
tasgdyganick kevin_1232100:00
=== tasgdyga is now known as kevin_12321
BizurkeAnyone who has got the 8.04 alpha.  Does PulseAudio currently work? I've heard there was no volume at all until they completely finish the integration?00:00
astro76Bizurke: #ubuntu+1 for hardy00:01
cyroulhi everyone00:01
Pirate_HunterDoes anyone know what is the command to clean files (dependencies) in ubuntu that might not be in use by nay other app after deletion?00:01
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, sudo apt-get autoremove00:01
cyrouldo you know if it exits a lightscribe support ?00:01
astro76Pirate_Hunter: apt-get autoremove00:02
brianhBizurke:You may get better answer in #Ubuntu+100:02
PriceChildPirate_Hunter, deborphan my also be of use00:02
Pirate_HunterPriceChild, astro76: thanks can't believe i forgot that command00:02
blackv2what's the file I'm looking for that tells me what caused the freeze? it did it 5 or 6 times yesterday too when I was installing vector in VirtualBox.00:02
shawn_selig29"Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."------> whats this mean, im trying to dl latest version of ubuntu?00:03
Pirate_HunterPriceChild: deborpha..... huh???00:03
astro76cyroul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe00:03
Blueycan anyone help em with my dial up modem?00:03
PriceChild!alternate | shawn_selig2900:03
ubotushawn_selig29: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal00:03
PriceChild!desktop | shawn_selig2900:03
ubotushawn_selig29: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors00:03
PriceChildwhoops (shawn_selig29 ignore that last one)00:03
shawn_selig29so should i use that if i encountered vid problems with regualr cd?00:03
PriceChild!livecd | shawn_selig2900:03
singlesunBluey, was it a windows modem?00:03
ubotushawn_selig29: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.00:03
cyroulastro76: thanks00:03
PriceChildshawn_selig29, yes. Especially if you have less than 300 mb of ram00:04
Blueysinglesun: yes00:04
shawn_selig29i got 1 gb ram00:04
shawn_selig29so ill check that when i downalod00:04
_Oz_I am sooooooooo sold on ubuntu.00:05
PriceChildshawn_selig29, the desktop cd will run perfectly00:05
singlesunBluey, someone correct me if im wrong but I dont believe that linux supports winmodems because most of those types of modems are actually software based.... you would most likely need to buy an external modem00:05
_Oz_It's going to go on all of my computers.00:05
PriceChildshawn_selig29, well... still slow because its a live cd, but it will work fine.00:05
shawn_selig29i had troubles on my laptop with some error going to a black screen..i forgot wat it said00:05
shawn_selig29its dling alternate cd.....it should work same right when its installed?00:06
amenadoi do not have XP, has anyone tried and succeeded in using winnt loader to load ubuntu instead of grub? any insights on the experience?00:06
_Oz_can dell inspiron laptops w/ integrated wireless get online?  It seems ubuntu and wireless and don't get along so well?00:06
Blueysinglesun: it is an Agere lucent win modem. the Ubuntu site said to use martian. so i did, but oi need help with martian00:06
amenado_Oz_-> off course they do work fine..tested in many times00:06
hondo you know a video sharing website using ogg?00:06
_Oz_amenado: I couldn't get the PC I'm on now online with a wireless card even using ndiswrapper.00:07
brianh_Oz_: What card does it have?00:07
amenado_Oz_-> which wifi chip does it have?00:07
singlesunBluey, sorry man im not sure what else to tell ya on that.. i dont mess with modems, but the times that I did, i just went and got a check v92 external serial port modem for working with linux00:07
shawn_selig29so alternate cd has everything regular cd has except its text base installer correct?..as far as applications go?00:07
singlesunanyone to help Bluey out with the modem issues and martian?00:07
_Oz_an old 801.11b PCI card (for a desktop)00:07
_Oz_I wanted to get wireless working on it so I could use it as a sort of media server00:08
amenado_Oz_-> which wifi chip does it have? brand?  lspci may tell you00:08
broken_I really need some help,it may be offtopic though. I wanted to use the tftp command to flash my router but the command I was given for linux doesn't work.00:08
Pelogood evening folks00:09
amenadogood evening Pelo00:09
Nagatoi have a question00:10
marcelo_Odon't we all00:10
astro76broken_: what's the exact command you are trying?00:10
Nagatohow would i make a script that does sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan000:10
Pelolucky you , care to share ?00:10
Nagatoon startup00:10
Nagatofor some reason my internet doesn't work unless it's recycled like that00:10
PeloNagato, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php00:10
nickrudshawn_selig29: yes00:10
NagatoPelo, on startup00:11
Nagatowriting the script isn't the problem00:11
amenadoNagato-> paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file,00:11
Blueyi need to at least kno where the root directory is for the first step in martian00:11
PeloNagato, put a link to it in /home/username/.config/autostart00:11
PeloNagato,  or add it to menu > system > prefs > sessions00:12
PeloBluey,  the root dir is /00:12
shawn_selig29ill bb when i get it installed, thxs, shawn00:13
BlueyPelo: so for the first setp in martain i need to put in $ /make all?00:13
NagatoPelo, alright, i'll try that. thanks00:13
PeloBluey, I don't know what marain is00:13
BlueyPelo: martian. its for dial up modems...00:14
PeloBluey, is this someting you are compiling from source ?00:14
theCarpentercan anyone tell me how to change the editor that the 'edit' command calls?00:15
Dr_willistry exporting the EDITOR variable to be what you want?00:15
bill_Does Compiz have an install specifically for Gutsy?00:15
astro76theCarpenter: sudo update-alternatives --config editor00:15
BlueyPelo: i am trying to connect with my modem useing Ubuntu. it doesnt let me connect at all with my modem.  there were instructions on the Ubuntu site, and it said to use martian, so i dlownloaded it00:15
pocketdrummerHey, does anyone know how to Password protect a folder? Kind of like you have to do when you open synaptic?00:16
Pelobill_,  compiz is already on gutsy, it's desktop effects in the appearance menu , under prefs,  yuou can add other compix dialog from synaptic00:16
PeloBluey, did you check in the repos first ?00:16
genii theCarpenterChange the symlink in /etc/alternatives/editor to point to whatever editor you prefer00:17
genii theCarpenter: Change the symlink in /etc/alternatives/editor to point to whatever editor you prefer00:17
DraiconeHow can I get glade 3 in Ubuntu?00:17
geniiSorry for double posting, reason obvious :)00:17
Pelo!dialup | Bluey  this didn't help ?00:17
ubotuBluey  this didn't help ?: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up00:17
bill_Pelo I'm having trouble getting some features working. I guess I will deselect them all and try one at a time.00:17
Rapthenjoy all types of games, music, anime, books? Well than come register to our new forum... www.sacredgaming.freeforums.org major updates going on durring the weekend again www.sacredgaming.freeforums.org pm rapth for information on how to become a mod, or admin, again www.sacredgaming.freeforums.org thanks00:17
amenadopocketdrummer-> hmm..i wonder if setacl would work, i have not tried it myself yet00:18
Pelopocketdrummer, , your /home folder is specify to your username, other users on your computer don'T technicaly have access to it00:18
DraiconeI tried compiling glade from source but now I don't know how to open it00:18
theCarpenter /etc/alternatives/editor yields 'nano' (which is what i want) but it still pops up vim when i try to 'edit <filename>'00:18
PeloDraicone, type glade in the terminal00:18
Schuenemannhi, how do I install ruby 1.8.9 to ubuntu?00:19
astro76theCarpenter: oh whoops, it's editor as I mentioned in the command I gave, edit is something else entirely00:19
Blueyiv already been to the how to. thats where i found martian.00:19
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor
PeloSchuenemann, check in synatpic , if that is not the version you want , check the ruby website,  dl a .deb if they have it or complie from the source00:20
Pelopocketdrummer, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel00:20
=== genii_ is now known as genii
SchuenemannPelo, compiling from source is my worst nightmare00:20
amenadotheCarpenter-> try  set -o nano00:20
PeloSchuenemann, compiling is easy,  only 3 commands  realy00:20
pocketdrummerPelo, what if I just want to keep people who visit my how out of the folder?00:21
SchuenemannPelo, that's very... optimistic :-)00:21
lymecaWhat should I do if I erased my MacBook's EFI boot partition and UBuntu won't load?00:21
Pelopocketdrummer, just make a guest user for loging in00:21
geniitheCarpenter: The symlink /usr/bin/editor           then still points to vim00:21
amenadopocketdrummer-> did you consider what I suggested?00:21
pocketdrummeramendo: I'm not sure what it was, lol. I'm new at linux.00:22
geniitheCarpenter: On my box for instance /usr/bin/editor points to /etc/alternatives/editor which in turn points to nono00:22
PeloSchuenemann, compiling is just 3 commands,   ./configure , make and make install,  , that's excluding the dependencies you might have to install00:22
amenadopocketdrummer-> its the same concept used in windows,  access control list == acl00:22
Elevator_HazardOk so my usb audio sound seems to be working pretty nicely now... removed pulseaudio but now the sound is filled with static.00:22
aetherfunkIs there by chance a DJ, as in somebody who mixes, in here?00:22
astro76pocketdrummer: I think access control lists are definitely way overkill, simple permission would be fine but you need a separate guest account as Pelo mentioned to make either way work00:23
surrealdealno, but my aunt is a recording engineer.00:23
* maximilion reports for ensign duty00:23
cfeddethakyou for your service.00:23
maximilionAnyone in the mood for some mmusbaudio help?00:23
* Pelo hands maximilion a shovel and points to a pile of sh... 00:23
amenadopocketdrummer-> now you know your choice.. :P00:23
* maximilion has limits, he only shovels csh.00:23
Elevator_HazardI'm sure others have had this static problem - actually they have I see posts about it all the time but no good answer that works for me yet.00:24
SchuenemannPelo, oh, wait. It seems there is version 1.8.6 with package name ruby1.8, not just ruby (which is 1.8.2)00:24
=== sn0w is now known as Woofcat
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Static/noise? on a usb sound card?00:24
theCarpenteredit <filename> gives nano, editor <filename> gives vim.00:24
Elevator_Hazardmaximillion: yup.00:24
* Pelo is looking for installing somekind of printer driver that would output a raw hpgl to his pen plotter00:24
Alpha-Toxiclol Pelo, long time no see :)00:25
* aetherfunk wonders if there is a single DJ I could reach tonight, for instant chat.00:25
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Very strange. I would check that the outlet the pc is stuck into is grounded.00:25
theCarpenterEdit: edit <filename> gives nano, editor <filename> gives vim. but the symlink 'editor' gives nano00:25
* Alpha-Toxic wonders if Pelo remembers him00:25
astro76theCarpenter: man edit, it's not what you are after00:25
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Hmm wait, is this on a laptop?00:25
Elevator_Hazardmaximillion: desktop.00:25
PeloSchuenemann,  1.8.6  is probably more recent then 1.8.2,   1.8 is the version,  the last digit is probably just some update for security or fixes00:26
PeloAlpha-Toxic,  what are you doing here ?00:26
nonlocalHi. I am having a problem with nautilus not starting. Resultantly, no wallpaper, desktop icons, the 'Places' menu items don't work, etc. I have tried killing the nautilus process, and reinstalling the nautilus package, but so far no luck. Any suggestions would be great. (Gutsy Gibbon)00:26
maximilionOK. Never had a USB sound card that picked up interference00:26
Elevator_Hazardmaximillion: one thing you should know is that using alsa its liek this, but pulseaudio its fine. I'd use pulseaudio but most of the time sound won't work.00:26
Woofcatany know if its possible to install another debian based system over toop of an existing linux mint install00:26
* Pelo introduces Alpha-Toxic to everyone , as the man who first help him compile 00:26
Elevator_Hazardmaximillion: listening to KoRn isn't as good if there is static...00:26
SchuenemannPelo, 186 is the latest00:27
surrealdealusb cards somtimes suck like that00:27
Extendnonlocal : logoff and login to console then rm -rf *.gnome*00:27
Alpha-Toxichah :)00:27
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Have you tried plugging in a 'dead' cable into any mic/line in jack?00:27
Extendthen relogin and see00:27
nonlocalnautilus-debug-log.txt is full of 0x8177880 2008/02/08 19:23:04.6415 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 700:27
nonlocalExtend: thanks I'll try that.00:27
Woofcatany know if its possible to install another debian based system over toop of an existing linux mint install00:27
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: doesn't seem like that has much to do with alsa though..?00:28
maximilionElevator_Hazard: At least that helped (and / or using sound settings to disable mic from influencing mix out) on XP00:28
sinsunhow to change root's passwd?00:28
astro76!root | sinsun00:28
ubotusinsun: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:28
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Well, maybe pulseaudio does not read mic inputs at all?00:28
Alpha-ToxicPelo: i was reinstalling my irc client and freenode is one of the first servers I add, so... i ended up here00:28
nonlocalExtend: er. ls shows: ls: *.gnome*: No such file or directory00:29
Woofcatany know if its possible to install another debian based system over toop of an existing linux mint install00:29
maximilionIf Also works correctly and doesn't mute inputs, it might pick up interference00:29
astro76!repeat | Woofcat00:29
ubotuWoofcat: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:29
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: hmm that mic thing could be the problem - I tried rubbing my finger on the mic just now with sound playing but it didn't make noise in my headset like it usually does....00:29
PeloAlpha-Toxic, well it is lovely to see you00:29
astro76Woofcat: also everyone's probably wondering what your question has to do with ubuntu00:29
Woofcatdestination os00:29
astro76Woofcat: you can install anything over anything, not sure what you are asking00:30
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: that didn't work >.00:30
Woofcathow astro7600:30
Woofcatwith no cd's00:30
maximilionOK, now for my sound problem :) Installed mmusbaudio, lsusb lists my usb sound card, sound is perfect in desktop, Quake 3 says "sound not initialized". Help! :)00:30
astro76!install | Woofcat00:30
ubotuWoofcat: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:30
Woofcatcan i jush chage the repostirories00:30
Woofcatand pray?00:30
geniiWoofcat: No00:30
astro76Woofcat: oh so that's your real question00:30
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: I actually just saw something about sound and quake 3 game engines...00:30
astro76Woofcat: no00:30
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Cool! url?00:30
astro76Woofcat: but there are ways without a cd, see the link ubotu gave youi00:31
geniiWoofcat: If no cd then make a linux boot floppy, then use debootstrap from there. Lots of info on how to do it with debian00:31
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: I'm retracing my search steps...00:31
Woofcatgenii: no devices outside of hdd and internets00:32
Elevator_Hazardmaxmilion: ah ha: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Quake_3_engine_games_(Howto)00:32
maximilionElevator_Hazard: was it this one ? http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/q3a/#nosound00:32
Woofcatmaybe usb but i have been un able to get it to boot00:32
maximilionah, ok. Thanks! Will check it out00:32
pab_Could someone tell me where the config file for vino-server is?  Client only sees 1/4 of the display (hate scroll bars!).00:32
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: pretty sure it was the one I gave you, looks like that's what you need anyway.00:32
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Did you plug into the line in also?00:32
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: ?00:33
geniiWoofcat: How did you get ubuntu on it originally then? Or is it some eMachine or so00:33
astro76pab_: you probably need to use gconf-editor00:33
Woofcatgenii: removing harddrive00:33
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: I have some big speakers... I should test those puppies I suppose.00:33
Woofcatand placing into seperte computer00:33
pab_I'll take a look astro7600:34
geniiWoofcat: The other computer. Does it also run linux?00:34
* Woofcat mutters about there being no way to make it boot onto even like a gentoo min install00:35
Woofcatcan i make a seperate partition00:35
Woofcatand some how dump an install disc to it00:35
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Thanks, worked the same with and without esd, but I will try software if it works...00:35
Woofcatthen boot that?00:35
geniiWoofcat: Depends how much room you have00:35
Lr5_Is there any way to block commands like "sudo shutdown -h now"?00:35
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: gah I can't seem to find my speakers...00:35
Lr5_I tend to use them on wrong computers00:35
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: through alsa that is...00:36
alexkreuz_does anyone know how to disable xchat from starting automatically when x starts?00:36
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Admin/Hardware Information?00:36
maximilionElevator_Hazard: hmm, Prefs/HW info...00:36
Woofcatgenii 30GB (minus install)00:36
maximilion!es | chino00:37
ubotuchino: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:37
maximilionThat was quick :P00:37
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: gah... can't get sound because I dont' know what its calle00:38
surrealdealoooh. just run kmix00:39
surrealdealit's probably muted at startup00:39
geniiWoofcat: Then make another partition for debian (or resize the current one smaller and then use free space for new one). Boot to ubuntu. format the new partiton ext3. do chroot/debbootstrap method to new partition and put debian on it.00:39
Elevator_HazardWell I'm looking in what I think is the gnome equivelant.00:39
Elevator_HazardThe problem though is not wiht speakers its with my headset and static.00:40
Elevator_Hazardits messed up with alsa00:40
pjkhave an apache prob - can anyone help me please00:41
Elevator_Hazardpjk do we know what your problem is? :P00:41
geniipjk: More specific details of the problem would be helpful :)00:41
Woofcatgenii will you be online for awhile?00:42
geniiWoofcat: yES00:42
Elevator_HazardI would sick ubotu on him but I don't know the command that does what I'm wanting it to do.00:42
geniibah, capslock00:42
WoofcatI thank you for your help, but i might need some aid in the "put debian" on it stage.00:42
Woofcatvia network?00:42
pjkpublishing to /var/www directory - no access to it - not sure what poerms. should be on that directory to publish, or is it a group problem.00:42
geniiWoofcat: No, debbootstrap is like a minimal netinstall way.It will go grab everything from internet00:43
xstyrwhat do u mean /var/ww isnt there?00:43
pjkgenii: publishing to /var/www directory - no access to it - not sure what perms. should be on that directory to publish, or is it a group problem.00:44
geniipjk: Should belong always to user www-data to be seen from http00:44
Woofcatmoving 20 GB to ext3.00:44
Elevator_HazardGah I'm so tired of this sound junk.00:44
pocketdrummerWhat the heck is floodbot?00:45
geniipjk: Make user that publishes a member of group www-data00:45
Elevator_Hazardgah my cat just ate a gold fish! dangit he's learning that human food is tasty!00:45
Picipocketdrummer: prevents users from flooding the channels with pastes and other sundry things.00:46
geniigold fish are human food?00:46
pjkgenii: being a member then - would that allow me to publish to the directory of concern00:46
Elevator_HazardThat's what I wondered about cat food.00:46
pocketdrummerpici: oh ok00:46
pab_astro76, nice.  But I still can't find where to set vino-server's geometry.00:46
geniipjk: Yes00:46
Elevator_HazardCat food tastes terrible, very salty.00:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:46
pocketdrummerSo, how does the acl work? After it's set, when I click on the folder, does it prompt me for a password?00:47
Elevator_HazardCat food is very salty I found out while having problems with static on my usb headset.00:47
Elevator_Hazardin ubuntu of course.00:47
pjkgenii: so i can leave the owner/group as root:root, and just add me to www-data group00:47
xstyras you do, natureally..00:47
astro76pab_: I'm not sure of vino's capabilities, you might need to use a regular vnc server00:47
geniipjk: What is it thats owned by root:root ?00:47
astro76pab_: it's gnome's vnc server and just designed to display the logged in desktop as is00:48
geniipjk: If you mean the host dir /var/www   yes leave that00:48
pjkgenii: /var/www directory00:48
CrazyPhil_Hi. How can I do in Gnome to make him remember the window position?00:48
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
pjkgenii: will try that - many thanks00:48
astro76pab_: what is your goal?00:49
geniipjk: Keep me posted :)00:49
astro76!devilspie | CrazyPhil_00:49
ubotuCrazyPhil_: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie00:49
pjkgenii: will do - cheers00:49
pocketdrummerYou know, the floodbot is spamming more than anyone else, lol.00:49
CrazyPhil_thanks :)00:49
geniipocketdrummer: Yes, the irony of that didn't escape me either00:49
danbhfiveanyone familiar with the process of encoding files for upload to youtube?  I'm having trouble00:50
pab_astro76, I thought vino was gnomes default vnc server, but I'll look around.  When I remote into the box with the server, I can only see 1/4 screen and have to scroll....I hate that!00:50
astro76pab_: it should be using the resolution the desktop is using, does the client machine have a smaller display?00:51
montewere do i get frost wire00:51
Pici!frostwire | monte00:51
ubotumonte: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire00:51
keithclarkI don't understand how to simply share printers in linux.  In windows it's very easy, but in Linux it just doesn't seem to work.  Any ideas?00:51
pab_astro76, yes it does have a smaller screen.00:52
montepici: yea00:52
Woofcatgenii how can i chroot /dev/sda100:52
Frogzoowhere would I find "shift previous" & "shift next" on a keyboard ?00:53
alexkreuz_does anyone know how to disable xchat from autostarting when i restart x?00:53
geniiWoofcat: what partition are you booting to right now? Because normally that is already the sda1 one00:53
maximilionElevator_Hazard: alsa-utils?00:53
Frogzooalexkreuz_: it's in xchat's options, or in sys -> prefs -> sessions settings00:54
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: what's that?00:54
Woofcatgenii sda200:54
maximilionNo idea, just googled "ubuntu alsa settings" :P00:54
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: heh thanks I'll do a sudo apt-get install and see what happens.00:54
maximilionor try Alt+F2?00:55
geniiWoofcat: Ok :) Just checking. Did you do: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1          already?00:55
Woofcati used gparted00:55
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: heh I already got that package.00:55
Woofcatso i assume yes genii00:55
geniiWoofcat: OK so far so good. Is it currntly mounted somewhere?00:55
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know how to change the default movie and music players?00:56
Woofcati'll do that then00:56
geniiWoofcat: OK00:56
Elevator_HazardThis static is so annoying, I can barely enjoy my music :(00:56
ERRor_studenthelp me please...00:56
astro76!ask | ERRor_student00:56
ubotuERRor_student: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:56
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Well, google the same, seemed alsa-mixer in console and other useful links popped up00:56
montecan some one tell me were to get frostwire00:56
astro76monte: ubotu gave you the link... try to catch it this time ;)00:57
Elevator_HazardI was thinking it could be from using a usb splitter (I'd imagine the splitter is very busy as it has external harddrive plugged into it which is actually running ubuntu) but no because pulseaudio works...00:57
astro76!frostwire | monte00:57
ubotumonte: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire00:57
geniiWoofcat: then install onto the ubuntu system the package debootstrap00:57
keithclarkOk, no worries, I'll boot back to windows to do my printing jobs.  Thanks.00:58
maximilionElevator_Hazard: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/13626100:58
geniiWoofcat: 1 minute need to access some reference material00:59
maximilionI googled for "ubuntu alsa noise"00:59
maximilionBut I guess you need to know how to mute the mic00:59
astro76monte: ubotu gave you the link twice now00:59
montewere do i put it01:00
montein the internet i am new at this01:00
Woofcatgenii chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory01:00
Picimonte: Just download the .deb file and double click on it.01:00
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: one thing could be some other mic on this computer...01:00
montethank u01:00
Picimonte: It says that right there on the page ubotu linked to anyway...01:01
geniiWoofcat: Please don't improvise. Follow instructions exactly as I give them and no more please.01:01
Woofcatlol ok01:01
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: Nevermind that coulnd't be.01:01
ERRor_studentwebcam not detect at feisty..01:01
montethank u01:01
geniiWoofcat: debootstrap installed?01:01
Woofcatinstalling genii01:02
geniiWoofcat: ok01:02
geniiWoofcat: What directory did you mount sda1 to?01:02
maximilionElevator_Hazard: Hmm yes, if you have integrated sound on the mobo you must disable it in BIOS.01:03
geniiWoofcat: Ok01:03
maximilionHow do I make the console understand that I installed quake 3?01:03
ERRor_studentyou can help me..01:03
Elevator_Hazardmaximilion: I really don't wnat to mess with that :( sound is just peachy on windows xp...01:03
maximilionie. link 'quake3' to the quake3 files in the quake3 directory, so I can use esddsp?01:04
Elevator_Hazardsymlink? Or mess with your PATH var?01:04
jetscreamermaximilion: ln -sn /usr/local/games/quake3/quake3-smp quake301:04
jetscreameror whichever01:05
maximilionjetscreamer: Thank you very much sir!01:05
maximilionlovely :)01:05
jetscreamerls /usr/local/games/quake3 and choose which one you want to link to01:05
maximilionI thought ln wouldn't do it.01:05
maximilionWill try it right now :)01:06
jetscreamerquake3 and quake3-smp are just scripts that start up the quake3-x86 or whatever01:06
keithclarkOk, problem solved....windows xp shares printers with no issues at all.  Thanks.01:06
StarseedIs anyone having issues with flash freezing up firefox ?01:06
traitfehlermeldung bei start von kde01:06
traitbetrifft kde_thumbnail01:06
trait"einstellung konnte nciht gespiechert werden"01:06
Pici!de | trait01:06
ubotutrait: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:06
astro76!de | trait01:06
traitwie bekomm ich die weg?01:07
traitah k01:07
traitsuper danke01:07
pocketdrummerIs there a way to change your default applications? Like what normally comes up when you launch a video or song?01:07
geniiWoofcat: phone, afk a few minutes. But I'll be back01:07
maximilionjetscreamer: File Exists. Ok. Why quake3-smp and not quake3?01:07
Picipocketdrummer: either right click on the file and change the open with in its properties, or System>Preferences>Preferred Applications (in Gnome)01:08
jetscreamermaximilion: like i said, whichever.. .the smp is multi proc, the other isn't01:09
jetscreamerso if you have core2duo...01:09
maximilionNo, but a dualcore opteron.01:09
sbhHow to I edit the services that are used (init scripts started at startup)?01:09
jetscreamerok then smp is probably better for you..01:09
Pici!boot | sbh01:09
ubotusbh: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:09
pocketdrummerpici: wow, I didn't even notice Preferred Apps was even there, lol. Thanks01:10
sbhThanks! :)01:10
jetscreamerbut i can't swear how good q3 smp is01:10
jetscreamermaximilion: #ioquake3 btw01:11
sbhPici: that's not it01:11
Picisbh: What are you looking for?01:11
pocketdrummerpici: hmm, for some reason, it's still playing from Totem and not the other (mplayer isn't even an option). Do you know how to fix that?01:11
sbhI have MPD installed, I want it to start at startup01:11
maximilionjetscreamer: Just downloaded it. Will it connect to kosher q3 servers? Run OSP?01:12
ERRor_studenti have suyin webcam, but not detect at ubuntu feisty??01:12
z-doghow do you save menu.lst it says i don't have permision?01:12
jetscreamercan't swear, but you can /join #ioquake3 and ask01:12
Picisbh: If you installed the mpd package from the repositories, it should automagically add itself to your startup.01:12
jetscreamerz-dog: add sudo in front01:12
jetscreameraka be the root01:12
sbhPici: ah ha. How can that be modified?01:12
sbhthanks in advance01:13
Picisbh: also, bum is the gui program to manage that.  Or check man update-rc.d01:13
ERRor_studentsbh: using chmod +x on mpd in /etc/init.d/01:14
keithclarkIt's just too bad that sharing resources in Linux was not as easy as in Win XP.  They should look at that in the future.  Especially for home LANs01:15
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know what the best Driver in MPlayer is best for an nVidia 7800GT?01:15
geniiWoofcat: Here?01:16
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maximilionjetscreamer: quake3 is directly under /home (which is where I put my symlink, right?) Might that mess things up? Should I move the game to a certain place?01:17
* genii sneaks some coffee01:17
singlesuni already have ubuntu on this pc... and am trying to install on my laptop.. <-- which had xubuntu on it.. until i wiped the hardrive... (turned up nonfatal errors at the end)... now I cant install ubuntu.... do I need to wipe the drive with another app or is the drive dead?01:17
astro76maximilion: if you make a ~/bin/ directory and put it there it will be in your path01:17
hummesseI know this is off topic, but anyway. I saw a music vid i liked and i want to know who made it. I completely forgot and i forgot all of the lyrics too. Its a stop-motion video with the lead singer walking backwards most of the video. While she's walking her sorrounding, which are mostly blue, changes stop motion style. Can anyone give me a name og something?01:17
malbertommalbertoa_11@hotmail.com my msn01:18
maximilionastro76: put the symlink there?01:18
jetscreamermaximilion: doesn't matter where you put it as long as you change the ln command to reflect the true path01:18
jetscreamerwhen you create a symlink01:18
vrkhanshi, i am using vlc but it is not playing the movie properlu it is showing multilpe horizontal line in half the screen , i dont know how to fix it, video is fine, because i played in window on same vlc , and it played perfect over there.01:18
jetscreamerjust hit tab a lot01:19
Frogzoo!offtopic | hummesse01:19
ubotuhummesse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:19
z-dogi am in my01:19
astro76maximilion: yes, the next time you login that directory will be in your path so you can type the command anywhere, and you can type quake3 anywhere to launch it01:19
traitcan somebody tell me how to mount an usb-hd at start?01:19
traitcan i write i somehow into the fstab?01:19
astro76maximilion: but do make sure quake doesn't already use a command with that name first01:19
z-dogcomputer how do i save menu.lst01:19
hummessei know. Just the most active channel i can find, please bare with me01:19
jetscreamerby 'it' i mean the quake3 directory01:19
roxja-ittrait: should automatically mount in /media01:19
maximilionastro76: It doesn't, I tried alt+f2 ;) Roger, symlink in ~/bin01:19
keithclarkHoly cow, sharing files is even more difficult.01:20
astro76maximilion: did you log out and back in?01:20
vrkhansdoes any one else having same problem in vlc01:20
astro76maximilion: oh I got you01:20
maximilionastro76: hmm wait. ~  = '/home/username/'?01:21
z-doghow do i get permision to save menu.lst i just opened it and added "acpi=noacpi" so i can find my router01:21
astro76maximilion: yes, you can type the ~ though, as in: mkdir ~/bin01:22
Pici!sudo | zMooTh01:22
ubotuzMooTh: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.01:22
astro76maximilion: bash will expand it01:22
Piciz-dog: See ubotu above ^01:22
traitroxja-it, what to write after /dev/01:22
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traitwhich device is it?01:22
malbertomubonut me dice como se puede entender es esppañol01:22
traitthe extern hd01:22
maximilionastro76: Just checking so I got everything right. back in 201:22
astro76!es | malbertom01:23
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:23
astro76malbertom: /join #ubuntu-es01:23
malbertomayuda en ingles+01:24
LjLmalbertom: ... pues habla ingles :)01:24
tritiummalbertom: then speak in English, please01:24
vrkhansplease help me.01:24
maximilionastro76: did "ln -sn /home/bitbrain/quake3/quake3 quake3" in the ~/bin directory. symlink is there. Just says command not found.01:25
maximilion(quake3 in the ........quake3 folder is the 'executable' ... lots of quake3s :))01:26
Picimaximilion: is ~/bin in your $PATH ?01:26
maximilionheh, no it isn't :P01:27
maximilionI'll move it for now.01:27
astro76maximilion: hmm it should be if it exists when you login01:27
astro76maximilion: assuming you haven't removed that section from your ~/.profile01:27
Piciastro76: Is it there by default nowadays?01:28
astro76Pici: yep it's in /etc/skel/.profile , checks if ~/bin exists and adds to path if so01:28
ick5555how do i change the ubuntu live user so that any program can't just get root access?01:28
maximilionnah, vim says it's there (at least it's in the profile as text), $PATH says no. I moved the symlink to /usr/games anyway and it worked :)01:29
_Oz_from a methodology standpoint, I have a question.  I have winetricks.  I am creating a launch for "sh winetricks".  I want to store winetricks somewhere other than the desktop.  What is the most logical place to put it?  Should I just create a folder like "apps" and put it there?01:30
astro76maximilion: if you've created a .bash_profile, .profile won't be read, that's the only other thing I can think of01:30
maximilionright, well ~/bin didn't exist before anyway, so won't mess with it now01:31
astro76maximilion: also another good choice that's already in your path is /usr/local/bin01:31
astro76maximilion: that's outside the realm of APT01:32
maximilionastro76: because: Something happened! When I used esddsp --mmap I got a different message in q3 console! yay!01:32
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=== Ekstron[ is now known as Ekstron
maximilion"sound memory manager started. /dev/esp not found."01:32
maximilionastro76: So now I can probably use that page elevatorsomething linked me to :)01:33
malbertomspanish please01:34
Picimaximilion: /j #ubuntu-es01:34
nickrud!es | malbertom01:34
ubotumalbertom: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:34
Picier, /me hits tab a few times01:35
keithclarkI thought that networking was the biggest strength of Linux.  I see it as the biggest show stopper.  There are no home users that can set up a home network to share resources easily.  It takes a degree in Ubuntu/Linux.  Sure it is secure, but it is also useless to the average person.  You may want to think about that.  I can setup a home network in Win XP in about 2 minutes with no issues at all.01:35
malbertomwath no is in english01:35
LockesRabbwhenever i move my mouse to the top right corner, it zooms out to show my four workspaces01:35
LockesRabbhow do i disable that?01:35
LockesRabbhelp :(01:35
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: This is not a place for comments like that.  If you have a problem that we can help you with feel free to ask..  You may also take your comments or discussion to the #Ubuntu-offtopic room01:36
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, I asked for help with silence as the response.;01:36
keithclarkOn numerous occasions01:37
badkittykeithclark: Hmm I don't know about that.. Im sure there are home users that can do this.. many of them aren't responding or arent here to help at the moment.. Sure network setup in windows is simple... then again so is gaining root access01:37
ubuntufreakHow to disable IPV6 in Ubuntu 7.1001:37
LjL!ipv6 > ubuntufreak    (ubuntufreak, see the private message from Ubotu)01:37
keithclarkNo, it is not if you set it up correctly....but that is not the point01:37
roxja-ittrait: do an fdisk -l to identify your usb01:37
malbertomenters espacio lux mandriva and ubuntu01:37
danbhfivekeithclark: yeah, samba is a mystery to me, and it seems other ubuntu users01:37
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Still does NOT excuse the comments  and opinions in this channel01:37
malbertomespacio linux01:37
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, I'm sorry then01:38
ubuntufreakThanks LjL01:38
danbhfivekeithclark: here is a link that was posted to an ubuntu mailing list that I'm on, maybe you will find it useful: http://www.europe.eclipse.co.uk/Ubuntu/Ubuntu-on-win-network.htm01:38
surrealdeali predict that solaris will overtake both windows and linux in the desktop market.01:38
_Oz_keithclark: it's actually quite easy to get an ubuntu computer on a windows network01:38
* nickrud thinks surrealdeal is well named01:38
LjL!ot | surrealdeal01:38
ubotusurrealdeal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:38
naliothubotu: tell surrealdeal about offtopic01:38
keithclark_Oz_ I just want two Linux machines to talk to each other and it is really confusing and complicated.01:39
LockesRabbwhenever i move my mouse to the top right corner, it zooms out to show my four workspaces, how do i disable it? someone please help :(01:39
surrealdeali want to port ubuntu apps to another os, is that off topic?01:39
astro76this is ubuntu support, not linux development01:39
garrettkajmowiczI'm running 6.10 and when I play midi files with pmidi the system completely locks up on me (numlock stops working).  I have a soundblaster Live! sound card.  Any idea why this is happening?01:39
LjLsurrealdeal: pretty much. this is an ubuntu support channel. also, there is no such thing as an "ubuntu app" mostly, some are linux apps, most are posix-portable ones.01:40
danbhfivesurrealdeal: you should go to the chatroom for the os you are porting to01:40
surrealdealwell, ok...01:40
_Oz_keithclark: I knew nothing about ubuntu 3 days ago.  I am now running ubuntu on a windows network (four other XP computers) sharing files with no problems.01:40
nickrudsurrealdeal: this channel is narrowly aimed at support,  #ubuntu-offtopic might have some interested people01:40
_Oz_It took about the same amount of time as setting up a windows network.01:40
LockesRabbsomeone help me >.<01:40
nickrud!ask | LockesRabb01:40
ubotuLockesRabb: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:41
keithclark_Oz_ You are smarter than I.  I am just a simple user..........01:41
_Oz_keith: I'm an idiot, trust me.01:41
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Jack_SparrowLockesRabb: See compiz  it is a feature.. not a bug01:41
_Oz_I'm no programmer, I'm not a linuxhead, etc. I just wanted an alternative to vista.01:41
LockesRabbokay, going to compiz channel then01:41
macropodI got bad superblock boot error01:41
_Oz_you want me to show you how to get your ubuntu computer talking to your windows network?01:41
keithclark_Oz_ I have no issues with an alternative to Vista.  I would not go there, but I thought as an alternative to XP......but it just doesn't seem to fit the bill at least for me.  I've tried but it is like hitting my head against the wall.01:42
astro76LjL: looking at ##linux logs, surrealdeal more than knows that, he was trolling01:42
LjLastro76: i was pretty sure. he left without blood been shed though, so *shrug*01:42
LockesRabbthere's nobody in the compiz channel01:43
nickrudLockesRabb: #compiz-fusion ?01:43
LjLLockesRabb: only 168 people01:43
macropodanyone who has experience in Ubuntu boot errors..  due to bad disk ?01:43
badkittymacropod: Not I but if you have a bad disk... shouldn't you burn a new one? Or do you mean bad hard disk?01:44
Owner_Hello. Is it possible to use the standard desktop install cd to initiate a text based install01:44
Jack_SparrowLockesRabb: do you have ccsm installed?01:44
AnanthAny one know spamassassin?01:44
_Oz_keith: I expected ubuntu to feel like hitting my head against the wall but it has not been that way at all.  I have M$ Office and Excel running more or less natively.  I have Photoshop CS2 running now as of today.  Everything has been very simple, the networking has been simple.  No crashes, no security vulnerabilities.  I just had to reinstall the XP computer from scratch because of a nasty virus I couldn't beat.01:44
macropodI mean harddisk unfortunely =(01:44
_Oz_And I have to emphasize, I'm truly a linux idiot.  But you don't need to know hardly anything at all to use ubuntu, very much just like you would windows.01:44
badkittymacropod: Ok so what are you trying to do? Get a good clean install? Fix the disk? Recovery????01:44
keithclark_Oz_ I love everything about Ubuntu and Linux except networking....it just does not work.  At least for me.01:45
_Oz_what about networking doesn't work for you?01:45
macropodThe disk is pretty new and computer worked fine yesterday... now when turning bad sectors01:45
_Oz_is it wireless?01:45
astro76keithclark: what is your actual problem?01:45
keithclark_Oz_ Everything.....01:45
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Please stop with the comments01:45
_Oz_can you get online with it?01:45
Owner_Hello. Is it possible to use the standard desktop install cd to initiate a text based install01:45
_Oz_jack sparrow, I'm trying to help him if that's ok.01:45
LjLOwner_: no, you need the alternate cd01:46
badkittyThats captain jack sparrow Oz01:46
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Obviously you dont like it, and more importantly, you dont intend to try and make it work01:46
macropodfsck gives me: attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while reading block 51601:46
keithclark_Oz_ I thought I was being positive....everything works and I love but networking...01:46
_Oz_sorry, badkitty, you're right...  captain jack sparrow.01:46
ick5555how do i change which user is booted when mastering a livecd?01:47
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Please feel free.  But has made no effort to go in that direction01:47
badkittyHAHA! sweet!01:47
_Oz_keith, let's try to help you by asking you a specific question and you give a specific answer.  ok with you?01:47
drpckenis there an app that will let me remote into my tightVNC server on my XP box?01:47
=== Owner_ is now known as sp219
keithclark_Oz_ go nuts....01:47
_Oz_ok. question one: can you get online (internet) with your ubuntu install?01:48
sp219drpcken, xvncviewer01:48
keithclark_Oz_ I'm talking to you!  The problem is local.  Within the LAN.01:48
drpckensp219, thanks!01:48
sp219no problemo01:48
astro76keithclark: please answer his question, it has a point01:48
keithclark_Oz_ I cannot see other machines or share resources01:48
* _Oz_ sighs01:49
LjLkeithclark: you could be connecting from another computer, it's a reasonable question to ask.01:49
_Oz_you're a really hard guy to help.01:49
bazhangkeithclark: networking is fine with ubuntu and linux--that you are having problems means they need to be worked out01:49
_Oz_let's try this again.01:49
_Oz_question one: can you get online (internet) with your ubuntu install?01:49
keithclark_Oz_ Sorry, typing and meaning are two different things01:49
badkittyAtleast you dont have tourrettes of the hands01:49
_Oz_all I need is either "yes" or "no"01:50
badkittysorry wrong window01:50
_Oz_ok. good! we're halfway there.01:50
gw0gvq_I have a dual boot PC windows and ubuntu but I cant get the menu up to edit it01:50
keithclarkhumour back01:50
_Oz_next question: can you "see" any other computers FROM your ubuntu computer?01:50
badkittygw0gvq_: Do you mean GRUB?01:51
nickrudgw0gvq_: hit escape when you see something about grub during the boot01:51
_Oz_very good.01:51
_Oz_We are 3/4 of the way there now.01:51
maximilionHi again :)01:51
gw0gvq_ok ty01:51
_Oz_question 3: are you running ubuntu 7.10?01:51
LjL#ubuntu, the channel with a completion bar01:51
_Oz_on your computer.01:52
badkittyOn his foot01:52
_Oz_are you running v. 7.10 of ubuntu.01:52
maximilionSeems the quake 3 sound problem is that alsa expects a /dev/dsp, which is there, but is an "x-char", not a folder.01:52
keithclarkPCLinuxOS on the Printer machine01:52
_Oz_go to your desktop and create a folder called "Ubuntu Shared".  You do this by right-clicking anywhere in the background and choosing "New Folder"01:52
keithclarkMy foot runs Vista01:53
_Oz_report back, keithclark, when you have done this.01:53
maximilionGoogling suggests that doing "aoss quake something" might fake it. Do I dare get-apt aoss?01:53
badkittyOh you must be triplebooting then kieth01:53
keithclarkYes Sir/Mam01:53
astro76maximilion: it won't hurt01:53
webitohi! installing ubuntu.. i sill want to have my windows.... how do I must prepare my partitions?01:53
ak5_hello, how can I change my resolution on a live cd?01:53
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Nice to see you were paying attention earlier...01:53
astro76maximilion: it's a alsa oss compatability thingy, won't do anything unless you run it01:53
webitotype ext3 mount point /     should I select logical or primary for ubuntu?01:54
AnanthHello, I need some help on spamassassin,01:54
maximilionastro76:, okay, I will try :) I got ioquake3, but I'd like to get into this :)01:54
ipxmaximilion: Ive gotten problem with quake3 sounds, it seems like my two sound devices swap names (/dev/dps & /dev/dps1) so I have to change the "snddevice" variable in quake3 console to the other one when they swap01:54
badkittywebito: doesn't matter01:54
ipxmaximilion: are you having a similiar problem?01:54
badkittywebito: If you have a primary great01:54
webitobadkitty which is better?01:54
badkittywebito: Probabaly primary01:54
keithclarkOk, done.01:54
_Oz_very good.01:54
maximilionipx: I am yet to hear any sound at all :)01:54
_Oz_ok, here's the next step, keithclark.01:54
webitoif I select primary it will affect my windows partition?01:54
keithclarkAnd All.......I'm not that bad of a guy.01:55
LjLwebito: with primaries only, you can have at most 4 partitions. with logicals, you can have more. however unless you have a compelling reason to think you'll end up with more than 4 partitions, just go with primaries.01:55
garrettkajmowiczI'm running 6.10 and when I play midi files with pmidi the system completely locks up on me (numlock stops working).  I have a soundblaster Live! sound card.  How do I stop my sytem from locking uip?01:55
_Oz_Right-click on the Ubuntu Shared folder, and select Share Folder01:55
_Oz_ 01:55
_Oz_Ubuntu will ask for your login password01:55
_Oz_ 01:55
_Oz_After a short delay, a dialog saying' Sharing Services are not installed' will appear01:55
badkittywebito: Once you make the partition insert y our liveCD boot to it and install it to that directory. Ubuntu will set up the boot menu for you01:55
FloodBot3_Oz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
ipxmaximilion: shut down all your firefox-windows, all your movies/music thats playing01:55
_Oz_sorry, floodbot3 -- it's for the greater good in this case.01:55
ipxmaximilion: I have to shut down firefox and amarok to be able to get sound01:55
TallHunkDani need help01:55
_Oz_keithclark: report back when you see that dialog box01:55
badkittywebito: and whamo - dualboot xp and ubuntu01:55
maximilionastro76: ldconfig deferred proc... do I need to wait for some kind of confirmation? :P01:55
maximilionipx: Nothing is playing.01:56
TallHunkDani installed miro and this is the error message - the offending font is Tahoma901:56
TallHunkDanhow can i replace the default font for miro01:56
ipxmaximilion: no music-player running? even if stopped..01:56
badkittywebito: The thing I forget off hand is if you have to create the swap partition before or if ubuntu will make one for you.. probably both are fine01:56
maximilionfresh startx :)01:56
highvoltIs there a way to non-destructively make a logical partition primary?01:56
webitobadkitty 2 gb is enough for swap?01:56
badkittywebito: Sure that is plenty01:57
TallHunkDan/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/miro/frontend_implementation/Application.py:61: PangoWarning: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma 9'01:57
TallHunkDan  gtk.main()01:57
TallHunkDanWARNING  downloader: connection closed -- quitting01:57
webitoshould i put less swap?01:57
badkittywebito: How much ram do you have01:57
maximilionwebito: I have 1GB, it's fine01:57
ihatewhitewomenwhich torrent prgram in linux download the fastest? like scam bandwidth etc? :d thank you01:57
yao_ziyuani suggest that ubuntu uses Nimbus as the default theme01:57
ipxmaximilion: have you made sure the variable snddevice in q3-console is correct?01:57
webitoI have 2 gb of ram01:57
_Oz_keithclark: hold that thought...  have to attend to something...  be right back.01:57
maximilionBe right back.01:57
webitowith swap 1gb  should it be enough?01:57
astro76webito: 1gb would be more than enough unless you want to hibernate01:57
LjLwebito: if you ever intend to use hibernation, make it >2gb01:58
astro76highvolt: no you'll have to copy it01:58
badkittywebito: Yeah i think the swap is supposed to be half your physical ram?01:58
keithclark_Oz_ holding..............01:58
LjLbadkitty: is that a new magic number?01:58
ak5_webito: they say 2x the amount of ram if it is a laptop, otherwise if you are going to run a lot of memory hogging programs 2gb is enough, with normal usage 1gb01:58
badkittyLjL I dunno thats what I remember reading somewhere01:58
yao_ziyuanthis is Nimbus for Ubuntu 7.1001:58
josspykerwebito: LJL his comment is correct01:59
badkittywebito: ANyway I am using 1 Gig and its fine01:59
LjLbadkitty, ak5_: those magic numbers mostly make no sense. with today's amount of memory, what really matters is the ability to hibernate (AND to have some swap available, swap is not useless at all, just making it as big as the RAM itself will normally be more than fine)01:59
badkittyLjL: I certainly see your point02:00
=== _daemon is now known as daemon
astro762x really only "applied" when systems were less than 512 MB but it still wasn't a good "rule"02:01
sp219wtf measley 400 KB/s ubuntu download02:01
keithclarkI apologize to everyone here for being a goof.  I was just frustrated and could have asked in a better way.02:01
zelrikriandoanyone uses kino?02:01
ihatewhitewomenwhich torrent prgram in linux download the fastest? like scam bandwidth etc? :d thank you02:01
danbhfiveihatewhitewomen: try transmission02:01
yao_ziyuancurrently, i keep both a gnome-based distro and a kde-based02:01
astro76ihatewhitewomen: how about a non-offensive nick?02:02
yao_ziyuanthe gnome-based is ubuntu 7.10 with the Nimbus theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nimbus+(+Ubuntu+7.10+packages+)?content=7021202:02
yao_ziyuanthe kde-based is fedora 802:02
yao_ziyuanbecause only fedora can give me both kde 3.5.8 and chinese input02:02
maximilionOK, I have sound in Quake 3 - but repetitive, like the buffer is too small02:02
maximilionConsole says: "Sound muted." and then inits to buffer size 8192 samples.02:03
LjLihatewhitewomen: please change your nickname02:03
LjL!etiquette > ihatewhitewomen    (ihatewhitewomen, see the private message from Ubotu)02:03
gw0gvqwhenever i try to edit grub i cannot it just wont show for me to edit02:03
Piciyao_ziyuan: This is a support channel, if you have a suggestion for a new default theme, I suggest you file a bug or take a look at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/02:03
=== ihatewhitewomen is now known as stfuops
sp219!etiquette > sp21902:03
maximilionastro76: Tried disabling ESD in Gnome, didn't affect anything. I started quake3 with "aoss quake3"02:04
astro76sp219: /msg ubotu etiquette or whatever02:04
sp219yeah sorry >_<02:04
sp219in that case02:04
LjLastro76: the bot will tell them02:04
sp219i must fix my nick02:04
=== sp219 is now known as sp218
=== sp218 is now known as sp219`brb
LjL!nickspam > sp219`brb    (sp219`brb, see the private message from Ubotu)02:04
stfuopswhich torrent prgram in linux download the fastest? like scam bandwidth etc? :d thank you02:04
yao_ziyuanit is not that ubuntu's default theme is not pretty enough, but that there is currently only one pretty theme (the default)02:04
=== intarwebz_ is now known as intarwebz
maximilionPici: Do you have any ideas?02:05
yao_ziyuani want two pretty themes, so i can always switch back and forth when i get tired of one of them02:05
keithclark_Oz_ you left me hanging?!02:05
ak5_hey can someone tell me if a 7.10 live cd supports ssh out of the box and how to implement it?02:05
maximilion(About quake 3 sound)02:05
astro76maximilion: sorry I don't have any experience with it02:05
PriceChildstfuops, pm please02:05
kingnothingI'm having some performance issues watching HDTV (1080P) videos on 7.10. can anyone give me a hand fixing it?02:05
Picimaximilion: No ideas, sorry.02:06
Pelokingnothing, what format are these videos in ? what are you using to view them ?02:06
maximilionWill do a man aoss, see if that brings something02:07
kingnothingpelo: they're .mkv files, i've tried using vlc and totem. totem performs better, but it's still choppy when there's a lot going on, and the audio drops in and out. cpu is an opteron 165, 2gb ram02:07
TallHunkDanhelp on miro please -> /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/miro/frontend_implementation/Application.py:61: PangoWarning: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma 9'02:07
TallHunkDan  gtk.main()02:07
TallHunkDanWARNING  downloader: connection closed -- quitting02:07
gw0gvqhow can i change my default for my pc to boot up into windows its a dual boot02:08
Pelokingnothing, , the only thing I can suggest is to install all the gstreamer0.10 packages , that might help some, also try to view the movies with xine02:08
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, sorry to have offended.  Maybe I will find help later...thanks02:08
josspykergw0gvq: edit grub02:08
Jack_Sparrowgw0gvq: you can edit the default in grub02:08
kingnothingpelo: ok, i'll give that a shot. doesn't totem use xine for the backend?02:09
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: He will be back shortly...02:09
sparkyWhat program can I use to convert files from AVI to WMV?02:09
gw0gvqi cant seem to get grub up to edit it jack sparrow02:09
kingnothingsparky: why in god's name would you want to convert TO wmv?02:09
keithclarkjack_sparrow, my apology still stands02:09
Pelokingnothing,  by default  totem uses gstreamer as a backend, but you can make it use xine if you wish, the package name is totem-xine,  but it will remove the gstreamer support02:09
sparkykingnothing, the Xbox 360 only recognizes WMVs :/02:09
kingnothingsparky: oh :(02:09
sparkyIf I didn't have to, I wouldn't :(02:10
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: We would love to help you....02:10
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Apology accepted and we will do our best to help you.. We do try to maintain a quality room for all.02:11
keithclarkjack_sparrow, I just find this whole thing so frustrating.  From the realm of the known into something totally foreign02:11
MagoonDCan I increase the mouse sensitivity because its real slow even when its set to fast?02:11
keithclarkAnd I take it out on those who can help me most.02:11
PeloMagoonD, check in xorg.conf there migth be a variable that you can try manualy increasing, but beware , it might just screw you up02:12
MagoonDoh ok02:12
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Np...  we will get you fixed up... and running great.02:12
gw0gvqHow can I edit grub jack sparrow if it wont let me edit it please02:12
andresjstrange thing: in Firefox, some sites it tells me "Additional plugins required." but when I click in Install, it tells me that Adobe Flash Player is already installed, so I can't play some games and some sites don't work as well... This just happened recently, maybe a week or two ago.02:13
keithclarkThank you for your help and understanding Jack_Sparrow02:13
MagoonDwhere is the xorg.conf file located?02:13
Jack_Sparrowgw0gvq: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:13
* Pelo just came in to check if chat would connect, his internet is behaving very oddly, fast bittorrent but almost no browsing 02:13
danbhfiveMagoonD: locate xorg.cong02:13
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: If you want to stay around you can get this done now..  or hit it early tomorrow and be done02:13
PeloMagoonD, /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:14
gw0gvqbut i cant put it in because i cant seem to get grub up to edit it02:14
MagoonDok should i back it up before I modify it?02:14
Jack_Sparrowgw0gvq: Ok,, got it.. you cant catch grub by hitting escape after the memtest...  try a couple more times02:15
Pelogw0gvq, grub menu.lst is a admin permission file,  edit it by typing  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst in the terminal02:15
PeloMagoonD, always a good idea02:15
maximilionastro76: Hmm, here's something... aplay -l lists my USB sound card fine, but "alsamixer" yields "no mixer elems found!"02:15
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, it is only 9:00 pm in my time zone.  I can wait if convenient to you.02:15
MagoonDcool thanks02:15
kingnothingis there any video player that takes advantage of smp?02:15
Pelosmp ?02:15
kingnothingmultiple processors02:15
maximilionsymmetric multiprocessing02:16
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: LEts see if someone can do this.. wife has dinner on the table...02:16
Pelokingnothing, i'm not sure this would be handle at the application end of things02:16
gw0gvqyes pelo i tried that but i'll try again02:16
TallHunkDan/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/miro/frontend_implementation/Application.py:61: PangoWarning: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma 9'02:16
TallHunkDan  gtk.main()02:16
TallHunkDanWARNING  downloader: connection closed -- quitting02:16
Jack_SparrowPelo: gw0gvq was not at cli...02:16
TallHunkDanhelp on miro02:16
sparkySo does anyone know of an AVI to WMV converter?02:16
PeloJack_Sparrow, I would assumed as much :-)02:17
Dr_williswhy would you want to convert from avi to wmv?02:17
Dr_willis!info avidmux02:17
ubotuPackage avidmux does not exist in gutsy02:17
Jack_SparrowPelo: Think you can help keithclark setup file sharing on home network?02:17
Pelosparky, I think avidemux might let you do that02:17
joshritgerwhy does adobe flash player use almost 100 cpu usage. It is a video from  online?02:17
sparkyWell, the Xbox 360 only recognizes WMVs :/02:17
joshritgerIt is adobe flash player 902:18
PeloJack_Sparrow, I "know" I can't help him set up file sharieng on a home network02:18
kjozanyone here have some experience with running parallels ? (XP as guest OS) running under Ubuntu (Host)02:18
sparkyI have Gutsy, and evidently avidemux doesn't work on Gutsy :/02:18
Pelojoshritger, it does so on certain site, don't know why , you are not the only one02:18
sparkykjoz, install VMware Player02:18
Pelojoshritger, actualy it's not so much flash but firevox.,bin if you check the processes02:18
kjozVMware Player a lot better ?02:19
joshritgerPelo: it is from hulu.com, a beta site for watching tv shows.02:19
TallHunkDanhelp on miro02:19
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, you are a very kind person but if I could offer on kind piece of advice....and maybe not justly....have a little tolerance for us frustrated new guys.  I know I was a tough one.......I understand that.  I hope this comes off as a good thing.02:19
kjozParallels is horrible, trying to get wireless working on it02:19
joshritgerPelo: any better way to watch these videos?02:19
Pelokjoz, you might want to look for a parallel channel,  it's the newest player02:19
yurimxpxmanare there any good word processors for the tty?02:19
reportingsjrThis isn't really for help, but anyone know any good games for linux?02:19
Pelojoshritger, I prefer torrents myself02:19
reportingsjrWith good graphics, want to test my system :)02:19
joshritgerPelo: I have to sign in before I can watch them, would a diff browser be better? Any suggestions?02:20
sparkykjoz, works just fine, though as anything else, it's a bit laggy.  You'll have to either create or download the guest OS, but that's the only challenge02:20
Pelo!games > reportingsjr02:20
LjL!gbood > reportingsjr    (reportingsjr, see the private message from Ubotu)02:20
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Understood, but sometimes we need to get tough to get someones attention long enough to help them.02:20
keithclarkJack_Sparrow.....it worked.02:20
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: No malice intended02:20
Pelojoshritger,  I don'T realy have a suggestion , you can try with epiphany or with opera maybe see if it is better02:20
keithclarkNone taken02:20
joshritgerthanks for the help Pelo02:21
PeloLjL,  stop making stuff up02:21
reportingsjrPelo, Well, I was looking for a game that is graphics intensive.02:21
LjLPelo: what, you never played gbood?02:21
LjLreportingsjr: compiz02:21
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, thanks, I feel so much better.  Even if my problem is not solved, I feel better.02:22
reportingsjrLjL, A _game_ :p. I have compiz already.02:22
Peloreportingsjr, there is someting with bubble in the title, the graphics looked nice,  don't remember the exact name, check in add/remove under games02:22
PeloLjL, no , I just lke playing with ppl's nerves02:22
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Glad to hear it.. It was frustrating for me when I started too.02:22
LjLreportingsjr, fire up your favorite tag-supporting package manager and look for things that are tagged "game" and "3g"02:22
LjL... 3d even02:23
dcesiel_Hey could someone help me get my intel 3945 working?  It's been working and it stopped after a few recent kernel upgrades02:23
* Pelo wonders how much LjL has had to drink 02:23
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark: Hope to see you back soon and get you fixed up.. I gotta go, I am getting that LOOK.. from the wife02:23
keithclarkJack_Sparrow.....Yup, I believe it.  You are ingrained with only one way to do things.  Change is difficult to say the least.02:23
LjLPelo: one pretty expensive beers... but the thing with typos is that once you start you can't stop02:23
Pelodcesiel_, the quickest solution is for you to boot the previous kernel02:23
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, go eat!02:23
PeloLjL,  yeah, just like peanuts02:24
dcesiel_Pelo: I would just like to get this working02:24
Jack_SparrowThanks.. goodnight02:24
Pelog'night Jack_Sparrow02:24
swj /msg NickServ IDENTIFY +essiso02:24
maximilionnn Jack_Sparrow02:24
LjLswj: suggestion, change that02:24
* Pelo notes swj 's password02:24
maximilionThanks a lot!02:24
sparkyNow use /ns set password new-pass02:24
LjLswj: other suggestion, do it in the server tab next time02:24
sparkyIs there another program that can convert to WMV? Because I don't think I can run avidmux under gutsy02:25
Dr_willisi run avidmux under gutsy all the time02:25
alanbshepard70ubuntu stopped mounting my ipod when I plug it in. The ipod gets recognized by the system but never mounts like it did when I installed ubuntu. I made no system changes between working and not working.02:25
danbhfivesparky: I just tried avidmux under gutsy, its fine02:26
swjThanks! good thing02:26
sparkyHmm ok.02:26
swjI did'nt remember the whole password02:26
sparkyI suppose trying couldn't hurt02:26
Dr_williswhats so special about wmv?  as far as i know wmv is just a conatiner. for whatever codev the video is.02:26
sparkyOh, and thank you mouseboyx02:26
Dr_willisof course that goes for a lot of the extensions. :)02:26
swjshows how much I use IRC02:26
swjsparky thanks for the quick command to change password02:27
alanbshepard70How can I fix this issue? I tried a few tips found on google and in the forums but none worked. They mainly involved fstab. I can mount the ipod using fstab but It's mounted with root permissions and I can't use it that way. Also I have to do it manually each time.02:27
Dr_willisalanbshepard70,  withthe proper fstab entry/options the user can mount/unmount the device.02:28
Peloalanbshepard70, you need to set the proper permission in fstab then , paste the relevant fstab line here so we can have a look02:28
_Oz_keithclark still around?02:28
Peloalanbshepard70,  jsut the one line , not the whole thing02:29
maximilionalsamixer: no mixer elems found. Thread recommends I install alsa stuff. Should I "purge" old stuff first, and how?02:29
maximilionHi Dr_willis02:29
keithclark_Oz_ you bet02:29
alanbshepard70/dev/sdc2 /media/ipod auto auto,users,umask=0000 0 002:29
_Oz_keith, ok02:29
_Oz_are you still at that dialog box?02:29
_Oz_I had a sick baby that needed my attention, I'm sorry I left you hanging.02:29
keithclarkyou bet02:29
_Oz_please be patient, we're all volunteers in here.02:29
Peloalanbshepard70, the last 0 should be a 1 I beleive02:30
shawn_selig29hi guys02:30
_Oz_ok, keith, at the dialog box02:30
_Oz_Leave both the Unix & Windows network support options ticked, and click Install Services02:30
=== metelliu1 is now known as metellius
shawn_selig29i need somebody to help me walk thorught the ubuntu alternate cd text mode install02:30
alanbshepard70Pelo: ok thanks I'll try it. Do I need to log off and reboot for settings to take effect or can I test it right away?02:30
_Oz_keith: samba will now be downloaded and installed02:30
_Oz_wait for the installation to complete and you'll get a "changes applied" message02:31
Peloalanbshepard70, there is a command to reload fstab for the changes to be taken into acount but I can never remember it02:31
maximilionIs "sudo apt-get purge install <package"s> correct?02:31
maximilion(Well, apart from the misplaced "02:31
Pelomaximilion,  sudo apt-get remove packagename --purge02:31
keithclark_Oz_ I have two choices....SMB or NFS02:31
alanbshepard70Pelo: Ok I google that command. If this works how can I get ubuntu to auto mount the ipod whenever I plug it in so I don't have to manually do it?02:31
_Oz_choose SMB02:32
maximilionPelo: But can't you install at the same time? "Replace completely?"02:32
_Oz_are you still at that dialog box?  leave both of them ticked02:32
_Oz_smb and NFS02:32
Peloalanbshepard70, I'm not sure,  I was just correcting the permission bit on that line,  if it mounted before for root it will now mount for the current users02:32
alanbshepard70Pelo: Ok.02:33
keithclark _Oz_ I cannot share both....I have a choice02:33
Pelomaximilion, --purge is to completely remove the settings and other things associated with the pacakge, so instaling with a purge seems a bit odd to me02:33
_Oz_you're one step further than I thought you were02:33
keithclarkno problem02:33
maximilionPelo: Just want to "reinstall" alsa stuff02:33
_Oz_yes, choose SMB02:33
_Oz_now another dialog box pops up, keith02:34
_Oz_called "share folder"02:34
_Oz_do you see it?02:34
maximilionPelo: Which is the proper way? Just sudo apt-get install alsa-blah as if it had never been installed before?02:34
Pelomaximilion, remove --purge first,  then install again02:34
feldI installed Gutsy on a RAID1->Encrypted->LVM->LVMROOT/SWAP/HOME and it won't boot all the way through02:34
oboy03i accidentaly made my resolution to something my monitor cant handle, now im in the live CD, how can i change my resolution02:34
keithclark_Oz_ yes02:34
_Oz_remove the tick on the "read only" box02:34
feldWhat does the grub need to be so it will let me decrypt the LVM partition so it can finish booting?02:34
_Oz_then hit "OK"02:34
keithclarkI don't get that02:35
Pelooboy03, mount the hdd,  find /etc/X11/xorg.conf remove the offending resolution02:35
zappitelli16Hey I need to install Gstreamer plugins to view a video clip, but when I try to confirm installation, it says that gstreamer conflicts with other applications. Does anyone know how to locate the conflicts and remove them?02:35
keithclark_Oz_ I just want to share a printer here02:35
Pelo!lvm | feld02:35
ubotufeld: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO02:35
_Oz_which computer is the printer hooked up to02:35
maximilionHmm, says libasound2 replaces alsa-headers. Is that normal? (I'm following a howto to make alsamixer not return 'no mixer elems found.'02:36
_Oz_the ubuntu machine?02:36
andresjstrange thing: in Firefox, some sites it tells me "Additional plugins required." but when I click in Install, it tells me that Adobe Flash Player is already installed, so I can't play some games and some sites don't work as well... This just happened recently, maybe a week or two ago.02:36
keithclarkMaybe I should talk to those guys?02:36
zappitelli16Hey I need to install Gstreamer plugins to view a video clip, but when I try to confirm installation, it says that gstreamer conflicts with other applications. Does anyone know how to locate the conflicts and remove them? Thanks.02:36
Pelomaximilion, you are out of my league at this point02:36
maximilionCouldn't install either one of them, alsamixer still says 'no mixer elems found' and alsamixergui won't start.02:37
_Oz_you're almost there, keith02:37
oboy03Pelo: i cant edit it while in liv cd02:37
_Oz_just stay with me02:37
keithclark_Oz_ ok02:37
Pelomaximilion, check your user permission, make sure you are allowed to use sound devices02:37
_Oz_you need to go to one of your XP computers now02:37
_Oz_before you do that02:37
Pelooboy03, yes you can,  you need to edit the one from the hdd , not the one from the live cd02:38
_Oz_launch a terminal02:38
Pelomeoblast001,  you are here02:38
_Oz_go to applications -> accessories -> terminal02:38
neopsychehi i need to change kdelibs4c2a to kdelibs4c202:38
maximilionPelo: Well here's the problem: Sound works fine everywhere, except in one game, quake 3. I want to learn how to fix it, so I will be able to play other id games.02:38
_Oz_tell me when you have the terminal window open02:38
meoblast001Pelo: yes.... with my half broken computer that is making me ANGRY02:38
oboy03pelo: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.02:38
neopsychecan anyone help with above problem?02:38
keithclark_Oz_ terminal done02:38
Somebodyi've broke dpkg, how do i fix it02:38
Pelomaximilion, are you running quake through wine or is this a linux version ?02:38
_Oz_keith: what's your username in ubuntu?02:38
meoblast001Pelo: i just did a fresh install of Ubuntu deleting most of my preferences and stuff and my error did not get fixed.... im gonna upload a video of my error if you want to see it02:39
zappitelli16Hey guys I need some help,  I need to install Gstreamer plugins to view a video clip, but when I try to confirm installation, it says that gstreamer conflicts with other applications. Does anyone know how to locate the conflicts and remove them?02:39
Pelooboy03,  open the file from the command line using gksu gedit /path/.....02:39
maximilionPelo: Pure Linux quake 3 original02:39
_Oz_in the terminal type this:02:39
_Oz_sudo smbpasswd -L -a keith02:39
SomebodyE: I wasn't able to locate file for the autopanopro package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.02:39
neopsychewhat is backporting.. is this what i need to do?>02:39
_Oz_then press 'enter'02:39
maximilionPelo: Game works fine, and with aoss I manage to get sound... very choppy02:39
_Oz_it'll ask you for your password02:39
_Oz_type it in02:39
_Oz_then it asks for new SMB password02:40
Pelomaximilion, check in the sound settings make sure that the proper device is selectedfor all the sound events02:40
_Oz_type in your original password again02:40
_Oz_then you have to re-type it :)02:40
_Oz_so far so good?02:40
maximilionPelo: If you mean in Preferences, yes it works02:40
Pelomeoblast001, just tell me what the error is02:40
neopsychedoes anyone know how to 'downgrade' a package?02:40
Pelomaximilion,  and is there anything in the quake prefs that you can set ?02:40
Pelo!sound > maximilion check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu  there might be something in there02:41
meoblast001Pelo: the font on my login screen is super huge..... and the gnome panel is super huge for a split second on login.... and occationally the title bars are super huge too02:42
Peloneopsyche, look in synaptic,  search for the pacakge,  right click , properties  there shoudl be someting in there, or in the menu ( once the package is selected)02:42
oboy03Pelo: is this correct gksu gedit hda1/etc/x11/xorg.conf02:42
Pelomeoblast001, ok , very odd, first I hvae ever heard of this,  gimme a minute to think on it02:42
_Oz_now type this: sudo smbpasswd -L -e keith02:43
meoblast001Pelo: k.... and i reinstalled the OS and it still does it02:43
Pelooboy03, should be someting like  /media/disk1/etc....02:43
Pelooboy03,  assuming the hdd gets mounted to your desktop02:43
maximilionPelo: I think the only problem is that I have no alsamixer: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.02:43
meoblast001Pelo: i run a Dell Inspiron 6000 i38602:43
maximilion(When I try to open the volume control)02:43
Pelomeoblast001, gimme the specs of your comp02:44
Pelomeoblast001,  video card ?02:44
maximilionPelo: aplay -l lists my device, and Prefs/Sound has USB audio on all events02:44
Pelomaximilion, do you have a volume icon in the top pannel ?02:44
maximilionyes, with a cross02:44
Pelomaximilion, trhis is a usb audio card ?02:44
maximilionred x02:44
maximilionyes, and mmusbaudio installed fine02:44
_Oz_I think I lost keith02:45
Pelomaximilion,  taht sounds like a muted volume ,  right click02:45
meoblast001Pelo: sadly... i dont know that one02:45
meoblast001Pelo: i think its intel02:45
tokerhi all.. what tool do I need to use to add a user to the system?02:45
maximilionPelo: Mute box is unchecked02:45
Pelomaximilion, rather,  open a terminal, type   alsamixer , make sure all sliders are up and not muted02:45
neopsychePelo: thanks02:45
meoblast001Pelo: this is a recent update and i believe it may be a Ubuntu bug.... since it carried on to my new install02:45
Pelomeoblast001, open a terminal and type lspci , see what is listed02:46
maximilionPelo: As I said, I can't. It returns "no mixer elems found"02:46
oboy03Pelo: no luck02:46
bazhanghmm strange question; I have two updates, one is firefox, the other is the flash one--but the other day Riddell helped me through upgrading the flash non-free; will this second update negate the first one and possibly bork my system flash wise?02:46
Pelomeoblast001,  did your comp work well before witu ubuntu I mean ?02:46
meoblast001Pelo: it did work well before02:47
maximilionPelo: Which is why I followed the howto and tried to reinstall alsa stuff, but all of it was up to date02:47
bazhangwell going to update anyway and see what happens ;]02:47
meoblast001Pelo: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller02:47
Pelooboy03, boot the recovery mode of your installed ubuntu ,  type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  edit it from there02:47
Pelomeoblast001, well installing 915 resolution might help a bit possibly but I donT, think so02:47
oboy03Pelo: how do i go to the recovery mode?02:48
sp219`brbchose recovery mode from the boot menu02:48
Pelomaximilion, sorry I am out of ideas, maybe someone else02:48
oboy03boot menu of the live CD?02:48
meoblast001Pelo: ill just get over it..... or downgrade to feisty..... if i had time to download it02:48
meoblast001Pelo: or i could just stop using computers since they piss me off anyways02:49
shawn_selig29im finally installing latest gusty ubuntu version on my laptop..i hope itll run good02:49
Pelooboy03, no take out the live cd and boot from the hard drive, you can select the recovery mode from the grub boot menu, if you don'T usualy get the boot menu on startup,  type esc just after the bios stuff and taht will get you in the boot menu02:49
zappitelli16Hey does anyone know how to troubleshoot gstreamer installation?02:50
Pelomeoblast001,  I recommend the latter,  RL as so much to offer and you can actualy touch the women02:50
Peloshawn_selig29, best of luck02:50
Pelo zappitelli16 what is wrong with the gstreamer install you have now ?02:50
_Oz_what's the last thing you did02:51
meoblast001Pelo: your confusing me..... why are we talking about touching women and whats RL02:51
zappitelli16I tried to download a video file, and it said I needed additional plugins, when I tried to install them, An error message came up saying they conflicted with other packages.02:51
Pelomeoblast001, RL = real life , as opposed to computer02:51
Pelozappitelli16, what was the file ?02:52
meoblast001Pelo: im working on real life too and its pissing me off just as much02:52
Pelomeoblast001,  you are out of options02:52
meoblast001Pelo: my high school years might just be starting but i can tell that ppl are gonna hate me forever02:52
meoblast001Pelo: ive considered suicide02:52
zappitelli16said I needed Gstreamer extra plugins, and Gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin, but wouldn't tell me which files were conflicting.02:52
Pelomeoblast001, not in this channel please02:52
meoblast001Pelo: k02:53
meoblast001Pelo: you brought it up02:53
_Oz_let's everyone calm down02:53
Pelomeoblast001, high-school is hell for everyone, don'T worry so much about it, you'll get throught it02:53
Pelomeoblast001,  and buy other ppl donuts,  it makes them like you a bit more02:53
Pici!ot | Pelo meoblast00102:54
maximilionPelo: np. I'm sure I will fix it by getting some volume control package. But I don't know what to install. :(02:54
ubotuPelo meoblast001: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:54
meoblast001Pelo: ive tried the buying friends thing... .doesnt last long...02:54
Pelozappitelli16, open synaptic,   menu > system > admin > synaptic pacakge manager , search for gstreamer0.10 ,  install everythng you see02:54
_Oz_keith: /join #keithhelp02:54
meoblast001Pelo: didnt mean to go off topic..... i just dont know how to fix this02:54
bazhangwell the update went well--seems two fixes dont do any harm ;]02:54
Pelomaximilion,  I suggest you check in the forum for your usb sound card model , or try in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:55
danbhfive!who > _Oz_02:55
Pelomeoblast001, check in menu < ysstem > admin > restricted driver manager, see if there anyting there that wants to be installed02:56
meoblast001Pelo: just a modem i dont use02:56
JamesinatorWhen I first start Ubuntu, my network is disconnected and doesn't connect automatically. I have to manually do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" every time I log in. How can I fix this?02:57
Po_Tae_toesguys i just installed ubuntu and i coudent update at the time  of install  so i was wondering ware i should go from hear02:58
Pelomeoblast001, I suggest you try asking in here periodicaly, different days, different time of day, different crowds with varrying skill sets and such , also give the quake ppl a try , they might have a work around02:58
Po_Tae_toesi mananaged to install this irc program but thats it02:58
JediMasterif I setup an encrypted LVM on setup, will I need to provide the passphrase every time the machine boots?02:58
PeloPo_Tae_toes, don't worry about it too much the updates will come when they become avaialble02:58
meoblast001Pelo: thats what ive been doing02:58
Po_Tae_toesok well what about helping me run my laptop thorugh svideo cord into my tv i wanna plau a movie can i get help with that?02:59
Dr_willisPo_Tae_toes,  first of all  - what video card is in the laptop.03:00
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)03:00
* sigma waves hell03:00
Po_Tae_toesty so much guys03:00
mttrmeoblast001 have to tryed posting on the ubuntu forum... you might get a better of quick responce03:00
sigmaer.... hello*03:00
* Pelo glares at sigma 03:00
meoblast001mttr: ill try that03:00
Po_Tae_toesi have a intel graphics card03:00
Po_Tae_toesdr willis03:00
* sigma informs Pelo that his name means hair03:00
JamesinatorWhen I first start Ubuntu, my network is disconnected and doesn't connect automatically. I have to manually do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" every time I log in. How can I fix this?03:00
webbhawkdotcomI have a question03:01
neopsycheHi, i wanted to uninstall kdelibs4c2a but now it says it will install a bunch of other packages too such as open office and amarok .. and others .. and i need them! So what do i do to get kalva working.. which is exactly what i need.. but has dependency problem kdelibs4c2 instead of kdelibs4c2a03:01
Vad1How can I alt+tab out of full-screen games?03:01
neopsycheplease help anyone.03:01
webbhawkdotcomdid ubuntu ever finish there remaster scripts03:01
=== flavio__ is now known as Flavio
mttrjamesinator.. did this start just randomly or has this been a on going issue03:01
Dr_willisPo_Tae_toes,  you may want to check what the bot just posted. I have No experience with intel cards.03:01
mouseboyxVad1, try ctrl+alt+right arrow.03:02
Jamesinatormttr: Ongoing, this Ralink wireless card has been a constant headache03:02
Vad1mouseboyx: ok, brb03:02
bazhangneopsyche: what is kalva and where are you installing it from03:02
zappitelli16okay pelo I installed all of the gstreamer packages now what?03:02
Vad1mouseboyx: actually I tried that, doesn't work03:02
Pelozappitelli16, try your file agai03:02
Po_Tae_toesi rember on windows right click on destop go to exstended destop03:02
Po_Tae_toesbut il check the bots post03:02
mouseboyxVad1, most game don't come with support for that, sorry, I wonder this myself.03:02
mttrWhat about puting in the start up script.. would kind of solve the problem.. not elegant.. but could work03:02
neopsychebazhang.. kalva is a lightweight tv viewing and timed recording application for analog tv cards.03:03
zappitelli16the error still comes up, it says that the conflicting software must be removed first03:03
bazhangneopsyche: I had two questions03:03
Jamesinatormttr: I believe you mean the Sessions list, and no, that would prompt me for a password every time since the command needs to be run as root or under sudo.03:03
Pelozappitelli16, is this a file you are streaming &?03:03
neopsycheI am trying to install the .deb file from http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2338103:03
zappitelli16nevermind, It worked now, I just redownloaded it.03:04
neopsychebazhang: hold on .. can only give you information at a certain speed.03:04
Peloneopsyche, download it to your desktop and then dbl click on it03:04
neopsychePelo: this i have done.03:04
Peloneopsyche,  and the issue is ?03:04
kandinskiis the medibuntu repository still needed in 7.10?03:04
neopsychePelo: but now it has a dependency problem needing kdelibs4c2 instead of kdelibs4c2a03:04
mttrwhat about modprobe type approach03:04
Jamesinatormttr: You'd have to elaborate.03:04
bazhangneopsyche: not a good idea to downgrade things that have other apps depending on them03:05
sigmaI believe my bluetooth adapter is boycotting linux >_>03:05
neopsychePelo: how can i 'downgrade' without having to uninstall the other apps ?03:05
Peloneopsyche,  open synaptic  (menu > system> admin > synaptic package manager ) and do a search for those pacakges03:05
neopsychePelo: already have done this.03:05
neopsychePelo: what should i do next?03:05
olpc_nnim on the olpc $100 laptop03:05
Peloneopsyche,  sorry I missread your dependency line03:06
sigmait refuses to let linux control it.... yet it works :O its freaky.... right now I'm using a bluetooth mouse that was paired in windows. It works perfectly, but I can't control the connection through linux bluetooth module03:06
mttrwell i had a simular problem with pclinux.. it turned out a sky2 module was not being loaded for some reason.03:06
Peloneopsyche, what is this app anyway ?03:06
neopsychePelo: kalva03:06
mttrjust trying to remember how i fixed03:06
neopsychePelo: bazhang.. what do you propose?03:06
bazhangneopsyche: this is why new users should not go mucking about and installing lots of third party software--safer to stay within the repos and find something that works equally well03:06
bazhang!info kalva03:07
ubotuPackage kalva does not exist in gutsy03:07
neopsychebazhang: could you recommend a simple program to record tv using an analog tv card03:07
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:07
neopsychebazhang: that is within the repos03:07
neopsychebazhang: could you recommend a simple program to record tv using an analog tv card from within the repos03:07
olpc_nnthat goes for distros with apt-get i personally prefer emerge03:07
neopsychebazhang: Not myth tv as this is overkill for my needs.. something equivilant to kalva03:07
bazhangneopsyche: simple? er not so much--there are solutions, but not one click type deals03:07
Peloneopsyche, don'T know realy you shoudln'T have to downgrade a dependency , as the newer ones are suppose to be able to support apps that needed the previous ones03:08
olpc_nnyum is a bit anoyinh03:08
neopsychebazhang: kalva is a one click type deal03:08
IndyGunFreakyum can't carry apt's jockstrap03:08
PeloI have to go, geetting late03:08
=== amidanie4 is now known as amidaniel
Pelog'night all03:08
neopsychePelo: why do you think it is giving me the error03:08
Pelog'night IndyGunFreak03:08
Peloneopsyche,  no idea03:08
IndyGunFreakPelo: ciao.. have a good night03:08
neopsychePelo: heres a message from the software author regarding installation on ubuntu03:08
JediMasteranyone know if you need to give the keyphrase every time you reboot if you setup ubuntu with the encrypted LVM option?03:09
KlrSp1anyone know how to fsck an ntfs drive?03:09
neopsychePelo: As my main distribution is a SUSE 10.0 and my breezy badger is only running in a vmplayer I can not give any garantee that this package will install and function for you.03:09
bazhang!info xawtv03:09
ubotuxawtv (source: xawtv): X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-6ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 704 kB03:09
PriceChildJediMaster, because its encrypted.... and the password isneeded to unlock it?03:09
bazhangsee above neopsyche03:09
jscinozhey guys, my display has a strange refresh rate of "59.99" and this causes problems with a game that requires it to be a "normal" refresh rate (ie 60 or 75). is there any way i can force it to 60?03:09
bwahaany solution for ubuntu + asus k8vmx motherboard ?03:09
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
neopsychebazhang: xawtv is not equivelant to klava as there is no gui timed recording function and no recording to formats such as FLV / Xvid etc.03:10
KlrSp1jscinoz: yes, i believe a modeline is what you're looking for? or you can set your vert and hor. refresh ranges03:10
soldatsjscinoz: you should be able to do it in the mode section in xorg.conf03:10
jscinozklrsp1 and how would i do that?03:10
ick5555is aufs available in ubuntu?03:10
jscinozok thanks03:10
bazhangneopsyche: arent you the one who was asking about setting up myth tv a while back?03:10
neopsychebazhang: the recording branch of xawtv is xdtv .. which .. ALSO doesnt work on ubuntu.03:10
neopsychebazhang: perhaps.. but i have realised that myth tv is not most suited to my needs.03:11
KlrSp1jscinoz: in your xorg.conf file03:11
neopsychebazhang: myth tv has lots of extra things i do not need.03:11
bazhangneopsyche: too tough to set up?03:11
neopsychebazhang: i am looking for a program like either kalva or xdtv03:11
jscinozklrsp1 whats the synax of the mode line?03:12
jscinozatm it just uses nvidia-auto-select03:12
neopsychebazhang: not necessarily too tough .. just that why would I want all that.. when mostly i just want to press record when i need to .. and perhaps a simple calender.03:12
bazhang!info tvtime03:12
ubotutvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 678 kB, installed size 1932 kB03:12
KlrSp1jscinoz: google helps...03:12
neopsychebazhang: why is it so difficult to install kalva and xdtv03:12
bazhangneopsyche: mythtv is simple compared to the headaches you will face after you have broken the dependencies for amarok, etc. installing klarva03:13
neopsychebazhang: tvtime does not have the recording feature which is exactly what i have been going on about for the last few minutes.03:13
ader10How do I replace the regular flash with gnash? (I didn't install flash from command line, I used firefox's plugin automated thing)03:14
wers I want to make the icons that appear in alt+tab larger. something like the ones in xfce. any idea on how to do it? :D03:14
mttr<meoblast001>  /etc/init.d/networking.sh is there a file like that in that directory..03:14
neopsychebazhang: could you please help me install tvtime.. does tv time have a simple interface for my pc.. instead of the stupid interface .. (stupid in the sense that i dont need it) for the external tv.03:14
neopsychebazhang: *misteak.. i was referring to myth tv03:15
neopsychebazhang: above. not tvtime03:15
maximilionHi bazhang :)03:15
bazhangneopsyche: you want help installing some thirdy party stuff that will assuredly break you ubuntu install? likely not to be found in this channel03:15
neopsychebazhang: no! i just asked you to help me install myth tv.03:15
mttrmeoblast001   /etc/init.d/networking.sh is there a file like that in that directory..03:16
Mobushello #ubuntu03:16
neopsychebazhang: I just asked you to help me install myth tv.. is this not supported?03:17
* maximilion is suspecting his USB sound card didn't get autodetected on install, installed mmusbaudio, worked everywhere but in 1 game... now I can't start "alsamixer". 03:17
MobusI'm upgrading to 7.10 right now, does that have any sort of dual monitor support with it?03:17
neopsychebazhang: your comment.. neopsyche: you want help installing some thirdy party stuff that will assuredly break you ubuntu install? likely not to be found in this channel03:17
jscinozis there a vga mode (for the consoles) that is 1280x800?03:17
neopsychebazhang: after considering .. i asked you to help me install myth tv.. could you help me?03:17
Pici!mythtv | neopsyche03:17
ubotuneopsyche: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:17
bazhanghttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=736&num=1 neopsyche best do some reading first and see if you are serious about this--a time investment is involved as is plenty of reading03:17
neopsychebazhang: why cant i just install a simpler program then?03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:18
bazhanghttp://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2934/how-to_build_your neopsyche also here03:18
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!03:18
jscinozHey guys, i just installed alien-arena from the official repos, but the sound is horribly crackly any ideas how to fix this?03:18
neopsychebazhang: why .. in all the infinite wisdom of the ubuntu community in all these years .. has nobody included xdtv in the repositories.03:18
bazhangneopsyche: no idea--never watch tv myself so really cant help you with the whys and wherefores03:19
neopsyche(infinite wisdom regarding xdtv.)03:19
maximilionbazhang: I think it's an easy fix - probably alsa or gstreamer weren't properly installed before mmusbaudio... will a reinstall of alsa stuff fix it?03:19
bazhangneopsyche: infinite wisdom watching tv...03:19
neopsychebazhang: I dont see what 'watching tv' has to do with it. I am mainly looking to use this to 'RECORD' tv not to watch it live.. which is why i need programs other than tvtime etc.03:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flgrx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:20
Pici!ati | Mobus03:20
ubotuMobus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:20
neopsychebazhang: what do you mean infinite wizdom watching tv?03:20
bazhangneopsyche: I am not sure what you are on about--mythtv is not some insuperable obstacle03:20
havok01 /j #ubuntu03:22
neopsychebazhang: my issue is .. WHY on a distribution that is one of the premier distributions of linux operating system.. is there no simple solution.. MOST people dont want a FRONTEND/BACKEND hours of setup .. most people want something for their tv card similar to tvtime.. but with RECORD function .. so they can press a button.. configure the codec they want . and quite simply RECORD their video....03:22
neopsyche... ITS hard to beleive that on a distro as popular as UBUNTU there is not software for this.. makes a person want to move to SUSE!03:22
gw0gvqplease can you tell me how i open a terminal only i know nothing about linux but want to03:23
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!03:23
bazhangneopsyche: they have a channel as well-----> #suse03:23
neopsychebazhang: how is myth tv better than kalva for my needs.03:23
neopsychebazhang: YES i know they have a channel.. i just so happen to have already installed ubuntu and at this point finding a solution on ubuntu makes more sense alongside the hundreds of hours of package installations and configurations as well as other data on my system .. wouldnt you say?03:24
Picineopsyche: Do you have a support question? or are you just venting?03:25
Blue_SassleyPici, I think he is venting03:25
