get it from sourceforge google wicd00:34
jribmikebot: yes, I don't think you can do that.  You can just add stuff one by one00:34
jribxomp: you need to escape the space00:34
DRebellionBagelMaster: check, system -> administration -> software sources00:34
bluefoxxlordleemo: ok, will try that, ty00:34
knopper67xomp: it's in /usr/share/example-content/00:34
mikebotjrib: And you can't add subfolders and stuff either.00:34
WGGMkBronxAngel: does your server have 2 ethernet adapters? 1 coming in from modem and 1 going out to router? or do you just have the server attached to the router?00:34
DRebellionBagelMaster: its in the main repository00:34
danbhfivebluefoxx: i dunno then, id suggest to at least make sure you are updated00:35
mikebotjrib: Basically I want it like in Windows start menu when you add a folder you can expand the sub-folders and so on.00:35
ajhtiredwol1Is the root file the boot partition?00:35
danand_awmcclain - think you can do - but you have to create a local repository - why not just use dpkg??00:35
BagelMasterDrebellion: I am not connected to the internet on that computer... I am talking to you from a Mac00:35
xompknopper67, that file also plays but nothing but a blue screen in the player. The progress bar goes along merrily.00:35
DRebellion!offline | BagelMaster00:35
ubotuBagelMaster: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/00:35
b4l74z4ri tried to create a launcher for the filebrowser by putting gksudo in front of natilus in the command line but nothing happens when i click this launcher00:35
jribmikebot: yes, I don't think you can do that00:36
BronxAngelWGGMk: HipHopFan85: i have forced both computers to use a static ip outside of the router's dhcp range. the router has it's own lan ip but the cable modem connected to the router has an ip of 64.4.xx.xxi call the ubuntu server a server but it is not serving anything now. i want to turn it into a file server00:36
mohbanais there a good audio player with a big seek bar beside rhythmbox00:36
EsxProtry this Taylor sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx00:36
mikebotjrib: Dang, OK, thanks.00:36
bluefoxxdanbhfive: its an brandnew installation i just did today, everyuthing is updated, but i want to get the wifi working for a faster connection before i update00:36
knopper67xorp: if it's a blue sceen, then it's probably a video driver issue or something.00:36
xompknopper67, xorp? hehe00:36
TaylorAlright, thanks EsxPro. I'll be back. >.<00:36
knopper67oh sorry...lol00:36
mohbanaalot of people having issues with nvidia cards, this quiet a big issue00:36
jribb4l74z4r: you really shouldn't need such a thing, but pastebin what you did00:36
xompknopper67, lol np ;) I actually got a chuckle out of that.00:37
bluefoxxdanbhfive: i only get 30kb/s on my "broadband" connection00:37
DRebellionmohbana: complain and they might go open source00:37
knopper67xomp: what video card do you have?00:37
Jack_SparrowEsxPro: What card did he have in that?00:37
mohbanaDRebellion, you think so?00:37
danbhfivebluefoxx: yeah, but what if an update fixes the problem?00:37
xompknopper67, xomp@xomp-laptop:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA00:37
xomp01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] [1002:4c57]00:37
jribajhtiredwol1: "root file"?  What is the context where you read this term?00:37
atclahow to use console on ubundu ?00:38
WGGMkBronxAngel: power cycle everything in this order.. SHUT DOWN ALL MACHINES..... unplug router.. unplug modem.. count to 45.. power on Modem.. wait for all lights usually ends at "Online" power on router... wait for all lights.. then power up each machine00:38
DRebellionmohbana: we are the people, we have the power00:38
jrib!terminal | atcla00:38
ubotuatcla: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:38
mohbanaif there is some sort of pertion i would sign it00:38
EsxProJack_Sparrow, intel00:38
atclajrib: thanx00:38
knopper67xomp: are the drivers for the card installed?00:38
Jack_SparrowEsxPro: Thanks...00:38
bluefoxxdanbhfive: 250 mb of updates on my net takes me about 4 hours -.-00:38
BronxAngelWGGMk: HipHopFan85: brb00:39
xompknopper67, I'm assuming so, I'm capable of running compiz fusion with full effects00:39
kenanCan someone please send me the link where I can download the deb version of OO?00:39
nemilarkenan: OO.o is in repos00:39
WGGMkHipHopFan85: sorry forgot to copy your name in there.. i told him to power cycle everything00:39
kenannemilar: i want to download from the website00:39
knopper67xomp: try disabling compiz fusion and play the ogg file again, see how that works00:39
EsxProJack_Sparrow, intel 945m exactely00:39
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bluefoxxlordleemo: ok, i found the wicd thing, but why isnt it in the repos?00:39
HipHopFan85WGGMk: i think /etc/rc.d/named restart00:39
devils-havenCan any one help me setup my resolution to 1360x768?00:39
HipHopFan85WGGMk: would be better..00:39
danbhfivebluefoxx: I forget, have you tried iwconfig?00:39
xompknopper67, ok00:39
Jack_SparrowEsxPro: I didnt think the fglrx would work on intel.. thought it was ati only00:40
HipHopFan85WGGMk: I still dont understand what he is trying to do :]00:40
WGGMkHipHopFan85: i would agree if it was only 1 system, but he said he's having problems on all systems00:40
lordleemobluefox  deb http://apt.wicd.net feisty extras  it uses its own repo add that00:40
Jack_Sparrow!res > devils-haven00:40
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:40
WGGMkHipHopFan85: im not sure either.. if he can ping with ip and not hostname, 9 times out of 10 its DNS00:40
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Works of all systems :D ipconfig /flushdns on other machine00:41
HipHopFan85WGGmk: Does the server even have a name?:D00:41
WGGMkHipHopFan85: but still he router would pass all DHCP info to the server00:41
knopper67xomp: any luck yet?00:41
WGGMkhiphopfan85: it should lol00:41
mkquisthey all, anyone any thoughts, install ubuntu alternate, comp powers down fine, use xubuntu install cd and wont power all the way down, like actually turn off...00:41
lordleemobluefox on the  sourceforge website it shows how to install in ubuntu00:41
xompknopper67, nope, same thing after disabling compiz00:41
bluefoxxdanbhfive: not yet, im still farely new to netowrking period, only time i used wifi b4 was on my laptop[s]and those ran windows[urrg, thats what destroyed my system today]00:41
AngryElfis a SQUASHFS error while trying to boot the live CD basically a screwed up liveCD?00:41
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Helpdesk support learns you a thing or two.. dont trust people :D00:42
najzlijijican somebody help me00:42
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Can you help me with something?00:42
najzlijijii need to enable 5 in 1 card reader00:42
mkquistnajzlijiji: as your question00:42
mkquistnajzlijiji: ask*00:42
WGGMkHipHopFan85: I can try, shoot00:42
bluefoxxlordleemo: yea, i see that now, thanks =300:42
HipHopFan85najzliliji: Sta treba?:D00:42
root_Hey all, how do I stop my console from blanking00:42
root_its like xset or somehting00:42
Jack_Sparrownajzlijiji: If it is one of the built in card readers (especially laptop) not many drivers are available00:42
Davey24hi, does anyone know what the differences are between the dell version of 7.10 shipping on the m1330 is and the version you download from the ubuntu website?00:42
mkquistnajzlijiji: mine just works, what are u using? gutsy?00:42
jribroot_: are you root right now?00:43
najzlijijibut on the boot time it says cannot enable port 8  maybe the USB cable is bad?00:43
satorisI've an issue in compiz ... it's the mouse00:43
knopper67xomp: weird... as for the codec issue ogg is the container format for the actual encoded video. the file you were trying to play before was probably encoded in mpeg but inside and ogg file00:43
satorissometime it got just crazy00:43
root_jrib:  no, this is a joke to get people to tell me DONT IRC AS ROOT00:43
wolfman2323hi.. i was trying to run this cmd in the shell " sudo synce-serial-start" but it wont start..00:43
WGGMkDavey24: I would guess its customized to your hardware00:43
HipHopFan85WGGMk: I put the new Ubuntu cd and it runs fine for few minutes then it freezes.Like totally freez I have to restart it00:43
xompknopper67, funny thing is, I'm not sure if you're familiar with Istanbul, but when you're finished recording a desktop session you are prompted to save the file, in that box you are able to "preview" the screen recording and the video plays a treat in that but not in a standalone player like Mplayer or VLC lol00:43
jribroot_: hilarious... anyway, what do you mean by "blanking"?00:43
Jack_Sparrowjrib: I got a great alsa script from crimsun ,, have ost of it converted to a module already00:43
WGGMkHipHopFan85: define new? Hardy? or Gutsy?00:43
root_jrib:  the screen "blanks" like a screensaver00:43
satoriscan someone help me out? this is unespected... mostly when I play FPS games LoL00:44
root_I used to know the command to stop it00:44
root_butr i have forogtten00:44
Davey24Does anyone know where do download the Dell version then?00:44
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Ubuntu 7.1000:44
jribroot_: well 'man xset' has "noblank" at the top, but I have no idea if that does what you want00:44
mo0n_sniperroot_ anyway why running irc as root is stupid?00:44
bod_and pointless00:44
WGGMkHipHopFan85: so it only freeze's during the LiveCD? you running a laptop or old hardware?00:44
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: Ask in #Compiz... they can help tweak things.. but best to turn compiz off for best performance00:44
knopper67xomp, do you have any  issues with music files as well?00:44
mkquistnajzlijiji: sry cant respond in there apparently right now, but i have a card reading installed and ubuntu just sees it00:45
wolfman2323is it possible to sync imate to ubuntu00:45
satorisI know00:45
HipHopFan85WGGMk: I have the same problem with OpenSUSE it runs fine for few minutes then it freezes00:45
knopper67xomp: *ogg files*00:45
xompknopper67, I've not tried any audio files, but system sounds play fine.00:45
satorisbut it's not about compiz ...00:45
satorissomething is wrong qith the mouse00:45
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Desktop AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2.0 Ghz00:45
satorisit moves alone sometimes00:45
bod_satoris, what is your problem?00:45
mo0n_sniperit's possesed00:45
najzlijijiok and front side USB reader (hub) is not working also00:45
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: Does it happen with compiz off00:45
knopper67xomp, so, i'm guessing its a video driver issue, but thats only have the story00:45
WGGMkHipHopFan85: you running x86 build or amd64?00:45
najzlijijii think it hase something to do with hardver seting for those pins on motherboard00:46
HipHopFan85WGGMk: onboard graphics card, 512 RAM00:46
satoriswell, I start compiz session by default00:46
najzlijijior something00:46
xompknopper67, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised.00:46
satorisso it's with compiz00:46
HipHopFan85WGGMk: 64bit AMD and Intel computers00:46
gmcastilwhat's the standard locale for US users? ISO-8859-1?00:46
bod_Jack_Sparrow, compiz dioesnt controll the mouse, but i suppose i might be the problem00:46
satorissometimes it moves alone00:46
satoristhe mouse00:46
knopper67xomp: you can keep asking anyone else here, i'll be back in 15 - 20 mins. good luck00:46
bod_satoris, how many mous's have ou got connected to your machine?00:46
satorisjust one00:46
xompthanks for the help knopper67 :)00:46
cherohola alguien me puede ayudar?00:47
bod_satoris, is it infared or rollerball00:47
satorisand it's a Desktop machine00:47
Jack_Sparrowbod_: I had some odd issues with compiz and fps games and my mouse..00:47
satorisrollerball, PS/200:47
WGGMkHipHopFan85: i think it might be a hardware issue, if its happening on different builds and different distro's.. did you try searching online for similar problems with similar hardware? i really wouldnt no where to start troubleshooting it00:47
HipHopFan85WGGMk: When I did memory test I got three entries in red00:47
bod_Jack_Sparrow, really? cool, like what?00:47
satorisI've just look into the forums00:47
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: logitec trackball here as well...00:47
satorisand there are no replies xD00:47
cherotengo un problema con mi impresoara00:47
Kamaok, I just canned my 64bit installation and went to a 32 bit ubuntu00:47
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Yes I did.. :(00:47
satorisno... this is a generic.. Genius00:47
HipHopFan85Kama why?00:47
Kamahow can I get flash to work?00:47
HipHopFan85on which processor?:D00:47
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: Please be patient here and in COmpiz00:47
bod_satoris, ok, its not a prb with the mouse i dont think, but try cleaning the roller  bars inside the mouse00:47
WGGMkHipHopFan85: possibly corrupt memory sticks... you could try pulling all your RAM out and booting to the LiveCD with 1 Stick at a time in.. to test your RAM00:48
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.00:48
satoriswhat do you meen?00:48
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Works ok on XP am using same computer now00:48
satorissorry I suck at english00:48
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: Start by not using enter so often and be patient00:48
bod_satoris, your maouse has a ball inside it yes?00:48
cherole puse el cartucho nuevo es una hp deskjet 656 c pero no imprime que puedo hacer00:48
WGGMk!enter | satoris00:48
ubotusatoris: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:48
jim-^its as easy as grabbing the tarball from macromedia's website and copying the libflash.so to the firefox/plugins dir00:48
xomp!br | chero00:49
ubotuchero: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:49
satoristhat's rollerball, right?00:49
bod_does anyone no what language chero speaks?00:49
IndyGunFreakbod_: lol, wht if he has an optical?..lol00:49
bluefoxxok, why is it that even though amsn is running the latest version it tells me that its nol longer supported?00:49
Kamawhat is gnash?  and does it, or will it owrk?00:49
Jack_Sparrowjim-^: remember to add ... they may need to create a plugins folder00:49
bod_IndyGunFreak, then his answer would be reflective mousemat00:49
satorischero, tienes que instalar la nueva version de foo2jzs00:49
IndyGunFreakbod_: i just thought that was funny.. thats all..lol00:49
HipHopFan85WGGMk: More help please?00:49
bod_satoris, does your mouse have a ball inside it?00:49
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:49
jim-^i think its in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/00:49
bod_IndyGunFreak, lol,.,.good old days00:50
cheropero como lo hago00:50
WGGMkHipHopFan85: best I can tell ya to do is try each stick of RAM individually.. other then that im stumped.. ask around in chat see if anyone else is the wiser00:50
IndyGunFreakbod_: indeed00:50
xen_Hey there i cant seem to browse the net with konquerer, but i can with firefox, is there some setting i should be enabling to browse the www with konqurer?00:50
satorischero, anda a #ubuntu-es00:50
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HipHopFan85WGGMk: Thanks dude.00:50
bod_satoris, you can open up your mouse by looking at the bottom of it, then twist a piece of plastic, then clean the inside00:50
Kamahow do i can the messages about people entering and leaviong?00:50
IndyGunFreakPelo: so did they flame you in #debian00:50
WGGMkHipHopFan85: sorry i couldnt give you more info00:50
PeloIndyGunFreak, worse they ignored me00:50
satorisno, it's not that, I just cleaned it up00:50
cheroporque imprimio una sola vez y si imprimio bien pero ya no quizo volver a imprimir00:50
IndyGunFreakPelo: lmao00:50
Kamasoneone send satoris to a website describing mouses00:51
HipHopFan85WGGmk: I realise its a memory problem, but why is XP running fine :(00:51
Pelo!es | chero00:51
ubotuchero: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:51
elninjaAnyone know how to change the connection order for wireless networks with gnome's Network Manager?00:51
Kamait is near impossible to explain, but easy to see00:51
satorisIt's a issue with compiz... as I've googled00:51
Zikitihello all, I tried to install the microsoft fonts and never completed the installation because of internet restrictions where I am. Nonetheless I tried to uninstall it and can't because it fails on the post install script. Is there a way to force the uninstallation by bypassing that script?00:51
bod_satoris, ok,. now check your connection at the back of the computer00:51
Jack_Sparrowbod_: One of the problems I had, was the cursor would just suddenly slide to the bottom of the screen00:51
satorisok, what do I have to look specifically?00:51
WGGMkHipHopFan85: *shrug* may not be utilizing the memory blocks like Ubuntu or maybe too stupid to realize there is a problem00:51
bod_Jack_Sparrow, ive had that, usually because of shiny mousemats, but i use infared ones,.,. cause im posh!!!   lol00:51
bod_satoris, just unplug the mouse then plug it back in00:52
Aloha__how do i get tubetube to work?00:52
satorisOh, I've tried that one too...00:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »00:52
Pelohow hard can it be to "Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600." ?00:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashissuess - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:52
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.00:52
Pelobod_, the installer is broken, go to the adobe website and get the tar.gz file00:52
cherook gracias00:52
satorisit happens just like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49502200:52
bod_satoris, errmm,. well ,. only thing i can think off is compiz00:52
satorisyes... but that's not quite the best thing I can do... don't you think?00:53
Kamawhat version of ubuntu is gutsy gbbon?00:53
bod_Pelo, that was  directed to someone else,. sorry,. and the best place is this link : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63639700:53
PeloKama, 7.1000:53
jim-^\pluss i highly recommend removeing totem and its mozilla plugin :P i hate totem00:53
Jack_Sparrowsatoris: IF you would at least try the suggestion, it would anser the question00:53
HipHopFan85WGGMk: Hurts me that I cant get it to work fine and stupid Windows work00:53
Kama7.04 is called fawn?00:53
onatsis there a way to login remotely to an ubuntu server and still get a gUI/Desktop from that machine?00:54
Jack_SparrowKama: or Feisty00:54
jim-^feisty fawn00:54
PeloKama,  we like to call it feisty00:54
Aloha__Kama: feisty fawn00:54
satorishmmm, you're right Jack00:54
Kamaok, confused here then.  IF G is the 7th letter, why arent all editions with a 7 gutsy?00:54
Kamaor should I just not think about it00:54
bod_satoris, no one is replying because your not giving them an explanation,. there probably all thinkin,.,. get a better mouse00:54
satorisI'll try right now...00:55
* Pelo will have to realy work at it not to call 8.04 horny hardon 00:55
satoriswell, that's not my thread... thehe00:55
* bod_ thinks Pelo has come up with a better name then Hardy Heron00:55
Kamahehe, he said horney00:55
PeloKama,   7.10 translates as  october 2007 the date or release00:55
Dr_willisKama,  thers no scheming to the cutsy-codenames  that ive seen.. :)00:55
Aloha__so flash doesn't work with the livecd?00:55
Dr_willislike Pelo  said. the version # are just the release dates00:55
Kama7.10 october.  D'OH!00:55
satorisok, I'm at metacity... I just have to wait00:55
xen_Hey there i cant seem to browse the net with konquerer, but i can with firefox, is there some setting i should be enabling to browse the www with konqurer?00:56
KamaI was just looking ro some sorty of rhyme or rythem00:56
bod_Jack_Sparrow, why is he going to matacity?00:56
wolfman2323HELP... how can i synchronize my imate to evolution00:56
Jack_Sparrowbod_: No idea00:56
Gideanwhats the comand to configure xorg?00:56
PeloKama,  do you mean ryhm or reason ?00:56
rootanyone using mysql 5.0.3 on 7.0.400:56
bod_satoris, why are you doing anything with metacity?00:56
BagelMasterCan I have someone help me compile madwifi, the language is confusing for me -  I am a first time user00:56
onatsgidean, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:56
satorisI... don't know what to reply00:57
najzlijijidoes somebody knows why i get this message right after system recognizes USB hub00:57
najzlijijihub 4-0:1.0: over-current change on port 500:57
bod_guys, how do you disable compiz?00:57
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satorismetacity --replace?00:57
Pelosatoris, lets try it this way what are you tryi8ng to acheive ?00:57
najzlijijiand then it changes ports  from 5 throug 800:57
edjutrying to set up some drivers for my printer - third party stuff.  it craps out saying i need gtk and gdk - i run kde.  i checked the repos, but i don't know exactly what to dwnload.  i have to print tonight.  anybody save me a trip to kinko's?00:57
PriceChildbod_, system > preferences > appearance > effects00:57
bod_Pelo, disable his compiz plz00:57
bod_PriceChild, oh yer,.,. duh,.,. cheers00:58
Peloedju, libgtk and the related -dev package00:58
bod_satoris,  system > preferences > appearance > effects   then pick the lowest option00:58
satorisI'm at 7.0400:58
bod_as in most basic00:58
jesoAnyone have any problems adjusting input volume on Audacity in Gutsy?00:58
Pelosatoris, rigth click the desktop,  change wallpaper,  last tab  desktop effects, select none or whateverit is00:58
satorisok ok00:59
Aloha__is there a list of things you can and can't do with the live dc?00:59
edjuPelo, "unable to locate package libgtk".00:59
* Pelo thinks bod_ needs a little break00:59
jesoAnyone?  I can't make Audacity's input volume go past 0.400:59
satoristhere's no such thing like "last tab desktop effects"00:59
Peloedju, hold on00:59
* bod_ thinks disablig compiz shouldnt be so damn complicated,.,.lol,.,. im just muckin about Pelo00:59
najzlijijiis there anybody here who can help me with enabling front USB ports?01:00
toresnhow do i make xlsfonts recognize the fonts i've installed... i've downloaded a font and put it in my ~/.fonts ... it's recognized by i.e. openoffice01:00
kubitzjeso it goes right up to 1.0 here01:00
Dr_willisThe last tab on the 'change desktop wallpaper' has settings for disabling compiz here.01:00
Peloedju, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev should install all the needed dependencies as well01:00
jesoAny ideas how to fix my problem?01:00
toresnwhere does xlsfonts get its listing from?01:00
Joshuaxiong1(04:55:46:pm) -NickServ-            Nickname: Joshuaxiong101:00
Joshuaxiong1(04:55:46:pm) -NickServ-          Registered: 13 weeks 4 days (18h 5m 4s) ago01:00
Joshuaxiong1(04:55:46:pm) -NickServ-           Last Seen: 13 weeks 4 days (17h 56m 59s) ago01:00
FloodBot1Joshuaxiong1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
satorishere at feisty not01:00
bluefoxxnajzlijiji: are the cords for them pluged in on the inside of the computer?01:00
bod_!pastebin | Joshuaxiong101:01
ubotuJoshuaxiong1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:01
Pelobod_, you know what I say,  candy rots your teeth, eye candy rots your brain01:01
edjuPelo, Thanks.  gdk as well?01:01
PriceChildbod_, the floodbot did that01:01
Joshuaxiong1Last Seen: 13 weeks 4 days (17h 56m 59s) ago01:01
mkquistoops sry wrong channel01:01
Joshuaxiong1Last Seen Quit Msg: Excess Flood01:01
Dr_willisPelo,  Ocular Cavaties01:01
Peloedju, try it lilke that first01:01
kubitzjeso sorry it just worked straight out of the box here so I have no idea what your issue is01:01
bod_Joshuaxiong1, keep it on 1 line01:01
PeloDr_willis, nice one01:01
bod_PriceChild, god bless that little floodbot01:01
* bluefoxx specializes in computer hardware and repairs01:02
bod_Pelo, well i think ur right, but brain rot should be celebrated!!01:02
bluefoxxnajzlijiji: are the cords for them pluged in on the inside of the computer?01:02
Peloedju, sudo apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf-dev01:02
TaylorerUSUL: You still here?01:02
gmcastilwhat locale does ubuntu recommend for US users? UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1?01:02
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satorisnothing happens people, even if I'm at metacity01:02
bod_satoris, what are you doing with matacity???????01:03
Pelosatoris, what do you think metacity is ?01:03
satorisI mean, this issue no longer happens when I supposedly turn of compiz01:03
Pelosatoris, what ever your original issue with compiz was,  the ppl in #compiz can probably help you to fix it better then the ppl here01:03
satoriswell, I discovered that right now01:04
kubitzgmcastil I don't know about Ubuntu but I think UTF-8 is more widely supported generally - a lot more supported01:04
=== kduboi2 is now known as kdu1
satorisbut thanks for your help01:04
Zikitiis there a way to bypass the msttcorefonts porst install script... because i cannot remove that package01:04
satorisIt's always good to receive orientation :). Bye ppl!01:04
satoristhanks bod and pelo!01:04
goodhabitHello. I am looking for gui dvd ripping software with viewable quality. Advice me please.01:04
* Pelo wonders if PriceChild knows how to Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600.01:04
bod_PriceChild, ace!01:04
edjuPelo, That did it!  Setup started like a charm.  Thanks again.01:05
Kamahow can I get this program to stop telling me when people enter or leave the room?_01:05
bod_satoris, did you disable compiz?01:05
Peloedju, you are welcome01:05
najzlijijiis there anyone here who can help me with enabling front USB ports?01:05
fleishmanGreetings, I am having trouble finding the package "compizconfig-settings-manager" in Synaptic.  It lists several compiz packages, all of which i have installed, but the settings manager is not listed as an option to install.  i have an Nvidia 8600GTS which i have the drives installed for.  how do i get compizconfig-settings-manager so that i can utilize the 3d effects?01:05
satorisyes, that problem is no longer01:05
PriceChildPelo, I don't even know what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow.01:05
Pelogoodhabit,  check what is available in add-remove01:05
bod_PriceChild, Kellogs Crunchy Nut KornFlakes?01:05
satorisso it's a compiz one. I'll check it out there. Thank you.... Bye!01:05
bluefoxxnajzlijiji: you there? you wanted to enable front USB ports on your computer correct? well in my expirence as long as the cable is pluged into the motherboard inside and the extra USB is enabled in the BIOS [eg option: enable legacy USB] then ubuntu should utilize them01:05
gmcastilkubitz: ok, thats what it looked like, but for some reason i thought that utf had some problems01:06
kubitzgoodhabit I'm just going to check but i would say DVD Shrink will probably work on Wine01:06
Pelosatoris, if this was about the title bars disapearing when you turn on the effects you just need to enable metacity or emerald to work with compiz01:06
borncrazyhow, do i "install" this iptable script? http://www.hermann-uwe.de/files/fw_laptop01:06
najzlijijii know that but it works like charm in W$ and in 7.10 it's just dead01:06
bod_Pelo,  no it was a screwy mouse he had trouble with01:06
kubitzgmcastil I think it has atheoretical issue inasmuch as it's not a proper standard01:06
kubitzOt something like that01:06
devils-havencan any one help me again? file permission options are grayed out, how can i change file permission then?01:07
gmcastilkubitz: yeah...i knw that there can be problems with man pages regarding that01:07
fleishmananyone?  is there someplace i can get the "compizconfig-settings-manager" package that is not listed in Synaptic?  I'm running ubuntu 7.1001:07
lordleemozikiti try  sudo apt-get --purge remove msttcorefonts01:07
am3itchmysql on feisty, anyone help with post-install issue?01:07
bod_devils-haven, sudo chmod *** /path/to/file/01:07
orbisvicisanyone have any clue about mounting ftp -> folder -> nfs   ?01:07
cosmodadborncrazy: you need to run it after the boot process has nearly finished, e.g., by adding a call into /etc/rc.local. However, if you don't know what this is about, better use something like firestarter.01:08
devils-haven missing operand after01:08
Kamaok, total noob here.  What shold I do to watch youtube videos?  install wine?  play with flash?01:08
bluefoxxnajzlijiji: try lsusb , i think that should list them, as far as i know all my devices have been plug nd play in linux so far except for a joystick and MS serial mouse01:08
Dr_willisorbisvicis,  theres those fuse-ftp filesystem tools. for mounting a ftp server as a local dir.  But i dont knowhow well it plays with nfs01:08
bod_fleishman, you need the correct repo's go into /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all the lines beginning with deb01:08
PeloKama,  install flash but the installer is curretnly broken, just go to the adobe website and get the tar.gz file01:08
BagelMasterIs anyone familiar with madwifi, enough so that you could aid me in installing it?  I'm new to linux, and the language on the madwifi site is confusing for me :|01:08
fleishmanbod_-thanks, i'll give it a try01:09
borncrazycosmodad, i want to make it autostart01:09
najzlijijifleishman, have u tried to enable sources in 'System>administration > software sources'01:09
borncrazybut how do i install it??01:09
cosmodadborncrazy: and if this is a single user system only, I doubt you find it much more useful than firestarter.01:09
am3itchhow recompile mysql with --old-passwords01:09
devils-havenbob i get  missing operand after01:09
Kamawhat do i do wwith the file once i get it?  I have no idea what a tar is01:09
bod_fleishman, no probs,. then ccsm should be in synaptic01:09
mynymlis there a way to downgrade a package? skype from medibuntu in this case01:09
borncrazyno i want this script01:09
najzlijijilsusb lists 4 busses01:09
cosmodad!startup | borncrazy01:09
ubotuborncrazy: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:09
bod_devils-haven, post your exact command01:09
PeloKama, a tar is an archive,   extract it to your desktop , there shold be a read me or install file in it , read that01:10
danandkama tar.gz is a compressed archive - bit like a zip file in windows01:10
devils-havensudo chmod '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:10
borncrazyim using kubuntu01:10
devils-haventried witohught the caps, and withought the file name01:10
najzlijijibut neither of them doesnt have ID (all 0000:0000)01:10
kubitzgoodhabit I usually refer to http://www.doom9.net/ for DVD help most of those things seem to work with wine nowadays01:10
bod_sudo chmod 775 /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:10
cosmodadborncrazy: again, be aware you are starting something you don't have a clue about how it works.01:10
Pelodevils-haven, why are you tring to change the permissions to your xorg.conf file ?01:10
borncrazycosmodad, thats my problem, not yours. right?01:10
am3itchhow recompile mysql with --old-passwords (without breaking the apt-get inst version)01:10
devils-havenneed to add 1360x76801:10
bod_devils-haven, sudo chmod 775 /etc/X11/xorg.conf     /// or 755 or 77701:10
fleishmanbod_:  i looked in that directory in File Browser and it is empty01:11
cosmodadborncrazy: absolutely. And it'll likely not be your last.01:11
Pelodevils-haven,  just open the file with gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:11
bod_fleishman, if that file is empty then you should have 0 packages in Synaptic01:11
Pelodevils-haven, that means edit it as root,  never ever ever change the permissions of files in your comfig01:11
orbisvicisi succesfully mount the ftp, but the nfs complains that the ftp dir doesnt exist .... which it really kind of doesnt b/c the dir is controlled by the mount process01:11
orbisvicisany way to get around that01:11
devils-havenhow do i do that?01:11
devils-haveni am nob01:12
Pelodevils-haven,  just open the file with gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:12
borncrazyso how do i make it work?01:12
bod_devils-haven, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:12
Pelodevils-haven, from the terminaql01:12
devils-havenwhere is gksu gedit?01:12
bod_devils-haven, just run the exact command i typed01:12
bod_devils-haven, copy and paste this command into a terminal       gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:12
atclaguys little help. i installed this http://www.ehow.com/how_2003950_install-counter-strike-server-on-linux.html | now do i run the server ?01:13
Pelodevils-haven,  open a terminal window type  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf where gksu tell the comp you will run the comand as root, gedit is the text editor and the rest is the path to the file01:13
fleishmanbod_: ah, i'm a moron, i was in the folder sources.list.d01:13
bod_fleishman, haha,,.so you now have uncommented the correct file?01:13
devils-havenok thx01:13
am3itchmysql installed by apt, need to change configured options, need add "--old-passwords"  , tried adding to my.cnf in [mysql] section=nogood01:13
dananddevils-haven 1. open a terminal - applications -> accessories -> terminal 2. type the command01:13
Kamathanks guys01:14
fleishmanbod_: which file do i uncomment?01:14
Kamagot flash working fine now01:14
bod_fleishman, uncomment everything thing that begins with deb01:14
* Pelo beats Kama for not directing his gratitude properly 01:14
devils-havenafter editing do i need to relogon?01:14
* bod_ laughs at Pelo01:14
cosmodadborncrazy: I provided you with the link.01:14
BagelMasterifconfig ath0 down01:14
BagelMasterifconfig wifi0 down01:14
BagelMaster#Repeat these 2 ifconfig lines for every MadWifi device you have01:14
BagelMasterCan someone help me with those commands?01:15
Pelodevils-haven,  you 'll need to restart x , crtl _ alt _ backspace01:15
bod_devils-haven, u need to reboot or rrestart x if changin screen settings yes01:15
Kamamy most eternal and undying thanks to pelo as well, saving the best for last01:15
atclaguys little help. i installed this http://www.ehow.com/how_2003950_install-counter-strike-server-on-linux.html | now do i run this cs server ?01:15
devils-havenok, i'll be back if its still not working, thx01:15
borncrazycosmodad, okay01:15
* Pelo thinks Kama is trying to avoid his wrath01:15
dananddevils-haven - you will need to restart X - save all stuff - logout and press CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to restart X01:15
* bod_ thinks Kama actually left Pelo for last becase he doesnt like him01:15
fleishmanbod_: i have 5 tabs at the top (Ubuntu software, third party software, updates, authentication, and statistics) i'm not seeing anything that starts with deb01:15
najzlijijii get this message every time system recognizes USB hub http://pastebin.com/m30ef4d55 can somebody tell me what seems to be the problem?01:15
najzlijijiduring the boot time01:16
* Pelo throws bod_ a dirty look and goes looking for his @01:16
Zikitieven with the purge command the package insists onrunning that postinstall script. Is there a way to remove a package manually?01:16
Pelonajzlijiji, patience ,we need to load the link01:16
bod_fleishman, your file should look something like this : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54563/01:17
Kamaok pelo, now how do I get these ***entered *** left the room to stop coming up?01:17
Pelonajzlijiji, did you change the cable ?01:17
* bod_ Looks at Pelo with a 'Come on then!' look in his eye01:17
najzlijijiit worked fine in W$01:17
TannMy keyboard is having issues. It won't work in KDE, but it will work in GNOME. ans this problem only started a few minutest ago01:17
PeloKama, xchat ?  right click the channel tab ( bottom ) select hide join/part01:17
danandZikiti - take a look at trying to remove the package with dpkg01:17
Kamai am using pidgin01:17
Kamajust re-installed ubuntu 30 min ago01:18
PeloKama, I don't know then01:18
Zikitidpkg/apt-get/synaptics they all run that postinstall script01:18
PeloKama, ask in #pidgin01:18
PriceChildKama, there is a plugin to hide those01:18
BagelMaster"ifconfig ath0 down" "ifconfig wifi0 down" What does those do?01:18
PriceChildKama, ctrl+u, or tools > plugins01:18
danandZikiti - either that or force a reinstall of the package with apt - then try to remove again01:18
fleishmanbod_:got it01:18
StarnestommyBagelMaster: those turn off network interfaces01:18
devils-havensorry i messed up the editing, what was the first word before gedit?01:19
PriceChildKama, then enable irc helper i think01:19
Kamauh. i think ctrl u did it01:19
bod_fleishman, you didnt just copy mine over to yours did you?01:19
dananddevils-haven - gksu01:19
BagelMasterStarnestommy: do I have to specify the network interface?01:19
Zikitiall force install/uninstall options don't work. I am asking if there's a way to manually remove and installed package? And manually remove it from the apt database?01:19
BagelMasterSarnestommy: If so, how do I do that01:19
CrullerSo, what am I missing? I'm trying to get my microphone to work and I keep hitting a brick wall.01:19
Pelodevils-haven, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf remember that linux is case sensitive and it,s X one one , not X L L01:19
PriceChildKama, oh wait no, there's one below01:19
StarnestommyBagelMaster: ifconfig name down01:19
PriceChildKama, join/part hiding01:19
devils-havenwhat x?01:20
PriceChildKama, you may need to restart pidgin for it to take effect, unsure01:20
bod_devils-haven, and its a big X not a little x01:20
umdoistreshi, i have a question about python..01:20
devils-havenwhat is X?01:20
umdoistresoh, thanks01:20
=== marcin is now known as `Martin`
bod_devils-haven, the folder /etc/X1101:20
devils-haventhe 1360X768?01:20
Pelodevils-haven, that bit in the middle of the path /X11 , is X one one , not X L L01:20
devils-havenohh i just drag the file to terminal01:20
fleishmanb?od_: do i need to reboot to get it to show up in synaptic01:20
bod_Pelo, and big X not little x01:21
PriceChild!xorg | devils-haven01:21
ubotudevils-haven: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:21
epifaniohi, i'm on ubuntu7.10 PPC01:21
bod_fleishman, have you found ccsm?01:21
Pelofleishman, you do not need to reboot in linux01:21
bod_epifanio, thats nice01:21
CodenutI made my son an unprivledged user, yet he can upgrade my system, (I think) What's going on?01:21
=== emgent is now known as dldc
epifanioi'm tring to install openscenegraph01:21
=== dldc is now known as emgent
Peloepifanio, did hyou check in the repos first ? menu > sytem> admin > synaptic package manager01:22
jribCodenut: he shouldn't be able to... Did you logout and back in?01:22
danandCodenut - are you sure you removed your son from the admin group?01:22
epifaniofrom the svn, beacouse on the repo is quite old01:22
devils-havenhow do i copy text from xchat?01:22
CodenutI will check01:22
epifanio1,2 instead of 2.201:22
Pelodevils-haven, just highlight it, it gets copied automaticly01:22
bod_devils-haven, highlight then   ctrl+c01:22
bod_Pelo, really?01:22
Pelobod_, yes01:22
fleishmanbod_: i removed the #'s from all entries that start with "deb".  now when i load synaptic, i get an error about duplicate source.list entry01:23
devils-havenbelive me i tried01:23
epifaniobut i know tha on debian unstasble they have the 2.2 version01:23
bod_Pelo, how groovy01:23
BagelMastermember:identifier:starnestommy: "FATAL: Module wlan_scan_sta is in use" "FATAL: Module wlan is in use." happened after I turned off the devices with the command01:23
devils-havendemn now it works01:23
CodenutWould that be the group ID?01:23
bod_fleishman, pastebin your sources.list file01:23
cry012hi, is there a command to check the status of an installed module?01:23
epifanioit is possible to install the debian version on ubuntu7.10?01:23
bod_fleishman, you made a backup before editing it right?01:23
Pelocry012, lsmod01:23
jribCodenut: just type 'groups your_sons_username_here' in the terminal01:23
Peloepifanio, yes01:24
zura_how can i connect to medan?01:24
epifanioi aqsk thesew beacouse a sorce installation give meerrors in the build01:24
Pelozura_, what is medan ?01:24
kubitzCodenut is this under System Admin Users?01:24
kubitzI'm pretty new but i never noticed a need to look for IDs01:24
Peloepifanio, ubuntu is debian based ,most  deb packages will work on it01:24
fleishmanbod: yes, i made a backup01:24
CodenutGot adbeck cdrom audio01:24
CodenutThink I am OK.01:24
Pelozura_,   /join #medan if it is on this network01:24
generalj__Medan is the capital of the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia01:24
CodenutI really want parental controls on this machine.01:25
epifanioi follow the same step on 7.10 x86 and 7.10 PPC , the ppc fail with these error : http://rafb.net/p/hRWmqy87.html01:25
cry012Pelo; Thing is. I know the module is installed, and it created a link un /dev/dvb/adapter0, but it doesn't work. So I was looking for a way to check if the module was installed correctly?01:25
zura_help me01:25
bod_fleishman, do you know how to pastebin? pastebin your sources.list that you edited01:25
CodenutThat Dans program is where I would like to be.01:25
jribCodenut: did you logout and back in then?01:25
zura_my ubuntu cannot play music01:25
bod_fleishman, gd man for making a backup01:25
zura_how must i do?01:25
kyle__how do i go about resizing icons on my desktop with out using the stretch icon thing when you rightclick?01:25
epifanioPelo:  how can i install the debian package ?01:25
Peloepifanio,  you should try and ask in a channel for the app itself or check their faq or forum on their site01:25
Zofo Does anybody know where i can get the bcm43xx-fwcutter driver so that my laptop cang get internet?01:25
Peloepifanio, if you have it , just dl it ot your desktop and dbl click it01:26
danandepifanio - use dpkg -i pkgname in a terminal01:26
Pelozura_, there is no such channel on this network, you will need to check on google for more info01:26
zura_there are message i have to connect internet01:26
generalj__Zofo: it should be in synaptic01:26
bod_!pastebin  fleishman01:27
bod_!pastebin | fleishman01:27
ubotufleishman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:27
cry012is anyone aware if there are problems with the nova-s dvb card and kernel ?01:27
fleishmanbod: ok, hang on01:27
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bod_fleishman, kk01:28
Zofogeneralj__: its a restricted driver would it be there. the computer i am using has no ethernet port. its an old laptop and it would be nice to have internet01:28
TannMy keyboard is having issues. It won't work in KDE, but it will work in GNOME. ans this problem only started a few minutest ago01:28
fleishmanbod: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54565/01:28
PeloTann, check your keyboard connector01:29
fleishmanbod: that is my restored backup-before i did anything01:29
TannPelo: The keyboard works in GNOME though01:29
danandTann - is your keyboard powered by battery?01:29
TannPelo: It is definately no the keyboard01:29
lilg111111i need help with sound in ubuntu01:29
bod_fleishman, now post the one you edited01:29
fleishmanbod:k, just a sec01:29
PeloTann,  consider that your connector may have moved or that the cable may be damages01:29
Tannbod_: no01:29
cosmodadTann: is it not working at all, or are just some keys or so malfunctioning?01:29
PeloTann, I don't have a clue then01:29
bod_Tann, ???01:30
TannPelo: I have tried and retried several times01:30
PeloTann, usb ?01:30
cosmodadTann: in the latter case, check the layout setting in KDE.01:30
Tanncosmodad: It doesn't work at all in KDE01:30
TannPelo: PS/201:30
kubitzZofo you can download things by http from the repositories - then you could get in onto the laptop01:30
cosmodadTann: eek.01:31
PeloTann, did you try to change the keyboard settings in kde ? you might have accicentaly removed it or someting01:31
fleishmanbod: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54568/01:31
kubitzI'm guessing the issue is you can't get the laptop to access the net to get the driver to access the net?01:31
* Pelo doens't care for kde anyway , he can't realy see the problem 01:31
cosmodadTann: check KDE keyboard settings anyway.01:31
TannPelo: no. It was working one minute, and then i went to get something and when I came back it didn't work01:31
Zofoi need the driver but i cant find a good way to get it to intall01:31
PeloTann,  I assume you tried to reboot ?01:31
TannPelo: yes, several times01:32
danandTann - have you had a look in your log files for any errors - you can do that with mouse :)01:32
CrullerAnyone have any experience using microphones with Ubuntu?01:32
PeloTann, does it work in recovery mode ?01:32
Tanndanand: where are the log files?01:32
Kamahi again01:32
atcla i installed this http://www.ehow.com/how_2003950_install-counter-strike-server-on-linux.html | now do i run this cs server ?01:32
TannPelo: let me see. Just a minute01:33
Kamai am having some problems with the azureus installer01:33
kyle__how do i go about resizing icons on my desktop with out using the stretch icon thing when you rightclick?01:33
PeloCruller,  open a terminal and type  alsamixer check that the captuer periferal settings aer not muted and that the levels are up01:33
CrullerTried that, everything is enabled and maxed out, nothing gets recorded.01:33
KamaI go to add/remove, select it then get a pop up that states list of applications is not available.  I get the option to cancel or reload01:33
Kamaand it just keeps going around in a circle01:34
Zofowhere can i download restricted drivers from01:34
bod_fleishman, copy this one and see if it works : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54570/01:34
CrullerI get feedback from the mic. (ie. if I blow on it, I can hear the hissing from the speakers)01:34
bruenigKama, sudo apt-get update01:34
KamaI do that then ahen i click it again, i get ehe same pop up01:34
kubitzZofo the issue is discussed here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62773801:34
bruenigKama, sudo apt-get update01:34
kathywhat parameter do I use with rhythmbox to open a music file?  %u ?01:34
Kamait just goea back and forth01:34
PeloKama, menu > system> admin > software sources  1st tab check everything,  3rd tab check backport , relaod and go back to add /remove01:34
CrullerBut nothing seems to get recorded in Sound Recorder atleast.01:34
bruenigkathy, I imagine rhythmbox musicfile01:35
kathybruenig, I'm launching it from the file manager.01:35
CrullerAnd what capture should I use? I have friggin three to choose from =S can they all be turned on without any negative effects?01:35
* bruenig thinks my solution is better than Pelo's01:35
kathybruenig, open with01:35
bruenigkathy, I am not familiar enough with nautilus to say01:35
KamaI have no backport option01:35
kathyThis is enlightenment01:35
* Pelo thinks bruenigs solution does not enable the extra repos01:35
* bod_ thinks you should edit sources.list and uncomment all lines that begin with eb01:36
KamaOhh! something is happening01:36
fleishmanbod: fantastic!  it's listed now01:36
kubitzZofo http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#b43andb43legacy appears to be a suitable way to get them01:36
bod_fleishman, groovy,.,. dunno wot you did to break it,.,.lol01:36
fleishmanbod: now do i need to install all of the compiz packages to get everything working?01:36
Pelobod_, we are dealing with a noob,  manualy editing important files is not a good idea01:36
bod_Pelo, fair point01:37
KamaOh Ya Baby Pela comes through again!01:37
* Pelo wins01:37
KamaIf he was a president he would be called Aberham PELAkin01:37
bod_fleishman, tbh you should get an update alert in a few mins,.,. but yes you could do01:37
CrullerAnd what about input sources? Can they all be selected to mic? Should only the 'correct' one be mic as some 'guides' I've found suggest?01:37
Pelobruenig,  do you know how to Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600.01:37
bruenigPelo, no clue01:37
* bod_ thinks Pelo should let someone else win for a change,.,.lol01:37
niuqhi, how can i test if my video card it's supporting 3d?01:37
* Pelo points out to Kama that his nick is PelO not PelA01:37
* bruenig disagrees with Pelo's assertion of win01:38
PriceChildniuq, glxinfo | grep direct01:38
PriceChildniuq, if you see direct rendering yes, then it is01:38
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
bruenigre-entrenching gui ignorance causes everyone to lose01:38
zura_help me01:38
danandniuq - try to run one of the 3D screensaver programs01:38
niuqPriceChild: thank you01:38
* Pelo hits bruenig with his little @01:38
HumbleI have got a problem with partitions, anyone care to help?01:38
zura_my ubuntu can't play music mp301:38
bruenig!anyone | Humble01:38
PeloHumble, we need more details01:38
* bod_ thinks bruenig is more correct then Pelo,.,. terminal ftw01:38
ubotuHumble: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:39
zura_if i want to add application01:39
zura_there are message like this01:39
zura_http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release.gpg: Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'01:39
Kamathinks pelo is more than helpful01:39
* Pelo thinks there is such athink as a learning curve , start slow then move on to the big things 01:39
bod_!enter | zura_01:39
ubotuzura_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:39
zura_what this01:39
kubitzbruenig as anoob myself I think there are two cogent sides to that argument - but ultimately you have to type sometimes :)01:39
bruenigzura_, are you still using breezy?01:39
atclahow do i run application ??01:39
* gmcastil agrees with pelo01:39
yannick_lmhi all01:39
onexusedI'm trying to connect to an smb share using these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently.  When I use the mount command for it, I'm told "mount error 20 = Not a directory" How do I fix this?01:39
toresnhow do i make xlsfonts recognize the fonts i've installed... i've downloaded a font and put it in my ~/.fonts ... it's recognized by i.e. openoffice01:39
* bod_ thinks Pelo is correct, but terminal has to be forced upon some ex-windows users01:39
Peloatcla, you can run applications from the menu , or you can type the name of the app in the terminal01:40
gmcastilPelo: i think thats why things seem so helter skelter in here - a lot of people that have never used unix before and want to do a lot of more advanced things01:40
Zofokubitz: thats about as far as i got. i downloded them and put them on the cumputer but thats as far as i got. i hoped that there was a package that would be an easy install01:40
zura_sorry i am newbie01:40
* bruenig thinks sudo apt-get update is a very good place to start as it is something which is easily understood and remembered01:40
yannick_lmWhen I maximized a window with XFCE, I lost the decorations at the bottom. Someone know how to fix that ?01:40
* gmcastil really wishes that people would think about their questions instead of screaming "How do I xxx"01:40
Kamaok. how do i update my system?  ie first thing on a new install01:40
mattgyver83does anyone know of a good dvd authoring program available for linux?01:40
* Pelo thinks all this telepathy is givng him a headache 01:40
cabroni_how can I add a HP Laserjet 1000 series?01:40
kubitzZofo sorry that was all I could find01:40
* bod_ thinks bruenig is correct ONLY if apt-get is explained to the user first01:40
gmcastilKama: have you read the documentation?01:40
bruenigKama, for cmd in update upgrade; do sudo apt-get $option; done01:41
gmcastilbod_: of course...users's don't know what a terminal is01:41
PeloKama,  in the terminal type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:41
* bruenig thinks that answer is a bad one01:41
TannWho ever told me to try to use recovery mode, it didn't work still01:41
danandkama - apt-get update then apt-get upgrade01:41
Kamadocumentation?  Hell no, that is what Pelo is for01:41
bruenigKama, for cmd in update upgrade; do sudo apt-get $cmd; done01:41
jaggz-hola.  How do I control the speed/acceleration of multiple input (pointer) devices?01:41
atclawhats extension in linux of .exe file ?01:41
bod_gmcastil, do you mean ex-windows users? or all users?01:41
HumbleLook, I've got a problem with partitions on my ubuntu install. I tried to install a windows/ubuntu dual boot situation using two seperate partitions and now Windows has gone ahead and deactivated the partition with Ubuntu on it. I need the files on my ubuntu partition and can't just whipe it and start again, so does anyone know a way in which I can just reactivate the partition with Ubuntu on it, even if it means deleting the Windows partition01:41
PeloKama, also , menu > system> admin > update manager01:41
gmcastilKama: you've no idea how annoying it is when people don't do their own reading first01:41
bruenigHumble, fs-driver.org01:41
bod_atcla, there are no .exe files,. but files can be executable01:41
kubitzmattgyver83 i'm assuming http://www.dvdflick.net/download.php will work with wine?01:41
brueniggmcastil, pelo is apparently unbothered so whatever01:42
gmcastilHumble: i'd try the liveCD with the safe option01:42
atclabod_: i installed Counter strike server. how do i run it ??01:42
tom2002when coding in windows ... the windows.h header file is used ... when coding with ubuntu ... what do i put in its place ???01:42
Kamayou have no idea how annoying it is to be an ubuntu noob and not have stuff just work properly01:42
mattgyver83ill look into it, thanks kubitz.01:42
Kamawant to trade places?01:42
Pelobruenig,  I jsut anser question as they come if I can01:42
bruenigif someone said that documentation was unnecessary because he could just bug someone in irc about it, I would think that is a bad thing to say but who am I01:42
gmcastilbruenig: i think that telling people to try google first and reading documentation is helping them - 90% of linux is learning where to find answers01:42
bod_atcla, i have played this game once or twice,. but setting up a server is beyond my knowledge,. explain how you would do it in windows,.,. i might be able to translate01:42
TannPelo: recovery mode didn't work01:42
gmcastilPelo: i do too...but it's hard sometimes, when no one has thought out their questions or done any reading at all01:43
danandHumble - how do you mean - deactivated?01:43
HumbleGmcastll I can't use the live CD, that's the other problem. I installed Ubuntu using unetbootin and don't have any blank DVDs laying around. This fs-driver thing may just work though.01:43
bod_gmcastil, but being told to google it everytime you ask a question is so annoying01:43
cabroni_I have been aded as a new print, but it not respond01:43
PeloKama,  you'll get the hang of it evenutaly,  here aer a few resources to help you get started,   http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:43
mohbanadoes anyone use wxDownload Fast?01:43
tom2002how do i replace the windows.h header file ???01:43
Kamathanks bod01:43
bod_Kama, what did i do?01:43
gmcastilbod_: well, that doesn't happen if its clear that people have already been there01:43
bruenig!find windows.h01:43
Kama"but being told to google it everytime you ask a question is so"01:43
ubotuFile windows.h found in ecos, irssi-dev, libcamel1.2-dev, libdirectfb-dev, libgmime-2.0-2-dev (and 10 others)01:43
Zofokubitz: Well thanks for the help. this is the hardest linux problem i have had01:43
CrullerSo for everyone else the mic thing in ubuntu 'just works'? Is there something I could be missing? Sound Recorder not working? Something?01:43
cabroni_is there a hp laserjet 1000 driver for linux?01:43
tom2002that would produce a windows program ..01:44
bod_gmcastil, but google is useless if the person using it cannot phrase the question correctly,. almost as useless as you telling them to google it01:44
bruenigCruller, check in alsamixer if the volume is up01:44
onexusedCruller: What sound card?01:44
gmcastilbod_: i disagree01:44
PeloTann,  I'm stumped, are both kubuntu and ubuntu on the same hdd ?  try from ubuntu  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop maybe it will restore files that might be missing01:44
Kamathe thing is GM, I couldnt find jack about how to get flash to install.01:44
bod_Kama, oh,.,. no probs01:44
n08l3J_hello ubuntu people01:44
bod_gmcastil, for what reason?01:44
Kamaso i came here01:44
nancyHey, all - this is techgeek40 --- I'm helping my niece get up on Ubuntu -01:44
n08l3J_I am experiencing this weird problem01:44
tom2002using windows.h would produce a windows program that i would have to run with wine ... right ????01:44
Kamaand while here i tossed out the last remaining questions01:44
bruenig!enter | nancy01:44
Crullereverything is maxed out, it's just the sound chip that comes in the motherboard, intel HDA01:44
gmcastilbod_: not to mention that there is also documentation prominently placed on the Ubuntu website in addition to the forums that address a lot of the problems that come up in here01:44
ubotunancy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:44
n08l3J_all of sudden my network-manager stops responding and disconnect my wireless01:45
TannPelo: I am running kde on ubuntu01:45
gmcastilbod_: look at some of these: "I am experiencing this wierd problem"01:45
* Pelo is gonna go and buy some brain ( junk ) food 01:45
PeloTann, same answer then01:45
bod_gmcastil, to a new user this can be very daunting,. talking to human beings in real-time is more usefull then 200 pages of gobbldy gook01:45
Pelolater folks01:45
* gmcastil thinks Pelo needs beer01:45
n08l3J_any clues where to find what happen and how to correct this issue i am using ipw3945 driver on dell inspirpn 150501:45
mohbanadoes anyone use wxDownload Fast?01:45
onexusedCruller: I know the mic hasn't been gotten to work for some sound blaster cards.  I'd have to look about Intel HDA.01:46
bruenign08l3J_, does the interface show up in iwconfig01:46
DOOM_NXwhat's the command/program to check the speed of ur hard drive?01:46
Kamanot only 200 pages, but thousands of pages, referring to many distros.  It could be written in chineese for all it helped me01:46
tom2002would using the windows.h file produce a linux program ????01:46
gmcastilbod_: i agree with that...but a lot of the questions come from people that have never used linux before asking about how to configure an apache server or samba or some other thing01:46
atclabod_: ok when u install there should be .exe file which contains server's set up. i need to find that file and run it, problem is i dunno which files are running or not, and how to run files on linux. what command should i use to open\run file01:46
gmcastilbod_: it's clear that the majority of the people in this channel haven't even bothered to read any of the documentation01:46
danandnancy - try to explain what your error is :)01:46
CrullerI ran in to a lot of guides with people seemingly having the same problems, but it was mostly just 'turn your mic settings on in alsamixer"01:46
rainwalkeris PCRE in the repos?01:47
gmcastilKama: I'm referring to Ubuntu specific documentation01:47
Kamadoes that mean you shouldnt help them gm?01:47
nancydandand: need to register with the ubuntu server01:47
bod_gmcastil, but these users are generally used to a click and and  a wizard does everything,. but a huge wiki is worse then a step-by-step from a human in here01:47
gmcastilrainwalker: apt-cache search PCRE01:47
n08l3J_yes bruenig01:47
onexusedCruller: I'm having sound problems on a different linux OS and that's mostly what I get too, lol.01:47
Kamai am referring to ubuntu specific stuff too.  thousands of google pages01:47
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:47
bod_atcla, an application can be run by typing the name of the application nto a terminal01:47
kubitzgmcastil to be fair one of the first things most of us newbies need to do is configure Samba as we usually need to carry on sharing with windows.01:47
n08l3J_it is working fine and will work for couple hours01:47
bruenign08l3J_, does it appear to be configured with the essid specified and such?01:47
rainwalkergmcastil: it listed a lot of things, how do I know what to install?01:48
bruenign08l3J_, so try dhclient eth101:48
n08l3J_bruenig: I am running it without any problem right now01:48
bruenigor whatever the interface is01:48
bod_kubitz, ntfs3g    lets you share files with windows partitions,.,. whyyou need samba (which i dont know about) is beyond me01:48
bruenign08l3J_, so you are just complaining about gui failure or do you have a real problem?01:48
gmcastilrainwalker: pastebin the output...why do you need PCRE?01:48
n08l3J_bruenig: no no01:48
atclabod_: can u give me an example01:48
bod_atcla, in a terminal type        totem01:48
rainwalkergmcastil: I'm compiling a plugin for pidgin that says what you're listening to01:48
bod_rainwalker, cool01:49
kubitzbod_ alright that was bad example but you take my point people expect to carry on doing what they were doing with windows01:49
n08l3J_bruenig: It do something after that the system starts responding weirdly  by that i mean, i can not launch any new apsp, sometimes some app works some doesn;t01:49
gmcastilrainwalker: ah...yeah, that'd explain it...and yeah, that is kinda cool :)01:49
runemaste644I think i found a bug in the bug report tool...01:49
gmcastilrainwalker: pastebin your output, and i'll take a look at it01:49
Crullerletsee if it's sound recorder fucking up by installing skype =|01:49
kubitzI have been lucky inasmuch as most of the manuals made sense and I haven't had a real issues so far01:49
n08l3J_bruenig: even when i try to run like find command through cli it just stays there hanged01:49
bod_kubitz, exactly, and a wiki is worse then a human,. this is what im trying to educate gmcasti with01:49
FSWolf_im having trouble setting up ubuntu 7.10 to run two monitors off a dual head ATI card can any one else?01:49
gmcastilrainwalker: is the configure script giving you an error?01:50
mohbanadoes anyone use wxDownload Fast?01:50
Crullerdual monitors are a pain in the ass01:50
bruenign08l3J_, well stop running network-manager if you think that is the problem01:50
rainwalkerbod_ and gmcastil: here's the page for that plugin http://code.google.com/p/musictracker/01:50
bod_!repeat | mohbana01:50
ubotumohbana: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:50
gmcastilrainwalker: that's hot....01:50
rainwalkergmcastil: yes01:50
gmcastilrainwalker: what error is ./configure giving you?01:50
bod_rainwalker, i dont use pidgin but are you planning on writing something similiar for xchat?01:50
tom2002any ideas on how to fix my header file issue ?01:50
rainwalker"PCRE library is needed; please make sure you have the PCRE development files installed."01:50
runemaste644When i tried to run it it showed a weird screen with the X11 logo. I got back to my desktop, but i couldnt click and i had to ctrl alt backspace.01:50
CrullerI had a *nix guru mess around with xorg for maybe an hour before he got it working, and even then it was a lot less than perfect01:50
n08l3J_bruenig: How should i connect to wireless then ?01:50
bruenign08l3J_, iwconfig and dhclient01:51
rainwalkerbod_ I would if I knew anything about writing code01:51
gmcastilrainwalker: sudo apt-get install pcregrep01:51
runemaste644Now when i try to login to gnome, i get a tan screen and it does nothing01:51
FrogzooCruller: even nix gurus aren't x gurus01:51
rainwalkergmcastil: ok I saw that in synaptic but wasn't sure that's what I needed, thanks =)01:51
bod_rainwalker, how are you writing one for pidgin without knowing anything about code?01:51
gmcastilrainwalker: that last one is the dealio, i'd imagine - if it has any dependancies, it'l probably resolve automagically01:51
mohbanais there a site dedicated to forcing certain companies to open source there drivers?01:51
gmcastilrainwalker: yup, np01:51
gmcastilmohbana: forcing? hehe01:51
rainwalkerbod_: I'm not writing it, I'm compiling what's already been written01:51
FSWolf_could some one please help me :(01:52
runemaste644i went into KDE and reported the bug i was going to report, but how do i fix Gnome?01:52
bod_rainwalker, ah,.,. my bad,.,. lol01:52
cabroni_how to configure this printer in ubuntu 7.10 !?!!! , it doesnt run , .FUCK!01:52
gmcastilmohbana: "You can't sell your product anymore - we won't allow it!"01:52
gmcastilcabroni_: noob01:52
Dr_willis!ohmy | cabroni_01:52
ubotucabroni_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:52
rainwalker!language > cabroni_01:52
gmcastilmohbana: that company wouldn't be around very long :)01:52
bod_gmcastil, n00b bash once more and il complain on -ops01:52
Dr_willisDepends on the printer  to some degree also.01:52
runemaste644im going to be afk for a sec01:52
Ex-Cybertom2002, Ubuntu doesn't really have an equivalent to windows.h01:52
Crulleror not, now I get some dependency problems trying to install skype x_X01:52
Dr_williscabroni_,  whats the exact printer Kind/type?01:53
mohbanagmcastil, ok how about asking them to release linux drivers01:53
gmcastilrainwalker: did configure pass through it?01:53
gmcastilmohbana: depends on the company01:53
MixyPlixyWould anyone be able to help me get my wacom tablet running smoothly?01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:53
gmcastilmohbana: typically, though, the open source community winds up cranking out there own drivers that are better than the companies anyway01:53
bod_!info wacom01:53
cabroni_HP Laserjet 1000 series01:53
ubotuPackage wacom does not exist in gutsy01:53
gmcastilmohbana: intel, ATI, and nvidia are notable exceptions to that01:53
aconbereI'm having a hard time getting sudo working with my users. I'm used to specifying a group that's able to run commands via sudo so in this case I've specified wheel01:54
aconbere%wheel          ALL=(All) ALL01:54
* Pelo is back with yogourt coverd raisins01:54
Dr_williscabroni_,  some of the hp all in ones, need the hpoj service running. Not sure on your exact model however. Most HP's are very well supported under Linux with CUPS.01:54
aconberebut my user in wheel isn't able to run any commands01:54
astro76aconbere: it's the admin group01:54
gmcastilmohbana: it's not usually that they need to release linux drivers - the trick is gettin them to place them under the GPL, which is harder to do01:54
* bod_ thinks Pelo should share the love01:54
aconbereastro76: it shouldn't matter01:54
* gmcastil has Newcastle01:54
aconbereastro76: it's just a group01:54
kubitzironically the only issue I did have turned out to be a dead wifi adapter. I had always kept it as a spare  and it never occurred to be that it didn't work. So testing the hardware was the last thing I did - dummy that I was.01:54
gmcastilPelo: Beer >>> yogurt covered anything01:55
MixyPlixyI can plug it in and everything works, except for hovering, and being able to configure buttons.01:55
compwiz18cabroni_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20017901:55
aconbereastro76: so if I add a group to the group file, and add my users to the group, they should be able to run commands01:55
cabroni_cups are already run in my computer, but it not have GUI?01:55
compwiz18cabroni_: cups gui is found in system -> adminstration -> printers01:55
Ex-Cybertom2002, windows.h is really a shortcut for a bunch of Windows libraries and constants; on a Linux system, each major library package has its own include file... for example if you are writing a GTK program, you do: #include <gtk/gtk.h>01:55
atclabod_: haha i was like wtf is terminaL :DD now i cc its console :DD ok so i just type in the name and it runs01:55
astro76aconbere: agreed, but it's setup with admin by default in ubuntu01:55
atclaim gonna look for dat filke01:55
Dr_williscabroni_,  i recall there being a nice gui in gnome to set up the printers. Check your system.settings menus?01:56
bod_atcla, if its an executable file then yes,.,.are you a recent convert?01:56
cabroni_i have been added this print, but it not print the sample page01:56
Pelo!cn | yu01:56
atclabod_: yea01:56
ubotuyu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:56
aconbereastro76: I understand that, but I'm trying to figure out why it's not working like sudo /should/ :-D01:56
atclabod_: barely 2 weeks, trying01:56
kubitzI'm off to bed - goodnight!01:56
ubotuFor Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko01:57
atclaall kind of OS01:57
bod_atcla, ok,.,. the Terminal is like your old Run-->cmd.exe   program01:57
ubotu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:57
aconbereastro76: not to mention that using admin doesn't help :)01:57
atclai started off with gentoo, no luck so i moved to fedora.. and now im in ubuntu01:57
Peloyu, /join #ubuntu-cn01:57
compwiz18!cn | yu01:57
ubotuyu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:57
astro76aconbere: it should that's how the first user has sudo access01:58
Dr_willisif you are starting with linux.. gentoo was not a good place to begin. :)01:58
cheesypiecesguys, every video on my computer doesn't play... it just shows a pink screen. any ides?01:58
astro76aconbere: and stupid question but you've used visudo to edit?01:58
atclaDr_willis: yea :D but it happned01:58
bod_atcla,  im a 2 month ubuntu user,.,. its not that difficult ,.,. most answers can be found on the forums / google / or here,. so try and run your programme through the terminal,.,. what happens?01:58
Pelocheesypieces, try turning off desktop effects01:58
atclai was stuch with 96 pages on manual and no knowlegde at all01:58
jbw4guys, I have a strange problem. I just tried to install git vc via apt-get. The install failed, and when I re-ran it, it complained about missing /etc/inittab. I checked, and sure enough..../etc/inittab is not there. Now, I haven't used this file in ages...does Gutsy still use an /etc/inittab or does it place it elsewhere?01:58
Dr_willisUbuntu has a staggering amount of forum/docs/guides/help :)01:58
=== ytdtyfu is now known as Ashfire908
Dr_willisof course you can always cheat and look at guides/docs for other disrtos for some parts.01:59
atclabod_: i cant find what to run yet01:59
bod_atcla, lol,.,.ok,.,. il sit here twiddling my thumbs    *twiddles thumbs*01:59
Dr_willisatcla,  i often use the gentoo wiki pages for some  information01:59
atclalike when u install files, is there shortucts or any oither way to access them besides dir01:59
rainwalkergmcastil: it didn't work01:59
aconbereastro76: well I tried that after vim didn't work.01:59
cheesypiecespelo, i still have the same problem with effects turned off01:59
bod_atcla, yer, remember the name, and run from terminal02:00
atclaDr_willis: i have print outs :D i even have linux shorten command list02:00
aconbereastro76: I read that note at the top, and promptly ignored it as quickly as I do the note at the top of crontab02:00
astro76aconbere: I'm not familiar with the consequences of not using visudo, but that could be your problem02:00
Pelocheesypieces, go into synaptic,  search for gstreamer , install every single gstreamer0.10 package you see02:00
aconbereastro76: heh, that would be supremely bollocks :)02:00
atclabod_: win and linux should have diff names of exe files, dont u think02:00
jbw4does ubuntu even use an inittab?02:00
Flannelaconbere: ALL is different than All02:00
Flanneljbw4: no02:00
Pelojbw4, I think it's been phased out02:01
jbw4ah, I see.02:01
rainwalkergmcastil: should I just compile pcre myself?02:01
jbw4ok, thanks. I was scared02:01
Dr_willisjbw4,  ubuntu is using the upstart system. Inittab is not used much by ubuntu I think02:01
aconbereFlannel: Thanks!02:01
PeloFlannel, do you know how to Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600.02:01
astro76aconbere: it seems to be just syntax checking and edit locking... at the same time I don't see the sense purposefully not using it02:01
Dr_willis!upstart | jbw402:01
ubotujbw4: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:01
aconbereastro76: yeah visudo just locks and what not02:01
FlannelPelo: No02:01
* Pelo can never get any help in this channel 02:01
bod_atcla, linux does not use .exe as a file extension, as you no every thing you do in gui, is just run in command line, where you cant see it,. so we set an appliaction to be execuatable, instead of giving it a .exe extension,.,. this solves are problems02:02
Flannelaconbere: You should *always* use visudo02:02
aconbereFlannel: why?02:02
Flannelaconbere: it saves you from making mistakes that'll render sudo useless.02:02
Dr_willisvisudo error checks befor exiting. :)02:02
astro76aconbere: it's funny you are having unexplained issues and asking why ;)02:02
bod_atcla, thus being able to run anny applicatiion from terminal becomes a simple    programme     instead f   programme.exe02:02
aconbereastro76: clearly it's not smart enough to recognizee mispellings :)02:02
atclabod_: yea u rite02:03
Flannelaconbere: Aliases are arbitrary.02:03
aconbereFlannel: sure02:03
Dr_willistheres no need for a .exe extension, when you have the executable  bit  to tag files as executable.02:03
aragornI have a question about gnome xchat; i know this is a place for questions about ubuntu02:03
aconbereso I just don't see the point02:03
* aconbere shrugs02:03
Flannelaconbere: Having a config that doesn't work is different than having syntax errors.02:03
lordleemoatcla does this help  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26640302:03
rainwalkeraragorn: normal xchat is better, in my opinion, but what's your question?02:03
Dr_willisYou need the 'vijustdowhatirealymeansudo' editor.02:03
aconbereFlannel: undertsandably02:03
gmcastilHas anyone else had problems getting Openoffice to recognize an installed JRE?02:03
bod_atcla, and were proud of it,.,. theres alot of windows bashers about, so try not to compare things, unless you wanna start an argument02:03
aconbereFlannel: but frankly I'm not concerned about locking of sudoers, so I don't see why I should use visudo02:04
aragornrainwalker: i have heard that before. how do you install normal xchat then?02:04
bod_atcla, but anyway, have you found that file yet???02:04
Pelogmcastil, first time I 've heard of it , maybe in #openoffice.org02:04
Flannelaconbere: Its not a locking issue primarily.  Its a "dont save if you have syntax errors, because that'll make you unhappy" issue.02:04
rainwalkeraragorn: I think you just install it with synaptic; install "xchat" instead of "xchat-gnome"02:04
gmcastilPelo: "javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment"02:05
aconbereFlannel: which is nice and all, but I'm not sure that would ever make it to "always" for me :P02:05
bod_aragorn, from termnal type     sudo apt-get install xchat02:05
aconbereit's a convient tool, and I might think about using it in the future02:05
atclabod_: i think i did02:05
aconbereit just doesn't seem to warrent the warning :P02:05
Peloaconbere, go in  menu > applications > add remove,  search for xchat , install it , xchat-gnome will get removed02:05
atclai type in "steam" file name02:05
atclaand i says bash "steam" bad command02:05
jack-desktopis there a reason why my compiz fusion cube only goes to 22 and not all the way to 32?02:05
bod_atcla, ok,.,. your not sounding very positive?02:05
aragornbod_: sudo wont help me02:05
aconberePelo: wrong a02:05
bod_aragorn, whats your prob?02:05
Flannelaconbere: If you want to screw up your system, go right ahead.  We won't stop you from being haphazard. But don't come here when you've broken something because you did something that we told you not to.02:05
Peloaragorn, go in  menu > applications > add remove,  search for xchat , install it , xchat-gnome will get removed02:06
gmcastilPelo: i'm pretty sure that i need to configure it inside OO, but it doesn't find it automatically - do you happen to know what particular lib/bin is used for the JRE?02:06
bod_atcla, you have not installed steam?02:06
cheesypiecespelo, i still have the same problem with the videos02:06
aragornpelo: thanks02:06
atclabod_: i did what it said02:06
aconbereFlannel: sounds good02:06
Pelogmcastil, check in synaptic ,  just do a search for java02:06
atclabod_: http://www.ehow.com/how_2003950_install-counter-strike-server-on-linux.html02:06
bod_atcla, what what said? post me the link to the how-to you are using02:06
atclafinished those steps now they say just run the server02:06
belorixHi, I just installed gutsy and my wireless USB adapter isnt working02:06
cheesypiecesthey were fine earlier, not sure whats gone wrong, but now all my videos have purple lines all over them02:06
Pelo!wifi | belorix start here02:07
ubotubelorix start here: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:07
belorixthank you Pelo02:07
Pelocheesypieces, ddi you try something other then totem like vlc or xine or mplayer ?02:07
cheesypiecesyes, same thing02:07
bod_atcla, have you registered with nickserv so you can PM me on here?02:07
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aragornpelo: there is no 'add remove'02:07
belorixPelo, how would i do that when i have no internet at all02:07
Pelocheesypieces, did you mess around with any video settings ?02:07
generalj__anyone use checkinstall?02:08
bod_atcla, lets talk in PM then02:08
Pelobelorix,  you are on the internet right now aren't you  ?02:08
belorixbut that in another part of the house02:08
Peloaragorn,  at the bottom of the application menu02:08
cheesypiecespelo, not that i remember. in fact i had just finished one (which was fine) and then went to another, which was purple. all purple after that02:08
belorixand i have a desktop not laptop02:08
Dr_willislong cable?02:08
aragornpelo: cant find it02:09
Pelobelorix,  try this,  read up on the problem on the computer you are on now, or you can also try using a cable connection on your other comp while you slove the problem02:09
Pelocheesypieces, no idea then02:09
cheesypiecesok pelo, thanks anyway02:09
Peloaragorn,  are you using ubuntu , kubuntu or xubuntu ?02:09
aragornpelo: ubuntu02:09
Pelocheesypieces, borked video card maybe02:09
Peloaragorn, open a terminal , type   sudo apt-get install xchat02:10
aragornpelo: sudo will not help me02:10
aragorni am not a 'sudo'02:10
Flannelaragorn: then you can't install regular xchat, ask your system administrator to do it for you02:10
Peloaragorn, that is why you do not have a add remove in your application menu, you do not have permission to install applications,  you will need to ask the computer's admin02:11
Dr_willisOr get the xchat source and compile it just for yourself.02:11
aragornin that case i have a question about gnome ;)02:11
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
* Pelo feels dirty haveing tried to help someone who doesn't even have admin priviledges 02:11
Peloaragorn, just ask02:12
wershow do I get the lucida sans font?02:12
Pelowers, I guess you can dl it online somewhere02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcore - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:13
Pelo!fonts | wers02:13
ubotuwers: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:13
Dr_willisoops. Hmm.. thers a package that installs the ms fonts. Or you can install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package i think it grabs them also02:13
mynymlmy mic isnt working with skype, any tips?02:13
Pelomynyml, it is working elsewhere ?02:13
aragornpelo: well, i disconnected from a channel and now every time i try to reconnect, i cant. uh...i think i accidentally checked 'reconnect on disconnect' or something, but i still dont understand why it wont let me connect02:14
mynymlPelo: yeah; if i talk in it i can hear it on the speakers02:14
aconbereFlannel: I mean for me, I'm more worried about borking an vhost config, or a backup script, than I am with borking my sudoers file (given that I have key'd ssh to my root account)02:14
aragornpelo: i rebooted it two or three times. and it still didnt work.02:14
cheesypieces guys how do i restart my pc from within a terminal?02:15
Pelomynyml, probably a skype issue then ,  try to see if you can'T find the way to specify the mic or the sound device in the skype config menues or smeonting02:15
wersI already have the msttcorefonts and ubuntu restricted packages installed but I still don't have lucida sans02:15
Peloaragorn, you might have been banned from that chanel02:15
cosmodadcheesypieces: sudo reboot02:15
cheesypiecesok thanks cosmodad02:15
mynymlPelo: i can choose the audio stream/card/something like that; tried them all, no difference02:15
aragornno, i was only kicked temporarily02:15
Pelowers, http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/6%2C760+Fonts?content=988302:16
aragornpelo: the kick was not even for real. it was a joke02:16
kenalexi want to burn a ubuntu to a disk but have no have no CDs but a couple of DVD+R disks. is it possible to burn a CD image  to a DVD disk.if yes how do i do it ?02:16
Peloaragorn, you may still have been banned02:16
edjuTrying to set up wifi, Atheros AR5007EG, with madwifi.  Failed at a modprobe.  Might someone check http://rafb.net/p/G1pFYV88.html?  Any hints, pointers, whatever?02:16
aragornpelo: i will try to reconnect02:16
gmcastilPelo: yeah, i have the JRE installed, openoffice just doesn't seem to recognize it02:16
Pelokenalex,  I am told you can burn a cd,iso file to a dvd with no problem02:16
wersthis is weird. Whenever I open I link from xchat, it's opened in konqueror. how do I make it firefox? :D02:16
K_Ninekenalex:  You can download the Ubuntu DVD.02:16
Pelogmcastil, try asking in #openoffice.org02:17
gmcastilPelo: i did...no one's home :)02:17
cosmodadwers: you probably need to change the default browser in your KDE/GNOME setting.02:17
Pelowers, FF preferences  first tab I beleive02:17
aragornpelo: i tried to reconnect again. and xchat went out, just like before02:17
Pelogmcastil, did you check in the open office optiosn ?02:17
Peloaragorn, I don't know02:17
gmcastilPelo: yeah, under tools...it lets me add one, but I'm not sure what it's looking for - a lib? an executable?02:18
Pelogmcastil, I would assume a lib02:18
gmcastilPelo:  i'm pretty sure thta its just a configuration issue, but i don't know enough about the JRE to know what it wants02:18
Aloha_D: test02:18
Aloha_D test02:18
werscosmodad and Pelo, my default browser is firefox but the links are opened in konqueror02:18
gmcastilPelo: if i knew what file i was looking for, i could chase it down02:18
Pelogmcastil, openoffice is part of the default install of ubuntu , it should be very stable and fully integrated02:18
aragornpelo: perhaps you could remind me where to find the feature 'reconnect on disconnect' or something similar to that ?02:19
aragornit may solve my problem02:19
Pelowers, check in the xchat parameters then02:19
Peloaragorn, try asking in #xchat02:19
generalj__hmmm is checkinstall the only program of it kind? it seems a little outdated..02:19
belorixwith ndiswrapper do you have to donwload all 3?02:19
wersPelo, it happens in abiword too02:19
gmcastilPelo: uh...yeah, i know - but still, i have to tell it where to find the library it's looking for, and i don't know what its called02:19
Pelowers, menu > system > prefs > default progs or sometring02:20
K_Ninewers: I am using Konversation and there is a place to change the default browser in the settings>Configure Konversation.02:20
wersPelo, in the Preferred Applications dialog, firefox is already set02:20
Pelogmcastil, /usr/lib/jvm/....02:20
runemaste644I think i found a bug in the bug report tool...02:21
K_Ninewers: This is the script it uses firefox '%u'02:21
runemaste644When i tried to run it it showed a weird screen with the X11 logo. I got back to my desktop, but i couldnt click and i had to ctrl alt backspace.02:21
Pelowers, I don't know then,  did you get the lucinda font from the link I gave you ?02:21
runemaste644Now when i try to login to gnome, i get a tan screen and it does nothing02:21
aragorndoes anyone know where i can find that feature that was something to do with reconnecting when disconnected ?02:21
runemaste644i went into KDE and reported the bug i was going to report, but how do i fix Gnome?02:21
wersPelo, I'm downloading the fonts tarball now02:21
wersit's just that, I think, there are so many fonts included. hehe02:21
Pelorunemaste644, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:21
K_Ninearagorn:  Which chat program?02:21
gmcastilPelo: it's looking for a specific file..do you know which one?02:21
Vad1Where are my printer settings stored?02:21
aragornK_Nine: gnome xchat02:22
wersK_Nine, what do I do with that script?02:22
runemaste644i have to reinstall gnome??????02:22
Pelogmcastil, no , I was assuming that once you got to the proper folder the selection screen would have narrowed it down for you02:22
runemaste644ill try to login to gnome again02:22
Pelorunemaste644, I 'M just guessing that you removed an important file02:22
runemaste644i didnt remove something02:23
generalj__so anyone use Autodeb ?02:23
gmcastilPelo: it's not really clear what its looking for02:23
K_NineThat is the script that the Konversation Chat uses. I like Konversation because there are so many settings to use.02:23
Pelogmcastil, which java do you have installed on your comp ?02:23
Pelogmcastil, in mine it'S   /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
K_Ninewers: I just opened Gnu X-Chat and didn't see any setting for that. Try Konversation. There is a tutorial on settng it up. Seach Google for Ubuntu-Classroom.02:25
runemaste644k its fixed now02:25
gmcastilPelo: i have the same thing installed on mine02:25
gmcastilPelo: lemme see if that path works02:25
Pelogmcastil, I mean that is what I see when  check in openoffice02:26
bod_hey guys,. if i have message logging on in xchat, does it make a file where i can read every single word its ever recorded?02:26
runemaste644Should i report this as a bug or is it just a temporary malfunction02:26
Pelorunemaste644, it's not a bug, you messed someting up02:26
gmcastilPelo: when i try to give it that path in the config menu, it says that a JRE doesn't exist in that folder02:26
gmcastilPelo: i wonder if i'm missing some other package here that i don't know about02:26
Pelogmcastil, linux is case sensitive02:27
runemaste644and logging into kde, logging out, and logging into gnome fixed it.02:27
Aggie288i've been trying to make a usb flash boot to install ubuntu, but it doesn't work02:27
Pelogmcastil, try up to the jre folderand the folder one level up02:27
runemaste644I doubt that KDE magically fixed it02:27
gmcastilpelo, yes, i'm aware its case sensitive :)02:27
Pelogmcastil, just running through all the usual suspects here, do not bite my head off02:28
gmcastilPelo: i wasnt02:28
josspykerbod_: hidden in your home dir02:28
Pelogmcastil, I'm warning you, stop contradicting me02:28
gmcastilPelo: I'm not!!!02:28
bod_josspyker, ok il have a look02:28
K_NineAggie288: Here a link to the Ubuntu docs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:28
gmcastilPelo: i have a java 7 installed, too02:28
annienygmahello all!02:28
annienygmahi gmcastil02:28
gmcastilPelo: i wonder if that's the problem02:28
gmcastilannienygma:  /wave02:29
Pelogm 7 is out ?02:29
cheesypiecesguys,  how do i set the start up screen to say ubuntu rather than kubuntu?02:29
gmcastilPelo: java-7-icedtea02:29
Pelo!theme | cheesypieces all the sking stuff is in there02:29
ubotucheesypieces all the sking stuff is in there: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:29
annienygmacheesypieces : are you talking about the main startup screen?02:29
annienygmawhen you first boot?02:30
cheesypiecesyes, i am02:30
Pelogmcastil, might want to try and remove it ,and reisntall 6 that might be the issue02:30
annienygmaand you have kubuntu installed, right?02:30
cheesypiecesno, i'm on ubuntu02:30
cheesypiecesalthough i have the kubuntu-desktop installed if thats what you mena02:30
gmcastilPelo: i'm surprised that installing OO didn't install the jre at the same time02:30
WhoNeedszzzHey guys, i'm having trouble with the "X" process after I idle. It just started happening all of a sudden.02:30
annienygmayes, that's what I mean..02:31
K_Ninecheesypieces: Can you log out and log back in to Ubuntu?02:31
Pelogmcastil, did you reinstall OOo ?02:31
gmcastilPelo: no02:31
iNTRONIXHow do i change login screens and bootup themes in Ubuntu?02:31
gmcastilPelo: i added a couple of oo packages, namely calc02:31
cheesypiecesyes, but with the kubuntu start up screen02:31
annienygmaI have noticed that if I want to switch my startup screen, I just use synaptic to install another desktop02:31
Pelo!theme | iNTRONIX02:31
ubotuiNTRONIX: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:31
belorixcan anyone walk me through teh madwifi install i dont quit under stand it02:31
WhoNeedszzzthis is a big problem so i need help bad02:31
scguy318iNTRONIX: for changing bootup splash see !usplash02:31
Pelogmcastil, calc is the spreadsheet right ? should have been there by default02:32
iNTRONIXok htx02:32
annienygmafor instance, when I wanted to try xubuntu, I ran sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop... when it installed, I set my login preferences to gnome, but my startup screen still says xubuntu02:32
K_Ninecheesypieces: Do you have the Gnome desktop installed?02:32
cheesypiecesk_nine, yes i do02:32
WhoNeedszzzhas anyone had trouble with the "X" process??02:32
cheesypiecesin fact its what i use02:33
cheesypiecesbut i just can't find the options to change the login page02:33
annienygmaand I have installed xubuntu, but then ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, and it gave me the ubuntu startup screen, but I still had the option of either the gnome or the xubuntu desktop, despite my startup screen changing02:33
Pelobelorix, first put the install cd in the comp,  then try menu > systsm>`admin > restricted driver , if you don'T have a restricted driver for your hardware there,  you'll need to use the windows driver to run your wifi card,  you'll first need to install ndiswrapper from the cd , thenyou can copy the windows wifi dirver on your ubuntu hdd somewhere and tell ndiswrapper where it is02:33
gmcastilPelo: ...by looking at the descriptions, java7 is based on openJDK, java6 is the sun flavor02:33
K_Ninecheesypieces: I have Ubuntu, Kubuntu and XFCE and they all change. I guess I can't help you.02:33
robdigcheesypieces: system->administration->login window02:33
Pelobelorix,  that's as much as I know02:33
annienygmaso whenever I get bored with my startup screen I just change it that way... hope it helps..02:34
Pelogmcastil, remove 7 and reinstall 6 that is my best guess at this time02:34
cheesypiecesrobdig, i've looked there... the option isn't there02:34
PeloWhoNeedszzz, we need a better question02:34
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Anyone parted. !;)02:34
gmcastilPelo: yup, that was my plan too02:34
WhoNeedszzzPelo, I gave a better question02:35
WhoNeedszzzno one responded02:35
=== melanie is now known as arrrghhh
PeloWhoNeedszzz, try again, this is a busy channel, some questions jsut dont, get noticed02:35
WhoNeedszzzHey guys, i'm having trouble with the "X" process after I idle. It just started happening all of a sudden.02:35
gmcastilPelo: is there anything that i have to do after instaling it? or is that enough?02:35
WhoNeedszzzit shoots up in processor usage02:35
robdigcheesypieces: sure it is, you can change your themes on the local tab02:35
K_NineWhoNeedszzz:  The X process is very difficult. That may be why.02:35
PeloWhoNeedszzz, wht trouble are you having with the X process, what is happening that makes you think you have a problem02:36
WhoNeedszzz99% cpu usage02:36
Pelogmcastil, should be enough02:36
cheesypiecesno really, its not there02:36
PeloWhoNeedszzz, whatvideo card ?02:36
cheesypiecesi must have deleted it when fannying around02:36
belorixhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys  second one up from the bottum but it doesnt work out of teh box02:36
WhoNeedszzznvidia geforce 8800 gts02:36
PeloWhoNeedszzz, restricted driver or binairy 602:36
TaylorI'm having issues with my bootup; every time I do, I come to a terminal interface rather than a graphical one.02:36
jebuswasmynameAnyone familiar with slapd?02:36
jebuswasmynameand ldap02:36
WhoNeedszzzPelo, binary02:37
PeloWhoNeedszzz, no clue,  try reinstalling the binairy02:37
WhoNeedszzzPelo, just installed the lates02:37
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gmcastilPelo: still doesn't like that path02:37
arrrghhhhey is there any way to get ubuntu to give me some visual feedback on a program running?  like kde's cheesy bouncing icon when you start a program.02:37
PeloWhoNeedszzz, that might be the issue then , if the problem just started,  I'm not realy familiar with nvidia cards, you might want to do a search about this in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:37
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Maybe if you post on the forum if no one here knows.02:37
ZaschHello! I have Russian music on my computer, but when I try to use gtkpod to add it to my ipod, the Cyrillic is rendered as blank spaces (obviously making it impossible to differentiate the songs). What do I do?02:38
WhoNeedszzzPelo, It happened after x server of xorg updated02:38
Pelogmcastil, remove all the java from the comp, reboot and then try reinstalling just java 6 -jre02:38
jebuswasmynameOr is there a way to remove packages on ubuntu back to a base install (or nearly base install)?02:38
gmcastilPelo: does your JRE show up in that window of installed jres?02:39
PeloWhoNeedszzz, you can revert to the previous xserver,  check in synaptic find the packge , right click properties , you should be able to isntall the preivious version ofthe package02:39
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, did you install the driver via the restricted driver manager?02:39
Pelogmcastil, in open office ? yes, that is where I got that link from02:39
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WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, no the nvidia binary02:40
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Did you try to uninstall the driver and re-install.02:40
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, and if X is borked you can always edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the nvidia driver to vesa02:40
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, yes, i installed the latest driver02:40
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, NO! vesa sucks02:40
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Did you uninstall first.02:40
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, nvidia's driver is great02:40
arrrghhhi'm telling you how to get into a GUI02:41
arrrghhhif need be02:41
compwiz18vesa will work when other stuff won't for the most part02:41
arrrghhhthen install via restricted drivers manager, that's the 'recommended' way.02:41
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, uninstall what?02:41
gmcastilPelo: i may have found a forum post about this02:41
Pelogmcastil, congrats02:41
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, no it isn't. the restricted driver doesn't work properly02:41
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Uninstall the driver for the nvidia card.02:41
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, oh, how?02:41
toresnare anyone in here using the proggy font(s) ?02:41
gmcastilPelo: not necessarily...no one figured it out02:42
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, ok did you stop the window manager and install the nvidia binary from console?02:42
gmcastilPelo: just a couple of posts about how it worked fine for them - not really helpful :)02:42
toresnit looks terrible in my gnome-terminal (proggy clean)... not at all like it probably should be02:42
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, the nvidia manager says it is using the latest02:42
Pelogmcastil, you can also try removing OOo and reinastallling that02:42
K_NineWhoNeedszzz: Oh, that's right, you did binary.02:42
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, yes that is the only way it installs02:42
lordleemojebuswasmyname    try  sudo apt-get purge slapd02:43
K_NineThen go to versa to redo it.02:43
WhoNeedszzzK_Nine, whoops that was directed to arrrghhh02:43
Pelogmcastil, in any case , are you doing this becaue you have functions in OOo that are not working or are you jsut looking for trouble ?02:43
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, ok... and then X fails to load when you reboot?02:43
jebuswasmynamethanks lordleemo !!02:43
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, if it failed...i wouldn't be here02:43
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, that isn't my problem02:43
arrrghhhuh.. ok so what's the problem?  lol02:43
jebuswasmynamelordleemo: invalid operation02:43
WhoNeedszzzu weren't here02:43
WhoNeedszzzmy X process is killing my processor usage02:44
gmcastilPelo: yes...need java, yes...looking for trouble, and also don't like errors when i run programs02:44
devils-havenhelo again i need the help of wise men, logitech mouse back forword button how can i get it to to work02:44
WhoNeedszzzit happens when i idle02:44
arrrghhhxorg is taking all of the processor priority?02:44
WhoNeedszzzno the "X" process02:44
arrrghhhthat one lol02:45
WhoNeedszzznot priority02:45
WhoNeedszzzit is using it02:45
arrrghhhok, in xorg.conf what driver is it actually using?02:45
arrrghhhthat's what i mean... c'mon i'm tryin to help you02:45
rooki hav an internet prblem02:46
WhoNeedszzzit has something about loading the "glx" module02:46
rookcan anyone help?02:46
Flynsarmygos I'm currently remote dekstopping to my windows pc using the "Terminal Server Client". This views my win desktop. Is there a way to get the Windows windows acting as if they were just regular windows on ubuntu?02:46
gmcastilPelo: apparently, some people have had problems if OO isn't installed with a JRE already present02:46
Pelo!enter | rook02:46
uboturook: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:46
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, that might be the problem...02:46
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, glx module is being loaded02:46
Pelogmcastil, but are YOU having problems ?02:47
WhoNeedszzzGuys, does the nvidia binary use glx?02:47
arrrghhhrook, just ask your question!!!02:47
