
=== zMooTh` is now known as zMooTh
bod_crimsun, his system isnt finding any sound/audio devices at all00:00
pinsmackbod_:  http://pastebin.com/m717256e00:00
patti_anyone having trouble with the new flashplugin?00:00
bod_pinsmack, try this       lspci | grep -i audio00:00
Pici!flashissues | patti_00:01
ubotupatti_: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »00:01
bod_crimsun, my bad,.,. damn capital letters00:01
alecwhI installed the php documentation (apt-get install php-doc), but I have no idea on how to actually use it. I've tried php-doc, phpdoc... what command do I use?00:01
pinsmackbod_: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)00:01
bod_1 sec00:02
Qwexernvm I got it to work, think cuz I'm streaming a show through firefox, festival wouldnt work but found some code to change that00:02
crimsunpinsmack: but that's not the output for the shell script.  That's "lspci".00:02
pinsmackwhat's ispci?00:02
crimsunpinsmack: where is the script downloaded, your Desktop?00:03
Starnestommypinsmack: lspci lists pci devices.  NOte that it begins with a lowercase "L", not an "I"00:03
sedrawhere i can find the artwork team channel?00:03
bod_pinsmack, type this                               asoundconf set-default-card MCP5100:03
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know how I could set up a network between an XP computer and an Ubuntu 7.10 computer so I can use the printer on the XP computer?00:03
bod_pinsmack, type this                      asoundconf set-default-card MCP5100:03
pinsmackbod_:  nothing happened00:04
bod_!lspci | pinsmack00:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:04
Jangarihas anyone installed sound-studio before?00:04
bod_pinsmack, good,. have you got sound?00:04
Jangariin fact what about the mp3libraries for sox?00:04
pinsmackbod_:  D: no00:04
Qwexerpocketdrummer cant you already see the xp comp in Ubuntu? I just plugged into the network and could see it immediatly00:04
bod_pinsmack,  try this      asoundconf reset-default-card00:05
=== eth01-afk is now known as eht01
=== eht01 is now known as eth01
crimsunbod_: when you've finished, please have him run the script I mentioned00:05
pocketdrummerWhere did you look to see that computer?00:05
zlajahey i need help00:05
bod_crimsun, yer,. il send him your way when im done,.,.lol,.,.;~)00:05
bod_zlaja, what is your problem?00:06
zlajamust instal wine00:06
Qwexerpocketdrummer places->network00:06
zlajaidk how to do it00:06
pinsmackbod_:  no sound00:06
CarlFKhow do I tell if a laptops usb is 1 or 2?  here is the usb part from lshw: http://dpaste.com/34245/00:06
DoubleDewAnyone ever used the remote desktop?00:06
bod_pinsmack tell me the output of this                asoundconf list00:06
geniizlaja: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install wine00:06
bod_!wine | zlaja00:06
ubotuzlaja: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:06
CarlFKI am hoping version: 03 is USB200:06
bod_zlaja, use the link00:06
pinsmackbod_:  NVidia00:06
yfkhow can I change the filenames bash feeds media players?00:07
maihemhas anybody else had speed problems with gb.archive.ubuntu.com? I'm on Virgin Media broadband.00:07
bod_pinsmack, it says NVidia???00:07
pinsmackbod_:  yep00:07
zlajai type00:07
zlajait ask00:07
zlajafor pw00:07
FloodBot1zlaja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
Pici!enter | zlaja00:07
zlajaidk pw00:07
ubotuzlaja: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:07
metguruhey all! I am having problem with the X window system, and was wondering what command I would use to configure the x window system.00:07
bod_crimsun, why is his chip model NVidia  not an actual chip model00:07
pocketdrummerI just lost who I was talking to... xIRC crashes regularly....00:08
bod_zlaja, if you dont have permission to install things on that computer,. then you cant do it00:08
geniibod_: Nvidia DOES make it's own chips.00:08
Pici!sudo | zlaja00:08
ubotuzlaja: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.00:08
Starnestommyzlaja: it should be your user password00:08
alecwhI installed the php documentation (apt-get install php-doc), but I have no idea on how to actually use it. I've tried php-doc, phpdoc... what command do I use?00:08
kenanhow do i change the printer quality in ubuntu gutsy?00:08
bod_genii, 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)      thats his lspci result,.,. it his a chip model00:08
noolnesshello folks00:09
Sunmanhi - i have a huge problem with ubuntu. it froze and upon restart it threw out "Error 16: inconsistent filesystem". None o fthe kernels, or recovery modes work. I know a solution would be to run fsck but I cant even load from a liveCD00:09
maihemhi noolness00:09
DescentIntoMadneProblem with wireless - need help!00:09
crimsunbod_: because codec and dsp models are described by hex codecs, not generally human-friendly strings.00:09
Starnestommyalecwh: I think it miht instell man pages00:09
noolnessanyone know of a repository that keeps the latest nvidia drivers around prepackaged so i can be lazy?00:09
Starnestommy*might install00:09
crimsunbod_: sorry, hex strings*00:09
noolnessthe nvidia drivers that come with ubuntu appear to be as old as the hills00:09
yasermetguru,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:09
geniibod_: Yes, the MCP51 part is the identifier there00:09
alecwhStarnestommy: how would I access documentation, say, for ceil()?00:09
Sunmanso if anyone can help id greatly appreciate it, im kinda desperate :-(00:09
maihemnoolness: I thought they were fairly up to date but used older ones for some cards?00:10
metguruyaser: thanks a million00:10
crimsununfortunately the "MCP51" is not descriptive00:10
Starnestommyalecwh: man ceil?00:10
saftsackhi, is there any recommended greylisting program? (sendmail)00:10
Webumetguru, i think you're looking for "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" :)00:10
bod_crimsun, if i look at my     asoundconf list   it shows capital letters and numbers, the same length as his MCP51     why does his     asoundconf list   show the word NVidia?00:10
alecwhStarnestommy: =(00:10
bod_genii ^^00:10
Webumetguru, oops sorry a double one ;D00:10
alecwhStarnestommy: no luck00:10
bod_genii, read my post to crimsun00:10
noolnessmaihem: not sure i checked the version number and it appeared to be extremely old, but i could be mistaken00:10
brianhDescentIntoMadne: What's problem00:10
DescentIntoMadne@BrianH - sorry had to chenge nick as I am troubleshooting wireless prob00:11
crimsunbod_: because the 'list' operation pulls from /proc/asound/cards, which exposes the driver [source code]-specific string for his family and codec.00:11
maihemnoolness: look for packages with nvidia in their name and see what the highest versioned one is. If it is higher than the version you're using then perhaps best to leave it as is00:11
kenanhow do i change the printer quality for my hp psc 750 in ubuntu gutsy?00:11
metguruWebu: yes, and thanks00:11
DescentIntoMadneI installed 6.06 on a 3 year old Dell PC. Looks like the network card is found, yet I cannot connect to router even if I drop the authentication.00:11
Starnestommyalecwh: whoops, it actually installs the pages in /usr/share/doc/php5-common/00:11
Yanch0i just plugged in a usb key but got no drive popping on (similar to what does in windows) any idea how I can get it please? this is the result of lshw -C bus http://yancho.pastebin.com/d5d1f863e00:12
maihemnoolness: just guessing though00:12
bod_crimsun, im so cinfused,. it should be showing the nubers,.,. anyway he's all ypours00:12
crimsunpinsmack: have you downloaded http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh ?00:12
bod_pinsmack, sorry cant help anymore,.,. i suggest you listen to crimsun00:12
Starnestommyalecwh: er, /usr/share/doc/php-doc/00:12
|ns|nR8latest flash update broke my flash00:12
noolnessmaihem: well the reason i want to update is that the backlight doesn't work in my notebook because the nvidia drivers are messed up...so an update could be nice...but i am not even sure if they fixed the bug yet00:12
sedraanyone know a good video converter on linux?00:12
Pici!flashissues | |ns|nR800:12
ubotu|ns|nR8: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »00:12
pinsmackcrimsun:  now i did00:12
crimsunpinsmack: and have you executed it?00:12
|ns|nR8thanks Pici00:12
pinsmacki forgot how to00:13
alecwhStarnestommy: HTML documents. >_> I was hoping for like a cli interface.00:13
brianhDescentIntoMadne: Have you tried ifconfig00:13
Starnestommypinsmack: sh script.sh?00:13
yaserSunman, manyones00:13
crimsunpinsmack: open a Terminal, then use:  bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh00:13
kavelotis it difficult to move all GNOME panels configuration from one user account to the other?00:13
Picialecwh: use your favorite cli web browser then ;)00:13
pinsmack                                                        Newer version detected: 0.4.3600:14
pinsmackTo view the ChangeLog, please visit http://bulletproof.servebeer.com/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.changelog00:14
pinsmackALSA-Info script has been updated. Please re-run it.00:14
pinsmackmehmet@mehmet-laptop:~$ To view the ChangeLog, please visit http://bulletproof.servebeer.com/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.changelog00:14
pinsmackbash: To: command not found00:14
Sunman i have a huge problem with ubuntu. it froze and upon restart it threw out "Error 16: inconsistent filesystem". None o fthe kernels, or recovery modes work. I know a solution would be to run fsck but I cant even load from a liveCD00:14
bod_!pb | pinsmack00:14
DescentIntoMadneBrianH - no, haven't tried it. Just ran it - it shows eth0 (wired card) and lo - loopbacl00:14
ubotupinsmack: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:14
DescentIntoMadneso I guess according to ifconfig there's no wireless LAN card?00:15
trekkmedoes anybody now of an console based audiorecorder which i coud run in detach?00:15
yaserkavelot, there are some files(4 i think) in home dir, gconf, gconf-d, gnome, etcc, copy these and you will copy configuration00:15
brianhDescentIntoMadne: try iwconfig00:15
alecwhPici: >_>00:15
DescentIntoMadneiwconfig is showing eth100:15
kavelotgood, thanks00:15
kavelotwhat about firefox configuration (extensions and so on)? I just need to copy the .mozilla dir?00:16
yaserkavelot, yep, the same for evolution00:16
geniikavelot: Yes, extensions are all in there00:16
crimsunpinsmack: please re-download it.00:16
brianhDescentIntoMadne: can you paste iwconfig output into pm?00:16
noolnessthe latest driver is 169.09 while the ubuntu driver is 100.14.1900:17
kavelotgood, thanks00:17
pocketdrummerOk, I'm tired of getting kicked. It says this when I connect "-NickServ- This nickname is owned by someone else00:17
pocketdrummer If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>" Then I do that, and it says I'm accepted. A few minutes later, xIRC closes.00:17
DescentIntoMadnebrianh - can't as I am running ona separate computer.00:17
Starnestommypocketdrummer: xIRC or XChat?00:17
pinsmackcrimsun:  ok so i downloaded it00:17
pinsmacknow what?00:17
noolnesswhich has a release date of September 18, 200700:17
Sunmancan anyone help me with an "inconsistent filesystem" error00:18
crimsunpinsmack: where did you download it?  your Desktop?00:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freezing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:18
brianhDescentIntoMadne: try this  sudo iwconfig essid nameofyouressid00:18
pinsmackyes crimsun00:18
X-Sleepy-Xdoes anyone know how to get the computer connected to the TV? i have a ATI x1659 card and i dont know how to make it display on the TV...00:18
DoubleDewanyone used vncviewer?  i need some help00:19
disinterested_my friend on a new install of gutsy is having problems with his comp freezing00:19
crimsunpinsmack: type this:  bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh00:19
brianhDescentIntoMadne:  sorry forgot one thing  sudo iwconfig eth1 essid nameofessid00:19
* X-Sleepy-X pardons the bad english00:19
facundobatistaHi all00:19
DescentIntoMadnelets see: IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID: "Mywireless" Nickname:"Broadcom 4306" Mode: Managed Access POint: Invalid Bit Rate=1 Mb/s RTS: thr:off Fragment thr:off Link quality:0 Signal Level:0 Noise Level:0 Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx: 0 Inv. mis:0 Missed beacon:000:19
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  lots of us use vnc and the various viewers. :) got a specific problem/question? ask the channel and see who knows the answers.00:20
pinsmackcrimsun:  http://pastebin.ca/89569900:20
crimsunpinsmack: sec.00:20
facundobatistaI'm trying to upgrade a Feisty to 7.1000:20
brownie17please help i set up a samba shared folder over my network and my windows vista laptop detects it but when i try to access it, it asks for a username and password. i tried my ubuntu username and password and that didn't work. what do i do?00:20
facundobatistaand I keep getting authentication problems, :(00:20
facundobatistaif I remove the gpg keys, and import them again00:21
facundobatistanow I get a "The following signatures were invalid" message00:21
DoubleDewWell my friend and I just set up a server at his house...how to I remote in....he went to system->preferences->remote desktop and set it all up, but when I type vncviewer [ipaddres]:0 it pops up with the password dialog but will not let me enter anything into it00:21
KiD_ChAoShow do i find the MAC of the access point im connected to00:21
facundobatistaI get this problem even doing a "apt-get update"00:21
X-Sleepy-Xfacundobatista: have you tried doing that + removing the repos?00:21
KiD_ChAoSsomething in terminal i can't remeber00:21
DescentIntoMadneBrianH - that last command I get nothing00:22
facundobatistado you know what can be wrong?00:22
KiD_ChAoSwhen testing the wifi adapter00:22
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  i think on his end using vnc that way. it will ask him to allow the connection. I rarely use that gnome-share-desktop feature.00:22
crimsunpinsmack: hmm, you need a newer driver version with some fixes.  Have you installed the "linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r)" package?00:22
SirBob1701hmm just reformatted and forget how to set it so a new window opens in the same monitor as your mouse (dual monitor rig)00:22
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  if you cant ENTER a password - Then theres a compiz issue that prevents the selection of that password field. i recall.00:22
X-Sleepy-Xany1 know how to set up the ati output to the tv?00:22
box_doing sudo apt-get install build-essential it fails getting it from the cd how can i make it use the internet only ?00:23
brianhDescentIntoMadne: looks like your card isn't seeing the network at all.  Are you sure the access point is on?00:23
pinsmackcrimsun:  how would i know?00:23
sousaola pessoal00:23
pinsmackthat i did?00:23
crimsunpinsmack: "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r)"00:23
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  disable compiz if you have it enabled.00:23
WebuKiD_ChAoS, try "iwconfig" or "iwlist ethX scan"00:23
dookdooki apt-got build-essential, but when i 'man bsearch' it looks like the man pages for the associated c libraries aren't installed...anyone know which package i should apt-get?00:24
DoubleDewDr_willis: how do i go about that, and what is compiz?00:24
DescentIntoMadnethe wireless router works okay as I am connecting to it as we speak via a Mac PC.00:24
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  thats the fancy wiggly-windows eye candy thats in Ubuntu. It has some quirks00:24
Dr_willis!compiz | DoubleDew00:24
ubotuDoubleDew: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:24
Dr_willisDoubleDew,  - right click on desktop -> change wallpaper --> Select the last tab ---> disable/off on desktop effects.00:25
WebuKiD_ChAoS, first one shows your wireless interface status and last one scans for networks and shows the results :)00:25
pattihey all-started w/install of xubuntu, changed to ubuntu, but still have the start up bar from xubuntu? anyone know how to change it?00:25
KiD_ChAoSthanx webu00:25
brianhDescentIntoMadne:  I've heard lots of horror stories on Broadcom wireless but don't have any experience with it.  Anyone else?00:25
pinsmackcrimsun:  i did00:25
pinsmacknow what?00:25
burn_hi guys, i installed Emerald Theme Manager, and got a few themes but they are not activating...any ideas?00:25
X-Sleepy-XDoubleDew: are you using ATI? i had to install xserver-xgl and i also chosed to install compizconfig-settingmanager00:25
WebuKiD_ChAoS, remember to replace X with your wireless interface number you want to use (for the last command) :)00:26
sousahello karote00:26
singlesunhow do i tell what driver my wireless card is using from bash?00:26
crimsunpinsmack: please reboot.00:26
X-Sleepy-XATI TVOUT anyone?00:26
SirBob1701hmm just reformatted and forget how to set it so a new window opens in the same monitor as your mouse (dual monitor rig)00:27
Sunmancan anyone please help me with an "inconsistent file system" error00:27
Dr_willisX-Sleepy-X,  theres some ati tv out tools in the repos. Ive never used any.  Check the !ati factoid also00:27
rodrigo__Hola que tal?00:28
rodrigo__hay alguien que hable español?00:28
X-Sleepy-XDr_willis: ok thx, will do00:28
rodrigo__perdon soy nuevo en el chat00:28
sousabom rodrigo00:28
burn_Hi guys, my emerald theme manager isnt activating the installed themes...any help?00:28
Pici!es | rodrigo__00:28
uboturodrigo__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:28
sousatb eu00:28
rodrigo__muchas gracias00:28
facundobatistaPici, nice trick, :)00:29
DescentIntoMadneBrianH - it is an old card so I won't be surprised. I also got an USB wirelessTrendnet that I tried getting to work as Realtek RTL8187B which it did in Windoze. I got lost somewhere in how to incorporate the drivers in teh kernel etc..00:29
Dr_willisburn_,  you did set t use emerald with 'emerald --replace' ?00:29
burn_Dr_willis: I gotta run that command in terminal right?/ hehe sorry will try now and see....00:30
singlesuncan anyone tell me the command to show the what driver my wireless card is using?00:30
trekkmecan i use streamripper to get audio input inro a file from my mic-in ? man streamripper says :  -I interface   - Rip from specified interface (e.g. eth0), which leaves me to wonder how to specify my mic-in port...00:30
pinsmackcrimsun:  rebooted00:30
X-Sleepy-XDr_willis: i didnt find anything useful about the ATI in synaptics00:30
X-Sleepy-XDr_willis: i have all the repos active00:30
burn_Dr_willis: THANKS! :) it is working now :)00:31
brianhDescentIntoMadne: old cards aren't necessarily bad.  It means there's more chance someone's been able to write a driver00:31
jonathan_hello everybody00:31
Webusinglesun, this is not the best answer but you should find it from "dmesg" where system detects it the first time :)00:32
brianhDescentIntoMadne: Did you try iwlist eth1 scan00:32
X-Sleepy-Xdoes anyone use the OKI B4100 printer?00:32
pinsmackcrimsun:  you there?00:33
DescentIntoMadneBrianH - any idea how to do the other card, it has a linux driver (rtl8187) and I also got the win drivers but can't get ndiswrapper to work00:33
crimsunpinsmack: sec.00:33
crimsunpinsmack: what's the output from "cat /proc/asound/version"?00:33
X-Sleepy-Xjonathan_: do you use a OKI B4100 printer?00:33
DescentIntoMadneBrianH - says it deosn't support scanning00:34
brianhDescentIntoMadne: try tail -f /var/log/messages   -- then plug it in and see it it's recognized00:34
singlesunWebu, i will check dmesg.. thanks00:34
Webusinglesun, no problem :)00:34
pinsmackcrimsun:  Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.15rc3.00:34
RiyonukWhere can I get the ubuntu "My Computer" icon?00:35
yfkwhere is ALSA heading?00:35
CarlFKhow do I make a web cam work?  (I have 3 to try out)00:35
crimsunpinsmack: good.  Now:  "rm ~/.asoundrc*"00:36
DescentIntoMadneBrinH - it does see it as ehci_hcd USB device00:37
pinsmackcrimsun:  the first time nothing happened00:37
pinsmackthe second time00:37
pinsmackrm: cannot remove `/home/mehmet/.asoundrc*': No such file or directory00:37
yaserCarlFK, sudo apt-get install gspca-source00:38
genii!webcam | CarlFK00:38
ubotuCarlFK: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:38
burn_Dr_willis: i typed that already in terminal, but once i close the terminal, it goes back to normal theme00:39
crimsunpinsmack: good00:39
brianhDescentIntoMadne: I think your system thinks it's a hard drive.  Not promising00:39
CarlFKyaser: thanks.  figured there was something like that00:39
crimsunpinsmack: now:  "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset"00:39
CarlFKer, genii really :)00:39
burn_i typed back "emerald --replace" to use Emerald Theme Manager in terminal, but once i exit terminal, theme goes back to normal00:39
crimsunpinsmack: then:  "speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0"00:40
Josep1hey, ummm I'm pretty new to ubuntu, and trying to get my keyboard to work with either ams or a notations program, and I'm lost about how to start00:40
Dr_willisburn_,  thats because when you close the terminal., its closing emerald.  :)  use emerald --replace &  and the exit command. DONT use the close button00:40
seanyhas anyone worked with LDAP on 7.10?00:40
burn_Dr_willis: hehe thanks again man, so when i restart my laptop, it will continue using Emerald? or do i have to save it in the sessions?00:41
Josep1midi keyboard that is00:41
Dr_willisburn_,  it needs to be launched from a session i belive.00:41
crimsunpinsmack: any luck with audible audio?00:41
Dr_willisburn_,  i normally dont use compiz00:41
chimpFor some reason after a reboot i've lost access to my sound card, is there a way to autodetect/install it?00:42
pinsmackcrimsun:  i did the sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset00:42
wpkJosep1: try Rosegarden00:42
pinsmackwhat now?00:42
YongBoysome body work with Cisco Network Register?00:42
burn_Dr_willis: so i should try saving current session right? and that should work?00:42
crimsunpinsmack: the next command (noted above)00:42
Dr_willisburn_,  one way to find out.00:42
WebuYongBoy, I'd suggest to try #cisco :)00:42
DescentIntoMadneBrianH: looksl ike it thinks it is usb thumb drive :(00:43
burn_Dr_willis: okay will try that then :)00:43
pinsmackcrimsun:  which command?00:43
YongBoyWebu thay doesent know :D00:43
waltersomeone can help me00:43
WebuYongBoy, oh :D00:43
crimsun19:40 < crimsun> pinsmack: then:  "speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0"00:43
YongBoyI wont to talk with someone about integrating Subscriber Manager with Cisco Network Register.00:43
seanyYongBoy: what are you trying to do?00:43
walteri cant transcoding videos from .avi to .mpg00:43
brianhDescentIntoMadne:  There may be a way to get either of your cards to work but I probably can't help you more than Google00:44
Josep1does anyone want to help me with my midi usb keyboard00:44
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|away
YongBoyvia DHCP Lease Query00:44
pinsmackcrimsun:  does this time per period ever stop?00:44
crimsunpinsmack: when you press ctrl+c, yes.00:44
pinsmackwhen should i?00:44
DescentIntoMadneBrianH: after changing the USB port - now it is on ehci_hcd address 300:44
seanyYongBoy: aren't they both cisco products? they don't talk to eachother?00:44
crimsunpinsmack: I presume it's still inaudible, then?00:45
DescentIntoMadneso no chance of getting ndiswrapper on this thing?00:45
pinsmackTime per period = 5.97340200:45
pinsmack 0 - Front Left00:45
pinsmack 1 - Front Right00:45
JardW[ COLOR! ]00:45
pinsmackit's been stuff like that00:45
brianhDescentIntoMadne: Probably a chance but I've never used it00:45
crimsunpinsmack: if it's still inaudible, please re-run the alsa-info.sh script.00:45
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DescentIntoMadneThanks Brian, been there, this forum is the last resort :)00:45
YongBoyhm, all two products are Cisco prop.  all staf working but one feature doesent work00:46
pinsmackcrimsun:  show me what to write plz00:46
pocketdrummerwhat is the hostname and port for this?00:46
DescentIntoMadneHelp with NDISWRAPPER anyone?00:46
crimsunpinsmack: you haven't mentioned whether it's audible  :P00:46
pinsmackcrimsun:  no sound is coming out00:46
seanyYongBoy: probably over my head as well, have you opened a ticket with TAC?00:46
burn_Dr_willis: hey man it worked, i just added that emerald command in the sessions?start up and it loads emerald hehe00:46
Webupocketdrummer, you mean this network?00:46
crimsunpinsmack: type this:  bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh00:47
Josep1I've been looking on the internet a bit.... I figure that it's okay to keep asking without being annoying: Can anyone help me set up my usb midi keyboard00:47
seanyYongBoy:  they're normally pretty good about that stuff00:47
YongBoyin my country only parnters open tickets.00:47
YongBoyi don't got credibilitets to do that00:47
pinsmackcrimsun:  http://pastebin.ca/89572000:47
JardW[ hay Belle ]00:48
seanyYongBoy: i think you need to find some one who can then, and either have them do it for you, or have them give you the rights to do it00:48
putnumi have a problem at home with ubunto. It appears that it finds my video card(ati) and monitor but it has to much contrast. Its like the whites are very bright any ideas why?00:48
YongBoyi know that00:48
crimsunpinsmack: sec00:49
DescentIntoMadneanyone: help installing usb network card via ndiswrapper or linux driver00:49
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:51
lime4x4is there a chat room for hardy?00:51
compwiz18lime4x4: #ubuntu+100:51
LjL!hardy > lime4x4    (lime4x4, see the private message from Ubotu)00:51
putnumis there a good how to on how to get a aethus wireless card setup using wpa?00:51
pocketdrummer_Hey, does anyone know how to network Ubuntu with XP?00:51
crimsunpinsmack: ah, I see.  We need to differentiate between headphone and microphone jack senses.00:51
crimsunpinsmack: it's fixed in a current driver snapshot.00:51
putnumpocket: check out samba00:52
pinsmackcrimsun:  uh. what?00:52
BarracudaHi I install java onto unbuntu by using apt-get. How do I uninstall java. Is there a command that I can use for quick uninstall???00:52
crimsunpinsmack: it means the version you have isn't fixed; the current (most recent not yet released) is.00:52
aragorndang it, im so new at xchat. i just got it installed. and now i lost my menu bar! lol00:52
smallfoot-firefox released touday00:52
pocketdrummer_Does anyone know why it would say "remote closed connection?"00:52
geniiBarracuda: use the same command but with "remove" instead of "install"00:53
amenadoBarracuda-> apt-get remove java00:53
seanyBarracuda:  dpkg -l | grep java   , then dpkg -r or -p <package name>00:53
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo00:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about midikeyboard - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:53
Josep1!midi keyboard00:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about midi keyboard - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:53
Pattihey all00:53
seanyhas anyone had any luck getting LDAP authentication to work on 7.10?00:54
pinsmackcrimsun:  so i have to wait untill it is released?00:54
crimsunpinsmack: I'll work on getting an updated version into hardy.00:54
pocketdrummerdo you know why it would say "REMOTE CLOSED CONNECTION" when I'm chatting here?00:55
crimsunpinsmack: no, you can use ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/alsa/snapshot/driver/alsa-driver-hg20080207.tar.bz200:55
Dr_willispocketdrummer,  sounds like the irc server is dissconecting you00:56
Josep1would anyone like to help me set up my usb midi keyboard00:56
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo00:56
joshritgeris there a guide on how to purge my system of all the files left behind when uninstalling apps?00:56
seanypocketdrummer: i think you're seeing the messages that some one else is leaving, or the server is dropping you00:56
Dr_willisNot a lot of inof on midi heh.00:56
pocketdrummerIt's been dropping me for two days now00:56
Josep1I already tried that00:56
pocketdrummerI don't know why00:56
Dr_willispocketdrummer,  you sure your nick isent registered to someone else? try changing nicks00:56
seanyjoshritger: look at the man page for dpkg there is a purge flag00:56
PaTeeLAjoshritger: sudo apt-get autoremove i believe00:56
pocketdrummerWell, I set it up and it registered it to me without giving me a problem, then all the sudden this starts happening.00:57
joshritgerPaTeeLA: will that remove all the hidden files in my home directory too?00:58
Pelodoes anyone know of an app to identify the buttons on a mouse ? some little thing whre I click a mouse button and it says : " that is the primary button", " this is the middle button" , this is the fourth button and so on ?00:58
Josep1anyone know about midi keyboards00:58
pinsmackcrimsun:  what's the sudo code i need put in?00:58
raichleahi all, I just removed my java install and then installed sun-java6-jdk.  Now I can compile progs with javac but I get this when I try to run a prog @gilgamesh:~/java$ java practice00:58
raichleabash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory00:58
PaTeeLAjoshritger: i'm not sure00:59
raichleaany suggestions?00:59
crimsunpinsmack: there's no "sudo code"; you need to compile it.  See DebuggingSoundProblems on the wiki.00:59
Dr_willisraichlea,  what does java -version say?00:59
Peloraichlea, install sun-java6-jre00:59
jorgenptI upgraded to gutsy, and now I can't do things like (when SSH-ing to the machine) DISPLAY=:0 mplayer foo.avi - I get Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server01:00
brianhPelo:type xev in a terminal01:00
raichleapelo: ok, will do that now01:00
jorgenptAnyoen know how to fix it?01:00
pinsmackcrimsun:  LINK MEH01:00
raichleaDr_willis: @gilgamesh:~/java$ java -version01:00
raichleabash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory01:00
Dr_willisdont ya need to do 'ssh -X remote machine'01:00
Dr_willisraichlea,  i would try what Pelo  said.01:00
PaTeeLAanyone know how to restore or insall the default ubuntu splash?01:01
raichleapelo: sun-java6-jre is already the newest version.01:01
raichleasun-java6-jre set to manual installed.01:01
jorgenptDr_willis: I want to start it _on_ the machine I've ssh-ed to, not on my local machine01:01
Pelobrianh, thanks, Now I know that my what I would have expected to be button 4 is also recognised as button 2 ,01:01
Josep1well, no one seems to be bothered by my constant asking....  anyone know how to get a usb midi keyboard working with ams or  rosegarden?01:01
putnumhey guys when i boot into ubunto i get a error message about a timer and then i get a box that floats around on my screen that says out of synch then after a few min it loads x why is this?01:01
Peloraichlea, sorry, I had understood from your question that you only had -jdk installed01:02
raichleapelo: I wasn't sure which I did it through synapti c and couldn't remember01:02
Dr_willisjorgenpt,  i normally 'ssh -X remotebox' get a shell, then i run the stuff on the remote box.., it appears locally. with ssh -X you dont need to export the display.. Or are you tryint to make it run and appear on the remote? In that case  You may need to go to the remote vox and use a 'xhost +localhost' command. thats a X security feature you may be having problems with01:02
crimsunpinsmack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems01:03
Peloraichlea, open synaptic , do a search for sun-java6 ,  see what is installed,  if there is a -dev package also install it, in fact , save yourself the trouble and install  all the sun-java6 packages that are available01:03
josiahcan someone bot me the multimedia link please01:03
raichleapelo: ok doing that now01:03
crimsunpinsmack: I'm kinda busy ATM; ping me privately if you have questions.01:04
aexissoldats, if you've had to "lead" a network connection to one specific server, all while masking it's destination with ANOTHEr server's address, thus making the user think he connected to one address, when he's really connected to another one, how would you do it?01:04
Pelojosiah,  for the codecs ?01:04
DWonderlyWhat is the best way to uninstall something? use the synaptic package?01:04
Pelo!codecs > josiah check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:04
jribDWonderly: yes01:04
pinsmackaww man01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:05
BarracudaThanks guys for showing me how to remove java. I got it working01:05
PeloDWonderly, all the packages in the repos are made for ubuntu so they will be your best option, if not available in the repos,  look for deb packages on line,  then bin , the the sourcecode01:05
pinsmacki don't know what to do :/01:05
Josep1I am working on using my yamaha psr E403 midi keyboard with ams or rosegarden: anyone got any ideas?01:05
CaBlGuYwhat package I need for playing VCD?01:05
PeloCaBlGuY, xine plays vcd properly01:05
Gokulcan someone please guide me on installing sun/java/jre on my 64 buit gutsy system?01:05
Legendarioanyone else here with gutsy that have update the flashplugin and it's not working anymore?01:05
DWonderly I'm having probems with my Xserver after uninstalling compiz. Would uninstalling it, rebooting then reinstalling it help anything?01:05
jorgenptDr_willis: Oh, is xhost +localhost persistent?01:05
CaBlGuYPelo:  got it installed..   not playin my VCD...01:05
crimsunpinsmack: ping me privately, then.01:05
CaBlGuYneed the proper codec..01:05
PeloGokul,  not sure they are available, , check in synaptic01:05
crimsunpinsmack: /msg NickServ help identify01:06
GokulPelo: checked, couldn;t find anyything01:06
PeloCaBlGuY, vcd or KVcd ? cause I know linux players have problems with the compression of kvcd01:06
LegendarioGokul, install the package ubuntu-restricted-extras01:06
CaBlGuYPelo:  just plain VCD...  not K..01:06
Dr_willisjorgenpt,  nope. :)01:06
CaBlGuYJust need to know what codec package to install..01:07
PeloGokul, get the source from the sun website then ,  not sure it if is available for amd64 however, 64 bit ubuntu is a bit lacking in certain things01:07
Yanch0i just plugged in a usb key but got no drive popping on (similar to what does in windows) any idea how I can get it please? this is the result of lshw -C bus http://yancho.pastebin.com/d5d1f863e01:07
tannerhow can i tell if my expresscard slot is working?01:07
broken__What was the temporary fix for flash again?01:07
broken__I cannot find that page.01:07
PeloCaBlGuY,  it's not a codecs thing , if you can'T play it in xine, try in vlc but I don'T think that will make much differentce01:07
PeloCaBlGuY,  try opening the cd as a data cd and play the largest file on it in totem01:08
pinsmackcrimsun:  are you really that busy? if so i can give you my aim or something01:08
CaBlGuYPelo:  tried that to but no go there as well..   maybe an issue with the disk..  I'll have to check it out..  thanks01:08
crimsunpinsmack: I'm pretty busy.  IRC's probably lowest latency ATM.01:08
Pelobroken__, go to the adobe website and get the tar.gz file01:08
LjL!flashissues | broken__01:08
ubotubroken__: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »01:08
jorgenptDr_willis: Any way to make it persistent - or automatic?01:08
jorgenptPerhaps .xprofile. :-)01:08
Dr_willisjorgenpt,  .bashrc or .bash_profile also01:08
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Dr_willisjorgenpt,  that could be considered a large security hole.01:09
jorgenptTo allow X-connections from localhost on a box which is NATed and only has a single user?01:09
Ward1983vlc plater wont show any video anymore01:09
Ward1983what can i do to fix it?01:09
Ward1983reinstall didnt help01:09
PeloWard1983, can yo play videos in other players ?01:09
Ward1983Pelo, yes01:10
Dr_willisjorgenpt, it may not be an issue on your setup - but its a very bad security practice.01:10
PeloWard1983, try asking in #vlc , I'm guessing you probably messed up some settings01:10
Legendariothanks LjL, i had the same flash question01:10
CaBlGuYgot it goin..   thanks Pelo..01:10
broken__Thanks Pelo  LjL01:10
Josep1 I am working on using my yamaha psr E403 midi keyboard with ams or rosegarden: anyone got any ideas?01:10
Ward1983Pelo, i allready did, no reply yet, i think they're all afk01:10
jorgenptOh, and why oh why does my X alternate between printing "(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1024x768"" and "(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1280x720"" with no errors or warnings in between?01:11
broken__I do have an issue now, I haven't been able to solve. I am having jerky video in all my video players except for mplayer.01:11
broken__And this happened after I removed XGL.01:11
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know how to network in linux?01:11
PeloWard1983,  from memory ( i don't have vlc installed atm ) , check in the settings under video or someting, look for xorg or someting similar, make sure that is the one selected01:11
Ward1983Pelo, do you happen to know how i reset all settings? even the ones that dont get resetted by reinstall?01:11
slashzulhow do you format a new ubuntu usb device ?01:11
Ward1983Pelo, will try, thanx01:11
amenadopocketdrummer-> some tries, what is your problem?01:11
slashzulit doesnt mount until I format it with ext301:11
Pelobroken__, do you have the desktop effects turned on ?01:11
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broken__Pelo, I do not.01:12
_Marek_hi all01:12
PeloWard1983, I know that you can use synatpic to uninstall completely, this should make the next install be completely fresh with al the defaults01:12
_Marek_anyone using broadcom wifi 43xx native drivers on gutsy?01:12
Ward1983Pelo, X11 or XVideo?01:12
Pelobroken__, what kind of videos are they ? what format ?01:12
PeloWard1983, x1101:12
broken__Pelo, just standard avi.01:12
nickrudWard1983: you can try removing ~/.vlc  directory, any personal settings would be stored there01:13
desertcwhat does the drm.ko kernel module do?  I know it's something to do with video01:13
broken__Pelo, it seems to be happened to all video format.01:13
_Marek_or is there any way to get a 2.6.24 kernel on gutsy?01:13
BetaTestI heard about Ubuntu Ultimate Edition, so question is, is it worth it?01:13
Ward1983nickrud, thanx, will try that too if the first doesnt help :-)01:13
Pelobroken__, try searcing synaptic for gstreamer and install all the gstreamer0.10 pakcages you see01:13
nickrud_Marek_: I'm using the 4311 with the bcm43xx driver in the kernel01:13
* Pelo is watching "Shake hands with the devil" and it is not pretty 01:14
jorgenptAlso, Dr_willis, if I do xhost +localhost, I still get connection refused from DISPLAY=:0 on the box. :(01:14
raichleapelo, now I get this:01:14
raichlearaichlea@gilgamesh:~/java$ java practice.java01:14
raichleaThe program 'java' can be found in the following packages:01:14
raichlea * cacao01:14
raichlea * j2re1.401:14
raichlea * kaffe01:14
raichlea * jamvm01:14
FloodBot1raichlea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
tanneranyone here using a Thinkpad T61?01:14
Peloraichlea, I'm gonna recommend you look for a java channel at this point01:14
Pelotanner, ask a question about your issue, you're more likely to get an answer01:15
raichleacan anyone suggest one?  It seem to be a problem with the java install on ubuntu... not so much java per se..01:15
Peloraichlea, try #java01:15
Peloraichlea,  but they are likely to be able to tell you what you are missing01:15
nickrudraichlea:  you installed   sun-java6-jre  and   sun-java6-plugin (on x32?)01:15
broken__Pelo, they are all installed, and I've also tried reinstalling VLC and other video players. BUt nothing.01:15
raichleanickrud: yes and sun-java6-jdk01:16
nickrudraichlea: then ran sudo update-alternatives --config java  ?01:16
Pelobroken__, I'm stumpêd01:16
Jay955evening al01:16
tannerPelo: i fixed it, i believe01:16
broken__Pelo, me too, on my laptop it works. And its worked on this computer before...01:16
raichleapelo: #java doesn't seem to be a channel01:16
broken__Perhaps I will see an error if I start in the command line.01:17
broken__One second.01:17
Peloraichlea, try ##java01:17
Peloraichlea, there are 225 ppl in there right now01:17
raichleanickrud: raichlea@gilgamesh:~/java$ sudo update-alternatives --config java01:17
raichleaThere are 2 alternatives which provide `java'.01:17
raichlea  Selection    Alternative01:17
raichlea          1    /usr/bin/gij-4.201:17
raichlea +        2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:17
FloodBot1raichlea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
Ward1983Pelo, nickrud, i think i must have compiled something while trying to utilise the output of my capturecard (yes it has a output) :-(01:17
Ward1983no luck yet01:17
Peloraichlea, please stop pasting to the channel01:18
Jay955can anyone help me.... i did a fresh install of ubuntu and i have a hard time to share a harddrive so that my xp system can access in order to store files on01:18
broken__Pelo, well one avi worked, and the one that didn't this is the error: [00000342] a52 decoder: A/52 channels:6 samplerate:48000 bitrate:44800001:18
broken__No accelerated IMDCT transform found01:18
_Marek_nickrud, is it 2.6.24 with native patch to make it work or is it through ndis?01:18
nickrudWard1983: ah, I'm out then. I don't even think about trying to help with self compiled stuff01:18
compengii installed compizconfig-settings-manager but my Desktop Effects vanished, so i need everytime i reboot to enable compiz, what should i do?01:18
PeloJay955, that is a samba issue I can't realy help but try looking up samba in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org there is also a #samba channel01:18
nickrud_Marek_: standard ubuntu provided generic kernel. I ran bcm43xx-fwcutter and all was good.01:18
Jay955ok thanks01:19
Ward1983nickrud, if the packages would be up to date i wouldnt need to compile :-) (i can just uninstlal them anyway)01:19
seanyraichlea: you can also get java 701:19
Pelobroken__, that's a bit over my head I'm afraid,  I would try googling the error msg or at least the keywords in it01:19
seanyraichlea: do a search for icedtea01:19
nickrudraichlea: I can see that you don't have the sun jre selected, but you might have the jdk selected ....01:19
broken__Pelo, I think it looks like its missing an audio codec.01:20
broken__I"ll search, thanks.01:20
raichleanickrud: I will try to reinstall the jre01:20
seany!ask ldap01:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ldap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:20
nickrudraichlea: java -version should tell you what you're running ...01:21
protcronthello i want to change the "protocront@localhost"  to display just only instead, does any body can give me help01:21
cylexanyone know how to setup users in apache22?01:21
protcrontin shell01:21
=== Photo1 is now known as maximilion
maximilionOK, tired of the bongo sound at splash login screen, how to remove? Not on help.ubuntu.com :(01:21
raichleajava-version gives me a message saying it can be found in the following packages and then lists a bunch01:21
cylexprotcront: echo $PROMPT01:22
DoubleDewDr_willis: is there a way to switch back and forth between remote desktop and local desktop?01:22
cylexprotcront: and change the necessary by set PROMPT01:22
_Marek_nickrud, i wonder whether ubuntu 8 will rely on 2.6.24 or 2.6.25, since 2.6.25 will have native support01:22
compengii installed compizconfig-settings-manager but my Desktop Effects vanished, so i need everytime i reboot to enable compiz, what should i do to return it and add it to start up01:22
_Marek_nickrud, http://www.mail-archive.com/bcm43xx-dev@lists.berlios.de/msg05748.html01:22
cylexDoubleDew: Alt-F701:23
seanycylex: what do you mean users?01:23
protcrontcylex: i typed echo $prompt and it displays nothing01:23
seanycylex: like, htaccess?01:23
maximilionPlease, could someone help me remove the bongo sound at login? Thanks in advance for any help.01:23
cylexseany: http://localhost/~user   <-- I want this01:24
maximilion(or replace the login sound with my own)01:24
nickrud_Marek_: I'm not using the b43, but the bcm43xx . Older true but it works here01:24
=== chicker_ is now known as chicker
cylexprotcront: vim .bashrc01:25
seanycylex: mod_userdir   http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/public_html.html01:25
cylex PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'01:25
cylex    ;;01:25
cylexseany: thx01:25
cylexprotcront: change the necessary01:25
DoubleDewcylex: that doesn't work for me01:25
DoubleDewcylex: that is supposed to work while on the remote desktop screen?01:25
fred9hi, i can't compilate with gcc (direcory not found), but i have already installed build-essential01:25
josiahhow do you get libdvdread2?01:26
cylexDoubleDew: sorry dunno01:26
_Marek_nickrud, seems like the only reasonable way without breaking the update process01:26
DoubleDewAnyone know the command to switch back and forth between local and remote desktops while screen is on the remote one?01:26
josiahsudo apt-get install libdvdread2 doesnt doit01:27
nickrud_Marek_: have you been here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:27
_Marek_nickrud, yeah01:27
Tredje0yeHello. Remember me? My network is still not working, and the LiveCD was unable to connect to the internet as well.01:27
seanyprotcront: all of that stuff should be in the ~/.bashrc01:28
Tredje0yeI was however able to extract log files from /var/log if anyone would care to take a look at it01:28
seanydoes any one have any info about getting LDAP working on 7.10?01:28
seanyTredje0ye: can you put them in a paste bin?01:28
nickrud_Marek_: don't know what to say then. It worked for my 4311 just fine01:28
maximilionAbout changing/removing login sound: Looked in gconf-editor under Apps/gnome-session, no setting there. Can someone help please?01:28
protcrontseany: okie01:29
Tredje0yeWell, I could :/ But wold you mind downing the logs.zip file from my web-server? ^^;; I made a mii-tool log to01:29
nickrudjosiah: are you sure you're not looking for libdvdread3 ?01:29
raichleapelo: I tried to join ##java but I get an error saying I have to be identified01:29
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: isnt that in the login manager?01:29
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:29
fred9 i can't compilate with gcc (directory not found), but i have already installed build-essential. Any suggestion?01:30
josiahnickrud: yes I have libdvdread3 installed.01:30
nickrud!register | raichlea01:30
uboturaichlea: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:30
nickrudraichlea: ##java apparently requires same01:30
desertc"My voice is my password.  Identify me."01:30
wil_hi... I am trying to migrate to ubuntu... I want to write a very simple script with 2 commands in it... what extention do I need to run 2 terminal commands? Need to know the linux equivalent of .bat01:31
nickrudjosiah: it should be sufficent, since it replaces 2 . What requires it?01:31
Jack_Sparrowdesertc: Very cool movie... but ot just the same01:31
Jack_Sparrowwil_: bash01:31
=== PacketScan is now known as packetscan
_Marek_nickrud, do you have 4311 rev 01?01:31
desertcJack_Sparrow: Uplink, computer simulator video game.  Thanks though.01:31
Peloraichlea, you'll have to register with the network to join then , not a problem  type  /msg nickserv help register and follow the instructions01:31
th0rwil_: it isn't the extension that matters...the first line has to be #!/bin/sh01:32
josiahnickrud: I didnt know... was just making sure I had everything I would need :)01:32
nickrudwil_: linux doesn't use extensions like that;  you would type   chmod u+x /path/to/file  to make it executable01:32
maximilionHi Jack_Sparrow :) All threads pointed to the Preference menu ... it's in Admin/Login Windows :)01:32
Jack_Sparrowwil_: YEp, they have a room that can help you with just about anything01:32
raichleapelo: thx01:32
desertcwil_: change it to an executable file with the chmod command01:32
maximilionLogin Window Preferences*01:32
wil_:S lol, I like linux, but finding everything so confusing!01:32
nickrud_Marek_: bcm94311mgc01:33
Jack_Sparrowwil_: You didnt understand windows at first either..01:33
=== reconnect is now known as recon
_Marek_nickrud,  which revision?01:33
th0r Jack_Sparrow how about you find another room to run people out of01:33
nickrud_Marek_: not listed in lspci, I'll take a look at lshw01:33
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: Glad you got it....01:33
Pelowil_,  you'll get use to it01:33
nickrud_Marek_: doh, rev 101:33
wil_lol... I know, but now that I do, it makes it a lot harder to migrate my knowledge to linux!01:33
desertcwil_:  then, run the script by typing the path and file name, or  " ./filename " instead.  Most people use .sh as a common script "file extension", although it is unnecessary, technically.01:33
Jack_Sparrowth0r: PM please01:33
Sunman hi - i have a huge problem with ubuntu. it froze and upon restart it threw out "Error 16: inconsistent filesystem". None o fthe kernels, or recovery modes work. I know a solution would be to run fsck but I cant even load from a liveCD01:34
_Marek_nickrud, so it seems we just need to install 2.6.24 to gain native support01:34
desertcSunman: why can you not boot from a liveCD ?01:34
nickrud_Marek_: I'm fine with using a blob for now, to maintain kernel compatiblitiy01:34
Tredje0yeseany: Hey, you there? I setup http://dreamsindigital.org/logs01:34
Sunmandesertc: I have no idea. it loads for a while and then just gives me a blinking cursor01:34
maximilionJack_Sparrow: I now have a decent OSX Tiger style going... will perfect it tomorrow :)01:35
_Marek_nickrud, i wonder if there is any way to install 2.6.24 from source while preserving most settings from default gutsy 2.6.22 and then have it thrown out if a newer kernel arrives01:35
PeloSunman, consider this may be hardware related01:35
Tredje0yeIt contains dmesg, kern, syslog, messages, debug, and mii-tool spew01:35
seanyTredje0ye: reading...01:35
desertcSunman: then it is most likely a hardware issue, since the liveCD does not touch your hard drive installation01:35
nickrud!info kernel-package | _Marek_01:35
ubotu_marek_: kernel-package (source: kernel-package): A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.. In component main, is optional. Version 11.001 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 2192 kB01:35
fred9 i can't compilate with gcc (directory not found), but i have already installed build-essential. Any suggestion?01:35
Tredje0yeseany: tnx ^^;;01:35
smallfoot-when i try to update, it say hash mismatch01:35
wil_ok, I put the #!/bin/sh as the first line... renamed it to .sh, and typed chmod u+x normal.sh whilst in the correct directory.... it does a new line with no feedback. when I run the .sh file, it opens in archive manager and comes up with a error :(01:36
seanyTredje0ye: you need to change the permissions on those fles01:36
Sunmanwhat hardware issue would cause such an error?01:36
Pelofred9, search for gcc and install any -dev related packages01:36
_Marek_nickrud, thanks :)01:36
desertcwil_: need to run it from the command line interface (terminal) to see the output01:36
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
fred9Pelo thanks, i'll try that01:36
desertcwil_: you don't need #!/bin/sh as the first line, by the way, nor renaming with .sh01:37
Tredje0yeseany will d01:37
wil_desertc: ahh :( just trying to follow advice01:37
nickrudwil_: how did you run the file?   ./<file>  in the same dir is good01:37
Tredje0yeseany: Done ^^;;01:37
desertcwil_: good advice, but I'm just tryiing to make it easy for you to get it right01:38
broken__Anyone had this error while playing video: No accelerated IMDCT transform found01:38
Josep1Does anyone know how to set up a midi keyboard with ams?01:38
wil_desertc, it is just one command! I just want to run it by double clicking.... it would be quicker for me to type the command than have to go to console and do that every time :(01:38
desertcwil_: Are you in a terminal when you run this script, or are you trying to double click it?01:38
Pelobroken__, have you tried searching the repos for IMDCT ?01:38
broken__I can't actually find anything on the internet really about it.01:39
Ussr1943has anyone ever been able to create a grub bootdisk from within live ubuntu?01:39
wil_desertc,  I want to run one command that does metacity --replace and one that does compiz --replace so I can quickly enable and disable it whilst keeping all my settings because I have a old windows app that I need for work that is not compatible with it... but I dont want to get rid of compiz! I love it01:39
raichleanickrud:  I found the java file, it was in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-  is there a way to alias that so I don't have to type that every time?01:39
prodigelHi. I'm trying to find where kde saves it's file assoctiations. Anyone can help. I'm trying to follow a link in a kde app and it opens the php files wiith quante01:39
desertcwil_: ah - there we go.  well, go into a command prompt and see what the error is01:39
desertcsorry, I should say Terminal CLI, not command prompt.01:40
Peloprodigel,you might want to ask in #kde or #kubuntu01:40
prodigelalso I'm using gnome as my gdm01:41
wil_desertc, I went to terminal and when I type normal.sh it just says command not found :(01:41
* Pelo glares at desertc for using MS terminology in this channel 01:41
desertcwil_: type " ./normal.sh " like I said before01:41
wil_desertc, I know I can just type compiz --replace, but I really want to have it as a desktop icon I can just click on... it is a learning experience, but annoying01:41
nickrudraichlea: if you have the   update-alternatives set properly, you end up with /usr/bin/java  pointing at  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:41
PaTeeLAhey does anyone know how to get the default ubuntu splash installed?01:41
Josep1would anyone care to help me01:41
wil_desertc, sorry, I missed that one... ok that works fine.... but how do I do that from a icon?01:41
nickrudraichlea: which is a link to the one you speak of01:42
Jack_Sparrowdesertc: HE can just create a launcher with that and have an icin on his desktop right01:42
broken__What is beagled-helper? It is always loading my CPU To the max when I look at HTOP01:42
raichleanickrud: how do set the update-alternatives?01:42
nickrudJosep1: send me a keyboard ;P01:42
desertcJack_Sparrow: yep01:42
PriceChildbroken__, its a search indexer. It has a low priority though so won't affect other applications.01:43
nickrudraichlea: sudo update-alternatives --config java , and press the number on the same line as the sun-java601:43
broken__PriceChild, I don't know about its' using up 90% cpu.01:43
wil_after doing chmod, both script files run perfectly well doing ./name.sh I just need to know how I can click on them!01:43
wil_also, what does ./ actually mean?01:43
Jack_Sparrowwil_: right click your desktop... create launcher01:43
Bruno_can you connect an ipod touch just to charge the battery to a linux box?01:43
PriceChildbroken__, it will only use cpu if nothing else needs it01:43
broken__My temps have risen as if they are at max load.01:44
Ward1983i'm compilign something and i get this error: configure: error: Missing header file ffmpeg/avcodec.h.01:44
Ward1983how can i fix it?01:44
nickrudwil_: it means  the current directory  ( . ) menas current directory more accurately01:44
Ward1983(dev packages are isntalled)01:44
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:44
broken__PriceChild, could I remove it from ym system?01:44
Ussr1943Has anyone been able to create a grub bootdisk from within a live distro of ubuntu?01:44
desertcwil_: okay, try this now:  right click on your GNOME Panel (with the menu), and do Add to Panel, then click on Create Launcher01:44
raichleanickrud: seems to have worked, thanks01:45
nickrudbroken__: but before you do that, you might want to read up on nice , so you can see why the fact it's using 90% isn't really relevant01:45
MGrundeI'm having trouble with my reiserfs drive.  reiserfsck says it's a hardware issue and tells me to buy a new drive, but I would really like to save my data.  Is this possible?01:45
broken__nickrud, read up on nice?01:45
desertcwil_: then type in the full name of the script, " /home/blahyouruser/normal.sh " and you might have to run it as Type "Application in Terminal"01:45
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, thanx for the link01:46
seanyTredje0ye:  have you messed with "ethtool -K eth0 tso off" or a variant ?01:46
Josep1nickrud: do you know how to setup a midi keyboard with ams or rosegarden?01:46
wil_desertc, I clicked on browse, found it and it works fine!01:46
Jack_SparrowWard1983: np01:46
wil_thanks, that is brilliant!01:46
wpkJosep1: set it as recording device01:46
nickrudbroken__: it's a way to tell an app "As long as nothing else wants to use the cpu, you can use as much of it as you like, but as soon as another app wants to do something you WILL yield up the cycles"01:46
desertcwil_: see you around!01:46
Josep1k, lemme look01:46
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, i did "sudo apt-get build-dep packagename" and its downloading about 50megs lol01:46
wil_desertc, I have to say.... and dont hate me... that is the one thing so far I still like about windows.... create a file, call it .bat and run!.... but I wouldnt go back for anything!01:46
Tredje0yeseany: No01:46
Jack_Sparrowwil_: Welcome to ubuntu..01:47
Jack_SparrowWard1983: Yep01:47
nickrudJosep1: nope, but I'd like to try :)01:47
wpkJosep1: in Studio -> manage MIDI devices or sth.01:47
desertcwil_: it's called freedom - you'll learn to like it  ;-)01:47
wil_thanks so much!01:47
broken__nickrud, why can't programs just remain dormant if not being used?01:47
broken__I've never used the search once.01:47
geniiMGrunde: Perhaps try  irc://irc.oftc.net/#reiser401:47
tinmanHmm, How do I get 1 package and not the dependencies using atp-get/01:47
begemo1Hello, everyone!01:48
nickrudbroken__: it's a daemon, it does stuff in the background. That's the whole point of a multitasking os, more than one app can run at a time.01:48
begemo1Please, give me advice - HowTo fix width of the "Name" column ib Nautilus?01:48
Tredje0yeseany: On the last install I tried using it tho cause I've been dealing with this prob for a couple of weeks now ^^;;01:48
Pelotinman,  you won't be able to use the package if you don'T get it's dependencies01:48
desertctinman: why would you want to do that?01:48
Pelobegemo1,  not sure you can01:48
tinmanI am on a slow connection and i will need to get them seperately01:48
begemo1Really?? :(01:48
seanyTredje0ye: what about adding pci=noapci?01:48
tinmanelse, I will disconnect before I get all of them01:48
scurry7hello_ im having gdm problems...(it will not load)its been working before just fine. where do i check first???????01:49
nickrudbroken__: another way to look at it is if your processor is doing nothing, it's wasting time. Find something for it to do when nothing else needs it01:49
Pelobegemo1, you can always try and look in gconf-editor under app/nautilus01:49
desertcscurry7: log files01:49
broken__nickrud, what I don't like is my cpu temps being as high as they are on max load.01:49
Josep1I have managed to get midi-out, but recording is being tricky in rosegarden01:49
Jack_Sparrowtinman: If you have a friend with broadband you can get them from there and move them over01:49
geniitinman: Use instead trickle to allot whatever bandwidth you care to to the apt-get process etc01:49
Josep1wpk: what do you mean Studio?01:49
franciscodoes any one know a command to open the cd/dvd drive??? the botton isnt working.01:49
begemo1Pelo: Oh, lock - is best idea ! ! ! Many thanks, Pelo!01:50
nickrudbroken__: then true, you can go to system->prefs->session and turn off the tracker. It won't run at the next login01:50
tinmanJack_Sparrow: friends don't even have connection :]01:50
Odd-rationalefrancisco: use a paperclip01:50
oboy03bazhang: you there?01:50
desertcfrancisco: unmount the drive first01:50
Jack_Sparrowtinman: Just trying to offer a suggestion01:50
MGrundegenii: Thank you01:50
broken__nickrud, thanks.01:50
tinmangenii: th problem is not bandwidth, i will disconnect at certain times (weird internet packlage)01:50
tinmanJack_Sparrow: k01:51
desertcfrancisco: unmount the drive first - the drive won't open when the disk is mounted01:51
slacker-Assuming I've got a bunch of parallel directories with files in them and hardlinks across the directories. If I run rsync -A on one the directories seperately does it still maintain the hardlinks?01:51
Josep1wpk: when I hit record,  a metronome starts on my keyboard01:51
franciscook ill unmount01:51
aroonianyone know how to fix this: Couldn't load Perl module Image::Magick.  Images will be skipped01:51
seanyTredje0ye:   i mean adding pci=noapci to your kernel boot options and see what happens01:51
nickrudfrancisco: if all else fails, try sudo eject01:51
chimpFor some reason after a reboot i've lost access to my sound card, is there a way to autodetect/install it?01:51
Tredje0yeseany: hmm.. that sounds like it just might work01:51
Sunmansorry to keep bothering you guys. for some reason after a few reboots the livecd worked. how do i mount my hd and how do i run fsck just on that mounted hd.01:52
oboy03hi guys01:52
Tredje0yeseany: cause I remember having a similar option enabled01:52
seanyTredje0ye: i would make sure you know how to boot into single user mode though01:52
desertcfrancisco: right click on the disk icon on your desktop, or do it from Nautilus01:52
sveakexhey, what is the very small ubuntu called? i think i saw an iso which was around 10mb big? :s01:52
seanyTredje0ye: incase you get a panic and need to fix something :-p01:52
putnumhow do i download kde for ubuntu?01:52
franciscook i got it01:52
Odd-rationalesveakex: That is the mini.iso01:52
nickrudSunman: first, you don't run fsck on a mounted drive.  Second,  sudo fsck /dev/<device>01:52
franciscoit wouldent let me unmount01:52
Darkmystereis there something like My Screen Recorder Pro for Ubuntu?01:52
putnumits apt-get install kde right?01:52
sveakexOdd-rationale: thanks01:52
franciscosudo eject worked01:52
Jack_Sparrowputnum: just kde or the kubuntu-desktop01:52
franciscothanx guys01:53
PeloSunman, opening gparted and and selecting your hdd should automaticaly mount all available partitons01:53
oboy03if there is a problem with ubuntu does that mean the whole OS is done?01:53
fribuntuCan someone tell me, when exactly the .profile file is interpreted? I am trying to set the locale-variables on a per-user basis, but I always end up with the system defaults, even when I reboot the machine!01:53
Odd-rationalesveakex: Basically, it was only the nesceary packages to boot. All the rest ~600 mb is download off the net when you install01:53
Sunmannickrud: then how do i run fsck without mounting it?01:53
Sunmanoh ok01:53
jrni'm looking for a bittorrent tracker program - can't find one with google... is there any ubuntu/debian package of a good tracker? (no it is not for illegal stuff, i need it to offer a alternative download source on my hp)01:53
Pelooboy03, no, what is the problem ?01:53
Tredje0yeseany: ^^ Well I'm green, so I got the LiveCD on backup incase "OMZG! I fudged the setup", which is standard with greenhorns ^^01:53
nickrudoboy03: almost never01:53
oboy03y'know like in windows something you installed went wrong you got to reformat your whole pc01:53
desertcfrancisco: What did it say when it would not let you unmount??  that's unnecessary to do sudo just to change disks!01:53
Dr_willisoboy03,  i imagine it depends on the exact problem01:53
Dr_willisoboy03,  you rarely need to do a reformat.. If you follow proper procedure01:54
franciscoit dint say anything.. just wouldent work01:54
Josep1well, I don't know how, put I figured it out,  thanks everyone01:54
Pelooboy03, you can reformat just the windows partition you do not need to reformat the whole hdd,01:54
oboy03bec yesterday i was having problems with updates wihich forced me to reformat ubuntu01:54
seanyTredje0ye:  well, you shouldn't need to reinstall or anything, if you screw up you can just boot into a different mode with out that boot flag and you should be good01:54
putnumsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesn't work01:54
geniitinman: The problem is whatever app needs the dependencies installed before itself so that all the groundwork is laid for it to operate. There is no real way to separate out the dependencies using apt-get or sohe/apt/archives. But what might work is to get a list of the dependencies find their .deb packagenames and then use perhaps wget or ftp or whatever to download them separately at other times into /var/cac01:54
Dr_willisoboy03,  i imagine there was some easier fix.01:54
oboy03so that means i still dont know how to troubleshoot :)01:54
jrnand btw is there any ubuntu-feed-browser?01:54
geniiinto /var/cache/apt/archives01:54
putnumsays couldn't find package01:54
Ussr1943any have expirience with creating a grub bootdisk in ubuntu live?01:54
oboy03I see01:54
Jack_Sparrowoboy03: Did you just end up with a blank screen or something like that01:54
aroonianyone have anything to do about solving this error when i try to run skencil?  http://pastie.caboo.se/14904901:55
jrni hate synaptic..01:55
tinmangenii: i am actually trying to get mysql server and not the client, and i think it works without the client01:55
nickrudoboy03: but you have made the first step, reinstall is the last resort :)01:55
chuy_maxis there a command that reverses line characters?, something like: linux -> xunil01:55
Darkmystere_!find recorder01:55
ubotuFound: ksimus-datarecorder, libhttp-recorder-perl, sound-recorder01:55
oboy03i can still see my desktop but some programs are now missing01:55
Tredje0yeseany: Alright, will try that boot option on next boot.01:55
oboy03i mean missing yesterday01:55
oboy03now i have a fresh install01:55
Dr_willischuy_max,  i recall a 'tac' command/script ages ago :)01:56
Joelitohi guys01:56
Dr_willischuy_max,  tac being the reverse of cat. :)01:56
oboy03and hope i encounter no problem this time01:56
seanyTredje0ye: after that i might start messing with fixing autonegotion settings01:56
desertc!hi |joelito01:56
ubotujoelito: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:56
ChrisHarding_hey, im a bit of an ubuntu n00b but i just have a quick question i was hoping someone could answer01:56
oboy03but having problems is good too, you get experience right?01:56
jrnthe bt-tracker should have an console 'interface'01:56
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf01:56
seanymaybe seeing if you could fix the speed of the other port to something specific and seeing what happens01:56
lilg111111does anybody know how to get the sd card reader to be recognized in gusty01:57
ChrisHarding_i downloaded the 7.10 gutsy gibbon iso and burnt to disc, im trying to run it as a live disc. however, when i try, it appears to be loading for a while then just sits there. also, caps lock and scroll lock flash in synch with each other.01:57
oboy03so reformat solution here in linux is rarer than in windows?01:57
desertcoboy03: It's generally a learning experience in Linux when you have problems, whereas I always end up forgetting some check-box in other operating systems01:57
maximilionGlossy P theme is called GTK2-Glossy P: Do I need to install something via Synaptic? (7.10)01:57
JoelitoI need a color picker01:58
amenadoChrisHarding_-> its slow so just wait longer01:58
franciscodoes any one know how to fix this: You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "DVD_VIDEO".01:58
wpklilg111111: it should be working out of the box01:58
Joelitolike those that uses your mouse pointer to know the rgb color01:58
chuy_maxDr_willis, naaa, that reverses the lines, not the characters, I just found it :D, it's rev01:58
geniitinman: If it says the client is a dependency then they aren't fibbing. The server needs some files or whatever in the client package as a prerequisite to operate01:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:58
wpklilg111111: connect, put card inside01:58
nickrudJoelito: gcolor201:58
ChrisHarding_<amenado> really? is that really it?01:58
Joelitonickrud: gcolor2?01:58
sveakexOdd-rationale: i don't seem to find it anywhere? :s01:58
lilg111111wpk, i have the sd card in the slot01:58
sveakexthe mini.iso01:58
nickrudJoelito: yes, it's a color picker you can install01:59
Odd-rationalesveakex: One moment...01:59
oboy03so for example i update a program to a higher version, say a chess program, and it did not install well, does that mean the previous version is already out of shape?01:59
Joelitonickrud: ok, going for it...01:59
Odd-rationalesveakex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:00
nickrudoboy03: In general, you won't be updating to a higher version except when updating the entire release02:00
DILhas anyone seen the IUbuntu ndiana Jones desktop02:00
Odd-rationalesveakex: But I wouldn't reccommend using it unless you have decent internet connection. Other installation could be a pain.02:00
oboy03so at fresh install its best not to update anything?02:00
nickrudoboy03: I should say, you won't be updating software piecemeal, except in very extreme circumstances02:00
Sunmannickrud: i have three devices sda1 - linux, sda2 "extended" and sda 5 "linux swap". fsck only runs on the first one... which one is my hd?02:00
sveakexOdd-rationale: i want to try it on a vm :)02:01
oboy03like now im only updating the imporatant security updates02:01
nickrudoboy03: if you have something installed, and an update is released by _ubuntu_ , it will automatically be updated on your machine with your permission02:01
desertcoboy03: all of that upgrading gets handled for you by Synaptic Package Manager.  no need to concern yourself with when to upgrade02:01
sveakexOdd-rationale: my internet is fast enough, i have done a few arch and gentoo installs02:01
aroonianyone know how to fix this: Couldn't load Perl module Image::Magick.  Images will be skipped02:01
Odd-rationalesveakex: Once installation is finished, it is no smaller than an ordinary installation. If you already have the cd, use it.02:02
oboy03so you mean i dont even have to choose anything in software sources?02:02
nickrudSunman: they are all your hard disk. sda1 is the partition where linux is installed, sda2 is a container for logical partitions, and sda5 is the partition that is used for memory swap. Only the first needs fscking02:02
ErealzI just maid a link on my desktop  and id like to to add the programs icon where might I find it?02:02
oboy03because i chose iportant security updates02:02
oboy03then it said i should update these, and i updated02:02
Odd-rationalesveakex: The live or alt cd, that is02:02
sveakexOdd-rationale: so it downloads all packages and installs? the turn out is the same?02:02
lilg111111does anybody know how to get the sd card reader to work in gusty02:02
PaTeeLAErealz: in the usr/bin02:02
Jack_Sparrowoboy03: Have you made any changes to your sources.list02:03
nickrudoboy03: yes. Those are the updates I'm talking about. I was (indirectly) cautioning against updates from other sources, which is the main cause of the os breaking02:03
Odd-rationalesveakex: Yes. I thought it would be smaller two when I first used it.02:03
Joelitonickrud: Nice, thanks :p02:03
PaTeeLAErealz: sry /usr/share/icons?02:03
Jack_Sparrowlilg111111: THe plug in ones almost all work, the built in ones are more hit and miss02:03
oboy03no changes in source.list02:03
nickrudoboy03: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training has a book that will tell you much of what you need to know02:03
dark_Harmonicslilg1111 I've had lots of problems getting the built in ones working too02:03
sveakexOdd-rationale: i thought it was an empty installation where i got to install everything02:04
daraknorI've attempted to use XGL and AIGLX on 7.10 but I still don't have direct rendering with either intel or i810 drivers. I've read a number of guides and I'm rather stuck. Any suggestions or methods of confirming that AIGLX was loaded properly?02:04
Odd-rationalesveakex: The only advantage is that once installed, you don't need to upgrade because it already downloaded the latest packages.02:04
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I just checked that out..  something new... and useful02:04
dark_Harmonicsi tried on a nc6000 to get the card reader to activate and followed the guides i could find without any positive results02:04
sveakexOdd-rationale: well that is a very good advantage :)02:04
nickrudJack_Sparrow: yeah, I ran across it a couple days ago. Read a bit, didn't see any glaring errors02:04
lilg111111jack sparrow and Dark harmonics should i give it up02:04
Odd-rationalesveakex: It *can* do that if you specify "CLI" in boot up before install. But so can the alt cd.02:04
oboy03so what do u usually guys do with ubuntu?02:04
dark_Harmonicsgive a search for your model type and that card reader lilg111102:05
oboy03just as a desktop? server? gaming?02:05
dark_Harmonicsthere might be something model specific02:05
dark_Harmonicsbut i wouldnt waste too much patience on it02:05
Jack_Sparrowlilg111111: I did, I spent $9 for one that does something like 20 dif cards02:05
desertcJack_Sparrow: that's really quite a gift from canonical, huh?02:05
dark_Harmonicsthat cheap Jack?02:05
Odd-rationaleoboy03: I use Linux on my tablet pc which I use for school.02:05
sveakexOdd-rationale: but the alt cds packages are 4-5 months older ;)02:05
Jack_Sparrowdesertc: YEp02:05
nickrudoboy03: I do all my work on it. Run a couple local servers (like web and mysql) . And use a couple servers out there that use debian. I keep it all in the family :)02:05
_elementaloboy03 Web development and network administration on the lappy, assorted servers on the towers02:05
dark_Harmonicsdo you have the model number from yours Jack?02:05
Jack_Sparrowdark_Harmonics: You can sometimes get them free after a rebate from Frys02:06
Jack_Sparrowdark_Harmonics: LEt me look for it02:06
Odd-rationalesveakex: As long as you have fast and reliable internet connection. You should be good. You don't want to lose connection during install02:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about training - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:06
oboy03so once i get used to ubuntu it would be superior to windows? even on vista?02:06
bad_cableswhat is the simple most easy ftpd to install and set up?02:06
Ussr1943has anyone had success with creating a grub bootdisk on a live ubuntu distro02:06
Odd-rationaleoboy03: Not better, different02:06
Omnimon-XOkay: I have a problem. Something similar has happened before, but It went away by itself. My Webserver and my IRC server are both down02:06
Dr_willisoboy03,  depends on the job you are doing.02:06
mon^rchI need some help please... when using the user switcher applet, if the "lock screen" option is on when I switch between users there is only a blank white screen. BUT (hehe) if I type my password I can get back to my session. why the white screen?02:06
nickrudoboy03: not for gaming or serious sound work yet02:06
Omnimon-XThe last time it happened, someone tried to bruteforce my webserver02:07
_elementaloboy03, superior on some things, inferior on others02:07
sveakexOdd-rationale: yeah it is very fast and stable :)02:07
bad_cablesi just want to deposit files on this box... no security02:07
dark_Harmonicsanybody know how to whisper in here?02:07
bad_cablesonly from the LAN02:07
daraknorI've attempted to use XGL and AIGLX on 7.10 but I still don't have direct rendering with either intel or i810 drivers. I've read a number of guides and I'm rather stuck. Any suggestions or methods of confirming that AIGLX was loaded properly? log file reports success, glxinfo is still not using direct rendering02:07
LockesRabbu there?02:07
Dr_willisdark_Harmonics,  you use /msg on irc.02:07
dark_Harmonicsi forgot all my irc crap from years ago02:07
nickruddark_Harmonics:    /pm <nick>02:07
iDivineCan Sony Vegas be ran on Ubuntu?....02:07
nickruddark_Harmonics: lol,   /msg <nick>02:07
Jack_Sparrowdark_Harmonics: The first one I see only says ucr-61 and may only do 10 to 15 types02:07
_elementaloboy03, what do you usually do on windows?02:07
Odd-rationalesveakex: Go for it then! Are you planning to put it on virtualbox?02:07
oboy03games, internet02:07
desertcnickrud oboy03: Don't cut Free Software short!  It is very possible to do high quality sound editing in Linux and there are many games available, too.02:07
dark_Harmonicsthanks for the replys :)02:08
Dr_willisdepends on the games. :)02:08
bad_cableschibitracker yo02:08
Dr_willisIs savage2 out yet?02:08
bad_cablesAldrin yo02:08
Sunmannickrud: thanks. well, it came up clean. now i am just confused.02:08
bad_cablessound on linux is 333t02:08
oboy03i will now mainly use linux for the internet02:08
nickruddesertc: not cutting it short, just pointing out that those are the only things that linux trails in my experience02:08
_elementalgaming is still a windows universe, there are games but they don't compare02:08
Jack_SparrowiDivine: You can check the winde data base of supported programs, but I seriously doubt it02:08
putnumcan i not get kde by using ap-get ???02:08
daraknoryeah i'm trying to get WoW and a few other things working but i can't get support for OpenGL :/02:08
sveakexOdd-rationale: yeah, i don't want to overwrite arch, i am curious how it is to build a ubuntu system :p02:08
desertcDr_willis: 100s of games in the Ubuntu repository - just one click and you have them installed.  Is that available on Win or Mac or even Nintendo?02:08
* nickrud refuses to get his machine drunk02:08
Odd-rationaleputnum: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:08
Omnimon-XCan anyone help me with my server problem?02:08
aroonianyone have anything to do about solving this error when i try to run skencil (a python based program)?  http://pastie.caboo.se/14904902:08
oboy03i just wanna harness the full potential of linux, so i can have alternatives on the future02:08
Dr_willisdesertc,  but if you want to play spore when it comes out.. and theres no wine support. or natgive client.. you are SOL.02:09
Dr_willisdesertc,  it all depends on what you want to play.02:09
Josep1hmmmm  Banshee is not playing....  it just sits there when I press play... any ideas?02:09
brandon_how do u install a wireless adapter?02:09
oboy03almost every 6 month i reformat windows due to slowing, virus, need to defrag. i wanna be free from those02:09
desertcDr_willis: Sure, and if you want to play a Nintendo game, it's not available on Ubuntu either, but that is because Ubuntu != Nintendo.02:09
sveakexOdd-rationale: after i finished i might try Linux From Scratch or Slackware02:09
_elementaloboy03, start learning now then, the more you use it the more flexible it becomes.02:09
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: Exactly why I have a windows partition and dual boot02:09
Odd-rationalesveakex: it is very easy. after install, just start apt-getting things. No big deal.02:09
franciscoi dont think my dvd drive is configured, dose anyone have any ideas?02:09
oboy03yes i will02:09
unagianyone know why my volume in ubuntu is significantly lower than in windows?02:10
LockesRabbfrancisco, guess what? i hacked your compiz!!!!!!!!!02:10
Odd-rationalesveakex: BTW, nice to see a fellow archer in the channel02:10
ABC123Hey, I was just wondering if there was any way to create a shortcut to a folder in gOS?02:10
Omnimon-XCan anyone help me fix my server problem?02:10
oboy03actually i've been using it since nov 200702:10
daraknorarooni, did you update your libc libs since python was installed?02:10
franciscowhat do you mean??02:10
desertcDr_willis: That's why I have a Nintendo partition and a dual screen.02:10
amenadobrandon_-> very carefully.. use a pci card if possible as opposed to those usb wifi adapter02:10
oboy03i just need a hands on training02:10
LockesRabbfrancisco, i know your real name -- its bruce02:10
aroonidaraknor, no i dont know how to do that; can you tell me how?02:10
bad_cablesunagi: it is a fundamental difference in the way that audio professionals view line level signals02:10
sveakexOdd-rationale: hehe, i don't think it will be so hard, it just for fun :P02:10
brandon_sang i got a usb02:10
nickrudJosep1: you using the jackd sound daemon? Sound (professional) sucks in linux right now. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cleanup-audio-jumble has some hope for later02:10
putnumodd: it keeps saying coudn't find package kubuntu-desktop02:10
Odd-rationalesveakex: I can point you to some guides that might help you out...02:10
Sunmanthe interesting thing is, i can see my hd and can browse it perfectly02:10
Sunmanand yet i cant boot from it.02:11
daraknorarooni, I suspect you need to reconfigure the python package to update the library references02:11
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putnumi think because i use a proxy here at work to get out02:11
sveakexOdd-rationale: that would be awesome :)02:11
Omnimon-XCan anyone help me with my server problem?02:11
daraknorI've attempted to use XGL and AIGLX on 7.10 but I still don't have direct rendering with either intel or i810 drivers. I've read a number of guides and I'm rather stuck. Any suggestions or methods of confirming that AIGLX was loaded properly? log file reports success, glxinfo is still not using direct rendering02:11
desertcnickrud Josep1:  Also, Renoise, a popular sound tracker-mixer came out for Linux the other day02:11
putnumhow can i install my proxy02:11
bad_cablesunagi: linux is more quiet to try and reduce the possibility of cliping and therefore the chance of making a bad recording to tape02:11
daraknorOmnimon-X, ask real questions please02:11
Tredje0yeseany: Thanks for the help =) I will reboot and test the settings now02:11
aroonidaraknor, cool; do you know how to do that02:11
_elementalrecording to what?02:11
Omnimon-XI did, but I don't want to type it all again02:11
IndyGunFreakputnum: i believe you need to apt-get install kde02:11
_elementaltape? wth is tape?02:11
oboy03i'll be back guys, security update is done and need restart02:11
franciscook mister lockesRabb! help me fix my dvd drive!!02:11
bad_cables::to a fostex R8 ?02:11
Odd-rationalesveakex: Can I pm them to you?02:12
bad_cablesor a minidisk02:12
nickruddesertc: like I said, there's hope (been saying that since I was able to ditch the $20 oss driver I bought for my first machine)02:12
seanyTredje0ye: ok, you don't happen to know anything about LDAP do you? want to return the favor? :-p02:12
sveakexOdd-rationale: sure02:12
LockesRabbi have seen bruce checkin out 2 girls 1 finger, and he actually likes it!02:12
putnumi need to put my proxy in02:12
daraknorOmnimon-X, it is in your chat history i bet. try hitting up a lot02:12
putnumhow can i do that02:12
franciscobruce who is that02:12
LockesRabbbruce, just download the codecs for your DVD player02:13
putnumbecause my connection goes through a proxy server02:13
Sunmanalso when i run fsck /dev/hda ut gives me a message saying that the superblcok could not be read - what could that mean?02:13
nickrudSunman: sorry, you scrolled off and I forgot who I wanted to talk to :) What's the error?02:13
putnumand i have not setup that yet02:13
bad_cableswho in here knows what is the most simple FTP server to run... security is not a concern02:13
daraknorarooni, sudo dpkg-reconfigure python2.502:13
aroonidaraknor, you rock02:13
daraknorarooni, sudo dpkg-reconfigure python02:13
nickrudSunman: what's the complete error? on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:13
maximilionCan I "rpm -ivh" with Synaptic?02:14
maximilionI have a bunch of rpms on a CD02:14
amenadomaximilion-> nope, use alien then use the dkpg -i02:14
aroonidaraknor, skencil still core dumps though :(02:14
desertcputnum: type your question all on one line.  no one can read it since it is mixed up in three pages of other text02:14
daraknorI've attempted to use XGL and AIGLX on 7.10 but I still don't have direct rendering with either intel or i810 drivers. I've read a number of guides and I'm rather stuck. Any suggestions or methods of confirming that AIGLX was loaded properly? log file reports success, glxinfo is still not using direct rendering02:14
Josep1Hey, I was just about to install some security updates to ubuntu, when my computer came up with a screen with lines on it  and logged me off,  what does that mean?02:14
putnumhow can i tell ubuntu that i go through a proxy server?02:14
maximilionamenado, ok - or Terminal ;)02:14
LockesRabbbruce, follow instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:14
theacolyteSo is there ANY way to install using a live CD with an nvidia 8800 card?02:15
daraknorarooni, on reconfigure did it say LD was being updated?02:15
Josep1it was the craziest thing02:15
amenadoJosep1-> try again02:15
putnumi use vmware to run my linux02:15
Josep1I am02:15
theacolyteThere's like 400 posts about it and it seems like it's some sort of black magic02:15
Josep1It's not the first time it has done that...  is it crashing?02:15
desertc(and consider buying entertainment that does not restrict you with digital restrictions)02:15
bad_cableswhat is the most lightweight browser besides lynx... Dillo?02:15
aroonidaraknor, no; there was no input whatsoever :(  spun the cycles for a bit but thats it02:15
Sunmannickrud: so the fsck /dev/sda1 came out clean. fsck /dev/hda returned this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55162/02:16
q_a_z_stevenickrud: can you help me get eth0 back, I tried to move to Alpha402:16
maximilionOh god, how do I cd to the dvd drive in the terminal? Nothing in /mnt... help! :)02:16
Omnimon-XOkay: I have a problem. Something similar has happened before, but It went away by itself. My Webserver and my IRC server are both down02:16
Omnimon-XThe last time it happened, someone tried to bruteforce my webserver02:16
Omnimon-XIs there any way to find out why it is happening?02:16
amenadomaximilion-> what do you have?02:16
desertcbad_cables: Opera is lightweight02:16
poningrumaximilion: cd /media/whatever02:16
nickrudSunman: hda is the entire disk, not a partition. it is not fsck'able02:17
maximilionah, thanks both! :)02:17
bad_cablesdesertc: this is a via 1U 686 @ 800 with a 64k cache =(02:17
nickrudSunman: so, back to the real issue: You can't boot?02:17
Josep1amenado: is the sscreen with different color lines on it, and then logging me off/seeming like it restarts my computer like crashing?02:17
poningrubad_cables: ouch02:17
poningrutry elinks02:17
nickrudq_a_z_steve: did you reinstall gutsy?02:17
poningruSunman: whats wrong?02:17
q_a_z_stevenickrud: I was moving up from dapper02:17
jw144000Can anyone help me with installing Gutsy Gibbon to an external hard drive?02:17
poningrubad_cables: rather elinks202:17
desertcbad_cables: I run Opera on my cell phone.  What's the matter with your 1U server?02:18
poningrujw144000: sure do you have the live cd?02:18
daraknorOmnimon-X, running services attracts attention. IRC is a tough service to keep up most of the time. "bruteforcing" refers to someone trying to crack your passwords through guessing. That happens on machines with almost no services02:18
nickrudq_a_z_steve: ah. You know, you should report that as a bug on launchpad, and have them work with you on it02:18
bad_cablesdesertc: it runs X ;)02:18
Mutationdoes anybody know java here?02:18
jw144000poningru: Yes02:18
poningrudesertc: opera mobile != normal opera02:18
gyaresuanyone tell me what i've messed up with packages? http://pastebin.com/mccd173902:18
Omnimon-Xdaraknor: I'm not a n00b.02:18
Sunmannickrud:yes. i can browse my hd. withe a livecd. but not boot from it02:18
DoYouKnowerr. wrong channel. already said hi here02:18
Omnimon-XI've checked the logs02:18
daraknorOmnimon-X, then ask real questions.02:18
nickrudq_a_z_steve: they are desperate for feedback on dapper->hardy upgrades. You should ask on #ubuntu+1 about it02:18
Omnimon-Xand there isn't anything in them.02:18
poningrujw144000: make sure the external hdd is connected to your computer and boot from the live cd02:18
q_a_z_stevenickrud: report what, I have no details as of yet, it's just kind of broken hard.02:18
Omnimon-Xthat relates to crashing a server02:18
daraknorI've attempted to use XGL and AIGLX on 7.10 but I still don't have direct rendering with either intel or i810 drivers. I've read a number of guides and I'm rather stuck. Any suggestions or methods of confirming that AIGLX was loaded properly? log file reports success, glxinfo is still not using direct rendering02:18
gyaresuThis machines been my hacking laptop for ages and hardly get's any love (cause it 'just works).02:19
Josep1has anyone else had ubuntu give you lines on the screen then log off and restart? (not to the bios, just ubuntu)02:19
poningrujw144000: then during the install just install it into your external hdd02:19
desertcbad_cables: my cell phone runs X02:19
daraknorOmnimon-X, see my question contains info, version numbers, etc02:19
q_a_z_stevenickrud: #ubuntu+1 is almost silent02:19
amenadoJosep1-> maybe the gdm got corrupted, logon and try again02:19
nickrudSunman: does windows boot?02:19
jw144000poningru: Some sites say I need to remove my internal HDD, is this neccessary?02:19
Omnimon-XI'm running Apache Web Server 2, and UnrealIRCd version 3.2.702:19
Sunmannickrud: i dont have windows.02:19
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nickrudq_a_z_steve: try taking it to #ubuntu-motu , the worst they can say is file a bug report02:19
Omnimon-Xand they are both down02:19
Josep1well it's working now, I just want to prevent it,  I'll see what a gdm is02:19
Omnimon-Xand I can't connect.02:19
nickrudSunman: so, you have to have some kind of error.02:19
bad_cablesdesertc: no like... i used to run DSL 3.x on this and it flew, now i run Xubuntu but on my TV @ 1360x768 with a webradio 24/702:19
poningrujw144000: no thats only to make sure that you dont accidentaly install it to the internal drive02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:20
daraknorOmnimon-X, can you log into the machine?02:20
maximilionamenado: 'Use Alien'? (rpm command not found...)02:20
nickrudq_a_z_steve: but that's not to say I won't help you get your net back up if I can :)02:20
poningru!alien | maximilion02:20
ubotumaximilion: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)02:20
amenadomaximilion-> you have to download alien package02:20
Omnimon-Xdaraknor: its on this computer, so yes. -_-02:20
bad_cablesdesertc: what cellphone you got ther ?02:20
q_a_z_stevenickrud: sweet, well right now I can't see anything other than lo in ifconfig02:20
daraknorOmnimon-X, try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start02:20
Omnimon-XIt IS started02:20
Omnimon-Xand so is unreal02:20
CarlFKwhat is the name of the kernel source package to satisfy:  "To successefully compile the driver, kernel source three have to be\ installed and configured to match currently running kernel."02:20
Sunmannickrud: what do you mean? yes : "Error 16:Inconsistent filesystem"02:20
CarlFKand do I really need the source, or just the headers ?02:21
Jack_Sparrowamenado: Alien is dangerous02:21
q_a_z_stevenickrud: I can't even tell if I have BitchX, installed anymore, to irc from there02:21
daraknorOmnimon-X,  then run netstat -nlp and see if the ports are open02:21
amenadoCarlFK-> apt-get install build-essentials02:21
maximilionamenado: Thanks! and replace "rpm -ivh" with "dpkg -i" in the terminal?02:21
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> why so?02:21
bad_cablesim just gonna install wuftp02:21
tehdaveanyone have flash die on them with the update to flashplugin-nonfree?02:21
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Is there a better way to install rpm packages?02:21
gyaresuCarlFK: You need the package 'build-essential' and the same kernel headers as the version you're running02:21
nickrudq_a_z_steve:   add auto eth0    <newline>   iface eth0 inet dhcp   to /etc/network/interfaces , then run sudo ifdown eth0 ; sudo ifup eth002:21
amenadomaximilion-> yes.02:21
Jack_Sparrowamenado: See the ubunto link?02:21
aroonihow do i install a .package file?02:22
thepaini have a problem02:22
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: Trying to install rpm's is gonna cause you grief02:22
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> yes I have seen it, I dont fear it02:22
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nickrudSunman: and when you    sudo fsck /dev/hda1 , what do you get?02:22
CarlFKgyaresu: how do I get the same kernel headers  ?02:22
thepaini can't boot xp after installing ubuntu02:22
DILwhere is it02:22
geniimaximilion: The best way of course is to install rpm packages on a system which uses rpm as it's native package type, unlike ubuntu02:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:22
thepainafter i reinstalling the grub02:22
maximilionWell, I'll just tell the developer to make an exception for me and not send dvds containing rpms ;)02:22
nickrudSunman: put /boot/grub/menu.lst on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:22
geniimaximilion: I've had mixed results using Alien02:23
Josep1thepain: Do you know if xp is in your menu.lst?02:23
Sunmannickrud: wait a second i think it just randomly started working. i ran a recovery mode with the previous kernel and it went through. after i tried to do the very same thing at least 10 times earlier. this system works in mysterious ways02:23
nickrudalien is the rpm bursting from the guts of ubuntu02:23
maximiliongenii: Aha. And there is no alternative to alien?02:23
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: GEt the source and compile it yourself02:24
Omnimon-Xdaraknor: what do you mean by open? They are being forwarded to my computer, and they show up02:24
gyaresuCarlFK: Do an 'apt-cache search headers |grep`uname -r`02:24
geniimaximilion: Not really. Although you could use something like 7zip to open up the rpm and then selectively decide what goes where from in that archive02:24
maximilionCommercial software, I doubt if they will send me the source ;)02:24
Dr_willisthe program 'mc' can browse the contents of a rpm file. :) its just a cpio archive I recall.02:25
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: What kind of app is it02:25
maximilionOh well, it can wait til morning.02:25
Sunmannickrud: well, everything worked. all of a sudden. with no clear explanation as to what the hell was happening to it for the last few hours. *shrug*02:25
maximilionNight all, cu in 8 :)02:25
Josep1Sunman: I don't know what you're talking about,  but I feel your pain a lot02:25
nickrudSunman: lol, you did something right in your flailing.02:25
trosephNeed help with shell script02:25
Dr_willistrollboy,  summerize the problem a bit?02:26
tehdaveIs there a program/plugin for fileunroller to read .rar files in linux?02:26
Josep1got to restart02:26
Dr_willistroseph, ,  summerize the problem a bit?02:26
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:26
Dr_willissorry trollboy  :) wrong nick.02:26
tehdaveJack_Sparrow: Thanks02:26
Sunmannickrud: well hopefully, it wont happen again. thanks!02:26
trollboyI was gunna say, "I was born in a small town in ohio in the blizzard of '78..."02:26
CarlFKgyaresu: thanks.02:27
trosephDr_willis: I need to make a shell script that makes 100 directories named 1-10002:27
bad_cablesi like it when i apt-get install appformorons2060 and it sais "please do not ask the appformorons2060 team for help"02:27
trosephDr_willis: It throws an error on line 3 says there is no such file or directory02:27
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Have you built any Myth systems.  I was given a P4 2.6 and it had an ATI TV Pro card in it..02:28
DanThirstsome one mind helping me with a umask setting (want it so i can read/write with out having to sudo once the drive is mounted)02:28
MGrundeI'm having trouble with my reiserfs drive.  reiserfsck says that there are bad blocks and that it's a hardware issue and tells me to buy a new drive, but I would really like to save my data.  Is this possible?02:28
trosephDr_willis: I don't know variables very well02:28
nickrudJack_Sparrow: no I haven't tried yet.02:28
amenadoMGrunde-> buy a new drive and then slave the old one to recover data02:28
Jack_SparrowMGrunde: dd command can read that and save as much as it can.. I do believe..02:29
MGrundeamenado: already running on a new drive with the bad one slaved.02:29
trollboyJack_Sparrow, I've heard bad things about getting those ATI TV cards to work under linux02:29
DanThirster fstab - umask=????02:29
trollboythus why I've not built my mythbox yet ;-)02:29
aragorni accidentally hid the menu at the top of this window and forgot how to get it back. can anyone help? [sorry for my stupidity]02:29
Jack_Sparrowtrollboy: I read the wiki and it seems to work just fine with myth02:29
amenadoMGrunde-> then recover02:29
trosephDr_willis: sould you please IM me suggestions or what I might be doing wrong?02:29
MGrundeJack_Sparrow: With dd, do I need free space equal to the whole drive, or just the amount of data on the drive.02:30
MGrundeamenado: That's the part I'm having trouble with.  The drive won't mount.02:30
CarlFKother than "call support tomorrow" anyone have any advice:   http://dpaste.com/34255/  - insmod: error inserting 'vga2usb.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module02:30
nickrudaragorn: right click the text window, view->menu bar02:30
Jack_Sparrowtrollboy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Edgy_Backend_Frontend looked promising too02:31
trollboyI may have tor e-examine.. I'm rebuilding my media server soon anyway02:31
trollboyyou tried MythBuntu yet?02:31
Jack_SparrowMGrunde: IF it wont mount I dont know what will read it.. that is free anyhow02:31
Jack_Sparrowtrollboy: I just got the card today.. I may do it next week.. will let you know how it works out02:32
trollboyWunderbar, danke02:32
CaptObvioushow do I get gnome to start on boot?02:32
trollboy CaptainMorgan generally it SHOULD autostart02:32
aragornnickrud: thank you so much02:32
trollboydid anything funky happen with your install?02:32
CaptObviousI know, it doesn't for some reason02:32
CaptObviousit works fine with startx though02:33
daraknorOmnimon-X, i still don't know what doesn't work on your system02:33
Omnimon-XEverything's fine, but there's something crashing my servers02:33
Omnimon-XI can't connect at all02:33
daraknorI don't know what you mean02:33
trollboydid you install GD?02:33
trollboydoes it attempt to load?02:33
Dr_willistroseph,  theres some shell command that can generate a list of #'s then you can just do a for loop, or use xargs - I would say check the advanced bash scripting guide tutorial. (its in the repos under abs-guide)02:35
trosephDr_willis: I got it: for i in {1..100}; do mkdir $i; done02:35
Dr_willistroseph,   :)  yep. thats about it.02:35
trosephDr_willis: I was in the #bash channel for like 3 seconds. haha02:36
trosephand done02:36
trosephand I was like "I'm... Dumb."02:36
CaptObviousany tips on getting gnome to start on boot?02:36
Dr_willisCaptObvious,  you mean GDM?02:36
putnumhow can i edit a conf file with root if i cannot login to gnome as root?02:36
CaptObviousputnum: sudo02:36
Dr_willissudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm      - and select gdm?02:36
geniiputnum: sudo02:36
arifall of you are geeks!!!!02:37
Dr_willisif gdm is FAILING to start when its told to.. thats a different issue02:37
putnumsudo the conf file?02:37
Dr_willisarif,  thank you.02:37
DrFrankensteinyes arif we are.02:37
putnumi have to edit it02:37
arifim a geek too02:37
arifthat was a compliment02:37
trosepharif: nah, I don't think so.02:37
putnumis it vi?02:37
arifsee ya geeks02:37
putnumsudo vi conf ?02:37
Rx_looking for a music editing program any ideas?02:38
StarnestommyRx_: audacity?02:38
Rx_not sure02:38
jasoni was wondering if some one could help me, i instaled screenlets and when i go to run the ap this error comes up "Unable to connect or launch daemon. Some values may be displayed incorrectly."02:38
DrFrankensteinanyway... hi. lately I've been having a program crashing because of an unresolved symbol, and after some research I think it might be related to this:02:38
Rx_something for sample/synth/mixing etc02:38
DrFrankensteinso it seems mono has overriden it or something02:39
DrFrankensteinanyway, is there a way to change that linking back to the libz in /usr/lib?02:39
vistaboywho are you??02:40
jasoni was wondering if some one could help me, i instaled screenlets and when i go to run the ap this error comes up "Unable to connect or launch daemon. Some values may be displayed incorrectly."02:40
jasonsorry for the dubble post02:40
JoelitoDoes anyone know how to add your avatar in the pidgin's chat windows?02:41
vistaboyi am a chinese02:41
CarlFKis there a package that will give me kernel version 2.6.22-14?  I think I may need that to build a driver: http://www.epiphan.com/downloads/index.php02:42
=== devotchk1 is now known as n00dl3
m55how can you make unix commands case insensitive02:42
PaTeeLAJoelito: u mean like a buddy icon02:42
JoelitoPaTeeLA: yes.02:42
DrFrankensteinyes Joelito, it's in Accounts -> Modify02:42
m55ex mv *name* folder/ gets Name.txt & name.txt02:42
DrFrankensteinthen edit one of your accounts02:42
PaTeeLAJoelito: drag an image onto it02:42
DrFrankensteinand check "use this icon for...." (might differ, I have the french version)02:43
BetaTestWhat's this Ubuntu Ultimate Edition I hear about?02:43
DrFrankensteinBetaTest, not an official version, I guess02:44
JoelitoPaTeeLa, DrFrankenstein: Yes, I know that part, the only thing is missing is that in the chat windows I only see my contact's buddy icon02:44
mshadlei am getting "bus error" on almost everything that relies on network connectivity now, and it worked without an issue not too long ago.02:44
nickrud!cn | vistaboy02:44
ubotuvistaboy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:44
MGrundeDoes dd_rhelp/dd_rescue copy the entire partition, freespace and all, or does it only copy files?02:45
DWonderlyI need help with OpenGL. I was running compiz with AIGLX working. However, now I have uninstalled compiz and I was to run GLX. How do I get this to change over? I know it's not working because every time I try to run something in OpenGL (Like glxgears) it crashes my session02:45
nickrudm55: you would type mv *[Nn]ame*02:46
m55nickrud: thanks02:46
honif you want to share files between linux and mac os, what would you install on your linux machine?02:46
KiD_ChAoSdoes anyone use iwconfig much? i've got a nitty gritty question02:47
nickruddoesn't osx have ssh somewhere?02:47
honnickrud: the point?02:47
nickrudhon: if so, you can install openssh-server on ubuntu, and use scp to move files around02:47
KiD_ChAoSiwconfig eth1 ap 00:15:62:BB:5C:A102:48
honnickrud: that's not nice.02:48
daraknorDWonderly, i have problems with OpenGL too :(02:48
honI do that as last resort.02:48
KiD_ChAoSthis command should associate me with the givin AP but i doesn't seem to switch...why?02:48
whoaitsphilcan anyone help me or refer me to something as far as how to install a file that i downloaded that is a .sh file?02:48
nickrudhon: then samba?02:49
nickrudwhoaitsphil: what .sh file?02:49
Starnestommywhoaitsphil: in a terminal, do sh scriptname.sh02:49
tininCan I run ubuntu ppc in a virtual machine in my 86 pc?02:49
Odd-rationalewhoaitsphil: First make sure that the file is executable. do chmod +m file.sh02:49
iDivineWhat's the best music player (best looking), in your opinion? Don't say mpd.02:49
daraknorwhoaitsphil, chmox +x filename.sh, then ./filename.sh02:49
daraknorchmod +x02:50
nickrudwhoaitsphil: but first, make sure that there's no ubuntu equiv.02:50
honI am looking for the best option. is it samba or nfs, or is there anything else?02:50
nickrudiDivine: muine02:50
Odd-rationalewhoaitsphil: Also, be careful. Some scripts can do harmful things to you system02:50
daraknorhon ftp or scp if you want interactive sessions02:51
iDivinenickrud, I'll check it out, thanks02:51
tininiDivine Amaro2 (its like amarok 1.4 + bmpx) when it works02:51
iDivineAmarok 2* ?02:51
whoaitsphilwhen i do chmod +m it says invalid mode02:51
tininAmarok 2* iDivine02:51
tininits really nice02:52
hondaraknor: samba is already faster than scp. My question is: what is the best option?02:52
tininand has web radios02:52
honthe machines are on the same LAN02:52
whoaitsphilwhen i type sh filename.sh it says can't open filename02:52
Javidanyone know how the various cell company broadband cards work on ubuntu?02:52
daraknorhon: depends on how you do authentication realistically02:52
geniiwhoaitsphil: try bash ./filename02:53
daraknorhon: ftp is the absolutely fastest02:53
hondaraknor: ftp is slower than nfs.02:53
whoaitsphilhmm it says no such filename02:53
whoaitsphilbut its on my desktop i'm looking at it02:53
whoaitsphiland i'm in my desktop directory in terminal02:53
daraknorhon not on the protocol level02:54
geniiwhoaitsphil: eg: cd ~/Desktop;bash ./filename.sh02:54
nickrudwhoaitsphil:   chmod u+x <file>  &&   ./<file>02:54
hondaraknor: thanks for trying though :p02:54
Sonjawhenever i turn my computer on, i get error 17 cannot mount, so i end up pressing e for edit, e again, then change it to (0,0), and then press b to boot. any way i can permanently avoid this sequence again to boot normally, tell my computer to go to 0,0 ?02:54
Dr_williswhoaitsphil,  linux IS case senesitive also...02:54
geniiwhoaitsphil: Also it may need to be executable or also owned by username you trying to run it as, etc02:54
whoaitsphilaha that one worked genii02:54
mshadlesonja: edi t/boot/grub/menu.lst02:54
thepainhello i can't boot xp after reinstalling grub(because i can't boot ubuntu previosly)02:55
Dr_willis!fixgrub | thepain02:55
ubotuthepain: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:55
nickrudSonja: look for #groot  in /boot/grub/menu.lst , edit that, then   sudo update-grub02:55
KiD_ChAoS'iwconfig eth1 ap MAC' should associate me with the givin AP but my wireless doesn't seem to switch to the new AP. Why?02:55
nickrudSonja: leave the # at the beginning by the way02:55
