[00:00] gigamonk`, now if you run a sudo iwconfig wirlessdevicename does it report as having the essid / key if necessary ? [00:00] silent_: Details: Error reading file 'file:///home/warchild/Desktop/gnome-terminal.desktop': File not found [00:00] this its the error [00:00] stefka: what do you mean by open files... what files in particular, and what are you doing to open the files? [00:00] silent_: i was changing the usernames name :S and i can't open a shit now :S [00:00] dumbell [00:00] Phuz: ps faunx? [00:00] stefka, did the name of the /home/_____ folder change? [00:01] cd /home/ && ls [00:01] Gone [00:01] thanks guys you'r the greatest [00:01] Hang on a sec gilda--I just finished rebooting that box. [00:01] * gilda hangs on [00:01] * andi5 repaints gilda [00:01] kubuntu is really? [00:01] where can i find a good Source Control System/CVS with nice GUI and will let me see changes from previous code? [00:01] Anyone have experience with macchanger i'm getting permission errors as normal user or as root. [00:02] * gilda looks 'lime green YAY' [00:02] damn, nope [00:02] kubuntu is really? [00:02] DivineSpectrum_: English, please [00:02] e' inglese :( [00:02] soundray: doh! I think maybe I missed a reboot after the madwifi install; things are working a lot better now. [00:03] Thanks for your help. [00:03] Please go to the appropriate channel for help in your language, or learn english [00:03] xkcdr0ckz: there must be graphical front ends for bazarr/cvs/subversion available. if you want a distributed versioning software, have a look at git, but i don't know of a graphical front end for it [00:03] ouch [00:03] gigamonk`: there is a special address range termed 'link-local addresses' (see Wikipedia entry on Private network) [00:03] howlingmadhowie, xkcdr0ckz: gitk, git-gui, others [00:03] gigamonk`: well done for fixing it [00:03] the system is kernel? [00:03] lol great gigamonk` [00:04] DivineSpectrum_: The online translator you're using is inadequate at best. [00:04] DivineSpectrum_ is a funny guy eh? [00:04] sorry [00:04] Gnine: he doesn't afraid of anything [00:04] howlingmadh: well basically i'm just looking for something like Eclipse/Geany which I can see a history of my source code as it changes. i've never used a CVS app before so i wouldn't know if if CVS is right for me. [00:05] I had to manually set DNS--shouldn't I have gotten that from my DHCP server? [00:05] Not that it matters much. [00:05] nope gigamonk` i had to set mine to with the wireless it seems to be wonky that way [00:05] In theory, theory and practice are identical. In practice they are not. [00:05] i like kernel [00:05] xkcdr0ckz: Eclipse already has "local history" but you probably want something like Subversion or Mercurial if you want to store them in some structured way [00:05] Sorry to re-ask, but I need a hand getting my sound back. I think I lost it during an update? and didn't notice right away, so I don't know what happened. I've tried rebuilding ALSA and following the debugging sound problems page with no luck. I've got an onboard Ensoniq sound device that aplay sees, and all my audio controls are intact. Don't know what else to try. [00:05] xkcdr0ckz: CVS is definitely not right... other than that it is a matter of taste, i guess... except rcs other older ones, of course ;-) [00:06] Geezle: i suppose your volume controls are not muted? :) [00:06] andi5: Nope, I wish it was that simple [00:07] Geezle, you ran the amixer ? [00:07] gigamonk`: just curious: is the camera working? [00:07] Okay, now I just have to track down this ctrl-c in Terminal problem. [00:07] soundray: no camera on mine. Sorry. [00:07] soz the kernel ubuntu 7.10 using? [00:07] Geezle: do you have more than one sound device? ... that kicked me a few times, caused by a differing loading order [00:07] gigamonk`: oh? [00:07] !info linux hardy | DivineSpectrum_ [00:07] DivineSpectrum_: hardy support -> #ubuntu+1 [00:07] divinespectrum_: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB [00:07] err, 7.10 is not hardy though... [00:07] thanks [00:07] * LjL goes hide in a corner [00:07] gilda: yup [00:07] !info linux gutsy > DivineSpectrum_ [00:07] gutsy gibbon :) [00:08] hmmmm [00:08] !info linux-image [00:08] linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB [00:08] andi5: well there's just the one onboard sound device, but there are two versions that turn up when I run aplay -l [00:08] soundray: it's one of the 4G models without a camera. [00:08] Geezle: huh? ... have you checked lsmod? [00:09] Geezle, the modules obviously loading correctly since its detected correctly yes ? [00:09] gigamonk`: okay... can you work with the small screen resolution reasonably well? [00:09] guys, any idea on how i can change my loading screen to ubuntu rather than kubuntu? [00:09] DivineSpectrum_: 2.6.22-14 [00:09] andi5: what am I looking for in lsmod? (sorry, bit of a newb) [00:09] cheesypieces: The login? or before the login? [00:09] the esonique modules Geezle [00:10] There's no way to set the Network Settings app to show the wireless password as you type it in is there? [00:10] Çäðàñòå! [00:10] gilda: it looks like they are as far as I can tell [00:10] flannel, before the login [00:10] Geezle: anything starting with snd_ [00:10] the screen with the scrolling bar [00:10] SubN0ob: english please [00:10] gilda: hang on, I'll take a look [00:10] cheesypieces: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so [00:10] ya plz do Geezle [00:11] gigamonk`: they're discussing your dvorak problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=601586 [00:11] cheesypieces: then once you've done that, to make it happen immediately: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) [00:11] Looking for some help [00:11] people use dvorak? [00:11] Flannel: i do not know update-alternatives off-hand, but does not your command miss the name of the command? [00:11] does anyone know how I might copy an existing ubuntu installation to a virtualbox image? [00:11] Geezle, what is the lspci on the esonique sound card ? [00:11] thanks flannel [00:11] Flannel: oops... just ignore that question [00:11] andi5: alright :) [00:11] silent_: it's a great way to be different [00:12] Every time I mount my FAT32 partition, it automatically changes all permission to root and locks me out of everything [00:12] skarface: why would you possibly want to do that? [00:12] histo: why not? [00:12] !fstab > boomer, boomer Read the private message from ubotu. [00:12] silent_: no other advantage whatsoever ;) [00:12] skarface: why not just install ubuntu in the vm [00:12] histo: I'd rather keep all of my files/settings the same [00:12] !clone [00:12] gs [00:12] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [00:13] yeh [00:13] !fat > boomer [00:13] skarface: then just backup your /home [00:13] histo: and /etc and all sorts of other odds and ends [00:13] gilda: well I see my sound card plastered all over my lsmod output. where do I find the lspci? [00:13] ifat? [00:14] Jack_Sparrow: that strips the information about "automatically/manually installed" from aptitude, right? [btw, i do not even know whether that is tracked by apt or aptitude] [00:14] skarface: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=631671 this may help even though its for windows it will give you some ideas [00:14] ciao atutti [00:14] histo: thx.. [00:14] mi potete dare un'0aiuto x amule [00:14] Geezle, just type sudo lspci [00:14] !it | diabolik100 [00:15] diabolik100: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [00:15] ???/ [00:15] Anyone have any ideas? [00:15] boomer: read the private messages that ubotu sent you [00:15] gilda: I'm a tard, I just figured that out. I've got a different number showing for that than I have listed in lsmod. I think this may have been something I did when rebuilding ALSA? It was the closest to my device. Still an Ensoniq module, but a different number [00:16] xkcd [00:16] oops [00:16] how do i make an x-box 360 gamepad work? [00:16] Geezle, sounds like it - need to make sure the modules for alsa are the correct ones [00:16] Geezle: you may want to unload the modules with `sudo modprobe -r $module` , then try again loading [00:16] ? [00:16] Geezle, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Ensoniq [00:17] the right modules to use for what card [00:17] Bah. Now I've got to get WPA or WEP working. [00:17] gigamonk`: forget about WEP, as it is insanely insecure [00:17] gigamonk`: did you get the link for dvorak? [00:17] gigamonk`, should be plug-n-play [00:17] using wep is more secure then using nothing [00:17] your statement about wep is flawed [00:18] hi! I would like to ask if I can use a SATA hdd with a SATA2 connector [00:18] Hi! up to now i've only used the forums and checked launchpad, anyone can help solve Usplash issue? for Ubuntu studio [00:18] gilda: according to that page, it still uses the same driver [00:18] Proble: Im trying to mount a local FAT32 partition. Every time I mount it, it automatically assign root acces only permissions. [00:18] Gnine: elaborate [00:18] gilda: like putting a stone before my dore instead of locking it :-D [00:18] gilda: it's like taking a pen knife to a warzone === Zetto_ is now known as Zetto [00:18] andi5: I might try that in a bit. apparently it's the same driver for both numbers [00:18] door, even [00:18] or module rather [00:18] boomer, you should be using pmount instead [00:18] why dont you elaborate on it.. got a link that proves your point? [00:18] taking a penknife is better then bringing ur barrehands [00:18] ok [00:18] imho [00:19] gigamonk`: hello? [00:19] Gnine: I am guessing you are referring to 'using wep is more secure than not using anything?' [00:19] boomer, that or set a mask for the mountpoint when mounting the device [00:19] i refer to wep being highly insecure as somebody just stated here [00:19] soundray: got it. Thanks. [00:19] I dont have a command named pmount [00:19] How do i set a mask [00:19] (Brute force approach of deleting the non-Dvorak layout does the trick for now.) [00:19] boomer: read the messages that ubotu sent you [00:19] wont say wep is the best option - saying its better then being an open hot spot for anyone to snuggle up to [00:20] boomer, install pmount :) [00:20] /crap [00:20] oops [00:20] * howlingmadhowie likes having his wlan net open so others can use it [00:20] hellp i am back [00:20] (/crap is a command in my irc client to remove extraneous lines from the buffer) [00:20] anybody have a plausible explanation why I can't access my machine via ftp, even though I've done so before, and can ping it, and the "services" app says it is running? [00:20] Gnine: as it is but it is still better than leaving the AP open [00:21] russ whats the ip [00:21] deadlyalliance33 it is within my home firewall [00:21] howlingmadhowie, i suppose if you got called in for letting a criminal use you conn., it's ok, is it? :) [00:21] have you ever tried to brake a 128bit encryption key before? [00:21] unop: that's not a problem in the country i live in [00:22] apparently not [00:22] Gnine: http://www.shawnhogan.com/2006/08/how-to-crack-128-bit-wireless-networks.html ... but there are probably better sites, this was the result of a quick and dirty google search [00:22] howlingmadhowie, still, is it worth the hassle? [00:22] Gnine: yah, have you ever tried to break an open access point? ohh wait you can just log in to it [00:22] Gnine: why have a door on your house it is easy to break down.. [00:22] unop: it's a lot less hassle than playing about with encryption keys etc. [00:22] unop: and i get to improve the quality of life of anyone who wants to use it :) [00:23] howlingmadhowie, i just read your name again, now it all makes sense :) no offence btw - and let's stay on topic here [00:23] Thanks for your help everyon [00:24] erUSUL: after abit of playing around, I removed the pata drives and inserted a sata drive on the card, on boot I first noticed before grab a quick flash of a drive.. and now my kernel is looking much different. and /devsda is present, the sata drives work.. any ideas what is wrong with the pata? [00:24] unop: free wireless open access would be a great thing, but it isn't going to happen if people lock up their nets behind wpa and wep encryption :( [00:24] sweet [00:24] boomer: sounds ironic [00:24] MEDIC???????????????? [00:24] whys that? [00:24] MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:24] MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:24] MEDIC????????????????????????????????? [00:24] ... [00:24] boomer: did you get the help I sent you via ubotu? [00:24] ? [00:24] ok on-topic - how does one stop and restart the ftp daemon? [00:25] I did and it worked thank you very much. [00:25] Pulling my hair out all day. [00:25] howlingmadhowie, off-topic [00:25] russ, /etc/init.d/daeomonname [00:25] russ: /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart (presuming you have vsftpd) [00:25] russ: sudo /etc/init.d/ restart [00:25] Crazy [00:25] boomer: oh good. I thought somehow you hadn't got it. [00:25] restart [00:25] Liquid: Please stop [00:25] sry [00:26] i was only looking for a medic [00:26] Cool [00:26] Is there some command-line way to setup my wireless connection? (So I can know I'm actually sending the right passphrase, etc.) [00:26] gigamonk`: iwconfig, i guess [00:26] Is it possible, to take the linux you are running right now, and make an ISO, so someone can install it, and have the "Custom" ubuntu you are running? [00:26] very cool [00:26] is it possible to use the vista design in ubuntu? [00:26] yes gigamonk` run sudo iwconfig device essid essidName key keyUrUsing [00:27] Liquid, defeats the point of ubuntu eventually -- but sure, have a browse on gnome-art.com [00:27] WeedGrinch: difficult, unless the other person has a very similar computer [00:27] gilda: don't you need to specify in there the kind of security (WPA vs WEP) [00:27] Hi, I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. [00:27] and whats about mac? [00:27] Now, I have found that I can test the hda-intel module with the model parameter but can't find the correct model. [00:28] !themes [00:28] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [00:28] i use wep and i dont specify anymore then that gigamonk` [00:28] and whats about win98? [00:28] Mmmm. "Passphrase is currently not supported." [00:28] Okay. I'll try WEP then. [00:28] i use the hexKey [00:28] win98... is that possiblE? [00:28] i forget how to wpa via cmd [00:28] Liquid: that's the default look :) (little joke) [00:28] Liquid: See themes above [00:28] * soundray refuses to regard Windows interfaces as "designed". "Congealed" is a better term. [00:28] gigamonk`: network-manager does not support your network device? [00:28] Also, alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for the speakers but they both control both to the same time. [00:28] ¿Any idea? [00:29] okay thx guys [00:29] i downloaded ubuntu [00:29] alternate [00:29] and desktop [00:29] but the desktop think wont work [00:29] andi5: It works fine with an open access point but if I turn on security I can't seem to get hooked up. [00:29] !enter | Liquid [00:29] Liquid: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [00:29] and the alternate does not find my raid 5 [00:29] is okay [00:29] well not high scoring but this superbowl is being interesting [00:29] How can I get the list of the srings to put on the model parameter for the snd-intel-hda module. [00:29] gigamonk`, you make have to declare the default gw [00:29] !fakeraid [00:29] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [00:29] !flash [00:29] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [00:30] gigamonk`: to ensure you're entering the key correctly, write it in an editor, then paste it into the key field [00:30] which flash ? [00:30] is there anyway to un-install Adobe Flash-Player plugin for FF in ubuntu? i can not find any checkbox to disable this plug-in in FF [00:31] eHome, how did you install it [00:31] Anyone? [00:31] eHome, it depends on how you installed it [00:31] soundray: Tried that. Not having a lot of luck with pasting. (Gotta love the X clipboard hell.) [00:31] eHome: probably you will need to uninstall the package called flashplugin-nonfree [00:31] another problem... is it possible to updgrade from gusty to hardy heron? [00:31] eHome - under the synaptic manager [00:31] gilda: what's the difference between essid and essidName [00:31] and also key and keyUrUsing? [00:31] hey all!! [00:31] another problem... is it possible to updgrade from gusty to hardy heron? [00:32] howlingmadhowie, gilda, cosmodad, thanks, I restarted it but it still didn't fix this problem. I wonder what's the matter. [00:32] gigamonk`, i just used essidName as a placeholder u fill in ur own essid there [00:32] i visited some site (flash), ask me to install missing ..., i clicked install, that's all -- bruenig unop [00:32] i am a noob!!!I am trying to install pidgin can anyone help me [00:32] gigamonk`, essid is literally 'essid' so let us say that your acesspoint has an essid of "whatever" and a key that is "somekey" then command would be iwconfig wlan0 essid whatever key somekey [00:32] is it possible to have 2 soundcardS? [00:32] russ: what are you trying to fix? [00:32] is it possible to have 2 soundcardS? === Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908 [00:32] whats the difference in gusty and heron? [00:32] gigamonk`, change wlan0 if appropriate [00:32] heron is newer and better [00:32] Liquid: sure. [00:32] !repeat | Liquid [00:32] Liquid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [00:32] Yes Liquid, ir is. [00:32] Liquid: hardy heron has not been released yet... yes, it is possible to upgrade but unsupported [00:32] eHome, so it is probably installed in your home directory in ~/.mozilla [00:32] kidem, versions [00:32] russ: can you get a shell on the machine with the ftp server? [00:32] ohhh [00:32] ¿No one can help me? [00:32] cosmodad I am trying to access my machine via ftp from another on my home hetwork [00:32] bruenig: let me check ... [00:32] andi5: unsupported? [00:32] eHome, i guess you'll need to remove/delete the plugin from within the ~/.firefox/plugins directory [00:32] what do you mean with that? [00:32] Ah. [00:32] howlingmad howie sure [00:33] russ did you forware the port ??? thru the router [00:33] forward* [00:33] russ: try "netstat -lp" [00:33] Liquid: well, it is still under development and gutsy gibbon (or dapper drake) are the recommended distributions [00:33] is it supported if you install heron direct but not if you upgrade it? [00:33] so is ubuntu have capabilities where i can DL it and it installs it...with out reinstalling? [00:33] no such directory as ~/.firefox [00:33] russ: is your ftp server in your NAT-ed LAN, or outside? [00:33] okay [00:33] cya [00:34] So that had no discernable effect. [00:34] :-( [00:34] gigamonk`, did you try adding the default gateway ? [00:34] Is there somewhere were error messages from the wireless networking get logged. [00:34] unop: bruenig : yes there are ~/.mozilla/pugins/flashplayer.xpt, libflashplayer.so, .DS_Store -- should i delete these 3 files ? any harm to ubuntu ? [00:34] gigamonk`: i suppose your access point is configured correctly? [00:34] gilda, cosmodad, it's all within my home network so I've never needed to forward the port before. This worked before, I don't know what chanceg. [00:34] can u upgrade to heron? and not loose anything?? [00:34] eHome, delete them [00:34] Gigamo, /var/log/{syslog,messages,debug} [00:34] andi5: it works for all my macs. [00:34] eHome, delete the whole directory if you want [00:34] !hardy [00:34] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [00:35] eHome, you can delete the first two safely - and that uninstalls flash [00:35] you can delete all of them safely [00:35] russ: you should check the logs in /var/log for anything suspicious, e.g. mis-configuration. [00:35] gilda: ah, I see. After the iwconfig I need to also do ifconfig and set up routes with 'route'? [00:35] bruenig: sure? ready ? any ting to confirm ? [00:35] I can see why folks use the GUI. ;-) [00:35] eHome, just delete them and restart firefox [00:35] russ: can you log in at all, or are you already rejected right from the start? [00:35] route add default gw RouterIP [00:35] \away [00:35] bruenig: ok [00:35] Gigamo, if your router gives out IP addressess, you dont need to mess with ifconfig and route.. [00:35] howlingmadhowie i did netstat -lp - what am i looking for? [00:36] and if you are dhcp you should not need to set up the ifconfig [00:36] err gigamonk` ^^ [00:36] anyone no much about wireless internet and the wep key? cus im kinda stuck [00:36] russ: ftp [00:36] russ: if latter is true, you are either (1) firewalling or (2) not have the server listen to the appropriate address. (e.g., on localhost only) [00:36] gilda: i thought the network would work without encryption... if that was true, the routes should also be correct, shoudl not they? [00:36] eHome, you are thinking too windowish as if there is some official looking way of doing stuff, all the OS is is a collection of files, you modify files to change stuff whether that modification is officialized through some charade of a gui or not doesn't affect the legitimacy of the action [00:36] also may want to nano /etc/resolv.conf and make sure nameserver=RouterIP [00:36] gn8 [00:36] gilda: "SIOCADDRT: No such process" [00:36] its already 1.36am [00:36] how to install pidgin [00:36] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:37] gn8 [00:37] its already 1.36am [00:37] I think I'm going to work harder on just pasting the key. ;-) [00:37] like you seem to want something you click, some checkbox you uncheck, some think that flashes around and says "congratulation you have uninstalled flash", you must escape that mindset [00:37] hey there... I'm installing ubuntu on a new laptop I've bought. the problem is that the livecd didn't booted correctly (it hangup on the progress bar). then, I fixed that by just using noapic acpi=off irqpoll. although, with acpi disabled, I miss all the battery monitoring features. any ideas on how to fix that? [00:37] gigamonk`, what type of wireless card u using ? [00:37] srujan: ubuntu desktop installs it by default. or sudo apt-get install pidgin (I guess) [00:37] gilda: whatever's in this Asus eee pc. [00:37] thing* [00:37] bruenig: unop : ah :) that is easy -- thanks :D [00:37] andi5, sometimes the routes just up and kack ive noticed throw crap off [00:37] srujan: In the upper panel, there is Applications > Add/Remove... :-) [00:37] so i noticed the XGL implementation in ubuntu defaults to the pc101 style keyboard mapping..I'm attempting to manually set it to pc105 with this command: setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc105 -layout us >>> However, I get this error: Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property [00:38] venox: try 'pci=noacpi' [00:38] How do I find the device name of my usb drive? like /dev/*? [00:38] gigamonk`, if you do an lspci what doees it list as ur wireless ? [00:38] gilda: ok... maybe i had more luck than others with routes :) [00:38] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:38] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:38] soundray: tried it already... I've found it to work with acpi=ht, but it doesn't give me the battery monitoring features [00:38] howlingmadhowie well that's interestng - there's no line mentioning ftp [00:38] sajes, examine the output of dmesg and you should get a pointer there -- at a terminal dmesg | tail [00:38] lol lucky andi5 i had to declare all my wireless stuff manually the network config thingy hates me in gutsy [00:39] how do i find out my network key on ubuntu? [00:39] soundray: strangely, it seems to hang up while loading usbcore or something. [00:39] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:39] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:39] srujan: you really shouldn't ping people like that. please stop [00:39] gilda, apparently, nm-applet doesnt just hate you -- i uninstalled it [00:39] gilda: my first usb stick did not work at all, so i chose the next one really carefully :) [00:39] your network key should be on your router ironeye [00:39] where to see for the package open source code...thanx for the reply [00:39] how can i remove the gnome effects? [00:39] mines a fully supported atheros device by madwifi [00:39] russ: interesting [00:39] unop: It doesn't show there. I needed to find out the device name so I could mount it. I turned automounting off. [00:40] dxm: System > Settings > Appearance > Visual Effects [00:40] russ: should be there under port 21 [00:40] venox: have you looked at your BIOS setup (APIC and ACPI-related settings)? [00:40] howlingmadhowie I take that back: it reports ftp, state = "LISTENING" [00:40] i had to manually modprob the ath_pci and work from there [00:40] Is it possible to get Ubuntu to support multiple desktop backgrounds on different Workspaces? [00:40] russ: okay, that's a good sign [00:40] bruenig: any soft ware similiar to flash, so that kid can play with in ubuntu - to build some great photo slide show, maybe with background music ? [00:40] *phew* im not alone then unop [00:40] russ: try ftp-ing in locally [00:40] soundray: sadly, it doesn't have any APIC or ACPI related settings... it's a Phoenix BIOS or something [00:40] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:40] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:40] Hey where can i get the fixed flash plugin [00:41] vbabiy_laptop, adobe's site [00:41] andi5 is another effect, minimize window.... [00:41] howlingmadhowie ok that works [00:41] WGGMk: that is more a question whether metacity is capable thereof ... i cannot answer this question nonetheless :( [00:41] Jewfro-Macabbi: they have a deb package [00:41] russ: that's a good sign :) [00:41] vbabiy_laptop: if you gimme a sec i can get you a link to install it with nsdiswrapper [00:41] sajes, if you do an ls /dev/sd* .. your device should be the last one (provided you inserted the USB stick recently) [00:41] venox: I take it you've tried noapic and nolapic as well [00:41] Thanks gilda [00:41] vbabiy_laptop, no it's maual install - but you just launch the script - instructions are provided - and it does work. [00:41] eHome, I don't know, I don't do that kind of stuff so I am the wrong person to ask [00:41] "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable to other users." What does this mean? [00:41] andi5: is this possible with Compiz? [00:42] andi5 is in gconf-editor but i don't know where [00:42] dxm: does it show 3 or 4 rectangles when minimizing? [00:42] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:42] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:42] soundray: yes... I've tried using both at the same time [00:42] andi5 yes [00:42] russ: and you have access to other services on the same machine from a remote machine? [00:42] sajes, what i would do is tail -f /var/log/dmesg and then plug the disk in, dmesg should pick up the insertion [00:42] bruenig: no worries. too busy here -- pop out this room for a while :) [00:42] WGGMk: i have no clue about compiz, sorry [00:42] gilda: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adaptor (rev 01) [00:42] soundray: but I haven't tried just nolapic [00:42] howlingmadhowie probably not although I can ping it [00:42] vbabiy_laptop: check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924 for installing flash [00:42] gigamonk`, if you sudo lsmod do you see ath_pci [00:42] ? [00:42] venox: well, you have, if you've tried both together [00:42] vbabiy_laptop, it's ask for the path to your browser - which should be /usr/bin/firefox [00:43] venox: one thing that may or may not be worth trying is recompiling your DSDT [00:43] hello does anyone know how to create a transparent proxy using squid? mine doesnt work [00:43] venox: this page has instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ACPIBattery [00:44] gilda: yes. [00:44] "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable to other users." What does this mean? [00:44] klndz3, at a terminal -- rm $HOME/.dmrc; touch $HOME/.dmrc; chmod 644 $HOME/.dmrc; [00:44] both a line starting with ath_pci and in the lines starting wlan and ath_hal [00:44] Urgh, sorry for the double. Thank you unop! [00:44] howlingmadhowie what other service might I test? I tried telnet and that doesn't work - recognizes the name but reports could not open connection on port 23 [00:44] and ifconfig ath0 reports the device ? [00:44] russ: it would be interesting to know. so we have various possibilities. the first one is, the ftp server is configured to not accept connections from someone other than localhost [00:45] soundray: hmm, thanks, I'll give it a try... can I just leave acpi=off and follow those instructions? [00:45] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:45] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. === gierth is now known as lgierth [00:45] russ, can you browse ftp locally from on the ftp server itself? at a terminal - ftp localhost [00:45] gilda: well, it reports it twice. Once as ath0 (with no IP) and once as ath0:avah with a link-local address, just the way it did before the reboot that got it basically working. [00:45] russ: try telnet on port 21 [00:45] soundray: I mean, my acpi isn't even working at all, is that an issue? [00:46] venox: it can be, but if your system is reasonably recent, it will throttle itself before overheating [00:46] unop: Should I get any reply from the terminal after issuing those commands? [00:46] andi5 ? [00:46] The plain ath0 entry in the ifconfig output is what's there if I disabble the Wireless Connection in the Network Settings app altogether. [00:46] dxm: /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources [00:46] The ath0:avah gets added when I enable the connection. [00:46] dxm: just found it :) [00:46] n #ubuntu [00:46] andi5 thanks [00:47] gigamonk`, we can try to set it up manually to the ath0 device if youd like [00:47] If I open up the access point and then enable the Wireless Connection, I get just the one ath0 entry and it gets an IP address assigned by my DHCP server. [00:47] Hey guys is there any issues with using an ati radeon dual screen setup (gnome) and compiz fusion? [00:47] klndz3, no [00:47] Is it possible, just setup dual screen then compiz fusion? [00:47] I have a notebook with a MCP51 Nvidia Chipset. When I plug the headphones the speakers of the computer keeps working. Now, I have found that I can set the model parameter when installing the snd_hda_intel module, I don't know if my problem can be solve with this, but it didn't until now. Anyway, how can I get the list of posibles values for this parameter?. Also, Alsa does get me 2 separated sliders, one for the headphones and one for [00:47] the speakers but they both control both output at the same time. [00:47] OK, thanks again, I really appreciate the help I get here. [00:47] ¿No one? [00:47] because i tried and, compiz then dual setup and it didnt work right, so i think maybe has issues? [00:48] dusty_: Yes, there are some restrictions on overall size etc [00:48] howlingmadhowie answers: yes I can brows within ftp on the localhost, and no a can't connect on port 21 [00:48] soundray: I'm saying that ACPIBattery wiki-page seems to have the pre-requisite to have ACPI already working on the ubuntu system... is that correct? if so, it wouldn't work for me, since my ACPI isn't working. [00:48] gilda: my dog is getting ready for her walk. Let me do that and google around a bit. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll catch you, or some other kind soul, some other time. [00:48] Thanks though. [00:48] people hello i have just installed ubuntu linux 7.10 and i can't make the upgrade why? [00:48] howlingmadhowie I'm guessing this is a firewall or router problem of some sort [00:48] Please!!! [00:48] np's gigamonk` [00:48] NachoSama: you are repeating too frequently. Give it at least 10 minutes, so new people have a chance to log on before you repeat. [00:48] Jack_Sparrow: ah... as i had dual workin fine then reinstalled and setup compiz then tried the dual and it messed up. [00:48] Jack_Sparrow: im reinstalling now, going to setup dual screen first, how do i get compiz working AFTER? [00:48] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [00:49] i have this when i type sudo apt-get upgrade [00:49] w0ahsz: did you run `sudo apt-get update` beforehand? [00:49] how to upgrade the box? [00:49] w0ahsz, means all it good [00:49] w0ahsz, did you do sudo apt-get update 1st ? [00:49] if so ur good [00:49] Anyone know where my minimize, close and full screen icons went that are always on the top right of all open applications? They are gone. I have no way of minimizing my programs now? [00:49] gilda: yes i type that [00:49] then ur good to go [00:49] Jack_Sparrow: ? [00:49] dusty_: I am watching the game.. someone will know [00:49] can i paste whats the error? [00:49] russ: you tried telneting in from a client computer to the server on port 21? was the connection refused? [00:49] heres a brain teaser i was playing around with the prerelease repo and a few things broke, so i removed them from my sources so how do i revert all the "updates"? [00:50] w0ahsz, you have no error [00:50] Is there a way I can use aptitude to install programs without having it uninstall a bunch of other things it thinks are useless, or do I have to just use apt-get for that? [00:50] wait i will paste on the site [00:50] w0ahsz, it's telling you there are no new packages available for you to upgrade to [00:50] !paste | w0ahsz [00:50] w0ahsz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [00:50] Does anyone have any experience in configuring ATI Radeon dual screen setup and Compiz fusion? [00:50] unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54653/plain/ [00:50] howlingmadhowie duh... sorry to trouble you but the "firestarter" firewall was on. Odd since I never turned it on - any idea how that could have happened?? [00:50] here thats the error [00:51] w0ahsz: oh, you should add sources from the internet... or do you have dynamic cds? :) [00:51] howlingmadhowie but at any rate the ftp access is working again [00:51] ati sux [00:51] yes i have the CD [00:51] the Cd must be in the cdrom? [00:51] w0ahsz, it looks like you have an incomplete /etc/apt/sources.list -- can you !paste the contents of that file please [00:51] Evening. [00:51] venox: it should work even when you've booted with acpi=off. Once you've recompiled and put the DSDT in place, you should remove that option, obviously [00:51] Hello Friends. I'm having some issues with GDesklets. === Pici` is now known as Pici [00:51] russ: good to know it's working :) maybe the firewall has an entry in /etc/rc2.d [00:51] gilda: I'm trying to reinstall my sound module following the alsa project instructions andi5 posted for me, but I get a error when I try to install the alsa-driver package [00:51] venox: I'm just noticing that these instructions are a bit outdated. [00:51] w0ahsz, you can disable the need for the cd in system>administration>software sources [00:52] w0ahsz: no, but you installed from the cds and every upgrade (see: not newly installed packages) must come from the internet... it is a simple fact that a cd once produced will not change by itself :) [00:52] aha [00:52] venox: what's your make and model? [00:52] gl Geezle [00:52] hey guys [00:52] gilda: I may have run into this problem when I initially installed it and didn't notice it? [00:52] soundray: hmm, ok... but my manufacturer isn't on that list on the website [00:52] so what to do now peopel? [00:52] what to do now people* ? [00:52] how can I see what a program (in cli) left at its return value (the main function) [00:52] howlingmadhowie what would that signify? [00:52] Geezle: i think gilda posted the instructions :-) === Pici is now known as Added [00:52] maybe geezle [00:52] soundray: actually, I wasn't thinking it would be there at all, since it's a brazilian small manufacturer === Added is now known as Pici [00:52] andi5 I must have missed it [00:52] w0ahsz, enable the repositories in system>administration>software and repeat the procedure [00:52] Anyone know where my minimize, close and full screen icons went that are always on the top right of all open applications? They are gone. I have no way of minimizing my programs now? [00:52] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54654/plain/ [00:53] ok I will ask again, I'm not used to IRC's I admit. I've been having a hard time getting support for a Usplash issue in Ubuntu Studio. Can anyone help me? Thnx! [00:53] this its the /etc/apt/sources.list [00:53] madman91: echo $? [00:53] I'm following the instructions on the alsa project page [00:53] thanks soundray :) [00:53] venox: is it a laptop? [00:53] w0ahsz: lines starting with a '#' are commented out, i.e. they are not active [00:53] soundray: yes [00:53] ok [00:53] howlingmadhowie btw, what are you howlingmad about? [00:53] <{Nathan}> Is there a program I can run to automatically make X start and run a program (freevo) without a WM on boot? [00:53] w0ahsz: simply edit them as root (gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list) and remove the leading hashes whereever you want [00:53] to go now in to software sources? [00:53] a [00:54] aha [00:54] lol [00:54] Is there a way I can just dust ALSA altogether and start from scratch? [00:54] w0ahsz: or activate them within the gui, just as gilda told you [00:54] andi5: can you tell me from which line to remove "#" ? [00:54] Geezle, alsa is in the kernel so....recompile the kernel? [00:54] ubuntu br chanel? [00:54] !br [00:54] Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [00:54] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54653/ [00:54] please tell me [00:54] Geezle, if you dust alsa all together you wont have gnome boot [00:54] w0ahsz, you should use the GUI instead, you are less likely to make mistakes that way [00:55] russ: if there's an entry for firestarter in /etc/rc2.d it would explain why it was started. i got my name because i'm a big fan of howling mad murdock from the a-team and my second name is howard :) [00:55] w0ahsz, enable the repositories in system>administration>software [00:55] unop: you mean software sources? [00:55] yes [00:55] is there a way to run 2 monitors but have them run independantly .. but use the same mouse and kb? [00:55] w0ahsz, yes [00:55] yes w0ahsz [00:55] Hey everyone! [00:55] yes gilda :-) [00:56] !xinerama | LadyNikon [00:56] LadyNikon: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead [00:56] omg help help please? lol [00:56] unop: i know about that .. [00:56] unop: and after that apt-get update will works? [00:56] i was using that thanks for the link [00:56] with Hyuukai ? [00:56] Doh, I won't be doing that then. I removed the module the way andi5 said to, and I'm following the instructions on the alsa project page but I get an error when I compile [00:56] ok let me see [00:56] hi there. anyone knows what is the name of the battery monitoring icon in systray in green & yellow ? this is installed by default on Kubuntu gutsy+laptop [00:56] Ummm you know the bar that is on mac's at the bottom which can run apps? i would like to know how to get it for ubuntu as its really useful [00:56] howlingmadhowie that's a stab from the past ... I will go have a look in rc2.d and see if it's there. Is that some sort of list of things to start at startup? [00:56] unop: do you know if it can run independantly though? [00:57] also im using pidgin and everytime i type a letter it gitters is that meant to happen? [00:57] Hyuukai, you can get a bar like that through gDesklets i do beleive [00:57] I think my cdrom is failing to mount properly, can someone help me out? [00:57] Hyuukai: that happens to me as well.. i doubt is suppose to happen though [00:57] LadyNikon, i've never tried xinerama, but from what i hear you can have each head working independantly or together as one [00:57] Jangari: did you try to mount it from the command line? [00:57] ladynikon have you manged to fix it? [00:57] Does anyone know what the difference between the CDrom and DVD versions of Gutsy Gibbon are? [00:57] Should I just keep going through even though I get errors? [00:57] Anyone know where my minimize, close and full screen icons went that are always on the top right of all open applications? They are gone. I have no way of minimizing my programs now? I have to hold the alt key to even move the box? Is it part of compiz? [00:57] andi5: it used to mount automatically, [00:57] gDesklets can i get that through synaptics? [00:58] Hyuukai: lemme fire it up [00:58] ok if it was addressed to me all the needed reps. are enabled but I am trying to install sys-rc-bootsplash and splashy is needed as a pre-dependancy but I can only seem to install it manually and it is written not recommended, I'm afraid of busting my bootup! [00:58] OK :) [00:58] here's the relevant line from the fstab, andi5: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0 [00:58] Geezle, if you are receiving errors plz use the pastebin so we can know whats going on [00:58] venox: I found better instructions written by IntuitiveNipple: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-475801.html -- scroll down to "apt-get install acpidump" [00:58] wow here have 1193 people in this room :) a big channel and nice server. [00:58] should that be "auto" instead? [00:58] d3rrik, the DVD contains most common gnome, kde, xfce packages + some server utils -- while the CD's are split into individual components [00:58] anybody feel like helping me with my sound oddities yet? [00:58] Jangari: auto means "boot on startup" [00:58] In ubuntu 7.10 is there a bug in firefox flashplugin-nonfree package? [00:58] Hyuukai: its working fine now. dont ask me what i did though [00:58] gilda: Pastebin? [00:58] !flash [00:58] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [00:59] come to think of it, the cdrom has never mounted properly on this machine [00:59] !pastebin [00:59] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [00:59] w0ahsz, there are over 40000 people on the server [00:59] Dark-Knight: you have just revealed yourself as someone who doesn't read the topic [00:59] WOOOOW [00:59] * LadyNikon hisses at flash [00:59] gilda: Thanks :) [00:59] * w0ahsz smiles :) [00:59] np's ;) [00:59] howlingmadhowie there is indeed an entry in rc2.d that is called "S20firestarter" [00:59] is there any way to get irc working in ubuntu? [00:59] i mean mirc* [00:59] Jangari: what happens when you `mount -v /media/cdrom0`? [00:59] i need some help here [00:59] howlingmadhowie what does that mean? [00:59] by the way can somebody give me the link to download flash player and java ? [00:59] .deb file [00:59] mIrc is a windows based chat program there are many alternative linux programs [00:59] to install it [00:59] sudo? or should a regular user be able to do it? [00:59] a ? [01:00] mishi: ask your question .. if you already have be patient and someone will answer. [01:00] is splashy safe to install manually? [01:00] since i have the 'user' option set in fstab [01:00] Hyuukai: mirc is for windows linux has much better irc clients [01:00] all uses IRC but the program itself is windows [01:00] russ: sometimes i think i'm telepathic :) that means, every time your system enters runlevel2, this script will be performed. it probably starts the firewall [01:00] Hmm Soundray first question I asked [01:00] soundray: thanks, I'm taking a look at it [01:00] Jangari: try as root first [01:00] tell me a good one then, one where i can do a on connect to perform channel joining and loads of neet features :) [01:00] russ: runlevel 2 is the default runlevel on debian-based systems btw. [01:00] im used to mirc thats all [01:00] how do you install awn on 7.04 [01:00] Hyuukai: maybe xchat [01:01] Hyuukai, i use xchat myself works fine [01:01] howlingmadhowie ok, this looks like it could be an educational moment for me. What causes the system to enter runlevel2? [01:01] Hyuukai: xchat [01:01] andi5: i'll pastebin the error [01:01] !pastebin [01:01] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [01:01] I just use xchat. I find all the 'neet features' of mirc - are just useless cruft :) [01:01] people can somebody tell me the link of flashplayer ? [01:01] a .deb file only to install it can ? [01:01] russ: booting [01:01] Ok can i do a on connect ? [01:01] I use irssi [01:01] so i can just have it connect to my million channels i want? [01:01] Hello does anybody know transparent proxy for a lan. i followed the tutorials but mine doesnt work? [01:01] russ: you can also enter a runlevel by typing "sudo init X" where X is the runlevel you want to enter [01:02] What is the command to see all open ports and the programs that opened them? [01:02] Hey guys I removed myself from the admin group; how can I get it back? [01:02] Okay, here's the output of what I get when I try to compile alsa-drivers: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54655/ [01:02] server thank you !!!1 [01:02] andi5: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54656/ [01:02] tuna: sudo netstat -tnp [01:02] switch: reboot in single-user mode [01:02] i'll also paste my fstab [01:02] switch_: reboot in single-user mode [01:02] howlingmadhowie so that's kinda weird. I originally had feisty on this machine (it's a Dell laptop that came with it preloaded) and I installed firestarter but then disabled it (since I'm behind a firewall already) [01:02] russ: some runlevels are standardised across all linux distributions, for example runlevel 0 is shutdown, runlevel 6 is restart [01:02] andi5: thanks [01:02] so if i buy the DVD version is it basically the same has having both the server and desktop cdrom editions? with alot more packages? [01:02] Sorry Soundray Topic was clipped so I didn't see the end topic [01:03] russ: maybe it reads a configuration file and the configuration file got changed when you updated to gutsy? i'm guessing here... [01:03] andi5: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54657/ [01:03] ummm whats a really good audio player for ubuntu? maybe one with internet radio and stuff? :S [01:03] Geezle, have you got the kernel headers installed? [01:03] does rhythmbox support radio? [01:03] Hyuukai, check out 'bmpx' - the beep media player [01:03] Geezle, did you install the linux-kernel-headers ? [01:03] Jangari: does that happen with every cdrom? [01:03] !player | Hyuukai [01:03] Hyuukai: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [01:04] i only have one [01:04] it's a new install so possibly not [01:04] Jangari: or is this an audio cd? [01:04] so yes, i suppose [01:04] howlingmadhowie when I rebooted before, it showed "failed" as the result for firestarter, which was just ok, and I didn't notice after updating - but maybe this fixed it anyway, we'll see. thanks for your help [01:04] ah too many! lol [01:04] Hyuukai, a lot of the players support the shoutcast.com stuff also. [01:04] !codecs [01:04] i think i have banshee :S [01:04] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:04] Hyuukai, theres never too many. [01:04] Hyuukai, I like Amarok - but the choices are endless [01:04] it was a dvd [01:04] Geezle, it looks like you need them to complete make [01:04] Well when i have loads of options i cry lol [01:04] Guys, does anyone know, if i buy the DVD version is it basically the same has having both the server and desktop cdrom editions? with alot more packages? [01:04] hold on, let me get the dvd again and retry [01:04] Anyone know of a good list of free software web apps? Specifically I'm looking for a linklog or tumbeblog that does not require SQL, and isn't Linkwalla [01:04] IS there one with podcasts built in? [01:04] russ: if you want firestarter not to start, delete the entry in /etc/rc2.d [01:04] Geezle, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic linux-source [01:05] and sudo apt-get install build-essentials [01:05] Also is it at all possibly to get directx running in ubuntu? [01:05] or build-essential [01:05] i have steam and the hl2 mods but they are running in opengl [01:05] i use amarok [01:05] !flash [01:05] russ, howlingmadhowie, errm, you should actually use update-rc.d -- because if the firestarter package is ever updated, the link will reappear [01:05] !flashplayer [01:05] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:05] Thanks guys, working on the headers now... [01:06] is there any way to figure out what files an app is trying to access? [01:06] Hyuukai, check the wine sites for details on tweaking those games. [01:06] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [01:06] puff, lsof [01:06] Amarok is hanging on startup; I think it's a deadlock on a file lock or some other resource. [01:06] !appdb | Hyuukai [01:06] this is the command for installing flashplayer and java? [01:06] Hyuukai: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [01:06] Hyuukai: no, directx is a misconception invented by microsoft and does not run under linux.... at least that is my point of view [01:06] hey guys, i'm getting super angry with ubuntu. I bought a new laptop and i can connect to the router via wlan0 and it gives me an ip, but i can't browse the internet [01:06] does anybody know transaprent proxy? [01:06] im using squid, the one with that comes with webmin [01:06] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras --- is this the command for installing flashplayer and java ? [01:06] rcguzon: what is wrong about squid? [01:06] !webmin [01:06] webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. [01:06] i have tried googling it but nothing has seemed to help, or maybe i'm not searching right [01:06] im such a noob with linux ive just got the gdesklets package now what :S [01:06] manduski, in the network manager make sure to supply the DNS as the router [01:06] time to reboot [01:07] manduski: does the IP begin with 169? [01:07] is there a way to hide join/quit messages in xchat ? [01:07] Dimitree, check xchat's options [01:07] soundray, no it begins with 192 [01:07] well i did but didnt find something like that o-o [01:07] w0ahsz: yes, that's the command. you could also do it with add/remove programs [01:07] Has anyone used gDesklets? [01:07] <{Nathan}> Ubuntu's installed uses UIDs to mount things, regardless of their device. How can I find teh UID of my devices so it does not matter which device node they are on? [01:08] <{Nathan}> installer* [01:08] Hyuukai: they're horrible, use screenlets [01:08] Dimitree, actually, right click on the channel's tab and uncheck "show part/join messages" [01:08] whats BZR [01:08] manduski: can you access remote sites by their IP adress? === Jannita is now known as Johanna [01:08] rainwalker is that like what ma's have that menu bar at the bottom of the screen which can run apps [01:08] thats what i want [01:08] tnx, ill try ebox [01:08] unop, thank you so much :) [01:08] soundray, how do i do that? === Johanna is now known as Jannitax [01:08] Hyuukai: what? [01:09] manduski: enter this as an address in firefox: [01:09] aww this is much much better now :) === Jannitax is now known as Jannita [01:09] manduski: in firefox, enter as the URL [01:09] You know on a mac in the middle bottom of screen there is a bar which has apps on it [01:09] manduski: that should show you the google startpage [01:09] think some one could help me, i'v got like 30gigs of music on another machine, that i don't want to move but i would like to play with amarok? yes there networked (music is shared over samba) [01:09] Is there anything that provides a file hierarchy metaphor UI for the ipod? [01:09] Hyuukai: that's called a dock; look up avant-window-navigator [01:09] manduski, if you nano /etc/resolv.conf does it have nameserver=something ? [01:10] puff: i think amarok does, not sure how well it works though [01:10] gilda: one minor comment... it should be "nameserver something" :-) [01:10] test test sorry :) [01:10] gilda, i get "nameserver" [01:10] ah ya andi5 LOL i shoulda checked my own 1st [01:10] {Nathan}, disk UUID's are just symlinks to the various devices in /dev -- they are linked in this directory - /dev/disk/by-uuid [01:11] manduski, is that your router ip ? [01:11] soundray, i get nothing on firefox [01:11] Is there an addon for ubuntu to right click say a file and run as SU [01:11] <{Nathan}> unop_: alright, thanks ^^ [01:11] gilda, yes [01:11] DanThirst: Amarok's pretty nice, but I'm looking for a really simple command line interface for when I just want to put an audio file on the machine. [01:11] manduski, are you using static ip or dhcp ? [01:11] Back in a bit. [01:11] Hyuukai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385981 [01:11] Does WINE eat much resources ? [01:11] gilda, dhcp [01:12] manduski: not even an error? [01:12] gnomad [01:12] yeah gnomad [01:12] Dimitree, it depends on what WINE is running .. there's no fixed answer to that question [01:12] Dimitree, compared to what? :) not a whole lot in most cases [01:12] soundray, the clock thing keeps on going (busy, or thinking) [01:12] manduski, can you ping your router ? [01:12] i just don't want to mess up my ubuntu :) i'm linux beginner :) [01:12] manduski: so can you resolve host names? like with `host google.de` ? [01:13] manduski: or .com, whatever you prefer =) [01:13] Dimitree, WINE shouldnt really mess up your ubuntu :) [01:13] wine works fine here Dimitree [01:13] andi5, i can't do anything on the internet...nothing comes up [01:13] ok thank yuo guys i guess i will try it out :) [01:13] gilda, pinging my router doesn't work [01:13] manduski, can you ping your router ? [01:13] Skype for linux simply doesnt do lol [01:14] 100% packet loss [01:14] Dimitree: There are some tricks to protect your system, like not mapping Z and setting up a second user with limited rights.. [01:14] gilda, 100% packet loss [01:14] manduski, wired or wireless ? [01:14] Dimitree: I use skype beta with video in linux, no complaints [01:14] gilda, wireless (internal card that came with laptop) [01:14] Jack_Sparrow, i'm way too noob for that now :) just installed ubuntu :) [01:14] manduski sudo lspci what is the device ? [01:15] Dimitree: You need to go to #winehq .. what you do not know CAN hurt you [01:15] soundray, now firefox displays "the connection has timed out, the server at.... is taking too long to respond [01:15] Jack_Sparrow, wow o-o ok will do thank you [01:15] np [01:15] sup ? [01:15] manduski: you must be able to ping your router or anything beyond that will not work... so pinging the router is 'objective 1' :) [01:15] think some one could help me, i'v got like 30gigs of music on another machine, that i don't want to move but i would like to play with amarok? yes there networked (music is shared over samba) [01:16] hello [01:16] need to troubleshoot internal networking before xternal ;) [01:16] ahoy [01:16] DanThirst, amarok supports networked drives [01:16] ani5, i know, but how can i get it to respond? [01:16] whoaok [01:16] DanThirst, can'T you tell amarok to include those files and folders in the music librairy ? [01:16] manduski, what's the problem? are you trying to setup networking? [01:16] i haev no idea how to do that if i could [01:17] manduski: can you identify your wireless card in the output of lspci? I bet it's Ralink [01:17] i'll look at it again thanks [01:17] What do I have to do make fetchmail run at startup and use the user-settings in ~/.fetchmailrc? [01:17] manduski: are you sure about the ip? what does "route -n" list in the second column of the last row (default gateway)? [01:17] my cpu is at 4%, my ram at 200 megs out of 1.5 gigs; yet my cpu is at 54 deg C, and my gpu is at 56 deg C; i'm on a thinkpad, by the way [01:17] DanThirst, you will have to mount ur samba drives via the fstab to ur local machine then use the mount points as the folders within amarok [01:17] AHHHH fstab [01:17] any idea what might be going on? [01:17] i dun like fstab [01:17] cwgannon: using wrong sensors? [01:18] ok well i failed at getting avant [01:18] cwgannon, I think that 54 degrees is not all that hot for a laptop but I might have been missiformed [01:18] anyone know how to install controls for gdesklets? [01:18] aye but for amarok to play nice theyll have to be mounted via that [01:18] Hyuukai: what happened? [01:18] ummm its in applictations but when i click it, nothing [01:18] cheesypieces, you put them in /usr/share/gdesklets/controls, or possibly /sensors [01:18] hi there. anyone knows what is the name of the battery monitoring icon in systray in green & yellow ? this is installed by default on Kubuntu gutsy+laptop [01:18] gilda: yeah thats what im asking how to do [01:18] i got this [01:18] Hyuukai: try launching it from the terminal [01:18] gilda, i did not find it under lspci, but i can see it under lshw...description: wireless interface, physical id:1, logical name:wlan0, serial: 00:19:db:9c:87:fa, capabilities: ethernet physical wireless, configuration: broadcast =yes, ip=1 [01:18] pelo: it's just a lot hotter to the touch than usual [01:18] W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://download.tuxfamily.org gutsy/avant-window-navigator Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/download.tuxfamily.org_syzygy42_dists_gutsy_avant-window-navigator_binary-amd64_Packages) [01:18] What do I have to do make fetchmail run at startup and use the user-settings in ~/.fetchmailrc? The startup script is in /etc/rc5.d but the process hasn't started [01:18] in terminal while trying to go through process [01:19] cwgannon, cpufreq , or check the forum for hot laptop [01:19] i don't know how to use fstab, also would like to learn because i'v got a second 20 gig hd just rotting in this case because i have no idea how to acesses it [01:19] DanThirst, 1st off youll have to discover the samba share smbclient -L ipAddress [01:19] andi5: i just reinstalled gutsy, but i'm using the same sensors i was previously [01:19] Hyuukai: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [01:19] DanThirst: you'll need to partition the drive and then format the partitions [01:19] pelo: thank you [01:19] one thing at a time i'll deal with the 2nd hd later [01:19] gilda, ip= multicast =yes, wireless=IEEE 802.11g [01:19] got the IP [01:19] DanThirst: once you have formatted drives, you can mount them, manually or in fstab [01:19] Ok that opened up a text file basically [01:20] DanThirst: k...so, what are you trying to do? [01:20] DanThirst, you add an entry for that hdd in fstab - first you do a "sudo fdisk -l" to get the drive name - something like /dev/hda1 [01:20] DanThirst, what FS on that drive, if it is ext3 I can probably copy your a line I have in mine you can edit [01:20] Pelo: that progrecad thing can't do 3d =( [01:20] anyone using fetchmail? [01:20] rainwalker, realy ? [01:20] DanThirst, then you add the line entry for it in fstab, something like: /dev/sda1 /media/Windows ntfs noatime,defaults,users,ro,umask=0 0 , for a windows drive [01:20] Pelo: only the professional version [01:20] cwgannon: i usually need to install lm_sensors and run sensors-detect first... but that is just me [01:20] Jewfro-Macabbi, yeah, its telling me i'm connected to the router, but i can't see the internet [01:20] rainwalker, maybe not solids but I am sure it can probably do surfaces [01:20] Hyuukai: yeah, that's your sources list [01:21] Pelo: it wouldn't let me draw a region [01:21] * DanThirst blinks [01:21] manduski, did you set up forwarding in ip tables or firestarter? [01:21] wow way to much at once k got the ip of the samba computer [01:21] Hyuukai: read my pm [01:21] rainwalker i am new to linux i have no idea what it means this is the first time trying to use it no idea of terminal commands or even where anything is lol [01:21] rainwalker, there is a solid toolbar let me check [01:21] DanThirst, so you got the ip of the samba computer yes ? [01:21] Jewfro-Macabbi, no [01:21] correct === K3vin is now known as RaiDeN [01:21] Hyuukai: do you see the private message I sent you? look for a new tab somewhere in whatever chat client you're using [01:21] DanThirst, now you have to do smbclient -L sambaputerIP [01:22] manduski: does `ifconfig wlan0` (or wmaster0) show you the ip you mentioned? [01:22] i replied :) [01:22] Can anyone give me linux!=windows link please [01:22] Hyuukai: I didn't get it [01:22] manduski - that's probably your issue - there's info in the wiki on setting up ip tables for internet gateway [01:22] does it list stuff DanThirst ? [01:22] can anyone help? [01:22] RaiDeN: what link? [01:22] linux!=windows [01:22] Is anyone running fetchmail as a daemon? I can't seem to figure out why it won't start [01:22] i replied again [01:23] I need helping configuring my mouse in ubuntu [01:23] dawiz: No one can.. until you ask your question [01:23] of course [01:23] all my folders, some info about the OS [01:23] kewl [01:23] Is it hard to operate Ubuntu? [01:23] i just upgraded to gutsy.... [01:23] dawiz, help with what ? [01:23] it's a 9 button razer diamondback, and i would like to set the two side buttons to be shift and alt [01:23] RaiDeN: I've found it to be easier than windows [01:23] rain i am getting yours :S [01:23] Will I be able to play now day games with linux? [01:23] Jewfro-Macabbi, so configure firestarter? [01:23] i have a diamond back! [01:23] raindude: really? [01:23] rainwalker, i think RaiDeN need a link with diferences betwen linux and windows [01:23] but i never use the buttons lol [01:23] aw :( [01:24] rainwalker i can get your msgs but you cannot get mine do you have msn? :S [01:24] are drivers available for ati raden 3850 gfx cards ? [01:24] manduski, yes if that's what your using you need to tell it it to share the net connection [01:24] RaiDeN, ubuntu is not hard, games are available , many windows game work on wine [01:24] when i use apt-gedt i get errors about scanlogd [01:24] RaiDeN: most windows games won't work with linux, but some work with a program called wine that makes them think they're running on a windows computer [01:24] Hyuukai: yes I do have msn [01:24] apt-get* [01:24] RaiDeN, yes, in some thinks, it's more easy [01:24] and some games are actually naratively made in linux [01:24] rainwalker, but other thinks not [01:24] rainwalker add me on majlnbuu@hotmail.com [01:24] I hear word WINE alot what is it [01:25] raindude: whats your msn [01:25] it's a 9 button razer diamondback, and i would like to set the two side buttons to be shift and alt, how do i do this [01:25] who knows equivalents of klaptopdaemon in green ? [01:25] Hyuukai: I did [01:25] greenklaptopdaemon? [01:25] RaiDeN, wine - you use it to run windows aplications in linux [01:25] oh [01:25] How big is the package? [01:26] im online but i dunno where the add notifcation will come up on pidgin [01:26] RaiDeN, it's not so perfect [01:26] andi5: :/ nope [01:26] found it [01:26] oh [01:26] Well who cares I'll dual boot anyway [01:26] RaiDeN, but it works :D [01:26] RaiDeN: depends on how you install it [01:26] sputnick: what does "in green" mean? [01:26] RaiDeN, not so big ... [01:26] whats the terminal comand for "do this then this"? [01:26] like say, i want to change directories then execute a script in it, then execute another script made by the first? is it "&&" or am i a noob? [01:26] andi5: the color of the icon is "green" [01:26] rainwalker, I just checked, and you are correct ProgeCAD smart! does not support solids, well, it's free you can't have everything, btw , the professionnal version only cost about 500$ much less then autocac [01:26] bluefoxx: && [01:26] bluefoxx: a ; b [01:26] So to dual boot all I do is put ubuntu disk inside, install ubuntu and then in boot I will have automatically choice of windows or linux? [01:26] bluefoxx: this ; that or this && that (if that should only run if this succeeded) [01:27] i have a 9 button razer diamondback (mouse), and i would like to set the two side buttons to be shift and alt, how do i do this [01:27] RaiDeN: yes [01:27] Will ubuntu automatically identify all the hardware on my computer? [01:27] Setting up scanlogd (2.2.5-2.1) ... [01:27] rsk: thanks [01:27] The user `scanlogd' already exists as a system user. Exiting. [01:27] RaiDeN: what hardware is it? [01:27] RaiDeN, it should [01:27] Starting scanlogd: chroot: No such file or directory [01:27] invoke-rc.d: initscript scanlogd, action "start" failed. [01:27] dpkg: error processing scanlogd (--configure): [01:27] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [01:27] Errors were encountered while processing: [01:27] scanlogd [01:27] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [01:27] dawiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:27] It's a lap top with intel inside [01:27] RaiDeN: yes, the rest will be destroyed reliably ;-) [01:27] andi5: this is installed by default with gutsy & Kubuntu + laptop [01:27] ok not so specific [01:27] Pelo: that's a good point, but I already have autocad, I just haven't installed it [01:27] Is there a good way to stream or share a DVD drive over the network without using VLC (VLC is full of unconfigurable funk) [01:27] but im sure it will work [01:28] uh [01:28] andi5: so && will only run the second one after the first one finishes? [01:28] sputnick: maybe #kubuntu can help you ... i have no clue about kde [01:28] what the hell an i suppose to do? [01:28] sputnick: i just thought daemons were invisible to the user, they should just run in the background [01:28] rainwalker, that's right you did mention it yesterday, I forgot, It must be nice to be a student and get free software like that [01:28] !language | dawiz [01:28] uh [01:28] guys, how do i save something into the /usr/... directory, it says i don't have permissions [01:28] dawiz: which part don't you understand? [01:28] ? [01:29] Question: is it possible to run a server on Ubuntu and then connect tot hat server from a client that's running trough Wine on the same machine ? [01:29] bluefoxx: a ; b runs b after a, regardless whether a failed or not [01:29] cheesypieces_, sudo [01:29] Pelo: yeah, except it pastes "AUTOCAD2008 EDUCATIONAL VERSION" everywhere [01:29] r u serious? [01:29] dawiz: what you are supposed to do - about what? [01:29] dawiz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:29] dawiz: you are using sudo as well/ [01:29] ijust pasted my error [01:29] yes [01:29] Hey anyone got scanlogd to work? [01:29] language? [01:29] cheesypieces_, you need to copy to it using sudo , or try running nautilus as root gksu nautilus /usr/share/gdesklets [01:29] dawiz: yes, and you were explained that you should use the pastebin to do that. is that not clear? [01:29] Hi i have an ASUS pcmcia wireless G card, and it works fine for ~5 minutes, but then slows down to 100kb/s (lan) with a 10000kb/s capacity. what can i do? [01:29] im having issues with scanlogd [01:29] I'm feeling crazy... it's time to install debian 64 w/ fluxbox [01:29] what is pastebin? [01:29] dawiz: See the topic, use the pastebin and keep it family friendly.. thank you [01:29] rainwalker, progecad smart pastes for home use only on it's printings [01:29] pelo, thanks i'll try that [01:29] yea its not starting [01:29] andi5: and && makes sure that the first one work before going through the second then? [01:29] [02:27:36] dawiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:30] sarumanismylord@hotmail.com add me if you're single hot female [01:30] !paste > dawiz [01:30] noobie question. When you edit the quality (number of stars not bit rate) of a track in rhythmbox, are you manipulating a custom DB column defined by rhythmbox or is there an option in the id3 tag for song quality? [01:30] RaiDeN: you're in a linux support channel [01:30] What has to be done in order to run fetchmail as a daemon? [01:30] jordan: do you have a wireless B somewhere on the network? I read somewhere it would go to the least common denomiator [01:30] oh [01:30] bluefoxx: you got it ... a || b ... runs b if a failed... like do_something || die [01:30] heartsblood, probably the id3tag [01:30] sarumanismylord@hotmail.com add me if you're single hot GEEKY female [01:30] jimcooncat : no, only device being used [01:30] gmcastil, do you already have fetchmail installed? check /etc/init.d/ [01:30] 02:30 < RaiDeN> sarumanismylord@hotmail.com add me if you're single hot female [01:31] jimcooncat : also reports being G [01:31] spambot... [01:31] Jewfro-Macabbi: yeah, it's installed and the symlinks are made in the different rc.d directories [01:31] RaiDeN: why would we want a grima wormtongue [01:31] jordan, sorry, no more help, I'm a real noob when it comes to wireless [01:31] Pelo: are there any gnome utilities for idv3(4) editing? [01:31] gmcastil, then you should be able to start it by /etc/init.d/fetchmail start [01:31] Jewfro-Macabbi: I also changed the line in /etc/default/fetchmail to be yes intead of no [01:31] where do i get ati drivers to install on ubuntu ?are there any in the repository or do i need to get the ones on ati's site? [01:31] heartsblood, easytag, check in add/remove [01:31] andi5: ok, thanks you very much, will be helpfull in the future(if only i could recover all my movia files now X0, lost them to windows eating my hdd paritions) [01:31] hmm [01:31] thanks [01:31] I want to know how much ram my computer is using. If I go to System, Administration, System monitor, this report 310/1024. If I type top for system info in console, this report 915/1024! Quite a difference. Which value is the good one? ty [01:32] i dont know what syntax it is [01:32] bluefoxx: have fun [01:32] heartsblood, mind hyou that might just be for id3 [01:32] dawiz: it doesn't matter [01:32] Jewfro-Macabbi: i'm not really sure what ubuntu runs on startup...there are a lot of things i'm not used to (redhat till a few days ago) [01:32] does Ubuntu use source or binary packet system ? Or both options ? [01:32] well it wont lwt me paste it [01:32] dawiz: syntax is how you structure your sentences, basically how you put your words together [01:32] kenalex: Have you enabled restricted drivers from the menus [01:32] Pelo: either way i'll get the answer I needed, ty! [01:32] gmcastil, look under system - administration - services [01:33] CrazyPhil: enter `free -m` and look for the -/+ buffers cache line [01:33] HIII [01:33] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54659/ [01:33] Jewfro-Macabbi: when i run that script I get a fetchmail error: no mailservers have been specified. [01:33] like that????????????????????????????????????????????? [01:33] gmcastil, I ran fedora 8 - pretty nice but I'm too used to the debian command system [01:33] dawiz: don't be a tool. [01:33] Jewfro-Macabbi: i've got my own .fetchmailrc in $HOME [01:33] dawiz: yes, like that, and one question mark is enough [01:33] !etiquette > dawiz (dawiz, see the private message from Ubotu) [01:33] andi5 thx [01:33] Hey guys, me again. I installed the linux headers and build-essential but I still get errors when I try to compile alsa-driver [01:33] CAN SOME ONE HERE HELP ME WITH ONE PROBLEM IN MY UBUNTU ? [01:34] gmcastil, try looking for fetmail articles in the ubuntu wiki page - I can't help you beyond that - I only know how to start a daemon [01:34] no [01:34] no [01:34] !caps | helpme [01:34] helpme: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [01:34] !anyone > helpme (helpme, see the private message from Ubotu) [01:34] Jewfro-Macabbi: i'm trying to start a daemon - i don't want to run it as a user [01:34] !ask | helpme [01:34] helpme: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [01:34] common sense? [01:34] re [01:34] where do these people come from [01:34] windows [01:34] *aol.com [01:34] hehe [01:34] Jack_Sparrow:what menu ? [01:34] gmcastil, if the command "sudo /etc/init.d/fetchmail start" doesn't start it - you are beyond my knowledge [01:34] eternal september [01:34] Jewfro-Macabbi: does yours run at startup? [01:34] so can anyone help me with why this is happening? [01:34] hello [01:34] 666_factory_source? [01:35] kenalex: system..admin..restricted driver manager... [01:35] Jewfro-Macabbi, i still can't connect [01:35] Is there a good way to stream or share a DVD drive over the network without using VLC (VLC is full of unconfigurable funk) [01:35] i have a 9 button razer diamondback (mouse), and i would like to set the two side buttons to be shift and alt, how do i do this [01:35] jlulian38: nfs mount it [01:35] how are you? [01:35] will nfs work? [01:35] soundray, can you suggest trying something else? [01:35] i am linux fans [01:35] jlulian38: yes [01:35] manduski, I'm not an expert on wireless [01:35] !ot | boy [01:35] boy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:35] Oh snap [01:35] Jewfro-Macabbi: for some reason, the fetchmail script looks at /etc/fetchmailrc, which doesn't make any sense - do you have one of those? [01:36] I'm asumming then that is NFS works SSHFS should too [01:36] gilda, can you suggest trying something else [01:36] gmcastil, dunno I've never used that particular app - but I'll look [01:36] Jack_Sparrow:I tried to start it but it brings up a message box saying my system doesn't any restricted drivers [01:36] can anyone tell me what packet system Ubuntu uses before i go dig into endless pages of crap :( Source or Binary [01:36] andi5, can you suggest trying something else [01:36] i need freind,i come from china! [01:36] Jewfro-Macabbi: you've never used fetchmail on ubuntu? [01:36] !ati [01:36] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [01:36] boy, go back [01:36] Actually though, what do you mount? the mount point or the block device? [01:36] gmcastil, nope [01:36] manduski: hm... have you checked the `ifconfig wlan0` output? [01:36] Paper: dpkg [01:36] uhhhhhh [01:36] my MSN is :aquan147@hotmail.com [01:36] I can't seem to get my wireless setup right [01:36] dawiz: try « sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH' » [01:36] thanx, i'll look into that [01:36] Jewfro-Macabbi: ok..yeah, i need to find someone that's using it - thanks for the help [01:37] It's DHCP, I got my access point name and wep key memorized, [01:37] but it just won't connect. [01:37] Has anyone else been able to get fetchmail to run as a daemon? [01:37] andi5, what am i looking for in particular [01:37] manduski: an ip address [01:37] gmcastil, sorry couldn't be more helpful [01:37] andi5, inet addr: [01:37] Jewfro-Macabbi: np [01:37] Jewfro-Macabbi: i miss some of the simple things in redhat [01:37] andi5, sorry, [01:38] still same error [01:38] dawiz: yes but tell me what the command i gave you *says* [01:38] manduski: did you enter that address or did your router assign it with dhcp? [01:38] gmcastil, you should pay attention to the warning message you get when trying to start the daemon -- fetchmail needs to be configured to monitor an email address/server to work otherwise running it is pointless [01:38] well does someone know how to get my new ubuntu to stay on the web with the wireless adapter coz it keeps on disconnecting and then i need to un plug and plug the wireless adapter to get the connection back for a minute :) [01:38] andi5, my router gave it to me [01:38] nothing [01:38] andi5, via dhcp [01:38] unop__: yeah, i know - but doesn't it get those from the user's .fetchmailrc? [01:39] dawiz: are you sure? sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH' [01:39] i've been having trouble getting an ems usb adapter to work; it's not the problem that i keep finding in web searches, though. it plain doesn't show up (i don't get a js0 device) [01:39] manduski: does `route -n` contain a default gateway? it should be the last line and have UG as Flags [01:39] helpme, it's been mentionned before, I suggest you check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org I'm sure there is a solution there [01:39] unop__: the init script for fetchmail refers to /etc/fetchmailrc - this isn't mentioned in the man page anywhere and i've never seen it before [01:39] gmcastil, i should assume that's only read if the user invokes fetchmail for private use - it'd be scary/stupid to think a daemon reads a user's configuration file [01:40] should i be typing in in the pastebin thing? [01:40] manduski: oh, actually that is not strict necessary at this point of time... when pings fail we may ping a wrong ip [01:40] the patches and fixes i see seem to be designed for older builds .. this sound any familiar to someone? [01:40] dawiz: it should be just one line, so no [01:40] well i did i didnt find nothing :S [01:40] unop__: uh...i was pretty sure that fetchmail ran and used the user's conf file [01:40] andi5, so....? [01:40] gmcastil, if that's true - then fetchmail is stupid [01:40] unop__: where else would i put the user's configu information? [01:40] manduski: does the output contain a default gw? [01:40] unop__: have you ever used fetchmail? === Varka_ is now known as Varka [01:40] gmcastil, no, i've never run fetchmail [01:41] omg xD [01:41] thats what it returned [01:41] * gmcastil can't believe he's the only one in this channel that uses fetchmail [01:41] andi5, there is a lot of numbers, which one am i looking at? [01:41] manduski: the router column [01:41] there's destination, gateway, genmask, flags, metric, ref, use, interface [01:41] oh... gateway then [01:42] gmcastil, but from what i understand of fetchmail - it can run in two ways - as a daemon or a single instance process -- and both modes use different configuration files [01:42] When I test my sound card, I just get a little soft beep. [01:42] manduski: sorry, i run a localized ubuntu here, so i retranslated it incorrectly [01:42] andi5, the first two colums under gateway have, the third one has [01:42] All I want is to hear you tube with GG 7.10 [01:42] well bye bye bye and thanx for no help lol [01:42] I've been googling and trying stuff for about 2 hours [01:42] no luchk [01:42] http://ebupof.deviantart.com/art/Linux-Desktop-17-June-2007-57747519 [01:43] manduski: and when you run `ping`, you get 100% packet loss? [01:43] What script is that, to show the information in the terminal [01:43] any ideas [01:43] http://ebupof.deviantart.com/art/Linux-Desktop-17-June-2007-57747519 [01:43] actually it doesn't seem to even recognize it as a usb hid device [01:43] I'm good at troubleshooting network stuff, but not sound [01:43] LjL? [01:43] andi5, yeah, it just hangs until i "ctrl-C" it [01:43] why wont moto4lin connect to my phone? [01:43] dawiz, i still haven't seen the output from my command. are you *sure* there is no output? what about « echo $PATH » ? [01:44] manduski: may you paste the output of `iwconfig wlan0` for me? [01:44] manduski: not here, of course :) [01:44] this is the output /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin [01:44] andi5, where? [01:44] unop__: hm...in that case, the daemon would use the conf file in /etc/fetchmailrc and the user space process would use $HOME/.fetchmailrc [01:44] dont know why it was posting so weird [01:44] !paste > manduski [01:44] di5, [01:44] http://ebupof.deviantart.com/art/Linux-Desktop-17-June-2007-57747519 [01:45] andi5, what? i'm not familiar with that lingo [01:45] lol [01:45] manduski: did ubotu contact you? [01:45] andi5, kinda [01:45] lol [01:45] !lol | manduski [01:45] manduski: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [01:46] andi5, so i paste it under the url that ubotu gave me? [01:46] http://ebupof.deviantart.com/art/Linux-Desktop-17-June-2007-57747519 [01:46] echo $PATH » ? returned this: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games » ? [01:46] codename, that looks like conky [01:47] manduski: yes, once pasted you can post the url here, so that we can click on it and see your paste [01:47] No, the one in the terminal. [01:47] It says what Distro he has, and everything. [01:47] Weird. [01:48] geekworx@root:~$ sudo apt-get install xmms [01:48] sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 4 03:36:58 2008 [01:48] why i have this error ? [01:48] codename, looks like a custom job [01:48] people why i have that error ? [01:48] aighT [01:48] LjL? [01:48] dawiz: but « sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH' » returns nothing? [01:48] geekworx, make sure your system clock is correctly set [01:49] what's the name of the system monitor package in that picture codename? [01:49] heh let me see [01:49] :) [01:49] doh! [01:49] he logged off [01:49] geekworx: right click the clock applet in your upper panel and adjust date/time (preferrably using internet ntp servers) [01:49] geekworx: why? because showhow your system time was set backward by a fair bit. how to fix? try sudo -K [01:49] what do i do if my wireless network doesn't work? [01:50] « sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH' » returns this: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin [01:51] andi5, what's the syntax on the paste thing? [01:51] geekworx@root:~$ sudo -K [01:51] sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 4 03:36:58 2008 [01:51] :S [01:51] how to fix that? [01:51] manduski: i do not understand that question [01:51] dawiz: wow, it took long to get that from you. well, it's what it should return... so if you type « which chroot », it also returns something, right? [01:51] if anyone wants to help me this is the screen i get when i try to connect my Motokrzr with moto4lin [01:51] Wow that's my question too. [01:51] http://imagebin.ca/view/CdDnR8a.html [01:51] ive posted it several times [01:51] The folder contents could not be displayed. [01:51] geekworx, also check that your timezone is the correct one [01:51] I'm trying to set the permissions for a directory in my ntfs partition to be accessible to "nobody", but the changes don't seem to take effect. Do I have to mount the whole partition with +re permissions for nobody? [01:52] andi5, when i go to the webpage to paste the thing, there's "your name", Syntax, Text, and Paste!" [01:52] omg [01:52] :S [01:52] so how to change the timezone?? [01:52] manduski: text only, i assume [01:52] Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network:diva". === Rodya is now known as shinzon === shinzon is now known as Rodya [01:52] dawiz: not really [01:52] andi5, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54662/ [01:52] tarvid: pidgin sucks when rendering smilies ;-) [01:52] how to change the timezone? [01:52] a [01:53] Is there a way to read pdf's in the command line? [01:53] andi5: its doing ok so far [01:53] fatejudger, I don'T think you can set permisions for ntfs drives, or at least not thedrive themselves, you might wantto try to set it for the mountpoint [01:53] also dawiz do you notice that i always use your nickname when talking to you? there is a reason for that [01:53] marshall: it is a Network :D iva :) [01:53] err [01:53] Pelo: do I have to edit the fstab to do that? [01:53] andi5: lol if you didnt mean to make a :D and a :) just now, then i think i see your point [01:54] which root returned this: /usr/sbin/chroot LJL [01:54] fatejudger, possibly but I'm not that keen on fstab editing [01:54] and yes i posted the first read out deveral yimes but no one seemed to see it LjL [01:54] hey people come on help me how to fix that ? [01:54] fatejudger, if you donT' want anyone to access that drive why mount it ? [01:54] how to change the timezone? [01:55] any one have a working laserjet 2600n? if os can one help a newbie set it up? [01:55] dawiz, scanlogd installed fine for me, so i don't understand. try « sudo invoke-rc.d scanlogd restart » [01:55] Pelo: Firefly media server requires that the group "nobody" have access to the directory [01:55] !volunteer | geekworx [01:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about volunteer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:55] fatejudger: read, execute to be specific [01:55] geekworx, System, Time [01:55] damoochr, you may wnt to check at cups.org for that specific printer - see if theres any issues with it. [01:55] !cups [01:55] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [01:55] restart failed lJL [01:55] insanelyconfused: ubotu regards us all as slaves of canonical, as it seems :-) [01:56] geekworx, right click the clock/calendar in the top pannel ( on the right) and select "adjust time and date" or whatever it is [01:56] yeah been there and been confused [01:56] dawiz: same error as before? [01:56] andi5 apparently [01:56] didnt try restarting it before [01:56] dawiz: i know, but i mean same error as when you installed it [01:56] should i pastebin? LjL [01:57] was last night LjL [01:57] tasksel hangs when installing samba file sharing on this machine [01:57] think ive seen this one before [01:57] gmcastil, are you still having trouble - I found info on configuring /etc/fetchmailrc [01:57] is Ubuntu only like 700megs? [01:57] dawiz, i mean same error as this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54659/ including the "chroot" thing [01:57] is there a dvd with more on it? [01:57] Jewfro-Macabbi: yeah, i am, actually - apparently, ubuntu uses a completely different way of running fetchmail than normal [01:57] uit [01:57] CUPS does not see the printer [01:57] akuma: the internet is full of it... it is like a virus [01:57] :~$ sudo apt-get install xmms [01:58] sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 4 03:36:58 2008 [01:58] how to fix this people? [01:58] can somebody help me? [01:58] grasshopper? [01:58] dmesg shows "new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5" / "configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" [01:58] a [01:58] geekworx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:58] gmcastil, there's a sample config file on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GmailPostfixFetchmail?highlight=%28%2Fetc%2Ffetchmailrc%29 [01:58] Jewfro-Macabbi: i want to run it as a daemon at startup and poll different servers.. [01:58] geekworx: Please keep it on one line... [01:58] everything i'm finding in searches has a line like "[ 5.171473] input: USB HID v1.11 Device [HID 046a:0023] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1" [01:58] geekworx: try sudo -K [01:58] geekworx, stop ntp run ntpdate start ntp [01:58] Jack_Sparrow, okay but can you tell me how to fix that? [01:58] but that never shows up for me? :| [01:58] Jewfro-Macabbi: i'm thinking the solution might be to run it as a user in cron at startup, since it needs to use the user level .fetchmailrc, but it feels like a hack [01:58] no [01:58] LjL, when i type sudo -K i have the same error [01:58] geekworx: as _last_ resort you could boot into a shell which gives you root privileges without sudo (add init=/bin/bash as kernel parameter) and lets you change the time :) [01:59] hmm where do I see the users using gnome xchat client [01:59] this is weird [01:59] Jewfro-Macabbi: this page looks exactly like what i wa slooking for - what did you google for? [01:59] now pastebin tells me im spamming [01:59] geekworx: ah... but maybe i misunderstood [01:59] what's the command to get the debian and kde menus updated? [01:59] gmcastil, I didn't google - I used the ubuntu wiki like I would google and did a text search for /etc/fetchmailrc [01:59] geekworx: you may want to search for too new files with `find` ... see man find [01:59] Jewfro-Macabbi: well, it's sorta similar...i'm going to use procmail instead of postfix [02:00] Jewfro-Macabbi: ok...yeah, /etc/fetchmailrc is an Ubuntu thing, so the man pages are worthless [02:00] omg help me please [02:00] LjL, what to do now :S ? [02:00] tarvid, please help me what to do :S [02:00] soo my brother deleted my windows partition lol [02:00] what to type in terminal? [02:00] and so I am stuck with ubuntu [02:00] geekworx: KEEP it on one line... [02:00] :) [02:00] geekworx, i saw a bug like this before, let me check my logs if i find it [02:00] geekworx, do you have ntp installed? [02:00] tarvid, no [02:00] Jack_Sparrow:thanks alot. i got the drivers installed and everything s=is running smooth [02:01] geekworx: You were told once how to fix it and you ignored them [02:01] apt-get install ntp [02:01] LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54663/ [02:01] the files from /etc/xdg/compiz/ have all disappeared, I suspect the ati fglrx uninstaller deleted them -- what do I have to apt-get install --reinstall to get them back??? [02:01] kenalex: glad you got it going [02:01] kenalex: did that page help [02:01] yes [02:01] tarvid, i must be a root [02:01] hi i have a conundrum can anyone help [02:01] tarvid, i can't use sudo because the time is not okay [02:01] Jewfro-Macabbi: ...yeah, this page does the same thing - it uses the /etc/fetchmailrc on a user basis, so it only works for a single user - you have to put your username/password in that file....dumb [02:01] sudo apt-get install ntp [02:01] tarvid: so not even `sudo -i` works, i assume? [02:02] !ask | yusuo [02:02] yusuo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [02:02] is there an equivelant to wine but for mac? [02:02] tarvid, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54664/plain/ [02:02] How do I add a user to a group with the terminal? [02:02] wheneva i open a folder i lose the ability to minimize, maximize, everything. I cant see the bars at the top and bottom either, all this until i close the folder by, file>close [02:02] kaboombob: I think wine if it's an intel mac ? [02:02] tsrk adduser [02:02] tsrk: sudo adduser $user $group [02:02] the files from /etc/xdg/compiz/ have all disappeared, I suspect the ati fglrx uninstaller deleted them -- what do I have to apt-get install --reinstall to get them back??? [02:03] would using 'noapic' at boot up have anything to do with wireless modem not working? [02:03] gilda: you still here? [02:03] wheneva i open a folder i lose the ability to minimize, maximize, everything. I cant see the bars at the top and bottom either, all this until i close the folder by, file>close PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP [02:03] which config file to activate two X window logins, ie ctrl+F7 and ctrl+F8 ? i only have one now [02:03] i mean like if wine = windows then ???=mac [02:03] thanks a ton :) [02:03] can wine run under osx? [02:03] tsrk: make sure you login the user again, in case of X this means logout from the graphical console [02:03] gigamonkey, i know you're good helper look here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54664/plain/ and tell me what to do please. [02:03] !repeat | yusuo [02:03] yusuo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [02:03] can someone please check which package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz.ubuntu? [02:03] ahh, ok.. no idea [02:03] ok [02:03] geekworx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/43233 [02:03] * gmcastil thinks the ubunto bot is a spammer [02:03] apic works on every motherboard I have seen less than 5 years old [02:03] zcat osx has paralells [02:03] zcat[1], the source is available - so yes you can compile it [02:03] and boor camp [02:03] yusou are you using metacity? [02:04] boot camp* [02:04] Are there rules about WPA personal passwords/keys. Seems like I can connect to my network if the password on the access point has no spaces in it but not if it does. [02:04] geekworx, that's pretty neat, I can't do that, type ntpdate [02:04] (My macs have no problems with spaces in the password.) [02:04] any idea LjL? [02:04] bet that doesn't work either without being root [02:04] Heya [02:04] tarvid, t:~$ ntpdate [02:04] 4 Feb 03:04:47 ntpdate[16937]: no servers can be used, exiting [02:04] heya ReconstitueKlean [02:05] basically my problem is, that wheneva i open a folder i cannot see the bar at the top or bottom also the minimize maximize buttons disappear [02:05] gigamonkey, spaces should be fine, the gui wrapper may be having problems with them is all, try doing it command line [02:05] gigamonkey: Spaces in passwords are generally a no-no [02:05] !info gxemul [02:05] geekworx: you cannot execute ntpdate without root privileges anyway [02:05] gxemul (source: gxemul): machine emulator for multiple architectures. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4.6-1 (gutsy), package size 706 kB, installed size 2680 kB [02:05] Jack_Sparrow: but this is supposed to be a pass phrase. [02:05] yusuo are you using gnome? [02:05] I am [02:05] dunno if that can emulate a mac tho [02:05] ntpdate -s louie.udel.edu [02:05] bruenig: how do I set a WPA personal pass phrase at the command line? [02:06] man ntpdate [02:06] kaboombob can i speak to u private, this is scrolling to fast [02:06] yusuo ok 3d effects or no? [02:06] !info wpa-supplicant [02:06] Package wpa-supplicant does not exist in gutsy [02:06] yes [02:06] but nvr had a problem b4 [02:06] gigamonkey: iwconfig [02:06] well wpa_supplicant [02:06] any clues anyone? [02:06] can someone please check which package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz.ubuntu? [02:06] !info wpasupplicant [02:06] wpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is important. Version 0.6.0+0.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 256 kB, installed size 648 kB [02:06] I thought iwconfig was just for WEP [02:06] ohh deary meee [02:06] gigamonkey, it is just for wep [02:06] yeah, might be.. [02:06] dawiz: no not really, the file that starts scanlogd doesn't even mention "chroot"... i think i have no dea [02:06] geekworx, try ntpdate llouie.udel.edu [02:06] iwconfig = wep wpa_supplicant = wap [02:07] geekworx, try ntpdate louie.udel.edu [02:07] wpa* [02:07] thanks for your help LjL [02:07] I can't type [02:07] seems to always be my problem [02:07] anyone any ideas === Dr_willis is now known as Mixed2 [02:07] tarvid, the error its: 4 Feb 03:07:14 ntpdate[17073]: bind() fails: Permission denied [02:07] geekworx, tarvid - I think it's ntpdate -u louie.udel.edu [02:07] dont wanna reinstall again [02:07] No one ever know how to fix my issues on irc [02:07] haha ! [02:07] it works finaly ! [02:07] in terminal type --replace emerald i believe let me check [02:07] dawiz: if you just want to get rid of that package... edit /etc/init.d/scanlogd and add « exit 0 » as the first line - then uninstall [02:07] yusou in terminal type --replace emerald i believe let me check [02:08] Thanks to Jewfro-Macabbi === Mixed2 is now known as mixed2 [02:08] uninstall scanlogd? [02:08] thx people [02:08] :P [02:08] I did it as root [02:08] I found an example /etc/network/interfaces and modified it for my network.. problem is dhclient starts before the wireless actually connects, and usually times out [02:08] can someone please check which package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz.ubuntu? [02:08] !gdm [02:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:08] anyone here use xchat? [02:08] md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz [02:08] The Flash plugin is NOT installed. [02:08] Has someone else had this problem? [02:08] just put exit 0 on the first line if the config script? [02:08] !flash [02:08] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [02:08] LjL* [02:09] has flash been non-broken at any point of time? [02:09] kaboombob, all i got was --replace command not found [02:09] yusuo let me look real quick [02:09] any hints on debugging samba browsing in gnome? [02:09] can someone please check which package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz.ubuntu? [02:09] andi5: It has been broken about 2 months +/- [02:09] ok kaboombob [02:10] andi5: the website suggested ubuntu-proposed, but even that package has the wrong md5.. adobe keep changing the download ... they should put version numbers on the damn thing and leave the old links working! [02:10] did u mean emerald --replace [02:11] zcat[1], manual install w/the file from the adobe site is easy and works [02:11] yusuo [02:11] dawiz: put it after all those lines that begin with # [02:11] yusuo [02:11] How do I apt-get something along withh all the lib's it depends on? [02:11] tinman: it's always done automatically. [02:11] LjL: thanks [02:12] tinman: that is what apt is for :) [02:12] yusuo did u get that? [02:12] Jewfro-Macabbi: yeah, but I've been telling ppl 'you just tick the box and t installes" .. but that doesn't work for flash.. it makes Linux look hard again :( [02:12] tinman, apt-get will get the things a program requires [02:12] tinman, but you can also include the --with-recommends switch [02:12] yup but didnt do anything [02:12] LjL> apt-get downloads sources or precompiled binaries ? [02:12] Paper: precompiled [02:12] ahh, thanks :> [02:12] binaries [02:12] blah [02:12] Paper: apt-get install ... precompiled... apt-get source ... sources [02:12] okay [02:12] zcat[1], the manual install is no harder than the windows manual install... [02:12] stoopid adobe, we try so hard to make ubuntu 'just work' and they keep screwing it up [02:12] I know this isn't an official flash fix.. but I did use it.. The workaround I used is to first go to synaptic, select the flashplugin-nonfree package and then mark it for *complete* removal. Then install the hardy flashplugin, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10761023/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb [02:13] Paper, i see you are in #gentoo already... if you want that sort of thing, you know where to look. if you just want to download a source package in ubuntu, though, you can always « apt-get source » [02:13] Jewfro-Macabbi: for you and me, sure.. but for the 'linux is hard' crowd, if they have to open a terminal they'll go straight back to 'doze [02:13] aye, been using gentoo for several years allready and i really like emerge thing. [02:13] Hey, me again. I still can't compile alsa-driver. I have all the proper headers installed (AFAIK) but I still get the same error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54655/ [02:13] can someone please check which package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz.ubuntu? [02:13] zcat[1], then perhaps that's where they should be :) [02:13] I'm thoroughly confused [02:13] How can i change my default web browser from Firefox to opera ? [02:14] rbrtw: compiz-core [02:14] thanks [02:14] Jewfro-Macabbi: that doesn't help solve bug #1 [02:14] bruenig: so how does wpa_supplicant relate to the Network Settings app? [02:14] zcat[1], sorry bug #1? I missed that? [02:14] Dimitree: system > preferences > preferred applications [02:14] bug #1: Windows is still the dominant OS [02:14] thank you lufis [02:15] hey, does anybody here have experiance with dualbooting xp 64bit with grub? [02:15] Paper: well, if you want APT to build from source, it's easy enough really. « sudo apt-get build-dep ; apt-get --build source ; sudo dpkg -i » [02:15] I did apt-get install --reinstall compiz-core and still no /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager.ubuntu [02:15] Geezle: Here is the best sound help page I can find.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems [02:15] gigamonkey, I don't know, I don't use the network settings app, I can be sure that the network settings app simply front ends for it though and so if you are having problems, it is always good to see if it is the front ends fault or not [02:15] after all the #'s ? [02:15] Paper: but compiling from source means that you need all the (pretty large, usually) library headers installed that the package needs, aside from the fact that, well, you need to wait for it to compile. most users don't want that, they have no reason to. [02:16] rbrtw: why do you think it should be there? [02:16] Jack_Sparrow: thanks, but I've been there and tried that. I'm seriously running out of ideas. Recompiling ALSA might do the trick if I could only get it to compile [02:16] !m4p [02:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about m4p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:16] LjL> allright, thanx for the detailed explanation. I prefer sources due to custom compile flags. [02:16] andi5: it's run from compiz-manager -- what do you have in /etc/xdg/compiz/ ? [02:16] the is what the first part of the file looks like: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54665/ [02:17] rbrtw: only compiz-manager... but this is hardy here [02:17] dawiz: yes - you can see that the first 9 lines do begin with #. put it on the 10th line. [02:17] andi5: what does compiz-manager look like? [02:17] how can I get LWP::UserAgent in dapper? [02:17] hi [02:18] does anybody know where xchat keeps its icons? Id like to change the tray icon so badly [02:18] marshall: ~/.xchat ? [02:18] christ this is irritating [02:18] rbrtw: http://pastebin.ca/raw/890794 [02:18] how would i install an older revision of ubuntu? :| [02:18] evenant: how?..download a cd and install it ? [02:18] !pinning | evenant [02:18] evenant: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [02:19] lufis: lol no, they arent in there [02:19] so create a # on the 10th line? [02:19] bruenig: Is there somewhere that explains the various bits that Network Settings is fronting for? [02:19] LjL* [02:19] dawiz: NO [02:19] any decent way to convert m4p files? [02:19] ifconfig, route, and wpa_supplicant? [02:19] gigamonkey, how are you trying to set it up now [02:19] dawiz: just put it on the first line *after* the lines that begin with # [02:19] marshall: try /usr/share/icons or something [02:20] just exit 0 LjL? [02:20] osmosis: yeah, and which cd? :| [02:20] gilda: I discovered that I can connect using WPA Personal as long as the passphrase on the access point has no spaces in it. [02:20] gigamonkey, not sure, it is probably python, so you canr ead it [02:20] read8 [02:20] i can't burn but i can apt, let's see what this page has to say [02:20] dawiz: yes [02:20] exit 0 [02:20] evenant: whatever version you want. [02:20] nice - ya spaces throw everything thru a loop [02:20] hmm, is there anybody here that could help me with dual booting with xp? ive checked the forums and a few other places, and no matter what i try, i cant get it to work properly [02:20] forgive i follow directions well but manually editing files i green at best [02:20] my point is *i* don't know which version i want [02:20] thanks [02:20] i want one where the usb hid interface works [02:20] :P [02:20] so are you routing correctly now gigamonkey ? [02:20] the ati driver installer crapped all over my system configuration :O [02:20] Mirado_tsw, which order did you install Windows and Ubuntu? [02:21] cdubya, create a shells script with this: for i in *.m4a do faad -o - "$i" | lame -h -b 192 - "${i%m4a}mp3" done [02:21] xp then ubuntu [02:21] Mirado_tsw: single drive or dual, windows on first or second.. someone will help [02:21] whats the best Anti-Virus app for linux? [02:21] !best > zetheroo (zetheroo, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:21] !virus > zetheroo (zetheroo, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:21] Is it possible to catch a Virus on Ubuntu ? or spyware ? or trojan ? like in windows ? [02:21] zetheroo: None needed [02:21] single drive, windows in first part its a sata drive [02:21] Mirado_tsw, it sounds like grub wasn't installed [02:21] Mirado_tsw: normally, dual-boot will be automatic .. [02:21] grub works [02:21] Jewfro-Macabbi, it will work with the m4a in the statement? [02:21] Mirado_tsw, do you get a grub prompt when restarting? [02:22] Dimitree, installing debs especially ones not in the repositories opens you up for that [02:22] yes [02:22] Dimitree, if you install wine you can catch windows viruses in that [02:22] I need one for the purpose of scanning portable drives which come from Windows machines [02:22] ok edited [02:22] but when i boot xp it says starting xp... then just sits there [02:22] oh well, here goes nothing [02:22] Mirado_tsw, does Windows or Other OS show up in the menu? [02:22] yes [02:22] now just do apt-get uninstall scanlogd? [02:22] cdubya, tweak as needed [02:22] gilda, will the virus cose harm outside wine ? [02:22] zetheroo: sudo apt-get install clamav avscan [02:22] LjL* [02:22] dawiz: yes try that [02:22] cdubya, make it executable and run [02:22] ok [02:23] Jewfro-Macabbi, so just change the file extension to .m4p, make it executable, and then run? [02:23] bruenig: do you happen to know where it would live? [02:23] Mirado_tsw, but it will boot into Linux if you select one of the Linux kernels? [02:23] gigamonkey, no clue [02:23] yes [02:23] Dimitree, no it is attacking the windows only files aka the wine files [02:23] does clamav have a gui? [02:23] No worries. I'll find it. [02:23] it boots linux just fine [02:23] cdubya, that is an audo file yes? I assume that's what your trying to do? t [02:23] Dimitree: If you have mapped root to Z drive and the user you use to run programs with wine has that access, there are dangers.. It is documented and you can ask in winehq [02:23] ok. thanks [02:23] gilda, thats fine by me lool .... ;) thank you [02:23] !info clamtk > zetheroo [02:23] wow ubuntu is crazy (in a good way that is :)) .the ubuntu package installer is integrated in firefox to download pluggins like flash player [02:23] zetheroo: try « apt-cache rdepends clamav » [02:24] errr remove not uninstall heh? LjL* [02:24] Jewfro-Macabbi, yeah, they're audio files [02:24] ok Jack_Sparrow ! Thank you [02:24] dawiz: ah well yes [02:24] cdubya, it may not work - but it was worth a shot - there's a graphical program for doing it also soundconverter [02:24] dawiz: and add sudo too [02:24] np [02:24] ok [02:24] Mirado_tsw, this will be unpleasant to fix, you could save off the boot loader and partition tables with dd, repair windows, then copy the boot loader back [02:24] SoundConverter handles m4p files? [02:25] Dimitree: If you can even get a virus to run in wine (deliberately) you'll be doing quite well.. once it's running, it has access to whatever files wine does... AFAIK the default setting has your home directory as a virtual drive, so it could in theory damage any file in your home directory.. [02:25] cdubya, not sure I just did an aptitude search for soundconverter - doesn't list all the formats it handles [02:25] ok, thanks [02:25] right [02:25] Mirado_tsw, you might try smart boot manager [02:25] was just being overly sure [02:26] in theory zcat[1] but most of ur files in your home drive will not affect your linux install if its a windows specific virus = but u could pass the files along with the infection to a windows user [02:26] tarvid: thats gibberish to me (this is my first time trying to use something other than windows) [02:26] hey he's everyone doing...I've got a quick question hoping someone can point men in the right direction [02:26] sorry if it seems im asking stupid questions [02:26] no stupid questions - only stupid answers [02:26] @list [02:26] Admin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, Filter, FreenodeAuth, Lart, Math, Mess, Misc, Owner, Services, User, and Webcal [02:26] smart boot manager? as an alternative to grub? [02:26] zcat[1], O___O nuuuuu not antivirus programs again :[ [02:26] * Dimitree crys [02:26] agreed gilda [02:26] Mirado_tsw, http://sourceforge.net/projects/btmgr/ [02:27] thx [02:27] #list [02:27] dont need scanlogd really anywaydo i? [02:27] Mirado_tsw: that is usually a no brainer of a dual boot... did you change where it wrote grub? [02:27] I hooked up my 32 inch monitor to my computer,and have a ati x1300 video card. I can only get 800x600 resolution ..and wanted to see if someone can help me how to get 1024x768 [02:27] gilda: if you get a windows virus that overwrites files with garbage.. and it has write access to ~ through H: in wine, I'd expect that it can therefore overwrite important files in your home dir.. [02:27] I'm on the livecd in irssi on vt2 now, I can't get X to start to install ubuntu on this system. I have intel integrated graphics 82845G/GL graphics [02:27] firestarter should find portscans [02:28] i have a weird problem [02:28] I have some crappy emachine, with 2ghz, and 512 megs of ram [02:28] i have an executable, but every time i try to run it it says it's not there [02:28] gilda: all highly theoretical though, generally viruses use weird api's and totally fail to run at all in wine [02:28] jacksparrow: no [02:28] Mirado_tsw: go to a terminal gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and post it to the pastebin.. NOT in the channel, then give us the link. [02:28] Mirado_tsw, is that Vista? [02:28] zcat[1], quite possibly but ive never encountered it when attracting virii thru wine - but theres bound to be something that could be painful [02:28] tanath: type ./executablename [02:28] andi5 [02:28] tarvid : no xp 64bit [02:28] i can change it's properties, list it, etc., but whenever i try to run it it says not found [02:29] andi5, did you take a look at the pasted text? [02:29] that helps [02:29] robdig, uh, yeah, that's what i was doing [02:29] oh i forgot, also i tried to configure the tv monitor, but it only labels it as generic, and since it's a tv set i doubt that there are drivers for it. How can i configure so i have bigger resolution? [02:29] robdig, even tried with the path [02:29] The only thing I have in Xorg.0.log is WW V_BIOS bad checksum, [02:29] gilda: it's routing fine as long as I can connect which I can do when the access point is open or set up with a WPA personal passphrase with no spaces in it. [02:29] even used tab completion so i know it's there [02:29] tanath: is it executable? [02:29] what's the command to bring up the gui for wine? [02:29] robdig, yep [02:29] bruenig's theory is that Network Settings is dorking up the passphrase somehow. [02:29] does ubuntu have a serious issue with copying files larger than 4gb? [02:29] I'm checking out that theory now. [02:29] robdig, chmod +x worked on it fine, but i can't execute it 'cause it says it's not there [02:29] Mirado_tsw: go to a terminal sudo fdisk -l last letter is L would also be helpful to see in the pastebin. [02:30] silent_, not in my experience [02:30] i've never seen this before [02:30] Mirado_tsw, then I would assume you would survive a Linux reload [02:30] Does anyone have any experience in configuring ATI Radeon dual screen setup and Compiz fusion? [02:30] jack# [02:30] apt-get seems to be working again [02:30] Jack_Sparrow: can u help me now? [02:30] Jewfro-Macabbi: I can transfer exactly 4.0GB before nautilus crashes [02:30] thanks LjL* [02:30] tanath: does sound wierd. type 'file nameofexecutable' and see if it can identify what it is (without the quotes) [02:30] dusty_: game is still on [02:30] a coworker asks me at least once a week if i'm sure i don't have any viruses. can't believe i don't need av software. [02:30] silent_: what filesystem? [02:31] jacksparrow : it gave me an error with the first one [02:31] can u at least give me a direction? :) [02:31] should i try to reinstall scanlogd again? LjL* [02:31] silent_, try from command cp filename /location/path [02:31] lol [02:31] dawiz: do you need it? [02:31] zcat[1]: ext3 to fat [02:31] um [02:31] silent_, cp -r for directories === ubuntu is now known as helpme [02:31] and tarvid: its a fresh install, so i have nothing to lose [02:31] zcat[1]: also tried a network transfer to my server ext3 to smbfs [02:31] silent_: well.. afaik fat has issues with files bigger than 4G [02:31] silent_, sorry cp filename /location/path/filename [02:31] robdig, ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped [02:31] shouldnt firestarter or guard dog detect portscans? [02:31] LjL* [02:31] no idea [02:31] hmmm [02:32] Mirado_tsw: Are you running Ubuntu? [02:32] i don't use any firewall interfaces [02:32] why isnt tk 8.5 in the repos?i just spent the last three hours trying to figure out how to compile it or w/e and amsn is still whining [02:32] tanath: sounds right...hmm [02:32] yeah [02:32] I would try a Windows repair with the Windows installation CD, I haven't lost data yet but you might be the first [02:32] i should just use iptables [02:32] ive gotten lazy since my slack days [02:32] bluefoxx: Ubuntu never aimed at having the very latest versions of packages [02:32] robdig, yeah, i know. i know it's there, i've done lots of things to it, but i just can't execute it. my default shell is zsh, but i tried with bash too [02:32] dawiz: it loggs them [02:32] On xorg.conf, what is supposed to be on the line with resolution, ie 800x600 [02:32] dawiz: i don't use iptables either. [02:32] is there anyone here that knows a good deal about networking and wireless? [02:32] Can someone paste their xorg.conf line, with resolution on it please [02:33] robdig, always get 'zsh: no such file or directory' [02:33] dawiz: it logs attempted connects ... it doesn't pop up windows about them though [02:33] just paste the one line with 800x600 on it [02:33] helpme: Please try a little patience [02:33] Section "Screen" [02:33] Identifier "Default Screen" [02:33] Device "nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE]" [02:33] Monitor "IBM G96" [02:33] Defaultdepth 24 [02:33] SubSection "Display" [02:33] gilda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:33] well im not sure if firestarter uses scanlogd to give me my notices in the gui LjL [02:34] hey gilda can you suggest something else? [02:34] Jacksparrow: yes, well, livecd atm [02:34] for ? [02:34] Is there a general way to find the source for a given program (/usr/bin/network-admin in this case) [02:34] LjL: well when can i expect it?i suck at compiling stuff, im one of those ppl who learns by doing really well but needs absoulute step by step(type in this, then this) to get the hang of something [02:34] The most annoying thing in the world is windows users panicking because "omfg there's a root server attacking my box on port 53!!" [02:34] gilda, for connecting to the internet [02:34] jacksparrow : and the fdisk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54666/ [02:34] I.e. is there some package I should install that would have the source? [02:34] gilda, still can't connect [02:34] Mirado_tsw: So, you cant get into ubuntu on the hd either? then it is time to reinstall... [02:35] i can get into ubuntu [02:35] hmmm its not in lscpi the hw but in the lshw right manduski ? [02:35] gilda, i can connect through ethernet, but not though the laptop's wifi [02:35] bluefoxx: it will never come in Gutsy. it will be in Hardy. [02:35] i rarely checks those logs anyway [02:35] gilda, i don't see it under lspci [02:35] robdig, i have never seen this. any ideas? [02:35] gilda, lemme check again [02:35] this is my home pc [02:35] well thats a minor issue =p [02:35] gigamonkey: apt-get source network-manager [02:35] no need for ultra security really [02:36] tanath: not at the moment... [02:36] Mirado_tsw: There is no reason for that command I gave you to fail [02:36] im goin to try it again [02:36] if i needed that kind security and info id be reinstallin slack LjL [02:36] gilda, i don't see it here [02:37] hence why i use ubuntu for everyday practical enduser use [02:37] Mirado_tsw: i am jealous of you main HD [02:37] tanath: do you have read permissions in the directory? [02:37] hello people [02:37] gilda, but i do see it under lshw on the last block where "*-network" is [02:37] robdig, uh, it's my home directory [02:37] less unnecesary headaches [02:37] and great docs [02:37] robdig, and if i didn't how would other apps be able to do stuff to it? like chmod +x [02:37] gimme sec manduski [02:38] Jack_Sparrow: it brings up a blank document.. i installed grub to... the mbr [02:38] robdig, but yes, i checked and i do [02:38] tanath: on directories x lets you do stuff to items in it, but if you can't read a file...chmod would not be reading the file...just a thought [02:38] robdig, perms look good [02:38] i have a question, does ubuntu 7.10 has the last nvidia restricted drivers or i should download them from nvidia site? [02:38] Mirado_tsw: That doc should not be blank.. check the path [02:38] manduski, is it built in or pcmcia ? [02:39] or usb [02:39] gilda, built in [02:39] shiwaraya: download them [02:39] do u know model ? [02:39] i checked it 3 times just to be sure.. [02:39] i even copied it off the irc and tryed it [02:39] LjL well i reinstalled it, and it says its already in use by a system user [02:39] tx Frogzoo, but i have a old gforce4 card, should i donwload them anyways? [02:40] Mirado_tsw: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [02:40] robdig, it makes no sense. i even use the full path and use tab completion so i know i'm getting it right, but it always says 'file or directory not found' [02:40] aalready exists as a system user [02:40] tanath: does it have a space in the name? [02:40] * [02:40] robdig, nope [02:40] Mirado_tsw: It comes up for me.. so I have no idea what the problem may be [02:41] robdig, 4 alphabetical characters [02:41] robdig, er, alphanumeric, but no numbers :P [02:41] gilda, the laptop is an EVEREX SR7200T [02:41] letters, that's the word, lmao [02:41] tanath: try putting it in single quotes, like './name' using tab completion [02:42] can someone help me with video in firefox? [02:42] gilda, or do you mean model of the card? [02:42] the card plz [02:42] robdig, same [02:42] tanath: can you start it using nautilus and double click? [02:43] any1 have any suggestions: im trying to listen to music while using teamspeak but its not letting me use both devices i can either talk on ts or listen to music but not both [02:43] robdig, i just used mv to rename it and tried to run it again, but it still says not found even with the new name [02:43] robdig, i imagine it's the same thing (i tried and nothing appeared to happen) [02:43] omg is flash fixed? [02:44] tanath: if you have gdb installed, can you use it to try and start it? [02:44] Skyblader2: no [02:44] Jack_Sparrow, but it works now! [02:44] Which Maya for Linux distribution should i install for it to work with ubuntu ? aksusbd-redhat- aksusbd-suse- awcommon-1080- awcommon-server-1080 maya2008_0-20080 all rpm ? [02:44] robdig, i have it, but no experience with it [02:44] i timed out [02:44] soundray, are you still here? [02:44] Skyblader2: You have the other repos enabled... [02:44] It finally installed without giving me problems! [02:45] !flashissues [02:45] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [02:45] oh.... [02:45] yay for other repos! [02:45] tanath: been a long time since i used it regularly. my thought is that maybe it would give a more informative message [02:45] the fix is -proposed is also broken btw; apparently adobe are changing the download quite frequently [02:46] Jack_sparrow: would it be easier if i was in ubuntu that i installed instead of the livecd? [02:46] gtg [02:46] tanath: gdb exename then at the prompt run [02:46] Mirado_ts1: with the issues you are having, and no time tweaking the setup, I would do a fresh install [02:46] alternative to divx webplayer? does it always work? [02:47] robdig, same thing (zsh says not found). then gdb says 'Program exited with code 0177' [02:47] Jack_Sparrow: should i install grub to a different location than the mbr? [02:47] warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. [02:47] GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers [02:47] and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. [02:47] You can't do that without a process to debug. [02:47] hey wat plugin do i need to use to watch youtube vids [02:48] flash [02:48] Mirado_ts1: no... defaults should be fine [02:48] thx [02:48] CH3M1C4L5: flash plugins, which is broken [02:48] robdig, it seems basically that when coming to executing it, the file is invisible [02:48] broken [02:48] tinman:installed for me though [02:48] is it down orsomething [02:48] !flashissues [02:48] broken? [02:48] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [02:48] CH3M1C4L5, you can get the flash plugin for an alternate site [02:48] hello people why when i make the eggdrop when i type ./configure i have this error paste ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54667/plain/ [02:49] tanath: i'm thinking maybe its corrupted...looking for the error 0177 [02:49] !build-essential [02:49] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [02:49] oic [02:49] ww00w00: sudo apt-get install build-essential [02:49] techno_freak/ so they are down for now [02:49] ? [02:49] Jack_Sparrow: Should I wait for a fix or build it myself? :> [02:50] Starnestommy, this is the error paste ----> Media change: please insert the disc labeled [02:50] 'Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)' [02:50] in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter [02:50] sry for paste i forgot [02:50] tinman: get the one from the repo, or from adobe.. [02:50] i need to set the CD in ? [02:50] a [02:50] Jack_Sparrow: okey [02:51] tanath: do you have the environment variable SHELL set to your shell? you can do echo $SHELL to see what it is set as [02:51] what's mythbuntu? [02:51] is the superbowl still on ? [02:52] robdig, yep. /bin/zsh [02:52] ww00w00, you do not need the cd go to system menu > administration > software sources and uncheck the disk section [02:52] ok [02:52] gonzoism: yes [02:52] gilda, it works now i dont need to go there [02:52] :) [02:52] thanks Jack_Sparrow [02:52] Jack_Sparrow: you mean get code from repo and compile, right? [02:52] no need to compile [02:52] WTF ? [02:52] people [02:52] robdig, i have alternatives to this app i can try if i need, but this is a strange error [02:53] Jack_Sparrow: I got a failedmd5checksum though [02:53] !enter > ww00w00: [02:53] when i'm trying to open my cdrom i have the error ( cannot eject the volume ) [02:53] I instaled Mplayer plugin for Firefox to watch divx movies that requieres divx webplayer but i cannot watch movies in every site, any tip? [02:53] Jack_Sparrow, i'm really sorry but i have that error :S [02:53] ww00w00: Does not excuse the paste and the repeats and the constant enter [02:54] ok [02:54] how can i backup ubuntu === PhilKC_ is now known as PhilKC [02:54] ww00w00: open a terminal, type in sudo evect /media/cdrom(or w/e the device path is) [02:55] !backup > lowlux [02:55] sudo eject /media/ [02:55] whats that do? [02:55] sorrey, typoed [02:55] !backup [02:55] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [02:55] ok works that [02:55] but people look [02:55] now i have another error [02:56] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54669/plain/ [02:56] i see some tcl missing how to install that tcl can somebody help me can you bluefoxx? [02:56] yes yes yes yes yes giants are gonna win [02:56] ww00w00: try installing amsn, it brings thatone in with it, then just remove amsn from your system, if you dont want it [02:57] File size limit exceeded (core dumped) -- ohz noez [02:57] ww00w00: May I pm... [02:57] Jack_Sparrow, yes [02:57] robdig, oh well. thanks anyway [02:57] tanath: looking through google, it seems that either env var SHELL was not set or missing shared library. don't know where else to go now. sorry [02:57] nobody can help me about divx webplayer? [02:57] AMD64 FireFox Flash Java Plugin Queston [02:58] wow this is my first time using IRC and I don't even know where I am... [02:58] lol ur in the #ubuntu channel bobo [02:58] your in the ubuntu support room chat [02:58] that is good [02:59] I need some help [02:59] bobo, dont ask to ask just ask [02:59] robdig, well, env is set, and it doesn't say anything is missing except the file itself, lol [02:59] I got a Mac G3 laptop with no OS on it... What should I do? [02:59] robdig, if the app were missing a library it would be the app itself giving the error, no? [02:59] If I installed another 32bit Web Browser will my flash pluging and java start working correctly [03:00] tanath: i think so [03:00] how do I know who is talking to me? [03:00] hi folks, i'm having resume problems after coming out from suspend with my 3945abg wifi connector. using the iwl3945 module. anyone knows a workaround? [03:01] bobo: when u see your name or the line writen is red [03:01] on gnome-panel when you make the panel NOT expanded, is there any way to hid the drag bars? [03:01] I'm trying to set up hybserv2, but I'm confused about the part of the config file where it says "The password must match the C/N lines of the hub server". I cant find that part of the ircd-hybrid config file. What do I edit in the ircd-hybrid config? [03:02] shiwaraya: is this how I address some one? [03:02] people can somebody tell me what i need to install to fix this errror ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54670/plain/ ) ? [03:02] bobo: yes it is correctly addressed [03:02] bobo: burn yourself a install CD for a linux distro that supports apple processors, i dunno beyond that as im a non-apple person, the macbook air is so far the first apple that even caught my intrest[maybe ittle catch fire and i can sue...or not XD] [03:02] fulat2k: add it to modules in /etc/default/acpi-support [03:03] ww00w00: tcl-8.4 and tcl-8.4-dev [03:03] new install on a dell vostro laptop failed at the "installing grub" stage. from a terminal, grub tells me, "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly." [03:03] ww00w00: er, tcl8.4 and tcl8.4-dev [03:03] and of course now it doesn't seem to boot into either XP or ubuntu. [03:03] lo..... [03:03] k [03:03] let me see [03:04] bluefoxx: Apples are fun. Where would I look to find out what distro would work with my hard ware? [03:04] robdig, oh well, i'm just gonna delete it and try another. thanks anyway [03:05] Frogzoo: huh? add what? iwl3945? [03:06] bobo: try google, or wikipedia, also online support forums are a good place if you want more explanitory responses [03:06] the failed install was from a gutsy disc [03:06] tanath: good luck [03:06] bluefoxx: Thanks for helping me out I have been searching for an answer, and thought I would give IRC a shot for the first time in my life. [03:06] I've had trouble with Gutsy on an semi-old Sony Vaio -- still need to re-install and iron out all the bugs [03:06] bobo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [03:07] bobo: well you seem to have gotten a good hang of it, im glad i could help you [03:08] hi:) [03:09] bobo: alternativitly, you could gut it for parts andsell them on ebay, then use the case for another computer[if your old enough for a credit card that is{two more years ><}] [03:09] anyone know of a cheap laptop that will run ubuntu? [03:09] achilles: pretty much any cheap laptop [03:10] hey guys, i have a problem connecting to the internet via the built in wireless on my new everex laptop. The wireless card is a Ralink RT2571WF. Can anyone help me with drivers and setting them up? [03:10] achilles: I"ve got a really cheap gateway, works fine [03:10] im only willing to spend 200 dollars:P [03:10] I've worked with ubuntu on dells and hp, and nickrud, apparently on gateway... hardware is hardware [03:10] !ralink | manduski [03:10] manduski: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [03:11] my sound stopped working [03:11] any ideas on how to fix it? [03:11] silent_: yeah, he mentioned cheap. Gateway seem to specialize in cheap these days [03:11] lol [03:11] behave:P [03:11] nickrud: if I were to buy a new laptop, in hindsight with my hp purchase, I'd go for an ultra-portable lenovo [03:11] just my 10 cents [03:11] bluefoxx: The G3 laptop is a bit older, So no one knows of a list of distros that have target hardware like old Macs? Scraping it is an option. [03:11] silent_: you mean, your $1500 :) [03:12] Does Ubuntu have a built in Personal Firewall? If it does, how can i manage it? if not, what expert level firewall should i install? dont i need an antivirus for my ubuntu? [03:12] nickrud: you want to buy it off me? [03:12] ;P [03:12] does anybody know when is the next ubuntu distro. release??? [03:12] !firewall [03:12] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [03:12] no need for antivirus in linux:) [03:12] newbie_: scheduled for april [03:13] That's the best part... people jumping in linux support channels... "what do I need for firewall/antivirus? can I use spybot or ad-aware?" *facepalm* [03:13] is there a way to connect remotely to X, and retrieve the window of an open application? [03:13] nickrud, Thanks! [03:13] shiwaraya, the only use for AV on linux is if you wanted to make sure you don't forward and viri to your windows using friends via email or similar [03:13] * nickrud enjoys the glee when they get the answers to firewall/antivirus questions [03:13] silent_ lol thats why we are here, coz we are new in linux [03:13] hi all, is it posible to watch shoutcast video streams in amarok like in winamp on xp ? [03:13] the shame is that im actually an expert in windows [03:14] dont come toward the light... linux has made me lazy... [03:14] I don't do anything anymore... everything updates automatically, there's no scans to do, problems never occur... linux makes me lazy [03:14] m1r: advice - use mplayer, from all the video players for linux, this is the best one. I even run it on my internet tablet [03:14] I have a very very old computer, and I would like to load ubuntu on it. What is the minimum ram memory needed to run ubuntu on a X32 PC? [03:14] Anyone know if a distro that would work on a non intel Mac G3 laptop? [03:14] it's because I run linux that I have time to join irc channels and help people [03:15] bobo: look for PPC distros [03:15] newbie_ i run ubuntu on p2 400 w/ 128 MB of ram, runs fine [03:15] newbie_: you can get by with 256mb with xubuntu, you need a min of 512 for ubuntu or kubuntu [03:15] for ram i belive it was in the 300s [03:15] I run Xubuntu on an old Sony laptop [03:15] bobka: you are one patient dude [03:15] It runs the XFCE enviroment [03:15] Are Automatix and Wine bug save? Do u encourage to use them? === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [03:16] bobo: if they have fluxbuntu for PPC, I'd recommend that [03:16] bobka , but mplayer dont have list of streams like in amarok ? [03:16] nickrud: it runs fine ... i use it as a server only though [03:16] !automatix | shiwaraya [03:16] shiwaraya: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » [03:16] shiwaraya: not automatix, many use wine [03:16] m1r: yeah, it is all command line [03:16] bobka, I tried to run it on an AMD K6 with 192 MB for ram, but when I tried to install it, it never responded. How you manage to install it on your PC? [03:16] newbie same here [03:16] never manage to install it [03:16] Tx guys [03:17] how can I connect to remote X, and remotely retrieve a window of an open application? [03:17] to slow to iven boot [03:17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses always use antivirus [03:17] bobka , i cant let my sister type in command , she would get lost :=) [03:17] how do I test to see if my sound will work? [03:17] play a song [03:17] :) [03:17] play something [03:17] dn4: start by having speakers :) [03:17] newbie_: i don't know ... it installed fine ... i had to reinstall grub in my case cause it didn't detect my scsi drives properly [03:17] it seems that Windows brain washed me [03:18] maxownz, yes the sound has worked before but I rebooted and now it doesnt [03:18] it does that [03:18] m1r: ok man, sorry... can't help you then [03:18] reboot again [03:18] dn4: try the live cd, if it runs there it will run (especially on medium-old hardware) [03:18] bobka, All right! :d [03:18] Because im testing many things, my gnome hangs sometimes, i managed to Ctrl+Alt+1 to get to konsole but, without reestarting, how can i go back to gnome, i mean how do i reestart the graphic interface? [03:18] ctrl + alt+f7 [03:18] back to gui [03:18] when i installed on a older computer the gui installation wouldn't work but the text based alternate cd would work and when it was done installing it booted up [03:18] bobka, tnx for help m8 [03:19] shiwaraya: ctl-alt-f7 , or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart [03:19] np, sorry I don't know many gui players === Kabuki is now known as Kabuki-Headphone === rekon_ is now known as rekon [03:20] alsamixer does not show my master volume control [03:20] so when i Ctrl-alt-1 gnome doesnt stop and just goes to background? [03:20] right [03:20] tx [03:20] m1r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [03:20] you can use f1-f6 as terminals and f7 is for gui shiwaraya [03:21] tx gilda [03:21] I have a real old laptop, and I would like to know if someone could recommend me a very light linux distro for it. I think it has about 800Mb Hdd and 8mb ram [03:21] nickrud , thx i check === ce_baek is now known as cancer [03:22] damn small linux - super teeny tiny linux distro [03:22] newbie_: google for distros. there are tons that'll run off thumb drives [03:22] newbie_: DSL (Damn Small Linux) gets recommended a lot [03:22] np [03:22] maxownz: Not a chance that a laptop that old would have USB ports... [03:22] where is dhcpd.conf in ubuntu? [03:22] etfb: a distro light enough to run off a usb drive is light enough for an old laptop [03:22] newbie_: http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Minimum_Hardware_Requirements [03:23] etfb, Thanks, will try that [03:23] anyone knows where does ubuntu installs its java directory... [03:23] nickrud, Thanks! [03:23] ozzloy: /etc/dhcp3 [03:23] maxownz: D'oh! Good point... [03:23] Ububegin: /usr/lib/jvm [03:23] issue with ububtu. adobe flash no worky. everything else is great [03:23] !flashissues | muser [03:23] muser: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [03:24] how do i delete a mistaken firefox about:config string? [03:24] i see* [03:24] nickrud: Where does one go to find an older Flash install then? [03:24] shiwaraya: There's a JavaScript file containing all the customised entries. Let me check... [03:24] etfb: you can use the download off adobe.com if you like. [03:24] any expected fix time? [03:24] muser:gnu flash player works well [03:25] etfb: tx [03:25] muser: it shouldn't be long [03:25] help, I did something silly and embarrassing. I was exploring compiz and started my paint fire mouse thing...so how do you get rid of the fire. I appreciate any help [03:25] nickrud: They keep old versions there, do they? [03:25] muser: we've been waiting a long time, but it's finally in proposed [03:25] gnu flash player?? is there allready a open source flash player?? [03:25] etfb: you might find it in the pool in archive.ubuntu.com , but I doubt it [03:26] shiwaraya: a really crippled one, gnash [03:26] [q] When connecting to irc servers (or any other server) from my Ubuntu 7.10 Server 64-bit machine my IP will not resolve. I've added all of my working DNS server manually to /etc/resolv.conf. What do I need to try next? [03:26] shiwaraya: well, not totally crippled but not flash 9 capable [03:26] I am trying to copy files from a mounted Iso with File Browser to my desktop and it says that i can't copy paste them because i don't have permission [03:26] nickrud: Hi i see two directories here.. [java-6-sun/bin] && [java-6-sun-] ... which one should i set to the path variable... tks [03:26] oh, tx, i hate flash, i have a slow procesor [03:27] omg theres a flamwar over at #windows [03:27] does libquictkime0 not work with gutsy? I want to install transcode, and libquicktime0 is a dep for it, but it says not installable... [03:27] shiwaraya: The file you want is called prefs.js, and it will be in your profile folder. More info here: http://kb.mozillazine.org/User.js_file [03:27] maxownz, nemilar, Thank you! [03:27] well at least you can try that until the release comes out :) [03:27] they are flaming linux [03:27] Ububegin: are you sure you need to do that? Most apps are set up correctly if you simply run sudo update-alternatives --config java (and if you do ls -l you'll see one is a link to the other) [03:27] !minimal [03:27] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [03:27] tx etfb, i needed to resolve a mistake i made trying to configure ed2k links to amule [03:28] To kill fire shift windows C [03:28] achilles: Leave them to it, the poor dears. When you're sitting on a pile of poo, you care very much about letting everyone know that your pile is bigger and smellier than everyone else's... [03:28] <[phear]crippler> This is a picture of my start up back ground for Counter-Strike 1.6: http://www.pics.dvian.net/viewer.php?id=25822611.jpg I figured everyone here would get a kick out of this. [03:28] KILL IT WITH FIRE [03:28] oh thank god [03:28] One of my friends just "upgraded" to vista and it overwrote his MBR, so no more bootloader. He has an ubuntu partition that he can't access right now. Can he just boot up with the livecd and reinstall the bootloader? If so what is the procedure for that? [03:28] jack, thank you so much [03:28] achilles: defenestrate that channel, it's useless [03:28] nickrud: I cant run my java files... can compile(javac) them but can run(java) them... [03:29] does libquictkime0 not work with gutsy? I want to install transcode, and libquicktime0 is a dep for it, but it says not installable... [03:29] !grub | Dmitri [03:29] Dmitri: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [03:29] nickrud: thank you very much :) reading now [03:29] * etfb should get back to work... [03:29] theyre telling me to leave linux and try a real unix os [03:29] I've just installed lamp in my Kubuntu 7.10 So how can I start building homepages on my localmachine? [03:29] Anyone know of a simple video editor for avi files? [03:29] How can i get permission to copy paste files from mounted iso file in File Browser ? [03:30] they are telling linux is useless;( [03:30] Would not be nice that ubuntu would ship keyboards with Ubuntu key instead of Windows key? [03:30] achilles who are you talking to that's saying these blasphemous things? [03:30] <`Matir> achilles, who is telling you that? [03:30] mindslant: no problem [03:30] <`Matir> shiwaraya, I wish [03:30] lol achilles is hanging out in #windows [03:30] neeto: the ubuntu transcode depends on libquicktime1 , you must have some odd repo enabled [03:30] oie!!! [03:30] the #winows channel [03:30] can we at least have stickers to turn the windows key into a *buntu key? [03:30] Hey people, I have a high usage of my processor by the "X" process when my computer idles. What is up with this? [03:30] Dimitree: gksudo nautilus .. if you are sure of what you want to do [03:30] gilda yeah lol [03:31] meh just paint a cute lil tux on it hellion0 [03:31] shiwaraya: there are pinguin keyboards out there. [03:31] nickrud, can you link me to a list of the most current repos? [03:31] ur a brave soul achilles ! [03:31] cosmodad: ohh, owesome, i didn't know. i will get one [03:31] /quit [03:31] hellion0: i haf removed my window key... kinda useless now... :D [03:31] !enablesources | neeto [03:31] neeto: Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information [03:31] neeto: the most current repos for ubuntu can be enabled in system->admin->software sources [03:32] has anyone had this problem but me?? [03:32] neeto: 3d party ones would be listed there as well ... [03:32] nickrud, I am running xfce, what is the command to open the gnome software sources control? [03:32] any one have an idea how to install a HP laserJet 2600n? I have installed thru CUPS and get the errorrecoverable: Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds..." [03:32] etfb: tx so much, solved my problem with ed2k links in firefox [03:32] now im mad they told me linux is weak with programming [03:32] that windows is better [03:32] achilles, yep. It's true [03:32] neeto it should be in the system menu - administration [03:33] achilles, i dont think anyone cares and you are offtopic [03:33] avis i thought you cared;( [03:33] does vmware works bugless in ubuntu? [03:33] every time [03:33] no one helps me [03:34] neeto: gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk [03:34] u didnt ask a question WhoNeedszzz [03:34] gilda, yes i did [03:34] you need some sleep [03:34] Hey people, I have a high usage of my processor by the "X" process when my computer idles. What is up with this? [03:34] ah missed that [03:34] scroll up and you will see this [03:34] what's the difference between gksu and sudo? [03:34] WhoNeedszzz: what's a high usage? I sometimes see as much as 20% , but it drops [03:34] gksudo is the grafical front end to sudo [03:34] neeto, graphical [03:34] nickrud, 99% [03:34] and the preferred method to use root based grafical applications [03:35] neeto: gksu sets up your program run environment in a manner safe to run gui programs === SgtPussfeller is now known as pussfeller [03:35] WhoNeedszzz: nope, never seen it [03:35] nickrud, 88% today [03:35] constantly [03:35] doesn't drop [03:35] you have a zombie pid possibly ? [03:35] i dunno [03:35] if I run an GUI program with sudo, it usually seems to run fine... is it actually unstable? [03:36] neeto: not unstable, but don't save any preferences when you run with sudo. It will make your prefs owned by root and you can't change them as the normal user [03:36] any one a printer guru? [03:36] !gksu | neeto [03:36] neeto: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [03:36] !anyone | Damoochr_ [03:36] Damoochr_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:36] Jack_Sparrow this command opened a new browser but in the new broswer there was no iso image mounted ? [03:37] nickrud: but running gksu will still save my prefs as the the non-superuser user? [03:37] what programs are you guys using to play video streams like winamp in ubuntu ? [03:37] video streams ? i use mplayer [03:37] neeto, it's gksudo not gksu [03:37] gilda , how do you get some kind of list of streams in mplayer ? [03:38] neeto: no, they will be saved as the root user [03:38] ok, does any one know how to get my laser jet 2600n working ? I have 2 computers one running 7.04 and one 7.1 [03:38] neeto: but it will not change the owner? [03:38] o u want pre fabbed lists mlr ? [03:38] Damoochr_, 7.10* [03:38] WhoNeedszzz: gksudo is a link to gksu, same thing [03:38] not sure Damoochr_ [03:38] nickrud: but it will not change the owner? [03:38] neeto: read the page that danbhfive have you , it' has a lot of details. [03:38] prefabbed gilda ? [03:38] yes 7.10 [03:38] nickrud: roger that [03:38] lol premade links for you [03:38] I removed a hard disk from my PC and Ubuntu keeps trying to check it for errors on boot. It slow down my boot up about a extra min. Do i have to manually change any configuration on my Ubuntu everytime i replace hard disks? [03:38] Jack_Sparrow ouuu i'm at root :)) thank you very much sorry :) [03:39] ah yes gilda [03:39] shiwaraya: you should remove it from /etc/fstab [03:39] is there any well supported bluetooth printer? [03:39] gilda , like list of avilable streams i have shown in winamp [03:39] i can't believe no one has had problems with the X process [03:39] shiwaraya, you will need to make sure the hdd is not called in the /etc/fstab [03:39] Damoochr_: I'd connect the printer local to 7.10, and use it as a print server to 7.04 [03:39] shiwaraya: or put a # at the beginning of the line if you plan on putting it back some day [03:39] WhoNeedszzz: is the process just called X? [03:39] i dont know how winamp puts the lists [03:39] danbhfive, aye [03:40] Damoochr_: or does the laser jet have its own ip? [03:40] Hi. Anybody get the message "Error opening supplicant global control interface." when trying to connect to a WPA encrypted wireless network with network-manager/nm-applet, and possibly a way to fix it? Thanks. [03:40] gilda , it just reads available streams , video or audio [03:40] does nfs have file size limits on transfers? [03:40] im trying to boot from a live cd on my other laptop to install it...its a new laptop; i'm getting error:microcode "bcm43xx_microcode.fw" not available or load failed....does anyone know what thats all about? [03:40] anyone experienced with nfs? [03:40] Frogzoo: I have it connected via ethernet, has its own Ip [03:40] WhoNeedszzz: not Xorg? [03:40] your wireless monschein [03:40] danbhfive, no [03:40] ohh, nice and easy, tx guys [03:41] ya i just load my streams that i want to watch into mplayer i dont build lists mlr [03:41] i tried turning the wireless off physically but as i assumed that didnt work [03:41] Damoochr_: ok, so add it as a printer: sys -> admin -> printing [03:41] gilda: any suggestions? [03:41] monschein: your wireless driver needs firmware microcode. [03:41] !bcm43xx | monschein [03:41] monschein: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [03:41] Damoochr_: you might not find a driver, you might need to download a ppd to match your printer [03:41] well its that ubuntu is having trouble loading your wireless drivers monschein [03:41] ok gilda tnx m8 [03:41] appears as though i am not the only one; good to know. [03:41] WhoNeedszzz: try this command, and see what happens: sudo killall X [03:42] grr this is so annoying [03:42] anyone here use XMAME? i'm having a problem getting my AxisPad game controller to work with the roms [03:42] Frogzoo: did that got no test page, CUPS reports any one have an idea how to install a HP laserJet 2600n? I have installed thru CUPS and get the errorrecoverable: Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds..." [03:42] danbhfive, uh...my gui will shutdown [03:42] whats the package for php command line interface? [03:42] monschein: it's really simple if you can wire up to install a couple of things [03:42] phuzion: php5-cli [03:42] Flannel, thanks [03:42] WhoNeedszzz: are you sure? mine runs under Xorg. Are you running vanilla ubuntu? [03:43] well i can plug in a wire...but will it still give me these errors? it just repeats itself while loading the live CD [03:43] I read Linux file system is much diferent than windows and that i can mount any storage hardware in any filesystem folder. Why the mount in /dev and /media? i dont really understand that concept [03:43] sorry frog, [03:43] danbhfive, i'm running Xubuntu [03:43] can anyone help me...watching a video from a cd (avi) through vlc player and the video gets really blurry (no audio probs) [03:43] WhoNeedszzz: oh [03:43] im just wondering if it will ever get past this stage even if i plug a cable in [03:43] does the livecd start though monschein ? [03:43] had some trash in note pad [03:43] updating the repos didn't seem to do the trick. transcode still seems to require libquicktime0. [03:43] monschein: that error will be fixed if you do the steps given by that link you were given. It's just a lot easier if you get net with a wire [03:43] WhoNeedszzz maybe something to do with your graphics driver? [03:43] L3ttuc3, nope, just installed the latest [03:44] WhoNeedszzz: well, if it does shutdown X server, its no big deal at all, al your programs will close, but X should restart [03:44] Damoochr_: did you install it as jet direct connection? [03:44] Frogzoo: I can print thru a win 2k laptop just fine [03:44] the livecd starts but doesnt get too far after i select "start/ install ubuntu". right after it detects my display settings it starts giving me those errors via CLI [03:44] Frog: yes jet direct [03:44] after the errors does it boot to the desktop though monschein ? [03:44] woo giants! [03:44] Can someone tell if there is mol in the respitories anymore. [03:44] !offtopic kdub [03:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about offtopic kdub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === crd1b is now known as crdlb [03:44] Can i just change in fstab /media/sda4 for something like /home/downloads? [03:45] trying to install gutsy on a new laptop dual-booting with XP. it fails installing grub, and the machine appears to be unbootable. help? [03:45] gilda: i've been waiting here for about 20 minutes [03:45] darn, i was hoping that would work [03:45] it's repeated the error 9 times [03:45] monschein: those errors shouldn't stop the desktop, just the wireless. You have something else going on [03:45] !fhs | shiwaraya [03:45] shiwaraya: sure, just change the mnt point in /etc/fstab [03:45] shiwaraya: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [03:45] can anyone help me...watching a video from a cd (avi) through vlc player and the video gets really blurry (no audio probs)...tried running it through mplayer too and had same problem. [03:45] danbhfive, it says no process killed [03:45] shiwaraya, you will have to create the folder 1st them do a umount -a and mount -a to remount the hdd to the new share name [03:45] it just repeats the microcode.fw error [03:45] shiwaraya: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab -- and change the /media/sda4 line [03:45] Is there a .deb for Mac-on-linux???? [03:45] for broadcom; this cd worked on my other laptop [03:45] monschein: but I think gilda probably knows more about wireless than I do. [03:46] Evenin' folks [03:46] shiwaraya: yes, you can [03:46] tx guys, understood [03:46] WhoNeedszzz: then find the pid with top, and use kill -p [03:46] i suspect monschein has other issues if they cannot get to the ubuntu desktop [03:46] in burning your brains with so many questions! xD im inspired today, sorry [03:46] neeto: is it a fresh install? [03:46] np's always nice to convert a win junkie shiwaraya [03:46] danbhfive, far from it. It's 7.10, but I've been using it for about a month [03:47] Is there a .deb for Mac-on-linux???? [03:47] can anyone help me...watching a video from a cd (avi) through vlc player and the video gets really blurry (no audio probs) [03:47] the ubuntu installer desperately needs the option to install on a partition [03:47] besides manual [03:47] neeto: was the 7.10 a fresh install a month ago? [03:47] it's only repeating these broadcom firmware errors; nothing else. i would hope it would have finally given up on loading the drivers for the wireless card but i guess not [03:47] monschein, have u tried booting into the safe gfx mode on the live cd ? [03:47] danbhfive: it was, but I just fixed the problem anyway. [03:47] gilda: lol xD i wish i would expended my time learning linux instead of being a windows freek [03:48] neeto: ah, ok, nvm then [03:48] danbhfive: thanks though [03:48] i suspect ur onboard vid may be making it hard to get to the desktop [03:48] fella12: blurry, as in many pixels? could be due to low resolution [03:48] i'll try that now [03:48] whats the name of the package that contains the development tools ( c/C++ headers) [03:48] lol i chose the nix path instead of the win path much fun to be had *eg* [03:48] it comes in clear for a while...then becomes blurry for 5-10 secs then clears up again [03:48] so... is nfs (nbd-server/client the linux file sharing protocol? [03:48] Its user ubotu a bot? [03:48] build-essential to get the compilers kenalex [03:49] kenalex: build-essentials [03:49] hey all.... how can I download (just donwload, not install) a package via apt? [03:49] danbhfive, yeah it killed X [03:49] hi. is there a package i can install to make gutsy 7.10 download the images omfr a motorola camera phone ? [03:49] thanks danbhfive [03:49] yes flacom apt-get -fetch [03:49] or --fetch i forget lol [03:50] its not pixalated...it's almost like blobs of various colors...like when a nes game had a glitch or froze [03:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto says therea a mol in the respitories. Ive done everything right but it says there is not one. what is going on here? [03:50] danbhfive, so what now? [03:50] Howdy [03:50] Damoochr_: dunno, I'd assume you've done something wrong - usually laser jet setup is straightforward [03:50] WhoNeedszzz: sorry mate, I've no idea. [03:50] gilda: does not work :P [03:50] Add/Remove programs wont connect to internet even though i can browse, IRC and sudo apt-get. Any tip? [03:50] WhoNeedszzz: is it a low power computer? [03:50] where can i download the new ubuntu alpha === brittany is now known as Sambie [03:50] the windows people are actually nice O_O [03:50] danbhfive, i don't know what you mean [03:51] Damoochr_: you do have cups running atm? [03:51] whats the differnce between the alternate CD and the Desktop CD? [03:51] !hardy | decay_ [03:51] decay_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [03:51] damn my bad then flacom [03:51] danbhfive: thanks [03:51] decay_: ask in #ubuntu+1 [03:51] Will do [03:51] help with motorola cell phone image downloading software ? [03:51] frogzoo: yes [03:51] WhoNeedszzz: how powerful is the cpu? [03:51] video playback prob...please help [03:52] danbhfive, uh it is a custom computer pumped up [03:52] !anyone | fella12 [03:52] fella12: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:52] flacom, its -d, --download-only [03:52] danbhfive, powerful gfx card [03:52] just manned it up [03:52] any freenx users here? just wondering what guides/repositories you used to install it [03:52] Frogzoo easier to PM? [03:52] danbhfive, what are you getting at? [03:52] Damoochr_: no - can you ping the printer? [03:52] WhoNeedszzz: maybe you could try regular ubuntu then, is there a reason for using xubuntu? [03:53] danbhfive, yes. Gnome and KDE suck balls [03:53] hi. is there a package i can install to make gutsy 7.10 download the images from a motorola camera phone ? [03:53] WhoNeedszzz: xubuntu is common for lower power computers [03:53] ok will try via terminal? [03:53] danbhfive, they are completely bloated [03:53] whats the differnce between the alternate CD and the Desktop CD? [03:53] having problems with my internet connection using speedtouch usb adsl modem, [03:53] RickJames: what format do they come in? [03:53] nothing wrong on using a lower overhead gui on a bigger machine ;) [03:53] tehmass, the alt cd is text only [03:53] danbhfive, there is a problem. it just started recently after upgrading xorg [03:53] RickJames: try searching for moto in sysnaptic [03:53] bazhang, they are jpg [03:53] ok :P [03:54] gilda: what do you know it booted in safe graphics mode; any ideas? [03:54] RickJames: what make and model of motorola phone [03:54] watching a video from a cd (avi) through vlc player and the video gets really blurry (no audio probs) [03:54] hey guys. [03:54] I did a new install of ubuntu on a dell laptop.. ATI Radeon 9200 video... how can I tell what driver ubuntu installed by default?? [03:54] WhoNeedszzz: hehe, thats why, eh. Well, yeah, I can't help ya. if its after that upgrade, maybe you should file a bug report on launchpad. Genuine bugs are a bit outside of #ubuntu [03:54] ya its the video card throwing off the booting into the desktop [03:54] monschein, thats the bigger issue then the wireless lol [03:54] fella12, try it in mplayer and see if it does the same thing maybe [03:55] I just installed humanazul theme. all works fine, but the window colors and the workspace isnt right. Any ideas? [03:55] are there any known issues with geforce 8400m gs? [03:55] Everytime y tried Fluxbox i get an empty desktop with no menus at all (not even right clicking desktop) so i have to ctrl-alt-f1 and reboot to run a diferent graphical interface. Any tip? [03:55] Aquahallic, did you install the restricted drivers ? [03:55] bazhang, there is nothing else beides motorola on the flip phone, removing the battery cover offers only numbers . [03:55] gilda no I didn't [03:55] frogzoo: result: host not reachable... connected and on [03:55] hey folks... in synaptic, what is the difference between X , X (multiverse), and X (universe).... whats with the multiverse & universe business? [03:55] had same prob in mplayer [03:55] bazhang, motorola v3m [03:55] Damoochr_: then it's not a cups problem [03:56] RickJames: plugging it in via usb and it is not recognized? [03:56] shiwaraya, you have to build your own menus [03:56] having problems with my internet connection using speedtouch usb adsl modem, i read a tutorial about configuring my modem, but not for gutsy, will it still work? [03:56] bazhang, no, it will charge, but will not download the photos [03:56] gino--: is this a dsl modem? [03:56] how do I get gparted to utilize NTFS filesystem? [03:56] yes [03:56] gino--: definitely maybe [03:56] Frogzoo: let me print a test page from the printer to get/ verify IP [03:56] gilda: apt-get -d "files" -->invalid operation :S [03:56] Hey, when you run glxgears without compiz, do the gears spin very very fast, or slow but smooth? [03:56] gilda: so i have to build those menus before even running the interface, do i build them from gnome or at konsole? [03:57] hmmm is what the man page says flacom [03:57] Just a general question. [03:57] anyone who has a usb modem similar to mine? i'm having a hard time getting my internet done :( [03:57] i dont know much much about vid cards monschein [03:57] anyone? [03:57] gino--: it isnt external, is it? [03:57] Frogzoo: ok IP is verified, what you think? [03:57] it is [03:57] shiwaraya, you can edit the files via command line or via gui with a notepad [03:58] zetheroo: what do you mean utilize? [03:58] libgammu-common maybe ? [03:58] umm question... [03:58] I'm new to ubuntu and I'm trying to set up user accounts for a school. I want to lock down the desktop and restrict some programs. How do I do this? [03:58] there is alot of information on the flux menu system on the fluxbox site shiwaraya [03:58] how do you install flash on ubuntu? [03:58] Damoochr_: I think your networking isn't setup properly [03:58] is there a terminal command for it lol [03:58] gilda no I didn't install proprietary... how can I tell which driver ubuntu installed?? [03:58] gino--: i'm a little confused, this is a modem that plugs directly into your computer's usb drive? so it needs drivers? [03:58] how can i execute "halt" (or any othe command to shutdown) being a normal user? [03:58] yeah [03:58] ill figure it out; ive gotten through worse [03:58] gilda: tx gilda, sorry i didn't look at it, i though the interface would work out of the box with some default menus [03:58] igors: use 'sudo shutdown' [03:58] Aquahallic, if you nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can see what file your xorg is calling [03:58] :( [03:59] help me plz [03:59] simple home network, 3 computers thru a lynksys router [03:59] It's amazing how easy using Linux can be. Seems that each upgrade it gets easier and easier. [03:59] someone [03:59] for the driver base [03:59] any Ideas? [03:59] gino--: do you know if it has linux drivers? you're going to have a tough time getting it to work without a driver [03:59] yes.. but I'm looking for the version [03:59] Frogzoo, but i dont wanna pass the root password, because a script is goingo to do that...you know [03:59] this laptop is my test laptop...booting server 2008 and ubuntu [03:59] Aquahallic, video card ? [03:59] kdub, if it isnt a big bother, i was working based on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch [03:59] not sure i am not a vid card afficienado Aquahallic [03:59] Jbird: there is/was a christian distribution of ubuntu, that focused on bible study (not important) and also restricting access, like to bad webpages and such. You may want to check it out, to see what they've done [04:00] #windows actually help more O_O [04:00] hi [04:00] Frogzoo, is possible to pass a root passord "inline"? like "su - --password=secret [04:00] is there some one from planet ubuntu? [04:00] I was looking to bind some keys to volume control [04:00] gino--: does the command "lsusb" display information about the device properly? [04:00] I know I need to use aumix to set the volume [04:00] but I don't know how to grab the keys I'm trying to bind [04:00] they are selective with who they help [04:00] >< [04:00] havnt tried that yet [04:00] they wont help a an effing girl [04:00] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=462340 RickJames this might apply [04:00] I'm using fluxbox, by the way [04:01] one question: I am writting some html code and it's really bad to save the work and open the file with a browser. Isn't there any IDE that display the webpage by pressing one buttomn? [04:01] yeah... in xorg.conf I see ati as the driver [04:01] anyone know how to fix the sound issue, where pluggin in headphones disables the laptop speakers? [04:01] I'm just curious as to what version of driver it loaded [04:01] Celes: have you read the topic? [04:01] should* disable the laptop speakers that is, but doesn't. [04:01] Frogzoo: I have a simple network 3 computers (now a network printer) going thru a lynksys router. any Ideas? [04:01] albertmk dreamweaver? [04:01] yes albertmk there are a few html editors with that capability in nix [04:01] gino--: please say my name when you answer, its real hard to find your responses otherwise [04:01] yeah I have! [04:01] nvu is one i can think of off the top of my head [04:01] Aquahallic: if u get gnome running gnome, u can see the driver its using in System/Administration/Screen and Graphics [04:02] tell me their names plz [04:02] Damoochr_: someone here can help you with your networking problem, I'm kind of busy atm [04:02] for linux/ubuntu [04:02] !flashissues [04:02] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [04:02] albertmk: why is that bad? [04:02] nvu - screem - bluefish look them up albertmk to see which would suit u best [04:02] I spent to much time [04:02] *spend [04:03] Frogzoo: thanks I will try that approach [04:03] thanks gilda [04:04] how do you install flash? on ubuntu? [04:04] Celes, download it from the adobe website, extract it, run the installer [04:04] um, flashplayer fomr the website is broke, the mdchecksum is bad [04:04] can some one help me with a home network, I have 3 computers (2 ubuntu and 1 win 2k) and a network printer. all have internet access but cant see each other, nor can I print except the win 2k. [04:04] Celes: the flash installation is currently broken; if you must (just cannot wait a day or three) then go to adobe and download it and install it yourself [04:05] flash installation has been broken for a good 2 or 3 weeks [04:05] furthermore, you should not wait for software because of incompetent ubuntu packagers [04:06] Celes: repeating your question will not fix it any faster--just best be patient or read how to do it yourself--or if you a completely new user--read up on it and ask more informed questions [04:06] anyone help? [04:06] ahhh [04:06] !anyone | Zelda [04:06] Zelda: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:06] Celes: just enable the proposed repo, and install nonfree-flash, or whatever its called [04:06] its not working [04:06] :( [04:06] Damoochr_, if you want all the computers to be able to see eachother then you will probably want to install a samba server so the win box has access [04:06] yeah I cant even do that [04:07] thanks, but i did ask my question and noone responded [04:07] my brother deleted my windows [04:07] and im stuck with ubuntu [04:07] Celes: its not working is not much of an informed question [04:07] pluggin in headphones doesn't disable my laptop speakers as it should, any ideas? [04:07] Celes, google flash linux, get the tar.gz and go from there [04:07] Celes: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [04:07] anyone mess with themes? === neeto_ is now known as neeto [04:07] gilda: win box is only a laptop for work, not usually on the network unless I need internet [04:07] zelda that is your question? [04:07] flashplugin-nonfree doesn't work too well, [04:08] no. [04:08] im seein if someone knows about it [04:08] there's another better way, hold on Celes, lemme find it [04:08] well get to the point Zelda [04:08] lol [04:08] bazhang you mess with compiz at all? [04:08] Zelda: if you install a theme and it doesn't quite do it for you, just install a different one [04:08] zelda many have installed themes yes [04:08] Gilda: all I really want to do is to print from the ubuntu box's, Frogzoo said my network is not set up right as I can not ping the printer [04:08] Aquahallic: sure--do you have an issue? [04:09] Download done. [04:09] md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz [04:09] The Flash plugin is NOT installed. [04:09] if you cant ping the router ur def not set up [04:09] what does that mean [04:09] and thats why boxen not talk to eachother [04:09] gilda : any ideas? [04:09] i installed humanazul theme. and all the icons work. the only part of the theme that isnt working is the windows in the explorer, and the workspace [04:09] :( [04:09] yup.. .ATI Radeon 9200 and my tv playback while spinning my cube [04:09] it means the flashplugin-nonfree is crap [04:09] afreed [04:09] wired or wireless Damoochr_ [04:09] gilda: wired [04:09] how can I repair stage 1 on grub? [04:09] dhcp static ? [04:09] I keep getting and error of something about aRts sound systems but im using gnome not kde and my sound works perfectly. Should i uninstall aRts? [04:10] zelda is that addressed to anyone in particular? [04:10] Damoochr_: can all computers ping the linksys? [04:10] seein' mess all OVER about it.. but I can't seem to find a "resolution" for the issue [04:10] no. anyone that can help/ [04:10] no ping router [04:10] anyone have any idea why gnome would randomly restart? [04:10] seems like you are the pne [04:10] er one [04:10] gilda: static I assume, just plugged everythign in and had internet [04:10] Celes: http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash [04:10] Aquahallic, do you have a Radeon 9200 working with ATI driver? [04:10] just teh x-server, not the computer [04:10] yes... [04:10] k Damoochr_ you will need to declare the default gw on both nix boxes [04:10] all my network connections keep working, thankfully [04:10] not the proprietary though [04:10] gilda: gw?? [04:11] I Have a Radeon 9200 and only works with Radeon driver [04:11] gateway sorry [04:11] !who | Aquahallic Zelda [04:11] Aquahallic Zelda: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [04:11] shinygerbil, how do you installed? [04:11] STOP with the lame stuff. [04:11] Im talking to you Ban [04:11] Damoochr_, you will have to drop to the command line and make sure to sudo route add default gw RouterIP [04:11] on both boxes [04:11] heh... opps... was answering Andre_Gondim [04:12] I went there Jangari and it basically dled but when the extraction came I couldnt find the installer because im a noob [04:12] gilda: sorry I have no idea what gw [04:12] Damoochr_: I would think all boxes will be in the same network range, but you might like to check that [04:12] is [04:12] bazhang... I was asking you about compiz and ATI...:) [04:12] how do i change colors on the windows in explorer and the workspace colors? [04:12] my grub can't find stage 1 I need help before I re boot please [04:12] !ask [04:12] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:12] Damoochr_, what is ur routers IP address ? [04:12] the instructions, Celes, down the page, are pretty clear, [04:12] hahaha [04:12] idiot [04:12] Hey guys, need to get my girlfriends laptop on ubuntu working perfectly. Having difficulty with this webcam, doesnt seem to be working at all. Here is the output from lsusb, Bus 002 Device 002: ID 054c:0107 Sony Corp. VCC-U01 Visual Communication Camera. Can someone please help me get a hot girl on nix :d [04:13] kisu: but she's off the market though, so no ;-) [04:13] gilda: I'm guessing Damoochr's router does dhcp for his lan - does the printer get its ip from dhcp? [04:13] !webcam | kisu [04:13] kisu: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [04:13] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/alpha-4/ <-- wait a second [04:13] of course.. noone can helo [04:13] er helop [04:13] kisu: seriously though, does /dev/video0 show up? [04:13] er help [04:13] OMFG!! [04:13] I've installed cairo-dock, and uninstalled it, because it messed up my system fonts on ubuntu, all I see the a bunch of boxes, everywhere, inplace of a font.. how do I fix it? [04:13] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/alpha-4/ <- wut is goin on herez? [04:13] !cap [04:13] kdub, nope [04:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about cap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:13] Zelda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:13] Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I can access certain WiFis under XP but not under Ubuntu? My signal strength just isn't strong enough under Ubuntu to connect to a network. [04:13] HAHAH [04:13] Aquahallic: I'm not much help with ati as I have an nvidia; there is a special channel for compiz you might want to visit though #compiz-fusion , or other folks here might have a clue [04:14] Lol men's desperation [04:14] !talk [04:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about talk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:14] yes but if he is declaring static ip addressing for his network then he needs to have the gateway set up - he will route as it is set up for the DNS in the resolv.conf but he will not connect to the other systems [04:14] bazhang... BEAUTIFUL... Thanks...;) [04:14] With audacity, I can't see the "Change Pitch" effect that the documentation claims exists - any ideas why? [04:14] np [04:14] Zelda: relax [04:14] Celes: save the download somewhere, then in a terminal, navigate to it, then type "sudo rpm -Uvh [package name]" and it should be fine [04:14] Aquahallic: [04:14] and at this time he is unable to go thru the router as he cannot ping it [04:14] Zelda: try emerald [04:14] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/alpha-4/hardy-server-i386.iso <-- Nice! [04:14] !emerald [04:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:14] http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1358/screenshot1bf2.png [04:15] could someone explain this please [04:15] I have the zip file saved [04:15] kdub, nothing there in /dev/video0. Been searching for ages. Was wondering if anyone knew any drivers i could compile for it! [04:15] lol sorry for the drop of info Frogzoo [04:15] shiwaraya... ?? [04:15] does that couldnt? [04:15] can I restore grub stage 1 from stage 2? [04:15] zelda please stop abusing the bot [04:15] go ahead and post !abuse [04:15] count* [04:15] Aquahallic: if your Radeon is 9200 PRO there is no way to get all 3d performance u need for compiz [04:15] justinmiller87: doubt it's a power issue, but you can try "iwconfig eth0 txpower 30mW" [04:15] gilda gilda ip for router is [04:15] quaal, what needs to be explained in that screenshot? [04:15] not even the desktop cube will work even though glxgears will [04:15] quaal, looks like a picture [04:15] Damoochr_: you mean ?? [04:15] Celes: that's fine, unzip it somewhere, remember where [04:15] * Celes is freaking out because she cant get flash anywhere [04:15] quaal, of .png format [04:15] rekon, the fact that i have ownership (dephserv) in terminal, and root has ownership in nautilus. [04:16] no more youtube videos for me [04:16] k and Damoochr_ if you run ifconfig on your linux systems do they follow the ip structure for your network ? [04:16] goodbye [04:16] LOL yeah drunk finger after superbowl [04:16] then, Celes, navigate to it in a terminal and type this: "./flashplayer-installer" [04:16] Damoochr_: otherwise, there's your problem right there [04:16] Thanks for the sugestion Frogzoo [04:16] Zelda: look for emerald in synaptic, and please try to be nicer to the people here [04:16] I assume you chose the .tar.gz? [04:16] Celes: do you have all the repos enabled? [04:16] whats a repo? [04:16] kisu: maybe check the v4l project's website [04:16] shiwaraya I have everything working for the most part... only problem I'm having is black screen playing a video when spinning my cube around... when I stop the cube and it settles on a desktop... the video pops up fine [04:16] I have a very strong feeling that if I re boot I won't be able to get back on [04:16] repo = repository [04:16] I like humanazul [04:16] kdub, will do, thanks [04:16] danbhfive: s/he had problems with the flashplugin-nonfree, naturally, since it's crap, i'm showing her the way that works [04:17] Jangari: but an rpm with ubuntu? ;] [04:17] dn4, the fact that i have ownership (dephserv) in terminal, and root has ownership in nautilus. [04:17] ohh, then yours is a Radeon 9200 (not PRO). That card is reported to work correctly with compiz [04:17] Jangari: there is a new version in gutsy-proposed that works for me... and yes, I know, "works for me" [04:17] well, the .tar.gz [04:17] !font [04:17] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [04:17] Zelda: and i like wiiblack, with crystal icons [04:17] Is there a reason why Synaptic uses so much CPU time while downloading files? Here it's using ~12.5kHz/byte. [04:17] please can some one point on the right direction to restore stage 1 or is ther a grub irc any one know about? [04:17] hrmm... when I do a lspci it shows that it's a Radeon 9600.. but I KNOW it's a 9200 [04:18] PKdoR: #grub [04:18] Kuwanger, becuz its trying to get ur stuff in asap and its using all ur power to do it [04:18] hanks [04:18] PKdoR: this is a dual boot? [04:18] i've installed flashplugin-nonfree on about 7 computers unsuccessfully, by contrast, the tarball from adobe has worked 7 times [04:18] join #grub [04:18] gilda i got it to work on my other laptop; my life is complete...dual boot [04:18] quaal, so you are looking @ the command prompt [04:18] wohoo enjoy monschein [04:18] Jangari: then celes is lucky ;] [04:18] quaal, then perhaps the commands? [04:18] I have both esd and alsa, I think. It occasionally causes problems with the sound. When I've looked into uninstalling esd, there are a buncha packages depending on it, so I've put it off until now. I'd like to finally get this done toight. Familiar with this? [04:18] dn4, yes, the command prompt, or terminal, is in the picture. [04:18] bazhang: yes it is [04:18] Novice user here... Have read and implemented suggestions on "Playing Restricted Formats" with no luck. Any suggestions? [04:19] paul__: what version? [04:19] PKdoR: which installed first? [04:19] gilda: Um, do the math. 12.5kHz/byte works out to be 65mHz for dialup and 1.5gHz for 120KB/s. [04:19] 7.10 [04:19] Okay it apparently installed in terminal [04:19] paul__: And what restricted formats are you having problems with? [04:19] dn4, do you have any idea what you're talking about or are you just speaking at me randomly [04:19] and when I got to my video [04:19] it said install missing plugin [04:19] so I go there and it said already installed and nothing works [04:19] puff: Store bought DVD movies. [04:19] gilda: In short, there's no reason for the downloading in itself to take up that much CPU time. [04:19] paul__: Hm, same region as you? [04:19] well thats just insanity Kuwanger - but not sure how to fix it [04:20] 'in terminal'? which method did you try, Celes? [04:20] quaal, I see this picture which shows me that you are in IRC, along with killer clowns from Outter Space. [04:20] !medibuntu | paul__ have you tried this? [04:20] paul__ have you tried this?: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [04:20] www.medibuntu.org paul__ will have the package you need ;] [04:20] puff: I THINK so... The DVD's play in my regular DVD players. [04:20] Aquahallic: im sorry i cannot help u more in that problem. I had a 9200 Pro and after huge brain burning i decided to get a second hand nvidia gforce4 (old card) for 15$ and i solved all my headaches [04:20] dn4, thanks anyways. [04:20] well I hit the installer thing I found [04:20] bazhang: hd0 [acronis tools] hd1 [vista] hd2 [Ubun]tu [04:20] paul what player are you trying to use ? [04:20] do you wish to install y/n/ something else and I said y enter [04:20] and then it said installed [04:20] Perhaps I should try to track down synaptic's maker. [04:21] could someone explain as to why i've got ownership in the terminal as my username, yet in nautilus its still saying root has ownership? http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1358/screenshot1bf2.png [04:21] PKdoR: ubuntu installed first then vista trashed grub? [04:21] Celes: i'm privating you, go there [04:21] Celes: what does this command say: ls ~/.mozilla/plugins [04:21] kisu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=289836&highlight=vaio+sz+camera&page=6 [04:21] kuwanger likely a server issue and not synaptic [04:21] no [04:21] I've installed cairo-dock, and uninstalled it, because it messed up my system fonts on ubuntu, all I see the a bunch of boxes, everywhere, inplace of a font.. how do I fix it? [04:21] Gilda: Totem Movie Player [04:22] oh quaal sudo [04:22] PKdoR: vista first then ubuntu? acronis tools sounds vista-ish [04:22] shiwaraya I have all nvidia throughout my house.. I have 11 computers here now..... but 2 of my laptops have ATI so it's not so easy to change those.. and it JUST SO HAPPENS my 17" widescreen dell laptop I use as "MINE" has the ATI in it....:/ [04:22] dn4, What. [04:22] Kuwanger: Try using apt-get, and see if it helps. [04:22] sudo like acts as root [04:22] dn4, shutup. [04:22] sudo I'm da root masta [04:22] bazhang: no I intslled 1st vista 2nd Acronis tools and 3rd Ubuntu [04:22] pyRunner, doesnt seem to be supported. Meh, huge shame. [04:22] quaal, no seriously [04:22] pyRunner, thanks for that though [04:22] bazhang: How could it be a "server issue"? [04:22] dn4, you dont know what you're talking about. [04:23] quaal: ease up [04:23] helo [04:23] How can I provide a different header/footer template for OOo [04:23] bazhang: I meesed it up trying tu intall gfxboot [04:23] Flannel: And if it does? [04:23] !sudo [04:23] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [04:23] I installed clamav but there are no definitions .... what to do??? [04:23] PKdoR: you get to grub stage 1 and then it hangs? [04:24] Aquahallic: wow, then you better take an aspirin and solve that issue soon so u can help other people with Ati! xD [04:24] Kuwanger: then you know its synaptic (or at least, something synaptic/one of the libs synaptic is using) and we can go from there (file a bug report, etc) [04:24] paul - did you put in the ubuntu restricted repositories ? [04:24] I kinda closed my terminal. [04:24] How can I provide a different header/footer template for OOo [04:24] gilda: Yes, I did [04:24] Flannel: how do I get definitions for clamav? [04:24] zetheroo: I have no idea [04:24] !dvd [04:24] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [04:25] Flannel: thanks anyhow [04:25] kuwanger try apt-get as flannel suggests [04:25] quaal: Have you refreshed nautilus? [04:25] Flannel, how [04:25] bazhang: I will when I can, but that won't be for a while. [04:25] i've closed and reopened it [04:25] quaal, my descriptions are not as well versed as the ubotu. teehee [04:25] does that count [04:25] how do I look up what video card and driver I am using from the terminal? [04:25] is dn4 a bot? [04:25] yes it then jumps to stage 2 [04:25] hmmm paul you could just use vlc [04:25] heh.. yeah.. it's KILLING ME... and the g'friend is DYING to get ahold of my laptop and she keeps taunting me that ATI works FINE on WINBLOWS... I just keep reassuring her the driver works fine... it's the rest of the OS that's a POS....LOL [04:25] if so, it is not well programmed [04:25] quaal: please stop [04:25] quaal: f5, I believe (its a menu item). close/reopen ought to do it, yes. Are you sure you're looking at the same file? [04:26] Flannel, i'm sure [04:26] bazhang, stop what [04:26] Jangari: dear it already shows as a pm.. >< [04:26] !enter | quaal [04:26] quaal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:26] does anyone know what would cause a router to lose connectivity once a week? [04:26] !attitude | quaal [04:26] quaal: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [04:26] sn00zer: have you taken a look at the router settings? [04:26] how do I obtain virus definitions for clamav? [04:26] How can I provide a different header/footer template for OOo [04:26] please confirm my stupidity by confirming that unreal turnament dvd for windows is not gona work for ubuntu? [04:27] sn00zer: some routers can have IP renewal settings and such [04:27] yes [04:27] Hi, when I'm on Windows I'm able to have a second set of speakers play through the line in, can I do that with Ubuntu? [04:27] sixstorm, yes, it seems ok to me [04:27] zetheroo: clamav-freshclam? [04:27] Flannel: I have thaty [04:27] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV zetheroo [04:27] Aquahallic: i understand u completely. My girlfriend keeps complaining at me because i completely removed windows from his desktop and know she doesnt have outlook! [04:27] Does anyone know the terminal command to find out what my video card and driver my comp is using? [04:27] I'm still on feisty. How much pain am I in for if I dist-upgrade? [04:27] need some help, was messing with some themes from gnome-looks.org; installed a theme, restarted X, now I can't see any icons or right click on my desktop..... i did sudo apt-get remove but the problem persists. Suggestions? [04:28] outlook is the ghey [04:28] shiwaraya: Evolution? Thunderbird? [04:28] wow [04:28] how do i fix a external HDD in ubuntu? ie chkdsk [04:28] thunderbird FTW [04:28] !offtopic [04:28] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [04:28] Jangari: how can you not see me typing to you [04:28] frogzoo gilda: I missed your post, I am not sure what I am looking at in the ifconfig. I dont want to post both outputs [04:28] don't know [04:28] puff: you shouldn't have any problems, start upgrade, come back in 1-2 hours, done [04:28] astro76: okay, well, last time I did this I found that hibernate didn't work anymore :-). [04:28] Anybody able to help me out? It's not that big of a deal but it'd be nice. [04:29] PKdoR: I have to step out for a moment (work), but your problem is definitely fixable--the other fine folks here may wish to help out. or I will be back later [04:29] shiwaraya.. I have to run it for work... so I just fire up a VM [04:29] astro76: im guessing they still haven't fixed the hibernate problem with ubuntu? [04:29] It'd be nice if the update manager could query your /proc and the ubuntu bug db and tell you if there are reported bugs for your hardware with the new version. [04:29] RequinB5: i know, thats what i installed to her but she wants messenger and active sync integration... girls [04:29] shiwaraya install vmware-server and then just make a base install of winblows and put office 2k3 on it for her...:P [04:29] what download managers do you guys use? [04:29] marshall: wget [04:30] can anyone give me some help getting suspend to work [04:30] office 2k7 [04:30] marshall apt-get ;] [04:30] marshall: synaptic and