Pelorook, what is the problem you are having ?02:47
compuwizcould someone help me with an iptables issue?02:47
rookok thanks but can anyone help me with my wirless problem?02:47
Pelocompuwiz, what is the issue02:47
gmcastilPelo: i don't relaly want to remove 300 MB of openoffice02:47
arrrghhhWhoNeedszzz, have you tried the 'nvidia' or the 'nv'?02:47
Pelo!wifi | rook02:47
uboturook: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:47
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, i'm using nvidia02:47
Pelogmcastil, you can reinstall it from the cd, you won't have to dl it agin02:47
TaylorI'm having issues with my bootup; every time I do, I come to a terminal interface rather than a graphical one. Anyone have any ideas? I've tried startx, starting gdm, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg...02:47
passbei have a php upload form, when i submit this form php reports the file has not been uploaded, i have checked apache logs and all seems ok, but when i ls /tmp i do not see the file, does anyone have any ideas ?02:48
lordleemojebuswasmyname try   dpkg --purge slapd02:48
wersI have a problem with my usplash screen. it's too big and it doesn't fit my screen. How can I adjust it?02:48
compuwizi have a script that redirects thigs for a certain poty top another computer, but how would I change it so it would work for another ip with another destination?02:48
PeloTaylor, you've already tried everyting i would have suggested02:48
Pelowers, is this the original one or did you mess with it ?02:49
kououkenGuys, has anyone heard of the "GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Hang" error?  I don't get a prompt or anything during boot, it just hangs. Most of the information I could google was related to old BIOS problems, but this is a new system.02:49
wersPelo, the original one02:49
TaylorAlright, thanks Pelo02:49
WhoNeedszzzarrrghhh, i'm trying it without the glx thing now02:49
wersI didn't do anything with it02:49
WhoNeedszzzthanks for the help02:49
rookummm  on my networking tools it downt have the wirless thing02:49
Pelowers, is this a new problem or is it recent ?02:49
kououkenNew install on a 500gb SATA hard drive, but it hangs at GRUB Loading Stage 1.502:49
wersPelo, since I installed gutsy02:49
russhi, I'm having an unknown problem with samba accessing winXP machines on my home network and vice versa.  When I select Places->Network I can't see the other computers and they cant see me02:49
Pelowers, check in the forum02:49
arrrghhhkououken, do you get error 17?02:50
Peloruss, #samba02:50
rooki only get wired and modem i dont get wirless02:50
K_Nineruss: Are there firewalls in place?02:50
compuwizPelo, i have a script that redirects thigs for a certain poty top another computer, but how would I change it so it would work for another ip with another destination?02:50
kououkenarrrghhh, nope, no error.  It just hangs at stage 1.5 with cursor (not prompt)02:50
Pelorook,  open the network properties thingy and set roaming mode02:50
iNTRONIXHow do I change Boot screen in Ubuntu?02:50
rookhow pelo?02:50
arrrghhhkououken, well i'd check that menu.lst file...02:51
Pelorook, menu > system> admin > network02:51
arrrghhhmake sure it's pointed at the right drive/partition02:51
Pelocompuwiz, that's a bit over my head02:51
russK_Nine no, there shouldn't be. odd thing is that one of the computers I cannot even successfully ping02:51
rooki come up with woired connection and modem connection02:51
compuwizok, thats what everyone has said02:51
bod_!repo > atcla02:51
Pelorook, dd you read the wifi documentation recommended by ubotu ?02:52
maxownzwhat's an easy to setup and manage ftp server?02:52
rooki looked at it and i wasrally confused02:52
Pelorook,  select wired, and click properties,  set roaming in there02:52
RequinB5where is my sources.list file02:52
gorlaki have a question, i have a headless ubuntu 7.10 server that i have up and working, the only problem being the screen resolution defaults back to 800x600 when no monitor is attacked, (it correctly does 1440x900 w/ monitor) even after editing the xorg.conf and rebooting i still get the low resolution, any ideas on what i could do to force it to a higher resolution?02:52
arrrghhhso does anyone know what i'm taking about with visual feedback after you run a program?  i have a person's computer who is slow... and it's running xubuntu because of it.  kde was not friendly with it at all.02:52
Pelorook,  also check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:52
BronxAngelis there a swat for ftp?02:53
rooki have been02:53
arrrghhhRequinB5, /etc/apt/sources.list02:53
rookand it is set for roaming on wired02:53
russK_Nine and the other one I can connect to and see the directories by file->connect to server and entering the host name directly, yet it does not show up in my "windows network"02:53
arrrghhhRequinB5, there's also a find feature in the terminal - 'man find'02:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components02:53
ZaschDoes anyone know how to get Cyrillic to work properly in Ubuntu?02:53
iNTRONIXHow to change Boot screen?02:53
Pelorook,  menu > systm> admin > restricted driver, see if tehre is a driver for your wifi card02:53
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:53
Pelo!theme | iNTRONIX02:53
ubotuiNTRONIX: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:53
BronxAngelis there a swat for ftp?02:54
rooku it has atheros hardware acess layers there02:54
iNTRONIXpelo: !theme ? whats that?02:54
Pelorook, install it02:54
arrrghhhiNTRONIX, he gave you a bunch of suggestions thru a bot in the room...02:54
PeloiNTRONIX, it's a trigger for ubotu to give you the links that come right after02:55
rookits enabled alrady and in use pelo02:55
jfkdsljioim running firefox in wine02:55
arrrghhhjfkdsljio, why would you do that...02:55
Pelorook, that's as far as I can get you02:55
jfkdsljiobecause its fun02:55
arrrghhhjfkdsljio, sounds stupid02:55
arrrghhhbut what do i know02:55
bod_atcla_ubuntu, hi02:55
jfkdsljioexactly, what do you know about having fun02:56
K_Nineruss: Here is the doc page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba02:56
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes02:56
rookhow  am i going to fix it then?02:56
atcla_ubuntuif u check my /ctcp atcla_ubuntu version02:56
Peloarrrghhh, the fun part is that you can do stuff like tha in linux, you can't in windows02:56
arrrghhhif that's what you call having fun... you need to go to this place i call 'outside';02:56
BronxAngelis there a swat for ftp?02:56
atcla_ubuntuwill see that im on xchat02:56
sersockerwenas, alguien me exa una mano?02:56
=== Ravi_Shankar is now known as Ravi
bod_atcla_ubuntu, i dunno how to do that,.,. come back to pm02:56
arrrghhhyou can run programs that are native for linux... but are the windows version... in linux.  stupid.02:56
russK_Nine ok, I looked thru it before but will try again02:56
jfkdsljiolol, you miss the point entirely02:57
K_Nineruss: Try turning off the wondoze firewall.02:57
Kamadoes anyone have an opinion of totem media player vs VLC player?02:57
jfkdsljiovlc rocks!!02:57
arrrghhhvlc is my fav02:57
Peloarrrghhh, I think he's just doing it for a laugh02:57
arrrghhhway more powerful02:57
jfkdsljiowhat about kde or gnome, whats better?02:57
arrrghhhplays pretty much everything you throw at it02:57
ttl-today i installed the latest ubuntu to my toshiba tecra s1, everything works well except one thing, during boot the screen is completely blank (black) until gdm loads and then everything is normal again...02:57
arrrghhhthey both have their benefits02:57
arrrghhhi prefer kde02:57
ttl-is there anything i can do about that?02:58
Pelojfkdsljio, it's a matter of personnal prefs,  new linux users tend to prefer gnome it is freindlier02:58
K_Ninejfkdsljio: Gnome has less bloat, KDE has more features.02:58
rainwalkerwhat are we talking about?02:58
arrrghhhbut can anyone help me get xfce or gnome for that matter to produce some visual feedback when i start a program02:58
arrrghhhK_Nine, i don't know about the less bloat part... but there's more options in kde, and gnome *seems* to do things automagically better02:59
arrrghhhlike unbreakable X, the new printer zeroconf thing, that's all 7.10 gnome specific02:59
jfkdsljiowell thanks, i like gnome because it doesnt krash all the time02:59
rainwalkeryou can tweak KDE way more, and with gnome bloat depends on what the OS comes with02:59
arrrghhhKDE doesn't crash on any of my three machines at work02:59
arrrghhhor my two machines at home02:59
K_Ninearrrghhh: I think automagically depends a lot on the distro.02:59
arrrghhhK_Nine, i would agree02:59
Peloarrrghhh, you seem like a real 1337 ,  do you know how to http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/6%2C760+Fonts?content=988302:59
Peloarrrghhh, nevermind , wrong link03:00
arrrghhhi am far from leet my friene03:00
jfkdsljiopelo do it again i want to see the right link03:00
Peloarrrghhh, do you know how to Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600.03:00
arrrghhhPelo, do i care?03:00
jfkdsljiolol that was funny.03:00
Peloarrrghhh, I'm asking for help03:00
jfkdsljiobaudrate must be 960003:00
jfkdsljioo he's serious, nevermind.03:00
K_Ninearrrghhh: Over the last 7 years I've installed 192 distros and their upgrades.03:00
jfkdsljioyou counted?!03:01
arrrghhhK_Nine, so what's your favorit03:01
Pelojfkdsljio, I have no idea how to do taht bit,  , it's to setup a pen plotter03:01
K_Ninearrrghhh: Right now it close between PCLinuxOS and Linux Mint.03:01
ttl-i also found that using dosbox in native 80x25 modus (pressing alt-enter) gives a distorted screen (screen content vibrates horizontally)03:01
arrrghhhhey Dr_willis i remember you.  you know how to produce visual feedback on programs when they run don'tcha03:01
qaesarey guys, need installing ubuntu from DVD on AMD64, but i have a cd and no cd-rw only dvd at hand03:01
jfkdsljiolinux mint is going debian03:01
jfkdsljiono more full ubuntu repo compatibility03:01
nickrud_Pelo: that must be from some instructions, are they on the web? (I'll bite, the dish seems to be getting a bit stale and shouldn't get thrown out)03:01
rainwalkerK_Nine: what is it people like about PCLinuxOS?03:01
arrrghhhqaesar, uhm... use a usb stick?!?03:02
qaesaryeah i have on03:02
Pelonickrud_, http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=CalComp-Artisan_1023_penplotter03:02
jfkdsljiopclos is all perty and nooby looking, real friendly03:02
jfkdsljioand feature rich03:02
jfkdsljiokinda slow tho03:02
rainwalkerjfkdsljio: but ubuntu is debian based?03:02
arrrghhhrainwalker, yes03:02
jfkdsljioyes ubuntu is debian based03:02
jfkdsljioand mint linux is ubuntu based03:02
qaesarbut how do i "burn" the iso image on the usb in windows ?03:02
ttl-did anybody experience the same or knows how to fix it?03:02
K_Ninerainwalker: It is easy for Windoze converts because it was set up to  look and act like XP. And, most things are set up to work automagically.03:02
rainwalkerohh ok03:03
arrrghhhqaesar, it's difficult... there's instructions on ubuntuforums i think is where i found 'em03:03
blackace11i haven't been on here in a while... what was command to log onto nickserver?03:03
Peloqaesar, just unpack the iso like it was a zip and copy it to the usb , top level03:03
arrrghhhor the wiki03:03
rainwalkerjfkdsljio: so why wouldn't mint be able to use the ubuntu repos?03:03
wormintrudeblackace11, '/msg nickserv identify <passwd>'03:03
rainwalkerblackace11: it's /msg nickserv <whatever>03:03
Dr_willisrainwalker,  mint can use the ubuntu repos.03:03
BagelMasterNew question: Is there any way I can disable the trackpoint but not the touchpad or an external mouse?03:03
voicecan someone give me some help with the latest ubuntu hardy heron alpha please?03:03
Dr_willisrainwalker,  im using them now :)03:03
jfkdsljioif it were debian based? it would be able to use them, but there wouldnt be a full seemless compatibility03:03
arrrghhhdamnit!  visual feedback of programs that run!03:03
qaesaror how do i use a DVD burning a cd iso, or where is the DVD iso of 7.1003:04
n6hggsudo ssh root@
Dr_willisqaesar,  why bother with the dvd? the cd is a much smaller download.03:04
rainwalkerDr_willis: that's what I mean, jfkdsljio says mint won't be able to because it's going debian, but ubuntu is based on debian, so what's the problem?03:04
arrrghhhqaesar, you can burn a cd iso to a dvd, but you said you didn't have a dvd burner03:04
K_Nineqaesar: Go to Distrowatch.com to find the DVD.03:04
Peloqaesar, you can burn a cd iso to a dvd it should work03:04
n6hggoopz, sorry03:04
arrrghhhn6hgg, you shouln't run ssh as root03:04
cellofellowhey, does anybody know how to scan an IP range for used addresses?03:04
qaesarno, i have one, but i have only DVDRs and no CDs03:05
n6hggyea, oh well03:05
Peloqaesar, and you can find the dvd.iso on the ubuntu.com site, from the dl section jsut select pick a mirror03:05
Dr_willisrainwalker,  last i looked mint was thinking bout going to a debian base.  if it does. then there will be issues.  Of course If it does that - i will stop using Mint.03:05
arrrghhhqaesar, you can burn cd images to dvds...03:05
qaesarand nero wont let me burn the cd iso to a dvd iso03:05
jfkdsljiorainwalker because ubuntu repositories are for ubuntu, not all ubuntu repositories will work right on a regular debian install.03:05
arrrghhhit's just kinda a waste03:05
blackace11can anyone assist me in getting ndiswrapper working on my dell d520? i've been to 2 different walkthroughs and can't get it working03:05
arrrghhhqaesar, if you're in windows use imgburn03:05
Dr_willisrainwalker,  mixing debian and ubuntu repos is the issue :)03:05
rainwalkerDr_willis, jfkdsljio: why would they move to debian?03:05
arrrghhhrainwalker, probably stability03:05
wormintrudeqaesar, if u're in winDOS, just toss the thing03:06
Bonyohi everybody03:06
Dr_willisrainwalker,  go ask the Mint guys why they are talking about moving.  Could be they dont like the 6mo release stuff.03:06
jfkdsljioi'm not sure why, but they already have an alpha version available03:06
arrrghhhi'm goin with stability03:06
Dr_willisrainwalker,  Mint has some neat things.. but really i dont see much point in it, ubuntu releases keep getting better and better and make the spinoffs like mint seem redundant.03:06
arrrghhhso... visual feedback on programs that run?  like the silly bouncing icons in kde?03:06
K_Ninearrrghhh: There was a post in the Mint forum on why but I can't remember now. It was in general announcements.03:07
arrrghhhthat don't always work right and piss me off sometimes03:07
jfkdsljiomint has more of the "just works" flavor03:07
Dr_willismost of the mint 'enhancements' are just toolks they wrote in python. and a few other tweaks.03:07
arrrghhhbut i have a newbie here with xubuntu cuz her machine is slower than molases in january03:07
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:07
jfkdsljiowhen i used krashde, i disabled bouncing icons03:07
rainwalkerDr_willis, jfkdsljio: things have actually always worked better for me with Ubuntu, and if they get the visual refresh right with Hardy, I'll be perfectly happy03:07
blackace11can anyone assist me in getting ndiswrapper working on my dell d520? i've been to 2 different walkthroughs and can't get it working03:07
PeloiNTRONIX, you can also query the bot in private so you don't spam the channel  try typing /msg ubotu !theme03:08
jfkdsljioYou're still using Hardy?03:08
arrrghhhK_Nine, about visual feedback of programs that run?  i don't want to install mint on here...03:08
jfkdsljioAll I can say to that is Wow!03:08
jfkdsljioYou're off the support chart.03:08
arrrghhhjfkdsljio, what the heck are you talking about or two...03:08
rainwalkerjfkdsljio: I'm not using hardy03:08
jfkdsljioarrrghhh, i'm going to run imgburn in wine, for your sake.03:09
arrrghhhjfkdsljio, can you get like quicken to work in wine?03:09
arrrghhhthat would be for my dad's sake03:09
mynymlmy mic doesnt work in skype, any help would be greatly appreciated03:09
blackace11can anyone assist me in getting ndiswrapper working on my dell d520? i've been to 2 different walkthroughs and can't get it working03:09
K_Ninearrrghhh: Kmymoney2 is a pretty good quicken alt.03:09
Pelomynyml, try asking in #skype03:09
nickrud_Pelo: yah, I see that now.03:09
jfkdsljioI actually got photoshop CS2 and Golive CS to work in wine.03:10
arrrghhhK_Nine, i know... but he's real picky.  he hates outlook but uses it for the 'great contact list integration'.  ugh.03:10
mynymlPelo: there is no #skype ...03:10
jfkdsljioimgburn says No Devices Detected!03:10
arrrghhhK_Nine, and i'll have to remember that one... the only other one i've heard of was like gnumoney or something like that03:10
jfkdsljioI guess ill add it to appdb as garbage03:10
arrrghhhgnucash... id unno03:10
Pelonickrud_,  I can probably fget it to work if I can make a spooler to redirest to localhost/ttyS2 or soemting03:10
K_Ninearrrghhh: Gnucash03:10
Pelonickrud_, don't worry about it ,  eventualy someone in #cups will answer me03:11
nickrud_Pelo: frustrating that it's listed as working perfectly but without any reasonable docs03:11
LurkersAHey guys. Would I be correct in thinking that 'VariableName = raw_input("Details")' will store the inputted value as a string?03:11
Pelonickrud_, tell me about it03:11
denetorhi, i have a hard time getting rotten flash 9 to work with sound. I tried alsa-oss and /etc/firefox/firefoxrc's FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" but i dosen't do the trick. Newest shiny updated 6.06 LTS. Any ideas?03:11
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
jfkdsljioI am going to run all my native linux applications in wine if they have a windows version.03:11
sigmaubuntu doesn't seem to recognize my internal bluetooth adapter, what can I do?03:12
jfkdsljioFirst and foremost I must install xchat2 for windows.03:12
Pelodenetor, the instaler for flash is broken,  get the tar.gz from the adobe website03:12
K_Ninejfkdsljio: I use CrossOver Office.03:12
blackace11can anyone assist me in getting ndiswrapper working on my dell d520? i've been to 2 different walkthroughs and can't get it working03:12
* nickrud wishes wine wasn't created, it creates false hopes03:12
gorlaki have a question, anyway to force a higher screen resolution onto a computer that doesnt have a monitor attached?03:12
Pelojfkdsljio, why would you do such a thing ? just for the laughs ?03:12
K_Nineblackace11: I can't, just to give you an answer.03:13
jfkdsljioK_Nine I don't like that app, its too far behind wine .9.5403:13
blackace11k_nine ty lol03:13
jfkdsljioI have cxoffice pro 6.2, and signed up to be an advocate, but they never got back to me03:13
Pelonickrud, I finaly got a decent CAD software thanks to wine , don'T diss it03:13
Dr_willisqcad does all i need for my cad needs. :) but it depends on your needs I guess03:13
jfkdsljioPelo, pretty much yeah, I have a partimage backup that I restore sometimes daily.03:14
* nickrud sniffs, and is not chastened03:14
Kamaanother noob question here.  how do I get pidgin to open a chat on another irc server?03:14
PeloDr_willis, I'm used to autocad,  I'm a bit demanding03:14
jfkdsljioPelo, SystemRescueCD Linux is fawesome.03:14
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:14
blackace11can anyone assist me in getting ndiswrapper working on my dell d520? i've been to 2 different walkthroughs and can't get it working03:14
Dr_willisPelo,  i cant afford autocad. :)03:14
Pelo!botabuse | iNTRONIX03:14
Dr_willisPelo,  im suprised autocad even worked with wine.03:14
ubotuiNTRONIX: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:14
K_Ninejfkdsljio: There must be a reason for it. You have to pay for it. It must do something that wine won't.03:14
denetorPelo: I had no luck with a direct install from adobe either.03:14
transporter_iiAnyone use crossover office? I have a quick question...03:14
spoondo changes you make (packages installed on unionfs, kernel modules installed) persist when you install them on the liveCD and then Install to hard drive????03:14
PeloDr_willis, not autocad,  progecad smart03:14
fxdCan someone help me? I'm on the last step of a page to get my wireless working and I can't figure it out.03:14
mkquistKama: set up an account for that server03:15
PeloDr_willis, it's an autocad close, very nice,   www.progesoft.com03:15
jfkdsljioK_Nine it has perfected code for a small range of applications, whereas wine focuses on implementing the full windows API.03:15
blackace11i'm also haveing trouble with wlan on my d52003:15
PeloDr_willis,  there is a free smart! verson for home use03:15
rainwalkerwait whoa just popped back in, what's this about autocad?03:15
iNTRONIXubotu: Just a bot?03:15
sigmaanyone know how to setup bluetooth on a dell inspiron with internal adapter? the system is not picking it up and I've tried the setup that was on the wiki03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about just a bot? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
KamaMK - hmm, i tried that, it seemed like the obvious place to start03:15
K_Ninejfkdsljio: I used it for Photoshop.03:15
PeloiNTRONIX, yes ubotu is a bot ,03:15
Kamaand I do have a keen sence of the obvious03:16
Pelorainwalker, I found a autocad clone that works well on wine,  and there is a free version for home users03:16
meoblast001i have a question to ask and i know the answer will probably be no, but does anyone know if a free linux game similar to ratchet and clank exists.... something thats a shooting game with a plot?03:16
fxdCan someone help installing a driver with ndiswrapper?03:16
jfkdsljioWhat version?03:16
Pelorainwalker, www.progesoft.com,   it's called smarty03:16
jfkdsljioK_Nine what version?03:16
rainwalkerPelo: I hope you realize you totally just made my day03:16
blackace11can anyone help me with my wlan? i can't get ndiswrapper to recognize/install the inf file03:16
Pelorainwalker, and you can make my day if you can help me figure out how to get my pen plotter to work on linux03:17
K_Ninejfkdsljio: It will only go up to 7. I have CS3 extended on the Windoze machine.03:17
rainwalkerpen plotter?03:17
Pelorainwalker, big printer that works by dragging pens across the paper03:17
Arbitraryfxd, what's the problem with ndiswrapper, have you consulted the man page?03:17
K_Ninejfkdsljio: After 7, you need an XP emulator.03:17
jfkdsljioK_Nine if you install wine .9.54 you can install Photoshop CS2.03:18
rainwalkerPelo: oh...I have no idea03:18
jfkdsljioI have it working quite well.03:18
fxdArbitrary: yes i have, i can't get ndiswrapper to install the .inf file03:18
K_Ninejfkdsljio: Neat. I'll have to try that out. thx.03:18
Pelorainwalker,  this is what I need to do Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600.03:18
blackace11i'm having same problem as fxd03:18
Pelorainwalker, Dr_willis  , direct link to smart http://www.progesoft.com/compra/index.asp?left=progecad2008smart&lang=eng03:18
meoblast001im guessing that since no one is answering my question, that means most ppl dont know.... which would also mean it probably doesnt exist03:18
jfkdsljioK_Nine yeah, It was listed as "gold" on appdb, but the things reported not working work great for me, on Mint Linux.03:18
blackace11arbitrary: could you assist me with the issue also?03:19
rainwalkerPelo: are you talking about the "trial version"?03:19
Arbitraryfxd, blackacell, make sure you are using a version of the windows driver that ndiswrapper supports03:19
jfkdsljioImage Ready works great too, not sure why I need image ready.03:19
jfkdsljioBut it works great.03:19
Pelorainwalker, not a trial version,  smart is for real,   progecad is the trial one03:19
K_Ninejfk, I have a Rontec Combox Trios that is a switch to any one of three hard drives on my Linux machine. I have mint on one drive. I'll try it.03:19
rainwalkerPelo: oh wow...ok, well I found the download button link haha03:20
lilg111111need help installing flash player 9 in gusty i also do not have sound03:20
Arbitraryfxd, do you get an error message?03:20
fxdarbitrary: i have the driver, have installed ndiswrapper, but it's the command "sudo ndiswrapper -i net8185.inf" that doesn't work03:20
Belorix_Ok i have a Linksys Wusb54gsc adapter and i cannot get it to work anyone hlep please i tryed ndiswraper03:20
Pelorainwalker,  I haven't worked with it yet, just goofed around a bit, but I am very impressed03:20
PeloBelorix_, did you lookup your model in the forum ?  www.ubuntuforums.org03:21
fxdArbitrary: I don't get any message, but when I check to see if it worked with "ndiswrapper -l", nothing shows up03:21
Belorix_i didnt find anything helpful03:21
blackace11i've used this same driver before... but when i sudo ndiswrapper -i <location> it just tells me the ndiswrapper info...03:21
Pelolilg111111, get the tar.gz from the adobe website,  the installer in ubuntu is broken03:21
flatsAnyone here familiar with the nvidia 7800 GTX go drivers under ubuntu?  To say i'm frustrated is an understatement03:21
blackace11when i do ndiswrapper -l i get invalidd driver03:21
flatsIs there a list of nvidia cards ubuntu doesn't support?03:21
jfkdsljioflats, it should be easy to install the nvidia drivers with restricted driver manager03:21
rainwalkerPelo: I'm in an autocad dual-credit class at school and we use autodesk software, which isn't available for linux03:21
kououkenAnyone know how to fix the "hangs at Grub Loading stage 1.5" problem? Googling hasn't solved the issue.03:22
PeloBelorix_,  you'll have to come and ask in the chanel again, at different times on different days,  the ppl in here change and there are different skill avaialbe at different time03:22
flatsAs soon as I chose restricted driver, all I can get is standard VGA03:22
jfkdsljiodid you reboot?03:22
Arbitraryfxd, you should be getting a confirmation  I think....have you blacklisted any conflicting native drivers?03:22
rainwalkerflats: I don't know about drivers, but if you're trying to get compiz to work, the command "SKIP_CHECKS=yes" will force it03:22
jfkdsljiogo to terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings03:22
Pelorainwalker, I'M aware,  autodesk made it,s bed with MS,   autocad now runs on .net so it makes it very hard to port03:22
lilg111111how do you install a tar03:22
flatsI've rebooted and followed 3 or 4 different steps to activate it and it was fine immediately after install and not since03:22
jfkdsljiothen you can adjust the resolution and stuff03:22
Marfihey, the monitor im using can handle 1600x1200. but, when i put it to that resolution, it keeps the same 1280x1024, and "slides" the rest of the screen. any ideas?03:22
Pelolilg111111,  it's jsut an archinve,  extract it to your desktop and read the instrucions in side03:23
fxdarbitrary: yeah, I blacklisted the other drivers. actually i'm working on it in another window and i think it may have worked. i'm going to restart and try it out. thanks for taking the time though03:23
rainwalkerPelo: you're joking, it's on .NET?!03:23
DILBeloriz_, There are many smart people here one of which is not me, i used to have a Linksys i changed and got a netgear works right out of the box03:23
flatsI know it works because it worked as soon as I installed.  Haven't been able to get it back however03:23
PeloMarfi, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the extra resolutions you need03:23
Pelorainwalker, since 14 I beleive03:23
rainwalkerPelo: 14 what?03:24
Pelorainwalker, autocad r1403:24
Pelorainwalker,  actualy I think r14 was the last one that didn't work on .net03:24
rainwalkerPelo: um...I don't get what you mean, the autocad we use is just "autocad 2008"03:24
MarfiPelo, they are in there03:24
blackace11arbitrary: any way you can help me get ndiswrapper working? should i do sometype of purge?03:24
Marfiim gonna restart X to see if htat does it03:24
BlueLagunaI have a video card with a VGA port and a DVI port.  Would I be able to setup dual monitors if I plug in one of each?03:25
K_Ninelilg111111: Try this from Tuxfiles http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html03:25
Pelorainwalker, I,ve been using autocad for 20 years ,  I have a history,03:25
Arbitraryblackacell, purge? what did you have in mind?03:25
rainwalkerPelo: hm...well I don't know what r14 is, but as long as this program you told me about works with autodesk's autocad programs, I'm happy03:25
blackace11arbitrary: well it doesn't work... should i delete everything with ndiswrapper and try again?03:25
MarfiPelo,  didn't work03:25
Pelorainwalker, progecad smart makes and read dwg , but it probably doesnT' have all the same commands as autocad 200803:26
flatsIs there a way to just redetect my video drivers as it did during install?  even running the dpkg --reconfigure ... didn't work03:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about background - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:26
Arbitraryblackacell, yes, uninstall any driver you've installed with ndiswrapper03:26
PeloMarfi, what video card ?03:26
K_Ninelilg111111: If you didn't delete your Makefile, you may be able to remove the program by doing a make uninstall03:26
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
blackace11arbitrary: how?03:26
Arbitraryblackacell, then, make sure you've blacklisted any native driver03:26
DILBelorix_, There are many smart people here one of which is not me, i used to have a Linksys i changed and got a netgear works right out of the box03:26
SpookyET Does anyone know how to make pm-utils call s2ram, s2disk?03:26
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:27
Arbitraryblackacell, have you consulted the ndiswrapper man page?03:27
blackace11arbitrary, i've blacklisted the native drver03:27
PeloK_Nine, there is no make file in the flash tar.gz  there is just a couple of fils that you need to copy to some folder03:27
blackace11i went to #ndiswrapper but no one will say anything and i've used a walktrhough ....03:27
jfkdsljiowine froze me03:28
PeloDukan_Studying, what is the problme ?03:28
MarfiPelo, nvidia 7800gt03:28
K_Nineblackace11: Leave it there and set up a system sound to play when someone answers.03:28
robdigPelo: your question got me interested...I found this link which may help you...the example print filter is just a pass through...so maybe it will work for you? http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/sdb/html/1123683643.html03:29
MarfiPelo, i just can't remember where the setting for "extended desktop" is03:29
* Pelo gets the "tools" to drag it out of Dukan_Studying 03:29
blackace11k_nine: what?03:29
PeloMarfi, there is a special way to do this for nvidia cards,   check in the repos for nvidia config or nvidia settings or someting03:29
flatsMarfi: That a laptop?03:29
Marfiflats, nope, desktop + projector03:30
jfkdsljiooh pooh03:30
Pelorobdig, thanks I'll check it out,03:30
blackace11arbitrary has been answering me03:30
flatsMarfi: KK03:30
atcla_ubuntuatc@atc-ubundu:~$ ./hlds_run03:30
atcla_ubuntubash: ./hlds_run: No such file or directory03:30
atcla_ubuntuatc@atc-ubundu:~$ ./steam03:30
atcla_ubuntubash: ./steam: No such file or directory03:30
K_Nineblackace11: I'm using the Konversation IRC chat program and I can set up a sound file to play when someone answers a post on any channel. I usually and on several channels or doing something else. So I find that feature handy.03:30
blackace11k_nine: i'm using xchat and it changes colors ...03:31
kmipa very quick gutsy question: /etc/fstab is empty (??) but I need to add a remote NFS drive; I can mount it from the command line, but how do I enable it to mount at boot?03:31
Pelorobdig, did you check the link with the instructiosn I originaly had to setup my printer ?03:32
=== raving is now known as Sir_Fawnpug
robdigPelo: no, didn't see it03:32
flatsIs there a way to just redetect my video drivers as it did during install?  even running the dpkg --reconfigure ... didn't work03:32
Pelorobdig, here it is,  it does tell me what to do , I just have no idea how  http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=CalComp-Artisan_1023_penplotter03:32
kmip(and why is /etc/fstab empty?  how can that be? where do you add swap partitions.  I'm really confused)03:32
Dukan_Studyingoh my bugs :'(03:33
Pelokmip, you probably misstyped ,03:33
Arbitraryblackacell, as the man page suggests, use ndiswrapper -r <drivername> to remove the driver03:33
tom2002i have a java question03:33
kmippelo, no, it is very explicitly empty03:33
kmip$ sudo cat /etc/fstab03:34
kmip$ sudo cat /etc/fstab03:34
Pelokmip, wow, how can you possibly be up and running03:34
tom2002everything i;ve read about graphics in java is related to java applets ... how can i do graphics in a stand alone application ???03:34
kmipexactly my question03:34
Pelokmip,  and what does gksu gedit /etc/fstab return ?03:34
kmiphow can it be runnign without /etc/fstab?03:34
kmipsame thing03:34
Tuari_im trying to install somthing and it is asking for mysql devel and im having trouble finding the apt get install for it anyone happen to know it03:34
K_Ninejfkdsljio: I just did a wine --version in a terminal and I have 9.46. So I'll try CS2 tomorrow.03:34
kmip(sudo is oldschool gksu)03:34
=== Templariow is now known as Templario
PeloTuari_, do you have a gui ?03:35
lilg111111no sound in ubuntu03:35
Pelolilg111111, at all or just in flash ?03:35
lilg111111at all03:35
rainwalkerPelo, how do I msg you?03:35
kmipI had that: fetch the latest alsa drivers from their site, install those over top of ubuntu03:35
tom2002is there anyway to make an applet into an application ???03:35
Pelolilg111111, menu > systsm> prefs> sound make sure you have the correct device selected03:35
K_Ninelilg111111: Is the volume muted?03:35
iKaphow do you change firefox's transparency?03:36
AMDfanboyhey guys, i accidentally deleted all my kick ass pictueres off my camera.  there is a photo recovry tool, called testdisk, but it seems to want a drive, it can't access my camera directly.  i dont have a card reader, i just do it through my usb camera.  so i guess i should mount the camera in one of my drives or mount it as another drive?03:36
PeloiKap, ask in #firefox03:36
Tuari_pelo ya03:36
K_Ninelilg111111: Have you tried sudo alsaconf in a terminal to reset?03:36
rainwalkerPelo: apparently pidgin doesn't recognize /notice03:36
Hilikusdoes anyone know how to burn to a certain directory using growisofs?03:36
tom2002how about changing the "public class XXXX extends applet'"03:36
flatsWhats the command to restart X please03:37
PeloTuari_, menu > systm< admin > synaptic pacakge manager,   search for mysql , install the related -dev package03:37
Starnestommyflats: hit ctrl+alt+backspace?03:37
Pelorainwalker, hold on03:37
rainwalkerflats: control + alt + Backspace03:37
Pelorainwalker, go ahead you are now autorized to /msg me03:37
K_NineAMDfanboy: Card readers are only about $10 now.03:37
lilg111111the volume is not muted03:38
AMDfanboyK_Nine, fair enough, if i have to, but i figure i can just mount it?03:38
Pelo!sound | lilg11111103:38
ubotulilg111111: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:38
toresnhow can i joint n number of flac files into 1 ?03:39
K_NineAMDfanboy: Will Digikam detect the camera?03:39
AMDfanboyit does03:39
jfkdsljioHmm someone should add alsaconf to !sound03:39
lilg111111 alsaconf: command not found03:39
rainwalkertoresn: you can mess around with audacity03:39
tom2002is there any way to make a java applet into an application  ?????03:39
AMDfanboybut the pics are deleted03:39
jfkdsljiohmm, odd.03:39
pariahHey everyone03:39
toresnrainwalker, isn't there a better way?03:39
toresna command line tool or something03:39
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
jfkdsljiohmm no alsaconf in ubuntu, why03:40
rskjfkdsljio: no idea, i want it alsp03:40
rainwalkertoresn: there probably is, but I don't really do stuff with audio, so I wouldn't know of anything else03:40
Arbitraryisn't a java applet just an application somebody randomly decided should be called "applet" instead?03:40
Arbitraryafter all..03:41
K_Ninejfkdsljio: Can it be downloaded?03:41
jfkdsljioops are easy to spot by the way they talk, when they hide their badge03:41
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
jfkdsljioK_Nine I dunno I installed alsa on sidux and alsaconf came with it.03:41
rskyou have to compile alsa yourself to get alsaconf03:42
rskin ubuntu03:42
robdigPelo: been a long time since i installed unix printers without a print filter, normally that was done to send raw data to the printer. with cups, i think the way to do that is by setting up a filter which is a pass through, such as the one in the example supplied earlier. don't remember how to set the speed, will look03:42
jfkdsljioif i was ubuntu's wife i would be bitching03:42
pariahno not really heh03:42
tom2002well.... i've been having trouble compiling java application w/ graphics03:42
Pelorobdig, no hurry,  shall I give you my email ? if you get a soluton  , this bit is way over my head03:43
LKCi just installed Emerald on 7.10 how do i turn it on?03:43
robdigPelo: yeah, you can pm it03:43
jfkdsljioemerald --replace03:43
Pelorobdig, I realy appreciate it03:43
IdleOne!language | jfkdsljio03:43
ubotujfkdsljio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:43
jfkdsljioi will03:43
IdleOnethank you03:43
jfkdsljiovery welcome03:44
dsmith_anyone install ubuntu on a SUN server?03:44
jfkdsljioI have found some of emeralds theme engines to slow things down a little, in comparison to the regular GTK.03:44
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, I hae03:44
Pelorobdig,  earlier I figured out it might be similar to what I did to get efax working ,  seting up a newtork printer that was redirected to the modem , in this case a fake spooler that would send to the com1 port for the plotter03:44
Sir_FawnpugI have*03:44
Sir_FawnpugSorry, I'm on a laptop and I'm on pain meds because of my wisdom teeth, I may not type straight03:45
dsmith_Sir_Fawnpug: sorry to hear that hope you get better; which model if I may ask?03:45
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, well it was a workstation, but yes, I've installed ubuntu on sun03:46
Ranbeehi, does anyone know the name of the browser which has a similar name to - Kamikaze?03:46
rskRanbee: konqueror?03:46
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, a sparcstation 5 if I recall correctly. I know it was an UltraSparc IIi based machine, that was supposed to support PC hardware03:46
Ranbeersk: no, not konqueror. i think it's from japan03:46
robdigPelo: makes sense...and i think this method should do something similar...i hope03:46
dsmith_Sir_Fawnpug: I was looking at sun servers/WS for use03:46
dsmith_sorta old03:47
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, you mean you're looking at buying one or that you already have one?03:47
dsmith_buying one03:47
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
K_Ninejfkdsljio:  Here is why they removed alsaconf from ubuntu. https://bugs.launchpad.net/alsa-utils/+bug/2959703:47
Sir_FawnpugOh, I see03:47
dsmith_or buying a used one from ebay *shrug*03:47
Sir_FawnpugWell I got my sparc for less than $7503:47
Sir_FawnpugCheck out government surplus sales, you can often get not too bad hardware for cheap there03:48
K_NineTime to watch Dr. Who.03:48
Sir_FawnpugYou know, I've always wondered how you can have a FAQ if nobody's asked you any questions, haha03:49
RequinB5K_Nine: new episodes?03:49
Ranbeersk: this is it if you want to know - Kazehakase03:49
K_NineNo, reruns. But Torch Wood is new.03:50
dsmith_Sir_Fawnpug: I know about the gov auctions I acquired soo much junk at really cheap $$$, then turned around and sold it for more03:50
fxdAlright! I got my wireless working! But the sound which I just had working is now suddenly not working. Can anyone help me out?03:50
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, most of the time the only thing you hae to worry about with gov auctions is the lack of an operating system, but that's really no problem with a good distro around03:51
Sir_FawnpugAlthough I am inheriting an RS6K pretty soon, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to use anything besides AIX on it.03:52
pingucan anyone point me in the direction of a list of compatible printers for ubuntu03:52
Dr_willispingu,  cups.org03:53
Sir_FawnpugDr_willis, you beat me to it.03:53
Dr_willispingu,  ubuntu uses cups. :) so the cups.org site has details on printers.  I would avoid canon, perhaps stick with HP.03:53
Sir_FawnpugPingu, if you're looking at buying a new printer, the HP 1280 works really nice03:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:54
Sir_FawnpugIt's a scanner too03:54
jfkdsljiowho's more elitist, gentooers or debianers03:54
dsmith_pingu: get HP03:54
o_told ya I'd be bak03:54
Sir_Fawnpugjfkdsljio, debianers for sure.03:54
kahrytanSir_Fawnpug-> Lexmark seems to have nice support too03:54
dsmith_1020 series03:54
* Dr_willis agrees with Sir_Fawnpug :)03:55
jfkdsljioK thanks.03:55
fragged2jfkdsljio: I wouldnt call gentoo or debian elitist, its just some Ubuntu users give us the shits03:55
Dr_willisLexmark at one time was best used as a doorstop. :)03:55
Sir_FawnpugOf course, I'm biased (I'm a gentooer)03:55
nickrudpingu: http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi03:55
fxdcan anyone help me with this? "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."03:55
fxdworking on my sound btw03:55
lilg111111does anybody know a progam like object bar for windows03:55
lilg111111that used in linux03:55
nickrudjfkdsljio: they both think highly of themselves03:55
jfkdsljionickrud, Ok i'll keep that in mind.03:56
Sir_Fawnpuglilg111111, what is "object bar"? Do you mean something kind of like gnome applets?03:56
o_tried to use synaptic to dl ktorrent..get an error "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.20-16-386_2.6.20-16.33_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 103:56
o_I'm lost ??03:56
nickrudjfkdsljio: but it's better to not think of people by distro, but by their behavior03:56
kahrytanDr_willis->  Perhaps. HP has their doorstops too. I recently moved and I never got around to buying new ink for my hp. Lexmark Z53 has new ink in it so I am using it til I get around to buying ink for hp. Oddly, Ubuntu supports Z53 out of the box while Xp doesnt.03:56
lilg111111its that bar that mac has that you can use to start programs03:56
jfkdsljioI figure a group is a group, and facts related to that group are facts. But each person as an individual deserves a fair chance.03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
fragged2agreed with nickrud, there are idiots in every community they just seem more common in certain ones (Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu and other easy distros)03:57
Sir_Fawnpugkahrytan, I've avoided lexmark because of their marketing with their ink03:57
Dr_williskahrytan,  ive had to many 'free' printers included with computers.. that are the cheap doorstop lexmarks. :)03:57
jfkdsljioawn is sorta cool, but nothing is more fun than kiba-dock03:57
Dr_williskahrytan,  i put them on a rummage sale for $10 each - unopened. :P03:57
djznhi, is there a way to "convert a xvid/divx" avi file, into DVD-Video VTS_xx.vob outputs with menus and stuff?????03:57
jfkdsljioand its not KDE stuff, despite the k in the beginning03:57
kahrytanDr_willis->  Wasn't included. It was left behind by previous owners of a condo.03:57
portablejimanybody use campcaster on Gutsy?03:57
Sir_Fawnpugnickrud, do you believe that a community can take on it's own mentality?03:58
nickrudfragged2: now, I wouldn't tar people who are low on the learning curve idiots, I tend to reserve that for people who have little tolerance for the learners03:58
kahrytandjzn->  with menus ... Linux doesnt have a decent dvd menus creator.03:58
fragged2nickrud: mmm maybe I didnt phrase my statement right. There are some out there who have genuine problems and are ready to do a little bit of research - they are the good ones. Problem is the users who refuse to help themselves,03:59
Sir_FawnpugI mean I would almost agree with you, except channels like #debian and #java really do seem, by default, really do seem to have an elitist atmosphere03:59
jfkdsljiofragged2, there it is. the ones who refuse to help themselves are the culprit03:59
Dr_willisdjzn,  there are tools to  create dvd layout/disks - if thats what you mean.  videotrans  qdvdauthor  devede   and others.03:59
kahrytanDr_willis->  not all of those create menus03:59
Dr_williskahrytan,  your mileage may vary :)03:59
mkquistdjzn: def take a look at qdvdauthor, i believe it does04:00
Dr_williskahrytan,  i normally put 1 video per disk. so the kids dont een have to have the remote.04:00
nickrudfragged2: I won't argue about the ones who refuse to help themselves, but I still try to teach them they must. That's the most rewarding success04:00
kahrytanDr_willis->  I tried to find a good dvd author program.04:00
Sir_FawnpugWow, you all have to forgive me. My pain medicine just kicked in and I'm... uh.. not completely there anymore.04:00
kahrytanDr_willis->  you dont do season dvds?04:00
ridge-meisteranyone here use xmame?  when i start up "flying shark" the screen is way too small.  is there a way to adjust that?04:00
Dr_williskahrytan,  deede does menus i belive.04:00
fragged2Sir_Fawnpug: no matter how easy a problem is to solve it, if you go into one of those rooms and state that you have already tried google, rtfm, and many other things, as well as phrasing your question right, you will more often then not get an answer04:00
Pelorobdig, thanks for the trouble, I'm off to bed04:01
Dr_williskahrytan,  i really havent messed with them much.04:01
Pelog'night folks04:01
kahrytanDr_willis-> but crash allot04:01
* nickrud wishes Pelo an aha dream about plotters04:01
Dr_willisridge-meister,  xmame --help  - theres a scale option04:01
dsmith_Sir_Fawnpug: 400Mhz Processo??04:01
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, huh? You mean on my sparc?04:01
Sir_FawnpugMy sparc, I believe, was a 233MHz, but I could be wrong04:02
fragged2I actually find the ubuntu community better to have intelligent debates with, such as whether Windows is a stable operating system, which communities are more elitist and the such04:02
dsmith_Sun Ultra 5 Workstation04:02
kahrytandjzn-> Here's a nautilus script to us for converting xvid to mpeg  (vob is mpeg video)04:02
djznbecause you know04:02
kahrytandjzn-> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/avi+%26+mp4+converter?content=64899 (USE)04:02
dsmith_duh, you said 304:02
Sir_FawnpugI don't hae my sparc next to me at the moment, I'm at my parent's house04:02
djznI get LOST 4, from the avis on the net04:02
nickrudfragged2: fewer geeks, more users with other interests :)04:02
kahrytanDr_willis-> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/avi+%26+mp4+converter?content=6489904:02
djznand then I use convertxtodvd in windows...04:02
fragged2I just wish there was like a more first line of support room, and then something deeper behind that for the users that actually /KNOW/ what there doing04:02
djznbut then i want to do that in linux04:02
Jangaridoes someone know the syntax for putting an ssh server share on fstab?04:02
Sir_Fawnpugdsmith_, it could very well be 400Mhz04:02
erawfishfragged2: that's not a discussion, in #ubuntu this is OT blabbering. go to a usenet advocacy group for this. they argue this wrt windows since 1985 there. much more experience04:02
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, I agree that the ubuntu community is amongst the best community in open source04:03
fxdcan anyone help me with sound?04:03
erawfishFaithful: possibly when you installed sshf/fuse04:03
kahrytandjzn->  best tool on windows is gui4ffmpeg to convert videos.04:04
Sir_FawnpugIt's kind of like what Ken Miller says about science. People misunderstand science sometimes because scientists shun public roles.04:04
ryanI installed mplayer last night and now all video playback using any player is scrambled or non-existant04:04
Dr_willisJangari,  i normally use the fuse-ssh tools to mount a ssh server as a local diretory04:05
JangariDr_willis: sshfs?04:05
jfkdsljio"i installed ubuntu and it borked my computers power switch, i think ubuntu devs owe me 15 dollars for that"04:05
kahrytanjfkdsljio->  that is funny04:05
Dr_willisJangari,  somthing like that. I alwyas get the names messed up.04:06
Dr_willis!find sshfs04:06
ubotuFound: sshfs04:06
Dr_willis!info sshfs04:06
ubotusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-2.1 (gutsy), package size 34 kB, installed size 120 kB04:06
fragged2jfkdsljio: ubuntu fanboi's generate a lot of anger on digg... but that website gives MacOS and Windows bad names aswell IMO04:06
ridge-meisterDr_willis: thanks :)04:06
Dr_willisOn the digg forums - everyone is free to rant equally!04:06
ryananyone have similar issues or know a fix?04:06
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, well truth be told even OSX has its criticisms04:07
Jangarii actually have sshfs, but i find it a bit buggy, says it mounts it, but the mountpoint it empty, then can't unmount it because it says the mountpoint isn't empty04:07
jfkdsljiofragged2 agreed04:07
Jangarithen nautilus can't unmount iit because it isn't on the fstab04:07
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Sir_FawnpugI mean not that I think digg is a great community for debate or whatever04:07
jfkdsljioPersonally I don't see what's so great about OSX, It's just a proprietary linux with a dumb-down affect, but what do I know I dont even use it.04:08
L7If you hear me :/04:08
fragged2Sir_Fawnpug: As does linux, windows, bsd, and every other OS in exsistence... The best quote I've seen is 'There is no best OS for every situation' which is probbably one of the most intelligent statements I'd seen for a while on digg04:08
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ryanNo idea if its related but my desktop appearance settings and compiz keep reverting back to default normal...04:08
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, well I suppose that's the point I was trying to make.04:08
Sir_FawnpugEven a two-byte program can have bugs in it.04:09
jfkdsljioIn what case is OSX the best possible OS?04:09
jfkdsljioOnly if you run it in KDE.04:09
Sir_Fawnpugjfkdsljio, from an end-user's perspective it's not bad.04:09
jfkdsljioThat I can agree with.04:09
Sir_FawnpugAs far as best, well, I personally think only a Free operating system can come close to reaching that.04:10
LKCcan awn and emerald be on at the same time?04:10
fragged2jfkdsljio: I've heard a lot of posative talk about it being good for Multimedia development, some video studio tool that only runs on mac apparently craps all over every other piece of software04:10
djznwhy don't we have a foobar2000 like application with those features?04:10
ridge-meisterDr_willis: that helped a lot, it seems the game is moving just a little too fast.  i've looked over the docs for xmame, but don't know how to turn the speed down.  maybe it's just me and i've slowed down :)04:10
fragged2djzn: you mean like xmms?04:10
mkquistOSX  is probably the best if you are using ProTools and the lot04:10
jfkdsljioAh yes those multimedia applications.04:11
djznfragged2: xmms won't masstag, won't calculate replaygain, and won't convert on the fly to other formats.04:11
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, although I think ubuntu studio could potentially change that. I tried it a while back, and I was very impressed with what came with it out of the box04:11
Sir_FawnpugAnd what worked04:11
jfkdsljioompaul most definitely is not here04:11
mkquist proprietary hadware and all that...04:12
Sir_Fawnpugmkquist, well I think the big problem with the hardware is that it's getting harder and harder to justify paying premium for mac hardware anymore.04:12
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Sir_FawnpugYou used to be able to justify it, because you could say, "I'm getting a M68k/PPC/Whatever)04:13
fragged2Agreed about the hardware being expensive, but its what the mac community is targeting, middle to upperclass homes and workplaces that want pretty desktops in pretty, stock cases04:13
Sir_FawnpugAs a hardware geek, that idea almost makes the thought of buying one worth the money04:13
mkquistSir_Fawnpug: I'm not in the industry, but was talking to some who are and he kinda echoed that same thing, considering the cost of powerful hadware is dropping04:13
mkquistSir_Fawnpug: the one thing mac still does nice is the design tho04:14
mkquistp r e t t y .... =P04:14
pariah... to some04:14
Sir_Fawnpugmkquist, oh, don't get me wrong, the design is very pleasing on a mac.04:14
fragged2Apple dont even care about low cost hardware or alternatives, take a look at the iPod range, how little love has the shuffle been getting over the years?04:14
Dr_willisridge-meister,  theres some frontends to xmame. kde has some and so does gnome.04:15
Sir_FawnpugAnd they have always paid special attention to user interface standards.04:15
mkquistno i dont thnk they do,  I kinda thin FSJ has it right, there not for the masses... lol04:15
Tygirwhat is the best prog to use for .rar and .par files?04:15
fragged2Tygir: unrar for rar :D04:15
Dr_willisApple cares about Apple. :) and $$$.  heh.04:15
travisatTygir: pypar2 for par2 imo04:15
jfkdsljioi dont like ipods, there i said it.04:15
Dr_willisIm not sure ive seen any rar tools for messing with .par files under linux but i never looked.04:15
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, well, for a while, they did, the mac mini is a good example04:16
celiousDr_willis: just like any other business.04:16
Sir_FawnpugAnd I almost bought a mac mini, you know04:16
mkquistjfkdsljio: daring...04:16
LKChow do i turn my new awn dock on?04:16
Dr_williscelious,    some are worse then others.04:16
fragged2Still, Windows took one too many acid trips while designing vista... I cant stand the look of the theme,04:16
Sir_FawnpugBefore I learned that it'd suck trying to extend it04:16
travisatfragged2: it looks better then xps default imo04:16
jfkdsljiothe mac mini, and the imac seem like laptops to me, as far as hardware manipulation is concerned04:16
Sir_Fawnpugfragged2, haha, well you have to admit, the vista theme is a bit better than the "little tykes" theme that ista has04:16
Dr_willisjfkdsljio,  worse then laptops i belive. :)04:17
mkquistwindows at this point is only required for gaming (sigh) and photoshop (sigh more..)04:17
FenyxGood evening everyone.04:17
jfkdsljioI have photoshop CS2 working fine in wine .9.54, but its slower04:17
travisatmkquist: wine is getting pretty good for photoshop I think, I haven't tried it lately as I have gotten used to gimp04:17
yuHelp! Can I install eeexubuntu using SD card?04:17
mkquisttravisat: yea, been trying to get a good handle on gimp04:17
Sir_FawnpugI guess the gaming thing was solved for me a while ago. The only PC game I really play much of anymore is the Sims 2, and that hasn't been in months04:18
ridge-meisterDr_willis: i am using Gnome.  Would the Rute book be a good one to read about Linux administration?04:18
mkquisttravisat: have you had it close on you during work.  seems an ongoing thing, sometimes04:18
travisatmkquist: gimp is vastly underrater04:18
Sir_FawnpugI got a wii for my other games04:18
Sir_Fawnpugtravisat, I agree.04:18
Sir_FawnpugI do almost all of my artwork in the gimp04:18
kebinusanis there a way to have a different background image on each desktop with compiz04:18
yuHelp! Can I install eeexubuntu using SD card?04:19
compwiz18If I put my home folder on a server then mount it using ssh on multiple computers at the same time, are bad things going to happen to me?04:19
Belorix_Trying Again dont respondif you cant help I cant get my Linksys WUSB54GSC network adapter to work04:19
Sir_Fawnpugyu, it depends on the size of the card04:19
yuI have 1G04:19
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, possibly, but it depends on the situation04:19
Sir_Fawnpugyu, that may be a tight fit for xubuntu04:19
Sir_FawnpugBut you could try it04:19
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: explain please?04:20
gigamonk`I'm running xubuntu on a asus eee pc. Any ideas how I can see the bottoms of windows that are off the (tiny) screen.04:20
magickhello! I have a few problems.. a) keyboard is a bit laggy and misses keys but windows is fine b) selecting stuff on the desktop is extremely slow but I do have hardware acceleration04:20
gigamonk`I've tried resizing them but I think they're aleady at their minimum size.04:20
Dr_willisridge-meister,  for bools - i find that learning the interface/gui disent need a book. :) get books with lots of words.. not pictures - about sysadmin, and other topics. Not the desktop.04:20
yuto gigamonk. . Alt+Left button, move the mouse04:20
Dr_willisridge-meister,  there is a free ubuntu book out also. in pdf format.04:20
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, it has to do with problems in concurrency, which most of the time the filesystem would take care of.04:21
Tygirfragged2: how do i use unrar? is there a gui?04:21
BodomLawi cant play google videos in firefox whats the deal?04:21
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: I'm worried about multiple programs accessing the same settings at the same time...04:21
FenyxDoes anyone know why my permission settings should be for an rsync directory? I keep getting permission denied errors.04:21
travisatTygir: after you install unrar I think file-roller can manage rar files04:21
ridge-meisterDr_willis: do you know what the name of that book is?  i can find it with google04:21
Dr_willisridge-meister,   ubuntu training wiki - found it., :)  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training04:22
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, do you mean the possibility that one program could write while the other programs are reading?04:22
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: yeah, bascially04:22
joshual_hi, could anyone tell me what files I would need to download in order to install commercial dvd playback support offline ?04:22
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, well there are filesystems that do enforce filesystem locking in that case04:22
travisatjoshual_: libdvdcss204:22
magick jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjasdfj;'04:22
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:22
travisatjoshual_: check that out04:23
BodomLawyoutube works04:23
joshual_travisat: I need to know what I would have to download including dependencies for a newly installed system that has no internet connection...04:23
Tygirfragged2: yeah, i got it...thanks man!04:23
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: All I want is the same settings on multiple computers - is there a better way to do that?04:23
travisatjoshual_: ah well I think just libdvdcss204:24
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, hmm, I guess I don't understand entirely what you want, but you might look into rsync04:24
travisatjoshual_: you can get the deb from the repos at medibuntu04:24
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: yeah, I thought of that too, but it seems like a lot of work ;)04:24
Sir_FawnpugIf you want your home directories shared by, let's say NAS, look at something like NFS04:24
joshual_thx travisat04:24
ridge-meisterthanks, Dr_w04:25
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, is this for your home network or for something larger?04:25
Tygirfragged2: what is the best prog to use to watch the .avi?04:25
compwiz18Sir_Fawnpug: home network04:25
Tygirfragged2: im using the standard movie player and all i see is a black screen after installing the codecs04:25
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, well, that's up to you. I thought about implementing NAS on my network, but then again, I do recording04:25
travisatTygir: try to use vlc04:25
fragged2compwiz18: I'm seeting up two computers, I figure I'll use one and configure it the way I want and then just copy the entire hard drive to another box04:26
fragged2Tygir: I'm a fan of mplayer,04:26
travisattotem has some issues with all of the codecs04:26
jfkdsljiowow, My super nice ear buds lost a piece, and I actually remebered where I put the replacements that came with it04:26
ryanAnyone lose dvd playblack after installing mplayer?04:26
LKCi cant seem to get my AWN started does anybody know what i need to do?04:26
Sir_FawnpugTygir, I agree with fragged2 mplayer is good for pr0-- err, totally legitimate art.04:26
Sir_Fawnpugryan,  I don't see why not.04:27
magickanyone know of a solution to a laggy usb keyboard?04:27
BodomLawi cant play google videos in firefox whats the deal?04:27
jfkdsljiotry install adobe flash and mozilla flash plugin04:27
BodomLawi did04:27
jfkdsljiohmm, win32codecs?04:27
BodomLawand i reinstalled04:27
Sir_Fawnpugcompwiz18, now another idea is to use a host key on each of the computers involved and periodically run a cron script to download your settings04:28
magickBodomLaw, does it keep asking you to install flash?04:28
BodomLawthe screen just dissapears where the video should be04:28
FenyxHow do I tell what user a process belongs to?04:29
fragged2BodomLaw: did you also install the other plugin in replacement to flash? I've tried that and other than the issue your seeing and raping my CPU it did very little04:29
BodomLawand actually on utube the volume control overlaps the fulscrean thing04:29
maskoubuntu doesnt work04:29
maskowhat is wrong?04:29
BodomLawwhat other plugin?04:29
fragged2masko: your an epic faliure at computers :D04:29
maskoi loaded up windows04:29
maskoand then run ubuntu04:29
Fenyxmasko: User error.04:29
StarnestommyFenyx: ps -p number?04:29
Sir_FawnpugRidge racer! RIIIIDGE RACER!04:30
Tygirare there codecs i need to install with vlc to play a .avi?04:30
fragged2How do these people find there way onto IRC unless there trolling?04:30
maskobut it says 'illegal operation E09, mem address 0x94DE5EFF04:30
maskowhat does this mean04:30
fragged2masko: maybe you should read in to what Ubuntu / GNU-Linux actually is04:30
Sir_Fawnpugmasko, what did you try to run in windows?04:30
maskoit is a program for windows?04:31
maskoi downloaded it last night04:31
fragged2masko: if I sent you a .exe would you try to run it in windows?04:31
fragged2if you dont know what it is04:31
maskowhat is an exe04:31
fragged2lol you fail at trolling ;-)04:31
travisatTygir: negative if you have already install w32codecs04:31
ryanSir_Fawnpug, i installed mplayer-nogui last night, and now i have no dvd playback on any player, my video files on my hd all playback grey, and compiz keeps turning itself off04:31
FenyxStrnestommy: I don't see where that is listing a username. :(04:31
iNTRONIXHello! Im using Wine, but when i run some win apps I cant see the text in them, like in counter-strike 1.6? how to solve the problem04:31
Sir_Fawnpugryan, are you sure mplayer-nogui is the only thing that you installed last night?04:32
travisatiNTRONIX: look online for info to install steam games on linux, you need to install the font tahoma in your wine c drive04:32
Sir_FawnpugYou may have accidentally remoed a package as well04:32
fragged2Could this be a problem with video out and compiz? I dont actually use it so I wouldnt know04:32
StarnestommyFenyx: try ps -up numver04:32
Tygirtravisat: how do i know if i did?04:32
Tygirtravisat: i try to open an avi in vlc and it just closes04:32
Tygirtravisat: doesnt play anything..04:32
pianomanwhat would cause 6.06 to freeze at "Mounting root file system" when trying to install?04:32
BodomLawi reinstalled from the tar.gz and she works now :D04:32
travisatTygir: I don't I just thought you did, you need to04:32
iNTRONIXtravisat: how do i install the font tahoma in wine?04:32
FenyxThank you Starnestommy!04:33
fragged2iNTRONIX: I hear google has some interesting articles on the subject04:33
Tygirtravisat: how?04:33
protcronthello everybody04:33
travisatiNTRONIX: first you have to get it then you have to put it in your .wine/drive_c/windows/fonts directory04:33
Sir_FawnpugHello protcront04:33
travisatTygir: medibuntu04:33
protcronti used both today ubuntu and kubuntu ? u tell me which one is better ?04:34
Tygirtravisat: whats that? sorry im a newv04:34
GERD_MDHey, Having an issue with ubuntu and sound, there is no sound.04:34
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:34
ryanSir_Fawnpug: Im sure04:34
iNTRONIXok travisat, where to get it?04:34
Sir_Fawnpugprotcront, which do you think was the best?04:34
fragged2protcront: there is no /better/ its prefrence, I prefer xubuntu... there just the same core with a different set of software in particular Window Manager and Desktop Environment04:34
travisatiNTRONIX: I cannot tell you that here04:34
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travisatiNTRONIX: but you can find it via google very easy04:35
iNTRONIXgoogle is my friend04:35
Sir_Fawnpugryan, you might check the bug reports out there04:35
pianomanwhat would cause 6.06 to freeze at "Mounting root file system" when trying to install?04:35
Tygirtravisat: can i add that to my repos?04:35
fragged2pianoman: the ammount of reasons would be very broad04:35
protcrontdont u think that kubuntu has more attractive appearence then ubuntu04:36
fragged2pianoman: drivers, scratched cd, a bug in teh installer, and many many more04:36
travisatTygir: yep just follow the instructions then apt-get install w32codecs04:36
erawfishpianoman: missing driver for your disk controller04:36
nickrudiNTRONIX: http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/04:36
pianomanfragged2: I have a Dell Optiplex with a 6GB drive and 512MB RAM04:36
fragged2protcront: I find all stock environments pretty ugly : /04:36
zouzouhi all,04:36
travisatnickrud: corefonts does not have tahoma in it04:36
nickrudtravisat: no? what a bummer (forgot where I got it last then)04:37
singlesun1protcront, i would say that yes... kubuntu's kde desktop does look better than ubuntus gnome desktop04:37
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Sir_Fawnpugprotcront, personally, I don't, but the first thing I did with my xubuntu installation on this laptop was put fluxbox on it04:37
travisatnickrud: I copied it off a windows partition myself04:37
fragged2pianoman: I'm not familiar with that hardware at all04:37
protcrontfragged2: so u think xubuntu is better04:37
zouzoufor some odd reason, when i plug a tvcard (USB) bttv, but bttv is not loaded niether does it exist!04:37
nickrudtravisat: probably did myself (looks again at his UI font04:37
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox04:37
fragged2Sir_Fawnpug: xfce can look nice and sleek04:37
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, fluxbox eh.... ? you like that better?04:37
pianomanfragged2: neither am I, actually. I just got the PC from a friend, and decided to use that for Ubuntu.04:37
Sir_Fawnpugprotcront, it really depends on which UI is easier for you to use04:37
travisatI suggest fvwm204:38
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, believe it or not, yes.04:38
travisatalthough I use gnome because I am to lazy to fiddle with fvwm for a week to get to where I like it04:38
singlesun1fragged2, i believe damn xubuntu uses xfce...04:38
pianomanfragged2: maybe the type of hard drive has something to do with it?04:38
singlesun1fragged2, oops.. i mean damn small linux as well.. LOL04:38
fragged2pianoman: Welcome to the linux community, if I were you I'd be lazy and go download an Ubuntu 7.04 CD, or wait for 8.x to come out as it may have better support for your hardware (Unless you can figure out your bug)04:39
protcrontRAM is 1GB so i need light and attractive interface from which i can use eclipse04:39
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, IIRC, DSL uses fluxbox04:39
Tygirtravisat: i dont understand...04:39
ryanSir_Fawnpug: wait i installed camorama too04:39
fragged2DSL uses a blackbox based backend I think (Maybe ICEWm etc not sure), and yeah I use xubuntu waiting for gentoo installer to compile stuffs on my second box04:39
travisatTygir: go to the webpage www.medibuntu.org there should be intructions to add to apt sources.list04:39
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, this is correct.... ;) im tripping... just got done using like 5 different live cd's today... and dealt with xubuntu on my wifes pc... and ubuntu on mine... lol then bt2 on my laptop04:40
Sir_Fawnpugryan, ahh, well I'm not familiar with camorama, but you might check out if that's part of your problems04:40
fragged2pianoman: its unlikely the hard drive would have much to do with it, provided it was in working order before you installed ubuntu on it... it may be the IDE controller or something but the easyiest sollution is to try another version or distribution04:40
Tygirtravisat: i tried...i dont see it04:40
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, ahh, well that's no problem, I'm on pain medicine right now04:40
travisatTygir: go to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu scroll down a bit there should be the list of how to install it to your repo04:40
pianomanfragged2: I've used Ubuntu since 5.1 on a much larger system than the Optiplex, just figured I'd try 6.06 on this one (1 GHz PIII)04:40
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, haha04:40
fxdhow do you launch a program like amarok from the terminal?04:41
fragged2afaik dell uses intel based chipsets so I'm suprised that its not working correctly, then again I have lots of intel chipsets reporting as IDE instead of SATA and vice versa04:41
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. They prescribed me vicodin.04:41
pianomanthat's odd04:41
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, ewww... i cant stand vicodin... makes me itchy for a bit and nauseous... then you feel ok04:41
zouzoufor some odd reason, when i plug a tvcard (USB) bttv, but bttv is not loaded niether does it exist! isn't it supposed to be compiled with the kernel in feisty?04:41
ryanSir_Fawnpug: alright thanks, also note that totem is saying none of the codecs or plugins are installed, but they are04:41
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, I didn't say I liked it, haha04:41
Sir_FawnpugI would much rather prefer to drink and smoke cigarettes right now04:42
fragged2pianoman: a more up to date sysytem wont really require /alot/ more guts, but it may help with hardware thats not working04:42
travisatryan: i don't think totem looks for the extra plugins04:42
travisatryan: try xine, mplayer, vlc to name a few04:42
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, hopefully you are young and getting them taken out whille you are still young ... i still havent had mine out and im older... lol04:42
Sir_Fawnpugsinglesun1, I'm 2204:42
fxdhow do you launch programs from the terminal?04:42
mkquistfxd just type its name i do believe04:42
Sir_FawnpugBut it didn't hurt when I got them out, I stayed awake during the operation04:42
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, i believe that is older than the average... lol... but I still got ya beat... lol04:43
travisatSir_Fawnpug: just hope you don't get a dry socket those suck04:43
ryantravisat: I did, they either dont play it or play it scrambled beyond recognition04:43
fragged2ryan: usually pr0nz are badly encoded anyway04:43
Sir_Fawnpugtravisat, well I'm at my parent's house and left my smokes at my apartment 30 miles away04:43
fxdmkquist: okay, i'm trying to make amarok open when i plug my ipod in instead of rythmbox04:43
Sir_FawnpugSo with any amount of luck, I won't get a dry socket04:43
singlesun1Sir_Fawnpug, haha04:43
travisatSir_Fawnpug: sucks to be you, I just bought 3 packs on my home04:43
Sir_FawnpugOf course, I hear that they're painful if you do get them04:43
pianomanfragged2: shoot..was hoping to free up my 2.6 GHz P4 entirely for Windows, and have a seperate system for Ubuntu04:44
Sir_Fawnpugtravisat, you know what sucks for me is that Mardi Gras is in three days.04:44
mkquistfxd: thats a little different, did you look in preferred applications?04:44
fragged2pianoman: try ubuntu 7.x or 8.x04:44
nickrudfxd: system->prefs->removable media multimedia tab04:44
fragged2or even the alternate installer may help04:44
mkquistfxd: dont have an ipod myself, not sure about using one in linux...04:44
singlesun1who considers themselves to know their way around fdisk rather well04:44
pianomanfragged2: those will run on a P III?04:44
umopI've been playing WoW in wine for ages and it's been fine, but suddenly today it is running really slowly (fps wise), without any updats being applied etc.. How can i troubleshoot this?04:44
Sir_FawnpugHahahah, wtf04:45
Sir_Fawnpug"And that was that she had succeeded in putting tranquilizers in Bill Clinton's milk!"04:45
Sir_FawnpugSome random quote about hillary clinton on FOX (which my dad is watching for some reason)04:45
fxdmkquist: oh, thanks, i'm trying that right now04:45
fragged2pianoman: yes, there is very little overhead increase in newer versions unles something major has been changed, although I do recommend using xubuntu for a P3... The majority of software is designed for older systems04:46
Sir_FawnpugPolitics is getting strange around now.04:46
singlesun1who knows their way around fdisk really well and could give me some help with probally something simple that Im looking over04:46
mkquistfxd: i think nickrud got it for ya04:46
b4l74z4rmy external usb drive keeps disappearing and reappearing in my file browser along with a popup in the lower right corner of the screen that says something about it being unsafe to remove usb drives without unmounting them first, how can i stop this?04:46
pianomanfragged2: thanks, I'll look into xubuntu then04:46
nickrudb4l74z4r: check your physical connection, probably something is loose somewhere04:47
pmratpoisonhello! correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that if you choose "recovery mode" from grub (default installation) you get a # terminal without any password inquiry whatsoever. Isn't that a security issue?04:47
travisatpmratpoison: if somebody has access to your box it really doesn't matter04:47
nickrudpmratpoison: letting anyone have physical access to your machine is a security issue, there are many other ways in besides recovery mode04:48
Flannelpmratpoison: Physical access to a machine is a security issue04:48
fragged2pmratpoison: an attacker that has access to a physical machine means you have more of a problem then just a boot option04:48
dimedohey guys, i somehow managed to remove the shutdown and restart options from my logoff button menu. any idea how i could recover this?04:48
Flannelpmratpoison: If it bothers you, you can ask for a password to get into recovery mode04:48
Tygirtravisat: so i have the w32codecs and it still doesnt play in vlc...should i reboot/04:48
nickrudpmratpoison: bios password with the case locked in a vault.04:48
iNTRONIXUbuntu Freaks! THX! now I can see the text in Counter-strike 1.6. But when I change setings to 1024x768 the game isnt in the middle of hte screen. Can solve it?04:48
zcat_I have an encrypted filesystem .. even if you took the drive out, you couldn't recover my files..04:48
travisatTygir: no don't reboot have you tried mplayer yet?04:48
travisatTygir: it seems you have a really strange avi04:48
nickrudzcat_ wins!04:49
fragged2zcat_: lag much?04:49
zcat_hardly notice04:49
zelrikriandoanybody knows a bit about amsn?04:49
zcat_I expected it to be noticeably slower, but it doesn't seem to be04:50
travisatiNTRONIX: change the game settings to your resolution04:50
pmratpoisonwell, physical access to a laptop is really not something you can avoid at all times... I suppose one could follow Flannel's advice04:50
Tygirtravisat: no i havent tried mplayer...getting it now...04:50
fragged2zcat_: its still probbably too much overhead for an important fileserver04:50
pmratpoisonbut I do I go about it?04:50
travisatTygir: I usually have no problems with vlc, but I think mplayer supports more formats04:50
=== Infurnus is now known as _Infurnus_
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:50
Flannelpmratpoison: You can set a password via GRUB, for those boot options.  Or you can set a root password.  I strongly suggest the former04:50
pirokoHello all. I just installed ubuntu on my thinkpad x31. Everything works perfectly except for the bootsplash (it's just black). What would be the recommended way to debug the problem?04:50
nickrudpmratpoison: I have my bios to boot only from the hard drive, with a bios password so they can't boot with a cd or usb. If they steal it, they can take out the screws, I guess04:50
Sir_Fawnpugwhat is amsn anyway?04:50
zcat_I should probably zero-wipe my swapfs on shutdown too :)04:50
iNTRONIXtravisat: If I change from 800x600 to 1024x768 the game isnt in the middle of the screen.04:51
zelrikriandoit s not for me04:51
travisatpmratpoison: I suggest a security password via bios level if you are really scared04:51
iNTRONIXbut i can game with 800x600 its ok04:51
dhanar10piroko, try modifying your usplash.conf04:51
zelrikriandoI have to help somebody with that tomorrow :)04:51
pirokodhanar10: Haha. You fixed it for me. The resolution is out of bounds :D04:52
travisatiNTRONIX: im not sure what your are saying is it cutting off sides of the game?04:52
pirokodhanar10: Thank you.04:52
nickrudpiroko: /etc/usplash.conf , that is. Set it to your screens native res04:52
dhanar10it is ok. it is also happens with toshiba satellite a???04:52
nickrudI hate the splash screen, anyway04:52
iNTRONIXtravisat: yes, cutting off sides of the game04:52
Tygirtravisat: mplayer isnt working either...04:52
_Infurnus_Simple Question, How can i create symlinks recursively throughout directories. IE index.php needs to be in all directories from ~/Music/*. I would rather create a sym link so i can delete the main index.php if need be. Least amount of effort is goal. Any ideas?04:52
pirokonickrud: Right. I actually switched from debian out of curiosity. I'm impressed so far.04:53
silent_I'm having an issue with rhythmbox crackling/skipping and using almost 100% of my cpu before crashing, any known bugs... infinite loops or something?04:53
Flannelpmratpoison: You'd use the GRUB password option, and then lock on all options you want locked (I believe).  Ubuntu GRUB is identical to any other GRUBs, so any internet howto ought to do it.  I haven't ever done it personally though.04:53
jfkdsljioI wish everyone were forced to use linux.04:53
jfkdsljioThat would be fun.04:53
dhanar10yes. search in google for more details...04:53
rainwalkerjfkdsljio: why?04:53
Cpudan80jfkdsljio: And anti-capitalistic, way to go04:53
zelrikriandorainwalker: because that would be fun04:53
pmratpoisonwell, thnx fot the prompt replies, I'll try to configure my grub I guess04:53
staticwhat is your problem singlesun?04:53
travisatiNTRONIX: well wine normally doesn't adjust your actual resolution just the size of the game on the screen so to see the whole game you would have to change your resolution of x to 1024x76804:53
nickrudpiroko: that's how I ended up here myself. Suddenly I could be lazy, I saved at least 10 hrs a week maintaining unstable04:53
rainwalkerzelrikriando: how so?04:53
zcat__Infurnus_: find . -type d -exec ln -s /path/to/real/index.php {}/index.php \;04:53
travisatTygir: sorry man im out of options codecs can be a pain in the butt even on windows04:54
pirokonickrud: Hehe. Yup. I'm in the experienced-but-lazy linux user category.04:54
pmratpoisonin another note, I have a more immediate problem. when I press alt control F1 through F6 I don't get a tty!04:54
zelrikriandorainwalker: I dont know, ask jfkdsljio for that04:54
pmratpoisonI just get a flashing cursor04:54
iNTRONIXok travisat04:54
fragged2Tygir: maybe install the recommended plugins?04:54
umopI've been playing WoW in wine for ages and it's been fine, but suddenly today it is running really slowly (fps wise), without any updats being applied etc.. How can i troubleshoot this?04:54
rainwalkerzelrikriando: I did haha04:54
nickrudCpudan80: that's nothing to do with capitalism, it's authoritarianism04:54
travisatumop: did you update wine?04:55
jribpmratpoison: bug exists on bugs.ubuntu.com with workarounds.  Let me know if you can't find it04:55
jfkdsljiowell the anticapitalism is a factor but mainly i hate how mainstream applications must keep people at a fourth grade level04:55
Cpudan80nickrud: To force people to use a particular OS isnt good04:55
_Infurnus_zcat_ you rock awesome man thanks for the help04:55
pmratpoisonjrib: thnx04:55
nickrudCpudan80: agreed. But it's not economics, it's politics04:55
umoptravisat, I have just now, after it became slow04:55
Cpudan80nickrud: Maybe "communistic" was a better word04:55
jfkdsljiodictatoriship is best04:55
nickrudCpudan80: no, authoritarian. Economic theory has nothing to do with it04:56
pirokonickrud: For future reference, what is the de-facto place to go to answer my own Ubuntu questions without bugging this channel first?04:56
stowaway2whats the kernel directory in ubuntu?04:56
zelrikriandoCpudan80: wrong04:56
p903making a pvr box, any recomended pci tuner cards?04:56
pirokostowaway2: /boot ?04:56
stowaway2p903 NOT dvico fusion pro04:56
travisatumop: it might be that you updated wine, sometimes older versions work better for a game, you might want to check on winehq for actual faqs on wow in wine or it could just be some system process bogging your system down so you could look for that in your system monitor04:56
zelrikriandoCpudan80: http://www.politicalcompass.org/ for you04:56
stowaway2thanks piroko04:56
jfkdsljiolol i was just making a dumb statement based mostly on, thick head theory04:56
pirokostowaway2: np04:56
nickrudpiroko: pretty much help.ubuntu.com/community , and ubuntuforums.com. The stuff varies wildly in quality. Your best source of info is your debian experience04:56
Tygirfragged2: which are?04:57
Cpudan80zelrikriando: I am familiar with basic politics thanks04:57
pirokonickrud: Excellent. Thanks again for your quick help. I'll come back when I'm less sleepy to pay it forward to others. ^_^04:57
zelrikriandoCpudan80:  I thought you said communism was autoritarian04:57
p903pretty much any Hauppauge will work correct?04:57
pirokoThe help, that is04:57
rpj8So question: Why doesn't when wine get updated in the repos to the latest version when a new one comes out? Is there a specific reason other than the maintainers for ubuntu for the program wine haven't done it yet?04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mud - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:57
Cpudan80zelrikriando: Well - it kinda is04:57
jfkdsljioAny hauppauge will work? That would be sweet.04:57
stiv2khelp, where on earth did the `s2ram` binary go for the uswsusp package??? its missing04:58
Cpudan80zelrikriando: At any rate - not on topic04:58
pmratpoisonjrib: If it's not too much trouble could you tell me the bug number, I can't seem to find it amid the chaos04:58
travisatrpj8: well I am not complaining the one in gutsy repos actually works better for me then the newest one04:58
jfkdsljioI have a laptop USB tv tuner, but its useless because you have to plug it in and its too big, kinda defeats the laptop idea and makes me stationary04:58
=== dfdgf is now known as CE_eXeMphE_
Flannelrpj8: Ubuntu uses a time based release schedule.  Software is frozen a few months before release, and doesn't change (save for bugfixes) after that.  7.10 will always have the same stuff as the day it was released, for instance.04:58
voicecan anyone help me with my ubuntu 7.10 issue?04:58
voiceit wont boot up04:58
umoptravisat, hmm yeah, i've looked into all of that, the system is running fine, it's just the game that is extremely slow.  It's possibly the new version of wine, but seeing as it was slow, and then i updated it, who knows.04:58
jfkdsljioi'd like a little usb device with an antennea coming out of it04:58
jfkdsljiothat would be a great tv tuner for a laptop04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:58
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:59
jribpmratpoison: k, let me search04:59
* nickrud gets to go home, work is over. bye04:59
jrib!fishing | decay04:59
ubotudecay: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:59
dhanar10voice: what's the error message?04:59
rpj8Flannel: Then why do I sometimes see updates for firefox be3ing downloaded with updates? and I've seen wine updated a few times04:59
voiceThere isn't one :S04:59
travisatumop: well unlike windows in linux stuff normally doesn't just break like that either something has gone wrong with your hardware or something was changed that messed it up04:59
voicethats the thing04:59
Sir_FawnpugI should point out that I'm using a BCM 43xx card04:59
Flannelrpj8: winehq maintains an Ubuntu repository, with the most recent wine versions, you can use that if you want the current version04:59
dhanar10voice: what's your computer/laptop?04:59
voiceubuntu goes to boot up, and then freezes at the loading bar04:59
rpj8travisat: I see. You're using the one from the gutsy repos you say?04:59
Flannelrpj8: Those are bugfixes and security updates.04:59
travisatrpj8: yep 4604:59
Sir_FawnpugThe restricted driver manager can manage it with 7.1004:59
jfkdsljioubuntu should add that repo to its sources.list by default04:59
dhanar10voice: what's your computer/laptop?04:59
voicethen i goes into the bootbox (or somehting like that)04:59
voicei can list you the specs of my pc05:00
rpj8Flannel: I see. See I did not know that. Is that what a rolling release refers to? That being the exact opposite?05:00
mkquistvoice - system specs05:00
jribpmratpoison: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/12991005:00
heatmzzrsound works on my vaio but only one channel, is there a fix for it?05:00
umoptravisat, I know this, but you are providing very generic responses05:00
jribpmratpoison: erm, remove "edge" from the url if you need to05:00
voiceintel e2140 proc, abit ip35 mobo (p35 chipset), 2gb ddr2 ram, 250gb harddrive05:00
travisatumop: it can be hard to provide a specific answer to a generic question05:00
zelrikriandowhich depot jfkdsljio?05:00
Flannelrpj8: a rolling release is the exact opposite.  Versions come and go as they are updated upstream.  The benefit (and drawback) is that you're always running new software, and you can't guarantee all the software versions will play nice with one another05:01
pmratpoisonjrib: thnx! :)05:01
silent_does amarok have difficulty loading musical content in kde? it's... I'm not quite sure what it's doing.. it hangs occasionally in gnome05:01
Tygirfragged2: what are the recommened plugins?05:01
rpj8Flannel: I see. So is this identical to 'bleeding edge' ?05:01
umoptravisat, Yes, but I asked where to begin troubleshooting, you helped me with that, now I'm past that point, but lets not argue about that ;)05:02
silent_Flannel: even 'stable' software misbehaves05:02
fragged2silent_: but stable software has been bugtested before it becomes stable05:02
Flannelrpj8: Not necessarily.  Bleeding edge would be one form of a rolling release.  Rolling release can be limited to stable software (such as debian testing, as opposed to unstable)05:02
fragged2Tygir: not entirely sure, I barely use Ubuntu05:02
=== Q_Continuum__ is now known as Q_Continuum
silent_fragged2: what do you use?05:02
pmratpoisonjrib: I'm not using vesa, though, I'm using fglrx... I don't know if that has anything to do with, it I will read on though05:02
rpj8Flannel: I see. ANd bleeding edge is unstable05:03
jribpmratpoison: it's probably the same issue, happens to me on nvidia05:03
fragged2silent_: currently XUbuntu on Desktop / Fileserver and Gentoo on laptop, eventually desktop will be gentoo once I've got everything the way I want it on my laptop05:03
stiv2khelp, where on earth did the `s2ram` binary go for the uswsusp package??? its missing05:03
travisatumop: well to be honest I can't see something messing up like you are saying without some sort of change on your system05:03
Flannelrpj8: exactly05:03
silent_fragged2: why do you prefer gentoo? ...I've never tried it personally05:03
jetscreamerstiv2k: apt-file ?05:03
klndz3So what are peoples favorite Ubuntu performance enhancing tweaks?  I'm new to Ubnutu, and I'm looking for ways to improve the performance of my laptop.05:04
rpj8Flannel: Learn somethin' new every day.05:04
Sir_Fawnpugsilent_, I'm a gentoo user as well, and I can provide a bit of insight on that05:04
umoptravisat, Yep, that's totally understandable.  Just looking for some fresh ideas05:04
silent_klndz3: get rid of compiz-fusion05:04
dhanar10voice: i think ur problem is related to the P35 chipset....05:04
Flannelstiv2k: I don't see it in any packages.05:04
voiceis there anything i can do to fix it?05:04
Sir_FawnpugI use gentoo when I want to get the performance benefits related to setting compile-time options for all of my programs, ubuntu when I want a quick installation05:05
dimedohi again. i have a problem: my System>Quit menu in Gnome doesn't show options for reboot and shutdown anymore. please help me recover that05:05
fragged2silent_: you have to compile everything from sources, which is kind of a pain but it means that you get everything the way you want it, and understand whats going on under the hood of your system more so than most other distributions. The biggest benifit IMO is a better community, there are less stupid people than what there are on other distributions (mostly because you have to /manually/ install your system which many are incapable of doing)05:05
silent_Sir_Fawnpug: I started out CLI in debian... Ubuntu seemed like the next logical step... never really that curious about other distributions, as ubuntu does everything I need, but I might dabble a bit05:05
LKChelp please. im getting a errow when i login to ubuntu saying that gnome power management wasnt installed properly. this happened after trying to make AWN auto start05:05
FenyxI love you guyz.05:05
travisatumop: well I tried, I don't run wow anymore, I am no longer addicted so I don't know the current situation with wine and wow, maybe somebody else can help05:05
umoptravisat, thanks05:05
stiv2kFlannel: it used to be in uswsusp...05:05
stiv2kFlannel: where did it go?05:05
stiv2kFlannel: theres s2both and s2disk... no s2ram05:05
fragged2silent_: Gentoo is interesting, but also a pain at the same time (Most configurations are mere skeletons and you must manually do everything yourself)05:06
silent_fragged2: but even compiling isn't all that difficult05:06
klndz3silent_: Will that really make a significant difference?05:06
dhanar10voice: try reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59725205:06
dimedoi had a disconnect, was there any answer to my question realtion the shutdown/reboot options in my System>Quit menu?05:06
jribsilent_, fragged2, Sir_Fawnpug: mind moving the distro discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?05:06
Sir_Fawnpugjrib, sure05:06
fragged2jrib: I dont see the problem, Linux is about choice, discussing other distributions merely gives an insight into genpop05:06
fragged2but I will, just to follow the crowd =)05:07
opteroNwhy is ubuntu better that windows05:07
silent_fragged2: yes, but this is an ubuntu support channel, I'll be in offtopic05:07
jribfragged2: I agree.  But #ubuntu is solely for support because of the large amount of traffic, that's why #ubuntu-offtopic exists for other more "fun" topics05:07
matthew_opteroN:  why's water wet ;)05:07
zelrikriandoopteroN: it s malware (windows?) free05:07
pmratpoisonjrib: so, I just deleted vga=792 from menu.lst05:07
opteroNwaters wet because its a liquid05:07
pmratpoisonjrib: should I replace it with another value?05:07
opteroNnow answer my question05:08
danc3opteroN: trolling hour is over05:08
zelrikriandoopteroN: I did05:08
Flannelstiv2k: It was in uswsusp.  It didn't go anywhere.  It was removed, check the most recent comment: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/u/uswsusp/uswsusp_0.6~cvs20070618-1ubuntu2/changelog05:08
opteroNtrolling ?05:08
opteroNi was asking a question05:08
opteroNget lost you herb05:08
danc3a dumb question, which you know is trolling05:08
silent_danc3: if you feed the troll, the troll wins.05:08
jribpmratpoison: up to you.  I think that if you set it to any value, you'll get the blackscreen, unless you use one of the workarounds where you remove some modules from being blacklisted05:08
opteroNhow is that a dumb question05:08
danc3opteroN: hush05:08
jrib!offtopic | opteroN05:08
ubotuopteroN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:08
silent_danc3: stop feeding the troll05:09
opteroNthere is no such thing as a dumb question stop starting trouble05:09
silent_oh god it's attacking!!05:09
jribend of discussion05:09
opteroNi was just asking why is ubuntu better that windows05:09
jetscreamervga=normal or vga=0x31805:09
LKCim getting the error "the configuration defults for gnome power manager have not been installed correctly" what should i do??? HeLp please05:09
jribopteroN: not here05:09
matthew_is it possible to launch a video-dvd through nautilus?05:09
opteroNthis is a ubuntu support channel correct ?05:09
silent_opteroN: that's a matter of opinion. Try both and decide for yourself, or are you incapable of independent thought?05:09
danc3opteroN: hush05:09
opteroNdanc3, you hush05:10
silent_... intellectual checkmate?05:10
opteroNyou linux nerds are stuck up05:10
klndz3By marking something in synaptic for removal, when will it be removed?05:10
Khisanthbut not an ubuntu evangelizing channel :)05:10
opteroNi had a honest question05:10
Flannelklndz3: when you hit "apply"05:10
decayin short, what does noapic mean?05:10
zelrikriandoopteroN: it s not a support related question, it s a debate question05:10
jribopteroN: I asked you to move it to #ubuntu-offtopic05:10
LKCopteron u came here looking to start a flame war05:10
silent_jrib has admin, I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole05:10
travisatdecay: noapic mean no apic, apic is part of the interupt control05:11
voicethanks dhanar10, but there doesn't seem to be anything on there that helps me05:11
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:11
silent_apic = Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller05:11
decaywhen should noapic be used? because its the only way i can boot up my laptop05:12
decayhowever, the wireless driver wont work. ive tried all05:12
matthew_is it possible to launch a video-dvd through nautilus?  for example, I can launch any video files, like divx or h.264 from nautilus.  however, i can not launch dvds from nautilus because they are a "folder" (in the file structure).  is there any way around this?05:12
voicei suppose i could try setting my harddrive to ide, but i dont know how to set acpi=off, and apparently that isn't really a fix anyway05:12
travisatdecay: when its the only way to boot up your laptop :)05:12
silent_acpi =/= apic05:12
dhanar10voice: ok, just be patient for now... wait for next release in april...05:12
silent_!=, even05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about even - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:12
voicebut i really want to try ubuntu!05:12
voicei tried using the latest alpha of 8.04 too, and that started throwing errors at me05:13
rowdyMy laptop screen is showing white as too much white..i have dell 700m and using gutsy05:13
Hilikusdoes anyone here use DAR?05:13
rowdyhow to adjust it..the brightness doesnt cut it05:13
jfkdsljiotry nvidia-settings05:13
dhanar10voice: based on my experience, linux is always problematic with newer hardware....05:13
silent_voice: you had compatibility issues so you tried an unstable distro...05:13
rowdyit has a intel graphics card05:13
voicei just wanted to see if the issues with my chipset were fixed05:14
rowdyjfkdsljio: was that for you said that?05:14
voicewith the new distro05:14
silent_voice, what chipset?05:14
jfkdsljiohmm I dunno, I had an intel gpu laptop and never had to change the settings05:14
travisatvoice: what is your chipset?05:14
Dr_willisWith my last laptop - it dident work very well.. then the next release it started working great. :)05:14
stiv2kFlannel: reading... but *why* was it removed?!?05:14
silent_hmm.. that's intel, no?05:14
rowdylike i was watching this game and the field is showing up too bright05:14
travisatvoice: in the options change sata settings from ide to raid05:14
silent_voice, how new is that chipset?05:14
travisatvoice: bios options05:14
Flannelstiv2k: I have no idea.  "Because it doesn't make sense in ubuntu".  You'll have to ask the maintainer.05:14
travisatvoice: I am using a p35 chipset05:14
voiceto raid? I thought that was for multiple harddrives?05:15
jfkdsljiorowdy I really don't know what to do on this one05:15
rowdyi tried xgamma -gamma .5 but that doesnt seem to work05:15
rowdyok jfkdsljio05:15
travisatvoice: I know it is, but the raid controller is suppported and will work without raid setup05:15
silent_voice: you have a fellow chip user05:15
voicei'll try that05:15
rowdyjfkdsljio: any idea what i should be looking for05:15
voicethanks travisat05:15
travisatvoice: took me 2 hours to figure it out :p05:15
voicewere you having the same issue then?05:15
travisatvoice: was like while will windows install but linux won't05:16
travisatvoice: I couldn't get a hard drive detected if that was your issue05:16
silent_just out of curiosity, anyone here succeeded in installing linux on an nvidia 680i platform?05:16
zelrikriandorowdy: you cant do it directy with some shortcuts on your laptop?05:16
dhanar10travisat: voice problem is freezing at usplash screen during booting05:17
rowdyzelrikriando: thanks, my laptop has a brightness settings but its only making the screen darker or brighter..the field on the game i am watching still looks washed out05:17
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zelrikriandomaybe it s just this application then rowdy05:18
travisatdhanar10: ah well if you do nosplash he would probably see it trying to to connect to his hard drive and failing,05:18
rowdyits vlc, i see this when i watch movies too05:18
rowdyxine, totem all show them like that05:18
dhanar10travisat: maybe you should ask voice what error did he get when trying to use hardy alpha...05:19
travisatdhanar10: voice isn't here anymore I don't think05:19