nrossinI need help.  I logged out of my account, the screen went completely blank, and now nothing.  I can't Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.  I'm using a different terminal but can no longer switch back to terminal 7.  What can I do?03:25
bazhangneopsyche: glad to help if you have a question other than the philosophical 'why doesnt ubuntu do this'? type03:25
neopsychePici: i have asked support questions.. but have not got answers to try to solve it .. i have had more than 3 attempts to redirect me to other packages that dont suit my needs.03:25
neopsychebazhang: how can i install kalva03:26
Picineopsyche: Then perhaps we dont know what your needs are/we dont have answers for you.03:26
bazhangneopsyche: you want a single package or two that ubuntu do not have kalva and xdtv or whatever03:26
nrossinHow do I kill the xserver on tty7?03:27
nrossinIt locked up.... again.03:27
* maximilion guessed wildly: xkill doesn't work?03:27
Johnny_5nrossin: u could Ctrl-Alt-F1 log in and su reboot03:27
neopsychebazhang: anything any package that is simple to install that will record tv from my analog tv card.. which has an interface in gui for doing so.. and is based on ffmepeg or mencoder03:27
questionallthingSide Note: I just got my broadcom wireless working. yay for me.03:28
nickrudnrossin: try sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart in that terminal03:28
questionallthingok done self back patting03:28
neopsychebazhang: the package should specifically be for recording tv03:28
Johnny_5nrossin: that's what i would do if nothing else worked03:28
maximilionPici: What is the "audio" group called in Ubuntu?03:28
nrossinnickrud: I can't get to that terminal, it's fully locked up.03:28
zelrikriandoI need help with kino...03:28
nickrudnrossin: in the terminal you are in, I meant03:28
nrossinJohnny_5: I would do that, but would that cleanly unmount all my drives?03:28
Picimaximilion: audio03:28
neopsyche Pici: see above.. do you know what my needs are now ?03:28
maximilionPici: I can find no such group.03:28
neopsychebazhang: thanks for the help.. if you could .. can you compile kalva for gutsy?03:29
Johnny_5nrossin: sorry that's all i got03:29
nickrudnrossin: I was assuming you were in another console, since you specified the tty703:29
nrossinnickrud: Okay, so that started gdm in tty3, but what happened to everything on tty7?03:29
bazhangneopsyche: let me take a quick look03:29
neopsychebazhang: ok thanks03:30
nickrudnrossin: should be back in tty7, possibly 8.03:30
nrossinnickrud: Ah, nevermind... I didn't the intelligent thing and found out for myself :)03:30
questionallthingQ: How do I retrieve my root password? I don't remember setting it up in installation for 7.10 Client.03:30
Pici!root | questionallthing03:30
ubotuquestionallthing: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:30
neopsychebazhang: http://hafizpariabi.blogspot.com/2007/12/install-kalva-in-kubuntu-gutsy.html03:30
questionallthingwell i type sudo and i can do it nicely but i want to actually be a root user just so i can dig further03:31
questionallthingmore for self exploration then anything03:31
nrossinNow, I never really use different consoles, but is there a benefit to running time consuming terminal commands in a separate console?03:31
Johnny_5questionallthing: go to a terminal type: sudo passwd root03:31
nickrudquestionallthing: sudo -i03:31
Pici!noroot | Johnny_503:31
ubotuJohnny_5: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)03:31
questionallthingoh ok :)03:31
maximilionPici: My problem really is that sound card is recognized, sound works, but alsamixer says "no mixer elems found", so I have NO volume control.03:31
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!03:31
nickrudah, ompaul's blanket prohibition :)03:31
bazhangneopsyche: I saw that but it is for kubuntu--I am guessing you are using ubuntu and not the kde variant03:32
Picimaximilion: I'm not an expert on sound issues... so..03:32
Pici!sound > maximilion (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:32
neopsychebazhang: i have kde variant but gnome is my gui of choice03:32
maximilionPici: Been there.03:32
neopsychebazhang: i have kde installed as second session03:32
Johnny_5ader10: how old is ur comp?03:32
neopsychebazhang: surely if it can be compilied for kubuntu it could be compiled for ubuntu?03:33
_Oz_i'm running compiz now.  SOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo cool!03:33
Picineopsyche: You can run any KDE application in Ubuntu.03:33
neopsychePici: thanks03:33
neopsychePici: can you compile kalva for gutsy?03:34
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Jordando both the server and desktop versons of ubuntu support clustering or just the server version?03:34
Picineopsyche: I'm not running Gutsy anywhere.  And furthermore, I dont have any tv cards.03:34
neopsychePici: im hoping someone with more experience than me can compile it for gutsy.03:34
neopsychePici: what are you running?03:34
neopsychebazhang: note.. http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg603553.html03:35
Picineopsyche: Hardy and Gutsy Server.03:35
bazhang!info ktvapp03:35
ubotuPackage ktvapp does not exist in gutsy03:35
neopsychePici: oh03:35
neopsychebazhang: ktvapp does not exist in gutsy03:35
Jordandoes ubuntu desktop version support clustering or just the server version?03:36
neopsychebazhang: any success with the compling?03:36
z-doghi guys do any o you know whete03:38
nickrudnever met the man z-dog03:38
neopsychePici: home page http://kalva.berlios.de/03:38
z-dogtodown load dmfe driver03:38
neopsychebazhang: home page http://kalva.berlios.de/03:38
kadamGood evening!  Is there a way to determine if I need nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new?03:38
neopsychealva's main goal is to be quite simple to setup and easy to use. But apart from that it provides quite some useful features.03:39
neopsyche- ... divx4/mp3 Avi from v4l(2) compatible tv cards03:39
leprasmurfhello all.  my laptop is acting up, I think because of to many improper shutdowns, anyone know of any docs for maintenance routines?03:39
neopsychecan anyone else help with the issue of installing kalva?03:39
seacatleprasmurf, fsck03:39
leprasmurfI don't really want to tear my house up for a knoppix disk, can I fsck a system without a boot disk?03:39
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160998 neopsyche with a cli implementation03:39
Po_Tae_toesim trying to play a movie file on my other computer its a avi file the avi files on my ubuntu laptop play fine with vlc media player can some one help me with this:?03:40
neopsychebazhang: thank you that is very helpful03:41
bazhangPo_Tae_toes: what system on other computer03:41
leprasmurfseacat: can I fsck without a boot disk?03:41
bazhangPo_Tae_toes: you want help running something in ##windows from the #ubuntu channel :]03:41
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!03:41
zero-9376anyone know of a tool i can use to send keyboard events to a window (im deleting duplicate images with fdupes and have already pressed 1 then enter about 1 million times)03:42
Po_Tae_toesno i need help runing somthing from a windows computer on my ubuntu computer...;03:42
seacatbazhang, That's not what he is asking.03:42
neopsychebazhang: i dont understand how it recrods though03:42
Po_Tae_toesthanks neopsyche03:42
leprasmurfPo_Tae_toes: so your ubuntu install won't play the avi?03:42
bazhangseacat: enlighten me03:42
neopsychebazhang: whats cli implementation?03:42
dookdooki upgraded to gutsy, but i think it has too many problems (sound doesn't work now, hard drive is constantly accessing and monitor support is crashing X).  i'm thinking i need to revert to feisty.  if i download feisty and re-install it, is it gonna wipe my home directory and any other software i have installed?03:42
Po_Tae_toesi mean seacat03:42
neopsychePo_Tae_toes: what are you thanking me for?03:42
oriezI tried to fix my microphone problem but accidentally I rebooted and all the sound devices are gone..03:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:43
oriez no sound at all03:43
neopsychebazhang: whats cli?03:43
bazhang!cli | neopsyche03:43
ubotuneopsyche: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:43
neopsychebazhang: oh... commandline03:43
TDKIs there a way I can tell if Ubuntu is recognizing my USB Joypad/03:43
neopsycheubotu: thanks03:43
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:43
leprasmurfTDK: dmesg after you plu it in03:43
Po_Tae_toesthe same kind of file plays fine on my computer its jjust when i point my network to the file it wont streem over my network03:44
neopsychebazhang: accidentally thanked bot instead of you03:44
TDKleprasmurt:  Ahh, thanks much.03:44
neopsychebazhang: that helps.. but idealy i need to have the gui .. as this is easier.03:44
bazhangPo_Tae_toes: any errors you getting?03:44
Po_Tae_toesno it juist doesnt play03:44
Po_Tae_toesi opens up vlc03:45
Po_Tae_toesi mean03:45
Po_Tae_toes it03:45
leprasmurfPo_Tae_toes: have you tried copying the file over to your ubuntu computer and playing it locally?03:45
bosanachello people why always when i close Terminal i lost my logs ?03:45
Po_Tae_toestakes too long03:45
joshritgerI had an old version of wine running but I couldnt get anything to install. I decided to try and get a newer version from their website, I tried to install by adding their repository and by using their .deb package. I get nothing even though it says it is installed, no shortcuts and nothing happens when I try to install an executable.03:45
seacatbosanac, What logs did you loose?03:45
bosanacPeople i'm running Linux Ubuntu 7.10, and why always when i close Terminal i lost my logs another time when i open it the logs are gone :S03:45
z-doghey guys where can i d03:46
bosanacseacat: so when i go (up) i can't see the logs :S03:46
dookdookso, gutsy is still really flakey?03:46
Po_Tae_toesit it a setting with vlc player maby>????03:46
chadis there a way to make the app switcher show windows from all desktops rather than just the current desktop?03:46
chadi cant find a setting for such03:46
seacatbosanac, Please explain with a little more detail.03:46
Po_Tae_toesi might need a avi codec for vlc ?/03:46
bosanacseacat: huh i lost the logs like somebody always type "history -c"03:47
bazhangchad: using compiz?03:47
bosanaci can't see that03:47
leprasmurfPo_Tae_toes: avi is a container, you might need a codec such as divx or xvid03:47
seacat!codecs | Po_Tae_toes03:47
ubotuPo_Tae_toes: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:47
Po_Tae_toesok ill look thear03:47
chadbazhang: aye03:47
zelrikriandonever play a flv file with mplayer !03:47
bosanacseacat: so :S how to i keep the history03:47
bazhangchad that would be the scale effect if I remember correctly you can check in ccsm03:48
neopsychecan anyone help me install kalva?03:48
kadamMy NVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra seems to be running rather slow.  I have the common kernel thing installed and the nvidia-glx-new package.  Is there something I'm missing?  I swear it's almost like hardware acceleration's off, but I couldnt' say for sure... Does anyone have a few minutes that might be able to help me verify/troubleshoot some things?03:48
neopsychecan anyone help me compile kalva?03:48
seacathistory should be there,  just type:   history   and see.03:48
bosanaci wants when i press UP03:48
bosanaci wants to have the history03:49
garciahola necesito ayuda03:49
seacatbosanac, Shift-PageUp03:49
garciaalguien habla español03:49
bazhang!es | garcia03:49
nickrudbosanac: the terminal scrollback only exists for that instance of the terminal. You close the terminal, you lose that scrollback03:49
ubotugarcia: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:49
chadbazhang: hmmm, not seeing it if it is there03:49
Dr_willisbosanac,  thats how history works.. you up arror and it  shows the history buffer..03:49
garciaok gracias03:49
bosanacseacat: are you stupid?03:50
bosanaci told you03:50
bosanaci can't keep any logs03:50
FloodBot3bosanac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
chadbazhang: i assumed it would be under 'application switcher' in ccsm, but no dice there either03:50
seacatbosanac, Yes03:50
bazhangchad: if you have ccsm installed then be sure to be to get the compiz extra plugins03:50
nickrudbosanac: those are not logs ...03:50
bosanacso i dunno what they are03:50
bosanacbut i wants to keep them03:50
garciainstale ubuntu y ya no puedo entrar a windows03:50
bosanacsomething like "apt-get blabla..03:50
nickrudbosanac: they are called the scrollback buffer03:50
z-dogwhere can I download the dmfe driver for ubuntu 7.10?03:50
bosanaci lost it03:50
bosanacwhen i close it03:50
bazhangbosanac: lose the attitude03:50
Dr_willislogs, commandhistory, and the 'terminal' scrollback buffer are totally  unrelated.03:50
seacatbosanac, And not history either.03:50
Dr_willissimiler. :) but not related.03:51
neopsychecan anyone help me install kalva?03:51
bosanacokay so what to write in terminal to have it back that ?03:51
nickrudbosanac: try this:  ctl-r  apt-get03:51
neopsychecan anyone help me compile kalva?03:51
seacatbosanac, Shift-PageUp03:51
nickrudseacat: not after the terminal is closed03:51
bosanacseacat: stop helping me please03:51
Dr_willisbosanac,  i imagine you have totally lost what  ever you had in the history/buffer/whatever of the terminal.03:51
bazhang!attitude | bosanac03:51
ubotubosanac: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:51
seacatbosanac, Sure, no problem.03:51
Dr_willisof course im confused as to the actual original problem..03:52
z-dogwhere can03:52
* maximilion has a bucket03:52
maximilionNight fellas :)03:52
nickrudDr_willis: loss of scrollback when closing the terminal03:52
Dr_willisnickrud,  yep.. its gone :) as far as i know.. Unless gnome-terminal has some fancy settings.03:53
bosanac<bazhang> !attitude | bosanac03:53
bosanacyou can't help with me03:53
neopsycheargh! ;-) is there NO simple solution for recording analog tv on UBUNTU!03:53
z-dog¿where can i download the dmfe driver for ethernet for gutsy?03:53
nickrudDr_willis: nope, it's gone03:53
bosanacyou can't help with that03:53
bosanacyou can't help me with that bazhang03:53
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i just use mythtv. :) that way it zaps out the commercials.03:53
bosanactell me the correct commands what to write in to Terminal03:53
bazhangneopsyche: there is--I just gave you the script to run03:53
neopsycheDr_Willis: myth tv = not simple03:53
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i found it simple. :P03:53
Dr_willisneopsyche,  but im a leet-haxor-dude i guess.03:54
neopsychebazhang: where do i put that script?03:54
oreomikeanyone know why 'cancel' in the 'do you want to run in low graphics mode' dumps you to a logged in root prompt?03:54
Dr_willisneopsyche,  the mythubuntu package makes it very easy to get going. :)03:54
nickrudbosanac: will you listen for one moment:  the scrollback buffer, what you see when you scroll back to the stuff that runs off the terminal to the top, only exists for that one terminal. You close the terminal, it's gone.03:54
neopsycheDr_willis: i installed myth tv and i dont know what the *#$)(*)#(* (insert preferred swear word here) is going on03:54
Dr_willisneopsyche,  the guys in #mythbuntu may know a more straight forward way to do it.03:54
lnknpk04I think my grub got screwed up.  I restarted my pc and now instead of booting it just sits at a black screen with a cursor.  How do I restore grub so everything boots?03:55
bazhangneopsyche: there are numerous solutions available for you--its up to you to try them out--doing a step by step in this channel is not in the cards so please stop venting here03:55
neopsycheyes.. but its too complicated for my needs.. my needs are exactly that of the program KALVA03:55
neopsycheDr_willis: see above03:55
oreomikelnknpk04: can you alt-f2?03:55
Dr_willisnever heard of kalva.. so if its not in the repos.. install it from source. i guess.03:55
neopsychebazhang: thanks03:55
neopsychebazhang: ok03:55
lnknpk04on that screen.  Let me check03:56
Dr_willis!info kalva03:56
ubotuPackage kalva does not exist in gutsy03:56
oreomikeI meant ctrl-alt-f203:56
chadbazhang: already installed03:56
kercyrIs it true that you can't do a text-based install from the livecd?03:56
nickrudkercyr: yes03:56
PeddyWhen I try to open a folder in Nautilus with music  in it (i.e. a ripped album), nautilus becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit it. Has anyone heard of this before and knows whats going on?03:57
seacatkercyr, That is correct, you need alternate CD03:57
bazhangchad you need to set a hotpoint now--I usually choose top right corner but that is up to you03:57
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
oreomikeno one has any idea why gnome would drop me to a root-loggedin shell on boot if I cancel the prompt to run in low-graphics mode?03:57
bazhangchad check the scale effect under keybindings to set the hot point03:58
oreomike'cannot determine monitor type, run in low graphics?'03:58
chadbazhang: why do i need that? i can already access app switcher via alt-tab ..03:58
lnknpk04oreomike: I press ctrl+alt+f2 and nothing happens, still just blinking cursor, blank screen03:58
chadi just want it to include all desktops instead of just the current one03:58
neopsycheDr_Willis: http://hafizpariabi.blogspot.com/2007/12/install-kalva-in-kubuntu-gutsy.html03:58
seacatoreomike, You more than likely have xorg.conf problem03:58
PeddyWhen I try to open a folder in Nautilus with music  in it (i.e. a ripped album), nautilus becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit it. Has anyone heard of this before and knows whats going on?03:58
neopsycheDr_Willis: could you help me compile kalva for gutsy?03:58
bazhangchad that does what you asked for--why you want to do that I have no idea ;]03:58
thebighamIs intel X3100 capable of displaying 1080p through HDMI??????03:58
chadbazhang: you're talking about an expose style effect that scale provides03:59
seacatoreomike, xorg.conf is probably loading wrong driver for display adapter03:59
oreomikeseacat: I rebuilt xorg.conf and I'm working fine now, but I don't like a root shell being available03:59
chadi'm talking about the alt-tab switcher03:59
chadi want to do it so i can alt-tab between windows on different desktops... that seems strange? :)03:59
seacatoreomike, YOu don't have what?03:59
Dougla1Can someone help me please? I installed Ubuntu yesterday and I'm for the first time using IRC... I'd like to configure my video card correctly03:59
bazhangchad yeah okay03:59
jessidhello, is it possible to have a mail server using ubuntu???04:00
nickrudchad: have you tried super-alt-tab?04:00
chadnickrud: nope04:00
seacatoreomike, sudo04:00
c1|freakydoes anyone know of a good webgroupware?04:00
neopsycheDr_Willis: ?04:00
seacat!root | oreomike04:00
ubotuoreomike: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:00
dookdooksound isn't working on my gutsy upgrade, any suggestions on what to do?04:00
Dougla1Would someone gimme a hand?04:01
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i am RTFMing right now. :)04:01
nickrudchad: can't remember exactly which combo it was, super shift tab, super alt tab , super tab, one of those rotated all windows from all desktops04:01
neopsychelol ok ;-)04:01
bazhangdookdook: open a terminal and type alsamixer04:01
neopsycheDr_willis: ok ;-) lol04:01
Dr_willisneopsyche,   looks like it has a few odd depenecies..  thats about it.. i dont even have a tv tuner card installed any more on my mythtv box04:01
dookdookbazhang, and?04:01
seacatdookdook, Check for sound card modules;  lsmod |grep snd04:01
lnknpk04I think my grub got screwed up.  I restarted my pc and now instead of booting it just sits at a black screen with a cursor.  How do I restore grub so everything boots?04:01
chadnickrud: hmm that goes into shift switcher .. which seemingly does the same thing, albeit in sort of a wild fashion04:02
lnknpk04ctrl-alt-f2 doesn't do anything04:02
chadnickrud: but at least this will save me the mouse .. tnx04:02
dookdookseacat, what am i looking for?04:02
seacatlnknpk04, Boot livecd04:02
neopsycheDr_willis: the main problem it says my dependency on specific kde thingy is wrong.04:02
neopsycheDr_willis: downloaded the .deb04:02
* nickrud forgot just how ugly ati aiglx was04:02
lnknpk04seacat, i figured that would work, but once i'm in there i wasn't sure how to restore grub to its good working self04:03
neopsycheDr_willis: upon installation it says it needs kdelibs4c204:03
lnknpk04seacat, at least i'm assuming grub is the issue in the problem04:03
neopsycheDr_willis: but i only have  kdelibs4c2a and kdelibs4c2 is no longer in repos.. etc.04:03
Dr_willisneopsyche,  that deb is for an OLD OLD release of ubuntu04:03
neopsycheDr_willis: what to do?04:03
seacatdookdook, lspci |grep audio04:03
Dr_willisneopsyche,  use the source. recompile04:03
neopsycheDr_willis: can you help me make new deb?04:03
chadnickrud: ahh, ctrl-alt + tab04:03
neopsycheDr_willis: can you help me recompile?04:03
Dr_willisi just got the source and am compiling it now. :)04:03
seacatlnknpk04, May be a hardware issue04:04
neopsycheDr_willis: cool!04:04
friedtofu is there much of a difference in 1.67 Ghz core 2 duo vs 2.0 Ghz core 2 duo?04:04
seacatlnknpk04, Try a boot disk.04:04
dookdookseacat, lspci | grep audio returns nothing04:04
lnknpk04seacat, it happened right after an update wanted me to restart so i was thinking it was software, will try live cd real quick04:04
mjw-friedtofu about 330MHz.... :)04:04
bazhangfriedtofu: not that much to make a difference04:04
Dr_willisneopsyche,  for a start i had to do a  sudo apt-get install kde-devel  qt3-dev-tools  qt3-apps-dev04:04
seacatdookdook, lspci04:04
dookdook[~]$ lspci | grep -i audio04:04
dookdook00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)04:04
oreomikeseacat|ubotu: sorry, stepped away.  root was logged in04:05
pppoe_dudeanyone know why my wacom tablet stops working properly if i unplug/replug until i restart X?04:05
bluefoxxso im wondering, is there any reason linux would work perfectly with one LAN card, and yet refuse to use another of the exact same model, or my onboard LAN? cause thats my situatiuon right now, i have about 7 extra LAN cards, all 3com but one, and the one on my pc is a 3com 3c905tx, works fine on my comp but i have a second that i know works, and yet ubuntu refused to utilize it, even though its the same model, i tried all of them04:05
bluefoxxon a second comp and they all work, but they dont work on this comp in ubuntu[pupyp used them all fine]. why might this be?04:05
neopsycheDr_willis: sounds way advanced.. im a windows refugee.. so it has been challenging.. with this whole compile thing i dont know where to start... but thanks for helping .. legendary.. perhaps we should post the .deb to the site for future users04:05
neopsycheDr_willis: (when its done)04:05
kercyrIf I can see the Ubuntu logo, there shouldn't be any reason I can't do a gui install, is there?04:05
nickrudbluefox83: have you tried modprobing the right driver?04:06
seacatoreomike, root was logged in?  Really?04:06
friedtofumjw bazhang - do you think its worth it to go from 1.67 to 2.0 Ghz?04:06
bazhangfriedtofu: what price point?04:06
Dr_willisneopsyche,  you may want to go read some of the mythty/mythbuntu docs/guides then - they are decently well done.   I dont even have a tv tuner card installed any more to test this thing once it does compile04:06
robdigpppoe_dude: i don't know why, but my guess would be that X notices it's gone, but hal doesn't notice when it goes or comes back04:06
mjw-friedtofu depends how much it would cost04:06
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
neopsychefriedtofu: what you need it for / budget?04:06
seacatoreomike, What is your question?04:06
bluefoxxnickrud, even on the ubuntu live CD the other ones wont work, not even my onboard[sux, i need the extra PCI slot til li get a PCI-E card]04:07
oreomikeseacat: yes.  Booted laptop, never logged in as me, before gnome could prompt me for login it said run in low-graphics mode, I said cancel, it gave me 'root@localhost #' shell04:07
pppoe_duderobdig, any ideas on how to fix it?04:07
pppoe_dudewithout restarting X04:07
=== FBIguy is now known as Whitesmith
Dr_willisneopsyche,  you would proberly have better luck in posting to the kalva forums asking for a more recent deb.04:07
robdigpppoe_dude: sorry, no04:07
neopsycheDr_willis: its ok.. if you send me the .deb i can test it ;-) myth tv is not what i am looking for for the very reasons explained on the http://hafizpariabi.blogspot.com/2007/12/install-kalva-in-kubuntu-gutsy.html among others04:07
neopsycheDr_willis: but thanks04:07
Dougla1Some one answer me, please I beg for some help!04:07
oreomikeI set the laptop to auto-login as me, but I've always used sudo for root04:07
Dr_willisneopsyche,  im not making a .deb - im just gettting the wouce to compile right now.04:07
neopsycheDougla1: what help?04:07
Peddyplease give me a hand...04:08
neopsycheDr_willis: wouce?04:08
=== Whitesmith is now known as FBIGuy
pppoe_duderobdig, thanks04:08
friedtofumjw bazhang - 1.67 to 2.0 is +$100, from 1.67 to 1.83 is +$5004:08
Dougla1I'd like to install my ati video card in ubuntu04:08
neopsychePeddy: what?04:08
Peddyplease give me a hand...04:08
PeddyWhen I try to open a folder in Nautilus with music  in it (i.e. a ripped album), nautilus becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit it. Has anyone heard of this before and knows whats going on?04:08
Dougla1I don't know how to configure04:08
mjw-friedtofu this is for a laptop?04:08
friedtofuneopsyche - mainly office programs i suppose, and perhaps occasional games (but not heavily 3d hardcore intensive)04:08
bazhangfriedtofu: seems worth it if you have the $$$ ;]04:09
friedtofumjw - yeah it is a laptop04:09
Dougla1I want to play 3d games04:09
neopsychefriedtofu: your existing processor should be fine for that04:09
zelrikriandoDougla1: play with compiz cube :)04:09
neopsychefriedtofu: but depends on a lot of theings04:09
oreomikeseacat: any idea why I'd get a root prompt without logging in?  isn't that the worst thing an app could do?04:09
neopsychefriedtofu: like ... what do you have, laptop/04:09
kadamoh my gosh... Ubuntu should render at least as fast as Windows, right?  I seem to be having massive lag...  And no, I don't have Compiz installed 8)  Anyone know what might be my issue?  Something dumb, even?04:09
neopsychefriedtofu: if desktop and the processor is free then yes ;-)04:09
neopsycheDr_Willis: so you cant send me .deb?04:10
Dougla1zelrikriando I have to configure my video card but I don't know how... :(04:10
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i dont even know how to make a .deb :)04:10
friedtofuneopsyche: it'll be for a laptop04:10
zelrikriandoDougla1: which one?04:10
Dougla1ati readeon xpress 110004:11
Dr_willisneopsyche,  the source did compile. and kalva did run. so  i would say download the source.. get all the developer files you need.. and compile it.   -04:11
friedtofuneopsyche - what do you mean "if desktop and the processor is free then yes ;-)"04:11
zelrikriandoDougla1: good luck :)04:11
Dougla1its an onboard model04:11
neopsycheDr_willis: oh, well if you manage to compile it.. please let me know how04:11
oriezI can't open the volume control.. whenever i try i'm getting a error: No Volume Control Gstreamer plugins and/or device found04:11
neopsychefriedtofu: you said you wanted to upgrade.. if soemone is giving you the processor or you getting it for next to nothing then yes.. otherwise i dont think it would be worth it.04:11
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i allready did..:) i downloaded the source. installed all the depenedneciues.. and did the normal ./configure, make, make isntall song and dance. :)04:11
Dougla1do you know where I would find some help?04:11
erawfish!ti | Dougla104:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ti - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:12
neopsycheDr_willis: could you talk me through it?04:12
erawfish!ati | Dougla104:12
ubotuDougla1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:12
friedtofuneopsyche - yeah. its $50 to go to 1.83 and $100 to 2.0 ghz04:12
nickrudDougla1:  system->admin->restricted driver , enable ati. Reboot.  run fglrxinfo , make sure it says ati driver not mesa.  install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager , log out and back in04:12
oriezI can't open the volume control.. whenever i try i'm getting a error: No Volume Control Gstreamer plugins and/or device found.04:12
neopsychefriedtofu: well.. if it were 100 dollars for 4ghz then i would say yes ;-D04:12
Dougla1Thanks a lot nickrud, I'll try this04:13
neopsychefriedtofu: but if only a small dif then no ;-)04:13
Dr_willisneopsyche,  proberly not in any great detail. i got 10000+ dev packages installed.. so you will proberly need to start grabbing the various dev packages .. and download the source for a start compiling it and see what else it wants04:13
friedtofuhaha. so 1.67 ghz core 2 duo is already lightning fast?04:13
bazhangfriedtofu: pretty darn fast04:13
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:13
nickrudmy gosh Dr_willis you are a glutton!04:14
friedtofubazhang - haha thanks04:14
Dr_willisnickrud,  shot gun method of grabbing dev packages. ;)04:14
JohnMM!package lvm04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package lvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
JohnMMhow do you search for packages with the bot?04:14
Dr_willis!find lvm04:14
soldats!info lvm04:14
ubotuPackage lvm does not exist in gutsy04:14
ubotuFound: clvm, lvm2, autopkgtest-xenlvm, llvm, llvm-cfe (and 3 others)04:14
neopsycheDr_willis: thanks.04:15
bazhangJohnMM: you dont either packages.ubuntu.com or apt-cache search keyword in the terminal04:15
JohnMM!info lvm204:15
ubotulvm2 (source: lvm2): The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.26-1ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 312 kB, installed size 880 kB04:15
neopsycheDougla1: google your card maby?04:15
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
neopsycheDr_willis: how do i download source? is that the tar.bz2 package?04:16
soldatsneopsyche: in apt-get there is a command to download the source of a package04:16
noobjoe<</msg ubotu etiquette >>04:16
Dr_willisneopsyche,  This may be a VERY long night for you. :)04:16
Dr_willisneopsyche,  yes.. thats the source04:17
neopsycheDr_willis: ok.04:17
neopsycheDr_willis: lol04:17
neopsycheDr_willis: need help.. kalva is perfect for my needs .. but for some reason;; IT REFUSES TO WORK ON MY SYSTEM!!!04:17
chubs730what's a kalva?04:17
neopsycheDr_willis: so what do i do with the source now.04:17
bazhang!caps | neopsyche04:18
ubotuneopsyche: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:18
neopsycheubotu: SHOUTS AT UBOTU :-D04:18
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche: Please take it down a notch04:18
neopsycheadjust the volume04:19
oriezI can't open the volume control.. whenever i try i'm getting a error: No Volume Control Gstreamer plugins and/or device found.04:19
Jack_SparrowEasy enough...04:19
regulate back04:19
neopsycheoriez: its a good think i can open volume control.. that way i can take it down a notch ;-)04:19
=== spr0k3t__ is now known as spr0k3t
neopsycheDr_Willis: wheres the first place to start to compile from source?04:19
broken__Can someone take a look at this, http://pastebin.ca/897023 what does that look like?04:20
Dr_willisneopsyche,  make a directory.. put the source in there. uncompress it..  read its readme/install docs.. and of course You should be installing the various -dev packages...  (ive think ive said about 10 min ago what i was installing) :) you may have to install quite a few things to get the thing tocompile.04:20
Dr_willisneopsyche,  for a start install the 'build-essential' package04:21
bazhangbroken__: I cant access that site--perhaps you could paste it elsewhere or describe the problem here04:21
nickrudbroken__: a wine app that couldn't run because your direct rendering is broken04:21
Dr_willisneopsyche,  for a start i had to do a  sudo apt-get install kde-devel  qt3-dev-tools  qt3-apps-dev04:21
broken__I see, I'm guessing thats fglrx's fault.04:21
nickrudbroken__: if you have xserver-xgl running that would cause it04:22
lnknpk04neopsyche, when you unpack the source alot of times there's a file in there called 'readme' or something along those lines.  alot of times it tells you step by step how to compile04:22
seacatneopsyche, First, download the tarball;   apt-get source <package.name.here>04:23
Dr_willisseacat, its not in the repos at all. :)04:23
Dr_willisi did a   wget http://download.berlios.de/kalva/kalva-0.8.90.tar.bz204:23
dragonis there a way i can update ubuntu from dapper drake to gutsy through the repos?04:23
Jack_Sparrowbroken__: What video card are you working with04:23
seacatDr_willis, neopsyche Download it from where ever;  tar -zxvf tarball.tgz  ; configure ; make ; sudo make install04:24
nickrudDr_willis: I've been thinking, with that many dev packages installed you oughta spend a couple hours learning to make a deb with cdbs ;)04:24
bazhangdragon: yes but it is a long process--you could wait until april and go directly from dapper to hardy04:24
seacatDr_willis, neopsyche Download it from where ever;  tar -zxvf tarball.tgz ; cd tarball/ ; less README ; less INSTALL ; configure ; make ; sudo make install04:24
quaalwhy can i not use my shift/ctrl keys to select files through a vnc session. shift works when typing into the vnc session though?04:25
dragonwell reason i ask is so that i can get the latest ver of wine to play WoW and other games04:25
Dr_willisnickrud,  i would just be happy if i coulf figure out a nice simple way to get all the dev files needed for a given source package easially. :)04:25
neopsycheseacat: easier?04:25
Ashfiredragon, you have to go through all the versions, one by one04:25
seacatneopsyche, than what?04:25
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
neopsycheseacat: can you help install kalva?04:25
dragonok so how would i do that till i get to the latest ver?04:25
ohphey all04:25
bazhangdragon: if you start upgrading now you should be done by april ;]04:25
ohpI just installed eeeXubuntu04:26
lnknpk04neopsyche, seacat just gave you the instructions on how to do it04:26
neopsycheseacat: kalva is like the "holy grail" app to install at the moment for me04:26
seacatneopsyche, ./configure      make       make install04:26
nickrudDr_willis: if you're recompiling a known package , apt-get build-deb <package> (or a similar package gets lots)04:26
dragonwow im that behind?04:26
ohpit's working great04:26
nickrudDr_willis: but doh, you already knew that ;(04:26
bazhangohp join #eeepc and share the good news ;]04:26
neopsycheseacat: can you talk me through the make > make install process?04:26
Dr_willisnickrud,  :) yep..  but if its  a known package.. i just use the debs heh.04:26
seacatneopsyche, After unpacking the file and CDing to the resulting directory, you will find README  and possibly INSTALL as well.04:27
ohpcool thx04:27
ablyssif anyone using hotmail for their email.. you might find it interesting to note that the default ubuntu firefox's HTTP_USER_AGENT is not accepted as a compliant browser for full mode mail reading04:27
seacatneopsyche, The computer will do it for you, just give the command.04:27
bazhangdragon: yup04:27
lnknpk04neopsyche, what he was saying was go into the command line and type in the stuff he said.  everytime you see a ; in his statement you would hit enter04:27
nickrudablyss: you should sue04:27
Jack_Sparrowablyss: It is easy enough to spoof it into working04:28
dragonok so can i update from one to another in sucsesson or do i have to wait inbetween updates?04:28
ablyssnickrud, nah, i just download firefox and run it with from directory04:28
nickrudablyss: better yet, use gmail04:28
broken__Jack_Sparrow, this is a buddies laptop ...and I Just found out its the ATi Xpress 20004:28
bazhanguser agent switcher aslo works ablyss04:28
seacatneopsyche, First, unpack the tarball,  next, cd to the resulting directory .....  etc.04:28
neopsychehow do i 'CD" to the directory?04:28
broken__Jack_Sparrow, so I am guessing, since I have the same card and haven't been able to get dri working ... that I won't be able to do anything.04:28
Dr_willisneopsyche,  egads.. this is going to be a VERY VERY long night for you.04:28
ablyssJack_Sparrow, its rather annoying really I went months and months using it w/ out knowing what was going on04:28
seacatneopsyche, cd directoryname/04:29
randomshi. how do i configure my kernel i ubuntu? i cant find it in /usr/src like others linux distrubutions?04:29
neopsycheDr_willis: lol windows refugee remember. ;-)04:29
randomsim btw in comsole, no x11 installed04:29
ablyssbazhang, the user agent switcher that I got has to be switched everytime you start firefox.. rather annoying too04:29
Dr_willisneopsyche,  you may want to spend an hr reading a few bash tutorials befor trying this compilation song and dance.04:29
bluefoxxso can someone tell me what a "optical data systems ODS466 10 bast-t tranceiver" is for?it has a LAN port on it and a gameport type thing on the other end[google yeilded nothin]04:29
nickrudrandoms: install linux-source-2.6.2204:29
ablyssnickrud, plus I have two gmail accounts04:29
neopsycheDr_willis: oh.. i have it onw04:29
bazhangablyss: you can change the default for certain sites04:29
Jack_Sparrowablyss: You need to spoof for some sites for news like msnbc04:29
seacatneopsyche, If you give me the exact file name, I can give you specific commands04:29
nickrudablyss: you can't just forward the hotmail?04:30
=== Ziroday is now known as Daenim
randomsnickrud: ok, thnx04:30
oreomikebluefoxx, sounds like an old 10base2 token ring adapter04:30
neopsycheseacat: now i am in the dir .. what do i type?04:30
Dr_williswhat is that command that tries to compile/make a deb from source..04:30
bluefoxxoreomike, what would it be for?04:30
bazhangbluefoxx: ask in #hardware04:30
Jack_Sparrownickrud: See you Monday.. take care04:30
broken__Jack_Sparrow, would you happen to know if anyones gotten the Xpress 200M chip with dir?04:30
bluefoxxbazhang, ok, will do04:30
seacatneopsyche,  less README04:30
oreomikenetworking before 100base-t ethernet existed04:31
nickrudJack_Sparrow: see you tomorrow04:31
Jack_Sparrowbroken__: not off the top of my head04:31
neopsycheseacat: now it says README (end)04:31
Genius16oreomike: you lie!04:31
ablyssnickrud, i guess so.. oh well i'm tired will mess with it another time04:31
nickrudbroken__: me.04:31
broken__nickrud, seriously?04:31
seacatneopsyche,  less INSTALL04:31
* broken__ sees a sliver of h ope04:31
oreomikeGenius16, I tell confident guesses, not lies04:31
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I know I always say monday...04:31
dragonso can i update one at a time in rapid updates or do i have to wait inbetween them?04:31
randomsim trying to change my console resolution, i add vga=794 but it dosent work, i can only choose crappy resolutions, any ideas?04:32
nickrudbroken__: yes, its in my laptop. Instructions follow (unless you used the one from the ati.amd site, then all bets are off)04:32
broken__nickrud, if you have to go, then I won't hold ya here.04:32
neopsycheseacat: now it gives.. generic installation instructions04:32
Genius16oreomike: everybody knows token ring was a book!04:32
neopsycheseacat: what do i need to read/do now?04:32
nickrudbroken__: nah, Jack was leaving04:32
seacatneopsyche,  read....04:32
broken__Ah ok see ya Jack_Sparrow ;)04:32
PeddyWhen I try to open a folder in Nautilus with music  in it (i.e. a ripped album), nautilus becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit it. Has anyone heard of this before and knows whats going on?04:32
quaalwhy can i not use my shift/ctrl keys to select files through a vnc session. shift works when typing into the vnc session though?04:32
bazhangdragon: you have the bandwidth then no need to wait ;]04:32
broken__nickrud, alright I'm ready for instructions.04:32
seacatneopsyche,  ./configure04:32
soldats /.configure04:32
dragonok so where do i start this journy of updates?04:32
oreomikeGenius16, Ah yes, the writings of good old JR Token, and the tail of the "ring"04:33
pawanwhere is paint brush04:33
bazhang!upgrade | dragon04:33
ubotudragon: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:33
nickrudbroken__: system->admin->restricted manager, install ati . Reboot.  Log in, run fglrxinfo in a terminal, make sure you're using ati driver 8.37.6 . Done04:33
seacatpawalls, gimp04:33
oreomikeGenius16, he must have been a pothead04:33
Genius16oreomike: the tale of 2400 baud.04:33
broken__nickrud, how can I be sure i'm using 8.37?04:33
oreomikeGenius16: GAH!  How did we ever manage at those speeds04:33
nickrudbroken__: fgrlxinfo will tell you04:34
Genius16oreomike: prodigy for dos.04:34
oreomikeGenius16, imagine an internet with text-only BB's!04:34
Jack_Sparrowbroken__: It may be necessary to establish a symbolic link for the /usr/lib/dri folder, ..... If you are using an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M on an AMD64 CPU and the fglrx ...   see the link for ati binary drivers04:34
neopsycheseacat: on typing configure it says command not found04:34
joe_i need help installing ventrilo04:34
soldatsrandoms: you need to edit your xorg.conf and input the correct resolutions with the correct refresh rates otherwise it wont work. otherwise an easire way is in terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" the choose defaults to be safe then choose the resolution you want and restart the Xserver by doing "ctrl+alt+backspace:04:34
pawanpaint brush program for ubuntu04:34
bazhangheh Jack_Sparrow cannot get away ;]04:34
oreomikeneopsyche: ./configure?04:34
nickrudJack_Sparrow: only if some crazy person is using the ati site driver04:34
seacatneopsyche,  ./configure04:34
joe_so i need help installing ventrilo04:34
* IcemanV9 checked his ATI version -> 2.0.5814 (8.25.18)04:35
bazhangpawan the gimp04:35
neopsycheseacat: ok. now its doing something04:35
neopsycheseacat: now im back at command prompt04:35
* nickrud respects IcemanV9 , he doesn't upgrade willy nilly 04:35
seacatneopsyche,  make04:35
bazhangjoe_: install from where04:35
joe_i i used this tutorial04:36
joe_and cant find04:36
soldatspawan: there is an mspaint eqivilent like qpaint or something search for "paint" in synaptics04:36
FloodBot3joe_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
IcemanV9nickrud: that's the latest on dapper (LTS) :)04:36
bazhangjoe_: what is h/o04:36
joe_and libwine-alasa04:36
joe_hold on04:36
neopsycheseacat: ake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:36
joe_i cant find those files anywhere04:36
bazhangpawan tuxpaint ;]04:36
seacatneopsyche,  ./configure04:36
seacatneopsyche, Watch for errors04:37
bazhang!info tuxpaint | pawan04:37
ubotupawan: tuxpaint (source: tuxpaint): A paint program for young children. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.17-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 149 kB, installed size 388 kB04:37
neopsycheseacat: checking whether g++ supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... no  (ETC?)04:37
joe_so anthing i can do to find those files?04:37
neopsycheseacat: checking for g++... no04:38
neopsychechecking for c++... no04:38
neopsychechecking for gpp... no04:38
neopsycheseacat: are these problems?04:38
broken__nickrud, ... it seems I was already using dri.. lol!04:38
joe_so yeh i need help04:38
nickrudneopsyche: please, use one line.   Install  build-essential to kill those errors04:38
bazhangneopsyche: did you install build-essential?04:38
IcemanV9build-essential would solve the problem04:39
soldatsjoe_: watch your language please04:39
neopsychebazhang: how do i install build essential?04:39
badkittysudo apt-get install build-essential04:39
_Oz_anyone here running a twinview setup (dual monitors)?04:39
bazhangjoe_: not much help if you curse like that04:39
badkitty_Oz_: I am04:39
joe_but in all seriousness04:39
joe_where can i find those files04:39
_Oz_badkitty: how do you force windows to open in the right-hand display rather than the left?04:39
_Oz_I have the nvidia x-server file thingie.04:39
neopsychebazhang: what command should i type to 'install build essential?'04:39
Starnestommyneopsyche: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:40
soldatssudo apt-get install build-essential04:40
badkitty_Oz_: Now that I don't know04:40
neopsychenickrud: what do i type to install build essential? sudo apt-get install buld-essential ok ;-04:40
dragonodd i tried updateing from dapper drake to edgy eft but on the update screen it says my system is up to date04:40
bazhangneopsyche: same as all else sudo apt-get install packagename04:40
mjw-_Oz_ I am, on a matrox card04:40
seacatneopsyche,  sudo apt-get install g++-3.404:40
nickrudlol neopsyche I hope you had a lot of sleep, you're gonne be at this a while :)04:40
mjw-_Oz_ NOT a setup experience I'd recommend for the faint of heart04:40
badkittymjw: How many heads does it have? Matrox is c0004:40
joe_is there an ubuntu irc where there arnt over 9000 people04:40
joe_so i can get some help04:41
neopsychenickrud: ok ;-) Virtual caffeine is like .. getting a program to work ;-)04:41
nickrudseacat you should recommend build-essential , and ubuntu is using 4.1 right now04:41
Genius16joe_ were not that busy in "kubuntu" just dont bring your "gnomes"04:41
mjw-badkitty just two....in 2003, it was pretty much the only dual headed DVI fanless card available (Matrox P650)04:41
_Oz_I got my nvidia twinview setup working easily04:41
neopsycheROTFL! dont bring gnomes!04:41
_Oz_it was not hard at all04:41
IcemanV9joe_: to find a file; whereis <file name> OR which <file name>04:41
badkittyjoe_: Actually this seems to be the bast channel to get help with ubuntu stuff. If there is too few people, then no one will be around to help you04:41
_Oz_there are just a few behaviors I'd like to change and don't know how exactly04:41
_Oz_in windows I could say one monitor was primary over the other04:41
_Oz_in ubuntu, I don't see a way to do that...  I have nvidia x-server which lets me configure some things but not that.04:42
badkittymjw-: Now they have cards with 16 heads and stuff eh?04:42
badkitty_Oz_: For sure there is a way, I just don't know off hand..04:42
mjw-badkitty so I've heard, i'm not sure why'd you use them otherwise anymore. time has left them behind, and the binary-only linux drivers are just pretty pathetic04:42
VadiHow can I check what version of nVidia drivers have I got?04:42
neopsychenickrud: hehe.. the cdrom drive wants to eat my gibbon :-D04:43
dragonso do i skip edgy eft? since it wont let me update to it claming i got the latest updates?04:43
seacatneopsyche,  sudo apt-get install  build-essential  g++-4.104:43
badkittymjw-: I just stay with nvidia myself.. Do I really need 16 monitors?04:43
neopsycheseacat: i should do that instaead of installing from the gibbon biscuit?04:43
kilgariffVadi:  nvidia-settings04:43
soldats_Oz_: try opening an app with the terminal and force it to display 0:2 or 0:1 i dont remember if that refers to dual monitors. best way is to play around.04:43
mjw-badkitty if I had to do it again, I'd just get a 24 inch LCD singlehead. but it was more cost effective to do two 17" LCDs dualhead in 200304:44
IcemanV9badkitty: unless you'll give a cool presentation using 16 monitors ;)04:44
nickrudseacat: build essential brings in gcc, g++ , libc6-dev , make other stuff04:44
Vadikilgariff: thanks dude04:44
obionehey guys []04:44
seacatnickrud, Thank you.  I stand corrected.04:44
seacatneopsyche,  sudo apt-get install  build-essential04:44
badkittyIcemanV9: I once saw a video of some guys playing quake on a 16 monitors using a soap mouse04:44
nickrudseacat: saves time :)04:44
neopsycheseacat: what does g++4.1 do?04:44
mjw-badkitty I would never get another matrox card though for general use. the linux drivers are quite inferior.04:45
seacatneopsyche, It's the compiler.04:45
neopsycheseacat: it asked me for my cd04:45
neopsycheseacat: so i put it in and now its reading04:45
seacatneopsyche, But just do sudo apt-get build.essential04:45
neopsycheseacat: its intalling04:45
neopsychei think04:45
neopsyche* installing04:45
badkittymjw-: I can only imagine04:45
dragonhow come i cant update my ubuntu ver when i use the command gksu "update-manager -c"04:46
neopsycheseacat: installing build essential from cd04:46
mjw-badkitty ie the OpenGL implementation is basically broken, so no compiz-fusion fun04:46
neopsycheseacat: but not that other thingy you asked me to add04:46
Vadikilgariff: one more thing.. nvidia settings say I got 100.14.19. Website says latest 169.07 is latest.. is the gutsy stock driver really old or?04:46
seacatneopsyche, It doesn't matter04:47
StarseedDamn, don't know what happened, everythings falling apart in ubuntu .. Skype stopped working , xine stopped working , flash crashes .. yikes..04:47
soldatsdragon: try gksudo update-manager -c04:47
kilgariffVadi:  I'm not sure, lemme check04:47
soldatsit opens the gui for updating04:47
soldatsdragon: or in terminal try sudo apt-get update04:48
Dr_willisneopsyche,  this MIGHT work --> http://rapidshare.com/files/90314282/kalva_0.8.90-1_i386.deb.html04:48
neopsycheDr_willis: thanks04:49
Dr_willisneopsyche,  and if it blows up your pc.. well --- too bad. :P04:49
neopsycheDr_willis: but could you possibly download that and email it to me .. as i dont have rapidshare account and free option never works for me04:49
neopsycheDr_willis: oh04:49
dragon ok now what?04:49
Starseedguess I'm going to give it a second go , re-install04:49
robogeekis anybody familiar with hald on hardy?04:49
neopsycheDr_willis: i think i already downloaded that04:49
Dr_willisYou dont need an account to get things..04:49
ogrehey guys, I was just wondering how to stop virtualbox from  grabbing my mouse? it says "Right Ctrl" what the heck is right?04:49
seacatneopsyche, Is this machine not online?04:49
neopsycheseacat: its installed now04:49
neopsycheseacat: this machine is online04:49
neopsycheseacat: my machine?04:50
Vadiogre: it's the ctrl key that's on your right04:50
bazhangneopsyche: hahaha04:50
IcemanV9ogre: your right ctrl key04:50
seacatneopsyche, Good.04:50
Vadiogre: there are 2 ctrl keys, one on the left side, one on the right side. Press the right ctrl04:50
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
ogreVadi:  ahahahaha thanks ;P04:50
kilgariffVadi:  I've never noticed that before.  I'm downloading the driver from the nvidia site just to check04:50
Dr_willisIf thers some other site better then rapidshare - let me know. :)04:50
neopsychebazhang: what you laughing at!??04:50
Vadiogre: and install the virtualbox addons04:50
neopsyche lol04:50
Dr_willisi rarely use them04:50
badkittyseacat ...Im trying to picture what that would look like .. using a seahorse as a reference of how to translate regular animals to those that live underwater04:50
Vadikilgariff: Ok, thanks.04:50
neopsycheseacat: cool.. what now?04:50
ogreVadi:  whats the name of the package?04:50
neopsycheseacat: Setting up build-essential (11.3ubuntu1) ...04:51
Vadiogre: it's not a package. In the virtualbox vm window, click on 'devices', and 'install virtualbox addons'04:51
Vadiogre: if your wm is windows, it'll start an installer, if linux, open up a folder, and you need to run the .run file04:51
nickrudneopsyche: an intermediate step:   system->admin->software sources , make sure the first four items on the first tab are enabled, and the cdrom is disabled. On the Updates tab, make sure security and updates are enabled04:52
dragonok i did the try sudo apt-get update04:52
dragonwhats next to do?04:52
ogreVadi:  thanks04:52
nickrudneopsyche: that will allow you to not use the cd, and make sure you have the latest safest versions of ubuntu software04:52
IcemanV9dragon: sudo apt-get safe-upgrade04:52
neopsychenickrud: done.04:53
neopsychenickrud: whats next?04:53
nickrudneopsyche: continue with seacat04:53
dragonE: Invalid operation safe-upgrade04:53
lnknpk04in case anyone else finds they cant boot after this last round of updates, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65832904:53
dragonthats what it told me04:53
acecaseI have a fresh install and my mouse is lagging like crazy. CPU/RAM usage is minimal and the system is very responsive but the mouse lag is bad. I can't seem to find anything useful in the forums or with google this time.04:53
neopsycheseacat: whats next?04:53
IcemanV9dragon: what version of ubuntu?04:53
gandhiicurious as to how and who updates the files in the repositories?   Is there a policy in how often they are updated?04:53
dragondapper drake i did the sudo apt get update thing and it seemed to work but didnt change anything04:54
seacatneopsyche, ./configure   ;   make   ;    make install04:54
IcemanV9dragon: ah. then use sudo apt-get upgrade04:54
Vadigandhii: normal packages are updated with the new ubuntu release. Security patches as soon as needed are applied though04:54
seacatneopsyche, The system is fully updated, right?04:54
kilgariffacecase:  Could it just be miconfigured in preferences->mouse?04:54
Vadigandhii: If you'd like the latest programs, I'd recommend getdeb.net.04:54
nickrudgandhii: for main, there's a security team that applies known security fixes. For universe and mulitiverse, it's catch as catch can. They're working on building a good team for that, though04:54
acecaseHelvasca in the mouse settings? I have played with all those settings.04:54
seacatneopsyche, If not,   sudo apt-get update04:55
dragonits telling me bash: try: command not found04:55
neopsycheseacat: now its giving a bunch of other stuff04:55
gandhiiah...   so you mean apps like wine or blender won't be updated till the next April?04:55
dragonopps lol04:55
kilgariffVadi: brb, installing new driver04:55
acecasekilgariff If I slide the speed up in mouse settings it just makes it unusable because it still lags so it looks like it teleports from one side to another :)04:55
IcemanV9dragon: misspelling?04:55
Vadikilgariff: k04:55
neopsycheseacat: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!04:55
kilgariffacecase: awesome :)04:56
nickrudgandhii: precisely. The philosophy is don't add new bugs to a release,04:56
neopsycheseacat: checking for shl_unload in -ldld... no04:56
seacatneopsyche, sudo apt-get update04:56
neopsycheseacat: do i need to04:56
pajamiangandhii: if you want to keep wine updated to the latest release then just add the winehq repository.04:57
marx2k_why WHY WHY does linux not have a decent newsgroup binaries downloader :(04:57
gandhiibut I noticed that the update to OpenOffice was reflected in the repositories fairly quickly though..04:57
dragonodd it does the sudo apt-get update just fine but then when i  do  sudo apt-get safe-upgrade it says04:57
nickrudgandhii: however, gutsy-updates will sometimes get new versions, as does backports and proposed. I personally don't use proposed and backports because they often add new bugs.04:57
dragonE: Invalid operation safe-upgrade04:57
nickruddragon: someone was confusing a command for another front end to apt04:57
IcemanV9dragon: not on dapper04:58
nickrudgandhii: system->admin->software sources , updates tab04:58
neopsycheseacat: W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.las.ic.unicamp.br unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90704:58
Genius16marx2k_ ive wondered myself, you'd think one would be plastered up everywhere? i havent looked very hard though. =04:58
nickruddragon: safe-upgrade is used with aptitude, a front end that's not recommended for use with ubuntu04:59
neopsycheseacat: does that matter?04:59
gandhiioh right..  I get ya04:59
IcemanV9dragon: if you want to update your dapper, then type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get autoclean04:59
factotumaptitude is a front end for apt-get?04:59
GemmersI'm considering putting ubuntu on my laptop but I have concerns about power management and battery life04:59
gandhiifilled up one of the many many holes in my linux knowledge04:59
nickrudfactotum: no, apt-get and aptitude are front ends for apt, as is synaptic05:00
factotumlol okay05:00
neopsycheseacat: on configure some of he settings still say "no" and it still cant find the x library05:00
cleit0nhey.. hi i install skype in ubuntu 7.10 ?05:00
neopsycheseacat: what should we do now?05:00
mjw-!laptop | Gemmers05:00
ubotuGemmers: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:00
nowimprovedi get this error when i try to burn a cd Cd record has no permission to open device"05:00
badkittycleit0n: sudo apt-get install skype (after you enable the medibuntu repo)05:00
GemmersI've had a look around some Docs and my laptop shows partial support05:00
seacatneopsyche,  lsb_release -a05:00
GemmersI've currently got 512MB ram and a 1.5GHz processor so that should be fine right?05:00
* IcemanV9 personally uses aptitude for everything05:01
seacatneopsyche, What does it say?05:01
GemmersThe main concern is with regards to power saving and management05:01
mjw-Gemmers I installed xubuntu on an old dell latitude c510, pretty much all the power management stuff worked fine, except screen savers don't work on it (but blanking does)05:01
dragonis that it?05:01
VadiGemmers: yeah. That's what I got too.05:01
nickrudnowimproved: you should be in the cdrom group, try typing   groups  in a terminal , see if it's listed05:01
VadiGemmers: Same specs I mean05:01
badkittyGemmers: Thats fine for linux yah.. what are you trying to do?05:01
GemmersThat's cool05:01
neopsycheseacat: Release:        7.1005:01
neopsycheCodename:       gutsy05:01
mjw-Gemmers I run xubuntu on a 1GHz celeron with 256MB, works great. regular ubuntu should be fine on that05:01
cleit0nbadkitty: medibuntu?05:01
IcemanV9dragon: yea05:01
GemmersCheap easy as computing, no vista no windows05:01
dragonhow can i tell if it worked?05:02
GemmersI love the idea of how it's apparently much more easier to use ubuntu, so much so I'm trying to get my mum to use my laptop05:02
GemmersAnd viruses shall not be an issue05:02
z-dogguys when i compile my dmfe driver i get two errors05:02
neopsycheseacat: any idea?05:02
nickrudIcemanV9: so did I, but one of the actual canonical support guys told me the upgrade 'uber-geeks' are actively pushing apt-get over aptitude, some changes coming down the pike that won't make it to aptitude real fast05:02
Peddyhas anyone had any luck with the Pidgin-Rhythmbox plugin?05:02
IcemanV9dragon: you'll see in the terminal when you issued the command05:02
thug_lifehow do i get the user list05:03
factotumyep ubuntu with a stripped out xp vmimage for some cs3 apps has been great05:03
robogeekis anybody familiar with hald or autofs in hardy?05:03
badkitty!medibuntu | cleit0n05:03
ubotucleit0n: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:03
IcemanV9nickrud: it's good to know ... hm05:03
GemmersBut do you use ubuntu on a laptop, I was worried that you need special software to save battery life05:03
the_alamoi am having trouble getting to irc.gnome.org or irc.gimp.org. is anyone else having this problem?05:03
neopsycheseacat: wht do you need to know the release for?05:03
neopsycheseacat: is there an issue with that release?05:03
mjw-Gemmers no most any laptops from recent years will work fine out of the box, check the links ubotu gave you, someone may have tested your laptop specifically at some point05:04
nowimprovednickrud, it is05:04
IcemanV9nickrud: will it backport to older version (as far as dapper) ??05:04
neopsycheseacat: what do i need to do ?05:04
GemmersIt has been tested but are there any tips to optimise battery life05:04
GemmersAre there settings in ubuntu I can use?05:04
nickrudIcemanV9: unlikely, it's stuff for hardy05:04
neopsycheseacat: is there an issue installing certain programs.. should i install them manually?05:04
GemmersA hibernate setting perhaps?05:04
mjw-Gemmers turn screen brightness down, turn timers for screen blanking down, etc.05:04
IcemanV9nickrud: ok. i'll test it out in hardy then. thks.05:05
Gemmersscreen blanking?05:05
VadiGemmers: install powertop - it's on getdeb.net05:05
pawanany good paint program05:05
neopsycheseacat: hello?05:05
GemmersNote I have not used ubuntu before but I am very keen to install it05:05
VadiGemmers: then type 'sudo powertop' in the terminal. It'll do a bunch of power-saving suggestions.05:05
neopsychepawan: paint program for what?05:05
thug_lifeyou can't /ctcp with xchat ?05:06
chubs730__pawan: xpaint05:06
Dr_willisive noticed some of the powertop 'suggestions' dont apply to all setups.05:06
pajamianthug_life: I can ctcp just fine05:06
thug_lifeWith x-chat gnome?05:06
mjw-thug_life I know ctcp doesn't work with pidgin, but I thought it worked with xchat05:06
dragoni dont see where it supose to of updated it05:06
pajamianthug_life: regular x-chat, I never liked the xchat-gnome interface.05:06
thug_lifeI'll try the reg version05:07
|myxb|how can i connect to internet via wm6 smartphone using bluetooth?05:07
neopsychecan someone help me continue to install a program05:07
neopsycheDr_Willis: can you continue to help me .. i think maby seacat is doing something else05:08
seacatneopsyche, You need to solve the GPG error problem.05:08
badkittyneopsyche: Please go ahead and proceed with the question05:08
neopsycheits ok.. seacat is back05:08
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i dont even know where you left off.   :)05:08
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:08
neopsycheseacat: is that the problem.?05:08
pawanany other05:09
=== |myxb| is now known as myxb
nickrudneopsyche: I looked back, did you add that repo for any particular reason?05:09
doverhey guys, im having a problem installing ubuntu for the first time05:09
nickrudneopsyche: you can ignore that error though05:09
badkittydover: errors?05:09
doveri downloaded both discs but i got no luck with either05:10
neopsychenickrud: yeah.. just to install the studio desktop .. but not much else05:10
doverbasically i dont even get to the installation point05:10
neopsychenickrud: yeah i thought so05:10
badkittydover: Is the disc not booting or what is happenning?05:10
neopsychenickrud: does that mean i can continue without gpg issue05:10
pawanany other05:10
neopsycheseacat: nickrud says its no prob05:10
nickrudneopsyche: disable it if you don't plan on using it again. You will still keep the packages you have installed.05:10
bazhang!find paint05:10
ubotuFound: gpaint, tuxpaint, tuxpaint-data, tuxpaint-stamps-default, cinepaint (and 13 others)05:11
doverif i use the text based installation i get to the point where i detect the keyboard type05:11
doverthen the screen goes blue and just stays that way05:11
bazhangpawan see above05:11
kercyrIf you're suggesting a wireless adapter to someone who runs 7.10, what would you suggest?  Cheaper the better.... 802.11g...05:11
IcemanV9dover: hardy?05:11
pajamiandover: restart and run the memcheck05:11
badkittydover: What about the regular disc what happens with that?05:11
neopsycheseacat: ok05:11
thug_lifehas anyone got the creative zen working on 7.10?05:11
seacat!GPG | neopsyche05:11
ubotuneopsyche: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:11
neopsycheseacat: i think i have solved the prob05:11
doverwell, i see the title screen i guess, with the orange bar at the bottom, looks like its loading...05:11
neopsycheseacat: but its fine on the default repos so why do i need to fix gpg i have disabled the offending repos05:12
doverthen at some point the orange bar stops moving and my screen gets kinda weird05:12
doverlike the images screw up05:12
mjw-dover what kind of graphics card do you have05:12
doverand it just stays that way05:12
seacatneopsyche, sudo apt-get update05:12
badkittydover: Ok so it starts to boot ... thats nvidia?05:12
badkittydover: that card should be fine05:12
badkittydover: How long do you wait before you give up on it?05:13
mouseboyxdover, there are problems sometimes05:13
dovera few minutes05:13
mouseboyxsometimes you have to use the nvidia-glx instead of nvidia-glx-new and vice versa05:13
badkittydover: Is your system fast or slow? The liveCD can take a while to load sometimes.. I've noticed it can be very termpermental05:13
doverits a 2.6 P405:14
pajamiandover: I highly suspect you have bad RAM on your computer, I would recommend you run memcheck86 from the boot menu of either CD.05:14
doverlike, 4 years old maybe05:14
nuffini wish my nvidia card was supported.   have to use the nv driver.05:14
cyphaseWhat does everyone think about having the Add/Remove Programs dialog only show one of each type of app by default? It could be a simple checkbox to show the rest. So, instead of showing 5 different browsers, it would only have firefox, or instead of 5 different feed readers, it would only have one (e.g. Liferea)05:14
Dr_willisneopsyche,  been trying other upload sites -> http://www.load.to/?d=2FDgvRKuti        is that same file. :)05:14
neopsychenot sure.05:14
badkittydover: Running a memcheck wouldn't hurt..05:15
doverweird that windows will install even with bad ram lol05:15
seacatnuffin, The nv driver is the supported driver module for Nvidia cards.05:15
Dr_willisdover,  with bad ram and windows.. you just notice it crashing a little bit more. :)05:15
neopsycheDr_willis: yes05:15
dragondo i have to reboot for the update to show?05:15
badkittydover: Well I doubt it is bad ram.. youd have bigger problems .. like nothing loading at all..05:15
seacatnuffin, In other words, your card is supported.05:16
neopsycheDr_willis: the same05:16
mjw-dover have you tried to boot the graphical livecd in safe graphics mode?05:16
pajamiandover: it may not be bad RAM but that's the first thing I'd check.  It's very unlikely to be a problem with graphics card compatibility if the text based install on the alternate install CD fails.05:16
doversame thing happens05:16
neopsycheseacat: ok so now config right?05:16
nuffinseacat the nv is the generic and doesn't support dirrect acceleration or 3d05:16
jetscreamerxvrefresh= and xhrefresh= , dover05:16
seacatneopsyche, yes05:16
jetscreamergoogle knoppix cheat codes dover05:16
seacat!nvidia | nuffin05:17
ubotunuffin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:17
neopsycheseacat: ok.. now?05:17
neopsycheseacat: some of them still say no.05:17
nuffinseacat all i'm saying is that nv supports the family not any one card.  that's all.05:17
jetscreamerdover: the autodetection sucks for nvidia05:17
mjw-dover: pajamian has a point. the text installer should not be failing even if it was a card issue. That's likely a sign of hardware problems or some really bizarre piece of hardware you have05:17
seacatnuffin, Install missing dependencies05:17
GemmersDoes 7.10 have a feature similar to that windows aero thing?05:18
nuffinnuffin my card is not supported anymore05:18
Dr_willis!compiz | Gemmers05:18
ubotuGemmers: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:18
Dr_williscompiz blows aero away05:18
GemmersThank you05:18
GemmersNice script bot btw05:18
Joe__having some issues helping somoene.  LiveCD, Gutsy, HP dv9500, the wireless doesn't work at all.  It can see the router, but never connects05:18
kilgariffVadi:  You still there?05:18
Dr_willis!thankyou | Gemmers05:18
ubotuGemmers: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:18
Gemmersvery nice05:19
Gemmersvery very nice05:19
thug_lifewhere is the router?05:19
Shroothywhos on05:19
kilgariffguess not :)05:19
Genius16i am!05:19
neopsycheseacat: it said could not lock i think its because of synaptic05:19
* alfermp is away: Away05:19
Joe__router is nearby, they have no problems under vista but want to try ubuntu and maybe switch05:19
seacatneopsyche, Yes, you will need to finish up with the synaptic package manager.05:19
neopsycheseacat: it seems to be hung on.. 99% [Waiting for headers]05:20
Genius16*gasp* someone has teh netwerk prob-leums!05:20
jetscreamernuffin or whoever  ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.07/README/appendix-a.html05:20
thug_lifemaybe it's the liveCD - wireless on my install of 7.10 works fine.05:20
doverwell, ill burn memtest to a disc and see if its a ram issue05:20
Joe__yes, but you could have a different card05:21
GemmersMy ubuntu CD is done yay. It's a lightscribe disk so maybe I shall find an image05:21
pajamiandover: it's on both the install cds, just select it from the boot menu05:21
mjw-dover the liveCD has a memcheck boot option built in05:21
neopsycheseacat: ?05:21
doveroh...lol, ok05:21
GemmersIs there a specific image that anyone recommends05:21
jetscreamernuffin: or, ftp://x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/nv.4.html05:21
seacatneopsyche, let it finish.05:21
nuffinjetscreamer i'll look but they dropped support for my card years ago05:22
Joe__is there another channel that deals specifically with wireless or hp issues?05:22
neetoI asked this in #apache, but no one answered, so I'm gonna try my luck here: does anyone know, using apache, how you tell it to list hidden directories (directories that start with dots) over HTTP?05:22
neopsycheseacat: can i do this update with synaptic too?05:22
seacatneopsyche, Yes05:22
Hisotaso can anyone help me set up my cdrom in fstab and mtab?05:23
neopsycheseacat: rr http://repository.akirad.net akirad-gutsy/main Translation-en_ZA05:23
neopsyche  Connection failed05:23
Dr_willisHisotaso,  you dont mess with mtab :)05:23
pajamianneeto: I think it's a setting in httpd.conf ... there's a setting that tells it what files *not* to list and somethign like .* is included in that.05:24
Dr_willisHisotaso,  my entry in fstab --> /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 005:24
squidlydoes anyone know of a way to convert a 32bit ubutnu install to a 64bit install?05:24
neetopajamian: I'll look at it05:24
nickrudsquidly: reinstall05:24
squidlynickrud: that's the only way.. blast.05:24
Hisotasothanks willis05:24
nuffinjetscreamer not listed there.    but thanks for the try.05:25
squidlywhat about installing over my current install?05:25
jetscreamernuffin: not listed on which05:25
Hisotasoive been playin with fstab and mtab because im having issues with a multi disc install in cedega05:25
jetscreamerthe xorg or nvidia05:25
nickrudsquidly: that's what I did.05:25
seacatneopsyche,  You need to remove or comment out that repo05:25
pajamiansquidly: I went the other way (64 bit to 32 bit) and the only solution I found was to install from scratch.05:25
nickrudsquidly: if you do a reinstall, think about a separate home partition if you haven't already. Makes reinstalls, or running more than one version  painless05:26
squidlypajamian: that I can understand.05:26
Hisotasocan anyone share their cdrom line out of mtab please?05:26
jetscreamernuffin: exactly which card05:26
GemmersDoes anyone know where I can find the ubuntu 7.10 ccd label05:26
squidlynickrud: yea the thing I'm more worried about is my sqldb's and my mythtv directories05:26
nuffinjetscreamer the first URL  the second lists nv as supporting the familey05:26
squidlythe rest of it I can deal with05:26
GemmersI want to use lightscribe for the first (and probably for the only time)05:26
CreationistDoes anyone know how I can apply a custom album art cover to an entire album of .MP3 files?  Amarok only lets you use Amazon or custom pictures for individual files.05:27
jetscreamernuffin: if nv supports it, the nvidia driver supports it also05:27
nuffinjetscreamer RIVA128 agp05:27
jetscreamerah ok maybe not05:27
nickrudsquidly: redirect them to /home/mythtv and /home/databases  on the next install  ;)05:27
dmanCreationist: by default Amarok applies the album art to all songs in that album...05:27
mjw-nuffin maybe it's time for a video card upgrade :)05:27
alexkreuzcan anyone tell me how i mount smbfs drives on the desktop as icons?05:27
neopsycheseacat: done now05:27
neetopajamian: since I'm not running redhat, httpd.conf means nothing, but in apache2.conf there was a setting that would hide .ht* files, but not anything else starting with a dot... :/05:27
squidlynickrud: well the myth dirs are on different disks. they pull a lot of data. I was more worried about my setup's for the and db files05:27
seacatneopsyche, sudo apt-get update05:28
neopsycheseacat: done05:28
Creationistdman: It only does that if you use Amazon to find the art.  If you want to set a custom cover, you can only do that one file at a time.05:28
neopsycheseacat: eading package lists... Done05:28
squidlyI wonder if I could just change my deb.conf and apt-get update05:28
nuffinjetscreamer and no one has been able to provide any indication that my card has been supported sense X11R605:28
berenddoes anyone have saviour05:28
nickrudsquidly: I'm not familiar with mythtv and it's dbs, but I'm sure it's possible to get a safe backup05:28
dmanCreationist: I've done it with a custom cover. it was for an album w/ 500 songs. all have it now.05:28
pajamianneeto: sorry, I actually run centos for my servers (and use ubuntu as the desktop) I just figured the conf file was named the same, I'll see if I can find the directive, though...05:28
neopsycheseacat: trying to configure now05:28
neetopajamian: no worries man, I was just letting you know05:29
squidlynickrud: yea. I was much more looking for an inplcae upgrade05:29
Creationistdman:  How did you do that?  I can't change the art when I have more than one file selected.05:29
squidlyOk, I guess I'll do it on a vmware install and then write up a howto :D05:29
IcemanV9ever since hoary, there is no guided partitioning for a separate /home partition :-/ I wonder why it was left out?05:29
pajamianneeto: sure, no problem, the filename will be different but the content will be largely the same.05:29
neopsycheseacat: still cant find x-libraries path and some of the parts say 'no'05:29
neetopajamian: ok05:29
dmanCreationist: the same way as usual. select one track and change its album art. it should automatically apply to allt he others05:29
squidlypajamian: may I ask why you went from 64 back to 32 bit?05:29
nuffinjetscreamer but like i said, thanks for the attempt.  you would have nailed it if it was supported  ;/05:30
Creationistdman: Yeah, I would have assumed so too... but it's only applying it to that one file, not the entire album.05:30
jetscreamernuffin: looks like you get to use nv and that's it05:30
dmanCreationist: odd. is the album naem the same?05:30
the_alamois GimpNet broken?  i want to ask #epiphany a question but i can't connect.  so either the server is down or there is something wrong with my computer05:30
nuffinjetscreamer see above ^  :)05:30
lanzellothanyone ever heard of kernel update making wireless not work?05:31
Onyxcrossover office is a beautiful thing.05:31
neopsycheseacat: ?05:31
Creationistdman: yes, identical.... all the songs are listed under the same album in Amarok too05:31
Onyxlanzelloth: Yes.05:31
pajamiansquidly: it was fiesty at the time, but I found lots of problems with 64 bit on the desktop, mainly having to do with things such as flash and java being a pita to get working, plus not being able to use w32codecs for videos, etc.05:31
seacatneopsyche, fully updated now?05:31
neopsycheseacat: do i need to reconfigure the x path:/05:31
jetscreameryeah.. (messy)  nv says it supports your gpu nuffin . are you saying it doesn't?05:31
neopsycheseacat: yes updated05:31
lanzellothOnyx: there was a kernel update a couple days ago?05:31
dmanCreationist: that is weird...05:31
squidlypajamian: ahh okies.. yea this will be a backend server. no gui stuff needed ;)05:31
Onyxlanzelloth: In Ubuntu?  Yeah, I think so, but I don't use Ubuntu's kernel.  I build my own.05:31
nuffinjetscreamer no. i'm not.  i'm saying it supports it almost as well as vesa does.05:32
alexkreuzcan anyone tell me how i mount smbfs drives on the desktop as icons?05:32
dmanCreationist: maybe you messing with it before screwed something up . your solution might just be to do it manually fo that album.05:32
seacatneopsyche, ./configure05:32
pajamiansquidly: ahhh, ok, I do run some centos servers as 64 bit and I have no problems with that.  My feelings is that 64 bit is good for the server but not for the desktop.05:32
nuffinwhich means no hardware accel. jetscreamer05:32
seacatneopsyche, What package are you trying to install?  What is the name of the package?05:32
mjw-nuffin the riva128 is just an old card. heck, how much memory does the one you have even possess? A lot of acceleration-type stuff will crap out if too little memory is present05:32
squidlypajamian: not until some of the more commanly used things are moved to 64bit like java and flash05:32
jetscreamernuffin: you might get better performance running 16 bit instead of 32 (that thing does 32 eh?)  yeah no 3d05:32
Genius16alexkreuz: do you have the drives mounted somewhere with samba already?05:32
pajamiansquidly: exactly05:33
squidlyI actually run my main desktop as a multilib 64bit gentoo install05:33
alexkreuzyes i got that part already05:33
neopsycheseacat: Kalva05:33
ERRor_studenthelp me05:33
squidlybut for servers I like not having to deal with a lot of compileing05:33
ERRor_studenti have a webcam suyin, but not detect on feisty05:33
lanzellothOnyx: oh.. now the applet thing can detect wireless networks but can't join into one, you think this is related to the kernel update?05:33
Genius16alexkreus: if you're running gnome you could always do a symbolic link to the desktop.05:33
lanzellothOnyx: it was working fine a couple days ago05:33
mjw-nuffin switching to a depth of 16bpp helped fix rendering issues for me with an old ATI Radeon Mobility chipset. There was too little video memory for acceleration at 24/32bpp05:33
pajamiansquidly: I tried that, but I found that the pain of getting 32 bit things to work on a setup like that was not outweighed by the performance differences of 64 bit vs 32 bit.  I just run 32 bit now and everything works painlessly.05:34
dragonok doing that update where i am supose to update to edgy eft did nothing im still on dapper drake05:34
nuffinmjw- it's a "real" agp interface and 32m ram i think...05:34
z-doghow do you fix the two 'nh' errors in the dmfe driver file05:34
Onyxlanzelloth: You probably just need to do a network encryption configuration again.  You probably lost the keys when you did the kernel update would be my guess.05:34
squidlypajamian: for me it works well with gentoo. but then everything is pretty much compiled as 64bit05:34
dmanCreationist: i just did it to experiment. worked fine.05:34
mjw-nuffin the wiki page says the riva128 it came with 4-8mb05:34
Genius16alexkreus: ln -s /path/to/samba/mount /home/$USERNAME/Desktop/WhateverFolderName05:35
Creationistdman: Well, that's the beauty of Linux... just because it works for 50 other people, doesn't mean it will for the other 50 ;)05:35
bazhangCreationist: indeed no problems here either05:35
pajamiansquidly: yes, I can see that it would work better with gentoo sinc eyou can control the compilation of everything.05:35
alexkreuzGenius16 let me try that05:35
nuffinmjw- the pci does,  but the agp is higher05:35
squidlypajamian: yep. I once I get my server in my noc at work, I will help with developmenting and making 64bit packages for ubuntu05:35
squidlyI love the distro. its like debian only newer :D05:36
* squidly ducks05:36
neopsycheseacat: any ideas?05:36
dmanCreationist: true enough. do yuo have an album art image in the folder. or more than one?05:36
Creationist...because I certainly am being forced to do each file individually05:36
seacatneopsyche, DOwnload the .deb from  http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4524&release_id=1130705:36
mjw-nuffin try bumping the depth down to 16 in your xorg.conf, it might help05:36
pajamiansquidly: yep, the 64 bit packaging in ubuntu is largely good, though.  The main problems is with proprietary stuff that you can't get source code on.05:36
ubudany software that can play different code of dvd?05:36
Creationistdman: No, I have the album art images in separate folders and I'm trying to apply them to the albums in my collection.... not working.05:36
squidlypajamian: very true. that is mostly were the world would be needed05:36
Genius16ubud: different code of dvd?05:36
seacatneopsyche,  dpkg -i kalva_0.8.90-1_i386.deb05:37
dmanCreationist: i did put the album art in the same folder as the files. maybe that helps?05:37
Genius16ubud: vlc i believe05:37
jetscreamernuffin: what pci id does lspci | grep -i nvidia  return?05:37
pajamianneeto: IndexIgnore05:37
wersin terms of quality, is openwengo better than skype?05:37
CreationistWhy the hell doesn't Amarok have the option to "Set custom cover" when right-clicking an album... it offers to fetch the cover from Amazon, but you don't have the option to choose your own?05:37
neopsycheseacat: what about it?05:37
neetopajamian: in apache2.conf?05:37
lanzellothOnyx: that's not it, i tried that05:37
neopsycheseacat: i already downloaded that package05:37
nuffinmjw- no can do.  it does 24,15,8,...  no 16 avalable05:37
Creationistdman: Do you have to name it something specific?05:37
pajamianneeto: in one of the .conf files somewhere05:37
alexkreuzGenius16, thanks if nothing else this should be fine, but is there a way to mount it so that it actually shows up as a real folder and doesn't show up as a deletable shortcut?05:37
Genius16alexkreus: work for you?05:37
diiii want to preserve a livecd's contents after i've booted. does anyone know how i could do that? i got it to work with aufs, but ubuntu 7.10 has unionfs and the code i had working with debian fails (even though it mounts without errors on ubuntu /w unionfs)  mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/mnt/sda1:/mnt/cdrom/=ro none /05:37
seacatneopsyche,  http://prdownload.berlios.de/kalva/kalva_0.8.90-1_i386.deb05:37
seacatneopsyche,  dpkg -i kalva_0.8.90-1_i386.deb05:38
neetopajamian: thanks man05:38
pajamianneeto: mine has this: IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t05:38
dmanCreationist: not that i know of. mine was just random letters.05:38
Creationistdman: I want the art to be embedded in the MP3, though, so when I tranfer it to my mp3 player, it works well.05:38
squidlypajamian: ubuntu actually saved my old boss several times from him self :D05:38
pajamianneeto: if you were to take out the .??* then it would list hidden files and directories05:38
jetscreamernuffin: i mean gpu model, not pciid05:38
alexkreuzlet me elaborate, while this gives me quick access, from the file manager it still doesn't show up as a "Mapped Drive"05:38
Genius16alexkreus: i know there is in KDE but im not so sure in gnome. id assume there is a similar way to, but im only familiar with KDE05:38
alexkreuzi see thanks for the help though05:38
italyswhy isn't alsaconf included with edgy even though alsa-utils is installed?05:38
alexkreuzi appreciate it05:38
neopsycheseacat: dpkg error cannot acccess archive05:38
alexkreuzthis is good enough for now05:38
Creationistdman: Hmm... even fetching a cover from Amazon doesn't apply it to the entire album.05:38
jetscreameralsaconf is in alsa0utils05:38
lanzellothCreationist: amarok?05:39
en3r0anyone here use the boradcom43xx wireless card?05:39
italysi understand that05:39
neopsycheseacat: what do you want me to do with that package?05:39
bazhangis edgy still supported even?05:39
Creationistlanzelloth: Yeah05:39
dmanCreationist: i'm not sure if Amarok does that. i think so, tho. You should try #amarok for experts05:39
pajamiansquidly: cool, I have only been using ubuntu since feisty, but I've found it to be that good that I'm now recommending it and installing it on friends computers, etc.05:39
italysalsaconf doesn't exist05:39
jetscreamerhey you're not dman the famous mapper are you05:39
CreationistMaybe I'll stop using amarok... I always have problems with it.05:39
dmanjetscreamer: not that i know of. who is he?05:39
lanzellothCreationist: i think sometimes it lags, the cover thing05:39
squidlypajamian: same here. I started with 6.02 (i think) and have been useing it ever since.05:39
seacatneopsyche, Install it,  dpkg -i   should install it.   Did you get an error?05:39
luckyshothey guys, i just installed ubuntu on an iBook G4 and realize there is no word processing application pre installed suchas openoffice etc. Can someone tell me how to install this?05:39
nuffinjetscreamer (rev 22)05:40
squidlyI've been giveing it to friends to use. though my gf gets a kde desktop on my system05:40
seacatneopsyche,  Did you first download the file?05:40
ethan961luckyshot, there should be05:40
neopsycheseacat: yes.. if i click on the .deb to install it i get an error05:40
Creationistluckyshot: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org05:40
Genius16ethan961: i hope there is!05:40
lanzellothCreationist: that'd be sad, amarok is prolly the best there is05:40
italyshow do i get alsaconf installed05:40
en3r0anyone here use the boradcom43xx wireless card?05:40
seacatneopsyche,  dpkg -i kalva_0.8.90-1_i386.deb05:40
italysi tried compiling it by hand but it's missing some library that is installed05:40
squidlyin a couple of weeks i'm helping a friend with an install fest, ubuntu and xubuntu05:40
luckyshotCreationist, thanks05:40
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:40
nuffinjetscreamer or you mean the   NVidia / SGS Thomson   ?05:40
Genius16luckyshot: if you would like to find the package manager (synaptic) in the menus you can search for open office05:40
Creationistlanzelloth: Well, it's the best idea there is.. .. but with killer bugs like I always seem to have, it's not a viable solution for me yet.05:41
Genius16man im slow... oh wait, im drunk!05:41
pajamiansquidly: been on RH and then FC before that, I stopped using FC when they scrapped Fedora Legacy.05:41
squidlypajamian: I stoped useing roothat back around rh505:41
seacatneopsyche, IF that does not work, you'll need to compile from source.  But dpkg -i should do the job for you.05:41
hi__how can i set the label of a vfat partition?05:41
squidlyor was it rh605:41
Genius16fedora core before redhat?05:41
lanzellothen3r0: read this yet http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 ?05:41
squidlycant remember05:41
werswhat is i686? :D05:41
squidlyGenius16: RH was before FC05:41
Genius16yeah i knows05:42
neopsycheseacat: how will dpkg-i solve the dependency problem?05:42
squidlywers: i686 is a p4+ class proccessor05:42
nuffinhi__ from windows is prolly the best way05:42
werssquidly, how about celerons?05:42
Genius16"been on RH and then FC before that" thought i was drunker than i should be am05:42
squidlyhi__: you can use fdisk to do it but its a pain.. and I don't recomend it05:42
squidlywers: iirc they are 686 class cpus05:42
mjw-I believe i686 is used to refer to anything pentium pro or higher05:42
hi__i thought this would be an easy task05:42
seacatneopsyche,  What dependency?05:43
nuffinfdisk to lable an fs ?05:43
pajamianGenetics: hehehe05:43
squidlynuffin: well lable the partision. :)05:43
pajamianGenetics: I meant that I had been on RH and then FC before switching to Ubuntu05:43
squidlyvfat does not have anyreal use IMHO any more05:43
Genius16can gparted set the labels? im not sure. \05:43
pajamianerrr Genius1605:43
italysso uh05:43
jetscreamerdman: http://shaderlab.com/q3map2/manual/images/dmanshot_files/05:43
Genius16pajamian: what did i break?05:43
squidlyGenius16: Idk I dont use gparted05:43
italyswhat is the latest version of ubuntu05:44
seacatneopsyche, WHat does it say you need?05:44
jetscreamernuffin: just show me the line05:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:44
* squidly is a cli freak. :)05:44
en3r0i have enabled firmware for the broadcome 43xx chipset family, and i says in use with a green light, yet detects nothing05:44
neopsycheseacat: the package asks for kdelibs4c2 and I have kdelibs4c2a of which dependant upon are open office / amarok as well as many other packages i need05:44
jetscreamernuffin: or, it's just one line...05:44
pajamianGenius16: nothing, tab key nick completion struck me, I said Genetics when I meant Genius1605:44
bazhanggutsy italys05:44
italyswhat is the numerics of gutsy05:44
dmanjetscreamer: nope, sorry =] looks good tho05:44
squidlypajamian: lol tab completion ftw! :D05:44
neopsycheseacat: how can that issue be resolved?05:44
bobbydhow do I set open nfs mounts under Ubuntu?05:44
* pajamian loves tab completion, but it does get you in trouble from time to time, esp in a channel with 1100+ users.05:45
bazhang7.10 italys05:45
squidlybobbyd: what do you mean by open an nfs mount05:45
squidlypajamian: heh.. yea save here05:45
dmanpajamian: agreed05:45
mkquistbobbyd: do you mean mount an nfs partition?05:45
nuffinjetscreamer it's just one line and that's all of it really   NVidia / SGS Thomson Riva128 (rev 22)05:45
bobbydsquidly: I have some nfs directories exported on my server, but I can't remember how to access them from my laptop under Nautilus05:45
squidlybobbyd: with Nautilus IDK but you need to mount them first05:46
neopsycheseacat: ?05:46
seacatneopsyche, sudo apt-get install kdelibs4c2  kdelibs4c2a05:46
mjw-nuffin: run lspci -vvv and it should show how much video memory you have if you wade through it05:46
Genius16you typically need to mount nfs05:46
bobbydsquidly: and how do I mount them?05:46
squidlymount -t nfs server:export /local/mount/point05:46
neopsycheseacat: Package kdelibs4c2 has no installation candidate05:46
bobbydsquidly: there's no graphical way to do that?05:46
Genius16bobbyd: to make it perm its a bit more complicated05:47
italysdoes gutsy include alsa-conf?05:47
italyser alsaconf05:47
bazhang!info alsaconf05:47
bobbydGenius16: I know how to do that in fstab, but I'd like to not edit text...05:47
Genius16bobbyd: theres no graphical samba tool to mount partitions that im aware of05:47
adorablepuppyI've had this problem since Feisty and still have it in Gutsy. My Templates aren't registering in the "Create New" context menu. I'm not imagining it, I've got a document in there, but it still tells me I've got no templates installed. Anyone have any idea what would cause it?05:47
ubotuPackage alsaconf does not exist in gutsy05:47
squidlybobbyd: not that I konw of off the top of my head. I'm much more of an old school tuxer. I harldy use a gui for anything other then having about 20 consoles open05:47
=== atC^aw is now known as atcla
bobbydGenius16: it's not samba, it's NFS05:47
bobbydsquidly: :(05:47
bazhang!find alsa05:48
ubotuFound: alsa-base, alsa-utils, gstreamer0.10-alsa, libesd-alsa0, libsdl1.2debian-alsa (and 37 others)05:48
Khisanthadorablepuppy: well there is Places->Connect to Server05:48
Genius16bobbyd: either way?05:48
squidlybobbyd: sorry. I dont use gnome either.. I use fluxbox. CLI ftw baby :)05:48
luckyshothey guys, is there any guide on instaling compiz on ubuntu someone can pass to me?05:48
bobbydI'm sure I've done thins in the GUI in ubuntu on my other laptop05:48
neopsycheseacat: is there a way to fix that?05:48
adorablepuppyKhisanth: What's that got to do with document templates?05:48
bazhang!ccsm | luckyshot05:48
bobbydsquidly: boo!05:48
ubotuluckyshot: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:48
pajamianGenius16: bobbyd: there is a network manager similar to the one in windows that I believe will graphically find and mount both samba and nfs partitions.05:48
Genius16luckyshot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582535&highlight=compiz+Kubuntu&page=405:48
squidlybut then considering I dot 99% of my admin on remote servers cli is the best way for me05:48
seacatneopsyche,  You need to add repo05:48
neopsycheseacat: which one?05:48
bobbydpajamian: do you know where that is?05:49
squidlybobbyd: sorry.05:49
seacatneopsyche, I don't know.05:49
mjw-nuffin you'll want to find this sort of entry: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55313/05:49
pajamianbobbyd: let me look, one min ...05:49
Khisanthadorablepuppy: you were right below Genius16's response :)05:49
Genius16luckyshot: the gnome version is pretty much the same05:49
nuffinmjw- i guess you wanted this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5d6c89a9  ?05:49
luckyshotGenius16, thanks ill try it out05:49
pajamianbobbyd: Places menu05:49
neopsycheseacat: why would i need to add a repo to get the old version .. is it possible to get the old version running along side the new version?05:50
Genius16neopsyche: thats crazy talks!05:50
squidlyoh shit.. it's amost midnight. ive gotta get ready to head to my gf's place05:50
Genius16neopsyche: dont listen to me... id suggest you use magic.05:50
mjw-nuffin well try 15bpp is my best suggestion. that card may not even be able to use all 32mb for a framebuffer05:50
squidlyGenius16: lol. I've done that when I needed to do some pen tesing05:50
lnknpk04hey seacat, I finished booting my box with the live cd (mine was only booting to a blank screen with a cursor).  I can access all of my files, but I had a hunch based on my reading what the problem could be.05:51
RyanPriorI've got an NTFS external hard drive. Some folders cannot be deleted, always resulting in I/O errors. Is there some way I can force the folders to be deleted? If the drive has errors, is there some way I can fix them?05:51
neopsycheGenius16: er.. right05:51
Peddycan somebody *please* help me with screen refresh rates05:51
Genius16squidly: i know its me... but what? im lost:(\05:51
neopsycheseacat: thanks for the help05:51
nuffinmjw- ok.  but why not use 24 bit colour ?05:51
RyanPrior!patience | Peddy05:51
ubotuPeddy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:51
neopsycheseacat: now.. back to the copiling05:51
squidlyGenius16: sorry. I've had multiple versions installed sideby side when I was doing penetration tests. (legal hacking)05:51
lnknpk04with upgrades, if my linux headers were updated, could that have a negative impact on my grub menu.lst?05:51
PeddyRyanPrior: huh?05:51
seacatneopsyche, http://pastebin.ca/89708505:52
neopsycheseacat: how do i fix those issues in compile?05:52
mjw-nuffin because the server may basically be running out of video memory in trying to enable acceleration05:52
Genius16squidly: oh. yeah i was just being a dork.05:52
PeddyI won't say please then :P05:52
nuffinhmm could be i guess.05:52