firefox download manager [04:30] Am I better off doing this via command-line or the gui update manager? [04:30] marshall: and apt-get [04:30] puff: the gui is recommended [04:30] Aquahallic: thats what i was about to do!! just so i can sleep well! xD [04:30] Flannel, bazhang sixstorm: im talking about one that supports pause/resume and segmented downloading and stuff [04:30] puff: for distribution upgrades, gui [04:31] marshall: oh . . . i haven't used one of those in years [04:31] sixstorm: :( [04:31] Is tihs going to require rebooting? [04:31] marshall: i've never had to pause any downloads TBH [04:31] quaal, what does chown do? [04:31] puff: yes you will have a new kernel [04:32] Dezine: problem with your question is a lot of people can say probably yes but not many can tell you for dead certain :P [04:32] sixstorm: ok === Jannita is now known as Juanita [04:32] this is a ubuntu support room, if you need more specific help in specific applications in ubuntu I highly suggest you try looking elsewhere, #openoffice maybe? [04:32] marshall: wget will allow you the former. Not sure about the latter. [04:32] crap [04:32] what IRC client is everyone using? xchat here [04:32] wrong room [04:32] xchat [04:32] Alright :) I'll ask again just in case it was misse [04:32] I havet his HP All In One printer, connected to my desktop via USB cable, how can i setup this printer? [04:32] d [04:32] !offtopic | sixtorm [04:32] sixtorm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [04:32] xchat [04:32] bazhang: thanks [04:32] !chown > dn4 [04:32] Hi, when I'm on Windows I'm able to have a second set of speakers play through the line in, can I do that with Ubuntu? [04:32] Hm, is that "update manager", or synaptic? [04:32] !print | holty [04:32] uff 5:30am here in spain. I better go to bed! tomorrow i will be here willing to learn more Ubuntu. Thank you very much for your help and good night! [04:32] frogzoo gilda: I missed your post, I am not sure what I am looking at in the ifconfig. I dont want to post both outputs [04:32] I need help fixing grub sage 1 [04:32] !chmod > dn4 [04:32] how do I look up what video card and driver I am using from the terminal? [04:32] i can't ask what programs everyone is using on ubuntu? [04:33] holty: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [04:33] I've installed cairo-dock, and uninstalled it, because it messed up my system fonts on ubuntu, all I see the a bunch of boxes, everywhere, inplace of a font.. how do I fix it? [04:33] shiwaraya one word of advice.... install samba on your linux boxbuild it.. and then take a snapshot.. remap her my docs folder to a samba share [04:33] dezine, my guesss would be depends on your video card and ubuntu drivers [04:33] ment sound card [04:33] sixstorm - try #ubuntu-offtopic - we want to keep this channel clear for support issues === Juanita is now known as Johanna [04:33] Hm [04:33] then when she bogs it down... revert back to the snapshot....LOL [04:33] Requin: gotcha [04:33] I have an Asus.. I think it's Nvidia [04:33] can someone give me some help getting suspend to work [04:33] Well, I know it is Nvidia [04:33] dezine, ment sound card [04:33] im running gutsy on an external hard drive [04:33] hm [04:33] need some help, was messing with some themes from gnome-looks.org; installed a theme, restarted X, now I can't see any icons or right click on my desktop..... i did sudo apt-get remove but the problem persists. Suggestions? [04:34] I don't think I have a seperate sound card? [04:34] Ax3 - can you access the top menu [04:34] Flannel, turns out you have to close every nautilus window, and then reopen. miserable. [04:34] thanks [04:34] Aquahallic: very important note, i didn't think about her MyDocs. He would have killed me if vmware would crash will all her documents. Tx again! [04:34] RequinB5, yes I can :) [04:34] does anyone know how to measure a file-tree-system based on fractals? [04:34] Ax3 - go to start - preferences - appearence and play around there :P [04:34] im new in linux [04:34] Ax3: go into appearance properties and revert back to the default themes [04:35] Ax3 - did i just say start? someone shoot me, you get my point [04:35] i seem to be geting the hang of it [04:35] welcome o the wild ride dude [04:35] thx [04:35] Damoochr_: can you ping the linksys? and where does the printer get its ip? [04:35] Nvidia nForce2 [04:35] i got wine to work... [04:35] but its pointless [04:35] considering it only plays the most used programs [04:35] RequinB5 / jeffMASTERflex : i selected a few different ones, the window appearance changes, but the icons on my desktop haven't come back, nor can I right click to set a background (for example) [04:35] dezine, thats your motherboard chipset\ [04:36] lol [04:36] ok [04:36] lemme see [04:36] well [04:36] !enter [04:36] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:36] that's what the volume control said [04:36] Dezine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:36] frogzoo cannot ping printer got IP off printer configuration page (from the printer itself) that make sense? [04:36] sorry [04:36] do u get sound in linux [04:36] ? [04:36] quaal: That makes sense. Or a refresh should fix it as well. [04:36] how do i mount my raid [04:36] How can i see my ethernet address ? o-o [04:36] shiwaraya I use an ISCSI target so I always have everything saved over there...:) [04:36] frogzoo: ran ifconfig but dont know what I am looking at [04:36] how do u install a printer on linux [04:37] when i try to resume from suspend nothing happens, anyone know anything i can try? [04:37] Dimitree, ifconfig [04:37] Hm, Realteck is also listed in there, is there a better way to see wha tmy sound card is? [04:37] Damoochr_: can you ping the linksys? and where does the printer get its ip? [04:37] drrohin, mount /dev/md0 /mountpoint [04:37] gilda, thank you :) [04:37] np's [04:37] dezine right click on the speaker and select prefrances [04:37] hello [04:37] hello john__ [04:38] frogzoo: brb ping lynksys I assumed printer got IP from router? [04:38] can u guys hear me [04:38] No one in kubuntu is helpin so maybe someone can help me here [04:38] hello [04:38] negative [04:38] dezine by connecting your second speakers in there? are u trying to get seround sound? [04:38] Is it possible to download the latest version of kubuntu on my desktop and then install it from there? [04:38] does ubuntu have an equivalent of a system restore? [04:38] because I need my icons back [04:38] :\ [04:38] frogzoo: ping router fine 10 ms average [04:38] what do u mean install it from there ? jeisma [04:38] Yeah, it says nForce2 and I can also choose Realtek. Well not surround really, I just usually plug the second set of speakers into the line in. I have sound but I want those too. [04:38] well im on dapper kubuntu [04:38] jeisma, I have heard of that type of install being done before, although it is kinda lengthy and requires a lot of time. [04:39] hello [04:39] can u guys hear me [04:39] hello [04:39] hello, johnnyboy022 [04:39] nope [04:39] dn4 well can i install it from dapper to edgy, then edgy to feisty [04:39] ys, johnnyboy [04:39] What do I do to add an HP all in one printer, that is connected via usb. Do I use the gnome printer thing under administration? [04:39] thanks [04:39] Damoochr_: what ips do you have for the pc & the printer? [04:39] or do I use some hp tool, and if so, what tool? [04:39] no one was responding [04:39] Ahhh man, I'm looking for some help with a sdhc miniSD card. I screwed it up real bad. I can't mount it or fdisk it or anything. [04:39] dn4 i mean upgrade from that to that [04:39] does any one know of a good ubuntu game [04:39] Ax3 - it would help if you could clarify the source of hte problem [04:39] holty hp psc what ? [04:39] brandon there are lots of good games [04:39] brandon_ battle for wesnoth, but you're better off googling for that topic [04:39] brandon_: add/remove programs - games [04:39] gilda: HP Photosmart 3210xi ALl In One [04:40] has anyone gotten suspend to work on a dell laptop [04:40] i tried alien arena [04:40] can someone at least tell me if it would work? or if i can upgrade from dapper to edgy to feisty? [04:40] holty next u will need to see if the printer is supported by cups [04:40] im running gutsy on an external hard drive and i cant resume from suspend [04:40] dezine u can allways get a 3.5mm Y spliter [04:40] johnnyboy022: ati video? [04:40] yes [04:40] holty: printing preferences take care of the actual printing services. Xsane handles the scanning services [04:40] fglrx driver [04:40] johnnyboy022: install the 8.01 driver from ati's site [04:40] VLC Problem... Unable to open 'dvd:///dev/scd0' when I try to play a DVD. [04:40] RequinB5, I tried to install "Rezlooks GTK engine" from gnome-looks.org to change the appearance of everything, i installed it, restarted X, then found that the theme hadn't changed, and my icons had disappeared as well as right-click/ nautilus functionality [04:40] jeisma, I believe you could but that would require A LOT of WORK and hoping you do not mess up anywhere from point A to up where you want to end up. haha [04:40] DOES CONQUER ONLINE WORK on ubuntu? [04:41] can someone show me how to install files in terminal in private message please. [04:41] jeffMASTERflex: I just want to be able to print for now, how do I add this HP aio? [04:41] Alright, there are surround sound connectors in the back but I never use em lol [04:41] frogzoo: computers ip are, printer is [04:41] !caps | brandon_ [04:41] brandon_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [04:41] Frogzoo: is this a version of the fglrx driver? [04:41] sorry [04:41] Thanks for the help [04:41] johnnyboy022: yes [04:41] just making it stand out [04:41] holty ur printer does seem to be supported by hplip [04:41] Is there a way to slow down the System Monitor? "Network History" is refreshing too fast (goes down to 0 between refreshes) [04:41] Kino can handle raw video, but is there any video editor that will edit already encoded video? [04:41] holty: just add the printer in the the printer administration prefernces [04:41] gilda: ok, so how do I add it? [04:42] Frogzoo: how can I find out what version i have now? [04:42] jeffMASTERflex: how? what do I click on? new server? [04:42] dn4 so what would be the best way to go about upgrading from dapper to fesity? [04:42] johnnyboy022: dpkg -l xorg-driver-fglrx [04:42] jeffMASTERflex: new printer rather, then what? [04:42] johnnyboy022: or fglrxinfo [04:42] has anybody ever used isotostick to make an ubuntu live usb? is it good? [04:42] hplip im guesing is the program to intall printers? [04:42] i cant access my raid configuration can some one please help me fiqure this out [04:42] holty: then just click through. everything should be automatically detectyed and it should choose the correct driver for you [04:42] Frogzoo: looks like I have 7.1.0 [04:43] jeffMASTERflex: click through what, there are lots of choices [04:43] Frogzoo: i will try the 8.01 [04:43] Ahhh man, I'm looking for some help with a sdhc miniSD card. I screwed it up real bad. I can't mount it or fdisk it or anything. Any suggestions for ways to force it to format? [04:43] jeisma, I do not know, I have never done that, maybe someone on the forums has [04:43] johnnyboy022: the ubuntu fglrx driver doesn't allow suspend to work [04:43] Frogzoo: thanks for the help - do i need to remove the old one first? [04:43] holty: look for your printer model and information. it's pretty straight forward. i don't know what else to tell you [04:43] print into pdf, lpt, windows printer, appsocket, ipp, lpd/lpr, other? [04:43] Frogzoo: and if so how [04:43] czer323: if you've got a digital camera, mosttimes they have a "format card" function [04:44] /msg ubotu flashissues [04:44] johnnyboy022: should auto install [04:44] holty: if your printer is connected via USB and turned on, it should appear in the list [04:44] Linux Novice here... VLC Problem... Unable to open 'dvd:///dev/scd0' when I try to play a DVD. [04:44] i need help mounting my raid can some one help me [04:44] !flashissues > francis [04:44] paul__: a commercial DVD? [04:44] jeffMASTERflex: It is on and connected via usb, but it doesn't show in the list [04:44] Yes, lufis [04:44] help please; again I have lost all Nautilus functionality / desktop icons following an installation of a GTK theme from gnome-looks.org. Uninstalling the package has proved futile. Suggestions please. [04:44] looking into it holty [04:44] i accidently nuked my video card settings, how do i restore them to the default settings? [04:44] paul__: have you got the CSS decryption libraries? [04:44] !flashissues > speeddemon8803 [04:44] johnnyboy022: no need to uninstall [04:45] paul_ : sudo get-apt libdvdcss2 [04:45] got my printer installed [04:45] woot [04:45] Lufis: Yes... if you mean libdvdcss [04:45] lol [04:45] paul_: that will get it running [04:45] Frogzoo: alright im downloading now thanks for the help [04:45] holty go to add/remove you will need to add hplip [04:45] brandon that is what i am trying to do! === Jbird is now known as Profe === Profe is now known as Jbird [04:45] i need help mounting my raid can some one help me [04:45] thanks speeddemon8803 [04:45] i accidently nuked my video card settings, how do i restore them to the default settings? All i have is the recovery mode [04:46] !flashissues [04:46] installing libdvdcss2 has not helped me with reading dvd's. [04:46] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [04:46] Welcome francis :) [04:46] gilda: hplip is on ubuntu by default for over a year now [04:46] anyone ever hear weird sounds coming from monitor when scrolling? [04:46] paul_: i am sorry it libdvdcss3 not 2 [04:46] i think i have a bad refresh rate [04:46] gilda: I had to power down the printer and power it back up, and it automatically did everything [04:46] Damoochr_: you can ping but not ? [04:46] aaa [04:46] j_humphrey: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [04:46] if you look around ubotu gave you a private message with the exact same instructions/text francis [04:46] was a pita to do, without knowing that trick. heh [04:46] it makes clicking sounds when i scroll [04:47] there is an entire list of packages you need for dvd playback [04:47] !dvd [04:47] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [04:47] lufis, Just tried it, but it's a newer card. SDHC, and i'm not 100% certain that the camera supports it. But, it said that it couldn't format it. [04:47] speeddemon8803: yup got it !! [04:47] czer323: ah... but you have a card reader, yes? [04:47] jeffmaterflex, thanks [04:47] i need help mounting my raid can some one help me [04:47] frogzoo cannot ping or computer) [04:47] !repeat [04:47] I'm having a problem with permissions here. I copied something from an old drive using root. Now, I can't access those files. I already tried "sudo chmod -R 777 dir/" but I'm still not able to access the files. [04:47] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:47] lol o well it wasnt on my box is all holty [04:48] otherwise all ping ok frogzoo [04:48] !patience [04:48] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [04:48] Damoochr_: very strange [04:48] I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a low RAM machine (and 667 MHz) and it can't load gnome on ram (livecd) any trick to install it from a console/shell/no_GUI ??? [04:48] I've followed all the Restricted Format instructions.... I'm thinking my problem may be that the software can't see/mount the dvd drive? [04:48] lufis, Yeah, i've got 2, and i get mixed results with both. One of them, which i think i damaged while improperly removing it, gives me a weird error -71. The other, reads the cards as a scsi? I know that it works fine with a SD card, and i use a sd to miniSD converter to use THAT reader, but it doesn't actually mount. [04:48] !alternative [04:48] Max_-: alternative install cd [04:48] !alternativecd [04:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about alternativecd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:49] !alternate | Max_- [04:49] Max_-: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD. It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal [04:49] thanks [04:49] Damoochr_, you need to declare the default gateway in order to travel through the router [04:49] I've tried mkfs.vfat and it just errors with: Attempting to create a too large file system. And fdisk -l does nothing. [04:49] I'm having a problem with permissions here. I copied something from an old drive using root. Now, I can't access those files via Nautilus. I already tried "sudo chmod -R 777 dir/" but I'm still not able to access the files in Nautilus. I can see them via the terminal though :/ [04:49] gilda: they're all the same subnet afaik [04:49] Damoochr_, especially if you are using static ip addresses [04:49] * speeddemon8803 feels like im in star wars with gateways and router traveling now :P [04:49] !minimal [04:49] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [04:49] frogzoo I can ping router *.*.1.1 (router) gut not *.101 (other Puter ) or *.103 (printer) [04:49] anyone now what i need to do as far as burning the kubuntu iso onto a cd on kubuntu dapper? [04:49] gut = but [04:50] crazy3k: you probably need to chown to your user, 777 is almost never the right answer [04:50] czer323: you can probably try using gparted or the gparted LiveCd to attempt to format the SDHC card. [04:50] astro76: Already did chown -R myuser [04:50] Damoochr_: are they plugged in? [04:50] gilda declare what default how? [04:51] how do u install itunes [04:51] yeah all have access (printer assumed) can print via laptop) [04:51] Damoochr_, you will need to get a terminal then sudo route add default gw [04:51] why wont it let me uninstall the macromedia flash plugin [04:51] has anyone gotten printing to work with lexmark X1185? [04:51] Brandon, itunes is not available in linux [04:51] Damoochr_: this is all ethernet? no wifi in there? [04:51] jeisma: you can burn cd images using k3b. select brun cd image from the tools [04:51] jeffMASTERflex, already tried. Gparted doesn't recognize the card. [04:51] i got printing to work [04:51] is yours an hp? [04:51] frogzoo : correct all wired [04:52] lexmark x1185 [04:52] i dont think there are linux drivers for it [04:52] gilda: shoot me a command line? [04:52] hplip installed my 6200 [04:52] Damoochr_: reboot the linksys & try again [04:52] i did [04:52] czer323: then it sounds like the partition table is broken beyond repair. check to see if it mounts on a non-*nix based system [04:52] jeffMASTERflex, Messages in the terminal for it complaing about "gprogram gparted is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, Please convert it to SG_IO [04:52] Damoochr_, you will need to get a terminal then sudo route add default gw [04:52] gilda: they're all the same subnet afaik [04:52] ok gilda .... frogzoo tried that same prob [04:52] jeffMASTERflex, Nope. Won't mount in OSX, Windows, or ubuntu [04:52] astro76: any ideas? [04:52] gilda brb [04:53] the subnet and the ip addressing will not matter if they are not using the router to route properly [04:53] crazy3k: no honestly I hardly ever use the file manager [04:53] I can get it to show a drive in Widnows, but chkdisk, fdisk, format or anything will work with it. Complains aobut a drive not existing. [04:53] jeffMASTERflex, ^^ [04:53] they will connect as the DNS is declared - in the configurator [04:53] how do u get programs to work after installing them with Wine [04:53] but not route thru for proper network capabilities [04:53] czer323: your up the creek, i really don't know of any possible solutions. sorry [04:54] Any suggestions for recreating a new partition header? I dont' care about the data at all. Just want the card to work. [04:54] brandon_: wine blah.exe [04:54] brandon_: but after install, there's usually a menu entry [04:54] jeffMASTERflex, did you try adding all_generic_ide to ur menu.lst ? [04:54] gilda: resulr is SIOCADDRT: File exists [04:54] where do i find bla.exe [04:54] brandon_: wine -> programs... [04:54] czer323, you could use testdisk i think it's called? [04:54] so if you go to nano /etc/networking/interfaces [04:55] brandon_: where blah.exe is your windows app [04:55] yeah, the name of the program is testdisk [04:55] does it say all the pertinent info ? [04:55] astro76: It's for my mom. She _needs_ the file manager. [04:55] http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk i think it's available in the repositories but i'm not positive [04:55] !mp3 [04:55] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:55] sorry czer323 is that a new sata drive ? [04:55] i know but it wont run programs [04:55] gilda I posted a copy paste of what the output was [04:56] can i have the link ? [04:56] . [04:56] gilda, actually, it's a miniSD SDHC card [04:56] ah LOL sorry [04:56] how do i mount a external HDD in ubuntu? [04:56] well, czer323, try out testdisk and see what happens [04:56] tripppy: you simply plug it in [04:56] i've recovered messed up partitions with it before [04:57] hey Im trying to install a module for my wireless card [04:57] i even once found a partition i thought was long gone, just needed a new header [04:57] tripppy: plug it in - if you need to create filesystems, use gparted [04:57] Dmitri, when i plug it in. it says invalid boot option [04:57] is there anyone who knows how to do that mnually [04:57] trippy; plug it in [04:57] mac [04:57] there are files on it already [04:57] I can't right click on my desktop. What is going on? [04:57] Gman99999, modprobe moduleName [04:57] Does Repos have full kernel source? [04:57] invalid boot option is an entirely illogical error [04:57] frogzoo: ok i downloaded the file, it is a .run file - how do i open it? [04:57] gilda Im actually trying to install it [04:58] frogzoo: it likes like wine is trying to open it [04:58] what card Gman99999 ? [04:58] gilda Im probably going to have to do the make install thingy [04:58] \Cannot mount volume" [04:58] Does anyone know how to get LyX installed on dapper? I need /usr/bin/lyx to be present to build something, but I get no such binary. [04:58] gilda its a wusb54g v4 [04:58] "invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume [04:58] ugh [04:58] Gman99999, does it show up in lspci ? [04:58] what option [04:59] gilda I havent actually installed it yet [04:59] johnnyboy022, i believe for .run files it would be sh (file).run [04:59] gilda Im actually looking for some guidance as to how to install it lol [04:59] johnnyboy022: .run I think is a batch file? [04:59] Gman99999, plug the card in to the puter [04:59] gilda I downloaded the proper driver and everything [04:59] Gnine, ,doesnt say [04:59] if there was a way to fully use windo programs on linux it would be so much better [04:59] you making in it up then [05:00] is there a way to completly reset xorg settings? [05:00] no [05:00] to ubuntu defaults [05:00] brandon, huge problem with that, windows access to a drive...can be seriously bad [05:00] there is no 'reset' in ubuntu [05:00] if you get a virus on it, bam...drive messed up...oops [05:00] frogzoo: so how do i run this script [05:00] i recently bought a fm transmitter for my iPod, and when i plug in the power cable it goes to the 'do not disconnect' screen and will not play any music. is this possibly to do with any changes to the iPod software my linux system has made? does anyone know how to 'eject' or 'unmount' the ipod by pressing a button on the ipod unit? [05:00] brandon_, you could always run a virtual windows machine [05:00] johnnyboy022: well you don't [05:01] where do i look for the options in ubuntu that auto mounts drives? [05:01] johnnyboy022: wine works with exes [05:01] gilda its a module i gotta install via a makefile [05:01] M-Nagato, Looks like it's going to do the same thing fdisk does, and do nothing. Just sits there. [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.35956520233423184 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.06514260887864076 [05:01] dykes with dinks / bitches with beef / wives with weiners / whores with more / widows with woodies / tricks with tripods / nieces with nuts / females with foreskin / bimbos with bones / princesses with penises / (PP4L) 0.3320195822427815 [05:01] dykes with dinks / bitches with beef / wives with weiners / whores with more / widows with woodies / tricks with tripods / nieces with nuts / females with foreskin / bimbos with bones / princesses with penises / (PP4L) 0.9251648979872094 [05:01] nuns with knobs / skanks with scrotums / gals with gadgets / skirts with schlongs / sisters with snakes / broads with rods / tramps with testes / cunts with cocks / wenches with wee-wees / girls with gonads / (PP4L) 0.6671341803627336 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.6649225083584115 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.31623716945689484 [05:01] nuns with knobs / skanks with scrotums / gals with gadgets / skirts with schlongs / sisters with snakes / broads with rods / tramps with testes / cunts with cocks / wenches with wee-wees / girls with gonads / (PP4L) 0.12737342040608934 [05:01] can i get some help with setting up my xorg settings then? [05:01] nannies with nightsticks / pinays with pipes / shrews with salami / chicas with chubbies / harpies with helmets / dominatrixes with dipsticks / succubuses with sacks / maidens with members / bachlorettes with bishops / goddesses with goliaths / (PP4L) 0.35988237342644647 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.5498149809999293 [05:01] hoochies with hoses / vixens with vipers / foxes with fucksticks / actresses with anacondas / dames with ding-dongs / mistresses with manginas / tarts with tools / hotties with hammers / femmes with footlongs / prostitutes with pogosticks / (PP4L) 0.8068327757417002 [05:01] dykes with dinks / bitches with beef / wives with weiners / whores with more / widows with woodies / tricks with tripods / nieces with nuts / females with foreskin / bimbos with bones / princesses with penises / (PP4L) 0.36531114088875505 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.08754629993860552 [05:01] dykes with dinks / bitches with beef / wives with weiners / whores with more / widows with woodies / tricks with tripods / nieces with nuts / females with foreskin / bimbos with bones / princesses with penises / (PP4L) 0.4324497755122306 [05:01] czer323, well, give it time [05:01] whatcha]_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:01] nuns with knobs / skanks with scrotums / gals with gadgets / skirts with schlongs / sisters with snakes / broads with rods / tramps with testes / cunts with cocks / wenches with wee-wees / girls with gonads / (PP4L) 0.9317576374687566 [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons /0.665824461199041 [05:01] nuns with knobs / skanks with scrotums / gals with gadgets / skirts with schlongs / sisters with snakes / broads with rods / tramps with testes / cunts with cocks / wenches with wee-wees / girls with gonads / (PP4L) 0.8260296966612455 [05:01] nannies with nightsticks / pinays with pipes / shrews with salami / chicas with chubbies / harpies with helmets / dominatrixes with dipsticks / succubuses with sacks / maidens with members / bachlorettes with bishops / goddesses with goliaths / (PP4L) 0.4658685573526389 [05:01] hoochies with hoses / vixens with vipers / foxes with fucksticks / actresses with anacondas / dames with ding-dongs / mistresses with manginas / tarts with tools / hotties with hammers / femmes with footlongs / prostitutes with pogosticks / (PP4L) 0.21146308094312805 [05:01] nannies with nightsticks / pinays with pipes / shrews with salami / chicas with chubbies / harpies with helmets / dominatrixes with dipsticks / succubuses with sacks / maidens with members / bachlorettes with bishops / goddesses with goliaths / (PP4L) 0.602390847225664 [05:01] GenDa^{--: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:01] hoochies with hoses / vixens with vipers / foxes with fucksticks / actresses with anacondas / dames with ding-dongs / mistresses with manginas / tarts with tools / hotties with hammers / femmes with footlongs / prostitutes with pogosticks / (PP4L) 0.06378894558274861 [05:01] it scans the entire disk and looks for all available data [05:01] sluts with sausage / dolls with balls / babes with boners / women with wangs / chicks with dicks / moms with meat / playmates with prostates / debbies with dongs / heroines with hard-ons / (PP4L) 0.579882799361838 [05:01] grrrr [05:01] GRRRR [05:01] can i get some help with setting up my xorg settings then? [05:01] Well, That was entertaining. [05:02] bah, stupid register [05:02] anyway [05:02] it'll tell you at the end if it's recoverable [05:02] yes Gman99999 you will have to install the module but we will need to see if the device is registered [05:02] gilda ok so if i plug it in and its not registered then it wont work? [05:02] frogzoo: i want to run it as a shell script? [05:02] some pretty wild screensavers on this ill tell you what [05:02] gilda ok overload for my brain [05:02] Gman99999, nope not saying that [05:02] brandon_, it sounds like you want a virtual windows system. try qemu or virtualbox [05:02] i recently bought a fm transmitter for my iPod, and when i plug in the power cable it goes to the 'do not disconnect' screen and will not play any music. is this possibly to do with any changes to the iPod software my linux system has made? does anyone know how to 'eject' or 'unmount' the ipod by pressing a button on the ipod unit? [05:03] gilda I uninstalled all previous drivers for this card so its a fresh install [05:03] i know how to make the ubuntu's split screen run in window [05:03] helo [05:03] and to repeat what i said that got spammed out fast, testdisk scans the entire drive you want to recover and looks for any identifying information [05:03] gilda cause the last one i had wasnt a good one [05:03] hello [05:03] half linux and half windows [05:03] at the end it'll let you browse the drive, recover, backup, etc [05:03] my gutsy crashes a LOT while i am working. can anyone tell me if this is a common occurrence? [05:03] gilda so its basically a clean slate [05:03] check ur pm Gman99999 [05:03] have some program for linux ubuntu 7.10 like on windows bear share for searh and download some music can somebody help me ? [05:03] it's hit or miss but it's worth a shot, i've had luck with it at least [05:04] M-Nagato, I guess I"ll let it run all night, but it doesn't look like it's doing jack at the moment. [05:04] !mp33 [05:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about mp33 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [05:04] !mp3 [05:04] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:04] Even debug is quiet. [05:04] MrObvious, but for download mp3 like bear share [05:04] I need help getting GNOME working again, can anyone help me? [05:04] has anyone had problems with openoffice writer? [05:04] hi, i have a silly question, what is fuseblk? i have a partition which shows as type fuseblk... is it related to ntfs? [05:04] frogzoo: ok i think i got it going, i just bash-ed the file [05:05] How can I search in 'Tracker Search' for search strings that include a space character. Neither "" nor '\ ', '%20' helps. [05:05] czer323, well, i don't remember it being very verbose during scanning so i guess leaving it running over night would be the best choice [05:05] j_humphrey, seems like lots of people asking qs tonight few answering! oh well [05:05] joanki ; agree'd [05:05] the ds emulater is sick on ubuntu 7.10 [05:05] joanki, yeah, and i dont want to reinstal ubuntu either, but thats what i may end up doing [05:05] geekworx: Huh? [05:05] where do i look for the options in ubuntu that auto mounts drives? [05:05] a litle slow but not bad [05:05] j_humphrey, i do it all the time [05:05] !burning [05:05] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [05:05] i save my files and settings and do it when it gets buggy [05:06] MrObvious, i need some program for downloading music like EMULE on windows or bear share [05:06] i keep a file log of all the things i've implemented or changed [05:06] joanki, how do you save your files? [05:06] well, i don't have a whole lot of them [05:06] i put them on a server [05:06] ah, ok [05:06] geekworx: frostwire [05:06] o well no one answers their pm's [05:06] frogzoo: when i type fglrxinfo it says "Segmentation Fault" [05:06] tripppy: right click the volume in nautilus [05:06] frogzoo: compiz seems to be working though [05:06] well, i managed to nuke gnome within the first 20 minutes, so i guess its not that bad :P [05:06] gildaI am here [05:07] frogzoo: i guess i will just try suspend and see [05:07] jeffMASTERflex, is gtk-gnutella a program for downloading music too a ? [05:07] dang, your slow j_humphrey, it only took me 10! :P [05:07] Frogzoo, the volume won't mount [05:07] j_humphrey: boot to recover mode and 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' [you might want to know your monitor's v-sync/h-sync range but the default autoprobe often gets it right. then startx [05:07] just kidding :) [05:07] geekworx: Dude that's illegal and not allowed to be discussed here. [05:07] geekworx, i thikn gnutella is limewire or something like that [05:07] aha [05:07] ok [05:07] ok sry [05:07] johnnyboy022: oh - compiz won't work with the new driver - lol, can't win - there are posts from people who are using the next kernel release, but that gets complicated [05:07] geekworx: yes it is. it is good but a little complicated if you're not used to it [05:08] jeffMASTERflex, i never used that program :) [05:08] frogzoo: i dont know what happened but compiz definately works [05:08] Frogzoo, sorry , it is in nautils, i have right clicked on it. what next? [05:08] frogzoo: something messed up witht he gtk window decorator [05:08] !offtopic > geekworx [05:08] jeffMASTERflex, i will try :P [05:08] tripppy: properties [05:08] How do I burn audio CDs from MP3 files? I forget how. [05:08] gnutronic, i tried that, and it still doesnt work [05:08] Frogzoo: glxgears also works [05:09] MrObvious: insert a blank cd. [05:09] Frogzoo, yep. [05:09] Frogzoo: so either the new one didnt install, or it magically works [05:09] j_humphrey: did you choose the proper video driver [05:09] gnutropic, I'm on a tablet laptop, with an ati x1400 gfx card [05:09] Frogzoo, got it. thankx [05:09] MrObvious, what, do you mean like software that'll let you burn cds? k3b is a good one if that's what you're looking for [05:09] johnnyboy022, what happens when u type glxinfo | grep direct [05:09] i'm not sure of one for gnome, but k3b is pretty awesome regardless of it being for kde :3 [05:10] is it necessary to defragment in ubuntu? [05:10] gilda: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) [05:10] gnutropic, i have to download a specific proprietory driver to run it correctly [05:10] M-Nagato: Well I have MP3s I need to make an audio CD. [05:10] j_humphrey: try ati, vesa if thayt doesnt work. get the v-sync/h-sync settings correct from the manufacturers specs. [05:10] j_humphrey i also have x1400 [05:10] M-Nagato: And no I'm not converting to OGGs. [05:10] ok. my HDD is mounted. but its only RO. how do i make it RW? [05:10] johnnyboy022, where did you get your driver? [05:10] is it possible to copy files from an iso on to a harddrive, then modify the bootloader to make it load linux instead of windows 95? [05:10] Gilda I did not see your pm, looking in the wrong area [05:10] MrObvious: if you insert a blank cd into your burner, a dialog pops up that allows you to open up serpentine to burn mp3 to cd [05:10] can't say i blame you, MrObvious :) transcoding ftl [05:11] j_humphrey: ah, lose the current driver then. [05:11] http://k3b.plainblack.com/uploads/XH/xj/XHxjDh0OUehosgYkIU3DyQ/audio_poject_with_cd_track_sources.jpg <- this screenshot shows that it can burn mp3s among other types [05:11] i have an old old ass laptop that i want to put dsl on but it cant boot from a cd-rom [05:11] !burn [05:11] j_humphrey: well i was using the one that came up in the list of restricted ubuntu drivers. the fglrx one [05:11] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [05:11] Hey Im trying to make a ftp i got gproftpd and apache2 but i dont know how to set them up and succesfully use the ftp like access the files (not in locallan) but for people around the world for say how would i do this? [05:11] I'm using kubuntu feisty, and compiled my own alsa-lib a few days ago to get better sound. it works absolutely perfectly for a day or so, but then jst stops, mid-song, without me doing anything. alsa falls over, amarok freezes or crashes, and yet oss sound still works. so far I can't unbreak it unless I reboot. any ideas? [05:11] j_humphrey: but now i am trying the one from the ati site, the 8.1 version [05:11] i need to figure out some other way to get it to boot but i have no idea how to make that happen... anyone know? [05:11] johnnyboy022, is it working ok? [05:11] j_humphrey: everything except suspend [05:11] jeffMASTERflex: I'm trying that now. :D [05:12] j_humphrey: i am working on that right now [05:12] j_humphrey: but i doubt it will work [05:12] johnnyboy022, heh, is there documentation on how to get it to work? [05:12] johnnyboy022: only solution for suspend & compiz is to upgrade your kernel === gilda_ is now known as gilda [05:13] what irc chat program allows me to tile windows for gutsy? [05:13] j_humphrey: idk, i just went to system - admin - restricted drivers, fglrx was right there and i installed it [05:13] well im gonna try suspend now [05:13] rredd4, multiple terminals and irssi :3 [05:13] if im not back in a few minutes, it didnt work [05:13] lol [05:13] what does ubuntu use for the fancy osd display for volume keys and stuff? [05:13] gilda still here ? nick collision [05:13] ya still here [05:13] and what package is it? [05:13] well, i'm off to reinstall ubuntu, bye [05:13] just had to kill me ghosty [05:13] is there a way to force esd to give up the lock on /dev/dsp? [05:14] M-Nagato gui program... not terminal please [05:14] have some anti virus for ubuntu to install it a? [05:14] sent pm of etc/network/interface [05:14] Damoochr_, i missed it in the bail - can u repaste plz [05:14] gilda :sent pm of etc/network/interface [05:14] Hey, just wanted to drop in and say THANK YOU!! to all of the folks who've contributed to Ubuntu - it's awesome, it's made me a lot of money, I appreciate it! [05:14] can't really help you there then. i only use xchat for irc with a gui [05:14] gilda sure check pm [05:15] you *can* detach irc channels in xchat and you can manually tile them, but i don't know if that's what you're looking for [05:15] erudified how did ubuntu make you money [05:15] hey people have some anti virus for linux ubuntu 7.10 ? [05:15] moron [05:15] geekworx, clamav [05:15] geekworx: you don't need one [05:15] rredd4: he bailed already. I suspect a troll trying to rub salt in the imagined wounds. [05:15] geekworx: linux doesn't really get viruses [05:16] !virus [05:16] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [05:16] rredd4 - mirc works well under wine [05:16] Frogzoo, are you sure? [05:16] okay [05:16] thx [05:16] :) [05:16] i just ask [05:16] i'm newbie btw [05:16] :P [05:16] yeah, it's not really needed. i think the only reason to have it is if you're running a server (mail or http or something) and don't want to contribute to the spread of viruses [05:17] !enter [05:17] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:17] gntronic mirc, oh yeaj [05:17] yeah [05:17] Linux doesn't have a virus problem because virus writers are too busy compiling their Gentoo box. [05:17] Damoochr_, im not getting it can you pastebin it [05:17] !pastebin [05:17] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [05:17] I keep getting this when trying to start apache via command prompt And yes im running the command as root,apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [05:17] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [05:17] also No listning sockets avaliable Shutting down [05:18] rredd4 - thats provided you have a windows partition mounted or accessible [05:18] !pastebin auto lo [05:18] iface lo inet loopback [05:18] Hello all... I'm interested in getting involved in Ubuntu work. I'm a dev, but primarily interested in interface design/development. Are there any specific IRC channels you someone can point me to? Thanks. [05:18] Could someone help me out? Whenever I attempt to restart X using the hotkey ctrl+alt+backspace, it receive a lag and the system ends up restarting after the duration of 1-2 minutes. I'm running Gutsy. [05:18] how do i run fsck?? [05:18] gnutronic no linux program? yes I have used mirc before, just forgot about it. [05:19] M-Nagato, I was trying a few other commands before I headed to bed, but it doesn't even think that it has any blocks on the device. I attempted to force it but it just isn't going. I'll probably end up RMA'n it. [05:19] gilda here it is auto lo [05:19] iface lo inet loopback [05:19] thats it ??? [05:19] !chat [05:19] gilda yep [05:19] gnutronic, why would he need a windows partition? he could just download mirc from the website and install it on his linux partition using wine [05:19] rredd4 - xchat is the best under 'nix, i like bitchx in an xterm myself [05:19] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete [05:19] richbl you can check out #ubuntu-devel [05:19] czer323, that really sucks. sorry you couldn't get it fixed :( [05:19] I'm trying to run video through s-video out to my TV. PC is a HP laptop with ATI video card. I'm sure there is some documentation available, but I can't seem to find it. [05:19] M-Nagato - ok, i did not know that. [05:19] coolbhavi: thanks much... I'll cehck out #ubuntu-devel [05:19] Lesson learned, don't screw with flash disks. [05:19] Damoochr_, u did say u were doing static IP am i correct ?? [05:20] The Network Manager docs talk about a list of preferred networks; where do I muck around with that? [05:20] gilda: I thought so ..... [05:20] !irssi [05:20] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. [05:20] and #ubuntu-motu if you are interested in packaging [05:20] could be wrong [05:20] how do i run fsck on / partition ?? [05:21] amitprakash: Switch into single user mode, remount / as read-only, then run fsck on it. [05:21] amitprakash: you need to fsck the device path [05:21] . [05:21] Kuwanger, how do i switch into single user mode? [05:21] * Gnine smells disaster [05:22] amitprakash sudo fsck /partition Ex if partition is /dev/sda3 then sudo fsck /dev/sda3 [05:22] amitprakash: "telinit 1" should do it; this will switch runlevels, killing basically all processes [05:22] Damoochr_, you should be seeing something more like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54675/ only with eth0 [05:22] coolbhavi, the partition is mounted if i boot into gui === p4r4d0x_ is now known as new2linux [05:22] How can I search in 'Tracker Search' for search strings that include a space character. Neither "" nor '\ ', '%20' helps. === new2linux is now known as imnew2linux [05:22] for clamav how was the command to scan the files? [05:22] gilda: ok any clue where to point me? [05:22] Kuwanger, thanks.. will try it [05:23] M-Nagato i just tried detaching in xchat... works! [05:23] geekworx, man clamav [05:23] then follow what kuwanger said [05:23] k === narg_ is now known as narg [05:23] rredd4, nice :) [05:23] gilda do I need to edit this ? [05:24] Damoochr_, that is my file lol its just a general of what u should be seeing [05:24] Kuwanger, so i log off gui, goto ^+alt+f1 and run this? [05:24] amitprakash: That's one way, sure. [05:24] gilda: to pm ? [05:25] i sent u a pm did u not get it ? [05:25] Kuwanger, thanks [05:25] kk brb [05:25] amitprakash: Oh, and you'll probably have to do "sudo telinit 1", since you're likely not running as root. :) === imnew2linux is now known as tcpdumpgod === geekworx is now known as geekw0rx [05:25] Kuwanger, aye [05:25] Could someone help me out? Whenever I attempt to restart X using the hotkey ctrl+alt+backspace, it receive a lag and the system ends up restarting after the duration of 1-2 minutes. I'm running Gutsy. [05:25] I seriously goofed up my system [05:26] Anyone here know how the successor to gnomevfs is fairing? [05:26] anyone know how to get linux on a windows box without having the option of booting from CD or a network? [05:26] j2daosh: qemu? [05:26] huh? [05:27] i dont understand your question [05:27] lol [05:27] j2daosh: What do you mean by "get linux on a windows box"? [05:27] oh [05:27] how do I set up trusted keys for ssh between two ubuntu machines? [05:27] after installing gdm and x-window-system-core on a dapper headless, I can't boot in [05:27] well i have a windows 95 laptop... really really old hardware right... but I just need a quickie linux box [05:27] I get a (none) login: prompt [05:28] so im trying to put damn small linux on it [05:28] and when I login I get /dev/null Permission denied over and over again [05:28] j2daosh, do you not have a CDROM drive or something? [05:28] j2daosh: Have a floppy drive? [05:28] Damoochr_, if you are pming i am not getting them [05:28] but i cant boot from cd (bios too old) [05:28] also, the filesystem keeps setting itself to read only [05:28] yea i have a floppy drive [05:28] gilda yea I am pm'ing [05:28] Should I go with Debian over Ubuntu if I want to get more involved with http servers such as apache, programming languages in general, and mainly the web dev environment? [05:28] j2daosh: If you have a CD drive but can't boot from it, you can use a boot floppy, then hand off to the CD-ROM. [05:28] I went into a restore kernel and mount /dev/hda -o rw,remount and removed gdm and x-windows, but no good [05:28] Damoochr_, lol close the window reopen ill do same [05:29] Facedown: not really a relevant consideration [05:29] kuwanger, how would i go about doing that? [05:29] phuzion: try this tutorial: http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/ [05:29] gilda done you start [05:29] j2daosh: I'm pretty sure dsl had instructions on this.. :/ [05:29] any takers? [05:29] j2daosh maybe vmware server you can launch ubuntu in that. [05:29] Facedown, i don't see why choosing debian over ubuntu would make much of a different [05:29] i dont recall any instructions on doing it this way [05:30] n [05:30] was it on the dsl site? [05:30] jtmitchum, is the filesystem dirty? [05:30] Damoochr_, seems a no go not sure whats up [05:30] has FSCK marked it as clean? [05:30] ok I have pigeon installed [05:30] j2daosh: Perhaps I should put it another way, I'd be surprised if dsl doesn't include instructions, since most every distro seems to. [05:30] So has anyone here had experience connecting to a wireless access point using WPA Personal security and a pass phrase with spaces in it? [05:30] not that I can tell [05:30] guess i'll go with debian then [05:30] Not working for me while spaceless pass phrases work fine. [05:31] ok, ill reread the site again... maybe i missed it somehow [05:31] gilda I have pidgin installed [05:31] tcpdumpgod: best way to tell? [05:31] jtmitchum, what you need to do is boot into single user mode in grub, then fsck the slice that its marking as read only. [05:31] gigamonk`, i recall a thread about that on ubuntuforums while searching for information. maybe a search over there would return some helpful threads [05:31] jtmitchum, you need to do it from grub, because you need to have it unmounted unless it needs to make changes to the filesystem. [05:32] gilda : paulslaptop2@hotmail.com (msn network) [05:32] well; so far ubuntu hasnt crashed. more than i can say for fedora [05:32] tcpdumpgod: single user mode? [05:32] j2daosh: http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Boot_Floppies [05:32] yes single user mode jtmitchum [05:32] just command line mode while in grub? [05:33] Facedown: ubuntu has guaranteed support for 18 months. Environment-wise, they are probably the same. But try both and see [05:33] which package do most ubuntu users use for video codecs? [05:33] any thunderbird users here? anyone care to check out my thunderbird extension and give me feedback? http://attachreminder.sourceforge.net/ [05:33] microphex: i use w32codecs from the medibuntu repos [05:34] jtmitchum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=683836&highlight=login+%2Fdev%2Fnull [05:34] server irc.zuh.net [05:34] have you heard of gstreamer? i'm wondering if that's any good [05:34] hi\ [05:34] How Do i rip CDs in Ubuntu ? [05:34] microphex: ubuntu-restricted-extras [05:34] tim_: put it in the drive and sound juicer will start automatically [05:35] microphex: ubuntu uses gstreamer. [05:35] hey guys, im using the nvidia driver provided by the .sh file at nvidia.com, as its much more recent and yields higher performance for me. However x fails to start every boot unless i rrun "sudo depmod -a" before /etc/init.d/gdm start. Any idea why? Also it states that it cant load module "type1" in xorg's logs, any ideas? [05:35] How Do i rip music in Wave/Flac Format ? [05:35] Oh man, that's just stupid. If you put quotes around the passphrase in the Network Settings applet it works. [05:36] tim_: I just told you [05:36] Nothing like a very thin GUI layer over some command line tools. [05:36] jscinoz: so why don't you just put a depmod -a into your startup list to run before gdm? and then problem solved? [05:36] tcpdumpgod: thanks for the forum post... I'll give it a ttry [05:36] Americans are in Iran [05:36] !offtopic | thechitowncubs [05:36] thechitowncubs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [05:36] so, it's more secure to use trusted keys rather than passphrases, right? [05:36] Is there a way to remove a single word from a file in terminal? [05:37] phuzion: use keys with passphrases... [05:37] hii [05:37] nerdriot: sed [05:37] jrib, I realize that, but I'm saying, using the key with a passphrase makes things more secure, right? [05:37] phuzion: yes [05:37] ok, cool [05:37] Thanks :) I never thought to use sed... I've been using grep [05:37] noob question....where is the trash? [05:37] any girl here ? [05:37] microphex: ~/.Trash/ [05:37] warnet: that's offtopic. [05:38] !security [05:38] If you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server [05:38] how do i clear it? [05:38] will ubuntu work with this video card, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, on a macbook pro? [05:38] tcpdumpgod: would you try rm the /dev/null? does that seem like a reasonable effort? [05:38] rredd4: nvidia is supported pretty well [05:38] where does firefox store temporary internet files? [05:38] LadyNikon great, ty! [05:39] esoterik, go to about:cache in firefox and look at the cache directory [05:39] !macbook | rredd4 [05:39] rredd4: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [05:39] how do i empty the trash? [05:39] thanks M-Nagato [05:39] esoterik: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache/ but why? [05:39] Anyone know how to create a shortcut to a network folder on Ubuntu [05:39] tritium TY! [05:39] microphex: open nautilus and go to File -> Empty Trash [05:40] Anyone know how to create a shortcut to a network folder on Ubuntu [05:40] !repeat [05:40] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [05:40] !patience [05:40] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [05:40] what other useful commands does that bot have? >.> [05:41] what is nautilus? [05:41] M-Nagato: several [05:41] !bot [05:41] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [05:41] !ubotu > m-nagato (read the private message from ubotu) [05:41] some guy posted pics of his fiance and stepping back one directory on the URL netted some interesting photos that he quickly removed, just wanted tto save them for 'fun' [05:41] !ubotu [05:41] Anyone know how to create a shortcut to a network folder on Ubuntu [05:41] !sex [05:41] Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. [05:41] need help, i get this error "E: Type ' hmm [05:41] microphex: the file manager and graphical shell for GNOME [05:41] nothing :\ [05:41] hi! im having an odd problem with pidgin. The "h" key is behaving quite weirdly. instead of actually putting in the "h" it toggles the logging of the conversation... help? [05:41] danielski_pl: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list [05:42] does anybody know how to change from metacity to murrine for GTK? [05:42] please, if you dont know commands....dont try them in open room..and especially DONT experiment with the bot :) [05:42] i was just lost when u said open nautilus and go to file empty trash [05:42] sorry speeddemon8803 :( [05:42] how do i pastebin? [05:42] !pastebin [05:42] i dont see anything that says nautilus [05:42] microphex: nautilus is the file browser [05:42] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [05:42] anyone know of another room I can try? [05:42] speeddemon8803, sorry, i was trying to learn how to use the bot, not mess with it. :3 [05:42] !who | microphex [05:42] microphex: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [05:42] nvm i got it [05:42] Anyone know how to create a shortcut to a network folder on Ubuntu [05:42] !pastebin [05:43] if you wish to learn how to use the bots or test them please go to #ubuntu-bots..thanks :) [05:43] speasking of that !who, is there an addon for x-chat where i can click someones name and it automatically does a "nickname:" sort of script action so i dont have to manually type out a users' name? [05:43] ok, here's the problem, i just had to install a new motherboard, and it has an onboard graphics engine and wont take my old graphics card. but ubuntu doesnt recognize the onboard graphics. the motherboard is a ECS 671T-M with SiS671/968; Mirage3 Vid ... pls help :( [05:43] people how many times on week to update and upgrade my ubuntu 7.10 box? [05:43] a [05:43] jrib: # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to [05:43] # newer versions of the distribution. [05:43] deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted [05:43] deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted [05:43] ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the [05:43] ## distribution. [05:43] danielski_pl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:43] microphex: use tab-completion [05:44] people how many times on week to update and upgrade my ubuntu 7.10 box? [05:44] speeddemon8803, i see :) thanks [05:44] Please do not paste large chunks of text, ESPECIALLY not your sources.list..that can get huge and can flood the room :) [05:44] Your welcome. :) [05:44] yes, his welcome [05:44] hi, i want to remote login to a ubuntu server which supports resume sessions, with clipboard sharing between client and server, is there any way to do it? [05:45] Can anyone help me get a pci graphics card working? I have tried several times but each time my computer freezes during boot. The card is an nvidia mx440 and I'm running 7.10. I used to get an error saying kernel panic - not syncing. I know the motherboard and card are good since they run fine with other OSes but I really want/need to run ubuntu. [05:45] for anyone interested, after 2 failed installs on an XP dual-boot vostro 1500 laptop (grub failed to install), picking ext2 instead of ext3 for the root fs seemed to work [05:45] tritium where can i get that [05:45] microphex: it's a built-in feature of many things, including xchat [05:45] danielski_pl: give us the url of your paste, don't paste the file into the channel [05:45] tcpdumpgod you cant (or dont want to) remove /dev/null. [05:46] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54676/ [05:46] how [05:46] The OS thinks the file system is dirty, the only way you're going to fix it is boot into single user mode and get FSCK to ack it as "clean" [05:46] Understand? [05:46] like how could i get some random person's nick to show up in my send text bar without me typing it [05:46] jtmitchum | fsck [05:46] tcpdumpgod: yessire [05:46] jtmitchum | fsck! [05:46] danielski_pl: ok, pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list [05:46] hmm [05:46] lol [05:46] okayokayokay [05:46] jtmitchum! | fsck [05:47] thank you ! [05:47] I forget how to do it. [05:47] tcpdumpgod: stop that [05:47] Its been a min. [05:47] :) [05:47] jrib, why? [05:47] because you are spamming the channel [05:47] ok i got it tritium [05:47] microphex, type the first few letters of their name and then hit tab. like, for your name, all i had to type was mic [05:47] jtmitchum | !fsck [05:47] hmm [05:47] M-Nagato: they dont have this tab completion in mIRC do they? [05:47] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54677/ === p4r4d0x_ is now known as tcpdumpgod [05:47] Hello. [05:47] hey guys, im using the nvidia driver provided by the .sh file at nvidia.com, as its much more recent and yields higher performance for me. However x fails to start every boot unless i rrun "sudo depmod -a" before /etc/init.d/gdm start. Any idea why? Also it states that it cant load module "type1" in xorg's logs, any ideas? [05:47] mirc has it too, microphex [05:47] can things talk? can i talk with things? [05:48] like plates furniture etc? [05:48] M-Nagato: i guess you learn something new every day [05:48] tcpdumpgod: would you singlue user in recovery kernel or normal kernel? [05:48] so jrib why do i need to stop trying to get the man help he needs again? [05:48] single user mode jtmitchum [05:48] Should I dist-upgrade before I update to gutsy? [05:48] i'm not sure if it's enabled by default, but i use it often when i'm using mirc [05:48] Has anyone been able to run thc-hydra? I'm having trouble running in under Gutsy. [05:48] tcpdumpgod: you know what I meant, just drop it [05:48] does anyone know how to enable iwlwifi on the new .24 kernel? [05:48] ok ok [05:48] i've already enabled mac80211 but still get no iwlwifi option [05:49] Hmm what is the dIFferense between the same package in ubuntu 7.04 7.10 and 8.04 For example it it is wine package 0.49 in all cases??? [05:49] jrib if it's any consolation, tcpdumpgod has been the only one trying to help me [05:49] danielski_pl: do you see what is wrong with that file? [05:49] ty jtmitchum [05:49] ok, here's the problem, i just had to install a new motherboard, and it has an onboard graphics engine and wont take my old graphics card. but ubuntu doesnt recognize the onboard graphics. the motherboard is a ECS 671T-M with SiS671/968; Mirage3 Vid ... pls help :( [05:49] nope, i would guess its in html [05:49] jtmitchum: I'm not telling him to stop helping you, I'm telling him to stop repeating things that are pointless like "name | fsck" three times in a row [05:49] !fsck | jtmitchum [05:49] jtmitchum: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [05:50] there :) [05:50] Should I dist-upgrade my fiesty install before I update to gutsy? [05:50] There we go jtmitchum thats what i was trying to do [05:50] danielski_pl: what version of ubuntu? [05:50] 7.10 [05:50] tcpdumpgod: it's all in the details :) [05:50] thanks therealnanotube, been a min since i've been in here supporting folks :) [05:50] danielski_pl: run 'sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list' again [05:50] !gutsy [05:50] Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents [05:50] word to the bird therealnanotube [05:51] tcpdumpgod: can I run that shutdown command as an alternative to grub -> single user mode? [05:51] thanx jrib ur the best :P [05:51] jtmitchum, no... grub is your boot loader. [05:51] danielski_pl: then run 'sudo apt-get update' again and make sure there are no errors [05:51] Its a very simple procediure (spelling) you're doing jtmitchum [05:51] kay [05:51] bbiam [05:51] !grub [05:51] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [05:51] You dont even have to edit grub.cfg anymore. [05:51] jrib: no errors works fine thanx [05:52] danielski_pl: cool, no problem [05:52] Hmm what is the dIFferense between the same package in ubuntu 7.04 7.10 and 8.04 For example it it is wine package 0.49 in all cases??? [05:52] jtmitchum: i prefer to run my fsck from a livecd... [05:52] crud...brb [05:53] Flannel: To answer the question, apt-get uses ~0% CPU while d/ling packages. [05:53] therealnanotube: any reason to your preference? [05:53] tim_: Potentially compiled against different versions of the same/different libraries. [05:53] Ok i put my computer in DMZ What would i do now to get the FTP Server working? so people around the world can access [05:53] jtmitchum: you might find it friendlier than working in console in single user. also, you can run fsck on the root fs from livecd, but in single user mode, the root fs is mounted... [05:53] okay, back [05:53] GO GIANTS! [05:53] Kuwanger: So what is the differense? [05:54] How can I search in 'Tracker Search' for search strings that include a space character. Neither "" nor '\ ', '%20' helps. [05:54] so knoppix would work [05:55] is there an app to quickly look at how many gbs I have used/left on each partition? [05:55] tim_: Well, if it's a different version, one or more programs potentially won't run or will (very unlikely) misbehave inconsistent with how they should. [05:55] jtmitchum: well, yea... but so would an ubuntu livecd :) which you probably have cuz you installed ubuntu ? :) [05:55] Dmitri: df -h [05:55] Dmitri: df [05:55] beat you ... but you added the human readable command... [05:55] UGH, freakin IRC client! [05:55] :) [05:55] Kuwanger: What if it is the same Version? [05:55] therealnanotube: dapper server cd [05:55] hey guys, im using the nvidia driver provided by the .sh file at nvidia.com, as its much more recent and yields higher performance for me. However x fails to start every boot unless i rrun "sudo depmod -a" before /etc/init.d/gdm start. Any idea why? Also it states that it cant load module "type1" in xorg's logs, any ideas? [05:56] tim_: Then, it should work, barring some other reason (like rearrangement of the directory structure). [05:56] tim_: Personally, I'd avoid it if possible just because it includes another potential hassle in the future. [05:57] jscinoz: yes [05:57] why do brown people get treated like women? [05:57] jscinoz: something like http://linux.hfds.com/files/n-i.txt [05:57] This error has been plaguing me for days and it prevent me from browsing the web so I can't figure it out. [05:57] !ops | arabiannights [05:57] arabiannights: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow! [05:58] tim_: mostly it's the packaging, it depends on the versions of libraries in each particular ubuntu version [05:58] I installed Ubuntu from the latest install cd (same thing on XUbuntu and Mint) and things work fine. Then I do apt-get update and restart the machine. And it goes to hell [05:58] jtmitchum: ah ic :) well in that case, try the knoppix :) [05:58] tim_: *versions of dependencies, not necessarily libraries [05:58] Firefox tries to start and gets a bus error [05:58] is ubuntu packaging any different from debian packaging? [05:59] not really [05:59] mplayer segfaults, totem gets an X error pidgin gets a bus error [05:59] astro76: So Will package made for Ubuntu 7.10 Work in Ubuntu 9.10 ? [05:59] jtmitchum: some helpful hints: "sudo fdisk -L" lists all disk partitions... [05:59] thanks! [05:59] long as the deps are met, probably, ymmv [05:59] jetscreamer, i assume the no was to my question? [05:59] hey... I was using lvm by the way therealnanotube [05:59] yes [05:59] for some reason my laptop isnt shutting off properly... running ubuntu 7.10. [05:59] does that hurt anything? [05:59] iKap, any errors on the way out? [05:59] tim_: no [06:00] Hello? [06:00] Why the heck would doing an apt-get update completely anihilate my ability to use my most common apps with no helpful messages at all? [06:00] astro76: Why not? [06:00] tim_: this is why they have a separate repo/package for each ubuntu version [06:00] d33d, no errors at all.. though i did get eth1 error before but then i disabled that so it shuts off fine.. screen goes blank and everything.. but the laptop still has power. its very weird. [06:00] jtmitchum: errr... i don't know anything about lvm, so... i don't know even whether fsck will work [06:00] tim_: because of my earlier explanation [06:00] I'm updating from feisty to gutsy. I saw one mention that I should update everything before I upgrade. [06:00] jetstream that only need to be run once yes? [06:00] Er, upgrade everything before I update. [06:00] fsck works on lvm the same as other volumes [06:00] Should I? [06:00] puff: yes [06:00] d33d, so if i press the power button again.. it doesnt turn on, i have to keep it pressed down for 3 seconds then i hear it completley shut off.. then only i can turn it back on. [06:00] baegle: just update wouldn't.. upgrade possible could [06:00] thanks Kevin` [06:01] is clamav a kernel module? [06:01] !info clamav [06:01] clamav (source: clamav): antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.91.2-3ubuntu2.2 (gutsy), package size 856 kB, installed size 1284 kB [06:01] jetscreamer: right, upgrade, not update sorry [06:01] iKap, have you tried going to another "Terminal" window? [06:01] astro76: so, that would be sudo aptitude update? [06:01] astro76: Or something more? [06:01] jetscreamer: but I'm not doing anything fany, just install and then upgrade [06:01] d33d, what do you mean.. im kind of new to linux. [06:01] and firefox bus errors? [06:01] puff: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade [06:01] How do I change Icon of programms ? [06:01] baegle: no idea.. maybe dist-upgrade [06:01] i'm familiar with what clamav is, i'm curious about exactly how it works [06:02] jetscreamer: nothing to dist-upgrade, just dl'ed the cds from the site [06:02] iKap, just a sec i have to remember the keyboard shortcut. [06:02] jetscreamer do you really need a virus scanner for liniux.... thought there were hardly, if any out there [06:02] ohh dear jang guy left :( [06:02] jetscreamer: dist-upgrade reports nothing to do [06:02] rredd4: mostly for scanning windows things [06:02] astro76: Hm, I guess I should cancel out of the update GUI in order to do that. [06:02] Dangit -- how to i stop the annoying beeping on everything. I am wearing headphones and i am officially deaf now. [06:02] how can i get CF started by typing this code: "LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=TRUE compiz --replace gconf/ini/ccp &" ?. I tried on the terminal, it works, but when i quit, i come back to metacity... [06:02] d33d: Unplug the headphones? [06:02] d33d: :-). [06:02] This has happened to me for ubuntu and 2 of it's variants and it's completely baffling to me that I could be the only one with this problem [06:03] jetscreamer no more windows here! [06:03] puff, then its on the speaks. [06:03] d33d: probably the settings of your irc client [06:03] whats the shortcut to switch between workspaces? [06:03] jetscreamer, well it does it on like everything, in the terminal, [06:03] d33d: Unplug the speakers! [06:03] d33d: I'll bet there's a way to configure it. [06:03] puff, laptop [06:04] d33d, the weird thing is, it seems to "shut off" normal.. like the OS shuts down fine, but seems like the power to the computer or something doesnt shut off, because the power light on the laptop stays on. its weird. [06:04] d33d: not sure, maybe it's the pc_speaker... try turning something off in your mixer [06:04] d33d: what kind? and is it just sound you want to eliminate, or just the beeps? [06:04] I'm completely helpless, I can't even browse the web in my current state to solve my own problems, it's incredibly frustrating [06:04] J_Humphrey: ctrl+alt+# iirc [06:05] not F1, but 1 [06:05] unless you mean the consoles [06:05] jtmitchum, how's that going for you? [06:05] J_Humphrey: ctl-alt- left/right arrow [06:05] havn'e started yet [06:05] baegle: apt-get install lynx ? [06:05] puff, jetscreamer everything is muted in the mixer. Still get the sound, its like the system beep. [06:06] Ok jtmitchum. [06:06] d33d: System/Preferences/Sound, select System Beep. [06:06] d33d: blacklist the pc_speaker module [06:06] I'm researching to make sure I understand tcpdumpgod [06:06] or that [06:06] d33d: System/Preferences/Sound, select System Beep tab, select Visual System Beep. [06:06] Okay, did you look at the post on the forum I sent you jtmitchum ? [06:06] baegle: or do you have net on that box? [06:06] wow a lot of canadians here [06:06] puff, I love you [06:06] Is X11Forwarding turned on by default in sshd_config for Ubuntu? (when you install openssh-server) ? [06:07] I changed it to visual [06:07] d33d: If you really loved me youUBOTO: THIS IS A FAMILY-FRIENDLY CHANNEL> [06:07] jetscreamer: I'm on the box, it's my only one [06:07] seems to me the default is off, nemilar .. not sure though [06:07] jetscreamer: I'm trying to do some research on my issue using lynx [06:07] jetscreamer: yeah I'm not sure either === chaky_ is now known as chaky [06:07] iKap, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 ( TO COME BACK press the same but F7) you'll see what i mean [06:08] d33d: I may be begging for help here in a few hours, depending on how this dist-upgrade goes. [06:08] nemilar: it's set to yes by default [06:08] nemilar: I've got a default, and it's not enabled [06:08] baegle: elinks or so claim to support graphics [06:08] elinks2? [06:08] puff, lol. I can't believe i didn't check the sound. guess you were all just around so it was easier. [06:08] i forget.. one of them [06:08] iKap, seriously, this is the place, not #ubuntu-offtopic [06:08] lol nickrud astro76 you are giving me conflicting answers [06:08] d33d, what do i do there though? [06:09] nemilar: heh, mine is yes and I didn't change it, feisty install ugpraded to gutsy [06:09] nemilar: trust astro76 on this, I must have turned it on and don't remember [06:09] s/on/off/ [06:09] hmm alright [06:09] tcpdumpgod: yes [06:09] iKap, well -- if your system dies. (like before the poweroff thing) see if you can get to another "terminal" [06:09] iKap, after the os stops doing anything, does the numlock or capslock key still work? [06:09] thanks guys [06:09] ok jtmitchum [06:09] cwillu, i havent tried that. [06:09] Could someone help me out? Whenever I attempt to restart X using the hotkey ctrl+alt+backspace, it receive a lag and the system ends up restarting after the duration of 1-2 minutes. I'm running Gutsy. [06:09] iKap, then you can find out if its X server or if its like your whole computer freezing up [06:10] how do i check to see if i have a package installed already? [06:10] !synaptic [06:10] synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [06:10] d33d, im sorry but im kind of new, can you be a little more specific on what you want me to do? thanks alot. [06:11] iKap, ok so. click power off. [06:11] J_Humphrey: apt-cache policy packagename [06:11] iKap, do what I told you to do; it'll tell you if the kernel is still running [06:11] iKap, when you in the "stuck" position. where it seems like nothing is there. [06:11] J_Humphrey: also aptitude show [06:11] iKap, try doing the F1 thing and see if you can get to those command lines [06:11] d33d, okay ill bbrb then [06:12] iKap, wait [06:12] d33d, yeah [06:12] iKap, check your numlock etc for cwillu also [06:12] d33d, yeah i was gonna do that. [06:12] lol ok [06:12] just checking [06:12] ok good luck [06:12] d33d, thanks ill brb [06:13] anyone have a verizon blackberry pearl? quick question [06:13] AlgorithmicContr: easy, don't run gutsy, run feisty. :) just kidding. ;) (but seriously, i still run feisty, cuz gutsy just gave me all sorts of crap when i tried it...) [06:14] therealnanotube: Uhh, no. [06:14] !preference [06:15] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [06:15] has anyone here installed the x86_64 copy of ubuntu ? [06:16] AlgorithmicContr: what happens if you attempt to restart X with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" same behavior? [06:16] therealnanotube: same [06:16] Does anyone here know how to create a shortcut on the desktop to a network folder on another PC [06:16] therealnanotube: Might be because I switched my videocard driver from xorg to fglrx for the "preliminary" algrx support [06:17] the catalyst driver for ATI, 8.1 I think it was. I'm on a ATI Radeon X300 [06:17] hm, and switching back to the default ati driver is not an acceptable solution? [06:18] is there an alias for your router's address, if you want to access it in firefox? I mean, instead of using the IP address of your gateway, is there a hostname that will always work? [06:18] AlgorithmicContr: well, i'm out of useful thoughts, then... i run on the stock ati driver, don't know much about the details of fglrx... [06:18] Hm: http://php.pastebin.com/d19250d78 [06:19] I cannot understandwhy this is heppening! Almost every time I start an app in Ubuntu 7.10 it starts with 20 - 30 seconds delay! It still works fast! But even such a small app as Gedit starts with 30 secs delay. Computer seems to be like paused after pressing button and then starts working egain. WHY? [06:19] eeekkk :) i just "remove from panel" my Admin, System and Programs panel :) [06:19] how do i restore it ? :) [06:19] d33d, i see what the problem is.. ubuntu isnt actually shutting down because the "nics" wont deactiavte/shut-off [06:20] iKap, weird google it up [06:20] d33d, i ended up on a screen that said "deactivating eth1" "deactivating eth0" and some other stuff. [06:20] i have a question about installing programs? [06:20] whats the command for changing directories? :-[ [06:20] d33d, i know what it is.. the nics wont shut off.. someone tried helping me wit this earlier, its a bug or problem with the driver. [06:20] Dimitree: so, add it back [06:20] !ask | lazy247x [06:20] lazy247x: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:20] when i apt-get autoremove -- where do they go? [06:20] thechitowncubs, how :D ^__^ [06:21] I have a couple Windows partitions mounted, they're on the Desktop and have names like hda1, how can I rename them? [06:21] are the downloaded programs deleted [06:21] Dimitree: right click on the panel, click "add to panel" and select "menu bar" (it's at the bottom somewhere...) [06:21] People! I cannot understand why this is heppening! Almost every time I start an app in Ubuntu 7.10 it starts with 20 - 30 seconds delay! It still works fast! But even such a small app as Gedit starts with 30 secs delay. Computer seems to be like paused after pressing button and then starts working egain. WHY? [06:22] thechitowncubs, oh thank you :) sorry iw as clicking on the panels and htere was no add panel option :) [06:22] can anyone help [06:22] lazy247x: I'm pretty sure it just removes the program from /usr/bin (and updates related files) [06:22] ok [06:22] lazy247x: it doesn't "purge" everything though [06:23] Dimitree: glad it worked :) [06:23] no i purge everything i put into the system [06:23] like the libs [06:23] lazy247x: You do want to do that, or do not? [06:23] Pfiu :D ^_^ [06:23] ya i do it.. try to keep it small [06:24] i only working with 14g's [06:24] lazy247x: try doing this: apt-get autoclean [06:24] jetscreamer: FYI, it was reinstall firefox firefox-gnome-support and ubufox [06:24] mm ok [06:24] lazy247x: that will purge the files yo'ure not using. [06:24] lazy247x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto [06:25] lazy247x: near the bottom, in the example it tells you how to remove AND purge [06:25] ok [06:25] lol :D the system monitor is eating 10% CPU [06:25] thanks [06:25] Hi guys, what would be a good alternative to Partition magic for Ubuntu? [06:25] lazy247x: no problem. I hope that helps! [06:25] iambernie: GParted is a gnome one, qtparted, KDE [06:26] Flannel: Cheers [06:27] where do we file reports if ubuntu doesn't work with specific hardware? [06:27] Aloha: launchpad.net [06:27] Aloha: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu specifically [06:27] Flannel, what do we file the bug as? [ubuntu hardware issue]? [06:28] Aloha: I usually do a google search first to see if it's already listed. I don't find the search within launchpad very easy to use. [06:28] emmajane, me either ;) [06:29] Aloha: well, thats all understood to be ubuntu related, so give it a good descriptive name (remember that there are a few hundred bugs filed every day, so descriptive subjects make stuff easier), and then include as much info as you can in the body, and check back over the next few days to see what other information they need, if their fixes work, etc. [06:29] How can i make Opera work with the Flahs player ? [06:30] *Flash [06:30] Flannel, ok thnx [06:31] Dimitree: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser#head-801db7120330e998f5a482a4c5b7629458c6f32f [06:31] hi, what's a package i can install to record my screen in KDE? [06:32] Flannel, thank youuu !!! :) [06:32] !screencast [06:32] Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [06:32] "nmblookup -d 1 -S -M MSHOME; querying MSHOME on; MSHOME<1d>; ... MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00." Does ' MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00' indicate a correct configuration? [06:34] Help! My USB is on the fritz! After a few minutes from booting up, my USB ports won't recognize anything new being plugged in. And external hard drives/flash drives will stop working a while after even if they were initially recognized. Any help? [06:35] Hi. Why did I see many file ending with ~ in console? They are deleted files and my Trash is already empty. Always have to delete them with rm command [06:36] they're backup files [06:37] backup aren't supose to be in the trash? don't undertand.. === themoebius_ is now known as themoebius [06:38] efnet [06:38] hey guys, I've got samba running on my desktop and its not showing up on my mac, but if I manually connect to server and type in the IP address it connects. Anyone know how i can make sure samba broadcasts as well [06:38] ? [06:39] change a text file in your /home dir and save it - does it show in your /home dir or the trash? [06:39] CrazyPhil, see above [06:39] /home dir.. [06:39] goodnight all [06:40] sorry CrazyPhil - does the backup show up in the trash? [06:40] hello all [06:41] no ere4si, as I don't delete it [06:41] After a few minutes from booting up, my USB ports won't recognize anything new being plugged in. And external hard drives/flash drives will stop working a while after even if they were initially recognized. Any help? === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [06:42] Sometimes my webcam uses the v4l1 driver, when it is supposed to use the v4l2 driver. It only works with the v4l2 driver. Is there any way to force it to always use the v4l2 driver? [06:42] CrazyPhil, the ~files that show up in trash - what names do they have? [06:43] they don't show in trash. only in console when I use ls command [06:43] sorry about confusion, was wondering why they were still there even if trash is empty [06:44] is it a kind of automatic backup of text file? [06:44] im trying to install vlc and it says there are unresolvable dependencies [06:44] or it apply on any type of file modified [06:44] hi [06:45] CrazyPhil, any kind of file [06:45] ok [06:45] mar1, did you enable all repositories and try to install from Synaptic? [06:45] thanks :P [06:46] yes i switched it to universe [06:46] could anybody explain to me why when I create a new account and then use that account to log in via SSH from another machine I can easily go into other users home directories? [06:46] I can get online ,but I can't get my router's web page . any one [06:47] which log file will have the /etc/fstab errors? [06:47] bentob0x: Because, by default, user's directories are world-readable. You can change this manually if you'd like. === mike__ is now known as kancerman [06:48] hi [06:48] After a few minutes from booting up, my USB ports won't recognize anything new being plugged in. And external hard drives/flash drives will stop working a while after even if they were initially recognized. [06:48] mar1, what version of Ubuntu are you using? Gutsy? 32 or 64 bit? [06:50] theshadow: /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog [06:50] bentob0x: because you have rx permissions to other users homdirs by default [06:51] Sometimes my webcam uses the v4l1 driver, when it is supposed to use the v4l2 driver. It only works with the v4l2 driver. Is there any way to force it to always use the v4l2 driver? [06:52] err [06:53] is there a way to use terminal more then 1 time when not using GUI? [06:53] im doing Irssi without GUI but it takes up full screen. [06:54] hello? [06:54] Flash problem remains :/ i have downloaded the flahs player, installed it, whent in Opera and included the folder and added the plugins, then whent on youtube and instead of a movie it shows a flat one color box and text"click to activate and use this control" i also edited the startup script as sugested on the forums but nothing helped, also installed Gnash but nothing :/ help [06:55] son9524, you can ctrl-alt F2-6 and alt-F7 to get back [06:55] i know i was wondering [06:55] son9524: ctrl shift t [06:55] if it was possible to use it more then one time [06:55] ctrl shift t did nothing === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [06:56] son9524, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 is five times [06:57] Im trying out Ubuntu without GUI i just wanted to see how mant thing i could do [06:57] but it seems i cannot browse and IRC Chat at same time.. [06:57] when I install a package.. where are the actual pictures for the icons held?? [06:57] Sometimes my webcam uses the v4l1 driver, when it is supposed to use the v4l2 driver. It only works with the v4l2 driver. Is there any way to force it to always use the v4l2 driver? [06:57] son9524, look into screen [06:58] M-Nagato...Im looking at screen and all i see is the IRssi thing [06:58] it taking up entire screen [06:58] son9524, ctrl+a, d should detach it [06:58] son9524: program named 'screen' [06:59] then you could use screen -r (pid) to reattach another screen [06:59] Can anyone help me with my USB malfunctioning? Nothing can be recognized after bootup (usually starting a few minutes after logging in) [06:59] err...Nope...still here... [06:59] it didnt even flinch.. [06:59] son9524, did you start it using screen? [06:59] like screen irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com [06:59] it won't make a difference if you don't start it with screen [07:00] i just did irssi.. [07:00] then that's why [07:00] !info screen | son9524 [07:00] and then i did /server FreeNode [07:00] son9524: screen (source: screen): a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 574 kB, installed size 984 kB [07:00] i couldnt sudo-apt get install screen if i wanted to.. [07:01] why not? [07:01] because irssi takes up Entire thing so i cant type any commands and the keys dont seem to [07:01] affect it [07:01] type /quit [07:01] then apt-get it [07:01] then use screen irssi [07:01] gah [07:02] some people would be better off with the gui to start with... x-x [07:02] How do I associate docx and xlsx files with OOo? [07:02] afaik screen is standard [07:02] I am using ls_colors in tcsh and want to use them same in bash. it seems bash doesnt understand the d=00:no=00 or so. Isd there a converter between those two? [07:03] soldats, i think you might be right [07:03] probably.. [07:03] but it doesn't hurt to check [07:03] is there a way to remove ' and / from a file using sed? [07:03] i already have screen lol [07:03] are you using it then? [07:03] son9524: can you do ctrl+alt+F2 [07:03] when i re-did it i did [07:03] nerdriot: yes, but I'd use tr instead.. [07:03] I'm a noob, heh... what's tr? [07:04] sed -es"/\///"g -es"/\'//"g [07:04] I think.. [07:04] Thank you :D I'll give that a shot :) [07:04] or tr -d \'\/ [07:04] Yea... [07:04] i can do that [07:04] lol [07:04] from memory.. check the man page if it fails :) === Masse is now known as MAS-USR [07:05] Yep....it let me === son9524_ is now known as Darkmystere [07:05] son9524_, you could've used ctrl+alt+F* to change back then :P [07:05] anyone have a recommendation for a newsreader? [07:05] lol change it back to GUI === MAS-USR is now known as Smitius [07:05] but i wanted to see how No-GUI worked i have lots of friends that dont use GUI [07:06] I dont see hpw they do now when 1 terminal takes up entire screen... [07:06] how do I see how much free space I got on a hard drive? [07:06] How can I find out what shell functions are defined in my environment in bash? [07:06] why is r+x on all users folders on by default? Doesn't sound very secure to me? [07:06] bloony: df -h [07:06] Is there a way to stop ubuntu turning off the HDD when i'm transferring large files from the network onto here and go idle? [07:06] ogre: cheers [07:06] do you guys think richard stallman is a fantatic in a bad way? [07:06] bloony: df -h [07:06] brb... [07:07] Flynsarmy: the hdd turns off?? [07:07] Darkmystere: it depends on your preference. screen is very powerful but you need to learn a little about it first. you can still run a gui but one that works primarily off of terminals liek ratpoison or dwm [07:07] Thank you zcat! tr worked nicely :) [07:07] Hi all. How do I get past my proxy to be able to run apt get in a terminal ? [07:07] why won't my USB devices get recognized? any help? If the devices are plugged in during boot up or a few minutes after they will be recognized, but much after that they aren't even noticed. [07:07] Frogzoo: well that's what i THINK might be happening. All i know is if i go idle while doing the transfers and i come back, they've failed [07:08] cllew: what does dmesg tell you? [07:08] Different version of same question: how do I change what nautilis thinks is a zip file? [07:08] anyone have a recommendation for a newsreader? I want something easy. plllzzzz [07:09] I always used to use slrn ... [07:09] ogre: I use liferea [07:09] thanks guys [07:09] Hi all. How do I get past my proxy to be able to run apt get in a terminal ? [07:09] Flynsarmy: what command? [07:10] Frogzoo: Using the GUi i drag/drop from a windows PC onto an NTFS partitioned drive on my ubuntu machine [07:10] I don't have the slightest clue as to what to tell you from the results. [07:10] ogre: if you want to download binaries as well, i suggest pan as a newsreader [07:11] Flynsarmy: does mount show the partition as rw? or read only? [07:11] jeffMASTERflex: ahh thanks that is what i was looking for [07:11] what the heck [07:11] i just switched [07:12] my java was unable to run... then one site recommended i do this.. java -classpath . myfirstjavaprog ... and it worked... I forgot but I think there is a way to make it permanent.. so you can run simply by typing java myfirstjavaprog [07:12] Terminal [07:12] Frogzoo: I'm able to write to the directories on both the windows and this pc [07:12] ooh i figured it out i have to use as some 1 else started ctrl alt F1-f6 [07:12] How else can I install libdvdread3 if I am unable to use apt get please ? [07:12] cllew: dmesg is a command line utility that prints out device messages from the kernel, if you open a terminal and do "dmesg | tail" (without the quotes) right after you plug in a usb device, you might get some information [07:12] !info Mplay [07:12] Package mplay does not exist in gutsy [07:13] !find Mplay [07:13] Found: kmplayer-base, kmplayer-konq-plugins, kmplayer, kmplayer-doc, python-templayer (and 13 others) [07:13] jmdc: tail -f /var/log/messages [07:14] BlueEyes_Jhb: You can configure apt to use a proxy.. easiest was is via synaptic I think .. preferences > network [07:14] is grun supposed to load from stage 3? [07:14] I mean grub [07:15] PKdoR: grub has 2 stages only [07:15] zcat[1] I dont think libdvdread3 is listed in synaptic, i'll double check [07:15] cllew: just paste it to the pastebin [07:15] !medibuntu | BlueEyes_Jhb [07:15] BlueEyes_Jhb: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [07:15] but when I turn on my pc on the grub time out thingi it load from stage 2 and no 1? [07:16] ok, did "dmesg | tail", no quotes, and still no idea what it means :| [07:16] how can i take the source from a program and enable v4l2 support in that program? [07:16] !pastebin [07:16] right now I am using a USB mouse, it was plugged in before booting and it works fine. If i were to unplug it and plug it back in, it wouldn't work [07:16] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [07:17] BlueEyes_Jhb: synaptic is just a friendly way of accessing and/or sonfiguring apt [07:17] is it safe if i install twin? [07:17] !info twin [07:17] twin (source: twin): a Text mode WINdow environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-3 (gutsy), package size 422 kB, installed size 1444 kB [07:17] if it's not in synaptic, you won't be able to apt-get it either 'cos they're the same thing [07:18] I mean will it mess up x-server [07:18] can somebody smarter than myself please tell me what the difference between apt-get and aptitude is? and which is better [07:18] and ill never be able to use GUI again? [07:18] cllew, unplug it, plug it back in, and copy the output to the pastebin [07:19] kineticCoder,Aptitude is better. [07:19] !info Aptitude [07:19] aptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based apt frontend. In component main, is important. Version (gutsy), package size 1507 kB, installed size 9072 kB [07:19] KineticCoder: apt-get and aptitude do basically the same job.. aptitude is slightly friendlier I think.. I tend to use apt-get or synaptic [07:20] i also use apt-get, but someone told me that aptitude works cleaner and does a better job of removing packages you want to uninstall [07:20] what app can i use as web proxy for ubuntu [07:20] so does apt-get autoremove :) [07:20] thanks [07:21] !squid | Le^stat [07:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:21] !info squid | Le^stat [07:21] le^stat: squid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.14-1ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1580 kB [07:21] KineticCoder: apt-get is command line oriented. You type apt-get install foo. aptitude is screen oriented, you pick from a menu in text mode, synaptic is a gui, they all are using the same libraries to get the work done, just use autoremove from the command line [07:21] i keep getting all mouse drivers Failed when i try and run Twin why is that? [07:21] ty [07:21] zcat[1], hi, John here [07:21] hi john [07:21] jmdc: aptitude is CLI based as well [07:22] joot? [07:22] zcat[1], jxxt was owned [07:22] good nite all, I must say, this is a great channel thanks again to all of you who participate and help [07:22] how about jxxn ? [07:22] Flannel: yeah, but it uses curses and fills up the whole screen [07:23] jmdc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54681/ [07:23] !language [07:23] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [07:23] I think it uses ncurses ... maybe some other library, anyway it's full screen [07:23] zcat[1], did not try that tried a few john type names failed [07:23] (no cursing) [07:23] ... [07:24] jmdc: No, you can also run it straight from the CLI. aptitude install blah [07:24] if you use 'aptitude install' etc it behaves mosre or less like apt-get [07:24] I wish somebody would ask about how to do file system checks [07:24] jmdc: thanks great explanation, i wasnt aware they used the same libraries [07:24] jmdc: why? [07:24] ahhh ..fsck? [07:24] yes [07:25] Ooh... [07:25] i got it working...but i dunno how to work it lol [07:25] someone asked what was a good image viewer in here once.. the one I suggested was deemed inappropriate! [07:25] XO [07:25] what picasa? [07:25] :P [07:25] Flannel - I guess we're both right [07:25] you got me [07:25] !info pornview [07:25] pornview (source: pornview): Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-7 (gutsy), package size 223 kB, installed size 664 kB [07:26] O.o pornview? [07:26] wtf lol [07:26] jmdc: Its not really a "whos right" sort of issue, just as long as the proper information gets out there. [07:27] zcat[1], thats got to be an acronym p.o.r.n [07:27] erm z[cat]: care to explain why it is a good image viewer? [07:27] sal [07:27] Flannel: good point. I'm just saying we're both putting out correct info, because you can do aptitude install foo to run from command line or just type aptitude and get a full screen interface [07:28] it's pretty similar to gewnview I think.. only tried it once.. [07:28] is there a lite version of Ubuntu available as a CD with ONLY X Desktop & Gnome stuff but without openoffice, goodies, etc... [07:28] e cineva pe aici care sami poata raspunde? [07:28] cllew: you did that dmesg after you unplugged the keyboard? [07:29] giac123: there's xubuntu .. it doesn't have much OOo in it.. [07:29] I had unplugged a flash drive. I'll do the mouse next (I'm on a laptop, kinda hard to unplug a keyboard from THAT) [07:29] but no gnome, it uses xfce [07:29] !ro | aleks [07:29] aleks: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [07:29] will it support GTK appplications? [07:29] sorry, I meant whatever usb device you unplugged, not your keyboard [07:30] hey everybody, what repos do I need to enable to install CCSM? [07:30] yeah [07:30] but nothing's showing up in dmesg about it [07:30] no idea... [07:30] zcat[1]: I see [07:30] I had pulled out the flash drive, put it back in, then ran the dmesg [07:31] peddy: compizconfig-settings-manager and optional emerald [07:31] How do i get my ubuntu windows streaming to my windows PC? [07:31] You could do a text-only install and then add just gnome ... [07:31] are you right clicking and saying unmount before removing? [07:31] when I turn on my pc is grub supposed to load from stage 1 or 2? [07:31] thats the thing, it isn't mounting in the first place [07:31] PKdoR: BIOS -> stage1 -> stage1.5 -> stage2 -> linux [07:32] basically its like my USB ports are dead to anything that isnt already plugged in [07:32] cllew: you've tried other things than usb drives? [07:33] PKdoR: stage one first, then stage two... but it might not say anything about stage one because afaik that's a tiny 512byte chunk of code with no room for unnecessart sending messages to console.. [07:33] Are there any Terminal Based GUI mimicking packages? [07:33] well, my USB mouse. If its plugged in immediately after boot up it works and won't stop working. if i unplug it tho, and plug it back in it will not even have the light turn on at the bottom of the mouse (laser mouse) [07:33] Flynsarmy: you can use vncviewer from windows to login to your ubuntu machine with the gui [07:33] hmm vncviewer? [07:33] never heard of it\ [07:33] Flannel: im asking because whn I turn on my pc on the grob timeout screen where it says to pres "esc" for boot options it says "loading stage 2" before it boots to ubuntu [07:34] son9524: Like anything that uses curses? [07:34] PKdoR: right. The GRUB screen itself is stage1.5, the stuff before that is stage1 [07:34] my desktop files are not visible on my desktop since I updated to the development version. Does anyone know what is wrong? [07:35] and strangely enough...now my touchpad's scroll feature wont work. I had turned off the touch pad with a little button that makes it so I don't accidently brush the pad with my hand while typing...the cursor works but I can't scroll with it [07:35] cllew: okay, I just wanted to make sure we weren't confusing the issue. I think I remember a long time ago cd drives or usb or something would get confused if you unplugged them/ejected them without unmounting properly, but I think that's been fixed for a long time, and its not your problem, since your mouse won't work either [07:35] flannel what you mean "curses" [07:35] falconer: there may be a setting to "show desktop icons" in the desktop settings manager [07:35] Flannel: ohh so that last step beforee botting the default OS is stage 2? [07:35] son9524: curses is a library, for making graphical text programs. [07:35] PKdoR: yeah, more or less. [07:35] oh know any good 1s? [07:36] son9524: What are you trying to do? [07:36] im gunna try No-GUI for about 15mins lol [07:36] Flannel: Thanks for clarifiying I thoutht I had scred up my grub [07:36] son9524: what sort of apps would youwant to run in teminal [07:36] PKdoR: nope, thats perfectly normal [07:36] soldats, what's the desktop settings manager? Also, I have no right-click options on the desktop [07:36] Like Some Browser Err an IRC thing Maybe a Messanger? [07:37] falconer: i think its in applications >> settings >> desktop settings [07:37] thanks soldats, I'll try :) [07:37] Anything that mimics GTK? [07:37] links (browser) epic (irc) [07:37] cllew: let's try reloading the usb driver [07:37] son9524: for irc use irssi for messager use finch for web you can use w3m, lynx, or links [07:37] son9524: A window manager? no. That would be... silly and wasteful. There are better ways to do it when youre in a terminal. [07:37] Im using irssi. [07:37] can't recall what the text messenger thing was called [07:37] son9524: Check out GNU screen [07:38] centericq, zcat[1] [07:38] GNU Screen? [07:38] son9524: yeah, its a "window manager" for terminal based programs [07:38] ok [07:38] ive restarted the computer and all the USB things work, no problems. in case that is of any use. then they die again. [07:38] im in terminal right now btw [07:38] i exited the gui [07:38] for the text mode of pidgin use finch [07:38] when im at the terminal and I type "find /boot/grub/stage1" it gives me error 15 =, what's that all about? [07:38] cllew: are they dead now? [07:39] whats the command to install gnu screen? [07:39] Hi, when I try to turn off my lap top it get stuck in the black screen and does not shut down, and I see the message: networkmanager: nm_ha1_deinit(): libha1 shutdown failed - connection is closed [07:39] yep. I unplugged my mouse and plugged it in and its dead [07:39] !info gnuscreen [07:39] Package gnuscreen does not exist in gutsy [07:39] son9524: use aptitude, its a CLI-GUI synaptic [07:39] son9524: but, sudo apt-get install screen [07:39] i have screen.. [07:39] son9524: irssi, and aptitude use ncurses [07:39] try sudo apt-get gnuscreen maybe [07:40] son9524: http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi is a pretty good tutorial on irssi and screen, you can skip the irssi parts if you dont need them [07:40] whoah... [07:40] do lsusb at the command line once [07:41] i put sudo aptitude gnuscreen it send a long line of commands.. [07:41] son9524: you forgot the install part [07:41] cllew, that'll show your usb devices === gigamonk` is now known as gigamonkey [07:41] ok...and its just sitting there.... [07:41] is it supposed to take a while? [07:41] no [07:42] there ti goes [07:42] two showed up [07:42] put the whole thing in the pastebin, how bout [07:43] how do i update my kernel to a beta? (i know support stops there) [07:43] !kernel | jfkdsljio [07:43] jfkdsljio: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages [07:43] e http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi [07:43] didnt mean to do that [07:43] idk jhow to copy lol [07:43] Argh, frack. [07:44] jmdc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54682/ [07:44] Started the upgrade, left, came back an hour and a half later to see a prompt asking for the db admin pwd for phpgroupware. Entered that, now "1 hour 51 minutes remaimning." [07:44] it doesnt find the package.. [07:44] son9524: which package? [07:44] gnuscreen [07:44] son9524: its just screen. [07:45] ok [07:45] i type screen it gives me somthing about [07:45] it being able to be redistributed.. [07:45] son9524: right, its running. [07:45] and its free... [07:45] did you type it more than once? [07:45] >.