thepaincan anyone help me02:55
Dr_willisthepain,  read the web sites the bot sent yoy. it explains how to fix it.02:56
KiD_ChAoS'iwconfig eth1 ap MAC' should associate me with the givin AP but my wireless doesn't seem to switch to the new AP. Why?02:56
geniithepain: Just ask your question and see02:57
KiD_ChAoSi want answers and i want them right now!02:57
Jack_Sparrowwhoaitsphil: Just a note, deskto and Desktop are different, you may have been in the wrong place02:57
Javidanyone know how the various cell company broadband cards work on ubuntu?02:57
nickrudKiD_ChAoS:  ecneitap02:57
DanThirstheyyyy any one wana halp me with fsab :P02:58
=== Darkmystere_ is now known as Darkmystere
thepainDr_willis: the is nothing written inside menu.1st02:58
jw144000I just installed Ubuntu on my external hard drive and now I can't get to Windows because I keep getting a "Grub Error 25", can someone help?02:58
thepainDr_willis: there is nothing written inside menu.1st02:58
poningrujw144000: did you make sure grub got installed on the external hard drive?02:58
KiD_ChAoSnickrud, i've been in the waiting room all day, i need to see the doctor02:59
nickrudthepain: that's menu.lst , not menu.1st (L not One)02:59
jw144000poningru: When the partition window came up, I selected my external hard drive02:59
nickrudKiD_ChAoS: what did you do, hold it up to a mirror :)02:59
WebuKiD_ChAoS, are you sure about good enough signal level?02:59
poningrujw144000: yes but the grub install window also needed to select the external hdd02:59
poningruI said that02:59
=== DrFrankenstein is now known as DrShower
poningruanyways we can fix this03:00
KiD_ChAoSyes Webu, i can switch to the givin ap if i use the gui but not in terminal03:00
poningrujw144000: did you have windows in your internal hdd?03:00
Starseedhmm, Tomboy is kind of neat ..03:00
=== Sakkath_ is now known as Sakkath
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor
poningrujw144000: do you have your windows cd?03:01
jw144000I have a Windows XP home cd03:01
WebuKiD_ChAoS, so "iwconfig eth1 ap MAC" and after that "iwconfig" doesn't show right MAC? Does it try to connect an another AP?03:01
geniiKiD_ChAoS: from man iwconfig "This address is the cell identity of the Access Point,  as  reported  by wireless scanning, which may be different from its network MAC address.03:01
yaserhow can i reset all sound settings to default?03:01
thepainDr_willis: there is no XP list there03:02
KiD_ChAoSgenii, i thought i could put the MAc of the AP that i retrieved from iwlist scanb03:02
KiD_ChAoSgenii, i thought i could put the MAc of the AP that i retrieved from iwlist scan03:02
KiD_ChAoSWebu, no it doesn't it stays on whatever im on regardless of signal stregnth03:03
neetoHow do I enable a sound card?03:04
Javidanyone know how the various cell company broadband cards work on ubuntu?03:04
Tredje0yeHey there. I've got this standard rtl8139 NIC as apart of my SiS chipset. It's pretty standard and in most cases will work instantly. But for me however thats not the case. I can't connect to my router for the life of me. I've tried connecting using the network manager, ifconfig, route, mii-tool, adding "pci=noacpi" in the boot options03:04
jw144000poningru: So basically, I'm gonna have to reformat and reinstall everything on my internal HDD?03:04
geniiKiD_ChAoS: You should be able to, yes, since it's the MAC reported by "wireless scanning"     Are you using some format like:   aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00     for mac?03:04
poningrujw144000: no you dont have to do that03:05
poningrujust fix the mbr03:05
poningrujw144000: on a call be there with you soon03:05
WebuKiD_ChAoS, you might try "iwconfig eth1 ap off" -> "iwconfig eth1 ap MAC" -> "iwconfig eth1 channel X"03:05
* genii wonders if case matters when specifying mac address03:05
poningrusorry hold on03:05
KiD_ChAoSyes genii03:05
KiD_ChAoSgenii, the exact mac with the ':'s03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:05
KiD_ChAoSWebu, where X is the channel # of the AP im connecting to03:06
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Is your router/modem set up with some featur in it's firmware like "Clone my machine address" ?03:06
WebuKiD_ChAoS, yeah :)03:06
geniiand if so did you use it etc03:06
KiD_ChAoSgenii, no03:06
WebuKiD_ChAoS, so basically you're manually setting the right channel as well.03:06
phuzionanyone know how to burn .img files?03:06
KiD_ChAoSic Webu03:06
geniiAway a bit03:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:07
danbhfiveis it still possible to post bounties?03:07
KiD_ChAoSgenii, im running a hotspot at a hotel, 27 different APs and all are on the same SSID, so in order to test each one for connectivity i would like to connect via MAC to assure myself im connecting to the right one03:08
Javidanyone know how the various cell company broadband cards work on ubuntu?03:08
thisisfalseIm intrested in monitoring ram usage, and alerting when boundries have been crossed. what indicates whether memory usage is healthy or not? Is it the buffers or swap used?  or something else?03:08
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WebuKiD_ChAoS, that sounds interesting :)03:09
=== unstable is now known as sid
danbhfivethisisfalse: I would think that no swap is the ideal03:09
jasoni was wondering if some one could help me, i instaled screenlets and when i go to run the ap this error comes up "Unable to connect or launch daemon. Some values may be displayed incorrectly."03:09
jasonwhat is daemon03:09
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yeah it's been a nightmare. a pay-as-you-go hotspot but i've made no money yet.03:09
thisisfalsedanbnfive, yes, but the command 'free' gives you a lot of stuff...which is important?03:09
KiD_ChAoSi mean i've made money but not to cover the cost of my initial investment03:10
dsmith_anyone recommend 3d modeling software?03:10
iDivineHow do I eat children?03:10
iDivineerm, wrong chat03:10
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Are you using some kind of auth on the APs? eg: WEP, WPA   etc03:10
KiD_ChAoSgenii, no all open03:10
thisisfalse3d studio max03:10
StwangeI'm trying to set the Windows button + D as my show desktop shortcut, but "gconftool-2 -t str –set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/show_desktop “d”" doesn't work (Value type is only relevant when setting a value) and gconftool-2 –set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/show_desktop “d” doesn't throw an error, but doesn't work either. any ideas?03:11
WebuKiD_ChAoS, oh i see.03:11
ahaveI need help configuring a wifi usb adaptor in ubuntu, anyone care to assist?03:11
danbhfivethisisfalse: well, it looks like buffers is what is actually being used, cache is just in case stuff loaded into memory,  I don't think its complicated, If you still have free ram, then you are getting as much as you can with memory03:11
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Does ifconfig show the ethernet adapter up before you are issuing these iwconfig commands?03:11
dsmith_poser seems overkill03:12
hou5tonok .... I have been advised the Ubuntu 7.10 is just not interested in webcam support for the 7.10 release, and that I will probably never get it to keep working.  Until the people putting out the distro care about it, it is not going to happen.  Any thoughts?03:12
Javidanyone know how the various cell company broadband cards work on ubuntu?03:12
danbhfivehou5ton: have you tried easycam?03:12
broken__My friend has an issue with her computer, whenever she restarts it it goes into "power safe mode" but when doing a shutdown and start it will work just fine, how can you get rid of the power safe mode upon reboot?03:12
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Also are you using sudo with the iwconfig03:12
KiD_ChAoSgenii, yes like as im talking to you im connected to one AP, but when i issue the switch i never do03:12
hou5tondanbhfive:   you name it ... i've tried it .... been all over the forums for DAYS03:12
KiD_ChAoSyes always sudo03:12
broken__Sorry *power save mode03:13
geniiKiD_ChAoS: I suspect the issue is you are already connected.03:13
hou5tondanbhfive:   apparantly there are many others with the same kinds of issues and error messages.03:13
danbhfivehou5ton: I just finished installing a pirated and spanish language version of XP to get my cheapo webcam working03:13
hou5tondanbhfive:   I've tried three different webcams with three different chip sets03:13
KiD_ChAoSgenii, yes i was going to try and issue the 'off' switch first then try to reconnect03:14
KiD_ChAoSgenii, i'll try now03:14
geniiKiD_ChAoS: perhaps try something like: sudo iwconfig <ethname> off; sudo iwconfig <ethname> aa:bb:cc etc03:14
KiD_ChAoSone sec03:14
hou5tondanbhfive:   it actually will work at first ... for a little while ... and then quits ... and then the only way to get it working again is with a new install03:14
hou5tondanbhfive:   something about Ubuntu 7.10 that just doesn't get it03:14
danbhfivehou5ton: hmmm, I don't know, at least you have some sort of support, but I can't help ya03:15
hou5tondanbhfive:   wonder what other distro I should try?03:15
=== MaxPayne is now known as alanhaggai
WebuKiD_ChAoS, there's also an option "iwconfig eth1 mode X" but i'm not so sure about it, you might take a look at this man page: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl8_iwconfi.htm03:15
broken__How can I get rid of power save mode upon reboot?03:15
danbhfiveanyone know about posting bounties for ubuntu?03:16
iDivine-;noooo BACK03:17
drpckenhey guys everytime I reboot i get /dev/sd5 was not cleanly mounted. Check force::: and then i proceeds to fix whatever the problem was.  I have no sd5 to my knowledge, and when I look at my places its not their either03:17
olivia23how can I tell if i have dapper or gutsy?03:17
Optimus55is there any way to get ubuntu apps in windows?03:17
WebuKiD_ChAoS, playing with different options might work, there's also commands "ifup" and "ifdown", i think they should apply to your wireless interface eth1 as well. So you could do a "ifdown eth1", set what you want and then "ifup eth1" :)03:17
drpckenall i have is sd1 and sd2 which are two partitions03:17
danbhfiveolivia23: lsb_release -a03:17
KiD_ChAoSWebu, ok03:18
drpckenand then a usb drive but its called XTREME03:18
Rellicoptiumus55, wine runs some windows apps03:18
danbhfiveOptimus55: you can try cygwin03:18
olivia23danbhfive: can i install dapper packages in feisty?03:18
olivia23danbhfive: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/utils/disktype , trying to install that03:19
WebuKiD_ChAoS, if it simply won't work, it might be your card and/or it's driver though it "worked" with a GUI.03:19
Optimus55Rellic: sorry i mean the other way around. not windows in ubuntu, i mean ubuntu apps in windows03:19
geniidrpcken: What does the result of:   sudo fdisk -l |grep sda5                               report?03:19
Optimus55danbhfive: does cygwin support linux applications in window?03:19
olivia23danbhfive: nvm, got it03:19
danbhfiveOptimus55: yeah03:19
broken__How can I stop a monitor from going into power save mode upon reboot?03:20
KiD_ChAoSWebu, wierd 'ifdown eth1' comes back as 'eth1 not configured'03:20
danbhfiveolivia23: its in gutsy03:20
Optimus55danbhfive: thanks03:20
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Another thing which occurs to me is that your APs may be each individually assigning DHCP IPs to clients which conflict with each other03:20
WebuKiD_ChAoS, at least my Windows laptop always selects the strongest open AP if there's many avaible with the same SSID and channel.03:20
danbhfivebroken__: doesn't that happen because the monitor is turned off?03:20
drpckengenii, /dev/sda5            3434        9729    50572588+  83  Linux03:21
danbhfivebroken__: or rather, the signal is cut03:21
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yes that was why we made them all the same SSID to ensure the end-user with windows the best signal03:21
CrazyPhilHi. Sorry for the noob question. What does meen "switch to a tty" ?03:21
WebuKiD_ChAoS, hmmph, they might now work with wireless interfaces, sorry i'm not able to test it out since i don't have any wireless interfaces here :/03:21
WebuKiD_ChAoS, might not*03:21
KiD_ChAoSgenii, no we have our router handle all the DHCP03:21
broken__danbhfive, a friend is experiencing this issue, she says it only happens when she restarts from ubuntu but not a cold reboot.03:21
geniidrpcken: Then boot to recovery mode and run fsck /dev/sda503:21
danbhfiveCrazyPhil: TeleTYpe I think, I think it just means to start a terminal03:22
CrazyPhilok thanks03:22
danbhfivebroken__: maybe it's a bios issue03:22
nickrudCrazyPhil: it means press ctl-alt-f1 -> f6 , ctl-alt-f7 to get back to the gui03:22
drpckengenii, will do, what is sda5 though? i only have 2 partitions03:22
ahavetrying to configure my wifi usb adapter... what is my next step after i obtain the chipset?03:23
WebuKiD_ChAoS, yeah, even using different softwares like WifiHopper i wasn't able to select which one i'll connect (on my Windows laptop).03:23
geniidrpcken: Obviously you don't. To see a complete list of all your partitions, do just: sudo fdisk -l03:23
danbhfivebroken__: I remember way back that bios's had two boot modes, quick and normal, where quick was used on reboots, maybe quick boot doesn't work.  You should be able to turn it off in bios03:23
lokiridoes burning ubuntu to cd-rw vs cd-r have a difference?03:23
drpckengeni, you're right03:23
danbhfiveahave: are you using ndiswrapper?03:24
drpckengeni, says its a Linux system03:24
=== DrShower is now known as DrFrankenstein
drpckeni'll do what you said03:24
ahavedanbhfive, idk. how can i tell?03:24
bullgard4English help wanted. What is meant by 'bouncing' in the following sentence: "Via some abstraction (either acpid, gnome-power-manager or kpowersave or something), the userspace makes that decision and initiates the suspend to RAM process by either calling a suspend script directly or bouncing via HAL."03:24
HPubuntuLaptopI'm having some laptop issues here03:24
KiD_ChAoSWebu, genii, could it be that my driver for my wireless card is fwcutter?03:24
Rellicfor security sakes and stuff is it still a good idea to make multiple partitions for /root /boot, etc?03:24
KuroachiaIs there something that I'm missing? I'm running 7.10 and I want to burn an .iso to a dvd and when I right click on the file I don't have a burn command like people are saying online.03:24
danbhfiveahave: from whatever directions you are following03:24
Starnestommybullgard4: it's telling the system to suspend using HAL03:24
KiD_ChAoSi switched from ndiswrapper to fwcutter03:24
geniiKiD_ChAoS: I doubt it could be the cause, since the adapter seems to work otherwise.03:24
nickrudbullgard4: it means calling it indirectly via hal03:24
KiD_ChAoSgenii, yes right03:25
Kuroachiaand when I pop the blank DVD in ubuntu prompts me to create a DVD but when I go to make a dvd an error comes up saying  "burn:///" is not a valid location.03:25
ahavedanbhfive, i do not have directions..03:25
drpckenalso, i always disable system beep with rmmod pcspkr, but when i reboot the system beep returns03:25
ahavedanbhfive, which is why i am here03:25
WebuKiD_ChAoS, sorry i don't know much about the drivers, but it's possible that your driver or card just wants to switch the strongest one regardless what Ubuntu tries to set.03:25
HPubuntuLaptopI just bought an HP Pavilion laptop with a widescreen LCD 15" display, I'm having trouble finding out which display to enter at boot (I put "Nvidia GeForce 7 series, because I have a 7150) but I can't figure out what to put for the monitor03:25
kercyrI've come to the conclusion today that if you want effortless wireless connectivity, I should invest in a wireless bridge.03:25
Jolly_Fat_Manhow do i do an md5sum to an entire cd?03:25
danbhfive!wireless > ahave03:25
bullgard4Starnestommy, nickrud : Thank you.03:25
Hinata`Hi there when do ctrl+alt+f1 to get on console, I get an error message that is really annoying me and prevent me from using it to debug my computer: http://pastebin.com/m2e2383bb is there a way to prevent this message to show up?03:25
Pici!verify | Jolly_Fat_Man03:25
ubotuJolly_Fat_Man: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:25
geniiKiD_ChAoS: incidentally fwcutter is just a tool to snip the windows firmware for an adapter so that ndiswrapper can use it. so you are really still using ndiswrapper, really.03:25
KiD_ChAoSoh i c03:26
ahavedanbhfive, thx03:26
neclimdulwow everyone has wireless questions today03:26
nickruddrpcken: create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ named pcspeaker, and add the line   blacklist  pcspkr     to it. That will prevent it being reloaded on boot03:26
geniidrpcken: You can just blacklist the pcspkr module if you never want to hear it03:26
WebuKiD_ChAoS, from iwconfig man page: "Force the card to register to the Access Point given by the address,03:26
Webuif it is possible. When the quality of the connection goes too low, the driver may revert back to automatic mode (the card finds the best Access Point in range).03:26
RoyCould someone please give me the entire command as to how to remove a particular application in wine when the wine uninstaller fails?03:26
geniinickrud: Beat me to it :)03:26
Bandithow can i tell which sound device my mic is?03:27
nickrudgenii: I write that one in my sleep now :)03:27
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox03:27
WebuKiD_ChAoS, that's for "iwconfig ethX ap MAC"03:27
HPubuntuLaptopcan anyone help?03:27
neclimduli've got a really crappy integrated wireless adapter and a pcmcia card. I want to block ubuntu from using the internal one but can't seem to figure out how03:27
RoyCould someone please give me the entire command as to how to remove a particular application in wine when the wine uninstaller fails?03:27
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yeah that could be but im looking into the 'sens' within iwconfig right now.... it all comes down to it working in the gui but not in terminal03:27
Bandithow can i tell which sound device my mic is?03:27
no0tic!repeat | Roy, Bandit03:27
ubotuRoy, Bandit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:27
danbhfiveRoy: what's the reason it matters to you?  I think all that is left behind are links/files/registry crap03:28
neclimdulanyone know of a way to blacklist one of my adapters? (they use the same firmware)03:28
DiceyDaysI am on amd 64 and I am trying to install vista 64 in virtualbox. Yet I get this error message in vista start up- "Attempting to load a 64-bit application, however this cpu is not compatible with 64-bit mode". Does virtualbox only run 32bit?03:28
ogrek guys, im trying to run a vm. it says im missing a module. im using virtualbox heres the modprobe feedback http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55166/ any help would be appreciated I have no clue what im doing03:28
Roydanbhfive: I need to remove them because the uninstaller is missing.03:28
geniiKiD_ChAoS: So if your router assigns the dhcp numbers for the entire network including all the APs are they set up in something like repeater/bridge mode? Since most APs of course are getting the IP from the router then assign different ranges to their clients03:28
WebuKiD_ChAoS, i see, it sounds a bit funny and strange at the same time if GUI claims to be connected to a specific MAC.03:29
RoyThat application is incompatible03:29
bluekbHow do I find out when a package was installed?03:29
KuroachiaAnyone know what I should do about burning an iso?03:29
jrib!burn | Kuroachia03:29
ubotuKuroachia: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:29
SergeantScarhey all03:29
thepainin making dual boot system, how can i make that it used xp bootloader?03:29
drpckennickrud, it won't let me create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/03:29
drpckenthere's no option03:30
jribogre: add your user to the vboxusers group03:30
KiD_ChAoSgenii, there are a few AP that we couldn't hardwire to the switch but the are just AP's as well with WDS so the router still assigns IPs to those APs through there WDS counterparts03:30
SierGood evening, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop edition on a pc , and after I click on the Install(first item), the screen turns blank.. I already press F4, and changed from VGA to multiple different resolutions, and still no luck :( My video card is a 8800GT.. Any help, please?03:30
jribogre: wait, maybe it's something else, but check that too03:30
Roydanbhfive: Any hints?03:30
ahavedanbhfive, ndiswrapper is for using windows drivers?03:30
nickruddrpcken: you have to do    sudoedit  /etc/modprobe.d/pcspeaker , you need admin privs to write in /etc03:30
sidWhat is a simple way to sync a directory on windows vista, and one on gnome?03:30
* genii sips a beer and thinks about the 27 APs and the iwconfig conundrum03:31
ahavedanbhfive, my card is supposed to linux capable :  http://www.data-alliance.net/servlet/the-90/high-dsh-power-long-dsh-range-AWUS036H-Alfa/Detail03:31
nickrudbluekb:    sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log , type   /<packagename> in there03:31
poningrujw144000: you there?03:31
poningrusorry dude I'm on call right now03:31
KiD_ChAoSgenii, yes im going to start drinking too03:31
WebuKiD_ChAoS, :D03:31
villnewhey all, anyone know how to set up dosemu to log data (in this case text commands) sent from a program being run in dosemu to a serial port? I can find mention in the manual that it can do this but nothing saying how :(03:31
danbhfiveRoy: I just don't understand why you care, unless you are reinstalling or something, but I really don't know.  maybe you can try in #wine03:31
jw144000poningru: I'm here03:31
ogrek guys, im trying to run a vm. it says im missing a module. im using virtualbox heres the modprobe feedback http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55166/ any help would be appreciated I have no clue what im doing03:31
poningrujw144000: all you have to do is pop in your windows cd and boot from it03:31
ogreoops sorry03:32
jw144000then what03:32
poningruand when you get to the first screen select the repair option by pressing r03:32
HPubuntuLaptopI'm about to install Ubuntu on a new HP laptop... it didn't come with a Vista disc, it's just installed, I didn't use the key yet, so is there any way to download vista later and use my key?03:32
danbhfiveahave: well, if it worked in linux, then I think it would already be working.  and yes, ndiswrapper is about using the windows drivers in linux03:32
HPubuntuLaptopin case I have issues with Ubuntu03:32
poningruthen type in your administrator password if it asks you03:32
magickHPubuntuLaptop, didn't you get a restore CD?03:32
geniiKiD_ChAoS: Nothing immediate comes to mind besides the issues I've mentioned already. I have no other things to try at this moment. But I'm still trying to think of what the issue could be.03:32
HPubuntuLaptopno it didn't come with one03:32
poningrujw144000: then do a command called fixmbr03:32
HPubuntuLaptopsystem restore is in the computer... like in a partition I think03:32
poningrujust type in fixmbr03:32
jw144000poningru: I'm using a storebought copy of Windows XP home edition....it's not a restore CD that came with my PC, does that matter?03:32
SergeantScari wanna drink...  but have test tomorrow03:33
SergeantScarbut im happy cause i finally got my computer running awesome!!! yay!!03:33
jw144000My PC has System restore on the hard drive03:33
tazhi stealthcorba.... are u there?03:33
danbhfiveHPubuntuLaptop: call them up, and ask for the windows disk, its within your rights I believe03:33
poningrujw144000: no that does not matter03:33
stealthcobraYes Honey Taz03:33
ahavedanbhfive, it has worked previously on another ubuntu box i once had.. just not now.03:33
magickHPubuntuLaptop, I highly doubt a big market company like HP would give out a laptop without the cd.. its there, just look for it03:33
poningrujw144000: just make sure the external hard drive is not connected when you do this03:33
nickrudevil evil evil jw14400003:33
no0ticHPubuntuLaptop, probably you can burn restore dvd03:33
villneweither that or if there is a way to log data sent to a serial port to a file - thought I'd found something that would do it with the program ttylog but that only does data coming in through that serial port and i need to log data going out :(03:33
ahavedanbhfive, is there no other way than without ndiswrapper?03:33
singlesunSergeantScar, congrats ;)03:33
tazha ha ha setlhcbra.. how was ur day03:33
magickHPubuntuLaptop, if not, do as danbhfive said and ask for it03:33
no0ticmagick, they don't, I assure you03:33
stealthcobrabad day!03:33
stealthcobraLinux give me hard time03:34
SergeantScarthanks very much!! oops. got to restart!03:34
ahavedanbhfive, i would rather not use a wrapper and just use it natively03:34
KiD_ChAoSyeah i started using iwlist scan and was amazed it allowed me to see the MACs of all the APs there and also iwconfig to show me which mac i was on but i need more functionality damnit!03:34
jw144000nickrud: Why are you calling me evil?03:34
tazsorry setalcobra... anyway any one know how to using with remote ?? can u help with ??03:34
nickrudjw144000: not you , your situation. evil HP03:34
magickno0tic, so i'm guessing they want you to rely on their recovery partition right?03:34
WebuKiD_ChAoS, do you happen to use a Broadcom chipset card btw?03:34
jw144000nickrud: Oh, OK. Actually, it's Dell, not HP03:34
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yes i do03:34
jw144000In my case03:34
Danger_is there a support channel for the eee-pc03:34
danbhfiveahave: well of course, native will always be better than ndiswrapper.  Have you installed linux-modules-restricted?  or checked the restricted driver manager maybe?03:34
stealthcobrahow do we use remtoe between desktop to desktop?03:34
DiceyDaysOkay I read the virtualbox pdf manual, and it says that virtualbox 1.5 (which I got) supports 64 bit Vista. So how do I setup virtualbox to handle 64 bit vista? Thanks for any help.03:35
Sierany solutions for my specific question? :P03:35
no0ticmagick, yes, but you can burn a dvd from that03:35
nickrudjw144000: thanks for letting me know not to buy dell (although I haven't booted my tiny vista partition in months, it's there in case the hardware fails)03:35
jw144000poningru: I'll be back in a few minutes03:35
WebuKiD_ChAoS, just wondering, actually with WiFiHopper on Windows laptop i was ably to try connect a specific MAC address, but after connecting it always threw me to the strongest one :/03:35
ahavedanbhfive, restricted driver manager? no. what is that?03:35
poningrujw144000: k03:35
Danger_dell argh03:35
geniiDiceyDays: Do you have a 64 bit cpu?03:35
DiceyDaysgenii: Yeah03:36
jrib!please > sier (read the private message from ubotu)03:36
magickno0tic, this is probably in their plan to overtake dell.. cut the cost of a CD 50% of the people won't even use.. slow computer from spyware -> buy a new one.03:36
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yeah windows would switch it on you...i hate that03:36
Siergot it to work.03:36
Sierthanks all :)03:36
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
danbhfiveahave: from a terminal, run restricted-manager03:36
WebuKiD_ChAoS, me too actually, hope it's not a Broadcom feature :/03:36
DanThirst>_> any one pro at fstab? lol03:36
tazany one can help please.. .. how do we using remote betweed desktop to desktop ??03:37
jw144000nickrud: Heh. It's retarded that they won't give you actual installation CDs, but instead opt on putting system restore on the hard drive. It's as if they didn't think about what I'd need to do if I needed to reformat and reinstall everything, luckily I have a Windows XP CD or I'd be SOL03:37
Kuroachiaubotu: It turned out I was missing a package which is why I couldn't burn the dvd, thanks tho.03:37
ahavedanbhfive, command not found03:37
SierI just had to press CTRL+ALT and +.. in order to change the freq of the video card :) just in case someone is stuck at the same point.03:37
nickrudjw144000: dell gave me two disks ;P03:37
KiD_ChAoSWebu, yeah otherwise i like my card...it's pretty strong, i don't know the exact mwatts on it but i like it03:37
ahavedanbhfive, it should be known i have a linuxICE build of ubuntu so perhaps this is not included?03:37
nickrudDanThirst: no experts here (they spend time building ubuntu) but what's your issue?03:38
j1mchi all - would someone with a default "interfaces" file be willing to post their /etc/init.d/network/interfaces file to pastebin?03:38
WebuKiD_ChAoS, that's great :) What kind of AP's do you happen to use? Buffalos?03:38
DanThirstk i'v got this drive mounting but i want to be able to rw with out having to sudo03:38
bluekbHow do I get the install date of packages, or the chronological order of package updates?03:38
jw144000nickrud: LOL, I have a bone to pick with these people. BRB03:38
nickrudDanThirst: put your /etc/fstab on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , and tell us which one you're talking about03:39
danbhfiveahave: yeah, that would do it03:39
DanThirstjust one line can i paste it in here03:39
CreationistAnyone else have these bugs:  Application launcher icons on a panel rearrange themselves whenever I login.  I am also unable to setup any program to launch automatically when I login.03:39
nickrudDanThirst: one line, sure03:39
geniiDiceyDays: Since this is more a virtualbox issue (or possible Vista 64 specifically runing on virtualbox) than an Ubuntu issue I would recommend seeking specialised help, possibly at the virtualbox forum or irc if they have one03:39
KiD_ChAoSWebu, http://www.engeniustech.com/datacom/products/details.aspx?id=17303:39
danbhfiveahave: what's lspci | grep Ethernet        say?03:39
DanThirst/dev/hdb1 /home/dan/storage auto auto,rw 0 003:39
DiceyDaysgenii: Okay. Thanks03:39
DanThirstnickrud: like i said it mounts fine but03:39
nickrudDanThirst: what partition type is it?03:40
ahavedanbhfive, nothing03:40
DanThirstext3, i had it as ext3 but i was messing round with it03:40
DanThirsti'll put it back03:40
tazany one will help ??03:40
WebuKiD_ChAoS, that looks powerful and professional :O03:40
DanThirst(the drive is ext3 as well)03:40
nickrudDanThirst:   sudo chown <you>:<you> home/dan/storage03:40
KiD_ChAoSlol...pain in my ass03:40
nickrudDanThirst: that's it :)03:40
DanThirsteh ?03:41
nickrudDanThirst: do that with the partition mounted by the way.03:41
DanThirstwill i have to do that every time i log on03:41
nickrudDanThirst: no, just the once03:41
ogrejrib:   sudo usermod vboxusers -G ogre ?03:41
danbhfiveahave: so this is linux in your car?03:42
jribogre: no, that would not work.  What's the output of 'groups'?03:42
nickrudDanThirst: permissions in fstab are for windows partitions, ext partitions use the standard unix permissions03:42
Foxrayhi i'm trying to move all my stuff out of this really annoying 8gb maxtor ball bearing hdd to an 8gb CF card, how would i go about cloning the drive so it would work?03:42
DanThirstgiving me no such file or dir03:42
danbhfiveahave: I don't know about your problem though, I would try this (ndiswrapper): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2903:43
bluekbnickrud, sorry, missed your comment earlier.  I have no /var/log/apt dir03:43
DanThirstnickrud:  should i be replacing you:you with any thing03:43
nickrudDanThirst:     sudo chown  dan:dan   /home/dan/storage03:43
stealthcobraYELL HELP?03:43
ogrejrib: ogre adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev .. when i try to add group though it says it already exists03:43
ahavedanbhfive, as soon as i get everything working. yes03:43
jribogre: sudo adduser ogre vboxdrv03:43
jribogre: ugh, that's wronk03:44
jribogre: sudo adduser ogre vboxusers03:44
nickrudbluekb: I have that here, it's a log of apt's actions.03:44
stealthcobrawave high03:44
Pici!ask | stealthcobra03:44
ubotustealthcobra: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:44
nickrudDanThirst: you have files in there already?03:44
bluekbnickrud, unfortunately that directory does not exist for me.03:44
DanThirstyay i have some where to store my porn03:44
nickrudDanThirst: then you're done03:44
DanThirstthanks nickrud i03:45
joh6nnso, i'm seeing the weirdest damn behavior from apt-cache, and i have no idea what's causing it: any search i run has lots of blank lines mixed in with the output, and once the search is done, bash acts like i held down the enter key03:45
nickrudPici: do you have a dir /var/log/apt ?03:45
DanThirstwhat was that command or method you had me use ?03:45
DanThirstsomething like chmod?03:45
nickrudbluekb: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:45
CVD-PRHey there can i ask about java development  in ubuntu/linux?03:45
stealthcobranever mind i am outta here03:45
nickrudDanThirst: chown , change owner03:45
Picinickrud: yes, I do.03:46
DanThirstohh ok thank you i'll remember that03:46
cfedde_CVD-PR: what's to ask?  other than... it works.03:46
bluekbfind /var/log/ -maxdepth 1 -type d |xargs ls -d      gives the output  /var/log/  /var/log/bittorrent  /var/log/cups  /var/log/dist-upgrade  /var/log/fsck  /var/log/gdm  /var/log/ksymoops  /var/log/news  /var/log/ntpstats  /var/log/samba  /var/log/unattended-upgrades03:46
bluekbnickrud, the directory you suggest does not exist.03:46
nickrudbluekb: I asked another regular, he has it. What version of ubuntu are you running?03:46
DanThirstthanks agan nickrud03:46
bluekbnickrud, Fiesty Fawn03:47
bluekbI think.03:47
singlesunsadly i think i prefer fdisk to this new gui for partitioning03:47
nickrudbluekb: it may have been added recently then.03:48
iieieiewhat would i put in the terminal to get libgpod 0.6.0?03:48
CVD-PRCan someone recomend me one of this: eclipse or netbeans to do console and Gui03:48
iieieiei cant seem to install it03:48
nickrudbluekb:   lsb_release -a will confirm03:48
iieieieim very tired and cant think straight03:48
bluekb7.04, nickrud03:48
TiconderogaHow do I share files between Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu 7.10? Like shared folders over a Router based network. I have been able to get as far as both computers to see each other, but access is not possible. Username and password bit just wont accept.03:48
KiD_ChAoSiieieie, smoke some dope03:48
ogrejrib:  here is a screenshot of the error that virtualbox is giving me http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8121/screenshotmj4.png03:48
m0u5ehow do i find out what graphics card I have on this laptop?03:48
drpckenwhich apt command will tell me if any version of an app is even installed?03:49
nickrudbluekb: ok, then  ls -ld /usr/share/doc/<pkgname> should be accurate03:49
m0u5edrpcken: apt-cache show <appname>03:49
drpckenthanks! you guys rock :)03:49
nickruddrpcken: apt-cache policy <packgname>03:49
bluekbnickrud, trying that03:49
uid000hello, i was wondering if someone could help me out with the nvidia binary drivers03:49
m0u5eso anyone know how i would find out what gpu I'm using?03:49
iieieieguys Could anyone please tell me how to get libgpod 0.6.0?03:49
joh6nndrpcken: dpkg -s <packagename>03:49
uid000i have just replaced a Ti 4200 with an FX 520003:50
joh6nniieieie: apt-cache search libgpod03:50
flakeif I lose my panel and main panels, how could I get them back03:50
joh6nnand then apt-get install <foo> , where foo is whatever the best result from the search is03:50
scott_is there a program that will take photos and convert them into a video sideshow03:50
jribogre: what package did you install for virtualbox?03:50
bluekbnickrud, thank you.  I have confirmed why I think nvidia is not working: kernel update.03:51
uid000before removing the Ti 4200, i disabled the proprietary driver, reenabling 'nv'03:51
bluekbI didn't realize it.03:51
joh6nni'm seeing the weirdest damn behavior from apt-cache, and i have no idea what's causing it: any search i run has lots of blank lines mixed in with the output, and once the search is done, bash acts like i held down the enter key03:51
bluekbNow, to figure out how to update the nvidia drivers.03:51
nickrudm0u5e: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:51
m0u5eoh crap, i have an SGI03:51
TiconderogaMaybe I'll just re-read the community docs then...03:51
lazy247xi need help install glxboot?? -- it doesnt want to display splash screen.. i been on it for 3 days now??03:51
uid000now i can't get the binary driver to work with the new(er) 5200, and i'm pulling my hair out03:51
nickrudbluekb: if you are using the ubuntu drivers , install linux-generic that will keep them up to date03:51
jribjoh6nn: is it reproducable in a new terminal?03:51
geniiJohn_R: Perhaps your Enter key is sticking03:51
m0u5enickrud: i need to know my graphics card :X03:51
nickrudm0u5e:  lspci | grep -i vga03:52
joh6nnjrib: reproducible over and over again, in xterm and konsole03:52
nickrudm0u5e: gpu, cpu what's the diff :)03:52
uid000any suggestions?03:52
jw144000poningru: I did exactly what you said, and when I typed fixmbr at the command prompt, it did nothing03:52
joh6nnclosed both of them, reopened them, still happening03:52
bluekbnickrud, I had trouble with the ubuntu drivers;  had to install from nvidia's downloads.03:52
geniiJohn_R: Sorry, misdirect :)03:52
poningrujw144000: what did it say?03:52
jribjoh6nn: only with apt-cache?03:52
ogrejrib:  1 sec03:52
nickrudbluekb: then you have to do a complete new install, or at least recompile the kernel modules03:52
m0u5eargh... i have a 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter03:52
jw144000Well, I typed R to get to the recovery console, then it went to this command prompt, I typed fixmbr and it did nothing03:52
geniijoh6nn: : Perhaps your Enter key is sticking03:52
m0u5eanyone know how to get it to work w/ compiz? :X03:53
joh6nnjrib: best as i can tell.  other commands i've tried seem unaffected03:53
poningrujw144000: err I meant fixboot03:53
poningrujw144000: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/termsf/p/fixboot.htm03:53
joh6nngenii: not as far as i can tell; i'm not having problems with any other commands03:53
bluekbnickrud, complete new install of what?  Ubuntu?  Or the drivers?03:53
jw144000OK, so just type fixboot at the command prompt?03:54
oboy03I installed ubuntu using my entire hardisk, can i install another linux OS without removing ubuntu?03:54
oboy03or should i partition again?03:54
nickrudbluekb: the nvidia drivers from their site03:54
CVD-PReclipse o netbeans?   GUI and console  :-)03:54
nickrudm0u5e: try installing xserver-xgl , logging out and back in03:54
uid000hi, all. i'm wondering if i could get some troubleshooting help with an nivida gf fx 5200 and the nvidia binary drivers?03:54
m0u5enickrud: xserver-xgl runs really slow thouhg03:54
lazy247xhelp with GFXboot.. please??03:54
m0u5enickrud: i tried it, but it was even slower than using the generic drivers03:54
nickrudm0u5e: that's how you get compiz with sis I read03:54
m0u5enickrud: :(03:55
nickrudm0u5e: it's also why I'm not running compiz on my ati chip03:55
m0u5enickrud: *sigh*03:55
bluekbaugh.  I forgot which driver I needed...03:55
iieieiehow do i update amarok? its 1.4.7 and when i try to in the terminal it says it takes no arguments...03:55
m0u5enickrud: didn't ati release source code a few months ago?03:55
m0u5eiieieie: try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade03:56
nickrudm0u5e: yes, but the aiglx support leaves a lot to be desired. I'm using the new one for the suspend support03:56
oboy03I installed ubuntu using my entire hardisk, can i install another linux OS without removing ubuntu?03:56
m0u5enickrud: @_@;03:56
tristanmikeHi all, does anyone know about a broken flash player after an update ?03:56
nickrud!flashissus | tristanmike03:56
joh6nnoboy03: yes, but i'd recommend backing up any important files before you try03:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashissus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:56
nickrud!flashissues | tristanmike03:56
ubotutristanmike: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »03:56
whoaitsphildoes anyone here use Crossover Office for anything?03:56
m0u5eoboy03: resize the partition?03:56
tristanmikethanks nickrud :D03:56
uid000does anyone know what's going on with the following nvidia messages in syslog:03:56
uid000Feb  7 21:44:12 kessel kernel: [   40.886353] NVRM: RM/client version mismatch!!03:56
uid000Feb  7 21:44:12 kessel kernel: [   40.886362] NVRM:    aborting to avoid catastrophe!03:56
oboy03yes can i resize it?03:57
m0u5ewasn't the flash issue fixed today?03:57
joh6nnoboy03: it would require you to resize your ext3 filesystem, which is relatively safe, but anything that messes with partitions and filesystems has risks03:57
m0u5eoboy03: try gparted03:57
Webu!flashissue | m0u5e03:57
oboy03example i wanna install opensuse too03:57
ubotum0u5e: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »03:57
whoaitsphili'm trying to use crossover office to run world of warcraft on ubuntu but i'm having trouble installing the expansion...it doesn't recognize that the original game is installed so it won't let me install the expansion03:57
iieieieit still says the update command takes no arguments03:58
oboy03it says partition hardisk and use freed space to install03:58
singlesunthe attempt to mount a filesystem with type swap in IDE1 master, partition #5 (hda5) at none failed. <--- this error was given from that partitioning gui ubuntu uses... can i somehow access fdisk? to format or someone know how to fix?03:58
oboy03is it safe?03:58
joh6nnoboy03: STOP!03:58
tristanmikenickrud, does that require a reboot ?03:58
joh6nndo not, repeat, DO NOT run gparted from your current install03:58
joh6nnrun gparted from the liveCD03:58
xenthroQ: i have 2000 photos i dont want to sort through. some of them are very blurry. is there a package/script/plugin SOMETHING/ANYTHING that will separate the blurry from non-blurry ones?03:58
oboy03im not doing it yet anyway :)03:58
joh6nnok, good03:59
Erealzanyone use truecrypt03:59
xenthroErealz, yes03:59
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|away
drpckeni'm trying to access share folders on my XP machine.  I have samba installed on my ubuntu, and can see my xp machine under Network but when I try to access it it says Folder Contents could not be displayed.  What am I missing?03:59
scottyis there a program that will convert photos a video sideshow03:59
iieieiesomeone please tell me how to get the latest version of amarok03:59
joh6nnxenthro: when all else fails, ask www.freshmeat.net03:59
Erealzxenthro I just installed vir 5.003:59
iieieiei tried to use apt-get update amarok but it said that it takes no arguments03:59
TiconderogaDo any of you know how to share file folders between XP and Ubuntu?03:59
Piciiieieie: What version do you have?03:59
ErealzI notice it didn't install a link on my desktop or menues03:59
tristanmikeTiconderoga, check out Samba03:59
ErealzI maid my own link03:59
iieieiei need the newer one to use my ipod03:59
drpckenTiconderoga, thats what i'm trying to do now04:00
masequisat one time someone showed me how to spell check in chatzilla, but I've forgotten how.  Can anyone remind me?04:00
Erealzbut I can't find the icon04:00
xenthrojoh6nn, thanks, will look there04:00
TiconderogaWhat is Samba?04:00
Erealzwhere woulld it be located at?04:00
Piciiieieie: If you are running Gutsy, than that is the latest version in the repositories.04:00
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:00
whoaitsphili'm trying to use crossover office to run world of warcraft on ubuntu but i'm having trouble installing the expansion...it doesn't recognize that the original game is installed so it won't let me install the expansion...anyone have any experience with crossover office?04:00
ushimitsudokiErealz: Search Google Images for the icon ... the package doesn't have one (as far as I could tell)04:00
joh6nniieieie: apt-get install amarok, not apt-get update amaork04:00
xenthroErealz, just hit ALT+F2 and type in truecrypt04:00
joh6nnapt-get update does something else04:00
Erealzah yea that just start it up04:00
drpckeni have samba installed but i'm getting an error on my ubuntu when trying to access xp, Folder contents could not be displayed04:00
TiconderogaI already have both computers seeing each other in the workgroup, ubuntu one is set with smb. I just can't login...04:01
iieieiei tried, but it claims that it is already the latest version04:01
iieieieeven though it isnt04:01
flakehow can I copy my kde to give me another session option before logging into it so I can change things around and if I mess it up, I can just delete the session and go back to kde04:01
ErealzI just wanted the nice lil icon on my desktop or dockbar04:01
uid000anybody have any insight into the following nvidia message in syslog:  NVRM: RM/client version mismatch04:01
joh6nnany search i run in apt-cache has lots of blank lines mixed in with the output, and once the search is done, bash acts like i held down the enter key; anyone know what might cause that?04:01
TiconderogaI've been to those links, none of them did any good.04:01
KiD_ChAoSshould i go to Suse?04:01
jetscreamerlook at session manager in control04:01
joh6nnflake: say again?04:01
hanophix33can anyone tell me why some websites dont "fit" in firefix?04:02
joh6nnhanophix33: what website?04:02
DWonderlywill 32 bit ubuntu work on a AMD64 chipset?04:02
hanophix33cnn.com for example04:02
jribDWonderly: yes04:02
hanophix33the headlines are on 2 lines04:02
drpckenhanophix33, is it your font perhaps?04:02
oboy03can i use ubuntu to virus scan a windows hardisk?04:02
KiD_ChAoShanophix33, your resolution is probably set to 600 X 480 please correct04:02
masequisDWonderly: yes.04:02
oboy03what program to use?04:02
singlesunDWonderly, yes i am running 32 bit on mine, because i dont like the java and flash issues of 64... lol04:02
hanophix33kid_chaos:  on proper resolution04:02
jriboboy03: clam av04:02
DWonderlysinglesun that is why I was wondering.04:02
masequisDWonderly: in fact I recomend it..04:03
deuchiHello everybody04:03
joh6nnhanophix33: what's your resolution?04:03
singlesunDWonderly, ;) its better... i promise you that04:03
KiD_ChAoShanophix33, trying using dual monitors, that ought to fix it04:03
DWonderlyThanks Guys. I'll be back once I get it running :) YOU GUYS ROCK!04:03
TiconderogaApparently Samba is already installed.04:03
hanophix331024 76804:03
drpckenTiconderoga, yes i'm having hte same issue04:03
jw144000poningru: I typed in fixboot c: and it said it couldn't find the drive04:03
joh6nnhanophix33: any extensions installed?04:03
drpckeni can see my xp box but can't access it04:03
TiconderogaI can send printing jobs from Ubuntu to XP and that works fine, I'm just stuck on file sharing.04:03
hanophix33joh6nn:  ubufox04:04
joh6nndrpcken: are you sure you have the permissions and what not all set up? i've never used samba, but i'm guessing it doesn't just give access04:04
lotiadrpcken: do you have samba installed.04:04
joh6nnjoh6nn: screenshot?04:04
uid000hi, i'm fairly stuck here getting the nvidia drivers to work.  wonder if anybody has any troubleshooting tips.  just upgraded an older (ti 4200) card to a slightly less old (fx 5200) card.04:04
lotiaTiconderoga: i mean do you have samba installed?04:04
poningrujw144000: dude did you try to bootup?04:04
Erealzhey real quick how do you move a pic/file to another dir04:04
poningrufrom windows?04:04
masequisWhen I rebooted my box today it took a LONG time to get to login.. maybe fschk? but I've never seen it take that long before.04:04
drpckenlotia, yes i have sama installed04:04
TiconderogaSamba is how my Ubuntu communicates with the Windows Printer04:05
poningrujw144000: http://askbobrankin.com/fix_mbr.html04:05
poningrusee that explains it very well04:05
jw144000jw144000: I went to the recovery console by pressing R, it took me to the command prompt, I typed fixboot c: and it said it couldn't find the drive04:05
drpckenjoh6nn, you mean my permissions on the xp box?04:05
iieieiesomeone please help me update to amarok 1.4.804:05
masequisuid000: Did you simply install from Synaptic?04:05
joh6nnErealz: mv path/filename newpath/newfilefame04:05
iieieieits not letting me04:05
uid000masequis: i've tried several things04:05
joh6nndrpcken: i'm just taking shots in the dark.  but yeah, on both the XP box, and in the samba config files04:05
deuchiI have a serious problem, I have followed all the instructions to install Ubuntu with Vista ... but it still bugging, I installed grub into the disk where ubuntu is installed and I use EasyBCD to modify the boot.ini of windows to access to grub04:05
uid000masequis: here's how it went04:05
joh6nndrpcken: i'm guessing they'd have to be synched04:05
deuchiI seriously don't know how to do now ...04:05
masequisuid000: mmm.. what card was it again?04:06
drpckeniieieie, first run  sudo apt-get remove amarok04:06
uid000it /was/ a ti 4200, and is now a fx 520004:06
drpckeniieieie, then run    sudo apt-get install amarok04:06
hanophix33joh6nn:  any idea for me?04:06
drpckenthat should put the latest on for you04:06
drpckeni did it today04:06
KiD_ChAoSi need help building a sinister LKM04:06
joh6nnhanophix33: can you upload a screenshot of what you're seeing somewhere?04:06
singlesunamarok is the best ;)04:06
nickruddrpcken: isn't 1.4.7 the latest in the repos?04:07
uid000masequis: before removing the old card, i disabled the restricted driver in the restricted driver applet, reenabling 'nv'04:07
jw144000poningru: I typed the fixboot command after I went to the recovery console and it said it couldn't find the drive04:07
jw144000never mind04:07
hanophix33joh6nn: to where?04:07
uid000then i installed the new card and then reinstalled the restricted driver.04:07
poningrujw144000: if the fixmbr thing 'did nothing' I am pretty sure that means it was done04:07
jw144000I didn't see the link you posted04:07
joh6nnhanophix33: anywhere you have access to.  if you haven't got anywhere to upload it, no worries04:07
poningrujw144000: http://askbobrankin.com/fix_mbr.html04:07
drpckennickrud, yes you are right, i just checked and mines 1.4.704:07
poningrujw144000: pretty sure it was fixed04:08
drpckennickrud, oops :)04:08
poningrujw144000: try booting from that hdd04:08
whoaitsphildoes anyone play World of Warcraft on their linux box?04:08
nickruddrpcken: but you were right, that's the correct way to get the latest _supported_ amarok ;)04:08
uid000masequis: i have tried using synaptic to completely remove all nvidia drivers and reinstall them04:08
drpckennickrud, second day using Ubuntu, i'd say that was pretty good advice ;)04:08
uid000masequis: i'm at wit's end04:09
jw144000poningru: I still get the grub error04:09
masequisuid000: mmm.. what error are you getting?04:09
hanophix33joh6nn:  i dont have anywhere to put it04:09
poningrujw144000: try it with the fixmbr but without the C:04:10
uid000masequis: in syslog, i'm getting:04:10
uid000Feb  7 22:24:23 kessel kernel: [   43.985995] NVRM: RM/client version mismatch!!04:10
uid000Feb  7 22:24:23 kessel kernel: [   43.986002] NVRM:    aborting to avoid catastrophe!04:10
poningruerr fixboot without the C:04:10
hanophix33but it makes some webpages look pretty confusing, especially when lines screw up formats04:10
TiconderogaAll this reading of the samba stuff put me back at square one. I'm still stuck with not able to login either from windows to ubuntu or ubuntu to windows. Windows, the login just repeats, Ubuntu just says no permission.04:10
masequisuid000: oy.. that can't be good.04:10
uid000masequis: X is giving me:04:10
uid000(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure04:10
uid000(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and04:10
uid000(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly.04:10
uid000(EE) NVIDIA(0):     Please consult the NVIDIA README for details.04:10
uid000(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***04:10
FloodBot1uid000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
Hinata`is there any way to prevent that message: [ 3004.663637] hub 1-0:1.0: over-current change on port 2 to show and annoy me in ctrl+alt+f1 mode?04:11
scott_can anyone till ne if there is a program to convert photos to a video sideshow04:11
uid000masequis: i even popped in a different hard drive and did a fresh install.  the driver works fine there.04:11
StarnestommyHinata`: try bdoing ctrl+alt+f2 instead04:12
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jasoncan any one help me with runing screenlets on my ubuntu gutsy?04:12
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor
joh6nnscott_: try searching at www.freshmeat.net, or with apt-cache search04:12
jw144000poningru: brb04:12
jasoni get a error when i start the program04:12
Starnestommyjason: I think you may need to be running compiz-fusion, but I'm not sure04:12
masequisuid000: just doing what you've probably already spent 2 hours doing.. little google'n.04:12
jasoni just installed it04:12
Hinata`Starnestommy: it does that everywhere I got in ctrl+alt+f1-604:12
uid000masequis: heh, yep04:12
jasonand i inabbled the widget  check box too04:13
singlesunscott_, i think open office has a slideshow ... substitute for powerpoint04:13
iieieiesomeone please! i need to update amarok to 1.4.804:13
jasonit is a errror anout dameon or somthing like that04:13
scott_thank you04:13
uid000masequis: just don't understand what could cause it to not work, when it works find in a fresh install. clearly something having to do with the previous card being replaced04:13
iieieiei cant seem to do it through command line04:13
masequismaybe something in xorg.conf?04:14
StarnestommyHinata`: I think it looks like a problem with a usb hub04:14
iieieiei am a newbie04:14
Jay955is there a way to map a drive to my secondary drive04:14
masequisuid000: some options in xorg.conf?04:14
iieieieand cant do it by downloading the tar.gz04:14
joh6nnhanophix33: hard to say without being able to see it04:14
barrumbadoim not really a newbie04:14
joh6nncnn is loading just fine for me, so it's definitely something to do with your box04:14
uid000masequis: i copied the working xorg.conf from the fresh install over the install on the orig hard drive.  no dice04:15
drpckenhmm my xbox media center can connect via samba to my xp machine, but ubuntu cannot04:15
singlesuniieieie, cant you just go into the command line  "sudo apt-get install amarok" ?04:15
Optimushello, i feel like an idiot asking this, but, will standard 32bit ubuntu work on an amd64 system?04:15
uid000Optimus: yup04:15
barrumbadoi think it would Optimus04:15
jasonhas any one tryed screenlets for gusty ubuntu? i havr a problem i think its becouse i dont have damoin instaled should i try that?04:15
singlesunOptimus, i also am running 32 bit on my 64 amd and i like it better04:15
barrumbadosorry jason i havent04:16
joh6nnanybody have any guess what would make apt-cache start spitting out blank lines in any search?04:16
Hinata`Starnestommy: yeah I know and I can't really correct it04:16
Starnestommyiieieie: you may need to wait until 1.4.8 gets in the repositories.  1.4.7 should be fine.04:16
drpckeniieieie, http://www.mepislovers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1223404:16
iieieieits not fine..04:16
barrumbadoanybody know how to setup vpn04:16
Hinata`Starnestommy: I only want to block it from showing04:16
iieieiebecause 1.4.7 doesnt work with my ipod04:16
iieieiei need 1.4.804:16
Optimussinglesun: yea, getting stuff to work on the 64bit is just a pain in the but04:16
Hinata`(sorry for my bad english)04:16
singlesuniieieie, looked for a .deb of it?04:16
Oxygenetikisn't there an LGBT Ubuntu??04:16
iieieieim not sure what that is...04:16
Webuiieieie, 1.4.7 is the latest Amarok avaible from Ubuntu repositories, if you want to use 1.4.8 you need to compile it from source by yourself or just wait until 1.4.8 gets in the repositories.04:16
drpckensinglesun, i just sent it to him04:16
singlesunOptimus, yep i messed with it for about 2 weeks and chunked it... just didnt like it04:16
iieieieembarassingly enough04:16
CVD-PRmira q paso aqui?04:16
jasonoh well ill figure it out later04:17
nickrudiieieie: likewise, but I'm waiting for the hardy release rather than use some randomly built package by who knows who04:17
singlesundrpcken, cool ;) i was just about to look it up04:17
barrumbadoanybody know how to setup vpn on ubuntu gutsy04:17
iieieiecompile it from source?04:17
iieieiei downloaded the source04:17
drpckensinglesun, this is it right? http://www.mepislovers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1223404:17
m0u5e compiling from source would be your best bet04:17
drpckensinglesun, i've never compiled from source :)04:17
singlesundrpcken, checking04:17
iieieiebut opening up the install text its like alien text to me04:17
astro76iieieie: amarok 1.4.8 is in gutsy-backports04:17
iieieiei cant understand it04:17
iieieiegutsy backports? what does that mean?04:18
m0u5ecompiling from source is easy, all you have to do is 1)./configure 2) sudo checkinstall04:18
singlesundrpcken, well i will test it on mine real quick04:18
* nickrud considers using a backport for the first time in years04:18
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:18
astro76iieieie: you can enable backports in system > admin > software sources04:18
drpckeniieieie, whats the feature you are looking for thats not in 1.4.7, i'm just curious04:18
singlesunim curious as well04:18
uid000masequis: i think somehow the nvidia driver package must not've uninstalled cleanly and is leaving something behind04:18
iieieiecapability with my ipod04:18
nickrudsupport for 3d gen nanos for me04:19
drpcken:-/ doesnt it already support?04:19
nmy i know you04:19
putnumhow can i make my apt-get work behind my proxy server?04:19
iieieieits a new 80gb ipod classic04:19
masequisuid000: are you sure the latest nvidia driver supports the fx5200?04:19
nhow are you04:19
singlesunhmm... well either way my player is still not supported.. haha04:19
bluekbHow do I shut down all X servers?04:19
nickrudbluekb: ctl-alt-f2 , log in,   sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop .   use start when you're done04:20
uid000masequis: well when i did a fresh install of ubuntu on a separate hard drive, everything was fine. so i'm sure it does04:20
hanophix33joh66n: http://mosaicwd.hypermart.net/Screenshot.png04:20
hanophix33joh6nn: http://mosaicwd.hypermart.net/Screenshot.png04:20
jw144000poningru: It said that it couldn't find the drive when I typed in fixboot04:21
masequisuid000: a fresh install I beleive won't use the nvidia 3d driver tho will it?  I thought it defaulted to vesa and I had to use synaptic to get nvidia native?04:21
bruenigthat is one ugly firefox theme04:22
uid000masequis: sorry--i wasn't clear.  i tried a fresh install of ubuntu. then i enabled the nvidia binary drivers, and they worked.04:22
hanophix33joh6nn:  you there?04:22
poningrujw144000: are you sure you have your hard drive is ok?04:22
joh6nnhanophix33: yep, taking a look now04:22
poningrujw144000: do you have usb hard disk unplugged?04:22
jw144000poningru: I don't understand04:22
jw144000I have it unplugged04:23
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »04:23
masequisuid000: ah.. man.. that sucks..04:23
uid000masequis: heh yeah :-)04:23
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KiD_ChAoSKDE or gnome?04:24
joh6nnhanophix33: what happens if you press ctrl+- ?04:25
oboy03how do i do a recovery point?04:25
jorje_villafan I can't get linux to behave properly on my computer. I have tried multiple distros, and ubuntu has worked the best.... My issues are that I get weird graphical behavior and occasional freeze-ups. The odd graphic stuff happens whenever, but usually gets worse and is often accompanied by a freeze up when I have multiple programs open. Also, after rebooting following a freeze-up it runs REALLY bad. I put in new 2gb  of ram to see if t04:25
jw144000poningru: Why do you think my hard drive can't be recognized?04:25
singlesunjorje_villafan, im no expert on this, but are you making sure you have the right video card drivers?04:26
creeedI connect a second monitor with the laptop and I wanna switch to it without restarting the X-server, any help please?04:26
hanophix33joh6nn:  thought u had it, but it doesn't format correctly until font isnt readable04:26
connnkyi just rebooted my ubuntu box and my eth0 is no longer grabbing an ip and i'm seeing something called eth0:avah.  why is avahi creating a fake nic and assigning it a random ip?04:27
joh6nnhanophix33: yeah, i figured as much.  the only thing that's wrong then, is just that 1024x768 isn't the optimal resolution for your monitor.  try setting it at a higher resolution04:27
joh6nnotherwise,,, you just have to live with it04:27
connnkyand more importantly, how can i stop it?04:28
barurot69hey guys!, is there an old ubuntu that could run on pentium 3 laptop with 192MB RAM on it?04:28
hanophix33joh66n:  cant go any higher04:28
uid000barurot69: try xubuntu04:28
CVD-PRwhat is when i receive a red mesage?04:28
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:28
singlesunbarurot69, why not use xubuntu?04:29
jw144000poningru: Are you there?04:29
Jack_Sparrow!minimal > barurot6904:29
Webuconnnky, usually avahi appears if you can't get an IP from your DHCP.04:29
poningrujw144000: yeah04:29
poningrusorry dude dont know04:29
jw144000My external hard drive is unplugged04:29
jw144000But it's saying it can't recognize the drive when I type fixboot04:29
jw144000My internal one04:29
poningrutry the fixmbr thing again04:29
connnkyWebu, interesting... thanks04:30
joh6nnhanophix33: then you're out of luck, i think.  ; (04:30
poningruare you sure you did it right?04:30
jorje_villafansinglesun, I do not have a video card. I believe that my video is from a SiS chip. How do I tell if I have the right driver?04:30
Webuconnnky, it disappears if you reboot or do "ifdown ethX" and "ifup ethX", but yeah, do you have any clue why can't you get an IP from your DHCP?04:30
joh6nnany search i run in apt-cache has lots of blank lines mixed in with the output, and once the search is done, bash acts like i held down the enter key; anyone know what might cause that?04:30
jw144000you type fixboot then the drive, right? I did that and it wouldn't recognize the drive04:30
hanophix33john6nn:  http://mosaicwd.hypermart.net/Screenshot-1.png04:30
jw144000It didn't even ask for my password or anything, just took me to a command prompt04:30
creeedI connect a second monitor with the laptop and I wanna switch to it without restarting the X-server, any help please?04:30
_Oz_hello all04:30
_Oz_I'm a recent Ubuntu convert04:30
_Oz_I must say...  I am highly impressed04:31
singlesunjorje_villafan, sorry man... im not sure then. im not too good with onboard video etc.04:31
_Oz_The only thing I can't do is run Photoshop04:31
_Oz_Everything else works like a charm.04:31
hanophix33_oz_:  will you ever turn back to the dark side04:31
hanophix33_oz_:  have u tried WINE?04:31
singlesun_Oz_, can you run photoshop through wine?04:31
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:31
_Oz_hano: unfortunately, I am running an XP desktop to my right. :)04:31
connnkyWebu, i'm not sure.  i might have done something to shorewall to block dhcp but the rest of my gentoo machines stiff get ips04:31
jorje_villafanNp, I'll try to look it up now anyways04:31
_Oz_Yes, I'm running WINE.  I can't get PS CS2 to run correctly in it.04:31
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: one version of photoshop runs in wine04:31
jw144000poningru: brb04:31
poningrujw144000: I dont think it found the windows drive04:32
jw144000No, it didn't04:32
hanophix33_oz_:  i thought there recent update fixed that04:32
jw144000It didn't find it04:32
DiljanI run all my windows apps via VMware server and 2Xapplication server04:32
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: See the people in #Winehq  they can help you dial it in04:32
_Oz_jack sparrow: CS2?  I found a tutorial, but I can't get it to work the way the tutorial suggested.04:32
poningrujw144000: what windows version is it?04:32
poningruits not vista is it?04:32
jw144000Windows XP Home Edition04:32
Diljanthat way there is no need for dual booting04:32
masequisuid000: Have you tried uninstalling the linux-restricted-modules package?04:32
_Oz_Thanks, Jacj04:32
uid000masequis: sadly, yes.04:32
Webuconnnky, (avahi is a package so it's a feature, it just tries to set you some kind of an IP i believe)04:32
poningrujw144000: not the cd but the one in your hdd04:32
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nboleh kenalan gak04:33
jw144000poningru: The Windows in my HDD is Win XP Home Edition04:33
barurot69thanks guys for the info04:33
hanophix33joh6nn:  did u see my last link04:33
uid000masequis: is is so frustrating.  it should be so trivial04:33
JazaI have a question is there a quicktime equivalent program on ubuntu?04:33
joh6nnhanophix33: yeah man. that sucks04:33
SkwerlI'm currently running standard Gutsy. If I were to install the server version, would I lose my users, packages, and other data?04:33
Webuconnnky, you might try to run "sudo dhclient ethX", replace X with # of your eth interface :)04:33
joh6nni think you're just SOL04:33
hanophix33joh6nn:  yea04:33
_Oz_One other Q: is there any way to get a laptop w/ integrated wireless card onto my network?04:33
hanophix33can anyone help me with the firefix problem?04:33
_Oz_Ubuntu's biggest weakness seems to be wireless networking04:33
masequisuid000: yeah.. I've felt lucky that my nvidia installs have gone smoothy..04:33
JazaI'm trying to get a certain wen sites but they won't work unless I have quicktime04:33
hanophix33_Oz_:  whats going on with u04:33
joh6nn_Oz_: what kind of wireless chip does your laptop have?04:34
oboy03does ext3 get fragmented like ntfs?04:34
singlesun_Oz_, that is all LInux's biggest weakness especially when it comes to wpa04:34
poningrujw144000: I dont know what to tell you04:34
uid000masequis: yeah, they generally do which is why i always buy nvidia04:34
_Oz_I have a desktop computer with a PCI wireless card but I can't get the card to work.04:34
hanophix33Jack_Sparrow:  http://mosaicwd.hypermart.net/Screenshot-1.png04:34
_Oz_It's a Linksys card.04:34
Tgifi dont have any problem with wireless04:34
joh6nnoboy03: ext3 will fragment much much more slowly than ntfs04:34
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Dont blame us, blame the mfg's that dont supply drivers.. Yes you can get wifi to work..04:34
poningrujw144000: what you can do is re install grub04:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:34
joh6nnoboy03: so yes, it will fragment, but for most things, you won't need to worry about it04:34
uid000masequis: i've just never tried swapping out one card for another on a system before04:34
_Oz_Jack: I'm not blaming anyone...  Ubuntu is GREAT! ...  I just wish I could get online wirelessly.04:34
hanophix33_Oz_:  ndiswrapper, windows driver installer04:34
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: What am I looking at04:34
_Oz_Yeah, I tried ndiswrapper, hano...04:34
jw144000poningru: Where do I type !grub at04:35
connnkyWebu, yah tried that a few times, avahi keeps coming back and dhclient still wont talk to my dnsmasq04:35
_Oz_the card is kind of old.  That's probably why I can't get it to work.04:35
hanophix33Jack_Sparrow:  Firefox fonts screwing up formatting04:35
poningrujw144000: hehe no04:35
_Oz_It's an 801.11b card04:35
masequisuid000: I just did it a few days ago.. and I didn't even have the forsight to uninstall the driver before.. of course.. maybe that's why mine worked?04:35
_Oz_not even G04:35
poningrujw144000: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:35
hanophix33jack_sparrow:  or firefox screwing something up04:35
Oxygenetikoh man! i did "sudo rm -rf /" in ubuntu (without quotes)! It's the best command ever! I'm SO HAPPY NOW! :D04:35
poningrujw144000: reinstall the grub04:35
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: Only in firefox?04:35
creeedI have a intel GMA X3100 graphik-chip and I wanna switch to the second connected screen of my laptop eithout restarting the X-server, please help?04:35
poningruthen have it try to autodetect windows04:35
masequisuid000: I went from a 7600gt to an 8600gt..04:35
hanophix33Jack_Sparrow:  havent tried anything else04:36
masequisuid000: just swapped them and booted..04:36
_Oz_One thing I'm still kinda clueless on is the file structure.  Is there a simple, easy to read, easy to understand document that explains how Ubuntu's file structure works?  I installed Office 2003 via Crossover and I can't figure out where in the hell the files are installed. :)04:36
hanophix33Jack_Sparrow:  ctrl +- doesnt do much until fonts are unreadable04:36
oboy03can i make a recovery point without using CD or dvd?04:36
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: I am thinking you lost your window decorator... I would check with the people in #Compiz04:36
Jaza I have a question is there a quicktime equivalent program on ubuntu?I'm trying to get a certain wen sites but they won't work unless I have quicktime04:36
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joh6nn_Oz_: are you coming from a different linux distro, or from windows?04:36
hanophix33Jack_sparrow:  gracias04:37
_Oz_from windows04:37
isomorphismHi all, I lost audio after force quitting mythtv while playing a DVD using AC3 passthrough.  All audio is through an external receiver.  This has happened before and I resorted to reinstalling.  Any suggestions as to how to fix this?04:37
_Oz_I am relatively clueless on linux04:37
Webuconnnky, i see, avahi is just a failsafe, looks like your DHCP doesn't answer. Your ethernet interface should be ok and working (ifconfig)?04:37
singlesun_Oz_, i suggest the book "Running Linux"04:37
uid000masequis: i wish this had got that easily04:37
jw144000poningru: I'm a newbie to Linux and I don't want to screw anything up04:37
poningrujw144000: I still think that the windows cd should be able to do fixmbr04:37
_Oz_Is Ubuntu the most popular flavor of Linux OS' these days?04:37
poningruyou should retry it04:37
uid000masequis: i think the gefororce 5xxx and the 4xxx must not use the same driver04:37
jw144000poningru: BTW, I never saw an option to install grub when I installed Ubuntu on the external HDD04:37
hanophix33_oz_:  we enjoy it, obviously04:38
joh6nn_Oz_: then i'll try and make it as simple as i can: "/" is roughly equal "C:\".04:38
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training    Might be of use04:38
singlesun_Oz_, based upon the channel listing at the moment this is the most popular channel.. so?04:38
jw144000do you type fixmbr and then the drive?04:38
poningrujw144000: I think that was my fault you were supposed to press advanced button04:38
TiconderogaI don't think my question is being understood. I have instead, drawn up a diagram of the problem, including snap shots from both ends. http://www.techsonic.net/images/issue01.png04:38
masequis_Oz_: Welcome.. but you're going to say unholy words for a half a year.. but in the end.. you'll come to love it.04:38
oboy03yeah try the training manuals its very informative im reading it ryt now04:38
joh6nn/etc is rougly equal to the registry; it's where most of your configuration and setup files get stored.  /home/yourname is like My Documents04:38
singlesunmasequis, i still say unholy words04:39
jw144000poningru: So try fixmbr and not fixboot?04:39
poningrujw144000: yeah04:39
jw144000poningru: And include the drive name?04:39
joh6nnand /usr is roughly equivalent to C:\Program Files04:39
masequisuid000: THe very ugly alternative is to download the driver...04:39
poningrujw144000: no dont think so04:39
_Oz_joh6nn: thanks for the / to c:/ comparison :)04:39
uid000masequis: i might try that.04:39
iieieiedoes anyone know how i can update libgpod to be 0.6.0?04:39
_Oz_I have some very minor linux sysadmin experience so I understood that.04:39
uid000masequis: if all else fails to a clean install of the whole OS04:39
jw144000poningru: So if that doesn't work, and I still get this grub error, what should I do?04:39
joh6nn_Oz_: no problem04:39
masequisuid000: frustrating tho that it works on a new install.. some package is hosed..04:39
_Oz_But where does Crossover install Office 2003?  It drives me nuts that I can't find the files.04:39
jw144000poningru: It sounds like I won't have a choice but to reformat and reinstall everything04:40
joh6nn_Oz_: you comfortable on the command line?04:40
poningrujw144000: uh... no just reinstall the mbr04:40
JazaI have a question is there a quicktime equivalent program on ubuntu?I'm trying to get a certain wen sites but they won't work unless I have quicktime04:40
connnkyWebu, i think maybe if i can stop avahi from starting at boot i will have better luck debugging.  so heres a noob question: how to i control startup services from the command line in ubuntu?04:40
poningrumaster boot record04:40
masequissinglesun: me too.. but not as frequently :)  Ubuntu is like cake compared to some of those early distros.04:40
singlesun_Oz_, a little suggestion is going to Places > Home and then in the menu telling it to "show hidden files"04:40
jw144000poningru: BRB again04:40
BetaTestEvidently there's a "super" key... where is it? Is it the Windows key between ctrl and alt?04:40
singlesunmasequis, you are telling me... lol i just got done messing with slack and gentoo a few minutes ago... lol04:41
connnkyBetaTest, yes04:41
_Oz_singlesun: yeah, already did that, that's how I found .wine04:41
iieieieplease someone help me update libgpod to 0.6.004:41
BetaTestOh, thank you04:41
flakehow can i copy my kde session to a test one so if I lose my panels and k-menu, i can delete the test session?04:41
_Oz_thank you though04:41
_Oz_I have to say, I am really impressed04:41
_Oz_I am a disenchanted windows user04:41
iieieiei enabled all the repositories04:41
iieieiebut it still wont let me update to the latest ver.04:41
_Oz_I like XP well enough, but vista pushed me over the cliff04:41
uid000masequis: i found some nvidia kernel modules that didn't get removed when i purged the package and dpkg tells me they don't belong to anyone.  i'm deleting them now. maybe that'll do it.04:41
_Oz_I installed Ubuntu as a lark and wasn't expecting much04:41
_Oz_turns out it's a highly effective, highly stable OS which allows me to do everything except run photoshop04:42
Jack_Sparrow!info libgpod04:42
ubotuPackage libgpod does not exist in gutsy04:42
masequisuid000: wow...04:42
_Oz_I won't upgrade anymore with M$'s path04:42
_Oz_no more Vista.04:42
flake_Oz_  gimp roxx04:42
_Oz_So I have to make a choice.04:42
hanophix33_oz_:  i thinking about switching all my comps over04:42
_Oz_Either Linux, or Mac.04:42
Webuconnnky, ouch i'm not so sure about that, maybe someone else knows that better :/ Make sure you don't block ports 67 and 68, they're usually used for DHCP.04:42
joh6nnflake: i don't understand your question04:42
SkwerlWhy not run Linux on a Mac?04:42
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Learn gimp...   IT is a little clunky but realy works once you know it04:42
isomorphismAnyone have any suggestions for my lost audio problem?04:43
masequis_Oz_: apple wants MORE money than MS tho.. but they have a level of quality..04:43
hanophix33Jack_Sparrow: is gimp better than PS?04:43
_Oz_Being that I'm a Windows guy and used to how that works, it seems Linux is a better fit rather than Mac.  Mac is a little too... fruity for me.  Linux seems like it's built and supported by people who treat computers as tools, not touchy-feely lifestyle devices.04:43
singlesunfruity... haha04:43
flakelet me ask another way..  i want to add kpfx or whatever it's called to try it out, will have to remove panel and remove main panel - can I get them back if for some reason the kpfx disappears?04:43
iieieiei need libgpod 0.6.0 for my ipod to work04:43
_Oz_Jack: yeah, thanks for that tip about Gimp, but I've been using Photoshop for 10 years.  I absolutely must run it.  I can't switch.04:43
iieieiebut for some reason i cant get it04:43
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: It gets the job done, it is just things are not where I was used to finding them04:43
* singlesun makes notation that Mac is fruity 04:43
flakecause i like my kde3 setup, it's prefect04:44
masequis_Oz_: fruity indeed.. but awfully shinny fruit.. I've been tempted.. tempted my fried.04:44
joh6nn_Oz_: if you try the gimp, be sure to try the gimpshop version of it, or you'll be lost04:44
hanophix33_Oz_:  Same here, I need PS.....I cant do without it04:44
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_Oz_gimpshop? where can I find that?04:44
Jangariin the repo?04:44
BetaTestHm... I just installed Compiz Fusion, but now all of the eye candy is gone, like the wobbly windows and the whatnot, even though the Extra visual effect is selected04:44
_Oz_Yeah, I guess it's not even worth discussing.  I absolutely must be able to run Photoshop.04:44
poningru_Oz_: http://www.gimpshop.com/04:44
BetaTestAny way of getting them back?04:44
iieieieneed help installing libgpod 0.6.004:44
JazaI have a question is there a quicktime equivalent program on ubuntu?I'm trying to get a certain wen sites but they won't work unless I have quicktime04:44
_Oz_I understand that Crossover supports PS 7.0 at the "silver" (rather than gold) compatibility level which isn't good enough.04:44
masequisuid000: spinning cubes yet?04:45
Jack_Sparrowhanophix33: I prefer corel... to any of them..04:45
connnkyWebu, got it sorted, thanks man04:45
rich1if i have a symbolic link for java libjavaplugin_oji.so can i remove the link libjavaplugin.so?04:45
Gurengood evening, i need some help04:45
_Oz_I think the lowest I could go is Photoshop CS2.04:45
Webuconnnky, but in general avahi shouldn't do anything since you can assign as many virtual interfaces to a physical interface you want (eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3). eth0 will stay as the main physical interface.04:45
joh6nn_Oz_: www.gimpshop.com. : ) alternatively, try Pixel: http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=1204:45
Gureni created an extended partition, i mounted it but can't wrtie to it, any ideas why?04:45
_Oz_I found a tutorial explaining how PS2 could run under Ubuntu but I just can't make it go despite the explicit instructions.  Just doesn't seem to work for me.04:45
uid000masequis: that didn't do the trick. but i'm trying something else.  something i noticed on the fresh install gave me an idea04:45
Webuconnnky, oh that's great to hear, no problem :)04:45
isomorphismStill looking for help restoring my audio, anybody?04:45
Gurenit has a lost+found folder and that's it ...04:45
ogrejrib:  sorry my battery died. I am the guy with virtualbox problem. I should say however that vmware isnt working either so its not a virtualbox specific problem. heres a screenshot of my vbox error though. http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2985/screenshotdr2.png any suggestions?04:45
nemilarhey, why isn't Sudo asking me for a password when I sudo?04:45
nemilarThat doesn't seem secure...04:45
masequisuid000: oohh... do share if it works..04:45
Gurennemilar, maybe because u already typed the password once?04:46
connnkynemilar, it caches your pass for a few minutes04:46
flakenemilar - there is a timeout..04:46
nemilarGuren: no, it just doesn't ask04:46
bullgard4[ACPI] What is meant by 'trap' in the following sentence: "This usually causes some sort of system management trap, which makes sure that the memory is put in self-refresh mode and actually sequences the machine into suspend."?04:46
crimeboyanyone knows how my gutsy pidgin dont show any icons?04:46
Jack_SparrowGuren: Probably permissions problem.... just for fun.. try gksudo nautilus and see if you can write to it04:46
nemilarflake  connnky it doesn't ask at all04:46
connnkynemilar, type whoami on the command line04:46
masequisnemilar: you have already entered the super user pw at some point.04:46
connnkyare you already root?04:46
Jack_Sparrowcrimeboy: It is in the pull down menu or the upper task bar04:46
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nemilarmasequis no i haven't, and sudo doesn't ask for the superuser password, it asks for your user's passwod04:46
nemilarconnnky: no, I am not root04:46
_Oz_is there a way to stop ubuntu from asking me for a password whenever I access the filesystem or system tools?04:46
masequisnemilar: ah.. right.04:47
nemilarlol _Oz_ you and I need to switch places04:47
connnkynemilar, have you messed with the sudoers file?04:47
Cursed_6_dsHi! i have HP Bussiness Series 6720s laptop, and i just plugged in the ethernet cable, problem is that it doesnt recognise the network, even tried by setting static ip....04:47
Jangariwait for 8.04, _\04:47
masequisnemilar: the sudo'rs04:47
_Oz_nemilar: heheheh04:47
Jangariwait for 8.04, _Oz_04:47
hanophix33does anyone use AWN?04:47
GurenJack_Sparrow, u .. nothing happened?04:47
flake_Oz_  - you don't want to do that unless you're not connected to a network and no one else has access to your puter04:47
nemilarconnnky: no04:47
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: You will find that you hit that problem less as you learn more about what goes where04:47
crimeboyJack_Sparrow: both04:47
uid000masequis: i think i have something04:47
_Oz_how soon will 8.04 come out? and, can I upgrade from within ubuntu or must I install anew?04:47
uid000masequis: checking...04:47
DrFrankensteinapril 200804:48
nemilar%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL  @ connnky masequis04:48
GabiruhTankianhey hey hey, quem ler isso vira gay!04:48
connnkynemilar, you go tme man04:48
Jangariapril (that is, 04)04:48
Cpudan80_Oz_: April04:48
JazaI have a question is there a quicktime equivalent program on ubuntu?I'm trying to get a certain wen sites but they won't work unless I have quicktime04:48
_Oz_OK, Jack04:48
Gurenroot can write to it04:48
DrFrankensteinJaza, Totem04:48
Jack_Sparrowcrimeboy: Then I dont understand the question04:48
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Cpudan80_Oz_: you could download the alpha version -- but that is not advised04:48
masequisuid000: the suspense!!04:48
Webu_Oz_, 8 = 2008 .04 = April, 4th month :)04:48
iieieiesomeone please help me install libgpod 0.6.0!04:48
Jangaribut you wouldn't want to log in as root or anything drastic, you might easily fvck something up04:48
Jazathanks DrFrankenstein04:48
ubotuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience04:48
Cpudan80Have they figured out what the color scheme will be yet?04:48
GurenJack_Sparrow, so do i jut chown the folder?04:48
poningrucan someone give jw144000 this link http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=3340?04:49
Cpudan80Please not orange/brown again! Anything but that!04:49
Webu_Oz_, upgrading from previous release shouldn't be a problem :)04:49
poningruhe is trying to fix his mbr to windows04:49
GurenJack_Sparrow, I mean the partition?04:49
CVD-PRany here has used the libswt3.2-gtk-java?04:49
_Oz_how do you upgrade, webu?04:49
crimeboyJack_Sparrow: pidgin dont show any icons, show only an icon of NOIMG04:49
_Oz_Is it from within Ubuntu?04:49
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Jangariit'll tell you when 8.04 comes out, _Oz_, and upgrading will b amatter of clicking 'upgrade'04:49
Cpudan80Jaza: Yeah, sudo apt-get install quicktime I think04:49
Webu_Oz_, yes, just a few commands, i think you can do it from GUI as well :)04:49
crimeboyand tray icons dont show too04:49
_Oz_Nice, jangari04:49
Cpudan80!quicktime | Jaza04:49
bullgard4_Oz_: Ubuntu 8.04 will come out in April 2008. You can upgrade from within Ubuntu. It is preferred that you upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04. You do not need to install anew.04:49
ubotuJaza: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:49
_Oz_This is so superior to XP04:49
Webu_Oz_, or let's say you can do it even easier from GUI.04:49
Jangariyes, yes it is nice04:49
Jack_SparrowPeople, play nice, I have been here way too long...  wife just came home.. I MUST go.. sorry04:50
_Oz_We just need better driver support04:50
Cpudan80thought it would be more specific04:50
connnkywhere do I set the dnsdomainname in ubuntu?04:50
ogrek guys. i cant get any VM app to run. this includes vmware,virtualbox,and qemu. I know how to make a vm and have done so many times on feisty. anyone know what the problem could be?04:50
uid000masequis: okay i think i'm in business04:50
_Oz_Thanks for the help!  Enjoy your evening04:50
Webu_Oz_, you could update from a 8.04 disc as well, but as long as you have 7.10 installed with Internet it's easier to do it within same Ubuntu :)04:50
poningruconnnky: system->admin->network and under the dns tab04:50
masequisuid000: !! what'd you do!!!04:50
rich1if i have a symbolic link for java libjavaplugin_oji.so can i remove the link libjavaplugin.so?04:50
ogreactually i get them to run just not power on a VM04:50
kavelotI'm trying to install build-essential with apt-get, but it tells me to change de ubuntu CD-ROM... isn't it possible to install it via internet?04:50
connnkyponingru, i dont have access to a gui04:50
esoterikwhats the trick to getting flash working in firefox after todays update that broke it04:51
_Oz_Webu: that's what I really like about 7.10 (although it's the only version I've used).  Everything is so seamless.  Install programs and updates right from the interface.04:51
psycholvlancan anyone help me?04:51
SkwerlI'm currently running standard Gutsy. If I were to install the server version, would I lose my users, packages, and other data?  (Sorry for the repost, not sure what the statue of reiteration is..)04:51
jw144000poningru: I typed in fixmbr at the Recovery Console and it didn't work04:51
_Oz_I installed it on my wife's old Dell desktop.  Gave it new life.  It easily has the power to run Ubuntu.04:51
poningruconnnky: /etc/resolv.conf04:51
ogreesoterik:  i just installed it from the site04:51
Webu_Oz_, that's nice to hear :)04:51
poningrujw144000: are you using ubuntu live cd right now?04:51
poningrudo this: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=334004:51
jw144000poningru: Yes04:51
iieieiehow do i install libgpod 0.6.004:51
esoterikogre: which, the nonfree flash?04:51
uid000masequis: although i /do not/ understand what is causing this.  when i did the fresh install, and i looked at lsmod, i saw that i2c_viapro (which is probably specific to my motherboard's chipset) was loaded and depended on nvidia04:51
uid000like so:04:51
Cursed_6_dsanyone care to help me on setting up my internet?04:51
psycholvlanI'm having driver issue.... well mainly desktop effects not wanted to enable.... driver is working... i got my resolution and it detected the monitor04:52
masequisuid000: wow... what the hell is that..04:52
ogreesoterik:  there is directions o there. just choose flashplayer for linux04:52
uid000masequis: no i'm sorry not depening on nvidia, but loaded nonetheless04:52
connnkyponingru, interesting.  is that the only place?  i just have my name server info in there.04:52
poningruconnnky: yes that is the only place04:52
connnkyponingru, i'm hoping it isnt getting the incorrect info from that... sigh04:52
joh6nnall right, i'm tired04:52
psycholvlani had desktop effects working before but now I'm on a different monitor and I can't get it to work04:52
connnkyponingru, ok thanks man04:52
* joh6nn waves04:52
poningruconnnky: how do you have it there?04:52
GurenJack_Sparrow, figured it out, just needed to change permision in nautilus, thx04:52
Jangariesoterik: a much more reliable way is to download and install it directly from adobe04:52
jw144000poningru: So what do I do now?04:53
WebuCursed_6_ds, feel free to tell a bit more of your configuration :)04:53
poningrujw144000: did you see that link I linked to?04:53
poningrujw144000: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=334004:53
poningruread that04:53
psycholvlanwell anyone know why graphic driver appears to be working but desktop effect fail to enable???04:53
uid000masequis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55170/04:53
esoterikjangari: it was working fine until the update today, just wondering if reinstalling flash fixed it for people04:53
connnkyponingru, my resolve.conf: search xxx.homeip.net nameserver, but my dnsdomainname command gives me rentspot.com04:53
uid000however, i2c_viapro isn't getting loaded automatically now04:54
poningrupsycholvlan: which drivers?04:54
pyrakgparted and fdisk can't "open" my sd card04:54
psycholvlanI used envy to install them...04:54
psycholvlanonly way i can get them working04:55
uid000masequis: if i unload nvidia with "rmmod nvidia" then depmod -a, the modprobe invidia, the i2c_viapro gets loaded.04:55
psycholvlani had it working at home... i brought my computer to my friends and using a different monitor04:55
Jangaridunno, esoterik, i never have flash problems anymore, i used to get them all the time04:55
uid000masequis: and all is good04:55
psycholvlani'm not sure if the monitor even it is detected or the graphic driver updated it self and the updated one has issues04:55
poningrupyrak: hmm what does dmesg say?04:56
masequisuid000: wow.. I would tihnk that would happen when x loads it?04:56
jw144000poningru: When I tried to install the ms-sys package, it said it couldn't find it04:56
ogrek guys. i cant get any VM app to play the virtual machine this includes vmware,virtualbox,and qemu. I know how to make a vm and have done so many times on feisty. anyone know what the problem could be?04:57
psycholvlanalso... under nvidia settings... under OpenGL/GLX Information it said Fail to query the GLX server vendor04:57
frazzledpenguinHello all, I'm running ubuntu 6.06 and the software i'm trying to install (zimbra) requires that I install "libperl". But when trying to apt-get libperl it tells me that it can't find it. Does anybody know what this is and how I can install it?04:57
masequisuid000: well, now I bet you feel like a victory gin..04:57
uid000masequis: well the nvidia km is gettting loaded. however it is supposed to depend on i2c_core, which for some reason, isnt' getting loaded04:57
uid000masequis: 1984 reference?04:58
masequisuid000: indeed.04:58
iieieiehow do i install libgpod 0.6.0!?04:58
psycholvlanso noone know how to fix nvidia-glx issues?04:58
uid000masequis: chocolate rations have just been increased.04:58
masequisuid000: You must try harder.  It is not easy to become sane.04:58
Javidwe have always been ar war with Microsoft. we have always been allied with Debian.04:58
bullgard4What is meant by 'trap' in the following sentence: "This usually causes some sort of system management trap, which makes sure that the memory is put in self-refresh mode and actually sequences the machine into suspend."?04:58
pyrakponingru, see pm04:58
poningrujw144000: are you connected to internet?04:59
uid000masequis: know, understand, AND accept.04:59
poningrujw144000: do you have mutliverse enabled?04:59
psycholvlanplus when i type in compiz under the terminal I get this04:59
psycholvlanChecking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.04:59
psycholvlanTrying again with indirect rendering:04:59
psycholvlanChecking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.04:59
psycholvlanaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity04:59
FloodBot1psycholvlan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
jw144000poningru: It's unchecked04:59
jw144000I don't have it enable04:59
uid000masequis: still don't know what to do, though.  the i2c_core dependency isn't sticking across reboots04:59
jw144000I don't have it enabled04:59
poningrujw144000: enable it04:59
poningruthen install it05:00
masequisuid000: I have to admit I only know how to fumble around with modules when I have to.. I'm not really sure how all the dependancies get worked out.05:00
bitmonki wonder if anyone has ubuntu working on a mac with boot camp and parallels from the same partition.  i am sure using a lot of space and dealing with a lot of awkwardness having a 10G parallels vm and a 10G native partition..05:00
bitmonkalso i have found limited information via google, and wonder if there is any well known documentation on booting from a ZFS volume05:01
jw144000poningru: It still says it can't find it05:01
bitmonkfrom what i can tell, right now, re: parallels + boot camp, the install i performed for boot camp throws a grub prompt asking for the kernel location when i try to boot it in parallels.05:02
jw144000poningru: it says it can't find the package ms-sys05:02
bitmonki sort of wonder if perhaps parallels isn't just seeing that individual partition as a whole drive, maybe i need two boot options in grub for the two environments?05:02
softtoweranyone know how current ThinkPad T61s handle latest Ubuntu?05:02
albertolempirahey guys is there a way so i don't see KDE's apps on my GNOME menus? thx05:02
poningrujw144000: uh... my ubuntu found it05:02
poningrujw144000: go to synaptic05:03
poningruwhat do you see there?05:03
Jangariyou can remove anything from the menus albertolempira, in system > administration > main menu05:03
masequisuid000: I've been known to be so crude as to add modprobes to init.d scripts. :)05:03
bitmonkalbertolempira: you can probably edit the menus by hand, but it's been a long running goal for both KDE and GNOME communities, and for distros like ubuntu, to help people to use the disparate suite of apps offered by both communities and more..05:03
oranye_iam dana05:03
jw144000poningru: synaptic? where is that05:04
bitmonke.g. not every app in GNOME or KDE necessarily has a corresponding app built on the other tech.05:04
uid000masequis: yeah, i've done that in rc.local once or twice.  usually /etc/modules gets it though05:04
poningrujw144000: system->admin->synaptic05:04
bitmonkand in many cases you'll find good apps which are not built specifically with either stack.05:04
TiconderogaSwat is even more confusing then Samba.05:04
albertolempiraJangari: thanks, iguess it was a dumb question05:04
Jangarinot really,05:04
albertolempirabitmonk: yea, i think you're right... well, thanks05:05
masequisTiconderoga: isn't swat a configurator for samba?05:05
Jangariunless you wanted to maintain two different sessions, one KDE with KDE apps and one Gnome with Gnome apps, which is a little more difficult to do without creating a separate login,05:05
jw144000poningru: I don't see ms-sys05:05
softtoweroranye_: hi05:05
Jangariokay, it's time to drink alcohol, bye05:05
poningrujw144000: do you have the universe checked?05:06
TiconderogaYou know what, I found a way to connect to my Windows computer from Ubuntu and I didn't even need Samba. Lol Places > Connect to server... It friggin mounted it and I am granted access.05:06
poningruand press reload05:06
jw144000poningru: No, I don't have universe checked05:06
Tgifapt-get me -a beer05:06
poningruthats why05:06
poningruTgif: what? pssh get it yourself05:06
ogrek guys. i cant get any VM app to play the virtual machine this includes vmware,virtualbox,and qemu. I know how to make a vm and have done so many times on feisty. anyone know what the problem could be? heres a screenshot of virtualbox error http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2985/screenshotdr2.png please please please please please please please please please05:06
L33tChhay.. i'm struggling to get videos to play. totem player says it can't handle divx and mplayer had some screen saver problem but played the video without sound... then after i installed mpeg libraries it wouldnt play any more... any ideas?05:08
jw144000poningru: For whatever reason, the instructions on this page said to uncheck universe05:08
ogreL33tCh:  use vlc05:08
poningrujw144000: what? what page?05:09
L33tChok... will a simple, apt-get install vlc give me all i need?05:09
jw144000poningru: The link you gave me, but it's installing it now, n/m05:09
ogreL33tCh:  yes05:09
CVD-PRhey after instaling eclipse-java eclipse its not in the menu05:09
CVD-PRany help05:09
L33tChthank you :)05:09
poningrujw144000: no checking it off means actually checking it05:09
poningruenable the universe!!05:09
ogreno prob05:09
bitmonkalbertolempira: my experience with free desktops is that you can always edit some text or xml file by hand.  it's been a while since i've used one primarily but i'm sure that's largely true.05:10
bitmonkand there are probably gui editors.  pretty sure gnome has a menu editor for years now.05:10
psycholvlandoes anyone know how to fix nvidia-glx issues?05:10
ogrek guys. i cant get any VM app to play the virtual machine this includes vmware,virtualbox,and qemu. I know how to make a vm and have done so many times on feisty. anyone know what the problem could be? heres a screenshot of virtualbox error http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2985/screenshotdr2.png please please please please please please please please please05:11
* Oxygenetik dresses yellow and hunts some grues05:11
masequisL33tCh: I prefer mplayer.05:11
=== meeper_ is now known as meeper
jw144000poningru: When I type in the command to fix the mbr, should I type in -m to write the Windows XP MBR?05:12
psycholvlanok i guess noone knows... just hope it works when i get home05:12
RoyThis is something strange. I uninstalled a specific program from wine but the menu entry for the program is not removed. It's still there.05:12
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
poningrujw144000: do exactly what that page says05:13
papuccino1Hello. Need help making SFV files from multiple parted rar files.05:13
ubuntuloverHello, colleagues!!!05:13
ubuntuloverTell me please, how to lock "Name" column in Nautilus in some width, that it would be not resizable by itself?05:13
papuccino1Someone pm me please05:13
poningrujw144000: sudo ms-sys –mbr /dev/sda05:13
KiD_ChAoSim scared05:14
badkittyLame question I know, but how do I get rid of that annoying background image in the window decorations?05:14
sierponingru,  thanks :) I was looking for that a couple minutes ago.05:14
RoyCan someone tell me who to remove the menu entry for a program that has already been uninstalled in wine?05:14
papuccino1Rightclick > Aplications >Edit Menus05:14
KiD_ChAoSsudo iwconfig eth1 ap MAC doesn't switch me to a different AP like it should, why not05:14
papuccino1That's how you choose which to keep and which to delete.05:15
poningrusier: err what?05:15
RoyThank you papuccino1 :)05:15
papuccino1No prob.05:15
papuccino1Still need help making SFV files, Can anyone help me out?05:15
sierponingru,  the mbr thing..05:15
poningrusier: oh cool05:15
jw144000poningru: My windows partition is on sda205:16
KiD_ChAoSwhat can Suse do that ubuntu can't?05:16
Roypapuccino1: That way I can hide a menu entry which has been uninstalled but how can I delete them?05:16
ubuntuloverCan't figure out how to lock "Name" column in Nautilus in some width, that it would be not resizable by itself?05:16
mikedotyHey, where does ubuntu put images after I import them from my camera dudes?05:16
softtowermikedoty, somewhere in you home folder05:16
poningrujw144000: no just do sda05:16
poningrunot partition05:16
DezineCan anyone suggest software to blog with? What I mean is, like Windows Live Writer for Windows.. what are my options?05:16
mikedotyHm, ok.  It must not have imported them for some reason.  thanks =)05:17
masequismikedoty: most likely in your user home Pictures dir.05:17
ubuntuloverDezine: Maybe it's Flock browser?05:17
DezineHm, I could use that.05:18
jw144000poningru: I just did it and it wouldn't do anything but give me a list of commands05:18
DezineBut in that case I think blogging right into wordpress would be the same.05:18
papuccino1Roy, rightclick the item you want to delete, and click delete xD05:18
DezineCan you blog with OpenOffice?05:18
RoyOh! Thanks papuccino1 :)05:18
softtowerDezine: you can blog with anything. Blogging is just typing text.05:18
DezineWell.. I want to be able to post from the software.05:19
_Oz_Is there any way to get actual M$ Word and Excel icons for Office 2003 progs running in Crossover?  Dumb, I know, but the wife would appreciate the familiarity.05:19
uid000got a kernel module question for the general audience: i'm having a problem where the nvidia proprietary kernel module isn't being loaded in the right order, and it breaks X.  if, after boot, i rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia, then everything is fine.  any suggestions on what's going on here, or how to troubleshoot?05:19
poningrujw144000: yeah use -m05:19
softtowerwell... copy&paste takes just seconds, right?05:19
poningruI dont think you did a double --05:19
papuccino1Oz, search for the icon pack "microsoft office"05:19
DezineI guess I'll Google, thanks!05:19
papuccino1You can then just change the icon of the program in Ubuntu.05:19
shrapnelany obvious reason why wireless would work with WPA but not on unencrypted wifi?05:19
drpckensofttower, www.creedthoughts.gov.www\creedthoughts    LMAO05:20
DG19075Dezine: i see 2 apps when opening Synaptic and entering Blogging as a search term: Drivel and BloGTK05:20
jw144000poningru: so it would be sudo ms-sys -mbr /dev/sda -m05:20
poningrujw144000: sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda05:21
tanneris anyone running hdhomerun over wifi?05:21
friedtofuanyone have opinions on dell laptops? - - namely dell xps 1330?05:21
CVD-PRwhy i have to download the ecp;ise source to install the eclipse?05:22
KiD_ChAoSwhat can suse do that Ubuntu can't!05:22
badkittyI have a really ugly image showing beneath my window decorations, any idea how to get rid of it?05:22
_Oz_where should I save the icon pack to?  (for M$ office)05:22
StarnestommyKiD_ChAoS: nothing05:22
_Oz_I'm not clear on how to reassign the icons, or where to store the icon pack.05:22
bazhangdezine you can also install a firefox plugin that allows you to blog from the lower half of the browser window, blogfire is the name iirc05:22
tannerfriedtofu: my room mate has the 15" model and is pleased with it05:22
oboy03is there a problem with firefox update?05:23
Scunizifriedtofu, check out http://www.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/vostronb?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd05:23
oboy03my pc seem to hang on firefox05:23
papuccino1Oz, save them in Usr\shrre05:23
papuccino1*share I mean.05:23
badkittyI hear there is a way to blog from gmail as well05:23
friedtofutanner - there arent any heating issues right?05:23
hydehi men!05:23
barrumbadoi need help with VPM05:23
barrumbadoi need help with VPN05:23
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: we cant say here ;]05:23
barrumbadoin Ubuntu05:23
hydei con help you05:23
barrumbadohey hyde05:24
BetaTestHow do I enable the visual effects? I installed Compiz-Fusion, but that only disabled everything05:24
tannerfriedtofu: he hasn't complained of any; i myself am partial to the thinkpad line =)05:24
k1how do i?05:24
bazhangccsm BetaTest05:24
_Oz_in /share?  says access denied, papuccino105:24
raphi_kAre you automatically connected to this channel when using this irc server?05:24
barrumbadohyde i would like to be able to log into my Ubuntu at home from work using dialup05:24
bazhang!ccsm | BetaTest05:24
shrapnel_Oz_, try /usr/share/pixmaps/ or /usr/share/icons/05:24
ubotuBetaTest: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:24
friedtofuhaha - ok -05:24
barrumbadohyde i would like to be able to log into my Ubuntu at home from work using dialup05:24
SJr|NbookWhats a good program I can use to benchmark a systems CPU and memory preformance05:24
papuccino1Oz, type "gksu nautilus" in terminal. It should open a window browser where you have BIG PIMP access to everything. There ya go.05:25
karlNYamenado: you know if mib_hoimx7d7 ever fixed his grub errors - and how?05:25
mouseboyxsudo passwd root05:25
ogrek guys. i cant get any VM app to play the virtual machine this includes vmware,virtualbox,and qemu. I know how to make a vm and have done so many times on feisty. anyone know what the problem could be? heres a screenshot of virtualbox error http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2985/screenshotdr2.png please please please please please please please please please05:26
BetaTestThank you05:26
papuccino1How'd it work Oz?05:26
mouseboyxogre, you have to run it in root05:26
_Oz_how do I actually change the icon?05:26
mouseboyxgksu virtualbox05:26
_Oz_it's the standard generic crossover icon for MS Word and I want to replace it with the icon I saved in /user/shared/icons05:26
papuccino1exactly what I was going to say Ogre.05:26
KiD_ChAoSwhat distro do you use bazhang ?05:26
bazhangogre: any reason not to get gutsy? vmware works well there--of course you need enough ram and cpu cycles to make it work well05:26
papuccino1Use root access.05:26
uid000hi all, to rephrase the last question.  if i rmmod nvidia, before staring gdm everything is good.  otherwise X won't start.  what gives?05:26
singlesunive been using ubuntu for some time... can someone tell me more about xubuntu without me having to read all the crazy stuff... (i know its a scaled down version that uses xfce instead of gnome) but hwo different is it besides that?05:27
mouseboyxIt should do this by default, but just, in the launcher put gksu in front.05:27
Starnestommyogre: I think you need to install vboxdrv05:27
Administratorogra, running mac with virtual is not ok05:27
ogrebazhang:  I am using gutsy05:27
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: kubuntu, pclinuxos, mandriva, (now) wolvix, dreamlinux, mint, ms-suse, fedora (past)05:27
karlNYHow much manual configuration is needed to set-up "tutos2" ?05:28
friedtofusinglesun - i believe not only does xubuntu uses xfce, it also uses more lightweight applications... but i cant be too sure05:28
bazhangogre: in your question you said 'on feisty'...05:28
masequisuid000: you rmmod then modprobe right?05:28
dn4_how do I kill a terminal?05:28
ogrebazhang:  yeah i was saying it worked in feisty05:28
masequisuid000: remove then reload?05:28
singlesunfriedtofu, in regards to command line and everything else it still uses the same commands generally correct... its not some sick convoluted thing right?05:28
dn4_or how do I view all terminalsr unning?05:28
BetaTestbazhang: I already have it installed, but it doesn't do anything05:28
jw144000poningru: I'm back in Windows now.05:28
dn4_like psaux or something?05:28
Starnestommydn4_: w or who05:29