Peddycan somebody help me with screen refresh rates?05:52
seacatneopsyche, Are you in USA?05:52
squidlyGenius16: lol. over all its usualy a bigger pain then its worth05:52
squidlyPeddy: what about refresh rates?05:52
Genius16squidly: ive had multiple versions of the same program installed a bunch of times too. mostly its like "shit! how do i uninstall this SOB?"05:52
Peddysquidly I can only get mine up to 52 for some reason05:53
squidlyGenius16: rotf. I've been there too.. or my favorate is "oh shit, it linked to the wrong version"05:53
Peddysquidly: I have an LCD monitor connecting with a DVI connection05:53
neopsycheseacat: pastebin doesnt show anyting05:53
neopsycheseacat: no05:53
neopsycheseacat: not in usa05:53
squidlyPeddy: what video driver are you using? what vid card do you have?05:53
Genius16peddy: what videocard and driver you using?05:54
Peddysquidly: I have the nvidia 8800 gts05:54
Peddysquidly: I am using restricted drivers05:54
squidlyPeddy: oh.. sounds like somehting in you xorg.conf is not set write05:54
Peddysquidly: installed through restricted-drivers manager*05:54
Peddysquidly: yeah05:54
Peddysquidly: should I paste it in a pastebin?05:54
seacatHow does one find what repository a package comes from?05:54
squidlyPeddy: one sec05:55
Genius16squidly: you type too fast for me to beat you to it... so im just gonna suggest... magic.05:55
mjw-nuffin what do you get when you do: glxinfo | grep direct05:55
Peddysquidly: sure05:55
squidlyGenius16: lol..05:55
nuffinmjw- was i right about how much ram it has btw ?   cause that's what M$ reports on it.05:55
squidlyPeddy: ok /msg me your Section "Monitor" of your xorg.conf05:55
Genius16seacat: thats an awesome question! i have no idea (other than searching ubuntu's page of packages) and would also like to know the answer!05:55
Frogzoowhere's acroread gone?05:55
squidlyGenius16: its called being on irc WAY to much :)05:55
JohnMM!info acroread | Frogzoo05:56
nuffinmjw- ummm right now.  -root: glxinfo: command not found05:56
ubotufrogzoo: Package acroread does not exist in gutsy05:56
Genius16squidly: yeah. this is like the 4th time in a year ive logged into ubuntu's irc... oh and im like pretty drunk.05:56
squidlyFrogzoo: use xpdf. its works just as well05:56
mjw-nuffin it's split into 16M prefetchable and 16M non-prefetchable....so it is 32M, the way it's segregated like that makes me wonder if it's old enough that some of the memory may be for 3D textures only and can't be used otherwise05:56
squidlyGenius16: perfet time to code then!05:56
PeddyIdentifier"Generic Monitor"05:56
PeddyVendorname"Generic LCD Display"05:56
PeddyModelname"LCD Panel 1280x1024"05:56
PeddyVertrefresh56.0 - 65.005:56
FloodBot3Peddy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
Peddy  modeline  "640x480@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync05:56
squidlyGenius16: I come up with some really messed up solutions on when I was drunk05:56
Frogzoosquidly: I know, but I want acroread..05:56
squidlyFrogzoo: okies just an idea :D05:57
luckyshothow do install my 3D video drivers? and how do i know what video drivers i need too?05:57
seacatGenetics, Packages in question:  kdelibs4c2  kdelibs4c2a05:57
Peddysquidly: what just happened?05:57
RyanPriorluckyshot: The Restricted Manager ought to be able to sort out your 3D drivers.05:57
squidlyPeddy: you accidnetly flooded the chan05:57
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
RyanPriorluckyshot: System -> Administration -> Restricted Manager05:57
squidlypastbin your config05:57
mouseboyxsquidly, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be3alRoxkOo05:57
VadiIf I boot off livecd, will I be able to size down my /home and make the root bigger?05:57
nuffinmjw- that might explain why my scrollback buffer is kinda short in console....   makes sense05:57
* Peddy apologises to everyone for being an xchat noob05:57
luckyshotRyanPrior, i am int hat window and my video card is not listed05:57
luckyshotdoes that mean all is good?05:58
squidlyPeddy: heh.. no worries we all were there05:58
jetscreamernuffin: have you 'tried' ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/71.86.04/ ? according to the driver selector thing on nvidia.com, that supports riva128 . that's why i was trying to find out your pci id, to see if it's listed, but...   ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/71.86.04/README/README  (app-a) APPENDIX A05:58
neopsycheseacat: ???05:58
Peddysquidly: ok I'm just gonna use pastebin :P05:58
squidlymouseboyx: I LOVE THAT!!!05:58
Genius16squidly: coding is too much like work to me. unless im programming a crawler to pull pr0n. haha05:58
Peddysquidly: http://pastebin.com/d72a7c2af05:58
RyanPriorPeddy: It's no problem! Welcome. If you do anything out of line, we'll tell you about it and stop crying pretty quick. :-)05:58
squidlymouseboyx: that saved my sanity when I was on hell desk :D05:58
mjw-nuffin you should have glxinfo (well, mesa) installed if you hope to have ANY OpenGL acceleration at all. apt-get install mesa-utils05:58
squidlyPeddy: ok looing now05:58
RyanPriorluckyshot: In that case, it would appear that your video card is not supported.05:59
mjw-nuffin honestly you can pick up, say, a Geforce2MX for pennies used though, I wouldn't expend a lot of effort on such an old card05:59
nuffinmjw- k  but htat will have to be some other time.   i'm not installing x on this particular system.    (several shoes here)05:59
seacatneopsyche,  kdelibs4c2  and  kdelibs4c2a are probably in universe repos05:59
RyanPriorluckyshot: Unless it's an Intel integrated graphics card, in which case you might not need a restricted driver.06:00
italysso uh06:00
italyshow do i get alsaconf installed06:00
Peddysquidly: when I select my monitor and connection in displayconfig-gtk it lets me choose 70hz06:00
luckyshotRyanPrior, im using an iBook G406:00
Peddysquidly: so when I hit ok, it just resets when I try and go back :-\06:00
GemmersI'm back hurrah06:00
GemmersUm I've just downloaded ubuntu desktop version06:01
GemmersThere's no other version for my notebook is there06:01
squidlyPeddy: well your config looks good.06:01
seacatneopsyche, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment lines that end in universe06:01
neopsycheseacat: whats the repo i need to add (universe) ?06:01
RyanPriorluckyshot: Ah, I don't know much about Mac hardware myself, so that's not useful to me, but it's a good thing to mention whenever you ask for helop.06:01
seacatneopsyche,  I think so06:01
mkquistGemmers: no06:01
nuffinmjw- actually this box had an ati card in it,  that's why it now has my old standby riva  ;/06:01
BlistokHey all. I have a hard drive that's going out that I want to directly clone to a new hard drive. How can I grab a byte-for-byte image of the drive and restore the image to a new one? Can I just cat /dev/drivedevice > driveimage? If so how do I restore it?06:01
luckyshotRyanPrior, okay thanks06:01
seacatneopsyche,  Try it and see,06:01
RyanPriorluckyshot: Good luck. :-)06:01
Peddysquidly: and displayconfig-gtk shows it as 50hz?06:01
squidlywhat does nvidia-settings show?06:01
* Gemmers wipes forehead06:01
pajamianBlistok: not cat, dd06:02
mjw-nuffin Geforce2mx might be the cheapest option that will probably be fairly well supported. ;)06:02
calamaribeen trying to get a wireless adapter working.. got it.. but I had to stop my firewall.  anyone know how to get firestarter to configure so that its settings apply to both eth0 and eth1, not just eth0?06:02
seacatneopsyche, and then:   sudo apt-get install kdelibs4c2  kdelibs4c2a06:02
Peddysquidly: I mean its rather pointless buying a gfx card like that if you can only get like 40fps ^^06:02
squidlyGenius16: I like to code its fun. but then i'm a freak like that06:02
neopsycheseacat: ok.. i uncommented backports06:02
nuffinBlistok dd06:02
squidlyPeddy: try commenting out the modelines and restarting X06:02
Blistokpajamian: ah. ok, looks like I have a manpage to read06:02
pajamianBlistok: dd if=/dev/foo of=driveimage.img06:02
Blistokpajamian: much easier. thanks! how do I restore that image file to the new drive?06:02
nuffinBlistok or dirrect with no image   dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb06:03
pajamianBlistok: if dd dies saying it can't read a block or something add conv=noerror as well, it will copy in spite of the errors that way.06:03
seacatneopsyche, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment lines that end in universe  (not backports)06:03
Gemmersdoes anyone here actually run ubuntu on their notebook06:03
squidlyPeddy: did you get my pm?06:03
CrazyPhil_Hello. How tu use ascii code in Ubuntu? Like Alt+1234. Thx06:03
nickrudneopsyche: you don't need backports, those sources you had were fine. What can't you find?06:03
RoyGemmers: I do06:03
pajamianBlistok: other option, mount the drive and just a use cp-a06:03
RyanPriorGemmers: I run Ubuntu on my notebook.06:03
pajamianBlistok: errr cp -a06:03
squidlyim currently running at 70hz06:03
mjw-Gemmers : yes, on an ~2002 dell latitude c51006:03
Frogzoohey no acroread in the gutsy repos ?! - can only find the .deb from adobe's site...?06:04
neopsychenickrud: E: Package kdelibs4c2 has no installation candidate06:04
GemmersRoy, did you notice any difference in battery life06:04
nickrudneopsyche: http://pastebin.ca/897085 these were, anyway if they are yours06:04
RyanPriorGemmers: The "Desktop" edition is also suitable for notebooks. It contains drivers for mobile graphics cards, wireless drivers, ACPI, and so on.06:04
Dr_willisFrogzoo,  its in medibuntu repos i beliuve06:04
mkbernardis it possible to have a samba share without hacing to login to the server?06:04
RyanPriorGemmers: Often Ubuntu gets worse battery life than Windows due to less complete support for ACPI power saving features and power saving support in general.06:04
Blistokpajamian: ok, thank you... what's the reverse for that dd command?06:04
Dr_willismkbernard,  you can set up all sorts of samba shares. Theres whole books on the topic. :)06:04
neopsycheseacat: universes are already uncommented06:04
Dr_willismkbernard,  the samba-doc package has the html book 'using samba' thats worth a read for advanced samba ussage.06:05
pajamianBlistok: dd if=imagefile of=/cev/whatever06:05
nickrudneopsyche: it's kdelibs4c2a , you probably also will need kdelibs4-dev for compiling06:05
pajamianBlistok: or...06:05
Gemmers<RyanPrior> Gemmers: Often Ubuntu gets worse battery life than Windows due to less complete support for ACPI power saving features and power saving support in general. | that's my conern06:05
neopsychenickrud: pastebin shows blank page06:05
RoyGemmers: The battery standby time is longer than what I used to get when I ran Vista on it.06:05
doverwell, tried memetest and it doesnt look like my memory's an issue06:05
Adman1965Hey guys06:05
Adman1965I have a simple question06:05
nickrudneopsyche: I copied that from your post earlier ;)06:05
neopsychenickrud: no.. i have E: Package kdelibs4c2a i need the other one06:05
doveracould ANY piece of hardware keep ubuntu from even installing?06:05
GemmersI wish it would be longer since ubuntu uses less resources06:05
nuffinBlistok command   man dd    :)06:05
pajamianBlistok: mount the image and copy the contents off of it, you can loopback mount the image with: mount -oloop imagefile /media/mountpoint06:05
Dr_willisdover,  ive heard of some machines/hardwares that do have issues.06:06
mkbernarddoes each user have to have an account on the box, or is there a way to add a username and password just for the smbd?06:06
RoyMy battery stand-by time in Ubuntu is 2 and a half hour compared to 2 hours in Windows.06:06
Blistokpajamian: thanks!06:06
neopsycheseacat: what do we do now?06:06
doverso what did they do?06:06
Dr_willismkbernard,  thers ways to have public samba shares.06:06
nickrudneopsyche: install kdelibs4-dev , it will pull in the matching binary06:06
doverthey just dont install it?06:06
Adman1965does anyone know a graphics card that will do 1600x1050 on 7.10?06:06
doveror get anotyher version of linux?06:06
neopsycheseacat: back to compiling... how / what must i do now?06:06
leprasmurfhello all...I'm about to go to bed, what is the most thorough scan of my system that I can run while I sleep?06:06
Adman1965i am looking to make sure before i purchase06:06
RyanPriorGemmers: Windows often uses a slew of tricks to improve battery life, which require special drivers to utilize fully. Often Ubuntu doesn't have support for those, so while it is in some ways more efficient than Windows, it is less able to take advantage of the special hardware features.06:06
seacatneopsyche, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment lines that end in restricted06:06
RyanPriorGemmers: That's obviously a problem that's being worked on, but it is an honest problem right now.06:06
mkbernardadman, filesystem check06:06
Genius16leprasmurf: restart at least 40 times and wait for a disc scan06:06
pajamiandover: it is technically possible for any piece of hardware to cause all sorts of strange and unpredictable problems.06:07
lanzellothhi, how do i add 'start terminal here' in right click menu in nautilus?06:07
GemmerssoRoy how did you manage that06:07
Adman1965I am thinking about a 7300LE06:07
leprasmurfGenius16: I already did an fsck in single user mode06:07
italyswhen i try to compile alsa-utils, it can't find libasound even though it's installed06:07
Dr_willisand edit the .bashrc to make the changes permenet06:07
italysany suggestions?06:07
doverman...some luck...lol my buddy says get ubuntu, its really easy to install, i doubt you'll have issues06:07
GemmersHey I'm not against ubuntu in any kind, hence I wouldn't be downloading it and trying to install it right now06:07
CrazyPhil_Adman1965, most Nvidia card support this resolution, back to geforce 2-3. Ati you need a pretty recent one06:07
ASTX813Anyone had experience connecting a Palm via Bluetooth?06:07
nickrudneopsyche: http://pastebin.ca/897085 weren't these yours?06:07
FrogzooDr_willis: aight thx06:07
Oni-Dracula|lappdoes anyone know of a command line option for xawtv that allows one to set a camera's format (NTSC or PAL)06:07
pajamiandover: it usually is, but if you have bad hardware all bets are off.06:07
Genius16leprasmurf: lol. yeah i mean if you're running linux you shouldnt need to run any scan for a typical user.06:07
squidlyASTX813: bluetooth is a pain imho. but nice once you get it running ;)06:07
RyanPrior!anyone | ASTX81306:08
ubotuASTX813: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:08
mkbernardwell what if i dont want it to be public per se, but just have the user account owned only by the samba process06:08
Adman1965Cool.  Thanks.06:08
ASTX813Pain, indeed06:08
pajamiandover: what hardware do you have in your system?06:08
Genius16metal and silicon!06:08
mjw-dover you didn't stick in an old XT hard disk controller for the heck of it did you? ;)06:08
dovermobo's a p4p80006:08
squidlyok ive gotta run everyone06:08
squidlytalk to you all later good luck and have a nice weekend06:08
neopsycheseacat: are uncommented except for backports06:08
GemmersI need to upgrade my notebook ram first06:08
GemmersAnd also there's a slot that looks like it's ram but I don't think it is06:08
RoyI kept the default settings Gemmers and it worked like a charm.06:08
neopsychenickrud: not sure.. i cant see them06:08
seacatneopsyche,   sudo apt-get install kdelibs4c2  kdelibs4c2a06:08
leprasmurfGenius16: understood, but my system is kinda suffering from to many improper shutdowns.  it keeps hanging on shutdown due to a bug in the wireless06:08
doverXT hardisk controller?06:08
pajamiandover: that's old, ubuntu can certainly run on it, but older hardware like that is more likely to have problems.06:08
Dr_willisHmm. Whenever i copy styff over samba to my linux box. from the vista machine.. the network gets SOO slow/clogged that xming is Useless... odd.06:08
nickrudneopsyche: strange, I simply copied and pasted what you posted06:08
neopsychenickrud: i need to install klava.. how is installing that 94+mb file going to help?06:08
GemmersPerhaps it's VGA ram, but I don't think so06:09
mjw-dover just kidding...06:09
Genius16leprasmurf: an automated scan wouldnt fix that.06:09
nickrudneopsyche: you need to have the right libraries and headers to compile with06:09
leprasmurfGenius16: earlier tonight I was experiencing major weirdness with connectivity and such, which prompted me to try some maintenance06:09
neopsychenickrud: where?06:09
Dr_willisneopsyche,  still dident try that deb i built eh? :)06:09
neopsycheDr_willis: you built a deb?06:09
neopsycheDr_willis: where?!06:09
ASTX813Well I've made no progress beyond getting the Palm listed as a trusted device in the bluetooth applet06:09
_Oz_what's the trick for creating a multisided cube in compiz-fusion?  I can only get one "pane"06:09
Genius16leprasmurf: network weirdness? i love the internets and stuff. what was happeneing? this is wireless i take it?06:09
leprasmurfGenius16: so I don't have to worry about random corruptions, or anything outside of the journal that might not be checked?06:09
GemmersIt's sort of like a RAM slot but not, perhaps it's for wireless06:09
pajamiandover: did you run the test from the boot menu to make sure the install CD is not corrupted?06:09
neopsycheDr_willis: is that the .deb from the file share?06:10
Dr_willisneopsyche,  ive sent you 2 different fileshare and some other site links to the deb packages over the last hour.06:10
nickrudneopsyche: oh, seacat pasted for you, sorry06:10
Peddysquidly: are you still there? I restarted x06:10
doveri also checked the disc06:10
Dr_willisneopsyche,  the last one was not a fileshare. it was some other place. :)06:10
leprasmurfGenius16: yeah, wireless.  I used to think it was 'cause of wpa_supplicant, but I disabled wpa on my home wifi and it still happens06:10
neopsycheDr_willis: i thought that was the original deb i downloaded earlier from another source06:10
squidlyPeddy: yea for a sec06:10
pajamiandover: how old is the cd rom drive on the box you're installing onto?06:10
squidlydid that fix it for you?06:10
Genius16leprasmurf: id say if you're having a problem with the inner-nut-webs its not going to effect your system as a whole.06:10
doverhmm.....maybe 2 years06:10
squidlyPeddy: hmm..06:10
Dr_willisneopsyche,  why would i send you that one. :P06:10
neopsycheDr_Willis: is this yoru new deb? .. http://www.load.to/?d=2FDgvRKuti06:11
pajamiandover: not too bad, how old is the motherboard/cpu (the p4/800?)06:11
leprasmurfGenius16: whenever I connect to my home wireless, and subsequently try to shutdown my computer, the shutdown scripts start to run, but hang with some error I have written down somewhere06:11
Peddysquidly: I set it in displayconfig-gtk, it appears to be working, but when I open the program again its still 5006:11
Dr_willisneopsyche,  looks like it.06:11
Genius16leprasmurf: what problem are you having? what are the symptoms? also what wifi card do you have?06:11
doverid say thats about.....4-5 years06:11
leprasmurfGenius16: and the only way to fully shutdown at that point is to do a hard shutdown06:11
Peddysquidly: for some reason there is no profile that loads? does this happen for you?06:11
pajamiandover: ok, well, how much RAM do you have?06:11
Genius16leprasmurf: message me the error message?06:11
FY1what is the default root password? I've never had to SU until now, and I don't remember setting one when I installed ubuntu06:12
leprasmurfGenius16: hang on, gotta find it06:12
Genius16leprasmurf:  or spit it out here whatevers.06:12
squidlyPeddy: nope.06:12
Dr_willisFY1,  there is none.06:12
Dr_willis!root | FY106:12
ubotuFY1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:12
neopsycheDr_willis: after clicking download .. it takes me to a page to uplaod..06:12
pajamiandover: that should be plenty, hrmmm ....06:12
Peddysquidly: ok06:12
doveryeah...i know lol06:12
FY1that's gay06:12
FY1oh well06:12
pajamiandover: what about the power supply?  how old is that?06:12
Dr_willisFY1,  no its not.06:12
FY1Maybe some people like the power of SU06:12
jesenkoi'm sorry complete noob with IRQ  here just have one question if i have any problems is this the place to come to find out the answer06:12
neopsycheDr_willis: can you put it on a public ftp?06:13
Genius16su > sudo06:13
doverhmmm...i think its as old as the mobo, if not it would be a bit less06:13
FY1don't assume everyone is linux newbie06:13
Peddysquidly: do you have any idea what might be happening?06:13
mjw-!justask | jesenko06:13
ubotujesenko: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:13
FY1and they won't delete shit that's needed06:13
Dr_willisFY1,  its still there.. aparently you dont know know enough linux to see the obvious way to enable it.06:13
neopsycheseacat: i have uncommented.06:13
Dr_willisFY1,  do what you want.   This is linux.06:13
squidlyPeddy: not off the top of my head. and I'm sorry I wont be around i've gotta run to my gf's06:13
Peddysquidly: ok have fun ^^06:13
Dr_willisneopsyche,  the download worked for me. I just waited the 4 sec. and clicked on download. :006:13
doverprob a bit less, im pretty sure i switched cases after i had already built this system06:13
squidlyPeddy: sorry.06:14
Peddycan someone please help me to set my screen refresh rate?06:14
Peddysquidly: np06:14
neopsycheDr_willis: doesnt want to work fo rme06:14
nickrudFY1: or, you haven't heard of sudo -i06:14
Peddysquidly: thanks for helping so far :006:14
pajamiandover: well, everything seems to be fine in the specs you're giving me, but it is always possible that something is failing and you don't know about it.06:14
neopsycheDr_willis: could you email it?06:14
Dr_willisneopsyche,  you got bigger issues then. :)06:14
Genius16squidly: whats the 411 on his refresh prob?06:14
squidlyPeddy: but fyi the nvidia drivers do set automaticaly for the screen resolution you have06:14
Peddysquidly: even if displayconfig-gtk doesn't think so?06:14
squidlyGenius16: its running at 50hz running the nvidia drivers.. and he wants to push it up06:14
jesenkodid anyone get this wireless card working or do they have a way to fix it the forums don't have nothing that work my lsusb display is this: Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.06:15
dovercould it be something as stupid as having 2 soundcards and 2 lan cards or somethinng like that?06:15
Dr_willisneopsyche,  try that dcc send.06:15
dovermy onboard lan stopped working a few months ago so i bought a seperate lan card06:15
mjw-ugh, 50Hz refresh, now there's ripe slice of hell for you.06:15
squidlyPeddy: my drivers do change when I change resoltuion automagickly06:15
neopsychedcc send06:15
RoyI have the same issue, I have the nVidia chip and I want my refresh rate from 50 hz to 60 hz06:15
neopsycheDr_willis: dcc send?06:15
neopsycheDr_willis: im using chatzilla.. cant see dcc06:15
Peddysquidly: what do you mean your drivers change?06:15
hotmonkeyluvis there a recommended utility/program that can cycle through a folder of pictures and make them the desktop?06:16
Dr_willisneopsyche,  you may want to start using xchat06:16
pajamiandover: if your onboard lan has failed then it is not unreasonable to assume that something else on your motherboard may be failing as well.06:16
pajamiandover: however...06:16
squidlywhen I change resoltuions or an applicaion chagnes my resolution the refresh rate gets reset for me06:16
neopsyche_Dr_willis: please dcc now06:16
pajamiandover: did you properly disable the onboard lan in the CMOS setup or did you just leave it and toss another card in?06:16
Peddysquidly: oic resolution06:16
doverstill dont understand how windows NEVER gives me problems, but i install ubuntu and it just wont install06:16
Peddysquidly: but refresh rates are different :P06:17
squidlyyou could try chagne the line HorixSync to 6006:17
neopsyche_Dr_willis: im in xchat now06:17
squidlyPeddy: yes06:17
neopsyche_Dr_willis: can you send the file now/06:17
jesenko did anyone get this wireless card working or do they have a way to fix it the forums don't have nothing that work my lsusb display is this: Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.06:17
squidlylike right now i'm at 1440x900 and 70hz06:17
Ashfire908what is a good samba admin tool?06:17
CrazyPhil_squidly> I have experience low refresh rate problem in the past. It was cause by a bad recognition of my screen specifications (horizontal and vertical HZ) in the xorg.conf file.06:17
mjw-jesenko you might want to try searching the ubuntu forums for the specific make and model of your usb wireless card. speaking from experience support for realtek usb wireless is tricky right now06:17
doveri should go check ou my cmos i guess06:17
dovermake sure its disabled06:17
Peddysquidly: lcd monitor?06:17
squidlyCrazyPhil_: or the edi from the monitor06:17
squidlyPeddy: yes06:17
dovercause if ubuntu is trying to install driver for something that doesnt work...06:18
neopsycheDr_willis: can you send file to my other id?06:18
Peddysquidly: what drivers are you using? nv or nvidia or what?06:18
jesenkomjw i tried mo luck nobody got it working there and one person that has it didn't work06:18
pajamiandover: yes, make sure it is properly disabled, also I would remove the 2nd sound card just to be safe (you can always try adding it back in later)06:18
Dr_willisi dont even know if i can send. :)  been years since i tried.06:18
squidlythe nvidia drivers06:18
mjw-dover or it might be trying to poke the lan controller or enable it and it's hanging the system06:18
squidlyI dont like the nv drivers..06:18
doverwell one is onboard and the other one is a seperate sound blaster06:18
angelhey all, my cd/dvd drive isnt mounting properly can anyone give me a hand?06:18
Peddysquidly: I'm gonna try set the res in the nvidia utility06:18
Dr_willisneopsyche,  could try  http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=45746006:18
squidlyPeddy: that usualy works well06:19
Dr_willisneopsyche,  i found 15 other file-shareing sites. :)06:19
Peddysquidly: refresh*06:19
squidlyPeddy: yes06:19
doverwell, ill probably see you all soon again lol, ill go check my cmos and try to install again after06:19
pajamiandover: well either disable the onboard in the cmos or remove the soundblaster.  Like I said, you cna always put it back later, but you want to try to eliminate problems now to see what is really causing it.06:19
Peddysquidly: isn't the refresh rate meant to depend on the monitor, not the gfx card?06:19
neopsycheDr_willis: thanks.. is downloading?06:19
squidlyPeddy: its dependent on both.06:19
neopsycheDr_willis: it is downloading ;-)06:19
biouserdo you guys have any favorite word-procs for mathematical typesetting ie Latex-helper wysiwyg-ish06:19
FloodBot3neopsyche: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
squidlybut your card can do much faster then 50hz06:19
_Oz_I just found automatix06:20
neopsychenoted.. no flooding06:20
_Oz_what a fantastic app06:20
Peddysquidly: wow nvidia-settings isn't even loading ...06:20
Dr_willis_Oz_,  its best to NOT use that.. forget you ever saw it06:20
neopsycheFloodBot3: accidental06:20
adubhow do i setup a pptp connection i dont want to setup a vpn server i want to connect to one06:20
Dr_willis_Oz_,  its not really needed any more.. and it never really was needed.06:20
squidlyPeddy: whats happeneing when it trys to load?06:20
rebecca2930hey guys is ubuntu based on snapshots of testing or unstable debian?06:20
Peddysquidly: nothing and in terminal nothing either06:20
_Oz_dr_willis: heh, it says in the FAQ that people on #ubuntu would advise against it.  :)06:20
biouser_Oz_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:20
lnknpk04hey folks, my gutsy desktop wont boot.  just sits at a blank screen with a cursor.  I can boot into live cd and even did a grub reinstall to doublecheck that it wasn't grub.  any other ideas?06:20
squidlyPeddy: that is odd.06:21
_Oz_why are you opposed to it?06:21
marx2k_Damnit, the Flash install script keeps uninstalliung itself with every aptitude update I do06:21
pajamian_Oz_: it can cause problems down the road.  Besides you really don't need it for anything.06:21
Dr_willis_Oz_,  yep..  it has been known to totally trash systems befor.   And you dont want to get started on the 'personal conflicts' of the maker. and  his 'critics;06:21
marx2k_I have to keep reinstalling it06:21
marx2k_pissing me off...06:21
Peddysquidly: yeah06:21
rebecca2930lnknpk04, how many hard drives do u have?06:21
_Oz_oh well.  I already ran it.06:21
_Oz_it seems fine though.06:21
Dr_willis_Oz_,  lets just say that it really dosent do anything that just setting up the medibuntu repo dosent allready do06:21
squidlyPeddy: try reinstalling the drivers they may have not installed right06:21
roddersghey guys anyone have problems with WINE?  Everytime I open a file on the file system it freezes06:21
mouseboyxCan you install linux on an n64?06:21
=== xt|away is now known as xt828
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:21
squidlybut sorry i've really gotta run06:21
alex_penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis06:21
biousermedibuntu repos06:21
Dr_willis_Oz_,  untill you try to upgrade some day.06:21
lnknpk04rebecca2930, i have one HD with 3 partitions.  / minus the /home, swap, /home06:22
mjw-!flashissues | marx2k_06:22
ubotumarx2k_: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »06:22
Dr_willis_Oz_,  and your system fails to load/work/boot/start x.06:22
angelhey all, my cd/dvd drive isnt mounting properly can anyone give me a hand?06:22
jesenkomarx search ubuntu forum i had same problem i don't have link but the the forum advice helped i don't have a problem anymore06:22
Peddysquidly: wow it *just* finished loading06:22
Peddysquidly: how messed up is that :P06:22
squidlyPeddy: not really messed up06:22
marx2k_I shall do this.. I will see what happens06:22
pajamian!automatix | _Oz_06:22
ubotu_Oz_: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »06:22
rebecca2930lnknpk04, do u have any other operating systems on your computer?06:22
roddersgangel - what's happening06:22
squidlyit can be nasty to load at times06:22
biouserLATEX-helper favorites?06:22
lnknpk04rebecca2930, no i do not06:22
Peddysquidly: lol06:22
Peddysquidly: my system is fast06:23
_Oz_willis: thanks for the tips.  I am just playing around with compiz stuff on that computer.  so if it all goes to hell, no big deal.06:23
zelrikriandoLaTeX rulz06:23
Peddysquidly: usually :P06:23
rebecca2930lnknpk04, may i pm u?06:23
angelroddersg, well, my CD/dvd just isnt mounting, gives me an error message if i try to open from "computer"06:23
Dr_willis_Oz_,  and with automatix.. its just a matter of time. :)06:23
squidlyPeddy: I've got dual opterons 248's.. and sometimes the nvidia-setting take up to 20 seconds to load06:23
_Oz_PC Magazine wrote an article in which automatix's virtues were extolled.06:23
roddersgangel - what's the message?06:23
Peddysquidly: one-upped :D06:23
angelroddersg, "[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab06:23
angelmount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"06:23
pajamian_Oz_: yep, and pc-mag is all knowing.06:24
Dr_willis_Oz_,  i saw pc magazine refer to OS-X as "Free Bsd Linux" - their 'IQ' is in question. :)06:24
biouserword processor for mathematics?06:24
Peddysquidly: 20 seconds is nothing mate06:24
roddersgcheck your /etc/fstab file, maybe you are missing something there06:24
Peddysquidly: 3 minutes06:24
roddersgcan you copy and print out the line here?06:24
Dr_willis_Oz_, of course they also dident mention the legality of the thing.. or the security implications.. :)06:24
angelroddersg, how?06:24
neopsycheYOU Uber !06:25
Dr_willisneopsyche,   NOW go read some bash tutorials! and learn the fundamentals!06:25
roddersgangel: use "less /etc/fstab" and look for the line that shows the cdrom e.g.06:25
_Oz_so what's the replacement for it that's built into ubuntu?06:25
neopsycheWell done to Dr Willis for providing the ONLY working .deb for Kalva ON UBUNTU GUTSY!06:25
roddersgangle: /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660     user,noauto     0       006:25
lnknpk04rebecca2930, thanks for offering your help.  I've pm'ed you already06:25
Dr_willis_Oz_,  you enable the medibuntu repo. and just apt-get install the stuff same as you would any other normal package. no script needed06:25
=== cwraig2 is now known as cwraig
adubdoes anyone know how to connect to a vpn server through linux??06:25
angelroddersg, well that might explain a few things06:25
pajamian!medibuntu | _Oz_06:25
ubotu_Oz_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:25
angelroddersg, etc/fstab: No such file or directory06:26
seacatneopsyche,  Did you do,   apt-get update    after uncommenting those repos?06:26
roddersganyone have problems with WINE frezine06:26
Dr_willis_Oz_,  the operative word is 'legal reasons' :) for all this song and dance.06:26
roddersganglel, you must look for the /etc/fstab,  missing first "/"06:26
seacatDr_willis,   Isn't the command    apt-get update   ?06:26
neopsycheseacat: no06:26
neopsycheseacat: I dont think so06:26
Peddysquidly: ok it just finished loading, the settings haven't stuck :(06:26
seacatneopsyche,  do it now.06:26
rebecca2930lnknpk04, did u try grub-install command or something like that?06:27
Dr_willisseacat,    sudo apt-get install whatever06:27
seacatneopsyche,   sudo apt-get install kdelibs4c2  kdelibs4c2a06:27
angelroddersg, "/dev/cdrom        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:27
angel/dev/           /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       006:27
Dr_willisupdate, then upgrade, or install.06:27
biouserno one has a pet mathematical type-setting program?06:27
lnknpk04rebecca2930, no, i did the grub command, root (hd0,0), and then setup (hd0)06:27
roddersgangel - your second line /dev/ for the floppy is wrong06:27
roddersgthat's the cause of your error06:28
tokercan any one tell me what tool I need to use to add a user to the system?06:28
orpheanbiouser, latex :)06:28
lnknpk04rebecca2930, then i restarted with the same result06:28
angelroddersg, ok, how do i fix it06:28
neopsycheseacat: its ok.. Dr_willis made a .deb for me06:28
Jewsus_How do I uninstall Ubuntu Studio?06:28
winter-mutehi, I am trying to play dvds, but I get a52 CRC errors. I have installed the restricted pacakgeset as well.06:28
rebecca2930lnknpk04, did u first do is open grub and do find /grub/boot/stage1??06:28
Dr_willistoker,  i normally just do 'sudo adduser bgates' or whatever. :)06:28
roddersgangel: hmmm, use /dev/fd0 for the flopy06:28
winter-muteanyone knows how to fix CRC errors?06:28
pajamiantoker: sudo useradd newusername06:28
lnknpk04rebecca2930, yes i did, i apologize, i didn't type out that step for you06:28
tokerDr_willis, Thanks I will give it a shot :)06:28
angelroddersg, so i need to edit that file?06:28
roddersgyou might need to use sudo vi /etc/fstab06:28
lnknpk04rebecca2930, thats how i confirmed my boot was hd0,006:28
tokerMandriva has a nice GUI for that :)06:28
roddersgyes you do06:28
Dr_willisI wonder how adduser differes from useradd06:29
=== santri is now known as co_caem_kedingin
winter-mutereally annoying06:29
Dr_willistoker,   theres a gui somewhere inubuntu.. but i can type the command faster then i can find the menu item06:29
roddersgafter that, try mounting your cdrom again06:29
seacatneopsyche, Ok, good.06:29
neopsycheDr_WIllis: some of the tabs seem to be mission06:29
neopsycheseacat: hmm.. some of the tabs in kalva seem to be missing06:29
FlannelDr_willis, toker, pajamian, adduser is friendlier, it uses useradd as a backend for some stuff, and adds sane defaults for a lot of the values06:29
tokerDr_willis, yes I know what you mean.. I can't find it anywhere.06:29
Dr_willisneopsyche,  no idea. Could be some support files/stuff you need. it ran.. and i closed the app.. is all i did with it.06:29
lanzellothhi guys, is it more useful to learn phyton or shell scripts?06:29
neopsychei see ;-)06:29
rebecca2930lnknpk04, ive had issues where sometimes itll tell me hd1,0 etc but it may be hd0 or hd2 etc06:30
roddersganyone know the command to restore the .Desktop folder?06:30
Dr_willisFlannel,  heck - i rember a 'superadduser' under  some disrto. :)06:30
tokerok I added the user I think.. how do I check.. and how do I set thier password?06:30
Dr_willistoker,  sudo  passwd username06:30
sayersHello I am having troubles lowering the brightness of the screen06:30
Flannelroddersg: .Desktop? ~/Desktop is your desktop, not ~/.Desktop06:30
winter-mutewhoops :) css installed06:30
angelroddersg, still not letting me edit it.06:30
seacatneopsyche,  Dr_willis Were dependencies  kdelibs4c2  &  kdelibs4c2a  resolved?06:30
lanzellothsayers: kubuntu?06:30
sayerslanzelloth: no06:30
Dr_willisseacat,  i proberly had them allready installed.. I got tons-o-stuff installed on this machine06:31
rebecca2930lnknpk04, so id try editing the menu.list06:31
neopsycheseacat: no06:31
pajamiansayers: sounds more like you need a monitor repair shop than #ubuntu06:31
tokerok Thanks for the help.. I guess I am gonna see if I can log in now with that account :)06:31
lnknpk04rebecca2930, have you encountered any problems of this kind after doing an update?  I have seen some threads suggesting this and this happened right after a required restart from an update06:31
seacatDr_willis, Ok, very well.06:31
neopsycheseacat: so should i still try install them06:31
sayerspajamian: no the monitor works fine, its that the function key on the laptop does not work06:31
_Oz_on one computer, I am installing medibuntu.  on the other, I have gone with automatix2.  I will compare.06:31
lanzellothpajamian: sayers, i can lower my screen brightness in ubuntu but it doesn't work in kde06:31
neopsycheseacat: perhpas that will solve the problem of missing buttons06:31
roddersgFlannel correct, just modified xserver.xorg and need to restore it06:31
seacatneopsyche, Ask Dr_willis06:31
neopsycheThanks for you help seacat06:32
seacatneopsyche, I dono06:32
roddersgangel - you have to be root to edit the fstab06:32
rebecca2930lnknpk04, did u do setup (hd0) or something like setup (hd0,0)?06:32
Dr_willisI compiled the program.. thats it. end of my   responsability06:32
seacatneopsyche, NP06:32
dragonjoin #winehq06:32
angelroddersg, yeah i have a sudo password.06:32
Dr_willisI dont even have a tv tuner installed any more to test it out.06:32
Genius16roddersg: yeah. for cereals06:32
lnknpk04the setup command was 'setup(hd0)06:32
nickrud_Oz_: depending on what you install with automatix, you may or not have problems at upgrade to next release. That seems to be where the problems usually crop up.06:32
pajamiansayers: ahhh, ok, I'm sure there's an app for it, but I don't know myself.06:32
roddersgwhat cereals?06:33
Terrasqu1anyone have any experience with the hardy alpha? Is it usable in normal day to day use?06:33
sayerspajamian: is there a way to act like im using that key06:33
Dr_willis_Oz_,  thers not to medibuntu to install. :)  You just set up the repository and install the extra packages you want.06:33
rebecca2930lnknpk04, if u did setup (hd0,0) not good it installs the bootloader in the partition and not the mbr06:33
Dr_willisnot much to medibutnu to install.. i mean. :)06:33
pajamiansayers: sorry, I don't now.  I've not had to adjust the brightness on my laptop and normally use a desktop.06:33
roddersgangel - if you are on GUI then try typing "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" in a terminal window, you may need to enter your password06:33
* nickrud just uses the codecs and dvdcss, cherry pick debs without setting up a repo06:33
lnknpk04i def. did setup (hd0) b/c i was reading the commands off of the browser in the live cd06:34
sayerspajamian: well its a I want better battery life thing, powertop is supposed to help06:34
Peddysquidly: thanks for the help, nvidia-settings fixed my problem (even though the other progs are still displaying otherwise) but I can tell the difference. Bye.06:34
lnknpk04rebecca2930, i'm very paranoid about triple checking that sort of thing when working in CL06:34
rebecca2930lnknpk04, what are your drives sata or ata ??06:34
pajamiansayers: I understand, I'm sure there are ways to do it, probably a howto for laptops somewhere, but I don't know personally.06:34
lnknpk041 drive, sata06:34
pajamiandover: yes?06:34
doveri went and disabled all my onboard crap06:35
doverand it actually loads06:35
doverso either my onboard sound or lan was screwing it up06:35
dovernothing was disabled tohugh06:35
pajamiandover: cool, glad I could help.06:35
mjw-dover: huzzah06:35
doverno im gonna format re-install both windows and ubuntu06:36
pajamiandover: good luck06:36
doverthanks every106:36
doverpersonaly, i hope i dont ever have to talk to you again lol06:36
doverno offence ;)06:36
Genius16i hate installing windows.06:36
pajamiandover: LoL, I understand, but we're here in case you need us.06:36
Genius16it takes like 6 hours to get it installed and up to date.06:36
nickruddover: if you never _have_ to, wonderful :)06:37
Genius16and like 538 reboots06:37
rebecca2930lnknpk04, because it seems that ubuntu is change its kernel to be a new sata system kernel so name conventions are different06:37
doverthanks again06:37
doversee ya06:37
pajamianGenius16: LoL06:37
Genius16pajamian: can you tell i just reinstalled windows yesterday?06:37
lnknpk04rebecca2930, thats lovely :).  Is that a very recent change?06:37
Genius16pajamian: or the day before. i dunno. my mom had spyware so i had to make a house call.06:37
lnknpk04rebecca2930, after i did an fdisk -l it still showed the same name as before06:37
pajamianGenius16: I haven't installed windoze in ages, stopped using it quite a while ago.06:37
lnknpk04rebecca2930, at least, i believe it did06:38
roddersganyone knows why WINE freezes when I try to open a file in a WINE application?06:38
rebecca2930lnknpk04, try changing the bios to boot a different hard drive first grub may be in one of the other hard drives06:38
pajamianGenius16: and you couldn't talk her into trying ubuntu?06:38
Genius16pajamian: here here... word. and stuff.06:38
lnknpk04rebecca2930, only one HD06:38
Genius16pajamian: i didnt even try. i just said if her husband goes lookin for porn again im stealing her laptop06:38
lnknpk04rebecca2930, that HD has 3 partitions.  Sorry if i wasnt clear previously06:38
Genius16pajamian: she's actually pretty good. she's never herself contracted spyware, just when her husband gets on her computer. i wont touch his computer... im afraid it will infect me.06:39
pajamianGenius16: I usually ask them what they do with thier computer and tell them if it can/can't be done in ubuntu, then I offer to install it for them and configure it, etc and tell them if it doesn't work out they can always switch back to windoze.06:39
pajamianGenius16: so far I haven't had to switch anyone back to windoze yet.06:40
Genius16pajamian: yeah preaching to the choir06:40
angelroddersg, hey, question. i dont even have a floppy drive do i even need a mount point for it?06:40
Genius16pajamian: i got my friend of years and years, hardcore windows dude (even liked microsoft) to finally dual boot.06:40
rebecca2930lnknpk04, ive had a problem in debian sid it writes to the menu.list (hd0,0) but really its (hd2,0) on my machine06:41
pajamianGenius16: yeah, I know, just saying how I approach people to switch them over.  I will always wait until a re-install is needed as I figure that's the best time to get them to agree to try it.06:41
angelroddersg, couldnt i just delete that whole line?06:41
lnknpk04rebecca2930, going to go try it now.  thats just plain weird ;)06:41
roddersgangel - if you don't have a floppy drive, just delete that line06:41
Genius16pajamian: the best part about telling them what you can/cant do in *nix is you dont have to say "no" much.06:41
lnknpk04rebecca2930, let you know how it goes!06:41
rebecca2930lnknpk04, good luck06:41
roddersgangel - you could comment it out too06:41
angelroddersg, i dont ever plan on having one. i dont even know a place that sells em here.06:42
Genius16ok. im "the room is spinning" drunk.06:42
Genius16who needs help?06:42
_Oz_I don't totally "get" what medibuntu is.06:42
_Oz_I followed the instructions and used the terminal to...  get it somehow.06:42
_Oz_now what?06:42
_Oz_where are the apps?06:42
angelroddersg, ok now when i try to mount it says "mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"06:42
roddersgGenius16 - how about WINE?  Its freezing when i try to access the filesystem06:42
Genius16_Oz_: isnt it a repo with all kinds of bad ass shit for videos and stuff?06:42
lanzelloth_Oz_: did you get an .iso?06:43
_Oz_genius: yes. what's a repo?06:43
_Oz_lanz: no06:43
pajamianGenius16: yep, I haven't yet.  Last one was using skype and didn't tell me when I initially asked her what she does with it.  It was good though because skype runs on Linux, but she was a bit disappointed that it didn't have webcam support yet, but she is fine with waiting for skype to add it to the linux version.06:43
Genius16roddersg:  how are you accessing the filesystem? which filesystem exactly?06:43
astro76_Oz_: I usually just need w32codecs and libdvdcss2 from there, if you want to see what's in it open up Synaptic, and click on the Origin tab06:43
pajamian_Oz_: the apps will be in synaptic now along with all the other apps available for ubuntu.06:43
_Oz_thank you.06:43
Genius16_Oz_: a repo is a place where programs go to be happy and merry with linux. its a great land that makes it easy for us to install them.06:43
roddersgGenius16 - normal WINE installation, progs work etc.  but when I do a file open, wine freezes06:44
_Oz_so it seems like I should be using synaptic more than the ol' "add and remove" under applications.06:44
astro76_Oz_: yes I believe add/remove only shows gui software06:44
Genius16roddersg: like you're running notepad and you go "file---open" and BLAM! your poo gets sexed?06:44
pajamian_Oz_: add and remove is fine, but synaptic works better.  They should be in add and remove as well.06:44
roddersgGenius - correct06:44
roddersgthought it was the nvidia driver but that's not it06:45
roddersgangel - can you type that fstab line again06:45
Genius16_Oz_: yeah add/remove is just a few of the wonderous programs that are in the repos. add/remove is cool though, if you dont want to go to "advanced" mode and by that i mean "noob" mode. if you're still using add/remove you're gonna learn a bit.06:45
rebecca2930lnknpk04, how many operating system do u have on your machine??06:45
_Oz_what's a better description of a repository?06:45
_Oz_not sure I conceptually "get it"06:45
Genius16roddersg: i dont know why it'd be a display driver. have you ran "notepad" in console and crashed it to get what errors wine is giving? thats the easy way06:46
lnknpk04rebecca2930, heres a weird result.  i changed the info in menu.lst from hd(0,0) to hd(1,0) and this time instead of a blank screen with a cursor the grub menu actually came up, but gives Error 2506:46
lnknpk04rebecca2930, i only have gutsy06:46
david_JI have a laptop in which I bought a wireless keyboard and mouse combo...06:46
david_JDo I need seperate entries in the Xorg.conf for the wireless stuff?06:46
astro76!repositories | _Oz_06:47
ubotu_Oz_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components06:47
roddersgGenius16: Ok, just opened notepad, just opend a file and it freezed, no messages on the terminal window06:47
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)06:47
roddersgGenius16: After a whle it says "Open" not responding06:47
roddersgGenius16: can type in stuff and save the file though06:48
CaptainMorganwhat's a good pdf app for ubuntu? the default is not capable of keeping open multiple pdf's...06:48
Genius16roddersg: and you ran notepad by running int he terminal "wine /home/#USERNAME/.wine/drive_c/windows/notepad.exe"06:48
CaptainMorganerr - in one window that is06:48
angelroddersg,“E325: attention, found a swap file by the name "etc/.fstab.swp"06:48
roddersgnope, just did a wine notepad06:48
Genius16if so, did you install wine through the repos? or compile from souce with any "modifications" to the code?06:49
_Oz_thanks, astro.06:49
roddersgangel - you have not closed your fstab file06:49
angelroddersg, i see nothing about it open06:49
Genius16roddersg: well er that works too. that whole "wine notepad"06:49
roddersgwine is through repos (dapper 6.06-2)06:49
pajamianroddersg: have you tried it with a fresh .wine directory?06:49
adubi need to install glib06:49
adubwhat do i need to apt-get to install this06:49
Genius16roddersg: didnt want you to be running notepad and opening a terminal.06:49
roddersgyes I have pajaminan06:49
pajamianroddersg: ok, what version of wine are you running?06:49
Genius16the drunk in me says "what havent you done to fix it?"06:50
roddersgwine 0.9.906:50
angelroddersg, should i just delete the swp file?06:50
pajamianroddersg: that is really old06:50
roddersgangel, your fstab file is still open in your editor, close it06:50
Genius16pajamian: he is running 6.0606:50
roddersgpajamian - I agree, i was running 7.04 amd64 and downgraded.  wine ran ok in 7.0406:50
Genius16i have to jew-a-nate. i mean pee.06:51
roddersgthe latest version from WineHQ is even worse, so I re-installed from the repos06:51
pajamianroddersg: goto www.winehq.org and follow the instructions for installing wine into your version of ubuntu, you will get the latest version of wine direct fromt he source.06:51
angelroddersg, i have no idea whats going on there. i see no other versions of it running06:51
roddersgpajamian - done that, that version is even worse, it wouldn't let me save it06:52
pajamianroddersg: you probably need to file a bug with winehq, then.06:52
roddersgstrange, but I can still save my files, just can't open and browse the directories06:52
astro76Genius16: excuse me?06:52
roddersgthought it was the alsa etc but that didn't work either06:52
Genius16astro76: im drunk? yeah thats the only explination.06:52
pajamianroddersg: or at least ask in a wine-specific channel.06:52
_Oz_what exactly is happening with "apt-get"?06:52
_Oz_what is that doing, precisely?06:53
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:53
astro76Genius16: keep it clean and non-offensive or I suggest giving it a rest for the night06:53
lnknpk04what directories in my filesystem would i need to copy to be able to retain my installed programs after a reinstall.  My /home is already on another partition06:53
roddersgwas trying to get the wine-specific channel, do you have that handy?06:53
pajamian_Oz_: apt-get is like a command line version of synaptic.06:53
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?06:53
Genius16astro76: i could have said "you-a-nate" but thats not nearly as funny.06:53
mouseboyxpajamian, the synaptic is like a gui version of apt-get...06:53
pajamianroddersg: at a guess I would say #wine, but I really don't know.06:53
astro76!ops | Genius1606:53
ubotuGenius16: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!06:53
roddersgok got it, winehq06:53
pajamianmouseboyx: wow, you figured that out, heh?06:54
mouseboyxlol What came first the chicken or the egg?06:54
roddersgangel - what's happening, is your system ok yet?  I'm about to pop to winehq06:54
pajamianmouseboyx: I put it that way because he knew what synaptic was already.06:54
mouseboyxI know i was just giving you a hard time pajamian06:55
angelroddersg, no it is not fine yet. i have one etc/.fstab.swp that i dont need. how do i get rid of it. i have no open editors06:55
lnknpk04rebecca2930, did i stump you?06:55
roddersgangel do a sudo rm /etc/.fstab.swo06:55
astro76angel: just delete it, you'll need sudo: sudo rm /etc/.fstab.swp06:55
roddersgangel do a sudo rm /etc/.fstab.swp06:55
roddersgangel, here is my line from the /etc/fstab --> /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660     user,noauto     0  006:56
angelroddersg, that got rid of those pesky buggers06:56
rebecca2930 lnknpk04 no how many Oses do u have on the machine?06:56
lnknpk04rebecca2930, only one, Gutsy06:57
roddersgangel: mind you I have a dvd rom, and there is a link from /media/cdrom to /media/cdrom006:57
angelroddersg, mine is a cd dvd rom06:57
rebecca2930lnknpk04, was it loaded at one time on a different partion??06:57
roddersgangel: also, my cdrom is on the 2nd IDE interface as master06:57
roddersgangel: where is your cdrom located?06:58
lnknpk04rebecca2930, no.  Nothing has changed since initial install06:58
angelroddersg, same cable as my hard drive, second plug06:58
roddersgok, then use /dev/hdb instead06:58
rebecca2930lnknpk04, hmmm weird06:58
pajamianangel: that's known as primary=slave, fyi.06:58
angelpajamian, dont i get enough bonus points for being a girl?06:59
lnknpk04rebecca2930, yeah.  Since my /home is on a separate partition, think i should try reinstalling the OS?  I just dont want to lose my installed programs06:59
pajamianangel: :-)06:59
xstHelp! When I tried to boot this morning I got a "GRUB ERROR 18". I usually don't have any problems on booting. What to do?!07:00
angelroddersg, ok im trying it.07:00
angelroddersg, still doesnt believe it is there07:00
angel"hdb doesnt exist07:01
chaosrlhey guys! is there any way to prevent websites from resizing firefox?07:01
roddersgok, let me think on how to detect your cdrom07:01
mjw-chaosrl the custom geometry extension might help07:02
chaosrlmm ok thanks07:02
astro76lnknpk04: http://www.debianadmin.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html07:02
lnknpk04astro76, thx for the resource.  I'll read it through :)07:02
astro76chaosrl: yes first go to about:config in firefox07:02
chaosrlastro76: i'm there07:03
astro76chaosrl: then double click dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable07:03
iNuswoanyone else here using a ca0106 model sound card? (Sound Blaster Audigy LS)07:03
astro76chaosrl: I usually also set at least .close .minimizable .resizable and .titlebar07:03
chaosrlastro76 what do close, minimizable and titlebar do?07:04
rredd4how do I ssh from my new macbook (leopard), into 7.10?  When I ssh, it rejects my password and I know that it is correct.07:04
robc4xst, you still having problems?07:04
rredd47.10 is on my pc07:04
robc4xst, look here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WartyWarthogInstallNotes07:04
astro76chaosrl: prevent web sites from closing, minimizing, or resizing the window, or disabling the titlebar07:04
chaosrlastro76: hmm ok. thanks, this is exactly what i needed!07:05
roddersgok angel, you still here?07:05
angelroddersg, im waiting patiently07:05
roddersgcan you do a ls -l /proc/ide07:05
roddersgis hda and hdb listed07:05
MongooseWAwhat folder do you dump fonts into in linux?07:06
angelroddersg, angel@rylan-desktop:~$ ls -l /proc/ide07:06
angeltotal 007:06
angel-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-02-09 15:00 drivers07:06
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?07:06
roddersgyour drives are not on ide07:06
lnknpk04rebecca2930, ok.  This has reached a new level of weird.  I got to a grub screen after I changed the menu.lst to say hd(1,0).  once there I was getting an error 25.  so i hit the e key to edit the first boot option (ubuntu 7.10) and changed hd(1,0) back to hd(0,0) and it booted07:06
chumpok did the updates own alot of people or was it just me?07:07
chaosrlMongooseWA System->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts->Details...->Go To Fonts Folder07:07
lnknpk04rebecca2930, it was hd(0,0) to begin with!07:07
angelroddersg, so, my computer is somehow held together with what gremlins?07:07
robc4lnknpk04, did this happen after a kernel update?07:07
pajamianangel: your drives are either scsi or sata07:07
roddersgangel - I really don't know, how did this happen07:07
robc4because mine did the exact same thing after last nights update07:07
MongooseWAthanks chaosrl07:07
lnknpk04robc4, i believe it did07:07
iNuswo~am having a problem with my sound. Alsa drivers have been configured/installed according to alsa wiki for the model. a) no sound plays at all b) symptoms include when any file or media is played that includes audio it (the media) freezes after a few seconds c) on streamed media if after the media freezes I click the timeline anywhere it will play shortly again then freeze again. Any ideas where I should start looking?07:07
chaosrlMongooseWA no prob07:07
angelroddersg, so how do i go about fixing it?07:08
roddersgpajamian - can you please help angel, have to go to lunch, otherwise will get killed07:08
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:08
pajamianroddersg: I'll try07:08
roddersgangel - have to go, see you in about 3007:08
angelroddersg, thanks a ton enjoy your lunch07:08
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE07:08
pajamianangel: hrmmmmm07:08
astro76roddersg: pajamian: just jumping in here but this is normal in Ubuntu for ide drives to appear as scsi, it uses libata07:08
rredd4how do i transfer files from my pc (ubuntu 7.10) to my new macbook?07:08
angelpajamian, so what kind of voodoo is mucking up my computer07:08
pajamianastro76: by all means jump in07:09
lnknpk04robc4, is this a normal thing that can happen if you are installing the updates that ubuntu prompts you to install?07:09
pajamianangel: what do you get with: ls -l /proc/scsi07:09
chaosrlrredd4 do you just need to xfer documents, etc?07:09
dogpigeoncowhi. i have a problem with running counter strike in Wine, IS there a spesific chanel for problems such as this????07:10
chaosrldo you have an external hd?07:10
angelpajamian, "angel@rylan-desktop:~$ ls -l /proc/scsi07:10
angeltotal 007:10
angeldr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 2008-02-09 15:04 ata_piix07:10
angel-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-02-09 15:04 device_info07:10
angel-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-02-09 15:04 scsi07:10
angeldr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 2008-02-09 15:04 sg07:10
FloodBot3angel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
rredd4chaosrl no07:10
robc4lnknpk04, yes, after a kernel update, it runs grub-update. If you want to check if thats the problem, backup your menu/lst, run grub-update, and check your newly created /boot/grub/menu.lst07:10
chaosrlrredd4: are you meaning to someone connect the two together wirelessly?07:10
Ryuhohey i want to run compiz in my bash program but it get's stuck once i execute it, how do i properly call a program in bash?07:10
dogpigeoncowhi. i have a problem with running counter strike in Wine, IS there a spesific chanel for problems such as this????07:11
chaosrlrredd4: somehow* not someone07:11
iNuswoam having a problem with my sound. Alsa drivers have been configured/installed according to alsa wiki for the model. a) no sound plays at all b) symptoms include when any file or media is played that includes audio it (the media) freezes after a few seconds c) on streamed media if after the media freezes I click the timeline anywhere it will play shortly again then freeze again. Any ideas where I should start looking?07:11
lnknpk04robc4, will do.  Thx for the heads up07:11
pajamianangel: ok, that is promising07:11
rebecca2930 lnknpk04 show me your fstab setting on www.phpfi.com07:11
Atyab^Girlhello everyone07:11
rredd4chaosrl  wanted to ssh, not accepting my password, not sure why07:11
robc4lnknpk04, this might cause the problem to come back though07:11
robc4it did for me07:11
rredd4chaosrl  pc is ethernet, macbook is wireless07:11
pajamianangel: how about: ls -l /dev/sd*07:11
robc4I had to manually fix it07:11
adubconfigure: error: Cannot find pcre.h. Please install libpcre07:11
chaosrlrredd4: that's what i was afraid of; i'm very inexperienced with ssh, sorry :(07:11
adubi keep getting that configure error07:11
lnknpk04robc4, if it does, it would be fixed by just copying my backed up menu.lst, correct?07:12
nickrudrobc4: what fix did you use?07:12
chaosrlmaybe someone else could help here07:12
Atyab^Girli'm having trouble setting up my connection on the pc! i use 'sudo pppoeconf" and set it up.. when am done only gaim opens up though i cant browse the net something to do with my DNS i guess since if i get a resolved site's ip i could get into it07:12
rredd4chaosrl any other way?07:12
robc4lnknpk04, it *should*07:12
angelpajamian, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55316/07:12
lnknpk04rebecca2930, I'll grab the fstab in a min.  Running into the other room07:12
chaosrlrredd4: crossover ethernet would probably be faster, but i'm not sure how to go about doing it with a mac either07:12
lnknpk04robc4, *should* scares me lol.  think i should just leave well enough alone?07:12
astro76rredd4: you've installed openssh-server on the ubuntu machine?07:12
=== HashBox_ is now known as HashBox
pajamianangel: this is good you definately have scsi drives on your system, or drives that at least appear to ubuntu to be scsi07:13
robc4lnknpk04, yea, I would, but if it happens again after you install a kernel update, that is the problem07:13
robc4ity has happened to me the past two kernel updates07:13
nickrudrobc4: I'm getting ready to run the update, from what I've seen here the (hd0,0) changes? Is that what you saw?07:13
iNuswois anyone there that can help me with a sound problem or am i a ghost right now?07:13
lnknpk04rebecca2930, seems to be working now :)07:13
angelso, just change hdb to scsi?07:13
rredd4astro76 not sure, but I have connected pc to pc via ssh07:13
robc4nickrud, yes, it changes to (1,0) for me07:13
lnknpk04robc4, thx so much.  gonna restart and make sure it works07:13
pajamianangel: chabe hdb where?07:14
nickrudrobc4: what did you have as # groot= in your menu.lst ?07:14
astro76rredd4: if you've ssh'd to it before then you have it07:14
rebecca2930lnknpk04, what did u do??07:14
astro76!sound | iNuswo07:14
ubotuiNuswo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:14
angelpajamian, well in /etc/fstab if it says hdb doesnt exist, and my computer things its scsi couldnt i change it there to scsi?07:14
pajamianangel: keep in mind I haven't been following your entire conversation07:14
robc4nickrud, its commented out, so it doesnt matter07:15
robc4nickrud, maybe it needs to be uncommented07:15
pajamianangel: sdb, but before you change /etc/fstab you should try to mount it manually to see if it's correct.07:15
iNuswoastro i'm a little bit beyond that07:15
nickrudrobc4: yes it does, that's what update-grub uses to rebuild the boot stuff. It should stay with one #07:15
rredd4astro76 not sure why my password is not being accepted when I ssh from the mac.  When I go to terminal and sudo or root, password is accepted.07:15
robc4ahh alrighty07:15
pajamianangel: do you have a cd in the drive?07:15
angelpajamian, good call, i have a cd ready and everything07:15
astro76iNuswo: fair enough, I checked first that no one gave you that recently ;)07:15
nickrudrobc4: does yours have 1,0 ?07:15
rredd4astro76 terminal on ubuntu pc07:15
robc4nickrud, well its groot=(hd1,0)07:15
robc4change it to 0,0 probably07:16
nickrudrobc4: change it to 0,0 , then update-grub won't screw it up again07:16
guyvdb_Hi, I want to change the associated application of a file in gnome. The file is *.as (action script). Under properties -> Opens With i choose "Text Editor" now when i doulble click it i get message: FileName indiactes type "Applix SpreadSheet" content indicates "C Source" and file will not open07:16
pajamianangel: ok, create an empty directory for a mount point: mkdir ~/cdtest07:16
astro76rredd4: does this work on the ubuntu machine: ssh localhost07:16
robc4nickrud, perfect, thanks07:16
robc4nickrud, let me run it real quick07:16
nickrudrobc4: now I just have to get ready to rebuild my video drivers ;(07:16
angelpajamian, ok07:16
pajamianangel: then do: sudo mount /dev/sdb ~/cdtest07:16
Atyab^Girlany1! pppoe help?!07:16
iNuswolatest alsa drivers have been installed from source, and they were working until the first reboot after install07:16
pajamianangel: and see what happens07:17
rredd4astro76 refused07:17
pajamianangel: if all goes well you should be able to access your cd from that directory07:17
iNuswowhen i go to play any media file however, the media will play for a few seconds then freeze07:17
greaman1is this channel located most on europe no north america?07:17
guyvdb_Can anyone help on file association in gnome?07:17
angelpajamian, "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"07:17
astro76rredd4: ok so it seems the problem is definitely local to the ubuntu machine07:17
pajamianangel: ok, one min ...07:17
rebecca2930lnknpk04, what did u do to fix it??07:17
nickrudgreaman1: depends on the time of day, it rotates but yes, mostly europe, north america and australasia07:18
robc4nickrud, that did the trick, running update-grub fixed it07:18
BoltClocki installed gutsy last month and have been unable to solve my graphics problems since then - but today i wish to solve my gutsy sound problem. its muted, but when i double-click the icon it tells me it couldn't find any devices or elements to control. i dont know what my sound card is, but can anyone help me with this?07:18
robc4nickrud, you think thats something that should be brought to the developers attention?07:19
greaman1nickturd is eopeand like uk people smarter than canadian or americans?07:19
pajamianangel: I'm going to try something to make sure my syntax is correct, etc...07:19
angelpajamian, ok, thanks!07:19
nickrudrobc4: I'm sure they're aware. It's odd that some groot's were bad from the install07:19
astro76!ot | greaman107:20
ubotugreaman1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:20
rredd4astro76 how to fix?  when i type ssh localhost on the mac, connection refused also.  the mac connects to the pc, just won't accept password07:20
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE07:20
pajamianangel: ok, I think we have the wrong drive, then, can you paste your /etc/fstab?07:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:22
astro76rredd4: have you edited /etd/ssh/ssh_config or added a ~/.ssh/config ?07:22
angelpajamian, "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55317/"07:23
DarkmystereHow do i set up a Ad-hoc network between a ubuntu host and a windows host?07:23
rredd4astro76 no and don't know what to add07:23
astro76rredd4: it should work with no changes, and you did say it worked before07:23
BoltClocksound in my new gutsy installation is muted, but when i click the icon it tells me it couldn't find any devices or elements to control. i dont know what my sound card is, but can anyone help me with this?07:23
Atyab^Girli'm having trouble setting up my connection on the pc! i use 'sudo pppoeconf" and set it up.. when am done only gaim opens up though i cant browse the net something to do with my DNS i guess since if i get a resolved site's ip i could get into it07:24
pajamianangel: what do you get with: ls -l /dev/hda*07:24
simon__Hi, I'm having trouble with my intel graphics card. everything is slow and choppy. When I try to run glxgears, it crashes X.07:24
angelpajamian, no such file or directory07:25
pajamianangel: can you run mount with no args and paste the output of that, pls?07:25
pajamianangel: one min ...07:27
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?07:27
pajamianthis is very strange, everything in your fstab is pointing to hda and hdb, but you're mounted on /dev/sdb107:27
JosiahWI know this is a bit off topic but can someone suggest a really good webhost for php/sql sites... one that offers SSH access07:27
tchmnkyzhey there, anyone got a decent dual-head with nvidia 7000 series cards and gutsy?07:28
angelpajamian, this computer astounds me sometimes07:28
greaman1i am finding deluge faster speed than azureus which came out way before deluge.. is that normal? thanks07:28
pajamianangel: heh, you're not kidding07:28
pajamianangel: ok, gimmie another minute hete07:28
angelno prob. thanks a ton for helping me out07:29
JosiahWgreaman1: deluge is a far better torrent applicaiton than azureus IMO... and much faster07:29
astro76JosiahW: dreamhost, uses debian, full shell07:29
greaman1JosiahW someone told me azureus was better in other channel07:30
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.07:30
pajamianangel: do you have two hard drives in your computer?07:30
angelpajamian, yep, one on an IDE cable and the other is USB07:30
Tredje0yeSo it seems my world file is corrupt :P It seems four lines have been accidenntaly meshed together to one07:31
JosiahWastro76: do you have to have dedicated server for full debian? Or is that on all hosting plans?07:31
Tredje0yeWhere can I find the "world" file?07:31
pajamianangel: is the USB drive mounted to /media/disk-6?07:31
astro76JosiahW: all plans07:31
angelpajamian,  yes thats the one07:31
pajamianangel: ok, in that case I still can't find your cd-rom drive :-(07:32
angelpajamian, haha, stealthy bugger.07:32
JosiahWastro76: does their support team speak english? without an accent?07:32
astro76JosiahW: the support is fantastic07:33
angelpajamian, its weird, the drive used to work fine.07:33
angeljust stopped working one update.07:33
angeli havent bothered to figure it out till now.07:33
Atyab^Girli cant browse the net though Gaim connects perfectly! whts up with that? could any1 help out plz07:33
pajamianangel: yes, it is.  ubuntu has all of a sudden started seeing your ide drives as scsi instead07:33
pajamianastro76: care to take a stab at what is causing this?07:34
greaman1JosiahW you there?07:34
astro76JosiahW: if you have more questions I can answer in #ubuntu-offtopic07:34
JosiahWgreaman1: yes i am here07:34
angelpajamian,  stumped?07:34
pajamianangel: yep07:34
pajamianangel: but it's not hard to stump me07:34
Atyab^Girlpajamian astro76 could u help me out with my connection problem plz07:34
angelyouve been a gem, thanks07:35
angelastro76, care to take on the issue of my stealth sneaky CD DVD drive?07:35
pajamianAtyab^Girl: can you restate your problem, please?07:35
Atyab^Girlpajamian i'm having trouble setting up my connection on the pc! i use 'sudo pppoeconf" and set it up.. when am done only gaim opens up though i cant browse the net something to do with my DNS i guess since if i get a resolved site's ip i could get into it07:36
pajamianAtyab^Girl: ok, I'm afraid I don't know much of anything about setting up pppoe with linux.  I have always used external dsl routers that handle all the pppo[a/e] authentication in the router itself.07:37
Atyab^Girlpajamian hmmm07:37
Atyab^Girlwell thanks fore trying to help then :)07:37
Atyab^Girlu know where i could get help bout such an issue?07:37
pajamianAtyab^Girl: it's possible someone else here may be able to help.07:37
tr55731Atyab^Girl: what's the content of your /etc/resolv.conf ?07:38
Atyab^Girlpajamian ok thank you :)07:38
aboedAtyab^Girl: using "usepeerdns" at /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider ?07:38
Atyab^Girltr55731 im kind of a newbie as u noticed so could u tell me how to do tht07:38
RoyI am facing a weird issue with my keyboard. I have enabled 'lock screen when screen saver is active'. Now my issue is whenever I try to unlock the screen, my keyboard simply refuses to work, I can't enter my password. Every time this happens, I have to make an improper shutdown. I have the desktop effects disabled. Can someone give me a hint or a clue as to why this is happening?07:38
pajamianAtyab^Girl: I do get quite a few results if I google for: ubuntu pppoe07:38
Atyab^Girlpajamian i tried tht.. no luck yet07:38
tr55731Atyab^Girl: in a terminal, type:  cat /etc/resolv.conf07:38
Atyab^Girlaboed i dunno07:38
Atyab^Girltr55731 ok just a sec07:38
qinjuehangRoy: Does your mouse work07:39
Royqinjuehang: Yes, my mouse work07:39
rredd4astro i can ssh from my pc laptop to desktop pc, but not from the mac?07:39
qinjuehangRoy: Does Num lock and similar buttons work?07:39
RoyIt's only the keyboard07:39
Tredje0yeAre all current versions of gnome unstable?07:39
aboedAtyab^Girl: type "cat /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider"07:39
RoyNo, they don't qinjuehang.07:40
qinjuehangTredje0ye: I only have problems with OpenGL in Gnome normally07:40
astro76rredd4: and you can't ssh from the desktop pc to itself?07:40
Tredje0yeExcuse me ^^;; Allow me to rephrase:07:40
astro76rredd4: hrmm.. not sure07:40
Atyab^Girltr55731 nameserver:
greaman1does deluge encription forced?07:40
Royqinjuehang: Any hints?07:40
Atyab^Girlaboed ok just a sec07:40
rredd4astro76  ssh: connect to host localost port 22: Connection refused07:40
Tredje0yeAre all current versions of gnome masked as unstable? cause all ebuilds that satisfy the emerge "gnome" are masked according to emerge :P07:41
pajamianTredje0ye: you're in #ubuntu, I think you may want #gentoo07:41
tr55731Atyab^Girl: that is surely the wrong nameserver. pppd should put the nameserver of your provider there. look at the file aboed said.07:41
astro76rredd4: oh.. have you messed with iptables or firestarter or otherwise added firewall rules ?07:42
qinjuehangRoy: You are using a normal keyboard?07:42
Royqinjuehang: Yes, I am.07:42
Tredje0yeOh, shiz xD07:42
qinjuehangRoy: can you post your xorg.conf in pastebin?07:42
vegananarchisthow do you uninstall something you installed using the terminal07:42
Royqinjuehang:  How do I go about it?07:43
Tredje0yepajamian: I had to install gentoo cause ubuntu wouldn't work :p online that is. Thanks for pointing it out for this insomniac07:43
qinjuehang vegananarchist: "sudo apt-get remove (package name)"07:43
Atyab^Girlaboed k it gave me a long list07:43
Atyab^Girli write it back here?07:43
vegananarchistand does anyone know where i can get help with drupal07:43
qinjuehangRoy: "cat /etc/x11/xorg.conf"07:43
neopsychecan someone please help me install mythtv?07:43
neopsychetheres nobody helping in the myth channels07:43
qinjuehangpaste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:43
Royqinjuehang: Sure07:44
tr55731Atyab^Girl: no, just look for the "usepeerdns" entry07:45
Atyab^Girlk lemme check07:45
angelpajamian,  i found a thread in the forums that seems to be about the right idea. doesnt make much sense though07:45
Royqinjuehang: It says no such file or directory.07:45
pajamianangel: what's the link to the thread?07:45
Atyab^Girltr55731 i checked theres nothing next to usepeerdns.. theres under it my username thts all07:46
pajamianhave to run for a bit, bbl.07:46
qinjuehangIs "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"07:46
angelpajamian, i managed to get my ide_cd and Cdrom to show up in lsmod07:46
angelhave fun , see ya later.07:46
RoyGot it qinjuehang :)07:47
DarkmystereHow do i make my Apache server availble to others?07:47
Darkmysterelike across the city or what ever07:47
qinjuehangRoy: And...the url is? :O07:47
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
qinjuehangDarkmystere: You need a Domain name07:47
tr55731Atyab^Girl: maybe it scrolled out of the terminal. try  grep usepeerdns /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider07:48
DarkmystereOh how i get a free one?07:48
Royqinjuehang: I have pasted it in the pastebin07:48
lymecaAre the Gobuntu repositories separate from Ubuntu?07:48
qinjuehangDarkmystere: I don't think you can get a free one. They are a few dollars per month typically.07:49
Atyab^Girltr55731 its the same.. the reply were "usepeerdns" and thts it07:49
qinjuehangRoy: I need the link to see it07:49
qinjuehangRoy: :o07:49
DarkmystereI thought i could just make it like a ftp or somthing that its based off my computer07:49
tr55731Atyab^Girl: if the reply was usepeerdns, then its IN there07:49
Royqinjuehang: What is :o07:49
qinjuehangRoy: Emoticon lol07:49
Atyab^Girltr55731 well then why i cant connect!07:49
RoyCan I paste the link here qinjuehang?07:49
qinjuehangyea u can07:50
tr55731Atyab^Girl: don't know07:50
Royqinjuehang: This is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55319/07:50
Atyab^Girltr55731 when i go to google for example! it doesnt connect.. i come to this pc resolve google and use the op on linux it works07:50
Atyab^Girltr55731 when i got to "network" settings.. theres nothing saved! in the location.. might tht be the prob ?07:50
tr55731Atyab^Girl: which nameserver setting do you have on "this pc"?07:50
qinjuehangRoy: What is your keyboard brand?07:50
qinjuehangRoy: And model?07:51
Atyab^Girltr55731 the reply to the command u gave me were
RoyI have a Compaq Presario notebook.07:51
Atyab^Girltr55731 ***07:51
tr55731Atyab^Girl: no, on the one that works07:51
emoryCan anyone here answer a mythbuntu question?07:51
Atyab^Girltr55731 this one is windows xp.. and a complete different ISP07:51
qinjuehangRoy: I have that too, no problems...07:51
tr55731Atyab^Girl: i see07:51
Atyab^Girltr55731 when i do "plog" the con terminates.. and it shows me tht the dns server is something like
tr55731Atyab^Girl: try this: sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"07:52
pajamianok, back for now, didn't have to run out for as long as I thought07:52
emoryCan anyone here answer a mythbuntu question?07:54
pajamianangel: did you get them to show with modprobe?07:54
prakritiis there any way to get the the configurations dialogs of screensavers?07:54
angelpajamian, it showed in lsprobe07:54
prakritithe ubuntu screensaver tool doesnt seem to have a config button07:54
pajamianangel: you mean lsmod?07:54
pajamianangel: without having to modproblem them?07:54
pajamianerrrr modprobe07:54
angelthat was after modprobing them07:55
Atyab^Girltr55731 /etc/resolv.conf permission denied07:55
pajamianok, what output did you get when you did the modprobe?07:55
tr55731Atyab^Girl: you mistyped07:55
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?07:56
tr55731Atyab^Girl: try exactly this: sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"07:56
Atyab^Girltr55731 runing back and forth between rooms... sorry bout tht..! trying again07:56
qinjuehangprakriti: You mean to configure screensavers like WinXP? No.07:56
angelpajamian, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55320/07:57
prakritilike WinXP?07:57
prakritiI'm not sure what WinXP has to do with it.07:57
Royqinjuehang: Any hints as to why this is happening?07:58
prakritiI can't figure out how to get to the configuration diaologs of any of the screensavers07:58
qinjuehangRoy: I have no idea, but if u ask me, Gnome's password entering screen is sorta unstable.07:58
RoyI see.07:59
Atyab^Girltr55731 k did tht.. asked me for mypass and tyhen nothign happened! got me back towhere i write the command07:59
qinjuehangRoy: Try using an external kybd?07:59
RoyI will.07:59
prakritidoes gnome-screensaver not support any config?07:59
tr55731Atyab^Girl: alright, then try resolving some hostnames07:59
tr55731Atyab^Girl: ping -c 4 google.com07:59
Atyab^Girltr55731 k lemme try08:00
biouserto answer my own question from a couple of hours ago, TEXMAKER is a great easy to SWYG LaTeX-helper that is in the ubuntu repos08:00
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about texmaker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:00
Atyab^Girltr55731 unkown host google.com08:01
tr55731Atyab^Girl: hmmm08:01
tr55731Atyab^Girl: what kind of braindead ISP is that?08:01
Atyab^Girltr55731 tell me about it08:01
Atyab^Girltr55731 anyway i guess ill call the support so they come on monday and fix this damn issue08:01
Atyab^Girltr55731 thanks for ur help i appreciate it08:02
tr55731Atyab^Girl: okay08:02
Atyab^Girltr55731 once aghain thanks very much :)08:02
=== co_kenter_fs is now known as justice
pajamianangel: I'm not entirely sure that it actually found your cdrom drive when you loaded the modules, it may have just loaded them because you told it to (with modprobe)08:04
angelpajamian, ah,08:04
pajamianangel: try this, though: ls -l /dev/hd* /dev/sd*08:05
pajamianand paste the output08:05
pajamianwe'll see if anything new has shown up08:05
angelpajamian, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55321/08:06
jxxxtanyone tell me why my password does not work please???????08:06
angeldoesnt look like08:06
angeljxxxt, typing it wrong?08:06
pajamianangel: nope, nothing new08:06
jxxxtok I figured it08:06
angelpajamian, darn08:06
jxxxtangel I changed my nick for this machine.. dumb huh??08:07
angeljxxxt, it happens08:08
DaveyJi'm trying to convert a .dv file to something a bit more portable (its only about a minute long) -- i tried dv-avi and all ffmpeg options but the video's sound comes out distorted. anyone have any suggestions?08:08
DaveyJeven divx or xvid would be fine08:08
crolle17can somebody recommend a tool for recording the audio-out?08:08
pajamianangel: I'm afraid I can't help anymore right now.  If you're still having the problem and still on later tonight I may be able to look at it again.08:09
SupaFlyhey just wondering can someone shed some light on this question please: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4297734&postcount=108:09
angelpajamian, thanks a bunch for trying to help me out.08:09
DaveyJcrolle17: the audio out of what08:09
pajamianangel: yw08:09
angelpajamian, the only thread that was on the right track doesnt seem to actually solve it.08:09
crolle17DaveyJ, my audio-card08:09
DaveyJhow about a tape recorder08:10
astro76SupaFly: the most you should have to do is reconfigure x08:11
SupaFlyah ok ty08:11
astro76!xconfig | SupaFly08:11
ubotuSupaFly: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes08:11
chaunchybigfisthey guys I am in need of some help08:11
SupaFlyyup, was expecting that cause ive got a ATI card curretnly, but im getting a Nvidia card with my new pc08:11
chaunchybigfistinstalling compiz-fushion on kubuntu 7.1008:12
CVD-PRc ya late08:12
chaunchybigfistI have the drivers and everything installed, but when I set up the xsserv configuration that alot of the tutorials tell me to do, compiz loads up weird and none of the effects work, then when I reboot displaydoesnt work leaving me with a broke linux08:12
chaunchybigfistcan anyone help me?08:13
crolle17DaveyJ, ??? where are you from?08:13
jscinozQuick question, i'm looking for a backup program that can create complete disk images (ie including partition table) and can make differential updates to these images. does such a program exist?08:13
angeli have a CD / DVD drive that is supposed to be at hdb but refuses to mount. anyone know anything on how to go about fixing it?08:13
* greaman1 is a paki08:14
emoryAnyone know why a MythBuntu system would lock up with a blnking cursor pre-grub?08:14
emoryfresh install...08:14
elknof1good day everybody..08:15
chaunchybigfistCan anyone help me with my problem with installing compiz-fushion?08:15
elknof1hope someone can help...  im trying to share files via nfs08:15
huff3rlots of mythbuntu/grub queries today08:15
emoryIts a pretty cool concept08:15
emoryI just haven't seen it boot yet08:15
crolle17somebody here more intelligent than DaveyJ?08:16
angelas of yet my sneaky stealthy CD drive problems have yet to be solved08:16
huff3rwe're all e-Phds here08:16
elknof1between osx 10.5 and 7.1008:16
crolle17oh lawd...08:17
chaunchybigfisthey huff3r08:17
emoryhuff3r: you have any idea why it wouldn't work?08:17
angelanyone feel up the challenge of hunting down my naughty cd drive?08:17
DaveyJcrolle17: sorry i'm not smart enough... if i was i'd probably suggest using audacity and selecting your recording source output as a general mix... but your poorly worded question caused me to be stupid08:18
chaunchybigfisthey daveyJ08:19
elknof1anyone knows how to share files between 7.10 and osx 10.5 via nfs?08:19
jootAngel, My cd dvd just did it when I installed so I do not know how to help you sorry :-((08:19
=== greaman1 is now known as solidnail
angeljoot, welcome to the club08:20
jootAngel, Yeah! We the unknowing...08:20
panfistwhat would be the best performing, most well supported on-board video chipset for use with ubuntu08:20
angeljoot, even the forums are of no solace, i found one thread of people with this same issue but no solution08:21
DigitalNinjaHow do I burn a double layer DVD?08:21
elknof1use k4b08:21
angeljoot, try this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327622&highlight=mount%3A+special+device+%2Fdev%2Fhdb+does08:21
panfistnvidia has better support than intel?08:21
elknof1yeah... since 7.10 i think so..  at least best performing...08:22
jootAngel, there probably is one hell of a good script that will fix it. Look for zcat[1] or maybe seveas they are pretty good08:22
elknof1and its working great with me08:22
chaunchybigfistCan anyone help me with my compiz-fushion problem>08:23
angeljoot, are they people? where would i search for them?08:23
chaunchybigfistI really want my desktop to be 3d accelerated08:23
panfistdo any video cards have support for hardware accelerated video playback?08:23
elknof1chaunchybigfist: whats going on whit fussion?08:23
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?08:23
elknof1panfist: yeah, nvidia, pretty sure...08:23
jootAngel, yes they are if you are in xchat gnome you can see if they are on right now08:24
elknof1panfist: and is one click away to configure...08:24
bullgard4panfist: No, nvidia does not have a better support than intel.08:24
jootAngel, click diccusion. users08:24
DaveyJchaunchybigfist: #compiz08:25
elknof1anyone knows how to share files between 7.10 and osx 10.5 via nfs?08:25
angeljoot, working on it08:25
sosocoradeon x1150 ,i want to 3d desktop08:25
angeljoot, seveas appears online but doesnt seem to be active.08:25
angeljoot, zcat no08:25
panfistbullgard4 does intel have an onboard video chipset that is capable of effects in compiz fusion while the comp is playing back h264 hd? right now with my ti4200 agp it stutters with desktop effects enabled08:25
chaunchybigfistelknof1 I send you a message in a dialog box08:25
bullgard4!nfs | elknof108:25
ubotuelknof1: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:25
jootAngel, a lot of these peopl "idle" so they sleep with the programme running08:26
bullgard4panfist: I am not using compiz fusion.08:26
angelanyone ooouuuttt there that wants to help me and Joot fix our Phantom CD drive problems?08:26
panfistthanks for the info08:27
jootAngel, or do something else like rewrite a system hah!!08:27
=== ubuntu is now known as ArtuRr
elknof1chaunchybigfist: i just trying out this os, and i using pidgin, haha   have no idea how to check the dialog box...08:27
angeljoot,  lol. the thread said it might be something with the bios. so i am going to try that. if i log back in i will be BVBBQ08:27
jootAngel, OK08:28
chaunchybigfistok well Ill postr it here08:28
elknof1chaunchybigfist: i guess it is supposed to be like in a tab08:28
chaunchybigfist well I followed this online tutorial and after i made the adjustments to the xserv file, I rebooted and the display stopped working, and before reboot none of the effects for compiz-fushion worked08:28
elknof1chaunchybigfist: but its not...08:28
NoemiHola, ¿Quieres jugar conmigo?08:28
Noemi1º- http://lordserer.blogspot.com/08:28
Noemi2º- clica en el cuadradito derecho08:28
Noemi3º- vuelve a la pagina y en la barra de google que veras08:28
Noemipon casadasbcn08:28
Noemi4º- Ves a Mujeres buscan hombres08:28
FloodBot3Noemi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
chaunchybigfistlet me tfind the exaxct one I used08:29
Kohlerwhenever I try to move my cursor over any kind of music file, nautilus goes grey and becomes unresponsive. Can anyone please help me?08:29
menllyosis there any way to "slow down" all text one gets to see during boot ? i notice some [fail] messages but i cant see what fails cause the text is going too fast to read...08:30
jootmenllyos, some of the "fails are unimportant08:31
menllyosthat could be, but i still would like to know what fails08:31
Kohlerwhenever I try to move my cursor over any kind of music file, nautilus goes grey and becomes unresponsive. Are there any logs or anything I can check?08:32
jesse__Kohler: just ask your question once, someone will help you if they can08:32
DarkmystereHow do i set Apache to use that domain?08:32
Kohlerjesse__ ok08:33
Voyage_i want to use a proxy for every protocol and port, specially for 80 and 8080 for all applications. how can i setup it?08:33
jootmenllyos, you could prolly trundle through your sys logs I have attempted that a few times unsuccessfully or use the if it aint broke theory08:33
jesse__Kohler: search the internet, run nautilus in some sort of debug mode with terminal output, or try removing the packages that might be involved in the process.08:33
jesse__Kohler: iirc, there are special packages that enable that functionality in nautilus08:34
elknof1i guess i'll need to do some more research, i just havent succeed with this nfs-osx-7.10 issue...08:34
Kohlerjesse__, I have searched the net, posted on 5 different forums. I am not aware of how to run nautilus in debug mode. Could you please tell me how?08:34
elknof1good night (here) to everybody..08:35
jesse__Kohler: lol, i dont know either :P08:35
jesse__Kohler: is there any bug about it?08:35
Kohlerjesse__ lol ok. iirc? acronymfinder has so many definitions :P08:35
Kohlerjesse__ there are some which may be the same08:35
BVBBQjoot, damn no such luck.08:35
hanasakiwhat isa good gnome tool gui that will do ftp?08:35
Kohlerjesse__ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/17235008:36
jesse__Kohler: "if i recall/remembher correctly" :D08:36
crolle17can you give me an advise how to record line-out of my audio-card?08:36
jootBYBBQ, are you using ununtu gusty ver??08:36
Kohlerjesse__ thanks at least its not 'if I really cared' :D08:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:36
joot!mount cd08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mount cd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:37
jesse__Kohler: heh, never thought of that08:37
BVBBQjoot, i believe our problem is a bit tougher than what ubotu can handle08:38
Voyage_how do i manullay set proxy setings ?08:38
jootBYBBQ, You are right I think...:-((08:38
Kohlerjesse__ what makes it weird is that it doesn't even have to be a real mp3 file, it can just have a .mp3 extension :P08:39
medflyhi folks :-)08:39
medflyi've inserted an AGP card into my computer (nvidia), installed nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-source, used "sudo X -configure" btu for some reason X still complains "no screens found"..08:39
Voyage_i want to use a proxy for every protocol and port, specially for 80 and 8080 for all applications. how can i setup it?\08:40
BVBBQi may have to write a song about my phantom CD drive08:41
Kohlerjesse__ I only have to move my cursor across it and it happens. Btw when I run nautilus from a shell, it just returns to the shell immediatly with no messages.08:41
medflyuh, i'll try to just reboot, maybe ubuntu starts things in a different magical way :p08:41
jesse__Kohler: yeah i know, i hate that :P08:42
Kohlerjesse__ can I ask you an unrelated question about networking lol?08:42
=== yassin_ is now known as yassin
Kohlerjesse__: in my syslog it says 'Unable to find the Master Browser name STEVE<lb> for the workgroup STEVE.08:43
jootsolid_liq, can you help BVBBQ with that cd prob???08:43
jesse__Kohler:  your best asking the entire channel than just one channel member08:43
Kohlerjesse__: in my syslog it says 'Unable to find the Domain* Master Browser name STEVE<lb> for the workgroup STEVE.08:43
BVBBQsolid_liq, yes please do, its driving me up the wall.08:44
Kohlerhey everyone. I was looking at my syslogs and I notices the following message in daemon.log. Unable to find the Domain* Master Browser name STEVE<lb> for the workgroup STEVE. Does anyone have an idea what's going on? my windows comp has not been able to access my ubuntu shares for some time now :P. Please, any ideas or theories are appreciated :)08:45
hanasakithere any good package that brings email, firewall, user admin via ldap spam filterning, NAS, all togehter08:46
jootBYBBQ, ther are a lot of different time zones so watch the log on log off and ask again at about forty five minutes other wise you will get warned for repeating08:46
BVBBQkohler, if someone online knew anything about trying to help they would normally say something. it is likely that  no one knows08:46
KohlerBVBBQ, I only asked once.08:48
Voyage_i want to use a proxy for every protocol and port, specially for 80 and 8080 for all applications. how can i setup it?08:48
BVBBQkohler i see thrice08:48
Voyage_i have the proxy ip08:49
KohlerBVBBQ I was talking to jesse__, the first time I was asking him alone, the second time it was a correction (I added the word Domain), and the first time I asked the whole channel like he advised.08:49
Kohleror she08:49
BVBBQfair enough i was just giving some advice08:50
Kohlerok thanks08:50
solid_liqBVBBQ, what cd problem?08:50
BVBBQsolid_liq, well, after updating from edgy my cd drive fails to mount08:51
solid_liqBVBBQ, is there a disk in it?08:51
BVBBQsolid_liq, yes there is,08:51
solid_liqBVBBQ, do you mean automount?  or mount period?08:51
solid_liqBVBBQ, from edgy?  to what?  feisty or hardy?08:52
BVBBQsolid_liq, mount period, its plugged in as slave on my ATA but does not show up when searched for in any way08:52
BVBBQproblem started when i upgraded to feisty,08:53
jootBYBBQ, goodnight and goodluck :-))08:53
BVBBQthx joot08:54
solid_liqBVBBQ, do you see anything about the drive in   dmesg | less    ?08:54
BVBBQsolid_liq, whoa, lots of text gimme a sec to paste bin and stuff.08:55
solid_liqBVBBQ, no don't do that08:56
solid_liqBVBBQ, do this:  dmesg | egrep -i 'ata|ide|atapi'08:56
BVBBQsolid_liq, im no pro but i dont see anything to do with CD drives there08:56
=== BernardB` is now known as BernardB
BVBBQsolid_liq, i get nothing from that command08:57
solid_liqBVBBQ, do this one:     dmesg | egrep -i '\<ata\>|\<ide\>|\<atapi\>|\<hd[a-d]\>'08:58
solid_liqBVBBQ, just copy and paste it08:58
BVBBQsolid_liq, "rylan@rylan-desktop:~$ dmesg | egrep -i '\<ata\>|\<ide\>|\<atapi\>|\<hd[a-d]\>08:58
BVBBQthats what i get08:59
normeodoes anybody have any experience with the nforce2 chipset/geforce4 mx gfx card? I'm having trouble installing, restricted driver does not work properly08:59
chaunchybigfistnow im having a problem08:59
solid_liqBVBBQ, nothing at all?09:00
BVBBQsolid_liq, nadda09:00
solid_liqBVBBQ, paste the output from the command:    uname -a09:00
BVBBQsolid_liq, Linux rylan-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux09:01