>.... [07:45] no. [07:45] so...i dont see a diffrence lol [07:45] son9524: type exit a few times, then follow that tutorial [07:46] que lo que? [07:46] exit === locotron_ is now known as locotron [07:47] Hi, how is everyone [07:47] ? [07:47] Thank god for GUI! [07:47] lol [07:47] my eyes almost started to hurt after the gui reloaded btw its me son9524 [07:47] it just does that because thats my ubuntu terminal name [07:47] can some body recommend me a nice or confy irc client [07:48] x-irc client [07:48] hey all, are there any php coders here if so what editor for Linux would you recommend? I used to use e. [07:48] Ok,Whats the link again [07:48] can someone help me get VNC working? [07:48] phuzion,i bet some 1 is gunna say more details in a second so do so [07:49] Darkmystere_, Probably, or !anyone [07:49] before they acctually do ask for more details they cant just read your mind and tell you the answer :P [07:49] привет всем [07:49] Lol,i do the anyone at the end of my questions alot [07:49] to tell them that i know lol [07:49] jmdc: btw, my mouse started working again after I put in lsusb [07:49] I really don't know what I'm supposed to do to get vncserver running, so I basically need a step by step guide on installing and starting it up [07:50] My eyes are burning the light burns...ill never get used to the darkness of no GUI lol [07:50] i know that i sound like a n00b and whatnot, but I feel quite retarded [07:50] i have a 3g skype phone and in windows i use it as a usb modem when im out and about i was wondering how i would set this up in linux. i have seen a tutorial to do it with bluetooth but i havent got bluetooth and i would prefere a cable anyways? any help would be very much apreciated [07:50] phuzion: http://lifehacker.com/software/how-to/set-up-vnc-on-ubuntu-in-four-steps-317125.php try that [07:50] is compiz on gutsy by default? [07:50] included i mean* [07:51] cllew: that's very odd [07:51] J_Humphrey: yes [07:52] cllew: break it again, then do this for me: lsusb | grep usb [07:52] nothing else started working again. just the mouse turned on. Tried plugging in the flash drive no luck [07:52] k [07:52] how do i turn compiz on? [07:52] lordleemo, didn't work [07:53] system, preferences, appearance, desktop effects [07:53] J_Humphrey: you need to install ccsm [07:53] vncing to localhost kicks a connection refused error [07:53] !ccsm | J_Humphrey [07:53] J_Humphrey: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [07:53] anybody speak russian? [07:53] !ru | Arkanoi1 [07:53] Arkanoi1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [07:53] jmdc: absolutely nothing came up [07:53] hello guyssss [07:53] phuzion: dont use it myself try here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 [07:54] Well now tjhat i think about it ive been usoing screen all along and didnt notice it.. [07:54] on a side note, my mouse works again XD [07:54] !compiz [07:54] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [07:54] J_Humphrey: System -> Prefs -> Appearance -> Desktop EFfects [07:54] sorry, typo. break it again, then lsmod | grep usb [07:55] do I have to restart the computer for compiz to start? [07:55] scguy318: he needs ccsm for compiz to work right [07:55] J_Humphrey: no [07:55] i have a 3g skype phone and in windows i use it as a usb modem when im out and about i was wondering how i would set this up in linux. i have seen a tutorial to do it with bluetooth but i havent got bluetooth and i would prefere a cable anyways? any help would be very much apreciated???? [07:56] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54683/ [07:56] hey all, i found a windows trojan with AV Scanner, but i dont know how to rid myself of it.. Trojan.KillCMOS.. any ideas? [07:56] !trojan.KillCMOS [07:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about trojan.killcmos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:56] (Nick collision from Hints.) ??? [07:56] !windows > moDumass [07:57] err go to ##windows [07:57] !windows [07:57] orr soldats, thanks, im not in windows though [07:57] im in ubuntu [07:57] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [07:58] having problems with my thompson speedtouch adsl modem, i have read stuff about the firmwares etc. but still i cant connect to the internet ( ubuntu feisty ) [07:58] moDumass, I dont think it will affect ubuntu try google [07:58] i have a 3g skype phone and in windows i use it as a usb modem when im out and about i was wondering how i would set this up in linux. i have seen a tutorial to do it with bluetooth but i havent got bluetooth and i would prefere a cable anyways? any help would be very much apreciated???? [07:58] anyone here using networkmanager here? [07:58] i have two nm-applets in my systray [07:58] i just upgraded to 7.10 and seeing this [07:59] not sure how to remove one of them.. anyone know how? [07:59] joot, yeh it wont, but its a windows share, and im tryingt o find a way of axing it from ubuntu [08:00] moDumass, hmnn not sure but I would try google anyhow if I were you [08:00] having problems with my thompson speedtouch adsl modem, i have read stuff about the firmwares etc. but still i cant connect to the internet ( ubuntu feisty ) [08:00] cllew: okay, that means the mouse drivers and usb drivers are still there [08:00] my mouse hasn't come back yet this time btw [08:01] its like ubuntu has something against modems like mine [08:01] is there a way to put files in a directory just using terminal? [08:01] Hi all I am having problem with tracker. I remember when I used it first there was a column on the right after the search [08:01] like cding to directory and then doing another command to put a certain file into it? === ce_hujan is now known as Jack [08:01] now i only get stuff under the categories list with nos in it [08:02] cllew: I think the best way I can help is, admit that I don't know what to do. === Jack is now known as ce_hujan === ce_hujan is now known as jack [08:02] go ahead and do lsusb, that should bring your mouse back [08:02] ah well, ty for your time. [08:03] I'm still bothered by this [08:03] ... [08:03] one more thing [08:03] indeed my mouse lives again [08:03] i have a 3g skype phone and in windows i use it as a usb modem when im out and about i was wondering how i would set this up in linux. i have seen a tutorial to do it with bluetooth but i havent got bluetooth and i would prefere a cable anyways? any help would be very much apreciated? [08:03] why is it so hard to install usb modems on ubuntu? [08:03] but that doesn't really fix the problem [08:03] nope [08:03] cllew: go to System, Administration, System Log [08:04] gino, you tell me thats why im here [08:04] k [08:04] look in kern.log, messages, and syslog [08:04] look for anything about usb [08:04] a few things, [08:05] ubuntu network manager is p*ssing me off [08:05] linux is over lol === max644 is now known as max` [08:06] cllew: anything interesting? [08:06] i have a bunch of saved wireless locations, however whenever i apply a location, when i close the network manager, and open it up again, it reverted to some default setting [08:06] When is the best time to get help in this channel? On average. [08:06] i'll pastebin some of them [08:06] not now it looks like [08:07] does anyone know why the hell it does that [08:07] Hi all I am having problem with tracker. I remember when I used it first there was a column on the right after the search [08:07] now i only get stuff under the categories list with nos in it [08:07] Imaginal: this time of day is always a bit of a lull, a bit too early for Europe, and somewhat late for America [08:07] Imaginal: maybe someone can still help you though? === Maz is now known as Mazus [08:07] Flannel: does the day of week matter much? [08:07] lol [08:08] Imaginal: it depends. Some weekends are dead, some weekends are lively. I dont think day of the week really matters, but I dont really have any evidence to support that. [08:08] i have a 3g skype phone and in windows i use it as a usb modem when im out and about i was wondering how i would set this up in linux. i have seen a tutorial to do it with bluetooth but i havent got bluetooth and i would prefere a cable anyways? any help would be very much apreciated [08:08] Flannel: Thank you. I suppose I'll keep trying at random intervals [08:08] Imaginal: best thing to do is post in the forums, come here, and repeat your question every half hour or so, and just keep it up (you dont really need to be attentively watching if your IRC client will beep at you) [08:09] Is there?, Im trying to figure out how to put a file into a directory just using command prompt. (im in GUi) wouild just be easier to be able to copy files and put them in directory just using terminal or mopve the real file to it [08:09] anyone haveing the same wiresless problem on laap[top [08:09] Flannel: Isn't repeating a question flamebait? [08:10] Darkmystere mv or cp : move or copy commands [08:10] Imaginal: not unless youre repeating the question at a stupid interval. 30 minutes should be good. You'll get new people looking at it, and keep it relatively recent for the idlers to take a gander at it when they wake [08:10] Imaginal: what was your question again? [08:10] Flannel: thanks! [08:11] Darkmystere in the terminal, type man mv or man cp to learn how to use them. [08:11] jmdc: I haven't asked yet >_> [08:11] Or today [08:11] lol [08:11] Imaginal: oh, it seemed like you were trying to figure out when to ask again [08:11] stephen-mason: have a look at these http://davesource.com/Solutions/20070520.T-Mobile-Nokia-E65-Ubuntu-Linux.html http://davestevens.co.uk/blog/2008/01/03/3-skype-phone-as-bluetooth-modem-on-ubuntu-linux/ [08:12] jmdc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54684/ [08:12] jmdc: I was. I also wanted to learn when/where repeats were allowed [08:13] Imaginal: sorry, I'm just overparsing things I guess [08:14] cllew: I think what you pasted is when your mouse came back up from lsusb [08:14] When things(movies, windows, games) move quick horizontally on my 1280x800 laptop, I see broken lines. Dual-boot/vista doesn't have this problem. Ideas? [08:14] cllew: I'd try searching/posting to the forums [08:14] ive ended up having a directory tree with mixed utf-8 and latin-1 filenames, any suggestions how to convert latin-1 -> utf-8 (and only those latin-1 files) [08:14] and _filenames_ not contents [08:15] okay, ty for your time jmdc [08:15] cllew: well, no problem. I wasn't much help though [08:16] at least i found out that it isn't a completely noobish problem XD [08:17] cllew: yeah, it's really bizarre. [08:17] Imaginal: you probably need to get a different video driver [08:17] jmdc: integrated intel, ich8 [08:18] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:18] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:18] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:18] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:18] kil the bots [08:19] Dessan: those bots are benevolent [08:19] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:19] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [08:20] Imaginal: well, try using the restricted drivers manager first. I've got to go to bed now - good luck [08:20] jmdc: thanks! [08:20] (That's system->administration->res. drivers) [08:21] hi all, i'm trying to install nginx here, but i can't find a followsymlinks here, does it even support symlinks? Anyone familiar with nginx ?? [08:23] hey guys....is the peerguardian plugin for ktorrent a safe choice for anonymizing my inocent downloads? and also ...is there a moblock plugin? [08:23] hmm.. the FloodBot(s) are fighting among each other ;) [08:24] harmental, peerguardian is only as effective as its blocklist, just remember that :P [08:24] peer guardian does not hide your IP, it just blocks a list ip addresses from connecting to you via p2p [08:25] any audio format conversion utility [08:25] M-Nagato: i guess that is where my question pointed towards to.....are the lists up-to-date enough? [08:25] should I use xchat or xchat Gnome what's the difference? [08:26] hey guys, i've got a netgear readynas, and i can successfuly mount with cifs all but one share. The one share i cant mount has no authentication on it, but when running the mount command it still asks for a password, and fails regardless of what is typed, can anyone help? [08:26] harmental, well, they're up to date with the KNOWN ips, but that wouldn't really give me much confidence seeing how they can always get a new ip that isn't blocked [08:26] If I want to use 64 bit Linux, do I just use the AMD64 iso to burn a CD, even if I'm using an Intel processor? I just don't see any INTEL64 iso. [08:26] PKdoR, that will be up to you, but for me, regular xchat is better because you can get help with it in #xchat and you can't with xchat-gnome [08:26] any audio format conversion utility [08:27] M-Nagato: i guess it is all about making them harder to catch you... [08:27] levander: the Intel CPU in your machine most likely uses AMD64, despite the name weirdness [08:27] PKdoR, personal preference I think [08:27] found it, convmv does the job for me [08:27] levander: IA64 is found in server CPUs I believe [08:27] levander: so yes AMD64 is what you'd want [08:27] I thought so. Thanks guys. [08:28] why would an intel chip use AMD architecture? [08:28] that sounds a little odd to me O.o [08:28] although so did amd trying to sell out to apple >.> [08:28] bluefox83: I think it's just a name. A name that the linux kernel developers use. It's probably not the name that Intel uses. [08:28] hey guys, when i try to mount any share on my nas, they return "mount error 13 = Permission denied" even though i've confirmed the username and password supplied are correct, i can access these shares through the gnome smb:// vfs, but not through smbmount or cifs, any ideas? [08:28] how can i run autocad in ubuntu? i'm very much into converting to linux-only desktop [08:29] levander, ah ok [08:29] for only on autocad and 3dsmax that i'm having trouble [08:29] bluefox83: That's a guess though, I don't know. [08:29] :) [08:29] whats the deal with the flood bot? [08:29] it's getting a little excessive O.o [08:29] moon_g: search appdb.winehq.com to see if it'll work under wine, otherwise you'd have to run it in a vm [08:30] Lets say I have a desktop with two network cards. One card is connected to the wall, and has full internet access, the other is connected to a laptop without internet access (ATM). I want to forward the connection from eth0 to eth1 and be able to connect my laptop to my desktop and in turn connect it to the internet, is this possible? [08:30] someone is flooding the channell and the bots are trying to deal to them [08:30] moon_g: If you don't get a response in here, you could try searching the gutsy (or upcoming hardy) distributions on packages.ubuntu.com for packages that have the keyword cad in them to find stuff. Then, you'd have to research each found package individually. [08:30] neeto, give me a sec, you could probably do it with a br0 interface. [08:30] i guess running a vm is not an option since i heard that its slow [08:30] thanks btw sluggo [08:31] hardy shouldn't be out for atleast two more months right >.> [08:31] neeto, see if this helps http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Ethernet-Bridge-netfilter-HOWTO-3.html [08:31] jscinoz: thanks man [08:31] np [08:31] is someone using gnome-xchat right now? is it crash oftenly? [08:31] hi, i currently have a problem with hardy, is this the correct channel to ask for help? [08:32] when did oftenly become a word O.o [08:32] tabenx, #ubuntu+1 [08:32] !hardy [08:32] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [08:32] jscinoz, thank you! [08:32] np [08:32] aw... what word do u suggest | bluefox83 [08:33] dhanar_10, "often" would work better :) [08:33] Sorry I am really new to IRC what is the FloodBot? [08:34] Ok, this is my last sed question: is there a way to insert text in front of a line in another file? [08:34] hi all [08:34] enduser, it just keeps the channel in check [08:34] enduser, a scripted bot that makes sure no one can flood the channel [08:34] hey guys, i have a nas with a share i wish to backup too, i can choose to connect via smb/cifs, nfs, rsync, afp, ftp/s, or http. What would be the best protocol to use and whats a suitable program for full and incremental system backups? [08:34] enduser it is an attempt to deal with malicious users [08:34] enduser: they normally don't do this [08:34] thx, my gnome-xchat is crash often... is anyone experience this? or is this just me? [08:35] no one but floodbot that is [08:35] dhanar_10: try installing the regular xchat or another irc app [08:35] someone is getting the ban hammer [08:35] So what just happend with bot 1 going away? [08:35] * bluefox83 finds it asinine to have 3 bots doing the exact same commands at the same time [08:35] I need some help, I would like to know how to change the color of the background just after gdm, because I got blue gdm theme LIGHT BROWN screen and blue wallpaper [08:36] Sabaki: i've tried so many ways to get rid of that. i'd like to know as well [08:36] Everything under the Floodbot seems to be a list of everyone in the chat right now? [08:36] jeffMASTERflex: i'm now using chatzilla. unfortunately it haven't support dcc resume yet. is xchat support it? [08:36] dhanar_10: idk, i use a console irc app weechat [08:37] jeffMASTERflex it seems there is a way to fix it [08:37] there it goes again [08:37] but I don't know it :( [08:37] Sabaki, your answer lies in System->Preferences->appearance->background->colors [08:37] jeddMASTERflex: weechat? ok, i'll search it on google.... [08:38] no, I tried [08:38] bluefox83: it doesn't work. i've tried that [08:38] Thanks for the help everyone. Good night! [08:38] i used to remember how to fix it >.> [08:39] it something related to the start splash screen I think [08:39] Sabaki: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2870075&postcount=11 hope that helps [08:39] thanks I am going to try [08:39] Sabaki, it's sysem->administration->login go to local and change the background color there [08:39] is it safe to remove orphaned libreries? [08:40] PKdoR, yeah [08:40] hey guys, i have a nas with a share i wish to backup too, i can choose to connect via smb/cifs, nfs, rsync, afp, ftp/s, or http. What would be the best protocol to use and whats a suitable program for full and incremental system backups? [08:41] bluefox83: login window backgorund settings doesn't change it either [08:41] jeffMASTERflex, it changed mine O.o [08:41] good evening all! [08:43] Hi. Does anyone know if Cinepaint can import a video file and automatically run an operation on all frames? [08:43] And then output the result as another video file? [08:45] http://www.cinepaint.org/docs/index.html chrislees take a look here [08:46] Hello. I'm new to Ubuntu. I just installed Ubuntu 7.10, overwriting the drive on which I had a broken installation of Windows XP. After installing with the graphical install, I restarted. The same interface didn't load, though. I was presented with a command line, GRUB. I tried messing around with it. Entering boot gave me an error saying that the kernel needed to be loaded, and the kernel command was leaving me very confused. I'm [08:46] Good day, Is it technically possible to make a network chain like: internet cable---WinPC---LinuxPC using 3 lan cards and a crossover cable? [08:47] JulesKahn: you are.. having trouble getting an x server? did you start up in safe mode? [08:47] exit [08:47] JulesKahn-> when grub comes up, just push enter. [08:48] Thanks a lot, kahr :D I'll come back if that doesn't work. [08:48] how can i see who is logged in? I am a new user [08:48] JulesKahn-> GRUB is ubuntu boot program. Windows has one but hidden [08:49] to this channel or to your box alastair_ ;] [08:49] Also, I think I may have installed hardy heron instead of 7.10. I thought it was 7.10 because that is what comes up when I go to about ubuntu under system [08:49] does that change anything? [08:49] i wonder if it is possible to login to windows domain using ubuntu... anyone? [08:49] To this channel please [08:49] JulesKahn-> Whats it say about Ubuntu? [08:49] JulesKahn: in the terminal type lsb_release -a [08:49] what are some bittorent clients for linux other than the official client [08:49] how do I get to the teminal? [08:50] I was just wondering if there is a window that shows all logged on users [08:50] kenalex: Deluge is good... [08:50] transmission, ktorrent, rtorrent deluge, azureus kenalex [08:50] Deluge can import perguardian list [08:50] Thanks bazhang, I guess that answers my question in the negative [08:50] JulesKahn: alt f2 terminal [08:51] thanks guys [08:51] thnks [08:51] I have a share with no password on a NAS. but when i attempt to mount it via mount -t cifs, it asks for a share password (the share doesnt have one) and then says permission denied whatever i type. I can mount every other share (they all have passwords) on this nas just fine. Any ideas? [08:51] dhanar_10: using samba? [08:51] bazhang-> I thought you said ctrl-alt-f2 ..oops [08:51] yeah i guess i got hardy heron installed here [08:51] kahrytan: hehe what does that do? ;] [08:51] so do i still just hit enter on GRUB to boot? [08:51] JulesKahn-> You will want Gutsy .. there isnt support for hardy here. [08:51] is there a way to have the network on when in suspended power saving mode? [08:52] bazhang: yes... [08:52] AlgorthmicContro: for what purpose? [08:52] bazhang-> umm ... try it but to get out. F7 is your friend [08:52] ok.. will I have to redownload the install? I don't have much access to a completely working computer right noe [08:52] dhanar_10: you have read the samba docs? [08:52] bazhang: I'd just like it on, maybe for online backups overnight [08:52] can someone help me to make firefox QUIT taking over when i go to places => FTP site? it opens firefox instead of using ubuntu's nautilus and its really annoying. ideas? [08:52] bazhang-> ctrl-altf2 then cntrlalt-f7 to get out [08:53] AlgorthmicContro: my guess would be no, though only a guess [08:53] arooni-mobile: man update-alternatives [08:53] hello [08:53] jetscreamer, can you just tell me what to type in command line? [08:53] bazhang: not yet, i want to know first if it is possible... I have searched on google, but the results seem to say that it is impossible... [08:53] what does it mean when cp says ommiting directory? im trying to copy from my windows partion to documents using ./ because ive already cded to the directory iw ant it to end it keeps saying omitted [08:53] kahrytan: cheers, but I use konsole ;] [08:53] JulesKahn-> Yeah, [08:54] I have 1000 HTML files I want to open in Firefox, one window, 1000 tabs for stress testing, is there an easy way to do this and not make firefox try to open more processes or put them into new windows? [08:54] bazhang-> It's useful if you dont use admin privies [08:54] arooni-mobile: or just update-alternatives --all to go through everything... no i don't know it off hand, update-alternatives --config x-www-browser or something like that [08:54] Hello [08:54] !samba | dhanar_10 take a look here [08:54] dhanar_10 take a look here: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [08:54] bazhang-> you can use non-admin login 24/7 and use admin account through tty [08:54] Okay. Thank you very much for your help. I guess I will just run from cd until I can download the correct installation file [08:55] bazhang: ok, thank you [08:55] I installed ubuntu 7.10 (64bit) this morning, but i'm having some troubles [08:55] JulesKahn-> you can still use hardy to download it. [08:55] warddr: please specify [08:55] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y [08:55] Media Change: Please insert the disc labelled ‘Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)’ [08:55] in the drive ‘/cdrom/’ and press enter [08:55] what is this nonsense!? [08:55] Oh, okay. [08:55] can someone help me?? my joystick is not working on ubuntu 7.10 but it works in kurumin and mandriva 2008 [08:55] JulesKahn-> but for support, #ubuntu+1 is the channel to goto [08:55] !hardy [08:55] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [08:55] Cin: is this for updating? some context please [08:55] 1. I am new to Ubuntu, does the 64bit version is a good choise? [08:55] I have tried install Ububtu 7.10 on Inter "Pintum M 1.86". It shows long error messages list, I'm not sure about the reason.. [08:55] Cin: System -> Admin -> Software Sources -> uncheck the CD-ROM [08:56] bazhang: i'm installing `alien' [08:56] scguy318: it's trying to use the cd instead of internet sources, is that all? that's good. i'll do that [08:56] scguy318: thanks [08:56] warddr: that depends; if you have 4GB+ ram, want to do video compositing then yes, otherwise 32bit is fine [08:56] is there a way to force an app to not eat up more than x% of cpu &/or x amount of ram ? [08:57] hey guys, i have a nas with a share i wish to backup too, i can choose to connect via smb/cifs, nfs, rsync, afp, ftp/s, or http. What would be the best protocol to use and whats a suitable program for full and differential system backups? [08:57] then I'll remove the 64bit and install the 32, i've got 1GB ram and an on-board video card (notebook) [08:57] pteague: avoid firefox ;] [08:57] Also, I have tried on another computer which is "Pintum D" [08:57] jscinoz: rdiff-backup/backupninja [08:57] Any Ides? [08:57] Ideas.. [08:58] what is with these floodbots? [08:58] bazhang: it is hard to avoid firefox.... [08:58] jscinoz: rsync would be my favourite [08:58] bazhang> actually i'm running a couple of game clients & i'm trying to force them not to use as much cpu/memory... they seem to collide with other things [08:58] * mikl spams FloodBot2 with lots of spammity spam [08:58] dhanar_10: just a joke [08:58] warddr-> 64bit ... isn't so supported yet.. hell not even OSX or Windows has support for it. [08:58] scguy318++ [08:58] kahrytahn-> Thanks, I will go there now [08:58] bazhang: i know... i hope they'll fix the memory leak soon... [08:59] pteague: via wine or native linux [08:59] can someone help me to make firefox QUIT taking over when i go to places => FTP site? it opens firefox instead of using ubuntu's nautilus and its really annoying. ideas? [08:59] Q: is there a way to throttle cpu based on target cpu temperature? [08:59] How can I search in 'Tracker Search' for search strings that include a space character. Neither "" nor '\ ', '%20' helps. [08:59] dhanar_10: apparently 3.0 is much better ;] [08:59] bazhang> technically cedega, but they're heavily using wineserver [08:59] I've got ubuntu 7.04 32bit, is it easy to update it to 7.10 (I've got a small download limit) [09:00] ronaldo, can you recommend a program to do rsync backups, preferably with a gui, but i can deal with a cli only program [09:00] can someone help me?? my joystick is not working on ubuntu 7.10 but it works in kurumin and mandriva 2008 [09:00] pteague: #winehq might be a better source of info--not much of a gamer myself though others might chip in ;] [09:00] Or can I downgrade ubuntu 7.10 64bit to 32bit? [09:00] warddr: need to reinstall [09:00] bazhang> k, thanks [09:00] bullgard, how about a "_" [09:00] Q: how do you throttle the cpu from the terminal? [09:00] I want to remov Bittorrent but It has to remove the ubuntu desop to is safe to remove the ubuntu destop? [09:01] rafa doing what with your joystick--and which stick? mine works fine with dosbox/zsnes [09:01] bazhang: and 7.04, can I easy update it to 7.10? [09:01] bullgard4, how about a "_" [09:01] warddr: sure [09:01] bazhang: firefox 3.0 is not final yet... i'm following "never gamble on first release no matter how good it sounds" philosophy... [09:01] i've tried with zsnes....and epsxe and cedega... but none worked [09:01] dhanar_10: point well taken [09:02] OK, than I don't need to download a new one [09:02] Rafa: you need to calibrate via the zsnes interface if I recall correctly [09:02] bazhang: Hello [09:02] warddr: no--can be done online [09:03] bazhang: Have you read my question? [09:03] can I select guided - use the largest free disk space with the command line installer? [09:03] should I remove the ubuntu desktop? [09:03] ok so I have one desktop and one laptop, the desktop has two ethernet cards, eth0 and eth1. eth0 is plugged into the wall. eth1 is plugged into my laptop. I bridged both connections and now my laptop, which is connected to the desktop can connect to the internet works, but my desktop can't connect to the internet anymore. [09:03] yeah but when I try, nothing happens.... I've tried to configure with the feature in kde as well but it didn't recognized my joystick... do I have to modprobe or do something on something before??? [09:04] OsamaK: you need to specify the errors--otherwise no way to help [09:04] apt-get install joystick [09:04] morning [09:04] PKdoR: why remove it? space at a premium? [09:04] then if it still doesn't work edit the udev rule and take out the /input on /input/js0 [09:04] Could someone please recommend a rsync based backup application that can be automated? [09:05] !info amanda [09:05] Package amanda does not exist in gutsy [09:05] hmm [09:05] jscinoz: time vault? [09:05] it tells me that joystick is the newest version jetscreamer [09:05] joot: It ignores a '_'. [09:05] bazhang: It was "Can't read XXXX" "Error in reading XXX", this list was shown in a commends lines, I guess I can't copy them, how to report this bug then? [09:05] and how do I edit the udev rule?? [09:05] This is a really minor irritation, but in my notification area I have a gap, and if I put the mouse over it I get a spinning progress indication mouse cursor. Something must have hung, but I can't figure out what. How can I find out? [09:05] bazhang: not at all I just want to remove the defaul bit torrent but its asking to remove the ubunu deskop dependency? [09:06] bullgard4, thats all I know sorry [09:06] Rafa: quake3 doesn't like /dev/input/js0, just /dev/js0 .. not sure if that helps you, but you edit /etc/udev/udev.rules or so to change that [09:06] I tried xwininfo but I just got information on the bar [09:06] bazhang thank you [09:07] PKdoR: not sure why you need to remove it--just set the default to what you want and remove it from the menu--ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage from what I remember at any rate [09:07] PKdoR: why don't u just hide the bittorrent link on the main menu? i did that.... [09:07] yes, udev.rules [09:07] joot: ok. [09:07] bazhang, is that even in the repo... [09:07] and changing to that configuretion will make it work for zsnes and cedega as well or only for quake 3? [09:07] VSpike: top or htop might help [09:07] how do i find out about the version of a program ? [09:07] I already didt that and I guess thas how its going to stay [09:08] jscinoz: not sure about that--apt-cache search in the terminal will tell you [09:08] bazhang: you mean look for something hogging CPU? No such luck there, unfortunately [09:08] Rafa: if that is the problem, as it is in quake3, then yes... just try it, if it doesn't work, change it back.... you need to reload udev or reboot or so for the changes to take effect [09:08] bazhang it isnt in repo >_< [09:08] make backup first [09:09] I'm trying to open it with sudo gedit /etc/udev/udev.rules but it's showing nothing in the file [09:10] what about sbackup jscinoz [09:10] I don't have the udev.rules file, only the udev.conf.... is that it then??? [09:10] http://ubuntuguide.org/ jscinoz [09:10] thanks [09:10] bazhang: read? :) [09:10] hmm from what i can find it sounds as if timevault SHOULD be in the repo but isnt on mine for some reason [09:11] next question... [09:11] OsamaK: you get grub? or just a black screen with a prompt? tried starting in safe mode? [09:11] I have a share with no password on a NAS. but when i attempt to mount it via mount -t cifs, it asks for a share password (the share doesnt have one) and then says permission denied whatever i type. I can mount every other share (they all have passwords) on this nas just fine. Any ideas? [09:12] ppl I don't have udev.rules.... only udev.conf... but there's nothing about joystick inside [09:13] How do I remove "install" under System>Admin ? I accidentally installed from the package manager and I don't remember what it's package name [09:13] bazhang: I was got "black screen with a prompt", I have tried starting in safe mode (BTW, this computer doesn't have ubuntu yet, only starting from CD) [09:14] Rafa: look into /etc/udev/rules.d/ [09:15] it's not there too,,,, [09:16] OsamaK: this may help: http://www.codepencil.com/index.php/installing-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-on-my-hp-tx1003au-laptop/ starting with noapic [09:16] if I modprobe joydev, the kde configuration tool recognizes it as /dev/input/js0... if I do that, will the udev.rules appear???? [09:16] bazhang: sudden flash of inspiration.. it was amarok :) [09:16] bazhang: ok, let me try [09:16] VSpike: nice work! [09:17] speedhunt3r: Did you install the "ubiquity" packages? [09:17] OsamaK: though you should read that link ;] [09:17] ok :) [09:17] chrislees: I have no idea... it was long time ago [09:17] When things(video/window/game) move quickly horizontally on my screen, I see horizontal breaks. Windows: no motion problems. Ideas? [09:17] chrislees, would that be the one? [09:17] Imaginal: wrong hsync/vsync? [09:18] modprobe recognized my joystick but no key's responding there... I mean, nothing happens when I try to calibrate it [09:18] Do we need more spam, who owns FloodBot2? [09:18] speedhunt3r: I'm sure it would be the one; check if it's installed in Synaptic [09:18] Imaginal: ati card? ;] [09:18] stf_: probably not [09:18] k [09:18] bazhang: intel card [09:18] OsamaK: sadly they are good bots ;] [09:19] chrislees, yeah found it... [09:19] maybe we need #ubuntu-bots [09:19] if you start a process background in a terminal, and then close the terminal, what happens to its stdout? [09:19] Imaginal: sounds like stf_ has it then [09:19] it goes to null? no idea [09:19] chrislees, so i uninstall it, yeah? [09:19] VSpike: without the &? [09:19] bazhang: no, with the & [09:19] Is there a way to set a X background instantly when it's started? I tried putting xsetbg right after xinit in startx, but it takes almost a second for the background to show. Until then I have the default grainy X background [09:19] oy vey with the floodbots [09:20] bazhang: I mean a GUI process specifically, sorry [09:20] speedhunt3r: Yes, uninstall it [09:20] ohhh unfortunatelly I g2g now ppl, but tnx for the help there.... bye all [09:20] bye rafa [09:21] chrilees, thanks...that fixed it [09:21] VSpike: I usually do those from alt f2 so not really sure [09:21] ok so I have two ethernet ports on my desktop, one is connected to the wall, the other is connected to my laptop. I've added eth1 and eth0 to br0 and enabled routing. Now my laptop gets internet through my desktop, but my desktop gets no connection at all. In theory, I think the way to fix this would be to bridge a local loopback with eth1 and a local loopback to eth0 and then forward eth0... [09:21] ...to my laptop (since that is the port it's using to connect) however, I can't bind lo to bridges... anyone know of a way around this predicament? [09:21] stf_: Normal operations are ok... only faster motions cause horizontal sheering... in h/vsync, aren't there ranges? [09:22] neeto in theory that's crazy :) [09:22] Kevin`: well, you should help me figure it out then [09:22] haha [09:22] well, I mean in actuality it's crazy too [09:23] let me reread it to get the full situation [09:23] alright [09:23] Imaginal: dunno. [09:23] neeto all you need to do is configure networking on the bridge interface [09:23] stf_: thank you anyway :) [09:23] neeto: when i do kernel level routing, i switch off all networking first and make sure that any and all demons are switched off [09:23] np [09:24] can I select Manual - Use the largest continuous free space with the alternate installer? [09:24] * bazhang set floodbots to /ignore [09:24] basically what's happening is eth0 (laptop-desktop) is bypassing the connection on eth1 (desktop-connection) and just going straight to eth0 [09:24] If that's any less confusing [09:24] which I'm sure it's not [09:24] neeto eth0 and eth1 should be configured up without an ip address [09:25] they both are [09:25] neeto br0 should be configured with an ip address [09:25] It is [09:25] do you have any firewall rules present [09:25] nope [09:26] neeto do you have a route configured to the internet [09:26] yep, and it's bound to the address of br0 [09:26] where can I find the defaulsound for pidgin? [09:26] that's how I am talking to you right now [09:26] neeto I thought it wasn't working [09:27] Kevin`: the situation is that the internet on my desktop isn't working, but on my laptop it's working fine. [09:27] i have a "problem" with evolution mail. the messages are being downloded really slowly - 2 seconds per regular email. It used to download (in thunderbird) a 100 in a few seconds. [09:27] neeto I thought the desktop was the one with the bridge [09:27] the desktop is actually connected to the internet from the wall, and the laptop is connected to the desktop [09:27] any idea what could be the problem if everytime someone enters his usr name and password to login, the pc restarts? [09:27] the desktop is the one with the bridge because it's the one with two ports [09:27] oh god this is super confusing... I wish i could draw a diagram [09:28] ppl I returned just to tell that my prob is solved... I just sudo modprobe joydev and it worked.. [09:28] neeto you have said the desktop is not working, yet you say it's working because you are using it [09:28] neeto what is not working [09:28] nice work rafa [09:28] how do i stop pppoe-conf from running on boot up? [09:28] I just don't know how to make it work in boot [09:28] heh [09:28] how can I put it to work since boot?? [09:29] Ok I am talking to you via my laptop right now. My laptop is connected to the internet through br0 which is a bridge between eth0 and eth1 on my desktop. The desktop is plugged into the internet but is not connected, the laptop which is connected to my desktop, but not plugged into the wall, is connected via the bridge on my desktop. [09:29] Rafa: add it to /etc/modules [09:30] oh tnx... [09:30] The desktop has no internet connectivity other than the packets it's simply forwarding to my laptop to enable it to be on the internet right now [09:30] neeto I heard some confusion before about enabling routing. did you install a dhcp server or such that would interfere with the rest of the network [09:31] neeto what is your ip address on each machine and the router [09:31] now I'm really off before mom get's mad at me, heaheaheah I really appreciate your help guys, tnx a lot... later I'll try to make fable work in wine [09:31] nope, no servers of any kind, simply 2 ethernet ports on my desktop with a bridge and one ethernet port on my laptop [09:31] without the weird box on the left corner I mean [09:31] c ya ppl and tnx again [09:32] Is there a way to set a X background instantly when it's started? I tried putting xsetbg right after xinit in startx, but it takes almost a second for the background to show. Until then I have the default grainy X background [09:33] neeto ? [09:33] ok Laptop:eth0: [09:33] neeto ok, here is your problem. [09:33] ok [09:34] I'm taking a break until these floodbots have been reined in ;] [09:34] what's this floodbot 1 sets mode -J ? [09:34] neeto you are connected directly to your isp in one way or another, which will only give out one ip to you. in order to use two computers you will have to use NAT+routing instead of a bridge [09:34] anyone know of any download manager that supports throttling? [09:35] make up your mind floodbot! [09:36] :[ [09:36] neeto if you are at a university or such, you may just have to register the other computer or contact your IT folks, it's possible they would give you another ip [09:36] Kevin`: ok, well, I am actually on a school network which allows me only one IP address and I don't have a router. Is there any way that I can enable NAT+routing without extra hardware, using the same setup that I have right now? [09:37] neeto yes. [09:37] Kevin`: They won't give me another... it's against policy to have two machines on the same connection (shh) [09:38] neeto since you seem familiar with this stuff at least somewhat, here's what I would do in your place: [09:38] a switbox it's the cheapest thing that comes to mind [09:38] neeto install ISC BIND and dhcpd, configure them, enable ip routing on the desktop (simple setting) [09:38] neeto, [09:39] neeto put this rule or similar in your firewall configuration to enable NAT: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wan_interface_name -j MASQUERADE [09:39] alright cool, I think I can do this. [09:39] neeto configure a private ip address on the lan interface [09:40] neeto there's an easier way if you want. [09:40] Screw easy, I want to learn [09:40] ok, good luck :) [09:40] configure the lan ip first btw [09:40] since the configuration for dhcp relies on that [09:41] neeto bind is used just as a caching server, which is a waste perhaps, but it's the best ;) [09:41] neeto and also isn't needed, but it speeds up lookups to have [09:42] I need help with a few things.... First I finally found out why my pci video card wasn't working with ubuntu and it was because I have a dell. I found code to blacklist the onboard video card so I wouldn't get a kernel panic or frozen boot. I got my machine to get to the loading gnome part but then the screen goes blank and my system never finishes booting. Any ideas? [09:42] PKdoR what's a switbox? [09:43] alanbshepard70: Err, it's not a problem with Ubuntu it's a problem with the timing of the Xorg server - it does that to some monitors - it takes to long, or scans too high in resolutions/refreshes and the monitor goes into 'stand-by' [09:43] Kevin`: thanks man... I'll keep you posted on my progress [09:43] can someone help me get my video card working? [09:43] juice_: What sort of video card do you have? [09:44] Thurinl: nvidia 8800 GT OC [09:44] * warddr gaat de draadloze verbinding nog eens testen [09:44] Thurin1: yea exactly, my monitor went into standby. Though I never heard the login sound. Could that be because xorg was busy and my computer never got to that point? [09:44] juice_: You should just add 'nv' to your device line and that should be that [09:44] juice_: no [09:44] Thurinl: how? [09:44] nv doesn't support it [09:44] alanbshepard70: It could be - the same thing happens to my monitor in Ubuntu and anything based on it actually [09:44] jetscreamer:? [09:44] jetscreamer: No? [09:45] hello, someone pls help me on my anjuta... i cant compile a simple hello, world on it...? [09:45] Thurin1: Have a fix or is it just trial and error? I'm desperate to get this to wrk. [09:45] ftp://x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/nv.4.html [09:45] alanbshepard70: Download the PCLinuxOS iso - you will see what I mean - that will boot fine, I don't know what it is but ever since the new Xorg there has been problems with that - especially for people with ATI based video cards. [09:46] alanbshepard70: For me it was trial and error - but since I do not use Linux much it was not the end all be all [09:46] you need the nvidia, juice_ [09:46] !nvidia [09:46] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:46] juice_: or there's http://linux.hfds.com/files/n-i.txt [09:47] how to make xfwm to be my default compositing manager? I terminated compiz.real but xfce doesn't let me run window manager settings or window manager tweaks saying that I have another compositing manager running!? [09:47] guys.. pls help me.. i cant run a simple c program on my anjuta.. [09:47] jetscreamer: k thx [09:47] hello I've borked /etc/init.d/networking file [09:47] can anyone send me a copy ? [09:48] Thurin1: Even with my onboard video card when I log in and the screen blanks then comes back on sometimes the video never comes back. Through another distro It was described as "Out of sync" and that ctrl+alt+numplus would fix it. For that distro it did fix the occasional problem. The same keys don't work with ubuntu, is there another set of shortcut keys? [09:48] reverseblade: wat particular file do u need? [09:49] PoGz ,/etc/init.d/networking [09:49] reverseblade: k let me see.. [09:51] reverseblade: did u get it? [09:51] PoGz, no [09:51] can you paste bin ? [09:51] I just installed and started "Aria", and it's really ugly. The interface is small and the text is hard to read. Also, all the menus get compiz animations, which makes me feel slightly seasick. Is there any way to integrate this app into my desktop a bit better? [09:52] nope [09:52] Hi. Can someone refresh my memory on how to draw circles or ovals in GIMP? I'm trying to highlight portions of a screenshot for user documentation. [09:52] how to make xfwm to be my default compositing manager? I terminated compiz.real but xfce doesn't let me run window manager settings or window manager tweaks saying that I have another compositing manager running!? no one helps me on xfce or xubuntu [09:53] white_eagle: have you tried `xfwm --replace`? [09:53] white_eagle: also, remove compiz-manager from your autostart scripts [09:53] stf_, yes [09:53] oh [09:54] ok [09:54] the command: "xfwm --replace" failed to run [09:54] is anyone here using hardy? [09:54] pls help me... i cant run a simple C file on anjuta. pls tell me what to do [09:55] PoGz: ask also in #gnome [09:55] can anyone help me to install my ati radeon 7500 mobility for dual head usage without clone? [09:55] I can't run the window manager tweaks it says: "These settings cannot work with your current window manager (unknown)" [09:55] DaBigEd, yes, but if you need help, its best to try in #ubuntu+1 [09:55] stf_: ok [09:55] how can login to a terminal only? During my testing for my video card i was unable to login with video and I couldn't undo my onboard video blacklist. I would have just booted a live cd and altered the file but I installed ubuntu using encrypted LVM and I couldn't mount the encrypted filesystem with the live cd [09:55] anyone know hot to install linux from live cd run lvl 1? [09:56] PoGz, how am I gonna get the file ? [09:56] PoGz, can you email me: [09:56] reverseblade: sure wats ur e-mail === edwin_ is now known as edwin [09:57] PoGz, I sent it via private message . Did you get it [09:57] reverseblade: ok.. yup.. wait a sec [10:00] How do I add a command to run at startup like a windows autorun? === cnus8n is now known as cnus8ff [10:00] Is it OK to manually install glib-2.12.13 and gtk+-2.12.14 onto the latest Ubuntu 7.10 (all updates applied) ? [10:00] reverseblade: done.. i alredi sent it... [10:01] PoGz, checking [10:01] <^root^> if i have a .pls playlist of Totem, how can i find the total time length of all items in it? [10:01] alanbshepard71 simplest is to put it in /etc/rc.local. but yes, how do you think everything gets started on startup? [10:03] Kevin': from what I gather there is a startup script with a list of commands to run (at some point in the boot process), I just want to add a command to that list, unless of course I'm way off. [10:03] Are there any good basic articles on virtualization? I haven't quite understood why I would like to have for example my database server on one virtual machine and apache on one. Isn't that just a waste of resources? [10:04] reverseblade: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534956 the file is here [10:04] Hey.. I accidentally installed Hardy Heron and want to install Gutsy. I can't burn discs right now though. Can I use Qemu to boot the Gutsy ISO from the live cd of Hardy Heron to install gutsy? [10:04] I can see the point for kernel developers, or if you need a number of different OS:es on the same computer. [10:05] hi [10:05] hi === _RvGaTe is now known as RvGaTe [10:06] may anybody have a solution for me [10:06] i have ubuntu on my pc [10:06] but now i cant login again [10:06] jaiya [10:06] jaja [10:07] oh [10:07] bye [10:07] Kevin`: is rc.local run after gnome is started? I'm trying to make avant window manager start automatically. [10:07] Hello. When I try to access volume cotnrol, it says "No volume control GStream plugins and/or devices found". What do I do? [10:08] where can I get some help with hardy, concerninc gnome-appearance-properties sigsegv?? [10:08] hi, im new on ubuntu, but need to change mac_address how can i do this? [10:08] Roe1: #ubuntu+1 [10:08] kk, thx! [10:10] Hi all. [10:10] Ubuntu rocks ! [10:10] i could sell you one... [10:10] eben im radio: blitzer in der ehrenbergstrasse [10:11] !de [10:11] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [10:11] What websites can i run to give me control over my pc when im at work? [10:11] perm: the best way of controlling a remote pc is through ssh [10:12] I can't to download the public key for medibuntu, http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/54696/? How I can make? [10:12] anyone know of a way to see cpu temp from terminal? [10:12] sup dudes?? [10:13] How do i create a blog page in wiki [10:13] apt-cache search apt|grep key maybe [10:14] re [10:14] what is the best for edit po files ? [10:14] howlingmadhowie > i am thinking like torrentflux. I wanna use more web interface tools. === creeed is now known as T00L [10:15] jetscreamer: apt-cache search apt|grep key maybe, it's for me? [10:15] yeah but leave out the word 'maybe' :) === etronik__ is now known as etronik [10:16] hi [10:16] hi zarazo [10:20] w4rd: you need to install lm-sensors [10:20] my videos stream in blak n white .... what to do ?? [10:22] Kevin`: I give up on that. What's the easy way? [10:23] Kevin`: I need to study for math tonight and I want to just get this working [10:23] neeto configure the lan interface and apt-get install ipmasq [10:23] i'm having fun with a new usb external hdd + feisty; and so far the (limited) forum posts I've read haven't solved my problem. What do I search for or what information should I paste to get more info/help/solutions? (Welland me-740ps usb 2.0 hdd case + west. digital hdd) [10:24] CloCkWeR1 what, exactly is your problem? are you trying to install to that device or just use it [10:24] Kevin`: configure the lan interface for what exactly? [10:24] neeto configure it with a private ip [10:24] neeto like [10:25] (or 172.16/12 or 10/8) [10:25] Kevin`: right, shall I do this for all connections? [10:25] neeto the computers connecting to the desktop will get an ip in that range automatically [10:25] (the range you choose) [10:26] my videos when they play come in black n white ... they were workin fine till yesterday .....can neone help ?? [10:26] bye [10:26] Kevin`: both! so far the best I've got is a very limited flashing of lights when the 'puter loads. It doesn't appear in lsusb / mounted anywhere [10:26] CloCkWeR1 what appears in dmesg when you plug it in [10:26] Kevin`: I'm very confused. Do I still need to have this bridge enabled? === desti_T2 is now known as desti [10:26] [10:27] neeto no. you must not have the bridge enabled [10:27] ok [10:27] configure the internet interface as normal, and configure the other side with your chosen private ip [10:27] So I am just assigning an IP to the desktop-laptop connection [10:27] yes [10:27] ok I understand [10:27] anyone there ?? [10:28] evil... wireless [10:28] wireless is awesome [10:28] I would have quite a time running cables to all these rooms [10:28] agreed kevin [10:28] wireless + linux is evil [10:28] right now, anyways [10:29] works on every linux device I have [10:29] intel pro/wireless? [10:29] pain in the *** to set up [10:29] yes, actually [10:29] then wait..i'm in ubuntu arent i? never mind [10:29] everythign is auto set up here [10:30] I even use the ubuntu wireless configuration thing [10:30] i think 4 of 15 distros i've tried so far had wireless working out of the box with this hp [10:30] works great for me [10:30] ubuntu, two derivatives, and fedora worked out of the box wireless [10:30] Does anyone know what happened to the gnome-volume-manager executable in Hardy? [10:32] How to join a different channel? [10:32] ./join #channel without. [10:32] /join #differentchannel [10:32] Thank you :) [10:32] Roy are you a native english speaker? [10:33] When something (video/window/game) moves quickly, I see horizontal breaks in the motion. Hsync is correct. WXGA. Any ideas? [10:33] No Kevin [10:33] i've always been curious about where the "how to X?" questions come from [10:33] ah [10:33] Roy what is your native language? [10:33] I speak Bangla. [10:34] What's the current best practice concerning a bcm43xx card? [10:34] davidw kernel driver IMO [10:34] howv i can see if firewall is active ? [10:34] davidw also: avoid if possible [10:35] Kevin`, can't avoid it, unfortunately [10:35] latest ubuntu is complaining about missing firmware microcode [10:35] I used to use one of those cards, but it broke so I switched to an intel mini-pci [10:36] davidw the firmware is copyrighted and can't be distributed by itself, you have to extract it. the bot here probaly has simple instructions but I dont know how to use it [10:36] !fwcutter [10:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [10:36] bah [10:36] !bcm43xx [10:36] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [10:38] Kevin`, excellent, thanks! [10:38] Hello all, I have a question. I just got a DL385 G2 and I'm trying to install 6.06 Server LTS but I can not get the network cards detected. Has anyone had any luck installing on this machine? [10:39] I've got a tricky network problem [10:39] tricky eh? [10:40] <_ruben> Dusten: 6.06 or 6.06.2? the latter has more driver support [10:40] WHen running ifconfig -a, only eth1 comes up [10:40] why is there no eth0 ? [10:40] ubuntu's apache setup is frusterating me [10:40] _ruben: yes the 6.06.2 [10:40] <_ruben> MrMist: you dohave 2 network cars? [10:40] <_ruben> cards [10:40] _ruben: Nope [10:40] mrmist because you switched network cards somehow and the names are by default based on mac address and retained. [10:40] hello everybody [10:41] fricken htaccess isnt working YES i know allowoverride all! [10:41] Kevin`: Ah... I installed a hard-drive into another computer [10:41] Kevin`: Is there any way I can switch the internal MAC reference then ? [10:41] mrmist look in /etc/udev* [10:41] <_ruben> MrMist: check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules [10:41] that's it. [10:42] IMO just delete everything in the file and reboot [10:42] How do I capture loopback traffic from MySQL client/server? [10:43] I'm trying 7.10 Server now but the env. is running 6.06.2 [10:43] I see nothing on Wireshark loopback interface. [10:43] _ruben: Thanks a LOT :) [10:43] Solved my problem completely [10:43] <_ruben> nice [10:43] gotta reboot now [10:43] :) [10:43] gatestone your probably using a filesystem socket instead of a network socket [10:43] Running basic Gutsy here. [10:43] Kevin, how do I tell MySQL to use network socket? [10:44] gatestone I think if you give it a port number it will do it [10:44] ok, thx, Kevin, I'll try. === notpalomer is now known as palomer [10:44] it's been a while, I don't remember the proper way :) [10:46] I am going to upgrade my system -- new processor, video card and more memory. Will that require the Ubunto being reloaded? [10:47] Dagon probably not. you might have to reconfigure X for the new video card [10:47] d [10:47] thanks. I was afraid I was going to have to do a complete reinstall. [10:48] So I just tryed 7.10 Server [10:48] and it detects the cards just fine [10:48] brings them up as a [10:48] BCM5708 [10:48] anyone know where to get this driver from [10:49] Dusten kernel.org most likely [10:49] and how to use the dd command when installing 6.062 [10:49] I was hoping for it to be precomiled [10:49] like if I could just pull it off the 7.10 disk [10:50] where does dd come into it [10:50] you could just pull it off the disk, if the kernel version is the same [10:50] or get it from the ubuntu repos [10:50] it's a boot option you can pass to the installer telling it that you want to use a driver === crypt0 is now known as cryptoz === KIAaze is now known as KIAaze|away [10:52] I have a question, does debootstrap work for or is supported by ubuntu? [10:52] Kevin`: ofcourse ;) [10:52] Dusten there's a different sort of option for you ^ [10:54] I don't under stand what you mean by debootstraping kevin` [10:54] Dusten boot from linux that has ethernet working and use that to install and make the system workable [10:55] it's a package/script [10:55] debian === Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as KGJ|will_nen_eee [10:55] Hi, I have an odd problem, I have 4 workspaces, but if i select any of them, my ubuntu crashes, but using compiz i can show 4. [10:56] hey all, im fairly new to linux and lov it :P my problem is im allways googleing on howto do things and going through howto's that dont seem to work, and i find i mess things up. is there any good sites i can get good info for gutsy? [10:56] I could do that but our whole role out system and installation process is based on 6.06.2 === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK [10:57] I would love to just run a different distro but it's just not an option [10:57] well at lest until the next LTS comes out [10:58] Dusten I mean use debootstrap to install 6.whatever [10:58] üdv nincs itt véletlenül magyar ember? [10:58] I guess I still don't follow [10:59] !nl [10:59] Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [10:59] ? [10:59] All I need to subscribe to one of the comp.os.linux newsgroups is pan and the name of the group right? [11:00] Dusten just find the driver in use in the newer stuff and see if a package exists for the version your using. if not make one [11:01] ah [11:01] ok [11:01] that's what I was looking to do [11:01] when i play my .avi files ... they play in black n white ... can someone help me with this ? [11:01] I think I have found the package in 7.10 [11:01] http://www.linuxhelp.net/resources/#lists or any of the newgroups there... [11:01] I just need to find out which one it is [11:01] the cards where detected correctly [11:02] what could be the problem if after putting in my user name and password the screen goes blank and reappears? === rocco is now known as cbx33 [11:03] hello? [11:03] Arvin_ probably you logged in but the session failed to start or crashed [11:03] Arvin_: common cause is /home has no space or is not writable [11:03] anyone there ??? ........... [11:03] Drixx: plenty as you can see [11:03] Drixx no [11:04] Kevin: I don't think so because it keeps comming back to same screen, it happened after I updated the system and it required a restart. [11:04] can u hel me with this plz ?? [11:04] Arvin_: boot into safe mode and check the log files [11:04] help* [11:04] Drixx: I've not seen you ask a question [11:04] Arvin_ it comes back to the same screen because the DM restarts itself when you log out [11:04] when i play my .avi files ... they play in black n white ... can someone help me with this ? [11:05] Drixx: Have you tried another player first of all? [11:05] Drixx probably related to your video card overlay but I don't know the issue or solution [11:05] KEvin`: so it's a problem with the display manager or ? [11:05] Kevin`: not that good at trouble shootig [11:05] Arvin_ no, it's probably not the display manager [11:06] hello [11:06] Kevin`: where's the logfile that i need to check? [11:06] Thurin1: tried in all the players ... but still gives the same problem ..... [11:06] Arvin_ not sure, try the one for xorg [11:06] Drixx confirm that it plays correctly with -vo x11 [11:07] Drixx: Ok, what you might want to try is VLC, you could try choosing another output plugin. [11:07] (may play slowly) [11:07] Drixx: What video card do you have anyways? [11:07] hi everyone [11:07] The new Xorg seems to be horrible with ATI [11:07] i have a problem, i have a S3 Trio 64, and i can't define more than 800*600 for my screen, is someone has soon see this problem [11:07] Kevin`: what should I look for in the log file? will it say such and such caused an error? I've never done this before.. [11:07] i was wondering if there was any way to trainsfer packages from windows to kubuntu by a cd [11:08] Arvin_ things that look like a problem, heh [11:08] as i need to put a package on a non internet ubuntu [11:08] i need help to gamba2 it keeps saying this when ever i try and load it (im gtting the output if i run in terminal) i get this:ERROR: #27: Cannot load component 'gb.desktop': cannot find library file [11:08] jhend60: Sure.. download 'debs' [11:08] jhend60 sure, put the package file on the cd.. [11:08] and i dont have ubuntu on this computer [11:08] Thurin1 : i've tried it in vlc too ... but the same problem is there ... [11:08] Kevin`: heh..i'll give it a shot... is there a rescue mode in the cd I could use if I can't fix the problem? [11:08] is that all? and then it will install? but what about dependencies [11:09] Arvin_ yes. not worth it, just press ctrl+alt+f1 and log in [11:09] Thurin1 : till yesterday it was workin jus fine ... but i dunno wat happened today ... [11:09] Drixx: That's a weird problem - did you change outputs in VLC? - Go to video options and tinker with the output's if you have not already done so. [11:09] Drixx: Umm [11:09] Kevin`: you mean log into the CLI and check the log file... [11:09] Drixx: Is it ALL avi's or just this one in particular? [11:09] okay i'll try that... [11:09] It could be a codec issue [11:09] all ... [11:09] Arvin_ better then rebooting to try each thing. [11:10] any1 help me? [11:10] Drixx did you reboot? or at least reload the video driver somehow? [11:10] Drixx: .. You must have changed something if it was working up until now, think and retrace your steps [11:11] kevin' : tried reebooting .. but no luck . [11:11] yeah, what did you do between yesterday and today [11:11] rebooting will do nothing, a configuration file or something has been altered. [11:11] Hello. [11:12] Drixx: Have you installed any other multi-media software since yesterday? [11:12] !anybody | jhend60 [11:12] jhend60: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [11:12] Thurin1 it will reset the video card and overlay settings, and reload any driver messed itself up [11:12] Any new video players, or audio ones - ones that would install, or reference codecs? [11:12] Thurin1: i don't remember doing anything like that .... [11:12] ok then im trying to download a package on windows and put it on kubuntu [11:12] through a cd [11:12] have you tried RealPlayer10? [11:12] Drixx: You could always check your system log ;) /var/log - go through there [11:12] sigh... server is down, because i don't have any thermal paste [11:12] Thurin1: kk. [11:13] jhend60 why not use a usb drive. cds are slow to write for a single use [11:13] ok i will use usb [11:13] Kevin`: Indeed, but if it was the video card - I think the symptoms would be a little more severe than black and white video [11:13] here i go with the anyone thing lol well anyways i need help gettin gambas2 working can "anybody" help? [11:13] so how do i doo that [11:13] heres the one i need [11:13] http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/games/wesnoth-all [11:13] Drixx: Try this... - dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver (or xserver-xorg) [11:13] Thurin1 video display like that is a seperate function of the card. AND i've seen this before, I just don't remember what causes it [11:14] Kevin`: ok so, I've been trying to get this forwarding + NAT to work with ipmasq, however, when I install it, my internet connection on both machines disappears... could this be due to the outside network configuration? [11:14] so when i have downloaded packages and put on usb what do i have to do to install them all [11:14] Drixx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (or vice versa) - you will reset all of your video settings, you may want to keep a back up of /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:14] jhend60, if they're a .deb file, you can use dpkg [11:15] Kevin`: Whatever it is, it sure puts a crimp in 'fun-time' :P [11:15] sudo dpkg -i (package).deb should install it [11:15] neeto guessing is bad. pastebin brctl show, ifconfig -a, route -n, and iptables-save [11:15] righto [11:15] ok but theres many many dependencies i need to download [11:15] is there any tool for windows to download them all [11:15] jhend60: i beileave you could make a bash script to do it for you [11:16] i also think you might be able to throw the .debs into /var/cache/apt/archives/ and use apt-get to install it like you normally would, just without downloading [11:16] M-Nagato: You can't use apt-get without the net [11:16] :P [11:16] His problem is the machine will have no net [11:16] youll have to research bash i cant remeber how. [11:16] cya [11:16] and i only have access to Windows [11:16] dark* how uselessly unspecific. a bash script. [11:17] by Drixx you will need to /etc/init.d/gdm stop before resetting the xorg/server [11:17] how can I check what programs are currently running? [11:17] Thurin1, there's a --no-download function that can be used [11:17] and it'll only use packages that are already on the system [11:17] After you're done /etc/init.d/gdm restart [11:17] yes but is there a tool for windows to download the packages and dependencies [11:17] M-Nagato: Yes, but if that is the case - he might as well install slackware on the machine - it will be just as tedious. [11:17] jhend60: Not that I know of [11:17] I doubt it ... seriously doubt it [11:17] Thurin1 : thanx dude .... it works ..... [11:17] But Windows has a LOT of software [11:18] Drixx: Yay [11:18] :] [11:18] hehe, that is true, but it'd be a little be easier than dkpging every file by hand :) [11:18] Drixx: Keep that whole command in mind, it comes in very useful ;) [11:18] perm__ man ps, or ps aux or similar [11:19] hi there i have a question [11:19] Thurin1 : sure will .... thnx once again ..;) [11:19] :] [11:19] anyone knows how i can modify the route autogenerated by ifup eth0 ? === saied_ is now known as Saied [11:20] Kevin`: [11:20] beasty you configured it, unless you are using dhcp.. [11:20] Kevin`: http://pastebin.ca/891114 [11:20] beasty_ after the fact? [11:20] Can anyone help me install Flash, I keep gettin md5sum mismatch errors? [11:20] sarkie: are you using firefox to try and install it? [11:20] i was [11:21] tried snaptic [11:21] sarkie: the firefox installer has been broken for a while, go to the adobe site and download the package from them [11:21] Hi, I have a weird problem in the Terminal on GNOME, now when I am typing if I press t twice it becomes a u [11:21] theres a bug out, because adobe didnt change the filename [11:21] !flashissues [11:21] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [11:21] But it is only in the Terminal [11:21] neeto you have no private ip configured [11:21] Hey guys I have just installed gutsy gibbon, enabled the restricted modules for my ATI Radeon x700 and now have Dual Monitors working fine! How do I get compiz fusion working with it (i've had it working fine on single monitor) im just a bit scared to setup compiz and it breaks my desktop any advice would greatly be apprciated? [11:21] neeto internet should still be working though [11:21] neeto, the .tar? [11:21] Kevin`: I know, I had to turn off all those settings to be able to get back on and ask you what to do... [11:22] Thurin1 : dude ... it went black n white again ...:( [11:22] Just install flash manually, untar, close browsers and place in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. [11:22] Drixx: You're kidding? [11:22] !seen orjawlan [11:22] sarkie: yea, download it into a directory and do tar xf filename.tar.gz [11:22] neeto well, it doesn't help to find the problems if you show the settings when it's not broken [11:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about seen orjawlan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:22] HRMMM [11:22] i have a problem with gstreamer or soundcard, when i run test on Preferences > Sound this error appears: gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing. [11:22] 'mornin all [11:22] Kevin`: lol gimme a break I'm tired.... [11:22] Hi [11:22] neeto you might have a problem with ipmasq trying to work with vmnet* instead of eth0 though [11:23] llo Steffanx [11:23] yeah are .rpm supported by ubuntu yet or is that a pipe dream? since alien was poor last time i tried [11:23] Gunirus, mag ik niet meer alleen in een kanaal :P [11:23] Thurin1 : dunno how .... it ws workin jus fine ..... n when i closed d player opened another file ... its black n white ... [11:23] Steffanx: i was here before you :p [11:23] Drixx: ok, do not leave [11:23] sarkie: RPM isn't _supported_ and probably will never be... but alien is pretty good (don't know when you looked at it last_ [11:23] Kevin`: I'll go break it again and write everything to a file to pastebin [11:23] Gunirus, no way! [11:23] Drixx: I have a website for you - but I need to load IRC in X, I'm in console right now. [11:23] neeto i'm tired too, and I have class today. so you'll have to ask someone else in here or ##networking, sorry [11:24] sarkie: for almost anything there's an RPM of, you can get a deb of it, too [11:24] nemilar, quite a few years ago. yeah i was looking for the flash.deb [11:24] Thurin1 : ?? [11:24] Kevin`: no worries man... thanks for all your help, karma points for you ++ [11:24] Can anyone help me to get rid of the accented character typing in the gnome terminal? [11:24] somebody knows where i can find my sound back? The new also threw it away :( [11:24] sarkie: use the ubuntu flash fix [11:24] *alsadriver [11:24] !flash > sarkie [11:24] Thurin1 : kk ..... [11:24] now If I press "t" twice it becomes a u etc... [11:25] Steffanx: did you reboot? [11:25] Thurin1 : i'm waiting rite here .... [11:25] nemilar, : Im just doing the flash install now [11:25] i dit nemilar [11:25] Drixx: Can you see my pm? [11:25] Anyone with dual monitos on ati radeon have experience with compiz fusion/xgl? [11:25] sarkie, the .tar.gz file on the adobe website is all you should need. you could manually copy over the plugin, or you can use the flash installer program to copy it over [11:26] night all, I'm off to study math for the midterm tomorrow [11:26] If not - it is a 'known' issue apparently - he is the official solution --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608510 [11:26] wish me luck [11:26] If not - it is a 'known' issue apparently - he is the official solution --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608510 [11:26] text scrolls so quick in here :) [11:26] Steffanx: can you describe the problem more specifically? [11:26] Thurin1: yeah, it does [11:27] I had a very bad noise in my mic, so i tried a new alsadriver, and now my sound is gone [11:27] M-Nagato, what is the path for the install? It is saying /usb/lib/mozilla but won't accept it? [11:27] /usr/lib/firefox [11:27] says "not a directory" [11:27] Steffanx: what do you mean when you say it's gone? is your sound card not recognized? [11:27] might need a trailing / [11:27] meh [11:27] Thurin1 : u there dude ?? [11:27] scratch that [11:27] not recognized indeed [11:27] got it working? [11:27] M-Nagato, typed usb/ fingers quicker than my brain [11:27] i used the 'tutorial' of the ubuntu website [11:28] hehe :) [11:28] hdaintel or something [11:28] Drixx: Yes [11:28] Drixx: Did you see what I pasted? [11:28] You must identify on Freenode to PM [11:28] We are in business [11:28] If not - it is a 'known' issue apparently - he is the official solution --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608510 [11:28] Thurin1 : no ... [11:29] That should be able to solve your problem - it seems like it's something more common than I thought. [11:29] Thurin1 : 'can u see this ?' ... [11:29] Cheers, M-Nagato , nemilar ,neeto :) Very much appreciated, do any of you use Compiz Fusion btw? Having one other issue [11:29] Drixx: AHh :) [11:29] nemilar, aplay sound.wax says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54700/ [11:29] sarkie: better chance asking in #compiz [11:30] cheers again nemilar : [11:30] :) [11:30] Steffanx: yeah that ain't good [11:30] Steffanx: do you know what your sound card is? [11:31] 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) [11:32] according lspci [11:32] how do I block an user to use pen drivers/storage USB devices? Just uses keyboard and mouse usb? [11:32] Steffanx: anything come up if you do 'dmesg | grep -i audio' ? [11:33] no, nemilar [11:34] Steffanx: lsmod | grep snd_intel8x0 [11:35] anything? [11:35] Bagualas: i'd start by looking at the different groups. do you have to be a member of plugdev to use external usb drives? i dunno [11:35] but there is a lot of 'info' about snd_hda_intel in my dmesg [11:36] Good afternoon [11:36] Steffanx: is that snd_intel module loaded? [11:36] anyone know how to convert file from pdf to doc ? [11:36] nemilar, maybe. I configured it .. [11:36] the wrong module? [11:36] Steffanx: possibly [11:36] i compiled it with that module [11:36] howlingmadhowie, hummm, but i need keyboard and mouse to workd =\ [11:36] A[D]minS: donno if you can go directly from pdf to doc.... [11:37] àáðàêàäàáðà [11:37]  [11:37] nemilar: my main point is i am looking for one step do it :) because i found on google 3 steps lol pdf2ps bla bla [11:37] :) [11:37] Bagualas: my suggestion would be just to try it out. it's possible that mouse and keyboard are converted to ps2 connections on the motherboard itself [11:37] indeed Trulli [11:37] A[D]minS: but you could convert from pdf to something else, and then to doc [11:37] lol === KIAaze|away is now known as KIAaze [11:38] nemilar: ;) [11:38] nemilar, do i need to compile it with 'snd_intel8x0'? [11:38] A[D]minS: i think OpenOffice.org vs 3 is going to have pdf editing capabilities [11:38] Steffanx: that's the appropriate module, yes [11:38] howlingmadhowie i hope so [11:39] howlingmadhowie, i will try, thanks man! :) [11:39] What is a good cli MSN messenger client? [11:39] question about krusader: i have some dirs that start with "-=". i want these to show up first, when sorted by name. how can i do this? i cant find the option for that. thanks! [11:39] A[D]minS: pdf2ps then to doc is probably your best bet at the moment [11:39] Sqeege amsn [11:39] A[D]minS : apt-get xpdf-utils .. [11:39] basti: ask in #kubuntu [11:39] A[D]minS: I said cli, not X ;D [11:39] As far as I know Amsn only works in X [11:40] Sqeege: pidgin has a CLI interface [11:40] nemilar, where did you found that my card has that id? [11:40] Sqeege: yup [11:40] Steffanx: just googled it [11:40] actually, it's technically not pidgin, it's libpurple [11:40] Sqeege sorry :) i though X :P [11:40] there's a CLI interface for libpurple [11:40] nemilar: It does, but I said 'good' ;) pidgin even sucks in X [11:41] Sqeege: beggars can't be choosers [11:41] Sqeege: centericq is CLI, does MSN, and a few other protocols. [11:41] and it is in the repos. [11:42] hellion0: Yes, yes let's try that one. [11:43] In Gutsy, you get a nice printer icon in the top right panel. Unless you click it and say "Hide" :( Any idea how to get it back? [11:43] hi all [11:43] Kevin, used "mysql -protocol=TCP" and Wireshark in NOT promiscuous mode, that allows to capture MySQL on loopback. There is still strange delay in WS... [11:43] X was a great, wonderful experience - until it was updated; ever since me and my ATI brethren have been beat down, beat down I say! [11:43] Nemilar: checking for which soundcards to compile driver for... configure: error: Unknown soundcard snd_intel8x0 [11:43] i have made a new partition where i want to put my current /etc ..how to copy on it without breaking all? [11:44] Steffanx: do a ./configure --help and see if it has info for you [11:44] mrdavidlaing: Right click on the panel "add applet" [11:44] <_sam_> hi, i've installed an ADSL modem to my linux-router in bridge mode, thus setting up PPPoE [11:44] <_sam_> how do i make sure the link always restarts on it own, and my ISP drop at times? [11:45] _sam_: you're saying you want to make sure your linux box re-gets a connection from the router, in case the router drops? [11:45] hi [11:45] is there a way to disable trash dir for certain volumes? [11:45] (gnome) [11:46] cousin_luigi: unfortunately, I don't think so.... but the new version of Ubuntu due out in April will fix the problems with the trash [11:46] what problem? [11:46] elwo0d: cp -R as root should do it [11:46] cousin_luigi: the one you mentioned, for one ;) [11:46] but it does work with smb shares [11:47] cousin_luigi: also, there's no "restore" in the trash, if you didn't notice [11:47] howlingmadhowie, and permission and link will be preserved? [11:47] nemilar: hmm...no [11:47] nemilar: then how does smb work in that regard? [11:47] Hey, can someone /ctcp version me and tell me what the response is? [11:47] elwo0d: have a look at "man cp" [11:47] cousin_luigi: I donno... probably just has something to do with samba being samba [11:47] Sqeege: no response [11:48] -Sqeege- VERSION irssi v0.8.12 - running on FreeBSD i386 [11:48] nemilar: Ok thanks [11:48] yup [11:48] I thought it would say version 7 :( [11:48] nemilar: ah:) [11:48] I feel gipped [11:48] haha [11:48] lol [11:48] howlingmadhowie, i see - dpR..it will be better? [11:50] elwo0d: i think "dp" is tautoligical, but it should still work [11:50] howlingmadhowie, ok thanks [11:51] elwo0d: try it on a test folder first [11:52] howlingmadhowie, i am doing with some mp3 :) [11:53] hey what's the command to create an iso in cli? dd= somethin? [11:53] Arvin_: copying a cd/dvd? [11:53] nemilar: yeah [11:53] Arvin_: it's easier to use readcd for that [11:54] readcd dev=/dev/device f=output.iso [11:54] thanks/ [11:55] hello ubuntu peeps [11:57] hei guys, u knoe which file to set so that my vim can show colored highlighting [11:58] <_ruben> cUBUc: /etc/vim/vimrc [11:59] _ruben : think i will try to get some user modded vimrc files instead... :D .. u knoe of any.. i will google also [12:00] I have a internal something-in-one card reader one my machine which used to work with linux-2.6.20. I didn't use it for a while and now I (with 2.6.22 kernel) find it is no more working. I also tried 2.6.24 and it doesn't work. Actually it's reading the cards that doesn't work - it also has plug which perfectly works. Any hints? [12:02] <_ruben> cUBUc: ~/.vimrc [12:02] mnemonic_: Is it an internal USB connection? [12:03] Hi all [12:03] I would like to know how hybrid disks are managed by Linux ? [12:03] iNeo, the reader is plugged to a free USB bus which lies directly on the mainboard - so I guess. [12:04] mnemonic_: Then take a look at the USB modules and proceses [12:04] I am hesitating between purchasing a classic 7200 tpm hard drive or a hybrid 5400 tpm one with 1 Go of flash memory...with [12:05] which will be the fastest ? is the flash memory supported by the kernel ? [12:06] iNeo, one sec, I'll do. Strange thing is, if I connect an external reader it works fine. [12:07] mnemonic_: Hmmm, maybe an other usb module has to be loaded, try to find out what USB hardware is used internal [12:07] mnemonic_: goodluck [12:08] so no one knows or have a laptop with it ??? [12:09] iNeo, I need to reboot (on a hardy life CD - and USB doesn't seem to work at all for me on it). [12:10] Phocean_: I don't even know what that flash memory is supposed to do.. do you? [12:10] Phocean_: is it used for cache? or just another device built into the hard drive? [12:10] mneptok: is it possible that it is disabled in the bios settings of the mainboard [12:10] Slart, no exactly, that is the problem. On google I can't find much info. It seems that Vista supports it and optimize the transfers [12:10] Slart, I wonder if it is the case with our kernel [12:11] mnemonic: is it possible that it is disabled in the bios settings of the mainboard [12:11] Phocean_: vista can use any flash memory.. be it built-in or just a usb-stick.. [12:11] Slart, if this is not used smartly, I would better use a 7200 disk, don't you think so ? [12:11] Hey guys does anyone here have experience with ATI Radeon x700 + Dual Monitor + Compiz Fusion on ubuntu gutsy? I am able to get the dual monitor working by itself and also I can get compiz fusion working by itself (with no dual screen). What I can't seem to do is get dual monitor working with compiz fusion at the same time, anyone help me out i've tried some many howtos etc they just borked my desktop? [12:11] Phocean_: indeed [12:12] crikey [12:12] how did I get in here? [12:12] how can i force a check of my ext file system on next boot? [12:13] anyone? [12:13] you'd think if I wanted support for ubuntu I'd find an easier way to get it than installing xchat [12:13] TimStarling__: this channel is auto join bu default [12:13] jimjoe: saying anyone is no help if you want someone answer your question - ask it clear [12:13] zero-9377: there is a file you create/touch somewhere.. can't remember the filename exactly [12:13] ikonia: did you read me question? [12:13] no [12:13] ikonia: to me its clear: [12:13] Hey guys does anyone here have experience with ATI Radeon x700 + Dual Monitor + Compiz Fusion on ubuntu gutsy? I am able to get the dual monitor working by itself and also I can get compiz fusion working by itself (with no dual screen). What I can't seem to do is get dual monitor working with compiz fusion at the same time, anyone help me out i've tried some many howtos etc they just borked my desktop? [12:13] ask it then [12:13] i did ask? === cnus8ff is now known as cnus8n [12:13] scroll up? [12:13] see you later [12:14] hang on a minute maybe its not getting printed to the channel [12:14] How do I find what files belongs to a certain package? [12:14] jimjoe: there are known issues aith dual head and compiz [12:14] ikonia: i just asked the question can u see it or is it being cut off by the server? [12:14] hi [12:14] jimjoe: more so around the ati driver than the nvidia one [12:14] jimjoe: I can see it now [12:14] ikonia: hrm really? (that would explain a lot) [12:14] well i got an ati card on here [12:14] hi everybody what's the best software on gnome for the wifi because I can't connect to my wifi modem [12:14] elenaw: are you trying to find what files a package puts on your system or where a file came from? [12:14] jimjoe: ati in general has isseues [12:15] it is possible to do though, people have written howtos so it must be [12:15] ikonia: im starting to see that :) [12:15] although seems a bit OTT to change my laptop [12:15] i have compiled pidgin... how can i make an icon for it in the applications menu [12:15] zero-9377: where they are located on my system [12:15] what are the known problems with it ikonia ? [12:15] hei guys, i want to change my grub boot order.. though i love ubuntu.. i have to make windows the default OS (due to mother)... [12:15] jimjoe: it is possible it certain conditions, cards, chipsets, drivers, version doesn't mean it's possible for you [12:15] jimjoe: the drivers are poor, poor support, poor in general [12:15] cUBUc: man grub [12:16] adrenergic: right click on the applications menu, select edit? [12:16] mew_ubuntu: the kernel deals with your wifi stability [12:16] iNeo : k [12:16] nope slart... i have compiled it :( [12:16] if you go into synaptic (system>admin>synaptic) find the package right click > properties > installed files [12:16] ikonia: ok, i have got compiz fusion before setting up dual monitor so i know it works with my card. It's just the dual screen that breaks it. im guessing its something im not doing correctly, but i've tried my best with all the howtos, and go no where just wondered if someone can run through it with me who has a better understanding [12:16] im fairly certain it will work [12:16] Hi there, I'm having problems installing PECL PHP modules as it looks like the /tmp directory is mounted noexec, I've tried "mount -o remount,exec /tmp" but it still shows up as noexec in mount, any ideas? [12:16] its just me not doing something right [12:16] elenaw: if you go into synaptic (system>admin>synaptic) find the package right click > properties > installed files [12:16] cUBUc: change the option "default 0" to Default 4 in /boot/grub/menu.lst [12:16] ikonia: sorry I don't understand [12:17] ikonia: what would be the best way to go about this then, because im out of ideas. [12:17] jimjoe: why are you certain ti will work ? [12:17] adrenergic: so because you compiled pidgin you're all of a sudden incapable of right-clicking the applications menu?? that just doesn't make sense [12:17] mew_ubuntu: the gui used to configure your card will have no bearing on your cards stability [12:17] my wifi problem is that I can't have an IP adress [12:17] mew_ubuntu: is your router servingDHCP [12:18] ikonia: im just pretty sure it will because i've had it working on one monitor just not dual so that shows it works in a mono screen environment, how can i test it to see if it will work with dual screen? [12:18] <_ruben> when using remote syslogging (the ubuntu box is the destination), is it a known problem/feature/whatever that there's only 1 line logged per 5 seconds? [12:18] jimjoe: one monitor does not maean it will work dual head - dual head is a different technology [12:18] I don't know but with windows xp it worked [12:18] zero-9377: I'm on kubuntu and got adept-manager, there is no right clicking like that there. Isn't there some command I can use instead? [12:18] ikonia: right ok, how can i go about finding out if it will work then? [12:18] for sure [12:18] ikonia : mind taking a peek at this site.. http://paste.plone.org/19334 .. i dunt see any Default 4.. tks [12:18] jimjoe: thereis very little "for sure" [12:19] cUBUc: change Default 0to Default 4 [12:19] hi [12:19] Hmm, i try running pidgin and it dosent, i run it as root it does, running it from terminal isent much help [12:19] how do you remount /tmp when it's set to noexec? mount -o remount,exec /tmp didn't work, mount still reports it as noexec [12:19] ikonia: lol are you trying to pursuade me to not bother [12:19] <_ruben> hmm, perhaps its an dns issue, lets see [12:19] cUBUc: sorry Default 5 [12:19] jimjoe: no,notat all, thats your call [12:20] ikonia: All I know is that some people have had success getting dual+ati+compiz working... i had a bash at it and failed, i'd like to try it, but not sure what to do. [12:20] ikonia: tks, i got it now.. :) thanks for the help... c ya guys later... system rebooting now.. [12:20] nevermind... [12:20] elenaw: you might need apt-file although i have never used it myself, its not installed so you will have to install it [12:20] how can i force a check of my ext file system on next boot? [12:21] zero-9377: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/ try that [12:22] Slart: thanks for that [12:22] zero-9377: fyi.. I just put your exact question into google =) [12:22] ikonia: are you able to help me see if I can get this setup working, you seem to know what your talking about? [12:22] jimjoe: you could (most probably) be banging your head against the wall [12:23] ikonia: yeah, your right. I want to find out sooner rather than later though. [12:23] Slart: actually i saw that but i dont want to scan my whole system because i have ~1TB i just want to scan a single fs [12:23] jimjoe: best thing to do is mail ati with your card model, driver version, compiz version and monitor setup and ask if it's a do-able config [12:23] ikonia: rather than, it may work, it may not work. Can't you help me see if it will? if not fair enough. I've just run out of ideas, i'm pretty sure its the howtos im following because the cross-ref data from other sites, and I got confused. [12:23] jimjoe: if you prod around on the net you'll find all kinds of horror stoies [12:24] jimjoe: I had all sorts of probs with x700 and ubuntu + dual screen + compiz....I gave up on compiz eventually and ATI's drivers are a joke imo [12:24] zero-9377: ah.. hmm..don't know if that'll help you then.. I think it scans to root drive [12:24] ikonia: LOL i know. I've been turning them horror stories into real life the past 2 days. [12:24] jimjoe: if you join #ati you'll find tons of ati specialist people who may know of it's compatability limitations off the top of their head [12:24] even the opensource drivers had trouble identifying the card correctly [12:24] ikonia: I just now want to know if its possible at all (and thats why im here). [12:25] jimjoe: not really someting #ubuntu can answer, but #ati maybe better [12:25] ikonia: is it a long haul to find out if its compatable? [12:25] ok [12:25] thankyou [12:25] lol [12:25] i just found something funny ouy [12:25] yey [12:25] press alt+f2 right... run cmd... [12:25] jim-^: this is a support channel only [12:25] then type in "free the fish" without quotes [12:26] jim-^: this is a support channel only, [12:26] jim-^: Heed the warnings , please [12:26] Fuck you bub [12:26] #ubuntu-offtopic I believe [12:26] !ops | jim-^ offensive behaviour and language [12:26] jim-^ offensive behaviour and language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow! [12:27] ikonia, do you know why I can't have an IP adress with my wifi? [12:27] Please don't run what he said [12:27] tinman, we tend to not want idiots like that in -offtopic either [12:27] mew_ubuntu: your card is not configured to talk to your router correclty (SID/Envyption) [12:27] and how to configure it ikonia? [12:27] It's a funny easter egg that makes a small fish dance around on your screen randomly. The funny part is you have to kill your panels to get rid of it. [12:27] ikonia: if I find out if my card can handle this would you be able to help me set it up? [12:28] jimjoe: the guys in #ati are probably better suited [12:28] mew_ubuntu: use the network configu gui ? [12:28] ok thank you. [12:28] i did it [12:29] jimjoe: I'll help you out with specifics, but checking compatability is probably better with regular ati users in #ati [12:29] ikonia: that's fair enough mate, I appriciate the help so far. I will bug the #ati guys. thanks a lot man. [12:29] jimjoe: no problem [12:29] how do I change the default font in abiword? :D [12:29] yay [12:30] ikonia: it looks like it is supported :) [12:30] jimjoe: really, where are you getting that ? [12:31] wers: I believe it uses the GNOME 'Document' font as the default, dunno if you can override that [12:31] wers: That'd be in System->Preferences->Appearance, Fonts tabs though [12:32] Amaranth, I don't think so. my document font is set as Sans while my defualt font in abiword is times new roman [12:33] hi, im installing ubuntu on an intel notebook , when i boot from live CD it uses intel experimental driver (and 3d effects work) but after install it says only VESA generic, and whatever i change it changes it back [12:33] note: i installed with safe-vga because of another issue during install [12:33] wers: In that case I'd say dig around a bit and hope you find something. I do basically zero document writing so I never use Abiword or OpenOffice [12:33] any solutions for this pls? [12:34] okay. thanks anyway, Amaranth :D [12:34] can anyone give me a hint how to setup an ati mobility radeon 7500 for dual head ? [12:35] i want to rebuild the xenified kernel that's in ubuntu (linux-image-2.6.22-14-xen), but i can't find any Xen options in the config (make menuconfig) [12:35] how can i find out how the kernel was built for ubuntu? [12:35] Fubarovic: pardon ? [12:35] nives1: the driver used is set in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - but you might just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [12:36] Fubarovic: uname -a [12:36] Fubarovic: do you mean the configuration? [12:36] Hi, I try to mount a partition and since a weed all i get s mount: special device /dev/hda2 does not exist [12:36] Fubarovic: look at /boot/config-2.6.whatever [12:36] i know the config file is /boot [12:36] paladin_: ide devices are now called sda [12:36] i just need to recompile the kernel because i need powernow-k8 support [12:37] but i also want xen support [12:37] xen support is in the binary version of the kernel, but it doesn't seem to be in the source [12:37] i installed stunnel and got an issue: http://pastie.caboo.se/147244 [12:37] at least i can't find it [12:37] so i was wondering if it were possible to find out the build process the kernel maintainer uses [12:37] hello does it possible to use the "wget" to wait 5 sec between each download (when i using links from list) ? [12:37] ah thx seems to work now (hope it does not change it after next reboot) :) [12:37] !kernel [12:37] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages [12:38] hello everyone [12:38] Hello lollo === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [12:39] Frogzoo : there is no /dev/sd* file... beside the /dev/hda1 is mounting perfectly [12:39] paladin_: which release? [12:40] paladin_: dapper or..? [12:40] gutsy [12:41] Frogzoo : gutsy [12:41] paladin_: not the kind of thing that usually gives trouble - does 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda' show the partition? [12:41] help help - floodbot is flooding the channel! [12:42] Does anybody know how to turn off a T9-like function in the gnome terminal? [12:44] morning all [12:45] help help - floodbot is flooding the channel! [12:45] sshh [12:45] yes [12:45] Frogzoo : yes, fdisk shows them both [12:45] question: how to set the title in gnome-terminal ? [12:45] paladin_: and nothing funky going on here? [12:45] does gutsy gibbon have a firewall installed by default? [12:46] paladin_: I'm assuming /dev/hda2 won't mount? [12:46] Khamael: yes - iptables - wide open by default [12:47] Frogzoo: ok. I am having trouble with azureus. it says I am behind a firewall. I have a d-link 520 router, and I have tried to "open" the bittorrrent port, but with no luck [12:47] Khamael: portforward.com [12:48] Khamael: you need to port forward from your router [12:48] rsk: been there, an followed the guide [12:48] ok call d-link then [12:48] and say their router dosen't work [12:49] rsk: one thing. do I have to have a static ip? or can I just define the one given to this machine? [12:50] it is probably my fault. I just don`t know what I am doing wrong [12:51] i installed stunnel and got an issue: http://pastie.caboo.se/147244 [12:51] Frogzoo : yes, fdisk shows them both [12:52] crolle17: ok, have you set a pid in the stunnel.conf as the error suggests [12:52] #amarok [12:53] paladin_: does it mount? [12:54] Frogzoo : no, it says the device doesn't exist [12:55] paladin_: ls -l /dev/hda[12] [12:55] Frogzoo : only hda1 is seen [12:56] ikonia, the pid stunnel4.pid is set, but a "find stunnel4.pid" doesn't find it. so there is none. [12:57] anyone using BCM4318 with ubuntu and having problems with WPA2-PSK? im using the native driver/firmware but it doesnt connect to wpa2-AP [12:57] paladin_: what kind of file system on hda2 ? [12:58] Frogzoo : fat32 [12:58] ikonia, the pid-file is missing. how to generate this file? what hast to be in the file? [12:59] Mornin' folks [12:59] paladin_: how big is hda1 ? [13:00] Frogzoo : about 150 GB but that's not the problem.. until 2 weeks ago i could mount hda2 normally [13:00] paladin_: you have LBA enabled in the bios? [13:02] ikonia, i added the syslog: http://pastie.caboo.se/147244 [13:02] question: how to change the title in gnome-terminal ? [13:03] crolle17: look at your errors in your syslog. 