=== Pici` is now known as Pici === Pici is now known as Added === Added is now known as Pici === keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [07:11] jpatrick, hi [07:12] danroj, esta dormiendo, dime [07:13] no0tic, no es con el nada personal no0tic es algo de supybot [07:13] qbe, hi [07:14] nalioth, hi [07:15] nalioth, this? [07:15] danroj, puedes pedir en #supybot [07:15] ok no0tic [07:16] nalioth, this? [07:16] no0tic, nalioth esta? [07:16] es para pedirle un favor [12:07] buenos dias [12:07] effie_jayx, buenos [12:08] no0tic, :O [12:08] you are still up? [12:08] effie_jayx, right [12:09] effie_jayx, I destroyed my little poor server [12:09] ohhh darn [12:09] welll It's a good excuse to get a new one set up ;) [12:09] effie_jayx, I tried an extremely dangerous upgrade [12:10] effie_jayx, from etch to gutsy :) [12:10] no0tic, whaaaaaaaaa [12:10] effie_jayx, and it still cries [12:10] didn't your mama tell you not to try those things... [12:11] effie_jayx, my mama knows nothing about computers :) [12:11] effie_jayx, now I'm in desperate need of a blank cd-r [12:55] effie_jayx, bought one, let's see if I can damage my machine more than this [12:55] no0tic, lol [12:56] no0tic, what are you installing now... tgz from slackware [12:56] effie_jayx, I felt tempted to install slack 10, indeed === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === PriceChild is now known as Pricey === Pricey is now known as PriceChld === PriceChld is now known as PriceChild [19:13] jpatrick, have a look at the rm rfs in #kubuntu-es [19:15] LjL: sorry, out at supper [19:16] jpatrick: note that mstreetlinux was ok with those jokes - that's why i'm asking you [19:16] /ar'ed [19:16] jpatrick: also, timido is online (albeit away since some hours) [19:17] LjL: he's been online several times since you sent the memo [19:17] jpatrick: eh - i didn't send a memo, i told *you* to send a memo [19:17] ... [19:18] well, I have sent *several* memos to him [19:18] and he never replied? [19:18] never [19:18] jpatrick: does he ever look at the channel at all? [19:19] only the one time I asked for op-age [19:19] LjL: nop [19:20] ok i messaged hinm [19:21] I tried that too ages ago, same :-/ [19:24] LjL: btw, who has aKe$$ in -es-ops? [19:43] LjL: heh [19:43] LjL: he's talking for the first time in #k-es [19:51] he replied to my PM as well [19:52] jpatrick: about -es-ops, i haven't the slightest idea, pelicano has this little vice of making channels private [19:52] curious how he's just jumped into action :p [19:52] LjL: I hate it when he does that [20:04] LjL: now he's /msg-ing me :p [20:04] i know [20:05] how? [20:06] because i told him to [20:06] :P [20:09] remember that you are 49, i.e. you can do pretty much anything, and if there's a risk of him disappearing for a long time, well that's what the alternate contact is for [20:10] hello folks [20:10] LjL: I'm 16.. [20:10] :P [20:11] jpatrick: high access makes people older quickly :P [20:11] no0tic: geiasoy [20:11] LjL, que idioma es? [20:11] no0tic: ellinika [20:11] jpatrick, I feel like a grand father [20:12] no0tic: why? [20:12] jpatrick, high access levels :) [20:12] hehe [20:12] LjL: #ubuntu needs you :) [20:13] jpatrick, I feel like having too many grand children to care of [20:13] yeah i noticed [20:13] a bit later though [20:13] late [20:16] erUSUL, pinging people in other channels than where the problem is doesn't help with speed either. If the floodbots aren't handling it call !ops. [20:16] LjL: ever considered +m on mass join? [20:16] jpatrick: what use? [20:17] shutup the spammers :) [20:19] jpatrick: +R isn't enough? [20:19] what's that? [20:19] jpatrick, mutes unregistered [20:20] ah, great === neosys is now known as Neosys === Neosys is now known as [Neosys]