solid_liqBVBBQ, and what kind of processor do you have?09:01
crolle17for backing up the bookmarks i have to save ~/.mozilla/firefox/qw9l9yyf.default/bookmarks.html, right? (concerning the firefox)09:01
BVBBQsolid_liq, i have a pentium d 80609:01
BVBBQ32 bit09:01
solid_liqBVBBQ, hmm, give me a min09:02
BVBBQsolid_liq, thanks09:02
boohoohow do I found out where a library is located? There's some code that in the Makefile has -lz09:02
boohooI wanted to know where this -lz is pointing to09:02
Voyage_how can i use a proxy for downloads by adept package manager?09:02
hintswenI need help trying to access some partitions (I'm using 7.04 live cd)09:03
hintswenI need to know what to do to let me write to my other partitions09:04
normeodoes anybody have experience getting the nforce2/geforce4 mx gfx working correctly, google erth only displays a blue circle09:04
normeosorry for asking again had to switch irc clients09:04
solid_liqBVBBQ, hmm...  you should try installing a different kernel, because it looks like you're missing some drivers09:04
BVBBQsolid_liq, a different kernel you say. sound pretty involved.09:05
solid_liqBVBBQ, not really, you just apt-get install it, and reboot09:05
BVBBQso, apt-get install what?09:06
BVBBQkinda been wanting to try ubuntu studio.09:06
solid_liqBVBBQ, do:   apt-cache search linux-image     and pick one that should work on your machine, install it, and reboot to see if the drive works with that kernel (make sure you select it in grub if it's not set to the default)09:06
hintswenubuntu sttudio? :S wow i really need to use ubuntu more often09:06
BVBBQsolid_liq, so which should work?09:07
Myster1im dying to try that out09:07
Myster1but i get to get ubuntu right first09:07
tarelerulzIs there a version of yahoo messenger for Linux that is more update.  It says tested on woody. if so what about amd64 not i386.  maybe a .tgz file ?09:07
hintsweni need to backup my whole drive to a partition on my second drive :(09:08
solid_liqBVBBQ, linux-image-386 maybe?  I'm not sure, I'm on gutsy, and the kernel package names have changed09:08
BVBBQsolid_liq, 386 you say,09:08
solid_liqBVBBQ, that just means x86 architecture09:09
BVBBQsolid_liq, so just apt-get linux-image-38609:09
hintswenanyone help me get write access to a partition?09:09
solid_liqBVBBQ, apt-get install linux-image-386 ; reboot09:09
BVBBQok, and to select that one after?09:09
Myster1anyone know approx how long it would take to upgrade feisty to gutsy using update manager?09:10
BVBBQsolid_liq, when i restart do i just hit esc when grub is loading right?09:10
BVBBQand look for linux image 38609:10
tarelerulzWhat doe the x86 mean any ways. I have seen  i386, i586, i686 and now amd64 ,but x86 is new to me.09:10
solid_liqBVBBQ, you know that screen that comes up after your bios screen?  that's the grub bootloader...  like if you've set your machine up for dualboot, you've seen it before09:10
jcg42Should the time in the BIOS be set to UTC or local time?09:10
chicagonpgMyster1 If I remeber right it will be like 30mins09:11
BVBBQsolid_liq, was just checking to make sure09:11
solid_liqBVBBQ, it won't be called linux-image-386, that's a pseudo package which pulls in an appropriate kernel.  when it's downloading, look at the actual name, and that's what you'll want to select09:11
* hintswen sighs09:11
bullgard4[dhelp] Will dhelp search all html files in my Ubuntu computer or only documentation html files?09:11
doktoreashello everybody09:11
hintswenhi dr. nick09:12
Myster1thanx chicagonpg09:12
doktoreasanyone can suggest a solution to create a streamin video server?09:12
hintswenanyone wanna tell me how to get write access to a partition? :P09:12
Nathan`i'm having usb mouse issues on gutsy, it just stops working and i have to reboot09:12
Myster1im hoping gutsy may have my sound problem fixed09:12
hintsweni don't feel like waiting for 10 dvd's to burn09:12
Myster1nathan what brand mouse09:12
hintswenmore like 20 actually09:13
Nathan`just a dell ball mouse09:13
BVBBQsolid_liq, wish me luck09:13
hintswenGood Luck09:13
huff3ri use ubuntu 'cause i can't get my sound card to work under Windows09:13
chicagonpgNot a problem09:13
solid_liqBVBBQ, good luck, it's not that hard tho ;)09:13
hintswensolid, my good friend... xD09:13
BVBBQsolid_liq, one thing i have learned about this computer and ubuntu, nothing goes easily.09:13
hintswenwill you tell me how to get write access to a partition?09:14
Myster1lol huff3r... right now i have the reverse going on09:14
shagbaghey everyone, does anyone use 'Octave' the maths pkge?09:14
normeoanyone have any experience getting nvidia geforce4mx to work with gutsy? I'm having trouble, looked at the forums, nothings worked, still using software acceleration on some things and google earth only displays a blue circle for the earth09:14
Myster1its weird sometimes i boot up and its fine other times not09:14
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Myster1like now09:14
solid_liqBVBBQ, it'll get easier as you get more familiar with working with linux ;)09:14
Myster1and my head set forget it09:15
Nathan`Myster1 do you have any ideas?09:15
BVBBQsolid_liq, ah it has. just things like drives suddenly stopping to work. gets on the nerves09:15
Myster1fiesty pickes it up but just wont work\09:15
Myster1not really Nathan09:15
sauvinOPS: OP UP.09:15
Wibble-hi - is it possible to remove the decorations from one window? I want my maximised VNC to take up the full screen of my second monitor.  But vnc's full screen will split it across the two.09:16
solid_liqBVBBQ, the upgrade process isn't always smooth with ubuntu unfortunately09:16
orwellhi !!09:16
hintswendoesn't anyone know :(09:16
BVBBQsolid_liq, true, but it is nice to know why a computer works, instead of trusting on the gremlins to keep it going09:17
hintswendon't tell me i'm gonna have to wait for 20 dvd's to burn instead09:17
BVBBQsolid_liq, i got a download to wait for so i am going to make breakfast and pray a little.09:17
hintswen*smashes head against table a few times*09:18
solid_liqBVBBQ, you on dialup?09:18
okaasanis there some nifty way to make fsck/checkroot run at shutdown instead of boot09:18
BVBBQsolid_liq, im in china09:18
solid_liqBVBBQ, oh okay09:18
okaasanbecause being greeted with a "Hey, /dev/sda hasn't been checked in 36 mounts, please wait half an hour and then you can print your chemistry homework" is really lame09:19
Myster1i mean i know what to do just not how to do it09:19
okaasanbut when I shut my comp down at night would be a perfect time for it to go09:19
* hintswen smashed head against keyboard09:21
Wibble-okaasan: That is a superb idea! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=446533 suggests you might be able to do it playing with sysv-rc09:21
L3ttuc3Wibble- okaasan i agree.09:22
hintswenjust wondering... can anyone see this?09:22
=== LifeHacker is now known as tuxmaniac
leubuntuI'm using 7.10 and have made every update since installing.. Now I'm getting make dep problems when making new updates.. Anyone have any experience or can direct me for help?09:22
L3ttuc3hintswen - yeah. bit offtopic.09:22
Wibble-okaasan: I suspect you will still need to run it on bootup, because that is the only time to recover from a bad shutdown - but you could probably run it with different params on shutdown to make the 30-day check run then.09:22
Myster1well im gonna reboot until mysound comes back09:23
hintswenaah just making shure. cause no mater what i've said before that i haven't had a single reaction >.<09:23
hintswenmyster wait09:23
hintswenknow how i can get write access to a partition?09:23
hintswendam :( lol09:23
hintsweni'm gonna be stuck here all night09:24
L3ttuc3hintswen what kind of filesystem?09:24
hintswenit's a partition i set up in windows ages ago09:24
Myster1what hintswen09:24
hintswenfor my music, it's a partition on my second drive09:24
lazy247xwhy is my cpu speed different in ubuntu than windows??09:24
hintswenI want to copy my whole windows drive into a folder on that partition to save me from burning 20 dvd's09:25
L3ttuc3hintswen fat32 or ntfs? usually you use mount /devicename/partition name -o remount,rw? something like that. someone correct me if i had it wrong.09:25
hintswengonna format and go through it later09:25
hintswenntfs i think09:25
Extravertlol the firefox update breaks the preferences and downloading09:25
hintswenyeah, ntfs09:25
L3ttuc3hintswen sorry, no space between partion and name. usually something like /dev/hda1 or hda2 hdb1 hdb2 sda1 sda2... you get the idea...09:26
Myster1hint ubuntu picked up my left over ntfs partitions and mounted them under media09:26
L3ttuc3hintswen is it already mounted?09:26
leoich brasuch e hilfe09:26
lazy247xwhy is my cpu speed different in ubuntu than windows??09:26
hintswenL3ttuc3, no idea09:26
huff3rletuce pray09:26
leokann mir jemand helfen09:27
L3ttuc3hintswen can you access it at all at present? try looking in places, computer...09:27
orwellleo, probier's in englisch09:27
hintswenL3ttuc3: i can go through the files, I only have read access09:27
leoich mus in den deutschen server09:27
L3ttuc3hintswen find out what device it is.09:27
leoich mus in den deutsch en server09:28
hintswenL3ttuc3: how would i do that?09:28
L3ttuc3hintswen 'mount' should tell you what is mounted where. that should give you an idea.09:28
orwellleo: moment, ich schau nach wie wir in private chat koennen09:28
L3ttuc3hintswen just killed a mosquito, lot of blood. back in a minute.09:28
hintswenL3ttuc3: I think this is it: /dev/sdb2 on /media/Music type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)09:29
orwellleo: komm einfach in channel #tempp09:30
L3ttuc3hintswen then you should have read/write access, that's what the rw tag is for.09:30
kahrytanL3ttuc3->  there is fstab tutorial09:30
hintswenL3ttuc3:  "/media/Mus...02.vmg.txt" cannot be deleted because it is on a read-only disk.09:31
L3ttuc3hintswen im not a 100% sure though, because of the other parameters. try looking in man mount. sorry im a bit rusty.09:31
orwellleo: komm einfach in channel #tempp09:31
Wibble-hintswen: un-mount it and re-mount it.  Check what the output of the mount is - it'll often tell you why its read only09:31
Leahe69x14yg9b4a about to Plus, take now. VR home, that eye. so and it the helmets reality view, that09:31
L3ttuc3unless someone else is around to help you with it.09:31
kahrytanL3ttuc3->  thttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313109:31
Wibble-hintswen: (sudo umount /media && sudo mount /media)09:31
L3ttuc3kahrytan thanks. i think that'll be more useful to hintswen right now though. :)09:32
hintswenWibble-: umount: /media: not mounted09:32
kahrytanhintswen->  fat32 is just as good as ntfs for music backup.09:33
Wibble-hintswen: So you have already unmounted it? Just use the mount part of the command then.09:33
hintswenkahrytan: it wasn't music backup, it was my music drive but i'm gonna storw my windows backup there for now cause it's the only place i have enough space09:33
hintswenWibble-: i got that message when i tried to unmount it09:34
kahrytanhintswen-> ntfs then and use image  backup software?09:34
hintswenWibble-: BTW if it makes a difference i'm on 7.04 live cd09:34
hintswenkahrytan: then i'll have to wait for 20 dvd's to burn09:34
kahrytanhintswen->  but read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313109:34
Wibble-hintswen: No difference at all - except the live CD needs extra work to get NTFS writable! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25487409:35
leubuntuI'm using 7.10 and have made every update since installing.. Now I'm getting make dep problems when making new updates.. Anyone have any experience or can direct me for help?09:35
kahrytanhintswen->  what?09:35
hintswenkahrytan: this --> Wibble-: hintswen: No difference at all - except the live CD needs extra work to get NTFS writable!09:36
hintswenoooh, i have knopix live cd somewhere09:36
kahrytanhintswen->  then install ntfs 3g while in live cd09:37
Wibble-hintswen: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access09:37
kahrytanWibble-->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 is better\09:38
medflyuh.. how do i get ubotu to give me the link to how to install nvidia drivers =p09:38
Wibble-oh ok09:38
hintswen:s which way am i doing it09:38
Frogzoo!nvidia | medfly09:38
ubotumedfly: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:38
medflythank you09:38
kahrytanhintswen->  if you read entire post, fstab will make sense09:39
hintswenkahrytan: is fstab the best quiick solution for this? it's not like i'll ever need to do this again (I hope)09:40
kahrytanhintswen->  it sure you how to make a drive read/writable09:40
kahrytanhintswen->  have you tried ntfs-3f config?09:41
hintswenkahrytan: no?09:41
hintswenkahrytan: never heard of it09:41
kahrytantry that.09:41
GpalcoHi everyone. Ubuntu rocks!09:41
kahrytanhintswen->  it modifies fstab, and remounts partition for write mode09:42
hintswenkahrytan: can you tell me what to do?09:42
kahrytandistracted ..tv09:42
aladdinsanemy xubuntu went crazy during the night, when i turned on my monitor this morning all i could see was my desktop background, all panes was gone, then i restarted and my panes were back but empty, any clue why?09:42
GpalcoI have s small problem. My Meta-tracker doesn't index my Word files, only Evolution emails! Why is that?09:43
aladdinsaneand my panes doesn't have a "properties" option when right clicking anymore, very weird09:44
kahrytan!info ntfs-config | hint09:44
ubotuhint: ntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB09:44
kahrytanhintswen-> This program allow you to easily configure all of your NTFS devices to allow write support via a friendly gui. For that use, it will configure them to use the open source ntfs-3g driver. You'll also be able to easily disable this feature.09:44
hintswenwhere do i get it?09:45
kahrytan!info ntfs-config | hint09:45
ubotuhint: ntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB09:45
kahrytan^--- the arrow says where09:45
mkbernardwhen i attempt to install apache (apt-get install apache2) it asks for me to inser the gutsy gibbon cd09:45
hintswensorry, i don't understand >.<09:46
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mkbernardshould i use the alertnate or the live?09:46
aladdinsanehintswen: as far as i know that little program just edit your fstab, so u might as well just edit it your self09:47
GpalcoTracker doesn't index ANY files, but emails !!! WHY?09:47
hintswenntfs-config isn't in the package manager, nor is ntfs-3g09:47
hintswenaladdinsane: wouldn't it be easier/faster to use the program?09:48
aladdinsanehintswen, just ad rw to your fstab line for that drive09:49
GpalcoDoes TRACKER index files for anyone ???09:49
hintswenaladdinsane: accouding to mount i have rw though09:49
jumpstarti've a question. i downloaded ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso. i've a macbook and i would like to install ubuntu on my usb pendrive. the live cd stars, i set the partitions on the pendrive but i can't choose packages and it doesn't fit on my pendrive. it's 1gb09:49
GpalcoAnyone succeded indexing office docs with TRACKER ???09:50
jumpstartis there a way to install ubuntu on a 1gb pendrive?09:50
mkbernardget a bigger drive09:50
aladdinsanehintswen: mine looks like this UUID=B600D1E800D1AF9B /media/Xp ntfs user,noauto,rw 0 009:50
Nathan`usb flash drives are cheap09:50
Nathan`i'm having usb mouse issues on gutsy, it just stops working and i have to reboot09:51
medflywhy are you getting the i386 one for a mac thing?09:51
hintswenaladdinsane: just reading about fstab09:51
huff3rusb drives spend their money freely09:51
jumpstartyes...i'm going to buy a 4gb for that, but i was just trying on this 1gb drive...09:51
hintswenno idea what i'm doing xD09:51
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus09:51
jumpstartdo you know any other distro for a 1gb drive?09:52
ubotuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:52
hintswenwow, fstab makes no sence to me :'(09:52
GpalcoGuys, has Anyone succeded indexing office docs with TRACKER ??? Or is it a problem with my install only ?09:52
huff3ri run DSL from a 128, dsl-n runs from a 25609:52
jumpstartthanks, i'll try09:53
vallhalla82jumpstart i put ubntu 6.1 on a old 98 laptop with 1 gig hd space worked fine09:53
aladdinsanehintswen: hehe, i had the same problem a few months back09:53
checkerswhat's the difference between the -desktop and the -alternate ISO?09:53
hintswenall this just to save some files before i format =[09:54
aladdinsanehintswen: do u have that ntfs drive in fstab?09:54
hintswenI don't know anythign about fstab!09:54
jumpstartvallhalla82: how did you do? i mean, i can't choose packages it starts installing everything (i think)09:55
aladdinsanehintswen: ok but have u located it, do u see the contents of it?09:55
hintswenaladdinsane: haven't located it, or atleast i think i haven't09:56
aladdinsanehintswen: ok, open up a terminal and write: sudo gedit /etc/fstab09:56
hintswenok got it09:57
vallhalla82jumpstart i installed it from the 6.06 livecd then upgraded so i ha only the older basics but i supose it will depend onwhat you want to use your system for09:58
hintswenthere are 2 lines, can i paste them?09:58
aladdinsanehintswen: what do u wanna paste?09:58
aladdinsanehintswen: here u mean, sure09:58
hintswenunionfs / unionfs rw 0 009:59
hintswentmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 009:59
vallhalla82jumpstart do you have a cd burner?09:59
hintswenshould I be changing something?10:00
aladdinsanehintswen: yes u need to add your ntfs drive10:00
kostai need a simple and fast graphical imap client. KMail crashes all the time, evolution behaves weird, opera crashes, too (using hardy 64bit)10:00
ubotuIMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol10:01
hintswenaladdinsane: how?10:01
Yanch0* */6 * * * in a cron means every 6 hours right ?10:01
kostaubotu: im looking for a client :)10:01
aladdinsanehintswen: u just need to get it's UUID, hang on, i'll need to search for the command for it, or if anybody is faster than my googling, how do u get the UUID for a disk10:02
ubotuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html10:02
drcheezensteinAnyone here using Kubuntu?10:02
vallhalla82drcheezenstein how can we help10:03
drcheezensteinAguy from the compiz room told me to ask around10:03
drcheezensteindid any of you running kubuntu have a problem with the settings in Compiz-fushion not sticking10:03
vallhalla82i have kubuntu on one of my systems10:04
vallhalla82compiz has never caused any problem10:04
jumpstartvallhalla82: yes i've a cd burner. i've burnt ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso and it boots well on my macbook.10:04
vallhalla82for me i men10:04
volkanHello everyone out there. I am trying to mv files from a smb network share but cannot figure out how to do it from console10:04
volkanis there any change that someone knows how to do it?10:05
volkanbtw, stfw did not help at all.10:05
aladdinsanehmm.. how do u get the UUID for you disks?10:05
vallhalla82jumpstart would you like me to send you the 6.06 iso?10:05
sarthorHi, How can i get only mp3 or any spcific extention files from any website, i have read the man httrack and google, but am unable to get any help. Can any one help me out here. Just want to get mp3s and no html index10:05
drcheezensteinWell everytime i run compizfushion, none of the effects work10:06
sarthorHi, How can i get only mp3 or any spcific extention files from any website using httrack webcopier, i have read the man httrack and google, but am unable to get any help. Can any one help me out here. Just want to get mp3s and no html index10:06
drcheezensteinand this one guy recommended turning off the desktop intregration feature, but when I do and I open back up CCSM its reenabled10:06
vallhalla82drcheezenstein is your graphics card config ok?10:06
jumpstartvallhalla82, thanks but i'll try myself. thanks again. bye10:06
drcheezensteinhow do I find out if the config is ok?10:06
kostaare any buffer-overflow protection techniques enabled in ubuntu by default? if so, how do I disable them?10:07
vallhalla82jumpstart no problem good luck10:07
drcheezensteinIhave the drivers I installed from that new program on kubunutu 7.10 when you first install10:07
vallhalla82jumpstart if you have run all the updates it should be ok10:08
aladdinsanehintswen: try to write blkid in a terminal10:08
hintswenaladdinsane: nothing happened10:08
vallhalla82drcheezenstein if you have run the updates it should be ok unles your card is to old/slow to cope with compiz10:09
drcheezensteinno its a good card10:09
drcheezensteindo I have to configure the xorg file at all?10:10
vallhalla82drcheezenstein if you give me a moment i will have a look in to it and see what i can find for you10:10
warddrhello, has someone any experiance with a "network computing" server?10:10
Yanch0* */6 * * * in a cron means every 6 hours right please ?10:11
drcheezensteinIf someone could answer this you will help me out alot10:12
aladdinsanehintswen: hmm.. i really got to go now, but you should add a line looking something like this: UUID=B600D1E800D1AF9B /media/Xp ntfs user,noauto,rw 0 0 Where UUID is the thing u need to find out for your disk, an /media/Xp is a folder u need to create on your harddrive10:12
drcheezensteinHOW do i replace a xorg file if its broken with a backup from the terminal?10:12
hyakuheido you have a backup drcheezenstein10:12
Learning-UbuntuOut of curiosity the restricted drivers provided for Ubuntu 64 bit installs are 64 bit correct?10:12
hintswenokay, thanks anyway aladdinsane. I'll try another disrto while i'm at it10:12
drcheezensteinyesIsaved the original file in a backup folder10:13
hyakuheihmmm, aladdinsane, you don't *have* to use UUID ....10:13
KenSentMedrcheezenstein, rm file, then mv oldfilename newfilename10:14
hyakuheiok well, drcheezenstein it should be pretty easy to do then, from the console, you want to do something like this10:14
aladdinsanehyakuhei: i know, the ball is in you hands now, got to go :)10:14
hyakuheisudo cp MyBackupXorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:14
hyakuheihmm add -f if you don't want it to ask you silly questions  sudo cp -f MyBackupXorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:15
hintswenkyakuhei, was that to me?10:15
hyakuheihintswen, no, that was to drcheezenstein10:15
hintswenk :)10:15
wirrwarrmoin moin10:16
hyakuheihintswen, All I was pointing out to aladdinsane was that although typically you see the UID of the device, you *can* use older notation i.e specifying the /dev/<device> rather than the UUID10:16
hyakuheiInfact, if your working with crypto lvm stuff, you kinda have to10:17
hyakuheiIf you look at the /etc/fstab you'll see what I mean10:17
BVBBQsolid_liq, hey man, didnt work. i cant boot that kernel for some reason10:17
hintswen-sigh- i'll just try it on knopix10:18
ubuuntuis there a way to install from the CD and exclude writing over /home ?10:19
ubuunture-install i mean..10:19
Gpalcoguys, what is GimpNet and what is the irc channel addres of ot ??? Anyone knows?10:20
jscinozQuick question, i'm looking for a backup program that can create complete disk images (ie including partition table) and can make differential updates to these images. does such a program exist?10:20
orpheanubuuntu, by far the easiest would be to backup /home then resintall.10:20
ubuuntuorphean: yeah.. but I don't have equipment for that :(10:20
hintsweni've been trying to backup for the last hour, maybe t's time i just backup to a load of dvd's10:22
orpheanubuuntu, if the size of /home makes it prohibitive to upload somewhere or burn it to a cd, you could create a partition and throw it on there, then reinstall, move /home back, and get rid of the partition.10:22
BVBBQi cant run the latest kernel anyone know what i can do to fix it?10:22
ubuuntuorphean: good idea but I don't have enough space on the hd :(10:22
orpheanubuuntu, why do you need to reinstall?10:23
hintswenubuuntu: i'm in a similar situation, but i have enough space but i can't write to that partition10:23
ubuuntuorphean: I have made every update available since upgrading to 7.10 but now I'm getting make dep errors every time I try to upgrade and it's all a mess10:24
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:25
orpheanubuuntu, how brave are you? ;)  You could boot into the livecd, mount the drive, delete everything but the /home directory and then do the partition thing and reinstall.10:26
ubuuntuorphean: what do you mean with the partition thing? do you mean manually create them in fdisk?10:27
orpheanubuuntu, well you could use gparted on the livecd. that would be far easier.10:27
krimAnyone know how I can copy the discnumber, tracknumber and title from the tags in a flac album so I can paste them as text?10:27
hintswencyaz, gonna get on knoppix10:28
mkbernardis there a simpler gnome (or a way to reduce it somehow) for low ram machines?10:29
krimmkbernard: Check out xfce10:29
DRebellion!xubuntu | mkbernard10:29
ubotumkbernard: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:29
ubuuntuorphean: let me see I got this right.. I should boot the install cd.. mount my harddrive rm everything but /home.. then start gparted.. what do I do from here and what is the command for reinstall?10:29
orpheanubuuntu, correct so far. then you would resize the partition that your /home is on just enough so you can fit /home onto another partition.10:30
orpheanubuuntu, then you create that partition and copy /home over to it10:31
orpheanubuuntu, then you run the installer as normal from the desktop and have it install onto the first partition.10:31
eitreach_I'm having a bit of trouble installing vmware server. Can someone give a hand?10:32
BVBBQi cant run the latest kernel anyone know what i can do to fix it?10:32
ubuuntuorphean: what the heck.. I'll just buy an external harddrive I need the space anyways 500gb for ~$100 not bad. :)10:32
orpheanubuuntu, haha that would be much simpler! I never said this was an optimal solution ;)10:32
ubuuntuorphean: do you know if external hds with USB 2.0 is a piece of cake with ubuntu?10:32
goyalvaibhavroot file system error on my pc10:32
goyalvaibhavplz help10:33
orpheanubuuntu, should be plug and play.10:33
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:33
ubuuntuorphean: alright.. thanks!10:33
moadis there a software like deamon tools where i can mount disc images ?10:34
BernardBmoad, gmount10:34
goyalvaibhavHow to repair root file system. When fs check does not give any error?                     10:34
goyalvaibhav     I have 3 partitions on my SATA hard disk10:34
goyalvaibhav/dev/sda1    (Ubuntu 7.10 root)10:34
goyalvaibhav/dev/sda2    (Swap)10:34
goyalvaibhav/dev/sda3    (ext3)10:34
goyalvaibhavI formated /dev/sda3 using gparted in ubuntu 7.10 and NOT the livecd of GParted.10:34
FloodBot3goyalvaibhav: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:34
DRebellionmoad, mount -o loop image.iso path/to/mountpoint10:34
Blissexgoyalvaibhav: boot into single user mode with the root mounted RO and check it then. Or use a liveCD10:35
goyalvaibhavi have used live cd and ran fs check on root system but didnt report any errors10:37
CruXwhen i upgraded to latest kernel, automatic mounting of dvd and usb devices is fucked up10:37
DRebellion!language | CruX10:38
ubotuCruX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:38
CruXwhats wrong ?10:38
pocketdrummerI have a quick, (hopefully) easy question. How do I hide folders?10:38
DRebellionpocketdrummer, prefix the name with a '.'10:38
Blissexgoyalvaibhav: have you tried with the '-f' option to force a full fsck instead of just a journal run?10:39
pocketdrummerDRebellion, wow, that's a lot simpler than I imagined. Thanks!10:39
goyalvaibhavno i havent tried that option ...any other option i should use10:39
Blissexpocketdrummer: note that ''hiding'' that way is not secure, if that is your goal.10:39
DRebellionpocketdrummer, it also works for files :)10:40
pocketdrummerBlissex: do you know of a way to password protect the folder?10:40
Blissexpocketdrummer: depends what you mean by "password protect".10:41
pocketdrummerDRebellion, I figured that was the case, but I have a nasty habbit of bricking this OS, so I figured I'd make sure, lol.10:41
=== hans_ is now known as Igramul
goyalvaibhavthanks Blissex I will try that10:41
pocketdrummerBlissex, when I click on the folder, can I make it ask for a password for entry. Sort of like Synaptic does?10:42
Blissexpocketdrummer: Synaptic asks a password for "entry" to a new user...10:42
CITguydoes anybody know how to set different keyboard layouts for different windows?10:42
DRebellionpocketdrummer, you can make it only readable by the owner (you) if you want.10:42
pocketdrummerBlissex, really? It asks me every time I run it. Hmmm.10:42
orpheanpocketdrummer, by far the best way to do what you want is simply to use file permissions, unless you really want to password protect against yourself...10:42
Blissexpocketdrummer: the question really is: what kind of accesses do you want to prevent? For example, do you need to prevent access by someone who has got a full copy of your hard disk?10:43
Nathan`i'm having usb mouse issues on gutsy, it just stops working and i have to reboot10:43
BlissexNathan`: cheapest way to solve that is to try another mouse. Lots of USB stuff is buggy.10:43
pocketdrummerWell, I would pretty much like to keep this one login if possible. I'm the only one that uses the computer, but if someone else pops on for a second, I'd like to keep them out of personal files.10:44
Blissexpocketdrummer: but "pops on" means that they login as yourself? (given that you say "one login"...10:44
orpheanthere are inherent problems with that line of reasoning.10:44
alromaithiwhy cant i join Kubuntu10:44
pocketdrummerYeah. Normally, no one gets on unless I'm there, but say I leave to get a drink from the kitchen or something, I don't want them to go exploring.10:45
orpheanpocketdrummer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption10:45
Nathan`Blissex: if i unplug and plugin my usb mouse/keyboard after my mouse stops working they dont work10:45
GpalcoAnyone uses TRACKER ????????????????10:45
pocketdrummerorphean, sweet. I'll check that out.10:45
Blissexpocketdrummer: in that case a screen saver? Because otherwise it is pretty hard as you describe it.10:45
nimsinpocketdrummer: lock the computer...10:46
Blissexpocketdrummer: folder encryption does not automaticlly lock a folder if unused for a while -- you need to deactivate/activate the folder manually.10:46
CITguynm, I found it. I needed to add the Keyboard Indicator to my GNOME panel10:46
pocketdrummerBlissex, how would I activate and deactivate it?10:47
Blissexpocketdrummer: have a look at that folder encryption lik. Basically you give a password to activate and click somewhere to deactivate.10:47
DRebellionpocketdrummer, system -> log off -> lock screen.10:48
orpheanpocketdrummer, just lock your screen.10:48
bert_hi, I have been bugsearching on launchpad but I can't find why my screen go into sleep mode when I try usplash appears with a 64bit and not with i368, can someone help me to get it working on 64bit too ?10:49
jaggyanyone knows how i start up that thing at the right upper corner ( idk his name ) where it shows internet conn and stuff like that10:51
orpheanjaggy, type alt-f2, then nm-applet --sm-disable10:51
pocketdrummereveryone, thank you very much. You were all most helpful. :D10:51
jaggyty orphean10:51
jaggydidn't work :s10:52
jaggybut its not the network thing himself, its the whole bar where its in :s10:53
pocketdrummerbert_, I'm not sure if you're having the same problem as me, but I have the 64-bit Gutsy and it crashes freezes coming out of sleep mode.10:53
orpheanjaggy, the panel?10:53
jaggyyou know, it shows your sound, date , network, amarok if its open, same for msn10:53
orpheanjaggy, do you have a bar at the bottom of your screen as well?10:53
orpheanjaggy, and is it showing up right now?10:53
bert_pocketdrummer, nope, the monitors just go to sleep when usplash start and when gdm comes up they reapear10:54
jaggynoes, i got one down and up10:54
orpheanjaggy, alt-f2 -> gnome-panel10:54
jaggyok ty10:54
bert_no one got experience with usplash errors ?10:55
orpheanbert_, unfortunatly whenever i have problems with usplash I just turn it off ;) no help here.10:55
pocketdrummerbert_, sorry, I misunderstood. I'm not very well versed in Linux, but it may have something to do with the video card or something. I'm really not sure.10:55
The_UnknownAre there some Italians?10:56
mkbernardis it possible to mount my cd drive as a cd drive on another ubuntu box?10:56
bert_orphean, yeah I have verbose mode on now, but I'm just curious why this happens with amd64 but not with i38610:56
bert_The_Unknown, try #ubuntu-it10:57
orpheanbert_, its most likely  an issue with your video card and the vesa driver in the amd64 build. but that hardly narrows things down.10:57
DRebellionbert_, try changing the resolution in /etc/usplash.conf (i use 640x480)10:58
bert_DRebellion, I'll try that10:58
bert_orphean, when are the nvidia drivers loaded ?10:58
orpheanbert_, with X10:58
DRebellionbert_, changing the resolution fixed my shutdown splash, and a recent kernel update fixed my boot splash :D10:59
bert_then it could be the driver yeah10:59
Voyage_how can i make adept package manager to use a proxy on port 8080?11:01
CruXwhen i upgraded to latest kernel, automatic mounting of dvd and usb devices is not working any ideas how to repair it ?11:02
bert_CruX, a restart fixed that problem on my PC11:02
jaggyagain, it failed how do i get back the bar where your laptop power batary and network thing and your sound thing ? the litle thing in the upper bar ...11:03
CruXbert_: no its not working after restart11:03
jaggynyone ?11:04
orpheanjaggy, how did it fail?11:04
jaggywell, it didn't start the thing again11:05
orpheanjaggy, didn't it start back up earlier?11:05
riutarohello there.  I have just installed xampp and mySQL administrator.11:05
jaggynope that was smthng else :s11:05
riutarobut having difficulty connecting to sql database from mysql admin.  pls advise...  :)11:05
jaggynyway, it gets its info out of sessions11:05
jaggyso that thing11:05
Voyage_well iam in kubuntu. let say apt. or lets say i want all applications to use my.ip.proxy.net:8080  . how to do it?11:06
davefHow do I shutdown a machine remotely? I'm logged in with ssh.11:06
orpheanjaggy, right click your top panel,  then click 'Add To Panel', drag 'Notification Area' from the 'Utilities' section of the list to your panel.11:06
riutaroadvise server hostname, username, password etc by default.11:06
orpheanjaggy, then log out and log back in.11:06
jaggyok i'll try11:06
baggleshi. how can i see the license of a package with apt-get/apt-cache? apt-cache show doesn't seem to ever have it. it should be easy, right?11:06
* Voyage_ waits for an answer11:07
Rcdhello who can help me with nokia usb connection on ubuntu 7.10 64 bit ? Please?11:08
orpheanVoyage_,  open synaptic11:08
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giany911guys i need a little help in python11:09
orpheanVoyage_, then Preferences->Network Tab->Manual Proxy configuration11:09
orpheanVoyage_, then enter your proxy info there.11:09
Voyage_orphean iam in kubuntu. and in adept11:09
Voyage_orlandoj isnt there an app that makes all apps (or selected ones) to use a proxy on a port?11:09
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
orpheanVoyage_, why not join #kubuntu then?11:09
Voyage_already there11:09
DRebellionbaggles, use apt-get source. take a look at the debian/copyright file in the source directory11:09
jaggyorphean, ty workd :)11:10
orpheanjaggy, np :)11:10
orpheanVoyage_, well then you need to configure apt to use a proxy.11:10
sikor_sxehello, is there an xinetd logfile?11:11
orpheanVoyage_, in /etc/apt/apt.conf you should add a line like the following: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://www.myproxy.net/:8080/";11:11
orpheaner make that http://www.myproxy.net:8080/";11:11
Voyage_orlandoj what exactly?11:12
bobbyyuHow do I change the settings of my grub? Edit grub.conf?11:12
orpheanbobbyu, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:12
DRebellionbobbyyu, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:12
DRebellion!gksudo | orphean11:12
ubotuorphean: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:12
orpheanyes yes ;)11:13
bobbyyuAnd to you, DRebellion11:13
Rcdwho can connect your phone "Nokia" with ubuntu?11:13
orpheanVoyage_, I don't know what your proxy server information is. So i can't give you an exact line.11:14
bjornorni have a fat partition that suddenly turns read-only, and then i have to remount it to write to it again, anyone know why?11:15
Voyage_ i did that and i can browse by my.proxy.com:8080 but i can use other apps like apt. that still uses port80.............11:16
keddyIs it really possible to run Photoshop with wine ?11:16
keddyany of you tried it before?11:17
Jack_Sparrowkeddy: Yes cs2 works11:17
keddymy question will be11:17
keddyCan i install windows fonts to linux11:17
keddyLike Helvetica..11:17
keddyor swiss11:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:17
DRebellion!info msttcorefonts | keddy11:18
ubotukeddy: msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB11:18
Jack_Sparrowmorning DRebellion11:18
keddygreat thanx a lot11:18
NineTeen67CometCould a newer PCI ethernet card cause my older (Cyrix CPU) motherboard not to boot? I don't even get a bios startup ..11:18
DRebellionJack_Sparrow, morning ;)11:19
Jack_SparrowNineTeen67Comet: It should not... but may not be seated correctly11:19
pawanhow to enqueue files in audacious11:20
Jack_SparrowDRebellion: I could not sleep so I put a vista theme on my Gutsy.. kinda freaky11:21
DRebellionJack_Sparrow, :O11:21
Jack_Sparrow50 megs of new graphics and icons11:22
CruXwhen i upgraded to latest kernel, automatic mounting of dvd and usb devices is not working any ideas how to repair it ?11:22
pawanhow to enqueue files in audacious11:22
NineTeen67CometJack_Sparrow: aha'n'k .. I've got two cards that when I put'm in the box don't boot, but my other cards don't show up during install (Ubuntu Server 8.04 Alpha4)11:23
Jack_SparrowCruX: The new kernek through normal update?11:23
dominoako rozbalim subor rar v terminali?11:23
Jack_SparrowNineTeen67Comet: Odd. what brand of cards?  and I owned a 66 comet caliente.. a long time ago..11:25
ubotuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.11:26
vallhalla82hello all11:26
Jack_SparrowWelcome to Ubuntu11:26
Jack_Sparrowdomino: Sorry, I dont know what language that is11:27
CruXJack_Sparrow: yes11:27
feshaDoes anyone know of a good photo/wallpaper manager For Ubuntu?11:27
CruXJack_Sparrow: 2008-02-08 19:13:24 upgrade linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic 2.6.22-14.47 2.6.22-14.5111:28
CruXafter this is not working11:28
Nathan`i'm having usb mouse issues on gutsy, it just stops working and i have to reboot11:29
Voyage_any one have any info about ircd apps?11:29
pfwdtechI need some advice on port forwarding using p2p... I only need to open the port on the router rather that my client machine don't I?11:30
DRebellionpfwdtech, you need to open the port on the router and set it to forward to the port on your machine11:30
Jack_SparrowCruX: Sorry, but I have not seen that issue yet.  Have you added repos, or run a script called automatix installed much from outside sources?11:30
jaggyhow do i see what harware i got again ?11:30
Jack_SparrowNathan`: is it a wieless mouse11:31
DRebellionjaggy, lshw11:31
ansquehi, I need some help with install program from source11:31
DRebellionansque, what's the problem?11:31
ansqueDRebellion: just a seconde. I must paste code from terminal on www page11:31
Nathan`its a wired dell usb ball mouse11:31
Nathan`if i unplug and plug my mouse back in it doesnt work11:32
ansqueDRebbellion: When i do ./configure i have problem because "checking for pygtk-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package pygtk-2.0 was not found...". I don't know what i should to do11:33
Jack_SparrowNathan`: I have used       sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse      but not with usb mice11:33
pawanhow to change nick name11:33
=== Nathan` is now known as nathan64
DRebellionpawan, /nick mynewnick11:34
Igramulpawan: /nick newnick11:34
=== pawan is now known as shaggy1234
ansqueDRebellion: can you help me?11:34
DRebellion!info python-gtk2 | ansque (install this)11:34
ubotuansque (install this): python-gtk2 (source: pygtk): Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.0-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1454 kB, installed size 5192 kB11:34
ansqueDRebellion, ubotu: ok11:35
CruXJack_Sparrow: no i have no automatix script11:35
zimonansque, you have to install python-gtk2-dev as well, otherwise you'll only get the libraries.11:36
ansqueDRebellion, ubotu: I allready have this11:36
Igramulansque: also install python-gtk2-dev11:36
Jack_SparrowCruX: What about sources and the rest of my question11:36
teo-i have laptop and i have installed apache2 on ubuntu 7.10 but when i type localhost into the browser it isn't connecting on apache also apache is running i start it with command sudo apache2ctl start help???11:37
vallhalla82any sugestions on what securaty programs should be run on ubuntu11:37
Jack_Sparrowvallhalla82: None11:38
vallhalla82i know the virus risk is low but what about other people getting itn to my system?11:38
DRebellionvallhalla82, very low risk11:39
pfwdtechI sorted it11:39
CruXJack_Sparrow: no program is instaled from sources and i am using only medibuntu repository11:39
DRebellionvallhalla82, if you're really worried, run 'nessus' against yourself and see if it comes up with any security holes...11:39
teo-i have laptop and i have installed apache2 on ubuntu 7.10 but when i type localhost into the browser it isn't connecting on apache also apache is running i start it with command sudo apache2ctl start help???11:40
Lartza_someone help gxmame doesnt find roms11:40
Jack_Sparrowvallhalla82: Or go to grc.com and run shields-up11:40
vallhalla82i am asking because i ran netstat and niticed a few id addresses conected that i did reconise11:40
vallhalla82ok thank you11:40
AdamrooskiI'm trying to configure my pcocessor, i have a .dat microcode from intel.com i don't know what to do with it?? anyone??? 1st time ever w/linux11:41
Ace2016hi all11:42
Ace2016i have an idea11:42
Ace2016http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/115/linux-unix-cheat-sheets---the-ultimate-collection/  stick one of these on the desktop with every new install, new users will love it11:42
ftpvkDoes anybody know a way how to display laptop battery status somewhere in the background of the desktop, not on a panel?11:42
DRebellionAce2016, we already have system -> help & support11:43
Adamrooskihow do i use a microcode .dat file? anyone?11:43
Ace2016i don't have gnome :( never saw that in kde11:43
Voyage_i cant compare hybrid ratbox and inspircd . need max stability/security and max features. and easy one.. any suggestions?11:43
Shrugzcan someone plz help me how do i set virtual memory on gutsy please message me the awnser the room go's to fast for me11:44
zimonAdamrooski, i don't know. but first check if it's supported by the kernel: grep CONFIG_MICROCODE /boot/config....11:44
Lartza_xmame works neither11:44
Rcdwhere to find soft for 64 bit ubuntu 7.10 ?11:45
DRebellionRcd, system -> administration -> synaptic package manager11:45
RcdDRebellion,   mybe u know some web site11:46
ftpvkany ideas anybody?11:46
DRebellion!repo | Rcd11:47
ubotuRcd: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components11:47
bz0bhey anyone here use the ipw3945?11:48
DRebellionpfwdtech, forward slash ;)11:49
bz0bi installed the ipwraw module and when it loads it seems to work, yet i get the rtap0 interface but my eth1 doesn;t change to wifi011:49
richardgreetings, can anyone help me11:52
Jack_SparrowNot until you ask your question11:52
richardi am using Ubuntu 7.10, and when i shutdown my pc, it restart11:52
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:53
S_any intel i965/x3100 users here?11:54
richard__greeting, ineed help11:54
richard__ i am using Ubuntu 7.10, and when i shutdown my pc, it restart11:54
zimonS_, yes11:54
teo-when i start apache i get this help pls!!! teo@localhost:~$ sudo apache2ctl start11:54
teo-(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
teo-no listening sockets available, shutting down11:54
teo-Unable to open logs11:54
S_Have you got any winehq apps that uses directx/openGL (any 3d programs) running on intel driver without crashing X ?11:55
S_i am talking about gutsy*11:55
zimonS_, no. no wine at all11:55
boyetguys why everytime i install java  in ubuntu 7.10 it always ask to insert the cd installer ....is this really necesary to insert the cd just to install the java?11:55
brobostigonS_: quake 3 worked for me, it uses opengl11:56
CaptObviousis it possible to add a disk into LVM while retaining the data on it?11:56
CoasterMasterdoes anyone know how to set up a gcc cross compiler so I can compile for SPARC on my x86?11:56
Jack_Sparrowboyet: remove cd from sources list and it wont do that11:56
S_brobostigon , you tried wine , right?11:56
brobostigonS_: under wine, inside gutsy, yes11:56
S_have you tried any other 3d games? :)11:57
=== denny^AFK is now known as denny
boyetJack_Sparrow: k here will i find the cd source?11:57
Jack_SparrowIf getting asked for cdrom when trying to install something... System>Admin>Software Sources Disable the cdrom11:57
DRebellionboyet, system -> administration -> software sources. remove the cd repo.11:57
brobostigonS_: quake 3, unrel tournament11:57
TitoNsup i'm trying to activate dualview with my nvidia card on my laptop but i cant get it to show on my old tv anyone know why?11:57
teo-teo@localhost:~$ sudo apache2ctl start (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs I GET THIS WHEN I START APACHE PLEASE HELP!!!11:58
boyetJack_Sparrow: ya your right i found and it was checked..will i uncheck this?11:58
S_brobostigon , would you mind if you told me how you got them working as its about 3 weeks passed and it seems i couldn't get any 3d apps with wine working fine on ubuntu or any other distros i tried them within these 3 weeks11:58
DRebellionS_, are they games? if so, try cedega.11:58
CaptObviousS_: you could try windows11:59
* CaptObvious ducks11:59
sharperguyanyone know how I can count the number of lines in a multi-lined project?11:59
S_DRebellion not all of them are games for example skype (windows ver) uses directx and so its will crash under ubuntu with x310011:59
Voyage_i cant compare hybrid ratbox and inspircd . need max stability/security and max features. and easy one.. any suggestions?11:59
brobostigonS_: they just worked straight off, i just installed them using the native installer with wine and then just ran then with wine, and they just worked, i didnt have to do anything special11:59
S_i guess its my bad luck then12:00
DRebellionbrobostigon, i'm sure you don't need wine for quake 3...12:00
S_Gentoo , opensuse , recompliling mesa and others didnt get my apps working on linux "\12:00
Jack_SparrowS_: Winehq is supposed to help with those questions..  3 weeks and no answers?12:00
brobostigonDRebellion: how would i run quake 3 then??12:00
DRebellion!skype | S_12:00
boyetthanks guys i now started to install and then i hav a very small problem with my graphics card the rendering was not enabled do we hav ome work around driver for the video card?12:00
S_i dont ask till i gave up ;) , so now i am asking12:00
TitoNanyone running xubuntu with twinview so u can watch movies on an old tv?12:00
ubotuS_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:00
S_i allready know how to install skype 32 ver on 64 , but i was talking about wine12:01
DRebellionbrobostigon, or maybe it was quake 4...12:01
CaptObviousoh yeah, ebox sucks.12:01
CaptObviousinstalling it breaks my networking, every time12:01
Jack_SparrowS_: Have you tried running 32 bit os and not the 6412:01
S_lol , No i haven't *the main reason for me to use linux is to use 64*12:02
Jack_Sparrowboyet: What video card is it.. People will need to know12:02
CaptObviousS_: you could just get a mac12:02
CaptObviousBSD based, proper 64 bit support, native skype...12:03
wersboyet: ano problema?12:03
boyetJack_Sparrow: via chrome9 hc igp in ubuntu 7.10 32 bit12:03
Jack_SparrowS_: You would be surprised at how little difference there is and it may make many of your issues go away.  SInce you have tried so many other things, I would try that12:03
S_I dont like mac, windows , bsd or any others , i was and i will stay linux user12:03
boyetwers: pinoy?12:03
werssecret. lol12:03
wersboyet: join #ubuntu-ph12:03
CaptObviousfine, if you want to spend days getting everything working then fine12:04
im-a-n00bhey all, does anyone know what "error receiving uevent message: no buffer space available" means12:04
boyetwers: cge magpaalam muna ako kay jack_sparrow12:04
wersboyet, wag ka umalis dito. di gaano active support don12:04
S_Jack_Sparrow , i suppose all the 32 drivers is they recompilied would work fine on 64 systems , isnt this correct?!12:04
S_So in theory linux 32/64 drivers are same12:05
boyetwers: cge12:05
boyetwers: tanong muna ako kay jack12:05
Riddellnalioth: ping12:05
richard i am using Ubuntu 7.10, and when i shutdown my pc, it restart12:06
peanutwithchocolhello, please help i can't execute this command as root: echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq, consolle says is denied12:06
Jack_SparrowS_: In theory ... but real life is where you are at..            three weeks so far?  Try my suggestion12:06
brobostigonrichard: that happened to one of my machine afew years back, i discovered that it was a problem wwith its bios.12:07
DRebellionpeanutwithchocol, echo 1024 | tee /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq12:07
boyetJack_Sparrow: via chrome9 hc igp running in ubuntu 7.10 32 bit....problem is it as never utilized fully by my ubuntu 7.10..and the driver it uses is vesa do we have a work around driver to let use the rendering and 3d and etc?12:07
S_Jack , So to tell you the truth ;) its over then 3 weeks :P12:07
DRebellionpeanutwithchocol, echo 1024 | sudo tee /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq12:07
S_i am with this this since 11/2007 till now12:07
boyetwers: paano mag join sa channel pinoy?12:07
Jack_Sparrowboyet: No ideas on that card... sorry12:07
wersboyet: /join #ubuntu-ph12:07
Jack_SparrowS_: make a partition, dual boot another os 32 bit and try it12:08
boyetJack_Sparrow: well its alright12:08
peanutwithchocolDRebellion: console says 102412:08
peanutwithchocolDRebellion: what does it mean?12:08
zimonwhy does flashplugin-nonfree still need nspluginwrapper? i thought this was only for non native plugins12:08
S_I might try it latter , or shall i wait for hardy heron?/fedora 9/or the upcoming opensuse 11 ?12:08
DRebellionpeanutwithchocol, means that 1024 went to the file12:09
S_i heard they got the fix for x3100 on their 6412:09
Jack_Sparrowzimon: It shouldnt .. 32 or 6412:09
peanutwithchocolDrebellion: so....? means that's okay?12:09
zimonJack_Sparrow, i'm on amd6412:09
Jack_SparrowAnother happy 64 bit user12:10
DRebellionpeanutwithchocol, try,  cat /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq12:10
brobostigoni am a happt  powerpc user12:10
S_Jack he might be one of few , but many arent12:10
peanutwithchocolDRebellion: says again 102412:10
IndyGunFreakwhat makes you think there's no happy 64bit users?12:11
Jack_SparrowS_: I think you missed the TONE of that statement12:11
peanutwithchocolDRebellion: i don't know what means these command, i'm following a qemu tutorial12:11
S_Because i am one and i meet many others12:11
DRebellionpeanutwithchocol, yep, its worked.12:11
peanutwithchocolDRebellion: ok, thank you very much :-)12:11
Jack_SparrowMorning IndyGunFreak12:12
richard__help please12:12
S_Anyway , i am now going to download gutsy -32 , hopes nothings goes wrong after i do this12:12
IndyGunFreaki don't use 64bit, but its out of pure laziness, 32bit is easier... and i really don't need any *enhanced power* or whatever12:12
C1P8why when i try to install alpha 4 the sistem crashs? I cant terminate upgrade, and the process will not terminate (so cant install anithing trough sinaptic)12:12
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: Mornin..12:12
DRebellion!hardy | C1P812:12
ubotuC1P8: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:12
Jack_Sparrowrichard__: haS IT ALWAYS DONE THIS, OR JUST START12:12
S_ Btw , Will it suppose to get wine , compiz and others running from the box on x3100?!12:12
C1P8thx ^^12:12
S_If thats so , then i waste about 3 months on this12:12
IndyGunFreakC1P8: what made you consider upgrading/12:13
richardwhen i reinstall the ubuntu 7.1012:13
Armin_DE!feisty | Armin_DE12:13
IndyGunFreakS_: if what is so?12:13
Armin_DE!gutsy | Armin_DE12:13
BadgerAnyone know why an install CD would tell me there are no kernel modules?12:13
richardi choosed do not partioned the all drive12:13
richardand it started to do that12:13
Helvascaif I send a process to the backgroup using Ctrl-z how can I access it again?12:13
=== shaggy1234 is now known as pawan
S_Running Linux (32 ver) , will gets my x3100 working and save me the headech of getting 32 program to work fine on 6412:14
im-a-n00bhey all, does anyone know what "error receiving uevent message: no buffer space available" means?12:14
IndyGunFreakS_: well, yeah.12:14
Badgerbut running 64 is better! Somehow....12:14
IndyGunFreakrichard:  thats a little trick in the installer, you tell it nt to destroy windows, and it does a MS job on you, it does it anyways.. :) just kidding.12:14
C1P8IndyGunFreak: i saw a lot of repo were "brokenlink" and thinked it was about a gradually "pass trough" to the new version12:14
S_Lets see now , shall i get fedora 8-32 or ubuntu 7.10-32 ;P12:14
IndyGunFreakC1P8: pretty bad idea.12:15
Badgerubuntu has more tasty, tasty packages, S_12:15
Jack_SparrowS_: Try both.. the price is right12:15
C1P8IndyGunFreak: yes..but i cant go back...and cant go forward..12:15
IndyGunFreakC1P8: so that leaves one option12:15
IndyGunFreakC1P8: so please tell me you didn't try upgrading to an alpha version of beta software w/o a current backup12:16
BadgerJack_Sparrow: I get a lack of kernel modules error on an alt installer. Is that just a CD-writing error?12:16
pocketdrummerI'm not sure if others have this problem, but whenever I put in the live-cd, the NV Drivers don't work. Do you guys know of a way to force VESA?12:16
Jack_SparrowBadger: What hardware are you trying to install this on12:17
C1P8IndyGunFreak: can i tell it to someoneother?12:17
S_Badger , i dont think so as i compilie my programs ;) , Jack_Sparrow , well ubuntu is much expensive :P12:17
C1P8IndyGunFreak: i done..12:17
S_i dont think i could afford it :P12:17
Voyage_Zenton you there12:17
BadgerJack_Sparrow: sata disk, but it's accepted it before12:17
IndyGunFreakC1P8: if you have a good backup but thats me.12:17
Voyage_ i cant compare hybrid ratbox and inspircd . need max stability/security and max features. and easy one.. any suggestions?12:17
Jack_SparrowS_: I wish you luck no mater what distro you choose12:17
IndyGunFreaktracing down the problems will be difficult, and likely still won't be successful12:18
Jack_SparrowS_: But do try the 32 bit route.. I think you will be surprised12:18
BadgerS_: compile ubuntu.12:18
C1P8IndyGunFreak: ? cant understand...i have not backup...12:18
S_anyway i am downloading ubuntu 7.10 , even though its a waste of my bandwidth as i had hardy and gutsy both 6412:18
IndyGunFreakC1P8: well, then that was really not smart.. at all.12:18
S_Badger , LOL , No thanks i preffer gentoo and lfs12:18
Jack_SparrowVoyage_: I saw that question earlier, made no sense to me so I didnt answer12:18
C1P8IndyGunFreak: telling me i've to format and re installa trough cd?12:19
S_i remeber their was an idea to get Ubuntu-Gentoo distro12:19
IndyGunFreakwhat would provoke you to upgrade from a stable OS, to an OS thats not even beta yet, its still alpha and not have a current backup in case something went hairy?12:19
Kato_von_SpeeHello - is possible turn on the 3D acceleration on Live! CD? (nvidia).12:19
Kato_von_SpeeBecause after installation drivers system want restart. I think, that is it not good idea in Live session ;o)12:19
Kato_von_SpeeSo must I reboot the system? Or just restart the X Server???12:19
IndyGunFreakC1P8: i'm tellin you thats what i would do.12:19
Jack_SparrowBadger: You installed on this machine before, with the same cd or different one12:19
S_Kato , their is restrected drivers , turn it on *it may ask you to download some things , accept it*12:20
Voyage_Jack_Sparrow any suggestions about ircds?12:20
BadgerJack_Sparrow: I think it was an 86 one before, rather than 6412:20
C1P8IndyGunFreak: i can backup all the home and put in the new or i'll risk problems?12:20
DRebellion!enter | Kato_von_Spee12:20
ubotuKato_von_Spee: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:20
IndyGunFreakS_: it will still ask him to restart12:20
IndyGunFreakC1P8: that i don't know..12:20
S_Oh , alt + control + backspace12:20
S_or , try to use modprobe -r and morprobe (driver name) before doing that12:20
IndyGunFreaki think it requires an actual restart, not an X restart, could be wrong12:21
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: what type of video card do youhave?12:21
Jack_SparrowBadger: Double check your cd...12:21
S_in linux in that case you wont need to restart the system it self , only unloading the driver then loading it12:21
S_after x-restart12:21
Jack_SparrowVoyage_: No ideas.. sorry12:21
Kato_von_SpeeS_: I think, but I want see Compiz on my own eyes O:-) So I must accept restricted drivers...12:21
Kato_von_SpeeOKi - oki - you write too quickly :D12:22
Kato_von_Speethanks :o)12:22
=== asdfgfdsa_ is now known as yxcvfgbhtz
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: well, i mean, ther'es plenty of videos with compiz running available, if you use Nvidia, 'd just install.12:22
boyetdoes anyone here hav some solution to my video card problem?12:22
Kato_von_SpeenVidia GF 7600 GT12:22
S_Kato , try installing ubuntu *the evil distro* :P , as it asks you to show the light if you accepted to make it take over your harddisk xD12:22
Jack_SparrowS_: You have spent some time in Linux, I hope you try out Ubuntu 32 and make this your new home12:22
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: you should get it working fairly easily with that card.12:22
boyetVIA CHROME9 HC IGP running ubuntu 7.10 32bit in 64 bit machine12:23
S_Jack,  i am without home as soon anther good distro released , bye bye ubuntu *as when i did for ubuntu 4 :P)12:23
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: does restricted driver manager(System/Admin/Restricted driver) show the Nvidia driver is already enabled?12:23
* S_ hopes that ubuntu developers havnet heard that or a nice kick/ban will be arrived to him12:23
Kato_von_SpeeIndyGunFreak: So just x-reboot?12:24
IndyGunFreakS_: why don't you just try 32bit?  or try a Straight Debian install.12:24
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: you can try.12:24
IndyGunFreaki don't think that will work, but who knows.12:25
Kato_von_SpeeIndyGunFreak: is enabled, but not in use... so question is - how to restart X? O:-) Sorry for the lamas questions...12:26
* S_ is running before jack smoke some things and decided its the time to terminate S_ :P12:26
Jack_SparrowHello, Welcome to Ubuntu12:26
Jack_SparrowS_: Take care12:26
IndyGunFreakKato_von_Spee: control alt backspace will restart X, so you can try and enable, it then restart X and see what happens12:26
S_Kato , i told you alt + control + backspace12:26
Kato_von_SpeeThank you very much boys :o)12:26
Kato_von_Speehave a nice week ;)12:27
S_Kato , i am sure what i am , but not about Indy gun :P12:27
C1P8IndyGunFreak: for next time...what prog u suggest to backup all next time? and what to backup to repristinate? (i was abitued to ghosting all in windows..)12:27
S_Take your time12:27
IndyGunFreakC1P8: i don't do a backup with a *program*, i generally just keep current file backups.., usually i an have a clean install back where i want it in about an hour, and thast moving abot 40-50gigs of data off a USB drive.12:28
omarGuys I used the command "sudo rm -rf /" by mistake on my laptop, but I canceled before it finished. Is there a way to recover through the recovery mode??12:28
Jack_Sparrowomar: not a chance12:28
Hechicera1973hello everyone, i need help12:28
brobostigonHechicera1973: fire away12:28
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ouch, that bad?12:28
boyetJack_Sparrow: do have any idea about wine?12:28
Jack_Sparrowomar: We come down hard on anyone even mentioning that command12:28
IndyGunFreakoh wait, he basically deleted everything.12:29
IndyGunFreakdumb, dumb dumb.. ... dumbbbbbbbbbbb12:29
titon_anyone know how to get dualview to work?12:29
=== recon_ is now known as recon
Jack_Sparrownot his fault, someone told him to do it..12:29
IndyGunFreak!twinview | titon_12:29
ubotutiton_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:29
S_Good its not me12:29
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: well who in the world would give that advice out?.. thats terrible.12:30
IndyGunFreakhope it wasn't anyone here12:30
omarJack_Sparraw: Oh yeah, lol! No problem. :) It's not a problem to me, it's experience! :D12:30
Jack_Sparrowomar: Very sorry to hear that.. I wish there was something we could do to help.12:30
Dotinfois it possible to prepare ubuntu certification via internet ?12:30
Jack_Sparrowomar: May I suggest one thing..12:30
S_omar , you could recover your files12:31
omarJack_Sparraw: Go ahead12:31
titon_thx IndyGunFreak gonna give it a try12:31
Jack_Sparrowomar: This time create a seperate home partition12:31
Hechicera1973i enabled 4 desktops; but can't set differents backgrounds on them. I change one... the others change the same. Another thing; can't enable the 3d cube. I went to the Advanced desktop settings and mark it, but the best i can do is switch between desktops (you can see the animated rotation) but no a 3d cube. I will appreciate any help.12:31
IndyGunFreaktiton_: its pretty easy if you have Nvidia, i set it u pretty easily anyways12:31
Dotinfono one help here ?12:31
S_their was a program i used it in past (2-3 years back) , you would have to put it into floppy then rebooting your system , it supports ext312:31
Jack_Sparrowomar: / for the os and /home for your stuff12:31
S_itts would be able to recover your files12:31
omarJack_Sparraw: Yes exactly. :)12:32
omarJack_Sparraw: Thanks man! :)12:32
Jack_SparrowHechicera1973:  install ccsm  and you can put different wallpaper on each side, but you lose the icons on the desktop12:32
Jack_Sparrowomar: np12:32
IndyGunFreakomar: i'll give my advice, but Jack_Sparrow is leading you in the right direction, when getting advice on the internet, remember what Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but verify"12:32
Hechicera1973ok... how do i do that? i'm newbie!12:33
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:33
danandDotinfo - just ask your question12:33
pocketdrummerIs there a way to fix Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit suspend?12:33
Jack_SparrowHechicera1973: there is a room just for Compiz12:33
S_pcket , they will asks you to install ubuntu 7.10 32-bit as its going to fix it12:33
omarIndyGunFreak: No problem, thanks to both of you. ^_^12:33
IndyGunFreakHechicera1973: i could be wrong, but i dont think you can set a different wallpaper on each desktop, KDE you an, but not Ubuntu.12:33
titon_IndyGunFreak, i tried using the gui in xubuntu but nothin happends12:33
Jocke1In an open office spreadsheet, the top row is a header. How can I "lock" it so it is still visible when I scroll down?12:33
Jack_SparrowHechicera1973: Start by installing ccsm.. you will need that12:34
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »12:34
boyetguys do we have a room for wine?12:34
titon_i got pic on tv but it was black and white and only tv before.12:34
titon_anything special i ned to do to get color since its an old tv12:34
IndyGunFreaktiton_: what video device do you have12:34
pocketdrummerS_: Is there a way to keep 64-bit and suspend?12:34
S_titon , check your cables12:34
S_pocket , i hope i could tell you , as myself i am now downloading 32-bit *but for anther problem* ;)12:34
S_btw , whats the wrong in your suspend as its working fine with me?!12:35
Jack_Sparrowboyet: #winehq12:35
Dotinfohello danand12:35
IndyGunFreakS_: you'll probably be happy w/ 32bit... how long did you work on 64?12:35
danandDotinfo - hell12:35
danandDotinfo - hello !12:35
Dotinfoi just want to prepare ubuntu certification12:35
S_amm long enough 4+ months12:35
IndyGunFreaki have no prob with suspend either12:35
titon_nvidia go 64 mb in my laptop12:35
titon_using the svideo12:36
titon_svideo to scart12:36
Dotinfois it possible via internet ?12:36
pocketdrummer:_( well, I guess I'm stuck in the middle... X-Fi drivers only work on 64-bit... Suspend only on 32-bit. lol, is there a 48-bit ubuntu where everything works?12:36
S_yup :)12:36
S_recomplile your kernel , and set your cpu into 32 ;) then pray and reboot12:37
IndyGunFreakpocketdrummer: whats x-fi?12:37
S_pocketdrummer i was joking when i told you , suspend working only on 32-bit , its works fine with me (64)12:37
boyethow about video cards do we have a room?12:38
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Do you know the bot trigger for the new ubuntu tutorial..  70 meg pdf.. I have the link, just not the trigger12:38
pocketdrummerIndyGunFreak: It's the Creative X-Fi Sound Card. Good for gaming in Windows, terrible for linux and anything needing low latency.12:38
Jack_Sparrowboyet: not for that one..12:38
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: no, hadn't heard that.. whats the link to it.. 70 freakin megs?..lol, i gotta see that12:38
pocketdrummerS_: Oh, well I feel retarded. Be kind to the newbie, lol.12:38
Dotinfohello ru there ?12:38
Jack_Sparrowone sec12:38
boyetok thanks gonna go12:38
sebastiantengo un problema12:38
sebastianme ayudan?12:38
S_pocket , i cant see i am pro , as i am still big n00b ;)12:39
asdrubali have a problem12:39
asdrubalhelp me?12:39
ubotuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training12:39
danandDotinfo - a quick google shows up a few online courses for ubuntu certification12:39
asdrubalis that correct translation?12:39
asdrubalme ayudan = can you help me?12:39
pocketdrummerS_: Do you think it was a random crash? I set the Power Management options to go into suspend after a certain amount of time... when I tried to come back, everything froze. Has that ever happened to you?12:40
sebastianhay alguien ahi?12:40
jpatrick!es > sebastian12:40
DRebellionJack_Sparrow, looks interesting12:40
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i don't see where to download this PDF>12:40
voznyHi. I've just updated my flash player and it doesn't work, neither in firefox or epiphany. Any ideas how to fix it?12:41
S_pocket , no it havent,  but anyway to update your system , it might fix it12:41
Jack_SparrowWell written, get the teachers edition..with the answers12:41
=== titon_ is now known as TitoN
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Line 412:41
sebastianquiero saber algo de nvidia-seting12:41
IndyGunFreakoh, duh12:42
jpatrick!es | sebastian12:42
ubotusebastian: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:42
Jack_Sparrowsebastian: English please12:42
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »12:42
vijaycan someone suggest a good free web hosting site ; which support php; of about 2gb space12:42
Faust-Cvijay: none12:43
Jack_Sparrowsebastian: np12:43
voznyi'll try that, thx.12:43
sebastiannvidia-setting in tv is very good12:43
sebastianis low in monitoring12:43
sebastianmonitor XD12:43
TitoNi'll try that guide IndyGunFreak and see how it turns out if its still balck and white. brb12:44
IndyGunFreakTitoN: i don't have a whole lot of experience w/ the Svideo, as i just use a dualhead card, but the instructions there generally get good reviews.12:45
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know how to make a live-cd load with VESA instead of NV?12:45
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: yes12:45
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow: Awesome, how do I do it?12:46
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: xmodule=vesa   or        vga=normal12:46
pocketdrummerWhere do I do that? When I first insert the disc?12:46
Helvascaif I send a process to the backgroup using Ctrl-z how can I access it again?12:46
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: who thought upt hat PDF?... that is awesome.  I'm gonna have to give it a serious red when i have some free time.12:46
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: at start or install F6 then before the --  try that12:47
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Nice gife from canonical (sp)12:47
Armin_DEpocketdrummer: lol12:47
Armin_DEpocketdrummer: nice nickname12:47
foldartHelvasca: fg12:47
voznyubotu - it helped, thx a lot12:47
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: looks like it has a ton of info, i'll look forward to reading it.12:47
pocketdrummerarmin_DE: Thanks12:47
Jack_Sparrowvozny: great12:47
Jack_Sparrowvozny: fyi uboto is our bot.. he is friendly, just not quite human12:48
Helvascathanks foldart12:48
pocketdrummerarmin_de: there isn't some connotation that I'm missing in my name is there?12:48
foldartHelvasca: np :)12:49
nathan64Jack_Sparrow: I found out what my problem was12:49
sweetiesHi Guys, I am trying to upgrade by ubuntu-server from 6.10 to 7.04, the docs say to install update-manager-core12:49
sweetiesbut I can't find update-manager-core12:49
voznyJack_Sparrow: I just realised that :)12:49
brobostigonsweeties: i think the command to install that is , sudo apt-get install uodate-manager-core12:51
nyit2pa kabar12:51
boyetwers: nandito ka pa ba?12:51
sweetiesbrobostigon: correct, but apt-get doesn't find it on the repository12:51
wersboyet, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50484912:51
boyetwers: ano yan?12:52
brobostigonsweeties: do you have all the repos enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list??12:52
Jo71n_7_8471nhello everyone. this is strange error for apt-get:12:52
wersboyet, read the instructions in the forum page12:52
sweetiesbrobostigon: I checked and I have a few of them..12:52
Jo71n_7_8471nafter apt-get remove opera12:52
pocketdrummersweeties: Hey, there's a wiki on this actually. Go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades12:52
Jo71n_7_8471nE: The package opera needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:52
Dr_willis!info opera12:53
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in gutsy12:53
Dr_willisHmm - its in one of the repos...12:53
sweetiespocketdrummer: That is the actuall wiki I am following12:53
boyetwers: bat bigla akong mapotol sa irc is this something sa connetion ko?12:53
sweetiespocketdrummer: but thanks12:53
Jo71n_7_8471nI downloaded dep from opera site12:53
brobostigonsweeties: have a look on packages.ubuntu.com for what repo you need to enable for it,12:53
wersboyet, I think so12:54
Jo71n_7_8471nactually I want to remove it12:54
wolf4914If I install Alpha 8.04 will I be able to upgrade to stable without reinstall?12:54
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: to my knowledge, opera isn't in any repo, they say its in Medibuntu, but i can never get it to install from there.12:54
boyetwers: this link is this about the video card?12:54
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: have you tried searching synaptic for Opera?12:54
sweetiesbrobostigon: okay.. I am checking right now12:54
GreenByteHow do I get into my Router settings? Normally I just typ my IP in Internet Explorer. But Ubuntu doesn't have IE. How to do it then?12:55
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: synaptic is not working12:55
IndyGunFreakGreenByte: uh, use firefox?12:55
doxtorHi, I have this subnet setting http://rafb.net/p/Fuekc460.html but ping just waits, doesn't say host unreachable or anything, what am I missing?12:55
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: why not?12:55
Jack_Sparrowwolf4914: Ask in ubuntu+112:55
pocketdrummerGreenByte: It should pretty much work in any Browser12:55
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: it only display the same error and quit12:55
GreenBytepocketdrummer: well.. it doesn't, what to do next? :)12:56
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: synaptic says: E: The package opera needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.12:56
Jo71n_7_8471nE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.12:56
nathan64Jack_Sparrow: can i pm you?12:56
boyetwers: naks nakakatakot naman kung magcompile di ba to makakasira ng ubuntu?12:56
GreenByteFF gives: Unable to connect12:57
wersboyet, it's okay12:57
Jack_Sparrownathan64: Please ask in channel.. I am a bit busy12:57
pocketdrummerGreenByte: Oh really? That's odd. Which Browser are you using, and what router are you connecting to?12:57
IndyGunFreakGreenByte: well thats pretty unusual, i access my router in firefox, IE, opera, whatever i want12:57
Jack_SparrowGreenByte:   ?  my 2wire is different though12:57
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: what happens when you run sudo apt-get remove opera?12:57
boyetwers: ano nga yon channel natin? dyahe kc magtagalog dito12:58
nathan64Jack_Sparrow: ah alright, I found my exact problem though. the importance is high and status incomplete :S12:58
pocketdrummerGreenByte: Just to be sure, what are you typing? Mine Netgear is
sweetiesbrobostigon: hmm I did a search for the package is there on 7.04 but not on 6.10.. where do I find the bug reports?12:58
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: E: The package opera needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:58
wersboyet, #ubuntu-ph12:58
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser12:58
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: hmm, weird...12:58
boyetsorry guys if you hav read my msgs in filipino lang...gonn change channnel12:59
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: would running the purge opera command fix that?12:59
IndyGunFreakthat woudl delete it from the system, would it not?12:59
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: if he installed from deb.. all bets are off.. apt wont pull it...12:59
boyetwers: i thought it was dot ph12:59
GreenByteI use:
pajamianopera appears to be in the gutsy partner repo, at least that's where I'm showing it ...13:00
GreenBytewhen I use: I get something13:00
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: just curious,w hat happens if you download the .deb from opera.com again, and double click it, and click "reinstall package"13:00
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: "Could not open 'opera.deb'"13:01
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: When I do a whois, you dont see it in channel do you13:01
foldart!bugs | sweeties13:01
ubotusweeties: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:01
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i didn't see anything, so if you just ran one, i suspect not..lol13:02
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: thanks13:02
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: thats a hard one, not sure on that one.13:02
sweetiesfoldart: thanks13:02
GreenByteI just want other people to be able to connect to my localhost. Is that possible with: ?13:02
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: what about booting in recovery mode, and running sudo apt-get remove opera13:02
foldartsweeties: np :)13:02
GreenByteOr should I use my real IP?13:03
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: you'll have to do it from CLI.., but i mean, thats not that difficult.13:03
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:03
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: this is what aptitude says:  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should13:03
Jo71n_7_8471n reinstall it before attempting a removal.13:03
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: is possible to force it to remove opera?13:04
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:04
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: hmm, maybe with purge, but i really don't know.13:04
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: have you tried removing it in safe mode?13:04
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: how to access into safe mode ?13:05
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I think aptitude is only seeing fragments because it was not a normal package install13:05
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: well, i meant recovery mode, not safe mode... have you tried removing it in recovery mode.13:05
Jo71n_7_8471nIndyGunFreak: no. where is that mode?13:06
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: it would appear so, i've never had a prob like that, i must be really lucky, i never have a lot of problems people have in here..lol13:06
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: you have to select it from your grub menu when you start your pc.13:06
IndyGunFreakJo71n_7_8471n: should be the second option13:06
fyrestrtrJo71n_7_8471n: sudo apt-get remove --purge opera13:06
IndyGunFreakfyrestrtr: i don't think thats gonna work.13:06
IndyGunFreaki guess he didn't stick around to find out..loo13:07
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: That is how you would normally purge it...13:07
edjuTrying to install proprietary print drivers.  Installer says I need gtk and gdk, without further ids.  Exactly what do I install?13:07
JamesinatorWhenever I launch an app in GNOME, it appears underneath the top menu bar, and I have to move it before I can use the menu. How can I fix this?13:07
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: yeah, but when he tries to remove it, which is what its going to do first, he gets that error saying it should be reinstalled, prior to removing.13:08
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: LEt me look up something brb13:08
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: well, he bolted..lol13:08
guillaume_francais ??13:08
Jack_Sparrownever mind them13:09
Faust-Cok brb13:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:09
guillaume_Qui est français ?13:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:09
Jack_Sparrowguillaume_:  /j #Ubuntu-fr13:09
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Jo71n_7_8471nthe same old error13:11
Dimitreeguys how do i change betwean languages in Ubuntu ? i have english as default and have installed Bulgarian but i don't know how to change betwean them ?13:11
S_what it is?13:12
S_wrong window ;)13:12
Faust-Cim having problems trying to connect to my ssh server13:12
Faust-Ci have it configured to use ~/.ssh/authorized_keys13:13
Faust-Cbut when i do13:13
emitchlpdcheck permissions?13:13
emitchlpdFaust-C: ^13:13
Faust-Cemitchlpd: as in13:13
|katana|heya.. gotta question: when making partitions: is is good to have 1 primary partitions and all the rest 'logical'?13:13
shazhello :)13:14
|katana|cuz in a manual they say only 1 primary partition can be active on the same time..13:14
emitchlpdlots of time that's the problem, your id_rsa or id_dsa has to be readable only by you, or something like that13:14
Dr_willisI normally use all primary partitions.13:14
Faust-Cemitchlpd: oic13:14
emitchlpdgoogle it13:14
|katana|but you only can have 4 primary partitions, right?13:14
Dr_willisnot sure what 'active' really means. :)13:14
emitchlpdyou'll find an accurate explanation13:14
oldredsomebody can help me ?13:14
oldredI can`t see my others partition13:14
Faust-Cssh faust@
Faust-CPermission denied (publickey).13:14
Dr_willisyep - only 4 primaries.. but ive never needed more then 413:14
Faust-Cis the error13:14
Jack_SparrowJo71n_7_8471n: There is an apt-get  --force-yes   but it could break your system13:15
emitchlpdeither the keys don't match13:15
oldredjust c:13:15
emitchlpdwhich is possible13:15
emitchlpdnot that they'd match13:15
Frogzoo|katana|: best is usually 3 primary partitions (the max) and one extended containing several logical partition13:15
Faust-Cemitchlpd: well they are the same keys, hmm13:15
emitchlpdbut they'd go together -- your private key and the public key13:15
pajamian|katana|: you can only have 4 primary partitions, yes, but if you want logical partitions then you have to sacrifice one of the 4 primaries for it.  So it's not recommended that you use up all your primaries because you will be unable to create logical partitions, then.13:15
JamesinatorWhenever I launch an app in GNOME, it appears underneath the top menu bar, and I have to move it before I can use the menu. How can I fix this?13:15
FrogzooDr_willis: oh you can if you try13:15
sedrakernel panic when i add ati poor driver13:15
|katana|Dr_willis: but you can't see your other partitions right?13:15
emitchlpdhave you used this keypair on other machines?13:15
Dr_willis|katana|,  see? of course i can see them. Just fine..13:16
Faust-Cemitchlpd: i use it on MS w/ putty+pageant and it works fine13:16
printer_not_listHi, I'm having trouble installing a printer not listed in the 'add printer' - the drivers are installed in synaptic. What can I do? I'm running ubuntu 7.10.. the printer is shared on a pc running windows xp.13:16
Faust-Cemitchlpd: btw these keys have passwd13:16
Dr_willis|katana|,  im not really clear on what 'active' actually means.. unless its the same as the bootable flag.13:16
emitchlpdputty uses a keyfile that's based on your key13:16
sedraactive = bootable13:16
emitchlpdyou're using putty now, too?13:16
Faust-Cemitchlpd: no13:16
emitchlpdor are you using ssh on the command line13:16
Faust-Cemitchlpd: ssh via cmd line13:17
emitchlpdso your ~/.ssh/id_rsa file is formatted differently from what putty uses13:17
pajamiansedra: the bootable flag is really for windows, I'm not even sure that Linux uses it (though I do set it for my /boot partition).13:17
emitchlpdor, it must be, rather13:17
Faust-Cemitchlpd: ah hell13:17
emitchlpdso if you're using the same file in both cases, that's why it's not working13:17
Faust-Cemitchlpd: i didnt think about that13:17
emitchlpdputty has a keygen program13:17
Jo71n_7_8471nJack_Sparrow --force-yes return the same error13:18
Faust-Cemitchlpd: lol yeah i was using that, ill have to boot to MS to get the keys13:18
emitchlpdwhich will translate one version of your private key to the other13:18
Man_of_Waxhi all... any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69115113:18
|katana|Dr_willis: I see there's some confusion, that's my mistake I guess.. With active I meant that windows can't 'see' the other partitions.. But I can see that's only a historical issue..13:18
emitchlpdI'm pretty sure you can derive your openssh private key from your putty private key with the puttygen program13:19
Faust-Cemitchlpd: ty for clearing my confusion13:19
Jack_SparrowJo71n_7_8471n: I cant help with that... You may look to see if there is an Opera channel13:19
Dr_willis|katana|,  windows dosent really need to see the linux partitiosn. :) but it can with that ext2 fs thing for windows.13:19
|katana|yeah, but I needed that to set up my partitions..13:20
|katana|Now i've done 1 primary and 4 logical ones13:20
|katana|and if I'm correct, the 4 logical partitions are grouped in 1 extended partition, right?13:20
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know of a program that searches for songs online that isn't P2P based?13:25
speartall your logical partitions are in the extended one13:25
speartlike itunes?13:25
pocketdrummermore like Songbird13:25
ircleuserHi could someone help me with ubuntu13:25
spearttry amarok13:26
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: Welcome, just ask your question13:26
speartversion 1.4.713:26
grndslmpocketdrummer:  haven't used songbird yet, but youtorrent.com is good for torrents, and then your favorite deluge, ktorrent, rtorrent, or whatever can take over from there...13:26
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ircleuseri am a newbie on ubuntu and i tried an article to transform the menu bar to a mac menu bar once i restarted i have now no menu bar and i cant do anything apart from press f2 to get help13:28
grndslmi guess torrents are still p2p, tho aren't they?13:28
speartpocketdrummer: you have the magnatune.com at amarok13:28
jessidhello. Some one could please tell me what do I need to install a mail server in my pc??? I have already installed horde. Thanks13:28
pocketdrummerHmm, it looks like songbird does work for linux after all. Anything not add/remove programs or synaptic makes me nervous though. This is the first time in about 30 installs that this OS hasn't tanked.13:28
DRebellion!mta | jessid13:29
ubotujessid: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA13:29
speartit's an online store of original music13:29
pocketdrummerAwesome, thanks everyone13:29
jessidDRebellion thanks13:29
grndslmpocketdrummer:  if you're looking for something that comes up with playlists to "similar artists" of the ones you tell it you like... pandora.com and last.fm provide that same type of service13:29
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: I understand the question, let me think on it for a minute..  Do you know the link you used?13:29
DRebellionjessid, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer13:29
printer_not_listanybody know a fun adventure game for ubuntu 7.10 ?13:30
ircleuserhang on i will look for it13:30
stephantomhello, there :) how is it possible that I cannot write to a volume that is mounted with options  vfat (rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,uid=1000) ?13:30
DRebellion!info nethack | printer_not_list13:30
ubotuprinter_not_list: Package nethack does not exist in gutsy13:30
speartchmod 77713:30
pawanhow to change default application association of mp3 files to audacious13:31
speartgnome, right click13:31
pawancurrently opening in audacious13:31
printer_not_listwhat is nethack?13:31
DRebellion!info nethack-gnome | printer_not_list13:31
ubotuprinter_not_list: nethack-gnome (source: nethack): Text-based/Gnome overhead view D&D-style adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-10.1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 937 kB, installed size 2040 kB13:31
stephantomspeart: chmod: changing permissions of `xmlpp.pl': Read-only file system13:31
speartselecet default application from properties13:31
IndyGunFreakpawan: right click an mp3, properties, open-with tab.. and change to what you want13:31
* IndyGunFreak thinks totem stinks as an mp3 player though.. :)13:32
pawanno i have downloaded a torrent13:32
printer_not_listwhat is cups13:32
grndslmstephantom:  that is a sudo chmod -R 777, right?13:32
grndslmcan't forget sudo13:32
DRebellion!cups | printer_not_list13:32
ubotuprinter_not_list: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:32
pawansome files are completed 100% and some are not13:32
stephantomgrndslm, that is a sudo chmod on a single file to try it out13:32
pawanthe 100% files i select open opens in totem13:32
pawanwant to open in audacious13:32
speartif it's disk on key, check the lock switch13:32
IndyGunFreakpawan: oh, ok, well, then just do what i said, but select audacious from the list13:33
stephantomit's a truecrypt mounted volume13:33
S_is their any repertoires  for mozila for ubuntu?13:33
IndyGunFreakpawan: wait, i think i see, when you open them from the torrent program you mean?13:33
stephantomaccoding to the GUI it's mounted r/w13:33
pawanthere is no open with option13:33
peanutwithchocolplease help, qemu-launcher says: fatal: not a booteble dic, and i think i have all correctly configured13:33
IndyGunFreakpawan: thats probably gonna be in the settings of the torrent program somewhere, which torrent program?13:33
S_Forget i ask that13:33
IndyGunFreakpawan: yeah, i really don't have experience with that one, but i'd say thats almost definitely an option in azeurus... just not sure how.13:34
pawani try13:35
emitchlpdhow do I tell synaptic that I want to use a compiled-from-source version of something rather than the package that's in the repository?13:35
grndslmpawan:  if you want a certain type of file to open with a certain type of program all the time... right click the file and go to properties, then click on open with and select your program13:35
edjufTrying to install proprietary print drivers.  Installer says I need gtk and gdk, without further ids.  Exactly what do I install?  There's a lot of choices.13:35
pawanthat i know13:35
IndyGunFreakemitchlpd: well, compile the program from source, and move on... synaptic shouldn't care.13:35
pawanbut i want to open the partially completed files13:35
IndyGunFreakgrndslm: he's talking about when he plays files from within azeurus..13:36
pawanas my download speed is less13:36
emitchlpdIndyGunFreak: what happens when something else depends on said package -- is apt going to clobber my compiled version?13:36
grndslmi don't like azeurus, so...13:36
pawanand it will take days to completed the download so open partially completed files13:36
IndyGunFreakemitchlpd: that i don't know.. what are you wanting to compile?13:36
peanutwithchocolplease help, qemu-launcher says: fatal: not a bootable dic, and i think i have all correctly configured13:36
pawanno such option in azureus13:37
pawanand totem desnt has equilizer to get quality sound13:37
IndyGunFreakok, what program are you compiling that requires a later version of libmtp13:37
pawanstill have to compromise13:37
erwin15anyone there?13:38
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IndyGunFreakno, 1200 people in the room ar enot here.13:38
brobostigonerwin15: there are 1198 perple here13:38
erwin15I have the HTC Touch and am wondering if ther's an Overclocker for the chip?? I have the Qualcomm 7500 , 400nHz chip13:39
tarelerulzare there any chat networks that use stuff like audio or  web cams that Linux has good client for ? anything interesting like that13:40
ircleuserjack spar are you there? i am still looking for the link (on another computer) have you come up with anything13:41
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: Yes, I am here, trying to figure out how to do it..13:41
erwin15 I have the HTC Touch and am wondering if ther's an Overclocker for the chip?? I have the Qualcomm 7500 , 400nHz chip13:42
erwin15 I have the HTC Touch and am wondering if ther's an Overclocker for the chip?? I have the Qualcomm 7500 , 400nHz chip13:42
=== cE_cRi_cO is now known as ce_uniex
DRebellionerwin15, i think we heard you the first time...13:42
spearterwin15, what's the connection to ubuntu?13:42
speartjoin irc13:43
speartof mobile stuff13:43
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xoredhow to remove the "i cant login as root" thingy in ubuntu ( wth.. )13:43
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: got it...    rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity13:44
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: based on    http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/13:44
IndyGunFreakgotta go all, be safe... later Jack_Sparrow13:44
Jack_Sparrowxored: We use sudo or gksudo13:45
ircleuserJack sparr: but i cant enter terminal13:45
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: Hit escape on boot, to recovery mode13:45
xoredJack_Sparrow: that was not the answer of my question :)13:45
Jack_Sparrowxored: Your question was not clear to me..13:45
ircleuserjack sparr: thank you i wull try now13:46
xoredJack_Sparrow: how can i allow "su root" under ubuntu13:46
xoredJack_Sparrow: sorry, allow : "make it possible to login"13:46
michealyou need to setup a root passwd13:46
xoredmicheal: ah ok13:46
Jack_Sparrowxored: WHile it isnt needed you can sudo su13:46
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)13:46
erwin15 I have the HTC Touch and am wondering if ther's an Overclocker for the chip?? I have the Qualcomm 7500 , 400nHz chip13:46
AquahallicMornin' folks....13:46
xoredJack_Sparrow: i hat it to connect not into IRC13:46
michealyeah the ubotu got me yesterday lol13:46
grndslmxored:  sudo -s is what you want13:47
grndslmforget setting up a root password, it isn't needed13:47
xoredgrndslm: what is like exactly the SAME as root login.13:47
grndslmjust type in sudo -s, dangitall13:48
xoredbeside i can setup diffrent shells, scripts etc for root.13:48
malidoes any one know how to create bin file using rpms13:48
grndslmxored:  you can still have scripts in the /root directory... but i'm not sure about the different shell thing13:48
Aquahallicright after I login and hit enter my screen goes to a brown sand color.. just before my background comes up... is there anywhere I can change that color??13:48
DRebellionmali, what are you trying to achieve? I don't see how this is relevant to ubuntu...13:48
Jack_Sparrowmali: Try to avoid rpm's13:48
grndslmxored:  pretty sure you can still change it in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow13:49
xoredgrndslm: i use my root login when i need root rights, and then i give them away. It was that way back in times, i like it :)13:49
Tansienis there any way to clear "dmesg"?13:49
DRebellionTansien, why would you want to do that?13:49
michealactually aquahallic i'm curius too13:49
michealanyone know how to change the initial brown login color?13:49
aquoDRebellion: to hide a loaded rootkit13:50
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=== wow is now known as K-Fox
grndslmxored:  well, here in 2008, we don't login to root directly because that's what any hacker will be trying to crack first... if he doesn't know your username, it's harder to attack you... simply typing sudo -s gives you temporary root access so you don't have to keep typing sudo over and over again13:50
