[03:52] does anyone know of a real good groupware? (just not eGroupware?) [04:01] ummmm yeah just dumped fc7 for ubuntu server [04:02] proper install for web server/ mysql php etc is LAMP? and will I still have the mail options? [04:08] soulc: you can choose a lamp install that will include mail [04:08] typically that being postfix [04:09] good I am tired of sendmail [04:09] awww, come on now, whats not to love about m4 and mc files ;) [04:11] ha ha ha [04:11] tired of the spoofed spam just so I can have email [04:12] so I am reinstalling [04:14] how do I tell the installer that I don't want dhcp [04:49] IIRC have dhcp not be available. It's easy enough to reconfigure later, I wouldn't sweat it. [04:51] so how do I configure network settings then I got it up and runnering [04:53] By editing /etc/network/interfaces [04:53] and where is the cgi-bin dir? [04:53] ok [04:54] thanks I am used to fc [04:54] No problem. [04:54] I think /var/www somewhere, but I'm a mail server guy. [04:56] auto eth0 is running dhcp right [04:56] As far as mail servers go, Postfix is what is primarily supported, but packages for all the popular open source MTAs are in the repositories. [04:57] Yes [04:57] so if I set it as inet [04:58] Here's a working static config http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55309/ [04:58] thanks [05:10] ScottK: still awake? [05:10] Yeah [05:11] 345047 == please discover ipv6 configured networks [05:11] sigh [05:11] * ScottK looks [05:11] lamont: I thougth we tested this one and it was fine. [05:12] ah, /me looks at the debdiff [05:12] That's the one that you coached me through removing IPv6 support from my kernel to make sure it was still harmless. [05:13] ah, right [05:13] so specifying ::1 when the system had no ipv6 just meant that it ignored it, yes? [05:13] Yes [05:13] It just never matches anything [05:17] sadly, that breaks all the po-files. Time to find all the other templates changes so we can have a more complete time. [05:17] Ahhhh .... how does that happen? [05:19] lamont: That sounds painful then. I'd guess we want to do that one a little later then. [05:48] :wq [05:48] er [05:48] ha ha ha [05:48] ScottK: 433660 is more one of me just not wanting to deal with complicating things... [05:48] how common is multiple instances, I wonder? [05:49] It's extremely useful for complex setups. [05:50] I don't think there's much you can do with it that you can't do with shoving stuff around in main.cf and master,cf, but eventually complexit there will get you. [05:50] Multiple instances is, I think, something you want to wait for Weitse to be happy with. [05:51] Victor Duchovni has had a multiple instance patch that he was working to get into 2.4 and 2.5. It didn't get in. I have to assume there's a reason. [05:51] lamont: ^^^ [05:52] oh, most certainly [05:58] ScottK: 153706... I'm wondering if maybe the right answer there is to add to the manpage that queue ids are case sensitive... mebbe I'll just ask upstream about that... [05:59] lamont: I think logging failure to find anything is a reasonable request. [06:00] yeah. likewise, knowing that queueids could be case-insensitive would allow us to DTRT [06:01] lamont: True, it wouldn't hurt to add it to the man page, but I think logging the failure to find the specified queue id is more important. [06:01] I'd go for both. [06:04] lamont: I need to get to bed. Please shoot me /msg or email if you want me to take action on my bug triaging suggestions. [06:04] lamont: Good night and good luck. [06:04] ok [06:04] thanks, btw [06:05] You're welcome. [07:07] G'morning [07:36] so does cgi-bin install with the apache server? [11:35] moin [12:43] Hello [12:44] I am trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 but the docs say to install update-manager-core, but I can't find that package [12:45] ? [12:52] I've checked my repositories [12:52] and aside from the fact that they are pointing to canadian mirrors, I don't see anything bad [13:10] Blah [14:32] any ideas how I'd get vesafb-tng going? is it a module that's included in the server distro by default? [14:39] 请教,U7.1服务器 ,如何安装raid5上亚 [14:39] HP350 [14:39] 陈列卡,是HP5XX的 [14:39] 04年的卡 [14:40] soso__fat: you're unlikely to get chinese speakers in here [14:43] my englishi ,is very very poor [14:44] soso__fat: You should try. [14:45] translate.google.com is awesome, afaik [14:45] not sure it does chinese [14:46] CaptObvious: There are a lot of languages, including Chinese [14:46] cool, didn't know that [14:50] Iulian: any ideas how I'd get vesafb-tng working in the server distro? [14:55] how install ubuntu-server7 on raid 5? [14:55] I search google,but ....... [15:34] yo all [15:36] I have a 22" wide screen monitor and would like to set my terminal to a higher res I think that