
boredandbloggingjenda: did anything come of the DIY site?04:04
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jendaboredandblogging: short answer, no.10:42
SyntuxAre there any TradeMark personnel on IRC?11:03
jendaSyntux: what do you mean?13:22
jendaSyntux: we can give you advice regarding trademarks. Most of teh time, our advice will point to trademarks@ubuntu.com :)13:22
jendaThere are cases, however, when you don't have to ask.13:22
MenZajenda: I think you're the supporter with the longest hold time in the history of IRC.13:42
jendaMenZa: :D13:46
jendaMenZa: I frequently reply to requests after a week or more ;)13:47
MenZaI've noticed. ;)13:47
=== MrM is now known as mrmonday
=== cropalat_ is now known as cropalat
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
=== MrM is now known as mrmonday
=== cropalat_ is now known as cropalat

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