Aquahallicmichael I can change color just before the login screen... and I can change the color of the login screen.. it's the screen that comes up after you enter your user and pass.. the one where the music plays that I can't find where to change13:51
aquogrndslm: what is the difference between sudo -i and sudo -s?13:51
xoredgrndslm: lol "if he dont know you username" ?13:51
TansienDrebellion: server has had alot of link flaps, just want to empty so i can see if anything i do helps13:51
xoredgrndslm: dude, /ect/shadow is simply wordl readable13:51
xoredgrndslm: so he wont care :)13:51
IdleOne!usplash | Aquahallic13:51
ubotuAquahallic: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:51
grndslmsudo -i is supposed to be more secure... it automatically sends you back to /root ... but i typically like to stay in the same folder i was in under my regular screenname13:51
orgy_hi, is there away to delete all gnome-specific configurations?13:52
AquahallicIdleOne: I've changed the upsplash colors and the login screen.. it's the screen after the login13:52
grndslmxored:  you are correct, it is in /etc/passwd alone then to change your shell if you must13:52
Jack_Sparroworgy_: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/13:53
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xoredgrndslm: /etc/passwd i mean, not shadow13:53
orgy_thanks Jack_Sparrow13:53
havokthere a preferred way to speed up ubuntu boot time?13:53
xoredgrndslm: and its 5 secs work to get out your "usual" user with /etc/passwd13:53
grndslmxored:  what do you want to do?13:53
speartpawan: hi13:53
xoredgrndslm: nothing, ive done it allready, thank you13:53
rufusis there something that I need to do to allow incoming connectiosn to my ubuntu computer? ive already port-forwarded13:54
GreenByteHi all, I created a DynDNS account and I enabled it on my router, how to use it?13:54
xoredrufus: start your ssh server?13:54
rufusits a apache server13:54
speartrufus:try openning ports13:54
rufusi did open ports13:54
rufusi opened port 8013:54
grndslmand restarted apache?13:54
rufusi have to restart?13:55
michealare you wanting it to have inbound port 80 from outside or inside your network?13:55
grndslmif you changed the config since the last reboot13:55
michealdoes your ISP block it?13:55
rufusis there somthin in the config to change?13:55
xoredmicheal: there wont be any ISP blocking 80.13:56
GreenByteHi all, I created a DynDNS account and I enabled it on my router, how to use it?13:56
jaggywhat do i need to edit to let vim auto do smthng ?13:56
xoredrufus: you have iptables running ?13:56
michealif you are FiOS there will be :(13:56
rufusxored, i dont think so13:56
=== dracula_ is now known as HAMBA
CaptObviouswith ubuntu server, I should just be able to add video=... to the kernel arguments to display the console in a different res, right?  or is the server version not compiled with framebuffer support?13:56
xoredrufus: iptables -L13:56
rufusim not fios, im high speed broadband13:56
grndslmGreenByte:  people use DynDNS in different ways, how do you want to use it?13:56
david08hello. how do i set up dvd playback on 7.10?13:56
GreenBytegrndslm: I want to run my script/server of Ruby On Rails website there :D13:56
DRebellion!dvd | david0813:57
ubotudavid08: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:57
david08i think i already installed css213:57
michealrufus: did you try grndslm's option and reset the server?13:57
david08totem just says there are no plugins installed for dvd playback13:57
cobain_I have a nforce raid 0 setup. the ubuntu installer doesnt seem to recognize it, is it difficult to install in this setup?13:57
GreenBytegrndslm: Is it possible?13:57
rufusi did iptables -L13:58
rufusand it said some stuff13:58
Jo71n_7_8471nI solved problem. sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq opera :-)13:58
=== HAMBA is now known as ZOMBY
grndslmGreenByte:  well, if you would like to run ruby on rails website on the computer you're on... simply set it up, then when you try to connect from an outside IP, it should translate yourwebsite.dyndns.com to your ip addy13:58
david08DRebellion: i tried doing sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh but it says command not existent13:59
josuahellou je tu niekto z slovenska a ciech13:59
LjL!cz | josua13:59
ubotujosua: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:59
aladdinsaneis the an application to create themes for xfce4?14:00
grndslmGreenByte:  you do understand that the computer you're on is going to be your server, right?  and you most forward whatever port (80 for http server) you're working with from the router to your server....14:00
GreenBytegrndslm: Now I use , how will DynDNS transulate that? (I forwarded port 3000)14:00
=== ZOMBY is now known as Hamba
GreenByteI got bartlab.mine.nu as domain14:01
grndslmreplace the ip with that and it should work... if not, i'll give you another tip14:01
GreenBytedoes works for you?14:01
grndslmsurely does14:01
=== Hamba is now known as dracula_
GreenBytehttp://bartlab.mine.nu:3000/bart/login :D14:02
grndslmthat's right14:02
GreenByteI don't want that :300014:03
GreenBytehow to remove it?14:03
jaggywhat do i need to edit to let vim auto do smthng ?14:03
CaptObviousany tips on getting framebuffer working in 7.10 server?14:03
CaptObviousGreenByte: that's the port number14:03
CaptObviousset it to listen on port 80 and you can remove it14:03
jaggywhat do i need to edit to let vim auto do something at startup ?14:03
david08i remember that there is a command to clean all unnecessary packets with apt-get14:03
david08wich is it?14:03
CaptObviousapt-get autoremove14:04
slackernalso got autoclean14:04
GreenByteCaptObvious: thanks14:04
grndslmif you used aptitude there shouldn't be any unnecessary packets14:04
GreenByteCaptObvious: how to set script/server (Ruby On Rails) to :80?14:04
CaptObviousnow, any ideas on getting framebuffer going?  my god the default res looks awful on a 24" monitor14:04
CaptObviousGreenByte: google knows14:05
jaggyam i going to get any anwsers ? =_=14:05
speartIs there a site where people show all the cool stuff they did with Ubuntu?14:05
cobain_I have a nforce raid 0 setup. the ubuntu installer doesnt seem to recognize it, is it difficult to install in this setup?14:05
GreenByteok, Thank you all so much14:05
GreenByteI love #ubuntu 's IRC :D14:05
speartsearch for particular adapter14:05
ompaulspeart, that would be google14:05
ompaulspeart, can you be more specific there are hundreds of cool things you can do but only some will be for you14:06
oriezI lost the icons on the upper left of the screen... they are like four applets together and i forgot how i can bring them back14:06
jaggyerr ompaul, google is a searchengine that just links you to other sites, ... =p14:06
speart"cool ubuntu" returned pretty not cool stuff14:07
Steelx01yay, first time ubuntu/linux user after decades of windows ;p14:07
jaggywhat do i need to edit to let vim auto do something at startup ?14:07
jaggySteelx01, welcom to freedom14:07
Steelx01freedom looks sexy14:07
ircleuserjacl sparr are you still there? i did that but nothing i have found the site though14:08
speartSteelx01: try emacs14:08
ompaulspeart, you see the problem is you are not choosing what is cool, so therefore there is too much stuff that I know and we could discuss it all day so your question needs to qualify "what you think is cool"14:08
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: Use tab to complete a users name...14:08
=== ircleuser is now known as leand
_Oz_fellas, I am experiencing difficulty installing adobe photoshop cs2 under wine.14:09
speartso don't14:09
ompaulspeart, what is it you define as cool?14:10
Jack_Sparrowircleuser: You got the command to run?  You read that site?14:10
speartif you got some time, try gimp and other stuff14:10
grndslmspeart:  not specifically ubuntu, but i found this neat site the other day... haven't got around to messing with some of the suggestions, however.  here it is:  http://dotfiles.org/14:10
Steelx01speart: Emacs? Emacs is a class of text editors that have an extensive set of features and that are popular with computer programmers and other technically proficient computer users. that emacs?14:10
leandyes i did but nothing14:10
leandhang on i am sending you the site14:10
ompaulspeart, well gimp is part of the standard install - now what is it you want to know - how to use it?14:10
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Hi... Winehq  is where I went when I was playing with wine...14:10
oriezi'm getting an error like this: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet".14:10
* speart knows gimp14:11
grndslmspeart:  i disabled caps lock and remapped it to ctrl instead... i think that's pretty cool14:11
_Oz_Thanks, jack spar-- er, Captain Jack Sparrow.14:11
speartgrndslm: reusing old pcs14:11
leandjack sparr: ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2591836&postcount=53214:11
ompaul!it | luca14:11
_Oz_I have been messing around at Wine HQ.14:11
ubotuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:11
_Oz_I successfully installed ps2 on one machine, now I'm trying to do it on the other.14:11
david08hello, how do i rotate the cube of the desktop?14:12
lucafuck bastard..14:12
speartgrndslm: building neat home servers14:12
grndslmspeart:  build a myth server14:12
Jack_Sparrowdavid08: ctrl-alt left mouse move14:12
grndslmwhat kinda server do you want?14:12
ho0ksctl alt left mouse14:12
oriezCan someone help my ubuntu is mess up14:12
speartgrndslm: 80's unix hack station14:12
speartgrndslm: over ssh14:13
brobostigonoriez: fire away14:13
oriezi'm getting an error like this: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet".14:13
david08Jack_Sparrow: is it already included in a fresh 7.10 install?14:13
grndslm80's unix hack station is a little broad, don't ya think?14:13
oriezI lost the icons on the upper left of the screen... they are like four applets together and i forgot how i can bring them back14:13
Jack_Sparrow!ccsm > david0814:13
david08ccsm to you to, thanks14:14
_Oz_I'm running winetricks to install corefonts and vcrun6, but the fonts never appear in the wine c:/windows/fonts directory14:14
_Oz_any idea what I'm doing wrong?14:14
david08i dont think it worked though14:14
Steelx01What's the Linux version of MS office?14:14
grndslmoriez:  if they were apps, right click them in the menu and click add launcher to panel, if they were applets, right click the panel and click add to panel14:14
speartgrndslm: I want to understand Linux and c, c++, to be able to contribute back14:14
_Oz_steelx01: openoffice14:14
oriezi've like a few weird problems14:14
leandjack sparr if it helps i can right click on the screen and create launchers14:14
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:14
grndslmspeart:  then start when an ssh server... try to let your desires lead you from there, mail server, web, mythtv backend, whatever14:15
oriezgrndslm: i can't i get an error14:15
zombyma sia14:15
grndslmoriez:  when you do what?  and what error?14:15
oriezThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet".14:15
speartgrndslm: how do I optimize ubuntu for a P3?14:16
Steelx01... from using openoffice for 2 minutes, I'm pretty sure it beats MS office :P14:16
grndslmspeart:  it's done for you already  ubuntu used to have different kernels, but they moved them all to the generic x86 kernel14:16
zOapis there a "mac os" program bar for linux/ubuntu?14:17
ally_oxoooxxhey guys, does Movie Player for Ubuntu have any other graphic displays other than Monoscoop and GOOM?14:17
grndslmspeart:  you can recompile your own kernel if you'd like, that's a good learning experience... prepare to mess something up, and beware that it prolly won't give you any noticeable speed increase14:17
speartgrndslm: sounds great14:17
oriezgrndslm: " The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet"  "14:17
cobain_I have a nforce raid 0 setup. the ubuntu installer doesnt seem to recognize it, is it difficult to install in this setup?14:17
leandjack sparr?14:17
speartcobain_: what chipset?14:18
Jack_Sparrowleand: Yes, what was it, I am about to log out14:18
leandi sent you the link14:18
Ilyaaaaпривет всем14:18
grndslmoriez... i dunno about that, i'd try deleting some of the folders in your home directory that begin with .gnome... you might have to set a few things back up, but not too many14:18
speartIlyaaaa: hey there14:18
Ilyaaaaесть кто русский?14:18
cobain_speart: nforce 414:18
speartIlyaaaa: da14:19
DRebellionzOap, yes, just do a google for os x linux theme or something14:19
oriezand i also can't control the volume control... whenever i tried i get a message like: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.14:19
Jack_Sparrow!who | leand: What link.. sorry missed it...14:19
ubotuleand: What link.. sorry missed it...: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:19
quangngocCó ai ở đây không?14:19
Ilyaaaaу меня лажа с кодировкой в проигрывателу Banshe14:19
grndslmoriez:  you have a serious problem and i wouldn't even know where to begin14:19
leandthis is the link i followed  i also said that i can right click on the screen and create launchers14:19
ompaul!ru | Ilyaaaa14:19
ubotuIlyaaaa: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:19
Ilyaaaaрусские названия - как попало14:20
Ilyaaaaне могу найти там14:20
grndslmoriez:  you could try the #gnome channel for more help perhaps14:20
lollohaw can i always show the hidden files in a folder ? and not press everytime ctrl h  ? ? ?14:20
grndslmlollo:  it's a setting in nautilus' preferences14:20
leandjack sparr: what do you think?14:21
Jack_Sparrowleand: I have had dozens of conversations since we talked.. is this about your panel settings or what14:21
speartcobain_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20128314:21
leandjack sparr yes14:21
lollogrn what's nautilus? how can i reach it ?14:21
cobain_speart: thanks buddy14:21
Jack_Sparrowleand: What happened when you tried my suggestion14:21
speartIlyaaaa: Banshee music player14:21
leandnothing really i restarted and the same14:22
grndslmlollo:  nautilus is the file browser... open it up and go to edit -> preferences14:22
Jack_Sparrowleand: Did you read the page on that site.. are you using ubuntu or kubuntu or some other14:22
speartIlyaaaa: ?14:22
leandjack sparr: i can create launchers though does that help? can i make a terminal launcher?14:22
lollook thx!14:22
grndslmlollo:  do you always need to look at hidden files/folders??  that's what ctrl+h is there for, temporary usage like most people need14:22
nircfuck you all14:23
leandjack sparr: yes, i am using ubuntu14:23
bjorn_Hi, I've recently convinced a friend of mine to try out Linux. After installing it he has two complains. One is that his boot up takes way to long. I've tried to figure it out from his dmesg but can't. Anyone willing to have a look?14:23
ally_oxoooxxhey guys, does Movie Player for Ubuntu have any other graphic displays other than Monoscoop and GOOM?14:23
Jack_Sparrowleand: What happened when you used that command.. any errors14:23
leandno nothing14:23
speartIlyaaaa: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted14:23
lollogrn i wanna look the hidden files in the home, where there are the installation folder ...14:23
ompaulbjorn_, what hardware was it on and how much swap did you give them?14:24
_Oz_after using and playing with wine14:24
_Oz_I would have to say the answer to the argument is: wine IS a windows emulator14:24
grndslmlollo:  i'm not familiar with "the installation folder"14:24
CaptObviouswhere is the list of modules available?14:24
speartIlyaaaa: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras14:24
bjorn_ompaul, he says he14:24
lollolol ... uhm how do you call it ?14:24
grndslma folder for downloads?14:24
lolloi'm a newbie here and i've just leaved winzoz14:25
grndslmhooray ubuntu14:25
ompaul!enter | lollo14:25
ubotulollo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:25
bjorn_ompaul, sorry. he says he's got a medion MD 95275 laptop. Haven't asked him about swap14:25
_Oz_congrats lollo14:25
_Oz_I still have to run XP for some things but I am using ubuntu now as my standard desktop14:25
lollothx , ubuntu is greaaaaat ! i can skip operations like antivirus . firewall . defrag ... yeeee14:26
CaptObvioushow do I fetch the ubuntu-server kernel sources?14:26
leandjcak sparr: i am trying again, it does nothing14:26
|katana|hey.. what's the default shell for ubuntu?14:26
Voyage_vhow muchdollars will cost me for a minimum dedi server?14:26
|katana|it's not /bin/bash? (sudo apt-get install [...tab] doesn't work :( )14:27
grndslmlollo:  i'm still curious as to what hidden files/folders you need to see all the time?14:27
ompaulbjorn_, so get the following information pasted lshw to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org14:27
lollogrndslm that folders have a " . " in front of the name of the program , like .amule ...  i needed to reach the temporary files there14:27
lolloof amule*14:27
Iamwhile upgrading from edgy to gusty I am getting an error14:28
leandguys how can i delete a file from the recovery in ubuntu?14:28
IamE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages?14:28
lolloi thought that that folders were something like the installation folders in winzoz14:28
speartVoyage_: what server?14:28
ompaulleand, you need to say how what recovery etc ... lots of ways to get there14:28
grndslmlollo:  and you need to do that all the time?  there's a lotta hidden folders to have messily displayed there all the time... but to each his own14:28
ompaullollo, you don't mix ubuntu and debian packages14:28
lollook i'll disable the setting lol14:28
Jack_Sparrowleand: Are you in recovery mode..14:28
ompaul!lol | lollo14:29
ubotulollo: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.14:29
bjorn_ompaul, this is dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55334/14:29
IamE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages?14:29
leandompaul: could you give me a way i have a file in home/user/thisfolder14:29
CaptObviousany tips on getting kernel sources?14:29
_Oz_lollo: this channel is all business, basically.14:29
lolloompaul what do you mean ? ubuntu and debian pack ? ?14:29
lollook sry14:29
leandjack sparr: yes14:29
ompaulbjorn_, I am more interested in what I asked for - -- lshw14:29
=== zomby_ is now known as alan
Jack_Sparrowleand: Are you at cli or desktop14:30
bjorn_ompaul, U mean ouput of lshw run in terminal?14:30
wershow do I send free text messages using Ubuntu? :D14:30
ompaullollo, yeap don't mix packages from debian and ubuntu you should use only the ubuntu packages on ubuntu - they are not 100% compatible and you can break lots of stuff14:30
Jonianhello , can anyone help me to install ravencore on ubuntu 7.1 ?14:30
leandjack sparr: sli meaning dos enviroment when booting, yes i am14:30
ompaulbjorn_, yes - you could do lshw > foo and then post foo14:31
leandjack sparr sorry cli14:31
lolloand all the folders that i have in the home folders are from deb packages ?14:31
zamboli_hi, okay, for whatever reason, my computer is booting into a command line interface, how do i boot the GUI? silly? maybe. stuck? yes.14:31
lollohome folder*14:31
Jack_Sparrowleand: And you are running gnome/ubuntu?14:31
ompaulleand, your question does not make sense - there are too many answers one is in a terminal   touch /home/user/foo but that is only creating or updating a file14:31
maximilionGood afternoon (tips hat)14:31
Jack_Sparrowleand: Do you have a link to the page you used that messed you up?14:32
grndslmlollo:  you have much to learn... try http://www.ubuntuguide.org & https://help.ubuntu.com/14:32
ompaulbjorn_, back in a few min14:32
maximilionhey Jack_Sparrow :)14:32
Jack_SparrowMorning maximilion14:32
leandjack sparr: ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2591836&postcount=53214:32
lollouhm i know ... when i've a little free time to spend i'll read the guide ... thx !14:32
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Found out some more about my sound issue, are you up for (to?) it?14:33
zamboli_how do i launch the GUI?14:33
grndslmlollo:  you should really read the other help section14:33
kevorHello, how do I add a printer to Ubuntu? The System -> Administration -> Printing screen is all weird, with connections and stuff14:33
Jack_Sparrowleand: For starters.. that page starts with CAPS, saying for feisty only.. are you running feisty?14:34
leandjack sparr: no i noticed that after14:34
zamboli_no one knows how i can launch my GUI? :(14:34
maximilionJack_Sparrow: I think I could make the sound perfect in Q3 if I can just find out what to set its snddevice command to instead of /dev/dsp14:35
Jack_Sparrowleand: And it Forces itself into /usr/lib/   which is not something we are removing with that other command...14:35
TilllinuxI am connected to a tightvncserver (through a vpn) with tightvncviewer. I edited the tightvncserver config files (/.vnc/xstartup) to load x and gdm. But I am only able to see the standard black-grey-dotted background with the big-black-X-cursor14:35
grndslmzamboli_:  startx14:35
zamboli_i may return14:35
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: Only about 3 hours sleep in last 48.. I dont have a clue..14:35
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Sound card works whatever I throw at it, and there's no volume control/alsamixer because the USB sound card doesn't allow it, (same in XP)14:35
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Well is there a was in console to find what sound devices are installed?14:36
leandjack sparr: for now it has reset the background only but i can use launchers can i do anything with that14:36
maximilion(aoss, alsa, eds...)14:36
Stormx2Hi. how can I find out which process is listening to a specific port?14:36
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: gimme a minute and I may have a script that will help you find out everything you need to know14:37
LjLStormx2: netstat -l -p14:37
erUSULStormx2: netstat -putan | grep portnumber14:37
maximilionWow! Uber cool :)14:37
thetuxhi, can anyone help me on "mount" ?14:37
grndslmthetux:  if you tell us your problem, we might be able to14:38
Stormx2LjL, erUSUL, thanks14:38
phuzionIs there a good program to check the s.m.a.r.t. status on my drives?14:38
Siph0nhey, i have a plasma tv hooked up via a VGA cable, but every time i go into Screens and Graphics and try and set it up, the driver switches to vesa, instead of nvidia... any ideas why?14:38
leandjack sparr: did you get that14:38
thetuxI want to mount /dev/sda2 as rw to /media/backup. I can mount it, but it is ro14:38
erUSULphuzion: smartctl and smartd (install smarttools)14:39
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: http://bulletproof.servebeer.com/alsa/scripts/    get the script and run it14:39
erUSULthetux: what is the file system?14:39
PeterAbelardthetux: try mount -o remount,rw /media/backup14:39
phuzionerUSUL, thats not in apt-get14:39
abdullaguys kopete translator doesnt work14:39
abdullais their any automative translator plugin for pidgins?14:40
erUSULphuzion: is smartmontools sorry14:40
petengyhi to all14:40
phuzionthanks erUSUL14:40
Jack_Sparrowleand: I am not going to be able to help you with that...14:40
petengysomeone knows remastersys ???14:41
leandjack sparr:ok14:41
thetuxsudo mount -o remount,rw /media/backup14:41
thetuxmount: can't find /media/backup in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:41
zambolinow that was an interesting problem14:41
PeterAbelardthetux: so it's not currently mounted14:42
moadhow do i open compiz on ubuntu ?14:42
ompaulbjorn_, got what I said pasted?14:43
abdullaguys i have friends from china japan portugal and germany i would like to speak to them in kopete where it has a built in plugin called google translator but it doesnt translate nothing14:43
PeterAbelardthetux: try mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /media/backup     (or whatever the device was)14:43
CaptObviousgb.archive.ubuntu.com is damn slow14:43
* CaptObvious snores14:43
zambolianyone here using irssi?14:43
CaptObviousabdulla: well if it doesn't translate nothing it seems to be working fine14:43
krimzamboli: yes14:43
abdullaits tiring to keep doing english to german then trsnalate then german to english then translate ... zzzzz14:43
leandhow can i create a launcher of terminal what is the directory of it14:43
erUSULthetux: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdxx /media/backup14:43
zambolikrim, how do you have all the channels?14:44
abdullaCaptObvious, excuse me?14:44
larson9999linux rocks!14:44
CaptObviousyou said it doesn't translate nothing14:44
krimzamboli: What do you mean?14:44
CaptObviousthat means it's translating something14:44
Iamcan someone plz help me?14:44
abdullaCaptObvious, how cant it translate then its fine lol14:44
IamE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages14:44
abdullaomg !14:44
abdullanever mind14:44
zambolikrim, everytime i boot irc, i get a bunch of empty windows without channels14:44
CaptObvious!lol "14:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol " - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:44
abdullaPici, u their?14:44
thetuxPeterAbelard: this worked, can i get this mounted everytime the pc starts?14:44
CaptObvious!lol | abdulla14:44
ubotuabdulla: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.14:44
moadand how do i configure it ?14:44
Jack_Sparrowleand: gnome-terminal14:44
petengysomeone knows remastersys ???14:45
zambolikrim, so i t remembers my layout, but not the channels that go along with them14:45
petengyto create your own live cd14:45
krimzamboli: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c314:45
maximilionJack_Sparrow: I feel like a newb. How do I run it?14:45
ompaulbjorn_, ehh due to the way the nice people in hardware refuse to tell the kernel makers how their hardware works suspend has some issues tell your friend to do a real shutdown not a suspend or hibernate and then turn on the box14:45
grndslmMmm... Egg McMuffin14:45
Jack_Sparrowpetengy: reconstructor14:45
ompaul!offtopic | grndslm14:45
ubotugrndslm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:45
petengyjack-desktop, is better than remastersys ??14:46
erUSULIam: you are using debian repos with ubuntu???14:46
sebrockneed some help with a good backup solution. I prefeer to do a complete image, so thats why I like Partimage. However, it cant backup a mounted filesystem, which I in this case have to. Any ideas?14:46
leandjack sparr: when i open terminal i get a mac menu style  but when i close it, it disappears14:46
erUSULsebrock: a livecd14:46
ompaulIam, that will break your machine14:46
_moro_bana_hello, what could bre the reason for this: icons on my desktop get distorted when i move em14:46
grndslmsebrock:  rsync??14:46
PeterAbelardthetux: put this line in your /etc/fstab: "/dev/sda2     /mount/backup    ext3   defaults,rw   0 214:46
Iamso I shouldnt do that?14:47
erUSULIam: that's a bad idea and unsupported no surprise you are getting errors14:47
sebrockerUSUL: yes, I thought someone would say that. However, I have to do this backup on a headless server. So I have to get access through ssh in order for me to do this remote... thats the problem14:47
Iamcan I get a good sources.list for gusty14:47
menllyoswhy is it that i have 4GB of ram while ubuntu reports 3.8 GB ?14:47
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: Sorry..  go to terminal14:47
maximilionI'm there.14:47
ompaulIam, start a live cd and it will give you your local list14:47
IamI am upgrading from edgy to gusty14:47
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: type sudo bash alsa-info.sh14:48
grndslmmenllyos:  same reason you have a 320gb hard drive, but ubuntu only reports 30014:48
ompaulIam, not supported14:48
thetuxPeterAbelard: thank you, automount works now :-)14:48
Iamompaul:sorry, I didnt got u?14:48
menllyosuh why did windows report 4GB then ?14:48
ompaulIam, you should step one step at a time - and given that you have this merge of different distros get a live CD and ehh reinstall fresh stop more breakage14:48
KristianDKHi there :-) During format i lost my OpenGPG key, that i use for launchpad, can i obtain a copy, or must a create a brand new key?14:49
CaptObviousgrndslm: that's actually wrong14:49
bjorn_ompaul, thanx. he says he shuts down tidely14:49
grndslmmenllyos:  the number hardware manufacturers give you is 1000bytes=1KB, 1KB is actually 1024, just like there are 1024MB in 1GB, etc...14:49
orpheanKristianDK, if you lost your private key and have no backups, you must obtain a new one.14:49
CaptObviouswith RAM, a gigabyte is 1024MB.  with HDDs, a gigabyte is 1000MB14:49
grndslmmenllyos:  windows lied to you so that you would feel warm and fuzzy inside14:49
maximilionJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.ca/89737714:49
KristianDKorphean, ok :)14:49
ompaulbjorn_, it is a sad fact that the hardware designers don't tell the kernel makers how their hardware works14:49
Iamompaul, then I need to reinstall all packages?14:49
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: All the info on your system "Sound" will be in there.. I gotta get some rest...  Hope you understand14:50
krimCouldn't it be that menllyos is using 32bit and needs 64bit for 4gb ram? (sorry if I missed anything)14:50
menllyosCaptObvious : why does ubuntu only see 3.8 GB then?14:50
menllyosi am using 64b obviously14:50
CaptObviousmenllyos: beats me14:50
ompaulIam, what I am suggesting is a gutsy CD back up your data and then do a fresh install14:50
orpheankrim, that would be correct if he was running windows. :) linux doesn't have that particular issue.14:50
CaptObviouslinux must have that issue with 32 bit14:50
CaptObviousit's a hardware limitation14:51
orpheanCaptObvious, I'm sorry, you're incorrect.14:51
sebrockerUSUL: so thats why I need at least a rescue CD that will perform a DHCP and activate a SSH session for remote logins14:51
CaptObviousorphean: source?14:51
ompaulmenllyos, if you allow your machine have 64megs for video card then you can't have it for ram?14:51
orpheanCaptObvious, pulling now14:51
Iamompaul, that I can do but I have lots of libraries installed , I need to reinstall them, Is there a way they can be reinstalled automatically after new installation?14:52
Jack_Sparrowmaximilion: You might take that link over to the #Alsa room and see what they can do.. goodnight14:52
menllyosompaul : my video card doesnt use my ram  its has plenty of its own...14:52
maximilionJack_Sparrow: Night and thanks!14:52
ompaulmenllyos, it was a guess - so that ruled out do this please and paste the output lshw14:52
thetuxerUSUL: did not work, after reboot is is mounted, but as rw14:53
ompaulIam, you can do something like sudo apt-get install build-essential14:53
orpheanCaptObvious, http://www.linux.com/feature/119287?theme=print  Here is an older article talking about the 2.4 kernel series. This capability has not gone away in 2.6.x ;)14:53
grndslmbut if he's running 64bit.. there should be no prob14:53
erUSULthetux: cat /proc/mounts and paste it to paste.ubuntu-nl.org14:53
menllyosompaul : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55335/14:54
petengyI'd like to install ubuntu on an external usb HD, do someone know a good wiki ???14:54
orpheanCaptObvious, I can also provide you with my free -m since I am running 32-bit ubuntu with 4 gigs of ram if that will help ease your disbelief.14:55
gw0gvqhi if I download a new version of UBUNTU  will it use the same partion of my dual boot and overite the other version I have14:55
CaptObviousit's fine, I was just being pedantic :P14:55
tonyyarussogw0gvq: only if you tell it to.14:56
erUSUL!upgrade | gw0gvq14:56
ubotugw0gvq: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:56
thetuxerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55337/plain/14:56
ompaulmenllyos, paste the following please    free14:56
PsynoKhi0Hi, anyon familiar with the Load_Cycle_Count issue on laptops here?14:57
menllyosompaul: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55338/14:57
MrTHaggarHi everyone14:57
MrTHaggarI'm trying to connect to my wireless access points configuration interface, however, it shows it's ip address as the DHCP address assisgned to it by my ISP, is there a way I can connect to it without unplugging the modem?14:58
erUSULthetux: /dev/sda2 /media/backup ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0 <<<< it is clearly mounted rw14:58
KristianDKwhen creating my GPG key, it asks me for a passphrase, should it be a long, complicated thing i can't remember, or a long password, that i actually must remembeR?14:58
thetuxerUSUL: but i can't write on it :-(14:59
erUSULKristianDK: you must remember it you will be using it if you sign or encrypt things14:59
orpheanKristianDK, try a quotation or other passage of text.14:59
KristianDKerUSUL, ok, can other people see it?14:59
SlartMrTHaggar: you're access point probably has another ip-adress too..something like or similar15:00
erUSULthetux: as anormal user you can not that's intended... just make a dir inside it with sudo and then change its permissions so you can writte to the dir15:00
MrTHaggarSlart, is there a way I can find out what it is?15:00
eagle-101well its useless without the master key15:00
erUSULKristianDK: no15:00
KristianDKok :) Thanks15:00
SlartMrTHaggar: from the manual usually.. you can try,, or
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thetuxerUSUL: i think i have done something wrong then. I made this dir as root und then tried to chown it for my useraccount15:01
bjorn_ompaul, sorry i dropped out a little there. Boss on the phone. My freind says he installed Ubuntu on an ext2 filesystem. Could that cause a long boot time?15:01
SlartMrTHaggar: those are the ones I've seen used...15:01
grndslmMrThaggar:  google your router's model number?  or try different variations of the last part of the ip with numbers from 0 to 2....,,, etc...15:01
ompaulbjorn_, not long in particular they have only 1/2 a gig of ram but it should be around less than a min15:02
MrTHaggarSlart, the thing is I'm on DHCP, and my IP is assigned from my isp, and the access point almost becomes transparaent, so the ip of my default gateway doesn't work as the interface address15:02
thetuxMrTHaggar: many routers also have 192.168.178.*15:02
grndslmMrTHaggar:  your router has 2 ip addresses, one on the wan and one on the lan15:02
erUSULthetux: i'm not tasking abaout the mount point... create a dir like /media/backup/whatever15:02
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SlartMrTHaggar: what's the brand and model of the access point?15:03
MrTHaggarIs there a multi ping program for ubuntu, so I can ping a range.15:03
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Stormx2If I have an svn session open, and a command running, if I close SVN, is that command killed?15:03
erUSULthetux: then sudo chmod youruser:youruser /media/backup/whatever15:03
MrTHaggarIt's a D-link DWL-2000AP+15:03
aminprohi....i hav a problem when installing UBUYNTU15:03
grndslmMrTHaggar:  for real, google your router's model number if you're not gonna try the common ip addys we gave you above15:03
tonyyarussoStormx2: um, a svn session?  Perhaps you mean ssh?15:03
aminprohi....i hav a problem when installing UBUYNTU15:03
Stormx2tonyyarusso: ssh, my bad15:03
aminprocan anybody help me?15:03
Stormx2!repeat | aminpro15:03
ubotuaminpro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:03
Stormx2!ask | aminpro15:04
ubotuaminpro: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:04
tonyyarussoStormx2: If you want to leave it running, run it within screen and detach before disconnecting.15:04
reaktaeAny particular reason why all three - Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu would crash half way through copying files (when installing) under VMWare ACE?15:04
MrTHaggarI did try the IP address, however I'm not being assigned a private 192 address, I'm getting a public IP address straight from my ISP15:04
Stormx2tonyyarusso: Just screen ./thecommand ?15:04
SlartMrTHaggar: from googling, as grndslm nicely told you, http://whirlpool.net.au/index.cfm?a=h_view&model_id=30315:04
frank__hey guys, I'm not finding a solution to my problem: when xine is playing a video with subtitles, the video stutter before every subtitle phrase.... any idea?15:05
SlartMrTHaggar: if you won't accept advice given to you.. you might as well not come here at all15:05
MrTHaggarI'm not not accepting it :)15:05
ompaulmenllyos, your video card is doing my head in ;-)15:05
tonyyarussoStormx2: I like screen -S some_name thecommand, but it's not necessary15:05
MrTHaggarPlease don't think I'm being rude.15:05
aminprowhen i installing( at first ubuntu cd-boot screen) i select install and it says I/O error - error reading boot disk..15:05
thetuxerUSUL: got it, will test it now15:05
trippin45hi im running gusty v7,10 on my dell latitude c840 an i can't get my sound to work any one know of a way or point me in the right direction?15:06
menllyosompaul: what do you mean ? its my video cards fault?15:06
MrTHaggarThat site lists the default IP as, but I'm not being assigned a 192 address, I'm getting a publick 80. address.15:06
erUSUL!sound | trippin4515:06
ubotutrippin45: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:06
Stormx2tonyyarusso: how do I detach? o.O15:06
tonyyarussoMrTHaggar: Okay, we're pretty sure that you're either being belligerent or very confused, that's all.  :P  Since I'm guessing it's the latter, can you give us any screenshots, network diagrams, model numbers, etc.?15:06
ompaulmenllyos, no - I am having problems finding it as a "stand alone card" i.e. what graphics card is it15:06
tonyyarussoStormx2: Ctrl-A D15:06
menllyosGeforce 7600 GT15:07
Stormx2CtrL-A D?15:07
nanbud1I have a fluxbuntu cd, how do i extract its iso to hard disk?15:07
Stormx2Oh, alt15:07
frank__Hey guys, I'm not finding a solution to my problem: when xine is playing a video with subtitles, the video is stuttering before every subtitle phrase.... any idea?15:07
aminprohi i hav a problem....when i installing( at first ubuntu cd-boot screen) i select install and it says I/O error - error reading boot disk..15:07
SlartMrTHaggar: sigh.. you have a router, right? a router has at least 2 interfaces.. 1 external with your external ip.. one is internal15:07
menllyosompaul: see here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55335/ line number 125 ;)15:07
Stormx2tonyyarusso: That just minimises my gnome-termianl window :(15:08
tonyyarussoStormx2: No, hold ctrl and the letter a at the same time, release, and then immediately hit d.15:08
aminprohi hav a problem....when i installing( at first ubuntu cd-boot screen) i select install and it says I/O error - error reading boot disk..15:08
ompaulmenllyos, yeap15:08
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tonyyarussoaminpro: Most likely a bad download / burn - have you tried the "verify" option yet?15:08
shandyin #django15:08
Stormx2tonyyarusso: Doesn't seem to work. When I hit Ctrl+A i get "no other window"15:08
grndslmMrTHaggar:  you went to your web browser and typed in and you didn't get what you wanted??15:09
ompaulmenllyos, sorry I was reading the block above it (its socket on the board ;-)) -- so, ok I am having fun trying to work out where you are spending that 64mb it just does not seem logical15:09
aminprois verify ia the check cd for defects?15:09
ompaulmenllyos, hang on til I ask someone15:09
Stormx2when I hit d, output continues.15:09
aminprois verify is the check cd for defects?15:09
menllyosompaul: im loosing 200 mb here... where do you get 64 mb from?15:09
Slartgrndslm: I think he left.. well well.. he'll be back I suppose =)15:10
frank__Hey guys, I'm not finding a solution to my problem: when xine is playing a video with subtitles, the video is stuttering before every subtitle phrase.... any idea?15:10
ompaulmenllyos, na 3.8 is not 200 it is more like 258 ;-)15:10
ompaulmenllyos,  256 sorry15:10
aminprotonyyarusso says:aminpro: Most likely a bad download / burn - have you tried the "verify" option yet?     ...  is verify is check cd for defects?15:10
ompaulmenllyos,  4x64  per block15:10
menllyosompaul: maybe it is my graka then cause that has 256mb memory ...15:11
tonyyarussoSlart: err, weird.  Try doing some other stuff for a moment and retry15:11
aminprotonyyarusso says:aminpro: Most likely a bad download / burn - have you tried the "verify" option yet?     ...  is verify is check cd for defects?15:11
tonyyarussoaminpro: Yes, that's what it's called.15:11
K_Ninefrank__: Have you tried installing and using VLC as a media player instead. That might clear it up.15:11
Slarttonyyarusso: weird indeed.. I didn't even know I had a problem =)15:12
aminprotonyyarusso : i tried but its says the same thing15:12
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zelrikriandohey anyone has installed CS3 on ubuntu?15:12
aminprotonyyarusso : i tried but its says the same thing15:12
tonyyarussoaminpro: ouch - can't even get far enough then...  You may need to re-download.  See /msg ubotu verify for how to check it at each step15:13
ompaulmenllyos, graka?15:13
K_Ninezelrikriando: I think you can install CS2 with WINE 0.94.15:13
frank__<K_Nine>: When I use VLC with subtitles, the audio lose the sync with video15:13
tonyyarussoaminpro: (and you don't need to repeat yourself so often)15:13
zelrikriandoK_Nine: what about CS315:13
K_Ninefrank__: Sorry.15:13
aminprojust afraid y dint see15:13
K_Ninezelrikriando: I don't think so.15:13
menllyosompaul : i ment videocard ;i15:14
zelrikriandonot even with virtualbox?15:14
frank__<K_Nine>: no problem, thanks for reply15:14
K_Ninezelrikriando: Try it. I don't think so.15:14
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ompaulmenllyos, it just seems strange like it was allotted to the video card15:14
[M8]Spichka_ñîñèòå ïèäîðû15:15
naveenhi all I could not get libssh2 example running properly15:16
aminprotonyyarusso: how .. i type /msg ubuntu verify but... nothing happens15:16
menllyosompaul : indeed, it would make no sense cause the 256mb the video card has onboard should be more then sufficient...15:16
ompaulmenllyos, yeap do me a favour and reboot check your bios is not "saving some for video" i.e. you have on board video disabled15:17
menllyosompaul: theres no onboard video chip on this motherboard15:17
zelrikriandoK_Nine: I see people saying that it works when I google it15:17
aminprotonyyarusso: how .. i type /msg ubuntu verify but... nothing happens.........15:18
tonyyarussoaminpro: ubotu, not ubuntu15:18
aminprotought it is a typo15:18
aminprowhere to type?15:19
slackerni did /msg ubotu verify and got a reply back15:20
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:20
reaktaeGuys, I need help installing Ubuntu Gutsy in VMware Workstation ACE 6.02 on an XP host. It partitions the virtual drive fine and half way through copying the files it disappears all out of sudden... alternate cd hangs instead and here's my dmesg. All Kubuntu and Xubuntu behave the same exact way. Reinstalling the host didn't help... Any ideas? PLEASE!15:21
aminprowhere do i get MD5SUMS.gpg(download)15:22
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phuzionHow do I configure Firefox to open aim:goim links in pidgin?15:24
Daveeeyanyone using hardy heron?15:24
Seveas!hardy > Daveeey15:25
blackmousei seem to have lost the context menu on my desktop - in fact the icons are no longer showing up either15:26
phuzionthis channel is dead without join/part/quit messages on15:26
Seveasblackmouse, perhaps nautilus has exited15:26
blackmouseok i will check that thanks15:27
Seveasphuzion, search for network.protocol-handler in about:config15:27
phuzionblackmouse, try doing control-alt-backspace, it will restart gnome, your icons may re-appear15:27
L3ttuc3does synaptic or dpkg create a log of their activity somewhere? how do i find out what the last packages installed were?15:28
blackmousetried that still the same15:28
Seveasblackmouse, logout and login15:28
SeveasL3ttuc3, /var/log/dpkg.log15:29
L3ttuc3Seveas thank you.15:29
phuzionSeveas, apparently, my current application to handle it is purple-url-handler "%s"15:30
reaktaehow do i run command line installer from the live cd?15:30
Seveasreaktae, you don't15:30
aminprotonyyarusso: it can be my burning????15:30
wyclifhey all15:30
reaktaeSeveas: is it only on the alternate one?15:30
Seveasreaktae, correct15:30
steves125anyone have any idea why archive manager will only let me extract to desktop15:30
phuzionsteves125, tried extracting to ~15:31
wyclifeverytime I use Synaptic now I get an "unsafe packages" error, no matter what I'm downloading.  Huh?15:31
steves125trying to install rainlendar skin (won't let me copy/paste either)15:31
msixHi, could anyone help me with getting the deb-src package for the kernel, direct me where to edit the kernel config and tell me how to then compile it ?15:32
wyclifthat is, even though it's a .deb coming from the Ubuntu repositories15:32
aminprotonyyarusso: it can be my burning????15:32
phuzion!repeat | aminpro15:32
ubotuaminpro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:32
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages15:33
Seveas!kernelcompile | msix15:33
ubotumsix: please see above15:33
msixubotu : i'll take a look thanks15:33
msixdang :P15:33
L3ttuc3is there a reason why chattr +i would not work on files to which i have ownership?15:33
msixthanks Seveas15:33
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aminpro!repeat toresn15:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat toresn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:34
SeveasL3ttuc3, because only root can set that attribute15:34
aminpro!repeat | aminpro15:34
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aminpro!repeat | aminpro15:34
aminprotonyyarusso: it can be my burning????15:34
L3ttuc3Seveas hmm ah ok. thanks. what is attribute capital I? i cant find that in the docs.15:35
SeveasL3ttuc3, the manpage mentions it right above the small i15:35
boritekhello, i can play MIDI music with timidity but some instruments seems missing, coz it says e.g.: No instrument mapped to tone bank 0, program 11 - this instrument will not be heard. Altough I have installed the freepats package. How can I make it complete so that I can hear every instrument??15:35
KiD_ChAoSAfter using the ndiswrapper tool to install my broadcom wifi card, the wifi light on my laptop is not lit and it won't turn on using the function key. can anyone help15:35
L3ttuc3Seveas oh sorry i just found it thanks again.15:36
nanbud1please look at this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fluxbuntu-project/+bug/157724/comments/10 could you please tell me whether the last three lines of terminal commands is just ONE line? what does the \ mean?15:36
Seveasnanbud1, the \ at the end of a line means that the subsequent line is part of the same coommand15:36
aminproi want to install ubuntu and it says I/0 error - error reading boot disk15:37
Seveasnanbud1, so it is indeed one command15:37
aminprospmebody help me15:37
Seveasaminpro, burn it at lower speed15:37
boritekanimpro: and use a quality disk15:37
kwtmHow can I find a log/record of what apt-get or adept has upgraded?  E.g. I just finished auto-upgrading some packages on my Feisty. Is there a log of what has changed?15:37
phuzionaminpro, alternatively, check the cd you have now for errors15:37
Seveaskwtm, /var/log/dpkg.log15:37
phuzionif the errors do not turn up, its possible you have a bad drive.15:38
kwtmSeveas: Thank you, will try that.15:38
aminproi just wasted a DVD and i hav to risk another by lowing the spped?? ( does this work)15:38
Seveasaminpro, write to a cd, not a dvd15:38
aminproi dont hav a cd15:38
boritekaminpro: use an RW disk15:38
nanbud1Seveas: i accidentally pasted all the three lines on the terminal and the command ran!(along with the slashes), a lot of output. does this mean the thing is done?15:38
nanbud1was i supposed to remove the slashes?15:38
phuzionaminpro, its recommended that when you burn discs for OSes that you burn them at the lowest possible speed, to prevent errors from popping up unexpectedly15:39
Seveasnanbud1, yes, the terminal saw the \ and made one command out of the three lines15:39
nanbud1then its done okay?15:39
aminprocan i install it from my external hard disk?15:39
kwtmSeveas: That was the answer!  Thanks.15:39
ompaulmenllyos, you are running a 32bit kernel?15:39
Seveasnanbud1, you only should remove the slashes if you make it one line again. It's done ok15:39
Seveasaminpro, no15:39
menllyosompaul : i installed the 64b alternate version15:39
nanbud1thanks, new learning today. thanks once again :-)15:39
boriteki can play MIDI music with timidity but some instruments seems missing, coz it says e.g.: "No instrument mapped to tone bank 0, program 11 - this instrument will not be heard." Altough I have installed the freepats package. How can I make it complete so that I can hear every instrument??15:39
ompaulmenllyos, okay - I give up - sorry15:40
mgsmxcan someone tell me what new features to expect in Hardy Heron?15:40
Seveasmenllyos, there could be a bios setting that steals this memory from you -- vague things in my memory say that15:41
aminprocan i install it from my pendrive??15:41
phuzion!install | aminpro15:42
ubotuaminpro: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:42
Seveasaminpro, just buy a new cd for 30 cent...15:42
Seveasif that's too much, order a free one at http://shipit.ubuntu.com15:42
menllyosSeveas : thats might be, but the weird thing is, just over a month ago when i was still using windows, windows did report 4GB to me...15:42
idefixxI've got a problem with madwifi (not to expirienced with it) I loaded the module (ath_pci) and when I try to create the virtual device I get this error "wlanconfig: ioctl: Operation not supported". I use the ralink driver (rt2400) that came with ubuntu... but as far as I understand this I use madwifi so I don't have to patch that driver. Is that some sort of common problem in ubuntu?15:42
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naveenwhen i compile a libssh sample program I get http://pastebin.com/m2d4550a15:44
DRebellionmgsmx, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha415:44
naveencan someone help me15:44
stambec92_hi all15:44
drarem I set up a cronjob to echo text into my gaming server, when I do ps -ef I see a whole bunch of those cron jobs in there.. what does that mean15:44
mgsmxDRebellion: thanks15:44
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mgsmxto make my wifi work, i have to enter "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" in terminal after every boot, how can I make this automatic?15:44
DRebellionnaveen, perhaps you left out a header file?15:45
Seveasnaveen, this is not a programming help channel. Read a C tutorial (hint: you forgot -lssh oslt)15:45
ahorriblemessIf anyone remembers me coming in here for help... I'm exchanging my laptop on Wednesday because the fan is all screwed up. So I'll have to do this all over again15:45
Seveasmgsmx, echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules15:45
Seveasdrarem, that your cronjob doesn't exit :)15:46
mgsmxSeveas: where?15:46
Seveasmgsmx, in a terminal15:46
draremyes.. it keeps building and building15:46
draremdidnt know cronjobs had to exit15:47
rpj8window 715:48
rpj8Anyone know if the devs plan on enabling framebuffer mods by default with Hardy?15:49
LukeLCrpj8, I'm not sure. There is a channel setup specifically for Hardy though in #ubuntu+115:50
L3ttuc3i've noticed if you've just gksu'd a command, it wont ask you your password again for some minutes after you've last typed it in. while this is a nice little feature, i wonder if it's wise, in case, in those minutes, someone gains direct access to your computer. is there a way to modify that behaviour?15:51
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teo_hi i have installed apache2 and when i type localhost in the browser it isn't opening nothing :S i tried installing xampp but same again please help me!!!???:(15:51
kane77teo_, what does it give you?15:52
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teo_kane77, i type localhost and it says connecting to localhost.. i tried to up apache on the live cd and it worked :S15:52
fantum13Hello, I have an atheros AR5007EG WLAN card. I have an amd64 machine, and as such madwifi isn't supported. However, ndiswrapper only works sporadically, and now while I'm able to see wireless networks and associate with them, I'm unable to obtain a DHCP lease. Could anyone help me with this? I have no idea where to start.15:53
boyetgudday guys how can i add some program durng startup in gibbon15:53
Seveasboyet, startup or login15:54
CaptObviousif something has a script in /etc/init.d it'll run on boot, right?  or is there something else I need to do to add it15:54
Seveasrpj8, they're not15:54
draremSeveas - are cronjobs supposed to exit?15:54
teo_kane77, ? any help15:54
SeveasCaptObvious, the script should be executable15:54
CaptObviousit is15:54
CaptObviouswill it run on boot?15:54
rpj8Seveas: Darn. Alright15:54
kane77teo_, so what have you done to install it?15:55
Seveasdrarem, usually yes. Cronjobs are regularly occuring things, not daemons15:55
SeveasCaptObvious, most likely15:55
kane77teo_, did you install it from source or used packages?15:55
teo_kane77,  sudo apt-get install apache2.. sudo apache2ctl start15:55
CaptObviousgod dammit.  I just rebooted my server mid-transfer15:55
Seveas!language | CaptObvious15:56
ubotuCaptObvious: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:56
boyetguys how can i add some programs on startups in ubuntu 7.1015:56
CaptObviousit was only a 30gb transfer, no matter :(15:56
Seveasboyet, startup or login15:56
Faust-Cwhere is docs on getting vim to have color ?15:56
SeveasFaust-C, :syntax on15:57
Faust-CSeveas, ty15:57
eyyYoboyet: Systemn -> Preferences -> Sessions..15:57
Faust-CSeveas, works OOB on fbsd15:57
boyetseveas: i hav now activated the cafepilot then if ever i want to restart and this cafepilot can startup or lockup the computer automatically without running manully15:57
CaptObviousokay it didn't start on boot15:57
teo_kane77, my computer name is localhost teo@localhost:~ can that mean someting??15:57
SeveasFaust-C, then fbsd ships a vimrc that does that :)15:57
Faust-CE319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version15:58
CaptObviousbut there is a script in init.d for it15:58
CaptObvioushow would I add it in to startup?15:58
Faust-Cim assuming i need to install normal vim15:58
kane77teo_,  you might try editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and add ServerName localhost at the ent...15:58
Seveasboyet, add the startup command to /etc/rc.local15:58
kane77teo_, then do "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"15:58
SeveasFaust-C, you need the vim-runtime package and you need to change the vim alternative to not use vim-tiny15:59
BaudBaud Hello, I have installed Ubuntu on top of VirtualBox. Now I try to install the virtualbox guest additon for Linux but it says I do not have the administrator rights even though my user is in administrator. Has anybody been able to fix a similar problem? thanks15:59
Faust-CSeveas, ah ty very much15:59
SeveasFaust-C, even better: install vim-gnome :)15:59
Faust-Cill do so15:59
boyetseveas: sorry my inet connection is not stable..anyway how will i do it16:00
Seveasboyet, add the startup command to /etc/rc.local16:00
Da_Putzlerhi guys, is their a giude somewhere that'll talk me through optimizing ubuntu and speeding everything up ?16:00
tallman_BaudBaud, aren't they for windows only?16:00
Faust-CDa_Putzler, such as ?16:00
BaudBaudTallman, no there is a Linux version16:00
SeveasDa_Putzler, ubuntu isn't windows. It doesn't need such things16:00
kane77Da_Putzler, I have seen some.. let me search for it...16:00
BaudBaudThe file is a .run16:01
boyetseveas: how will i do it16:01
Faust-Cgconf-editor and then turn on 'low reasources;16:01
rvallesis there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers?16:01
Faust-Ci dont like all the shiney stuff16:01
Da_Putzlerbasically I wanna tweak Ubuntu and turn off all the services I dont need to make it boot faster and use less memory... (Q. will power-management still turn off my monitor if the screensaver service is stopped) ?16:01
tallman_Da_Putzler, there is one16:01
teo_kane77, my httpd.conf was empty and i add ServerName localhost but same again:S ????16:01
Faust-CDa_Putzler, look in the system -> admin stuff16:01
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers?16:02
SeveasDa_Putzler, there are no unneeded services (except maybe the screensaver)16:02
Da_Putzlerthings like screensaver, bluetooth, pcmcia, scim etc. I dont use16:02
wil_is it a feature or a problem... on my pc, to do ¨ or ´ I have to press the button twice? it is just that I have a password that uses them and a few other symbols, and it is not working :(16:03
BaudBaudTallman: the package allows to hare folders between Windows and Linux etc when linux is the virtual16:03
petr4hello. What graphics card would you recommend?16:03
nigorskii got a question..... when i start a new app in ubuntu it comes up black screen .... if i minimize it 3 or 4 times it comes up.... i'm wondering if anyone else has this16:03
aminprohow do i install syslinux?16:04
Seveaswil_, it's a feature so you can type things like accented characters easier16:04
Seveaswil_, you can disable it in system -> preferences -> keyboard16:04
aminprohow do i install syslinux?16:04
KiD_ChAoSi installed my wifi card using ndiswrapper and now the wifi device light is not lit on my laptop and i cannot turn it on using the function key help!16:04
Seveas!repeat | aminpro16:04
ubotuaminpro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:04
kane77Da_Putzler, no.. I don't have it.. I thought I linked it but i didn't16:05
kane77teo_, did you tried restarting it?16:05
wil_Seveas, thanks, il take a look... it is just weird because I can even type the password correctly in somewhere else, and paste, but it does not work... on my windows machine, it works perfectly... its annoying16:05
teo_kane77,  yes twice16:05
h4L1mhi guys need help with fluxbox, i need the command to generate the fluxbox menu, anyone who knows it?16:05
VOiCihow can i purge a package that seems to always come back when i use apt16:05
Odd-rationaleh4L1m: sudo update-menus16:05
fantum13Hello, I have an atheros AR5007EG WLAN card. I have an amd64 machine, and as such madwifi isn't supported. However, ndiswrapper only works sporadically, and now while I'm able to see wireless networks and associate with them, I'm unable to obtain a DHCP lease. Could anyone help me with this? I have no idea where to start.16:05
aminprohow do i install syslinux?-ta make my pendrive bootable...16:05
SeveasVOiCi, apt-get remove --purge gforge-ldap-openldap16:05
h4L1mOdd-rationale, that's it?16:06
Odd-rationaleh4L1m: do this from another de like gnome/kde16:06
Da_Putzlerfor fluxbox menus type, sudo update-menus16:06
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boyetseveas: any gui to add it easily? like adding esrvices?16:06
VOiCiSeveas, thanks :)16:06
BaudBaudI guess nobodya has the answer to my question, thanks anyway16:06
nigorskibusy place this16:06
Seveasnigorski, it's been worse :)16:07
KiD_ChAoSi installed my wifi card using ndiswrapper and now the wifi device light is not lit on my laptop and i cannot turn it on using the function key help!16:07
wil_Seveas: i just looked, but I can not find the option :(16:07
Tgifis there a way to let ubuntu update automatically ? in stead of having to click the orange icon?16:07
h4L1mOdd-rationale, it does not help, in forums they say to type fluxbox-generate_menu but it didn't work too16:07
teo_kane77, i tried to up apache2 on live cd with same commands and it worked.. :S when i install ubuntu it cant work :S16:07
Seveasteo_, you said you messed around witch xampp as well. That may have crapped your system16:08
Da_Putzlerdoes anyone know some good tweaks to really speedup ubuntu or gnome ?16:08
teo_yes i know.. but i reinstall 3 times the sistem to try again and again:S on my desktop it works but on the laptop not :S:S16:08
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers?16:09
SlartKiD_ChAoS: I don't know the answer to your question.. but I think you'll be more likely to get an answer if you provide some more info. .what brand is the laptop.. what brand is the wireless chip.. has it worked before? what version of ubuntu? also.. try googling for your laptop brand + ubuntu +wireless to see if anyone else has asked the same question16:09
loaHello! How i can exclude packet from update, when i hit apt-get upgrade16:09
Odd-rationaleh4L1m: One moment...16:09
Seveasloa, by pinning it to the current version16:09
Tgifis there a way to let ubuntu update automatically ? in stead of having to click the orange icon?16:09
loai make custom packet, and i dont't want update him!16:10
SeveasTgif, yes but it's not recommended since updates sometimes require a reboot16:10
rvalleshardy (misc): NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver [restricted]16:10
rvalles169.09+ amd64 i38616:10
Tgifok thanks16:10
rvallesseems hardy has recent nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?16:10
msixin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile there's talk of configs being located debian/config/ARCH/, can anyone point me to a full path ?16:10
SlartTgif: I think there is... perhaps in the "software sources" settings app16:11
Seveasloa, search for the package in synaptic, select it and select package -> lock version in the menu16:11
SlartTgif: yes.. there are options for automatic updates there.. in system, administration, software sources16:11
RoyI have the desktop effects disabled but still my notebook freezes frequently and my keyboard refuses to work. Any hints?16:11
crusiehey - I want to dual boot ubuntu with xp for starters... I got no free partition but lots of free space - if I choose to dualboot under install will it rezise the partiton ?16:12
crusieso my xp installation will be intact16:12
kane77teo_, what does sudo apache2ctl fullstatus give you?16:12
Seveascrusie, if you tell it to16:12
SlartRoy: include brand of your laptop, version of ubuntu, what you've tried so far.. anthing in the logs? any other error messages?16:12
crusieSeveas, so I'll have no problems still having my windows install ?16:12
nigorskithats how i did my install crusie..16:13
Seveascrusie, correct16:13
crusiesecon question - I got an old ubuntu install disc laying around... can I upgrade that ?16:13
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Slartcrusie: be sure to backup any "live or die"-documents you might have on that windows partition.. as with all major system changes.. things can go wrong16:13
crusieSlart of course :d16:13
RoySlart: I have a Compaq Presario V3000 laptop, Gutsy Gibbon, kernel version 2.6.2216:13
KiD_ChAoSafter ndiswrapper install the wifi light on my laptop is not on, and won't turn on with the function key. this means the module is not loaded right? i do a modprobe ndiswrapper. done. still nothing but the dmesg command returns16:13
KiD_ChAoSbcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.16:13
KiD_ChAoSbcm43xx: core_up for active 802.11 core failed (-2)16:13
Slartcrusie: I don't think you can update an existing cd.. but you can download a new one16:14
crusieslart, I'm thinking installing the old one and update via repos16:14
SeveasKiD_ChAoS, bcm43xx and ndiswrapper aren't the same thing. bcm43xx loads by default and now conflicts with ndiswrapper. YOu should use system -> admin -> restricted driver to install a driver for bcm43xx and simply forget ndiswrapper16:14
Slartcrusie: how old? a week? a month? a year? is it still gutsy? feisty? hardy?16:14
crusiethink it's feisty fawn16:15
Vad1How can I kill the x server so that it doesn't restart?16:15
teo_kane77, nothing i type that and it16:15
reconThe bars from my windows are missing.16:15
SpopI am a newbie and have a question16:15
bazhangspop what is your question16:15
SeveasVad1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop16:15
teo_kane77, nothing i type that and it isnt doing anything...16:15
Vad1Seveas: Ok, moment16:15
Slartcrusie: then I'd download a new iso and burn it16:15
msixin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile there's talk of configs being located debian/config/ARCH/, can anyone point me to a full path ? also.. debian helper commands "debian/rules updateconfigs"  i'm unfamiliar with that format of giving commands16:15
Slartcrusie: updates usually work but some things might get.. well.. less than perfect =)16:15
SpopI tried to add a user called Games. Ubuntu already said there was a user with that name but I never created it. Why would it be on my computer?16:16
loa<Seveas> Thank you man!16:16
SeveasSpop, it's one of the standard system accounts16:16
SlartRoy: I don't know why it isn't working.. but you should include that info when you ask the room for help16:16
teo_kane77, i get this w3m: Can't load http://localhost:80/server-status.16:16
RoySlart: Sure16:16
SpopBut I tried to log in and it asked for a PW. What wouldthe PW be?16:16
crusiewhich version do you guys recommend ? I want something STABLE :D16:16
SeveasSpop, you can't use it for logging in16:16
Odd-rationaleh4L1m: Search the forums for: "HOWTO: get a Fluxbox menu"16:17
crusie6.06 or 7.10 ?16:17
nigorskithe latest one has been perfect for me16:17
h4L1mOdd-rationale, ok16:17
soldatsSpop: its mainly used for user gruops16:17
SpopOK. Obviously what I am a newbie! Haha16:17
SeveasSpop, simply pick a different name for the user you want to create16:17
Slartcrusie: if you want stable.. well.. there's debian =)... for me gutsy is stable16:17
Slartcrusie: what are you going to use the computer for?16:17
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?16:17
crusiehow about 64 bit and wine ?16:17
SeveasSlart, drop the b from stable when talking about debian ;16:17
SpopWhere can I find a lit of all system user IDs?16:17
Slartcrusie: server? desktop?16:17
crusieprimaly gaming and stuff16:17
guardiani need to brush up my knowledge about compiz and beryl, what whould be used nowadays ? compiz ? does beryl still exist ?16:17
crusieexploring nix16:17
SpopSo I know what else besides games is on my computer.16:18
SlartSeveas: hehe.. never thought about it that way.. but indeed.. =)16:18
Tilllinuxstrange. I'm connected to a tightvncserver via tightvncclient, which works pretty well (by now). Though the keys on my keyboard seem to be switched randomly (like z resulting in an * and q inc c and strg in l etc...) Does anyone have a clue what could be the cause of this problem?16:18
Slartcrusie: then get gutsy16:18
SeveasSpop, /etc/passwd, any user with an id less than 1000 is a system user16:18
RoyAny hints why Gutsy Gibbon on Compaq Presario V3000 freezes and my keyboard refuses to work inspite of disabling the desktop effects?16:18
Tilllinuxguardian: compiz-fusion16:18
Spopthanks Seveas!16:18
crusiein 32 or 64 bit ? I got a dualcore processor16:18
Slartcrusie: a lot has happened since the last LST version..16:18
guardianTilllinux: does it come installed with gutsy ?16:18
guardianTilllinux: or feisty ?16:18
Slartcrusie: I'd say 32-bit if you have less than 4gb memory16:18
Tilllinuxguardian: with gutsy16:18
bazhang32bit crusie unless you have 4gb of ram or more16:18
crusieonly have 2gb16:19
Seveasguardian, with gutsy and hardy16:19
AudacitorHey all, having a minor problem.  Is there anyway I can boot into Ubuntu from a flash drive on a MacBook?16:19
crusieso 32 bit it is16:19
Slartcrusie: 64 bit still has some quirks.. not many.. but still16:19
h4L1mOdd-rationale, thx a lot16:19
SeveasAudacitor, I'm not sure if a macbook can boot from a flashdrive16:19
SlartAudacitor: you can boot ubuntu from flash.. don't know about the macbook part though.. perhaps someone else knows16:19
AudacitorSo it seems so far.16:19
RoyAny hints why Gutsy Gibbon on Compaq Presario V3000 freezes and my keyboard refuses to work inspite of disabling the desktop effects?16:20
Odd-rationaleh4L1m: np16:20
AudacitorI was wondering if there were a way to trick the MB into thinking the USB drive was a CD drive16:20
SlartAudacitor: hmm.. hard to do that if the operating system isn't loaded yet16:20
benny269new to ubuntu - can anyone help me get flash please?16:21
teo_kane77, i get this w3m: Can't load http://localhost:80/server-status.16:21
Seveas!flash | benny26916:21
ubotubenny269: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:21
crusiehmm any fast mirrors? I'm getting the iso with only 6x kbits..16:21
SlartAudacitor: most modern motherboard support booting from a usb connected device..16:21
crusie6x kbytes even16:21
Seveascrusie, se.releases.ubuntu.com16:21
AudacitorLooking up my MBs mobo...16:21
Slartcrusie: use torrents.. or look up a mirror.. they are listed at the ubuntu site16:21
Seveascrusie, depends on where you live though :)16:21
msixcan anyone tell me where to find the "debian/config/ARCH" directories ( related to kernel compilation )16:21
|katana|hey.. I messed up my admin account :p16:21
Seveasmsix, in the unpacked source tree of the kernel packages16:22
|katana|I changed the homedir with sudo usermod -d /home/familyname/name user16:22
crusieSlart seems like it's my internet connection then... downloads with 7x kbytes..16:22
guardianok thx16:22
crusienow it's below 40..16:22
benny269is it possible to change your username?16:22
Seveasbenny269, yes16:22
|katana|..and now some things aren't the same as they used to be.. gnome says 'user's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.'... File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions [and so on]16:23
benny269Seveas: how could this be done?16:23
Slartcrusie: well.. not a lot you can do then.. =)16:23
msixSeveas : that directory is empty16:23
k0d3damn..I installed ubuntu last night and I am hella impressed...I tried installing that load of crap Vista half the day never did work took about 10 min on ubuntu16:23
oreomike|katana|, make sure $HOME is set right for your user16:23
bazhangk0d3: welcome! ;]16:23
Seveasbenny269, as root, change all occurences of your old username in /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow to the new one and move your homedir from /home/oldusername to /home/newusername16:23
Seveasbenny269, but be very careful 'cause if you mess up you can't login :)16:24
k0d3hehe...had to say it16:24
|katana|oreomike: where can I see that?16:24
k0d3I use to run Redhat linux back in the day16:24
benny269Seveas: im a newbie - is there any way of doing this via gui or cli?16:24
oreomike|katana| open Terminal and echo $HOME16:24
k0d3and I still cannot get over how easy it was to install16:24
bazhangpulka not here16:24
|katana|echo $HOME  -> is correct16:24
Audacitorhmm... sys profiler won't let me know what mobo I have.  So there's no way I can trick into thinking a USB port is an Optical from BootCamp?16:24
oreomikethe ls -l $HOME/.d*16:24
oreomikethen ls -l $HOME/.d*16:25
k0d3Im using Xchat....is that the best or what else does everyone like (if others)16:25
tallman_k0d3, cogratulations :)16:25
oreomikek0d3 chatzilla16:25
gribouilleHi. if I type, "ulimit -H -m 1000", I get the following error : bash: ulimit: max memory size: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument16:25
|katana|well.. there's nothing in there oreomike..16:25
bazhangfor gnome likely yes k0d316:25
Slartk0d3: many people use xchat.. some people like console based irc-clients better16:25
|katana|neither is in the old home directory..16:25
newcomerwhat up folks?16:25
newcomerI have a question16:25
oreomikewhat does echo $HOME give you, |katana|?16:26
AudacitorOkies then.  So thanks anyway guys, I'm off to apple support, maybe they know some voodoo or some such.  Later16:26
|katana|..actually, it seems as if the old homedir is trying to be used.. Since it has .profile, .sudo_as_admin_successful and so on, in it16:26
oreomikethe new or old dir?16:26
newcomerdoes the X-Windowing System in linux based os's is the equivalent to MFC???16:26
Slartnewcomer: just ask.. and let the enter-key rest a bit =)16:26
|katana|echo $HOME gives /home/john, while the new one should be (which I changed with usermod) /home/smith/john16:26
Seveas|katana|, did john log out and log back in?16:26
|katana|I mean, echo $HOME gives /home/smith/john, which is correct16:27
|katana|I rebooted16:27
Seveasand does john own /home/smith/john?16:27
|katana|oh.. didn't check that.. I thought usermod -d NEWDIR username would do that16:27
|katana|seems that's the problem :p16:27
Seveasit doesn't16:27
|katana|so how exactly? chmod ...?16:28
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blackace11could anyone  assist me with my wifi ? it recognizes the locations but doesn't connect16:28
oreomikechown john:john /home/smith/john, |katana|16:28
|katana|okaydokay! It works. thx guys :)16:29
k0d3got a question...when you add servers in xchat-gnome...How do you enter the port? do you just put it after the server name seperated by semi colon? or do you have the option to change the port some where else?16:30
Slartblackace11: more info. .what wifi-chip are you using.. are there any error messages?.. what did you find using google? what did you find when you searched the forums? has it worked before? what version of ubuntu?16:30
benny269Just installed flashplugin-nonfree via terminal but it hasnt worked, any idea why?16:31
soldatsk0d3: when you open the server list click the server and choose edit the change the irc.server.net to irc.server.net/<port> without the <>16:31
blackace11no error message... i've used it before but not on this install... using fiesty... i used the walkthroug on forumz... and everything worked except connecting16:31
Tilllinuxbenny269: because the installer was corrupted16:31
blackace11i'm using a dell d520 latitude16:32
benny269Tilllinux: how can I get around it?16:32
Slartblackace11: any special reason you're using feisty? why not gutsy?16:32
L3ttuc3i've noticed if you've just gksu'd a command, it wont ask you your password again for some minutes after you've last typed it in. while this is a nice little feature, i wonder if it's wise, in case, in those minutes, someone gains direct access to your computer. is there a way to modify that behaviour?16:32
oreomikeanyone used a laptop docking station?16:32
JoelitoHi all16:32
blackace11cause that's the one i used last time...16:33
k0d3soldats: thanks bro =))16:33
SlartL3ttuc3: you can change that in a config file somewhere.. check man sudo16:33
JoelitoI downloaded ubuntustudio via apt-get, where are they? I'd like to use them.16:33
L3ttuc3Slart oh ok, i was looking in the wrong place then (gksu).16:33
Tilllinuxbenny269: I think it has been corrected in the latest update (but, as usual, I'm not sure ;D )16:33
JoelitoI meant ubuntustudio-sounds16:33
tallman_benny269, look on the launchpad16:33
Slartblackace11: if I were you I'd try the gutsy live cd and see if it works there..16:33
blackace11don't need live cd16:33
blackace11it says it can update it in the gui16:34
benny269tallman_: any particular link, or generally?16:34
tallman_benny269, the easiest way would be to grab manually the hardy package16:34
blackace11the update manager says new distribution update... should i do that?16:34
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benny269tallman_: can you walk me through that please?16:35
Slartblackace11: yes.. I just figured it would be a lot less work to just try out the live cd before going through the whole updating thing16:35
tallman_benny269, I'll give you the link16:35
adobongkangkonghi i found  a new mono-1.2.6+dfsg  in "http://archive.ubuntu.com" but how come it's not installable through synaptic and how come i didn't received any update?16:35
blackace11yeah i don't have live cd of it so ... yeah lol16:35
|katana|seems there's a lot of samba gui's. Should I just try one or does some1 have a suggestion?16:35
adobongkangkong|katana| : GSamba16:36
tallman_benny269, 32 or 64 bit?16:36
oreomike|katana|, on gutsy i can connect right to a share via Places16:36
Slartblackace11: if you have a cd-burner you can always download and burn.. it's very possible your problem is solvable without upgrading but I wouldn't know how.. my wireless worked out of the box with gutsy16:37
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?16:37
blackace11yeah i  would have to overwrite a cd so i'm just updating..16:37
benny269tallman_: its a amd64 chip but not sure on distro, how can i check?16:37
SlartL3ttuc3: did you find what you were looking for? cause I looked around and didn't find it=/.. I'm pretty sure I've read about it somewhere though16:38
TreeLeafCan someone tell me how to find out what type of motherboard I have short of opening it up? Thanks for any help.16:38
soldatsuname -a benny269 in terminal16:38
bodhiI have a system with 2 users: user1(uid=1000) and user2(uid=1001). I want to mount a partition only for user1. I have setup the fstab like this:"/dev/hda1 /media/usb ntfs uid=1000,umask=222,utf8 0 1" but the partition is available also for user2.16:38
L3ttuc3Slart i found the sudo -v command actually does that. there's something about timestamps inside /var/run/sudo. but no, no config file.16:39
tallman_benny269, try uname -m16:39
benny269tallman_: it says x86_64 GNU/Linux?16:39
adobongkangkonghi i found  a new mono-1.2.6+dfsg  in "http://archive.ubuntu.com" but how come it's not installable through synaptic and how come i didn't received any update?16:39
VadiWhat is the command to manually go through the X server configuration?16:40
benny269tallman_: what does that mean?16:40
|katana|oreomike: cool.. but actually I want to share a folder on the network16:40
benny269soldats: thanks buddy16:40
Vadiadobongkangkong: Go to system - administration - software sources16:40
L3ttuc3Slart so, no, not really a way to modify the behaviour system-wide. now that's purely academical, i was just thinking it was not terribly security conscious to allow free reign to that.16:40
|katana|it's a printer/samba server16:40
tallman_benny269, that will show the arch16:40
adobongkangkong<Vadi> : all my repos are enabled16:40
Vadiadobongkangkong: click on the updates tab, and make sure "gutsy-updates" is checked off16:40
SlartL3ttuc3: hang on a minute.. I'm very sure I've read about it.. I'm still searching though16:40
bazhangrodserling: it is safe now16:40
adobongkangkong<Vadi> awkie i'll try16:40
benny269tallman_: x86_64 it says16:40
Vadiadobongkangkong: also see that this new mono is for gutsy. It might be in hardy.16:40
thekillahgood morning16:41
L3ttuc3Slart sure, thanks.16:41
adobongkangkong<Vadi> : if it's for hardy can i build it from source?16:41
Vadiadobongkangkong: You can download an installer off mono's website and use that.16:41
thekillahwhats the best method to setup a nfs share ?16:41
Steelx01Hey, I'm a first time Ubuntu/Linux user and my audio is pretty dead.. I've already set it to the right speakers and everything in volume control16:41
oreomikesystem -> administration -> shared folders, |katana|16:42
adobongkangkong<Vadi> : that would be nice but i'ts an unstandard way it might mess things up...16:42
oreomike|katana| prompted me to install smbd16:42
|katana|I started from the server version of ubuntu.. So everything should already be in place.16:42
|katana|oh, srr, didn't read your last reply16:43
SlartL3ttuc3: it's in the file /etc/sudoers16:43
L3ttuc3Slart ah ok. let me have a look then.16:43
L3ttuc3Slart i had naively assumed that was just a file with a list of users allowed to su and sudo.16:43
tallman_benny269, http://www.opensourcemirrors.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu4_amd64.deb16:44
oreomike|katana|, a much better option than using the desktop version ;-)  Not an expert on that, so good luck.16:44
SlartL3ttuc3: it is =) but you can set some defaults for those users too16:44
|katana|so you're saying samba is a better option then the 'shared folders'-thingy of ubuntu-desktop?16:44
|katana|thx 4 the luck, I'll need it :p16:45
benny269tallman_: thank you16:45
VadiWhat is the command to manually go through the X server configuration?16:45
|katana|sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf :p16:45
benny269tallman_: lol i get a 403 error saying i dont have permission to view that page16:45
Slart                   Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again.  The default is 15.  Set this to 0 to16:45
Slart                   always prompt for a password.  If set to a value less than 0 the user’s timestamp will never expire.  This can be16:45
Slart                   used to allow users to create or delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k respectively.16:45
oreomike|katana| I mean server is better than Ubuntu desktop.  I've never used server, so things may be in different places16:45
VadiNo, where it asks you questions.16:45
FloodBot3Slart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
pihhansudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?16:45
|katana|no, sorry, was joking.. I think it's something like X-config or xorg-config orso?16:45
Vadipihhan: thanks16:46
tallman_benny269, )) try one of these mirrors http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=amd64&file=pool%2Fmultiverse%2Ff%2Fflashplugin-nonfree%2Fflashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu4_amd64.deb&md5sum=c21c14ebd328071f2bc9fbfa6172fbd6&arch=amd64&type=main16:46
SlartL3ttuc3: you can see the syntax of /etc/sudoers by running "man sudoers"16:46
Tyczekhi I was compiling mpd by this how-to http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320469 and I have problem. Can you help?16:46
benny269tallman_: ok but do i need to remove the one i already installed?16:46
oreomikeVadi, before you do that, do you get a prompt to use low graphics mode?16:46
thekillahkatana: so when i want to mount it on my router, if the NFS, i use mount -t nfs -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024,nolock /opt/ it goes wrong16:47
tallman_benny269, yes, better to do that16:47
thekillahomg my english is so bad ^^16:48
pihhanTyczek: are you sure you need to compile that?16:48
benny269tallman_: how do i do that?16:48
Tyczekpihhan, yes, m4a support :(16:48
benny269is there a terminal command?16:48
tallman_sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree16:48
benny269tallman_: is there a terminal command to remove it?16:48
thekillahhas ubuntu a german irc chan ?16:48
jaggyaptitude remove <name>16:49
|katana|thekillah: I think you poke to the wrong person :p16:49
jrib!de | thekillah16:49
ubotuthekillah: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:49
TheMafiaIs there any application that will server as a type of management console for rdesktop? IE I remote into a lot of windows machines and hoped there was a app that would let me save all of them for as a bookmark, etc.16:50
tallman_benny269, yes, sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree16:50
benny269jaggy: thanks buddy, it came up and read packages, built dependency tree and quickly disappeared. really quickly - is that right? can you check if its gone?16:50
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?16:50
TyczekI've got everything installed, config is in /etc/mpd.conf then I go to cd /var/lib/mpd/music and it says - no such directory16:50
Tyczekand when i run mpd: tyczek@tyczek-laptop:~$ mpd16:50
Tyczekproblem opening log file "/home/tyczek/.mpd/mpd.log" (config line 8) for writing16:50
jaggybenny269: ye thats normally, should be deinstalled now16:50
pihhanTheMafia: create .desktop starter menus, with rdesktop target-machine command maybe16:50
L3ttuc3Slart roger that.16:51
=== Spencer is now known as Spencerical
benny269tallman_:  thanks buddy, it came up and read packages, built dependency tree and quickly disappeared. really quickly - can you check if its gone?16:51
benny269tallman_: i think it worked16:51
tallman_benny269, aptitude search flashplugin-nonfree16:51
ianm_hm no dbus-ruby in 7.10 ?16:52
Vadipihhan: In the xorg configuration, where it lists all possible resolutions - none are checked off. Any idea why?16:52
SlartL3ttuc3: oh.. and if you have to go to the bathroom while your nosy colleague is sitting at your desk you can always run "sudo -K" to reset the timeout  =)16:52
benny269tallman_: sudo aptitude?16:52
oreomikeTheMafia, script it16:52
tallman_benny269, can use aptitude search without16:52
tallman_without using sudo16:52
pihhanVadi: it does not autodetect anything, you have to choose what you have16:52
L3ttuc3Slart haha nice one thanks. i was just wondering really. very informative.16:53
Vadipihhan: how? If I press enter, it goes on the next step.16:53
pihhanVadi: space16:53
benny269tallman_: terminal appears blank then disappears?16:53
Vadipihhan: thank yoou16:53
tallman_benny269, strange16:53
Slarttallman_: you can use apt-cache search without using sudo too16:54
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
sarthorHi, http://phorolinux.com/five-tips-for-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html < i run this "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" Its the from ubuntu recommeneded site, so i scared now.. that i did something Wrong, Is it ??16:54
benny269tallman_: ran in terminal again and got this "i   flashplugin-nonfree             - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer"16:54
bazhangsarthor: no worries16:55
tallman_Slart, I know, but it doesn't show status {installed|purged etc}16:55
Algyzsarthor,  i think ok16:55
benny269tallman_: is that correct?16:55
Vadipihhan: One more thing.. for "monitors best video more", I know my laptop can do 1440x900. But it says it's at 100Hz, and offers no other frequency. Is this a standard or?16:55
tallman_benny269, it says it's installed16:55
sarthorbazhang, Algyz OK. thank you.16:55
Vadipihhan: *mode16:55
bazhangsarthor: that is for mp3 etc16:55
nemilarHey all16:55
Slarttallman_: ahh.. good one.. people are coming up with more and more little perks of using aptitude instead of apt.. I might have switch myself soon =)16:55
sarthorbazhang, i need java, i am unable to play yahoo games.16:55
bazhangwww.medibuntu.org for dvd playback sarthor16:55
Steelx01I have a Sound Blaster X-fi soundcard, any chance of getting sound out of my speakers anytime soon?16:56
nemilarIn order to use SSH with X11 forwarding, an X server has to be running on both ends, right?  Or at least, an X server has to be running on the client, and available on the host?  Or does the host not require an X server to be installed?16:56
bazhangsarthor: that is in the restricted extras package unless you mean flash16:56
sjoerdnemilar: an X server has to be running on the side you want to display things16:56
ifireballnemilar: you need an X server just on the client16:56
jesenkohas anyone gotten 8197 Realtek card working16:56
sjoerdnemilar: but not on the other side16:56
highvoltPlugins that are located in /usr/lib/pidgin should be visible to Pidgin, right?16:56
nemilarsjoerd ifireball that's what I thought, thanks :)16:56
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pihhanVadi: i quess this config is not best for laptops, it is somehow old and do not work with LCD and new stuff pretty well16:57
sarthorbazhang, thats need java applet i think, not flashplayer, flash player installed, because i can view youtube movies16:57
benny269tallman_: purge gives error "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)16:57
benny269E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"16:57
Vadipihhan: What should I do?16:57
NutubuntuMy mouse-pointer sometimes becomes invisible when the screen-saver has run. I16:57
nemilarsjoerd ifireball hey but actually, in order to install the app, it would require the X libraries, would it not? if the application is graphical16:57
pihhanVadi: i if you have no choice, then you have no choise and try what it chooses16:57
sjoerdnemilar: yeah, you need the x libs, but not the x server /driver16:57
desideratohi all16:57
pihhanVadi: what do you need X configurator for?16:57
tallman_benny269, it means you have synaptic or add/remove programs on16:57
Vadipihhan: how can I go back a step?16:57
ifireballnemilar: xlib != xserver16:57
Vadipihhan: My video drivers are completely messed up and the xorg.conf too.16:58
nemilarifireball sjoerd thanks very much, appreciate it greatly16:58
NutubuntuMy mouse-pointer sometimes becomes invisible when the screen-saver has run. It's there, but it can't be seen ; in Firefox, I can tell when I mouse over a link by looking at the status bar . Is there a simple way to restore it, when it vanishes?16:58
bazhangsarthor: what site and this is gutsy right?16:58
Vadipihhan: _nothing_ can fix them. Not envy, not nvidia's settings.16:58
benny269tallman_: yes i did, i will try again16:58
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tallman_benny269, or updater, close any applications that manages packages16:58
sarthorYes gutsy.16:58
pihhani dont think it allows step back16:58
pihhanVadi: if they were ok, what did you want to configure?16:59
sarthorhttp://games.yahoo.com have games like "dots" i am unable to play that game, its need for java applet, i am using gutsy16:59
Vadipihhan: They weren't, they're completely broken. I'm getting max 800x600 right now. And whatever I try, I can't get it to use nvidia's driver16:59
Vadipihhan: even though xorg.conf says to use it, it doesn't16:59
regeyadpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:59
sarthorbazhang, http://games.yahoo.com have games like "dots" i am unable to play that game, its need for java applet, i am using gutsy16:59
_moro_bana_how do i install gizmo , tried apt-get17:00
pihhanVadi: i dont know if that configurator allows nvidia driver17:00
regeyamy theory is, instead of browbeating a person to make sure they want to do it, let 'em do it and see what gets screwed up17:00
acee1234does ubuntu have a start button like kde to run stuff?17:01
pihhan_moro_bana_: first you need to add source for that, then apt-get might work17:01
tallman__moro_bana_, from gizmoproject's site download the .deb17:01
_moro_bana_tallman_: ok17:01
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Slartacee1234: nope..there is an applications menu though.. and alt+f217:02
_moro_bana_pihhan: the official ubuntu repos you mean17:03
bthorntonCan anyone recommend a good Linux compatible wireless 802.11g PCI adapter that supports WPA2? Ideally, one whose manufacturer explicitly provides drivers/source for the chipset...17:03
bazhangsarthor: let me give it a try just a moment17:03
acee1234Slart:  so how do i start compiz?17:03
sarthorbazhang, Ok.17:04
Sergo21hello, how can i burn the .tib image on CD17:04
jean-lucbonjour je viens d'installer livecd.iso et je ne sais pas rebooter sur windows17:04
regeyaI've always felt, also, that "why do you want to do that" is code for "I know a better way, but I'm not tellin'"17:04
Zou1is there any way to get a virtual pc speaker working in system without one ( laptops ) ?17:04
danand__moro_bana_ - also take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-59542.html17:04
bazhangsarthor sorry what category is that dots in?17:04
pihhan_moro_bana_: i dont think gizmoproject is in official repository17:04
sarthorlet me get the exact link17:05
_moro_bana_tallman_:i coudnt find install for amd6417:05
nickrudregeya: lol, sometimes I'm guilty as charged17:05
tallman__moro_bana_, maybe there is none17:05
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:05
_moro_bana_pihhan: ok i ll take a look around17:06
redmonkeyhi. is there an audio player that streams directly to icecast? just like winamp to shoutcast under windows?17:06
sarthorbazhang, http://games.yahoo.com/sponsor/dt17:06
sarthorbazhang, http://games.yahoo.com/play/dt&ss=117:06
LadyNikonanyone know how to resize a screen session if its open in more than one place?17:06
lollosry guys but i've noticed the weak online gaming network while there's a mp3 player running ... when i close the player the network turns back to work fast ... !17:06
Slartacee1234: are you using gutsy?17:07
CroXCronjobs cannot be run at a higher frequency than once every minute?17:07
pihhanredmonkey: i believe that old xmms had such plugin, but that might not be good choice17:07
pihhanredmonkey: why do you need media player, when you have darkice or ices2 input streamers available?17:07
lollosry guys but i've noticed the weak online gaming network while there's a mp3 player running ... when i close the player the network turns back to work fast ... ! is it a weak point of ubuntu ?17:07
phaidroshow to change the toolbar icon size in gnome (eg for galeon) ?17:08
regeyaI guess that's why I idle on irc channels.  here was my own evolution.  I wouldn't know where to look, so I'd ask naive questions, and people would get irate that I didn't know where to look for the answer.  then, tired of being browbeat, I'd try to guess what was right and start my question from there, and people would get irate that I was starting from the wrong point, but they wouldn't share the secret because "you need to17:08
regeyago learn."  for a while I got tired of it and went back to windows, but unlike a lot of people, I was too stubborn to give up. :->17:08
regeyaI try to not do people the same disservice that others did me, I guess is what I'm saying.17:08
tallman_lollo, maybe the player downloads album images?17:08
lollono, it's the player totem17:09
LukeLClollo, are the mp3's streamed from the internet?17:09
redmonkeypihhan: because i want to choose the audio files that i want to play17:09
lollono it's a common mp3 player17:09
_moro_bana_is there a tool for showing how many megabytes im downloading17:09
_moro_bana_from the internet17:09
=== denny- is now known as denny
krestenHi does anybody know if an ubuntu/mac channel exists?17:10
nickrud_moro_bana_: gnome-system-monitor17:10
pihhan_moro_bana_: any program other than the one downloading cannot know, how big it would be in the end. you can use speed meters like bmon from universe however17:10
benny269tallman_: cant get it to work, have closed all instances of synaptic or related17:12
bazhangsarthor: that is odd (and sorry to take so long was playing a game ;] ) but dots does not load many others do though17:12