the default vid driver is limited I have tried editing the grub menu to add vga=792 or 791 but no dice [15:36] soso__fat: I am not sure that the installer supports raid [15:37] soso__fat: but you can try the alternate CD [15:38] how do I install a better vid driver don't really want all of the xwindows running so I am limited to the command line [15:39] which is fine I just don't know how to do these things in ubuntu as I used to run fc7 [15:39] soulc: you might try dpkg --configure xorg [15:39] which of course installed and ran EVERTHING [15:39] er [15:39] thanks [15:40] soso__fat: come back and ask again if it doesn't work [15:40] if that installs xwindows I really don't want it [15:40] soulc: You don't want x-windows? [15:40] nope [15:41] I would prefer not to have all that running [15:41] soulc: you just want a higher resolution on the console? [15:41] yes [15:41] Hm [15:41] and for some reason vga=792 doesn't work [15:41] soulc: it can be done, I don't know how [15:42] ok [15:42] thanks [15:43] soulc: Did any of the other resolutions work? [15:43] well I can change that later as I am ssh'd from my desktop [15:44] how about the cgi-bin dir [15:44] know where or if it was installed? [15:44] soulc: perhaps your monitor doesn't want to switch to that resolution [15:44] did it before in fc* [15:44] I think it is the driver [15:45] soulc: cgi-bin is in /usr/lib [15:45] ah [15:45] thanks [15:45] dpkg -S cgi-bin [15:46] and what does that do? [15:46] soulc: it lists all packages that contain something with cgi-bin [15:46] ah [15:47] soulc: somewhat like rpm -qf :-) [15:47] ah [15:47] ok [15:47] damn I have a lot to learn [15:47] soulc: except it is a pattern search [15:47] soulc: not really [15:48] I switched from centos w/o problems [15:48] well I need to learn how to configure postfix, and where config files are [15:48] /etc/mail [15:48] like httpd [15:48] yep [15:48] /etc/apache2 [15:49] thanks [15:49] np [15:49] soulc: there are several good guides on help.ubuntu.com for setting up postfix that will help yo familiarize yourself with it [15:50] ok good deal [15:52] so is the web server set up as a virtualhost? [15:54] is that site help.ubuntu.com have server specific documentation? [15:56] I wish there was a standard naming convention for apache etc [15:58] yes, there is server specific documentation there [15:59] iirc, help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers [15:59] is community howoto information [15:59] you can also find the official server guide there as well [16:00] thanks [16:20] mok0 and soulc: In Debian/Ubuntu postfix config files are in /etc/postfix. [16:20] ScottK: You're right, sorry soulc [16:22] Just goes to show the deterioration of my memory span. I was fooling around with postfix configuration a week ago [16:22] mok0: Do you have updated torque packages yet? [16:22] (from my last round of comments) [16:22] ScottK: no, not yet [16:23] ScottK: there's an awful lot of linitan warnings all of a sudden [16:23] Are we going to? Not much time left. [16:23] mok0: Newer lintian is more pedantic probably. [16:23] ScottK: I'd like that [16:24] If you want to pastebin me the list of ones you're still sorting out, I'd let you know which ones I think we can live with for now. [16:24] ScottK: There were some warnings about conffiles that I need to work out [16:24] ScottK: ... and I have to implement a chrpath cleaning of the binaries [16:26] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4378/ [16:26] * ScottK looks [16:27] debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink can be ignored. That's due to Ubuntu specific changes to CDBS to save space on the CD. [16:28] ScottK: ok [16:28] ScottK: I hope we can skip the manpage warnings [16:29] ScottK: the ones that are missing a manpage are not really used, perhaps for testing and stuff [16:29] You should fix the formatting errors. [16:29] if there a mailing list or rss feed where I can easily see updates that I'll get when I'm doing an upgrade for 7.10 Server ? [16:30] The conffile ones must be fixed before the first upload [16:30] zobbo: http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/rss/hardy.xml [16:30] ScottK: yes, they are actual errors [16:31] s/hardy/gutsy [16:31] ScottK: many thanks [16:31] mok0: setuid-binary is on purpose I assume? If so, add an over-ride for it. [16:31] mok0: I guessed ;) - but ta [16:32] ScottK: I have done that, but not tested yet [16:32] OK [16:32] ScottK: (it needs to be suid) [16:32] OK. Then add an over-ride [16:32] rpath I'm really not sure about. [16:33] If you can add the over-ride, fix the conffile stuff, and the man page typos, I think it's worth looking at uploading. [16:33] ScottK: well, they're all pointing to /usr/lib, so it shouldn't matter. But they are