1.) it can't bind as something is already using it 2.) it's complining you've not set a "pid" in your config file [13:03] hii Dr_Willis !!! [13:05] Howdy lollo [13:05] dont you ever sleep lollo [13:05] :) [13:05] Frogzoo : i don't know, but I haven't changed the BIOS recently [13:05] Seems I installed something that jacked my package database..... now when I install something it says there are a bunch of apps that are no longer needed and can be uninstalled.... some of them I see I know I need.... is there any way I can rebuild this database?? [13:05] people sleep? [13:06] NDT: I hear it's quite popular [13:06] Frogzoo: hmmm have to search a wiki for it to learn more 8) [13:06] csá [13:07] van itt magyar? [13:07] feca <---yeah what he said [13:09] i have a problem .... i have ubuntu setup i think as a file server... i have an account for my xp side... i can log on to to ubuntu from the xp side i see the folders there but i can't access them what i'm i doing wrong [13:10] nem tudok a D meghajtómon törölni semmit mert az irja ki hogy írásvédett [13:10] Frogzoo : did you reply anything? I can't scroll back [13:11] kkkkkkkk [13:11] !hu [13:11] Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál [13:12] hi [13:12] Anyone know what happened to the remastersys site? kilikit.org? [13:12] err klikit.org I mean heh [13:12] Jay955, make sure the user has read/wrtie ac cess from the xp side [13:12] ya siktir et siteyi [13:13] hmm [13:13] What advantages does ubuntu 64 bits have? [13:13] and what disadvantages? [13:13] anyone here use an ubuntu machine to share the internet [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] k [13:13] gege: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:13] like, if it has 2 nic's [13:13] quaal I use debian for that, does that count? [13:14] Kevin`, sure [13:14] Steffanx: That you have to grab 32bit libs a lot of the time to make stuff work? More of a challenge 8) [13:14] pretty easy to setup? [13:14] quaal: you can configure it with firestarter iirc [13:14] !firestarter | quaal [13:14] hmm [13:14] quaal for me, yes [13:14] quaal: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [13:14] ikonia, i did a netstat and found out that there is another (local) ldap-server runnning and blocking this port. [13:15] so i kill it. [13:15] erUSUL, hmm [13:15] where can i check that [13:15] hello [13:16] Jay955, where you created the user on the ubuntu side so the xp side can connect. check permissions tab [13:16] quaal it's probably not as easy as the point and click option in windows, but far more powerful, and you only have to configure it once [13:16] Kevin`, i see [13:16] ne1 using voip [13:17] the thing is i have a pfsense firewall/router in front of everything [13:17] so i dont really need a firewall on the individual pc's [13:17] wonder if i could disable somehow [13:17] quaal NAT is managed in the firewall rules, that's why it involved here [13:17] firestarter wasnt even installed [13:17] does that mean a firewall wasnt even in place [13:17] firestarter is a gui to the firewalling features [13:17] quaal: You don't have to have it act as a firewall...just need it [13:18] quaal, no it doesnt [13:18] blah nm Kevin said that hehe [13:18] ah thats what i thought [13:18] i checked the user setting iand i don't see permission tab [13:18] quaal I don't think there are any default firewall rules in ubuntu. rememer though that the firewall is part of the kernel, these apps just manage it [13:18] Kevin`, yea [13:18] there is no default firewall rules set up by default. :) [13:19] ah theres an option right in the firestarter setup.. enable internet connection sharing [13:19] Kevin: Yeah by default it just allows all traffic no rules [13:19] cool [13:19] sudo iptables --list (i think) shows any rules. [13:19] Jay955, Im not on ubuntu right now so I dont remember but I am assuming you created a user under Sysatem > Admin> Users and Groups? [13:19] I always use iptables-save [13:19] (and also edit rules that way) [13:19] yes i have [13:20] where can i find gdm error log? [13:20] actually hmm [13:20] i should just get a hub and set it onthe desk here [13:20] i'm just getting really sick of wireless [13:20] Jay955, ok go to the user and look in the options. you should be able to modify the users permissions [13:20] quaal: Why whats wrong with your wirelesS? [13:20] ok brb [13:20] hi,i'm a newer for ubuntu [13:21] right chaps, got a question about compiz across 2 monitors... accelleration is working fine. i'm getting about 6000 fps on glxgears, which is as expected - but when the screensaver kicks in, it maxes both my processors, and the screensaver itself runs veeery slowly on each monitor. 7.10 / 64 bit.... any ideas? [13:21] 6000 fps !!! [13:21] damn son [13:21] where can i find gdm error log? [13:22] quaal - well,it did 6000 fps before compiz - now it does about 5800... but that performace hit is expected... [13:22] Bonjour =) [13:22] danielski_pl, do you mean /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [13:23] have a nice day folks [13:23] u2 [13:23] ikonia, i got the stunnel running. for real: there was a process running on binded on port 389. for simulating traffic over stunnel: ldapsearch -LLL -x -D "cn=ldapsearch,cn=Users,dc=xxx,dc=com" -w ldapsearch "sAMAccountName=krutha" dn ? [13:23] SleepingSloth: i dont know but everytime i open a game that requires full screen it restarts gnome back to login, i dont know why [13:23] i have account, user privilage,and advance i see nothing about permission [13:23] i'm new to all this [13:24] danielski - have you more than one monitor? [13:24] SleepingSloth: no just one [13:24] Dr_Willis where are u from? here it's 2.30pm :D [13:24] its 8 am here - in Indiana [13:24] is Java-Gnome 4.0 available in Gutsy/Hardy? I see a folder for it in pool but nothing is there. The existing packages appear to be java-gnome 2.x, which has been deprecated. [13:25] here Italy :D:D [13:26] my pen drive is not mounted when i plug it in. This has happened for the first time. is there a terminal command i can run to force ubuntu to mount it? [13:26] danielski_pl, i'm no expert i'm afraid. the log i mentioned won't help i don't think... as you are getting into X okay. [13:26] all - ne1 using voip? [13:27] geno: Anyone use voip is kinda a broad area...a certain app or something that uses voip? [13:27] have a look at it anyways http://pastebin.com/ddf0c9fa , but at the end of the log it says it could not initiate cyrillic (font) [13:28] wonder if team speak works with ubuntu - ido not type [13:28] yeah [13:28] works fine [13:28] ok ty [13:28] Theres a naitive Teamspeak client [13:28] Team Speak has worked for me with ubuntu. [13:28] naitive linux client I mean heh [13:28] Ventrilo works to through wine [13:28] where ? [13:29] www.goteamspeak.com [13:29] !find teamspeak [13:29] Found: teamspeak-client, teamspeak-server [13:29] ty [13:29] its in the repos. :) [13:29] ty [13:29] ahh heh...so I like to be energetic and go after it at the site lol [13:30] Ventrilo was a pain in the ass with my usb headset heh [13:30] has Ventrilo made a linux client yet [13:31] nah [13:31] have to run it in wine [13:31] their Linux client has been "under development" for YEARS and years [13:31] (Ventrilo) [13:31] [Gnome] System > Quit... opens a dialog or submenu with 8 menu items. What is the English name of this submenu? [13:31] I don't think wine actually lets me use SFR either...cause I can't get Vanguard to run worth a crap FPS wise [13:33] bullgard4: I'm not sure it has a name; I'd call it the quit method dialog [13:34] allquixotic: Why do you use the word 'mehod' in it? [13:34] method [13:34] hey folks, I've got a problem with a NIC in a 7.10 server I've just built [13:34] I see the module for the driver loaded, and ifconfig shows the device, but it will not aquire an address [13:34] mii-diag says it gets a physicial link [13:34] ugh, just had to change something on a fedora server, yuck yuck yuck, I had forgotten how horrid and out of date their config files are, especially for apache [13:35] bullgard4: because it lists quit methods :( [13:35] * JediMaster hugs Ubuntu [13:35] can anyone help me to configure dual head for ati radeon 7500 mobility? Can't get it working [13:36] allquixotic: Google does not find 'quit method dialog'. [13:36] bullgard4: the dialog makes you choose a method, a "way" to get out.. out of the choices. a plain "Quit Dialog" would just be, like, "Do you want to quit? Y/N" [13:36] bullgard4: Why are you googling it? [13:36] bullgard4: What do you want to know about it? [13:37] bullgard4: Perhaps you should ask on gnome's irc server & channel. [13:37] what's the OT channel? [13:37] JediMaster: #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus [13:37] Pici: it's an ubuntu-specific dialog isn't it? [13:37] Pici: ta [13:37] allquixotic: I dont know. [13:37] allquixotic: I need to repair it. Two menu items are missing since this morning: 'Restart' and 'Switch Off'. [13:38] has anyone ever installed the Fuse kernel module in 6.06, are there any warnings before starting [13:39] Pici: Do you mean by 'channel' '#gnome'? What do you mean by 'gnome's irc server '? [13:40] bullgard4: Gnome's official channel is on irc.gnome.org see http://live.gnome.org/GnomeIrcChannels [13:40] so i checked out the kernel page on the ubuntu wiki, but i still can't figure this thing out [13:40] Fubarovic: what do you want to know [13:40] how do i recompile a xen-enabled ubuntu kernel? [13:41] i need some specific modules added in there [13:42] yeah, that's a toughie, isn't it :P [13:42] Fubarovic: why do you want to ? [13:42] how many GB's do I need for my root (/) partition? [13:43] is 20GB enough? [13:43] way too much [13:44] ikonia, i have very recent hardware that i want xen to run on [13:44] stjepang, thats quite a bit of space [13:44] stjepang, "depends" [13:44] speaking generally, how much do you recommend? [13:44] the latest ubuntu xen-kernel supports all of my hardware, but it doesn't do cpuscaling [13:44] Fubarovic: so you don't want to recompile the xen kernel you want to update it to a later version of the kernel ? [13:44] so that's what i want to compile in [13:44] stjepang, "depends" [13:44] no [13:44] i already have the latest [13:44] PriceChild: on what? :) [13:45] Fubarovic: why not just load the module [13:45] stjepang, i keep my / small and create partitions for all the rest [13:45] stjepang, if you are going to serve gigabyte files from /var/www for example then maybe you want a little more. [13:45] Fubarovic: rather than compile it in [13:45] because the module isn't there [13:45] i need to compile it first [13:45] Fubarovic: what directories are "the rest"? [13:45] /home, /opt, /tmp, /usr, /var [13:45] stjepang, unless you're using a seperate partition for /var.... in which case that's further proof we've no idea what you're doing, and what is best. [13:45] PriceChild: no, I'm just a normal desktop user... oh yes, and I would put my /home on a separate partition [13:46] then 20GB is probably too much [13:46] Pici: I will give irc.gnome.org a try. Thank you for advising. (By the way, the ##gnome channel in the Freenode network is very quiet.) [13:46] if you can spare it, sure why not [13:46] cool, thanks [13:47] <|zeal|> hi,guys [13:47] <|zeal|> morning [13:47] mornin [13:48] ikonia, i thought i'd get the kernel source of my xenified kernel, but apparently the source doesn't have the xen patches applied [13:48] ikonia: hi, i just changed the default as u had mentioned to 5. but now the default just sits at "Other Operating System" string and it gets booted into neither windows or ubuntu... [13:48] now i'd like to find out how to apply those xen patches [13:49] cUBUc: who me the menu.lst again [13:50] ikonia: /boot/grub/ === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude [13:50] ikonia: yeah man, i had changed it to 5.. http://paste.plone.org/19334 ,,,, u called me to change line 14 to 5 .... but there is no default login to windows... :( [13:50] cosmodad: what ? [13:51] ikonia: sorry thought you were asking for the location of menu.lst, but your grammer was difficult to interpret. [13:51] cUBUc: should have been 6 - my apologies [13:51] cosmodad: I mad a typo - "show me" it should have been [13:51] ikonia: ah ok [13:52] ikonia: hi sorry, just wanted to clear my doubts.. how did u arrive at 6... [13:52] cUBUc: cound them 0 is the first boot option 1 the second etc etc yours is the 5th but becuase you have the line "other OS" which counts as one, its 6 [13:52] hi, if you run the livecd and then modify it without installing, like installing software and stuff, can you then successfully remaster it, still from the livecd, keeping the changes that you have made? [13:53] ? [13:54] ikonia ; oh sumtin like the array indexing... oh thanks,man... well get to it [13:54] Hey guys, need your help. I'm using bitchx cause i messed up my xorg file, just wanted to ask what the command is to restore the xorg file to its original state. [13:55] heya... i've got ubuntu 7.10 running in a machine with an onboard Intel based video card, and also a nvidia 7300 AGP card - any tips how i can get ubuntu to see the AGP? currently it only detects the onboard (PCI) card [13:55] cUBUc: my mistake earlier, I miss counted [13:55] jack_spratt: i dont think so, I think its all in ram, so it goes away when you turn off the computer [13:55] ikonia, i got it running. thanks [13:55] Trackilizer, try Xorg -configure to make a new configuration? [13:55] crolle17: no problem [13:55] Trackilizer: just change the filenames around so the .old file is named .conf [13:55] !fixres | Trackilizer [13:55] Trackilizer: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [13:55] danbhfive: but if you create the .iso and burn it in the livecd thats ok [13:56] danbhfive: but would the remaster process work do you think? [13:56] jack_spratt: I think there are howtos/programs that help you to remaster the livecd [13:56] iae gente beleza? [13:56] Qual o comando para registrar o nick? [13:57] Cus all [13:57] hello. I run XFCE on ubuntu and I am wondering if Thunar file manager can show a "transfer window" when transferring files? [13:57] jack_spratt: http://sourceforge.net/projects/uck/ [13:57] danbhfive: hm ok [13:57] thanks [13:57] ikonia : no worries,man ... :D [13:58] nevíte někdo jak doistalovat codeky pro Operu?? [13:58] does anyone know why ndiswrapper loads on my system although I've created /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-wifi and added a "blacklist ndiswrapper" line? [13:58] jack_spratt: you might be able to get that throught the repos, but thats where I saw it [13:58] Cool-M : maybe u want to try the russian channel .. [13:59] yes ... [13:59] n/m [13:59] I have ipmasq installed and I am routing internet from my desktop to my laptop using dhcp. My laptop doesn't seem to have DNS ability. Do I need a seperate nameserver running on my local computer, connected to an external name server or something? [14:00] Or should I be able to see the outside world, and connect to the DNS servers that my desktop is using? [14:00] How long does it take for the flashplugin-nonfree fix to go from proposed to release? [14:00] KenSentMe, as long as it takes for sufficient testing [14:01] PriceChild, can i help make the proces go faster? [14:01] neeto, set your laptop to use the dnsserver running on your desktop [14:02] i have question? u can help me..?? [14:02] KenSentMe, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/173890 get up to date with that and it might include something :) [14:02] Fubarovic: I need to install a DNS server. [14:02] PriceChild, ok, thanks [14:03] Fubarovic: what is a solid dns server? [14:03] in virtualbox, is there anyway of getting a file onto the host OS, not via internet, and if real optical drives are not configured? [14:03] Just tried what you guys suggested, didnt help. I messed up my xorg file while trying to setup the second monitor. Now i want to restore the xorg file to the way it is when you first install ubuntu... i cant login into gonme either. [14:03] !xconfig | Trackilizer [14:03] Trackilizer: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes [14:05] had a problem installing cause my wireless card wasnt active, i think i have to update this file but im not sure how: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=721723a1850f673be39705d25ed7bb60&t=209617&page=2 [14:05] will it break anything to have python 2.4 and python 2.5 installed on my system at once? [14:05] cant get my wireless working either so i'd have to type the whole file up [14:05] Thanks alot ubotu, thats the command i was looking for. [14:05] Trackilizer, ubotu is a bot ;) [14:06] Hi, I have a question about cronjobs, my 'crontab -e' is empty as root user, but there are some old jobs still executed [14:06] anyone here had trouble with the intel video chipset and new xorg intel driver??? [14:06] Mr_Awesome: nope [14:06] looks like he passed the turing test ;) [14:06] Mr_Awesome: well shouldnt [14:06] jack_spratt, gutsy? [14:06] pike_: okay, i hope youre right [14:06] does dnsmasq use the same DHCP server as dhcpd? [14:06] anyone know where the cronjobs are hidden? I guess it has something to do with my 'sudo -s' [14:06] cas: /etc/crontab maybe? [14:06] cas: if we told you they wouldnt be hidden now would they [14:07] cas: sudo crontab -e or crontab -e [14:07] PriceChild: no, pclos, but im asking here because afaik its a cross distro problem. what do you know? i cant get video on my inspiron 1100 working on any newish livecd [14:07] cas: you should be able to see em with or without root i believe [14:07] jack_spratt, its very much a per distro problem. We can't help here. [14:07] how do i get my wireless working? [14:07] PriceChild: so does it work ok with gutsy? [14:08] cas, every user has a cronjob [14:08] is there a reason why some applications started by launchers in gnome cause a sort of ugly flash of what i can only describe as a box around the desktop before appearing as a window? it's not compiz as te problem is still there when its disabled. anyone? [14:08] jack_spratt, of course [14:08] PriceChild: lol [14:08] !wireless [14:08] PriceChild: well im skeptical but ill give it a go [14:08] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:08] PriceChild: thanks [14:08] jack_spratt, you can use the ubuntu desktop cd as a live session to test it, without changing your harddrive [14:09] PriceChild: ok sure, we are talking about the xorg driver one and not the official intel one right? [14:09] hey guys... i'm trying to write a bash script to rename all "front.jpg" files to "folder.jpg".... these files are in multiple sub-directories.... i've just about given up.. can anybody help me out? [14:09] PriceChild: because ive never seen that working, with pclos or mandriva or fedora or elive [14:09] jack_spratt, they both work for me [14:10] dr_pressure: just use find with -exec [14:10] PriceChild: what machine are you using them with out of interest - did you used to use the bios hack for video mem before this driver came out? [14:10] Anyone in here that may help me with a qemu network problem? I am simply trying to use -net nic -net user . The qemu embedded DHCP server does give eth0 in the VM the address expected but still the VM complain that there is no network link on eth0 and netoworking fails. ? [14:10] jack_spratt, no, it has "just worked" [14:11] PriceChild: hmm, on what machine? [14:11] jack_spratt, its a 945 chipset [14:12] PriceChild: this are root cronjobs, I added them with 'crontab -e' as the root user (sudo -s) [14:12] Is the flash issue only in Ubuntu? [14:12] cas, well then do the same again? [14:12] PriceChild: I tried, but my crontab is empty now [14:12] Leechzilla, we don't know. ask other distributions about it [14:12] jrib, okay this looks awesome... so exec will run the mv command from whatever directory find is currently in... is that right? [14:13] also as the normal user [14:13] cas, well then you didn't save it properly? [14:13] PriceChild: they're saved alright, the scripts are being executed, I would like to remove one of them [14:13] how do i update /etc/apt/sources.list ? === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [14:14] citm: from terminal or gui? [14:14] im in gui [14:14] dr_pressure: find -name OLD -exec mv '{}' NEW \; should recursively find all files named OLD in the current directory and execute 'mv old new' with appropriate paths. (untested) [14:14] i need to copy and paste from browser i think [14:14] because i had trouble during installation === denny is now known as denny^AFK [14:14] was going to copy from here: /etc/apt/sources.list [14:15] wait http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=721723a1850f673be39705d25ed7bb60&t=209617&page=2 there sorry [14:15] cas, well then edit it the way you did it the first time [14:15] citm: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list then after you make changes sudo apt-get update to cache new list [14:15] PriceChild: ok thanks ill certainly give it a go, and if it works, you just won a pclos to ubuntu machine convert ;) [14:15] thanks Pike :D [14:16] i have file on my Desktop that I cannot delete and wont be allowed to go to trash, how do I delete it. Tried rm ing it etc [14:16] which file? [14:16] i have file on my Desktop that I cannot delete and wont be allowed to go to trash, how do I delete it. Tried rm ing it etc.. anyone kbow how to delete it [14:16] its a folder [14:17] I put it there its empty [14:18] What do you guys think of the Kubuntu team deciding against putting out an LTS? [14:18] splog: what does it say? you dont have perm? [14:18] * syc_ mohon pamid [14:18] * syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb [14:18] Hi there, at the installation from a live CD on a iBook G3 Clamshell I get "The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror." until the set up of the base system. To fix it I tried to change the /etc/apt/sources.list and commented the cdrom drive out and do a apt-get update. But it still accesses the CD... [14:18] ...Rom and gives me the same error. Did I change the wrong config file ??? [14:18] splog: sudo chown -R $USER:USER $HOME <--- maybe [14:18] the move to trash window is greyed out [14:19] splog: are you comfortable using a shell? [14:19] !offtopic | holyguyver [14:19] holyguyver: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [14:19] splog: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME <--- maybe [14:19] splog: that will take care of permissions.. if its a gui thing id launch a terminal then cd Desktop then rm -fr ./foldername [14:19] not comfortable using anything yet but am trying [14:19] Hey guys [14:20] Can anyone help me with my wifi problem? [14:20] !ask | EdgeT [14:20] EdgeT: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [14:20] EdgeT i just had one myself and got it fixed [14:20] is the device showing up/ [14:20] Sorry:) [14:20] citm yep [14:20] regarding flash player so i guess for people who installed the 64 bit copy of ubuntu will have to wait for flash player to be released by adobe [14:21] under System > Admin > Networking [14:21] citm I can connect to it, tho, I can't do crap [14:21] ahh, no idea then [14:21] :S sorry [14:21] citm yeah, tho the only thing I can do once connected is ping [14:21] kenalex: why? [14:21] Perhaps I must mount the new system and chroot into it and change there the sources.list ? [14:22] hi to all [14:22] being there is no real advantage to 64bit....yet....using the 32 bit seems more logical [14:22] jrib:i tried installling flash onmy system and it said cannot install on x86_64 [14:22] oh well [14:22] time to download 32 ubuntu [14:22] kenalex: how did you try to install it? You realize you can run 32bit ubuntu on your system by the way? [14:23] kenalex: did you get the 64 bit versio [14:23] hello, someone know what psybnc is for ? [14:23] Jack_Sparrow:64 bit version? where can i get that [14:23] follow jribs advice and be fine.. [14:24] ubotu says that we have to wait until flashplugins non-free reaches the -updates since then it would be fixed, but it is in my updates does that mean ts fixed now and i should update ? [14:24] what's better @sudo iwlist scan: -80dBm or -88dBm ? [14:24] x-X-x: that means you have -proposed enabled [14:24] oh ok [14:24] jrib:how do i install flash on the 64 bit version [14:25] !flash64 | kenalex [14:25] kenalex: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [14:25] does anyone know a good english translator ? [14:25] kenalex: with nspluginwrapper. But you never answered my question [14:25] Is ther a special mirror needed for PPC ? [14:25] lollo: translate.google.com? [14:25] !ppc [14:25] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [14:25] jrib:yes i tied to install it [14:26] kenalex: pastebin 'apt-cache policy nspluginwrapper' [14:26] umh no i don't wanna open the browser to translate ... something like babylon ... [14:26] a program .. [14:26] thanks jrib and pike_ [14:27] hallo an ale [14:27] Hello. [14:27] !de | msisside [14:27] msisside: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [14:27] Is the the place I might ask an Ubuntu installation question? [14:27] Jack_Sparrow: Sure I was there. But there is no information about special mirrors or my mirror error. [14:27] quick question, is there a killcmos for linux? [14:27] Tux_help: sure [14:27] Hi there, at the installation from a live CD on a iBook G3 Clamshell I get "The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror." until the set up of the base system. To fix it I tried to change the /etc/apt/sources.list and commented the cdrom drive out and do a apt-get update. But it still accesses the CD... [14:28] ...Rom and gives me the same error. Did I change the wrong config file ???, Jack_Sparrow [14:28] ist hier einer , der deutsch oder french kann [14:28] msisside, /join #ubuntu-de oder /join #ubuntu-fr [14:29] hever_: did you have errors during apt-get update? can you pastebin your sources.list? [14:29] Ok, I am trying to install Ubuntu on an older gateway machine. I've downloaded the cd, copied it correctly (at least I followed *exactly* the instructions for 4 different software programs, so am convinced I have a good iso), but when I click install the installer starts but then indicates that there is no disk in the drive. [14:29] pike_: no errors with update.... [14:29] I have a dsl modem connected to a router, the dsl login is handeled through the router or through pppoe service on my computer? [14:29] I've tried using all-generic-ide, Linux no=nodma, noapic, etc. [14:29] But with no luck. [14:30] I am wondering if this might be a problem with having a DVD writer in the machine. [14:30] oh my god, i cant figure this out [14:30] i downloaded the original linux-2.6.22 source tarfile [14:30] Tux_hel have you tried the alternative installer? [14:31] and the diff file that ubuntu supposedly uses [14:31] I have and the mini installer, but all the same problem. [14:31] Tux_help: also you might want to boot up the livecd do lspci and copy thoose lines to a pastebin [14:31] but i can't apply the patch, because it seems to be reversed [14:31] Um, I'm not sure what that means. Sorry. [14:31] pike_: http://pastebin.com/ded14ee9 [14:32] pike_: The installer will use the settings made in the standard /etc/apt/sources.list ? [14:33] how to create a symbolic link to another folder i tried "sudo ln -s test /usr/share/rails" [14:33] hever_: oh wait youre still at install stage? [14:33] crolle17: same syntax as cp [14:33] Yes, I can't get the install to work. [14:33] pike_: yes I am. [14:33] pike_, syntax for cp is cp source_folder/source_file destination_folder [14:34] hever_: im not familiar enough with the installer id assume it uses the apt-get repos and not some hard coded stuff but youd be better off asking someone else [14:34] right chaps, got a question about compiz across 2 monitors... accelleration is working fine. i'm getting about 6000 fps on glxgears, which is as expected - but when the screensaver kicks in, it maxes both my processors, and the screensaver itself runs veeery slowly on each monitor. 7.10 / 64 bit.... any ideas? [14:34] pike_: On a live CD, all works until its going to set up the new installed system. [14:34] rsk: I'm not sure what that means. [14:34] crolle17: try full paths [14:35] pike_, and when i want ot create an s-link in the /tmp- folder? ln -s /tmp/test /usr/share/rails ? [14:35] How can I change the mirrors the ubuntu installer uses, or uses it /etc/apt/sources.list ? [14:35] hever_, sytem > admin > software sources, lets you choose the best mirror [14:35] creates a link called test in the folder /tmp linking to /usr/share/rails? [14:35] Laptop doesn't even seem to realize it has a wireless connection, iwconfig returns "no wireless extensions" on everything: Ideas? [14:35] PriceChild: Also at installation stage ? [14:36] hever_, do it after [14:36] hever_, ubuntu's instillation is designed to give you as little questions as possible [14:36] PriceChild: I can't finish the installation.... [14:36] rsk: is the live cd something that I can download? [14:36] Hi there, at the installation from a live CD on a iBook G3 Clamshell I get "The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror." until the set up of the base system. To fix it I tried to change the /etc/apt/sources.list and commented the cdrom drive out and do a apt-get update. But it still accesses the CD... [14:36] ...Rom and gives me the same error. Did I change the wrong config file ???, PriceChild [14:37] PriceChild: The problem is I cant choose another one... I changed the normal apt mirrors but this doesn't affect the installtion... [14:37] hever_, it won't [14:37] pike_, no. sudo ln -s /home/crolle/test /usr/share/rails doesn't create a link called test in /home/crolle/test. [14:37] ther e must be something missing [14:37] there [14:38] PriceChild: And how can I change the mirror of the installation? I must it change to finish the installtion... [14:38] Laptop doesn't even seem to realize it has a wireless connection, iwconfig returns "no wireless extensions" on everything. Anyone? [14:39] ln -s /usr/share/rails /home/crolle/test [14:39] crolle17: ^ [14:40] hever_, you shouldn't have to [14:41] pike_, lol i mixed it up... thanks [14:42] anyone got any idea why my screensaver mjght be smashing my cpu? [14:42] PriceChild: Did you read the error message? What can I do know? Yesterday I canceled the installation but it was not finished right up and not usable. And the error message tells me "Please try another mirror"... [14:42] hello, how can i recorde in ubuntu,? [14:43] rsfriends: record what? [14:43] my desktop [14:43] seen people do that [14:43] test [14:43] rsfriends: try xvidcap [14:43] ok thx [14:43] !screencast | rsfriends [14:43] hever_, I don't believe you need any network connectivity to install ubuntu. [14:43] rsfriends: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [14:43] PriceChild: you do [14:44] you don't [14:44] i just had troubles with my internet not working during the install of ubuntu, it hung at around 82% when connecting to mirrors [14:44] ok;) thx m8 [14:44] citm, you don't [14:44] citm, well then you have your network set up wierd [14:44] PriceChild: that list should include recordmydesktop rather than demorecorder [14:44] IMO [14:44] just unplug the cables etc. [14:44] popey, one min [14:44] demorecorder == commercial, recordmydesktop = in repo [14:44] * feni23 is searsching the cellar 0.ô [14:45] * feni23 is searching the cellar 0.ô -.- [14:45] (It's put it at the start of the list too - it's really very good) [14:45] hi there [14:45] !screencast | popey [14:45] popey: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [14:45] my "audio" group was deleted by mistake...how to add it again..anyone help [14:45] yay, ta PriceChild [14:46] How do I figure out why Ubuntu won't realize the laptop has wireless? Any suggestions? [14:46] PriceChild: I agree with you, but something semms wrong at the moment, so I'm going to change the mirror to internet... And I'm sure there is a way doing it... [14:46] I've got a package conflict. I can't install a newer kernel because it has removed support for my hardware, but now it won't stop trying to install "lvm2". Is there some way to remove that package from the install / required install queue? [14:46] popey, in future, "/msg ubotu factoid is foo" and we'll get it in -ops. [14:47] ok, thanks [14:47] my "audio" group was deleted by mistake...how to add it again..anyone help === {uX}l`VampyrCeil is now known as ceil420 [14:49] groupadd audio [14:49] might be good to use the previous gid [14:49] Gowmsy: you actually deleted the audio group or just removed yourself from it? [14:50] deleted the group [14:50] yeah, check man groupadd for details [14:50] hey [14:50] I would like to ask an installation question, please. [14:51] ok [14:51] I am trying to install Ubuntu on an older gateway machine. I've downloaded the cd, copied it correctly (at least I followed *exactly* the instructions for 4 different software programs, so am convinced I have a good iso), but when I click install the installer starts but then indicates that there is no disk in the drive. [14:51] Tux_help: it seems like the CD drive on that computer might be somehow broken [14:52] Tux_help: some older bioses support CDs in a non-standard way. The old-fashioned cure was to have a couple of floppies with special drivers. Maybe there's a special CD? Or yeah, the drive is broken. [14:52] It's the third computer I've tried, and they are all doing that - although they are all identical machines. [14:52] Pici: In order to join irc.gnome.org I need to instruct my Irssi with the proper network. The grammar is '/network add '. What have I to substitute for ? [14:52] hmm, nevermind me then, I be wrong :P [14:52] network add -host irc.gnome.org gnome [14:53] ksehx: to use groupadd for audio..i dont remember the previous gid...can i give any no. for that? === benzs_s is now known as benzss [14:53] would be "gnome" or something else identifying the network itself [14:53] I'm not sure what I might need to do to have floppies for special drivers with Ubuntu. [14:54] Gowmsy: you probably can, but you'd have to go back and set permissions manually, better to use old gid. (probably is group-owner of some audio devices) [14:54] Fedora works fine in these machines, but I am teaching a (very) basic class on Linux and would like to give everyone a look at Ubuntu. [14:54] So if I can't get it to view the drive, am I just out of luck installing Ubuntu? [14:54] Tux_help: I'd look on the ubuntu box I have here, but it appears to be locked while upgrading the kernel. And it's a production server. :-( [14:55] * k5ehx cries [14:55] I'm sorry [14:55] I've an installations problem too.Here's go the problem: I've installed ubuntu 7.10 it works and all now i try to install windows xp to make dual boot, when i insert cd and press any key to boot it writes system is expecting your hardware and then nothing happens if anyone has a clue what is problems ? [14:55] thankfully it's still up. :-) [14:56] hi all [14:56] Nsf: did you create a partition for your XP install? Usually I install windows first, then linux to overwrite the windows boot loader. [14:56] is there terminal server for linux via web [14:56] I read about xdmcp but it need xserver [14:56] if I have a dns server running on a computer on a network, to connect to that server from another computer on the network, the dns server would simply be the ip of the computer running the dns server, correct? [14:56] ltsp need pxe [14:56] Nsf: that doesnt sound like a problem with ubuntu.. xp does expect to be on a primary partitino and usually the first space on hd i think but may be a bad cd or cdrom [14:56] Nope [14:56] Ok, well, thanks for all your help. I guess I'll have to use a different distro. [14:56] i've first installed linux [14:57] Good luck with your server. [14:57] and then i tried xp [14:57] Cd is not bad cuz i used it before :/ [14:57] if "lshw -C network" doesn't show any Wireless NIC, does that mean the computer 100% surely lacks one or just that the OS hasn't picked up on its existance? [14:57] Nsf: I don't really know enough about the XP install process. [14:58] problem is that i can even to start install xp [14:58] and i really need it [14:58] !windows | nsf [14:58] nsf: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [14:59] ty [15:00] Nsf: I would up installing it in virtualbox [15:01] hi all [15:01] I've got dnsmasq and ipmasq running on my computer. I am not using DHCP with dnsmasq, only DNS. I am listening for incoming connections from eth0, but they never seem to come. I can't resolve anything from the computer connected to the DNS server. [15:01] I need it on disk :( [15:01] !sudo [15:01] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [15:01] burkmat: try ifconfig -a - but the OS doesn't know about devices for which there's no usable driver [15:02] What do I have to do to get support for fancy characters, like the double borders and the filled square, in the regular console? I tried switching to a VGA font, but that doesn't seem to be enough. I'm looking at these bash prompt examples and I can't get the characters to look right. Any ideas? [15:03] It look likes i have to go to the local computer master :S [15:03] smallGnome: "regular" console? gnome-terminal supports unicode, not sure about the vtys [15:03] Frogzoo: yeah, tried that, but ifconfig -a just tells me about "sit0", which I have no idea what it is, and nothing resembling a wireless connection. iwconfig doesn't just says everything lacks a wireless extension, and I'm actually beginning to doubt there's a wireless nic in this computer :P [15:04] sit0 being the only one I don't already know what it is. [15:04] any swedish people around here [15:04] !se | rimad [15:04] rimad: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se [15:04] burkmat: is it a centrino? also check dmesg for devices without working drivers [15:04] Frogzoo: I don't have X on this machine. And I don't want it. I just want to enable the fancy characters. If I type "echo -e "\333"" now, I get some weird character, and not the one from the bash prompt examples [15:05] How can I change the mirrors the ubuntu installer uses? I read in a forum its possible but they doesn't describe how... [15:05] (during installation) [15:05] # [15:06] smallGnome: in the old world that was called selecting the codepage. Not sure if that helps you any. :-) [15:06] help..i just ran Synaptic for the first time in days. Now I can't authenticate anything. getting the 'warning/malicious' message no matter what I download. WTF. [15:06] hey, I'm having problem finding drivers for ati radeon 3870 using ubuntu amd64, any ideas if they exist yet? [15:07] i should also note that this also happened when trying to load packages from the CD... [15:07] Frogzoo: Not very skilled with Linux, and not quite sure how I'd use dmesg to do that. :) It's a Compaq nc8000. [15:08] k5ehx: gave me something new to google for, at least. thanks :) [15:09] nobody seems to know how to do this anymore. it's just x, x, x all the time. that and xxx without spaces :/ [15:09] * smallGnome goes back to arpanet [15:10] wow, this place seems quiet today [15:10] a question! do you use linux : ) [15:10] yes [15:10] ;) [15:10] ... [15:10] Maybe everyone... knows what to do now? [15:10] does anyone know if open arena is multiplayer? [15:11] hell yeah it is [15:11] OpenArena, as Quake did, focuses on multiplayer LAN and Internet deathmatches. [15:11] openarena is good fun [15:11] deathmatch!!!! [15:11] so if I add the application for it [15:11] o_O [15:11] it will be multiplayer? [15:11] sweet [15:11] what is this open arena you speak of? === xchetan is now known as xppu [15:11] its a game similar to quake [15:11] bod_: something I'm hearing about way too late [15:11] Hi all. I have a problem with two ubuntu 7.10 installs. 1st, my laptop has been running 7.10 since it came out without any problems. Last week, I installed 7.10 on a IBM X3500. Since then, Whenever my laptop is "on" the network, no one can connect cleanly with the X3500. I've been turning services off on my laptop to try and see what/where the conflict is, but I can't find anything wrong. Anyone have any ideas?? [15:11] q3 got gpl'ed [15:11] i wonder if a dating firm named deathmatch would sell well... [15:11] out of that openarena came [15:12] freeware? [15:12] who have some advice for fresh bird Like me! [15:12] yes! [15:12] get it!! [15:12] ubuntunut, im always the last to no things [15:12] Fubarovic, is it in repo's? [15:12] I just fount out when looking for applications :) [15:12] found [15:12] i dunno, i don't use ubuntu :P [15:12] Hey Ubuntu people. I think I'm having some problems with the embedded ivtv drivers. Sometimes, the screen goes colorless. Is there any way to "reset" these drivers so I can watch tv properly again? [15:12] it's on debian, so probably yes [15:12] then why are you here :P [15:12] louish: What do you mean people can't connect cleanly to it? [15:13] louish: What protocol are you using to try to connect? [15:13] ubuntunut: when people ping it, the packet loss is over 40%, and when they ssh to it, it is slow. [15:13] louish: if your laptop disrupts the functions of another machine, the problem is either in your network or on the other machine. fix the security hole, don't avoid it [15:13] should i get the openarena-server ?? [15:13] Still looking for a way to find out if my computer A. Has a Wireless NIC, B. Just refuses to acknowledge its existance, C. Will be forced to run XP. [15:14] Tobias92: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf change the video driver to 'vesa' [15:14] bod_: You wouldn't want to run the server, no would you? [15:14] now* [15:14] ubuntunut, why? I think my nvidia drivers are working properly because initially, it does show colors [15:14] louish, what kinda ping times do you get if you ping your router? [15:14] ubuntunut: I've also booted with the 7.10 live cd (I thought it might be a bad nic in the laptop... [15:14] Tobias92: I appologize. I thought the ivtv drivers were video drivers. [15:15] Tobias92: I don't have any personal experience with ivtv, so I can't really help you that much [15:15] bod_: I get 0.791ms or 0.673 etc [15:15] ubuntunut, okay, thanks anyway :) [15:15] ubuntunut, im thinkin of it like CS:S where you can run a public server? i prob dont want to complicate something ive only just heard about i suppose ,.,.lol [15:15] louish, packet loss? [15:15] louish: And..? Were you able to ping on the live cd? [15:15] hey, I'm having problem finding drivers for ati radeon 3870 using ubuntu amd64, any ideas if they exist yet? [15:16] hever_: Administration > Software Sources >Ubuntu Software : Download from: [15:16] bod_: zero packet loss to everything else on the network. It's just the new 7.10 install that we can't connect too [15:16] bod_: Hehe, understandable. I would assume the server would let you run a public server... although if it's anything like q3:arena, you can ust host a server with the client if you were thinking of a lan game [15:16] ubuntunut: Yes, with the Live CD. There are no problems at all. [15:16] mahmoud_: Yes but I'm at installation stage... [15:16] ubuntunut, like hamachi,.,. ot,. yer, its downloading,.,.;) [15:16] louish, cant connect to at all? [15:17] Still looking for a way to find out if my computer A. Has a Wireless NIC, B. Just refuses to acknowledge its existance, C. Will be forced to run XP. [15:17] hever_: why do you want to do it at installation? [15:17] Trying to get wireless with madwifi. I have a seemingly useless device - wifi0 -that may be interfering. How to get rid of it? [15:17] bod_: when I boot from the hdd, I can connect, but when I ping there is like 60+ % packet loss [15:17] louish: That's very odd. what do you use the computer getting packet loss for? [15:17] burkmat: buy a good wireless card? [15:17] mahmoud_: At the installation from a live CD on a iBook G3 Clamshell I get "The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror." until the set up of the base system. To fix it I tried to change the /etc/apt/sources.list and commented the cdrom drive out and do a apt-get update. But it still accesses the CD... [15:17] ...Rom and gives me the same error. Did I change the wrong config file ???, [15:18] louish, ping ....... ping to where? what happens if you ping www.google.com? [15:18] burkmat: do a 'lspci' to list your pci devices. [15:18] ubuntunut: It's my primary w/s. I connect to TS services etc. I did have ntop running, and nfs and smb, but I turned them all off [15:18] hever_ : the way I told you would change the sources.list file itself ... [15:18] hever_: is that Ubuntu 7.10 ? [15:19] anyone got any idea why my screensaver mjght be thrashing my cpu? [15:19] bod_: Every ping to any "other" place works perfect. It's just fails when I ping the new 7.10 x3500 server [15:19] I installed ubuntu and chose 15gb for the partition, but now my partition in windows only has 15gb so im guessing i chose that wrong [15:19] because it's opengl,SleepingSloth ? [15:19] louish: After you'd installed a fresh system (7.10), did you experience packet loss before adding those services? [15:19] xz. d [15:19] mahmoud_, why is he editing sources.list before installing it? [15:19] how do i give some of the partition back to my windows partition? [15:19] hi [15:19] ubuntunut: no [15:19] Fubarovic, heh - no, idont think so.... [15:19] louish: So it must be something you'd installed post kernel, right? [15:20] louish, so theres a problem with some esettings somewhere,.,. are you using encryption? [15:20] bod_ : I am not sure.. I guess something is updating/installing a package .. hever_ : ? [15:20] ubuntunut: no problems at all. Just when this new 7.10 server was installed. And there are three others here that use 7.10 as well. [15:20] Fubarovic, admittedly its a 3360x1050 display across 2 screens, but i'm running a 6800gt, and i'm getting about 9fps on moebius screensaver... [15:20] ubuntunut, yeah... that tells me that I have no wireless. but so does iwconfig, ifconfig -a, and lshw. starting to doubt there's one in here. [15:20] bod_: no encryption [15:20] hi, can anyone help me configuring my ati radeon 7500 mobile for 2 screens? [15:20] Fubarovic, which is ridiculous, obviously [15:21] !ati [15:21] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [15:21] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [15:21] got those? [15:21] maybe someone nicked it... guess i'll have to get XP to see if it works in there. [15:21] it does not help :-( [15:21] burkmat: Sounds like a hardware problem of some kinda.... is it possible to try the card in a different pci slot? [15:21] damn, worked great for my nvidia card [15:21] louish, using the "slow" 7.10 machine, how fast is browsing the web? [15:21] burkmat: OR the card in another system? [15:21] mahmoud_, wierd [15:21] bod_: very fast === encKe is now known as cosm0z [15:22] louish, how many different machines have u got? [15:22] How can i change the size of the partition i installed linux on and give some of it back to my VistaOS partition? [15:22] citm: 'gparted' [15:22] in terminal? Cheers [15:22] !gaprted | citm [15:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about gaprted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:22] !gparted | citm [15:22] bod_: it looks to me, that the new x3500 and my laptop have some sort of conflict. I have two Mac's. 4 linux servers and 3 windows servers, and 20 w/s. [15:22] citm: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ [15:22] !gparted [15:23] Thanks :D [15:23] citm: in terminal, cfdisk or fdisk. if you want a gui, use gparted. [15:23] ubuntunut, I fixed it... and I won't tell you how because it's so pathetic. anyway, thanks for the help :D o/ [15:23] Cheers guys, you're so great [15:23] How does one get a scanner working in Ubuntu? I've got an Epson CX4900, and it's being recognised only as a printer (it is a printer+scanner) [15:23] louish, oh,.,. lol,.,. id say the problem is not with the "slow" 7.10 machine, merely with whichever one your pinging it with, or its your network,. but im not sure of a fix,. sorry,.,. all comps dhcp? [15:24] googled your model number + ubuntu RantingHuman? [15:24] mahmoud_: sry im talking from the pc im set up the new system to you and its not the fastest. Yes I'm on Ubuntu 7.10. I already tried to change /etc/apt.sources.list but now I alos tried your suggestion. one moment, let me see the result... [15:24] citm, yep :) only got issues about usb 2 [15:24] RantingHuman: a google search like site:ubuntuforums.org printermodel <-- may help [15:24] !sane [15:24] Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR [15:25] bod_: yes, they are all dhcp, except the servers. I'm sure the network is fine, since I've booted my laptop with the live cd, Everything is fine with connecting and pinging the x3500 7.10 server now. [15:25] 8 mins till i have open arena !! [15:25] louish, weird,.,. ok,. [15:25] pike_, did that, only got forum posts about usb 2 issues where the whole device isn't recognised [15:25] mahmoud_: it still not working. I think /etc/apt/sources.list settings doesn't affect the installer... [15:25] bod_: It's only when I boot from my laptops hdd that no one can connect to the x3500. [15:25] hi! the gamma-correction of nvidia-settings get reset after I use synaptic or the screensaver got used. I have to call nvidia-settings to get the gamma settings correct again. waht to do? [15:25] mahmoud_: and somebody told me already it won't affect it.... [15:26] louish, im not sure then m8,.,.sorry [15:26] My CDROM does not mount automatically when a new disc is inserted .. I usually have to umount/mount to work .. but it automounts at reboot. Any solution? [15:26] RantingHuman: oh well thats not too helpful :) [15:26] louish: is reinstall out of the question? [15:26] bod_: Yes, very weird. I'm guessing I'll just have to re-install 7.10 on my laptop. [15:26] louish: Also, does 'top' say anything odd when run on the laptop? [15:26] louish, drastic,.,. [15:26] ubuntunut: No. I'll just have to find a place to backup all my stuff. [15:27] hever_ : AFAIK the installer does not download packages .. I am not sure why it reports an error about the mirrors .. may be language packages? [15:27] ubuntunut: No, top just show's the normal stuff. That's why I'm scratching my head here.... At home I have no issues at all. It's only when I'm at work. [15:27] can someone explain to me how a package on the Canonical CD could be flagged with a warning upon install? [15:27] I've installed mono1.2.6 with bitrock installer and mono -V is still reporting 1.2.4 [15:27] i now get two drop-downs in the "Summary" pop-up under Synaptic. "NOT AUTHENTICATED" and "To be installed." Both drop down lists contain the same packages. I don't get it. [15:27] mahmoud_: Yes we're thinking the same way ;) But that means I must stop install and restart int again... ok I'll try it. [15:27] mahmoud_: Is your internet connection still up? [15:28] network is slow [15:28] louish: That really sounds liek a problem with the network of some sort. are you the admin there? [15:28] usr13_ : mine, yes [15:28] ubuntunut: Yes, [15:28] wyclif: That means that when you did you 'update' it couldnt connect to the repository servers. I suggest trying to update again. [15:28] ubuntunut: --- ping statistics --- [15:28] 412 packets transmitted, 412 packets received, 0% packet loss [15:28] round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.518/0.779/4.996/0.394 ms [15:28] louish: better question: have you set flow control and all that nifty stuff with ethtool ? [15:28] wyclif: via commandline: apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade [15:28] ubuntunut: no I have not [15:29] mahmoud_: But I'm not happy about the installation. On debian i got never such errors, and changing the installation mirror makes no problems during installation under debian [15:29] louish: Do you have custom settings at work that are different than at home? That can really throw you off. I know it messed up my connection to the uni here. [15:29] how to power off an ubuntu box remotely? [15:29] louish: Custom settings in duplex mode and such [15:29] from cmd line? [15:29] shutdown -p now ? [15:30] jsoft: 'man shutdown' [15:30] ubuntunut: No, On my laptop, Everything has been used from defaults [15:30] jsoft: halt [15:30] Is there another installation tool than the install link on the desktop ??? [15:30] usr13: why? [15:30] usr13_ : my net is working, why ? [15:30] how can I check whats going on with my pc to see why its "restarting" now and then? [15:30] louish: I meant at your work place. Your network isn't set up with some kind of wonky settings, right? [15:30] http://wiresmash.com/funny/really-cute-dancing-parrot/ so cute [15:30] hehehe [15:30] ubuntunut: nothing special at all. [15:31] mahmoud_: I thought you said that you were unable to install packages. [15:31] Is there an expert installation tool on the live CD ? [15:31] ubuntunut: Correct. Very simple setup. [15:31] sky_: you might check the temp if it gets too high often the bios is set to restart. maybe a memtest too i suppose or power issue [15:31] louish: Hmm. Do you use similar hardware there than you do at home? Maybe a higher/lower speed settings? Or maybe at home your network hardware can handle full duplex while at work only half? [15:32] pike_: didn't happen before I reinstalled ubuntu... === bingodeville is now known as bingodeville2 [15:33] ubuntunut: I have GB at home and work, Same brand of Switches, but they are different models. [15:33] jrib: I just sent you the python alsa-info module... [15:33] question: How do you specifically set a default bittorrent client? [15:33] sky_: might check /var/log/syslog [15:33] beernutz: right click .torrent file, select client? [15:33] Can somone here help me upgrade my bios on my asus motherboard? [15:33] lol anto [15:33] sure, just give me ssh access to it [15:33] How can I abort a running installation ? [15:33] Fubarovic, whats so funnie? [15:34] sky_: sure, that will LAUNCH it, but does it set it as the default client? [15:34] read the manual of your mainboard, anto [15:34] louish: Check the models. make sure they use all of the same settings. The littlest thing can mess you up. I wouldn't assume it was a problemw ith your laptop since you said it runs perfectly fine at home. [15:34] GUI frontend for partitioning shows my 160G disk, but then doing something at all, makes it crash, fdisk /dev/hda gives "unable to open /dev/hda" /me clueless now, wants to finally have his new machine installed [15:34] oh btw, pike, whats a chron anyway? [15:34] hello, I'm new [15:34] Fubarovic, the motherboard is 7 years old i do not have a copy of the manual [15:34] anto: the manufacturer should provide a disk image maybe floppy the problem is alot of em give it out as a .exe so im not sure how youll use it [15:34] anto, create a bootable dosdisk, create a second floppy with the bios flashtool and the new rom on it [15:34] sky_: cron job? [15:35] anto:usually involves downloading new bios, writing to bootable floppy or cd, then following gui prompts from dos at boot [15:35] anto: Why do you need to upgrade the mb bios ? [15:35] sky_: its like a scheduled task [15:35] stelt: are you sure that's where the harddrive is located in /dev/? [15:35] boot from the bootfloppy, swap the floppies and launch the flash tool [15:35] pike_: yeah, because I keep seeing that whenever it reboots... sorta [15:35] I have Ubuntu in VirtualBox [15:35] instructions should be included in the new bios rom, anto [15:35] it works great! [15:35] not exactly a reboot, but it goes into a dos-like screen for some reason [15:35] sky_: how often does this happen daily or once a week? [15:35] Jack_Sparrow, Because my cd driver does not work on it [15:35] also, be very carefully, if something goes wrong, your mainboard might be dead === michael__ is now known as mjbardel [15:35] you think an upgrade will help? [15:35] pike_: I haven't exactly monitored it long enough to discover a frequent pattern [15:36] anto: Rather odd.. does it work in windows? [15:36] but I think once a day [15:36] Fubarovic, someone told me it would and i realy need to reinstall my system on that machine [15:36] Jack_Sparrow, when i try to load the live cd it just says reboot error [15:36] louish: Anything click? [15:36] ubuntunut: The thing that bugs me is that, when I connect with the live cd (boot up) everything at work, works fine. [15:36] beernutz: right click, select properties and select a program to run it, not right click and run with. It works for me. [15:37] does anyone here hack? [15:37] Jack_Sparrow, when i googled on that + the philips cd player it said that i should try and upgrade the bios [15:37] anto: I think you are heading in the wrong direction [15:37] sky_: syslog might give you a clue as to which job it is maybe just pastebin the whole thing and tell us the time it occured [15:37] i don't believe that [15:37] yeah [15:37] try a different drive instead [15:37] one you know is working [15:37] louish: Yes, that is quite peculiar. [15:37] anto: May I look at the link... I have seen way too many flashes turn working hardware into doorstops [15:38] sky_: that seems like the ticket! Thank you! [15:38] Can anyone assist me with video not working in my Mozilla web browser? [15:38] Just installed ubuntu [15:38] pike_: aye, I think I'll just pastebin it, not very good at this. [15:38] mjbardel: what kinda video? [15:38] anto: Is this a new player you just installed or has it been working under another os [15:38] !flash | mjbardel [15:38] \join #hackthissite [15:38] mjbardel: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [15:39] pike_: in notice? [15:40] Hi, i installed ubuntu-restricted-extra's for the codecs. But in this package he installs also the Microsoft fonts. When i open google now i see the ugly times new roman fonts. How can i change this ms fonts to the original fonts? [15:40] Jack_Sparrow, it works when im runing ubuntu [15:40] Does anyone know how to get Apache to parse *.html files with PHP when using the "new" apache2 configuration structure for php? === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [15:40] !lamp | gogzme1 [15:40] gogzme1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [15:40] gogzme1, use ht.access === gogzme1 is now known as cdeszaq [15:40] anto: So when does it not work [15:40] Jack_Sparrow, when tring to load the live cd [15:40] pike_: http://pastebin.com/m5d750791 happened around 23:25 I guess. [15:41] sky_: Thank you, that works perfectly! Had been wondering where the default launch properties were. Now i can set for movies as well. FINALLY! lol.. Thanks again! [15:41] is your bios set to "boot from cd"? [15:41] Jack_Sparrow, it loads 3% then says Error reading boot CD: 8042009F [15:41] Give or take a few minutes [15:41] anto: So how did you install ubuntu in the first place? [15:41] anto, did you md5sum the iso before burning it? [15:41] louish; I appologize but I don't have the time to help you. Have class in a few moments. Good luck, and sorry I couldn't solve your problem. Don't give up, the answer is there. [15:41] beernutz: yeah, heheh. Its a bit of as hassle since you gotta do it for every file type, but you only gotta do it once for each file type :) [15:41] por favor alguem me ajuda?e eu estou com o cd de instalação do ubuntu 7.04 aqui, estou pronto pra instalar, mas quero particionar meu hd que tem 120 giga, pra deixar uma com o xp e a outra com o ubunto, como faço isso? por onde começar? [15:41] hello can you read this? [15:41] anto: That method works, but I am hosting a number of sites and I want that behavior to apply to all of them without having to write it into many different files [15:41] srobot: yes. [15:42] anto: I would just hate to see you run the risk of a bad bios flash when it is doubtful it will not fix the problem [15:42] cool! [15:42] Jack_Sparrow, i put that hardisk into this computer [15:42] Fubarovic, it works fine on this computer :S [15:42] I'm running Ubuntu on vBox [15:42] Hi, i installed ubuntu-restricted-extra's for the codecs. But in this package he installs also the Microsoft fonts. When i open google now i see the ugly times new roman fonts. How can i change this ms fonts to the original fonts? [15:42] sky_: did you restart yourself when you lost the desktop? [15:42] anyone else on VirtualBox? [15:43] then swap cd-drives, anto [15:43] anto: What about running the hd install.. and trying to read but not boot from the cd.. as in create an iso from it and md5 that [15:43] flashing will not make any difference [15:43] :( [15:43] no one here [15:43] anto: Or do you have the problem reading ANY cd's [15:43] pike_: no. Heres what happened. It "restarted" (went into some kinda dos-like window, which prompted me to login, I did), then there was some error about some gnome applet not loading/working properly, and it asked me if I wanted to delete it [15:44] can someone help me with a font problem? [15:44] Jack_Sparrow, i dont have problem reading from any cs [15:44] I selected to not delete it, and reboot, since it usually solves problem(yay for reboots) [15:44] Jack_Sparrow, i dont have problem reading from any cds* [15:44] searching for a txt-file containing the string "test" i have to do this, right? grep "test" *.txt [15:44] how do I connect to other IRC? [15:44] thomas_faddegon: I think there are mozilla options for fonts [15:44] sky_: ok so what happened is gdm crashed : gdm[19291]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 [15:44] you can disable the fonts on google [15:44] how come I can't change my KDM login theme on Gutsy? [15:44] srobot: /server newserver [15:44] pike_: gnome crashed? wha... [15:44] ok i'll search for a mozilla soltion [15:44] anto: But.. can you read the ubuntu cd from the running HD installation [15:44] Jack_Sparrow, what is the HD installation? [15:44] thomas_faddegon: I think you can uninstall those fonts manually via synaptic too [15:45] put that in the chat? [15:45] anto: You said you had ubuntu running on the hard drive [15:45] yeah [15:45] but its totaly fucked [15:45] anto: please watch the language [15:45] but the installer automatically download the fonts [15:45] anto: but it does run and can read cd's, but can it read the ubuntu cd [15:45] Jack_Sparrow, eehm teenagers now days :P [15:46] it's not a deb package [15:46] sky_: were you running firefox at the time? can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log too? [15:46] it says "Unknown command" if I type /server newserver [15:46] thomas_faddegon: yeah, the restricted set is one nice package it seems. [15:46] Jack_Sparrow, yeah [15:46] pike_, sec. [15:46] can anyone tell me how to configure my ati radeon 7500 mobility for dual head usage? [15:46] does anyone here run multiple monitors and compiz on an nvidia card? [15:46] but what is the default mozilla codec? [15:46] Jack_Sparrow, is it possible to reinstall ubuntu while beeing on the actual installed copy? [15:46] thomas_faddegon: You just change to the fonts you want. I don't really don't think you can globally switch to defaults, unless you were to uninstall the package that installed the new ones. On the browser: Edit -> Preferences -> Content [15:46] then i change is in my about:config [15:46] anto: then it is an issue of booting the live cd... does it boot a windows cd.. assuming you have one around [15:47] Jack_Sparrow, or should i try changing this cd driver to that computer since this one it older [15:47] I'm new to irc so please help!!!!! [15:47] Jack_Sparrow, it does i didnt have any problem with that before [15:47] ubuntunut, i know hardly anything certain when it comes to OSes [15:47] pike_, http://pastebin.com/m73b2fa3c [15:47] it says "Unknown command" if I type /server newserver [15:47] thomas_faddegon: huh? [15:47] thanks usr13_ and sky i'll try the mozilla way [15:47] anto: then you do not need to flash the bios. [15:48] anto: may we close the door on that subject and move on to getting the live cd to boot [15:48] srobot: srobot /server irc.freenode.net [were irc.freenode.net is the server you wish to use] [15:48] Jack_Sparrow, yea [15:48] eh tried to run gparted but it says i have to be root [15:48] would my root password be the same as my main account password? [15:48] but what are the default ubuntu fonts? [15:48] citm: sudo gparted [15:49] pike_: I also notice that the fonts sometimes change... oddly enough [15:49] !sudo > citm (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) [15:49] anto: While you may need to use the alternate cd... may I ask if you have been able to boot that particular ubuntucd in a different machine [15:49] citm: yes [15:49] : /server irc.freenode.net does not work... [15:49] thanks :D [15:49] srobot: You're already on freenode. [15:49] sky_: are you on 64bit? [15:49] oh... [15:49] now i know what sudo means :D [15:49] Jack_Sparrow, yeah i have on bvoth this and my laptop [15:49] pike_, yep [15:49] citm: also be sure to use gksudo to run gui apps as root [15:49] srobot: What irc client are you using? [15:50] : /server irc.hackthissite.org does not work [15:50] hey folks, I've got a problem with a NIC in a 7.10 server I've just built [15:50] I see the module for the driver loaded, and ifconfig shows the device, but it will not aquire an address [15:50] mii-diag says it gets a physicial link [15:50] anto: good... so that helps narrow down the problem. do you get to the start or install screen of the live cd [15:50] not sure how to get this extra space from my linux partition back to vista though [15:50] dont get resize option, its shaded out [15:50] usr13: the one that came with Ubuntu [15:50] SpaceBass: sudo dhclient [15:51] citm: Not on a mounted partition.... [15:51] how can I point mono to version 1.2.6 instead of 1.2.4 [15:51] srobot: xchat ? === dusty_ is now known as jimjones [15:51] citm, you need to unmount the partition before you resize it [15:51] Jack_Sparrow, yeah its when i try and load the live cd it loads 3% of the kernel and then gives me IO Error reading boot CD. [15:51] usr13_, times out waiting for address [15:51] Pidgin [15:51] Hello [15:51] sky_: what driver are you using? seems like an xorg problem and vesa would likely be a workaround [15:51] pike_, its like sometimes the fonts are narrow on the window title(prefer that) and sometimes they're sorta fixed-width [15:52] pike_: the restricted nvidia driver. [15:52] it wont let me unmount [15:52] anto: so.. at start or install you will hit F6 and try a variety of options.... I will list in a sec [15:52] SpaceBass: sudo ifconfig eth0 ; ping [15:52] citm, you are most likely using that partition right now, you can't resize it. Your best option is to run the ubuntu livecd [15:52] I just enabled it, but never really checked which one it's using [15:52] SpaceBass: Check your network conection' [15:52] usr: Pidgin [15:52] ahh thank you :D [15:52] what's vesa? [15:52] Windows or Linux ? [15:52] Jack_Sparrow, if you get this to work your my hero lol [15:52] ^^ [15:52] can i resize partitions from within vista? [15:52] AndreL, Linux of course [15:52] hauhauhuah [15:52] need help please [15:52] pidgin is not an irc client Try xchat [15:52] usr13_, its currently set to a static, this is a 10. network btw ... its a problem related to this specific NIC ... the forums suggest that its working for people post-install...but I dont seem to have the same luck [15:52] Windows , Linix or Mac? [15:53] srobot: pidgin is not an irc client Try xchat [15:53] citm, don't know. but you'll have the same problem since you're using that partition when using vista [15:53] just installed ubuntu, and when i try and put on desktop effect or compiz the screen goes white [15:53] anto: acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, noapic, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable is the full list that I have [15:53] usr13_, The physical layer is fine...confirmed several times over [15:53] usr: what do you mean? [15:53] Hello =) [15:53] sky_: i think this is a confirmed bug.. um you might simply try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose nvidia driver but see this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/140554 [15:53] SpaceBass: mtool [15:53] Jack_Sparrow, should i write that into the boot options after the stuff that is already there? [15:53] umm [15:53] anto: The one I use most to boot a stubborn system is noapic before the -- in the boot line [15:53] usr13_, one sec...bouncing the box [15:54] is someone around who has experience with ati drivers and 7.10? [15:54] how do I connect to /server irc.hackthissite.org? [15:54] pike_, so the problem is actually my gpu drivers going bonkers? [15:54] SpaceBass: Sorry that was wrong, just a sec. [15:54] anto: Just one at a time for the moment and if you can give the exact error it will help [15:54] usr13_ thinking about mii-tool and mii-diag ? [15:54] just installed ubuntu, and when i try and put on desktop effect or compiz the screen goes white [15:54] Jack_Sparrow, o well hell alot of testin mate [15:54] sky_: not the driver i dont think.. i think its an xorg thing not specific to nvidia driver [15:55] anto: It should only take a couple tries... [15:55] wow dude i love you [15:55] anto: what is your hardware asus but what model [15:55] I'll try that sudo thing first [15:55] Jack_Sparrow, i added acpi=off and it loaded directly :D [15:55] anto: Feeling better eh? [15:56] srobot, which client are you using? [15:56] SpaceBass: Yes [15:56] should I autodetect? [15:56] Jack_Sparrow, hell yeah thanks mate :D [15:56] Jupp2: Pidgin [15:56] What the best Linux Windows XP Solaris Z/os AS/400 Palm OS Cisco OS Minix Unix Multix OS/390? [15:56] anto: It makes my day too when I can help others [15:56] Whats the difference between nv and nvidia? [15:56] is it possible to specify a root directory for aptitude to do the installing? i want to install ubuntu-minimal in a specific folder to chroot to without using debootstrap. [15:56] anto: Welcome to Ubuntu [15:56] AndreL: linux. [15:56] srobot, sorry I've never used pidgin for IRC [15:56] ^^ [15:56] sky_: binary = nvidia open source = nv [15:56] !best | AndreL [15:56] AndreL: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [15:56] Jack_Sparrow, Haha my father is going to get annoyed now because he only gave me that pc as a server since he could not get it to reinstall ubuntu [15:56] usr13_, http://www.pastebin.ca/891346 ... short version: the link is established [15:57] hello, I have an external Western Digitial 1TB hard drive using NTFS file system which is currently no being able to be read/open. Any1 know how to go about getting this device visible/working? [15:57] Jack_Sparrow, i have already been using ubuntu for a year on this computer and my laptop [15:57] Jupp2: what do you use for IRC? [15:57] me noob [15:57] rsk: so its not the restricted one? [15:57] anto: Ohhh, is he gonna be happy with you... not [15:57] ^^ [15:57] how do i burn an .iso to a disc in liux? [15:57] srobot X-Chat [15:57] whereas nvidia is the restricted one? [15:57] sky_: correct [15:57] gaming-os, google "ntfs3g fuse ubuntu" you should find a solution [15:58] citm: right click and send to disk [15:58] 8-) [15:58] !fuse > gaming-os (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) [15:58] gaming-os, might be as simple as sudo apt-get install ntfs3g .... not entirely sure [15:58] Jack_Sparrow, ehm it stoped loading :/ [15:58] Jack_Sparrow, its just blinking an underscore [15:58] anybody out there, who has experiences with the hda-via-vt82xx chipset? [15:58] Can, someone help, when i enable desktop effect, or enable compiz, my screen goes totally white. Thanks [15:58] anto: lets add one other command.... [15:58] cheers [15:58] Jupp2: do I download the one for Fedora? [15:59] SpaceBass: Looks like it's working. IS that the only card in the box? [15:59] srobot: What are you trying to do? [15:59] download X-Chat [15:59] usr13_, no, its the onboard NIC, I have to use a PIC linksys NIC to get a connection currently ... I agree, that by all accounts it *looks* like its working [15:59] but its not [16:00] anto: lets add one other command.... before the -- add noapic [16:00] srobot: Install it from add/remove programs or synaptic. [16:00] !software > srobot (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) [16:00] jack_sparrow i dont have a addnoapic? [16:00] SpaceBass: Do you have it set to IP address that is in the correct subnet and all that? [16:00] i removed the mscore fonts. restart my laptop and hope this was the solution [16:00] The Xorg-driver-fglrx apparantly doesn't support any radeon card older than 9500, and mine is a 9250. I am therefore trying to install the latest drivers from the ati website which say they do support my card. Apparantly it dont like my version of Xorg. What version of xorg does 7.10 use? and dows anyonw knoe what i can do to fix this? [16:00] usr13_, I hate to do it b/c its a 2u case ...but time to order a realtek card I think [16:00] jack_sparrow for me it says quiet splash -- [16:00] srobot, it should be in the repositories. Are you sure is not installed by default in fedora? [16:00] SpaceBass: Can it ping itself? [16:00] Jupp2: I'm in Ubuntu [16:01] 7.10 [16:01] usr13_, even if I set a static IP, ifconfig shows no IP for that interface ... [16:01] anto: correct and where you added the other command... add this one.. noapic and also remove quiet and splash to be able to see where the problem is [16:01] usr13_, so no, I cannot ping that particular interface [16:01] SpaceBass: ping [where is the NIC in question] [16:01] roblems and equal performance [16:01] what's the first thing to do with a new harddrive? [16:01] Hey all [16:01] usr13_, times out [16:01] Boot options file=/cdrom/pressed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quite-splash [16:01] SpaceBass: Is it eth1 ? [16:01] yeah [16:01] Jack_Sparrow, Boot options file=/cdrom/pressed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quite-splash [16:01] How do i make a hard drive auto mount on boot up? [16:01] i this case [16:01] RaskahRat: for a 9250 you should use the free radeon driver less problems and equal performance [16:01] anto: remove quiet and splash [16:02] Jack_Sparrow, where should i add noapic ? [16:02] add the one you used a minute ago as well as noapic [16:02] before the -- [16:02] does anyone else have this problem with gaim, sometimes when i get an instant message while surfing, i click the aim window, my computer will stop for a couple of moments and itwill copy and paste whatever i'm looking at to the i.m. window? [16:02] SpaceBass: ping >? [16:02] one of my hard drives automatically mounts, but i dont know how i did that and i want my other one to auto mount as well [16:02] Jack_Sparrow, Boot options file=/cdrom/pressed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz -- [16:02] Ballin: Dont you mean pidgin? [16:02] Jack_Sparrow, like that? [16:02] usr13_, times out [16:02] SpaceBass: ifconfig eth1 [16:02] !mount [16:02] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [16:02] erUSUL, so you mean the one that is installed by 7.10 default? i want to be able to play games i read that the ati ones give far better performance. [16:03] hades: name i'm pretty sure it's gaim. unless pidgin is something else.. [16:03] ballin: Gaim became pidgin [16:03] RaskahRat: yes the default one... [16:03] anyone in the WI USA? [16:03] !auto mount [16:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about auto mount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:03] hades: ahh, maybe i should update it? [16:03] usr13_, http://www.pastebin.ca/891353 [16:03] !fstab [16:03] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [16:03] ballin, Definately! [16:03] srobot: sudo apt-get install xchat [16:03] SpaceBass: sudo ifconfig eth1 ; ping [16:03] Hey guys, ive changed the color of my taskbar thing t black, but now i cant read the words,. how do i change the font colour on the taskbar? [16:03] bear in mind that its set to a static address....yet ifconfig shows no address [16:04] hades: do you know how to do that ;D [16:04] add/remove? [16:04] ballin: are you using a fresh install of linux? [16:04] Jupp2: I'm new to Linux so I need a little more help [16:04] SpaceBass: ifconfig eth0 [16:04] In order to join irc.gnome.org I need to instruct my Irssi with the proper network. The command syntax is given in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/34128/ . What have I to substitute for ? [16:04] i mean ubuntu [16:04] RaskahRat: well it seems for gaming you are right http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=463&num=2 [16:04] Jack_Sparrow, i tried removing quite splash and just noapic it keeps jumping att end_request IO error, dev fd0, sector 0 [16:04] usr13_, all indications are that the driver in Ubuntu Server 7.10 is not functioning, but the module with the desktop version is [16:04] Jupp2: do you want to use remote computer thing? [16:05] SpaceBass: ifconfig eth0 [16:05] usr13_, can I cannot get the module to compile cleanly against the server sources ... so.... [16:05] hades: nah i installed this about a year or so back, it's updated.. but not to 7.10.. i didn't use it for a couple months and have finally gotten around to it [16:05] usr13_, http://www.pastebin.ca/891354 [16:05] srobot: Open up a Applications -> Add/Remove... [16:05] Hello. How can I start new windowed session in existing? [16:05] SpaceBass: sudo ifconfig eth1 ; ping [16:05] srobot: search for "xchat" [16:06] Which version of xorg does 7.10 use? [16:06] Ballin if you just do an update, Gaim should automatically turn into pidgin [16:06] or try using add and remove [16:06] usr13_, the ping times out [16:06] anto: Boot options file=/cdrom/pressed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz noapic acpi=off -- [16:06] RaskahRat: 7.2 === urix is now known as urixx [16:06] Jupp2: there is two options which one