_moro_bana_pihhan: yeah i want a meter that can show me how ......i ve dowloaded say since i ve turned on my in..net17:12
nickrudkresten: #ubuntu-ppc , not many there but at least one is knowledgeable17:12
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krestentnickrud: nxx17:13
sarthorbazhang, : what i  need to do now?? i dont like to switch back to win..17:13
tomd123benny269: you can't get your synaptic package manager to work?17:13
TheKhello. I messed up my configuration. I need to be able to make opengl programs but although I'm running Xgl and can use desktop effects (nvidia driver installed) I fail to create a 'direct rendering context'. This happened after an upgrade to gutsy from feisty. Could anyone direct me to the appropriate docs?17:13
r45c41hi friends17:14
r45c41i wanna know can i save pdf file into a .doc formate in ubuntu7.1017:14
tallman_benny269,  reboot17:14
benny269tomd123: i am trying to get flash to work, installed flashplugin-nonfree then was advised to install hardy heron version but to remove nonfree before i did so but i can't get terminal to do this17:14
benny269tallman_: will try reboot17:14
nickrudTheK: which nvidia card, many don't need Xgl (which is the cause of your direct rendering problem)17:14
r45c41how can i convert a pdf file into a doc file formate17:14
tomd123benny269, ok this is a known bug which i had to go through myself as well17:15
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
tomd123first get rid of the nonfree-flashplugin or whatever its called17:15
pihhan_moro_bana_: ifconfig command shows what you downloaded since computer turnet on17:15
* hfsdo is now away - Reason :17:15
r45c41plz guys give me some idea17:15
nickrud!brokenflash | tomd123 benny269 here's the command sequence17:15
TheKnickrud: I don't think I used Xgl in feisty. I spent a few hours configuring it but I don't remember how anymore. I'm on a dell precision (m90)17:15
ubotutomd123 benny269 here's the command sequence: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »17:15
r45c41how can i convert a pdf file in doc formate17:16
r45c41in ubuntu17:16
TheKnickrud: How can I revert to nvidia-only setup?17:16
nickrudTheK:   lspci | grep -i vga  will tell you the card to start with17:16
r45c41some one plz help me17:17
pihhanr45c41: you want to convert pdf into doc?17:17
r45c41pihhan: yyes17:17
TheKnickrud: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [Quadro FX 1500M] (rev a1)17:17
lonranhi everybody17:17
Slartr45c41: usually you can't17:17
lonranis it posible to play grim fandango in ubuntu using wine?17:17
nickrudTheK: iirc you had to create a special gdm session to run xgl; don't run that special session should be enough17:17
pihhanr45c41: i dont think it is possible, also you should use .odt anyway :)17:17
Slartlonran: check the appdb.. appdb.winehq.org17:17
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?17:17
TheKnickrud: I see. I think I choose between GNOME and xgl.17:18
r45c41pihhan: actually it has t obe given in my office17:18
r45c41pihhan: i dont have linux in my office17:18
TheKnickrud: You say that using GNOME would fix my problem?17:18
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pihhanr45c41: open office is for windows also, not a linux thing in fact17:18
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r45c41pihhan: ok,17:19
benny269tomd123: "p   flashplugin-nonfree             - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer ", does this mean its been removed?17:19
benny269tallman_: "p   flashplugin-nonfree             - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer ", does this mean its been removed?17:19
r45c41pihhan: but i need to make some changes in the pdf files17:19
tallman_benny269, yes17:19
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
tallman_benny269, safe to install hurdy package17:19
r45c41pihhan: can ti save it in anyothr formate17:19
benny269tallman_: so now continue to find a mirror on the link you gave me?17:19
benny269tallman_: thank you17:19
danand_benny269 - p stands for purged17:19
nickrudTheK: it should set you up with a normal 3d accel, yes. And compiz should work without xgl for you now17:19
danand_benny269 - ie not installed :)17:20
pihhanr45c41: and you cannot make changes in PDF AFAIK, maybe if you have Acrobat in windows17:20
bazhangsarthor: not sure--the other games all work--have you tried another browser than firefox?17:20
phuzionok, i just plugged my iPod Touch into my system, and the Camera Import function is going effing haywire.  Anyone know how to disable this from automatically popping up?17:20
r45c41pihhan: :(17:20
ubuntuhey , i need help with grub's "menu.lst" file , i added some stuff to it but it failed to work , even when i deleted what i added , still it doesn't work ! any suggestions ??17:20
sarthorno , only trying this game, Dots.17:20
TheKnickrud: Funny if it would be that simple. I've spent several hours pulling different libs. Many thanks! (restarting X)17:20
danand_ubuntu - can you pastebin the file?17:20
pihhanr45c41: you can try selecting all needed in PDF in acroread linux reader, and copy paste it into open office. for very simple text, it would work with formatting maybe17:20
phuzionubuntu, i take it you are a gentoo user? lol17:20
sarthorbazhang, oh.. Yes i installed opera now.. but its not working17:20
r45c41pihhan: so a pdf file cant be saved as a word file17:20
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r45c41pihhan: ok i will trty itt17:21
benny269tallman_: trying to download says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libflashsupport"17:21
r45c41pihhan: thanks17:21
pihhanr45c41: no, by principle, pdf is how it will look printed in page, it is not made for making changes17:21
r45c41pihhan: ok thanks for the help17:21
Slartr45c41: pdf's aren't designed to be editable.. they are more like an image17:21
GreenByteHi all, I want to import photos from my Olympus FE-250 but digikam doesn't know this camera. How to import it?17:21
Nutubuntur45c41, iirc kword can open pdf files. if that's correct - not sure I trust my memory - you might be able to save as .doc17:21
bazhangsarthor: not sure what to tell you--the majority of those games work for me using firefox and gutsy--just the dots one so far does not17:22
dimitrisomeone knows the way to link windows mobile 8 usb phone with ubuntu ?17:22
r45c41what is iirc???17:22
nickrudr45c41: if I recall correctly17:22
danand_GreenByte - how do you connect your camera to the computer? usb?17:22
Nutubuntur45c41, "if I recall/remember correctly" - sorry 'bout that17:22
sarthorbazhang, Ok..pool is also not working fomr.17:22
sarthorfor me.17:22
Slartr45c41: if I recall correctly17:22
GreenBytedanand_, yes17:22
r45c41:) ok17:22
benny269tomd123:  trying to download says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libflashsupport"17:22
sarthorbazhang, and i have used be4, but i reinstalled, and its not working now.17:23
GreenBytedanad_, with my Canon it works..17:23
GreenBytedanad_, it's just the olympus which doesn't work17:23
r45c41where can i get kword ten17:23
lollosry guys but i've noticed the weak online gaming network while there's a mp3 player running ... when i close the player the network turns back to work fast ... ! is it a weak point of ubuntu ?17:23
Slartyou can open pdf's in gimp.. doesn't mean you can do anything sensible to it =)17:23
r45c41sudo apt-get insall kword will work??17:23
pihhanr45c41: try installing kword package from synaptic, with all its depencies17:24
danand_GreenByte - ok can you "mount" the camera the same way as you would with a usb stick?17:24
r45c41pihhan: ok bro17:24
redmonkeypihhan: do you know if it's possible to build the playlist for ices2 while running the stream?17:24
ubuntuhow can i pastebin the file ?17:24
TheKnickrud: No luck. Still running Xgl.17:24
danand_!pastebin | ubuntu17:24
ubotuubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:24
GreenBytedanand_, well.. normally I just use the program that automatically starts when I plugin in the camera. But it doesn't appear and my camera screen still says: Waiting...17:25
benny269does anyone know what "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libflashsupport" means?17:25
pihhanredmonkey: dont know really, i had used it for very simple things only. i think ices or maybe icecast2 itself allow sending signal there to reload playlist17:25
GreenBytedanand_, it isn't at the 'places'17:25
bazhangsarthor: there are tons of games available under emulation on ubuntu--if yahoo games are a must for you (especially dots) then not sure how to help you out there17:26
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GreenBytedanad_, fixed it17:26
GreenBytedanand_, the program appeared 0.o17:26
danand_GreenByte - I had this problem with a sony camera - I had to change the usb mode the camera used to usb mass storage17:26
sarthorbazhang, can you give me the link for that tons of game ;)17:26
GreenBytedanand_, I did something like that y17:27
nickrudTheK: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl , the xgl option on gdm probably will stop working completely.17:27
danand_GreenByte - at least its working now :)17:27
winter-mutehi, where do i get mencoder?17:28
q_a_z_stevenickrud: Hey, how's it going?17:28
GreenBytedanand_, yes :) and it's my sisters camera.. I use a good canon one which always works :)17:28
winter-muteits not with mplayer and there seems to be no package for it17:28
pihhanmplayerhq.hu, compile it17:28
TheKnickrud: Seems dangerous ;)17:28
winter-mutemmm? I really don't know how do it, plus theres trillion options for it17:29
winter-muteisn't there an ubuntu deb for t?17:29
danand_GreenByte - Canon are nice - Other manufacturers seem to do all sorts of odd things.17:29
jluc13000bonjour, je viens d'installer livecd , un linux et je n'arrive pas a retrouvé windows17:29
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:29
q_a_z_stever0bby: hey, quick question. U there?17:29
kalleperssonI just installed phpmyadmin, but it doesn't show up in my localhost dir.17:30
kalleperssonWhat's up with that? :)17:30
NutubuntuMy mouse-pointer sometimes becomes invisible when the screen-saver has run. It's there, but it can't be seen ; in Firefox, I can tell when I mouse over a link by looking at the status bar . Is there a simple way to restore it, when it vanishes?17:30
Davo`hi there!17:30
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joankican anyone tell me how to add a network printer?17:31
nickrudTheK: not really, you'll fall back to normal X in gnome. If all else fails, ctl-alt-f2 , log in and sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl ;)17:31
nickrudTheK: clt-alt-f7 to get back to the gui login17:31
TheKnickrud: ok, I'll give it a shot. But does this mean that Xgl doesn't have an opengl api at all?17:31
danand_ubuntu - try commenting out the line "hiddenmenu" ie change it to #hiddenmenu17:31
joankiits a dell laser printer17:31
ViakenIs there any particular reason Ubuntu is going with ImageMagick's 6.2 series, rather than moving to 6.3?17:32
ubuntuthanks , i'll try that17:32
tallman_benny269, try http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10804892/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_amd64.deb17:32
winter-mutehow come I have compile mplayer by hand, I moved from gentoo , just for that reason17:32
ubuntuany other suggestions b4 rebooting ? :( it takes a long time to load the live CD17:32
bazhangsarthor: there is zsnes and dosbox for starters--the first is a super nintendo emulator and dos box lets you play all the great old dos games--both of them are in the repos, and games for dosbox can found at www,abandonia.com--the snes games not so sure ;] == may have to search for those yourself17:33
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!17:33
benny269tallman_: gives me the option to install but warns there is an older version available in the channels17:34
annonymousedoes any one know a soulseek client for ubuntu17:34
Shrugzcan someone tell me how to increase my virtual memory in gutsy please message me the awnser?17:34
q_a_z_steve!soulseek > annonymouse17:35
bazhangShrugz: you mean swap?17:35
Shrugzi beleave so17:35
keeflookannonymouse,: Nicotine17:35
tallman_benny269, it's ok to install it17:35
jarleAnybody else get a lot of XML parsing errors in latest firefox?17:36
symlinkI cannot connect to my ubuntu machine via ftp from windows vista or windows xp (only ones ive tried)  on my own network.  I did an NMAP and ftp is open on 2117:36
Shrugzim used to windows and am makeing the transition so im trying to figure out these things my pc keeps freezeing up a lil bit and i need to figure out how to increase that17:36
Itakui cant get my sound working17:36
symlinkany ideas?17:36
bazhangShrugz: how much ram and what system gutsy?17:36
danand_joanki - use the printing tool in System -> Admin -> printing. Click add new printer button. I think you want to add a printer with ipp (internet printing protocol) for a network printer. The GUI will ask you for the address of the printer17:36
Shrugzyes gutsy17:36
Shrugzand i beleave i got a lil over 300mb of ram17:37
Itakui cant get my sound working17:37
joankidenand_ how do i know the address of the printer?17:37
No1VikingSource list for gutsy?17:37
Itakui cant get my sound working17:37
fezhow didly ho neighborinos17:37
danand_joanki - is the printer attached to your home network?17:37
bazhangItaku: open the terminal and type alsamixer and make sure the bars are not too low17:37
No1Vikingubotu source list17:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about source list - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:37
joankidenand_ yes17:37
No1Vikingubotu source17:38
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html17:38
symlinkubotu ftp17:38
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd17:38
Itakueveryone of them are at 100 except for the mics17:38
symlinkubotu ftpd17:38
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP17:38
annonymousethank u q_a_z_steve17:38
ader10Flash uses 90 percent of my cpu. Might be important: 64bit, doesn't matter what flash version it is, and in both firefox and opera. Help please, I'm having a hard time using any flash site without compromising system functionality!17:38
fezsay i was wondering, is it possible to just pop in the 7.10 install CD, and use qtparted to resize my windows partition so I can have windows and linux installed side by side, or does qtparted not exist on the ubuntu install CD17:38
Itakueveryone of them are at 100 except for the mics17:38
Slartfez: I'm not sure if it's installed by default.. but you can install it when your using the live cd17:38
bazhangfez well there is parted though I believe it is gparted17:39
Slartfez: if you have an internet-connection17:39
danand_joanki - are you using a router with dhcp server etc or just a plain switch17:39
vallhalla82can anyone sugest a distro to install to a pda?17:39
Itakueveryone of them are at 100 except for the mics17:39
benny269flash is working, thanks to all the helped17:39
fezdoes gparted allow you to resize an NTFS partition17:39
winter-muteas per: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MEncoder  i should be able to install mencoder, is there another repository I need to add to install mencoder?17:39
joankidarn those are tough qs.... i dunno what that stuff means my bro-in-law hooked it up, danand_, but i do have the printer name/ip address17:39
SlartItaku: take a breath.. no need to repeat things every minute17:39
WorldBFreehow can i boot up the iso from the hd?17:39
Itakui need this answered im having a party come over in 10 mins17:39
SuperQvallhalla82: depends what PDA17:39
Slartfez: I think it does.. backup your important stuff though17:40
fezi think ubuntu would gain much more popularity if you could resize an existing windows partition to install windows/linux side by side, and be able to do so right out of the box17:40
joankidenand_ where it says Host: is that where i enter the ip addy?17:40
SlartItaku: well.. repeating it every minute will only make people annoyed and less likely to answer your question17:40
SuperQfez: it does that17:40
danand_joanki - ok the "hostname" is probably just the ip address in this instance17:40
Itakuwell i need this answered and fixed asap17:40
vallhalla82SuperQ i dont havt it yet so cant give many of the stats it curntly has win mobile on it17:40
SuperQvallhalla82: there are very few choices for winmo devices17:41
SlartItaku: then perhaps you should give canonical a call.. they have support where you can make demands.. we're all volunteers here17:41
loaCan you explain me why glchess from gnome consume 100% from cpu.17:41
SuperQvallhalla82: and some of them can't do it17:41
Itakuwhats the phone number?17:41
Slurpee_anyone care to help me with sound not working properly on my toshiba laptop?  i have tried several ubuntu forum methods, but none work.17:41
symlinkI cannot connect to my ubuntu machine via ftp from windows vista or windows xp (only ones ive tried)  on my own network.  I did an NMAP and ftp is open on 21.  Any Ideas?17:41
SuperQsymlink: don't use ftp17:41
SuperQsymlink: use winscp17:41
SlartItaku: if I tell you the phone-number.. will you ask me how to use the phone?17:42
danand_joanki - think you might be able to add anything for the hostname ie Dell_Laser - think the url is where you put the ip address in the form //192.168.*.*/ipp17:42
hypn0loa: try dreamchess17:42
fezSuperQ: fantastical17:42
vallhalla82ok i see is there a site that could point me where to look in to what i may use17:42
fezall the more power to ubuntu then17:42
SuperQfez: although, last time I tried it, it only worked from the "alternate" installer, not the GUI one :(17:42
symlinkSuperQ, ok WinSCP is a free download i assume17:42
SuperQfez: but they might be fixing that soon17:42
SuperQsymlink: yes17:42
SlartItaku: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid17:42
SuperQsymlink: all you need to do is install "openssh-server" on your ubuntu machine17:42
gneekHi, um...is there any way I can make sure that a certain app in "Sessions" starts up in minimized mode?17:43
symlinkshould have it17:43
bazhangSlart: ouch17:43
Itakui just downloaded the iso though17:43
SuperQsymlink: http://winscp.net17:43
symlinkSuperQ, awesome thankyou much17:43
Itakuoh wait... does it help to have the speakers plugged into the comp?17:43
freggerif the complizconfig settings just completely stop working, how would i reestablish them?17:43
No1Vikingubotu list17:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:43
WorldBFreecan i boot up a ubuntu disc image from my hd if i already have a working grub?17:43
bazhangItaku: get geexbox then you can set it up in less than ten minutes17:43
winter-mutehow come I have compile mplayer by hand, I moved from gentoo , just for that reason17:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:44
SuperQsymlink: no problem, just remember that winscp (uses sftp/ssh to send files) works over port 2217:44
SuperQsymlink: not port 2117:44
Itakuok it works after plugging in the speakers -.-17:44
Itakuim an idiot today17:44
bazhangItaku: hahahahaha17:44
Itakuthanks :/17:44
acee1234how do you activate compiz on ubuntu17:44
winter-muteanyone else uses mencoder?17:44
symlinkSuperQ, gotcha.  nmap says 22 is open as well17:44
bazhanghave a nice party itaku17:44
SuperQsymlink: good good17:45
Itakulol thanks17:45
Itakuim just playing music17:45
TheKnickrud: I got my gl context back! You are the hero of the day.17:45
Slartacee1234: System, preferences, appearance I think17:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about geexbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:45
fregger!compiz fusion17:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz fusion - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:45
Itakuhope i dont get a noise violation17:45
Itakuive gotten one before17:45
bazhangubuntu needs something like that ;]17:46
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mjw-!compiz | fregger17:46
ubotufregger: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:46
symlinkNow I just need to get Samba working....17:46
incorrecti thought i could easily create an alias for an interface bu doing iface eth0.1 or it it eth0:1 ?17:46
freggerthank you17:47
symlinkubotu samba17:47
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:47
acee1234ok i activated compiz via preferances manager but now i have no window control buttons17:48
bazhangalt -f2 metacity --replace acee123417:48
acee1234bazhang: will i have to do that at every start up?17:49
Slartacee1234: I think those are called window decorations but I don't know how to get those back17:49
bazhangdont think so acee123417:49
makioloi use ndsiwrapper 1.45 from ubuntu repository , but when use high load (amule , bt ...) have a freeze total ! ... must compile 1.52 ?17:49
Slartcompiz uses metacity for window-decorations?17:49
bazhangacee1234: I never shut down my computer so couldnt tell you ;]17:50
maximilionAny Alsa sound experts here? :)17:50
danand_acee1234 - do you have "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" in your preferences menu?17:50
feanorekhi, anyone knows why i cant scroll a song in sonata 1.4 ?17:50
multidexmy nvidea setup can't find my kernel source - how do i make sure it is there via ssh?17:50
maximilionI think I found a solution to my choppy quake 3 sound - but I don't know how to make it use oss, and not aoss.17:50
bazhangemerald is the compiz decorator iirc17:50
r0bbyokay, who said my name?17:50
erUSULmultidex: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'17:51
maximilionProblem definition here -> http://pastebin.ca/89757017:51
maximilionAlsa-info reports all ok.17:51
Itakuis the geebox a cd i have to boot from?17:52
r0bbyq_a_z_steve: ugh what17:52
r0bbyI know just enough to get by17:52
r0bbythe rest i fake17:52
multidexthanks erUSUL, what is the $(uname -r)  part mean?17:53
bazhangItaku: not really an #ubuntu question ;]17:53
Itakubut is it17:53
Itakui mean its just 1 word :)17:53
r0bbyask other people here, your question will disappear into the abyss like every other question :P17:53
q_a_z_stever0bby: hey, quick question before I blow something away. I had mount points defined before like / /boot /home /windows... Just want to confirm that by formatting / and /boot, I'm not killing any personal data, right?17:53
Slartmultidex: it just gets replaced with your kernel.. try running it in a terminal17:53
erUSULmultidex: is variable sustitution... it gets replaced by the output of the command uname -r17:53
bazhangruns from ram after you boot the cd Itaku17:53
r0bbyq_a_z_steve: google "fstab"17:53
Itakuone sec17:54
r0bbyit'll give you the format.17:54
loa<hypn0> thank you man17:54
r0bbylike i said, i fake it.17:54
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:54
r0bbyI'm really an idiot17:54
Itaku[Aamsg] bbl17:54
Itakuread that^^17:54
multidexerUSUL: thank you I will try it17:54
InspectorCluseauat least you can admit it.....17:54
r0bbyInspectorCluseau: yeh.17:55
sarthorHi i am using gutsy on x300 del latitude, it has builing mobile chip card reader, how to to browse my mmc card? i got "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55371/" in log messages17:55
r0bbyInspectorCluseau: i fake it, and what i can't do, i find on my own :)17:55
makioloi use ndsiwrapper 1.45 from ubuntu repository , but when use high load (amule , bt ...) have a freeze total ! ... must compile 1.52 ?17:55
InspectorCluseauyes siree17:55
q_a_z_stever0bby: just needed a second pair of eyes, you know.17:55
r0bbylook a t the examples...17:55
InspectorCluseauLinux is all about doing things for yourself17:55
cafkahow to change apache2 network interface from eth0 to eth1 ????17:56
r0bbyNow i know why i just idle here..17:56
InspectorCluseauweaning yourself from the M$ nipple17:56
ubuntuhey guys , there's still a prob with my grub ! error 15 ! any ideas ?17:56
jetscreamerfix it17:56
jaggyany terminal progs to msn whit ? also any terminal progs to listen music whit ,17:56
julio_pthats's for Who need learn English and want it free and quickly. Enter: http://inglesnow.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/aprender-ingles-de-graca-e-rapido-i/17:57
kazim59Please help me installing GRUB onto my laptop. I installed Windows that erased GRUB. Now, using Kubuntu livecd, I'm trying to install grub, but when it runs install /boot/grub..... , it fails saying No such partition17:57
Atlast!flash > me17:57
r0bbyAtlast: you can do that in pm you know.17:57
bazhang!grub | kazim5917:57
ubotukazim59: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:57
mjw-jaggy: mpg12317:58
bazhangjulio_p wrong channel for that17:58
kazim59bazhang: I've installed it a hundred times. This time it says Error 22: No such partition when installing it.17:58
wirrwarrjaggy maybe use finch for msn, but dunno how it works ;)17:58
Atlastr0bby: aparently custom has changed. It was acceptable before, but thanks still.17:58
danand_ubuntu - I think error 15 means grub can't find the file specified for the kernel - check the entries in your menu.lst file are pointing to the right place17:59
achandrashekaranyone familiar with LTSP clustering on ubuntu?18:00
cafkahow to change apache2 network interface from eth0 to eth1.. ?? can i??18:00
ubotuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project18:00
danand_ubuntu - (hd0,9) means first disk, tenth partition I think. Check thats where your /boot partition resides18:01
ubuntudanand_ : i read the syntax of the file online and i think eveythin is right , the only thing that um not sure about is the "hd0" i have the ubuntu on sda5 not hda5 !18:01
ubuntudanand_ : should it b hd0 ?18:02
Slartcafka: have you checked the documentation for apache? I think there is a line that starts with "listen" or something where you can specify which interfaces you want apache to.. well.. listen on18:02
DPicanybody know if Ubuntu works with ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600? I'm thinking of buying a laptop with that18:02
mjw-ubuntu: linux these days uses the sdXX designations for all drives I think.18:02
danand_ubuntu - that would probably be your problem then :) - where did hd0,9 come from?18:03
cafkaSlart, thnx that really helped me :)18:03
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mjw-DPic It's probably not going to work as well/easily as an intel or nvidia card would18:03
ubuntui dunno , it was like this when i first edited it so i didn't wanna change it18:03
achandrashekaryes..i know what ltsp..not sure if that post was to educate everyone else....my question was about clustering and ltsp and specifically how to do it.  :/18:03
guest2hay got my linux live cd working18:03
Slartcafka: I'm not entirely sure if you're being serious there.. but it's in the httpd.conf .. or whereever they moved the stuff to18:03
ubuntudanand_ : so wut should it be ? sd0 ?18:04
danand_ubuntu - hd is for ide disks sda is for scsi or sata disks18:04
DPicmjw-: do you know where i can find specific information on whether or not it will work?18:04
mjw-!hardware | DPic18:04
ubotuDPic: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:04
=== StasV is now known as LegolasV
adema_goed evening18:04
cafkaSlart, i was serious tnx again..18:04
mjw-danand_ Well I still have a PATA hard disk and gutsy gibbon calls it sda18:04
Slartcafka: ah.. you're welcome then18:04
guest2anyone here try sam linux live cd?18:05
Atlastdanand_: in grub, hard disk appear as hdx,y no matter if they are IDE or SATA18:05
danand_ubuntu - can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l18:05
Jack_Sparrowmjw-: It calls my ide... sda as well18:05
bazhangguest2: try #fedora18:05
adema_i need some help ... i'm using a wifi dongle TP-LINK TL-WN321G and i'm using rt2x00 driver, but i can't use my dongle with network manager18:05
guest2fedora? live cd?18:05
white_eaglewhen I type glxinfo | grep rendering i get: "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)" I have an ati radeon xpress 200m series with the latest fglrx drivers and I disabled compiz and emerald with setting desktop effects to none, can I have 3D vid acceleration or not?18:05
danand_mjw- atlast - oh - never knew that - I've only got PATA disks!18:05
adema_it works "by the hand", when i do myself iwconfig/dhclient18:05
bazhangguest2: offtopic here18:06
adema_but network manger fail to auth18:06
guest2ok sorry18:06
bazhangsam is based on #fedora guest218:06
fivetwentysixguest2 : Try looking at the official website of your live cd.18:06
mjw-danand_ I think it was a linux kernel change at some point. It used to be hdXX was for IDE and sdXX was for SCSI. Nowadays everything is sdXX I think18:06
guest2just trying the os18:06
danand_mjw- - mine is still  hda etc in my /boot/grub/menu.lst !!18:07
adelie42it appears all the repos are down. anyone else getting this problem?18:07
danand_mjw- - I would say "strange" :)18:07
fivetwentysixA lot of people tell me Linux has better memory management than Windows. Is there any proof?18:07
Atlastmjw-: what you say about the linux kernel is true, but still, grub is a separate program from the kernel. It still uses hdx,y18:07
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: boot grub is different than inside ubuntu18:07
mjw-Ah, I see18:08
white_eagleI have those effects running18:08
GpalcoAnyone uses Tracker ???18:08
bazhangfivetwentysix: not really a chat channel here18:08
thedhtmanj #rpglovers18:08
white_eaglebut no direct rendering18:08
guest2well if this is on topic i have tryed ubuntu and like it works good on my dell230018:08
adema_so no one can help me ? :/18:08
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:08
orbisvicisanyone know how to disable the backgrounds on Xvnc ?18:08
Slartfivetwentysix: I think you'll get better answers in linux kernel channel of some kind18:08
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users!) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?18:08
danand_Jack_Sparrow - ok!18:08
thedhtmanj# rpgloverx18:08
adelie42anyone else able to connect to the repos?18:09
Piciadelie42: yes.18:09
bazhangadelie42: aye18:09
adelie42pici: thanks18:09
Slartadelie42: works here18:09
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: Still not awake, but everything in grub should be hda18:09
Atlastmjw-: and grub counts from zero, so hd0,0, and not hda1 like the kernel.18:09
GpalcoTracker doesn't index my files !!! What can be the reason ????????18:09
abdullafivetwentysix, i can say that im using linux with a p3 800mhz 256 ram 32mb geforce 4 with allcompiz effects all with a benchmark of 26% cpu usage , while windows xp with rocket dock and Yo3dm enabled it gets up to 80%!!!18:10
kazim59http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55377/ Help installing GRUB.. What's wrong here?18:10
sarthorHi i am using gutsy on x300 del latitude, it has builing mobile chip card reader, how to to browse my mmc card? i got "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55371/" in log messages18:10
sarthorany Help please18:10
capricorn^80i need some information about apparmour18:10
RB2When I right-click on an html file on my local fs and choose Firefox from the application selection box, it just sits and waits and never opens ff. Any suggestions?18:11
danand_Jack_Sparrow - ok - user ubuntu is having error 15 problems with grub - this means grub can't find his kernel image/file right??18:11
capricorn^80i am not getting some good tutorials of apparmour18:11
Jack_Sparrowsarthor: Very few of those built in card readers work...18:11
mjw-kazim59 /dev/sda6 would = hd(0,5) in grub I thought...18:11
GpalcoPlease tell me how to setup Tracker to start indexing files !!!18:11
capricorn^80refer me some good links for it configuration18:11
SlartRB2: what happens if you run firefox yourhtmlfilenamehere ?18:11
SlartGpalco: I think it does by default18:11
schasihi ther18:11
sarthorJack_Sparrow, its works on Windows18:11
SoLhi, i installed VirtualBox, after created virtual interfaces tap0 and connected him with eth0, with help bridge - br0. After dont work nmap =(18:11
RB2Slart, I'll try it that way. The strange thing is that if I double-click on the html file, it opens it in ff. :-/18:11
Atlastkazim59: what is sda4?18:11
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: I would not know without looking it up18:11
SoLsorry my english18:12
GpalcoSlart, it did with emails, but not with files!18:12
Jack_Sparrowsarthor: Thats because it has propietary windows drivers18:12
kazim59Atlast: that was a boot partition of an earlier ubuntu I had... that's no problem at all.18:12
schasiShouldn't there have been randr 1.2 in feisty? There seems to be only version 1.1 available18:12
danand_mjw- - going on whats been discussed sda6 would be hd0,5 yes18:12
GpalcoSlart, is there a way to see the index ???18:12
SlartRB2: very strange18:12
capricorn^80Slart: if i have to configure some thing then i need it manually18:12
symlinkSuperQ, Remember that ftp/scp problem you helped me with.... I forgot all about having firestarter running18:12
SlartGpalco: I don't know.. I've turned tracker off.. it was being a pest on my system18:13
sarthorJack_Sparrow, So what you advice? Leave it with out wasting more time over this issue??18:13
Slartcapricorn^80: huh?18:13
abdullatranslator plugin for kopete isnt working :S it doesnt translate same thing with aytmm messenger18:13
sarthorabdulla, Salam18:13
kazim59mjw-: on pressing tab after typing (hd0, ... GRUB displays hd0,0, then hd0,2, continuing till hd0,6. Somehow it won't show (hd0,1) and hence /dev/sda6 maps to hd0,6 in GRUB too.18:13
ubuntudanand_ : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55379/18:13
Jack_Sparrowsarthor: I spent $4 at frys to solve that one18:13
sarthorJack_Sparrow, i only can spent time .. not $s ;) Dont have that.18:14
abdullasarthor, Walaikom Alsallam [[ May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah (SWT) of ( All Mighty GOD ) be on you ]]18:14
Jack_Sparrowsarthor: Actually, there was a $4 rebate all I paid was the tax18:14
mjw-kazim59 ohhh, I think I see an issue here. sda2 is, as a whole, an extended logical drive that contains sda3-sda6...maybe grub can't boot from extended partitions18:14
mjw-kazim59 I know windows can't18:14
GpalcoSlart, then TRACKER is just worthless app, there is no support channel for it, and noubuntu user seem to be using it! Just worhless then18:14
Atlastkazim59: does seem a little strange, but do you know how your partitions are setup? That is by looking at GParted?18:14
sarthorabdulla, Saw your name, so just loved to say salam O Alykum to you. take your time please18:14
SlartGpalco: this is the first version it's been installed by default on.. perhaps it will be great and awsome on hardy.. who knows =)18:15
abdullatranslator plugin for kopete doesnt work does it require any more dependencies ? when it actually comes in by default with kopete.18:15
kazim59mjw-: GRUB can boot from extended partitions. Windows can't, true.18:16
lynucsi have compiled ubuntu-kernel with the make-kpkg --initrd --revision binary method.. now i notice, i forgot the fuse module.. ist it possible to add the module, without rewriting and reinstalling the whole packages??18:16
kazim59Atlast: GParted fails showing a critical error and doesn't show me anything...18:16
mjw-kazim59 what is sda4...?18:16
lesshasteI would to make a file which I mount via loopback to fake having another partition18:16
ubuntudanand_ , Jack_Sparrow : that's my menu.lst -->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55381/18:16
lesshastehow do you do that?18:16
bmk789why would lsusb randomly show my webcam?  some reboots it shows and some it doesnt exist18:17
Jack_Sparrowkazim59: My ubuntu is on sda7 which is extended if that helps18:17
Atlastkazim59: I believe you can use "fsck" to fix the problem of the cylinders and then continue. But I've never done it.18:17
kazim59mjw-: A boot partition for an old Ubuntu I had.... that is not important now18:17
lesshastebasically I want to make a disk image18:17
GpalcoSlart, I would like to help develop it's resourses or translate it, but there no one to be contacted about it. Seems like a dead project, or may be a one person project. But with such anice advertisment!18:18
danand_ubuntu - if your /boot folder/partition is on /dev/hda5 that would translate to (hd0,6) in your menu.lst file, if /boot is on /dev/sda9 then that would be (hda0,9)18:18
SlartGpalco: oh.. I thought it had some developers.. that's to bad18:18
Aquahallicfolks.. on my winblows box I used to use a proggy called WinSCP that gave me a graphical interface with SSH.. is there a program that's comparable for ubuntu??18:18
BakefyHow can I see if ubuntu can see my newly installed raid controller?18:18
renderohi, anybody knows about some tutorial the most explicit as possible to learn iptables ? I also want to know something is not clear for me, like the forward chains18:18
danand_ubuntu - try putting hd0,6 in your menu.lst file instead and see if you have any luck18:19
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: So you are trying to boot from sda1018:19
ubuntudanand_ : it is sda9 indeed !18:19
capricorn^80i just need apparmour tutorials with examples18:19
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: What is your fdisk -l18:19
abdullatranslator plugin for kopete doesnt work any ideas anyone18:19
GpalcoSlart, I didn't want to go back to Goggle Desktop, wanted to start using some opensource indexer, but no more now.18:19
danand_Jack_Sparrow - ubuntu's fdisk -l output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55379/18:20
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor capricorn^8018:20
SlartGpalco: I think there are some other indexers out there18:20
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Atlastdanand_: hd0,6 is sda718:20
kazim59Atlast: did fsck... no help :(18:20
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: so 9 , 10 or 11   one sec...18:21
ere4siAquahallic, try this - http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/VNC/vnc-over-ssh.html18:21
Condoulodoes anybody know what GTK engine the Ubuntu studio theme uses?18:21
Atlastkazim59: or maybe it was "fdisk"? But make sure the partitions are not mounted. That is run it from a live CD. I'm not sure.18:22
danand_Atlast - crap! got that wrong ...18:22
ubuntuJack_Sparrow : it should boot from sda918:22
abdullaanyideas guys why kopete translator isnt translating anything?18:22
Atlastdanand_: I tell you, grub start counting from zero.18:22
capricorn^80i got this site of apparmour18:22
kazim59Atlast: running it from livecd... no partition is mounted :)18:22
jribGpalco: I use tracker fwiw.  It doesn't look like a dead project.  There are plenty of recent commits in svn18:22
AquahallicYeah I already use VNC... I was looking for more of somekind of application that would just give me a graphical interface to all the files and directories on a remote box18:22
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55383/18:22
Che-AnarchI'm considering installing Ubuntu on a Panasonic laptop P3-866 256 ram .... wouldnt Xubuntu be better?18:22
capricorn^80but i am not getting much tutorial of it from internet18:23
bazhangfluxbuntu even Che-Anarch18:23
mjw-Che-Anarch I run xubuntu on a celeron 1066MHz, 256MB notebook, it works well.18:23
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: Did you make a sep /home and what else18:23
Che-Anarchfluxbuntu  ?18:23
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: Did you see what I did with that?18:23
Gpalcojrib, do you know anyone who can be contacted about doing translation of the app or developing stemming for a new lenguage ?18:23
jribGpalco: jamiemcc at gnome org seems to be the maintainer according to http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/18:24
ubuntuJack_Sparrow : wut do u mean ?18:24
DRebellion!translate | Gpalco18:24
ubotuGpalco: Translate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/18:24
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: Did you see the post?18:25
kazim59What should I do, Atlast, mjw? Guess need to take backup and whoosh the disk?18:25
jribGpalco: you could also try their mailing list or irc channel on GIMPNet?18:25
danand_ubuntu & RE Atlast - sorry - for sda9 that should be (hd0,8) as Jack_Sparrow has done at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55383/ !! Sometimes poor brain just does not work as it should :)18:25
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: I goofed on line 13218:25
Jack_Sparrowget rid of the -818:26
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: You agree that works fine for testing that out?18:26
Gpalcojrib,ha, try connecting to it. According to some mailing lists found by Google other haven't been able to connect either. Does Tracker index your files?  Did you have to do anything so it start indexing ?18:26
ubuntuJack_Sparrow : thanks18:27
cafkahow can i see what drivers i have on my network devices ??? (drivers on eth0 )??18:27
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Che-AnarchWhat about boot manager?   is anything shipped with Ubuntu / Xubuntu if I want to have my existing OS perserved / dual boot?18:27
danand_Jack_Sparrow - yes - ubuntu just needs to replace (hd0,9) with (hd0,8) :)18:27
Atlastkazim59: Well try searching info on the forums first. I'm sure someone asked something similar in here a few months ago. But I don't know the answer and I don't remember who answered the question.18:27
Gpalcojrib, itindexs my mail - and that's great, but not a file18:27
nom_I have a DVD burnt on my hardisk I want to convert it into mpg how do I do that?18:27
jribGpalco: connecting to the mailing list you mean?18:28
CVirusAny suggestions for a light weight terminal emulator that supports tabs and transparency ?18:28
mjw-!grub | Che-Anarch18:28
ubotuChe-Anarch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:28
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: But when there is an issue, I just make a listing for all possibilities and go through the list18:28
danand_nom_ - think you can use the program dvdrip18:28
DRebellionCVirus, erm, gnome-terminal?18:28
cafkahow can i see what drivers i have on my network devices ??? (drivers on eth0 )??18:28
Shuggleis it possible to encrypt an entire hard drive (that is running ubuntu?)18:28
Gpalcojrib, no. the irc channel. I tried connecting with a number of addresses, but none worked18:28
danand_Jack_Sparrow - agreed - definately the best way to do it18:29
CVirusDRebellion: other suggestions ?18:29
nom_danand_,  let me check does it converts dvd files into mpg?18:29
jribGpalco: works fine.  Try irc.gnome.org?18:29
mjw-Che-Anarch A normal (x)ubuntu install can guide you in splitting a windows partition to install ubuntu, and will by default put windows as a choice in the boot menu18:29
idyllichi, is there away to manual change dependencies of packages? say, i got java6 installed, but the package insists on install java5 dependency else it will not allow me to proceed. thanks =)18:29
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: Quick, easy, one edit.. :)18:29
danand_nom_ - avi I think18:29
bazhangShuggle: truecrypt ;]18:29
abdulladanand_, nom_  i think  he just can use a MSwindows program which can do the job through wine18:29
Gpalcojrib, thank you. will try inow. Is it whene the 'GimpNet' is ?18:29
ubuntudanand_ & Jack_Sparrow : so shall i try the last one posted ?18:29
nom_abdulla,  i tried some windows program but didnt succeed18:30
nanbudhmy fluxbuntu cd errors saying cannot install base system, no installable cd found.18:30
nom_abdulla,  can you suggest some free software that would do the job on window?18:30
ubuntuok , thx , i'll go to check it18:30
Shugglebazhang: I've used truecrypt before. What I would like is something that encrypts the harddrive that ubuntu is currently running on, and the swap18:30
jribGpalco: yeah, it redirects to irc.gimp.org18:30
danand_ubuntu - just replace (hd0,9) with (hd0,8) in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file18:30
ere4sinom_, there's ffmpeg - it's command line but well documented18:30
Shugglebazhang: will truecrypt do that?18:30
bazhangShuggle: the reason being...18:31
bmk789lsusb wont show my webcam at all, what gives?18:31
drucan someone help me?18:31
danand_ubuntu - luck - dinner time for me!!18:31
newbuntu22my login screen appears on the wrong monitor... i've tried to modify my xorg.conf file but i'm doing something incorrectly... can anyone help me?18:31
lesshaste how do you mount something so that a user can read and write to it?18:31
jrib!ask | dru18:31
ubotudru: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:31
bazhanghttp://www.truecrypt.org/faq.php Shuggle18:31
Jack_Sparrowdanand_: I goof those up myself all the time...  does 0 = 1 or 1 = 0 argh!18:31
jriblesshaste: what filesystem?18:31
jetscreamerbmk789: you 'might' see if update-pciids would do you any good18:31
mjw-newbuntu22 what kind of card are you using?18:32
idyllichi, is there away to manual change dependencies of packages? say, i got java6 installed, but the package insists on install java5 dependency else it will not allow me to proceed. thanks =)18:32
abdullanom_, i think their are free software but u can get nonfree which offers a 14 day trail then swift your card and you have it :) but if you want piracy then i guess torrents share the Second World for free18:32
jribidyllic: what package?18:32
drui want to manage my website with a dedicated server but do not know what to do ... i can support 100$ a month, can someone point me in the right direction or guide me?18:32
idyllicjrib: basket, but i don't want kontact, kmail, korganizer18:32
Jack_Sparrow!piracy | abdulla18:32
ubotuabdulla: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:32
idyllicjrib: also glassfish v118:32
lesshastejrib, xfs18:32
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bmk789jetscreamer: i ran that should i reboot now?18:33
nanbudhin the installer cd dists>gutsy>main>Release what do the MD5 sums signify?can i run md5sum command on here somewhere to check if cd is okay?18:33
nom_abdulla,  how do i download second world?18:33
Shugglebazhang: Thanks!18:33
TivenHi ! My usb mouse (logitech g7 wireless) only works for the first 2 seconds after i boot ubuntu . I tried other usb mice and the same happens , with ps/2 mouse it works though.18:33
jriblesshaste: set permissions as you would any other file on your system.  See the link from ubotu, but feel free to ask questions if something is not clear18:33
jrib!permissions > lesshaste (read the private message from ubotu)18:33
abdullai like it when a glimpse of the pirates eye can catch such nonsense when im discussing a comment overall just dont spam :)18:33
newbuntu22mjw;  nvidia18:33
BakefyHow can I see if my raid card is detected by ubuntu?18:34
jribidyllic: dependencies are there because the program will not run correctly without them, they aren't optional things18:34
mjw-newbuntu22 actually the easiest way to fix things may be to just switch the monitors cables on the back of the computer :)18:34
abdullanom_, not second world thats a philosophical talk lol18:34
mjw-Bakefy lspci18:34
Gpalcojrib, it is not connecting with me. I gonnected here, so it is probably not me where the problem is. Thank you very much. Any way. So does it index your files?18:34
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newbuntu22mjw:  one is a dvi, and the other is a vga that connects to my lcd tv18:34
newbuntu22so that won't work for me18:34
bazhangdru perhaps dreamhost18:34
abdullanom_, any torrent site just search through app and type convert18:34
jribGpalco: yes, it indexes my files.  There are bugs on bugs.ubuntu.com though, maybe you are experiencing one of them18:34
mjw-newbuntu22 I'm not familiar with how the nvidia drivers do dualhead, so I can't help you much beyond that18:35
bazhangabdulla please not here18:35
ere4siTiven, I get that sometimes and removing/reinserting the usb mouse gets it working again - tried that?18:35
jribGpalco: iirc, I had to delete my index when I upgraded and let tracker reindex everything again18:35
drubazhand: naw thats shared, i need dedicated18:35
abdullanewbuntu22, is it a laptop?18:35
idyllicjrib: nope, if no Kontact or Kdepim installed, there will be no contact integration. That's all. I just want the notepad programme and nothing else.18:35
newbuntu22abdulla: no, a dekstop18:36
bazhangdru not really an ubuntu question thoug ;]h18:36
idyllicjrib: so is glassfish... i already got java6.. why do it insist me on using java518:36
Gpalcojrib, thank you very much foranswering. will it now. thank you18:36
abdullanewbuntu22, its not a big problem edit xorg18:36
Tivenere4si , yes , it doesnt work :(( . i even tried every single usb option at my bios but nothing works. its like after 2 seconds , usb doesnt work at all18:36
drubazhang: a computer question aint it? and i am looking to run it on a linux server18:36
Bakefythanks mjw-!  now how can I see if the attached sata hhds are working?18:36
herbaliserhi is there a way to extract a .bin file?18:36
herbaliseror mount it like iso18:36
jribidyllic: having said that, You have two options.  Look into equivs to make a dummy "kontact" package or 'apt-get source' the package and edit the files in the debian directory. But this will make your computer explode etc....18:37
erUSUL!iso | herbaliser18:37
ubotuherbaliser: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:37
DaveWhen I put by system into standby mode and come back out of it, by wireless connection does not work. I am useing a static IP with wpa2 personal connection. any advise?18:37
luchadorIf i'm running ubuntu 7.10 and want to make an xp boot, what all do i have to do?18:37
bazhangoy dru but this is ubuntu not linuxhelp18:37
abdullanewbuntu22, in the xorg.conf see Section Screen do you have this line - Option         "UseDisplayDevice" ?18:37
newbuntu22abdulla... i found this link, which seems to deal with my exact problem:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=625772       i tried to edit my xorg.conf file by adding the TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder option, but i am doing something wrong (my computer booted in safe graphics mode)... i am sure i'm doing something extremely newbish18:37
mjw-Bakefy use gparted, cfdisk, or another partitioning program to see if linux can see the drives18:37
jrib!source > idyllic (read the private message from ubotu)18:37
Bakefythanks mjw-18:37
idyllicjrib: thank you very much! =)18:37
* InspectorCluseau how would you 'mount' a bin file.....18:38
mjw-!gparted | Bakefy18:38
ubotuBakefy: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:38
renderohi, anybody knows about some tutorial the most explicit as possible to learn iptables ? I also want to know something is not clear for me, like the forward chains18:38
ThistleWebHi all, I wonder if anyone can tell me how to enable tab completion in the Gnome terminal18:38
slayerhello all18:38
luchadorIm currently using ubuntu 7.10, what all do i have to do to make a windows xp boot?18:38
* InspectorCluseau so many 'experts'....so few experts18:39
luchadorInspectorCluseau lmao18:39
Seveasrendero, buy the "iptables quick reference" book from oreilly, it's small cheap and good18:39
luchadornice name18:39
Starseedluchador, do you have it installed on another partition ?18:39
mjw-ThistleWeb it's not enabled by default?18:39
ere4siTiven, maybe the hal daemon isn't running after login - let me read some stuff18:39
luchadorno Starseed i only have ubuntu 7.10 right now18:39
bazhanghttp://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html rendero18:39
adelie42Hmm... I have squid installed, and ever since only firefox can make a direct connection to the internet, and every other apps needs to use the proxy to connect to the internet. why can't I connect normally?18:39
newbuntu22abdulla:  how would you modify my xorg.conf file?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55389/18:39
SeveasThistleWeb, gnome-terminal has no tab completion, the shell running in it has.18:39
abdullanewbuntu22, im sure you are not setting it correctly , maybe you have the command line but its the CRT 1 and 2 maybe yours is named CRT 0 or maybe CRT something lets not go deep see what your xorg says18:39
bmk789still no webcam on lsusb :\18:39
Tivenere4si thanks !!18:40
SlartThistleWeb: I'm surprised it isn't enabled by default.. check .bashrc in your home folder18:40
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/144732 ) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?18:40
Starseedluchador, you can dual boot, using grub .. I always do wndows , then linux .. XP will overwrite the MBR , and you'll have to boot into a live cd enviorment to fix18:40
ThistleWebit's just beeping when I hit tab, it should be completing18:40
archangelpetrois there a way to cat * files in a directory and grep for a string, but then reveal which file the matched string is in?18:40
renderoanybody to tell me what is the forward chain in iptables ?18:40
SlartInspectorCluseau: convert the bin to an iso.. mount with.. well.. mount18:40
ThistleWebwill check bashrc18:40
luchadorwait what?18:40
Seveasarchangelpetro, grep string_here *18:41
SlartThistleWeb: are you sure there is anything it can complete to?18:41
abdullanewbuntu22, its logging through lcd?18:41
* InspectorCluseau 'expert' == "I've used Linux 2 weeks and know how to use ubotu"....18:41
Tivenere4si should i enable USB Mouse support at bios ? cause most of the time , ubuntu wont boot if its ON18:41
newbuntu22abdulla:  that's part of my problem... i see my 'dell 2707' named a few times, but i dont see my tv mentioned...18:41
archangelpetrolol Seveas my horrible badness, im too used to cat * and piping it into grep18:41
newbuntu22abdulla: both my monitor and TV are lcds18:41
fiXXXerMetI plugged my camera into my computer via usb and it isn't being detected?  It is set to mass storage mode and it used to work on 7.0418:41
luchadorStarseed: can we talk in #ubuntu-youth real quick18:41
abdullaso it logs in your monitor18:41
abdullanot TV18:41
Seveasrendero, it's the chain that hooks between input and output for forwarded packages18:41
slayerhow can i get desklets to load at startup?18:41
bazhanghttp://www.linuxlove.org/2007/11/12/linux-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-nx-6000-on-ubuntu-and-fedora/ bmk789 check here ;]18:42
mjw-newbuntu22 I pasted a suggestion, see line 12618:42
adelie42anyone here familiar with squid that can help me? I think only certainapplications are whitelisted to connect to he internet.18:42
newbuntu22abdulla: no, it logs in to my TV18:42
renderoSeveas, i know, but i do not know what is that really18:42
ere4siTiven, with the usb mouse in and you logged in type in a terminal -   sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart   - and see if the mouse is seen then18:42
Slartadelie42: I don't think squid knows what application is trying to connect.. I might be wrong though18:42
Seveasrendero, then follow my advise and buy that book18:42
freebirdAnyone successfully connecting to monitor with dvi with 7.10?18:42
bonaldo2000Can anyone tell me how to mount a folder as a device? I have the files from a DVD in a folder and would like to mount this folder in a way that makes the system think I inserted a DVD...18:43
Tivenere4si , can you wait until i reboot please ?18:43
Slartfreebird: yes18:43
Tivenim on windows at the moment , couldnt boot ubuntu.. ( some bios option again... ) this mobo is driving me nuts18:43
Seveasrendero, http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lnxiptablespr/index.html -- costs $10 and worth every penny18:43
freebirdSlart: Can you see post screen etc when booting?18:43
bmk789bazhang: ive tried installing that driver and it didnt change anything, lsusb -vv wont even list it18:43
nanbudhi have checked all the 5 MD5 sums given in dists>gutsy>main>Release and they match. why is my cd then giving error: "cannot install base system, no installable cdrom found" ?18:43
Slartfreebird: yes18:43
slayerhow can i get desklets to load at startup?18:43
ere4siTiven, sure18:43
Tiventhank you! be right back18:43
ubudwhat program can convert dvd to mpeg4 for importing to ipod18:43
mjw-newbuntu22 I reversed the ordering of the "metamodes" line...hopefully it will cause the monitors to switch what is the primary one18:44
Slartslayer: check system, preferences, sessions18:44
abdullanewbuntu22, add this in screen section in the last buttom Option UseDisplayDevice CRT18:44
lucahow can i see my windows xp partitions?18:44
umanhey guys, i seem to have a problem. i need to use a windows application (which i have running fine on wine) that listens on port 222 but when i open this app it tells me that port 222 is already in use. What could be using this port and is there a way for whatever is using port 222 to use another port? Thanks18:44
renderoi do not think that i have to buy a book , when i see input i see that that chains control what connections to allow to enter my pc, and output the packets to internet, what is forward, i do not think i have to buy a book to know, but i will read the book when i have some time18:44
Slart!ntfs | luca18:44
ubotuluca: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE18:44
adelie42slart hmm... any other reason why certain applications would be able to connect directly to the internet, and why others are required to use the proxy?18:44
newbuntu22abdulla: my TV is a lcd that uses VGA.. my monitor is a lcd that uses DVI18:44
abdullanewbuntu22, take mjw advice if doesnt work use myne18:44
ubudwhat program can use to convert DVD video into mpeg for importing to ipod for viewing?18:45
kazim59Alright, now after trying to Install GRUB using grub-install... I get this error "/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."18:45
newbuntu22mjw and abdulla: i will try both of your advice... that's a lot18:45
Slartadelie42: squid might be letter for example regular web-traffic through but blocking ftp-traffic.. that would make firefox work but gftp wouldn't18:45
umani mean could anyone help me out with my question18:45
Slartadelie42: *letting18:45
umanhey guys, i seem to have a problem. i need to use a windows application (which i have running fine on wine) that listens on port 222 but when i open this app it tells me that port 222 is already in use. What could be using this port and is there a way for whatever is using port 222 to use another port? Thanks18:45
Bakefymjw- gparted sees my disks, but I was thinking that it would only see one, because I set up a mirror raid.18:45
Slartuman: netstat can help you find what is using port 22218:46
hotmonkeyluvso, stupid me! I forgot to make a backup of my xorg.conf!! now i'm mousepadless. is there any way to redo the xorg.conf file? or am I SOL, and need to spend tons of time figuring it out manually?18:46
mjw-Bakefy is this a hardware RAID card?18:46
abdullanewbuntu22, wait i said option usedisplaydevice CRt18:46
ubudis there a handbrake similar software for ubuntu?18:46
mjw-Bakefy because if gaprted sees both disks it's not doing it right18:46
abdullaim not sure if you must put CRT for the DVI port18:46
DaveWhen I put by system into standby mode and come back out of it, by wireless connection does not work. I am useing a static IP with wpa2 personal connection.18:46
erUSULhotmonkeyluv: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'18:46
Slarthotmonkeyluv: check if there is a backup xorg-file in the same place.. but with a different ending18:46
Bakefymjw-  I believe so, its got it buit in, I set it in the startup18:46
adelie42slart so it could be automatically functioning as a firewall by default?18:46
Slartadelie42: well.. kind of.. yes18:47
ThistleWebmy bad, I got my syntax wrong, tab completion is on18:47
ThistleWebthanks for the help anyway18:47
jetscreamerDave: i don't remember but that is common, so the answer is going to be relatively easy to find18:47
ubudis there a linux version of handbrake?18:47
freebirdHow do I troubleshoot my dvi card...I see nada when starting up? My monitor knows there is a connection but I get a blank screen, not even a console window?18:47
newbuntu22mjw:  your line 126 looks the same as mine?  did you modify it on the url i pasted?18:47
Slartadelie42: I'm no squid expert.. I've used it once or twice but that's all.. I might be horribly wrong =)18:47
ubudis there a linux version of handbrake?18:47
abdullanewbuntu22, !!! http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=8428018:48
mjw-Bakefy the card or chipset may not be compatible then...?18:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about handbrake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:48
Slartubud: wow..you gave us almost 5 seconds to answer before you repeated your question18:48
adelie42slart so how can I turn that "feature" off? I really don't need a local proxy, just for ssh / non-socks5 remote apps18:48
mjw-newbuntu22 no I just switched it around and updated it on the pastebin18:48
hotmonkeyluverUSUL: what does the phigh part do to the sting?18:48
mjw-newbuntu22 the card I have does dual monitors in a different way18:48
ubudSlari: sorry18:48
erUSULhotmonkeyluv: autodetect as much as it can afaik18:48
abdullanewbuntu22, DFP is for laptop Display so dont have yours on DFP18:48
adelie42slart well, at least you are making sense. Gonna go poke through the config file. maybe there is a 'local policy off' option18:49
ubuntuJack_Sparrow : it didn't work :(18:49
ubuntustill error 1518:49
Slartadelie42: hmm.. you'll have to check the documentation for that one..I don't really know18:49
newbuntu22abdulla:  ahh, i never knew what DFP was18:49
Bakefymjw, not sure, I will keep reserching, at least it sees it... the card shows up on the lspci18:49
umanSlart: thanks. i simply typed "netstat" in the terminal but wasn't able to see the port connections where using. i suppose theres something i have to add to the netstat command..?18:49
hotmonkeyluvSlart: there is a file called xorg.conf(tilde), but it looks like it has some changes made to it from the origional18:49
hotmonkeyluverUSUL: k18:49
Davejetscreamer thanks, I will search ubuntu forums...18:49
newbuntu22mjw: the update on pastebin looks the same as my original posting18:49
abdullaerUSUL, DFP = laptop only?18:49
Bakefy02:07.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3512 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 01)18:49
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.18:50
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: If you tried all three.. then you have a different problem18:50
mjw-newbuntu22 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55397/18:50
Slartuman: yes.. there are lots of switches.. I don't know the syntax by heart.. you could try netstat -a | grep 222  .. or check man netstat18:50
Slarthotmonkeyluv: nothing you can use from that file?18:50
newbuntu22mjw: thanks i will try that18:50
ubuntuJack_Sparrow : wait a sec ... that was one file or three files ????18:50
hotmonkeyluvSlart: perhaps, I'll double check18:50
umanSlart: i will try thanks18:51
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: I generated one file with three options...18:51
mjw-newbuntu22 I just reversed the ordering of the line 126...I'm not sure if that will fix it but that's the only thing I could see that defines the ordering/arrangement of your monitors18:51
ubudwhat software can convert dvd video into mpeg like handbrake for apple Macintosh OS X18:51
ubuntuJack_sparrow : ah ok , so it's one file ! anyway , is there a way to make grub reconfigure itself ??18:52
freebirdcan't get dvi card working, what can I learn from fact the only display I get is Ubuntu loading graphic, nothing before or after?18:52
Slartubud: look at acid rip.. there are some others too.. don't know if they output mpeg data or avi18:52
Slartubud: sorry.. dvd::rip18:53
hotmonkeyluvSlart: I was annoyed by the amount of my mousepad that was dedicated to scrolling, so I tried to limit the size in xorg.conf, but I limited it the wrong way, so then I went back and made it bigger, but it didn't work.18:53
Slart!info acidrip | ubud18:53
newbuntu22going to reboot, let's hope it works :P18:53
ubotuubud: acidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB18:53
abdullatake care and good luck18:54
abdullaim off to bed :)18:54
newbuntu22thank you both :)18:54
AstorZZZHello there, i have hdd 20gb, one partition 20gb ntfs (winxp), partition has 4 free gigs. How do i resize existing ntfs partition to 16gb using live CD?18:54
Slarthotmonkeyluv: hmm.. never messed with mousepads in xorg.. where did you find out how to do it?18:54
tivenhi ere4si !! i disabled usb legacy and it seems it can boot now18:54
Slart!gparted | AstorZZZ18:54
ubotuAstorZZZ: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:54
hotmonkeyluvSlart: man synaptics18:55
ere4sitiven, tried the mouse yet?18:55
thug_lifeGparted is already on the livecd18:55
tivenere4si:  i noticed something really interesting ! ( my usb keyboard works btw forgot to tell you ) - the mouse works but if i move it too fast , it will just stuck again like the other times18:55
hotmonkeyluvslart: its incredibly comprehensive for a mousepad utility18:55
tivenere4si:  i also changed the volume up/down on my keyboard control , too fast and it doesnt work anymore either like before18:56
hacked``if i wanted to install ubuntu, as a dual boot with winxp, can i just boot up with the ubuntu install cd, and it will create another partition for me?18:56
tivenits like... when i do something too fast / on repeat and its usb , it gets stuck18:56
hacked``or do i have to use partition magic or some other util, first.18:56
ere4sitiven, is the m/board old?18:56
tivenGigabyte ka-8n-sli18:56
Slarthotmonkeyluv: sheesh.. didn't know there was so much synaptics could do.. wow18:56
hotmonkeyluvcool, huh?18:57
tivenere4si:  latest bios18:57
Slarthotmonkeyluv: from what I see you have to enable the scrolling area and then change RightEdge to make it the right size.. sounds familiar?18:57
ere4sitiven, try the command I gave when it gets "stuck" and see if that frees it18:57
hotmonkeyluvSlart: of course you get carried away..."OMG! cool! I want it to do that too!" five minutes later....no mousepad18:57
tivenere4si:  give me the command again please , i rebooted18:58
rvallesI'm having serious stability problems (can't switch users! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/144732 ) with current propietary nvidia driver packages @ ubuntu. Is there any extra repo or something with up to date propietary nvidia drivers? It seems hardy has recent (169.09) nvidia drivers... any way to use them from gutsy?18:58
tiventhe mouse stopped working again :((18:58
Slarthotmonkeyluv: hehe.. backups backups backups18:58
hotmonkeyluvSlart: yeah, I'll try that again18:58
ere4sitiven, sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart18:58
willytell_usb camera problem here :(18:58
* hotmonkeyluv kicks himself in the butt18:58
thug_lifeanyone get the creative zen to work under 7.10 ?18:58
kieren_I put in the Windows disk, and didn't boot into Windows but let it time out and Kubuntu began18:58
Slartrvalles: you can install the drivers from nvidia..  but then you'll have to keep them updated yourself.. no more apt updates for you =)18:59
tiven* Restarting Hardware abstraction layer hald                            [ OK ]18:59
willytell_anyone know how to change the priority level of a process?18:59
hotmonkeyluvSlart: brb18:59
Slartwillytell_: nice18:59
tivenits still stuck... keyboard ( sound control ) and mouse18:59
rvallesSlart: yup, that'd be okay for me18:59
willytell_Slart: okey-doke19:00
=== emmajane_ is now known as emmajane
malocitewhat do you type to see what programs are currently running and how much of the system resources they are using?19:00
rvallesSlart: but not for my sisters, who I am giving computers with ubuntus to.19:00
L3ttuc3Slart nice is for processes you're starting. isn't it renice instead?19:00
rvallesSlart: (each time ubuntu upgraded its kernel... nvidia would blow up)19:00
Slartwillytell_: or.. I don't know if "nice" can change the priority of a running process.. you can use to start a process at a certain prio though19:00
mjw-malocite top19:00
Slartsee.. listen to L3ttuc3, he knows what he's talking about =)19:00
jay[PLUS]i installed the downloaded version of ubuntu 7.10 and the duel boot option comes up when i reboot my computer now, but when i select ubuntu linux the loading screen omes up then it takes me to a black page and says type help to see shortcuts or somthing, and i can't get any further from there19:00
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
L3ttuc3willytell_ try man renice.19:00
tivenere4si:  its still stuck... keyboard ( sound control ) and mouse19:01
willytell_Slart:  is it possible from command line?19:01
Slartrvalles: yes.. that's what you get for straying from the path =)19:01
AstorZZZduh, so i booted up live cd, opened terminal, entered gparted - it shows i need to have root privileges,19:01
broadcasteri have a digital camera with usb interface which is recognized (at least when KDE is running) as mass storage AND as camera-device, while the latter is not suitable for my needs. unfortunately this stopped working on one PC, which now does not see the mass storage anymore. (dmesg stops after "waiting for device to settle..."). the PTP-interface is useless to me.  i want to compare configs between the PC where it works and the "broken19:01
Slartwillytell_: look at "man renice" and "man nice"19:01
AstorZZZroot user password on live cd?19:01
malocitemjw: my system seems to be running really sluggish under gutsy, slower than it used to under feisty19:01
L3ttuc3willytell_ what i been saying ↑.19:01
jay[PLUS]any help please?19:01
malociteshould xorg be using 60% of resources?19:01
unbuntu22mjw:  your suggestion made my LCD TV oriented to the left of my monitor instead of to the right....    the login screen remained on my lcd TV19:02
willytell_Slart: I'm gonna to look a glance at renice and nice. Thank you all!19:02
unbuntu22any other ideas?19:02
hotmonkeySlart: well, shucks19:02
bad_cablesis there anyone in here who uses monkey web server?19:02
hotmonkeySlart: that didn't work19:02
Slarthotmonkey: it didn't work?19:02
mjw-malocite probably not19:02
jay[PLUS]i guess not19:02
hotmonkeyslart: nope, i'm on my other computer now19:02
=== StasV is now known as LegolasV
malocitemjw: how much does yours use just out of curiosity?  I have a gig of ram on a p4 2.419:02
ere4sitiven, will have a quick google for it19:02
mEck0God evening folks! If I configure crontab to autobackup directories (via rsync) to a usb-dongle, and I accidently remove the usb-dongle from my docking station, what will happen then? Will crontab try to backup the stuff to the usb-dongle, but when it realizes that it isn't mounted, he doesn't do anything (or put something in a log)? Am I right?19:02
mjw-unbuntu22 hmm, sorry that didn't work quite like you expected19:03
umanhi there. Im running a windows application under wine and I need it to listen on port 222, but when i set it to port 222 it tells me that port is already in use.. ive used netstat and I dont see anything using that port. what could the problem be? thank19:03
tivenere4si:  thank you19:03
tivenere4si:  i hope you be more lucky than me :( im searching 2 days now19:03
naknomikIs there acrobat reader available for Ubuntu?19:03
broadcasteruman: you cannot use ports < 1024 as non-root user19:03
unbuntu22mjw: i appreciate your suggestion :)       do you have any other ideas?19:03
spdfmEck0, I imagine it would fail with 'Directory not found', or something similar.19:03
JoeLombardoHello. I can't login to phpmyadmin after installing it with a .deb package. Does anyone know the default username and password? da_admin and root do not work. Thank you!19:03
Slartnaknomik: I think acrobat is available.. plus a couple of alternatives19:03
Pirate_Hunter'ello does anyone know how to make exaile/banshee rescan my music folder when I start it up19:04
mjw-unbuntu22 I thought the nvidia driver had a configurator for it... nvidia-??? something. try tab completion at a terminal to see if you can find it19:04
spdfuman, Try using nmap on localhost19:04
ere4sitiven, there's nothing for a ka board but plenty for a ga board...19:04
naknomikSlart: how, where do I get it? I searched through synaptic didn't find19:04
L3ttuc3naknomik the default document viewer. or it's called 'evince'.19:04
tivenere4si:  yeah its ga-8n-sli19:04
wweaselMy computer won't mount discs in my CD drive. I've pastebinned /var/log/syslog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55401/  - I believe the problem is on line 249. Anyone able to lend an eye?19:04
spdfuman, That'll give you a better idea of what ports are in use19:04
tivenim sorry19:04
umanbroadcaster: thanks. so to solve my problem i would have to run wine as root or login as root?19:04
naknomikL3ttuc3: I want to work on fillable forms19:04
umanill try that spdf thanks19:04
ere4sitiven, :)19:04
unbuntu22mjw: yeah, the options are correct in the nvidia configurator... there arent any options for the login screen though19:04
L3ttuc3naknomik oh, not sure if it supports that, better go with adobe's own then i guess.19:05
mEck0spdf, okay. because I want to autobackup schoolworks to a usb-dongle from my laptop since I don't have a external harddisk and it isn't so good to backup something to the same disk.19:05
broadcasteruman: you should NOT run windows apps as root, better change the port...19:05
Slart!pdf | naknomik19:05
ubotunaknomik: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)19:05
mjw-unbuntu22 well you've stumped me then. If you were using xinerama instead of twinview, I think you could switch it, but I'm stumped otherwise19:05
broadcasteruman: there might be a way to give an unprivileged user access to a certain port, but i don't know how19:05
Slartnaknomik: I don't know where to get adobe reader... probably from adobe19:05
Pirate_Hunter'ello does anyone know how to make exaile/banshee rescan my music folder when I start it up19:05
malocitewhen I try to watch online video it is extremely jerky on ubuntu, but seemless on windows... right now I'm trying to watch an episode of jpod on www.cbc.ca/jpod but its like a slide show19:06
unbuntu22thanks though19:06
naknomikL3ttuc3: that was the question, I need Adobe Acrobat, is that available through a repository19:06
broadcasteranybody here who could help me with my mass-storage-issue?19:06
mjw-unbuntu22 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55399/  for an example of a Xinerama configuration...see lines 115-12219:06
broadcasteri think, it has something to do with udev, but even udev's config is too large to just go through everything19:06
wweaselCould someone give me a hand figuring out why my computer won't mount CDs?19:06
L3ttuc3naknomik not sure, sorry.19:07
espereguis there a gui that can control the fans connected to the mainboard of my desktop????19:07
mjw-malocite what does glxinfo | grep -i direct     spit out?19:07
spdfmEck0, You could script something to check if its inserted, and if its not it'll fail gracefully19:07
malocitemjw: Direct Rendering YES19:07
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
broadcasterwweasel: what happens?19:07
{Nathan}I'm in tty 1, is there a way to scroll back?19:07
spdfmEck0, Really, the rsync will just fail if its not inserted, which really isn't a problem19:07
neuronabest firewall for ubuntu?19:07
broadcasterwweasel: i mean, what happens when you try mount /dvd or something?19:08
L3ttuc3naknomik not on the repositories, i think, i just had a look, but available from adobe.19:08
mjw-!firewall | neurona19:08
ubotuneurona: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:08
broadcasterdid you check dmseg?19:08
mynymlis there a .deb for AWN?19:08
Slartneurona: iptables.. the only one19:08
wweaselbroadcaster, Nothing. There is no /dev/cdrom or /dev/dvd.19:08
L3ttuc3naknomik try this? http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=10&platform=unix19:08
neuronathanks a lot19:08
broadcasterwweasel: check if a) the device exists, b) there is an fstab entry for the mount point19:09
mEck0spdf, ok thats true. Anyway, my intension was to use one of my usb-dongles for just this purpose (backup). So, I think I will have it connected to the docking station all the time (if it isn't bad for the dongle)19:09
ere4sitiven, this site - http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread91265.html - had the same prob and it was a loose heatsink19:09
mjw-malocite weird to get those sort of issues if direct rendering is showing as enabled.19:09
giorgiohi, my wi fi goes really slow, I have max signal and mylaptop when i use win go fast! Can you help me?19:09
wweaselbroadcaster, What do you mean "if the device exists"?19:09
broadcasterwweasel: is there an entry in /dev for your cdrom or dvd drive?19:10
L3ttuc3naknomik http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_allversions.html19:10
malocitemjw: Yeah, things like that, and firefox running slow have been happening since I installed gutsy (on a clean formatted harddrive) I did not have these issues in feisty19:10
tivenere4si: on windows everything is normal with mouse + keyboard :(19:10
giorgiohi, my wi fi goes really slow, I have max signal and mylaptop when i use win go fast! Can you help me?19:11
wweaselbroadcaster, "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       0"   is in fstab19:11
ere4sitiven, can't find anything else - sorry19:11
tivenere4si: alright :((19:11
malocitewhat percentage of cpu should xorg be using normally?19:11
tivenere4si:  thanks for everything anyway !19:11
broadcasterwweasel: ok, are you running KDE or something?19:11
wweaselbroadcaster, XFCE19:11
VadiHow can I completely kill X?19:11
umanbroadcaster: thanks man.19:12
ere4sitiven, have you posted it in the forums?19:12
wweaselbroadcaster, /dev/scd0 doesn't exist.19:12
tivenere4si:  no19:12
broadcasterwweasel: you have to find out what your drive is called first19:12
Ashfire908Vadi you can fully restart it by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace19:12
zimonVadi, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:12
malocitemy system just said "could not grab your mouse" a malicious program may be trying to click a menu19:12
ere4sitiven, might be more experienced people there could help19:12
Vadizimon: thanks19:12
unicumhow do i tell firefox to use the mplayer plugin for flash files?19:12
broadcasterwweasel: i.e. what kind of interface is it: scsi, ide...19:12
zimonVadi, or /etc/init.d/kdm, if you're a kde user19:12
wweaselbroadcaster, I pastebinned my /var/log/syslog ... I believe the proble might be on line 249: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55401/19:12
umanDoes anyone know how to give a normal user acces to ports 0-1024 ? or how to run a windows application as root? I suppose I would have to run wine as root, but how do I do that? Thanks.19:12
Ashfire908malocite, read the full message...19:13
wweaselbroadcaster, It's an IDE drive, properly recognized by the BIOS.19:13
malociteAshfire908: Unfortunately it is gone :)19:13
hotmonkeyslart: argh, now it won't boot at all19:13
hotmonkeySlart: oh well, lesson learned19:13
wweaselmalocite, It's nothing to be worried about.19:14
Slarthotmonkey: won't boot at all? you've done something really bad then19:14
odinsbaneDoes anybody here not upgrade their kernel everytime there is a kernel update?19:14
ffmMy computer crashes when I try to startx or boot with the bootspash, and I am on a AMD64 dell e521 with an new ATI.19:14
Ashfire908malocite, it says that also it could be because you right-clicked something or whatever19:14
ffmodinsbane: why wouldn't you?19:14
broadcasterwweasel: i don't find a message 'bout a cdrom drive beeing detected in there19:14
hotmonkeyslart: i meant X won't start19:14
broadcasterwweasel: you should try knoppix and see if it recognizes the device19:14
Slarthotmonkey: got error messages?19:14
broadcasterwweasel: if it doesn't it's a hardware issue19:14
odinsbaneffm because everytime I upgrade my kernel I have to reinstall the ndis utilities19:14
Jonathan_LI'm installing Ubuntu19:15
L3ttuc3broadcaster another 700MB download that would be for him?19:15
wweaselbroadcaster: I just installed the system from an Xubuntu livecd19:15
TraffHow can add  the basic Gnome GUI to Ubuntu Server without all the user applications?19:15
Jonathan_LThe installer on the Live-CD is open19:15
ffmodinsbane: get a real card.19:15
broadcasterL3ttuc3: whatever live-cd you want then...19:15
ffmodinsbane: a worksforlinux one.19:15
odinsbaneffm ?19:15
broadcasterL3ttuc: debian netinst should also do ;)19:15
ffmodinsbane: ndiswrapper?19:15
ubuntuanyone knows how to make GRUB reconfigure itself ???19:15
wweaselL3ttuc3, don't worry about me, i've got pletnty of live cds around. But it's not a hardware issue, otherwise I would have had trouble installing xubuntu in the first place.19:15
orionr-lapp1Hey guys im having some trouble getting my nvidia 7900 video card to work19:15
ffmubuntu: wahts up?19:15
malociteAshfire908: cool.... the slowness seems to get WAY worse anytime there is a flash video or ad on the scree19:15
Jonathan_LHow should I partition it if I want to keep Windows? I already have two partitions, and the content on one of them is unimportant19:16
broadcasterwweasel: ok, next after hardware would be the kernel...19:16
hotmonkeyslart: just the xserver won't start19:16
L3ttuc3wweasel maybe you're looking at the wrong device, ide usually is /dev/hd??.19:16
ffmJonathan_L: just delete the partition you don't care about, and tell ubuntu to partition the free space.19:16
broadcasterbut that's not in his paste, i think19:16
Jonathan_Lfmm: How?19:16
L3ttuc3i didnt have a look at it. :/19:16
Slarthotmonkey: well.. do the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:16
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
ubuntuffm : error 15 , after editing "menu.lst" and deleting the added text !!19:17
Jonathan_LThe installer is open19:17
wweaselL3ttuc3, no /dev/hd* nor /dev/cdrom nor /dev/scd0 (fstab refers to scd0)19:17
ffmubuntu: do you have a livecd?19:17
broadcasterwweasel: how many harddrives do you have?19:17
hotmonkeySlart: I think that's what killed it int he first place19:17
ffmubuntu: and can you boot at all?19:17
broadcasterwweasel: your devices are /dev/sd*19:17
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
wweaselbroadcaster, I'm aware19:17
ubuntuffm : that's how i am here ! :)19:17
Ashfire908malocite, "19:17
Ashfire908A malicious client may be eavesdropping on your session or you may have just clicked a menu or some application just decided to get focus."19:17
broadcasterprobably sata19:17
deniz_how do i run a windows game that works only from the .bat file19:17
L3ttuc3wweasel scd? reads sdc on mine :P.19:18
deniz_using wine19:18
ffmubuntu: are you on the broken machine via a livecd?19:18
wweaselbroadcaster, I have 2 harddrives. One IDE, connected to mobo. Another SATA, connected to PCI controller.19:18
levanderHas anyone else had the problem with Firefox on Gutsy that well know web sites will sometimes just return a blank page to you?  Occasionally hitting Ctrl-F5 will make them come down for me, but not always.19:18
L3ttuc3wweasel you pastebinned dmesg somewhere? i couldnt find the link in the channel.19:18
ironfootHello I have a problem with oop and the mysql database is there some info I can get to help me get my head around the concepts?19:18
Slarthotmonkey: hmm.. well.. then you'll have to try to remember what you did the first time19:18
broadcasterL3ttuc3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55401/19:18
hotmonkeyslart: that's what i was afraid of19:18
ffmubuntu: lets see... is /boot on a separate partition, or is all of / on the same partition? (Did you set up partitions yoruself, or do so automagicaly?)19:18
malociteit seems my system runs the slowest anytime there is any flash videos, or ads running in firefox.... and it goes REALLY slow, problem does not exist in windows using either ie or firefox, anyone heard of this issue?19:19
FireHazrdwhats the terminal command to check what my ip is in ubuntu.... kinda like ipconfig19:19
wweaselL3ttuc3, pastebinnning it righ tnow.19:19
ubuntuffm : myself19:19
erhanrwhy is it ?19:19
Voyage_how to install inspircd by package manager?19:19
Ashfire908malocite, it's called flash is slow on linux (?)19:19
thinh1977 /msg nickserv IDENTIFY Jonny197719:19
malociteAshfire908: Damn it...19:19
wweaselL3ttuc3, broadcaster: dmesg output = http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55407/19:20
ffmubuntu: is /boot on its own partition? or is it with the rest of / ?19:20
* hfsdo is no longer away : Gone for 2 hours 4 minutes 27 seconds19:20
Ashfire908thinh1977, time for a new password.19:20
ubuntuffm : na , they r together !19:20
erhanrhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-457806.html  and http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-551629.html  its like same problem19:20
SlartFireHazrd: ifconfig19:20
wweaselL3ttuc3, line 210 seems to indicate an ATA device beign disabled...19:21
L3ttuc3wweasel gimme a sec.19:21
ffmubuntu: then mount the partition, and chroot into it.19:21
hotmonkeySlart: It says : undefined device "intel corp mobile 945...gfx controller" referenced by screen "default screen"19:21
MagicDuckdoes anyone have an idea how to see word doc annotations in open office? When I open the doc, I only see some small yellow rectangles. I can get their messages by hovering but some are rammed very close together...19:21
FireHazrdSlart, thanks19:21
deniz_is there anything that i can do so i can run .bat files? apparently dosbox does that but i dont no how to compile and im not sure itll run a "real" video game...cuz its half-life 2 ep1 and not like tetris or sumtin19:21
ffmffm: ie if partition is mounted at /foo/bar, run "chroot /foo/bar" as root.19:21
ffmubuntu: ie if partition is mounted at /foo/bar, run "chroot /foo/bar" as root.19:21
L3ttuc3wweasel is 217 your drive?19:21
ffmdeniz_: WINE.19:22
Slarthotmonkey: I'm not very good with xorg-configuration.. perhaps there are some xorg-ninjas in the channel19:22
wweaselL3ttuc3, what do you mean?19:22
deniz_ffm, i have wine19:22
freggerhello. I am changing the Login Window Preferences, under Accessibility, where you can change the Sounds of when you Log in. But the sound i want plays, but for some reason, it also plays the original sound at the same time when i log in, how do i fix this?19:22
acee1234everything involoving video of effect is choppy on my computer (flash playback on the web, movies, compiz effects, etc) any ideas?19:22
ffmdeniz_: use "winecommand"19:22
Ein_I have a friend he want to make a lan party and he want to play games for microsoft windows but he want to linux as server for network play... can it be?19:22
ubuntuffm : and ?19:22
hotmonkeySlart: i'll try fixing it with the cd first19:22
umanSorry for this dumb question, but how do I make xchat open up completely maximized? When I use it it occupies 100% of the screen so I cant even minimize it or see ubuntu's task bar or anything. Thanks19:22
wweaselL3ttuc3, oh, yes. A Maxtor 250g SATA connected to a PCI Controller card.19:22
erhanrhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55406/  my apache problem19:22
broadcasteri dont find any Ein_: yes19:22
hotmonkeyslart: poke around and stuff19:22
malociteis firefox 3 supposed to be faster with things like flash in linux?19:22
broadcasterEin_: yes19:22
wweaselL3ttuc3, I also have a second hard drive...IDE.19:22
ffmubuntu: "update-grub"19:22
hotmonkeyslart: perhaps i'll figgure out what's up19:22
deniz_ffm, i have wine 0.9.46 btw on gutsy19:22
L3ttuc3wweasel 210 can be ignored tehn.19:22
Slartuman: hold alt and click drag the window so you can see the buttons19:23
ffmdeniz_: still should work.19:23
Ein_what should I do to make it?19:23
wweaselL3ttuc3, Oh wait. 217 refers to my IDE drive, at ata2. 210 says it is ignoring ata1.19:23
andreus__hello. could somebody help me. my GNOME settings got screwed after i've enabled reflection in compiz-config.. now i cannot see my taskbar.. it appears on gnome loading after what all buttons disappear. what is the command for compiz configuration from terminal?19:23
L3ttuc3wweasel 264 second drive.19:23
Ordmanhi im a linux noob y19:24
wweaselL3ttuc3, right.19:24
Ein_is there web site for How To?19:24
StarseedFF 3.0 renders pages a whole lot faster19:24
umanSlart: Thanks but that doesnt work.. I can't even move it if i right clic and select "move"19:24
ffmandreus__: mv .gnome2 .gnome2.old19:24
Jack_SparrowOrdman: Welcome to Ubuntu, how may we help you19:24
Ordmanand my wireless card sucks19:24
ffmandreus__: from the emergency vterm19:24
Starseeddunno about flash19:24
Slartuman: oh.. don't know how to fix that.. sorry19:24
L3ttuc3wweasel ok, so far, they're both getting picked up by the kernel, then.19:25
deniz_ffm, 2 seconds im uncompressing my file again19:25
Ordmanof all the wireless cards in the world i got the wrong one19:25
ubuntuffm : done ! so ?19:25
andreus__ffm, alright. i've placed a launcher shortcut on the desktop for terminal. after moving i just need to restart?19:25
ffmubuntu: reboot...19:25
ffmandreus__: no, you (almost) _never_ need to restart in ubuntu19:25
wweaselL3ttuc3, Yes. my hard drives are recognized, dev sda and sdb, working fine19:26
andreus__i mean, reboot gnome?19:26
ffmandreus__: just log out and relogin.19:26
umanSlart: o problem thanks anyway19:26
L3ttuc3wweasel problem solved?19:26
ubuntuffm : that's all ? well ... thx , i'll try !19:26
Jack_SparrowOrdman: Not the end of the world..  I am not very good at wireless, but if you go to term and do lspci and post what type of card you see it will help others help you19:26
ffmandreus__: yes. CTRL-ALT-BKSPC19:26
L3ttuc3wweasel what was not being picked up?19:26
eschelp i just made compiy work and mz kezboard lazout is foobar19:26
ffmubuntu: that should be it.19:26
wweaselL3ttuc3, my cd drive.19:26
ffmUbuntu: its ubuntu, it's easy!19:26
deniz_does dwl-g122 work in ubuntu 7.04 without tweaking?19:26
reedis there a way to run nonfree flash verbose?19:26
jeforcejoin #ubuntu-fr19:26
BernardBHow can I install a script: http://gtk-apps.org/CONTENT/content-files/64899-avi%20&%20mp4%20converter in Nautilus (Ubuntu Gutsy)?19:27
deniz_ffm, wait im unraring19:27
ffmdeniz_: 7.04 is out of date.19:27
Slimojoin #ubuntu-sl19:27
ffmdeniz_: you should be running gutsy19:27
ffmSlimo: preface tht with /19:27
deniz_ffm, i have gutsy on desktop and feisty on laptop19:27
L3ttuc3wweasel ha... ok, well, if your fstab reads what you say it reads, and i dont know for sure, shouldn't that be /dev/sdc? rather than /dev/scd?19:27
amegabosco_how to upgrade to gusty ?19:27
deniz_ffm, for laptop its too much of a struggle to upgrade cuz i have no optical drive19:27
orionr-lapp1Hey guys im having trouble getting my touch pad to work on ubuntu any ideas?19:27
deniz_ffm, or internet19:27
ffmdeniz_: wifi?19:27
ffmdeniz_: ethernet?19:28
Voyage_how to install inspircd by package manager?19:28
ffmdeniz_: local mirror?19:28
deniz_ffm, i have dial-up internet19:28
ffmVoyage_: sudo apt-get install <name>19:28
deniz_ffm, i tried using firestarter to transmit to laptop19:28
ffmdeniz_: ouch.19:28
wweaselL3ttuc3, "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       0" - this was what was entered automagically on system install. Xubuntu.19:28
deniz_ffm, but dint work19:28
Voyage_ffm i cant find inspircd19:28
escthats better19:28
mcquaid_is there a way to see all packages from a specific source.  I needed something from http://debian.o-hand.com/ and just want to see what else the rep provides19:28
L3ttuc3wweasel and that worked?19:28
deniz_ffm, becuz apparently my wireless card is not ready19:28
escwhat configuration programs are there for compiz?19:28
wweaselL3ttuc3, nope, it has never worked.19:28
xtknightwhere are the compiz desktop effects scripts stored for ubuntu?  i'd like to tweak them.19:28
acee1234verything involving video or effects is choppy on my computer (flash playback on the web, movies, compiz effects, even typing is lagged) any ideas?19:29
ffmVoyage_: then it isn't supported, or you spell poorly.19:29
L3ttuc3wweasel try mount /dev/sdc /media/cdrom0 ?19:29
faemirGeneral question to all: Do you use ~/ to store all stuff like music pics movies etc? If not then where do you put that stuff?19:29
mjw-acee1234 what does glxinfo | grep -i direct    return?19:29
xtknightfaemir, yes that is your user dir19:29
wweaselL3ttuc3, But you'll notice there's no mention of the cdrom drive in dmesg19:29
xtknightfaemir, it's like My Documents19:29
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_:   http://www.milinds.com/ubuntu_linux_how_get_dwl_g122_rev_d1_work_ubuntu_7_04_fiesty_052007  might be what you need19:29
L3ttuc3wweasel yes, i did notice that.19:29
faemirxtknight, I know what it is >_>19:29
lucadoes anyone know why firefox crash when attempting to watch movie ? i have all the plugins19:29
acee1234mjw-: yed19:30
wweaselL3ttuc3, no /dev/sdc.19:30
acee1234mjw-: yes19:30
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, k, im chekin it19:30
Jack_Sparrowluca: How and when did you install flash19:30
L3ttuc3wweasel hmm. ide cdrom?19:30
deniz_ffm, its still unraring19:30
mjw-acee1234 hm, what kind of graphics card is it?19:30
wweaselL3ttuc3, Yep! It's in my second IDE channel.19:30
acee1234mjw-: ati x140019:30
lucaJack_Sparrow: after installing ubuntu i've done it19:30
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, i think thats newer than mine, i probly have revision b19:30
mjw-acee1234 did you install the restricted driver from the restricted drivers manager?19:31
Voyage_ffm http://www.inspircd.org/19:31
acee1234mjw-: yes19:31
lucaJack_Sparrow: it was working and now it doesnt19:31
mjw-acee1234 well you stumped me19:31
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Jack_Sparrowluca: What was installed, upgraded or changed?19:31
ffmVoyage_: it isn't avalible in ubuntu then.19:31
Tivenere4si you still there ?19:31
wweaselL3ttuc3, It's possible i can hack it fixed by just changing which IDE channel the drive is on.19:32
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, would i go thru same steps just with rev b driver?19:32
