
ubuntuwestbengalis there an approval process to join the artwork team?15:21
ubuntuwestbengalis there an approval process to join the artwork team?15:23
Madpilotnot really15:26
thorwil_MMA_: boo!20:24
thorwil_MMA_: what do you have in mind?20:31
_MMA_I have some ideas/examples but just wanted to see if you were interested 1st. Reply back if you can and Ill do up something up with details.20:33
_MMA_Im kinda cleaning up the house ATM. Just happened to be vacuuming near the 'puter. :P20:33
thorwilsuck on, then ;)20:34
troy_snjpatel: How goes AWN 3.0 dev?23:49
njpatelnjpatel: not very well :-) been unwell so it was stalled until a few days ago23:50
njpatelback to normal now, so working towards it23:50
njpatelsorry troy_s, not njpatel, I think it's time for some rest :-)23:51
troy_snjpatel: Not njpatel?23:53
njpateltroy_s: no, I meant I wrote my previous message for attention of myself :-)23:54
njpateli'm the correct njpatel :-)23:54

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