do I use? [16:07] anto: ok, good.. the error code.. one sec [16:07] srobot: first one is OK [16:07] RaskahRat, xorg or xserver? [16:07] SpaceBass: sudo ifconfig eth0 down ; sudo ifconfig eth1 ; ping [16:07] hades: all updated so i'm gonna try through add/remove [16:07] here goes [16:07] Jack_Sparrow, i left it loading and right not its loading into gnome but realy slow [16:07] erUSUL, oh thanks [16:07] xorg don't screw up now :( [16:07] first of all im sucha nuub :) - The question: Im trying to find the directory a game is instaled at. The name of the game is Eve-Online. Im trying to run 2 version of the game on this laptop. but i need to start one trough the GUI (what ive done already) and another by terminal (wich i havent yet). Because i dont know how to find the correct direcoty and launche the .exe in a terminal. [16:07] Jack_Sparrow, Dude its finished loading and i can reinstall!!!!! [16:07] anto: On one of mine, that fd0 error came up twice.. took a minute or two then the install went through just fine.. be patient when you see that error [16:07] goodhabit, yeah xorg [16:07] Goodafternoon everyone, I got a slight problem with my ubuntu... I got no sound [16:07] usr13_, same result ... times out ... same if I do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart too [16:08] Jack_Sparrow, i cant thank you enought had that problem for 2 years lol, never realy needed the server but now i have a school project that needs a host :D [16:08] usr13_, I really appreciate the troubleshooting help ... but think its time to order a PIC NIC [16:08] erUSUL, hehe great ati driver say 7.10 highest >_< [16:08] anto: One more hurdle and that is a possible ide error, but lets see how it goes [16:09] SpaceBass: What NIC is it again? Did you google for any known problems? [16:09] hellme [16:09] anto: When you get time, pass along your knowledge.... [16:09] yay! XChat works! [16:09] hades: no pidgin in add/remove [16:09] anto: Glad I could help [16:09] so nobody knows how to change the font colour on the taskbar? [16:09] Jack_Sparrow, will do :D but i spend most my time help school mates with there minor problem or programming php :P [16:09] bod_: Change your GTK theme. [16:10] ballin hold on [16:10] usr13_, Attansic ATl1 ... I've done a lot of google and forum searching ... the biggest issue is that people say its broken during the install but works post-install ... that would seem to be for desktop version only, not server [16:10] !xserver-xgl [16:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver-xgl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:10] !xgl [16:10] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [16:10] anto: Helping people any way you can is all I ask [16:10] ballin: what version of ubuntu you running? [16:10] anyone got any idea of what to do to get my sound working? [16:10] ballin, try synaptic instead [16:10] anto: Enjoy, time for me to get some work done [16:10] SpaceBass: IS this box fully updated? [16:10] Pici, i changed the colour of my taskbar to black, now want white text, bcause black on black is hard to read ,.,.lol,.,.dont really wont to have to change a theme,. is there not a config file somewhere that controls font colour? [16:11] Jack_Sparrow, i wish i coould have linux att school :( [16:11] anto: Soon enough [16:11] usr13_, ohhh yeah [16:11] !fstab [16:11] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [16:11] bod_: Not that I'm aware of. [16:11] anto, take in the live cd, wack it in there micro machines and use it,.,.works at my school [16:11] How do you update your fstab file? [16:11] first of all im sucha nuub :) - The question: Im trying to find the directory a game is instaled at. The name of the game is Eve-Online. Im trying to run 2 version of the game on this laptop. but i need to start one trough the GUI (what ive done already) and another by terminal (wich i havent yet). Because i dont know how to find the correct direcoty and launche the .exe in a terminal. SO get me to that file please! [16:11] pike_, hope the problem's fixed now [16:11] Pici, but if the text has colour, doesnt that mean somewhere it has o be told what colour to be? [16:12] hades_: gksu gedit /etc/fstab :) [16:12] sky_: yeah that sounds like a real headache [16:12] hello [16:12] hi [16:12] Pike: isnt that the same as sudo gedit? [16:12] bod_: Yes, in the GTK theme. [16:12] bod_: if i get cougth runing a linux live cd looading of a usb stick/cd they would take my laptop [16:12] hades_: more gui friendly though either will work [16:12] something real odd just happened too, pike_. [16:12] this is srobot [16:12] xchat works [16:13] Pike: some of my hard drives arent showing up in there tho.. [16:13] pike: they are mounted right now [16:13] SpaceBass: I see: "Hi, It seems you were using the vendor version of the driver. There is a newer version which works better" At: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=498778 [16:13] hi i'm new in linux, is there any way to play subtitles from other directoty then home of avi file??? [16:13] After doing that xorg config thing, I changed my monitor settings again(since I have these monitor drivers off a cd) and it prompted me to relogin, so I click the logout button... and I'm still logged in [16:13] hades_: youll need to add them to fstab include any options you used when mounting like umask=blah,notheroption [16:13] but the screen flashed somewhat, as if I was logging out [16:13] usr13_, thanks, hadn't seen that reply yet... I have that version as well, it won't compile against the server kernel headers [16:13] How would I find out what the usb external hard drive device is. I looked in fstab and its not listed in there and fdisk shows no partitions of the device so im guessing i need to mount it? [16:13] and patching code is way over my head [16:13] anto, hango on,. why cant you use your laptop instead of their computers,.,. recheck the school rules,. i bet their ignorant enough not to sy, students must use the microsoft os's we provide,.,.guarenteed,. if they do,. id do it anyway,.,.lol,. just refuse to have ur laptop taken from u [16:13] hades_: there is an automount script that i think does this for you for ntfs and fat32 [16:13] Is this gnome or kde Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 [16:14] with xchat how do I connect to irc.hackthissite at port 7000? [16:14] ? [16:14] Pici, where r the GTK themes? [16:14] hmm anyone? [16:14] Easy question [16:14] pike: do you know what this is? UUID=c00216b8-b996-424f-b79e-93ba180d5171 [16:14] bod_, then they would call the coops :( [16:14] hades: couldn't find it and i gotta get going, thank you anyway [16:14] SpaceBass: Yea, I had my doubts... well, there appears to be an issue tho [16:14] oh well [16:14] anto, america? [16:14] found a bunch under gaim, but nothing under pidgin [16:14] I'll go sleep now [16:14] goodnight. [16:14] Is Ubuntu Gutsy gnome or kde? [16:14] ballin: what ubuntu you using? [16:14] bod_: See: System>Preferences>Appearance [16:14] hades_: sadly yes.. its a good thing in theory but makes the files seem more intimidating than they used to [16:14] !uuid | hades_ [16:14] hades_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [16:14] Lukdax, gnome [16:15] ok [16:15] usr13_ at least I feel like Ive taken it through the right troubleshooting steps at this point [16:15] :) [16:15] bod_, sweden [16:15] i think gutsy [16:15] i could be wrong === Ranting_ is now known as RantingHuman [16:15] sky_: night good luck [16:15] SpaceBass: Did you do 64 bit install? [16:15] ballin: well good luck with it. [16:15] do any of you guys install the 64 bit verion of ubuntu ? [16:15] pike thanks [16:15] hades: thank you =] [16:15] ronny1 i did once [16:15] usr13_, at first (6gb of ram in this box) but then went back to 32bit when it was apparent there was a problem with the driver in 64bit [16:15] it's not a big problem, just a minor inconvenience. [16:16] good day all [16:16] ronny1, but i had tons of compability problems so i changed back to 32 bit [16:16] ronny1: only if i need to address more than 4 gigs of ram. the speed increase is minimal and isnt worth it to me on my desktop [16:16] i'll see you, next century. [16:16] next [16:16] century [16:16] is there any way to play subtitles from other directoty then home of avi file??? [16:16] anto, ah,. england here,. they dont care wot we use aslong as we use something,.,.lol,.,. thats bad news for u then [16:16] pike_, oh before I go, can you PM me the command again? [16:16] usr13_, there are some subtle differences in 7.10 that have taken me a while to adjust to .. so its likely after a few weeks I'll find the problem [16:16] SpaceBass: Ok, good, well, I guess the easy thing to do is get another nic [16:16] It seems that it wasn't logged properly [16:16] Pici, cheers dude [16:16] sky_: the reconfigure command? [16:16] yeah [16:16] !mathematica [16:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about mathematica - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:17] usr13_, yeah...like I said, 2u case and needed the PCI riser for a eSATA card...but I can hold off on that for now and put a realtek nic in there [16:17] anyone know for any how to mathematica = [16:17] thanks pike_ [16:17] frojnd: did you search help.ubuntu.com? [16:17] Hi all :) [16:17] I'm tyring to find out which of these is my laptop monitor and which is my extenral VGA port [16:17] jrib, no but thanx for a clue [16:17] http://pastebin.com/d2c1a3c05 [16:17] !bash [16:17] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [16:17] ronny1, liklely you'll find you have more driver issues than benifits from 64bit [16:17] bod_, they are so worried about there pathetic network but i can still access dos and go mad on there network [16:18] excuses, i need a place for learning linux commands :-s [16:19] !cli | MohammadBoozary [16:19] MohammadBoozary: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [16:19] anto, my school were stupid enough to leave the run dialog on there machines,.,. lol,.,. that was a funny day,. the techs were there for hours fixin something that was hardly broken,,.,. i love it when the kids r smarter then the tech guys,.,.;) [16:19] I'm tyring to find out which of these is my laptop monitor and which is my extenral VGA port: http://pastebin.com/d2c1a3c05 [16:19] how do I join irc.hackthissite.org? [16:19] srobot: /server irc.hackthissite.org [16:19] bod_, i know more then most of our tech guys lol [16:20] erUSUL where do I type that into? [16:20] srobot: your irc client [16:20] okay [16:20] thats cause all your tech guys use windows,.,.lol,.,. they have prob only used a command line twice in their career,. and i bet they were following a how-to when they where using it [16:20] In order to join irc.gnome.org I need to instruct my Irssi with the proper network. The command syntax is given in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/34128/ . What have I to substitute for ? [16:21] any tricks on installing ndiswrapper? [16:21] srobot: that's a generic way of accessing servers specific irc clients have server lists etc [16:21] bullgard4: whatever you want [16:21] !wifi > tygir (read the private message from ubotu) [16:22] any trick to installing Ubuntu Server on a Mac? [16:22] thank you erUSUL! [16:22] bullgard4: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup [16:22] does anyone have any experience getting a broadcom wifi chip to work? [16:23] Anyone got time to help me get my sound working? [16:23] The screen said to insert 'install video=ofonly' if I got a white screen, so I did, and I got a white screen anyway [16:24] nakerlund, $ lsmod | grep snd [16:24] nakerlund: What sound card? [16:25] I got a built in ac97... on a nforce3 motherboard [16:25] bullgard4: i think its your realname [16:25] nakerlund, lsmod | grep ac97 [16:25] bullgard4: ok? [16:26] nakerlund, see if the module is loaded, then we can continue determining why your sound does not work properly [16:26] jrib: that site isn't helping too much with installing ndiswrapper...i need to compile it and i dont know how... [16:26] danbhfive: My real name is not to be substituted there. Definitely not. [16:26] !bcm43xx | Tygir [16:26] Tygir: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [16:26] nakerlund: Bring up a terminal window and type in command: lsmod | grep ac97 [16:26] Tygir: that site definitely links you to what you want [16:26] Umm ok... hold on a second :) [16:26] erUSUL: i'm at that site now, trying to figure it out...im a newb... [16:27] bullgard4: well, its a switch that allows you to put in your real name, thats what it looks like. put in a fake name, no one cares [16:27] i am ingparted live and i have got unallocated space, how do i allocate it to a partition? [16:27] nakerlund: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal [16:28] Hey guys,. is it possible to have my wallpaper be a slideshow? [16:28] ousr13, did that and it says it is found and the driver is snd_indel8x0... [16:28] bullgard4: it's just a name that you give so you can refer to the network... [16:28] bod_: slideshow? [16:28] bod_: No, but it [16:28] bullgard4: GNOME or GIMPnet or whatever [16:28] danbhfive, change every few mins for another picture in a folder [16:28] bod_: No, but it's possible to have one for screensaver. [16:28] jrib: i just can't find it then i guess... [16:28] usr13, i no you can do it for KDE [16:29] bod_: Its your lucky day, because I just so happen to have a link [16:29] bye [16:29] is there any easy way to change the scroll wheel speed in ubuntu 7.10? [16:29] bod_: Really, didn't know that. [16:29] danbhfive, legend,.cheers dude [16:29] I have ubuntu 7.10 and my screen brightness keeps going back down low everytime i boot [16:29] bod_: maybe I'm wrong. [16:29] usr13: Do you want to know what it says word for word? [16:29] Tygir: well, ndiswrapper should not be the first thing you try first off, and erUSUL had ubotu directly link you to the broadcom page [16:29] hi [16:29] usr13, its really standard on KDE its just a right click on the desktop away [16:29] bod_, don't know about kde, but you could write a script using Esetroot or some other wallpaper-setter [16:29] jrib: I will give it a try using 'GIMPnet'. [16:29] jrib: yeah i have that open...the native driver wont connect...im also trying to figure out how to install wicd [16:30] nakerlund: No, ... but you see several entries, right? [16:30] tomd, you lost me at Esetroot [16:30] bod_, aptitude install Eterm and you will get Esetroot [16:30] usr13, Yes four lines [16:30] bod_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=329164 [16:30] it's a command to change wallpaper [16:30] Tygir: I don't know anything about it, just tell the channel exactly what you did and the result [16:30] is there any easy way to change the scroll wheel speed in Ubuntu 7.10? [16:30] tomd, what is it? [16:30] I changed my settings in /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness [16:30] why I can hear music from notebook speaker but I can't if I use the jack? using external box or headphones? [16:30] bod_: I've never tried it myself, so good luck with that [16:30] but when I reboot its back to really dark......... [16:30] bod_, changes the wallpaper from the terminal [16:30] danbhfive, cheers dude [16:31] tomd, ok,. il look into it ty [16:31] nakerlund: In that case, the modules for your sound card are loaded, and it should be working. So, now make sure you have your sound turned up; Right click on the speaker icon at top and choose "Open Volume Control" [16:31] bod_, you could have it read wallpapers from a list and schedule it to go off every few minutes with at [16:31] first of all im sucha nuub :) - The question: Im trying to find the directory a game is instaled at. The name of the game is Eve-Online. Im trying to run 2 version of the game on this laptop. but i need to start one trough the GUI (what ive done already) and another by terminal (wich i havent yet). Because i dont know how to find the correct direcoty and launche the .exe in a terminal. SO get me to that file please! [16:31] is there a shortcut for picking up nicknames when you write to someone? [16:31] nakerlund: [16:31] I got the volume up as far as I know.. I've tried unmuting everything too [16:32] What''s the path for firefox for flash install? [16:32] nakerlund, how are your speakers connected? [16:32] Yes, they are connected... I got sound in vista [16:32] nakerlund, no, I didn't ask if they were connected [16:32] nakerlund: Make sure your speakers are plugged into the right port. [16:32] tailsfan: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins is the plugin dir [16:32] nakerlund, I asked where you pluged them in [16:32] morning [16:32] nakerlund, just because something works in windows doesn't mean it will work in linux. [16:32] is there any easy way to change the scroll wheel speed in Ubuntu 7.10? [16:32] nakerlund: If there is a port labled headphones, try that one. [16:33] tomd: sorry I missread, they are connected in the port... I'm not sure exactly what it is called [16:33] nakerlund, sounds issues, im guessing ? [16:33] nakerlund, I had put my headphones in a front port before on windows and it worked, later I discovered it was using software emulation or something to put the sound on that port... I had to connect it with a wire inside my computer for it to work under linux. [16:33] nakerlund: Did you "Open Volume Control" yet? [16:34] nakerlund, well is it the port directly on the sound card? [16:34] neverblue: Yes, sound issues :) [16:34] nakerlund, all the hardware works fine? (sound card, speakers, headphones) [16:34] Xserver-xgl slow [16:34] help pls [16:34] nakerlund: Did you "Open Volume Control" yet? [16:35] tomd: I don't have a front port.. only the one mounted directly on the board [16:35] !xserver slow [16:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver slow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:35] nakerlund, ah, laptop? [16:35] nakerlund: Is anything muted, or truned all the way down? [16:35] onboard in any case [16:35] !xserver [16:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:35] nakerlund, volume control by default I don't think shows you every switch. [16:35] It isn't muted or turned down.. I've checked all the settings several times [16:35] It is very slow the xserver-xgl any solutions [16:35] .me wishes that VBox would support 3D Graphics :( [16:35] and not a laptop... [16:35] Hi everyone.. === harveylee is now known as fwaokda [16:35] nakerlund: Did you "Open Volume Control" yet? [16:36] lukasz: don't use xgl [16:36] nakerlund, what are you playing a sound with to check? [16:36] ok What do I use then? [16:36] Sure!... [16:36] hmm [16:36] nakerlund: Did you see that PCM is not turned down? [16:36] I've made it show all devices it can [16:36] erawfish, ? [16:36] nakerlund, use 'alsamixer', in a terminal [16:36] usr13: not turned down, now [16:37] nakerlund: Did you see PCM ? [16:37] usr13: Yes... it looks fine to me.. turned up almost to the top === travkin_ is now known as travkin [16:37] g [16:37] I got a weired problem here. When I take my laptop into "sleep" and open the screen again the light on my screen is gone. I can see the login box, but it pretty hard. [16:37] nakerlund: You turned PCM up? [16:38] It works in Windows xp and Ubuntu 6.06. [16:38] usr13: Yes... all the way [16:38] Plz: Press power button. [16:38] Anyone know what I should do to? My laptop is Fujitsu Siemens E8110. [16:38] nakerlund, how are you testing the sound? what are you attempting to play sound with? [16:39] I will reboot [16:39] Plz check the forums for others with a similar issue? [16:39] nakerlund: Did you try plugging the speakers into different port [16:39] be back in a bit [16:39] usr13: It much more faster and better to use the "sleep" function. Like when I on school and don want to lose everything I working with. [16:39] tomd: I'm testing my sound in "sound preferences" [16:39] nakerlund, try 'alsamixer' [16:40] neverblue: I haven\t done that yet. Was looking at Ubuntu.com and it says you can join this channel for help. [16:40] neverblue: alsamixer doesn't give anything.. [16:40] nakerlund, have you selected alsa for all the choices? [16:40] nakerlund, sudo aptitude search alsamixer [16:40] namely, playback. [16:40] nakerlund, then run it, once installed [16:41] Plz, thats the only help I can recommend [16:41] nakerlund: Bring up terminal and type alsamixer [16:41] hi there, how can I set/make a directory: drwx-wx-wt ? === Lappis- is now known as Lappis_ [16:41] neverblue: I get two rows.. alsaixergui and gnome-alsamixer [16:42] nakerlund, install [16:42] how do i allocate unallocated space in gparted? [16:42] usr13: I got the alsamixer up [16:42] hi all [16:42] (although I am not sure why you dont have the alsamixer installed already) [16:42] nakerlund: See that nothing is muted or turned down, especially Master and PCM [16:43] neverblue: Do you know what that function is called in english? In Norwegian it "hvilemodus". [16:43] Hello, could anybody please tell me how I can remove entries from the gconf database, whose schemas have been uninstalled? [16:43] nakerlund, i think you might want to check your spelling (or use tab-completion to finish the command) [16:43] Plz, i have no idea what your talking about [16:43] frafu: #gnome might be of more help there [16:43] pike: thanks [16:44] nakerlund: Also, try plugging the speakers into differnet port on sound card, (may need to use headphones if it exists). [16:44] neverblue: What was I supposed to install? [16:44] i need to move unallocated space from dev/sda4 to dev/sda3, any ideas? [16:44] usr13: I've tried all ports... [16:44] citm: what fs are you using? [16:44] Instead of turning of your computer you put it into sleep. Everything you have on the screen is saved into the ram, so you can get it up very fast when you open the laptop screen. [16:44] where do i find the thing that refers to my harddrive so i can run fdisk on it? [16:44] nakerlund, what was returned from the results.... [16:44] stelt: /dev/sda [16:44] gparted live [16:45] but are /dev/sda4 and /dev/sda3 ext3 file systems, or something that's resizable? [16:45] list [16:45] I can't seem to get GParted to partition my hdd. Says that it won't let me because "most likely" there is a partition attach to it but there isn't. [16:45] stelt, type mount to see your currently mounted drives. run fdisk /dev/sd[X] and type p to see your partitions [16:45] nakerlund: That's about it, we've covered all the options. Just go over them and see if you missed one. YOu can test at the terminal with command: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [16:46] neverblue: The alsamixer list? [16:46] stelt, where X is a-d [16:46] let me check [16:46] stelt, and use the proper fsck for your filesystem. [16:46] stelt, if you have reiserfs, you need to use reiserfsck [16:46] sda3 is extended, sda4 is ext3 [16:46] nakerlund, seems your having a problem following instructions, good luck! :) [16:46] usr13: Ok, I'll go through them all again... Thanks for now [16:46] stelt: sorry, wrong person [16:46] nakerlund: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [16:46] nakerlund: Ctrl-c to stop it. [16:46] citm, e2fsck -j for ext3 [16:47] sorry? [16:47] * citm is a total linux newb [16:47] citm, are you trying to fsck? [16:47] hola [16:47] fsck? [16:47] !fsck [16:47] citm, what the fsck are you talkin about? [16:47] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [16:47] how would i partition my hdd to dual boot xp? [16:47] who ever it is that gives a fsck, let me know if you still need help [16:47] !dualboot | Masse [16:47] Masse: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [16:47] dont make my mistake and chose the % you want to give to linux [16:47] that % is what you're keeping for windows [16:47] nakerlund: Try: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp and see if it gives you some sort of error. [16:48] citm, so ext3 is not really easy to resize, but if you have enough space to put everything (temporarily) onto one of those partitions, it's fairly straightforward... [16:48] ciao [16:48] don't make the mistake of keeping windows ;) [16:48] hrmm.. theres plenty of space its basically a brand new computer [16:48] ext3 is only 15 gigs though [16:48] theres 50 unallocated in it [16:48] DRebellion: Thanks alot [16:48] before it [16:48] so what are you doing with the unallocated space? [16:49] which is the channel to ask questions about the alpha release? [16:49] give it back to one of my windows drives [16:49] usr13: Tried that already but Im doing it again now... [16:49] hello [16:49] nakerlund: You can leave cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp running while you test. [16:49] pdlnhrd: #ubuntu+1 [16:49] I see. Okay, so the first thing I would think of is this (and it's a lot of steps, but none of them too hard): [16:49] thanks pike [16:50] usr13: Tried all the ports now and it is running still [16:50] cheers cjones [16:50] * citm gets his laptop on his lap [16:50] cjones, keep it to one line, if too large, use pastebin [16:50] tomd: Ubuntu is nice and runs faster then WIndows, but windows still have some function I miss in Ubuntu, like better compability for games and windows programs and the weired sleep mode that fails. [16:50] Sorry about that [16:50] cjones, ah sorry, didnt realize u were replying [16:50] no worries [16:50] Plz: which windows programs? [16:51] Plz: How does the sleep mode fail? [16:51] Okay citm, before I start giving directions, I think I should understand your situation fully [16:51] hi all: I installed kde4 to test it, I recently remove it, but when I reboot, it doesn't login into gnome it stays in terminal, how do I fix this? [16:51] when installing ubunto i chose 15gb from my D:\ drive, which i thought would give 15GB to my linux partition, but it worked the other way [16:51] So let me see if I have it straight. You have a system with some windows drives, [16:51] Joelito: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm <-- might fix [16:51] and left my D:\ with 15gb [16:51] then some empty space, then an ext3 file system [16:51] usr13: If it helps, this is a new install of ubuntu 7.10... and sound didn't work on the live CD either [16:51] Plz: well, I don't care about games or software suspend, so I'm pretty happy without it. Besides, the more users who migrate to linux the more games that will be developed for it. and it's only a matter of time before the developers hammer out software suspend/hibernation [16:51] usr13: When I turn the machine on again from sleep mode the light on my laptop screen is gone... I can see the login buttons, but it really hard. [16:52] pike_: trying [16:52] Plz: Are you taling about trying to come out of sleep mode? Did you try pressing power button? [16:52] sda1 is my restore partition on my laptop, sda2 is the main C:\ drive, D:\ is sda3 and linux is on sda4, sda4 is ext3, with 50gb of unallocated space before it [16:52] Not to mention that with a little investigation you could probably fix your suspend problems. I personally have problems with returing from sleep on ubuntu. [16:52] * Timon_Crazy bbl [16:52] Usr13: Yes, I have and the same thing happends. [16:52] Plz: Just hit enter. [16:53] oh i actually need to get it to sda5 which is under sda4 [16:53] Plz: Because it will be on Cancel [16:53] I press the power button and I come back, but my Xsession is over and networking fails.. I need to reload those modules and start a new X session [16:53] and thats ntfs [16:53] usr13: i will test it now then. [16:53] Okay, does parted do resizing of ntfs drives? [16:53] cjones, gparted, yes [16:54] i can resize them, but i can only seem to take space from anything thats directly before/after it [16:54] great, thanks [16:54] Right, so where do you want your linux partition? At the end? [16:54] Or in the middle? [16:55] i dont really care, at the moment it is at the end.. [16:55] Hello, I have the following function http://pastebin.com/d7dc971eb to get the user input and enforce it's a number in the specified interval (0.255), now I wish to add the default choice, so this function must return char(-1) if user just hits ENTER. Any suggestions? [16:55] Now my screen is black and I can see a shit. This is what happening when I turn the machine on from sleep mode. [16:55] brb.. [16:55] ARES: you want ##c :) [16:55] jrib, nobody answered me in ##c [16:55] ARES: be patient, that is the proper channel [16:56] citm: The ntfs partition is at the end? [16:56] Does anyone know of a command line program that i can use to copy stuff to the clipboard? [16:56] Okay, so what I think you want is: restore part, windows part (making it bigger), linux part. Correct? [16:56] is there an easy way to increase the amount of lines used on the mouse scroll wheel? [16:56] Or did you want a d: drive, as well? [16:56] jrib, no it isn't because it's a C++ not C code :-p [16:56] wouldnt mind the D:\ too [16:56] citm: Are you using gparted liveCD? [16:56] pike_: worked! Thanks :) [16:57] yup gparted live [16:57] ARES: heh, ok ##c++ then [16:57] Okay then, restore, windows, windows, linux [16:57] right? [16:57] * jrib missed the couts [16:57] Joelito: cool np [16:57] btw. Plz your problem is ACPI related, try DSDT override patch and fix your ACPI (decompile with iasl, then compile again) [16:58] citm: And what you're wanting to do is to shrink the ntfs partition and move it to the end? [16:58] How does one go about fixing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/147134 ? [16:58] no i just want this unallocated space back in the ntfs partition [16:58] but i cant seem to move it up past the linux-swap [16:58] what do i get in a server installation? [16:59] citm: I think you can do this: first, create a new ext3 partition of 15 gigs at the end of the drive. [16:59] urs13: Do you know why the light on the screen is just gone? [16:59] second, copy everything from the current linux partition to the new one [16:59] Slart you there? [16:59] third, remove the current linux partition === Plz_ is now known as Plz [17:00] citm: delete linux-swap and then move it. [17:00] fourth, resize the ntfs partition to take up the extra space [17:00] or yeah, usr13_ has a good suggestion, too [17:00] Either way with those, you'll have to do some fiddling around with your /etc/fstab and probably /boot/grub/menu.lst [17:00] (once you're done with the rest of it) [17:01] citm: delete linux-swap, you can re-create it afterwards. [17:01] Lettuc3: sure.. I found out why lyx won't work with eps-files [17:01] hi [17:01] Slart im in offtopic. [17:01] } [17:01] it says its not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions [17:01] hello all [17:01] Evrything is fine now :) [17:01] hi all [17:01] I need to get visual effects working [17:01] citm: That is true. [17:01] I need help getting the touch screen working on my TravelMate C110 [17:01] !visual effects [17:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about visual effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:01] Did you already create the fourth primary partition? I always make that one extended [17:01] Who can help me? [17:02] !visual [17:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about visual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:02] hmm [17:02] linux-swap does not have to be primary [17:02] theres the restore partition (came with laptop), C:\, D:\ and then the linux partition [17:02] how can I get visualk effects working [17:02] Are there any good packages to help me setup internet connection sharing on ubuntu server? [17:02] clear [17:02] If you have your linux-swap as a primary partition at the end, then do what usr13_ says [17:02] i have a problem. i just had to install a new motherboard with an onboard graphics card. my old card wont work in it. i cannot get ubuntu to work with the new graphics either, every time i boot up it tells me to pick a graphics card. my board is an ECS 671T-M with a SiS 671/968;Mirage3 Vid. and im trying to run ubuntu 7.10. i can get it to work as far as the GUI but its locked in at 800x600 and wont do any of the pretty st [17:02] Wait, so is there even a linux-swap partition? [17:02] Yes cjones [17:03] No, I mean on citm's setup [17:03] hello, trying to fix gutsy system, geting errors Segmentation fault from: bash, cat, chmod, any idea [17:03] ahh sry cjk [17:03] cjones* [17:03] no worries [17:03] :) [17:03] yup - its sda6 [17:03] Hello, I have the following function http://pastebin.com/d7dc971eb to get the user input and enforce it's a number in the specified interval (0.255), now I wish to add the default choice, so this function must return char(-1) if user just hits ENTER. Any suggestions? [17:03] If you want to help me, let me know if you can fix problems with setting up ubuntu clients for NIS [17:04] Any solutions to visual effects? [17:04] kOndenzatOr, when did you start getting errors from those utils? [17:04] !visualeffect [17:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about visualeffect - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:04] !visualeffects [17:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about visualeffects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:04] hmm [17:04] Okay citm, then that should be an extended partition [17:04] tomd> before 2 days ago [17:04] !msgthebot > lukasz (read the pm from ubotu) [17:05] it is an extended partition, still 4 primary ones though [17:05] kOndenzatOr, was it the result of something you did? are you running servers to the open internet? [17:05] what do i get in a server installation? [17:05] ok DRebellion [17:05] kOndenzatOr, when did this problem first arise, what did you do last [17:05] sveakex: server stuff :) (no gui) [17:05] Anyone know a tutorial for visual effects [17:05] Right, but the fourth primary should be where the extended partitions actually reside [17:06] what is the root password [17:06] DRebellion: is it like a minimal gentoo installation? [17:06] !root | skipity [17:06] skipity: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [17:06] or arch [17:06] tomd> last thing i remeber is update od kde packages, i'm behind nat and servers are not exposed [17:06] the unallocated space is under the dev/sda4 primary partition, and i cant get it up to the dev/sda3 or the sda5/sda6 that is under the sda3 partition [17:06] !server > sveakex (read the pm from ubotu) [17:06] Hi there! vsftpd won't work ; when I try to FTP the machine, there's an empty directory (even from the machine itself)! What could be wrong? [17:06] is there a way to adjust the size of fonts on the nautilus gnome desktop? === kaare_afk is now known as kaareS [17:06] is there a way to make the dotfiles appear dimmed whilst still being shown inside of nautilus? (like in konqueror and thunar). [17:07] Okay, so what error does it give you when you try to get it up to the sda3 partition? [17:07] dont get errors, it just wont let me move it to there [17:07] Okay, what about resizing the sda3 partition? [17:07] Anyone know how to get visual effects working [17:07] citm: There is no unallocated space within a partition, it is just unallocated space on the drive. === bruenig|laptop is now known as bruenig [17:08] lukasz: you mean compiz? [17:08] usr13_, I think citm means that the unallocated space is sitting between partitions [17:08] well its unallocated at the end of the drive and it wont let me move the other stuff down and it up [17:08] yeah [17:08] kOdenzator, aptitude install coreutils [17:08] yup [17:08] kOndenzatOr, aptitude install bash if you can still use aptitude of course [17:08] xgserver-xgl is bad [17:08] kOndenzatOr, if not, use a livecd [17:08] xserver-xgl* [17:08] lukasz: what card and what driver [17:08] citm: You cant move over other partitions, they have to be in the same order, unless you want do delete one and re-create it, (therefore loosing data that was stored on deleted partition). [17:08] kOndenzatOr, and chroot [17:08] cjones: Yes, you are correct. [17:08] I have an Ati Intergrated MotherBoard 200 bazhang [17:08] i dont mind deleting the D:\ drive and recreating it [17:08] it was completely empty [17:08] i can't seem to partition my hdc1 because it says it is mounted to the " / " is there a way around here [17:08] but it had the linux-swap under it [17:09] tomd> no i can't boot system anymore, now i use live cd and chroot [17:09] ok im trying to copy files to /etc how do i go about it [17:09] citm, what do you mean by "under it"? [17:09] lukasz: then install ccsm; compizconfig-settings-manager [17:09] citm: delete linux-swap [17:09] ok thnx bazhang [17:09] kOndenzatOr, ok [17:10] the linux swap isnt a primary partition, dev/sda3 is the primary partition, and it has my D:\ (sda5) and the linux swap (sda6) as partitions underneath it [17:10] tomd> reconfiguring coreutils can't help, and can't reinstall bash [17:10] whatever a non-primary partition is/ [17:10] kOndenzatOr, why? [17:10] Okay citm, then do what usr13_ says and just delete linux-swap [17:10] kOndenzatOr, do tools like chmod work in the chroot env? === brittany is now known as Sambie [17:10] You can then recreate linux-swap later [17:10] lukasz: if you have the correct 3d driver for your card then alt-f2 compiz --replace will start it up you can adjust the various plugins in ccsm [17:10] tomd> no, same problems [17:10] kOndenzatOr, I am suspecting glibc is the culprit [17:11] tomd, a-d all give "Unable to open" :-( [17:11] full name of ccsm bazhang [17:11] stelt: fdisk [17:11] stelt: type 'p' [17:11] kOndenzatOr, try reinstalling glibc [17:11] !ccsm | lukasz [17:11] lukasz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [17:11] are horizontal sync / vertical refresh rate, these things, really necessary? [17:11] kOndenzatOr, i've never used apt to install with an alternate prefix [17:11] how to go about giving myself the privlages as the root user [17:11] in xorg.conf [17:11] kOndenzatOr, I'd have to look up how === LifeHacker is now known as tuxmaniac [17:12] zombie_monkey: most of the time the autodetection is just fine [17:12] k thanks, how do i recreate my linux swap? [17:12] or do i even need to? [17:12] tomd> i try reistaling libc6, one version down, and get samo problems [17:12] thnx [17:12] skipity: no need for root just use sudo [17:12] kOndenzatOr, interesting [17:12] Well, you don't technically *need* to, but it is useful [17:12] kOndenzatOr, let me see the dependencies of chmod real quick [17:12] I would say that once you're done with everything else, make sure you have a little room at the very end of the drive, and create it there. [17:13] thanks :) [17:13] now I will restart [17:13] be back in a bit :) [17:13] i have a problem. i just had to install a new motherboard with an onboard graphics card. my old card wont work in it. i cannot get ubuntu to work with the new graphics either, every time i boot up it tells me to pick a graphics card. my board is an ECS 671T-M with a SiS 671/968;Mirage3 Vid. and im trying to run ubuntu 7.10. i can get it to work as far as the GUI but its locked in at 800x600 and wont do any of the pretty st [17:13] just not sure how to name my partition, the new partition is called New Partition #1 [17:13] Thank You bazhang [17:13] which i know is just my analness, but is kinda bothering me :p [17:13] np [17:13] zombie_monkey: I wouldn't recommend removing them just for the hack of it, although I think the x server will try to autodetect things anyway (probably?) [17:13] kOndenzatOr: What all did you install from outside the official repos? Did you ever use automatix or envy (both bad ideas) [17:13] Hmm, I don't remember that part very well citm... [17:14] !w [17:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about w - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:14] tomd> i use just official repositories [17:14] hi everyone. I have a Program that i want to use. But consists of .c files. How can i compile them. (I am using Ubuntu 7.10) [17:14] !msgthebot [17:14] kOndenzatOr, maybe reinstall your kernel [17:14] !statr www [17:14] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [17:14] citm: Gparted will name it for you, or you can use fdisk [17:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about statr www - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:14] !start www [17:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about start www - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:14] ceers [17:14] kOndenzatOr, the only other thing utils like chmod depend on other than the linker and libc6 is the kernel itself. [17:14] cheers* [17:14] what is the command to copy files the the /etc directory [17:14] asd [17:14] d [17:14] d [17:14] d [17:14] d [17:14] d [17:15] d [17:15] d [17:15] d [17:15] kOndenzatOr, hence ldd `which chmod` [17:15] d [17:15] Almost have wireless set up. What's proper - ifconfig ath0 up, dhclient ath0, or dhcpcdath0, or something else? [17:15] ozcu: please /msg ubotu keyword [17:15] ozcu: Please stop [17:15] tomd> i have 3 kernel images and is samo on all of them, even failsafe dont work [17:15] oops [17:15] So does anyone have experience running ubuntu in an NIS setup (with NFS /home)? [17:15] how do i make an extended partition? [17:15] any one can help me? when i use wine dosbox it notice me that [17:15] err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font [17:15] cjones: sure [17:15] err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font [17:15] err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font [17:15] err:wineconsole:WINECON_Fatal Couldn't find a decent font, aborting === goga is now known as dru2id [17:15] !paste | selila [17:15] selila: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [17:16] kOndenzatOr: Those kinds of problems dont seem to happen to people that stay inside the repos and have not used one of those scripts [17:16] citm: gparted will automatically make extended partition [17:16] skipity: cp copies files. [17:16] im clicking on my unallocated space at the bottom [17:16] that i left [17:16] selila: You might try asking in #WInehq [17:16] kOndenzatOr, your problem might be with ld.so [17:16] thanks ! Jack [17:16] and i click new and it just gives me an error about not creating more than 4 primary pratitions [17:16] kOndenzatOr, i am trying to figure out what package to reinstall [17:16] partitions* [17:16] Jack_Sparrow> i use official repos [17:17] kOndenzatOr: what about those scripts [17:17] kOndenzatOr, run sudo ldconfig [17:17] kOndenzatOr, it is safe to do [17:17] kOndenzatOr, it will regenerate /etc/ld.so.conf [17:17] actually [17:17] it reads from that file [17:17] worked it out, got to make it an exteded one first :D [17:17] it doesn't update it [17:17] tomd> i try that, nothing hapend [17:18] kOndenzatOr, it's looking pretty bleak then [17:18] kOndenzatOr, even though you have 3 kernels [17:18] kOndenzatOr, try installing one again [17:18] kOndenzatOr, I am trying to figure out how to get you a new ld.so [17:18] hey guys [17:18] So, i just quit gparted and it will save my changes? [17:18] hey all ! [17:18] Okay sipior, maybe you can answer something for me then... [17:18] anyone here got 2min left to look at that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=686574 [17:18] ? [17:18] kOndenzatOr: Since you have not answered that question,, after I asked twice I will assume you did youe one of those scripts.. and that isnt something you are going to be able to fix [17:19] kOndenzatOr, ls /lib/ld-linux.so.2 [17:19] can some one suggest me how to switch on my bluetooth device on my lap ? [17:19] kOndenzatOr, do you have it? [17:19] using gutsy [17:19] model : inspiron 1525 [17:19] tomd> jes [17:19] tomd> yes* [17:19] could some1 help me figure out what device my external usb hard drive would be using. I have an internal using sda1 (root) sda2(extended) sda3(swap) but I have no clue what my usb harddrive device is so I can mount it [17:19] I just installed ubuntu on a machine in my lab (currently all debian). [17:19] jmdc ok great i got its would be sudo cd file file [17:20] When I try to login as a network user (gdm login -> gnome session), I just get a blank screen with the mouse. [17:20] cjones: kindly prefix your question with my nick, as it will be simpler for me to follow [17:20] cjones, can you get to a tty [17:20] sipior: Right, will do [17:20] how do i make gparted do these 20 pending operatinos? [17:20] kOndenzatOr, can you get me a core dump of chmod failing? [17:20] bruenig: yup, no problems there [17:20] kOndenzatOr, at least a backtrac [17:21] e [17:21] cjones, can you start x from there? [17:21] citm, resize your gparted window [17:21] or try to get the gnome-session rolling that way? [17:21] kOndenzatOr, gdb `which chmod` [17:21] citm, theres a button to apply the changes [17:21] bruenig: yeah, gdm is running fine. it's once I log in that the problem occurs [17:21] kOndenzatOr, set args 775 /home/kOdenzator/testfile [17:21] cjones, log in in tty, then kill X and then try to start the gnome-session manually [17:21] bruenig, ah, good idea [17:21] kOndenzatOr, then type run [17:21] !ccsm [17:21] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [17:21] kOndenzatOr, if you get that far. type bt [17:21] any idea what the button looks like? sorry [17:21] kOndenzatOr, and paste me all of that [17:22] cjones: also, have you defined the hostname in /etc/hosts? this sometimes confuses X [17:22] the terminal the hard drive, the light gloe? [17:22] globe* [17:22] citm, its a green... thingie [17:22] tomd> just sec [17:22] cheers [17:22] sipior, yes, I have [17:22] citm, did you resize the gparted window ? [17:23] tomd, sorry to be a nitwit, but where do i type "P" ? [17:23] yeh, i actually found apply changes in the menu [17:23] window didnt seem to be hiding anything [17:23] thanks :D [17:23] Hello, I have the following function http://pastebin.com/d7dc971eb to get the user input and enforce it's a number in the specified interval (0.255), now I wish to add the default choice, so this function must return char(-1) if user just hits ENTER. Any suggestions? [17:23] stelt, make it easy on yourself [17:23] stelt, run sudo cfdiskj [17:23] so you can apply the changes now ? citm [17:23] stelt that is actually : sudo cfdisk [17:23] Yup they are applying [17:23] think it might take a while though [17:24] cool, u got an idea to my problem maybe ? [17:24] kOndenzatOr, paste me the backtrace in a /query [17:24] can some one can help me with configuring bluetooth ? [17:24] cjones: and does anything interesting show up in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? [17:24] * citm checks out the thread [17:24] ARES: One suggestion is to find a programming channel... this room is for ubuntu support.. thanks [17:25] ukraine women are HOT [17:25] unagi: i think you're looking for #puberty. try there. [17:25] toneman77: do external speakers work if you plug them in? === kOndenzatOr is now known as damir_1105 [17:25] why would saying ukraine wo,em are hot signify that i haven't hit puberty [17:26] unagi: that is ot in here.. thanks [17:26] mmm.. eastern european women [17:26] * citm drools [17:26] unagi: cmon stop [17:26] because all ukraine women are under 12? haven't you seen the pics on usenet? [17:26] no? [17:26] haha, i havent [17:26] citm, id ont have external speakers [17:26] holy crap i didnt mean to start anything...... [17:26] unagi: Please stop this discussion... now [17:26] i did once see a doco on a ukranian women who was recruited as a sex slave though [17:26] well anything negative..... [17:26] !ot | unagi tomd citm [17:26] unagi tomd citm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [17:27] does anyone know how to set the page margins so that it remembers it all the time in open office ? [17:27] bazhang, sorry [17:27] I have to keep changing it every time [17:27] oh crap [17:27] omg [17:27] this isnt offtopic [17:27] Hrm, i really am not too sure.. did you get linux on your vostro laptop? [17:27] or did you install it later? [17:27] i am so sorry! =( [17:27] What do I have to do to get support for fancy characters, like the double borders and the filled square, in the regular (vty, not X) console? I tried switching to a VGA font, but that doesn't seem to be enough. I'm looking at these bash prompt examples and I can't get the characters to look right. Any ideas? Are there any howtos on this? [17:27] sipior: no, it doesn't. Just the ususal starting X stuff, modelines, etc [17:28] cjones: and does the failsafe login work? [17:28] citm: i installed it afterwards. and it worked like a charm. until i installed the backports modules [17:28] unagi is a bit silly [17:28] citm, after that, everything went wrong [17:29] sipior, yes it does [17:29] not even sure what backports are :S sorry toneman, too much of a linux newb to help you I think :( [17:29] cjones: also, you might try temporarily moving the .gnome .gconfd and .gnome2 directories, see if some of your gnome preferences may be stuffed [17:29] in grep when using "-B 1", how do i ignore the "--" between diffrent findings ?? [17:29] sipior, I did try that. I actually blew away all my .gnome* and .gcon* directories [17:29] Guest38180: pipe it through grep -v "--" ? [17:29] cjones: gnome has a habit of getting confused on occasion [17:30] cjones: any other users have trouble starting X? [17:30] Pici: heh.. nothing better ? [17:30] sipior: All NIS users [17:31] cjones: you can see your home directory when logging in at the terminal, right? [17:31] hey I have a strange problem in hardy now [17:32] Can you guys help me with something [17:32] sipior, yes [17:32] coolbhavi: You need to ask in +1 for hardy [17:32] could you pastebin your /etc/nsswitch.conf? [17:32] !ask | Celes [17:32] Celes: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:33] neverblue in open office how come I cannot set my page margins to be the same measurements all the time? why must I adjust it everytime :( [17:33] Have installed ubuntu to ms vm 2007 and screen is unreadable, remember being told I'd have to change the bit depth? but how do I do so from a console? [17:33] cjones: also, does "ypcat passwd | grep " return anything? [17:33] Celes, no idea, sorry [17:33] perhaps the ubuntu forums would help? === _Khamael is now known as Khamael [17:33] Celes, this may help on the OO tabs:ttp://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Getting_Started/Setting_tab_stops_and_indents [17:34] hi all. im trying to upgrade to hardy, but the cpu frequency scaling doesnt work correctly. my laptop always switches off because the cpu becomes too hot. is there a possibility to stop the frequency scaling from working (tried stopping powernowd but doesnt help) so it keeps running at a low frequency? (i need to use the cmdline) [17:34] Celes, there is an OO channel on here too, possibly [17:34] !hardy [17:34] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [17:34] sipior: sure, firing up firefox... [17:34] sipior: yes, it returns my user information (uid, gid, home dir, shell) [17:35] hello people ^_^ [17:35] hmm [17:36] i've got the flash issues [17:36] !hi [17:36] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:36] freakyy: maybe you can change the cpu governor (to ondemand or powersave) [17:36] sipior: sorry, firefox isn't starting, so I'm installing elinks to get to pastebin [17:36] but ubotu (topic) is offline [17:36] Gringo_: Flash is broken... see channel topic [17:36] cjones: no worries [17:36] Celes, here's the link agin in proper form: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Getting_Started/Setting_tab_stops_and_indents [17:36] Gringo_, /topic #ubuntu [17:36] freakyy: sudo cpufreq-set -g powersave (iirc) [17:36] neverblue: msg ubotu flashissues [17:36] you try that [17:36] tomd, "sudo cfdiskj" ==> "command not found" [17:37] Gringo_, keep the posts to one line please [17:37] is there a expert tool for installing ubuntu with more config options ? [17:37] hever_: the alternatecd ? [17:37] Is there a way to list existing hard disks, including unmounted ones? [17:38] rockets: fdisk -l [17:38] yeah I went to that link and it doesnt tell you how it will remember your measurements:( [17:38] probably need to do that as root [17:38] rockets: make that sudo and last letter is L [17:38] stelt, remove the 'j' it was a typo [17:38] thanks Jack_Sparrow [17:38] Jack_Sparrow: Yes I'm downloading it. Nothing on the live cd ? [17:38] In uni if you have the wrong margins the prof wont look at your paper.. thats that :( [17:38] whats another good web browser for ubuntu? [17:38] How can I tell if a computer is running 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu? [17:39] hever_: not really.. live is more of a one shot deal... I may get flamed for that statement... [17:39] ADemiG0D, ephiphany konqueror opera midori elinks etc. [17:39] Jack_Sparrow, unmounted disks? [17:39] jorah: uname -m [17:39] jorah, well, the hardware is one, and software is another [17:39] Celes: what about making a new template? [17:39] yeah, it looks like I have 32 on a 64 bit machine [17:40] how do I do that Jack_Sparrow ? [17:40] sipior: okay, http://pastebin.com/d20737f28 [17:40] Celes: I am a bit busy, but I would create a document with margins and all that I need and save it [17:41] cjones: does removing the nisplus solve the problem? [17:42] cjones: are you really running nisplus? i didn't think that was used anymore :-) [17:43] Sigh Jack_Sparrow :( [17:43] sipior: No, that's just old configuration stuff from the admin before me. [17:43] sipior: but removing it doesn't help, either [17:43] What do I have to do to get support for fancy characters, like the double borders and the filled square, in the regular (vty, not X) console? I tried switching to a VGA font, but that doesn't seem to be enough. I'm looking at these bash prompt examples and I can't get the characters to look right. Any ideas? Are there any howtos on this? [17:44] okay, so flash installation is broken, but AFAIK this has been the case for weeks. There must be a way to install it anyway, no? === crd1b is now known as crdlb [17:44] cjones: i'd also remove the mdns business from the dns line. are you running a normal dns? try just hosts: files dns [17:44] hi, I need help [17:44] Celes: It does work... I just tried it.. [17:44] I have just installed Gutsy and I can't get fglrx working [17:44] sipior, will do [17:45] I dont know how to make a template [17:45] did you ever think that [17:45] is there a compiz-fusion repository available somewhere [17:45] hello, i am having problems with java. i have installed "sun-java6-jre" and the plugin but neither work. [17:45] Gringo_: You pointed to the link earlier.. have you read it.. enabled the repos and tried to install it? [17:45] cjones: another quick question: how long do you let the blank window go before killing X? could there be a long dns/network timeout? [17:45] with latest builds ect ? [17:45] I have installed fglrx via restricted drivers configuration stuff, but after I reboot Ubuntu, I get a screen with loooow resolution and no 3d acceleration [17:45] it breaks :((( [17:45] Celes, check online, google should help with that [17:45] and the gtk xorg config stuff pops up [17:45] any ideas? [17:46] check your xorg.conf stjepang [17:46] stjepang, nvidia maybe? [17:46] Celes: open a new document... set the margins on a blank page. save that page and it will be your template [17:46] !enter | stjepang [17:46] stjepang: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [17:46] sipior: The longest I've let it go is about five minutes [17:46] Celes: FYI, oo does have a channel.. and good docs [17:46] Algyz: sure, after I earn some $$$ [17:46] D0pamine: yeah, it seems veeeery broken [17:46] whats oo? [17:46] stjepang, it is good idea ;) [17:46] Jack_Sparrow: no, i thought you just pointed me to the topic. what repos ? :) [17:46] cjones: hmm...that should be enough [17:47] openoffice possibly? [17:47] Celes, open office [17:47] sure [17:47] Okay [17:47] !flashissues [17:47] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [17:47] I have a 160G harddrive, love free software and promote it (i want Ubuntu installed), have a very new machine with special stuff (that probably only Vista has all necessary drivers for, so i want Vista too) and i have some very old software that i need to run (so i also want XP). What's the best option partition wise for this triple boot? I preferably want to install Ubuntu first, as i haven't found the other CDs yet. Suggestions? [17:47] sipior: It's really sad since I often get to watch everything appear, and then disappear. [17:47] if i have a file with the layout "HEADER\nsomething1\nsomething2\...\HEADER\nsomething1\nHEADER\..." (a list of header and something afterwards" and i want to make a script which makes each line have "" ? [17:47] D0pamine: There isn't even dri in modules section there :-o [17:47] I had a temper tantrum over the flash yesterday so my brother had to fix it for me [17:47] nopaste plz [17:47] sipior: and then I'm left staring at either a brown color or the default background [17:47] if you use the X icon in the upper right corner of a window to close it instead of the "close" button, will the changes you've been making in it be discarded? [17:47] hello, i am having problems with java. i have installed "sun-java6-jre" and the plugin but neither work. [17:48] After I have added it, xorg log says: (WW) "dri" will not be loaded unless you've specified it to be loaded elsewhere. [17:48] cjones: wait, but the panel and everything pops up briefly? [17:48] celes I just did it too--with ease you can too [17:48] i'm having trouble with a new graphics card and ubuntu can anyone help? [17:48] Jack_Sparrow: oh, so i should enable repos called -proposed ? did realise... I'll figure it out tnx ! [17:48] np [17:48] bazhang I tried like 10 times [17:48] s/did/didn't/g [17:48] stelt, sound like alot going on there, you want to install win products first, you can run virtual machines if you want [17:48] and I couldnt get it [17:48] bazhang: :) [17:48] I dont know terminal [17:48] nor coding [17:48] im not a computer nerd [17:48] thats all [17:48] I have an issue with Bluetooth. I want to transfer files from my notepad to my mobile phone and vice-versa. The problem is, my phone cannot detect my pc. [17:49] !enter | Celes [17:49] Celes: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [17:49] After my .mp3 song finished playing, I don't want, that VLC player open another window. How can I do this? Is it depends on KDE 3.5.8 or VLC? [17:49] sipior: Yup. panel, icons, everything (not every time, but often). Then they disappear. [17:49] Gringo_: no you shouldn't if you are not familiar enough with ubuntu/debian and apt becouse packages on proposed are in beta and can brake things [17:49] cjones: okay, that's bizarre [17:49] Gringo_: better wait til the flash fix land in updates [17:49] !java | phroughy [17:49] I mean VLC always attempts to open second window [17:49] !java [17:49] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) [17:49] ruby [17:49] I want next song to be played in the same VLC window :) [17:50] erUSUL: I agree... but he seemed dead set on getting flash.... DEAD is the key word [17:50] is gnome-terminal compiled with 256 color support in gutsy? [17:50] sipior: that's what I thought. Now on the suggestion of the earlier user, I started it from a tty [17:50] sipior: and that gets some weird errors... [17:50] cjones: pastebin those, that could be useful [17:50] my xorg.conf is broken. How do I repair it? [17:50] I have a query please. [17:50] I have a sort of strange problem with gtk. [17:51] celes open open office [17:51] sipior: Bonobo and nautilus warnings (including "Can not determine work area, guessing at layout") [17:51] stjepang: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [17:51] sipior, okay, just a sec [17:51] !ask | Roy [17:51] Jack_Sparrow: I can't write it from scratch... :) [17:51] can someone help me to make firefox QUIT taking over when i go to places => FTP site? it opens firefox instead of using ubuntu's nautilus and its really annoying. ideas? [17:51] erUSUL, thanks. I have an issue with Bluetooth. I want to transfer files from my notepad to my mobile phone and vice-versa. The problem is, my phone cannot detect my pc. [17:51] cjones: also, no joy after fixing up the dns entry in nsswitch.conf? [17:51] celes you want a walkthrough? now is the time [17:51] Roy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:51] stjepang: Then you need to explain your problem more thoroughly [17:51] Jack_Sparrow, that template thing you told me doesnt work [17:51] ubuntu feisty server lamps setup: how many max-connections can mysql handle, 3GB ram?? [17:52] !bluetooth | Roy [17:52] Roy: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [17:52] notebook * and not notepad [17:52] Celes: yes it does [17:52] yes bazhang [17:52] * Celes kills herself [17:52] !vlc [17:52] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [17:52] Thank you ubotu [17:52] Jack_Sparrow: well, my modules section is broken, and all the config seems very messy, not normal :-/ [17:52] celes open the document part of open office; named openoffice.org writer [17:52] I'd like to simply repair it [17:52] I installed gtk-chtheme to use with E17, and E17 crashed violently. After that, I can't change the gtk theme without using both the gnome themer and gtk-chtheme. [17:53] stjepang: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg select vesa mode 1024 [17:53] eitreach, #e17 [17:53] Jack_Sparrow: cool, tnx :P :) [17:53] yeah im there bazhang [17:53] np [17:53] and still default page! [17:53] algyz, why? This is as much a gnome-related problem. [17:53] celes then adjust the margins, fiddle with it however--just do not enter any text [17:54] bazhang: thanks... I was running low on patience [17:54] celes you want help or not? this is it right now so cool down [17:54] hello there [17:54] Jack_Sparrow: last day of year of the pig ;] [17:55] Please I need some help. I'm switching from ubuntu amd64 to ubuntu i386. I've installed 169.09 .run from nvidia (got the latest chipset, I need those drivers). When I startx all works perfectly, nvidia logo, direct rendering on, 1600x1200. When I reboot I return in vesa mode because it appears does not find the drivers or the device. I've never get this bug on amd64, any idea please ? [17:55] is there a good FTP program? nautilus isn't cutting it [17:55] sipior: okay, done typing (data was on a text terminal): http://pastebin.com/d49b697bc === Macen_ is now known as Macen [17:55] arooni-mobile, filezilla is preferred by many. [17:55] arooni-mobile: i've always liked ncftp [17:56] arooni-mobile: gFTP or FileZilla no has aLinux port [17:56] sipior: no, no luck with the dns entry change [17:57] cjones: could you verify that there are no stray nautilus or trackerd processes still running? [17:57] sipior: there usually are, and I kill them often. I'll start clean again, though. [17:57] bazhang I tried that before it doesnt work [17:58] cjones: also, try an "lsof /home/foo" and see what's accessing files in your home directory [17:58] bazhang: When you do the save-as.. there are two options for saving templates... [17:58] celes once you have adjusted the default page, then go to file menu and choose 'save as' give it a descriptive name such as template one or whatever then from the menu inside the save as popup window choose open office text template .ott ; after that when you start open office you can either open recent--and that will be top of the list--write what you wish, save it as odt or ms word or whatever and the template is left untouched [17:58] Celes, whats the issue now ? [17:58] sipior: will do. also of note is the fact that compiz is still running after each time I log off... [17:58] !lamp [17:58] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [17:58] hello [17:58] cjones: yeah, nuke compiz [17:59] I have the template saved bazhang [17:59] can someone help me debug my audio?? [17:59] Celes, /j #openoffice.org [17:59] I just cant have it pop up automatically when I open my oo. [17:59] macabro22, problems with alsa? [17:59] macabro22, does the hardware work ? [17:59] how do I install all of these at once from terminal? apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server [17:59] Jack_Sparrow: yeah but the ott should work; alternately the stw might work--celes has to try both ;] [17:59] what is the barebones, easiest possible config for samba (currently I just want to allow complete read/write access on a mounted drive /media/sharedrive) [17:59] Arrick, sudo apt-get install [17:59] Arrick: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server [17:59] thanks [17:59] bazhang: just saving the doc will work fine [17:59] Arrick, and write all of them [18:00] My mic wouldnt work, so I tryied recompiling the latest alsa version [18:00] afterwards [18:00] I couldnt remember if I needed && or anythign like that [18:00] Now I lost all audio [18:00] does anyone know if it is possible to triple boot ubuntu, xubuntu and kubuntu? [18:00] write? [18:00] Jack_Sparrow: cheers! [18:00] my sound card isnt detected [18:00] whats that mean Algyz ? [18:00] Arrick, no [18:00] Jack that would require me opening the temp document everytime to just write a document [18:00] what port is FTP by default? [18:00] 21? [18:00] macabro22, keep it to one line please [18:00] !enter | arooni-mobile (yes) [18:00] arooni-mobile (yes): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [18:00] neverblue: ok. [18:00] groven1023: yes [18:00] celes now quit open office and try to open recent and you will see that same format [18:00] macabro22, does the hardware function ? [18:01] sipior: okay, nuked all processes except ttys, and (for good measure) renuked all .gnome* .gconf* dirs [18:01] slart: do I need to do anything special or just run the install and partition? [18:01] cjones: it's the only way to be sure :) [18:01] celes then write a macro to launch it--this way is foolproof though [18:01] neverblue: it does on Windows, and used to before, except for the microphone [18:01] so I have to keep opening recent to just see my template?!!! [18:01] hi all [18:01] groven1023: I think you can just keep installing and partitioning [18:01] slart, sweet, thanks [18:01] celes this is a minor issue--open recent is not some huge strain [18:01] macabro22, then u compiled alsa from source, I hope you backed up ? [18:02] sipior: yup. but it still didn't help. This seems really strange to me [18:02] groven1023: I don't know what the menus in grub will look like though.. might have a hard time telling them apart [18:02] bazhang it is when im gonna have many essays under there! [18:02] cjones: and the same errors as before? [18:02] My USB devices aren't being recognized. If the device is plugged in before or immediately after logging in to ubuntu it will work, but after a few minutes it won't recognize any new devices. and flash drives/external hard drives will disappear as well, not even unmounting but just gone. Any ideas? [18:02] macabro22, so the mic didnt ever work in Windows? [18:02] neverblue: I didn't back up [18:02] slart, true, but it'd be fun to try it [18:02] celes you have the solution--if you want something more complex go to the openoffice channel [18:02] neverblue: in windows it does, but not in Ubuntu [18:02] groven1023: sure... go ahead =) [18:02] are there any known issues about booting the 7.10 cd on an intel 965P with 8800 nvidia? i always get a black screen when booting [18:02] sipior: nope, none of them. [18:02] you didnt explain it well bazhang [18:03] macabro22, so 'yes' your hardware functions ? [18:03] Mordhorst: I think it's the 8800.. try disabling the splash screen [18:03] cjones: no errors? it jut hangs? what about Xorg.0.log? [18:03] try typing "noapic nolapic" at the boot menu (press F6 then type it" [18:03] neverblue: yes, thats proper. [18:03] celes join open office for the pros then; good day to you [18:03] !who | CLLEW [18:03] CLLEW: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [18:03] macabro22, have you used 'alsamixer' to configure your sound yet ? [18:03] "then write a macro"(in my mind then write a what?) [18:03] Slart: Tried safeboot... should disable splash, or? [18:04] mordhorst: press F6, type in "Noapic Nolapic" without quotes, it should boot okay if its the same as what happens to me. [18:04] Mordhorst: hmm.. not sure.. you can add a NOSPLASH switch in grub.. or remove the SPLASH switch.. don't remember that either =) [18:04] CCLEW: do you had some weird beep sounds about one minute after booting too? [18:05] sipior: that all depends on how you define "hangs", but yeah [18:05] sipior: also, Xorg.0.log has (II) stuff, but no errors [18:05] * sipior scratches his head [18:05] I have an ubuntu feisty server lamps setup: how many max-connections can mysql handle, 3GB ram?? [18:05] Mordhorst: what happens to me is it goes through the boot process, then just kinda stops at a point (usually after something about restricted drivers or some such). when I run it with noapic nolapic when booting it runs fine [18:05] neverblue: hmm.. I didn't I was trying the alsamixergui [18:05] Celes: Read this.. http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=71&p=9235 [18:06] macabro22, works the same === pan__ is now known as mo0n_sniper [18:06] macabro22, what application are you attempting to listen to the audio within? [18:06] CLLEW: Ok, I will try that - "noapic nolapic" it is, right?! brb... have to reboot. ;) [18:06] yep [18:07] i cant listen to anything in my pc [18:07] whats goin on? [18:07] join #ubuntu-dk [18:07] it isnt mute [18:07] eh, sorry. [18:08] orgthingy: did you install the required codecs? [18:08] yes [18:08] orgthingy, try 'alsamixer' in a terminal [18:08] neverblue: skype, rhythmbox... but I get no audio at the desktop at all. My volume control icon displays a "forbidden" icon and when I double click it I get no devices found and/or no volume control GStreamer [18:08] i listened to music beforew [18:08] before [18:08] My USB devices stop being recognized a few minutes into booting. I ran Lsusb and basically it says that there isn't anything there, even the USB mouse that continues to work. Help? [18:08] I received an error about an unclean mount of my filesystem (7.10) I went to run fsck (It's the only thing I know) it says Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE damage so I quit. How should I clean things up? [18:09] neverblue : then? [18:09] macabro22, lspci should give you a listing of the audio device, can you see it listed in there (please never post multiple lines in the channel) === denny^AFK is now known as denny [18:09] orgthingy, adjust the volume.... === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [18:09] how? [18:09] cjones: i am a bit baffled. to be clear: every nis user is unable to start X, but every local user can. also, the failsafe login works in both cases. is that correct? [18:10] neverblue: I do see it, hang on I will pastebin for you [18:10] hi all :) === trypglyph is now known as yarrrrr [18:10] xmms says : "couldnt open audio" and says something about sound card [18:10] anyone here have experience using Ubuntu in a thin-client enviorment? [18:10] sipior: yes, as long as you define "unable to start X" as "it kind of starts, but you can't really see anything" [18:10] cjones: also, when you do an "ls -l" in your home directory, the userids are mapped correctly? [18:11] sipior: yes [18:11] cjones: yeah, that's a good definition :) === swarm is now known as swarm2 [18:11] thank you Jack_Sparrow you are the only one that helped me [18:11] sipior: I know that feeling of baffle-ment. That's why I came here. [18:11] that link helped!! [18:11] neverblue: here: http://www.pastebin.ca/891513 [18:11] Celes: We were all trying to help.. you were your own worst enemy [18:11] orgthingy: check the preferences for sound and make sure its selected [18:11] orgthingy: the xmms preferences [18:11] aha [18:12] apologies, cjones, i'm fresh out of ideas at the moment. i assume everything works fine from the live CD? could you setup your nis configuration after booting from it? [18:12] Celes: Glad you got it.. [18:12] also on youtube, nothing plays [18:12] bazhang wants to kill me [18:12] did ubuntu break something recently? [18:12] for causing him stress [18:12] i can't enable acpi all of a sudden [18:12] sipior: unfortunately, no. This is just one machine in a larger (working) NIS setup [18:13] Celes keep the posts to a minimum please, its a very busy channel [18:13] megatog615: what's the problem? [18:13] sipior: wait, now I get what you were asking [18:13] My USB devices stop being recognized a few minutes into booting. I ran Lsusb and basically it says that there isn't anything there, even the USB mouse that continues to work. Help? [18:13] I received an error about an unclean mount of my filesystem (7.10) I went to run fsck (It's the only thing I know) it says Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE damage so I quit. How should I clean things up? [18:13] hi there! help what is this error that i encountered when updating.. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [18:13] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [18:13] macabro23, compiling the source, I believe, is where your issue is [18:13] flats: umount it first [18:13] what do i do to correct this? [18:13] sipior: can you log in and out with the live CD to test that it even works? [18:13] At boot I get an error about ACPI not able to start [18:14] But I'm using it...I think [18:14] letme get some details [18:14] neverblue: how can I fix it? [18:14] or at least I assume [18:14] flats did you happen to install Ubuntu from the LiveCD ? [18:14] is there a way for me to fix this error? [18:14] cjones: you could set up an /etc/nsswitch.conf there, on the temporary filesystem. you could copy over your passwd and shadow files, and basically mirror the configuration. === asdfasdf is now known as ^4nDr3s [18:15] flats: boot off the livecd and run it from there [18:15] macabro23, well, first, never compile from the source, unless you know what your doing, second, backup [18:15] hi! how do i restart synaptics touchpad when "synaptics" functions stop working? without restarting X? === ^4nDr3s is now known as RoAkSoAx [18:15] ahhh OK. [18:15] sipior: yeah, but if I log out, I'm pretty sure the liveCD then shuts the computer down... [18:15] I'll try that [18:15] macabro23, as for the quickest solution, re-install your OS, save everyone and yourself valuable time, and take this as a lesson learned [18:15] cjones: oh bugger, you might be right :( [18:15] woah [18:15] how to get the gnome clock to sync via ntp *right now* [18:15] all of a sudden it's working [18:16] ok, a tar.gz file is extracted how in ubuntu? [18:16] i got strange errors from modules loading [18:16] Arrick: tar xzvf file.tar.gz [18:16] oh thank God I thought my hardware was dead [18:16] sipior: I think my next step is to check the failsafe gnome script and enable things one at a time to see where it's failing... [18:16] cjones: maybe try knoppix, or another live cd. verify that it is in fact the install [18:16] * jetscreamer doesn't say 'in the usual fashion' [18:16] Well thanks for the help anyway [18:16] cjones: that sounds like a good plan of attack. best of luck! [18:17] hi there! help what is this error that i encountered when updating.. "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [18:17] sipior: Thanks for your help [18:17] E: _cache->open() failed, please report." [18:17] neverblue: I don't wanna loose all my setup. Isn't there another way around? [18:17] macabro23, yes, backing up [18:17] DRebellion, how about to put it into a directory now? I just opend that up to have hiundreds of files in my /home/ [18:18] Arrick: that's called a tarbomb. blame the author. [18:18] If I don't want XGL anymore how can I stop it from auto starting? [18:18] macabro23, possibly a 'linux' channel might assist more, as in Ubuntu its not common to compile from source for many packages... [18:18] neverblue: what if I undo things my doing sudo make uninstall at the directories I compiled the crap? [18:18] anyone here have experience using Ubuntu in a thin-client enviorment? [18:18] Trex_: do what apt-get told you to i.e. sudo dpkg --configure -a [18:18] neverblue: ok man, thanks [18:19] macabro23, i dont know enough about compiling from source to answer your question [18:19] My USB devices stop being recognized a few minutes into booting. I ran Lsusb and basically it says that there isn't anything there, even the USB mouse that continues to work. It seems as tho my USB driver just explods or something a few minutes after boot [18:19] rajasun: thanks bro. that is to be done in terminal right? [18:19] sipior: Oh, and one other thing: fluxbox starts fine. It seems to be a problem with gnome [18:19] CLLEW, lsusb doesnt see the device? [18:19] Trex_: yes [18:19] sipior: just fyi [18:20] neverblue: i'll past bin the results [18:20] cjones: huh. well, that localises the problem some :) fluxbox sounds perfectly nice... [18:20] CLLEW, please, just reply [18:20] rajasun: thanks a lot bro! just making sure that i am gonna do things correctly.. ciao! [18:20] neverblue: yeah, it doesnt show anything [18:20] Trex_: np [18:20] CLLEW, have you changed your setup, before the devices disappeared ? [18:20] sipior: I think so, but the user I'm trying to fix the problem for doesn't agree [18:22] mpd stopped working as expected, even when I reinstall it. sudo /etc/init.d/mpd start and sudo aptitude reinstall mpd both hang indefinitely on "Starting Music Player Daemon:". Can someone help me? [18:22] neverblue: well, i had installed ubuntu 7.10 to hard drive and tried installing my tablet, so i figured that may have been the problem. the tablet might have messed up the USB. but i'm running from a live CD now and the problem is here too [18:22] so... anyone got ati radeon 3870s on ubuntu? [18:22] How to remove history of Image reader? [18:22] CLLEW, what USB devices are not working? just a USB mouse? [18:23] neverblue: the mouse is working, but if I were to unplug it and replug it it would stop working again...until I do lsusb again in which case it starts working again [18:23] neverblue: and nothing else will even register, like my flash drive [18:23] hallo [18:23] anyone in deutschland? [18:24] OsamaK: ls -a in terminal there is prob a config dir or file delete it though i find it kinda creepy you wanna remove it [18:24] !de | Traveler4 [18:24] Traveler4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [18:24] CLLEW, when you do the lsusb, your mouse just 'starts' to work, and you dont see it listed in lsubs? [18:24] s/lsubs/lsusb/ [18:24] Traveler4: ich spreche deutsch [18:24] ubotu thank you so much [18:24] !bot | Traveler4 [18:24] Traveler4: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [18:24] I dont speak german I just need some help in the land of DE [18:24] anyone know if UDF 2.5 support is in 7.10? === j is now known as jimqode [18:25] pike_: it shows long list then? [18:25] OsamaK: yeah the config files are prepended with a . and those contain your info for that app i dont know which itll be [18:25] ok, I'm going [18:26] Is there any possibility of Windows viruses affecting Linux if I am running Windows programs on it via wine? [18:26] neverblue: just unplugged it and replugged it in, it didn't come back. ran lsusb and it came back to life, but didn't show in the terminal as anything [18:26] does anyone know if the wifi problem on Acer Aspire 1650 running ubuntu 7.10 is fixed after the recent updates? [18:26] Anyone? Why is mpd broken? [18:26] hey guys, ive got a refresh rate settings problem. can anyone help? plz, ty [18:27] CLLEW, and its not listed in lsusb ? [18:27] Roy: not really, no :) [18:27] Thank you DRebellion. :) [18:27] Roy: i reckon wine must chroot to ~/.wine or something anyway [18:27] neverblue: nope. just things along the lines of "Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 [18:28] good luck CLLEW, have to run [18:28] aw, k [18:28] Oh! [18:28] anyone doing HD-DVD playback with 7.10? [18:28] Hi [18:29] SpaceBass: ive played the images but never fooled with the hardware [18:29] pike_, yeah, done that myself [18:29] appears udf 2.5 support still missing from the default install [18:29] hey guys, ive got a refresh rate settings problem. can anyone help? plz, ty in settings i can select 60Hz lowest, but my monitor is 50, what can i do, anyone? [18:29] does anyone know where the setting is to tell my pc not to put my network connection to sleep when i leave my pc? (already looked in power managment menu) [18:29] !lamp [18:29] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [18:30] !msgthebot > Arrick (read the pm from ubotu) [18:30] mint: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto see Undetected Monitor Specs [18:30] DRebellion, if the bot cant be used in the channel, tell Seveas to take it out? I dont do pm's [18:31] Arrick: do _not_ spam the bot [18:31] mint: sometimes its easier just to google for your monitor model for the horiz and vert settings [18:31] how is one request SPAM DRebellion ? [18:31] get off it [18:31] How can i get my surround sound to work with ubuntu ? [18:31] Arrick: just relax [18:32] pike_: luv ya, ty :D [18:32] !hdaintel [18:32] For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [18:32] good evening, ubuntu'ers [18:32] is there a way to easily know how to run a program you have installed through aptitude. What i mean is i just installed "timer-applet" yet i cant see it in the applications list and typing timer-applet in the terminal does nothing [18:32] Arrick: this channel is busy enough, without you adding more to it for noone else's benefit. [18:33] sry smthing funny happened with xgnome... did anyone answer the question about network sleeping? [18:33] Arrick: Please be polite.... If you need info from the bot for yourself.. it is just good manners to /msg ubotu xxx [18:33] DRebellion, I will say this nicely, one post to the bot in a channel is not going to hurt the channel. I dont do PM's because when I allow them to come in, everyone and their brother spams me to death [18:33] chimp: you could try apropos timer-applet apropos is man -k so either one [18:34] i tried apropos timer-applet already no luck [18:34] chimp: though you should just be able to rightclick gnome panel and select add and it should be in the menu there [18:34] chimp 'man timer-applet' [18:34] is timer-applet for the gnome top panel, if so, right click on the panel, annd add to panel?? [18:34] Hi. Please i need help with a Creative SB 5.1 Live external (USB) I have sound but i don't have 5.1 working. Can someone help please? [18:35] ahh i see [18:35] ta [18:36] hi, one quick question. where should I make swap partition? I have 2 hdds - hda (3 GB - gonna be /) and hdb (10 GB - gonna be /home) [18:37] Can someone tell me where to get the driver for my Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family? [18:37] is anyone here using ubuntu 7.10 gutsy willing to test some scripts for me? [18:37] bod_: pick me! [18:37] does anyone know a good translator for ubuntu ? [18:38] haha [18:38] DRebellion, ok,. consideer yourself picked [18:38] DRebellion, where you being serious? [18:38] /window 25 [18:38] damn... [18:38] sorry. [18:38] bod_: of course -_- [18:38] Can someone tell me where to get the driver for my Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family? [18:38] DRebellion, coolio,.,. just read the README [18:39] pike_: hey, pike, the monitor that i have is one old Tulp, vga 15inch, 50Hz monitor, as it stands on the backside of it, isnt it enough information? is it that i have to specify hor. and ver. or can i just change some way refresh rate to 50Hz, cuz i can chose only 60Hz as lowest [18:39] is there anyplace to adjust the format of the clock on the panel? so I can remove the AM/PM ? thanks. [18:39] DRebellion, waiting for you to accept file transfer [18:39] I need to get the drivers for my wireless to work :( [18:39] maek: which WM? [18:39] bod_: yep, lemme figure out irssi one sec ;) [18:39] hellion0: compiz/gnome [18:39] kk [18:39] maek: right click, preferences [18:40] Roy, gogle your chipset then space then ubuntu [18:40] maek: switch clock type to 24 hour? [18:40] Thank you bod_ [18:40] DRebellion, whats an irssi? [18:40] Jupp2: yeah, I got that part, Im already on 12 hour clock, I want to change the date format string to remove the am/pm and still have 12 hour clock. thanks though. [18:40] Roy, np [18:41] !irssi | bod_ [18:41] bod_: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. [18:41] hellion0: I suck at 24hour clock, id like to just remove the am/pm from the date format string. [18:41] bod_: its a kind of mandolin also, an irc client [18:41] k [18:41] ty [18:41] i haven't found a way to do that... [18:41] DRebellion, u not using xchat then?lol [18:41] test [18:41] success cafaro [18:42] hey [18:42] !hi | hell-jack [18:42] hell-jack: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [18:42] hellion0: thanks. [18:42] high-freq, i'm trying to unlock my motorola razr v3c so i can download images. is there a way to do this with linux as i can't find the files needed. [18:43] high-freq, didn't mean to highlight you [18:43] hello. i'm trying to unlock my motorola razr v3c so i can download images. is there a way to do this with linux as i can't find the files needed. [18:43] bod_: you sure you didn't terminate the file send? [18:43] !enter > RickJames: [18:43] maek, what you want is so unique, that the only way I see it happening is if you modify the source code yourself [18:43] DRebellion, its still there [18:43] <|Dreams|> please can someone help me, i had my xbox 360 running through this pc to connect to the internet, now i moved my pc and i think i put the internet cable into the wrong port by mistake and have followed some forums and now made a complete hash of it and i cant get my 360 to work again [18:43] Jack_Sparrow, ? [18:44] RickJames: actually repeat works as well [18:44] bod_: not anymore :( [18:44] Jupp2, hellion0: found it: gconf-editor /apps/panel/applets/clock_screen0/prefs/custom_format -takes a strftime() custom string :) [18:44] can someone help me with my network setup i'm having a hard time [18:44] Jack_Sparrow, sorry [18:44] np [18:44] maek. nice find! [18:44] DRebellion, 1 sec [18:45] Hi. I want to install a gui on my Ubuntu server, but don't want the ubuntu-desktop package. Would it be enough to just install X/xorg and gdm, or do I need other packages as well? [18:46] pimanx: It won't do much good to run without a windows manager [18:46] pimanx, you could just install kde [18:46] DRebellion, : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684441&page=4 [18:46] pimanx: Try fluxbox, openbox, or icewvm [18:46] pimanx: I'm running flux. very very light. [18:46] hi, im using hardy heron and during the yi installation it depends libghc6-regex-compat-dev but i can't find in the repos. Do u have a suggestion? [18:46] rpj8, right yeah, forgot that one in my list. But of course yes ;) [18:46] pimanx: Enjoy :) [18:46] !hardy | haluk [18:46] haluk: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [18:46] It's just I don't want all the packages that comes with ubuntu-desktop [18:47] hello world! What commands are used to mount a USB wifi card in linux? [18:47] Ive already installed the driver with the provided script [18:48] <|Dreams|> is there any way to completely reset the network settings to factory without reinstalling kubuntu? [18:48] MHz128: you will not want to mount it but plug it in and do dmest | tail and lsusb to see if its detected. if it is then sudo ifconfig -a should show it [18:48] Does anyone know how to configure the s-video tv out with nvidia 6150 using gutsy, I have tried many methods only to mess up royally and spend a day restoring the resolution on my laptop. [18:48] MHz128: What provided script? [18:48] MHz128: dmesg i mean [18:48] DRebellion, did you get the link? [18:48] bod_: i am not registered on the ubuntu forums so i can't download the file. also, i don't think i would be the right person to test your script as i don't really know anything about bash scripting ;) sorry... [18:48] jacksparraow: cd driver install script [18:48] DRebellion, i just need to know if they work,.,.lol [18:49] bod_: can't you test them on your own computer? [18:49] DRebellion, but,.ty anyway [18:49] ciao [18:49] mi serve aiuto [18:49] MHz128: I have never seen one, what is the model, and was it supposed to install driver for linuz/ubuntu [18:49] DRebellion, yer,. but now i need to test on a diff machine [18:49] bod_: what do they do? [18:49] anyone else willing to test a script for me? [18:49] ho trovato una guida su internet [18:49] DRebellion, make a GDM login screen with one of your pictures [18:50] Jack_Sparrow: Alfa brand, driver for Linux... not ubuntu specific. [18:50] !es | ucci [18:50] ucci: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [18:50] che mi ha detto come installare i pacchetti tar.gz [18:50] MHz128: Then doubtful you have the driver in place [18:50] no parle espanol [18:50] !it [18:50] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [18:50] cmq ho installato il pacchetto ma non so come avviarlo [18:51] grazie mille [18:51] |Dreams|, auto lo ; iface lo inet loopback as the default nothing is installed [18:51] !it | ucci [18:51] ucci: please see above [18:51] <|Dreams|> do i type that into the shell? [18:52] Jack_Sparrow: how do I install the driver then? what is the filetype for a linux driver? [18:52] When i delete stuff on my ntfs drive i notice they dont go into the "deleted items folder" but the free space available doesnt increase so where are they? [18:52] how to enable non passworded samba share? [18:52] MHz128: type lsusb and see what that tels you [18:52] chimp: .Trash on the ntfs drive [18:52] i see, thanks [18:52] Andycasss: Give 'man samba.conf' a look over. [18:53] It tells me its on channel 2 device 7 [18:53] hey guys i have a problem after i install openipmi and ipmitools here is the link of my error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54748/ [18:53] Stupid question: Whose really good with problems [18:53] MHz128: Does it tell you anything else like chipset? [18:53] realtek chipselt 8187 [18:54] MHz128: So you need to go through these docs and set it up for rt 8187 [18:54] !wifi [18:54] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [18:54] okie thanks [18:54] MHz128: I dont do wireless, just trying to point you in the right direction [18:55] does anyone know about the networkmanager process, is there anywhere I can hook a script into based on the profile I pick? thank. [18:55] I cant play dvd movies [18:55] none of players dont work [18:56] exit [18:56] does anyone know why [18:56] ? [18:56] I take it we just shout for help and hope we get it here? [18:56] d90_: look up medibuntu, install vlc and libdvdcss2 [18:56] brobostigon, ok I will [18:57] sipior: I found it! In case you ever have this situation: (1) ubuntu uses a lot of locking [18:57] www.medibuntu.org has the package you need