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zul@schedule montreal14:59
ubotuSchedule for America/Montreal: 13 Feb 08:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 16:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 17:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 09:00: Desktop Team | 14 Feb 23:00: MOTU | 19 Feb 20:00: TriLoCo-Midwest14:59
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Feb 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Feb 13:00 UTC: Education Team | 13 Feb 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 15 Feb 04:00 UTC: MOTU
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=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Feb 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Feb 13:00 UTC: Education Team | 13 Feb 19:00 UTC: Platform Team | 13 Feb 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
nixternal@schedule chicago19:37
ubotuSchedule for America/Chicago: 12 Feb 14:00: Technical Board | 13 Feb 07:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 13:00: Platform Team | 13 Feb 15:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 16:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 08:00: Desktop Team19:37
slangaseknixternal: hmm, where is that schedule set?  the platform team meeting appears to be offset by 12h19:45
nixternalthe Fridge19:46
nixternalslangasek: 13 Feb @ 01:00 UTC then? I will fix it for you19:46
slangaseknixternal: should be 0700UTC, which is 0100 in America/Chicago19:46
nixternalI forgot I did Chicago :)19:47
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 12 Feb 20:00: Technical Board | 13 Feb 13:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 19:00: Platform Team | 13 Feb 21:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00: Desktop Team19:47
nixternalI wonder why they did 21:0019:47
* nixternal checks fridge mail19:47
nixternalIt is weekly from 07:00 to 08:00  <-- Colin had it right, whoever added it to the fridge had it wrong19:48
nixternalfixing now19:48
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Technical Board Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Feb 13:00 UTC: Education Team | 13 Feb 19:00 UTC: Platform Team | 13 Feb 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team
lool@schedule Paris19:51
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Paris: Current meeting: Technical Board 13 Feb 14:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 20:00: Platform Team | 13 Feb 22:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 23:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 15:00: Desktop Team19:51
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Technical Board Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Feb 07:00 UTC: Platform Team | 13 Feb 13:00 UTC: Education Team | 13 Feb 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team
mdzKeybuk,mjg59: ping19:56
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Keybukmdz: 乓19:57
mdzI got a response rate of exactly 0% from my nag email19:58
mdzI've sent an SMS to sabdfl19:58
Keybukmdz: lies19:58
KeybukFrom: Scott James Remnant <scott@canonical.com>19:59
KeybukTo: Matt Zimmerman <mdz@canonical.com>19:59
KeybukCc: Mark Shuttleworth <mark@canonical.com>, Matthew Garrett <mjg59@srcf.ucam.org>19:59
KeybukSubject: Re: Tech board next week19:59
KeybukDate: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:43:01 +000019:59
mdzKeybuk: I stand corrected20:00
mdzTheMuso: are you here?20:00
TheMusomdz: Indeed I am.20:00
mdzScottK,ScottK2: you?20:00
mdzthis will be a long meeting20:01
mdzthanks for coming20:02
mdzwe are waiting on sabdfl20:02
Keybukthat's ok, I brought the crumpets, butter and toaster upstairs20:02
TheMusoKeybuk: lol20:02
mdzjust phoned sabdfl, he swears he'll be here shortly20:03
MootBotMeeting started at 20:03. The chair is mdz.20:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:03
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda20:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda20:03
Keybukmdz: he swears that he'll be here, or he swore and said he'd be here? :)20:03
mdzKeybuk: more whinged than swore20:03
mdzwe'd best get started without him if we're going to get anywhere20:04
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application from Luke Yelavich: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000713.html20:04
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Luke Yelavich: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000713.html20:04
KeybukTheMuso: what do you see as the biggest problem right now for a derivative like Ubuntu Studio which does all of its work within the existing Ubuntu structure?20:06
mdzTheMuso: are any of your sponsors here to participate in the discussion?20:06
TheMusomdz: Unfortunately, not that I know of.20:06
sabdflevening all20:06
mdzTheMuso: that's ok, they all sent feedback to the list20:06
mdz[agreed] sabdfl is late20:07
MootBotAGREED received:  sabdfl is late20:07
sabdflmootbot passed the turing test, i see20:07
TheMusoKeybuk: Being able to adjust some settings that were originally designed to only be set for one use, and one use only. A good example is the GNOME sound scheme. Currently, this is set via some files in /etc.sound/events in several files, and not in gconf like one would expect.20:08
TheMusoWe need to dpkg-divert the originals to place new ones to set our own sound scheme.20:08
TheMusoThen there is setting different settings in /etc/security/limits.conf for realtime priority for the audio group, however we've largely gotten around that one.20:08
mdzTheMuso: you dpkg-divert conffiles? :-o20:09
loolsabdfl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda20:09
mdzlool: (I pasted scrollback to sabdfl in /query)20:09
TheMusomdz: Unfortunately, we have to. I wrote up a spec for UDSs, but it wasn't considered. I do not like it at all.20:09
loolmdz: Ah, thanks; I was about to do this next20:09
MithrandirTheMuso: you're aware that doing so is not supported and does not always work correctly in upgrades?20:09