dhanar10travisat: maybe he is rebooting his computer now to try ur advise....05:19
travisatdhanar10: well we will see if it works soon enough05:20
heatmzzrhello all, for some reason I can only get 1 channel of my sound to work on my vaio laptop in ubuntu, any suggestions or is there another program or driver that would work better05:20
dhanar10anyone here has problem with xine and mkv?05:20
travisatdhanar10: and yes I have the same chipset as him and it did stall on the usplash for me, so I tried nosplah on grub, saw it sticking on the hard drives, then I played with the bios settings and got it to work05:20
pvl1uhm if i have xp already installed, can i vmware it?05:21
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Audio_1so i try to seed an item from a windows partition, is this possible to begin with?05:22
Audio_1or am i wasing my time05:23
voiceit worked! :D05:23
klndz3So because I just installed Ubuntu today, if I wanted to watch a youtube or Stage6 video, I wouldn't be able to because of the Adobe Flash thing?05:23
StarnestommyAudio_1: it should be possible05:23
dhanar10Yay!!! say thanks to travisat!!!05:23
voiceof course!05:24
voiceThank you travisat! :D05:24
pvl1can vmware use operating systems already installed on a computer?05:24
dhanar10P35 chipset freeze SOLVED!!!05:24
* voice dances05:25
dhanar10klndz3: try to install adobe flash manually...05:26
Audio_1my problem with seeding a file on the windows partition is that for some reason when i tried to seed it i would ger hash info error and i would not be able to seed ever again05:26
pvl1does anyone know if vmware can use operating systems allready installed on a computer05:27
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dimedoi there anyone who has an idea why there are no more shutdown/reboot options in my gnome System>Quit menu?05:28
voicealright well thank you very much to all of you who helped me (especially travisat!!) but i must go to bed since it is 5:30 in the morning and i am very tired05:29
JazaI have a question, how windows see my shared folders in linux, or how can I share folders with windows?05:29
spoonHas anyone used Envy??05:29
Flannel!samba | Jaza05:29
ubotuJaza: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:29
spoonThere is also a shared folders under Administration that sets up samba for you05:30
Dr_willisspoon,  its best to avoide envy, and automatix, and other tools.05:30
dhanar10dimendo: check ur gconf settings05:30
gigamonk`yu: thanks. However I think I tried that--is that to resize or move? Anyway, I tried them both and I can't make the window any smaller and I can't move it up enough to see the bottom.05:31
gigamonk`Anyway, I'm now reinstalling with stock Ubuntu instead of Xubuntu to see if that makes my file any easier.05:32
spoonDr_willis, I have tried building a package with the prop drivers because even though the Open source ATI drivers on the liveCD work, when I install, my X gets all messed up... I see Starting up... then blackness05:32
Dr_willisgigamonk`,  hold down the alt-key. click in the window and move it up05:32
spoonSo why is it, the live CD can bring up X, but when i install and reboot, I get no X05:33
spoonI have to go to recovery mode05:33
Dr_willisspoon,  so you have used the restricted-manager yet to install the ati drivers from the repos?05:33
Dr_willisthe live cd is proberly using the vesa driver, the install may be using the 'ati' drivers05:33
spoonDr_willis, I have tried that after using the VESA drivers after a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:33
spoonbut, the liveCD gets 1400x900 resolution05:34
joshualhello, I am trying to get commercial dvd playback support on a machine that does not have internet access, so I need to download whatever is necessary and then install it offline... i have installed libdvdcss2 package from medibuntu, but that was not enough... (btw this is from a fresh hardy install)05:34
spoonand I can't seem to get that with the vesa drivers05:34
spoonjoshual, ubuntu-restricted-extras05:34
dhanar10joshua: install xine from medibuntu05:34
joshualspoon I have read it05:34
joshualdhanar10: ok that should be all?05:35
spoonoh, VLC works too...05:35
joshualjust the xine package?05:35
sixstormVLC works on 99% of any multimedia file05:35
spoonvlc might have least dependencies05:35
dhanar10yes, and its dependencies of course05:35
dhanar10but xine has problem with mkv....05:35
sixstormwish Ubuntu made VLC it's default media player for videos05:36
dhanar10i don't like the vlc interface....05:36
LKChow do i re-install the GNOME power manager configuration defults i seem to have broken them05:36
joshualsee this is why I am asking if anyone can help me figure out what the dependencies are... I have no connection on the machine05:36
Cpudan80sixstorm: you can do that05:36
sixstormyeah i know Cpudan, i was just talking about making it default right out of the box05:36
joshualI have to download these packages on a windows machine and transfer it via cd to the machine with ubuntu on it05:36
Cpudan80sixstorm: Set the multimedia tab in removable devices and media prefs to vlc %m05:37
sixstormthanks cpudan05:37
sixstormhey snake05:37
LKCplease help i have lost all my icons and keep getting an error box coming up about power management05:37
Cpudan80sixstorm: not sure what the %m does..... but it seems to work05:37
snakecan anyone help me about firefox bug?05:38
sixstormwe can sure try05:38
snakeevery time i use firefox to download05:38
spoonDr_willis, the liveCD used the ati open source drivers.  I even tried using the xorg.conf file from the liveCD, while it was live and running, and that didnt work05:38
snakeit make the hole system freeze05:38
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dhanar10joshua1: sorry i made a mistake. the xine package is available in packages.ubuntu.com not in medibuntu05:38
sixstormsnake:  reinstall FF?05:38
snakeall i can do is press the reset button05:39
snakeon my PC05:39
joshualdhanar10: ok, do you know what the dependencies needed would be when installing on a fresh install?05:39
spoonxine has less dependencies05:39
sixstormsnake, have you tried reinstalling Firefox?05:39
snakebut i haven't open it yet :P05:39
snakei scare :P05:39
sixstormtry to completely wipe FF off of your system and reinstall it05:40
sixstormuse synaptic05:40
snaketrying it now05:40
sixstormmight have some screwed up libraries or something05:40
sixstormyou never know05:40
sixstormgotta go for now05:40
sixstormgood talking to everyone05:40
rainwalkerwhy doesn't the brightness applet work for my screen, if I can change my brightness settings in my BIOS?05:41
spoonwonder how hard it would be to port one of the n800's ipod-like media player interfaces to ubuntu.... like UKMP or Canola205:41
dhanar10dhanar10: some of the packages are xine-ui, libxine, libxcb*, libxvmc,  and many more... sorry i can't list them all. anyone can?05:42
joshualI dont see how I can download all the dependencies needed for xine05:42
hanasakiRemotehow do I get the flash plugin in firefox to work?  I have ... flash.plugin-nonfree but get the missing plugin for this page ... http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/screencast_web11_travel_map_another05:42
dhanar10dhanar10: u can download it in packages.ubuntu.com05:42
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »05:42
spoonapt-cache depends <filename>05:42
jfkdsljiois there a way to make apt download more than one file at a time?05:43
spoonshows dependecies, i dont want to paste here...05:43
jfkdsljioI would kill to have that happen05:43
hanasakiRemotedhanar10:  rainwalker  I already avhe that installed.. that's the problem :(05:43
hanasakiRemoteit don't work05:43
Starnestommyjfkdsljio: apt-get install package1 package2 package3 ...?05:43
Sir_FawnpugStarnestommy, I think he wants them to download in parallel05:44
jfkdsljiothat wouldn't make it download the files simultaneously, it downloads things one at a time05:44
rainwalkerhanasakiRemote: yeah, flash is broken, so you could install it yourself from adobe's site05:44
Marko_VojvodicI need help, people, i am sick of vista crashes, but, still, i need it for blody Adobe, because of work, and i was, amazed by ubuntu beryl,and a question is, is it hard to make dual bot of this two OP?05:45
hanasakiRemotehow do I get the flash plugin to work?  it is installed but firefox shows it needs to have int installed...05:45
rainwalkerMarko_Vojvodic: it's easiest if ubuntu was installed first, but I know there are ways05:45
victor__Mark: i suggest you to install virtualbox05:45
Sir_FawnpugMarko_Vojvodic, Ubuntu dual boots even to vista pretty easily05:45
maxownzMarko_Vojvodic: my roommate dual boots xp and ubuntu gutsy just fine. he just followed tutorials online.05:45
rainwalkerhanasakiRemote: type "about:plugins" in the address bar in firefox, is flash player listed?05:46
cirkitmake a symlink to your firefox plugins directory so that flash plugin points to firefox plugins05:46
Marko_VojvodicYes, but, i am totaly new in linux world, i don't know, how to do it, so, the main thing is, to instal ubuntu first, on empty hard discs?05:46
Sir_FawnpugI have to disagree with rainwalker though, I think it's better to do vista second because windows never usually asks you if you want to leave the boot loader alone and clobbers it05:46
maxownzMarko_Vojvodic: i have another pc with vista on it and it crashes all the time, too. is there anything specific you've pinpointed causing the crashes?05:47
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: disagree?05:47
hanasakiRemoterainwalker:  yes... ->   video/flv Flash video flv Yes05:47
Marko_Vojvodic:-)HAH THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE:-)05:47
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, about the order in which ubuntu/vista should be installed05:47
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: I said ubuntu should be first...05:47
Marko_Vojvodici know why it's crashes, but i need Vista because of Adobe, master collection for work...05:47
spoonSir_Fawnpug, my favorite way is to install vmware-server, then install windows in the virtual machine05:47
Marko_VojvodicUBUNTU FIRST???05:47
Marko_VojvodicIs that last bid:-)05:47
rainwalkerhanasakiRemote: weird...well you could still try installing it from adobe's site05:48
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, if ubuntu is first, you'd hae to make a second pass for the installation to reinstall grub05:48
spoonUBUNTU FIRST, then windows in vmware machine05:48
imaginalMy video players close when compizfusion is running. xserver-xgl seems to keep this from happening, but I don't like it. How can I easily toggle xserver-xgl?05:48
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: you're just repeating what I said...ubuntu first, vista second05:48
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, no I'm not. I was saying ista first.05:48
Sir_FawnpugUbuntu second05:49
cirkitwhy bother with vista? its terrible05:49
spoonno, vista first makes sense, if you dont want to do a second pass, and don't want to use vmware05:49
cirkitjust install Ubuntu05:49
rainwalker(11:50:34 PM) Sir_Fawnpug: I have to disagree with rainwalker though, I think it's better to do vista second because windows never usually asks you if you want to leave the boot loader alone and clobbers it05:49
spoonVista will clobber your bootloader05:49
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, hmm, I guess I did say that, I guess you couldn't have known what I meant if I mistyped it. Whoops, sorry.05:49
cirkitit doesn't matter if vista or ubuntu get installed first05:49
cirkitas long as you know which boot loader you're going to be using05:49
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: ohh okay that makes A LOT more sense now05:49
spoonor keep it in the VM... and then you can use both at the same time05:50
Unseeni have problem with flash working with opera05:50
Sir_FawnpugRainwalker, you'll have to forgive me, I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday.05:50
spoonoh, vista finds ubuntu with it's bootloader now??05:50
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: haha but you're typing?05:50
cirkitwhy would you want to use NT Loader?05:50
cirkituse Grub or something05:50
spoonI wouldnt...05:50
Unseencant seem to load the video05:51
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, hey, it's about the only thing I can do.05:51
Jazahow do you edit /etc/fstab ?05:51
Dr_willisJaza,  sudo nano /etc/fstab05:51
Dr_willisis one way05:51
Marko_VojvodicNow i am just more, confused, :-)i work graphics, but :-)....i still don't know to do it:-) ok, now i will format my hard drives, and then, should i boot with vista CD or Ubuntu CD?05:51
rainwalkerdoes ubuntu have access to the bios?05:51
Dr_willis!fstab | Jaza05:51
ubotuJaza: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:51
Sir_Fawnpugrainwalker, it's not so much the fact that my wisdom teeth are out that is making me confusing, but the pain meds I'm on, haha05:52
rainwalkerSir_Fawnpug: it's ok, I'm jacked up on about 4 or 5 different meds haha05:52
tgrisierubotu, quicktime > me05:52
Marko_VojvodicPeople, why do you poison your body with so many meds?:-)05:53
Sir_FawnpugMarko_Vojvodic, hey, mine were prescribed to me, haha05:53
rainwalkerMarko_Vojvodic: because I can't function without them (well I can, but I would be crazy dysfunctional)05:53
Marko_VojvodicYes, but still you need to find a way to get rid of them, unless it's cronical:-)or....:)somthing hard :)05:53
Marko_VojvodicWhat do you have?:-) what condition?:)05:54
heatmzzritunes for linux? want to update my iphone and i run ubuntu.05:54
Sir_Fawnpugheatmzzr, I'm sure about iphone support, but try amarok05:54
rainwalkeraggg "cannot adjust laptop panel brightness"05:54
Sir_Fawnpug Marko_Vojvodic, uh, wow. You like to smile.. a lot.05:54
JazaI'm trying to mount a shared folder and it tells me to do the following "//servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  0" do I type it as is or do I need to replace server name ?05:55
Sir_Fawnpugheatmzzr, I meant I'm not sure.05:55
Marko_VojvodicYes, :-)I i am more, orientated to alternative medicine, tee's and herbs, :)less on meds:-)05:55
Marko_Vojvodicbut i belive, strongest medicine is power of will:)05:55
Sir_FawnpugMarko_Vojvodic, do you mean like homeopathy?05:55
rainwalkerMarko_Vojvodic: give me an herbal thing for ADHD, allergies, and not getting the flu and I'll be glad to take it05:55
Sir_FawnpugHomeopathy is great except it rarely works, haha05:56
Marko_VojvodicSo you are alergic rainwalker?05:56
joshualhi again, I'm still having a hard time figuring out exactly which packages i need to download so that I can install commercial dvd playback support on an OFFLINE computer... if I go to packages.ubuntu.com and track down the xine-gui package it has many dependencies, then each of those dependencies have many dependencies and so on... help?05:56
Marko_Vojvodicdid you try to change your place of living? for few months?05:56
JazaDr_willis, do I need to replace shared names and folder names?05:57
rainwalkerMarko_Vojvodic: no, I've just been snotty lately and sudafed is the only thing that works for me05:57
Sir_Fawnpugjoshual, what about mpeg123?05:57
joshualSir_Fawnpug: what about it? are you saying I need it?05:58
Marko_VojvodicHey, :) it's ok, i am not a doctor, but i am just a woried father:-)you know, meds can devolep adiction, and oper doors for other weeknes:)05:58
Sir_Fawnpugjoshual, you may. IIRC DVDs use mpeg2 encoding05:58
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joshual_Sir_Fawnpug: what about it? are you saying I need it? or that it may have less deps? (got disconnected briefly)05:59
Sir_FawnpugOh, I'm saying you may need it05:59
dimedohey there, is there a way of prohibiting window title bars to move under gnome toolbars?05:59
iNTRONIXis it possible to install the ATI linux drivers from ati web?05:59
Sir_FawnpugUbuntu doesn't come with MPEG codecs by default, because they're encumbered by patents05:59
Dr_willisJaza,  i never mount samba shares that way. I use the FuseSMB tools.05:59
joshual_ok, but that doesnt really help me05:59
Sir_FawnpugBut you can optionally install it05:59
Dr_willisJaza,  you do need the correct servername Yes. :)05:59
Sir_Fawnpugjoshual, well you're trying ot do DVD playback right?05:59
boykillsworlduse automatix unless you want to really learn what your doing06:00
joshual_as I said I need to find out everything I need to download in order to be able to install dvd playback support OFFLINE... so I need to download everything first...06:00
joshual_key here is offline06:00
Jazawhat is fuseSMB and is it easier?06:00
iNTRONIX is it possible to install the ATI linux drivers from ati web?06:00
Sir_Fawnpugjoshual_,  well I don't know all of the dependencies, I guess it depends on the software you're using.06:01
Sir_FawnpugBut you can get a list of what the dependencies are from synaptic06:01
Dr_willisJaza,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb06:01
JazaI'm assuming is easier than what I was trying to do?06:02
Sir_FawnpugIf you right click on the package's properties it'll give you the package names it depends on, and their versions06:02
joshual_I have to download all these packages on windows burn it to a cd and transfer it to the ubuntu cd06:02
Hilikusshould i have a cdrom mounted or unmounted before burning with it?06:03
Dr_willisHilikus,  you are burning data to a cdrom?06:05
HilikusDr_willis yes06:05
Dr_willisHilikus,  theres noting to mount on a blank cd. :)06:05
Dr_willisyou cant mount it,06:05
iNTRONIXHey! is it possible to install ATI LINUX drivers from their web site on ubuntu?06:05
Hilikusits not blank06:05
matthew_is it possible to launch a video-dvd through nautilus?  for example, I can launch any video files, like divx or h.264 from nautilus.  however, i can not launch dvds from nautilus because they are a "folder" (in the file structure).  is there any way around this?06:05
Dr_willisiNTRONIX,  yes.. but not reccomdneded06:05
Dr_willisHilikus,  you doing some multisession stuff then?06:06
HilikusDr_willis its multisession06:06
maxownzanyone got any recommendations for a ftp server?06:06
Dr_willisiNTRONIX,  it can break upgrades in the long run and cause issues.06:06
Dr_willisHilikus,  ive never used Multisession. I imagine you DONT mount them06:06
Jazaneed some more help I typed this line "//rec-room/Carlos /media/Winshared cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=ut f8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0" but it says it's bad??06:08
kapaceim having trouble with enabling desktop-effects06:08
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hanasakiRemoterainwalker: problem is with eh flashnonfree.. aptitude install says md5 checksum error06:08
jakei just tried installing ubuntu 7.10 server and the normal version but i keep getting grub loading error 2 on both installs, there are very few threads about it and none of the actually are very helpfull, how should i go about fixing this? install lilo?06:08
kapacereportingsjr: see that.. i just got ignored06:09
jakefedora's looking pretty good and i was going to just try an entire other distro but i would like to try and fix it06:09
Dr_williskapace,  you will need to add some more details to the actual problem to begin with. :)06:09
Dr_williskapace,  like video card, what have you tried and so forth.06:09
kapaceok, no matter what i try in the appearances settings dialog06:09
kapaceit just reverts to none06:09
hanasakiRemoteanyone able to install flashplugin nonfree?  I get an md5 sum error06:09
kapaceand my video card is nvida quadro 206:10
Dr_willishanasakiRemote,  its a known bug.06:10
Dr_willis!flash | hanasakiRemote06:10
ubotuhanasakiRemote: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »06:10
jakei really dont install xp again on this box, anyone else have this problem and have it fixed?06:10
reportingsjrhanasakiRemote, Read the topic ;)06:10
hanasakiRemoteDr_willis: :(  any workaround?06:10
Dr_williskapace,  and you have installed the actual nvidia drivers?06:10
pvl1im having some really bad ati issues. it was running fine on the live cd though06:10
kapaceyes restricted drivers06:10
Dr_willishanasakiRemote,  the 2nd factoid the bot gives has a thread , and a link to a unofficial deb package that works.06:10
Jazaok got it to work but now I get "ount error: could not find target server. TCP name rec-room/carlos not found06:10
JazaNo ip address specified and hostname not found" any suggestions?06:10
kapacei also installed that compiz manager06:10
kapaceand selected no effects, and it still wouldn't enable06:11
Dr_willisJaza,  you may need to put the ip of that server in the /etc/hosts file. or use its ip in the //#####/share  type entry06:11
Dr_williskapace,  try 'compiz --replace' in a terminal ?06:11
avisjake, ubuntu comes in two versions a gui and a alternate cd i think i've heard of the bug you mention and the only thing that i can think of is change installation medium06:11
KillerCRSOh my goodness06:12
KillerCRSThat's quite the user population06:12
xzasedHiya folks. Im having a problem here, 2 lines of black bars appear on the lower-right corner of my screen after 2 mins. from boot06:12
jakeok, ill check them out06:12
Dr_willisKillerCRS,  where? :) here? this is rather low..06:12
threexkhello.  The Trash icon has disappeared from my desktop.  How can I get it back?06:12
xzasedmy card is an ati xpress20006:12
pvl1im also having bad ati issues06:12
kapaceDr_willis: ok, so it says soemthing about less than 64mb of memory..06:13
kapaceand xgl not being present06:13
mjw--threexk: right click the panel you want it on, click Add to Panel > under desktop & windows you can add the trash can06:14
Dr_williskapace,  sounds to me like you are not using the nvidia drivers yet.06:14
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kapacebut i am it ssays i have nvidia, and i enabled the nvida-glx driver06:14
Dr_willisor they are not workingproperl for that card.06:14
reportingsjrkapace, go to system>admin>restricted drivers06:14
kapaceChecking for nVidia: present.06:14
LimCorewhy ubuntu is so full of totally broken programs the doesnt work even a bit?06:14
LimCoretoday I tried 2 new applications,  both failed totally06:14
matthew_is it possible to launch a video-dvd through nautilus?  for example, I can launch any video files, like divx or h.264 from nautilus.  however, i can not launch dvds from nautilus because they are a "folder" (in the file structure).  is there any way around this?06:14
LimCoretoday I tried 3 new applications,  100% of them failed,  66% of them failed TOTALLY (application is totally useless)06:15
kapaceyea, its in use06:15
threexkmjw--: thanks.  Is it possible to put it onto the desktop?06:15
jakeis there a install option somewhere to try lilo instead of grub?06:15
kapaceLimCore: agreed :P06:15
reportingsjrLimCore, Maybe you didn't follow the install instructions or something along those lines?06:15
LimCorereportingsjr: I started the program,  and the program doesnt work at all06:15
kapaceDr_willis: i have DRI06:16
reportingsjrLimCore, Bad choice of programs then :p06:16
kapaceor bad choice of OS06:16
mjw--threexk: not that i can see06:16
reportingsjrI've never had any programs that don't work on ubuntu06:16
LimCorereportingsjr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktoon/+bug/18852906:16
threexkmjw--: Maybe I am just imagining that it was there before06:16
LimCoreubuntu seems to be bug ridden06:16
reportingsjrLimCore, Of course it is! As is any other application!06:17
LimCorereportingsjr: it frekaing doesn START.  who the ..... let it into repo at all?06:17
LimCoreI'm not using SVN, Im using normal 7.1006:17
xzasedhey lim, which program is it?06:18
LimCorexzased: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktoon/+bug/188529  for one example06:18
LimCore2 nd program also failed06:18
LimCore3 have broken disaplay06:18
LimCore4th program I tried today worked, surprisingly06:18
reportingsjrLimCore, gotcha06:19
LimCoreprogram asking to select own installation dir... wtf is this, DOS in 1995 or what06:19
sherl0khey does anyone know why xchat-systray is _still_ broken06:19
sherl0kit's been like this since probably 5.0406:20
sherl0kmaybe 5.1006:20
LimCorecan anyone with ubuntu 7.10 amd64 confirm or deny bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktoon/+bug/188529  plz?06:20
zmanHey everybody.  Is there an OpenOffice help channel on this server by chance?06:20
LimCorezman: I dont think so, but OOo have good mailing list06:20
josh__anyone know of a good database designer besides DIA (unless DIA has a good plugin for it)06:20
zmanLimCore:  Dang :P thanks anyway!06:20
LimCoreprogram Font Forge, have totally fucked up... FONTS!  oh the irony!06:21
LimCoreI can't decide what is my favorite bug of today!06:21
xzasedlim, u will have to check with the 64 users, works with intel06:21
Dr_willisHmm.. I got an xchat systemtray icon...06:21
astro76!language | LimCore06:21
ubotuLimCore: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:21
sherl0kthe systemtray icon is there yes06:21
LimCorexzased: thanks, care to post comment there  that it works on ia64?06:21
sherl0kbut there's an xchat-systray app that adds more functionality06:21
LimCore*with i38606:22
LimCorexzased: it doesn show this stupid wizard?  or is there some default value?06:22
=== pavel_ is now known as pvl1
pvl1whats the command to configure xorg?06:23
bruenigX -configure06:23
kapacehow do i find out how much video memory i have?06:23
LimCoreor edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:23
reportingsjrkapace, Look at the card? :p06:23
LimCorekapace: some utils, perhaps  hwinfo .. but perhaps there are better tools06:23
kapacei can't open the box right now06:24
LimCorecan I report a general bug on Ubuntu project? that ubutntu is bug ridden?06:24
JazaOK I think I'm getting closer now I get this message "Mounting cifs URL not implemented yet. Attempt to mount workgroup/rec-room/Users/Carlos"06:24
reportingsjrkapace, GIYF06:24
kapacewhas that?06:24
chalcedonyis there any way to slow down totem?06:24
astro76LimCore: that would be as helpful as your complaining is in here06:25
Sakkath_I wanna get a bzip2'd copy of /dev/sda onto this external drive (/dev/sdc) but as a file, not rewriting /dev/sdc. like /mnt/sdc/backup.bz2 or .tar.bz2 i donno. can anyone help out? <-- would anything like dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/stdin|bzip2 > /mnt/sdc/backup.bz2 work? please help :(06:25
LimCorechalcedony: dunno totem, but osme players support slowplayback, probably including  vlc, mplayer06:25
chalcedonyLimCore: how do i get it?06:25
LimCoreSakkath_: want to bzip the files od dev/sda, or the binary image?06:25
pvl1bruenig, theres definetly another command06:25
pvl1bruenig, or rather, how do i stop X?06:25
bruenigkillall X would probably do it06:26
LimCorechalcedony: apt-get install mplayer  and same for vlc.   if you live in the land of sand child murder^H freedom bringers, then watch out to not get arrested by RIAA etc when installing codecs06:26
pvl1k thnx06:26
Dr_willisSakkath,  if sdc is mounted somewhere.. you mounted /dev/sdc1 Most likely. Be sure not to get the device wrong  (sdc vs sdc1_06:26
astro76pvl1: switch to virtual console (ctrl-alt-f1) and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop06:26
LimCorechalcedony: ther should be a factoid about multiverse etc06:26
chalcedonyLimCore: ty06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mutliverse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:26
astro76!xconfig | pvl1 then...06:26
ubotupvl1 then...: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes06:26
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about riaa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:26
kapaceLimCore: what do i grep for my video memory in hwinfo?06:26
LimCorekapace: not sure....  I would probably just check on the card06:27
LimCoreor google the model  (lspci  and look for "video" or someihng)06:27
pvl1astro76, exactly what i wanted, thank you vm06:27
chalcedonyLimCore: you're good, ill try it :)06:27
LimCorekapace: leave it blank perhaps?  kernel/xorg usually autodetects it correctl06:27
kapacewell i just wanna know :P06:27
Sakkath_LimCore: well, it's a raid0 set, and i used acronis true image to make an image of the 'logical' disk, but i wanted to have a raw bzip2 compressed dd of each drive just in case the image doesn't work and i can manually restore both hdd's to it's previous state.06:28
LimCoreSakkath: hmm then I guess.. some dd (or.. cat?) and pipe that to bunzip2.. and output to a file on mounted partition ...06:28
alecw1Is there a program that will make GNOME display a 'window preview' on the taskbar when hovering over the applications? I know compiz does this, but I can't use that due to performance issues.06:28
Sakkath_LimCore: would anything like dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/stdin|bzip2 > /mnt/sdc/backup.bz2 work?06:29
LimCoreSakkath: not sure...06:29
Sakkath_Dr_willis: thanks, by the way. i knew that just giving an example.06:29
LimCoreSakkath: perhaps try it and see? :)  by I dont think of /dev/stdin is ok is it?06:29
xzasedLimCore: it shows the wizard, u just have to choose your installation dir. I chose /usr/share... after that it starts without a prob06:29
kapacehmm only 32mb. prolly can't run compiz06:30
Sakkath_Dr_willis: doing dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb is easy, but i want to put it to a file, and then compress it to make it smaller.06:30
LimCoreSakkath perahps just  cat /dev/sda06:30
Sakkath_LimCore: that will work all right even though it's binary?06:30
jack-desktopwhy do people add a $ infront of code?06:30
LimCorexzased: anyway, do you think this question is freaking stupid?06:30
sixstormjack-desktop:  open up terminal and you'll find out06:31
xzasedLimCore: Half the questions of mankind are stupid06:31
jack-desktopi understand that it has a $ there, but it's a inconvenience to have to remove them when you copy/paste06:31
sixstormjack, true06:31
Sakkath_LimCore: i donno if this will work for bzip2, i think if you use stdin it uses stdout, so will this work?: cat /dev/sda |bzip2 > /mnt/somepath/file.bz206:32
rob1975aunewb here, i need to force a mount. Ubuntu tells how but i need to be in root, how?06:34
travisatrob1975au: place sude before the command06:34
LimCorerob1975au: if you denoobified ubuntu by creating a root account, then just su06:35
boykillsworldsudo -i will also make you root if you get sick of sudo06:35
Aloharob1975au, sudo -s06:35
ackbahrHi there! Is it possible to add a Grub entry that would lead to a non-GUI startup? I'd like to save CPU time as much as possible, and skipping Gnome seems a way to do this, isn't it?06:36
binarymutantis there a way to have a different wallpaper on every virtual desktop?06:36
LimCoreackbahr: I think going into lover init mode... but dunno detals06:36
LimCorebinarymutant: on kde yes, just click on desktop and setup, dunno gnome06:36
Dr_willisbinarymutant,  under kde yes.. under gnome.. not seen it.06:37
binarymutanti'm looking for gnome06:37
ackbahrLimCore: "lover init"? I'll look into it.06:37
ackbahr"lower", ok!06:37
LimCoreI'm sleepy06:37
travis_after running compiz --replace, how do I close the terminal window without closing compiz?06:37
ackbahrLimCore: So am I, but it's 7:37 am here! :)06:37
sixstormtravis:  do alt+f2 and type that06:37
sixstormthat way you won't have a terminal window open at all times06:38
jack-desktopor do compiz --replace &&06:38
jack-desktopone &06:38
pvl1can anyone help me with a radeon card?06:39
Dr_willisuse & and then the exit command is another way06:39
LimCore^--- best bug ever - font forge unusable due to broken... fonts06:39
LimCorecan anyone start up a program  fontforge and say is the font here unreadable?06:40
travis_the & isn't working06:40
Dr_willisdont use the terminals close button. Use the exit command06:41
Zeldahow do I get the other colors on the themes?06:41
rob1975auhow do you change nvidia drivers? I have enabled in the System-Administration-Restricted Drivers...06:41
ZeldaI just installed humanazul, but the window color, and the background are incorrect06:41
travis_Ah... that helped. Thx Dr_willis06:41
sixstormrob1975au  =   go to Ubuntu Forums and look up "Envy"06:42
sixstormeasy app for installing video drivers for nvidia and ati06:42
sixstormworks for the newest gfx cards06:42
WorkingOnWisehas anyone compared Google Desktop to Tracker to be able to fairly decide which they like better?06:42
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »06:42
akhileshI am reading lkmpg.pdf and in the first hello world module, it does not compile because there is no /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/build directory. I am running ubuntu 7.10 server. What can be the problem ?06:42
Zeldahey astro, can you help me again?06:42
sixstormenvy is the only way i can get my 8600GT and 8800GT to work properly06:43
Zeldak, i just installed the humanazul theme.. all the icons are correct, its the workspaces colors are incorrect and the window colors. any ideas?06:44
IndyGunFreaksixstorm: no its not, its just the only way you know how.. a little research would show you the proper way06:44
astro76Zelda: none I've rarely messed with that stuff06:44
IndyGunFreakand envy is a terrible idea in any event06:44
maxownzIndyGunFreak: you from Indianapolis?06:44
akhileshDo I need to create /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/build  or should it be present by default ?06:44
Zeldaanyone else? any ideas?06:44
IndyGunFreakmaxownz: yup, beech grove..06:44
Zeldaoh and thanks for the help earlier.06:45
Revned_hello.  I am trying to install ubuntu on a dualboot setup with vista.  I am upto the part to install the grub boot loader. But it shows me (hd0) as the partition to install it but at the beginning the installer detected my drive as sdc, and i installed it in partition 2? what options should I changed hd0 to?06:45
sixstormi could shut down gdm and install drivers that way06:45
ZeldaI figured it out.06:45
sixstormor just run envy and it's done for me06:45
rob1975aurestricted drivers doesnt give the option to change?06:45
maxownzIndyGunFreak: I grew up in Broad Ripple06:45
sixstormi like the easy way sometimes06:45
Dr_willisI just use the package manager :) and its done for me.06:45
IndyGunFreaksixstorm: then when you're system gets borked, and it will, you'll be sorry.06:45
Dr_willisandi dont break things every time a new kernel  update comes out.06:45
IndyGunFreakmaxownz: yeah?... ive got a lot of friends up there.06:45
sixstormno problems here06:45
Dr_willisfor now.06:45
IndyGunFreaksixstorm: how long have you had it installed.06:46
sixstormbut i dont try to game or anything really intense06:46
sixstorm7.10 release06:46
Dr_willisthen you boot up some day and have a black screen.. rember to reinstall your video card drivers06:46
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: they never learn,06:46
Dr_willishad to explain this to a guy at work 3 times.. :)06:47
Alohais flash issue gonna be fixed in hardy?06:47
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: only 3x?06:47
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  by the 4th time he learned to rerun his envy tool :)06:47
IndyGunFreakAloha: should be.. but you should be able to get flash installed w/ Gutsy if you want to06:47
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: lol06:47
akhileshCan someone help me with: http://pastebin.ca/88983506:47
AlohaIndyGunFreak, im showing people the livecd06:48
Sakkath_does the install cd have fat32 write?06:48
Sakkath_apparently this external hdd is ntfs06:48
IndyGunFreakAloha: hmm, well, you can try downloading and installign it on the live CD....06:48
sixstormi dont get to use linux too terribly often, school is all about humping Gates' leg06:48
rob1975aui guess with the vid card then im better sticking with the driver i get from Restricted Drivers Manager?06:48
IndyGunFreak!flashissue | Aloha there's a deb file linked on this thread06:48
ubotuAloha there's a deb file linked on this thread: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.06:48
IndyGunFreakwell, there was.06:48
AlohaIndyGunFreak, where does ubuntu store installed programs on livecd? RAMdisk?06:49
IndyGunFreakAloha: are you on the live CD now?...06:49
IndyGunFreakAloha: yes, you'd have to reinstall it everytime you boot the live CD06:49
sixstormanybody else in college right now?  if so, do you have a linux lab?06:49
AlohaIndyGunFreak, no, im just trying to start an advocacy campaign using it06:49
AlohaIndyGunFreak, it sucks that it can't go to youtube "out of the box"06:50
IndyGunFreakAloha: i see, well, you can download the source from Adobe.com and install it, its a fairly small program(less than 2mb i do believe), doesn't require compiling, etc...06:50
IndyGunFreakAloha: well, its not ubuntu's fault..06:50
AlohaIndyGunFreak, i know :)06:50
IndyGunFreakbut anyways, it should be fixed in Hardy.. so they say06:50
IndyGunFreakwho knows, they might even see fit to fix it in Gutsy06:51
IndyGunFreaki don't keep live Cds handy, but i'm guessing you could install it from adobe.com w/ little to no effort.06:52
shayanHi all, does anyone know how can I double pipe two processes for the stdin of one to be the stdout of the other and vice versa?06:53
Dr_willisshayan,  you mean merge the outputs of 2 processes into the input of a 3rd?  Hmmm....06:53
akhileshshyan: named pipes ?06:53
AlohaIndyGunFreak, yeah its pretty easy. but if im demoing it to a windows user they're like "you have to do THAT just to get to youtube?"06:54
akhileshI mean using fifos ?06:54
talcitejoin #stepmania06:54
IndyGunFreakAloha: well, then they've probably been brainwashed by microsoft anywyas, and wouldn';t try Linux to begin with06:54
spiker611how can I figure out which x display (i.e :1) gdm is using for a user?06:54
shayanDr_willis, no I want two processes to conversat06:54
akhileshshyan: Create two fifos.  proc1 < fifo1 >fifo2        and      proc2 < fifo2 > fifo106:55
sixstormUbuntu needs to work more on the "out of the box" stuff06:55
AlohaIndyGunFreak, thats why i'm targeting them in my advocacy campaign. i'm trying to rebrainwash them with ubuntu06:55
bardyrAloha, flash isnt installed in a default windows install06:55
shayanakhilesh, something like  a| b and b| a06:55
astro76Aloha: I'm pretty sure windows doesn't come with flash by default06:55
akhileshshyan: would that work ?06:55
sixstormwindows does not come with flash installed06:55
Alohathen sweet06:55
astro76Aloha: usually OEMs install it, but so does Dell's Ubuntu machines06:55
IndyGunFreakAloha: this si true, you still have to install flash on Windows, but its made easy by using the plugin installer on Firefox and IE...06:56
shayanakhilesh, no that won't work06:56
IndyGunFreakif adobe hadn't screwed things up, youc ould install it just as easily on Ubuntu06:56
codenameI need some help06:56
akhileshshyan: whats the error ?06:56
codenamehow would i get my desktop looking like this http://opeth115.deviantart.com/art/Linux-Dec-24-7290087906:56
IndyGunFreakcodename: try "/join #psychiatrists"06:56
sixstormAloha:  so i guess you don't use the installer in Firefox to install flash?06:56
spiker611Is there a way to list X displays in use?06:56
shayanakhilesh, when the file is empty the first one reports an EOF06:56
Alohasixstorm, it doesn't work.. or at least it didn't when i tried06:57
sixstormoh ok06:57
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A
kidemportemhey my system is locking up...every now and then...how do i troubleshoot this?06:57
sixstormx64 or x86?06:57
IndyGunFreakcodename: thats just a themed Gnome...06:57
akhileshbut I think, it should get blocked when it reads.06:58
codenameHow would I go about doing that06:58
JxmlT_87Hey my sound isn't working but the soundcard is listed how can i troubeshoot?06:58
IndyGunFreakJxmlT_87: what sound card, and has it worked before?06:58
WorkingOnWisehas anyone compared Google Desktop to Tracker to be able to fairly decide which they like better?06:58
IndyGunFreakcodename: well, you can start at http://www.gnome-look.org06:59
codenameFor the MetaCity stuff how do i install it06:59
akhileshshayan: In my case proc1 blocks till the second process feeds fifo1.06:59
IndyGunFreaktheres instructions all over the place.06:59
shayanHi all, does anyone know how can I double pipe two processes for the stdin of one to be the stdout of the other and vice versa?06:59
IndyGunFreakJxmlT_87: what type of sound device do you have06:59
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
JxmlT_87IndyGun: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio. It worked yesterday for a little bit then I had to an entire reinstall and now its not working.07:00
nano"udevd" is simply responsible for controlling what comes in and out of /dev directorY?07:00
astro76shayan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Named_pipe07:00
nanois that correct?07:00
c0mp13371331337WorkingOnWise - I'm not a fan of Tracker to be honest, seems a little glitchy on my system.  Tells me it found more results than it shows me....  Quirky stuff like that.07:00
=== Nickiniz696 is now known as ReiS
WorkingOnWisec0mp13371331337: what do use for local search?07:02
c0mp13371331337Command line usually works best for me.  If I could figure out what's wrong with tracker, or if google desktop proved to be better, I'd do either of those.  But for now, searching via command line is how I usually do it.07:03
IndyGunFreakwhy not just use Places/Search for Files?07:03
ReiSit didi la saa07:03
ReiSbana diyecegidi varya07:04
underwatercowdoes anyone use pidgin to chat in here? :-p07:04
IndyGunFreakwell, he at least knows some english.07:04
IndyGunFreakunderwatercow: everyone with sense doesn't07:04
astro76underwatercow: it's a horrible irc client07:04
c0mp13371331337underwatercow-  Yup, I do.07:04
WorkingOnWisec0mp13371331337: i lived off GD in Windows, but Tracker has proven to faster to index, and much more accurate with the results....was wondering if I was alone in this experience.07:05
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: why?...07:05
WorkingOnWiseunderwatercow: me too07:05
IndyGunFreakpidgin is a great IM client, but its severely lacking as an IRC clientr07:05
JxmlT_87IndyGun: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio. It worked yesterday for a little bit then I had to an entire reinstall and now its not working.07:05
underwatercowI have never really had a reason to use it as an IRC client, but I thought it would be interesting to ask07:05
IndyGunFreakJxmlT_87: if you're going to address me, prefix your statement with my name, i don't read the channel just waiting for responses....07:05
BruceLeroyWhat's goodie good?07:05
c0mp13371331337IndyGunFreak-  Not for IRC, but I use it for google talk, AIM, and Yahoo IMs.07:05
IndyGunFreakJxmlT_87: i'm not really sure about that sound device.. how does lspci identify it?07:06
underwatercowI guess I wasn't clear, I didn't mean to chat in general, I meant to chat in here specifically07:06
WorkingOnWiseI use Pidgin for everything text chat...07:06
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: like i said, its a great IM client, but its a crappy irc client07:06
underwatercowI wish it would get webcam support07:06
JxmlT_87IndyGunFreak: as my audio device07:07
sixstormi use pidgin for windows07:07
IndyGunFreakJxmlT_87: yes,07:07
IndyGunFreakunderwatercow: well, why can't you get webcam support, there's a few out there that supposedly work(i say supposedly, because i have no experience w/ them)07:07
c0mp13371331337IndyGunFreak-  Yup, sorry, didn't read that you said that til after. :-P07:08
underwatercowIndyGunFreak: I want it in pidgin... aMSN supports it I know...07:08
pvl1can someone help with me with a radeon 2600?07:08
chalcedonyon mplayer i get this and i can't see where it's playing except in the text window. am I missing something? Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0: No such file or directory07:08
chalcedonyCan't init input joystick07:08
IndyGunFreakeh, now thats pidgin's downfall... but its not really pidgin's fault.07:09
underwatercowIndyGunFreak: lol... I thought they were supposed to be adding it at some point07:09
IndyGunFreak*at some point*... :)07:09
underwatercowIndyGunFreak: key words?07:09
IndyGunFreaki would say so.07:09
IndyGunFreakunderwatercow:  i think a lot of stuff got thrown off track when they were forced to switch from GAIM to pidgin, and dealing with that whole mess07:10
IndyGunFreakthey tried to fight the empire, and in the end, had to give in.07:10
chalcedonyCan't open joystick device /dev/input/js0: do i need to download something else?07:10
codenameanyone can help me 5 bucks paypal07:11
IndyGunFreakcodename: i already told you07:11
Dr_williscodename,  thats... amuseing. :)07:11
codenamey lol is it07:11
IndyGunFreakcodename: you're going to have to find out what themes he's set up, download it, and install it...07:11
c0mp13371331337underwatercow-  That's something I've been waiting for for quite some time now.  Can't wait for webcam support.07:11
EmmerP_pidginlet's try that pidgin irc :)07:11
akhileshI compiled a new kernel, and gave make install modules_install07:11
akhileshBut it does not put initrd in /boot ?07:11
tigranHi. How can I set more AGP memory. Here's my info right now: http://rafb.net/p/OBJkbB10.html07:12
akhileshDid I miss something ?07:12
codenamei got the GTK2 thing07:12
codenameim not sure what Metacity is07:12
codenameand i know the Icons07:12
IndyGunFreakmetacity is gnome.07:12
RantingHumanHow does one adjust the dimensions of a window's title bar? They seemed to have become thinner than usual...07:12
Dr_willislooks like hes using awn and a metacity theme, and tweaked the panels.07:12
Alohacodename, windowmanager07:12
codenamehow do i change the application font07:12
Dr_willismetacity is gnomes window manager.07:12
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: actualy i don't think its awn....07:12
chalcedonyhow should i control mplayer?07:12
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: i think he just resized the lower taskbar, and put icons on it, but i could be wrong07:12
tigrancodename: System->Pref->Apperance->Font07:12
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  ive seen some xfce desktops that look similer. gOS  had a similer looking panel also.07:13
codenameand how did he make pidgin black07:13
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: hmm it doesn't look like any awn I've seen, but it could be.. I don't do awn07:13
codenamethanks for everything guys07:13
IndyGunFreakcodename: its a theme, for crying out loud, i feel like i'm speaking a foriegn language07:13
IndyGunFreakto make it look exactly like that, you're going to have to experiment, and figure out what themes he used07:14
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  i dont either. :) and i forget what gOS was using.07:14
* tigran lol @ IndyGunFreak07:14
sixstormawn isn't all that great IMO07:14
Dr_willissixstorm,  i agree there.07:14
IndyGunFreakyup, awn is over rated, but i think compiz is to.07:14
sixstormit's nothing like the Mac dock07:14
tigranWhy do we have to copy mac on that?07:14
sixstormcompiz is the shiznit07:15
IndyGunFreaki do like the OSX icon theme,07:15
tigranIndyGunFreak: get it at gnome-look07:15
IndyGunFreaksee, compiz never tricked my trigger.....07:15
chalcedonyIndyGunFreak: some things are better just using what they came with07:15
IndyGunFreaktigran: i have it.. :)07:15
bullgard4What is the file /etc/mtab for?07:15
tigranIndyGunFreak: nice haha07:15
Dr_willisI like the panels.  we got.07:15
tigranIndyGunFreak: Hmm..good with video card stuff?07:16
sixstormcompiz and beryl were one of the biggest reasons to start tinkering with linux, minus server stuff07:16
IndyGunFreakeh.. mediocre, i set up dual screens w/ my Nvidia card pretty easily07:16
c0mp13371331337Compiz is great, I just wish I could use it with my Radeon 9200se and 3200x1200 resolution.07:16
Dr_willisbullgard4,  it keeops track of whts mounted where.. Ive never had tomess with it in all these years. :) you edit the fstab file. dont touch mtab07:16
rochI got epilepsy gotta leave :>07:16
Dr_willisAWn did NOT like my dual monitor layout last i used it.07:16
tigranIndyGunFreak: What about AGP memory, increasing it.07:16
codenameur gonna hate me, but where is the font folder07:17
chalcedonycan someone breifly just tell me what to do to control mplayer ?07:17
codenamelol omg i feel bad07:17
IndyGunFreaktigran: hmm, isn't that something you tweak in the bios?... i hate onboard video memory, and when I build, i'll use a cheap video card, before i use onboard video ram.07:17
akhileshCan anyone help me with ubuntu kernel compilation ?  I compiled and installed kernel, but why is initrd absent in /boot ?07:17
tigranIndyGunFreak: It should be, cept its not more me :S07:17
tigranIndyGunFreak: http://rafb.net/p/OBJkbB10.html07:17
IndyGunFreakhmm, then i have no idea on that one.07:17
chalcedonythe player is running.. but i need to moderate the speed and back up and things07:17
tigranIndyGunFreak: One says 256M (for aperture) then the bottom one 128M07:18
chalcedonygreetings stuporglue07:18
chalcedonyhi friedtofu07:18
Dr_willisakhilesh,  i though tthat was made by the mkinitrd command.07:18
tigranIndyGunFreak: Which is it, is it the same thing even?07:18
Dr_willisakhilesh,  and thats about all i know on the topic. :)07:18
IndyGunFreaktigran: yeah, was just noticing that.. hmm, don't think i've ever saw that here before.07:18
Dr_willis!kernel | akhilesh07:18
ubotuakhilesh: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages07:18
bullgard4Dr_willis: Thank you very much for informing.07:18
Dr_willisbullgard4,  man mtab and man fstab may have more info07:18
tigranIndyGunFreak: Do you mean thats a problem, bug? I'm slow..sorry. :)07:19
IndyGunFreaktigran: no, i mean i don't know if its a problem...., never really saw it before.07:19
tigranIndyGunFreak: Ah..haha, see what I mean, feel like an idiot now07:19
friedtofuhello chalcedony? o.O07:20
tigranIndyGunFreak: Thanks anyway dude07:20
IndyGunFreaknp,.. good luck on thatone07:20
tigranIndyGunFreak: Ill just annoy enough people in here to get the answer :P07:21
chris_is there anywhere i can look up a ubuntu command line tutorial (terminal)07:21
friedtofuanyone use xfce here?07:21
stuporglueI've used it in the past07:21
tigranDr_willis: you must be a professional ;). Would you happen to know about AGP memory stuff. And if a cookie will change you answer...I got plenty :)07:21
sixstormnot a big xfce fan07:22
faslhello, how can I install openssl-devel ?07:22
Austin_I don't know how to kill myself with ubuntu, and I couldn't find it on the man page.07:23
IndyGunFreakAustin_: man suicide07:23
BruceLeroyapt-cache search openssl07:23
c0mp13371331337Chris_ - there are plenty of tutorials to be found using a quick google search: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+terminal+tutorial&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a07:23
IndyGunFreakwhat the?:07:23
Austin_please ban.07:23
Austin_I actually am running Windows Vista07:24
Austin_right now.07:24
tigranIndyGunFreak: I actually did man suicide...07:24
IndyGunFreaktigran: lol07:24
Austin_and It's about 500x better than linux07:24
tigranIndyGunFreak: Sometimes I wonder if I have A.D.D.07:24
friedtofuhm. meh07:24
BruceLeroy!apt-cache search openssl07:24
tigranAustin_: Support channel. Not vista is better07:24
IndyGunFreakAustin_: sure it is.07:24
sixstormlol he said "SHIT ASS COOKIES"07:24
alaysAustin_:  lol07:24
Austin_Jesus, am I the freak now?07:25
chris_thanks comp, just checkin07:25
Austin_Anybody here go on 4chan?07:25
c0mp13371331337Austin_-  No, we'd like you to be our new mod. ;-)07:25
Austin_F**KIN WIN!07:25
zetheroohey, how do I change the default app that opens PDF's?07:26
Austin_right click and select "windows please."07:26
tigranI would want to be a mod, I'd ban people left and right. I'm just not on that much. I actually have a life ;)07:26
* WorkingOnWise plonks %P07:26
c0mp13371331337zetheroo-  Right click and Open With... Open with other application.  The one you choose should be the new default.07:26
* Austin_ is so cool running windows vista07:26
* Austin_ deserves to be your new godmod.07:27
* tigran Austin_ gets blue screen of death07:27
zetherooc0mp13371331337: thanks .... btw... thats quite a name you got there...07:27
sixstormvista is funny07:27
* Austin_ does not get BsoD07:27
IndyGunFreaki never even booted vista on my new laptop to test it, never accepted the EULA, etc, first thing i did when I turned it on, check bios, insert gutsy cd, reboot.07:27
* WorkingOnWise plonks: %P07:27
* Austin_ will probably DDOS this channel.07:27
M-Nagatohi, i have a fat32 partition which i store data on. whenever i boot into linux, it changes some filenames that have japanese in them. the files are accessible on linux but are broken for windows. is there any way to stop it from changing the names?07:27
c0mp13371331337zetheroo-  Thanks :)07:27
jmhodgeshey, folks.  if i were to get a laptop, wshould i get the dell xps, the inspiron or something else?07:27
* Austin_ lies like a sack of shit.07:28
alaysAustin_: you will get RSoD :)07:28
tigranjmhodges: If you want smt really really good, top of the line, get alienware07:28
alaysRed Screen of Death, new in vista07:28
IndyGunFreaklol, not very l33t07:28
jmhodgestigran: really? alienware? i've heard about hw issues there07:28
Austin_I hacked it so it's like a frakenOS07:28
jmhodgestigran: hunh07:28
M-Nagatoalays, it was still the bsod when i tried vista07:28
sixstormi had linux on my laptop but linux didn't play real nice until i dished man many hours into it07:28
Austin_I'm DUAL BOOTING!!!!!!!!07:28
tigranjmhodges: I've heard they're good07:29
tigranjmhodges: never actually owned one07:29
Bohallo i have try to burn ubuntu_danish version to a cd rom but it faild every time why???? Anybody got and hit to how i can get it to work?07:29
sixstormim triple booting07:29
jmhodgestigran: ahh, cool07:29
Austin_#xkcd is alot more interesting right now.07:29
IndyGunFreaksixstorm: it worked fine for me out of the box, with the exception of my intelhda sound, but once i got that figured out in about 10min, it worked fine.07:29
tigransixstorm: Damn, you're cool07:29
sixstormintel hda sound is a bitch to get working right07:29
IndyGunFreaksixstorm: some of them are, its actually pretty easy on my laptop....07:29
sixstormdesktop effects on an intel x3100 was rough too07:29
IndyGunFreakBo:  what are you using to burn the CDs?07:30
Bonero was the last i trh07:30
IndyGunFreakok, austin, you were cute for a minute, now i'm putting you on ignore.07:30
Austin_No please07:30
Austin_I will be better07:30
Boand dvd decrypter07:31
Austin_I know my limits07:31
IndyGunFreakbo:  ok... are you burning it as an image?07:31
* tigran how do you scream with writting?07:31
sixstormnever tried gentoo07:31
Borecord---> burn imagen ---> find the file ---> burn07:31
tigranHmm.. So back to my question: First off does this make sense http://rafb.net/p/OBJkbB10.html Ad Second, how can I increase AGP memory (not with BIOS, don't have that option).07:32
IndyGunFreakbo:  what happens when you reboot and have the cd in the drive?07:32
Austin_Gentoo is pretty good.07:32
sixstormi read the installation manual . . .07:32
Austin_infact, I prefer it over what is the newest, fiesty fawn?07:32
Bonothing. nero only burn 10 % of he file07:32
M-Nagatoso, does anyone know how to stop linux from renaming japanese filenames on startup? :?07:33
Austin_I'd rather use my dual boot space on something that runs smoothly and doesn't collapse like a grandmother having a heart attack,07:33
IndyGunFreakBo:  ok, that seems like either a hardware issue, or an issue w/ nero.07:33
sixstormi have XP, Vista and Ubuntu 7.10 on my workstation07:33
Bookay. i will try on my other computer later to day.07:33
shindahey guys, anyone know of any file recovery apps?07:33
sixstormVista on the HTPC and Vista on my laptop07:33
M-Nagatoand i agree that gentoo is good, Austin_, but it was obviously made for a different audience07:33
IndyGunFreakBo:  http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm07:34
IndyGunFreakbo:  and remember, burn them SLOW.. 2-4x is best07:34
IndyGunFreakbo:  if that doesn't work, i would probably try another mirror.07:34
maxownzsixstorm: do you have a lot of trouble with vista crashing?07:34
Bookay.  i wil try thx for you time07:34
Austin_That was the funniest thing i;ve read all day.07:34
sixstormmaxownz:  no, not compared to it's release last year and the second chance i gave it last summer07:35
ThJI've got a Ricoh R5C843 memory card reader built into my HP Compaq 8510w laptop but it doesn't work in Ubuntu Gutsy. It is detected and assigned as "mmc0" by the kernel, but no device nodes are created, nor are any cards inserted made visible in /proc/partitions, nor does it work to make device nodes manually, nor does any of the tips I found on Google work. Help?07:35
Austin_I like the older Ubuntu releases better.07:36
sixstormhas anyone ever made a linux email server and used their own domain name?07:36
Austin_the newer ones are far more glitched, and don't have as much support07:36
maxownzsixstorm:  i'm almost ready to give up on it. it'll crash out of nowhere, mostly when i'm trying to dump files on it... it's by far the most frustrating OS i've ever had to deal with07:36
tigranAustin_: Lol...that link. It took me 10 seconds to figure it out.07:36
underwatercowAustin_: I think it only took me about 5-15 mins to network linux and windows together, lol07:36
tigranLinux just picks itup07:36
Austin_I am 13 years old07:36
IndyGunFreakunderwatercow: ?... why so long07:36
tigranAll I did was change the workgroup name.07:36
underwatercowIndyGunFreak: lol, because I had some password issues in samba.07:37
Austin_which makes me the youngest one in here.07:37
sixstormmaxownz:  it used to crash on me like crazy, but now after i update everything it works just fine07:37
IndyGunFreakah ok.07:37
tigranThe guys just an idio...wrong word, MS user07:37
sixstormmaxownz:  gaming on Vista is a different story07:37
underwatercowIndyGunFreak: I can't even remember now what I did... but I had to use smbpasswd for something07:37
maxownzhaha it seems like AFTER i install the updates it becomes unstable. i've almost considered re-installing it AGAIN and just leaving it without any updates07:37
IndyGunFreakmaxownz: having probs w/ vista, or with Ubuntu?07:37
maxownzjust vista (wrong channel i know)07:38
IndyGunFreakoh ok... i've got no experience w/ vista, ut what i read isn't good.07:38
bullgard4Can you recommend a tutorial for 'Tracker Search'?07:38
tigranAGP memory, anyone know how to increase it?07:38
ThJGrah, I hate it when some obscure piece of hardware fails and nobody knows how to make it work.07:38
IndyGunFreaktigran: i'm almost positive thast something in the bios07:38
Austin_I use vista for things like BSOD, and then I use gentoo for being alive and living07:38
yommI didn't realise this was the Vista Channel ...07:38
Kiragood day07:38
sixstormvista is ok, it's a whole hell of a lot better than it was last year07:39
tigranIndyGunFreak: Me too, like 100% sure. But..what if I don't have that in my BIOS, but it does have an AGP and its integrated.07:39
IndyGunFreakyomm: its not. uust about 2-3am, things kidna go on the low cool in here.07:39
sixstormvista will never see the light of day in the business world07:39
KiraI have just installed 7.10 on my self-assembled desktop07:39
n6hggBSOD is like being on the other side07:39
Austin_it's 2;39 here.07:39
underwatercowKira: congrats? ;-D07:39
IndyGunFreaktigran: now that, will have to be a mystery in a riddle, cuz i have no idea on that.07:39
kahrytanIndyGunFreak->  that depends on your time zone :-P 9:30pm here07:39
underwatercow23:39 here07:39
KiraHow do I make it detect the Buffalo LCI5-TXI ethernet card?07:39
IndyGunFreakkahrytan: lol..07:39
Austin_You must be in cali. kahry.07:40
jfkdsljiois there any other app besides gyachi and kopete that supports yahoo protocol and webcam?07:40
tigranIm in Cali07:40
IndyGunFreakhere i thought everyone was on Eastern.. :)07:40
kahrytanAustin_->  umm .. no07:40
Austin_Well get teh fecks out them.07:40
kahrytanAustin_->  HST timezone07:40
IndyGunFreakjfkdsljio: not that i know of.07:40
ThJSo apparently my kernel has the mmc0 device, but how do I access it? Nothing in /dev or anything.07:40
IndyGunFreakjfkdsljio: whats wrong w/ kopete07:40
Austin_somebody say something bash.org worthy.07:40
tigranThis is the most side-convos, offtopic chatter I've seen in here yet.07:40
sixstormpeace out guys, good chatting with all of you07:41
IndyGunFreaktigran: the mods are away, the mice will play. :)07:41
Austin_I am a mouse?07:41
jfkdsljiokopete doesnt support yahoo chat, just direct messaging07:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:41
tigranI'll mod07:41
IndyGunFreakjfkdsljio: oh ok.07:41
jfkdsljioindygunfreak kopete doesnt support yahoo chat, just instant messaging07:41
jfkdsljiosorry thought you might miss the first one07:42
Austin_Everyone, speak german now.07:42
nemilarAustin_: are you being a troll07:42
Austin_wie gehts ihnen?07:42
tigranIndyGunFreak: Wanna know how slow I am07:42
ThJDu hast ein grosse nase.07:42
jfkdsljiohallo, sprechen sie deutch07:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:42
jfkdsljioich bin eine mutter ficken ja07:42
tigranIndyGunFreak: I just recently learned the tab function...07:42
ThJMein Deutsch is nicht gut D:07:42
IndyGunFreaktigran: na, thast not slow, everyone does that.....07:42
Austin_OH SHIT!07:42
nemilarI just recently started thinking about calling the ops07:42
tigranThJ: ur stomach hurts?07:42
nemilar!ohmy | Austin_07:42
ubotuAustin_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:42
IndyGunFreaknemilar: i think i have to agree with you..07:43
tigranIndyGunFreak: Oh nice, to know haha07:43
nemilarok that's enough07:43
speeddemon8803heh beat me to it nemilar :)07:43
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!07:43
Austin_I think I have to leave07:43
IndyGunFreakyou were begging to be banned you moron07:43
hansinI just did a minimal/command line only install of 7.10 of a dell laptop.  I did the text-based installer (have done plenty of times).  It identified the network controllers as eth0 (wired) and eth1 (wireless).  I chose to use the eth0/wired interface as default because I need to get the wireless working.07:43
tigranRun mice, run07:43
jack-desktophow do i make my usb drive not read-only?07:43
hansinAnyway, I have no networking after install.07:43
tigranhansin: wireless or wired07:44
Austin_my cousin was at the computer.07:44
hansinI have installed plenty of times, and never seen this before.  Wired.07:44
Austin_and he's a weird person07:44
ThJAs if07:44
kahrytanjack-desktop->  hard drive?07:44
IndyGunFreakAustin_: and i'm guessing you ahvfe multiple personality disorder07:44
jack-desktopkahrytan, ?07:44
tigranIndyGunFreak: haha07:44
hansinI have an eth0 entry in /etc/networks/interfaces.07:44
* ThJ snickers07:44
Austin_I went away to get a glass of milk, and I come back to see what my cousin did, and, my goodness.07:44
kahrytanjack-desktop->  usb external hard drive?07:44
jack-desktopkahrytan, no, it's a usb flash drive, sorry07:45
Austin_and I always tell him enough of the terroristic jokes.07:45
speeddemon8803Austin, please refrain from profanity in this room...no exception...dont care if its you, your cousin, brother...its your pc, please lets be wise and lock screen while were gone :)07:45
ThJAustin: Please turn in your geek card at the exit for not locking your screen while AFK.07:45
IndyGunFreakspeeddemon8803: im guessing in his family, his cousin is his brother07:45
Kiramy lan card is no listed at all when I issue lspci07:45
Kiracrap. :(07:45
ThJAw damn, spedd, I was saying that07:45
ThJYou beat me to it07:45
Austin_My cousin is over for the weekend, and he's a terroristic fellow.07:45
speeddemon8803heh great minds think alike thj07:45
nemilar!offtopic | Austin_07:46
ubotuAustin_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:46
ThJterroristic, is that a word?07:46
hansinAny command line utility I can run to set up networking again?  What it is saying when I try to bring up the network, that it doesn't know about eth0.  So it reads my interface file, but can't find eth1 (I screwed up, wired is eth1).07:46
* WorkingOnWise has identified %N plonker: %P.07:46
Austin_and he makes all the jokes and things, and it's just plain terrible.07:46
AmaranthAustin_: Then you should be glad he didn't install Clippy07:46
ThJHas anybody here messed with getting built-in memory card reders to work in Gutsy?07:46
hansinSo eth1 has an entry in interfaces.  Forget I even mention eth0.07:46
Austin_clippy: how may I screw you today?07:46
speeddemon8803yes, thj...mine worked without any configuring07:46
jfkdsljioi did apt-get remove gnome, but then i couldnt log in07:47
ThJIt pops the icons up on the desktop for you?07:47
Austin_Oh wait, gutsy gibbon was the latest correct?07:47
AmaranthThJ: I don't think there is anything to configure07:47
tigranThJ: mine doesn't work either.07:47
tigranThJ: built-in sd card reader07:47
kahrytanAustin_->  Hardy Haron ALpha 307:47
ThJtigran: yes07:47
AmaranthThJ: Either it just works or there isn't a driver available for your reader.07:47
tigranThJ: Mine never worked07:47
nemilaractually alpha4 just came out07:47
Austin_What is with these odd names?07:47
Amaranthkahrytan: Alpha 407:47
ThJtigran: Ricoh07:47
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:47
AmaranthAustin_: It's fun07:47
Austin_BRB: screen locked.07:47
kahrytanAmaranth->  they move so fast07:48
Gninefor all intended purposes, alpha 4 is not recommended07:48
ubotuA higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.07:48
ThJAmaranth: Well, the thing is, it's detected.07:48
tigranThJ: Ricoh?07:48
ThJAmaranth: And it says like "mmc0" and stuff in dmesg.07:48
AmaranthThJ: Does it say anything new when you stick a card in?07:48
=== grekkos_ is now known as grekkos
AmaranthThJ: It's possible the driver is broken too07:48
AmaranthThJ: Either way you probably can't fix it07:49
speeddemon8803If you are using a development machine i.e. one you will be using for things such as work..etc...I HIGHLY recommend NOT using Hard Heron right now....07:49
ThJAmaranth: There were some setpci hacks on Google, and tips of loading some extra modules.07:49
Gninehardy heron07:49
ThJAmaranth: Of course, none of them worked. There's also talk that kernel .24 fixes it07:49
AmaranthThJ: That sounds more likely07:49
speeddemon8803Typo gnine thanks :)07:49
IndyGunFreakall right, gotta bounce all.. Have a good evening07:49
speeddemon8803didnt catch it but thanks07:49
hansinDoes anyone know what file your networking interfaces are defined (not /etc/network/interfaces, but where the OS says, hey eth0 = your wireless card and eth1 = wired ethernet)?  Thanks.07:49
AmaranthThJ: Have to wait until April to get 2.6.24 in a supported release07:50
Amaranthhansin: that's in the udev configuration07:50
ThJAmaranth: No new info when inserting a card. There is one problem though, it disables IRQ 19 after a while, same IRQ as the reader has.07:50
* Gnine notes speeddemon8803 07:50
ThJAmaranth: Gives a stack trace and then disables, based on "nobody cares" (it actually says this in dmesg).07:50
hansinAmaranth: Thanks.07:50
Austin_This is boo-rang, and I'm going to XKCD.07:51
Amaranthhansin: I know the filename has 'persistent-net' in it and that it's in /etc/udev.d07:51
tigranThJ: Can you paste it, I wanna see it haha07:51
ThJAmaranth: Is there a way I could compile a "stock" 2.6.24 kernel? I've compiled kernels before but always customized them. How do you compile an Ubuntu-friendly one with the proper config flags?07:51
* Gnine closes door after austin07:51
kahrytanAmaranth->  austin?07:51
ThJtigran: 282.242126] irq 19: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)07:51
Amaranthkahrytan: yeah07:51
AmaranthThJ: That's actually really hard07:52
* kahrytan gives 3 cheers for Amaranth 07:52
ThJtigran: [  282.242408] Disabling IRQ #1907:52
AmaranthThJ: It'd be easier to just snag the kernel and related packages from hardy07:52
ThJAmaranth: Or switch to Hardy.07:52
AmaranthThJ: That might be a bit much unless you enjoy things not working properly07:52
AmaranthThJ: Like having nautilus crash during a file transfer07:52
speeddemon8803Jeez xubuntu for being small is taking a long time to download :/07:53
AmaranthGnine: We've got gio-enabled nautilus :)07:53
ThJAmaranth: Won't Hardy packages give me problems if I try to install them?07:53
Thurin1speeddemon8803: Xubuntu is not 'small' it is light, the ISO file is the same size as Ubuntu roughly 600 some megs.07:53
Amaranthspeeddemon8803: xubuntu isn't smaller, just different07:53
bod_speeddemon8803, taking your name into account, that statement is ironic in more then 1 way07:53
kahrytanThJ->  Yes, .. there will07:53
AmaranthThJ: The kernel shouldn't. Worst case you just boot the gutsy kernel07:53
Gninehave not noticed yet , Amaranth07:53
kahrytanThJ->  Yes, .. they will07:53
* Gnine got speedy connection07:53
Thurin1Xubuntu is basically Ubuntu with XFCE on top that's the only real difference - everything else is identical, almost.07:54
AmaranthThJ: The only possible problem is nvidia and fglrx drivers07:54
speeddemon8803dang, that comment sure backfired :)07:54
ThJI have had some ugly experiences with it before. As Amaranth says though, the kernel files don't change much between versions.07:54
* speeddemon8803 keeps trap shut next time07:54
Amaranthxubuntu is not any smaller or lighter than ubuntu, except feature-wise07:54
Amaranthit's just Ubuntu with XFCE instead of GNOME07:54
bod_anyone here , using 7.10 gutsy fancy testing some scripts for me?07:54
hansinYou know what I bet happened, install recognized my wireless as eth0 and wired as eth1.  Then since I need to hand install the broadcom driver, it doesn't see it after install as existing, so my wired now becomes eth0!  Now I just need to modify /etc/network/interfaces entry to eth0.  Off to check my hypothesis...  Thanks.07:55
wersis there a gtk substitute for basket notepads07:55
* RedHeron is using 8.04 Hardy, sorry.07:55
Gninekernel is less than 100k bytes07:55
Amaranthbod_: Scripts for what?07:55
singlesunanyone a pro with fdisk? lol07:55
ThJHm, now to locate kernel files from Hardy.07:55
ThJWhere'd I find the .deb's for that?07:55
bod_Amaranth, making a GDM login screen by editing an original theme,. theres a backup/failsafe/revert script that comes with it,. (free of charge,.,.lol)07:56
externhow can I changee the resolution of my screen in a terminal?07:56
AmaranthThJ: you want linux-image-2.6.24-*-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-*-generic, and (if needed) linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-*-generic07:56
Gninebod_: that should not be an issue07:56
ThJYeah, I know the format of the file names.07:56
AmaranthThJ: Where * is the ABI version, I believe it's at 507:56
EpicenterIs there a way to make GRUB boot an ISO image on a partition?07:56
bod_Gnine, what shouldn?07:56
ThJBut I figure I need a repo07:56
AmaranthThJ: http://packages.ubuntu.com07:56
Hypnus9Hi room. I just added a hard drive to my Linux box. I'm using Ubuntu 7.10. How do I find it?07:56
jack-desktopdoes anyone know how to make my usb flash drive non-readonly?07:57
ThJAmaranth: Thanks :307:57
ArelisI'm on a 1440x900 monitor (and yes, it's set to 1440x900), but everything is so big, and clumsy. How do i get more screen real estate?07:57
AmaranthHypnus9: You probably need to use gparted to set it up, for a start07:57
* Amaranth goes to watch smallville07:57
Hypnus9OK. I just formatted it to ext307:57
externhow can I change the resolution from a terminal?07:57
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:57
speeddemon8803I would like to know that as well jack-desktop as ive aparently screwed it up beyond linux recognition07:57
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:58
Amarantheww, recursive factoids07:58
AmaranthHypnus9: anyway, those should be a start07:58
bod_Amaranth, fancy testing, or not?07:58
Amaranthbod_: Actually I'm booted into Vista right now07:58
Hypnus9OK. Thanks Amaranth07:58
bod_Amaranth, damn microsoft screwin things up again,.,.lol,.,.ok ty07:59
speeddemon8803microshaft screws up everything ;)07:59
bod_ubotu, say yay if you hate m$07:59
livenicelyi have z-cyber genie ultra capture card. have any one there know which driver is best for it07:59
ubotuGlad you made it! :-)07:59
speeddemon8803why i switched to linux before vista came out..i knew vista would be way too much to deal with07:59
bod_damn,.,. didnt actually say yay08:00
Gninebug 108:00
Gnine!bug 108:00
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents08:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:01
bod_Gnine what did you mean by "that should not be an issue"   ??08:01
livenicelyi have z-cyber genie ultra capture card. have any one there know which driver is best for it08:01
fredlhi, I installed eclipse from the Ubuntu repository and it gives me an error in the Welcome message when starting up08:02
bod_fredl, we need he error message to fix it?08:03
doug_is this room for gutsy?08:03
fredl'Unable to create view: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin08:03
bod_doug_, all ubuntu related questions are welcome08:03
singlesundoug_, its for all of ubuntu08:03
fredland the java stack dump says:08:03
fredljava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin08:03
fredl   at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:402)08:03
doug_i need to install a ndisgtk for my wifi08:03
fredlso somehow I guess a dependancy isn't right and org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin isn't installed.08:04
fredlbod_: you use eclipse?08:04
plen0x_Why is it that every time I set it to let a group mount a drive (pysdm) it doesn't mount/unmount at all?08:04
bod_fredl, that would be my guess,. synaptic search it,. im not too good with that sorta stuff im afraid,.,. and no i dont08:04
plen0x_I'm in the group, no doubt about it.08:05
bod_plen0x_, unmount command is umount be carefull of tht one08:05
doug_can someone help me set up for wifi? please08:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiskgtk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndisgtk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:05
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
bod_!info ndisgtk08:06
ubotundisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 172 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)08:06
bod_i win!!08:06
speeddemon8803heh, we should memorize the factoid triggers :/08:06
=== flyback_ is now known as flyback-
* bod_ pushes speeddemon8803 off the bot-useablilty podeom08:06
speeddemon8803im LOOKING at them and still am messing up.08:06
plen0x_bod_, yeah, kinda knew that :P08:06
speeddemon8803oh pfft08:07
bod_plen0x_, ok,.,.my bad08:07
speeddemon8803<---beginner team08:07
plen0x_If I try and right click to mount and unmount it says I don't have permissions.08:07
bod_do it through terminal with sudo?08:07
speeddemon8803beginner..no wonder i dont know jack about ubotus commands ;)08:07
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:07
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, sudo mount /dev/hda1 or sudo umount /dev/hda1 - for example08:07
bod_!ubotu > speeddemon880308:07
plen0x_I know how to do it like that, guys :P That's not the problem.08:08
speeddemon8803ive got the page up right now :)08:08
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE08:08
plen0x_The problem is, I can't just mount it from the right click dropdown, and I used to be able.08:08
bod_plen0x_, or maybe if you want to do it through nautilus, run nautilus with sudo,.,. gksudo nautilus08:08
bod_my bad08:08
doug_can someone know help me set up the tar.gz please08:08
bod_doug_, whats wrong with your tar.gz?08:08
speeddemon8803set up as in extract?08:09
doug_bod i need to know how to install it08:09
bod_doug_, what prog r u installing?08:09
* speeddemon8803 hates targz files in ubuntu...i always mess up08:09
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, check the permissions in /etc/fstab08:09
doug_bod_, ndiswrapper-1.52.tar.gz08:09
plen0x_Jewfro-Macabbi, that's another problem. If I set it to where a group (admin, for example) can mount/umount, it complains about an error.08:10
fredlbod_: I figured out what's the problem. Eclipse uses the gcj jvm on ubuntu by default. When you install the Sun jvm everything seems to work fine08:10
bod_doug_, do it through synaptic,.,. so much easier08:10
bod_fredl, col,.,.well done08:10
singlesunanyone have a decent knowledge of fdisk?08:11
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, here's and example from my file: "noatime,defaults,users,ro,umask=0 0 0" - not sure what your exact problem is then08:11
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, in that example the user who needs access must be a member of the "users" group08:11
doug_bod_,  it is asking me to insert the gutsy cd  why?08:12
Spee_DerI need a plugin-in for x-chat. Is anyone aware of a weather plug-in for x-chat please ?08:12
plen0x_Jewfro-Macabbi, access to the drive, or access to mount? I can create and delete files, but I can't mount/umount08:12
bod_doug_, because it has certain things on the cd it needs,. im not sure why it doesnt just get them from a repo, but oh  well,. give it the cd08:12
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, oh - you know I'm not sure about that - sorry08:12
doug_bod_,  will the live cd work?08:13
c0mp13371331337doug_-  You can uncheck the CD from being used from the Software Sources app.08:13
Spee_Derdoug_ your cd is still listed in the repository file, so it is going to first check there.08:13
fredlbod_: when you do install the sun java jcm and thus make eclipse 'work', it all of the sudden realises that it needs one hell of a lot of plugins :)08:13
fredlthat program is such a pig...08:13
doug_c0mp13371331337,  how do i uncheck that?08:13
Jewfro-Macabbidoug_, you still have the install CD enabled as a repository, you can turn it off under  - system, administration, software sources08:13
doug_Spee_Der, thanks08:14
doug_Jewfro-Macabbi, thank you as well08:14
fredla weather plugin for xchat.....08:14
plen0x_Jewfro-Macabbi, check it out. Even with your exact example, it fudges up.08:14
plen0x_If I then remove the "users" option, it works fine.08:14
fredlthat's somewhat of an unusual request Spee_Der08:14
plen0x_IT's complaining about having a group set.08:14
Jewfro-Macabbiplen0x_, sorry then - you've exceeded my knowledge08:14
Spee_Derdoug_, look at /etc/apt/sources.list file.08:14
c0mp13371331337doug_-  From Synaptic, Settings > Repositories.08:14
Spee_DerThat way too....08:15
c0mp13371331337doug_-  Uncheck "Cdrom with Ubuntu 7.10 'Gutsy Gibbon".08:15
doug_c0mp13371331337,  i am trying to find that box08:15
speeddemon8803you install packages from a cd in terminal in apt by using apt-cd correct?08:16
c0mp13371331337Should be at the bottom of the Ubuntu Software tab.08:16
Spee_Derdoug_, start Synaptic, click settings, then repositories.08:17
Spee_Derfredl, how is that? I'd like to be able to have it come up using an F key from time to time.08:17
doug_got it thank you all08:18
doug_it is still not showing wifi08:18
bullgard4https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Tracker states: "apps like gedit and rhythmbox need to add custom metadata to files." I do not understand why gedit should need to add custom metadata to files. Can you explain?08:19
sanozukealou how do i set a timer in x-xhat08:19
sanozukewith a message08:19
wacoKid_I am trying to get a macbook pro working with ubuntu. does anyone know of a keytouch layout for macs? I've googled to no avail, can someone help me out?08:20
wacoKid_I need to map some keys to CTRL and somehow manage to figure out a way to actually right click :(08:21
wacoKid_damn macs ultra-simplicity08:21
speeddemon8803wow....38 percent done..yay08:22
spowersis there a package like ubuntu-desktop, only without openoffice?08:23
DreamLnrhow do i install my hp dv6000 nvidia driuvers on gutsy?08:23
doug_i need some help setting up this card http://www.target.com/Linksys-Compact-Wireless-USB-Adapter/dp/B000CRFI8A/sr=1-11/qid=1202026984/ref=sr_1_11/602-7962242-9307029?ie=UTF8&index=target&field-original-keywords=lynksys&rh=k%3Alinksys&page=108:23
doug_can someone help me on that?08:25
bullgard4Can you recommend a 'Tracker Search' tutorial?08:25
Flannelspowers: Install ubuntu-desktop, then remove openoffice08:26
Jewfro-MacabbiDreamLnr, system - administration - restricted drivers manager08:26
spowersubuntu-desktop depends, not suggests, openoffice.  so i'm not sure that would work out so well.08:26
spowersanyway thanks08:26
spowersi'll just grab individual packages.. should work well enough08:27
Flannelspowers: It will.  When you remove OOo, you'll also remove u-d, but thats no big deal08:27
doug_here is the wifi i need help setting up if anyone does not mind helping me08:27
bullgard4spowers: Why do you need that? It seems to me that you did not make clear the need for that special combination.08:27
CheazizHi everyone.08:27
Flannelspowers: u-d is just a metapackage, so not having it wont affect your system.08:27
CheazizI am back, with a question...08:27
CheazizDoes Adobe Illustrator CS2 install and run in Wine (Ubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy)?08:28
Jewfro-MacabbiCheaziz, check the WineHQ database08:28
spowersFlannel: i upgraded a machine once from dapper to edgy with no u-d installed, or no xubuntu-desktop or anything else for that matter and the upgrade went poorly.  something to do with update-manager's upgrade hacks08:28
CheazizJewfro-Macabbi, Can you give me the URL for that database, please?08:29
spowersbullgard4: i don't use openoffice and it's huge.  anyway, i'll figure it out, thanks08:29
Jewfro-MacabbiCheaziz, I don't have that handy sorry   - google is your friend08:29
foo-nixI am using esd as a sound server, at least this is the way It is set up in the propperties of the System>Preferences>Sound settings page. On the contary I have no sound, it worked yesterday using esd, but a huge crash forced me to reboot my computer the hard way, since then sound fails. I have two cards, one onboard, one pc -- the one I want to use.08:29
Cheazizok, brb08:29
Flannelspowers: You need u-d to properly upgrade, but update-manager (had you used that) would've taken care of it.08:29
Flannelspowers: The update will go just as poorly with just installing regular packages, so you're really not changing the situation08:30
Affeningbonjour !!08:30
bullgard4spowers: Using Synaptic, it will not be difficult to grab individual packages.08:30
spowersanother question, is there a no-x version of update-manager?08:30
doug_please anyone mind i am on a desktop and have to use ethernet and am sitting on the living room floor trying to get this wifi going but no luck08:31
Affeningest ce quil y a un serveur francais?08:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:31
bullgard4spowers: Yes. there is.08:31
Flannelspowers: There is as of either feisty or gutsy.08:31
Flannelspowers: although, personally, I don't really see a need for it.  But thats just me.08:31
foo-nixCould someone help me go through my sound settings?08:32
spowersFlannel: well, i could always install xlibs on my servers and do it that way...  my take is that either you need update-manager to do a /proper/ upgrade, or you just apt-get upgrade and pray that it doesn't rain08:32
Gnine!fr | Affening08:32
ubotuAffening: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:32
Gnineyah. that08:32
Affeningoui j'y suis08:32
Affeningmerci !08:32
nemilari love french08:33
Gnineyou love english more08:33
speeddemon8803me too...just dont know much of it...thankfully we have different channels for that ;)08:33
Flannelspowers: The only magic voodoo update-manager does is verify that you have the proper metapackages installed, and disable any third party repos.  And when doing that sort of upgrade, you use dist-upgrade (one of the uses of it) not just regular upgrade (regular upgrade will cause problems)08:33
CheazizAnother question... Are Windows applications running under Wine installed as if on a Windows box?08:34
foo-nixspeeddemon8803: Arn't you a song of Micheal jackson?08:34
spowersyeah, i meant dist-upgrade. always worked ok on debian for me.08:34
FlannelCheaziz: yes.  With the C drive being located in ~/.wine/drive_c/08:34
speeddemon8803not that i am aware of08:34
speeddemon8803im no thriller08:34
spowersok, yet another thing.. is there any difference any more behind the dep resolution logic of synaptic/aptitude/apt-get anymore, or have they become the same again08:34
CheazizFlanger, so you mean I can actually RUN the installer (*.exe) file, and it will work?08:35
Gninetechnically , yes, Cheaziz ... but keep in mind that linux is not windows08:35
FlannelCheaziz: If you run them via wine, yeah.08:35
CheazizGnine, LOL08:35
speeddemon8803Wine=Windows IS NOT Exact.....ly bugproof08:35
CheazizFlannel, I just got a report from WineHQ, that Adobe Illustrator CS2 doesnt work in Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy - Wine. LOL08:35
DreamLnrhow do i install my hp dv6000 nvidia driuvers on gutsy?08:36
FlannelCheaziz: that isnt too surprising08:36
CheazizFlannel, LOL08:36
CheazizThere is an alternative, sk1, but it is not a full release yet. BUMMER!08:36
elbermungstersesi have a problem with one of my themes. can anyone help?08:36
foo-nixthe ubuntu online documentation has no such thread about configuring ones sound.08:37
foo-nixI mean, fail!08:37
CheazizDoes this mean I have to install a WinXP O/S on my unpartitioned space? I really thought I could ESCAPE from Windows!08:37
doug_can someone help me set up wifi with a usb lynksys please08:37
Cheazizsk1 (sk1project.org) is in development... LOL08:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:37
Flannel!sound | foo-nix08:38
ubotufoo-nix: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:38
Flannelfoo-nix: Like that?08:38
foo-nixspeeddemon8803: You are on his album Bad.08:38
foo-nixFlannel: Thank you08:38
speeddemon8803Please prove this somehow...08:38
brandonc503how do i get to trusted sites in ff?08:39
n6hggdougsko:search out that in the ubuntu forums08:39
bullgard4man tracker-services mentions a 'Conversations' service. How can I specify it in order to match a search string in 'Conversations' files only?08:39
ArelisThis guide works great for Feisty Fawn 7.04. Do NOT follow this guide for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 since Xgl framework has changed dramatically. <-- Does this mean i shouldn't install XGL?08:39
elbermungstersesi have a problem withone of my themes. can anyone help please?08:40
speeddemon8803Speed demon...person that loves going fast.08:40
speeddemon8803also known as lead foot08:40
nemilardude ubuntu sucks.  Nautilus won't restart!08:41
snorkelcan someone recommend a linux compatible printer I can get for cheap from walmart?08:41
nemilarsnorkel: check out www.linuxprinting.org08:41
nemilarsnorkel: your best bet is an HP or Epson.  avoid lexmark at all costs; but check that database before you buy.08:42
ArelisThis guide works great for Feisty Fawn 7.04. Do NOT follow this guide for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 since Xgl framework has changed dramatically. <-- Does this mean i shouldn't install XGL?08:42
spowerssnorkel: i don't know about walmart, but i bought a brother 5140 and it works very well over usb with my debian system -- would only be better with ubuntu. and always look at linuxprinting.org first as suggested above :)08:42
Cheazizsnorkel, Ubuntu 7.10 is compatible with pretty much all printers... so far I havent had problems installing printers...08:42
CheazizUnlike with Windows! LOL08:42
nemilarCheaziz: that's not true08:42
nemilarCheaziz: loads and loads of printers are useless to linux08:43
soldatsi dont believe lexmark is fully supporte08:43
Cheaziznemilar, OH?08:43
nemilaryeah, most lexmark printers are paper-weights when it comes to linux08:43
nemilarthey're win-printers, like winmodems08:43
snorkelyeah I wasn't able to get the wifi lexmark working08:43
Cheaziznemilar, Well, my new Canon PIXMA 5200 worked just fine... zero-config...08:43
brizbencheck your printer is supported before you buy it.08:43
nemilaryeah, exactly, brizben08:43
Pirate_Hunterwhats the command to create a link between firefox flash with opera?08:43
FloodBot3elbermungsterses: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:44
doug_i need help setting up a wifi usb lynksys with model number WUSB54GSC can some one please help08:44
soldatscheck blacklst for printers as well as all other devices08:44
speeddemon8803ive never seen floodbot in action...that was actually pretty neat08:44
nemilarevery once and a while someone will try to paste their entire xorg.conf or something08:45
L3ttuc3in network manager, when i disable networking, it does not prevent my wifi connection from working. also, when i disable wifi in my laptop by pressing the Fn + wifi key, nothing happens. why is that, and how can i enable appropriate behaviour?08:45
nemilar:( no clue about the wifi08:45
speeddemon8803the topic clearly states use pastebin.....08:45
Pirate_HunterI need to get flash working on opera, I have installed it but opera doesn't pick it up, so I need to know that command to do a symbina link to the mozilla folder?08:45
L3ttuc3if i do ifconfig ath0 down, ifconfig ath0 up (while it resumes with proper dhcp settings) will not work.08:45
nemilarok, my darn nautilus is broken08:45
brandonc503how come pictures on local machine wont show in fire fox?08:46
speeddemon8803heh, it seems like everyones nautilus is breaking this morning/evening08:46
L3ttuc3how do i restore proper network activity after i use ifconfig ath0 up?08:46
nemilarb/c nautilus is junk, like most linux software08:46
L3ttuc3nemilar what would you recommend using?08:47
foo-nuxAmarok says: "Xine was unable to load any audio drivers", and I get no sound, anyone has an idea what it means -- no captain obvious talk please :)08:47
nemilarL3ttuc3: I don't have an answer for that one :( not much experience with wifi in linux08:47
L3ttuc3nemilar no, i was talking about nautilus; what would be your alternative?08:47
nemilarthunar is pretty nice08:47
nemilarI don't think it's nautilus that's causing the problem for me right now, though.... I'm pretty sure it's GnomeVFS08:48
L3ttuc3eh. you said software for linux is crap. isnt thunar also linux?08:48
speeddemon8803wouldnt removing nautilus break ubuntu?08:48
underwatercownemilar: are you using hardy?08:48
nemilarspeeddemon8803: nah, not really08:48
nemilarUndeadlord: no, GG08:48
=== rekon_ is now known as rekon
nemilarerrr underwatercow that was for you08:48
doug_can someone give me some help?08:48
nemilarunderwatercow: I have HH on a testing partition though08:49
Gninecrap is not allowed here08:49
nemilar!ask | doug_08:49
ubotudoug_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:49
L3ttuc3anyways. to get back to my wifi0/ath0/network manager problem/ifconfig problem. anyone know?08:49
speeddemon8803stinky things that come out of your lower half arent welcome here...*points to toilet*08:49
underwatercownemilar: ah.... I'm having some nautilus issues due to the GnomeVFS changes they are making08:49
JVizdo i have to create another partition every time i want to grow an existing lvm volume group on a drive with unpartitioned space? or can i just grow the partition somehow?08:49
nemilarunderwatercow: on HH?  HH uses GVFS, not GnomeVFS08:50
nemilarunderwatercow: and the bugs are plentiful08:50
DaremonaiI want to use ogre3d, can anyone direct me to a decent C++ IDE to make my life easier while working with ogre?08:50
underwatercownemilar: are they not the same?08:50
nemilarDaremonai: not sure what ogre3d is, but Eclipse is a good IDEA08:50
doug_i have a lynksys usb wifi with model number WUSB54GSC i need help getting it going please08:50
nemilarunderwatercow: no, GVFS is the replacement for GnomeVFS08:50
speeddemon8803200 mb left of my download..yay08:50
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me get flash working on opera?08:50
nemilarremoves many of the limitations of GnomeVFS08:50
nemilar!flash | Pirate_Hunter08:50
ubotuPirate_Hunter: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »08:50
snorkelok I found a good printer for me thanks all08:51
Daremonainemilar, ogre3d: open source graphics engine08:51
JVizDaremonai: i second the Eclipse vote08:51
nemilarlol I said IDEA instead of IDE up there08:51
underwatercownemilar: right... well, you know what I meant. :-p08:51
DaremonaiAlright, I'm already downloading ;)08:51
Daremonainemilar yeah i saw :)08:51
nemilarughhh I'm gonna have to logout and log back in I think08:51
nemilarI _KNEW_ suspending was a bad idea08:51
JVizdoes intellij IDEA do C++ now?08:51
nemilarbut I did it anyway....... .  ....08:51
L3ttuc3neither suspend nor hibernate work for me.08:52
Gninethere are known issues about it08:52
doug_anyone? know anything about wifi?08:52
L3ttuc3so anyone for the ath0/wifi0/ifconfig/network manager problem?08:52
* Gnine uses wired only so far08:53
L3ttuc3doug_ if you're really stuck, look up ndiswrapper, and windows xp drivers. you'll have to do a bit of tinkering though.08:53
HapposadeHow to install OpenGL to nvidia 7600 Gt (or does it work at all?)08:53
doug_L3ttuc3,  thanks08:53
L3ttuc3doug_ that is, if there isn't already a module for your wifi card.08:54
doug_L3ttuc3,  how would i find the module?08:54
ham_I need some N00b questions answered08:54
ham_for ubuntu08:54
Flannel!ask | ham_08:54
ubotuham_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ogre-tools - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:54
L3ttuc3doug_ first try googling. and/or ubuntu forums for your wifi card. someone usually already has encoutnered your problem, you might have an easy step-by-step fix.08:55
HapposadeHow to install OpenGL to nvidia 7600 Gt (or does it work at all?)08:55
ham_!ask I have compizfuzion installed. Just wondering how to change the highligh colors for the menus08:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:55
DreamLnrmy kubuntu on dv6000 allows me only 800x600 resolution. How do i get a higher one?08:56
ham_ I have compizfuzion installed. Just wondering how to change the highligh colors for the menus08:56
DreamLnrkubuntu gutsy08:56
soldats!compiz > ham_ there should be a compiz channel listed here08:57
L3ttuc3doug_ might be worthwhile having a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-612771.html maybe?08:57
arabiannightshello even though i hate ubuntu and you are not mandriva support channel can you help me install nvidia driver in my mandriva 2008? thanks alot08:57
L3ttuc3arabiannights and mandriva support channel didn't help?08:58
soldatsisnt there a mandriva chan for you, no offense, or try in ##linux08:58
arabiannightsL3ttuc3 nope not that much\08:58
jones20992how do you chang your nick08:58
doug_L3ttuc3,  thank you08:58
arabiannightsL3ttuc3 i need to know how to install driver after typing drake 1108:58
spowerswhat's the proper way to add a mirror to the sources.list?  I normally vi /etc/apt/sources.list and %s/us.archive.ubuntu.com/<my favorite mirror>/g -- but that moves everything to third party sources.  What I'm wondering about is if there's a proper way to add my mirror to the list so synaptic and "Software Sources" don't think of all of the "normal" stuff as third party just because it's at my mirror08:58
soldatsjones20992:  do /nick <nickname>08:59
L3ttuc3arabiannights eh i was just wondering. i've got an ati card. last time i tried linux with nvidia was in 2000.08:59
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »08:59
akumahey guys, i was wondering what makes this distribution so popular?09:00
arabiannightsL3ttuc3 which linux was that?09:00
nemilarman I had to reboot :(09:00
soldatssupports almost everything and by far has the best community support (at the right hours though) akuma09:01
L3ttuc3arabiannights debian. in 2000. don't remember the version number.09:01
Dr_willisakuma,  the tech support channels. :)09:01
doug_L3ttuc3,  do you think you can help me if i need help in setting it up? if not it is ok09:01
nemilarsoldats: I hope you didn't just say that linux supports almost everything ;)09:01
soldatsdid you read what i wrote09:01
nemilarI didn't see what it was in response to09:02
L3ttuc3doug_ no, not really, i really had to tinker around before i managed to get my atheros card working. and i had to go the ndiswrapper way.09:02
nemilarhad to reboot, because nautilus crashed and wouldn't restart09:02
VvWolverinevVhi, is there any way to manually set the default version of java on your system (as reported by java -version)?09:02
soldatsIMO ubuntu supports pretty much most standard hardware09:02
BiGLiPShey friends, i just got a fresh install of LAMP going on in ubuntu.. seems like if i wanna edit my htdocs in the folder /var/www/ i have to be root.. is this normal? isnt it more secure to somehow just edit htdocs as a normal user?09:02
nemilarVvWolverinevV: yeah there def. is, I think it's in the java docs09:02
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  check the !java factoid it tells ya how09:02
nemilar!java | VvWolverinevV09:02
ubotuVvWolverinevV: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)09:02
akumasoldats: Dr_willis: awesome because im building a new machine and kind of curious on what distro to put on it09:02
doug_L3ttuc3, how do i cd to the folder on my desktop?09:03
akumais Ubuntu built like Gentoo, or Sabayon, with using Portage?09:03
nemilarsoldats: linux definitely has poor hardware support09:03
nemilaras compared to, I donno, Windows09:03
Dr_willisakuma,  ubuntu is debian based09:03
nemilarakuma: it's based on debian, which means it uses Apt09:03
Ayabaraanyone got a tip for a nice compact theme that gives me a lot of screen real-estate? meaning slim, but still nice and readable window title bars and such09:03
rsknemilar: not poor really.09:03
rsknemilar: more like not as rapid with drivers for bleeding edge hardware.09:04