not allowed cf. policy, afaics [16:33] So I don't know that it blocks an initial upload, but could be bug fixed after. [16:33] ScottK: Great, I will see if I can get it done after dinner [16:35] ScottK: I'm glad the courier merge went well [16:35] It was much better when I applied the patch to the right version ... [16:37] ScottK: Fortunately (for me) I checked that it worked before uploading. But suddenly I feared I made the patch against the wrong sources [16:37] Which is always a good practice. [16:37] ScottK: I could not use debdiff, because dpkg-buildpackage does strange things to the *.po files (?) [16:37] I've been doing more Main work recently and I've had to start making debdiffs again as a result. [16:38] mok0: Yes. It's an issue that really deserves investigation, but I've never have time. [16:39] ScottK: Just as long as the LoCo teams submit their updates to Debian it will be ok to ignore them :-) [16:40] Unfortunately Debian and Ubuntu have very different translation workflows and it's very hard to give updated translations back. [16:40] ScottK: Oh, I see... [16:41] We don't use the Debian tools at all. It's all magic in Rosetta here. [16:42] ScottK: I tried to copy the po files from debian to the ubuntu tree, build packages from both trees and suddenly there were diffs in the po files [16:42] Which does point at dpkg-buildpackage. [16:42] ScottK: Indeed [16:44] the lintian bitching about libraries is unsurprising... personally, I'm waiting for the lintian-library police to tell me how to fix my package. [16:44] since it's not immediately obvious [16:45] ;-) [16:45] lamont: what's the bitching about? [16:46] somethign of the form "links with library that it doesn't use" [16:46] Yeah. I've been ignoring those too. [16:47] lamont: I've seen that. [16:47] Though to be a bit pedantic the blame there lies with dpkg-shlibdeps and not lintian. [16:48] lamont: It's probably because the shared library is linked to libm, say. That you can do as a convinience so people don't need to know all the dependencies of the library [16:48] If we're gonna bitch, we ought to have the right targe. [16:48] ScottK: it's not lintian. it's generally that you link with a library that links with some other library [16:49] Ah. [16:49] which was the result of the _previous_ round of library bitching (not linking with libs that you use) [16:49] lamont: perhaps you should try updating your version of libtool [16:49] lamont: Are you going to upload 2.5.1~rc1 to Ubuntu? [16:49] mok0: you're presupposing that my package uses libtool [16:49] lamont: yes, isn't it? [16:49] ScottK: yeah - I plan to sync it after today's dinstall [16:49] Great. [16:49] mok0: no [16:50] lamont: ugh [16:50] if upstream uses libtool, I don't revert it. if upstream doesn't, I stay as far from that festering pile of garbage as I can [16:50] which is pretty much the same way I deal with auto-crap [16:50] lamont: harsh words on a saturday... [16:50] mok0: well, maybe I'm just old and crufty and not fully awake yet... [16:51] afterall, it's not even 10AM here. [16:51] lamont: :-) [16:51] lamont: 18:00 here... [16:53] ScottK: btw, logcheck winds up way out-of-date with 2.5. [16:53] hrm.. come to think of it, most of my packages are old and crufty too. [16:54] don't be hating on us old people [16:54] we'll make you get off our lawns. [16:54] LOPL [16:54] LOL, too [16:55] * faulkes- wanders off muttering about "damn punk kids" and "newfangled internets" [16:55] lamont: Well since it's a native Debian thing, they getter get moving then. [16:56] ScottK: well, there's also this longstanding agreement with the logcheck guys that some day postfix will start delivering those files... maybe this is a good point to start that [17:48] quick question [17:49] n/m, answered it myself [17:49] That was quick. [17:50] it is possible to easily determine (or even not easily I guess, but must be scriptable) the last date an update and upgrade was successfully completed ? [17:50] ignore that [17:50] let me google for a bit [17:51] The answer to your question is yes btw. [17:51] :) [17:58] hmmm [18:01] ScottK: occassionally my brain works in fast mode, not often mind you [18:01] ;-) [18:01] guess the gerbil drank his caffeine this morning [18:06] hmmm ... well - the best I've found so far is /var/log/apt/term.log ... but that's basically a full text log and I'd have to search through it to see if an upgrade occurred [18:12] zobbo: if the file is only written too when an update occurs, then you only need to look at the time the file was modified [18:13] /var/log/dpkg.log might be a better option [18:16] faulkes-: thanks for the help. Problem I can see is that if I install an app as a one off (e.g. i just installed vim), that log file is updated then as well, but obviously