Ticonderogadn4_, try stabbing it with knife?05:29
uid000masequis: rmmod then modprobe works, but i discovered that i don't even have to modprobe.  what I start X the nvidia modules gets inserted again automatically05:29
bazhangogre: sudo apt-get install vmware-server05:29
poningrujw144000: awesome....05:29
ogreStarnestommy:  its not in the repos05:29
* poningru is going to sleep now05:29
masequisuid000: ah.05:29
bazhangBetaTest: what card (graphics) and what driver05:29
papuccino1Need help creating an SFV with cksfv. Anyone out there?05:29
dn4_basically I use a terminal05:29
ogrebazhang:  vmware-server isnt working either05:29
dn4_and it is fuct to all hell05:29
jw144000poningru: Ahh....I kinda wished we could have gotten this situation with grub on my HDD figured out05:29
dn4_so I gotta kill the terminal but I do not know what the terminal is called05:29
_Oz_how do I actually change the icon?05:29
papuccino1Also, is there a SFV maker with a GUI instead of terminal only code?05:29
_Oz_it's the standard generic crossover icon for MS Word and I want to replace it with the icon I saved in /user/shared/icons05:29
jw144000so I could boot Ubuntu on the external HDD05:29
Starnestommyogre: er, try virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic05:29
karlNYdn4_: GUI terminal?05:30
dn4_so I Cannot do killall -9 terminal05:30
dn4_yes karlNY05:30
BetaTestbazhang nVidia, and it worked just fine up until I wanted to get the cube working, so I installed Compiz-Fusion05:30
bazhangogre: you need to enable the canonical gutsy partner repos and install from there--also doesnt work is not very descriptive if you really want help05:30
BetaTestAfter installing it, it doesn't do anything05:30
papuccino1Oz, right click program link, and select properties.05:30
SJr|NbookHOLY EFF05:30
jw144000poningru: But thanks for your help05:30
bazhangBetaTest: this is gutsy?05:30
papuccino1The option for it is there Oz.05:30
mouseboyxOr get the deb from the virtualbox website05:30
SJr|NbookI have to pay $185 dollars to renew a domain05:30
dn4_what is the command to see all the applications running?05:30
karlNYdn4_: try CTRL+ALT+ESC and the mouse might turn into an xkill cursor05:30
Starnestommydn4_: ps aux05:30
TiconderoganVidia have a history of not being very friendly with Compiz...05:30
ogreStarnestommy:  I have that already but it says i need vboxdrv05:30
softtowerred__: hi05:30
singlesunSJr|Nbook, will i be finding a dead link ... lol05:30
karlNYdn4_: ps -ef or ps auwx05:31
Starnestommyogre: sudo modprobe vboxdrv05:31
Ticonderogadead links for the win.05:31
BetaTestbazhang it is05:31
papuccino1dn4, press alt+f2 system monitor05:31
Administratorogre, i said running mac with vm is not ok05:31
bazhangBetaTest: you have the nvidia or the nv driver?05:31
StarnestommyAdministrator: why?05:31
BetaTestBoth, I believe05:31
_Oz_papucinno: I see it but I only see a bunch of generic icons, no option to apply icons I downloaded05:32
Administratormaybe coz bios things like that, it refuse to boot05:32
dn4_now that really messed things up05:32
bazhangBetaTest: then hit alt-f2, both drivers? that would not work05:32
dn4_be back alter05:32
mouseboyxYes, mac probably doesn't support vm drivers.05:32
mouseboyxi mean devices05:32
BetaTestOh, sorry I misunderstood05:32
BetaTestI'm not sure which one of the two drivers I have05:32
overcluckeris there a collection of 'portable' applications that can be run off a usbdrive on any ubuntu system?05:33
ogreStarnestommy:  FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.05:33
singlesuni need some way to completely erase the data off this drive... i mean... completely clean... not just formatted05:33
bazhangBetaTest: you need the nvidia drivers--which card--please be more precise than 'nvidia', e.g., 6800, 7300, 8800, etc05:33
BetaTestbazhang 615005:34
singlesunany thoughts on free free drive cleaning apps that do a Good Job?05:34
SJr|Nbooksinglesun hmmmm no05:34
mouseboyxsinglesun, http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/mbr/WIPE.html05:34
clintonsinglesun: hammers ensure your drives get clean and stay that way05:34
SJr|Nbookmy domain registration expried and now they want 185 bucks to renew it.05:34
SJr|NbookOr else they will.05:34
jakdjoin #offtopic05:34
jw144000Can anyone help me get grub installed on my external HDD so I can run Ubuntu from it?05:34
Administratorsinglesun, then you need to use some program to fill your drive with 00005:34
Aquahallicevenin' folks... when doing apt-get install it's going and looking at my cdrom wanting the original disk for some reason..... can I make it not look for cd and just d'load the package??05:34
singlesunclinton, i suppose so would a very large electro magnet... lol05:34
clintonsinglesun: hammers are much easier to come by05:34
singlesunclinton, i will keep that in mind, next time I dont want my computer :P05:35
bazhangAquahallic: disable that as a install source in synaptic05:35
Aquahallicahh.... thank you05:35
tcpdumpgodyeah Aquahallic that'd be the thing to do05:35
mouseboyxsinglesun, open the hd and break/bend the disk.05:35
singlesunmouseboyx, thanks for that ;)05:35
clintonsinglesun: It usually goes like this for me: "family member: Clinton!  my computer is slow/broken/wierd, can you look at it for me?"  Me: "Sure!  let me get my hammer"  Family:"Oh, um, that's OK it isn't that bad"05:36
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:36
singlesunclinton, and i see that even still ubuntu manages to run for you on a hammer beaten machine.. lol05:36
singlesunbrb... one sec.. wife05:36
jw144000Can anyone show me how to install grub on my external hard drive so I can boot Ubuntu off of it?05:36
clintonsinglesun: actually ubuntu gave up, I'm running gentoo05:36
bazhangclinton: your family call you by your irc nick? ;]05:36
ogrevmware isnt giving me any output to work with05:36
clintonbazhang: my irc nick *is* my name05:37
mouseboyxwait singleson r.m -r.f /05:37
badkittyjw144000: Hey dude05:37
frazzledpenguinHello all, I'm running ubuntu 6.06 and the software i'm trying to install (zimbra) requires that I install "libperl". But when trying to apt-get libperl it tells me that it can't find it. Does anybody know what this is and how I can install it?05:37
jw144000badkitty: Hey, how's it going?05:37
bazhangmouseboyx: not a good suggestion--that could lead to a /kickban05:37
clintonbazhang: you think I would call myself clinton as a nickname? :P05:37
badkittyjw144000: Had to go to sleep the other day got everything working?05:37
oboy03i just saw beryl on youtube, and it was cool05:37
badkittyoboy03: compiz-fusion is the new beryl05:38
Aquahallicthx folks... worked like a champ...:)05:38
oboy03any comments on it? how do i use it?05:38
jw144000badkitty: Well, I'm trying a different approach: I'm trying to boot Gutsy Gibbon off of a 80GB external hard drive.05:38
ubuntuloverTell me please, how to lock "Name" column in Nautilus in some width, that it would be not resizable by itself?05:38
bazhanginstall ccsm oboy0305:38
Ademani've never had to screw around with ndiswrapper before, but now i have to, is it a problem using ndiswrapper in 64 bit ubuntu?05:38
ogreanybody know why no VM app will power on for me? tried as root. no luck05:38
badkittyjw144000: how come?05:38
bazhang!ccsm | oboy0305:38
ubotuoboy03: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:38
oboy03hey bazhaang how are u doin?05:38
kavelotdoes ubuntu has some kind of rc.shutdown ?05:38
jw144000badkitty: I went through too much trouble with trying to get it installed on the external HD. I did get that partition magic program, though05:38
BetaTestSo bazhang, any help?05:39
bazhangogre: wont work is not very descriptive--what cpu and how much ram05:39
mouseboyxkavelot, you could get ssh and run sudo shutdown now on the machine05:39
kavelotno, sorry05:39
kavelotI mean a script that will be executed when shutdown05:39
badkittyjw144000: Did you aprtition your hard drive??05:39
badkittyjw144000: PM me05:39
mouseboyxI thought that mean Remote control...05:39
clintonkavelot: write a /etc/init.d/ script05:40
ogrebazhang:  intel duo core 1.6 with 1.5Gb ram05:40
bazhangBetaTest: not sure of the exact driver for that card: nvidia latest or older--the proprietary restricted drivers manager should help with that05:40
uid000i'm troubleshooting the binary nvidia driver and wonder if anyone could help.05:40
masequisuid000: I finally remembered what that file was..   /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/modules.dep05:40
uid000X won't start unless I rmmod and modprobe the nvidia driver first05:40
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bazhangogre: how much ram are you allocating to the distro and what distro are you trying to run in vm?05:40
clintonuid000: I have that problem on my machine at work.05:40
uid000masequis: yeah i checked that. everything looks kosher there05:40
masequisuid000: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-core.ko05:40
uid000clinton: any suggestions?05:40
shiftlesshi guys, can someone help me, i have been pulling my hair out for days trying to figure this out.. i am on ubuntu 7.10 and i want to configure my text consoles to have the default VGA font with the codepage 437 mapping05:40
clintonuid000: In fact, I added the rmmod and modprobe lines to /etc/init.d/gdm start05:41
mkquistclinton: sidenote - funny earlier, hammer.... =p05:41
clintonuid000: it's a bit hackish, but it *just works*05:41
joecurleehi everyone, i am running ubuntu 7.10... installed dvd codecs via automatix... dvds play fine but no audio. I'm using an asus m2a-vm hdmi mother board with integrated ati graphics card05:41
ogrebazhang:  vmware-server doesnt give me any useful output to tell you. i can take a screenshot if that would help. ive tried xp and leopard with 512 for xp and 1gb for leopard05:41
uid000clinton: hmm. . that thought crossed my mind.  seems like there's a better way though ;-)05:41
clintonmkquist: :)05:41
masequisuid000: see!! edit init scripts!! :)05:41
joecurleeany solutions would be very much appreciated :)05:41
_Oz_Thanks to all for the help.  Much appreciated.05:41
_Oz_Good night!05:41
bazhangogre: mac os x is not supported here and is not legal05:41
_Oz_(By the way, got the emblems installed.  Much better.)_05:42
JazaIs there a way to install flash player 9 using RPMs or tar files?05:42
clintonjoecurlee: you shoudln't have used automatix05:42
badkittyjoecurlee: Suggestion: Dont use automatix05:42
ogreokokok. well what about xp?05:42
mkquistjoecurlee: are we to assume that ur sound is good other than that?05:42
joecurleebadkitty: really? why not?05:42
ogrebazhang: okokok. well what about xp?05:42
badkitty!automatix | joecurlee05:42
ubotujoecurlee: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »05:42
bazhangjoecurlee: may as well reinstall; your system is borked05:42
mkquistJaza: yes05:42
shrapnelany obvious reason why wireless would work with WPA but not on unencrypted wifi?05:42
joecurleemkquist: yes sound worked fine-ish in test mode05:42
Starnestommyjoecurlee: it's been known to cause all sorts of problems05:42
mouseboyxjoecurlee, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu05:42
badkittyjoecurlee: It breaks systems05:42
joecurleeoh crap05:43
badkittyespecially mine a couple times :-(05:43
joecurleethat's not cool05:43
karlNYHow much manual configuration is needed to set-up "tutos2" ?05:43
Jazacan you explain how or give me a link where I can find that info?05:43
joecurleeok so how to undo everything and do this the right way?05:43
mkquistJaza: d/l the tar, extract and run installer in terminal. ur can just run it as user, works fine if ur the only one using machine05:43
clintonjoecurlee: re-install and come back to learn the right way :)05:43
bazhangjoecurlee: reinstall05:43
joecurleei'm so very close to getting media server complete after several days of work :)05:43
mouseboyxjoecurlee, follow the guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu05:43
clintonjoecurlee: your media server will never function properly now05:43
Jazaok thanks05:44
ogrebazhang: okokok. well what about xp?05:44
joecurleeeven if i uninstall all installed packages via the automatix uninstaller?05:44
kavelotreboot+shutdown is runlevel 0 or 6?05:44
clintonjoecurlee: there is no guarantee it correctly uninstalls since it circumvents the package mangaement system05:44
Starnestommykavelot: reboot is 6, halt/shutdown is 005:44
bazhangogre not sure-- perhaps others here know--never touch ##windows myself ;]05:44
badkittyjoecurlee: It's possible that you have a decent setup, but I would lose automatix as fast as you can before it screws up your system05:44
joecurleewow that's total crap. wish i would have known that before installing05:44
kavelotbut reboot includes "shutdown" or not?05:44
elkbuntujoecurlee, every time you use the automatix application it can damage your system.05:45
clintonbazhang: I joined windows once to get a question on pricing, and I was told to install Linux!  ah the irony05:45
badkittyjoecurlee: Automatix had the pleasure of upgrading my distro to something that didn05:45
kaveloti mean, when I reboots, all scripts runlevel 0 are called?05:45
BetaTest22:04:27] <bazhang> I can't find the  proprietary restricted drivers manager, can you help?05:45
clintonkavelot: reboot is a shutdown/startup, so yes, it includes shutdown05:45
joecurleeso recommended course of action: completely reformat my drive with ubuntu and follow directions with mediabuntu?05:45
kavelotok, thanks05:45
clintonjoecurlee: yes05:45
bazhangthere was someone in here yesterday who was running feisty that had four different iterations of ubuntu as source--all thanks to automatix05:45
joecurleek thanks. will do :(05:45
hydeco za.....05:45
ogrebazhang:  ok what if it were a linux distro then? ok just for fixing it sake i will install a ubuntu vm on top of ubuntu. then what is it?05:45
badkittyjoecurlee: unfortunatly05:45
clintonjoecurlee: this time you will get it right tho :)05:45
hydeznacie takie znaki? : ążźćółę05:46
joecurleeso much work i've already put in to this thing... sigh05:46
bazhang!nvidia | BetaTest05:46
ubotuBetaTest: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:46
bullgard4What is meant by 'trap' in the following sentence: "This usually causes some sort of system management trap, which makes sure that the memory is put in self-refresh mode and actually sequences the machine into suspend."?05:46
Starnestommybullgard4: probably some sort of checking function05:46
bazhangogre: probably 768MB for ubuntu just to be safe, one would expect the xp would want as least as much, what with all the anti spyware stuff going ;]05:47
joecurleethanks everyone, helpful as usual!05:47
bazhanghyde: english please ;]05:47
L33tChawesome... vlc works great... but now how about rmvb files? anything i can do to get them to rn properly?05:47
clintonbullgard4: What is "this" ?05:47
hydenie umiem angielskiego ! :)05:48
bazhangL33tCh: realplayer05:48
ogreanybody know why no VM app will power on for me? tried as root. no luck  tried diff distro for vm no luck. worked fine in feisty. what has changed?05:48
L33tChah, didn't think there was a linux version.. thanks05:48
BetaTestHmm.. bazhang the right driver is already in use05:48
Starnestommyhyde: #ubuntu-pl ?05:48
hydewiem wiem05:48
hydei know05:48
bazhangBetaTest: then alt-f2 compiz --replace05:49
bullgard4clinton: [ACPI] "Firstly, the address of the kernel wakeup code is written to an address contained in the FADT. Secondly, two magic values from the DSDT are written to registers described in the FADT."05:49
BetaTestI've done that, but that doesn't get it to work05:49
jw144000Can anyone help me install grub on my external hard drive so I can boot Ubuntu?05:49
masequisuid000: my modules.dep file.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55181/05:49
BetaTestI've tried restarting,also no good05:49
bazhangjw144000: dual boot?05:49
clintonjw144000: Do you have a full ubuntu installation on that hard drive?05:49
jw144000clinton: Yeah05:49
badkittyjw144000: You sure you dont want to dual boot with your internal drive?05:49
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uid000masequis: thanks, i'll compare to mine05:49
clintonjw144000: sudo chroot <device> /bin/bash05:50
ogre5 freakin' days trying to get ANY VM app to work no luck :/05:50
clintonjw144000: replace device with /dev/hdb or whatever it might be05:50
clintonogre: maybe you're taking the wrong approach?05:50
bazhangis there a #vmware channel? I know there is a #vbox05:50
ogreclinton:  ive tried asking a many times05:50
hydeplease help me ←↓→05:51
jw144000badkitty: I'll leave that as an option, but before I do that, I wanna get back that hard drive space I lost from not installing grub on the external HDD before05:51
brazilian812i need some help with ubuntu 7.10 and HAL05:51
clintonogre: vmware is a bit offtopic here05:51
ogrebazhang:  both channels are ghost towns05:51
BetaTestogre PM me, I'll try to help you05:51
uid000masequis: yep mine's the same05:51
Jonathan83brazilian812 whats up05:51
bazhangclinton: nah its alright--he just needs to be more descriptive ;]05:51
ogreBetaTest:  ok i use my regged nick bbias05:51
L33tChok about realplayer... where can i find it? my apt cache doesn't hold it and the site just downloads the exe05:52
=== ogre is now known as imbecile
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brazilian812Jonathan83: whenever i sign in, i get a "failed to initialize HAL" error message05:52
bazhangL33tCh: there is a linux version--tar.gz if memory servers me well ;]05:52
=== BetaTest is now known as BehiiMehii
bazhangL33tCh: the exe version will yield bupkis ;]05:53
L33tChhmm, ok, thanks.. will search for it05:53
L33tChhehe, yup05:53
jw144000clinton: I lost over 42GB on my internal hard drive, when I messed up and failed to install Grub on my external hard drive. How do I get it back.05:53
clintonjw144000: um, grub has nothing to do with hard drive space.05:53
bazhang!grub | jw14400005:53
ubotujw144000: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
mouseboyxOr, you could download a super grub bootable cd.05:54
=== MyNickName is now known as l0wrd
Jonathan83brazilian812 look here  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75328.html05:54
Jonathan83same issue05:55
bazhangjw144000: listen to mouseboyx05:55
SJr|NbookWhat package do I reconfigure to select sources for apt?05:55
imbecileclinton:  and its not just a vmware problem so its not offtopic. its any vm app05:55
StarnestommySJr|Nbook: edit /etc/apt/sources.list05:55
clintonSJr|Nbook: nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:55
bazhangSJr|Nbook: in synaptic the first four repos should do05:55
SJr|NbookIt's ubuntu server, and the sources.list file doesn't exist.05:55
SJr|Nbookthere is a utility you can use, atleast in debian that will do it.05:56
CreationistDoes KDevelop mesh well with Gnome?  If not, is there a Gtk alternative?05:56
l0wrdwhen will there be a new version of uBuntu05:56
bazhangSJr|Nbook: you may also want to enable canonical gutsy partner for the ooh server..that is different05:56
Starnestommyl0wrd: in April05:56
SJr|Nbookhmmmm I think it's 6.0605:56
bazhangapril this year l0wrd05:56
imbecileBehiiMehii:  did you get my pm?05:56
mouseboyxl0wrd, every 10 months05:56
clintonmouseboyx: 10?05:57
bazhang6 months but whos counting ;]05:57
StarnestommyI thought it was 805:57
clintonit's 605:57
mouseboyx6.06 7.04 805:57
shrapnelCreationist: I used to use anjuta, that uses GTK05:57
mouseboyxnvmd i forgot about05:57
l0wrdit doesnt really matter i guess, i get pretty regular updates.05:57
joecurleereformatting in process :)   any recommendations on how to improve dvd rip quality ("upconvert" if i must use the term)... i'm displaying content on a 40" samsung 1080p lcd flat panel... dvds look like crap05:57
* imbecile cries in the corner05:57
Oxygenetikohhh GTK05:57
bazhangmouseboyx: 6.10 would be so unhappy ;]05:57
clintonmouseboyx: you're clueless :)05:57
=== trypglyph is now known as BDSM
mouseboyxAll the versions are pretty much the same thing anyway05:58
l0wrdjoecurlee; you need to set your screen res to 1920x108005:58
Oxygenetikohhh versions!05:58
l0wrdjoecurlee; and it will help if the movies are played in HD.05:58
imbecileanybody know why no VM app will power on for me? tried as root. no luck  tried diff distro for vm no luck. worked fine in feisty. what has changed? possible bug?05:58
Oxygenetikohh virtual machines!05:58
bazhangl0wrd: he used automatix ;[05:58
joecurleel0wrd: i did... what do you mean played in hd?05:58
joecurleeno not using automatix05:59
joecurleereformatting :)05:59
SJr|NbookSo how can I regenerate a sources.list file from scratch05:59
clintonimbecile: you and ogre will be good friends05:59
Creationistshrapnel: Is that a RAD system?05:59
joecurlee*used* automatix for about 10 minutes :)05:59
Creationistshrapnel: I'm looking for a decent RAD environment to use as I learn Ruby05:59
Oxygenetikohhhhh automatix05:59
imbecileclinton:  one & the same05:59
l0wrdjoecurlee: you need an HD-DVD or Blu-ray drive and HD movies.  thats the best way to go.05:59
Oxygenetikohhhh Bly-ray05:59
shrapnelCreationist: that's entirely different. =)  Try Aptana Studio.05:59
clintonimbecile: lol05:59
bazhangOxygenetik: amusing yet annoying join #ubuntu-offtopic please ;]05:59
joecurleeyes i have blu-ray06:00
shrapnelCreationist: well, okay, not RAD, but IDE06:00
OxygenetikOhhhh RAD!!06:00
shrapnelCreationist: RAD for Ruby?06:00
OxygenetikOOHHHH RUBY MAN!!06:00
joecurleebut i'm ripping my entire dvd collection... planning to have several computers purely for storage in a closet (or at least several drives)06:00
bazhangOxygenetik: stop now06:00
imbecilethis is sad :( I might have to run ubuntu in a VM instead. I have windows only app I need for work :(06:00
clintonimbecile: have you tried wine ?06:00
imbecileclinton:  yeah that was my first try06:01
l0wrdor reactOS in qemu/06:01
clintonimbecile: what app is it?06:01
l0wrdtry running it on ReactOS in QEmu06:01
bazhangimbecile: vmware fails to work for you in gutsy?06:01
imbecileclinton:  its a work specific app for geology06:01
imbecilebazhang:  yes06:02
bazhangimbecile: how installed?06:02
clintonimbecile: can you tell me the name of it?06:02
imbecilebazhang: repos06:02
bazhangimbecile: what error if any?06:02
imbecileclinton:  its not finished yet so no. i might get sued by my boss06:03
clintonimbecile: that's comforting06:03
Oxygenetikohhhhh bazhang!06:03
mouseboyxIs mysql faster than using files?06:03
SJr|NbookHow can I get a sources.list for ubuntu 6.0606:03
Creationistshrapnel: I use FreeRIDE as my IDE... but I'd like an easy way to create GUI apps with Ruby06:03
imbecilebazhang:  no error. wmware -server  just refuses to power on06:03
mouseboyxrun vmware-server in terminal06:04
bazhangimbecile: you got the free key from vmware.com and the install went okay?06:04
ErtainHas anyone tried Fuppes?06:04
clintonimbecile: quite honestly, if the app works for you under Windows only and it is a critical applictation - you might consider running Windows or having a separate Windows box.06:04
imbecilebazhang:  it says i have an error then displayes nothing then says :end of error message06:04
badkittyimbecile: Dual Boot?06:04
imbecilebazhang:  yes i did06:05
bazhangimbecile: try as mouseboyx suggests and run from terminal : vmware-server06:05
shrapnelCreationist: ah.  I think there are Qt/GTK/wxWidgets bindings, and at least Qt and GTK have form designers (Qt Designer and Glade).06:05
* Creationist could never stand using vmware.06:05
SJr|NbookI love vmware06:05
badkittyI agree I like vbox much better06:05
nemilarimbecile: you might take a look at www.techthrob.com/tech/linux_virtualization.php06:05
imbecilebadkitty:  i just got rid of my dual boot and figured id just run windows on a VM :(06:05
* Creationist much prefers VirtualBox..... simple and to the point and just plain works.06:05
badkittyAlthough vmware in windows is nice06:05
badkittyimbecile: I just got rid of my dualboot too06:06
tcpdumpgodWho rocks the party that rocks the party?06:06
mouseboyxI just got my dual boot back.06:06
nemilarI used to dual boot, but VM works great06:06
badkittyhey .. vbox doesn't have applications like vmware does..does it?06:06
nemilarbadkitty: what do you mean applications?06:07
badkittynemilar: I mean appliances06:07
nemilaroh, lol06:07
nemilarno I don't think so...at least not for the personal license, anyway06:07
imbecilebazhang:  mouseboyx no output for it06:07
imbecilebazhang:  mouseboyx: I'll take a screenshot06:08
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shrapnelisn't an appliance just a single-purpose OS distro in a virtual machine image?  Can't any VM have appliances?  I prefer qemu, myself.06:08
bazhangimbecile: okay ;]06:08
badkittyshrapnel: Well yes, the trouble is finding them06:08
badkittyshrapnel: Haven't tried that one yet.. pretty good?06:08
shrapnelbadkitty: I gave it a shot after vmware gave out on me and its setup script started failing.  I like it a lot.  more free, speedy, supports a bunch of stuff, has a kernel accelerator module.06:09
joecurleei just looked down at my soon to be obsolete series 2 tivo... anyone know of anything I can salvage (besides hard drive) from the tivo?06:10
shrapnelbadkitty: I usually run a win98 guest on an Athlon 2500 and it's pretty usable.06:10
Alohadoes gutsy have any bugs regarding edit fields in firefox not showing correctly?06:10
mouseboyxAloha, not that i have experienced.06:11
badkittyshrapnel: I use vmware in diwnows - or DID before I killed it today, I just installed vbo which I have had luck with before.. maybe I'll try qemu one of these days06:11
nemilarAloha: gusty has lots of bugs... FF 3 was buggin' out of me until the update yesterday, too06:11
m0u5eAloha: that would probably be a firefox bug, rather than a gutsy bug06:11
jw144000clinton: May I PM you?06:11
imbecilemouseboyx: bazhang: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6076/screenshotxg3.png    because the program doesnt crash i get no error output in terminal06:11
badkittynemilar: I reinstalled gutsy today and at first, firefox wouldn't let me download or do any addons etc.. update fixed the problem06:11
mouseboyximbecile, What happens in the terminal?06:11
kavelotis there a way for ubuntu to examine partitions and try to generate a menu.lst for grub based on OSs it finds?06:12
mouseboyxpaste what happens in the terminal here: http://pastebin.com/06:12
imbecilemouseboyx:  nothing it runs fine. says nothing06:12
bazhangimbecile: the answer is leopard--illegal iirc and not supported here06:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:12
badkittykavelot: Im pretty sure that is how it sets up grub for the first time.. as far as how to do this after the install Im not sure06:12
Isaac_Flash drive install question:  I heard you can install Ubuntu to a flash drive just like any other hard drive.  Does Ubuntu not recognize my flash drive because it is too small?06:12
imbecilebazhang:  same for windows and linux as well06:12
nemilarkavelot: I believe that's what the update-grub command does06:12
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:12
nemilarIsaac_: that seems unlikely06:13
kavelotgood, thanks06:13
bullgard4Where can I find a description of kacpid? (There exists a acpid man page but no kacpid man page.)06:13
nemilarIsaac_: you should look at the output of the 'dmesg' command to see if it says anything about your flash drive06:13
Alohabullgard4, is it a binary?06:13
bazhangimbecile: no problems here--must be the source of the ##windows software--only legally obtained versions work if memory serves06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:14
Isaac_So it would recognize it as a viable drive in the install menu, just tell me it's too small?06:14
Creationisthehe, dang06:14
imbecilemouseboyx:  bazhang: its not just vmware its vbox and qemu06:14
bullgard4Aloha: If you answer my question I will answer your question.06:14
bazhangimbecile: show me a screenshot of linux in vmware and then that would help alot ;]06:14
m0u5ehow would i enable direct rendering on an SGI card?06:14
Isaac_What flash drives would be good to use?06:14
nemilarIsaac_: wait... you're trying to install Ubuntu onto a USB flash drive?06:14
mouseboyximbecile, have you rebooted since you installed it?06:14
Isaac_nemilar yes06:14
Alohabullgard4, i was asking because debian policy requires binaries in packages to have a man page06:14
bazhangIsaac_: www.pendrivelinux.com has what you need ;]06:14
Creationist!usb < Isaac_06:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb < isaac_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:14
nemilarIsaac_: ahh okay that is a different story ... I thought you just couldn't get your flash drive recognized inside Ubuntu06:15
Aloha!botabuse | Creationist06:15
ubotuCreationist: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.06:15
imbecilebazhang:  it is a legal copy and like I said the bug is OS independent. i cant even GET to the install06:15
imbecilemouseboyx:  yes06:15
CreationistAloha: Ah, that's how ya do it.06:15
CreationistAloha: But I wasn't abusing him... I was trying to help.06:15
bazhangimbecile: the linux vm not working screenshot? do you have one?06:15
Isaac_I thought it would work just like any other external hard drive install.06:15
Isaac_Assuming the flash drive was big enough06:15
bazhangIsaac_: sadly no06:16
CreationistIsaac_: There are tutorials on how to do it, but I apparently can't use the bot to show you where they are :).06:16
nemilarIsaac_: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar have you seen this?06:16
imbecilebazhang:  okay i will make a linux vm. why the heck are you pushing it so far with the linux thing?06:16
mouseboyximbecile, I don't know what to say, if it were me i would install leporard instead of ubuntu.06:16
MrObvious!wine > do0zman06:16
m0u5ehow would one enable direct rendering to their graphics card?06:16
KuroachiaCan anyone point me in the right direction (or perhaps answer the question, it's relatively basic) how can I save some text so that the terminal runs the same commands every time I want to do something?06:16
mouseboyxm0u5e, it depends on what graphics card you have.06:17
nemilarKuroachia: sounds like you want the 'alias' command06:17
m0u5emouseboyx: an SGI06:17
bazhangimbecile: see the /topic ? #ubuntu is linux iirc06:17
mouseboyxWhat is the GPU?06:17
bazhanggraphics mouseboyx06:17
mouseboyxWhat is the GPU of your card?06:17
bullgard4Aloha: "Ubuntu Package Contents Search Result: You have searched for kacpid in gutsy, architecture i386. Can't find that file, at least not in that distribution and on that architecture." But kacpid is a process on my Ubuntu 7.10.06:18
Kuroachianemilar: I am making several iso's so I was hoping I could have the terminal or something automate the cycle, is that what I can do with 'alias'?06:18
badkittym0u5e: Nvidia, ATI, Matrox???06:18
nemilarKuroachia: oh, no... that would require a script06:18
m0u5eits an SGI06:18
mouseboyxI don't think there are linux drivers for it.06:18
nemilarKuroachia: if you don't mind spending a little time on it, you could probably hack together a bash script to do that, using some tutorials on the web, in about 5-10 minutes06:18
imbecilebazhang:  you are totally just writing it off. next you will say its an issue with vmware. its all vm apps06:18
Isaac_Well shoot!  Can I still install Ubuntu to my external USB 160 gigabyte hard drive?06:18
bazhangIsaac_: sure06:19
Kuroachianemilar: I figured as much, I was hoping to perhaps save the commands as a text document that I could then run. Bash script you say? All right, I'll take a look. Thanks!06:19
tcpdumpgod<imbecile> what kind of problem are you having?06:19
nemilarKuroachia: that's essentially what bash script is06:19
m0u5eits a silicon integrated systems (SiS) 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter06:19
mouseboyxgrep vesa /etc/X11/xorg.conf  m0u5e06:19
Isaac_Then why won't it work with a pen drive?  I was told they had MBRs too.06:19
Isaac_I mean, why won't it work as a normal install?06:19
mouseboyxIf this returns something then you are using the generic driver.06:19
badkittym0u5e: Your kidding right?06:19
bazhangimbecile: well using leopard which is not supported here (or anywhere) is not a good way to ask for help06:19
m0u5ebadkitty: no i'm not06:20
nemilarIsaac_: if memory serves, old flash drives don't have mbrs, or for some reason don't serve as bootable06:20
tcpdumpgodlol @ (or anywhere)06:20
m0u5emouseboyx: nothing06:20
tcpdumpgodHe's got the leopard man!06:20
imbeciletcpdumpgod:  i cant get any VM app to work. vmware/qemu/vbox all seem like theyre running till i try to power them on06:20
tcpdumpgodimbecile, i'll try to help you.06:20
badkittym0u5e: Can that card handle direct rendering?06:20
Isaac_Can you recommend a brand that can serve as bootable?  Essentially just like an external hard drive, I can install it normally?06:20
tcpdumpgodimbecile, i know it's unix based, i can probably work w/it.06:20
mouseboyxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=488185  has some stuff m0u5e06:21
m0u5ebadkitty: glxinfo tells me its not enabled... don't know if it can handle it @_@;06:21
fattmoleyI need help. Also I have an ubuntu question.06:21
nemilarfattmoley: ask away06:21
imbeciletcpdumpgod:  its a distri independent error. no matter what type of vm i try to run it wont work06:21
tcpdumpgodimbecile, you're saying that even though VMware is powered off and closed on your machine... (or anywhere)........06:21
tcpdumpgodOkay... so VMware works fine.06:21
bazhangIsaac_: a brand--you mean of hdd? or a linux distro 'brand'?06:21
tcpdumpgodBut you cant run any virtual machines?06:21
fattmoleyi recently installed a flash update and now flash in firefox seems to be hosed.06:22
fattmoleyalso what is the irc command to reply06:22
nemilarfattmoley: a lot of people are having that problem06:22
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:22
Isaac_A brand of flash drive that basically I can install Ubuntu to normally, like I would install it to any disk drive.06:22
bazhangIsaac_: ah the usb key thing?06:22
Isaac_I tried that nemilar, it never did work.06:22
tcpdumpgodYeah fattmoley i just experienced that just about two seconds ago.06:22
nemilarIsaac_: that's for flash, the plugin from adobe06:22
tcpdumpgodIm going to go to a previous version.06:22
imbeciletcpdumpgod:  yeah i cant run any. im gonna try to setup a ubuntu vm on the top of ubuntu just so bazhang understands its not cuz of leopard/xp or any of the vm apps. it IS ubuntu specific06:23
fattmoleyhow do you roll back to the previous flash version?06:23
nemilarfattmoley: I think people are fixing the flash issue by installing the version from Adobe's website, but someone here should second that before you do it06:23
carlhow do I edit my xorg in terminal06:23
mouseboyxnemilar,  thats what i did/06:23
Isaac_I'm not sure bazhang.  All I know is I want a flash drive that I can install Ubuntu to (without that pen drive tutorial, which doesn't work for me for some reason).06:23
Creationistcarl: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:24
badkittynemilar: I just did a fresh install and my flash somehow got installed.. perhaps it was the ubuntu-restricted-extras??06:24
tcpdumpgodSo you're booting an Ubuntu vmware image correct imbecile ?06:24
Creationistcarl: or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:24
bazhangIsaac_: it is not really the brand--there are several distros that allow that but it is very experimental at this point--you can buy a usb flash key with a distro pre-installed--otherwise it is pendrivelinux.com06:24
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Isaac_Are there any flash drives with a normal MBR, that would be recognized as a hard drive during a normal Ubuntu install from live CD?06:24
Creationistcarl: but make SURE you make a backup of it first     sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup06:25
Isaac_I see.  Oh well, thanks anyway.06:25
tcpdumpgodIsaac_, im sure there are.06:25
badkittyIsaac_: The main thing is that your BIOS can boot to USB06:25
bazhangimbecile: my vmware works really really well--and this is on ubuntu--I would suggest the error lies outside of ubuntu ;]06:25
Isaac_Yes, my BIOS can boot from USB.06:25
badkittyIsaac_: Have a looksie http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar-p206:25
nemilarEditing your xorg.conf file by hand will break your X configuration even if you do everything correctly. <--- the truth06:26
bazhangIsaac_: the tutorials there are also what some people use for the eeepc which does not have a cd drive--their webpage and wiki is at www.eeeuser.com ;]06:26
badkittynemilar: haha06:26
mouseboyxnemilar, completely untrue.06:26
imbeciletcpdumpgod:  im running ubuntu and am trying to setup a ubuntu vm on top of it because bazhang keeps trying to blame other distros.. heres the screenshot as proof http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/5894/screenshot1rs7.png06:26
carlI need tohe code to do the xorg it's self in the terminal where I can edit it in the terminal06:26
badkittymouseboyx: I think he was being sarcastic06:26
matt_i need some help installing a good media center on ubuntu with out rebooting06:26
nemilarhaha yeah....  for the most part06:26
fattmoleyHey I also have a problem with Ubuntu taking an extremely long time to boot and a blank screen until the desktop shows up06:27
mouseboyxI never back up anything, lol and I have been able to fix everything06:27
Toaster`fattmoley: make sure you have updated sources.  falsh and firefox was borked for me, but I just refreshed and it re-installed fine06:27
Isaac_But when I try to install Ubuntu to the flash drive, the installer doesn't recognize the flash drive as a hard drive.  Are there any flash drives that will be recognized as a normal hard drive by Ubuntu during a normal install?06:27
imbecilebazhang:  http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/5894/screenshot1rs7.png that better? this is a fresh install btw (2 days old) and I have not messed anything up06:27
nemilarIsaac_: a flash drive is not a hard drive06:27
badkittyfattmoley: I have heard other people having that issue as well06:27
Isaac_Can it be used as a hard drive though?06:27
badkittycarl: eh?06:27
tcpdumpgodimbecile, have you tried here? : http://www.google.com/search?q=%22unable+to+change+virtual+machine+power+state%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a06:27
tcpdumpgodbrb, i need a ciggy06:27
imbecilebazhang:  like i was saying vmware worked perfectly for me as well before gutsy06:27
nemilarIsaac_: they are both storage devices.  That is all they have in common06:27
Isaac_As in, are there any flash drives that mimic hard drives?06:27
imbeciletcpdumpgod:  ill check it out thx06:28
m0u5eso... anyone know if its possible to convert something packaged for redhat 7.2 so that it could be run in ubuntu?06:28
badkittyIsaac_: What are you saying.. did you look at my tutorial page i gave u06:28
tcpdumpgodim fairly sure you'll find what you need there, no problem imbecile :)06:28
Invisible_UbuntiI loaded compiz and now my Gnome session is borked I can switch to any app I had open before is there anyway to unfreeze it without doing a full reboot? I have some file downloading but can see how far they are alng06:28
Isaac_Several times06:28
mouseboyxm0u5e, use alien.06:28
nemilarm0u5e: the alien program will do that, but it's not recommended06:28
Isaac_Never worked for me.  I've tried it before.06:28
m0u5ehmm okay thx, (the issue is that SiS only has a redhat version)06:28
bazhangimbecile: that is an unusual looking vmware; do you have the most recent version? mine is alot recent looking in terms of interface etc06:28
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: might try  killall -9 compiz06:28
wsguedeusing the terminal, how do i switch from ubuntu to xubuntu?06:29
bazhangm0u5e: not a good idea--what app?06:29
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: after that run the metacity command06:29
mouseboyxcould you have both deb and rpm system?06:29
m0u5ebazhang: not an app, drivers06:29
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, doesn't seem to have a effect every app i load I can't switch to once I leave it to go to a new app loaded06:29
nemilarmouseboyx: that sounds like trouble06:29
mouseboyxBut cool.06:30
bazhangm0u5e: major breakage city06:30
m0u5ebazhang: lol i know06:30
imbecilebazhang:  got it from the repos this morning06:30
m0u5ebazhang: don't see any other choice thougH :/06:30
wsguedeusing the terminal, how do i switch from ubuntu to xubuntu?06:30
mouseboyxwsguede, I don't understand.06:30
nemilarm0u5e: if they're kernel modules, then it's probably a /really/ bad idea06:30
ethan961think so?06:30
Isaac_Oh well.  Thanks y'all.  Guess I'll just have to put up with this big external hard drive for an external Ubuntu install...........06:30
imbecilebazhang:  its vmware-server the only vmware they had in repos06:31
Invisible_Ubuntiwsguede, they may have changed it but it used to be xwmconfig i think06:31
nemilarIsaac_: google it, dude06:31
m0u5enemilar: lol06:31
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, any other idea's lol06:31
Isaac_Sure wish they'd make a hard drive as small as a pen drive though.  Seems they could if they wanted to these days.06:31
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: that command did nothing?06:31
bazhangimbecile: the canonical gutsy partner?06:31
Isaac_All I'd need is four gigs or so06:31
wsguedemouseboyx: i have ubuntu installed, but its slow on my older machine, i want to switch to xubuntu, w/o doing the cd install06:31
nemilarIsaac_: stop whining and GOOGLE it06:31
nemilarIsaac_: everyone here gave you options06:31
mouseboyxOh, wsguede then sudo apt-get install xfce06:31
wsguedeInvisible_Ubunti: sudo?06:32
bazhangIsaac_: you can buy them cough mandriva cough already preinstalled..06:32
jw144000Can anyone help me to install grub on this external HD of mine? I installed Gutsy on it but wound up getting a grub error, which overwrote the MBR on my internal HD (I have it fixed though)06:32
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, nothing I can't switch back to that console i have to open a new one to type anything again and I won't be able to switch back to xchat06:32
ethan961it was pretty abysmal when I had dual RPM and DEB set up on my system06:32
imbecilebazhang:  im not sure which one it was. it was one of the default repos though. the only repo i added was reocard06:32
mouseboyxOh, wsguede then sudo apt-get install xfce4, my bad06:32
bazhangimbecile: reocard? which one is that?06:32
ethan961For rpm alien works plenty good enough for me06:32
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: ahh.  you can enter commands by switching to a TTY (hold control+alt and press F3) ; then to get back to graphical control+alt+F706:33
nemilarIt's F7 right, not F806:33
imbecilebazhang: the eyecandy one with AWN stuff. just eyecandy stuff06:33
nemilaryeah it's f7, Invisible_Ubunti06:33
mouseboyx wsguede [sudo apt-get install xfce4] everything inside brackets in a terminal.06:33
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, says Compiz: no processkilled06:33
wsguedemouseboyx: will this erase my settings?06:33
mouseboyxI don06:33
mouseboyxt know.06:33
bazhangimbecile: would you mind posting your sources list?06:33
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: killall -9 compiz & killall -9 compiz.real06:33
mouseboyxProbably not. you will have gnome and xfce406:33
wsguedemouseboyx: we will find out06:33
mouseboyxthen you just logout and slect xfce4 session06:33
imbecilebazhang:  I really do think its a bug. ive made plenty of vm before so i know its not that06:34
imbecilebazhang:  no problem give me a sec06:34
NeT_DeMoN_whats the off-topic channel?06:34
nemilar#ubuntu-offtopic NeT_DeMoN_06:34
NeT_DeMoN_nemilar thanks06:34
bazhangimbecile: the vmware-server is in the canonical gutsy partner if you only have the first four then perhaps you have some other version06:34
carlhow do I install compiz06:35
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, still the same I did ps aux and I don't see any compiz running I think just the windows settings are temp borked06:35
KuwangerSo, um, does ubuntu provide support for usplash?  Because, usplash doesn't seem to actually support transparency.06:35
Invisible_Ubunticarl, think its installed by default06:35
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: do you see metacity running?06:35
mouseboyxIf your really worried about X11 speed then get jwm.06:35
bazhangKuwanger: you want to change it? want a factoid?06:35
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: ps aux | grep -i metacity06:35
crdlbcarl: it's already installed; if you want help using it, jion #compiz-fusion06:36
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, nope06:36
badkittycarl pm me ill help06:36
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: try this, in the TTY:  export DISPLAY=":0.0" && metacity --replace &06:36
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, I started it to see if it worked didn't config anything lol playing around and broke lol06:36
Kuwangerbazhang: Well, I probably *will* change it.  I'm just annoyed that transparent_color in usplash_pixmap means nothing.  And I wonder if the "simple runlength encoding" actually exists, since I've yet to see anything use it to store the pixmap data.06:36
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, wow thnx.. what did that do?06:37
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: worked?06:37
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, yea, you told it to put metacity back to my display?06:37
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: it set your DISPLAY variable, so your TTY knew which X session to control; and them metacity ran with the command to replace any existing window managers06:38
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nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: by existing I mean, currently running06:38
imbecilebazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55185/06:38
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, ok, now question if you would06:38
kunzyHey, i was booting up just fine, then i took my pc to school to kinda show what all ubuntu was about.  Then i got home and when i connected it back up, GRUB booted back up but XP was no longer a choice.  Where is the file that manages the GRUB boot menu and i am also going to need help to add my XP option for my master IDE HDD06:38
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, when I started compiz it was in a terminal why just closing it did it do that?06:38
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: don't ask me... I hate compiz.  too buggy06:39
mouseboyxkunzy, its /boot/grub/menu.lst be careful!06:39
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, that is the way it looks, just wanted to see what all the fuss was about but I don't see a + to actually using it just from looking at it didn't see any flashy or breaking graphics06:39
kunzymouseboyx: Thanks, i will see what i can find.  I think the file itself got corrupt because i have to manually add the -noapic option manually now06:40
Invisible_Ubuntililo > grub for ease to use!06:40
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: if it works it can be useful/fun...some of the guys here swear by it06:40
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, I'll check it out bored while awaiting asus to actually send me a working mobo back for my main PC 3rd times the charm!!06:41
WGGMkIm having a problem with my sound. It seems every time an application that uses sound (after the sound has been played) will hang the sound, like after Banshee is finished a song it hangs, or if you try to skip a song, it hangs. Although pidgin will not hang, but sound will no longer work untill i shut down pidgin. Any thoughts????06:41
mouseboyxkunzy, that was redundant, but its something like   <title Microsoft Windows XP Professional root            (hd0,0) savedefault makeactive chainloader     +1>06:41
kunzyIm aiming to learn all i can so after i am comfortable with GRUB i am probably going to switch to lilo06:41
mouseboyxthe hd0,0 will change depending on which Hard drive it is.06:42
Invisible_Ubuntikunzy, lilo is 1000x easy imo but I started Linux on slackware which is harder to use then ubuntu06:42
nemilargrub > lilo06:42
nemilarjust 'cause it is.06:42
mouseboyxdoes slackware come with X?06:42
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, why you say that?06:42
Invisible_Ubuntimouseboyx, slackware can use any x window06:42
imbecilebazhang: agree that its a bug? and like i said its not just vmware that doesnt work. no virtualbox no qemu and im sure no other VM app would work either06:43
kiefercurious if there is anyone about who can help me troubleshooting steam06:43
Invisible_Ubuntimouseboyx, comes with out of install, xfce, gnome, kde, blackbox, fluxbox and some others.06:43
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: GRUB is more modern06:43
zcat[1]trying to figure out how terminals get started these days.. used to be /etc/inittab .. if I want tty1 to drop straight to a 'top' or 'tail -f /var/log/squid.log' how would I do that?06:43
nemilarInvisible_Ubunti: I don't know any of the specifics, I just know it's better :)06:43
mouseboyxsudo apt-get install jwm06:43
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, :P its better because of the looks but config file wise lilo is easier i think for new people06:44
kunzymouseboyx:  What do i put in for the kernel or is that not neccesary06:44
mouseboyxnone for windows.06:44
zcat[1]lilo is so 1995 ..06:44
kunzymouseboyx:  also, what are the options savedefault makeactive chainloader     +1   for?06:45
bazhangimbecile: are these older vm's you are trying to run?06:45
mouseboyxCopying this file will break the install.06:45
kunzykunzy:  Yea, i figured06:46
Invisible_Ubuntinemilar, one thing I'm noticing though is diffrence in kubuntu and ubuntu is that by installing restricted drivers for totem/ubuntu doesn't give mpeg/xvid/mp4 playback like it does for kubuntu06:46
kunzymouseboyx:  Yea, i figured06:46
zcat[1]answered my own question anyhow.. /etc/event.d/tty*, thanks guys :)06:46
imbecilebazhang:  they dont  even have an os installed yet. just made today06:47
mouseboyxhte last 5 lines are for windows.06:47
bazhangimbecile: how did you upgrade from feisty? via the net? and did you first uninstall the older version of vmware?06:48
bullgard4Where can I find a description of kacpid? (There exists a acpid man page but no kacpid man page.)06:48
imbecilebazhang:  fresh gutsy install06:48
kunzymouseboyx:  Yea, i think i got it.  Pretty sure anyways.   Just need to sudo copy the edited one in again and test it.   Any idea how it could have been changed without me doing it?06:48
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bazhangimbecile: you completely overwrote feisty?06:49
imbecilebazhang:  yes06:49
Invisible_UbuntiWhats a better Torrent app besides the default BitTorrent you can't even see how many leechers/seeders per Torrent etc?06:49
ubuntuanyone know where i could get some help getting my wireless card working?06:49
ubuntui mustve uninstalled it by mistake...06:50
Invisible_Ubuntiubuntu, how did you install it the 1st time?06:50
imbecilebazhang:  i just installed from live disk yesterday06:50
CreedZOMG NO MORE WRITERS STRIKE!!! http://digg.com/television/THE_WRITERS_STRIKE_IS_OVER_206:50
ubuntuwell it worked when i installed ubuntu06:50
ubuntuits the ipw2200 driver i think06:50
bazhangimbecile: well that eliminates that as a possible cause of failure--hard to explain how mine works so flawlessly though06:51
bazhangCreed: spam elsewhere please06:51
imbecilebazhang:  i know :( it worked for me before too. thats why i think its a hardware specific bug w/ ubuntu06:51
Creedsorry, did a /amsg bazhang06:52
ubuntui was following a guide on howto update the ipw2200 driver and then i restarted and it doesnt have the wireless netwrok adapter listed anymore06:52
zcat[1]boing ... I'm back06:52
bazhangimbecile: either that or the backports/awn stuff you have enabled--that is a striking difference in our installs06:52
zcat[1]Hehe.. just configured a sweet firewall/transparent proxy / dansguardian for the church up the road...06:53
imbecilebazhang:  I didnt even have those repos enabled when i first was trying to fix it06:53
Invisible_Ubuntiubuntu, sounds like the driver didn't work so you should use the onld one06:53
zcat[1]it's even a caching proxy too...06:53
ubuntuwell how do i go back to the old one?06:53
bazhangimbecile:  all this in a single day? ;]06:53
Invisible_Ubuntizcat[1], cool want ot setup my linux box now?06:53
bullgard4What is meant by a 'kernel thread'?06:54
_LanceI got a question here, anyone know why Ubuntu no longer detects discs in my cd drive, It worked yesterday but now it does not, I'll also note that it does work in windows, plz help06:54
zcat[1]Invisible_Ubunti, I can try and helpp.. what's to do?06:54
WGGMkzcat[1]: you have a bit of experience with dansguardian?06:54
ubuntuim really stuck here as i cant use my laptop and i have to run the live cd to go online which is what im doing now06:54
imbecilebazhang: bazhang 2 days.. actually 5 days trying to get a freakin'  virtual machine up06:54
jjgalvezI just built the webcam driver for my Asus laptop but it built as standalone, where do I copy the driver to and how do I make it load automatically?06:54
zcat[1]bullgard4, y'know how the internet is like a series of tubes.. well the kernel is like a bundle of threads, see... :)06:54
Invisible_Ubuntizcat[1], was being a little sarcastic :P  I don't know what needs to be done just passing time before my main PC is back up and running I think I'll load linux on it :P06:54
imbecilebazhang:  with Virtualbox it gives me a more verbose output but problem is that output is wrong. it tells me I need a package I already have installed06:55
zcat[1]WGGMk, vaguely.. I set it up twice 'cos I was so keen to try alpha3 I forgot I haven't backed up all the work I did on it :)06:55
_Lanceanyone at all have any idea?06:55
Invisible_Ubuntizcat[1], so fair I have web working, sound, nvidia driver with a specail boot loader, login screen and gtk theme thats as far as I've got in 2 days06:55
WGGMkzcat[1]: would you happen to know why dansguardian would just hang when trying to start or restart it? or where I could look to investigate the problem??06:56
Creationisthow do I search for a certain filename in the terminal?06:56
ubuntuanyone have any ideas like in windows there is system restore is there anything like taht in ubuntu?06:56
zcat[1]WGGMk, shuffle your blacklists.. DG sorts them, and the sort algo it uses is really inefficient with already-sorted lists ... or does it just hang 'forever'?06:57
WGGMkCreationist: try "locate <filename>"06:57
_Lance 06:57
bazhangimbecile: this is really troubling--vmware is so necessary these days--I wish I could help out more--perhaps just post a message to the other channels and they can help (eventually)--what is your computer make and model?06:57
_Lanceanyone at least help me on why my computer can't come back on from suspend or is that a common bug?06:58
WGGMkzcat[1]: not sure what you mean by 'shuffle' but yes, it hangs forever when starting from webmin, and when executing "sudo /etc/init.d/dansguardian start" it will stay at "Starting DansGuardian..." and ill never get the [ok]06:58
zcat[1]ubuntu, in ubuntu there's 'keep your home in a different partition and just reinstall if things get too messed up06:58
Trebor11Hello, uh..  I've been trying to get alsa to dmix on my computer for a few days now and I've been extremely unsuccessful.  I followed the instructions on the alsa wiki page and it didn't help me at all..  Anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong?06:58
imbecilebazhang:  I know :( if i cant get it working I HAVE to install windows. it is a gateway mx692006:59
kunzymouseboyx:  ok, got it working.  Thanks for the help.  Much appreciated06:59
zcat[1]WGGMk, no idea sorry, not even sure where to start.. everything 'just worked' for me..06:59
zcat[1].. twice, even!06:59
jjgalvezwhere do kernel modules go?06:59
sulleHow do i check for what ubuntu i got?. drapper, edgy etc?.07:00
mouseboyx Your welcome, I like to help07:00
imbecilebazhang:  its also my only computer too so I cant just run ubunto on another box07:00
zcat[1]jjgalvez, /lib/modules/somewheredependingonthekernelandwhatthemoduleis07:00
WGGMkzcat[1]: everything worked for me as well, for a very long time. then my ISP dropped out and I was forced to restart my server completely (not sure why) and it hung while booting.. hooked up the monitor and say it was hanging at DansGuardian07:00
ubuntuok well i didnt keep my home in a different partition and i cant format the laptop so is there any way that i can get the original drivers that came on my install cd?07:00
CreationistWGGMk: Thank you.. was trying to use find ;)07:00
sulleHow do i check for what ubuntu i got?. drapper, edgy etc?. what do i type?.07:00
Invisible_UbuntiCreationist, hey again how you doing?07:00
WGGMkCreationist: np07:00
joecurleehi, just reinstalled ubuntu, followed instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu for dvd playback, but can't get dvds to play :(07:01
zcat[1]WGGMk, backup whatever config you have, and reinstall DG (and perhaps squid too)07:01
joecurleesupposedly totem doesn't recognize the format07:01
WGGMkzcat[1]: uggh, thats a couple of months of cache07:01
jjgalvezzcat[1] the module of for the build in webcam that came with my asus laptop its a D-Max camera07:01
bazhangimbecile: if you lived nearby I would *loan* you my eeepc ;]07:01
zcat[1]WGGMk, that's about all I can suggest.. perhaps dig around in /var/log and see if there's any clues there?07:01
joecurleesays it "does not have the appropriate plugins"07:01
ubuntuanybody plz help?07:02
imbecilebazhang:  maybe a bad install disk???? I pray that is it. could that HONESTLY be the problem? id hate to reburn and reinstall for nothing07:02
Invisible_Ubuntijoecurlee, just go to synaptics package manger and install all the restricted repo's and it shoudl work on most media players07:02
joecurleethought I already did that but I'll check it out again07:02
Trebor11sulle: if you're on ubuntu desktop, you can just click system>About Ubuntu and in there there's a "Version and Relese Numbers" button which will tell you what you have07:02
WGGMkzcat[1]: its not "URGENT" to have it up, im planning a migration to a system setup with LVM.. wasnt as keen about it when I first deployed the server.. ill just wait to migrate07:02
Invisible_Ubuntijoecurlee, did that and its running fine on Gnome Player for mp3's and mp4, mpeg, xvid07:02
bazhangimbecile: for ubuntu? or for the windows /heh leopard ones?07:02
sulleTrebor11: thnx =)07:03
WGGMkzcat[1]: just curious, incase it happens again, but ill take a walk around the log files07:03
imbecilebazhang:  for ubuntu. i have a legit windows copy07:03
bazhangjoecurlee: ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?07:03
joecurleejust installed w64codecs.. checking restricted extras07:04
WGGMkIm having a problem with my sound. It seems every time an application that uses sound (after the sound has been played) will hang the sound, like after Banshee is finished a song it hangs, or if you try to skip a song, it hangs. Although pidgin will not hang, but sound will no longer work untill i shut down pidgin. Any thoughts????07:04
zcat[1]ubuntu-restricted-extras is such a cool idea.. who needs easyubuntu any more.. !07:04
bazhangimbecile: that might be it, but I would try to do it without the eye candy stuff first as the other geology stuff is so mission critical for you--then add it if it does not work and perhaps dual boot07:04
joecurleenope, installing now :)07:04
ubuntudoes any1 else have the intel 2200 wirless card?07:04
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regulateimbecile: do you have the vmmon module loaded?07:05
imbecileregulate:  let me check07:05
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fattmoleySo is there going to be some kind of fix for this flash problem that doesn't involve the command line? I'07:05
fattmoleyd really like my flash back.07:06
joecurleebtw: when ubuntu asks for the gutsy gibbons disc, make sure you don't set it on top of another disc and push the tray shut... sounds like a finger in a garbage disposal07:06
bazhangimbecile: I dont doubt your windows is legit; but leopard? that sounds fishy ;]07:06
imbecileregulate:  is it a package?07:06
imbecilebazhang:  yeah that of course is not. just wanted to check it out07:06
zcat[1]joecurlee, you did that too, huh?!!  makes a hell of a racket!07:06
regulateimbecile: lsmod| grep vmmon07:07
joecurleeyes... computer is above me right now, didn't see the other disc... plus it's late and I've had plenty of rum07:07
fattmoleyHow do I fix flash? Help?07:07
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:08
fattmoleyI installed a flash update and it had hosed flash in firefox07:08
bod_hey guys ive got a big proble,. i was trying to install flashy using these instructions (http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/installation) but during the sudo apt-get update i did after installing flash, it seemed to of broken some packages, now my system will not boot in normal or recovery mode, when booting in recovery mode i get this error :     Kernal Panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unk wn-block(0,0)07:08
bod_       please help07:08
fattmoleyhow do I fix it07:08
imbecileregulate:  I think that may be a problem nothing happened when i c/p that command07:08
zcat[1]fattmoley, yeah.. adobe keep changing their download again, every time the deb developers update the flash installer07:09
jeroen__could someone pls help me ?07:09
imbecileregulate:  any suggestions?07:09
zcat[1]I'm starting to think they do it deliberately just to mess with us!07:09
jeroen__I had a working box with wireless07:09
bahhey can any1 help me compile the ieee80211 package? im having a bunch of errors07:09
bod_oooppss,.,. flashy = splashy      (Please help)07:10
joecurleecrap!  "E:/var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-bin_6-03-oubuntu2_amd64.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1"07:10
jeroen__now eth1 disappeared as device after I tried to change the AP in the graphical menu07:10
regulateimbecile: sudo vmware-config.pl07:10
Somebodyhi, anybody seen ms new search engine, ms. dewey?07:11
bullgard4What is meant by a 'kernel thread'?07:11
zcat[1]my work here is done... kids in the afterschool program are gonna hate me now :)07:11
jeroen__no one here willing to help me ?07:11
bazhangSomebody: better ask in ##windows07:12
fattmoleyhow the hell did you do that?07:12
imbecileregulate: sudo: vmware-config.pl: command not found07:12
joecurleesweet jesus... dvd is playing :) :)07:12
badkittyjoecurlee: Did you reinstall?07:12
bazhangbod_: what's the issue? ;]07:12
bahis there any other chat where i can get help?07:12
joecurleeWITH SOUND! sweet!!!!07:12
bod_hey bazhang, il pastebin so as not to repost07:13
CSonicGoHi, I'm having a small problem, I have a floppy disk from a student and he needs to check the disk for errors07:13
CSonicGohow do I go along doing this?07:13
bazhangbah: under gutsy?07:13
joecurleei'm extremely happy now. thanks all... now I can sleep in peace :D07:13
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bahbazhang: yes07:13
bazhangjoecurlee: no more automatix for you haha07:13
joecurleebadkitty: yes (just saw your message sorry)07:13
bod_bazhang, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55186/07:13
jeroen__if I do a dmesg | grep eth07:13
jeroen__I see an error07:14
joecurleebazhang: no kidding, that thing sucked... no sound at all07:14
jeroen__eth1: no IPv6 routers presebt07:14
soldatsjeroen__: dmesg | grep eth0    ??07:14
jeroen__I also don't see anz entrz in /etc/network/interface07:14
jeroen__soldats: no, I don't work with eth007:14
joecurleefull screen still looks like crap though... not surprised as it's not "upconverting"07:14
jeroen__eth1 was linked to wifi007:14
bahwhen i run the live cd i get this: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | grep ipw220007:15
bah[   87.868000] ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver, 1.2.0kmprq07:15
bah[   87.868000] ipw2200: Copyright(c) 2003-2006 Intel Corporation07:15
bah[   87.868000] ipw2200: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection07:15
bah[   88.464000] ipw2200: Detected geography ZZM (11 802.11bg channels, 0 802.11a channels)07:15
bah and on my install i just get errors07:15
FloodBot1bah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
joecurleei have a $50 upconverter dvd player that works almost perfectly when switching to 1080p if i can find software to install that does the same I'll be even happier07:15
jeroen__soldat: eth0 seems ok07:15
regulateimbecile: have you tried /etc/init.d/vmware start ?07:15
CSonicGodoes anyone know how to check a floppy disk for errors? :(07:16
bod_bazhang, any thoughts?07:16
imbecileregulate: bash: /etc/init.d/vmware: No such file or directory07:17
jeroen__I am sad that there is no one here to help me :(07:17
regulateimbecile: what vmware product do you have installed?07:17
regulateor you think you have installed07:17
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imbecileregulate:  vmware-server from repos07:17
joecurleelater thanks again for help :)07:17
bazhangbod_: did splashy ever work? or once you rebooted you got this error? are you backed up?07:18
bod_bazhang,  ???07:18
bod_oh sorry07:19
RcommanderOn my Asus g1s in Gnome ubuntu all my FN keys works fine, however in Kubuntu they don't seem to work right??07:20
bod_bazhang, unforunately my backup was scheduled for today, so i have no backup, and i never got splashy working, although theres something on the site i dont understand here (Note that to enable the framebuffer on your kernel, you will need to add a parameter to the kernel arguments: vga=791. Read the framebuffer documentation of the kernel, or Splashy's README file, on how to use different resolutions. You will also need the keyword s07:20
bod_plash as an argument. This is respected by Splashy 0.2.x and up)07:20
linlynx6ok there is my probleme I want to install ubuntu manual partition and I have already opensuse 10.3 install here I got a 73 mb fat 16 for windows, 89968mb ntfs for windows 1390 swap for linux and 11614 mb what I do and 16985mb what I do07:21
xTheGoat121xEvening everyone07:21
bazhangbod_: that would be the boot parameters such as noapic if I recall correctly--anyway you can run a livecd then back up that way?07:21
bod_bazhang, but the kernal panic is unable to mount my hd,. im booted into ubuntu on my other hard drive atm, and i cant see my main drive07:22
WGGMkIm having a problem with my sound. It seems every time an application that uses sound (after the sound has been played) will hang the sound, like after Banshee is finished a song it hangs, or if you try to skip a song, it hangs. Although pidgin will not hang, but sound will no longer work untill i shut down pidgin. Any thoughts????07:22
regulateimbecile: /etc/init.d/vmware-server start07:23
bazhangbod_: right, so what about using a livecd and booting up from that, then copying the back up files over to a usb stick or elsewhere07:23
Rcommanderanyone have an idea about the G1s?07:24
bod_bazhang, i have never taken a backup before, my backup would have been all the files,. i dontknow which ones to copy without copying the broken splashy? and will the livecd be able to mount my hard drive?07:24
bazhangbod_: well boot up from the livecd first and see; then we can try and troubleshoot from there07:25
bod_bazhang, ok il try,. c u in a bit07:25
imbecileregulate: i think were getting closer    Virtual machine monitor failed  Virtual ethernet   failed Module vmnet is not loaded.  Please verify that it is loaded before running this script.07:25
regulateimbecile: apt-get install vmware-server-kernel-modules-`uname -r`07:27
arathald_Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble getting PPTP VPN working on ubuntu -- I'm getting the error message "Could not launch call manager after 3 tries." -- can anyone help me out with this?07:28
imbecileregulate: E: Couldn't find package vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.22-14-rt07:28
regulateimbecile: oops, try again without the -rt at the end07:29
imbecilebazhang:  i think were getting closer    Virtual machine monitor failed  Virtual ethernet   failed Module vmnet is not loaded.  Please verify that it is loaded before running this script.07:29
bazhangimbecile: so I read ;] I have been following along ;]07:29
bullgard4What is meant by a 'kernel thread'?07:30
imbecileregulate:  thing is you didnt put rt at the end. this is the command you gave me. sudo apt-get install vmware-server-kernel-modules-`uname -r`07:31
tanneranyone know how to get hotplugged eSATA drives to automount?07:32
regulateimbecile: vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.22-14 install that07:32
imbecileregulate: vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.22-14 is already the newest version.vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.22-14 set to manual installed.The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:  python-qt3 python-sip407:35
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regulateimbecile: hmm ok.  try modprobe vmmon ; modprobe vmnet07:35
fragged[away]Whats a good program to install to test wine? Internet explorer 6.0?07:36
imbecileregulate:  FATAL: Module vmmon not found.FATAL: Module vmnet not found.07:37
regulateimbecile: did you do that as root?07:37
timandtomWill linux install and boot ok if the only hard drive in the computer is set as the slave?(I don't tend to mess with hard drives, didn't realize that not all of them have the same settings, so I took the jumpers off to enable cable select for master/slave. Turns out that means Slave on this hard drive)07:37
imbecileregulate:  yes07:38
regulateimbecile: find /lib/modules -name vmmon.ko07:40
=== cHeRyL_ is now known as cHeryL_
imbecileregulate:  /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/vmware-server/vmmon.ko07:41
imbecileregulate:  its not really making sense is it?07:42
regulateimbecile: do you have a 2.6.22-14-rt directory under /lib/modules?07:43
nemilartimandtom: it'll install but I wouldn't count on it booting07:43
timandtomnemilar: Ah, dangit >.> That would explain why it isn't working very well...07:43
nemilarlol, just set it to master and it should be fine07:43
imbecileregulate:  2.6.22-14-generic  2.6.22-14-rt  2.6.22-14-server07:44
timandtomnemilar: Yeh, I'll do that tomorrow... Hafta find the hard drive online. It's an older one, so I don't have the packaging. Only 8gb :P Just getting bros computer set up so he can play flash games07:44
makafter restoring the packages how do i install the packages...07:45
regulateimbecile: mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-rt/vmware-server07:45
PKdoRany body running ubuntu on a PS3?07:46
astylerdoes cable select work for ide HDD in linux?07:46
regulateimbecile: then cp -a /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/vmware-server/vm*.ko /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-rt/vmware-server/07:46
astyleror do i need master jumper07:46
regulateimbecile: then try loading them again07:46
badkittyastyler: I dont know, Im assuming it should be a BIOS thing??07:47
astylerbadkitty: true, it didnt show up in bios and that has nothing to do with linux07:47
astyleri was only thinking linux because it didnt show up in partition manager07:48
fragged[away]nemilar, incorrect07:48
makafter restoring the packages how do i install the packages...07:48
nemilarfragged[away]: ?07:48
fragged[away]timandtom, you can boot off a slave, provided your BIOS is set to boot primarily off that disk07:48
badkittyfragged[away]: Your not away!07:48
makafter restoring the packages  from apt on how do i install the packages...07:49
arathald_can anyone help me with this PPTP problem?07:49
gorlakon 7.10 ubuntu install anyone know a command that would cause the CD to stay closed, or basically lock, so that it wont open if the button is pressed?07:49
timandtomfragged[away] :D Awesome. thanks07:49
fragged[away]and if you have a boot flag set on the drive... bios can be a prick to get working at time especially with hard drives because they incorrectly label disks as C:/07:49
PKdoRhow can I istall VM ware Workstaion on Ubuntu?07:49
fragged[away]but Ubuntu uses nice settings which boot off a ID rather than a certain drive which means you /should/ be able to freely move around the ubuntu disk,07:49
regulatePKdoR: download it, untar it. run vmware-install.pl07:50
fragged[away]Is VMWare free these days?07:50
regulateserver is07:50
gorlakthe player is07:50
gorlakand server07:50
regulateand player07:50
nemilaryou can get a free key for personal use07:50
gorlakworkstation i believe you need to buy and some of the other ones07:50
makafter restoring the packages  from apt on how do i install the packages...07:50
imbecileregulate:  it deleted my previous vm i have to set another up. a few minutes please07:50
fragged[away]whats the difference between server / player / workstation?07:51
regulateimbecile: did the modules load with modprobe?07:51
nemilarlol it's called client, not player07:51
jootmak, apt-get install <package>07:51
imbecileregulate:  how do i do that again?07:51
gorlakplayer only 'plays' the saved virtual computers, workstation lets you create and change major settings, as for server im not sure07:51
PKdoRfragged[away]: Not Free, I thing they ither Have or will soon have a OpenSource version07:51
gorlakah, client =)07:51
regulateimbecile: modprobe vmmon and modprobe vmnet07:51
FlynsarmyIs there a terminal command to open another terminal window?07:51
nemilaromg there is a VMware Player07:52
astyleron an unrelated note vm pays ridiculously well07:52
arathald_i much prefer virtualbox07:52
nemilarVirtualBox is pretty good07:52
gorlaki use vmware workstation, it works really well07:52
jootmak, or goto synaptic package manager and mark the package for installation07:52
arathald_i couldnt get several things working on vmware, which virtualbox did no problem07:52
fragged[away]nemilar, actually it IS a client but according to http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ its probbably called a player, I'm getting sick of you blurting out stupidly incorrect answers all the time07:52
gorlaki might have to give virtual box a spin then07:52
badkittyarathald_: same here07:53
nemilarfragged[away]: hey, a) I corrected myself07:53
badkittyI hear qemu is good too07:53
fragged[away]ah I see,07:53
arathald_vbox does hardware emulation much better in my experience07:53
imbecileregulate:  modules still not loaded07:53
regulateimbecile: modprobe -v vmmon07:53
arathald_so, anyone up for helping with a VPN problem?07:53
regulateimbecile: what does it say?07:53
PKdoRI also Love VBox But It cat yey make SnapShots Of VMWare Virtual Discs's07:53
imbecileregulate:  I should tell you that no VM app works for me07:53
regulatewhy are you running a -rt kernel?07:54
imbecileregulate:  ubuntustudio07:54
regulateyou'll need to compile the modules for your kernel07:55
imbecileregulate:  ahh so that is it?07:55
PKdoRgorlak: I highlly recommend VirtualBox Very Highly07:55
imbecileregulate:  ogre@HappyLappy:/lib/modules$ sudo modprobe -v vmmon07:56
imbecileFATAL: Module vmmon not found.07:56
arathald_no VPN help? :(07:56
xukunIs there something like visio for linux07:56
regulateimbecile: dpkg -L vmware-server | grep config07:56
regulatexukun: dia07:56
fragged[away]xukun, is that the Microsoft Developer Environment? Try Eclipse or something, personally I like geany for my intermediate python skills but I'm newb :)07:57
imbecileregulate:  want me to pastebin the output?07:57
regulateimbecile: please07:57
wolfman2323hi.. ive just installed ms office using wine.. when i started ms access.. it has an error and wont run...   any suggestions07:57
fragged[away]wolfman2323, Office 2003? afaik access doesnt work, but word etc will07:58
arathald_fragged[away]: visio is a visual diagramming software for stuff like flowcharts and circuit diagrams07:58
fragged[away]oh I see, shows how much I use office ;)07:58
badkittyxukan visio: That is the MS product that does like weird layout stuff right?07:58
nemilarfragged[away]: office 2k3 can work in wine07:58
arathald_btw visio absolutely blows07:58
copacabananever install office07:58
Flannelxukun: Do you want UML modelling? or flow charts? or what?07:58
arathald_its  huge pain to use07:58
badkittyXukan: and flow charts?07:58
imbecileregulate:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55188/07:58
fragged[away]wolfman2323, it might be an idea to look at Crossover Office, or a raw virtual machine unless somebody can suggest a better option07:59
fragged[away]nemilar, I KNOW office 2003 MOSTLY works under wine, but from what I've heard access wont07:59
arathald_not sure why you'd want acess anyways :D07:59
xukunFlannel, yes flow charts is what I,m going for07:59
wolfman2323o.. so its useles.. hehehe.. how could i un install?07:59
fragged[away]arathald_, often small businesses use access,07:59
wolfman2323ive tried it many time..but.. ms is still in wine..08:00
fragged[away]which sucks seeing as its targeted at single-user use and often people try to use many computers at once08:00
arathald_fragged[away]: I wans't being entirely serious, I was making a comment about it :P08:00
badkittyxukun: DIA08:00
wolfman2323fragged..how could i uninstall ms office in wine..08:00
badkittyxukun: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html Try this.. its a list of alternatives for everything08:01
fragged[away]speaking of wine, can anybody name a free tool that I can use to verify it works? i dont know much about the windows environment and care nothing for wine, this is for a non-profit organization trying to get them to go linux instead of Windows 98 for computers they give to low-income families08:01
qinjuehangwolfman2323: If you don't have any other programs you can just delete the .wine folder08:01
fragged[away]wolfman2323, .wine/Program Files/Office should have it08:01
fragged[away]think of .wine as being like your C:/ under windows08:02
nemilarfragged[away]: notepad comes with wine I believe08:02
imbecilefragged[away]:  im doing the same thing08:02
wolfman2323i have other program running in wine.08:02
nemilarfragged[away]: not really sure what you meant by "works"08:02
Flannelfragged[away], wolfman2323: .wine/drive_c/ is your C:/08:02
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bod_bazhang, hey dude, sorry that took so long,. im still unable to boot into that dive, and i cant use the livecd because i had to use te text installer in the first place08:02
fragged[away]Flannel, cheers for correction ;)08:03
wolfman2323ive tried to uninstall.. and it run the process of uninstalling.. but.. when ive checked wine..in application.. its still there...08:03
fragged[away]:O notepad restards X11!08:03
fragged[away]damn this POS graphics card08:03
nemilarhaha that's bad08:03
xukunbadkitty, thanks I will try Dia08:04
badkittyxukun: :-)08:04
ackbahrHi there!08:04
imbecileregulate:  see anything?08:04
badkittyxukun: SOmeone else mentioned it too so he gets thanked too ;-p08:04
xukunbadkitty, I know08:05
blagI keep getting a bash syntax error in one of my scripts, "line 439: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' ", anybody want to help?     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55190/08:05
xukunregulate, Thanks for the tip m808:05
ackbahrI tried installing Condor recently, but it didnd't work right and I lost interest in it, but now everytime I use the upgrade manager, it gives me errors with Condor, although I can't apt-get remove it either! How can I get rid of its annoying remains?08:05
fragged[away]imbecile, mmm so what are you rigging up for this group?08:05
kendrickhrm, how does one ask ubuntu to grok new locales?08:06
kendrickon debian, i could do dpkg-reconfigure locales and it'd bring up a menu08:06
kendrickwhen i do that on ubuntu, it just starts reprocessing the ones i've already chosen08:06
fragged[away]I'm not entirely sure how much they will like Linux, its complicated and different, which means that peopole cant buy cheap commercial games etc but its also a lot better than any 98 box these days... I'm still a lil scared by dialup/printer support08:06
qinjuehangackbahr: did you try apt-get autoremove08:06
imbecilefragged[away]:  just getting donated computers and throwing ubuntu on them and giving them to needy people and offering help getting them started08:06
kendrickwhy buy games? you can play them all on facebook :)08:07
ackbahrqinjuehang: Didn't, will tell you about it in a minute....08:07
arathald_gah!!! I hate VPN.... It's a good concept, and very useful, but I can't for the life of me get it working08:07
qinjuehangkendrick: Ubuntu doesn't have shockwave too...08:07
ackbahrqinjuehang: Didn't work.... But still tells me "1 partly removed" in the list of things to do!08:08
kendricki've never had any problems playing games on facebook using firefox08:08
supershorthi all08:08
blagackbahr: try using System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, clicking on the checkbox next to Condor (you'll probably have to search for it using search) and then click "Completely remove"08:08
supershorthow do i delete stuff from /opt/08:08
qinjuehangarathald_: I'm looking for someone to test VPN with too08:08
ackbahrblag: Thanks, will try that08:09
fragged[away]imbecile, mmm, I'm donating a computer to a group that pass them on so I'm not the middle man :D!... what kind of configuration are you using? I've set up xubuntu on a box and I've set it to automatically log in, made sure hardware works etc and then set up wine, I'm giving them the box and I just want them to play around and see if there interested in using a linux based operating system, any software recommendations?08:09
|katana|hi.. I want to create a server with 2 HD in raid 1. I got a question though building up my motherboard: There's 4 sata connectors on the MB close to each other08:09
arathald_qinjuehang: well, im not even setting up a server, im trying to connect to my schools vpn08:09
blagI keep getting a bash syntax error in one of my scripts, "line 439: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' ", anybody want to help?     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55190/08:09
kendricksudo locale-gen THE_LOCALE08:09
jerns1hello, I have installed ubuntu on an old pIII laptop and I'm trying to free as much ram as I can. She doesn't need ssh-agent and seahorse-agent to be started everytime ; I cannot find it in the session starting programs. How can I disable it ?08:09
|katana|and another one close to the pci-express, which reads "sata-raid"08:09
fragged[away]blag, try #bash or #bash-support or w/e08:09
ackbahrblag: Looks like it's working!08:10
qinjuehangarathald_: Ooo I see. I should try that too. I think my school has VPN (thanks for reminding)08:10
bazhangbod you still around?08:10
* kendrick wanders08:10
|katana|the manual says if I want to install raid 0/1/JBOD, i'd need to connect a sata-disk to this one and another one to the 'external' SATA port..08:10
supershorthia l08:10
Neural_OverloadHello everyone08:10
supershortanyone get my question08:10
arathald_essentially, I live off camput at my Fraternity house and I want my server to behave as though on-campus (there's a good chance just VPNing in will allow my server to have an static, unique, external ip)08:10
qinjuehangjerns1: sudo apt-get install bum08:10
fragged[away]jerns1, sshd is not installed on xubuntu nor ubuntu server not sure about everything else, as for freeing ram etc try xfce4 for a good ram:useability DE/WM08:10
blagfragged[away]: thanks08:10
regulateimbecile: basically you need those two modules compiled for your kernel08:10
supershorthow do i delete shit from my /opt/ file cos i have lampp and want to delete shit from there08:10
blagackbahr: That and Update-manager is what I use.  They're nice.08:11
* fragged[away] shits in supershort's /opt/08:11
supershortsays i dont have permissions08:11
bazhanglanguage fragged[away]08:11
Neural_OverloadI'm having problems installing the x64 version of ubuntu. When I try to start the installer, it just goes to a black screen.08:11
qinjuehangsupershort: Did you try sudoing?08:11
supershorthow do sudo?08:11
imbecilefragged[away]:  im just giving them a fresh ubuntu install. i suppose i could just have it auto login but i figure it isnt very secure & besides they should know their username & password. its my friends brainchild08:11
supershortsudo -del?08:12
qinjuehangNeural_Overload: Try F6 and adding "linux acpi=off"08:12
supershortim new to linux08:12
jerns1supershort: sudo rm08:12
fragged[away]|katana|, from what I hear software raid is better than most mb raids, as for external hdd, there should be an esata on the backplate of your mobo if thats what its talking about, but that seems rather silly to require that08:12
imbecileregulate: so it IS an issue with ubuntustudio?08:12
jerns1supershort: man rm08:12
illusionofartHi, trying to update to Edgy from 6.06 LTS with the Update Manager and having problems. Running gksu "update-manager -c" from the Terminal and Alt+F2 does nothing. Can someone point me in the right direction?08:12
regulateimbecile: yes. i bet you can install a -generic kernel tho08:12
qinjuehangsupershort:  Be really careful with sudo rm commands ppl post (this one looks safe)08:13
Yanchoi just plugged in a usb key but got no drive popping on (similar to what does in windows) any idea how I can get it please? this is the result of lshw -C bus http://yancho.pastebin.com/d5d1f863e08:13
badkittyillusionofart: I think you have to add the repo then do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:13
imbecileregulate:  how can i do that?08:13
fragged[away]supershort, sudo is the administrative command, you can use rm as a stanrdard user to remove things which is also a lot safer (unlike windows, linux will /allow/ you to remove system files)08:14
badkittyYancho: Do you know the device name?08:14
jerns1qinjuehang thanks, but it's nowhere to be found in bum08:14
Yanchobadkitty nope :|08:14
regulateimbecile: apt-get install linux-image-generic08:14
fragged[away]Yancho, dmesg | tail, mount /dev/sd* /MOUNTPOINT etc08:14
qinjuehang jerns1: I guess its not there then...?08:14
illusionofartWhat would be the repo for that one?08:15
jerns1qinjuehang: ps aux | grep seahorse states otherwise08:15
Neural_Overloadqinjuehang, I'm going to start IRC on my other computer so we can talk and try to work on getting it to display video.08:15
qinjuehangNeural_Overload: Ok I'm glad to help :)08:15
imbecileregulate:  i cant say how helpful you have been. you are a really smart guy. thank you very much!08:16
=== cE_cRi_cO_ is now known as cHeRyL_
bazhangimbecile: ubuntustudio? oy, thought you were running ubuntu08:17
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sullehow do i connect to a new irc server?. In that way i am able to be on 2 servers in same irc ?. :P08:17
Yanchofragged[away] : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d5f20bb7008:17
imbecilebazhang:  i installed ubuntustudio packages over an ubuntu install08:18
=== cE_cRi_cO_ is now known as cHeRyL_
supershorthas someone used proftpd before?08:18
bazhangimbecile: well it would be the rt kernel that was the issue then08:18
Overloadqinjuehang, this is Neural_Overload08:18
razordeadsulle, you should be allowed to connect more than once to the same server08:19
OverloadI'm going to disconnect my other client08:19
jerns1qinjuehang: I found it in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/08:19
OverloadAnd restart and try with the "linux acpi=off" command08:19
imbecileregulate:  bazhang: linux-image-generic is already the newest version.The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:  python-qt3 python-sip408:20
fragged[away]Yancho, 'mkdir ./temp; mount /dev/sda1 ./temp' or if sda1 will not work, just sda08:20
qinjuehangjerns1: I'm afraid I don't know what happened then...I never meddled much with services08:20
regulateimbecile: i bet it all works if you boot into that kernel08:20
Yanchofragged[away] all in one line?08:20
qinjuehangfragged[away]: Why do we mount in a hidden folder?08:21
fragged[away]the ; breaks commands 'ls; ls' will do two ls's08:21
badkittyfragged[away]: Thats only if his drive is sda1 though08:21
imbecileregulate:  how do i boot into that kernel now?08:21
fragged[away]badkitty, his dmesg reports that it is08:21
fragged[away]I mean, unless he has a 1024mb root and that was displayed in tail08:21
badkittyfragged[away]: Oh k08:21
imbecileregulate:  sorry but i didnt get this nick for nothing08:21
regulateimbecile: reboot. the grub menu should list the -rt kernel08:21
fragged[away]qinjuehang, bad practice I guess?08:21
regulategotta sleep08:22
regulate &08:22
qinjuehang Overload: Oh sorry, didn't catch that08:22
fragged[away]Was optusnet mirror permanently removed from sourceforge or just while its down?"08:22
Yanchofragged[away] : mount: you must specify the filesystem type08:23
fragged[away]:E are you using a custom kernel or stock?08:23
fragged[away]and is the flash drive a MP3 player also or just a flash stick?08:23
Overloadqinjuehang: I tried to start the lice cd with the "linux acpi=off" command but I still get a black screen08:23
qinjuehangOverload: Is there any error message?08:24
qinjuehangOverload: Or blinking cursor08:24
OverloadI press enter08:24
qinjuehangOverload: Try safe graphics mode?08:24
Overloadand then a black screen08:24
OverloadSame thing happens08:24
qinjuehangOverload: What is your processor08:25
OverloadAMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+08:25
Yanchofragged[away] never touched kernel / flash stick08:25
ogrebazhang:  WOOOOOOOTT!!! its working!08:26
bazhangogre nice work! ;]08:26
OverloadI also have an Nvidia 8800GTX graphics card08:26
ogrebazhang:  now how do i make it so i boot off of generic kernel automatically?08:26
illusionofartWhat repo should I add if I'm trying to upgrade to edgy?08:26
bod_bazhang: hey erm,. im still dead,. but in livecd now,. oh and i have 10 secs of lag,.,.sorry08:27
qinjuehangOverload: You share your problem with many others ;)08:27
ogreregulate:  you are the man. thank you08:27
OverloadCool, I hope that means I can install ubuntu08:28
bod_illusionofart: wouldnt edgy be a downgrade?08:28
illusionofartbod: I'm running 6.06LTS08:28
qinjuehangOverload: I think you have to use alternate cd.08:28
badkittythat is edgy isnt it? 6.06?08:29
bazhangillusionofart: from dapper? you may want to wait a couple of months as there will be a dapper to hardy direct upgrade path both LTS08:29
fragged[away]Yancho, is it just storage or a MP3 player also?08:29
Yanchofragged[away] just storage08:29
bod_illusionofart: oh,.,. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     i think08:29
badkittyillusion why not upgrade to gutsy?08:29
fragged[away]mhm, are you from a Windows background or Mac?08:30
qinjuehangOverload: And after you install it, boot to recovery mode and run " sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new; sudo nvidia-xconfig", it should work.08:30
bod_bazhang: are you getting my messages?08:30
qinjuehang sudo nvidia-xconfig08:30
* fragged[away] has to get a mac just to learn a little about MacOS : / 08:30
qinjuehang And I gotta go now, bye.08:30
=== fragged[away] is now known as fragged
Yanchofragged winndows08:30
illusionofartI'll upgrade to newest one I can but I thought I had to go one at a time08:30
bazhangbod_: sure :]08:30
OverloadHow do I install it though? I haven't gotten past the black screen problem yet08:30
fraggedmhm anybody know if Ubuntu has NTFS-Read support in kernel?08:30
StaticVectorhowdy howdy08:30
StaticVectorso you like the ubuntu?08:31
StaticVectori love the ubuntu08:31
StaticVectorit is the greatest08:31
bod_bazhang: good good,.,. im using the livecd now,.,. fancy helping?08:31
kandinskiis there any practical difference between Timevault and Flyback?08:31
StaticVectoroh there is08:31
StaticVectoruse the timevault08:31
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
StaticVectorit is greatest ever08:31
razordeadfragged, are you running Edgy?... it absolutely has NTFS read support... write as well08:31
kandinskiStaticVector: thanks, and the winning point for it is?08:31
Yanchofragged its empty .. never used08:31
ethan961fragged, yes there is, even write support08:31
bazhangbod_: this is a bit out of my knowledge level, using the live cd you want to rescue some of your files, correct?08:32
mikubuntuis anybody having trouble with adobe flash 9 since recent updates?08:32
fraggedmhm, I'd recommend using mkfs.vfat but it is a VERY DANGEROUS thing for you to blindly type, ask for another users opinion/help, sorry :(08:32
Yanchoand mine is still 6.06 fragged08:32
illusionofartsudo apt-get dist-upgrade didn't work. I get errors.08:32
badkittyillusionofart: what errors?08:32
fraggedethan961, is that real write support or the 'you cannot rename, delete, move, or do ANYTHING to a file apart from writing to it without changing the filesize'08:33
bod_bazhang: i would prefer to undo all changes made by installing splashy,.,. can i remove it from here?08:33
illusionofartE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Re source temporarily unavailable)08:33
illusionofartE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/l ib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:33
ethan961fragged, this is real write support, just like ext308:33
bod_illusionofart: youve got apt and synaptic open?08:34
Yanchofragged i tried to load it on windows .. it loaded .. but i tried to format it on windows it was saying its not working :\08:34
fraggedillusionofart, you have an apt client running, which could include aptitude synaptic or apt, or many toher programs08:34
badkittyare you currently in synaptic or sources open still?08:34
dookdooki'm running feisty and have a laptop.  any pointers on how to get an external monitor working?08:34
ethan961fragged, that was previous now outdated technology. this is ntfs3g, the real full deal08:34
fraggedYancho, provided you are trying to format it 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1' but that is VERY DANGEORUS YOU WILL LOSE ALL DATA (And anybody else who blindly types YOU COULD LOSE YOUR ROOT)08:35
pawanpawan here08:35
fraggedethan961, if it were concidered stable it'd be in the kernel tree08:35
ethan961did someone say rm -rf / ?08:35
ogrehey guys, i have -generic kernel and -rt kernel i automatically boot into -rt but want to boot into -generic. how would I do this?08:35
bod_dont do that08:35
fraggedbut stable and kernel stable are two different things,08:36
Yanchofragged well it is empty .. i just want to format it so i can start use it :) is it safe if i type it ?08:36
bazhangbod_: that is not something I am sure about at all as that is a #debian package, and from the unstable branch (sid) at that--rescuing your files should be your first priority until someone can help you do the rest in my opinion08:36
fraggedYancho, I'd rather somebody else give an opinion as well08:36
fraggeddo an entire dmesg and paste it to pastebin08:36
bullgard4IBM says: "A thread is in some operating systems the smallest unit of operation to be performed in a process." To what operating systems does this pertain? How is that in Linux?08:36
bod_bazhang: but if i rescue files, i might accidently rescue the file that is causing my system to break,.,.no?08:37
ethan961fragged, it is considered stable enough to be in the most popular distri, and I have been using it regularly ever since it was in alpha a couple years ago.08:37
fraggedbullgard4, plz stop posting your homework08:37
bazhangbod_: not a worry there as long as you dont install it next time around08:37
bullgard4fragged: Is that all that you can contribute to answer the question which I have put?08:38
bod_bazhang: so i have to do a full reinstall?08:38
bazhangbullgard4: a bit offtopic here: google multi-threaded for more info on that front08:38
bod_bazhang: this is irritating how 1 package can ruin my system,. a package recommended on ubuntu forums08:38
Yanchofragged : http://yancho.no-ip.org/~yancho/dmesg.txt08:38
fraggedbullgard4, yeah, just write on your paper 'fragged said to stop asking IRC my questions :(' its most definately the answer your teacher is looking for anyway08:38
bazhangbod_: not sure--and by recommended on the forums, well consider the source08:39
bod_bazhang: what???08:39
zphinxSo if i wanted to enable the expose like effect in compiz in ubuntu 7.10... is there any way to do that?08:39
bazhangfragged: hes doing it as translation work but yeah offtopic here08:39
bod_zphinx: what do you mean by expose?08:39
mak i restored the packages using the apt on cd software now what i use to install.......08:40
bazhangzphinx: yes its called scale08:40
zphinxbod_: using the right top viewport to have windows and applications become miniatures on the desktop.08:40
fraggedYancho, Ok I'm confident that your flash disk is /dev/sda1, go ahead and format it... just in some cases sda can be a SATA disk, or in an inpropper kernel such as mine, a IDE disk, so if you have no other SATA or USB disks type 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1'08:40
zphinxbazhang: `where can i enable it?08:40
bazhangzphinx: you need to install ccsm08:40
bod_zphinx: oh cool08:40
Yanchofragged my disk is just ide .. so i am safe?08:40
mak i restored the packages using the apt on cd software now what i use to install.......08:40
illusionofartgraham@graham-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:41
illusionofartE: Type 'http://archive.canonical.com/dists/edgy/' is not known on line 35 in so urce list /etc/apt/sources.list08:41
illusionofartE: The list of sources could not be read.08:41
illusionofart 08:41
bazhang!ccsm | zphinx08:41
FloodBot1illusionofart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
ubotuzphinx: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:41
mak i restored the packages using the apt on cd software now what i use to install.......08:41
mak i restored the packages using the apt on cd software now what i use to install.......08:41
mak i restored the packages using the apt on cd software now what i use to install.......08:41
fraggedYancho, yes, I checked your dmesg :)08:41
illusionofartI added that by mistake but can't get rid of the damn thing08:41
bazhangmak: once is enough08:41
ogrewhat is path to editing grub?08:41
bod_bazhang: is it safe to do a tar.gz of my /08:41
bazhangbod_: you mean your home?08:41
faniwhat is the default root password for Gutsy, I've struck at hdd maintenance prompting for the root password!08:41
Yanchoyancho@Ubuntu:~/streets3d_new_shps$ mkfs.vfat /dev/sda108:42
Yanchomkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)08:42
mak bazhang: not getting ans.08:42
Yanchofragged ^^08:42
bod_bazhang: no my root08:42
fraggedfani, unless you have set one, it is a random number08:42
compwiz18fani: there is no default root password08:42
ogrewhat is path to grub?08:42
compwiz18ogre: /boot/grub?08:42
bod_makyou want to know how to install ubuntu?08:42
fanithen how can I get out of that prompt?  I've not set any password for that.08:42
bazhangmak: spamming the channel will reduce your chances of getting help to .00000001%08:42
jootmak, I did answer you08:42
fraggedctrl+d but it may reset the computetr08:42
ethan961fani, you will have to do a sudo passwd08:42
compwiz18fani: I think pressing ctrl+d08:42
fanishould I've to reinstall it again?08:42
fanion pressing ctrl+D it is just restarting.08:43
compwiz18fani: if you can boot into ubuntu normally and then use sudo passwd root to set a root password08:43
fraggedYancho, once done, pulling the USB out and putting it back in should bring up the folder provided you have a stock install of ubuntu :)08:43
ogrecompwiz18:  well actually what im looking for is the file to edit grub08:43
fanino I'm unable to boot normally, it is stopping at maintenance.  Is there any way to skip that test?08:43
compwiz18ogre: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:43
makjoot: can you please tell me again i cant find..08:44
ethan961fani, a sudo passwd will let you set a new root password08:44
compwiz18ogre: it may be .list, I can never remember08:44
fanii mean hdd file system check08:44
fraggedogre, /boot/grub/menu.lst i think08:44
ogrecompwiz18:  fragged: tyvm08:44
bod_bazhang: would it be safe for me to tar.gz my entire root folder,.,. excludung media and others obviously?08:44
faniethan961;  how can I skip the file system check?08:44
compwiz18bod_: sure08:44
jootmak,  goto synaptic package manager and mark the package for installation08:44
ethan961fani, maybe do a e2fsck when chrooted from a live cd08:44
bazhangbod_: why do that? it seems that is the source of your troubles08:44
fraggedbod_, be sure to find the flag to get permissions to preserve ownership and r/w permissions08:45
jootmak,  or do sudo apt-get install name08:45
bod_bazhang: ok,,.so how do i do a backup of just my /home/bod    folder?08:45
bod_fragged: please explain08:45
faniok if nothing works i'll use live cd.  It will be great to know if there is some way to control the fsck like we do in Redhat using interactive mode!08:46
zalaun informazione seria08:46
BlinkizI need to batch convert a bunch of openoffice writer documents to PDF. Does it exist a tool for this?08:46
zalaquando ho finito di scaricare i file mi rimangono fermi...........08:46
makjoot: i'm not able to find those packages which i added through apt on image08:46
zalaqualcuno mi sà dare una mano08:47
zalaper favore08:47
compwiz18zala: this is an english support channel - there are other channels for other languages08:47
ethan961Blinkiz, yes, built into open office.08:47
fraggedbod_, if you tarred the entire root of a hard drive, untarred it on another and set up grub, you'd run into problems, I cant remember exactly whta I did on a slackware system I think it was a 'chmod 755# /' (<DANGERIOUS) and it screwed my whole system08:47
Yanchoyes ok fragged it came up now by itself :)08:47
bod_zala: language?08:47
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:47
fraggedYancho, great, sorry I was a bit unsure at times, I didnt want to ruin somebodys linux experience :)08:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:48
bod_fragged: what flags do i need to preserve folder permissions?08:48
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:48
pc108soys borraxas?¿08:48
jootmak,  when you add repository to synaptic you have to reload then you can search for the package name08:48
compwiz18!es | pc10808:48
ubotupc108: please see above08:48
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:48
fraggedbod_, I'm unsure, man tar will help you, or even 'tar --help' and look at preserve or whatever its called08:48
pc108sois guiris?08:48
fraggedI'm not even sure if you should be preserving it while tarring, untarring or both08:48
Blinkizethan961: I can't find a batch converter into PDF in openoffice writer. Where do I find it?08:49
pc108contesta mierda xD08:49
bazhangpc108: please stop08:49
Yanchohehe i c an imagine fragged :) thanks alot :)08:49
pc108ke te c08:49
Yanchonow can i somehow extend my /home/yancho on it ?08:49
ogrepc108:  alto08:49
pc108o dis paro08:49
faniis there any grub option or  kernel parameter to skip fsck ?08:50
fraggedYancho, no problem, and from experience I know theres not a worse feeling than telling somebody they've lost everything, even when its not your fault (and I tend to be the one to tell people this at work :()08:50
pc108fuck you08:50
bazhangbye pc10808:50
ogrewell now at least he'll get banned ;)08:50
pc108uhhhh kemiedo08:50
pc108mas grande08:50
pc108so perraca08:50
Somebodyi have been told nothing !08:51
makjoot: even after reloading i'm not able to search, i think a'm getting the problem in reloading..08:51
ogre!ops | pc10808:51
ubotupc108: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!08:51
copacabanahola senior08:51
RoyI would like to delete all the windows applications in wine and just to re-check, the command would be "rm -rf ~/.wine" Is that right or do I have to prefix it with sudo?08:51
pc108hola amparo08:51
Amaranth!es | pc10808:51
ubotupc108: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:51
ogreAmaranth:  done it several times08:51
=== UberDay is now known as Goober
AmaranthToo busy to read up08:52
* Amaranth goes back to work08:52
ogrethanks guys08:52
jootmak,  which package are you trying to reinstall and which repository is it in???08:52
fraggedRoy, that should work, then you have to call another comman to rebuild .wine08:52
SeveasAmaranth, pc??? from spain --> instaban :)08:52
=== Goober is now known as Matt83
fraggedI think its winecfg or something08:52
bod_fragged: does this look right?    -p, --same-permissions, --preserve-permissions              ignore umask when extracting files (the default for root)08:52
Yanchonfragged : ow can i somehow extend my /home/yancho on it now?08:52
BlinkizI need to batch convert a bunch of openoffice writer documents to PDF. Does it exist a tool for this?08:53
Royfragged: I tried using that command but I didn't notice any change08:53
fraggedYancho, why would you want to? that would mean you would require the USB to be plugged all the time, instead try offloading non-essentual files to the USB (IE MP3s etc)08:53
Yanchoyes i want to keep it there :)08:53
Yanchoits a server computer i have .. which im using for my thesis .. but the files got large heh08:54
fraggedRoy, I'm new to wine and I had no .wine dir, after callitg that or something else it seemed to be build and had a few essentual looking applications such as explorer.exe08:54
Matt83can anyone help me i need to find a ftp client for ubuntu that only makes one connection at a time please pm me the info as chat go's to fast for me08:54
fraggedYancho, I dont actually know how to 'bridge' hard drives, it can be done afaik but I've just never done it ;)08:54
zalariesco a trovare ubuntu.it08:54
compwiz18!it | zala08:54