ffmVoyage_: prepair to compile yerself19:32
TitoNi got the twinview to work today i just want to thank you guys for the help19:32
Voyage_ffm how19:32
lucaJack_Sparrow: just the graphics effects19:32
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: yes19:32
ffmVoyage_: rtm i would assume.19:32
freggerhow would i downgrade from a recent update?19:32
Jack_Sparrowluca: and may I ask how you installed them?19:32
ffmVoyage_: download the sources, and read the "INSTALL" or "README" or "COMPILING" file...19:32
Tivenere4si , i pressed buttons very fast on the keyboard.. and guess what. it got stuck as well .. it was pressing the ENTER button itself , like 100times per second - re-plugged it but nothing happened instead of it kept pressing ENTER19:32
lucaapt get19:32
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, but how would i do sudo apt get stuff without internet in the first place? can i use wine to download it on this comp insted then use a memory stick to transfer and install over to laptop?19:32
L3ttuc3wweasel im stumped. could be the ata1 line 210. but in my case, my IDE cdrom does not get listed on any ATAx line, it's listed as hda, on it's own line in the kernel messages.19:33
pirx_danfordhi ubuntians, just installed xchat and it took me here directly, so goodbye again :-)19:33
ffmdeniz_: you can use "apt-mirror"19:33
Tivenere4si it was pressing enter even when it was unplugged so its operating system side19:33
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: That works just fine...19:33
ffmdeniz_: when you have a fast internet connection, (library maybe?)19:33
thechitowncubsif I change my default user's user ID will that F up my computer?19:33
nrssqualcuno ha notizie sullo sviluppo di nubuntu_19:33
acee1234anyone else have any ideas?19:33
ere4siTiven, maybe file a bug report?19:33
Pici!it | nrss19:33
ubotunrss: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:33
z-dogguys how do i fix the 'nh' is not a component glitch in the ethernet driver compiler???19:34
wweaselL3ttuc3, hmmm... I am thinking it might be an issue to do with my SATA/IDE PCI Controller Card.19:34
ere4siTiven, are you playing a game through wine?19:34
AstorZZZso i managed to run gparted on livecd using sudo, but all the menus and buttons are disabled, huh19:34
thechitowncubsif I change my default user's user ID will that F up my computer?19:34
Tivenere4si no , i didnt even install wine yet :)19:34
AstorZZZhow can i resize ntfs partition from ubuntu live cd?19:34
ere4siTiven, k19:34
mjw-AstorZZZ yes19:34
TitoNi want to access a smb share and mount it in my sys which way is the best way?19:34
L3ttuc3wweasel i think it might. is that cdrom connected onto it?19:34
ubuntuffm : it didn't work :(19:35
wweaselL3ttuc3, which might be causing problems with the mobo's second IDE channel. And that perhaps by making the CD a slave to the first channel or putting it on the card everything might work.19:35
AstorZZZmjw-, yes, how?19:35
Voyage_ffm how to add repositories in package manager?19:35
mjw-AstorZZZ I think gparted can be run from the terminal if you boot from the live cd. plus the installer can split ntfs partitions19:35
L3ttuc3wweasel might be something to look into.19:35
wweaselL3ttuc3: No. Right now I have my root on IDE1, cd on IDE2, home on SATA controller card.19:35
ffmVoyage_: uh, Sys>Admin>Soft. Sources19:35
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: I have had issues doing that when dependencies come up, I had better luck using a ubuntu machine for the apt-get and copying /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd or usb...19:35
ffmubuntu: sorry, I can't help then19:35
wweaselL3ttuc3, I'll try playing around with it. Be back soon.19:35
AstorZZZmjw,i managed to run gparted using sudo gparted rootpwd19:36
unicumis the libflashplayer the only mozilla plugin that plays flash files or can i teach the mozillaplugin-mplayer to do so too, somehow?19:36
L3ttuc3wweasel well, good luck.19:36
AstorZZZbut all menus and buttons are disabled19:36
wweaselL3ttuc3, Thanks for your help!19:36
ubuntuffm : thanks anyway :(19:36
sierWhy is Ubuntu so easy? :(19:36
mjw-AstorZZZ you can't modify partitions and drives that are mounted and being written too...things could get hairy19:36
sierI feel like I have no control at all19:36
ffmsier: no control?19:37
deniz_ffm, it takes long to unrar in linux for some reason so ill be bak later bout that...19:37
Voyage_icant find one.  theres no repository that gives inspircd?19:37
AstorZZZmjw-, So how can i resize ntfs partition from ubuntu live cd?19:37
tentonsnowflakewould anyone know an app to change gtk2 iconthemes (for thunar, etc.) in fluxbox?19:37
AstorZZZOr i cant?19:37
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, k, so ill download the things now19:37
ffmsier: explain.19:37
mjw-AstorZZZ so you're saying you've used gparted on the live cd and everything is inaccessible?19:37
amenadosier try using broadcom bmc43xx wifi chips and lets see if you control19:37
AstorZZZmjw-, yes19:37
iqbalahow do I install times roman font ?19:37
amenadosier try using broadcom bmc43xx wifi chips and lets see if you have* control19:37
AstorZZZexcept for refresh devices and show features :D19:38
sierI installed it, just chose the HD partitions, it loaded KDE already, dunno :P maybe im just used to have to compile and do everything19:38
ffm!times > iqbala19:38
wallacewiqbala: i believe the package is ms-ttffonts or something like. apt-cache search19:38
mjw-AstorZZZ and you booted from the live CD too to start it? I'm not sure why it wouldn't work then19:38
AstorZZZi booted ubunto from live cd19:38
sierI felt like.. "Did i get the windows CD " ?19:38
AstorZZZi ran gparted in terminal19:38
AstorZZZusing sudo gparted rootpwd19:38
andreus__ffm, it didn't help. still taskbar hasn't shown up19:38
AstorZZZi coudnt run it otherwise because you cant run gparted without root privileges19:39
SoludraIs it possible to revert from Gutsy to Feisty, if you've only ever installed Gutsy? I've got an HP Pavilion dv9000, and apparently there's a lot that's unsupported on Ubuntu with it...19:39
mjw-AstorZZZ true. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to modify things then, unless you had partitions from the drive mounted.19:39
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, i have gutsy on this comp and feisty on laptop so will sudo apt-getting here and transfering still work?19:39
thechitowncubsI am trying to sort out my permissions for my Home Network, where can I start learning about how to maintain users and groups across the network?19:39
ballinwhats the command to clean out the things that don't fully install through terminal?19:39
ConstyXIVis there some way to trigger your webcam to take a picture on a bad login/unlock?19:39
ballini recieved it yesterday but now i have to clean it out again19:39
thechitowncubsI was wondering if there is any useful way to sync permissions and users/passwords across the network19:40
tentonsnowflakeballin: you mean cleaning apt-get cache?19:40
BernardBHow can I convert avi to mp4 in Ubuntu Gutsy (Gnome)?19:40
ConstyXIVballin: sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a IIRC19:40
tentonsnowflakeballin: cause then its "sudo apt-get clear"19:40
danand_ballin - sudo apt-get clean19:40
AstorZZZmjw-, let's assume drive is mounted(i didnt do it on purpose though), how do i unmount it?19:40
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: I would think so, but you could also change your sources to feisty sources if you want to be sure19:40
tentonsnowflakeballin: no, sorry19:40
tentonsnowflakeballin: "sudo apt-get clean"19:40
mohbanaanyone playing unreal tournament on ubuntu?19:41
ballintenton: i just tried installing pidgin, goto through make and it ended because i have no more hard drive space. so now i was wondering how to get rid of the files it created19:41
ballinthank you all19:41
mjw-AstorZZZ in the file manager, rightclick the partitions and choose unmount19:41
tentonsnowflakeballin: apt-get clean only cleans apt-get caches19:41
Jack_Sparrowballin: No need to make pidgin, would you like a deb of the latest?19:41
ffmandreus__: then its a compiz issue.19:41
RainCTI just created a new session but I have no sound here (the applet has an image with an X and clicking on it says that it didn't find any sound device). Any idea what the problem could be? (The user is in the admin group).19:41
tentonsnowflakeballin: to remove files you compiled, youll have to find them all, i guess...19:42
ballinjack sparrow: a deb?19:42
SoludraIs it possible to revert from Gutsy to Feisty, and how? I've got an HP Pavilion dv9000, and apparently there's a lot that's unsupported on Ubuntu with it...19:42
ballintenton: the search is on!19:42
ffmandreus__: in a terminal: do the following: "mv .gnome2.old .gnome2; metacity --replace &"19:42
Jack_Sparrowballin: Yes, a double click to install soultion for what you are trying to do19:42
danand_ballin - make uninstall ??19:42
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, k, well ill try first the way it is...so the first thing is done19:42
tentonsnowflakeballin: :)19:42
bazhangSoludra: no19:42
AstorZZZmjw-, done, harddrive unmounted, rerun gparted, still everything disabled19:42
AstorZZZfunny thing is - it wrote, it's safe to remove the harddrive19:43
tentonsnowflakedanand_: would that also work with a partial compile?19:43
ballin:install solution?19:43
=== fivetwentysix2 is now known as fivetwentysix
mjw-AstorZZZ try rebooting again with the livecd...the livecd, afaik, should not be automounting partitions on bootup.19:43
danand_tentonsnowflake - not sure ;) - but worth a go maybe19:43
phuzionwhat is apport?19:43
ballindanand make unstall you say?19:44
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, it says to extrract driver but the cd has it alredy exe so that means no extraction right? and were do i put the driver?19:44
sierAm I Sick? for not liking easy stuff..19:44
tentonsnowflakedanand_: youre right ;)19:44
phuzionbecause it just farted all over my system and ate memory and CPU like crazy19:44
TitoNStäller in bitchx (1:1.1-4ubuntu4) ...19:44
TitoNwarning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory19:44
AstorZZZmjw-, gparted shows status - no devices detected19:44
TitoNwhat is wrong there?19:44
Jack_Sparrowballin: getdeb.net...  3 files.. remove the old pidgin FIRST..ok19:44
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, but honestly thats like half the problem i still cant like give the signal from desktop cuz firestarter is givin me problems19:44
ballinand where do files usually get stored in ubuntu (like program files for wnidows)19:44
bazhangsier no but unusual here ;]19:44
AstorZZZok, i'll try rebooting19:44
naknomikI downloaded an .rpm from the Adobe site, how do I install it?19:44
jribnaknomik: an rpm for what?19:44
bjamesI can create .tar.bz2 files using "tar -jcf <file.tar.bz2> file", but how do I create .tar.bz files? (using the --old-archive switch??)19:45
mjw-AstorZZZ make sure not to try to mount any partitions or access any files on the hard drive19:45
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: Why are you running an iptable manager?  need to open ports for something19:45
danand_ballin - if you did the usual ie make, make install then you _maybe_ able to make uninstall - worth a try19:45
Pie-rateis anyone successfully using dialup from a major ISP with ubuntu? if so, which? AOL doesn't work, so I'm trying to switch my friend to something that does.19:45
eschow do i go into cube mode with compiz fusion19:45
ballindan: i didn't get to the install part, just make19:45
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »19:45
jribPie-rate: netscape works fine with wvdial19:45
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, wats an iptable manager?...all i did was install firestarter and run it and folowing instructions and it says that one of the things is not redy and i assume its my wireless card19:45
escJack_Sparrow: thanks19:45
Pie-ratejrib: what's wvdial?19:46
tentonsnowflakeballin: well then you havent even installed anything yet... :)19:46
white_eaglewhere are the backups of the xorg.conf kept?19:46
jribPie-rate: a program19:46
jrib!dialup > pie-rate (read the private message from ubotu)19:46
white_eagleI need this, its urgent19:46
ballintenton: so the make doesn't install any files or anything?19:46
danand_ballin - in that case I don't think anything would have been installed on your system - just remove the files that the make command created19:46
jribwhite_eagle: /etc/X11/19:46
RainCTnvm, found the problem19:46
WaiXanHow does I save this script? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-255924.html19:46
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: May X windows users think they need a firewall and stick one in , when they really dont understand how linux handles the ports19:46
mjw-white_eagle /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1 etc19:46
tentonsnowflakeballin: i believe it just compiles and makes files ready for installation19:47
Jack_Sparrow!firewall | danand_19:47
ubotudanand_: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:47
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, im sry for being stupid :(...19:47
acee1234are there any linux distro that work as well as windows and are still gui? ive tried ubuntu kubuntu ubuntu ultimate19:47
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ballintenton: it installed something because i have no free space left on this partition19:47
jribWaiXan: copy and paste it into a text editor19:47
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: The only stupid question is one you dont bother to ask19:47
WaiXanAnd save it as?19:47
DRebellionacee1234, no, sorry. they all tend to be a bit better...19:47
ballindan: anyway to find those files?19:47
white_eaglemjw-, and how can I move the backup to replace the original19:47
jribWaiXan: whatever you want19:47
white_eaglewith what command?19:47
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, wat is it?19:47
tentonsnowflakeballin: agree with danand19:47
danand_ballin - make just compiles the program, it doesn't install anything19:47
WaiXanjrib: No  *name*.sh or something?19:47
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wo0fhi, remove the whole sudo thing, and run ubuntu like debian?19:48
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jribWaiXan: it doesn't matter, linux doesn't care about that stuff19:48
Pie-ratejrib: i have the modem working fine, it's a serial modem that just worked. i'm just looking for an isp that doesn't suck like aol does.19:48
wo0fhi, can remove the whole sudo thing, and run ubuntu like debian?19:48
mjw-white_eagle cd /etc/X11; sudo mv (backup file name) xorg.conf19:48
fantum13Is there any way to resize an encrypted partition with an LVM on it?19:48
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:48
wallacewL3ttuc3, I got it happy with the CD drive, now it doesn't like its SATA drive anymore :P19:48
ubuntuso can anyone help me on how to re-install or re-configure my grub ?19:48
acee1234 DRebellion:  my experiance has been the reverse every instillation i tried came with a host of patches to make the sytem usable and there were many issues no one coud solve19:48
reconubuntu: have you tried grub-install?19:48
bugglesI recently did an update, and the Plugins for compiz fusion dont show. do you know how to fix this OR how to downgrade from the update19:48
jribPie-rate: right, but that page should also tell you about the software involved including "wvdial"19:48
amenadowo0f-> what are you talking about? this is not debian channel so we may not know what debian is like19:48
joecurleehi, can anyone recommend a tv tuner card that is compatible with 7.10 ?19:48
danand_ballin - the files should all be in the same directory you ran the make command in19:48
wallacewjoecurlee, Hauppauge cards are excellent.19:49
DRebellion!hcl | joecurlee19:49
L3ttuc3wallacew something to do with the additional card then?19:49
ubotujoecurlee: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:49
Pie-ratejrib: so the normal interface doesn't work?19:49
WaiXanHow does I make it executable then?19:49
reconwo0f: you mean have a root account?19:49
DRebellionWaiXan, chmod +x script19:49
jribPie-rate: I don't know what you mean by "normal interface"19:49
Yellowhi all19:49
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:49
ballindan: duh.... alright, i deleted the pidgin directory and it freed up some room. i figured i would have a bit more space though, because it fit it perfectly you know?19:49
wo0frecon: yeh19:49
joecurleethey bot is now help here, there are no tuner cards listed that i see19:49
JustV[apache] how i can make 2 web sites on different vhost's and on 1 ip?19:49
Pie-ratejrib: well, gutsy includes network-manager19:49
fantum13Is there any way to resize an encrypted partition with an LVM on it? I'd like to install a windows dual-boot.19:49
reconwo0f: your poison. "sudo passwd root"19:49
wo0frecon: oooh, and what will that do?19:50
reconwo0f: it'll create a root account you can get to by sudo.19:50
ubunturecon : yup , didn't change anythin . i have an error 15 that makes it fail to load !19:50
cakedonkeyfantum:  Have you considered using a VM instead?19:50
danand_ballin - just do sudo apt-get install pidgin19:50
wo0frecon: cheers :D19:50
jribPie-rate: by the way did you see penggy in the repositories?  penggy - connects to AOL via modem or TCP/IP19:50
wallacewjoecurlee, Check out the Mythbuntu wiki: they list the supported cards under Gusty19:50
joecurleewallacew: thanks :)19:50
jribPie-rate: maybe it works, I never used it with that.19:50
kanpachihello , i'm using a mac mini , i managed to install 7.10 on it, but i want to install 7.04 instead, 7.04 installs fine  but won't boot, is it possible to copy the grub from 7.10 or something to make it work in 7.04?19:50
reconubuntu: ...you formatted a partition, didn't you.19:50
erhanrhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55406/  ?19:50
Yellowerm, for once I need help :/ I replaced my 7900GT by an 8800GT, installed the nvidia drivers and... I'm in 640x480 with the nvidia utility telling me I'm not using the nvidia X-driver :(19:50
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, so...wat do i do?19:50
ballindan: i'm probably gonna wait til i get a new box to start tinkerin with ubuntu fully.. i only have 160mb's left on this partition so i'll wait til i have more.19:50
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ubunturecon : nop , i just added some stuff to the "menu.lst" file then removed'em :(19:51
warriorforgodCan anybody tell me how to configure the xmatrix screensaver in 7.10?19:51
elementzhi everybody19:51
wo0frecon: nice one, cheers for the help19:51
jribPie-rate: for netscape, you just dial a number and provide username and password.  No special software19:52
Yellowwarriorforgod: what's to configure about it?19:52
elementztrying to get irssi to output speech via festival tts engine19:52
reconubuntu: well, a file it needs to load isn't there. that's what error 15 is. try booting into a liveCD and mounting your drive, then check the menu.lst.19:52
naknomikhow do I find out whether my ubuntu install is 32 bit of 64?19:52
danand_ballin - ok - you could always try giving yourself a bit more room by resizing partitions with gparted. Good luck for future19:52
jribnaknomik: uname -a19:52
warriorforgodYellow: I want it to go slower.  In old versions of ubuntu there was a configure button in the screensaver options.19:52
elementzfound a pl script here http://www.speechio.org/speech.irc.html19:52
Yellownaknomik: type "uname -m" at the command line19:52
elementzmaybe somebody got a clue on how to implement that?19:52
MrPinkhey, can someone tell me how I can play DVD's on my ubuntu Laptop? What Codecs do I need, it wont play even with FLV Player....?19:53
Yellowwarriorforgod: I'd help you if my rig was behaving properly right now...19:53
jrib!dvd > mrpink (read the private message from ubotu)19:53
fantum13I installed ubuntu with an encrypted LVM, is there any way to resize it so I can install windows?19:53
nickrudwarriorforgod: that was the old xscreensaver, the current gnome-screensaver is brain dead19:53
naknomikis it possible to install i386 .deb file on x86_64 machine?19:53
bazhangmedibuntu.org MrPink19:53
DRebellionelementz, have you read http://www.speechio.org/dl/speechd/README ???19:53
fantum13naknomik: yes, try man dpkg for more information19:53
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: Sorry.. I am going to bed.. If you dont get it done.. find me later on.. ok19:53
jribnaknomik: you are trying to install flash?19:53
archangelpetroif you install kile ontop of texlive will it support all the features that texlive brings? like 'apt getting' kile?19:54
Tivenere4si , do you believe that if i reinstalled 7.10 , it might solved the problem ? maybe i should try 32bit instead of 64bit ?19:54
Yellow(there's a script to install flash on x64)19:54
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, ok good night19:54
Parkurgo #Parkur  plz19:54
orionr-lapp1hey my touch pad does not work on laptop19:54
Yellowso... anyone wanting to enlight me on installing nvidia drivers manually?19:54
jrib!nvidia > yellow (read the private message from ubotu)19:54
WaiXanI can't write in /usr/bin :S how does I do so I can?19:54
orionr-lapp1any ideas how to fix it ive done some loooking online but nothing is really helping19:55
jribWaiXan: why do you want to?19:55
ere4siTiven, yep - 64bit isn't fully mature yet from what I've been reading - didn't know you were on 64bit19:55
acee1234 im having a host of problems with ubuntu's graphics. im running ati x1400 and running the restricted drivers direct rendering return yes but everything flickers window movement scrolling etc online movie playback is horrible and even by typing is delayed at times. any ideas? im not runnng compiz19:55
naknomikjrib: I'm trying to install acrobat reader on x86_6419:55
WaiXanjrib: It's stays so in the script19:55
jcg42Can I install the official Nvidia driver if I only have a command line system?19:55
Tivenere4si before like 4-5 months i had similar problems again with 64bit !! i didnt try 32bit yet how dumb i am !19:55
Tivenere4si but , isnt 64bit a lot faster ?19:55
bazhangjcg42: yes19:55
jribWaiXan: put it in /usr/local/bin/.  You'll need sudo.  Do you know how to do that?19:56
WaiXanjrib: Nope19:56
zeralasHey, I just upgraded my 19 inch CRT to a 22 inch Dell sp202, and I cant get it out of 640x480, and my xorg.conf line still has lines for a 19 inch CRT in monitor.19:56
ere4siTiven, not from the dramas you've been having :)19:56
jribWaiXan: what is the current path to the file?19:56
Tivenere4si oh well..... :P19:56
Yellowjrib> the thing is, it doesn't show up in the restricted drivers. I originally tried to ./NVIDIAblablabla.run19:56
Tivenere4si you are using 32bit ?19:56
jribYellow: what card?19:57
ere4siTiven, good luck with it - until the 64bit gets better support19:57
YellowSparkle 8800GT19:57
WaiXanjrib: It's /home/zander19:57
jcg42bazhang, Will it help with anything?19:57
jribWaiXan: /home/zander is the file?19:57
erhanrdeniz_: apache bilgin varmı19:57
WaiXanjrib: No /home/zander/shot is it19:57
nickrudjcg42: not unless you end up running X19:58
ubunturecon : so any suggestions ?19:58
bazhangjcg42: you want drivers but have no x? you can wget them19:58
Yellowjrib: and "nvidia-xconf" doesn't seem to have any effect19:58
Tivenere4si im already downloading 32bit alternate ( of course the live cd wont run at all......... )19:58
ere4siTiven, get the alternate cd then19:58
Tivenu use 32bit ?19:58
deniz_erhanr, i dont no much bout apache xept its probly for making websites...sry19:58
jribWaiXan: sudo cp /home/zander/shot /usr/local/bin19:58
macogwjcg42: why do you need nvidia's drivers?  they're just for 3D acceleration, and i can't imagine what 3D accelerated command line apps you've managed to find19:59
jribYellow: you're on 7.10?19:59
ere4siTiven, yep - most apps are written 32bit19:59
LattywareOK, anyone have any ideas for recovering a lost partition table when gpart and testdisk return nothing?19:59
ffmhow do I reconfigure X11? X crahses the computer.19:59
Yellowjrib: yes, the 64 bit version19:59
Tivenere4si is it cause your cpu doesnt support that or cause it doesnt have good support yet ?19:59
macogwdeniz_: it serves them up.  making is done in a text editor.  so when apache is running and another computer says to the computer running apache "hey im looking for website x" apache goes "oh ok, lemme find it... here ya go!"19:59
nickrudffm: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   (don't use -phigh if you want to answer _all_ questions)19:59
jcg42bazhang, No, I want to make a file server on an old P4 with a Nvidia card and I was wondering if installing the official drivers would help with performance.20:00
ubunturecon : menu.lst exists !20:00
macogwffm: im very very surprised to see YOU ask that20:00
jribYellow: I don't know why Restricted Driver Manager doesn't offer to install it then.  I'd check bugs.ubuntu.com first.  In any case, the wiki should link to instructions on how to manually install the drivers.  NvidiaManual or similar is the name of the page20:00
ere4siTiven, 'cause of the lack of support - will take a couple of years more for the apps to change20:00
archangelpetro!kile > archangelpetro20:00
danand_ffm - have you looked at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if there are any error messages - that may help you out some20:00
acee1234 if you dont have any ideas about the following then who might i ask: im having a host of problems with ubuntu's graphics but cant seem to get anyone's attention im running ati x1400 and running the restricted drivers direct rendering return yes but everything flickers window movement scrolling etc online movie playback is horrible and even by typing is delayed at times. any ideas? im not runnng compiz. if you dont have any20:00
Tivenere4si alright ! 7 more minutes until the download finishes ! hope everything works then !20:01
bazhangjcg42: how old? what card? you may want the legacy cards iirc20:01
hacked_kernelhow to mount external usb hard drive?20:01
ere4siTiven, good luck - gotta go - bye :)20:01
erhanrmacogw:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55406/   can you understand it problem?20:01
Yellowjrib: I was already afraid that this was a non-evident problem (as usual when I have problems x-( ) I'll go on reading then how to do it manually20:01
bazhangerr drivers I mean jcg4220:01
archangelpetrois anyone aware of a package for ubuntu that can be used for voice chat (not including skype, because of course i dont trust it)20:01
WaiXanjrib: It didn't move20:01
fantum13I have an encrypted LVM on my system, is there any way for me to resize it so that I can make another partition outside of the LVM?20:01
psycholvlanI got my nvidia drivers installed and i got my resolution and all but I can't get desktop effects to work... anyone know what I can do?20:01
nickrudbazhang: the nvidia driver has no effect on console20:01
jribWaiXan: tell me the output20:01
hypa7iahey folks20:02
WaiXanjrib: There was none20:02
hypa7iaanyone know how i un-filter hidden files in brasero?20:02
hypa7iamy googling has been fruitless20:02
nickrudpsycholvlan: what video card?20:02
LordOfThePigsHello! For some reason, I can't type the ǎ character. However, xev does receive an even with the right character. Does anybody have an idea why?20:02
psycholvlannvidia 8800gtx20:02
fantum13archangelpetro: Ekiga, its installed by default, too20:02
bazhangnickrud: clearly but he wants it for a file server with x apparently20:02
jribWaiXan: I made it copy, not move.  So it should be there.  Now make it executable with 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shot'20:02
DRebellionhypa7ia, its ctrl+h in nautilus, perhaps the same for brasero?20:02
nickrudbazhang: he said command line only20:02
jcg42bazhang, Well my question was: Do I need to install them if it's only a command line system?20:02
psycholvlanthe nvidia-glx is the issue i think20:02
LordOfThePigsIs there some character filtering in ubuntu, based on the locale you are using?20:02
bazhangjcg42: haha no20:02
hypa7iaDRebellion: i can see the hidden files, it just filters them :( and i can't find the option to turn it off20:02
psycholvlanunder nvidia settings/OpenGL/GX it said the GLX server failed to query20:03
macogwerhanr: it wants you to have the actual domain name of the server on the same line as localhost. if it's not really a webserver, just you messing around on the local box, it doesnt matter.  that warning doesnt break anything20:03
reconubuntu: alright, check the contents.20:03
nickrudpsycholvlan: don't know about that card, except for the release notes for the latest nvidia release saying it now provides support for the 8800gt20:03
psycholvlanI had it working on my other monitor... but i'm at friends and a diff monitor20:03
bazhangnice catch nickrud20:03
archangelpetrofantum13, is ekiga as dodgy as skype? (i.e. does it allow traffic to be routed through your connection?)20:04
psycholvlani had to reinstall the drivers when I got to my friends20:04
nickrudbazhang: just paying back for your catches20:04
fantum13archangelpetro: I wouldn't be the one to ask, however, its FOSS, so you should be able to find out.20:04
jribWaiXan: tell me the output of 'ls /usr/local/bin'20:04
WaiXanIt won't find it :( zander@zander-desktop:~$ shoot test.jpg20:04
WaiXanbash: shoot: command not found20:04
erhanrmacogw: must i write my domain name near ?20:04
Comrade-Sergeii cannot get my ubuntu to find my wifi card, it sees it in lspci though20:04
jribWaiXan: you said it was called "shot", not "shoot"20:04
ubunturecon : already checked by me and a couple of other users and nuthin :)20:04
bazhangnickrud: haha not so--you get me everytime20:04
archangelpetrofantum13, i'm aware that FOSS means 'open source' but what exactly does it stand for?20:04
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reconubuntu: and you _have_ tried "sudo grub-install /dev/partition", where partition is your root ubuntu partition, right?20:05
nickrudbazhang: you are too kind, you let them slip your mind ;)20:05
WaiXanjrib: I tried both20:05
jribWaiXan: tell me the output of 'ls -l /usr/local/bin'20:05
jrib!paste | WaiXan20:05
ubotuWaiXan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:05
reconubuntu: other than that, i'm out of advice.20:05
fantum13archangelpetro: Free Open Source Software20:05
bazhanghaha not really you are too humble20:06
hacked_kernelhow to mount external usb hard drive?20:06
macogwerhanr: umm i think so...or at least the hostname, but it says "fully qualified domain name"20:06
ffmmacogw: I knew the command, I just forgot the package name.20:06
jribhacked_kernel: plug it in20:06
macogwerhanr: i dont have a webserver going so im not sure20:06
macogwffm: ah ic20:06
zelrikriandowhich repos is it for emerald-themes again?20:06
hacked_kerneljrib: I did but it did mount it20:06
zelrikriandoa friend of me cannot find it20:06
cokencodehey guys20:06
jribhacked_kernel: is it formatted?20:06
ffmmacogw: and I have learned to hate ATI drivers!!!20:06
deniz_macogw, is that wat i need to share my internet connectioN!?!20:06
WaiXanjrib: 'ls -l /usr/local/bin' = total 020:06
hacked_kerneljrib: sure20:06
ffmmacogw: whenever I use them, my X die.20:06
cokencodei just downloaded and am now using the live xubuntu cd20:06
nickruderhanr: having the hostname will prevent that message, but it's not required. apache runs fine without20:06
erhanri just wanted try wordprss20:06
L3ttuc3that's not good, is it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55411/20:06
cokencodei thought xubuntu came with much more security stuff20:07
Comrade-Sergeii cannot get my ubuntu to find my wifi card, it sees it in lspci though20:07
cokencodeor am i mixing it up with another flavour20:07
jribhacked_kernel: check dmesg for anything interesting and see if it is listed when you do 'sudo fdisk -l'20:07
hypa7iaDRebellion: needed to add them back from the "filtered files" dialog :)20:07
acee1234if you dont have any ideas then who might i ask.20:07
jribWaiXan: join me in #ubuntu-classroom20:07
macogwdeniz_: no. to share your internet connection, you need to bridge your connection20:07
cokencodealso, another question, when i reload the live cd, will my settings be saved ? or will i have to install xchat again ?20:07
macogwdeniz_: firestarter can let you configure iptables (the builtin firewall) to set up bridging20:07
L3ttuc3and why am i getting those error messages? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55411/   i had to unplug the device finally (dead device) because it was taking forever to sync something terribly small.20:07
deniz_so how can i make my wireless card in desktop comp act as a router?20:07
macogwcokencode: if you keep your home directory, your settings will be kept20:08
macogwcokencode: installed programs != settings though.20:08
ubunturecon : thx anyway20:08
macogwdeniz_: try firestarter20:08
archangelpetrois anyone aware of an alternative package to 'kile' that is intended for gnome?20:08
reconubuntu: if you have it mounted, you could try to salvage your data and a list of installed packages.20:09
deniz_macogw, i did but it says sumtin (i assume my wireless card) is "not ready"20:09
Comrade-Sergeihow can i make my intel wireless card work?20:09
cokencodemacogw: hmmm, this isn't quite the solution I was looking for at all20:09
cokencodebetter than nothing tho20:09
cokencodewhere does stuff get installed when i install it tho ?20:10
deniz_macogw,  "the device wmaster0 is not ready" it says20:10
cokencodetemporarily to free space on my hard drive, and then it's deleted ?20:10
nick_hey everyboddy20:10
nick_hows it going?20:10
ffmmacogw: oh, sorry, I didn't recongize your nick.20:10
macogwdeniz_: dont know what that means20:10
iKapOKAY my ubuntu crashed 5 times yesterday and twice already today.. just crashed again 1minute ago. what logs can i check to see waht the problem is!??!20:10
macogwffm: heh it's maco!20:10
astro76cokencode: in memory (ramdisk)20:10
ubunturecon : can u explain more ?20:10
reconubuntu: for saving your list of packages, see http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=56420:11
ffmmacogw: yes, but I know some other people of that name.20:11
deniz_macogw, o...thanks anyways20:11
elementzdamn, anybody into festival tts?20:11
deniz_macogw, o actually wats iptables?20:11
macogwffm: i just got "its good to see women using linux. it means its not just for geeks anymore but for the masses" in #ubuntu-offtopic.  you can testify that im a geek20:11
Tivenon what speed should i burn the iso of ubuntu i downloaded ?20:11
Comrade-SergeiHow can i get my intel wireless card to work, as in drivers (preferably a gui install or a .deb installer)20:11
cokencodeastro76: but I don't have enough ram to store all off this data, even if you include swap space20:11
nickrudTiven: as slow as you can20:11
ffmmacogw: yes, I can.20:11
cokencodei just install xchat AND nmap20:11
iKapwhat logs can i check to see why my ubuntu crashed?!? does anyone know.. this is second time its crashed today, im really thinking about switching back to ubuntu20:11
Tivennickrud like... x4 ?20:11
reconubuntu: and just back up your home folder (i assume you keep your data there) to another hard drive, a CD, the internet, etc.20:11
nick_my belkin card didnt need to be installed20:11
iKapi mean WINDOWS20:11
nick_it just worked20:11
ffmmacogw: thats actualy amazingly sexist....20:12
nick_without the lights20:12
Comrade-SergeiiKap there are logs in /var...20:12
nickrudTiven: that would probably do.  check  /msg ubotu md5   and  /msg ubotu  iso  to test your burn20:12
Itakudid anyone here make geebox?20:12
macogwdeniz_: the kernel-level firewall. it can be configured through the command line or with a gui (like firestarter or guarddog). when you hear "hardware firewall" it usually means a router running linux using iptables20:12
ffmmacogw: of whoever said that.20:12
Tiventhank you nickrud :)20:12
reconubuntu: before you save your list of packages, use "chroot [wherever the root folder of your disk is mounted" to access the right binaries.20:12
iKapwhat logs am i suppose to check to look for errors?20:12
bert_hi, can someone tell me how to merge splitted rar archives on my linux system ?20:12
deniz_macogw, would wikipedia have a detailed explanation?20:13
bazhangiKap: they have a channel ##windows ;]20:13
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu?20:13
macogwdeniz_: probably20:13
Itakuwinamp doesnt work20:13
nickrudiKap: check /var/log/syslog20:13
deniz_macogw, k, anyway i have to go so thx again20:13
cokencodehmmm, this is actually pretty cool, aside from hearing my cdrom drive spinning all the time20:13
archangelpetroi guess nobody here uses latex then20:13
danand_bert_ - you should just be able to use the unrar command and it will join all the bits for you - just run unrar e file.rar and see if that works20:14
Comrade-Sergeihey nickrud werent you the person who helpd me with my wifi last time?20:14
cokencodehow secure is this live cd ?20:14
nickrudComrade-Sergei: almost certainly not ;)20:14
ubunturecon : thx man20:14
iKapFeb  9 14:09:39 home-laptop gdm[5178]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :020:14
iKapwhats that mean20:14
cokencodei want something to monitor connections to my box on this20:14
cokencodedoes it come with anything preinstalled20:14
ScuniziAnyone know of mapping sofware for ubuntu like MS streets & trips?20:14
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, oops sorry20:14
bert_danand, if I open one of the pieces using file-roller, will it extract it the right or the wrong way ?20:14
reconubuntu: let this be a lesson: next time, you might not be able to mount your drive. keep backups.20:14
bazhang!who | iKap20:14
ubotuiKap: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:14
orionr-lapp1Anyone know anything about getting an apple bluetooth keyboard working in ubuntu?20:14
nickrudComrade-Sergei: when I'm sane, I run from wireless questions20:14
macogwarchangelpetro: i do20:14
cokencodeAHHHHHHHHHHHH, I was looking for NUBUNTU20:14
cokencodenow it all makes sense20:14
chervacan someone explain to me what should i do to a *.c file when i have this "patch" ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55413/ ) should I remove the lines beginning with - and add the lines beginning with + ?20:14
Comrade-SergeiHow do i get the drivers installed for my Intel wifi card, ndiswraper wont work20:15
astro76cokencode: if you intend to use a livecd as more than just a demo, you might look into something else like knoppiz20:15
iKapcan someone tell me what Feb  9 14:09:39 home-laptop gdm[5178]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0  means.. im not tlakign to anyone in particular.20:15
astro76cokencode: *knoppix20:15
macogwarchangelpetro: im not great with LaTeX but maybe i can help20:15
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:15
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, i thought gutsy would have support for a intel agn wifi nic!20:15
Starnestommycherva: use the "patch" program20:15
archangelpetromacogw, do you use an 'ide' type thing for it? like Kile?20:15
macogwarchangelpetro: no. i use vim20:15
ffmmacogw: vim ftw!20:15
StarnestommyiKap: It means the desktop display crashed for some reason20:15
macogwarchangelpetro: and the vim plugin for latex so i have proper syntax highlighting and can collapse sections20:16
timothy2i can't sync my sansa e250 mp3 player to add music to it, please help!20:16
ffm!language > archangelpetro20:16
archangelpetrosorry :D20:16
ffmarchangelpetro: np.20:16
JowiiKap, what does the gdm log say?20:16
ffmanyone have any idea why hardware manager crashes on load?20:16
crdlbarchangelpetro: try winefish, iirc isn't not as poweful as kile, but it is gtk :)20:16
cokencodeastro76: what does knoppix allow ? does it take a bit of the hard drive to store changes ?20:16
chervaStarnestommy: can u give me a tip how to do it i mean should i have this in a text file and then just start patch with this text file and the file that i want to patch ?20:16
danand_bert_ - with rar files you should have a "master" type file ie file.rar is the main file then file.0.rar file.1.rar etc are all parts of that same file. Just point file roller at the main file or use the unrar command20:16
cokencodedoes it use the debian package manager as well ?20:16
macogwarchangelpetro: Scribus is a semi-WYSIWYG LaTeX...20:16
archangelpetrook macogw  if i install 'texlive' packages will they be available by default if i install latex support for vim?20:16
nickrudComrade-Sergei: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2514602&postcount=8 might help20:17
macogwarchangelpetro: i think Gedit has a LaTeX mode too20:17
Comrade-SergeiHow do i get the drivers installed for my Intel wifi card, ndiswraper wont work20:17
Starnestommycherva: go to the directory where the 'dlls' directory is using cd20:17
astro76cokencode: no but it comes with almost everything you'd need as is supposed to easily allow you to retain settings20:17
iKapJowi, Fatal server error:20:17
iKapCaught signal 11.  Server aborting20:17
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, its a dv900020:17
bert_denand_, I just have files from .001 to .056, no other files :S20:17
astro76cokencode: I've never used it as more than a rescue disk personally20:17
iqbalais there some public dictionaries that can be imported for openoffice to write technical resume20:17
cokencodeastro76: ok, thanks a heap. I think I'll just grap nubuntu20:17
macogwComrade-Sergei: you shouldnt need to install anything20:17
timothy2does anyone know how to sync a sansa e250 mp3 player with a media player in ubuntu? Or at least just copy music onto the device?20:17
AlgyzComrade-Sergei, try ubuntu ultimate ;)20:17
macogwComrade-Sergei: intel wifi is supported out of the box20:17
StarnestommyiKap: looks like a segmentation fault20:17
cokencodein fact, why not download knoppix as well20:17
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:17
macogwComrade-Sergei: unless...hmm do you have the super new card?20:17
JowiiKap, is this on a fresh install or have you installed 3rd party drivers?20:17
Comrade-SergeiAlgyz, i had vista ultimate too20:17
cokencodeworth a once ove20:17
nickrudComrade-Sergei: if it's a 4965 intel it has some interesting tidbits20:18
cokencodethanks for the help guys20:18
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, not really20:18
macogwComrade-Sergei: which'n?20:18
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, it serial is close20:18
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, n isnt that new20:18
fantum13Is it even possible to shrink an encrypted LVM?20:18
timothy2does anyone know how to sync a sansa e250 mp3 player with a media player in ubuntu? Or at least just copy music onto the device?20:18
WorldBFreehow can i boot the iso from my hd?20:18
iKapJowi, i have restricted drivers installed for my wifi card.. and other then that nothign else third party id ont think.20:18
Algyztimothy2,  lsusb tels anything?20:18
macogwComrade-Sergei: that was "which one?" all squished up. and n is VERY new. it hasnt even finished being drafted!20:19
JowiiKap, not even for your video card (if you have ati/nvidia)=20:19
chazcoAre there any tools for Ubuntu which allow you to remove a certain instrument from an MP3? I've seen similar for Windows, but not sure how they work...20:19
timothy2Algyz, how do I do that?20:19
Algyztimothy2,  type it in terminal20:19
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, ive had n since last year20:19
macogwComrade-Sergei: ipw2200 should work with the linux drivers, though might be a little tricky.  ipw3945 should work instantly, no work involved (maybe enable the firmware in system -20:19
iKapJowi, i have intel itegerated, its a dell laptop. i dont recall installing any video drivers.20:19
macogwComrade-Sergei: in system -> admin -> restricted driver manager20:19
bert_chazco, I don't think such software can exist, you could delete a frequentie but that wouldn't be just one instrument20:19
timothy2ALgyz, one moment, connecting it now20:20
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:20
macogwComrade-Sergei: yes i saw those last summer too, and they are based on whatever the current draft of n was at that time. if it changed, the final n may be different.  i havent heard of it being released any time in the last 6 months20:20
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, its not in the restricted drivers, theres only the nvidia card in there20:20
chazcobert_ - I had one for Windows a while ago that could remove voices (had to be the right quality MP3), so im guessing its doable with an instrument20:20
=== uhb is now known as Uhblivius
danand_bert_ - your back! - try that unrar command on the 1st rar file ie file.00120:21
macogwComrade-Sergei: lspci | grep Intel20:21
timothy2Algyz, it says it is connected "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0781:7441 SanDisk Corp."20:21
* ffm glares at the restricted drivers... ATI, I'm looking at you!20:21
macogwComrade-Sergei: what wireless card does it say?20:21
iqbalaany  openoffice friendly public dictionary available to download?20:21
Algyztimothy2,  nice :)20:21
iKapJowi, how can i change my resolution? and can that have to do anything with it?20:21
JowiiKap, ok. did it start to happen all of a sudden, or after a program was installed, or plugin was added to the toolbar, or do you remember anything else that was modified when this started to happed? or has it always behaved like this?20:21
bert_chazco, voices are easier to remove then music for as far as I know, but I'm not sure if this kind of software exists, look in the audio category of synaptic20:21
timothy2Algyz, so now what? I can't put any music on it20:21
macogwiqbala: there should be a bunch for different languages on their website20:21
[diablo]good evening #ubuntu ... guys, I'm wanting to give someone Ubuntu, however they need Romanian language support.... does the DVD version contain language packs, or is it always a download update please?20:21
Uhbliviuswhy would I not be able to place a check mark in the box for wine in Add/Remove applications?20:21
chazcobert_ - Having a browse of that now :)20:21
bert_danand, I unrared the first file using file-roller and the image seems to be okey20:21
PsynoKhi0Hi, is anyone here familiar with the Load_Cycle_Count issue on laptops?20:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:21
macogwComrade-Sergei: also "lsmod | grep ipw" what's that say?20:21
iqbalamacogw: ok let me check it out20:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:21
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:22
Comrade-Sergeimacogw,  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)20:22
danand_bert_ - cool20:22
macogwComrade-Sergei: k yeah, that'd be "the super new one"20:22
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:22
ffmComrade-Sergei: yay for communism!20:22
bert_danand_ thx for your help20:22
timothy2Algyz, do I type that in?20:22
Flare183[diablo]: the dvd and cd contain many languages20:22
danand_bert_ - np20:22
Comrade-Sergeiffm heh20:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devices - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:22
JowiiKap, doubtful resolution would have anything to do with this. normally the error would say "unsupported video mode" or something descriptive. not a crash message like you got20:22
[diablo]hi Flare18320:22
iKapJowi, i got this error ONCE before the first week i installed ubuntu then i didnt get it, i got it twice yesterday, and once today so far..20:22
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, grep iwl gomes back blank20:22
crusiewhat's up with the shitloads of updates on a freshly installed ubuntu ?20:22
iKapJowi, in my syslog it keeps saying something abotu the resolutions not fitting20:22
[diablo]Flare183, anyway I can check it does have .ro too please?20:23
Algyztimothy2,  don't be fast20:23
ffm!the secret communist cabal | Comrade-Sergei20:23
iKapJowi, sorry i mean the Xorg log20:23
Flare183!language > crusie (sorry, read the CoC)20:23
UhbliviusIf a package shows up and I cannot mark it for installation, is that a bug?20:23
macogwComrade-Sergei: lsmod | grep "iwl\|ipw"20:23
ffm!the cabal20:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about the cabal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:23
timothy2Algyz, can we talk somewhere else? I can't keep up with all of your messages20:23
JowiiKap, which intel graphics do you have, what driver do you use and what reso are you using?20:23
nickrudffm: wrong channel20:23
crusieyikes! sorry for foul language20:23
Adamrooskihi everyone20:23
Flare183[diablo]: i think so20:23
iKapJowi, thats whati dont know, how can i check.. and how can i change resolutions?20:23
Flare183crusie: no problem20:23
ffmnickrud: sorry, couldn't resist.20:23
=== zels is now known as zels_
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, nothin20:23
danand_crusie - the live CD you installed from was probably made some time ago and consequently doesn't include all the latest updates and fixes for stuff20:23
DRebellioncrusie, the cds aren't remastered every time a new update is released.20:23
macogwcrusie: unlike certain companies, instead of making 10 updates into 1 so we can say "look we only had 5 exploits to patch last year" we admit how many things had to be patched.20:23
winter_muteHey, how can I make the network manager remember the passkey to a wifi network?20:24
zelrikriandoanyone has an idea of where the package emerald-themes comes from ??????20:24
Uhbliviuswinter_mute, I uninstalled that and edited /etc/network/interfaces and that has worked much better20:24
iKapJowi, i have "plug n play" selected20:24
timothy2Algyz, did you receive my last message?20:24
JowiiKap, first things first. run "xrandr" in a terminal. that would display your resolution20:24
[diablo]Flare183, I'll download it anyway ... got a 10mbit connection so won't take long at all20:24
Flare183zelrikriando: universe repos20:24
winter_mutehmm... okay...20:24
DRebellion!info emerald-themes | zelrikriando20:24
ubotuzelrikriando: Package emerald-themes does not exist in gutsy20:24
=== ffm is now known as ffm|away
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:24
Algyztimothy2,  did you try google?20:24
nickrudzelrikriando: that package doesn't exist in gutsy, you would use the ccsm to download themes (or get them from art.gnome.org)20:24
zelrikriandooh that s why20:24
[diablo]I'll be kind and use the torrent20:24
timothy2Algyz, yes, I can't keep up with your messages, so I don't know what to do, lol20:25
crusieI just don't get why they don't have it in the iso - I mean I downloaded latest version (7.10) and 182 updates?20:25
zelrikriandonickrud: I still have the package20:25
iKapJowi, Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 102420:25
iKapVGA disconnected (normal left inverted right)20:25
iKapLVDS connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 304mm x 228mm20:25
iKap   1024x768       60.0*+20:25
iKap   800x600        60.320:25
iKap   640x480        59.920:25
FloodBot3iKap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
macogwComrade-Sergei: you can try installin the new intel wireless drivers (requires compiling them, i think). yours isnt supported by the ipw line, i dont think, just iwl.  im not sure if suspend/hibernate works with them or not.  or go back to working with ndiswrapper, but either way i cant be more helpful20:25
timothy2Algyz, I found nothing that helped20:25
Algyztimothy2,  just don't worry :)20:25
nickrudzelrikriando: you upgraded from fiesty I'd bet20:25
willytell_Slart: now the webcam is working well with my capture program ;)20:25
DRebellioncrusie, the livecds have to be thoroughly tested and stable. you can't just add updates every other day20:25
crusieusually I wouldn't mind but my ISP seems to have capped my internet connection to 10% of what I have..20:25
Slartwillytell_: that's nice.. did I do that?20:25
timothy2Algyz, don't worry? that's a funny statement...i've been waiting 2 months to get this thing working20:25
JowiiKap, use pastebin for large pastes20:25
AdamrooskiHey I'm trying to install an x-org-driver-fglrx package for my radeon video driver but everytime i mark it for installation it gives me this error "The Following packages have uresolvable dependencies.  Make Sure that all required repositories are added and enable in the preferences.20:26
Flare183I'm back20:26
AdamrooskiDepends: libstdc++5 (>=1:3.3.4-1) but it is not installable20:26
iKapJowi, yeah i know i didnt realize how big itw as.20:26
willytell_Slart: yes20:26
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:26
Comrade-Sergeimacogw, im tryin g the one nickrud gave me20:26
DRebellion!info libstdc++5 | Adamrooski20:26
ubotuadamrooski: libstdc++5 (source: gcc-3.3): The GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.6-15ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 289 kB, installed size 848 kB20:26
danand_crusie - that sounds like my isp - orange broadband sucks!20:26
JowiiKap, it looks normal. nothing extraordinary. let's see which video driver you are using. "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver"20:26
Slartwillytell_: sweet.. didn't know I could fix webcams =)20:26
zmanHey everybody.  I'm trying to get a Brother QL-500 label printer working with my system, not having any luck.  I can get it installed and recognized, but the test print always fails.  Error log says "PID .... stopped with status 22!" and "Job stopped due to filter errors".  Any thoughts?20:26
UhbliviusIf I can see the wine package in add/remove applications, but I cannot mark it for installation, does that mean that I need to edit my sources?20:26
daedrai want to start my wireless from tty, but instead it starts with Gnome20:26
nickrudAdamrooski: system->admin->software sources, enable the first four, disable the cdrom on the first tab, and on the updates tab enable security and updates20:26
crusiewell actually it's called cybercity :d20:26
s0u][ighthello i got a hd wich is fully used by windows vista (80Gb) ntfs filesystem and i want to install ubuntu on it without deleting vista how can i do it?20:26
willytell_Slart: and I stoped another running services on Ubuntu20:26
DRebellionUhblivius, what happens when you try to add it?20:27
Algyzs0u][ight,  yes20:27
Slartwillytell_: didn't we talk about process priority or something?20:27
crusiesoulrider_: you pop in the ubuntu cd and allow it to resize the partition20:27
Algyzs0u][ight,  a week ago I did this20:27
DRebelliondaedra, sudo ifup eth1 (or eth0,2,3 etc)20:27
willytell_Slart: yes...20:27
Flare183!dualboot > s0u][ight20:27
crusies0u][ight:  even20:27
Itakuhow can i broadcast over a shoutcast server on ubuntu? winamp doesnt work20:27
daedraDRebellion: its WPAPSK20:27
Algyzs0u][ight,  with vista resize your hard20:27
Flare183!repeat > Itaku20:27
iKapJowi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55415/20:27
UhbliviusDRebellion, it does not let me place a check-mark in the check-box20:27
danand_s0u][ight - you can make room for ubuntu using gparted partitioning tool on the live CD20:27
daedraDRebellion: also, its a Ralink card20:27
willytell_Slart: I wrote a program to capture images from the webcam,20:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:27
s0u][ightAlgyz got an explaining thing?20:28
DRebellionUhblivius, open up a terminal and type,  sudo apt-get install wine20:28
Algyzs0u][ight,  google20:28
UhbliviusDRebellion, aite thanks20:28
s0u][ighthmm tnx i'll try20:28
crusies0u][ight:  just be prepared that it takes quite some time to resize a partition -20:28
zelrikriandonickrud: yes20:28
Algyzs0u][ight,  wait a moment, if you're not lucky to find20:28
Wibble-Is it possible to run the 30-mount fsck on shutdown rather than bootup? I'm not fussed about the length of shutdown, but it does frustrate me when it checks on bootup!20:28
zelrikriandonickrud: and actually the transtion from my beryl was not as smooth20:28
Flare183!xubuntu | sanozuke20:29
ubotusanozuke: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:29
Algyzs0u][ight,  http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first20:29
macogw!autofsck | Wibble-20:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autofsck - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:29
macogw!info autofsck | Wibble-20:29
ubotuwibble-: Package autofsck does not exist in gutsy20:29
crusiebtw... would I get something like kubuntu if I've installed ubuntu and installed kde?20:29
daedraDRebellion: its WPAPSK20:29
JowiiKap, ok. the intel driver. fine as well. when you installed Ubuntu, did you re-use an already available /home partition?20:29
Flare183!fsck | Wibble-20:29
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, ndiswrapper says its an invalid driver20:29
ubotuWibble-: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:29
macogwWibble-: ok thats useless. just look up autofsck on the wiki20:29
willytell_Slart: before apply nice and stop running services the webcam just top for a short time to capture.20:29
sanozukeupdate from 5.10 to xubuntu20:29
DRebelliondaedra, i don't have any experience with WPA, sorry20:29
daedrahow do I start my Ralink WPAPSK wireless connection at BOOT20:29
Wibble-thanks macogw :)20:29
daedraDRebellion: ok20:30
willytell_Slart: now... I have other little problem...20:30
iKapJowi, no i didnt i did a clean re-install by first deleting all partions then creating a new one20:30
Slartwillytell_: ok, I seem to be on a roll.. so go ahead20:30
JowiiKap, ...and which ubuntu version are you using?20:30
iKapJowi, my xorg log is full of this.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55416/20:30
s0u][ighttnx i'll take a look20:30
Adamrooskithankyou nickrud :)20:30
iKapJowi, 7.1020:30
nickrudComrade-Sergei: you may need a later version of ndiswrapper; ubuntu has 1.4320:30
danand_daedra - you need to use the iw commands ie iwconfig iwlist etc - for my ralink card there is a config file in /etc/Wireless/RT61 i think - hope that helps20:30
Comrade-Sergeii got it nvm nickrud20:30
prey_alonewhat's a good socks server?20:31
sanozukeupdate from 5.10 ubuntu to xubuntu, Xforce is a light OS; I have a pentium III20:31
willytell_anyone know how to start/stop services in command line?20:31
Comrade-Sergeinickrud, it was a little different than the tutorial THANKS!!!20:31
daedradanand_: it helps to know you've been through the same stuff20:31
Flare183willytell_: init.d20:31
daedradanand_: unfortunately, the command iwpriv set is unrecognised20:31
Flare183willytell_: sudo /etc/init.d/(program name) start/stop/restart20:31
danand_willytell_ - /etc/init.d/service start stop etc20:31
daedradanand_: Unrecognised command: set (as subcommand of iwpriv)20:31
JowiiKap, can you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf please?20:32
danand_daedra - i spent about a week getting wireless to work on my debian laptop - wait one and i'll boot it up - see if we can dig up anything useful20:32
neemahHando #ubuntu-ru20:33
daedradanand_: cheers20:33
EyeBallwhat is ubuntu?20:33
DRebellion!ubuntu | EyeBall20:33
ubotuEyeBall: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:33
howdoudoI have about 200 .7z files I need to uncompress in a folder. Is there an easy way to do this?20:33
iKapJowi, xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55417/20:33
bigdog!ubuntu ati20:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu ati - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:33
Flare183!info p7zip > howdoudo20:34
Flare183!ati | bigdog20:34
ubotubigdog: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:34
bigdogthanks Flare18320:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brasil - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:34
Flare183no problem20:34
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:34
Flare183!br | FireBR_20:34
ubotuFireBR_: please see above20:34
howdoudoFlare183: I know how to do them one at a time I am asking is there a way to do like 200 at a time to uncompress them?20:35
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
TitoNi'm havin problem with accessing a smb share on a windows computer but i tried using this guide but it wont work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131&highlight=xubuntu20:35
Flare183howdoudo: scripting maybe20:35
DRebellionTitoN, it would be helpful if you expanded on "wont work"20:35
EyeBallis ubotu intelligent or another if baced bot?20:35
Flare183howdoudo: or try using the " * "20:35
TitoNi get this error fuse: missing mountpoint20:35
Flare183!bot | EyeBall20:35
ubotuEyeBall: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:35
ScuniziI feel brain dead. I just installed routeplanner from Synaptic and can't seem to get it to load. No icon on menus, will not start with commandline using "routeplanner". Any ideas?20:35
chindis anybody familiar with mounting unionfs as the root file system?20:36
TitoNi did all the steps20:36
DRebellion!info routeplanner-gnome | Scunizi20:36
Flare183!samba | TitoN20:36
ubotuscunizi: routeplanner-gnome (source: routeplanner): A highway trip planner (GNOME interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19 (gutsy), package size 36 kB, installed size 424 kB20:36
ubotuTitoN: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:36
Flare183TitoN: that should help20:36
iKapJowi, you see anything?20:36
ScuniziDRebellion, thanks. maybe I should have installed the gnome version?  there are two in synaptic.20:37
danand_daedra - do you have anything in /etc/Wireless ?20:37
silent_I'm about to format and install base debian 64, and build my system from the ground up with apt, wish me luck20:37
crusieif glx gears shows above 10k fps - my gfx card is correctly installed ?20:37
microphexmy sound works, just only with headphones plugged in. speakers don't work. any suggestions?20:37
chind"mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/media/sda1:/rofs=ro none /" mounts, but fails to save the data to /media/sda1. i am trying this on a livecd.20:37
DRebellionScunizi, if you look up routeplanner with << apt-cache show routeplanner >> it has a field "Suggests: routeplanner-gnome". This should have displayed somewhere when you installed the package.20:37
sanozukewere is the software to record dvd and cd's on ubuntu 5.1020:37
silent_microphex: laptop?20:38
JowiiKap, looks more or less normal... good: monitor and video card config looks ok. It is missing a "modules" section, but I'm not sure how important that is...20:38
willytell_This was I wish... /etc/init.d/dbus start20:38
Flare183chind: yeah you got "readonly" enabled20:38
jcg42I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows XP. Sometimes I need to do something quickly in Windows, but I don't feel like rebooting. I was wondering if there was anyway to use the existing Windows XP installation in a virtual machine.20:38
ScuniziDRebellion, it didn't but thanks.. I'll reload the gnome version.20:38
DRebellion!virtualization | jcg4220:38
ubotujcg42: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:38
Algyzjcg42,  qemu maybe20:38
chindFlare183 what do you mean by i have readonly enabled?20:38
Flare183willytell_: then on the termianl type in "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start"20:38
archangelpetrohas anyone here been able to get microphone working with ubuntu + audigy ZS?20:38
willytell_dbus service was down20:38
silent_microphex: have you tried looking on the ubuntu forums for your particular audio chip/laptop... there's usually someone who finds out options to put into alsaconf to make it work20:38
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo20:38
willytell_I did20:38
iKapJowi, one more thing.. yesterday this happened 3 times.. randomy in between doing things, ubuntu froze up for 3secs then right after i couldnt access any folders.20:39
Flare183chind: see the "ro"20:39
Flare183willytell_: i don't know what else to tell you20:39
willytell_Now I can view with a GUI running services20:39
microphexsilent_, i guess ill try that20:39
silent_microphex: also make sure to have "Front" enabled for volume control20:39
chind "mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/media/sda1=rw:/rofs=ro none /"  would that fix it? /rofs is read-only20:39
JowiiKap, maybe you should run a memtest20:39
chinderr Flare183 look above just posted20:39
iKapJowi, someone told me what i encountered yesterday seemed to be a naitlus crash/kill20:40
crusieany way to check if my gfx card is correctly installed ?20:40
silent_crusie, what do you mean?20:40
iKapJowi, getting kind of frustrating at this point, because i thought i had a stable system but apparantley i dont.20:40
crusiefor 3d apps20:40
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silent_crusie: try out compiz20:40
iKapJowi, what i have noticed is these crashes usually occur when im watching youtube vids and doing other stuff.20:40
Eminencehi.  i have an old machine (dapper) that i want to upgrade to gibbon.  however, none of the tools seem to work as dapper is so old.  suggestions?20:40
irssicheckjoin #debian20:40
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:40
Flare183oops sorry about that20:40
danand_crusie - if you can run glxgears it should mean its working ok20:40
chervawhen I type make where shoud the executable files be ? In the same folder right ?20:40
willytell_Flare183: could you tell me where the operating system see to start a service when it start up... if you know20:40
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:41
Slart!clone | Eminence20:41
ubotuEminence: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:41
ScuniziIs there special syntax to get a python program running.. ?20:41
DRebellioncherva, somewhere in the directory20:41
DRebellionScunizi, python program20:41
chervaDRebellion: thx20:41
Flare183willytell_: i think crontab but I'm not really sure keep asking throuh20:41
SlartEminence: I think reinstalling is the better choice.. but depending on how much customization you've done to it it will take some time20:41
chindFlare183 should it be "mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/media/sda1=rw:/rofs=ro none /" or  "mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/media/sda1:/rofs=rw none /"  I don't think the second because rofs is a read-only medium and sda1 is the r/w medium. so unless i don't understand something...20:42
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:42
ScuniziDRebellion, It's routeplanner.. still can't get it running even after installing -gnome version.. no icon and I'm not sure what to use at the command line to start it.20:42
crusieah... it doesn't work yet because it's still being updated via the packet manager ^20:42
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:42
DRebellionScunizi, so its not in the applications menu>20:42
ScuniziDRebellion, no.20:42
JowiiKap, hard thing to troubleshoot. when you boot, you have the possibility to do a memtest. I think that is the first advice I can give. if the test come out ok, see if the crash only happen when flash is playing or nautilus is perfoming a specific action or something...20:42
EminenceSlart, ok, thanks.20:42
DRebellionScunizi, open up a terminal and type,  locate routeplanner | xargs file | grep -i exec20:43
Flare183chind: don't know much about "mount" usage; but I don't know. I have a hint but i don't want to lead you off in thte wrong direction20:43
howdoudoWhat a minimalist desktop I can alternately boot into to play games on linux? Gnome is a bit heavy for this.20:43
JowiiKap, as far as I can see, your xorg.conf looks ok.20:43
chindFlare183 ok- thanks for the tip20:43
DRebellionScunizi, actually, you'll have to update the database first with   sudo updatedb20:43
Flare183chind: no problem20:43
Flare183chind: sorry i can't help further20:43
mjw-!xubuntu | howdoudo20:43
ubotuhowdoudo: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:43
DRebellion!xfce | howdoudo20:43
nickrudDRebellion:  also,  dpkg -L routeplanner | grep bin/20:43
Flare183haha two at once20:44
iKapJowi, okay thanks well ill try and pay more attension towards whats running when i get it again, thanks for your help.20:44
ScuniziDRebellion, already did that.. your line shows 3 executibles.20:44
DRebellionnickrud, noted.20:44
willytell_anyone know what file the operating system see to decide to start a service?20:44
chindFlare183 thats ok, i wasn't really expecting much help from this irc chan as it was. more for basic support questions i think...20:44
nickrudDRebellion: just quicker, less typing often ;)20:44
DRebellionScunizi, and is routeplanner one of them?20:44
=== ffm|away is now known as ffm
danand_daedra - do you have anything in /etc/Wireless ?20:44
maximilionHm, how do I set the correct DPI for the screen, so document viewer will display at true size with zoom 100%?20:45
jribwillytell_: read 'man update-rc.d'20:45
Flare183chind: not really we have been known to actually go to the person's home (if it was close by) to actually help/fix their computer so... You get the idea20:45
ScuniziDRebellion, all three mention routeplanner then .postinst and .prerm and .postrm as the suffix on routeplanner.20:45
willytell_jrib, thank you ;)20:45
Flare183!away | ffm (should have done this earlier)20:45
ubotuffm (should have done this earlier): You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»20:45
nickrudmaximilion: system->prefs->appearance, fonts tab->details button20:45
* JustV good bye & thanks20:46
s0u][ightabout shrinking c:\ i only can shrink 5 gigs while i got 40 gigs free space :|20:46
ffmFlare183: by doing that you are adding even more scrolling! Use ">"!. Plus, I have already had this said to me.20:46
chindFlare183 :) didn't mean that to be an insult. i don't doubt your altruism (if i got the right word)20:46
danand_willytell_ - in Gnome - System -> Admin -> Services#20:46
maximilionHm, strange. It's set correctly.20:46
mjw-s0u][ight you might need to defragment in windows?20:46
LifeisfunnyIs it correct to say that someone can't change the icon Menubar in the gpanel any longer?20:47
maximilionThanks nickrud, I'd have never guessed ;)20:47
s0u][ighti configured it to defragmentate each day do i still have to do it?20:47
wpgeekbtw i need an explanation of the ubuntu runlevel's20:47
ffm!defrag s0u][ight20:47
Flare183ok... then people....oh yeah gotcha (had to look it up) [wow]20:47
ScuniziDRebellion, nickrud's line shows different results.. rplan and rpcli.  these are also located in /usr/bin instead of /var/lib/dpkg......etc.20:47
chindFlare183 more like #unionfs or another room would be a better place to ask the question20:47
wpgeekdefault desktop install of what has now turned into a server20:47
maximilionnickrud: Surely the screen dimensions don't enter into it? (I have a 27" widescreen)20:47
Flare183chind: perfect20:47
ffm!defrag | s0u][ight20:47
ubotus0u][ight: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.20:47
wpgeeki still want the GUI but i want to change to a runlevel20:47
wpgeekand disable gdm20:47
ffms0u][ight: don't defrag, it is bad.20:48
Flare183s0u][ight: real bad real messy too20:48
mjw-s0u][ight : he's trying to install ubuntu, and if having partition-splitting issues with a windows partition20:48
macogwffm: what?  defragging ntfs is good20:48
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ffmmacogw: oh, I didn't know he was talking about ntfs...20:48
Flare183s0u][ight: no problem20:48
maximilionYeah, defragging is only as bad as the defragging program ;)20:48
Pirate_Hunterif i wanted to extract a .gz zip file what would be the command for it?20:49
macogwwpgeek: ubuntu uses debian runlevels.  0=halt, 6=reboot, 1=single user. 2-5=multiuser w/ X20:49
ffmPirate_Hunter: tar -xzf20:49
danand_Pirate_Hunter - gunzip20:49
SlartPirate_Hunter: gunzip filename.gz20:49
crusies0u][ight:  run a chkdsk too :D might give you some more free space20:49
ffmdAndy: I think tar works too.20:49
Pirate_HunterSlart: thanx thats much clear20:49
Lifeisfunnys0u][ight,  again, this is not a Microsoft product.  Thank you for shopping with us.  :)20:49
Flare183yeah tar and gunzip will both do it20:49
macogwPirate_Hunter: if its .tar.gz, tar -xf thing.tar.gz20:49
bluefox83can anyone suggest a good site for buying a cheap motherboard that wont be a POS?20:49
maximilionYou're staking all your data on the perfectness of the defrag program... TuneUp Utilities is one that I trust.20:49
danand_Pirate_Hunter - tar -xzf if it is a file.tar.gz file :)20:49
crusies0u][ight:  you can do this from the recovery console when booting from the windows disc20:49
macogwffm: z?20:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:50
Pirate_Hunterdanand_: nah its .txt.gz so im guessing txt is part of the actual filename20:50
ffmmacogw: per man: "filter the archive through gzip"20:50
ffmmacogw: other wise it just untars20:50
archangelpetroOk, does anyone have issues with the Audigy and mic? whenever i try to mess about with mic, it 'never' works and then sound seems to fail all together20:50
danand_Pirate_Hunter - ok - just gunzip file.txt.gz then20:50
macogwffm: oh well .tar.gz always works for me with just xf20:50
crusieFlare183: so you mean helping the dude with defraggin and chkdsk'ing his hdd so he can install ubuntu is offtopic?20:50
macogwffm: i just remember to put a j in there for bz220:51
microphexsince vmware isnt compatible with x64, what is the next best thing?20:51
LifeisfunnyIs it correct to say that someone can't change the icon Menubar in the gpanel any longer?20:51
ffmmacogw: /me thinks it should autodetect based on MIME and extentio, but.20:51
ffm!hello | mik20:51
ubotumik: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:51
macogw!vitualbox | microphex20:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vitualbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:51
astro76ffm: macogw: lately tar autodetects .bz2 and .gz without -z or -j20:51
macogw!virtualbox | microphex20:51
s0u][ightvbox is compatible with x6420:51
ubotumicrophex: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:51
ffmastro76: awesome.20:51
macogwmicrophex: oh hmm wait a second then...20:52
mikwieso schreibt ihr in englisch20:52
crusiegrrr! I'm so gonna bash my ISP on monday20:52
astro76!de | mik20:52
ubotumik: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:52
macogwmicrophex: ok yes, virtualbox-ose in the ubuntu repos is compiled for either 32bit or 64bit, so you can use that20:52
microphexill try it, or ill just use vmware under windows since i dualboot anyways20:53
microphexi was looking for a program that could virtually run my existing windows xp partition under ubuntu, is that possible?20:53
AstorZZZmjw-, turns out you can run gparted from system->administration->partition editor without any problems (all menus are disabled when launched from terminal even after reboot)20:53
s0u][ightshould i reboot after a defragmentation?20:53
mjw-AstorZZZ well i'm glad that worked for you...weird that it's locked out from the terminal though.20:54
AstorZZZmjw-, and partition editor found bad sectors on the drive :(20:54
nickrudmaximilion: I'm sure the screen dimensions do come into play when it's calculated automatically20:54
mjw-AstorZZZ ouch20:54
LifeisfunnyI never get my question answered.  Why do I keep coming in here?   Maybe I'll ask in #off-topic and they can tell me their channel isn't for technicals.20:54
zman_zman... taking my nick back now...20:54
nickrudDRebellion: I'm switching to your executable search :)20:54
macogws0u][ight: while defragging is good for tuning the system, every day is just too much.  you're going to wear out your hard drive.20:54
Blue_SassleyI have Wine version 0.9.54 installed how do I get the update to 0.9.55?20:54
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s0u][ightok i'll make it every week20:55
ffmI am fscking my SD card, and I get this: "A new long file name starts within an old one." I can "delete prior LFN" or should I leave as is?20:55
zmanzman_ bye'20:55
macogws0u][ight: think of a record player.  if you play the same record all the time, the grooves eventually get worn in.  hard drives are little itty bitty record playrs20:55
ffmzman_: talking to yerself?20:55
egcanybody have pointers on how to setup for development?20:55
FaldrienI'm getting "ata1.00: exception Emask" erros, so I ran fsck -c (i did umount and all of that), and as it checks the blocks alll of the errors are coming up, and its gotten through only 100k blocks  in ~2hrs.  Is this normal?20:55
ffmmacogw: yes, but that takes a _lot_ of work.20:55
Itakuis there a mp3 to wav converer?20:55
macogwegc: install build-essential20:55
egclike what packages to install, etc20:56
ffmegc: what type of development20:56
s0u][ightok my batery is allready screwedup20:56
ffmItaku: yes.20:56
egcmacogw: thx20:56
ffm!mp3 | Itaku20:56
ubotuItaku: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:56
macogwegc: if its java, install eclipse. if its anything else...learn either vim or emacs, and learn them well because they are very powerful.20:56
wpgeekso my sshd running in runlevel 2 disappeared20:56
AstorZZZmjw-, i guess that's why i coudnt resize it from live cd installer20:56
wpgeeki did the update-rc.d (removed and then added it via multiuser)20:56
macogwegc: if you go with vim, install vim-full because ubuntu comes with vim-tiny which is annoying20:57
wpgeekwhen i run rcconf, it's not there20:57
egcmacogw: cool, i use vi20:57
AstorZZZpartition editor wont allow to resize partition20:57
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willytell_danand_, thank you, but it could not be loaded because I had stopped sbus service.20:57
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egcwill do20:57
AstorZZZmjw-, either way thanks!20:57
macogwwpgeek: have you tried using chkconfig?  im kind of just assuming it exists on debian, though20:57
quitttI'm having a problem20:57
* macogw fives egc for being a vim user20:57
mjw-AstorZZZ no problem20:57
willytell_danand_, now I can do what you said.20:57
ThulanisHello, is there a command I can use to format my hd?20:58
Itakuffm: im using a program that has to use wav's not mp3's20:58
danand_willytell_ - :) cool20:58
ZombinoPrinting issue:  Installed a label printer using (partly) the CUPS web interface.   I had to generate the right PPD file using foomatic at the command line, and do a couple of other weird things (manually create the interfaces directory, and move some files around) to get the printer recognized and installed.  So it's installed but still not printing; Job is "stopped with status 22!" and was stopped due to "filter errors".  I read that you just need to insta20:58
Zombinoll foomatic-filters, but I checked and it's already installed.  Can anybody help?20:58
wpgeekmagogw, doesn't exist in ubuntu20:58
_Lucretia_anybody use a samsung p2 here? does it work ?20:58
ffmItaku: sudo apt-get install mpg321 vorbis-tools; nautilus-script-manager enable ConvertAudioFile20:58
ZombinoSorry for the way-long post :/20:58
ffmItaku: OR "sudo aptitude install nautilus-script-audio-convert"20:58
macogwThulanis: mkfs20:58
s0u][ightwell does defragmentation application of windows give a sign when it's finished?20:59
ThulanisOkay, thanks.20:59
usr_robsudo firestarter (firestarter:31698): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: anyone familiar with this?20:59
Charonscope&server narnia.insiderz.de20:59
ffmusr_rob: use "gksu"20:59
Jowiusr_rob, try "gksudo"20:59
astro76usr_rob: you should use gksudo with any gui program20:59
mjw-s0u][ight if you run it from the "Computer Management" panel, you should be able to watch it do its thing20:59
usr_robffm; tried it20:59
Itakuffm: whats the command after that21:00
ffmusr_rob: can you run normal gui programs from the command line?21:00
danand_usr_rob - are you ssh'd into another box?21:00
mynymlwhat runs better, AWN or kibadock?21:00
usr_robffm, yes21:00
usr_robdanand_: no21:00
DoYouKnowmynyml, awn-trunk runs great on ubuntu gutsy gibbon21:01
ffmItaku: restart nautilus, then, right click the file and click "convert"21:01
usr_robi've deinstalled it, will reinstall it now21:01
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Itakuhow do i restart nautils?21:01
Itakunever used it :/21:01
DoYouKnowjust make sure you run ldconfig in /usr/local/lib after you ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install21:01
Jowiusr_rob, can you start other gui apps with gksudo ?21:01
ffmItaku: you are using it now.21:01
Itakuwell how do i restart it21:02
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ffmItaku: it is the file manager. log out and log back in.21:02
quittthow do I make my graphical boot no interrupted by ANYTHING??21:02
ffmquittt: you don't21:02
ffmquittt: we're working on it.21:02
usr_robJowi: wait a sec, i will install it again, brb21:02
quitttffm, there is a irritant thing that stops it21:02
ffmquittt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SlickBoot (yes, I know, you mean the fsck tool.)21:02
quitttsaying that the backup of something is different from something21:02
macogwItaku: killall nautilus && nohup nautilus &21:02
Pantagruele ##english21:03
ffmmacogw: that works too.21:03
ffmmacogw: I'm suprised you don't know GPG.21:03
Merlintoshhi there21:03
Beavi5hi, anyone able to help me install ubuntu on my laptop, its not a straightforward install :(21:03
quitttffm, what should I do?21:03
ffm!hello | Merlintosh21:03
ubotuMerlintosh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:03
MerlintoshI need help initiating startx on my laptop21:04
mik__i need help with my totem player21:04
Merlintoshthanx for the welcomming guys :)21:04
ffmquittt: you don't. if you know how to program, you can help with the blueprint.21:04
macogwffm: i dont use it much. ive used enigma on thunderbird and the gedit gpg plugin, but thats about it21:04
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macogwffm: anyway, the engineers' ball is in 2 weeks, so im going dress shopping. ttyl21:04
quitttffm, how do I disable this fsck tool?21:04
usr_robJowi: $ gksudo firestarter No protocol specified (firestarter:5580): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:21:04
Merlintoshmy startx is not starting it says cant initiate font21:05
Jowiusr_rob, does "xhost +local:root" help?21:05
arnathok...something weird just happened, i was happily typing along in pidgin, and suddenly my screen goes black, and when it turns back on, i'm on the login screen21:05
ffmquittt: you shouldn't.21:05
macogwarnath: X died21:05
arnath(and no i did not hit ctrl+alt+backspace by accident)21:05
ffmjabez: quit21:05
MerlintoshError opening /dev/input/wacom no such file or directory21:05
ffmjabez: */quit21:05
wpgeekok one last thing21:05
Merlintoshwhat does tha mean ?21:06
quitttffm, and why NetworkManager tawnts so much?21:06
archangelpetronobody has an audigyZS?21:06
wpgeeki disabled NetworkManager, hopefully sshd will auto start now21:06
Itakupl ffm i relogged in now how do i convert?21:06
arnathcan i look up the reason for the x dying?21:06
arnath(ie: where is the log for this?)21:06
wpgeeki'm using that box as a server anyways21:06
usr_robJowi: you mean; $ xhost +local:root firestarter ?21:06
Beavi5can someone help me please?21:06
ffmItaku: Right click on the file, and go to scripts...21:06
archangelpetrowpgeek, how did you disable network manager?21:06
ffm!patience | Beavi521:06
ubotuBeavi5: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:06
Itakui dont have it21:06
wpgeekarchangelpetro, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager#head-1de145d05f957ff659f5fdb58974ec3e5864def521:06
q_a_z_stevenickrud: hey why doesn't gutsy find my user's accounts from dapper?21:06
ffm!helpme | Beavi521:06
ubotuBeavi5: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:06
Itakui dont have the scripts button21:07
ffmItaku: hm...21:07
Jowiusr_rob, no, "xhost +local:root" [enter] "gksudo firestarter" [enter]21:07
ffmItaku: lets look...21:07
danand_arnath - look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:07
Merlintoshguys can anyone help me with an xorg issue ?21:07
quitttwhy NetworkManager shows a LOT of messages on boot?21:07
nickrudq_a_z_steve: as far as I know, thats supposed to work only for windows accounts. But don't quote me21:07
quittthow do I remove it?21:07
usr_robJowi: non-network local connections being added to access control list21:07
wpgeekok i fixed it21:07
quitttI mean, the messages21:07
ffmquittt: you shouldn't21:07
ffmquittt: oh.21:07
arnathdanand_: hmm, it's a bit long, anything i can grep for?21:07
wpgeeknetworkmanager screwing it up(don't use it if you aren't using it as a desktop, e.g. server)21:07
ffmquittt: uh, it is most likely due to an issue with your networkmanager...21:08
=== qmario_ is now known as QMario
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ffmquittt: desktop or laptop?21:08
Itakuffm: how do i get the scripts button in21:08
usr_robJowi: Okey, now i get no error ;)21:08
q_a_z_stevenickrud: what do you mean? MS Windows to windows?21:08
ffmItaku: wait...21:08
=== c is now known as Charitwo
danand_arnath - cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE21:08
ffmquittt: sudo aptitude remove networkmanager21:08
ffmquittt: and work without it.21:08
s0u][ighti freed up 5 gigs is it enough for ubuntu 7.10?21:08
Merlintoshnoone can help me here.. ?  do u know of somewhere where i can get help concerning my problem ?21:08
Jowiusr_rob, ....and firestarter starts up?21:08
danand_arnath - cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep WW21:08
ffmquittt: I _think_21:09
ffm!helpme | Merlintosh21:09
ubotuMerlintosh: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:09
nickrudq_a_z_steve: some windows settings to ubuntu. Not sure, that's why you best not quote me21:09
arnathdanand_: nothing really :s21:09
quitttffm, actually, what is NetworkManager for?21:09
arnathdanand_: is an X-crash in general something i should be worried about?21:09
=== Charitwo is now known as charitwo
mysticfrost123how to convert avi to wmv in ubuntu?21:09
mjw-s0u][ight it'll be tight, especially factoring in a partition for swap21:09
q_a_z_stevenickrud: well I have XP and vista on this box too... so it's just not seeing bleeding anything/21:09
s0u][ighthow much swap partition should i use?21:10
ffm!package networkmanager | quittt21:10
=== charitwo is now known as Charitwo
mjw-s0u][ight ubuntu generally uses an amount equal to the amount of physical memory, i've noticed21:10
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager21:10
usr_robJowi: Yes it starts up, thx. Will try it at boot, with session manager gksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter , did try that yesterday but "nothing", it did not start, i have added nopass in sudoers21:10
nickrudq_a_z_steve: not sure then. I didn't have much trust in the concept myself. But don't ask me, I don't work here ;)21:10
danand_arnath - depends, does it keep crashing?21:10
lanzellothhi, how do i downgrade firefox to
arnathdanand_: nope, just the once21:10
ffm!networkmanager | quittt21:10
ubotuquittt: please see above21:10
s0u][ightok i'll try to install ubuntu right now21:10
arnathdanand_: (so far anyway)21:10
astro76s0u][ight: a small one ~256 MB would be enough if you are strapped21:11
phuziongnome has crashed twice today, is there a log I can check to see whats going wrong?21:11
quitttI don't use Wireless21:11
arnathdanand_: from time to time compiz seems to crash though (only on this computer, which was upgraded from a beta version of gutsy, my other computer doesn't have that problem)21:11
ffmquittt: then remove it.21:11
s0u][ightbtw is swap realy needed?21:11
kdc1956ubuntu 7.10 kicks butt21:11
usr_robJowi: do i have th use; xhost +local:root all the time, do not understand how this command work21:11
s0u][ighti got 1 gig ram21:11
nigelhi all. I have an issue with wine..I am a noob, and am trying to install an exe file (firefox within wine so I can use an online web server/editor that still is DOSE addicted and exclusive.21:11
ffms0u][ight: it is a bad idea to go without.21:11
danand_arnath - shouldn't worry too much then - lets hope you don't keep crashing ;)21:11
s0u][ighti'm off cyaa21:11
arnathdanand_: ok :)21:11
Jowiusr_rob, no, normally using xhost should not be necessary at all.21:11
Slartnigel: DOSE?.. what is that?21:12
aarcaneis it possible to make Ubuntu verify all the system files I've installed ?21:12
quitttffm, which is the package that contains it?21:12
ffmquittt: networkmanger21:12
nigeloh sorry...my online web server host relieas on WINDose...sorry21:12
arash`are there any good .iso manipulation tools for ubuntu?21:12
danand_arnath - you could try looking in old logs if your worried ie Xorg.0.log.old21:12
q_a_z_steveaarcane: define verify?21:12
ffmquittt: networkmanager21:12
arnathdanand_: ah :)21:12
Beavi5is there anyway to install ubuntu on a laptop without a cd drive? ive installed all the files from the distro to a partition and have made it bootable with syslinux, it starts up fine but i dont know how to start the kernel to install without a cd21:12
QMarioIn OpenOffice Calc 2.3.0, how would I add a number to every value column A and store the result in column B?21:12
q_a_z_steve!iso | arash`21:13
ubotuarash`: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:13
aarcaneq_a_z_steve, check the md5 checksum of every file installed using synaptic or apt-get and ensure that they're the same as when installed.21:13
Itakucan i make mp3's playable on internet dj?21:13
cokencodeah yes, nubuntu installed21:13
SlartBeavi5: you can.. but the easiest way is to get an external cd drive, imho21:13
cokencodedoes anyone have anything to say about this distro ?21:13
cokencodeis it secure ?21:13
cokencodeany problems reported with it21:13
puffAnybody installed the ATI drivers manually (e.g. not-from-apt)?21:13
quitttffm, there is network-manager21:13
QMarioIn OpenOffice Calc 2.3.0, how would I add a number to every value column A and store the result in column B?21:13
ffmquittt: close enough.21:13
q_a_z_steveaarcane: I can give you md5sum script, hold on21:13
hetaumais there any terminal that can change it's titlebar to what I'm doing? i.e. if I run vi test.c title should be something similar?21:13
Beavi5my laptop doesnt support booting from an external cd :(21:13
BB-Coronai installed ubuntu and when i restarted it showed the loading screen and would boot to a black screen, anyone know how to fix this?21:14
Jowiusr_rob, I use xhost to allow another account to launch firefox on my display from time to time. but I have no greate insight on how it works internally.21:14
rinaldi_Beavi5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:14
Slartnigel: you have a webpage that is windows only but still works in firefox??.. wow.. didn't think that existed..21:14
quitttffm, if I remove it, won't it affect anything?21:14
aarcanehetauma, you can write a launcher script to do that.  but in general, it's up to an application to set the terminal title itsself.21:14
ffmquittt: it shouldnt.21:14
Slartnigel: well.. have you tried just running the firefox installer in wine? wine setup.exe or whatever the firefox installer is named21:14
Beavi5thanks _rinaldi ill have a read :)21:14
nigelno not a webpage. Start ashamed to admit it but it is web page generating software and host (homestead.com) and there interface only accepts windose systems running either IE or Firefox but on a winDOSE platform.21:15
Itakucan i make mp3's playable/streamable on internet dj?21:15
astro76hetauma: gnome-terminal does that by default21:16
nigelAnyway have wine installed, c drive generated and config pages come up but opening anything within wine does nada21:16
aarcanenigel, if you don't want to reboot into winnows, you can use qemu or vmware or other various software to run winnows in a virtual machine.21:16
astro76hetauma: but yeah it's up to the application outside the shell21:16
usr_robJowi: Thank you :) , will reboot now see if it starts up right21:16
plzkthxWhile using Ubuntu, Gnome just suddenly restarted automatically, now I don't have sound. :( Any help?21:17
hetaumaastro76, it only changes title to the current directory21:17
Slartnigel: hmm.. what have you tried so far? does wine notepad work?21:17
aarcanenigel, or you can use ies4linux to install internet exploder.21:17
nigelgemu and vm ware...I'll check em out thanks...never want to dual again running 6 pc's only one dual boots due to some software reliances but that'll change21:17
HorizonXPhey, is there a way to install Hardy Heron's package for Evolution on Gutsy?21:17
aarcanenigel, as a last resort, you can get a real host instead of homestead.21:17
plzkthxWell, anyone?21:18
ffmHorizonXP: yes.21:18
hdevalencehey, if I have a C2D T5250 "Merom" cpu, what do I put on gcc -mtune=<arch> ?21:18
SlartHorizonXP: not in an easy way21:18
ffm!helpme | plzkthx21:18
ubotuplzkthx: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:18
ffmSlart: no, it s somewhat easy...21:18
astro76hetauma: vi should update the title, maybe you don't have vim-full installed21:18
HorizonXPlol, i can see it's not easy, cuz i've tried and it hasn't worked; i tried using prevu, but it errored out21:18
zimonhdevalence, nocona21:18
aarcaneplzkthx, 1) get a real nick.  2) try rebooting.  if that doesn't fix it, ask again.21:18
ffmHorizonXP: download the deb from the mirror.21:18
SlartHorizonXP: it is? force-architecture works ok?21:19
nigelaarcane yes I know but it is a really good and extremely efficient server also..I can edit 100 pages in an hour adjusting all meta's and keywords...it is a very quick solution for me and I am hooked at present21:19
puffplzkthx: Reboot.  If it comes back after reboot, come back here and ask for advice about it.21:19
plzkthxWell, thats the whole point, I don't want to reboot, I'd like to keep a good uptime.21:19
hdevalencezimon: thanks!21:19
astro76hetauma: ubuntu has only vim-tiny by default21:19
hetaumaastro76, correct I only had vim21:19
Slartffm: bah, sorry about thtat..   it is? force-architecture works ok?21:19
puffplzkthx: It's most likely you're going to have to reboot to get sound back.21:19