L3ttuc3doug_ umm, folders and filenames are case-sensitive in linux. if you open up a terminal, it'll take you to your home folder by default. go get to the desktop you would use 'cd Desktop' minus the quotes.09:04
nemilarrsk: more like a huge list of hardware that will never work09:04
akumaah ok09:04
akumaapt-get isnt that bad09:04
nemilarrsk: many: wifi cards, webcams, printers...09:04
L3ttuc3doug_ you get name completion by pressing tab. if you have more than one possible choise, pressing tab twice will list them.09:04
akumai've been so addicted to Emerge, i love how its built09:04
Dr_willisnemilar,  I have a lot of old hardware thats not supported in Vista.. but is in linux.. So from my point of view linux has BETTER hardware support.09:04
nemilarDr_willis: old hardware?09:04
Dr_willisDont blame linux becuase the companies making the hardware are being cheap.09:05
Dr_willisnemilar,  old scanners and so forth.09:05
doug_L3ttuc3, thank you09:05
nemilarI'm not blaming linux, and it's not that the companies are being cheap09:05
nemilarThey're developing their drivers for Windows, because that's what people use.09:05
Dr_willisVista disabled half the features of my all-in-one printer-scanner compared to xp.09:05
nemilarWell Vista is a beast in its own right09:05
soldatsplus linux community actually cares if stuff is supported and tries to make everything the best they can09:05
Dr_willisnemilar,  the point is that if they just rleased the specs  then there plenty of people who would make the drivers for them.09:06
nemilarsoldats: yeah, but that's because the community is the only one doing any driver-writing in the first place, with rare exception09:06
Dr_willisBut its getting better all the time.09:06
nemilarDr_willis: yes, this is true.09:06
mevetskii am trying to install nvidia drivers on my ubuntu09:06
arabiannightshow is Hardy Heron release going?09:06
Dr_willisarabiannights,  seems tobe on schedule. :)09:06
mevetskii found a step-by-step guide that requires me to install envy; but i can't find this envy in Synaptic Package Manager09:06
nemilarDr_willis: those that do release their specs get great support; those that don't either get iffy support (Reverse-Engineered) if they're very popular, or no support at all09:06
arabiannightsDr-willis i mean the beta?09:07
Dr_willismevetski,  you dont want or need envy in most cases.09:07
soldats!envy > mevetski09:07
mevetskiah. I was told it was the easiest way to install the drivers09:07
Dr_willisnemilar,  or they do like creative did.. and totally screw up  with their x-fi cards.09:07
nemilararabiannights: the alpha was a day late...09:07
Dr_willisarabiannights,  check #ubuntu+109:07
nemilarDr_willis: basically, the point is that, if you're buying a printer for windows, you don't have to go to www.windowsprinting.org first to see if it'll even print ;)09:08
Dr_willisnemilar,  it pays to do research. it always has.09:08
spowersanyone know where the "Software Sources" control panel's list of mirrors is kept?09:08
nemilarthe very lack of a windowsprinting.org (I'm assuming) is the point I'm making09:08
arabiannightsnemillar what would be the difference between final rease and this beta realse?09:08
nemilararabiannights: it's not a beta right now, it's an alpha09:08
nemilararabiannights: right now it is full of bugs, and shouldn't be used on any system that you don't feel comfortable having to completely reformat09:09
arabiannightsnemillar whatś the difference?09:09
Dr_willisIve never had to download a 128mb printer driver file for linux either. :) like i had to for  my HP printer under windows.09:09
Hali_303hi! where can I find a tutorial on how to build a custom ubuntu kernel? the linux-source package contains the ubuntu kernel sources or the vanilla one?09:09
Dr_willisI will stick with Linux for my needs.09:09
nemilarDr_willis: HP has exceptional Linux support, and therefore I buy HP09:09
mevetskithe restricted driver manager drivers don't seem to work well09:09
VvWolverinevVnemilar: Dr_willis: that's much easier!  i had been editing runLime.sh to get limewire to work, haha09:09
mevetskii can't change my refresh rate, for example, or enable compiz09:10
Dr_willisnemilar,  canon sucks at it. :) so i will never buy a canon again.. (well not without doign research first) heh..09:10
BiGLiPSthe only thing that linux lacks is gaming support.. everything else is good09:10
nemilarDr_willis: but, my point still stands.  All hardware works on Windows; much hardware does not work on Linux; therefore, Windows has better hardware support than Linux.09:10
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  check out frostwire :) and Yes both those tools need the actual sun java to work.09:10
brandonc503anyone know why my images on local machine wont show in firefox unless i put in exact address?09:10
nemilarDr_willis: yeah, you learn which companies to steer away from09:10
nemilarbrandonc503: that's the way it works ;)09:11
nemilarbrandonc503: if you want to create  a gallery, there are programs that do that09:11
brandonc503nemilar: are you serious, ?09:11
Dr_willisnemilar,  not all hardware works on windows any more.  I have some that is no longer supported. I recall the exact same thing happening with windows 95 to XP. I had several scanners that became useless.09:11
nemilarDr_willis: Vista is the exception...Vista is a terrible POS.  But they'll work out the bugs, in due time.09:11
Dr_williswindows has better 'company' support by the hardware makers.09:11
brandonc503nemilar firefox do this on purpus?09:11
VvWolverinevVDr_willis: i imagine a lot of people are having problems with that because installation of icedtea through firefox takes the default away from the sun versions09:11
=== glt is now known as coffeetom
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  i had to install icedtea to get miro working the other day09:12
=== coffeetom is now known as coffeeTom
nemilarbrandonc503: in order for firefox to show you a gallery, it would have to generate its own HTML file, thumbnail all the images, etc etc09:12
nemilarbrandonc503: that's not what a web browser does.09:12
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  not noticed that breaking limewire.09:12
nemilarbrandonc503: if you're just browsing your images, use gThumb or F-spot, or even Nautilus09:12
VvWolverinevVDr_willis: have you run limewire today?09:12
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  not ran it in weeks. :)09:12
VvWolverinevVDr_willis: try it09:13
brandonc503nemilar so your saying i cant <img src="file:///anything"> just wana make sure09:13
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  plus i use frostwire. Not limewire. :)09:13
ArelisGuys, is it safe to install XGL on Ubuntu with an ATI Radeon 9600 and the propietary ATI drivers?09:13
nemilarbrandonc503: oh... no, uhm... that you can do.09:13
nemilarbrandonc503:  You're writing an HTML file?09:13
VvWolverinevVDr_willis: it's based on limewire, it would break both09:13
brandonc503its not working, but i click on it and copy location and past it in address book it works09:13
nemilarbrandonc503: try img src="/home/username/etc/etc"09:14
doug_ok anyone ever setup a usb wifi?09:14
shishirmkcan any1 help me get my tomcat working on ubuntu?09:14
nemilarbrandonc503: are you serving this via apache?  or just opening an HTML file in firefox?09:14
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:14
marckiecan somebody help me pls?09:14
nemilar!ask | marckie09:14
ubotumarckie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:14
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  one reason to avoide those 2 apps. :) heh09:15
Dr_willisVvWolverinevV,  and it does seem broke. but it looks like i am using the sun java09:15
marckiei have a partition in my desktop wherein the owner is root09:15
shishirmktomcat help09:15
brandonc503via apache09:15
nemilarmarckie: following you so far09:15
marckiei want it to be changed to my user account so i can use it in virtual box09:15
brandonc503nemilar via apache09:15
nemilarbrandonc503: in that case, you'll have to put the images in your www directory, to start with09:15
marckiei mean i want to change its access to have r/rw09:15
brandonc503nemilar did that09:16
nemilarbrandonc503: and don't use file:///, that's totally wrong... just use img src="/images/whatever.jpg" or whatever09:16
VvWolverinevVDr_willis: read the error messages carefully, it reports 1.2 as too old, and then finds icedtea (which doesn't work)09:16
marckienemilar: sorry for that...09:16
doug_L3ttuc3,  you there?09:16
nemilarbrandonc503: that would be if your images are in /var/www/images09:16
=== boris_ is now known as snipex77
marckieanyways, i already tried chown -hR09:16
max__non funziona il plug in flash player09:16
brandonc503nemilar k but my machine is not online know.. web pages show up but the pictures dont09:16
nemilarmarckie: can you write to it with root?09:16
L3ttuc3doug_ yeah, sort of.09:16
nemilarmarckie: what's the filesystem time?09:17
nemilarbrandonc503: you're not doing the src="path" right.09:17
marckienemilar: its ntfs09:17
doug_L3ttuc3,  i can not find these two files think you can help me? usb8023.sys & rndismp.sys09:17
nemilarbrandonc503: this isn't an HTML help channel, though09:17
nemilarmarckie: install ntfs-config and enable reading/writing for your drive09:17
marckieand i can read write with it09:17
L3ttuc3doug_ that looks like windows type drivers?09:17
Daz9Is anyone good with PCs here?09:17
marckieits just that i cant access it in virtualbox09:17
brandonc503nemilar i do have the src right cause i go to the source after loads and paste src into address and it works09:17
nemilarmarckie: you'll probably have to unmount/remount after you enable write settings in ntfs-config09:17
nemilarmarckie: ahh okay09:18
brandonc503nemilar just wont work onload09:18
doug_L3ttuc3,  yes i need those two and the one from the wifi cd09:18
nemilarbrandonc503: no, you have it wrong... you are not putting the src tag correct relative to the page being served.09:18
brandonc503well i guess i wana view local image via web page09:18
L3ttuc3doug_ i'd recommend downloading the official drivers from linksys. it'd be bound to have a .inf file in there you can use with ndiswrapper.09:18
nemilarmarckie: sad to say, I haven't used virtual box09:18
marckiei made it to be a shared folder in samba09:18
Daz9OKay, anyone have any idea how I can turn off my HP pavillion dv6000 PC safe-ish, it's stuck on the log off screen and has been for 8 hours.09:19
brandonc503nemilar so you can view your picture before you up load it basicly09:19
marckienemilar: ok i understand09:19
newbie1hi fellows, I am newbie. Installed ubuntu yesterday, just now i have a problem booting up09:19
marckiethanks for following on me...09:19
nemilarDaz9: just hit the power button ;)  or if you really want.... let me remember this09:19
doug_L3ttuc3, thanks09:19
marckiei just tried chown and its no use...09:19
nemilarbrandonc503: I am telling you, you don't have your src right.09:19
Daz9nem, that puts it to sleep.09:19
nemilarbrandonc503: this is offtopic09:19
Daz9Doesn't turn it off. :(09:19
nemilarDaz9: h/o one second while I Try to remember this command09:19
nemilarit's been a while09:19
newbie1firstly i boot up, it saud some problem gnome, then i could start firefox, then crash, i managed to shut down09:19
nemilarRaising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring09:20
nemilarI Think that's right09:20
brandonc503nemilar well let me know when your not busy cause other chat rooms dead09:20
L3ttuc3doug_ do some research on google before you attempt anything. if unsure, just ask in the channel, someone's bound to be around.09:20
newbie1when i reboot it said kernel pand bad sunching. I am in safe mode now using the cd09:20
nemilarbrandonc503: msg me but let me help Daz9 first09:20
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:20
nemilarDaz9: well actually, before we head down that road, can you get to another TTY?09:20
nemilarDaz9: usually control+alt+F409:21
Daz9TTY? Tech newb here.09:21
Daz9Nothing happens.09:21
nemilarDaz9: F1 through F6 should work, but it's usually a combo of Control, Alt, and Fn09:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:21
newbie1how can i repair disk of check for mistakes09:21
nemilarnewbie1: what filesystem type?09:22
newbie1I am in safe mode09:22
nemilarDaz9: let me know if that happens... you will be taken to a text login screen if it does09:22
Daz9nem, would vista affect the command?09:22
Daz9Nothing happened.09:22
nemilarDaz9: hmm donno09:22
nemilarDaz9: doubt it09:22
newbie1it said kernel in panic, bad syncing, so i had to boot up09:22
doug_L3ttuc3,  i am pressed for time here any more tips or help would be greatful thanks09:22
doug_and anyone know how to set up a usb wifi please give me a hand09:23
jones20992hey what bot does this channel use and can you run it in ubuntu ?09:23
HumbleI'm experiencing critical failure with xorg. I cannot even begin to list all of the trouble it's causing me. I think I'm using the wrong driver or something, but no matter how many times I dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set the appropriate driver, it just keeps switching back to Vesa or whatever the it's called. While Ubuntu boots I can't see anything because it's attempting to display in a display mode my monitor cannot display, and then09:23
nemilarDaz9: now for the magic key combos....09:23
L3ttuc3doug_ im kind of going to be in and out, and to be honest, i don't know all that much, just have some pointers about where you might want to look for solutions.09:23
bullgard4English help wanted. Executing the command 'tracker-preferences' in a Gnome terminal will open a window. What name of this window will be displayed in an English Ubuntu version on the first line?09:23
nemilarDaz9: check out this page: http://mirzmaster.wordpress.com/2006/12/12/raising-skinny-elephants-is-utterly-boring/09:23
nemilarDaz9: give it a few seconds in between each step09:24
jones20992hey what bot does this channel use and can you run it in ubuntu ?09:24
Daz9Nem, if it works I'll love you forever, PC is only 2 weeks old. :P09:24
nemilarDaz9: that's a VERY old UNIX trick, haha09:24
neetodoes anyone know where to install gdm themes?09:26
Reddyplease, help me... i need channel with russian language. it's possible?09:26
nemilarDaz9: after the 'b' command it should begin to reboot09:26
jones20992reddy #linuxlogic .....rockin linux might be able to help09:27
jones20992reddy #linuxlogik .....rockin linux might be able to help09:27
doug_L3ttuc3,  what type driver i need from that site?09:27
Reddyниче не понял...09:27
foo-nixCouls someone help me set up my sound, I have been hac king some stuff for some days, making my sound work for a session, and then simply dissappear again.09:27
L3ttuc3doug_ the driver for your wifi adapter. i used the windows xp version.09:27
doug_l3 thanks09:28
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:28
doug_L3ttuc3, thanks09:28
jones20992what bot does this channel use and can you run it in ubuntu ?09:28
stachou57_un petit soucis09:28
Daz9Hmm Nem, this is a laptop, will I need to press an additional button to use sysreq, as it's in a white rectangle?09:28
stachou57_scanner epson09:28
stachou57_dx 505009:28
stachou57_xsane ne trouve pas mon scanner09:28
nemilarDaz9: if the sysreq key is a function key or something, maybe yeah09:29
stachou57_une petite aide simple09:29
nemilarDaz9: hard to say if linux even detected your keymap correctly09:29
Reddyo!!! thanks09:29
Seveas!fe | stachou57_09:30
doug_L3ttuc3,  does that come with two drivers?09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:30
Seveas!fr | stachou57_09:30
ubotustachou57_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:30
Seveas!bot | jones2099209:30
ubotujones20992: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:30
L3ttuc3doug_ i have no idea.09:30
newbie1guys how can check disk for errors what't the command09:31
Seveasnewbie1, fsck09:31
nemilarDaz9: any luck?09:31
doug_L3ttuc3,  i have that driver but i need to get the windows ones those other two named usb8023.sys & rndismp.sys09:31
doug_L3ttuc3,  it is not in that folder09:31
L3ttuc3L3ttuc3 why do you need those other two?09:32
newbie1seveas what the commad to check entire disk with fsck?09:32
L3ttuc3doug_ why do you need those other two?09:32
BruceLeroyHas anyone got hibernate or suspend to work on their laptop?09:32
travis_newbie1: man fsck09:32
Seveasnewbie1, you can only check partitions with it, for example: fsck /dev/sda109:32
Nubbiehi guys, i'm having some problems with python and fuse (specifically flickrfs), if somebody could have a look at this: http://pastebin.ca/889918 , i would be very greatful. I'm no good with python at all.09:32
doug_L3ttuc3, it sayes i do09:32
nemilarBruceLeroy: dude, I just suspended my _desktop_ and had to reboot because everything broke09:32
L3ttuc3doug_ then i really don't know. sorry.09:32
doug_L3 on this site http://www.paulie-pages.com/?tag=gutsy09:32
nemilarBruceLeroy: suspend/hibernate support should be getting better though, real soon now09:33
doug_L3ttuc3,  on this site http://www.paulie-pages.com/?tag=gutsy09:33
NubbieBruceLeroy, i'm using purely intel hardware, CPU and graphics, i have no issues at all sleeping or hibernating.09:33
* travis_ prays for flawless suspend09:33
NubbieBruceLeroy: one quick question: how big is your swap?09:33
BruceLeroyNubbie : swap is 36009:34
NubbieBruceLeroy, megabytes?09:34
newbie1o/dev/sda1: clean, 109303/30195712 files, 1624301/60388327 blocks09:34
NubbieBruceLeroy, how much memory do you have?09:34
Daz2Bah, Nem, that didn't work.09:34
nemilarDaz2: pull the power cord and let the battery drain?09:34
Nubbieermm sorry for tab pwning all of you "br" people.09:35
Nubbiei dunno how that happened.09:35
L3ttuc3doug_ i dont know, just follow his instructions, there are links on the site to those files you need. trust at your own peril though.09:35
BruceLeroyNubbie : yes09:35
newbie1does fsck repair problem or just check the block?09:35
Daz2That's what I've been letting it do allnight. :\09:35
NubbieBruceLeroy, how much RAM..09:35
=== snipex77 is now known as boris-
Daz2Any more shortcuts that might help? :\09:36
BruceLeroyNubbie : I think 1.5 GB09:36
doug_L3ttuc3, how do i cd to a folder on my desktop called untitled folder?09:37
BruceLeroySleep, puts my laptop to sleep, but I can't wait it back up.09:37
L3ttuc3er doug_ cd untitled, then press tab. or 'cd untitled\ folder'.09:38
NubbieBruceLeroy: you should have at least 1.5gb of swap then, i'd recommend doubling that to 3GB swap. otherwise hibernation will NEVER work for you.09:38
BruceLeroyNubbie : that make sense. Thanks, I'll try that.09:38
Daz2Back in a bit.09:38
nemilarDaz2: I doubt it will cause any hardware damage..and the filesystem should remain in tact just fine09:39
[nrx]any UK folk who use MythTV?09:40
doug_L3ttuc3,  i get a bash everytime09:40
SpaceAviatoranyone on CrunchBang here?09:40
Daz2What should? Them commands don't work, Nem. :\09:41
doug_L3ttuc3, bash: cd: /home/doug/Desktop/untitled: No such file or directory09:41
Daz2I pinged btw, if you said something I may not have saw.09:41
Daz2Oh, nvm.09:41
nemilarDaz2: hmm...the machine is on your local network right?09:41
nemilarDaz2: can you ping it from another machine?  you saying 'ping' gave me an idea09:41
Daz2it's not actually online.09:42
L3ttuc3doug_ cd /home/doug/Desktop/untitled\ folder09:42
nemilaroh :(09:42
L3ttuc3doug_ im going to be afk now.09:42
travis_Where would I change the background color that flashes between login screen and success? Not in appearance(desktop) or login09:42
Daz2It's just.. stuck.. at the logoff screen for when you turn it off..09:42
nemilarDaz2: I was going to say, if you could ping it, you could see if it was still alive09:42
bullgard4English help wanted. Executing the command 'tracker-preferences' in a Gnome terminal will open a window. What name of this window will be displayed in an English Ubuntu version on the first line?09:42
nemilarDaz2: sounds like poor laptop power management support...what brand/model laptop?09:42
Daz2I don't know how much battery is left either. :\09:43
nemilarDaz2: turn the brightness all the way up ;)09:43
travis_Daz2: plug in usb devices09:43
nemilaroooh good one09:43
nemilar"how to drain power from a laptop 101"09:43
Daz2Hmm, won't use my stick incase it breaks, I'll find a mouse.09:43
Daz2Lmao, should make a documenty. ^^09:43
pranithhello.. how do i keep my ubuntu system from upgrading a package?09:44
[nrx]send it to it's room without any supper unless it complies09:44
doug_can someone help me with cd and cp please?09:44
nemilardoug_: what's the problem?09:44
spowersi'm running PowerTOP right now... if anyone has a laptop, definately check it out, it's helping me conserve power.  very good stuff.09:45
nemilarpranith: I wish I knew the answer off the top of my head, but all I can tell you is that it's definitely possible09:45
Daz2OKay, I've plugged in a usb mic and a usb mouse.That's all I have really, not risking my USB stick.09:45
doug_nemilar, i am trying to do this http://www.paulie-pages.com/?tag=gutsy09:45
pranithhello.. how do i keep my ubuntu system from upgrading a package? i dont want to upgrade to acrobat 8. i have acrobat 7 installed on my system...09:45
pranithnemilar, ok09:45
nemilarDaz2: lol, I hear that09:45
doug_nemilar,  i have the three drivers but what am i supposed to do with them?09:45
newbie1 I can't boot I get this error______09:45
newbie1EXT3-fs error (device sda2): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=3457577, block =6914067.09:45
newbie1Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!09:45
newbie1I don't know what to do, since there is no way (that I can find) where I can access a command line. Is there any way I can recover my data or even fix this?_09:45
newbie1i am in safe mode now09:46
akumahey anyone know if Ubuntu supports G15 Logitec Keyboard?09:46
nemilarnewbie1: boot fro a LiveCD, Gparted LiveCD would be a good choice09:46
akumaim using it now, but im not using the whole leftside button configuration09:46
nemilardoug_: what step are you stuck on?09:46
doug_nemilar, step 309:47
nemilarnewbie1: that'll let you run a filesystem check (fsck) on it...09:47
glickhey has anyone run ubuntu with the open solaris kernel?09:47
bullgard4English help wanted. Executing the command 'tracker-preferences' in a Gnome terminal will open a window. What name of this window will be displayed in an English Ubuntu version on the first line?09:47
doug_nemilar, i have the drivers in a untitled folder on my desktop09:47
newbie1nemilar, thanks, i will reboot now09:47
Daz2Aww, thought I'd had a brainwave there.09:47
nemilardoug_: okay, to get to that folder, in terminal: "cd ~/Desktop/untitled\ folder"09:48
doug_nemilar, i am also in the folder as cd09:48
Daz2It came with a remote control for movie purposes.09:48
doug_nemilar,  the error code i get is this cp: cannot stat `usb8023.sys': No such file or directory09:48
nemilardoug_: do an "ls"09:48
dhanar10glick, why would you run ubuntu using open solaris kernel?09:48
elbermungsterseshi guys, i have a problem with one of my themes. could any of you please help me?09:48
glickdhanar10, umm cause its an options, opensolaris is a good kernel09:49
glicknexenta is ubuntu with the solaris kernel09:49
valeflywhen i do sudo modprobe ndiswrapper i get FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory09:49
valeflywhat can i do to restore my ndiswrapper instalation?09:49
doug_nemilar, rndismp(2).sys  usb8023(2).sys  WUSB54GSCvis.inf09:49
dhanar10i didn't know that....09:49
nemilardoug_: okay, so "mv usb8023(2).sys usb8023.sys" and same for the other09:50
Daz2What would removing the battery do?09:50
nemilarDaz2: haha, I was wondering if you'd ask that09:50
Nubbiedhanar10: apparently the solaris kernel is very fast.09:50
nemilarDaz2: is the HDD spinning? can you hear it?09:50
Nubbiedhanar10: and unstable lol.09:50
chrasohello chennal09:50
doug_nemilar,  so sorry but you lost me09:50
chrasoneed help09:50
chraso on booting unubtu09:51
nemilarDaz2: brb09:51
elbermungstersesi installed my aero-clone theme but all i have is a dull blue bar.09:51
Daz2The fans are working and it makes the whirring nouse when I open the CD drive, Nem.09:51
nemilarDaz2: if the HDD isn't spinning, personally I'd pull the battery... if it is spinning, I'd _personally_ hesistate a little longer, then pull the battery09:51
Daz2What's the worst thing that could happen if I pull the battery out?09:52
NubbieDaz2: data loss / fs corruption.09:52
NubbieDaz2: what filesystem is it though?09:52
Daz2Err... the one that isn't fat32...09:53
Daz2N something?09:53
Kamus_H_Zwischyour HD break, not just the fs09:53
doug_nemilar, i done that and did all of step 3 sayes invalid driver09:53
LimezHello all09:53
LimezI use Ubuntu gutsy but my compiz crashed09:54
nemilardoug_: did you rename it from usb8023(2).sys to usb8023.sys ?09:54
nemilardoug_: and the same for the other?  otherwise it won't recognize it09:54
doug_nemilar,  yes i have09:54
Daz2Should I just do it, Nem? :\09:54
Limezwhat it the default window designer?09:54
nemilarDaz2: NTFS09:54
nemilarDaz2: do itttttttttttttt09:54
nemilareveryone chant "do it" @ daz09:54
LimezWhat's the name of the default window decorator? (my compiz crashed)09:55
doug_nemilar, rndismp.sys  usb8023.sys  WUSB54GSCvis.inf09:55
nemilarLimez: metacity09:55
zoexiihello, is there a good way to create a hfs partition with linux tools?  It looks like gparted will not do this.09:55
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nemilarzoexii: gparted with create hfs partitions, but won't do much else with it09:55
Seveaszoexii, I don't know of any linux tool that will format them as hfs/hfs+09:55
iboui have a problem to install something with subversion :  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54555/. How to ignore the certificate or to get it ?09:56
nemilarzoexii: gparted can create HFS partitions, but not HFS+ partitions09:56
chrasoi have ubuntu 7.10 on /dev/hda3 and fedora 8 on /dev/sda3 now in grub what should i write( i know the root (hd0,2) ) but what the next thing to write for boot09:56
fnxhello.  anyone here good with configuring wine with alsa? my sound doesn't work :(09:56
Daz2OKay, took it out.09:56
Daz2AQnd put back in, loading back upo.09:56
zoexiinemilar: the option for hfs is greyed out in gparted,09:56
nemilarDaz2: don't restart!09:56
nemilarDaz2: awwww c'mon man, you're gonna run into the same problem, you know that ;)09:56
zoexiinemilar: can I add that functionality?09:56
Daz2Maybe not Nem..09:56
nemilarzoexii: not sure why it's greyed out09:57
Daz2Who knows?09:57
nemilarzoexii: actually h/o09:57
doug_nemilar,  any ideas?09:57
Daz2If it gets on the internet it's fine by me, Nem.09:57
Frogzoofnx: are you using latest wine?09:57
Limeznemilar: How to activate metacity? metacity --replace  ?/09:58
nemilarzoexii: perhaps hfsutils but I don't thhink so09:58
Daz2It's still under the 1 year warrenty anyway.09:58
fnxFrogzoo: yes09:58
Daz2It's on the welcome screen now.09:58
nemilardoug_: which step are you on now?09:58
zoexiinemilar: just did synaptic search for hfs,09:58
Daz2Lets hope it works..09:58
nemilarLimez: that should work yeah09:58
* Daz2 gives Nem a cookie.09:58
doug_nemilar,  3 it sayes invalid so i am going sudo nautilus and moving the files in there my self09:58
Frogzoofnx: wine --version = 0.9.54 ?09:58
Limeznemilar: thank you so much :D09:58
zoexiinemilar: nemilar, yeah, it looks like this worked.09:59
nemilarLimez: glad that works09:59
nemilarzoexii: cool cool09:59
fnxFrogzoo: yes.  this is the output when i try to run winecfg -- "fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on M Audio Audiophile 24/96, disabling mixer"09:59
Daz2Nem, you rock.09:59
LimezNow I should get compiz working :(09:59
LimezI want all effects09:59
Frogzoofnx: wine --version = 0.9.54 ???09:59
nemilarDaz2: this time, do a "poweroff" instead of a graphical shutdown ;)09:59
doug_nemilar,  it shows that they  are in the folder09:59
fnxyes dude! I went to the website!09:59
Daz2I'll change the way the power button rocks09:59
Daz2off instead of sleep09:59
nemilaroh, yeah10:00
nemilarthat's a better idea10:00
mattsqzhey anyone know if epic still has a win32 binary in regular rotation10:00
nemilarDaz2: wait...you know that if you hold the power button for 7 seconds it'll hard-poweroff the computer right?10:00
nemilarDaz2: I just thought of that10:00
Daz2Yeah Nem.10:00
Daz2But it sends it to sleep on mine.10:00
mattsqzthis vm's mirc is complaining about money10:00
sunseeker888nemilar, it's newbiel, it would boot up from live cd, it said unknown, format. then i did reset, with cd, and said boot from hardisk, it worked10:00
nemilarDaz2: oh.  well then you should def. change it ;)10:00
fnxFrogzoo: the sound works sometimes, i don't know how, but most of the time i just get that error message10:00
doug_nemilar,  this is what the invalid sayes autorun : invalid driver!10:01
doug_wusb54gsc : invalid driver!10:01
doug_wusb54gscvis : invalid driver!10:01
mattsqzor ircii maybe without cygwin?10:01
Daz2I'm going now.10:01
Daz2thanks for all the help. <310:01
nemilarsunseeker888: it fixed it?10:01
SR71-Blackbirdis discussion on hardy supposed to be here?10:01
nemilarI sure hope daz was a chick....10:01
nemilarsending hearts my way10:01
nemilarSR71-Blackbird: #ubuntu+110:01
Frogzoofnx: maybe try adding this in /etc/apt/sources.list "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gutsy main"  && sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade10:01
nemilarlol I scared off Nikkolai10:01
chrasocan anyone paste their layout of grub.conf of ubuntu 7.10? please10:01
fnxFrogzoo: Hm. what does this do?10:02
doug_nemilar, amy ideas?10:02
nemilarchraso: you can find generic layouts online10:02
fnxFrogzoo: might already be in there, lemme check10:02
nemilardoug_: I don't use ndiswrapper, so not really10:02
sunseeker888well, it did not worked from Live cd, it's said unknown formal kernel bad synicing. i thought it's belly up. then i reset, and order to boot up from hard dick it worked. I am in my account now, everything is working perfectly10:02
chrasocan u tell me where?10:02
sunseeker888i will do fsck now10:03
Frogzoofnx: the budgetdedicated is a repo with the latest wine, probably built correctly10:03
fnxFrogzoo: nah not there.  ok will try that now10:03
nemilarchraso: just search for grub.conf10:03
Frogzoofnx: it's not an ubuntu repo, so no, it won't be there10:04
nemilarchraso: you don't have to edit grub.conf by hand though, unless something isn't being detected for you?10:04
chrasoreturns more then 5000000 results. get it.10:04
ArelisHi all. Seeing as i type fast, maybe it's handy to learn how to use Ubuntu with the keyboard. How do i use ubuntu with the keyboard?10:04
chrasohow do i get the right one?10:04
nemilarchraso: what's the problem you're having?10:04
* Frogzoo ponders - there really needs to be a repo for stuff that really needs to be more recent that ubuntu's, like wine10:05
bullgard4English help wanted. Executing the command 'tracker-preferences' in a Gnome terminal will open a window. What name of this window will be displayed in an English Ubuntu version on the first line?10:05
nemilarchraso: any on the first page of results will have sample grub.conf files in them10:05
nemilarchraso: you can't just copy/paste it...it's different for every system10:05
eagle-101Frogzoo, there is, backports10:05
fnxFrogzoo: wine is the latest version10:05
Frogzoono such animal as grub.conf, afaik10:06
nemilarbullgard4: I'd help you but I uninstalled tracker a while ago10:06
chrasothats i need someone to paste the file of ubuntu 7.1010:06
Frogzoothere's /boot/grub/menu.lst10:06
nemilarchraso: no... on a per computer basis.  it depends on your hard drives, partitions, operating systems installed, etc etc etc...10:06
nemilarYou can just have it generated automatically for you, and installed automatically10:06
Frogzoofnx: yes, but from where? did you build it yourself? my wine gives 0.9.49, which isn't latest10:06
chrasoi said i have installed ubuntu on /dev/hda3 and the bootloader is on /dev/sda310:07
dhanar10bullgard4, do u mean "startup"?10:07
chrasowhere sda resides a FC8 installation10:07
fnxFrogzoo: no I didn't build it. I went to winehq.com and installed the deb from there. 0.9.5410:07
bullgard4dhanar10: no.10:07
nemilarchraso: have you tried running sudo upgrade-grub ?10:07
dhanar10bullgard4, which first line?10:07
nemilarchraso: that will generate it for you10:08
nemilarthen run grub-install10:08
chrasowill it overwrite current?10:08
eagle-101latest wine should be wine-
travis_Where would the background color setting be? The one that is shown before the desktop is drawn? While everything is waiting for x?10:08
fnxFrogzoo: I'm positve its the absolute latest stable version.  I just know how to fix the alsa mixer problem.  Wine says it can't find the right "master control" for my card10:08
chrasook thanx for the help will try.10:08
eagle-101(that is the latest that I see in portage anyway)10:08
chrasohave to reboot to try.10:08
fnxFrogzoo: *don't know10:08
nemilartravis_: good question...10:08
bullgard4dhanar10: The first line is in blue. I guess that is designated 'Tracker Search' or similar in English.10:08
Frogzoofnx: well try wine_0.9.54~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-1_i386.deb10:09
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chrasowait a minute10:09
* travis_ doesn't like human-color10:09
nemilartravis_: you'd have to ask a hard-core kernel-hacker type about that one10:09
chrasocan i run that command from a install cdrom?10:09
avisdid you see the grub-install part chraso ?10:09
nemilartravis_: you mean the white-on-black text that scrolls by as linux boots?10:09
nemilaravis: oh I sure hope so10:09
chrasoyes i tried to install from that but it says no devices exits10:10
fnxFrogzoo: thanks for the help.  gotta go10:10
nemilarchraso: you have to chroot to your hdd10:10
chrasodone that and tried10:10
nemilaryou have a /boot folder or partition right ?10:10
nemilarWhat is the exact nature of your problem10:11
chrasoit says not available10:11
qinjuehangtrevis: It is in one of the config files, let me try to find10:12
qinjuehangMine is black10:12
Slarttravis_: if you find out.. let us know... there are so many people that want to change that one10:12
travis_nemilar: sorry, no. After login, I see human colors, then my default.10:12
nemilartravis_: oh10:12
qinjuehangall: its easy to change, in a startup script10:12
nemilartravis_: you can just change that in the login window control panel10:12
Slartnemilar: nope..10:12
travis_nemilar: I tried10:12
doug_how do i install fusion for gutsy?10:12
nemilarwhat do you guys mean, no10:13
Slartnemilar: it's the colour *before* any of the theme settings kick in10:13
nemilarSlart: it's a GDM theme10:13
chrasogood bye thanks10:13
doug_nemilar,  thanks for your help but at this point i will get a long ethernet cord10:13
qinjuehangnemilar: NO!!!10:13
nemilarYES!!! the login screen is a GDM theme!10:13
Slartnemilar: just try changing it yourself.. that's what we've done.. it doesn't work10:13
qinjuehangnemilar: oh you mean that...10:13
doug_how do i install fusion?10:14
qinjuehangbut the colors are not10:14
nemilarwhat are _you_ guys talking about10:14
travis_I'm glad I'm not the only one...10:14
avisdoug_, compiz is installed by default.  make sure you run the restricted driver for your nvidia/ati card then go into system-preferences-appearance10:14
DiploCatI think nemilar has it right10:14
qinjuehangneminar: The brown color behind the splash thinggy10:14
Slartnemilar: when ubuntu boots up there is a flash of ubuntu-orange brown .. then you get the login screen10:14
nemilarSlart: I use a different GDM theme, I don't think I've seen any orange-brown flashes of light10:15
dajerodoug_: What make is your graphics card?10:15
nemilarjust the blue one of my theme10:15
Slartnemilar: you're lucky then =)10:15
doug_dajero, nvidia geforce10:15
nemilaryeah I have super ugly-color-flash-skipping abilities10:15
qinjuehangneminar its part of gdm.conf, unless ur theme changed the config file...10:15
Slartnemilar: it only lasts for about half a second or so10:15
dajerodoug_: Then as avis said installing the restricted driver should do the trick10:15
* Slart checks gdm.conf10:15
nemilarSlart: yeah there's a good chance it does that and I just haven't noticed it10:16
qinjuehangSlart: for 5 seconds on my P4 computer10:16
L3ttuc3nemilar Slart travis_ i use a different gdm theme too, circles. however between actually login on (pressing enter) and gnome kicking in, there is a flash of skin-coloured human-themed blank screen that lasts for about 2 seconds. i've been trying to get rid of it too.10:16
Slartouch. =)10:16
dajerodoug_: Use System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager to enable the restricted driver10:16
nemilarlol, ok so L3ttuc3 is talking about something completely different than what we're talking about10:16
L3ttuc3nemilar no, it's the same thing.10:17
DiploCatafter GDM login or before?10:17
nemilarL3ttuc3: we're talking about before gdm finishes loading10:17
* Slart is talking about what L3ttuc3 is talking about10:17
nemilaryou're talking about before metacity finishes loading10:17
dajerodoug_: Then after a reboot, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects to enable them10:17
* travis_ is too10:17
nemilarSlart: L3ttuc3 is talking about after login10:17
L3ttuc3nemilar no, i think you got it wrong.10:17
doug_dajero,  it is enabled10:17
qinjuehangSlart: Oh wait sorry I remembered the wrong config file...10:17
nemilarL3ttuc3: you're talking about after you login, but before your desktop is finished loading, right?10:17
doug_dajero,  thanks i found it10:18
dajerodoug_: np, what was it?10:18
travis_nemilar: I am too10:18
Slartok.. I'm going to boot up my laptop and see what that colour thingy is10:18
doug_dajero,  i just was not looking in the wrong spot10:18
L3ttuc3nemilar: x loads --> gdm loads --> circles theme --> type username --> type password, press enter --> ugly skin-coloured human themed crap blank screen --> metacity.10:18
elbermungstersesi got a problem, my window border won't change when i apply the "aero-clone" theme from gnome-look. can anyone please help me?10:18
nemilartravis_: ahh I see...  If I wasn't completely mistaken, Slart and I were just talking about what happens before GDM is finished loading10:18
dajerodoug_: Okay then, enjoy the eye candy ;)10:19
nemilarL3ttuc3: yes I understand the point you're talking about10:19
sunseeker888<nemilar> my firefox work start up? an idea10:19
nemilarsunseeker888: run it in a terminal, see what the error message is10:19
L3ttuc3and no amount of changing colour settings in 'login screens' gets rid of it.10:19
qinjuehangnemilar: Isn't that *AFTER*10:19
aviselbermungsterses, it probably didn't take effect.  go into system administration appearance into customize theme to make sure its selected10:19
qinjuehangthere is nothning except usplash before gdm for me10:19
sunseeker888nemilar , what the command for firefox in terminal? I am really new on linux10:19
nemilarqinjuehang: we were talking about two different things...   one splash of ugly color before GDM is themed, and another splash of ugly color before metacity is themed10:20
nemilarsunseeker888: firefox10:20
Slartok.. my bad.. after the login10:20
travis_Problem: ugly colors10:20
wers how can I make tracker search for hidden files? is there a better way to search for hidden files/10:20
nemilarqinjuehang: yeah I don't _think_ I get any ugly color before GDM finishes theming, but to be honest I am not really sure10:20
qinjuehangsunseeker: If need to kill it, them firefox-bin10:20
nemilarhahaha @ travis_'s remark10:20
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L3ttuc3after login, before metacity, to clarify.10:20
nemilarI have 'kff' aliased to 'killall -9 firefox-bin'10:20
qinjuehangSlart:sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default10:20
qinjuehangthere u go10:20
doug_dajero, how do i make more desktops?10:21
nemilarhaha my dog just woke up looked at me like, "get off the darn computer ya junkie!"10:21
sunseeker888nemilar : i think i have messed it, terminal also won't start up10:21
L3ttuc3(why did ubuntu have to have default colours no one seems to like?)10:21
avisi get the human color splash that shouldn't be there.  i always thought it was a hardware glitch10:21
elbermungsterseswell, i did customize the theme but i can't find the window border.10:21
nemilarsunseeker888: uh oh10:21
doug_dajero,  my cube is two sided10:21
Slartqinjuehang: gksudo you mean.. of course =)10:21
toddAnyone else experience problems with xarchiver not deleting temp files on errors. I'm missing a lot of space.10:21
qinjuehangsunseeker888: I got that wierd problem once, I restarted abd it worke10:21
dajerodoug_: Right click on the pager in the bottom right corner of the screen and choose preferences10:21
dhanar10sunseeker: calm down... try to open the terminal again...10:22
nemilardoug_: then it's not a cube10:22
qinjuehangtodd: try sudo apt-get clean10:22
L3ttuc3so travis_ avis Slart qinjuehang we all have the same problem... anyone got a fix? :P10:22
doug_nemilar,  i checked the cube box10:22
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: I just got one10:22
Hali_303I've got a custom ubuntu kernel running. How to compile the nvidia driver for it?10:22
SlartL3ttuc3: qinjuehang just typed it out10:22
nemilardoug_: if it's two-sided, it isn't a cube, it's a plane10:22
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default10:22
doug_nemilar, how do i make it a cube?10:22
L3ttuc3qinjuehang oh sorry, i missed that.10:22
jpatrick!gksudo | qinjuehang, L3ttuc310:23
ubotuqinjuehang, L3ttuc3: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:23
nemilardoug_: a cube has four sides10:23
sunseeker888starting terminal on task bar appears then it disappears, no terminal10:23
Slartnemilar: ahem.. 6 I'd say =)10:23
Seveasnemilar, 610:23
nemilardarn it10:23
todd_When ever xarchiver exits because of errors, it's not deleting the temporary files.. How do I find them?10:23
nemilarokay listen guys.10:23
Seveasa pyramid has 4 (or 5) :)10:23
doug_nemilar,  i am aware of this lol but this is two sided and the cube box is checked10:23
nemilarstop correcting my stupidity. it's 5 in the morning here.10:23
Seveasnemilar, get some sleep ;)10:23
dhanar10sunseeker888: try to restart your pc....10:23
sunseeker888same thing with firefox10:23
sunseeker888ok i am going to reboot10:24
Rodolfohi folks. Since i got compizfusion-icon installed on my machine, the terminal returns "direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)" to the glxinfo command. what should I do to change this?10:24
SlartSeveas: isn't it 5? I seem to recall something about pyramids having square bottoms..10:24
nemilarSeveas: I have to be up at 6AM and there was NO way I was waking up that early...so I have no choice but to stay up all night10:24
qinjuehangI got owned by ubotu...10:24
dajerodoug_: You can adjust the number of virtual desktops by right clicking on the bottom left of your screen where there should be some kind of small oversight of all your virtual desktops10:24
elbermungstersesavis, i customized it but i couldn't find the windowborder.10:24
SeveasSlart, I call the triagonal pyramids pyramids as well :)10:24
dajerodoug_: There you can alter the number of virtual desktops10:24
wershow do I search for hidden files like config files??10:24
dajerowers: ls -A10:24
aviselbermungsterses, there should be an install command there, if you did not see the theme, its likely to have not been installed10:24
bullgard4doug_: [GNOME] In the lower panel, right-klick on the active desktop icon. A context menu will open. Next to 'Desktops' > 'Number of Desktops' enter another number than 4. Then press Enter.10:25
=== todd_ is now known as todd
SlartSeveas: nggh.. to early to think about this10:25
dajerodoug_: I am off for breakfast, I hope that'll help you10:25
doug_dajero,  thanks and bullgard4  thank you10:25
nemilarwhere is .nl? netherlands?10:25
Seveasnemilar, yes10:25
wersdajero, I just tried gnome 2 and "ls: gnome2: No such file or directory"10:26
qinjuehangwers: u need ls ~/.gnome210:26
wersactually, I'm looking for the config files of gnome-main-menu10:26
Slartok.. changed the file.. trying a reboot10:27
qinjuehangwers: just go gconf-editor10:27
wersqinjuehang, i didn't see it there10:27
bullgard4English help wanted. Executing the command 'tracker-preferences' in a Gnome terminal will open a window. What name of this window will be displayed in an English Ubuntu version on the first line?10:27
doug_bullgard4,  mind telling me how to make the cube in a distance and how to make it also a little see through?10:27
mitchells00hi ^^ Does anyone know of a good application or software suite that would be a suitable replacement for schoolbooks...? Because MS/Ooffice just aren't cutting it...10:27
dhanar10bullgard4: which first line?10:27
Slartmitchells00: for writing books? or displaying them?10:27
nemilarmitchells00: OpenOffice.org is the default office suite10:28
qinjuehangdoug_: Its always on the compiz wiki10:28
tichdoes anyone know where to find a good collection organizer (for collections that are on a hard drive)10:28
L3ttuc3qinjuehang wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thank you thank you!!! no more ugly colours!10:28
nemilarOO.o is pretty complete10:28
bullgard4doug_: I do not know anything about 3D desktops, sorry.10:28
mitchells00i did say Ooffice wasn't enough10:28
arabiannightsi canṫ sleep at night i think iĺl miss out too much fun what to do?10:28
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: lol...*runs in the opposite direction*10:28
avisdoug install compizconfig-settings-manager and gnome-compiz-manager.  i use ccsm to enable cube (4 sides) and the other to zoom from within or outside a cube10:28
nemilarmitchells00: Microsoft Office is about as complete of an office suite as it gets10:28
doug_qinjuehang,  thanks and bullgard4  thank you as well10:28
bullgard4dhanar10: The first line of the window that will appear.10:28
mitchells00i'm not looking for an office suite10:28
Slartmitchells00: I'd say Latex.. but I'm weird like that =)10:28
doug_nemilar,  thank you for all your help earleyer10:28
nemilardoug_: np10:29
qinjuehangnemilar: Open-office and ms-office are about the same standard. Except ms is more flashy10:29
doug_one last thing for anyone i need codecs for music and movies where do i get these?10:29
nemilarSlart's right... if you really want something that gives you complete control, LaTeX10:29
dhanar10bullgard4: "Tracker Preferences"?10:29
L3ttuc3i had some problems understanding latex.10:29
nemilarqinjuehang: I donno, I'd argue that MS Office is more complete, in that they have those extra 1% of features, etc10:29
qinjuehangdoug_: Go add-remove programs and searched ristricted10:29
bullgard4dhanar10: Yes, can you see "Tracker Preferences" on the top line of your window?10:29
wersI'm using gnome-main-menu (aka the slab menu) and I'm having problems with it. The Favorite Places part have weird labels for my bookmarks10:29
doug_qinjuehang,  thank you10:30
wersI also want to adjust the size of the menu10:30
dhanar10bullgard4: yes10:30
bullgard4dhanar10: Ah! Thank you very much for your help.10:30
qinjuehangnemilar: Depends. If you want more flexibility, open office is the way to go. If you need eye-candy, go for MS-office10:30
nemilarqinjuehang: nah yo, MS office isn't about the eye candy10:30
nemilarMs Office has features OO.o doesn't have10:30
vishnuyes it not eye candy10:31
nemilarthat's just a fact10:31
qinjuehangnemilar: Such as...?10:31
Slartqinjuehang: if they could only fix the spelling in open office.. for Swedish, that is10:31
nemilarqinjuehang: I donno, I don't use those features10:31
nemilarqinjuehang: but if you search on the web I'm sure you'll find plenty of lists10:31
qinjuehangSlart: Oh...I only use english and chinese, so I don't know.10:31
L3ttuc3qinjuehang i have read that ms office handles bigger documents better than openoffice does.10:31
pirateNeed some help. I messed up my xorg and and just restored it from the backed up file, but when I try to start gdm, it says X is already running. How do I stop it?10:31
avisdoug, for audio http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_add_extra_repositories and apt-get install w32codecs i also grab all of gstreamer0.10-* in a apt-get10:31
nemilarL3ttuc3: yeah, that's DEFINITELY true10:31
nemilarOO.o chokes on huge documents10:32
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: I think its cuz OO compresses its files10:32
valeflyif i do ifdown wlan0 i get ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured10:32
valeflywhat can i do now?10:32
SlartL3ttuc3: I'd say the opposite.. I stopped using word because it would just die when I used to many symbols and stuff. (mostly math)10:32
DiploCatvalefly, ifup wlan010:32
L3ttuc3qinjuehang that should not affect anything while you're viewing an open file.10:32
avisvalefly, that has happened to me when i had a missing or incomplete /etc/network/interfaces10:32
qinjuehangSlart: I use OO cuz math is SO much easier to type, esp. if u are teh programming type10:32
L3ttuc3Slart i dont know, the guy who was writing that article was talking about 'book-sized documents'.10:32
mitchells00i'm looking for a replacement for schoolbooks, office suite's are for drafts, presentations, anything to do with money etc, i'm not interested in those things, what i really need is a program that acts exactly like a schoolbook would, enabling me to insert diagrams, and especially formula's and equasions exactly as they are written on the board including carry numbers and crossing out numbers (in a downwards stroke) withou10:33
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: Don't forgect, it might hang on auto-save10:33
nemilarI had a 500+ page document that I wanted to break into 2 columns...I loaded into OO.o, which took forever, btw... then I set two columns, and it was taking soooooooo long that I just killed it.  I must have waited over half an hour.10:33
valeflyavis: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.10:33
nemilarIronically, Abiword did the same task in about 5 seconds.10:33
L3ttuc3qinjuehang what msoffice or openoffice?10:33
SlartL3ttuc3: yes.. I don't know how many times students would come crying because word just died on their last year paper.. and those were only about 80 pages or so10:33
avisvalefly, hmm.  i think i may have tried the same with wifi0 when i had an existing ath0 that did work10:33
nemilarmitchells00: you're looking for Latex, but it'll take you some time to learn10:33
qinjuehangnemilar: I know. Abiword to OO is like Xfce to Gnome10:34
L3ttuc3Slart i always used to make incremental backups.10:34
pirateNeed some help. I messed up my xorg and and just restored it from the backed up file, but when I try to start gdm, it says X is already running. How do I stop it?10:34
mitchells00well i expect to use it for the next year and a half...10:34
L3ttuc3i had problems with abiword rendering fonts correctly.10:34
nemilaryeah, abiword has ugly fonts10:34
Slartmitchells00: I still say Latex.. there are editors that soften the blow for the newcomer10:34
L3ttuc3i was using myriad pro, from adobe, and for some reason, it was displaying it halfwidth.10:34
qinjuehangSlart: Lemme grab synaptic and try it10:34
doug_oh yes i forgot two more things very important10:34
doug_how do i get read right to my vista? and have it mounted at all times?10:35
L3ttuc3Slart such as?10:35
valeflyavis: how does u'r /etc/network/interfaces look for the wifi interface?10:35
nemilarhey man no clones10:35
DiploCatpirate, /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?10:35
qinjuehangdoug_: Add smth like "mount sda1" to ur startup programs...?10:35
doug_and what do i need for vista to read and right on the linux side?10:35
mitchells00ok latex looks like it would take too much time to use for notes...10:35
Slart!info texlive10:35
ubotutexlive (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2007-10 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 88 kB10:35
L3ttuc3Slart im going to try that.10:36
jpatrickmitchells00: It's worth it, trust me. I love it10:36
qinjuehangdoug_:There is a EXT2 driver, I forgot the name of it10:36
Slart!info texmaker10:36
ubotutexmaker (source: texmaker): A Cross-Platform LaTeX Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1401 kB, installed size 2940 kB10:36
Slart!info lyx10:36
ubotulyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3272 kB, installed size 8368 kB10:36
L3ttuc3Slart what package do you use for latex proper? texmaker?10:36
SlartI use lyx myself for my papers10:36
pirateDiploCat: tried that already, and it says there appears to be an X server running on screen: 010:36
Slartthere are some commercial editors too.. can't remember what they are called atm10:36
doug_qinjuehang, thanks for the windows part but the linux side you got me confused10:37
SoulmageWhat would i need to install to be able to use lzm2dir ?10:37
qinjuehangdoug_: Why do you need it mounted on boot? you can always just double-click it afterwards10:37
L3ttuc3ok... on a different note, does anyone know if there is a way of making .files and .folders (hidden) appear slightly shaded in nautilus so they are easier to differentiate from non-hidden items?10:37
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: Differenciate them by the full-stop?10:38
doug_qinjuehang,  no no i want the ntfs mounted onto my desktop10:38
qinjuehangdoug_: The command for mounting is sudo mount sda1 assuming ur drive is called sda110:38
L3ttuc3qinjuehang i do, but sometimes, it's easier on the eyes if they're shaded different, like in konqueror or thunar, neither of which im too keen on, though they have some interesting features.10:38
qinjuehangso u add it to startup programs10:39
doug_qinjuehang,  how do i make it where it is permanint and have read/write accress10:39
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: I use thunar half the time :) Xfce is my friend for OpenGl apps (Blender)10:39
Seveas!u | qinjuehang10:39
ubotuqinjuehang: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:39
nemilarAnyone wanna take a gander at why my NTFS-3G driver uses 100% of my CPU?10:39
nemilarlol @ that message, btw10:40
Seveasnemilar, there's nothing funniy about it...10:40
nemilarSeveas: it was a chuckle of support10:40
L3ttuc3qinjuehang which brings me to my other question. how do i get thunar to integrate into gnome? so that when i open a folder, it opens in thunar instead, and when i delete an object, it goes to thunar's trash, or alternately, that thunar adopts .Trash?10:40
DiploCatubotu's a bit fascist about spelling :)10:41
nemilaris there a channel for NTFS-3g?10:41
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: I thing in gconf, you can set your default file-browser. But don't forget that your desktop is managed by nautilus, so...10:41
L3ttuc3Seveas would you be as rigid about capitalisation too?10:41
nemilarwhoa whoa10:41
nemilarop abuse10:41
Seveasnemilar, yeah I hate it when people abuse the ops by calling them fascists10:42
AlexQHi all.10:42
nemilarSeveas: uhh10:42
L3ttuc3qinjuehang that was exactly my point.10:42
Nickstehi all10:42
nemilarI was saying you just abused your power, banning him for calling _the bot_ a fascist10:42
rob1975auis now a good time for a question10:42
Seveasrob1975au, sure10:42
nemilarSeveas: seriously remove that ban, that's uncalled for10:43
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: Ok, I don't think Thunar can manage a desktop. But let me check10:43
iveqyhi, where do I set what sessions I can choose between in GDM using ubuntu? The /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions directory described in the gdm manual doesn't exist in ubuntu10:43
NicksteCan anyone tell me.. If I install ubuntu on a hdd in one pc, and take the hdd to another (different spec pc), will it boot up ok?10:43
rob1975auiam trying to install dtv tuner following http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~chrisp/Linux-DVB/DVICO/10:43
rob1975auneed to drop file in /lib/firmware10:43
L3ttuc3Seveas if you're going to enforce something like proper spelling of pronouns, wouldn't the same logic apply to capitalisation, etc?10:43
qinjuehangNickste: *might* Assuming same so similar specs10:43
rob1975aubut cannot access root...10:44
Nickstethanks qinjuehang :)10:44
L3ttuc3Seveas mind you, i'm just interested in finding out what your point of view is. sorry for offtopic.10:44
qinjuehangNickste: No prob :)10:44
nemilarL3ttuc3: or my above dangling preposition10:44
doug_i need help with this question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4259756#post425975610:44
L3ttuc3qinjuehang ok.10:44
L3ttuc3nemilar or the lack of punctuation?10:44
nemilarL3ttuc3: Hey, I used a comma.10:44
qinjuehangdoug_: GO to preferenced, start-up programs10:45
SeveasL3ttuc3, the !u factoid is about keeping the channel understandable for non-native-english speakers, yes, same goes for punctuation. Capitalization doesn't necessari;y impact understandability, eXcePT wheN USeD lIKe ThiS10:45
qinjuehangdoug_: Sorry for horrendeous typing skills10:45
Soulmagewhat package would i need to install to allow me to use lzm2dir ?10:45
L3ttuc3Seveas point taken.10:45
doug_qinjuehang,  i do not see startup10:45
nemilarSeveas: do bans automatically expire?10:46
qinjuehangL3ttuc3: I AM not a native english speaker. Sadly I don't speak Swedish too :)10:46
Seveasnemilar, no10:46
rob1975aui need to put a file into /lib/firmware but is a root only location. how do i do?10:46
L3ttuc3isn't it a bit harsh leaving the ban on so long?10:46
qinjuehangdoug_: I don't know the *EXACT* name, I'm on Xfce now.10:47
AlexQrob1975au: Use "sudo" command, eg. sudo cp ./source.bin /lib/firmware10:47
doug_qinjuehang,  ah ok thanks for your help i am sure it is hard to do when you do not know one of the other os that good10:47
qinjuehangrob1975au: For many small problems like this, Google is your friend10:47
AlexQOK, so I will ask too: Nautilus crashes when I mouseover an sound file, eg. MP3 (the "easy-view" of an music, it should play when I mouseover).10:48
SeveasL3ttuc3, nemilar: and if you continue like this, you'll be banned as well. The operators set the guidelines. You're more than welcome to discuss those in #ubuntu-ops, but stop going offtopic in here10:48
rob1975augoogle hates me too...10:48
qinjuehangdoug_: Ok I'd like to help but I need to go now, sorry10:48
doug_qinjuehang,  tis all good you have helped me enough10:48
nemilarYeah, okay, this is !offtopic10:48
doug_qinjuehang,  thank you10:48
lolloi've installed a game (world of padman), now i want to disinstall it but ... i can't see it in add-remove application and in synaptic packages ... can i only delete the installation folder10:48
L3ttuc3Seveas fair enough. sorry about offtopic again.10:48
SeveasL3ttuc3, nemilar: and if you wouldn't have made such a fuss he would have been unbanned already. He has apologized already10:49
doug_L3ttuc3, you know how to do what i am asking?10:49
Azzmodanfacist doesn't necessarily equate to nazi and/or godwin's law :)10:49
AlexQI HAVE A PROBLEM: Nautilus crashes when I mouseover an sound file, eg. MP3 (the "easy-view" of an music, it should play when I mouseover). I haven't found it on Google.10:50
SoulmageWhat package would i need to install to allow me to use lzm2dir ? I have tried searching google but all i seem to keep finding is posts talking about using the command.10:50
nemilarLet's all take the !offtopic convo to #ubuntu-offtopic, shall we?10:50
L3ttuc3doug_ no, i've never had a problem with that. i've always had my partitions auto-mounted already once i'm in gnome/metacity, they're already there.10:50
L3ttuc3qinjuehang any advances on thunar/nautilus?10:50
doug_L3ttuc3,  thank you10:50
lolloi've installed a game (world of padman), now i want to disinstall it but ... i can't see it in add-remove application and in synaptic packages ... can i only delete the installation folder? there's another way for the uninstallation ?10:50
FloodBot3incognito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
nemilarnow _that's_ a ban :)10:51
nemilardynamic IP though :(10:51
Dr_willislollo,  how did you install it?10:51
Soulmagelollo, If it was installed through synaptic or apt, then try a sudo apt-get remove <game name>10:51
EpicenterIs there a way to make GRUB boot an ISO image?10:51
lollothrough a graphic procedure in the terminal ...10:51
Dr_willisEpicenter,  not really.10:51
nemilarooh this LyX program seems pretty good10:52
AlexQI HAVE A PROBLEM: Nautilus crashes when I mouseover an sound file, eg. MP3 (the "easy-view" of an music, it should play when I mouseover). I haven't found it on Google.10:52
Seveasnemilar, last warning: cut out the offtopic talking and commenting on ops actions10:52
cheesypiecesguys, how do i drag and drop windows from one workspace to another? sometimes i seem to b able to, other not10:52
L3ttuc3nemilar im getting it to see what it looks like.10:52
EpicenterDr_willis: so what's the 'fromiso' option in menu.lst for?10:52
EpicenterI've heard of it being done10:52
nemilarL3ttuc3: lots of dependancies though10:52
Epicentersomeone in here even said he always boots one OS from an ISO10:52
^^MAg^^Epicenter: of course it is10:52
Dr_willisEpicenter,  ive seen some distros that have  some tricks to boot theirselfs that way. but ive never seen it done in a gernal way10:52
^^MAg^^Epicenter: w810:52
lollothrough a graphic procedure in the terminal ... also i've downloaded a huge file to install it ..10:52
^^MAg^^Epicenter: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html10:52
Dr_willisEpicenter,  ive seen DSL or Puppylinux do it. But it used a trick of initrd.10:53
bullgard4top lists some command names of active processes with a '/0' suffix, for example 'events/0'. What does the '/0' stand for?10:53
Seveasbullgard4, CPU 010:53
DRebellioncheesypieces: right click on the the window title and select "move to workspace right"10:54
L3ttuc3how can i make the ubuntu boot process more verbose, and take off the splash screen altogether?10:54
Seveasbullgard4, on a multi-cpu or multi-core system there is one such process per cpu10:54
neur1hello, what's the command to unmount a partition as root?10:54
woodsoulwhich better: fluxbox or blackbox?10:54
Seveasneur1, sudo umount ...10:54
Dr_willisL3ttuc3,  disable the framebuffer, use nosplash, and the verbose kernel options in menu.lst :)10:54
DRebellionL3ttuc3: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:54
Soulmagewoodsoul, personal preference10:54
SeveasL3ttuc3, remove splash and quiet from the grub command line10:54
lolloDr_willis, have u any advice for me ? sigh10:54
neur1ill try that thanks10:54
AlexQI HAVE A PROBLEM: Nautilus crashes when I mouseover an sound file, eg. MP3 (the "easy-view" of an music, it should play when I mouseover). I haven't found it on Google.10:54
lollosudo apt-get remove doesn't work10:55
bullgard4Seveas: I don't believe you because I have an Intel Pentium M processor which is no multi-core processor.10:55
cheesypiecesdrebellion, i mean how do i enable moving it by dragging and dropping?10:55
SoulmageAlexQ, is it always the same file or any file?10:55
Dr_willislollo,  only tings installed with the package manager will show up in the package manager. Dependign on where you isntalled the game to. You just delete its files.10:55
L3ttuc3woodsoul as far as i know, development has stopped on blackbox, fluxbox has some newer features, and is similar to blackbox.10:55
Seveasbullgard4, that's why you only see a /0 and not a /0 and a /110:55
Soulmageany sound file rather10:55
woodsoulSoulmage: yep i know, but blackbox isn't much "popular"...10:55
Seveasdennis@mirage:~$ ps aux | grep events10:55
Seveasroot         9  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   11:11   0:00 [events/0]10:55
Seveasroot        10  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   11:11   0:00 [events/1]10:55
AlexQSoulmage: any sounf file10:55
L3ttuc3ok thanks.10:55
Seveasbullgard4, this is on a dualcore system10:55
AlexQSoulmage: any sound* file10:56
Dr_willislollo,  if you installed it to  like your users home/games directory you cold just delete the install dir.10:56
SoulmageAlexQ, can you thinking of any thing you changed before it started happening?10:56
avisafter editing menu.lst how do i commit the changes ?10:56
Seveasavis, by saving the file :)10:57
Dr_willisavis,  save the file. :) and rerun update-grub10:57
woodsoulL3ttuc3: thx for info :)10:57
Dr_willisdepending on the change.10:57
SoulmageDoes any one know what i need to install to get the lzm2dir program?10:57
Seveas!find lzm2dir10:57
ubotuPackage/file lzm2dir does not exist in gutsy10:57
Dr_willisnever heard of that one.10:57
doug_how do i change the themes i tried but it wont let me10:57
L3ttuc3sorry, there was a link up there earlier that's gone off my x-chat buffer about the benefits of using gksudo instead of sudo for some commands, could someone please give me it?10:58
avisDr_willis, uncommented the pretty colors and commented the "quiet splash" line10:58
AlexQSoulmage: No, I can't recollect any reason...10:58
Soulmageits referenced beeing used on .lzm files10:58
lolloso, all the things of the installation are involved in the folder of the game ( i saved it in home ) .. is it the only way to uninstall the game ? is it the only right procedure Dr_willis ? thx ;)10:58
Dr_willisavis,  you may want to use the options nofb nosplash verbose.10:58
avisthank you10:58
SeveasSoulmage, file-roller should be able to open them10:58
Dr_willislollo,   as far as i know. If your user isntalled then its all in your home somewhere.10:59
SoulmageAlexQ, try to go under the prefences for nautalis and turn off the preview for sound files10:59
AlexQSoulmage: Yeah, I know, but this option's cool, and I want to have it...10:59
pirsicuciao picciotti10:59
=== caroline is now known as adema_
AlexQSoulmage: And there's an another problem: All videos, when playing, or almost all, are grayscale!11:00
Dr_willisall or almost all. :)11:01
SoulmageSeveas, file-roller can do .lzo and .lsh, but not lzm11:01
Dr_willisor just at random on the samne one>11:01
mutablehello, i've recently installed nvidia driver 100.14.19 from binary package downloaded from nvidia site. i could not switch to another console, everytime i got random color mess on screen. so i wanted to install nvidia-glx package from ubuntu repos (old nvidia driver i think), but now i get "API mismatch: the client has version 1.0-9639, but this kernel module has the version 100.14.19". I can start Xorg, but only in low graphic mode. please help11:01
lollowell, thx a lot! The last question ... which program for the cleaning of the hard disk is the best ? ( like CCleaner in WinZoZ )11:02
mutableoutput is from dmesg|grep NVRM11:02
SeveasSoulmage, p7zip perhaps?11:02
AlexQDr_willis: I don't know, I didn't test all possible formats :D.11:02
Dr_willismutable,  the console being messed up. May be due to the framebuffer feature. You could disable  the framebuffer in the menu.lst - as for the rest.... not sure.11:02
=== arthur37855 is now known as arthur37854
Dr_willislollo,  you rarely need to 'clean; the hard disk, everyting is in your users home dir.. or else they are system files. and you should leave those alone.11:03
aseeonmutable: You could always delete what you installed and install in using envy11:03
Dr_willislollo,  unless you got several hd;s of videos like I do. :)11:03
mutableDr_willis: by removing some kernel parameter? i have only root, ro and splash kernel parameters here11:04
mutableaseeon: I have not envy :(11:04
aseeonthen install it11:04
Dr_willismutable,  use nosplash and nofb  for options11:04
=== arthur37854 is now known as yankee_bandit
ubotuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub11:04
lolloso ubuntu doesn't create obsolete and useless files that must be delete by a particoular program ? ?11:04
SoulmageSeveas, no, that did not work either but oh well, I think I am done pulling out more hair for this one for now11:04
Soulmagethanks for the help though11:05
Dr_willislollo,  not really any temp filesa re in  /tmp or similer and cleaned out regullary11:05
lolloi don't need antivirus, cleaner , i don't need NOTHINGGG11:05
Dr_willislollo,  windows has a lot of bad habbits. :)11:05
lolloG R E A T !11:05
lolloDr_willis, thx a lot, kiss11:06
* Dr_willis blushes11:06
mutableDr_willis: ok, I'll try it. Do you use 100.14.19? I also had to add "nvidia -r [newline] nvidia_new" to /etc/modules in order to avoid same message after installing 100.14.19. How about you please?11:06
AlexQI've got an strange problem: All videos, when playing, are grayscale!11:06
Dr_willismutable,  i use whats in the repos.    It avoides a lot of problems that way.11:07
avisAlexQ, envy is unsupported here thought it happened to me when i ran envy without a sudo before it11:07
Seveasenvy is icky11:07
Dr_willisenvy is tacky and clashes .11:07
albertociao a tutti11:07
mutableDr_willis: yes, now i want to get back the old nvidia in repos :), but i got that API mismatch11:08
Seveas!it | alberto11:08
ubotualberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:08
Dr_willismutable,  thats due to kernel version and compiled nvidia modules being different.11:08
albertoscusa, dove trovo un canale italiano ? sono nuovo...11:08
WarholThere wouldn't happen to be a way to install a package through apt-get without having to use the dvd?11:08
aseeonEnvy was te only options that worked for me with my graphic card11:08
=== jeff__ is now known as marshall
Dr_willisWarhol,  download it from the internet?11:08
DRebellionWarhol: disable the dvd repo11:08
aseeonall buntus was crashing on my card11:09
avisuncomment dvd in /etc/apt/sources.list11:09
AlexQavis: What is "envy"?11:09
marshallcan sonata be used to just play single audio files and playlists?11:09
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:09
avisAlexQ, very sorry.  i thought you were asking about envy.11:09
marshalldoes anybody here use Sonata?11:09
AlexQxD. OK, but what with that videos?11:09
Seveasmarshall, sonata can only be used as mpd frontend11:10
werswhat are the limitations of rtf? I'm getting used to saving my files as rtf because it can be opened by many apps11:10
bjoern1102Hallo kann mir jemand helfen?11:11
Warholi see a line at the top that says deb cdroms:[ubuntu 7.10 etc11:11
Seveas!de | bjoern110211:11
ubotubjoern1102: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:11
DRebellion!de | bjoern110211:11
Warholbut it's not commented11:11
aviswers, i save to that format when it needs to be opened by windows11:11
marshallSeveas, nuts. I dont want to use something huge like movie player or rhythm box to play one loose mp3 or something, but i also would like something a little more integrated with the gnome desktop than xmms or similar players11:11
aseeonI would propably use Restricted Manager instead of envy if i could launch X :)11:11
avisWarhol, put a # in front of it11:11
vonSmallhausenHow do I get beryl for ubuntu 7.10?11:11
Dr_willisaseeon,  set up X to use the vesa driver  -  :)11:11
SeveasvonSmallhausen, you don't11:11
Seveas!beryl | vonSmallhausen11:12
ubotuvonSmallhausen: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz11:12
jpatrick!beryl | vonSmallhausen11:12
Dr_williscompiz-fusion has replaced beryl11:12
aseeonit was not working, ubuntu tried it itself11:12
Dr_willisaseeon,  then you may have deeper problems. :)11:12
AlexQavis: And when I play an timeline in kdenlive (video editor, I've got a Gnome...) it's also grayscale, but when I pause, it turns to colors :D.11:13
avisAlexQ, no idea here AlexQ11:13
ompaul!compiz | vonSmallhausen (see above)11:13
aseeonbut alternate cd + envy resolved all mt problems :)11:13
ubotuvonSmallhausen (see above): Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:13
Dr_willisGreyscale videos .. sounds like some funnny weird video driver bugs.11:13
jpatrick!envy > aseeon11:13
algyzhi, can't make sound card working on hp laptop, sound card is nvidia mcp51. There is sound with oss, but seems, that card is not found11:14
* Dr_willis forcasts a reinstall for envy users in their near future. :011:14
aseeonyeah right jpatric :)11:14
ompaul!sound | algyz11:14
ubotualgyz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:14
mutableDr_willis: please, i don't want to bother you, just help what i need to install to get nvidia module compiled against kernel version from repos? I tried "apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-386 nvidia-glx", but it's the same11:14
lollosry the last question, is there a program like task manager in winzoz where i can find all the process running ?11:15
algyzNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or audio devices found11:15
Seveasmutable, for compiling kernel modules you need apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential11:15
Dr_willismutable,  i havent messed with that stuff - otther then by using the restricted-manager tool in ages,  You  may need the build-essential package also.11:15
Seveaslollo, system -> administration -> system monitor11:15
lolloyee thx11:16
mutableSeveas: and how do I build nvidia module from repos?11:16
bitmonsterhi, can anyone help me: I cannot adjust the display settings (dual monitor), they are always reset to low resolution when I use System->Screens and graphics11:16
AlexQDr_willis: Yea, i now it's funny :D. And, when I rotate the cube in compiz-fusion, the video "frames", embeded are not rotating, xD. They're moving in the background, sth like that.11:16
mutableDr_willis: ok, thank you very much11:16
Seveasmutable, if you don't know, don't do it :)11:16
Dr_willisAlexQ,  your video issues may be due to compiz.11:16
Seveas!compiling | mutable11:16
ubotumutable: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:16
bitmonsterbesides I don't know how to use my radeon mobility 7500 graphics card11:16
Seveas!nvidia | mutable11:16
ubotumutable: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:16
AlexQDr_willis: OK, I'll try to take off compiz and try the videos once again.11:17
Dr_willisYou can just disable compiz.. :)11:18
mutableSeveas: ok, i won't do it? when i installed ubuntu 7.04 it had nvidia binary driver already installed. i don't want to compile kernel, i just want to install this binary driver11:18
lolloDr_willis, !!! i found the uninstall icon of the game in the home foldeere ! :D11:18
mutableSeveas: I'll look at wiki you posted11:18
Dr_willislollo,  golly... it pays to pay attention. :)11:19
avisSeveas, i think mutable can't fetch a nvidia driver in the repos because of some sort of version mismatch11:19
lollosigh i've always uninstalled through synaptic packages :s11:19
Dr_willislollo,  you do that when you INSTALL through the package manager.,11:19
Dr_willis:) you are lucky the game even included an unisntall icon11:20
pir4hello, i have 3 main problems on my ubuntu desktop. everytime i close my laptop screen i cannot use the keyboard anymore11:20
pir4can someone help me plz ?11:20
Seveasavis, could you run these commands for me and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org: lsb_release -a && dpkg -L 'linux-image-*' && uname -a11:20
avisi could Seveas but i'm not having any issues11:20
Seveaserrr, right :)11:20
AlexQDr_willis: Compiz is not running, but the videos are still grayscale! :/.11:21
Seveasmutable, could you run these commands for me and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org: lsb_release -a && dpkg -L 'linux-image-*' && uname -a11:21
BlackChartAnyone know of a solution to my issue?? I have to type "modprobe nvidia" manually everytime I start up or the X server will just show me a "low resolution" thing...Version is Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy...11:21
Dr_willisAlexQ,  you realize you can start/stop compixz on the fly. :) no need to logout/reboot/so forth,11:21
avisBlackChart, have you enabled the restricted driver for it ?11:21
SeveasBlackChart, echo nvidia | sudo tee -a /etc/modules11:21
algyzreconfiguring alsa now11:22
algyzand can't clear up, which driver do I need11:22
AlexQDr_willis: Yeah, I know, I did it, but the videos are still grayscale :D.11:22
rommewhat can i do if i get the E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) error?11:22
BlackChartI tried adding "nvidia" to /etc/modules last night but that didn't change anything...11:22
algyzcard is nvidia mcp5111:22
BlackChartNot sure how to enable the restricted driver...11:22
DRebellionromme: rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock11:22
avisBlackChart, system-administration-restricted drivers11:23
mutableSeveas: hmmm :(, now i'm in irssi and elinks, i must find some way how to paste text file in elinks... first i read that wiki than i post it, thank you for assistance11:23
BlackChartavis: Yes it's activated...11:23
rommeDrebellion: didn't help11:23
avisBlackChart, you got me.  no idea here11:24
pir4im using an ATI card and when i try to play any game, it works well, but not on fullscreen, i mean, i have a widescreen monitor on my laptop, so the only way to play well is on 1280x800 that is too much.  anyone know something about it ?11:25
nicoolme revoilà !11:26
mutableSeveas: but maybe problem is that i haven't any linux-image-* package installd :)11:26
jpatrick!fr | nicool11:26
Seveas!fr | nicool11:26
ubotunicool: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:26
Seveasmutable, err.. ok :)11:26
Seveasmutable, which version of Ubuntu do you use?11:26
posrHi how to remove mozilla flash plugin "Gnash" ?11:26
mutableSeveas: 7.1011:26
Seveasmutable, apt-get install linux-generic11:27
mutableSeveas: ok11:27
AlexQDr_willis: Im now trying to re-install GStreamer... And plugins + totem.11:27
DRebellionposr: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-gnash11:28
posrDRebellion,  thanks11:28
danielski_plneed help please im using kde right now.... but i want gdm back, it allows to start session it quits straight away, whats the prob?11:29
EpicenterIs there some way to force the x server to quit? It just keeps restarting11:29
posrBut know i install adobe flash player but he don't show flash aplications11:29
EpicenterIt's using 100% of the CPU all the time, everything is too slow to even draw on the screen. Typing and moving the cursor is an ordeal.11:29
DRebellionposr: did you install in firefox?11:30
posrDRebellion,  yes with Install missing plugin11:30
DRebellion!brokenflash | posr11:30
ubotuposr: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.11:30
zetheroohow do I get each workspace to have its own wallpaper?11:31
posrok thanks for helping11:31
danielski_plmy gnome session keeps restarting after log-in and back to log-in, anyone know how to fix this?11:31
danielski_plmy gnome session keeps restarting after log-in and back to log-in, anyone know how to fix this?11:34
Erimarhello, I got a Problem; I put an external monitor on my notebook, it was working well; but on restarting the system, the gdm was not working with the notebook moniter, only with the external monitor even after changing the settings for external monitors in gnome; can anyone helf me?11:35
SeveasErimar, in your notebooks bios, set the internal screen to be the primary monitor11:37
valeflyi have a working ndiswrapper driver and a wireless statment in the gnome nmaplett but i cannot see any wireless networks pls help(it workd well a few hours ago)11:38
ceil420what's the name of that Add/Remove program?11:39
ceil420not Synaptic, i mean the one that's literally shown as "Add/Remove" in the menu11:39
avisceil420, synaptic11:39
Seveasceil420, gnome-app-install11:39
Erimarseveas, in the bios there is no possibility to set the internal screen as primary monitor11:40
Erimarand he can start the computer but not the gdm and gnome11:40
NicksteI'm trying to boot ubuntu live cd to install on my pc. When the cdrom & hdd are plugged in, it doesn't boot the cdrom and goes straight to the hdd. When i remove the hdd, it boots the cd fine. I have checked CDROM is first boot device in bios. Any ideas?11:42
dmakalskyI installed ubuntu and apt-get install kde11:42
dmakalskyhow do I make kde the default ?11:42
theunixgeekhow do I view all processes, like top but all of them instead of a few?11:42
DRebelliontheunixgeek: ps aux11:42
Seveasdmakalsky, select kde when logging in and tick the 'make default' box11:42
theunixgeekDRebellion: thanks11:42
valefly i have a working ndiswrapper driver and a wireless statment in the gnome nmaplett but i cannot see any wireless networks pls help(it workd well a few hours ago)11:43
adac2where is the log file for networking located? I have wireless11:43
Seveasadac2, /var/log/syslog11:44
colehi all, im trying to compile source (pidgin) when i type ./configure it tells me this: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. any ideas anyone?11:44
Seveas!compiling | cole11:44
ubotucole: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:44
Seveascole, pidgin is even installed by default, no need for compiling :)11:45
adac2Seveas: thx! I don't know...since yesterday I have a very high latency from mypc to the wireless routing. I duo not know what causes this...11:45
danielski_pl my gnome session keeps restarting after log-in and back to log-in, anyone know how to fix this?11:45
coleseveas, its an old version of pidgin, i need to use the latest11:45
algyzanybody knows, how to change place, where windows are appearing?11:45
stefgdanielski_pl: create a new test-user and check if it's the same there11:46
algyzI start firefox and it's appearing somewhere in top left corner11:46
danielski_plhow do i create a test useR?11:46
valeflywhen i do ifup wlan0 i get Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0. what should i do?11:46
DRebellionvalefly: do ifconfig to figure out the proper name for the interface (its not wlan0)11:47
stefgdanielski_pl: Often this is realted to broken custom gnome themes11:47
danielski_plstefg, i figured11:47
stefgdanielski_pl: sudo adduser test11:47
danielski_plhow to set a pw for user test?11:47
DRebelliondanielski_pl: login and use the passwd command11:48
valeflyDRebellion : with ifconfig i get wlan011:48
stefgdanielski_pl: you will be asked in the process11:48
DRebellionvalefly: that's odd11:48
valeflyDRebellion: it's a ndiswrapper instalation11:49
KrooksI got another linux distro on another partition. Is there a way I can start it in a vmware or xen ?11:49
DRebellionvalefly: you have to add the alias to a certain file, i can't remember the details...11:50
danielski_plstefg, didnt work lol11:50
valeflyDRebellion: i get a working driver but i cannot see the wireless networks in the nmaplett11:50
DRebelliondanielski_pl: what do you mean by "didn't work"?11:50
danielski_pldoes the same thing as root login11:50
danielski_pllogsin, desktop loads then logs out11:51
DRebellionvalefly: try sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning11:51
DRebelliondanielski_pl: why do you want to login as root :O11:51
danielski_plnot root i meant my general login lol11:51
stefgdanielski_pl: is you disk full? no space in /tmp left ?11:52
danielski_plfailsafe gnome works fine, but gnome doesnt11:52
larson9999i got this neat internet radio for cheap yesterday.  the problem is it doesn't store the wpa key.  so everytime i move it, i have to enter that blasted 40 byte key :)11:54
danielski_plstefg, nah its praticaly empty11:54
cYmenis there a default way to set 'xset -b' on boot?11:54
larson9999cYmen at work i used to have it in my .profile11:54
DRebellion!startup | cYmen11:54
ubotucYmen: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:54
cYmenk tnx bye11:55
solid_liqcYmen, do:  sudo echo "runlevel 0" | at now + 4 min11:55
AAAleis there someone who calibrates joystick with kcontrol?11:56
AAAlemy problem is that i lose calibration settings when i reboot my machine11:57
cheesypieceswhen i try to run synaptic it comes up with an error that says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I try this tho it says its an unrecognised command. Any ideas?11:57
yabukhow do I find the command to execute realplayer after I've installed it with alien?11:57
ene_denedoes anyone know how to open chm files in linux?11:58
mamatohi, is there a way to have compiz session manager remember which desktop the apps are on (a more accurate position would be nice too, windows dont appear at the same exact place)11:58
DRebellionyabuk: locate realplayer11:58
DRebellion!info xchm | ene_dene11:59
ubotuene_dene: xchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.13-4 (gutsy), package size 163 kB, installed size 748 kB11:59
ene_deneDRebellion: thanks12:00
ene_deneubotu: thank you too12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you too - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:00
cheesypieceswhen i try to run synaptic it comes up with an error that says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I try this tho it says its an unrecognised command. Any ideas?12:00
yabukDRebellion: ok, it locate many files, but what should I execute?12:01
void^cheesypieces: without the quotes, with sudo12:02
Lr5_Is there any way to select which processor a program runs on?12:03
cheesypiecesthanks void12:03
sharperguyhow do I completely disable bulletproof x?12:03
naranhais there an easy way in gutsy to install a newer git snapshot of compiz fusion?12:03
SeveasLr5_, no, because it doesn't make sense to do so :)12:03
cheesypieceswhats the difference between su and sudo?12:04
Seveascheesypieces, su wants the rootpassword, sudo yours12:04
Seveasand sudo is much more flexible12:04
cheesypiecesaaah thanks seveas12:04
algyzanybody knows, how to solve window appearing under panel?12:05
arabiannightshow good is 10558.373 FPS in 5 seconds??12:05
algyzproblem like here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=572956, but there is no answer12:06
mar77ialgyz: have the panel disappear (automatically)12:06
algyzI mean windows are appearing too high12:06
settingupcan somebody help me i am trying to setup a shared folder which will accessed in windows machince, everytime i try to access this compute it asks me for user name and password i tried to some use the user account on this machine they do not log me in12:07
algyzOK, I can move them, but why should I move all the time12:07
dookdookis there a command line (or any other program that doesn't need to lock the /dev/video) to tweak video stuff?  like an aumix, but for video?12:07
mar77ialgyz: windows appear normally as high as last time...12:07
scguy318settingup: you need to change your Samba security in /etc/samba/smb.conf to share12:08
algyzmar77i:  hmm, I closed terminal, but it appeared again too high12:08
scguy318settingup:    security = share12:08
algyznot in the same place12:08
scguy318settingup:    instead of security = user12:08
DebianTUXhi. im using ubuntu 7.04.  when im accessing a ext3 partition mounted on a usb disk (sdb3...) and try to execute a file with +x permissions, i get a "bash: ./a.sh: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied"12:08
DebianTUXis it some udev config?12:08
scguy318settingup: make sure to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf as root and restart the Samba daemon when you're doing by doing sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart12:09
algyzIt would be nice, if they appear in the same place12:09
scguy318settingup: and make sure to remove the semicolon before the line12:09
mar77ialgyz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59159612:10
sharperguyAnyone know what would cause the nvidia kernel module to fail when it was wokring last night and I havn't changed anything and no updates?12:10
arabiannightshow good is 10558.373 FPS in 5 seconds??12:11
filthpighey, isn't there a drag&drop icon installation?12:11
scguy318arabinanights: glxgears isn't much of a benchmark, but pretty good I suppose12:11
mar77isharperguy: well, obviously, no?12:11
DebianTUXarabiannights: witch video card?12:12
arabiannightsDebianTUX nvidia 8500 gt12:12
algyzmar77i: thanks, it works12:13
DebianTUXarabiannights: 11574 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2314.731 FPS    in a 6200 :P12:13
mar77ialgyz: thanks to google.12:13
sharperguymar77i, Well I had stupidly installed the nvidia drivers from the website while still having nvidia-glx-new installed. This was causeing major problems until I ininstalled them both and put the one from the repos back in. It was working last night but now this morning it fails again.12:13
arabiannightsDebianTUX so what does that mean?12:13
DebianTUXarabiannights: nothing. glxgears isnt good for benchmark12:13
settinguphow can i log on as root user12:14
mar77isharperguy: what video card?12:14
arabiannightsDebianTUX what is good for benchmark please?12:14
DebianTUXarabiannights: install cedega and try to run windows heavy game12:14
sharperguymar77i, nVidia GeForce 7600 GS12:14
sharperguysettingup, You don't12:14
sharperguy!sudo | settingup12:15
ubotusettingup: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.12:15
innertruthsettingup: enable local admin in "login window" applet, and probably you will need to set root password with sudo passwd12:15
settinguptnx for info12:15
arabiannightshow can i bench mark my graphics card with proper driver installed? konversation seem sluggish12:15
=== patlkli|off is now known as patlkli
sharperguymar77i, And it wasn't a problem waiting to surface when I rebooted because I did reboot after I saw it working and it was still ok12:16
arabiannightswhats the best irc client and what are yo uusing please?12:16
mar77iof course. after the reboot: what did you do?12:17
Dr_willis!best | arabiannights12:17
Dr_willisarabiannights,  i use xchat under linux and windows. :P12:17
DRebellionarabiannights: irssi ftw12:17
ubotuarabiannights: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.12:17
DebianTUXkopete for me12:17
Dr_willisit all depends on what you want/need.12:17
dax_rocMornin all12:18
mar77isharperguy: what could have caused this change?12:18
dax_rocIs it possible to clean the printheads of a canon printer in gutsy ?12:19
sharperguymar77i, I'm not exactly sure. GNOME didn't seem to be too happy either though because I could do 3D stuff (in fluxbox) but GNOME was just a brown screen and a cursor and nothing loaded.12:19
mar77isharperguy: you'll have to go through your logfiles and xorg.conf... I've found this so far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42255512:22
Limezhi all12:22
LimezWhen I try to replace compiz-fusion I get: Checking for Xgl: not present.12:22
LimezHow to solve this?12:22
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rage_extI've got this lenovo thinkpad x60 and since the last upgrade to 7.10 my battery life time has become shorter... does someone have had a similar problem and solved it?12:23
sharperguymar77i, Well the only thing in the logfile was that the nvidia kernel module failed to load. As for my xorg.conf I usually configure it with dpkg-reconfigure and/or nvidia-xconfig12:24
innertruthLimez: do you have video driver installed?12:24
LimezAnd when I try: apt-get install emerald   I get:  Depends: libwnck18 (>= 2.15.90) but it is not installable E: Broken packages12:24
Limezinnertruth: what is the name of it?12:25
Limezwell it says: Checking for nVidia: present.12:25
innertruthLimez: try restricted driver manager somewhere in menus12:25
Limezfound it12:26
LimezNvidia: In Use12:26
sharperguyLimez, try running "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals"12:26
sharperguyand restarting x12:26
Limezsharperguy: ok, I'll try that12:26
arabiannightswhy is firefox so popular? canṫ you ocme up with your own linux only really good browser? firefox sucks :D thank you12:26
DASPRiDarabiannights, ephiphany?12:26
Limezarabiannights: Swiftweasel is good :D12:27
sharperguyarabiannights, epiphany? konqueror?12:27
DebianTUXkonqueror rulz12:27
DebianTUXsafari way of life :P12:27
LimezNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'12:27
sharperguymar77i, Right I'm going to try a reboot12:27
Limezsharperguy: what if my whole desktop will crash?12:27
Limezsharperguy: How to replace it with the backup with command? :)12:28
|DuReX|how can i see BIOS version in ubuntu ?12:28
sharperguy"sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backupwhatever /etc/X11/xorg.conf"12:28
DebianTUX'-rwxr-xr-x  1 mk   mk          35 2008-02-03 09:58 a.sh'  but mk user cant run :/  only root is runing this script ;(12:29
RaskahRatn #compiz-fusion12:29
Limezsharperguy: ok, I'm going to restart x now. If you'll see me again my desktop is still alive...12:30
Limezaah, my desktop is still alive :D12:31
filthpigisn't there a drag&drop icon installation?12:32
LimezChecking for Xgl: not present.12:32
innertruth Limez: Checking for Xgl: not present.  --- this is normal12:32
Limezwell, but I got no borders12:32
brownieheadIm new to Ubuntu and linux in general. Anyway I have an x1650 pro and couldnt get the compiz-fusion working and eventually just unistalled the dual boot setup that i had in hopes of starting again from scratch12:32
Limezaround my windows12:32
innertruthit is checking for ATI video driver12:33
Limezand no compiz effects neither12:33
LimezI use NVidia12:33
mazzotta87salve ragazzi12:33
mazzotta87hi people12:33
brownieheaddoes the x1650 pro work with compiz-fusion12:33
mazzotta87i have a problem with12:33
Limezthe libemerald packages are broken.... how to get a new one?12:34
DRebellion!enter | mazzotta8712:34
ubotumazzotta87: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:34
mazzotta87can somebody help me12:34
DRebellionmazzotta87: try asking a question ;)12:34
innertruthLimez: acutally in ubuntu compiz is installed by default, you dont need to install it, just a config applet if you want12:34
Limezinnertruth: I uninstalled it12:35
mazzotta87hi i have a problem with cairo-dock.. when i maximize a window , it maximized over cairo-dock.. but i don't want it..12:35
Limezinnertruth: because it wasn't working12:35
brownieheaddoes any1 have experiance with the x1650 pro12:35
Limezinnertruth: I wanted all effects and stuff.... but now I got nothing12:35
innertruthLimez: what video card you have?12:35
LimezNvidia 6600 GT12:36
LimezAccel. Drive In Use12:36
mazzotta87can somebody help me please12:36
sharperguyyay finally I have compiz working again12:36
Limezmazzotta87: I don't use that dock so I can't help you12:37
Limezsharperguy: I want that too :)12:37
mazzotta87thank u very much12:37
brownieheadcan anyone help me with getting compiz working with an x165012:37
sharperguyLimez, What's the problem now then?12:37
Limezsharperguy: I'll paste my output12:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:38
Limezthanks :)12:38
mar77imazzotta87: I'll have a look12:38
sanozukedoes fluxbuntu run perl12:39
mazzotta87thank u mar77i12:39
sanozukeand how can i install a fluxbuntu without a cd or a virtual iso instalation12:40
Limezsharperguy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54590/12:40
mar77imazzotta87: activate the bottom checkbox in the configuration, on the "position" tab12:40
Limezsharperguy: Do you want to see what I get when I use: apt-get install emerald  too? :)12:40
sharperguyLimez, too me it looks like it worked12:41
innertruthsanozuke: i doubt this is right channel12:41
dhudemy monitor isn't listed under gutsy12:41
Limezsharperguy: well... I got no borders around my windows12:41
Limezsharperguy: I think that's the problem12:41
dhudeit's an HP w2408h12:42
zooboxhi when I copying files from one directory to another with   cp here/* there    it isn't copying the files starting with . ("hidden" files), how do I change it?12:42
Limezsharperguy: but when I try to install emerald (window decorator) I get that the packages are broken12:42
sharperguyLimez, does it still give you that after you did the nvidia-xconfig?12:42
Limezsharperguy: yes12:42
mar77imazzotta87: did it work?12:42
zooboxshould I add a parameter to cp?12:42
sharperguyLimez, then go ask at #compiz-fusion12:42
Limezsharperguy: maybe it's just about the window-decorator12:42
Limezsharperguy: where can I get a common sources file?12:43
pluxzoobox: cp here/{*,.*} there12:43
mazzotta87yes mar77i it work verry fine but when i maximize a window this window cover cairo12:43
sharperguyLimez, You shouldn't need emerald because there's a different window decorator expecially for gnome12:44
mar77idid you check that box?12:44
mar77icheck that checkbox? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Cairo-Dock_PositionGroup.png12:44
zooboxplux: ok, what does {*,.*} mean?12:44
DRebellionzoobox: * or(,) .*12:44
DRebellionzoobox: * and(,) .*12:45
sharperguyLimez, actually could you pastebin your sources.lst?12:45
mar77imazzotta87: check that checkbox? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Cairo-Dock_PositionGroup.png12:45
Limezsharperguy, ok12:45
Limezsharperguy: I forgot where it is actually12:46
borncrazyHi, is it possible to change tty resolution?12:46
borncrazyI want to change it to 1280x1024.12:46
sharperguyLimez, /etc/apt/sources.list12:46
notpalomerhow can I view the unstable packages?12:46
babodoes anyone get an issue with qemu whereby after you install windows. The C:drive shows up as 99% full ?12:47
pluxbabo: have you created a hardrive image that is big enough?12:47
Limezsharperguy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54592/12:47
baboplux: 4GB for XP ...12:48
babo4GB for win2k12:48
DRebellionbabo: with some emulation software, the drive is made only as big as currently needed. this may be the cause...12:49
* Limez is away... be right back12:49
baboDRebellion, the drive shows up as being 4GB, but 99% full12:49
sharperguyLimez, "deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy" you probably shouldn't have that there12:50
zooboxit isn't possible to copy all the files and diretories in one directory to another?   cp -r here/{*,.*} there   starts copying everything from .. also... :(12:50
DRebellionzoobox: i don't think the -r is nessecary...12:51
zooboxI guess I want {all files and directories excluding parent}12:51
pluxzoobox: rsync -avz here there12:51
=== Freakingme| is now known as Freakingme
pluxzoobox: i do use rsync alot of times instead of cp, due it's waay smarter12:53
