[19:41] where can i find the logs for the last ubuntu-artwork meeting? [19:42] there was no meeting [19:42] as per my email [19:42] oh ok [19:42] since nobody replied to the first email [19:42] thanks kwwii [19:42] no prob [19:42] I will be sending another email soon [19:42] ok [19:42] so that we can have a real meeting [19:42] real? [19:42] :-) [19:42] :-) [19:43] as real as possible with this bunch :p [19:43] ok [19:44] kwwii, any clue when the art direction will be decided? or are you still watching and waiting? [19:45] I am going to start testing things for hardy tomorrow [19:45] so tomorrow feta kuli goes in as wallpaper [19:45] and we will start testing the new clear looks stuff [19:45] for hardy we will not change much more than that kind of stuff [20:03] ok [20:04] kwwii, so should i gather that the art direction is clear now [20:04] ? [20:20] DShepherd: yes, I assumed that after my mail a few weeks ago it was [20:21] ok [20:21] that is indeed sweet kwwii. [20:22] it is in my email from the 28th of January, I can resend it to you if you'd like [20:22] kwwii, let me see if can find it first [20:22] maybe i missed it or overlooked it or something [20:25] no worries, you are not the first to have missed it :-) [20:25] now, tat makes me feel so much better now :-) [20:27] :p [20:27] I kind of expected everyone to flip out and ask a bunch of questions but nobody responded at all [20:42] well, a few responded but not what I expected [20:58] that's all from me for tonight, see you tomorrow