ubotuzala: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:54
fraggedMatt83, ftp is great, although text lined ;)08:54
Yanchonot going to risk touching the file system fragged heh :)08:55
zaladai uno strappo alla regola08:55
zalann mi fare andare a cercare sul vocabolario08:55
no0ticzala, vieni su ubuntu-it08:55
zalann lo trovo08:55
no0ticzala, /join #ubuntu-it08:55
fraggedYancho, I'd still recommend just throwing documents there manually,08:55
Neekuhi. i want a software to watch sattelite channels online, is there any?08:56
ogreNeeku:  I am interested in that as well let me know if you find anything out08:56
Yanchook thanks fragged :) mv is ok ?08:57
fraggedYancho, or even just cleaning out non-essentual files, if there are other directories on the same partition have a look in them, especially wherever ubuntu keeps its downloaded files08:57
fraggedYancho, yes08:57
makjoot: i'm tryinf to install my sql... and which reposotory i  dont know... it is in my apt on iso image...08:57
Yanchooki then i do like that heh :) thanks alot fragged08:57
Neekuogre: you know, there's a program i have to record it and it will start in 10, 15 minutes; i'm in rush really08:57
bazhang!info mysql08:57
ubotuPackage mysql does not exist in gutsy08:57
fraggedNo worries ;)08:58
Matt83Yah Fragged im just trying to find a debian ftp client that will only make one connection at a time to a server because some hosts are paranoid and if one ftp client connects to many times it bans you08:58
fraggedGood luck on thesis, I start uni next year it sounds scary O.o08:58
NeekuI found the online broadcastin site for the channel; now how can i save it or record it?08:59
ogreNeeku:  you mean off yr existing sattelite service?08:59
tvistohi all08:59
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:59
fraggedMatt83, most clients should have an option to only have one connection, if your looking to try them out, bulletproofftpd (A windows program) has settings to only allow one connection per client you can test on that ;)08:59
fraggedOtherwise I'm unsure O.o08:59
tvistosorry guys how do i login as root in server (non desktop) environment? what command should i type? thanks alot08:59
compwiz18tvisto: su08:59
jootmak,  I will go look in my synaptic. momento!09:00
compwiz18tvisto: or sudo -i09:00
pawanhow to install tar.gz file09:00
Neekuogre: here's the link: http://asx.packdeal.com/AndishehTV-DSL.ASX09:00
tvistothanks guys; just was about a month i didn't touch the server! Thanks again!!!09:00
Neekuit has online broadcasting, but I want to record it (actually if it loads at all!)09:00
simplechatpawan, more info?09:01
Matt83Yah im aware of bulletproof ftp client. but not sure if that would work with wine09:02
Neekuogre: does it broadcast anything for you?09:02
Neekumy speed isn't fine because of the damaged optical fibers in the indian ocean09:02
puffEvening... I upgraded my thinkpad t43p to gutsy with compiz & etc.  It's all spiffy, but alt-tab for screen switching gives me a few problems.09:03
puffSpecifically 1) shift-alt-tab to tab in reverse doesn't work.09:04
bod_how do i cp a dir from terminal?09:04
puffand every now and then it's like the alt-tab keys get stuck and it just scrolls like crazy through the windows for a few seconds.  Usually I tap alt-tab again a few times and it unsticks.09:04
puffbod_: I can give you an answer, but your question is too ambiguous to be certain that it will work right.  What are you trying to do?09:05
bbwabod_: gui terminal?09:05
M-Nagatobod_, cp -r (directory) (directory copy)09:05
bazhangpuff: sounds like a mission for #compiz-fusion ;]09:05
Neekucould someone check this site and tell me if it broadcasts anything please?09:05
puffbazhang: Ah, cool,I will go aask there.09:05
bod_puff: bbwa, copy a folder with folders in it09:05
bod_M-Nagato: ty,.il use that,.,. its to copy my /home/bod folder btw09:06
bbwacp -r blabla tohere will work09:06
sarthor Hi, Using ubuntu Gusty, there is no sound in my kismet server, my laptop is x300 dell latitude09:06
jootmak,  I open synaptic click search type sql and pages of sql  are there I do not know enough to tell you what to get but you have a lot to read through i think09:06
andrisphello, i have a problem with my ubuntu virtual desktops (i think it's the right termin).. whenever i open an application, it's windows starts in "almost" fullscreen and it's right edge goes off the active virtual desktop to the desktop to the right a bit.. about 5 to 10 pixels.. in other words, application starts spaned on both virtual desktops.09:08
ogreNeeku:  not playing here either09:08
Frogzooandrisp: you might be in only 800x600 screen resolution?09:10
bbwaandrips: with ternimal server client you can set the screen size09:10
bod_copieing 8 gigs could take ages09:11
bbwabod_: ;-)09:12
bbwaput it in the background09:12
Neekuogre: I think it's because we don't have windows media player --> http://www.worldtvradio.com/radiotv/stations/station09139.htm09:12
Neekuogre: no way?09:12
Neekuogre: what if i had windows!!09:12
bod_bbwa: and do what im on the cd,.,.lol,.,..;~)09:12
sarthorHi, Using ubuntu Gusty, there is no sound in my kismet server, my laptop is x300 dell latitude09:14
david_JCan anyone point me in the right direction in getting a wireless mouse and keyboard to work? http://rafb.net/p/eMk03O51.html09:15
david_JNothing happens.. and I don't know how to trouble shoot this.09:15
* bod_ points ^^09:15
Neekuno way to have it played without windows media player?09:16
bod_david_J: just make sure the reciever is in, then put in the batteries,.,. then press the button on the reciever then the button on the keyboard, repeat for mouse09:16
bod_Neeku: whats up?09:17
david_Jbod_: I have been... Probably bad batteries.. The receiver just flashes09:17
bod_david_J: you press the button on the reciever, a liht should come on, that goes off when you press the connect button on the mouse/keyboard09:18
Neekubod_: i want to open this link: http://asx.packdeal.com/AndishehTV-DSL.ASX but since its player is windows media, i can't. i need an urgent and quick way!09:18
bod_Neeku: ok, il take my time09:18
=== user__ is now known as newbie_00
Neekubod_: ?09:19
Brenjoin #ubuntu09:19
Brenlol i have no idea what im doing.09:19
Neekubod_: i didn't get what you said09:19
BrenCan anyone help me?09:19
Ro1Does wine have a bug when it comes to un-installing a program?09:19
pajamianBren: you're in #ubuntu already, why are you trying to join it?09:20
BrenLOL Used to mirc :(09:20
BrenCan someone help me please.09:20
hashalotzHi guys, does anyone know how to set the default compiler options for apt-get -b <package>?09:20
newbie_00anyone know default user and password for xubuntu ? i try livecd xubuntu 7.1009:20
bod_Neeku: you said you need it urgent, so i said il take my time,.,.was being funny,.,. anyway, get the download helper add-on for mozilla,.,.thatll get it no problem09:20
pajamianBren: just ask your question09:20
BrenOk I recently like just today installed ubuntu right and I followed the tutorial to the spot and it said I wouldn't lose microsoft it would just use the free space. And when i goto boot options in ubuntu when I start it up there is no windows to be found09:21
gavin__I need to setup a wiki on ubuntu 7.04 please help09:21
hashalotzBren, did you erase the partition?09:22
BrenPlease don't tell me I lose Windows. No I clicked the first one you know when you install09:22
BrenWould this work? http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=334009:23
hashalotzBren, then you should be alright.09:23
hashalotzBren, open a Terminal screen please.09:24
hashalotzOk, type sudo bash09:24
hashalotzAnd your password again.09:24
BrenYep done09:25
BrenIt's root@bren now09:25
bod_can someone walk me through partitioner plz,.,. i want to make another ubuntu partition, so i could effectively have 2 ubuntu's on 1 hd,.,.anyone?09:25
hashalotzCool. Type cfdisk /dev/hda (for ide)09:25
=== max265 is now known as max`
hashalotzYou should see a partition table.09:25
BrenDo I include the (for idle) bit09:25
=== pvh_sa|wrk_ is now known as pvh_sa|wrk
BrenItr says fatal09:26
Brencannot open disk drive09:26
pajamianBren: is your hard drive IDE or SATA?09:26
hashalotzOk Bren, do you have SATA?09:26
BrenUhm, I have no idea ro be honest09:26
hashalotzOk, type mount and look for /dev/<disk> entries09:26
idefixhey, what package need one install for the fonts of equation editor?09:27
idefixI got some error other people encountered too09:27
andrispFrogzoo, no im at 1280x102409:27
hashalotzWhat do you see, Bren?09:27
bahmanhi everybody09:28
BrenI sent it to you in pm09:28
bahmanHow could I get the Parsix -http://www.parsix.org/- packages in Ubuntu?!09:28
BetaTestHow do I find hidden hidden (dot files) that begin with .compiz in my home directory?09:28
sarthor Hi, Using ubuntu Gusty, there is no sound in my kismet server, my laptop is x300 dell latitude, sound=true but not working09:28
_rubenBetaTest: find ~ -name '.compiz*'09:29
bod_BetaTest: ctrl+H09:29
sarthorBetaTest, ls -ahl /home09:29
bod_BetaTest: locate .compiz09:29
david_JUgh I got disconnected from the internet09:30
david_JI hope I didn't miss anything...09:30
BetaTestMany thanks bobslaede09:30
BetaTestEr, bod_09:30
bod_yer,. there was a fight and 2 donkeys died!!!09:30
zlajaany1 can tell me how to register here?09:30
bod_BetaTest: what? ,.,.09:30
zlajai wana register for pm09:31
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration09:31
zlajaidk how todo it09:31
hashalotzBren, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-237172.html09:31
BetaTestI was just thanking you for the shortcut and the locate command09:31
hashalotzThat should give you insight into the actual process.09:31
bod_zlaja: i showed you this yesterday,. follow this link,.,.        http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration09:31
hydeIs anyone experiencing problems with dpkg. When installing/upgrading I get an error message:dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 20394 package `libglu1-mesa-dev':09:31
hyde field name `(Includes' must be followed by colon09:31
sarthorCan i play Red Alert game on ubuntu hardy????09:32
bod_sarthor: depends which red alert game and if you pay or not09:32
Frogzoohyde: looks like the file is corrupt - did you lose power during dpkg?09:32
IndyGunFreaksarthor: maybe, but its subject to change... Hardy is still very early in its development09:32
sarthorbod_, Not paid RA209:32
zlajaiidk :@09:33
sarthorOhhhhh.. sorry i am on Gusty.09:33
sarthori downgraded from Hardy.09:33
bod_sarthor: ive been trying, cant get it to work with unpaid wine program or paid cedega program,.,. its up to wine & cedea more then hardy09:33
hydeThat could have happened - where to get a replacment?09:33
bod_or gutsy09:33
Frogzoo!appdb | sarthor09:33
ubotusarthor: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:33
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: its down right now.09:34
Frogzoohyde: sadly, the apt status file is unique to your machines configuration, I'd be looking at reinstalling09:34
IndyGunFreakzlaja: what is your problem?09:34
FrogzooIndyGunFreak: it's an MS conspiracy09:34
zlajaidk to register:S09:34
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: lol09:35
IndyGunFreakzlaja: to register what?09:35
zlajafor pm09:35
IndyGunFreak!register | zlaja: well, typing "omg!!" and other moronic acronyms isn't going to get you any help09:36
ubotuzlaja: well, typing "omg!!" and other moronic acronyms isn't going to get you any help: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration09:36
bod_zlaja: type this      /msg nickserv register <your-password>              replace <your-password>   witha password   like this         /msg nickserv register password09:36
hydeThanks Frogzo - I was worried that might be in store.09:36
=== razordead is now known as razordead_
=== bod_ is now known as deadrazor
zlajabod u there?09:37
andrispso noone have experienced that ubuntu opens new applications spanned on both virtual desktops ?09:37
=== deadrazor is now known as bod_
bod_zlaja: yes09:37
andrisppartly spanned09:37
zlajacoudl you write me in pm09:37
zlajawhat i have to write09:37
zlajareally i dont know how todo it09:37
bod_andrisp: yer,.,.rarely,.,. i just maximize it sorts it out09:38
bod_zlaja: i told you exactly what to type!!!!!!09:38
zlajatyped that09:38
zlajaand wont work09:38
andrispbod_, yes, but i'm tired of maximization :]09:38
zlajasays that zlaja nickaname already exist09:38
bod_typed what?09:38
alexkreuzhow is performance on cedega?09:38
alexkreuzvs windows?09:38
zlaja  /msg nickserv register <your-password>              replace <your-password>   witha password   like this         /msg nickserv register password09:38
Brenhashalotz whats the terminal code to open the grub menu? I tried editing it and it said I don't have permission How do I do that thing so it makes me root again09:38
nemilarBren: you mean sudo?09:39
bod_zlaja: you did only type part of that messge yer?09:39
ogrehey who was asking about the sattelite channels?09:39
BrenUhm yeah I think it was bren@bren and when you told me that thing it was root@bren09:39
zlajai typed this :   /msg nickserv register <your-password>              replace <your-password>   witha password   like this         /msg nickserv register password09:39
FrogzooBren: if you don't know how to edit grub's menu, it's probably best you don't09:39
zlajajust same like this09:39
BrenI need windows back lol :P09:40
bod_zlaja: what did nickserv say?09:40
Garyzlaja, the nick you are currently on is already registered09:40
zlajatell me again what to type09:40
bod_zlaja: are you using xchat? (dont type this)09:40
nemilarbod_: you know that you can just /version him right09:41
bod_nemilar: aain no i dont,. plz explain your technical mumbo jumbo,.,.,.;~)09:41
=== razordead_ is now known as razordead
zlajabod so how do i register :)09:42
nemilarbod_: what I just did to you; if you're registered/identified with nickserv, you can use CTCP commands... type /version nemilar09:42
bod_zlaja: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:42
Seveasbod_, quit it.09:42
=== razordead is now known as razordead_
bod_Seveas: a please wouldnt have gone a miss09:43
bod_nemilar: it syas,.,. CTCP VERSION09:43
Seveasbod_, neither would a kick so be glad I did neither09:43
=== razordead_ is now known as razordead
nemilarlol, oh, I turned off the Version reply in the xchat prefs bod_09:44
bod_nemilar: it also says    VERSION xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu09:44
nemilargrrr I thought I turned it off :(09:45
nemilarbut yeah, that's how it works.09:45
bod_nemilar: it doesnt say that your registered?09:45
Seveas(now bod_ is completely confused)09:46
nemilarhahaha yeah I know, that's why it's so funny09:46
MissDjaxquestion >> I have 7.10, using an ATI x800 with latest drivers, but since then I have some kind of overlay problem when watching movies or TV, the picture flickers black, when I have fullscreen everything is ok tho, any clue ?09:46
* bod_ thinks Seveas is right ;~)09:46
SeveasMissDjax, did you enable desktop effects?09:46
bod_am i missing something?09:46
MissDjaxyes I did09:46
SeveasMissDjax, switch them off and see if the problem persists09:47
bod_nemilar: ???09:47
MissDjaxhmmm gonna try with a metacity --replace09:47
nemilarhaha, nevermind it bod_09:47
Seveasbod_, irchelp.org has all kinds of info about how irc works :)09:47
bod_im so confused,.,. Seveas,.ty so much,.,. im gonna go do some reading09:48
MissDjaxSeveas ya without compiz launched it works, but that's not a solution really :)09:48
moadwhat software do you use for webcam use , like when you want to use your webcam to communicate with other people ?09:48
SeveasMissDjax, no but it makes me point you to #compiz for a solution :)09:48
nemilarMissDjax: what app were you using to display video?09:48
Seveasit's a problem somewhere between compiz and the ati drivers09:48
ezquerrohi to everybody09:49
MissDjaxnemilar TVtime and xawtv for TV and for video I tried everything, vlc, totem, etc09:49
bazhanghi ezquerro09:49
ezquerroi need help configuring evolution09:49
nemilarI had a problem like that when I was using compiz, I changed the video output module in VLC and found one that worked @ MissDjax09:49
ezquerroanyone uses it?09:49
MissDjaxnemilar oh, which one ?09:50
nemilarMissDjax: in VLC - Preferences, select Advanced Options, Video - Output Modules09:50
moadis there any other program that Amsn where i can use my webcam with ?09:50
ezquerroi have 3 mai accounts and i want them to have different inbox folders09:50
ezquerrobut i don't know how to do that09:50
nemilarMissDjax: to be honest, I don't remember.  I disabled compiz a long time ago... when I did that, the output module I had selected no longer worked for me, so I switched back do a different one (trial and error; you have to stop/restart video for each one though)09:51
Seveasezquerro, you don't -- unless they are IMAP and not pop309:51
Seveasezquerro, you could create a mailfilter to filter into correct subfolders, but nothing better than that exists in evo09:51
MissDjaxwell I gonna ask in #compiz since I like the desktop effects :)09:51
MissDjaxthx for the help09:51
ezquerroSeveas, ok, i'll try the filters09:51
nemilarMissDjax: good luck09:51
ThrawnHello, i copied all my data to a brandnew backup harddrive. is there a fast and reliable way to test data integrity? like doing all the md5 hashes and compare them?09:53
BrenHey hashalotz you still there? If you are I did that thing you showed me and it didn't work.09:54
hashalotzBren, what did not work?09:54
fraggedWine crashes on a computer without a sound card, what would I use to spoof for a sound card or disable it completely/09:55
BrenLike I added it to the boot file menu.lst and it said some error I forgot what it said, do you need what the error was?09:55
hashalotzBren, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:55
ezquerroSeveas, i want evolution to ask me if i want to load the images of html mails09:55
ezquerrobut i don't find the option09:55
bod_fragged: see    man asoundconf    or     asoundconf --help09:55
bod_nemilar: are you there?09:55
BrenDone Hash.09:55
Seveasezquerro, it doesn't load them by default, ctrl+I makes it load them09:56
nemilarbod_: yeah sup09:56
ezquerrook, thanks Seeker`09:56
ezquerrosorry, Seveas09:56
bod_nemilar: i sent u a notice usin the /notice nemilar/#ubuntu   command09:56
edmondany 1 know how to ply qq in linux ?09:56
bod_nemilar: did it work?09:56
nemilaredmond: what's qq?09:56
bod_like pp?09:57
CreationistHow would I go about using K3b to burn an .AVI file to DVD?09:58
fraggedbod_, dont be silly its like ff09:59
idran2dpkg: errore processando powermanagement-interface (--configure):09:59
idran2 problemi con le dipendenze - lasciato non configurato09:59
idran2Sono occorsi degli errori processando:09:59
idran2 acpid09:59
idran2 acpi-support09:59
idran2 powermanagement-interface09:59
FloodBot2idran2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
fraggedbod_, the manual page and --help dont help, are you sure this will do what I want it to do?10:00
idran2Hy to all.10:00
oboy03where can i find more login screen10:00
Creationistoboy03: Check out gnome-look.org10:01
meezfoghihi all ...10:01
meezfoghii have problem with vsftd10:01
meezfoghii have problem with vsftpd10:01
meezfoghi500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket10:02
meezfoghican anyone help me??10:02
KuwangerWell, good news and bad news.  It appears that I figured out the problem.  It seems that if a framebuffer isn't avaialble, usplash will use svgalib.  The only problem is, the svgalib code doesn't support transparency.10:02
BrenHash, stupid question but I'm just making sure. goto http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=3340 and where it says boot up withlivecd I restart the PC and load the cd in the start up process right?10:02
KuwangerAt least, it only supports something called "putboxmask", which presumes that 0 is the transparent color.  So, I hacked usplash to change the transparent color in an image to 0, when a transparent color is used.10:03
KuwangerThat sort of seemed to work, though my latest test ended up with the monitor turning off. :/10:04
meezfoghican anyone help me??10:04
idran2I have a problem with my pakages: acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface.The dpkg --configure -a produce this report: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55191/ this is in italian lenguage but i can traslate it!10:04
CreationistHow would I go about using K3b to burn an .AVI file to DVD?10:05
meezfoghican anyone help me??10:07
DILCreationist, fire it up, its intuitive10:07
meezfoghii have problem with vsftpd10:07
meezfoghi500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket10:07
CreationistDIL: Not when it comes to DVD video it isn't.10:07
DILCreationist, you dvd burner or rom?10:08
CreationistDIL: I try to do that and it creates the directory structure for a DVD, but doesn't explain where to put my files or how to convert them to the right format etc.10:08
CreationistDIL: I have a working DVD burner, but k3b doesn't explain how to make a DVD video.10:08
DILCreationist, can you locate the file from the k3b interface10:10
CreationistDIL: Of course.10:10
DILCreationist, so you select it and  ............10:11
DILCreationist, what happens10:11
CreationistDIL: And it throw it onto the DVD image... but what about the audio_ts and video_ts directories.10:11
CreationistDIL: I've seen actual DVDs before and there has never been one that has .AVI files in the root directory10:12
idran2I have a problem with my pakages: acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface.The dpkg --configure -a produce this report: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55191/ this is in italian lenguage but i can traslate it!10:12
gary4garI installed windows xp yesterday, so it overwrited MBR, now i have booted into Ubuntu 7.10 via live cd & carried the procedure defined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but its failed in the last step, when it runs emed to times, also my dmesg output shows some I/O errors. demsg output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/dmesg .   syslog output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/syslog. My mobo is MSI K8m10:13
DILCreationist, brb10:14
CreationistDIL: Decided to use Devede to do it... if that doesn't work, I'll just use Windows for it.  But thanks anyway.10:14
meezfoghi500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket10:16
meezfoghii have problem with vsftpd10:16
meezfoghican anyone help me??10:16
josiahanybody here worked with CMS systems before?10:19
lollohi everyone, when does the new version of ubuntu will come out ?10:20
lolloand what's the number ? ?10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:20
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:20
gary4garOkay here my question second time :). I installed windows xp yesterday, so it overwrited MBR, now i have booted into Ubuntu 7.10 via live cd & carried the procedure defined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but its failed in the last step, when it runs emed command twice times( msg was, error but not fatal) , also my dmesg output shows some I/O errors. demsg output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/dmesg10:20
nemilarjosiah: which CMS?10:20
josiahnemilar: I have been using joomla and want to find something that blows it out of the park10:21
nemilarjosiah: drupal?10:21
josiahnah almost the same as joomla :)10:21
josiahit seems10:21
bert_hi, I'm having some issues with webcams on MSN using kopete, does anyone here now the ports it uses ?10:21
SegFaultAXanyone around?10:22
josiahnemilar: i was looking into webgui... i dont know i just want something that will blow me away10:22
SegFaultAXi had a quick question if anyone has a moment to spare10:22
bert_sure, shoot SegFaultAX ;)10:22
SegFaultAX:D, thanks10:23
SegFaultAXjust wondering if the alternate cd will allow me to do a full install without a live session10:23
nemilarbert_: google says http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support&comzone=show10:23
erUSULSegFaultAX: yes10:23
bert_SegFaultAX the alternative CD is a non-graphic installer, it doesn't use any kind of liveCD stuff ;)10:24
razordeadmeezfoghi: is it possible you're already running another FTP server?10:24
=== bbwa is now known as Sliss
lollo1,3 Gb of swap is too much ?10:24
SegFaultAXwill it still allow me to do a deep fdsk and repart?10:24
=== Xjs-Itisme is now known as Xjs
meezfoghirazordead: how to i want i have run another ftp server10:25
SegFaultAXthe thing is, i downloaded the live cd, it boots fine but after i select Start or Install Ubuntu10:26
SegFaultAXit loads, then nothing10:26
lollo1,3 Gb of swap is too much ?10:26
nemilarlollo: not if you have the space to spare :)10:26
SegFaultAXeventually the cd drive spins down and there is no access on the hdd10:26
erUSULSegFaultAX: do the repart and the fsck from a livecd (ubuntu knoppix or whatever)10:26
nemilarlollo: saying "too much swap" is like saying "too much bottled water in case of an emergency"10:27
DIL_Creationist, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169825&page=310:27
meezfoghirazordead: i not sure10:27
lollolol thx .. another thing .. what's the max RAM supported by ubuntu ? ( for xp it's 2Gb )10:28
SegFaultAXi dont think this old machine im using can handle the livecd10:28
SegFaultAXit doesnt have much ram10:28
nemilarlollo: for the 32-bit version, 4GB; anything above that requires the 64bit version10:28
SegFaultAXso, that is most likely the limiting factor10:28
newbie_00anyone can help me ? i try ubuntu 7.10 livecd..when get gdm login windows..but i don't know default user and password for ubuntu livecd..anyone can help me please...???10:28
lollosry nemi how much is for 64bit ?10:29
geoffthefishhow do i set permissions for future files in a directory?  is there a way to umask one dir only?10:29
razordeadmeezfoghi: try this command from a terminal & see if it shows anything that says ftpd... netstat -an | grep LIST | grep 2510:29
stibA thought just popped into my head. Is there a mac version of Wine? I mean a way of running mac software in linux, like Wine for windows apps.10:30
stib It would have to be called Cider I guess..10:30
bazhangstib: what app10:30
gary4garOkay here my question third time :). I installed windows xp yesterday, so it overwrited MBR, now i have booted into Ubuntu 7.10 via live cd & carried the procedure defined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but its failed in the last step, when it runs emed command twice times( msg was, error but not fatal) , also my dmesg output shows some I/O errors. demsg output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/dmesg 10:30
razordeadmeezfoghi: oops, make that... netstat -an | grep LIST | grep 2110:30
stibrazordead: Well, final cut pro on linux would rock my world so hard I'd need hand rails10:31
alexkreuzis there a way to install windows xp without it overwriting the MBR?10:31
stib*bazhang not razordead10:31
alexkreuzso i can keep my grub menu?10:31
idran2I have a problem with my pakages: acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface.The dpkg --configure -a produce this report: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55191/ this is in italian lenguage but i can traslate it!10:31
lollobut .. the swap works only if the RAM is full or in other situations ?10:31
razordeadalexkreuz: that's pretty funny10:31
SegFaultAXi just downloaded the 672m alternate cd in 4.3 minutes10:31
SegFaultAXnot bad10:32
bazhangalexkreuz: install it first ;]10:32
incorrecti am not at my ubuntu box, however i want to get a copy of the kernel config10:32
lollobut .. the swap works only if the RAM is full or in other situations ?10:32
ImaginalUsing nautilis for ftp, I can add and delete files... but I can't move them without permission errors. Any ideas?10:33
oboy03why do i have black squares on firefox, specially on yahoo.com10:33
up_the_ironshey guys10:33
SegFaultAXimaginal, check the "other" attributes10:34
bruciemoosestib: there's a Cider, but it's for Mac users running Windows stuff10:34
gary4gar Okay here my question third time :). I installed windows xp yesterday, so it overwrited MBR, now i have booted into Ubuntu 7.10 via live cd & carried the procedure defined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but its failed in the last step, when it runs emed command twice times( msg was, error but not fatal) , also my dmesg output shows some I/O errors. demsg output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/dmesg10:34
up_the_ironsquick question: dpkg -C shows there's one unconfigured package.  I want to say "just forget about it", and have it delete the package, so apt-get will work again10:34
up_the_ironshow do i do that?10:34
stibbruciemoose: nothing the other way around.. I'm kind of surprised10:34
meezfoghirazordead: here that output....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55193/10:34
ImaginalSegFaultAX: what does that mean?10:34
nemilarup_the_irons: have you tried configuring it with dpkg --configure -a ?10:35
lollothe swap works only if the RAM is full ? there are other situations ?10:35
yousifHi all. Can anyone help me with my home wireless network. i ve tried to modify wpa_supplicant.conf but it is still not working.  I am using wpa2-psk security10:35
up_the_ironsnemilar: yes, but there's dependency problems10:36
nemilarlollo: that's the basic idea, but not always when it's full... for example if you have 50MB of RAM left, but a program wants 80MB of memory, it'll usually bypass the 50 and go straight to swap10:36
nemilarup_the_irons: do you have the .deb file ?10:37
up_the_ironsnemilar: it doesn't seem to, easily, let me say "ok, i have dependency problems, so forget about it, don't install the package and forget you tried"10:37
up_the_ironsnemilar: yes i have the .deb10:37
razordeadmeezfoghi: this line says there's an FTP server already running & you'd need to uninstall it before the new one you're trying to install will work... tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN10:37
nemilarup_the_irons: give gdebi a try10:37
lollowow nemi you know so much things ! thx !10:37
nemilarup_the_irons: gdebi-gtk file.deb10:37
gary4garOkay here my question 4th time :|. I installed windows xp yesterday, so it overwrited MBR, now i have booted into Ubuntu 7.10 via live cd & carried the procedure defined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but its failed in the last step, when it runs emed command twice times( msg was, error but not fatal) , also my dmesg output shows some I/O errors. demsg output ==> http://gary4gar.googlepages.com/dmesg . 10:37
nemilargary4gar: please stop doing that.10:37
up_the_ironsnemilar: oh i don't have gtk or anything installed, it's a server10:37
gary4garanyone ?10:37
nemilarup_the_irons: oh true10:38
SegFaultAXwhere is the installation page for beryl now?10:38
nemilarup_the_irons: it won't let you dpkg -r  ?10:38
SegFaultAXthe link on the beryl site is dead10:38
nemilarSegFaultAX: compiz-fusion is the composite manager these days 8) all the cool kids are doing it10:38
up_the_ironsnemilar: what i've done until now is remove the package with --force-depends, and then reinstall the "good" version10:38
up_the_ironsnemilar: i guess i'll just have to keep doing that10:39
stibgary4gar: there are about four different methods there, which did you use?10:39
gary4garstib: all :(10:39
nemilarup_the_irons: there's definitely a solution, SOSTM would be able to help you10:39
gary4garstib: i am worried about those nasty errors :S10:39
up_the_ironsnemilar: but yeah, dpkg -r complains too10:39
stibso what happens when you boot?10:39
meezfoghirazordead: ok..how to uninstall  ftp server.....i dont know another ftp server install on my machine10:39
stibgary4gar: what happens when you boot?10:40
up_the_ironsnemilar: sostm?10:40
gary4garstib: nothing, no sign of grub :p10:40
nemilarup_the_irons: someone smarter than me10:40
up_the_ironsnemilar: haha10:40
up_the_ironsnemilar: ok :)10:40
stibgary4gar: : are you sure you got the right hard drive?10:40
razordeadmeezfoghi: try searching Synaptic for ftpd & see if there's another one marked as installed10:41
gary4garstib: means?10:41
meezfoghirazordead: ok i check 1st ..thanks10:42
gary4garstib: My hdd is Seagate ST380815AS10:42
stibgary4gar:  when you install grub, you have to tell it what drive to install to (usully it's (HD0,0) meaning the first partition of the first hard drive.10:42
stibgary4gar: what did you type when you installed grub?10:42
gary4garstib: i tried using live cd10:42
stibgary4gar:  tried what?10:43
gary4garstib: sudo grub, root (hd0,1) & setup (hd0,1)10:43
gary4garstib: i am more worried about this error in dmesg, yte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK10:44
gary4gar[  238.637426] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 3145526310:44
gary4gar[  238.637432] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK10:44
geburayour drive must have hardware problem :(10:44
SegFaultAXubuntu does not have an ok prompt does it?10:44
nemilarGary: I agree with gebura, suspect hardware10:45
yousifguys can anyone help me please?10:45
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:45
alexkreuzhow to i exit x-server so that i can install nvidia drivers?10:45
stibyousif: not if you don't tell us what the problem is10:45
geburaalexkreuz, go on console (ctrl + alt + {1,2,3...}10:46
yousifok sorry10:46
gary4gargebura: but is the problem, then i will give it for RMA, but they will ask me whats the problem10:46
geburatype sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:46
alexkreuzgebura, if i type that10:46
yousifi am trying to find the right configuration for wpa_supplicant.conf10:46
alexkreuzhow do i restart x?10:46
geburasudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:46
nemilaralexkreuz: use /etc/init.d/gdm start10:46
arne_Hello, do someone here know how i can install the flash plugin for opera in 7.10?10:46
nemilaryeah sudo is important.10:46
yousifi have wpa-psk security10:46
alexkreuzalright thx10:46
meezfoghirazordead: i already remove all ftpd...and here mu netstat output...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55194/...what i need to do10:46
yousifi mean wpa2-psk security10:47
razordeadmeezfoghi: I know there's a command that will tell you what program is listening on that port, but I just can't remember what the command is... maybe someone else here knows10:48
nemilarrazordead: you looking for nmap?10:48
moadi need an IM client that supports webcams10:48
razordeadnemilar: there's something much easier, actually10:48
kimmey2k3moad: try amsn10:48
nemilarrazordead: oh, I know what you're talking about10:48
moadother than amsn10:48
nemilarrazordead: I can't remember it though... I know exactly what you're talking about, too10:49
kimmey2k3moad: kopete supports webcam i think10:49
razordeadnemilar: it also tells you what program has a file open10:49
nemilarit's gotta be one of the ls commands10:49
nemilarlsof displays open files10:49
razordeadnemilar: that's the one10:49
popeyrazordead: netstat10:49
meezfoghirazordead: i try reinstall vsftpd10:50
yousifi m using this configuration http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55195/10:50
razordeadmeezfoghi: hang on a second10:50
nemilarrazordead: how would you get lsof to tell you what port something is using?10:50
meezfoghirazordead: ok10:50
popeynemilar: it's netstat, not lsof10:50
razordeadnemilar:  lsof -i :<portnum>10:51
nemilarpopey: yeah I know about netstat.. but razordead is suggesting lsof can identify a port, which I believe10:51
citmhow can i install these repositiries so i can install the software to watch flv video files?10:51
citmcdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs10:51
citmcdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs10:51
citmcheers, ahh damn sorry :/10:51
alexkreuzwell that didnt work10:51
nemilarrazordead: I don't think that works10:51
razordeadmeezfoghi: run this command & it will tell you what program is listening on your FTP port...  lsof -i :2110:52
alexkreuzso i installed the latest nvidia linux drivers off the nvidia site10:52
razordeadnemilar: try it, I just did it... I've used it many times10:52
alexkreuzand now my ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode10:52
alexkreuzand cant seem to use the drivers10:52
nemilarrazordead: I've got apache running on port 1337, it doesn't give me anything10:52
alexkreuzor something10:52
popeyalexkreuz: why not use the nvidia driver in the repo?10:52
incorrectif i ran up a game server, would i want a preemptible kernel?10:52
nemilarrazordead: I think it only picks up open connections10:52
alexkreuzwell im new to linux so let me throw it out there10:52
razordeadnemilar: try as root?10:53
alexkreuzbasically i was running cedega10:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:53
alexkreuzand my guild wars was running like shit10:53
alexkreuz15 fps10:53
nemilarrazordead: :D smart10:53
alexkreuzso i thought, let me get the latest drivers10:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:53
alexkreuzthe drivers running before were the ones installed by ubuntu for me10:53
razordeadmeezfoghi: ok, new command... sudo  lsof -i :2110:53
bert_how do I check which ports are open and which not using iptables ?10:53
=== alpaco is now known as ahmadinejad
sudoI have kubuntu on lap-top Asus. Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series Audio Controller. There's no sound. What should I do?10:54
erUSULbert_: you can't iptables can not be used to check ports10:54
=== sudo is now known as ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL
nemilaroh come on, not this guy again10:54
ahmadinejadI WANT A TROLL TOO10:54
bert_and how do I open certain ports with iptables ?10:54
popey!ops ahmadinejad10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops ahmadinejad - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:54
erUSUL!ops | ahmadinejad10:54
ubotuahmadinejad: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!10:54
nemilarAny ops here??10:54
alexkreuzhow do i update my video drivers via synaptic?10:54
alexkreuzwhats the name of the package?10:54
Mezhim again ?10:55
nemilarhe was here last night, or maybe the night before10:55
nemilardoing the same garbage10:55
erUSULalexkreuz: depends on your graphic card but if they are installed they will be upgraded automatically10:55
=== Xjs-Itisme is now known as Xjs
meezfoghirazordead: here....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55196/10:55
moadsearching for a client that supports webcam else than Amsn10:55
ROOT_OF_ALL_EVILI have kubuntu on lap-top Asus. Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series Audio Controller. There's no sound. What should I do?10:55
meezfoghirazordead: but i have already remove vsftpd10:56
razordeadmeezfoghi: try killing the process, then install vsftpd again10:56
yousifi m trying to configure the wireless network. at the moment i m using this configuration. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55195/ i m using WPA2-PSK. thanks in advance10:56
erUSUL!sound | ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL10:57
ubotuROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:57
razordeadmeezfoghi: make sure that command returns nothing before you try installing again10:57
moadsearching for a client that supports webcam else than Amsn10:58
bert_moad, kopete does10:59
meezfoghirazordead: ok.. its return nothing...ok right now install vsftpd again...thank a lot10:59
=== huff3r0 is now known as huff3r
dns53moad: skype 2 beta does and to capture/record cheese works10:59
bert_but I'm having some troubble with the cams myself, I need to open some ports I think, does anyone now how to open ports ?10:59
ArthurArchnixHi... just moved to Finland and I'm trying to enable the Euro key. It's a standard US english laptop keyboard, and I go into >system >preferences >keyboard and check the box that says 'add Euro key to number 5'. But I can't get it to actually work for the life of me.11:00
erUSULbert_: if you didn't explicity closed them you do not have to open them (on ubuntu). If you use a router you have to enable nat and pot forwarding on the router but that's offtopic here11:00
bert_erUSUL, but the cams work fine in windows (sorry I used the word) but not in ubuntu, so it really is a port problem here on ubuntu11:01
Kalamansi!server download11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about server download - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:01
=== Kalamansi is now known as Syscp
erUSULbert_: did you instaled a firewall?11:02
meezfoghirazordead: i have  installing vsftpd again... when i start vsftpd...have a same problem ...500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket11:02
bert_nope, the only thing I have is iptables and the other stuff that come default on ubuntu for as far as I know11:02
meezfoghirazordead: what i need to do...i have no idea11:03
yousifguys this is my question: i m trying to configure my wireless network. at the moment i m using this configuration. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55195/ . i m using WPA2-PSK. thank you  in advance11:03
bert_erUSUL, could it be apparmor ?11:03
razordeadmeezfoghi: run that last command again & see if vsftpd is listening11:03
erUSULbert_: then all your ports are open if there's something listenning on them11:03
erUSULbert_: dunno i get rid of it11:03
bruciemooseyousif: what wifi chip?11:04
bert_I'll uninstall it then11:04
dns53telnet to ther port, see what is using it11:04
meezfoghiyes....vsftpd  20040 root    3u  IPv4 416548       TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)11:04
meezfoghirazordead: vsftpd  20040 root    3u  IPv4 416548       TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)11:04
yousifbruciemoose: i actually dont know11:04
bruciemooseyousif: do a lspci11:04
sunseeker888HI guys, if I a wireless wifi card on my new pc? will ubuntu sees it connect directly to my wireless router? Do i a need a specific card for ubuntu, or will a generic one do?11:05
razordeadmeezfoghi: try connecting with an ftp client & see if it works11:05
bruciemooseyousif: or is it usb?11:05
yousifno it is not11:05
bruciemooseYouri: what's the lspci output?11:05
citmhow can i get the codecs ti play flv files?11:05
bruciemooseyousif: what's the lspci output?11:05
ArthurArchnixNever mind... found a post on the forum that solved it.11:05
yousifit is integrated in my laptop11:05
erUSULsunseeker888: it depends on the wifi chip the card uses i can say by experience that a rt2500pci based card is automagical with ubuntu11:05
ArthurArchnixs€€ ya!11:06
bruciemooseyousif: type "lspci" in a terminal11:06
magnetron!codec | citm11:06
ubotucitm: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:06
bert_erUSUL, I just did a portscan of myself, but should the ports be always opened or just when I'm using webcam, as they aren't listed right now ?11:06
meezfoghirazordead: ok i try 1st...thanks11:06
sunseeker888thanks erusul,, going on ebay now.11:06
yousifit is giving me a lot of output11:06
erUSULbert_: only when you use webcam (if it is true that the webcam app you are using need to listen in a specific port)11:06
bruciemooseyousif: yes it should11:07
bruciemooseyousif: does anything look like it might be network?11:07
erUSULbert_: if there is no app listenning the port will appear as closed11:07
yousifit is11:07
moadthanks for the help , the quality is great11:07
yousifdo you want me to put it online?11:08
bert_okey, kopete just crashed :s11:08
bruciemooseyousif: talking to me?11:08
yousifbruciemoose: i m sorry. yes i m talking to you.11:09
SwerveHi, trying to setup webmin on 7.10 server edition. None of the add on modules are working and I was wondering whether the locations of the files, such as php.ini are different than webmin was expecting11:09
yousifbruciemoose: do you want to put the output on ubuntu pastebin?11:10
meezfoghirazordead: yeah.. it works..can connect ..but wonder why it can from terminal....thank a lot razordead11:10
bruciemooseyousif: email me the output - stuff@andrewbruce.net11:10
razordeadmeezfoghi: no problem11:10
yousifbruciemoose: i will. thank you very much11:10
citmluke@luke-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install ubutu-restricted-extras / Reading package lists... Done / Building dependency tree / Reading state information... Done / E: Couldn't find package ubutu-restricted-extras - any ideas why?11:11
bruciemooseyousif: oh, pastebin would also be fine11:11
goodhabitHello. What is default ubuntu application for rss reading?11:12
erUSULcitm: you speled it wrong  ubutu-restricted-extras is ubuntu-.... with n11:12
erUSULgoodhabit: there's no default for gtk you have lifarea11:12
bert_okey this is odd, when someone tries to view my webcam, kopete craches11:12
erUSUL!info lifearea | goodhabit11:12
ubotugoodhabit: Package lifearea does not exist in gutsy11:13
erUSUL!info livearea | goodhabit11:13
ubotugoodhabit: Package livearea does not exist in gutsy11:13
crdlberUSUL: liferea11:13
* erUSUL d**m11:13
citmthe play bar for youtube is all messed up. The volume part is ontop of other things, and not over to the right where it sould be, and i cant move it up.11:13
maximilionHello guys :)11:14
alanbshepard70Does anyone know of something that can help me save an asx video link from the net to my hard drive? I'm trying to rip/save the launch videos of the shuttle launch from yesterday off of the nasa website.11:15
maximilionAfter running "sudo alien -cv xyz.rpm" I get folders, not .deb files. Is that normal?11:15
citmthanks erUSUL: motto of the story, dont type drunk11:16
Thurin1citm: Here is a better moral, lesson and rule11:16
maximilionalanbshepard70: Try the Video download add-on for Firefox... don't remember the name, the most popular one11:16
Thurin1citm: Do not Root while under the influence.11:16
maximilionRoot only on root beer11:17
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.11:17
maximilionSo, anyone here used alien? Is it normal to get folders and not .deb files?11:17
Thurin1alanbshepard70: All you need do is download the 'asx' file and open it in a text editor, the link inside is the direct address for the video file. - Keep in mind that mime types must be disabled less you wish to use a download manager such as Kget or something similar.11:17
alanbshepard70maximilion: I've tried several and none work. I've tried download helper, ook video ok, magic ripper, and others. I've also tried vixy.net that is supposed to rip from a link and convert the video to a format of your choosing11:17
yousifbruciemoose: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55199/11:18
Thurin1maximilion: Yes, it could be normal depending on how the RPM was packaged to install, some of course are designed to install into folders..11:18
Thurin1maximilion: Btw.. Alien is not compatible with 'all' RPM packs, in fact I believe that one of it's enemies is 'dir' packed RPM's.11:18
ktwilight[m]sure are plenty of people in here11:18
maximilionSo, if they are already folders, no need to "dpkg -i"?11:18
bruciemooseyousif: ok so the last line is your wireless card11:18
Thurin1maximilion: Find the binary -- ./binary and see11:19
alanbshepard70Thurin1: I tried that also but when I try the link it downloads a small 915byte file.11:19
yousifbruciemoose: cool11:19
Thurin1maximilion: If that does not work and everything is still source without an option to build/make - well either find a deb, or find another RPM. - Again alien is not compatible with all rpms, most, but not all.11:19
maximilionThurin1: Will check, thanks :)11:20
bruciemooseyousif: so I'm googling for that model number11:20
yousifbruciemoose: cool thank you11:20
bullgard4English help wanted. What is meant by 'reparent' in the sentence "If a kernel thread is launched as a result of a system call, or if it ever exits, it should generally reparent itself to kthreadd so it isn't in the way of other processes and is correctly cleaned up on exit."?11:20
ali1234alanbshepard70: tried mplayer? mplayer --dumpstream --playlist whatever.asx11:20
Thurin1alanbshepard70: That could also be another text file, check that for a link as well. - Some links to videos though are well protected and .. it's really not worth the effort...11:20
Le-Chuck_IT1Hi all. Is it normal that if I put tomboy in my session it opens the search window, and if I start it from my terminal after login it will not? I am using hardy but I suppose this is not a new thing11:21
bruciemooseyousif: so ubuntu hasn't recognised the card?11:21
alanbshepard70ali1234: No I haven't tried that but I will now.11:21
yousifbruciemoose: it is recognised11:21
alanbshepard70Thurin1: the second file was a wmv file but I'll see if it has a link burried in ti11:21
yousifbruciemoose: i do have an wireless connection at school11:21
Thurin1alanbshepard70: WMV' files can have links inside...11:21
yousifbruciemoose: but at home it is not working11:22
bruciemooseyousif: ah11:22
yousifbruciemoose: sorry i wasnt very clear11:22
bruciemooseyousif: that's useful to know :P11:22
alanbshepard70Thurin1: Ok thanks, I'll check it out and see what happens.11:22
yousifbruciemoose: i m really sorry about it11:22
bruciemooseyousif: so do you know your wireless hub settings?11:22
daurnimatorhey all11:23
yousifbruciemoose: yes11:23
daurnimatoranyone able to help with rdesktop?11:23
daurnimatorI'm running windows xp under vmware server11:23
daurnimatorI'm trying to get seamlessrdp working11:23
bruciemooseyousif: so what does it say when you try to connect?11:23
daurnimatorbut rdesktop doesn't seem to do anything11:23
daurnimatorwhen I attempt to start it, it just sits there11:23
daurnimatorno output in term, or window created11:23
yousifbruciemoose: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55195/ this is the configuration i m using at home11:23
daurnimatordoesn't seem to timeout either11:23
bruciemoosedaurnimator: have you tried moving the mouse :P11:24
maximilionThurin1: No ./binary in the folders, in fact no ./anything, but they do contain /debian and /usr that seem to contain executables11:24
yousifbruciemoose: it just doesnt connect11:24
bruciemoosedaurnimator: sometimes that's a screen saver :P11:24
Thurin1maximilion: ./binary just means executable... a binary one ;) not literally ./binary :]11:25
bruciemooseyousif: where's that file?11:25
yousifbruciemoose: after changing the conf file i use:  sudo dhclient eth1 .11:25
maximilionThurin1: Yeah, don't think I need to build since the version is for my cpu and distro11:25
daurnimatorhmmm, if I just put in a bad ip11:26
daurnimatorit does the same11:26
maximilionThurin1: But that doesn't mean I know how to "be a package manager" and know where to put the files :)11:26
yousifbruciemoose: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55195/ it is here11:26
daurnimatorthe networking doesn't seem to be working11:26
daurnimatorhow can I test if theres a firewall blocking it?11:26
bruciemooseyousif: I mean where on your system?11:26
yousifbruciemoose:  it is in ect/wpa_supplicant/11:27
Thurin1maximilion: Well if it runs you can keep them where they are in your home, or make a specific directory @ home for them..11:27
BrianLI am running a totally upgraded feisty ubuntu, I wanted to put beryl on their but their are alot of different tutorials for it, can anyone suggest a good one?11:27
Thurin1maximilion: If they did not install via pack .. it makes no sense to place them in /usr/bin - and anyways /usr/bin is fat enough :)11:27
bruciemooseyousif: have you configured this through the gui?11:27
bruciemoosedaurnimator: portscan with nmap?11:28
sandr-BrianL: why don't you use compiz?11:28
ROOT_OF_ALL_EVILhow to install ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run (I'm lamer, help me, please)?11:28
Thurin1daurnimator: Networking as in... internet, home network, wireless what?11:28
Thurin1daurnimator: You're leaving out critical information my man ;D11:28
daurnimatorThurin1: vmware. local.11:28
maximilionThurin1: Well, I figured I could copy the /usr folder contents to my /usr folder, but what about the debian folder contents? Into /debian?11:28
daurnimatora nat11:28
magnetronBrianL: beryl isn't maintaned anymore. compiz fusion, the replacement is included in both feisty and gutsy. but it works a lot better in gutsy11:28
yousifbruciemoose: when i try to do it through the gui it doesnt work11:28
yousifbruciemoose: while it is just the ssid and the password type11:29
bruciemooseyousif: can you connect to your hub with anything else?11:29
Thurin1daurnimator: Make sure that you have smbclient installed, no errors about hal/dbus (if you are in Gnome) - and double check your Vmware network settings - they do have some warnings/tricks in that section.11:29
daurnimatorwhy smbclient???11:29
daurnimatorI think it could be something with iptables?11:29
yousifbruciemoose: like another laptop?11:29
daurnimatorhow do I check?11:29
Thurin1daurnimator: Oh, also make sure that your actual box and the emulated system do not share the same address - that will block one of them out on some routers.11:29
bruciemooseyousif: yeah11:29
Thurin1maximilion: ... No no no11:30
BrianLmagnetron: but that will give me a cool effects?11:30
daurnimatorThurin1: vm is
magnetronBrianL: yes.11:30
daurnimatorifconfig shows the host as
yousifbruciemoose: yes i can work with the wireless network on the windows11:30
Thurin1maximilion: Do not, ever move a /usr folder to /usr in / ... you could delete your original USR and break the system ;P11:30
=== Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as KGJ|frustriert
yousifbruciemoose: i have dual boot11:30
BrianLmagnetron: cool, so how do i get it going?11:30
dns53BrianL: compiz is the original project, there was a split called beryl and they merged as compiz-fusion11:30
Thurin1maximilion: If you really want to make something in usr - symlink the binary with "ln -s" (man ln)11:31
bruciemooseyousif: so you get no network, can't ping the hub etc?11:31
yousifbruciemoose: no i cant11:31
magnetronBrianL: in feisty, there are not all the effects available. it's called "desktop effects"11:31
Thurin1dugbert: The host is the router.. .1 is usually the router11:31
maximilionThurin1: Roger! debian folder contains some scripts like postrm, a .debhelper file... Does this mean I could automate install even without .deb file?11:31
magnetronBrianL: in the system menu11:31
Thurin1daurnimator: What is the OS you are using vmware on? XP?11:31
yousifbruciemoose: when using the gui it is canging after i open it again to wpa personal instead of wpa211:31
magnetron!hi | adnan11:31
ubotuadnan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:31
adnanya its first time that i am gating log on11:32
daurnimatorThurin1: ubuntu11:32
Thurin1maximilion: In theory yes, but you could also find that the program works right now and all you must do (if you use X) is add the link to the file.. and presto ;) - some things in Linux do not need to be 'installed'11:32
Thurin1daurnimator: Ok, So your running ubuntu.. to run Ubuntu in vmware?11:33
Thurin1so you have two versions of ubuntu running on the same machine?11:33
Thurin1Ah ok ok11:33
t105hello ... has anybody a clue with that one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/3752711:33
t105i'm having that during net install from the mini-iso11:33
misc--hello... I'm trying to get the java plugin or firefox to work but java.com keeps saying I have 1.4.2 installed. How can I make it use 1.6? I've removed every single trace of 1.4.2, installed the 1.6 java, used update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun, restarted firefox, still thinks I'm using 1.4. Firefox about:config shows the java lib I'm using which links to 1.6. Any ideas?11:33
Thurin1open up a terminal in ubuntu and 'ifconfig' whats the addy? - and in XP run a command prompt and 'ipconfig' and what is the addy?11:33
BrianLmagnetron: "I get a pop up that the composite extension is not available"11:33
bruciemooseyousif: Think my suggestion would be to reduce the security on your hub11:33
bruciemooseyousif: I've had similar problems11:34
yousifbruciemoose: yeah it is a good idea11:34
maximilionOK Thurin1, will make the symlinks... and try :)11:34
yousifbruciemoose: i ll try this now11:34
bruciemooseyousif: I fixed mine by forcing a different kernel module11:34
magnetronBrianL: that means that your graphics driver does not support 3d desktop. what card are you using?11:34
t105i had to use net install because normal install messes up with sata-cdrom11:35
Thurin1maximilion: ;) if you see what seems to be the executable binary .. ./filename - if it runs it's already 'installed' - however if the binary has not been given permissions yet ---- chmod +x filename11:35
yousifbruciemoose: ok i ll remember that11:35
BrianLmagnetron: ati x30011:35
yousifbruciemoose: :)11:35
magnetronBrianL: ATI? too bad.11:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about defoma - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:35
bruciemooseyousif: so I had rt2500usb or something installed by ubuntu, had to change it to something else that looked very similar11:35
Thurin1BrianL: You must edit your XORG - and enable the Option 'Composite' enable11:35
Rodolfohi folks..I'm going to buy a new computer and I want to know a good video card from nvidia or ati/amd. Suggestions?11:35
maximilionYes, I've found it, but I think it uses fonts and expects startup files in the correct place11:35
Thurin1BrianL: Go to X.org and read about composite - and double check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.11:35
maximilionSo I will step gently :)11:36
yousifbruciemoose: the thing is that i have already wireless connection at school11:36
BrianLThurin1: will do, thanks11:36
Thurin1The Radeon 7000 supports beryl - so I mean come on.. the X300 for sure does11:36
bruciemooseyousif: yeah that's weird11:36
magnetronRodolfo: don't buy one from ATI. try avoiding the 8 series nvidia too.11:36
bruciemooseyousif: so it works, I guess it's best to change your hub11:36
yousifbruciemoose: so i thought it is just how to configure the wpa_supplicant11:36
Thurin1BrianL: Just good xorg.conf - 'composite' you should see a lot of examples.11:36
yousifbruciemoose: i will11:36
Rodolfomagnetron: hm..what do you think about nvidia geforce 7300LE?11:37
bruciemooseyousif: I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant11:37
yousifbruciemoose:  thanks man11:37
bruciemooseyousif: np11:37
magnetronRodolfo: a nice card.11:37
citmE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:37
citmE: Unable to lock the download directory11:37
Thurin1BrianL: - Section "Extensions"11:37
Thurin1Option "Composite" "Enable"11:37
maximilionThurin1: Oh, found a makefile. :P Just run it?11:37
Slap_Stickhey, i'm a bit confused with the sudoers file, if i wanted a group to be able to have all normal commands as their own user but to be able to su to another user with no password, how would i do it at the moment i've done %d ALL = /bin/su - user NOPASSWD: ALL is that correct?11:37
citmi get errors whenever itry to add ropgrams or things.. i think it is due to the problem with contacting a server during my install11:37
KristianDKHi there :-) I'm having a light intensity problem on my laptop - i can't change it, so i'ts 100% all the time, which is destroying my battery time :O Do you know a possible solution to this?11:38
Thurin1maximilion: as user --- ./configure - make - as sudo make install11:38
ROOT_OF_ALL_EVILHow to run 'ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run'?11:38
citmis there anyway to fix that? reinstall ubuntu?11:38
Rodolfomagnetron: as far as I know, it has 256MB dedicated memory...and can steal more from the system...11:38
Slap_Stick/usr/bin/su even *11:38
Rodolfomagnetron: is that right? you know anything about it?11:38
magnetronRodolfo: i don't know about that.11:38
Thurin1so first "./configure" (verbatim) that will take some time - next you type "make" and wait... when it's done "sudo make install"11:38
Rodolfomagnetron: which one do you use?11:38
Thurin1maximilion: It can be done in one large command as well - but it's easier to get started like that11:38
magnetronRodolfo: geforce 311:38
Rodolfomagnetron: ouch...!11:39
Thurin1maximilion: But before you build anything get the tools first ..11:39
maximilionokay, will try :)11:39
ROOT_OF_ALL_EVILHow to run 'ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run'?11:39
maximilionI have the tools Thurin111:39
magnetronRodolfo: it's enough for compiz11:39
Thurin1sudo apt-get install build-essential (might have an s)11:39
ROOT_OF_ALL_EVILHelp me please?11:39
Thurin1build-essentials or build-essential, one or the other11:39
Rodolfomagnetron: the last one I had was a GF 4 MX4000 128MB@64b11:39
dns53./appname in a terminal?11:39
Thurin1That will give you the minimum tools you need to compile your own software :)11:39
=== assid is now known as Assid
Rodolfomagnetron: it SUCKED! but was enough for that time...11:40
Thurin1ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL: Chomod +x file11:40
Thurin1ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL: Then ./ati <tab> enter...11:40
Thurin1ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL: Well... I guess you know the tab part .. just saying ;D11:41
gumishi all11:41
Thurin1but if a binary is not executable... chmod +x :)11:41
Thurin1chmod +x filename.11:41
Rodolfomagnetron: is it true that nvidia cards run games better on windows then on linux?11:41
Thurin1Of course you can only chmod's to files you own - so you can't change mod a root file from a user account.. keep that in mind11:41
gumishow to easy downgrade kernel in 7.10 to kernel in 6.10?11:41
Thurin1Rodolfo: No11:42
Thurin1Rodolfo: Nvidia from my experience works better on Linux than ATI.11:42
maximilionThurin1: Eh, throws up on ./configure11:42
AssidThurin1: no ? 3d acceleration isnt as advanced as its windows counter part11:42
Thurin1ATI's are one of the worst on Linux, not that they are bad cards.. but ati does not care much about Linux.11:42
Jadd76Hello, can anyone send me the URL of a blog post seen on the Ubuntu planet with the Virtualbox/Windows screenshot?11:42
AssidThurin1: i think his question was nvidia on win/lin11:42
RodolfoThurin1: what card family are you talking about?11:42
gary4garPlease help me restoring grub after windows install, i did this ==> http://www.pastebin.ca/896134  but still no sign of grub11:43
Thurin1Rodolfo: You're comparing games on windows and linux?11:43
Thurin1Rodolfo: Bah, might as well compare apples and oranges really11:43
Thurin1Most games on Linux use GL, most windows games use DX which cannot be tested on Linux for the most part.. soooo11:43
Assiderr.. can someone help me get my webcam working?11:43
RodolfoThurin1: hehe...yea I need a suggestion to buy a new video card with my next computer11:43
Thurin1But as for GL games - try ET on windows and on Linux11:43
Thurin1it's way faster on Linux :)11:44
AssidET ??11:44
Thurin1maximilion: It's not fun eh?11:44
Assidyou mean UT right ?11:44
RodolfoThurin1: I've had bad experience enough and I'm running away from intel GMA-based-cards from now on...11:44
yousif_bruciemoose: thank you it is working now11:44
Thurin1maximilion: But compiling your own programs usually resuly in a snappier app.11:44
Thurin1Assid: Enemy territory.11:44
Thurin1Rodolfo: Hahah11:44
alanbshepard70My iPod stopped mounting whenever I plug it in. I didn't change any settings and I've rebooted as a first step. Any ideas on how to fix this or troubleshoot?11:44
yousif_bruciemoose: thank you very much.11:44
Thurin1Rodolfo: Well... as for Linux... yeah, Nvidia is the way to go.. trust me.. ATI is hella bad.11:45
gary4garPlease help me restoring grub after windows install, i did this ==> http://www.pastebin.ca/896134  but still no sign of grub there11:45
Assiderr.. my nvidia 8600gts works fine on ubuntu+1 btw11:45
Thurin1Assid: Yeah, like I said Nvidia is good on Linux.11:45
RodolfoThurin1: I see...I was talking about GF 7300LE. what do you think about it? is it capable of running current games?11:45
Thurin1Nvidia has been 'good' to linux for long time ..11:45
Thurin1Rodolfo: On Linux? hah sure11:46
Thurin1Rodolfo: Linux doesn't have much games you know :P11:46
Thurin1If you want to play games a lot.. why choose Linux?11:46
Thurin1Gamers are better off on windows.. seriously11:46
RodolfoThurin1: because I don't want vista on my next pc...trust me Linux is the smarter choice.11:46
DDragonsome are Thurin111:46
maximilionI agree, although id games rock on Linux :)11:46
alanhaggaiYou can use Cedega to play DirectX games in GNU/Linux.11:47
Thurin1Rodolfo: Not for Gamers it isn't11:47
ubotuCinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu11:47
Thurin1Well.. compared to Vista, maybe haha11:47
frupI only like older games11:47
Thurin1Vista.. umm yah11:47
maximilionalanhaggai: I have this old Win98 game using DX6... is that possible in cedega?11:47
RodolfoThurin1: and I want to run games on Linux...If I can't, nothing to do about it. windows is not an option.11:47
frupmost work in wine11:47
Thurin1frup: yup11:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:47
Thurin1I mean 'gamer' like hardcore11:47
alanhaggaimaximilion, might be. Give it a try.11:47
frupNewer games in my opinion tend to be more about graphics than gameplay11:48
ikoniaThurin1: linux is not a mainstream gaming platform11:48
maximilionI have alanhaggai :)11:48
Thurin1Rodolfo: Ok well good luck with that11:48
AssidThurin1: i decided to keep windows dualboot for that11:48
frupit's been that way for quite a while11:48
alanhaggaimaximilion, did it work? :-)11:48
Thurin1ikonia: Thank you for the obvious :P11:48
maximilion156 fps in 1600x1200 :)11:48
alanhaggaiCool :-)11:48
Thurin1ikonia: It's a shame though because.. the few games Linux does have perform so much better than they do on Windows. :)11:48
RodolfoThurin1: thanks :)11:48
maximilionThurin1: So I go to the folder with the makefile, type configure, then make, then sudo makefile?11:48
Thurin1I have no games.. i'm on FreeBSD which is horrible for games11:48
ikoniamaximilion: no. What are you trying to build11:49
Assidmaximilion: you usea CRT/LCD?11:49
alanhaggaimaximilion, It is sudo make install11:49
alanhaggaiand not sudo Makefile11:49
DDragonits not a mainstream gaming platform but it is used as gaming servers11:49
Thurin1maximilion: in this sequence --- ./configure <wait> make <wait> sudo make install (done, yay, beer time!)11:49
RodolfoThurin1: why not use an "emulator"? cedega does it well...11:49
Thurin1Rodolfo: FreeBSD is not Linux so.. yah11:49
maximilionAssid: LCD - 156 fps is the benchmark. I can run 156 fps ingame, but screen will ofc only show 60 Hz11:49
AssidRodolfo: cedega uses something similar to wine11:50
Thurin1Cedega does not really work that well on BSD11:50
Assidmaximilion: sweet.. which game?11:50
Thurin1But it does not matter - I don't play games anyways :)11:50
maximilionAssid: I have a Dell 27"11:50
alexkreuzcan anyone tell me where i can get the kernel-source from?11:50
Thurin1The closest I come to gaming is Zsnes from time to time11:50
Thurin1alexkreuz: kernel.org11:50
Assidhow do i confirm im on 1680x1050@60hz ?11:50
ikoniaalexkreuz: which kernel source, the ubuntu package or vanilla ?11:50
alanhaggaialeX-xx, kernel.org11:50
ikoniaThurin1: careful11:50
alexkreuzubuntu i guess11:50
RodolfoAssid: I believed in that as well...but I didn't find out WHY warcraft III TFT runs great on cedega and terribly on wine...11:50
alexkreuznot really sure11:50
ikoniaalexkreuz: ok - what do you want to do with it ?11:50
alexkreuznvidia needs it to compile11:50
alanhaggaialexkreuz, http://kernel.org11:50
maximilionWell, the 156 fps is from Quake 3 running on nvidia 6800 generic drivers - also Doom etc11:51
alexkreuznvidia-installer --update11:51
alexkreuzneeds it11:51
Thurin1ikonia: Yeah, I know... Zsnes might kill my resources!11:51
AssidRodolfo: cedega is a paid platform11:51
simion314hi, can i load in parallels my real windows xp partition? it will be a waste of space and time to install other xp11:51
osfameronRodolfo: isn't cedega optimized for playing games?11:51
maximilionAnd I guess the Jedi Knight, RTCW etc will also run fine11:51
ikoniaalexkreuz: ok - why are you doing nvidia-installer --update ?11:51
Thurin1osfameron: Yes11:51
Thurin1It sort of emulates DX from what I can gather11:51
alexkreuzto update my nvidia drivers11:51
Thurin1Works very well under Ubuntu11:51
ikoniaalexkreuz: why ?11:51
ikoniaalexkreuz: why do you want to update them11:51
maximilionAssid: I have a 6800 non-ultra (cheap) gfx card11:51
alexkreuzso i can get updated drivers?11:51
dns53alexkreuz: there is an update from memory11:51
echo__can somebody tell me how to get Eclipse running? it doesnt define all the Java classes i need.11:51
alexkreuzwhats that got to do with it?11:51
ikoniaalexkreuz: but why do you want updated drivers ?11:52
Thurin1I played Warcraft III on Cedega/Ubuntu - It was amazing how well it played on an old PIII (My ubuntu machine) with a Radeon 7000.11:52
ikoniaalexkreuz: what reason do you want updated drivers11:52
Assidmaximilion: sweet.. you tried this on windows?11:52
RodolfoCedega or WineX...whatever. The difference between them is not about paid platform or not at all.11:52
alexkreuzwhats it to you?11:52
Thurin1Ubuntu really is probably the best choice for a gamer in Linux...11:52
alexkreuzmy issue is i need the kernel-source11:52
ikoniaalexkreuz: to try to provide you the best advice possible11:52
AssidRodolfo: cedega optimizes use of directx11:52
Thurin1alexkreuz: That is where the kernel source is - kernel.org11:52
alanhaggaiecho__, try #eclipse. They might be able to help you.11:52
ikoniaalexkreuz: why is the reason you wnat to update the nvidia drivers11:52
RodolfoAssid: and wine uses OGL instead.11:52
alexkreuzThurin1, can i get the kernel-source from apt-get?11:52
Thurin1alexkreuz: You go to the downloads and there they are11:53
alanhaggaiecho__, No problem. :-)11:53
Thurin1alexkreuz: Probably but it's out of date11:53
alanhaggaialexkreuz, yes.11:53
Thurin1alexkreuz: What do you want to do with the kernel source? recompile a kernel?11:53
maximilionAssid: Well on my C2D/ATi X1950 Pro machine Quake 3 runs faster ofc. On the same machine in XP 64-bit: totally unplayable. Maybe 30 fps.11:53
RodolfoAssid: that's because WC3 is unplayable. (maybe)11:53
ikoniaalexkreuz: it's important to understand why you want th eupdate deu to driver/kernel compatability11:53
alexkreuzim trying to update my nvidia driver and to update it, it needs the kernel-source11:53
maximilionSame machine as this Ubuntu*11:53
Thurin1If that's the case.. i'd get the latest from kernel.org11:53
ikoniaalexkreuz: but WHY do you want to update your kernel driver11:53
alexkreuzso id prefer the same src im running already11:53
Thurin1alexkreuz: Synaptic - > kernel11:53
ikoniaThurin1: thats not going to help him getting the source tar from kernel.org11:54
ikoniaalexkreuz: what is the reason you require the updated drivers ?11:54
alexkreuzThurin, kernel-package?11:54
maximilionThurin1, anyone: I have a makefile called rules. I'm in its folder in the terminal. How do I make install?11:54
alexkreuzi dont have a straight up kernel in synaptic11:54
Thurin1maximilion: Did you configure?11:55
ikoniaalexkreuz: i's clear you have no idea what you are doing and you refuse to answer questions. So enjoy breaking your machine11:55
Assidstupid xchat crashed11:55
pvh_sa|wrkhi, i'm trying to set up a LTSP server on ubuntu - trying to understand the setup for now11:55
Assidi shoulda stuck to kvirc11:55
alexkreuzikonia, no shit im breakig my machine11:55
alexkreuzthats the point of this11:55
alexkreuzyou want to know why im updating?11:55
Thurin1maximilion: After configure - you 'make' which compiles then you 'sudo make install'11:55
ikoniaalexkreuz: moderate your langauge11:55
alexkreuzbecause im curious about what the latest drivers offer11:55
maximilionThurin1: typed ./configure -> No such file or folder, then configure -> some other error11:55
hesamhyello, my name is unclefucker11:55
ikoniaalexkreuz: they will offer you incompatability with your kernel interface11:55
ikonia!ops | hesamh11:55
ubotuhesamh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!11:55
Assidanyne know how i can check if my screen is on 50/60hz ?11:55
maximilion./configure <filename>?11:55
alexkreuzikonia, would you mind letting me have that learning experience?11:56
Assidi dont see anything in xorg's log11:56
maximilionAssid: Press the menu button on your monitor?11:56
pvh_sa|wrkas i get it, the client is passed a boot file using DHCP  - pxelinux.0 - and then it mounts the filesystem via NFS ? how is the info on where to nfs mount root set?11:56
ikoniaalexkreuz: sure - go for it.11:56
kloerihesamh: don't troll please11:56
Thurin1maximilion: ok, well try.. just typing 'make' if that does not work - try looking through all dirs for a configure file (it will be ... "configure")11:56
ikoniaalexkreuz: go break your machien, then re-install when you are done11:56
ali1234maximilion: just ./configure. and if it fails, you probably need to install some development libs11:56
Assidmaximilion: dont see an option to see it :(11:56
au_hey. do u know some good graphic viewer for console?11:56
alexkreuzgeez ikonia, its a separate partition that im PLAYING with11:56
Assidgot it11:56
alexkreuzget over it11:56
nevilleYou're not very nice ikonia11:56
ikoniaalexkreuz: thats fine, go do it then11:56
maximilionAssid: Look for a menu called Hz, Settings, Display Informatin...11:56
Thurin1ikonia: Breaking stuff is part of the fun11:57
ikoniaThurin1: I have no issue with that, just people doding questions when they clearly have no idea what they are doing11:57
Thurin1ikonia: Well no one is born a Linux pro.. so11:57
alanhaggaiVery true.11:57
Assidokay if it says  v. frequence 59.9 hz11:57
Assidso i guess thats 60hz right ?11:57
alanhaggaiWe are all learning.11:57
ikoniaThurin1: no-one said they are - but then get advice/help - don't just ignore it blindly11:57
karmelekIt is correct sentence?: 'Can I ask you who gave you those lovely flowers?'11:58
alexkreuzi asked11:58
alexkreuzwhere can i get the kernel-source11:58
alexkreuzthats it11:58
Assidpicel clock 146mhz .. is that good?11:58
ikoniakarmelek: this is an ubuntu support channel11:58
alexkreuzwhats it to you why i need it?11:58
Thurin1karmelek: Sort of the wrong channel no?11:58
alexkreuzmaybe i wanna make a dirty bomb with it11:59
ikoniaalexkreuz: because peopel who do'nt know what they are doing - don't often know what they really want11:59
alexkreuzmaybe i wanna power my coffee machine with it11:59
karmelekikonia: woops - i choose wrong tab11:59
ali1234alexkreuz: question is flawed because you don;t need the whole kernel source for what you are doing, just the ehaders (which are in apt)11:59
ikoniaalexkreuz: the package is called kernel-source - there is your answer go break your machine11:59
maximilionAssid: Yes, that's 60 Hz. And pixel clock depends on resolution - it's what the gfx card can output. Is there a problem?11:59
ikoniaali1234 exactly - thank you, hence why trying to get more info from someone trying to be clever with smart boy responses11:59
nevillealexkreuz what exactly is this in relation to?11:59
gumisin which repository i can find 2.6.17 kernel, and how to install it?11:59
Thurin1gumis: ... kernel.org12:00
Assidmaximilion: nah no problem.. just wanna get the most of the machine.. ive spent enuff cash.. time to get some returns12:00
ikoniaThurin1: thats not a repo12:00
erUSULgumis: 17 kernel is the kernel used in edgy iirc12:00
ikoniaThurin1: stop giving out advice like that12:00
Thurin1ikonia: He did not say ubuntu-kernel, did he?12:00
Thurin1He said kernel 2.6.1712:00
alexkreuzmy problem12:00
alexkreuzis that i dont HAVE a kernel-source in apt-get12:00
ikoniaThurin1 be realistic - he's running ubuntu12:00
alexkreuzthe one i have isnt getting12:01
erUSULgumis: why do you need such an old kernel?12:01
alexkreuzthe closest i have is kernel-package12:01
Thurin1ikonia: Which means nothing .. Ubuntu is only a linux12:01
maximilionAssid: Normally, even for good LCDs, in the highest resolutions you get lower Hz. But even the best LCDs can hardly go over 75 Hz.12:01
ikoniaThurin1 jus consider what your advising people to do, most people are new and don't actually know what they want12:01
Thurin1You can switch kernels all day long regardless of distro12:01
erUSULubotu tell alexkreuz about kernel | alexkreuz see priv msg from ubotu12:01
Assidmaximilion: yep12:01
nevillealexkreuz, have you got source sources enabled in your package manager?12:01
Thurin1ikonia: He just told me what he wants12:01
Thurin1kernel 2.6.1712:02
Thurin1and how to install - http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu12:02
ikoniaThurin1: keep in mind the majority of the users are new users12:02
Thurin1ikonia: Indeed and breaking things will let them learn12:02
maximilionAssid: My best solution is to only have max resolution and set the screen to not scale up lower resolutions.12:02
ikoniaThurin1: no - thats not what we are here to do12:02
Assidmy stupid webcam dont work :(12:02
alexkreuzneville, yes12:02
p00tzHow can I change the place in desktop where windows are opened? Right now, every new window I open starts in the top left corner, with the window title bar hidden under the taskbar :\12:02
alanhaggaialexkreuz, got the source yet?12:03
gumisi have identical problem as described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64305812:03
Assidmaximilion: problem if you use something like media files or such where the source isnt a sclable vector12:03
alanhaggaialexkreuz, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/devel/linux-source12:03
ali1234p00tz: sounds like you might have a problem with your window manager? can you drag withows with ALT+drag?12:04
maximilionAssid: I have no problems at all, when I'm watcing media I'm in the desktop anyway, and when a game starts a lower resolution I get a perfect (not stretched) picture with black borders :) I like it.12:04
p00tzyes ali1234, i can12:04
p00tzthis started happening after i installed compiz12:05
erUSULgumis: are you on the affected machine? can you test something?12:05
* maximilion is away (coffee)12:05
Thurin1maximilion: widescreen gaming? :o12:05
Pirate_Hunterhello I want to know what killer apps are available for ubuntu?12:05
Assidmaximilion: true.. but then shifting back and forth on resolutions.. damn12:05
MezThurin1, if you're going to give advice that is dangerous, at least warn whoever how dangerous it can be and give them a safe option too ;)12:05
Assidi prefer higher res gaming12:05
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: depends what you want to do12:05
gumisgumis: yes, i installed squid on my debian server12:05
ali1234p00tz: perhaps ask in #compiz-fusion12:05
gumisand connecting via proxy, but i must have direct access to internet12:05
=== michael__ is now known as frankgrimes90
Thurin1Mez: Well telling someone where a kernel is isn't exactly 'dangerous' :P it's risky12:06
Pirate_Hunterikonia: just wish for a list of apps that fit as killer app, hope that makes sense12:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sources.lst - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:06
p00tzali1234: ok I will :) thx for the tip12:06
citmwhere is sources.lst file located and how do i edit it?12:06
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: not really, it depends what you want to do, maplyer is a great video app for example.12:06
iariHi! Can someone PLEASE help me? I own a laptop & the only thing keeping me from wiping my windows partition and moving to ubuntu is the fact I can't go into Hibernation. I couldn't find anything that works in the forums nor google.. Any one's got an idea how to fix hibernation for Thinkpad T43p ?12:06
MezThurin1, it's dangerous as iuf they dont know what they are doing, it can render their computer unusable without a re-install to them.12:06
idran2I have a problem with my pakages: acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface.The dpkg --configure -a produce this report: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55191/ this is in italian lenguage but i can traslate it!12:06
Thurin1Mez: True, so a disclaimer should be added to the end of the sentence, yes.12:07
ali1234Pirate_Hunter: most of the best apps are available for other platforms, so don't qualify as "killer apps"12:07
Pirate_Hunterikonia: ok I thought that it was a particular type of aps but now it seems it would depend on preferences... hmmm ok12:07
MezThurin1, please do in future ;)12:07
Mezidran2, try a sudo apt-get install -f12:07
Pirate_Hunterali1234: yeah I just thought killer apps were particular not something that everyone would agree on12:07
ali1234Pirate_Hunter: actually my favourite killer app has to be apt :)12:08
Thurin1Mplayer, 'Terminal', Audacious, Rezound, Abiword, those are a few killer apps - but it really does depend on your taste too... some people prefer light weight apps some.. enjoy heavier more feature rich applications.12:08
iariAnyone ?12:08
alexkreuzok got it12:08
alexkreuzthx Thurin112:08
Pirate_Hunterali1234: o.k.12:08
Thurin1alexkreuz: Apt.. is the envy of the 'unix-like' world.12:08
alexkreuzbut i didnt get it off apt12:08
gumis,i'm to linux, so i'm looking for something like "sudo apt-get install kernel-2.6.17-xxx", reboot and choose new kernel :)12:08
alexkreuzit wasnt in there12:08
alexkreuzi got it off kernel.org12:08
iariIs there someone that might be able to help me ??12:09
Pirate_Hunterali1234: can synaptic be considered a killer up as it is one of the best/most commonly used in ubuntu12:09
Thurin1alexkreuz: Now for the disclaimer -: Anything you do with kernels may damage your system, you are not in anyway advised to use them - in using them you assume the risks of damaging your install.12:09
alexkreuzi know12:09
alexkreuzThurin1, is there a standard path that the kernel source is usually placed in?12:09
frupiari have you posted on Ubuntuforums?12:09
Thurin1alexkreuz: Yes if you want to educate yourself a bit more on how the kernel works.. or how to build one and the directories and what they mean give this a look - http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu12:10
Thurin1alexkreuz: I advise you NOT to follow the howto unless you feel that you are 'ready' and understand what you are doing - you can indeed render your system unbootable.12:11
Thurin1Also note that 'kernel headers' and 'kernel sources' are not the same thing - and be sure of what an application is requesting.12:11
Thurin1enough disclaimers? :D12:11
alexkreuzcool thx12:11
Thurin1OH alexkreuz last thing..12:11
alexkreuzits ok if it gets unbootable, i have my ubuntu cd handy12:11
pluffsyI did this: sudo apt-get install openntpd and thought that would be enough to make my computer get the time from a clockserver automatically. the process is running but the time is never right. any idea why it isn't working?12:12
Thurin1If you do decide to compile a kernel - make sure you have spare time.. it takes a lot of resources and time12:12
iarifrup: yes a long time ago.. they advised TuxOnIce but when I try to run 'make' I get an error : 'make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.  Stop.12:12
iarimake: *** [prepare0] Error 2'12:12
Thurin1But you do learn a lot and get to tweak and really get rid of the fat that your system does not use and make a leaner system12:12
erUSULgumis: try this sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling"12:12
Thurin1alexkreuz: Yeah.. well always backup your unreplaceable data :) as for Ubuntu.. if you have the cd.. really who cares12:13
maximilionAs per instructions I made a subfolder to /usr and chmodded it 777. Still can't use file browser to copy stuff into it. How?12:13
frupiari You are using 32bit?12:14
erUSULmaximilion: why would you want to copy files there? user thata belongs to /home/12:14
maximilionCould I "sudo nautilus" or something?12:14
Thurin1maximilion: Err why did you chmod to 777?>12:14
erUSULmaximilion: s/thata/data/12:14
maximilionerUSUL: I know it's 'dirty', but it's in a sub-folder, and the software expects it there... badly coded maybe12:15
Thurin1maximilion: sudo when you wish to use root commands, then chmod the stuff you need.. don't get into a habit of chmod'ing to 777 that's really insecure12:15
IanLiuHi. I am trying to install Cedega from CVS, but I am having some troubles with the installation script. After the 2nd step (checkout) comes the Configure step, which throws and error: "/home/ian/.WineCVS/Functions/DefaultProfile: line 628: ./configure: No such file or directory"12:15
erUSULmaximilion: what software?12:15
maximilionThurin1: I thought doing that would give anyone rights to copy into it12:15
gumiserUSUL: it works!!! what this magic command did?12:15
Thurin1maximilion: And write it - and read it - even outsiders12:15
KenSentMeApt is broken because an install of a deb crashed. The package can't be removed or reinstalled. When apt or synaptic is started it says it can't because the archive is missing. How can i let apt ignore that package and run synaptic to remove that package?12:15
Thurin1maximilion: Just don't do that too often - especially in critical folders like /usr - you could get a good hacking12:15
Silthiasanyone able to explain how to append a new line to a document using a shell script? Iv tried to use sed but it isn't working, and can't find anything ont he net that explains it properly12:16
erUSULgumis: they are some screwed up routers on internet that doesn't support window scaling so the command disables it for ubuntu so you can use the net12:16
maximilionThurin1: I know, should I use 644? or 755 for folders?12:16
maximilionStill won't let me copy stuff to it from file browser12:16
frupSilthias using "line" > document should work, it might be >> one is append one is overwrite12:16
Thurin1maximilion: In your home folder... you can do as you will but.. try to keep away from 777 anywhere else.. but even at home 777 is really insecure12:17
Knightwisehey everyone12:17
Silthias(frup): cheers ill give it a try now12:17
maximilionThurin1:  I know all this, I'm a webdev... when it's working I'll make it secure ofc.12:17
Thurin1maximilion: You may have to logout/in to reflect the folder changes to nautilus12:17
Knightwisecould anybody point me to a good appliance - distro for network monitoring  ? (spam control / antivirus)12:17
maximilionStill don't see why that doesn't allow file browser to put files in it!12:18
Thurin1maximilion: just saying in general :)12:18
Thurin1maximilion: try as I said.. out and in again12:18
Thurin1sometimes nautilus does not see folder changes for some reason until you logout/in12:18
mEck0Hi! my sound is "rustles", i.e. no clear sound no matter which mediaplayer I'm using. what could be wrong? alsa?12:18
donkieI want to read/write my /var/www catalog via network realtime (samba preferbly). but www-data own the /var/www catalog, must i chown the catalog to me? what is the best way12:19
Knightwiseanyone know of a good network security distro ?12:19
maximilionThurin1: Probably - rightclicking the folder, properties closed all nautilus windows ;)12:19
Knightwisei would like to use a linux book as a firewall and stuff12:19
Knightwiselinux box ,  not linux book12:19
frupdonkie add your user to the group12:19
Thurin1mEck0: You're sure your mixer is unmuted and all? - because on new installs it's muted default12:20
gumisso i don't need to downgrade kernel :) very thx erUSUL12:20
donkieKnightwise: ipcop is a cool firewall12:20
frupotherwise configure apache12:20
sunseeker888HI guys, help needed. I have made a cd from windows containing all documents files (words processing). Can ubuntu read these files from the cd drive? it is saying no media in dvd drive12:20
donkieKnightwise: or pfsense12:20
Thurin1If that's ok - Synaptic and search for 'gstreamer' - install most of them, especially the oss/alsa ones (if not already installed) that sometimes fixes audio problems.. don't ask me how12:20
Silthias(Knightwise): heard that backtrack is a good network security distro12:20
donkiefrup: add my username to the group www-data?12:20
mEck0Thurin1, okay, can it be checked with alsamixer? I have sound, but it doesn't sounds as good as it should12:20
fruptry it12:21
Knightwiseyeah i know ipcop12:21
Thurin1mEck0: What is your soundcard anyways?12:21
Aolephello all. need help... is there an optimized build of firefox for windows xp; like swiftweasel or swiftfox, which are for linux...12:21
Knightwisebut i would like something  like astaro or something12:21
Knightwisebut i dont know if astaro is free12:21
donkiefrup: i think i tried that. hmm. trying again12:21
Thurin1mEck0: Yes you can check with alsamixer - also check your balances - left/right12:21
Thurin1I had mine, unknowingly, all the way to the left once and it was just static12:21
mEck0Thurin1, okay, don't know the soundcard by heart now, but it's the built in one on my HP 6510b12:22
nomopofomogetting this error while trying to compile lxsplit: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.3/include/limits.h:122:61: error: limits.h: No such file or directory12:22
frupdonkie on my machine i actually just chowned /var/www, it's not good practice though12:22
nomopofomoor make. whatever youc all it12:22
mEck0Thurin1, HDA Intel I see12:23
Thurin1mEck0: Yeah.. some 'internal' soundcards are badly supported through alsa12:23
frupdonkie: on the server we use which is fedora 4 apache is configured to point to different users home directories etc... that's the best way maybe12:23
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:23
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:23
mEck0erUSUL, thx12:23
Thurin1mEck0: ... you could always try installing through Synaptic (it might already be) a package called 'alsa-utils' and then "sudo alsaconf" - maybe it will detect a better driver than what you are using now12:23
frupwoohoo!! alipoor12:23
KenSentMeApt is broken because an install of a deb crashed. The package can't be removed or reinstalled. When apt or synaptic is started it says it can't because the archive is missing. How can i let apt ignore that package and run synaptic to remove that package?12:24
Thurin1erUSUL: Ah, so it is one of the .. so so supported cards/chipsets?12:24
mEck0Thurin1, ok, because I haven't touched the soundsettings after installation of ubuntu, thx12:24
Thurin1KenSentMe: try in a terminal ---- "sudo apt-get clean"12:24
alipoori believe Mary (Jesus' mom) was just a common whore impregnated by some stupid jew :)12:24
sunseeker888Ubotu, can ubuntu read cd of only words documnet from msoffice12:24
Thurin1KenSentMe: After that try re-installing the package12:24
frupWell i'm going to sleep, it's SAT 0130 here.12:24
alipoorprophet muhammad sucks dick12:25
erUSUL!ops | alipoor12:25
ubotualipoor: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!12:25
alipoorprophet muhammad sucks dick12:25
mEck0Thurin1, sudo alsaconf says the command doesn't exist, but I have the alsa-utils package installed12:25
donkieok, my user is member of the www-data group. (id username shows it). And the /var/www is shared through smb.conf correctly without any useraccessdefinition, why cant i write to the www-data samba share?12:26
labinnswI have been trying for the last 3 days to find a solution to my problem. I cannot get any sound on Firefox on this link "http://www.yahoo.americangreetings.com/ecards/view.pd?i=293054256&m=8812&rr=y&source=yahoo999" I have tried many proposed solutions but each time I restart fire fox and try again I get the same result. Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this site. Any attempt to install the recommend plug-in s12:26
Thurin1mEck0: damn :(12:26
idefixif a package replaces another package should you remove that?12:26
donkiewell, forgot about www, my user cant create files logged in either.12:26
mEck0Thurin1, maybe alsa-tools is the package I need for that?12:26
Thurin1mEck0: I don't know where else then ... you could try /usr/bin/alsaconf.. Ubuntu is one linux where I never understood where alsaconf was...12:26
xcasexahem. xorg specifies the resolution and displays it correctly, gnome however is stuck at 1024x768 instead of 1366x768. where does gnome panel store its configuration12:26
Thurin1mEck0: AH! could be12:26
Thurin1mEck0: Try it .. you have nothing to lose but like 2mb's :)12:26
mEck0Thurin1, hehe yeah12:27
Thurin1xcasex: Did you go to 'system - screen resolution' ?12:27
xcasexThurin1, yeah 124x768 is the max res in the cappet12:27
KenSentMeThurin1, thanks, after apt-get clean synaptic still wont open, it gives an error12:27
Thurin1xcasex: Well.. Gnome doesn't really store anything res wise - xorg.conf controls that - you may need to add a modeline12:28
mEck0Thurin1, didn't help12:28
MrEgg964Hi everyone. I need some help here, because I messed up user privileges, and now I no longer have system administration privileges. Can anyone help me get them back? tia12:28
Thurin1xcasex: /var/log/Xorg.0.log - find the resolutions it found and .. google the modelines and how they work12:28
Thurin1mEck0: Well I suppose your stuck with the howto :( as I said some internal sound cards are really so so ... with Alsa12:28
erUSULMrEgg964: explain "I messed up user privileges"12:28
PeanutMrEgg964: boot from the CD/DVD, and fix /etc/groups and or /etc/sudoers ?12:28
mEck0Thurin1, ok, thanks for the help12:29
Thurin1KenSentMe: Ok, what is the error again?12:29
Thurin1mEck0: You're welcome12:29
KenSentMeThurin1, that the archive cant be found12:29
Thurin1KenSentMe: And this is when your opening Synaptic?12:29
labinnswI have been trying for the last 3 days to find a solution to my problem. I cannot get any sound on Firefox on this link "http://www.yahoo.americangreetings.com/ecards/view.pd?i=293054256&m=8812&rr=y&source=yahoo999" I have tried many proposed solutions but each time I restart fire fox and try again I get the same result. Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this site. Any attempt to install the recommend plug-in s12:29
Thurin1KenSentMe: It may seem lazy.. but try rebooting ... maybe clearing out some tmp's may help your situation12:30
xcasexThurin1, well. i know the resolution. depending on which you mean, xorg finds 1366x768, i have the correct modelines defined.12:30
KenSentMeThurin1, yesterday someone gave me a command to disregard packages to try to reinstall them because they are broken, i forgot it, do you know?12:30
cyroulhi everyone12:30
KenSentMeThurin1, rebooting doesnt help12:30
Thurin1xcasex: So you have added a modeline? - you can also try adding the option "NoDDC" (google again) to your Xorg.conf12:30
wilI am trying to learn linux... I installed some packages but nothing is in the applications menu. Is there any site that has a list of what the folder structures actually mean? (e.g. etc, lib, var, root e.t.c.)12:30
erUSULlabinnsw: maybe the answer is that the plugins needed do not exists for linux (shockwave and avtiveX)12:31
MrEgg964erUSUL: well, I created in new group, 'shared', using groupadd shared. Then I add myself to the group, using usermod - G shared fred (fred being my username). If I groups fred, I can see that I am part of two groups : fred and shared. But I can no longer sudo, nor add/remove/update my system.12:31
Thurin1KenSentMe: No, I have never come by this problem myself.. sorry I do not know the command12:31
xcasexThurin1, again, this is what xorg autoconfigured itself to use, gnome boxes itself at 1024x768.12:31
Jay955i have no problem mapping to the home folder from my xp side but it will not let me browse my shared folder on my secondary drive12:31
labinnswerUSUL Thanks for the response12:31
xcasexwhereas the display is at 1366x76812:31
xcasexlooks very odd12:31
erUSULMrEgg964: boot into recovery mode and add yourself to the admin group use "sudo adduser fred admin"12:31
alexkreuzi now got the latest nvidia drivers working12:32
KenSentMeThurin1, ok, thanks for your help12:32
alexkreuzthx Thurin112:32
Thurin1xcasex: And what I am saying to you is the autoconfig is obviously wrong and Gnome has nothing to do with it - all it does is read from xorg.conf - you must figure out whats wrong in that12:32
erUSULMrEgg964: usermod - G shared fred  is a bad bad idea becouse usermod remove you from all the groups you were to place you on the shared group only12:32
Thurin1xcasex: and you either need to add option "NoDDC" or literally add a modeline to your config file12:32
xcasexwell the autoconfig is right, according to the specs of the laptop display12:32
Thurin1alexkreuz: you're welcome :)12:32
erUSULMrEgg964: from now on use adduser12:32
idefixI hope I didn't tick any people off here in the past12:32
cyroulanyone has tried hardy ?12:33
Thurin1xcasex: It's not right if you do not have the right resolution, correct?12:33
Dr_Willisidefix,  we all got short memories. :)12:33
Dr_Williscyroul,  yes. :) discussion of it in #ubuntu+112:33
Thurin1xcasex: There is no point discussing Gnome - Gnome has nothing to do with resolutions12:33
erUSULMrEgg964: once you get again admin rights you will have to add yourself to many other groups or some things will fail (as audio plugdev lpadmin etc...)12:33
xcasexThurin1, dear god. listen to what i am saying12:33
cyroulDr_Willis: thks12:33
xcasexthe laptop display is capable of 1366x76812:34
Thurin1xcasex: You said your resolution is bad yes12:34
xcasexthis is what it is using12:34
Dr_Willisthats a weird res.12:34
xcasexgnome boxes itself, i.e cuts off as a normal desktop at 1024px12:34
MrEgg964erUSUL: ok, will do. Thanks a lot ; I wasn't aware usermod -G would do that, as help states "new list fo supplementary groups" (as opposed to -g).12:34
xcasexDr_Willis, asus u1e laptop12:34
erUSULDr_Willis: LCD tv standar res12:34
Thurin1xcasex: Yes I know - .............12:34
erUSULMrEgg964: ;)12:34
Thurin1xcasex: You need "NoDDC"12:34
Thurin1That's what I'm saying12:34
Thurin1xcasex: I'm also saying that it again, has nothing to do with Gnome itself - it's the xorg.conf file that's the problem12:35
xcasexThurin1, right.12:35
Thurin1The resolution is proper but the drawing of gnome is too small, or big - again 'NoDDC"12:35
xcasexThurin1, not very helpful :)12:35
alexkreuzThurin, have you ever tried cedega?12:35
Thurin1And if that fails... modeline12:35
xcasexwell googled it and trying it then12:36
Thurin1xcasex: This exact same thing happened to me on arch and FreeBSD12:36
Thurin1xcasex: Let me guess.. ATI?12:36
levanderDoes anyone have a RAZR V3xx that they use to put music on from Linux?12:36
Thurin1alexkreuz: Yes12:36
alexkreuzThurin1, can you get it to have decent framerates?12:36
levanderI'm just wondering how well it works12:37
pale-yafaHi, is it true that www-data should never ever be the owner of /home/user/public_html12:37
Thurin1alexkreuz: Sure, depends what sort of hardware you have - the games I played on Cedega actually performed better than in Windows on the same machine and hardware specs..12:37
xcasexThurin1, intel 96512:37
alexkreuzwell ive got a nvidia card12:37
alexkreuzbut updating the drivers didnt do much12:37
Thurin1alexkreuz: But do keep in mind that not every windows game plays in cedega the ones I tried are like 'platnium' status12:37
Thurin1xcasex: ... err yeah12:37
alexkreuzthe one one ive tried so far is guild wars12:38
IanLiuHave someone successfully installed Cedega from CVS here?12:38
alexkreuzit looks like im playing on a Radeon 850012:38
alexkreuzmine is a 7900 GS12:38
Thurin1It's that 'NoDDC' and even 'IgnoreEDID' options... bar that you literally need to insert a modeline into xorg.conf - if not... yeah you keep getting a massive gnome.. or a gnome inside a black box12:38
mEck0Thurin1, one question, I'm reading the guide for installing alsa from source now, do I need to uninstall the alsa-version which is installed at the moment, or will it be overwritten?12:39
Thurin1alexkreuz: Never tried guildwars in Linux.. performance is good?12:39
alexkreuzim a linux n00b so im not sure if im doing something wrong12:39
alexkreuzbut not for me12:39
alexkreuzthe performance is poor12:39
Thurin1mEck0: It's better to un-install it - but to be honest you are most likely wasting your time unless you found a supported driver in the source version12:39
alexkreuzwith both default, synaptic's latest, as well as nvidia's latest drivers12:39
alexkreuzer, not both but all three12:40
Thurin1alexkreuz: Cpu/RAM ?12:40
alexkreuzIntel Core 2 DUO12:40
alexkreuz2 GB Ram12:40
alexkreuzNvidia 7900GS12:40
Thurin1alexkreuz: Gebus.. :o12:40
alexkreuzSATA 3GB/S12:40
mEck0Thurin1, ok12:40
Thurin1And it's still poor?12:40
alexkreuzi know12:40
Thurin1bad :(12:40
idefixwhat exactly is an io-slave? an input output slave? what does it do?12:40
alexkreuzit not a hardware issue because12:40
alexkreuzfor example12:40
Thurin1Warcraft is pretty smooth12:40
alexkreuzthe smoke effects12:40
alexkreuzremind me of counterstrike 112:40
Thurin1alexkreuz: But isnt guildwars DX?12:40
FloodBot2alexkreuz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
idefixwhat's the difference of an io-slave to an io-master?12:40
alexkreuzits not rendering properly12:40
wilis there a guide anywhere for linux noobs that explains the folder structures? like what var, etc, root e.t.c. does?12:40
donkiehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55206/ <- my user need access to /var/www, why cant the user create files?12:40
Pici!enter | alexkreuz12:41
alexkreuzmy bad, im chatting in here as if its AIM12:41
Thurin1alexkreuz: Ok, well I will stay away from guild wars then, if I ever do play a game :D12:41
IanLiubot offline? oO12:41
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega12:41
ubotualexkreuz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:41
alexkreuzThurin1, yes i think guild wars is dx, does that matter? do openGL games render better?12:41
pale-yafawil: stay away from root, etc is the system, car is the online stuff12:41
Thurin1wil: Yes there is!12:41
Thurin1wil - http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/dirstructure.html12:42
Thurin1wil: It's pretty much identical to Ubuntu/Linux12:42
Thurin1so :)12:42
wilpale-yafa, Thurin1, I am mifrating from windows and I am just having trouble understanding some basics.... like I installed some packages that sounded intresting, but have no idea where they installed or how to use them :(12:42
cpt_ahabHi all12:42
IanLiuI want to install Cedega from CVS, but the script found on the Ubuntu help section doesn't work... In the configuration step, there is an error which tells ./configure does not exist.. any tips?12:42
wilThurin1, thanks, I am looking now12:42
cpt_ahabI'm having a reall problem and I'm a total Newbie12:42
cpt_ahabplease help12:43
cpt_ahabcan I paste in this channel ?12:43
Pici!paste | cpt_ahab12:43
ubotucpt_ahab: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:43
Thurin1wil: Of course a few directories don't exist in Linux - so you won't need worry about those ;D12:43
Thurin1alexkreuz: Far far better12:43
pale-yafawil: which package ?12:43
Thurin1alexkreuz: GL works well in Linux.. DX has to be emulated all the time.12:43
mavi-not emulated12:44
Thurin1alexkreuz: MESA is GL, you see so it does not have to be emulated - DX is emulated/translated.12:44
Frogzoo!docs | wil12:44
ubotuwil: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:44
mavi-and DX-translation works kinda good for now12:44
Thurin1mavi-: How can you translate something without knowing the source?12:44
cpt_ahabthat is just a simpler mailer that is erroring12:44
mavi-you translate the op-codes12:44
Thurin1You cannot translate a book you've never read :o12:44
mavi-emulating would be to render in software12:44
cpt_ahabthe error log is saying "fatal: Recipient addresses must be specified on the command line or via the -t option12:45
cpt_ahabany ideas ?12:45
wilpale-yafa, Mainly I wanted to take a look at tiny-erp (it was in add remove, but created no icons in applications, however it came up when I typed erp in search :S), but I have no idea where the actual folder was located.... and aol server (that sounded intresting) and a couple of other things... I dont want to ask for help on every issue I have, I just want to work out where files are installed and how to do things for myself!12:45
ali1234it doesn't matter whether you use GL or GX, it still has to be translated to GPU opcodes...12:45
Thurin1mavi-: Well whatever way we slice it .. DX is slower in Linux than a GL based game (most) of the time.12:45
alexkreuzyea im ranging between 15 and 80 fps with plenty of lag in between12:45
Thurin1And some DX stuff is simply not supported12:45
mavi-you can install native DX in wine tho, makes some games better and give you support for more stuff12:45
Thurin1mavi-: yah12:46
wilits just annoying (but funny) that some apps that I have tried like linux spring-ta... I just can not get working properlly and I have more luck running the windows version under wine!12:46
Picicpt_ahab: It would probably be more appropriate if you asked that in ##php :)12:46
pale-yafawil: usually when you install something you will see it in application, but some stuff needs to be launched from terminal, try looking at the docs of your package, and you should find help, and also try man package_name12:46
cpt_ahabthay told me to caom here :)12:46
donkiewhat channel could help me with user filerights problems?12:47
xcasexhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/178596 !!!!!!!!!!!!12:47
Thurin1xcasex: Told you - it's the same with ATI12:48
Thurin1it's a known issue.. and only NoDCC/IgnoreEDID and modelines fixes it... well for some ATI cards anyways.12:48
lonranhi everyody12:48
xcasexThurin1, bah ;_;12:49
citmi want to reinstall ubuntu because my install messed up. I have gone back into live cd, but when i get to the partition part of the install i cant seem to select the partition i want to install it to.12:49
Thurin1The more they try to add to xorg.. the worse it gets - they should fork into xorg-ati and xorg-nv. That's what I think.12:49
lonranis it normal that do "sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox" when it is installed and it ask to download 118Mb?12:49
Thurin1lonran: yeah12:50
Picilonran: yes.12:50
Thurin1lonran: No! actually12:50
Elko_Hello, I don't seem to be able to find apache-modconf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55208/ - Where can I get it?12:50