zooboxaha. rsync is some sort of remote copy or?12:53
pluxzoobox: yep, but you can use it between two local dirs to12:53
zooboxyeah cp have its limitations.12:53
pluxzoobox: just like cp12:54
alihi everybody12:54
pluxzoobox: but rsync handles ssh, and alot of other neat stuff to12:54
ackbahrHi! I'm trying to create a GRUB entry that would startup without X and with as little services up as possible.... Anyone could help me through?12:54
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.12:54
DRebellionplux: surely you would use scp for that?12:54
DRebellion!msgthebot > innertruth12:55
DRebellionali: 0_o12:55
brownieheadhow can i use wubi to install 7.10?12:55
innertruthwhere is this "-proposed"?12:55
DRebellioninnertruth: it is a repository, enable in   system -> administration -> software sources12:55
pluxDRebellion: nah, that depends, I use rsync alot to sync a folder between my local machine and a server, due scp uploads EVERYTHING reagardless of what is being on the server already12:55
aliwhat is your name drebellion12:56
ArelisHow do i integrate webservices like gmail and other google services into Ubuntu?12:56
alivolkan türksün dime12:56
DRebellionArelis: i think evolution handles gmail12:56
babodoes flash work under wine ?12:56
baboflash developer ...12:56
zooboxhmm.. regardless that there is way too much flash on the web, it is horrible that the Flash plugin installation is still broken ....12:56
volkanhello ali12:56
DRebellionali: do you have an ubuntu support related question?12:56
zooboxit have been over a month now12:56
aliwhere are u from volkan12:57
brownieheadhow can i use wubi to install gutsy12:57
DRebellionali: #ubuntu is for support _only_ , please join #ubuntu-offtopic12:58
aliya sen türksün ama solemion12:58
Bryanhey, anyone know of a reason why I'm not abble to use thunderbird to connect to pop.gmail.com?12:58
alicvp verseene volkann12:58
Bryan(Yes, the setting for pop is enabled on my gmail account.)12:58
r45c4lhey guys i wanna know is perl installed n ubuntu7.1012:58
volkan@ali, currently I'm kinda busy. and it's better not to increase the SNR of the channel.12:58
TurboX_i've problem with Ubuntu 7.10 and Sound Blaster 24bit External12:58
innertruthr45c4l: yes12:58
aliyav tüRK olan yokmUUUUUUUUU12:59
r45c4linnertruth: i have saved a perl file on my desktopo12:59
r45c4linnertruth: which command to run it12:59
alitürk türkkkkkkk12:59
Boglizkperl file12:59
brownieheadhey Im wondering if I can use WUBI to install 7.1012:59
TurboX_anyone install sound blaster 24bit external on ubuntu12:59
r45c4lyes test.pl12:59
alihi amrid12:59
innertruthr45c4l: make it executable chmod +x filename and run ./test.pl12:59
aliwhere are u from amrid13:00
DRebellion!ops | ali13:00
ubotuali: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!13:00
Boglizkr45c4l: Or you could just do 'perl filename'13:00
aliwhat drebellion13:00
r45c4lBoglizk:  is chmod +x test.pl to be typed on terminal13:00
Seveasali, behave13:00
DRebellionali: this is a _support_ channel _only_13:00
Boglizkr45c4l: It is not nessecery if you do 'perl filename'13:01
Seveas!tr | ali13:01
ubotuali: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.13:01
Seveas!offtopic | ali13:01
ubotuali: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:01
databridge_breaking news: the linux kernel do not need to hide himself anymore!13:01
aliyes im tr13:01
Boglizkr45c4l: But yes, in the terminal, obviously.13:01
volkan@ali oğlum burası destek kanalı, biraz daha reklam yaparsan atılacaksın -- fyi.13:01
r45c4lr45c4l@r45c4l-desktop:~/Desktop$ chmod +x test.pl13:01
r45c4lr45c4l@r45c4l-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./test.pl13:01
r45c4lbash: ./test.pl: /usr/bin/perl^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory13:01
amridI've just installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my new desktop computer, and it seems I have the clicking-harddrive bug. Using hdparm command fails (HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Input/output error, clicks continue)13:01
aliabi ne desteði ya13:01
aliben bilmiom hiç biþi13:02
Seveasr45c4l, don't use windows to write perl scripts13:02
Seveasali, english only here, turkish in #ubuntu-tr13:02
aliyardýmcý olursan sevinirim volkan abi13:02
r45c4lactually i downloaded it somewhere13:02
r45c4li dont have windows13:02
Boglizkr45c4l: Make sure the shebang is correcet13:02
Seveasr45c4l, then toss it out, don't run random scripts you find on the net13:02
Pentarexhello ubuntu users13:02
SeveasBoglizk, the shebang is correct, the file has windows lineendings :)13:03
aliya ben gidiom  live messengere burda bi bok yapýlmýor13:03
Pentarexcan anyone help me with virtual cd/dvd13:03
brownieheadis there a stable way to install 7.10 using wubi?13:03
DRebellionPentarex: what do you mean by "virtual"? you can loopback mount an iso...#13:03
Pentarexexactly with acetoneliso213:03
r45c4lSeveas: plz i am very neew to linux and i really wanna use that perl script13:03
B-rabbithi guyz, i am running feasty, and when i scan my ports with nmap i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54594/ ... its means that i am running all four of these services ... which i don't remember installing the server application for...what do i do now....any ideas?13:04
zooboxbrowniehead: is really wubi ready yet?13:04
PentarexDRebellion: i can mount it but13:04
PentarexDRebellion: i cant install it13:04
PentarexDRebellion: can u help me ?13:05
DRebellionPentarex: what is "it"?13:05
B-rabbitwhat does filter in nmap suppose to mean?13:05
lucahi all13:05
DRebellionB-rabbit: read the manual, man nmap13:05
BoglizkB-rabbit: In Gutsy (not sure about feasty) theres a Services-manager in the Administration panel.13:05
FlangerHello, Where should I go/What should I do to make sound work in a (gnome)terminal. I get the error "Failed to open sould device". I never had the need to configure sound before in terminal, so any help is appreciated.13:05
PentarexDRebellion: i set the mount in /mnt/iso and ther is the game quake 3 for linux13:05
lucaif im not using any desktop effects then it should be save removing compiz inst it ?13:05
rage_extis there a own channel for laptop ubuntu support ?13:05
PentarexDRebellion: i have it on iso when mount it there is files like autorun13:05
DRebellionPentarex: i don't know, i think there are guides for this on the internet...13:06
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brownieheadcould someone help me with a wubi question?13:06
PentarexDRebellion: ok 10nk u13:06
lucaif im not using any desktop effects then it should be save removing compiz inst it ?13:08
=== Rodya_ is now known as Rodya
B-rabbitDRebellion, i understand now...thnx13:10
borncrazyHi, how do I change TTY fonts to VGA=795?13:11
DRebellionborncrazy: put vga=795 as an option on the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst13:12
borncrazyDRebellion: just?13:12
B-rabbithow do i change the default terminal window size?13:12
Pentarexbye bye13:12
DRebellionborncrazy: what you want it to be harder?13:12
borncrazyHaha, it's just makes me supprised that it's that easy.13:12
nareshreddyhow can i play streaming audio in ubuntu13:13
B-rabbitwhere is the terminal configuration file?13:13
borncrazyOk, i'll try now. Thank you DRebellion .13:13
DRebellionnareshreddy: specify the url as the input of your favourite media player13:13
lucawhat the apt command to remove all the packages that has been left on the system as dependencies for packages that already have been deleted ?13:13
DRebellionluca: sudo apt-get autoremove13:14
kippywhat to do if the loadong screen is not visible while booting up? it also take a lot of time to boot up13:14
nosrednaekimhey guys... where are the package lists stored?13:14
nareshreddyi want to play songs from the site http://www.raagalahari.com13:14
DRebellionkippy: try changing the framebuffer resolution13:14
lucaDRebellion, thanks13:14
kippyi know that vga = *** has to be done but how to find the *** ?13:14
B-rabbitnosrednaekim, synaptic13:14
kippyand how to do that?13:14
DRebellionkippy: google for a table of vesa codes13:15
nosrednaekimB-rabbit: I mean, in the filesystem hierarchy, what directory are they in, and I don't mean sources.list13:15
* feni23_ kurz afk13:15
kippyok and which one should i use?13:15
B-rabbitdoes anyone know how do i change the default terminal window size?13:15
filthpigwhich widget manager do you ppl recommend?13:15
Seveasnosrednaekim, /var/lib/apt/lists13:15
DRebellionkippy: one with a resolution that your monitor supports.13:16
nosrednaekimSeveas: thanks!13:16
Problems_Installi need some help intalling ubuntu13:16
Seveas!helpme | Problems_Install13:16
ubotuProblems_Install: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:16
=== volkan is now known as linkibol
nosrednaekimSeveas: would you happen to know if you could just copy the those source lists from another computer to one that has no such files?13:16
Seveashmm, wrong factoid :)13:17
x-punkfinally managed to mount my iTouch in ubuntu. using gtkpod however says my device is "read only". can only stream song through wifi from my iTouch. not add songs etc. what should I do?13:17
Seveasnosrednaekim, that should work, but why not simply run apt-get update on that other machine?13:17
nosrednaekimSeveas: dial-up, so it takes like an hour :)13:17
Seveasnosrednaekim, :)13:17
kippyit supports 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 and i tried 771 and 791 but no use :(13:17
nosrednaekimSeveas: too many packages ;) but i'm not complaining13:17
Problems_Installi dnt kno wats wrong here every time i wanna install i go to wubi but it just says it doesnt have a required cd13:17
DRebellionx-punk: is it actually mounted (eg you can access the filesystem)?13:17
MasterAslandoes ubuntu use grub legacy or grub 2?13:17
SeveasMasterAslan, legacy13:18
pyRunnerI was wondering if ubuntu could use something like the Windows equivalent of WMI? Like OpenPegasus?13:18
x-punkDRebellion: I can access the filesystem in /media/ipod ...but in what dir do I upload songs etc? bah.. don't really like this iTunes feature13:19
DRebellionx-punk: no idea, i haven't really messed about with my touch much yet (apart from jailbreak :)13:19
mrmondayAre there any applications for ubuntu that allow me to have a sidebar with widgets and such on?13:20
Seveasmrmonday, screenlets13:20
* mrmonday googles13:21
kippyhey ppl 771 and 791 modes dont work? although 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 are supported13:21
DRebellionkippy: try 640x48013:21
kippyokay will give it a try.. by the way is there a way to add custom location to the weather applet?13:22
x-punkDRebellion: would be a nice to at lease get it to load my battery when plugged in ;-)13:22
DRebellionkippy: just set up your own streaming weather station ;)13:22
kippyha ha13:23
* DRebellion plugs in ipod touch13:23
kippybut seriously what to do if the my city doesnt show up?13:23
DRebellionkippy: pick somewhere near13:24
Seveaskippy, pick the nearest one13:24
DOOM_NXhello... what's the tool that shows u info about ur hdd?13:24
EdgEydf ?13:24
SeveasDOOM_NX, what kind of info? :)13:24
DRebellionx-punk: hmm, my one charges ootb13:24
kippyah! doing that only but not quite the thing :(13:24
bitmonsterdf -l13:24
DOOM_NXSeveas, there was an option that would measure ur hdd's speed13:24
Seveasiostat will tell you what it uses13:25
Seveasforget the name of the thing that tests the max. speed13:25
DOOM_NXit was something like fdisk or...13:25
KrooksI got another linux distro on another partition. Is there a way I can start it in a vmware or xen ?13:26
Magilladoes anyone know a good starting point for multi-monitor programming? Tutorials, frameworks, example code etc?13:26
nosrednaekimKrooks: I think virtualbox can do that.13:27
DRebellion!dualhead | Magilla13:27
ubotuMagilla: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:27
Dimitreehello :)13:27
DRebellionMagilla: oh, sorry got you wrong13:27
kippyKrooks, think thats not possible and vmware etc require their special files which serve as virtual hard disks13:27
Dimitreeis there a way to si nicknames list in Xchat ? or is there a more Mirc like chat client for ubuntu ?13:27
ConstyXIVis there any way to mute the "unsafe device removal" message?13:27
ConstyXIVDimitree: si?13:28
MagillaDRebellion: nps13:28
KEBAive 1238 jpg files and want to make a animated giv filefrom them... how can i make it ? i have the prog mplayer...13:28
Dimitreehow ?13:28
kippyhey guys anyone knows a softwawre to make voice calls through google talk?13:28
Krookskippy: I see. and there is no other type of app to do this ?13:28
ConstyXIVDimitree: what do you mean by si?13:28
* j4k4 ponders #canonical13:29
SeveasDimitree, in the menu: view -> nickname list13:29
Dimitreesorry its - is13:29
KEBAdimitree: do you say it to me? so i want that the first .jpg come then then the next and so on, with animate i can do this, but i cant save  the file13:29
kippywell dont think so.. the farthest you can get is to access the partition and filess from the other operating system :)13:29
epifaniohi i'm following these guide : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro13:30
nosrednaekimSeveas: copying them directly over doesn't seem to work, which seems odd.13:30
epifaniothe video card now is working but in the ati panel i see : memory = 128mb13:30
epifaniowhile my video card is 256 :-/13:30
DimitreeSeveas, well i see nicknames only when someone types, but not like a list like in mirc13:31
Seveasnosrednaekim, you'll probably need to modify /etc/apt/sources.list to be the exact same as the machine you copy from13:31
epifaniowhat i'm wrong ? i used the wrong drivers ?13:31
SeveasDimitree, maybe it's just hidden, make a screenshot of your xchat window and send it to dennis (at) ubuntu.com13:31
nosrednaekimSeveas: hmm, true, I'll go grab that too13:31
Dimitreeok one sec13:32
astro76Dimitree: you probably just have to move your mouse to the right edge of the window and drag the nick list open to the left13:33
crackhead_25_hi, trying to install on a laptop.. i start up.. and it's finished loading, but then it turns into a black screen.. which sometimes flashes to be visible.. but then quickly returns to black... HELPPP??13:33
crackhead_25_banana: can you help?13:33
t47984358Hi, im looking for ibsvn_client-1 where can i find it?13:35
kippyhey any way to make voice calls using the google talk id?13:35
babodoes anyone else get the problem with qemu where all the windows VM's have full harddrives ?13:36
Dimitreeastro76, http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14j2d20&s=3 can you help ?13:36
SeveasDimitree, in the menu: view -> nickname list <-- is that enabled?13:36
astro76Dimitree: did you see my comment?13:36
baboI have a 4GB windows XP install that's telling me that it's harddrive is full13:36
baboit can't be full13:36
Seveasastro76, it's not hidden like that13:36
enycPlease let me know if this means there is currently compilation problems:s-  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/graphics/mythtv  showing me "no current information available" on the build binaries13:36
Dimitreesaveas there is no such thing in view menue :)13:36
Dimitreeill make a screen13:37
* enyc tinks .. maybxe i should be asking in -motu come to think of it13:37
Jack_Sparrowenyc: Are you running Hardy?13:37
kippybabo: you might have other operating systems occupying the hard disk, whose partitions are not visible in windows13:37
SeveasDimitree, sorry, it's "user list"13:37
enycJack_Sparrow: no13:37
Dimitreeuserlist buttons is selected yes13:37
SeveasDimitree, no "user list"13:37
Seveasnot "userlist buttons"13:37
ompaulbabo, offtopic13:37
Dimitreeno userlist in view :)13:37
ompaulbabo, this is not ##windows13:38
SeveasDimitree, screenshot :)13:38
Dimitreeok :)13:38
sanozukefirst time in ubuntu13:38
Seveaswelcome sanozuke13:38
sanozukenedd to install gftp13:38
baboompaul: virtualization for ubuntu is on-topic. it's clearly not a windows problem ...13:38
Seveassanozuke, go to applications -> add/remove13:38
babokippy: but it's a virtual drive, how could it have other applications ?13:38
Dimitreebtw why i cant take a secons screenshto with print screen button ?13:39
Seveassanozuke, in the top right, make sure to select 'add/remove applicvations'13:39
Seveassanozuke, then enter 'gftp' in the searchbox13:39
SeveasDimitree, you can13:39
Dimitreeoh yes it was lagging sorry13:39
kippybabo: you might want to explain the setup in detail13:39
=== Apollo_Yang is now known as Vagabond_GG
Jack_Sparrowbabo: vbox has their own channel13:40
Seveasbabo, if windows is telling you the drive is full it's a windows problem and thus not welcome here13:40
ompaulbabo, you told us you have a 4G full partition with that bloatware ;-) that is ...  so do this, type the whole story out on one line and then press enter then people can see if they can help and not be calling offtopic at ya ;-)13:40
crackhead_25_kippy: can you help? im trying to do a laptop ubuntu install on a gateway cx210x, and the install loads into the os, but when the x starts, the screen turns black, only flashing a little visible now and then..13:40
crackhead_25_ompaul: can you help?13:41
Seveas!helpme | crackhead_25_13:41
ubotucrackhead_25_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:41
crackhead_25_Seveas: thanks. i tried asking before, and no one answerd.13:41
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Can you get to recovery mode...  wscape on boot...13:41
babokippy: right dude, looks like I'm out voted. I'll go to #vbox ... if you cared to follow me ?13:41
crackhead_25_when during boot, do i press escape (i assume you mean)?13:41
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: yes13:41
crackhead_25_no, when during boot13:42
zed_Dimitree, drag the userlist on the right side (see the little dots?)13:42
t47984358where can i find ibsvn_client-113:42
Seveascrackhead_25_, looks like ubuntu doesn't like your video card13:42
DimitreeSaveas it seams that when i hover my mouse and have the view menue expanded the print screen button doesn't work lmao :D13:42
crackhead_25_it's right now loaded in the desktop, x started,a nd the screen is blank.. someone said i might be able to get into a console somehow through ctrl alt f1?13:42
crackhead_25_or something?13:42
t47984358or what is it? apt-get install does not work13:42
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: It will get you to a cli/terminal prompt13:42
Seveast47984358, apt-get install subversion13:42
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Yes, ctrl atl F1 - 613:42
t47984358apt-get install subversion13:42
Dimitreezed_ there is nothign to drag ont he right side o-o13:43
sanozukewere is the reposotory13:43
brobostigont47984358: search on packages.ubuntu.com and inside synaptic13:43
crackhead_25_none of those combinations get me to a console13:43
kodgeI want to copy some files over to another username. However it wont let me, how can I go about doing this?13:43
crackhead_25_should i reboot it and press escape when??13:43
SeveasDimitree, hit <ctrl><F7>13:43
zed_Dimitree, on the right side of the scrollbar there is13:43
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Then hit escape on boot go to recovery mode13:43
crackhead_25_ok, when during boot?13:43
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: ctrl F1 didnt get console13:43
Dimitreezed ok that worked lol13:43
crackhead_25_no, ctrl f1 = no console13:44
Dimitreesorry i'm windows user first tiem in ubuntu :D13:44
lucamy mplayer only works from command line ... any idea why ?13:44
Dimitreethanky ou guys :)13:44
SeveasDimitree, welcome to the dark side :)13:44
dhudemy monitor isn't listed under gutsy13:44
dhudeit's an HP w2408h13:44
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_:  I am waiting for first cup of coffee to perk...  I will be a bit slow yet13:44
dhudeanyone can be of some help?13:44
=== Vagabond_GG is now known as Apollo_Yang
lucawhen i run gmplayer /movie.avi or mplayer /movie.avi works fine but when i click on the movie files it doenst open it ...13:44
Breakageoops :) messing with irssi copy and paste13:45
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: im restarting.. i have the start, start safe, install, oem check, etc. menu.. do i press escape now??13:45
kodgeIm wanting to copy some files from /home/kodge to /home/koj but it wont let me. How can I go about getting the files accross?13:45
crackhead_25_ok, im in text mode install13:45
jribluca: does mplayer open but give you an error?13:45
crackhead_25_i have a boot: console prompt13:45
crackhead_25_what do i do now?13:45
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Do ou still have the cd in..  did you ever install to the hd13:45
crackhead_25_i have cd in. i havent yet installed.13:45
lucajrib, failed to open its the error13:45
Dimitreehmm i need a restart13:45
NachoSamaI have installed Ubuntu 64 and telled the SO that my computer clock is set to GMT. I would like to change it to localtime and don't know how because every time I start Ubuntu my clock tells the time with my GMT offset.13:45
t47984358who is the ubuntu bot, floodbot?13:46
sanozukecan't get13:46
lucajrib, maybe because its a mounted ntfs partition ? and it cannot handle it ?....no clue13:46
InspectorCluseauNachoSama,  read man date13:46
jpatrick!bot > t4798435813:46
jribluca: tell me the result of this command: grep -i exec /usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop13:46
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: i'm at boot prompt.. what now?13:46
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Boot the live cd again...  this time hit F6  and we will try some different options13:46
crackhead_25_when do i press f6?13:46
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: I thought you already had installed.. like I said, I am still a bit sleepy13:47
crackhead_25_you just ahd me go to boot prompt.. im at boot prompt13:47
lucajrib, TryExec=gmplayer Exec=gmplayer %U13:47
NachoSamaOh... I was thinking it was something more to do with Ubuntu in particular. Thanks, I'll read date's man.13:47
crackhead_25_when do i press f6?13:47
jribluca: you will need to change that  to %F.  Do you know how to do that?13:47
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: I sent you to a boot prompt becasue I thought you alreay had installed...13:47
jribargh... dumb weechat13:47
sanozukeyou there13:47
ompaul!repeat | crackhead_25_ -0----- you need to wait13:47
ubotucrackhead_25_ -0----- you need to wait: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:47
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: You press F6 at the start or install menu13:47
NachoSamaOne more.... I'm using nspluginwrapper to use Flash on firefox (Same Ubuntu 64) and it works but INCREDIBLY slow.13:47
lucajrib, i was right ... i copied that movie to home directory from ntfs mounted partition and now works13:47
crackhead_25_how do i reboot from boot prompt?13:48
lucajrib, no , i dont know13:48
InspectorCluseauNachoSama,  I just installed the 32 bit Firefox...flash works fine13:48
filthpigdoes anyone have any experience using screenlets and adding new widgets?13:48
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: type reboot, press reset,  or power off... then on13:48
kippyhow to install flash player for opera?13:49
Jack_Sparrowkippy: you dont13:49
NachoSamaYes I know, because Flash runs direcly over Firefox like any other NetScape based plugin.13:49
jribluca: open an editor as so: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop13:49
epifanioguys i done a dangerouse think :-( , following these guide : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro13:49
epifanioat the audio step13:49
kodgeI Can't copy files from one username to the other, how can I get around this? i need to copy files from /home/kodge to /home/koj13:49
kippyjack_sparrow so how to watch utube videos?13:49
NachoSamaBut I have a 64bit system and Flash don't work over 64bits so I need to use nspluginwrapper.13:49
* InspectorCluseau of course my setup has all the 32 bit libs.....13:49
jribkodge: permanently?13:49
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: ok, pressed f6.. now what?13:49
kodgeJrib: yes13:50
lucajrib, done ... thanks a lot13:50
InspectorCluseauNachoSama, yeah...I forgot about you not having the 32 bit libs13:50
jribluca: ok, then change the %U to %F and try again.  I know this resolved issues when the file had a space in the name13:50
InspectorCluseauI use Slamd6413:50
epifanioi folowed the adiuo setting according to the guide, at the end of the audio-menu  setting i tried to run example sound, like login etc ...13:50
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: I would try noapic before the --   but there are many others to try..  acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, noapic, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable13:51
jribkodge: just use sudo to copy and then change ownership of the files13:51
NachoSamaSlamd64? Slckware?! Awesome, I started using linux with Slackware.13:51
epifaniobut it do not works, so i continued to follow the guide13:51
NachoSamaAmazing distro.13:51
Dimitreehmm i have this utorrent*.pbi can i install something from this ?13:51
InspectorCluseauSlamd rocks13:51
lucajrib, done that ... works great . thanks13:51
bitmonsterhi, can you help me with the configuration of an ati mobility radeon 7500 graphics card for the dual monitor mode?13:51
NachoSamaSo.... you are running Firefox 32b?13:51
jribluca: cool, no problem13:51
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: um, what? recommendation? i have a gateway cx210x13:51
InspectorCluseaunot as friendly as Ubuntu.....but is a great distro13:51
epifaniofollowing the text-part of the guide (command line) i arrived at the last step : sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel13:52
NachoSamaYeap, but you learn a LOT and can configure EVERITHING hheheeh13:52
jrib!caps | lonely13:52
jrib!flash > lonely (read the private message from ubotu)13:52
ubotulonely: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »13:52
epifaniobut it give me : FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.13:52
NachoSamaI remember I used to recompile the kernel as a "must do" for performance sake.13:52
bitmonsterhi, can you help me with the configuration of an ati mobility radeon 7500 graphics card for the dual monitor mode?13:53
InspectorCluseauI used to be a Mandrake fan....until I got tired of PRM hell.....13:53
NachoSamaubotu - I kno how to insall it, but on 64 bits over nspluginwrapper it works incredibly slow.13:53
epifanioand now double click on the volume-menu give me : http://rafb.net/p/JREDOm55.html13:53
NachoSamaDo you use slapt-get?13:53
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: I dont know for your particular hardware, you can try my suggestion or you can try looking up your hardware in the supported hardware page13:53
jriblonely: stop using caps13:54
jrib!java > lonely (read the private message from ubotu)13:54
sanozukedoes anyone knows how to make a virtual instalation to fluxbuntu13:54
epifaniodouble click on the volume give me window with : Non è stato trovato alcun plugin di GStreamer o dispositivo per la regolazione del volume.13:54
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: what am i looking for in what hardware page?13:54
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Your laptop make and model13:54
crackhead_25_and in what page am i looking?13:54
danielski_plis there some sort of flash player for kubuntu?13:55
lucajrib i just add some configuration for mplayer in ~/mplayer/config ... but it doesnt seems its reading it ... is there other mplayer conf file overwriting this one ?13:55
jriblonely: it needs to be ~/.mplayer/config  with the '.'13:55
kippyjack_sparrow how to watch you utbe videos in opera without flash?13:55
lucajrib yeah sure ... dont seems to work13:56
lucajrib iv just put there subcp=cp1250 ... nothing changed13:56
nanbudhi wish to install nvu but when i run 'sudo apt-get install nvu', the terminal say package not found. I have my universe and multiverse sources enabled.13:56
brobostigonkippy: try miro13:56
astro76nanbudh: it's called kompozer now13:56
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:56
chrisleesHi. Bit of a silly question maybe, but does anyone know of a program that will upsample my DVDs and then save them to Ogg Theora (or another Free non-patented codec)?13:56
nanbudhah! thanks13:57
lucadanielski_pl course there is ... ubuntuguide.org will be your friend13:57
Jack_Sparrow!flashissues > kippy13:57
chrislees*upsample to 720p or above13:57
nanbudhis there any open source website creator which is as good as they say nvu is?13:57
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: You do understand that you will most likely not get that hardware to work in tablet mode.. right?13:57
nanbudh*any other13:58
kippyjack_sparrow: thanks13:58
Dimitreehow do i install something from a pbi file ?13:58
astro76chrislees: it is silly to encode bits that don't exist13:58
crackhead_25_Jack_Sparrow: my laptop isn't listed there in the hardware page. what now?13:58
Jack_Sparrowkippy: np.. sorry I dont have better help for Opera Users13:58
crackhead_25_noapic didnt work either.. sam eproblem..13:58
chrisleesastro76: I'm of the opinion that upsampling doesn't do anything, but I want to try something that claims to give a better picture :-)13:59
jribluca: the file should work.  Try something like "fs=yes" to see if that works13:59
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25_: Then it will be trial and error or the ubuntu alternate-text install cd13:59
chrisleesastro76: I'm also running experiments for a new open-source high def disc format13:59
pyRunnerI was wondering if ubuntu could use something like the Windows equivalent of WMI? Like OpenPegasus? Any comments?13:59
astro76chrislees: ahh... I agree it doesn't make much sense, though many claim the hardware upscaling works wonders13:59
pyRunnerI was thinking of creating a package for OpenPegasus13:59
BoglizkI'm trying to setup syntax hilighting in nano. How do i proceed?14:00
jribpyRunner: best to discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-motu if you are interested in discussing the packaging14:00
olidoes nano support syntax hilighting? :>14:00
jriboli: yes14:00
Boglizkoli: Yes.14:00
olithx 4info. never tried.14:00
pyRunnerjrib: thanks!14:00
astro76chrislees: I'd look into mencoder as a start, it seems to do most everything14:01
jribBoglizk: google turned this up, looks useful: http://wiki.linuxhelp.net/index.php/Nano_Syntax_Highlighting14:01
Jack_SparrowPegko: Welcome to ubuntu14:01
Boglizkjrib: I tried it.. the paths don't match and such, i cant get it to work14:02
AnonydQuick question. When you use CTRL-ALT-F1 (for example) how do you start the GUI again?14:02
Boglizkjrib: Oh wait, i got it to work.. I forgot to enable it in nano14:02
Boglizksilly me.14:02
danandAnonyd - CTRL-ALT-F714:02
alex__Could someone help me please ? I have a problem with screen resolution on a CRT monitor14:02
Anonydthanks danand14:03
tuxisti have anybody experience with kde luks under gutsy14:03
astro76wow that whole wiki.liuxhelp.net site is spam infested.. for over a year14:04
Jack_Sparrowalex__: We have a help page for res.. have you seen it..14:04
tuxistthe deccrypt dialog is running than nothing happens14:04
alex__Jack_Sparrow, yes, I've been searching for a few hours now14:05
crackhead_25_what's a keystroke to go right to a console???14:05
alex__My problem seems to be related to xorg autodetection14:05
Jack_Sparrowalex__: Please post your xorg.conf to the pastebin.. and give us a link14:06
Dimitreeastro76, how can i install utorrent from a pbi file ? o-o14:06
kippyjack_sparrow, is there a way to make voice calls using the google talk ids?14:06
Jack_Sparrowkippy: I dont know if pidgin does that yet14:06
lucashouldnt smbclient be enough to be able to browser windows localnetwork shared directory?14:06
Jack_Sparrowkippy: I have skype beta with video working.. kinda cool14:06
Masterslavedoes anyone know how to style(eg. css file) this? how can i do that and where on my ubuntu server aper drake to look for? http://svn.riaforge.org/onTap/   this is an example link14:07
LimezHello all, I was wondering if there was a tool for ubuntu which can resize pictures easely. I got pictures from my camera but they are too big for emailing14:07
astro76Dimitree: Dimitree I don't know what that is14:08
Jack_SparrowLimez: Gimp can do that14:08
InspectorCluseauLimez,  GIMP14:08
LimezJack_Sparrow: I know, but not all with 1 click14:08
kippyjack_sparrow, pidgin doesnt do voice calls. i was hoping to use my gtalk id.. have lots of contacts there14:08
zootmMasterslave: I think that's an SVN repository14:08
LimezI want something more easily14:08
Dimitreeastro76,  ok thanks :)14:08
LimezIt will take me ages to resize hundreds of pictures14:08
alex__Here is my xorg.conf, after having tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:08
Masterslavezootm, it is do you know how to style that, i've subversion on my server14:08
LimezWindows has a powertool for it. But never seen it for ubuntu14:09
kippydimitree, have you tried qbittorrent? has a lot of features14:09
jribLimez: imagemagick's convert or mogrify if you want a command14:09
InspectorCluseauLimez,  I think you can make a script in GIMP to do that.....maybe14:09
zootmMasterslave: I don't think you're supposed to style that. There's frontend stuff like ViewSVN or Fisheye which present a friendlier view of that sort of thing though14:09
astro76Dimitree: oh it's a pc-bsd package, you shouldn't install anything with foreign package systems14:09
LimezI already tried a few scripts, but they weren't working14:09
Dimitreeastro76,  ok ! :) ^__^14:10
jribLimez: gthumb seems like it has a gui for scaling too14:10
Masterslaveok thanks i will look for that, i've trac allready installed on myserver though14:10
Dimitreebtw how do i delte something hahaha :D14:10
Limezjrib: how to do it in gthumb?14:10
LimezI got it already14:10
Jack_SparrowLimez: I wrote one for Windows to do just that..  You could select a folder and the size you wanted for the output and off it went.  SO I know what you mean.  I have not seen one in ubuntu14:10
zootmMasterslave: Why not just use Trac then? doesn't it do this?14:10
astro76Dimitree: rm14:10
Pegkoi have a problem with my netatalk. I want to run my LaserWriter 16/600 PS over appletalk pap find the Printer then i print a testpage and nothing happens! just the message "/usr/lib/cups/backend/pap failed" Driver is installed, but i think that something is rong with the URI pap://LaserWriter%2016/600%20PS@LaserWriter14:10
Dimitreethank you :)14:10
jribLimez: tools -> scale images14:11
Limezjrib: k, I'll try that14:11
Masterslavezootm, yes it does, but just curious14:11
Limezif it won't work I'll continue googling :)14:12
LimezIt must exist14:12
zootmMasterslave: Ah, Generally the SVN interface is supposed to be read by computers I think so screwing with it might not be advisable14:12
zootmTrac will probably do you just fine though14:12
Masterslavetrue trac works fine indeed14:12
OlivO_# gay14:13
Masterslavezootm, sorry for my bad english, understanding/reading goes better than speaking/writing14:13
CyberaiCan anyone tell me what log I can look at to see when someone logged into and/or out of my ubuntu box?14:13
zootmMasterslave: Your english is fine :)14:14
kippylimiz, have you tried imagemagick [not sure about the spellings had heard it some where]]14:14
MasterslaveCyberai, /var/log/acces.log  ?14:14
Suicidal_Failureanyone here using pulseaudio on gutsy having issues with it eating cpu like crazy?14:14
muuddflaphigh all14:14
Suicidal_FailureCyberai, auth.log14:15
muuddflapmy frostwire is not conneting anyone know how to fix it14:15
Cyberaithanks Suicidal_Failure14:15
Masterslavezootm, but on dapper drake trac is a bit old...14:15
InspectorCluseauCyberGabber, read man last14:15
zootmMasterslave: I think most stuff is quite old on Dapper now; you might just have to live with that :/14:16
invitwhy speaking they english ??14:16
InspectorCluseauoops Cybera ....read man last14:16
DRebellion!english | invit14:16
inviti am french i cannot understand english14:16
ubotuinvit: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:16
Masterslavezootm, i'm wating till 8.04 is stable, it's a LTS, you properly knew that ;)14:16
DRebellioninvit: #ubuntu-fr14:16
zootmMasterslave: I was going to say, you only need to wait until April for another LTS :)14:17
rsfriendshello all14:17
Masterslavezooper_, hehe14:17
Suicidal_Failureinvit, how do you know what you just wrote then?14:17
jrib!fr | invit14:17
ubotuinvit: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:17
inviti speak english a little14:17
rsfriendsi got sound problem in game, and when i listen to music,  what can the problem be, for 1 hour ago it did work very good14:18
DRebellioninvit: je parle la francais (a little) ;)14:18
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: Linux game or windows game14:18
Suicidal_Failureinvit, i figured that, just a lame joke, ignore me :)14:18
rsfriendswindows game14:18
rsfriendsi do use wine14:18
lucawhen i click on " system > Quit " it doesnt promnt with the windows to choise whatever i want to logout . restart .. or shutdown ... it just logout automatically  , any idea ?14:18
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: in wine or v-something14:19
invitmerci DRebellion14:19
rsfriendsand i cant hear music 214:19
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: #Winehq has answers for those questions14:19
invitI will rejoin a french discussion14:19
rsfriendsso it is not only problem  in wine, but also in ubuntu14:19
invitcan they  help me14:19
DRebellioninvit: probably14:20
bitmonsteri can listen to the music but my screen sucks14:20
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: So you lost sound in ubuntu as well...14:20
nathan__I'm having trouble installing Win98 SE onto a machine with Xubuntu 7.1014:20
* kawosh says hello :)14:20
rsfriendsi can well restart ubuntu  and  se if it get better?14:21
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: You lost sound while running a game in wine.. did you get wine from Ubuntu repos or elsewhere14:21
rsfriendsi did get wine from ubuntu14:21
Skyblader2restarting ubuntu repeatedly tends to fix broken things14:21
jpatrick!wine | rsfriends14:21
ubotursfriends: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:21
rsfriendsok thx14:22
bloodboyhello guys, i tried for a day to fix my Ubuntu system which wouldn't boot, and just found out that the network manager is stalling at boot14:22
Pegkois here nobody, can help me with my appletalk printer?14:22
bloodboycan someone help me?14:22
BULDUKLUEnter text here...14:22
nathan__I'm having trouble installing Win98 SE onto a machine with Xubuntu 7.1014:22
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: Try restarting to see if it clears up the problem,  not something I would normally suggest... but since you were using wine it cant hurt14:22
chenyuhow to mount a .bin file?14:22
SpaceAviatorbloodboy, press ctrl+c where it hangs14:22
bloodboywhen i press CTRL+C it just retries and won;t load14:22
DRebellionchenyu: try  mount -t loop file.bin mountpoint/14:22
bloodboyi think my x11 config file is corrupt14:23
jribchenyu: use bchunk to convert it to an iso, then use mount14:23
chenyudoesn't work14:23
chenyubchunk, I get it14:23
bloodboyi need to go down from runlevel 5 to runlevel 314:23
SpaceAviatorbloodboy, no idea mate sorry. Probably post in the forums14:23
bloodboycan u teach me how?14:23
Jack_Sparrownathan__: Instead of repeating the same question, why not explain what the problem is14:23
jribbloodboy: are you sure?  why?14:23
bloodboybecause the network manager is stalling14:23
=== STM2 is now known as STM
bloodboyhow can i edit the etc/init files?14:24
astro76bloodboy: this isn't redhat, if you want to stop X switch to a VC and sudo invoke.rc-d gdm stop14:24
jribbloodboy: runlevel 2 is default and 2-5 are the same on ubuntu.  Can't you get to a tty using ctrl-alt-f1?14:24
jrib!de | BULDUKLU14:24
ubotuBULDUKLU: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:24
bloodboywhat does CTRL - ATL - F1 do?14:24
DRebellionbloodboy: takes you to a virtual terminal14:24
hanophix33i just bought a d-link wireless card, can anyone help me set it up?14:24
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: It loads the setup off of the cd, but at random times through the setup it gives an insufficient memory error14:24
SpaceAviatorswitches you to terminal 1 bloodboy14:24
DRebellionbloodboy: ctrl+alt+f7 will bring you back14:24
bloodboyand when is the correct time to press it?14:25
DRebellionbloodboy: when booted14:25
=== moggy is now known as mogggee
Krooksif you can't sudo it. sodom it14:25
Jack_Sparrownathan__: How are you trying to install it? to the hard drive or some sort of virtual..14:25
Grabhi! how can i show the date, as well as the time, in irssi logs ?14:25
dimedohi again, is there anyone who has an idea why there are no more shudown/reboot options in my Gnome Logoff menu?14:26
Jack_SparrowBULDUKLU: Please stop with the caps14:26
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: To the hard drive. I spent all of yesterday installing xubuntu but its slower then win98 anyhow, so I want to go back to it.14:26
vonSmallhausenI don't seem to get compiz-fusion to work. When I try to enable desktops effects I get the message "Desktop effects could not be enabled." Anyone know what could possibly be wrong?14:26
jrib!tr | BULDUKLU14:26
ubotuBULDUKLU: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:26
Seveasdimedo, are you using kdm perhaps?14:26
bloodboyok here is it, it stalls at the login screen, when the ubuntu brown login screen is about to be loaded to verify my username and password, the screen turns black and the so called white Ubuntu beachball of death appears on a black background14:26
hanophix33anyone know how to get a d-link wirless card working?14:26
Jack_Sparrownathan__: Then you need to ask in #windows.. it isnt a Ubuntu problem..14:26
Grabhi! how can i show the date, as well as the time, in irssi logs ?14:26
dimedoSeveas: not knowingly, whats that?14:27
Seveas!repeat | Grab14:27
ubotuGrab: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:27
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: Yes sir :P14:27
Seveasdimedo, did you install kubuntu things?14:27
dimedoi installed Qt14:27
ackbahrHi there! I'm trying to have GRUB startup my system with runlevel 4 (which I transformed to suit my needs), but I can't figure out where in the GRUB entry to specify the runlevel....14:27
Jack_Sparrownathan__: How much ram are you running in that box14:27
Seveasdimedo, maybe dbus broke on your system -- try logging out and logging in14:27
danandackbahr - _think_ you just add the four on the end :)14:28
dimedoSeveas: dosn't work, i already relogged and rebooted a lot of times since that happened14:28
chenyujrib: hi?14:28
ackbahrdanand: But at the end of which line?14:28
Seveasdimedo, k, pastebin the output of ps axu14:28
jribchenyu: yes?14:28
chenyujrib: thank you14:29
danielski_plgot my gnome back up and running, though everytime i try to start firefox - non free, it restarts my gdm back to login anyone know why?14:29
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: 192mb14:29
danandackbahr - your kernel line - you can do this by editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst file or by pressing e when grub loads14:30
Jack_Sparrownathan__: How much of that is shared with your video card?14:30
mogggeeDCC SEND lololol_epicfail_lololololol 0 0 014:31
ackbahrdanand: I did that, and it strated in rc2 instead....14:31
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: I'm not sure, its a laptop that I haven't touched in awhile14:31
Jack_Sparrownathan__: Either way, if you are going back to 98.. one of the better windows versions.. Itisnt an issue for here.  But reducing the shared video will help with the linux install14:32
dimedoSeveas: http://de.pastebin.ca/89014714:32
ackbahrdanand: By the way, do you happen to know what the "ro" option at the end of the kernel line is?14:32
InspectorCluseauread only14:32
danandackbahr - read only14:33
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: How would reduce the shared video inside of xubuntu?14:33
ackbahrdanand: And what is made read only by this option?14:33
danielski_plhey, can some one help, everytime i start firefox-non-free it logs me out of my current session14:33
bloodboyhello guys14:33
bloodboyi just tried it14:33
bloodboyepic failure14:33
Seveasdimedo, I'm out of clues -- dbus, gdm and gnome-settings-daemon are up, you should see those icons14:33
Jack_Sparrownathan__: You cant do it inside the os.. it is a bios thing..14:33
rage_exthello I've abandond windows for good now. =) But now I've got some issues with my battery life time. It has become shorter and now. Is there a way to adjust the power consumtion moore effective?14:33
bloodboyi need my GNOME gui interface14:34
Seveas!enter | bloodboy14:34
ubotubloodboy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:34
danandackbahr - Your root file system is mounted read only initially at boot time (I think)14:34
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: K Thanks for your help14:34
jacob_I just wiped out my /boot directory contents. How'd I regenerate them again? :(14:34
Jack_Sparrownathan__: np14:34
InspectorCluseaudanielski_pl,  Firefox is probably crashing X....and then the system restarts X14:34
bloodboyhow do i load the GUI interface in the CTRL - ALT - F1 mode?14:34
ackbahrdanand: Which seems a good idea.... Well, thank you very much, I'm going to try this again then! See you probably in a few minutes!14:34
hanophix33jack_sparrow: know anything about d-link wireless cards?14:34
dimedoSeveas: i just see: Switch user, Lock screen, Log out, Hibernate, Suspend14:34
danandackbahr - luck14:34
rage_extI've lost about 2 hours of runtime...14:35
danielski_plInspectorClauseau: how do i fix it, remove and reinstall?14:35
bloodboyCTRL - ALT - F1 does not fix my problem14:35
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: I had some luck with the ones that had bcm43xx chipsets byusing fwcutter.. but I am not a wireless kind of guy14:35
jacob_I really need to figure out how to get the contents of /boot back again. I ran "sudo grub-install" and that got grub, and I tried "update-initramfs" but that only put a new initramfs file in - I know there's more than that. :(14:35
jribbloodboy: you get a terminal right?14:35
InspectorCluseaudanielski_pl,  Got me...that might be a plan14:35
dimedohas anyone else any idea why i don't see the reboot and shutdown buttons in my gnome logout menu anymore?14:35
hanophix33jack_sparrow: just bought one yesterday, thought it would be plug n play, but its not14:35
bloodboywhat occured to the GUI like the Linux Live cd?14:36
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: Find your chipset and check the wiki14:36
InspectorCluseaudanielski_pl, Check your logs and see if therre is an error message14:36
jribbloodboy: what exactly do you want to do?14:36
bloodboyi need to repair my non-booting Ubuntu system14:36
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > hanophix3314:36
bloodboyit stalls when loading the Network Manager at bootup14:36
bloodboyand i can't get to the login screen14:37
TheMafiais there a special way you are suppose to print labels with a ptouch thermal printer? do I just need to create a label template in oowriter or something like that?14:37
jribbloodboy: ok.  So does hitting ctrl-alt-f1 actually get you a terminal?14:37
InspectorCluseauI think OO has a bunch of buit-in templates14:38
techno_freakjrib, it takes you to console, or 100% command line14:38
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: I can't find where to change the shared memory in the Bios14:38
jribbloodboy: so that gives you access to your system and you can modify what you want14:38
bloodboybut i don't know what to do14:38
bloodboyi need to disable the wireless drivers at bootup14:39
Jack_Sparrownathan__: Not sure of your hardware.. but it is not always clear, but is always marked video something14:39
bloodboyhow come a driver misconfiguration can cause all of this?14:39
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: I'll take another look14:39
cagri87hello i have a simple question??14:39
* InspectorCluseau wonders why the 'houscleaning' has to be spammed on the channel......14:40
rsfriendsjack_sparrow i did fix the sound on ubuntu, but i got a other problem, i cant hear the sound in game?14:40
cagri87can anyone help me i have a simple question14:40
ompaul!ask | cagri8714:40
ubotucagri87: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:40
bloodboyhow to repair my Ubuntu system files by using the Alternate Live CD?14:40
* InspectorCluseau Seveas should be banned for flooding.....lol14:40
kidemportemhey guys GTK-Gnash is locking my box up and ideas why it could be doing that i notice it using like 300mb14:40
ompaul /cs m InspectorCluseau14:41
jrib!who | bloodboy14:41
ubotubloodboy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:41
jribbloodboy: how do you know network manager is hanging?14:41
lenhi, I installed sun-java6-bin and when I logged off, I cant log in anymore. When I log in I hear the startup sound but the screen stays orange. I have installed xfce and that is working. But I like to have my gnome back ;)14:41
bloodboy!who | jrib14:41
ubotujrib: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:41
Jack_Sparrowrsfriends: Something in that game under wine is causing you serious problems.. but you will have the best luck asking in Winehq14:41
danielski_pli cant figure out how to remove firefox non free14:41
bloodboyi saw the error log14:41
troubledPriceChild: you're killin me here.... ;)14:41
cagri87i cannot copy my amsn plugin to /usr/share/amsn directory how can i do that?14:41
jribbloodboy: please prefix your responses to me with "jrib: "14:42
PriceChildtroubled, it is this, or we can't ban anyone else?14:42
astro76danielski_pl: you must be a debian guy if you're calling firefox non-free14:42
Jack_Sparrowtroubled: We gotta do housecleaning sometime14:42
nathan__Jack_Sparrow: I can't find it anywhere, do you know of any ways to make xubuntu faster? Or another distro thats lightweight and has wireless support?14:42
troubledPriceChild: didnt you guys have a ban limit increase here?14:42
jriblen: pastebin the result of 'ls -ld ~/.*authority'14:42
PriceChildtroubled, we used it14:42
Seveastroubled, even with the increased limit wi hit the max :)14:42
Jack_Sparrownathan__: dsl.. damn small linux or something like that..  check distrowatch..14:43
troubledSeveas: what is it if you dont mind me asking?14:43
bloodboyjrib: ok14:43
troubled50 without i assume14:43
lenjrib: -rw------- 1 len  len  3239 2008-02-03 15:31 /home/len/.ICEauthority14:43
Seveastroubled, if I knew I wouldn't mind :)14:43
len-rw------- 1 root root  122 2008-02-03 15:30 /home/len/.Xauthority14:43
danielski_plastro76: not really a debian guy, just need to know how to remove it i got 2 versions of firefox 1 came with ubuntu and 1 i downloaded seperatly to use flash14:43
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
jriblen: delete the files (they will be recreated when you login) or fix the ownership14:44
danielski_pland now its conflicting with gdm and i have to remove it but how?14:44
Seveastroubled, something like that14:44
jribbloodboy: is there a way for you to pastebin the log for us?14:44
lenjrib: thnx I will try that now14:44
A[D]minS^WorkCan I export my email account from Evolution and import in OutLook ?14:44
cagri87any one ?? how can i copy files to /usr/share directory. it says you are not the owner but i cant find the appropriate thing to enter my owner password??14:44
kidemportemwhen do u think they will have Flash fixed14:44
troubledSeveas: well, seeing if anyone knows the limits. ill pass it along if I hear a reply shortly14:44
kidemportemthe work around i think is locking me up14:44
bloodboyjrib: i can't14:45
jribcagri87: what are you trying to accomplish by copying files there?14:45
cagri87yes hjrib14:45
bloodboyjrib: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/14:45
bloodboyjrib: check the link out14:45
danielski_pland also during installation my garbage bin quit unexpectadly, and i cant make it appear on bottom right hand side14:45
bloodboyjrib: i need to repair my system files14:45
cagri87i am trying to acomplish adding amsn plugins14:45
bloodboyjrib: can you tell me the command?14:45
bullgard4English help wanted. What is the name of a string that you type in a field in order that a search engine prints documents which match that string?14:46
bloodboyplz anyone help me14:46
Seveasbullgard4, search string, query14:46
bullgard4Seveas: Thank you very much.14:46
jribbloodboy: yes, it gives you a root terminal.  You can do the same thing if you get to ctrl-alt-f1.  "repair my system files" does not really make sense.   We need to figure out what the problem is first.  Describe exactly what happens14:46
=== neuro|irssi is now known as neuro_
cagri87jrib: i am trying to install amsn plugins14:47
* Exospaciac :D14:47
lenjrib: It did not work, I still dont get to see the desktop14:47
jriblen: pastebin the result of 'ls -ld ~/.*authority' now14:48
bloodboywhat does that command do?14:48
jribcagri87: install plugins to ~/.amsn/plugins14:48
len-rw------- 1 len  len  342 2008-02-03 15:46 /home/len/.ICEauthority14:48
len-rw------- 1 root root 122 2008-02-03 15:30 /home/len/.Xauthority14:48
jriblen: still root14:48
bloodboyjrib, i gtg soon, my mum is angry14:48
cagri87jrib: ok i m trying that rite now14:48
Dimitreegosh i can't install flash player for Opera >___>14:48
bloodboyit's 1.50 am here14:49
Seveaslen, in the future don't run gui apps with sudo. To fix this: sudo chown len:len /home/len/.Xauthority14:49
danielski_plbloodboy: where u from?14:49
bloodboyjrib: i will have a nights sleep and talk to you again tomorrow14:49
bullgard4How to type a search string which includes a space character in the Ubuntu 'Tracker Search' program?14:49
jribbloodboy: fix it in the morning then.  You need to write in one line exactly what the problem is and tell this channel tomorrow.  Good night14:49
klndz3What do you folks reccommend, should14:49
bloodboyok, kthx14:49
jribbullgard4: I don't know, but did you try "using quotes like this"?14:50
ompaulsome more bans will be removed  in the next few moments14:50
len-rw------- 1 root root 122 2008-02-03 15:30 /home/len/.Xauthority, I will try to log on now14:50
danielski_pljrib: do u know how to remove firefox non-free?14:50
Pentarexcan anyone help me with one iso file14:51
DRebellionPentarex: what is the problem?14:51
nemilarPentarex: what's the problem?14:51
astro76danielski_pl: apt-get remove firefox14:51
DRebellionIs this like a weekly ban clearance?14:51
bullgard4jrib: Yes, I tried using "" before I posted here. Tracker Search will consider the first part of the search string only.14:51
DimitreeGuys any idea on how to install Flash player for Opera ?14:51
klndz3What do you folks recommend, should I get my wireless networking on Roaming, or should I just keep certain wireless networks settings in my System > Administration > Network?14:51
ompaulDRebellion, with a bit of extra vim14:51
PentarexDRebellion: i talk with u but didnt help me too much the info u give me14:51
cagri87jrib: thanks buddy it worked but when i need to copy files to /usr/ directory what should i do??14:51
Zimmerone simplistic question here, for the noob. Am I correct in saying that Ubuntu doesnt support INtel 64 bit architecture?14:52
danielski_plastro76: no luck14:52
PentarexDRebellion: i cannot find proper info for how to mount game and then isntall it14:52
astro76danielski_pl: why what happens?14:52
nemilarZimmer: it does, use the amd64 version14:52
pluxZimmer: it does support it, use the amd64 iso14:52
Zimmernemilar: I have, and it doesn't boot up14:52
TheMafiano matter what I do my brother laber printers prints portrait, is there some trick I am missing?14:52
Zimmerthe install screen appears14:52
Zimmerand then the screen goes blank14:52
danielski_plE:\ couldn't find "blahblah"14:52
nemilarZimmer: it /should/ work14:53
jribcagri87: you really should never need to do that.  If you need to touch something outside of your HOME, then maybe it is a config file in /etc.  Or maybe you install some custom stuff that's not packaged in /usr/local/ or /opt.  Having said that, read the page ubotu links you to next:14:53
Pentarexnemilar: my problem is with quake 3 for linux i cant insatll it14:53
jrib!sudo > cagri87 (read the private message from ubotu)14:53
pluxPentarex: try ioquake314:53
astro76danielski_pl: we could help if you pastebin the exact error, I don't know what couldn't find blahblah is supposed to be14:53
nemilarZimmer: that sounds more like a video card driver issue to me, or something of that matter14:53
ZimmerI got an 8800GTS14:53
Pentarexnemilar: is this quake 3 arena ?14:53
DRebellionPentarex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/QuakeIIIArena14:53
danielski_plastro76: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)14:53
nemilarZimmer: I've had lots of problems on a friend's computer with that card14:54
Zimmerso basically, I can't install it14:54
nemilardanielski_pl: you're not root14:54
nemilardanielski_pl: sudo [whatever you're doing]14:54
Zimmerwow, and I thought linux was a usable os14:54
bullgard4jrib: Inserting '%20' for the space character does not help either: It functions also as a delimiter.14:54
Zimmerfuck. That is just annoying14:54
astro76danielski_pl: need to use sudo14:54
nemilar!ohmy | Zimmer14:54
ubotuZimmer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:54
DRebellion!language | Zimmer14:54
PentarexDRebellion: i will check it out 10nx14:54
nemilarZimmer, I'm sure if you google for "ubuntu 8800 GTS" you can get it setup14:55
danielski_plnemilar:, astro76: thanx guys :P14:55
ompaulZimmer,  it works - just your hardware supplier is the one who is not working with gnu/linux14:55
alex__How come my screen is using 1280 1024 res whereas my xorg.conf doesn't mention it ?14:55
lenI still cant log in, I am the right user now for .Xauthority (-rw------- 1 len len 122 2008-02-03 15:51 /home/len/.Xauthority). I only cant login my gnome desktop, I am typing this from fxce which I just have installed. The fail-safe gnome does also not work14:55
bullgard4jrib: What is the escape sequence for a space character in Unix? Is it '\ '?14:56
DRebellionbullgard4: yes14:56
nemilarbullgard4: that works14:56
jribbullgard4: yes, that doesn't work either :)14:56
mar77ilol this rocks hard. just left full-screen in-game, i had a windows desktop... leaving that full-screen mode i've got ubuntu in front of me... XD14:56
lucai can access a shared ubuntu directory from vista easy with read write support ... but why i cannot even browser a ntfs partition hdd mounted  in ubuntu which is also shared ?14:57
danielski_plZimmer: I havent seen a ubuntu version that let me use my 8800GTX to its limits or even at all detect it14:57
klndz3My actual computer clock is correct, but all my applications have the incorrect time, and all the webpages that I visit have the incorrec time, how can I rectify this?14:57
bullgard4DRebellion: Thank you. But as you may have just read from jrib, that does not work either.14:57
DRebellionbullgard4: that is the escape sequence for a space14:57
nemilarklndz3: your locale set properly?14:57
klndz3Nimlar: Yes, EST.14:58
bullgard4DRebellion: Yes but the 'Tracker Search' program apparently has its own logic.14:58
exneohey how do I install .bin files14:58
exneoI have an mmorpg I want to try14:58
nemilarexneo: chmod +x filename.bin && ./filename.bin14:58
astro76exneo: chmod +x file.bin && sudo ./file.bin14:58
DRebellionbullgard4: pfft.. i would use locate14:58
exneois there a graphical fontend14:58
bullgard4exneo: The best way is to install its associated DEB program package.14:58
DRebellionexneo: there may be when you execute it14:59
nemilarexneo: yeah, you can right-click on it, properties, permissions, allow execution14:59
bullgard4DRebellion: locate is slow in comparison with Tracker Search.14:59
exneoso do I put && or just make another command14:59
DRebellionbullgard4: locate is *fast*14:59
exneosure I'll try that14:59
bad_cableswhat version is Debian Java up to? i need to install  v 1.2 for a multimedia app14:59
astro76exneo: you should really launch it from the terminal, you can use the && exactly as I wrote14:59
Zimmernemilar: How can I make it work if I can't even get past the boot screen? :/14:59
nemilarZimmer: did you see if there was anything helpful via google?14:59
sixstormhas Debian planned on releasing a new version any time soon?15:00
bullgard4DRebellion: I know. But Tracker Search looks for text within files.15:00
astro76sixstorm: they've just released 4.0 after years15:00
astro76sixstorm: I wouldn't hold my breath, that's what Ubuntu is for ;)15:00
sixstormdid 4.0 release last year?  i thought it had been out for a while . . .15:01
DRebellionbullgard4: locate <string> | xargs grep -i <string>  :P15:01
Zimmernemilar: the best thing I could find was something that you had to install on your already existing Liunx15:01
ompaulsixstorm, there is no 4.015:01
sixstormompaul, are you sure?15:01
ompaulsixstorm, very very very sure - try month and year i.e. 7.0415:02
sputnick_hi there. is there Kubuntu image for PXE ?15:02
exneothanx guys its installing your rule15:02
ompaulsixstorm, something else in my mind15:02
nemilarZimmer: you didn't search very hard ;) "ubuntu 8800" shows that you can install it by started the LiveCD in graphical safemode... https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/585215:02
sputnick_I finf dor Ubuntu but I don't want this one15:02
bullgard4DRebellion: Thank you for your help. I used to take a similar command. It sometimes take 45 minutes to find a search string though.15:02
ompaulsixstorm, yeap they are at 4.015:02
nemilarZimmer: there are various other methods listed via that search string as well15:02
bullgard4DRebellion: takes15:03
bad_cableswhat version of java is Ubuntu up to?15:03
sixstormi knew when i d/led an iso of debian, it was 4.015:03
astro76sixstorm: it says the date in December on the main page15:03
ompaulsixstorm, but that is offtopic for here ;-)15:03
devilsadvocatecan someone help me with deluge bittorrent - some plugin of mine got screwed and deluge refuses to start. i need to disable the plugin manually. hellp15:03
sputnick_I need install gutsy15:03
PriceChild!ohmy | Abdul_Khaliq15:03
ubotuAbdul_Khaliq: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:03
ompaul!wtf | Abdul_Khaliq15:03
sixstormgotcha guys15:03
bad_cableswhat version of java is Ubuntu up to?15:03
jussi01!java > bad_cables15:04
troubledSeveas: channel.c:      if (chptr->num_bed >= ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_LARGEBANLIST) ? MAXBANS_PERM : MAXBANS))15:04
astro76!info sun-java6-jre | bad_cables15:04
ubotubad_cables: sun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-03-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 6179 kB, installed size 14168 kB15:04
sixstormbrb, switching over to ubuntu15:04
troubledSeveas: ie: 500 +I/+e/+d combined limit it would seem15:04
faisal_dHad gutsy installed, reformatted my first partition and now, i get a grub error 17 on bootup... help?15:04
muuddflapi have an old isa car sound blaster i can't get it up and running can anyone hlp me out15:05
nemilardevilsadvocate: best i can tell you is that deluge keeps its config files in .config/deluge/15:05
troubledSeveas: and yes, its 50 without the largebanlist mode15:05
nemilardevilsadvocate: deluge was always breaking for me like that, so I switched to Transmission15:05
ompaul!sound | muuddflap15:06
ubotumuuddflap: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:06
raw__olá! primeira vez que entro aqui e preciso de ajuda para o jogo AssaultCube... Alguém pode me ajudar???15:06
Spunky_Monkeyhi all, can anyone give me some help with my installation problem?15:06
faisal_dgrub error 17 on bootup.. any help?15:06
Seveas!es | raw__15:06
uboturaw__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:06
ompaul!es | raw__15:06
Spunky_MonkeyI have 2 hard disks, one (sdb) was my windows drive and the other (sda) was a data only drive15:06
Spunky_MonkeyI resized the the windows partition to give 150gb free space, then installed ubuntu from the livecd, telling it to use all free space.15:06
erUSULompaul: Seveas is portuguese15:06
astro76!pt | raw__15:06
uboturaw__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:06
erUSUL!pt | raw__15:07
Spunky_Monkeynow my pc won't boot, and says there are no bootable partitions15:07
raw__aki ta dando esse erro, X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)15:07
ompaulerUSUL, thanks15:07
JavidSpunky_Monkey, did you have it set up grub?15:07
Spunky_Monkeyi pretty much left all the defaults15:07
Spunky_Monkeydidn't go into any advanced options so i gues grub would be installed?15:07
devilsadvocatenemilar, thanks a ton. i found the option :)15:07
lucadoes samba work with vista or i need cifs ?15:08
Seveasluca, cifs (which is part of samba :))15:08
bad_cablestime to get some breakfast and some coffeeeee++15:08
troubledSeveas: you catch that?15:08
rafael__can anyone help me?15:08
TiDiaBLoTiN|Busypourquoi j'ai été kické ?15:08
bad_cablesthanks guys, this system rocks for multimedia15:08
nemilar!ask > rafael__15:09
rafael__well my prob is15:09
Spunky_Monkeyis there any way i could reinstall grub from the livecd without reinstalling the whole OS?15:09
faisal_dgrub error on bootup... any help please?15:09
lucaSeveas and why doesnt let me browser a ntfs partition mounted on ubuntu ... ? i can browser my pulbic ubuntu directory from vista ...15:09
rafael__when I'm surfing the web, it's ok but when my sis turns her pc on, my pc stops surfing15:09
omesi have a slow ipv6 connection to the internet, is there any way i can make all applications prefer ipv4?15:09
rafael__and only hers surf15:09
dmarsaSpunky_Monkey, check your hard drive boot priority in your bios. try switch it around first15:09
sputnick_hi there. is there Kubuntu image for PXE anywhere ?15:10
sixstormfinally on ubuntu15:10
Spunky_Monkeydmarsa, good idea but I already double checked15:10
rafael__can someone help me??? private and answer me plz?15:10
faisal_drafael__.. don't ask for help.. just ask your quesiton15:11
rafael__and I have another issue... I'm using ubuntu 7.10 and my joystick is not working15:11
rafael__even on zsnes15:11
rafael__but it works under kurumin15:11
astro76!enter | rafael__15:11
uboturafael__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:11
rafael__and mandriva 200815:11
rafael__ok, sorry15:11
faisal_dspunky_monkey: I have a grub problem, and need to reinstall it... did you get any answers?15:12
Spunky_Monkeynot yet, sorry15:12
sixstormdoes anybody know if creative has 32-bit linux drivers for X-Fi yet?  i have onboard X-Fi and of course, no drivers15:12
dhudemy monitor isn't listed under gutsy15:12
dhudeit's an HP w2408h15:12
dhudeanyone can be of some help?15:12
alex__Hello again, could someone help me please ? I have a xorg problem15:12
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:12
testing--DCC SEND ubuntu_failsdaily 0 015:13
doug__does anyone in here know how to set up a usb wifi?15:13
Dimitreeyey ^__^ installed flash for Opera ^__^15:13
DRebellion!anyone | doug__15:13
ubotudoug__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:13
Spunky_Monkeyfaisal_d - I just found this wiki page, might be some help to us both! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:13
rafael__my joystick is not working under ubuntu 7.10... but it works under kurumin and mandriva 2008 and fedora 715:13
doug__ok  then i need help setting up a usb wifi can someone help me that knows about it15:14
rafael__ppl, tnx for the help there.... bye all15:15
abrakadabrawhere can i find desktop wallpapers for ubuntu ?15:15
bpowell1978Hello all15:15
etronikHi all, I have a problem with bacula described in http://pastebin.ca/890177 any takers ?? :-) TIA15:15
bpowell1978I am having problems with mounting a share from a nas on my local network.15:16
sixstormabra:  www.gnome-look.org15:16
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
doug__how do i mount and keep mounted on startup a ntfs partition and have read/write for it and vise versa on the vista side?15:16
etronikdoug__:  yo uhave to edit a file where other partitions are described....15:17
etronikfon't remember from the top of my head15:17
dmarsadoug it's /etc/fstab15:17
doug__etronik, yes but i need the commands15:17
farishey all15:17
etronikread/write access to ntfs - you have to install a module15:18
NeanThi.. does anybody know if Rhythmbox can read CUE sheet files (using a plugin or smth.. ) ?15:18
bpowell1978doug read this article http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=58515:18
marionHelp - I installed Ubuntu on my EeePC. Install is complete but Ubuntu doesn't display the wired nic. In ifconfig i can see the /eth0. What can I do?15:18
dakiradoug__: are you using gutsy?15:18
doug__dakira, yes15:18
kidemportemmine works automatic15:18
alex__Could someone explain me how to set a lower screen resolution than the current one as defaut ?15:18
astro76marion: you should ask in #eeepc15:18
marionastro76: thank you.15:19
stelthow do i get Ubuntu installed if it won't partition my harddrive ?15:19
Frogzoomarion: is the if there with ifconfig -a ?15:19
sarthorhi, I have about 200 files in a Directory, file name is cbq-001, cbq002..so on.. now i want to rename these 200 file with a single command to dbq-1, dbq-002, i only want to chane the 1st letter?? Help15:19
astro76sarthor: there's a command called rename that can do that15:20
kidemportemanyone got good link to online games...FPS games?15:20
dakiradoug__: this is what my /etc/fstab looks like: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/25438/15:21
lenmy gnome desktop still does not startup,  cat ~/.xsession-errors gives 2 times "Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid." and the last error is: /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...15:21
sarthorastro76> a nit more help. .i googled but i am not in the positon to take risk.15:21
bpowell1978I can access my share by going to smb://brian@nasbp/disk%201/ but if I try mount -t smbfs -o username=brian,password=brian123 //nasbp/disk%201/ /mnt/Media/ I get and error no such share name15:21
dakiradoug__: the entry for /dev/sda1 is where i mount the ntfs partition15:21
lenis seams to hang there15:21
LjLsarthor: man rename. should be « rename 's/cbq/dbq/' », but check15:21
jriblen: what does 'ls -ld ~/.*authority' return now?15:21
doug__dakira, how do i get read/write?15:21
bad_cablesyes! i got this app to run! (unfortunately it sucks)15:21
hanophix33i just instaled ndiswrapper for my d-link wireless card but now everytime i insert the card, ubuntu freezes!15:22
len-rw------- 1 len len 684 2008-02-03 16:17 /home/len/.ICEauthority15:22
len-rw------- 1 len len 122 2008-02-03 16:17 /home/len/.Xauthority15:22
Enselicbad_cables: whch app?15:22
fariswhats the difference between ubuntu 6.06LTS and 7.10 and wich is better for a newbie ??15:22
Enselicfaris: the latest is best15:22
bad_cablesEnselic: its an audio editor called AudioCutter15:22
Enselicfaris: they differ in how long after their release they will get updates15:22
hellion0faris: at this point, go with the latest version.15:22
astro76sarthor: man rename, it uses regular expressions15:22
Enselicbad_cables: hav you tried Audacity?15:22
bad_cablesEnselic: yeah15:22
dakiradoug__: ALT+F2 -> gksu "gedit /etc/fstab"15:22
LjLEnselic: that's not a very good message to give... although it might apply in this specific case15:22
farisand dvd vs cd ?15:22
hanophix33can someone help with my wireless card?15:23
doug__so dakira UUID=138674d6-346c-40f8-88f3-795036412c61 /home ext3 defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 215:23
doug__# Entry for /dev/sda1  i enter15:23
bad_cablesEnselic: looking for something a little more advanced tho, with loads of import/export features15:23
LjL!etiquette > crackhead_25_    (crackhead_25_, see the private message from Ubotu)15:23
astro76sarthor: and consider copying a few files to another directory to test with15:23
jriblen: tried deleting those files?15:23
bpowell1978Anyone know much about mounting shares from windows15:23
lenjrib, yes I did15:23
dakiradoug__: no.. that is the entry for my ext3 partition15:23
faisal_dSpunky_Monkey: cheers.. thanx for keeping me in mind15:24
ompaulcrackhead_25_, ehh this is a support channel ;-) please don't do that, nice to know it works though15:24
bad_cablesEnselic: i need to install Audacity tho, it looks like the most complete project for linux15:24
jriblen: does it happen with a fresh new user?15:24
dakiradoug__: and you need to find out the UUID for the ntfs partition15:24
Frogzoosarthor: for x in c* ; do  mv $x d${x#c} ; done15:24
doug__dakira, how do i do this?15:24
lenjrib, dunno, I will try, but It works when I log in a root15:24
dakiradoug__: open a terminal.. type sudo fdisk -l to see which device is your ntfs partition15:24
dakiradoug__: then type sudo vol_id -u device (replace "device" with the real one)15:25
dakiradoug__: also the directory in /media where you want to mount the partition (in my case "win") must already exist15:26
dakiradoug__: sudo mkdir /media/win15:26
farisguys do you recommend runing ubuntu on vmware to learn linux ??15:26
doug__dakira,  i was wanting it to mount to my desktop15:27
Frogzoofaris: sure15:27
sixstormis anybody still using 6.06 since it is LTS?  LTS releases are basically still being used by just servers right?15:27
h6mi1007good morning15:27
Frogzoofaris: but doze sux to run vmware, but anyhow15:27
LjLfaris: why not, it's as good as option as actually installing it, as far as "learning" goes15:27
DILfaris, there are sveral VM on the VM site you cam download if you have VM15:27
doug__hey dakira  can we move to another room please it is getting hard to work and find what you send me if not it is understandable.15:27
hanophix33why does ubuntu freeze when i insert my wireless card?15:27
sixstormfaris:  it's alright, performance isn't the real deal but it's good to learn on15:28
farisbut there will be not compiz-fusion or any 3d things ?15:28
LjLsixstorm: not really, i've seen a few people here using 6.06. it's a pretty stable release - not bleeding edge but if it works well on one's hardware and one doesn't need bleeding edge...15:28
h6mi1007anyone know if i can install debian and ubuntu and windows on the same harddrive? 3 partitions?15:28
sixstormfaris:  no desktop effects for VMWare15:28
LjLfaris: of course not.15:28
LjLfaris: but you asked about "learning"... if you want shiny effects, that's a different question15:28
Frogzooh6mi1007: certainly - just different partitions15:28
hellion0h6mi1007: if you have enough space for all three, yes.15:28
farisand the best place to learn linux will be  ?15:28
LjLfaris: any Linux installation anywhere15:28
sixstormLjL:  true that.  i just figured most people would take advantage of the new features of some of the newer releases15:28
h6mi1007I do, just not sure which cd to use to format the harddrive, any ideas?15:28
AlmarDOES ANYONE HERE USE UBUNTU? oops capitalized15:29
farisno not really i wont need them if i cant install them15:29
LjLsixstorm: "most", probably. "all", decidedly not15:29
Frogzooh6mi1007: only gotcha is vista is finicky with the boot loader, but if you're using xp you'll be fine15:29
hellion0i find the ubuntu liveCD works best for the partitioning.15:29
LjLAlmar: does this channel's name not give you a hint?15:29
sixstormfaris:  try VMWare just to goof off with it first15:29
hellion0or the alternatecd, too.15:29
AlmarLjL, sortaish15:29
sixstormfaris:  then get a cheap spare HDD and then give it a real test drive15:29
doug__dakira, ? please join me in room ###wwed15:29
dakiradoug__: yep.. lets go to #doug-help15:29
DILSolaris has two books Book one and two it maybe light for some but i think it is a good start15:29
farisok and where do i learn all the commands and these stuff ?15:30
jrib!cli > faris (read the private message from ubotu)15:30
Frogzoo!docs | faris15:30
ubotufaris: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com15:30
jribah yeah, the rute book is excellent faris15:30
DILfaris, Solaris site has two books, Book one and two it maybe light for some but i think it is a good start to learning Linux15:30
alex__I have a problem, I can set the screen resolution I want on gnome with the utility, (1024x768),  but each time I close and reopen a session, the resolution is back to 1280x1024. I have to set the correct resolution manually each time I log on. Could you help me to set it up definitively ?15:30
sixstormfaris:  the best thing to do is to head over to www.ubuntuforums.org and just start reading on things YOU want linux to do for you15:31
farisand about the distro thing ,,,you recommend ubuntui for good learning or anything els ?15:31
DILUbuntu Rocks!!15:32
astro76faris: it's as good as most any other, and of course we recommend it highly ;)15:32
hellion0faris: for learning but with features, yes.15:32
spaceninjawhen will ubuntu get a file tree clean up?15:32
sixstormgnome ftw15:32
astro76spaceninja: what do you mean by that?15:32
bpowell1978well, thanks to everyone for just ignoring me.  maybe I can just continue to search the forums.15:33
PriceChild!offtopic | spaceninja15:33
ubotuspaceninja: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:33
farisand dvd or cd ??  srry about the question but i always use windows and i want to learn something new :)15:34
adac2hi how can I disable/enable  services over command line?15:34
lucai tried o many ways to have write permission accessing a ubuntu shared directory from vista ... does anyone knows what im missing ?15:34
Bonaldo2000I have set up an ssh server on a machine in my local network, I have forwarded port 22 to it. I can connect to it via ssh from inside the network but not from outside. ANy ideas what I do wrong?15:34
sixstormfaris:  livecd will work just fine15:34
alex__Please, could anyone help me with my xorg problem ?15:34
doug__PriceChild,  you have helped me before in the past do you know how i can set up wifi with a usb ?15:34
alex__I have a problem, I can set the screen resolution I want on gnome with the utility, (1024x768),  but each time I close and reopen a session, the resolution is back to 1280x1024. I have to set the correct resolution manually each time I log on. Could you help me to set it up definitively ?15:35
PriceChilddoug__, please plug the usb in, the pastebin the output of lsusb15:35
adac2Bonaldo2000: how do you try to access from outside15:35
Bonaldo2000adac2: I just ssh ip-adress15:35
WeedGrinchHello everyone15:35
Bonaldo2000adac2: the external IP of course15:35
DILshare the weed man15:36
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: how have you forwarded port 22 to it?15:36
astro76adac2: sudo invoke-rc.d name start/stop15:36
adac2Bonaldo2000: :) ok. hmm normally it should work than. may someone other knows what to do15:36
Bonaldo2000howlingmadhowie: just using my router - a standard port forwariding I guess...15:36
WeedGrinchAny ubuntu modding experts in here?15:36
DILabout 120015:37
astro76!anyone | WeedGrinch15:37
ubotuWeedGrinch: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:37
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: i'd guess the problem is in forwarding the request to your nas15:37
Bonaldo2000howlingmadhowie: I have used the same method for forwarding pors for eg. azureus, which works fine...15:37
erUSULalex__: System>Admin>Screen and graphics  ??15:37
adac2astro76: thx15:37
WeedGrinchOk, well I want to edit Ubuntu theme, and I don't know where the themes files are stored.15:37
Bonaldo2000howlingmadhowie: hm ok. Any idea what I can do?15:38
WeedGrinchIm a noob to ubuntu15:38
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: okay. apart from double-checking that, i can't think of much atm.15:38
Bonaldo2000howlingmadhowie: ok...15:38
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: do some isps block port 22? you could try using a different port15:38
lucai tried o many ways to have write permission accessing a ubuntu shared directory from vista ... does anyone knows what im missing ?15:38
Bonaldo2000howlingmadhowie: ok, thanks, that is worth a try...15:38
hellion0WeedGrinch: If you're using Gutsy, you can simply open System -> Preferences -> Appearance to change the way it looks.15:39
sheenhi there15:39
alex__erUSUL : when I use the screen and graphics utility I can change the resolution for the current session. But each time I disconnect, shutdown or restart the computer, I have to change the resolution manually through this utility.15:39
WeedGrinchGusty is 7.10 ?15:39
sheenI have an nvidia 8800 GTS 512 (G92 chipset, the latest), I'm on Ubuntu64 7.10 with nvidia drivers 169.09. I have poor performance (about 10/20 fps instead of 50/100 with WinXP) in all games with cedega or wine (half life 2, css, dark messiah, morrowind, Oblivion). I'd like to know if there are any optimisation for my card please.15:39
freeGNUi have problem with ADSL USB modem15:39
hellion0WeedGrinch: Yes.15:39
WeedGrinchThanks man15:39
freeGNUi have problem with ADSL USB modem  , canany bodyhelp me ?15:39
lucashouldnt this be enough for read write support ? available = yes browsable = yes public = yes writable = yes15:39
alex__erUSUL ; the resolution setting I choose in screen and graphics is not kept in memory...15:39
PriceChildfreeGNU, give the model number to the channel15:39
reakta1Hi guys. I've got a problem - here's what I did: "sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /myiso.iso /media/cdrom0" and got:15:40
reakta1"mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so."15:40
reakta1If i skip the -t then I get" mount: you must specify the filesystem type"15:40
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: the port the sshd runs on is given in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. don't forget to restart the server after you modify the file :)15:40
reakta1sorry for the 3at once15:40
adac2what service is the MTA? it starttts on booting and it takes quite a while15:40
freeGNUPriceChild, model of the modem ?15:40
LjLreakta1: perhaps the ISO is corrupted?15:40
freeGNUPriceChild, model of the modem ?15:40
reakta1LjL: nope..15:41
reakta1MD5 says so15:41
astro76reakta1: did you look at dmesg?15:41
LjLreakta1: i'd try mounting somewhere else than /media/cdrom015:41
erUSULalex__: that's really weird in theory the changes get written to /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:41
erUSUL!fixres | alex__15:42
reakta1LjL: same thing wherever i try15:42
ubotualex__: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:42
PriceChildfreeGNU, would probably be helpful15:42
reakta1astro76: "[ 4347.125684] FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors|[ 4347.125695] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev loop0."15:42
freeGNUPriceChild,  ok15:42
LjLreakta1: that's when you tried without the -t?15:42
astro76reakta1: I'd guess a wonky iso15:42
reakta1LjL: without that it keeps asking for it "mount: you must specify..."15:43
reakta1LjL, astro76: let me try the MD5 again just to make sure!15:43
alex__erUSU thanks, but I've already tried all this :(   Each time I change something in my xorg.conf, it get backed up and a new version is created.15:43
Frogzooreakta1: looks like your cd's already mounted15:43
LjLreakta1: yeah i got that, but since the log talks about FAT, i guess it was trying something other than ISO9660 (such as, well FAT)15:43
kodgeI need to install windows on this PC for reasons I don't wish to discuss. However whilst installing it says my HDD needs to be NTS ( or something similar to that ) for the installation to go through. Is there something I can do in ubuntu that would allow the process to happen?15:43
alex__erUSU right now I have  xorg.conf.1 to xorg.conf.14 ...15:44
Jupp2if I'm stalling my / and my /home in different partitions, how big should my / be?15:44
astro76kodge: you'll have to resize existing partitions to make space for an ntfs partition for windows15:44
astro76!gparted | kodge15:44
ubotukodge: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/15:44
hellion0Jupp2: How big is the drive?15:44
LjLkodge: if you want to remove ubuntu, you need to reformat the HD (but i think the Windows installer definitely should be able to do that itself!); if you want to keep Ubuntu too, then you need to shuffle partitions around to make space for a Windows partition15:45
WeedGrinchI can't edit the "color" for any of the themes :S15:45
Jupp2hellion0, 200G15:45
hellion0WeedGrinch: Certain themes can be edited with that menu, others cannot.15:45
WeedGrinchAlright ty15:45
hellion0You can also add new themes. A good place to look for themes is gnome-look.org15:45
kodgeljl: I tried to reformat the drive from windows isntaller disc, but it wouldn't have any of it, said it couldnt do that, and I don't want ubuntu and windows on the PC, just windows ( as this PC is being sold )15:45
Frogzooany way to stop the screen turning orange before the desktop wallpaper gets displayed on login?15:46
hellion0Jupp2: 10GB should be robust enough for /15:46
astro76kodge: then you should be able to easily delete the existing partitions, but ask in ##windows15:46
Jupp2hellion0, thanks15:46
DILrecktal, check your syntax mount -o loop -t iso9660 isofile.iso /mnt/iso15:46
LjLkodge: well, an Ubuntu live CD (or the GParted live CD) will let you format the drive, however i don't think it'll let you create an NTFS filesystem on it.15:46
jribFrogzoo: it needs to turn some solid color, but you can change the color in gdm settings15:46
DoYouKnowhi guys. I have a silly question. What's the hotkey to resize a window in X?15:47
Slikehi, i'm having a little problem: i'm using ubuntu 7.10 and the latest ati driver, everything works fine, but if i try to log off, or restart x my computer freezes: it shows my wallpaper and that's it (ctrl-alt-something doesn't work no more, only the power button to shut down, the controlled way...)15:47
DoYouKnowa move rather15:47
hellion0kodge: it will, however, let you change it to FAT32, then you can change that from the win disc.15:47
reakta1DIL: got that right15:47
LjLkodge: perhaps the Windows CD you have is an upgrade-only CD? (so it expects a Windows installation to already exist)15:47
Jupp2LjL, gparted will let you format NTFS15:47
DoYouKnowI need to move a window since it went off my screen15:47
DRebellionDoYouKnow: alt+f10 to maximise...15:47
astro76DoYouKnow: alt + drag anywhere in window15:47
Bonaldo2000eh, I just changed the port my ssh server listens to from 22 to 223 in this file: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", and restarted with this: "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart". Now the server is not responding. How come? (luckily it stands right next to me so I can plug a keyboard and monitor in it if all goes wrong!)15:47
LjLJupp2: ah, i didn't think NTFS support was so advanced.15:47
Frogzoojrib: how do I access gdm settings? sys -> admin -> login window did it previous releases/just not gutsy15:48
kenalexwhat tool in ubuntu can i use to calculate md5 sum of a CD ISO image file ?15:48
freeGNUPriceChild, Broadband router , Doulports ,     Pa 10  , there is no logo on it15:48
LjL!md5 > kenalex    (kenalex, see the private message from Ubotu)15:48
astro76kenalex: md5sum15:48
WeedGrinchHow do I change the bottom toolbar color?15:48
kenalexthanks astro7615:48
bulmerBonaldo2000-> what do you mean it does not respond? what steps did you do to test?15:48
jribFrogzoo: ah yes, that's a bug.  It's on launchpad.  You need to edit some file directly.  If you can't find the bug, let me know and I'll search15:48
kodgeljl: perhaps. Is there still any way around it?15:48
freeGNUPriceChild, Broadband router , Doul ports ,     Pa 10  , there is no logo on it15:48
astro76kenalex: always try the obvious, tab completion helps ;)15:48
Bonaldo2000bulmer: i just can't ssh into it!15:48
hellion0WeedGrinch: Right-click, Preferences.15:48
alex__erUSU , you have no other idea about my problem ?15:48
DoYouKnowthis is great... awesome. btw, compiz-fusion is awesome with ATI in gutsy. it was 1,2,315:48
Frogzoojrib: ah thanks, googling away now15:49
WeedGrinchThanks man!15:49
Bonaldo2000bulmer: just a sec!15:49
Bonaldo2000bulmer: think I've been a fool hehe15:49
LjLkodge: well, Jupp2 said GParted does let you format as NTFS, so try that15:49
PriceChildfreeGNU, is it an isp modem?15:49
valeflyis there any known probs with theflash plugin?15:49
PriceChildvalefly, /topic15:49
bulmerBonaldo2000-> we wouldnt tell anyone if you dont mention it15:49
howlingmadhowieBonaldo2000: try ssh ip_address -p 23315:49
LjLkodge: if that fails, you really do need to ask in ##windows15:49
freeGNUPriceChild, yes15:49
PriceChildfreeGNU, go to their website and find a picture or support page about it15:49
PriceChildfreeGNU, can't help unless we know what it is15:50
Bonaldo2000bulmer: I just still used port 22, doh! Please don't tell anyone. And delete the log of the channel!15:50
bulmerBonaldo2000-> good luck  :)15:50
freeGNUPriceChild,  ok , thanks PriceChild  , i'll try to find that15:50
DILWeedGrinch, rc on border Preferences15:50
WeedGrinchI found it :)15:50
WeedGrinchThanks everyone15:51
valeflyPriceChild: every time i go to a web page that requires flash it tries to reinstall flash eitherthought it's alredy installed15:51
reakta1LjL, astro76: You were right - iso got corrupted somehow! wow...15:51
Jasmin_http://www.airtel.co.in/level2_t3data.aspx?path=1/106/179 i hav this modem n i hav to connect in kubuntu how do i do15:51
PriceChildvalefly, well then its not installed15:51
Zimmernemilar: no luck, if I use those options outlined, it still doesnt work15:51
ZimmerUbuntu still doesnt detect the GFX15:52
Zimmerif I lower the resolution, then it restarts15:52
Unipal One monitor okay, two monitors with Twinview crash. I've tried everything in xorg.conf, etc. Is there a known bug with Gutsy/nvidia/Twinview?15:52
lucano sound in youtube videos ... any idea ?15:52
lucalocal sound works great15:52
kodgeljl: how would I change the partition to ntfs in gparted, if I booted up in the 7.10 livecd15:53
DRebellionluca: gnash or non-free?15:53
theunixgeekAre there any Google Sketchup alternatives for Linux?15:53
Dimitreei did a 10gb ubuntu install and now i have 64mb free15:54
Dimitreehow do i check whats taking so much space ?15:54
unopkodge, i'm not sure that would be possible from a live CD -- you could try formatting the partition with mkfs at a terminal - mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdXX15:54
hellion0Dimitree: try df -h in a Terminal?15:54
LjL!diskfree > Dimitree    (Dimitree, see the private message from Ubotu)15:54
WeedGrinchIs editing the boot screen hard?15:55
kodgeUnop: Its just one partition, the main HDD, all 150gb of it, that would surely cause the PC to just die/15:55
PriceChilddoug__, tell the channel what doesn't work15:55
DILDimitree, TOP15:55
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:55
doug__oops sorry15:55
doug__caps was on15:55
lucaDRebellion works now ... i had to close xmms ... is there any change having it  working both at the same time ?15:56
DRebellionluca:  i don't know15:56
unopkodge, you are using gparted to partition a disk or create another new partition -- use mkfs.ntfs to format the new partition you15:56
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reakta1How do I mount an ISO image as a CD Drive? (not HDD)15:56
LjLreakta1: there isn't a difference...15:57
unopreakta1, at a terminal - mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso /mountpoint15:57
WeedGrinchalcohol %12015:57
kodgeUnop: Im just wanting to change this partition that im using ( it has ubuntu on it ) and make it ntfs so I can install vista on it15:57
WeedGrinchi prolly spelled it wrong15:57
WeedGrinchjust google it15:57
DILreaktal , mount -o loop -t iso9660 isofile.iso /mnt/iso15:57
WeedGrinchor taht15:57
unopkodge, just pop the vista CD in then, it can take care of this problem for you15:58
WeedGrinchIs editing the boot screen hard?15:58
Lettuc3after a default lyx install, i can't seem to view/convert eps documents into a viewable format, get the error 'error converting to loadable format', anyone come across this before, and how to fix it?15:58
reakta1LjL: i'm trying to serve a cd to wine but it won't recognize it..15:58
LjLWeedGrinch, what you're thinking of is a Windows programs as far as i know.15:58
kodgeUnop: yeah thats the problem, it didnt15:58
theunixgeekWeedGrinch: you mean Grub?15:58
larson9999WeedGrinch, that kinda built in functionality is on my list of reasons i switched to linux15:58
LjL!usplash > WeedGrinch    (WeedGrinch, see the private message from Ubotu)15:58
Lettuc3i mean, this was after installing lyx as a latex editor.15:58
WeedGrinchI thought he was on windows, trying to get help with installing ubuntu15:58
WeedGrinchmy bad :(15:58
astro76kodge: all you need to do is delete all the existing partitions and leave it unpartitioned, the windows installer will do the rest, the window installer should be able to do it all, but like we said you need to be asking in ##window15:58
unopkodge, i'm not sure how the vista CD works -- you'll need to ask the folks in ##windows15:58
WeedGrinchok thanks15:58
LjLreakta1: http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-users/2006-November/023701.html15:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:59
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »15:59
theunixgeektacone: you mean gnash15:59
cahnewbiehello every body16:00
taconeno, I meant flash :-)16:00
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:00
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danny9whats up ??16:01
Dimitreeok i think i'm redy to switch to linux :) i have wubi and winxp and no DVDrom, how can i install ubuntu and format my drive without DVD ?16:01
Frogzoojrib: seems to work, thanks16:01
UnipalTwinview problem: One monitor okay, two monitors with Twinview crash. I've tried everything in xorg.conf, etc. Is there a known bug with Gutsy/nvidia/Twinview?16:01
FrogzooDimitree: you have a cd though?16:01
cahnewbiecan you told me about eggdrop?16:02
reakta1Is there a way to extract a disc's serial number from an ISO image?16:02
FrogzooDimitree: well it can be done, but only be experts16:02
WeedGrinchOK, sorry for my noobyness, I did sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u16:02
Frogzooreakta1: what's file blah.iso give?16:02
WeedGrinchto use usplash, now what?16:02
LjLWeedGrinch: eh? that lets you *select* the splash screen to use. if you have only one installed, then there won't be anything to select. but you asked about *customizing* it, didn't you?16:03
DimitreeFrogzoo,  how about if i use partition magic and make partitions for linux and place files there and runt he install from there and format and install on my primary partition ?16:03
LjLWeedGrinch: so why didn't you read the second part of the message?16:03
LjL!usplash | WeedGrinch16:03
ubotuWeedGrinch: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:03
WeedGrinchoh, sorry, ty16:03
reakta1FrogZoo? The file was corrupted and i got it sorted already.... thanks16:03
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=== overcluckerLIMBO is now known as overclucker
gmcervenyi'm a new ubuntu (and linux) user with a fresh ubuntu server installation, and I've just formatted and mounted my second drive16:05
gmcervenybut the ubuntu doc i'm following, tells me to gksudo gedit to edit the fstab file and i don't seem to have gksudo or gedit installed16:05
gmcervenywhat can I used to edit the fstab file instead?16:05
DRebelliongmcerveny: you should have vi16:06
aricz_gmcerveny : use pico/nano instead16:06
Frogzoogmcerveny: no gksu? no gedit? did install run to completion?16:07
hellion0seconded on using pico or nano.16:07
DRebellionFrogzoo: its a server, eg no gui16:07
FrogzooDRebellion: oh right16:07
DRebelliongmcerveny: go for nano (its the most user friendly)16:07
gmcervenyperhaps i'll give nano a try16:07
gmcervenyi've used vi in the past, but i've forgotten how to get around it16:07
gmcervenythanks guys16:07
DRebelliongmcerveny: make sure you use  sudo nano16:07
overcluckergmcerveny: gksudo is meant for graphical apps(gedit) server has no gui, so, no gskudo, or gedit, so instead, sudo vi16:08
renato_what virtualization software should I use with ubuntu 64 bits? I plan on installing a windows xp virtual machine o16:08
aricz_vi is nice, but you'll need some time to get used to the NON-intuitive ui..16:08
hellion0i never could wrap my head around vi(m).16:08
DRebellionhellion0: vimtutor is your friend16:08
overcluckergmcerveny: then try nano16:08
n6hggyea, vi needs to be looked into before using it16:08
voicecan i install 32bit ubuntu over the 64bit version and not have to redo the swap parition?16:09
renato_voice, yes16:09
voiceand it will work fine?16:09
Frogzoovoice: yes16:09
renato_yes it will16:09
voicei just had to check16:09
voicethanks to both of you16:10
renato_no prob16:10
browniehead_whats the best way to update my flash player16:10
renato_can anyone tip me in a virtualization package for 64 bits version16:10
Frogzoo!flash | browniehead_16:11
ubotubrowniehead_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »16:11
browniehead_thanks you16:11
gmcervenyhello new auto mounted harddrive16:11
DoYouKnowhow do I get all my windows to keep starting up off the edge of my screen?16:12
DoYouKnowto not keep16:12
dakiraDoYouKnow: are you using compiz?16:13
dakiraDoYouKnow: open the CompizConfig Settings-Manager and look for Window Placement.. there you can set it from "smart" (not really) to "centered"16:14
theunixgeekIs there a GTK interface designer that can generate source code for you?16:15
Skiessl!info unshield16:15
lucaseems like the automount entry from fstab only mounts the share with write permission for root and read only for user ... how do i make it with write permission for the user too ?16:15
