[00:27] superm1 - is ubuntu 8.04 avail for public download? [00:27] chuk, yeah [00:27] sorry, mythbuntu [00:27] chuk, oh [00:27] it needs to me mirrored still [00:33] Alright fellers, I seem to be having issues installing. After I get throught a Standard install, the wizard stops at the final screen to setup the guide and a button to setup MythTV. [00:33] I can't seem to find in the firections which to do next. [00:33] *directions. [00:34] Should I hit Finish or MythTV. [00:35] I somehow ned to get to the screen that sets up the database, etc. [01:30] Anyone? Seems when I hit Launch MythTV Setup, it wants to logoff and log back on, then throws an error about adding mythbuntu to /etc/hosts [01:35] superm1: Do you have any thoughts? [01:57] bkingx, try launching it from command line [01:58] Hi superm1 . Kind of the same issue. Whenever I try to initiate Terminal, it will logoff. [01:58] I can't seem to open a terminal window. [01:58] Can I launch from Alt-F2? [01:59] bkingx, yeah [01:59] but that fact that its doing that is rather odd. [01:59] I agree. Not sure what the deal is. [01:59] If i was going to build a deticated backend 2 hdtv tunercard plus commflag what CPU and ram would i look for [01:59] Using the same image, I can load it fine in a test VM envirnment [02:00] superm1: what is the syntax? [02:00] mythtv-setup [02:00] just like that [02:00] OK, trying [02:01] superm1: says mythbackend must be closed before continuing. [02:01] OK or Cancel? [02:01] well listen to it [02:01] if you can close the backend then continue [02:01] otherwise cancel? [02:02] Ok, I click OK to close backend and continue. [02:02] Then it logs off and logs back in [02:02] And back to the LiveCD Desktop [02:04] "Could not look up internet address for mythbuntu. This will prevent Xfce from operating correctly. It may be possible to correct the problem by adding mythbuntu to the file /etc/hosts on your system" [02:04] Continue anyway or Try again [02:05] wait you're doing this on a livecd? [02:06] oh i just read scrollback [02:06] well if its not working, then just go ahead and hit finish [02:06] let it reboot [02:06] and you can run the setup then [02:06] that's odd that its not working though [02:09] ok, I'll try that [02:22] superm1: no go [02:23] GGRRRRRR [02:23] did u choose a weird hostname [02:23] just mythbuntu [02:23] or something out of ordinary [02:24] was network workin [02:24] during install [02:24] seemed to be [02:24] I;ll try again [02:24] Walk through it with me? [02:32] superm1: ALright, starting install [02:37] superm1: Wizard done, installing now [02:48] whoa i just found a htpc with ubuntu 7.1 install? [02:48] OK, last step. [02:48] npurciful: Really? [02:48] yeah [02:49] link [02:49] ? [02:49] http://cgi.ebay.com/Minipc-mini-itx-core-htpc-carputer_W0QQitemZ170193091465QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101#ebayphotohosting [02:49] DANG....clicked Launch MythTV Setup and it went to the login screen. [02:50] Nice [02:51] heh, ubuntu 7.1 that must be the pirated version [02:52] and it doesnt have a tuner card [02:53] that just makes it a pc then [02:54] well it could be a frontend [02:54] would a nice lilttle fronted [02:58] bkingx, it sounds like mythtv is crashing X to me [02:58] Yup, seems like that to me too. [02:58] bkingx, do you have another graphics card you can use? [02:58] unfortunately, no. [02:58] what kind of card right now? [02:59] Don't laugh....onboard vga on a DELL gx100 [02:59] It's my test machine. [03:01] well you can try to install with safe graphics mode [03:01] which will resort the driver back to vesa [03:02] yeah...or buy a new machine [03:02] lol, the htpc also hase 144tb of storage [03:03] no, 144000tb === asdsadasd is now known as frank32 [03:39] hey anyone home....howdy all! [03:42] does mythbuntu run a firewall by default? [03:43] Hi, does anyone have a mythtv frontend only setup remotely? [03:43] I am having troubles setting up the nfs (or samba) to get the music and videos to work [03:44] live tv and recordings work fine [04:07] does mythbuntu run a firewall....I can find where iptables is installed, but it doesn't look like its running....Oddly enough I want to turn it off to try something...I cant get another FE to attach to the BE...thought the firewall might be the problem [05:02] hi anyone help me get a ir blaster to work I had it working under fedora so i know its not hardware issue, but seems there are problems with lirc_serial [05:03] im very new to using ubuntu so its a bit hard to figue out what to look for have spent hours googling for a solution and cant seem to find an answer [05:05] hey does anyone here know if a 1.2ghz cpu is enough power for 2 hdtv tuners (backend only system) [05:06] npurciful depends on the hdtv tuners but i would