Thurin1lonran: It should ask you, in a perfect world, if you would like to download a supermodel as well.12:50
alexkreuzactually, the lag COULD be explained in another way12:50
Picilonran: The build depends are packages that are needed to compile the application.  Not packages needed to run it.12:50
alexkreuzguild wars is downloading data in the background12:50
alexkreuzcuz its a new install12:50
alexkreuzso that may be causing hte lag12:50
lonranPici, thnks12:51
Thurin1sudo apt-get retrieve lindsay lohan12:51
alexkreuzthe lag seems more like network latency rather than hardware problem12:51
citmhow do ireinstall ubuntu?12:51
Thurin1citm: .. cfdisk and break things, for fun, and then re-install (that's the hard way, but probably the best)12:51
Thurin1I'm not sure if you can install ubuntu-ontop of ubuntu.. but that's probably a bad idea anyways - so cfdisk, delete all the partitions and reboot with your Ubuntu cd.12:52
Picicitm: Put the ubuntu CD in, install.12:52
pajamiancitm: can always try the alternate install CD, I've found the partitioning in that to be easier (as a personal opinion).12:52
citmcfdisk? Just delete my partitions and recreate them? I cant select the partition i want it to install to when i get to the partition part of the install process12:52
Thurin1citm: yup12:52
alexkreuzcouldnt you make a 2nd ext3 partition and install ubuntu there?12:52
Thurin1alexkreuz: Yeah, but why waste the diskspace?12:52
alexkreuzoh, i thought he didnt want to mess up the existnig one12:53
alexkreuzThurin1, have you used vmware server on linux?12:53
citmwhat do i put for mount point, when i am recreating the partitions?12:53
Thurin1Well I never worry about the OS.. that I can get back, it's the unreplaceable stuff I worry about you know like things I create - one of a king docs/pics etc :D12:54
Thurin1alexkreuz: Nope can't say that I have12:54
pajamiancitm: for a single partition install: /12:54
alexkreuzi am debating whether to convert my 2nd machine to linux or server 200312:54
Thurin1alexkreuz: Well what do you want to do?12:54
citmWell when i select the partition i want it to install to (cause i need dual boot) i just get the error: No Root File System12:54
alexkreuzwith server 2003 i can go with ms virtual server 2005, with linux probably vmware server12:54
alexkreuzwell, i want to be able to run multipl evirtual machines on it as well as play games12:55
citmNo root file system is defined.12:55
Thurin1alexkreuz: Bah, 2003.12:55
alexkreuzits kind of a multi-purpose machine12:55
Thurin1alexkreuz: It will be easier12:55
alexkreuzim not worried about easier, but i would lik eperformance12:55
alexkreuzthe stopping factor is (like always) games12:55
Thurin1alexkreuz: Server performance wise Ubuntu or some other variant .. but ... games 2003.12:55
moadwhere do i get a linux keylogger ?12:56
Thurin1It's too bad because Linux/Ubuntu is really good with native games - very speedy.12:56
Thurin1moad: Google12:56
alexkreuzwell, i dunno i think cedega is doing the trick12:56
moadi couldnt find anything , anyone knows a free one that i could use ?12:56
alexkreuz1) i changed the profile from win98 to winxp, and that solved the graphics glitches12:56
pajamianmoad: what do you want a keylogger for?12:57
alexkreuzand 2) i think the lag is just network latency cuz guild wars is downloading patches12:57
FGsTkkMaquestion: can u install ubuntun in a separate partition and thereafterr install ur program files in the old one. in other words, does it require programs to be installed in teh same part as system files?12:57
samt1hi there12:57
pajamianFGsTkkMa: define "programs"12:57
alexkreuzalso this new nvidia driver has improved my compiz fusion12:57
moadpajamian: to check what my kids are doing when i am not there , only a little security12:57
samt1i can't find much information about desktop search - i have the deskbar installed but when i use tracker to search i get no results12:57
alexkreuzits really smooth now12:57
Slap_Stickhey how can i use sudoers file to allow a group to su to a user without supplying a password? i tried %group ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su - user but it still asks for a password12:57
FGsTkkMagames, word editor...etc..anything12:58
shamrockI can ssh in to my remote machine. But how do I chown a bunch of files? "sudo chown -R newuser *" doesnt work. It jus returns with no message. Suggestions?12:58
pajamianFGsTkkMa: thing is, that it's not easy to separate the system components from the programs, with the exception of the Linux kernel everything is really "programs"12:58
compwiz18Slap_Stick: I may be way off, but I think that you can't put parameters on the command- so maybe make a shell script that contains su - user and make it executable with sudo12:58
moadso . could anyone help me?12:59
Pici!caps | PLRE12:59
ZirodayI am trying to patch my madwifi-ng drivers with a patch from aircrack-ng.org, i have downloaded the .patch file but I have no idea what to do with it next, any pointers?12:59
ubotuPLRE: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:59
Ziroday!ops | PLRE13:00
ubotuPLRE: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!13:00
Jay955i have no problem mapping to the home folder from my xp side but it will not let me browse my shared folder on my secondary drive13:00
Slap_Stickok cool thanks, i'll write a wrapper for it then13:00
=== roald_ is now known as qzyR`
FGsTkkMapajamian: so is that a eys or a no? can i install thigs in a different part. from wherever i put ubuntu?13:01
xcasexThurin1, hah.13:01
maximilionHm, I know rpms are not for Ubuntu. But is there an easy to use rpm installer? I have compiled other packages, but this one gives me hassle...13:01
xcasexThurin1, it wasnt all that we though it was13:02
maximilionAny thoughts on yum ? What is recommended?13:02
xcasexThurin1, turns out it was trying to expand onto the dvi port13:02
Zirodaymaximilion: you can use alien to install .rpm files13:02
samt1i can't find much information about desktop search - i have the deskbar installed but when i use tracker to search i get no results. does anyone know if something has to be enabled first?13:02
maximilionZiroday: I used alien, but didn't get a .deb file but a lot of folders.13:02
pajamianFGsTkkMa: if you install programs from source you can put them where you want (which can easily be on a seperate partition), but if you install programs through apt or synaptic then they pretty much go where ubuntu puts them which is mixed up in the same directories as the other pre-installed programs.  YOu can, however, put user files on a seperate partition, so things like your own personal settings, music, photos, documents, etc, wou13:02
pajamianld be seperate.13:02
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
Zirodaymaximilion: you probably didnt use the correct options try sudo alien -i <rpmfile>13:03
maximilionZiroday: And I don't know how to run the correct makefile... lots of .bins and makefiles13:03
Zirodaymaximilion: and look for errors in the terminal13:04
pajamianmaximilion: what program are you trying to install?13:04
FGsTkkMapaj> is there any way to edit synaptics or customize it or request it to ask me where anytime it installs anything?13:04
maximilionZiroday: I hereby bet my huge red hat that I did it that way, it worked for a few minutes, and reported no errors.13:04
itai-michaelsonis there a way to get rid of the SDA1 icon on my gnome desktop?13:04
pajamianFGsTkkMa: not that I know of.  It would be a setting for dpkg if you could.13:05
cpt_ahabfixed it13:05
EtteSBhow would i go about working out where a .deb file installed to?13:05
alexkreuzstable 60 fps on guild wars13:06
PiciEtteSB: dpkg -L packagename13:06
dreamercan someone help me install googles video-upload-app? it's a .jar-file but I'm not sure how to handle it13:06
pajamianitai-michaelson: if you're asking if you can turn off the drive icons on the desktop the answer is yes.13:06
maximilionZiroday: I owe you a hat. :P Where should I send it?13:06
FGsTkkMaok, thanks this is my first time on linux so...=/ >Another question. is the xx3 or whatever it was called file system essetial for linux? also can programs be installed on ntfs13:06
mEck0Thurin1, have just installed alsa manually and now it sounds much better :)13:07
compwiz18FGsTkkMa: no, there are many filesystems, but ext3 is the one used by ubuntu by default - programs shouldn't be installed on ntfs be cause there will probably be permissions problems13:07
pajamianFGsTkkMa: you can install programs on an ntfs filesystem, or whatever filesystem you want that linux can recognize, including FAT, VFAT, NTFS, ext2, ext3, XFS, reiser, ... the list goes on and on.13:08
alexkreuzmEck0, what kind of sound card to you use?13:08
mEck0alexkreuz, HDA Intel13:08
pajamianFGsTkkMa: but refer to what compwiz18 said about permissions problems with ntfs13:08
FGsTkkMathanks paj, my inital thought was on what comp said. thanks for clearing that issue13:08
FGsTkkMaso the ideal is ext313:09
PiciFGsTkkMa: ext3 or ext2 ideally.13:09
pajamianFGsTkkMa: since you can't run the same programs in windows as you can in linux anyways, there really is no point to install linux programs on a windows filesystem.13:09
compwiz18pajamian: FGsTkkMa: I have no evidence that permsisions will be screwed up, just a hunch13:09
PiciFGsTkkMa: There are 'drivers' for windows that allow you to read/write on ext2/3 filesystems as well.13:09
FGsTkkMayeah my humble windows program understanding says so too13:10
pajamianFGsTkkMa: compwiz18 XFS is a good one too, that's what I use, but ext3 is the default and it is excellent.13:10
compwiz18jfs, reiserfs also work13:10
pajamianFGsTkkMa: I wouldn't use ext2 except as a small boot partition or for things like floppy disks, it's old and lacks features such as journalling.13:10
FGsTkkMacan u explain why it is good. i really dont know how files work in lunix or how the system is structured so >.<13:10
compwiz18FGsTkkMa: it's basically a matter of choice and application, but ext3 is good for most purposes13:10
Pici!es | Luckenzy13:11
ubotuLuckenzy: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:11
pajamianFGsTkkMa: just use ext3 if you don't know the difference.  it's a good all-purpose filesystem.13:11
FGsTkkMaok thanks13:11
compwiz18FGsTkkMa: linux doesn't use drives, it just has a /, and everything (flash drives, cd drives, etc) can be found in a directory under /13:11
coolbhavikeyboard keys not working13:11
coolbhavilike q e r u i not working13:11
FGsTkkMaseems more inteligent. anyone know where i can read more about ubuntu/linux's structures?13:12
coolbhaviothers are fine in gutsy13:12
compwiz18coolbhavi: I won't ask how you're typing then, but does your keyboard work in other operating systems/other computers?13:12
coolbhaviI am on fiesty now13:12
daniel92FGsTkkMa: Just look for a tutoria on the linux filesystem13:13
compwiz18coolbhavi: did you check your keyboard layout?13:13
pajamian!ext3 | FGsTkkMa13:13
ubotuFGsTkkMa: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org13:13
compwiz18FGsTkkMa: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=linux+filesystem+structure&btnG=Google+Search13:13
coolbhaviyes it works perfectly in fiesty13:13
pajamianhrmmm, that didn't say much, heh13:13
compwiz18!hi | Some_ux13:13
ubotuSome_ux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:13
coolbhaviyes I did check13:13
compwiz18coolbhavi: do the keys flat out not work, or do they type the wrong letters?13:14
coolbhaviThey get recognised when I run xev13:14
Some_uxupgrade question: Any potential damage when going from 7.04 to 7.10 server ? I have Vmware on the machine will everything work properly once the upgrade is complete ?13:15
Jay955 i have no problem mapping to the home folder from my xp side but it will not let me browse my shared folder on my secondary drive13:15
coolbhaviXlookupString returning 0 bytes13:15
maximilionZiroday: Should I add --script to the alien command?13:16
EtteSBjay955: you got the drivers for windows to read ext partitions?13:16
coolbhaviany help13:16
itai-michaelsonpajamian, how do i do that ? (13:16
Jay955<EtteSB> yes i do13:16
Jay955<EtteSB>  it tells me i don't have permission13:17
pajamianitai-michaelson: from the terminal type: gconf-editor13:17
coolbhaviascii manipulation error huh?13:17
pajamianthen on the tree on the left goto...13:17
itai-michaelsonpajamian, ok...13:17
pebs74anyone noticed the flash plugin unstability lately in firefox?13:18
pajamianapps -> nautilus -> desktop13:18
mEck0Hi! someone coding java here? I wonder what a stub is?13:18
pajamianand in the right pane, uncheck the box for volumes_visible13:18
pajamianthen close.13:18
itai-michaelsonpajamian, ok - got it . THANX13:18
pajamianitai-michaelson: yw13:18
ikonia;/last Thurin113:18
ikoniasorry buffer cache13:19
EtteSBjay955: im stumped then. dont use windows atm. you looked in the forums?13:19
HyuukaiI am having a problem with azerues i installed it through add/remove and when i open it, it opens then shutsdown? ive uninstalled it through synaptic and reinstalled it but it does the same?13:19
Jay955<EtteSB> yes i have didn't find anything to help me :(13:20
FGsTkkMais upgrading from one version of ubuntu to the next troublesome? is it more efficient to format and reinstall, like in windows?13:20
LukeLCI'm getting "packages broken" when I try apt-get some stuff, what can I do?13:20
paul__ I use Windows as a Primary OS (yes i know i suck) but I am still learning Ubuntu and don't want to "dive in" yet. When I restart my computer GRUB automatically see's Ubuntu as the default and I have to scroll down to Windows . Is there a command or a way I can set it as default on Windows?13:20
pajamianFGsTkkMa: it's easy13:20
hever_Hi there. How can I configure that the F12 key acts as DEL key ???13:20
coolbhaviOk a power cut.. will be back soon13:21
symphony_bthi!! i have installed broadcom wifi linux driver and the device is recognized..but i can't find any wireless networks.. on windows i can what's the problem?????13:21
pajamianFGsTkkMa: when a new version is available it shows a button in the upgrade manager that you click on and it just leads you right through it.13:21
Some_uxI have a question about going from 7.04 to 7.10. Took me a very long while to config the Ubuntu box so it will do all the 101 things i want it to do. Now I fear that if I upgrade to 7.10 it will mess up everything, is this fear warranted ?13:21
ikoniapaul__ in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst set the default 0 option to default 6 (or whatever your windows OS is - count down starting with the first = 0, second =1, third =2, etc)13:21
FGsTkkMaso paj, formatting is not a nessecity  ?13:21
hever_How can I configure that the F12 key actAs as DEL key ??? And that @ should not be as second key on L but on Q ?13:22
pajamianFGsTkkMa: not for an upgrade13:22
ikoniaSome_ux: for something - yes, eg: xorg is a new version, with compiz along side it, other stuff, eg: apache - no213:22
Hyuukaianyone help with my azerus problem?13:22
DaDiablocan someone help me with installing A4 Tech webcam, cause I get errors with compiling spca5xx drivers13:22
pajamianSome_ux: no guarantee, make a backup.13:22
ikoniahuff3r: you probably need to use a different version of java, look in /etc/alternatives/java and see what it's linked to13:22
paul__how do i find the path you put in ikoni?13:22
Some_uxikonia: primary concern, is vmware and OpenVPN13:22
ikoniaDaDiablo: are the drivers not part of the kernel already13:22
maximilionHm used sudo alien -i ->"dpkg-gencontrol: error: current build architecture i386 does not appear in package's list (amd64)"13:23
[0x90]ohhhh dpkg!!13:23
DaDiabloikonia, I dunno, how may I check this?13:23
ikoniapaul__: as I said, your first boot option is 0, your second is 1 your third is 2, so if windows is the 4th boot option set default 313:23
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ikoniaDaDiablo: look at what the driver is called, and modprobe it, or look on google to see what drivers support it13:23
pajamianmaximilion: you're trying to build a 64 bit package on a 32 bit OS13:23
Some_uxpajamian: I understand. I will take the time to backup everything. though this will cost me time and probably some money.13:23
maximilionDo I have the wrong .rpm? I do have an amd64 (Opteron) and the .rpm is supposed to be for amd6413:23
ikonia!alien | maximilion13:24
ubotumaximilion: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:24
ikoniamaximilion: I would never use alien13:24
paul__yes ikoni but where do i set it in windows bios or what13:24
pajamianSome_ux: I can't speak for how it works with vmware or openvpn, sorry.  I would recommend a backup regardless of how much experience I have with it, though.13:24
ikoniapaul__: in /boot/grub/menu.lst as I said13:24
maximilionikonia: Is there a desktop rpm manager for converting to .deb or installing .rpm? .rpms are all that are built from the vendor.13:24
ikoniaSome_ux: I wouldn't have confidence with vmware with it being a 3rd party product13:24
ikoniamaximilion:  I wouldn't use rpm's on a non-redhat system. What are you trying to install ?13:25
maximilionpajamian: But I selected 64-bit on install? How do I check this?13:25
paul__how do i get to it f2 as normal13:25
pajamianmaximilion: you may have an amd 64 bit cpu but it appears you still have the i386 version of ubuntu installed.13:25
ikoniamaximilion: uname -a - this will chow you if your using 64bit13:25
YazzYhi guys13:26
Some_uxpajamian: True enough. Murphy's law cannot be undone.13:26
maximilionikonia: Returns "Linux opteron-linux 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 04:59:50 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux"13:26
pajamianmaximilion: what program are you trying to install anyways?13:26
FGsTkkMaother questions> how much space does ubuntu take on a "generous"install, and how is the 64bit version shaping up?13:26
ikoniamaximilion: your using 32 bit13:26
YazzYwhich package includes strings  ?13:26
pajamianmaximilion: i686 = 32 bit13:26
ikoniaYazzY: core-utils I think13:26
pajamiannot 6413:26
ikoniamaximilion: your using 32bit13:26
Some_uxikonia: Vmware works like a charm, but it did have to go through hell to make it work13:26
ikoniaSome_ux: so I wouldn't put money on stability on 7.04 -> 7.10 update13:26
YazzYikonia: i have coreutils installed but no string13:26
ikonia!info strings13:26
ubotuPackage strings does not exist in gutsy13:26
MGalaxyhow can I force thunderbird to open FEEDs in Firefox, not in a new window in thunderbird?13:27
pajamianmaximilion: you can either download and install the x64 version of ubuntu from the top down, or get the 32 bit rpm of the program you are installing.13:27
ikoniamaximilion: what is the program you are trying to instrall13:27
Some_uxOK, so i suppose the question is: Install from scratch or upgrade ?13:27
ikoniainstall even13:27
IdleOnepajamian, the deb not the rpm13:27
maximilionI'm still thinking how I could have made such an error...13:27
ikoniaSome_ux: personal preference is always instrall from scratch if you can afford the time13:27
wilis there a full screen button? I keep playing games that are full screen then I get a dialog or something from another program and then the full screen app goes to windowed mode, I have tried various things but I cant get it to go back full screen?13:27
ikoniamaximilion: easy to download the wrong version13:27
pajamianSome_ux: I would try the upgrade, if it doesn't work out you can still install from scratch13:28
pajamianIdleOne: he's trying to use alien to install from an rpm13:28
ikoniapajamian: but he won't say what package for some reason13:28
pajamianikonia: yeah, I know13:28
Some_uxI suppose i will have to buy an external HD to backup my files13:28
IdleOnepajamian, ahh I see. not a good idea. better to compile from source13:28
YazzYgod damned13:28
YazzYhow can i find out what meta package includes binary "strings"?13:29
ikonia!find strings13:29
pajamianIdleOne: I tend to agree with you, still trying to find out what the program is he's trying to install.13:29
ubotuFound: hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr113:29
hever_How can I configure that the F12 key acts as DEL key ??? And that @ should not be as second key on L but on Q ? In the best way that also shell is affected...13:29
ktwilight[m]YazzY, apt-file should help13:29
IdleOnepajamian, tell him to search synaptic he might find the package in there13:29
ikoniaktwilight[m]: thats what I was looking for, thank you13:29
Some_uxThanks. cyl13:29
ikoniaIdleOne: he won't say what he's trying to install for some crazy reason13:30
alexkreuzis there a way to resize a window via a key command?13:30
pajamianIdleOne: it may be in a repository he's not using, for all I know he's trying to install libdvdcss or something.13:30
YazzYktwilight[m]: thanks13:30
IdleOneikonia, well that is fine. but he can search synaptic on his own and might find it. make sure universe and all is enabled13:30
ikoniaalexkreuz: you can do it when you launch a command from the command line, I don't think gnome has a resize key short cut13:30
ktwilight[m]YazzY, no probs. make sure you apt-file update first ;)13:30
hever_Or does someone know how I can use the normal mouse button as right click button? (At the moment I'm using mouseemu)13:31
ikoniamaximilion: what is the program you are trying to instrall13:31
IdleOneikonia, this is maximilion we are talking about correct?13:31
ikoniaIdleOne: correct13:31
citmtotally screwing my laptop here.. deleting the partitions and recreating them gives me even less options at the install menu13:32
SuperbbDoes anyone know why all of a sudden when I try my linux machine tonight and try a program, it gives me "Segmentation fault (core dumped)13:32
ikoniaSuperbb: what program?13:32
IdleOnemaximilion, it would make things so much easier if you told us what it is you are trying to install.13:32
maximilionikonia & friends: So should I get the proper version and reinstall? Is 64-bit more stable, and does 64-bit cause trouble with nvidia 6800 generic driver, other apps?13:32
ikoniaSuperbb: no idea, possibly an update broke something13:32
ikoniamaximilion: what bit of software are you trying to instrall via rpm13:32
SuperbbI'll try and give it a reboot or two.13:32
SuperbbI'll also backup since I'm afraid of data loss..13:32
ikoniaSuperbb: I don't think that will make much of a difference13:33
ikoniaSuperbb: seg faults are normally fatal until fixed within the software (unless you have bad ram)13:33
maximilionWell, ok. I have an educational license for my XP 64-bit on the same PC. Not happy with stability and speed, so I thought I would (illegally? dunno) install it in Linux13:33
ikoniamaximilion: what bit of software are you trying to instrall via rpm13:33
maximilionfor Maya 8.513:33
pajamianmaximilion: you now have at least three people who have asked you several times what you are trying to install, if you tell us we can give you much better help.  As for 32 bit vs 64 bit that is a completely different issue, for the desktop I tend to recommend 32 bit even on a 64 bit cpu.13:33
SuperbbI think it's because of what I did to PHP.. my bad Ikonia.13:33
talashHi all. I am trying to make my gutsy print to an hp-officejet printer which is connected to a windows xp computer.13:33
ikoniamaximilion: you don't install XP by rpm - so what are you trying to install via rpm13:33
talashThe gutsy sees the printer shared, I am able to install the driver and the ppd file13:34
talashI have hplip and hpijs installed etc13:34
IdleOneikonia, Maya 8.513:34
ikoniaIdleOne: via rpm  ?13:34
IdleOnebeats me13:34
talashthe print job is sent to the printer, the printer even starts making some noise, but the job gets stuck13:34
ikoniaIdleOne: I thought he wanted that on XP ?13:34
IdleOneI have never heard of it13:34
pajamianmaximilion: Autodesk Maya?13:34
LukeLChi Everyone, I just went to remove KDE-4 and I accidently removed some other packages like kdesktop. Now when I go to reinstall them I get the error "broken packages" can anyone help?13:34
talashin fact on my windoze machine i see the job stuck on status of something like 64kb/7mb or something and it doesn't make any progress13:35
maximilionWell, I have it on XP 6-bit. On my DVD, only .rpm is available, and I asked support and they said "Fedora/Red Hat is recommended", but I like Ubuntu more :)13:35
talashhas anybody set this thing up successfully13:35
ikoniamaximilion: the maya rpm is not advised to be instraller on ubuntu13:35
ikoniamaximilion: it is maya you wan't to install isn't it ?13:35
maximilionikonia, yes.13:35
pajamianmaximilion: ok, if they have a source package use that, otherwise use alien.13:36
IdleOnebetter to use source13:36
ikoniapajamian: it won't work - glibc is too new in ubuntu as well as some graphics lib13:36
maximilionpajamian: If I won't get into trouble running 32-bit on amd64, I will keep this Ubuntu, since everything works well13:36
cvwHow do I prevent updatedb from running at every boot?13:37
pajamianmaximilion: it won't cause any problems to run 32 bit on a 64 bit cpu, it just doesn't work the other way around (you can't run 64 bit on a 32 bit cpu)13:37
maximilionpajamian: Only .rpms are available on the DVD, and I doubt Autodesk will give me source ;)13:37
cvwmaximilion: use alien13:37
pajamianmaximilion: then you're stuck with using alien.13:38
maximilionIt mentioned skipping scripts. Should I use sudo alien -i --script?13:38
pajamianmaximilion: as for licensing issues, take that up with autodesk, I will assume that if they are giving you support and a CD with RPMs you have a license to use it, but it's not my place to question it.13:38
pajamianmaximilion: google for: ubuntu maya13:39
wilI just plugged in my scanner (hp 4100c) and nothing has happened, how do I detect/use it?13:39
pajamianmaximilion: you get lots of helpful links13:39
maximilionyeah, visited most of them including the tutorial on ubuntu forums, which says to use sudo alien -cv, which just makes a folder13:40
maximilionI should say: a folder tree full of makefiles and .bins13:40
maximilionI thought alien made .deb files?13:40
cyroulwil: lsusb to see if detected13:40
bill_Good Morning Smart Masses!!! It looks like it has been a busy night.13:41
pajamianmaximilion: this is the link you want: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66859&highlight=maya ... did you follow all the directions there?13:41
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wilcyroul, that just listed 5 usb busses all with 0000:0000 as id13:41
maximilionYes, will run it again with the 32-bit version, but I suspect it will still make a folder tree and not a .deb file13:42
cyroulwil: not detected13:42
pajamianmaximilion: give it a try and see what happens, the person who wrote that actually got it to work, just about everyone in here is just guessing on what needs to be done.13:43
wilcyroul, how do I detect it!?13:43
bill_Does anyone have a COMPIZ related tutorial link?13:43
cyroulwhat is your scanner ?13:44
pajamian!compiz | bill_13:44
ubotubill_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:44
IdleOnemaximilion, I assume you have paid for that software. I would contact them and ask them to please provide a .deb package. might taKe years but if you like ubuntu you will be sticking with it for years13:44
maximilionpajamian: As I said, I will, just asked if you knew why alien wasn't making a .deb file :)13:44
maximilionIdleOne: In years, I could learn a new 3D app ;)13:45
wilcyroul: it is a hp scanjet 4100c13:45
pajamianmaximilion: dunno, it could be because you were using x64 rpms13:45
IdleOnemaximilion, follow that link pajamian and follow instructions carefully13:45
maximilion(Maybe.) Will try.13:45
IdleOnemaximilion, :) true13:45
pajamianmaximilion: give it a try, if you still have problems we're here.13:45
bill_thx ubotu13:46
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:46
ubuntu-pkhi all13:47
ubuntu-pki need some help on ubuntu basic networking13:47
ubuntu-pkcan anyone who is an expert on networks help me13:48
IdleOne!ask | ubuntu-pk13:48
ubotuubuntu-pk: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:48
ubuntu-pkokay need to connect two ubuntu desktops to each other13:48
ubuntu-pkneed help on configuring and connecting :)13:48
KaiForcedo you have a hub or switch?13:49
tvistoHi all, sorry how do i go from one folder to another? in dos u type cd.. , here completely forgot, thanks alot!13:49
IdleOnetvisto, cd13:49
cvwHow do I prevent updatedb from running at every boot?13:49
ubuntu-pknetwork cables and two computers13:49
IdleOne!cli | tvisto13:49
ubotutvisto: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:49
maximilionIdleOne, pajamian: What would be the advantages of reinstalling 64-bit Ubuntu? No hassle with apps/drivers because I have 32-bit on amd6?13:49
KaiForcemake the physical connections13:49
tvistoThnks guys!13:50
ubuntu-pkhow to setup network configuration13:50
amenadoubuntu-pk-> now have you assigned ip address to each pc?13:50
KaiForceare you ever going to connect these to the outside world,  ie internet?13:50
cvwmaximilion: you *might* see a slight performance increase, maybe13:50
pajamianubuntu-pk: just install them both on the same network and use whatever app you want to communicate between the two (probably ssh)13:50
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ubuntu-pkhow-to assign IPs, go into network admin13:50
Xbehaveis there any way to find out memory frequency?13:50
maximilioncvw: My main concern is some app or driver getting confused13:50
ubuntu-pkadd 192.168.1 and .2 and subnets
bill_That's wierd, I clicked x box to close firefox and it froze up. What do I do?13:50
amenadoubuntu-pk-> yes in network admin13:51
KaiForceubuntu-pk, you should use RFC1918 addresses, ie for one, and for the other.13:51
Xbehavebill_: killall -9 firefox-bin13:51
pajamianmaximilion: 64 bit advantages: it makes better use of your cpus capabilities, in other words, better performance...13:51
ubuntu-pkyeah thats what i meant by .1 and .213:51
KaiForceok, you are good there13:51
ubuntu-pkshould there be hostnames and gateways defined13:51
cvwmaximilion: they won't get confused13:51
KaiForceyou don't need a gateway address unless you have another network you are connecting to, and a router13:51
maximilionpajamian: And disadvantages? No amd64 packages for a few apps?13:51
Xbehavethe 9 is overkill but it makes sure itworks, i got so fed up of flash/firefox freezing i permenetly have a button to do that13:52
pajamianmaximilion: disadvantages: 32 bit windows audio and video codecs won't run, flash is a pain, java is a pain ...13:52
KaiForcebroadcast address (if you need to specify it) is
wilmy scanner is not being detected :( how do I scan for new devices?13:52
darkhunterdanyone having trouble with firefox freezing a lot?13:52
bill_Thx xbehave13:52
pajamianmaximilion: my general recommendation is that for desktops use 32 bit, for servers go with 6413:52
ubuntu-pkokay KaiForce can i ping u privately13:52
ubuntu-pkand discuss13:52
bill_where did you learn that13:52
maximilionpajamian: OK you sold me. I will leave my working Ubuntu alone (even tho Flash still doesn't... but that's for later... ;))13:52
pajamianmaximilion: flash is easy, goto the adobe website, download the tarball and install from there.13:53
amenadoubuntu-pk-> learn to share knowledge, the reason this channel exist and not private messages is to share know-how13:53
bill_Florida linux show will be here in my hometown Monday February 11. Is anyone coming?13:53
* maximilion is installing brb13:53
faclonHi, someone told that there is a ubuntu version specially for Dell XPS computers, that you only instal it and it recognize all the drivers, is that true?13:57
Picifaclon: If one exists its not an Official version.13:57
pajamianfaclon: yes, dell released it a few months ago (it was fiesty) I don't know if they have one for gutsy and I don't remember where it is, but if you wait 10 minutes for me to get back I can look it up.13:58
faclonok, will wait ;)13:58
pepperjacki think dell did go to gutsy (current) but not sure13:59
faclonyes, they told me that is version 7.10 the one for xps13:59
Lacrymologyis there a way to install i386 deb packages in a 64b system?13:59
LacrymologyI'm using Gutsy13:59
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pepperjack!chroot | Lacrymology14:00
ubotuLacrymology: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box14:00
sansaroguys i need help runing compiz in ubuntu on ( eee pc )14:01
Lacrymologypepperjack: I don't wat to build a 32 bit environment. I have firefox32 installed, so I figure this can be done somehow. If making a chroot is the only choise, I'll just reinstall the system in 32b because I'm having enough trouble with this already14:01
sansaroi have it install and some function work but i cant find advanced desktop effect on system14:02
sansaroi tried CCSm14:02
Jack_Sparrowsansaro: You can get good help with that in the #Compiz room14:02
sansarothen i got the advanced desktop mode14:03
sansarook thank you dude14:03
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: hey dude14:03
charles061ciao gente14:03
Jack_SparrowMorning Rodolfo14:03
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: morning man, whats up?14:03
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: Waiting for coffee to perk and eyes to stop bleeding...  the usual14:04
Frogzooanyone had luck with MP3Player in asterisk on gutsy?14:04
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: hehe the same here...14:04
WorldBFreehow can i boot the iso from an hd?14:04
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: Is these something On - topic that I may help you with14:04
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: of course...actually I need your help14:04
charles061scusate io vorrei un informazione su come convertire dei file ape in mp3...qualcuno può aiutarmi?14:05
Pici!it | charles06114:05
ubotucharles061: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:05
wilxsane keeps saying no devices available and lsusb lists nothing... but this scanner worked 3 days ago when windows was on this machine :( what can i do?14:05
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: with video card...It's time to make an upgrade and I want to buy a new computer14:05
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: can you give me some tips of a nice video card?14:05
pepperjack!bootstrap | WorldBFree14:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootstrap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:05
danielski_plsup all14:05
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: as far as I know, ppl say that nvidia card works better on windows instead of linux...is that true? I'm looking for a headache-free video card...if possible :P14:06
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: I use both nvidia and intel, none are bleeding edge and both types work well.  I would avoid the 8000 series of the nvidia.  #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place to ask that as it leads to lots of opinions and discussions.14:07
danielski_plmy nvidia works perfect now lol after my reinstall and thanx to Envy14:07
Jack_Sparrowdanielski_pl: BAd bad bad...  Dont use ENVY14:07
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: why not?14:08
pepperjackWorldBFree: cat file.iso > /dev/hda3 or whatever empty partition then you can boot from this floppy http://gujin.sourceforge.net/  <-- is one easy way14:08
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »14:08
danielski_plJack_Sparrow works nice for me, and when i restart i dont get that stupid "low graphics mode"14:08
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/14:08
faclonI install my wireless card driver using ndiswrapper14:08
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: I see...just one more thing: why are you running away from nv's 8xxx?14:08
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: There was an issue with drivers awhile back.  not sure if it got straightened out and never got around to trying one out14:09
sarthorHi, Using ubuntu gusty, "2.6.22-14-generic" running with patch vmware-any-any-update115 and vmware-any-any-update109, i am getting the same error? "Unable to build the vmmon module."Its my 3rd day that i am trying vmware server, 1st i tried on Hardy, but no sucess, now i reinstalled Gusy, but again problem, please help14:09
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: Is there any issue with nv's GF7300/7300LE that you've heard of?14:10
danielski_plalso my card is an 8500GT 512mb14:10
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: Not that I am aware of14:10
danielski_plany cool 3d gnome games i can download?14:11
RodolfoJack_Sparrow: thanks man...and go get some sleep, sometimes... :P14:11
Jack_Sparrowdanielski_pl I like sauerbraten14:11
Jack_SparrowRodolfo: goodnight14:11
ktwilight[m]danielski_pl, wormux!14:12
ssppdoes anyone here use ddclient to update to dyndns?14:12
danielski_plJack_Sparrow: got wormux, is sauerbraten apt-get possible?, or do i have to find it on  the net?14:12
amenadosarthor-> you have visited the nice folks a #vmware14:12
MenZasspp: I can recommend using ez-ipupdate instead.14:13
Jack_Sparrowdanielski_pl: assault cube is also a good fps14:13
MenZait's in the repos, danielski_pl14:13
sarthoramenado, i am already there, but am not gettingreplies there.14:13
danielski_plgot A-C14:13
MenZadanielski_pl: sauerbraten is in the repos.14:13
MenZa!info sauerbraten | danielski_pl14:13
ubotudanielski_pl: sauerbraten (source: sauerbraten): 3D first-person game engine. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.0.20070413.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 427 kB, installed size 1056 kB14:13
amenadosarthor its a bit slower channel there, so just be patient14:14
danielski_plthanx MenZa14:14
pepperjackdanielski_pl: check out tremulous also14:14
Jack_SparrowWe may be comming up on our morning flood of un-bans14:14
sarthoramenado, Its my 3rd day there, i downgraded in these 3days, i dont think its a BIT slower, ;)14:14
faclonpajamian, I had been search for the dell ubuntu, but only find information about it an no links hehehe14:14
sarthorany way they are helping us.14:15
sarthorI admitt.14:15
danielski_plalright pepperjack, thanx14:15
pajamianfaclon: yeah, I know, I have a link buried in an email somewhere.14:15
amenadosarthor-> what are those patches you mentioned? I have not use those when getting a vmware working..were they recommended by vmware?14:16
LaibschHi, I want a German system with English menus and error messages.  But apparently LC_MESSAGES is not honored anymore since gutsy -> bug 190193.  Anybody has an idea how to fix this?14:16
Lacrymologyso what, is there no way of installing i386 packages in a 64b environment?14:16
Jack_SparrowLacrymology: I thought you were given the answer..... but didnt like it...14:17
danielski_pl lol 80% [1 sauerbraten-data ***/*** 849Kb/s         25s14:17
pajamianfaclon: it's only fiesty that I can find and it's at: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04#Download_Dell_Ubuntu_Image14:18
LacrymologyJack_Sparrow: Having a chroot is not working on the same environment. If I get a plain "no" for this, I'll backup /home and reinstall14:18
LacrymologyJack_Sparrow: and I got a plain "no" from a debian forum, so I'll just do that later on14:19
Jack_SparrowLacrymology: Most people that ask that question just want them to run...14:20
papuccino1Hello, quick question. What programming tool works in Ubuntu. I mean, I know there must be A TON , but which one is the best bet for a novice VisualBasic learner?14:22
erUSUL!info gambas | papuccino114:23
ubotupapuccino1: gambas (source: gambas): Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)14:23
LjLcome again ubotu?14:23
S_AHi! is there any version of lite ubutnu which can be used for a thin client14:23
KhisanthLacrymology: you need the chroot or do you want the chroot? works fine without it for me although I only use it for skype14:23
papuccino1!info gambas14:23
ubotugambas (source: gambas): Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)14:23
faclonpajamian, thanks man I am downloading right now14:23
erUSULLjL: has ubotu cho?? LOL14:23
papuccino1erUSUL, so the program is called Gambas? Kind of confused there.14:24
erUSULpapuccino1: it uses a basic dialect and is similar to VB 614:24
Sp33DNet!info gambas14:24
ubotugambas (source: gambas): Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)14:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:24
papuccino1Ok thanks, erUSUL, can I download Gambas from the repositories?14:25
doktoreashello everybody14:25
doktoreasanyone can suggest an OS tool to make video streaming?14:25
erat123hey does anyone know if truecrypt is going to be placed in a repository?14:25
Sp33DNethey gambas compile programas for windows?14:26
erUSULpapuccino1: yes; it is there ... Apps>Add remove14:26
papuccino1Thanks erUSUL :D14:26
papuccino1There's two versions in the repo's. Gambas and Gambas2, could you tell me the difference?14:26
danielski_plwow these games are nice this should keep my busy for a few days14:27
pepperjackdanielski_pl: yep i used to play wesnoth and trem quite a bit14:27
excessluggagecan you see me?14:28
demon981_hy guys14:28
excessluggagejolly good, thank you14:28
Jack_Sparrowdanielski_pl: there are lots of addons for sauerbraten when you get bored14:28
papuccino1Hey, when I try to install the Gambas program, Ubuntu asks me to insert the CD. What gives?14:28
erUSULpapuccino1: http://gambas.sourceforge.net/14:29
erUSULpapuccino1: gambas2 is newer14:29
Sp33DNetinsert the livecd of ubuntu14:29
erUSULpapuccino1: go to System>Admin>Software Sources Disable the cdrom14:29
psi_49% downloaded14:30
Sp33DNethe can install and download faster with the cd14:30
Sp33DNetask he first :P14:30
papuccino1Ok, I put the CD in. Now it's downloading. Thanks for the help :)14:30
demon981_does anyone have memory leak in ubuntu gutsy with compiz and nvidia?14:30
psi_demon981_: what problem u having14:31
pepperjackpapuccino1: you need to unselect the cd from repos list either in synaptic or by gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst  then sudo apt-get udpate14:31
psi_compiz screwed up my kde good a proper14:31
pepperjackpapuccino1: if you dont want cd prompt14:31
Jack_Sparrowpapuccino1: Follow those instructions when you get a chance14:31
_Oz_hello all14:31
_Oz_I've come across a possible bug in Ubuntu 7.1014:31
Sp33DNethello bro14:31
papuccino1I think, it installs faster with the CD, is there any truth to this?14:31
Sp33DNetwhat bug?14:32
pepperjackpapuccino1: yes if you can keep up with the cd :)14:32
_Oz_I installed a microsoft office icon pack and now whenever I go to change the properties of a desktop shortcut, click on the icon and try to change it, the "select custom dialog" box freezes14:32
Jack_Sparrowpapuccino1: cant see how..unless it is actuallyon the cd14:32
papuccino1Yep. Then I'll use the CD. Thanks! :D14:32
erUSUL!bugs | _Oz_14:32
ubotu_Oz_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:32
_Oz_I can't shut the dialog, can't cancel it, anything14:32
pulse00hi there. quick question: does anyone know if it's possible to install ubunto from an usb-stick?14:32
papuccino1Jack_Sparrow: Then why would they ask for the CD?14:32
_Oz_!bugs | _Oz_14:32
demon981_well, when i start compiz, compiz.real gets 18 MB of memory, but resident memory keeps growing14:32
Sp33DNetbuffer overflow!!!!14:32
psi__Oz_: Xkill14:32
_Oz_what is xkill and how do I engage it14:33
psi_or killall14:33
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: IT will always ask for the cd until you remove it from the sources14:33
pawsmackerhis /etc/apt/sources.list still have the entry for the cd14:33
demon981_if i open a window, for example, resident memory goes approx 2 MB up14:33
papuccino1Jack: Hm.... so let me remove from sources. One minute-14:33
Pici_Oz_: You're using windows?14:33
_Oz_pici: no14:33
_Oz_I am using 7.10 and running M$ word and excel under crossover14:34
demon981_but when i close it, the memory doesn't get free14:34
papuccino1Oz: You should use XKill. I hear it turns the mouse cursor into a Terminator T-80014:34
_Oz_Thanks for the recommendation on xkill.  What is it and where do I get it?14:34
danielski_plim keeping my cdrom sources.list entry no matter what, thanx to the 7.10 DVD lol 4.5gb worth of stuff14:34
_Oz_also, is there a shortcut I can use to launch the terminal window?14:34
numaani have a dvd movie i want to translate its subtitles into my language. I have downloaded a program called subtitle editor but it does not finds the subtitle files in the dvd14:34
pawsmackerwhen you kill compiz, are you using metacity --replace? else compiz still forks itself to run as a desktop shell14:35
sarthorHi, Using ubuntu gusty, "2.6.22-14-generic" running with patch vmware-any-any-update115 and vmware-any-any-update109, i am getting the same error? "Unable to build the vmmon module."Its my 3rd day that i am trying vmware server, 1st i tried on Hardy, but no sucess, now i reinstalled Gusty**, but again problem, please help14:35
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Create a shortcut on your menu bar .. you can also make a hotkey (but compiz sometimes messes that up)14:35
danielski_plnuman: subtitle could be embedded in the movie therfore u can change them14:35
_Oz_xkill worked14:36
psi_sarthor: i am no expert but i belive it referes to a kernel mod and there is a command with vmware for it to build a kernel mod14:36
papuccino1Oz: Find the Terminal in the Applications menu, and then rightclick and make shortcut to panel.14:36
papuccino1Oz: That should do it.14:36
psi_i like xkill14:36
RoyHello! I have enabled the toggle keys, yet I don't hear any sound.14:36
_Oz_I ran "xkill" in the terminal window then clicked on the hung app14:36
sarthorpsi_, did that all14:36
Sp33DNethey how i can put de irc in the desktop?14:36
erUSUL!vmware | sarthor14:36
dsuchHey, I'm having some problems with booting up Xen (generic and server) on 7.04, followed the tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_7.04_xen_from_repositories but after http://rafb.net/p/LiSwT787.html it simply hangs, what is it trying to tell me? :)14:36
ubotusarthor: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers14:36
psi_sarthor: can't help then sorry14:36
_Oz_thanks for the tip, papuccino14:37
papuccino1Oz: No problem.14:37
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:37
psi_sarthor: can't you use virtualbox14:37
papuccino1Ok, Gambas finished installing. Now to test it out a bit.14:37
chafkahi!! i have installed broadcom wifi linux driver and the device is recognized..but i can't find any wireless networks.. on windows i can what's the problem?????14:37
psi_chafka: there hairy not crystal14:38
Sp33DNetthere is a channel in spanish?14:38
Pici!es | Sp33DNet14:38
ubotuSp33DNet: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:38
chafkapsi_ i dont understand you14:39
Sp33DNetthanks ;)14:39
papuccino1Wow! Gambas comes with pre-made examples, like games, calcs, scripts. This is AWESOME.14:39
pawsmacker!vi > me14:39
psi_chafka: you using ndiswrapper?14:39
papuccino1Ok, thanks.14:40
BizarYou want vreo his girl talk to a kind boy the alone si?14:40
chafkapsi_ yes14:40
psi_is your card compatible with ndiwrapper?14:40
psi_what card was it again14:41
BizarI am alone the sad si14:41
Edmond^Danteswhat is this room14:41
Pici!support | Edmond^Dantes Bizar14:41
ubotuEdmond^Dantes Bizar: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org14:41
chafkapsi_ it is broadcom chipset 431114:41
BizarBroke apart form me my girl-friend14:42
psi_chafka: ndiswrapper -l14:42
Slart!ot | Bizar14:42
ubotuBizar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:42
PiciBizar: This is a support channel, if you just want to talk, join #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus14:42
chafkapsi_ i've installed windows drivers but when i click on the network manager bellow wireless connection i have nothing14:42
psi_did your wright the mod's for ndiswrapper?14:43
Edmond^Dantesty ty14:43
psi_i.e ndiswrapper -m (if i remeber correctly)14:43
chafkamodprobe ndiswrapper i add it to /etc/modules14:43
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: You still here?14:43
erUSUL!best | Sp33DNet14:43
ubotuSp33DNet: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.14:43
chafkapsy_ and i did modprobe -m14:43
chafkapsi_ and i did modprobe -m14:43
papuccino1I disagree. The best torrent program = uTorrent.14:43
papuccino1No competition.14:44
_Oz_sorry jack14:44
_Oz_I had a phone call14:44
psi_what happens when you type modprobe ndiswrapper?14:44
janciyeah, utorrent rocks14:44
moadhi people , could anyone tell me what a keymap is ?14:44
S_AHi! is there any version of lite ubutnu which can be used for a thin client ??14:44
jancibut ktorrent works well for me too14:44
chafkapsi_ nothing..14:44
erUSULpapuccino1: what if you want a client that will run on a headless server? without X and therefore wine???14:44
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Would you like to know how to hot-key things like Alt-e for nautilus etc?14:44
_Oz_what is nautilus though?  the file browser?14:45
erUSUL_Oz_: yes14:45
papuccino1erUSUL, OMG YOU PWND ME.14:45
papuccino1lol, good point.14:45
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Let me pastebin the instructions, they are simple but more that I want spam in here14:45
erUSULpapuccino1: :)14:45
chafkapci_ while searching i read that gutsy has bug with wireless on that cards.. they work fine on 7.0414:45
_Oz_ubuntu is really acting strange on me now14:45
_Oz_I wonder how I screwed this up14:45
pepperjackS_A: like just minimal install and X?14:45
_Oz_when I used xkill to terminate that hung dialog box, all of my icons on the desktop disappeared14:45
moadlkl needs a keymap , i dont know how to do that , anyone has an idea ?14:46
jerns1hello, I'm trying to write an udev rule for running a script when connecting an external usb hard drive, but the script is never run... can someone help me ?14:46
Edmond^DantesDo i have anick14:47
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55225/                                How to make hot-keys for commonly used programs14:47
chafkapsi_ any idea?14:47
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: NOt sure, but you can try restarting X..                           log out and in14:48
paul__I have dual booted my windows xp with ubuntu but ubuntu is slow booting up is there anyway I can speed it up please14:49
numaandanielski_pl,  Ok there is a program called subtitleripper can it extract subtitles from the dvd movie?14:49
S_Apepperjack: yes14:49
pawsmackernumaan, subtitleripper rips the CC portion into a VOB file for you to transcode to another format14:49
Jack_Sparrowpaul__: you can remove quiet and splash from the boot line and try to see where it is getting hug up or slowed down14:50
Slartpaul__: how slow is "slow"? 1 minute? 5 minutes?14:50
pepperjackS_A: you can do server install then just sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg  then just run xinit if ya want i guess there is also fubuntu or whatever that is a fluxbox version of ubuntu14:50
numaanpawsmacker,  hmm what is a cc portion?14:50
pawsmackernumaan, close caption14:50
paul__5 minutes slart14:50
pepperjackS_A: ach well its in wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto14:51
Slartpaul__: then something is taking a lot of time.. do what Jack_Sparrow said.. and see what is taking so long14:51
dimas_!gnome flash14:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome flash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:52
maximilionHm. Sometimes when I run certain apps and cancel a panel, cursor becomes a big x... ?14:52
pawsmackeranyone tried to see if the ps3 support pxeboot? would be nice to have a ltsclient on the ps3 without installing a distro on it's partition14:52
=== Edmond^Dantes is now known as miss_sunshine
paul__how do i remove these things jack only i'm new to ubuntu14:52
maximilionI have to restart Gnome to get rid of the big "x"-cursor - any ideas?14:52
dimas_maximilion are you also having problems with gnome flash?14:53
maximilionNope :)14:53
maximilionIt's a general thing, will google - someone else should have had the same14:54
_Oz_thank you for that link, jack-- CAPTAIN jack sparrow.14:55
_Oz_Anyone have any suggestions for how I hunt down this custom icon dialog hang problem?14:55
_Oz_Every time I go to "Edit Custom Icon" the window freezes.14:55
pale-yafahi, when I go to manage users I dont see the www-data group14:56
jribpale-yafa: why do you want it?14:56
dimas_i am having problems viewing videos after i installed gnome flash, browser very slow and the sound come in a different speed than the picture, any idea how to fix this?14:57
pale-yafajrib: I want to add the www-data user to my group so it can write to /home/myname/public_html14:57
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: np..14:57
ballinheres one for you guys. during the course of time that this o.s. has been installed i probably tried to install many things in the terminal, which all ended up failing. after they unpack and everything, i'm sure they go somewhere. do they stay there afterwords, and how do i go about deleting those files?14:57
jribpapuccino1: adduser myname www-data    but only things that apache needs to write to should be owned by that group, not all web stuff14:58
pawsmackerpale, try sudo gpasswd -a www-data $USER14:58
papuccino1dimas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66424214:58
_Oz_good question, ballin -- one that I share14:58
Jack_Sparrowdimas_: Which browser do you use?14:58
_Oz_when  you install packages and they don't work --- where do they go?14:58
jribpale-yafa: adduser myname www-data    but only things that apache needs to write to should be owned by that group, not all web stuff14:58
papuccino1dimas: There is a VERY USEFUL tutorial on fixing Flash.14:58
jrib_Oz_: what does "don't work" mean?14:58
erUSUL!flash | dimas_14:58
Jack_Sparrowballin: /var/cache/apt/archives14:58
ubotudimas_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:58
pawsmackerpale, make it sudo gpasswwd -a $USER www-data14:58
erUSUL!brokenflash | dimas14:59
ubotudimas: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »14:59
dimas_papuccinol thanks i wil check14:59
_Oz_jrib: install completes and there's no evidence of the installed software anywhere14:59
ballinoz - won't install duh do some reason or the other14:59
jrib_Oz_: dpkg -L PACKAGE_NAME14:59
ballinjack: checkin now. thank you14:59
erUSUL_Oz_: many apps are comman line and you use them from terminal14:59
_Oz_thanks jrib14:59
_Oz_ok, gotta reboot14:59
_Oz_ubuntu's still hung up14:59
_Oz_can't get that custom icon thing fixed14:59
erUSUL_Oz_: and other apps just do not add a menu entry so you have to launch them from terminal or Alt+F215:00
ballinjack: just so i know, if i delete everything in /var/cache/apt/archives it won't damage anything correct?15:00
geniiballin: Use instead sudo apt-get clean15:00
brobostigonballin: use sudo apt-get clean ,to do that15:01
erUSULballin: correct15:01
jriblollo: stop that please15:01
Jack_Sparrowballin: There is a command to purge them, I normally, burn them to a cd or dvd then delete them.. see also aptoncd15:01
lollook sry15:01
ballinwerd. apt get clean wiped them all out15:01
ballinthanks guys15:01
Jack_Sparrowballin: It saves the time of dl' again15:02
deadlyallance114what is the deffrence between the x86 and x64 versions of ubuntu15:02
ballinif you guys didn't hear of it check out sprint's sero plan (500 minutes, free data and text) for 30 bucks a month.. google that stuff15:02
erUSULdeadlyallance114: 32 bit vs 64 bit15:02
jancideadlyallance114, the x64 is for 64-bit computers and x86 is for 32-bit...15:02
ballinif you guys need a cell phone that is15:03
ballini'm outtie15:03
papuccino1Hello, is there a good program used for designing programs in flow-chart style?15:03
deadlyallance114 i know that but you can run but you can run x86 version on a 64 bit computer but what are the advantages of running the 64 bit version15:03
geniiAlthough note please the 32 bit runs fine on 64 bit systems as well15:03
aroif you have >4gb ram, you have to use 64bit to utilize it15:04
pawsmackerdeadly, for me 64bits version so i can see and use the 8gigs of ram15:04
dimas_erusul you suggesting i uninstall gnome flash and try install adobe?15:04
jancideadlyallance114, the only real advantage would be if you had more than 4Gigs of ram15:04
brobostigon64bit also allows for bigger file and file systems support15:04
maximilionFeeling like a noob... How do I specify in which folder the file browser should search for files?15:04
erUSULdimas_: i'm suggesting installing flashplugin-nonfree if you want flash support15:05
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:05
deadlyallance114ok so is the difference between ubuntu x86 and ubuntu x64 just the kernel ?15:05
arois it fixed?15:05
pepperjackdeadlyallance114: there are still some driver and plugin issues for desktop use though 64 bit is fairly mature by now15:05
erUSULdeadlyallance114: no all userspace is 64 bit too15:05
jancideadlyallance114, kernel, compiler, binaries...15:06
erUSULdeadlyallance114: except the 32 bit apps you install15:06
pawsmackerdeadly, 64 bit is multilib, so you can run both 32 and 64 bit apps, 32 bit you can't upgrade to 6415:06
maximilionI want to search for a file, and yes, I would really like to specify that I know the file is on the other partition...15:06
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
ImaginalI have a laptop with built-in camera. How do I turn it on? ^_^15:07
pawsmackermax, from which app are you trying to find? commandline?15:07
maximilionFile Browser15:07
pepperjackmaximilion: mount the partition and sudo find /media/mountpoint -name filename   or sudo updatedb and then locate filename15:07
erUSULmaximilion: Places>Search files15:07
maximilionI navigate to the other partition, Ctrl+F, enter file name, ... and it searched /home/username...15:07
pepperjacksounds like a bug15:07
shr1k3Imaginal: try vlc, select video4linux device15:08
maximilionOh well, the menu you suggested seems to work.15:08
r3zon8ubuntu server comes preinstalled with ltsp?15:08
neztitiguys any help here ??? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55226/15:08
kazim59Using ffmpeg -acodec mp3 prints the line Output Stream #0.1: Audio: 0x0000, 8000 Hz, mono, 12kb/s and fails by saying "Unsupported codec for output stream #1". Please help?15:08
deadlyallance114well i just bought a new computer waiting for it to be shiped it is a hp tx2000z it has a amd 64 x2 @2.2 gig 4gb of ram and an invida go video controler and a built in webcam and fingerprint scanner i plan on useing xgl compiz beryl xfce would i be better offrunning 32 bit os ?15:08
pawsmackerr3zon8, sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone openssh-server15:09
Slartneztiti: well.. I see one bad thing.. automatix15:09
deadlyallance114oh and a touchscreen15:09
ron_i have a 19 gig / partition , du - sh says it got 17 in use, but if i du - sh / i don't see any folder near that large, so how can i find out what's taking all the space15:09
Imaginalshr1k3: where would I find video4linux device?15:09
annaimkonkihelp w/hotmail on swiftweasel...15:09
pawsmackerdeadly, run 64bit15:09
paul__how can i remove the splash screen please15:09
miss_sunshinewhich software15:10
ron_df -h was the fist command15:10
annaimkonkihelp w/hotmail on swiftweasel evolution or thunderbird15:10
deadlyallance114pawsmacker has there been any luck with touchscreen on 64 bit15:10
sananebei tried everything that i may find via google about Intel HDA sound problem but still cand make my sound card work :( please help15:10
Slartpaul__: are you using the computer in question for irc atm?15:10
shr1k3Imaginal: File | Open Capture Device, Video4Linux tab15:10
jribpaul__: remove "quiet" and "splash" from your boot options in /boot/grub/menu.lst15:10
Irutek-nologiesI tried to install Ubuntu 7.10 64bit but my monitor turns off if I press Installation15:10
neztitistart: then???15:10
shr1k3Imaginal: defaults to /dev/video you may need to try /dev/video015:11
Indiadev_Techieannaimkonki: Hotmail is a web based mail system.... i tried to google up the same question....15:11
pawsmackerdeadly, xorg is very stable with 64bit, you may need to modify the xorg.conf in either 32/64 mode15:11
sananebeand ideas about sigmatel audio codes of intel hda?15:11
pale-yafaI give up, my script cannot upload files to /home/myname/public_html any help?15:11
Indiadev_Techie Irutek-nologies: what is ur pc configuration....15:11
erUSUL!sound | sananebe15:11
ubotusananebe: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:11
annaimkonkiIndiadev_Techie: so there is no way of using hotmail w/email clients? such as outlook?15:12
erUSUL!intelhda | sananebe15:12
Jay955how can i created a folder on my secondary drive that can be shared with everyone on my network15:12
neztitiStart:then what 2 do15:12
Irutek-nologiesMy Hardware?15:12
jribpale-yafa: what script?  what are you trying to do?15:12
ubotusananebe: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:12
annaimkonkior only outlook15:12
paul__how can i get to my boot grub please jrib15:12
aro!samba | jay95515:12
ubotujay955: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:12
camille__hello how to enter a chan with password15:12
aro!nfs | jay95515:12
ubotujay955: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:12
camille__hello how to enter a chan with password15:12
Picicamille__: /join #channel password15:12
pepperjack!register | camille__15:12
ubotucamille__: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration15:12
jam3anhello guys nee help plz15:12
pepperjackcamille__: er.. ignore that sorry misunderstood15:12
jam3ani did sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig* and got this ( E: Directory '/var/log/apt/' missing )15:12
jribpaul__: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:12
kazim59Is there a bug in Feisty that ffmpeg doesn't find mp3lame?15:13
Irutek-nologiesIntel Core2Duo 6600 / GF8800GTS / 2048MB DDR2 Ram15:13
Indiadev_Techieannaimkonki: the same thing i tried on thunderbird.... but didnt work...15:13
pale-yafajrib: I have a site in /home/myname/public_html the site allows visitors to upload images, but the owner of public_html is myname so its not allowing the upload because of the permission15:13
aroIrutek-nologies, have you tried installing in safe graphics mode?15:13
pepperjackkazim59: yeah i remember that in feisty15:13
paul__ok thanks15:13
Irutek-nologiesyes, it's the same15:13
jribpale-yafa: what are the permissions?15:13
Indiadev_Techieannaimkonki: i also tried to fint out ther smtp & pop server.... but no help !!!15:13
annaimkonkiok... so which email do you use for thunderbird?15:13
aroIrutek-nologies, have you tried installing from text mode via the alternate cd?15:13
annaimkonkiis there a open source email ?15:14
neztitiguys no help here?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55226/15:14
aroannaimkonki, thunderbird supports any mail that have pop/imap, choose whatever you want15:14
Irutek-nologiesaro, no15:14
pawsmackeranna, mutt > all15:14
jam3ani did sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig* and got this ( E: Directory '/var/log/apt/' missing ) what i should do ?15:14
aro!alternate | Irutek-nologies15:14
ubotuIrutek-nologies: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal15:14
annaimkonkiaro does hotmail support it?15:14
Indiadev_Techieannaimkonki: i use gmail for thunder bird... it nice...no its gr88888888888888...15:14
aroannaimkonki, I have no idea since I do not use hotmail, but it would be up to Microsoft to implement pop/imap support, you'll have to check on hotmail.com options15:14
annaimkonkii think i've used hotmail on MS outlook b415:15
kazim59pepperjack: Though I'm not a developer, I did go through the ffmpeg mailing lists and found out its something similar to bug... What can be done?15:15
Slartannaimkonki: I doubt hotmail supports thunderbird.. you might be able to read mail from hotmail using thunderbird though15:15
pawanhow to install helix player15:15
pale-yafajrib: chmod 755 /home/myname/public_html15:15
camille__hello how to enter a chan with password15:15
Slartannaimkonki: there is a webmail addon that works on windows.. Idon't know if it works on linux too15:15
Indiadev_TechieIrutek-nologies: google it ip... i know that it will not work out....15:15
erUSULpawan: Applications>Add Remove ??15:16
jribpale-yafa: what does 'ls -ld /home/myname/public_html' return?15:16
sunseeker888_guys I am newbie some help. I have copied all word processing document from Msoffice on cd. can ubuntu see these files on CD?15:16
camille__hello how to enter a chan with password15:16
aropawan, sudo apt-get install helix-player15:16
moadi am searching for a linux key logger , anyone got an idea ?15:16
annaimkonkiis it FREEPOPs?15:16
Slartcamille__: /j #channel password , afaik15:16
erUSULsunseeker888_: it should15:16
Indiadev_Techie camille__: ask all ur question at #freenode or visit www.freenode.net15:16
jam3an E: Directory '/var/log/apt/' missing    plz can some tell me what i should do with this prob15:16
arosunseeker888, are they in .doc format?15:16
sunseeker888_yes, they are15:16
sunseeker888_doc format15:17
arosunseeker888, do you have OpenOffice installed?15:17
pppZerocan anyone point me in the direction of libasound_module_pcm_jack.so? after spending all morning trawling google all i can come up with is that it is in fact missing from feisty (it was in an alsa package)15:17
pale-yafajrib: drwxr-xr-x 41 myname www-data 4096 2008-02-06 12:01 /home/myname/public_html15:17
misticwarrior I have a problem with a wifi card... In fact it's a belkin (PCI), and when I plug it in a PCI port, kubuntu doesn't want to start... it stops at "detecting hardware drivers"... Do you know why ?15:17
arosunseeker888, OpenOffice can read .doc just fine15:17
Indiadev_Techiesunseeker888_: yes ubuntu supports... microsoft's word format (.doc)...15:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about docx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:17
sunseeker888_yeah, but will ubuntu be able to read the cd which I created from windows15:17
aroIt can read .docx as well, but saving is another story15:17
pawanhelix player cannot play content15:17
arosunseeker888, yes, CDs are OS independent15:18
Irutek-nologiesthx guys Bye15:18
aropawalls, what content are you trying to play?15:18
Indiadev_Techiearo: it (openoffice) gets installed by default in ubuntu....15:18
pawanmp3 files15:18
aroIndiadev_Techie, I know. Your point?15:19
aropawan, you have to install mp3 support manually15:19
aropawan, it is not a free format15:19
Indiadev_Techiepawan: then go n install real player for ubuntu...15:19
jribpawan: so give www-data write permissions15:19
aroInstalling real player is unecessary15:19
Pici!mp3 | pawan15:19
ubotupawan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:19
jribpawan: ugh ignore that15:19
sunseeker888_hooray, it worked thanks a lot chaps, sod bill gates15:19
Slartaro: oh? you can play .rm files in something else?15:20
aroSlart, who said they wanted to play .rm files?15:20
jribpale-yafa: so give www-data write permissions.  Your web server runs as www-data right?15:20
Indiadev_Techiearo: or some codec pack for linuc (ubuntu).....15:20
Slartaro: pawan did.. rm and mp3 files15:20
aroMy apologies then, I only saw mp315:20
Indiadev_Techie aro: do ya know any good codec pack for ubuntu....15:20
Ishi|worknewbie needing help... installed 7.10 on acer travelmate using alternate installer... stops during boot up immediately after "* starting powernowd [OK]". any help appreciated ^__^15:21
pale-yafajrib: yes, it does, another question, is it bad if I make www-data owner for public_html, that would save me lots of problems15:21
pepperjackIndiadev_Techie: there is the medibuntu repo i dont know if it has metapackages15:21
danbhfiveIndiadev_Techie: try opening the file with totem, codecs tend to autoinstall from that15:21
kle7hi, could anybody tell me if it is possible to install ubuntu via non-GUI method. (Xubuntu 7.10)15:21
jribpale-yafa: why do you not just do chmod g+w ~/public_html/  ?15:21
arokle7, alternate CD15:21
Slartaro: ah.. no worries.. just got curious, that's all15:21
Indiadev_Techie kle7: yaa...15:21
Indiadev_Techie kle7: what ur question...15:21
Slartkle7: try the alternate cd15:21
aro!alternate | kle715:21
tomd123is there any way for me to save my current open windows when i shutdown and then when i power up the windows will be open how i left them?15:21
kle7i would like to install kubuntu 7.10 via command line15:22
arotomd123 do you have an option at reboot to save current session?15:22
Slarttomd123: check system, preferences, sessions15:22
arokle7, download the alternate cd, there is a text based installer15:22
kle7as i am using a low-spec machine that freezes on GUI method15:22
pale-yafajrib: want to know that in general, would it be ok if I make www-data owner of public_html all the time? any security problems with that?15:22
papuccino1kle7 use the Alternate CD.15:22
Indiadev_Techie kle7: if ur asking for non gui version.. then go to ubuntu site and download ubuntu alternate cd.....burn it & install...15:22
kle7okay thank you15:22
tomd123aro, i don't15:22
danbhfivekle7: like others have said, use the alternate cd, that is the correct answer15:22
kle7sorry to re-iterate, i was asked to repeat :-)15:22
kle7thank you15:22
jribpale-yafa: no security problems, but then your user won't have write permissions...15:22
arotomd123, go to System->Preferences->Sessions->Session Options15:23
arotomd123, click "automatically remember running applications when logging out"15:23
tomd123aro, thanks15:23
tomd123i found it15:23
arotomd123, cool, np15:23
pawanhow to play rm files15:23
aropawan, real player as others have suggested15:23
pawanhow to install real player15:24
aropawan, maybe some 3rd party codec that plays them in other players, but you'll have to research15:24
aropawan, google.com15:24
jrib!restricted > pawan (read the private message from ubotu)15:24
Indiadev_Techiepawan: i said... go n google up... real player for ubuntu....15:24
pale-yafajrib: thats exactly what I want, I want the user not to have any control over the public_html because my script structure is a little complicated, and it allows creating files and filders in the public_html, just want to know if there is ANY security issues if www-data is the owner15:24
royajmIs anybody having gaming/heavy 3d acceleration problems while compiz is on?15:24
DimitreeNeed help :) I have two computers at home, i have a swtich, i have two Lan cables with two ISPs, one is for my PC, the other is for my moms PC, my question is : Can i setup this thing so that i don't have to use two IPs and use the switch so that my mom can have internet from my ISP and not hers ?(i know it can be done with rooter i'm asking if it's possible to do it with switch )15:24
pepperjackpawan: you can always play it in mplayer then fireup some gui app that is pretty to look at15:24
jribpale-yafa: no, your web server needs to write to it anyway15:24
Slartpawan:  download realplayer.. it's not as bad on linux as on windows.. it's a binary so you download, unpack and run15:24
pawanits in bin format15:25
erUSULDimitree: you can share the connection (your computer or hers acting as router)15:25
pale-yafajrib: same thing with fedora and sentos I suppose, right?15:25
pawsmackerpale, i always prefer to have www-data as owner of my web files, so that when apache is dead, people can't access the contents of the directory15:25
royajmI tried to play nexuiz with my ati card (driver installed wiyh envy) and it was sloow15:25
DimitreeerUSUL, so both computers are connected to the switch and my computer acts as rooter ? i dont have two lan cards15:26
jribpale-yafa: yes, none of this is distro-specific15:26
Jack_Sparrow!envy > royajm15:26
bazhangenvy uh oh15:26
Slartroyajm: well.. the gpu is busy making pretty windows, cubes and stuff.. there's bound to be less power for the game =)15:26
atlantideI would like to assess the computing power or the speed of calculation of my computers on Debian can you advise me a utility15:26
DimitreeerUSUL,  my computer to switch, her computer to switch, switch to ISP ?15:26
royajmokay, hmm would making a new account without them help?15:26
pawsmackeratlantide, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:26
Slartatlantide: search for benchmark in synaptic.. there are quite a lot15:26
pale-yafajrib: thank you so so much, I have been asking around in #apache #centos #security #fedora #linux and the guys there said that there is a security risk if apache owns public_html15:27
bazhangatlantide: #debian? this is #ubuntu15:27
Indiadev_Techiepawan: u ther...15:27
pepperjackatlantide: searching for benchmark in the repos reveals alot of packages15:27
Jack_Sparrowatlantide: If you are looking for a benchmark, I dont think you will find anything useful15:27
pale-yafajrib: and when I asked what is the risk no one knew15:27
pawandownloaded real player but its in bin format15:27
Slartpawan: yes.. just run it ...   ./realplayer15:27
Indiadev_Techiepawan: download the .deb file for ubuntu...15:27
pawanits on desktop15:28
DimitreeerUSUL,  sorry i have to install a satellite dish be back later :)15:28
erUSULDimitree: your computer to switch hers to switch the one acting as router to isp (with another network card)15:28
Indiadev_Techiepawan: the debian version...15:28
pawanhow to get the deb version15:28
jribpale-yafa: you aren't supposed to give www-data write permissions on files it does not need to write to.  Obviously, if you have a script that the webserver runs and needs to write to it, you *need* to take the associated risk15:28
royajm okay, hmm would making a new account without them help?15:28
DimitreeerUSUL, so i need two network cards ok ill check if i have that on any PC thank you :)15:28
Edmond^Dantesroyajm don;r do that15:28
pawanlink pls15:28
royajmwhy's that?15:28
Indiadev_Techiepawan: wher did u get the bin version frm...15:28
aropawan, www.google.com15:28
jribaro: please don't do that15:29
royajmwhy's that, Edmond?15:29
bazhangpawan there should be instructions on the real site; did you not see them?15:30
royajmIs it somehow going to mess gnome up?15:30
pawancant get it15:30
jrib!who | pawan15:30
ubotupawan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:30
Indiadev_Techiepawan: he (bazhang:) gave u the answer... go n check it out....15:30
JavaGeekit seems my ubuntu install (gutsy) is using the old wireless driver (ipw3945) instead of the new one (iwl3945)... does someone know how to fix that?15:31
Indiadev_Techiepawan: r u new to irc....network...15:31
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install realplayer15:31
pawanReading package lists... Done15:31
pawanBuilding dependency tree15:31
pawanReading state information... Done15:31
pawanPackage realplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:31
pawanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or15:31
FloodBot1pawan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:31
MrEgg964Hi all. I need advice mounting a cifs drive with rw permissions. So far, I have the following entry in fstab, which gives me write only privileges : //serverip/sharedir /home/me/mymount point cifs credentials=/root/.mycred,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 015:32
Indiadev_Techiepawan: dont flood the channel... or u will be banned on #ubuntu by operators...15:32
PiciIndiadev_Techie: I think the bot gave him warning enough.15:33
eetfukQuick question: I had two different network adaptors, and the one i used got fucked. So i took i out. Now my ubuntu does not run dhclient on the other, and i have to do it manualy. How fix?15:33
Da_Putzlerhi guys, can someone tell me if gnome-keyring-daemon is actually needed ???15:33
brobostigonDa_Putzler: yes, you do need it.15:34
Indiadev_TechiePici: i trien to remind him... bcoz i have been banned earlier for issuing wrong command to the bot...15:34
Da_Putzlerhas anyone had problems in Ubuntu after running the last update containing the linux images ?15:35
danbhfiveIndiadev_Techie: did you get the classic botabuse message?15:35
Indiadev_Techiedanbhfive: ya... i was banned for 2 days.... i had to talk to the operators to get unbanned...15:36
brobostigonDa_Putzler: no i didnt, but my architecture is ppc, so different to yours probbely.15:36
pawanreal player15:36
Indiadev_Techiepawan: plz refer to whom u r talkin to...15:37
danbhfiveDa_Putzler: I'm fine too15:37
Da_Putzlerit's just that I have double Processes in my system monitor and dunno why it is... plus, pcmanfm wont run anymore15:37
Indiadev_Techiepawan: then enjoy rm music...15:37
=== Edmond^Dantes is now known as poisonous_gal
mariomhow to use antialias in compiz-fusion (in nviadia panel is on x16) ? -> sorry for bad english, but i from Poland.15:37
Da_Putzlerand double dbus-daemon also...  any ideas why this is ?15:38
Indiadev_Techiepawan: did u install real player... for ubuntu...15:38
pawanunable to install15:38
danbhfiveDa_Putzler: HAH!! I have three dbus-daemon15:39
Indiadev_Techiepawan: kya hua ??15:39
pawanunable to install real player15:39
Da_Putzlerwhat's with the duplicate processes ???  never had it before ?15:39
pawandownloaded the realplayer.bin file15:39
mariomhow to use antialias in compiz-fusion (in nviadia panel is on x16) ? -> sorry for bad english, but i from Poland.15:40
danbhfiveDa_Putzler: mine aren't really duplicate, system monitor claims they are running with different options15:40
danbhfivepawan: why do you want realplayer?15:40
Indiadev_Techiepawan: maine bola agar .dev file milti hai to usse download kar na yaar...15:40
danbhfivepawan: I ask cause I get by fine without it15:40
Da_Putzlerit's kinda weird...  any ideas why pcmanfm doesnt wanna work, even when reinstalled ?15:40
pawanto play rm files15:41
Indiadev_Techiepawan: sorry .dev file download kar... not .dev15:41
danbhfivepawan which files?15:41
mariomhow to use antialias in compiz-fusion (in nviadia panel is on x16) ? -> sorry for bad english, but i from Poland.15:41
pawanreal media video files15:41
Sven_hi :)15:41
ssppenglish please, chats are logged for future use15:41
Da_Putzlerdoesnt vlc and mplayer play .ram .rm files already ???15:41
M-Nagatois there something wrong with the ca0106 drivers in the kernel? for some reason my audigy sound card becomes a little bit distorted once i turn the volume up15:41
mariomhow to use antialias in compiz-fusion (in nviadia panel is on x16) ? -> sorry for bad english, but i from Poland.15:41
Jack_Sparrowpawan: Please keep it on one line..  By now everyone knows what you are trying to do..15:41
Indiadev_Techiedanbhfive: pawan is askin how to play rm (realmedia file) on ubuntu...15:41
mariomhow to use antialias in compiz-fusion (in nviadia panel is on x16) ? -> sorry for bad english, but i from Poland.15:42
M-Nagatoit's only my audigy card that does it, my onboard doesn't have the same problem15:42
danbhfivepawan: are there specific ones that you can point out?  playing files is a codec issue15:42
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > mariom15:42
L3ttuc3i've got ubuntu booting up in verbose mode, initially the kernel boot time starts at something like 24 seconds, then after say 5 seconds, it resets and goes down to 5 and increments from there. is that normal behaviour? if so, why is that? and if not, is it important, and should i fix it(+how)?15:42
pawanunable to play any rm files15:42
pawanhelix player is not playing15:42
misticwarriorI have a problem with a belkin desktop wireless card. When I plug it in my PCI port, kubuntu doesn't want to start... it stops at "detecting hardware drivers"... do you know why ?15:43
danbhfivepawan: have you tried totem? ...15:43
Indiadev_Techiedanbhfive: so how do pawan play rm files on ubuntu...15:43
geoaxiswhere are default shell variables set in ubuntu15:43
Indiadev_Techiedanbhfive: i mean how can he or anyone play rm files on ubuntu...15:43
danbhfiveIndiadev_Techie: play it in totem, and use the autoinstaller for the codecs15:43
geoaxislike my variables MAIL EDITOR etc15:43
pawsmackergeoaxis, try env15:44
pepperjackpawan: the restricted page at help.ubuntu was not any help?15:44
=== johansja_ is now known as johansja
Indiadev_Techiepawan: run totem....nd the codecs will autoinstall...n play the rm files for u...15:44
shr1k3geoaxis: /etc/profile, $HOME/.bashrc, $HOME/.bash_profile15:44
pawani try15:45
pepperjackpawan: totem or mplayer totem may be a little more user friendly15:45
geoaxisshr1k3,  i looked up all these, and cant find where MAIL is set15:45
geoaxisi want to UNSET it15:45
glass-eyeanyone have a fix for the broken emdebian-tools in gutsy?15:45
geoaxis(i know i can write uset MAIL in last line of bastrc , but would rather disable it from where its set15:45
shr1k3geoaxis: you can add "unset MAIL" to .bashrc15:46
danbhfivegeoaxis: system > preferences > preferred applications,       maybe that's what you are looking for15:46
nattyI neeed some help15:46
deadlyallance114what does it take to get light scrib to work in ubuntu15:46
pawantotem is not playing15:46
Indiadev_Techiepawan : :)15:46
nattyIve just installed azerus with the command sudo.....15:46
pawanrm files15:46
geoaxisdanbhfive,  nopes, i am running on console15:46
Jack_Sparrownatty: All you need to do..is ask your question15:46
pepperjackpawan: ok now that you have totem follow this link15:46
Indiadev_Techiepawan: what is it sayin ???15:46
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:47
nattynow , I would like to overwrite somefiles,but I dont know where it is installed...15:47
pepperjack!restricted | pawan15:47
ubotupawan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:47
pawanA problem occurred while loading a library or a decoder (cook.so).15:47
zeeeeehelp, i just hooked up a new monitor to my ubuntu system, but i don't get any signal. both old and new monitor were using dvi; the new monitor is a tiny bit wider than the old.15:47
nattyQuestion in one line:15:47
zeeeeei'm not sure where to start. i can ssh into my machine, but then what?15:47
shr1k3geoaxis: from terminal if you type "echo $MAIL" you get what?15:47
zeeeeei tried googling but found too much irrelevant information...15:48
zeeeeeany help would be tremendously appreciated!15:48
danbhfive!xconfig | zeeeee have you reconfigured your xserver-xorg?15:48
ubotuzeeeee have you reconfigured your xserver-xorg?: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes15:48
geoaxisshr1k3,  /var/mail/hatim15:48
pppZerozeeeee, was you pc on when you changed monitors?15:48
nattyQUESTION : I installed azerues,with the sudo command,which got it from web,now I have some files,which i would like to overwrite,but I dont know where the system installed azerues...15:48
zeeeeepppZero, yeah15:48
Jack_SparrowPici:  May I pm?15:48
Assidanyone know any decent/nice messengers for yahoo15:48
PiciJack_Sparrow: sure15:48
Assidlike how amsn is pretty close to its win clone15:48
pppZerozeeeee, ahh, your new screen probably dosent understand your old resolution, ssh in and reboot, when it boots back up X should detect the new screen and set a resolution accordingly15:49
shr1k3geoaxis: does your .bashrc or .bash_profile call other scripts? they may be setting the env variable15:49
Indiadev_Techie Assid: Pidgin : www.pidgin.im (msn,gtalk,yahoo,aol,irc,gadu-gadu...n many more)15:49
brobostigonassid: yahoo do make a version of there own client for linux15:49
zeeeeepppZero, ok, i'll try.15:49
Assidbrobostigon: pretty outdated..15:49
shr1k3geoaxis: have you checked "grep MAIL /etc"?15:49
zeeeeepppZero, why wouldn't ctrl-alt-bksp do the same thing? (restart x server)15:49
AssidIndiadev_Techie: pidgin doesnt let me get rid of the grouping15:50
AssidIndiadev_Techie: and for some strange reason file transfer has issues amongst other things15:50
Indiadev_Techie Assid: ya thats true...then did u try Miranda IM....15:50
Assidalso if anyone knows a nice one for icq.. let me know15:50
pppZerozeeeee, it probably will :] or /etc/init.d/gdm restart too :]15:50
geoaxisshr1k3,  you mean grep MAIL /etc -r15:50
geoaxisi did that long before15:51
zeeeeepppZero, it doesn't seem to do the trick though15:51
noodlesgcassid pidgin can do icq15:51
brobostigonassid: again pidgin, it does icq as well15:51
notpalomerI just inserted a trendnet TEW-443PI into my computer, how do I get it working?15:51
Assidnoodlesgc: wanna avoid pidgin..15:51
Jack_SparrowLjL: May I pm?15:51
brobostigonassid: why15:51
Indiadev_Techie Assid: aw  man... im using pidgin...currently...15:51
gavin__HI all. How do I set up a wiki website on my PC15:51
shr1k3geoaxis, try renaming(mv) .bashrc and .bash_profile to other names, then start new terminal, see if MAIL is still set15:51
Assidcause i cant get rid of that grouping.. and some file transfers dont work15:51
pepperjackgavin__: there are many alternatives what use will it be for15:52
noodlesgcassid whats wrong with pidgin?15:52
Assidnoodlesgc: ^^^15:52
noodlesgcassid oh15:52
Assidi was using kopete cause of that15:52
Indiadev_Techie Assid: so u dont want pidgin to show the groups...15:52
pppZerozeeeee, i've officially got no idea, X might have crashed (used to do it to me on gentoo) try killing X15:52
Assidno and i want it to support file tranfers properly15:53
gavin__Pepperjack. I have a very large technical document with multiple users spread over the whole country15:53
L3ttuc3i've got ubuntu booting up in verbose mode, initially the kernel boot time starts at something like 24 seconds, then after say 5 seconds, it resets and goes down to 5 and increments from there. is that normal behaviour? if so, why is that? and if not, is it important, and should i fix it(+how)?15:53
geoaxisshr1k3,  nopes still set15:53
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shr1k3geoaxis: hmmm15:53
pepperjackgavin__: a really easy setup for me was moinmoin its python i think the standard is still mediawiki both of these are in the repos15:53
Indiadev_Techie Assid: go to www.pidgin.im..nd look if the newer version supports file transfers properly...15:54
AssidIndiadev_Techie: am on hardy.. i think we got the latest alreay15:54
erUSULL3ttuc3: can we take a look at your dmesg?? post it on pastebin15:54
Indiadev_Techie Assid: sorry, www.pidgin.im15:54
erUSUL!paste | L3ttuc315:54
ubotuL3ttuc3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:54
gavin__pepperjack. I did download mediawiki, but dont know how to set it up15:54
lokiriguys is there a page that shows if my laptop is compatible with ubuntu?15:54
bazhang!hardy | Assid15:54
Assidokay more importantly.. how do i get my webcam to work15:54
ubotuAssid: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:54
sunseeker888HI guys, I  have a question. I have ordered a usb external drive to backup all my mp3 files from my windows machines. If i connect this drive to Ubuntu, can the files to be read?15:55
pepperjackgavin__: good howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaWiki15:55
Assidbazhang: im not discussing any bugs.. software / apps installed are more or less the same15:55
erUSULsunseeker888: yes15:55
Assidhttp://assid.pastebin.com/m5469a7b5 -- any idea how to get this camera to work ?15:55
bazhangAssid: you are asking in the gutsy channel for hardy support15:55
geoaxisshr1k3, i know its easier to unset from .bashrc15:55
Indiadev_Techie Assid: so what happens while transferring files...15:55
noodlesgcsunseeker888 are they drm infected?15:55
gavin__pepperjack. I will give ot a go. Thank you kindly15:55
Indiadev_Techie lokiri: thro pidgin....15:55
geoaxisi guess i will do that, some things are better left unexplored15:55
geoaxis(its probably some thing within bash)15:56
Assidbazhang: was asking about im's which is on both15:56
bazhangAssid: the apps are quite a bit different in fact--join hardy changes mailing list if you dont believe15:56
sunseeker888thanks erusul. noodlesgc don't know? whats drm infected?15:56
Assidreally ? hrmm15:56
erUSULAssid: you are offtopic here hardy discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 period15:56
shr1k3geoaxis: it has to be set from init scripts under etc I think, but you say grep -r did not find so I'm at a loss at the moment15:57
noodlesgcsunseeker888 drm is M$ protection15:57
AssiderUSUL: okay forget im on hardy.. i just wanna know about some im's15:57
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete15:57
zeeeeepppZero, i rebooted. that didn't change anything.15:57
bazhangsunseeker888: is it ntfs? if yes then yes15:57
pawanCould not save the file /etc/apt/sources.list15:57
noodlesgcg2g byte15:57
geoaxisshr1k3,  grep spiited out other stuff , let me look at it again15:58
sunseeker888noodlesgc, I can wipe the disc first!!!!!!!!!! Bazhang, I can format it ntfs15:58
pppZerozeeeee, did you get a display during POST / boot?15:58
bazhangsunseeker888: are you going to share it with a windows machine?15:58
shr1k3geoaxis: you are mainly looking for "export MAIL" or "MAIL="15:59
notpalomerhow do I install the madwifi drivers on my system?15:59
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx15:59
sunseeker888Bazhang, I was going to use Gparted, it's 500 GB, so 250GB for Ubuntu and the rest for windows15:59
geoaxisshr1k3,  oh well i found it , silly me , i had seen this before , login.defs15:59
shr1k3geoaxis: thats great16:00
jshriverwhere can I found the source for libjpeg? I've tried google and it keeps sending me to the official jpeg site, but that is for jpeg tools not a library.16:00
notpalomerhow do I install the madwifi drivers for my system?16:00
bazhangsunseeker888: install ubuntu or just use it for ubuntu backups etc--will any part of the drive be shared between the two?16:00
jribjshriver: why?16:00
sunseeker888Bazhang yes it will be shared between the 216:01
Picijshriver: have you tried just: apt-get source libjpeg ?16:01
zionpsyferjshriver, http://freshmeat.net/projects/libjpeg/ ?16:01
asmarinwhere i can get ffmpeg-php on feisty?16:01
pepperjacknotpalomer: they are a part of linux-restricted-modules16:01
OmnificienTanybody can tell me how to turn down the volume?16:01
pepperjackOmnificienT: from a terminal an easy way is to run alsamixer16:02
bazhangsunseeker888: well if you are going to dual boot the drive, then that is not a problem, and if you keep the mp3s on the window side that will be ok ay as well16:02
OmnificienTI've seen the icon left above16:02
OmnificienTbut it's changing the wrong volume i tink16:02
OmnificienTmaybe of my onboard sound16:02
sunseeker888thanks baxhang16:03
sunseeker888by the way how do i get user name highlighted ?16:03
sunseeker888to respond16:03
bazhangsunseeker888: you will need to install the ntfs-3g for that to work though; just a heads-up ;]16:03
geoaxisshr1k3, http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html/sag-pam_mail.html16:03
Jack_Sparrowsunseeker888: Tab complete16:03
sunseeker888thanks for the heads up16:04
ron_i have a 18.3 gig / and the system says that 17.0 is used i can only account for about 6 gig any idea16:04
bazhangtab completion sunseeker888 type three or so letters then hit the tab key16:04
jshriverzionpsyfer: that points to the same tree16:04
pepperjackron_: check ~/.Trash and lostandfound i suppose16:04
psi_hi all whats the command to mount an ntfs drive?16:04
shr1k3geoaxis: o i c16:04
Jack_Sparrowron_: Files you deleted while root user?16:04
jrib!ntfs > psi_ (read the private message from ubotu)16:04
pppZeroron_, cd /; du -h --max-depth=1 -x; it'll tell you where the big stuff is living16:05
OmnificienTpepperjack thanks for the alsamixer hint16:06
kockasany1 who can help me16:07
Jack_SparrowJust ask16:08
bazhangask away kockas16:08
erUSULron_: use Apps>Accesories>disk analizer16:08
kockaswana know for what this ubuntu and linux are16:08
kockasi dont know what i can do here16:08
kockason this operation system16:08
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:08
Assidkockas: whatever you put your mind to ;)16:08
erUSULkockas: well anything you can do with a computer16:09
kockasahm idk lol16:09
naturegirlhello, we just installed ubuntu, and does someone know how to configure the borders of the desktop? (because we just see a forth of the actual desktop on the screen)16:09
kockaswhat i can do here for fun16:09
Lettuc3i've got ubuntu booting up in verbose mode, initially the kernel boot time starts at something like 24 seconds, then after say 5 seconds, it resets and goes down to 5 and increments from there. is that normal behaviour? if so, why is that? and if not, is it important, and should i fix it(+how)? i got disconnected earlier, i dont know if anyone gave me the answer.16:09
kockasor programing16:09
bazhangpawan: you still trying to save your sources list to paste for us?16:09
Assidkockas: here ?16:09
kockasfriend told me that ubuntu isi good for programing16:09
kockasand other things16:09
_Oz_hello again, friends16:09
Jack_Sparrowpawan:  cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/Jacks-Notes/sources.list.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T) will put copy on your desktop16:09
bazhangkockas: try not to hit the enter key so often16:10
_Oz_Can someone tell me how to remove something from the applications menu?16:10
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Assidkockas: its an distribution of linux operating system. you can run whateveryou wnat16:10
kockasoh my god sry lol :D16:10
Assidkockas: if you want to program.. go ahead and code.. if you wanna do something else.. do tjhat16:10
kockasbut idk what to do16:10
pawaninstalled the codecs16:10
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: gconf-editor16:10
kockasahm where to find codes and other16:10
pppZerokockas, depends what you want to program - a default install is fairly boring, have a look in synaptic for something that looks interesting :)16:10
_Oz_I have ps2 installed under wine which didn't work...  I uninstalled under wine but the uninstall was unsuccessful...  so I manually deleted the adobe files from /,wine...  but the icons are still there in the pulldown "start" menu16:10
pawannow rm files are playing in totem16:10
Assidkockas: be a bit precise in your question16:10
kockasi  wana make something smart or learn anything about this o.s16:11
_Oz_jack: where is gconf-editor and how do I access it?16:11
zionpsyferkockas: What language are you looking to code in?16:11
kockasahm idk16:11
Jack_Sparrowkockas: Please use REAL words. and not shorthand16:11
kockasmaybe c++ is good for here16:11
DASPRiD`man` is not intalled on my ubuntu 7.10 minimal installation?16:11
gggggigI followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick?16:11
kockaso.s >> operation system16:11
DASPRiDand installing "manpages" does not help16:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:11
gggggigbut I just get a blank cursor16:11
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy kockas this is a good place to start ;]16:12
kockasi will try now to see what is there :LD16:12
gggggigThe usb drive has been filled,but the bootloader doesn't start16:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tutorial - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:12
maximilionAnyone here that codes other languages than c/cpp and can recommend a luxurious useful IDE? Pascal and SDL?16:12
uuserhi , i wanted to know how do i change the name for a mounted drive16:12
Jack_SparrowWhat is the link for the new tutorial16:13
bazhangfor what Jack_Sparrow16:13
kockasahm how i can find c++ for this ubuntu16:13
_Oz_ok, I found gconf-editor16:13
_Oz_and it's running16:13
uuseri have set /dev/sda5 to mount on /mnt/d16:13
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: the bot trigger for the new pdf tutorial16:13
maximilionOr does someone have new about Unity and JS?16:13
kane77maximilion, I use netbeans, that is for java and ruby16:13
_Oz_but...  I can't see the app I want to delete there16:13
SeamusIs anyone here having trouble with acpi -t temperature reporting in gutsy on a thinkpad?  I'm using an r60e16:13
pepperjackkockas: build-essential will pull in the most common stuff you need16:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:14
uuseri want the friendly name to come as D Drive or something like that ..16:14
AshDragonScale_Can anyone help me get a Radeon 9200se to work as dual head 1 LCD and 1 TV?16:14
notpalomercan anyone tell me how to get my wireless card working?16:14
maximilionkane77: I might try to make make a real good game16:14
Seamusas soon as I come out of suspend it says Thermal 2 is running at 45C16:14
kockaslook i dont know what is my pw when i try some commands like sudo atp-get update16:14
kockasand it asks for my pw and i dont know what is my pw16:14
danbhfive!wireless > notpalomer have you tried this?16:14
Jack_Sparrowkockas: it is your users password16:14
Faust-Chow in the hell did i get in here16:14
bazhangJack_Sparrow: the student training one? I have a link for that though not the bot command16:14
maximilionLinux deserves a kicka** 3D native game :)16:14
kockasi tried but it say wrong :S16:14
_Oz_Is that the same faust from #unix?16:15
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: Ihave the link, but forgot the trigger16:15
Assidmaximilion:  tuxracer! :P16:15
kane77maximilion, I don't know but there _might_ be plugin for pascal16:15
Faust-Cim familiar w/ mounting smb shares on other *nix systems what do i need to install to do so w/ ubuntu16:15
scott_i have been tring to fine a program that will convert photos to a dvd video slide show tried qauthor but it fails16:15
AshDragonScale_notpalomer: Install ndiswrapper16:15
kane77maximilion, what about tremulous? that is kicka**16:15
uuserhi , could someone please tell me how to set a friendly name for a mounted directory16:15
maximilionWell, maybe there is a channel for Ubuntu/Linux coders?16:15
erUSULmaximilion: i thought that id Software (doom and Quake) and UT counted as kick*** 3d native games16:15
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=student.pdf kockas this is the ubuntu training pdf16:15
kockasjack u know how i can find out my pw?? cuz i tried my username pw and it is not working16:15
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida16:16
linux__aliencan some one tell me a web cam software for ubuntu ?16:16
maximilionerUSUL: They do, and I play them :) But I feel like coding :)16:16
Jack_Sparrowkockas: DO you have multiple accounts on that machine16:16
kockasidk what it means16:16
Faust-Clinux__alien: depends on what cam you have16:16
bazhangmaximilion: #ubuntu-devel perhaps?16:16
kockasi got only one acc here16:16
Jack_Sparrowlinux__alien: ekiga or something like that16:16
maximilionbazhang: Oh. Thought that was for the devs of the distro :)16:16
kockasand it has pw,and i tried that pw and it wont work -.-16:16
mohbanahey guys how can i search for a package from command line?16:16
linux__alienFaust-C, I ve a Dell Inspiron 1520 and its got integrated webcam16:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:16
* Faust-C wonders what sw he needs to mount smb shares16:16
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:17
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Jay955is there a way to move the home folder form my primary drive to my seconday drive16:17
erUSULJay955: yes16:17
bazhangmaximilion: yeah likely is, my bad ;]16:17
Jay955ok how16:17
erUSULJay955: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:17
Jack_SparrowFaust-C: If you want info for yourself, please do this instead     /msg ubotu samba16:17
uusercan i set a different name for my mounted directory ?16:17
linux__alienFaust-C, So which one is better?16:17
bazhangbibekpaudel: you have hit that nvidia link three times now--think you could bookmark and not hit it a fourth time? ;]16:18
Faust-CJack_Sparrow: ok sure whatever16:18
amenadoscott_-> look at wink  a nice application for creating a tutorial videos16:18
faclonwhich package I need to install to use dig to scan a domain record16:18
Faust-CJack_Sparrow: ty btw16:18
Jack_Sparrowbibekpaudel:  If you want info for yourself, please do this instead     /msg ubotu samba16:18
naturegirlAnother question, when Ubuntu boots, can I somehow disable the bootsplash while it loads? So that I can see the console16:18
amenadofaclon-> dig i thought comes as stock on the install16:18
OmnificienThow would I go about getting mp3 playback in ubuntu?16:18
zionpsyferkockas: I'd take some time to read up on the documentation for ubuntu before trying to start coding.  You'll save yourself  a lot of frustration if you do.16:19
Jack_SparrowFaust-C: np..  this place gets really busy, and things like that do help16:19
crowley1028Hi, when I have my speakers all the way up i hear noise (the sound of a small hiss) and when i move the volume slider up and down it obviously goes away and comes back which is normal for speakers at MAX.  problem is, I can't get any audio out of the speakers...16:19
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras OmnificienT16:19
amenadonaturegirl-> try editing the  /boot/grub/menu.lst  and remove hiddenmenu line16:19
uuserOmnificienT, try the ubuntu restricted drivers16:19
scott_thank you16:19
AshDragonScale_Can anyone help me get a Radeon 9200se to work as dual head 1 LCD and 1 TV?16:19
acee1234 i cant get k3b to correctly burn a disk. it tells me it completed successfully until i try to read the data and it finds none. i look at the back of the disk and it looks like it did a crap job writing with the banding i already asked kubuntu chan but got no response.16:19
bazhanguuser or the extras ;] the drivers are for other stuff16:19
naturegirlamenado: ok thx, and there is no way to do it while booting? cause I know in gentoo it works simply with F216:19
crowley1028oops sorry, did someone answer my question?16:20
uuserOmnificienT, you can find it in the Add/Remove under applications16:20
OmnificienTand how would I do that?16:20
amenadonaturegirl-> you can get into editing mode when presented with the menu, and edit the boot parameters there16:20
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: cd or dvd...  iso or assorted files,,, recoding an audio cd or data..16:20
uuserbazhang, yes Ubuntu Restricted Extras ;)16:20
Faust-CJack_Sparrow: true, im used to knowing where docs are etcetc, 1st real run w/ ubuntu, im a fbsd guy normally16:20
bazhangOmnificienT: sudo apt get install package name16:20
Jack_SparrowFaust-C: Welcome to Ubuntu16:20
OmnificienTwhat is the search command that goes with apt-get?16:21
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: tried data iso and music writing to archival-grade dvd's16:21
mohbanahow do i add $HOME/bin/ to my path variable?16:21
uuserOmnificienT, i suggest you try the GUI method if you are a new user16:21
bazhangOmnificienT: apt-cache search related name16:21
kockashow i can find c++ for this ubuntu???16:21
AshDragonScale_Can anyone help me get a Radeon 9200se to work as dual head 1 LCD and 1 TV?16:22
uuserUnder Applications>Add/Remove16:22
amenadomohbana-> export PATH=newpath:$PATH  note the precedence of PATH16:22
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: iso looks cleanest but no data is detected16:22
danbhfivekockas: g++ I think16:22
zionpsyferkockas: Your question has already been answered.  Installing 'buid-essential' will give you the basic tools you need.16:22
alberto_hi all !16:22
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: If you right click an ISO and write to disk, does it work16:22
uuserOmnificienT, Navigate to Others and make sure you have the All available softwares selected at the top16:23
kockasi started to use ubuntu yesterday so i dont know anyhing!! i know for terminal start and need some commands16:23
kockasand i wana know some commands for installing c++ cuz exe files cant be executed16:23
bazhangkockas: thus my link for you to the gutsy wiki ;]16:23
amenadomohbana-> what I showed you puts it at the beginning of search path, if you want to append instead, change the order it was declared16:23
uuserkockas, c++ files are executed differently16:23
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: it works untill i try to read the data16:23
kockasso how i can start c++?16:24
amenadouuser what?16:24
Invisible_Ubuntikockas, exe files don't work on Linux16:24
bazhangkockas also learn about ubuntuforums--they are your friend ;]16:24
crowley1028I'm having audio problems.  I can hear static from speakers when turned to max so they're plugged in, and the volume slider makes an audible difference but I can't play any music / listen to any videos16:24
kockasi know lol16:24
erUSULkockas: install the build-essential package16:24
alberto_i've just installed an ubuntu gusty on my laptop and everything work. the only problem that i have is that at boot, i've got a black screen, but the laptop boot, and after some seconds, gdm is launched. so : how to know what's wrong in order to have booting information please ?16:24
kockashow to install i dont know really16:24
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: then it isnt a k3b issue it runs deeper.16:24
Pici!software | kockas16:24
ubotukockas: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:24
uuserkockas, while compiling try g++ -o /output-file /source-code-file in terminal16:24
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: drivers?16:24
simion314hi, how can i find my boot partition?16:24
zionpsyferkockas:  Read the links people have given you to learn.16:24
bazhangkockas this is not a knowledge base channel--you have the link now you need to read them16:24
uuseramenado, sorry ?16:24
mohbanaamenado, thanks gnome doesn't come with .bash_profile right tis just .bashrc?16:25
bazhangzionpsyfer: hehe16:25
amenadouuser your statement c++ are executed differently? what are you trying to say?16:25
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: I really dont know, but posting your hardware will help.. and this is a hd install and not some virtual install correct?16:25
alberto_anyone may help me please ? :D16:25
noodlesgc!ask | alberto16:25
amenadomohbana proly not, and it does have .bashrc16:25
ubotualberto: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:25
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: yes, im not sure who maked the drive16:25