mdzTheMuso: which spec?20:10
TheMusoMithrandir: Yes I am.20:10
TheMusomdz: derivative-sound-schemes I *think* it is, I'd have to check to be sure.20:10
TheMusothats the one20:11
mdzTheMuso: were you involved in any other open source projects prior to Ubuntu?20:13
TheMusomdz: Yes, I was. I used to maintain a package repository of Audio/Multimedia packages for Slackware, and was involved with an attempt at standardizing Slackware 3rd party packaging, before that fell through. I was also on the fringes of the GNOME Accessibility project, as a user, and tester.20:14
mdzTheMuso: what brought you here from slackware?20:14
TheMusomdz: The packaging system for a start, and the fact that I recently had bought a new notebook, which took ages to configure for every install. This got frustrating, however the real breaker for me was attempting to set up cups on my server one day...20:15
TheMusoI had to crank up the debug log to max to find shared libraries were missing, which were X libs.20:15
TheMusoSince Slackware doesn't track dependencies.20:16
mdzTheMuso: you joined MOTU about a year ago.  from your point of view, how has the project changed since then?  what's better, what's worse?20:16
TheMusoMOTU seems to be expanding quite a bit, which is great. There are so many packages that need attending to, its impossible to get to them all.20:17
sabdflTheMuso: do you think it would be helpful to let folks manage a single set of packages, or do you think it's better to look for generalists in MOTU?20:18
TheMusoHowever, I fear we the MOTUs may get overun with contributors, and may not be able to handle them all. I.e we will have to spend our time sponsoring all the time, which may put some MOTUs off very quickly.20:18
TheMusoI am also concerned about the quality of some MOTUs work. We as a community are doing our best to address this however.20:18
TheMusosabdfl: I think generalists are best, as then everybody gets experience with different packaging styles etc, which willhopefully produce higher quality work fro mthe MOTU.20:19
TheMusoWe are potentially working on software for millions of people, and we have to get it right.20:19
mdzTheMuso: most of those packages, of course, come from Debian.  what kind of tending do they need in order to fit well into Ubuntu?20:20
TheMusomdz: For a start, there seems to be a push to add .desktop files to packages that have GUIs, but aren't in the menus. These are being done, and are being sent back up to Debian. There is also init scripts that need altering to work around /var/run as a tmpfs. Again, being sent back to Debian.20:22
TheMusoThen there are kernel module source packages, that may have to be changed to work with our kernels.20:22
TheMusoThere is of course, times when changes to Ubuntu packages are not meant for debian, such as firefox/xulrunner stuff.20:24
TheMusoI haven't seen the details of those, but I do know about them.20:24
* LaserJock notes that there are ~ 4k Ubuntu versioned source packages in Universe, 700+ of which are not in Debian, just for reference20:25
sabdflTheMuso: what would be your top three list of things you'd like to change about the way ubuntu is structured, run, or organised?20:25
mdzTheMuso: do you have any ideas for how we might make that process more efficient, to make it easier for MOTU to work with many packages?20:26
mdzI'm badly lagged20:26
TheMusosabdfl: Good question. To be honest, I haven't given it much thought, as I personally am happy with the way things are, however I personally feel there should be more in the way of ensuring prospecitve MOTUs can show what they know WRT packaging. For example, I don't think as a whole, we know enough about shared libraries, and how to package them properly. I won't deny being in the same boat.20:27
sabdflthanks. other candidates might want to prep answers to that question, too20:27
sabdfli wonder how we could rigorously test MOTU skills without building NM, or requiring folks to have gone through NM20:28
TheMusomdz: Try and encourage inactive MOTUs back to help, and if possible, stagger the amount of newcomers, so that the existing newcomers have a chance to get their skills up, and become a MOTU. I haven't given it a lot of thought, as I am not sure what could be done without upsetting a part of the system somewhere.20:29
sladenpeople need to "learn on the job" at /some stage/.  Debian sets that perhaps a little too far off; I don't think Ubuntu loses enourmously if somebody has stuck out MOTU for a while20:29
TheMusosladen: Yes, but not if there is little time remaining to get an important fix in, and you're the only one who can do it, but don't know how, and don't do it properly.20:31
mdz_was that only me, or a freenode problem?20:33
TheMusoNo problem here.20:33
keescooklevel3 appears to be having issues20:33
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
mdzlast thing I saw was <sabdfl>        i wonder how we could rigorously...20:34
sabdflsome sort of glitch in the matrix20:34
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TheMusoScottK2: I would call it challenging me. I'm enjoying this.20:35
TheMusough wrong one20:35
keescookmootbot has it all: http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.log.20080212_2003.html20:35
TheMusomdz: Try and encourage inactive MOTUs back to help, and if possible, stagger the amount of newcomers, so that the existing newcomers have a chance to get their skills up, and become a MOTU. I haven't given it a lot of thought, as I am not sure what could be done without upsetting a part of the system somewhere.20:35
sabdflTheMuso: should we up the ante? ;-)20:35
mdzkeescook: thanks20:35
TheMusosabdfl: Perhaps, but certainly we don't want to make things too discouraging.20:35
TheMusoSo its a balance.20:36
mdzTheMuso: that wasn't exactly my question; we'll always be limited by the number of people involved in the project, and so are always interested in finding ways to help them work better20:36
mdzI just got an SMS from Keybuk, apparently he's affected by the network outage20:38