d90_ [18:57] !ask > Sutka [18:57] sipior: (2) nfs doesn't do locking. This is a problem. Solution? Add "nolock" to the options in fstab on the mount [18:57] !ask [18:57] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [18:58] anyone fancy doing me a favour and testing some scripts? [18:58] lol [18:58] !ask sort this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [18:58] hey I just updated ubuntu and had to reboot and now my quiet boot is enabled... where to I go to disable it so I can see the text-based startup? [18:58] Sutka: describe it a bit please [18:58] Best I could do is on the link [18:58] bod_: This isnt a good place for that... I will look them over if you wish... but this is not the place to ask [18:59] speedhunt3r: /boot/grub/menu.lst [18:59] Jack_Sparrow, where should i ask? and ty :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684441&page=4 [18:59] <[-Delta-]> Hello. === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [19:00] <`Matir> Anyone else experience firefox eating huge amounts of RAM? Its RSS is > 320 MB [19:00] <[-Delta-]> Oi, I shall RETURN (After Pre-Calc) [19:00] <[-Delta-]> ^_^ [19:01] ciao [19:01] bod_: ask in bash .. and I cant get those without joining so .. no go [19:01] hello :) please help me i use ubuntu 7.10 64 bit can i use a flash player ? i instal from firefox but he don't install [19:01] !flash | posr [19:01] posr: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [19:01] !flashissues [19:01] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [19:01] Read the topid :/ [19:01] Jack_Sparrow: Am I suppose to remove "ro quiet splash" or just "quiet splash" for the text based boot? [19:01] hi, how do i install kde4.0 [19:01] Jack_Sparrow, #bash are not friendly people for the scripting new comer, but thanks anyway [19:02] thanks [19:02] * Sutka Screams a bit till someone asks for more information on his problem, helps him or tells him its fucked [19:02] bod_: stick in a pastebin and I will grab it from there === PriceChild is now known as Pricey [19:02] Sutka: please watch the language [19:02] !helpme [19:02] Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [19:02] Jack_Sparrow, kk,. il post the README followed by a line of ====== then the script [19:03] Sutka i just joined, what is the problem [19:03] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:03] how can i help you? [19:03] speedhunt3r: just quiet and splash [19:03] any1 know how i can use rhythmbox and teamspeak at the same time? [19:03] Sutka: Please do not post a link without a description of the problem [19:03] Jack_Sparrow, thanks alot .. [19:03] np [19:03] The link is my problem lol [19:03] If you took the time to open it you would see === Pricey is now known as PriceChld [19:04] Or do you want a discript aswell ¬¬ [19:04] Sutka: First off, please be polite and lose some of the attitude. [19:04] ubuntu >>>> all [19:04] Yes boss === PriceChld is now known as PriceChild [19:04] bazhang, thanks === Maurice_ is now known as StaticSignal [19:05] Sutka: try writing your entire question in one line so it's easier for people to help you. [19:05] bazhang, working nice now [19:05] Sutka: everyone has an area in which they have experience. If you identify the problem, those people will be the ones that go and look.. otherwise.. they just ignore you... [19:05] Here or Forum [19:05] d90_: nice work [19:05] Okay [19:05] Jack_Sparrow, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54749/ [19:05] bod_: thanks [19:06] ty [19:06] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:06] Where can I read the change log for the latest linux-source update? [19:06] hi, my command line PHP loads the GD libs but when i run a php file through the browser with apache2 it does not, where could the error be? [19:06] Jack_Sparrow, the scripts are sectioned,.,. make dir = 1 ,.,. GDM maker = 2 ,.,. GDM revert = 3 [19:07] speedhunt3r, have you tried www.lkml.org [19:07] speedhunt3r try /usr/share/doc/whatever [19:07] oh ok [19:07] that works too :) [19:07] Hi guys, basic installation question, should be easy for those in the know. Anyone feel like giving it a shot? [19:07] bod_: I will look them over later.. [19:07] yes [19:08] Hey guys - Im having a little trouble with numlockx [19:08] Jack_Sparrow, ty [19:08] StaticSignal sure [19:08] speedhunt3r: mkdir linux-source && cd linux-source && apt-get source linux-source [19:08] StaticSignal: fire away, we are all listening [19:08] i guys [19:08] I'll repeat my arse in 5-10 ^_^ [19:08] speedhunt3r: then read the changelog in debian [19:08] !anyone | StaticSignal [19:08] StaticSignal: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:09] K, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop, and the disk partitioner isn't giving me any of the options I was told to look for. [19:09] !repeat [19:09] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [19:09] The numlockx thing gives me a usage error when ran from my bash script [19:09] !patience [19:09] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [19:09] DRebellion: ty [19:09] StaticSignal, what options where you told to look for,. what options does it give??? [19:09] /usr/bin/numlockx off is how I run it --- any idea why that would fail? [19:09] can someone tell me what this means "you can run a full session by selecting “KDE 4″ from your login manager. [19:09] To avoid having to start a second X server for a full session install xserver-xephyr and run Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm and run startkde in the Xerphyr xterm." [19:09] newbie Linux help before I install a dual boot XP/Ubuntu install. Can 7.10 read info from XP filesystems without any problems?? [19:09] Its if protected to make sure that the file exists of course [19:10] My did [19:10] So, I'm told to look for... uh, something along the lines of 'use the remaining space' on my primary drive [19:10] Jonaid: Yes, read is easy [19:10] StaticSignal: If it does not show your hard drive then you need to reboot F6 and add a command to the boot line [19:10] And all I'm getting is 'Guided- use whole disk' [19:10] And 'Manual'. [19:10] Jonaid: yes, read and write [19:10] StaticSignal, use continueous free space? [19:10] thanks! [19:10] Jonain yes no problem [19:10] ^_^ repeat [19:10] Jonaid, and it can write to NTFS :) [19:10] Jonaid: Write you need a small download -- but its not a big deal [19:10] lanzelloth are you trying to get gnome and kde working at the same time? [19:10] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:10] !ntfs | jonaid [19:10] jonaid: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [19:10] bod_, option not present. [19:10] !ntfs-3g > Jonaid [19:11] thanks guys [19:11] noodlesgc: no, just trying to install kde4.0, was following this article http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-kde-40-stable-in-ubuntu-gutsy.html [19:11] StaticSignal: Something is wrong... obviously [19:11] question, what would cause the sound on my Vostro 1400 (Gutsy Gibbon), to stop working. I was watching streaming videos, went to another browser for a sec and when I tried to watch a youtube vid - no sound. I can't play MP3 audio or Wav audio either. I've checked Alsa-ctrl and the volume is max - any ideas. Where would I start looking? [19:11] StaticSignal, list your available options please [19:12] Jack_Sparrow, obviously. But I haven't the faintest. BTW, never installed anything other than Windows before. (Also, first time on IRC.) [19:12] StaticSignal: Go into system admin and partition editor and look at your drives partitions or from terminal.. sudo fdisk -l [19:12] lanzelloth oh, well i have no experience with kde except flaming people who use it [19:13] StaticSignal: HAve you told the livecd to do the self test for errors, and did it find any [19:13] noodlesgc: if i always run only 1 session i shouldn't worry about that paragraph? [19:13] any1 know how i can use rhythmbox and teamspeak at the same time? [19:13] bod_, cannot remember exact wording, am booting into the live CD now. [19:13] gaming-os: is teamspeak native to linux ??? [19:13] StaticSignal, um k [19:13] DRebellion, no [19:13] lanzelloth not sure. i guess it would seem so. [19:13] DRellion: yes [19:13] noodlesgc: ok [19:13] Jack_Sparrow, no idea what you're talking about. [19:13] DRebellion, oops,,.yes [19:13] gaming-os: i seriously doubt that [19:13] * DRebellion goes to check [19:13] gaming-os, is it really? [19:14] DRellion: yes [19:14] aorthr33 i had that problem once and i fixed ti by using alsamixergui and putting everything full [19:14] gaming-os, how can you be sure? [19:14] StaticSignal: From livecd click on system then on admin and then on partition editor and look at your drives partitions.... or from terminal.. sudo fdisk -l [19:14] bod_: its in apt repo? [19:14] I can confirm that teamspeak is now native to linux :O [19:15] gaming-os, yer, but is the original struct [19:15] StaticSignal: I need to get some work done, someone here will be able to help.. I will check back in a bit [19:15] gaming-os, sorry,. accidentle enter [19:15] noodles: hang on - installing and will try that [19:15] Jack_Sparrow, will do so. FYI, Windows XP is already installed, and I want to dual-boot. [19:15] bod_: teamspeak has been out for linux for like years [19:15] gaming-os: ok, so what is preventing you from using teamspeak and rhythmbox at the same time? [19:15] gaming-os, gimp is available on windows aswell,. but its in apt,.,. teamspeak has been used for gaming for many years on windows [19:16] this has happened before, and whenI rebooted, the sound came back - I don't want to have to reboot to fix (that's part of why I left Windows) [19:16] How can you change the color mode in Ubuntu? [19:16] StaticSignal: you're on livecd now? [19:16] HEllo. Can anyone with Inotek experience help me with this? "In order to use VirtualBox's USB support, the user account under which you intend to run VirtualBox must have read and write access to the USB filesystem (usbfs)." [19:16] DRebellion, gaming-os, probably sound mixing? === wirechief is now known as wirechief4 [19:16] identify silvermachine4 [19:16] lanzelloth, GNOME has just started. Nearly there. [19:16] bod_: the sound devices, like i cant play music and talk on teamspeak at the same time i know theres a workaround [19:16] error: 'S_IRWXU' undeclared (first use in this function) when I try to compile with gcc [19:16] hey is this a place for questions? [19:16] do I need to install some dev packet in order for it to work=? [19:16] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:17] titon: yes [19:17] titon: yes1 [19:17] oops [19:17] StaticSignal: you're using 2 comps now? [19:17] i cant get my wan to work and yes i check ed all sites and googled...its a broadcom.... [19:17] or is it some problem in the source code? [19:17] gaming-os, yer,. its called something like software mixing, hardware mixing, sound mixing,.,.something with mixing in it,. linux finds it hard to grasp the context of having 2 audio devices working simultaniously [19:17] sutka: whats the ash shell?? [19:17] i have located and installed it as wlan0 and it can find my router but it doesnt seem to work [19:17] lanzelloth, yes, dual-boxing. Using ChatZilla on my Mac workstation. [19:17] can someone tell my why there are no shutdown and reboot options in my gnome logout menu anymore? [19:17] it got a ip from the dhcp server to but it just wont work [19:17] finn what are you compiling? [19:17] How can you change the color mode in Ubuntu? [19:18] http://pastebin.com/d1b01ca38 that [19:18] StaticSignal: o [19:18] fuck up your ubuntu install and you'll find out [19:18] lanzelloth, Live CD user session is a go. [19:18] language sutka [19:18] StaticSignal: i think after you install ubuntu grub will auto configure [19:18] !language | Sutka [19:18] Sutka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [19:18] :/ [19:18] * Sutka forgets quickly [19:18] cafaro: what do you mean with color mode? the color depth? [19:18] StaticSignal: so when you boot up there'll be a choice which OS to boot [19:19] some cool Microsoft wallpapers for your desktop: http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windows/bliss/default.mspx [19:19] HEllo. Can anyone with Inotek experience help me with this? "In order to use VirtualBox's USB support, the user account under which you intend to run VirtualBox must have read and write access to the USB filesystem (usbfs)." [19:19] lanzelloth, I am afraid of my partition being wiped, and losing my windows data. I have no indication so far this will NOT happen. I'm starting the installer now, I'll tell you what I'm getting. [19:19] if anyone is good at wlan plz pm me [19:19] DoYouKnow: haha wrong channel [19:19] they work fine on ubuntu [19:19] noodlesgc, do you have any idea what might be wrong? [19:19] Very wrong channel [19:19] StaticSignal: if not you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst [19:19] does anyone have flash installed on a qemu machine ? [19:19] oh my bad [19:19] finn try adding #include to the top [19:19] I dream of a day when all different OSs can coexist [19:19] !anyone | babo [19:19] babo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:20] dimedo: the amount of colors (e.g. 256) [19:20] lanzelloth, whatever that means. =/ [19:20] peacefully :) [19:20] I will [19:20] DRebellion, that was my 'real' question ... [19:20] StaticSignal: well just make sure not to mess with the partition ur windows is in in the installation process [19:20] lanzelloth, be aware, I'm still new to the very concept of a non-monolithic OS as it was explained to me. [19:20] DRebellion, i want to know whether or not it's possible and what setup they are using ... [19:20] it still gives me the same error noodlesgc [19:21] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:21] DoYouKnow better wallpapers, and more! http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=170x171x172x173x174x175x176x177x178x179 [19:21] DoYouKnow: one day when i was at university, we did an experiment, we installed 25 different OS, and totally different version all dual booting all on the same HDD [19:21] lanzelloth, K, I'm in the partitioner. [19:21] StaticSignal: did you make multiple partitions yet? [19:21] Hi. I have been trying to get my broadcom bcm4318 wireless card to work on my amilo and I have tried the original drivers and ndiswrapper. But I have a hardware button to turn the card on. And I cant get it to lid. Anybody know how to? [19:21] brobostigon: where did you find 25 different OSs? [19:21] lanzelloth, Nope. I haven't made multiple partitions. [19:21] i dont wanna use ndiswrapper just yet cuz it all seem to look right but still dont work [19:21] StaticSignal: you know how? [19:22] finn try #include [19:22] !offtopic [19:22] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! === [phear]crippler is now known as crippler [19:22] hi [19:22] lanzelloth, no clue. Sorry ot be difficult. [19:22] How can I change the color depth to 256 colors?\ === crippler is now known as dewbie [19:23] hi guys, i'm having trouble installing controls to gdesklets. I've moved the controls i want to the controls directory - what else do i need to do? [19:23] DRebellion: we chose 5 diffeent version of windows, 5 differnt version of dos, and many different version of unix/linux, as well as beos/zeta. [19:23] worked noodlesgc, thank you [19:23] finn np [19:23] hmmm are you guys buissy and should i just wait? [19:23] bump... question, what would cause the sound on my Vostro 1400 (Gutsy Gibbon), to stop working. I was watching streaming videos, went to another browser for a sec and when I tried to watch a youtube vid - no sound. I can't play MP3 audio or Wav audio either. I've checked Alsa-ctrl and the volume is max - any ideas. Where would I start looking? [19:23] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:23] StaticSignal: hmm, i can't give step by step instructions i'm not familiar with the partitioner [19:23] brobostigon: heh, nice. i hope you saved a disk image [19:23] How do I unmount a drive in order to run fsck? [19:24] * Sutka is gonna beep al day ^_^ [19:24] lanzelloth, that's fine, can you suggest alternate resource? [19:24] How do i get my kernel version of ubuntu? [19:24] Anybody know how to turn a Broadcom bcm4318 wireless card on? [19:24] DRebellion: we did not, save a disk image,but i still have the hdd with it on, [19:24] uname -r in the terminal Steffanx [19:24] StaticSignal: http://wiki.ubuntu.com, or the documentation page on ubuntu.com [19:24] Roy: sudo umount /dev/sd [19:24] brobostigon: that is super l33t :P [19:25] StaticSignal: i'll help look but my connection is really slow atm, installing something [19:25] on ifconfig wlan0 got ip and everything howcome i cant use it? [19:25] DRebellion: thanks again but do I have to specify anything on [19:25] DRebellion: what does l33t mean [19:25] lanzelloth, don't worry yourself, I'll go looking. If I fail, I'll come back. [19:25] Dante__: fwcutter works on those.. [19:25] hi guys, i'm having trouble installing controls to gdesklets. I've moved the controls i want to the controls directory - what else do i need to do? [19:25] titon, what does iwconfig return? === ubuntu is now known as ubun2 [19:26] Dante__: I am busy, but just happened to see that question [19:26] and what is the IP your getting from ifconfig? [19:26] Roy: yes, replace /dev/sd with your drive you want to unmount [19:26] StaticSignal: it should be in the installation guide somewhere there [19:26] Roy: find it out using command, 'df'. if it is not there, then it is not mounted ;) [19:26] Jack Sparrow: I tried to install the fwcutter. But the card dont lid. [19:26] DRebellion: how do I mount it again after I finish with fsck? [19:27] Roy: sudo mount /dev/sd [19:27] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:27] mount -t partformat /dev/** /mountpoint [19:27] StaticSignal: but pretty much what you wanna do is resize the partition used by windows to make room for ubuntu (10 gb is more than enough) then install ubuntu on that new partition [19:27] DRebellion: thanks a ton :) [19:27] I'm at a university and am trying to copy some files from my university login to my personal computer through ssh. i'm trying "scp [files] mymachine@mymachine:~/Desktop/" but it gives me "ssh: yourmachine: host/servname not known" does anyone know how to do this? [19:28] lanzelloth, that's what I figured, but I had no idea how to do it myself, and apparently the dual-boot guide I was using was out of date. [19:28] Sutka try this http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=520189 [19:28] chaosrl: Gotta scp first before you do the commands [19:28] chaos: can you just ping hostname/servername??? you may not hvae the correct address/routing from your curent location [19:28] Cpudan80 how do i do that? [19:29] chaosrl: scp user@IP --- then get/put etc [19:29] DRebellion: my group were very proud to ahave achived it, we got acreedited for it, [19:29] chaosrl> are you sure you're using scp correctly? `scp source destination` [19:29] chaosrl: You can't just put your machine's name -- because that's probably outside the scope of the school's DNS [19:29] StaticSignal: what's the name of the partition program? [19:29] gparted [19:29] Cpudan80 i think you're right. is there any way to get around that? [19:30] %C7 [19:30] nvm [19:30] pteague: i have no idea if i'm using it correctly; i'm rather inexperienced at this [19:30] chaosrl: Sure, use the IP instead of the machine name [19:30] lanzelloth, it's the default 'install' program's 'prepare disk space' page. I don't know what program it's actually using. [19:30] Cpudan80: for my machine? how would i find my ip? [19:30] chaosrl: your IP is... hang on [19:30] !partition [19:30] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [19:31] chaosrl: scp user@nat-168-7-242-160.rice.edu should work [19:31] Okay so that link didn't help, ty to whoever posted it though [19:31] Ok other question. If I installed fwcutter first and then blacklisted the bcm43xx to install ndiswrapper do I still have the drivers working if I try another wireless manager? [19:31] chaosrl: Your IP is I think [19:31] chaosrl: You can do ifconfig to check it (or iwconfig if wireless) [19:32] what could cause a mounted device to say " cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system" if the file system has been mounted as 744 and I'm the owner [19:32] titon: do you still need help? [19:32] chaosrl: do you have physical access to the machine you need to get the files from? [19:32] lanzelloth, the installer I am presented does not match the one used in the documented graphical install. =( [19:32] chaosrl: Worst case scenario :: Your university blocks traffic on port 22 [19:32] Cpudan80 yeah, i got port 22: Connection Refused [19:32] hey...i think i totally borked my ubuntu box. i was trying to re-setup x because remote desktop sharing wasnt working, and i must have reconfigured x or some other package the wrong way because now it wont boot all the way into the graphical environment, even if i restored backup xorg.conf files [19:32] yes aorthr33 i pmed you [19:32] StaticSignal: just make sure you don't choose the 'guided (use entire disk)' option [19:32] So guys, Gusty 7.10 is booting straight into ASH shell, I get error emssage 'Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init/' any repair functions i might be able to do, for more info and screenshots visit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687512 [19:33] chaosrl: Is an ssh/scp server running on your computer? [19:33] hellion0: yeah i do, just not at the moment. i can go get the files a bit later if i can't get them now, so it's not absolutely necessary [19:33] StaticSignal: choose manual [19:33] Cpudan80 i'm not sure? [19:33] StaticSignal: i'm assuming you did that because you got into the partiitoner [19:33] lanzelloth, K. [19:33] Repair function in ubuntu, Is there one ??? [19:33] is there any way i can recover my box without reinstalling? [19:33] I never got it, hang on I'll try to reonnect to you - you should see a second window/tab open [19:33] sutka: boot off the install cd and run the repair tool [19:33] chaosrl: you can check with netstat [19:33] chaosrl: Pastebin the output [19:33] StaticSignal: what windows is it? [19:34] REpair tool, found where after booting from CD [19:34] How can you update Firefox? [19:34] Looking for a simple way for multiple authors to collaborate on a single document. The document is an article that's to be written. I don't mean multiple people editing at once, I mean the ability for people to add edits and comments into a document. Would rather not use something heavy like a wordprocessor suite. Needs to be platform independent. Any ideas? [19:34] aorthr33 i got blocked for spamming hehe [19:34] chaosrl: ok, what Cpudan80 said will work, and you might also want to change your SSH/SCP port if 22 is blocked. [19:34] panfist what is broken [19:34] lanzelloth, It is Windows XP SP2 [19:34] !pastebin [19:34] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [19:34] Anybody that can spare 5min to try and help me with my wireless network? [19:34] Heartsbane: the permission are on the directory right? [19:34] seanh: Have you looked at Gobby? [19:34] titon: what is the ip address on your wlan from ifconfig? [19:34] sutka: mount your hd and run e2fsck. although there is a big giant error that says running fsck on a mounted drive is a really bad idea. I have no idea, maybe somebody can elaborate [19:34] neural: what? [19:34] Dante__, what do you have, elaborate on your setup, and what you have done so far to test? [19:34] How can you update Firefox? [19:34] [19:34] Pici I will now [19:35] as i configured in my dhcp server in the router [19:35] www.wordpress.com seanh [19:35] !flash [19:35] flash [19:35] heartsblood, just going to boot into live CD, you gonna be about for when I do> [19:35] How can you update Firefox? [19:35] flash! [19:35] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [19:35] .flash [19:35] how it works? [19:35] cafaro do you want the latest firefo or the supported firefox? [19:35] i need info flash [19:35] StaticSignal: this should help you http://apcmag.com/6101/dualboot_windows_xp_and_ubuntu [19:36] lanzelloth, the partitioner presents me with a list of my drives and 'new prtition table', and 'undo changes to partitions'. [19:36] that IP was assigned by your access point..this is good. can you open a terminal and run 'ping' [19:36] heartsblood: dismount the drive [19:36] without quotes [19:36] Cpudan80: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54752/ [19:36] !Flash [19:36] noodlesgc: latest version [19:36] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [19:36] heartsblood: and get everyone to stop highlighting me [19:36] sutka: negative sir, I gotta take off in a second but system restore is a pretty easy process I'm sure anybody here can walk you through it. [19:36] it will work cuz i got eth1 plugged in to so i can go on here hehe [19:36] does anyone know if the recent update solved the Wifi detection issue for Acer Aspire 1680? It uses the Intel Pro Wireless 2200BG ? [19:36] Heartsbane, you first damnit [19:36] Pici -- does this require all authors to be working on the document at the same time? Or can one author work on it, save it, email it to the others, they do some work on it, email it back, etc.? [19:36] chaosrl: doesn't look like you're running an ssh daemon [19:36] lanzelloth, beleive it or not, that's the guide I tried! [19:36] StaticSignal: http://apcmag.com/6101/dualboot_windows_xp_and_ubuntu step 5 out of 6 <-- that one [19:36] hello [19:37] chaosrl: Do ---- netstat -l | grep ssh ---- to verify [19:37] Heartsbane, and unmounting the drive did nothing to fix it [19:37] chaosrl: should say something like unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 17760 /tmp/ssh-SqkEAg5489/agent.5489 [19:37] Heartsbane, the drive still mounts as read only. [19:37] cafaro the latest firefox is actually in the software channel. type sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade [19:37] Cpudan80 yeah, that's very similar to what i have [19:37] lanzelloth, I am tempted to just say 'screw it' and let ubuntu format my drive. [19:37] StaticSignal: well that's the basic steps, you want to resize (shrink) your old xp partitions to make room for ubuntu [19:37] just the numbers a bit different [19:38] chaosrl, those command suggestion to you should be run while you are remotely logged in to your university..so we would know if the university is running sshd [19:38] chaosrl:right yeah, that's ok [19:38] try this ' ping -I wlan0' replace wlan0 with whatever your wireless card is assigned (eth2/wlan0/atho - whatever) [19:38] chaosrl: OK, so ssh is running --- do you have a firewall running? [19:38] oo its returning [19:38] Cpudan80 those commands were run on my own machine, i dont' think i have a firewall running on my machine [19:38] StaticSignal: there should be an option somewhere to resize [19:38] okay, try replacing with google.com [19:38] chaosrl: If you didnt install one, you dont have one [19:38] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=127 time=1.09 ms [19:39] amenado do you see the dialog window or should I write it out here? [19:39] Cpudan80 yeah, i didn't install one [19:39] StaticSignal: brb rebooting [19:39] chaosrl: Try sshing to the loopback ---- ssh localhost [19:39] works to [19:39] g2g good luck all [19:39] your good to go then [19:39] chaosrl: Should prompt you for a login after accepting the fingerprint [19:39] lanzelloth, holy crap, I went 'back' in the installer and tried it again... sudeenly It gives me my resizing options. Out of the blue. It fixed itself, and I changed nothing. WTF?! [19:39] Dante__, I do not see it, write it out here, but limit to 3 lines, [19:39] Cpudan80 port 22: connection refused is what i get [19:39] if i reinstall a metapackage does it reinstall all of the packages that depend on it? [19:39] StaticSignal: that is worrying :/ [19:40] or rather that it depends on [19:40] chaosrl: Something is wrong with your SSH daemon [19:40] hmmm ok if i just tke out eth1 will i be onlie then? [19:40] Cpudan80 :( i've actually got to run now. i'll just grab the files from a machine later, but that's so much for your help! [19:40] chaosrl: Try restarting it -- the command is uhhhh....... ummm.... hang on [19:40] chaosrl: Alright, we'll be here later too :-) [19:40] haha [19:40] ok. I have networkmanager working wireless. I have installed fwcutter. Blacklisted bcm43xx to install ndiswrapper. And now I have something called WiFi Radar. [19:40] Cpudan80 Thanks again! [19:40] titon - yes... the -I parameter told ping to only use the specified port...if you can ping google.com over the wireless, then you shoudl be good [19:40] np [19:41] heartsblood: sounds odd I had a similar problem, not enough power, hooked up to a new power molex and distributed power evenly, just a thought [19:41] I would also save these settings in the network admin tool.. 'sudo network-admin' [19:41] ok gonna try keeping fingers crossed thx aorthr33 [19:41] DRebellion, yes, but suddenly, I'm given my handy partition slider and everything. I now have the option to write my changes to disk and do the resize operation. [19:41] I have an Amilo A1655G with a Broadcom bcm4318 wireless card. But I dont see the light on. And it has a hardware button that doesnt work anymore. So I fear that its not on. [19:42] StaticSignal: did you md5sum the image and use the verify option on the disk? [19:42] YES :D [19:42] Sorry. Networkmanager is working my wired connection [19:42] titon - excellent [19:42] it was working al along freakin weired man [19:42] DRebellion, you just spoke in UNIX, and I understood none of it. Try again, but for n00bs? [19:43] when is the flash going to be fixed? [19:43] thx aorthr33 i just dont know what i did cuz i went over everything over and over [19:43] how do I connect to another irc server? [19:43] StaticSignal: like that picture on the guide? [19:43] StaticSignal: when you first boot the livecd, you get a text menu with different options. there is an option to "verify" the disk, eg check it for errors. if you haven't already done so, i strongly suggest you do this before installing. [19:44] hi all! hope you can bier with me noob question :) I'm wondering how can I list groups user is member of? [19:44] !brokenflash | mohbana_ [19:44] titon: sometimes the dhcp tool (dhclient) is a little slow to wake up [19:44] mohbana_: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [19:44] lanzelloth, yes, just like the guide screenshot. THings seem to be working fine now! [19:44] carra: you can look in the interface [19:44] I'm using XChat, how do I connect to another irc server? [19:44] StaticSignal: that should be fine, it's just a confirmation box [19:44] carra: system -- admin -- users and groups [19:44] amenado: Any idea on what I should try next? [19:44] DRebellion, will reboot now and choose that option. please stand by! [19:44] hehe workes for me its running great the fwcutter workes awesome...i read further up about someone else with broadcom [19:45] oh.. I don't have gui... using ubuntu server [19:45] carra: By default you are member of your username group [19:45] hrm.... how to find out all of them by the command line..... [19:45] how do I put a console in the desktop? to make this more clear I've seen screenshots where a console was built-in to the desktop background... if that helps. [19:46] if I create user with adduser or useradd would it have sudo? === ubuntu is now known as Sutka [19:46] yes [19:46] carra: no [19:46] carra: no, you have to use 'visudo' to add it. [19:46] I get mono sound from my ubuntu, any ideas whats wrong? [19:46] cara: I think 'groups username' should give you what you want [19:46] Right then guys, basic restore fuction or repair tool, newb guide anyone? [19:46] lanzelloth, thank you for all your help so far! I never imagined the community would be so helpful to first-timers. [19:46] Hi ubuntu people ! i try many how to's to install flash player on firefox i use ubuntu 64 bit i try about 2hours my head gona blow up please help me [19:47] groups username worked fine! thanx! [19:47] !flash [19:47] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [19:47] np [19:47] I'm using xchat how do I connect to another server? [19:47] Hello. I have an IBM Laptop running Ubuntu 7.10 with a cdrom drive in a docking station. Sometimes when connecting the laptop to the station the cdrom is recognized and I can access it, sometimes it's not -- and rebooting is the only way I know to enable it. Any idea how to access the drive w/o rebooting? [19:47] scotty: what server are you trying to connect to [19:47] xchat... new... [19:47] Dante__, lspci and look in the list if your wifi card is detected [19:47] DRebellion, I am offered no such 'verification' option at the boot menu. [19:47] !nspluginwrapper | Rcd [19:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:47] irc.hackthissite.org [19:47] StaticSignal: :/ [19:47] I get mono sound from my ubuntu, any ideas whats wrong? Anyone? [19:48] /connect [19:48] I think [19:48] DRebellion: the closest item is 'check CD for defects'. Is this what you mean? [19:48] B-rabbit, i try with nspluginwrapper don't work for me [19:48] so to add sudo to user I have do adduser name and then visudo username? [19:48] StaticSignal: yes, that's the one [19:48] Right then guys, basic restore fuction or repair tool, newb guide anyone? [19:48] StaticSignal: np [19:48] HEllo. Can anyone with Inotek experience help me with this? "In order to use VirtualBox's USB support, the user account under which you intend to run VirtualBox must have read and write access to the USB filesystem (usbfs)." -- I get this message when i try to "activate the cd rom " http://pastebin.com/m165bd88a -- i think its related. [19:49] DRebellion: selecting! Aaaaand, it's on its way. I assume we're hoping for 'no defects found' or somesuch. [19:49] StaticSignal: yep [19:49] this does not work: /connect irc.hackthissite.org [19:49] carra modify /etc/group and and the user you want to have sudo priviledge to admin group [19:50] DRebellion: This could take a few minutes, go make yourself a sandwich! XD [19:50] Can someone guide me thorugh a restore or a repair on my nstallation? [19:50] what low-depenceny graph visualization library for python exists in the repository ? [19:50] amenado: 08:0a.0 Networkcontroller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN controller (rev 02). Does that mean its on? Or just detected? [19:50] Hi. I've got one Ubuntu unit on dialup. Is there a way to download large updates to a flash drive and hand carry them to save dialup time? Can I use a WIndows PC (gaaak!) to download the files to the flash drive? [19:50] I can't find my ati dir anywhere [19:50] DRebellion: BTW, thanks to you too. I aprreciate your time and expertise. [19:50] Dante__, it meant it is detected [19:50] !offline | joeKr [19:50] joeKr: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/ [19:50] StaticSignal: no problem [19:50] Its in applications Accessories [19:51] I have problem with audio when am playing a movie. It disappears maybe 10 seconds and is working 45 sec. Then 10 seconds again and so on. I have had this problem before and I did something with ubuntu 7.10. Am currently using 8.04 alpha4. Please advice [19:51] scotty: hang on, I'm installing and I'll look at it [19:51] DRebellion: Thanks! [19:51] niklas: I advise you join #ubuntu+1 [19:51] Hi! I'm having trouble with my wireless connection, "lshw -class network" gives me nothing which means my computer doesn't have wireless.. but it has since it worked a few days ago.. can someone help me with this? [19:51] amenado: Is there some way to see if its on? [19:51] When I try to change to on of my terminals (ex. CTRL+ALT+F1) I only get a messed up screen. Are there any keys I can press to fix this? [19:51] Can someone guide me thorugh a restore or a repair on my nstallation? [19:51] I am looking to give someone an impetus for using Ubuntu. She needs to have access to graphics applications like Adobe Creative Suite. So this would have to be via WINE or a VM. Preference would be WINE. Is there a place in UBuntu that focuses on this kind of thing, by folks that use it every day in their careers? (She won't be interested in hearing from people that play with it unless they have skill in the programs, under Ubuntu alread [19:51] thank you aorthr! [19:51] DRebellion, I don't think its related to 8.04 because I have had this with ubuntu 7.10. [19:51] Any suggestions? [19:51] Hey everyone, just installed ubuntu and its not recognising my 8400GS graphics card [19:52] scotty, can you go private? [19:52] that is the differens in adm and admin groups? [19:52] yes [19:52] aorthr: yes how do I [19:52] dipper: does "ifconfig" in a terminal list your card? [19:52] niklas: that doesn't change the fact that you are using an alpha release [19:52] okay :) === ubuntu is now known as ubun2 [19:52] scotty: I'm available in PM then, that way we don't clutter the channel. [19:53] magnetron: just eth0 and lo [19:53] mag" ifconfig lists info on all network interfaces if none is iven [19:53] How can i play mkv video files in ubuntu ??? [19:53] aoirthoir how so I PM? [19:53] e.g. 'ifconfig eth2' would only give info on eth2 [19:53] CCC codec [19:53] I think [19:53] o-o [19:53] that is the differens in adm and admin groups? [19:53] scotty: I've ot a private window opened up now...did you get another tab or window pop up? [19:54] niklas: It may not be specific to 8.04, but since that is what you are running, you really should be asking in there. [19:54] Can someone guide me thorugh a restore or a repair on my nstallation? [19:54] DRebellion: check completed, no errors found. =) [19:54] can you think of any clever things to check, in order to "clone" an environment from one Ubuntu server to a newer? I'm thinking of localization/character things. [19:54] StaticSignal: excellent [19:54] I have a working setup, with swedish chars, on my old box, and on my new box its all shite [19:54] ey everyone, just installed ubuntu and its not recognising my 8400GS graphics card, can anyone offer any advice on how to get it working> [19:54] hola [19:54] roly2: you updated the ubuntu files yet to find a driver [19:54] Why gnash flash plugin don't work properly? [19:55] !flash [19:55] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [19:55] Dante__, if you see it in lspci, it is ON [19:55] DRebellion: boot into liveCD and lad the installer again? [19:55] sybariten: try to get the package system to output a list of all your installed applications. i forgot the specicfic command. [19:55] roly2: the 8000 series nvidia have some issues. I politely refer you to the wiki for drivers [19:55] StaticSignal: go for it :) [19:55] Sutka, that tut don't work [19:55] DRebellion: The http://apt.byethost14.com/ page only has Dapper/Edgy/Fiesty as chioces, no Gutsy. [19:55] !nvidia [19:55] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [19:55] is there a way to change server default language? [19:55] joeKr: :/ [19:56] ty ubotu jack and sutka [19:56] joeKr: you can probably locate the urls of the repos and download manually [19:56] We thank the bots here? [19:56] magnetron: aha? but are localization/character problems related to installed apps? [19:56] sybariten: NO. [19:56] astro76: Thanks for the advice, the upgrade was annoying but it's working. [19:56] anyways........... Can someone guide me thorugh a restore or a repair on my installation? [19:56] amenado: really? then im lost. I have no idea what do to next. Arent there some sort of wireless manager that is able to scan for connection instead of me writing a specific one? [19:56] hiya everyone [19:57] im new to ubuntu :D [19:57] hi all [19:57] "lshw -class network" gives me nothing, but my wireless connection worked a few days ago.. what is wrong? How can I fix it? Could really use some help here.. [19:57] DRebellion: OK. I'll give it a try. Thanks again. [19:57] sutka, my device doesnt appear in restricted devices though [19:57] !nvida [19:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about nvida - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:57] :/ [19:57] hi guys, can you help me? [19:57] typos [19:57] Sutka: please be more specific. what do you want to restore or repair, specifically? [19:57] magnetron: eh... ok? [19:57] Anyway refer to site as before for help [19:57] Sutka: You need to supply more info about why or how it became corrupt, what all you installed outside from official repos, and if you ever ran scripts like automatix or envy to [19:57] Dante__, the thing is you are one of those lucky many to be using the dreaded broadcom chip 43xxx. [19:57] does anyone know how i can have a dual monitor setup on ubuntu?? [19:57] sutka, it says 7.0 and later [19:58] Does anyone know if it's possible to use a Zune with Linux like an iPod? [19:58] refer to restricted devices manager [19:58] amenado: Which means im screwed? Or is there a way? [19:58] Dante__, you can use restrictred drivers for it or maybe ndiswrapper, basically the issue is the driver for bcm43xx chips [19:58] !dualhead | RTLKyuubi [19:58] Okay/me refers roly2 to the nice captain [19:58] RTLKyuubi: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [19:58] thanks! :D [19:59] Dante__, you may have to google for it...let see if the bot has any [19:59] amenado: Ok. I installed the ndiswrapper for my card but I dont know were to manage ndiswrapper [19:59] !bcm4311 | Dante__ [19:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about bcm4311 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:59] sutka i dont understand [19:59] !broadcom | Dante__ [19:59] Dante__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [19:59] Is there something like a kernel optimized for certain architetures? I'm following the following tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 , in order to upgrade my Ubuntu 7.10 kernel to the latest version, but I'd like to know if I could optimize it for the Athlon XP arch and how [19:59] I tried to change the permissions to read on all files in the system so i can locate certain ones without logging in as root [20:00] brb [20:00] Sutka: Very bad idea. [20:00] guys, how can I manually change my refresh rate of my monitor on Ubuntu? [20:00] Your telling me [20:00] Sutka: that is a really really bad idea [20:00] its at 50Hz when it should be at 60Hz [20:00] lolz [20:00] Well its broke now [20:00] Sutka: I hope you had a good backup [20:00] I want fixes >.< [20:01] Backup, I'd only installed yesterday morning, I did this last ngiht [20:01] Is there any way to install flash player 64 bit ubuntu ? i try how to on ubuntu forum not work for me please help [20:01] All i know is /sib/init/ doesnt exist anymore [20:01] Sutka: Well, then you shold burn var/cache/apt/archives to a cd and reinstall [20:01] !ndspluginwrapper | Rcd [20:01] How can i play MKV files Please >___< [20:01] !ndispluginwrapper | Rcd [20:01] Dimitree: NEver heard of them [20:01] amenado: Should I (and how) uninstall ndiswrapper and WiFi radar before using the guide you linked me? [20:02] guys, how can I manually change my refresh rate of my monitor on Ubuntu? its at 50Hz when I want it at 60Hz [20:02] !nspluginwrapper | Rcd [20:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:02] *sigh* [20:02] whats located in var/cache/apt/archives [20:02] :[ [20:02] DRebellion, how it works? [20:02] DRebellion: did not boot correctly to desktop. Cursor displays correctly, but there's notihg else except for striated flashing blips on the screen. Trying reboot. [20:02] Zimmer: You can manually edit xorg.conf but please back it up and know how to restore it [20:02] Rcd: nspluginwrapper i think [20:02] Dante__, follow that guide, yeah may as well remove ndiswrapper and follow that link suggestions [20:02] StaticSignal: :( that is bad [20:02] I can extract self-extract archive rar from win. Every time appear warning window with note: "no suitable aplication" [20:02] can you help me? [20:02] Sutka: all of the updates that you most likely already downloaded [20:03] Jack_Sparrow: its only changing the refresh rate.... it wouldn't damage anything, right? [20:03] !rar | redz_ [20:03] redz_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [20:03] Sutka: It can save you about 2 hours === free is now known as Kernel [20:03] I am looking to give someone an impetus for using Ubuntu. She needs to have access to graphics applications like Adobe Creative Suite. So this would have to be via WINE or a VM. Preference would be WINE. Is there a place in UBuntu that focuses on this kind of thing, by folks that use it every day in their careers? (She won't be interested in hearing from people that play with it unless they have skill in the programs, under Ubuntu alread [20:03] I'm not fussed about updates, I'd rather keep all my files and configs I had done [20:03] Hi, I dont suppose anyone can help with a bitlbee question: I can't get it to save, each time i try it says "configuration not saved!"? [20:03] Zimmer: If you dont feel you need a backup of xorg.. go for it.. [20:03] my comp says I've got no wifi card.. but I have and it worked a few days ago.. can someone help me making my computer realize it can fly? [20:03] DRebellion: Yeah, this laptop is a nice, year-old model from HP. She's a little powerhouse, and never given me trouble like this. Besides, I've booted into LiveCD several times before! [20:03] <[-Delta-]> Well Hello everyone. [20:03] !clone [20:03] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [20:04] dipper, do you have a hardware switch that may be turned off? [20:04] aoirthoir, better ask in #winehq. what works and doesn't work there is pretty much independent from the distribution. [20:04] i think it is a permisions issue but I have no idea how to fix it? [20:04] StaticSignal: i don't see how checking the disk image can change anything :/ [20:04] DRebellion: I'd hate to think something's going on my shiny new machine. =( [20:04] DRebellion: thanks [20:04] Okay so for a re-install :( cheers anyway :) [20:05] Sutka: see the link on clone [20:05] aorthr33: hehe yeah I have but it's switched on.. [20:05] MPlayer opens MKV o-o [20:05] amenado: You have been very helpful. Thank you :) But I have a minor question. I have to activate some drivers that arent in use and I see ATI accelerated Graphics driver on the list. Should I activate? [20:05] Sutka: Ok, not really a link.. but the bot info... [20:05] sudo apt-get remove x-ttcidfont-conf wants to remove " [20:05] !automate [20:05] ttf-thai-tlwg ubuntu-desktop x-ttcidfont-conf [20:05] Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [20:05] aorthr33 I'm PMing you... [20:05] sudo apt-get remove x-ttcidfont-conf wants to remove "ttf-thai-tlwg ubuntu-desktop x-ttcidfont-conf"!!! why ubuntu-desktop? === brutop1a is now known as brutopia [20:06] Dante__, i dont know if you must activate those ATI, those are for video not for your wifi [20:06] scotty - not seeing any invites from you. [20:06] DRebellion: meta-pavkage [20:06] * [-Delta-] pokes his CF-52 with a stick. [20:06] if i need to switch into a kde session i don't need to turn off xchat? [20:06] can anyone tell me what is dual mode? [20:06] This better allow me to just install straight over my old install [20:06] Jack_Sparrow: oh wait, my bad. i didn't install it, it was already installed when i tried a while back. [20:06] DRebellion: Look's like GNOME's starting successfully. Will try installer in a minute. [20:06] Dante__, so if it was me, I would not activate ATI lest I have to use them [20:06] * DRebellion overreacted [20:06] Xman: not sure.. do they mean dual boot ? dual head ? or something else [20:06] question, how do i find which partition my install is on, bearing in mind i'm running from the live CD === Kernel is now known as HaSH [20:07] DRebellion: :) [20:07] Jack_Sparrow: it is dual mode only. [20:07] amenado: Okok. Ill worry about that later on :) [20:07] Xman: In what context are you seeing this === HaSH is now known as Kernel [20:07] aorthr33: how do I connect to irc.hackthissite.org? [20:07] <[-Delta-]> Anyone wanna help me understand and troubleshoot installation of Ubuntu onto my toughbook CF-52 ? I have real spotty knowledge. (Random bits of knowlede) [20:08] scotty: do you ahve Xchat open? [20:08] <[-Delta-]> Actually scratch that, i'll do it at 5' [20:08] Jack_Sparrow: Intel 8088 machine doesnt provide dual mode. [20:08] Jack_Sparrow: i read it in a book [20:08] Sutka, you have ubuntu already installed or just testing it with liveCD ? [20:08] aorthr33: yes [20:08] what do i need to get a webcam working besides the kernel driver being loaded? [20:08] peaches: what is the problem? [20:08] My ubuntu install is corrupt, I'm overwriting it now [20:09] uàà does anyone know a good lenguage translator for ubuntu ? [20:09] hello, does anybody want to help me? [20:09] see the User Information area, and the Networks area. [20:09] ? [20:09] Well im trying to find out which partion my first install was on [20:09] Xman: I have not been to the antique store in ages... I barely remember 8088 and 8086 [20:09] i got this new webcam, and i plugged it in, i checked to make sure gspca is loaded but all the webcam programs dont work [20:09] Jack_Sparrow: any ideas? [20:09] !who | Sutka [20:09] Sutka: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [20:09] Illusion80: If you ask your question, I'm sure someone will give it a shot. We're all very friendly in here ;) [20:09] ty DRebellion [20:10] Im using Ubuntu 7.01 amd64 edition [20:10] peaches: does /dev/video0 exist? [20:10] and want to run proftpd [20:10] 7.10 [20:10] Illusion80: keep it on one line please [20:10] Cant PM atm i'm not registered [20:10] Sutka, fdisk -l and it would list what liveCD sees as potential mountable partitions, then if you have it installed on those, look for ext3 [20:10] Jack_Sparrow: r u there? [20:10] Sutka, not pm, you have to prefix the nickname [20:11] right [20:11] !dual mode [20:11] how can i compile kernel :D [20:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about dual mode - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:11] okies [20:11] Im using Ubuntu 7.01 amd64 edition and want to run proftpd. For some reason i cant connect [20:11] DRebellion: Installer is displaying disks correctly again. Do you advise proceeding with the partition resize and install? [20:11] how do I connect to irc.hackthissite.org? [20:11] Guza: Since you have to ask, you should assume it is a bad idea to compile a kernel. :D [20:11] Xman: Yes I am here, I dont know, and that is unfortunately offtopic for this room.... [20:11] scotty: do you see those areas (user info and networks) in the Xchat window? [20:11] StaticSignal: yes [20:11] Jack_Sparrow: is there any channel for OS? [20:11] no it is not [20:11] it exists, but it doesnt do anything [20:11] the ftp server is asking for a user/pw. but i cant connect with it [20:11] i dont like initrd [20:11] :D [20:11] iircp gepog ixbwaehze umaki srxlib yworejpruc rlrndbfoton oxbqatl hrbnu qileeaocaaa anpscfzh taduzb yhutnesolbxl midwokoeiua [20:11] eeuditweoibr prnybfu uoseeyah ideeuoo ebixje ipojjhhztnhu oerrlzuwupeu oioowwtv uokxtcn [20:11] uyvkowriau oetoivzau qaniubpbghci hdeec pkwevawwbg ebduin okudvueaituz eobeq aegmubgqqai lmovoh dcfcvj yoiheelz lzoaqniexq [20:11] thzioeuy iajauo ohamytaqs iaahic puuriiih sdgehfaomig hoxwjex xiuyhne [20:11] ltoeedgaex uuviioeaw nalniet kewpsu bwosd ufupe apqnf owonemkglfne [20:11] yaoqe eooypot abucsqppc zjeerug bguczo edrqtoqo yyeipfjureaa jzivialgoe xuqteanyrii qffqatuaude [20:11] rojgpyeieuo ktehyq uueluewu uiubbqt zpofijinujxm ioveaexokapa neahii gixpxpatiuk yolvuajhqpe pxuofuapovx gdluocmeiisu aknuhx uhxrk [20:11] zmuoee weiuvarkuo ulsvek zuuzkir pchoeguee flbpaae awouwcxgsks aswiccgjdoo mkplvmaauw nyrfae xfquiesuurjp usaiaeucuie yaqjo [20:11] pduliza pejuccsy jueiox xoaoiq xgnnhbluuc yobuazcjewo qsujevgzvop aaeiktjcouo fkuqiiuleg blshiuur kbmtiraaly ggiqalijl doxpfeo labyxjzje [20:11] aetquauit cmtoivogsb cerjmrrcivu qzqda rdhgaa eplxsimdhaae srinqhevuoyi gltauffx [20:11] yubolatapvi iofouupyka iayenovw bvojuofe xrunohilxhbi idqepytxm wcxogobaf qauma loohfdo nksuuafr [20:11] fdmqokwjavfo dupxhne beltiotzu rvomkyhpba aradoiy nyumhedj gieia ssxicnol zfcqua [20:11] xeuddhapgbly urtribfe roauuagouo ibiatouiuim yipllurdyu cvqoy muuoijhhh rqnso rswflpyna irhzxor aguaaigbult biuboggraj ntirfoxt aruio [20:11] reotifycypbu htviiaviugf ihuuladwn uegby owwrvbomi tubupouue zlqad eiujuzqw ijhznwcz [20:11] ceilveugicqb iavirai egwguyose dfinoe ilaiockkqbi miqubf suxdga airpoql loanedeyay juharics equaqar ueptylk xscjtxoh hyqakqrao [20:11] adyfr aauwpu oxjmd yubiv givebzixau rddbkzaxa ciozu fywlztu ufhrqfahvhf covvseozva [20:11] azjfa ifagfofaa yffxnshwqx ulpiljeqc simpfeu bxouhaveo udjajo plzxwtioz dutsnjazupi wkqeuu [20:11] mdiqbgktt axtlau udakz sueoia qgmntivx cxixsaw kmkago iiieuou ciuupusjuj haaemognizy dkocvvoe aiutczv upfuaixstxz [20:11] siasn msbpieuu imaxyq ldfff btuvaimhnvc rikraki ovfepuuto skescq [20:11] azwlfiprykcn uezwbcbfyfih thpeszrlvx eodonuzuho ochxapu iueulaee ugeltux dollin weozoygrro uomoiaun [20:11] ekpdirr mstucgtanho iogwzbf vtsdjudlwyxp xqdopauyvof epgnxeuxfav lculafa qlzdduiax kurouduzxh abaiai hopnqmv oyzepqieqyj oeoczqeaz [20:11] rtgqp aaufa hhruyoo kjdue nnrkc itmgefy ibvccjy zqiuy euavyvvk xvjcg xieeikz uvaxhoqtdrbf iivodl ixlsyiyotmu [20:11] xwsevs dzrpcefov xeornefhze depsedrtuy wtirhlyosakr afxuae ovkhoeie unztme azyex aguynavta yoxheid [20:11] trtxedowb mdjgveqaeaaw foimbq ejyofouamooq uoiogdrpxg nxdhsm sznwvoukg vfiwmsuj ojzwarlo caraaarfuf [20:11] uutautuau jkejdiobu aeosonugdyl aezueg bevahvaeoi ieuoy fbuueaoamtpb iaiayongeeid zidiemkaupku yiuwonbko jqmtlov curtkcthaoic spcmunpociib icfifjk [20:11] afusua ktmmhdovu weiowa fhcoheub keiao ueuugu xuntzaxeuii zxesoxegfc aochgefa [20:11] chiulf uznlwskqcko pkyfolzj cowyufoipe npeee amkaiuujk aezpdcsyqhi ouooig yxuxvxeevoj georudqagvg osepqik ultdusaxds jomocwe [20:11] !ops [20:12] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow! [20:12] floodbots got em [20:12] i dont like generic kernel [20:12] DRebellion: fyi.. I am right here [20:12] DRebellion: They can get them all way faster than I can [20:12] Jack_Sparrow: super-lighting fast reactions of a kung-fu ninja :P [20:12] does ubuntu do rpm's [20:13] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [20:13] roly2: not a good idea.. no [20:13] scotty: you still in here? [20:13] !rpm | roly2 [20:13] roly2: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [20:13] anyone have the link to the intel sound card fix, that has like a-f options for how to fix it? [20:13] ok ty [20:13] Looking for a simple, cross-platform way to do non-real-time collaborative editing of a document. (Looks like Gobby does real-time only). Anyone knwo anything? [20:13] peaches: what program are you using to view the webcam? what happens when you do so/ [20:13] DRebellion: i can extract or archive rar - i have problem only with this exe file [20:13] aorthr33: yes [20:14] !hdaintel is one of them [20:14] Im using Ubuntu 7.10 amd64 edition and want to run proftpd. For some reason i cant connect for some reason. FTP server is asking for a username and pw. I don't know if my proftpd is setup correctly [20:14] I need help with my wireless connection.. lshw doesn't show any network stuff but I have a wireless card and it worked a few days ago.. what is wrong? I could use some help here..! [20:14] click on Add, and give it a name (antyhing you want - this is not the server name) [20:14] !hdaintel [20:14] aorthr33: look on the right side of xchat and click on my name [20:14] *left [20:15] my kernel does not recognize my devices eg: sound card, video card [20:15] scotty:then click edit and ad the address [20:15] DRebellion: 'Please wait; resizing partition'. Looks like this is going to take forever. However, it looks like I'll be able to handle it with the guide from here. [20:15] For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [20:15] DRebellion: http://pastebin.com/m3aebe943 [20:15] before 2 days it was working but now :S [20:15] scotty, I'm not useing Xchat for this session - - usuing GAIM [20:15] and camstream doesnt show video0 [20:15] StaticSignal: excellent. have a good time with ubuntu ;) [20:15] !who | peaches [20:15] peaches: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [20:15] This thing is fricken picky !! [20:16] ¬¬ [20:16] DRebellion: Thanks! I sure hope to- I've had enough of proprietary bullcrap. If worse comes to worse... I'll come back, looking for you! XD === yankee_bandit is now known as Arthur37854 [20:16] some one can help :D [20:16] or to recompile kernel :) [20:16] can i talk to somebody private/pm? about proftpd [20:17] hie [20:17] Illusion80, use sftp not ftp. ftp is insecure. [20:17] aorthr: I'm trying to connect right now [20:17] hola mundo [20:17] PriceChild> Illusion80, use sftp not ftp. ftp is insecure. i cant connect to server [20:17] hello [20:17] slt qui parle français ? [20:17] !es | xsnippe [20:17] xsnippe: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [20:17] is there a german channel? [20:17] back [20:17] !fr | mimi [20:17] mimi: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [20:17] !fr | mindframe_ [20:17] mindframe_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [20:17] !de | nubsta [20:17] nubsta: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [20:17] mindframe_: sorry, wrong nick [20:18] when my computer boots i can not see the black text on what my machine is doing. like the booting informatino i just always have a solid black screen [20:18] alguien de mexico? [20:18] i am using ubuntu 7.10 [20:18] !es > xsnippe [20:18] !es | xsnippe [20:18] xsnippe: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [20:18] and i cant find 2.6.23 kernel in apt [20:18] Question? i want to install apache2 and on one of the webpages it says if i have php4 installed. i have gusty 7.10 dose it have any php already installed or can i just download php5.. [20:18] only 2.6.22 [20:18] the system boots fine but i would still like to see what is going on during the boot process [20:18] gracias [20:18] ill leave a message on the forum [20:18] I am having a hard time connecting... [20:18] !tab [20:18] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [20:19] bonsoir [20:19] to busy in here [20:19] !fr > mimi [20:19] hello [20:19] got a bit of a problem [20:19] scotty:make sure you specify the port at the end of the line ... irc.server.net/6667 [20:19] I did [20:19] port 7000 [20:19] Pidgin crashes... [20:19] how can i go in to the admin on school computers?... their window is xp [20:19] aorthr33: shouldn't it be irc.server.net:6667 ? [20:19] !windows > chung [20:20] chung: this is not an ubuntu support related question [20:20] DRebellion: Terrible news. 'An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation is aborted'. [20:20] Your asking for windows help??? [20:20] Question? i want to install apache2 and on one of the webpages it says if i have php4 installed. i have gusty 7.10 dose it have any php already installed or can i just download php5..? how do i determin if i have php installed or not by default???? [20:20] oh [20:20] DRebellion: camstream doesnt see /dev/video0 [20:20] jpatrick: yes windows [20:20] Rocker/Scotty - - could be - - may be application specific...my app requires a / [20:20] and you need the admin password chuing [20:20] peaches: try mplayer [20:20] !windows | chung [20:20] chung: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [20:20] !windows | chung [20:20] StaticSignal: does it print the error? [20:20] Im using Ubuntu 7.10 amd64 edition and want to run proftpd. For some reason i cant connect for some reason. FTP server is asking for a username and pw. I don't know if my proftpd is setup correctly. Can somebody help me configuring proftpd.conf pls? [20:20] Arthur37854: php5 and apache2 are both in the Ubuntu repositories [20:21] argh, anyone know where source-o-matic went? [20:21] Arthur37854, uit is not installed by default, sudo apt-get install apache2 php (will give you php5 and apache2 [20:21] !source-o-matic > maek (maek, see the private message from Ubotu) [20:21] DRebellion: Yes, it shows me a window with the error printed in it. [20:21] StaticSignal: is it long, or can you quote it for the channel? [20:21] LjL: thanks. [20:22] 6667 [20:22] DRebellion: mplayer /dev/video0? [20:22] I hate having to update and re-customize things [20:22] you know the commands for ubuntu?... is it the same as windows [20:22] is there any linux piece of software that can be used to create report like crystal reports ? [20:22] !general chat [20:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about general chat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:22] I can not connect to irc.hackthissite.org [20:22] peaches: mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0:driver=v4l:width=640:height=480 [20:22] Chung: what commands are you after? [20:22] Drebellion: I quoted the error message exactly as it was displayed. [20:22] !ot | Sutka ;) [20:22] Sutka ;): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:23] Sutka: to go through the school admin [20:23] jpatrick: cheers [20:23] I need help with my wireless connection. "lshw -class network" gives me nothing.. but I have a wifi card and it worked yesterday.. what is wrong? [20:23] I need help with my wireless connection. "lshw -class network" gives me nothing.. but I have a wifi card and it worked yesterday.. what is wrong? [20:23] I have an issue, everything when I"m watching movies none of my movie players seem to want to work, its like I'm missing some codesc or something the video will show but very laggy. [20:23] !repeat | dipper [20:23] dipper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [20:23] StaticSignal: damn. that is a useless error. [20:23] chung: you cannot unless you have the admin passwrod simple as [20:23] DRebellion: hmm, unable to open '/dev/video0': Invalid argument [20:23] !privacy | chung [20:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about privacy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:23] !cracking | chung [20:23] chung: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [20:23] peaches: are you sure /dev/vide0 exists? [20:23] does anyone know where i can get a dual monitor program from? [20:24] -J .... cant remmebr what that is [20:24] yes [20:24] !dualhead | RTLKyuubi [20:24] RTLKyuubi: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [20:24] !mode | Sutka [20:24] Sutka: There are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml [20:24] hi, i got strange ATA errors on my VIA Epia board runnning ubuntu/gentoo/etc. "ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2....". more infos at (system info at the end of the file): http://pastebin.com/m317594a3 [20:24] DRebellion: This is getting very frustrating. Should I cut my losses, back up my Windows-side data, and forget the dual-boot? [20:24] i looked and then ended up on xfree86 [20:24] DRebellion: yes [20:24] scotty: can you ping the address from your location...I just tried on Xchat and got right in [20:24] how do I ping? [20:24] but dont know what to do next [20:24] hy [20:24] ping irc.hackthissite.org [20:25] peaches@noah:~$ ls /dev/vid*/dev/video0 [20:25] StaticSignal: i thought you hated "proprietary bullcrap". what's with the dual-boot? [20:25] scotty: ping [20:25] I have an issue, everything when I"m watching movies none of my movie players seem to want to work, its like I'm missing some codesc or something the video will show but very laggy. [20:25] scotty, open a terminal and ping from there [20:25] broken__: perhaps video drivers? [20:25] DRebellion, well it worked before. [20:25] Hm,odd. [20:26] But now that I took out XGL and compiz videos are all choppy. [20:26] broken__: perhaps the desktop effects. [20:26] DRebellion: Alas, I am a gamer. I value the ability to play Homeworld 1&2, Fallout 1&2, the orange box, etc on the go. [20:26] I feel your pain Static [20:26] I just "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server", but I cant find the database manager [20:26] Roy, that's set to none. [20:26] if that exists [20:27] StaticSignal: you could run windows in a virtual machine [20:27] so just type "ping irc.hackthissite.org into terman"? [20:27] scotty: yes [20:27] scorch, ehh what? [20:27] StaticSignal: but it would be a bit slower than usual because ubuntu would be running at the same time... [20:27] here is what I got: [20:27] ping irc.hackthissite.org [20:27] PING irc.hackthissite.org ( 56(84) bytes of data. [20:28] !paste | scotty [20:28] DRebellion: Sounds like fun, but does my laptop have the oomph to do it? [20:28] scotty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [20:28] italiano? [20:28] scotty: no replies, ey? [20:28] !it | leonardo_ [20:28] leonardo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [20:28] StaticSignal: specs? [20:28] !it | leonardo_ [20:28] stupid lag [20:28] thanks [20:28] !lag > Flare183 [20:29] scotty: any further replies??? along thel lines of 64 bytes from the.rias.keeps.scarring.us ...etc, etc.. ect === marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_- [20:29] jpatrick, I think Flare183 might actually know what it is ;-) [20:29] !away > marko-_- [20:29] yes in fact i do [20:29] ompaul: joke ;) [20:29] StaticSignal: i don't really know what the performance would be like, i have never run windows in a vm myself... [20:29] I'll try latter... [20:29] DRebellion: AMD Turion64 CPU @ 1.6GHz (OC-able to 1.8), NVIDIA 6150 integrated GPU, 2048MB 667MHz DDR2 [20:29] how do I get gtk.h? anyone? [20:29] i can not see boot progression in gutsy before splash screen [20:30] I'm having a very hard time! [20:30] StaticSignal: :/ [20:30] Flare183, the problem is i got disconected and marko-_- didn't pinged away... so it set's my nick to marko-_-_ or someting like that. [20:30] scotty: if you've gotten no further replies, then the problem is the network, you don't have a route to that irc, or you ISP is blocking it....I don't think the problem is Xchat [20:30] StaticSignal: when you came across the partitioning error, where any of the hard drives mounted? [20:30] DRebellion: ...'mounted'? [20:30] marko-_-: dude kill the away thing [20:31] thingy* [20:31] away thingy ?o_0 [20:31] ok i was recompile kernel and works [20:31] 89%...... [20:31] but where i can update apt [20:31] ompaul: tell marko-_- about the away sign thingy [20:31] http://www.xfree86.org/ <--- can someone help me install this please [20:31] this does not work: /connect irc.hackthissite.org [20:31] to get 2.6.23 [20:31] can you start a new x server to use the tvout? [20:31] !away | marko-_- [20:31] marko-_-: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away " to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines» [20:32] I'm tiring to compile a C file but gcc asks for gtk.h. How do I get gtk.h? anyone? [20:32] RTLKyuubi, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [20:32] RTLKyuubi, that and lots more [20:32] papiculo, search what package it's in from http://packages.ubuntu.com [20:32] 94%..... [20:32] hi guys, i have to resize my / (root) partition and i wanted to ask is it possible to do it without losing data from /home partition? [20:33] StaticSignal: mounted, hmm... windows users get it all done for them. its like the drive being "clamped" onto the root ( / ) filesystem, so it can be accessed. you can't write to the partition table when a drive is in this state. [20:33] open arena rather* [20:33] i am not able to see the boot menu screen for gutsy like my boot progression [20:33] Sutka, we do not really need a blow by blow account :) [20:33] register bitmonster [20:33] if i severely screwed up my xserver and maybe other things can i reconfigure or reinstall without reformatting? [20:33] Celes: what about open arena? [20:33] nickserv register bitmonster [20:33] Celes: by the way i love that game [20:33] i remove all the quiet notation is my menu.lst file but i still get a solid black screen when gutsy is booting [20:33] I know you don't, but it brightens things up :) [20:33] !register | bitmonster [20:33] bitmonster: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration [20:33] whats that program you need to umm play multiplayer on it Flare183 ? [20:33] DRebellion: IN that case, I mounted nothing. [20:33] ah i see ;-) [20:33] StaticSignal: you would know, because there would be an icon on the gnome desktop with a hard drive. [20:33] Celes: openarena-server [20:34] !ops [20:34] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow! [20:34] panfist, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [20:34] oh no [20:34] h4L1m, ? [20:34] h4L1m, ? [20:34] yes? [20:34] h4L1m: what's the problem? [20:34] h4L1m: yes? [20:34] h4L1m: ? [20:34] Flare183, not needed [20:34] nothin [20:34] oh ok [20:34] lol [20:34] haha [20:34] ouch [20:34] rofl [20:34] Moron. [20:34] !offtopic [20:34] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:34] bad day for that [20:34] Flare183 no servers showed for me and all I saw was enable punkster y/n and I dont know what punkster is or where you get it :S [20:34] (20:32:22) ompaul: RTLKyuubi, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop <----- whats that and where can i get it? [20:34] anyone listen death metal [20:35] if yes,contact me [20:35] !offtopic > bonsai [20:35] hello [20:35] hmm where was this guide for installing recent ati fglrx driver on gutsy? [20:35] Celes: join me in #ubuntu-us-sc [20:35] Celes: i'll tell you alll about it [20:35] RTLKyuubi, just use the standard install disk and it will install it [20:35] i have [20:35] thats how i installed it [20:35] i am having trouble see my boot progression before the splash screen i see a solid black screen [20:35] Need help to install gutsy server on a powerhedge 2500 : error at 21% lib6c [20:35] RTLKyuubi, then you have xorg installed [20:35] could someone tell me how to see the boot progression of my machine [20:36] whats that? :D and where can i find it? [20:36] DRebellion: So no, no mounted drives. Also, the partitioner just rescanned for drives and filesystems, and I'm kicked back to the manual partition-maker. Looks like it no longer recognizes my existing partition. [20:36] i used the 7.04 disc [20:36] i edited grub and removed the quiets from the booting lst and thast about it [20:36] RTLKyuubi, that is the desktop on the 7.04 disk [20:36] adub: try adjusting the framebuffer resolution by adding vga= to the kernel line /boot/grub/menu.lst. for the number, google for vesa codes. [20:36] DRebellion: I'm honestly thinking that my partition table is corrupt, and It's about time to stuff my data in a lifeboat and reinstall anyways. [20:36] unlinke windows i cant find the display properties [20:36] drebellion === testfire is now known as testfire|AFK [20:37] StaticSignal: yeh, this inconsistency is not at all like linux. [20:37] thanks for the heads up so if my laptop is a 1280x800 then google will give me the vesa code [20:37] have you herd of a program called ultramon? [20:37] adub: i'm assuming your monitor can't display the resolution being used. [20:37] ompaul, the ban was removed [20:38] PriceChild, ahh I thought it was -- never mind [20:38] DRebellion: Heh, what irony. Might this be Windows messing up my install to delay its inevitable abandonment? This is too funny. [20:38] done. Thanks! [20:38] drebellion i dont see where framebuffer is at in the grub menu [20:38] StaticSignal: heh. i can imagine gates screaming in his office chair screaming... [20:38] StaticSignal: :S [20:39] error libc6-udeb [20:39] adub: you have to add the line vga=(then the code) to the kernel line [20:39] how do list installed packages with apt? [20:39] what do I type into the chat box to connect to irc.hackthissite.org? [20:39] adub: you have to add the line vga=(then the code) to the kernel line (where you removed quiet) [20:39] I am looking to give someone an impetus for using Ubuntu. She needs to have access to graphics applications like Adobe Creative Suite. So this would have to be via WINE or a VM. Preference would be WINE. Is there a place in UBuntu that focuses on this kind of thing, by folks that use it every day in their careers? (She won't be interested in hearing from people that play with it unless they have skill in the programs, under Ubuntu alread [20:39] scotty: /connect irc.hackthissite.org [20:39] how do I get java installed? I have javac, but I need java [20:39] drebellion thanks for the heads up on that [20:39] is there a program like ultramon for ubuntu? [20:39] I have a class file I want to run, and no packages seem to be giving me java [20:39] I am confused [20:40] aoirthoir: I wouldn't want to run my primary work related software in a non-native OS .... [20:40] is there a program like ultramon for ubuntu? [20:40] RTLKyuubi: you have been repeatedly given dual-monitor guides. have you ignored them? [20:40] i tried but im a complete noob [20:41] and failed :( [20:41] hmm where was this guide for installing recent ati fglrx driver on gutsy? [20:41] drebellion which color depth should i use [20:41] adub: start low, and work your way up. try a variety of options. [20:41] DRebellion: Well, I'm booting into windows, and I'll back my stuff up, and try the install again. SHould any further problems arise... Hopefully, you'll be around. [20:41] wmoxam: Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep that in mind when talking to her. Though I am still looking to have something to offer so you can experiment at first. Then she can decide if it is worth it. [20:42] dang i dont see codes for 1280x800 [20:42] lol [20:42] I pulled up the Appearances dialog, Visual Effects tab, clicked "Normal" radio button. The button didn't go black, so I clicked it a couple more times. Whle I was doing this, a popup showed up and then disappeared (because I was clicking on the Appearances dialog. I don't know if the popup is related, bu tnow the Appearances dialog seems frozen, the Close button doesn't close it, neither does clicking on the window frame [20:42] right-upper-crner X to close, nor selecting "Close" from the menu in the left-upper-corner. [20:42] adub: i think there are, maybe look a bit further down... [20:44] amenado: I tried that guide. I cant remove the ndiswrapper and when I scan for networks I get "No scan results" [20:44] is there a program like ultramon for ubuntu? [20:44] i have to resize my / (root) partition and i wanted to ask is it possible to do it without losing data from /home partition? === samiam_ is now known as samiam [20:45] h4L1m: as long as you don't overwrite your /home partition with your / partition, you will be fine. [20:45] hey everyone. i can't get compiz to work anymore.. it used to. i'd messed around a bunch with my xorg.conf and i was hoping someone could take a look at it and tell me what's wrong: http://pastebin.ca/891663 [20:45] trying to install phpmyadmin from synaptics... looks like it goes through fine.. but when I look there's no reference to it in /var/www... [20:45] h4L1m: but back up /home anyway [20:46] Aquahallic: Yea, there is an error in the package - you gotta make one [20:46] Aquahallic: files are served from /srv [20:46] DRebellion, ok thank you [20:46] could take a look at it and tell me what's wrong: http://pastebin.ca/891663 [20:46] could take a look at it and tell me what's wrong: http://pastebin.ca/891663 [20:46] !repeat | visualdensity [20:46] visualdensity: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [20:46] so I can move those into /var/www?? [20:46] DRebellion: http://pastebin.com/m10e1132f [20:46] Anyone here can help me? [20:46] i'm using ubuntu 7.10 [20:46] Aquahallic: Don't move anything! Just create a link [20:47] but i guess something is wrong with /dev/video0 [20:47] krasher: if you ask a question, i'm sure somebody will try and help [20:47] ahhh... gotcha.. thx [20:47] alo [20:47] whats up? [20:47] Aquahallic: cd to /var/www and do ---- sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin [20:47] I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 but couldn't find the /usr/src/linux directory (Gutsy) [20:47] any hints? [20:47] sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin [20:48] There --- the first time it didnt show up right [20:48] i had my nvidia driver completely working... i had copied the /etc/X11/xorg.conf for backup... then i had to update my kernel... so i had to reinstall the driver... i replaced the xorg.conf with my backup and it doesn't work! [20:48] visualdensity: What display adapter? [20:48] ubuntu 7.10 ignores xorg.conf? [20:49] what package do I need to get the java runtime environemtn? [20:49] !java | erisco [20:49] erisco: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) [20:49] try [20:49] PriceChild, I did install sun-java6-jre but I still don't have the "java" command [20:50] krasher, if you don't use ubuntu's restricted driver manager, we can't help you [20:50] PriceChild, I will look at the link though [20:50] dfsdf [20:50] is there a program like ultramon for ubuntu? [20:50] well... if they work... i will use [20:50] Hey all [20:50] but i passed 2 months fighting with this piece of crap for nothing [20:50] peaches: you need the spca5xx driver [20:51] Is there a way to change my computers name? The one that shows up when you join a network. [20:51] krasher, maybe it just isn't for you yet? Maybe we haven't got a decent level of support for your hardware and you should just try again with ubuntu's next release in april and see how that works. [20:51] why is it evevtime i shut down and it fails? [20:51] !hostname | timandtom_ [20:51] timandtom_: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab === lauterbj is now known as konqui0018 [20:51] damn man... it's a lousy GeForce FX 5200... in previous versions of Ubuntu with worked like magic [20:52] *it worked [20:52] My friend wants to know how he gets unbanned from this channel [20:52] I've got a practical question.. I'm having a laptop connected to a CRT... I want to be able to draw windows from one desktop to the other, but I still want an app to be maximized only to the current workspace... Is this possible at all ? [20:52] peaches: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Spca5xx . and all it took was google... [20:52] krasher: Use the old kernel. [20:52] !ban | konqui0018 [20:52] konqui0018: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops [20:53] Ty [20:53] peaches: actually, should work out of the box on 6.06 and higher... [20:53] well... and they say you can get support with linux... just like windows... everything is a huge black box! [20:54] PriceChild: Ah :D Thanks [20:54] So, if somone gets banned for getting in a fight with somone (maybe a mod) in the channel, they basically lose their support from one of the largest sources of support for their OS...? [20:54] yep - - play nice [20:54] krasher: what are you talking about? What black box? [20:54] konqui0018, issue is to be discussed in the channel you were pointed to, not here. [20:55] konqui0018: ask about these things in #ubuntu-ops [20:55] nemilar, he read the bot's message :) [20:55] ... thanks.. [20:55] oh, lol... I didn't see that [20:55] Hi, this is my first time in IRC channel [20:55] usr13: Hello again... I still don't have any sound... :-/ [20:56] nakerlund: That's interesting.... [20:56] hi, is it easy to upgrade the nvidia drivers to the beta ones, any links? thanks === littlepinkdot124 is now known as littlepinkdot [20:56] im running kubuntu, maybe its not included in there [20:57] usr13: I did make a post about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4268756 perhaps you could look at it for me? [20:57] peaches: ask if it is in #kubuntu [20:57] nakerlund: But I have 2 computers here with the ac97 onboard chips and they both work fine. [20:57] Any word on Flash with Ubuntu 7.10 [20:57] Can't get it to work [20:57] peaches: but if there is a /dev/video0 device, it suggests that the driver is working. check the output of 'dmesg' [20:57] !brokenflash | codename [20:57] codename: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [20:57] The one in the other room has been working for several years, been through a couple different distributions and seems to work ok. [20:58] nakerlund: Did you try different port? [20:58] nakerlund: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [20:59] nakerlund: And then try switching things around, see if you get anything. [20:59] Hello. I have an IBM Laptop running Ubuntu 7.10 with a cdrom drive in a docking station. Sometimes when connecting the laptop to the station the cdrom is recognized and I can access it, sometimes it's not -- and rebooting is the only way I know to enable it. Any idea how to access the drive w/o rebooting? [20:59] usr13_: sorry. I was trying to click on the pastbin link in irssi and I used the wrong button. :-\ [21:00] vlt: perhaps you have to use modprobe -i to insert the needed driver [21:00] vlt: before you connect [21:02] vlt: Since udev is making the /dev entry for it, try: sudo /etc/init.d/udev reload [21:03] Hey, i cant seem to be able to whatch anything on youtube or similair video sites, i really want a fix [21:03] usr13: sorry! The irc scroller didn't follow the new messages(must have clicked something) [21:03] I have installed sun-java6-jre but I still don't have a "java" command. what is going on? === dusty_ is now known as jimjones [21:03] usr13: Yes I've tried different ports... even the mic one [21:03] DRebellion: Since docking station drives are seen as integral and not removeable media inserting a driver will not have much effect [21:03] nakerlund: has it ever worked before? [21:03] Hi, I need to vpn to secureix, I use pptpconfig. I can properly connect, but it sounds that no tunnel made. I live in a country with internet censorship, [21:03] genii: ok [21:04] usr13: Nopes... never [21:04] Hi, how do I configure Ubuntu to use my RAID array on install? [21:05] Hey i cant view any youtube movies or such, could someone help me figure out a fix? [21:05] hi can any one help me, i just install vlc, ad tried to play some movie in that but there are some lines on the screen , picture is not clear i dont know why. [21:05] usr13: Tried all the ports yet again but no luck :( [21:05] wow lots of folks in here huh [21:05] harm: not being able to watch videos on youtube etc would most likely be caused by not having a flash plug-in installed [21:05] harm: does firefox tell you to "install missing codecs"? [21:05] vrkhans: u sure that the video is alright? and try something other then VLC [21:06] see-g__ and DRebellion pretty sure i installed those.. howto reinstall? [21:06] half picture is clear , and half has lines [21:06] harm ya video is clear. [21:06] harm: which one? non-free or gnash? [21:06] vrkhans: can u test it with another video? [21:06] DRebellion: non-free.. i dont know the deb name [21:06] harm: easiest way: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree" [21:06] how do I get ubuntu to use my RAID0 array without killing it? [21:06] so, I can't seem to get my Ubuntu 7.10 w/ AGP NVidia 7800 GS to run in 1680x1050 res... [21:06] vrkhans: Is this a movie you are playing into your computer from a dvd player or vhs tape through a video card like All in Wonder or such? [21:06] !brokenflash | harm# [21:06] harm#: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [21:06] see-g__: ok thanks [21:06] any ideas [21:07] its on my drive [21:07] hello I installed ubuntu through VMWare on a WinXP box.. and i have problem to get a working IP. Anyone have any idea? [21:07] DRebellion: meaning? [21:07] Moduliz0r, you use the alternative cd for the install - you will find it on the download a disk section of www.ubuntu.com [21:07] rver irc.freenode.net 6667 [21:07] can anyone help to figureout why I cant use pptpconfig to bypass censorship, connecting secureix vpn [21:07] harm: either enable the "proposed" repository, or wait as recommended for the fix to come through. [21:07] aww, can't I get an alternate installer from the current cd? [21:07] harm: or install manually from the adobe website... [21:08] DRebellion: so currently no ubuntu user can see youtube videos? [21:08] thanks for pointing that out, DRebellion. Didn't know it was broken (though that explains much of the trouble I had of late ;)) [21:08] harm: incorrect. [21:08] zardosht, am not familar with secureix , can you not use ssh ? [21:08] And how can the repo's be affected if they are first tested? [21:09] Does each user account have a custom X11 file or a custom set of X11 settings that I can edit via command line? [21:09] i am having a hell of a time trying to see my boot progess [21:09] harm: the ones that installed flash before the breackage can [21:09] before the splash screen [21:09] I've downloaded all updates. but i still isnt recognising my gfx card, anyone any ideas? [21:09] harm: the binary flash files are downloaded locally on the users computer from adobe, not from the repository. [21:09] erUSUL: ok [21:09] adub: Does the screen just black out? [21:09] it seems Adobe re-broke the flash plugin. can someone confirm? [21:09] adub: don't worry, i can't see mine either ;) [21:09] DRebellion: is there a way i can get an older version of the file? [21:09] yes [21:09] harm: also the testers of the -proposed repo can too ;P [21:09] i don't know whether something else is giving trouble with [21:09] amenado: its a free vpn server to those live in a country with internet censorship https://secureix.com, u can make free account [21:09] i just want to be able to see it i dont know [21:09] adub: So does mine, I use Ubuntu x64 :~ [21:10] moduliz0r yes just blacked out i have tried all kinds of vga codes [21:10] erUSUL: can i just get the 1 - testers deb package without enabling the whole repo? [21:10] genii: reloading udev didn't help. [21:10] zardosht, try and use ssh if you can [21:10] adub: I don't know why eithrt [21:10] !backports > harm (harm, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:10] mine use to not in edgy though i could see it [21:10] adub: i have tried every single possible combination you can think of [21:10] can someone confirm if the Adobe nonfree flash plugin is broken again? [21:10] try vga=normal [21:10] harm: you can probably follow the instructions there, the parts that tells you how to install one package only [21:10] AgentHeX, /topic [21:10] DRebellion: Any idea which driver to load? [21:10] you have? [21:10] PriceChild: ? [21:10] harm: (of course adapting them for proposed instead of backports) [21:10] i am typing vga= [21:10] AgentHeX, please do it :) [21:10] vlt: no, sorry. try a google for the model number [21:10] AgentHeX, do this /msg ubotu flashissues [21:10] i have tried three but i know my monitor can do 1024x764 [21:11] LjL: iam very confused right now.. [21:11] harm: LjL hasw already answer you ;) [21:11] amenado: I'm newbie in linux. can I use ssh to connect pptp server? [21:11] I've downloaded all updates. but i still isnt recognising my gfx card, anyone any ideas? [21:11] adub: try setting xvrefresh= and xhrefresh= and also xmodule= .. i've had success with that. add it to the boot: line.. hit F2 iirc [21:11] you need to know the values to add [21:11] !pptp | zardosht [21:11] harm i am using adobe flashplayer, I have downloaded the tar.gz and untarred it, put the libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ dir [21:11] zardosht: pptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html here the words insecurity are useful [21:11] well, i have an old archive of the working nonfree flash plugin. i'm just trying to remember where to extract it to run aptitude... [21:12] AgentHeX: dpkg -i blah.deb [21:12] zardosht, am not very familiar with pptp either [21:12] jetscreamer: ey, sounds like an idea! what would i add to set the refresh rate? [21:12] anf gnash is very incomplete isnt it? [21:12] Help, My Laptop overheats when a page has embedded flash ads my processor usage goes from a constant 46% to 100% steady [21:12] DRebellion: google the monitor's model # is usually what works best for me... also see the maker's website.. [21:12] harm: it is still beta [21:12] AgentHeX, it doesn't contain the flash plugin, just a way to automate its instillation [21:12] AgentHeX, install it manually from adobe.com if needed [21:12] doug__ [21:12] jetscreamer what is f2 iirc [21:12] DRebellion: also google knoppix cheat codes.. a lot if not all work [21:13] CyberAgeVoodoo: try a firefox plugin called adblockplus (does the trick for me) [21:13] adub: hit the F2 key [21:13] AgentHex i am using adobe flashplayer, I have downloaded the tar.gz and untarred it, put the libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ dir [21:13] !iirc [21:13] IIRC means "if I remember correctly" [21:13] but let's say i want to see a movie on youtube or similar, same problem will persist [21:13] jetscreamer i believe i use xvrefresh= [21:13] PriceChild: i know aptitude doesn't, but i have a .tar.gz from before this was a problem. [21:13] Anyone here have trouble with the WUSB54GSC i found a way to get it to work [21:13] Ok iam getting waaay to stressed out now.. iam just going to get my laptop and wait a week for this to get fixed [21:13] Can anyone help me, i have an MSI Geforce 8400GS graphics card, i get display and everything but it wont lemme use desktop effects for high resolutions, can anyone think of a reason for this? it doesn't appear in my restricted drivers either [21:14] ubotu: u right but secureix is a microsoft vpn server, I can connect to it with xp vpn, it's a while that i migrate to ubuntu, and I need to vpn to bypass censorship [21:14] roly2 your graphics card installer is under restricted drivers [21:14] for those that want it from my logs: (03:38:26 PM) AgentHeX: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html [21:14] (03:38:26 PM) AgentHeX: copy to /var/cache and run "sudo aptitude reinstall flashplayer_nonfree" [21:14] belorix its not [21:14] roly2, that card was released after gutsy, and so it isn't supported. You can use nvidia.com's binary installer, but it brings a lot of issues. [21:14] adub: you would need to manually add it, so you would know [21:14] Belorix, ^ [21:14] yes thanks [21:14] damit [21:15] zardosht, care to tell us which country or vicinity you are from? [21:15] Iran [21:15] roly2: try glxinfo... if the 2 providers listed don't say nvidia, there ya go. [21:15] Anyone running a WUSB54GSc and having issues? [21:15] if it borks out, there ya go [21:15] jetscreamer, see what i said above [21:15] ah [21:16] amenado: here we have heavy internet censorship [21:16] roly2: http://liinux.hfds.com/files/n-i.txt [21:16] I've downloaded all updates. but i still isnt recognising my gfx card, anyone any ideas? [21:16] AgentHeX, you read what I have done? [21:16] oops [21:16] X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) [21:16] Major opcode of failed request: 142 (GLX) [21:16] Minor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext) [21:16] Serial number of failed request: 16 [21:16] Current serial number in output stream: 17 [21:16] !paste [21:16] !paste [21:16] thats glxinfo [21:16] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [21:16] whats the widget layer about in compiz? [21:16] widgets [21:17] zardosht, care to tell us which country or vicinity you are from? or would that get you in trouble? [21:17] I am running ubuntu under VMWare, and when I boot it up it goes through all the startup scripts and the last thing it prints is: "Running local boot scripts".. then nothing.. it's like it threw up a gdm session on a terminal (but I can't get to it since I'm in VMWare).. I downloaded the server edition, but updated it to gutsy, so maybe it installed some type of gui login.. how do I check/disable it? [21:17] amenado: he said Iran [21:17] roly2: install the nvidia binary via the nvidia-installer [21:17] LjL way too fast, wsnt able to read it..heh [21:17] jetscreamer where do i get this installer [21:17] roly2: read my link i posted above [21:18] jetscreamer, yeh ...? [21:18] roly2: /lastlog jetscreamer [21:18] amenado: Iran, here even bbc is baned, so its vital to use vpn [21:18] amenado: neg. what was that? [21:18] mohbana_: ? [21:18] jetscreamer [21:18] AgentHex i am using adobe flashplayer, I have downloaded the tar.gz and untarred it, put the libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ dir [21:18] this page cannot be displayed [21:18] amenado: there is no other means to bypass censorship [21:18] whats the widget layer about in compiz? whats the point of it? [21:18] Is there any easy way to set up a machine on my network as a Ubuntu archive for network installation. (So when I install Ubuntu on a machine without a CD drive I can be grabbing the bits locally?) [21:19] is there a visual tool to zip/unzip files? [21:19] zardosht: Tor? [21:19] !file-roller > khelll (khelll, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:19] khelll: file-roller [21:19] rellik, I didn't quite understand that. You can see the GDM in vmware console... [21:19] sigh [21:19] lame [21:19] no 1680/1050 [21:19] zardosht, sorry to hear that, but you can get pr0n from those dvd vendors from the street? odd.. [21:19] link works fine here [21:19] rellik, but ubuntu server doesn't have a window system, so it doesn't make any sense having a gdm either. [21:19] does it bork for anybody else? [21:19] hi anyonw know how to fix this sonata starting problem ?? http://wklej.org/id/85a9786bbc [21:19] gigamonkey: how do you install ubuntu without a cd/dvd-drive? [21:19] http://linux.hfds.com/files/n-i.txt [21:20] amenado: porn also is vital ;) [21:20] enhanced: I had to set what monitor I have before letting me set 16001200... maybe you need to do that too? [21:20] purge it XiXaQ [21:20] gigamonkey: you can setup an apt-mirror or cache that you can use instead of the real repos.. saves you some on the network traffic [21:20] Slart, you can install from the network. [21:20] has anyone ever tried to run Halo 2 on linux under wine ? [21:20] XiXaQ, exactly.. the rc2.d scripts seem to run successfully but then there is just no login [21:20] hello. i'm using the default remote desktop sharing on my computer, but if I use this then vino-server uses up 30-40% cpu all the time. is there a way i can log in to ubuntu remotely, in a graphical environment, but use less resources? it doesn't necessarily have to be as nice as the default gnome theme [21:20] Hello [21:21] rellik, oh.. Have you tried to press enter? That's just a message. The login prompt is there. [21:21] XiXaQ: is that a supported install option? or 3rd part? [21:21] XiXaQ, yes I've tried [21:21] zardosht, I will assume to get a linux ubuntu from same dvd vendors on the street and have em labeled pr0n... :) [21:21] Hehehe... [21:21] Slart: do you happen to know anywhere that describes how to do that? [21:21] I NEED to compile the ALSA drivers in order to have my audio card work properly. Does anyone have a clue on why I am getting that warning message? http://www.pastebin.ca/891713 [21:22] hmmm, just found this which looks promising http://popey.com/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror [21:22] gigamonkey: the apt cache thingy? there's a package.. it's really easy [21:22] jetscreamer [21:22] sladen, you'll need to setup network boot with a boot cd as an option. It doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu. It depends on your NIC supporting it though. [21:22] apt-get install pkg-config xserver-xorg-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) && sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg0.run -anN --kernel-include-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include --x-module-path=`X -showDefaultModulePath 2>&1 | cut -d, -f1` --x-library-path=`X -showDefaultLibPath 2>&1` [21:22] gigamonkey: i use squid on my gateway to cache archives, another way to do it [21:22] type that into terminaL? [21:22] amenado: but now I need to pptp, can anyone help me? [21:22] gigamonkey: but it won't make a difference on the first machine you install ubuntu on.. but the second one will be faster [21:23] gigamonkey: if you want to mirror the whole repo, use apt-mirror, if you just want to cache what you have already grabbed (useful for multiple machines come updates), use apt-catcher [21:23] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [21:23] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root [21:23] zardosht: maybe can help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91249 [21:23] roly2: add sudo infront [21:23] zardosht, i would love to assist, but my knowhow in pptp is nil..nada..zilch [21:23] roly2: assuming you downloaded the proper file that supports your gpu (aka the latest) and add sudo to whatever, and have all the other unmentioned requirements to compile stuff, yes [21:23] hey Ive been struggling with my linksys wusb54g v4 adapter to get internet, Ive come on here many times to figure out why certain drivers wont work with the thing, its not broken cause it works great on the windows partition, Ive followed guides and tried alot and still can't get it to recognize the internet [21:23] zardosht, maybe you can try the folks at #networking [21:23] Has anyone had a problem with wodim? [21:24] gigamonkey: yes. that link looks promising.. but read through it first.. I'm not sure that's what you want [21:24] Im thinking Im going to have to wipe my ubuntu partition and start over === RockerMONO is now known as Mono[food] [21:24] amenado: thanks for clue [21:24] !away > Mono[food] [21:25] PriceChild: well a few things >.