edjuStrange thing.  At boot, I just let grub do its business the boot hangs.  If I do edit - "e" - and don't actually edit, just "e", "e", "enter", "b",  the boot proceeds.  Any hints appreciated.16:26
neverbluesimion314, in /boot16:26
uuseramenado, i meant that in windows the compiler creates a .obj and a .exe file which doesnt happen so in Linux16:26
alberto_noodlesgc: i already asked my question...16:26
mohbanai am just wondering where the actual PATH variable is declared16:26
amenadouuser and thats why i had the question for you.16:26
alberto_i've just installed an ubuntu gusty on my laptop and everything work. the only problem that i have is that at boot, i've got a black screen, but the laptop boot, and after some seconds, gdm is launched. so : how to know what's wrong in order to have booting information please ?16:26
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: I cant help much with that, but is it IDE and is it on the same bus as your hard drive?16:26
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neverbluesimion314, or more exact, you can look in /etc/fstab to see where /boot is mounted from (the partition)16:26
uuseramenado, ah ok .. maybe my first statement came off wrongly16:27
bazhangalberto so it boots fine its just slow? how much ram16:27
ahorriblemesshey everyone, I just switched my Vista notebook to Ubuntu (went smoothly). I have a question about text-to-speech16:27
_Oz_do y'all think I could get an old PCI (this is for a desktop PC) 802.11b card going under ubuntu 7.10 and ndiswrapper?16:27
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: other general specs dell e1505 ati x1400 mobility 2GB  DDR2 Ram  core duo 2.0GHz16:27
crowley1028can anyone help me?16:27
erUSULalberto_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the splash and quiet keywords from kernel lines16:27
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: its a laptop i wouldnt know16:27
crowley1028I'm having audio problems.  I can hear static from speakers when turned to max so they're plugged in, and the volume slider makes an audible difference but I can't play any music / listen to any videos16:27
neverblue!anyone | crowley102816:27
ubotucrowley1028: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:27
OmnificienTI think I just need to install some codecs16:27
alberto_bazhang: not even slow, i just got a black screen at startup16:27
sunseeker888_guys i have a little problems, when I open my word doc with open office, the document is not the same,  2 pages document becomes 3? do I need to set the margin in open office? why does it not open it the same way as it was formatted in word?16:27
amenadomohbana each session comes with its own environment settings..so it is stored there, where, it dont matter, just either set it or unset it16:27
txoofI just recently upgraded to the latest vnc server and /etc/vnc disappeared.  Any idea where the files that once lived there moved to?16:27
fred90hi, i can't compilate with gcc (directory not found), but i have already installed build-essential. Help,please!16:27
bazhangalberto_: it does boot though correct? how much ram?16:28
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Ok.. laptop tells us what we need to know on that.. but I am not the one to ask16:28
neverbluecrowley1028, use 'alsamixer' to adjust your audio settings (its a terminal command)16:28
_Oz_sunseeker: did you try M$ office under crossover?16:28
ahorriblemessI installed it, but I'm getting this message:festival> saytext hellp16:28
ahorriblemessSIOD ERROR: unbound variable : saytext16:28
ahorriblemessfestival> SayText hello16:28
ahorriblemess#<CLOSURE (text) (begin "(SayText TEXT)16:28
ahorriblemessTEXT, a string, is rendered as speech." (utt.play (utt.synth (eval (list (quote Utterance) (quote Text) text)))))>16:28
ahorriblemessSIOD ERROR: unbound variable : hello16:28
FloodBot3ahorriblemess: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
carlhow do I install screenlets16:28
noodlesgcsunseeker888 you'll probably get better help in #openoffice16:28
acee1234Jack_Sparrow:  im just trying to back everything up ive been have all kinds of issues with kubutu memory leaks, battery life, stalling etc16:28
naturegirlIs it normal that you can't shut down the x server in ubuntu with Ctrl Alt Del? Everytime I try I just get a blank screen and can't return to the console16:28
neverbluecarl use aptitude search screenlets, then sudo aptitude install <package>16:28
jessidhello. Just a little question. How can I remove duplicated lines in a plain text file using command line? thanks a lot!!!16:28
amenadofred90-> type   which gcc and it should point you to the path where gcc is installed16:28
ahorriblemessdid i get booted?16:28
uuserbtw can anyone confirm if asus m2n-vm dvi motherboard is compatible (surround sound wise) with ubuntu 7.10 ?16:29
txoofnaturegirl: try ctrl-alt-backspace16:29
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: doesnt seem to like my video card16:29
zionpsyfersunseeker888:  Even different versions of word format differently.  OpenOffice is no different.16:29
erUSULneverblue: no it is no normal you should end p on gsm login16:29
ennDoes anyone know why the etpan mailreader segfaults after upgrading from etch to feisty?16:29
bazhangnaturegirl: ctrl alt backspace16:29
OmnificienTAmarok cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)16:29
OmnificienTEither the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer the vendor decided to not support your computer type. What does this mean? I tried installing Amarok16:29
kockasthe biggest problem for me is the pw16:29
naturegirloh I meant backspace, sorry16:29
carlok atitude can u give me the code I dunno wut an aptitude is16:29
alberto_erUSUL: ok i'm trying and i'm rebooting now16:29
kockasidk what is my pw16:29
neverblueerUSUL, sorry?16:29
pppZeroahorriblemess, yeah, try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org16:29
noodlesgcfred90 so you type gcc and it says not found?16:29
erUSULnaturegirl: *end up on gdm login16:29
sunseeker888_noodlesgc: thanks will do so16:29
amenadojessid-> umm learn sed  or awk or perl :)16:29
SeamusDoes anyone know what the deal is with the feisty/gutsy heating issues on laptops?16:29
erUSULneverblue: tab completion is evil evil ;P16:29
jessidamenado you recommend sed?16:29
alberto_bazhang: yes it does. it has got 1gB of ram16:29
bazhangSeamus: on the thinkpad r60e?16:29
zionpsyferkockas: Unfortunately, none of us can tell you your password if you've forgotten it.16:29
noodlesgcjessid, I reccommend python16:29
neverbluein some cases yes, in others, VERY helpful erUSUL :)16:29
amenadojessid-> highly recommended16:30
erUSULnaturegirl: no it is no normal you should end up on gdm login screen16:30
sunseeker888__oz_ do not know what's crossover? will check it out now16:30
kockasi know what is my pw of my acc here on this operation system16:30
jessidok. Thanks!16:30
kockasand i tried same pw on the terminal16:30
txoofWhere has the /etc/vnc directory moved to?  there was once an xstartup file in there that I depended on, but since I've upgraded, I can't find it. Any ideas?16:30
zionpsyferkockas: sudu users the same password.16:30
kockasand its not working16:30
Jack_Sparrowkockas: Lost your password? Reboot the box and choose "recovery " from the grub menu - the console right at the very very start - then well when the box boots type "passwd YourUserNameHere" and choose your new password and type reboot and all will be good16:30
crowley1028I'm having audio problems.  I can hear static from speakers when turned to max so they're plugged in, and the volume slider makes an audible difference but I can't play any music / listen to any videos16:30
fred90amenado Gcc is detected, but the file i want to compilate is not found16:30
Seamusbazhang: that's what I'm using, but I've been reading reports of it happening on dells and sonys16:30
ahorriblemessi dont understand this pasting thing16:30
DRebellioncrowley1028: try, cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp16:30
naturegirlok, but we can only get to the desktop with startx16:31
neverblueahorriblemess, paste on the webstie given, then give us the URL16:31
noodlesgcjessid ubuntu actually comes with a python tutorial/book, just open System->Help and search for "dive into python"16:31
amenadofred90-> are you in same directory where your source code is?  do a pwd to check16:31
ahorriblemessoh ok16:31
bazhangSeamus: using it my very same thinkpad and gutsy kernel fixes that16:31
acee1234anyone know a great way to get data off kubuntu when it doesnt want to write ntfs even when mounted. wont burn a readable dvd and doesnt see network drive16:31
kockasjack can you write me that in pm16:31
kockasi dont understand it16:31
neverblueahorriblemess, that way your only copying a URL16:31
ahorriblemessgot it, thanks16:31
kockasi dont know where i have to click for it :S16:31
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:31
maximilionAny way I can bind a shortcut key to an "Alt+F2" command, like "gksudo nautilus"?16:31
crowley1028Device or resource busy?16:31
LeDarkyhi all16:31
* zionpsyfer groans.16:31
ubuntuhi all16:31
bazhangacee1234: sounds like hardware issues16:31
fred90noodlesgsc Gcc is detected, but the file i want to compilate is not found16:31
uuseramenado, would you know if ubuntu 7.10 supports surround sound on asus m2n-vm (nvidia nforce630a chipset )16:31
Seamusbazhang: yeah I have the latest gutsy kernel.  I added some modules to /etc/modules and now it's not running boiling hot16:31
ubuntuafter latest grub-pc update it refuses to start16:32
ubuntuit says syntax error16:32
ubuntuthis is the cfg file16:32
noodlesgcfred90 odd. what are you compiling?16:32
amenadouuser-> i am not 100% sure, but since you have the mobo, try and install ubuntu to test it?16:32
bazhangSeamus: good to know its not 'boiling hot' ;]16:32
crowley1028DRebellion: Device Or Resource busy16:32
acee1234bazhang:  guess it doesnt like dell tis a relatively new laptop16:32
=== Veinor|ZzZ is now known as Veinor
fred90noodlesgc helloworld, lol!16:32
uuseramenado, i am using ubuntu 7.10 (even tried the 8.04 alpha4) , no luck (16:33
Seamusbazhang: well it was running at temperatures of 50C / 60C according to acpi -t, now it's running at 43/4016:33
zionpsyfermaximilion:  System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts16:33
bazhangSeamus: well within the specs for that system16:33
acee1234oh well ill just take the hd out to the shotgun range tomarrow16:33
uuserzionpsyfer,  can you set custom keyboard shortcuts ?16:33
Seamusbazhang: perhaps, but still hot enough to heat up my office and my lap16:33
noodlesgcfred90, are you in the correct directory? If you are starting c++, you should use an IDE. Geany is good.16:33
ahorriblemessi did the configuration for ESD a swell16:33
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
bazhangpoisonous_gal: what is that--is there a question connected to that link?16:33
jessidi have solved my problem: sort -u nombreArchivo16:34
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: That isnt a boot/grub/menu.lst  what are you using16:34
jessidit sorts the file line and remove duplicated....16:34
amenadouuser-> oh well, sounds been a difficult bug to fix in linux, no straight answers16:34
zionpsyferuuser: Checking now to be sure.  I could swear you can.  But I'm making sure.16:34
DRebellioncrowley1028: try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp (also it may be dsp1/2/3... )16:34
niuq¿how can i speed up the cursor with my touchpad?16:34
ashokcan any one help me?16:34
uuseramenado, i know *sigh*16:34
curz0rHi all, could anyone tell me the name of the component or config file to look at that relates to the automatic graphics mode that's used when booting up? I added an NVidia card to my system -post install- and the video cuts out until I get into X.16:34
neverblue!anyone | ashok16:34
ubotuashok: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:34
erUSUL!anybody | ashok16:34
bazhangask away ashok16:34
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad16:34
gilspanish please16:34
neverbluetoo slow erUSUL16:34
neverblue!es | gil16:34
ubotugil: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:34
noodlesgcashok whats the problem16:34
crowley1028DRebellion: what exactly does that command do?16:34
Seamusbazhang: by the way, do you know which one is the processor in acpi -t? thermal 1 or thermal 2?16:34
bazhangseamus not sure sorry16:35
ashokdoes ubuntu install fine on an ASUS M2N-MX motherboard?16:35
OmnificienThow do I get mp3 support? Restricted drivers have been installed.16:35
uuserashok, yes it does16:35
Jack_Sparrowcurz0r: You might be able to get vesa mode by editing boot/grub command line16:35
=== uhb is now known as Uhblivius
bazhangashok try the live cd16:35
_Oz_what's the lightest-weight version of ubuntu?16:35
ashoki have sen afew hint some problems regarding the installation16:35
OmnificienTxubuntu I guess Oz16:35
uuserashok, go ahead ..16:35
fred90noodlesgc i'm using emacs and gcc (C language)16:35
bazhangOmnificienT: not the drivers the extras ;]16:35
_Oz_would xubuntu be better for a really low-powered, old computer?16:35
_Oz_vs. ubuntu?16:35
Jack_Sparrowcurz0r: SOmething like adding this..  vga=normal16:35
ashoki am intalling ubuntu 7.1016:35
OmnificienTyes I think so16:35
crowley1028DRebellion: what does that command do?  Terminal hung up on > /dev/dsp116:36
noodlesgcOmnificienT just open an mp3 in totem. and it download what you need.16:36
uuser_Oz_, yes .. it makes a difference16:36
riotkittie_Oz_: how low powered?16:36
Uhbliviusyeah _Oz_ xfce is a lightweight desktop environment16:36
neverblueashok, no harm in just trying it :) (be sure to backup all necessary data -- which is always important when installing a new OS)16:36
curz0rJack_Sparrow: Awesome! Thank you! I'll give that a try.16:36
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: It will be faster but.. how much ram do you have now16:36
_Oz_pIII, riotkittie16:36
ashokso, before buying the mothervoard i have to confirm wheher it works or not16:36
bazhangOmnificienT: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:36
Jack_Sparrowcurz0r: Just a thought16:36
uuserashok, is the installation giving any problem ?16:36
_Oz_jack: 256mb I think16:36
_Oz_it's an old computer I'm thinking about resurrecting for the wife to use in the kitchen16:36
ashokno, i havent installed yet16:36
niuqi have installed gsynaptics, but there is not option for motion acceleration, is there anyway to speed up the motion of my touchpad?16:36
amenado_Oz_-> ummm damn small linux works with 50meg hd and 64meg of ram16:36
_Oz_she's always looking up recipes in there16:37
gilhi, anybody  know hw to install the neo geo for ubuntu?16:37
neverblueashok, check the forums then16:37
fred90amenado the source code is in Documents. Any problem?16:37
ashoki am about to buy that mother board16:37
crowley1028I'm having audio problems.  I can hear static from speakers when turned to max so they're plugged in, and the volume slider makes an audible difference but I can't play any music / listen to any videos16:37
bazhang#fluxbuntu _Oz_16:37
UhbliviusHow should I facilitate automatic connection to my wireless network ?16:37
OmnificienTThere are no restricted extra's to be found16:37
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: The other question is how much ram are you sharing with your video card?16:37
bazhang!sound | crowley102816:37
ubotucrowley1028: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:37
amenadofred90-> then cd to your Documents directory and do the compiling there16:37
_Oz_jack: don't think the video card even has 3d capabilities16:37
riotkittie_Oz_:  i was running ubuntu on my laptop, then tried xubuntu and noticed no huge performance gain with the latter. [p3, 650/750mhz, 256mb ram]. YMMV, though.16:37
ashokin the forums some are having problems but for other the motherboard seems to support ubuuntu.why is it so?16:37
uuserashok, oh ok. do you have stereo speakers ?16:37
noodlesgcOmnificienT you need universe repo16:37
zionpsyfermaximilion: Oops, here's an easy way.   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956016:37
UhbliviusOmnificienT, have you selected all packages16:37
neverblueashok, not sure if you know this, but any OS will probably install with 'any' type of motherboard, its the other devices that lead to issues16:37
OmnificienTuniverse repository16:37
curz0rJack_Sparrow: would grub be the one initiating the video mode? It always seems to start the standard boot process -some of the messages scroll by and THEN it tries to change the video mode and that's when I lose video.16:37
ubuntu-pkis there a way to see my users on my network what they are doing through ssh?16:38
fred90noodlesgc "Correct directory"? What do you mean?16:38
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Is it onboard?  then it is sharing your ram, and if set to use too much, it will slow things down16:38
ashokok..so you mean that there is nothing to worry16:38
neverblueashok, ask that question in the forums, as it doesnt seem that your clear on what the issue 'that one person' had16:38
bazhangOmnificienT: can you find synaptic? you need to enable the first four repos and disable your cd as an isntall source, hit reload and then search for restricted16:38
noodlesgcfred90 nvm. thought you were using the command line.16:38
ubuntu-pki am logged in through ssh on my users computers16:38
amenadoashok-> some are made in china, some are from india? same instructions you think?16:38
RigelI can has ubuntu?16:38
uuserasus m2n-mx and m2n-vm are very well compatible as long as you stick to stereo sound. afaik surround sound is the only issue16:38
neverblueashok, a motherboard is not likely to cause an OS to not install16:38
neverblueRigel, what language?16:38
jockeDoes anyone know if those dell-laptops with ubuntu, if they require proprietary drivers or anything?16:38
bazhangRigel: funny but not a real question16:39
Rigelneverblue, no16:39
ashokalright..thanks..i will be buying the motherboard t'morrow16:39
ubuntu-pkjocke www.dell.com/ubuntu16:39
uuserashok, the video drivers are compatible16:39
neverblue!enter | Rigel16:39
ubotuRigel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:39
noodlesgcjocke I have a dell with ubuntu preinstalled.16:39
ubuntu-pkyou will find the drivers information on the page16:39
bazhangrigel not here16:39
ashokone more question16:39
neverblueashok, np16:39
lukaszI tried evrything my webcam ain't working16:39
neverblue!enter | ashok16:39
ubuntu-pkthey run a version of ubuntu that has dell drivers16:39
ubotuashok: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:39
jockenoodlesgc, okay...?16:39
lukaszI even tried Ubotu16:39
ubuntu-pkyou can download them from their website16:39
ashokwill ubuntu support the sound max audio in that motherboard16:39
UhbliviusHow should I facilitate automatic connection to my wireless network ?  nm-applet doesn't do it16:39
Rigelwhoops, wrong channel16:40
uuserashok, by default alsa supports the stereo sound16:40
fred90noodlesgc and i'm using the command line to compilate16:40
amenadoUhblivius-> manually modify  /etc/network/interfaces16:40
noodlesgcjocke they need proprietery drivers for modem & wireless16:40
uuserbut if you have surround speakers like me, you might face some problems ..16:40
Uhbliviusamenado, thx16:40
jockenoodlesgc, okay thanks now I know that.16:40
ashokso, i am moving ahead with M2N-MX.. thanks everyone......16:40
jockeand i wont buy it ;)16:40
uusernp ashok16:40
noodlesgcfred90. ok open a terminal and type cd Documents.16:40
bazhangashok no way for us to know--you should look for what card and then look on a prominent search engine ubuntuforums or ask here--once you have the precise name of the card16:40
ubuntu-pkJocke, if you go to http://www.dell.com/ubuntu you ‎will also find a link to the download part16:40
noodlesgcjocke why not? it works great.16:40
DareDevil_i need to install an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control16:40
amenadoashok-> sometimes one has to take some risk, make your life more interesting16:41
ubuntu-pkubuntu also supports third party drivers without warranty or support16:41
DareDevil_can any one recomendone?16:41
noodlesgcjocke i never used my modem so i ditched the drivers?16:41
ubuntu-pktits called bridging16:41
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:41
uuserbazhang, a friend of mine has asus mn2-mx and ubuntu 7.10 works like a charm16:41
* zionpsyfer coughs at the typo.16:41
bazhanguuser nice!16:41
Lettuc3i've got ubuntu booting up in verbose mode, initially the kernel boot time starts at something like 24 seconds, then after say 5 seconds, it resets and goes down to 5 and increments from there. is that normal behaviour? if so, why is that? and if not, is it important, and should i fix it(+how)? i got disconnected earlier, i dont know if anyone gave me the answer.16:41
ipxubuntu-pk: lol :p16:42
almostneed a bit help , how can i record what i`m doing on my desktop ?16:42
AshDragonScale_ATI Raedon 9200 - dual head help needed - Anyone??16:42
lukaszMy Webcam is Micorsoft LifeCam NX-600016:42
soldats!screencast > almost16:42
noodlesgcalmost gtk-recordmydesktop16:42
amenadoLettuc3-> what is the problem? did it boot or not? if it booted, congrats16:42
ahorriblemesswell, now I don't have any voices at all for festival. How can I get one?16:42
almostsoldats,  i took recordmydesktop but i don`t see the application16:43
fred90amenado sorry, i don't understand. I'm doing: "gcc -o executable_name name.c "16:43
almostwere should it be installed ?16:43
bazhangLettuc3: indeed sounds okay16:43
DareDevil_ can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control16:43
Lettuc3amenado it booted, im just wondering why the kernel time counter just changed in the middle of booting up.16:43
noodlesgcalmost. get the gtk frontend.16:43
bazhangalmost it is run from the terminal iirc16:43
amenadofred90-> yes, cd Desktop; gcc -o executable_name name.c16:43
lukaszHow can I get my webcam working?16:43
soldatsalmost: no clue it *should* be in the task bar menu. if it isnt open a terminal and type "locate recordmydesktop"16:43
amenadoLettuc3-> is it that important? do you lose sleep over it?16:44
Lettuc3amenado i do.16:44
DRebellion!webcam | lukasz16:44
ubotulukasz: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:44
amenadoLettuc3-> you lose sleep over a timer changing at boot time?  you are in the wrong field guy..16:45
AshDragonScale_DareDevil_: I've used ircd-ircu it is undernet server. Haven't tried anything else. It was easy to get installed and running16:45
riotkittielet's not question the merit of concern.16:45
Jack_Sparrowlukasz: I dont know if that card comes with a way to do...          sudo aticonfig16:45
DareDevil_ can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control ?16:45
Lettuc3amenado i asked a question, if you can answer, fine, if not, what concern of yours is it why i asked the question?16:45
almosti found it16:45
almostthanks soldats16:45
amenadoLettuc3-> am stating its irrelevant..get it?16:45
beerfandoes anyone know why I have to reinstall the nvidia driver every time there's a kernel update?16:45
bazhangLettuc3: should be fine16:46
lukaszIm trying to run a webcam Jack_Sparrow16:46
bazhangamenado: ease up okay?16:46
lukaszYes it does Jack_Sparrow16:46
Lettuc3i want to understand why that happens, if you can't then i don't need all the extra stuff you're coming up with.16:46
jw144000poningru: Can you help me install grub on my external hard drive so I can boot Ubuntu?16:46
amenadobazhang sure do, gon hei fat chui16:46
Lettuc3amenado i know it's irrelevant, i want to understand _why_ it's behaving like that.16:46
lukaszI tried before those commands for something else Jack_Sparrow16:46
curz0rthanks guys. there's way too much activity here for me to keep up and still get work done. :)16:46
bazhangLettuc3: off topic at this point16:46
Jack_SparrowAshDragonScale_:  I dont know if that card comes with a way to do...          sudo aticonfig16:46
DareDevil_AshDragonScale_ ok. what do you comment about the security?16:47
Jack_Sparrowlukasz: sorry, I posted to wrong person.16:47
lukaszI need my webcam working16:47
lukaszI tried the tutoriak jack-desktop16:47
neverbluelukasz, lspci, put it on pastebin16:47
neverblue!enter | lukasz16:48
ubotulukasz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:48
Jack_Sparrowlukasz: v4l   is about all I know on that...  Both of mine just worked16:48
lukasz? pastbin16:48
beerfanIs anyone using the nvidia proprietary driver? Is there a way to fix it so kernel updates don't break it and require a re-install of the driver?16:48
neverblue!pastebin | lukasz16:48
ubotulukasz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:48
lukasz? pastebin16:48
AshDragonScale_DareDevil_: I didn't use it for any length of time, I just figured I would let you know that I had tried it. Sorry I cant give you more16:48
neverbluelukasz, thats it, good luck16:48
lukaszI posted my pastebin16:49
neverbluelukasz, if your not going to follow simple, easy instructions, I am not assisting you16:49
lukaszok I follow em16:50
fred90amenado just a minute16:50
neverblue!op r3zon8 @ *!*@
DareDevil_AshDragonScale_ ok16:50
sharperguywhats the easiest way to count the number of lines of code in multi-file project?16:51
DRebellionlukasz: 1) get info from lsub on webcam 2) input info into google 3) identify needed driver 4) install driver16:51
noodlesgcok whats with r3zon816:51
erUSULbeerfan: if you use envy or the *.run package from nvidia.com no there is no way16:51
DRebellionsharperguy: grep -r -c projectroot/16:51
lukaszI tried the tutorial it didn't work for me16:51
sharperguyDRebellion, thanks16:51
lukaszBy the way I did lspci16:51
catundaI want to move my linux ubuntu to other machine. Todo it. I boot new machine with live cd, start ssh, mount new hard disk and copy all data from old machine to new machine via ssh.16:51
DareDevil_AshDragonScale_ thx16:51
erUSULbeerfan: if you wantedd seemless updates you should have used the prepackaged version16:51
lukaszI dunno what do do from there16:51
jw144000Can anyone help me install grub on my external hard drive?16:51
fred90noodlesgc just a minute16:51
beerfanerUSUL: that's unfortunate :-( prepackaged version? you mean via restricted manager?16:51
DRebellionlukasz: is your webcam usb?16:51
lukaszyes it is16:52
erUSULbeerfan: exactly16:52
Lettuc3amenado apologies for earlier. i admit i was getting a little worked for nothing.16:52
noodlesgcsomeone please kill r3zon816:52
beerfanerUSUL: I don't think restricted manager offers the latest nvidia driver?16:52
DRebellionlukasz: then use lsusb16:52
AshDragonScale_Jack_Sparrow: aticonfig don't seem to work, i have fglrx installed, it shows on the LCD and the TV while booting, then just LCD when it gets to x16:52
DRebellion!who | lukasz16:52
ubotulukasz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:52
erUSULbeerfan: that's the nvidia.com driver but prepackaged (and also now a little out of date for 8xxx series cards)16:52
AshDragonScale_DareDevil_: np :p16:52
erUSULbeerfan: no it offers the one that has benn tested and debugged16:53
beerfanerUSUL: I have an nvidia 8800 gt so it's mandatory for me to use the proprietary driver16:53
lukaszDRebellion, Bus 003 Device 009: ID 045e:00f8 Microsoft Corp.16:53
Uhblivius_amenado, I edited /etc/network/interfaces and everything is working now.  thank you.  However, when I wrote to the file, the terminal kept looping and I had to push the reset button >.<16:53
_Bojan_BG_hm, know what would be cool, if someone implemented a function that on progressbarchange, during the loading screen of UBUNTU the progress bar would slide instead of jump from one progress to another, just to make it a bit nicer...16:53
_Bojan_BG_How hard would that be16:53
bazhanglukasz: I think I see the problem ;]16:53
lukaszWhats the fix bazhanG?16:53
bazhangdoes Microsoft provide good linux drivers?16:54
lukaszThey don't have em bazhang16:54
Faust-Cbazhang: take that as a no16:54
lukaszOn their official site16:54
bazhangwell there you go lukasz--how much was this cam?16:54
erUSULbeerfan: then you have to live with the problems the driver causes16:54
lukaszI got it for free16:55
=== e is now known as eth01
DRebellionlukasz: google the model, identify the needed driver. simple.16:55
beerfanerUSUL: the driver causes? that's a stretch...I guess it isn't installing in a blessed fashion?16:55
chuy_maxcan I access all usb devices through /dev?, and how can I know which device file I have to use, I did lsusb -v, I identified my usb device, but it says nothing about a device file16:55
lukaszMicorsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Dr`Maison16:56
lukaszMicorsoft LifeCam NX-6000 DRebellion16:56
neverblueDRebellion, webcams are not a simple setup16:56
neverblue!enter > lukasz16:56
erUSULbeerfan: the problem is that you need a kernel module for the running kernel so every time you change the kernel you have to recompile the module16:56
neverbluelukasz, PLEASE read the private message sent to you by ubotu16:56
lukaszthey are not a simple setup heh16:56
sikor_sxeuhm, after a flash update my flash seems to be broken :/16:56
WhoaItsPhilhey i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and i'm having some issues with my wireless...it wont work and under the restricted drivers menu it has my firmware for my wireless card listed as not in use but when i try to check it to enable it, it says "the software source for the package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled." and wont let me do anything...any ideas?16:56
shishirmkcan any one tell me how to run a servlet on tomcat in ubuntu16:57
sikor_sxei did dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree, but there seem to be no .so files in it16:57
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: system -> adminstration -> software sources enable "restricted"16:57
sikor_sxehas that happened to anyone else?16:57
beginnerhi guys! i added swap partition and i wanna know if it really added and worked normally how icould know?16:57
zionpsyferlukasz: Try this page: http://www.linuxlove.org/2007/11/12/linux-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-nx-6000-on-ubuntu-and-fedora/16:57
ahorriblemessHi. Can someone help me? I've been having issues with text-to-speech, then I decided to just delete it, but I don't know how. How can I remove festival through the terminal?16:58
noneobeginner: top16:58
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
noodlesgcahorriblmess sudo apt-get remove festival --purge16:58
bazhanglukasz how important is this webcam to you? would you be willing to pay actual money for one? or is the MS one the one you really like and enjoy? there are a number of webcams that work without drivers: here is the link http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/cameras16:58
ricky_clarksonHi.  I tried to use gparted to mung with my pendrive and it segfaulted.16:58
beginnernoneo: sorry?16:59
DRebellionlukasz: first result on google... http://www.tweako.com/linux_webcam_microsoft_lifecam_nx_6000_on_ubuntu_and_fedora *sigh*16:59
AshDragonScale_beginner: System > Administrator > System Monitor > "resources" tab - it should say here what your swap size is16:59
ahorriblemessok one more thing.. haha16:59
lukaszIm on it now16:59
fred9amenado i have the same message16:59
WhoaItsPhilDRebellion, do you mean check the box that says "software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)"?16:59
ricky_clarksonlibparted version 1.7.1 - is that the newest?16:59
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil yes check that box17:00
fred9noodlesgc i have the same message17:00
beerfanerUSUL: thanks17:00
amenadoLettuc3-> likewise, i was hard headed...its friday so we all have to enjoy..17:00
noneobeginner: from console 'top' command. last line in header. But may be AshDragonScale_ solution is more convenient for you :-)17:00
ricky_clarksonI'm running from the liveCD.17:00
WhoaItsPhili did...and it still gives me the same problem when i try to enable the firmware17:00
amenadoUhblivius_-> you were not able to save it?17:00
amenadofred9-> what is the message?17:00
AshDragonScale_noneo: :p his name is beginner...17:00
Gog123time warner cable over earthlink is having mad issues :(17:01
bazhangwow amazing link DRebellion17:01
Gog123earthlink is non responsive17:01
noodlesgcfred9 ok. type ls in the terminal and tell me tell me if you see your source file17:01
Gog123time to switch to roadrunner17:01
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: have you ticked "proprietary drivers" ?17:01
shiwarayaHello, i removed a hard disk and ubuntu keeps cheking it on boot (takes more than two minutes). I allready comented /dev/fstab. what i can do?17:01
beginnerAshDragonScale,,is it a problem if i'm a beginner :)17:01
WhoaItsPhilyes, i went ahead and ticked them all17:01
WhoaItsPhilstill nothing new17:01
Uhblivius_amenado, I was able to save it and after rebooting manually it worked.  Just saying: when I edited the file and saved it, terminal acted as if it was receiving enter enter enter etc and couldn't reboot17:01
ahorriblemessI installed Ubuntu on my HP Pavilion yesterday as soon as I bough it. It went alright but it had trouble recognizing the display. I have an NVidia GeForce 7150M, so when prompted, I selected "Nvidia 7 series", and for the display, I have a 15" WXVGA widescreen LCD, size is 1366x768. But, I winged it and selected 1024x768 LCD.17:01
AshDragonScale_beginner: nope, just letting you knwo the easiest way to do it :)17:01
Gog123anyone here on Earthlink????17:02
=== Uhblivius_ is now known as Uhblivius
ahorriblemessIs there a way I can tell Ubuntu what my actual display is?17:02
sikor_sxewhen updating my flashplugin-nonfree package, i get a "md5sum mismatch" error :/ anyone else experienced this?17:02
Keeeepahorriblemess: omg... i have same problem...17:02
DRebellion!brokenflash | sikor_sxe17:02
ubotusikor_sxe: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »17:02
ahorriblemesswow haha17:02
fred9amenado message: "gcc: helloworld.c: file or directory not found"; "gcc: no input files"17:02
ahorriblemessI mean, it looks alright but it seems a bit stretched... I feel like it should be better or something17:02
noodlesgcfred9 please type 'ls'17:02
Keeeepahorriblemess: but my external display turns off after login17:03
mneptoksikor_sxe: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/flash* && sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:03
ahorriblemessthat's wierd17:03
JFactorDoes anyone know how to get the S-Video TV out functioning in Gutsy on an nvidia 6150 card?17:03
amenadofred9 and you are sure your helloworld.c  is in your Desktop directory?17:03
noodlesgcfred9 you should see a printout of all fils in the directory. Is helloworld.c one of them.17:03
beginnerThanks Noneo & AshDragonScale,,17:03
shiwarayaHello, i removed a hard disk and ubuntu keeps cheking it on boot (takes more than two minutes). I allready comented /dev/fstab. what i can do?17:04
fred9noodlesgc when i type "ls" i can see my source (helloworld)17:04
Keeeepahorriblemess: weird?17:04
almosti can't listen the Wma files with Banshee.. it seems i don't have codesc for them. how may i install codecs for wma or can i /17:04
ahorriblemessdid I spell that wrong?17:04
sikor_sxeDRebellion: thanks17:04
noodlesgcfred9 it says helloworld.c?17:04
DareDevil_ can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control ?17:04
ahorriblemessI never spell that right, same thing with 'wiener/weiner"17:04
jw144000How do I install grub on my external hard drive so I can boot Ubuntu? I have a full Ubuntu installation on my external hard drive, but Grub didn't get installed to it because it overwrote the MBR on my internal hard drive.17:05
fred9amenado no, in "documents". I think i told you documents the first time...17:05
Keeeepahorriblemess: sorry i not very well know english =)17:05
fred9noodlesgc yes17:05
noodlesgc!grub | jw14400017:05
ubotujw144000: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:05
amenadofred90 then go to wherever helloworld.c is located, then compile it from there17:05
ahorriblemessKeeeep I'm sorry... "weird" as in "strange"17:06
Tilllinuxheya there. I'm wondering why the xserver has swapped my keyboard's (genius slimstarPro [which behaves weird between post-bios and pre-boot but works really nice in the bios/OS]) media next/prev keys, since hte last reconfigure...17:06
Keeeepahorriblemess: forget it ;)17:06
WhoaItsPhilcan anyone tell me how to go about enabling the software source for the package "bcm43xx-fwcutter" so that my wireless card will work? for some reason it won't automatically enable it when i click the box17:06
JFactorIs there an auto-configure file by chance for S-Video Tv-Out on Nvidia 6150 in Gutsy17:07
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil go to System->Administration->Synaptic.17:07
fred9noodlesgc no, in the shell just helloworld. But if i click in file properties, i can see "C source code"17:07
WhoaItsPhilnoodles, i searched for it there but didn't find it17:07
noodlesgcfred9 rename it to helloworld.c17:08
AshDragonScale_JFactor: try nvtv17:08
noodlesgc WhoaItsPhil17:08
AshDragonScale_JFactor: sudo apt-get nvtv17:08
fred9amenado i tried "ls" and after this to compilate, but the same message appears17:08
JFactorI have that however I click on it and it does not open, When I use it in the terminal it says: Fatal: No supported video card found.17:08
amenadofred9 or compile it like so   gcc -o hello  helloworld17:08
amenadofred9 but it is wise to name c source files with  .c at the end...just a convention17:09
shiwarayashorcut for launching terminal in gnome?17:09
WhoaItsPhildidnt get the last thing you were saying?17:10
JFactorAshDragonScale_: I have been trying to get this s-video working for about a month now, I come on to this chat with no luck. If you know anyone who could help it would be much appreciated17:10
ulaashi! how to install ubuntu on a sata raid card not have modules by default but have source code to build?17:10
frato77Hello Guys17:10
frato77I need HELP!!!17:10
DRebellionfrato77: first, calm down...17:10
KlrSpzhey does anyone do any HTPC stuff with linux? I tried XBMC, but it lags like hell and crashes all the time.. MythTV (last i tried) was a PITA to set up, and i don't record shows..17:11
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil go to software sources and check all the boxes.17:12
WhoaItsPhilnoodlesgc i've already done that...no change17:12
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil type sudo apt-get update17:12
WhoaItsPhilwill i be able to do that without an internet connection?17:12
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil no.17:12
WhoaItsPhilheh...thats a problem17:13
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil you mean your ubuntu box has no internet??17:13
WhoaItsPhilim on my desktop righ tnow...just have wireless on my laptop17:13
WhoaItsPhiland its not working17:13
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: how can you even think about installing that package when you have no internet connection?17:13
TDKWhat's a good system backup?17:13
DRebellion!backup | TDK17:13
ubotuTDK: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:13
WhoaItsPhilhmmm...guess i just made a big noob mistake17:13
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil you cant really use the software channel with no internet.17:13
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil wait.17:14
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil go to packages.ubuntu.com17:14
Demonho-bri would like to know that command to set my java to sun-java6 as default17:14
frato77I've Ubuntu 7.10 installed and from today i can't playback any audio files (movies or mp3) . Have any one of you had problems with updates during the last days?17:14
Demonho-brits something like  alternative-updates or something17:14
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil search for the fwcutter whatever there.17:14
Gneafrato77: open up a terminal and type this:  cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp   do you hear static from your speakers/headphones?17:14
WhoaItsPhilyep its there...17:15
DareDevil_ can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control17:15
fred9amenado OMG! I didn't know it, what a newbie!17:15
WhoaItsPhilguess i need to dig out another ethernet cable17:15
Rocha80hi people!!!17:15
GneaDareDevil_: to be the 'most secure' is up to you, they all come with default values that need to be configured and tightened down.  there is no out-of-the-box-encrypt-your-piss ircd.17:16
ricky_clarksonIf a ./configure says that my C compiler cannot create executables, what am I missing? [gcc]17:16
ulaashow to install ubuntu on a sata raid card not have modules by default but have source code to build?17:16
fred9noodlesgc File created, thanks. I'm very stupid! How i run the executable?17:16
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil you can just download it, transfer it with a usb key then install it from the package17:16
GneaDareDevil_: but freenode is running hyperion-1.0.2b if that helps17:16
WhoaItsPhilhmm ok17:16
noodlesgcfred9 ./executable_name17:16
Demonho-bri would like to know that command to set my java to sun-java6 as default17:16
Demonho-brits something like  alternative-updates or something17:16
krannyi compiled pidgin and musictracker from source but couldn;t get musictracker working17:17
krannyany help17:17
fred9amenado thanks17:17
frato77Gnea: No i can't hear nothing17:17
KlrSpzhey does anyone do any HTPC stuff with linux? I tried XBMC, but it lags like hell and crashes all the time.. MythTV (last i tried) was a PITA to set up, and i don't record shows..17:17
kranny i compiled pidgin and musictracker from source but couldn;t get musictracker working17:17
boykillsworldkranny get any error from ./configure17:17
krannyboukillsworld:pidgin works fine for me17:18
DareDevil_Gnea thanks. but some are secure by default or their machanism is secure. what do you think about hybrid. is it free and open source?17:18
DRebellionricky_clarkson: build-essential17:18
krannybut the plugin doesn't work17:18
mneptokKlrSpz: what is it you want to do? stream downloaded content to a theater system?17:18
fred9noodlsgc thanks one more time17:18
ricky_clarksonDRebellion: Thanks.17:18
krannyboykillsworld:no errors compiling both17:18
KlrSpzmneptok: yessir17:18
ToxMoxHello...I'm somewhat of a linux noob and I have a question that I can't seem to find because I'm not sure how to search the net for it...17:19
KlrSpzmneptok: currently i'm using MPlayer and a SMBFS mount point, but it's not very graceful and not that impressive when friends come over17:19
mneptokKlrSpz: try MediaTomb. for no-hassle, buy a Neuros box.17:19
DRebellionToxMox: fire away17:19
boykillsworldkranny: are you sure the plugin is compatible withe the version you compiled17:19
ToxMoxIs there a way to make an ubuntu server respond to network request as several machine names?  I'd like to assign 3 or 4 machine names to one box17:19
fred9amenado now i can see "Helloworld", lol. Thanks17:19
KlrSpzmneptok: hmm cool i'll check ou tthe mediatomb17:20
mneptokToxMox: that's a function of DNS, not the host OS17:20
krannyboykillsworld:yes im running pidgin 2,3,117:20
Gneafrato77: how many cards are listed if you type this:  cat /proc/asound/cards17:20
ToxMoxI mean for it to respond on a LAN to several machine names17:20
ozzloyhow do i make it so i don't have to sign in when i return from suspend?17:20
DRebellionToxMox: its very easy17:20
shishirmkcan any 1 help me run my servlet on ubuntu17:20
shishirmki am confused with this installation17:21
DRebellion!ask | shishirmk17:21
shishirmkplease help17:21
ubotushishirmk: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:21
mneptokKlrSpz: http://www.neurostechnology.com/17:21
* hfsdo is now away - Reason :17:21
krannyboykillsworld:and musictracker 0.4.1 compatible with it17:21
DRebellion!away | hfsdo17:21
scott_dvdauother fails when coverting photo to video slideshow17:21
ubotuhfsdo: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»17:21
mneptokToxMox: it's still a function of DNS17:21
frato77Gnea: ! Card SBLIVE EMU10K117:21
jon_high9000hello. i have a low end 466 Mhz, 640 Mg.  memory added (it is a Powerpc.) and was wondering does my computer meet the criteria for adding ubuntu to my comuer?17:21
krannyboykillsworld:actually my aim is to display the current playing song in my status message17:21
DRebellionjon_high9000: yes17:22
ulaashow to install ubuntu on a sata raid card not have modules by default but have source code to build?17:22
ToxMoxOK...so head start me here please :)  would i install a DNS server on the server I am trying to do this on?17:22
mneptokjon_high9000: Ubuntu only runs on G3 or better hardware (OpenFirmware)17:22
KlrSpzmneptok: hmm i already have an HTPC in place, don't want more hardware... and the mediatomb doesn' tlook to be quite what i need17:22
DRebellionToxMox: you would install a dns server for the whole network.17:22
noodlesgcwhat happened to screenlets. I keep getting 40417:23
ToxMoxDRebellion:  could I install it on the server in question?17:23
acidityHi. Is there any maximum number command line paramters that I can send to an app? I want to basically zip aorund 5000 files into one. The files are all in diff location so I was thinking of zipping them using one single zip command17:23
ricky_clarksonI need to install termcap.  What's the package name?17:23
DRebellionToxMox: you can install a dns server on any computer in the network. however, your router/gateway should already be able to set up some simple dns entries.17:23
KlrSpzbbl, lunch time17:23
Gneafrato77: how many results from this:  ls /dev/dsp*17:23
boykillsworldkranny; sorry without an error code I suck might want to check out a pidgen specific IRC or forum17:23
jon_high9000mneptok: I have a  G4.17:23
shiwarayadoes ubuntu boots deleting /etc/fstab?17:23
ToxMoxI am basically going to replace 3 windows file servers and a mac fileserver with one ubuntu server but i need for it to respond via smb to all the old host names.17:23
mneptokjon_high9000: Mac?17:23
Gneafrato77: and try it as root too, use this:  sudo -i17:24
BrianLMy monitoy wont run at 1024x768, even though in xorg it says "SubSection "Display"17:24
BrianLModes"1600x1200" "1280x960" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480""17:24
kristian42Hi all! Im so fed up of my WLAN not functioning, anyone know a decent usb dongle that has drivers that does not break every second kernel upgrade ?17:24
DRebellion!hcl | kristian4217:24
ubotukristian42: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:24
frato77Gnea : Just 117:24
acidityricky_clarkson, google says: termcap_compat17:24
Gneafrato77: /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp1?17:24
mneptokjon_high9000: the PPC build will run fine on that17:24
ricky_clarksonacidity: apt-get disagrees.17:24
bazhangjon_high9000: that will run but just barely with that amount of ram17:24
mneptokkristian42: laptop or desktop?17:24
frato77Gnea: /dev/dsp17:24
acidityricky_clarkson, then I have no idea...never used termcap before17:24
Gneafrato77: okay, what do you usually use to listen to music with?17:25
aciditysorry :(17:25
DRebellionbazhang: pfft... i run with 256mb ( less than half his) :P17:25
shishirmkDRebellion: do you know how do deploy a servlet?17:25
ricky_clarksonI'm trying to build parted from source.17:25
bazhangDRebellion: on a early G4?17:25
frato77Gnea: Mplayer for example17:25
DRebellionshishirmk: i don't know what a "servlet is"17:25
ricky_clarksonthe upstream version.17:25
DRebellionbazhang: 1999 fujitsu17:25
magnetronkristian42: if possible, avoid USB wifi dongles for maximum compability. maybe a PC-card or PCI card is possible?17:25
Gneafrato77: and thanks for baring with me, i want to make sure we have the bases covered :)17:25
ToxMoxDRebellion: could I also have the machine respond as several different IPs of the old boxes as well via DNS?17:25
DRebellionToxMox: no. you would need multiple network interfaces ( if i remember correctly)17:26
Gneafrato77: do you have a ~/.mplayer/config file?17:26
bazhangDRebellion: this is a Mac we are talking about, I have a similar model and thus my opinion17:26
shishirmkDRebellion: great you have byhearted the bots commands properly continue the good work17:26
WhoaItsPhilanother question, does anyone here have any experience with running World of Warcraft in wine?17:26
jon_high9000I don't have a dvd player on mine which might make it kinda tough to install on the mac.17:26
GneaWhoaItsPhil: use cedega17:26
HorizonXPin evince, how do i view the yellow annotation notes i see on a PDF?17:26
ToxMoxIn windows I think I can assign multiple IPs to a NIC I would think I could do the same in linux somehow17:26
GneaToxMox: using iproute2 (the ip command)17:27
mneptokjon_high9000: there is no PPC DVD. it's CD only.17:27
magnetronToxMox: hold on, i have that info17:27
HorizonXPhey, can someone help me with evince?17:27
ToxMoxthanks so far everyone :)17:27
DASPRiD"If operation systems would be houses, somebody woud have forgotten to give windows a front door"17:27
frato77Gnea: Yes , config is empty ! config gui  full of things17:27
jon_high9000mneptok:  do you have a url?17:28
DRebellion!cedega | WhoaItsPhil17:28
WhoaItsPhilok i got an internet connection on my laptop but i still can't get the wireless firmware to install...it says i can do sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter but when i type it in terminal it says E: Coulnd't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter17:28
mneptokjon_high9000: for .... ?17:28
kristian42I have a laptop,and I probably need USB or newcard wifi. TH ebuilt in ABG3945 has been a royal pain in the ***17:28
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: sudo apt-get update   first17:28
WhoaItsPhili did17:28
ubotuWhoaItsPhil: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega17:28
ulaas:)) how to install ubuntu on a sata raid card not have modules by default but have source code to build?17:28
scott_dvdauthor fails when converting photos to video sildeshow    why????????17:28
jon_high9000for downloading on my computer.17:28
DRebellion!info bcm43xx-fwcutter | WhoaItsPhil17:28
ubotuwhoaitsphil: bcm43xx-fwcutter (source: bcm43xx-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-3 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 116 kB17:28
WhoaItsPhilty i will check out cedega17:28
Gneafrato77: ok good - try this:  mplayer -ao alsa some_video_file.avi17:28
bazhangkristian42: that is odd-the intel wireless you speak of is one of the best supported in linux17:28
lastcallRjhello.... is there any channel of reconstructor or ubuntu development17:29
HorizonXPhey, can someone help me with evince?17:29
kpabhello! where can I ask an advice regarding running LiveCD ubuntu on laptop?17:29
WhoaItsPhilyeah its definitely there...but for some reason i can't get it?17:29
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: can you get other packages?17:29
Gnea!ask > HorizonXP17:29
mneptokjon_high9000: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-powerpc.iso.torrent17:29
magnetronToxMox: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Alias/index.html17:29
WhoaItsPhilyeah, internet is working fine17:29
DRebellionkpab: right here17:29
aciditykpab, up here itself i gues...I have seen many questions on the same being answered here17:29
kristian42bazhang: Well its been working&not working on and off for a year. Lots of people have the problems in the issue trackers. I am giving up this card, and I just want a new one that works17:29
mneptokkristian42: Intel 3945?17:30
HorizonXPok Gnea, in evince, how do i view the yellow annotation notes i see on a PDF?17:30
acidityHorizonXP, ask it.17:30
kristian42mneptok: yes17:30
GneaHorizonXP: what yellow annotations?17:30
WhoaItsPhili downloaded a tar file from the project website for the fwcutter file...17:30
mneptokkristian42: i had that chipset in my old Thinkpad and it worked fine. what's happening to yours?17:30
ToxMoxmagnetron: thank you :)17:30
WhoaItsPhilbut dont know how to install it17:30
bazhangkristian42: that is as close to 'just works' as you will get ;]17:30
ToxMoxThanks everyone!  Will have a go at it17:30
frato77Gnea: nothing. Yesterday evrything was perfect17:30
kpabI don't know much about Ubuntu and other Linux kinds of OS, but I burned LiveCD on CD and just put it in my laptop. It booted till some extent and I assume failed on running X.17:30
HorizonXPGnea: my prof mark an assignment, and I see these yellow bubble icons, where he probably made comments17:30
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: first,  tar xvf file.tar17:30
mneptokkristian42: FYI, the Intel wireless chipsets are about the best supported in Linux land17:31
kristian42mneptok: I know, there seems to be to different revisions and each time it works for one it stops working for the other17:31
HorizonXPGnea: He probably has adobe acrobat or something; i see these icons in evince, but I can't see the text that's inside them17:31
mneptokkristian42: this happens with kernel (and module) updates?17:31
HorizonXPGnea: I think in Adobe Reader, clicking them opens a post-it note type deal17:31
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: but, methinks you should focus on solving the apt-get problem.17:31
WhoaItsPhilmmmk...any ideas?17:31
kristian42mneptok: Yes, I think its mostly the module updates17:31
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: so you can successfully install other packages with apt-get, its only bcm that fails?17:32
mneptokkristian42: when that happens, just boot to the older kernel where it worked, and report a bug.17:32
acidityHorizonXP, As far as I know they dont have that option yet. But I might be wrong.17:32
HorizonXPgnea: it's like a yellow conversation bubble17:32
mneptokkristian42: you don't *have* to use newer kernels ;)17:32
WhoaItsPhilnot sure...is there a common file i could test with apt-get?17:32
WhoaItsPhillike something off the top of your head17:32
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: package called hello17:32
bazhangfrozen bubble17:32
HorizonXPacidity: then why is evince showing the actual yellow convo bubble, if i can't open it?17:32
kristian42mneptok: Poing taken about the newer kernels. I should probably go digging in my kernel list.17:33
WhoaItsPhilso sudo apt-get hello  ?17:33
mneptokkristian42: do that before you spend cash, dude :)17:33
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: sudo apt-get install hello17:33
WhoaItsPhilah ok17:33
bazhangsudo apt-get install17:33
acidityHorizonXP, to be very frank. I had that issue sometime before and I couldnt find it myself. I had a mac Acrobat available so I just used that and never researched on it anymore :(17:33
kristian42mneptok: Id much rather spend a little cash and be rid of the problem17:33
WhoaItsPhilyeah that worked fine17:33
mneptokkristian42: but i don;t think you would be. the 3945 is really well supported.17:34
HorizonXPaiight, i'll install adobe reader then17:34
GneaHorizonXP: you can install acroread from medibuntu, iirc17:34
WhoaItsPhilbut for some reason it can't find the file bcm43xx-fwcutter17:34
HorizonXPopen source FAILS AGAIN17:34
Gnea!medibuntu | HorizonXP17:34
ubotuHorizonXP: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:34
* Gnea eyes HorizonXP suspiciously17:34
DelvienHorizonXP you dont have to use it....17:34
acidityHorizonXP, you should ask the mailing list though http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evince-list/17:34
kristian42mneptok: I think Ill by a physical access point and use a cable from my laptop.17:34
DareDevil_is unreal ircd secure and stable as hybrid?17:34
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: :/17:34
bazhangHorizonXP: good luck getting help here with that attitude17:34
mneptokHorizonXP: no, your professor assuming that everyone is going to pay for commercial tools is ... a tool.17:34
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil just double click the downloaded file?17:35
HorizonXPAdobe Reader is free17:35
lastcallRjhey... is there any RECONTRUCTOR channel ? thx17:35
aciditymaybe they have it. If they have, no need to install Adobe but if its urgent go ahead and install Adobe. You should get your work done :)17:35
HorizonXPi'd prefer to use open source apps17:35
mneptokHorizonXP: no, it's not.17:35
jon_high9000mneptok: sorry to ask, is this only one cd?17:35
DRebellionHorizonXP: it is free as in price, not as in free17:35
HorizonXPuh huh17:35
mneptokjon_high9000: yup17:35
HorizonXPi know the difference, but yeah, that's what i menat17:35
HorizonXPI LIKE evince17:35
WhoaItsPhilmmmk noodles i extracted it...but i have no idea how to go about installing it17:35
ahorriblemessI have a question about updates... in the Synaptic Package Manager... why do some of the packages have little Ubuntu icons?17:35
GneaHorizonXP: there is a license difference.  the only failure is yours in that you don't understand that and that you're jumping to false conclusions.17:35
chafkai am connected to internet but when i use the apt-get install apache2(example..same with every package) i get E: Couldn't find package apache2 PLEASE HELP????17:36
HorizonXPit's faster and better in many ways17:36
GneaHorizonXP: too bad, i offered you a solution. take it or leave it.17:36
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil was the extension .deb?17:36
mneptokchafka: sudo apt-get update17:36
kpabwhat can I do if my LiveCD does not boot normally?17:36
Gneano, you look.17:36
acidityGnea, go easy on Horizon. Afer all he is a human :)17:36
HorizonXPi'm just upset that evince can't do it17:36
Gneaacidity: that's not my fault. :)17:36
Some_uxWhat is considered the best XServer for windows out there ?17:36
HorizonXPi'd rather NOT use adobe reader17:36
HorizonXPbut I have to17:36
DRebellion!best | Some_ux17:36
ubotuSome_ux: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.17:36
colehi all, can anyone help me with building pidgin with Dbus support?17:36
jon_high9000mneptok: already started download thru bittorrent. it really cruising. ty :)17:36
HorizonXPthat's all i'm lamenting about17:36
chafkamneptok i did it  but still not working:S17:36
GneaHorizonXP: if it gets the job done, then don't complain.17:36
ahorriblemessI've been trying to get package updates in attempt to get Ubuntu to recognize my graphics card and monitor17:37
Gneaa lot of people put a lot of time and effort into making ubuntu work right, so show some resepct17:37
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil whats the name of the package again?17:37
HorizonXPGnea: I can and will :)17:37
acidityAnyway, can somebody answer my query. What is the maximum number of command line paramters that I can send to an app? E.g. zip..which takes arbitrary number of parameter ... can I send like 10000 paramters to it?17:37
magnetronHorizonXP: there are some other PDF readers installable in ubuntu as well. check "add/remove applications"17:37
jw144000I'm still having problems installing grub on my external hard drive. Can anyone help me with this?17:37
mneptokHorizonXP: but that's not the fault of open source software. that's the fault of a professor choosing to distribute work in a non-standard file format that requires non-free tools to open.17:37
WhoaItsPhilthe file i downloaded is bcm43xx-fwcutter_006.orig.tar.gz17:37
HorizonXPmneptok: Are PDFs not open?17:37
HorizonXPi'm asking, seriously, i don't kno17:37
mneptokHorizonXP: PDFs with pop-up yellow post-it note bubbles to indicate edits certainly are not.17:38
chafkamneptok i did it  but still not working:S17:38
GneaHorizonXP: it's your fault that you chose to use a free application to view a non-free/proprietary PDF.17:38
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil download this: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/bcm43xx-fwcutter/bcm43xx-fwcutter_006-3_i386.deb17:38
HorizonXPGnea: how's it my fault? Evince worked beautifully up until now17:38
magnetronHorizonXP: some parts of the PDF format is even patented17:38
HorizonXPmagnetron: thank you17:38
noodlesgcHorizonXP just use xpdf17:39
RoyHow do I remove a third party application in Gutsy?17:39
HorizonXPthat makes sense to me why evince can't do it17:39
GneaHorizonXP: you and I are done now.17:39
DRebellionRoy: how did you install it?17:39
HorizonXPGnea: ok Gnea. I do thank you for your help :)17:39
noodlesgcRoy was it installed from a deb file or from source17:39
aciditysomebody please take a look at my question :)17:39
mneptokHorizonXP: "embrace, extend, extinguish." your yellow Post-It pop-ups represent the "extend" part of the formula. :)17:39
GneaHorizonXP: you're welcome.17:39
kpabMP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC (can't disable in BIOS)17:39
bazhangRoy: what app17:40
noodlesgcacidity what was your question?17:40
mneptokGnea: do try to be pleasant about these issues? :)17:40
HorizonXPmneptok: ok, then how's this: is there an open source competitor to PDFs?17:40
RoyDRebellion: I installed it from a .deb file17:40
noodlesgcron_ try /nick ron17:40
Gneamneptok: that WAS pleasant. ;)17:40
Some_uxhehe, what would you classify as an adequate XServer which performs to what people would consider a satisfying level, objectively quantified as a software which is owned by the largest user base.17:40
aciditynoodlesgc, aaah..looks like it got lost up here. I asked twice...17:40
noodlesgcRoy then just sudo apt-get remove <packages>17:40
aciditycopy-paste verbatim.... Hi. Is there any maximum number command line paramters that I can send to an app? I want to basically zip aorund 5000 files into one. The files are all in diff location so I was thinking of zipping them using one single zip command? Is it defined by system?17:40
mneptokGnea: well, "less pleasant" will cause me to become "less tolerant" :)17:40
Gneamneptok: trust me, i could've been a lot worse, but then i've put up with much, MUCh worse than that.17:40
Roynoodlesgc: Thanks17:41
HorizonXPk look17:41
WhoaItsPhilhmmm ok i got it unpacked and installed17:41
HorizonXPPDFs are closed source, I get it17:41
Roynoodlesgc: do I have to add the suffix at the end?17:41
mneptokGnea: and i could well say the same to you. but i'd just be being an ass. and Freenode has had enough of that.17:41
jw144000Can anyone help me install grub on my external hard drive please?17:41
WhoaItsPhiland now when i go to enable the restricted firmware it asks me to locate the firmware17:41
noodlesgcroy suffix?17:41
HorizonXPbut evince should either not show the annotations, or say it can't view them, instead of just show a yellow icon and letting me do nothing17:41
Roylike .deb17:41
Gneamneptok: exactly. i need to go finish a project, ttyl.17:41
WhoaItsPhili dont have a clue where it extracted the firmware to?17:41
mneptokHorizonXP: not so much "closed source" as "not open and not thoroughly documented"17:41
noodlesgcRoy no17:42
bazhangjw144000: you still did not read that grub link?17:42
acidityjw144000, what is the problem? you should ask specific questions here17:42
HorizonXPif i had the know-how to change that, i would17:42
RoyOka, so I exclude that17:42
jgiorgihey im a lil newbish and im trying to install a from a source package, it tells me that i need a few prerequistites and i installed some of em but i cant find others, GNU Make, GNU Binutils, zlib-dev, openssl-dev, zorg-xll-dev, bridge-utils, iproute, what is all that and where do i get it???17:42
DRebellionWhoaItsPhil: when you untarred/ungzipped the archive, the files would go to the current directory (unless you specified a destination)17:42
mneptokHorizonXP: file a feature request with Evince. that is bad bahavior.17:42
noodlesgcWhoaItsPhil try /usr/src17:42
DRebellionjgiorgi: build-essential for a start17:42
Some_uxIs exceed any good ?17:42
HorizonXPmneptok: do you have a link? I'll do it right now17:42
jw144000acidity: I have an installation of Gutsy Gibbon on my external hard drive, but I need grub. What are the commands to install grub, and how can I point grub to my external hard drive so it will install it there?17:42
noodlesgcroy yes, you dont need to add .deb17:43
HorizonXPI'm all for open-source and improving it! lol17:43
jgiorgidrebellion: so install build-essential???17:43
acidityman grub????17:43
DRebellionjgiorgi: yep17:43
Roynoodlesgc: Thank you so much17:43
kpabi have problems with graphical interface, it does not load even in safe graphic mode, and switches to some text input, what can I possibly do?17:43
dookdookubuntu + laptop + extern monitor == possible?17:43
bazhang!grub | jw144000 read the link this time17:43
ubotujw144000 read the link this time: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:43
acidityI dont know exact commands :)17:43
mneptokHorizonXP: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/17:43
ezquerroanybody knows if is there any way to open the attached files instead of saving them to the harddrive, in evolution?17:43
noodlesgcdookdook yes its possible17:43
frato77Gnea: nothing. Yesterday evrything was perfect17:44
ahorriblemessok, I'm working on figuring out my other issues myself, I'll keep working on that, but I have one more if anyone can help17:44
dookdooknoodlesgc, any pointers on how to go about it?  web sites/advice?17:44
kpabi have problems with graphical interface, it does not load even in safe graphic mode, and switches to some text input, what can I possibly do?17:44
HorizonXPthanks mneptok, oding it now17:44
ricky_clarksonWhere do I look for what sources.list to add to the liveCD setup to get current Ubuntu software?17:44
aciditynoodlesgc, any idea?17:45
ahorriblemessWhen I installed Ubuntu 7.10, when asked about partitioning, I chose to use the entire hard drive because I wanted Ubuntu to be the ONLY OS on here. Did I do the right thing, or should I have done something else?17:45
noodlesgcdookdook, well all i do is plug the monitor in and hit ctrl+alt+backspace17:45
bazhangricky_clarkson: in synaptic17:45
DRebellionahorriblemess: nope that's fine.17:45
bazhangahorriblemess: right choice! ;]17:45
ahorriblemessok cool, so the drive was partitioned automatically?17:45
mneptokHorizonXP: np np. thanks for filing feature requests rather than just saying "this sucks!" ;)17:45
BreakageCould someone help me with this .Xresources problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4288504#post428850417:45
oboy03my video card is nvidia fx 5500, and im experiencing black or garbled graphics is this normal?17:45
WhoaItsPhilahh i think i might have got it17:46
WhoaItsPhilwoohoo it works...thanks guys17:46
ahorriblemessgood stuff, thank you. I understand there are questions constantly flowing in here. I appreciate the help. I'll be back I'm sure, I'm battling Nvidia driver and monitor issues17:46
bazhangnice WhoaItsPhil17:46
HorizonXPmneptok: it does suck :P but i'll help make it not suck. i love ubuntu, i just get frustrated when it doesn't do things I don't like. which is rare. and usually quickly fixed, hahah!17:46
jgiorgiddrebellion: anything else other than build-essential17:46
dookdooknoodlesgc, just restarts x.  did you set up anything to allow for your external monitor?17:46
noodlesgcacidity i think your best shot would be to either create a script to do it (like python) or open a new zipfile and drag&drop all file you need17:46
oboy03HorizonXP: i feel the same17:47
DRebellionjgiorgi: yep, use apt-cache seach17:47
jgiorgidrebellion: ???17:47
aciditynoodlesgc, well i am actually using Python to get list of ll the files.17:47
oboy03im a windows user (like everyone else)17:47
noodlesgcdookdook no, i didn't have to do anything. But you could check in System->Administration->Screens And Graphics17:47
jgiorgiWINDOWS SUCKS17:47
oboy03and ubuntu feels like 5th grade when i had my first pc17:47
Khisanthacidity: you could probably create the zip with python as well :)17:47
acidityNow either I can zip them in one shot using one ZIP command or copy all the files in a folder and then zip it completely.17:48
dookdookhmm...i don't have a screens and graphics section in administration17:48
aciditynoodlesgc, well i am actually using Python to get list of ll the files.17:48
noodlesgcacidity just import zipfile17:48
ricky_clarksonbazhang: Thanks.17:48
jgiorgiobou03: hey well if you need any help just ask, ubuntu, once u get used to it, is a thouand times better than win17:48
oboy03yeah i can see that17:48
jgiorgidrebellion: what is apt-cache seach?17:48
oboy03im learning bit by bit17:48
DRebellionjgiorgi: open up a terminal and type   apt-cache search <keywords>17:49
aciditynoodlesgc, yeah. I should probably use the ZIP library in PHP or Python and get it done17:49
noodlesgcacidity then just do something like "for item in list_of_files: add file(item)"17:49
aciditythanks....should have though that way......17:49
oboy03its like 1 + 1 the first time you encounter it17:49
jgiorgioboy03: and if u wanna talk to someone specific, just type their name then a colon and it will flag it to them17:49
jgiorgidrebellion: ok im confused and dumb what r my key words, the programs i need to install?17:49
bazhangjgiorgi: or tab completion--much faster ;]17:50
oboy03jgiorgi: thanks17:50
HorizonXPmneptok: Bug #515243, filed :)17:50
jgiorgibazgang: tab-completion?17:50
UhbliviusHow do I get the screensaver to come on?  It isn't coming on after the idle time I'm setting (1 minute).17:50
bazhangjgiorgi: just type three or so letters, hit tab key and there you go17:50
oboy03ubuntu pls dont die continue to grow17:50
dookdookanyone know why i wouldn't have a ' System->Administration->Screens And Graphics' tab? ( i have syste->administration, but no screens and graphics)..17:50
noodlesgcdookdook are you using fiesty?17:51
TDKAre there any directories besides  /var, /home, /usr/local, and /etc  that I should do a Backup on for a better chance at a successful restore?17:51
malbertomaki estoy con mi ubuntu17:51
dookdookyeah, feisty17:51
dookdooknoodlesgc, 7.0417:51
bazhangspanish malbertom?17:52
malbertomhola dok dok17:52
FloodBot3malbertom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:52
noodlesgcdookdook Screen & Graphics is only in gusty (7.10)17:52
* hfsdo is no longer away : Gone for 31 minutes 27 seconds17:52
HorizonXPdid ubotu just talk to you in spanish?17:52
malbertomalguien habla español17:53
dookdooknoodlesgc, should i upgrade you think?  (and how would i do that)?17:53
bazhangmalbertom:  /join #ubuntu-es17:53
malbertomyour lenguaje spanish17:53
noodlesgcdookdook, upgrading can be good, but can be bad. go to System->Administration->Update Manager17:53
lee__*who speaks English?*17:54
KenSentMeHow can i regenerate the menu to see if an app really doesnt show up in the menu? I dont want to restart x though17:54
malbertomhello dip17:54
malbertomhello gasten17:55
bazhangnot a chat channel malbertom17:55
jw144000Question: If I see a boot/grub directory on my external hard drive, does that  mean grub is already installed?17:55
malbertomto wath17:55
bazhangjw144000: diid you read that link?17:56
Gastenmalbertom: Yo. and what bazhang said. come to #ubuntu/offtopic instead!17:56
lee__My speakers can't produce sound, but my headphone can. How to make the speakers work?17:56
jw144000bazhang: I'm new to all of this Linux stuff17:56
bazhanglee__: try alsamixer in the terminal17:56
bazhangI guess that spells no17:57
lee__hola Tom!17:59
bazhang!es | malbertom17:59
malbertomhola lee17:59
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:59
ahorriblemesswell... I installed some packages, adjusted the resolution and driver and all that before OS startup and the resolution is back down to PlugnPlay at 800x60018:00
malbertomyo hablo spaño18:00
ron_any one know why my / partition says it has 17 gig used on a 18 gig drive but i can only see like 6 gig in use, can it be hidden18:00
ahorriblemessshould be 15" LCD flat panel wide screen, 1360x76818:00
malbertomlee hola te dije18:00
ahorriblemesssomething like that18:00
ahorriblemesscan anyone help?18:00
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ahorriblemess18:00
ron_prob only 1280x102418:00
lee__comp speakers.... muerte18:01
ron_most are 1024x76818:01
malbertomlee no hablaras18:01
TDKron_: Do you know how many partitions are on the drive?18:01
malbertomvete a la mierda18:02
malbertomq me import18:02
bazhangmalbertom: english here please18:02
malbertomhola blader18:02
malbertomno see18:02
bazhangruh roh18:02
malbertomsoy de 9 niño estoy en el ubuntu de mi papa q el se pone  este apodo siempre andaba rondeando y lo vi y entre aki18:03
TDKCan Ubuntu natively read NTFS partitions?18:03
ahorriblemessbazhang, when it asks the Identifier for my graphics card18:03
bazhangyou need ntfs-3g to read and write tdk18:03
aoupi!es | malbertom18:03
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:03
=== dreamnid_ is now known as dreamnid
evertHi all18:03
evertCan i ask here a question about ubuntu server/mysql ?18:04
aoupi!it | malbertom18:04
bazhangahorriblemess: do your best guess18:04
ubotumalbertom: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:04
ahorriblemesswhat happens if it's wrong18:04
malbertomhola maximilion18:04
evertI've installed a few hours ago a ubuntu server, installed mysql and i've got one database wich works good18:04
bazhangahorriblemess: try again? it should not matter that much18:04
ahorriblemessok cool18:04
evertbut the mysql proces is taking 99% cpu power18:04
ahorriblemessi was nervous18:04
maximilionTDK, yes. At least I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and it saw all my XP drives :)18:04
evertit's a 1ghz amd, so that's not normal i guess18:04
maximilionhey malbertom?18:05
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:05
TDKAnd you can read/write from them18:05
noodlesgcis anyone else translating malbertom?18:05
noodlesgche told us to **** off18:06
bazhangnoodlesgc: yes, and he has some not nice things to say ;]18:06
jw144000bazhang: OK, I have grub installed to the mbr of my external hard drive. Now I have a different problem: Why won't my external HDD boot Ubuntu? I have my BIOS set for the "USB Device" to boot first.18:06
malbertommy lenguaje is ispanish soy de 9 new18:06
bazhangtdk with the ntfs-3g package yes18:06
evertthe mysql proces is named mysqld_safe18:06
evertit's quite strange, i never saw such a proces on my gentoo server box :s18:06
crowley1027I have sound problems, i went through the troubleshooter, and i end up with no audio from the speakers (not even that little hiss when you turn em wayyyyy up) but when i put "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp1" into terminal, i hear static18:06
malbertomaki todos hablan ingles18:07
catundaThe command "update-manager -c" in kubuntu dapper (6.06) doesn't have any option upgrade system to edgy18:07
ricky_clarksonI'm trying to build parted from source, which depends on termcap, but I cannot find termcap to install it.18:07
bazhangoy malbertom stop now18:07
jalsotI'm new to Xen, having an issue with stock Ubuntu 7.10 Xen (Linux vm1 2.6.22-14-xen #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 01:37:43 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux)18:07
crowley1027malbertom: Todos hablan ingles, estas buscando para ayuda en espanol?18:07
jalsotin messages I have: Feb  8 18:11:38 vm1 kernel: [  228.565187] 3w-9xxx: scsi6: ERROR: (0x06:0x001C): Failed to map scatter gather list.18:07
crowley1027I have sound problems, i went through the troubleshooter, and i end up with no audio from the speakers (not even that little hiss when you turn em wayyyyy up) but when i put "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp1" into terminal, i hear static18:07
ricky_clarksonNot only is it Spanish, but it's crappy lazy Spanish.18:07
ricky_clarksoncomo pajero18:07
Gastencrowley1027: 1 do they work with another source and 2, can you pastebin the output of "alsamix"?18:08
malbertomyo hablo in español18:08
jalsotdoes anybody use ubuntu 7.10 with xen?18:08
FloodBot3malbertom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
malbertomle digo es k solo kiero k me digan o k me hablen losd q hablan español18:09
dgjones!es | malbertom18:09
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:09
ahorriblemessbazhang, i've been brought through a bunch of keyboard qquestions, I'm kind of getting worried18:09
crowley1027Gasten: huh??18:09
ahorriblemessI'm following default but, I thought this would just be for video18:09
bazhanghes just trolling dgjones18:09
ahorriblemesslike, mouse protocol? It didn't ask me that before18:09
bazhangahorriblemess: see it through and then we can worry okay? ;]18:09
ricky_clarksonWhere is termcap?18:10
Gastencrowley1027: you had audio problems?18:10
bazhang!info termcap18:10
ubotuPackage termcap does not exist in gutsy18:10
ahorriblemesswell I don't know if I should put ImPs/2, or ExplorerPS/218:10
crowley1027Gasten: yes.  how do i do what you asked18:10
crowley1027i can't watch video or listen to music (no audio output)18:10
ahorriblemessand I might have entered the wrong thing int he previous question about input devices18:10
bazhangahorriblemess: no usb option? then just a guess18:11
ricky_clarksonPresumably termcap must either exist, or Ubuntu's parted is not the same as the parted on sourceforge.18:11
Gastencrowley1027: are they built in spekers?18:11
bazhangricky_clarkson: not the same youre right18:11
ahorriblemesswouldn't guessing cause problems18:11
dgjonesbazhang, quite probably, i was giving the benefit of doubt18:11
crowley1027Gasten: no, plugged into a sound card18:11
Gastencrowley1027: can you try them with somethibng else that generate audio? mp3-player?18:12
malbertomdgjones hablas español18:12
bazhangahorriblemess: just see it through mkay?18:12
Gastencrowley1027: stereo?18:12
ahorriblemessI'm on a laptop, sometimes I use the touchpad, sometimesI use a usb mouse18:12
PriceChild!es | malbertom18:12
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:12
crowley1027Gasten: Speakers are fine18:12
crowley1027its something software related18:12
Gastencrowley1027: kk18:12
ricky_clarksonbazhang: Any suggestions for using a more recent version of parted than that distributed on the live CD?18:12
ahorriblemessi just dont want to select the wrong thing and disable one of them18:12
crowley1027malbertom: Vete al carajo, pajero!18:12
crowley1027jaja, pajero18:12
bazhangricky_clarkson: the gparted livecd does nicely in a pinch18:12
Gastencrowley1027: paste the output of "amixer" in a pastebin18:12
malbertomcomo tu pare en tanga18:13
Gastencrowley1027: ie here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org18:13
crowley1027how do i get the output of amixer18:13
dgjonesmalbertom, nope, english only18:13
crowley1027oh ok18:13
_Oz_I wish I could make sense of the file system18:13
_Oz_I'm coming from windows18:13
_Oz_I'm used to c:/windows18:13
_Oz_that sort of thing18:13
ricky_clarksonbazhang: gparted, from the ubuntu CD, segfaults.18:13
osijemand aus deutschland hier18:13
_Oz_I dunno what the point of /usr/, /bin/, etc. are18:13
ricky_clarksonThat's why I looked at parted.18:13
Skittosi: #ubuntu-de18:13
dgjones!de | osi18:13
Gastencrowley1027: go to a terminal (applications/accesories/terminal18:13
ubotuosi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:13
crowley1027Gasten: http://pastebin.com/m1b895db18:13
malbertompaque vine paca18:13
bazhangricky_clarkson: tge gparted livecd has always done me right--the ubuntu parted not so much18:14
bazhangthe rather18:14
ricky_clarksonI see.18:14
XLV!es > malbertom18:14
unixxhallo ich habe mal ne frage18:14
crowley1027!eresunaputa > malbertom18:14
malbertomxlv hablas en ewspañol18:14
Skitt!de « unixx18:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about de « unixx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:14
Skitt!de | unixx18:14
ubotuunixx: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:14
malbertomcomo tu18:14
bazhangabout twenty people have told him to go elsewhere to no avail18:14
crowley1027yeah haha18:15
squatmatej salvia18:15
crowley1027!kick malbertom18:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick malbertom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:15
crowley1027!kick | malbertom18:15
MrTHaggarHi all.18:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:15
bazhangcrowley1027: haha18:15
MrTHaggarCan someone help me out with an Ubuntu driver problem?18:15
crowley1027malbertom: eres un tonto.18:15
ahorriblemessscrew it i just closed it18:15
Gastencrowley1027: have you tried switching the output driver in the volume-controle window?18:15
bazhangahorriblemess: that will fix it or the best chance for fixing it18:16
crowley1027Gasten: yeah its selected on Ensoniq18:16
MrTHaggarCan anyone recommend the best drivers for a Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x18:16
malbertoma como nadie habla en español med voy18:16
Faust-Ccrowley1027: im assuming youre into Terry Prachet18:16
malbertomq me importa18:16
crowley1027Faust-C: why would u say that18:16
malbertomno puedo volver aca{18:16
snsoneim having trouble with the grub..can anyone help me?please i need help urgent.thanks in advance18:16
FloodBot3malbertom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
Faust-Ccrowley1027: your nick says it all lol18:16
crowley1027malbertom: SI, VETE, cono!18:16
Gastencrowley1027: crowley is a pratchet-character.18:17
crowley1027Faust-C: Naw, Ozzy Osbourne :-D18:17
Faust-Ccrowley1027: oic18:17
MrTHaggarDoes anyone in here use a Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x18:17
crowley1027Gasten: listening to any audio right now?18:17
Gastencrowley1027: no?18:17
crowley1027music or the such18:17
Gastencrowley1027: why?18:18
Gastencrowley1027: ohm yes. I am18:18
crowley1027Gasten: turn ur speakers to the max.  Hear that whine?  that means they work.  Mine aren't whining.  but that "cat" command made them go staticy18:18
Gastencrowley1027: yes, I understand18:18
menllyosi need some help with OSS... i installed it just now for my xfi and i do have sound18:18
Gastencrowley1027: I think I have worked it out18:18
malbertomgood bye18:18
snsonei'm having trouble with the grub..can anyone help me?please i need help urgent.thanks in advance18:18
menllyosbut im getting some errors on boot18:18
Gastenmalbertom: bye!18:18
Faust-Cwhen i try to uninstall gnome-bt i get ubuntu-desktop will be removed18:19
crowley1027malbertom: Con~o, vete!18:19
Faust-Chow do i uninstall it w/o messing w/ ubuntu-desktop18:19
Gastencrowley1027: Phone and Video are both turned to zero, try turning them up18:19
crowley1027Faust-C: uninstall gnome-bt and reinstall ubuntu-desktop18:19
simion314hi, i do not have a floppy drive and i need an windows xp boot floppy disk, i found on the web an .exe file and a .zip file but not a .img file, i need a .img file18:19
ricky_clarksonidiota perfecto18:19
Gastencrowley1027: in "alsamixer"18:19
Faust-Ccrowley1027: oic18:19
bazhangFaust-C: just a metapackage not to worry18:20
Faust-Ccrowley1027: im used to linux but new to ubuntu18:20
crowley1027ricky_clarkson: quien18:20
crowley1027Gasten: nothing18:20
jalsotI'm new to Xen, having an issue with stock Ubuntu 7.10 Xen (Linux vm1 2.6.22-14-xen #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 01:37:43 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux)18:20
jalsotin messages I have:18:20
jalsotFeb  8 18:11:38 vm1 kernel: [  228.565909] PCI-DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 20480 bytes at device 0000:02:03.018:20
jalsotFeb  8 18:11:38 vm1 kernel: [  228.566098] 3w-9xxx: scsi6: ERROR: (0x06:0x001C): Failed to map scatter gather list.18:20
jalsotany idea what can be wrong?18:20
ricky_clarksoncrowley1027: Why, malbertom of course.18:20
FloodBot3jalsot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
crowley1027ricky_clarkson: haha18:20
Gastencrowley1027: amixer sais you got a lot of things turned to zero, try to turn everything up and turn em on.18:20
crowley1027Gasten: i just did18:21
researcherEnter text here...hi18:21
Gastencrowley1027: ok.18:21
researcheralguem do brasil ae?????18:21
MrTHaggarDoes anyone know anything about using Compiz-fusion on a Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x18:21
snsonehaving trouble setting up the grup18:21
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:21
snsonei installed xp after ubuntu18:21
Gastencrowley1027: have they been non-working for a long time?18:21
Faust-Cwhen i try to reinstall ubuntu-desktop it tries to bring back gnome-bt18:21
snsoneand it whipped grub18:22
crowley1027Gasten: no, i just updated software and they went out18:22
snsonehow can i boot in ubuntu again?18:22
crowley1027they were working on linux before.  Today in fact18:22
noodles12is there something simlar to ICS from windows for ubuntu? like one ethernet cord connected to laptops and everyone else just conects to the laptop wirelessly and shares internet connection?18:22
bazhang!grub | snsone18:22
ubotusnsone: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:22
Gastencrowley1027: try updating again18:22
CapaHHi everyone, I have a Logitech USB Headset and it just simply will not work under Gutsy. Anyone have a solution? I tried asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- just simply doesn't work18:22
Faust-CCapaH: usb?18:22
crowley1027whats the terminal command for it?18:22
CapaHyes Faust18:22
Faust-CCapaH: i had one that worked fine w/ linux,18:22
jess_probably a really annoying beginner question, but i'm having issues with "make" as I'm trying to install the mac80211 package18:22
Faust-CCapaH: just have to make apps use it18:23
CapaHI have had this one work in the past -- before I upgraded to Gutsy18:23
CapaHnow I cannot get it to work18:23
snsonealso after i did the grub install from the livecd18:23
snsoneeverything went ok18:23
CapaHunfortunately there is no real help online for this that I cn find18:23
crowley1027Gasten: nothing still18:23
CapaHtons of people have the problem, but no one really is getting any useful help18:23
snsoneand when i rebooted grub said that the disk isnt available18:23
MrTHaggarAnyone know anything about Gatos?18:23
crowley1027MrTHaggar: vete al carajo tambien18:24
* DareDevil_ asks last question - where do you think InspIRCd stands. is it as close to security and stability as hybrid has ?18:24
Faust-CCapaH: very odd, usb-snd18:24
Gastencrowley1027: try "asoundconf reset-default-card"18:24
Faust-CCapaH: i forgot the name of teh mod you have to load18:24
MrTHaggarCrowley: sorry I only speak english18:24
Faust-Cbut i had it working fine18:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:24
crowley1027Gasten: i got the hiss back18:25
davidwinterhi everyone, I'm trying to find the location of my TV card. should it be /dev/video0 ?18:25
Gastencrowley1027: nice! =)18:26
crowley1027Gasten: when i mute / unmute it in alsa, i can hear the hiss stop / start18:26
Gastencrowley1027: any other output?18:26
crowley1027still no audio though18:26
crowley1027im gonna try another player18:26
allquixoticDoes anyone know a CLI command to query the system battery status and fill level? gnome-power-manager dies silently on startup, and my battery indicator on the hardware is indicating it's dead, which is so weird because it was full a few minutes ago!18:26
Gastencrowley1027: try starting a audio-app from the console and look for errors/warnings18:26
ricky_clarksonAfter I've used parted to create an ext2 partition, should I be able to mount it or do I have to format it first?18:26
maximilionHello again :) Dad visited today and saw my OSX style Ubuntu, and wanted Linux on his Compaq P3 1.1GHz+256M RAM+integrated Radeon gfx card... is there any hope for him?18:26
bert_hi, I want to make one of my computers into a file server which should be reachable via linux, windows and OS X, where should I get started ?18:27
crowley1027nothing in the other audio player either18:27
XLV!samba > bert_18:27
allquixoticmaximilion: the CPU is fine, the RAM is pretty low, you'd have to use XFCE without all the advanced glitz18:27
bazhangmaximilion: up the ram and yes18:27
Faust-Cbert ask !samba18:27
menllyosI just installed OSS but now my soundpanel reports several problems, as well as the GNOME Deskbar applet and the GNOME Music applet... anyone know why and/or how to fix it?18:27
MrTHaggarDoes anyone know much about Compiz-fusion?18:28
Gastencrowley1027: try starting a audio-app from the console and look for errors/warnings18:28
bazhangsadly yes MrTHaggar ;]18:28
maximilionallquixotic & bazhang: Well, he's actually running XP decent on it now after my optimization... RAM upgrades for these old brand PCs are *very* expensive... so I guess not.18:28
crowley1027Gasten: ** (rhythmbox:6747): WARNING **: No property volume.disc.capacity on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part_1_size_1733222418:28
XLVmaximilion, sure.. though the ram is a bit on the low side for kde/gnome18:28
KenSentMeHow can i regenerate the menu to see if an app really doesnt show up in the menu? I dont want to restart x though18:28
teo-where can i find the packages i have downloaded using apt-get ?????18:29
crowley1027Gasten: Totem doesn't give errors18:29
MrTHaggarI'm trying to get it working on my Dell c600 with a Rage mobility M3 card, but I need to change the driver so it can do 3d acceleration, but I don't know how to change the driver.18:29
XLVmaximilion, its just standard sdram18:29
bazhangmaximilion: you could go minimal install but then all the shiny would be absent18:29
Gastencrowley1027: but still no sound?18:29
maximilionXLV: Not on Compaqs they aren't... I've been through all that ;)18:29
allquixoticmaximilion: the minimum RAM for a GNOME or KDE desktop is widely accepted as 512. if you want a less spectacular UI that's designed to run light, you could try Xubuntu18:29
Gastencrowley1027: try a non-gstreamer one18:29
Gastencrowley1027: like aplay18:29
crowley1027Gasten: so i just type aplay in the terminal yeah?18:29
MrTHaggarI need to change the driver, but I can't find the right one18:30
teo-where can i find the packages i have downloaded using apt-get ?????18:30
Gastencrowley1027: probably. maybe with the filename appended18:30
simion314hi, i do not have a floppy drive and i need an windows xp boot floppy disk, i found on the web an .exe file and a .zip file but not a .img file, i need a .img file18:30
natbetIs there a way to create a launcher to the show desktop applet for quick-lounge?18:30
jgiorgianyone here use xen, im having some trouble installing it18:30
mintyi don't have any problems with ubuntu18:30
XLVsimion314, www.bootdisk.com18:31
crowley1027sorry gast18:31
crowley1027Gasten: crowley@Nates:/media/disk$ aplay Ritchie\ Blackmore\'s\ Rainbow\ -\ Stargazer.mp318:31
crowley1027Playing raw data 'Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Stargazer.mp3' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono18:31
Gastenno errors wither?18:31
crowley1027no errors, and no sound18:31
jgiorgianyone know how to install xen on ubuntu?18:31
Gastencrowley1027: that's really weird.18:31
cchi am using live-helper to create a ubuntu live-cd and get an error saying it can't open /scripts/live when i use it for ubuntu. the debian-live documentation says to install live-initramfs to solve this issue, ubuntu's repository does not have this though, any suggestions?18:32
crowley1027do you want my process list?  ('m not running any audio right now)18:32
DanteHi. I have a problem with my keyboard layout. Every time I start the computer the layout is American and I want it to be Danish. I have to use xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.dk every time I start.18:32
pelegHey people, I have an emergency here; I cannot log into a normal session, I have to log into faulty terminal, and access the chat software via the terminal. Anyone can help?18:32
gabriel__i need some help setting up my wireless network.. i wan't an ad-hoc connection but when i issue iwconfig it's 802.g on my desktop and 802.b on my laptop ..how can i get them to be on the same page?18:33
Gastencrowley1027: nah. don't think that'll help18:33
crowley1027gast: reboot time18:33
bert_hi, is there a channel for asking questions about pgp stuff ?18:33
pelegAlso: Now I use the chat software, so I can't do anything else in the terminal (can't open more terminals)18:33
maximilionallquixotic: Right. be right back18:33
Gastencrowley1027: kk. don't have your hopes up =) linux is not window.18:33
simion314XLV not free at www.bootdisk.com18:35
pelegOk, I will ask more specific action: how can I check which processes GNOME (or ubuntu) is trying to make as a "startup" (after I log to normal session) - and disable few of them, to see which one of them kills my startup?18:36
DareDevil_the comparison shows irc inspircd has all the options and supports. i dont know is it stable and secure as hybrid is and will it give me more control or give limitations...18:36
DanteHi. I have a problem with my keyboard layout. Every time I start the computer the layout is American and I want it to be Danish. I have to use xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.dk every time I start.18:37
carlwut is the screenlets directory on gusty18:37
DanteIs there a channel to go to for network support?18:37
crowley1027Gasten: Got it.18:38
gabriel__i need some help setting up my wireless network.. i wan't an ad-hoc connection but when i issue iwconfig it's 802.g on my desktop and 802.b on my laptop ..how can i get them to be on the same page?18:38
Gastencrowley1027: it works?18:38
crowley1027Gasten: now how do i install Winrar?  I have it extracted on my desktop18:38
Gastencrowley1027: why would you possibly want winrar?18:39
crowley1027to open a .rar18:39
ricky_clarksonAre you supposed to get into the installer from the initial boot menu, or from X?18:39
ricky_clarkson..when booting from the liveCD.18:39
Gastencrowley1027: 1, its a windows app, and second, you already got that builtin18:39
Gastencrowley1027: just try opening one!18:39
kainalihey, i have look@lan looking at my ubuntu machine, and it sees port 21 serving ftp, but the ubuntu machine has no ftp servers running to my knowledge, can i check somehow to be sure?18:39
crowley1027Gasten:  i did18:39
pelegcrowley1207: there are linux softwares for rar, I believe18:39
Gastencrowley1027: ok.. maybe I have some more packages installed...18:39
crowley1027Gasten: Could not open "Daddy Yankee - Barrio Fino En Directo + 15 Covers (2005) - Reggaeton - www.torrentazos.com.rar"18:39
crowley1027Archive type not supported18:39
ZPerteecan I install a 32bit version of ubuntu on a 64bit system?  or how does that work I am confused???18:40
Gastencrowley1027: search for rar in synaptic18:40
DRebellion_ZPertee, yes18:40
KenSentMeZPertee, you can, but you wont have some advantages of a 64 bit system18:40
DanteIs there a channel to go to for network support?18:40
bazhangZPertee: no worries18:40
Gastencrowley1027: install the appropriate package, and you'll be done.18:40
ZPerteeok thanks for the clarification.  greatly appreciated!18:41
jorgenptI want to reinstall the stock codecs.conf from the mplayer package, how should I do that?18:41
kainaligo to add/remove and install ubuntu restricted extras for rar support, crowley18:41
pepperjackDante: #linux is kinda a general support chan18:41
peleggabriel__: why would you care about different pages?18:41
kainalihey, i have look@lan looking at my ubuntu machine, and it sees port 21 serving ftp, but the ubuntu machine has no ftp servers running to my knowledge, can i check somehow to be sure?18:41
Dantepepperjack: Ok its just that im not getting any responce in here. So I was thinking that I was asking the wrong place18:42
_ZOMBIE_BATMAN_can i reinstall boot loder [lilo] from livecd.?18:42
_ZOMBIE_BATMAN_without reinstalling all.18:42
=== rd is now known as ATA
pepperjackDante: worst case you could set that command to run at login.. thats not ideal i know18:43
gabriel__peleg i mean i want both my laptop wireless card and my desktop one to use the same standard like 802.11g18:43
pelegeveryone: It realy is an emergency. Doesn't anybody know where are the "startup" files, and what can cause the system to stuck after login? (Nautilus works well, I can operate it from the terminal well enough... even firefox works - but everything else is not!)18:43
KaiForceanyone discussing truecrypt 5.0 issues today?18:43
pepperjack!startup | peleg18:43
ubotupeleg: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:43
peleggabriel__: I don't know, is it important?18:43
pelegpepperjack: thanks18:44
Dantepepperjack: And how do I do that?18:44
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:44
MrKeunerhi, anybody else having trouble to update firefox?18:44
pepperjackpeleg: id create a new user and see if they have the problem if they do not worst case you rm -fr the .g directories in your home or something18:44
KaiForcein particular, the "Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?"  issue running outside of X?18:44
pepperjackDante: see that startup link above18:44
pelegpepperjack: adduser someone ?18:45
pepperjackDante: or you can add it as a line to the gdm script or something in /etc/init.d though that is kinda hacky18:45
pepperjackpeleg: yeah18:45
glass-eyeanyone know of a fix for the emdebian-tools install? I am getting an error in the postint script18:45
pelegpepperjack: thanks. I go now, maybe back soon.18:46
SegFaultAXi just got done with a clean install of ubuntu. it boots up all the way to the loading screen, then goes black and seemingly hangs18:46
SegFaultAXi think its an error with my video services18:46
SegFaultAXwhere is the video config?18:46
Xbehave_ i want to make a director that users can write to but they cant delete the whole dir, what permisions do i set? i tried chown root.users then chmod 77518:46
CoOlGhOsThey... anyone experiencing firefox being very unresponsive when typing in forms including address field???18:47
TilllinuxI am connected via vpn+putty to a terminal/console server. This server does have gnome installed, so I want to use the vncviewer to view the desktop. However, I don't know how to enable viewing the desktop via console... and I even don't think that's possible. There's something called xdmcp but I have never used it before, nor am I sure that it'll work with a vpn connection18:47
pepperjackSegFaultAX: what kind of error18:47
SegFaultAXi dont know, it apparently hangs after the loading screen18:47
SegFaultAXit just never displays the login18:48
aLeSDsomeone knows where fglrx.ko is ?18:48
aLeSDI mean the package18:48
BehiiMehiiWhat's used to burn isos?18:48
pepperjackTilllinux: sudo apt-get install vncserver; run then vncpasswd  then edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and put like startxfce or whatever DE youre using THEN vncserver to run basically18:48
DRebellion!burning | BehiiMehii18:48
ubotuBehiiMehii: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:48
badkittyHas anyone used addrepo?18:49
bazhangBehiiMehii: right click open with cd/dvd creator18:49
Tilllinuxpepperjack: thanks :)18:49
BehiiMehiiThank you18:49
pelegpepperjack: thanks, Now I'm logged as a new user. What have you suggested to check now?18:49
pepperjackpeleg: so only your original user has the problem?18:50
=== inzion_ is now known as inzion
hotmonkeyluvwhere should I install Java to? /usr/java? or /home/*my name*/.java? or somewhere else?18:50
pelegpepperjack: seems so.18:50
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras hotmonkeyluv18:51
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:51
pepperjackpeleg: su - originaluser   then rm -fr ~/.g* but  this will completely set your gnome environment back to default so you lose shortcuts and everything is new again. its part of my 'take a mallot to it' approach to problem solving18:51
pepperjackpeleg: so maybe just mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf-old  etc instead18:52
crowley1027how do you install .tar.gz18:52
badkittycrowley1027: what kind of package is it18:53
roadrocket13can anyone help me with a botched PPC 7.10 upgrade?18:53
glass-eyecrowley1027: you could try using alien on it18:53
hotmonkeyluvbazhang: huh?18:53
crowley1027badkitty: xcdroast-0.98alpha15.tar.gz18:53
pelegpepperjack: can you explain me more precisely what will be deleted/moved? I don't have any shortcuts: only the main menu, and an empty desktop. I DO have a huge amount of preferences (like language/keyboard/etc...)18:53
crowley1027i extracted it to desktop18:53
bazhanghotmonkeyluv: that will do it for you18:53
crowley1027now what?18:53
Jack_Sparrowcrowley1027: Better off /* b bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-18:53
badkittycrowley1027: What files were inside of it?18:53
puffandstuffplease, if any of you can help me, i cant use any of my installed kde application under ubuntu (kdevelop, kdiff3 or any ..) application freezes and are to slow to refresh the content18:54
pepperjackpeleg: arg ignore me i thought you were a previous question. DO NOT do that18:54
crowley1027badkitty: umm18:54
pelegpepperjack: ok.... :-)18:54
pepperjackpeleg: or do it if you want since itll fix it but id just instead use the xmod* command to run at login18:54
crowley1027badkitty: contrib, doc, extra, intl, lib, m4, man, po, src, xpms, and other files18:54
hotmonkeyluvbazhang: thanks!18:54
badkittycrowley1027: Im wondering if this was say a packaged deb or if you have to build the files yourself18:54
DanteHoly .... . I just got my bcm4318 wireless demoncard to work!??!?18:54
BehiiMehiiWhere do I fint Nautilus-cd-burner? Evidently it's installed, but I can't open it18:54
pelegpepperjack: what is xmod* ?18:55
crowley1027badkitty: packaged18:55
Jack_Sparrowcrowley1027: Sorry about that, better off not using an rpm.. compile it yourself if needed18:55
badkittycrowley1027: do you have build-essentials?18:55
DanteBut every time I start I have to go to root and write modprobe fsaa1655g. So I just want to make it possible to start by it self in sessions18:55
DanteAnybody know how to make it write a line in root at startup? (I really want to make it work the first time)18:56
CoOlGhOsThey... anyone experiencing firefox being very unresponsive when typing in forms including address field??? (take 2 :-)18:56
_mugdante: put it into modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe or however that is relized in ubuntu18:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xmod - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:56
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:56
pepperjackpeleg: i dont have a gnome box to look at so id try mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf-bak  as that user and logout/in see if it works18:56
roadrocket13anyone familiar with PowerPC ?18:57
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:57
pelegpepperjack: thanks. What exactly is the command for being a different user? su what?18:57
iratikI installed a package "bugzilla" - http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/web/bugzilla, I installed it and can't figure out where to access the web interface after its installed! can anyone help me?18:57
trond_my question is: is it possible to get write access to windows partitions/disks when running kubuntu? i have them all mounted..'18:57
Dante_mug: I says command not found. Do I have to be in root to configure it?18:57
mneptokiratik: http://localhost18:58
tckhas anyones flash player stopped working in firefox ?18:58
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:58
kyle__hi how do i go about making all icon sizes smaller on my desktop?18:58
badkittycrowley1027: This is the source file.. you have to compile this package18:58
_Oz_I just think Ubunti is the slickest thing I've seen in personal computing since...  I dunno...  the TI-99/4A18:58
roadrocket13i'm having trouble with BUG #126337 at launchpad no ide-disk support18:58
trond_ubotu thanks alot :)18:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks alot :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:58
bod_hey guys,. is there a command to determine which folders are the largest (in mb/gb)18:59
pepperjackpeleg: su - user or just su user really18:59
Jack_Sparrowroadrocket13: are you trying to install18:59
pelegpepperjack: thanks, hopefully be-right-back18:59
roadrocket13i've already installed, i upgraded from the GUI18:59
r_a_fkyle__: nautilus >> preferences >> ion size18:59
_Oz_I'm using the gnome xchat IRC, is there any way to display all the nicknames alongside the main window, ala mIRC?18:59
roadrocket13now it won't boot a CD18:59
Jack_Sparrowiratik: Find missing package  dpkg -L PACKAGE_NAME18:59
iratikmneptok: i installed it on a production web server with about 20 other websites running18:59
_Oz_how do I access nautilus, btw?18:59
mneptokbod_: du -h18:59
_mugDante: hugh? youll have to edite these files as root. and sure youll have to do that as root! what would root be good for, if every user could a line into somewhere, that is executed as root? :)18:59
mneptokiratik: so check your httpd config18:59
DanteCan I make it modprobe in /etc/modules?19:00
iratikgood idea19:00
bod_mneptok: cheers,. how about if its on a mounted HD?19:00
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: terminal.. type.. nautilus   then make a launcher19:00
_mugdante: google for ubuntu modprobe19:00
roadrocket13system monitor says i'm running 7.10 gutsy with kernel 2.6.22-1419:00
kyle__where is nautilus r_a_f?19:00
mneptokbod_: du only works on mounted volumes. do you mean "how do i check space usage on a mounted partition?"19:00
r_a_fkyle__: PLACES > HOME19:01
_Oz_jack: thanks.  I guess I already had it.  nautilus = filebrowser.  Why do you call it nautilus?19:01
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bod_mneptok: no i mean, i need to free up 8 gigs on a mounted drive,. so i need to know which folders are using the most space19:01
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: that link I gave you earlier had info on how to make a hotkey and the cli command to start nautilus19:01
r_a_fkyle__: if you using GNOME (Ubuntu) of course19:01
mneptokbod_: du -h /19:01
_Oz_jack: "computer" on the desktop already starts nautilus.  I just wasn't familiar with the name "nautilus"19:01
kyle__yeah i'm using ubuntu19:02
bod_mneptok: du -h /media/sda1     ??19:02
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: There are several file managers, each with its' own name.. I like thunar19:02