TheMusomdz: Re-reading it then, I don't really have any ideas at this point. I thought the team idea would work, but from what I've read, it hasn't.20:38
mdzmjg59: are you still here?20:38
mdzKeybuk_: welcome back.  http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.log.20080212_2003.html20:38
mdzTheMuso: sorry about all this, but it's obviously beyond our control20:39
TheMusomdz: Understandable.20:39
mjg59I am20:39
mdzmjg59,Keybuk_,sabdfl: I think we need to call a vote and move on.  any further questions for TheMuso?20:40
Keybuk_none from me20:40
Keybuk_assuming I'm here :)20:40
mdzeveryone had a chance to review the links?20:40
mdzKeybuk_: you are20:40
Keybuk_I have20:40
mdzsabdfl: ping?20:40
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
mdznow we've lost sabdfl20:41
mdzit's like whack-a-mole20:41
sabdflwhere are we?20:43
mdz<mdz> mjg59,Keybuk_,sabdfl: I think we need to call a vote and move on.  any further questions for TheMuso?20:43
mdz<mdz> everyone had a chance to review the links?20:43
mdzsabdfl: and then noticed you were offline20:43
keescookthis is reminding me of an intarwebs 2.0 version of "who's on first?"20:44
sabdfl+1 on TheMuso from me20:44
sabdflwhat's the mootbot voting magic incancation?20:44
Keybuksudo mdz [VOTE] TheMuso for core-dev20:44
* lool :)20:45
mdz[vote] ubuntu-core-dev application from Luke Yelavich: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000713.html20:45
MootBotPlease vote on:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Luke Yelavich: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000713.html.20:45
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:45
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:45
mdzoh good, MootBot didn't get confused20:45
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 120:45
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 220:45
Keybuk+1 from me20:46
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 320:46
mdz...and sabdfl prevoted20:46
mdzthat never works20:46
nixternalmdz: [endvote] does work20:46
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 320:46
mdznixternal: thanks20:46
mdzTheMuso: welcome!20:46
nixternalcongrats TheMuso!20:46
TheMusoThanks folks. I really really appreciate it!20:46
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application from Scott Kitterman: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000776.html20:47
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Scott Kitterman: [WWW] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000776.html20:47
ScottKTheMuso: Congrats20:47
mdz[link]  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000776.html20:47
MootBotLINK received:   https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000776.html20:47
\shcongrats TheMuso well done :)20:47
sabdflwelcome, TheMuso20:47
ScottKSince I applied, Riddell has sponsored a number of Main uploads for me too.20:47
ScottKHe can't be here now, but earlier today said: "<Riddell> ScottK: but "I advocate ScottK for core-dev, he's very reliable for backports and motu activity and has done some important merges in main""20:48
nixternalI can vouge on that paste from #kubuntu-devel earlier20:48
sabdflScottK: how robust is amavis these days?20:48
ScottKsabdfl: It's security record is VERY good.  It is Weitse Venema's preferred way to integrate spam/virus stuff into Postfix and that speaks volumes.20:49
mdzI read the code once20:50
mdzbut I feel much better now20:50
sabdflwould you suggest that amavis would be a good idea as a standard part of the ubuntu server mail stack?20:51
ScottKThat's why I did ~a dozen MIRs to get it promoted.20:51
sabdflwhat other features do you think would make for a killer mail stack?20:52
ScottKOnce you get to far out there are many many options.20:52
ScottKand it's hard to generalize.20:52
mdzScottK: there's been some muttering lately about the overhead of the MIR process.  what do you think about it?  do you think it could be streamlined while preserving the original goal?20:52
ScottKI think that the mail server tasksel is pretty new.20:52
ScottKmdz: It's painful, but I don't know a better way.20:52
ScottKIt does ensure someone is doing some research.20:53
mdzScottK: what's painful about it?20:53
ScottKEven for a simple perl module it takes ~ 30 minutes to an hour per package.20:53
ScottKAs I said earlier, amavisd-new took about a dozen MIRs because of dependencies.20:53
mdzScottK: which parts of it are most time consuming?20:54
ScottKSo it adds up.20:54
ScottKResearching security history is probably the longest, but also most important.20:54
mdzcommitting maintenance for more packages is something we need to do very carefully (hi keescook), but if we can make the diligence easier, I'm interested20:54
ScottKSince packages can be named many different things ...20:54
ScottKI don't have any great ideas. One advantage of the current process is someone has to really want it.20:55
mdzScottK: what about SRU?20:55
ScottKIf a project has a real champion, odds are it's a better idea.20:55
ScottKI've only done a very few in Main.  In Universe I think we have a good balance now.20:56
ScottKMy biggest concern is it seems too inviting for end users to run with *-proposed enabled.20:56
ScottKThat's almost never a good idea.20:56
mdzI think it would be a plus if more people ran with -proposed20:56
mdzsince those packages would see more testing before going to -updates20:57
ScottKI think for more technical users, yes.20:57
mdzright, I mean members of the community, rather than casual users20:57
ScottKWe had a bad svn upload to proposed that got a large number of bug reports from people that I don't think had any business running proposed.20:57
ScottKYes.  Agreed.20:57
ScottKThat's the source of my concern (my experience triaging that issue and answering the reports).20:58
mdzScottK: what do you think Ubuntu Server is most lacking compared to more established server distros?20:58
mdzapart from, well, history :-)20:58