ubotuunshield (source: unshield): extracts CAB files from InstallShield installers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-3 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB16:15
LimezIs it possible that wired connection isn't automatic?16:16
Skiesslit's kinda slow today16:16
Limezmy friends' internet isn't working, even wired16:16
overcluckertheunixgeek: what, you mean liek visual basic?16:16
daniele_982hello all someone with a laptop sony vaio fz series??16:16
theunixgeekoverclucker: sortof, but for gtk16:16
bulmerLimez-> automatic?16:16
DoYouKnowthanks dakira16:16
DoYouKnowI need to install it though. installing now...16:16
Limezbulmer, I mean, you don't need driver or something16:17
Limezbulmer, he says that wired internet isn't working, but it's working on windows16:17
bulmerLimez-> all nic cards requires drivers16:17
dakiraDoYouKnow: ccsm if where you can adjust about everything regarding compiz16:17
Limezbulmer, How do I know which one he needs?16:17
ankurI have installed all the required applications required to connect to a bluetooth device and when I try to browse using gnome-bluetooth it says Nautilus cannot handle obex: locations.16:17
bulmerLimez-> let him google for the vendor of his nic card and ubuntu16:17
Limezbulmer, he uses caiway16:18
Limezis there a dutch channel of that16:18
WeedGrinchis there a way to get filezilla, or any FTP with a GUI from the terminal?16:18
daniele_982hello all someone with a laptop sony vaio fz series??i've problem with brigthness and fn-keys16:18
CrazyPhilHello. What is the best web site for starting with ubuntu? The essential, tutorial, etc. Thanks!16:18
bulmerLimez-> i dont know16:18
erUSULWeedGrinch: sudo apt-get install filezilla16:19
Limezwhat is the dutch freenode?16:19
WeedGrinchim embarrased now16:19
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:19
ankurI am on hardy..some1 help me out pls16:19
PriceChild!hardy | ankur16:19
ubotuankur: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:19
erUSULankur: help for hardy on #ubuntu+116:19
Frogzoodaniele_982: fn brightness is broken in later sonys - see /etc/acpi/sonybright.sh16:20
ZnuffyHello. What package do I need for X forwarding under ubuntu-server16:20
ankuralright thnx guys16:20
daniele_982Frogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54619/16:21
lgpanyone  who could help me with a problem.....16:21
overclucker!ask > lgp16:22
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:23
lgpI cant get the videplayers to work in Ubuntu 7.1016:23
lgpLike mplayer16:24
rsklgp: pastebin mplayer -vo x11 file.avi to pastebin16:24
overclucker!paste > lgp16:25
daniele_982Frogzoo: ????16:25
lgpif I try to view a mpg-movie  it says "no video"16:25
rsklgp: do what i say, please.16:25
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doug__ i got this error message when putting something into the ntfs side from gutsy side16:26
doug__nevermind i found the prob16:27
Lettuc3Slart you around?16:27
doug__i need help getting  my linksys usb wireless g network with speedbooster set up16:28
gpledhow do i set my screen refresh rate?  should be able to do 80 and 85, but i only get 5016:28
DILWeedGrinch, http://ocw.novell.com/suse-linux-enterprise-desktop/get-ready-for-open-source-suse-linux-enterprise-desktop-book-1/Course_listing16:28
lgpOk...tried pasting...16:29
erUSUL!fixres | gpled16:29
ubotugpled: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:29
clintonIs preload actually useful on slower systems?16:30
erUSULgpled: system>admin>screen graphics16:30
qwerkushi all16:31
gplederUSUL: the only option is 5016:31
doug__can someone please help me with setting up my linksys usb wifi16:31
lgpjust alot information about the mplayer version16:31
rich__doug whats the beef?16:31
qwerkushow do you set top image of cube plugin in compiz-fusion, ubuntu 7.1016:31
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rsklgp: tried pasting?16:31
qwerkusdoug__: go to aircrack-ng16:31
rsklgp: where are you failing ?16:31
doug__qwerkus,  what does that have to do with my usb wifi?16:32
lgpwell, gets only info on which version of mplayer installed16:32
qwerkusdoug__: IF your card is supported by the kernel, they will know how to set it there16:32
rsklgp: also, make sure you have a file called file.avi or replace that name with something you have16:32
qwerkusaicrack guys are just drivers-geeks16:32
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doug__qwerkus,  think you can run me through it step by step if i get into trouble?16:33
qwerkusdoug__: sry, no time right now16:33
qwerkusplease go and check this page: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=install_drivers16:33
DILCrazyPhil, http://ocw.novell.com/suse-linux-enterprise-desktop/get-ready-for-open-source-suse-linux-enterprise-desktop-book-1/Course_listing see book2 as well16:33
rsklgp: also i feel discrespected. althou it was only 'mplayer version' in that output couldn't you have posted it anyway? dosen't take much time16:33
qwerkusdoug__: also, very first step is to know which chipset is hidden in your usb card16:34
qwerkusdo you know it ?16:35
doug__qwerkus,  no i do not16:35
erUSULdoug__: lsusb16:35
doug__qwerkus,  i can give you the model number16:35
BelorixHey, I got m wireless to install under ubuntu but now its not gtting enough power i have a Linksys WUSB54GSC and ive tryed BUS==”usb”, SYSFS{idProduct}==”0026″, SYSFS{idVendor}==”13b1″, RUN+=”/bin/sh -c ‘echo 1 > /sys/$devpath/device/bConfigurationValue’”16:35
doug__qwerkus,  it is not pluged in right now16:35
lgphmm..sorry.rather new to Ubuntu.....16:35
qwerkusdoug__: ok16:36
qwerkusgive me the model number16:36
doug__qwerkus,  it is WUSB54GSC16:36
lgpbut,I used 7.04 before and there was no problems vith  videoplayer.....16:37
Belorixdoug__ i think im having teh same problem are you trying to install it under ndiswrapper?16:37
doug__Belorix,  i was16:37
Belorixok try this http://www.paulie-pages.com/?tag=wusb54gsc16:37
Belorixit seemed to work for me16:37
doug__qwerkus, Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13b1:0026 Linksys16:37
doug__Bus 001 Device 002: ID 058f:6377 Alcor Micro Corp.16:37
Belorixbut now im getting trouble with it not getting enough power16:37
doug__Belorix, i have tried that but got stuck on part 316:38
lgpdo I have to reinstall mplayer?16:38
doug__Belorix,  did you get it going with that one?16:38
Belorixi got it all p its just noit getting enough power now16:38
shaftalguem pode me dar uma força para alterar os controles do xpilot?16:38
stephen-masonim looking for a program simmilar to dreamweaver any recomendations?16:38
Belorixive tryed BUS==”usb”, SYSFS{idProduct}==”0026″, SYSFS{idVendor}==”13b1″, RUN+=”/bin/sh -c ‘echo 1 > /sys/$devpath/device/bConfigurationValue’”16:38
qwerkusok, your card seems to have a broadcom chip16:38
doug__Belorix,  ah ok16:38
qwerkusso: anyone here: isn t the braodcom drivers compiled in kernel since 7.10 ??16:39
reakta1qwerkus: as far as I know they're not16:39
doug__qwerkus, thank you16:39
reakta1qwerkus: they're in the repositories though as the restricted drivers...16:39
Belorixreakta1, i beleive not i have the same usb adapter as doug__ and ive looked in restriced drivers16:40
qwerkusreakta1: nice16:40
doug__reakta1, i can back hat up i have done that as well16:41
WeedGrinchWhat C++ compiler do you guys use on Ubuntu?16:41
erUSULWeedGrinch: g++16:41
reakta1which broadcom is that exactly?16:41
WeedGrinchHow do i handle the windows includes though?16:41
qwerkus reakta1: good question16:41
doug__Belorix, if you ever get it working right will you let me know?16:41
WeedGrinch<windows.h> etc...16:41
Belorixsure will16:42
reakta1i see.. just read back a few posts....16:42
qwerkusreakta1: model is linksys WUSB54GSC16:42
Belorixlike i said doug__ all i have to do is get the power issue working16:42
erUSULWeedGrinch: you can not develop for windows on a linux machine how would you run the aplicaton?16:42
doug__hey Belorix mind joining me in ##linksys-help?16:42
Belorixill comem16:42
WeedGrinchwhat would the structure of a basic program be?16:42
qwerkusBelorix: iwconfig ethX txpower XX16:42
cs02rm0does anyone know how i can set a webpage as the wallpaper on my desktop?16:42
ijamzim newbee to ubuntu here16:43
qwerkusijamz: that is not a problem16:44
amedsuper bowl 4216:44
Belorixqwerkus, what will that do?16:44
qwerkusBelorix: change output power16:44
brownieheadwhere can i get a list of the compiz key bindings and stuff?16:44
brownieheadim new and just got it set up16:44
qwerkusBelorix: but i do not think your problem is a tx one16:45
qwerkusbut rather a rate problem16:45
Belorixits worht a try loo16:45
brownieheadxenu is my homeboy16:45
Belorixthe lights on16:45
Belorixbut so faint it cant do anything16:45
Belorixbut iknow its working becuase it tells me the signal strength of teh accesspoint16:46
=== G_ is now known as Geeky123
WeedGrinchdamn, my boot screen didnt work :(16:47
WeedGrinchJust showed blank16:47
twentyafterfourare there known problems with any of the recent updates?  I installed some updates and after rebooting I can only access the "failsafe" gnome session, my normal gnome session kicks me back out to the gdm16:48
drunkardivanHi y'all16:48
twentyafterfourI'm not sure if it's related to the recent updates since I don't reboot very often16:48
cornishmantwentyafterfour: any error notifications when you#re booted back to gdm?16:49
twentyafterfourcornishman: nope, just kicks me out - I start to see my desktop load and then boom16:49
twentyafterfourand I can't find anything useful in any of my log files16:49
cornishmantwentyafterfour: you could try deleting the file .ICEauthority in your home directory16:50
twentyafterfourI tried turning off all of my startup entries in the gnome-session-properties but that doesn't seem to help16:50
twentyafterfourcornishman: thanks, I'll try that16:50
raphaHi all!16:50
raphaI upgraded my Ubuntu, and now Visual Effects does not work anymore ... can you help me?16:50
cornishmanyou might need to log into a failsafe session and use rm .ICEaithority from the command prompt16:50
cornishmansorry, .ICEauthority16:51
twentyafterfourthanks cornishman, I'm in the failsafe session now. I'll see if that helps.16:51
Zimmer:( my 8800GTS will not work with Ubuntu16:51
Zimmerthis is bad16:51
The_makhey can any one tell me where to register login name16:52
The_makfor irc16:52
danand_Zimmer - thats an nVidia card right?16:52
voicehow do i get rid of the linux swap parition?16:52
twentyafterfourrapcha: what version did you update to?16:52
twentyafterfourvoice: you can delete it with fdisk. if you just want to turn off swapping use the command "swapoff"16:53
Zimmer: yes16:53
Zimmerdanand_ : yes16:53
danand_voice - you can use the GParted tool16:53
raphatwentyafterfour: I'm using 7.10 ... I just updated through the orange symbol. No OS upgrade.16:53
voice i want to get rid of it and ubuntu from my computer16:53
voiceubuntu i can format in partition magic16:53
danand_Zimmer - what is the exact nature of the problem?16:53
Zimmerdanand_ : it will just show a blank screen after boot16:53
ZimmerI boot into the options, then go to safe boot16:53
Zimmerand nothing16:53
voicebut partition magic can't handel the swap partion :S16:53
krimI just moved the scroll bar on Firefox (the one on the right you know) to the left side and I don't know how I did it. Anyone know how to get it back to the right?16:54
Seven_Six_Twois there a known issue with firefox in ubuntu 7.04? It regularly segfaults with this message:   /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 25473 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "$prog" ${1+"$@"}16:54
twentyafterfourvoice: you can boot up with the ubuntu live cd and use gparted16:54
danand_voice - use GParted tool on the live CD16:54
voicethank you16:54
raphavoice: Why not use GParted? There's a LiveCD with it16:54
raphaoops too slow :)16:54
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: it might be flash related16:54
voicethanks to all three of you :D16:54
Seven_Six_Twotwentyafterfour, ok. maybe I16:54
DreamLnrcan comebody give me a link about installing gutsy video drivers on hp dv6000?16:55
danand_Zimmer - have you installed the nVidia restricted driver yet16:55
Seven_Six_Twomaybe I'll try the closed source flash plugin.16:55
donald_how do i remove Ubuntu desktop and related files/programs?16:55
DreamLnri cant get the resolution above 800c600:(16:55
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: you could try updating to the latest flash version from adobe. firefox used to crash a lot here but it doesn't anymore16:55
nathan_101join #compiz16:55
ompauldonald_, why not start with the server install that seems a slightly not good way to work - much faster with the other CD16:55
Seven_Six_Twotwentyafterfour, so uninstall the one from the repo and install from the site?16:56
lucacan someone please have a look at this , and please tell me what am i doing wrong .. and not able to get read write permission from vista http://pastebin.ca/89028516:56
meoblast001hello..... im having 2 problems today.... my first is small.... everytime i start up my system, it asks me this question http://www.pastebin.ca/890287 ......... how do i fix this problem?16:56
donald_anyone know how to remove ubuntu desktop and all related programs?16:56
krannyhelp me:i couldnt make beryl only for a particular user16:56
twentyafterfourkrim: right click and look for text direction16:56
krannyhelp me:i couldnt make beryl work only for a particular user16:56
ompaul!beryl | kranny16:56
raphatwentyafterfour: do you still speak with me? :)16:56
ompaul!repeat | kranny16:56
ubotukranny: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:56
ubotukranny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:56
BernieSananyone has tried lm-sensors on an HP?16:57
twentyafterfourrapcha: what do you need?16:57
krannyubotu: beryl works fine for me on my root account16:57
JavidThis channel is like a competition to see who can be the least helpful while answering everything with a bot macro.16:57
krannyubotu:but on a normal account nothing happens16:57
ubotui iz so bored of lolcats. speek english!16:58
raphatwentyafterfour: no c :) ... I would like Visual Effects to work again - running 7.10, and after the last update it stopped working.16:58
BernieSanubotu: lm-sensors16:58
ijamzive downloaded wine but quiet blur to use it...forgive me for my dumbness16:58
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto16:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:58
lucawhy i dont have write permission for this share ? >>  http://pastebin.ca/89028516:58
Javidubotu: kirbydance16:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kirbydance - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:58
linux__alienHi people i ve a Dell Inspiron 1520 Laptop and i ve installed 7.10 in it . Now i tried configuring Wireless In Ubuntu. I ve a NetGear Wireless Router Installed .I ve password Enabled in it to avoid other people using it but what happens is that i am not able to connect to the wireless network though Ubuntu recognizes the router . I am able to do the same using Ubuntu to an other Network which does not have password enabled . can someone help me please ?16:58
rrev1I am having a problems with installing python programs.  I am using Fedora any information would be greatly appreciated.16:59
linux__alienI am desparately in need of the connection16:59
Randomtimelinux__alien: WPA or WEP16:59
ijamzespecially on how to install windows program eg autocad16:59
twentyafterfourrapcha: you could try removing the updates .. using synaptic or aptitude to revert to the previous version of compiz16:59
Javidrrev1, this is not the fedora channel16:59
Seven_Six_Twooh this is odd...I searched for flash in synaptic but it seems there is no plugin installed. I can use youtube though, so there is one...16:59
linux__alienRandomtime: I ve given the password type as WEP16:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about navicat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:59
donald_anyone know how to remove ubuntu desktop and all related programs?16:59
raphatwentyafterfour: I'd rather find out if there's any error message of _why_ it is not working, but thx17:00
DreamLnrcan comebody give me a link about installing gutsy video drivers on hp dv6000? i cant get the resolution above 800c600:(17:00
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: I know it's not the normal ubuntu way of doing things but I installed flash directly from adobe17:00
krannyanyone help plz?Beryl works fine on root account but it normal account it doesnt even load17:00
ompaulkranny, you were told once by the bot - compiz is the way forward17:00
=== john_ is now known as drunkardivan
ompaul!compiz | kranny17:00
ubotukranny: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:00
linux__alienRandomtime: How do i rectify it17:00
Randomtimelinux___alien: well, it isn't a driver issue, try switchign to WPA on the router (more secure) and see if that works17:00
twentyafterfourkranny: what version of ubuntu are you using?17:00
Seven_Six_Twotwentyafterfour, yeah, I'm sure I can do that, but I expected to see one in synaptic for me to remove...17:00
twentyafterfourkranny: can you apt-get compiz-fusion?17:01
larson999anyone here try getting that magicjack thing working in linux?17:01
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: that is kinda strange17:01
krannytwenty afterfour: thanks17:01
DiceyDaysAnyone know a good program that will give a chipset, and harddrive info?17:01
danand_kranny - you have a root account??17:01
BernieSandiceyday: lm-sensors17:01
Seven_Six_Twotwentyafterfour, I installed ubuntu over debian a little while ago, but I only kept my home, and that's not where the plugins are.17:01
drunkardivanOpinion question: should I wait for Hardy Heron to get my wife's Acer 5520 running Ubuntu?17:01
twentyafterfourdiceydays: device manager in the system menu17:01
linux__alienRandomtime: In Ubuntu i gave the WEP key the 13 Digit Key as input. Thats right?17:01
krannytwentyafterfour: will i have to remove beryl first?17:01
linux__alienI tried both the Ascii option and the hexadecimal option too17:02
krannydanand_:ofcourse as everyone does17:02
atmatzidiswhat must I do in order to install mp4creator?17:02
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: look in /home/you/.mozilla/17:02
Randomtimelinux__alien: Wep should be hex paris17:02
atmatzidisapt-get install mpeg4ip doesn't work :-/17:02
doug__how do i get three d windows in the fusion on gutsy?17:02
twentyafterfourkranny: probably should but I'm not sure17:02
MindeaGaidziai :D17:02
Randomtimelinux__alien: WEP is totaly broken anyway17:02
TuariDiceyDay not sure if they a linux client but might want to checkout http://www.sisoftware.net/17:02
linux__alienRandomtime: I should give the key only right and not the PassPhrase right/17:03
Seven_Six_Twotwentyafterfour, oh hell there was one!17:03
Seven_Six_Twothanks. I've removed it17:03
Randomtimelinux__alien: WEP is key based, shoud be 12 hex digit pairs17:03
Randomtimelinux__alien: sorry 12317:03
=== MemphIs is now known as EpZwei
twentyafterfourseven_six_two: no problem, I hope that fixes it. I bet your flash plugin was outdated or incompatible in some way17:03
Randomtimelinux__alien: sorry 13 i'll get it right one day17:04
Seven_Six_Twoyeah probably. I didn't even realize it was there17:04
=== EpZwei is now known as MemphIs
meoblast001can anyone tell me how to get this error message to stop comming up when i start my session http://www.pastebin.ca/890287 ?17:04
danand_DiceyDays - you can try lspci, lsusb etc from the command line if that helps - other wise Gnome has a hardware info tool under Preferences -> Hardware info17:04
twentyafterfourok I gotta go test my session .. good luck everyone17:04
linux__alienRandomtime: Ok So is there any other way that i could resolve it ?17:04
DiceyDaysthanks you two17:04
TheBlackOutHey, I am editing the menu.lst in /boot/grub/ so I can boot to Windows. I got it so Windows XP is an option, but what if I wanted XP to be the one it boots to by default?17:04
DreamLnrwill somebody help me?17:04
twentyafterfourand thanks for the tips cornishman17:04
Randomtimelinux__alien: Try removing security from your router, just for the moment17:04
linux__alienAny Idea on how to remove that ?17:05
linux__aliencan i edit the saved settings ?17:05
DrHala1how can i improve webcam quality in ubuntu? are there some restricted drivers or so?17:05
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:06
Belorixi have a wusb54gsc wireless adapter and i cant gat it to have enought power17:06
voiceis there anyway to get rid of the linux swap parition? im looking at gparted right now and it has a "locked" symbol next to the partition17:06
sheenIs somebody could help ? I have weird performance with my Nvidia 8800 GTS G92 chipset.17:06
erUSULvoice: swapoff /dev/....17:07
BernieSanvoice: run LIVECD's gparted17:07
Belorixwhats it doing>17:07
TheBlackOutyep swapoff17:07
voicei am running livecd's gparted17:07
meoblast001how do i get this error to stop comming up when my session starts  http://www.pastebin.ca/89028717:07
voiceoh ok17:07
danand_TheBlackOut - _think_ you can just swap the order of your OS's in grub so that WinXP will be the first/default entry17:07
voicesorry im completely new to linux17:07
erUSULvoice: the livecd uses swap partitions if it finds them17:07
sheenBelorix, I've just posted, please go here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68658217:07
TheBlackOutdanand: But how do I do that?17:07
voiceso i dont need to delete?17:07
=== Geeky123 is now known as A_lil_man
erUSULvoice: why do you want to delete it?17:08
voicewant to redo ubuntu17:08
Zimmerdanand_ : nvidia restricted driver?17:08
Belorixfirst of all wine doesnt work with all games17:08
=== A_lil_man is now known as Geeky123
TheBlackOutI think *think* swap is used for if you dont have a lot of RAM, right?17:08
voicei installed  the 64 bit and i want to install the 32bit one instead17:08
thoreauputicvoice: try  sudo swapoff -a17:08
sheenBelorix, I know these games works flawless17:08
thoreauputicvoice: that turns it off17:08
sheenBelorix, there are no graphic bug, just it's very slow17:08
erUSULvoice: you can use the already made partitions to install the 32 bit version17:08
Randomtimevoice: you can keep the swap17:09
sheenBelorix, I seen user on wineHQ which were playing to these game at 50 fps =(17:09
Randomtimevoice: tehre is no difference between 64bit's swap and 32 bit17:09
danand_voice - there is a way to turn that off - think you can boot with an option to the kernel like swap=off (or something like that) but sure you can do R-click -> turn off swap from within GParted17:09
voiceok thanks guys17:10
andrisphello, is it possible to disable antialiasing in gnome for one specific program (bluefish) ?17:10
krannyi think there are no official packages of compiz-fusion for feisty17:10
Randomtimevoice: no probs17:10
krannyis it advisable to install17:10
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:10
erUSULandrisp: why?17:11
meoblast001i guess ill just have to do things the easy way and reinstall xorg and GNOME17:11
danand_TheBlackOut - just edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file with the command gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and then cut and paste so that WinXP is above Ubuntu in the file (I _think_ this would work)17:11
andrisperUSUL: because i dont like to code with antialiased fonts17:11
Zimmerdanand_ : nvidia restricted driver?17:12
stephen-masonis there a chanel for wine?17:12
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:12
donald_meoblast001: try sudo dpkg-reconfugure -phigh xserver-xorg17:12
d3ads0ulis someone around who may be able to help me get flash working?17:12
sheenstephen-mason, #winehq17:12
TheBlackOutdanand: I was looking it at it and thats what I thought I should do, but my friend made me put the XP entry after "### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST" so I thought I had to leave it under that.17:12
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless adpeter i have it installed in ndiswrapper now im not getting power anyone?17:12
erUSULandrisp: use a "fixed" font like terminus or Fixed17:12
* luca fuck this17:12
erUSUL!language | luca17:12
TheBlackOutdanand_: But I will try what you said and report back17:12
ubotuluca: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:12
thoreauputic!ohmy luca17:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy luca - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:12
danand_Zimmer - nVidia provide a linux driver for their cards - but they are not open-source - hence they are restricted drivers17:12
variant_TheBlackOut: doesn't matter where it is in the file.. except for updates17:12
TheBlackOutahh, ok, thanks!17:12
sheenBelorix, ni idea bout my issues ?17:12
sheenBelorix, no idea*17:13
Zimmerdanand_: installing them where exactly? I cant even boot ubuntu17:13
andrisperUSUL: im using fixed size font already17:13
randallhello i am a begginer at ubuntu17:13
mnemonic_Does the Firefox 3 beta work for anyone with Pulseaudio on Hardy?17:13
Belorixsheen !wine17:13
Seven_Six_TwoI get an error every time I try to install flashplugin-nonfree. the error is md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz. The Flash plugin is NOT installed17:13
erUSUL!hardy | mnemonic_17:13
Belorix!wine sheen17:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wine sheen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:13
ubotumnemonic_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:13
Seven_Six_Twothat's through synaptic17:13
jribSeven_Six_Two: see the /topic17:13
variant_Zimmer: when it starts booting is there any text output to the screen at all?17:13
sheenBelorix, I've tried #winehq irc already, this is not a wine problem17:13
meoblast001donald_:xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration17:14
meoblast001   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008020312155817:14
donald_Seven_Six_Two: Ubuntu 7.10 ??17:14
Zimmervariant_ : no17:14
erUSULSeven_Six_Two: a fix for that is on it's way17:14
sheenBelorix, I've tried too #nvidia and #nvnews channel they does not reply17:14
variant_Zimmer: what version of ubuntu do you have?17:14
dsnydersHi all!  How do I delete files in directory A if they already exist in B?17:14
Belorixsheen !winedoors17:14
randallcan you use a wireless card with ubuntu17:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winedoors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:14
variant_randall: yes17:14
Seven_Six_Twodonald_, yes. I didn't see the end of the topic. thanks17:14
jrib!fishing | Belorix17:14
ubotuBelorix: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:14
unop__dsnyders, with rsync17:14
Zimmervariant_ : 7.10 amd6417:14
danand_TheBlackOut - the auto kernel list is auto generated when you update grub, install a new kernel etc - i don't think manually changing the order will hurt _but_ if you do update grub etc you may find the order changes again!17:15
variant_Zimmer: ok, 2 seconds please17:15
randalli have verizon wireless the card is serrierra wireless 595 how do i use it17:15
variant_Zimmer: sorry, had to check the food i'm making :) anyway, when you insert the cd and you choose "safe graphics mode" what is the very next thing that happens?17:15
Zimmervariant_ : nothing17:16
dsnydersunop_, I thought rsync copied A into B17:16
variant_Zimmer: blank screen eh?17:16
BelorixSheen, https://launchpad.net/wine-doors/17:16
Zimmervariant_ : screen blank17:16
variant_Zimmer: is it a laptop? if so what brand and model is it?17:16
ene_denehow do I mount an iso file?17:16
TheBlackOutvariant_ and danand_: Thanks, it worked!17:16
sheenBelorix, thanks I take a look17:16
variant_ene_dene: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/location17:16
jrib!iso > ene_dene (read the private message from ubotu)17:16
meoblast001i have anouther question..... a while ago, someone told me to type in a command containing many (, ), :, and ; and posed it as a funny harmless command (like apt-get moo) but instead it caused the xserver to go insane, i could no longer control the cursor and i shut the system down.... now, at random moments, my x server will crash and i will have to restart my system, does anyone know how to repair this?17:16
unop__dsnyders, rsync does much more than just copy files around -- the manpage has more info17:17
Zimmervariant_ : desktop PC - E6600, P5N-E SLI, 8800GTS 640MB17:17
randallYES DELL INSPIRON 930017:17
dsnydersene_dene,  mount -o loop [iso] [mountpoint]17:17
erUSUL!caps | randall17:17
DILi cannot see video in totem i have audio ny ideas17:17
uboturandall: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:17
donald_Seven_Six_Two: are u using i386 or amd64?17:17
randallsorry did not know that was shouting17:17
Belorix'I have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to git17:17
ene_denedsnyders: thank you17:17
danand_Zimmer - not sure i helped too much - but no probs :)17:18
ene_deneand all others :)17:18
Belorixi know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:18
erUSULrandall: well is considered shouting on textual communication and are harder to read17:18
Zimmervariant_ : ?17:18
XLVZimmer, i have same mb in two systems and ubuntu 7.10 installed ok.. i had to use safe graphics mode though, gpu is 7950gt17:18
randallok sorry17:18
ZimmerXLV : its the GFX, I already know that17:18
dsnydersene_dene, You're welcome.  Note: you may need to sudo that17:18
variant_Zimmer: did you run the disk checker available from the cd menu? it could be that the cd is corrupt. If you run the check and it says everything is fine then you might need to download the "alternative" installer, it runs in text mode and will get the system up and running. a lot of people have the same graphics card so it shouldn't be a problem once you have it installed, the cd can be funny like that sometimes17:19
XLVZimmer, try text mode install then17:19
jribmeoblast001: check your history for what the command was17:19
donald_Seven_Six_Two: still here?17:19
DILi dont have video in totem movie player but have audio any ideas why this is so17:19
variant_Zimmer: if the disk checker says there is a problem then you should download a new ubuntu image and burn it again17:19
XLVZimmer, i think you press F6 and in boot mode prompt type install or expert etc17:19
danand_Zimmer - oops - i'm confusing messages - perhaps one thing at a time for my brain is best :)17:19
meoblast001jrib: it was over a month ago, i tried logging back into the IRC channel where the person told me to do this, and that channel didnt save the history of the conversation17:19
WeedGrinchHas anyone tried gOS?17:19
WeedGrinchI hate it17:19
Zimmervariant_ : I cant even check my disk17:20
variant_Zimmer: /query me if you are still stuck after trying these things17:20
Zimmerit just blanks17:20
variant_Zimmer: ok, when you insert the cd nothing at all happens?17:20
Zimmeryes, it boots up to the start screen with the options17:20
WeedGrinchAnyone know of any screen recording software for Ubuntu?17:20
Zimmer"safe mode" etc17:20
maxownzis there a difference between safe graphics mode and VGA?17:20
danand_Zimmer - can you get to a tty/login screen with CTRL-ALT-F117:20
jribmeoblast001: Can you check if it was just the example bash fork bomb from the wikipedia article on fork bombs?17:20
variant_Zimmer: there is a "check disk for defects" option on that options screen17:20
Seven_Six_Twodonald_, yeah. I was just trying to install it right from the site17:20
Seven_Six_Twooh sorry. i38617:21
meoblast001jrib: ill check17:21
variant_danand_: he doesn't get past boot17:21
Zimmervariant_ : I know, I checked it. Nothing showed17:21
donald_Seven_Six_Two: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10761023/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb17:21
draIs there a specific reason for gtkglextmm not being in Gutsy?17:21
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:21
kudabhoothamhow to download files for ubuntu without net connection?17:21
variant_Zimmer: nothing showed? you mean it ran but there was no error or what?17:21
danand_variant_ - oh! :(17:21
kudabhoothamhow to download files for ubuntu without net connection?17:21
meoblast001jrib: FOUND IT :(){ :|:& };:17:21
variant_dra: it's not finnished/good enough/supported/there are different options that will come along17:21
Zimmervariant_ : I don't know. Screen goes blank17:21
dravariant_: All right, thanks.17:22
variant_Zimmer: ok, then it didn't work. i suggest you download the alternate installer and try with that, it's generaly much more reliable in these situations17:22
jribmeoblast001: hmm, please don't paste that here.  Well, that command should have no lingering effects after you rebooted so your issues are most likely unrelated17:22
dravariant_: What are the different options?17:22
randallhow do i connect the wireless card do i need to install a driver17:22
kudabhoothamor_linux, i have problems installing audacious on ubuntu.17:23
meoblast001jrib: oh... hmmm... maybe the crashes are related to memory leaks or something that i get from running too many applications17:23
d3ads0ulim trying to get flash to work.  i installed the plugin in firefox.  then i did automatix, then i tried the stuff in the topic.  flash still wont play for me.  it lags and freezes, and i never see video.  but i can hear sound17:23
UbuntoidFriend just attempted creating dualboot windows xp/gutsy gibbon only ubuntu boots no selection menu, has he botched it? Thanks17:23
FrozenDawnhi there ! got a non-working mouse on xubuntu 7.10. I am trying to discover which is the right device to use on xorg.conf. However, "cat /dev/input/mice, cat /dev/psaux, cat /dev/ttyS0" all print nothing on my screen (got those device names from the dpkg-reconfigure for xorg.conf", Can anyone help me ?17:23
XLVZimmer, when it loads the varous options, press F6, it should go into a prompt, there type install and enter17:23
kudabhoothami get many dependency errors.17:23
meoblast001jrib: but then again... the crashes are very random17:23
jribmeoblast001: run a memtest17:23
ZimmerXLV : what difference would that make?17:23
meoblast001jrib: i could be reading an article on the web and i imediately start seeing a black screed saying Starting Timidity.....17:23
meoblast001jrib: that means it falls back to the termial17:24
kudabhoothamor_linux, i have problems installing audacious on ubuntu.17:24
kudabhoothamor_linux, i have problems installing audacious on ubuntu.17:24
variant_dra: if you look at the hardy heron roadmap there is a discussion on it, just a sec will get a link17:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:24
dsnydersunop_, rsync has a tonne of options.  I know the --remove-source-files will remove files from A, but only if rsync copies them to B, not if they pre-exist.17:24
XLVZimmer, it will make the difference that it wont try to load a live cd environment, so if its vga the problem it wont be presented17:24
meoblast001jrib: the error is not related to timidity, timidity is just my last start up app so it appears last on the termial17:24
kudabhoothami get many dependency errors. what to do? i can't get net connection.17:25
unopdsnyders, so, you want to delete from B what does not exist in A? is that right?17:25
monkeyBoxHas there been a recent update that would possibly prevent my gnome-session from working at all?  I have a desktop and a laptop, and out of the blue they both stop working around the same time17:25
comicinkerhow can I raise the resolution of ubuntu in my virtual machine?17:25
dsnydersunop, I want to delete from A what already exsists in B17:25
Seven_Six_Twodonald_, thanks. I just installed it right from the adobe site, so I'll bookmark that and try it if it keeps crashing17:25
variant_dra: this is not what i was looking for but it's a discussion of the different options.. it seems like there is no solid consensus on the best way forward yet: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11918917:25
TangentBuntuhow do I fix this error?17:25
TangentBuntuWARNING: NNET_OpenSocket: bind: Cannot assign requested address17:25
variant_comicinker: same way you would on a non virtual machine17:26
jribmeoblast001: I'd troubleshoot by running a memtest first.  If that's ok, see if it happens with a different video driver.  nv if you use nvidia, ati if you use fglrx, vesa if you just want something generic etc...17:26
stephen-masoncan anyone help me install dreamweaver in wine?17:26
TangentBuntustephen-mason: it should be just like in windows17:26
meoblast001jrib: how do i run a memtest?17:26
jribmeoblast001: it's an option at the grub menu when you boot17:26
Seven_Six_Twostephen-mason, except you precede the installer executable with wine17:26
TangentBuntumeoblast001: if you have grub installed, you can just run it from there17:27
monkeyBoxI /thought/ simply accepting recommended updates would be stable.. am I wrong??17:27
stephen-masontangentBuntu: im a total newb, i just moved over from windows a couple days ago. you have to do it through the terminal dont you?17:27
comicinkervariant_: it offers me resolutions up to 800x600. I would like to see 1024x78617:27
meoblast001jrib: TangentBuntu: k ill go try that17:27
TangentBuntuah, I see17:27
unopdsnyders, errm -- maybe this then -- (cd A; for i in *; do [ -e B/$i ] && echo rm $i; done)17:27
monkeyBoxNow when I log in via GDM,  my panel starts up, and it just goes back to the login screen17:27
TangentBuntusorry stephen-mason didn't know ;)17:27
Redsnakedjoin #ubuntu-br17:27
^root^i installed Emerald theme manager, and by mistake made the title bar transparent, i want it to restored as it was in actual theme, even tried applying the same theme, but no use...17:27
stephen-masonTangentBuntu, help the noob, lol17:28
ene_deneand now, how do I unmount the iso image? :)17:28
monkeyBoxExact same thing happening on my laptop17:28
jribene_dene: umount17:28
Seven_Six_Twostephen-mason, yes. if you have wine installed, then use something like this:   wine dreamweaver_installer.exe17:28
WeedGrinchI downloaded samba, but I cant find it, any help?17:28
benny269Hi I program at uni in java and wish to use nedit and javac commands from the terminal in the same way. how can I set this up?17:28
stephen-masonwhere does the exe need to be?17:28
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:28
TangentBuntustephen-mason: right click on the icon and go to the "open with" part, just type in wine there and hit okay17:28
unopdsnyders, iirc, the rsync equiv is -- rsync --delete -av B A   but i could be wrong17:28
TangentBuntustephen-mason: that's the easier way for you winoobs17:29
WeedGrinch!samba weedgrinch17:29
lucai cannot access a shared directory from vista (the shared directory its a ntfs mounted on my debian machine) ... any other shared directoryes that i have works great except the mounted ntfs hdd any idea ?17:29
stephen-masoni love you, x :)17:29
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:29
dsnydersunop, I'll take a look at those options in rsync.17:29
TangentBuntuit work?17:29
benny269Hi I program at uni in java and wish to use javac commands from the terminal in the same way. how can I set this up?17:29
thoreauputicWeedGrinch: have a look at http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html17:30
comicinkerhow can I raise the resolution of ubuntu in a virtual machine? It offers me only up to 800x600, I need more17:30
TangentBuntualso, isn't there a linux alternative to dreamweaver?17:30
unopdsnyders, actually, forget the rsync command, it does more than what you want17:30
r3r3yes kompozer17:30
linux__alienI am using Dell Inspiron 1520 Laptop. A brand new one got it today and installed Ubuntu 7.10 and somehow managed to get wireless working but now sound is not working I ve a Sigmatel Sound Card thats what windows says  how do i get sound working in Ubuntu17:30
stephen-masonit all makes sense now :)17:30
linux__aliencould someone help me out please?17:30
Belorixcomicinker, its becuase your graphics card meeds to be insalled with its driver use safe graphics mode17:31
thoreauputic!sound | linux__alien17:31
ubotulinux__alien: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:31
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dsnydersunop, yeah.  I don't want to delete the files in B if they don't exist in A, which is what that seems to do.17:31
benny269Hi I program at uni in java and wish to use nedit and javac commands from the terminal in the same way. how can I set this up?17:31
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:31
TangentBuntuI need help with a network error17:31
comicinkerBelorix: ones again, please17:31
thoreauputiclinux__alien: if you want to re-read that factoid, do /msg ubotu sound17:31
TangentBuntuhow do I fix: WARNING: NNET_OpenSocket: bind: Cannot assign requested address17:32
Belorixcomicinker, its becuase your graphics card meeds to be insalled with its driver use safe graphics mode17:32
lksdjfokay, so I'm not the only one who is having issues with sound.17:32
TangentBuntuhow do I open a port to be assigned17:32
^root^anyone? :(17:32
linux__alienthoreauputic, the speaker sign shows a red mark near to it and when i click on it i get some error and i checked that whether ALSA is selected and found that its selected17:32
linux__alienthoreauputic, when i double click it says no GStreamer Devices found17:33
comicinkerBelorix:  I don't understand17:33
benny269Anyone know how to install JDK so I can use commands such as javac from CLI?17:33
lucain vista i can see both the /home/luca and the /media/sda1 but i can only access the /home/luca directory ....they both have same config17:33
sugarhighhello, is there an application that will let me use my Rock Band drums as a standard midi device?17:33
Belorixcomicinker are you using a live cd?17:33
thoreauputiclinux__alien: did you read the URL in the ubotu factoid?17:33
TangentBuntusugarhigh: it really depends17:33
sugarhighTangentBuntu, on what?17:33
comicinkerBelorix: I used one, and installed in on my virtual machine17:33
TangentBuntusugarhigh: but I'd doubt it, how would you connect them?17:33
linux__alienyes but i read through it but it does not say what to do17:33
thoreauputiclinux__alien: sound issues are specific to card chipsets etc.17:34
Belorixcomicinker go to admin - restricted drivers17:34
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:34
benny269Anyone know how to install JDK so I can use commands such as javac from CLI?17:34
thoreauputiclinux__alien: if you open a terminal and type " alsamixer" what happens?17:34
ScorpKingI've made some changes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy and added "Boot a floppy image without a floppy drive" to the bottom of the page. Please check if everything I've added is correct and feel free to fix any mistakes. Hope it's helpfull to someone. :D17:34
comicinkerBelorix: it doesn't show any restricted drivers17:34
linux__alienthoreauputic, it says alsamixer: snd_ctl17:35
Belorixthen idk your issue17:35
thoreauputic!java > benny26917:35
linux__alien_open failed for default": no such device17:35
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:35
linux__alienthoreauputic, thats the error that i get when i run alsamixer17:35
thoreauputiclinux__alien: sounds like a driver/module issue17:35
sugarhighTangentBuntu, info.product: Harmonix Drum Kit for PlayStation(R)317:35
benny269thoreauputic: is this package going to let me compile and run java? or just use it say online websites?17:35
dsnydersunop, I gather the echo in (cd A; for i in *; do [ -e B/$i ] && echo rm $i; done) is for safety purposes?17:35
thoreauputiclinux__alien: I would try googling your exact sound card17:35
TangentBuntusugarhigh: don't listen to me, I'm not gonna help any, sorry17:36
thoreauputicbenny269: there is a jdk and a runtime17:36
unopdsnyders, errm, let me try this out quick ..17:36
benny269thoreauputic: so i assume i want the jdk?17:36
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:37
thoreauputicbenny269: sounds like it, yes :)17:37
antoHeya guys i got a problem, when trying to insert my live cd into my server it loads 3% of the kernel the stops loading17:37
linux__alienThis is what i get in HardWare Info17:37
linux__alien82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller17:37
linux__alienthen this should be my sound card right/17:37
Belorixanto, bad burn?17:38
benny269thoreauputic: im using gutsy and wanted to use sun java. should I go for iced tea or sun java 5 or 6 (older versions)?17:38
jrgpI'd go for the latest official java by sun17:38
thoreauputicbenny269: I think iced tea is amd64, but I may be wrong...17:39
AshDragonScaleBelorix: I had this problem with 6.06, i put the same disk in my second drive and it rand and installed fine, that's all I know about that... lol17:39
Belorixashdragonscale with what?17:39
WeedGrinchAnyone here own there own ubuntu distro?17:39
sugeHello.. I would like to batch convert a bunch of wmvs to xvid... does anyone know of a program that could do that? im using regular ubuntu17:39
AshDragonScaleBelorix: Ubuntu 6.06 disk17:39
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:40
antoBelorix, Nopp workings fine starting on my laptop and this machine17:40
benny269jrgp: so that would be 6 then? at uni I think we get api's for 1.2/3 or something like that? will this be a problem in any way?17:40
thoreauputiclinux__alien: oprn a terminal and type "lspci | grep -i audio"17:40
gholenAnyone who knows how to get color on a tv connected to a nvida-card, msg me17:40
thoreauputiclinux__alien: then try a google search on the result with "Ubuntu" added17:41
rencore_in firefox how can i make backspace go back a page17:41
danand_suge - if you can find a command line tool to convert you can just write a simple shell script to batch convert17:41
SpookyETBanshee has a nice interface. I like it more than Rhythmbox.17:41
dj_okohello everybody17:41
cabbiesuge: if you have a program to do single conversion, just write a shellscript to perform the batch...17:41
unopdsnyders, have a look here - http://pastebin.ca/89033117:41
linux__alienThis is what i get17:41
linux__alien00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)17:41
benny269thoreauputic: so that would be 6 then? at uni I think we get api's for 1.2/3 or something like that? will this be a problem in any way?17:41
sugeyeah.. true. Wonder if ffmpeg can convert wmv to xvid17:41
linux__alienThere is a bug for this in launchpad17:41
thoreauputiclinux__alien: have you tried putting that in google with "ubuntu" added?17:42
sugarhighIs there an application that will allow me to map a USB HID device (gamepad) to keystrokes?17:42
linux__aliennot sure how to proceed17:42
linux__alienyes i did and i got that launchpad link17:42
ahmad`how can i activate the scroll button of the mouse ?17:42
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer17:42
dsnydersunop, looking...17:42
TangentBuntusomething is really bugging me here17:42
thoreauputicbenny269: you need an opinion from someone who knows - and that isn't me :)17:42
voicehow do i get flash to work with ubuntu?17:43
unopdsnyders, the last line should say " deleted from a..." .. :)17:43
unopdsnyders, made a mistake there17:43
thoreauputiclinux__alien: you might try asking on the mailing list17:43
nomopofomohaving problems building zsnes :( it says that my version of zlib is not >= 1.2.3 when it is
sherl0kvoice, go visit a youtube page and it'll ask you to install it17:43
thoreauputic!lists | linux__alien17:43
ubotulinux__alien: mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com17:43
begginercan someone tell me pls how can I found out if my kernel support a MPP-encryption?17:43
sherl0knomopofomo, zsnes is in the repo17:43
sherl0kaptitude install zsnes17:43
voicesays its already installed sherl0k17:43
nomopofomoholy moly!17:44
nomopofomoalright ^_^17:44
sherl0kthen run zsnes17:44
sherl0kvoice: aptitude install flashplauyer-nonfree17:44
sherl0ker, flashplayer-nonfree17:44
sherl0ki believe17:44
begginerhow can I find out if a Patch into my kernel or not?17:45
WeedGrinchWhat are some reccomended ubuntu aps to download?17:46
unop!alternatives | WeedGrinch17:46
jrgpthat depends entirely on what you want to do17:46
ubotuWeedGrinch: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.17:46
unoperrm, sorry, my bad17:46
ahmad`any idea how to make the mouse scroll work ?17:46
WeedGrinchsame problem here...17:46
voicesherl0k i tried putting that into a terminal17:47
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Bupssshi there17:47
voiceand it came up with this17:47
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »17:47
dsnydersunop, you're using some new-to-me command syntax.  However, shouldn't  [ -e ../a/$i ] be  [ -e ../b/$i ] ?17:47
ConstyXIVis there some easy way to keep your ~ in sync with another machine? (difficulty: other machines are a powermac and winXP box)17:47
Bupssshi have a small problem with my ubuntu, i cannot access the wifi network17:48
dsnydersunop, I'm assuming that that's the existence test.17:48
Bupsssit keeps asking the wep key17:48
ConstyXIVBupsss, is it WEP-secured?17:48
ylemercierhi all17:48
unopdsnyders, i'm working under the assumption you want to delete from A what already exists in B .. so what you need to do is walk through each file in B and test it's existance in A, if it exists, delete it from A ..17:49
andaxBupsss: this means, the network you try to access is encrypted and you need that key17:49
unopdsnyders, which is why it's  [ -e ../a/$i ] and not the other way around17:49
ylemercierdoes someone know if perl 5.8.8 comes with native threads support (compile arg at install-time) ???17:50
unopConstyXIV, sure, as long as you can mount the remote machines' folders locally you can use rsync to keep the different directories in sync17:50
voicethat link doesn't help at all17:50
voicei've tried installing it through firefox's plugin manager17:51
voicei've tried downloading it from the flash site itself17:51
dsnydersunop.  Right!  Yes.17:51
ConstyXIVunop, and could you set it up to where it would initiate the sync while, say, on network XYZ and on AC power?17:51
mewinoi unistalled my sound drivers and now my gnome desktop will not load17:52
begginerhow can I find out if a Patch into my kernel or not?17:52
mewinodoes anybody have the link where i can fix it17:52
meoblast001hello.... im having a slight problem..... the size of the font on my login screen is huge...... how do i fix this?17:52
unopylemercier, i assume perl is built with ithreads by default on all platforms -- perl -V tells you17:52
unopbegginer, why do you want a patch into your kernel?17:53
thoreauputicbegginer: might be more useful to say what you are trying to do...17:53
unopConstyXIV, i'm sure you can -- but i dunno how its done :)17:54
begginerunop, for a pptp-tunnel, this should be with MPPE encrypted17:54
mbbtrying to see a Hawaii beach webcam "http://www.honolulu.gov/multimed/waikiki.asp", doesn't work with Linux, would appreciate ideas on fixing this.17:54
linux__alienthoreauputic, i asked the ALSA channel and they gave me a link where there were some solutions17:54
linux__alieni ve currently done this17:54
linux__aliensudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-generic17:54
linux__alienthoreauputic, can i do that17:54
begginerand I dont know if my kernel support MPPE17:54
linux__alienthis is the link i got17:54
Tygirany ideas how i can get an .avi to play in ubuntu?17:55
thoreauputiclinux__alien: I don't know - but the alsa people should know a thing or two :)17:55
dsnydersmbb, problem is with the webcam.  We'll have to go to Hawaii to fix it. :-)17:55
mewinohow do i get my gnome desktop to start working again17:55
thoreauputiclinux__alien: I'm not a sound expert, sorry :)17:56
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ylemerciertx unop, my underlying pb is that the use threads give me a "no threads support"-like ...17:56
jack-desktopwho knows anything about pamusb?17:56
mbbdsnyders: ha, I'm up for that. however, it does work from the MS side of this computer.17:56
begginerthoreauputic, for a pptp-tunnel I should encrypt it with MPPE encryption, and I dont know if my Kernel support this?17:56
ylemercierwell, i think i've messed up the perl 5.10.0 installation17:56
meoblast001oh no.... i forget how to change font sizes.... i dont have fonts in system > preferences17:56
thoreauputicbegginer: I don't know anything about pptp, sorry17:56
begginerthoreauputic, but you can tell me perhaps, how can I found out if a patch into my Kernel or not?17:57
meoblast001how do you change fonts in gnome?17:57
Tygiri cant seem to get .avi to play....any help?17:57
mnemonic_Tygir, which player did you try?17:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:59
klndz3Does anyone know where I could find the NTP Daemon?17:59
Tygirmnemonic_: i have tried vlc and mplayer, and i have all codecs installed....w32codecs....17:59
thoreauputicvpn | begginer18:00
alliktachow do i turn on servers in ubuntu desktop18:00
thoreauputic!vpn | begginer18:00
mnemonic_Tygir, AVI is only a container format and not a video codec. Can you try to find out what codec it actually is? If you run mplayer from a terminal it might display some information.18:00
ubotubegginer: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD18:01
xyzeeHelp please, I want to set up a printer conected to ubuntu so I can print from a remote machine18:01
Tygirmnemonic_: how do i run mplayer from the terminal and try and open the .avi file?18:01
ubotupptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html  here the words insecurity are useful18:01
meoblast001can someone tell me how to change my font size on the login screen (GDM)?18:01
sugarhighi have a gamepad showing up in the device manager as /dev/input/event6 is there a way i can map the buttons to a keyboard?18:01
mewinodoes anybody know how to start gnome, i can boot up my computer18:02
mnemonic_Tygir, hm try to see the properties in the file manager first and look for the "MIME type".18:02
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un0pbegginer, there is a ppp_mppe module available on debian and ubuntu -- you dont need to patch or rebuild your kernel18:03
meoblast001how do you change the font size on GDM login manager18:03
tusseywhat's the easiest way to install a VNC server?18:03
klndz3Does anyone know where I could find the NTP Daemon?18:03
ompaul!vnc | tussey18:03
ubotutussey: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:03
un0pklndz3, you'll need to install one18:03
tehmassHEy guys.. Does ubuntu have minimal cd or just th~e desktop ver18:03
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:03
tehmassi know wut thy r18:04
linux__alienthoreauputic, Sound works :)18:04
tusseyI know what VNC is. I don't want to VNC over SSH18:04
tehmasswhen im at the site i see just the one18:04
tusseycan't I do apt-get install something18:04
un0ptehmass, the standard ubuntu CD is just "the desktop" :)18:04
klndz3tehmass, follow the link and you can get one to use18:04
thoreauputicklndz3: /usr/sbin/ntpd - but you don't need to use that - install ntpd and it will start on boot18:04
tehmassso the live cd?18:04
tehmassi have kubuntu now18:04
Tygirmnemonic_: sorry, im a newb....can you explain more?18:04
tehmassi jus want the reg ver18:04
un0ptehmass, click the link above to get the minimal CD18:04
thoreauputiclinux__alien: cool :)18:04
tehmassand all i see is desktop but ill look more sense you answered my q :D18:04
DILdoes JDBC and ODBC conflict18:04
klndz3Thank you un0p, thoreauputic18:04
linux__alienThe backports works18:04
linux__aliengood that it didnt break my wireless18:05
ompaultussey, you know I found this link here you might find it useful      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240218:05
tehmass  ?18:05
tussey!vnc server | tussey18:05
jesoI can't record two tracks in Ubuntu's Audacity.  Anyone know why?18:05
lollowell guys, i don't need cleaner programs, i dont need antivirus with ubuntu but ... do i need a program for the defragmentation ?18:06
WeedGrinchWhen will the next ubuntu update be?18:06
InspectorCluseaulollo, no18:06
lolloomg lol18:06
thoreauputiclollo: no you don't need defrag either18:06
mnemonic_Tygir, right click the video file and select properties. A window will be displayed which should show the so called "MIME type" of the file. This says something about the file's contents. Please tell me what it says.18:06
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer18:06
lollono need to do the defrag ? the OS does it for me ?18:07
un0plollo, it depends on the filesystem -- and it's all taken care of for you18:07
InspectorCluseaulollo, Linux file systems work a little differently18:07
ompaul!lol | lollo18:07
ubotulollo: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:07
lollook sorry18:07
thoreauputiclollo: Linux file systems tend to have a clue, in other words ;p18:08
linux__alienthoreauputic, Ubuntu rocks . Fedora Core 8 didnt recognize my wireless card itself :)18:08
Tygirmnemonic_: ahhhh, ok thanks for explaining...here is the MIME type "video/x-msvideo"18:08
thoreauputiclinux__alien: \o/18:08
justin__I wish Compiz wasn't a default option.18:08
ompaulWeedGrinch, security updates are done as and when needed for the supported materials, the next new edition will more than likely be in April 200818:08
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BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer18:08
jesoAnyone know why I can't record multiple tracks in Audacity?18:08
linux__alienI am happy that Ubuntu just made it so easy . I was worried to break my head with Firmware18:08
linux__aliengood Ubuntu works out of the box18:09
linux__aliencya later18:09
linux__aliengot to go now18:09
belavkardBelorix: check if it is detected lshw -C network18:09
linux__alienbye thoreauputic18:09
klndz3thoreauputic: The "install ntpd" command did not work18:09
linux__alienthanks for your help18:09
thoreauputiclinux__alien: o/18:09
andres99Hello.Help me please.My problem is "kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on hda7"18:09
belavkardlinux__alien: one should check whether it works out of the box, and on the box. :)18:09
lolloOo .... oO .... ubuntu is gorgeoussssssss18:09
mnemonic_Tygir, can you try to play it with a player that uses the gstreamer engine? That can be the Totem Video Player for example. If you have installed all gstreamer plugins (good, bad, ugly) it should work.18:09
ompaulklndz3, the command is          sudo apt-get install ntpd18:09
belavkardit is very important what hardware you have.18:09
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:09
* klndz3 facepalms18:09
Tygirmnemonic_: is totem the default player?18:09
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:09
Belorixbelvakard will do i have to rebott into ubuntu hold on18:09
ekahi all18:10
mnemonic_Tygir, yes. But its capabilities vary depending on which gstreamer plugins you have installed - so make sure you install (gstreamer0.10-good, bad, ugly, ffmpeg).18:10
chabalHi, I just enabled my nvidia restricted driver and i still can't get compiz to work:(18:10
belavkardmany a time there are people who expect an open system to run on hardware that the manufacturer neither releases a linux driver for, nor releases information needed to write a linux driver.18:10
mewinodoes anybody know why ubuntu will not boot after unistalling the sound drivers18:10
chabali tried normal and extra effect and nothing:(18:10
thoreauputicompaul: I think "lol" is what people are doing when they lean on a lamp post - ah, wait, that's "loll"18:10
un_opklndz3, actually - ntpd doesnt exist as a package, but openntpd does - sudo apt-get install openntpd18:10
Tygirmnemonic_: yeah, i just made sure i had all gstreamer plugins installed...and i do...18:10
klndz3un_op, I just figured that out :-D18:11
mnemonic_Tygir, and does it work with Totem?18:11
ekaI have a laptop with a intel 3495 wireless card... that is configured to work in roaming mode... is there any way to configure it to boot configured and use wpa tkip?18:11
belavkardtotem is good, but as a personal preference, i use mplayer.18:11
belavkardperhaps i've just got used to it.18:11
andres99kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on hda718:12
Tygirmnemonic_: nope...i try to open it and it just closes...doesnt play anything...just closes...18:12
klndz3un_op: It seems openntpd as a package doesn't exist either. "E: Couldn't find package openntpd"18:13
tehmassthe minimal cd u can boot from yes?18:13
OEDLhola soy nuevo18:13
OEDLprimera ve que utilizo el opera18:13
OEDLy es fenomeno18:13
un_opklndz3, you probably need to update your sources list -- sudo apt-get update ..18:13
un_optehmass, errm, what do you think? :)18:13
cayou99Hi, I have some problems with the flash plugin, can anyone help?18:13
OEDLquiero utilizar SO de linux18:13
tehmasswell i did for kubuntu18:14
un_op!es | OEDL18:14
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:14
ubotuOEDL: please see above18:14
mnemonic_Tygir, there may be a chance that the file uses a wmv9 or wmv10 format and utilizes DRM. In this case you will not be able to play it.18:14
klndz3un_op: already tried that, I just did it again, but  I still got the same error18:14
mnemonic_Tygir, but please read the ubuntu wiki - maybe you'll find something there that I've missed.18:14
Tygirmnemonic_: i dont think it does...i downloaded a TV show...off of usenet...i dont think there is any wmv9 or 10 or DRM...18:14
un_opklndz3, errm, what version of ubuntu are you on?18:15
klndz3un_op: 7.10 Gusty18:15
klndz3Regular Ubuntu18:15
mnemonic_Tygir, hm I cannot really think of anything else to do if you tried all players. Which version of ubuntu are you using?18:15
un_opklndz3, errm, make sure you have a valid sources.list file and that you have universe enabled18:15
un_op!w32codecs | Tygir,18:16
ubotuTygir,: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages18:16
Tygirmnemonic_: 7.1018:16
tehmassif i use the Regular 700mb dvd image will it install the unessacry bloatware?18:16
Tygirun_op: i already installed the w32codecs18:17
Jack_Sparrowtehmass: What do you mean by bloatware?18:17
belavkardtehmass: there is necessary bloatware?18:17
un_opTygir, it's likely that the file you downloaded is corrupt or not a valid wmv file - have you tried another wmv file to see if it's not the codec/player's fault18:17
Jon_For some reaosn the volume controls don't work18:17
belavkardtehmass: one man's junk.18:18
tehmassand is it as upto date as the minimal18:18
Jon_Like if i change them in alsamixer they work18:18
Jon_but not on the gnome panel18:18
Jon_The XMMS volume controls don't work either18:18
Jack_SparrowDo you have a specifc question are are you just trolling18:18
tehmasswell i meant does it install it automatically18:18
Jack_Sparrowtehmass: Do you have a specifc question are are you just trolling18:18
belavkardtehmass: if you are asking if the packages on the .iso are the same as those on the repos, the answer is yes.18:18
tehmassor can i unselect it?18:18
un_optehmass, what's junk to you might not be junk to someone else -- if you are looking to build a system up from scratch, i suggest doing a base install using the minimal CD and then installing the packages you need on top of that18:19
klndz3un_op: I believe that may have been the issue18:19
tehmassya thats waht i want to do. I cant find the minimal cd for ANYTHIN18:19
belavkardtehmass: if you're installing from the livecd, i don't think you can. but i do believe there's an advanced mode on the alternate cd.18:19
un_op!minimal | klndz318:19
ubotuklndz3: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:19
tehmassive searched google with all lists18:19
un_optehmass, the link is up there ^^^^^^^^^18:19
Jack_Sparrowtehmass: alternate cd is text only install...18:19
tehmassi didnt see that before18:19
tehmassthats fine Jack_Sparrow18:20
Tygirun_op: im trying to download another video now...i'll try that to see if its the specific file...18:20
aragorncan anybody help me remember where to find 'reconnect on disconnect' or something similar to that ?18:20
Guil-Thow can i uninstall the adobe flash plugin18:21
toresnhow do i turn off boldMode in aterm?18:21
un_oparagorn, whats this in regards to?18:21
Guil-Thow can i uninstall the adobe flash plugin18:21
un_op!flash | Guil-T18:21
ubotuGuil-T: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »18:21
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: How did you install it?18:21
tehmassi got a 64bit amd but the x86 still works with it yes?18:21
un_opGuil-T, errm, sorry, i misread you18:21
Guil-Tthrought the firefox plugin manager18:21
aragornun_op, i just dont remember where to find it. been lookin' everywhere [uses gnome xchat]18:21
tehmasscorrectly with out error18:21
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: Please also avoid repeating18:21
ubuntuswap 2,5 GB ????????18:21
Belorixbelavkard when i do that command whats it suppose to do?18:22
klndz3un_op: Which Repositories do you recommend that I enable?18:22
bentob0xhow do you do a sudo cp?18:22
un_oparagorn, iirc, xchat auto-reconnects you if you disconnect you18:22
andaxis there a package for advanced power-management? It seems, i can't set the HD to stop within the common power management. HD is always turning on and off, even whern there is nothing to write to HD.18:22
bentob0xI mean to copy files using administrator account18:22
bentob0xah k18:22
tehmassor sudo18:22
Jack_Sparrowtehmass: not the best way18:22
andaxi think this stresses the HD18:22
un_opklndz3, that depends on what you want to install -- i usually enable them all18:22
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer18:22
=== root is now known as LEZGIN
tehmassmaybe not. :D18:22
tehmasswill x86 work on a amd64bit cpu?18:23
Jack_Sparrowbentob0x: use sudo, gksudo.. or even gksudo nautilus18:23
Tygircan ubuntu play .wmv files?18:23
Torturedtehmass, yes18:23
bentob0xtehmass: sudo cp blah blah doens't work18:23
rskTygir: yes18:23
andaxtehmass: yes, it will18:23
bentob0xit's on ssh18:23
thoreauputic!restricted | Tygir18:23
ubotuTygir: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:23
tehmasskk i thought he meant waht cmd.. use for sudo18:23
tehmassi said su or sudo :P18:23
wittyphotonshey quick question re: partitioning18:23
mewinoubuntu will not boot gnome not working18:23
tusseywhat's better? tightvnc or vnc4server? I'm torn between which one to install18:23
toresnhow do i turn off boldMode in aterm? i've tried 'Aterm*boldMode: off/false'18:23
BelorixI have a WUSB54GSC wireless card i have it installed but no power getting to it, i know its working becuase i can detect wireless networks but i cannopt connect cuase again no pwer18:23
tehmassHave they fixed the FLash error for amd64?18:24
klndz3Belorix: Does it work on other OS's?18:24
un_optoresn, have you read the aterm manpage?18:24
someoneAHello, how come when I maximize a window it maximizes on my two screens and not in just one? Is there a way to change this?18:24
Belorixklndz3 yes18:24
wittyphotonswhich filesystem would i use on a partition onto which i intend to install windows xp?18:24
belavkardBelorix: when you say no power getting to it, what is it that you mean?18:24
Belorixthe light is VERY faint18:24
Guil-Tits just so crowded in here18:24
nikolamtehmass, : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692418:24
Belorixive tryed18:24
klndz3Belorix: Have you seen if wlan is enabled in the terminal?18:25
Belorixbelavkard ive tryed using custoim rule 9918:25
klndz3If there is SOME light, then it proba yis18:25
un_opwittyphotons, that's a question to be asked in ##windows really -- but anyway, you dont need to format the partition, the XP install CD will format it for you18:25
klndz3probably is*18:25
Belorixklndz3 how do i do that?18:25
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: Which browser are you using..?18:25
toresnun_op: yes18:25
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: USe synaptic and tell it to remove completely18:26
Belorixklndz3: how do i do that18:26
Guil-Tbut how do you do that talking to me18:26
wittyphotonsun_op: well, if i'm installing windows over ubuntu rather than the other way around. i'm partitioning right now and just was curious if i should use ext2 or fat32 or what18:26
klndz3Belorix: Be patient, is it a PCI or a USB card18:26
Guil-Tlike yout name in bold and mine:18:26
Belorixklndz: usb18:26
Guil-Tthats what i though pm did18:26
un_optoresn, have a look at this .XDefaults - http://www.0xdef.net/data/dotfiles/xdefaults.asc18:26
belavkardgotta reboot.18:26
klndz3Belorix: Go into the terminal and use "lsusb"18:27
Belorixklndz: wireless usb card Linksys model #: MUSB54GSC with speed booster18:27
un_opwittyphotons, you dont need to format the partition - let the windows CD do it for you18:27
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: type the first couple characters of the nick then hit tab18:27
Guil-Tthe only thin i found in the synaptic is the adobe flash installer18:27
Belorixklndz3: i have to reboot into uubntu i only have wireles18:27
klndz3Belorix: I had that same card when I first installed Ubuntu last fall, I never got it working :/18:27
ScuniziWhich skype version are people using for 7.10 Gnome. Static or Feisty's deb?18:27
toresnun_op: yes, 'aterm*boldMode: false' is the command i use, but the bold font still remains on the directories...18:27
wittyphotonsun_op, ooookay thanks18:27
speedhunt3rtehmass: what flash error? in mozilla?18:28
Belorixklndz3 what do you use for wireless?18:28
Guil-TJack_Sparrow: nice...18:28
Jack_SparrowScunizi: for what it is worth, the skype beta with video works in gutsy18:28
klndz3Belorix: I use an older D-Link DWL-G65018:28
LEZGINHi people How I can run my compiz18:28
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion18:28
klndz3Belorix: Works well on G networks, and has a huge range18:28
Belorixklndz3 do you know if there making a fix for it for the next release?18:28
Belorixbut anyway18:28
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: but the static version or .deb file? or maybe I haven't seen the download page for the beta18:29
Belorixhow can i make it so grub will boot windows first18:29
klndz3Belorix: I'm not sure, the only solution I could think of would be to try to set up madwifi with it18:29
aspireis there any one here that can help me with firefox carashing?18:29
Jack_SparrowScunizi: I got it directly from skype... should not be hard to find.. let me see if I bookmarked it18:29
aspirecrashing 24/718:29
Tygirok, i downloaded a new .avi and i get sound in totem, but no video...just black screen18:30
jribBelorix: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and set "default" to the number you want.  Numbering starts at 0 and headings count (like "Other Operating Systems:")18:30
mnemonic_aspire, without further investigation - the easiest way to solve this might be to delete your firefox proflie (the '.mozilla' directory in your home directory). Doing so you will lose all your bookmarks and settings.18:30
aspireI have a debug message in the terminal that says how why it crashed18:31
RequinB5Is there a comprehensive Dictionary for OOo in the repos?18:31
aspiredoes any one know this package?18:31
jribaspire: what package?18:31
jribRequinB5: the aspell-* packages work with OOo18:31
OasisGamesHey, really quick, I'm about to go to RadioShack and need some suggestions for a cheap USB Bluetooth dongle, preferably one that will work with CWiiD.18:32
DRebellion!hcl | OasisGames18:32
ubotuOasisGames: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:32
aspirejrib: do you know more about this?18:32
aspirefor some reason this causes my firefox to crash straight after it loaded?18:32
jribaspire: I have no idea what package you are talking about.  I saw you ask about firefox crashing and then something about a package18:33
OasisGamesubotu: Read it, not much help, unfortunately, only three of the ones listed worked, and most were older models. Hence why I'm here.18:33
aspirefirst removed another plugin, Gnash18:33
RequinB5jrib - are they high quality?  I don't want to have to tell my office program that existentialism is a word18:33
Tygiranyone know why i can get sound, but no video in totem...18:33
jribaspire: try 'firefox -safe-mode' or create a new firefox profile and debug with that18:33
jribRequinB5: try it, it works fine for me18:33
brownieheadmy borders disappeared, how can i get them back18:33
Jack_Sparrow\ http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/beta/18:33
gildatygir probably totem is not supporting the video codec on your avi file18:34
OasisGamesAny sentient beings have suggestions for a bluetooth dongle?18:34
Lettuc3is it possible to have .dotfiles and .dotfolders appear dimmed in nautilus?18:34
Jack_SparrowScunizi: Sorry...       http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/beta/      with video18:34
Tygirgilda: ive installed all codecs...18:34
Guil-TJack_Sparrow: thanx it worked18:34
Jack_SparrowGuil-T: good18:34
the7thmagusI am trying to TAR my entire filesystem for backup. however, I don't have enough space to save that TAR on my current parition. is there a parameter for the "tar" command that allows me to specify to save on another partition?18:35
Jack_Sparrowthe7thmagus: Yes you can do that18:35
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: thanks.. I was looking too but only managed to get to the standard download page even after following the Beta link..18:35
DRebellionthe7thmagus: just mount the other partition and save it there. you might want to compress as well   tar czf18:35
=== oscar_ is now known as KlavKalashj
gildanot sure then normally i use vlc solves all my codec issues for me18:35
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:35
the7thmagusalright. thanks18:35
gildabut thats personal taste18:36
aspirejrib: is it possible for you to have a look at the debug message?18:36
klndz3un_op: When I use "sudo ntpdate clock.psu.edu" I get an error saying the NTP socket is in use, and my time doesn't update18:36
kenalexis pidgen the new gaim ?18:36
xyzeeHelp please, I want to set up a printer conected to ubuntu so I can print from a remote machine18:36
jribaspire: sure, pastebin it18:36
gildayep kenalex18:36
klndz3Kenalex: Yes18:36
jribkenalex: pidgin is18:36
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: actually that link you gave me goes to the download page showing Feisty and other distributions as well as static and dynamic downloads.  Are all of them beta? If so I'll get the deb for feisty18:36
Jack_SparrowScunizi: If you look close, it should be pulling down skype 2.0...18:36
Jack_SparrowScunizi: Yes, I used the Feisty Beta.. 2.0 Skype18:37
Arrickis there a tutorial on installing vmware server into the newest release?18:37
kenalexubuntu has come far since the ubuntu version 5 days18:37
klndz3When I use "sudo ntpdate clock.psu.edu" I get an error saying the NTP socket is in use, and my time doesn't update18:37
Arrick(and configuring it?)18:37
StwangeI've got an external hard drive called Monkey Drive, how do I make it squeal like a monkey when I open it?18:37
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:37
wooooshIn a linux system where there are many users that can login and each has their own /home folder... etc. Can I install a program so that _ONLY_ I can 'see' it and run it? Install it only into my /home/me/ ? Can i do it if i have source code?18:37
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: yep.. so I clicked the feisty link18:37
kenalexvirtualbox is another good virtual platform18:38
DRebellionwoooosh: yes18:38
jribwoooosh: sure18:38
mewinodoes anybody know how to boot ubuntu will it will not boot18:38
aspirethere it is18:38
wooooshcool, ok ... so is it done by using source code only? what command?18:38
gildawhat do you mean not boot mewino18:38
DRebellionwoooosh: chmod18:38
mewinoi unloaded the alsa drivers and now it will not boot18:38
jribaspire: did you google that last line?18:39
mewinoi followed the instructions under also  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?highlight=%28sound%2918:39
wooooshDRebellion, but that will make the program visible inside /usr/share, /usr/bin or whatever? is there away to install a program so it leaves everything outside my home untouched?18:39
DRebellionwoooosh: yes, download the source, and compile it18:40
gildadoes it get past grub ? what does it fail on in the startup ? does it get to the gdm/kdm?18:40
klndz3When I use "sudo ntpdate clock.psu.edu" I get an error saying the NTP socket is in use, and my time doesn't update18:40
aspirejrib: actually I have not, though that I would have more chances asking you18:40
mewinoyes it does and then it stay in the command typing then and thats it, no gnome18:40
jribaspire: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/15895818:40
Arrickkenalex: my wish is that there was a virtual machine "host" OS that doesnt require a gui, but will allow windows and linux both very easily18:40
wooooshok, ill give it a go.. thanks for your help18:41
prxyra kas?18:41
wweaselI'm not quite sure why, but in the past week my computer has been hard locking. The mouse won't move, no response to keyboard (ctrl+alt+backspace/delete nor magic system keys). Happens when I'm using it and when i'm not. How should I investigate the cause?18:41
th0rArrick I can get into windows or linux, the problem is once in windows I HAVE to boot into linux...then can boot back into windows18:41
chimpI'm having a problem getting 5.1 sound to work under alsa, i have ac97 audio and when i run speaker-test -c6 only front left and front right make sound18:41
aspirejrib: there is one english result and one chinees to that google search18:42
gildaanything in dmesg | tail ? wweasel18:42
jribaspire: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/158958 is the bug you want18:42
mewinogilda, it will not boot gnome18:42
tml__is the ubotu bot here?18:42
jrib!hi | tml__18:42
ubotutml__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:42
kahrytanIs there a kernel source package?18:42
DRebelliontml__: yes, as always18:42
gildaso it does get to the login screen mewino ?18:43
Arrickth0r: I am wanting to setup a host that will run my vm's but I dont want a gui on the host.18:43
jribkahrytan: linux-source18:43
wweaselgilda: Well, I've rebooted since the last hard lock, obv. I don't see anything interesting in dmesg | tail.18:43
gildalol tru wweasel sorry18:43
mewinogilda, it starts up then the log in screen shows up like the text in terminal,18:43
tml__i dont think im doin it rite18:43
thoreauputickahrytan: yes, try linux-source18:43
tml__im typing "/msg ubotu find xporthdmv.pc"18:43
th0rArrick I use machines of limited resources, so wanted to be able to run either windows or linux remotely. The only problem is that once in windows the next boot has to take me to linux...after that it is my choice18:44
mewinogilda, it doesnt have the background and ill log in but nothing happens18:44
NW2190hey, I have a problem with mounting hard drives at startup in Gutsy.18:44
DRebelliontml__: remove the quotes18:44
kahrytanthoreauputic->  there is a beta driver for my tv tuner .. not designed for kernel in ubuntu but have to try it18:44
NW2190Every couple of reboots my hard drives switch device names18:44
jribtml__: just use packages.ubuntu.com18:44
gildamewino, if you login to the command line and type startx does it give any failure messages18:44
SleepingSlothwweasel,  syslogd?18:44
Arrickth0r: I was asking about info for my setup lol, not giving suggestions18:45
NW2190So my 160 GB hard drive is located at /sda1 sometimes and /sdc1 sometimes18:45
kahrytanjrib->  HVR-1600 cards have a ivtv beta driver18:45
thoreauputickahrytan: usually to compile modules you only need linux-headers-$(uname -r)18:45
Jack_Sparrowth0r:  Arrick  That discussion is better suited to #Ubuntu-offtopic18:45
wweaselSleepingSloth: Sorry, never used syslogd before. Could you elaborate? I guess it's a system log daemon...where are the logs?18:45
ArrickI currently have a core 2 duo, 3.2 ghz, with 4 gigs memory and i want to run OS's in vm's18:45
jribNW2190: so use UUIDs18:45
th0rArrick I got here late...saw you wanted to get into either os...thought I would offer that option18:45
kahrytanthoreauputic->  make is asking for full source18:45
thoreauputickahrytan: ah18:45
Arrickjack-desktop: im asking questions about ubuntu18:45
th0rJack_Sparrow since when is grub boot procedures off-topic?18:45
kahrytanthoreauputic->  it's ivtv18:45
dsnydersweasel, The logs are in /var/log, usually18:46
thoreauputickahrytan: apt-cache search linux-source18:46
Jack_Sparrowth0r: NOt about grub boot procedures.. but about wanting vm's and not gui etc...18:46
NW2190jrib: how do I use that? should I just google it?18:46
Arrickjack-desktop: thats a ubuntu server deal, im asking for help with it18:46
Arrickgod, read man, read18:46
gildawweasel, /var/log ?18:46
kahrytanthoreauputic->  HVR-1600 ..18:46
wweaselFigures :P18:46
SleepingSlothwweasel, sorry bout slow response- eating chinese right now... /var/log18:47
jribNW2190: what version of ubuntu?18:47
mewinogilda, after i put my log in info, its says ubuntu comes with no warranty etc no failures, just the black screen with white text18:47
NW21907.10 but i updated the kernel18:47
Orkieanybody know how i can force a different resolution on my second monitor? it is trying to display at the 1280x1024 of the first one on the second which is only 1024x76818:47
umairhey dudes i have a cdma phone LG lsp 40 can i know how to connect it to ubuntu and run it18:47
mewinogilda, im on a another computer18:47
bobesponjahow do I start compiz and where do I configure it please?18:47
Jack_SparrowArrick:  Try #Ubuntu-server   and be POLITE18:47
umaircause i have a lan which wont allow ubuntu and i want to run internet through it18:47
gildathats normal mewino , if your not getting a grafical interface - type startx in the cmd line and see what u get18:48
jribNW2190: blkid will give you a list of UUIDs for your partitions.  Here is a sample line from my fstab: UUID=c12662cd-5455-447b-a7e8-03865654473a / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 118:48
wweaselSleepingSloth: No problem - it's where i guessed to look. I've scrolled through syslog, haven't seen anything glaring really.18:48
bobesponjado I need to install emerald? according to synaptic I have compiz installed but I don't see any cube :)18:48
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion18:48
kenalexwhat software can i use to sniff packets (program like wireshark) coming in on my PC other than tcpdump18:48
jribNW2190: so instead of /dev/sda1 you write UUID=1234567890blah18:48
mewinogilda type "startx" says command not found18:49
NW2190jrib: o nice I think I can get it now. Thanks a lot.18:49
gildak its not set up on ubuntun my bad18:49
Jack_Sparrow!cube > bobesponja18:49
mewinogilda did you see the link that i pasted earlier18:50
gildano i missed that sorry mewino18:50
jack-desktopArrick, ... what?18:50
gildabut u removed alsa i caught lol18:50
mewinogilda look under alsa driver, this is what i did https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?highlight=%28sound%2918:50
jacky_salut quel est le lien pour le francais merci18:51
jrib!fr | jacky_18:51
ubotujacky_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:51
jack-desktopis there a spanish command?18:52
jribjack-desktop: !es18:52
Jack_Sparrow!es > jack-desktop18:52
gildadid you replace alsa or just totally remove it mewino ?18:52
jack-desktophkltkmhe, i tried sp lol\18:52
milloshhi, what is the name of graphical program for configuration boot loader under ubuntu/gnome?18:52
SleepingSlothwweasel, well, theres alsokern.log, but i guess you've looked there too...?18:52
thoreauputicjack-desktop: country codes18:52
mewinoi removed it and replaced it, i followed the steps and then restarted18:52
jack-desktopyea, i was having a dumbass moment18:52
sosushi, i am trying to get skype to work with my webcam, and apparently the video is being sent (whoever I talk to can see me) but I cannot see myself, nor can I see their webcam, does anyone know how to fix this?18:53
mewinogilda i think that my gdm' and 'ubuntu-desktop has been removed like it stats in that link18:53
Jack_Sparrowsosus:  what is your user name for skype?18:53
wweaselSleepingSloth: I haven't. I've used Ubuntu for years now, but haven't had the need to do troubleshooting like searchign down the cause of a hard lock. So I've never learned about all these logs18:53
gildanot removed just compiled against the old alsa version18:53
sosusJack_Sparrow, sambbones18:53
gildamore likely u will have to re-apt them to get them compiled against the new alsa version18:54
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:54
mewinogilda, im a newbie, i have no clue what to do18:54
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:54
gildamewino, sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop18:55
gildawill redrag in the ubuntu desktop18:55
tusseyompaul: /j #handbrake18:55
gildamewino, sudo apt-get gdm ubuntu-desktop     sorry correction18:55
sosusJack_Sparrow, do you see me? I don't have a mic plugged in18:55
thoreauputicgilda: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  <--- install is the important bit :)18:55
gildaredrag in gdm for login screen and desktop18:55
Jack_Sparrowsosus: No dont see you18:55
meoblast001ok... im starting to get a little irritated because i came here like 5 times and never got an answer... i waited very patiently and i have done very risky things while i waited..... but anyways, my problem is that my font size is extremely large on my login screen..... its so large that the username and password dont even fit in the box, how do i fix this18:55
Jack_Sparrowsosus: I do see me18:55
gildaLOL sorry thoreauputic im still on me 1st coffee18:56
sosusJack_Sparrow, I don't see you...18:56
SleepingSlothwweasel, i'm no expert - if i were in your shoes, i would be checking hardware, rather than trying to identify what caused the problem using logs/software. that is due to a lack of experience though... as you say, they're not 'everyday' occurrences...18:56
sosusJack_Sparrow, how about now? I forgot to hit "start video"18:56
gildamewino, sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop18:56
Jack_Sparrowsosus: would you ind /j #Voyager   so we dont annoy the channel18:56
mewinowhat do you mean redrag18:57
gildait will reinstall the login manager and the desktop18:57
sosusJack_Sparrow, ok18:57
daronhelp Rasshan canal?18:57
mewinoyou type in 3 different things which one should i put in18:57
meoblast001hello? does anyone know how to change the font size on the login screen?18:58
lostatseehas the Flash plugin been fixed yet?18:58
meoblast001ive googled this problem a lot and for some reason i dont have system > preferences > fonts18:58
thoreauputicmeoblast001: evidently not18:58
muuddflapanyone know how to get a old sound blaster to work with 7.1018:59
jriblostatsee: see the /topic18:59
meoblast001does anyone know where the gnome font controls are?18:59
Lettuc3is it possible to have .dotfiles and .dotfolders appear dimmed in nautilus?18:59
jribmeoblast001: system -> preferences -> appearance18:59
KiD_ChAoShow do i specify a route using ifconfig19:00
Lettuc3meoblast001 system - preferences - appearance - fonts?19:00
meoblast001jrib: i guess that doesnt change the login screen because that appears ok19:00
BodomLawI dont get a desktop cube with compiz, it only gives me 2 desktops19:00
Tuarimeoblast001: did you install a custom theme?19:00
meoblast001im very sorry to everyone for my impatience.... ive been patient for some time now and this is a very stressful issue19:00
Lettuc3meoblast001 login screen: system - administration - login window.19:00
white_eagleBodomLaw, | /join #compiz-fusion19:01
KiD_ChAoShow do i specify a route using ifconfig19:01
meoblast001Lttuc3: that doesnt fix my problem, the font size on the login screen is too big19:01
gildaKiD_ChAoS, use the route command19:01
Lettuc3meoblast001 unless im mistaken that's a gdm theme.19:01
muuddflapok quess not later19:01
meoblast001Tuari: no, its the standard ubuntu ones.... the font is way too big though.... it happened after running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:01
thoreauputicKiD_ChAoS: that was kind of a classic case of asking the question the wrong way around :)19:02
Lettuc3meoblast001 and although i haven't tested it, you can assign a gtkrc file under login window preferences, but im not sure it's going to achieve what you want.19:02
KiD_ChAoSgilda, thanx19:02
KiD_ChAoSthoreauputic, right19:02
gildagotta love it when the commands r exactly what your asking for =D19:02
nikolausHi folks, can someone recommend a lightweight MTA that does local delivery of cron emails?19:03
meoblast001Lettuc3: whats a gtcrc file?19:03
thoreauputicgilda: yes, a rare occurrence19:03
mewinogilda it said failed to fetch and unbale to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get udate19:03
Tuarinikoluas: sendmail is pretty easy to setup19:03
KiD_ChAoSgilda, im not seeing how to put in what interface im dealing with19:03
gildawhat are you trying to do KiD_ChAoS ?19:03
Lettuc3meoblast001 gtkrc file, gtk theme file.19:04
CrazyPhilHi. I have configured Ubuntu to mount automaticly 3 partitions at start with the fstab file. Basicly named Disk_C, Disk_D and Disk_E. The mount work, but once in Ubuntu, they are show as Disk_C, Local disk and Local disk (2). They are named ok in /media/ but not on Desktop. What going wrong?19:04
gildamewino, failed out19:04
KiD_ChAoSset a gateway for eth0 gilda19:04
gildamewino, failed how i mean19:04
gildaroute add default gw IPAddress19:04
DRebellionCrazyPhil: what filesystem are they? is this a dual boot?#19:04
=== aragorn is now known as Radiohead
Lettuc3meoblast001 im not sure that would change your font size, although i know that under windows you could specify font settings in there. i havent seen the same in linux, so im not sure.19:04
KiD_ChAoSgilda, that adds the gateway for all interfaces?19:04
CrazyPhilDRebellion, all ntfs. Disk_C is the partition of a dual boot. Disk_D and E are separate hard disk19:05
bentob0xok, I can't get this to work: I'm ssh'ing into a second machine where I have the admin account and when I do sudo cd /folder/to/go + password it tells me: sudo: cd: command not found19:05
DRebellionCrazyPhil: then, those are probably the names assigned by windows to the drives themselves.19:05
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mewinoi dont know i typed in sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop and it aid it needs to get 2391 from archives AND THE UNABLE GET FROM ARCHIVES19:05
DRebellionbentob0x: su -c "command"19:05
CrazyPhilDRebellion, any way to chante that?19:05
Flannelbentob0x: sudo-ing cd wont get you the desired effect anyway.19:06
gildamewino, sudo apt-get update19:06
DRebellionCrazyPhil: change the name of the drive under windows.19:06
jribbentob0x: cd is not a command, it is a shell built-in.  Start a root shell with 'sudo -i' if you really can't cd normally19:06
gildamewino, sudo apt-get upgrade19:06
ompaulmewino, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop brings with it gdm19:06
CrazyPhilDRebellion, ok i'll try this, ty :)19:06
gildathen do the ubuntu desktop one19:06
Parsec300Anybody know how to automatically change the desktop background every few minutes?19:06
unagikde for the win19:06
klndz3Does anyone know where the .txt files for Pidgin Logs are?19:07
unagiParsec300: kde has a prog that does it19:07
DRebellionParsec300: i have a linux format article about this, lemme dig it out....19:07
jribklndz3: ~/.purple/logs/19:07
unagiotherwise sudo apt-get install wallpaper tray19:07
DRebellion!capts | mewino19:07
ompaul!caps | mewino19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about capts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
ubotumewino: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
gildaits booted mewino - its just not in the grafical interface19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
mewinosorry, i hit the caps button, i wasnt trying to shoud19:07
gildamewino, your in the command line cuz u have no gui the system is running19:07
ompaulunagi, you are in #ubuntu19:08
unagioh crap19:08
unagimy bad19:08
unagiklndz3: sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray19:08
DRebellionParsec300: you on kde or gnome?19:08
klndz3unagi: wrong person you are addressing?19:08
mewinogilda thanks for helping by the way19:09
Tansienanyone know of a good "router" package for ubuntu?19:09
mewinoi hope i dont have to just reinstall the whole thing19:09
=== und3rground is now known as koleoptero
unagisorry klndz319:09
gildamewino, you system is still alive you just lack the desktop - were hoping to get it in for you is all19:09
unagiParsec300: sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray19:10
klndz3No worries :D unagi19:10
mewinogilda, what else can i try19:10
gildamewino, is it failing to get to the http:// servers for the apt ?19:10
=== Radiohead is now known as aragorn
GigamoHow can I install a .pcf.gz font?19:11
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DRebellionaragorn: make your mind up :P19:11
gildamewino,  ping google.com   see if it gives u any responss19:11
mewinono http://archive. ubuntu..com etc19:11
mewinoi dont know how to ping19:11
umairdudes how to setup beryl for ubuntu 7.119:11
lem67anyone know of a good wireless support channel19:11
gildamewino, just type    ping google.com19:12
klndz3jrib: I don't have a /.purple/logs  That seems really odd.19:12
Peloumair there is no beryl anymore, it's all back to compiz now19:12
umairanyway walkthrough19:12
DRebellionlem67: this is as good as any19:12
Pelo!compiz | umair19:12
gildalem67, whats up with ur wireless19:12
unagiumair: !compiz19:12
ubotuumair: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:12
mewinogilda "ping goodle.com" unknow host19:12
gildak you have no networking atm19:12
Pelomewino, google not goodle19:12
umairman i like beryl more than compiz fusion19:12
mewinoi have the wireless signal on19:13
mewinomy laptop19:13
mewinoand im downloading the alternate cd19:13
unagiumair: um...........what does beryl have that compiz doesnt19:13
gildamewino, on the broken puter ?19:13
klndz3I think Compiz eats up my RAM more than Beryl :|19:13
lem67I have 3 wireless systems connected thru a linux router by dhcp which also serves 4 hardwired systems, any wireless can connect to any hardwired but not to another wireless on same network, any ideas19:14
unagiBeryl was unstable to me19:14
usr13_mewino: You have a broken computer, how cool! :)19:14
Rafahi... could anyone help me? my joystick is not working under ubuntu 7.10 but it works on kurumin linux and mandriva 200819:14
the7thmagusalright. successfully tarred and extracted my backup to another partition. now I want to ditch this small partition and boot into the partition I have extracted the backup in. Can I just add a menu entry in GRUB pointing to this newly filled partition?19:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:14
mewinogilda, im on a different computer from the one im trying to fix19:14
Pelocan anyone teach me how to "Setup a spooldirectory without printfilter. Serialport baudrate must be 9600."19:15
gildamewino, the commands im having you run should be on the one thats outa commission19:15
Parsec300unagi, thanks. I'll try it19:15
Pelounagi, search for game controler in the forum or even for your actual model19:15
RafaI have a canon i250 printer but with canon's driver I can't change the printing quality, does anyone know how to do it??19:16
unagiPelo: that wasnt for me19:16
usr13_lem67: I have a broken lynksys wireless router, but it works ok just as a wireless switch, so I have a linux firewall router - IPcop.19:16
Rafatnx pelo19:16
PeloRafa, what for ?19:16
umaircompiz is just no that beautiful19:16
gildalem67, are the wireless machines routing through the network properly otherwise ?19:16
umairand it does not ahve many things19:16
Peloumair, there are new managers for compiz-fusion that feel more like beryl19:16
BaconBitsEverybody, leave this channel download Gentoo, and go to the channel below this one.19:17
posrhello help please ! i update skype and when i launch skype he abort launching :(19:17
mewinogilda, i have dual boot on it, is there a way i can fix it from windows19:17
gildamewino, no19:17
lem67yes, all three connect to internet and any other system via ethernet, just not to wireless hosts, Error is no route to host19:17
Peloposr, remove skype and install again19:17
posrPelo,  i did it but nothing happens19:17
mewinogilda, should i just reinstall it19:17
mewinoall over again19:18
Peloposr, reisntall the previous version19:18
posrPelo,  how to do that?19:18
unagihow do i get gftp to monitor files i edit on my server and reload them?19:18
gildamewino, if you cannot work through the command line or have an alternate computer to receive help that might be your easiest option19:18
Peloposr, if you installed form the repos select the package in synaptic and right click ,  somewhere in there you have the option to install older packages19:18
usr13_lem67: Whad distro did you use to build your router?19:18
mewinoim on another computer now19:18
posrPelo ok thanks !19:19
Jack_Sparrowposr: How about trying to run from cli and looking for error19:19
mewinogilda, what is the ubuntu alternate cd used for\19:19
belorixHey guys19:19
posrJack_Sparrow,  hmm  cli ? how it works?19:19
belorixi got the wireless wusb54gsc to work19:19
unop__!alternate | mewino19:19
Jack_Sparrowposr: Go to a terminal... and type skype19:19
usr13_mewino: Use alternate if you have problems with the Live CD19:19
ubotumewino: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal19:20
RafaI can surf the web without problems when I'm alone but whenever my sis turns her pc on (using windows xp) my pc stops surfing... we're using a modem router to manage the lan and share the connection...but the same doesn't happen when my bro turns his pc on... does anyone know how to solve this??19:20
unop__ubotu's lagging today19:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s lagging today - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:20
belorixhow do i get the nividia restricted driver to work?19:20
