=== Varka_ is now known as Varka === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === johnc4511 is now known as johnc4510 [04:20] is there some one from planet ubuntu here? === greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco [06:50] @schedule chicago [06:50] Schedule for America/Chicago: 13 Feb 16:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 22:00: MOTU | 19 Feb 19:00: TriLoCo-Midwest === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === huahua is now known as Shely === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === czessi_ is now known as Czessi === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === PriceChild is now known as Pricey === Pricey is now known as PriceChld === PriceChld is now known as PriceChild === _emgent is now known as emgent === ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Feb 16:00 UTC: Fridge Editors | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 15 Feb 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 20 Feb 01:00 UTC: TriLoCo-Midwest