ScottKMy experience is primarily in mail servers.20:58
ScottKIn that area, I believe we are in pretty good shape overall.20:58
ScottKWe just need to mature the tasksel over time.20:59
ScottKPostfix is one of the reasons I picked Ubuntu.20:59
ScottKRunning the same core on server and desktop is another.20:59
sabdflScottK: what sort of shape is our backport community process in at the moment?20:59
ScottKIt's pretty good.21:00
ScottKWe need more testers with more experience, but that will likely always be the case.21:00
ScottKWe will need more core-dev involvement (or relax the source backports rule) as Dapper continues to age.21:00
mdzScottK: it seems that some enthusiasts want more of a "rolling release" rather than the stable releases we provide21:01
ScottKYes.  I like the way we do it with.21:01
mdzdo you think that's practical?  is it really what they want, or would they be disappointed with the inevitable breakage?21:01
ScottKI don't think it's practical.  There's a balance and I think ours is pretty good.21:01
ScottKYou can run a stable foundation and pull needed new features from backports is a good combination.21:02
mdzdo we get many requests from end users for backports?21:02
ScottKYes.  That's where most of them come from.21:02
mdzor is it mostly those involved with the project who make the decisions?21:02
=== arualavi_ is now known as arualavi
ScottKLots of users asking, some of them testing, and then a few of us deciding.21:03
ScottKI also think backports can provide some essential infrastructure for long term support of thing.21:03
mdzdoes the backports team look after security vulnerabilities which affect those packages?21:03
ScottKWe try to.21:03
mdzhow do you find out about them? does the security team notify you?21:04
ScottKIt's much like universe in that respect.21:04
ScottKI read the USNs.21:04
ScottKThere are packages I watch after (clamav in particular).21:04
mdzit seems things could slip through the cracks if they don't affect a released version21:04
mdzbut I don't know how common that is, perhaps keescook would21:05
ScottKYes.  That's quite true.21:05
mdzmjg59,Keybuk,sabdfl: further questions?21:05
Keybuknone from me21:05
* jdstrand would like to point out that ScottK is very timely with his clamav updates21:05
keescookas far as backports?  We haven't tended to track it.21:05
sabdflnothing from me, thanks ScottK21:05
* jdstrand is not core-dev yet (for the record)21:05
mdz[vote] ubuntu-core-dev application from Scott Kitterman21:05
MootBotPlease vote on:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Scott Kitterman.21:05
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:05
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:05
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:05
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:05
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:06
mdzI think we may have lost mjg5921:06
mdzno time to lose21:06
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 321:06
mdzScottK: welcome!21:06
TheMusoScottK: Congrats!21:06
ScottKmdz: Thanks21:06
ScottKTheMuso: Too.21:07
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application from Loic Minier21:07
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Loic Minier21:07
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000817.html21:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000817.html21:07
loolsabdfl: http://paste.debian.net/4905721:07
loolSéb sent this after Daniel's recommendation: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000822.html21:07
\shScottK, well done buddy :) congrats :)21:08
loolSéb is by far my biggest sponsor21:08
loolBTW, TheMuso + ScottK: congrats :)21:08
TheMusolool: Thanks.21:08
ScottKlool: Thanks21:09
mjg59Wurgh. Sorry about that, back now.21:09
mdzlool: you were involved in Debian for some time before Ubuntu.  if you could make just one suggestion to all Debian developers regarding Ubuntu, and to all Ubuntu developers regarding Debian, what would they be?21:09
mdzlool: put another way, what do you think we understand least about one another?21:10
sabdflthanks lool21:10
loolI would suggest Debian Developers to steal more from Ubuntu; Ubuntu has many processes which can be envied, notably the "Spec" / blueprint concept which is running really nicely, but patches could also be taken more frequently21:10
sabdflodd choice of paste service, under the circumstances :-)21:10
loolTo Ubuntu developers, I would like to suggest working hand in hand with Debian on all non-distinguishing topics; I think we can share most of our technical base, and would like distros to work more effectively together21:11
mdzlool: do you think it would help to work on some standard way of making technical decisions together?21:12
Keybukdo you have a suggestion how/on what?21:12
loolmdz: Hmm, reading how you refined your question, I think many Debian folks see Ubuntu as a competitor or an enemy instead of a different offer for end users21:12
mdzit's all too easy to bring something up on a mailing list, get little or no response (or only dissent) and get stalled21:13
mdzit's important to us that we always keep moving and don't get blocked21:13
loolmdz: I think it would help to take technical decisions, especially wide ranging ones or deep reaching ones together; the DEP concept floating around at the moment lets me think Debian folks see how the concept was successful with many groups21:13
mdzso while we would like for Debian and Ubuntu to stay aligned, we need some agility as well21:14
loolPerhaps this will be ground on which to base cross-distros proposals21:14
loolsabdfl: I tried to paste on ubuntu.com first, but it failed wrapping the text21:14
loolsabdfl: You can note that down as an Ubuntu infrastructure improvement  ;)21:14
loolKeybuk: I'm sorry, which point(s) was your question aimed at?21:15
Keybuklool: how to work hand-in-hand and what kind of topics?21:15