> [21:25] Rian-Davide: did you see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=588045 [21:25] bullium, yes, i cant seem to burn dvd iso [21:25] PriceChild: 1) i didn't get a response, 2) i dont even know why i'm in here :< [21:25] I removed a package, but now wish to PURGE it. How can I purge the package without having to install it again? Apt says the application is not installed, and so it will not be removed. But I must PURGE === Celes is now known as Celesafk [21:25] i get, sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg0.run [21:26] hi [21:26] erisco: reinstall it, or remove fiels manually [21:26] ejer this is exactly what Ive done, Ive followed his instructions, maybe I should read down the list and do something else? because it doesnt work at all [21:26] Rian-Davide, how far do you get in getting this thing to work? does it recognize your wifi card at all? [21:26] amenado: Yeah, I'm having issues just burning a simple data CD. [21:26] ejer, that is crazy lol [21:26] erisco open synaptic and find the package and select Mark for complete removal [21:26] amenado it recognizes my card and shows up as rausb0 === Sergo21 is now known as Sergi1 [21:26] amenado but it does not list any wireless networks in my network manager [21:27] bullium , i thought I'd confirm that with you, thats all [21:27] noodlesgc, whoo hoo thanks [21:27] erisco np [21:27] roly2: you have to read the whole thing and follow the directions [21:27] Can anyone help me? I have messed up the MBR on an External NTFS HDD that is very important. I get the following error when mounting it in Gutsy: Record 5 has no FILE magic: Input/output error Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f [21:27] Rian-Davide, from a terminal, can you type sudo iwconfig rausb0 scan ? any results? [21:27] Rian-Davide: have u tried with ndiswrapper [21:27] roly2: you have to download the file. you have to change things in the command if you need to. you need to add sudo. [21:28] ejer yes and I cannot connect to any wpa wireless networks, manually or otherwise with tis driver [21:28] RichardPRog: it wants you to run checkdisk with windows... [21:28] Rian-Davide, do not even use encryption yet, just plain text, disable the wpa on your AP for now to test connectivity [21:28] ejer it sucks I got the this device working before I believe with the original driver ubuntu assigned to it, but I dont know where to find it anymore [21:29] amenado its an internet cafe [21:29] EJER yeah, i tried that, but it doesn't seem to work. This is a USB HDD if that makes any difference [21:29] Rian-Davide: you could boot off livecd andsee if in fact it works [21:29] jetscreamer can i private you please? [21:29] ejer ok I will give that a shot [21:29] Rian-Davide, then try it at your home, with plain text so you can test it easily [21:29] amenado: thanks for the info [21:30] Rian-Davide, as ejer suggested, you can try using liveCD [21:30] amenado what's plain text? [21:30] RichardPRog: have u tried this http://xperiencexp.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-chkdsk-external-usb-drive.html [21:30] Rian-Davide: not encrypted [21:30] amenda ok will do [21:30] Rian-Davide, unencrypted == plain text [21:30] I asked a question in #tor, but there aren't many people there. Does anyone have substantial experience with Tor who can answer a question about it for me? [21:30] EJRE: yeah, i have, the problem is that windows doesn't even recognize the drive sometimes [21:30] !mplayer [21:30] mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs [21:30] !codecs [21:30] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [21:30] roly2: not atm, after i get off work maybe i can help you figure it out more [21:31] RichardProg At0x0 what's tor? [21:31] ok [21:31] ejer so what do i do if i find that it works when i boot from the live cd? [21:31] sigh [21:31] ejer: othertimes it recognizes it but i cannot open it [21:31] RichardPRog: when you type that command it says 'disk not found' or similar? [21:31] 0x0422, is the little code thing jetscreamer from the list of gpus [21:31] but i dnt uderstand [21:31] noodlesgc: it's an anonymity network [21:31] o [21:31] ejer is the kde network manager less buggy than the gnome cause the gnome freezes too much [21:31] RichardPRog: yping it in cmd window forces it to run, not the same as uing gui tools [21:31] no [21:31] roly2: you said you had an 8400gt? just get the latest version, .09 . or you can just get the .07 if you really want. [21:32] Rian-Davide: most likely due to bad driver, gnome network-manager is pretty stable [21:32] ejer: it says that the bootsector is empty and the backup is also [21:32] I want to use tor along with a MUD client (a telnet client) that doesn't natively support proxy settings. I'll be connecting to a host in a non standard port (say, 7755) but it's still plain telnet. Can tor help me with this? [21:32] Rian-Davide, well if it works, you have proven that your wifi nic works, what would you like to do nexT? [21:32] funny [21:32] 8xxx==latest version [21:32] I made changes to my xorg file but these changes are not reflected in my X session. Does Gnome somehow over ride these changes and if so how do I get it to import my xorg.conf file? [21:32] RichardPRog: what says that? [21:32] I wonder if it's a gnome issue [21:32] ejer: i did it from cmd [21:32] 8400GS [21:32] are there openoffice specialists here? [21:32] At0x0: you could do torify telnet hostname 7755 [21:32] my screen resolution is at 1680x1050 [21:32] Rian-Davide: are you using the 7.10 gutsy gibbon cd? i think the kde one is better for wireless [21:32] however [21:32] ejer Im tempted to try KDE to see if its any better cause this is just pissing me off [21:32] sourcemaker: i can help you [21:32] gnome states that it is 1400x [21:33] roly2: any 8xxx, get the latest.. iirc it's the 169.09 [21:33] Rian-Davide: go ahead, it all uses the same backend stuff, should not make any dif [21:33] the codecs are in the repository? [21:33] cool! [21:33] bcardarell1, changes? such as ? [21:33] *cough* ghey *cough* [21:33] Starnestommy: Right, the thing is I want to connect to hostname using a special telnet client that doesn't support proxy settings. [21:33] savvas yea Im using gutsy gibbon this install is pretty fresh [21:33] bcardarell1 what changes? [21:33] At0x0: torify is a command that makes it tunnel through tor [21:33] savvas fully updated too [21:33] i really dont understand jetscreamer, what am i getting from where? [21:33] Rian-Davide: all youhave to do is install kde, you can have both, or more [21:33] bcardarell1 - have you restarted X - you need to do this for changes to take effect [21:33] roly2: did you read what it said? [21:33] enhanced: I had some issue with getting my nvidia drivers to work but it fixed itself somehow [21:33] anyone know a link where to check what the new linux-headers are adding/fixing before I update? [21:33] from nvidia.com [21:33] Rian-Davide: you're trying to connect wirelessly? [21:33] hi all, anyone know what packages are best to use with the tor network (to act as a relay and client?) [21:33] jetscreamer how do you install KDE on this ubuntu install? [21:34] roly2: just go to nvidia.com and d/l the latest linux version [21:34] generalj_ just open update manager and you get a general list of changes [21:34] ejer: any other ideas? [21:34] savvas yes Im trying to connect wirelessly to a wpa network [21:34] Rian-Davide: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop [21:34] jetscreamer that didnt work but after an hour of googling i found the solution [21:34] neverblue: I made the resolution smaller and created a virtual desktop [21:34] Rian-Davide: aptitu... what he siad [21:34] I need a command line macro for openoffice... like: open document => update All => convert to PDF? [21:34] enhanced: I fiddled around with screens and graphics a bit... [21:34] ok jet [21:34] the kernel has to be recompiled [21:34] nakerlund: yeah..? [21:34] bcardarell1, so the res. changes arent showing ( the ones specifically set in your xorg.conf) ? [21:34] which i am not going to do just to see my boot text [21:35] Anyone with a WUSB54GSC linksys usb wireless adapter and your having trouble i created a howto specifically for this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4269087#post4269087 [21:35] nakerlund: my monitor says it's running correctly... but gnome is not reporting that it is...hheh [21:35] neverblue: yes [21:35] Rian-Davide: the worst kind, wpa isn't still supported 100% i think, check out the documentation about wireless cards and their support [21:35] fan friggin tastic [21:35] lol [21:35] !wifi | Rian-Davide [21:35] RichardPRog: i don't understand what 'backup' means in your statement, windows should not say this, nor is it a partition type or anything else, it should also not care about bootsector unless you boot from this disk [21:35] Rian-Davide: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [21:35] neverblue: and I have already restarted x, even restarted the system [21:35] bcardarell1, not sure what the virtual desktop has to do with any of this really [21:35] noodlesgc: I see I have some linux-headers updates available today but I dont know exactly what the updates are doing, the descriptions in them are jsut generic. Is there a site that shows a release or change log for these? [21:35] roly2: then just change the .07 to .09 in the command, and add sudo in front of the apt-get and the sh NVIDIA [21:35] and the screen seems stretched a bit [21:35] enhanced: Yeah... I had no luck at all with screen resolution in preferences === _emgent is now known as emgent [21:35] ejer: sorry, i was confused on that point [21:35] I have pptp issue in vpn to secureix [21:35] umm WPA works flawlessly assuming your drivers work [21:35] neverblue: so that the user can have a 800x600 resolution but still have enough desktop real-estate to use apps such as evolution [21:35] i frequently leave my computer on over night but 9 out of 10 times after it has sat by itself for a while I come back and my audio doesnt work, is there a service or something that I can stop and restart to get it to work without restarting? unplugging the speaker cord and plugging it back in does nothing... [21:35] nabend [21:36] ejer: the current error is that it "cannot open volume for direct access" [21:36] savvas Ive gotten internet to work before with the driver module supplied by ubuntu but I dont know what I did with it [21:36] roly2: or just split the command line into it's two seperate command.. either side of the && [21:36] and add sudo [21:36] generalj_ just open System->Administration->Update Manager and open the 'changes' pane [21:36] bcardarell1, but is it affecting your display size in anyway? is this display size trying to be the virtual one your adjusting? [21:36] who use nokia phone with ubuntu? [21:37] neverblue: no change whatsoever [21:37] jet im a noob, what wud the directions to desktop be [21:37] because thats where the file is [21:37] E_Data - try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart [21:37] neverblue: I just made another change... I'm going to try restarting X... brb [21:37] Rian-Davide: well.. you have to google with +ubuntu along with the model/manufacturer [21:37] uàà does anyone know a good lenguage translator for ubuntu ? [21:37] RichardPRog: 2 possibilities, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823439 and "Spyware Doctor" may cause this [21:37] /home/username/Desktop roly2 [21:37] i need a good language translator [21:37] Why i have problem uploud and download data from my phone ? Nokia +ubuntu 64 bit? my i need drivers usb i don't know help please [21:38] E_Data - you'll need to sudo that [21:38] !java > amenado [21:38] pptp issue can anyone help me plz? [21:38] !nokia | Rcd [21:38] Rcd: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/ [21:38] i need a good language translator [21:38] lollo: sudo apt-get install youtranslate && youtranslate [21:38] what is your problem zardosht [21:38] noodlesgc, thanks u [21:38] guys, in the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", what does "-phigh" part mean? plz [21:38] :) [21:38] e_data [21:38] hey im getting dependency errors in synaptic...is there a way i can rebuild my system from scratch or something? get a clean slate again? [21:38] Fl [21:38] sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg0.run -anN --kernel-include-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include --x-module-path=`X -showDefaultModulePath 2>&1 | cut -d, -f1` --x-library-path=`X -showDefaultLibPath 2>&1` [21:38] oops [21:38] what would that become [21:39] panfist sudo apt-get --fix [21:39] what roly2? [21:39] ubotu: tell roly2 about paste [21:39] be back later all Im going to try the live cd === esperegu is now known as esperegu_ [21:39] i know what pastebin is; [21:39] roly2: well use oit [21:39] noodlesgc that doesnt do anything [21:39] ejer: i want to pptp to secureix to bypass censorship, I can connect but It sounds that no tunnel made, to bypass censorship [21:39] e_data the path in the file is on desktop [21:39] it* please [21:39] hi, noob question: is it possible to display GUIs on my X server from a distant desktop (not with VNC, but on my own desktop) [21:40] hydrelisk: you mean like x forwarding? [21:40] panfist try sudo apt-get -f [21:40] panfist - you could try sudo apt-get build-dep - see if that helps [21:40] ejer: I assume maybe the issue is with route, but im new in linux [21:40] noodlesgc...doesnt do anything [21:40] hydrelisk: ssh -X remoteip [21:40] i pm'd you roly2 [21:40] zardosht: are you using network-manager to connect? [21:40] danand that takes packages as arguments [21:41] panfist - or apt-get check?? [21:41] panfist sudo apt-get install -f [21:41] danand_ that didnt find anything [21:41] im using pptpconfig [21:41] pike > dunno what you mean... for example you can launch vim on your terminal from a distant comptuer, how can you launch gedit ("cannot open display """ it says) [21:41] hydrelisk: sudo apt-get install openssh-server (on the server). then, (form the client) ssh -X user@host (where user is your username on the server, and host is your server) [21:41] pike > ok i'll try [21:41] ejer: i can connect well with xp vpn [21:42] savvas must i copy && in the terminall ? all the line ? [21:42] hydrelisk: you would need to set up a dynamic dns, and if you have a router enable port forwarding for port 22. [21:42] lollo: yep [21:42] pike > from any terminal? or a tty separated from my gnome session? [21:42] uààà ok, i'll try it [21:42] still no sound danand_ [21:42] zardosht: this is easiest install i can find http://shiny.thorne.id.au/2007/01/pptp-from-ubuntu.html [21:42] ejer: is there any way we can speak via direct IM like AIM or MSN or even in here? i am currently installing the updates you posted on my extra windows machine so it may take a while [21:42] panfist - silly question - but have you run apt-get update?? [21:42] neverblue: no luck still... my resolution is still at 1024x768 even though I don't have that setting anywhere in my xorg file... I think Gnome is somehow overriding it [21:42] lollo: copy the line here, then at the terminal, right-click with mouse and select paste [21:42] Drebellion > thank you (and pike too of course) the only thing i was missing was the "-X" option [21:43] How does one use alsamixer to enable stereo? [21:43] RichardPRog: double click my name in the list [21:43] noodlesgc ok now we're getting somewhere...this is the error i keep getting: 54772 [21:43] hydrelisk: i guess i went a bit over the top then :P [21:43] bcardarell1, possibly thats what your monitor can handle ? [21:43] ejerr: i have sent you a message [21:43] Does anyone know why nautilus would be failing to display folder backgrounds properly? I get large black areas in all but a small area of the screen [21:43] panfist does it mention any packages that are broken? [21:43] noodlesgc i mean this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54772/ [21:43] neverblue: no, this monitor can go to 800x600 [21:43] bcardarell1, then how is it going to 1024x768 then ? [21:44] OK but savvas i don't find it in the application windows ! i must write that line everytime i wanna run the program ? [21:44] neverblue: I can manually change the resolution but Gnome doesn't allow me to specify a virtual desktop size [21:44] messaged you RichardPRog [21:44] accessories* savvas [21:44] if i tr to do "sudo apt-get install -f" to fix my system, I keep getting "errors encountered while processing: dhcdbd" [21:44] bcardarell1, is this the virtual desktop your talking about, or not? [21:44] ejer: thanx, i'll take a look, but I wonder may be the problem is with route, doesnt it made the route automatically, or i've to make it manually? [21:44] neverblue: I don't know... I think that there is a Gnome configuration file somewhere that is overriding my xorg.conf file... [21:45] zardosht: network manager can do it all for you, use that to set it up [21:45] neverblue: no, the virtual desktop size should be 1600x1200... right now I only have a resolution of 1200x768 [21:45] panfist try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dhcdbd [21:45] panfist: what about dpkg --configure -a [21:45] hey, I have a problem with ssh... when I enter an ssh connection and log in as a user on a remote pc I get into his home dir... how can I specify an dir outside his home dir? [21:45] bcardarell1, your being VERY confusing, sorry, dont think I can help you further, good luck [21:45] bakom: just cd to where you want to be [21:46] noodlesgc "/usr/sbin/dhcdbd is broken ornot fully installed" [21:46] does anyone here know how to fix the problem in gutsy gibbon where firefox crashes on loading of a page with flash content ? It's starting to drive me nuts... none of the solutions I've found work, using gutsy gibbon... [21:46] bcardarell1: does ctrl+alt+numpad+ or numpad- do anything for you? [21:46] jetscreamer that command gives the same error as apt-get install -f [21:46] I'm about ready to go back to vista if i cant get this fixed [21:46] it also crashes all browsers, not just firefox [21:46] ejer, I want to use it with unison.. hmm [21:46] nkbreau: the flash plugin is beta [21:47] nkbreau, the flash package has been broken for quite sometime now, did you try running FF in a terminal, to troubleshoot the output ? [21:47] jetscreamer: does nothing [21:47] nkbreau i found an addon called flashblock [21:47] panfist: i remember that happening to me because the name is easy ... i forget [21:47] how to fix [21:47] panfist try removeing it with the --purge then reinstall [21:47] ok [21:47] nah, I'm not low level enough to understand the output ... so does that mean flash isnt supported and i should disable it ?that would suck hard, ie no youtube... [21:47] panfist - it might help to try --reinstall [21:47] ok thanks for the x forwarding it works nicely:) [21:47] uhmmmm does anyone know the program " youtranslate" ? i must run it through the terminal or there's a way to install it ? [21:47] nkbreau: I have found the best way to view flash pages is to install wine then firefox in wine then flash in wine. you can use the flash for linux but I find it doesn't work for all forms of flash [21:47] can somebody light a path to installing openGL python bindings to enable 3d support on my laptop? [21:48] nkbreau: I normally don't view flash pages [21:48] you dont go to youtube ? [21:48] nkbreu http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Faddons.mozilla.org%2Ffirefox%2Faddon%2F433&ei=BYinR8ONLpPievyEvYwD&usg=AFQjCNEOWTG0PYGPXwXs8-aV2oEEdneoRg&sig2=p5zNbOacPbFRJBgMz-KJnw [21:48] nkbreau: oh the flash plugin for linux works for youtube for me [21:48] !flashissues [21:48] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates. [21:48] sweet its not giving me errors...i hope its ok [21:48] !flash [21:48] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash - The Flash package is currently BROKEN, see « /msg ubotu FlashIssues » [21:49] Can anyone tell me how to identify my sdlt tape drive from command line? [21:49] nkbreau: you can google for unbroken ubuntu package [21:49] yeah youtube is fine for me as well, but just as example as to why i dont want to uninstall flash [21:49] nkbreau: as I said some flash doesn't work, if you really need to see it you can use wine [21:49] !xorg [21:49] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [21:49] travisat: some flash don't work? are you using gnash? [21:50] Slart: nope the adobe one [21:50] travisat: what doesn't work for you using that one? [21:50] I have mono sound output, how can I enable stereo? [21:50] Phat32: lspci may help [21:50] man this Crunch bang linux isnt bad [21:50] I tried lspci but that didn't find it [21:50] travisat: I haven't found a single flash app not working with adobe's flash [21:50] Slart: one for instance is zeropunctuation.com his reviews are funny but won't work with linux flash, but will using wine [21:50] at least for me [21:50] Slart, try konqueror [21:51] travisat: works for me.. I love that guy too.. watched them several times [21:51] Slart: wierd, must be my install [21:51] i frequently leave my computer on over night but 9 out of 10 times after it has sat by itself for a while I come back and my audio doesnt work, is there a service or something that I can stop and restart to get it to work without restarting? unplugging the speaker cord and plugging it back in does nothing... restarting alsa-utils does nothing either [21:51] what is the tape hooked up to? [21:51] ompaul: I'm not the one with the problem.. my flash works nicely [21:51] a pci card? [21:51] bonaldo2000: are you sure your mixer is not set up with one channel muted [21:51] I still keep getting "the network manager app cannot find required resources and can't continue" randomly pop up when synaptic finishes installing or updating [21:51] bonaldo2000 try right clicking on your volume icon and click open volume control and see if anything there helps [21:51] Slart: I am using the 64 bit distro that might be the problem [21:51] Linux proliant 2.6.17-10-server #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:29:32 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux. The tape drive is not pci... It's scsi actually [21:52] travisat: oh, you're not getting off that easily.. I'm using 64-bit too =) [21:52] E_Data: you rmmod youraudiodriver && modprobe youraudiodriver [21:52] Slart: how did you install flash? [21:52] well lsPCI might not work [21:52] ejer: you're talking about alsamixer right? I am quite sure no channel is muted! [21:52] noodlesgc: hm, I only have access via console... [21:52] i do what with who ejer? [21:52] any suggestions? [21:52] [21:52] bonaldo2000: not a channel, a speaker [21:52] Phat32: check dmesg and /var/log/dmesg [21:52] travisat: it just kind of installed itsself when I upgraded to gutsy.. this was before the flash package started acting up [21:52] E_Data: that is the answer, or else reboot... [21:52] is there a remote desktop program that doesn't mess up with compiz fusion running? [21:52] bonaldo2000 o, i dont think i can help [21:52] Phat32: i'm not up on scsi so i'm not much help [21:52] ejer: no because there is sound in both speakers...its just the same in both [21:52] vnc jack-desktop [21:53] Phat32: euhm.. i guess u misstaked :) wrong person [21:53] ejer, when i try to connect to someone using compiz, it's just a screenshot [21:53] what is rmmod or modprobe? and where do i find my audio driver? [21:53] panfist try googling the error message [21:53] Slart: ah I used the flash install on the forums because the flash package was broken [21:53] travisat: ahh.. guess there was some magic in the package after all =) [21:53] Phat32: or just browse /dev or /proc or /sys and try to figure out where it is [21:53] cat some stuff [21:53] Slart: well hopefully they will fix the packages soon [21:54] jack-desktop: ah... i have not seen this problem [21:54] travisat: indeed.. it will save this channel some bandwidth =) [21:54] ejer where do i find my audio drivers file name and what would that look like in terminal? [21:54] Slart: I just find it strange that most flash works, but just a couple don't [21:54] flash will only be fixed in hardy apparently [21:54] travisat: anything else that doesn't work? [21:55] E_Data: they will be listed in lsmod, and should start with snd_ [21:55] speak english ejer [21:55] lsmod|grep snd_ [21:55] Slart: nope just got a vnc up to my vista box so im happy, vista is so much more buggy then this, in the time it took me to install ultravnc explorer.exe crashed [21:55] i need a good offline language translator !!! [21:55] someone can help me ? [21:55] lollo: no such thing (no free one at least) [21:55] E_Data: if you don't understand you need to look it up or simply do it the easy way, reboot. I am speaking english already, sorry. [21:56] -.-'''' [21:56] !translator | lollo [21:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about translator - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:56] travisat: well.. that's hardly an excuse for the ubuntu devs to stop working =) [21:56] lollo>> stardict === Aaron is now known as dasunsrule32 [21:56] Hello all [21:56] lollo: ktranslator, [21:56] i've tried stardict but ... the converted dictionaries from babylon sucks... is there any other dictionary for it ? [21:57] sudo apt-get install ktranslator ? [21:57] yes i have istall 3 dictionnaries on it [21:57] mv ~/Desktop/proxytunnel-x86-linux ~/.ssh/proxytunnel-x86-linux [21:57] lollo: ah a *dictionary*, not a *translator* you want... [21:57] yes lol [21:57] oops [21:57] stardict welle configured is very good [21:58] ktranslator or stardict ? ? ? ? which is the better ? ? ? Oo [21:58] try them both, they are free :) [21:58] !best | lollo [21:58] "Feb 4 03:02:01 localhost squid[23671]: Squid Parent: child process 23681 exited due to signal 6" What will be the problem?? [21:58] lollo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [21:58] Your choice really [21:58] !beryl [21:58] Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz === Johanna is now known as Jannita [21:58] ok sorry [21:58] !compiz [21:58] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [21:58] belorix: what do you need? [21:59] why the heck is CONFIG_NO_HZ (tickless kernel/Dynticks) enabled for Gutsy server, but not desktop? [21:59] hi. My sata drive keeps giving me problems. It is ext3. I am running fsck /dev/sda2 -y . is this ok? I see that some people run fsck.ext3.. Am I doing this wrong??? [21:59] heres a quick question from a newbie... im running ubuntu 6.06lts and would like to convert some wav audio files to mp3 files. what do i need and what other add ons?? [21:59] bye , see u later , kiss everyone [21:59] DRebellion: Hey, just wanted to come back and let you know that I was able to install Ubuntu after formatting my drive in its entirety. I'm updating my packages as we speak. So, thank you! [21:59] crackerjack: lame will convert to mp3 [22:00] Hi anyone can help me ?? im trying to run sonata. but i get just this in my console ;( http://paste.org/index.php?id=1969 [22:00] !mp3 [22:00] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:00] HI, once more. [22:00] dmesg is useless because it just gives me pages of complaining about psmouse.c [22:00] thanx, do i need any add ons?? [22:00] StaticSignal: good for you. see? it was windows all along... [22:00] is it safe to 'fsck /drive' on ext3 ? [22:00] http://paste.org/index.php?id=1969 help me plz ! === rockets_ is now known as rockets [22:00] niowe: I think there's no -y argument, try fsck /dev/sda2 [22:00] exit [22:00] niowe: fsck should know what type of drive it is, but no problem to use fsck.ext3 [22:00] and savvas yes tehre is that switch [22:00] Phat32: does it give a line number? you could try reading pmouse.c if it does... [22:01] savvas: thanks... -y that means 'answer yes to all questions' [22:01] can I run flash properly on an amd64 pc? [22:01] oops, true [22:01] sorry [22:01] DRebellion: Actually, I'm pretty sure that it was the horribly crippled and customized Windows install HP included on my machine. I'm going to install right-proper XP pro x64 in a couple days, and stick it to 'em. [22:01] Xintruder: yes, but don't update to the latest one [22:01] DRebellion, I dumped the whole thing to a file. Should I pastebin it? [22:01] do i need any add ons?? [22:02] Xintruder: the only thing left is java, still a problem [22:02] latest what? [22:02] flash is broken [22:02] Xintruder: /topic === dusty_ is now known as jimjones [22:02] he can't help but install broken version [22:02] hey, isn't this broken some days now? :P [22:02] what might someone give the impression that gimp-python is not supported in the gimp 2.4.2 for ubuntu? [22:02] Phat32: if you feel it would be helpful [22:02] savvas: since Dec 12th [22:03] and will not be fixed according to bug report [22:03] I'm trying to get wierless internet connection to my hp compaq 6720s. I am following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=659027&highlight=broadcom%20ndiswrapper . But when it comes to execute the command "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils" I recive this message: E: Package ndiswrapper-utils has no installation candidate. Anyone got a clue of what I can do? [22:03] DRebellion, It's mostly lines like this --> [ 1518.746596] psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout [22:03] DRebellion: Have an awesome day, you deserve a medal, and I'm outta here. [22:03] StaticSignal: so, you're following the dual-boot instructions on the ubuntu wiki? [22:03] ejer: yeah i read that, I thought they were joking. why doesn't someone fix it? [22:03] most likely the gimp-python package is not installed, right? [22:03] Phat32: not much help really... [22:03] savvas: the details why are in there too, not that I agree [22:04] vonSmallhausen: have you added the extra repositories? [22:04] Could someone recommend me a good genesis emulator for *nix ? [22:04] please [22:04] "Fixes have landed in -proposed for testing, but most most users are advised to wait until packages are approved and released in -updates." [22:04] ejer: Not that I know. Would you be kind to tell me how? [22:04] I just want to identify this tape drive [22:04] why the heck is CONFIG_NO_HZ (tickless kernel/Dynticks) enabled for Gutsy server, but not desktop? [22:04] savvas: it is not true, proposed were withdrawn [22:05] what package do i need to get java in firefox? [22:05] sziasztok [22:05] vonSmallhausen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper [22:05] Hello. I've run apt-get dist-upgrade (edgy to feisty) and it is choking on tftpd-hpa. I can't remove, reconfigure, or install this package -- it says it is too broken. dist-upgrade has left my system in an unbootable state (though I have it mounted now from a rescue disk). Any ideas? [22:05] uff. magyarok vannak itt? [22:05] celoserpa the only one i know of is dgen [22:05] Hey everybody, can someone tell me how to configure a network where windows computers can see and print off an ubuntu machine [22:05] ejer: Thank you. [22:05] !hu | arykomate134 [22:05] arykomate134: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál [22:05] Nathan__: samba server! [22:05] köszi [22:06] noodlesgc, http://playubuntu.com/linux-games-/212.html [22:06] Nathan__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP [22:06] hey guys. how do I start dragonplayer, kde4's player [22:06] ejer: ok thanks, have you checked out the latest kernel upgrade? 2.6.22-14.51 ? [22:06] ejer: i mean, is it ok? [22:06] dunno, they usually are savvas [22:06] ok [22:07] if it is released... [22:07] is there a change log for the new kernel? [22:07] savvas, i'm running the latest kernel no problems [22:07] thanks Neil3 [22:07] installed before the changelog was available so no idea what's changed heh [22:07] Nathan__, use samba [22:08] !samba > Nathan__ [22:08] JoshHill open synaptic select the package and click package->download changelog [22:08] ahh, thanks [22:08] Can anyone explain why resizing a window has no lag but selecting a whole bunch of icons on the desktop is super laggy? [22:08] neverblue: This will let me to see the computer, access files and print off of the ubuntu machine from vista/xp? [22:08] guys, saying 'use samba' does not help a new user ;) [22:08] Nathan__, please read the private message ubotu has sent to you [22:08] magick_ what gfx card? [22:08] noodlesgc, nvidia 8600gt [22:09] but i guess he is not gonna check the link I sent hehe [22:09] magick_ are you using the nvidia driver or the nv driver [22:09] if you use the X icon in the upper right corner of a window to close it instead of the "close" button, will the changes you've been making in it be discarded? [22:09] ejer: I'm reading it :P and the ones ubotu sent [22:10] noodlesgc, not sure, the one ubuntu wanted me to install [22:10] hello I am looking for some ubuntu help [22:10] anyone can PM me for asistance? [22:10] !ask | Mad972 [22:10] Mad972: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [22:10] magick_ so you chose the one from the restricted manager? [22:10] Gonna be afk cause I only have one screen for this and my ubuntu [22:10] noodlesgc, yes [22:10] oh okay well is it okay if I post the link of the ubuntu forum where I expose my problem? [22:11] I'm trying to kill 'firefox-bin' in top but it will not die! How do I kill this process? [22:11] niowe try using gnome-system-monitor [22:11] niowe: kill -s SIGKILL [22:11] magick, dont know what the problem is [22:12] niowe, sudo killall firefox-bin or find the process, ps -A | grep firefox, then do sudo kill -9 [22:12] I am the last post on this ubuntu forum page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=566261&page=2 [22:12] my nick is snyde [22:12] noodlesgc: g-s-m says 'interruptible' ... [22:12] and I have trouble with hotkey of my asus laptop [22:12] niowe kill it anyway [22:12] noodlesgc: i meant the proc is 'UNinterruptible' .. [22:12] Mad972, please keep posts to a single line, as instructed earlier [22:13] oups sorry ... will do [22:13] neverblue, could you resend that pm? I'm on the ubuntu machine now [22:13] !samba > nathan_101 [22:13] thanks [22:13] hi [22:13] I am trying to get ubuntu installed [22:13] hello gop [22:13] but I keeping [22:14] !enter | gop [22:14] gop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:14] getting os not loaded and it seem something to do with raid [22:14] I have raid setup, after I reboot it says os not loaded [22:14] gop, please, one line only [22:16] it's hard to keep it in one line sometimes ... so about my hotkey problem? anyone? [22:17] guys, could anyone advice me a reasonable HorizSync and VertRefresh range, for and old vga 15", 50Hz, monitor. Before i damage it permanently. I would very appreciate it. (btw, planning to put 28-33 and 43-72. Hope it's reasonable. They stated it lire reasonable on some website... :) [22:17] whenever I open a new window the menu bar is off screen to the top when its minimized, any idea how to fix that? [22:17] why the heck is CONFIG_NO_HZ (tickless kernel/dynamic ticks) enabled for Gutsy server kernel images, but not desktop ones? [22:18] if I set up a lib dir in my home folder to install things to (no root access), what to I need to set (env vars?) to get my programs to see the stuff i've installed? [22:18] zedster, right click on it at the bottom task bar, then select move, then use up/down/left/right to place the window [22:18] neverblue: tried that [22:18] zedster, running compiz/fusion? [22:18] neverblue: yes [22:19] cosmodad: I think you'll be wanting to ask that question to a ubuntu dev.. I don't think there are many here [22:19] zedster, there ya go, its their issue :) [22:19] !compiz [22:19] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [22:19] cosmodad: perhaps ask in the forums? there might be a dev-channel around somewhere here too [22:19] !irc [22:19] A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [22:19] Evening all [22:19] Slart: would -devel be an appropriate channel for that? The question seemed somewhat user-based [22:19] Slart: ah ok [22:19] afternoon dax_roc [22:20] cosmodad: not many users compare server images to desktop images.. and even less know what that flag does.. =) [22:20] Slart: surely you are right. I just considered -devel to be inappropriate, but I'll give it a try. [22:20] cosmodad: well.. if they bite your head off you're welcome back here =) [22:20] Slart: heh :) [22:21] gnu, the refresh rates supported by monitors vary from model to model, you should refer to the product manual to know what they are -- or better run - dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to get the script to autodetect those settings [22:21] Hi. Why doesn't `mount` list my root drive? [22:21] forsaken, ldconfig could help but it depends on the type of libraries they are [22:21] anyone know why nspluginviewer segfaults all the time when there is Flash content on a page? [22:21] ssssss: hmm.. mine does.. right at the top [22:22] ssssss: but one might argue that the root filesystem is already mounted when fstab is read.. [22:22] Slart: any chance you are running Gutsy and could do me a favor and check? [22:22] Slart, mount should report it nonetheless [22:22] Slart: forum postings seem to indicate Gutsy does come with tickless enabled. [22:22] cosmodad: sure.. running gutsy 64biot [22:22] Slart, mine doesn't... it's really confusing the fsck out of me.... why wouldn't it be listed? [22:22] Slart: ah, n/m then. 64bit doesn't do tickless yet. [22:22] Hello there my asus laptop hotkey for brightness up doesn't work, any suggestions? [22:22] cosmodad: if you can wait 40 secs I can check on a 32 bit [22:23] Slart: cool, thanks. [22:23] Is there an option to install from cli with the cd ? [22:23] ssssss: I have no idea.. is it breaking stuff? or it's just an annoyance? [22:23] Can someone pastebin their fstab - I want to sanity check mine [22:24] how can i rename script in rc2.d to disabe script startup [22:24] !alternate | dax_roc [22:24] dax_roc: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD. It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal [22:24] I cant get xorg to stay up , 8800 gt [22:24] dax_roc: I don't think you can do a cli install with the regular live cd [22:24] Is it OK that there is a kernel update available but no corresponding update for the fglrx drivers? [22:24] Slart, it's breaking stuff... specifically it says the drive is full all the time [22:24] dax_roc, How desperate are you? [22:24] how can i rename script in rc2.d to disabe script startup [22:24] very :P [22:24] !boot | Zetix [22:24] Zetix: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [22:25] Zetix, man update-rc.d [22:25] dax_roc: google for debootstrap [22:25] Jordan_U: this is normal [22:25] dax_roc, If you are connected to the internet you can install ssh and use ssh -X from another machine or do a debootstrap install [22:26] ejer, Not enough changes to require recompiling even though the headers have changed? Why is it sometimes required and not others? === d is now known as davidBA === cZw0 is now known as cZw0|b3ttL [22:27] Jordan_U: it is a binary package [22:27] ejer, Yes, but it still links to the kernel [22:27] Why is Cedega such a piece of poop? [22:27] yep [22:27] ssssss, http://pastebin.ca/891809 [22:28] cosmodad: seems its enabled on my 32bit gutsy [22:28] unop, thanks [22:28] Does anyone know of some good documentation on screen rotation in Ubuntu? [22:28] Slart: I think I found the solution: I'm using the -386 kernel image. Apparently, only -generic enable dynticks. [22:28] Slart: which one do you use? [22:28] unop: hmm, oke, thx. only.. if it was so easy :) look, ihave now 17", 60Hz tft, but i want to swap him to 15" vga 50Hz, Tulp. I have alredy changed resolution from 1280*1024 to 1024*768. But refresh rate is still 60Hz. This is the lowest i can select now from Screen Resolution setup gui. So im thinking to maybe lower a littlebit the range, from 60 to 50, and also same to vertical. Woldnt it be pissible? Cuz i tryed to search a littlebit for haracteristics of my [22:28] Tulip vga, but havent foruded alot. So.. i dunno rly [22:28] DRebellion: m8 are u here ? [22:28] cosmodad: I use generic [22:28] !smp [22:28] Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) [22:28] Slart: there you go. [22:28] For samba printing would I want to say load printers = yes? [22:29] can anyone help me [22:29] what cd do I need ? [22:29] Slart: thanks for the help. Installing -generic now. [22:29] cosmodad: 386? isn't that ancient? what kind of computer do you run it on? [22:29] cosmodad: you're welcome [22:29] can anyone help me i have problems with download on the hard drive [22:29] Slart: well 386 is even more generic. :) This is a Pentium M laptop, about 2 years old. === [1]panfist is now known as panfist [22:30] Slart: I've continuously upgrading this machine from Ubuntu 5.04 on. This might have affected the fact I'm still on -386. [22:30] upgraded* [22:30] cosmodad: hehe.. well.. I guess the pentium m is getting rather old. [22:30] ok... anyone know how to autogenerate fstab? all the examples I've seen have UUIDs etc in them and mine doesn't and is in a bit of a mess [22:31] Slart: certainly. Core 2 duos are standard these days. [22:31] p/wc [22:31] how to change the rights for hard drive under the console [22:31] ? [22:31] could anyone be able to tell me, in the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", what does "-phigh" part mean? [22:32] gnu: I assume you have googled the word phigh ? [22:32] cause first result is the answer [22:32] gnu, it sets the priority of questions asked -- the lower the priority, the more questions are asked [22:32] cosmodad: here's some info on dynticks not being available on 386.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/150018 [22:32] gnu: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-346138.html [22:33] ejer: to be honest, not rly, was googlin' for refresh rate range :) [22:33] Question about Samba drivers, will they be able to be installed from the windows machine? [22:33] Slart: yeah found that one too. [22:33] how can i remove software that i installed from a tar? [22:33] panfist: only manually. [22:34] unop_: ty [22:34] What's the command for getting IP-address from DHCP? [22:34] panfist, Depends unfortunately [22:34] panfist: if you used configure/make/make install, you might be lucky and have a 'make uninstall' succeed. [22:34] any freenx users here? just wondernig if there is a way to speed up the session connect/disconnect [22:34] cosmodad which means i need to find it and delete all of the folders/files it created? [22:34] nathan_101: that does not make sense... what is the issue? [22:34] panfist: right. [22:34] jrib: r u online? [22:34] panfist, What exact steps did you follow to install it? [22:35] unop_: btw, i was telling to "unop" (i guess its u, and in case u didnt noticed) [22:35] ejer, when I'm connecting to the printer from an xp machine will it be able to install the drivers from the ubuntu machine or will i have to provide them [22:35] ssssss, it's likely that you have your old fstab carried over when you upgraded ubuntu or migrated over from another OS -- the old style fstab still works fine thoug [22:35] unop_: hmm, oke, thx. only.. if it was so easy :) look, ihave now 17", 60Hz tft, but i want to swap him to 15" vga 50Hz, Tulp. I have alredy changed resolution from 1280*1024 to 1024*768. But refresh rate is still 60Hz. This is the lowest i can select now from Screen Resolution setup gui. So im thinking to maybe lower a littlebit the range, from 60 to 50, and also same to vertical. Woldnt it be pissible? Cuz i tryed to search a littlebit for haracteristics of m [22:35] y Tulip vga, but havent foruded alot. So.. i dunno rly [22:35] Webu, sudo dhclient interface [22:36] what is the path to xorg.log? [22:36] Hey, does anyone know how to determine the Device Url of a printer connected to a Windows computer? [22:36] nathan_101: there is a way to do it, but no, by default users will need to install driver manually [22:36] ejer, thats fine [22:36] (I'm trying to set up a printer via CUPS on my computer with Ubuntu) [22:37] jordan_u i ran a script that came in the tar [22:37] gnu, again, if i were you, i'd refer to the technical specifications for the particular monitor - setting the refresh rate too low or too high will set it out of resolution [22:37] how can i update firefox, i already tried updating firefox with "apt-get install firefox", but the response is that firefox is already the newest version (~1.5) [22:37] unrelated question: can i edit the places menu? [22:37] gnu, the script should autodetect what the optimal refresh rate is anyway === drainman__ is now known as drainman [22:38] panfist, can you pastebin or otherwise link to the script? Did it have a remove option? [22:38] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu NW2190 [22:38] what is the path to xorg.log? [22:38] cafaro: what version of ubuntu? [22:38] panfist, Yes, right click and "edit menus" [22:38] danielski_pl: /var/log/ [22:38] ejer: Thanks I'll try that === grekkos_ is now known as grekkos [22:38] jordan_u only applications and system shows up for me, not places [22:38] thanx ejer [22:39] jordan_u i'm redownloading the tar now. 60 megs. it was for vmware btw [22:39] unop_: okey, thank you, i will do it, the only, not so easy part would be, how do i get to cli, for entering that command for reconfiguring xorg :) but, thank you anyway, ill figure it out:) [22:39] danielski_pl: note it is with capital Xorg.0.log [22:39] panfist, VMware comes with an uninstall script [22:39] gnu: applications>accessories>terminal [22:39] hola buenas noches... tengo un problema hacerca de amule que noconsigo como conectarlo!! [22:39] !es | nelsonbaptista [22:39] nelsonbaptista: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:39] wow, that "-phigh" command is awesome, thank u :) [22:39] jordan_u ahh so i just have to find it [22:40] panfist, Yup, it's in the tar [22:40] how can you check the current version of ubuntu? ejer ? [22:40] Gracias! [22:40] unop_, thanks a lot! [22:40] ejer; euhm, the trouble is, i dont think ill be able to have gui running to go that path after i swap monitors , hehe :) anyway, thx, ill go try it:) [22:41] !version | cafaro [22:41] cafaro: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [22:41] cafaro: cat /etc/issue [22:41] also [22:41] jordan_u ok i found the uninstall script and that was a success but im still having trouble with the places menu. but its not that big of a deal. thanks for the help so far [22:42] ejer, /etc/issue is subject to change tho -- the information you get from it might not be reliable [22:42] should be in ubuntu [22:42] panfist, np [22:42] ejer: 6.06.2 LTS (dapper) [22:42] cafaro: so that is latest version of firefox available to you, do you NEED to upgrade? [22:43] can some one please have a look at my Xorg.0.log pastebin and tell me why my gdm restarts when i run a game, it does it in KDE too [22:43] http://pastebin.com/m38b168c5 [22:43] damn , 800x600 is not friendly , is there a bug report for hardy ? [22:44] how do i edit the places menu. when i right click -> edit menus, all i see are applications and system [22:44] do i need to install the latest version of ubuntu in order to get the latest of firefox ejer ? [22:44] cafaro, No [22:44] dax_roc, bugs are expected in alpha releases :) you expect that naturally, dont you? [22:44] cafaro: yes, you need to upgrade === levander` is now known as levander [22:44] if you want latest FF [22:45] unop_: using gutsy. wondering if it has been taged for hardy [22:45] ejer, I think upgrading just to get the latest FF is a bit much [22:45] unless Jordan_U knows how [22:45] yes Jordan_U I would not suggest someone upgrade for just FF [22:45] dax_roc, if you think you have found a bug in gutsy, then you should file in a report for gutsy, not hardy :) [22:45] but if you check you will see that FF2 will not be backported to dapper [22:46] is complete reinstallation of Ubuntu required to get from my version (6.02.2) to the latest one available? [22:46] !upgrade | cafaro [22:46] cafaro: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [22:46] cafaro, No [22:46] no cafaro you can upgrade inside ubuntu [22:46] found this in user.log, what does this mean "Feb 3 20:11:15 daniel-desktop gnome-power-manager: (daniel) This program cannot start until you start the dbus session service. This is usually started automatically in X or gnome startup when you start a new session." [22:46] danielski_pl: you are only using 2d graphics, so if game is 3d it will not work [22:47] cafaro, I would reccommend downloading FF2 separately and waiting until Hardy is released to upgrade directly to it [22:47] cafaro, I can walk you through installing FF2 in dapper [22:47] ejer, ehh? was that in reference to the dbus daemon problem? [22:47] Jordan_U: that is not a recommended way to go because it will break further updates imo [22:47] whats the command to change file properties, like chmod? [22:47] i have cache_peer parent 8080 0 default and cache_peer parent 8080 0 and acl name is dlowd, i want to allow only 2nd cache_peer for acl dload?? How [22:47] jack-desktop, it is chmod [22:47] ejer: how do i change it to 3d [22:47] unop_: no [22:48] ejer, I am going to tell him how to install it in his home folder so it does not conflict and can be removed easily [22:48] danielski_pl: did you use the restricted-driver manager to install the graphics card drivers? [22:48] bruenig, thanks. [22:48] ejer: yes [22:48] what vid card danielski_pl [22:48] is there a deb for sasc-ng? [22:49] cafaro, the easiest ( and least invasive ) thing to do to install Firefox 2 is to first download the tar.gz from mozilla's site ( I'm getting the link now... ) [22:49] sarthor, is that in relation to squid? [22:49] !find sasc-ng [22:49] I need to recover a ntfs partition, probably I have bad sector on my hd (it fell down) and I can't boot anymore from XP [22:49] So it's not possible to update from the latest version of ubuntu from 6.02 (dapper) directly in one step? [22:49] Package/file sasc-ng does not exist in gutsy [22:49] hi, i've a trouble with google earth in xubuntu, my video card is INTEL 915 [22:49] unop_> Yes..i have ask in the related chan but now 1 replying there. [22:49] cafaro, This should be it : http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox- [22:50] Ciao finalmente ho trovato il canale [22:50] omg [22:50] anyone know what happening? [22:50] cafaro, It will be for the next version of Ubuntu [22:50] !it | aquila88 [22:50] aquila88: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [22:50] cafaro, That is why I suggest waiting [22:50] okay [22:50] i already downloaded FF2 [22:50] ejer: G-force 8500GT 512MB [22:50] im so horny :) [22:50] now i need to install it [22:50] !guidelines | Double [22:50] Double: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [22:50] does anybody know how to use the command fsck to fix ntfs ? [22:50] cafaro, Have you finished downloading it yet? [22:51] yes [22:51] ubuntu, i'd suggest using window's own tools [22:51] ubuntu, There is none AFIK [22:51] untarred it too already now [22:51] danielski_pl: can you paste your xorg.conf [22:51] sorry [22:51] ubuntu, you must be advised that ntfs support is not 100% reliable and you can do irrepairable damage [22:51] windows doesn,t start anymore, I have bad sectors [22:51] cafaro, Ok, now you can just drag the script named "firefox" to your top panel and you should be able to start it from there [22:52] Hello - there are better channels for this but ubuntu rocks so I am here. Can anyone offer advice on selecting and moving more than one text box in OpenOffice Writer. [22:52] cafaro, ( This is how I have FF3 Beta installed on my machine ) [22:52] ubuntu, you should ask the guys in ##windows on howto perform recovery on that drive === andrew___ is now known as UKHack [22:52] ejer: where do i find that file? [22:52] but I have just ubuntu live cd [22:52] danielski_pl: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [22:53] all I see is my sata /sdc but no ide /hd** what ever [22:53] in the install of ubuntu [22:53] should i run it in the terminal or what? Jordan_U ? [22:53] ubuntu, read my last-but-one post -- you can do damage to your NTFS partition with an ubuntu CD [22:53] gop, try a sudo fdisk -l , that will show all disks seen by the system and where they are seen at., [22:54] yea I see all /sd [22:54] you mean the shell script? Jordan_U [22:54] that is /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc [22:54] ejer: http://pastebin.com/m308e049b [22:54] but not the ide disk [22:54] ok but the hd is already dead [22:54] gop, ubuntu does not use hd* devices - all drives are controlled via the SATA module [22:54] so I can't lose anything at this stage [22:54] cafaro, Yes === reZo_ is now known as reZo [22:54] what is wrong with ubuntu? whenever i try to copy/paste text i get only this: ŸŸ [22:55] Hello [22:55] gop, now a days - ide drives also show up as sd## on many ystems. [22:55] hi everyone, my logoff, shutdown, reboot icons disappeared...i can't find the key in gconf to enable again...someone can help? [22:55] ubuntu, just because windows fails to boot, does not mean the drive is dead -- if you are _not_ bothered with the contents on the disk, you can just wipe the partition off and start from scratch [22:55] arooni-mobile: are you running a VM by any chance? [22:55] Jordan_U: when i click on the script, my old FF starts again.. [22:55] Dr_Willis: hmm oh [22:55] !compiz [22:55] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [22:55] ejer, yes virtualbox [22:55] so how come when Install it [22:55] i have global-menu tar.gz, and it says it requires gtk2.0, however i have gtk2.10.0 or something installed, a later package, i'm using gusty, should i down grade my gtk to install this, or is there an update i can use? === belorix_ is now known as belorix [22:56] !global-menu [22:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about global-menu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:56] after I reboot Dr_Willis it says no os installed [22:56] I see some data but I have bad sectors [22:56] arooni-mobile: update to newest verson, it is their bug - and I just saved you a tON of troubleshooting [22:56] cafaro, Try closing your old firefox first ( it tries to detect if FF is already open ) [22:56] reZo, you need the libgtk2.0-dev package [22:56] ejer, you rock!!!! how do i upgrade it [22:56] unop_: will that be enough to install it? [22:56] ejer, do i have to re-download from their site [22:56] arooni-mobile: you should have followed their info to add a repo, if not, grab newer package from their site [22:56] reZo, perhaps [22:57] it worked thanks [22:57] cafaro, np, when 8.04 is released you should be able to upgrade to it directly and simply remove the firefox directory to uninstall it [22:58] hello simple question: what program do I use to print two copies of the same picture on page [22:58] without making a second file as that is getting tidious [22:58] anyone know how I can configure buntu to work with my 32" crt monitor? All I can get out of it is 640 resolution I'd like 8x600 or 1024x768 preferrably. I got my tv hooked uop to my atix1300 via s-video, but it doesn't recognize the tv monitor... [22:58] ok [22:58] whats the terminal command to create a file [22:58] touch filename [22:58] Jordan_U: i was just checking the updates page, it suggests you can't upgrade from dapper > gutsy for instance.. do you know if that is true? [22:58] jack-desktop: touch filename [22:58] amenado, only touch? [22:58] cafaro, And again, if you want to create a shortcut to FF2 you can drag the "firefox" script into your gnome-panel [22:58] you know when the new version of Ubuntu will come out, Jordan_U ? [22:58] I'm having a problem getting my broadcom wireless device working (it's a BCM4315). I've followed several guides, including the ones on the Ubuntu docs and forums, but no luck. If anyone could take some time and help me, I can run through the steps I've already gone through to get the error messages again... [22:58] there isnt another cmd? [22:58] nice one amenado [22:58] yes already done that :) [22:59] Redhammer_the_Ol, iirc, you can configure such a thing in the printer properties - i dont know the exact procedure as i dont use gnome [22:59] jack-desktop vim filename [22:59] and then save it [22:59] jack-desktop: echo "content" > filename [22:59] Hello, I used apt-build to make a number of packages, and now they're coming up on upgrade-manager as outdated, even though I know they're fine. is there any way I can implement package pinning for my apt-build repository above the normal ones, but below security and updates? [22:59] cafaro, April [22:59] jack-desktop, echo>filename [22:59] i've beent rying to use touch and i'm pretty sure theres another one that actually creates files in directories not made yet [22:59] Or rather, not error messages, but specific problems. [22:59] Can anyone PM me and help a bit with mounting an SD card, i can't seem to get it to work..........? [22:59] what is the name of the kernel package that u-server uses? [22:59] er, my apt is coming up with a "-f install" problem, however, it's trying to remove a lot of packages i want. this was caused by me attempting to install global-menu from before, how do i remove the broken packages which have older dependncies? [23:00] like, remove the -f install for gtk2-engines-pixbuf etc? [23:00] i installed kubuntu-desktop and decided i don't like it... is there a proper way to remove it? [23:00] jack-desktop, you have to use mkdir to create the dir [23:00] benzss: apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop --purge [23:00] amenado, i thought there was a command and a option like "-p" to create the file in non existing directiores [23:00] ciao [23:01] anyone tried installing ubuntu on an eepc? I'm tempted to try [23:01] Support request for anyone thats willing to help me out for a couple of minutes.... [23:01] scusate mi servirebbe un po di aiuto === solidliquid is now known as solid_liq [23:01] Domino: works great! [23:01] ejer, For him to upgrade to Gutsy now he would have to first upgrade to edgy, then feisty ( with any upgrade problems that people experienced with those releases ) if he waits until 8.04 is out he can upgrade directly since it is an LTS release ( you should be able to upgrade directly from one LTS release, like dapper, to the next without going through the intermediate releases ) === abitlater is now known as abitlater_ [23:01] jack-desktop, mkdir -p ~username/dirdontexist/newfile [23:01] jack-desktop, you mean mkdir -- mkdir -p /path/to/non/existant/directory [23:01] Hello Jack_Sparrow [23:01] Jordan_U: i know you should be able to, but page says no [23:01] jack-desktop, but that doesnt create a file -- it just creates a directory [23:02] Hello [23:02] !it | salentino [23:02] ejer, What do you mean? Hardy is not released yet [23:02] salentino: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [23:02] Hello everyone, I have a question; I just updated my linux-headers that where available in update-manager and now my video is in low graphic mode and my sound dont work. It is gutsy 64bit. [23:02] i thought i remembered a cmd that did both, my bad. [23:02] Jordan_U: where do you see you can upgrade from dapper > feisty even? [23:02] really? Including package manager? How about disk space? And drivers for the eepc? Was it flawless switching, or did you run into any hiccups? [23:02] http://packages.ubuntu.com is timing out. is there a US mirror ? [23:02] ejer, You can't, only dapper -> edgy -> feisty [23:03] hello there don't wanna spam but my asus laptop's hotkey for brightness up is undetected ... anyone can help? [23:03] ok, where do you see that info Jordan_U [23:03] Can someone help me configure moblock? I whitelisted http/https traffic and still websites are blocked. [23:03] !upgrade | ejer [23:03] ejer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [23:03] lufis: what are you using moblock for? [23:03] off to dinner u all have a good night [23:03] fantum13: To block a certain range of hosts, that's what everybody uses it for. [23:03] right sorry, was looking at worng place Jordan_U thx [23:03] lufis: For p2p? [23:04] Can anybody help me get my Memory card reader on my Notebook to work? I cannot get it to detecT!!! [23:04] fantum13: Exnay on the p2p-ay. [23:04] ejer, np === leonel_ is now known as leonel [23:04] generalj_, Did you install your graphics drivers manually? [23:05] how do i install steam under wine? [23:05] Jordan_U: I think I used envy to install the driver. [23:05] !appdb | voice [23:05] voice: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [23:05] I was thinking of getting the source from nvidia and compiling it manually though [23:05] fantum13: Do you have any ideas? [23:06] generalj_, Then you will need to use envy again any time there is a kernel update ( envy is not recommended BTW ) [23:06] is it possible that my compiz settings that I change in the compizconfig settings manager aren't taking effect because I am passing parameters to compiz about which plugins to enable at load time? [23:06] lufis: If you were using it for p2p, I was going to suggest you use the plugin that has the same functionality in Deluge. That's the reason I've never used moblock. [23:06] I don't know why, but my compiz settings are occasionally being erased [23:06] and smart windows, for example [23:06] half life 2 looks pretty good on wine [23:06] smart window placement [23:06] Jordan_U: should I just uninstall it, then compile the driver from the source from nvidia website? [23:06] generalj_, That will work also, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual [23:06] gets re-enabled [23:06] voice: have you downloaded teh steam.msi? [23:06] fantum13: i would prefer a system-wide solution... but unfortunately moblock is blocking http traffic too [23:07] generalj_, Yes. [23:07] lufis: You could try using Firestarter and blocking the hosts you want there. [23:07] !enter [23:07] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:07] Jordan_U: Thanks Jordan. [23:07] voice: anyway on commandline in the directory its wine msiexec /i steam.msi [23:08] generalj_, np [23:08] generalj_: FYI Envy is a terrible idea [23:08] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks, I thought it was a good app, atleast compared to automatix, but I think I will stray away form it from now on... [23:09] generalj_: good luck === abitlater_ is now known as abitlater [23:09] * hellion0 is away: Sleeping like a baby. [23:10] ejer: were u able to find out something from the pastebin i posted [23:10] So would anyone know how I could pin packages that I install with apt-build, but still get updates? === _littlepinkdot is now known as littlepinkdot [23:11] thanks travisat [23:11] Quick question folks: easiest way to copy a directory ignoring all files/folders named .svn ? [23:11] can't seem to find any obvious switch [23:12] Is it possible to mount a Sony/Memory Stick Duo(2) With Ubuntu? I have read various sources saying there are no drivers for it, and so it is impossible for now?1 [23:13] Thinkingman: I can't think of a single way, but I would make a tmp directory and mv the svn files there then movet hem back [23:13] Thinkingman, find /path/ | grep -vi ".svn" | while read n; do cp -vi "$n" /newpath; done [23:13] Does anyone know why nautilus would be failing to display folder backgrounds properly? I get large black areas in all but a small area of the screen [23:13] Thinkingman: I am sure there is a way involving grep and pipes but I can't think of it off the top of my head [23:13] irc://irc.darksin.net/ [23:13] unop_: I love you kids somehow [23:14] Thinkingman, i'm gald atleast you think i'm a kid :) [23:15] unop_: don't flatter yourself too much, I call everyone kid [23:15] it really bothers my mom [23:15] Thinkingman, there's a better way with cpio that i can't easily/readily type out [23:15] unop_, You look very young for your age, I think it might be the '_' in your nick, it really brings out your 'o' [23:15] Thinkingman, :) [23:15] i'm a linux noob [23:15] how do i install winrar and other programs? [23:15] <__mikem> you don't [23:16] k [23:16] !rar | pinsmack [23:16] pinsmack: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [23:16] pinsmack: you don't need winrar. just install unrar in synaptic [23:16] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687816 [23:16] Jordan_U, the _ is not intentional -- irssi keeps dropping and reconnecting [23:16] !packages [23:16] You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [23:16] unop_, Well without it you look old so... [23:16] !botabuse > Jack_Sparrow [23:16] Jordan_U, explains a lot ... :) [23:17] magnetron: Behave [23:17] back in a bit folks, unop_ if i don't return soon, thx a lot [23:17] wow jack i cant belive someone did thqat to you [23:17] hi.i'm new to linux [23:17] The_Machine, yw [23:17] I'm looking for a way to print from pdf viewer 0.1.6". [23:17] can someone show me how to watch cc.live on my machine [23:17] soldats: HE was only trying to help.. thankfully I am in a good mood [23:17] Can anyone direct me to a place that I might find "bcmwl15.inf" and "bcmwl15.sys" [23:17] ? [23:18] I'm also looking to find out how to eliminate evolution in favor of thunder bird. [23:18] mnemonica: broadcom drivers [23:18] mnemonica, system -> admin -> restricted drivers manager [23:18] Jack_Sparrow: Google it, I'm guessing? [23:18] i am new to ubuntu and can not figure out how to unstall wgetpaste or nopaste. i was googling but didnt find out how to isntall one of those [23:18] mnemonica, Ignore whatever guide you are trying to follow and try restricted manager first [23:18] mnemonica: No.. there is a site.. driverguide.com or something.. free access [23:19] mattmatteh: pastebinit is in universe [23:19] Jordan_U: Already did, didn't do anything [23:19] I don't believe ubuntu has either of those though [23:19] mnemonica, What is the exact chipset? [23:19] mnemonica: I assume you are using fwcutter or ndiswrapper with those [23:19] mnemonica, And what version of Ubuntu? [23:19] crdlb, ill look, thanks [23:19] Jordan_U: Broadcom 43XX [23:19] mnemonica: find the windows driver for your wireless card [23:19] Jack_Sparrow: Yeah. [23:20] mnemonica: I run a couple of those [23:20] Jack_Sparrow: ndis [23:20] mnemonica, I need to know the "XX" specifically [23:20] mnemonica: All you need is fwcutter [23:20] Broadcom is getting where it has a lot of chipsets. [23:20] Jordan_U: What's the terminal command to find out again...? I've used it before but I can't remember it. [23:20] mnemonica: 43xx is all we need [23:20] Jack_Sparrow, No, it's not [23:20] mnemonica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [23:20] hi how can i autorun a process when i boot up my linux ? [23:20] Jordan_U: It is all I need [23:20] mnemonica, lspci [23:21] Grab: you can add it to the startup applications [23:21] Jordan_U: Ah, yeah... Thanks [23:21] hey guys, i'm trying to resize my partition with gparted, but it says i have atleast 1 bad sector, so i did chkdsk and find out i have 4kb of bad sector , it won't fix it either.. so i want to format the disk, but i want to make a backup image of my ntfs partition.. any idea how to do that with the live cd? [23:21] Jack_Sparrow, Then you don't know that not all bcm43xx chipsets are supported with the open source drivers [23:21] solatis im on a remote shell [23:21] ahh back home in linux [23:21] hi everyone, after first reboot my network adapter doesn't get IP by dhcp anymore, before rebooting I could connect to the internet though, is there a way to solve it? [23:22] CAn I please get some help installing my audio device? I compiled an ALSA driver, but that failed! I needed to do that because my card isn't supported by the repo version [23:22] Jordan_U: I wanst looking to use the open source drivers, I was going to suggest the ones I have seen work on every 43xx so far wl_apsta.o [23:22] I've been trying to solve this all day [23:22] is there a way to autorun irssi on a remote limited shell ? [23:22] Jack_Sparrow, With NDIS wrapper? [23:22] I am clueless. Nothing works [23:22] Jordan_U: No.... like I said.. fwcutter [23:23] Jack_Sparrow, Then you are using the open source drivers [23:23] Jack_Sparrow, fwcutter provides firmware for the open source drivers to use [23:23] how do i make a ntfs backup disk? [23:23] Jordan_U: Feel free to help him out... [23:23] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54783/ [23:23] Grab: what shell service are you connecting to [23:23] All I want to know is where i can find the driver [23:23] or whatever it is. [23:23] whats the command to change the timezone on gutsy server permenantly [23:24] Jordan_U: I just know what has always worked, pcmcia and other cards as well [23:24] mnemonica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [23:24] Hey boys gotta leave asap... Thanks travisat [23:24] please please please help me fix my audio [23:24] macabro22: did it work at some point [23:24] Jack_Sparrow, And I know what is listed as supported, not all chipsets work, no matter what your personal luck has shown [23:25] mnemonica: Lots of people to help you.. and a few opinions... [23:25] im a complete newb to linux and i know this is a stupid question but when you install software from a tar file do those files automattically get installed in a predetermined directory or do you have to keep the unpacked folder? [23:25] is it possible to use a digital camera connected by usb as a webcam? if so, any pointers to a how-to or the like? [23:25] unop_: hey I'm back, when I run your command I get a > prompt [23:25] ohh, oke, ive put that other monitor in, and it worked good, the restricted drivers message popped up, so i installed it, and what ive got? flickering screen afterreboot. Oke so i try ctrl+alt+f1 at splash screen, then i enter "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and it does not help :( or is there some other way to solve it with nvidia drivers? [23:26] soldats: audio was fine, except for audio input. So I had to install the new drivers and something broke [23:26] Soldats can you help me with that? [23:26] mnemonica: you still there? [23:26] usmc138: after you install/compile from a tar file the app is installed to a predetermined dir. you may then remove the package if you wish but make sure you verify that the app is installed [23:26] is there something like ntfsrescue? [23:26] mnemonica, I think that restricted manager should have provided you with the correct firmware for that card, did it offer anything? [23:27] W: GPG error: http://www.virtualbox.org gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 390EC3FF927CCC73 [23:28] how do if ixt htat [23:28] fix that [23:28] Jack_Sparrow, For a list of supported cards see: http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/?go=devices and the newer: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#supported [23:28] Jordan_U: Drop it.... I know what works [23:28] arooni-mobile, you load the siginiture - some how. :) i forget the exact commands.. [23:28] hey guys. how do i essentially copy/paste a directory? im just wanting to copy a development directory of a website im making, and paste it into the production directory. [23:28] overwriting the exisiting one. [23:28] arooni-mobile, read the page you got the respository url from. [23:28] arooni-mobile, its just a warning. You can still instll the packages if you tell it to. [23:29] !sound | macabro22 see these links first to make sure everything is set correctly first [23:29] macabro22 see these links first to make sure everything is set correctly first: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [23:29] ulaf: have you tried running recovery console from boot? [23:30] oh man... I've been through it all... [23:31] ok.. I will read again [23:31] is ubuntu.com down? (wiki page doesn't load here) [23:31] anyone here use XMAME as an emulator? [23:31] Anyone mind helping me with installing xubuntu? Im having trouble with partitioning [23:31] ThinkingMan, errm, i dunno why that is but here's a better version - ( cd /path; find $PWD -print | cpio -pamVd /newpath) [23:31] zZzZzZz [23:32] you install it on the "/" partition [23:32] i need free roms [23:32] just kidding ;) [23:32] I have 3 paritions curently [23:32] what i need is help getting my game controller to work fully with xmame [23:32] Moptop650: install it in your home dir /home [23:32] I have no idea how to do that :S [23:32] ??? [23:33] the main partition is / [23:33] The one i want to put it on is ext3 - /media/hda3 [23:33] ¬ [23:33] is packages.ubuntu.com down? [23:33] macabro22: what drivers did you install [23:33] how big is it? [23:33] 1.7 gig [23:33] So, I have an ATI card, using the restricted fglrx driver, with XGL/CF. For some reason, my xkb settings are defaulting to the pc101 configuration when xgl starts. I have attempted to manually set the xkb options to pc105, via the xorg.conf and the CLI, but neither work. I can paste the output of the error when I try to set it manually if you would like. Does anyone know how I can alleviate this problem? [23:33] soldats: 1.0.15 [23:33] does it say it's big enought? [23:34] It doesn't, but it doesnt say its not [23:34] i don't quite know xubuntu reqirements [23:34] jumpkic1, seems to be for the last 2-3 hours [23:34] does anyone have a guide on installing cupsys on Ubuntu server? [23:34] taxi driver [23:34] xubuntu requirement are a bit smaller than ubuntu [23:34] unop__: that's what I thought... I tried it from work and just tried it again from home [23:34] no luck from either place [23:35] anyone? [23:35] http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/5258/1000468uv9.jpg Is what im looking at right now [23:35] jumpkic1, probably down for maintainence [23:35] how do i make an entire backup copy of an ntfs partition? [23:36] can anyone help me please setting dhcp correctly? [23:36] greetings all. I'm getting the "$MFTMirr does not match $MFT" error on my NTFS partition. Can anyone help, pse? [23:36] ulaf, there are some ntfs tools that can do that. [23:36] client [23:36] are you configure wireless 802.11 N standart for Linux? [23:36] ulaf, tar cjvf mybackup.tbz /path/to/mountpoint [23:36] !samba [23:36] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [23:36] ulaf, never used them bit saw them mentioned in a magazine artical just today [23:37] lol [23:37] ulaf, you probably also want to prefix that with sudo [23:37] !find ntfsbackup [23:37] I'm using wired network, admtek card [23:37] does anybody know how can i get to the spanish ubuntu chats?? [23:37] Package/file ntfsbackup does not exist in gutsy [23:37] pacoman, /join #ubuntu-es [23:37] unop__: i'm on a windows OS, can't do tar cjvf [23:37] use window cause the space is betta [23:37] giggles, that's usually because you didn't shut windows down properly [23:37] ok [23:37] is there a way to remove the shadow under the taskbar in gusty / gnome when you have compiz full features enabled? [23:37] thanks [23:38] unop_ you're spot on (stupid me). How do I fix? [23:38] ulaf, you can use ntbackup.exe then :) more on that in ##windows or start->help->ntbackup [23:38] macabro22: hey ask your question again but do it in full detail. i really have no clue other than making sure alsa is selected and make sure all the volumes arent muted. if nothing else it may be better to go back to the older driver [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] minicity4071: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] http://disgust.myminicity.com/ [23:38] * tomaw grrls [23:38] ... [23:39] <__mikem> What the crap was that [23:39] spam [23:39] !feedthetroll [23:39] stupid spamers [23:39] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [23:39] giggles, best thing (IMHO) is bootback up into windows and shut it down again -- but you can also use ntfsfix from the package ntfsprogs [23:39] >.> [23:39] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. === soldats is now known as intoccabile [23:40] How do I tell what kind of filesystem I have ie ext2,ext3 [23:40] any hummans? [23:40] Stepdir, file -s /dev/sdXX [23:40] I've been expriencing some unusually long load times to gdm recently (i.e. greater than 5 minutes), does anyone know what might be the cause? [23:41] sorr this is A.I. channel ha¬ha [23:41] enjoy [23:41] unop_ I can't access Windows (Vista): will not boot. How do I run ntfsfix? I think I have the package installed but need to be pointed in the right direction. [23:42] unop_ I get - no such file or directory [23:42] I compiled a few packages that commonly cause bottlenecks on my system with apt-build, and now update manager wants to erase them all. How can I stop this? [23:42] giggles, you need to know which device the windows partition is e.g. /dev/sdXX -- sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXX [23:42] OK.. so I'm goin' nuts... I've seen it before but I can't for the LIFE of me find where I turn off the drive icons on my desktop... like it showing sda1 and what's in the cdrom.... anyone remember where this is at??? [23:42] Stepdir, replace sdXX there with your own device :) [23:43] Stepdir, you can also use this command (albeit a little unreliable) - sudo fdisk -l [23:43] !pinning > fantum13 (fantum13, see the private message from Ubotu) [23:43] unop_ ok, let me give that a go. watch this space. [23:43] hey how come i dont have a linux-image for k7 or better processors in synaptic [23:43] I need to enable NAT on my desktop... how would I do this? [23:43] !generic > panfist (panfist, see the private message from Ubotu) [23:43] !smp | panfist [23:43] panfist: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) [23:43] !nat [23:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:44] LjL: I've read that page, the instructions on it are deprecated and the links are old also [23:44] panfist, optimisations are loaded on the fly, its just as good. [23:44] thanks [23:45] soldats: hang on.. it seems i compiled the wrong driver [23:45] LjL: Even after setting up the preferences file here (http://pastebin.com/m2c4774d0) update manager still wants to "update" them. [23:46] unop_ I ran the ntfsfix and it says the partition was performed successfully. How do I check? [23:47] unop__ I get Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (needs journal recovery) - What is the needs journal recovery about? [23:47] giggles, you can try mounting the device -- sudo mount /dev/sdXX /media/ntfs [23:47] LjL: Also, no matter what I do, the output of apt-cache policy remains the same. [23:48] Stepdir, it usually means the ext3 journal is corrupt and needs repairing [23:49] well, that DCC crap was a bit of an arsing. [23:50] how can i know what's the default text reader on my box ? [23:50] Grab: its probably gedit [23:51] Stepdir, i dont have an ext3 filesystem to test this on - but this command should probably do the trick - sudo tune2fs -f -j /dev/sdXX [23:51] i'm trying to upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04 and after update manager downloads the update tool it begins preparing the upgrade and then it just disappears [23:51] / test [23:51] anyone have any idea why? [23:51] How do I get SquashFS working? I'm trying to make a custom Live CD, but when I try to mount the SquashFS image, it tells me "mount: unknown filesystem type 'squashfs'" [23:51] hey anybody know of a good racing game for ubuntu with an oline mode and need for speed ish freeride [23:51] noncomercial gpl [23:52] anybody? [23:52] unop_ I get a "failed to access mountpoint...: no such file or directory exists, FUSE mount point creation failed. Unmounting /dev/sda2 (SW_Preload). I have ntfs Configuration Tool if you think that should help? [23:52] !games | exneo [23:52] exneo: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [23:52] ubuntu update is asking me to install a bunch of kernel headers/image related stuff - this will not replace my existing kernel/config will it (ie, it can sit next to it)? [23:52] i'm having problems gettin my Linksys WPC11 PCMCIA card working in ubuntu [23:52] !games [23:52] I tried loading the module, but it says there isn't one, and when I look under 'File Systems' in the kernel configurator, I can't find anything about SqushFS. [23:52] join/ [23:52] when i try to run some games in fullscreen the monitor says "not signal detected" how to solve? [23:53] giggles, errm -- sorry, /media/ntfs needs to be created first - try this command - sudo sh -c "mkdir -p /media/ntfs; mount /dev/sda2 /media/ntfs" [23:53] or does anyone know where else i could ask about this? [23:53] Hey guys I have an issue all my movie players aren't displaying video as they should, its all laggy .. and it didn't used to be like this. [23:53] Could I be missing some codec or? [23:53] fantum13: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/42178 [23:54] how do i edit grub? [23:54] LjL: Why would apt-cache policy not show the changed priorities, though? [23:54] !grub [23:54] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [23:55] fantum13: not a clue [23:55] unop__ It say it already has a journal. I'm guessing that it is not a problem. I was asking because I just compiled a kernel, and it said it could not mount the filesystem. [23:55] Does anyone happen to know how to make Alt+Space work for Katapult in Gnome? Ugh I'm so sick of gnome not listening to me. I wish that it did things my way for once. I set the shortcut right in Katapult, but gnome must have it claimed elsewhere because it still does something silly like bring up a menu when I press it :( [23:55] grubs showing vista twice, one is from the restore partition and loads up with a big fat error [23:55] Stepdir, if you just compiled a kernel, it's likely that you didn't include ext3 support [23:55] broken__: If running ati and compisite is not set to disable in xorg, you get jerky video [23:56] ello [23:56] Jack_Sparrow, yea jerky is exactly how I'd describe it. [23:56] Stepdir, although, it's hard to say what the problem is without a full error report [23:56] unop_ I get "mount failed: device or resource busy". [23:56] broken__: Are you running ati card [23:56] Jack_Sparrow, so what must I do? Yes ati. [23:56] citm: in a terminal type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and comment out the wrong vista [23:56] anyone have 6715s ? [23:57] broken__: Look at your xorg option " composite make sure it is set to disable [23:57] giggles, hmm, perhaps the device is already mounted -- check to see, in nautilus - Go -> Computer [23:57] argh, whenever a kernel is updated, it always sets my grub config to boot from (hd1,0) and not (hd0,0) like it should be.. (i can manually fix it, but i have to do this after every kernel update..) [23:57] unop__ I checked that. It is compiled in. :( I'm at a loss. There was not much. Just that on boot. didn't make it very far. [23:57] broken__: Cant guarantee that is the problem, but that is one fix I know about [23:57] is compiz-fusion in any ubuntu repository? [23:57] Jack_Sparrow, well I have "Section Extensions " Option "Compostite" "0" [23:58] excitatory: in your /boot/grub/menu.lst at the top you should have a list of # options you need to read down and there should be a place to change the auto config root [23:58] unop_OK, but what's nautilus? (do I need to download it?) [23:58] what is the command to show what is currently mounted? [23:58] excitatory: among other things [23:58] Hello everyone [23:58] Rufus_, Yes, in fact parts of it are installed by default in 7.10 [23:58] broken__: set it to Option "Composite" "disable" [23:58] giggles, nautilus is your file explorer in gnome :) [23:58] panfist, mount [23:58] Jordan_U, i want to update to the latest version [23:59] If using 6715s; "Install from 64 bit version of Ubuntu Gutsy, even if you have 32 bit Sempron version, 32 bit Ubuntus do not work on this one." Anyone here that can confirm that ? [23:59] Anyone want a free blog, for there ubuntu stuff? or anything? [23:59] unop__ I was trying to compile a non initrd kernel. I may be related to that. [23:59] Jack_Sparrow, now just exit the xserver and log back in? [23:59] what is it under? [23:59] compiz-kde? [23:59] Stepdir, it's also probable that ext2 support was included but not ext3 -- could explain the journalling issues [23:59] broken__: Yes, I think you need to restart to reset things.. [23:59] Very well, I"ll be back.