mneptokbod_: or that19:02
kyle__all that's in thats there is nautilus-debug-log.txt? :o19:02
roadrocket13i've tried the "modprobe ide-disk ide-core" from the busybox terminal but to no avail19:02
HankDogDaddyDoes anyone recommend a good program for  writing lab reports/scientific documents (not open office)19:02
_Oz_installing thunar now, jack19:03
kyle__when i type nautilus into konsole this pops up >/home/kyle/.gtkrc-2.0:1: error: unexpected character `<', expected keyword - e.g     then takes me to home folder? :o19:03
DanteI want to be sure that I do this right. I wrote gedit modprobe.conf and got a blank page? And should I write it as "modprobe fsaa1655g" or just "fsaa1655g"?19:03
MrKeunerhi, anybody else having trouble to update firefox?19:03
roadrocket13....could anybody recommend a better channel for PPC support then?19:04
r_a_fkyle__: just click in MENU >> PLACES>>HOME(YourName)19:04
kyle__yeah i'm there r_a_f19:04
mneptokkyle__: why are you using nautilus with KDE?19:04
kyle__i'm on gnome19:05
mneptokkyle__: so you're just using Konsole?19:05
mneptok(from KDE)19:05
kyle__when i click system tools i click konsole19:05
mneptokthe re is no Konsole app in GNOME19:05
roadrocket13no love for mac users eh?19:06
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: What version are you trying to use19:06
r_a_fkyle__: select next menu option to file >> Preferences19:06
kyle__i installed ubuntu off a disc of linux format and it installs kde and xfce and gnome all together :/19:06
kyle__so i think i'm getting kde things showing up in the menus :(19:06
cvwHow do I prevent updatedb from running at every boot?19:06
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: 7.1019:06
Jack_Sparrowroadrocket13: Did you see the link earlier on ppc being "Community"19:06
r_a_fkyle__: lol now u are on gnome or kde?19:06
badkittyANyone seen geubuntu?19:06
roadrocket13yes i did19:06
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: What version "of Firefox" are you trying to use19:07
Dante_mug: The internet only gives me something with modprobe.d blacklist19:07
bazhangbadkitty: yeah, not bad19:07
roadrocket13Jack_Sparrow: i realize its not officially supported anymore19:07
Jack_Sparrowroadrocket13: Thats about all the love we have.. :)19:07
badkittybazhang: Have you tested it out or just seen the previews19:07
kyle__aha excelent thank you r_a_f19:07
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: I do not think this is a firefox problem: here is what I get when I try to update using update-manager:19:07
bazhangbadkitty: both though a different name now19:07
roadrocket13ha, thanks.19:08
kyle__hmm the writing looks odd underneath them now =]19:08
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: W: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox-gnome-support_2.0.0.12+2nobinonly+2-0ubuntu0.7.10_i386.deb  404 Not Found19:08
r_a_fkyle__: np19:08
badkittyMrKeuner: Ok so it cant find the source19:08
MrKeunerbadkitty: can I do anything?19:08
_mugdante: man modules and man modules.conf there is all you need19:09
MrKeunerand isn't this a problem for Ubuntu?19:09
PupenoHow can I find which program is blocking my main sound card?19:09
_mugdante: ..TYPE man modules and foo19:09
badkittyMrKeuner: Maybe the source is different? did you try sudo apt-get upgrade... maybe it is in another source you already have19:09
_Oz_thunar appears to be more or less identical to nautilus19:09
MrKeunerbadkitty: did an update... no luck19:09
badkittyMrKeuner: Did you try an upgrade? Update just updates your sources19:10
MrKeunerbadkitty: I thought upgrade is what I do when I click on install on update-manager?19:10
jgiorgihey just wondering, is BSD worth checking out and if so which one?19:11
badkittyMrKeuner: When I say sudo apt=get upgrade I mean you type this from the command line19:11
bazhangjgiorgi: pc-bsd but offtopic here19:11
MrKeunerbadkitty: I get the same error19:11
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: HAve you changed any repos?19:11
maximilionallquixotic: Sorry, back. My brother called :) So, Xubuntu would work as an XP replacement for someone who e-mails, word processes, and surfs the web?19:11
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: I am using kernel.org repos19:11
jorgenptI want to reinstall the stock codecs.conf from the mplayer package, how should I do that?19:12
DanteDoes anybody know how I make ubuntu write two lines in root at startup?19:12
badkittyMrKeuner: Ok lets do some googling to see if we can find the source you want19:12
allquixoticmaximilion: as long as you use the right apps on top of it, yes - Firefox, Abiword and a lightish mail client like Thunderbird (as opposed to Evolution?) might work19:12
maximilionallquixotic: Hm, I was more concerned about the integrated gfx, really. (It does 3D very slow, but shares RAM etc.)19:12
Jack_SparrowDante: Can you explain that a bit more.19:13
amenadoDante write to which file?19:13
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: Dont know why you are using tohse reops, the same version is inours19:13
allquixoticmaximilion: well, ok, but you can't turn on desktop effects (compiz, or whatever) with that kind of low-end hardware anyway. it's really not recommended. so the GPU isn't in question for those basic tasks19:13
_Oz_maximilion: I just got going with Ubuntu a few days ago...  I installed it as a lark on an old computer.  I am HIGHLY impressed.  It does everything an XP machine can do.  I am literally just as productive on this machine as I am on an XP machine.19:13
maximilionallquixotic: So OpenOffice is out of the question? He sometimes uses Excel.19:13
DanteIn order to get my wl to work I need to write "modprobe fsaa1655g" and then "iwlist eth1 scan" in root. And I want it to be done automaticly19:13
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: I had the intetntion to help ubuntu by using mirrors19:14
=== recon_ is now known as rec
allquixoticmaximilion: nope, openoffice is definitely not out of the question. however, if he intends to open Firefox _AND_ Thunderbird _AND_ OpenOffice all at once, that's a stretch - might start using swap, which means certain processes would slow down a lot.19:14
=== rec is now known as recon
_Oz_maximilon: I use openoffice spreadsheet and it works just fine.  I also run M$ Excel 2003 under Crossover.19:14
bazhangmaximilion: gnumeric does okay in a pinch19:14
badkittyMrKeuner: Will you open your sources please19:14
maximilion-Oz_: specs of the machine?19:14
MrKeunerbadkitty: wht do you mean?19:14
allquixoticmaximilion: running any one application at a time should be just fine, but the more he tries to multitask, the slower it'll be19:14
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: Understood, but I would still stick to the std repos, just in case...19:15
maximilionallquixotic: Same with XP right now ;)19:15
badkittyMrKeuner: go into system -admin-software sources19:15
maximilionMain thing he gets a localized OS, he's on English right now which confuses him.19:15
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: OK, I'll cwitch to ubuntu repos19:15
Danteamenado: In order to get my wl to work I need to write "modprobe fsaa1655g" and then "iwlist eth1 scan" in root. And I want it to be done automaticly19:15
_Oz_maximilon: 5 year old P4 with 512mb ram19:15
kane77wow.. upgrade takes quite a while!19:15
allquixoticmaximilion: as for the footprint of the basic desktop (no apps running), Xubuntu's footprint is substantially lower than Gnome or KDE, so that's why I recommend it. you can get gnome lower, but you have to strip out stuff19:15
_Oz_it's a cheap dell computer, cheap and slow even at the time I bought it19:15
amenadoDante there are pre-up commands you can put in /etc/network/interfaces  and to load a module, insert a line in  /etc/rc.local19:16
maximilion-Oz_: That's probably 8 times faster!!19:16
badkittykane77: depending how far back you are on your updates..yeah19:16
Jack_SparrowDante: YOu can write a script and put it in startup... but there must be a better way to do what you are trying to accomplish19:16
_Oz_maximilon: what kinda computer are you using?19:16
kane77badkitty, I'm upgrading to gutsy on one older forgotten computer :) it19:16
maximilionMe? Opteron+2GB. My dad has a Compaq P3 with 256M ;)19:16
badkittykane77: Oh a dist-upgrade .. yeah those can take a while19:17
_Oz_max: I would think either ubuntu or xubuntu would be fine.19:17
maximilionI think I will try Xubuntu then19:17
maximilionThanks for the advice guys :)19:17
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: add 256 to the compaq and it should be decent19:17
hotmonkeyluvis there a way to install java v6.3 automagically, or is java 1.4 the only one on synaptic?19:17
BetaTestHow do I check the version of my Ubuntu?19:17
allquixoticmaximilion: good luck with that19:17
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)19:17
eth01though, 256 is a little low especially when compared to me, who uses 16gb ddr2 :p19:17
ZtaI upgraded Edgy and now I've got trouble starting ivman.  Can anyone help?  I the these errors when I start ivman with debug output:19:18
Ztamanager.c:1418 (main) Running in system mode.19:18
Ztadaemonize.c:123 (dropPrivileges) Can't drop privileges, user not specified.19:18
Ztamanager.c:1439 (main) Couldn't drop privileges, exiting!19:18
Danteamenado: yes but I need the modprobe to happen first. And im a total beginner at this19:18
hotmonkeyluvJack_Sparrow: ah, thanks19:18
TitoNhi anyone able to help me setup dualview with my tv19:18
eth01!pastebin | Zta19:18
ubotuZta: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:18
maximilionJack_Sparrow: My dad's on a pension... I tried to convince him to spend $300 once, no chance ;)19:18
badkittyTitoN: PM me19:18
pelegpepperjack: worked; I have copied most of .gconf-bak to .gconf, except for one tmp file, and now it works. Thanks! ;-)19:18
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: You are talking maybe $20 us19:19
allquixoticmaximilion: birthday prsent then19:19
Ztaeth01, thanks for these four extra lines.  Can you help?19:19
eshaaseso has the flash issue been resolved?19:19
Jack_Sparroweshaase: yes...  for most people19:19
TequilaWORMhi I would like to retrive and old kernel version but I do not know what is the Pkg name. deb. What are the pkgs names?19:19
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: server for US whould be fine, right I do not need to choose the main server.19:19
Jack_SparrowMrKeuner: yep.. us is fine19:20
Jack_SparrowZta: How did you upgrade that box and did you ever use automatix to try and install anything19:20
TitoNi did badkitty19:21
DanteJack_Sparrow: How should that script look and how do I make it start at startup? What im trying to do is make ubuntu "write" those two lines in root so I dont have to do it in a terminal every time I turn on the computer.19:21
MrKeunerJack_Sparrow: yes, that was it. It looks like there was a problem in mirrors.kernel.org when synching the ubuntu repository19:21
badkittyTitoN: You must not be registered with nickserv then19:21
TequilaWORMwhat are the pkgs names required for the kernel?19:21
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:22
_BlondieGirl_hi all19:22
eshaaseJack_Sparrow: ok, thanks19:22
Jack_Sparroweshaase: At worst you need to remove the existing and reinstall19:22
TequilaWORMany idea??19:22
TitoNi dunno u dont get my pms?19:22
Wouteri have a question. I have 2 hdd's, 1 has two partitions C: and D: where C: is windows. The other one has just been formatted. On that one I want to install Ubuntu is that possible or will it erase/corrupt the data on the other HDD?19:22
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ZtaJack_Sparrow, I just ran "apt-get upgrade".  After ivman failed, I tried "apt-get remove ivman ; apt-get install ivman", but the problem remains.  I don't know what automatix is.   The only google hit I've found is this, which is unreadable to me: http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/sisyphus/2006-July/187359.html19:23
Rocket2DMnso, I installed Java with Automatix, and I think it screwed up my system, any ideas?19:23
TitoNok i register19:23
TitoNi see now19:23
TitoNhang on19:23
dunstabulos_hi has anyone used wubi to install to a usb hard drive?  does this work? the windows system drive is FAT32 running WinXP Pro, the external drive is NTFS.19:23
badkittyTitoN: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177358419:23
Jack_SparrowWouter:   I would delete D partition , in the installer I would do manual, create /  which is root, /home  plus a swap19:23
DRebellionWouter, its fine.19:23
badkittydunstabulos_: wubi .. never used it19:24
Jack_SparrowRocket2DMn: Without a doubt.. you messed it up19:24
Jack_Sparrowdunstabulos_: wubi isnt supported here19:24
badkittyZta: DO NOT use automatix19:24
Rocket2DMn:( so what do i do, it was so convenient19:24
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:24
_BlondieGirl_can anyone tell me how to capture audio directly from my soundcard? e.g. capture a mp3 playing at my audio player, I don't know how to find this in alsa mixer...19:24
ddelon1I switched to Kubuntu from Ubuntu, then switched back. It still has the Kubuntu startup screen. I've switched back to GDM, however.19:25
badkittyRocket2DMn: Shame  on you! automatix BAD19:25
Ztabadkitty, ok.  I never did, so I'll keep it that way.19:25
dunstabulos_Jack_Sparrow: any idea of where to go to ask?19:25
WouterJack_Sparrow, DRebbellion: but deleting D:  wil erase the data wont it? :P19:25
badkittyZta: Good thinking ;-) some of us learned the hard way <----19:25
Jack_Sparrowdunstabulos_: pendrivelinux.com19:25
TequilaWORMwhat are the pkges required for the kernel?19:25
Rocket2DMnwell that's fine and dandy... what do i do?19:25
badkittydunstabulos_: Ill get the link hold on19:25
Jack_SparrowWouter: you said you just formatted D.. there should be nothing on it19:25
DRebellionWouter, let me get this straight. you have 2 hard drives. on the first you have two partitions, one of which is windows. you want to install ubuntu to the second hard drive. in that, i see no problem.19:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about script - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:26
Jack_SparrowTequilaWORM: You need to explain you r problem in more detail.19:26
badkittydunstabulos_: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar-p219:26
Wouteryes DRebellion thats right :D thanx19:26
Rocket2DMnautomatix fix guys? :(19:26
ddelon1How do I get my Ubuntu bootup progress bar back?19:26
JoelitoSuggestion of an IDE to make GUI apps for the gnome desktop? Like mondevelop for C#19:26
bazhangreinstall Rocket2DMn19:27
pinsmackhow do i make the archive finder open .rars?19:27
DRebellion!rar | pinsmack19:27
ubotupinsmack: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:27
badkittyRocket2DMn: Reinstall19:27
TequilaWORMJack_Sparrow: I would like to download  and old vmlinuz but I do not know what is/are the pkage names19:27
PiciJoelito: monodevelip19:27
TequilaWORMJack_Sparrow: Is it vmlinuz-2.6.20.deb ???19:27
dunstabulos_Jack_Sparrow, badkitty: thanks for your help, i'm gonna try it out19:28
JoelitoPici: monodevelip?19:28
badkittydunstabulos_: Sure thing bud19:28
badkittydunstabulos_: It worked for me19:28
PiciJoelito: er, monodevelop.  To be honest thats what some devs use to program gnome apps.19:28
Jack_SparrowTequilaWORM: Look in synaptic.. I dont do much with kernel's19:28
_BlondieGirl_can anyone tell me how to capture audio directly from my soundcard? e.g. capture a mp3 playing at my audio player, I don't know how to find this in alsa mixer...19:28
Rocket2DMnok, ill drop a nuke up in that laptop, thanks19:28
ghkgkin amsn how to disable the chat history? in the amsn channel nobody answer19:28
PiciJoelito: Of course it depends on what language you plan on programming in as well.19:29
pinsmackthat doesn't help19:29
pinsmackhow do i install unrar then19:29
myxbhow do i connect to internet over bluetooth via WM6 smartphone?19:29
JoelitoPici: gtk, not gtk#19:29
Alejandrohola plagoso19:29
Alejandrohola conchita19:29
Jack_Sparrow!es > Alejandro:19:29
Alejandrosoy yo19:29
ddelon1Am I stuck with the Kubuntu boot screen?19:30
AlejandroEstamos en clase19:30
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:30
TequilaWORMJack_Sparrow: Any idea?19:30
neopsychehello, how can i record tv with a simple recorder .. for an analog card.. ie: klear but for analog (not something as complicated as myth tv)19:30
ivpso. installed ubuntu on a new laptop and the desktop looks like this: http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotxj2.png19:30
PiciJoelito: I'm not sure then, sorry.19:30
ivpthe resolution is correct19:30
ddelon1!splash screen19:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about splash screen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:30
ivpbut the desktop environment seems to thing it's something smaller19:30
=== eric is now known as Brantis
mneptokivp: try #xubuntu?19:31
badkittyivp: weird19:31
BrantisI am having a problem with Getting my Nvidia Geforce 6200 to display correctly, if anyone knows can offer some help please PM me19:32
ivpmneptok: hm, well i tried switching to icewm with the same result... :/19:32
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork19:32
ivpalright, i'll play around19:33
alexkreuz_Brantis, have you tried doing a "sudo nvidia-installer --update"?19:33
Jack_SparrowBrantis: those should work without issue, what have you tried so far19:33
lonely_what do ineed to look at videos19:33
Jack_Sparrow!flash > lonely_:19:33
Brantisalexkruez_ No i have tried doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . but nothing really seems to work19:33
Brantiswill try that right quick though19:33
alexkreuz_well i say that because last night i updated my geforce 7900gs driver to the latest19:34
alexkreuz_and it basically autoconfigured everything for me19:34
usr_robdo i have to do an NFS export from my server to get it right, i cannot extract files from it using samba client from ubuntu, from windows this problem do not appear19:34
ddelon1I'm trying to get my Ubuntu boot screen back.19:35
Brantisalexkruez_ well I have just been getting weird problems. like the device saying it is "Enabled" but "Not In Use"19:35
GrizHow can I find out what package (via dpkg or apt-get) which package installed /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ??19:35
XintruderIs it true Vista copies ubuntu file partition system?19:35
adacwhat version of ubuntu should i choose for a intel quadcore?19:35
lonely_do i have to look bij google for deflash19:35
david08_hello. what is the closest thing to msn for ubuntu?19:35
brobostigondavid08_: pidgn or amsn19:35
alexkreuz_Brantis, not sure in my case it says "In Use" but isn't Enabled19:36
adacdavid08_: I like kopete a lot. I combines nearly all messenger19:36
alexkreuz_but works ifne19:36
=== eth01 is now known as musculoskeletal
Jack_Sparrowbrobostigon: May I pm for a sec?19:36
adacdavid08_: and it has a irc module19:36
david08_i just need msn, nothing else, i will try amsn?19:36
Brantisalexkruez_ ok I tried the terminal command but it says "nvidia-installer command not found"19:36
usr_robdavid08_:  pidging do not use peer to peer so the filesend will become slow, go for the amsn19:36
=== Owner__ is now known as mehteenager
brobostigonJack_Sparrow: why , go ahead??19:37
=== musculoskeletal is now known as eth01
alexkreuz_Brantis, it is probably because you never got a driver directly from nvidia19:37
alexkreuz_ubuntu includes their own versions that you can get via synaptic19:37
jw144000Can anyone help me to get my external hard drive to boot Ubuntu?19:37
badkittyjw144000: lol19:37
alexkreuz_if youre interested in configuring the driver you have19:37
alexkreuz_not sure how youd proceed19:38
lonely_jack_sparrow;do i have to look bij google for the flash19:38
badkittyjw144000: What happened to you last night19:38
alexkreuz_but if you want the latest nvidia driver you can get it from the nvidia linux site19:38
alexkreuz_after you get that one you'll have the nvidia-installer tool19:38
mneptokalexkreuz_: that is not recommended for Ubuntu users19:38
jw144000badkitty: I kept PM-ing you and I got no response.19:38
_Oz_how do I change the screensaver in ubuntu 7.10?19:38
alexkreuz_mneptok, i heard that last night19:38
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:38
alexkreuz_what can i say19:38
badkittyjw144000: Really? Were you identified?19:38
mneptokalexkreuz_: heard what?19:38
alexkreuz_it fixed all my cedega issues19:38
snsonei'm having big issues with the internet.it goes very slow.i disabled ipv6 in modprobe.d/aliases and in firefox and rebooted but it's still slow.can someone help me?19:38
alexkreuz_that its not recommended19:38
alexkreuz_its buggy19:38
alexkreuz_bla bla bla19:38
FloodBot3alexkreuz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
jw144000badkitty: Yes19:38
badkittyjw144000:Weird, I satyed up jsut to hepl you... ??? you still trying to do the external drive thing uh19:39
alexkreuz_sorry, i keep forgetting this isn't AIM19:39
izzybwhat is the name of  the package I need to install to compile programs in ubuntu?19:39
BrantisOk i will try to get the latest Nvidia Drivers,19:39
* Brantis is really new19:40
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:40
brobostigon!compile | izzb19:40
ubotuizzb: please see above19:40
badkittyizzyb: sudo apt-get install build-essentials19:40
alexkreuz_Brantis, FYI most people in here don't recommend you do it that way19:40
izzybthanks, couldn't remember the name of the bundle :)19:40
alexkreuz_most people recommend you go to Synaptic19:40
mneptokalexkreuz_: it's not that it's buggy, but that a user will have to remember to reinstall the driver any time there's a kernel update19:40
jw144000badkitty: I thought sure I was identified. I don't know why you couldn't get my PMs19:40
alexkreuz_search for nvidia, and find your updates19:40
jw144000badkitty: Anyway, I'm tired of fooling with this external hard drive business.19:40
badkittyjw144000: ok pm me !19:40
alexkreuz_mneptok, thats true but it isn't really that hard thats all19:40
Brantiswell then color me confused19:40
mneptokalexkreuz_: it is if you're a new user and suddenly after an update your entire GUI won't start ;)19:41
snsonei'm having big issues with the internet.it goes very slow.i disabled ipv6 in modprobe.d/aliases and in firefox and rebooted but it's still slow.can someone help me?thanks in advance19:41
NitinHiya Room!19:41
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:41
mneptokBrantis: doesn't the Restricted Drivers Manager offer to get you the nVidia drivers?19:41
alexkreuz_mneptok, yes I suppose thats true considering most people who use Ubuntu are brand new, but still, the Synaptic version of the nVidia driver is SUPER outdated and didn't do anything for my cedega setup19:41
pinsmack!info unrar-free19:41
ubotuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB19:42
SuP3rDup3rHey anyone use the lastfm player in ubuntu Fiesty Fawn?19:42
Brantismneptok yes, but unfortunately it says they are "Enabled" but "Not In Use"19:42
edjuStrange thing.  At boot, I just let grub do its business the boot hangs.  If I do edit - "e" - and don't actually edit, just "e", "e", "enter", "b",  the boot proceeds.  Any hints appreciated.19:42
pinsmackSuP3rDup3r:  i do19:42
Brantismneptok and I have the monitor plugged into it and currently using it right now19:42
roxja-ithey guys, my ubuntu seems to freeze after a few hours of use any ideas?19:42
SuP3rDup3rmine keeps trying to connect to the server but never seems to connect19:42
pinsmackbut there is no need for it19:42
mneptokBrantis: grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:42
pinsmackif you have amarok19:42
ewomer2as any one gottin flah player to work in firefox19:42
pinsmackit comes with it19:42
zoobox!info ace19:42
ubotuPackage ace does not exist in gutsy19:42
alexkreuz_Brantis, is the resolution / color / etc. correct?19:42
zoobox!info unace19:42
ubotuunace (source: unace): extract, test and view .ace archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2b-5 (gutsy), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB19:42
Jack_Sparrowroxja-it: HAve you watched the temp at all, any warning beeps etc?19:42
Brantiswell I have tried changing it but it all goes back to normal19:43
Brantiseven when i reconfigure the xserver19:43
alexkreuz_what is normal?19:43
roxja-itHi, Jack, I've been keeping an eye on the logs and everything looks normal19:43
maximilionHm, my trashcan ends up in the middle of the task (bottom) bar, and app "bar sections" get very small - what to change?19:43
GrizHow can I find out what package (via dpkg or apt-get) which package installed /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ??19:43
crdlbGriz: dpkg -S file19:44
Jack_Sparrowroxja-it: Temp would not show up in the logs..  the pc would just freeze, some bios have a warning beep others just shutdown19:44
maximilionAs a clue I have NOT changed resolution (as in playing a game) since login.19:44
roxja-itJack_Sparrow: No this just happens, no warning or anything, happened just 5 minutes ago19:44
Alohawhat is the scope of ubuntu support?19:44
Grizcrdlb, darn. i thought that was the case, but it just ignored me. Thank You though.19:44
maximilionIs it the Virtual Desktop dimensions in xorg.conf? I didn't change them when I added the modeline for my LCD19:44
Jack_Sparrowroxja-it: laptop or desktop19:45
roxja-itJack_Sparrow: Desktop, custom build19:45
sylwiahey boy19:45
alexkreuz_mneptok, do you know where the file to configure the sound cards is located?19:45
SuP3rDup3rhello all19:45
thphow can i set the osso-xterm to black background and white text?19:45
maximilionAloha: Doesn't it say on ubuntu.com?19:45
runei installed kde4 to test it out, now i see that there are alot of updates all the time, how can i remove it completely ? just remove "kde4" (want to get rid of all the deps also)19:45
thpsry wrong channel19:45
Jack_Sparrowroxja-it: What do you have in cmos for cpu temp-warning etc.19:46
bts3685anyone else having problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper repos?19:46
Alohamaximilion, yeah but its an overview... how helpful are they from someone who actually has bought support19:46
mneptokalexkreuz_: configure how?19:46
snsonei'm having big issues with the internet.it goes very slow.i disabled ipv6 in modprobe.d/aliases and in firefox and rebooted but it's still slow.can someone please help me?thanks in advance19:46
Brantisalexkruez_ whenever I change the resolution from the desktop, Everything gets out of sync and I can see multiple cursors whenever I ctrl+alt+backspace, so I dont know, I'm downloading Ubuntu install cd right now hoping that will fix it19:46
pixelmonkeydoes anyone know how I can check what my DHCP lease time is for network-manager?19:46
roxja-itJack_Sparrow: I haven't changed any settings in my bios so the warnings would be whatever the gigabyte standard is19:46
alexkreuz_mneptok, when i first set up this laptop, i had to switch primary and secondary sound cards in a config file.  i can't remember whre that file was located though19:46
maximilionAloha: Send them an email and ask them? (Sorry, I'm not experienced and can't speak for them)19:46
ss2pixelmonkey: that isn't the job of network-manager19:46
=== ewomer2 is now known as ewomer
ss2the dhcp server takes control over your lease time19:47
Jack_SparrowBrantis: Before you reinstall, post your xorg to the pastebin..please19:47
BrantisJack_Sparrow where what?19:47
ewomerdoes firefox 3 fix flah problems19:47
alexkreuz_Brantis, its something in your xorg.conf19:47
rickestI did 'apt-get source <pkg>' and compiled my own version, isntalled it. works great except 'apt-get upgrade' keeps wanting to put the original back. how can I stop that?19:47
Jack_SparrowBrantis: Your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   contains info on how your video is set up19:47
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > Brantis19:48
neverblueewomer, flash issues have been fixed, update your package19:48
ubotupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:48
ewomerimusing hardy19:48
maximilionSpeaking of xorg.conf, could some setting there cause my task bar to be only ~half the width?19:48
alexkreuz_neverblue, the flash update in synaptic, is that flash 9?19:48
Jack_Sparrowewomer: No19:48
BrantisJack_Sparrow am I doing this from the console19:48
ewomerno ?19:49
maximilionProgram titles on the bar get very small19:49
Piciewomer: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.19:49
Odd-rationaleDoes anyone know where the congfig file for xterm is? I would like to change the backgound. Thanks!19:49
neverblueewomer, this is not the hardy channel19:49
neverbluethanks Pici19:49
Jack_SparrowBrantis: would you ike to get to a desktop?19:49
unagihow do i use my webcam with msn or aim in ubuntu, i know it works because tvtime gives me video from it?19:49
UstasWthat's a secret19:49
neverbluealexkreuz_, not sure19:49
ewomerty and by19:49
neverblueunagi, this is no 'MSN' or 'aim' in linux, try pidgin or amsn19:49
alexkreuz_neverblue, well what i mean is, is it the latest version of flash available from adobe?19:49
BrantisJack_Sparrow I'm on a desktop right now,19:49
brobostigonunagi: if you want webcam in msn use amsn, it the only one for webcam and msn i think19:49
gary4garhow to use mono? i installed the mono package but how to run apps with it?19:50
unagiok ill try amsn brb19:50
maximilionunagi: Doesn't GAIM do aim?19:50
Jack_SparrowBrantis: If you are on a desktop then post your xorg19:50
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: But it is now called pidgin19:51
unagimaximilion: yes gaim and pidgin do aim, but my question was how do i use my webcam with aim...........pidgin/gaim does not do video19:51
Odd-rationalemaximilion: But he wants webcam. gaim hasno webcam support19:51
maximilionOK, sorry about that.19:51
Odd-rationaleunagi: I *think* kopete supports webcam...19:52
neverbluealexkreuz_, in ubuntu, all packages are available as .debs, which u use aptitude/apt-get/synaptic to install packages, which has nothing to do with the 'adobe' site19:52
unagikopete crashes for me19:52
BrantisJack_Sparrow where is Xorg located19:52
Jack_SparrowBrantis: Your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   contains info on how your video is set up19:52
maximilionIt's funny I get two answers when telling, but 0 when I'm asking :)19:52
maximilionWill look on our forum19:53
Jack_SparrowBrantis: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/Jacks-Notes/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)               to make copy on desktop19:53
Xintruderwhy can't I apt-get install win32codecs ?19:53
VeganZombieAnyone know if it's possible to run a dedicated Team Fortress 2 server on Ubuntu Gutsy? If so, any links to explain how it's done? Thanks!19:53
Jack_SparrowBrantis: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)               to make copy on desktop19:53
badkittyXintruder: You have to enable the medibuntu repos19:54
Jack_SparrowBrantis: Sorry, that other was for me19:54
Xintruderwould upgrading ram improve my compiz slow performance?19:54
alexkreuz_Xintruder, id imagine upgrading your video card would19:55
Xintruderalexkreuz, your right. But that didn't answer my question :P19:55
crusieI got a question for ya - would it work if I installed ubuntu and ran windows in a wmware/virtual pc enviroment for games?19:56
Cpudan80crusie: it?19:56
crusiewithout loosing too much performance19:56
Cpudan80Gaming in VM = bad idea19:56
alexkreuz_neverblue,  i understand what, what i was asking if the synaptic package of flash is up to date to the version available directly from the adobe site19:56
VeganZombieAnyone know if it's possible to run a dedicated Team Fortress 2 server on Ubuntu Gutsy? If so, any links to explain how it's done? Thanks!19:56
Cpudan80Wine will run a lot of games now though crusie19:56
crusiewell I'm not so happy with cedega tbh19:56
filthpighow do I run scipy/numpy? Installed from repos, but they don't appear in the menu and I can't find any obvious command to run from term either19:56
Cpudan80Could try that19:56
riaalNeed to setup a "secure" samba server for use with my OSX machines, anyone have some good Samba tutorials/guides?19:57
crusieCpudan80 - true - but the times I've tried it - it seemed like endless configuring19:57
badkittyXintruder: It would help somewhat but the majority of the video display processing takes place at the GPU on your gfx card19:57
phaedralcan't chgrp on my usb stick at /media/BAMF; do I need to become a mount guru or is there a gui setting I can fiddle with?19:57
crusiebesides I'd have to use both ventrilo and some game - like wow or CS:s19:57
BrantisJack_Sparrow http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55257/19:57
jlongIt's peanut butter jelly time!19:57
unagilol amsn doesnt work for me either, this rocks!19:57
Picifilthpig: They are python modules.19:57
bts3685anyone else having problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper repos?19:58
filthpigcruise my exerience with wine is maybe a bit more tinkering but a lot more games will run than with cedega19:58
daimon1975ciao a tutti e buona serata....19:58
neverbluealexanderwz, you can just as easily look at the Adobe site and the synaptic packages for the answer to that question19:58
SuP3rDup3ranyone know how to send the lasfm player output to amarok?19:58
Jack_SparrowBrantis: You are still running vesa generic drivers not nv19:58
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:58
filthpigpici, then how to I run them?19:59
crusiefilthpig - well I'm pretty new to the whole *nix systems - so I'd need a crapload of help :(19:59
VeganZombieAnyone know if it's possible to run a dedicated Team Fortress 2 server on Ubuntu Gutsy? If so, any links to explain how it's done? Thanks!19:59
daimon1975scusate... ;-)19:59
Jack_SparrowBrantis: IT that a 6200 nvidia19:59
Picifilthpig: Run python. import numpy19:59
BrantisJack_Sparrow I have tried to change them over, but it does not change over19:59
djrWhy is there no resolv.conf on ubuntu 7.10?19:59
BrantisJack_Sparrow yes 620019:59
DRebellionVeganZombie, i think valve offers a linux steam server - check their website19:59
djror, what is it replaced by?19:59
ricky_clarksonI installed ubuntu to a USB stick, but my laptop appears not to boot from those.19:59
filthpigcruise, we've all been there. Besides, wine is just like windows ;)19:59
VeganZombieDRebellion, okey, I'll check. Thanks.19:59
Picifilthpig: What are you expecting from scipy/numpy?20:00
ricky_clarksonFrom the live CD how I can I boot from the USB stick?20:00
maximilionricky_clarkson: Is it new? Check BIOS settings20:00
crusielol I know that wine is... it's the confing of the software/hardware like alsa and stuff in *nix Im having a hard time with20:00
ricky_clarkson8 months old, and I've checked BIOS settings.20:00
Jack_SparrowBrantis: It looks like you are stuck at 640 x480 atm20:00
JonaThHi. How can I force Ubuntu to drop a IP adress and get a new one?20:00
DRebellionricky_clarkson, you might want to use a grub boot floppy to boot your usb stick20:00
DRebellion!grub | ricky_clarkson20:00
uboturicky_clarkson: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:00
ricky_clarksonDRebellion: No floppy drive.20:00
BrantisJack_Sparrow nope im at 800x60020:00
CreativeEmbassydoes anyone have experience connecting gutsy to a windows share?20:00
CreativeEmbassyI followed one tutorial on it, and it's still now working20:01
maximilionricky_clarkson: If "USB Devices" is enabled in BIOS, look for what key to press in startup to get the boot menu (usually F2, F8, F11..)20:01
adminzCreativeEmbassy: How do you mean, what is your setup?20:01
CreativeEmbassy*not working20:01
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: I've been there.20:01
Jack_SparrowBrantis:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   select nv for your card and  1024 as one of your res20:01
ArtarianE: Package libsnmp10-dev has no installation candidate20:01
CreativeEmbassyi'm at work, almost all windows xp boxes and windows server 200320:01
djrresolv.conf is replaced by something in ubuntu 7.10?20:01
Artarianhow can i solve that20:01
maximilionricky_clarkson: Can you get a boot menu?20:01
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, samba?20:01
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: Yes.20:01
crusiealso have a creative xifi soundcard - pretty sure creative haven't made a driver20:01
CreativeEmbassyi'm trying to access a windows server 2003 box20:01
ricky_clarksonFDD (which isn't present), CD/DVD, HDD and LAN.20:02
CreativeEmbassyi installed samba, and read a tutorial on configuring it20:02
BrantisJack_Sparrow not to shoot your idea down, but I have done this countless times from recovery mode20:02
ricky_clarksonI tried moving FDD to the top to see if it just misnames USB stuff, and that didn't help.20:02
maximilionricky_clarkson: Well if it's new, it should boot USB devices. Try getting specs on the motherboard, I guess.20:02
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, try  places -> connect to server20:02
CreativeEmbassylemme try the last command I tried to connect to it, and I'll show you the errors I get20:02
crusiefilthpig - how would you say a correctly setup in wine runs compared to a freshly installed xp ?20:02
CreativeEmbassyoh, lemme try that20:02
BrantisJack_Sparrow But I will try it again20:02
Jack_Sparrowone sec20:02
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: Assuming that it doesn't, can I boot that from the live CD initial prompt?20:03
cyberfinevening, does anyone know if there is a channel for syncML troubleshooting? thnx20:03
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, if that works, i recommend adding an entry to /etc/fstab so it mounts automatically.20:03
ArtarianE: Package libsnmp10-dev has no installation candidate?20:03
maximilionricky_clarkson: So you see the Ubuntu menu?20:03
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: Yes, from the live CD.20:03
adminzCreativeEmbassy: I believe Samba is for setting up a file server on a linux box, I don't think it would hlep you connect20:03
crusieshould be built in CreativeEmbassy20:03
adminzCreativeEmbassy: maybe something simple, but have you checked your Workgroup settings?20:03
crusiei've never had any problems with it20:04
age6racerHi all, I have a machine that I'm using as a server it had Ubuntu Edgy installed and running fine... except that it seems to be using between 85-95% of it's ram all the time. It has 512mb installed. Surely I dont need more? It's practically a vanilla install of Edgy with some samba shares, a printer shared via CUPS and a scanner shared with sane. Why is so much ram being used?20:04
Jack_SparrowBrantis: Do you have a copy of your xorg.. if not make a backup then try this xorg  .. but we need to look at your monitor type... before you reboot..  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55260/20:04
maximilionricky_clarkson: If your USB drive won't boot, I guess you need the CD to even start Ubuntu... to start *your* Ubuntu installation from the Ubuntu menu, no idea. Others may know more.20:04
sylwiaserver irc.rizon.net20:04
ArtarianE: Package libsnmp10-dev has no installation candidate? sup with that on my Ubuntu20:04
ricky_clarksonYeah, I guessed that much.20:04
roxja-itCould he not boot to a lower init?20:05
IcemanV9i just installed wordpress from repo on gutsy. i fired up firefox and type ... nothing. what did i miss to get wordpress up and running???20:05
Jack_SparrowArtarian: What are you trying to install that has that for a dependency20:05
ricky_clarksonSo, anyone know how I can, from the live CD, boot to Ubuntu installed on /dev/sdb1?20:05
ArtarianJack_Sparrow, i am taking a build-dep for php5 thats all20:05
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, you did specify a correct username and password?20:05
Jack_SparrowArtarian: thats enough20:05
maximilionricky_clarkson: roxja-it: Yeah, maybe? Or USB not made bootable on install maybe?20:05
ArtarianJack_Sparrow, i see but when i take build-dep this msg goes up20:06
FydaArtarian: but there is a libsnmp-dev, perhaps?20:06
_mughow good are virtualization-utlilities like zen right now? would i be able to run a debian non-gui-server and a windows XP in it? (no opengl or directx) i want to play around with network services20:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:06
ArtarianFyda, guys Jack_Sparrow20:06
Artarianlet me paste you20:06
Jack_Sparrow!ifno php520:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifno php5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:06
Artarianmuch better20:06
roxja-itI messed around with grub on ubuntu yet, but shouldn't it be possible to change it to boot init 3?20:06
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: Possibly, but for now I don't mind having to go via the CD, as long as I can.20:06
Jack_Sparrow!info php520:06
ubotuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB20:06
Rebrainhi guys, is there some shit going on with the Beryl Project website??? There are too much not found pages and the Sources.gz has been moved so i can't install the Program with the regular method! I will appreciate any help20:07
CreativeEmbassyone sec20:07
pixelmonkeyss2, so would the DHCP server on ubuntu be dhcp3, as configured in /etc/dhcp3?20:07
maximilionricky_clarkson: But you want to start your _usb_ installation _from_ the CD is that correct?20:07
pixelmonkeyss2, I'm actually running feisty20:07
ricky_clarksonmaximilion: Yes.20:07
crusiebtw - could I run like 2 windows apps in wine at the same time ?20:07
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:07
ArtarianFyda, Jack_Sparrow http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55263/20:07
Artarianthere you go20:07
maximilionricky_clarkson: Never done that. roxja-it might know more ? :)20:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:07
CreativeEmbassyi tried something, I had dns settings changed20:08
CreativeEmbassynow I'm getting logon failure20:08
cyberfindoes anyone happen to know if there is a channel for syncML troubleshooting? thnx20:08
CreativeEmbassywhich is a step in the right direction!20:08
RebrainTHANKS ALOT that explains everything20:08
DRebellioncrusie, i don't see why you couldn't have two wine processes at the same time.20:08
maximilionroxja-it: Maybe go to shell and start it from there?20:08
riaalwhat char string shall my OSX terminal send to use pagedown in for example nano?20:08
FydaArtarian: It says there explicitly that you need to select one of the candidates for libsnmp10-dev20:08
Jack_SparrowRebrain: Are you running gutsy?20:08
roxja-itricky_clarkson: where are you at now?20:08
crusieI'm meaning - in the same wine20:08
FydaArtarian: meaning, you specify that instead of libsnmp10-edv20:08
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: X in the liveCD.20:08
crusieor does it have to start up for each app ?20:08
ArtarianFyda, kay how can i do that if i am not choosning nothing20:09
CreativeEmbassyit worked20:09
roxja-itricky_clarkson: your ubuntu is installed on sda2?20:09
ArtarianFyda, i am just giving a build-dep20:09
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: sdb120:09
CreativeEmbassynow I have smb: \>20:09
FydaArtarian: You could install it manually instead of using build-dep...20:09
CreativeEmbassylooks like a dos prompt?20:09
ArtarianFyda, how do i do that properly then20:09
FydaArtarian: Install that one package, then do build-dep?20:09
roxja-itricky_clarkson: mount in a tmp folder20:09
roxja-itricky_clarkson: then chroot to it20:09
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, what do you mean?20:09
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Done.20:10
DoYouKnowHi. I have a radeon xpress 200m running xgl+compiz-fusion. Whenever I minimize a window and maximize it quickly, sometimes (it seems if it's not in some kind of cache), the address bar for example will appear blank20:10
roxja-itricky_clarkson: ok, I only joined halfway through this :) whatca trying to do?20:10
DoYouKnowhow do I speed up the performance of my card or change settings to fix this?20:10
Jack_SparrowArtarian: I am not understanding something, so I will let someone else help you but I just do..   sudo apt-get install php520:10
ArtarianFyda, it gives me the same error20:10
DoYouKnowI am not using direct rendering since direct rendering isn't supported on xgl with fglrx20:11
ArtarianJack_Sparrow, ok thanks for trying20:11
slonbghi. i have dapper LTS. Does somebody succeeded to install the new skype 2.0 beta (with video) on it? which package should I use - will the one for 7.04+ will work? or debina etch? or should I use the static linked version?20:11
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: From the initial liveCD menu, boot the Ubuntu distro on sdb1.20:11
FydaArtarian: sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev20:11
MasterAslanHi,  ubuntu-system-monitor seems to be broken and when I try to fix it it fails: paste bin - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55264/20:11
FydaArtarian: That gives you the same error?20:11
ricky_clarksonlinux root=/dev/sdb1 seems to be coming into my memory.20:11
Jack_Sparrowslonbg: In gutsy I used the 7.04  worked fine20:11
ricky_clarksonIs that on the wrong lines?20:11
ArtarianFyda, yes20:11
crusiewould ubuntu or deb be the best "first linux" os ? or would it be like red hat ?20:11
roxja-itricky_clarkson: is ubuntu not booting at the moment?20:11
MasterAslan 20:12
webracer999I have a ubuntu-server. Sometimes my ubuntu doesn't get the right MAC for my eth0. "ifconfig eth0" shows fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. Then my network don't work with the xen-kernel (from ubuntu-xen-server). Any ideas?20:12
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: No, the laptop won't boot from USB.20:12
CreativeEmbassyheey, got it working20:12
DRebellioncrusie, everybody here will tell you ubuntu20:12
CreativeEmbassythanks everyone!20:12
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I'm in the liveCD now, which works fine.20:12
FydaArtarian: Seems unlikely -- libsnmp-dev is not the same as libsnmp10-dev20:12
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, excellent!20:12
slonbgJack_Sparrow: ok, I'll try20:12
oxeimoncan someone give me some possible reasons why I suddenly can't see the windows partition on my laptop? (it's a dual boot, ubuntu/vista)20:12
alexkreuz_crusie, i've had similar issues with both ubuntu and fedora20:12
webracer999The NIC is a onboard chip.20:12
FydaArtarian: My point was to remove the "10"20:12
ArtarianFyda, true20:12
MasterAslancrusie: I quite like ubuntu but theres alot of choices...go take the linux distribution quiz20:12
roxja-itricky_clarkson: sorry I'm tryin to get my head around this, you want to make your usb bootable?20:12
CreativeEmbassyfixed dns settings, changed password, and used the tip about going to Places20:12
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I don't think the laptop supports booting from USB.20:12
crusiewhat if I want as close to windows as possible ?20:12
CreativeEmbassynow how do I mount these permanently?20:13
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I would like to use the CD as a stepping stone towards doing that.20:13
crusiewithout too much fiddling in console20:13
agntdrakeis there a default port for http and ftp proxies?20:13
alexkreuz_crusie, you might probably want to go with a KDE build like kubuntu20:13
Jack_Sparrowcrusie: Try kubuntu and theme it to liik like xp or vista20:13
CreativeEmbassysomeone mentioned using fstab?20:13
DRebellionCreativeEmbassy, yes you need to add a line to /etc/fstab20:13
roxja-itricky_clarkson: well, making your usb bootable is easy enough if your laptop supports that. How have you tried to make it bootable?20:13
BrantisJack_Sparrow Upon adding the info to Xorg and correcting the horizontal and vertical sync values, it says I do not have "permission necessary to modify this file"20:13
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I would like to skip that option for now.20:14
phaedralcan't chgrp on my usb stick at /media/BAMF; do I need to become a mount guru or is there a gui setting I can fiddle with?20:14
Jack_SparrowBrantis: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:14
ricky_clarkson..because I don't think the laptop supports it.20:14
oxeimoncan someone give me some reasons why I suddenly can't see anything in the windows partition on my laptop? It's a dual boot(ubuntu/vista), vista is on /media/sda1/, but now when I go there it appears empty....20:14
roxja-itricky_clarkson: ok20:14
crusieJack_Sparrow well it's not like that I mean - its more like not having to go to console to fix things - a *nix system a normal windows user will find intuitive20:14
ricky_clarksonAt least, the BIOS menus don't reflect any such support.20:14
BrantisJack_Sparrow thanks I knew i was forgetting something20:14
badkittyoxeimon: Maybe it isn't mounted???20:14
DRebellion!samba | CreativeEmbassy20:14
ubotuCreativeEmbassy: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:14
oxeimonbadkitty: what do you mean? How do you mount it?20:14
oxeimonbadkitty: I used to be able to see it straight away, every time I logged into ubuntu20:15
Jack_Sparrowcrusie: COnsole is the quick easy way to fix things, it dosent require much of a learning curve20:15
roxja-itricky_clarkson: so if your booting from cd, your happy out so?20:15
DRebellionoxeimon, try, sudo mount /media/sda120:15
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: No, as I can't make permanent customisations.20:15
badkittyoxeimon: You have to figure out what device it is.. then procees with sudo mount - t ntfs /media/sda120:15
StaticSignalHey, I installed Azureus with the Synaptic Packet Manager. However, it crashes with no error messages, right after it finishes loading. Someone want to help me troubleshoot?20:15
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: And clearly it's slower from CD than from hard drive/flash.20:15
geniicrusie: Also console commands are god not only for just regular ubuntu but all the *buntus (kubuntu xubuntu, etc)20:15
badkittyoxeimon: But you put the device name in there20:15
DRebellionStaticSignal, try typing the command 'azureus' into a console to get some output maybe20:16
crusieis ntfs fully supported?20:16
crusiemeaning both read and write20:16
geniiheh, typo. god -> good    however it seeems oddly apt20:16
VeganZombiefigures, any guides relating to installing a dedicated Team Fortress 2 server for linux results in broken links, outdated sources etc... why must things be so complicated on linux still? :(20:16
alexkreuz_Jack_Sparrow, whats the difference between gksudo and sudo?20:16
crusiewell that's an improvement since last time I've installed ubuntu20:17
MasterAslan http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55264/ can someone look at this paste bin and tell me whats going wrong?20:17
DRebellionalexkreuz_, gksudo is for graphical applications20:17
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:17
huntekeany particular memory that I should stay away from as I purchase RAM for my new laptop?  I'm looking at A-Data, 4G ...20:17
StaticSignalDRebellion: will do.20:17
oxeimonbadkitty: ok thanks I think I know why. I didn't do a clean shutdown of windows the last time I used it.20:17
bts3685VeganZombie: because tf2 sucks. :( go with Fortress-Forever instead :D20:17
roxja-itricky_clarkson: well you won't be able to make any permanent customisations to cd, you might be able to store customisations to usb though20:17
badkittyoxeimon: Oh yeah that will do it for certain20:17
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Sure.  I would like to select the root partition that Ubuntu boots with.20:18
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Is this possible?20:18
badkittyoxeimon: It can also disallow you to mount other ntfs formatted drives too20:18
VeganZombiebts3685, nah, I'm just going to stick with the windows version of the dedicated server, just thought I would actually put this linux box to use, but seems that's not going to happen..20:18
maximilionWhat is the equivalent of "Create Shortcut" in Ubuntu, so I can add a parameter to the "app call"?20:18
WorkingOnWisewhat are some good wysiwyg web site design apps or Linux?20:18
roxja-itricky_clarkson: I know it is with knoppix20:18
geniialexkreuz_: Basically gksudo is for graphical apps you need to run with root, sudo is for console apps you need to run as root. sudo on a graphical app may mess up permissions in your home dir and render some programs unusable20:18
maximilionI.e., make a "short name to type in the Run Application Dialog"20:18
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: How do you do it with Knoppix?  Perhaps I can use the same mechanism.20:18
alexkreuz_cool got it thx20:19
CreativeEmbassyif I can add to WorkingOnWise's question, are there any recommended web design tools to add as extensions to eclipse?20:19
CreativeEmbassycause I love that editor so much20:19
maximilionWorkingOnWise: google for "best CMS" :)20:19
StaticSignalDRebellion: JRE encountered an unexpected error, and write an error log. it says 'core dumped'20:19
Pici!html | WorkingOnWise20:19
ubotuWorkingOnWise: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages.  Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and KompoZer(Nvu).  For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:19
djrI got around 60 mb/s in buffered disk reads on my solid state disk with standard debian installation. I get 27 mb/s on ubuntu standard desktop installation. Any idea how I can improve this?20:19
genii!intelhda > genii20:19
ericJack_Sparrow no go still, its still showing that the enabled but not in use, and I still cannot select any other display modes20:19
ericJack_Sparrow and I did restart X20:20
roxja-itricky_clarkson: I don't use it actually, its on my too do list. There is documentation out there, let have a quick look20:20
WorkingOnWiseum...Pici, I know what those apps are...but are any of them actually *good*20:20
ricky_clarksonI will reboot to try something, back in 3 or so minutes.20:20
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: why CMS?20:20
Jack_Sparroweric: Did you try to install those manually?20:20
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: that would be server side wouldn't it?20:21
ericNo, it had an option to use restricted drivers and blah blah blah whenever i installed the card20:21
maximilionWorkingOnWise: I'm a webdev and don't think it's worth it to recreate all the framework that is ready-made in nice CMSes like MODx etc... but you might want to build it from scratch, which is of course fine :)20:21
ericso I just decided to leave it at that and let it do its thing since I don't like changing files too much at my current state of experience with Ubuntu20:22
roxja-itricky_clarkson: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2006/08/20/knoppix-linux-live-cd-and-usb-flash-drive-persistent-image-how-to/20:22
StaticSignalDRebellion: I looked at the error log it dumped, and I can't make anything of it. Looks like a list of Hex values and .lib files.20:22
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: so u favor a "template" based system of some sort? And CMS fits that...20:22
maximilionWorkingOnWise: Depends entirely on what you want, a simple DreamWeaver type page, community site, blog, webshop...20:22
badkittymaximilion: What do you like Joomla?20:23
maximilionWell, Joomla 1.5 stable is just out20:23
maximilionHaven't really tried it yet20:23
maximilionHm, you can priv me :)20:23
badkittymaximilion: I love joomla, I like the old version of joomla so far, but haven't tried the stable release of 1.5 yet20:23
maximilionThis is an Ubuntu channel :)20:23
ericJack_Sparrow do you think just reinstalling Ubuntu will fix this problem20:24
badkittymaximilion: Joombuntu...20:24
assiderr can someone push me to ubuntu plus 120:24
ericJack_Sparrow cause I'm honestly just confused20:24
CreativeEmbassybut for an actual application20:24
assidall my alternate keys arent working20:24
Jack_Sparroweric: Sorry..  it should autodetect it and be fine20:24
Piciassid: /j #ubuntu+120:24
assidi cant shift or alt or ctrl20:24
CreativeEmbassylike something that code hints for html and css, and maybe a visual component20:24
assidpici thanks.. i cant shift alt ctrl20:24
assidsomething went haywire20:24
Piciassid: copy and paste it.20:25
assidso i cant press plus20:25
Jack_Sparroweric: I would burn the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd and save yourself some dl time20:25
assidnah double clicked it20:25
assidthanks mate20:25
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: is what I want is for Expression Web to work in Ubuntu...not gonna hapen this week!  :D What CMS's do u like? The site is in planning, and for personal/business purposes, so not really sore how much of a monstor it will become. Thats the reason for liking EW. I love the site management features in it.20:25
maximilionCreativeEmbassy: Installed Ubuntu yesterday, love Notepad2 (and DreamWeaver for hinting as you say) - haven't really tried out gEdit etc yet20:25
ericJack_Sparrow its no biggie, I haven't been downloading anything major20:25
maximilionWorkingOnWise: priv.20:26
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: k20:26
Jack_Sparroweric: All of your updates after the fresh install are in tere20:26
crusiea bonus question - if I use wine for 2 apps... like VT and cs:s will I get sound in both ?20:26
jufjurieuihHi hi.20:27
ericJack_Sparrow its quite all right, highspeed20:27
assidmaximilion: your using dw using wine/20:27
dragonhi i need some help with ubuntu20:27
devnusanyone using eclipse pdt20:28
badkittydragon: dont we all20:28
badkitty!ask | dragon20:28
ubotudragon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:28
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: what is priv?20:28
dragonok then how can i get WoW to install and run?20:28
=== zack_ is now known as Zeek15
dragoni have tried wine i have tried crossover linux and nothing seems to work20:29
Zeek15hey, anyone know why all of a sudden when I am doing other stuff on ubuntu my music will skip?20:29
sean_i need to remove shockwave flash in ff20:29
sam7_Hello, where is the meeting IRC for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ?20:29
gary4garhow to use mono? i installed the mono package but how to run apps with it?20:30
Picisam7_: #ubuntu+120:30
PriceChildsean_, there is no shockwave for linux20:30
DRebellionStaticSignal, doesn't sound good...20:30
calvumhello there20:31
ghighwhy is mkisofs in the multiverse when it is free software? it is free software is it not? it falls under the GPL license.20:31
sean_i need to remove shockwave flash, how do i do it20:31
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave20:31
maximilionPriceChild: He means "just Flash"20:31
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:31
maximilionAnd yes, it's a shame it never got ported.20:31
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: what's priv?20:31
maximilionWorkingOnWise: but you answered me in priv before!20:31
sean_i need to remove flash not install it20:31
StarnestommyWorkingOnWise: private20:32
kadakasAfter installing todays updates my ubuntu will not start :( It shows this error message: "x-session-manager: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl"20:32
maximilionpriv=private conversation, discussing webdev outside this Ubuntu channel :)20:32
maximilionyou can type /priv in your IRC client WorkingOnWise20:32
maximilionor /msg <nick>20:32
Starnestommyor /query20:32
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: That might be ok, I could grab a Knoppix CD.20:32
roxja-itricky_clarkson: knoppix on usb is a much options if you can do that20:33
incorrecti am debating about building a custom kernel for my server20:33
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: ..but I do want Ubuntu instead.20:33
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:33
neopsychecan someone please help me install xdtv on ubuntu.. i have tried tons.. but it doesnt seem to work.20:33
dragonthe closest i have come to getting WoW to work on ubuntu is to install and run it via crossover linux however it wont let me run it becuse a error comes up saying it cant get 3d rendering to work20:33
incorrecti think my server needs to use the pre-emptive and the high res timer20:33
incorrectas i will be running a game services20:34
incorrectanyone got any suggestions?20:34
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I tried adding root=/dev/sdb1 to the boot options, but I don't think that did anything.20:34
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: i'll have to find out the command for pidgin. /priv is unknown.20:34
_Oz_I'm just tickled pink over this whole Ubuntu thing.  I'm going to dual boot my other computer with Ubuntu now.  It's so damn slick.  I wish there was a way to quickly tab between Ubuntu and XP without rebooting, though.20:34
cfedderun ubuntu in a vm20:35
Starnestommyor xp20:35
ffmCan I use my modem as a phone? I want to be able to make calls via my land line through my conputer.20:35
neopsycheknow how to install xdtv software for video capture?20:35
badkittydragon: I believe there is a howtow WoW using WIne somewhere20:36
roxja-itricky_clarkson: is there anything installed on /dev/sdb120:36
ewanchicI'm looking for more documentation on using genisoimage20:36
devnusanyone installed eclipse 3.3 with pdt20:36
jufjurieuihYeah there's definitely some Wine/Wow howto's.20:36
jufjurieuihI wish people would help themselves before coming here.20:36
badkitty_Oz_: Well you could use Vmware or virtualbox20:36
navinhelp help sound not working :(20:36
navinI did try to help myself20:37
Zeek15how can I get Screen 2 work, I my tv connected via S-Video and I turn it to secondary screen to the left and it says I have to restart and it never works20:37
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Yes, the Ubuntu installation I want to boot.20:37
dragon-_- i have tried helping myself i have read how to after how to have tried 3 diffrent methods all without sucsess20:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s-video - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:37
ricky_clarksonI might be in it now, perhaps I should pull out the stick and see :)20:37
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications20:37
roxja-itricky_clarkson: have you installed grub onto /sdb1?20:37
navinanyone audio problem in gutsy20:37
navinalsa working fine20:37
navinloaded and all20:37
incorrectwhere can i find a copy of the server kernel config?20:37
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I left Ubuntu installing onto it, that's all.20:38
ahorriblemesswow I just fixed my display problem. I'm excited20:38
Zeek15heh lucky u xD20:38
ricky_clarksonWhatever it does; I fell asleep and when I woke up there was no window on the screen and a load of bin, etc, lib, etc., in that drive.20:38
ahorriblemessToo bad I probably have to bring myc omputer back to Best Buy because the fan sounds like chattering teeth20:38
Zeek15still haven't figured out why I can't get any output to my tv yet...20:38
kadakashow do i install terminal mouse support ?20:38
ewanchicHas anybody ever used genisoimage?20:38
ahorriblemessoh man I haven't even tried that yet20:38
devinushow do i make services NOT start during boot. i don't want to use sysv-rc-conf, i don't want to configure runtimes, i just want to say "dont booT"20:38
willin ubuntu feisty some apps don't fit on the screen....  Any ideas20:38
navinhow can i fix my sound20:39
StaticSignalDrebellion: Should I complete-uninstall and re-install?20:39
navinit was working before20:39
DRebellionStaticSignal, that's what i would try, yes.20:39
neopsychecan anyone help to install XDTV20:39
roxja-itricky_clarkson: or to boot to /dev/sdb1, if ubuntu haven't installed a bootloader, you'll probably need to install once yourself. /dev/sdb1 is that usb or a hard disk?20:39
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:39
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: USB.20:39
ahorriblemessi hope the display thing sticks though, I've read about people fixing their display and it reverting back to 800x60020:39
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: How do I tell whether Ubuntu installed a bootloader onto it?20:40
neopsychehas anyone here ever even used XDTV?20:40
Zeek15well i dunno ever since I updated ubuntu my xorg server has been wacky..20:40
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: How, if it has, do I boot from that bootloader?20:40
maximilionnavin: How can anyone help you when you haven't given specs and problem?20:40
Guest756Anyone know what the user for cups is? I was trying to do adduser cupsys shadow and it sayed, "The user 'cupsys' does not exist."20:40
roxja-itricky_clarkson: do a fdisk -l and you'll get a list for partitions on /dev/sdb20:40
navinalsa is selected20:40
StaticSignalDRebellion, I'll try that right away. Thank you for your time!20:40
navinlspci shows the right device20:40
=== laura is now known as laurica
Starnestommydevinus: sudo update-rc.d -f service remove20:40
roxja-itricky_clarkson: then to e2label /dev/sdbX20:40
navinlsmod shows that the drivers for suond is loaded20:40
roxja-itricky_clarkson: find your boot partition20:41
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: sdb1 is bootable, sdb2 and sdb5 also exist.20:41
roxja-itricky_clarkson: I'd do it differently though to be honest20:41
navinlspci: output0:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)20:41
ahorriblemessdoes anyone else have a HP laptop"?20:41
navinalsamixer runs20:41
ewanchicWho doesn't know how to use genisoimage20:41
maszloI have had my server running for some time, but when i needed to get more ram i bought a newer board so i can run DDR2.  Are there any problems that i will see in changing the hardware in a ubuntu system?20:41
willusing nvidia 8500GT with proprietary drivers, default resolution20:41
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: How would you do it?20:41
devinusStarnestommy thank yo20:41
ahorriblemessi have the dv6704 and the fan is really chattery, is that normal? (if anyone knows)20:41
roxja-itricky_clarkson: to make a usb bootable20:41
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I think the laptop does not support that.20:42
ricky_clarkson..booting from a USB stick.20:42
Starnestommydevinus: I think there's another command you need to do20:42
roxja-itricky_clarkson: what kind of laptop is it? older than 2 years?20:42
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Packard Bell, 8 months old.20:42
Zeek15I have a 5 year old laptop it supports usb booting20:42
roxja-itricky_clarkson: you should be fine so20:42
ewanchicCan anybody help me with genisoimage?20:43
ricky_clarksonWell there's certainly nothing in the BIOS about it.20:43
roxja-itZeek15: not a hp though :)20:43
Zeek15mine is a compaq20:43
Zeek15close enough to hp :D20:43
dragonhow do i get direct rendering to work right (your prob gonna tell me to get the linux drivers for my graphics card which i did but cant seem to install them)20:43
jufjurieuihI wish nvclock would support the dang 8 series cards.20:43
Smutthi all....how do i change my mac adress on ubuntu?20:43
jufjurieuihI NEED to OC this thing.20:43
Zeek15dragon, what card do you have?20:43
navinid alsa is working drivers are loaded what can be wrong with sound ?20:43
neopsycherepo  "Deb http://nicolas.estre.free.fr/ubuntu edgy main is mising. now what?20:43
badkittyewww compaq20:43
DRebellionSmutt, you can't its part of your network hardware.20:43
dragonNVIDIA FX 520020:43
Smuttyes u can on windows20:43
jufjurieuihEw, I don't like that card.20:43
roxja-itricky_clarkson: load up live cd, then put in your usb, make sure its not mounted20:43
Starnestommynavin: does the volume control think that speakers are plugged in?20:44
ewanchicCan anybody help me with genisoimage?20:44
Smuttso how do i change it on ubuntu20:44
navinyup it does20:44
swift777Where can I get drivers for a NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400 to run with OpenGL?20:44
Starnestommynavin: er, headphones20:44
DRebellionSmutt, you can't. that is the point.20:44
navintried headphones too20:44
Smuttyou can on windows20:44
roxja-itricky_clarkson: then use parted or fdisk to take everything off it and make it fat1620:44
DRebellionSmutt, how?20:44
Zeek15dragon, alright ubuntu should already have drivers, have u checked the restricted drivers to enable it?20:44
Smuttdownload macshift20:44
Smuttcommand line based program20:44
Smuttshifts ur mac adress20:44
Smuttgets me out of alot of sticky situations...so i know it works20:44
dragonno becuse all it says is linux restricted drivers it dont say which is which20:44
roxja-itricky_clarkson: now I'm not exactly sure, because I've only done this with knoppix and red hat20:44
Smuttbut i dont know how to do it on ubuntu20:45
ahorriblemessswift777 I'm not sure, I've been sifting through forum posts all day for my problem, did you try your restricted devices manager?20:45
DRebellion!enter | Smutt20:45
WorkingOnWisemaximilion: did u get the private messages I sent? 2 of them.20:45
ubotuSmutt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:45
ahorriblemessalso there's this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=625303&page=220:45
ompaulSmutt, if only there was a way to search the internet20:45
roxja-itricky_clarkson: you'll need to find the folder that isolinux.cfg lives in20:45
navinStarnestommy: anything else that might be the problem ?20:45
Zeek15ahottiblerness, wat prob u got?20:45
swift777ahorriblemess: THanks I will check out that link now20:45
roxja-itricky_clarkson: copy that to the root of your usb20:45
roxja-itricky_clarkson: change isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg20:45
roxja-itricky_clarkson: copy the main parts of the live cd to the usb20:46
roxja-itricky_clarkson: unmount20:46
=== freezey2 is now known as freezey
ewanchic************ Does anyone know how to create a multi-session DVD+R from command line *****************20:46
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I've deleted the partitions but it appears to not want me to make a new one that fills the disk.20:46
Tm_Tewanchic: hrr, noisy you are20:46
roxja-itricky_clarkson: then run syslinux -f /dev/sdbX20:46
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: Or I'm just confused, nevermind.20:46
neopsychecan anyone help?20:46
roxja-itricky_clarkson: :)20:46
piojhi ppl!20:47
Zeek15neopsyche, wat u need help with?20:47
roxja-itricky_clarkson: you should make two partitions one fat16 and one ext2, then make your fat16 active20:47
neopsycheZeek15: install xdtv20:47
DRebellionSmutt, you can _spoof_ your mac address like this: ifconfig <interface> hw &ltclass> <address>20:47
Tm_Tewanchic: anyway, cdrecord have manpages I believe (I have no acces in to it)20:47
dragoni almost got it to work useing crossover linux but i ran into the "cannot load full rendering" error20:47
Zeek15ahorriblerness, ya I was asking wat prob u had20:47
piojanyone with an nvidia 7600gt card? I still can't get mine to work20:48
dragoni was told if i install the linux driver that it would work just fine i downloaded it but it wont load20:48
maszlois there anything i should be aware of when upgrading a motherboard in gusty?20:48
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: What size does the fat16 one need to be?20:48
piojwith reestricted driver, i mean..20:48
badkittypioj: I had one a month ago20:48
_Oz_I am now ubuntu-ing my "powerful" desktop20:48
mateuszHi I just bought laptop with windows installed do You know any windows software for downloading ubuntu iso images but with limited download speed ?20:48
ricky_clarksonThis is not a large drive (1GB), though I have a 500GB one ready to use if this succeeds.20:48
ompaulewanchic, google reported this: http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/20:48
_Oz_so far only an old gimp computer is running it20:48
ewanchicTM_T I've been ignored for hours + Days. I am way passed man pages, google searches and, ubuntu forum posts. And, lets include Hacking K3B.20:49
badkittypioj: Are you on gutsy?20:49
DRebellion!windows | mateusz20:49
ubotumateusz: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents20:49
piojI tried any tutorial I read at forums20:49
Tm_Tewanchic: been there, sorry that I can't help more :(20:49
piojI also tried to do mannualy, and with envy..20:49
dragonthis is the driver i got for my card that i cant seem to install20:49
ewanchicTm_T : Thanks20:49
alexkreuz_pioj, dragon, i got my 7900GS to work properly using nvidia's 171's drivers20:50
ricky_clarksonDoes the live CD use grub?20:50
neopsychecan anyone help me?20:50
piojmine's not20:50
ewanchicompaul: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69052720:50
badkittypioj: All I did was enable the restricted drivers, then it downloaded the newest drivers and installed them.20:50
Starnestommyricky_clarkson: isolinux, I think20:50
_Oz_my desktop has a new USB DVDROM drive and an old, failing internal CD/DVD drive20:50
piojyep, me too20:50
_Oz_I want to install ubuntu via the new usb drive20:50
DRebellionricky_clarkson, yep20:50
_Oz_but my mobo doesn't have an option to boot to that usb cdrom20:50
FreezeShey guys20:50
piojIt's been almost 3 weeks since I started to find solutions20:50
neopsychecan anyone help me with recording tv20:50
FreezeSI've got a problem installing ubuntu server on an nvidia mobo20:51
dragonso do i enable all the restricted drivers? or some of em or what?20:51
devnusanybody know a god php ide20:51
piojit's very weird.. not seems to show any error20:51
daedrahow do I get small font in tty1?20:51
badkitty_Oz_: You could try Wubi.. if y ou have windows... i dont like wubi though20:51
FGsTkkMahey guys i have a compal fl90 and i cant boot ubuntu 7.04 32bit nor 64bit, 64 bit gives me a graphics problem it seems(screen goes black) and 32 something fails i think so it asks me to enter params or whatnot. what do i do???20:51
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:51
daedraright now its MASSIVE20:51
FreezeSI've got an asrock alivenf7g and 4 wd 1TB hdds20:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about genisoimage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:51
FreezeSand I've set them up in raid520:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isoimage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkisofs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:52
daedra!info mkiso20:52
ubotuPackage mkiso does not exist in gutsy20:52
daedra!info mkisofs20:52
ubotumkisofs (source: cdrtools): Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10:2.01.01a33-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 338 kB, installed size 1296 kB20:52
FreezeSbut when installing, at the partitioning phase, I only see 3 hdds20:52
FloodBot2ubotu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
navinaudio need help please someone20:52
daedrahow do I get small font in tty1?20:52
navinI think it stopped working after the updates20:52
piojI even tried to fix some possible errors with DVI connection.. But it's seems ok20:52
daedrahow do I get small font in tty1 (CONSOLE)?20:53
ewanchicThanks for some of the help, but has anyone read my post at all? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69052720:53
nomopofomoi'm getting an error when i try to make lxsplit. could somebody please help me? i'm pretty sure it's a GCC problem. like i don't have the proper version or something...20:53
badkittypioj: Did you install the nvidia drivers using the restricted driver manager or another way?20:53
_Oz_ewanchic: missed that post of yours...20:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:53
Starnestommynomopofomo: can you pastebin the error?20:53
ewanchicOn top of that, I've been looking at how k3b does this, plus looking at -use-the-force-luke.20:53
daedrahow do I get small font in tty1 (CONSOLE)?20:54
ricky_clarksonroxja-it: I might just give in and install it on my hard drive, but it seems a shame when I have a whole separate hard drive lying around.20:54
piojthe problem is, I set/install the 3d accel drviers, and when I restart X, monitor fails to get working, and some seconds later, it works, but it turned to use a VESA driver20:54
maximilionewanchic: Giggle :)20:54
piojnv works fine , but hasn't got any 3d effects20:54
daedrawhat do you do if X doesn't work?20:54
piojjust shoot your head20:54
a0xI'm having problem with the framebuffer on fglrx driver, can somebody help me??20:54
ubotuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:54
Starnestommydaedra: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:55
ewanchic_Oz_ I am frustrated becuase I feel I've been politle asking since yesterday. Plus, I helped 2-3 people deal with some issues, and then asked some more... I got a lot of silence.20:55
_Oz_I'm sorry20:55
daedraStarnestommy: where do I type that?20:55
neopsychecan someone please help me compile this: http://xawdecode.sourceforge.net/htmlpageUS/indexUS.shtml20:55
badkittyewanchic: Maybe nobody knows?20:55
_Oz_I will try to help.20:55
_Oz_Let's get started.20:55
Starnestommydaedra: ibn a terminal or tty20:55
ewanchic_oz-: Thanks20:55
nomopofomoStarnestommy, http://pastebin.com/d4c9cb68420:55
daedraStarnestommy: how do i get small font in tty?20:55
Starnestommydaedra: enable the framebuffer?20:56
daedraStarnestommy: how?20:56
_Oz_So what's the problem, ewanchic?20:56
ewanchicbadkitty: I've thought of that too, and no fault of anybody, but i'm just frustrated too. My boss needs me to get this done. Sorry to rant.20:56
piojme too20:56
neopsychecan someone help me compile something?20:56
daedraneopsyche: ok20:57
badkittyneopsyche: WHy dont you look for another package that is active?20:57
piojI'm sick of helping a lot of people with common easy errors20:57
Starnestommynomopofomo: have you tried installing build-essential?20:57
ewanchic_Oz_: Basicly; Burn a DVD+R, multi-session, in a command line environment.20:57
daedraStarnestommy: how do you enable the framebuffer?20:57
nomopofomoStarnestommy, i have not :) let me try20:57
piojand when it's time to solve mines , noone's there20:57
nomopofomoStarnestommy, sudo apt-get install build-essential?20:57
piojor no one knows..20:57
Starnestommydaedra: I'm looking for the howto I used to do it20:57
neopsychebadkitty: what do you mean?20:57
_Oz_Er, oh.20:57
piojit's stressful20:57
_Oz_I am terrible with the command line.20:57
Starnestommynomopofomo: yes20:57
daedraStarnestommy: ok thanks ;)20:57
ewanchic_Oz_: The was the easy thing I did, And It didn't get me very far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69052720:58
_Oz_I can do "sudo" this and "sudo" that.20:58
_Oz_I'm afraid I'm not the right guy to help with that.  Sorry.  :(20:58
alexkreuz_i already said before, i got my 7900gs to work using nvidia's latest drivers20:58
neopsychebadkitty: ?20:58
badkittyneopsyche: according to the link you gave, the package is dead for like 6 months.. that means no one is updating or fixing any errors.. isn't there another program you can use to do this?20:58
ewanchic_Oz_: Well, thanks for trying anyway. I appreciate the effort.20:58
piojyep, I read you20:58
neopsychebadkitty: if you know of one please tell me I have searched the web for hours20:58
alexkreuz_now since you have a similar nvidia card20:58
alexkreuz_you could give it a shot20:58
neopsychebadkitty: myth tv = too complicated20:58
neopsychebadkitty: tvtime = no record20:59
piojI'll try later, don't wanna be more frustrated than I am now20:59
unagimythtv is impossible20:59
daedraneopsyche: try geexbox20:59
badkittyneopsyche: Not off hand ... mythtv is tough for sure20:59
neopsychebadkitty: kdetv = bugs / no record i dont think20:59
nomopofomoStarnestommy, worked perfectly ;D thanks20:59
unagimedia center FTW20:59
dgjonesewanchic, does this help, http://apapad.blogspot.com/2007/07/ubuntu-multisession-dvds.html, it suggests using growisofs to add data to a multisession disc20:59
pepperjackneopsyche: there is freevo also though ive not used it. by the way mythbuntu is dead easy not complicated20:59
piojI think I also tried your method, but nothing happenned.21:00
Starnestommydaedra: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203821:00
neopsychei dont need geexbox i need something to run on UBUNTU not a new operating system : daedra21:00
daedraubuntu multisession is the most horrible idea EVER21:00
pepperjackwell moderately easy though still kind of cumbersome unless you are outputting to a tv21:00
badkittyneopsyche: mplayer??21:00
daedrathanks Starnestommy21:00
neopsychebadkitty: how will mplayer help?21:00
ewanchicdgjones: Next step: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69052721:00
neopsychepepperjack: can you help me install mythtv?21:00
roxja-itso anyone, machine keeps freezing, get system fan warnings21:00
piojwill make your porn lust better21:00
PriceChild!ohmy | pioj21:01
ubotupioj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:01
a0xcan somebody help me to get my framebuffer to work, i use the fglrx driver and i cant find any results in google..21:01
piojsorry mr. robotto21:01
Starseedhmm, flash is just crashing firefox every time now21:01
KaiForcea0x framebuffer is enabled when you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org no?21:02
a0xKaiForce, yes21:02
pepperjackneopsyche: you could just sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop then logoff and back in by clickins sessions and selecting xfce21:02
pioja0x,  why do u want just fb?21:02
KaiForceis it not working?21:02
piojisn't direct rendering faster?21:02
endershmm I am new to ubuntu is it necessary to know all the technical crap?21:02
KaiForceenders:  no, carry on21:03
a0xKaiForce, because i want this to be nice, like the gentoo framebuffer21:03
neopsychepepperjack: i have done so.. when i click on mythbuntu frontend it does ??!@P#*($(P* (insert your prefer swearword) what am i supposed to be DOING with it?21:03
KaiForceenders:  only if you want to :)21:03
ewanchicdgjones: Did you get that thread?21:03
endersk good im runnin it right now no problemos21:03
piojwel.. if you understand crap as documentation.. not at all21:03
GreenByteHow to run a action without a terminal? Alt F12 or something?21:03
neopsycheAll i want is a simple program to record tv from analog tv card?21:03
KaiForcea0x I didn't ask why you wanted it, that was someone else21:03
piojmyth tv?21:03
badkittyneopsyche: I dont know if this helps ? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-519363.html21:03
piojgive it a try21:03
a0xKaiForce, sorry21:03
KristianDKHi there, what alternatives does ubuntu have to Gimp?? I really doesn't like that multiwindow thing, i'd prefer something like photoshop21:04
a0xpioj, because i want this to be nice, like the gentoo framebuffer21:04
pepperjackneopsyche: are you planning on using this as a mediacenter with your tv or just watch and record shows on the computer?21:04
dgjonesewanchic, yes, just reading up now, i've never tried creating a dvd from command line so i doubt i'm the person with an answer, my original suggestion was just something i came across21:04
neopsychepepperjack: watch and record shows on computer21:04
pepperjackKristianDK: none really that approach gimp and photoshop there is a photoshop plugin that makes gimp act like it21:05
jay[PLUS]Hey can someone help me with 7.10 installation?21:05
Starseeddunno whats up with flash .. tried disabling all the plugins , still crashes FF everytime21:05
KristianDKpepperjack, Gimpshop, right? that doesn't remove that ugly multi window thing :O21:05
flatline-kunDoes anyone know of an alternate clock for the taskbar? One that maybe will integrate with Thunderbird?21:05
filthpigso I wanna try out KDE4, but will it mess up my settings in gnome?21:05
Jack_SparrowI found a program I want to check out.  It is php.  I am installing php5 and mysql (just guessing here) what all do I need to run the program and how do I run it once I get this other stuff installed21:05
pepperjackneopsyche: i would not use myth for that.  some over in the #mythtv-users channel might disagree but i dont see use of myth on a computer only for like dedicated front end boxes and seperate backend server21:05
unagifilthpig: dont try out kde421:06
piojThe ugly thing about gimp is the tool distribution21:06
Jack_Sparrowfilthpig: Make a full backup before you try it.. just in case21:06
piojand mouse action21:06
ewanchicdgjones: Well, thanks again for the effort. I much appreciated it.21:06
unagifilthpig: just install kubuntu-desktop21:06
unagiit doesnt mess with your gnome21:06
pepperjackneopsyche: its a little out of my area21:06
djrMy swedish special chars works great in terminal, but ssh to my irc machine make them appear as goofy chars. Any tips how I solve this?21:06
filthpigunagi, kde3.5 did :)21:06
Jack_Sparrowunagi: That wont get him kde421:06
piojchangin that to the photoshop format it will be undishtinguible (nice wordy..)21:07
unagiwhy would anyone want to try kde421:07
dgjonesewanchic, no probs, i'll have a look for a few mins, maybe something will jump out21:07
badkittyflatline-kun: Hmm you could try screenlets??21:07
ader10x11vnc vs vino?21:07
neopsychepepperjack: ok thanks21:07
Flare183filthpig: because it is bug city21:07
neopsycheaddremove programs is frozen.. how do i kill it?21:07
Flare183neopsyche: use xkill21:08
aaycumihello all21:08
Jack_Sparrowfilthpig: kubuntu has a room just for kde4 problem and fixes.. might be worth your time to look21:08
jay[PLUS]When i try to install Ubuntu with dual boot, when it comes up it goes to user name and password, and i don't have a username or password, but it says to wait and log on as Ubuntu, but when i do it shows the desktop for a second and then goes back to the user selection page, everytime21:08
ubotuKDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:08
Flare183there you go21:08
filthpigunagi, because it's new, looks good and is reportedly very resource friendly?21:08
ewanchicdgjones: I think my next attempt is to contact Joerg Jaspert, or anybody else on the cdrkit team.21:08
badkittyjay[PLUS]: ???? You must have a username and password21:08
aaycumiI'm having problems with the ati xorg driver21:08
odysseasfilthpig: it just looks good, it isn't21:09
jay[PLUS]where do i get one?21:09
Starseedohhh k .. even installed FF 3.0 and installed flash outside of apt , still crashed21:09
aaycumieverytime I try ati:config initial get an error message saying "core dumped"21:09
Starseedthis doesn't make sense21:09
badkittyjay[PLUS]: You would have used it when you installed it21:09
Starnestommyfilthpig: it's still very unstable21:09
Flare183aaycumi: means it had a seg fault21:09
piojjay[PLUS],  be sure to have the default cd ubuntu pass from previus versions..21:09
aaycumiseg fault?21:09
dj1the latest driver is slower than the one before under windoz21:09
ader10x11vnc vs vino?21:09
piojtry the root:ubuntu, and that kind of words21:10
dj1so the linux one must be buggy too21:10
aaycumiget it everytime I try to the command21:10
jay[PLUS]im only using the disk as of now, because i havn't gotten to desktop to install/partition my drive drive. im booting from the disk21:10
filthpigodysseas, and how will it ever get there unless people use it, evaluate it and report bugs and ideas for improvement21:10
piojor simply boot with a livecd and change user data21:10
badkittyjay[PLUS]: OIC so your using the livecd and it is asking for a uname and pass>21:10
odysseasfilthpig: you can do all that stuff, but dont do it on your main installation and expect nothing to break.21:11
metanilhow to list all the users in the system?21:11
aaycumianyway I resolve the problem?21:11
nuccohelo, how can I use pidgin to chat with people on my LAN using bonjour?21:11
=== boha__ is now known as b0ha_
metanilhow to list all the users in the system using command line?21:11
dj1cat /etc/passwd21:11
badkittyjay[PLUS]: Hmm thats odd, I dont recall it EVER needing one, it just boots into the liveCD21:11
dgjonesewanchic, out of interest and just as a test, have you been able to burn the relevant files using a gui system in multisession, just wondering whether its something to do with the files/names21:11
piojsee? then was.. something like.. root / ubuntu..21:11
asmosDont suppose anyone knows what the boot option "irqpoll" actually does?21:11
odysseasmakes polls for irqs ? :P21:12
piojdunno, but it suggers it lists the irq21:12
jay[PLUS]i think my disk is defective, some of the graphics are blocky and glitchy too21:12
dj1bad video card21:12
ahorriblemesshey all... what's the best way to get Totem to play DVD's? I can't find a codec21:12
Firea1jay PLUS: I know this may sound simple but tryburning a new disc21:12
jay[PLUS]my video card is fine i assure you21:12
incorrectwhat is the name of the package to make .deb's of kernels?21:12
dj1medibuntu repo21:12
badkittyahorriblemess: Do you have libdvdcss2 installed?21:12
dj1for vedeo codecs21:12
jay[PLUS]i didn't burn my disk21:12
ahorriblemessi just installed Gutsy21:12
jay[PLUS]its the official version21:12
incorrectdoh kernel-package21:12
piojgstreamer, maybe?21:12
incorrecti r slow21:13
ewanchicdgjones: agreed. I've done this successfully with k3b. I've actually been looking at their debugging output and learning what switches are given to growisofs and genisofs. I orginally did this becuase i had a hard time finding the -use-the-force-luke switches21:13
ader10x11vnc vs vino?21:13
badkittyahorriblemess: Try that and also get anything else as dj1 suggests from the medibuntu repo21:13
asmosit is the only way I can actually get ubuntu installed and then boot on my system21:13
aaycumieverytime I try ati:config initial get an error message saying "core dumped"21:13
darcyI have a partition mounted with options "defaults" on /media/sda5 (dir set to 777)... how come I can't write inside it with a regular user ?21:13
dj1what verison aaycumi ?21:13
aaycumianyone know how to resolve this?21:13
ahorriblemesswhere do i get that21:13
badkittyahorriblemess: me too, maybe you want to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package as well?21:13
aaycumixorg driver?21:14
erUSULasmos: When an interrupt is not handled search all handlers for it. Also check all handlers each timer interrupt. Intended to get systems with badly broken firmware running.21:14
dgjonesewanchic, you certainly seem to be covering all the angles, i've come across this, http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/opensource/0672329093/ch10lev1sec1.html but thats about as far as i can go21:14
aaycumione sec21:14
badkittyahorriblemess: Google medibuntu  i think its even medibuntu.org21:14
ewanchicdgjones: I'm currently looking at how genisofs -path-list -hide-list -sort uses these file inputs. I cannot seem to grap the tmp files created by k3b fast enough before it deletes them.21:14
dj1yes kitty21:14
ahorriblemessmedibuntu, got it21:14
asmoserUSUL: Is that what it does or what I should do?21:15
jay[PLUS]i can't belive this doesn't work21:15
Agent_bobdoes anyone know the command to set the hostname ?21:15
aaycuminot sure about the version of the driver but its for Radeon 160021:15
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
jay[PLUS]its the disk districuted by linux, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it21:15
badkittyjay[PLUS]: yeah me neither .. Maybe try a different disk??21:15
erUSULasmos: is the help text that comes with the linux sources under Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt21:15
badkittyjay[PLUS]: Is it the gutsy liveCD?21:16
erUSULAgent_bob: hotname is the name of the command21:16
jay[PLUS]it says, Ubuntu 7.10 for your pc21:16
ZerO^Coo|any one into linux here21:16
dgjonesewanchic, i think you might be right in contacting the writer and see if they've got any suggestions, sorry i can't suggest anything else21:16
badkittyjay[PLUS]: Did you download it or grab it from a magazine?21:16
asmoserUSUL: Sorry if this is sounding dumb but were is that documentation?21:17
ewanchicdgjones: Thanks for the help. Basicly, growisofs doesn't work without the -use-the-force-luke switches. multisessions usings rock-ridge and juliet cannot be done successfully with growisofs. They need to be done is genisofs first. When i get it all figured out, i'll be answering a lot of posts at ubuntuforums.org21:17
jay[PLUS]freind ordered a bunch from the website and gave me one21:17
badkittyZerO^Coo|: LOL nah noone around here21:17
kane77where do I put font files?21:17
ewanchicdgjones: no problem thanks again for the help.21:17
ZerO^Coo|lol sorry wrong window haha21:17
Agent_bobdj1 hostname "$HOSTNAME" <<< and HOSTNAME should have been set by a previous line >>>  [ -f /etc/hostname ] && HOSTNAME=`cat /etc/hostname`     but i'm comming up with (none)21:17
badkittyjay[PLUS]: I'd download a copy and burn it21:17
dgjonesewanchic, good luck21:17
jay[PLUS]alright ill try that21:17
jay[PLUS]do you know how big the file is?21:17
dj1hostname is a command21:17
erUSULasmos: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt21:17
badkittyjay[PLUS]: Uh about 600 megs??21:18
dj1put a name in /etc/hostname21:18
aaycumihaving problems with initial configuration for Xorg driver21:18
jay[PLUS]alright thanks for the help21:18
dj1and it will readit at boot time21:18
badkittyjay[PLUS]: Small enough for a disk21:18
aaycumican anyone help please?21:18
badkittyjay[PLUS]: CD21:18
ahorriblemessabout the medibuntu thing21:18
badkittyaaycumi: What is the problem?21:18
badkittyahorriblemess: Yah?21:18
dj1add the repository21:19
ahorriblemessi installed the repository and the package21:19
Agent_bobdj1 /etc/hostname is not the problem.    i don't know why it's not working,   seems that /etc/defaults being missing is somehow breaking that21:19
dj1then add the softs they have21:19
ahorriblemessand got "libdvdcss2 is not available but is referred to by another package."21:19
daedraStarnestommy: THANKS! i now have small fbcon font21:19
ahorriblemessand it has no installation candidate21:19
Agent_bobdj1 i'll just hard code the name for now.  thanks.21:19
aaycumiwhen I run ati:config --initial command, get the error "core dumped"21:19
badkittyahorriblemess: Are you doing this from the command line?21:19
ahorriblemessthe terminal yeah21:19
badkittyahorriblemess: Did you do an update?21:20
ahorriblemessin what21:20
monteum yea hey i am new to linux and i need a invoice estament program cause i own my own bizzy so do anyone here know of one21:20
maximilionHmm, cooledit (text editor) say it might "require libs like libsocket?" <- his question mark, not mine. Synaptic libsocket entries are for udp/tcp. Do I install them to make it happy? :)21:20
badkittyahorriblemess: In the terminal ie sudo apt-get update)21:20
roxja-itheys, flash works on sites like autotube but on sites like dailymotion, its a no go. I got a latest patch and I have gnasher installed, any ideas?21:20
daedrai got an amazing list written out about how to live on the modern net purely in console21:20
maximilionOr is it not advised?21:20
asmoserUSUL: thanks for that at least I know what its doing even if I don't understand what its doing21:20
dj1/etc/default is a folder21:20
erUSULasmos: ;)21:20
daedrarss aggregator, msn, irc, browsing21:20
ahorriblemessok, should i do it again?21:20
Matthaianyone knows how to run an GUI application on local display via ssh (remotely)?21:20
badkittyahorriblemess: Yah21:21
ader10x11vnc vs vino? Which is better? (faster)21:21
daedraMatthai: ssh -X21:21
maximilionbtw Jack_Sparrow: Installing Maya was easy peasy after discovering my error... running it fast as hell now with my poly modeling tools <321:21
daedrayou need to tunnel X21:21
singlesundaedra, running all console stuff? thats interesting... wheres the list?21:21
ahorriblemesswait now it says the medibuntu package could not be verified because i dont have a keyu21:21
daedrasinglesun: its my list21:21
dj1put your hostname in /etc/hostname21:21
badkittythats why then21:21
* maximilion means fast as heck of course, but that is obvious.21:21
daedrasinglesun: I should upload it somewhere really21:21
sierUbuntu is very simple and useful21:21
dj1do hostname HOSTNAME to set it now21:21
singlesundaedra, thats what i was hoping you did... lol21:21
KaiForcemonte:  go to add/remove,search on accounting, there are some options there, or check sourceforge21:22
navin lsmod | grep snd21:22
navinsnd_hda_intel         262552  121:22
navinsnd_pcm_oss            44800  021:22
navinsnd_mixer_oss          17920  1 snd_pcm_oss21:22
navinsnd_pcm                81028  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss21:22
navinsnd_seq_dummy           4996  021:22
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: great21:22
daedrai'll refine it into bloggable content later21:22
FloodBot2navin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
daedra!paste | navin21:22
ubotunavin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:22
maximilionSo do you know about libsocket Jack_Sparrow?21:22
badkittyahorriblemess: wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update21:22
Matthaidaedra, yes, ssh -X and then xhost + and then?21:22
montedoes any 1 kno a invioce program21:22
nuccodarcy: what filesystem?21:22
maximilionI didn't dare type your nick in case you needed a time out from all the others :)21:22
KaiForcemonte:  see above21:22
daedraMatthai: lets say you want to run xchat on local display remotely21:23
MatthaiDISPLAY=0:0 zenity ...., but it says cannot open display21:23
nuccobtw, anyone successfully using pidgin with the bonjour plugin?21:23
Matthaidaedra: no21:23
badkittynucco: Whats bonjour?21:23
daedraMatthai: so you type "ssh -X IPADDRESS"21:23
dj1or HOST:0.021:23
navinhelp with sound please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55274/21:23
dj1or DISPLAY=HOST:0.021:23
daedraMatthai: what then?21:23
maximilionOh well, I'll try it and remove if it doesn't help. But first I'll give gedit a good try :)21:23
montesorry kaiforce my name is a light gray hard to see thanks21:23
ahorriblemessi hpoe that worked thank you kitty21:23
Matthaii am connected from ssh -X, and want to run xchat on a display on a LOCAL machine21:23
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
timandtomIs there a way to put music onto my iPod in Linux that won't mess anything up when I go put things on with iTunes on my WinXP box21:24
dj1type xchat21:24
runehow can i make backspace go back in firefox ?21:24
badkittyahorriblemess: After you add the key then you have to install the package21:24
daedratimandtom: tried. not possible21:24
navincan someone have a look at this and tell me if it is okish.... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55274/21:24
KlrSpzAnyone know of a good mythtv alternative? XBMC is too buggy... i just want something to be pretty when i watch my xvid videos.. mythtv seems too complicated of a setup for something so simple21:24
singlesundaedra, if you ever upload that... i would be interested in checking it out ;)21:24
daedratimandtom: iTunes windows detects differences in the checksum since you last docked, and FREAKS21:24
badkittyahorriblemess: do sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 && sudo apt-get install w32codecs21:24
maximilionJack_Sparrow:  The only problem I have left now is that sound is not initialized in id games, but I'll gather some info first. Oh, and getting some happenin' IDE to code 3D [web] games in :)21:24
daedrasinglesun: got email?21:25
Jack_Sparrownavin: Please post a description of the problem in the channel when you post a linl21:25
singlesundaedra, yep... pm work for you?21:25
daedraya ok21:25
Slue_GnifferAnyone having problems with the new version of flash?21:25
timandtomdaedra: Define FREAKS. I've uploaded stuff from two different computers before(Albeit, both WinXP with iTunes), and it always worked fine when I go to the other computer, with the exception of when I sync games21:25
Slue_GnifferAnyone else, rather.21:25
ahorriblemessok badkitty i did that just now21:25
ahorriblemessdo i need to restart?21:26
singlesundaedra, sent ;)21:26
badkittyahorriblemess: Did everything download21:26
maximilionhey Slue_Gniffer: Don't gniff slue! It bessed with your mrain!21:26
sierWhat is a good MSN MESSENGER client for ubuntu?21:26
timandtomsier: Pidgin21:26
odysseassier: pidgin21:26
KlrSpzsier: pidgin, amsn21:26
Slue_Gnifferamsn if you're going to be using a webcam.21:26
sierpidgin > amsn? :P21:26
ahorriblemessyeah i just had to put the install disc in there21:26
ahorriblemessldconfig deferred processing now taking place21:27
Matthaidaedra: I am connected from ssh -X, and want to run xchat on a display on a LOCAL machine (for user currently logged on a local machine)21:27
timandtomsier: Pidgin>amsn for everything except webcams, from what I hear.21:27
singlesunmaximilion, slue sure is bad... lots of dain bramage lol21:27
ahorriblemessthen it brought back the command line21:27
dj1is the local machine windows?21:27
badkittyahorriblemess: I dont think y ou have to restart. You do need to do a sudo apt-get upgrade though21:27
Slue_GnifferYeah, I'm starting to sneeze brain matter.21:27
Matthailocal machine is Ubuntu21:27
badkittyahorriblemess: upgrade yes because there are newer packages for libdvd that are added21:28
ahorriblemessnothing happened, no upgrades, installs, removals or anything21:28
maximilionSlue_Gniffer: Or magic tape?21:28
dj1export DISPLAY=yourmachine:0.021:28
badkittyahorriblemess: Ok maybe it got them already21:28
ahorriblemessi'll try to play a dvd again21:28
Slue_Gniffermaximilion: Either/or.21:28
dj1on your machine s terminal type21:28
badkittyahorriblemess: go ahead and try it then21:28
ahorriblemessIs there a better player than Totem?21:28
dj1xhost +21:28
ahorriblemessi saw a few in the synaptics21:28
ahorriblemessand i'm sure there are some in add/remove21:28
Matthaidjl "yourmachine" is IP address of my machine?21:28
badkittyahorriblemess: Probably, I use vlc and totem21:28
navincan anyone help me with my audio problem i tried everthing it says on the forum without luck21:28
ader10x11vnc vs vino? Which is better? (faster)21:28
dj1on your local machine s terminal type21:29
dj1xhost +21:29
badkittyahorriblemess: do you have vlc? (sudo apt-get install vlc)21:29
disinterestedkserv identify pioneer21:29
ahorriblemessno just totem21:29
navinthe output of my lsmod |grep snd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55274/21:29
ahorriblemessi've only been running 7.10 for a day21:29
badkittyahorriblemess: Go ahead and get vlc too21:29
Slue_GnifferAnyone know whats up with the new flash version? Suddenly some stuff isn't showing up and Youtube is acting screwy.21:29
ahorriblemessok the DVD works21:29
badkittyahorriblemess: VLC is awesome21:29
ahorriblemessthank you so much21:29
ahorriblemessi'll get vlc too21:29
badkittySure thing21:29
singlesunahorriblemess, and amarok ;)21:29
usr_robwhy can't i see NFS share in Places/Network/ in ubuntu ?21:29
dj1mess : mplayer is nice too21:30
alexkreuz_Slue_Gniffer, is that the bug where Firefox automatically closes when you access a flash page?21:30
dj1horiblrmess : mplayer is nice too21:30
navincan some one please help me I am going crazy with this stuff from 2 days now the output of my lsmod |grep snd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55274/21:30
Slue_Gnifferalexkreuz: No, some stuff just isn't show up or shows up in really bad quality.21:30
alexkreuz_oh not sure21:30
ader10x11vnc vs vino? Which is better? (faster)21:30
usr_robneed som help with nfs client, smb:// works okey thou21:30
alexkreuz_i had the issue i described21:30
Matthaidj1, it says xhost:  unable to open display ""21:30
alexkreuz_you've tried the latest flashplugin?21:31
dj1firewall ?21:31
navinslue_gniffer i had the same problem update to the latest flash via medibuntu21:31
dj1Matthai : firewall?21:31
timandtomIs there a way to put music onto my iPod in Linux that won't mess anything up when I go put things on with iTunes on my WinXP box?21:31
abc123998ubuntu makes me want to purge21:31
Matthaidjl, yes, but port 22 is open21:31
ahorriblemessone more thing badkitty21:31
Slue_GnifferWhat's the latest flashplugin? I just updated when Firefox asked me to. There's a thread about it, but nothing works for me yet.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69003821:31
ahorriblemessNow that it's installed, will it be easy to find?21:31
dj1Matthai : and mapped ?21:31
ahorriblemessoh yeah it's there21:32
badkittyahorriblemess: VLC?21:32
alexkreuz_apt-get flashplugin-nofree21:32
alexkreuz_i think it is21:32
erUSUL!brokenflash | Slue_Gniffer21:32
navindid you add the mediubuntu repo ?21:32
ubotuSlue_Gniffer: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »21:32
Jack_Sparrowabc123998: please ask your question so we can try to help21:32
badkittyahorriblemess: hehe21:32
dj1Matthai : oops21:32
navinif yes just use apt-get update21:32
navinand then update21:32
mateuszCan I download ubuntu with azzureus ?21:32
ahorriblemessman, how about a fan control21:32
ahorriblemessthat would be nice21:32
dj1Matthai : ip of the remote ?21:32
ahorriblemessit's so annoying21:32
Matthaidjl, let me tell if i am doing right, ssh -X remotemachineip, then export DISPLAY... then xhost +21:32
Slue_Gnifferubotu: I did that already, flash it still in bad quality/not showing up on some sites.21:33
PriceChildmateusz, yes, just sudo apt-get install azureus21:33
erUSULmateusz: yes; there are torrent files on the dl mirrors21:33
navinwell looks lke no one can help me on my audio :(21:33
Matthairemote ip is .14521:33
dj1Matthai : type xhost + on the local machine21:33
PriceChild!patience | navin21:33
ubotunavin: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:33
ahorriblemessthe driver for my Nvidia card is supposed to have some kind of adjustment of fan speeds, but I had trouble running the driver, but I didn't want to mess with it because I finally got my display how I want after hours of trying21:33
mateuszerUSUL Thanks21:33
ader10x11vnc vs vino? Which is better? (faster)21:33
siimoisnt azureus in repo running gcj o_X that thing is slow21:33
daedraoh im so happy with my small framebuffer console text21:33
erUSUL!sound |nav21:33