think not [05:07] hd tuners dont take much [05:07] they just dump a bit stream [05:07] i've got a 600 mhz or so box [05:07] that has 3 hd and 2 sd [05:08] okay superm1, commflag with be slow [05:08] well i assumed this was a second backend [05:08] i dont do commflagging on that backend :) [05:09] it will be a primary backend, [05:09] anyone got a irblaster goign ? [05:09] well i could do commflag on another backend though [05:10] i am looking at a m ITX 1.2ghz with 1g ram 120w power supply [05:11] i thinking that 1g ram is probably tomuch [05:12] hah the requirements of pchdtv 5500 is 1.2ghz cpu, i wound if that is using NTSC [05:15] yeah that's using the NTSC [05:15] anyone using IR blaster on a serial port ? [05:15] baal you'll have better luck posting on the forum [05:15] its much more active for support [05:17] thank for the info superm1 [05:20] hum i wonder if 120 watt PSU should be big enough [05:45] Well, this is awful. mythtv seems to have recorded enough live TV to fill up the disk, and now I can't start the backend. [05:45] remove some of the files by hand? [05:46] rhpot1991: which ones? how? [05:46] it should leave something like 5% free by default [05:46] No, unfortunately, the disk is 100% full. [05:46] excuse the paste: [05:46] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [05:46] /dev/sda2 292G 277G 65M 100% / [05:46] varrun 474M 1.2M 473M 1% /var/run [05:46] varlock 474M 0 474M 0% /var/lock [05:46] udev 474M 76K 474M 1% /dev [05:46] devshm 474M 0 474M 0% /dev/shm [05:46] lrm 474M 34M 440M 8% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile [05:46] overflow 1.0M 16K 1008K 2% /tmp [05:48] rhpot1991: are you suggesting I remove recording files? [05:48] Will that hose up mysql? [05:48] mysql will get angry if the file system it is on gets filled [05:49] I'd free up some space, and then run the mysql repair from MCC [05:49] and then restart your backend [05:49] thanks, rhpot1991. I'll try that. [05:49] free up space how? delete recording files? [05:51] if you don't care about them [05:51] otherwise move them [05:51] and sort it out [05:51] rhpot1991, only issue with mythexport i see is the need to run debconf-updatepo [05:51] otherwise looks good [05:53] superm1: upload is in progress [05:53] rhpot1991: how can I run mysql repair? I only see radio buttons to enable daily cron jobs for various things (mysql tweaks, XFS defrag, database optimization) [05:53] tritium: hmmm I thought there was a button to do so, let me look [05:53] Thanks. [05:54] I hope it's fixable. It'd be a shame if mythv can kill itself by simply watching TV. [05:54] kind of defeats the point... [05:54] you might want to bump the % of HD to leave free [05:55] I've not seen that setting, but I'll look for it. I assume it's in the setup somewhere? [05:55] it should deal with this juts fine, so I am guessing you had something else writing to the HD too [05:55] tritium, its in mythtv-setup as I recall [05:55] foxxbuntu: cool, thanks [05:56] tritium: unders "advanced management" there is a button that says "optimize tables" [05:57] rhpot1991: ah, yes, the grayed out one [05:57] How to un-gray it? [05:57] click the checkbox under it saying "enable mysql tweaks" [05:58] okay, done, but still gray [05:59] Any ideas how to enable that button, rhpot1991? [05:59] did you apply [05:59] yes. [05:59] restart MCC [05:59] close it and reopen [06:00] the daily optimization is a good idea too, last checkbox on that page [06:00] Okay, that did not work. Restarted MCC, and still grayed out. [06:01] There, clicking the "Enable daily MythTV databse optimization/repair" enabled the button [06:01] Okay, clicked the button, and it appears to have done something so quickly, that I sense it may have failed. [06:02] What should I see when I click that button, other than MCC flashing for 0.25 seconds? [06:02] its a very quick procedure actually [06:02] Really? Okay... [06:02] superm1: mine throws up a terminal which runs through the tables [06:02] on hardy though... [06:02] right? [06:03] I'm still on gutsy for my mythbox [06:03] well, mythweb is still showing me "Database Error" after trying to restart the backend. [06:03] tritium: what are you on? [06:03] I'm on gutsy. [06:04] superm1: it executes myth.rebuilddatabase.pl right? [06:04] no, wait thats not it [06:04] beats me, laga wrote that code [06:05] tritium run it by hand: launch a terminal and run optimize_mythdb.pl [06:05] I try to restart the frontend, and it doesn't go to the normal start screen. It asks me for my preferred language, and then tries to configure mysql stuff, and then quits. [06:05] okay, trying... [06:06] rhpot1991: where is that? It's not in my $PATH. [06:08] only one I find is under /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl [06:08] run that