loolmdz: I can only agree that Ubuntu was right at organizing itself to be able to differ on all topics; I mean to take the choice of having the possibility to change the whole distro instead of -- say -- try to work in Debian directly; I agree independance in decision making and technical changes is key21:16
loolKeybuk: It's quite a large topic, but I can see some topics where convergence seems natural between the two distros: toolchain, or QA for example21:17
loolThese topics can be handled in many ways similarly for the two distros, and folks do share and exchange on these fronts21:17
sabdfllool: it's easy to say we should work together on technical directions, but as mdz points out, there's no clarity on what that actually means, and how you keep moving forward on an idea21:17
sabdfldo you have specific suggestions in that regard?21:18
loolOn other topics, such as the kernel for example, there's no alignment at all21:18
sabdflfor example, if we want to consider moving to SMART as a default package manager, what would be the right process or venue to agree that with debian as opposed to simply executing it in ubuntu?21:18
sabdfldon't panic anybody, this is a thought experiment ;-)21:19
loolI didn't think through as to what would moving to SMART imply; this is certainly a very long term discussion for which I'd try to gather interest in the Debian community first, perhaps explaining the concepts of SMART at Debconfs and proposing to mentor work on SMART21:20
loolBut I think there are more places where Debian and Ubuntu can truly share forces, such as packaging of base library which often carry little patching be it in Debian or Ubuntu21:20
mdzI like the idea of presenting more at debconf21:21
mdzwe can't wait until debconf to make decisions, of course, but it would help to keep debian informed of what we're doing21:21
loolIt's kind of the software supermarket concept which has been frowned upon, but as I see it it could be applied to e.g. libraries or infrastructure packages21:21
sabdfllool: DebConf*s* implies a multi-year process21:21
loolsabdfl: SMART implies a multi-year process as I see it :)21:22
mdzrealistically, moving to a new package manager framework probably is a multi-year process...21:22
* lool fives mdz 21:22
mdzmjg59: questions?21:23
mjg59lool: What do you think of the Debian enhancement proposal work21:24
mjg59(I may have the precise name here wrong021:24
mdzmjg59: <lool> mdz: I think it would help to take technical decisions, especially wide ranging ones or deep reaching ones together; the DEP concept floating around at the moment lets me think Debian folks see how the concept was successful with many groups21:24
mdz(I think that was referring to the same thing anyway)21:24
mjg59Ah, ok, that does cover it21:24
loolI did mention DEP shortly, and I think it's great Debian realized how useful such a process is21:24
mdzI'm not familiar with what's been discussed; is there a document which explains it?21:25
loolPerhaps when it's around for a little while we will have some cross-distros proposals which will be declined as specs and deps at the same time21:25
loolmdz: I think there is; as a result from the Extramadura discussions there were some links floating around21:25
mdzlool: declined?21:25
mdzdefined, perhaps? :-)21:26
loolErr expressed or defined; sorry, a Frenchism21:26
mdzthat sounded uncharacteristically pessimistic, I thought21:26
loolhttp://dep.debian.net http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2008/01/msg00045.html21:26
MootBotLINK received:  http://dep.debian.net http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2008/01/msg00045.html21:26
gesermdz: see also http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep021:26
mdzKeybuk,sabdfl,mjg59: any further questions for lool?21:27
sabdflnone here, thanks21:27
Keybuknone from me21:27
mdzgeser: thanks21:27
mjg59I'm god21:27
mjg59This keyboard is vexing me.21:27
mjg59I'm good. Not god.21:27
mdz[vote] ubuntu-core-dev application from Loic Minier21:27
MootBotPlease vote on:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Loic Minier.21:27
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:27
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:27
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:27
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:27
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
KeybukI feel that I should abstain, since lool reports to me21:27
MootBotPrivate +1 vote received. 3 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:27
mdzsabdfl: was that you?21:28
keescookheh.  private vote was me.21:28
keescookI hadn't noticed that feature before.  apologies.21:28
mdzkeescook: not a very good time to experiment with it21:28
keescookmdz: yup, sorry.21:29
mdzsabdfl: vote?21:29
keescook(there needs to be a way to define the "voting pool")21:29
mdzI suppose we could moderate the channel temporarily21:29
mdzso long as nobody gets clever and privmsg's it ;-)21:30
Keybukwe're not a large enough group to worry, surely?21:30
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Feb 07:00 UTC: Platform Team | 13 Feb 13:00 UTC: Education Team | 13 Feb 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 15 Feb 04:00 UTC: MOTU
mdzKeybuk: it's been confused in the past, when someone is overenthusiastic21:30
slangasekmjg59: if your keyboard vexes you, surely you should smite it?21:31
mjg59It's an option21:31
mdzKeybuk: (+0 abstains, I believe)21:31
mdzI count 2 for, 0 against, 1 abstain, and sabdfl's vote pending21:32
mdzgoing to time out in a moment and consider it a vote among the 3 of us21:32
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 321:32
mdz[agreed] correction: 2 for, 0 against, 1 abstained.  Total: 221:33
MootBotAGREED received:  correction: 2 for, 0 against, 1 abstained.  Total: 221:33
Keybukmdz: oh, you were telling me *how* to do it21:33
mdzlool: congratulations21:33
KeybukI was still hunting in the docs21:33
loolmdz: Thanks21:33
Keybuklool: congrats21:33
Mithrandirlool: congrats.21:33
Mithrandirwell deserved21:33
loolWow, that fast21:34
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application from Mathias Gug21:34