posrJack_Sparrow,  i type skype and he give me this "Aborted (core dumped)"19:20
* Pelo is getting ignored in 4 channels today19:20
usr13_belorix: Install it.19:20
Jack_SparrowPelo: and trying for #519:20
belorixi try19:20
belorixit tells me something about its not being enabled or something19:21
panfisti'm trying to build a program and the first step is to do ./configure and then make...but when i do ./configure i get this error: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"19:21
Jack_Sparrowposr: Reinstall skype would be my choice19:21
PeloJack_Sparrow, I don't know where else to ask my spool question , I'm in here in ##linux ##cups and #debian19:21
belorixthe source package for nvidia is not enable?19:21
DRebellionpanfist: do you have build-essential installed?19:21
unop__panfist, you probably want to install build-essential first19:21
panfistdrebellion and unop_ thanks19:21
Jack_SparrowPelo: you trying to spool out to a serial printer or something?19:22
PeloJack_Sparrow, yes19:22
Jack_SparrowPelo: Tough question, way over my head..19:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:23
Jack_SparrowPelo: Receipt printer or something I assume19:23
DRebellion!msgthebot > belorix19:23
bitmonstercan anyone explain me how to use two screens with an ati mobility radeon 7500?19:23
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:23
posrJack_Sparrow,   i reinstall and skype show license argumetns and close19:23
belorixCan someone tell me how to enable the source package for nvidia19:24
Jack_Sparrowposr: completely remove the old one with synaptic first19:24
posrJack_Sparrow,  ok19:24
tigranI need some help troubleshooting enabling fastwrites on an nVidia card.19:24
usr13_lem67: Look at the firewall script on the Linux Router for answer to why wireless nodes cannot connect to each other.19:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about artwiz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:24
PeloJack_Sparrow, pen plotter, not sure receipt printer would do it but good idea ,  would have expected the openprinting database to ahve more info  http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=CalComp-Artisan_1023_penplotter19:24
arthushi all, does anyone know anything about setting up Squid?19:25
arthusI'm lost19:25
Jack_SparrowPelo: You may think me insane.. would not be the first time.  But I think I could do it in kermit...19:25
nickrud!find artwiz | Gigamo19:25
ubotugigamo: Found: artwiz-cursor, xfonts-artwiz19:25
usr13_lem67: Do you have one wirless AP or more than one?19:25
Phuzhow can I configure tightvnc through terminal so I can connect to my machine at home?19:25
DRebellion!anyone | arthus19:25
ubotuarthus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:25
PeloJack_Sparrow,  If I knew what kermit was I might have an opinion of your sanity but I lack the basics for a judgement19:25
panfistok i had a problem running ./configure and make, which i solved by installing build-essentials. now i think im missing a dependency but i dont know how to find it. i get this error"checking for hci_devid in -lbluetooth... no" but i thought i installed all the bluetooth packages19:25
Jack_SparrowPelo: You can take just about any file and send it out the serial port at any speed you desire19:25
usr13_Phuz:  Just connect to your home PCs outside address.19:26
arthusubonto: wll when I installed it and tried to start I am told I must set "visible_hostname"19:26
posrJack_Sparrow,  don't work for me :(19:26
lem67usr13, i only have 1 wireless ap , which rules in firewall should I check19:26
usr13_Phuz: That is, assuming your home PC has an outsied IP.19:26
Phuzusr13_: see, I have never used tightvnc on this compuer before, so I don't have anything set up on it19:26
Jack_SparrowPelo: Kermit is very simple language... Years ago  I wrote a script for the navy that every time a file showed up, I spooled it out the the altos19:26
PhuzWould there be a password, I literally just ran apt-get install tightvnc19:26
nickrudJack_Sparrow: sounds like a evil genius solution19:27
Jack_SparrowHi nickrud... yea, but it worked like a charm19:27
PeloJack_Sparrow, basicaly,  the app would make a print to file file , save it to the spool directory which whould send it as is to the serial port ie the plotter19:27
PhuzJack_Sparrow, as soon as i read the word navy in your last message, a navy commercial came on the tv19:27
DILits a conspiracy19:28
optiqits a conspiracy19:28
arthusI literally just installed squid via "sudo apt-get install squid"19:28
optiqaccelerate your life!19:28
Pelosomeone in #debian just recommended I check out lprng19:28
arthuswhen I try to start, it says must set "visible_hostname"19:28
DILoptiq. dude!19:28
usr13_Phuz : Use vncviewer to connect to server PC19:28
Jack_SparrowPelo: Good luck... let us know how you make out19:28
ubuntuislovedikonia: are you online?19:29
Phuzusr13_: alright, port 4190 needs to be forwarded, right?19:29
PeloJack_Sparrow, NOOOO don't leave me alone with this , I'll go mad and reinstall windows19:29
optiqDIL, my bad for listening in on your brain frequency19:29
mamatohi, i just ripped cds with soundjuicer but id3 tags aren't filed :( cddb info appears however in soundjuicer and dir/files are correct...19:29
DILoptiq, running spyware now19:30
Jack_SparrowPelo: Go read up on kermit... give it 15 minutes of reading and see what you think19:30
Phuzanyone watching the new york/montreal game?19:30
PeloJack_Sparrow, I'll give it some consideration, I'm reading up on lprng atm19:30
unop__mamato, it could be that soundjuicer didnt fill both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags19:30
mamatounop: how can i check/fix it19:31
Pelolater folks19:31
Phuzok, so port 4190 is VNC, right?19:31
usr13_Phuz: The default ports that tightvncserver uses are 5801 & 5901  But that in negotiable.19:31
iKapFor some reason when i shut off my computer, it doesnt shut off.. it ends up on a black screen with white text that says something about "terminating eth0.. or something" can someone help me!?!19:31
unop__mamato, errm, i use a kde program called kid3 to keep them in sync19:31
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues »19:32
unop__usr13, well, actually they are 5801, 5901 and upwards -- depending on the session of the vnc server19:32
mamatounop: i use gnome :(19:32
panfisthey im trying to make install a program and i got this error, "No package 'gtk+-2.0' found" which doesnt make sense because isnt GNOME based on GTK? what do i need to do19:32
unop__mamato, you can install kid3 on gnome19:32
nickrudpanfist: install libgtk2.0-dev19:33
tigranI need some help troubleshooting enabling fastwrites on an nVidia card.19:33
panfistnickrud thanks i'll tr that19:33
Phuzk, in tightvnc viewer, i'm getting a failed to connect to server message19:33
iKapFor some reason when i shut off my computer, it doesnt shut off.. it ends up on a black screen with white text that says something about "terminating eth0.. or something" can someone help me!?!19:33
unop__!repeat | iKap19:34
ubotuiKap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:34
Phuzand I don't seem to be running anything with vnc in the name, according to ps aux | grep vnc19:34
the7thmagussorry to repeat but got no response. How can I update GRUB to recognize my new partition which I just now filled with a backup of Ubuntu, so that I can boot into it?19:34
unop__!grub | the7thmagus19:34
ubotuthe7thmagus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:34
Phuztigran, just ask your question19:35
unop__the7thmagus, you want the "repair grub" section19:35
tigranPhuz: That is my question....19:35
kronos_hello guys19:35
nickrudthe7thmagus: if you copied it correctly, run  sudo update-grub , it should be found and added19:35
tigranPhuz: I've done the procedure to enable it, but it doesn't.19:35
the7thmagusalright, thanks all19:35
osmosishow can I see what fs format a mounted partition is using ?19:35
nickrudosmosis:   mount   in a terminal19:36
psycholvlananyone here19:36
Phuzyes, psycholvlan, ask your question if you have one19:36
psycholvlanI'm having issue with the nvidia driver19:37
unop__osmosis,  file -s /dev/SDXX19:37
psycholvlani install it then restart then my x server won't load19:37
psycholvlanno screens19:37
BmocHello everyone, anyone experiencing problems installing 7.10? Specifically my LCD monitor losing signal when I choose to install ubuntu from the bootable CD?19:37
Jack_Sparrowpsycholvlan: which driver did you install19:37
Phuznice nick, Led_Zeppelin19:37
Led_Zeppelindoes 64bit version make a huge difference versus 32bit version of ubuntu?19:37
tigranBmoc: Have you tried safe gfx mode?19:37
darknaturehow much of a risk would i take if i upgrade from 7.10 to the new 8.04 alpha 4?19:37
Sinisterhave a new dvd  player that plays divx how do i transform my avi and mpeg to divix ?19:38
Bmoctigran: yes, same thing, this is the 64bit version btw.19:38
psycholvlanthe one that came with ubuntu 7.04 and i tried the 169.08 Linux 32 one from nvidia19:38
nickrudBmoc: do you have an onboard and also a video card?19:38
unop__Led_Zeppelin, yes in terms of hardware and resource utilization19:38
Phuzdarknature, it is an alpha version, it is suggested to only be used in environments that you don't have valuable data in19:38
prashwat  are ops jack?19:38
BmocNickrud: yes, is that a problem?19:38
Bmocnickrud: i answered my own question. ;)19:38
Jack_SparrowBmoc: when it goes blank... have you tried ctrl-alt F2 to get terminal19:38
nickrudBmoc: sometimes the install will choose to use the onboard, disable the onboard in bios19:38
Parsec300DRebellion, unagi already showed me an answer. I was away, thank you for your help. I'm on Gnome by the way.19:38
psycholvlanhow do i fix the no screens thing?19:39
prashjack pls tell me wat is op19:39
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Have fun, time for me to get ready for the pregame party...19:39
kronos_guys, does the eclipse support gpucv library? have somebody ever programmed with gpucv?19:39
psycholvlanif i change the driver to nv i can load it up but don't have the driver enabled19:39
nickrudJack_Sparrow: me also soon :)19:39
tigranTo make my question more clear: I've done the procedure to enable fastwrites for an nvidia card, but it doesn't.19:39
Jack_Sparrowprash: An op is a systemoperator or moderator for a channel...19:39
Phuzanyone watching te ny rangers vs montreal game?19:40
Bmocnickrud: thanks, going to go try that now.19:40
DRebellion!offtopic | Phuz (offtopic)19:40
PhuzDRebellion, my bad19:40
Jack_Sparrowprash: They are the people that have the power to remove/kick/ban or banish if needed a troublesome user19:40
ubotuPhuz (offtopic): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:40
nickrudHe has the pooowwwerrr !19:41
ubuntuislovedis anyone familar with LFS ?19:41
psycholvlanwhat's the latest ubuntu version... I'm using 7.04 that came with a book i just bought yesterday19:41
Phuz!anyone | ubuntuisloved19:41
ubotuubuntuisloved: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:41
DRebellionpsycholvlan: 7.10 gutsy gibbon is latest19:42
psycholvlanmaybe that one will work19:42
Phuzpsycholvlan: Actually, 7.10 is the latest STABLE release19:42
PhuzThere's 8.04, but that's alpha19:42
DRebellionPhuz: shhhh!19:42
ubuntuislovedim working with LFS and in deed all seems well until  i get to 6.10 were i cannot seem to pass the sanity check routine?19:42
psycholvlani looked under hardward and my video card is an unknown but in the xorg file it states my actually video card19:42
nickrudubuntuisloved:  The official LFS support channel is hosted on the server "irc.linuxfromscratch.org" and the channel is #lfs-support.19:42
iKapwhich log will show me error messages i encounter at shut down? syslog?19:42
DiceyDaysWhat is the difference between the kde 4 version in the repositories, and the kde 4 version that you get through kubuntu?19:43
PriceChild!kde4 | DiceyDays19:44
ubotuDiceyDays: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:44
nickrudDiceyDays: kubuntu uses the standard repos19:44
kronos_guys could u say a good chat for Linux + programmers?19:44
klndz3Does Sound Juicer CD Ripper support CDDB?19:44
nickrudkronos_: #linux19:44
kronos_thx i will try19:44
DiceyDaysnickrud: So adding "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main" really makes no difference? Because kde 4 core is already in my repository.19:45
belorixHey can comeone tell me how to get teh 3D cube?19:45
astro76DiceyDays: the kde4 in the repo is a prerelease19:45
pvl1can ig et some vmware help?19:45
DRebellion!compiz | belorix19:45
ubotubelorix: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:45
nickrudDiceyDays: if that's the one that the page PriceChild gave you, I'd use that one. Or ask for more info from the #kubuntu-kde4 channel19:45
DiceyDaysastro76: Thanks. I was just wondering.19:45
astro76DiceyDays: note the version 3.9x19:46
psycholvlanwhat causes the no screens error when you install the graphics driver.... incompatible hardware?19:46
nickrudastro76: do you have a clue why that's still there, or not replaced?19:46
astro76nickrud: same reason as why software isn't updated in a time-based release distro19:46
astro76except for update and backports, the repos are always frozen at each release19:47
nickrudastro76: oh, hadn't realized they'd been there that long. Just did an apt-cache policy on a kde4 package19:47
astro76oh yeah19:48
drrohinhow do i get my dvd's to play they keep failing19:48
astro76drrohin: installed libdvdcss2 ?19:48
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Phuzok, I'm still having trouble with tightvncserver, I've got ssh to my machine, but for some reason, when I attempt to get to it via tightvnc viewer on windows through a SSH tunnel, I get a failed to connect to server error message19:48
nickrudassumed they were in proposed19:48
tim167hi, someone jokingly called me a HIPPIE because i couldn't connect with my linux OS, the network has not a WEP key protection but another variant ('W....', i don't remember the name, something with 3 or four letters starting with W) can i connect to such networks? thanks !19:49
DRebelliontim167: WPA?19:49
BelisarivsHi all19:49
woofcatOk, i am having issues with a Dlink-DFE-538TX aka VT6105 [Rhine-III] (rev 86)19:49
tim167DRebellion, yes WPA19:49
crackhead_25_hi people, i have a problem. when i load into my ubuntu on my laptop, i type in the user and password, and then i see the screen a bit.. and then it goes black.. and i can't see the screen anymore.. it worked the first time i loaded into ubuntu, after installation, though.. and now it doesn't.. what is going wrong???19:49
crackhead_25_and what should i do??19:49
woofcatshould 7.10 automatticaly pick up via-rhine III19:49
usr13_Phuz: vncviewer 192.168.1.X:590119:50
Phuzusr13_: windows tightvnc viewer19:50
woofcatcrackhead_25_: have you tried re-running xorg-config?19:50
woofcatAgent_bob: How are you?19:50
jmichaelxcould someone possibly tell me how a person can (or if one can) import an entire dir of photos into OO.o Presentation?19:50
crackhead_25_woofcat: how do i do that?19:50
tim167DRebellion:, i use wlassistant , nbut that says nothing about WPA, only WEP...19:50
lem67this route entry seems weird, and is on all three wireless computers,     wlan0 , anyone know what its for?19:50
crackhead_25_woofcat: can you give me some directions? i can't see anything on the screen19:51
DRebellion!wpa | tim167 (see if there's anything here)19:51
ubotutim167 (see if there's anything here): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:51
ZimmerI installed ubuntu with the text installer ( as I couldn't boot with normal installer ) and now it doesn't boot up when I select it from the GRUB boot up19:51
lassesandberg42simply question here, i have a ubuntu installation on another computer, i messed around with graphic drivers and now when it boots i just get a black screen, no terminal or anything... under ubuntu bootup, can i press something and enter like a "fail safe" terminal mode?19:51
woofcatcrackhead_25_: press ctrl+shift and then f319:51
crackhead_25_woofcat: don't see it19:51
woofcator one of the fkeys19:51
crackhead_25_lassesandberg42: im working onthe same problem19:51
woofcator maybe alt+ctrl19:52
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usr13_Phuz: I think it works same on MS Windows.  You just run thghtvncserver on the MS Windows machine and connect to it from client: vncviewer 192.168.1.X:590119:52
nickrudwoofcat: clt-alt-f319:52
woofcatnickrud: to the rescue19:52
crackhead_25_nickrud: not seeing or working..19:52
tim167DRebellion: ok thanks,19:52
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:52
crackhead_25_nickrud: im not seeing anything when i press those things19:52
crackhead_25_still black19:52
woofcatanyone an expert with network interfaces in 7.1019:52
BelisarivsI'm experiencing weird problem. When I go through my personal directories with nautilus, it freezes for quite a time often. In Krusader is everything OK and fast. What is wrong? How can I fix it?19:52
usr13_Phuz: where 192.168.1.X is IP address of MS machine.19:52
Phuz!anyone | woofcat19:52
ubotuwoofcat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:52
EdgeTHey guys19:52
BelisarivsDo you have any ideas?19:53
nickrudcrackhead_25_: hm, does clt-alt-delete reboot the machine?19:53
EdgeTGot a pretty big problem, if any of you could help me19:53
woofcatubotu: i asked the question. Its about Via-Rhine 3 drivers19:53
crackhead_25_Phuz: are you an expert? im asking the real problem. want to help me figure out how to fix this black screen when booted problem??19:53
EdgeTnickrud nope, it restarts X19:53
crackhead_25_nickrud: should i reboot? i can reboot.. just tell me what to do.. i cant see anything19:53
woofcatcrackhead_25_: ctrl alt backspace19:53
crackhead_25_woofcat: nothing happened19:53
nickrudcrackhead_25_: first thing is to see if the kernel is working, and it's only a display issue., try the clt-alt-delete19:53
Phuzcrackhead_25_, I am not an expert, however I am attempting to get you more likely to get help by getting more information to the people that know how to help you19:53
drrohinhow do i mount my dvd to dev/dvd19:54
crackhead_25_ctrl alt del .. did nothing.. i think the kernel is working.. this happens afte ri type in the user and pass.. and have logged in.. ok, it just restarted.. ctrl alt del..19:54
BelisarivsSomeone please help me? I have no idea what to do.19:54
crackhead_25_im in grub.. what shall i select?19:54
EdgeTGuys, could anyone help me with a wifi problem? (The wifi's  connected, ping works, but that's about all I can do with it)19:54
DRebelliondrrohin: mount it in /media/19:54
nickrudcrackhead_25_: good. what video card do you have?19:54
drrohinhow do i get there to do that19:55
PhuzEdgeT: Where can you ping to?  google.com?19:55
crackhead_25_nickrud: im in grub. what should i select? should i click ubuntu 7.10 or ubuntu 7.10 recovery?19:55
EdgeTPhuz anywhere19:55
nickrudcrackhead_25_: recovery19:55
borncrazyHi, I wanted to change TTY fonts size, so I added "vga=795" in kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst but nothing have changed. Why?19:55
crackhead_25_i have an intel something.. from gateway cx210x19:55
EdgeTPhuz but Firefox's useless, same as updates19:55
NMajikVery weird but minor issue: when I press my mouse scroll wheel a comma is printed, why? And how can I fix this?19:55
Phuzok, can you ping to domain names, or just external IPs?19:55
EdgeTPhuz and I really don't get it, DNS's configured and stuff19:55
EdgeTPhuz yep, I can ping domain names19:55
crackhead_25_nickrud: im at a console commandline19:55
crackhead_25_now what19:56
DRebelliondrrohin: sudo mkdir /media/dvd && sudo mount /dev/<dvddrive> /media/dbd19:56
DRebelliondrrohin: sudo mkdir /media/dvd && sudo mount /dev/<dvddrive> /media/dvd19:56
PhuzEdgeT, but you can't get HTTP traffic, hmm19:56
nickrudcrackhead_25_: once you've reached recovery mode, check /etc/usplash.conf . Make sure it matches your monitor's native resolution19:56
EdgeTPhuz yep19:56
Phuztry SSHing to somewhere, see if that works19:56
EdgeTPhuz its DHPC configured19:56
netucletuciao a tt19:56
hypn0NMajik: that pastes what you selected ?19:56
crackhead_25_yeah, it's fine.. usplash is fine..19:56
EdgeTPhuz DHCP*19:56
crackhead_25_nickrud: now what19:56
PhuzEdgeT, got a trusted box that you have access to and SSH ability?19:56
EdgeTPhuz SSHing? eh19:56
nickrudcrackhead_25_: run  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , that will make sure you have the original video config19:57
EdgeTPhuz by "box" ya mean a router?19:57
linxehdoes anyone know how I can get a geforce 440mx to work properly in 7.10, giving me accelerated 3d?19:57
PhuzI mean any external device that runs SSH-server19:57
Agent_bobi'm seeing an odd error from a script.   /bin/bash: Illegal option -l19:57
NMajikhypn0: Boy do *I* feel dumb... thanks19:57
nickrud!nvidia | linxeh (use the nvidia-legacy stuff)19:57
ubotulinxeh (use the nvidia-legacy stuff): To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:57
Agent_bobscript is at   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d523d0a1219:58
EdgeTPhuz can't even remember what SSH is. Isn't that a secure connection?19:58
vltHello. I have an IBM Laptop running Ubuntu 7.10 with a cdrom drive in a docking station. Sometimes when connecting the laptop to the station the cdrom is recognized and I can access it, sometimes it's not -- and rebooting is the only way I know to enable it. Any idea how to access the drive w/o rebooting?19:58
DRebellionEdgeT: secure shell19:58
crackhead_25_nickrud: ok, it says warning.. overwriting.. backup in.. new command consoleline.19:58
crackhead_25_now what19:58
EdgeTDRebellion thanks19:58
borncrazyHi, I wanted to change TTY fonts size, so I added "vga=795" in kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst but nothing have changed. Why? This is how the kernel line looks now:19:58
borncrazykernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=4635522b-7db4-48d6-92c9-6cf749ec54a1 ro quiet splash vga=79519:58
nickrudcrackhead_25_: now reboot, select normal start, and at the login screen hit ctl-alt-f2, see if you get a login19:58
EdgeTPhuz what would I do with a SSH?19:58
jack-desktopif you apt-get purge is it necessary to also remove19:59
NMajikhypn0: OK, next question if you think you can help: back thumb button moves me back in firefox, forward thumb button moves me forward AND brings up a menu like I pressed the right mouse button, why?19:59
iskinlinxeh: Have you tried using the restricted drivers? Mine works fine w/ them.19:59
linxehiskin: which card ?19:59
LadyNikonso .. I am trying setup dual screens on my desktop.  I went to backup my xorg.conf and noticed alot of different xorg.conf going from 1 to 1419:59
iskinGeForce4 MX44019:59
drrohinDRebellion i got this back "bash: dvddrive: No such file or directory"19:59
LadyNikonwhat are these? and does ubuntu back them up randomly?19:59
linxehiskin: and you've got accelerated 3d etc?19:59
free1the strangest thing...19:59
jmichaelxcould someone possibly tell me how a person can (or if one can) import an entire dir of photos into OO.o Presentation?20:00
DRebelliondrrohin: you have to replace <dvddrive> with your dvd drive device name in /dev20:00
hypn0NMajik: I only got 3 button mouse, someone else might know :-)20:00
iskinlinxeh: Yes.20:00
nickrudLadyNikon: it should have dates in the backups, it backs up every time dpkg-reconfigure is run20:00
crackhead_25_nickrud: yes, i have a login20:00
woofcatif anyone can help me.20:00
tapashow can i change ownership of dotfiles?20:00
free1I ssh -X into a web server that I have an account on20:00
crackhead_25_command consoleline again20:00
linxehiskin: :(20:00
DRebelliontapas: chown20:00
borncrazyHi, I wanted to change TTY fonts size, so I added "vga=795" in kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst but nothing have changed. Why? This is how the kernel line looks now:20:00
borncrazykernel     /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=4635522b-7db4-48d6-92c9-6cf749ec54a1 ro quiet splash vga=79520:00
nickrudcrackhead_25_: good, now ctl-alt-f7 to get back to the gui login, and try logging in20:00
free1I type 'startkde' and I get an error message20:00
drrohinthe actual drive name or make one up20:00
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tapasDRebellion: yeah.. i know.. chown tapas:tapas .* changes much more than just the dot files20:00
NMajikhypn0: OK, not a problem.20:00
sootyhi - i have just installed kubuntu on an IBM thinkpad t22, but the desktop is blank - no toolbars or icons - has anyone seen a similar problem?20:00
LadyNikonnickrud: so inside of each backup is a date of when it got backed up?20:00
free1when I allow gnome to load on ubuntu20:00
nickrudLadyNikon: in the name of the backup, yes20:01
free1and I ssh from the terminal20:01
NMajikMouse question: the back thumb button moves me back in firefox, forward thumb button moves me forward AND brings up a menu like I pressed the right mouse button, why?20:01
free1ssh -X username@server.net20:01
borncrazyDRebellion, Can you help me?20:01
LadyNikonnickrud: it just says xorg.conf.320:01
joankican anyone tell me how to stop ubuntu from making copies of all my fils i create?20:01
crackhead_25_nickrud: logged in.. black screen.. .20:01
LadyNikonsome of them have dates..20:01
free1it works20:01
nickrudLadyNikon: hm, not sure about that then20:01
drrohinsorrry stupid question20:01
free1what is really good?20:01
joankiif i create aFile.cc, it creates aFile.cc~20:01
joankiit's annoying20:01
DRebellionborncrazy: no, sorry.20:01
nickrudcrackhead_25_: clt-alt-f2 , still see the login?20:01
LadyNikonone says xorg.conf.2007122117525220:01
crackhead_25_nickrud: no20:01
nickrudLadyNikon: that's a standard backup.20:02
DRebellionjoanki: that's a feature some text editors. the ~ version is unsaved or something...20:02
joankidarn i hate it20:02
BelisarivsNobody? Shame.20:02
joankimore to remove when i remove20:02
BelisarivsBye then.20:02
nickrudcrackhead_25_: hm, that's odd, that you can't get to that console. Does ctl-alt-backspace get you back to the login screen?20:02
PhuzOk, I still can't figure out how to get VNC working on my machine, how do I SSH into my linux box via PuTTY on Windows, and set up a tunnel so i can VNC to localhost and get to my linux box from the windows machine?20:03
arno-thi anyone know a media player where i can add songs to the playlist/queue from command line?20:03
crackhead_25_nickrud: doesn't appear to20:03
sootynickrud ?  I'll try that - thanks20:03
nickrudcrackhead_25_: should have got you there immediately20:03
crackhead_25_nickrud: nope, still black screen. what should i do now?20:04
DRebellionarno-t: if you want a command line media player, go for mplayer20:04
sootyjust rebooting the laptop ...20:04
arno-tDRebellion, I tried that but can't figure out how to add songs to a running mplayer's playlist?20:04
drrohinDRebellion: it says file exists if that is the case why won't the players reconize the dvd20:05
nickrudcrackhead_25_: boot into recovery mode, add a new user   adduser testuser  , then type exit. That will take you to the login screen. Try logging in as that new user20:05
assasukassehi everyone, i wish to start compiz on an ati 9800 pro, is there any way to do that?20:05
sanozukehello, were can i get the boot system to install fluxbuntu froma pen drive to a ubuntu 5.10 hard drive, erasing it and installing fluxbuntu totally20:06
nickrudassasukasse: install  xserver-xgl , log out and back in, then try enabling compiz20:06
assasukassenickrud: URG! no aixgl?20:06
drrohincan some one help me get the players to reconize the dvd's20:07
pvl1i got compiz and stuff running on my radeon 2600 so that means i have opengl. but 3d games like tremulous and alien arena disagree. can i fix this?20:07
EdgeTPhuz ?20:07
nickrudassasukasse: nope, not unless you use a really late ati driver. And the aiglx support sucks still20:07
assasukassenickrud: thanks, then i will just wait till they release smth :D20:07
nickrudassasukasse: I'm running a bland desktop myself on ati20:07
drrohincan some one help me get the players to reconize the dvd's20:08
mmmHi, just installed 7.10, having trouble with sound card (lspci shows via vt8235 so i did a modprobe snd-via82xx) but now asoundconfig list still shows nothing...20:08
DRebellionarno-t: use , herrie20:08
boggystudioswhen I try to copy to an nfs share on my media server it seems to stall out every once in a while, does any one here know why this might be?20:08
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nickruddrrohin: try installing vlc , and open them with file->open disk20:08
sunseeker888guys , are there any email notifiers with evolution20:09
panfistim trying to make and install Cwiid, which requires "kernel support for uinput." i'm not sure what that means but apparently there should be something in /dev called uinput. there is not. although if i run "sudo modprobe uinput" i get no errors20:09
woofcatanyone know how to get Rhine III cards working under 7.1020:09
crackhead_25_nickrud: added user testuser.. logged in.. black screen..20:09
crackhead_25_now what?20:09
linxehiskin: ok, for some reason its working this time I enabled the restricted drivers - but compiz doesnt work, and my 3d apps run very slowly - unusably slow. glxinfo suggests things are set up right though :/20:09
LizardKingPosso fare una domanda?20:10
nickrudcrackhead_25_: not sure. I'm not familiar with intel chips ... /var/log/xorg.0.log or xorg.1.log should have some info hopefully.20:10
drrohinnickrud: i am and it does not play and crashes20:10
crackhead_25_nickrud: shall i pastebin it?20:10
assasukassenickrud: what do u mean bland20:10
PhuzLizardKing, estas halando espanol?20:10
nickrudcrackhead_25_: sure20:10
nickrudassasukasse: compizless20:10
LizardKingMmh... sorry i'm italian20:10
iskinlinxeh: Are you using compiz or are you using the effects in the Apperance Preferences?20:10
assasukassenickrud: is my impression or it is really faster w/o compiz?20:10
DRebellion!it | LizardKing20:11
nickrudLizardKing , #ubuntu-it is the italian channel20:11
klndz3So I saved all my Firefox information from my Windows OS on this laptop, and I have it on the computer now, how can I import it into Firefox on Ubuntu?20:11
ubotuLizardKing: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:11
crackhead_25_nickrud: i dont know how to get it to the net, because i cant get into the session and use the internet there..20:11
pvl1i have opengl but tremulous wont run. how cani fix that20:11
PhuzLizardKing, si quieres ayuda de ubuntu en espanol, hay #ubuntu-es, tambien20:11
drrohinVLC player is crashing and not opening the disc20:12
lollohi guys can u link me a page where i could find some name of useful programs for ubuntu ?20:12
Phuzlollo: what kind of programs you looking for?20:12
crackhead_25_nickrud: what info am i looking for in the xorg.0.log??20:12
nickrudcrackhead_25_: I'm not surprised. Hopefully someone who's familiar with intel chips and has more insight than I will happen by soon20:12
lolloPhuz nothing in particoular, but i wanna read a list of programs than can be used20:13
klndz3Where does Firefox store it's profiles?20:13
hypn0lollo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Applications20:13
lolloyeee thx , kiss everyone20:13
drrohincan any one help me get dvd's to play20:13
Phuzlollo: might i suggest http://packages.ubuntu.com20:13
nickrudcrackhead_25_: errors towards the end. Possibly ~/.xsession-errors will have something as well.  One thing you could try is   nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and change the driver from intel/i810 to vesa .20:13
woofcatStill looking for a answer on Rhine-III drivers in ubuntu 7.1020:14
zubatdrrohin, do you have the plugins for it20:14
nickrudassasukasse: aiglx is much slower, I don't have any memory of thinking xgl was slower20:14
drrohinzubat: got it from add and remove programs20:15
* woofcat waves his hand.20:15
rskwoofcat: easiest is to try the livecd20:15
assasukassenickrud: well i have had nightmares with xgl..so i prefer to stay with my old nice normal desktop :D20:15
woofcatrsk i did20:15
woofcati have ubuntu installed20:15
zubatdrrohin, k a common solution is running 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh'20:15
drrohinzubat: but maybe i missed them what am i looking for20:15
woofcatbut no dice on ethernet card20:15
woofcatit seems like others have it working20:15
Odd-rationaleI'm trying to understand this talk about Hardy and Kubuntu. To my understanding, there will be 2 releases: Hardy Heron LTS with KDE 3 and Hardy Heron (no LTS) with KDE 4. Is that correct?20:15
woofcatyet nothing on mine.20:15
woofcatOdd-rationale: sure why not.20:16
klndz3So I saved all my Firefox information from my Windows OS on this laptop, and I have it on the computer now, how can I import it into Firefox on Ubuntu?20:16
zubatdrrohin, any luck?20:17
* woofcat mutters.20:17
drrohinzubat: i got dpkg: status database area is locked by another process20:17
nickrudOdd-rationale: neither will be lts , unless a new decision was made pretty recently20:17
zubatdrrohin, yea do you have synpatic open?20:17
craigbass1976Is there some dark art to making wide open samba shares in Ubuntu vs. other linuxes (I'm used to cent)20:17
zubatdrrohin, if so close it20:17
drrohinohh opps20:17
Odd-rationalenickrud: So no Hardy Heron LTS Kubuntu whatsoever20:17
mmmdrrohin: I had to do "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"20:18
nickrudOdd-rationale: according th riddell's blog a month or two ago20:18
Hidekicrontab doesnt work, syslog says "(root) CMD (/home/server/Backupscript)" but the script isnt executed; my crontab entrys is: 10 21 * * * /home/server/Backupscript  and PATH is defined in the file Backupscript20:18
ikoniaubuntuisloved: did you want me ?20:18
Odd-rationalenickrud: Will it have KDE 4? That's all I care about. I don't care much for LTS. ;)20:18
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nickrudOdd-rationale: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/57  has the best info on kde in ubuntu that I know of20:20
nickrudOdd-rationale: and yes20:20
Odd-rationalenickrud: Great!20:20
klndz3How do I force firefox to quit?20:20
rskklndz3: killall firefox-bin20:21
klndz3Thank you20:21
mmmjust installed 7.10, having trouble with sound card (lspci shows via vt8235 so i did a modprobe snd-via82xx) but now asoundconf list still shows nothing...20:21
drrohinzubat: that did it for vlc but the other players still say they can't find /dev/dvd20:21
Odd-rationalenickrud: Maybe since it won't be a LTS release like Ubuntu, the kubuntu community should give it a different code name! like the much envied "Hungry Hippo" release!20:21
klndz3rsk: Nothing happened20:21
klndz3rsk: Errr, nothing quit20:21
nickrudOdd-rationale: lol20:22
zubatdrrohin, gd, I think that might be because the dvd you put in is not in the /dev/dvd dir20:22
mmmklndz3: do ps -e | grep firefox then kill the numbers you see20:22
drrohinzubat: DRebellion took me through sudo of mounting it there it said it all ready exists20:23
SleepingSlothi have a question... i've got a directory with hundreds of files in it-all named differently(obviously), but some contain the same content. can anyone suggest a quick way of identifying the duplicates (something diff-like) ??20:24
zubatdrrohin, i see, sorry im not too sure then but vlc is the best:)20:25
nemilarSleepingSloth: diff ;)  are they exact duplicates?  you could then use hashes, aslso20:25
drrohinzubat: thank you yeah i have used vlc for ever in windows before i converted20:25
SleepingSlothnemilar, so - shell script along the lines of 'foreach file in directory, diffit against all the other files?20:26
jribSleepingSloth: file sizes first to give candidates and then hashes or diff would be my suggestion20:26
zubatdrrohin, cool np20:26
nemilarSleepingSloth: jrib has a good idea about using filesizes to narrow down the candidate field20:26
SleepingSlothjrib, nemilar - this needs to be fully automated, and the files should be completely identical20:26
soneilSleepingSloth: "md5 * | sort  | uniq  -c" would be a rough starting point.   kinda intensive tho20:26
HighNoIs anybody interested in translating a software (90 lines) from either german or english to any language not being english, spanish, farsi ? I would love to hear from italian, russian and french people, but any language is great. Please PM me20:27
nemilarSleepingSloth: if they're completely identical, you can make hashes for all of them (will take a little while) and compare20:27
athlon_hi i have problem with my mouse it goes so slowly and sometimes my computer screen gets highlight ....20:27
ridge-meisteranyone here use an Interact AxisPad game controller?  joystick calibrator has found the game controller and i am able to calibrate the controller, but in the games i play the controller's directional pad and directional sticks don't work20:27
erUSULSleepingSloth: cmp20:27
atcla_ubuntuok so now i downloaded "DeepBlack.tar.gz" theme how do i apply or extrack or what do i do with it20:28
jribSleepingSloth: erUSUL's got the right command for comparing byte by byte.  Use that if your files are not text files20:28
craigbass1976Anyone got a wide open samba share working?  Can I see your smb.conf?  I'm  missing a line or something20:28
athlon_hi i have problem with my mouse it goes so slowly and sometimes my computer screen gets highlight ....20:29
sootyI have a freshly installed kubuntu on a laptop. Screen resolution is 1024 but only top left quarter of desktop is displayew20:29
DRebellionathlon_: tar xzvf DeepBlack.tar.gz20:29
SleepingSlotherUSUL, nemilar soneil jrib - thanks for the suggestions.... on a scripting level though (i realise this is a little offtopic, and i'll keep it short) - is there any quicker way than evaluating each hash for each file?20:29
sootyon my screen - how can I fix this ??20:29
jribSleepingSloth: use file size first20:29
proprietarysuckstar vxzf filename20:29
Brnahi people! can some1 help me to install sopcast on my gusty?20:29
nemilarSleepingSloth: if they're going to be the _exact_ same content, use the filesize20:29
DRebellionathlon_: sorry, wrong person20:30
DRebellionatcla_ubuntu: tar xzvf DeepBlack.tar.gz20:30
athlon_hi i have problem with my mouse it goes so slowly and sometimes my computer screen gets highlight ....20:30
HighNocraigbass1976: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/809120:30
athlon_is that a desktop u want to install just right click on the picture and save as desktop no need to extract files20:30
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ridge-meisterwhat program can i run to make the game controller work with xmame?20:30
jrib!info fdupes | SleepingSloth20:30
ubotusleepingsloth: fdupes (source: fdupes): Identifies duplicate files within given directories. In component main, is optional. Version 1.40-4build1 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 80 kB20:30
jriblooks interesting20:30
SleepingSlothjrib, nice spot!20:31
crackhead_25_nickrud: i have no idea what this all maeans.. there are pages and pages..20:31
SleepingSlotherUSUL, nemilar soneil jrib - thanks all, i'l go have a play20:31
atcla_ubuntuDRebellion, tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' option20:31
DRebellionatcla_ubuntu: tar xzvf20:31
DRebellionatcla_ubuntu: that is correct20:31
erUSULSleepingSloth: good luck20:32
Brnaanybody know how to install sopcast?20:32
atcla_ubuntuDRebellion,  ok it extracted20:32
atcla_ubuntunow what20:32
athlon_hi i have problem with my mouse it goes so slowly and sometimes my computer screen gets highlight ....20:32
jimmygoonDoes anyone elses printer ever *disappear* ?20:32
jimmygoonI had like 6-7 printers installed... and now there is only one :/20:33
danbhfiveBrna: try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25804920:33
Lettuc3is it possible to have .dotfiles and .dotfolders appear dimmed in nautilus?20:33
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.20:34
white_eaglehow to install the broken flash?20:34
craigbass1976HighNo, Well, here's a conf file that I've got.  Can't understand why I'm being prompted for a password.  This identical file on CentOS 5 works fine on a windows network (xp clients connecting to it)20:34
crackhead_25_nickrud: are you there?20:34
craigbass1976HighNo, Oops... http://rafb.net/p/84q8kC97.html20:34
flatsIs there a way that from 1 ubuntu box connect and see the contents of another ubuntu box on the same network?  Like a //xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/c$ in windoze type thing20:35
panfisthey im trying to get my TV to display in native resolution. i added the resolution "1366x768" in xorg.conf but that doesnt appear in any of the GUI tools...only 1368x768....which is nowhere to be found in my xorg.conf20:35
SleepingSlotherUSUL, nemilar soneil jrib - fdupes was a perfect match, fyi. thanks again.20:35
white_eaglewhere is the unoficial fix for flash?20:35
white_eagleadobe flash20:35
danbhfiveLettuc3: ctrl+h20:36
SodamodoDoes anyone know if the problem where on20:36
danbhfive!enablesources | white_eagle20:36
ubotuwhite_eagle: Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information20:36
Sodamodo'es mic doesnt work and it gives you this20:36
astro76white_eagle: in Software Sources enable the gutsy-proposed repo in the updates tab20:36
Sodamodogconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat"20:36
Sodamodois fixable?20:36
Lettuc3danbhfive that hides it altogether. what i was hoping was that once its visible, it stays dimmer than non-hidden objects.20:36
bitmonstercan someone help me to configure my ati radeon mobility 7500 for dual head usage?20:37
danbhfiveLettuc3: oh, i dunno,   if it has a . as the first character, its always hidden, FYI in case you didn't know20:38
pvl1howdo i change my gl render?20:38
Dimitreeheeelllppp :/20:38
Lettuc3danbhfive oh i know that. but i was hoping you could have a setting where the hidden files, when showed, appeared dimmer, as in thunar or konqueror, which makes organisation a little easier.20:38
danbhfivepvl1: whats that?20:39
psycholvlangrrr i can't get 7.10 to even install20:39
robdig!nfs | flats you can share filesystems using NFS20:40
ubotuflats you can share filesystems using NFS: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:40
Dimitreei just installed a fresh install of lates version of ubuntu desktop and every time i try to add a new package i get an error saying i must fix it with synaptic20:40
Dimitreein synaptic i get this opera:20:40
Dimitree Depends: libqt3-mt but it is not going to be installed20:40
Dimitreewhat can i do ?20:40
Dimitreei can't install anything at all :/20:40
danbhfive!enablesources | Dimitree try this20:40
ubotuDimitree try this: Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information20:40
Dimitreeok will try20:40
flatsIs there a way that from 1 ubuntu box connect and see the contents of another ubuntu box on the same network?  Like a //xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/c$ in windoze type thing20:41
th0rflats look at fusesmb20:41
pvl1how do i change my gl render?20:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusesmb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:42
danbhfivepvl1: whats a gl renderer?20:42
th0rflats you probably have to google it. It is easy to install and set up, but does require samba be installed on the server side. I always install samba by default as part of linux anyway20:42
therethinkerToday I logged in and the flash player stopped working, I get "Click here to install plugin" on firefox. I click it, and it says its already installed20:42
ampexth0r: why fusesmb instead of just using cifs?20:42
ridge-meisteranyone here use XMAME?  i'm having trouble getting my game controller to work with the games20:42
Odd-rationale!flashissues | therethinker20:42
ubotutherethinker: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates.20:42
SodamodoDoes anyone know if this has been solved: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/15934 ?20:43
pvl1danbhfive, methinks its like the system that allows opengl20:43
MasterAslanhello.  I just installed several packages and can't remember what they all were.  Now my boot freezes.  Is there a way to list the recently installed packages in terminal listed by time installed?  Thanks20:43
th0rampex my network appears as a folder in my file manager and is accessible just like any other folder. I run xfce and nothing else will do that20:43
therethinkerOdd-rationale: thanks20:43
Pentarexhello guys20:43
Pentarexcan anyone help me20:43
danbhfivepvl1: so you just want graphics card drivers?20:43
erUSUL!anyone | Pentarex20:43
ubotuPentarex: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:43
Odd-rationaletherethinker: See also !flash20:43
akumawhat is the differences in the different buntu distros?20:43
PentarexDRebellion: are u here m820:43
pvl1danbhfive, well i definetly have them. i used envy its all working now incuding compiz. but games arent20:43
akumalike Kubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, and gobuntu?20:44
DRebellionPentarex: yes20:44
PentarexDRebellion: can u help me with kubuntu20:44
howlingmadhowieakuma: the desktops look different :)20:44
erUSULakuma: desktop envoirment20:44
Odd-rationaleakuma: Not much. Just the Desktop environment20:44
DRebellionPentarex: maybe...20:44
danbhfiveakuma: try the ubuntu.com website for that20:44
Dimitreeubotu: well i selected all the sources and i still get that error :/ and tis getting annoying :/20:44
PentarexDRebellion: cos in kubuntu chat anyone still shut up :P20:44
howlingmadhowieakuma: however, gobuntu also has some changes under the hood20:44
ampexpvl1: what games?20:44
akumais there a specific one built for gaming?20:44
lordmorgothguys i want to install the nvidia proprietary driver, however it must be done using the terminal and having Xorg killed, how do i kill X and log to the terminal20:44
PentarexDRebellion: ok my problem is with skype when i start it the whole screen goes black and white20:44
pvl1ampex, like warsow, tremulous, openarena, alienarena20:44
ampexlordmorgoth: ctrl+alt+f120:44
aricz_lordmorgoth : /etc/init.d/gdm stop ..20:45
howlingmadhowielordmorgoth: i thought there were packages for the nvidia drivers?20:45
ampexlordmorgoth: will bring you to a console20:45
mo0n_sniper@lordmorgoth> ctrl+alt+backspase20:45
devils-havenhelo, can any one reccomand a program to use like picasa, or adobe photoshop elements, or adobe album?20:45
DRebellionPentarex: :/  don't know, sorry.20:45
HighNocraigbass1976: sounds strange. I'm not sleeping but reading the smb.conf man page... hang on20:45
PentarexDRebellion: ok 10nx m820:45
howlingmadhowiemo0n_sniper: i think gdm spawns20:45
lordmorgothhowlingmadhowie, there are, but it's not working properly my screen blinks every now and then20:45
DRebelliondevils-haven: gimp20:45
pvl1devils-haven, gimp20:45
danbhfivedevils-haven: f-spot20:45
ampexhe needs to shut down gdm to install the nvidia driver, not restart it20:45
lordmorgothmo0n_sniper, ctrl +alt +backspace restart X not kill it :)20:45
devils-havenk, thx will give it a try20:45
howlingmadhowielordmorgoth: okay, then ctrl-alt-f2 and then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"20:45
MasterAslandevils-haven: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Alternatives for a whole list of alternatives20:45
danbhfivedevils-haven: f-spot is already installed, btw20:46
ampexlordmorgoth: ctrl+alt+f1, then /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then install nvidia driver then /etc/init.d/gdm start20:46
ridge-meisteranyone seen this site -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training ???  Dr_willis sent me there, but not sure why.  I don't see anything there of value other than links to the ubuntu site20:46
MasterAslananyone have an idea how I can view recently installed stuff from command line?20:46
lordmorgoththanks howlingmadhowie  ampex aricz_  and mo0n_sniper  :)20:46
devils-havenany good?20:46
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craigbass1976HighNo, I just realized that cent's apache folder is /var/www/html, and ubuntu's is just /var/www.20:46
howlingmadhowieampex: usually ctrl-alt-f1 is used by gdm, so he won't have a prompt there :)20:46
Dimitreedanbhfive where do i type that command ? sorry im totaly new to linux ?20:46
craigbass1976HighNo, changed smb.conf to reflect that, and now we'll see what happens.20:47
danbhfiveDimitree: which command is that?20:47
HighNocraigbass1976: ok20:47
Dimitree(10:40:36 PM) danbhfive: !enablesources | Dimitree try this20:47
ampexhowlingmadhowie: since when is ctrl+alt+f1 used by gdm? it uses f7, correct?20:47
devils-haveni am new to ubuntu, but i am seeing that linux in general is not realy ready yet20:47
howlingmadhowieampex: the xserver uses f7. i know that if i press ctrl-alt-f1 i don't have a prompt but gdm20:47
bitmonki want to run on a zfs root volume, does anyone know if there is any information on this? i've scoured google a bit with no luck specifically for ubuntu20:48
danbhfiveDimitree: it was actually a reference to some menus, that on the default install, are at the top of the screen20:48
ampexhowlingmadhowie: I have never seen that behavior on a ubuntu machine, hmmm20:48
mo0n_sniper@<lordmorgoth> oh sorry20:48
Zimmerthis really isn't working20:48
danbhfive!enablsources > Dimitree20:48
Odd-rationaledevils-haven: I think that depends on the user20:48
howlingmadhowiedevils-haven: you don't want to be saying that here ;)20:48
devils-haveni am having some interface anoyyance20:48
devils-havenis there a way to increase the size of the window margins? to resize a window i have to be realy precise with the mouse20:48
Zimmerok, I need something to save my skin here. I have an 8800GTS and I had to install ubuntu 64bit AMD through the text interface because I couldn't boot20:48
Zimmerit worked20:49
Zimmerbut the problem is20:49
usr13_What is the anoyance?20:49
ampexdevils-haven: I would agree with you if you consider "ready" to be "works like windows" and "is compatible with all of the same hardware as windows"20:49
HighNodevils-haven: let's say you are used to a different interface20:49
ZimmerI cannot boot into ubuntu at the grub screen20:49
Zimmerit has a blank screen20:49
danbhfive!enter > Zimmer20:49
devils-havennot the interface that the problem20:49
ampexdevils-haven: ubuntu or linux is not just "windows for free"20:49
howlingmadhowieZimmer: do you get this "press escape now" screen?20:49
ridge-meisterdevils-haven: you're right, Linux right now is just a glorified hack.  The one thing i like about it is that my desktop isn't crashing and i'm not getting any computer viruses, and some of the software is really good.  other than that, it's poor hardware recognition and ports from windows software don't work very well.20:49
usr13_devils-haven: what is your problem?20:49
Dimitreedanbhfive btw any idea how i can login as root ? During the installation i was asked only for username and pass, i tryed root with my pass but it didnt work ?20:49
ZimmerI tried "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"20:49
Zimmerbut once configured20:50
Zimmernothing happens20:50
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=== chuck-blah is now known as chuck
HighNoridge-meister: :-)20:50
danbhfive!root | Dimitree20:50
ubotuDimitree: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:50
devils-havento resize a simple window i have only 1 pixel used, how can i change that20:50
ridge-meisterHighNo: :D20:50
Zimmerhowlingmadhowie: no, I press ENTER and then blank screen20:50
pvl1ampex, do u know how to get them running?20:50
devils-haveni have to realy carfuly touch the line so i can resize a window20:50
jribdevils-haven: that's a metacity theme preference.  The border width is set in the theme20:50
ampexZimmer: have you tried installing the latest nvidia proprietary driver from their website?20:50
howlingmadhowieZimmer: it's possible the pretty picture while booting doesn't work. can you get to the screen where you can choose what you want to boot?20:50
usr13_devils-haven: Windo from what application?20:50
devils-havenany way for me to manualy change it?20:50
erUSULZimmer: boot into recovery mode and try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' to configure X again20:51
Zimmerhowlingmadhowie: yes20:51
ampexpvl1: what are "them"?20:51
devils-havenif windows had cumpiz it would go a very long way20:51
linxehZimmer: why did you install 64bit ubuntu? if you have less than 4GB the 32bit version is normally much easier20:51
ZimmererUSUL : done that, nothing20:51
howlingmadhowieZimmer: and then when it starts to boot everything goes black?20:51
pvl1ampex. the games20:51
ampexdevils-haven: arguably, vista's aero is somewhat similar to compiz20:51
danbhfivepvl1: what are the errors?20:52
Zimmerlinxeh: I have 4GB20:52
CrazyPhilHi. I want to change the defaut program used to open audio (mp3, ogg, wav). They are currently oppened with Totem but I want Quod Libet to open them. Is there any to work with this? ty20:52
erUSULZimmer: :S20:52
ampexpvl1: which games? I've lost track of your previous conversation20:52
devils-havennot realy, i have vista as my main system20:52
devils-havenon my other drive on this system20:52
howlingmadhowieZimmer: can you edit the boot line and delete the words "splash" and "quiet" and then boot?20:52
danbhfiveCrazyPhil: maybe its in the right click menu20:52
pvl1ampex, tremulous, warsow, openarena, alienarena. the only problem is the opengl20:52
ampexpvl1: what sort of video card?20:52
devils-haveni realy like the shakind windows, and the muly desktop ability, windows doesn't even come close20:52
CrazyPhildamn.. I look at it20:52
HighNoCrazyPhil: You could just right click on the file, go to properties and choose a different standard open prog20:53
pvl1ampex, ati readon 260020:53
pvl1danbhfive, Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem20:53
playboyiamcan you tell me please how to add flah player in konquerer20:53
ampexpvl1: ati cards and linux seem to be rather problematic20:53
Zimmerhowlingmadhowie: ill try that20:53
MasterAslancan anyone fix the syntax on this?  ls -lrt /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list20:53
HighNodevils-haven: is that the anoyance? :-)20:53
ampexpvl1: what driver are you using?20:53
devils-havenon windows, yes20:53
simpsCould someone help me with VNC over SSH? ;o20:53
howlingmadhowieZimmer: you should see the boot messages go wizzing by20:53
danbhfivepvl1: it sounds like a driver issue20:53
playboyiamcan you tell me please how to add flah player plugin in konquerer20:53
pvl1ampex, i used envy. dunno20:53
HighNosimps: whats up?20:53
playboyiamhow to add flah player plugin in konquerer20:53
Zimmerampex: how can I install if I cant even boot20:53
CrazyPhildanbhfive, HighNo thx20:53
usr13_HighNo: itsatroll20:53
playboyiamis it just me or konversation refreshes itś window in a slow motion as i had no graphics card drivers intalled?20:54
ampexpvl1: I don't always trust envy to do "the right thing"20:54
devils-havenmaybe eventualy some one will learn how to code for windows and make somthing compiz worthy for vista20:54
simpsHighNo, i can connect from my windows to ubuntu via ssh, but then when i type in "vncviewer localhost:1", it says unable to display20:54
ampexpvl1: I would try installing the latest ati drivers manually and even then you may not have the best of luck, ati's drivers really "suck"20:54
pvl1ampex, aw damn.20:54
usr13_simps: run thghtvncserver20:54
danbhfive!ot | devils-haven20:54
ubotudevils-haven: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:54
HighNosimps: explain the setup a bit more please - on which side do you want to see what screen?20:55
EkstronHi Guys. How intall beryl for ubuntu 7.1 ?20:55
usr13_simps: vncviewer localhost:590120:55
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:55
devils-havenwhat file do i need to edit in a theme so i can change the border?20:55
ampexpvl1: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide20:55
Supricky06hey i need some help installing, can anyone help?20:55
simpsusr13_, same result20:55
iskinWill the kernel be updated for Gutsy or is it frozen until Hardy?20:55
pvl1ampex, thanks20:55
simpsHighNo, i'm working on my windows and am trying to connect to ubuntu20:56
usr13_simps: Is the server MS Windows?20:56
simpsusr13_, nope, ubuntu is the server20:56
erUSULiskin: only security and bugs there will be no version change20:56
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:56
magickanyone know how to solve keyboard lag? My keyboard is extremely laggy.. USB or PS2 yields the same result.20:56
iskinerUSUL, thank you.20:56
usr13_simps: vncviewer ip.add.ress.here:590120:56
ampexmagick: could it be a video driver issue? what sort of video card?20:56
LinuxTweakerAnyone here running openBox?20:56
HighNosimps: ok, so you have the vnc server on the ubuntu machine working? Do you want a seperate X session or is there already running one you want to look at via vnc?20:56
magick8600GT with the nvidia drivers installed20:57
robfok I just installed a harddisk from a defunct bo=x that broke,   its ide,   now I have my system installed on a sata drive... is there a way to access both drives? or are they mutually exclusive,  using sata  /  ide20:57
playboyiamvlc screwed up my sounds how can i how can i turn up volume?20:57
robfand if not,  why isn't my sata drive4 showiong up anymore20:57
usr13_simps: thighvncserver  and then localhost:590120:57
HighNousr13_: noticed the "VNC over SSH"- init before?20:57
robfalthough that makes no sense since my cd drive is ide...and they worked together ><20:57
magickampex, its kind of odd.. the mouse isn't lagged at all, just the keyboard20:57
iskinLinuxTweaker, I've run openbox. I don't use it as my default.20:57
ampexrobf: as long as both drives are cabled properly and the BIOS is identifying the drive(s) there should be no problem using IDE and SATA drives simultaneously20:57
Supricky06hey i need some help installing, can anyone help?20:58
usr13_HighNo: No20:58
Supricky06i need help witht the partitions20:58
usr13_Supricky06: what is  your question?20:58
HighNousr13_: that's what I thought...20:58
ampexrobf: if you boot into linux with the SATA drive, you should see the IDE drive show up as a /dev/hd* device20:58
robfampex: I'd thought so,m  the sata drive was alread in this box,  and it has my linux system installed...once I installed the ide drive though,  it keeps trying to boot from that and I have no /dev/sd*20:58
simpsusr13_,  same result :\.20:58
ampexrobf: your BIOS is probably set to boot to the IDE driver before the SATA20:58
LinuxTweakeriskin: is the /etc/menu-methods/openbox script working in your setup?  It appears to be broken on Gutsy with OB 3.4.4 on my system...20:58
HighNosimps: of course - he did not realize your "over SSH" thingy20:59
robfampex: well thats why im on a live cd now :p20:59
ampexrobf: IDE drive rather, not driver20:59
robfampex: but no /dev/sd20:59
usr13_HighNo: He probably needs to  run nmap against the server  [to see what port the server is listening on].20:59
ampexrobf: no /dev/sd with the livecd?20:59
HighNousr13_: nope!20:59
usr13_simps: run nmap against the server  [to see what port the server is listening on].20:59
HighNousr13_: args, do you actually read his posts? :-/21:00
Supricky06usr13 well i selected the manual partition, and i got 3 drives and freespace option under / dev/hda21:00
robfampex: nope thats why i was asking heh,  see this drive is another linux box,  i just needed to copy whats on it to this box,  so i can wipe that drive out,  cos the computer it was in kinda had an accident involving flames and a psu21:00
Supricky06but my question is how to make the partition?21:00
ampexrobf: what sort of livecd are you using?21:00
snkmadi used a bridge ADSL modem, but now its on router mode, how do i stop ppoepconf to run at startup? and theres any problem to let it run?21:00
robfampex: amd64 it worked with sata when the ide drive wasn't in here21:00
usr13_HighNo: No, Did  you?21:00
robfampex: you think some bios' may be retarded and have a mutual lock on ide/sata hdds?21:00
ampexrobf: ubuntu livecd?21:00
robfampex: yessir21:00
Supricky06which mount point i select? and which root directory should i use?21:01
ampexrobf: shouldn't be21:01
ampexrobf: try changing your boot options to boot to the SATA drive before the IDE drive21:01
HighNousr13_: some of us really do, imagine that...21:01
ampexrobf: and check if the BIOS detects the SATA drive now with the IDE drive plugged in21:01
robfampex: cos thinkin bout it, it never noticed the sata drive,  the box is a small ...cube,  microatx and annoying cramped... i bet the cable became detatched when i was routing the ide cable to the other drive21:01
iskinLinuxTweaker: I've never used it. Let me check.21:01
LinuxTweakerthanks iskin21:01
simpsHighNo, any suggestions?21:02
ampexrobf: not having the drive plugged in would probably cause it not be detected :)21:02
HighNosimps: so again, you are already logged in (locally and graphically) on the ubuntu box and wnat to have a peek on that session from aa windows machine over a SSH link?21:02
snkmadi used a bridge ADSL modem, but now its on router mode, how do i stop ppoepconf to run at startup? and theres any problem to let it run?21:02
simpsHighNo, yes21:02
magickafter I make changes to menu.lst in grub, grub-install will enforce them?21:03
robfampex: heh yeh,  its just such a chore...i mean the box has about 4 sq inches of free space inside,  im surprised it doesnt run at like 100C...it's just cramped,  prolly not hard for a small sata plug to come dislodged when i was routing the other cables around the case21:03
HighNosimps: ok, you enabled the vnc server within gnome's settings?21:03
Dimitreeplease help me with my add programme problem :{21:03
howlingmadhowiemagick: you don't have to run grub-install21:03
simpsHighNo, i'm pretty sure i did, but just to make sure, help me through that process :P21:03
mentusmagick: there's no need to use grub-install to enforce anything.. after the first run it'll point to the menu.lst and you can edit as you wish21:03
erUSULmagick: no; need to run any executable only editing make them take effect21:03
robfok lemme hop off here... and check the cabling21:04
magickI tried and it didn't seem to work.. I did have boot problems a while ago and solved them.. maybe that's why?21:04
magicktook out a hard drive and had to reinstall grub elsewhere21:04
Dimitreehow can i fix this please help opera:21:05
Dimitree Depends: libqt3-mt but it is not going to be installed21:05
howlingmadhowiemagick: yeah, it's quite possible that was necessary21:05
HighNosimps: my desktop is german, so there might be some differences, but I'll give it a try: System->Settings->Remote Desktop - mark the first two checkboxes, don't check the third one and if you would like a password check the fourth and enter the password21:05
HighNosimps: afterwars you need to open a tunnel with your ssh client, which is dependant on the client you are using. I hope it is PuTTY?21:06
Stefan30067Any Ultima Online player here, that can help me patch UO with wine?! Iam having troubles and an error with vercfg...21:06
Sonjadocument print status: stopped. nothing is printing anymore! they just queue up in "stopped" state. what's wrong?21:06
Sonjai could print a test page no prob21:06
Sonjabut normal prints don't go out21:06
simpsyes, PuTTY21:06
simpsHighNo, yes, i use PuTTY :P21:07
ampexStefan30067: no offense, but why not play games under the OS they were written for?21:07
HighNosimps: cool, then you have to setup the tunnel there. Let me have a look at the settings, brb21:07
iskinLinuxTweaker:  /etc/menu-methods/openbox doesn't seem to be doing anything. It is supposed to create a programs menu, isn't it?21:07
ampexI've never understood the appeal of hacking up video games and attempting to emulate them on a platform they weren't designed for21:07
franky_okupo ayuda21:07
Stefan30067@ampex its because these video games are great! :-)21:08
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LinuxTweakeriskin, yup -- and if I am seeing things correctly it refers to directories that don't exist (like /usr/share/openbox), and other things...21:08
snkmadi used a bridge ADSL modem, but now its on router mode, how do i stop ppoepconf to run at startup? and theres any problem to let it run?21:08
[volk]How can I remove the damn "time syncronization" stuff in ubuntu? I don't care about any time zones, I just want my time not to be set forward an hour every time I reboot :/21:09
HighNosimps: setup putty that everything for the already working connection to the ubuntu box is done. Then go to "Connection->SSH->Tunnels" and at the field "Source Port" enter "5910", at the field below enter "localhost:5900", make sure the radiobox below reads "local", then click on  "Add", you may then want to save these settings as a template in PuTTYs main screen21:10
DiceyDaysHow do I make dolphin the default file manager in kde 4?21:10
JxmlT_87how do i run install files from the terminal21:10
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:10
HighNosimps: when you now connect and authenticate correctly you can start a vncviewer on the windows machine and make it connect to "localhost:10" - that's it21:10
babowhen i plug in my usb it doesn't show on the screen ...21:10
LinuxTweakeriskin, even the "debian-menu.sml" file the script needs isn't in place...  Seems like this package wasn't completely converted from debian for ubuntu...21:10
DRebellionJxmlT_87: what sort of file is it?21:11
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
simpsHighNo, what do you mean by "make it connect to blahblah"21:11
Pirate-Kinghow do you copy a file from one dir to another21:11
DASPRiDwith cp21:11
Pirate-Kingcp file  destination?21:11
LinuxTweakeriskin, ls what?21:12
JxmlT_87DRebellion: Its a .tar21:12
HighNosimps: if you start the vncviewer on the windows machine it should as for "server:" it wants to connect to - enter "localhost:10"21:12
baboscsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device21:12
iskinLinuxTweaker: Wrong window.21:12
babothat doesn't sound good21:12
DRebellionJxmlT_87: tar xzvf file.tar  (is a start)21:12
LinuxTweakeriskin, ahh - oaky21:12
zLoSteRei guys i have 2 HDDs on the first i have Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy on the Second i have Windows XP how can i make dual boot21:12
Parsec300DRebellion, I've installed Wallpaper-tray and it worked, however, I quit before I added a directory. Now it won't load anymore, because it says it can't find any pics in the configured dir. I can't even get into the config editor anymore. I've tried removing it with apt-get, but somehow it keeps a config file somewhere, but I have no idea where. Do you?21:13
Pirate-KingDASPRiD--> cp trash.zip  home?21:13
simpsHighNo, i still get "unable to open display"21:13
JxmlT_87Drebellion: Right I did that and it old me the file is a directory. its the new alsa file if that helps21:13
DASPRiDPirate-King: cp trash.zip ~(21:13
DASPRiDPirate-King: cp trash.zip ~/21:13
magickwoo hoo! solved the laggy keyboard. I think I know why it happened now. I tried to hibernate once and when i tried to boot back into it it failed so I hard reset it and I believe the problem has been happening ever since then. On boot, it still tries to resume hibernation. Is there a way to remove that attempt?21:13
howlingmadhowiezLoSteR: either you configure grub, or you dual boot through the bios of the pc21:13
simpsHighNo, it says "vncviewer: unable to open display"21:13
iskinLinuxTweaker: It does seem that the package hasn't been completely ported to ubuntu.21:13
LinuxTweakeriskin, yeah -- now I'm trying to figure out where to file a bug report...21:14
DRebellionParsec300: no :(  try locate wallpaper-tray21:14
babocan anyone have a look at my dmesg pastebin for when i plug in my usb ?21:14
ViRgiLiOups, this is not console :)21:14
HighNosimps: ok, then either the tunnel is not up yet or the vnc server is not running. you saved the settings as I told you? Of course you would have to make a new connection to the ubuntu box with these new settings, otherwise the tunnel is not up yet.21:15
backgenhey i just installed a Calendar app through the Add/remove function but it's not showing up in my applications tab21:15
crackhead_25_after my installation, i keep getting a black screen after i log into the session..????21:15
gmcastilHow does one install a 64-bit JRE?  I had assumed that the 64-bit ubuntu would use that...is that not the case?21:15
simpsHighNo, i can connect via ssh to ubuntu and type in commands, i can also connect via VNC to see ubuntu's desktop (without encryption)21:16
jchstevensPlease can anyone advise on an error I get when trying to upgrade from gutsy to feisty?21:16
HighNosimps: on windows side there always a potential problem with a firewall. It should let traffic addressed to localhost pass but you never know...21:16
jchstevensThe process gets stuck while "Modfying the Software Channels"21:16
howlingmadhowiegmcastil: since the new version of java6 isn't yet in the repositories, i'd recommend downloading directly from sun21:16
simpsHighNo, firewall is off21:17
HighNosimps: what connection string do you use to connect vnc at the moment21:17
gmcastilhowlingmadhowie: does apt mix 64 and 32 bit libs?21:17
simpsHighNo, what do you mean?21:17
LaneyAnyone know a command to convert a pdf document to a handout? (x pages in input -> 1 page in output)21:17
snkmadanyone knows how to disable pppoe-conf from running on boot time?21:17
howlingmadhowiegmcastil: i think the version of java6 in the 64-bit repositories is the 64 bit version21:17
HighNosimps: what do you enter in the vncviewer to get a connection21:17
gmcastilhowlingmadhowie: is there a way to tell what's installed? dpkg -p sun-java6-jre is what i've been doing21:18
crackhead_25_can anyone help me get my ubuntu installation working? i keep getting a black screen after i log into a session... ?????21:18
simpsHighNo, via ssh, i try to enter "vncviewer localhost:0"21:18
HighNosimps: ehm. I am lost now21:18
HighNosimps: this is not what I intended.21:18
usr13_HighNo: simps;  nmap localhost21:19
howlingmadhowiegmcastil: i think "apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre" does the same21:19
HighNosimps: I wanted you to start a vncviewer on the WINDOWS machine, not within the ssh session21:19
iskinLinuxTweaker: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=openbox. And if you need to setup http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192106 is a good tutorial and the one I used.21:19
usr13_HighNo: simps;  vncview localhost:590121:19
simpsHighNo, via commandline?21:20
LinuxTweakeriskin, thanks - looking at them now...21:20
howlingmadhowiegmcastil: have a look at "apt-cache show sun-java6-jre". that seems to say some interesting things21:20
HighNousr13_: he wants to have that started on windows!!!21:20
simpsusr13_, i type that into ssh and it says command not found21:20
super-6-1hello anyone know how to install a eyetoy as a webcam?21:20
robdigLaney: in evince (default pdf viewer), do file->print, page setup tab, then number of pages per side...assume other pdf viewers can do it too21:20
speeddemon8803Hi, how do I use apt-cd to install xubuntu on a ubuntu server installation?21:20
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Laneyrobdig: Yeah, but I need them to be the other way round :(21:20
HighNosimps: now we are talking: dont use the windows command line, either don't use the ssh session once it is open21:20
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, the more information you can supply to help people to help you, the more likely you are to get help. you log in, and immediately your screen goes blank, yes? is it a hard freeze, or can you get back to prompt? what graphics card do you have, and since when has this been happening - new install or upgrade etc - what have you tried , if anything?21:20
HighNosimps: you have a vncviewer in the start menu, right?21:21
magickAnyone know how to remove hibernate images from the hard drive?21:21
snkmadanyone knows how to disable pppoe-conf from running on boot time?21:21
simpsHighNo, an exe file, yes21:21
erUSULspeeddemon8803: sudo apt-cd  add /dev/cdrom then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:21
HighNosimps: ok, doubleclick on that21:21
speeddemon8803thanks erusul!21:21
simpsok HighNo21:21
playboyiamno banging the door near me ok or any loud noise21:21
HighNosimps: it should as you for a server to connect to21:21
HighNosimps: right?21:22
simpsalright HighNo, but that doesn't use encryption21:22
speeddemon8803ive been trying to get a DE on this server for a while, downloading alternative xubuntu..now ive got enough info to get my stuff working, thanks again!21:22
simpsbrb HighNo  usr13_21:22
HighNosimps: did you try to enter "localhost:10" there?21:22
sarthorHI, insmod: a module named sll_lib already exists21:23
sarthorinsmod: a module named skynet already exists21:23
sarthorhow to unload?21:23
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: yes, it immediately goes black. i can't get back to the prompt. however, it doesn't seem to be a hard freeze. i have a intel 845/915, i believe, chipset.. this has been happening every time except teh first time since i installed ubuntu this morning.. new install.. i've tried a dpkg-reconfigure of xserver-xorg.. i've tried making a new user and logging in.. same thing happens..21:23
howlingmadhowiesarthor: rmmod21:23
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HighNosarthor: sudo rmmod ...21:23
tarankowskii can't do  as root. If i type "sudo something" write: "/home/bartek/.gnome/cokolwiek: 5: /usr/bin/: Permission denied" what should i do?21:23
usr13_HighNo: simps Try doing what HighNo said,  use the vncviewer21:23
sarthorHighNo> howlingmadhowie sll_lib: Device or resource busy21:24
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  ati or nvidia?21:24
HighNosarthor: use lsmod to look what module uses it, unload that module first if possible21:24
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: i dont believe it's either.. intel..21:24
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  oh, sorry - integrated?21:24
howlingmadhowiesarthor: enter "lsmod" and see what's using it21:24
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: integrated21:24
bad_cableshey, i just ran monkey webserver and when i go to http://localhost i dont get crap21:25
bad_cablesis there something funkey in the ubuntu firewall setup?21:25
howlingmadhowiebad_cables: is it running on port 80?21:25
bad_cablesyeah, and i can see it running as a process in top21:25
howlingmadhowiebad_cables: you're sure it's running on port 80? :)21:26
bad_cableslemmie check the conf21:26
jchstevensPlease can anyone advise on an error I get when trying to upgrade from gutsy to feisty?21:26
jchstevensThe process gets stuck while "Modfying the Software Channels"21:26
super-6-1so anyone know how to use the eyetoy as a webcam21:26
HighNobad_cables: do you have lsof installed - it might show if it is just bound to localhost:80 instead of
jchstevensFetching File 52 out of 5621:26
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, hmm.... what does the xorg log say?21:26
blagi live in colorado, USA; which download location should i use (is there one on the Internet2 backbone)?21:26
twistedbeatfreekcan anyone help me set up my network connection to my other computers running windows21:26
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it says a lot. pages and pages, and i have no idea what it means. i'm noob. i have no way to get it to the internet, because i can't see the screen to copy/paste.. at the same time i am internet connected on the laptop..21:27
HighNotwistedbeatfreek: have a look here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/809121:27
blagtwistedbeatfreek: i might be able to...have you installed samba?21:27
bad_cablesOMG the defualt in the new monkey is port 200121:27
Flare183!lol | bad_cables21:27
ubotubad_cables: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:27
Flare183no problem21:27
twistedbeatfreekblag: nmo ill get it now21:27
howlingmadhowiebad_cables: if you ever don't know what port something's running on, try "netstat -pl"21:27
bad_cablesthanks dudes21:27
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  try this: tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:28
KunzyDoes anyone have an idea on how to get a TV tuner to work in Ubuntu21:28
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: im not in a commandline console at the moment. shall i restart and then recover mode and get thereE?21:28
HighNobad_cables: now you know why it's named "monkey" right? :-)21:28
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  do the last few lines give any clue as to why the xserver is crashing?21:28
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:28
bad_cablesyeah, same reason why i use it21:29
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, yes21:29
blagtwistedbeatfreek: you can use System > Administration > Shared Folders to install it21:29
super-6-1Kunzy, MythTV21:29
* bad_cables gives a banana to all the monkies in the chan21:29
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: ok, will do. dont assume and skip steps with me. i may not always know what you mean/want me to do :)21:29
* super-6-1 eats it21:29
simpsHighNo, usr13_ back21:29
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, before you restart, have you tried ctrl+alt+f1?21:30
bad_cablesat least i compiled this one and ran it on my own this time... that is 2 in a row today ;)21:30
feanorekwhen i type ./configure i get this: checking for X... no21:30
feanorekconfigure: error: Can't locate your X11 installation21:30
howlingmadhowieKunzy: basically there are 2 different ways: v4l-devices (where everything just works) and dvb-devices (where you are entering a world of pain). most devices support v4l :)21:30
simpsHighNo, i can use that to connect if i type in the local ip, not localhost because the vncserver is not on my windows, its on my ubuntu21:30
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it has a few lines about xf86unbindgartmemory unbind keys..21:30
HighNosimps: ok, did you read my last line just before you were gone?21:30
feanorekthese are the last two lines, im trying to compile conky21:30
bad_cableslater... GO GIANTS21:30
RodolfoLAMP for linux is the same thing as WAMP for windows, isnt it?21:30
twistedbeatfreekblag: ok im doing that now21:30
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it also has output tv disconnetced.. edid for output tv.. synaptics deviceoff called.. device on called..21:30
super-6-1so anyone know how to use a eyetoy as a web cam?21:30
HighNosimps: that is true - BUT - that is where the ssh tunnel comes into the game21:30
blagtwistedbeatfreek: that will take care of a lot of stuff for you21:31
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, ok... one moment21:31
Kunzythanks, if i have troubles, i'll check in.    I just want to work on ubuntu and watch the game21:31
HighNosimps: so please again: type "localhost:10" in there21:31
twistedbeatfreekblag is it just like windows after that i dont know much about networking21:31
newermindRodolfo, yes21:31
lollosomeone use stardict? i've some problems ...21:32
runacan sb help me asociate a program to mmst protocol to firefox?21:32
simpsHighNo, so i connect first with ssh, then doubleclick the exe and put localhost:10 into the address?21:32
HighNosimps: to explain a bit: the ssh tunnel setting we made before automatically redirects any traffic ariving on the windows (putty) end at port 5910 to the ssh server on the other side (encrypted!) and there it is forwarded to "localhost:5900" (the second line we entered in putty's settings)21:32
HighNosimps: correct!21:32
blagtwistedbeatfreek: its not quite like windows.  you can use that program to select folders you wish to share over the network.  past that, i know very little about it21:32
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  I suppose it's worth checking that your Xorg.conf is in order21:33
fujinanyone got a tutorial for configuring gfs+gnbd on Ubuntu?21:33
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: how do i do that?21:33
lollosomeone use stardict? i've some problems ...21:33
calguien habla español21:33
twistedbeatfreekblag how do i share the folders im new with ubuntu21:33
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  sudo vi /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf21:33
blagSystem > Administration > Shared Folders21:33
sanzkyhi everyone. Does anyone knows how to pass the password as an argument to telnet?21:34
blagtwistedbeatfreek: System > Administration > Shared Folders21:34
sanzkyI need to login automaticly without user intervention21:34
howlingmadhowiesanzky: what are you doing with telnet?21:34
blagclick add, find folder, etc.21:34
Rodolfonevermind: and what's the difference between LAMP for linux and XAMPP?21:34
blagtwistedbeatfreek: click add, find folder, etc.21:34
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  make sure everything in there matches your hardware21:34
EdgeTHey guys, could anyone please help me with my wifi21:34
sanzkytelnet will connecto to a RAS in a lan21:34
HighNosanzky: no, telnet is not usually doing these things. Try to look for a scriptable telnet that can autoconnect21:34
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: i don tsee anything.. it says new directory.. ?? how do i get out of vi??21:34
Rodolfonewermind: and what's the difference between LAMP for linux and XAMPP? ***21:35
blagRodolfo: i dont think anything is different, except one runs on Windows, and one runs on Linux21:35
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  colon-q  (:q)21:35
sanzkyHigNo, any recommendation?21:35
simpsHighNo, it doesn't work, i've tried localhost:5901, 5900, 5910, 10, 0, 121:35
HighNosanzky: wait a sec...21:35
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it's nto working21:35
simpsHighNo, all sorts of ports21:35
howlingmadhowiesanzky: what's an RAS?21:35
crackhead_25_ok im out.. what went wrong? id idnt see anything21:35
speedhunt3rCan someone help me troubleshoot Samaba? I followed the official guide for file sharing so that I can join MSHOME and see the PCs running windows on the network but i can't see anything, where do I look for any problems? I have no clue.21:36
HighNosimps: it might be that "port forwarding" which is ssh's term for what we are doing here - is not enabled on the ubuntu machine...21:36
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, sorry, me being a spanner. its etc/X11/xorg.conf,21:36
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it was X11..21:36
jmdcon my machine, seq behaves differently than /usr/bin/seq. See here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54641/21:36
HighNosimps: the ssh session is still alive?21:36
howlingmadhowiespeedhunt3r: how long have you been waiting for file-shares to turn up? i find samba takes at least 5 minutes to find stuff21:36
crackhead_25_ok, there's a lot of finfo.. what am i looking for?21:36
simpsspeedhunt3r, did you configure the smb.conf file?21:36
simpsHighNo, yes21:36
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  sorry, long day ;)21:36
HighNospeedhunt3r: have a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/809121:36
foibleshi there21:37
foibleswhats the command to uncompress things from a shell?21:37
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie, its a device for allowing remote access to other devices in a lan21:37
scguy318foibles: depends on what you're decompressing21:37
speedhunt3rhowlingmadhowie: I wait a little while when I open network, It shows windows network, I double click it, it works for a few seconds (the gnome paw is animated) but nothing shows up21:37
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  well, screen resolutions etc - basically, this file should match the settings you gave dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:37
SpaceBasshey folks, I've got a problem with a NIC in a 7.10 server I've just built21:37
foiblesscguy318, bz221:37
sanzkybut for techinical reasons we cant use ssh21:37
howlingmadhowiefoibles: depends how they're compressed. try gunzip or bunzip221:37
simpsspeedhunt3r, if its a local network, then it should show the files pretty quickly21:38
SpaceBassI see the module for the driver loaded, and ifconfig shows the device, but it will not aquire an address21:38
speedhunt3rsimps: i'm not sure whta you're talking about.21:38
bad_cablesin network manager, if i want to have a fixed addy with my wireless... is that possible?21:38
scguy318foibles: tar xvjf filename21:38
speedhunt3rsimps: about configuring the smb.conf file.21:38
scguy318foibles: I think that's it21:38
Alex_GaynorI am having a problem with wine(which I install using apt-get) the problem is listed  here: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9787 there is a patch that is supposed to work, how would I go about applying this patch?21:38
foiblesscguy318, ah yes, thats it21:38
howlingmadhowiespeedhunt3r: try smbtree on the command line21:38
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  also.... under device - the section referring to your graphics adapter - what driver is it using?21:38
howlingmadhowiesanzky: telnet doesn't define protocols for logging in and passwords. how you do that depends on the device you're connecting to21:38
speedhunt3rhowlingmadhowie: it just asked for my password...back to prompt.21:39
HighNosimps: ok, i just looked in the man  page - portforwarding is enabled by default...21:39
sourcemakerthis question is off-topic...  but does somebody know... how I can export openoffice document to pdf via command line? => open document => update ALL => export to PDF... I did't find a macro for this stuff21:39
er4z0rI am trying to install maven2 on 7.10 ubuntu21:39
er4z0ranyone running this?21:39
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: under which section, screen? there is no "dirver".. that im seeing..21:39
simpsspeedhunt3r, sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf21:39
HighNosimps: could you tell me the exact line you enter to start an unencrypted vnc session?21:39
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: ok, it says driver "intel"21:39
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: should i change that?21:39
playboyiamis there netscape for linux?21:39
howlingmadhowiespeedhunt3r: and didn't show any shares? that's not a good sign21:40
simpsHighNo, i put in into the address21:40
simpsHighNo, the local ip for the ubuntu21:40
speedhunt3rhowlingmadhowie: no shares21:40
speedhunt3rsimps: what do i do next?21:40
nagyvhello! could someone help me with a bluetooth program? I can neither connect browse my phone from the computer, nor send a file from the phone to the computer. Still, I can connect to my phone using MulitSync.21:40
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  well, you could try using i810 instead.21:40
simpsspeedhunt3r, you see a file loaded, right?21:41
howlingmadhowiespeedhunt3r: and you have a windows computer attached to your lan which has some shared files or folders on it?21:41
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie, well, then Im in a big problem, jeje21:41
TrioToruswhat is the livecd sudo password?21:41
speedhunt3rsimps: yes I can see the config file.21:41
gmcastilif I run fetchmail on ubuntu, will it bring my mail to /home/user/mail or someplace in /var/spool ?21:41
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  i should point out that i dont have integrated gfx, and i'm no expert - but i am aware of some problems with the intel driver in the past, at least21:41
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: ok, rebooting.. we'll see..21:41
twistedbeatfreekblag ok i put a shared folder in and went to check my other computer and didnt see the connection21:41
xrrHey guys. I have a problem using the "make" commando. I always get Error 1 and Error 2 when trying make. Anyone know why this might be? Using Ubuntu 77.1021:41
speedhunt3rhowlingmadhowie: yeah I have a XP pc sharing 1 folder just to troubleshoot...it's on the same workgroup.21:41
howlingmadhowiesanzky: you have to work out what the device wants to hear. for example, a POP3 server wants to hear USER <username> and then PASS <password>21:41
simpsspeedhunt3r, scroll down until you see "workgroup"21:41
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  you'll need to install that driver, i would have thought21:41
xrrtrying to use it..21:42
crackhead_25_oh really? how do i do that??21:42
simpsspeedhunt3r, change that to whatever network you connect to from windows21:42
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie, Can I echo the user and password from another process?21:42
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  i think its xserver-xorg-driver-i810 - so...  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-i81021:42
crackhead_25_well, it seemed to have worked.. just typing it in.. in that file..21:42
LadyNikonhi.. i am following the guide to put other a dual monitor system.. do you know if "EndSection" should be placed between each declaration of a screen session21:42
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  hopefully, someone who is better placed to help you will chip in...21:42
howlingmadhowiesanzky: i doubt it. when you telnet into the device, what do you see?21:42
crackhead_25_perhaps it was already isntalled? i just booted in, and it loogged in.. and there was no black screen.. LOOKS SOVLED??!21:42
simpsspeedhunt3r, so the line should be "workgroup = networknamehere"21:43
crackhead_25_although the dimensions aren't exactly right..21:43
crackhead_25_it looks a little bit smaller than it should be21:43
HighNosimps: I can't see any problem with that - vnc is running as usual on port 5900 then. Could you please check if the settings of the ssh session are alright? can you make a screenshot of the tunnel settings page of putty?21:43
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie, a welcome message and a prompt asking for my username21:43
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  ah- well, perhaps it was installed as a result of a dependancy elsewhere...21:43
howlingmadhowiesanzky: which you then enter. and what happens then?21:43
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  well, at least we're getting somewhere though21:43
crackhead_25_what should i do now? something about a 915 hack? is that what i need to do?21:43
nagyvTrioTorus: I think the LiveCD ubuntu user does not need a password21:43
speedhunt3rsimps: it's workgroup = MSHOME as it should be.21:44
gmcastilhow does one configure services from the CLI?21:44
rskgmcastil: with an editor and bash21:44
sanzkyit ask for password or for the username again if I didnt type anything21:44
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  i honestly couldnt say.... if resolution looks wrong, i would be looking at the xorg.conf again....21:44
howlingmadhowiesanzky: so you enter the password...21:44
gmcastilrsk: i was referring to which processes started during which run level21:44
howlingmadhowiesanzky: and everything works?21:44
gmcastilrsk: i'm trying to get fetchmail to run21:44
howlingmadhowiesanzky: so what's the problem? :)21:44
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: i look at screen resolution pref.. it only has the option of 1024x768.. when it should be larger, like 1280x768 or 1280x800..21:44
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  yeah - that'll be in xorg.conf21:45
xrrHey. I need some help guys. I am trying to install ipwraw-ng, by using "make". But I get the error when trying to make: "Error 1, and also Error 2". I have got the same problem trying to install or make other programs..21:45
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie, I need to login automaticly, without typing anything. with a script or something21:45
gmcastilxrr: did you run configure yet?21:45
howlingmadhowiespeedhunt3r: do you have a firewall running?21:45
speedhunt3rsimps: here's another thing, when I try to set a smbpaswd it says connection to local host timed out...21:45
blagtwistedbeatfreek: unfortunately, that is the extent of my knowledge, you can ask your question again, though21:45
speedhunt3rhowlingmadhowie: nope...21:45
xrrgmcastil, I guess not..21:45
simpsspeedhunt3r, press ctrl+w and then search for [homes]21:45
howlingmadhowiesanzky: tricky but possible21:45
gmcastilxrr: have you ever built anything from source before?21:45
xrrno, i have not21:46
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: how do i get to xorg.conf and reset it up while in the gnome session??21:46
sunseeker888hi guys, by mistakes , i removed some program from top panel. knotes & kalarm. how can i restore them to panel21:46
SleepingSlothcrackhead - you'll need to add the resolutions, and restart X. although i would recommend restarting the machine, sometimes restarting X has slightly unexpected results....21:46
* lorogon RadioGNU http://cnslg.org.ve:8000/radiotron21:46
gmcastilxrr: there will typically be a couple files in the top of the source tree: INSTALL and README21:46
sanzkyhowlingmadhowie. well, I'll keep trying. thanks for your help21:46
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  open a terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:46
speedhunt3rsimps: found homes...browseable = yes21:46
gmcastilxrr: they usually explain the build process, but, in general, it's usually something like:21:46
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, but you *will* have to restart X atleast21:46
sanzkyneed to go. thanks all21:46
xrrok :-) Thank you21:46
HighNosanzky: do you need an interactive session afterwards or would it be sufficient to enter a set of commands and quit afterwards?21:46
sanzkyHighNo, i need an interactive session21:47
gmcastilxrr: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && make install ...dont't blindly run those commands, though21:47
speedhunt3rsimps: the PC running XP can see my computer, I just can't see any pcs over here...21:47
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: im in the gedit.. now what??21:47
xrrok, i see21:47
xrrand actually get what your saying.21:47
xrrthank you21:47
simpsHighNo, i can connect now ;D, i added 5901 instead of 590021:47
simpsHighNo, however, it still says no encryption21:47
=== jesse__ is now known as bad_cables
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, well,add the new resolutions into the relevant section-just follow the convention that is already in use.21:48
gmcastilxrr: since ubuntu uses a package manager, though, you want to avoid mixing and matching prgs built from source with deb packages21:48
HighNosimps: where did you enter the 5901 instead of 5900 and who says there is no encryption?21:48
gmcastilxrr: i would probably install it in your home directory or in /usr/local if you must21:48
speedhunt3rsimps: the xp PC can see my computer but when i try to access it, it says network path not found.21:48
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: the proper display is alreayd there in the file.. but it's not being used at the moment??21:48
bad_cableshow do i specify a static addy with netmanager?21:48
xrryes, i know, but i cannot find it using the package manager..21:48
gmcastilxrr: that said, you'll want to make sure that you get everything configured correctly (man pages in /usr/local/share, etc)21:48
HalpainALguien de españa!21:49
simpsHighNo, 5900 says no encryption, should i try 5901?21:49
robdig!es | Halpain21:49
ubotuHalpain: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:49
simpsspeedhunt3r, i have the same problem lol ;D ;x21:49
x-punkanyone here with an ipod touch who uses it on linux?21:49
gmcastilxrr: its totally fine to build and install in /usr/local, but you don't want to install it in /usr or partially in /usr or /usr/local21:49
HighNosimps: again please - where did you enter the 5901 instead of 5900 and who says there is no encryption?21:49
Halpaintengo un problema con el sonido en ubuntu!21:49
Sinistercan you make a avi into a mpg ?21:49
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, there are resolutions listed in xorg.conf that do not appear as options in 'screen resolution' in gnome - is that what you're saying?21:49
gmcastilxrr: i would advise you to install it in $HOME21:49
maxownzSinister: yes21:49
MrPink_Hey does someone have any idea how I could get the MSI Mega SKY MS-5580 DVBT Stick under Ubuntu 7.10 ? Anyone know of driver resources for Linux ?21:49
simpsHighNo, i entered it into the vnc exe place21:49
gmcastilxrr: that way if you want to remove it, you can just manually delete it21:50
speedhunt3rsimps: something to do with updates? some other ppl I know also have similiar problems.21:50
HighNosimps: but when did you enter 5900 there? You said you entered that instead of 5900?21:50
Sinisterwhat do i use ?21:50
xrrok :-) great, thanks again21:50
gmcastilxrr: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-Building-HOWTO.html is a good place to start with learning how linux software _ought_ to work21:50
maxownzgoogle for avi to mpg converter21:50
maxownzi think ffmpeg will do it but don't quote me on that21:50
simpsHighNo, yea i entered the localip21:50
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: wtf... check this out.. this is exactly the cause.. (do a find "945" and read that bullet point): http://www.ross154.net/?p=3821:51
nagyvhow can I send a file from my phone to my laptop using bluetooth?21:51
xrrok, i will check it out21:51
xrragain, thank you21:51
maxownznagyv: pair them, open something like the bluetooth manager, and browse files21:51
HighNosimps: so you get an unencrypted connection if you enter the ubuntu-box's ip:5901 ?21:51
bad_cablesis it possible to specifty a static addy with netmanager?21:51
gmcastilCan someone explain how to configure services from the command line? Do I need to manually make symlinks in /etc/rc.? or is there an automated way to do it?21:51
maxownzbad_cables: yes, do a manual configuration21:52
=== none is now known as Emil