the system is not upgraded [18:17] I could just run a cron script every hour to grep through that and set a time somewhere, if it sees an upgrade happening [18:17] or I could have a beer I guess [18:18] true, and my many years of experience would suggest, the appropriate course of action, would be to start drinking [18:18] zobbo: What problem are you trying to solve? [18:19] it is possible to easily determine (or even not easily I guess, but must be scriptable) the last date an [18:19] update and upgrade was successfully completed ? [18:19] I've got 170 boxes and I want to be able to see from a central server the last time an "apt-get upgrade" was performed on them [18:19] I can handle the central server bit if I can find out how to get the info from each box [18:21] zobbo: /var/log/auth* files ought to have that because you need elevated permissions to execute the command. [18:24] so grep through that (or dpkg) and look for upgrades and write that info elsewhere ? [18:24] I guess I could tie that in with zabbix [18:25] That or have the script mail the results to the central server and parse the message there. [18:26] ScottK/faulkes thanks for the thoughts and help [18:26] I'll let you know how I get on (in about 3 months time at this rate ;) ) [18:26] zobbo: You're welcome. [18:40] hmm, coffee sounds good about now [18:59] hello. after installing 6.06 lts, what is the terminal or cli command to perform security updates? thanks. [19:00] jondowd: sudo apt-get update [19:00] jondowd: sudo apt-get upgrade [19:04] thanks ScottK - will those commands bring more packages than are needed for security reasons? is there a way to get just the 'security' updates (if there is such a distinction)? [19:05] That will bring both security updates and stable release bugfixes. It will not bring general package upates [19:06] There is a distinction and you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list to not have the updates repository enabled, but I strongly suggest you don't do that. [19:06] stable updates are tested carefully before upload. [19:06] Additionally, it does happen that security issues get swept into update packages. [19:08] ok. I'll do what you recommend - thanks for your help [19:11] one problem i want to avoid is that in 2.6.22-14-server i get occaisional network failure, so I'm down-grading to 6.06 [19:13] as in "Bug description [edit] [19:13] Binary package hint: linux-source-2.6.20 [19:13] With linux 2.6.19 and 2.6.20 the network breaks every now and then (might be after some minutes or hours) and the /var/log/messages log mentions "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out". [19:13] From /var/log/syslog: [19:13] "... [19:13] NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out [19:13] eth1: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=356." [19:14] the issue could very much depend on the card driver [19:15] do you know what card is in eth1? [19:18] jondowd: You have to do a lot more than apt-get upgrade to get to a new release. Don't worry about that. [19:22] per-fect ! (my download of ubuntu-6.06.2-server-amd64.iso is at about 94%) thanks again! [22:02] <[diablo]> evening guys [22:02] <[diablo]> does anyone know if the 6.06.2 release fixes the gfxboot issue for KVM guests please? [22:03] <[diablo]> found that soooo frustrating [22:06] no [22:06] but that's easily avoidable [22:06] <[diablo]> hi ivoks [22:06] <[diablo]> ivoks, yeah I know... just remaster the cd [22:06] or use qemu [22:06] <[diablo]> pfff [22:06] <[diablo]> blow that [22:07] <[diablo]> the installation takes for ever [22:07] <[diablo]> remastering is quicker [22:07] well, with kqemu, should be enough for install [22:07] <[diablo]> nod [22:07] <[diablo]> that's true, but I don't run kqemu [22:07] <[diablo]> just kvm [22:08] <[diablo]> actually I personally feel that this gfxboot issue should have been fixed for 6.06.2 [22:08] <[diablo]> would have been so simple [22:09] it's not gfxboot issue [22:09] but a kvm issue [22:09] <[diablo]> no [22:09] <[diablo]> well [22:09] <[diablo]> erm [22:09] <[diablo]> a bit of both [22:10] <[diablo]> I know it's been fixed in 8.04 alpha's [22:10] <[diablo]> actually it works great in a kvm-60 guest [22:24] !db2 [22:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about db2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:24] !package db2exc [22:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about package db2exc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:25] hsn_: It's in the partner repository [22:26] how to add it? [22:26] edit /etc/apt/sources.list It'll be called commercial or partner depending on which release you are on. [22:34] ah found it [23:54] <[diablo]> btw, 6.06.2 DOES fix the kvm gfxboot issue [23:54] <[diablo]> !