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Mathias Gug21:34
mdzmathiaz: still with us?21:34
ScottKlool: Congratulations21:34
mdzwe're moving westward from here, so it shouldn't be so late for the remaining folks21:34
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-February/000855.html21:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-February/000855.html21:35
sabdflmathiaz: could you answer the question i posed to TheMuso, about a top 3 list of things you'd like to see improved in the way ubuntu is structured, run or organised?21:36
TheMusolool: Congrats!21:37
mathiazsabdfl: I've recently though about ways to improve the number of contributors to the Server team. One thing I'd like to change is the put the sponsorship process in a more important place than becoming a MOTU.21:38
mdzmathiaz: what do you mean, in a more important place than becoming a MOTU?21:38
mathiazsabdfl: whenever I'm faced with a potential contributor that would like to get his package in ubuntu, the anwser was to point them to become a MOTU21:39
mathiazI've always found that MOTU is something that is heavily promoted.21:39
mathiazHowever the barries to become a MOTU are high and some contributors turn away.21:40
ScottKmathiaz: Congratulations.21:40
mathiazI've sent an email about a mentoring proposal on ubuntu-server and got some private replies from people stating that they don't know where to start contributing21:40
sabdflso, more important, or more accessible?21:40
mdzmathiaz: in other words, you think it should be easier / more encouraged to contribute before becoming a MOTU?21:41
mathiazand would like to contribute somehow but not become a MOTU because it seems to high for them.21:41
mathiazsabdfl: more accessible is a better world I think.21:41
ScottKSorry about that, I can't read.21:41
sabdfli think i agree - MOTU is a wonderful team, of folks who make a huge contribution21:41
sabdflgenerally, though, they care about the whole system, and are generalists21:41
mathiazmdz: my point is that MOTU is not necessarly what you should aim for if start contributing to ubuntu21:41
mdzmathiaz: what if, say, someone could be granted commit privileges on a bazaar branch for a package, and contribute that way?21:42
sabdflthere is a class of people who care about a specific area, or category, or function, and we don't handle their contributions well21:42
mathiazmdz: that would be much better21:42
mathiazsabdfl: aggreed. I especially see this in the server team.21:42
mdzthat would avoid the issue of upload privileges, and provide a natural sponsorship mechanism with low overhead21:42
mathiazmdz: I'm all for this.21:43
mjg59Something broadly along the lines of the Debian Maintainer policy?21:43
mathiazmdz: I think it'd make more sense to have a middle ground between the team approach used in ubuntu and the maintainer approach of Debian21:43
mdzmjg59: in concept, yes, but with fine-grained access control via revision control, rather than a keyring21:44
mjg59Sounds doable21:44
* sabdfl would still like to see package-based upload permissions21:45
mathiazsabdfl: I've met people wanting to get their application into ubuntu, but I was a bit unconfortable stating they should become a MOTU21:45
sabdflbut i can live with VCS21:45
mdzmjg59: the main problems are, 1) package source code isn't in revision control, and 2) the LP access control model for branches would mean a new team for every package21:45
Keybuksabdfl: what if there was no upload? :)21:45
Keybuks/dput/bzr tag/21:45
sabdflKeybuk: *nice* idea!21:46
Keybuk(or bzr something)21:46
mdzyeah, we should write a specification for that or something21:46
* ScottK kindly requests we not hard wire a particular VCS into our processes.21:47
mdzmathiaz: you were involved with gentoo before this, right?21:47
mathiazmdz: as a user only21:47
sabdflScottK: DENIED21:47
mathiazmdz: on of my previous job assignement was to build a web hosting using gentoo :/21:47
mdzmathiaz: what do you miss about gentoo?21:47
mathiazmdz: being able to take long coffee breaks while my systems are updating ;)21:48
mathiazmdz: it's a distro usefull if you like to tweak your environement21:49
mathiazmdz: and learn how things are working.21:49
mdzmathiaz: why?21:49
mathiazmdz: so for personal education it's great. But I'd not use in a production environement. You always need to deploy binaries and make sure their qa is good.21:49
mathiazmdz: you have to go through a whole manual install process - you get to learn how things are done then.21:50
mdzmathiaz: do you think it's possible for a distro to be both good for learning and good for production?21:50
mathiazmdz: yes - that's what opensource is about.21:51
mdzmathiaz: so how could Ubuntu become better for learning?21:51
mathiazmdz: in the case of gentoo, I'd say it lacks the production.21:51
mathiazmdz: making easier for user to contribute.21:52
mdzI am much less interested in making gentoo better ;-)21:52
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mathiazmdz: you start studying your system when you wanna fix a bug.21:52
mathiazmdz: and the easier the fix will be accepted, the higher the chance are someone will take the time to fix it.21:53
mathiazmdz: especially in companies where sysadmin maintain their own software21:53
mathiazmdz: such as a webhosting company that has its own version of apache and php21:54
mdzmathiaz: it's pretty easy for people to send patches now.  getting a good turnaround on them is much harder, though21:54
mdzeven in Debian, which has many, many more developers, patches often fall on the floor21:54
mathiazmdz: I'd like to tell them: send us your patches we'll integrate them !21:54
mdzmathiaz: isn't that what the sponsorship process is?21:54
mathiazmdz: yes. But it's not so widely used.21:55
mdzwhy not?21:55
mathiazmdz: that goes back to my first argument.21:55
mathiazmdz: there is also a lack of manpower on the other side of the queue.21:55
mathiazmdz:  I base my comments on the patches for server packages - as a side note.21:56