speedhunt3rsimps: anyway, thanks for your help =)21:52
Emilhi all21:52
maxownzhey Emil21:52
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, hmm. that sounds a bit ominous21:52
Emili am having a little bit of problem here21:52
Emiltrying to install java for firefox21:52
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  there is bound to be a solution though21:52
Emilit's giving me trouble21:52
bad_cablesmaxownz: but when i do that it asks for an SSID and it might think that i am trying to broadcast... i just want to connect to my router with the same IP every time21:52
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: effing v bios hacks it seems.. but i dont know what?? he doesnt describe21:52
SlartEmil: 32-bit or 64-bit?21:53
Emil32 bit21:53
Emilubuntu 7.1021:53
jchstevensPlease can anyone advise on an error I get when trying to upgrade from gutsy to feisty?21:53
gmcastilEmil: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin21:53
SlartEmil: the normal packages don't work?21:53
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)21:53
nagyvmaxownz: how can I do that? if I click on browse in the applet menu, then I get an error message: obex://[00:12:ee:36:b4:fa] invalid address21:53
jchstevensThe process gets stuck while "Modifying the Software Channels"21:53
jchstevensFetching File 52 out of 5621:53
simpsHighNo, i get "connection refused" when i try localip:590121:53
sanjivvi had a question some ubuntu expert will have to answer..21:53
gmcastilAnyone have some advice on getting fetchmail to run at startup?  I've got my .fetchmailrc setup correctly, but i can't seem to get fetchmail to start as a service21:53
MrPink_anyone any idea how to get the DVB T MSI 5580 running under Ubuntu ?21:54
* lorogon RadioGNU - http://cnsl.org.ve:8000/radiotron21:54
maxownzbad_cables: when it asks for a SSID i think it means the network you want to connect to like "yourNetwork"21:54
sanjivvcan someone help?21:54
sanjivvHAL not starting up at boot.. can somebody help..?21:54
gmcastilbad_cables: SSID is the name of your network21:54
speedhunt3rEmil: try googling ff32-3in1 it's a script helps u install firefox with plugins and all.21:54
M-Nagatosanjivv, ask the question first and then wait for a response21:54
HighNosimps: to be honest - I am totally lost. I try to reconstruct what you are doing when but just when I think I catch up it's all gone again. What do you mean by localip?21:55
Emili am trying what gmcastil told me21:55
Emilit's installing now21:55
sanjivvnetwork manager also shows that the system is connected to AC power.. but it is running on a battery.. im running a DELL Inspiron 1501 notebook..21:55
simpsHighNo, the ubuntu's ip21:55
xrrgmcastil: When trying to use config, i get this error: No 'cfg' found in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipwraw.21:55
Emilso how is 8.04 alpha 4 has anyone tried it ?21:55
speedhunt3rHighNo: local ip is the IP of your computer.21:56
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  i've found a thread with a couple of solutions - neither very elegant, but nevertheless.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11018521:56
M-NagatoEmil, i haven't tried alpha 4, but alpha 3 was quite different21:56
M-Nagatoand in a bad way21:56
nagyvEmil: it's alpha :)21:56
M-Nagatothey broke support for my wireless card :(21:56
audifahrerI search libmagic.so and magic.h in Ubuntu. On Gentoo it's in the "file" package. Any ideas where it's in Ubuntu?21:56
HighNosimps: alright - but earlier you said it worked if you changed it from 5900 to 5901 - so what exactly did you enter when anything worked21:56
RyanPriorMy USB subsystem keeps dying. Is there some way I can figure out why, and how to prevent it?21:56
gmcastilxrr: what command did you try to run?21:56
HighNospeedhunt3r: I suppose you mean "localhost" not "localip"?21:56
RyanPriorI am trying to copy a large file to my USB hard drive and my USB keeps dying and killing the operation halfway through.21:57
gmcastilxrr: you didn't read the README or INSTALL files, did you21:57
Pichu0102Oh man, I think I messed up a command so badly, I'm pretty sure this computer is about to die.21:57
xrryes, I have..21:57
EmilM-Nagato:  when will final release come ?? april ?21:57
simpsHighNo, i can do ubuntuip just by itself, localhost:0, localhost:590021:57
sanjivvi have a problem on my Dell Inspiron 1501 Notebook.. it says that hal failed to start.. but then.. hal is actually running.. and moreover.. the network manager in gnome shows that the system is running on AC power without a batter.. however.. when i fire up a terminal and restart hal.. it shows that the battery is present and it is charging.. i have been facing this problem for a little over 25 days now.. can someone help?21:57
M-NagatoEmil, i think that's when it's dated to come out21:57
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  also- have you tried 915resolution?21:57
M-Nagatoyou'd be better of looking on the website or wiki, though21:57
gmcastilxrr: config deals with openssl library configuration - configure is a script in the top of the source tree21:57
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  i think i've done all i can though- it's going to be fiddling at your end from here on in...21:57
gmcastilxrr: ./configure --help21:58
HighNosimps: but localhost:0 and localhost:5900 will give you a connection to the windows machine, right?21:58
xrroh, ok21:58
gmcastilxrr: that will show you all the configuration options that are available to you21:58
sanjivvi have a problem on my Dell Inspiron 1501 Notebook.. it says that hal failed to start.. but then.. hal is actually running.. and moreover.. the network manager in gnome shows that the system is running on AC power without a batter.. however.. when i fire up a terminal and restart hal.. it shows that the battery is present and it is charging.. i have been facing this problem for a little over 25 days now.. can someone help?21:58
=== Jolly is now known as Jolly_Fat_Man
speedhunt3rHighNo: err.. yeah local host is that address that's like local IP is 192.168.1.x usually..21:58
simpsHighNo, when i have ssh connected, they connect me to the ubuntu21:58
Pichu0102"rsync -e ssh -varuzP --delete /home/pichu0102/ kids-laptop.local:/media/disk/pichu0102" Is the command I used in the terminal to test things out. What I didn't realize was that I was still logged into kids-laptop.local via instead of the computer I'm currently on, pichu0102-laptop2.21:58
th0rsimps you trying to vnc through a tunnel?21:58
jesse__bad_cables is ghosted... as was my old DHCP addy of .....10321:58
xrrbash: ./configure: No such file or directory21:59
HighNosimps: ok - you are already using the tunnel then21:59
Pichu0102A bunch of stuff got deleted, and I'm assuming pichu0102-laptop2 has very little time left to live?21:59
gmcastilCan someone explain how to instruct fetchmail to run in daemon mode at startup please?21:59
jesse__i had to use .....10 to get the manual config to work21:59
gmcastilxrr: what directory are you in?21:59
simpsth0r, yes21:59
simpsHighNo, yes21:59
xrrwhere the files are unpacked21:59
=== jesse__ is now known as bad
digital00does anyone know how to add the "Headphone Jack Sense" option to the alsa volume?21:59
sanjivvhal not running at startup.. can somebody help??21:59
HighNosimps: but you have probably set it up incorrectly, you most likely entered "5900" in the "Source Port" field in putty's settings21:59
nagyvgmcastil: a cron won't work?21:59
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: where can i find 915resolution???21:59
=== bad is now known as bad_cables
crackhead_25_i just tried to find it in the synaptic search.. but it didnt find it?/21:59
gmcastilxrr: you'll need to untar the source tarball, then cd into the top of the source tree, then run the configure script21:59
B-rabbiti am using feasty, and i want to install the adobe reader browser plugin...to view .pdf files from within the browser...i got a script which will allow me to install the plugin...but in the README file it says to... Run the script from the prompt as:22:00
B-rabbit  $ cd <install-path>/Browser22:00
B-rabbit  $ ./install_browser_plugin ...so i have to put the install path manually...my Q is what is the install path?22:00
sanjivvhal not running at startup.. can somebody help??22:00
simpsHighNo, lol yeah :x what should i have put?22:00
sanjivvhal not running at startup.. can somebody help??22:00
th0rsimps start vnc on the server with 'vncserver :1'. Start ssh on the client with 'ssh -L 1000:localhost:5901', then start the viewer on the client with 'vncviewer localhost:1'22:00
HighNosimps: 591022:00
gmcastilnagyv: there is a fetchmail script in /etc/init.d22:00
speedhunt3rIf this is off-topic I apologize but has anyone tried fedora 8? any comments on that?22:00
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, you should just be able to apt-get it22:00
th0rsimps oops.....just a sec22:00
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  915resolution - all one word22:00
Leg0zwhats up lunix ppls22:00
M-NagatoB-rabbit, what browser? firefox?22:00
Leg0zcan someone help me with a samba question?22:01
HighNosimps: args -whoohoo, I chose another port because there could have been another vnc server running on the windows machine22:01
SleepingSlothLeg0z, just ask...22:01
M-Nagatoi think it's /usr/lib/firefox by default22:01
th0rstart ssh with ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901....sorry22:01
nagyvB-rabbit: I think the Medibuntu repository has acrobat reader, and plugin. You can install easily by adding it to your package sources.22:01
simpsHighNo, 5910 source port, localhost:5900 destination?22:01
HighNoth0r: he will probably not do that - because he is on the windows side of the game!22:01
HighNosimps: right22:01
bad_cablesthis chan is the bomb,,, thanks again22:01
gmcastilnagyv: cron isn't really what i'm looking for - i want fetchmail to run as a daemon when init starts a certain run level22:01
simpsth0r, i'm using PuTTY :P22:01
HighNosimps: that way your tunnel never interferes with a local vnc server22:01
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: can't find it.. ?? ?22:02
th0rsimps....5901 on both local and remote22:02
Leg0zI set up a samba server on this machine... everything is all good... but for some reason even though ive set samba for no authentication... on my windows machines its still prompting for a username and password when trying to connect to the share22:02
HighNoth0r: it is workin already!22:02
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  what do you get if you type sudo apt-cache search 915resolution ?22:02
xrrgmcastil. I am in the directory where i untar'ed the files. Where the INSTALL and README files are22:02
Leg0zsomething with the fstab maybe???22:02
sanjivvhal not running at startup.. can somebody help??22:02
nagyvgmcastil: then symlink it in the proper rcX.d directory22:02
sanjivvhal not running at startup.. can somebody help??22:02
th0rHighNo ok...but using 5900 will cause problems later22:02
gildaLeg0z, try setting the username to guest and passwd to blank for windows xp machines22:02
HighNoth0r: no, it doesn't22:02
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: nothing22:02
speedhunt3rLegOz: just set a blank smbpassword like just hit the [enter] key twice for every user that wants to log on to your computer.22:02
gildain samba22:03
simpsHighNo, now i get the error with both 5901 and 590022:03
Leg0zsee thats the thing... I cant have it prompting to connect as this is going in a small office22:03
gmcastildoes anyone use fetchmail under ubuntu?22:03
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  you dont have the same sources.list as i do then. have you got the universe and multiverse enabled in your software sources?22:03
HighNoth0r: it is the setup he want's to use - he has an ubuntu box which an already running session and a running vnc server on port 5900 giving him access to that session - he wnats to connect to that machine via an ssh tunnel from a windows machine22:03
HighNosimps: arrrrgs, what exactly did you change?22:04
th0rHighNo ok22:04
gildaya Leg0z set the username required to guest and the password to blank for in samba - xp uses this as the hidden user and pass to connect to windows to windows default shares22:04
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: where do i do that? i dont know22:04
scott25can someone help me with installing it keeps saying "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed" when it starts to install22:04
gildaso it shouldnt prompt at that point22:04
speedhunt3rdo you guys type out everyone's name you're responding to so that it's highlighted in red or is there a shortcut way ?22:04
gmcastilspeedhunt3r: tab completeion22:04
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, system>administration>software sources22:04
gildaspeedhunt3r, start typing the user name hit tab22:04
nagyvspeedhunt3r: start typing then hit TAB22:04
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simpsHighNo, well i had 5901 source, 5901 destination and 5900 source 5900 destination both there, i got rid of both and added 5910 source, 5900 destination22:04
HighNosimps: because I never even said anything about "5901" -22:04
Leg0zill try that22:05
speedhunt3rooooh thanks.22:05
gmcastilspeedhunt3r: most linux apps support tab completion of some sort - it's probably one of the most efficient things in the OS22:05
Emilthanks for the help22:05
HighNosimps: remove anything that relates to 590122:05
EmilI am off to sleep22:05
gmcastilspeedhunt3r: what irc client are you usgin?22:05
simpsHighNo, kk done22:05
=== Emil is now known as Emil-ZzZzZzZ
speedhunt3rgmcastil: Xchat22:05
HighNosimps: all it should have is one tunnel entry reading "L5910:localhost:5900"22:05
gmcastilspeedhunt3r: xchat seems to be the most popular...i use emacs, but thats probably not something you want to try with22:05
PriceChild!away > Emil-ZzZzZzZ22:05
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: they're all enabled22:05
gmcastilanyone using fetchmail?22:06
simpsHighNo, yup22:06
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  915resolution is in the universe22:06
HighNosimps: then you should be able to enter "localhost:10" in the vncviewer.exe server entry box and there you go - encrypted!22:06
joankiwhat is the best pdf viewer to use?22:06
jetscreamer!info xpdf22:06
ubotuxpdf (source: xpdf): Portable Document Format (PDF) suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.02-1.2ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB22:06
HighNosimps: whoohooo22:06
joankixpf thx22:06
joankixpdf i mean22:06
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»22:06
jetscreameronly one i've seen you can copy/paste from .pdf22:06
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: it's not showing??22:07
scott25can someone help me with installing... i cant create partitions22:07
HighNosimps: I now have to learn for my exam tomorrow. Bye!22:07
=== Emil-ZzZzZzZ is now known as Emil
Emil!away going to sleep22:07
simpsHighNo, i can connect, but at the top it still says no encryption when i type in the password22:07
* gmcastil is shocked that no one uses fetchmail...22:07
assasukassehi everyone, my shutdown, reboot, sleep and such icons disappeared, how can i reenable them?22:07
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  could try  sudo apt-get update22:07
ompauljoanki, evince seems to be more flexable22:07
speedhunt3ranyone tried making and testing your own custom live-cd ? I tried it..it kept asking me a user name and password when I tried to double click install. It booted successfully though...22:07
ompauljoanki, evince is installed by default22:07
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  but if the universe is enabled, i dont know why you cant see it22:07
* Ashfire908 wonders when he will get banned for reconnecting a bunch of times when his internet keeps disconnecting22:08
HighNosimps:  that is correct, because vnc does not use its own encryption - but the vnc packets are all stuffed into the ssh session which encrypts the packets then22:08
ompaulAshfire908, if you want - now22:08
joankiompaul thx22:08
simpsHighNo, oh lmao22:08
Ashfire908ompaul, not asking for one lol22:08
HighNosimps: if you take a sniffer like wireshark or tcpdump you will see only ssh traffic on the line22:09
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: ok, found it22:09
simpsHighNo, thanks :D22:09
HighNosimps: you're welcome.22:09
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  then just sudao apt-get install 915resolution22:09
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  *sudo22:09
ryan8403i'm trying to connect to a SILC network with pidgin on 7.10 but i don't have that option. any ideas? i have the SILC toolkit22:10
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: i installed it.. now what? you know?22:10
ScreaminIkeemmy. dinner is not til 5:30 have about 20 mins. i'll see if i can help you out. let me look up that dpkg command.22:11
emilyok, i have a problem, i just got a new motherboard and it is using a different video card and ubuntu isnt likeing it.  when i boot up it tells me to select a video card and i do but then after reboot it tells me to do it again, every time.. help pls22:11
emilyok thx22:12
scott25can someone help me with installing it keeps saying "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed" when it starts to install22:12
ScreaminIkeemily: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:12
lamalexGuys I'm having a problem, my alt-tab stopped working22:13
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
XeNixcan we install ubuntu slackware and windows XP on 3 boot ?22:13
emilyk hold on22:13
ScreaminIkelamalex your alt or your tab?22:13
lamalexXeNix: yes22:13
compuwizQuick question, do I need to tell squid what network adapter to use? currently it says Network is unreachable22:13
SlartXeNix: sure22:13
lamalexScreaminIke: I guess what I mean is my alt-tab window switcher unbound22:13
lamalexand I can't find how to rebind it22:13
ScreaminIke;) using compiz?22:13
lamalexcouldn't findd it in keyboard shortcuts22:13
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:13
lamalexScreaminIke: no22:14
emilyscreamin, do it again.. i lost it22:14
Slartoh.. nevermind the ccsm thingy22:14
ScreaminIkeemily: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:14
emilyreconfigure must be run as root22:15
lamalexSlart: yeah, I know about CCSM. I'm fairly well versed in linux, I'm a sysadmin and long time user. I just can't seem to find where this is bound22:15
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, basically, no- but i think you need to run 915resolution -l22:15
ScreaminIkeemily: alt+(number) switches between CHAT windows in irssi. i sent you a private message. check it (start hitting alt+1, alt+2, alt+3 until you get to it22:15
Slartlamalex: well.. if you're not using compiz.. I have no idea.. it's not somewhere deep down in gconf?22:15
XeNixi have any shit an partition for acer garatie :s22:15
gmcastilwhat determines where mail is stored on Ubuntu?22:16
XeNixhow i can add an partition for windows XP i have already 4 one22:16
lamalexSlart: it's probably somewhere in gconf, but gconf is such I mess I was hoping someone in here would be able to point me in a good direction22:16
emilyfound it ike22:16
Slartgmcastil: what application you're using to store the mail I guess22:16
ScreaminIkeok... just talk with me there to reduce the room traffic22:16
scott25i keep getting i/o errors when i boot the livecd and i can't create partitions when i install...22:16
Slartlamalex: mm.. a mess indeed... I would be more curious as to why it has suddenly become unbound22:17
lamalexSlart: I think it had to do with compiz. I was using compiz, but then I switched to the free radeon driver which doesn't support 3d on my card22:17
howlingmadhowiescott25: io-errors sounds like there's something wrong with the cd22:17
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: once you do that, what do you do?22:18
crackhead_25_restart X?22:18
Slartgmcastil: you might find something useful here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard22:18
mjw--scott25: or with the CD drive22:18
ScreaminIkeemily: did you run that command using sudo?22:18
lamalexbut compiz isn't running currently, so I think compiz unbound it from metacity22:18
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, i believe so. well, reboot is probably best22:18
mouseboyxIm having a problem with if statements, and strings http://pastebin.com/m79427549 This should return true based on the string in the file, but it is always false.22:18
gmcastilSlart: i'm planning on using fetchmail to get it from a pop server22:18
scott25i have also tried other livecds and got the same i/o errors22:18
Slartlamalex: hmm.. compiz might change that.. I think it has it's own shortcut key handler thingy22:18
lamalexprobably something it does to avoid conflicts, I can't really say22:18
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: bam!!! i think it worked22:19
crackhead_25_restart x worked..22:19
gmcastilSlart: is mail typically brought to /var/spool or $HOME/mail ?22:19
mjw--scott25: could be a drive or controller problem then. by other livecds you mean non ubuntu live cds?22:19
Slartgmcastil: /var/mail seems to be one location22:19
emilycause im special22:19
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, we bumbled through, eh?22:19
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: somethin like that haha22:19
ScreaminIkeemily, move over to the private messaging.22:19
crackhead_25_thank you much22:19
bad_cableshow do i take the CD out of the sources list?22:19
Slartgmcastil: isn't /var/spool for unprocessed mail?22:19
bad_cablesi am about to take the CDrom out of this box22:19
scott25i tried a gentoo livecd22:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:19
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_,  no worries :)22:19
crackhead_25_SleepingSloth: so basically.. what was that xorg command we did?22:20
crackhead_25_etc x11 xorg conf.. i swithced to i810.. then got in and installed 915resolution22:20
WeedGrinchI can make it so i do alt+scroll for opacity, but how do i make them like that by default?22:20
mjw--scott25: you might have a drive or motherboard problem then.22:20
gmcastilSlart: i think thats what i meant...unprocessed mail (from fetchmail) goes to /var and then the MUA reads it and moves it to $HOME/mail ?22:20
crackhead_25_i bet that would work on a bunch of other distros that were having the same problem..22:20
bad_cablesthis box does not have a CDrom normally, installing ubuntu with a CDrom was a hardware hack, now i am about to put the lid back on and seal the deal but if i install something i dont want it to ask for the CDrom again22:20
Slartgmcastil: sounds good to me.. but I wouldn't know.. I've never set up a mail-system on linux22:20
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, yeah - you changed /etc/X11/xorg.conf's driver from 'intel' to 'i810'22:20
mjw--bad_cables: by default ubuntu will download stuff from the internet, not ask for a CD after the initial installation.22:21
SleepingSlothcrackhead_25_, well, if you are so inclined, you could document your problem and solution.22:21
bad_cablesit installed java and GLAME from the CD22:21
bad_cablesit asked me for the CD22:21
crackhead_25_i did22:21
crackhead_25_it should be in the wiki22:21
crackhead_25_pm me?22:21
Lettuc3Slart i had a look at lyx. has problems rendering eps files.22:22
mjw--bad_cables: interesting...after the initial install, i was never asked for the CD again, and i installed java.22:22
bad_cablesmjw: this is xubuntu 7.1022:22
SlartLettuc3: huh? that sounds very weird.. although I've never tried it.. hang on.. I'll fire it up22:22
ScreaminIkeemmy... are you reading the pm's i'm sending you?22:22
bad_cablesmjw: i dont see anything in /etc/apt/sources.list that sais CDrom22:23
Lettuc3Slart from the user guide, actually, and whatnot other documents its got.22:23
Lettuc3Slart im not very used to latex, sounds interesting, though, a bit alien. how would you change fonts for example? things like that...22:23
Leg0zquick question.... if i wanted to set up a samba public folder mirror between two machines... could anyone recommend a good app?22:24
bad_cablesmjw: nevermind. i found it... it was uncommented right before the line where it was commented22:24
SlartLettuc3: Latex is indeed different from Word/oOO.. you focus more on the text than the layout22:24
mjw--bad_cables: good..mystery solved :)22:24
Lettuc3Slart and it always gives you something that looks right?22:24
bad_cablesit just helps to come in here and rant about all my hangups... :)22:25
SlartLettuc3: it's more like html... but google for latex tutorials.. there are many out there22:25
Dr_willisLatex is a whole different universe then Word/ooo :)22:25
lamalexgot it!22:25
SlartLettuc3: indeed.. you specify what kind of document you want.. it's in the document, settings menu22:25
lamalexburried deep inside gconf :)22:25
Lettuc3Slart ah, hadn't thought of tutorials. found that eps stuff?22:25
SlartLettuc3: but latex is a little bit ot here.. let's not disturb those who sleep =)22:26
bad_cablesGO GIANTS22:26
Dr_willisTheres dozens of books written on latex. ;) and dozens of books written with latex.22:26
SlartLettuc3: just have to find a eps-file first =)22:26
Lettuc3Slart where can i talk to you about that? ubuntu-offtopic?22:26
SlartLettuc3: sure22:26
Lettuc3just for a couple of minutes, i need to hit the sack. 0230 here... hehe.22:26
* zelrikriando thinks that they should offer some ubuntu courses at school22:27
simpsunder XChat-> Server list, when you edit a network and say "Use SSL blahblah" it always connects on port 9000, is there a way to change this port?22:28
zelrikriando(well linux in general, lets say ubuntu will be 1st grade)22:28
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:28
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:28
ubuntuislovedhow do i take the usb img file that i downloaded thats 12mb and write it to usb media i have mounted22:28
pau_hi, some my ubuntu takes /home/pau as /home/pau/Desktop, how can i change it?22:29
neptunepinkAnybody know a command that will wrap text to the terminal? (Keeping spaces in mind, etc.)22:29
moDumassmorning all, so this morning i fiugured what the hey, il run clam AV and see what pops up.. Trojan.KillCMOS is what popped up, how do i rid my machine of this evil scum?22:29
manduskihey guys, i just got a new laptop (Everex) and i'm having problems with the wifi22:30
moDumassmind you, its on a windows shared hdd22:30
pau_ my ubuntu takes /home/pau as /home/pau/Desktop, how can i change it22:30
manduskiit tells me i'm connected, but when i go try to browse online, i can't seem to get a connection22:30
wht1hi. got a slight problem. deleted a friend's ubuntu partitions thinking all would be ok, but now grub gives an error and refuses to boot. he doesn't know the administrator password on his computer anymore for the windows. how can we get rid of grub from the live cd?22:30
pau_my ubuntu takes /home/pau as /home/pau/Desktop, how can i change it22:31
Dr_williswht1,  with a xp cd - you can boot to its recovery mode and use the fixmbr and fixboot commands22:31
moDumassStrauss, what you doin?22:31
=== neptunepink is now known as purpleposeidon
Dr_williswht1,  vista has some other commands, (yea for ms to change things)22:31
compuwizWhere is the file to change the tetwork routes? Every time I change it in webmin it goes back to a incorrect one22:33
wht1dr_willis, we tried that. he doesn't know the password so we can't get to a prompt. and he's on xp22:33
manduskihey guys, i have a problem with my laptop's built in wireless, where it tells me i'm connected to the router, but i'm not able to browse the internet for some reason. Any suggestions where i should start?22:34
Arrickanyone here ever install vmware server on a gui-less server install?>22:34
howlingmadhowiemanduski: check to see if the following three things are set: an ip address (ifconfig), a domain name server (/etc/resolv.conf), and the routing table (route)22:35
racarterwhat program lets me read chm files on ubuntu?22:35
manduskihowlingmadhowie, yes the ip address is set under wifi on ifconfig22:35
manduskilemme check dns22:36
Omar-Cyo guys I need some help any one?22:36
Dr_williswht1,  a xp  install cd. shouldent need a password to write the mbr. or at least I dont think so - check the #windows channel.22:36
manduskihowlingmadhowie, the file has "nameserver"22:37
compuwizim having a similar problem22:37
howlingmadhowiemanduski: so "route" should give a default route of
compuwizi can access the server over the network but it cant access the internet22:38
manduskihowlingmadhowie, i'm not quite sure what you mean22:38
compuwizthis is mine22:38
compuwizDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface22:38
compuwiz192.168.1.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth122:38
Omar-CI accidently made a mistake by installing xserver-xgl on an ProSavage card, now my computer will only boot me into Terminal, anyidea what I can do?22:38
compuwizbut thats not right22:38
howlingmadhowiemanduski: can you ping the router?22:38
Hammer89how do I adjust my screen's brightness?22:39
Omar-CI accidently made a mistake by installing xserver-xgl on an ProSavage card, now my computer will only boot me into Terminal, anyidea what I can do?22:39
PeloOmar-C, sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl,  sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:39
theLichKingHammer89, by the buttons on your screen22:39
Omar-Coh ok22:39
Omar-Cthanks man22:39
PeloOmar-C, no need to repeat so often22:39
Omar-Cok sorry I thought no one was paying attention22:39
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:39
PeloOmar-C,  we are always watching,22:39
Hammer89theLichKing: I'm using a laptop... and I don't have any dedicated screen brightness buttons... minus the fn+F6-F7 keys... which aren;t working22:40
Omar-Cbut I can't use apt-get because I cant connect to the internet22:40
mjw--Omar-C: you need to modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf to use the correct Driver22:40
WGGMkAnyone else tried using using a different Usplash theme in Gutsy Gibbon amd64?? Ive tried using 2 different theme's now that I have confirmed to work in 7.04 but refuse to operate correctly in 7.1022:40
Dr_willisAlways watching.. always waiting... planing, plotting...  :P22:40
PeloOmar-C, for removing apt-get will not need the net22:40
* Pelo thinks Dr_willis is just getting a little too creepy22:40
WGGMkTill the right time, then JUDO CHOPPPP22:40
lollowhere's the launcher of vlc? i've tried to look in .vlc in the home but there's not ! ! !22:40
Omar-C oh ok Im kinda new to Linux22:41
lollohi Dr_willis  !!!!!22:41
Dr_willislollo,  .vlc would be its config files/settings22:41
PeloOmar-C,  we've all been there22:41
manduskihowlingmadhowie, pinging the router is not working. on ifconfig i get the inet addr: on wlan0. also, the network manager on the top right hand side of the screen it says i'm connected22:41
WGGMkThen your first Judo Chop is free Omar, whats the trouble??22:41
Dr_willisit should be in the menus, or just type vlc  in a terminal lollo22:41
manduskihowlingmadhowie, idk, it's weird22:41
howlingmadhowiemanduski: if ping doesn't work, i'm wondering if you have some sort of encryption22:41
Odd-rationalelollo: Try looking in the /usr/share/applications directory22:41
Omar-Cok Im going to try the apt-get remove method brb22:41
manduskihowlingmadhowie, how do i check that?22:42
Hammer89anyone know a way to adjust screen brightness from the gui?22:42
* Pelo got some great help from someone in here yesterday throught email, and he nearly has his plotter problem resolved, all that is left is a bit for format tweaking, but that is app side22:42
howlingmadhowiemanduski: did you have to enter a passphrase of number?22:42
PeloHammer89, man gamma22:42
soundrayHammer89: that's hardware dependent22:42
manduskihowlinghowie, no i did not22:42
Odd-rationaleHammer89: Try looking in the power preferneces22:42
Hammer89Odd-rationale: I looked22:43
PeloHammer89,  man xgamma I mean22:43
Hammer89Odd-rationale: there was nothing there22:43
manduskihowlingmadhowie, i just connected through the drop down menu of the network manager on the right top hand side of the screen22:43
Odd-rationaleHammer89: Do you have a battery applet?22:43
lolloDr_willis, i needed the route, i've found it in /usr..... THX !22:43
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire]908
Hammer89Odd-rationale: yeah22:43
Odd-rationaleHammer89: It's not in the settings there?22:43
howlingmadhowiemanduski: strange. if you look in the drop-down menu for the router, does the net name have a small shield next to it?22:43
Hammer89Odd-rationale: nope22:44
manduskihowlingmadhowie, now, if i connect physically through ethernet i do get internet, but otherwiese i don't.22:44
WGGMkIs anyone else experiencing issues with Usplash Themes in 7.10??22:44
Omar-Cim omar-cp little brother22:44
Hammer89Odd-rationale: unless it's hidden somewhere... which I doubt22:44
Omar-Cnot me22:44
Omar-Ci don't even know how to programs lolz22:44
PeloWGGMk, did you check the theming tutorials ?22:44
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acehighsup everyone22:44
WGGMkPelo: for the specific theme? yes22:44
Dr_willislollo,  you mean the 'path'22:44
PeloWGGMk, no, hold on,22:45
howlingmadhowiemanduski: a-ha. have you connected using ethernet and then pulled the cable?22:45
Odd-rationaleHammer89: Hmm. I remember it being there...22:45
filthpigwhy does flash eat all my ram in firefox?22:45
manduskihowlinghowie, I've restarted since22:45
WGGMkPelo: these are theme's that have worked in 7.04 but seem to be broke (or possible bug/issue) in 7.1022:45
lolloyes that word didn't come to my mind .. i'm italian :P22:45
Pelo!theme > WGGMk  therer are links in there that will tell you about every bit of eye candy in linux, usplash,  theme, boot screen etc ,  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu22:45
manduskihowlingmadhowie, let me check if connecting manually corrects the problem22:46
WGGMkPelo: highly appreciated, ill take a look at them22:46
WGGMkPelo: =)22:46
howlingmadhowiemanduski: yeah, have a look.22:46
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:46
acehighwhats the command to find out what the root of a /dev/sda device? I.E. root  HDA(0,0)22:46
lolloanother thing ... does anyone of u use stardict ?22:46
Hammer89Odd-rationale: I checked the help section for power preferences and it says this on the help page: http://hammer89.pastebin.com/d58bbf5dc22:46
Omar-COk I tried doing: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:47
Omar-Cthen I get an error saying that xserver-xorg is not fully installed or broken22:47
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soundrayacehigh: your question doesn't make sense. Are you trying to translate a Linux device name (e.g. /dev/sda1) into a grub device name (e.g. (hd0,0))?22:47
Omar-Cany idea?22:47
LjLOmar-C: why don't you lock your computer when you're not using it22:47
Odd-rationaleHammer89: OK. Well in that case, I really don't know what to do. Sorry. :(22:47
Peloacehigh,  sda1 sould be hd0,0 , sda2 would be hd0,1 etc22:47
Hammer89Odd-rationale: okay22:47
Omar-CI do all the time22:47
ompaulso it was you then22:48
manduskihowlinghowie, i'm still waiting to see if it connects, but instead of firefox telling me that it couldn't find the server, it would say "connection has timed out. The server amazon.com is taking to long to respond.22:48
PeloOmar-C, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg22:48
manduskihowlinghowie, nope, still can't connect to the internet22:48
PeloOmar-C, at this point consider a clean install of ubuntu22:48
kunzyi'm trying to install myth tv, and i do the ./configure and it says i need to install LAME mp3 stuff.  So i opened the synaptics? packet manager and installed them but i still get the error.  Any thoughts?22:48
Omar-Cok ill try this22:49
acehighthank you22:49
Pelokunzy, wnen compiling from source also add the -dev packages of the dependency required22:49
LjLOmar-C: i sent you an invite, please join the channel22:49
manduskihowlinghowie, now the ip addr of wlan0 is
ceckohi guys can dont you know what is the difference between Intel quad duo and quad xeon ?22:49
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kunzyPelo, do you have an example?   (I'm still learning this stuff)22:49
Pelocecko, try asking in #hardware22:50
howlingmadhowiemanduski: that doesn't sound right22:50
WGGMkPelo: none of those links gave me appropriate information for usplash22:50
lollouhm any good dictionary for ubuntu ?22:50
Omar-Cok I tried doing apt-get install xserver-xorg, but Im not connected to the internet so it didn't download anything22:50
manduskihowlinghowie, yeah i know. what's wlan0:ava ?22:50
ceckoPelo ok, thx22:50
manduskihowlinghowie, what's the ava part?22:50
=== sal is now known as sal002
Pelokunzy, you are in synatpci right ? search for the lame pacakge for exemple , you see the lame package , next to it you will see  lame-dev  install that one as well22:50
howlingmadhowiemanduski: can you try configuring the connection manually?22:51
sal002Has anyone here tried installing latest swfdec on ubuntu 7.10?22:51
kunzyPelo:  Could have sworn i did that, i will double check22:51
iKapis it bad to use the "sudo halt" or "sudo shutdown -h now" or "sudo reboot"? to shutdown/restart your machine?22:51
soundrayiKap: no22:52
Dr_willisiKap,  Not that ive seen.22:52
howlingmadhowieiKap: it might be bad if you have an open document or something you haven't saved22:52
PeloiKap, it is much better the flipping the power switch22:52
LjLiKap: it's not "bad", however GNOME/KDE applications will not necessarily be shutdown correctly, i.e. they won't ask you to save any unsaved files, and stuff like this (your session won't be saved either)22:52
lollodoes anyone know a good english translator ?22:52
manduskihowlingmadhowie, what do you mean by manually?22:52
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Pelolollo,  check in add remove or google22:53
howlingmadhowiemanduski: stuff like "sudo iwconfig essid="ESSID_NAME"22:53
iKapLjL, Pelo Dr_willis soundray howlingmadhowie but do those commands do a PROPER shut down? if not.. is there a command to do a "proper shutdown"?22:53
soundraylollo: I'm good, but I get paid by the line22:53
soundrayiKap: it doesn't get any more proper22:53
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PeloiKap, it will shut down properly, it just won'T save documents that are opened before closing the app22:54
simpsDoes anyone know a good script/plugin for xchat that shows current download speed and upload speed, total MBs downloaded and uploaded?22:54
howlingmadhowieiKap: at some stage these commands are called to shut the computer down. i tend to shut my computer down with "sudo init 0", but i think that and "halt" are the same22:54
PeloiKap, no shutdown command will22:54
iKapsoundray, does it do same kind of shutdown that the GUI would do, if i were to hit the red power switch and select shutdown? i just want to make sure.22:54
fella12does anyone know how to log into this room using kopete? having trouble setting it up22:54
Dr_willisiKap,  those are the only commands i know of to do a shutdown. :) well theres  the obscure init 6, type commands.. but those are bout the same22:54
kunzyPelo:  Well, i got all but that one, figures.    Ok, so i just did the ./configure and at the end it says ./configure: 3510: qmake: not found22:54
Pelosimps, there is a little thingy you can have in the bottom of your xchat windows, check under display in the menu22:54
soundrayiKap: yes, it's the same22:54
different_realithi... i got linksys wag200g and i want to use it with my ubuntu 7.10... I was told that there is a procedure that needs to be done... Is there some place with detailed information from beginning to end on how to do this ?22:54
Pelokunzy, that's a new one to me22:55
iKapsoundray, okay because i hate the GUI way of shutting down dont know why but i just do lol, also so stick with "sudo halt" then?22:55
phuzhow do I do VNC through SSH with the client machine being Windows?22:55
howlingmadhowieiKap: all linux has to do to shut down cleanly is "sync", then you can theoretically pull the chord.22:55
Pelo!wifi | different_realit22:55
ubotudifferent_realit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:55
Buisssudo halt will do22:55
soundrayiKap: I can't see a problem with that, other than that you might lose any open documents22:55
mjw--iKap: halt may not sync drives?? Might not be a good thing to use independently...of course this is circa 1996 knowledge talking :P22:55
iKapsoundray well i would close and save everything then shut down.22:55
kunzyhmm, crud.   I guess i will have to play a bit with it22:55
soundraymjw--: halt does sync drives (ikap)22:56
mjw--mjw--: that's good to know :)...way back when I think it didn't ;)22:56
Pelokunzy, consider doing a search in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org22:56
fella12does anyone know how to log into this room using kopete? having trouble setting it up22:56
kunzyi did earlier22:56
iKapi got one more problem.. my eth1(wireless) gives trouble shutting off, i need to do "ifconfig eth1 down" in order to be able to shut down, or i end up on a white on black screen that says terminating eth1.. and it stays tehre. then i have to keep power button pressed.22:56
kunzyoh wait, nm, that was a different search22:56
kunzywill do22:56
simpsPelo, not from xchat, just from my network devices in general22:56
different_realitPelo i dont want to use wireless at the moment... just need to get the router to connect me :)22:57
Pelokunzy, qmake search in the repos returns results about qt3 I would suggest you try installiing qt3-dev-tools22:57
howlingmadhowieiKap: that sounds like a driver bug. probably best to report it22:57
isidoro1969i d'ont speak englis22:57
chuckhi, i have a question, i just burned gutsy gibbon powerpc onto a disc, and booted it up, it opened up yaboot, i hit enter, and it shows like two lines of text then the screen goes blank and it hangs there22:57
iKaphowlingmadhowie, im using restricted drivers for the wireless22:57
Pelosimps,  sudo apt-get install netspeed   it's a pannel applet , it will appear in add to pannel when you right cick a pannel22:58
kunzyPelo:  K, thanks i will take a look into that.  but i found a page that almost talks like you can install it with the package manager.22:58
lleoliveirabrhi all, i'm usinf winvista OS on a notebook Sony Vaio22:58
insanelyconfusedwhy wont ubuntu see my motokrazr cellphone?22:58
Pelodifferent_realit, my mistake I missread the question ,  it should connect automaticaly22:58
lleoliveirabri would like yo install ubuntu but keep winvista22:58
UndeadlordHas anyone ever heard of wireless not working for a particular type or brand of wireless router? Other machines see the network and connect to it fine, and my ubuntu laptop will connect to the neighbors wireless fine, but not to my own :(22:58
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, usb?22:58
iKapsoundray, well im just looking to use a command that does a PROPER shutdown like the GUI shutdown button would. thats all.22:58
Lokii-lleoliveirabr try ##windows22:58
ubuntuislovedif i have an IMG file or ISO can i use DD to write it to my thumb drive?22:58
lleoliveirabrhow to do this22:58
soundrayiKap: for a workaround, put a script in /usr/local/bin that calls 'ifconfig eth0 down', then 'shutdown -h now' and use that to shutdown.22:58
manduskihowlingmadhowie, i tried "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any" sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid default" (default being the actual name)22:58
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, set it to disk mode rather than modem22:59
chuckanyone know my question?22:59
Pelokunzy, check in menyu > systm < ADMIN > network , check the setting of your wiered connection22:59
lleoliveirabri want install ubuntu22:59
chuckhi, i have a question, i just burned gutsy gibbon powerpc onto a disc, and booted it up, it opened up yaboot, i hit enter, and it shows like two lines of text then the screen goes blank and it hangs there22:59
manduskihowlinghowie, and still nothing22:59
insanelyconfusedPriceChild how do i do that?22:59
Lokii-lleoliveirabr partition your drives or have a seperate hdd and install to there22:59
kunzyPelo:   Are you sure that was meant for me?22:59
Lokii-will automatically detect that you have another os installed22:59
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, its in the settings, connectivity22:59
iKapsoundray then would eth0 turn back on when i power the comp back up?22:59
PeloUndeadlord, several wifi are not yet supported becuse of driver copywrite restrictions,22:59
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, on the phone22:59
Lokii-and will have options in the bootloader to load it22:59
Pelokunzy, compiling ? then yes23:00
chuckhi, i have a question, i just burned gutsy gibbon powerpc onto a disc, and booted it up, it opened up yaboot, i hit enter, and it shows like two lines of text then the screen goes blank and it hangs there23:00
Pelo!wifi > Undeadlord check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu23:00
simpsPelo, i would like to get it to be able to send a message of my netspeed on a channel23:00
lleoliveirabrjust make a partition and install as standard23:00
kunzyPelo:  You told me to check my network connection   :P23:00
soundrayiKap: sorry, I meant eth1 like in your example. Yes, booting will return everything to what it was.23:00
Lokii-it will detect and setup the bootloader for you23:00
Pelokunzy, sorry , no not you23:00
UndeadlordPelo: I have a belkin model router that I am using as an access point ... Ubuntu sees my network, but won't connect, even with no security settings turned on23:00
iKapsoundray, can u you help me do that, since i am kind of a newb lol and not sure how to do what you just explained.23:00
kunzyPelo:  Had me lost for a sec.23:00
chuckhi, i have a question, i just burned gutsy gibbon powerpc onto a disc, and booted it up, it opened up yaboot, i hit enter, and it shows like two lines of text then the screen goes blank and it hangs there23:00
Pelodifferent_realit,  check in menyu > systm < ADMIN > network , check the setting of your wiered connection23:01
howlingmadhowiemanduski: okay, now try to start a dhcp client on the network device23:01
lleoliveirabrwhich file system23:01
lleoliveirabrthe partition23:01
insanelyconfusedPriceChild its a verizon phone and connections is not showing up under settings and tools23:01
iKapsoundray, also.. would doing a GUI shutdown turn off eth1 as well? or would i have to turn off through terminal?23:01
PeloUndeadlord, review the info ubotu sent you in private23:01
chuckhi, i have a question, i just burned gutsy gibbon powerpc onto a disc, and booted it up, it opened up yaboot, i hit enter, and it shows like two lines of text then the screen goes blank and it hangs there23:01
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, it is there somewhere23:01
manduskihowlinghowie, how do i go about doign that?23:01
Lokii-can be w/e or unpartitioned the installer can just format the partion or create it23:01
PriceChildinsanelyconfused, consult the razr documentation if you can't find it23:01
Lokii-although i don't think it can resize partitions23:01
lleoliveirabrha ok23:01
Lokii-so make sure you create one for the install23:01
chuckwow does anyone know?23:02
different_realitPelo i was told that i need to flash the firmware of the router... isnt that the case ?23:02
=== different_realit is now known as differentreality
lleoliveirabris it a good idea install server23:02
Pelochuck, did you burn an image or did you just copy the iso to the cd ?23:02
UndeadlordPelo: no private messges from anyone ... I will wait :)23:02
chuckPelo: err23:02
howlingmadhowiemanduski: "sudo dhclient eth1" or eth0 or whatever the device is called23:02
soundrayiKap: 'gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/myhalt' to edit the script. Three lines: first '#!/bin/bash', then 'ifconfig eth1 down', then 'shutdown -h now'. Save the file and 'sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/myhalt'. Then you can shutdown with 'sudo myhalt'23:02
chuckPelo: i doubt yaboot would start if i just copied the iso to the cd23:02
Pelodifferentreality, no idea I was just giving you a basic clue , incase you neede to setup static ip or somethjing like that23:02
Pelo!wifi > Undeadlord23:03
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:03
Lokii-lleoliveirabr, doesn't matter23:03
Pelochuck, just running throught the basics,  you might want to try the alternate install cd instead of the live one23:03
Lokii-server is not gui i beleive23:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about motokrazr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:03
soundraychuck: does it list boot choices when you hit Tab at the yaboot prompt?23:03
chucksoundray: yes23:03
DjViperinsanelyconfused: bitpim23:03
chucksoundray: i've tried live, live video=ofonly, and live-nosplash-powerpc23:04
lleoliveirabrLokii, ubunto update the OS without need to instal all again23:04
Lokii-apt = a nice tool :)23:04
iKapsoundray, is there a way to do this, so when i shut down using GUI button it will do the same?23:04
Lokii-there are over 80gb of repositories that are continuously maintained23:04
* Pelo can tell when a movie is crappy, this channel gets more attention then the flick and the plot still makes sense 23:04
lleoliveirabrlts supper, what this menas23:04
Lokii-and you can j=use synaptics to apt to upgrade your system with tha pkg manager23:05
soundraychuck: perhaps try "live vga=771" (generic video mode, not sure if it'll work on ppc)23:05
lleoliveirabrwhich kind of support23:05
lleoliveirabris payed23:05
Pelo!enter | lleoliveirabr23:05
ubotulleoliveirabr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:05
soundrayiKap: I'm sure there is, but I don't know the location of the shutdown script that the gnome button runs23:05
manduskihowlinghowie, i get wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801....DHCPACK from to -- renewal in 238932 seconds." But i still can't get online23:06
gigamonk`I don't suppose anyone here's is running on an Asus eee PC?23:06
N0obHello people23:06
N0obShould I get Ubuntu or red hat linux? I'm new23:06
DjViperGigamo: eeeek no :P23:06
PythonRoxhey... apt-get remove will unninstall a program>23:06
DjViperN0ob: ubuntu :)23:07
soundraygigamonk`: if you have a support question, just ask it.23:07
PeloN0ob,  if you are new you will probably find ubuntu easier to get started with23:07
DjViperPythonRox: apt-get remove will23:07
UndeadlordPelo: Thanks, I will do some more research :)23:07
howlingmadhowieN0ob: i think red hat costs something. ubuntu has a great community where you don't have to pay anything23:07
bernier<N0ob> what answer are you waiting for in the ubuntu channel23:07
kunzyPelo:  Hmm, the whole ./configure and make and make install was just spinning tires.  But i found a page that tells me to23:07
kunzysudo apt-get update23:07
kunzysudo apt-get install mythtv23:07
kunzyIt seems to be working, just thought i would let you know23:07
gigamonk`Is something wrong if iwconfig shows an entry for wifi0 and ath0?23:07
N0obI'm not waiting, people already answered so I'm summing up a new one23:07
bernier<howlingmadhowie> red hat is now fedora which is free23:07
N0obBut it doesn't really matter which to get right?23:08
Pelobernier, if I were in another channel and I were asked about a starter distro for newcommers I think I would still recommend ubuntu23:08
nemilarthat's not true, bernier23:08
gigamonk`where the wifi0 says "no wireless extensions" and ath0 has a bunch of information.23:08
sauvinCentOS and Fedora both are free. RHEL, I believe, you pay for support.23:08
N0obThey are all linux and the same things?23:08
bernier<nemilar> i believe only entreprise version of redhat exists23:08
bernierbut i suppose he wants desktop version23:08
Pelokunzy, apt always works,   packages in the repos are precompiled23:08
Lokii-LoL n0ob you shoulda expected only 1 answer from that question being here but actually yeah i have used redhat before and tbch i really don't like the distro at all. on a server nor on a desktop23:08
mohbanaoh my god, wat a perfect install i just installed ubuntu on my laptop everything was quick and easy thanks guys23:08
nemilarbernier: yeah, RHEL is Redhat's product...but Redhat and Fedora are not the same23:08
iKapsoundray, someone told me its located in /etc/acpi/23:09
Pelomohbana, congradulation23:09
sauvinYea, ubuntu installed //fast// on my laptop, and it runs more than reasonably quick.23:09
kunzyPelo:  Sorry for the noobness, but can you expound on what the heck an apt, repos, and precompiled things are?  I am a windows dude walking into linux.23:09
nemilarN0ob: in my experience, Ubuntu is one of the friendliest newbie-friendly distros, but Fedora is a favorite of a lot of people, too23:09
* Pelo realy hates how easy ubuntu is to install , no problems means he can't learn anything new23:09
nemilarPelo: try LFS ;)23:10
mohbanaPelo, does it automatically connect to the wireless network everytime i sign in and do i need to put in my key in all the time?23:10
soundrayiKap: I don't think that's correct23:10
sauvinOr gentoo :D23:10
ManadHi. Can someone help me run encrypted DVDs? I am unable to run the install-css.sh script, it says "command not found"23:10
N0obI got this ADSL modem thingie to connect to the internet, I'm too insufficient with my brain to install the D LINK thingie on my windows xp by my self so the ISP guy did it for me, how do I do it in Ubuntu, is there a way to transform the D-LINK set up disk into linux to install the modem drive and connect to the internet?23:10
aykutcandnz_x: ne ayaksın sen :)23:10
soundraygigamonk`: I don't think there's anything wrong. Just go ahead and configure the ath0 interface.23:10
aykutcansory everybody23:11
nemilarkunzy: APT is the software package manager.  In Windows, you download things from a lot of different sources, or you buy things off the shelf; in Linux, you use the package manager to add/remove pretty much all your programs.  The "repos" or repositories are the servers that hold all these software 'packages'23:11
gigamonk`soundray: so I've gone through System -> Addministration -> Network and set it up.23:11
Dr_willisManad,  the full path to that script is   /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh   OR you can enable the medibuntu repo and install the tuff from there.23:11
Dr_willis!dvd | Manad23:11
ubotuManad: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:11
gigamonk`I can ping the IP address I assigned to it but I can't ping my gateway.23:11
kunzyPelo:  Awesome, now it makes more sense.  Thanks23:11
Lokii-n0ob transform no, but there may be a package set for that modem allready created for linux23:11
gigamonk`I've opened up the access point (no security).23:12
Lokii-if so it should be detected and installed when doing the install23:12
Pelokunzy, on linux in general you can always compile from the source which means you can pretty much install any app on any distro,  in ubuntu ( and other high-end distros) , you will have repositories of precomplied packages,  meainng that those packages have already been configured to instal with no issues on that particular distro,  ubuntu has the largest repositories of all distros,  all packages in the ubuntu repos will install on your comp23:12
Pelo seemlessly with no issues,  which is why we allways tell ppl to check in add/remove or in synaptic before compling from source23:12
soundraygigamonk`: keep it on one line please23:12
N0ob-o me self23:12
N0obNick = subnoob23:12
Pelokunzy, and apt is the command that handles the install23:12
nemilarPelo: ubuntu doesn't have the largest repositories23:12
=== N0ob is now known as subnoob
nemilarPelo: Debian's repos are larger23:12
howlingmadhowiePelo: the ubuntu repos are quite a bit smaller than the gentoo or debian repos...23:12
Pelonemilar, realy ?23:12
soundraygigamonk`: why a static address? Can't you run DHCP on the gateway?23:12
* Pelo stands corrected23:12
sauvinFedora's repos are even bigger.23:13
Manaddrwillis: I already found those instructions. The script they ask you to run is the one that gives me "command not found"23:13
kunzypelo:  ok23:13
subnoobHow do I connect to a wireless connection using Ubuntu?23:13
nemilar"Who has the bigger repo?!? HUH?!?"23:13
Pelohowlingmadhowie, technicaly ubuntu can use the debian repos so , add those to the official ubuntu ones23:13
gigamonk`soundray: I tried that too.23:13
sauvinBeyond a certain point, it doesn't really matter. Ubuntu's repos were inclusive enough to make me happy.23:13
LjLPelo: ?23:13
BobboLhey.. I installed a pata card in my comp with 2 hd's on it.  dmesg says the card is there (it seems to be using the libata module) but the drives on the card are not showing up.. has someone experience with these kinds of cards?23:13
gigamonk`Let me try again.23:13
howlingmadhowiePelo: they're not always binary compatible23:13
nemilarPelo: in 8.04 there's a merge between the debian and ubuntu repositories23:14
subnoobThere's a free library Wireless Connection I can catch it with my wireless network card but I use the windows wireless thingie to connect to it how do I do it with Ubuntu?23:14
* Pelo gives up and goes back to helping the noobs23:14
nemilarPelo: every major release sees a merge23:14
soundraygigamonk`: have you got ubuntu on it?23:14
stefkahello people how to change the name of my username i run ubuntu 7.10 can somebody tell me?23:14
gigamonk`soundray: yes. That's why I'm here. ;-)23:14
Lokii-subnoob i already answered your question read up23:14
PriceChild!debian | Pelo howlingmadhowie23:14
ubotuPelo howlingmadhowie: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!23:14
gigamonk`On the eee that is. The access point is a linksys router/ap/comba thingy.23:14
Pelostefka, check in menu > system > prefs  somewhere23:14
erUSULBobboL: maybe the dmesg has some clue can you post it to pastebin??23:15
ompaulPelo, don't suggest that to anyone thanks23:15
stefkaPelo: so where is that somewhere?23:15
subnoobNo that's a different modem23:15
shaiguitarvi - anyone have info on how i get perl syntax coloring in my editor? many thanks23:15
ompaulhowlingmadhowie, the abi is different as you rightly point out23:15
nemilarshaiguitar: I think vim will automatically enable highlighting for a .pl file23:15
Dr_willisshaiguitar,  install the full vim package, not the tiny vim, thats installed by default.. for a start23:15
Gibb_Hey, how do I stop xfce in xubuntu and get Flexbox running? Ive got flexbox and flexconf installed, but when I run startflexbox I get an error about xfce running23:15
Lokii-shaiguitar use gedit23:15
Dr_willis!find vim23:16
Pelostefka, open a terminal type gnome-control-center  under about me23:16
Lokii-works good for that23:16
ubotuFound: vim, vim-common, vim-doc, vim-gnome, vim-gui-common (and 18 others)23:16
gigamonk`With DHCP I get "connect: Network unreachable" when I try to ping the router.23:16
shaiguitarnemilar it doesn't highlight23:16
shaiguitar!find vim23:16
chewdhey folks... ubuntu used to be able to see my windows network up until just the other day23:16
Dr_willisthe tinyvim does not have all the features - i belive23:16
chewdnow i got nothin23:16
nemilarlets get into a text-editor war :)23:16
Manadfound the problem, I needed to add "bash" before install-css.sh23:16
Pelochewd, review your samba settings23:16
BobboLerUSUL: thats a bit hard because its a different comp with no net. but the line that caught my eye was: ata2: sata link down (SStatus 0 Scontrol 300)23:16
chuckah, found something23:16
Lokii-chewd where they mounts in the fstab ?23:16
* howlingmadhowie uses ed as his preferred text editor23:16
Manadnone of the commands said to use bash23:16
shaiguitarDr willis i don't get the package as a default? where do i download it?23:17
erUSULshaiguitar: put "syntax on" on your .vimrc23:17
chewdim not sure loki23:17
chucki'll just install 7.04 then and to a dist-upgrade afterwards23:17
nemilarManad: they probably said to chmod +x it, then23:17
Dr_willisshaiguitar,  its in the repos.23:17
Lokii-chewd check to make sure the network names and or ip's have not changed23:17
erUSULBobboL: it is sata or pata??23:17
chewdi had some mounted as desktop shortcuts23:17
Lokii-is so try doing mount -a23:17
subnoobLokkiiii- HI I heard that Linux is number one OS for hackers, is that so?23:17
Dr_willis!info vim-full23:17
ubotuvim-full (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - full fledged version. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.1-056+2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 943 kB, installed size 1892 kB23:17
chewdthe machine still has access when i boot XP, so i dont think its a prob with the network23:18
shaiguitar!info vim-full23:18
Gibb_Anyone know how I stop the xfce windows manager so I can get flexbox running?23:18
BobboLerUSUL: its a sata card with a pata connector as well.23:18
shaiguitar:) thanks guys!23:18
nemilarshaiguitar: the info is right there... don't try to ask for it again23:18
shaiguitarit's working23:18
Lokii-subnoob many hackers prefer to use linux over windows because it is more configurable and can do more23:18
Pelosubnoob, hackers in this context basicaly means programmers or ppl who like to play around in their system a lot23:18
erUSULBobboL: that's the normal msg for a not used sata port (i have three of them on my pc)23:18
chewdthe recent update installed pulseaudio, which fixed my sound probs.... doesnt pulse also do some network stuff?23:18
shaiguitarmany thanks23:18
gigamonk`soundray: I also see both wifi0 and ath0 in the output of ifconfig (as opposed to iwconfig)23:18
nemilarchewd: yeah, pulseaudio is network-transparent23:18
BobboLerUSUL: there are no extra devices (such as sda or hde)23:19
nemilarchewd: pulseaudio is going to be standard in 8.0423:19
Lokii-subnoob keep in mind that hackers are usually programmers and windows is not meant to be that much of a programming platform not like linux23:19
chewdpelo: those samba settings, do you mean in system/admin/network?23:19
soundraygigamonk`: there's a guy who sells Eee PCs with Ubuntu preinstalled in the UK. I bet he would know the answer to the issue. www.efficientpc.com23:19
chewdor is there someplace else i can get more options23:19
erUSULBobboL: what chip does the card uses?23:19
soundraygigamonk`: I wouldn't worry about the two devices23:19
chewdwell im happy with pulse.. it fixed a lot of sound problems i was having23:19
chewdthe recent update pushed it onto me23:20
Pelochewd, samba isthe app that is usualy used to comminicate between a linux and window machines,  i 'd assumed you had it instaled, I am not an expert in that area23:20
chewdi read somewhere that it has some network stuff it does too23:20
subnoobLokii: I know alittle C++ and Perl but C++ doesn't work anymore because of some registry problems and other compilers suck that's why I'm pissed at windows, will C++ work on linux better, or C? I heard that if you get into Linux you will be able to program better because Linux is all about programming?23:20
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BobboLlspci shows a via technologies VT642123:20
chewdhmmm... ill double check & make sure samba didnt get removed somehow23:20
Lokii-C++ is one of the main programming languages of linux23:20
Pelog'night folks23:20
soundraygigamonk`: I think the default Xandros comes with a more recent kernel. Atheros improvements have been promised for the next Ubuntu release23:20
erUSULBobboL: do you see sata_via and pata_via loaded?23:21
LynetUbuntu 7.10, running as guest in vmware. Clock is running way too fast, like 10-100x too fast. Anyone know how to fix, couldn't find anything in ubuntu or vmware forums/kb.23:21
subnoobLokii: so once I install Linux will C++ come free with it?23:21
Dr_willissubnoob,  linux has C compilers yes.. free. GPL free even.23:21
chewdnope... samba still shows as installed in synaptic23:21
shaiguitarwhere is i possible to get a good c++ tutorial (coming from scripting languages like perl + ruby)23:21
nemilarsubnoob: gcc/g++ are free c/c++ compilers for linux23:21
elijahhatemHello, I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 and trying to install Enlightenment 17 for use with gOS ambient and I'm having dependency errors, could someone help me out please?23:21
subnoobLokii: Will I be able to get around in computer and Internet using Linux just as I use windows?23:21
howlingmadhowiechewd: yeah, the network stuff of pulse is quite useful. my laptop has speakers, but my desktop doesn't, so i can watch films on my large desktop screen and have the sound come from the speakers on my laptop :)23:21
Manadhey, me again. DVD playback works, but it's incredibly slow. My computer can't cope. I noticed that if I make the player window smaller, CPU usage reduces. If I maximize/fullscreen, CPU is 100% and frames are dropped. When I had enough, this computer was enough to play DVDs with no problem, is there a problem here? I also noticed this on Youtube: if I fullscreen, it becomes a slideshow23:21
Lokii-subnoob yes23:21
manduskihey guys, i'm connected to my router, but i can't seem to get pull up the internet on my new laptop's wifi. please help23:21
chewdsystem/admin/network is kinda sparse on options23:21
Manadit's just a zoom, why is it requiring so much more CPU?23:21
gigamonk`soundray: hmmmm. These guys: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu make it sound like it works today. But not for me.23:21
subnoobOk thanks23:22
elijahhatemHello, I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 and trying to install Enlightenment 17 for use with gOS ambient and I'm having dependency errors, could someone help me out please? Please pvt me.23:22
chewdwow howling it can do THAT23:22
Flannel!repeat | elijahhatem23:22
chewdthats awesome!23:22
ubotuelijahhatem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:22
Manad*when I had Windows23:22
BobboLerUSUL: libata under lsmod shows the sata_via, sata_promise.23:22
howlingmadhowienemilar: i'd say that linux is the operating system kernel for the gcc :)23:22
BobboLerUSUL: I try a modprobe23:22
chewdweird thing is... i can  see all the boxes on my windows network... just cant get to any shares23:22
soundraygigamonk`: did you build the madwifi driver like they did?23:22
kidemcan u see the shares?23:23
Lokii-chewd what i do for my windows shares is throw entries into fstab i didn't bother with installing samba23:23
nemilarhowlingmadhowie: I'm not sure what you were meaning to say, but that doesn't make any sense23:23
Lokii-wasn't needed23:23
gigamonk`soundray: I tried to.23:23
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
kastelohow do i join to a nother chanel23:23
nemilarhowlingmadhowie: unless you were trying to make some sort of reference to GNU/Linux23:23
chewdlokii: im not sure what fstab is23:23
tonyyarussokastelo: /j #channel_name23:23
soundraygigamonk`: but?23:23
howlingmadhowienemilar: well, the gcc is an incredible piece of work (and i was thinking stallman, i admit)23:23
DivineSpectrum_ubuntu rulez like metal23:23
sagredoHi all. I just installed 7.10 and for some reason my wired internet connection (Cable) is going very slow.23:23
Geezle_Is there any chance somebody here would have a little time to help me out with a sound problem I'm having?23:23
chewdplz pardon my linux ignorance23:23
sagredoLooking at sys --> admin --> network, my wired connection appears to be in "Roaming Mode" - is this why?23:23
Lokii-chewd sudo nano /etc/fstab23:23
DivineSpectrum_ubuntu rulez like metal23:23
nemilarhowlingmadhowie: gcc = gnu compiler collection23:23
chewdput that into a console?23:23
kastelo /j #ubuntu-pt23:23
manduskihey guys, i'm connected to my router, but i can't seem to get pull up the internet on my new laptop's wifi. please help23:23
MongooseWAwhere is rhythmbox's directory located?23:23
Lokii-chewd yes23:23
BobboLerUSUL: nope modprobe pata_via   Module pata-via not found23:24
howlingmadhowienemilar: i know :)23:24
Sonjadocument print status: stopped. nothing is printing anymore! they just queue up in "stopped" state. what's wrong?23:24
Sonjai could print a test page no prob23:24
nemilarhowlingmadhowie: but it also runs on windows, various *nix, os x I believe, etc etc23:24
Sonjabut normal prints don't go out23:24
BobboLerUSUL: nope modprobe pata_via   Module pata_via not found sorry23:24
sagredoHi all. I just installed 7.10 and for some reason my wired internet connection (Cable) is going very slow.23:24
gigamonk`Actually one of my questions (and why I asked if anyone here was actually using an eee) is whether the madwifi driver was included in the script-pack mentioned in the "Resolved Problems" section or did I need to do both things.23:24
sagredoLooking at sys --> admin --> network, my wired connection appears to be in "Roaming Mode" - is this why?23:24
Odd-rationaleMongooseWA: Try looking in ~/.gnome223:24
gigamonk`I tried both but maybe in the wrong order.23:24
howlingmadhowienemilar: gcc can compile for pretty much everything23:24
soundray!sound > Geezle_, follow ubotu's advice (private message), then if you get stuck, come back here and say precisely how.23:24
chippyhello. is there a shortcut for "gnome-open" ?23:24
MongooseWAsweet, thanks Odd-rationale23:24
gildaBobboL, did you do any upgrades lately on your ubuntu - before it stopped detecting the sata drives ?23:24
Lokii-chewd eg for an entry would be.. // /media/winshare cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  023:24
gigamonk`On a different note: I'm using the U.S. English Dvorak layout but in Terminal (at least) it seems when I do ctrl-C I have to use the Qwerty C.23:24
subnoobDoes windows suck?23:25
danbhfivechippy: open, I believe23:25
nemilarhowlingmadhowie: yeah...but it doesn't make any sense to say that linux is the kernel for gcc23:25
BobboLgilda: I just put a pci sata/pata card in :)23:25
rsksubnoob: don't troll23:25
gigamonk`I don't have that problem on my desktop Ubuntu box.23:25
chewdno kidding lokii, that would make things much easier23:25
sagredoHi all. I just installed 7.10 and for some reason my wired internet connection (Cable) is going very slow.23:25
sagredoLooking at sys --> admin --> network, my wired connection appears to be in "Roaming Mode" - is this why?23:25
chewdu put that into terminal... got a bunch of gobbledy gook23:25
subnoobrsk+ whats troll23:25
Jack_Sparrow!find gcc23:25
ubotuFound: gcc, gcc-3.3, gcc-3.3-base, gcc-3.3-doc, gcc-3.4 (and 32 others)23:25
chippydanbhfive, open didnt work.23:25
danbhfivesagredo: no, I dont think thats the problem23:25
rskok nevermind subnoob23:25
PriceChild!offtopic | subnoob23:25
gildaBobboL, i had some issues with sata on my ubuntu gutsy install i had to append the grub loader with all_generic_ide for it to see my sata drives23:25
sagredodanbhfive: any idea? :)23:25
DivineSpectrum_kubuntu is really?23:25
Lokii-chewd did you type in terminal sudo nano /etc/fstab23:25
Sonjai can't print :(23:25
gildaotherwise they were not detected23:25
howlingmadhowienemilar: i think you can build the linux kernel with the sun c compiler as well, but i may be wrong23:26
Undeadlordsagredo: I think that means it will try to connect to any wired network that it senses23:26
rsksubnoob: i dont think it sucks but ubuntu does everything i do better than windows23:26
chewdlemme try again23:26
ubotusubnoob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:26
DivineSpectrum_sonja: you must cosar the impostazion23:26
Lokii-chewd nano is a file editor like vim23:26
Sonjahow do i cosar an impostazion?23:26
chewdoh okie23:26
erUSULBobboL: try this one then «sudo modprobe via82cxxx»23:26
Geezle_Soundray thanks, I've tried the Ubuntu forums with no luck.  I have no sound at all.  I have tried a number of things, including rebuilding ALSA but have had no luck.  aplay sees my sound device but won't play from it.23:26
sagredoUndeadlord: Hrmf. Well, why is my connection so weak?23:26
yaserhi, bash-completion isnt working correctly in my session(it does in remaining session), which config file should i check?23:26
chewdlokii: looks like its giving me a readme... a list of files or somesuch23:27
kastelohow do i install an SB live 24bit external (USB)  plz23:27
Geezle_I'm a bit of a newb with sorting stuff like this out, so I might need my hand held a bit23:27
soundray!intelhda > Geezle_, does this factoid apply perhaps?23:27
chewdcan i just get nano thru synaptic?23:27
Lokii-chewd sorta yeah its commented23:27
DivineSpectrum_sonja: you must go on system/admin/printer23:27
chewdyea i dont see anywhere that says just get on with it & install23:27
Lokii-chewd brb going outside for a smoke you can pm me if you like23:27
Jack_SparrowGeezle_: Another good page is..  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems23:27
gildachewd, nano is in ubuntu install default in the command line23:27
BobboLerUSUL: that is already loaded.. part of ide_core in lsmod23:27
Geezle_Nope, it's not an intel sound device23:27
Undeadlordsagredo: That I am not sure ... have you tested it online at ISP test sites?23:27
yaserhi, bash-completion isnt working correctly in my session(it does in remaining session), which config file should i check?23:27
DivineSpectrum_sonja: and insert your printer23:27
MongooseWAcan somebody help me get the new style last.fm rhythmbox plugin working plz?23:27
chewdgilda: so youre saying ive already got it?23:28
sagredoUndeadlord: Nope.23:28
gildachewd, in your 'terminal' you should have nano23:28
Lokii-you should already have it but on some off chance do sudo apt-get install nano23:28
Geezle_Thanks Jack_sparrow, I'll check out that link and see if there's anything useful in there for me23:28
chewdgilda: ok im not sure what that means, or how it helps23:29
erUSULBobboL: but no /dev/hdxx for the disks :(23:29
DivineSpectrum_sonja: are you in?23:29
yaserhi, bash-completion isnt working correctly in my session(it does in remaining session), which config file should i check?23:29
gildalol np's chewd23:29
BobboLerUSUL: nope :(23:29
soundrayyaser: don't just repeat, rephrase. It's not clear what you mean.23:29
jetscreamer~/.profile i think, yaser23:29
chewdim just trying to get to my windows shares again.. it was working until just the other day23:30
jetscreameryaser: see also maybe ~/.bash_profile and/or /etc/profile23:30
yasersoundray, why is it not clear?23:30
chewdi think some update broke it23:30
soundrayyaser: bash has no "sessions"23:30
Undeadlordsagredo: I might give that a try first .. see if you see anything that looks slow23:30
yaserjetscreamer, ok ill copy them from a new session23:30
BobboLerUSUL: I check the jumpers on the drives23:30
Undeadlordsagredo: I think speedtest.net is quite good23:30
jetscreameryaser: just edit/view them, the history setting is in there iirc23:31
yasersoundray, bash configuration is session dependent23:31
jetscreameryaser: the /etc/profile would be global23:31
soundrayyaser: what do you mean by "session"23:31
chewdi have the windows shares mapped to desktop shortcuts... they were working great23:31
yaserjetscreamer, ok23:31
jetscreameryaser: it used to be ~/.bash_profile but they have moved to ~/.profile23:31
jetscreamerso local23:31
yasersoundray, user session23:31
cjoneswhat is xgl?23:31
kastelohow do i install an SB live 24bit external (USB)  plz23:32
soundrayyaser: gnome?23:32
jetscreameryaser: the ~ is local/user, obviously23:32
yasersoulrider, yep23:32
gildaBobboL, try changing ur /boot/grub/menu.lst so where it has the kernel line it has   all_generic_ide at the end - then reboot see if that works23:32
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cjoneshey how do you get the vista screen effects23:32
soundrayjetscreamer: are you sure he's not going to muck things up based on your advice?23:32
yaserjetscreamer, i understand, but i think the simplest is to copy those files from other user23:32
jetscreameryaser: be sure and back up the files before you edit/copy23:32
yaserjetscreamer, ok thanks23:33
jetscreameryaser: yes sounds simple/workable.. dont forget the backups23:33
insanelyconfusedPriceChild i have moto4lin and i still cant see my phone23:33
sagredoafter installing a fresh 7.10 gutsy my connection to the internet is extremely weak. Can someone help me troubleshoot?23:33
erUSULBobboL: it seems that using the boot option "all-generic-ide" to the kernel may help with your issue23:34
kastelohow do i install an SB live 24bit external (USB) in gnome plz23:34
cjonesi want to be abel to flip my windows and stuff could anybody just point me in the right direction23:34
gildalol thats what i said erUSUL23:34
gigamonk`Hmmmm. Emacs sees C-c as C-c despite my dvorak mapping. Is there some setting I need to make to Terminal to make it grok the dvorak mapping for ctrl keys as well?23:34
jetscreamer!info compi23:35
ubotuPackage compi does not exist in gutsy23:35
jetscreamer!info compiz23:35
ubotucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB23:35
ratararamhey guys i have a problem booting my fresh installed linu23:35
jetscreamerthat, cjones23:35
ratararamanybody ideas?23:35
howlingmadhowieratararam: we need more details ;)23:35
rainwalkerwhen you start an app with wine from the command line, do you just do "wine /path/to/exe"?23:35
gildaratararam, problem? care to clarify23:35
gildayes rainwalker23:36
rainwalkerok thanks23:36
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: type wine notepad23:36
stefkapeople please can somebody tell me how to change the name of my username on my linux ubuntu 7.10 please can somebody ?23:36
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: why?23:36
ratararamhowlingmadhowie:  i just install dual boot with vista .. and vista is fine but linux ... cant detect boot device ... select a device to boot or shell for a shell23:36
subnoobThey say that there are no viruses in linux, then whats that virus I've heard about on the net, and how do 1 get read of it23:36
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: An example of how to run programs under wine23:36
stefkapeople please can somebody tell me how to change the name of my username on my linux ubuntu 7.10 please can somebody ?23:36
mohbana__hey guys where can i find the log for synaptic?23:36
soundraystefka: don't repeat please23:36
stefkasoundray: okay sorry.23:36
andi5FYI: the two links README and FAQ at the top of http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ are dead... who should be contacted about that?  webmaster@ubuntu.com?23:36
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: I don't really get what you're saying23:37
soundraystefka: man usermod, look for the -l option23:37
subnoobman usermod, look for the -l option23:37
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: nevermind, I thought you had said to type "wine in notepad" not "wine notepad"23:37
subnoobgood job answering before me soundray23:37
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: np23:37
stefkasoundray: dude i'm a newbie :( can you tell me what correct to write in terminal?23:37
jetscreamerstefka: easiest to create a new user, cp ~/.* to the new user dir (chown to taste) and userdel username23:37
chewdodd thing is... i can see the workgroup just fine... i can see all the boxes on the workgroup... but i open em & it goes busy for a sec & then nothing23:37
ordisiHello. I need some serious help to install SB live 24 bit external (USB) in gnome. Can someone help please?23:38
soundraystefka: man usermod23:38
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: okay, what do I do if nothing happens?23:38
stefkajetscreamer: i want sonly to change the name of mine username " stefka "23:38
creeedhello, my computer is unreachable from the outside allthought the Port 22 is listening? any help please?23:38
chewdmaybe i need to tell it to use guest login or something?23:38
soundrayjetscreamer: that's just crazy23:38
mohbana__hey guys where can i find the log for synaptic?23:38
stefka       -l, --login NEW_LOGIN23:38
stefka          The name of the user will be changed from LOGIN to NEW_LOGIN.23:38
stefka          Nothing else is changed. In particular, the user’s home directory23:38
stefka          name should probably be changed to reflect the new login name.23:38
stefkaohh sorry for paste really :((23:38
andi5creeed: do you need to enable port forwarding in a router?23:38
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: If nothing happens, something is wrong with your wine install23:38
jetscreamerjust call me psyco23:39
stefkasoundray: i wants to change the username only the nAME nothing more nothing to delete in that user :S23:39
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: would it be something wrong with my wine install or the install of the app I'm trying to run?23:39
stefkaonly the name23:39
stefkahow i can change it?23:39
creeedandi5, I dont know, I'm in a LAN and I dont know how the router is configured here?23:39
BobboLerUSUL Gilda: nope didn't work.. gonna try to get you guys the dmesg23:39
kastelohow do i install an SB live 24bit external (USB) in gnome plz23:39
gigamonk`stefka: did you read the section on the -l option in the usermod manpage?23:39
soundraystefka: I know. Don't mistake my advice for jetscreamer's23:39
creeedandi5, is possible that the router refused the connection from the outside?23:40
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: If wine notepad does not work it is wine.... if it works and wine your program doesnt work.. it is your program23:40
gildadid you forware the port creeed ?23:40
insanelyconfusedwhy is my phone isnt connecting to moto4lin23:40
subnoobok you guys I'm going to install ubuntu on my computer, what if my hard drive or something gets fried somewhere along the way and I wont be able to connect to the internet even from windows what do I do?23:40
andi5creeed: well... i suppose www.whatismyip.com returns the ip of the external interface of your router then, right? ... there is no way to avoid configuring your router, as it seems23:40
chewdis there a samba configuration tool somewhere?23:40
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: Kinda why I said to run wine notepad ..was to test your wine install.23:40
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: well I've run other programs already (not with the command line, but with wine) so I think it's the app I'm trying to use (rhapsody)23:40
mohbana__did anyone get my message above?23:40
stefkagigamonk`: yes i read it but i'm confused i dont know how to change the name of my user ( the user its: stefka and i wants to be the user: mnikic )23:40
stefkahow to change only the name23:40
stefkanothing more23:40
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: ask in wineh for best answers for wine problems23:41
rainwalkerJack_Sparrow: where?23:41
Jack_Sparrowrainwalker: /j #winehq23:41
soundraystefka: 'sudo usermod -l stefka mnikic'23:41
gigamonk`stefka: seems like "usermod -l mnikic stefka" should do the trick.23:41
gigamonk`But that's just based on reading the man page.23:41
stefkaokay so the password will be?23:41
andi5creeed: but maybe i did not understand you right... you try to contact your pc inside a lan from the internet, right?23:41
TOMLhello, anyone here know of any good free bootloaders?23:41
mohbana__how do i access my install log, for synaptic?23:42
gigamonk`Keep in mind that (as the man page says) that it won't rename the home directory which will be odd.23:42
creeedandi5, yes23:42
rskTOML: grub23:42
SonjaDivineSpectrum_ it's printed before. it doesn't print any more :(23:42
TOMLrsk, cna i query?23:42
gigamonk`stefka: probably your own.23:42
TOMLso i can ask mroe about it?23:42
TOMLok, can u explain grub then?23:42
TOMLdoes it recognize vista as well?23:42
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:42
stefka~$ usermod -l mnikic warchild23:42
stefkausermod: unable to lock password file23:42
rsktype grub in google and hit 'im lucky'23:42
stefkawhat that means?23:42
andi5creeed: so how should your router know where to send incoming connections on port 22 if you do not configure that... the default behavior simply is to reject or drop packets :-)23:42
rskshould be loads of info23:42
gigamonk`stefka: you may also want the -d option.23:42
TOMLgrub wouldnt work for me before then23:42
soundraystefka: then you will have to 'sudo mv /home/stefka /home/mnikic ; sudo chown -R mnikic:mnikic /home/mnikic'23:43
DivineSpectrum_sonja: you must install the drivers for the printer..what kind of printer have you got?23:43
stefkai'm confused23:43
stefkahow to change only the username?23:43
TOMLlast time i tried it, on a XP comp, ,it wouldnt recognize my XP23:43
gigamonk`stefka: did you use "sudo" or run the command I gave as root?23:43
soundraystefka: make a decision about who you are going to listen to23:43
Jack_Sparrow!enter > stefka23:43
gigamonk`stefka: listen to soundray. I'm just reading the man page for you.23:43
=== neuro|irssi is now known as neuro_
BobboLerUSUL: you mentioned a module pata_via?23:44
sagredoYO! My Ubuntu install is WHACK.23:44
stefkaok i change the username23:44
sagredoWhy is it thrawting my connection to the internet?23:44
GeezleHey guys, I'm back.  I tried the stuff on the "Debugging Sound Problems" page with no luck.  I have no sound at all, using an Ensoniq onboard sound device if that helps any.23:44
TOMLany other suggestions for a free boot loader?23:44
stefkaok i change the name of the username but how to change that home/stefka ?23:44
soundraystefka: I told you23:44
stefkasoundray: i didn't see please tell me again please i'm sorry sorry23:44
creeedandi5, but I can connect to my computer from the datacenter of the university, witch is on the same subnetz where my computer is23:44
soundraystefka: then you will have to 'sudo mv /home/stefka /home/mnikic ; sudo chown -R mnikic:mnikic /home/mnikic'23:45
GeezleThe sound had been working but I think stopped after an update and I didn't notice at first23:45
TOMLyour right23:45
GeezleI've since reinstalled Ubuntu 7.10 from scratch but no luck23:45
Gnine!google | stefka23:45
ubotustefka: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux23:45
chewdpppht... well now my sounds broke again anyway23:45
andi5creeed: so what is your question then?  does it work or not?  and how many different connections are you trying to establish? :-)23:45
diabolik100buonasera a tutti23:45
soundrayGnine: don't do this please23:45
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/23:45
stefkachown: `mnikic:mnikic': invalid group23:46
chewdno sound.. no network... sigh23:46
Gnineexcuse me..?23:46
soundrayGnine: pointing people to google who don't need it.23:46
creeedandi5, my question, why can I connect to my computer from the university and not from the internet?23:46
Gnineguy needs to do some reading obviously23:46
stefkasoundray: what to do now?23:46
stefkasoundray: error its: chown: `mnikic:mnikic': invalid group23:46
soundraystefka: have a bit of patience23:46
soundraystefka: I can only type so fast23:47
stefkasoundray: i can't open my computer now :S23:47
stefkathis its the error23:47
stefkaDetails: Error reading file 'file:///home/warchild/Desktop/nautilus-computer.desktop': File not found23:47
soundraystefka: you weren't supposed to close anything in the first place23:47
creeedandi5, can it be, that the router from the lan where I am, is configured to estabilish the incomming connections just from the university?23:47
Jack_Sparrow!enter > stefka23:47
chewdi think ill just wipe my linux partition & start again23:47
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/23:47
soundraystefka: and what is this warchild thing? You said you wanted to change from stefka to mnikic23:47
lazy247xhow to i keep cairo-clock lock in the same place??23:48
stefkasoundray: yes but my username its warchild23:48
lazy247xon desktop23:48
stefkasoundray: and i change it on mnikic23:48
andi5creeed: did you setup some kind of tunnel to your university or is your lan part of the university's network?23:48
stefkasoundray: that was wrong type.23:48
soundraystefka: are you still logged in?23:48
sagredoSomeone help me fix my conenction to the ineternet23:48
creeedandi5, it's a part of it23:48
sagredoit's going but a fraction of its capable speed!23:48
stefkasoundray: on the terminal? yes23:48
sagredoand ONLY on this fresh Linux install23:48
ompaul!enter | sagredo23:49
ubotusagredo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:49
soundray!ipv6 | sagredo23:49
ubotusagredo: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv423:49
sagredosoundray: you're my hero23:49
ompaul!repeat | sagredo23:49
ubotusagredo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:49
stefkasoundray: i change only the username warchild to mnikic23:49
stefkaand what to do now?23:49
sagredo!repeat | ompaul23:49
ubotuompaul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:49
satoriousjust installed ubuntu to a new hard drive, but it's not detecting windows on the other one. how can we get it to see windows?23:49
soundraystefka: now you need to rename your home directory from /home/warchild to /home/mnikic23:49
Gnineoh no23:49
stefkasoundray: how?23:49
ompaul!ntfs | satorious23:49
ubotusatorious: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE23:50
creeedandi5, I cant see into the ports of the router of my LAN with nmap, is it possible with other tool?23:50
stefkasoundray: tell me the command23:50
tinmanI am trying to install flashplugin and I am not able to do so,23:50
tinman<+fastfinger> md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz23:50
soundraystefka: now you're ordering me around23:50
andi5creeed: what does www.whatismyip.com tell you?23:50
gildacreeed, can you not just log into your router ?23:50
Jack_Sparrowtinman: Flash is broken.. still..23:50
stefkasoundray: i'm sorry i just ask :S23:50
satoriousompaul: the problem is not recognizing ntfs. rather the entire other hard drive is not being seen. hardware information identifies the drive, but trying to access /dev/sda1 gives no results23:50
tinmanJack_Sparrow: ahh thanks23:50
Undeadlordtinman: I have been having the same issue ... may be a bigger issue ...23:50
WGGMkAnyone know what the fix is for Frostwire not seeing Sun Java 6?? I cant find it online anymore23:50
lazy247xhow to i keep cairo-clock lock in place in desktop??23:50
Jack_Sparrowtinman: You can get it from adobe and install it manually23:50
stefkasoundray: but my linux box now is not good i need help to fix it i can't open any files :S23:51
fulioCan anyone help me with this, MY compiz-fusion setting manager wont open.. any ideas?23:51
gigamonk`soundray: So when I turn on my wireless connection in the Network Settings applet ifconfig shows a new interface ath0:avah which has some weird address (in the 169.254 subnet which is not mine.23:51
creeedgilda, I cant is not mine?23:51
ompaulsatorious, that document is how it does ntfs work - it is the work of the community please read it and carry out its instructions23:51
Mach3I finally got the official nvidia driver installed on my system (thanks to envy), now i want to try out some of these "desktop effects" that i should be able to use now.   How do I actually get the effects to work? I see a config utility for them, and under the "Actions" tab there are lots of keyboard shortcuts, but none of these work.  What needs to be done?23:51
Jack_Sparrowfulio: Ask in #Compiz23:51
gildaand your trying to access your ssh port 22 via outside connections creeed ?23:51
soundraystefka: you're impatient and rude. Say please if you need to ask for help. The command is 'sudo mv /home/warchild /home/mnikic'23:51
fulioJack_Sparrow, ok ty23:51
Jack_SparrowMach3: envy is a terrible thing to do to your install..23:52
gigamonk`Which would explain why I can't ping (my router)23:52
stefkamv: cannot stat `/home/warchild': No such file or directory23:52
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:52
insanelyconfusedhow do i install cdc_acm support from the kernel?23:52
soundraygigamonk`: that's okay -- while NetworkManager can't see your router, it assigns its own private address23:52
Mach3Jack_Sparrow: no, envy is the only way i've found to get the nvidia driver installed without it crashing the xserver upon reboot23:52
andi5creeed: if you are behing a snat'ting router that you cannot configure then i do not know how you can resolve that :-( .... or can you ssh into some gate host?23:52
ompaulsatorious, if sudo fdisk -l   << that is a lower case L .. does not show windows you have no windows partition - you are into looking for backups23:52
mohbana__how do i access my removal log, for synaptic?23:52
soundraygigamonk`: for your wireless to work, you would need to install the proper driver23:52
Mach3Jack_Sparrow: why do you say it's terrible?23:53
gigamonk`soundray: so any idea why NetworkManager can't see my router?23:53
=== rekon_ is now known as rekon
Jack_SparrowMach3: Unfortunately, you still dont have it working right.. and once you use envy or automatix.. we cant help you23:53
creeedandi5, I see that the port 20 is opened on the router!23:53
soundraygigamonk`: try the instructions on the page you mentioned earlier23:53
gigamonk`(Also, shouldn't it be using an address from one of the private address spaces?)23:53
stefkasoundray: the error its mv: cannot stat `/home/warchild': No such file or directory23:53
creeedgilda, yes but I cant!23:53
satoriousompaul: i see this: /dev/sda1               1       30401   244196001    7  HPFS/NTFS23:53
soundraygigamonk`: it is one of those23:53
stefkasoundray: :( what to do now please can you help me :?23:53
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »23:53
ompaulMach3, it breaks machines on people and we don't fix em cos we don't know what randomness they have under taken23:53
Jack_SparrowMach3: Read the link for automatix23:53
ompaulsatorious, so work with the wiki page23:54
soundraystefka: do a 'grep mnikic /etc/passwd' and tell me what it says23:54
andi5mohbana__: does /var/log/dpkg.log contain the information you are searching for?23:54
creeedgilda, I can access it just from the network of the university, witch my lan a part of it23:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moto4lin\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moto4lin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:54
gildaya creeed we need to make sure to get the port strictly forwarding to ur computer - but if you cannot access the router then you will not be able to forward the port thru23:54
gildaso you will be inaccessible via the netw23:54
chewdgood thing about superbowl sunday.. wicked-fast downloads :)23:54
ompaulinsanelyconfused, msg the bot until you got the right factoid - always a useful thing23:54
stefkasoundray: mnikic:x:1000:1000:warchild,,,:/home/warchild:/bin/bash23:54
Gninedont do that ompaul , i need ubotu23:55
Gninej/k  :-P23:55
gigamonk`soundray: really. I thought the private address spaces all started with 10 172 or 192. Not that that matters a great deal.23:55
* ompaul looks at Gnine and raises one eyebrow23:55
creeedgilda, how can I find out if the router dont forward connections to my port?23:55
WGGMkAnyone know what the fix is for Frostwire not seeing Sun Java 6?? I cant find it online anymore23:55
gildalol creeed talk to your uni sys admins =p23:55
silent_where does rhythmbox keep it's playlist information? I need to back up my playlists23:56
ompaul!frostwire | WGGMk23:56
ubotuWGGMk: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:56
andi5creeed: you can be sure about that if you did not ask for it already :)23:56
gildagigamonk`, are you not able to access your router with ur network connection ?23:56
ompaulcreeed, and expect to loose some more computer privs cos they don't like that kinda thing23:56
creeedgilda, but the port 22 is open on the router, so you mean FORWARDING is necessary too23:57
WGGMkompaul: thank you, but ive tried to update the alternatives.. with no avail23:57
stefkasoundray: are you here?23:57
gigamonk`gilda: not via my wireless interface.23:57
soundraystefka: what does 'ls /home/mnikic' give you -- an error or a listing? Don't paste. And be PATIENT23:57
gildathe port needs to know what address to direct the traffic to creeed23:57
soundraystefka: you're not the only person I'm helping23:57
insanelyconfusedcan i get help understanding this forum? http://moto4lin.sourceforge.net/wiki/KRZR_K123:57
andi5creeed: tcpdump (or wireshark) can tell you whether anything tries to knock on your port 22, if you are not sure23:57
stefka  eggdrop        Firefox_wallpaper.png  Pictures   Videos23:57
stefkaDesktop         eggdrop1.6.18  irssi-0.8.12           Public23:57
stefkaDocuments       Examples       Music                  Templates23:57
gildagigamonk if you open a terminal and do ifconfig do you see your wireless interface23:57
stefkaorr sory :S23:58
stefkai didn't reat that no paste :S23:58
Phuzhwo can you tell who started a process in terminal?23:58
yclian(omg, he pasted)23:58
silent_how do I ctrl+v'd?23:58
gigamonk`gilda: yeah. I'm there.23:58
ompaulstefka, don't paste next time it will have an ban attached to it!23:58
Gninetold you the guy needed some reading23:58
stefkaompaul: okay paul i'm really sorry.23:58
andi5Phuz: ps faux | grep $pid ... well, at least that gives you the uid of the current owner :)23:58
soundraystefka: that's it, I'm fed up with you now. If I bother to help you, you should bother reading my advice23:58
gildak do you see your wireless device gigamonk ?23:58
silent_ompaul, he's a newbie, methinks23:58
stefkaokay soundray sry23:58
AndyCRis anyone else having issues starting openoffice lately?23:59
silent_stefka, what's the problem?23:59
AndyCRfor me it just opens then closes immediately23:59
AndyCRno console messages23:59
stefkasilent_: :S damn he quits23:59
stefkasilent_: silent_ i can't open any files :S23:59
Phuzits ntop, it has its own account, so it doesn't have a real username attached to it.  any other way to track it down?23:59

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