one [06:08] I moved mine to /usr/local/bin, it looks like MCC puts a copy in /etc/cron.daily [06:08] I moved mine to /root/, and chmod +x it [06:08] Here's the error: [06:09] DBI connect('database=mythconverg:host=localhost;mysql_emulated_prepare=1','mythtv',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at /root/optimize_mythdb.pl line 59 [06:09] Cannot connect to database: [06:10] invoke-rc.d mysql restart seems to have helped. [06:10] now, optimize perl script seems to be running [06:11] did you free some space up already? [06:12] I deleted some music files, but I have very little to purge. This is strictly a mythtv box. Nothing else is writing to disk. [06:12] well you are gonna want to make sure there is space before you continue [06:12] or you risk trashing your mysql [06:13] How? Will mysql break if I delete recording files? [06:13] That's the vast majority of the disk usage. [06:13] that can be fixed easily [06:13] If I could just delete one recording, it would free up a ton of space. [06:13] Okay, I'll do that. [06:15] hmm, I'm at 81% free, having not deleted anything manually [06:15] something must have done something there [06:15] you got something funky going on [06:16] looks like that huge live TV recording got deleted when I ran the script [06:17] tritium: try sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart [06:18] to see if it brings mysql back up, then you can try to optimize the tables again [06:18] rhpot1991: okay, thanks [06:18] actually, the backend restarted properly now, and mythweb was able to connect [06:18] I might run down to the HTPC, and see if the frontend appears to be working [06:18] mysql will try to shut down to preserve data if there is a problem [06:19] prob what happened [06:19] tritium, it sounds like it was right about to clear that recording [06:19] if it did it automatically when yo ustarted things back up [06:19] either way optimizing the db daily is a good idea [06:19] superm1: cool [06:19] I'd bump the % to leave free on the HD a little bit too [06:19] Thank you both very much for your help. I sincerely appreciate it. [06:20] no problem [06:20] I appear to be in decent shape at this point. [06:20] I often idle here. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to return the favor. [06:21] tritium, the biggest thing would be to try to answer easy questions in here [06:21] if none of us are around, and such [06:21] and you see something pop up that you can answer [06:21] I sure will, as I am able. [06:25] I'll return shortly. === af1 is now known as afm [18:11] where is the roms/game directory expected to be? [18:11] the setup never askes for a location [18:12] ah...has menu settings, but the disc never actually installed... [18:13] afm: there is info about that in the mythtv wiki. [18:13] yeah...i was reading the install notes. nothign was in there [18:13] thanks [18:14] afm: I think mythbuntu just installs myth-game [18:14] yes, but non of the required apps associated [18:14] xmame-common xmame-gl xmame-sdl xmame-tools xmame-x [18:15] also a user based rom path, and not global config per se [18:16] afm: hmm yeah I think you have to install the emulators yourself... [18:16] :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythGame [18:16] afm: mythgame is just an interface to start the emus [18:18] afm: lots more here http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MythGameEmulationSetup [18:20] thanks === frank32 is now known as frank23 [19:21] Hi guys....finally making some progress on some new equipment. I get a Grub loading, please wait ...... Error 2 after the first reboot after installing. Any thoughts? [19:28] check your boot order in the BIOS [19:28] you have any USB devices plugged in? [19:31] pdragon: only usb mouse [19:32] boot order is CD, HDD, Flobby [19:32] hmm... dunno. saw an error like that once when i was trying to boot from a USB device or if i even had a usb drive plugged in [19:32] crappy motherboard :p [19:33] No doubt [19:34] you have more than one HDD in the computer? some BIOS's let you further define HDD boot order and if the main drive isn't there it could be a problem [19:35] that's about the extent of where i can see the problem may be [19:35] tried installing another OS or just regular Ubuntu on the machine? [19:40] can mythtv use a mixer control besides "Master" and "PCM"? [20:13] OK, I have the Live CD in and booted, how can I go look at the grub entries on the HDD? [20:18] does enable the vnc server in the mythbuntu-control-centre not work? [23:57] I try to connect to my backend server but i get this error: Database error was: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'' (using password: YES) [23:57] what can I do? [23:58] has it ever worked? are you using the correct password?