mdzwhich means we need more developers.  so it is a circular argument :-)21:56
Keybukagain it sounds like that if the developers could get their patches in themselves, and someone just had to ack them, it would be easier?21:57
mathiazKeybuk: you still need to review them.21:57
mathiazKeybuk: especially if it's a new contributor.21:57
Keybukthat's certainly true21:58
Keybukdifferent question21:59
Keybukhow do you think Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop could be closer aligned?21:59
mathiazKeybuk: I'd put that in a entreprise environment.21:59
mathiazKeybuk: so authentication is key part here, with SSO.22:00
sabdflmathiaz: would a standardised approach to patch submission be a help?22:00
sabdflsingle-sign on22:00
mathiazKeybuk: Single Sign On22:00
mathiazsabdfl: I think the sponsorship process is already good at this.22:00
mathiazsabdfl: there are ressources on how you should submit patches and debdiff.22:01
mathiazKeybuk: one great use case would be to deploy an Ubuntu Server and when adding new desktop you can authenticate using the accounts defined on the server.22:01
Keybukwould that authentication automatically apply to servers on the server as well?22:02
mdzservers on the server?22:02
mathiazKeybuk: yes.22:02
mathiazKeybuk: we've started to work on integrating postfix and dovecot so that they can leverage each other.22:03
Keybuk...you'll set mdz off ;)22:04
Keybukdoes anyone else have other questions?22:04
mdznot from me, I've read the feedback from the list22:05
Keybukme also22:05
Keybukmjg59 ? sabdfl ?22:05
mdzKeybuk: are you using french punctuation to help mathiaz feel at home?22:05
mjg59No, I'm happy22:06
Keybukmdz: ¿no?22:06
Keybuk(and isn't that Spanish punctuation?)22:06
mdzsabdfl: stay awake, we have one more after this22:07
mdzand then we will be caught up22:07
Keybuklet's move to the vote22:07
mdz[vote]  ubuntu-core-dev application from Mathias Gug22:07
MootBotPlease vote on:   ubuntu-core-dev application from Mathias Gug.22:07
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:07
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:07
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:08
mdz+1, sustained good quality contributions, and anyone pitti trusts is OK by me22:08
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 222:08
mdzand for MootBot:22:08
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:08
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 322:08
mdzmathiaz: welcome!22:08
loolmathiaz: Congrats!22:08
mathiazmdz: Thanks :)22:08
* soren hugs mathiaz22:09
mdzrtg: still here?22:09
TheMusomathiaz: Congrats.22:09
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application from Tim Gardner22:09
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Tim Gardner22:09
jdstrandyea mathiaz!22:09
mathiazTheMuso: lool: Thanks -22:09
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-February/000861.html22:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-February/000861.html22:09
loolMy apologies for not attending any longer; I need to drive back home22:09
mjg59lool: No problem22:10
Keybukrtg: what has been the biggest challenge of Ubuntu kernel maintenance?22:10
mdzrtg: it's very unusual to join ubuntu-core-dev directly (rather than via MOTU) without a lot of prior packaging experience22:11
sabdflsorry, +1 from me on mathiaz22:11
rtgKeybuk: learning the debian way.22:11
ScottKmathiaz: Congratulations. (now)22:11
rtgmdz: I've been getting some excellent practice at packaging.22:11
rtgmdz: I notice that you dabbled in linux-meta. That one made my head hurt.22:12
mdzrtg: that one has grown many heads over the years22:12
mdzrtg: I'm familiar with your work on the kernel itself, but can you tell me more about the packaging work you've done?22:12
rtgOne advantage I've had is that the packages I'm maintaining were relatively well structured.22:13
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rtgmdz: I started the packages for Hardy, based on the Gutsy stuff.22:14
rtgI also worked with Ben to break the lrm dependencies.22:14
rtgso that dist-upgrades don't drag lbm from one dist to the next.22:14
sabdflrtg: do you have any interest in packages beyond the kernel?22:15
rtglet me rephrase, I broke the lbm dependencies.22:15
rtgIn as much as the packages allow me to upgrade code and fix bugs, not really.22:15
rtgThere are a number of packages outsire the core kernel that I need to deal with.22:16
rtgpci-ids, initramfs-tools, mosule-tools-init, etc.22:16
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
mdzrtg: initramfs-tools has become pretty complex.  how do you think it could be improved?22:17
rtgI feel that I understand packaging basics well enough to wade in and make changes without breaking anything.22:17
rtgmdz: I don't know about initramfs-tools enough to comment.22:17
rtgMost of my touches have been very light.22:18
rtgI do think its one I'm going to get familiar with pretty soon.22:18
mdzrtg: your situation is a good example of what sabdfl keeps talking about, where the existing process is a bit awkward22:19
mdzyour focus is very much on a particular set of software (the kernel and surrounding parts), which also happens to live in main22:20
rtgmdz: I agree. I don't have the time or experience to be a MOTU.22:20
rtgAlso, a great number of the folks I deal with are outside Debian.22:20
mdzit makes sense for you to be able to push kernel changes in, but the way that we've set the guidelines, we expect something quite different from people joining ubuntu-core-dev22:20
mdzin most cases, it makes more sense for folks to join MOTU first and work on packaging there, but if you joined MOTU, it probably wouldn't change your workflow at all22:21
rtgwould you expect me to restrict my uploads to a core set of packages?22:21
mdzyou'd still need to get the same kind of sponsorship22:21
mdzso I'm hesitant to recommend an incremental step which wouldn't make your life any easier22:22
mdzsabdfl: what are your thoughts?22:22
mdzrtg: in general, no22:23