HorizonXPSlart, ffm: but the deb has a TON of dependencies21:19
ffmSlart: yes, you just download and install the deb.21:19
ffmHorizonXP: then get them.21:19
puffplzkthx: I had problems with that before, related to having both esd and alsa installed.  In essence, there is a resource contention problem, sort of like a file lock.21:19
plzkthxpuff, I never faced this problem before, any way to see if any process is using my driver?21:19
nickrudSlart: you wouldn't need force-architecture, get the right architecture for your machine (32vs64)21:19
HorizonXPffm: here's hoping I don't break it :P21:20
SlartHorizonXP: check the force-options..21:20
aarcanenigel, if you need to adjust metas and keywords, you could code a header in php, which queries your meta and keywords from a database and changes them *snaps fingers* that fast.21:20
ffmHorizonXP: enable the newer hardy repo, apt-get it, unenable.21:20
Slartnickrud: yes.. I know.. old wine-habit =)21:20
puffplzkthx: No, not really.  I mean, "ps -ef | fgrep -i esd" will tell you if esd is running.21:20
ffmHorizonXP: and now you have a half-hardy system.21:20
astro76hetauma: install it, then sudo update-alternatives --config editor21:20
emoryI'm trying to run update on a fresh mythbuntu install and it keep locking up after it fails to start mysql...21:20
ffmplzkthx: reboot.21:20
emoryany ideas?21:20
puffplzkthx: Actually, if gnome crashed, and then you restarted gnome without rebooting, then probably you're stuck.21:20
prey_alonewhat's the easiest tool to socksify a server?21:20
ffm!helpme | emory21:20
ubotuemory: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:20
nickrudHorizonXP: don't listen to ffm he's recommending crack(ing your system :)21:20
puffplzkthx: The old gnome process had the lock, the new process cant' get it, you have to reboot.21:20
ffmnickrud: how so?21:21
plzkthxpuff, I din't start it manually,. it started automatically.21:21
astro76hetauma: in order to make it used for visudo and sudoedit21:21
puffplzkthx: That's just a guess, though.21:21
ffmnickrud: I'd do it...21:21
HorizonXPnickrud: ?21:21
nigelaarcane...sounds wonderful and simple but as a fine art/ graphic designer nurse and baby shop owner I am stuck with this for now..and yes I know that'll put me in the realm of a tewchno slug right now.21:21
puffplzkthx: Either way, you have to reboot.  Bite the bullet and get it over with.  I know it sucks.21:21
rinaldi_emory: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-mythtv   ?21:21
puffplzkthx: And come back with a better nic :-)21:21
plzkthxHeh, its sure sux. :<21:21
hetaumaastro76, ok thanx alot21:21
emoryI could these seems more like a synaptic/mysql issue though21:21
ffmHorizonXP: listen to nickrud, he most likely knows more than me.21:21
nickrudffm: you'd need more than just the evolution deb, there's evolution-data-server , and more HorizonXP21:21
plzkthxWell, thanx anyway.21:21
puffplzkthx: It's a limitation of the architecture, not ubuntu's fault.21:21
HorizonXPffm, nickrud: yeah, you're right, there's a ton21:21
Slartplzkthx: you can probably find a way to edit your uptime to keep your e-peni... sorry.. uptime up ;)21:22
ffmnickrud: he _could_ use hardy...21:22
aarcanenigel, if you'd like to at some point get a host that supports PHP, you can send me a whisper on this network at this nick, and I can possibly help you out with a script.21:22
ffmHorizonXP: why do you need the new version anyway/21:22
cokencodewhy does nubuntu leave port 22 (ssh) open by default ?21:22
HorizonXPffm, nickrud: i was hoping to just compile from source21:22
aarcanenigel, I've seldom got much better to do.21:22
cokencodethis looks very suspicious21:22
FranzJesusnigel: Have you tried the firefox extension User Agent Switcher21:22
HorizonXPffm, nickrud: Google Calendar support21:22
astro76cokencode: it's only open if you install the ssh server21:22
nigelthanks aarcane..will do.21:22
plzkthxSlart, was that supposed to be funny?21:22
Slartcokencode: the firewall isn't enabled by default.. but I doubt ssh is up and running on a new install21:22
nigelfranzJesus...tell me more will look it up now21:22
ffmplzkthx: yes, and it was.21:23
Slartplzkthx: you're the one worrying about your uptime..21:23
cokencodeSlart, I'm using a live cd ... nubuntu21:23
Slartcokencode: nubuntu?21:23
Jowiplzkthx, ctrl-alt-backspace will kill X and all child processes (like the sound server most of the time). you can try that.21:23
plzkthxSlart, orly?21:23
FranzJesustry downloading the extension at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5921:23
astro76cokencode: then they've installed and enabled the ssh server, in order to enable ssh, note this is not an official project21:23
nigelthanks franz doing that now21:23
puffAnybody got a guess at this:  http://php.pastebin.com/d5890fcfb21:23
HorizonXPnickrud: any way i do this?21:24
plzkthxJowi, thax m8. :)21:24
cokencodeastro76, I know I know, but my question is ... why  ?21:24
astro76cokencode: ask them21:24
secleinteerhi, i'm trying to fill out a pdf form in acrobat, but i'm getting "plug-in required by this 'javascript' action is not available", and when i try to print anything, the text input fields' contents are mangled21:24
secleinteerany ideas?21:24
astro76cokencode: being able to ssh to a machine is very useful21:24
crusiehey - got a creative xfi card - where do I get the drivers for ubuntu for it ?21:24
cokencodecokencode, you hardly go to the source when you suspect someone of being up to something fishy21:24
cokencodedo you ?21:24
HorizonXPnickrud:, ffm, Slart: ok, here's a question: how unstable is Hardy Heron?21:24
cokencodeastro76, oh, i'm well aware of this21:25
ffmHorizonXP: very21:25
astro76cokencode: note also that this doesn't appear to be a normal use desktop livecd, but a security testing system21:25
ffmHorizonXP: I'd wait for the beta.21:25
Slartcokencode: I usually install ssh myself on my machines.. but having it on by default seems.. a bit dangerous..21:25
ffmHorizonXP: but getting more all the time.21:25
cokencodeastro76, precisely, why would you need to ssh into a security testing system21:25
kestirHi, when I use aplay to play mp3s all I hear is a bunch of loud static, am I missing something?21:25
SlartHorizonXP: I think they say it's alpha quality atm.. so not for production machines21:25
cokencodeSlart, my point exactly!21:25
astro76cokencode: you might not even have a monitor21:25
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:25
astro76cokencode: or a keyboard21:25
HorizonXPnickrud:, ffm, Slart: aiight, so am I SOL for getting the new Evolution on my machine?21:25
nickrudHorizonXP: you could do apt-get source evolution , apt-get build-dep evolution , and dpkg-buildpackage21:26
Slartcokencode: but I think this is something you should ask on their forums.. it's not installed on ubuntu21:26
cokencodeastro76, i dunno, it still doesn't sit well with me21:26
ZombinoPrinter issue:  Trying to use foomatic-ppdfile to generate a PPD file for my label printer, but it's giving me an error saying that the printer file isn't in the database.  I've read a lot of threads on installing this printer and nobody seems to be having this issue.  Just reinstalled the foomatic database and it didn't fix anything :(21:26
SlartHorizonXP: what's so great about the new evolution?21:26
FranzJesusnigel: then change agent under Tools->User Agent Switcher->whatever you want21:26
astro76cokencode: don't use it then21:26
SlartHorizonXP: hardy is due in what.. april? 2 months or so?21:26
HorizonXPSlart: native Google Calendar support21:26
nickrudHorizonXP: forget dpkg-buildpackage, brain fart. a sec21:26
SlartHorizonXP: ah.. that does sound nice21:26
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me with tor & privoxy on a separate window?21:26
cokencode Slart, well, I expect to get a more straightforward and honest answer in here. Just like everyone was here bashing the easyubuntu alternative because how often it breaks systems21:26
ffmHorizonXP: or just "sudo apt-get source evolution; sudo apt-get build-dep evolution; sudo dpkg-buildpackage"21:26
Itakuffm: how do i get the scripts button in21:27
ffmItaku: can you look it up?21:27
astro76cokencode: like I said it has nothing to do with ubuntu, also you're not understanding what it's intended for21:27
ffmItaku: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68176221:27
Jack_Sparrowcokencode: Actually easybuntu isnt as bad as it used to be.. unlike envy or automatix21:27
cokencodeastro76, that's not the way to learn about security now is it? Avoid everything you're afraid of? I prefer to turn this into a learning experience. Rather than just go "oh, it's insecure I won't use it". That doesn't benefit me at all.21:27
ffmJack_Sparrow: ack!21:27
HorizonXPnickrud:, ffm, Slart, this is the error I get when i do apt-get build-dep evolution: Build-Depends dependency for evolution cannot be satisfied because no available versions of package evolution-data-server-dev can satisfy the version requirements21:27
ffmJack_Sparrow: nooo!21:27
nigelfranzjesus...great that works21:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easybuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:28
cokencodeJack_Sparrow, read what I said again. I said everyone bashed the ALTERNATIVE to easyubuntu, i.e. automatix21:28
FranzJesusnigel: Glad i could help21:28
maximilionOK, I now have sound in quake 3 :)21:28
joankiwhen i insert a cd into my disk drive, double-click on the icon on the desktop, i get : "Couldn't display "cdda:///dev/scd0. There was an error launching the application." Can anyone help m e fix this?  i want to listen to my cd.21:28
puff"Error! Your kernel source for kernel 2.6.22-14-386 cannot be found at /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/build or /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/source."21:28
astro76cokencode: you are not making any sense, if you want to security test a server with no display using this cd, you need to ssh into it21:28
maximilionBut as soon as the map starts, it freezes. Any thoughts?21:28
nickrudHorizonXP: one of the reasons you might just want to wait. I'm waiting for it since I hate the popup imap error messages. They'll be in the task bar :)21:28
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me with tor & privoxy on a separate channel?21:28
ffmJack_Sparrow: on second thought, it looks kk.21:29
ffmPirate_Hunter: why not here?21:29
maximilionAlso, how do I add terminal commands to be executed at startup of x?21:29
ffmmaximilion: add them to .xsession21:29
Pirate_Hunterffm: its not ubuntu related but someothign weird going on with tor and privoxy21:29
Jack_SparrowMost of irc blocks tor severs...21:29
Slartcokencode: well.. having it installed and enabled by default is bad, if you ask me. I don't know if nubuntu claims to be a good desktop install, it might be a special distro used only in special cases where an open ssh server isn't a bad thing21:29
HorizonXPnickrud: i'm gonna try to do this, because in April i'm done school, so kinda useless to me then21:29
maximilionffm: in my user home directory?21:29
cokencodeastro76, wait, what? you're penetration testing a server, using a live cd installed on the computer used for testing. Why does the computer used for testing need to have port 22 open? YOU'RE not making sense21:29
HorizonXPnickrud: here's hoping i don't break my system21:30
crusiehmm no ideas on how to get sound on here? seems like my card isn't even detected by ubuntu - it's a creativ xfi21:30
cokencodeastro76, I need to ssh OUT, I don't need to have sshd running21:30
ffmmaximilion: yes21:30
astro76joanki: check what's set it in preferences > preferred applications ?21:30
maximilionThanks, will try :)21:30
astro76!ot | cokencode21:30
ubotucokencode: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:30
Slartmaximilion: I don't know how to make stuff start when x starts.. but you can make things start when you log in by using the System, Prefences, Sessions applet21:30
ffmcokencode: we arn't talking about _you_ we are talking about _whats useful_21:30
Pirate_Hunterffm: so cna you help me21:30
ffmPirate_Hunter: yes...21:30
cokencodelol, oh come on astro76, you're only saying that now because you're losing the argument.21:30
ffmcokencode: actualy, he's not.21:31
kestirHi, when I use aplay to play mp3s all I hear is a bunch of loud static, am I missing something?21:31
nigelfranzjesus-at risk of being greedy (but let me tell you what is at stake) I will be able to exclusively use Ubuntu on all pc's and any dual booting if i was to want to run the editing software in wine how do I.21:31
cokencodeffm, explain to me then. Why does a box that is sshing into a server, need to have sshd running ?21:31
ffmcokencode: because the box you are running on may be headless.21:31
Slartkestir: have you looked at the links ubotu gives you when you type !mp3 ?21:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:31
cokencodeyou're doing penetration testing with a headless box?21:31
ffmcokencode: maybe.21:32
nickrudHorizonXP: luck to you21:32
cokencodewhy? doesn't make sense21:32
umanhi there. Im having trouble with xchat. For some reason when i open it it occupies the entire screen and i cant resize the window. I cant even see the close, minimize, maximize buttons on the top right corner. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks and sorry for the noobie question.21:32
ffmcokencode: in any case, this is off topic. lets move this to #ubuntu-offtopci21:32
Jack_SparrowPlease keep to the topic.. (for those wandering a bit offtopic)21:32
puffSo, the ATI installation page here ( http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide ) doesn't say it, but from the error message and the release notes, I think I need to have the kernel sources, or kernel headers at least.21:32
cokencodeand at any rate , he made mention of the SERVER being headless, NOT the box doing the penetration testing21:32
puffDoes this make sense?21:32
Slartuman: are you sure there are buttons up there? they might be missing?21:33
Jowikestir, aplay does not play anything but wav files for me21:33
Slartuman: are you using regular ubuntu gutsy?21:33
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Pirate_Hunterffm: are you registered? cause if yuor not you we can't talk in private window otherwise go to #onion_tor21:33
kestirJowi: hmm, can you recommend a command line mp3 player?21:33
umanslart: No, those buttons are not there. Im using ubuntu 7.1021:33
ffmPirate_Hunter: yes, I am registered.21:34
nemilarkestir: mpg32121:34
Slartuman: try running "compiz --replace" in a terminal21:34
Jowikestir, yes, mp3blaster is nice21:34
maximilionOK ffm: created it. Is there some way I can make a command script that can be typed in the alt+f2 (Run Application) panel?21:34
nigelFranzjesus-Didnt work after all..lets me log in but is unable to open pages due to no cache.21:34
ffmPirate_Hunter: And yes, I hav replied.21:34
zardoshtHi, how can I find a pdf file that part of its name is "matrix", I used find command but I dont know how to use it, thank you.21:34
ffmmaximilion: yes.21:34
Jowikestir, that gives you a full text mode "gui" though. with abilities for playlists. may be overkill for what you want. :)21:34
ffmmaximilion: add a script to /usr/local/bin21:35
maximilionffm: Just make a file with vim and chmod +x?21:35
usr_robfirestarter do not start at boot21:35
danand_puff - yes - sudo apt-get -s install linux-headers-`uname -r`21:35
Slartzardosht: do you have any kind of clue to where it is?21:35
kestirJowi: yeah, but it's nice and geeky...I like it21:35
ffmmaximilion: that's ti.21:35
Slartzardosht: like.. it's in my home folder? or on this drive?21:35
maximilioncool :)21:36
zardoshtslart: may be at /media but not sure21:36
drrohinCan anyone help me get VirtualBox to reconize my dvd drive21:36
sGnueppl plz guide me howw to install java on linux 5.0421:36
umanslart: thanks. I suppose it kind of worked. I still dont have the buttons on top and cant move xchat, its as if it werent in window mode. but I can atleast see the menu bar on top and bottom21:36
usr_robi have "gksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter" in 'sessions' and added %myusername ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter in sudoers, nothing, it do not start21:36
Slartzardosht: /media is where all your hard drives are.. searching it all might take a loooong time21:36
puffdanand_: Should I take out the "-s" ? :-)21:36
tkxueI edit a document in abiword. It looks fine. I print it to a pdf ... and the resized images in the document suddenly look very very blurry. How do I fix this?21:36
Jowikestir, alternatively I like alsaplayer. seems to play everything except pls/mms streams. alsaplayer's got both gtk and text mode, with playlist support but no "gui" like mp3blaster.21:37
Slartuman: try disabling "visual effects".. see if that makes it better21:37
LjLsGnue: upgrade to a newer version, 5.04 is long unsupported21:37
zardoshtslart: no matter, just want to find it21:37
danand_puff - sorry - yes - that -s is for simulate only21:37
umanslart: uh oh, I just realized that by typing what you told me before (replace something) now all of my applications are missing the buttons/border21:37
floorpiezardosht: try find /media -iname *matrix*21:37
maximilionffm: Won't let me save. Can I use some other folder that is in $PATH?21:38
Slartzardosht: ok.. "find /media .*matrix.*\.pdf" run that in a terminal21:38
ffmmaximilion: you have to do so as root, or modify your own path21:38
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uuumanslart: got disconnected. I just realized that now all of my applications are missing the buttons/menu on top, so i cant move any the programs I open its like they lose the window border..21:41
Slartuuuman: hmm.. have you tried disabling compiz? (system, preferences, appearance, set visual effects to none)21:42
uuumanslart: Thanks a million that did the trick!21:42
Slartuuuman: well.. it's just a dirty solution.. without compis there is no cube.. no burning windows etc.. but if you're fine with that.. then you're good21:43
andreus__hello. i'm on gutsy ubuntu. my gnome loads only with desktop. no taskbar, alt+(f1,f2) doesn't work. is there a way to reset it to normal?.. has already got rid of .gnome dir21:43
puffdanand_: That appears to have worked, yay.21:44
g06|inwhat should I do to get the manual pages for functions like pagesize() malloc()21:44
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erUSULg06|in: manpages-dev21:45
siofwolvesuuuman, Slart. i too had messed up windows when installing compiz in 7.10. my gfx were stuck at 640 x 480. no other gfx options there.21:45
g06|inerUSUL: thx21:45
erUSULg06|in: no problem21:46
FloodBot3daba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
ex0dushi there21:46
Slartsiofwolves: installed compiz? compiz-fusion is already there in 7.1021:46
ex0dusi need some help21:46
siofwolvesi'm using kubuntu, wrong chan i guess21:47
Slartjust describe your problem, ex0dus21:47
nigelany help in running wine for a noob. Its downloaded. Config opens but it wont open any exe..the option comes up in drop down but does nada. Thanks21:47
ex0dusyes sure21:47
Coppershade-org^OK, maximilion here ffm21:47
ex0dusE: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-gnome-support_2.0.0.12+2nobinonly+2-0ubuntu0.7.10_i386.deb: files list file for package `gimp-help-common' is missing final newline21:48
Coppershade-org^I think I should never have made that .xsession file. I get a warning with extremely small font saying session lasted less than 10 seconds.21:48
ex0dusthis is the line that i got days now21:48
ffmCoppershade-org^: then its easy to fix.21:48
Coppershade-org^I rebooted in recovery mode, looking to delete the .xsession file, but it's not there.21:48
erUSULCoppershade-org^: yiu can boot on recovery mode and remove the file21:48
ffmCoppershade-org^: thats cause in recomode you are root.21:48
erUSULCoppershade-org^: :(21:48
Coppershade-org^I can't get into my Ubuntu. What do I do?21:48
ffmCoppershade-org^: su - username21:48
ffmCoppershade-org^: and remove it.21:48
Coppershade-org^Why the - sign?21:49
nickrudex0dus: put the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/firefox-gnome-support.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:49
NutubuntuMy gutsy install boots into (or stops at) the initramfs prompt every now and then. When it does, I restart, but I'm guessing there's a simpler way to get through the full boot process, and a way to fix the underlying issue too. I just have no idea what. Anyone know?21:49
joankiastro76 , i did that, but what can i change there?21:49
ffmCoppershade-org^: changes your directory and acts like a login shell.21:50
astro76joanki: the default media player, not sure if it will help or it's the problem21:50
Coppershade-org^Well, that worked ffm (it seems)21:50
ffmCoppershade-org^: good.21:50
nickrudex0dus: doh. bad file path, it's /var/lib/dpkg/info/firefox-gnome-support.list21:50
ffmCoppershade-org^: do you want it to happen ONLY when X starts, or whenever the computer boots?21:50
Coppershade-org^When X starts, as if I had immediately started Terminal and typed the commands.21:51
ex0dusnickrud can we talk in pm ?21:51
ffmCoppershade-org^: why then?21:51
ffmCoppershade-org^: you mean when GNOME starts...21:51
nickrudex0dus: sure21:51
ffmCoppershade-org^: not when the login appears.21:51
MrPiracyi'm receiving this "X system kbd differ from current GNOME" message, how can i fix it?21:51
ffmMrPiracy: by changing your xkeymap?21:52
BrantisHello again, I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 7.10 and now I am unable to boot into XP from the Grub menu. It is worth mentioning that XP is on the slave drive and I have already tried to trick grub21:52
joankiwhen i insert a cd into my disk drive, double-click on the icon on the desktop, i get : "Couldn't display "cdda:///dev/scd0. There was an error launching the application." Can anyone help m e fix this?  i want to listen to my cd.21:52
MrPiracyffm: where do i change that?21:52
JowiMrPiracy, you upgraded from an old version of ubuntu to a new one but kept your /home dir?21:52
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MrPiracyJowi: i guess so21:53
TonrenWhen I plug in an ntfs external USB drive, Dolphin throws this error: "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000"  What gives?21:53
ffmMrPiracy: "sudo dpkg-configure xorg-x11"21:53
nickrud!register | ex0dus21:53
ex0dusnickrud i ll now21:53
ubotuex0dus: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration21:53
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MrPiracyffm: dpkg-configure command not found21:54
BrantisJack_Sparrow I was able to finally get my graphics card working, I had to use Envy to install it and then remove the driver from the blacklist21:54
JowiMrPiracy, I got a few of those. installed feisty on a comp that had hoary. personally I just removed /home/username/.g* direcories and files to let gnome set them up from fresh.21:54
ffmMrPiracy: reconfigure21:55
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kestirMrPiracy: I googled your error message and found lots and lots of hits21:56
softtowerAnyone with ThinkPad T60 here?21:56
MrPiracyJowi: ohhhh, sorry, now I remember, I had to resize one of my windows partitions and the program said it ext3 wouldn't be bootable again. After the operation was completed, I had to run ubuntu from CD to repair it. I think i changed the location of my /home folder. How can I fix this? I'm clueless21:56
prey_alonegaa, i can't find a program to wrap a server in SOCKS21:57
BrantisDoes anyone know what Error 13 is. I am getting this in the Grub Menu and have no idea how to boot into XP Slave Drive, Tricking grub into remapping the drives does not work21:57
ubuntu-mateuszHi, How to install Ubuntu on LVM221:58
JowiMrPiracy, that is a bigger question than the original one. I think I pass :)21:58
ubuntu-mateuszI did apt-get install lvm2 created volumes, did mkfs and installed via installer but Ubuntu doesnt boot21:58
ubuntu-mateuszany help?21:58
MrPiracyJowi: lol, ok, no problem, i'll try to figure out myself and come back if i cant fix it21:59
levanderAnyone's seen a good doc on setting up a samba share in Gutsy?21:59
DayZiroI have somewhat of a weird problem. When viewing videos (or other high system requirement tasks) the screen freezes and unfreezes about every other second. Freezes as in, mouse freezes, audio freezes, video freezes, even progress bars freeze. Any suggestions ?21:59
qwazMrPiracy: go back to your pirated windows install and bugger off21:59
Coppershade-org^What is the correct way of making a script that chmods folders asking for su login?21:59
ubuntu-mateuszany help?21:59
Coppershade-org^Someone said add | sudo ett something21:59
jussi01DayZiro: which graphics card?21:59
Coppershade-org^after the command.21:59
ubuntu-mateuszmy ubuntu lvm2 installation doesnt boot21:59
jussi01!samba > levander22:00
DayZirojussi01, not sure22:00
DayZirointegrated graphics22:00
NForc3rhey guys can i enable physics in avant window manager22:00
DayZiroit's an hp pavillion dv400022:00
NForc3rlike you can do in kiba-dock22:01
NutubuntuOkay, no takers on that one ... I've finally got time to re-install Gutsy (my upgrade from Feisty was not an entire success). What are the gotcha's of a reinstall? Should I delete my ~/.g* stuff and let gnome start new? Is there anything to watch out for if I do that?22:01
crusiehey - how do I mnt my ntfs harddrive ?22:01
PriceChildNForc3r, I don't think awm has a physics engine22:01
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UninitiatedHaving a heck of a time setting up which app is used for a particular mime type when opened in epiphany.  I've tried using gconf-editor and have removed all media players except the one I want to use to open .pls files.  Would anyone have a suggestion where to look next?22:01
ubuntu-mateuszHow to install ubuntu on lvm2 ?22:01
NForc3rwait akamaru is the physics engine22:01
DayZirodoesn't happen in windows xp, but I believe it happened in debian22:01
NForc3rkiba-dock doesnt have a physics engine but uses kalamaru to do all that22:01
crusiehow do I find my ntfs partition ?22:02
DayZiroubuntu-mateusz, Distributions like Fedora, Suse and Debian have a LVM aware installer. Unfortunately, at the time this article was written, Ubuntu does not offer such settings with the Desktop Install CD.22:03
ubuntu-mateuszDayZiro: Well I did it manualy however it doesnt boot22:03
DayZiroubuntu-mateusz,  that link explains how they got it to work22:04
ubuntu-mateuszDayZiro: hmm I didnt install lvm2 to my new system :D22:04
ubuntu-mateuszDayZiro: Thanks22:04
UninitiatedIf no one is sure how to set up the mime types, would it be safe to remove ubuntu-desktop to get rid of gedit (which is now what .pls files are opening in)?  would that have a chance of forcing epiphany to use audacious?22:05
ffmUninitiated: Sys>Pref>Preffered apps22:05
Uninitiatedffm:   Indeed, that is set to Custom, command is audacious.22:06
TonrenCan anyone help me connecting an ntfs external usb drive to my Kubuntu 7.10 laptop?22:06
andrisphello, i some how managed to drag my upper horizontal menubar to the right side (now it's vertical), and i cant get it back. what to do ?22:07
andrisp(im using ubuntu+gnome)22:07
Uninitiatedandrisp: Try dragging it back to the top.22:07
kdallasHi guys! I was wondering what is the easiest way to set up a local web server (apache etc) to use certain packages (such as most of the groupwares). I have heard of XAMPP but not sure if it is the best under ubuntu (for windows it is pretty neat), thanks22:07
andrispUninitiated: i'm trying, but i cant22:08
andrispit ignores me :]22:08
SpopI'm looking for information on how to lock down user rights. anyone know of a good link?22:08
mastxhello! anyone managed to get their wireless working on an ibook g4 with 6.06? i tried both the drivers from linuxwireless & fwcutter... no luck22:08
Jack_Sparrowandrisp: Reduce the size of the panel or remove enough icons so you can grab it and move it back22:08
zaivaldiandrisp,  right click, properities22:08
razordeadkdallas: in Ubuntu you don't need that junk, just install the Apache, PHP, & MySQL packages22:08
razordeadkdallas: in theory, as soon as you install those packages, you have a working setup22:09
kdallasrazordead, ok, any guide which i could read to set them up22:09
andrispJack_Sparrow, thanks, it helped :)22:09
kdallasrazordead, i see22:09
mhrnjadHello there :-) I am thinking of buying a Dell Latitude D630 and run 7.10 on it.. any comments/advice on that model?22:09
Uninitiatedandrisp: make sure you're clicking on the panel itself and not any applets or launchers22:09
andrispUninitiated: i got it back, thanks22:09
razordeadkdallas: just use Synaptic to install the packages22:09
posrwhat was the name of virtual machine's soft?22:10
Spopmhrnjad, I bought an acer and converted from Vista. Wow, lots of work. Is the Dell you are looking at come with ubuntu preinstalled22:10
mkbernardis php5 supported by gutsy gibbon?22:10
kdallasrazordead, thanks will do so22:10
mhrnjadSpop: no, it comes with XP22:10
Jack_SparrowUninitiated: The problem I have had is that the sides are shorter than the top.. and there is no place where you can grab the panel to move it22:10
SpopWell, at least it is not vista.22:11
ffmmkbernard: yes....22:11
DayZiroI was thinking it was a problem with resources...like the system has a memory leak and chops when the memory is gone while it frees some up. although a 'top' doesn't show a lot of memory or cpu usage when it's freezing22:11
ffmmkbernard: apt-get into it.22:11
SpopI would search the Ubuntu forums on your specific Dell model. I found lots of help by doing that.22:11
kdallasrazordead, it is mysql server and not the client, right?22:11
razordeadkdallas: yes22:11
kdallasthank you22:12
mhrnjadSpop: thanks, will try that ..22:12
SpopGood luck and don't give up!22:12
mkbernardffm alright thanks, i just noticed that php4 is expressly not supported22:12
razordeadmkbernard: I see a php5 package22:12
mhrnjadSpop: now way :-)22:12
Jack_Sparrowmhrnjad: I have a C640 with it which is quite nice... Unless you are running off dialup :)22:12
mkbernardi wanted to make sure php5 was22:12
archangelpetro!acroread > archangelpetro22:12
UninitiatedJack_Sparrow: Heh, it does get cluttered up doesn't it.22:12
TgifQuestion my samsung a900 phone takes video in a 3g2 format, in ubuntu/linux is there a app thet will play that format and or convert it to mpeg or avi?22:12
SpopHey, can someone help me with some user security questions?22:13
mhrnjadJack_Sparrow: OK, that's a good data point :-)22:13
Jack_SparrowUninitiated: If it was crowded at the top. it is miserable on the side..22:13
emoryI need to know how to remove a package from my update queue, it locked up my system and now update manager wont run.  I just want to get it out of the update queue and run the other ones ...22:13
mohbanaoh my god, kde 4.0 is amazing22:14
mkbernardwhat is the name of the php5 module? apache2_mod-php5?22:14
phaidroshow can I resize the icons/button in eg. gnome?22:15
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phaidroser .. galeon I mean ..22:15
kdallasmohbana, what is new in kde4? I havnet used it in a while22:15
TgifQuestion my samsung a900 phone takes video in a 3g2 format, in ubuntu/linux is there a app thet will play that format and or convert it to mpeg or avi?22:15
razordeadmkbernard: the package name is php522:15
kdallasTgif, doesn't vcl play those files?22:15
kdallasor vlc ;)22:16
mkbernardrazordead what should i sudo22:16
UninitiatedBefore I give it a shot, is it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop and gedit?  Just need .pls to open in a media player.22:16
razordeadmkbernard: sudo apt-get php522:16
BrantisI am having issues with getting Ubuntu to DB with XP on Slave. Any suggestions?22:16
Tgifi dont know let me go see22:16
phaidrosUninitiated: desktop should be a meta-package ..22:16
MrPiracyhow can I tell ubuntu where to find my /home dir? I think I have accidentally changed it and now I need to set it back to where it was.22:16
razordeadmkbernard: sorry... sudo apt-get install php522:17
Uninitiatedphaidros: So I should be good.  Cool, thank you!22:17
quaalanyone familiar with umask? i ran 'umask 002' (it was originally set to 022), so that means it should make all new files/folders created have a permission of 775. The group is still not able to edit newly created files, after setting it to 002. why?22:17
phaidrosMrPiracy: in user settings, or on cammand line in /etc/passwd (as sudo!)22:17
mkbernardrazordead do you know if it requires any further initialization in apache?22:17
phaidrosany chance to cchange the size of toolbar icons in general?22:17
mynymlis there a way to get gnome-terminal to recognize the alt key?22:18
ffmmynyml: as?22:18
phaidrosmynyml: mine is recognizing alt :)22:18
razordeadmkbernard: I haven't done it in Ubuntu yet, but I have in Debian (what Ubuntu is based on) & it never required any additional setup22:18
mynymlphaidros: how?22:18
Jack_Sparrowquaal: Not sure if this will help but.. http://www.elated.com/articles/understanding-permissions/22:18
phaidrosmynyml: by default. what you wanna do?22:18
mynymli just tried xterm and it recognizes it fine22:18
mkbernardrazordead so install it then /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:18
razordeadmkbernard: yes22:18
cybergigHello I have a question, when I start ubuntu gDeskets does not start up automaticly. Is there a way I can add a startup process for gdeskets so I can have them when I start up?22:18
mynymlphaidros: you mean to access menu keys? thats different22:19
askandMy laptop keeps turning itself of, any idea why that can be?22:19
mynymlphaidros: it doesnt recognize alt keys in vim for example22:19
mkbernardrazordead marvelous22:19
Jack_Sparrowquaal: 002 is write only22:19
mkbernardrzaordead you familiar with aspdotnet package?22:19
phaidrosmynyml: go to gnome-term, type something, try <alt>-<backspace> .. should delete the last word22:19
phaidrosmynyml: I use emacs in gnome-terminal .. therefore alt *must* work .. maybe you need to change editors ;)22:20
razordeadmkbernard: no I'm not22:20
phaidrosany chance to cchange the size of toolbar icons in general?22:20
portablejimMy MP3 player does not work under Ubuntu. It appears in Hardware information when I plug it in, then it disappears. It is a Creative Nomad Muvo 64mb.22:20
Eimhini was told theres a channel dedicated to getting madwifi or restricted drivers working on ubuntu?22:20
Jack_Sparrowquaal: Sorry, I misunderstood...22:20
mkbernardrazordead it allows active server pages (vb/jscript) to run natively on apache22:20
phaidrosEimhin: what do you mean?22:21
quaalJack_Sparrow, yea. its the opposite of regular chmod22:21
mynymlphaidros: i'd rather keep using gvim than reverting to an inferior editor ;)22:21
razordeadmkbernard: that's what I figured... I'm a PHP guy, so I don't need it22:21
MrPiracyphaidros: what should I put in "Home Dir" .... now it says /home/tma but this is acctually where the files are located, so why i do "cd ~/home" it takes me to /home/tma/home which doesn't even exist22:21
quaalJack_Sparrow, umask 002 = chmod 77522:21
waixanHelp with this please! http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-255924.html22:21
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Eimhinwell i need to get madwifi working, so i went to the madwifi irc channel22:21
Tiventhis thing is driving me nuts22:21
waixanHow do I install it?22:21
BrantisI have a question, I just reinstalled Ubuntu 7.10 and now I am unable to Dual Boot into XP. I have made an entry for XP in Grub, but I am greeted with an Error Message 13, and am unable to boot. Does anyone know how to fix this?22:21
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Eimhinand the told me to go elsewhere22:21
mkbernardrazordead im setting up 2 apache servers right now, one for each :D22:21
Tivenim having same usb problems on 32bit.22:21
quaalJack_Sparrow, and i dont see anywhere on this site describing umask22:21
phaidrosMrPiracy: o.O .. strange thing. I *should* say /home/username .. maybe your shell is strange set22:22
cybergigHello I have a question, when I start ubuntu gDeskets does not start up automaticly. Is there a way I can add a startup process for gdeskets so I can have them when I start up?22:22
ubuntuow do i download ubuntu  7.10 from the website onto a cd and then instal it?22:22
mkbernardrazordead any idea about this: apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for HaleyServ22:22
astro76!startup | cybergig22:23
ubotucybergig: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:23
Jack_Sparrowquaal: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-users/2007-April/000855.html   may be closer22:23
Yahooadamhey, my sudo is acting up (ubuntu 7.10 desktop) for example22:23
Yahooadamusername@hostname:/etc$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers22:23
Eimhinso i was just wondering if anyone here would know where they were telling me to go22:23
MrPiracyphaidros: yeah, it all started when i had to repartition one of my windows'  and to have grub installed  again i followed this tutorial which said to change my /home partition to the cd so I could use it22:23
astro76!install | ubuntu22:23
ubotuubuntu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:23
nickrud!clone > ex0dus_22:24
tormodhow can I force an application to load libraries from /lib instead of /lib/tls... ?22:24
gravemindhey -- if you run ie with wine can you do activex things?22:24
silenthow do I stop x without it restarting?22:24
razordeadmkbernard: no idea... I'm actually getting ready to install it right now, will see what happens22:24
Jack_Sparrowquaal: It says to edit /etc/gdm/Xsession and add the line "umask 002"22:24
phuzionanyone know how to burn .IMG files easily?22:24
arnduckyYahooadam, only the default (1st) user is added to the admin group in Gutsy.  The bug is on Launchpad22:25
Brantisrazordead do you mean restarting an X session22:25
astro76silent: switch to virtual console (ctrl-alt-f2) and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop22:25
DayZirophuzion, just open nero and...oh22:25
mkbernardrazordead ok, shoot me a message if you get similar results, i need to get back to this for now. thanks a whole heap for everything22:25
cybergigthanks astro7622:25
phuzionDayZiro, funny.22:25
Yahooadamarnducky - i am on the 1st user22:25
quaalJack_Sparrow, k will try that22:25
arnduckyYahooadam, what happens when you try sudo -i   ?22:25
phuzionDayZiro, even if I were on Windows, I wouldn't use Nero.  ImgBurn is what I would have used.22:25
mkbernardactually, one last q, does ubuntu have a OK prompt?22:26
Helphello i really need help i want to instal ubuntu on my computer currently i have the 5.10 version but i want the new 7.10 verson what do i have to do to get it?22:26
Yahooadamusername is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.22:26
silentastro76, I'm using xdm22:26
Jack_Sparrow!upgrade | help22:26
ubotuhelp: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:26
PriceChild!download | Help22:26
ubotuHelp: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:26
Yahooadamarnducky - ok, so i think somethings gone wrong, how do i get myself _back_ into the sudoer's file?22:27
TonrenOkay.  Can anyone PLEASE help me with my new external USB drive?  PLEASE?22:27
Yahooadamespecially as this is the only user on the machine >_<22:27
Jack_Sparrowquaal: Let me know if that works.. if you dont mind22:27
prey_alonewhat's a good program for wrapping a service into an HTTPS service?22:28
astro76silent: replace gdm with xdm22:28
nickrudYahooadam: reboot into recovery mode, and run   adduser <username> admin22:28
quaalJack_Sparrow, will do22:28
Jack_Sparrowquaal: thanks22:28
BrantisI have a question, I just reinstalled Ubuntu 7.10 and now I am unable to Dual Boot into XP. I have made an entry for XP in Grub, but I am greeted with an Error Message 13, and am unable to boot. Does anyone know how to fix this?22:28
ubuntu_the thing is that i have downloaded V7.10 onto a CD but what do i do after that?22:29
ubuntu_How do i install it?22:29
arnduckyYahooadam, $: sudo gedit /etc/sudoers.list    [from safemode if necessary]22:29
th3countim trying to find an app, im looking for an application launcher similar to the macOS launcher. what am i lookin for?22:29
arnduckyerrr nm22:30
Yahooadamwhat button is it to get up the grub menu - the monitor on this comp is crap and slow22:30
arnduckyuse sudoedit22:30
=== marek`123 is now known as keram`
arnduckyIt has safety features22:30
nickrudubuntu_: boot the cd. If it won't boot, look at it with xp and if you see only one file rather than many, you burned ti wrong. You need to burn it as an image22:30
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
ubotuTo edit files with !superuser access using the user's standard editor (as set in the EDITOR !shell variable) and its normal configuration, the command « sudoedit <filename> » is available. It creates a local copy of the file, and runs the editor with the user's permissions.22:30
keram`for some reason the cursor is really lagging whenever i move it22:30
Brantisth3count the program you're looking for is called Gdesklets22:30
tannerhas anyone had success playing hd-dvd evo files?22:31
nickrudYahooadam: escape while you see something about grub 1.5 on the screen22:31
ubuntu_how do you burn it as an image?22:31
keram`has anyone had this problem before?22:31
th3countty Brantis22:31
Brantisth3count np, I JUST installed it myself22:31
nickrudubuntu_: use nero, or infrarecorder (free)22:31
keram`i am using the trackpoing of my lenovo x61 laptop22:31
quaalJack_Sparrow, looks like a no.. just created a new file/folder and its still being created with only file access, no write access, for the group22:31
keram`this has happened before but i am not sure what i did to fix it22:31
keram`usually just a reboot22:31
ubuntu_can you give me step by step?22:31
lz7do you know how to make DVD DL images which include LAYER BREAK information???22:31
Jack_Sparrowquaal: Sure looked like the right fix for that issue..22:32
wyclifhi all22:32
drpckenlz7, you have to include a .dvd file with your image that specifies the layer break22:32
lz7drpcken: which tool can make .dvd. file?22:32
ubuntu_what do i do to burn it onto a cd correctly?22:33
drpckenyou can make it yourself22:33
arnduckyYahooadam,  just sudoers not sudoers.list  (sorry -- they changed it since I last looked)22:33
drpckenlz7, you can make it yourself, just open a txt document, specify the layer break and save it as a .dvd file22:33
DayZirohow can I check what video card I have in my laptop ?22:33
Yahooadamarnducky - i think i go it, just used sudo visudo22:33
DayZiroI believe it's an integrated intel 915, but I'm not sure22:33
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lz7drpcken: how i know where is layer break?22:34
=== ty is now known as tygunner
phaidrosis there any way to chance the size of aplication icons in gnome?22:34
arnduckyYahooadam, yeah that's it -- my apologies.   It's been quite some time since I've used it.  Visudo has a great man page with examples.  You should be fine now.22:34
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phaidrosso to say, toolbar icons ..22:34
NutubuntuI'll be reinstalling Gutsy (my upgrade from Feisty was messed up). Are there gotcha's in reinstalling? Should I delete my ~/.g* stuff and let gnome start new? Is there anything to watch out for if I do that?22:34
phaidrosI'd need smaller buttons on my little screen :/22:34
Yahooadamyeah, its up and running, i think i used an instruction for virtualbox and it messed my groups22:35
tygunnerCan some one give me step by step how to burn V7.10 onto a cd so i can instal it doul boot with windows XP?22:35
danand_DayZiro - try lspci22:35
arnduckyYahooadam, if you use visudo exclusively, it will protect you from making really silly changes -- checks syntax when you save22:35
xSnOoPyxHey, can someone help me out on network booting ubuntu linux to an x40 ibm. i need to install it on there, and there are also some files i need to transfer off before i actually install.22:35
sarthori want to join voip chan ? what to join??22:35
Yahooadamthanks arnducky22:35
drpckenlz7, you'll put two lines in the .dvd file you make. on the first line put    LayerBreak=1913760   on the second line put the name of the iso22:36
DayZirophaidros, In order to resize the icons on your Gnome Desktop you can go to the Desktop - Preferences - File Management and zoom out a little.22:36
DayZiroIf you also want to use smaller fonts, just go to Desktop - Preferences - Font and on the Desktop font type and size adjust to the desired size.22:36
arnduckytygunner, just DL the image and then use the 'burn image' feature in your burner's software22:36
drpckenlz7, then save the .dvd in the same folder as the iso of the dvd22:36
keram`any ideas?22:36
xSnOoPyxPlease, any help?22:36
tygunnerAnd how would i do that?22:36
nickrudtygunner: you were ubuntu_ ?22:36
Eimhini cant get madwifi working, laptop is satellite pro, ubuntu version 7.10, anyone have any suggestiond22:37
xSnOoPyxwhois xsnoopyx22:37
tygunneryes i was but it messed up so i change22:37
TonrenSomeone.  Anyone.  PLEASE help me get my new external USB drive working.  PLEASE.22:37
xSnOoPyxHey, can someone help me out on network booting ubuntu linux to an x40 ibm. i need to install it on there, and there are also some files i need to transfer off before i actually install.22:37
TonrenI've reformatted it as ext3 and it's STILL not mounting as user.22:37
wyclifxSnOoPyx, I recently did the Gutsy upgrade on a t40...22:37
tygunneri just need step by step how to instal ubuntu 7.10 on my comp22:37
xSnOoPyxwas it by network though?22:37
arnduckytygunner follow the instructions on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu22:37
nickrudtygunner: I'm not running xp so I can't walk you through, but there will be a menu command, burn image . Find that.22:37
Eimhinor is there a dedicated channel22:38
phaidrosDayZiro: thanks, but I don't mean the icons on the desktop, but the toolbat icons, e.g. for galeon .. with small fonts thos buttons are huge :)22:38
tygunnerright know im using the ubuntu live disk for v5.1022:38
xSnOoPyxwyclif: was it by network?22:38
gravemindEimhin: madwifi should automatically work22:38
drpckeni'm having SOOO much trouble accessing a shared folder on my XP box, i can see the machine from ubuntu, but when i click it it tells me the folder contents cannot be displayed22:38
phaidrosDayZiro: any chance to adjust size of them?22:38
Eimhini had it working once, then had to reinstal22:38
nickrudtygunner: ah, right click the iso in the file manager, and select burn :)22:38
wyclifwhat files?22:38
Eimhinand i cant remember how i got it working the first time22:38
gravemindah, what did you have to do the first time?22:39
gravemindwhat card?22:39
erUSUL!bcm43xx | Eimhin22:39
ubotuEimhin: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx22:39
phaidrosEimhin: madwifi works on all my boxes by default ..22:39
wyclifyeah but i was doing it from a burned ISO image22:39
DayZirophaidros, sounds like a question for google.22:39
xSnOoPyxAnybody used the ibm network boot loader before?22:39
xSnOoPyxfor ubuntu?22:39
tygunnerim really new to ubuntu so tell me how to get there sorry ^_^22:39
Eimhinmust be something to do with my hardware22:39
arnduckytygunner, if  you don't have DVD burning software (like Cyberlink or WinDVD or Realplayer pro) then just DL the free DivX client or search sourceforge.net for "DVD22:39
nickrudtygunner: applications->accessories->file manager , iirc22:40
phaidrosthanks DayZiro, my google searches werren't that responsive, maybe I messied with the 'icons' term ..22:40
tygunneri have a compact disk REwritable for not DVD RW22:40
Eimhinbut i know that its compatible because it worked before the reinstall22:40
=== melanie_ is now known as arrrghhh
xSnOoPyxHey, can someone help me out on network booting ubuntu linux to an x40 ibm. i need to install it on there, and there are also some files i need to transfer off before i actually install.22:40
arnduckytygunner, CD-ROM is fine22:40
DayZirolspci says...00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)22:40
drpckenwhere is that samba config file that i need to edit? i cannot remember :)22:40
phaidrosDayZiro: always I can find things for people out of nothing, but searches for myself almost turn up only uselessness :)22:40
xSnOoPyxcome onnn22:40
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:40
DayZirophaidros, I have the same illness22:41
DRebellion!patience | xSnOoPyx22:41
ubotuxSnOoPyx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:41
erUSUL!install > xSnOoPyx22:41
phaidrosDayZiro: o.O maybe we should give it a name :)22:41
nickrudphaidros: cuz you already know what you're looking for for others ;)22:41
arrrghhhso i'm trying to install libc6, and i get conflicts with tzdata?22:41
phaidrosnickrud: true, so how we call it ?22:41
xSnOoPyxhaha, okay whats !install though22:41
tygunnerok good when i go to accesories i only see file browser22:41
nickrudphaidros: learningcurveitis22:41
erUSULarrrghhh: libc6 is installed by default... virtually everything except the kernel depends on it22:42
nickrudtygunner: that'll do22:42
arnduckytygunner, I recommend that  you DL the image on XP since you don't noramlly have hard disk access from a live CD22:42
phaidrosEimhin: what kind of hardware do you have?22:42
arnducky(to partition but not to save things)22:42
Eimhinnot sure, how do i find out?22:42
KrisWoodHi all, does anyone have a preferred VNC server / client?22:42
gravemindEimhin: look on the box it came in22:42
KrisWoodI'm just wondering what's good :)22:42
DayZiroi kinda like ultravnc22:42
Eimhinthe laptop is old, i dont have the box22:43
mike5805hi all im looking at my incoming connections and it says microsoft-ds from an internal ip, does anyone know what that is22:43
Eimhinit should be listed on lshw?22:43
DayZirobut for linux I just use the normal remote access client22:43
arrrghhherUSUL, well here's my problem.  i'm trying to install pinkytagger which needs libmusicbrainz3-6 which in turn claims there is a dependency not satisfiable: libc622:43
DayZiroor server22:43
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.22:43
DayZirosystem>pref>remote desktop22:43
arnduckytygunner, take a DEEP breath please22:43
tygunnerI HAVE THE V7.10 ON A CD NOW WHAT22:43
DayZiroand applications>internet>terminal server client22:44
tygunnerim calm22:44
MohamedSalut tout lr monde22:44
KrisWoodDayZiro, I usually use ssh but I need to occasionally be able to access it on my windows box graphically :)22:44
erUSULarrrghhh: what does this commands says apt-cache policy libc622:44
BOBDOLEHey I have a question about my ubuntu... Regarding my video card22:44
mike5805tyrunner how are you burning the iso22:44
tygunnerafter i have downloaded the software onto a cd what do i do to get it onto my computer22:44
ubotuTo burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:44
TonrenOkay... can ANYONE *PLEASE* help me get my external USB drive working.  Maybe I need to add an entry in fstab or something.  I don't know.  I don't know what to Google, and I've ALREADY reformatted it as ext3.  I do NOT understand why it isn't working.22:44
arrrghhherUSUL, installed, 2.6.1...22:45
Eimhin"AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter" - does that sound right?22:45
erUSULarrrghhh: so it is alrady instaled; isn't it?22:45
=== ubuntu is now known as ndo
nickrudTonren: you did mk2fs.ext3 /dev/<device> ?22:45
phaidrosEimhin: alot of traffic in here, try to say the name of the person you talk to at beginning of the line ;)22:45
arnduckytygunner, did you burn the CD or just copy the *image*  (a CD or DVD image *.iso file is not the same as the 'finished' media)22:45
MrPiracyubuntu tries to find my home folder at /home/tma/home but it's actually in /home/tma. Also if i log in as root, it will look for /root/home when it should be /root (or whatever). Apparently, it's adding /home to whatever path I type in user settings. how can i change it back to "/" or to nothing?22:45
phaidrosEimhin: yes, thats is an atheros card. good for madwifi22:45
SpopCan anyone help with user security?22:45
Eimhinphaidros: ok, im just not familiar with irc22:45
drpckeni'm having SOOO much trouble accessing a shared folder on my XP box, i can see the machine from ubuntu, but when i click it it tells me the folder contents cannot be displayed22:46
BOBDOLESO can Any one help me... Im having a bad bug with ubuntu22:46
phaidrosEimhin: np, :)22:46
erUSULTonren: what means it does not work? i dos not automount? you can read it ? write to it?22:46
Cpudan80BOBDOLE: ?22:46
arrrghhherUSUL, well why does the package installer for libmusicbrainz3-6 say there is a "not satisifiable" dependency with libc6?  i can take a screen shot if you want22:46
phaidrosEimhin: so you installed and are booted into that system now?22:46
erUSUL!doesntwork > Tonren22:46
mike5805bobdole: i can try22:46
tygunneri fixed it thanks ^_^22:46
nickrudtygunner: now that you've taken a breath, what do you mean you downloaded it onto a cd?  explain please22:46
Eimhinphaidros: yes22:46
phaidrosEimhin: madwifi is running or not?22:46
erUSULarrrghhh: is the deb package from oficial repos?22:46
Eimhinphaidros: im using a wired conection22:46
nickrudtygunner: ah, good22:46
Eimhinphaidros: not that i know of22:46
phaidrosEimhin: ok. does iwconfig show the ath0 device ?22:46
noneoMrPiracy: What have you in /etc/passwd as home directory for you and root?22:46
BOBDOLECpudan: Ok, so when I start ubuntu, I goto restricted drivers, and activate my video card,(its a ati radeon x1300) but when I restart ubuntu it wont boot22:47
tygunneri donwlaoded the program from the ubuntu website onto a cd what do i do after that22:47
Eimhinphaidros: ill check now22:47
Tonrennickrud: I formatted it to ext3 using gparted.22:47
=== ex0dus is now known as ex0dus_
MrPiracynoneo: hold on, i will have a look22:47
arrrghhherUSUL, i could only find a package in the universe repo that was newer... although the older version was listed online in the universe repo.22:47
TonrenerUSUL: It "automounts" incorrectly--Dolphin identifies it as "unmounted external media", and the only thing in the drive is a Lost+Found folder owned by root.22:47
Beavi5what are the basic components needed to boot to an install environment from syslinux? syslinux.cfg which tells it where the files and kernel are, the actual kernel and initrd, anything else?22:47
Eimhinphaidros: "lo     no wireless extensions"22:47
nickrudtygunner: what do you mean, downloaded it onto a cd? downloaded in windows and copied it to a cd? or what?22:48
arnduckytygunner, did  you load that webpage that erUSUL had ubotu post?22:48
phaidrosEimhin: ok, lo is just your loopback device.22:48
TonrenerUSUL: nickrud: I can't write to it, since it's apparently mounted as root.22:48
PsypheR7Is anyone familiar with Wubi?22:48
Eimhinphaidros: "eth0    no wireless extensions"22:48
phaidrosEimhin: any more?22:48
erUSULTonren: if you formated it as ext3 then it is empty (the los+found folder is on every ext3 partition)22:48
tygunnerthis one? http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/22:48
nickrudTonren: I don't know anything about how kde does automounting22:48
waixanHelp to install this please http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-255924.html22:48
Eimhinphaidros: thats all the output im getting22:48
razordeadtygunner: if you browse the cd, do you see more than 1 file one it?22:48
MrPiracynoneo: here's what i have on my user name line: tma:x:1000:0:Tito Ribeiro,,,:/:/bin/bash22:48
tygunnerwhen i first open the CD i see one file22:48
PsypheR7Is anyone familiar with Wubi?  Is there a Wubi support irc?22:48
erUSULTonren: you have to create folders on the drive as root and then make those folders accesible by normal users22:49
TonrenerUSUL: OK; that still doesn't explain why it's not mounting as user properly.22:49
phaidrosEimhin: ok, does 'lsmod' list ath_pci ? (try: lsmod | grep ath )22:49
erUSULTonren: chmodding them or changing its permisions22:49
erUSULTonren: ext3 partitions can not be mounted as user22:49
tygunneri have to go i will work on it later thanks22:49
TonrenerUSUL: Seriously?  I could've sworn I had flash drives as ext3 that didn't work that way before.22:49
TonrenerUSUL: Well, I'll be damned.22:49
PsypheR7guess not22:49
arnduckytygunner, then you just  *copied* the *image* onto a CD but did not *make* a bootable CD22:50
Eimhinphaidros: yes22:50
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html22:50
MrPiracynoneo: hmmmm /etc/passwd- says: tma:x:1000:0:Tito Ribeiro,,,:/home/tma:/bin/bash22:50
tigranHi. I cant view php files in firefox, it just downloads them.22:51
MrPiracynoneo: i think i am going to try this on22:51
vinchMrPiracy : ls22:51
noneoMrPiracy: the posistion befora last is home directory of the user. In case of tito its '/'. Change it to something accuracy, like /home/tito. Even root hac /root, not '/' :-)22:51
drpckenanyone know how to make yakuake semi-transparent? i can't figure it out22:51
phaidrosEimhin: try ifconfig -a, there should then be more devices, maybe they are just not up yet22:51
DRebelliontigran, i'm sure php should be run server side... (not downloaded)22:51
MrPiracynoneo: ok, thanks22:51
ndoguys, ive got a question. ive got this situation. im installing ubuntu form liveCD. and i want to put grub not on the mbr. this is how it looks like. The partition tables of the following devices are changed: SCSI3 (0,1,0) (sda). The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #4 of SCSI3 (0,1,0) (sda) as ext3,  partition #5 of SCSI3 (0,1,0) (sda) as swap. When i click "Advanced". Ive got to write a partition name where i want the grub to be pu22:51
ndot. what do i write there? now there is (hd0). anyone?22:51
phaidrosEimhin: btw, which version of ubuntu do you use?22:52
noneoMrPiracy: file name with minus at the end? I don't know this distribution! :D22:52
Eimhinphaidros: 7.1022:52
tigranDRebellion: If I open it in firefox, instead of displaying it, it brings up the download form. How can I get it to display in firefox?22:52
phaidrosEimhin: what does ifconfig -a say? more than lo and eth0 ?22:52
DRebelliontigran, what's the link?22:52
tigranDRebellion: They're local files.22:53
razordeadtigran: that's a problem with the web server you're connecting to, not a firefox problem22:53
Eimhinphaidros: no, but theres more info beside them then just "no wireless extensions" or whatever it said before22:53
DRebelliontigran, yar, set up a http server and connect to it.22:53
Goliath23ndo where do you want to put grub?22:53
keenan200xhello there22:53
tigranDRebellion: Do I need apache or smt?22:54
ndoGoliath23: the linux installation partition itself22:54
keenan200xgreat distro!22:54
arnathare rkhunter or chkrootkit any good?22:54
DRebelliontigran, apache with php modules22:54
DRebellion!lamp | tigran22:54
ubotutigran: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:54
Eimhinphaidros: BTW its 7.10 with GNOME22:54
Goliath23I guess in the bootsector of part #4 right?22:54
Goliath23(hd0,3) in grub-counting.22:54
tigranDRebellion: apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php522:54
Beavi5tigran: you need to upload your php files onto a webserver with php installed and then veiw them just like a webpage or install php on your own system with a web served directory and then pur your php files in there and point your browser there22:54
phaidrosEimhin: no if you see things like 'wireless extension' you tried iwconfig, but I meant ifconfig -a ;)22:54
razordeadtigran: if you just apt-get install php5, you should get everything you need... other than mysql if you need that22:55
DRebelliontigran, looks alright...22:55
arnduckypostgresql rawks22:55
vallhalla81hello all does any one know where i can learn to use the console?22:55
Siph0nhey... i was using my laptop this morning, but now it seems the username or password changed... is there any way to figure out what it is? i booted into it from the livecd and took it offline22:55
Eimhinphaidros: yes, thats what i tried, and i got more then just "wireless extension"22:55
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:55
DRebellionSiph0n, boot off the livecd and take a look at /etc/passwd for the username22:55
tigranrazordead: Ok. So if I open a php file now with ff it should display it?22:55
Eimhinphaidros: as opposed to just "wireless extension" by itself22:55
phaidrosEimhin: ah, ok, but only the two devices "lo" and "eth0" ?22:55
vallhalla81erUSUL thank you22:55
Siph0nDRebellion, thanks22:56
Eimhinphaidros: yes22:56
Eimhinphaidros:nothing more22:56
matt_hi all can anyone help with renaming some files on mass, the trouble is they have special characters in them, i have tried all sorts of searches on google but it doesn't seem to help22:56
chullwhere would i look for help ? my printer, hp7210 is not printing in black .. it's red !/22:56
matt_the code snippet i have tried using is the following22:56
noneoMrPiracy: you know, I also have passwd-, but NO SEARCH ENGINE understand "/etc/passwd-". They omit the hyphen!22:56
phaidrosEimhin: ok, the module is loaded but the device not there. now we try to reload the module22:56
matt_for i in *\[*\]*; do j=`echo $i |sed -e 's/"[2006]"//g'`; mv "$i" "$j"; done22:56
Eimhinphaidros: how?22:56
erUSUL!info mmv | matt_22:56
phaidrosEimhin: try as sudo rmmod ath_pci and then modprobe ath_pci22:56
ubotumatt_: mmv (source: mmv): Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01b-14 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB22:56
razordeadtigran: you won't be opening it directly with ff... you'll be typing in a URL something like http://localhost/myfile.php22:57
ndoGoliah23: so i have to write there (hd0,3) , right? p.s. what do u mean by grub-counting?:)22:57
chullmatt_, try in #sed ?22:57
arnduckySiph0n, yeah, from GRUB using an init command but I'm sorry I can't remember what it is... last time I did it was with a Woody Debian install grrr22:57
matt_the file i am trying to rename has a [2006] in it and i want to remove characters with [*] in them22:57
matt_nope i havn't will try there thanks22:57
tigranrazordead: I put it in /var/www/ ?22:57
phaidrosmatt_: the xfce file manager thunar comes with a very nice bulk rename tool :)22:57
Siph0ni looked in /etc/passwd and dont see my username in there.... is there anyway i can see how it was deleted?22:58
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HorizonXPnickrud, ffm, Slart: I compiled the binaries for evolution on my computer. it works :) but, i still have to restart my computer, to make sure nothing else is broken. BUt so far so good! hopefully see you guys soon!22:58
chalNhubby(((((((((((((((((((((( arnducky ))))))))))))))))))))22:58
razordeadtigran: that's one way you can do it... or set up the home directory access... it might be on by default22:58
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ndoGoliath23: why (hd0,3) ? its partition #4 that is ext3, where linux would be installed, isnt it?:)22:58
tigranrazordead: Wheres the config file for it?22:58
phaidrosDayZiro: whats the link?22:58
Eimhinphaidros: "ERROR: Module ath_pci does not exist in /proc/modules"22:59
razordeadtigran: not sure yet, trying to find out22:59
DayZiromissed it? here it is again: http://bandcamp.tv/linux-demotivators/22:59
arnduckychalNhubby, in #ubuntu-offtopic  please22:59
phaidrosEimhin: ah! not loaded. please try once more "lsmod | grep athi_pci"22:59
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phaidrosEimhin: if that shows nothing, try "sudo modprobe ath_pci" and see if there is ath0 and/or look the last lines of "dmesg"23:00
dn4where can I get a cheap vocoder?23:00
emoryBefore I do this is it safe to remove the Package entry for a broken package in /var/dpkg/available ? then run dpkg --configure -a ? is this going to stop my bad package from installing?23:00
phaidrosdn4: hm, wrong channel?23:00
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:00
Eimhinphaidros: im getting nothing for "sudo modprobe ath_pci"23:00
dn4phaidros, there could be vocoders in software format23:01
HorizonXPSlart, nickrud, ffm: I'm back! So at least Gnome isn't broken. yay!23:01
phaidrosEimhin: ok, after that the module should be loaded. please look for ath0 (ifconfig / iwconfig), or look at the last lines in "dmesg"23:01
SlartHorizonXP: always a good thing =)23:01
razordeadtigran: the Ubuntu wiki tells you how to set up home directory access https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP23:02
phaidrosdn4: well, synaptic might be your friend here, or "aptitude search .." or the guys in #ubuntustudio may have an idea ..23:02
HorizonXPslart: oooh yeah, Evolution 2.21.90 working! wooo!23:02
phaidrosdn4: if you mean speech synthesis / text to speech, then festival might be a hint for you (look for it in synaptic/aptitude)23:02
askandIs there any good software for designing a book in ubuntu?23:02
phaidrosaskand: scribus maybe23:03
phaidrosaskand: it is the best DTP soft in free software world23:03
Eimhinphaidros:  ath_pci: driver unloaded23:03
askandphaidros: looks good, thanks23:03
Nutubuntuaskand, LaTeX with Memoir class23:03
ndoguys whats the difference between hda and sda?23:03
phaidrosaskand: if you mean vector graphics, inkscape would be worth a look as well23:03
Siph0nwhich file can i check to see how my user account got deleted?23:04
NutubuntuI'll be reinstalling Gutsy (my upgrade from Feisty was messed up). Are there gotcha's in reinstalling? Should I delete my ~/.g* stuff and let gnome start new? Is there anything to watch out for if I do that?23:04
phaidrosEimhin: rmmod complained (modules was not loaded), modprobe did not complain (module got loaded), and dmesg only says unload? thats unlogical ..23:04
emoryBefore I do this is it safe to remove the Package entry for a broken package in /var/dpkg/available ? then run dpkg --configure -a ? is this going to stop my bad package from installing?23:04
phaidrosNutubuntu: well, depends, wouldn't hurt if you want to keep your settings, but for details I'd better ask in #gnome, they might know better23:05
Itakuwhats the best packet sniffer for ubuntu?23:05
phaidrosItaku: wireshark as gui, tcpdump in cli23:05
Eimhinphaidros: maybe i did something wrong, tell me those commands again23:05
Itakuwireshark sucks for me23:06
phaidrosEimhin: find out if ath_pci is loaded: "lsmod | grep ath_pci"23:06
suncyduhelp needed. where can I find what packages where updated last?? Some of them did not install correctly23:06
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:06
phaidrosEimhin: if it says nothing try to load the module with "modprobe ath_pci"23:06
phaidrosEimhin: then there *should* be a device called ath0 (see with iwconfig)23:06
phaidrosItaku: wireshark is great23:07
phaidrossuncydu: there must be a log for dpkg somewhere23:07
ndoGoliath23: ohh, man, i've forund it. "(note that Grub partition numbers are always one less than Linux numbers)." thats why, for partition 4 i have to write 3 :)23:07
gub!ipod > gub23:07
phaidrossuncydu: if you use aptitude: /var/log/aptitude ..23:07
Eimhinphaidros: after that first command it says "ath_pci                98336  0 "23:08
suncyduphaidros.. yes guess so... but anyone know where I can find it?23:08
phaidrossuncydu: ^^23:08
JeeFo-Ai luv gusty gibbon :X23:08
SoludraI'm not sure how to run applications from Windows under Wine. The documentation says I can use "wine <windows path here>", but it can't find the path I give it apparently.23:08
suncyduphaidros: do I type that in terminal??23:08
L3ttuc3phaidros suncydu /var/log/dpkg.log23:08
phaidrosEimhin: good, loaded. plese see if the device is up now (iwconfig and/or ifconfig -a)23:08
Eimhinphaidros: then on the next line of the output it says "wlan                  206660  1 ath_pci"23:08
loahello after suspend i can't hear any sound23:08
loawhat cat i do?23:09
phaidrossuncydu: less /var/log/dpkg.log23:09
loacan i solve it without restart?23:09
marcin_anthi guys - short question - is seahorse application (gpg keys manager) outdated and replaced by gnome-keyring-manager?23:09
Eimhinphaidros: just lo and eth023:09
lz7Soludra: C: drive is in ~/.wine folder23:09
phaidrosloa: good question, every know and then i hit that one too, restarting alsa doesn't work for me23:10
Siph0ni found my user account, is there any way to get or reset the password? or even check who changed it?23:10
bert_j #mythtv-users23:10
Soludralz7: I'm dual-booting Windows, I can't use programs I've already installed over there?23:10
phaidrosEimhin: please type "dmesg" and investigate the last .. uhm, 20-30 lines about ath ..23:10
mohbanahey guys when is the new gnome comming out?23:10
loa<phaidros> i want to try hit alsaconfig23:11
phaidrosSiph0n: "passwd Username" changes a user password (as long as you have the privileges to reset it"23:11
helives95Ubuntu Rules of Conduct (made by me) 1.hose linux?  BE HAPPY!!!23:11
Steve^If one was to ctrl-c in the middle of a rm and the folder got stuck with permissions to a group called dip (delete in progress?).. how would one resolve this?23:11
Steve^Manually change the group back?23:11
phaidrosloa: yeah, tried that as well, but didn't help23:11
tigranrazordead: This isnt working.23:12
Siph0nphaidros, awesome ok.... and is there an idea to find out what it is? or atleast see who changed it?23:12
Eimhinphaidros:  ath_pci: driver unloaded23:12
loa<phaidros> i think device goes down(23:12
phaidrosSteve^: nice one, never seen this :) try sudo chgrp users /path/*23:12
tigranrazordead: I just installed apache and php5, I go to http://localhost/ , and I get Not Found23:12
Eimhinphaidros: and "ath_pci: ("23:12
phaidrosSiph0n: I actually don't know, but under /var/log you find alot of log messages of your system. the files system and messages might be interesting, or google if passwd hits /var/log/messages23:13
phaidrosEimhin: thats strange, nothing about loading the module ?23:13
L3ttuc3Siph0n auth.log maybe?23:14
HorizonXPslart: well, it doesn't work; running it from the console, i see a ton of errors when using GCal23:14
LadyNikonhey I am reading the docs on the bluetoothAudio.23:14
razordeadtigran: I need the output of this command in a pastebin... netstat -an | grep LIST | grep 8023:14
LadyNikoni see there is a a2d section23:14
Steve^phaidros, you mean 'users' or I replace that with something?23:14
LadyNikonbut its not in apt yet. has this been updated?23:14
Steve^phaidros, I'll need to change the user aswell as the group?23:14
phaidrosSteve^: some groupname ..23:14
Eimhinphaidros: under ath_pci, no?23:14
mohbanahey guys when is the new gnome comming out?23:15
tigranrazordead: http://rafb.net/p/ifnokc92.html23:15
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phaidrosSteve^: dunno, I'd just try to set user and group as I want to have it, using tools like chown and chgrp (they both have good manpages)23:15
plus_MHi Veggie23:15
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razordeadtigran: have you changed the Apache config already, or is it still the original?23:15
Veggiehey plus23:15
Steve^phaidros, ok, thanks. I'll mess with that23:15
tigranrazordead: Original23:15
phaidrosEimhin: and just ath ?23:16
Steve^phaidros, for future reference, is there a nice way to quit in the middle of an rm? (It was asking me to confirm deletion of loads of read-onlys)23:16
razordeadtigran: try putting a PHP or HTML file in /var/www23:16
phaidrosSteve^: uh .. dunno. I never hit an issue like this23:16
Veggiectrl+c will break out of any command23:16
plus_Mwhat are you talking about ctrl+c is copy you crazy person23:16
Steve^Veggie, is that referred to me?23:17
razordeadtigran: then go to http://localhost/myfile.html (or .php, whatever it is)23:17
VeggieIs indeed23:17
phaidrosVeggie: yes, but a group called dip (deletion in progress) I have never seen with ctrl-c an rm23:17
Eimhinphaidros: theres "ath_hal"23:17
tigranrazordead: The requested URL /indx.php was not found on this server.23:17
Eimhinphaidros: but no just plain "ath"23:17
phaidrosplus_M: please try your 'copy' command in a terminal ;)23:17
VeggieOh, if it's deleting already, then breaking the process probably isn't a good idea.23:17
tigranrazordead: spelled index wrong but still doesnt work23:17
Eimhinphaidros: not in the last 20-30 lines23:18
plus_Mphaidros, WOOSH23:18
razordeadtigran: what are the permissions on that file?23:18
phaidrosEimhin: could you please post all the lines from driver_unloaded until end to pastebin?23:18
Steve^Veggie, I didn't want to press y and enter a bunch of times23:18
tigranrazordead: rear write23:18
tigranrazordead: read*23:18
razordeadtigran: for all?23:18
tigranfor /var/www its root23:19
tigranrazordead: Do I need to make that read write?23:19
razordeadtigran: the thing is, I just setup PHP on my system less than 30min ago & without doing anything extra, everything worked... I don't understand23:19
phaidrosEimhin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ .. paste the lines there and post the link here, that is to prevent thousands of lines of pastings a day in irc channels :)23:19
usr13  /exit23:19
razordeadtigran: no, I need to know all permissions on index.php23:19
phaidrosuserXa0: that didn't work23:20
razordeadtigran: if it's owned by root & the initial part is rw, that only tells me root's permissions23:20
phaidrosargh, meant usr13 :p23:20
loa<phaidros> look in private, i found solution for sound)23:20
Xdangerhey guys i jus installed KDE desktop on my Ubunut gusty 7.10..and i now can choose a KDE or GDM session at login..the problem is i had compiz installed in GDM...but i cant get the effects in KDM23:20
Xdangerhow can i do that??23:20
tigranrazordead: Owner: Tigran Access: read write, Group tigran, Access read only, OThers Read only, execute -no23:20
phaidrosloa: where?23:20
loa<phaidros> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8089323:21
aztracker1anyone in here using mod_mono?23:21
razordeadtigran: try restarting Apache & see what happens after that23:21
Rengwhat is a good video editing software for ubuntu?23:21
tigranrazordead: K23:22
Eimhinphaidros: and what do i select for syntax?23:22
phaidrosloa: that didn't work for me at that time I was on feisty and gutsy. now on hardy the issue seems there again ..23:22
tigranrazordead: Nope,23:22
phaidrosEimhin: text .. or bash23:22
phaidrosEimhin: be a little creative, you can't break anything .. it is all just bits and bytes ;)23:23
razordeadtigran: I'm lost then... you're sure your DocumentRoot is still /var/www ?23:23
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* [Rui] waves. I'm the new maintainer of tsclient and I wanted to fully import it into launchpad. it's been "testing" the svn import from sourceforge for many days already!23:23
tigranrazordead: DocumentRoot /var/www/23:23
tigranrazordead: yes23:23
razordeadtigran: I don't know what else to do then23:24
Eimhinphaidros: and what was i to put there again?23:24
tigranrazordead: Would you mind if I uninstalled everuthing, then you tell me what to do from the start, so I dont screw up anything?23:25
razordeadtigran: I don't think that will change anything23:25
phaidrosEimhin: lol :)23:25
iDivineWhat's a good C++  writing program, something like Bloodshed dev c++?23:25
tigranrazordead: Ok well, all I need is php5 and apache2, right?23:25
Eimhinphaidros: sorry my short term memory is terible23:26
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Eimhinphaidros: as is my spelling23:26
StarnestommyiDivine: eclipse, kdevelop, vim, or emacs23:26
razordeadtigran: yes... let's check 1 more thing... sudo lsof -i :8023:26
iDivineStarnestommy, Which do you prefer?23:26
phaidrosEimhin: type dmesg and paste everything including module unloaded (or whatever it was) until the end23:26
phaidrosEimhin: well, as good as my spelling anyway, but if you want to solve computerproblem you should little concentrate :p23:27
tigranrazordead: http://rafb.net/p/wOYTGf57.html23:27
StarnestommyiDivine: I normally use vim for simpler programs, but kdevelop and eclipse have more features and are easier to use23:27
iDivineThanks l)23:27
razordeadtigran: that looks how it should23:27
tigranrazordead: I dunno if this has to do with anything, but Im behind a router?23:28
razordeadtigran: and when you're going to http://localhost/ you're using the browser on the system you just installed apache on?23:28
phaidrosanyone can take over helping Eimhin (atheros card, module was not loaded, interface is not up) finding out .. gtg soon23:29
Eimhini put it in the paste bin23:29
phaidrosEimhin: yeah, post the link :)23:29
tigranrazordead: yea23:29
iDivineDo I download it for 'Unix'?23:29
HuffalumpI am trying to install pptp-linux but both Synaptic and apt-get require me to install an Ubuntu CD which I do not have.  How now?23:29
phaidrosHuffalump: change repositories in synaptic23:29
Eimhinphaidros: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55426/23:29
razordeadtigran: the router shouldn't matter... try going to
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phaidrosEimhin: the error lies here: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3)23:30
pale-yaf1hi, I can reach phppgadmin using but I get permission denied at 192.168 ... what permision do I need to change23:30
Eimhinphaidros: im in no hurry, i can finish it off some other time if no one else is available23:30
Eimhinphaidros: so what can i do, if anything23:30
phaidrosEimhin: I go google it now, you could try the same meanwhile (I'm in here around 15mins from now)23:31
Blueyi need serius help. when i go to start up ubuntu, a command propmt shows up with stuff about the automatic file system check failed, and a /dev/sda2 eroor23:31
Eimhinphaidros: will do23:31
tigranrazordead: isnt localhost23:31
DoYouKnowHi. I am getting a bug on ubuntu gutsy, where on my radeon xpress 200m - no splash screen is displayed23:32
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iDivineWhat's a good C++  writing program, something like Bloodshed dev c++? FOR UBUNTU? =\23:32
LjL!code > iDivine    (iDivine, see the private message from Ubotu)23:32
razordeadtigran: either one should work... when I installed Apache though, I got an error about not being able to figure out the host name & it using
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida23:32
mateuszhow to enable compiz on Ubuntu?23:33
phaidrosEimhin: please look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56358723:33
SmileyChrishrm... I woke up this morning and booted up the laptop to find myself stuck in 640x48023:33
LjL!compiz > mateusz    (mateusz, see the private message from Ubotu)23:33
mateuszit says it cannot be enabled while glxinfo sys that direct rendering is Yes23:33
con-manhow do I install a .bin file?23:33
tigranrazordead: It opens a html file, but php, it brings up the download form.23:33
nitinIs this a right channel to ask question about Ubuntu server and ssh23:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binary - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:34
* con-man slaps ubotu23:34
razordeadtigran: so an .html file in /var/www works?23:34
mateuszLjL well is Xgl good for Intel ?23:34
tigranrazordead: - nope,
NCommanderI modified /etc/passwd by hand to add an account, but now passwd says "Authentication service cannot retrieve authentifcation info"23:34
NCommanderhow do I fix this23:34
con-manhow do I install a .bin file?23:34
Eimhinphaidros: ill check it out, but i gtg aswell23:34
fraroco__hello wverybody. How can I despanckage a tar.bz2 file?23:34
tigranrazordead: Well the server is working now, it finds the file, before it couldnt. But I cant view php files23:34
razordeadtigran: neither .html or .php work?23:34
Eimhinphaidros: cead mile failte23:34
Eimhinphaidros: peace23:34
tigranrazordead: I can view html, not php23:34
SmileyChrisI only have a 640x480 mode in my xorg.conf under the "screen" section - how do I fix this?23:34
SmileyChris(i.e. is there a utility or do I just hack the file?)23:34
jribcon-man: what are you trying to install?23:35
razordeadtigran: ok, that's a start23:35
danand_NCommander - use the command sudo adduser .... to add a user to the system - see man adduser for info23:35
con-manjrib: GoogleEarthLinux.bin23:35
nitinI have a question about ubuntu server23:35
jribcon-man: it is available from the medibuntu repos as a package23:35
jrib!medibuntu > con-man (read the private message from ubotu)23:35
NCommanderdanand_: I would have loved to, but I had to change the UID numbers of two accounts so they'd match up with my laptop for NFS23:35
NCommanderdanand_: I've done this before on other Linux's and never had this problem23:35
tigranrazordead: I guess :P23:35
con-manjrib if its illegal then I shouldnt use that repository23:36
hendsmileyChris: you can use "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" or manually add the resolutions with a editor23:36
SmileyChristhx hend23:36
nastasanyone knows what is different on ubuntu ultimate edition?23:37
mateuszLjL ?23:37
mateuszLjL How to enable AIGLX instead of xgl23:37
razordeadtigran: if you look at the contents of /etc/apache2/mods-available do you see a php5.load file?23:37
magickI've made a successful transfer from windows to ubuntu and i'm loving it so far (2 weeks or so) but I do have a slight problem.. my sound has been great for the most part but sometimes it skips and pops. It's an ALC883 chip using ALSA on the IP35Pro motherboard. Is there anything I can do to remedy this quirk?23:37
amenadonastas-> what exactly are you looking for? you know you can customize to your hearts content...23:38
tigranrazordead: Not there.23:38
jribcon-man: I'm not a lawyer so I couldn't tell you.  Read http://earth.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=44713 if you're worried23:38
danand_NCommander - think you can specify the UID number with the adduser command ... something like adduser --gid 1001 user23:38
nastasjust wondering23:38
razordeadtigran: you sure you installed the php5 package?23:38
NCommanderdanand_: Alright, I'll try that in a sec23:38
amenadonastas-> then perhaps you can visit their website to find out more about it?23:38
tigranrazordead: went to install again: php5 is already the newest version.23:39
NCommanderdanand_: I was able to fix it by hand; I forgot to update /etc/shadow23:39
tigranrazordead: Theres a /etc/php5 folder23:39
mateuszDo I have to enable compiz in Xorg.conf manualy in Ubuntu?23:39
danand_NCommander - cool23:39
jribmateusz: no23:39
razordeadtigran: you're running Ubuntu 7.10 right?23:39
NCommanderdanand_: Thanks for your help23:39
tigranrazordead: Yea23:39
jribmateusz: system -> preferences -> appearance -> effects23:39
jonohey all - anyone know the name of that ubuntu site that shows the latest bugs, forums threads etc and updates them in realtime?23:40
mateuszjrib: it says it cannot be enabled23:40
jribmateusz: k, tell the channel that then and provide the full details23:40
theunixgeekIs there any way to keep KDE and GNOME apps in their own menus?23:40
razordeadtigran: well, we can try creating that file & there's one more to check in the same directory... php5.conf23:40
tigranrazordead: Nope23:41
danand_NCommander - you seem to have sorted it yourself :) - but no problem23:41
jribjono: possibly http://www.ubuntustats.com/ though that's down now23:41
jribjono: via http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Live_Stats_keep_track_of_what_the_Ubuntu_Community_is_up_to23:41
NCommanderdanand_: I'm remembering what a nightmare NFS is :-/23:41
razordeadok, create php5.load & paste this all on 1 line... LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so23:41
danand_NCommander - :) - I _hate_ NFS23:42
jribrazordead: purge the package and install it -- probably easier23:42
kdallasQ: is there any CD/DVD burner under Ubuntu which compares in ease of use to Nero-Linux 3? I have tried the usual k3b, and the roasters and toasters, but if they share similar functionalities with nero, none offer the ease of use that nero offers (well, cdrecord etc are nice but they are not always easy enough to work with). thanks23:42
NCommanderdanand_: Yeah, but in this case, its the only option :-/23:42
jonothanks all23:42
danand_NCommander - Never mind - sure you'll get there in the end!23:43
razordeadjrib: can you give us the proper command to do that?23:43
tigranrazordead: done23:43
tigranjrib: apt-get remove --purge php523:43
loa<phaidros> i remeber how if fix problems with sound23:43
crusiehey - I just did a reinstall of ubuntu and now it freezes under boot23:44
loa<phaidros> i build driver manualy23:44
papuccino1Hello, anyone know of a forum for beginner Python programming?23:44
jribrazordead: on your system, run 'dpkg -S /path/to/the/missing/file'.  Then tell tigran to do 'sudo aptitude purge result_of_the_command_on_your_system'.  Make sense?23:44
Draizdizzlecan someone help me with a sda2 error?23:44
theunixgeekIf I sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, will all default Kubuntu apps also be installed?23:44
jribpapuccino1: there is a programming forum on ubuntuforums.org.  Or ask in #python23:44
crusieat the first dash on the loading bar, I can see it loads usb and internet - then goes idle23:44
jrib!someone | Draizdizzle23:44
papuccino1:D Thanks jrib23:44
ubotuDraizdizzle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:44
razordeadjrib: got it, thanks23:45
crusieis there like an error log or something I can look in ?23:45
papuccino1Hm... I have to be identified to join that channel.23:45
papuccino1How do I do that?23:45
razordeadtigran: sudo aptitute purge libapache2-mod-php523:45
SimplySethhow does one change kubuntu to ubuntu ?23:46
jrib!register > papuccino1 (read the private message from ubotu)23:46
papuccino1Ok, thanks. jrib23:46
magickIs there a quick solution for samba slowness? I can't play files over samba until I copy them over, and browsing them takes forever..23:46
iDivineI downloaded a recent file, I unzipped it, But, How do I install the program...23:46
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know why my torrents go really slow in Ubuntu? Im using kTorrent.23:46
jribSimplySeth: install the ubuntu-desktop package and choose GNOME at the login screen23:46
papuccino1magick: streaming files will always be slow.23:46
SimplySethjrib: thanks23:46
SniperFromHellit'll be 40kbps one second, and jump back up to 800 the nextr23:46
jribiDivine: what are you trying to install?23:46
m0u5ei just compiled a new ffmpeg for my mplayer, but ubuntu is trying to update my packages and install new ones according to deps... is there a way i can exclude my ffmpeg version from causing ubuntu to attempt to update the package? (i installed using checkinstall and that is why its installed to synaptic)23:46
magickpapuccino1, not on a gigabit network..23:46
fuffaloif i want to dual boot vista/ubuntu what should i make my main storage drive formatted in? XFS?23:47
tigranrazordead: ok, done23:47
papuccino1magick yes it will.23:47
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration23:47
lymecaHow does one use Gobuntu?  Are there different repositories?23:47
jribiDivine: gedit is installed by default on ubuntu.  Accessories -> Text Editor.  Furthermore, to install things you should be using a package manager like Add/Remove Programs in your menu23:47
benny269anyone here know anything about octave?23:47
SniperFromHellfuffalo: I use NTFS. Both Ubuntu and Windows Recognizes it.23:47
tigranrazordead: Now install the same package?23:47
SniperFromHellI heard FAT32 is good as well.23:47
razordeadtigran: yes, I believe that's what you need to do23:47
jribbenny269: if you want to know how to install it, ask that.  If you need help using it, you will probably be better served in the #octave channel :)23:47
magickpapuccino1, the files don't even play over samba. I have to copy them over (which is fast) then play them. I believe it is a config issue but I can't seem to find it.23:47
benny269jrib: tried that but noone responding23:48
m0u5eso anyone know how to exclude my package in a way from being autoupdated, including its deps? (i don't think lock locks its deps too)23:48
papuccino1magick: Playing files instead of copying them first, is ALWAYS slow. There is no "fix". It's just that way.23:48
crusieany ideas on what to look for when my boot freezes after loading usb and lan ?23:48
SniperFromHellWhat's a good torrent to use?23:48
jribbenny269: what is your question?23:48
SniperFromHelltorrent program*23:48
jrib!torrent > sniperfromhell (read the private message from ubotu)23:48
SniperFromHellkTorrent seems to throttle my speeds.23:48
magickpapuccino1, It doesn't work at all.. doesn't play, doesn't open.. its not that its slow.23:48
loa<crusie> blacklist your lan and usb modules23:49
nickrudm0u5e: sudo aptitude hold ffmpeg should do it23:49
m0u5enickrud: okay ill try that thx23:49
danand_magick - did you use the socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 in your smb.conf file?23:49
tigranrazordead: Ok theres a php5.conf and load file23:49
SniperFromHellThanks, jRib23:49
loa<crusie> and add them after system started23:49
benny269jrib: using koctave under ubuntu as a substitute for matlab but its not outputting graphs?23:49
nickrudm0u5e: you might want to do the same for any deps you think necessary23:49
razordeadtigran: nice... restart Apache & I assume you'll be good to go23:49
LadyNikonis libsound and libsoundtouch he same thing?23:49
magickdanand_, no I did not23:49
crusieloa: I had ubuntu installed before in the exact same setup ( like 2 hours ago) with no problems23:49
papuccino1magick: YOU CAN'T STREAM. You must copy first.23:49
loa<crusie> strange, try google for your pc model23:50
tigranrazordead: Yep, I am. Thanks a lot and thanks jrib.23:50
papuccino1Can someone check if I'm registered yet?23:50
razordeadtigran: no problem23:50
danand_magick - try it and restart your samba server - /etc/init.d/samba restart. hopefully that may help23:50
crusiewell it's a "put together by my self 2.0"23:50
Starnestommypapuccino1: yes23:50
papuccino1Nevermind, I'm registered, Thanks.23:50
m0u5enickrud: so it won't automatically lock my deps either? :(23:51
jribbenny269: 1. check bugs.ubuntu.com.  2. search for packages about "octave" and "plot" in the repositories and see if you need any of those (read the descriptions)23:51
loa<crusie> that's right =)23:51
m0u5enickrud: err *too23:51
crusieloa:  makes it kinda hard to google :D23:51
nickrudm0u5e: no, only the packages you specify23:51
unagi_can someone help me with gpsdrive? when i try to track it says no usb used23:51
loa<crusie> looks launchpad23:51
m0u5enickrud, hm okay thx23:51
unagi_er no gps used23:51
andrilhello all23:51
crusieloa:  you know where to look for errors ?23:52
crusieloa: where is that ?23:52
loadmesg i think23:52
loahit dmesg command in recovery mode23:52
crusieloa:  how do I go to recovery mode?23:52
jribbenny269: also, see if it's a koctave-specific problem.  See if you can plot in just "octave".  In octave, I believe you need gnuplot-x11 at least23:53
crusieloa:  I've just run the live CD again23:53
loayou can't start live cd?23:53
benny269jrib: what is the difference between octave and koctave?23:53
crusieloa:  it's where I'm online from atm23:53
LadyNikonconfigure: error: Sufficiently new version of libasound not found.  I get this while trying to configure "btsco"23:54
jribbenny269: I've never used koctave, but I imagine it is just a gui frontend23:54
crusieloa:  problem is after I install when booting for the first time23:54
LadyNikonanyone know where i can get libsound?23:54
loa<crusie> tell me your hardware23:54
GreenIs there a option or preference in firefox? I don't see any option for it23:54
thom_join #atlanta23:54
benny269jrib: is octave run in the terminal?23:54
dabbillwhats going on all23:54
crusiec2d processor with an asus p5n32-e-sli-deluxe mb23:54
jribbenny269: yes23:54
crusieloa: and 2gb of kingston ddr2-800 ram23:55
Blueysorry anyone i keep getting kicked offline, and its makeing me go to other display names. im the same person with the /sda2 error23:55
GreenWhere is the option preference for firefox?23:55
loa<crusie> load from hardrive, when you see grub hit ESC, and choose recovery mode23:55
dabbillI am listening to music on XMMS, have terminal, firefox, and xchat open, any clue why my cpu (core0) only would be at 100% at all times?23:55
kdallasQ: if i install KDM, would that replace GDM? Do I need KDM if I want to add KDE to ubuntu? Thanks23:55
benny269jrib: part of the errors i get are "gnuplot: not found"23:56
crusieloa: I've tried hitting escape looking for an option called that... with no avail tho23:56
LadyNikonGreen: edit > preferences23:56
unagi_anyone use gps with ubuntu?23:56
crusieloa: you sure it's called recovery?23:56
jribbenny269: did you install the package I said?23:57
danand_kdallas - no. pretty sure you do not need kdm to have kde installed23:57
benny269jrib: not yet, gnuplot-x11?23:57
kdallasdanand_, thank you23:57
crusieloa: well... rebooting then... seeing if I can find something... thanks for help so far23:57
loa<crusie> wait23:57
crusieloa: kk23:57
crusieloa: inches from the reset button lol23:58
loa<crusie> in my way it is " Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-5-generic (recovery mode)"23:58
danand_kdallas - you should be able to choose your session type ie kde/gnome/xfce from gdm23:58
jribbenny269: yep23:58
SniperFromHellDoes anyoen know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour?23:58
dabbillI am listening to music on XMMS, have terminal, firefox, and xchat open, any clue why my cpu (core0) only would be at 100% at all times?23:58
crusieloa: I'll see what I can find23:58
jribdabbill: check top23:58
boltis there an ncurses- or something-based application that does remotely the same as network-manager without requiring X?23:59
dabbilljrib how do i do that?23:59
kdallasdanand_, true, thanks again23:59
jribdabbill: type 'top' in a terminal.  If you want a gui, use system -> administration -> system monitor23:59
loa<dabbill> firefox some times can consume CPU)23:59
danand_dabbill - type the command "top" in a terminal23:59

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