ubotunav: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:33
edjuAbout to wipe Windo$e.  Will gparted allow changing logical partitions to primary ones w/o loss od data?21:33
erUSUL!sound | navin21:33
ubotunavin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:33
badkittyahorriblemess: Not sure about that one21:33
PriceChildsiimo, it defaults to icedtea, but you can also use sun-java if watned.21:33
Administratorcan someone help me?21:34
daedrawhere is iptables?21:34
ArvoitusmiesA combination of XMatrix and MemRoller Xscreensaver hacks would be cool =D21:34
abc123998i dont have a question, i just think ubuntu could be a lot better21:34
navini tried alsa it is working fine21:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:34
badkittyabc123998: So do you have a perfect linux OS?21:34
wibhi, i want to search for a file in nautilus. ctrl+f doesnt find the file even if its /right there/! what is that all about?21:34
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:34
abc123998yes!! ARCH!!!21:34
navinAll the things tell me that my sound is perfect21:34
navinbut i cant hear anything21:34
AdministratorI have MSI K8N Neo3H integrated gigabit network nd cant reach the internet21:34
badkittyabc123998: Why is arch better?21:34
Matthaidj1, ok, i typed it on a local machine21:35
singlesunabc123998, i dont think most ppl want to have to deal with installing arch or gentoo.. lol21:35
AdministratorI can however obtain an IP from the DSL modem21:35
Qwexerhow do you create a  shortcut to a folder over a network if its on a windows computer?  says operation not permitted21:35
erUSUL!ot | abc12399821:35
ubotuabc123998: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:35
hvgotcodesis e16.8 in the repos?21:35
siimo1 major flaw of uubuntu is theres nothing useful in backports repo, they should include updates to programs but me it unsupported21:35
dj1Matthai : retry pls21:35
kefenghi all21:35
abc123998i dont think most people want to have to deal with having so many applications21:35
Matthaibut how to run dj1 it says access control disabled, but I want to run an application on remote machine, not local21:36
=== kefeng is now known as HelloWorld
abc123998wtf was that for21:36
HelloWorldhi all21:36
daedrahay im not in X how do I start it?21:36
daedra(gnome, gdm whatever021:36
Jack_Sparrowabc123998: Stop trolling. this is a support room21:36
abc123998i didn't say a single sware21:36
Matthaidj1, sorry, it "mistyped" myself21:36
Agent_bobdaedra startx21:36
dj1Matthai : u want the window where u are or on the remote machine?21:36
liechtihallo habe seit heute ubuntu und möchte wine herunterladen habe aber ka wie das geht21:36
singlesunabc123998, was because you were offtopic21:36
jpatrick!de | liechti21:37
ubotuliechti: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:37
Jack_Sparrowabc123998: Feel free to take it to #Ubuntu-offtopic21:37
erUSULabc123998: you are way offtopic go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:37
Matthaidjl, I want to run zenity on a remote machine21:37
_Oz_I use gmail in firefox for my email.  I am used to using the backspace key to go back a page.  How can I set a shortcut so backspace = go back one page in firefox?21:37
dj1Matthai : and it's windoow ?21:37
hvgotcodesanyone know how to install e16,8?21:37
Cromag_Oz_: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/21/fix-firefox-backspace-to-take-you-to-the-previous-page/21:37
Jack_SparrowAt least I now know my hot keys work.. :)21:37
Matthaidjl - its window on remote machine actually21:37
Administrator>I have MSI K8N Neo3H integrated gigabit network nd cant reach the internet after installin Ubuntu 7.1021:38
_Oz_cromag: wow, that was an incredibly specific answer21:38
dj1Matthai : is X11 running there ?21:38
Cromag_Oz_: had the same issue ;)21:38
Matthaidjl, yes user is logged in right now21:38
MatthaiI want to sent him a message21:38
singlesun_Oz_, well its good to see you still... everything going well so far? photoshop problem solved?21:38
carywugood morning21:38
daedraAgent_bob: Operation no permitted21:38
Slue_Gniffernavin: How'd you end up fixing your flash problem?21:38
daedraAgent_bob: (startx)21:39
Administratorcld someone please help me out21:39
dj1Matthai : reset $DISPLAY to
dj1make him run xhost +21:39
_Oz_cromag: that fixed it perfectly21:39
badkitty!ask Administrator21:39
_Oz_you are the man!21:39
ronin_Hello all21:39
Cromag_Oz_: i really AM a man yes :P21:39
Administratorthnk you21:39
badkitty!ask | administrator21:39
dj1Matthai : make him run xhost +21:39
ubotuadministrator: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:39
Cromagbadkitty: he did ;)21:39
* _Oz_ picks up cromag and carries him around #ubuntu, hooting and hollering the whole while, and generally raising a ruckus.21:39
badkittyCromag: blast21:40
Administrator!ask >I have MSI K8N Neo3H integrated gigabit network nd cant reach the internet after installing ubuntu 7.1021:40
ronin_Is anyone experienced with the variety of IRC clients available?21:40
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:40
Jack_SparrowAdministrator: what does ifconfig show21:40
alexkreuz_what package do i need to get java to work in my firefox browser?21:40
pepperjackronin_: there is irssi and then there is all the others21:41
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)21:41
badkittyCromag: Wow how did i not see that incredibly specific question..21:41
erUSULalexkreuz_: sun-java6-plugin21:41
AdministratorIt gives me the IP of the DSL modem which is set up to pass its IP to the adapter21:41
Cromagbadkitty: heh oh well :)21:41
Matthaidjl, he runned xhost + now, now what?21:41
Administratorit shows the adapter as up21:41
alexkreuz_ah thx there it is21:41
sorush21hi are there any other database making programs out there?21:41
dj1Matthai : run xchat21:41
alexkreuz_i was looking under J for java. not S for sun21:41
CromagAdministrator: could it be your ISP has blocked for other mac addresses ?21:42
AdministratorI am on the same machine now21:42
ronin_bitchx seems to run from the terminal and I can't seem to get the GTK gui working for it21:42
Administratortrip boot XP, Vista nd Ubuntu21:42
Cromagoh ok.21:42
virre_errivHow do I bind utf-8 to xterm so that lynx can handle Swedish characthers (my computer>old>firefox to heavy )21:42
Matthaidjl, where, on a remote machine, as user (me)?21:42
blackv1I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on a friends computer but it hangs on boot? It's a Hp Pavillion dv6000 and 7.04 did the same. My sabayon live cd and vector cd worked so I'm not sure what I need to do to install Gutsy on it?21:43
montewhat pluging do i need to download to watch vids off the internet like youtube21:43
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dj1Matthai : u on his machine21:43
Jowimonte, youtube requires flash21:43
ronin_monte: You're going to need flash or h26421:43
Matthaidjl, it is runned locally21:43
AdministratorI have noticed that there are no Linux drivers on the MSI supprort page21:43
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:43
badkittyblackv1: There is nothing special that needs to be done.. where is it hanging and what version do you have?21:43
Matthaidjl, but I ssh -X as him21:43
Agent_bobronin_ xbitchb21:44
carlhow do I install xmms skins21:44
Agent_bobronin_ xbitchx21:44
dj1Matthai : reset $DISPLAY to ?21:44
monteso i go to add or remove and type in h26421:44
tazhi .. any one can help me.. i have one prombles with turn off.. it would shut down.. any idea where i can fix it ??21:44
steltI have all power save options off, but still my screen dims :-(21:44
blackv1badkitty: both 7.10 and 7.04 start to load and then just stop and go nowhere?21:44
dj1Matthai : type export DISPLAY=
Administratorne ideas Cromag?21:44
ronin_let me try that bob21:44
alexkreuz_is there a synaptic package repository that contains the latest nvidia graphics drivers? the ubuntu ones only contain up to version 100.21:44
badkittyblackv1: Thats  odd.. when you say they start to load, you can see any ubuntu images or the cd just  spins or what?21:45
kefengI am wondering if there is /me laughing21:45
daedrahow do i start X?21:45
* kefeng lauphging21:45
daedrabut I don't have permission21:45
blackv1can see the Ubuntu loading image. I'm trying it again now to see what info I can get21:45
mateuszOk, where to find latest Ubuntu 7.10 torrent for Intel64 ?21:45
badkittysudo startx21:45
Starnestommydaedra: sudo startx or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start21:45
Agent_bobbadkitty no.21:46
carlne1 know the directoy of installing the xmms skins where I can find the folder21:46
daedrano running X as root!21:46
CromagAdministrator: sorry, no.21:46
daedraITS WRONG21:46
badkittyAgent_bob: No?21:46
Matthaidj1, still nothing, cannot open display21:46
ahorriblemesswell, I can finally start using my computer, so I'm gonna go21:46
Jack_Sparrowdaedra: Please lose the caps21:46
AdministratorDoes anyone else have any ideas for me?21:46
Agent_bobbadkitty no.  he doesn't want a root xsession21:46
dj1Matthai : he got ubuntu ?21:46
ronin_Agent_bob: Thanks, this brings it into x. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be set up like Konversation or anything. But, I do feel rather old school21:46
ahorriblemessthank you anyone who's helped me in the past. I'll be back next time something pops up if I can't figure it out myself, or to help if I can at all... but I need to learn more first21:46
badkittyAgent_bob: hmm ok21:47
Administratorifconfig shows valid IP but I cant even ping the modem21:47
Jack_SparrowAdministrator: ndiswrapper or fwcutter or our link on wifi21:47
ahorriblemessOH... anyone know a good book or should I just read through the Ubuntu documentation21:47
Matthaiyes, on a remote machine is ubuntu, gutsy21:47
Administratornot wireless tho21:47
edjuAbout to wipe Windo$e.  Will gparted allow changing logical partitions to primary ones w/o loss of data?  If not, will moving the root partition into sda1 work?21:47
MrTHaggarCan anyone help me out with xserver-xgl?21:47
virre_errivstill wondering how I bind utf-8 to xterm or links/elinks ...21:47
pepperjackahorriblemess: its mostly running into problems and asking questions21:47
kefengwho knows if there is a documentation that explains how the font system works21:47
ahorriblemesspepperjack, I see. I like reading though21:48
badkittyahorriblemess: There are a few decent ubuntu books .. depends what your looking for21:48
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: is onboard gigabit lan21:48
Agent_bobronin_ yes bx is old school and very minimalest based    you can run xbitchx in a very light x env21:48
AJC_Z0Fonts in X11 are a complex matter21:48
mjw--edju: I used partition magic I think to do that...changing it from logical to primary did not result in any data loss there...not sure if gparted will work ok21:48
MrTHaggarAnyone in here got any good links for xserver-xgl on older graphics cards?21:48
ahorriblemessI just want to understand Linux, Debian and Ubuntu more21:48
Tilllinu1hm. I'm having problems with the vncserver. I think I editet the xstartup file correctly, as well as I enter the server's ip address correctly. the vncviewer then says : connection refused. (altough i specified the password file)21:48
Jowikefeng, can you be a bit more precise?21:48
Jack_SparrowAdministrator: I have onboard gigabit lan here. let me see what chipset it has21:48
ahorriblemessnot a reference book though. I want information... exercises, almost like a text book21:48
daedraJack_Sparrow: ok, so I want to start X, but "Operation no permitted" and don't want to run it as root21:48
daedrawhat do I do?21:48
tazany one know how to fix with shut down.??? please21:48
ahorriblemessI have two Linux reference books, I've tried using them but I always end up searching through the forums or this chat room21:49
Jack_SparrowAdministrator:  Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15)21:49
Agent_bobdaedra   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ?21:49
odysseasTilllinu1: did you put :1 after the ip?21:49
ronin_Do you have any recommendations for something else more modern? I'm using xubuntu if it helps21:49
Jack_Sparrowdaedra: why not reboot21:49
badkittyahorriblemess: I was going to recommend some books that you may see in a bookstore that you can get in a chm or pdf.. no good?21:49
Starnestommydaedra: you have to run it as root, I think21:49
Administratormine is a Marvell PHY 88E1111 Gigabit Ethernet LAN21:49
ahorriblemessbadkitty, sure what are they?21:49
singlesunahorriblemess, well when it comes to books there is almost a dividing line between "using all gui based stuff with ubuntu" and then "bash stuff books" if that makes sense.. really no middle ground that I have found21:49
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: Marvell PHY 88E1111 Gigabit Ethernet LAN21:49
Ogedeiwhen i boot gutsy (without automatically starting X), a bunch of services are started *after* the login prompt is shown. is there a way to fix that?21:50
kefenghi jowi, I just configured my font system following some instructions online21:50
daedraI was thinking I could add it to a group or something21:50
singlesunahorriblemess, one of the books that isnt too bad is "running linux"21:50
volvirflaneu1I would like support on transferring music with rhythmbox to a mac-formatted ipod.21:50
kefengI did it and it now works fine21:50
Agent_bobronin_ you can run konversation or xchat   or a miriad of other clients in xfce21:50
kefengbut I really have no idea why I should do those things like editing fonts.conf21:50
daedraStarnestommy: does X run as root by default?21:50
MrTHaggarCan anyone help me out getting Compiz to work?21:51
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: Im getting the right IP in ifconfig but I get no response with ping21:51
ronin_I guess I'll grab them both. Thanks.21:51
volvirflaneu1Anyone help me transferring music to a mac-formatted ipod?21:51
Starnestommydaedra: gdm/kdm/xdm do, but I think X can work from a regular user21:51
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: not to external sites or the DSL Modem21:51
Agent_bobronin_ it's kinda "up to you"  what you use.   that is what linux is all about.  freedom21:51
Jowikefeng, first thing to look at would be (in a terminal) "man fonts.conf" it contain some info. as always, it depends on what you are looking for21:51
neopsychewhat do i do when i need a dependency that has no installation candidate?21:52
Agent_bobronin_ some even like kirc in xfce,  it's all about personal preferance21:52
Jowikefeng, it also gives you detailed explanations of the options you have set in there21:52
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: still recommend ndiswrapper nd fwcutter?21:53
virre_errivTo reformulate my question how do I get bash to use the same locale as GDM? I guess I need to set locales to the same (sv_SE.UTF-8 )21:53
AdministratorJack_Sparrow: thats juss for BCM wireless right?21:53
Jowi!locale | virre_erriv21:54
ubotuvirre_erriv: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf21:54
Agent_bobvirre_erriv /etc/environment21:54
iKapis there a command or way to delete all temporary files??21:54
blackv1Agent_bob: Ok when I boot up I press alt+F1 for more info. The  first thing that comes up is 43.337518 PCI: Bios Bug #81[bunch o #s] Found then it runs through the rest after a while and can't load the wi-fi as usual then goes to a back screen and nothing?21:54
giorgio8200:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)21:54
PriceChildiKap, they get removed every boot21:54
virre_errivoh tank you21:54
iKapPriceChild, okay thanks.21:54
iKapPriceChild, do you know where i can find all installed plugins for firefox? like audio plugins and such..21:55
giorgio82è di aiuto?21:55
neopsychecan somene help"??21:55
ronin_Testing xchat..... hmm. pretty nice.21:55
MrTHaggarHello all21:55
Agent_bobblackv1 sounds like an acpi+ati problem    is your vidio chip ati ?21:56
Jowineopsyche, you need to ask a specific question. more detailed question equals better chance to get an educated answer. :)21:56
PriceChildiKap, no sorry21:56
MrTHaggarIf I apt-get the xserver-xgl it installs fine, but after I logout or reboot, the next time I log in, the screen goes black for a few seconds, then returns back to the login prompt, anyone got any ideas on what that's about?21:56
blackv1nope nvidia21:56
aaycumihi all21:56
neopsychehow do i install kdelibs4c2 instead of kdelibs4c2a21:56
neopsychedependency issue21:56
blackv1how do I turn acpi off?21:56
aaycumijust downloaded the Xorg binary driver21:56
neopsycheits really annoying21:56
AdministratorDoes anyone else have any ideas for me?21:57
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
ronin_agent_bob: is it smart to download the Gnome packages for xchat? I'm running the base version now21:57
blackv1or is that even going to solve my problem?21:57
aaycumiran the initial command and the write failed21:57
AdministratorI am getting valid IP in ifconfig but cant reach the internet21:57
Agent_bobblackv1 ok.   try this then   when the screen goes blank on you press    alt+sysRQ+r & alt+ctrl+f2     see if you get a login console.21:57
JowiAdministrator, wireless or cable?21:57
aaycumibad file descriptor?21:57
blackv1ok well do21:57
JowiAdministrator, what is your ip, subnet and gateway?21:57
kockashello every1^^21:58
aaycumidoes anyone know what "Bad file descriptor" means?21:58
_Oz_feh heh heh21:58
Agent_bobblackv1 if you get a login console reconfigure xorg  if not you can try starting with  acpi=0 on the kernel line at boot time21:58
erUSULaaycumi: exactly what it says a file descriptor in C and programming languages is the "thing" that permits the language to operate on a file21:59
erUSULaaycumi: a bad file descriptor can be a file descriptor pointing to a nonexisting file etc21:59
Starnestommyor a file descriptor that isn't open yet or got closed21:59
AdministratorJowi:  - -
_Oz_I asked this question earlier but the answer confused me.  I wish to remove some non-working applications in the applications menu (under WINE).  I manually removed all of those files in Nautilus but now I want to remove the start menu entries.  I tried gconf -editor but I can't find anything in that menu tree that I want to remove.  Any suggestions?22:00
JowiAdministrator, can you ping the gateway?22:00
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=== warren_ is now known as zibit
AdministratorJowi: I am currently running the puter in XP, its set up for trip boot XP, Vista, nd Ubuntu I get no response to ne ping22:01
Agent_bob_Oz_ /join #wine-hq     if you don't get help here.22:01
AdministratorJowi: tried Modem Gateway nd google22:01
JowiAdministrator, so in XP and Vista you can ping the gateway but not in Ubuntu, am I making a correct assumption?22:02
_Oz_thanks, agent_bob.  Tried that before, but no one is ever in there.22:02
AdministratorJowi: i have no probs in the MS OS's22:03
Agent_bob!patience > _Oz_22:03
_Oz_agent_bob: heh.  I will try.22:03
JowiAdministrator, are you receiving those numbers via DHCP in all systems or have you set a static address in Ubuntu?22:03
AdministratorJowi: theres also no drivers on the support page for this motherboard22:03
adac2hi. I have an ati grafic card and I want to connect it to tv via s video. ho to do this?22:03
AdministratorJowi: DHCP22:03
AdministratorJowi: no Linux drivers that is22:04
_Oz_Agent_bob: sorry if my reply gave you the wrong impression.  I understand everyone involved here are volunteers.  I really appreciate the help and the product (Ubuntu) is outstanding.  I was just noting that no one seemed to ever be in that channel in my experience.  I'm not complaining about that, though.22:04
JowiAdministrator, that's ok. don't worry about it. is it a DSL modem?22:04
kockasoki any1 can help me to register for pm?22:04
JowiAdministrator, have you set up the login in the DSL modem or do you let the OS handle the login?22:04
neopsychehi. how do i build from source?22:05
heartsbloodthis is gonna sound stalker-ish but does anybody know if it's possible to track weather a person has logged into in AIM screen name recently if you havn't used the program in say a few years?22:05
AdministratorJowi: The login is set up in the modem22:05
JowiAdministrator, very good. in Ubuntu, have you tried to turn off IPV6?22:05
Jack_Sparrowadac2: sudo aticonfig --enable-monitor=tv22:05
DRebellion!make | neopsyche22:05
ubotuneopsyche: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:05
_Oz_I asked this question earlier but the answer confused me.  I wish to remove some non-working applications in the applications menu (under WINE).  I manually removed all of those files in Nautilus but now I want to remove the start menu entries.  I tried gconf -editor but I can't find anything in that menu tree that I want to remove.  Any suggestions?22:06
Agent_bobkockas  /msg nickserv register <password>22:06
Jack_Sparrowadac2: sudo aticonfig --enable-monitor=crt1           to change it back22:06
AdministratorJowi: no, How do I do that?22:06
arvoitusmiesneopsyche: usually the source comes with a text file called INSTALLTION. read that22:06
ronin_Hey, this is way out there, but is anyone familiar with OpenFiler?22:06
kockasidk how to do it22:06
Jowi!ipv6 | Administrator (almost always the first thing to do in case you get IP but no connection)22:06
ubotuAdministrator (almost always the first thing to do in case you get IP but no connection): To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv422:06
blackv1Agent_bob: Ok tried what you said and still getting the black screen22:06
MrTHaggarCan anyone help me out with xserver-xgl?22:06
kockasits very interesting22:06
=== mateo is now known as primateo
kockasim looking for it do complete my registartion almosmt 2 days and i dont know22:06
crdlbMrTHaggar: you cannot run compiz on an ATI M322:07
AdministratorJowi, ubotu thnk you both22:07
crdlbyou need at least an M622:07
MrTHaggarAhh, thanks, crdlb.22:07
Agent_bobblackv1 ok did you try starting with acpi=0 appended to the kernel line in grub ?22:07
AdministratorJowi: Ill try that out nd then mayb I be back22:07
MrTHaggarIs it possible to run Beryl?22:07
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz22:07
JowiAdministrator, we know at least a few things: 1. other OS's work fine and 2. the modem handle the login which means that all OS's should behave the same22:07
Stuarthello my lovely people :D22:07
Agent_bobblackv1 or   noacpi   either are supposed to work.22:07
=== Stuart is now known as stugster
AdministratorJowi: Wish me luck22:07
blackv1yeah pressed F6 and added acpi=022:07
JowiAdministrator, good luck :)22:07
blackv1is that right?22:07
AdministratorJowi: thnx22:08
crdlbMrTHaggar: no, there simply isn't any propert 3d acceleration available in linux, and the hardware simply isn't capable of compiz (or beryl)22:08
Agent_bobblackv1 live CD ?22:08
stugsterInstalling Ubuntu...: "No screens found."  Failed to start X Window.   GeForce 8400 GS22:08
mohbanahow can i monitor buttons pressed on a usb device i.e. a game controller?22:08
brianmhmm, anyone know how to get a git daemon running?22:08
MrTHaggarI had a feeling that was the case, but I thought I'd have a play about.22:08
Agent_bobblackv1 umm then yes should be.22:08
MrTHaggarThanks crdlb22:08
brianmI see the git-daemon-run package, but cannot find docs... anywhere22:08
blackv1weird thing is Sabayon live cd works22:08
Agent_bobblackv1 were you able to access the login console  ?22:09
kockasany admin here can help me for register for pm?*22:09
Jack_Sparrowstugster: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   select vesa mode 1024 to get basic gui22:09
Jowimohbana, plug'n'play mostly. plug it in. run a program that supports usb gamepads (like xmame, gsnes etc).22:09
Agent_bobblackv1 try booting with   nosplash    appended22:09
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration22:09
stugstergracias mister Sparrow :)22:10
stugsteri take it that's when it throws me back into the command prompt22:10
Agent_bobeye candy isn't worth the hassel22:10
_Oz_Jack Spar-- er, Captain Jack Sparrow, how are you, sir?22:10
Jack_Sparrowstugster: use tab and accept defaults for everything else22:10
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Just fine .. getting readyto call it a week22:11
leblinuxhello, Iam on Gutsy, and firefox just got updated to 0.12 and I have 0.11 when will the repos be updated?22:11
stugsterCheers mate22:11
Slue_GnifferAnyone get Flashplayer 9 to work?22:11
Jack_Sparrow!info firefox22:11
stugsterMy biggest problem is the 22" monitor... it throws the sides of the window off.22:11
RyanPriorIs there a way to set a compose key using a GUI rather than editing xorg.conf by hand?22:11
DRebellionSlue_Gniffer, you mean, flashplugin-nonfree?22:11
ubotufirefox (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8973 kB, installed size 26052 kB22:11
stugsterbbs if it doesn't work... bbs even if it does actually, to say thanks again :)22:11
Jack_SparrowSlue_Gniffer: Yes works fine22:11
leblinuxJack_Sparrow, its updated?22:12
Slue_GnifferDRebellion, Yeah. It's not working for me, stuff is coming out in bad quality or not showing up at all.22:12
Jack_SparrowSorry, didnt mean to start anything22:12
Jack_Sparrowleblinux: It says it is there..22:12
Slue_GnifferThere's a thread about it on the forums, but nothing's working for me. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69003822:12
DRebellionSlue_Gniffer, that's odd. youtube is working fine for me and i haven't had any problems with flash in websites.22:12
RyanPriorubotu: Firefox is not lightweight, sorry my bot bro.22:13
Jack_SparrowSlue_Gniffer: Remove the old one manually... then reinstall22:13
DRebellion!lynx | RyanPrior22:13
ubotuRyanPrior: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)22:13
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about epiphany - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:13
blackv1Ok added noacpi and nosplash and booted still nothing but black screeen?22:13
Agent_bobRyanPrior elinks22:13
chaosrldoes anyone know how to find out the name of my swap partition, a la /dev/sdaX?22:13
Agent_bobRyanPrior dillo22:13
skyler345Howdy Folks, I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:13
naliothanyone familiar with synergy2 and using it between linux and OSX?22:14
Slue_GnifferJack_Sparrow, if you mean run " sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree " I've done that already.22:14
amenadochaosrl-> mount  and it should show22:14
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »22:14
sammyanyone have two seconds to try to convert a shn (shorten) file with ffmpeg? my packaged ubuntu ffmpeg binary says it has shorten support, then chokes on the file. it converts just fine with ffmpeg compiled on a different machine.22:14
RyanPriorIs there a way to set a compose key using a GUI rather than editing xorg.conf by hand?22:14
maximilionmateusz: Search on isohunt.com I guess? But they are usually "for all/least problems" distros. Get the livecd from ubuntu.com and make sure it's 64-bit.22:14
leblinuxJack_Sparrow, well its says that am on the newest version22:14
singlesunchaosrl, fdisk should show you it... just use p to show partitions22:14
chaosrlamenado: the problem is when i do the command "free" my swap shows 0 0 022:14
Jack_SparrowSlue_Gniffer: what problems are you having and did you do a manual fix while flash was broken22:14
tacone!swing > tacone22:15
* maximilion wished pidgin would keep the scroll scrolling so he doesn't come off as 40 mins behind. :(22:15
LiraNuna$ pkg-config --libs --cflags libpng1222:15
LiraNuna-I/usr/include/libpng12  -lpng12 // Anyone knows why I don't get -lz?22:15
taconeHow to skin Java Swing as gtk on gutsy ?22:15
chaosrlsinglesun: i'm not really sure how to use fdisk command in terminal, how would i use 'p'?22:15
* Agent_bob reaches over and taps maximilion's [end] key22:15
Slue_GnifferJack_Sparrow , all I did was update to that version of flash when Firefox told me to after going on Youtube, that's when everything hit the fan and I resorted to looking up the problem on the forums, still haven't gotten anything to work.22:16
DRebellionchaosrl, fdisk /dev/sda. then type 'p'22:16
Jack_Sparrowleblinux: I agree.. I have 11 in synaptic and it say 12 here.. let me check around for a sec.. not going to be a big update, do you really need it22:16
skyler345Howdy Folks, I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:16
maximilionAgent_bob: End key does nothing here... and I shouldn't have to keep tapping it ;)22:16
singlesunchaosrl, go into terminal... and type "fdisk /dev/hda" for your drive maybe something besides hda though22:16
Agent_bobchaosrl use cfdisk22:16
chaosrlDRebellion thanks, that worked22:16
neopsychearvoitusmies: thanks22:17
leblinuxJack_Sparrow, well if its not for me , do it for all ubuntu users ;>22:17
Agent_bobmaximilion it should cause it to scroll....   idk  not in gnome.22:17
maximilionAgent_bob: I have a basic Ubuntu, only Gnome here.22:17
Agent_bobblackv1 progress ?22:18
maximilionI wouldn't mind suggestions of other IRC clients tho, I'm used to mIRC.22:18
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
singlesunmaximilion, xchat?22:18
skyler345I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:18
Agent_bobmaximilion xchat ?22:18
dragonhow can i get WoW to start up 3D acceleration?22:18
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|away
singlesunAgent_bob, that was a little creepy.. lol22:18
unagisigh, i have alot crash in linux lol22:19
Agent_bobmaximilion irssi bitchx22:19
Agent_bobsinglesun better ?22:19
singlesunAgent_bob, yeah... lol22:19
blackv1Agent_bob:still nothing22:19
maximilionAgent_bob: OK, can they import my massive startup script? ;)22:19
maximilionUsually I'm on 6-7 networks and 20 or so channels, so at least server -m is required :)22:19
chaosrlOk, so i found out that my swap is /dev/sda5, and when i try the swapon command, i'm retured with swapon: /my.swap: Invalid argument22:20
Agent_bobblackv1 if booting with nosplash and   vga=normal    don't help.  then i'm out of aces on that one.22:20
chaosrlhow do i actually turn my swap on?22:20
Starnestommymaximilion: xchat can do that with /newserver22:20
skyler345Oh lord, my god, is there no help for me?22:20
Jack_Sparrowleblinux: It seems it is out, but all the mirrors have not caught up yet22:20
Starnestommymaximilion: and irssi has /connect22:20
ubotuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:20
Agent_bobmaximilion yes all of them have scripting abilites22:20
skyler345I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:20
maximilionStarnestommy: but not pidgin or bitchx?22:21
blackv1Agent_bob:I'm trying vga=0.33d which I got from a forum post22:21
abc123998I eat my poop.22:21
stugsteri've done the config22:21
stugsterbut i've been chucked back to a bash line22:21
Agent_boblimited by the limitations of the script writers ability22:21
stugsterand the error Package 'select' is not installed and no information is available.22:21
Starnestommymaximilion: pidgin is rather poor in irc support22:21
maximilionAgent_bob: Scripting is no problem... but I'd prefer if it's limited to making a text file with the required IRC commands :)22:22
Jack_SparrowSorry about that22:22
neopsycheI have downloaded and loaded the config for kompiliing kalva.. what do i do now?22:22
dragonwhen i try to start up WOW i get the error "world of warcraft was unable to start up 3D acceleration." how can i start 3D acceleration?22:22
Agent_bobblackv1 that might work.  but   vga=normal   should tell the kernel to not adjust the display   and thus leave it in a viewable state22:22
maximiliondragon: go to Admin/Screen & Graphics and make sure you have the correct driver for your gfx card22:23
blackv1Agent_bob: how about all the stuff are ready written in the boot options? should I erase it first?22:23
badkittyStarnestommy: Your right, but I use pidgin for IRC... I guess im not l33t enough for other cool stuff yet.22:23
leblinuxJack_Sparrow, I'll guess we have to wait.22:23
* Badger blames Starnestommy 22:23
Jack_SparrowIt should not be long22:23
Agent_bobblackv1 from quiet onward   but not the root=  or before22:23
pepperjackdragon: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf what does last line say?22:23
Jack_SparrowWelcome to Ubuntu22:24
maximilionHi pepperjack :)22:24
ronin_This is a significantly noobish question, but can anyone point to a good resource on installing from source. I want to install firefox 3 beta 3 and it just comes as a tarball22:24
stugsterblah... ubuntu smells :(22:24
pepperjackmaximilion: 'ello22:24
erUSUL!compile | ronin_22:24
uboturonin_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:24
stugsteractually no22:24
Badgerronin_: a tarball containing source?22:24
stugstermy graphics card smells.22:24
Gigamoronin_: ./configure, make, sudo make install22:24
Jack_Sparrowronin_: Install build-essential22:24
skyler345I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:24
dragonit shows         Driver          "nv"22:24
Agent_bob!b-e > ronin_22:24
stugsterJack, what should I do now that i configured Veso, but got the  Package 'Select' is not installed  error?22:25
stugsteri'm in bash now...22:25
* Gigamo pats ubotu 22:25
MoumnyNeed help for wifi (bcm4311)22:25
stugsteryeh, sorry, typo22:26
stugsteri did vesa :)22:26
stugsterselect vesa mode 102422:26
Agent_bobstugster "<stugster> my graphics card smells." <<< i hope that's not because the smoke escaped from it .... ?22:26
* skyler345 laughs22:26
stugsternah, cause since i bought it, it's cause me nothin but bum-ache22:26
Strang3lovei have 3 cd's in cue/bin format and would like to mount them for the purpose of installing under wine, how would i go about mounting them to be readable?22:26
skyler345I have an Element 26" LCD TV and I can't get it to dual monitor. I have a ATI Radeon MObility U1 Card. Help?22:27
mgb_i'm having a massive issue with an ssh reverse tunnel, could someone help?22:27
Jack_Sparrowstugster: That should have gotten you a basic gui ... I am exhausted so I am going to defer this to someone else.. sorry22:27
spectiehey all22:27
Moumnyits like there is nobody to help :D22:27
spectieis the package list for hardy finalised ?22:27
lollohello everyone, how can i uninstall a program from the terminal ?22:27
spectieor is there a chance of more packages getting in before the release date ?22:27
erUSUL!nvidia | dragon22:28
ubotudragon: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:28
Jack_SparrowMoumny: fwcutter works fine getting those to work22:28
spectielollo, apt-get remove <name>22:28
maximilionskyler345: I googled for Radeon Mobility U1 dual monitor, seems there is trouble with this card - but there are people here that might know more22:28
BadgerMoumny: you didn't give much info22:28
lollook thx kiss22:28
MoumnyI tried but it doesent work22:28
erUSUL!iso | Strang3love22:28
ubotuStrang3love: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:28
neopsychecan someone help me with compiling22:28
Agent_bob!backports > spectie22:28
spectieneopsyche, what is the problem ?22:28
erUSUL!compile > neopsyche22:28
maximilionskyler345: First get specs of the card and make sure it supports dual monitor - some cards only have vga and dvi, not both22:29
=== NarfligiX is now known as GilfranRibeiro
spectieAgent_bob, yes, i know about backports22:29
spectieAgent_bob, i was wondering specifically if the package list for hardy had been fixed22:29
Jack_Sparrowskyler345: many laptops cannot do BOTH...22:29
ronin_it is a tar.bz2 file22:29
Agent_bobspectie then you know that things can be added22:29
spectieAgent_bob, well, not in my experience :)22:29
stugsteroh crap...   on an american style keyboard, where is    |22:29
iKapis there a task manager? my mplayer seems to have disapeared or crashed..22:29
ronin_do i still need build-essentials?22:29
spectieAgent_bob, its hard to get stuff backported22:29
skyler345maximilion, I don't actually want dual monitor in that I want two seperate screens, just a reflection of one22:29
Jack_Sparrowstugster: above enter22:29
maximilionlollo: You expect to get an answer in 15 seconds?22:30
spectiei fear my question is not exactly clear22:30
spectielet me try and elucidate...22:30
putnumanybody have issues with installing a hp f1905 flatscreen with ubuntu?22:30
spectiei'm a debian packager22:30
Agent_bobspectie what program in particular ?22:30
spectiei package packages for debian22:30
lolloOo a person answered me ;)22:30
spectieAgent_bob, apertium22:30
skyler345jack_Sparrow, my laptop comes with a vga only on the back but I think that it would mean the card supports cloning right?22:30
maximilionskyler345: Clone?22:30
spectiethe version of apertium in hardy is 3.0.5 (good!)22:30
brobostigonikap: top is a cli task manager22:30
spectiebut i'm just packaging two pieces of software which will make it much more useful for the average ubuntu user22:30
Jack_Sparrowskyler345: no it does not mean that..22:30
spectiei expect that they will be in debian unstable by this weekend22:31
spectieso my question is22:31
spectieif i package this software and get it in debian unstable by the weekend22:31
Jack_Sparrowskyler345: It may, but that is not how you can determine that22:31
spectiedoes it have a chance of getting into hardy22:31
spectiesorry for the long explanation22:31
Jack_SparrowI need to run..play nice everyone22:31
skyler345jack_sparrow, oh, wait, but when we first turn the computer on, it clones the image on the tv until the ubuntu login screen and then turns off22:31
kockasok can any1 tell me how i can log on root?=P22:31
stugsterNVidia are bastards22:31
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Do you think he could solve it easy with a VGA splitter cable?22:31
spectiekockas, sudo -s22:31
badkittystugster: why?22:31
blackv1yeah I'm at lose nothing seems to get it to boot. I need a really easy to use distro though since its for a roommate who uses windows? any suggestions?22:31
genii!root | kockas22:31
ubotukockas: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:31
neopsycheerUSUL: not sure what to do after run configure22:31
stugsterbecause this gfx card is meant to output DVI in windows... it doesn't do that22:32
skyler345maximilion, thanks for helping btw its been a long 2 weeks22:32
stugsterand now it's causing me problems with ubuntu as well22:32
stugsterusing simple vga22:32
Slue_GnifferThis Flash player 9 update is still giving me a hard time.22:32
maximilionstugster: Well, I love ATi :) But in the linux world, they're actually better at making drivers ;)22:32
kockasi dont know my pw from my root -.-22:32
geniikockas: Although it is possible to do. Just extremely extremely discouraged22:32
Agent_bobspectie as i understand it, (subjest to error) no.  backport is the only way that that will make hardy.22:32
spectieAgent_bob, thanks22:32
maximilionstugster: nvidia, that is.22:32
spectieAgent_bob, is there a voting system for backports ?22:32
Starnestommykockas: use sudo.  you don't need to use the root account22:32
kockasi wana to open some files22:33
stugsteri'm never buying nVidia again22:33
spectiebecause apertium has been waiting for a gutsy backport for a while22:33
stugsterfrom now on it's ATI all the way22:33
kockasand i cant open it and i dont know how to open it22:33
kockasi start terminal like dos22:33
spectieand the sad thing is that the one actually in gutsy is broken22:33
Agent_bobspectie the web page on that can tell you more than i can actually22:33
kockasand i know sudo is command to open some program22:33
spectieok thanks22:33
taconedoes anyone know how to get Gtk Look and Feel for Java applications ?22:33
kockasbut it asks for some pw and i know which pw it asks from my username and i type it22:33
kockasand it wont work22:33
geniikockas: Sudo gives you temporary root permissions to run or change things. You don't need root login.22:33
kockassays wrong pw22:33
MsK`hi, I noticed a problem with libsdl, dunno if it comes from the ubuntu package or not22:33
brobostigonkockas: try gksudo nautilus, that will open nautilus as root.22:34
Slue_GnifferIf anyone can help with this Flash Player 9 update, that'd be great.22:34
MsK`opengl is not hardware accelerated when launched with libsdl22:34
Starnestommyit's asking for your user login assword22:34
Agent_bobkockas what are you trying to do ?22:34
MsK`I got that from gDEBugguer (and it explains why I have 30 fps under linux for a simple app and 200 on windows...)22:34
kockasahm this command works22:34
kockasgksudo nautilus22:34
spectieok damn22:34
geniikockas: Is this username the first username that ubuntu made or one made after? Only the first by default can do sudo.22:35
spectieit won't get into there in time for a backport either22:35
kockasahm i got only one username22:35
=== zetto_ is now known as Zetto
maximilionHm, what is the offtopic channel name again?22:35
lcb--!flashissues | Slue_Gniffer22:35
ubotuSlue_Gniffer: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »22:35
Starnestommy#ubuntu-offtopic ?22:35
rubbesry but a noobish question how do i exit visudo?22:35
Agent_bobspectie you might want to contact Seveas about that.22:36
Starnestommyrubbe: hit escape then type :wq22:36
alexvd_Agent_bob: I cant seem to copy files using the places features for windows22:36
SeveasAgent_bob, ?22:36
spectieAgent_bob, he's interested in that sort of thing ?22:36
brobostigonkockas: what do you want, be more specific, what file do you want to open??22:36
Agent_bobspectie he might host it for hardy.22:36
Slue_GnifferAlready did all that.22:36
spectieSeveas, hey22:36
maximilionStarnestommy: Tried that, was empty :)22:36
Seveashey spectie, what's up?22:37
spectienot much22:37
kockasahm i wana open "devcpp-
Slue_GnifferMy Flash player is still showing stuff in flash in bad quality or just not at all.22:37
spectielooking at how i can get a debian package into hardy22:37
geniiHmm I think I see the problem22:37
Starnestommykockas: I think you need wine to open that22:37
maximilionStarnestommy: speling eror.22:37
geniikockas: Linux does not use .exe files22:37
brobostigonkockas: to run windows progs you need wine22:37
spectieSeveas, basically all of our software except the interface is in hardy22:37
kockasso how i start wine22:37
kockasi dont know where is that program on my p22:37
brobostigon!wine | kockas22:37
ubotukockas: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:37
adac2fglrx and compiz is still impossible?22:37
spectiethe interface consists of a couple of python packages22:37
Seveasspectie, is it in debian already?22:38
alexvd_seveas: sorry for the noob questions but I cant seem to setup a windows share properly.  All I want to do is copy files22:38
Starnestommykockas: wine program.exe &22:38
Agent_bobkockas normally    wine /path/to/filename.exe22:38
spectieSeveas, part of it is, the other part will be in this weekend22:38
spectiee.g. i'm finishing off the package now22:38
geniikockas: You don't need the ming compiler anyhow. Ubuntu has gcc and other better things22:38
dragonok i managed to find the list of drivers and i think i see the one i need nvidia-glx-dev its that one or the other nvidia-glx?22:38
alexvd_seveas: I am trying the simplest approach first using places22:38
kockascan some1 tell22:38
kockasme which full command is to open my file exe22:38
Agent_bobgenii better than gcc ?22:38
Seveasspectie, when it's in, ask for a sync in #ubuntu-motu22:38
spectieSeveas, ok thanks22:39
fyrestrtrkockas: wine /some/file.exe22:39
geniiAgent_bob: Well, better than Ming :)22:39
Starnestommykockas: wine devcpp-
putnumhow can i get ubuntu to see my hp f1905 monitor?? its all bright and the icons don't look right22:39
brobostigonkockas: wine pathto.exe22:39
Seveasspectie, you will probably be asked to file a bug in launchpad requesting the sync22:39
kockasbut first i have to enter directory?22:39
fyrestrtr!fixres | putnum22:39
ubotuputnum: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:39
brobostigonkockas: firstly do you actually have wine installed??22:40
kockasyea i think i dont have it installed22:40
lcb--Slue_Gniffer: I just checked that flash fix on my laptop here...works fine. What problem are you still having?22:40
kockasi tried command and its not working22:40
kockasso i have to install it and i dont know how -.-22:40
Clericcan someone help me configure kopete in ubuntu?22:40
fyrestrtrkockas: why are you installing a cpp compiler in wine when there is already one available in ubuntu?22:40
Starnestommykockas: sudo apt-get install wine22:40
brobostigonkockas: sudo apt-get install wine22:40
putnumwell its not a resolution problem22:40
Agent_bobkockas the package manager22:40
lollowhen i unamount the key usb ubuntu ask me to delete the trash .... must i do it ? why ?22:40
putnumits just my whites are very white and bright22:40
LiraNunathe one in the repositories is old22:40
kockasit ask for pw22:41
kockasand i dont know the pw22:41
dragonwhich driver package do i need for NVIDIA FX 5200? nvidia-glx? or nvidia-glx-dev?22:41
Starnestommykockas: put in the password your account uses22:41
brobostigonkockas: use your user pw22:41
fyrestrtrkockas: its the same password as your own account22:41
Slue_Gnifferlcb-- , Flash is just showing up in bad quality on Youtube or just now showing up at all on other sites.22:41
putnumits set to custom 122:41
ktwilight[m]dragon, nvidia-glx22:41
Agent_bobputnum turn the gamma down22:41
putnumand when i look in the list for the f1905 its not there22:41
LiraNunakockas, use http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html22:41
dragonk thank you22:41
kockasi typed and it says bash: kockas: command not found22:41
depdragon: nvidia-glex22:41
putnumgamme ok22:41
LiraNunakockas, the one in the repositories is old22:41
putnumthat makes since22:41
fyrestrtrkockas: your password, not your username22:42
kockasi type my password lol22:42
Agent_bobkockas your name is not a command.   that should have been obvious22:42
lcb--Slue_Gniffer using firefox?22:42
depdragon: packages with -dev are usually for development, i.e., made for people that are attempting to create or modify software22:42
ktwilight[m]or for compiling your own nvidia module22:42
depthat too22:42
blackmouseok i have an ubuntu comp0uter networkign wiht an xp box - ubuntu can see xp shares, but xp cant see ubuntu shares - how do i get xp to see ubuntu?22:43
putnumanother issue is i cannot get vmware network with my guest os (windows xp) I use Nat network and the guest os can ping the host (ubuntu) but the host cannot ping the guest??22:43
ktwilight[m]putnum, use virtualbox ;)22:43
Slue_Gnifferlcb-- , Yeah. I just updated today after going on Youtube, Firefox said I needed an update, so I updated and also downloaded that Gnash thing along with it that came up on the Firefox plugins window.22:43
kockasit says "package wine is not available,but is referred to by another package.22:43
kockasand i dont know what to do now :S :(22:43
Agent_bob!samba > blackmouse22:43
brobostigonblackmouse: install samba22:43
six_que hay, como les va22:43
putnumcan vbox use multiple rdp connections?22:43
Starnestommykockas: type sudo apt-get install wine22:43
pioSkohi, is it possible that linux-headers didn't install?? if so where can I dl .deb for ubuntu?22:44
lcb--Slue_Gniffer try removing gnash...it's going to be inferior to the non-free player22:44
six_alguien me podria ayudar con mi ubuntu???22:44
kockassame thing again22:44
lcb--Slue_Gniffer and firefox may be confused or defaulting to trying to use gnash22:44
six_i need some help to update my ubuntu22:44
lollowhen i unamount the key usb ubuntu ask me to delete the trash .... must i do it ? why ?22:44
Slue_Gnifferlcb-- , Ok. Hold on.22:44
dragonits still telling me its unable to start up 3D acceleration.22:44
Starnestommykockas: what error did you get>22:44
Clericis there any risk in upgrading to 7.10 distro via synaptic upgrade manager?22:44
Agent_bobpioSko very possable and likely.    the package manager22:44
blackmouseunless there is more than teh two packages taht need ot be installled22:44
kockas"Package wine has no installation complete "22:44
lcb--Slue_Gniffer you can use synaptic or apt-get remove gnash ...perhaps22:44
depoi six_, um momento22:44
SNuxollCleric: no22:45
putnumktwillight: can it use multiple rdp connections?22:45
lcb--lcb-- and restart firefox after removing gnash22:45
SNuxollCleric: well, no if you use update manager22:45
pioSkoAgent_bob: package manager wont work... not sure why but it wont see cd-rom even when it's mounted and has install cd inside22:45
kockas"this may mean the package is missing,has been obsoleted,or is only available from anther source"22:45
ClericSnuxoll: will all of my personal files, documents and installed programs remain as they are, retaining settings?22:45
depsix: #ubuntu-pt @ irc.freenode.net22:45
SNuxollCleric: yes, all it does is upgrade to the new version22:45
Agent_bobpioSko eject it and try22:46
SNuxollCleric: everything else, settings, etc, stay the same22:46
deppara o português22:46
Slue_Gnifferlcb-- , Yeah. Gnash was the problem apparently. Hah, thanks.22:46
ClericSNuxoll: so I don't need to make any backups?22:46
Starnestommykockas: you may need to enable the universe repository in System > Administration > Software Sources22:46
kockasi dont know how to enter that folders :S22:46
SNuxollCleric: nope, as long as you don't have the power go out during the update22:46
Starnestommykockas: it's in the menu bar at the top of the screen in ubuntu22:47
Starnestommykockas: unless you use xubuntu or kubuntu22:47
joseph_anyone wanna play some glest?22:47
ClericSNuxoll: thanks, also i prefer using kopete but when i join #ubuntu it doesn't open a channel such as this?22:47
dragonwhen i clicked on the nvidia-glx package and put applied did it download the needed drivers? or just enable me to download them?22:47
kockasi got ubuntu22:47
kockasi cant find it22:47
fyrestrtrdragon: are you using the restricted drivers manager?22:47
kockasthat administration -.-22:47
SNuxollCleric: not sure, you might want to try using Konversation or Xchat, I'm a irssi user so I can't really help you on that one22:47
dragonrestricted drivers manager?22:48
dragoni have been useing synaptic package manager22:48
six_I have some problems with my nvidia drivers22:48
ClericSNuxoll: what's the best IRC chat program?22:48
StarnestommyCleric: depends on your personal preferencs22:49
joseph_i use xchat22:49
StarnestommyI use xchat and irssi22:49
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.22:49
SNuxollCleric: irssi is what I'd consider 'best', but unless you are comfortable with IRC commands and are willing to run a terminal then you should just use Xchat22:49
DjViperis there an open office channel on this network?22:49
dragoni dont see a restricted drivers manager anywhere in my menus22:49
kockasso how i can enable it?22:49
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org22:50
fyrestrtrdragon: what release are you running?22:50
Elevator_HazardAnyone else having problems with sound in 7.10?22:50
PriceChild!sound | Elevator_Hazard22:50
ubotuElevator_Hazard: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:50
fyrestrtroh that's why.22:50
puffI'm running ubuntu on a thinkpad t43p.  When I upgraded to gutsy, I got compiz-fusion, but it broke suspend. I'm trying to figure this out, the only hopeful thing I've seen is http://blog.vaxius.net/?p=19 but it seems to imply that it will break compiz-fusion if I do it.  Anybody know more about this?22:50
fyrestrtrit was announced in fiesty.22:50
pioSkoAgent_bob: i have many times ejected the cd (btw: i'm in winXP atm and need to reboot in order to try whatever it is in need to do...)22:50
Starnestommykockas: Use the "Sofware Sources" program. It should be under the "Administration" menu in the "System" menu at the top of the screen.22:50
fyrestrtrpuff: ATI chipset?22:50
Elevator_Hazardthanks I'll have a look.22:51
deppuff: if you did a dist-upgrade, there could be many things that could have broken suspend, why do you think it was compiz-fusion specifically?22:51
dragoni have the live cd image for the new gutsy/hardy but i cant seem to sucsusfully burn it into a bootable CD22:51
pufffyrestrtr:  yeah.22:51
fyrestrtrpuff: you need to use the binary drivers from ATI in order for suspend to work.22:51
kakarot0need help cant use webcam on amsn22:51
kockasi entered some "synaptic package manager" is it that?22:51
fyrestrtrpuff: specifically from ati.com, not the ones in the repos.22:51
puffdep: I should have phrased that better.  "it" broke suspend referred to the upgrade.22:52
pufffyrestrtr: Hm, I thought I was.22:52
Starnestommykockas: try searching for wine in that22:52
pufffyrestrtr: Ah, not using the restricted drivers mananger?22:52
fyrestrtrpuff: unless you downloaded them from ati.com, you are not :)22:52
kockasthere is much files22:52
deppuff: oh, gotcha. looks like you anf fyre are on the path, good luck22:52
kockasand much directories22:52
six_Have a good day22:52
kockasfor that22:52
pufffyrestrtr: Hm....22:52
kockasidk on which tree to try look22:52
puffdep: Thanks.22:52
fyrestrtrpuff: had the same issue on my T4322:52
pufffyrestrtr: Ubuntu?22:52
flatsI have Ubuntu Ultimate edition.  My question is that at login where I choose my login name.  A sound file plays.  I want to disable that sound file.  It must be seperate from the normal sound system because I have my volume muted once I get logged in but as soon as the login screen comes on, a loud music files plays.  Any idea where I can disable that?22:52
pufffyrestrtr: what's involved in setting them up manually?22:53
Starnestommykockas: use the "Search" button near the top of the window22:53
=== kaelten_ is now known as Kaelten
flatsI have Ubuntu Ultimate edition.  My question is that at login where I choose my login name.  A sound file plays.  I want to disable that sound file.  It must be seperate from the normal sound system because I have my volume muted once I get logged in but as soon as the login screen comes on, a loud music files plays.  Any idea where I can disable that?22:53
fyrestrtrpuff: its really straight forward, kernel sources, download, get out of X, run from console, run the file, click, click, and done. You need to disable and uninstall the previous drivers first otherwise you'll get lots of lovely messages on boot.22:53
kockasand i have to search wine'22:53
Starnestommykockas: yes22:53
dragoni got ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso but i cant make a bootable CD out of it to upgrade22:53
fyrestrtrflats: please do not repeat.22:53
kockasin which folders22:54
flatssorry, I wasn't set +e didnt know if you saw that or not22:54
fyrestrtrdragon: run the checksum.22:54
dragonhow do i run the checksum?22:54
depflats: gdm controls the playing of the login sound, run gdmsetup and you should be able to disable I think, checking on that22:54
_elementalhaving issues getting my 7600GT setup, have tried binary from nvidia and envy, not giving the correct resolutions and boots into low graphics mode22:54
drambuieflats, system/preferences/sound center tab to turn off sounds22:54
kockasin which folder ususally is wine=?22:54
fyrestrtr!md5 | dragon22:54
ubotudragon: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:54
joseph_kockas: /home/username/.wine22:55
flatsdrambuie: All sounds are disabled22:55
dragonbash: !md5: event not found22:55
dragon is what i got in return22:55
depflats: yeah, run 'sudo gdmsetup' and under the 'Accessibility' tab you can disable the sounds22:55
Starnestommykockas: Hit the "Search" button near the top.  Put "wine" in the "Search:" box.  Tell it to look in "Description and Name", then hit the "Search" button in the pop-up22:55
benny269hi, i've just moved to xchat, any way to change colours and configuration so its a little easier on the eyes? can't tell who's talking to who?22:55
brobostigonkockas: using search in synaptic, will seaarch all folders22:55
fyrestrtrdragon: !md5 is not a command, read the message from ubotu and go to the link.22:55
kakarot0need help cant use webcam on amsn22:55
pufffyrestrtr: Cool, much thanks, will try again in a bit.  If it works, I'll post a comment to the suspend bug :-).22:56
fyrestrtrpuff: its an old issue :) I had it up on my T43 page.22:56
=== claybustr is now known as Clay^
kockasso if i use synaptic where i can find the wine?*22:56
pufffyrestrtr: where's that?22:56
flatsThanks dep there it was.  many thanks22:56
pufffyrestrtr: have you tried this with gutsy?22:57
brobostigonkockas: use search in synptic,and type in the search box wine, and then press enter22:57
depflats: np, good luck. Not sure why gdm is ignoring the mute though, I'll look into it more22:57
kockasi done it22:57
kockasbut it cant find22:57
Clay^do you have all repositories on? wine should be in the main distro though22:57
Starnestommykockas: liik in Cross Platform (universe)22:57
fyrestrtrpuff: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ThinkpadT43-2668-71G22:57
kockaswhat is that?22:57
fyrestrtrpuff: upgraded to T61p with the nvidia chipset.22:58
alexkreuz_well i just tested it. my laptop intel 915 is way too weak to handle compiz fusion22:58
Starnestommykockas: it's a folder in synaptic22:58
alexkreuz_lag hell22:58
Starnestommykockas: look in the list on the left side22:58
coincoin169hello all22:58
coincoin169i am trying to create a bootable usb key to install ubuntu from this usb key22:59
puffAlso in the upgrade, something mucked up my emacs fonts.  I had a devil of a time getting a readable font.  Somebody on #emacs recommended the emacs-with-xft build, which also just recently was merged into the main emacs CVS, but won't make it into apt for another two months or so, I'm told.22:59
Clay^I'm having a variant of the PATA/SATA problem. I unplugged my PATA drive, got ubuntu installed, and it now boots the SATA drive. I plug the PATA drive back in and it shows up in bios but there is no device for it in /dev. I only have hda (SATA-3) and hdc (PATA-3), PATA-1 does not exist (where the hard drive should be)23:00
_elementalis envy a viable method of getting my 7600gt working corectly?23:00
coincoin169when i start the pc on which i want to install ubuntu23:00
fyrestrtrpuff: are you on gutsy?23:00
fyrestrtr_elemental: no, it is not.23:00
coincoin169a the detect and mount cdrom device fails23:00
Starnestommy_elemental: envy ha sbeen known to cause more problems than it fixes23:00
depcoincoin169: do you have a usb key that has a capacity greater than a cd?23:00
puffSomebody built an ubuntu package, but the existing emacs-21 package doesn't seem to play nicely with the custom emacs-22 package.  Anybody run into this?23:00
brobostigoncoincoin169: there is a tutorial on help.ubuntu.com i think??23:00
coincoin169yes in fact i did create my usb key23:00
FreezeSis it possible to install 7.10 on a software raid5 ? can anyone send me a tutorial ?23:00
* fyrestrtr would mumble something about emacs, but will leave it alone.23:00
coincoin169yes i know and it worked23:00
_elementalok, so I should have it remove the driver it installed and then remove envy, which driver should I be using? x6423:01
puffYou a vi guy?23:01
PriceChildpuff, you installed a custom package fom outside of the ubuntu repositories and it broke things? We can't support that here. Contact who maintained the broken package.23:01
coincoin169but when installing ubuntu it fails at the step Detect and mount CD-ROM23:01
puffPriceChild: yeah yeah yeah.23:01
fyrestrtrI'm a whatever-works-for-me-that-isn't-emacs guy.23:01
AdministratorJowi: Im bak without succes any other ideas23:01
kakarot0need help cant use webcam on amsn23:01
pufffyrestrtr: once you drink the koolaid, it's wonderful.23:01
fyrestrtr!webcam | kakarot023:01
ubotukakarot0: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:01
fyrestrtrpuff: I'm trying to quit :)23:02
pufffyrestrtr: let me tell you about my church....23:02
kockasstill cant23:02
* Mashu stabs xchat23:02
depcoincoin169: probably should get the cd drive working, but if not: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:02
AdministratorJowi: I did notice that it does not show a gateway in ifconfig and I changed the aliases file but it still showed an ipv6 address23:02
PriceChildpuff, be thankful it didn't wipe your machine in a malicious preinst script and don't use packages from outside the ubuntu repositories next time.23:02
PriceChild!enter | kockas23:02
ubotukockas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:02
brobostigonkakarot0: first chech if the webcam is propeerly detected and gets a device efercne in /dev23:02
kockascan some1 come on my pc and try find it?23:02
puffPriceChild: Okay, so how do you get emacs with readable fonts after upgrading to gutsy?23:02
fyrestrtrkockas: what are you trying to install?23:02
PriceChildpuff, no idea23:03
fyrestrtrpuff: sudo apt-get remove --purge emacs && sudo apt-get install vim23:03
fyrestrtrpuff: voila -- instant fonts.23:03
kockasfyrestrtr:can you come to my pc and try find it?23:03
pufffyrestrtr: oh come now, don't you know "vi vi vi" spells "666"?  Clearly vi is The Editor Of The Beast.23:03
Administratorhow do I disable ipv6 in Ubuntu 7.1023:03
fyrestrtrkockas: why do you need wine?23:03
kockaswana open some exe files23:03
fyrestrtrpuff: I prefer to be called ruler for all that is evil.23:03
kockascant open my stuffs here :S23:03
PriceChildAdministrator, you shouldn't, instead fix your network so that it isn't an issue23:04
puffspeaking of wine... anybody ever tried to get google sketchup running on ubuntu?  Is it worth trying or too much pain?23:04
AdministratorPriceChild Could you help me out with that?23:04
_elementalanyone have  a recomendation on nvidia drivers?23:04
kockasfyrestrt:can you come to my pc and find it??? or somehow23:04
depAdministrator: open up /etc/modprobe.d/aliases23:04
PriceChild_elemental, use the restricted driver manager23:04
Administratordep I did that23:04
fyrestrtrkockas: what exe file do you want to run?23:04
Administratordep still shows an ipv6 address23:05
kockasexe of my program23:05
kockasbs player23:05
kockasor something like that23:05
_elementalk, restoring original xorg.conf and I'll do that23:05
fyrestrtrAdministrator: disable ipv623:05
depAdministrator: and add the following lines; alias net-pf-10 ipv6 off; alias net-pf-10 off; alias ipv6 off23:05
fyrestrtrkockas: you don't need bsplayer in ubuntu. Install vlc and it will play everything.23:05
Administratordep: I did that23:05
kockasi wana know how to open some exe files23:05
alexkreuz_whats the purpose of disabling ipv6?23:05
Administratordep: still shows an ipv6 address in ifconfig23:05
ronHas anyone intalled the Linux version of23:05
kockasand i need wine for that23:05
fyrestrtr!wine | kockas23:06
ubotukockas: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:06
brobostigon!wine | kockas23:06
depAdministrator: hrm, that should stop it from loading the ipv6 modules23:06
kockasso i dont have wine lol23:06
fyrestrtrkockas: go read that.23:06
=== chryss__ is now known as chryss
kockasi dont know how to use that on my linux ubuntu23:06
Administratorthe problem I am having is that its getting an IP address but I cant connect to the net23:06
kockascan some1 come on my pc and try to install it or something23:06
fyrestrtrkockas: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine23:06
Clay^wine is a noble but hopeless idea23:06
Blueycan someone help me with martian?23:07
Administratordep The ip is correct but Im not getting a Gateway address23:07
kockasi gone to that site and i dont understand anything of that -.-23:07
depAdministrator: ipv6 is unlikely to cause usability issues, check your gateway23:07
fyrestrtrAdministrator: can you ping ?23:07
depAdministrator: are you getting the address via dhcp?23:07
fyrestrtrkockas: what don't you understand?23:07
PriceChildAdministrator, so your dhcp leases aren't givng you a gateway? that's nothing to do with ipv623:07
kockashard to type here in this chat23:07
kockasi dont understand where i can find wine and start installing of it .,-23:07
fyrestrtrkockas: did you read the page?23:08
ronWho has installed Linux version of AVG free?23:08
Pirate_Hunterhowdy ho "hopefully my net will hold up long enough for me to stay connected" is there anyway to download vmware player without having to fill that form on their site?23:08
kockasi tried and i dont understand anythign there -.-23:08
Administratorok teh same puter wrks in XP nd Vista23:08
fyrestrtrPirate_Hunter: no.23:08
Pirate_Hunterfyrestrtr: :(23:08
Administratordep yess I am gettin the address via DHCP23:08
PriceChildAdministrator, ipv6 is not the problem... i advise you to undo any changes you've made trying to disable it.23:08
fyrestrtrAdministrator: you didn't answer my question :)23:08
PriceChildAdministrator, you likely broke ipv4 in the process23:09
alexkreuz_PriceChild, about ipv623:09
sintax98can someone help me with getting a dell optiplex 320 to boot via drbl?23:09
kockasfyrestrtr so can you come on my pc somehow?23:09
alexkreuz_there is a suggestion on the web to disable ipv6 in firefox23:09
Administratorfyrstrtr no I cannot ping newhere in Ubuntu23:09
fyrestrtrkockas: My magic carpet is gone for repairs, sorry.23:09
PriceChildalexkreuz_, only needed if you've set your network up rubbishly23:09
PriceChildalexkreuz_, its a workaround, not a solution23:09
fyrestrtrAdministrator: ifconfig is showing you what?23:09
Pirate_Huntercan someone post a tutorial on how to install an os on vmware player "I would prefer win xp"?23:09
kockasany1 can come on my pc and install wine or something?23:09
PriceChildkockas, I would advise against that... people here are random and we could break your machine, steal your paypal passwords23:09
Administratorits showing the same IP that the DSL modem is showing me in FF on XP23:10
alexkreuz_because if i don't disable it, everytime I click on a link to open a page in a new tab, it lags my firefox23:10
fyrestrtrPirate_Hunter: you need the vmware server to install an OS, the player is just to run virtual machines, not to create them.23:10
PriceChildkockas, if you can't understand the wine page on help.ubuntu.com, you won't be able to use it even after you install it.23:10
riaalIs there anyway to update fstab and change where hdd (not system) is mounted while system is running?23:10
kockaslol i dont have paypal password23:10
badkittyPirate_Hunter: Cant you just download the appliance?23:10
zelrikriandoanyone uses kino here?23:10
puffkockas: You may be better off finding an ubuntu mentor somewhere physically close to you.23:10
Administratorfyrstrtr: >its showing the same IP that the DSL modem is showing me in FF on XP23:10
clintonriaal:is that drive currently mounted and in use?23:10
badkittyPirate_Hunter: pricechild is right23:10
lostroseevening all.. could U please give me a list of laptops with wireless cards that are completely compatible with ubuntu 7.10.. or just e-mail me at ratxtreme90@gmail.com thanks23:10
kockasbut i need some1 to explain me this wine23:10
Pirate_Hunterfyrestrtr: I wish to run win xp as a virtual machine23:10
fyrestrtrAdministrator: does your DSL modem have a DHCP server?23:10
kockasi dont understand where i can find my wine !! i tried where u guys told me23:10
kockasand i didnt found it23:11
fyrestrtrPirate_Hunter: then you need vmware *server* not vmware *player*23:11
riaalclinton: its mounted, not sure about used, Its a server, I can kill all processes running from it23:11
PriceChildkockas, "sudo apt-get install wine" in a terminal will install it.23:11
Administratorfyrstrtr yes but it only distributes 1 private IP23:11
clintonriaal: if there are processes running on it - and it's a server, then no, I would not recommend re-mounting it on the fly23:11
fyrestrtrlostrose: check the wiki please, there is an updated list there.23:11
kockasi tried and it ask for pw and i type pw than after it it say some error23:11
Pirate_Hunterbadkitty: I'm about to downlaod it but need to run win xp as virtual machine but i dont think its the same way as doing it in Vbox23:11
cpk1how important is acpi? if I turn it off will I notice any negative effects?23:11
PriceChildkockas, then you put the wrong password in23:11
fyrestrtrAdministrator: then what's the problem? You are not getting it?23:11
riaalclinton: okey :(23:11
PriceChildcpk1, it does important things such as battery/power management23:12
sintax98anyone out there using drbl?23:12
Administratorfyrstrtr but I have it set to give its IP to the adapter of the puter23:12
kockaspw is not wrong23:12
kockasbut some error is there23:12
PriceChildkockas, what error?23:12
fyrestrtrAdministrator: then?23:12
kockaslisten this what it write23:12
Administratorfyrstrtr firefox is not connecting in Ubuntu23:12
Pirate_Hunterfyrestrtr: :( but since were on this topic whats the difference? I just want to run win xp on my ubuntu23:12
PriceChild!paste | kockas23:12
ubotukockas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:12
cpk1PriceChild: it also sends interrupts, right? I am on a desktop so dont need power/battery management23:12
PriceChildcpk1, I'm afraid I don't know :)23:12
lostrosefyrestrtr: thank's for the heads up23:12
badkittyPirate_Hunter: Well for sure you need the server version so you can make your own OS, then you install windows as usual through vmware.. just make sure you allow the cd-rom to work and boot etc23:13
bob__any idea for a good HTML and CSS editor for ubuntu?23:13
kockas"Package wine is not available,but it is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing,has been obsoleted,or is only available from another source"23:13
fyrestrtrPirate_Hunter: the vmware player is software that can run a pre-made virtual machine image (a .vmx file). A vmware server allows you to create virtual machines and install operating systems on them. So if you want to run XP inside a virtual machine on an ubuntu host, you need to download the vmware server (which is also free), create a new virtual machine, then install XP in that virtual machine. Hope this is clear.23:13
depbob__: bluefish23:13
kockassee what i wrote there23:13
Pirate_Hunterbadkitty: do i ahve to pay for the server version?23:13
fyrestrtrAdministrator: pastebin the output of ifconfig23:13
bob__dep, i'll check i out23:13
PriceChildkockas, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wine23:13
XceIII just put a video card in, it keeps saying, (running local scripts), what can i put in terminal for it to load?23:13
badkittyPirate_Hunter: I think the server version is free along with the player23:14
PriceChildbadkitty, Pirate_Hunter no you don't23:14
pufffyrestrtr: Your t43 page doesn't mention the ATI stuff that I can see, is there more info on it elsewhere?23:14
kockasthat update works23:14
PriceChildbadkitty, Pirate_Hunter you can get the player, then use easyvmx.com - or just use virtualbox23:14
kockasand wine same thing again23:14
badkittyPriceChild: Which is the one that you have to pay for?23:14
fyrestrtrpuff: its the last line on the bottom.23:14
PriceChildbadkitty, workstation23:14
fyrestrtrpuff: its a very old, known issue with ATI laptop chipsets and suspend.23:14
PriceChildbadkitty, the new server version is scary23:14
bob__bluefish looks top23:14
Administratorfyrstrtr: I cant I am trip bootin with XP nd Vista nd Ubuntu, hense I am on the machine now in XP23:14
badkittyPriceChild: lol and how is that23:14
depbob__: excellent, good luck23:15
fyrestrtrAdministrator: then we cannot help you.23:15
atoponcewhy doesn't lastb work?23:15
PriceChildbadkitty, it just is... never figured out where the gui was myself :)23:15
pufffyrestrtr: Ah, now I see it :-).23:15
PriceChild!doesn't work | atoponce23:15
ubotuatoponce: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:15
Pirate_Hunterbadkitty, PriceChild: ok i just wish to move away from vbox "had soem issues with it" and try vmware still will give it a try23:15
Administratorhow do u pastebin?23:15
pufffyrestrtr: Hm, suspend *was* working before I upgraded from feisty to gutsy.23:15
PriceChild!paste | Administrator23:15
coincoin169i have got the same problem brobostigon23:15
ubotuAdministrator: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:15
bob__got it installed, thanks again dep23:15
fyrestrtr!pastebin | Administrator23:15
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, well then i'd suggest vmware player, and easyvmx.com23:15
atoponcePriceChild: ok. why aren't failed login attempts being displayed in lastb?23:15
coincoin169the install programm cannot find any cdrom23:15
XceII I just put a video card in, it keeps saying, (running local scripts), what can i put in terminal for it to load?23:15
atoponcelastb, afterall, only does one thing...23:16
fyrestrtrpuff: yes, but in all its helpfull-ness, gutsy went and installed the binary drivers for your video card; hence no more suspend.23:16
badkittyPriceChild: That website you mentioned earlier, is that the one that pre-configures several various types of  virtual machines for you to download?23:16
coincoin169i tried to mount it in the console as it is described on the bottom of the page23:16
PriceChildatoponce, aren't failed attempts shown at login then cleared?23:16
kockasso i have to quit ubuntu?? and start xp?23:16
PriceChildbadkitty, yes23:16
Administratorfyrstrtr so if I copied the ifconfig in ubuntu nd saved it to a txt file I could copy and paste it here?23:16
kockasor some1 can explain me that wine23:16
coincoin169but it tells me that No such device23:16
Pirate_HunterPriceChild: yeah seems interesting still need to know how to combine both or even first how to untar vmplayer :( and than use it with that23:16
bob__dep, is see it has PHP support also, Rocks!23:16
fyrestrtrAdministrator: if by 'here' you mean the pastebin website, then ys.23:16
Blueycan anyone help me load martian?23:16
fyrestrtrAdministrator: just don't paste it in the channel.23:16
atoponcePriceChild: shouldn't be, unless i'm missing something23:16
depbob__: yeah, it's pretty solid =)23:16
badkittyPriceChild: I think you may have mentioned this before a week or 2 ago23:17
Administratorfyrstrtr ok I think I see23:17
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, just untar it, then read the "README" file in there :)23:17
Administratorb bak soon23:17
PriceChildatoponce, no idea if not sorry.23:17
bob__dep: tried dreamweaver in wine first but taht's aweful to run23:17
atoponcePriceChild: np. anyone else know why lastb is not displaying failed login attempts?23:17
Pirate_HunterPriceChild: is it me or does vmware player and the other one just take way too much hard disk space compared to vbox23:17
coincoin169brobostigon are you there ?23:18
brobostigoncoincoin169: yes23:18
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, I haven't compared. Perhaps you have been  using full allocation in one, and dynamically expanding discs in the other.23:18
sintax98can anyone tell me how to get a dell optiplex 320 to install ubuntu?  I know there was a known issue in the kernel, but I was hoping there would be some way around it23:18
_elementalk, using the driver from restricted driver manager and I'm back in low graphics mode23:18
coincoin169it detects no cdrom drive23:18
fyrestrtrsintax98: what was the problem?23:18
Pirate_HunterPriceChild:  doubt considering i havent installed it yet just checking the sizes on the site23:19
brobostigoncoincoin169: sorry its very late here i am motsly asleep,i cannot help.23:19
atoponceanyone know about lastb?23:19
lnsAnyone know about the server kernel restricted drivers package? Is there one?23:19
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, sorry, thought you meant the disk images rather than the actual install23:19
fyrestrtratoponce: what about it?23:20
lulzturtledoes anyone here have any experience running a dedicated team fortress 2 linux server?23:20
Pirate_HunterPriceChild: np :D23:20
sintax98fyrestrtr: there's an issue with the onboard SATA, when I try to load the OS it just freezes after saying "MSI quirk detected. MSI deactivated"23:20
atoponcefyrestrtr: it's not reporting failed login attempts23:20
=== joseph_ is now known as chubs730
TonrenOkay guys.  Why does dmesg say "[ 2583.392000] scsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices" when I plug in my shiny new USB drive?23:21
coincoin169This is does not work for me using the alternate gutsy iso - i.e. mount -t vfat usbdev target fails with "no such device". There is a forum thread here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405008  Currently I know of no solution but to use the regular iso. -- Stenico23:21
pinguicould some one help m out23:21
fyrestrtrsintax98: does the system have any software raid or anything like that?23:21
coincoin169i should have read this before23:21
astro76atoponce: are the failed login attemps in /var/log/btmp ?23:21
coincoin169i am using an alternate cd23:21
fyrestrtrTonren: what would you like it to say? :)23:21
_elementalscreens and graphics shows I'm using the vesa driver23:21
kockashey any1 can help me23:21
nickrudTonren: it's simply telling you the technique it's using to access the usb.23:22
atoponceastro76: no23:22
kockaspackage wine is not available,but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing,has been obsoleted or is only available from another source23:22
fyrestrtr!info wine23:22
ubotuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB23:22
Tonrennickrud: fyrestrtr : Well, first off, it's not actually mounting anything.  Second off, why does it need SCSI?  SCSI is older than the hills.23:22
nickrudkockas: system->admin->software sources , enable the first 4 and disable the cdrom23:22
badkittykockas: sounds like the universe repository is not activated23:22
sintax98fyrestrtr: nothing special, it seems like it's a bug (from searching online for it) I was trying to get it to PXE boot from a drbl server and it freezes there too (I even tried disabling all the drives)23:22
pufffyrestrtr: Ah.23:23
kockasi cant find it :S23:23
fyrestrtrTonren: its 'SCSI emulation' -- how else can it attach a block device over USB? SCSI may be 'older than the hills', but its the best way to get emulation going for USB block devices.23:23
nickrudTonren: why it's not mounting is another question, but what's wrong with scsi ?23:23
lulzturtledoes anyone here have any experience running a dedicated team fortress 2 linux server? I need some help.23:23
Tonrennickrud: fyrestrtr: Well, fair enough.  I was under the impression that SCSI was just a deprecated standard.  But if it's supposed to work, sure.  Now, howcome it isn't mounting?23:23
Blueyi need to find the root directory for martian to be installed. where can i find it?23:23
fyrestrtrsintax98: dell might be able to help you -- they are warming up to ubuntu (apparently)23:23
kockasi go to folder "sys" and tried to find folder administ...23:24
kockasand i cant find it23:24
astro76atoponce: ok then lastb is probably working correctly but the login attempts aren't being logged in the first place23:24
atoponceastro76: logwatch is installed. would this "steal" the logging?23:24
Tonrennickrud: fyrestrtr : When I manually mount it, it works fine.  It doesn't seem to be able to mount it automatically, though.23:24
fyrestrtrTonren: err, no its not deprecated at all. There are tons of things that use SCSI and its still very much in use today.23:24
brokenHow can I set my internet address to in ubuntu?23:24
kockasany1 can come to my pc and help me to install it ?23:24
badkittykockas: On the GUI go to system-administration-software sources23:24
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Okey doke.  My bad.  Now how about the lack of auto-mounting?23:24
depbroken: ifconfig eth0 (assuming your interface is eth0)23:24
fyrestrtrTonren: what release?23:25
pinguicould somone help23:25
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone have a tutorial to installing/compiling vmware player on gutsy?23:25
fyrestrtrbroken: system > administration > network23:25
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Kubuntu 7.10.  I'm asking there too.23:25
leblinuxGuys amsn latest 0.97 isn't updated in Ubuntu !! anyone?23:25
sintax98fyrestrtr: supposedly they are, resources seem to be limited though.  I was thinking that if I disable the onboard SATA in the bios and PXE boot I might be able to get in, but I am not sure what this "PCI: MSI quirk" means23:25
fyrestrtr!vmware | Pirate_Hunter23:25
ubotuPirate_Hunter: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers23:25
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, read the README filein there.23:25
PriceChildleblinux, ubuntu freezes on release to ensure stability.23:25
astro76atoponce: not sure but sounds like a good first place to check23:25
kockaswhere i can find GUI?23:25
RyanPriorIs there a way to set a compose key using a GUI rather than editing xorg.conf by hand?23:25
iKapThis is happened twice today.. in middle of doing stuff, all the desktop icons disappear.. and i cant open my documents, or any other folders.. and i have to restart, anyone waht hte problem is????23:26
yusuohi i was just wondering how i would go about gettin my desktop wallpaper to change every couple of minutes23:26
PriceChildiKap, nautilus crashing?23:26
badkittykockas: The GUI is the graphical interface IE your desktop23:26
sorush21is there any other database application I can use inseatd of openoffice.23:26
Qwexeranyone have any advice on installing drivers for a printer through a network?23:26
Tonrenfyrestrtr: It says, "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000"23:26
RyanPriorPirate_Hunter: If you haven't tried VirtualBox yet, I suggest it. Very cool technology. :-)23:26
iKapPriceChild, i have no idea, is there a log i should check?23:26
lulzturtledoes anyone here have any experience running a dedicated team fortress 2 linux server? I need some help.23:26
riaalcan't hide the "lost+found" folder in a samba -> osx share can I?23:26
brokenThanks itworked.23:26
fyrestrtrsorush21: database application?23:26
Pirate_HunterPriceChild: I thought you meant in the packed vm player from their site hmmm i misunderstood sorry23:26
leblinuxPriceChild,  I think it took time freezing ;>23:26
iKapPriceChild, from what i know nautilus was running when i checked task manager.23:26
zelrikriandoanyone can help me with kino?23:26
Pirate_HunterRyanPrior: tried it23:26
nickrudPirate_Hunter: add   deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner   to your sources.list, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get  install vmware-server23:26
Pirate_Hunterfyrestrtr: thanks23:26
kockascant find it23:27
kockascan you come to my pc and try fix it?23:27
yusuohi i was just wondering how i would go about gettin my desktop wallpaper to change every couple of minutes23:27
PriceChildleblinux, feature freeze is normally a month or two before release23:27
astro76atoponce: are the permissions on /var/log/btmp still 644 root.utmp ?23:27
Administratorfyrstrtr: http://pastebin.com/d6e0560e323:27
Tonren6h, wait a minute.23:27
nickrudkockas:   go to system->admin software sources , enable the first four items , disable the cdrom23:27
atoponce664 root.utmp23:27
badkittykockas: You cant find it? At the top of the screen it should say applications places and system .. do you see that?23:27
nickrudkockas: then try installing wine again23:27
astro76atoponce: whoops 664, yeah23:27
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Is that the error that shows up when you try to mount an ntfs partition?23:27
TonrenBecause, this is an ntfs partition.23:28
leblinuxwow ;> kthanx!23:28
badkittynickrud: He cant even find that23:28
atoponceastro76: that would cause a problem, or is 664 expected?23:28
Pirate_Hunternickrud: would that even work on gutsy isn' it bad to install apps that were meant for other distros23:28
kockasyes i see aplications and system23:28
kockaswhere i go than23:28
fyrestrtrTonren: no; that error is something else. How many users on your system?23:28
nickrudPirate_Hunter: canonical is ubuntu :)23:28
Tonrenfyrestrtr: 2.23:28
fyrestrtrTonren: and how many things do you have attached via usb?23:28
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astro76atoponce: yeah I mistyped, it's 66423:28
nickrud!canonical | Pirate_Hunter23:28
ubotuPirate_Hunter: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/23:28
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Just the one.23:28
Pirate_Hunternickrud: (0.0) oops sorry way late over here :323:29
liechtibrauch hilfe23:29
fyrestrtrAdministrator: you need to set your gateway and your dns servers.23:29
fyrestrtrAdministrator: system > administration > network23:29
astro76!hi | liechti23:30
ubotuliechti: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:30
fyrestrtrTonren: restart hal, that should fix it.23:30
FetusCakeMixMy video keeps crashing during the live cd boot up process.  Can anybody provude some quick help?23:30
nickrudkockas: system , then press admin, then press software sources. You will see some items with checkboxes. Check the first four, then uncheck the cdrom23:30
liechtibrauche hilfe23:30
Qwexerno one had any problems with setting up printers?23:30
leinadi'm on my ps323:30
Administratorfyrstrtr ok I give that a shot again but I think I allready went to that setting and couldnt find nething to change23:30
kockaslook mate i see applications and computer where i go first?23:30
shawn_selig29hi guys23:30
nickrudkockas: do you see system on the same bar as applications?23:31
kockasno only computer and app.23:31
FetusCakeMixMy video keeps crashing during the live cd boot up process.  Can anybody provude some quick help?23:31
_Oz__I got Adobe Photoshop CS2 working in Wine23:31
yusuohi i was just wondering how i would go about gettin my desktop wallpaper to change every couple of minutes23:31
nickrudkockas: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu?23:31
_Oz__This computer now officially does everything my XP computer can do23:31
_Oz__I freaking love it23:31
_Oz__I think I'm a convert to Ubuntu...23:31
Tonren_Oz__: Be careful; there are some bugaboos.  But enjoy!  Ubuntu rules.23:32
yusuo_Oz__ you have compiz on it yet23:32
shawn_selig29im soon hopefully gonna be like _Oz_23:32
xstyrWoop Convert =]23:32
_Oz_no, what is compiz?23:32
liechtibrauche hilfe23:32
yusuo3d desktop23:32
Tonren_Oz__: It's special desktop effects.  You shouldn't try to install it unless you're an advanced user.23:32
liechtibeim server wechseln mus auf  de23:32
astro76!german | liechti23:32
ubotuliechti: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:32
FetusCakeMixMy video keeps crashing during the live cd boot up process.  Can anybody provide some quick help?23:32
chubs730compiz is something that looks really pretty and you will not like after a week or so23:32
yusuogo to synaptic and download compiz, manager23:32
xstyrLike turn your desktop into a 3d spinning cube23:33
_Oz_I'll try it23:33
_Oz_can I remove it if it gives me problems?23:33
xstyrCompiz isn't advanced to install?23:33
chubs730not anymore it's not23:33
nickrudkockas http://www.monkeez.org/linux/ubuntu/screenshot2.png , top bar, left, it has applications places system23:33
yusuou can set the dekstop to be on a cube and spin the sides with the mouse whell23:33
kockasso what i do now?23:33
chubs730it's still kinda unstable though23:33
_Oz_one quick question, though.  I used winetricks to install corefonts...  how do I make a launcher for winetricks?23:33
shawn_selig29my last i tried to install ubuntu on my laptop i got some error..and didint know wha tit meant23:33
xstyrhmmm is that from the .deb or source?23:33
nickrudkockas: did you see my last to you? I showed you a screenshot of what you are looking for23:33
sintax98is it easy to install the latest kernel from kernel.org?23:34
yusuoyeah but it needs like a 64mb card to run correctly thats not a problem for many a person23:34
MGalaxywhich edition of ubuntu should I use for Inter core 2 duo proccessor?23:34
Tonren_Oz__: You can remove it, but it may still give you problems.  Some people have to re-install.23:34
kockasyes yes im on browser brb23:34
nonXerodoes anyone know how I could disable the startup services in ubuntu from the command line?23:34
_Oz_mgalaxy: I'd recommend ubuntu23:34
DanteHow do I uninstall Emerald?23:34
nickrudnonXero: install rcconf , its useful for that23:34
Tonrenfyrestrtr: I did /etc/init.d/hal restart, and I'm still getting the same error.23:34
astro76MGalaxy: I'd recommend 32bit23:34
chubs730mgalaxy: either, 64 bit version will be slightly faster, but there are a few issues23:34
nonXeronickrud: thx. will do.23:34
_Oz_tonren: thanks. I'll try it...  don't have too much to lose, I guess.  I can get back to where I am on this install quickly.23:34
shawn_selig29i think im gonna come in here later tonite and get osme help reinstalling it.....cause im running vista on my lapotp now and iw ant to dual boot with ubuntu...will ubuntu auto confgure boot loader?23:34
xstyrapt-get remove emerald    ?23:34
TonrenMGalaxy: If you use 64bit, you won't have Flash.23:34
yusuojust untick emerald in sypnatic Dante23:34
Tonren_Oz_: Then it's probably worth it.  It's very rewarding if it works.23:35
Tonren_Oz_: What kind of graphics card do you have?23:35
FetusCakeMixI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop (ATI Radeon x1800 video) and it crashes when it tries to load my VGA drivers.23:35
nickrudnonXero: also,  update-rc.d but that's a complicated one23:35
_Oz_tonren: old school, it's slow23:35
steltusing add/remove in the application menu doesn't show amsn, how do i add it then?23:35
kockasi dont have that system23:35
_Oz_not sure, it's integrated onto a cheapy dell mobo, P423:35
nickrudshawn_selig29: yes23:35
kockasi only got applications and computer in my corner23:35
yusuoit'll be 64 _Oz__23:35
Tonren_Oz_: Hmmm... I wouldn't bother trying, then.23:35
chubs730Mgalaxy: this is true to an extent, it's fairly painless to get flash working now, but definitely not as easy as just going with 32bit23:35
shawn_selig29cause i need vista and ubuntu for my college23:35
Dantethanks yusuo23:35
nickrudkockas: then you have something very odd, how about a screenshot?23:35
_Oz_I have a much more powerful computer with an nvidia card...  but that one has a lot of important stuff on it.23:35
iKapwhere can i find my syslog?!23:36
kockashow to make ss?23:36
astro76!dualboot | shawn_selig2923:36
ubotushawn_selig29: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:36
Tonren_Oz_: I have a god-awful ATI Radeon 300M integrated card, and it just BARELY works.  It's about a year and a half old. I had to jump through some SERIOUS hoops.23:36
chubs730if you have more than 3gb of ram however, you may want to go 64bit23:36
shawn_selig29when sp1 for vista comes out...would it mess up ubuntus bootloader?23:36
_Oz_tonren: ah, ok.23:36
Pirate_Hunterwhats the command to erase password once you use it?23:36
maze_MGalaxy:  I use ubuntu 7.10 amd64 with an intel core2 6400 and was easy to setup, the amd64 ubuntu forum is very helpful23:36
_Oz_is there somewhere I can see a screenshot of compiz?23:36
Tonren_Oz_: I recommend trying it out sometime if you get the chance, though.  It's very fun.23:36
Tonren_Oz_: www.compiz-fusion.org23:36
xstyrVista SP! may if it writes to the MBR23:36
astro76shawn_selig29: no assuming it's like any other windows update23:36
iKapdoes anyone know where i can find my syslogs and all.. im trying to find errors??23:36
yusuogo to youtube theres loads of videos on it23:36
nickrudshawn_selig29: I wouldn't expect it to, but getting back a bootloader is trivial23:36
MGalaxyastro76: chubs730, Tonren: so, do u recommend me to use 32bit edition?23:36
FetusCakeMixI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop (ATI Radeon x1800 video) and it crashes when it tries to load my VGA drivers.23:36
kockashow to make screenshot??23:36
* nickrud 4ths on 32bit23:36
_Oz_tonren: one more quick q.  How can I make a launcher for "sh winetricks"?23:36
yusuo go to youtube theres loads of videos on it _Oz__23:37
chubs730Mgalaxy: I'd say probably yes, but how much ram does your computer have?23:37
nickrudkockas: press print screen key23:37
astro76MGalaxy: yes definitely23:37
MGalaxymaze_: and u dont have any problem? i think it shoul be worked only for AMD cpu-s23:37
shawn_selig29i cant wait till tonite to install ubuntu23:37
MGalaxychubs730: 2GB23:37
Tonren_Oz_: There are a lot of ways.. Just fool around with the system menu for a while; maybe right click and try "EDIT"ing it.23:37
xstyrhave fun installing ubuntu !23:37
astro76MGalaxy: no amd64 is an architecture also used by intel now, in the core duos23:37
chubs730Mgalaxy: yeah, stick with the 32bit then, but i'm running 64bit myself and forums are very helpful23:37
TonrenDoes anyone know if Warcraft III runs on Wine well?23:37
Blueycan anyone help me load martian?23:37
PriceChild!wow | Tonren23:38
ubotuTonren: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:38
chubs730it runs perfectly tonren23:38
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
ahaveif i have a distro of ubuntu (linuxICE) that does not have certain packages, can I add them via USB stick?23:38
marcelo_Oso 64bit is best with how much ram?23:38
xstyr64bit versions are more annoying when it comes to software compatability23:38
MGalaxyTHX ALL23:38
Elevator_HazardI don't get the sound help and howtos ubotu gave me :(23:38
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
kockasi cant paste it oO23:38
chubs730tonren: you have to use a slightly older version of wine for battle.net,23:38
maze_MGalaxy: nah amd64 is a name used for all amd and intel x64 architectures, but ie been using this workstation for 3 months with no problems23:38
FetusCakeMixI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop (ATI Radeon x1800 video) and it crashes when it tries to load my VGA drivers.  Anybody know what could going wrong?23:38
Elevator_HazardIt should be this hard to get sound working on my usb headset... Its a complete gamble when I turn on the computer and I'm tired of it...23:38
ally_oxooxxhey guys, will ubuntu detect Apples "Airport" ?23:38
maze_MGalaxy: even got wine and WoW working and flash923:38
_Oz_I am watching a youtube vid of compiz now. Wow...23:39
xstyryes it picks up airport23:39
chubs730well for any amount of ram above 3gb, a 32bit operating system will not be able to properly use it23:39
xstyrits not native tho23:39
Tonrenchubs730: Ugh.. I hate it when things break with updates.23:39
Pirate_Hunter whats the command to erase password once you use it and how do i mount iso images in ubuntu?23:39
nickrudkockas: put it on http://photobucket.com/register.php?action=unpw  (and use my nick in your replies, it's red her and I won't miss it )23:39
_Oz_if I install compiz on my dual boot high end PC (running XP and ubuntu) will that put my xp install at risk?23:39
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Restarting hal didn't fix my problem.  Do you have any other suggestions?23:39
shawn_selig29whats the most common ubuntu version kubuntu ubuntu...etc?23:39
nickrudkockas: brb in 523:39
kockasoki ^^23:39
Tonren_Oz_: Nothing you do in Ubuntu can affect your Windows install, unless you're actually messing with the partition.23:39
chubs730tonren: yeah it's annoying but the performance was near perfect with .9.43 already, so if you're only using wine for warcraft it's completely fine23:40
xstyrIf you dont format ur XP drive-if your partioning, you could damage XP23:40
astro76shawn_selig29: ubuntu23:40
Extendanyone got ruby on rails rubygems working with apache ?23:40
_Oz_well, this compiz is extremely cool.  I MUST try it.23:40
_Oz_here I go...23:40
Tonrenchubs730: I forget, what's the syntax to get an older version with Aptitude?23:41
Extendanyone got ruby on rails rubygems working with apache ?23:41
Tonrenchubs730: Also, this site recommends using their repositories for playing DotA (which is what I want to do): http://ubuntusite.com/dota-warcraft-iii-playable-in-linux-mint/  Do you think I should do that?23:41
Elevator_HazardGah... Who knows how to fix my usb headset sound problem? sound only works every now and then.23:42
chubs730tonren: i've never heard of those repos, i don't do much dota, but it's always worked fine using the normal ones23:42
iKaphow can i reinstall nautilus?! any commands through terminal?23:42
astro76iKap: why do you feel you need to reinstall nautilus?23:42
chubs730tonren: and i usually just download older versions directly from the winehq deb archives and then install them23:42
linlynx6sudo apt-get install nautilus23:42
chubs730tonren: i'll find the command just a second23:42
Tonrenchubs730: Do you happen to know which version has the best stability with b.net?23:43
Pirate_Hunteranyone knows how to mount iso image file through cli?23:43
astro76!iso | Pirate_Hunter23:43
ubotuPirate_Hunter: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:43
ExtendTonren u must play with the latest version23:43
iKapastro76, today randomly twice my ubuntu froze up for 5seconds, then when i went to desktop all files had disappeared and i couldnt access any folders, or open images.. and some times music? not sure what else it could be.. then i restarted and everything started working again.23:43
chubs730tonren: .9.44 was the last release that it worked in, i'm using .9.43 because that's the last 64 bit package but anything .9.44 should work too23:44
Pirate_Hunterastro76: thanx23:44
TonrenExtend: I've heard that the latest version of wine actually doesn't work with battle.net23:44
Pirate_Hunterastro76: so what happens when i need to umount the image what is the command for that?23:44
Tonrenchubs730: Awesome.  I'm still looking for the rollback apt command...23:44
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chubs730tonren: it's --downgrade something i believe, i'll look for you23:45
Administratorfyrstrtr: I found the problem23:45
Tonrenchubs730: I thought it was something like sudo aptitude install someprog@someversion23:45
astro76Pirate_Hunter: umount <mountpoint>23:45
Administratorfyrstrtr apparently Ubuntu didnt like the Modem forwarding the public IP to it23:45
bob__searching for a good podcast client on ubuntu23:45
Pirate_Hunterastro76: ok23:45
astro76iKap: ok so reinstalling will do nothing23:45
odysseasI'm looking for a bittorrent client with a good webUI, any ideas?23:45
nickrudkockas: yes23:45
kockasoki wait i will post it23:46
Tonrenchubs730: Did you have to do the registry "dword" hack?23:46
odysseassomething that doesnt require wine and is lightweight?23:46
chubs730tonren: i'm not familiar with that, still looking for your command23:46
iKapastro76, what can i do then?23:46
marcelo_Oodysseas: i think utorrent's got a nice webui.. not sure if theres a linux version23:46
astro76iKap: usually you would try deleting or moving your configuration file... but I'm not sure what all nautilus uses23:46
Administratorfyrstrtr: Once I changed the DSL modems setting back to private IP it began to work23:47
kockascant post it23:47
chubs730tonren: sudo dpkg -i wine_0.9.43~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_amd64.deb that's all i use23:47
shawn_selig29anyone here got a inspiron 6400 laptop?23:47
iKapastro76, but from what i told u.. it sounds liek nautilus?23:47
kockascause its not jpg file23:47
kockasand btw i cant make it jpg lol23:47
chubs730in the directory you downloaded it to23:47
astro76iKap: yes indeed, nautilus displays the desktop icons23:47
kockasbtw i go upload on file front23:47
kockasand i give u23:47
Administratorfyrstrtr: thanx for ur help23:47
kockaslink to see ^^23:47
Tonrenchubs730: Fair enough; I'll get the debs from winehq.23:47
snowman1976anyone about the hung gdm login?23:48
Administratorthanx to all whom gave me advice23:48
snowman1976(i got disconnected) :-P23:48
nickrudkockas: lol, this is frustrating.  try typing   lsb_release in a terminal, tell me what the codename is23:48
nickrudkockas: lsb_release -a that is23:48
kockasnp  i upload it on  fildeffront23:48
chubs730tonren: yeah i just keep that file on hand locally so i don't remember the commands from downgrading from a server23:48
Blueycan anyone tell me where the root directory for martian is?23:48
kockashere it is23:49
Tonrenchubs730: Uh-oh.  Looks like winehq has you download from their APT repo now!23:49
Tonrenchubs730: Ah, found the archive23:49
chubs730tonren: heh yep23:49
iKapastro76, i think this happened when i was saving some video/pic to the desktop.. if i stay away from saving pic/video of that extension to desktop. do u think ill be fine?23:50
benny269anyone know how to configure firefox so CTRL+Click on a link will open a new tab in the background? I have Tab mix plus but can't get it to do this.23:50
nickrudkockas: don't see it.   try this in a terminal:   lsb_release -a  , and tell me what the codename is23:50
leo__bracuhe hilfe23:50
pale-yafahi, ubuntu is becoming painful for me these days, my computer stopped playing any videos, and I cant find the problem23:50
astro76iKap: it shouldn't matter, that said I never save to the desktop and maybe you've exposed some bug23:51
astro76!de | leo__23:51
ubotuleo__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:51
chubs730pale-yafa: what program do you use?23:51
astro76benny269: it seems to do that without tab mix plus, you probably have to look around tab mix plus's settings23:51
kockasthat command not working << here23:51
nickrudkockas: then find something that says about ubuntu. I think you have a very old version23:52
pale-yafachubs I tried all starting from totem to kmplayer to smplayer to kafien23:52
kockasreally idk23:52
astro76kockas: what does this command tell you: uname -a23:53
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pale-yafawhen I try to play any video it just starts the proram and in a second the program closes it self and thats it23:53
adubhow would i remove everything dealing with a program23:53
kockasLinux ubuntu #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux23:54
adubi apt-get remove program and the settings and stuff load when i reinstall i do not want this23:54
kockasLinux ubuntu #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux23:54
astro76adub: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename, then remove any hidden dot files or directories pertaining to that program in your ~/23:54
ahorriblemessSince installing Ubuntu, my laptop fan has been on constantly. Is there an explanation for that?23:54
nickrudkockas: ah, that seems to be hoary even. You need to download a recent version, that one doesn't get support anymore.   http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.1023:54
astro76kockas: you are using a very old version with no support, the online repos aren't available any more23:55
danbhfiveanyone know how I can re-encode a video file? to a different format?23:55
astro76danbhfive: mencoder23:55
kockasso any1 gimme link for that update?23:55
nickrudkockas: I just did :)23:55
astro76kockas: nickrud just did23:55
kockaswhen i go to that site23:55
danbhfiveastro76: thanks, I'll check it out23:55
kockaswhat i have to download23:55
Bizurkekockas: system (on bar) admin > update23:55
adubastro76 it did not work i guess i have to remove directories and what not which this stinks23:56
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astro76kockas: the one that says "for almost all PCs"23:56
=== foxx is now known as thefoxx
snowman1976nobody has had a gnome-login hang and lived to tell how to fix it?23:56
mbinhello i hope someone can help me here...my server is beeing ddos attacked23:56
astro76adub: what are you doing exactly?23:56
Bizurkesnowman1976: what is it doing when it hangs? is there an error?23:56
adubastro76 everytime i run pidgin it locks up i just want to totally remove it and reinstall it23:57
singlesunis this what happens when a disk drive goes out? i had ubuntu on this one laptop of mine.. then i completely erased the drive with boot and nuke,,,. and now when i go to put the disk in and install it goes so terribly slow (like uberslow)23:57
kockashow it is named?23:57
kockasi cant find it23:57
astro76kockas: desktop cd for intel x8623:57
marcus_okay let me try this again. what is the command line option with apt-get to either clear the que or fix a dependency problem?23:57
puffMy machine just spontaneously crashed when I left it alone for 5-10 minutes.23:57
snowman1976bizurke: nope, right after i login it just hangs23:57
puffI don't see anything obvious in dmesg, nor in /var/log/syslog.23:57
mbinany idea what i can do against this botnet...there are 1000 ips that all made http get requests23:57
adubpidgin basically will not load properly the buddy list locks up and what not23:57
Bizurkesnowman1976: have you tried re configuring xorg?23:57
kockasi cant download it _:D23:57
erUSULkockas: named is the dns nameserver. in linux we usully use bind23:57
kockastoo much xD23:57
snowman1976bizurke: i switched the window manager to xfce and it works fine -- it's like a stale gnome file or something23:57
_Oz__I can't wait to get compiz going23:58
Pici!enter | kockas23:58
ubotukockas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:58
_Oz__that looks tres' awesome23:58
puffAnywhere else I should look?23:58
broken_I really need some help,it may be offtopic though. I wanted to use the tftp command to flash my router but the command I was given for linux doesn't work.23:58
snowman1976bizurke: but i can't for the life of me find it23:58
_Oz__so there are a lot of stability problems with it?23:58
shawn_selig29anyway to run itunes in ubuntu?23:58
Bizurkesnowman1976: hmm.. Maybe try update/repair the gdm libs23:58
Pirate_HunterDoes anyone know what is the command to clean files (dependencies) in ubuntu that might not be in use by nay other app after deletion?23:58
astro76_Oz__: yes I would never use it for any serious work23:58
snowman1976bizurke: with apt-get ?23:58
astro76_Oz__: although guys I work with do ;)23:58
Bizurkesnowman1976: yup23:58
_Oz_it's under development though, right?  it's improving?23:58
blackv2Congratulations Ubuntu for being the first distro to every freeze on me! Where can I find the log with the errors that caused this?23:58
astro76_Oz__: sure it's relatively new23:59
_Oz_it just looks so cool23:59
PriceChildblackv2, /var/log23:59
Extendanyone got ruby on rails rubygems working with apache ?23:59
_Oz_I absolutely must run it, regardless of the consequences23:59
xenthrohey guys, im trying to get a usb HD to mount inside vmware, the host is ubuntu and the guest is win2k... any ideas?23:59

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