rtgmdz: I think I lost the thread. Are you saying I don't need core-dev?22:23
mdzrtg: since ubuntu-core-dev carries privileges to touch *every* core package, we expect core developers to have demonstrated that they can work with a variety of non-trivial packages22:23
sabdflwe don't have the infrastructure to support this right now22:24
mdzrtg: I'm saying that you're highlighting a shortcoming of our existing team structure22:24
sabdflthe suggestion in the past has been to create the ability to approve someone as an uploader of a specific set of packages22:24
sabdflthey could collaborate with motu or core-dev on just those22:24
mdzin the past, we've sometimes dealt with this situation with a sort of limited mandate22:24
rtgmdz: That would work for me 'cause I'm really only interested in a few packages.22:24
sabdflas their interest and ability expanded, they could become a full MOTU or core-dev22:24
mdzbasically doing what sabdfl says, but with social mechanisms rather than technical ones22:24
rtgIn practice, how many core-devs upload stuff just willy nilly?22:25
rtgdon't they always cooperate with maintainers?22:25
sabdflyou'd be amazed!22:25
sabdflespecially since we don't really have designated maintainers22:25
sabdflso it's not always clear who they should collaborate with22:25
mdzthere is currently a shortage of kernel team members who can upload the kernel, and you've shown that you can do that, so I want to find an arrangement which would work22:26
rtgthe kernel team already has a social mechanism in place for the packages we deal with.22:26
sabdflit takes time for folks to learn the ubuntu way22:26
rtgI promise not to upload anything outside the sphere of my responsibilities.22:26
mdzrtg: it's true, part of what we want to be sure of is that a core developer won't make changes they're uncertain of without getting advice22:27
rtgI'd be too worried about stepping on someones toes.22:27
mdzrtg: which set of packages would that be?22:27
mdzsee, even if we had a per-package mechanism, it would be pretty limiting22:27
rtgmdz: all of the kernel and dependent packages, plus a few related packages.22:28
rtgits a finite set.22:28
mdzKeybuk,mjg59: I'd appreciate your input on this as well, since it's not a straightforward case22:28
mdzI know it's late, but we're almost finished22:29
mjg59Given that Tim can already commit to the kernel, I'm not convinced that letting him upload arbitrary packages is actually any more dangerous22:29
mdzit's true, he already has root on all of our boxen22:29
mdzbut the same could be said of anyone with commit access to a package branch, and many upstreams, so it's an awkward precedent22:30
rtgmdz: I only have root on a few, not all.22:30
mjg59I certainly agree that it would be advantageous to have a more fine-grained setup here22:30
mdzrtg: you commit changes to the source code for the kernel I run on all my computers :-)22:30
mjg59But I'm not sold on the idea that we should block people from being able to get work done until that happens22:30
mdzmjg59: I agree, so I'd like to find a solution22:31
rtgmdz: I see your point. I guess I don't think deviously enough.22:31
mdzour attention is wandering due to the marathon meeting22:32
mdzbut I'm going to propose that we consider you for core-dev membership with a proviso for kernel work22:33
mdzrather than general package maintenance22:33
rtgthat certainly works for me.22:34
mdzKeybuk,sabdfl,mjg59: is that workable?22:34
sabdfl+1 on the idea of a limited mandate. i have a separate question, for when this thread is done.22:34
sabdflrtg: if you could spend a few days with linus, andrew morton, greg k-h, building a better process between upstream linux and distro kernel teams, what would you recommend?22:34
mjg59I'd have no issue with it22:34
Keybuk+1 from me22:34
mdzok, a vote then22:34
rtgsabdfl: I think Linus has a pretty good system in place.22:35
rtgIts messy, but it works for a large number of folks.22:35
rtgThe distros should not be treated any different then the normal developer.22:35
mdz[vote] ubuntu-core-dev application from Tim Gardner, with the stipulation that it would specifically enable him to upload kernel-related packages (and he'll tread lightly elsewhere)22:35
MootBotPlease vote on:  ubuntu-core-dev application from Tim Gardner, with the stipulation that it would specifically enable him to upload kernel-related packages (and he'll tread lightly elsewhere).22:35
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:35
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:35
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:35
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 222:35
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:36
mdzsabdfl: your +1, as I interpreted it, was only for the idea of considering a limited mandate22:36
mdzsabdfl: could you vote on the application itself?22:37
mdzok, sabdfl abstains22:38
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 322:38
rtgthanks, gentlemen.22:38
mdzrtg: thanks.  if and when you think it's time, you can come back to us to revisit your mandate22:38
rtgmdz: we are gonna have to deal with this same issue for other kenel devs.22:38
mdzthat's it for the applications.  I suggest that we defer the remainder of the agenda to the next meeting due to the late hour22:39
mdzany objections?  none?  good22:39
MootBotMeeting finished at 22:39.22:39
sabdflthanks all22:45
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 13 Feb 07:00: Platform Team | 13 Feb 13:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 21:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 22:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 14:00: Desktop Team | 15 Feb 04:00: MOTU22:48
emgent@schedule italy22:49
emgent@schedule rome22:49
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 13 Feb 08:00: Platform Team | 13 Feb 14:00: Education Team | 13 Feb 22:00: Server Team | 13 Feb 23:30: Forum Council | 14 Feb 15:00: Desktop Team | 15 Feb 05:00: MOTU22:49
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